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1 LEGOLAND DR; ; CB994437; Permit
City of Carlsbad 01/18/2000 Commercial/Industrial Permit Permit No: CB994437 Building Inspection Request Line (760) 438-3101 Job Address: Permit Type: Parcel No: Valuation: Occupancy Group: Project Title: 1 LEGO DR CBAD TI Sub Type: Lot#: 2111000900 $50,000.00 Construction Type: Reference #: LEGOLAND REPLACE MAZE WITH 2 TOWERS COMM 0 NEW Applicant: Owner: FEND JIM · Status: Applied: Entered By: Plan Approved: Issued: Inspect Area: ISSUED 12/02/1999 MOP 01/13/2000 01/18/2000 LEGOLAND CALIFORNIA INC <LF> LEGOLANb~ESTAT~ · 0/G""':PR©~ERTY TAX~SERV CO . 1 LEGO DR ~ ~~0"Xl543,IB,5) 8132 01/18/00 0001 01 CARLSBAD CA 92008 t'(y~\S D:Akl.:AS-1*a,5]S:4? C-PRMT 760 918-5461 ~) IJ(S,... 0 J\ //?h,,, ~~ ~~ \ Total Fees: / ( '-···s._~/1/ \ V ' l Building Permit 1 \ ~ $402.33 ·, .... M;r;~ize {?_, \ tpl Add'I Building Permit Fee \ ""-$0.p~ ~a, Reel-:-· €9>n.~ I Plan Check \ ' ~26t4A~ 1~eter FJ(" ~ 1 J Add'( Plan Check Fee \ ~$,0.00 -~ f,WJt}Fe . Plan Check Discount \ \ $0:~07 .. ,:_fii;>~off-: ee Strong Motion Fee $,1_0.§9 Prri:: Park Fee ~ $l1Q9 !Nco~rlFTf0FD fa d)~ LFM Fee ~~ ;,,,,:$,0.Q0~~se,.,Tax(\\\ Yr / Bridge Fee <~~ <:J<1~g1.000 Licen~~~X'(.C\D> Fund) BTD #2 Fee 0/QO /5 fyr-a~\c ~astFee ,,./ BTD #3 Fee $_0. 0 U :Fraffic\Lmpact WF:~ Fund) Renewal Fee $0:00..._. L MZ Ttstosportat100 Fee Add'I Renewal Fee $0.00 -p>ttJMBING TOTAL Other Building Fee $0.00 ELECTRICAL TOTAL Pot. Water Con. Fee $0.00 MECHANICAL TOTAL Meter Size Master Drainage Fee: Add'I Pot. Water Con. Fee $0.00 Sewer Fee: Reel. Water Con. Fee $0.00 Redev Parking Fee: TOTAL PERMIT FEES FINAL APPROVAL $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $35.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $709.34 Date://}·//. rt) Clearance: _____ _ NOTICE: Please take NOTICE that approval of your project includf?S the 'Imposition" of fees, deaic~tions, reservations, or other exactions hereafter collectively referred to as 'fees/exactions." You have 90 days from the date.this permit was issued to protest imposition of these fees/exactions. If you protest them, you must follow the protest procedures set forth in Government Code Section 66020(a), and file the,protesfand any other required information with the City Manager for processing in accordance with Cartsbad Municipal Code Section 3.32.030. Failure to timely follow that procedure will bar any subsequent legal action to attack, review, set aside, void, or annul their imposition. You are hereby FURTHER NOTIFIED that youHight to ,protest the specified,fees/exactions DOES NOT APPLY to water and sewer connection fees and capactiy changes, nor planning, zoning, grading or other similar application processing or service fees in connection with this project. NOR DOES IT APPLY to any fees/exactions of which ou have reviousl been iven a NOTICE similar to this or as to which the statute of limitations has reviousl otheiwise ex ired. CITY OF CARLSBAD 2075 Las Palmas i>r., Carlsbad, CA 92009 (760) 438-1161 02 709a34 FOR OFFICE USE ONLY PERMIT APPLICATION PLAN CHECK NO.qq-'{1(37 CITY OF CARLSBAD BUILDING -OEPARTMENT 2075 Las Palmas Dr., Carlsbad CA 92009 (760) 438-1161 EST. VAL. _________ _ Plan Ck. Deposit ________ _ Validated By ___ --1----1----- Date ____ ,_, ;_f L""'/4._~--- 1. PROJECT INFORMATION . ·., ;.~ ···:-:.:i. Address (include Bldg/Suite I) Legal Description Lot No. Subdivision Name/Number Unit No. Phase No. Total II of units Name ;3, Name Addra11 . Comr.1ct9r'.:..ElJ:A_ganHC?.riCoiit,.~o~ .. 0 Name Ad.dress 6 .. :· 'CONTRACTOR :--COMPANY.1NAME';].~i·:'.,'::;;:.#!':.t~·::·'.'.· ',t,~'.'.l::',1'.,t'):i~ ':'\ '' .. ·.' ,.. ,·: · . State/Zip Telephone I Fax I City State/Zip Telephone I . ,•,.-'1, (Sec. 7031.5 Business and Professions Coda: Any City or County whic.h requires a permit to co.nstruct, altar,,improva, demolish or repair any·structura, prior to its· issuance, also requires the applicant for such permit to file a signed statement that he is licensed _pursuant to the provisions of the Contractor's License Law (Chapter 9, commanding with Section 7000 of Division 3 of th• Bu1inu1 and Profasilions Coda) or that· ha is exempt therefrom, and the basis for the alleged exemption. Any violation of Section 7031.5 by.any applicant for a permit subjects the applicant·to e civil-penalty of not more thin five hundred dollars ($500)), Name Address City State/Zip Telephone II State License I ________ _ License Class _____ .......... __ _ City Business Ucanae I _________ _ Designer Name Address City State/Zip Telephone State License I ________ _ :6 •.... W0RKERS'.C0MPENSATI0N·.,:,~\'.i..±:::Li:l.].f,L:~ :.'.S:::'. :. :..:..,· ....... : .. ,...... .. •.. ··-· ___ ·; ....... :.:·.·, :: :··(; .. '..:'._: :~'_:>.; ::1. ·.··:.'· .:. Workers' Compensation Declaration: I hereby affirm u_nder penalty of perjury one of 'the .following '!laclaration1: D I have and will maintain e certificate of consent to self-insure for workers' c::ompan11tion IS provided by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is Issued, D I have and will meintaln workers' compensation, IS required by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. My worker's compensation insurince carrier and policy number are: Insurance Company _______ _,..------'-------Policy No:.____________ Expiration Date ______ _ (THIS SECTION NEED NOT BE COMPLETED IF THE PERMIT IS FOR ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS 1*100) 011 LESS) D CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION: I certify that in the performance of the work for which this permit is issued, I shall.not employ any person in any manner 10 as to become subject to the Workers' Compensation Laws of California. WARNING: Failure to aacure worker,· companutfon. coverage II unlawful. •"4 ahall aubjact an employer to c:rlmlntl periahlaa and civll finaa up to one hundred thousand dollar• 1•100,0001, In addition to the coat of compena1tlon, d1meges II provided for In Section 3708 pf the Ltbor·codt, Interest end attorney'• f-. SIGNATURE ______ .,..... __ ,__ _____________ ....._ __ -,-________ DATE ________ _ 7. · 0WNER0BUILDER:DECl:ARATI0N\1;Y:·~·:;,:•·,.,_-::.'•:·,.,..,~!· ··· , .. , :···•· ·.·· '.,,..,, .. _ '· · : ... , I hereby affirm that I am exempt from the Co~tractor"•s License Law for tha following-reason: D I, as owner of the property or my employees with wages as their sole compensation, will do the work ind the structure Is not intended or offered for sale (Sec. 7044, Busina11 and Profa11ion1 Coda: The Contractor'• LicanH L•w does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon, and who does such work himHlf or through.hi• own amploya11, provided that such improvements ire not intended or offered for sale, If, however, the building or improvement is I within one year of completion, the owner-builder will have the burden of proving that he did not build or. i111prova for the purpoaa of Hie). I, as owner of the property, am exclusively contracting with licenaad contractors to construct the ·project (Sic, 7044, Business and Professions Code: The tractor's License Law does not epply to 1n owner of property who builds or improv11 thereon, and contracts for 1uch projects with contractor(sl licensed pursuant to the Contractor's License Lew), O I am exempt under Section ______ Business ~nd Professions Code for th!s reason: 1. I personally plan to provide th, major lal!or and materials for construction of the proposed property·lmprovement, 0 YES ONO 2. I (have / have not) signed an application for e building permit for the propos11d work. 3. I have contracted with the following person (firml to provide the proposed construction (Include .name I ad~re11 / phone number / contractors license number): 4. I plan to provide portions of the wprk, but I have hired the foliowing person to coordinate, supervise and provide the major work (include name / address / phone number/ contractors license numberJ:_..,.. _____ ,,_-:;-,--,.-,,.--,-----,-------,-----,..,..---------------------- 5. I will provide some of the work, but I have contra llowing persons to provide the work indicated !include name / address / phone number / type of workJ: ____________ -"""'.:::::::'!-::,,,r::;...¥-,----,f-.a.,---..a.+------------'--,--------l---,/----------- DATE _-r..,.Y'-6'1"""'-~~- S'.0NlY,:;:~,,:.~.;·/,::~--.. · :i·,:':,:.',::,,, ~··:;;;J\L·::'.-.j~ .. --.. ;,.:. ls the applicant or future building ·o an required· to submit .a business, plan, acutely. hazardous materials registration form or risk management and prevention program under Sections 25505, 25533 ~ 5534 of the Presley-Tanner Hazardous Substance Account Act7 D YES D NO Is the applicant or future building occupa t required to obtain a.permit from,.the air pollution control·district or air quality·management district? D · YES D NO Is the facility to be constructed within 1,000 feet of the outer boundary of a school site? D YES D NO IF ANY OF THE ANSWERS ARE YES, A FINAL CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY MAY NOT BE'ISSU.ED UNLESS THE APPLICANT HAS MET OR IS MEETING THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE OFFICE OF EMERGENCY SERVICES AND THE AIR POLLUTION CONTROL DISTRICT. •s. ,: .. .-cONSTflUCTION'LENDJN9~~Ncy~11\:;ii:.~~\i~•;.il'r:ttf~f',\ii(_;/~,:rt:.::;-,:~.~.';:t· . .,._ .'.<: ,.:: :.:--· .'.· .. :,,:.,.: ,,.:_;\.,:... .. '.:=:;,: ·:; ... · ... , ..... I hereby affirm that there is a construction lending.igency·for the pilrformencil of the work for which this permit is issued (Sec. 30971il Civil Code). LENDER'S NAME________________ LENDER'S ADDRESS_---:--"------,.----------------- ,9. · APPLICANT CERTIFICA TI0N,F.~:-!."'•'..'C:,L':i.',i· .. ~·1::./;.:; :\j-'.:f1:,: · .. i,;;,-;,;," ::)t:•·: :· ~·-':·::: ........ : ·:·:. '·• .. · .: ,.· :" .• ···.;· : · . ,:, .. ,-, .: · ...... ·:· · . , ",: .. I certify that I have read the application and state·that the above Information is correct and that the information on the plans is accurate. I agree to comply with all City ordinances and State laws relating to building construction. I hereby authorize repreaentatives of the Cltt of Carlsbad to enter upon the above mentioned property for inspection purposes. I ALSO AGREE TO SAVE, INDEMNIFY AND KEEP HARMLESS THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AGAINST ALL LIABILITIES JUDGMENTS, COSTS AND EXPENSES WHICH MAY IN ANY WAY ACCRUE AGAINST SAID CITY IN CONSEQUENCE OF THE GRANTING OF THIS PERMIT. . ' OSHA: An OSHA permit is required for excavations over sro• deep and demolition or·construction of structures over 3 stories In height. EXPIRATION: Every permit issued by the Building Official under the provisions of this Code shall expire by limitation ind become null and void if the building or work authorized by such permit Is not commenced within 365 days from the data ·of such permit or if the-building or work authorized by such permit is suspended or abandoned at any time after the work ls-commenced for a period of 180 da_ys (Section. 106,4,4 Uniform Building Code), APPLICANT'S SIGNATURE . -~ _. ---· . DA TE---._ ----- ' -1 L. To Mike Peterson City of Carlsbad Building From Jim Fend Copy to Don Neu LEGOLA,JD CAI..IFORNIA Memo/Report Date 12/2/99 __ Page 1 Extension Initials. 460 JF RE: Perm't Submittal for Tower Attractions. Further Clarification for Permit Application Request reflects addition of two (2) new Kid Power Towers combining with one (1) existing Tower to form a new single attraction. Purpose is strictly to deal with guest capacity as one unit can only ride 200 guests per hour where as three will triple capacity. As shomin submitted drawings we are also removing (demo) the current Maze attraction (R-330) in order to replace it with the new towers and developed queue-line layouts. 13133-B LEGOLAND California Irie;:. One LEGO Drive Carlsba,;:l, CA 92008 USA Tel: (?GO) B 18-5300, Fax: (?GO) B 18-5459 Inspection List Permit#: CB994437 Type: Tl Date Inspection Item 4/12/2000 89 Final Combo 3/3/2000 11 Ftg/Foundation/Piers 2/29/2000 34 Rough Electric 2/29/2000 39 Final Electrical 2/15/2000 11 Ftg/Foundation/Piers 2/15/2000 31 Undergrqund/Conduit-Wirin 2/10/2000 11 Ftg/Foundation/Piers 2/10/2000 34 Rough Electric 1/11/2000 11 Ftg/Foundation/Piers 1/11/2000 31 Underground/Conduit-Wirin J Tuesday, September 19, 2000 COMM Inspector. Act TP 'NR PD PA PD AP PD WC PD AP PD AP PD co PD co PD AP PD AP LEGOLAND REPLACE MAZE WITH 2 TOWERS Comments NOT COMPLETE, OK TO USE RIDE AP ON 2/11 AP ON 2/11 Page 1 of 1 City of Carlsbad Bldg l'nspection Request Permit# CB994437 Title: LEGOLAND For: 10/11/2000 Description: REPLACE MAZE WITH 2, TOWERS Type:TI Job Address: Suite: Location: Sub Type: COM!VI 1 LEGO DR tot O APPLICANT FEND JIM Inspector Assignment: PD --- Phone: 7609185461 lnspector:dl;__ Owner: LEGOLAND CALIFORNIA INC-<LF> LEGOLAND ESTATES AG Remarks: FINAl TOWER RIDE INSPECTION Total Time: - D_e_s_c-rip-t-io_n _____ --,-_ w Comments 10/ Final Structural X CD Associated PCRs PCR00040 ISSUED PCR00060 ISSUED PCR99002 ISSUED PCR99004 ISSUED PCR99007 ISSUED PCR99020 ISSUED PCR99021 ISSUED PCR99022 ISSUED PCR99023 ISSUED PCR99024 EXPIRED PCR99025 ISSUED PCR99026 PENDING PCR99029 ISSUED PCR99034 EXPIRED PCR99064 APPROVED PCR99199 ISSUED lnsi;2ection Histo~ Date Description Act lnsp Comments 09/22/2000 89 Final Combo NR PD Requested By: GR~TCHEN Entered By: CHRISTINE 04/12/2000 89 Final Combo NR TP NOT COMPLETE, OK TO USE RIDE 03/03/2000 11 Ftg/Foundation/Piers PA PD 02/29/2000 34 Rough Electric AP PD 02/29/2000 39 Final Electrical WC PD 02/15/2000 11 Ftg/Foundation/ Piers AP PD APON 2/11 02/15/2000 31 Underground/Conduit-Wiring AP PD, l =•pnJOrmation • ®To Build On Page_1_of_ Engineering • Consulting • Testing INSPECTION REPORT CLIENT .le@ o £4 At d CA_ DATE !/-JS'-~ Cl Architect ______________________ _ Engineer __ ':3:_;l~N-=--__ 0 __ ....:;.;8_l.t=-'-r--,,,1d'...,.c..,,,$.S=- Contractor. __ __.~::c.:,..;t::.=.:::,g,....a~/4.=4.,._,A.Jc.,,<..Jid-#'----------,-- INSPECTION MAT'LSAMPLING QTY _OSHPD __ Co!lcrete Cylinders --__ OSA _· _Cement -- ~Specialty If P6 ,.,t 'A ~ __ Mortar Samples -- _Mechanical ,Jc __ Grout Samples -- _ Electrical __ Masonry Prisms -- _Roofing __ Masonry Block -- _Concrete __ Fireproofing _Masonry __ Units (block or brick) -- _ struct Steel __ Asphalt Concrete -- _ Prestress Cone __ Roofing __ Pile Driving __ Reinf. Steel -- __ Fireproofing __ Steel -- _Waterproofing __ H.S. Bolts -- __ Non-Destructive __ Tendon (PT Strands) __ Soils Technician __ Other -- __ Batch Plant ___ Other __ Bolt Pull-Out __ Other REMARKS ,L/-J.S-«.> PROJECT(Name)LBf--:-~1"' Z:c,.J~c (Address) <SAi e kfjo ZJ.1d CAc-rfoel REPORT NO._~C)_S~z_:. _0_6_6_s,.......6_· _/_[) __ Building Permit No. ---'~=$-=---+-7-Jf'-£.,,_.,_-$1...,.;J>..._7 __ _ Plan File No. ________________ _ Govt. Contract No. _____________ _ OSAor OSHPD #-------------- Other _______________ ....,..... ___ _ MATERIAL DESCRIPTION INSPECTION CHEC1-IST _ Rinf.: Rebar _lL'.' Plan & Specs ; u _ Rinf.: W.W.F. ~ Clearances d/4 , -. _ Rinf.: Tendons ~ositions (1,_A .-Cone.: Mix #/psi izes .,:1.£... _ Cone.: Mix #/psi _Laps _ Cone.: Mix #/psi _ Future Continuity #/psi ._ Grout: Mix.#/psi _ Consolidation _ Mortar: Type/psi · _ Mortar Batchinn _ Units: Block _ Electrode Storage _ Units: Brick _ Torque Applied _Steel _t-j.S.Bolts __ _ Metal Decking _ Electrodes . ~reproofin~ _ Other ~i1"~ · -HJ/4 _ Corrective action required __ -Ltd'/J. .;1ve:... S1t,..s-../--.c:t!:1.. _ Corrections completed 7 ;, b.6c dc-//Yc»./, d1·aete ./-c,,-l a,.,ct (/t/.e:-l'"'C. a C Ceiccf/N 'P /4 be CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE: To the best of our knowledge, all of the reported work, unless otherwise noted, substantially complies with approved plans, specifications and applicable sections of the building codes. This report covers the locations of the work inspected only and does not constitute engineering opin- ion or project control. INSPECTOR NAME _...,.,a~~-=-~=-:.N-=IV'---...... e2_.&../ ...... ~-=c:::L.I..L-=-<--=Lc...::,,L __ -CERT. NO;--'~=-:;.:.,l),L,f,,'--. -~-=,-,,c..;£.s=. ______ _ ?~ ~ ·/J INSPECTOR SIGNATURE ~~~ "SI-B-900-170(2) DATg __ ~_-4,./-='._$"".'------,::::::>_·6=----------- l ;J Information ~ • ,,To Build On Engineering • Consulting • Testing Page_1_of_ INSPECTION REPORT CLIENT Liq /4N d DATE 4-/ -r--ao Architect _____________ '------'---- Engineer ;r;; h tJ :;f, J3a.rfj t!S-S;· Contractor. /4§,a ,L; &I ef INSPECTION MAT'L SAMPLING _QSHPD . __ Concrete Cylinders _OSA ~ __ Cement V Specialty ~ ,/)"' o/ ,/.J )J ~r. ' __ Mortar Samples __ Mechanical __ Grout Samples __ Electrical __ Masonry Prisms __ Roofing __ Masonry Block _Concrete __ Fireproofing _Masonry __ Units (block or brick) __ Struct Steel __ Asphalt Concrete __ Prestress Cone __ Roofing __ Pile Driving __ Reinf. Steel __ Fireproofing __ Steel __ Waterproofing __ H.S. Bolts __ Non-Destructive ___ Tendon {PT Strands) __ Soils Technician __ Other __ Batch Plant __ Other __ Bolt Pull-Out __ Other REMARKS 1-11./~ otJ QTY -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- PROJECT (Name)~ 8¥--/43#c. ~rd (Address) 6N-c. L<yo :&/; d LAr,16a d REPORT NO. OS:9-~o~>..?C) -7 Building·Permit No. CB 999'9-? 7 Plan File No, ________________ _ Govt. Contract No. ______________ _ OSA·or OSHPD #-------------- Other~---~--------------- MATERIAL DESCRIPTION ~SPECTION CHECKLIST _ Rihf.: Rebar _ Plan & Specs 4( _ Rinf.: W.W.F. t.,/' Clearances .::,.,/ -. Rinf.: Tendons v'Positions ~.£ _ Cone.: Mix #/psi ./'sizes d _ Cone.: Mix #/psi _Laps _ Cone.: Mix #/psi _ Future Continuity #/psi ___ Grout: Mix #/psi _ Consolidation _ Mortar: Type/psi _ Mortar Batching _ Units: Block _ Electrode Storage _ Units: Brick _. _ Torque Applied _Steel _H.S.Bolts _ Metal Decking ·_ Electrodes _ Fireproofino L Other M.lr, I -/./ J/ 4-_ Corrective action required __ /1.A I. e.s-/r,/ e ~v..r,tcA _ Corrections completed . j, ace .0 r' d,~J- a&d CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE: To the best of our knowledge, all of the reported work, unless otherwise noted, substantially complies with approved plans, specifications and applicable sections of the building codes. This report.covers the locations of the work inspected only and does not constitute engineering opin- ion or project control. · INSPECTOR NAME _---'-a-~_~_M_.A-1 __ /t-_t~~ c/4_· :c_l_~_l ____ l _____ _ INSPECTOR SIGNATURE PSI-B-900-170(2) d:1Z:'~~ CERT. NO. S~/J. ... DATE __ 4=--,.....;/----"-$1_-_cJ_C) _______ _ l ;/ Information ~ • ~To Build On Page_1_of _J_ Engineering • Consulting • Testing INSPECTION REPORT CLIENT_-'-fo-~-----~- DATE ___ 4Vi_7'--l_,_/_M_oo __ _ Architect __________________ _ Engineer ____ .J_. __ e._0_a~c,-~_s:_s ________ _ Contractor ___ c-_-_~_-_r ___ ~---------- INSPECTION _OSHPD __ OSA __ Specialty __ Mechanical _ Electrical ~oofing _Concrete _Masonry __ Struct Steel _ Prestress Cone __ Pile Driving __ Fireproofing _Waterproofing _ Non-Destructive __ Soils Technician __ Batch Plant __ Bolt Pull-Out REMARKS ll,,1~,~o1,;.... MAT'LSAMPLING QTY __ Concrete Cylinders --__ Cement -- . ___ Mortar Samples __ Grout Samples -- _. __ Masonry Prisms -,-·- _._Masonry Block -- __ Fireproofing -- __ Units (block or brick) -- __ Asphalt Concrete --___ Roofing --· __ Reinf. Steel -- _-_Steel -- __ H.S. Bolts -- __ Tendon (PT Strands) --___ Other -- __ Other __ Other -- PROJECT (Name) ~4,PLA7--JP (Address) __________ _ ~CA- Building Permit No. ---=C:c._;,:B'--o_o_o~,z:c..-,-'--"l ______ _ Plan File No. ________________ _ Govt. Contract No. ______________ _ OSA-or OSHPD #------------- Other ___________________ _ rviATERIAL DESCRIPTION INSPECTION CHECKLIST _ Rinf.: Rebar _ Plan & Specs __ Rinf.: W.W.F. ~ Clearances _ Rinf.: Tendons ~Positions __ . Cone.: Mix#/psi _Sizes __ Cone.: Mlx #/psi _Laps .-Cone.: Mix #/psi _ Future Continuity #/psi -.. _ Grout: Mix #/psi _ Consolidation ·_ Mortar: Type/psi _ Mortar Batching _. ___ Units: Block _ Electrode Storage _ Units: Brick _ Torque Applied _. Steel ___ H.S. Bolts __ _ Metal Decking _ Electrodes _. Fireproofing ! OtherJ1.11-n lf'l/1/ 1/1.15~ / Corrective action required __ ~ /.bt5 ,,, f}lµ ,tfp/;plf,:?. ~..> Corrections completed ' /,.._ \ CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE: To the best of our knowledge, all of the reported work, unless otherwise noted, substantially complies with approved plans, specifications and applicable sections of the building codes. This report covers the locations of the work inspected only and does not constitute engineering opin- ion or project control. INSPECTOR NAME __ /1_/_Y'",,_'tfi'._JJ_~__,,_/+-/4_~,_,~-~--,4-~ ---~ ~~~~ ,, INSPECTOR SIGNATURE___.~ ___ ..... /tf_'-'---f/J-~,----,-~----=~ \~: ..... ~~ CERT. NO. ________________ _ f/1!~ OATE-'--=,,0~,~-,..,,,.,......-------------- PS\·B-900-170(2) l ;/ Information · I:!!. • ®To Build On Page_1_of-i Engineering • Consulting • Testing INSPECTION REPORT CLIENT~/~~ DATE 3--;b,J .,. O:r:> Architect------------------,--'--- Contractor. ________________ ~-- INSPECTION MAT'LSAMPLING QTY _OSHPD __ Concrete Cylinders --__ OSA _._cement -- __ Specialty __ . Mortar Samples -- __ Mechanical __ Grout Samples -- __ Electrical __ Masonry Prisms -- __ Roofing __ Masonry Block -- __ Concrete __ Fireproofing -- __ Masonry __ Units (block or brick) -- __ Struct Steel __ Asphalt Concrete -- __ Prestress Cone __ Roofing -- __ Pile Driving __ Reinf. Steel -- __ Fireproofing __ Steel -- __ Waterproofing __ H.S. Bolts -- __ Non-Destructive __ Tendon (PT Strands) -- __ Soils Technician __ Other -- __ Batch Plant __ Other -- / Bolt Pull-Out __ Other -- REMARKS PROJECT (Name) K,~s r~if.D( 1~ (Address) ~ b.,J ccJs bc.j) e:~ REPORT NO. 0 ~-00o?>-V -5 Building Permit No. · CtB 9:9 -l:'tI7 Plan File No. ________________ _ Govt. Contract No. ______________ _ OSAorOSHPD #-------------- Other __________________ _ MATERIAL DESCRIPTION INSPECTION CHECKLIST __ Rinf.: Rebar _ Plan & Specs __ -Rinf.: W.W.F. _ Clearances __ Rinf.: Tendons _ Positions __ Cone.: Mix #/psi _Sizes __ Cone.: Mix #/psi _Laps __ Cone.: Mix #/psi _ Future Continuity #/psi __ Grout: Mix #/psi _ Consolidation __ Mortar: Type/psi _ Mortar Batching __ Units:·Block _ Electrode Storage __ Units: Brick _ Torque Applied __ Steel __ H.S. Bolts __ Metal Decking ____ Electrodes __ Fireproofing __ Other _ Corrective action required __ / fJ_ > fu-... s:. i:L v€.. _ Corrections completed C-&,v,,£) -,--,.;_,_....J) s .~ oL.efl .., C (e.o, .. ,/, wess ~.r r::K,U CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE: To the best of our knowledge, all of the reported work, unless otherwise noted, substantially complies with approved plans, specifications and applicable sections of the building codes. This report covers the locations of the work inspected only and does not constitute engineering opin- ion or project control. INSPECTOR NAME--G~t-=vi:-A~h ....... M....._--1rli~~-..-...-~~ ~-""'"~"'_''//? ·•, ~- INSPECTOR SIGNATURE--~=------+-~""'-,,a_ 'l-o=-~5, ,,-,.-,-,- psI-s-soo-110(2) CERT. NQ. _ __._.S-....;.3)........_;;u"""~ ..... -+--------- April 11, 2000 Building Official City of Carlsbad Building Inspection Dept 1635 Faraday Avenue Carlsbad, California 92008 .... ! '~ . . PSI Project# 059-00030-9 SUBJECT: SATISFACTORY COMPLETION OF-WORK REQUIRING SPECIAL INSPECTION AND MATERIAL TESTING PERMIT NO.: CB 994437 PROJECT ADDRESS: Legohmd-Cijlifornia Car 684-Hegge Tower One Legoland Boulevard Carlsbad, California . • ~ 1 • > n .... , , • • ~ I ; + _. L • J • I declare under penalty of perjury that, to :tiie· bes~ of._rily-~ow,iedge_, ~H J4.e work requiring special inspection, material sampling and testing under the subject permi( is ;iii conformance with the approved plans, the inspection and observation program and other construction documents, anc;l the applicable workmanship provisions of the Uniform Building Code. Executed pn this 11th day of April, 2000. Comments: PSI's Scope of Services included the following: Reinforced Concrete and Epoxy Anchorage Inspection TESTING LABORATORY OR SPECIAl, INSPECTION AGENCY: Professional Service Industries, Inc. 6867 Nancy Ridge Driv~, Ste E San Diego, CA 92121 ~·' Eduardo C. Dizon, RCE ~ State of California Registration Number: RCE 57217 Expiration Date: 12/31/2001 Professional Service Industries, Inc.• 6867 Nancy Ridge Drive, Suite E • San Diego, CA 92121 • Phone 858/455-0544 • Fax 858/455-1170 l •J Information • .ToBuildOn Engineering • Consulting • Testing REPORT OF CONCRETE COMPRESSION TEST TESTED FOR: DATE: FIELD DATA: JIM FEND LEGOLAND CALIFORNIA ONE LEGO BOULEVARD CARLSBAD, CA· 92ooe April 04, 2000 PROJECT: CAR 684 -HEGGE TOWERS ONE LEGO BLVD -CARSLBAD OUR REPORT NO.: 059-00030-7 LOCATION OF PLACEMENT FOOTING FOR SUPPORT TOWER, HEEGE TOWER DATE PLACED March 04, 2000 SUPPLIER HANSON TIME 07:55 am DEL.IVERY TICKET NO.ffRUCK NO. 180438 SLUMP, IN. 5 1/2 MIX NUMBER AND PROPORTIONS 4011500 AIR CONTENT, % CEMENT AIR TEMPERATURE, °F 60 WATER CONCRETE TEMPERATURE, °F 76 FINE AGGREGATE DATE RECEIVED IN LAB April 05, 2000 COARSE AGGREGATE FIELD DATA SUBMITTED BY PSI\GLENN MITCHELL ADMIXT.URE MIX DATA SUBMITTED BY HANSON NOIE:.Aeel.lCAf!LE.ASIM.SihNQARPS UNLESS_Oil:IEIDYIS.utlPJ.CAIED_;_SLUMe· C1_43-97· AIR CONTENT· C~.l:97 CEXCLUPIN.G--5.E.c,.ID· TEMeEBATURE· C1064'86C93)' GYLINDERS· C31-96 CEXCLUDJN.G...5EC...9.2.2):.SAMe.LIN.G.:..Cill:.9L COMPRES~ION TEST RESULTS ASTM C39-96; C1231·93 ,- .. SPECIMEN TEST TOTAL CYLINDER CYLINDER COMPRESSIVE LABORATORY IDENTIFICATION AGE DATE OF LOAD DIAMETER AREA STRENGTH NUMBER OR SET NO. (DAYS) TEST (LBS.) . (IN.) (SO.IN.) (PSI) TYPE OF BREAK I ! 2225 2225 2225 I 2225 i SPECIFICATIONS REMARKS: I A 32 04/05/09 i B 32 04/05/00 C 34 04/.05/00 D 32 04/05/00 28 ~ Cylinders made by PSI representative. Cylinders made by Architect's or Contracto~s representative. 116000 119000 113000 113500 -X Cylinders picked up by PSI _ representative. 6.QO 6.0b 6,00 6.00 Cylinders delivered to PSrlaboratory. TECHNICIAN: GLENN MITCHELL 28.27 4100 Cone 28.27 4210 Cone 28.27 4000 Cone 28.27 4010 Cone 4000 X Test results comply with applicable specifications. THESE TEST RESULTS APPLY ONLY TO THE SPECIFIC SAMPLES TESTED AND MAY NOT BE INDICATIVE OF THE ENTIRE CONCRETE· PLACEMENT. REPORTS MAY NOT BE REPRODUCED, EXCEPT IN FULL, WITHOUT WRITTEN PERMISSION BY PROFESSIONAL SERVICE INDUSTRIES, INC. RM ~ v PSI A-200·• <5>F Professional Service Industries, Inc. • 6867 Nancy Ridge Drive, Suite E • San Diego, CA 92121 • Phone 858/455-0544 • Fax 858/455· 1170 I Independent Testing & Engineering Services for Energy Systems March 29, 2000 City of Carlsbad Building Inspection Department 1635 Faraday Ave. Carlsbad, Califcirni'a 92008 Attention: Mr. Pat Kelly San Diego Area Office 9835 CARROLL CENTER RD. SUITE 103 SAN DIEGO, CA 92126-6507 (619) 695-9551 FAX (619) 695-0861 ··~ g9 OLOHL lNIIIGY SIIIVICU Subject: Equipment Labeling Evaluation of two, additional, Heega Tower Rides located at Legoland, One LEGO Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008 ETI Reference No.: 220-5431 Dear Mr. Kelly: This letter is to advise you that Electro-Test, Inc. (ETI) has been retained to perform an equipment labeling evaluation on the of the electrical systems for the following rides located at Legoland, One LEGO Driv~1 CarJs_bad CA ~~0QEt .: · ... Type Mfg. Model No Serial No's Rating Two, Tower Rides Heega Type Tower OP 53/022/C and 53/023/C 400 VAC, 32 amps, 3 phase, 60 HZ. We visited the jobsite on March 29, 2000 to visually examine the equipment and found it to be generally in conformance with applicable electrical standards with the following exceptions: The EMO button on the operators station needs a yellow background and there is a question regarding the adequacy of motor oyercurrent protection for a½ HP motor. When the above discrepar:,cies have been corrected, we will submit a final report for your review and approval.. _. . . .. The discrepancies identified on_.~hE;l originaJ .ri!=f~: t,ave been corrected on these rides. ' .. • f • • • '-' ~ t• ,. \ ~ . ETI requires power to the equipment so that we may complete our testing with the equipment under normal, full load operating conditions. If you have any questions, or if we can be of fu~the.r service, please give either Leif Hoegberg or myself a call at (619) 695-9551 .. Best regards, ELECTRO-TEST, INC. j)cfVl, w~ - Don Weber Senior Compliance Engineer Copy Mr. Pete Kowny Legoland .. :F;LECTRO-'i"EST, 1NC~ TERMS AND·CONDfflONS . .. Electro-Test.Inc. is hercin:refcn:edto as "ET.l". Thcpe:son orentitypurcbasmg services or equipment·:isherein refi:m:d to.as ~uycr". L Order Accep~ ··, · · · · · Performanc¢,ofi~y,,_scrvj~ -or sale . .of equipment by ETI is. expressly · conditioned upon the ter:ms·and·conditions herein. Issuance of an order by Buyer for services or equipment shall constitµtc· Buyer asacilt to ~ terms mid conditions and any conttarytcnns inBliy&!r's order or otherwise shall not be binding upon m 2. Prices ·Prices quoted by ETI shall remain in~ for the period staled in E~s writtenquorationorproposal,or.ifn011Cisstatcd,furnincty(90}daysafb::' the quotation is given. JfETidoc:s not receive-anorder:fromBuyer withm the effective period, ETI.may c!jan~ prices for ~celS to those in effi:ct · at1he time an ordcrincceived. Prices do not include any salc:s. use, excise. value-added orsimilartaxes. Taxes shall be the~ns1oilityofBuyr:rand ETI shall'.includc them on all invoic:lls, absent~ of an appropriate exemption from Buyer. 3. Payment . . Buyer shall be billed monthly for se:vic= perfo.rmed in the pri~ month; except thatETI, at its di¢reti~.may require monthly progICSI payments for services .tequiiing more,than thirty (30) days to complete. ·Payment terms an: llCt ten (10) days from date of .invoice..Payments not rccci:v~ within ten (10) days of date of invoice shall be subject to a lalC payment charge of~ and ~peroent (11/./J,) or the rna:Jimum tatc allowed by-law, whichever is lower, 8IJll/or E'fl may suspend pei:formance qf services without liability to Buyer until payment of-a,ny ovcniuc amountis made in full, including any interest' charges. ETI reserves the right .to demand different _payment-·\CODS if ETI de~ea that cm:umstances war:raut such measures. Buyer shall be liable to Ell for all expe;iscs r.clating to the collection: :af'past due amounts. 4. Warranty -·, · 11 · . For a period of onc{l) ycaiftomproviding of~. ETI wmants to Buyerthatscrvicesprovidcdwillbeperfonnedbyltainedpersonnelusing proper equipment and instrumentation for the particular service provided; Any analysis of data, .subsequent recommendations.and other services will be in aci:nrdam:e with established industty standards and practices. as applicable. Wammties applicable to equipment, parts or materials fur- nished.by ETI arc those providcdbythcmanufactmcts of sucheq~ . parts ormatcrials only, to theextentassignableto Buyer. En shall provide allreasonablyavailableinfmmati1JDtoBuyerregmdingslichmanufactuter wammtlcs. EXCEPT AS SPECIFICALLY PROVIDED FOR ABOVE; ETI EXTENDS NO WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND TO SERVICES~ EQUIPMENT OR MA'IEUALS AND HEREBY DISCLAIMS ALL OTHER WARRANTIES.EXPRESS ORIMPLIED.INGLUDING,.BUT NOT LIMITED TO, TIIElMPLIED WARRANTIES OFMERCHANT- ABll.lTY AND FITNESS FORA PARTICULAR PURPOSE. S. Remedy and Limitation of Damages . . BUYER'S EXCLUSIVE REMEDY FOR FAILURE OF ETIPERFOR- MANCE SHALL BE ETI'S PROPER PERFORMANCE OF· CON- TRACTED ·SERVICES. lN NO EVENT SHALL .ETI'S LIA:BILITY EXCEEDT.HETOfALCHARGES PAIDBYBUYERFORSERVICES PROVIDED. ,. Diaclaimer IN NO EVENT SHALL ETI ASSUME ANY LIABILITY FOR INDI- RECT, SPECIAL. INCIDENTAL. CONSEQUENTIAL OR EXEM- PLARY DAMAGES OF ANY KIND WHATSOEVER.1N<1UDING, WITiiOUTLIMITATION,BUSINESSINTERRUPT.ION. ORLOSS OF USE., REVEN1JE, OR DATA, WHETHER ANY CLAIM IS BASED UPONTHEORIES OFCONTRACT,NEGLIGENCE.STRICTUABil::- lTY, TORT OR OTHERWISE-. :EVENlFINFORMED OFTHB POSSI- Bll.lTY OF SAMB. · 7. Imur.mce 8. JJidemnfflication Each party shall indemnify·and hold the other party-harmless from loss, damage. liability or expenscn:sulting from damage to pro~f a thiid party,?"injuries. inc~ death;J~ ~~':5:to JDC extent caused by a negligent act or OIWSS1on_ of the party providing mdernnific:ition or a party's subcontractors, agents or employees during-performance of ser- vices hereunder. Such indemnification shall be reduced-io the extent attrib•lc to others. The indemnifying party shall defend theotherparty in ace~ with and to the extent 'of the above indemniflcatinrt. provided that the ~fying party is: i) promptly notified by the other party. in writing, of any ~. demands or suits for such damages or injuries;, ii) given all reasonable iDfonnation and assistance by the other party; :iij} given full con~ol ~ver any resulting negotiation. arbitration or litigati~ or the indemnifylligparty' s obligations ht:ein shall be dccmcd waived: The indemnification obligations under this section shall survive thetcrmiuatin11 or expiration of an onicr()['contractbetwecn the parties for a.period of five (5)~ ,_ CallC!'ilatiOll/l'erminaUon ETI may cancel any orde:-orterniimue any agreement without liability to ~uye;-if Buyer fails to meet the conditions specified herein, or if Buyer becom~ .insolvent ~ banimpr. Buyer may cancel orde:s only upon reasonable: ~ance written notice to ETI and upon payment ta ETI of ETrs cancellation charges, which include ail costs and expensc:siru:ulred by En in the counc of perfprmancc under .an order or agreement and amounts adequate to-cover ~y cnm:mitJncnt!< made by ETI. 10. Buyerltapomibilities , Buyer.shall provide BTI ~ access to-~ site where services are to be per.formed and adequate work ~ ,and :racilitics to pcmbrm. same as provid,ed in theseETI terms and conditions. Buyer shall notrcquire ETI or its employees. as a condition to sitr: ·acci;ss or Qlhetwise;to funher agree or enter into any agreement which waives. ze1eases. indemnifies or otherwise limits or ~ any rights or-obligations whatsoever; Any suchagrc:cments shall be null and void. BuyersballinforD!, ET!, in writing. at .the time of order placement,.-of ·any :known hazardous substance or conpition at the site, including. but not limited to, the presence of.asbestos orasbestos·containingmatmials. andsballprovideETI with any applicable Material I;>ata Safety Sheets regarding same. Buyer shall appoint a zepresentativc :familiar with the·sitc and the nanu:e of the services to be performcdby~tobepresentatalltimesthatETlpersonnelarcatthesite. ET! sluµl not be liable for any expenses inclm= by Buyer in removing, replaclp.g or mfuxbishing ~y Buyer equipment or any part of Buyer's .'building stmcture that:restricts ETI acccss.Buycrpcrsonnclshall cooper- ate wi~ and provide all Jieccssary assistance to ETL Unless othenvise agreed to by ETI. Buyer shall ammge for utility outages. test si~ lighting and test power as may be needed in the collI3e of ETI performance of services. ETI shall not be lli!blcor:xesponS11>le furanywor.kpcd'onnedby Buyer. ETI shall not perform any power switching unless specifically n:quested by Buyer. Notwithst!IJlding Buyer's request. ETI mayl'Cfuse to pc;rfurm power switching: .if in the opinion of ETI, such actton would be unsai'i:. In the event that ETI performs power _switching, Buyer shall indemnify, defend' and bqld ETI_hamilcss from any and all liability, actions, ·snits.; claim.~, demands, rfamage3. costs and expenses resultjilg from E'ITs performance of power switching. If OSHA or any other federal, state or local govc::mmait. trade association, or contractual regu- lations or standards require a "safety person'' to be ·on site during the perform~ of sc::vices, qr in the event of a ttadc union jurisdictional· disputewhemmEWpersonm:larerequiMdtoassiatorstandbyduringthe performance of services by ETI. Buyer shall be :respoDSiolc for providing for and paying for any·charges or wages for such person(s), as applicable. 11. Delay ia Pedormam:e of Senices EI'I shall not be liable or~le for cost. expense, or damage due to a delay in pedormance of se:tviccs or ocher obligations w.hensuch delay is ~e to~ beyond ETI' s reasonable control., including, but notlimit.ed to.natural ~tcrs., acts of government. power:failmc, acts of God. labor . disputes, acts or war; or material or transportation shortages. ETI hereby represenlll to Buyer that it bas and shall maintain for the duration of any order or contract !Qr services bctwc:cnE'II and Buyer. and for the period of any obligations n:rnaining t:herea('ter.-the following insurancepollcies:i)Workcrs' Compc:nsation~aszcqum:dbythe State in which services are to be performed; il) Comprehensive General Liability insurance written on an .. occinteDcc" policy furm covcr:ing bodily injury, propeny damage, personal injuey and conmu:tual liability. Buyer hereby represents to ETI that it has Comprehensive Gencr.ilLiabil- 12. MiiceJlaoeo1111 · ity insurance as provided for in ii) above, and that it 'will maintain such insurancefur~tcrmdescribcdabove.Each}lutybcmbywaivcsalirights of subrogation each may have under such policies. These terma and conditions shall be governed by and performance con- strued in ac;amumce with~ !aws.of1beState of Califurnia.Jf any section !ll"·part of these tcnns and cDDditions is or becomes illegal. une.uforccablc or invalid, then such part or ,cction shall be struck and shall not affect the remaining parts or sections. These termS and conditiQns represent the entirc..tinalandcomplcteagteementbetwcen.thepartieswithn:spccttothe subj=Gt-matter hcrem and supctscdc all prior or contemporaneous oral or written communications, representations or agreements relating to this subje~ These terms and conditions may be modified only by a writing ~~by~f~ I l ;J Information ~ • ~To Build On Engineering • Consulting • Testing REPORT OF CONCRETE COMPRESSION TEST TESTED FOR: JIM FEND LEGOLAND CALIFORNIA ONE LEGO BOULEVARD CARLSBAD, CA 92008 PROJECT: CAR 684 -HEGGE TOWERS ONE LEGO BLVD -CARSLBAD DATE: February 16, 2000 REVISION #1 OUR REPORT NO.: 059-00030-1 FIELD DATA: LOCATION OF PLACEMENT TOW FOOTING FOR HEGGE TOWER DATE PLACED TIME SLUMP, IN. AIR CONTENT, % February 16, 2000 07:00 am 4 1/2 AIR TEMPERATURE, °F 59 CONCRETETEMPERATURE, °F 69 DATE RECEIVED IN LAB February 17, 2000 FIELD DATA SUBMITTED BY PSI\GLENN MITCHELL MIX DATA SUBMITTED BY HANSON SUPPL.I ER DELIVERY TICKET NO.ffRUCK NO. MiX NUMBER AND PROPORTIONS CEMENT WATER FINE AGGREGATE COARSE AGGREGATE ADMIXTURE HANSON 174226 5033500 NOTE· APPLICABLE ASTM STANDARDS UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED· SLUMP· C143-97· AIR CONTENT· C231-97 (EXCLUDING SEC 6)· TEMPERATURE· Cj064-66(93)· CVLINDERS· C3J-96 (EXCLUDING SEC 9 2 2)· SAMPLING· C172-97 SPECIMEN TEST LABORATORY IDENTIFICATION AGE NUMBER OR SET NO. (DAYS) 2124 A 7 2124 B 28 2124 C 28 2124 D SPECIFICATIONS 28 COMPRESSION TEST RESULTS ASTM C39-96; C1231-93 TOTAL CYLINDER DATE OF LOAD ·DIAMETER ·TEST (LBS.) (IN.) ... 02/23/00 105000 6.00 03/15/00 144000 6.00 03/15/00 148000 6.00 •. REMARKS: K Cylinders made by PSI representalive. X Cylinders picked up by PSI _ representative. Cylinders made by Architect's or Contractor's representative. Cylinders delivered to PSI laboratory. All cylinders capped in accordance with ASTM TECHNICIAN: GLENN MITCHELL CYLINDER COMPRESSIVE AREA STRENGTH (SQ.IN.) (PSI) TYPE OF BREAK 28.27 3710 Cone 28.27 5090 Cone 28.27 5240 Cone 4000 X Test results comply with applicable · specifications. f THESE TEST RESULTS APPLY ONLY TO THE SPECIFIC SAMPLES TESTED AND MAY NOT BE INDICATIVE OF THE ENTIRE CONCRETE PLACEMENT. REPORTS MAY NOT BE REPRODUCED. EXCEPT IN FULL, WITHOUT WRITTEN PERMISSION BY PROFESSIONAL SERVICE INDUSTRIES, INC. PSI A-200-4 (6)F Professional Service Industries, Inc.• 6867 Nancy Ridge Drive, Suite E • San piego, CA 92121 • Phone 858/455-0544 • Fax 858/455-1170 l •J lriformation • .,ToBuildOn Page_1_of_ .. Engineering • Consulting • Testfng INSPECTION REPORT CLIENT...,leqo/4~ ... DATE 3-//-t:')C) Architect _______________ --'---- Engineer :::SC,i A.1 ~ EU c~ e c <:'.-. Contractor. .D · ,P , R~ INSPECTION M~SAMPLING ~· __ OSHPD __ Concrete Cylinders·- _QSA __ Cement -- __ specialty --. Mortar Samples -- __ Mechanical --. Grout Samples __ Electrical __ Masonry Prisms __ Roofing __ Masonry Block -·-- Vconcrete __ Fireproofing --__ Masonry __ Units (block or brick) --__ struct Steel __ Asphalt Concrete __ Prestress Cone __ Roofing __ Pile Driving __ 'Reinf. Steel -- __ Fireproofing --. Steel -- __ Waterproofing __ H.S. Bolts -- __ Non-Destructive -. _Tendon (PT Strands) -- __ Soils Technician __ Qther -- __ Batch Plant -__ Other· -- __ Bolt Pull-Out __ Other -- REMARKS ,-. PROJECT(Name)LA/""68:¢-&cc7e (Address) ha.rec: -c:J,,u e 44z~clE//~d REPORT NO. 6;;.. cJ.64.? d ~:;( Building Permit No. C.B-Z'. 91'-~..:? 7 · Plan File No. ________________ _ Govt. Contract No. ______________ _ OSAor OSHPD #-----------'----- Other _________________ _ 2ATERIAL DESCRIPTION INSPECTION CHECKLIST Rinf.: Rebar A(,,./ 6 _ Plan·& Specs _ Rihf.: W.W.F. ~ Clearances t!Ji:. _ Rinf.: Tendons ~ LPositions a.I:. V Cone.: Mix #/psi:ftJ//5'(}()£a Lsizes .t>k I t/ Laps cJ .tr _. Cone.: Mix #/psi _ Cone.: Mix #/psi __ Future Continuity #/psi -. Grout: Mix #/psi _ Consolidation _ Mortar: Type/psi _ Mortar Batching _ Units: Block _ Electrode Storage _ Units: Brick _ Torque Applied _. Steel _. R.S. Bolts .. _ Metal Decking _. Electrodes _ Fireproofing _Other _ Corrective action required __ _ Corrections completed CJ r Co;() Cc < /.c far_ .I/ -/4,Q /,,u~ §, J I CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE: To the best of our knowledge, all of the reported work, unless otherwise noted, substantially complies with approved plans, specifications and applicable sections of the building codes. This report covers the locations of the work inspected only and does not constitute engine~ring opin- ion or project control. · · INSPECTORNAME CL,14/ ~,/cLL'L CERT. NO. __ S.::.........;~ /)~,. ___:~=-:..£..;,,.S"'-------- (Print Clearly:.;_) ___ ___,,___ INSPECTOR SIGNATURE ~ztdi-2_ PSl·B-900-170(2) 7 PATE-------,,...,...,,,.,,,.,.....-;=3_-_ . .....;..f_-_o_o ______ _ l ~ lnfonnation -· • *To Build On Page_1_of_ Engineering • Consulting • Testing INSPECTION REPORT PROJECT (Name) C.4/"C, 8 t/-,/../etJf;, c: ----. (Address) 7;;, (.J.J"~ r .s -0& c_ CLIENT .L::D a /4 JJ j DATE ;}-/~ -60 L~!) Q /&'vd~~G REPORT NO. ~ -~ot:::) .3 6 -~ ~ Architect ______ -'-----------''-------Building Permit No. · C 25 2 q 4 q 3 17 Plan File No, _______________ _ Engineer_'""'V ....... <~'-/,..........,&_1 __ :f ___ .... a'-"-""'"""· ...,,.r_,~-<==£.-=~=--- Contractor. __ l)_,____._. __ P.----.a._,s..R-------------- Govt. Contract No.--------------- OSAot OSHPD #-------------- Other _____ ---'---,------------- INSPECTION MAT'LSAMPl:ING QTY ~ATERIAL DESCRIPTION. ~SPECTION 'CHECKLIST _OSHPD Vconcrete Cylinders _!/-_ Rinf.: Rebar.A~ ~an & Specs c;, h _OSA __ Cement --__ Rinf.: W.W.F. ~learances tt /4 __ specialty __ Mortar Samples. --_ Rinf.: Tendons 7':ositions al.. __ Mechanical __ Grout Samples ~ Coric.: Mix #/psi $.3 <a D 7cizes t:.£ I __ Electrical __ . Masonry-Prisms --___ Cone.: Mix #/psi aps ~ I ~oofing __ Masonry Block --_. Cone.: Mix #/psi _ Future Continuity #/psi __ concrete __ Fireproofing --_ Grout: Mix #/psi _ Consolidation l __ Masonry __ Units (block or brick) _ Mortar: Type/psi _ Mortar Batching ! -- __ Struct Steel _. _Asphalt Concrete --_ Units: Block _ Electrode Storage __ Prestress Cone __ Roofing --__ Units: Brick _ Torque Applied I __ Pile Driving __ Reinf. Steel --_Steel __ Fireproofing __ Steel ---.. H:S. Bolts __ Waterproofing __ H.S. Bolts --__ Metal Decking __ Non-Destructive __ Tendon (PT Strands) --__ Electrodes I ' __ Soils Technician _. _Other --_ Fireproofing __ Batch Plant __ Other --_Other _ Corrective action required __ ; I __ Bolt Pull-Out __ Other --_ Corrections completed I I REMARKS .-J-/L -0 () Re0 / / ~/4 ~/ LA.~_; /J e .c ha'ru-~ 1-l~ /) /2 e c. ./1'? ;*' 2,u f- dt3rd'.<&3 C>-uc::;:_ . ~ . aE . ./,do ,d~e~e; /,,y cl~ ial .. /2tALer ,he>/4:.U,. .. a..!Lc~c: IL l LJ.U:. s: ~-<J.~2._s> ft!./ ~/e c/ la//) J.. a A1'<""cj4,Yt~4/ Jd½6/4c: VA'C/ ' ?LL C:aA,)er~ /4 W4S: /Jc.u.vt C ,-} eel 4, /4 ll< fu .£,~J, u. zZ /4: /4,_j s 4<:/ • /.Jk. C. ~ IA/4; s: i_AJ , c1 C Co r c/2u ~ /4 ,(le ,£)/4 Al r 4-&trl -A A_,,,! 6-c::.~AJ ~-i! , r &.~ i::::. /c-c.·1 f/4h/ p ,4l ,ti,('.;: C'/ 4~ ,LAI.~~~ Le:. aJ.J d.~//·t")C) • ,Lj<- L6tUCt:'l ,L acco rd/aa,-/4 6d~ &u-tf " CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE: To the best of our knowledge, all of the-reported work, unless otherwise noted, substantially complies with approved plans, specifications and applicable sections of the building codes. This report covers the .locations-of the work inspected only and does not constitute engineering opin- ion or project control. · INSPECTOR NAME CL»AI /Vlt~LL/1_ CERT. NO. S.LJ. ~9.S-·2~-~ .d-/~-66 INSPECTOR SIGNATURE 4-e1~ .... ·DATE ,•a'-.,,, .. PSI-B-900-170(2) /j ;/Information, • ®To Build On Engineering • Consulting • .Testing Page_1_of_ INSPECTION REPORT CLIENT__.l=-~--'i!C-1--=-0-~---~~- DATE--=-;;l..-+-/--'-'//j~c.-r-!t.=-~-'--· __ PROJECT (Name) 2 /v'r-Jl"'o/4 ·2=,e (Address) ftflP'et> ddl:/i Ge--- ? -.:..- Architect ___________ .._,_,--____ _ REPORT NO. IJ .£t_-@0 .3,_CJ Building Permit No. C& 3/79¥2 7 Engineer J,/zn J: f314[fa; Contractor. D (JR_ &,i;9.k, INSPECTION =~:~PD L ;, K::~:~~,,frjf rn~ _ Electrical _Roofing _Concrete _ Masonry __ Struct Steel __ Prestress Cone __ Pile Driving __ Fireproofing __ Waterproofing __ Non-Destructive __ Soils Technician __ Batch Plant __ Bolt Pull-Out REMARKS _J.-- ·yf'/'Vd aL- MAT'LSAMPLING ___ Cqncrete Cylinders _ -__ Cement ___ Mortar Samples __ Grout Samples __ Masonry Prisms __ Masonry Block __ Fireproofing __ Units (block or brick) _-_ Asphalt Concrete __ Roofing __ Reinf. Steel __ Steel __ H.S. Bolts __ Tendon (PT Strands) ___ Other __ Other ____ _ __ Other ____ _ Plan File No, _______________ _ Govt. Contract No. _____________ _ OSA or OSHPD #------------- Other ___ -'-------------'-------- QTY MATERIAL DESCRIPTION INSPECTION CHECKLIST __ _ __ Rinf.: Rebar _______ Plan & Specs _____ _ ___ Rinf.: w:W.F. -_ Clearances _____ _ ___ Ainf.: Tendons _ Positions ______ _ _______ Cone.: Mix #/psi _ Sizes _______ _ ____ Cone.: Mix #/psi _ Laps _______ _ ____ Cone.: Mix #/psi _ Future Continuity #/psi. __ _ ____ Grout: Mix #/psi _ Consolidation _____ _ ____ Mortar: Type/psi _ Mortar Batchin, _____ _ ____ Units: Block _ Electrode Storage ___ _ __ __ __ Units: Brick _ Torque Applied ____ _ __ ___ Steel ________ _ ___ H.S. Bolts. ______ _ _______ Metal. Decking _____ _ ____ Electrodes ______ _ ___ Fireproofing _____ _ _ ____ Other _________ Corrective action required __ ___________ Corrections completed __ _ CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE: To the best of our knowledge, all of the reported work, unless otherwise noted, substantially complies with approved plans, specifications and applicable sections of the building codes. This report covers the locations of the work inspected only and does not constitute engineering opin- ion or project control. · INSPECTOR NAME ----:c~/,.__J'i_/_,._:,f_-____ /fr;....___,,_-i;G;.,.._,....n-+;7_"_ CERT, NO, 4'5 Ci#-/:!:) .- DATE •• .2/Ls:/a2 l 'if Information ~ • ®To Build On Engineering • Consulting • Testing REPORT OF CONCRETE COMPRESSION TEST TESTED FOR: JIM FEND LEGOLAND CALIFORNIA ONE LEGO BOULEVARD CARLSBAD, CA 92 o o a. PROJECT: CAR 684 -HEGGE TOWERS ONE LEGO BLVD -CARSLBAD DATE: February 16, 2000 O\..IRREPORT NO.: 059-00030-1 FIELD DATA: LOCATION OF PLACEMENT TOW FOOTING FOR HEGGE TOWER DATE PLACED TIME SLUMP, IN. AIR CONTENT, % AIR TEMPERATURE, °F CONCRETE TEMPERATURE, °F DATE RECEIVED IN LAB FIELD DATA SUBMITTED BY MIX DATA SUBMITTED BY February 16, 2000 07:00 am 4 1/2 59 69 February 17, 2000 PSI\GLENN MITCHELL HANSON SUPPLIER DELIVERY TICKET NO.ffRUCK NO. MIX NUMBER AND PROPORTIONS CEMENT WATER FINE AGGREGATE COARSE AGGREGATE ADMIXTURE HANSON 174226 5033500 NOIE:.APPLICABLE ASTM STANDARDS UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED· SLUMP· CU3,97· AIR.c;PNIENT· C231-9Z, (EXCLUDING SEC 6)· TEMPERATURE· C1064-86(93)' CVLINDERS· C31-96 (EXCLUDING SEC 9 2 2)' SAMPLING· C172-97 COMPRESSION TESTRESULTS SPECIMEN TEST LABORATORY IDENTIFICATION AGE DATE OF NUMBER OR SET NO. (DAYS) TEST 2124 A 7 02/23/00 2124 B 28 03/15/00 2124 C 28 03/15/00 2124 D SPECIFICATIONS 28 REMARKS: X Cylinders made by PSI representatl~e. Cylinders made by Architect's or Contractots representative. ASTM C39-96; C1231•93 TOTAL CYLINDER LOAD DIAMETER (LBS.) (IN.) 105000 6.00 . X Cylinders picked up by PSI _ representative. Cylinders dellvered·to PSI laboratory. CYLINDER COMPRESSIVE AREA STRENGTH (SQ.IN.) (PSI) TYPE OF BREAK 28.27 3710 Cone 4000 Test res_ults comply with applicable specifications. Test results do not comply with applicable specifications. All cylinders capped in accordan'Ce with ASTM C617-94. TECHNICIAN: GLENN MITCHELL THESE TEST RESULTS APPLY ONLY TO THE SPECIFIC SAMPLES TESTED AND MAY NOT BE INDICATIVE OF THE ENTIRE CONCRETE PLACEMENT. REPORTS MAY NOT BE REPRODUCED, EXCEPT IN FULL, WITHOUT WRITTEN PERMISSION BY PROFESSIONAL SERVICE INDUSTRIES, INC. PSI A-200-4 (6)F Professional Service Industries, Inc. • 6867 Nancy Ridge Drive, Suite E • San Diego, CA 92121 • Phone 858/455-0544 • Fax 858/455-1170 L I/// 1 y 0311!/137 i· ., . ..---.--. ·~ •. AMERICAN CONCRETE INSTITUTE This is to certify that Glenn Miklell IDN0001'88 - has demonst.Iated knowledge and ability by successfully completing the ACI certification requirements and is hereby recognized as an ACI CONCRETE FIELD TESTING TECHNICIAN -GRADE I Examiner: Douglas J Hitchingham Date: 11/14/1998 ~iJes: 11/14/2003 . ._ Valid cariH>ears ACI Hologram here I 1 • j i. ; .i I ; . 1 I TKE CITY C).F SAN DI-EGO PLANNl~G AND OE~_l.,(:)PM~N=TREVl6W C'J;;ll' !N!iPEOOQN S.ERVI<;~ li>l\1151®N ( ~r 1'.ek~~) 49:H~iP'P.f"l<.,_5at4!lM098 f~ ~PEC.tA-ti,.·IN:$,-,E~o_,,.,.c~RD · If Nan\e: . G1~:nll 'W • 'bli:tc,h.e 11 f! 6~Jj \! ., .,.· .. International Conference of BuJlc!ing Officials • ' <!> GLEN W MITCHELL CERTIFIED REINFORCED CONCRETE SPECIAL INSPECTOR The individual named h·ereon is CERTIFIED in the category sh.own having:been SO certified pursuant to ~UCCeSSfUI completion Of the pre~cn~ed written examination · ts. Exp1rat1on date: septemb r' No. 1093554·49 . 'Not valid un ess si ed by cer 1ficate holder. ·<;:ertification attests to competent knowledge of codes ~nd standards Applicable experience should be verified by loql jurisdictions'. · ·---···· .. .,., ---------. --------------~- international conference of BUIiding Officials GLINN W MtTCHEI.L CERTIFIED SPECIAL INS.PECTOR STI.UCTU{W. MA~ON;tY 1997 UNIFORM BUILDING CODE 'The individual named hereon is OE~TIFIED ii:, the-category shown, having been so certified pursuanttb successfl!l_C:O~pletion of the prescribed written ei<amlnation. · -· · Expira~ion date: APFII 4, 200, · NO. 1093554-84 Not am:1 unless signed bV certificate holder. ICBO certification attests to competent knowledge of codes and standards. Applicable experience should be verified by local jurisdictions. r ----- EsGil Corporation 'l.n Partnersliip witli (jovemment for 'BuiUing Safety DATE: January 10, 2000 JURISDICTION: Carlsbad PLAN CHECK NO.: 99-4437 PROJECT ADDRESS: 1 Lego Dr. PROJECT NAME: Kid's Power Tower SET:11 0 APPLICANT <eJuRis.', n-·pe,AJj REVIEWER 0 FILE ~ The plans transmitted herewith have been corrected where necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes. D The plans transmitted herewith will substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes when minor deficiencies identified below are resolved and checked by building department staff. D The plans transmitted herewith have significant deficiencies identified on the enclosed check list and should be corrected and resubmitted for a complete recheck. D The check list transmitted herewith is for your information. The plans are being held at Esgil Corporation until corrected plans are submitted for recheck. D The applicant's copy of the check list is enclosed for the jurisdiction to forward to the applicant contact person. D The applicant's copy of the check list has been sent to: ~ Esgil Corporation staff did not advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. D Esgil Corporation staff did advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. Person contacted: Date contacted: (by: ) Mail Telephone Fax In Person D REMARKS: By: Kurt Culver Esgil Corporation D GA D MB D EJ D PC Telephone #: Fax#: Enclosures: 1/3/00 trnsmtl.dot 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208 + San Diego, California 92123 + (858) 560-1468 + Fax (858) 560-1576 EsGil Corporation · 'l.n. Partnersliip witli (jovemment for 'Bui{aing Safety DATE: December 13, 1999 JURISDICTION: Carlsbad PLAN CHECK NO.: 99-4437 · PROJECT ADDRESS: 1 Lego Dr. PROJECT NAME: Kid's Power Towers SET:I D APP;!§"1NT @JURIS. D PLAN REVIEWER D FILE D The plans transmitted herewith have been corrected where necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes. D The plans traAsmitted herewith will substantially comply With the jurisdiction's building codes when minor deficiencies identified below are resolved and checked by building department staff. D The plans _transmitted herewith have significant deficiencies identified on the enclosed check list and should be corrected and resubmitted fora complete recheck. · cg] The check list transmitted_ herewith is for your information. Tl:te plans .are being held .at Esgil Corporation until corrected plan$ are swbrnitted for recheck. D The applicant's copy of the check list is enclosed for the jurisdiction to forward to the applicant · "- contact person. cg] The applicant's copy of the check list has been sent to: Jim Fend 1 Lego Dr. Carlsbad, CA 92009 D Esgil Corporation staff did not advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. [:gj Esgil Corporation staff did advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. Person contacted: Jim Fend telephone#: (760) 918-5461 Date contacted: (by: ) Fax#: Mail Telephone Fax In Person D REMARKS: By: Kurt Culver Enclosures: Esgil Corporation D GA D MB D EJ DPC 12/6/99 trnsmtl.dot 9320 Chesapeake Drive, ·suite 208 + .San Diego, California 92123 + (858) 560-1468 + Fax (858) 560-1576 Carlsbad 99-4437 December 13, 1.999 · · PLAN REVIEW CORRECTION LIST COMMERCIAL PLAN CHECK NO.: 99-4437 OCCUPANCY: A4 TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: ALLOWABLE. FLOOR AREA: SPRINKLERS?: REMARKS:. DATE PLANS RECEIVED BY JURISDICTION: 12/2/99 DATE INITIAL PLAN REVIEW COMPLETED: December}3, 1999 FOREWORD (PLEASE READ): JURISDICTION: Carlsbad USE: Amusement Ride ACTUAL AREA: STORIES: HEIGHT: OCCUPANT LOAD: . 'DATE PLANS RECEIVED BY ESGIL CORPORATION: 12/6/99 PLAN REVIE·WER: Kurt Culver This plan review is limited to the technical requirements contained in the Uniform Building Code, Uniform Plumbing Code, Uniform Mechanical Code, National Electrical Code and state laws regulating energy conservation, noise attenuation and access for the disabled. This plan review is based on regulations enforced by the Building Department. You may have other corrections based on laws and ordinances enforced by the Planning Department, Engineering Department, Fire Department or other departments. Clearance frorn those departments may be required prior to the issuance of a building permit. · · Code sections cited are based on the 1997 .UBC. The following items listed need clarification, modification or .change. All items must be satisfied before the plans will. be in conformance with the cited codes and regulations. Per Sec. 106.4.3, 1997 Uniform Building Code, the approv$1 of the pl;~ms does not permit the violation of any state, county or city law. To speed up the recheck process, please note. on this list (or a copy) where each correction item has been addressed, i.e., plan sheet number, specification section, etc. Be sure to enclose the marked up list when you submit the revised plans. Carlsbad 99-4437 December 13, 1999 • GENERAL Please make all corrections on the original tracings, as requested in the correction list. Submit three sets of plans for commercial/industrial projects (two sets of plans for residential projects). For exp·editious processing, corrected sets can be submitted in one of two ways: 1 . Deliver all corrected sets of plans and calculations/reports directly to the City of Carlsbad Building Department, 2075 LasPalmas Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92009, (760) 438-1161. The City will route the plans to EsGil Corporation and the Carlsbad Planning, Engineering and Fire Departments. 2. Bring one corrected set of plans and calculations/reports to EsGil Corporation, 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208, $an Diego, CA 92123, (858) 560-1468. Deliver all remaining sets of plans and calculations/reports directly to the City of Carlsbad Buil_ding Department for routing to their Planning, Engineering and Fire Departments .. NOTE: Plans that are submitted directly to EsGil Corporation only will not be reviewed by the City Planning, Engineering and Fire Departments until review by EsGil Corporation is complete. • PLANS 1. All sheets of the plans and the first she.et of the calculations are required to be signed by the California licensed architect or engineer responsible for the plan preparation. Please include the California license number, seal, date of license expiration and the date the plans are signed. Business and Professions Code. 2. Provide a statement on the Title Sheet of.the plans that this project shall comply with the 1998 edition of the California Building Gode (Title 24), which adopts the 1997 UBC, UMC and UPC and the 1996 NEC. 3. Please provide architectural sheets for the ride (showing elevations, etc.). • EXITS 4. Provide an exit analysis plan {maybe 8 1/2" x 11" or any convenient size). Show in this analysis the occupant load ofeach.area, the general exit flow patterns (by using arrows), accumulated occupant loads and required exit widths). a) Proper exits don't seem to be shown from the queue area. b) There appears to be only one way out of the circular area containing the queue.. Please justify this. Carlsbad 99-4437 December 13, 1999 • TITLE 24 DISABLED ACCESS 5. Please provide sufficient information on the plans to show wheelchair access to the circular area co,ntaining the ride/queue. Additionally, clearly show that wheelchair access is available up to the ride itself. • STRUCTURAL 6. Please submit revised structural calculations: a) Most of the sheets in the package were not in English. b) Conventional units in the United States were not used (feet, pounds, etc.). c) The seismic analysis must be based on the new equations in the 1997 UBC. . d) A clear fouodatioh design must be provided. • ADDITIONAL 7. Please provide a complete construction cost estimate. 8. To speed up the review process, note on this list (or a copy) where each correction item has been addressed, i.e., plan sheet, note or detail number, calculation·page, etc. 9. Please indicate here if any changes have been made to the plans that are not a result of corrections from this list. If there are other changes, please briefly describe them and where they are located in the plans. Have changes been made to the plans not resulting from this correction list? Please indicate: D Yes D No 10. The jurisdiction has contracted with Esgil Corporation located at 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208, San Diego, California 92123: telephone number of . 858/560-1468, to perform the plan review for your project. If you have any questions regarding these plan review items, please contact Kurt Culver at Esgil Corporation. Thank you. Carlsbad 99-4437 December 13, 1999. VALUATION AND PLAN CHECK FEE JURISDICTION: Carlsbad PREPARED BY: Kurt Culver BUILDING ADDRESS: 1 Leg9 Dr. PLAN CHECK NO.: 99-4437 DATE: December 13, 1999 BUILDING OCCUPANCY: A4 TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: V-N BUILDING PORTION· -- BUILDING AREA VALUATION VALUE (ft.2) MULTIPLIER ($) Fdn. for Ride _ -50,000 - .. - - ·- . - . Air Conditioning Fire Sprinklers · - TOTAL VALUE 50,000 D 199 UBC Building Permit Fee [8l Bldg. Permit Fee by ordinance: $ 402.33 D 199 UBC Plan Check Fee [g] Plan Check Fee by ordinance: $ 261.51 Type of Review: ~ Complete Review D Structural Only D Hourly D Repetitive Fee Applicable D Othet: Esgil Plan Review Fee: Comments: $ 209.21 Sheet 1 of 1 macvalue.doc 5196 PLANNING DEPARTMENT BUILDING PLAN CHECK REVIEW CHECKLIST Plan Check No. CB 9 9-t/L/3? Address· One. LEJ:b LJr,rJe Lbn A/ell Phone (619)-438-1161, extension 4'4'Li'C DU/AG --t._....c..li;..-_ Facilities Management Zone: /S __ Date of participation: /2-2/-9,J Remaining net dev acres: Z.S- (For non-residential development: Type of land used· created by this permit: A/I othec c:::ptv,,vreeclo, I uses . ) Legend: cg) Item Complete {ED Item Incomplete -Needs your action Environmental Review Requirec;f: YES NO TYPE ---- DATE OF COMPLETION:----,------,.-- Compliance with conditions of approval-? If not, state conditions which require action. Conditions of Approval: Discretionary Action Required: YES NO TYPE ---"-- APPROVAL/Rl:SO. NO. . DATE ___ _ PROJECT NO. S.tJP Cf(;-/C/ OTHER RELATED CASES:--------,--------------------- c;;ompliance with conditions or approval? -If not, state conditions which require action. Conditions of ~pprovak ----~-------------,------------- Co~stal Zone. Assessment/Compliance • \' ::, tit ~.. +,-\ • ~ l • Project site located in Coastal Zone? YES_2(_ NO CA Coastal Commission Authoti~y? ,'. YES · NO X If California Coastal Commission Authority: Contact them at -3111 Camino Del Rio North, Suite 200, San Diego CA 92108-1725; (619) 521-8036 · Determine status (Coastal Per:mit Required or Exempt): :Z::SS ueo/ C<Jil 9'G -/£ . Coastal Permit Determination Form already completed? YES NO If NO,'complete Coastal P.ermit Determination form now. Coastal Permi~ Determination Log #: Follow-Up Actions: 1) Stamp Building Plans as "Exempt" or "Co~stal Permit Required" (at' minimum Floor Plans). 2) CompJ~te Coast?t! Permit Determination Log as needed . . ' ~ :: . ~ lnclusionary Housing Fee required: YES NO (Effective date of lnclusionary Housing Ordinance - May 21, 1993.) Data Entry Completed? YES __ NO __ (A/Pl.Os, Activity Maintenance, enter CB#, toolbar, Screens, Housing Fees, Construct Housing Y/N, Enter Fee, UPDATE!) Site Plan: 1. Provide a fully dimensional site plan drawn to scale. Show: North arrow, property lines, easements, existing and proposed structures, streets, existing street improvements, right-of-way width, dimensional setbacks and existing topographical lines. 2. Provide legal description of property and assessor's parcel number. Zoning: 1. Setbacks: Front: Required ______ _ Shown ------Interior Side: Required -------Shown ------Street Side: Required -------Shown ------Rear: Required· -------Shown ------ -E.t--&i::r' 2. Accessory structure setbacks: ~~~ @OJ1R 'r£'r&J5 @@ID Front: Required -------Shown -------Interior Side: Required -------Shown ------Street Side: Required -------Shown -------Rear: Required -------Shown ------Structure· separation: Required ______ _ Shown ------- 3. Lot Coverage: Required -------Showri ------ 4. Height: 5. Parking: . M~3S' 1 Required Aa)i. @atvrcr 1../S Shown --"-2 ...... qJ. ____ _ /Jrov,o/ed elev~'cvts olr-Ql,,wt'\ i-o S--e&t (-e ot/l'tcl ~' 1 V"l.enst'Cw1ed in -fe.e+-Spaces Required ______ Shown _____ _ Guest Spaces Required _______ Shown ______ _ Additional Comments/ )Proviole. e---/evor..iiCYZS a£-: ±/2e t()rob:JSg} ' l l ~-±aJc-ivres :±a de.--nonsft-0:fe c.ovv,1J/i0rnce. w,'-f-1,, ~e OK TO ISSUE AND ENTERED APPROVAL INTO COMPUTER DATE r.S-::00 !J Carlsbad Fi re Department f 990467 2560 Orion Way Carlsbad, CA 92008 Fire Prevention (?60) 931-2121 Plan Review Requirements Category: Building Plan Reviewed by: ~L Date of Report: 12/15/1999 -------;..._..-,------- Name: JIM FENO Address: 1 LEGO DR City, State: CARLSBAD CA 92008 Plan Checker: Job#: 990467 ------- Job Name: Lego -Tower~ Bldg #: CB994437 ------,------------------'---Job Address: 1 Lego Dr Ste. or Bldg. No. ~ Approved D Approved Subject to D Incomplete Review FD Job# The item you have submitted for review has been approved. The approval is based on plans, information and I or specifications provided in your submittal; therefore any changes to these items after this date, including field modifications, must be reviewed by this office to insure continued conformance with applicable codes and standards. Please review carefully all comments attached as failure to comply With instructions in this report can result in suspension of permit to construc;t or ,install improvements. The item you have submitted for review has been approved subject to the attached conditions. The approval is based on plans, information and/or specifications provided in your submittal. Please review carefully all comments attached, as failure to comply with instructions in this report can result in suspension of permit to construct or install improvements. Please resubmit to this office the necessary plans and / or specifications required to indicate compliance with applicabl~ codes and standards. The item you have submitted for review is incomplete. At this time, this office cannot adequately conduct a review to determine compliance with the applicable codes and I or standards. Please review carefully all comments attached. Please resubmit the necessary plans and/ or specifications to this office for review and approval. 1st 990467 2nd FD File# 3rd Other Agency ID :·, ,"' ·,;, BURGES:S ENGINEERING GROUP -, --·-·· ------- L ,:t i ~---~-..:.....;:___;.-+----;L_"-·· -J--l-=..··-·...:....,._-;-, == .. +, ==!1-r--r,-·+1 ____ i--i-""'1 ~ 1 -· i :! .. I ----~-; -.. -, +--,,-_.;.-r--;---.- l~-1----- 1 '· -~-+---i-j _-':----it----:----;----1---+----,--+----t--r----n1-· PAG,.cE-· ---'-l __ of_g...,.._ __ JOB#: 'f~ 39 ... 07 DATE: 4-/:2--if NAME:_~.,/c=~='e=.¢(..Lr:': __ l----_______ -------L~-l-~-1~-+-+· i_J__;__-l----l-t-1-~-+-r-t-:-~7r-----r--7-7-:-1l-7 i I ____ ...._ ... _,_,._ -I .-... ~ 1 \ PAGE: of ~ /~ ~ .. BURGESS ENGINEERING GROUP JOB#: 99,:9a~-~I DATE: a -/.z-,;_;1 NAME: ,/../8 ../~ I I I I , 1 ; ----! ,-------+----+---+-_..._-+--+---+---.;.......--;------1---'------------i--l-- -------------~-~z:::..___)!'?_c,_--c-+-----~-+----~ ; -·--+--------+----~-+-----·-----~-1-----__ .___ ?) ~1 6-.'-I: ~,f(tf •t-y ;,/ ,,8 }( &t;,5 _J ' ! ''' I I'' I ·-----------------'------!__i--___/_:P;~-~-f-' ~(frl1" -~ ./~-!"')' X:. I~ I+:_ __ i ' !_ i I , I i ·, : ------·-----{ ----------~+'-~--:---+--t-----'---__Jf---,--f---,--l-------+--t : ) 1 I , i ' , -S,t., ·"1_ 1 l'-U-_ ii -lt-! i 1,,~, _:;,_..,, ,,c) ~. · __ , _______ ___, __ ------,-----=:....::,..,.,__,_,-f-"l~--""'5-..':~-r.-. .t.t,-~-Lf-"---~--+---i-----,--- ; ' I I . I I : • t t . I -----· --------'M_.~111--::: -----r---~---__ _,___ 1 I ~----~'---...I-'.P.-~.::.. ____ .,..__,,,,,._,___,·Z.=~".s:7 i. I . A; -Tk I l-f ! ' : lift:.! ~-: : : L ____ J _____ • ___ ____.. __ ~f'dos.....;::;:_____:;: ~o1~: ~~.J~-~~~ L~ ~-:--; ! 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I '-- • Freizeit S·imulatoren Betriebs GmbH Static Calculations For Heege Tower · Project : Lego.land, Carlsbad- California .., ., Pos.1 Tower System and ioad 8 ().) 1:) ~ ~ ...... ~ 0-- C;) C) ~ v C ~ C) a a C) o::i ~ ~ ~ C) ~ a a ~ \.I) "' c;-,. w 20Qk • -Center of gravity at wind surface from head of tower and its decoration · ..• ~o paneling J 600 +----~:. J : ~ ~ ... 1 ___ ___,_ __ ([ I l) it-'<--(f_ 2 'i .• j •• t_ [ . . \ . . -l..,: -• Horizontal load from earthquake shock: Fx1,d = 0,367 · 1,28 · .0,925 / 2, = 0,218. kN Fx2,d = 0,367 · 1,28 · 1,063 = 0,500 kN Fx3,d = 0,367 · 1,28 · 1,20 = 0,564 kN Fx4,d = Fx5,d = 0,564 kN Fxs,d = 0,56 + 0,367 · 9,00 · 0,335 · 0;5 / 1,20 = 0,56 + 0,461 = 1,02 kN ; Fx7,d = 0,367 ( 1,28 · 1,096 + 9,00 -0,865 · 0~5 / 1,2) = 1,71 kN ; Fxs,d = 0,367 ( 1,28 ·. 0,992 / 2 + ( 1,35 + 1,.00 + 2,00) / 2) = 1,03 kN Fx,d = 0,218 + 0,500 + 3 · 0,564 + 1,02 + 1,71 + 1,03 = 6,17 kN 0,367 Fys,d = -Fy1s,d = o,soo-2 ( 1,35 · 0,083 + 1,00 · 0,583 + 2,00 . 1,383 ) = 1,06 kN ; 9 \· 1-l Profiles Column - From joint 3 respectively 13 Thickness of sheet t = 3 ·-· ... . ... -· 1 _._ .. _·_. ~ 'iJ. . : :1 .... ""'"Z:"· . -·" '} .. --~ .. . ~-.. -·· .. . .. . . ... .... i .. r h . ... . . --------------'-_J.. . ~ "'· ... , .. -~ ~--· ... ·-. ·: . . ·-·· ·-·--· ..... : .. -,..: ... -·~·-·.·:. ,_,: ... t ... c· ....... : . ... ;, ... 5 . ... ., --£v--~ ·,;; ; : : q3t 10 11 11 11 I I. . I r -Determination of profil~ values by use of computer progamm. 11 D.I.E.Software -Xl=QDO Version: 4.02 Licence for D.I.E GrnbH CAD+ Software Joint definition: Joint 1 2 3 4 5 6 Sheet metal quality Sheet metal 1 2 3 4 5 begin 1 ~ 4 5 6 y 0,000 cm 2,970 cm 9,320 cm 9,320 cm 2,970 cm 0,000 cm Joint end 2 3 3 4 5 z 0,000 cm 2,970 cm 2,970 cm 18,670 cm 18,670 cm 21,640 cm t 0,300 cm 0,300 cm 0,300 cm 0,300 cm 0,300 cm Material data, DIN for calculation St 37 DIN 18800 90 t ¾. 40 Weight 7850,00 .kg / mAJ 24,00 kN / cm2 · 21,82 kN / cm2 12,60 kN / cm2 21,82 kN / cm2 Elastic limit Permissible 0 Permissible p Permissible Ov Center-of-mass coordinat_es refering to the start point ys ZS = 6,44 cm = 10,82 cm Cross-section value refering to center of gravity A = 1.1,04 cm A2 lyz ::: 0,00 cm A4 lz = 115,97 cm A4 Iy = 553,:03 cmA4 ID = 0,33 cm A4 ,i · i .. I ! r· ·-i I r- I I i r i L f : l I : I : i i : ' I : I Center-of-mass coordinates refering to the start point ys = 8,65 cm ZS = 11,85 cm Cross-section value refering to center of gravity A lyz lz ly ID Ordinates y, z Joint 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 = 22,56 cm "2 = 0,00 cm "4 = 258,58 cm "4 =1454,26 cm"4 = 1,52 cm 1!>4 refering to center of gravity y z -8,648 cm 0,672 cm 0,822 cm 0,972 cm -5,678 cm 0,672 cm 0,822 cm 0,972 cm -5,ij78 cm -8,648 cm 0,972 Clil 5,672 cm 5,672 cm 0,972 cm 5,672 cm 5,672 cm -10,820 cm 7,850 cm 7,850 cm 7,850 cm 1,850 cm 7,850 cm 7,850 cm 7,850 cm 7;850 ·cm 10,820 cm -11,850 cm -11,850 cm -9,500 cm 11,850 cm 11,850 tm 9,500 cm - Cross-section value refering to center of gravity in darection of major axis Major axis inclination alpha = 0,000° Cross-section value refering to center of gravity in direction of major axis feta (zeta Ip = = = 1454,263 cm "4 258,578 cm "4 1712,841 cm "4 17 I( [ ,' 1, L [ I r 1 L l l l -- Ordinates w refering to thrus~ center and moment of resitance Ww Joint 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 w -54,06 cm2 -0,47 cm2 0,71 cni2 1,'88 cm2 -50,32 cm2 0,47 cm2 -0,71 cm2 -1,88 cm2 50,32 cm2 54,06 cm2 1,-64 cm2 57,34 cm2 68,53 cm2 -1,64 cm2 -57,34 cm2 -68,53 cm2 Ww -349,66 cm"'5 -40155, 17 cm"'5 267 46,08 cm"'5 10032,03 cm"'5 -375,67 cm"'5 40155,17 cm"'5 · -267 46,08 cm"'5 -10032,03 cm"'5 375,67 cm"'5 349,66 cm"5 11495,43 cm"'5 329,67 cm"5 275,85 c;:m"S -11495,43 cm"5 -329,67 cm"5 -275,85 cm"'5 Tota~ weight of cross section G Surface of cross ~ection 0 ·= 0,18 kN / m 119~00 cm2 / cm Statical moment Sheet metal Joint 1 Joint 2 Pas Seta $zeta (cm) (cm"3) (cm"3) 1 5 1 o,·oo 9,03 11,76 1· 40 ., 6,43 8,26 2,80· 3,42 4,34 4,20 0,00 o,oo· 2 2 5 0,00 13,79 26,72 2,12 13,,55 21,73 4,23 11,96 16,75 6,35 9,03 11,76 3 10 9 000 ' 0;00 0,00 1,40 -3,42 4,34 2,80 -6,43 8,26 4,20 -9,03 11,76 4 6 9 o oo· ' 13,79 -26,72 2,12 1'3,55 -21,73 .4;23 11,96 -16,75 6,35 9,03 -11,76 5 13 12 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,78 1,33 -2,32 1,57 2,67 -4,83 2,35 4,00 -7,53 Sw (cm"'5) 65,76 44,37 22,44 0,00 114,14 108,56 92,44 65,76 0,00 22,44 44,37 65,76 -114,14 -108,56 -92,44 -65,76 0,00 15,67 30,45 44,37 19 l ,-~r --\ 23 ·!; ( Amount given cross-c_ut's = 4. . . I Amount given leg no.· =21 Highest stem no. =26 I Max. Joint No. Difference =10 Largest system Joint No. =18 ! Leg sizes = (cm) I Leg size Joint Material DX BETA length APM JX AX Start cross-cut DY Ref. End No. DZ ! 1 1 1 .000 135.000 92.500 0 0 1.5200 22.500 2 2 92.500· 20 0 0 1454.0 .00000 .Odo 258.00 .00000 2 2 1-.000 135.000 120.000 0 0 1.5200 22.500 3 2 120.000 20 0 0 1454.0 .00000 .000 258.00 .00000 3 3 1 .000 135.000 120.000 0 0.33100 11.040 4 1 120.000 20 0 0 553.00 .00000 .000 116.00 .00000 4 4 1 .000 135.000 120.000 0 0 .33100 11.040 5 1 120.000 20 0 0 553.00 .00000 .000 116.00 00000 5 5 1 .000 135.000 120.000 'o 0 .33100 11.040 6 1 120.000 20 0 0 55-3.00 .00000 .000 116.00 .00000 I 6 6 1 .000 135.000 120.000 0 0.33100 11.040 7 1 120,000 20 0 0 553.00 .00000 .000 116.00 .00000 I 7 7 1 .000. 135.000 99.200 0 0 .33100 11.040 8 1 99.200 20 0 0 553.00 .00000 .000 116.00 .00000 ~ 11 11 1 .000 45.000 92.500 0 0 1.5200 22.500 I 12 2 92.500 20 0 0 1454.0 .00000 I .000 258.00 .00000 . l I I .000 45.000 i i. 12 12 1 120.000 0 0 1.5200 22.500 I ! ·13 2 120:000 20 0 0 1454.0 .00000 .000 258.00 .00000 i 13 13 1 .000 45.000 120.000 0 0 .33100 11.040 14 1 120.000 20 0 0 553.00 .00000 .ODO 116.00 .00000 I 14 14 1 .000 45.000 120.000 0 0.33100 11.040 15 1 120.000 20 0 0 553.00 .00000 .000 116.00 .00000 L 15 15 1 .OQQ 45.000 12q.900 0 0 .33100 11.040 "'P, 1 ~ ?fl "I'.'" ?(1 n n i:;i:;i nn nnnnn I . --28 Consulting engeneering office Hans J. Melzer 8221 Waging Phone 086811435 Computer software : SYSTRA ---Stabw Stabtragwerke HETWA Manufacturer: Heege A Towerwall -influence from wind an earthquake shock leg-cutting power = (CM,KN) Leg ABSZ Load case MX MY MZ N QY oz 13 .000 1 .000 -176.145 -93.849 -48.451 -1.466 1.966 2 .000 -161.459· -91.965 -39.553 -1.477 1.979 13 120.000 1 .000 59.748 82.035 -48.451 -1.466 1.966 2 .000 76.030 85.293 -39.553 -1.477 1.979 14 .000 1 .000 -127.099 -104.765 -39.644 -1.606 1.610 2 .000 -107.01~ -97.703 -30.926 -1.530 1.528 14 120.000 1 .000 66.046 87.957 -39.644 -1.606 1.610 2 .000 76.301 85.924 -30.926 -1.530 1.528 15 .ODO 1 .000 -114.614 -92 .. 662 -31.128 -1.454 1.537 2 .000 -89.555 -79.895 -23.107 -1.279 1.379 15 120.000 1 .000 69.859 81.793 -31.128 -1.454 1.537 2 .000 75.938 73.567 -23.107 -1.279 1.379 16 .000 1 .000 -91.092 -79.120 -23.543 -1.245 1.389 2 .000 -53.939 -56,279 -16.983 -.892 1.044 16 120.000 1 .000 75.647 70.234 -23.543 -1.245 1.389 2 ·.000 71.313 50.742 -16.983 -.892 1.044 17 .000 1 .000 -57. 185 -62.570 -11.270 -1.169 1.115 2 .000 -4.830 -25.406 -13.393 -.469 .261 17 99.200 1· .000 53.432 53.421 -17.270 -1.169 1.115 2 .000 21.080 21.077 -"13.393 -.469 .261 20 .000 1 .031 .000 -435.126 -.134 -14.503 .000 2 .032 .ooo -453.580 -.248 -15.117 .000 20 60.000 1 .031 .000 435.060 -.134 -14.503 .000 2 .032 .000 453.458 -.248 · -15.117 .000 21 .000 1 .018 .000 -316.503 -.153 -10.550 .000 l ·2 .019 :000 -328.084 -.283 -10.936 .000 21 60.000 1 .018 .000 ·316.504 -.1.53 -10.550 .000 . ; 2 .019 .000 328.086 -.283 -10.936 .000 I 22 000 1 .033 .000 -264.206 -.153 -8.807 .000 ; [_ 2 .033 .oop -258.822 -.282 -8.628 .000 .. 22 60.000 1 .033 .OOQ 264.208 -.153 -8.807 .000 : 2 .033 .000 258.828 -.282 -8.628 .000 i 23 000 1 .028 .000 -25q.500 -.159 -8.516 .000 2 .026 .boo -234.588 -.283 -7.819 .000 23 60.000 1 .028 .000 255.463 -.159 -8.516 .000 2 .026 .000 234.530 -.283 -7.819 .000 l_ 24 .000 1 .027 .000 -227.546 -.252 -7.586 .000 2 .022 .000 -183,828 -.511 -6.125 .000 24 60.000 1 .027 .000 227.592 -.252 -7.586 .000 l 2 .022. .000 1$3.651 -.511 -6.125 .000 25 .000 1 .020 .000 -188.543 -.247 -6.273 .000 2 .011 .000 -101:122 -.853 -3.590 .000 25 60.000 1 .020 .000 187.833 -.247 -6.273 .000 l 2 .011 .boo 107.671 -.853 -3.590 .ODO 26 000 1 .008 .000 -76.234 -1.615 -2.530 .000 2 .002 .000 -29.759 -.516 -.993 .000 I 26 60.000 1 .008 .000 75.556 -1.615 -2.530 .000 I 2 .002 .000 29.809, -.516 -.993 .000 I i L 11 11 I . i ! I I L t ·L I L ' .. - Definition to other parts of DIN 18 800. Whole tower as frame-leg: r = 4 hy = h z = 600 mm 12 a = 1200 mm Cross -cut of unstiffened leg A 1 = 11,0 cm2 AG = 4 -11,0 = 44,0 cm2 i 1 = 3,24 cm Euler case 2: s k= 2 -800 = 1600 cm - J y = J z = 44,0. 302 + 4. 116 = 39600 + 464 = 40064 cm2 ; 1600 1.. kg = 1.. kz = -V 4oos4 = 53, 0 __., e = 1 44 buckling stress line c ___ .., ·a =0,49 Ref. Ratio of slenderness: na=-i: ~ E = 7t ..J 21000 = 121,7; fy, k 14 A, k 53,0 Ak= ,._ a = 121,7 k = 0,5 [ 1 + 0,49 ( 0,4.36 -0,2 ) + 0,4362] = 0,653 ; 1 k =0,653 +-/ 0,653 2 -0,436 2 = 0,878; max N d = 1,35 ( 27,60 + 6,0 ) · 45,36 kN N pt,d = 14,00 · 44,0 / 1,1 = 560,0 kN K-Np!,d = = 0,09 < 0, 1 ; ym=1,1; 30 -- · [ Inner rivit row : I l. I r. . I L l IL l l l .I ; .l I I V" = 2,53 + 47,1 / 11,5 = 2,53 + 4,10 = 6,63 kN V 1 = 1,62 kN . V 1 1 = 6, 63 / 4 = 1, 66 kN V 11 = 1,62 / 4 = 0,41 kN res V 11=-'11,662 + 0,312 = 1,71 kN d r = 6,5 mm; a 1 = 1,08 · ( 3,5 · 0,65 )./ 0,65 · 0,77 = 3,0 V 1,r,d = 0,3 · 0,65 · 3,0 · 14,0 / 1,1 = 7,45 kN ~----, V11/V1,r,d=1,71/7,4S---0,229 <1; . Shearing: For the high-strength rivit , the charactaristic values of breaking strain unknown. Ref. manufacturer specification: Allowable Va: 11100 N "= 11,10 kN >> existing Va. Outer rivit' row (in the middle of the stem) (4 ) proof needless . All other tie plates: Decisive is the lowest tie plate ( beam 20 ) in loacl case 2. Layout of the rivits like the top most tie plate. M z = 453,6-15,12. 11,5 = 280 kN cm; A = 8,64 cm2 ; · Wz=564/12,5=45,1 cm3 --1!.L y = 45,1 = 6,20 kN I cm2 y I y r,d = 6,20 / 12,73 = 0',49 < 1,0 max. V = 280 / .11,5 = 24,35 kN 24,35 't = o,3 .24 = 3,38 kN l cm 3 32 ·.I·; l . ··-r -1 :["" -_':!__ -, r -~- · L ~ . . I l_ ' ! l - -Va,R,d= 1,13 · 0,60 -/ 1,1 =49,31 kN Va, 1 = 77,60 I 8 = 9, 70 kN Va,1 / Va,R,d= 9,70/ 49,31 = 0,197 < 1 Hole bearing pressure Edge bolt: a 1,1=1,1-2/1,3---0,30=1,39 Second bolt: a 1 , 2 = 1,08 · 4 / 1,3 -0,77 = 2,55 - Because the leg is not used to the full amount and the bolt 8.8 prestressed therefore we calculate with equalization No. 51. Vi, R, d, 1,1 = (1,39 + 0,5 )·-0,3 -1,2 -14,0 / 1, 1 = 8,'66 kN ; Vi, R, d, 1,2 = (2,55' + 0,5 ) -0,3 -1,2 -1.4,0 / 1, 1 = 1"3,97 kN ; I: Vi = 4 ( 8,t~~,54 kN 7760 / 90,54~ " Application of the loads in the upper bearing ring: Min. F, d = -103,96 kN Per side F, d, 1 = 103,96 / 2 = -51.,98 kN Line of welding between bearing plate no.t = 6 and bearing plate no. t =1 0: A w 1 = 2 . 0,35 -4 = 2,80 cm 2 Line of welding between bearing plate t = 10 and ring plate t = 8: .1. 5,6 mm Length of the load bearing line of welding L w= 5,0 cm A w 2 = 0,56 -5 = 2,80 cm 2 ; Material of plate SI 37 -2 : F y,k = 240 N / mm 2 cr w= 0,95 41 \ . :_:, L . lL I ! . IL·· ·/ . ' • I .. I -.! i . • •• I : .,· :.... ... -42 51,98 cr w = 2-2,80 = 9,28 kN / cm-2 __ crw I r w, R. d = 9,28 / 73 = 0 45 < · . q Verification of the transmission of th':. te.11_s:1.e force is not necessary. ~ Bearing: :~ =:·,~~~:: jF,, · : ·· · ·· ·· System: .... · · .... · .$ .. H. . . · ~ t11 J~50 l The transition of the loads from the tower into the ring bearing is beyond all doubt ensured . Proof not nessesary Transmition of the loads. into the bearing cross: Refer to the ,,HETWA" computer print of calculation in resulting bearing load. Load case 1 Wind: Fvd= 2 · 18,64 = 37,28 kN (1 F = 1,35) F Hw,ct= 2 · 5,55 = 11,10 kN (A F-'I'= 1,5} M w, d = 2 · 4410 = 8820 kN m (1 F ·'I'= 1,5) Vertical load without part safety factory t: · F v = 27,60 kN ·r -· ; ,.-' . 'r--,,, -. r, i ,r -- -'.1 11 ~ I \ . J 1.: \ ii r -H ~ l l . ~-. l 't ·,I ':, . J 1 \\ i .. l t;~. t ;:1 ' :;/l; '. · ....... . • . . :. ~ . . i \ . ·f •' .•.· .. :t . t ' :-·,,, -. .,. ' . ~ J -- F Av= 2 · 22,88 = 45,76 kN F AH= 2 · 6,17 = 12,34 kN M A= 2 . 3936 = 7872 kN m Vertical load without part safety factor I F v= 33,60 kN Dead weight from drive, the ring and the rotating track:. Gu = 5,00 kN; Support reactions on the cross: Load case 1: 8 bearing points with r= 884 / = 442 mm max bearing point load: ..:..E.Y..., 2 · M 37,28 + 1,35 · 5,0 2 (8820 + 11, 10 .· 35} min F 1, d = s -s . r = 8 -27;60-5,0 max F 1. d = a + 5~,08 = +48,00 kN Load case 2: <':°"' eathquake shock on y ~ F A,H,ru= 0,367 · 5,0 = 1,84 kN si!t5~ . Lever arm to top edge cross -0,35 m, 8 · 44,2 r MA= 7872 + ( 12,34 + 1,84 )· 35 = 8368 kN cm 45,76 + 1,35 · 5,0 2 · 8368 =-5,50 -52,08=-57,58 kN min F 1,d = 8 - a . 44,2 = -6,56 -47,33..= -53,89 kN ~ • 33,60 -·s,oo max F 1,d = a A 47,33.=42,51 kN ~ 43 :·f" -Position stability analysis -:-· anchoring : The tower is a so called ,,Temporary structure" refering to DIN 4112. For the safety against overturning and sliding smaller Wind shear amounts of safety margin can be used then in the DIN 18 800 ( y F. 'f' = 1,5) Refering to DIN 4112: y w = 1,2 F hw = 11,10 · 1,2 / 1,5 = 8,88 kN M w = 86,52 -1,2 / 1,5 = 69,i2 kN m ; Anchor load: 34.60 2 · 69,22 47 I maxF1= s + s-1,0 =-4,33+17,31·=12,98kN; ' I I . I . : I ~ ' 'f I \ ~) [. .: IL I I I l __ 'L. I l ' I ! I I,, available FISCHER reaction anchor R M12 Foundation concrete quality = 8 25 Anchor distance a = 15 cm < norm a = 27 Therefore reduced anchor load. red. F = permited F · X a reda .L 1§_ .1 X a = ( 1 + a ) • 2 = ( 1 + 27 ) • 2 = 0, 78 Permited reduced F = 2 · 10 · 0,78 = 15,60 kN > 12,98 In load case 2 = earthquake shock : Max F 1 = 16,56 kN An earthquake shock is an exception -DIN 4149 Building in German earthquake areas -therefore static certainties can be exhausted. Normally they are 1,5 and higher. Assu·ming the anchor has a safety factor of 1,5 sufficient reserve for a earthquake shock is available. The horizontal load can be pi· ed up by 16 anchor an between concrete and steel. µ = , Proof dispensable. friction ~ --49 Load case 2 earthquake sho.ck : 153,90 ·2 · 0,76 0,76 0,76 p ' d = 6, 16 . 0,35 [ 1 -0, 7 ( 0,35. -1 )( 1 -0,82 ) ] = 99,20 kN / m2 < admissible p Margin of safety _against sliding is given . ,· i Waging Feb.19 1998 Signed MELZER 2'4-Mar-98 08:13 F.S.B.mbH #49 6. 960085 Position stability analysis -anchoring : The tower is a so called ,,Temporary stru~_tt.Jre" refering to DIN 4112. For the safety against overturning and sliding smaller wind shear amounts of safety margin can be used then In the DIN 18 80() ( "f F ·'I'= 1,5) Refenng to DIN 4112: r w = ·1,2 F hW = 11, 10 · 1,2 / 1,5 = 8,88 kN M w = 86,52 · 1,2 / 1,5 • 69,22 kN m ; Anchor load: ~ 2 · 69,22 maxF1= s + 1-1.0 =-4,33+17,31=12,98kN; available FISCHER reactlon anchor R M12 Foundation concrete quality = B 2~ Anchor distance a -15 cm < nonn a = 27 Therefore reduced anchor load. red. F = pennlted F · X a I!!!!. 1.. j_§_ ..1 X "= ( 1 + a ) · 2 • ( 1 + 21 ) • 2. = 0, 78 Permited reduced F = 2. 10. 0,78 = 15,60 kN ?-12,98 In load case 2 = earthquake shock : Max F 1 • 16,5~ kN 47 An earthquake shock is an exception -DIN 4149 Building in German earthquake areas -therefore static certainties can be exhausted; Normally they are 1,5 and higher. Assuming the anchor has a safety factor of 1,5 sufficient reserve for a earthquake shock .is ava.ilable. The horizontal load can be picked up by 16 anchor and partly due to friction between concrete and steel. µ = 0,2 Proof dispensable. To Compare : One ( 1x ) bolt alone is able to conduct a horizontal load of 7,80 KW. 16 bolts are available. S.02 -·-42 51,98 cr w = 2. 2,so = 9,28 kN I cm._2 __ ~ crw / r w, R, d:;:: 9,28 I 73 = 0 45 < · . . ' -- Verification of the transmission of the t~11_s~I~ force is not necessary.~~ Bearing: : -:~_·:·-:: ... >~::~·.: .. ~:'. .. :· j:·F~ ---.. ~ System: . ... · · · · .rn . .l:t.. . . ---:-.. i=11 483 The transition of the loads from the tower into the ring bearing is beyond all doubt ensured . Proof not nessesary Transmition of the loads into the bearing cross: Refer to th~ ,,HETWA" computer print of calculation in resulting bearing load. Load case 1 Wind: Fv d = 2. 18,64.= 37,28 kN ( 11. F = 1,35} F Hw,d= 2 · 5,55 = 11,10 kN {}. F ·'I'= 1,5) M w , d = 2 . 441 0 = 8820 kN m (11. F · 'I' = 1,5 ) Vertical load without part safety factory t: Fv= 27,60 kN Load case 2 : earthquake shock ( exceptional} ~ l i ~ ~ _., ... . . ··:..~ ·~ ..... F Av= 2 · 22,88 = 45,76 kN FA H = 2 · 6, 17 = 12,34 kN . M A= 2 -3936 = 7872 kN m Vertical load without part safety factor I F v= 33,60 kN Dead weight from drive, the ring and the rotating track: Gu = 5,00 kN; Support reactions on the cross: Load case 1: 8 bearing points with r:= 884 I = 442 mm max bearing point load: ..:£..y_ 2. M 37.28 + 1.35 · 5,0 2 (8820 + 11.10 · 35 l min F 1, ct= s -s . r = 8 • 27,60 -5.0 max F 1, ct= .s + 52,08 = +48,00 kN Load case 2: c:=:'."°"' eatfiquake shocK on ry F A,H,ru= 0,367 · 5,0 = 1,84 kN ~t3A • Lever arm to top edge cross -0,35 m, 8 · 44,2 IM A= 7872 + ( 12,34 + 1,84) -35 = 8368 kN cm 45,76 + 1,35 · 5.0 2 · 8368 =-5,50 ~ 52,08=-57,58 kN min F 1, ct = s -8 . 44,2 = -6,56 -47,33..= -53,89 kN . --:::> • 33.60 -5.00 max F 1, ct= s A 47,33 .= 42,51 kN ; 43 Proof: -- Transmition of the .min. support reactions. Line of welding between cross section and flange of lower ring bearing: a=~ 5,6 19,3 42,5 60 t w= 5,6 + 1,61 · 12 + 5 · 8,5 + 5 -12 = 12·7 mm Aw= 0,56 -12,7 = 7,00 cm 2 aw= 57,5817,11 = 8,10 kN / cm 2 8,10 / 20,73 = 0;39 <1 Transmition of the tensile forces: 2 bolts M 12 ( 8.8) N R, ct = 1, 13 · 64 / ( 1, 1 -1, 1 ) = 59, 77 kN Respectively: N R,d= 0,843 · 80 / ( 1,25: 1,1·) = 49,05 kN 48,00 N 1 = 2 = 24, 00 kN 24,00/49~ Load bearing line of weldings for the transmition of .the tensile force. Gusset plate: Aw 1 = 2 -0,3. 3,0 = 1,80 cm2 Partial load bearing web plate line of welding Li 5,6 A w2 =·0,56 · 5,0 = 2,80 cm 2 _M,.QQ a w = 1,80 + 2,80 = 5 22 kN / cm 2 The transmition of the horizontal loads is also possible alone over friction by the prestressed screws. Comparision with DIN 4112: 16 x M 12 ( 8.8) L F v = 16 · 37 = 592 kN ; friction value min µ = 0, 1 admissible FH = 592 · o, 1 = 59,2 kN >> existing F H. 44 Bearing cross : -.e Resultant bearing point is the middle between the composit anchor. r m = 1000 mm Weight of the cross app. 200 kg Support reactions and stress-resultant components Load case 1 L F v,ct= 37,28 + 1,35 { 5,00 + 2,00} = 46,13 kN; . F Hw,d = 11, 10 kN M w, ct = 8820 + 11, 1 o . 55 = 9431 kN cm Vertical load without partial safety value: F v = 27,6 + 7,00 = 34,60 kN -46,73 2 · 9431 min. F 1, ct = s -s . 100 = = -5,84 -23,58 = -29,42 kN ; -34,60 . max F 1,ct = s + 23,58 = 19,26 kN max M y,ct= 29,42 -0,558 = 16,42 kN m; Load case 2: I: F Av,ct= 45,76 + 1,35 { 5,00 + 2,00) = 55,21 kN F Ah = 12,34 + 0,367 ( 5,00 + 2,00 ') = 14,91 kN M A = 7872 + ( 12,34 + 1,85 ) · 55 = 8652 kN cm Vertical load without partial safety value / . F AV= 33,60 + 7,0 = 40,60 kN: -55.21 ~ min F 1 , ct = s -s. 100 = = -6,90-21,63 = 28,53 kN -40,60 . . max F 1,ct = s + 21,63 = 16,56 kN Proof: -Dominant is load case 1 : On the outer boarder: cr x , d = 1642 / 194 = 8,46 kN / cm 2 cr R,d = 24,0 / 1,1 = 21,8_0 kN / cm 2 8,46 / 21,80 = 0,39 < 1 According EL ( 7 44) : In the area of the web: e = 100 -8, 5 -12 = 79, 5 mm 1642 · 7,95 ~- 0" x, d = 1s40 -6, 73 kN' / cm 2 '< 0,5 . r y, h Permitted transmissible force from the bearing -ring. Load bearing length I: I 2 = 8 + 5 ( 12 + 8,5 + 12 ) = 8 + 162,5 = = 170 mm; s = 5,6 mm F y , h = 24, 0 kN / cm 2 yM =1,1 - -~ .... • I •• I • II N i ., Pl h . -. . -T e tower 1s a sQ called ,,Temporary structure" refering to DIN 4112. For the safety against overturnin~ and sliding smaller wind shear amounts of safety margm can be used then m the DIN 18 800 ( y F • '¥ = 1,5 ) Refering to DIN 4112 :-yw= 1,2 F hw = 11, 10 · 1,2 / 1,5 = 8,88 kN M w = 86,52 · 1,2 / 1,5 = 69,22 kN rn ; Anchor load: 34,60 2 · 69,22 max F 1 = s + s. 1,0 = -4,33 + 17,31 = 12, 98 kN; available FISCHER reaction anchor R M12 Foundation concrete quality= 8 25 Anchor distance a = 15 cm < norm a = 27 Therefore reduced anchor load. red. F = permited F · X a reda 1._ 1§_ .1 X a = ( 1 + a ) · 2 :::: ( 1 + 27 ) · 2 = 0, 78 Permited reduced F = 2. 10 · 0,78 = 15;60 kN > 12,98 In load case 2 = earthquake shock : Max F 1 = 16,56 kN An earthquake shock is an exception DIN 4149 Building in German earthquake areas .. therefore static certainties can be exhausted. Normally they are 1,5 and higher. Assuming the anchor has a safety factor of 1,5 sufficient reserve for a earthquake shock is available. The horizontal load can be pi -ed up by 16 anchor an between concrete and steel. µ = , Proof dispensable. o friction ~ Position safety""'" F.dation: - No reduction of safety referirtg to DIN 41·12. A circular foundation with an outside diamete~ of 2,80m and a height of 0,80 m. y = 23,0 kN I m 3 r F = 23,0. 0,80 -n. 2,802 1 H = 113,30 kN, •' Stress resultant corii'ponents in the foundation joint Load case 1 -Wind : I y = 34,60 + 113,30 = 147,90 kN M w,d = 94,31 + 11,10 · 0,80 = 103,19 kN m; Loadcase-earthquakashock: I y = 40,60 + 113,30 = 153,90 kN; MA= 86,52 + 14,91 · 0,80 + 0,367 · 90,32 · 0,40 = 86,52 + 11,93 + 13,26 = 111,71 kNm; Stability refering to handbook 2 steel buildings: Load case 1 -Wind : 1 = 10'3,19 / 147,90 = 0,10 m; -1 k 1 = 4 -1,40 = 0,35 < t = split joint ~ k 2 = 1s • 1,40 = o,82 > I = ·o, 70 m Load case 2 earthquake shock : t = 111,71 / 1.53,90 = 0,76 m < k 2= 0,82 m; Pressure on soil : Load case 1 -Wind : A= 2,802 n I 4 = 6, 16 m2 Ll..:..L ..1. ! P,d =A-k1 [1-0,7(k1 -1 )(1-k2 )] 147,90 · 2 · 0.70 0,70 0,70 6, 16 . 0,35 [ 1 -0, 7 ( 0,35 -1) ( 1 -0,82 ) ] = 81,98 kN / m2 < ??? - Load case 2 earthquake shock : 153,90 ·2 · 0.76 0,76 0,76 P . d = s, 1s. o,35 [ 1 -O; 7 ( o,35 -1 ) (. 1 -o,s2 ) ] = 99,20 kN I rt12 < admissible . p Margin of safety against sliding is given . Waging Feb.19 1998 Signed · MELZER -..---;,-;n.1::-;rnrmr:rrn: rn:xn& · , -49 2"4-Mar-9B OB:13 F.S.B.GmbH -Position stability analysis· anchoring: #49 6766 9600B5 - The tower is a so called ,,Temporary structure•• refering· to DIN 4112. For the safety against overturning and sliding smaller wind shear amounts of safety margin can be used then In the DIN 18. 800 ( 'Y F. '¥ = 1,5) Refering to DIN 4112: 1 w-= 1,2 F hW: 11,10-1,2 / 1,5 = 8,88 kN M w = 86,52 · 1,2 / 1,5 • 69,22 kN m ; Anchor load: ~ z. f9,2Z maxF1= s + 1-1,0 =-4,33+17,31=121 98kN; available FISCHER reaction anchor R M12 Foundation concrete quality = B 25 Anchor distance a :; 15 cm < norm a m 27 Therefore reduced anchor load. red. F = pennlted F · X • .wtL 1-1L _j X a= ( 1 + a ) · z • ( 1 + 21 ) • 2 = 0, 78 Permited reduced F = 2. 10 · 0,78 • 15,60 kN > 12,98 In load case 2 = earthquake shock ; Max F 1 • 16,56 kN . 47 An earthquake shock is an exception. -DIN 4149 Building in German earthquake areas :. therefore · static certainties can be exhausted. Normally they are 1,5 and higher. Assuming the anct,or has a safety factor of 1,5 sufficient reserve for a earthquake shock is available. The horizontal load can be picked up by 16 anchor and partly due to friction between conc~ete and steei. µ = 0,2 Proof dispensable. To ComR§rQ : One ( 1x ) bolt alone is able to conduct a horizontal load of 7,80 KW. 16 bolts are av.ailable. S.02 --42 51,98 cr w = 2 . 2,80 = 9,28 kN / cm -2 __ .·:- crw/r w,R,d:9,28/ ~-. Q Verification of the transmis~ion ~~-~~~-t~~-s~I-~ ~~rce is not necessary. K Bearing: · : .. :~.-<-.. ~:·.-·:: .. _· .... :::·:· .. r:F~ .... : ....... System: .. · · · · · .{l) . .H.. . . ~ F II 1· . ... . . ······· • ,.; . -·.· .. ~ The transition of the loads from the tower into the ring bearing is beyond all doubt ensured . Proof not nessesary Transmition of the loads into the bearing cross: Refer to the ,,HETWA" computer print of calculation in resulting bearing load. Load case 1 Wind: Fv d = 2 · 18,64 = 37,28 kN ( 1 F = 1,35) F H w. d = 2 . 5,55 = 11, 10 kN (11. F ·'P = 1,5 ) M w, d = 2 · 4410 = 8820 kN m (11. F -'P = 1,5) Vertical load without part safety factory r: Fv= 27,60 kN Load case 2 : earthquake shock ( exceptional) F Av= 2 · 22,88 = 45,76 kN F AH= 2 · 6,17 = 12,34 kN M A = 2 · 3936 = 7872 kN m Vertical load without part safety factor I F v= 33,60 kN Dead weight from drive, the ring and the rotating track: Gu = 5,00 kN; Support reactions on the cross: Load case 1: 8 bearing points. with r= 884 / = 442 mm max bearing point load: ...:£_y_ 2-·M 37.28+1,35·5,0 2(8820+11,10.-35) min F 1, d = a -a . r = a -8 . 44,2 =-5,50 -52,08=-57,58 kN -27,60 -5,0 max F 1, d = -8 + 52,08 = +48,00 kN Load case 2: c:::"."' eathquake shock on ry" F A, H , r u = 0,367 · 5,0 = 1,84 kN - ~13~ Lever arm to top edge cross --0,35 m, :EM A= 7872 + ( 12,34 + 1,84). 35 = 8368 kN cm 45,76 + 1.35 · 5,0 2 · 8368 min F 1, d = s -8 . 44,2 = -6,56 -47,31= -53,89 kN -33,60 -5,00- max F 1, d = s .-:::± 47,33 = 42,51 kN ; ~ 43 Proof: -Transmition of the min. support reactions. Line of welding between cross section and flange of lower ring bearing: a.= ti 5,6 19,3 42,5 60 1. w= 5,6 + 1,61 -12 + 5 -8,5 + 5 -12 = 127 rrim Aw= 0,56 -12,7 = 7,00 cm 2 cr w = 57,58 / 7,11 = 8,10 kN / cm 2 8,10 / 20,73 = 0,39 <1 Transmition of the tensile forces: 2 bolts M 12 ( 8.8) N R , d = 1, 13 -64 / ( 1, 1 -1, 1 ) = 59, 77 kN Respectively : N R, d = 0,843 -80 /-( 1,25 -1, 1 ) = 49,05 kN 48,00 N 1 = 2 = 24,00 kN 24,00/49~ Load bearing line· of weldings for the transmit.ion of the tensile force. Gusset plate : A w 1 = 2 -0,3 -3,0 = 1,80 cm2 Partial load bearing web pf ate line of welding A. 5,6 A w 2 = 0,56 -5,0 = 2,80 cm 2 _M,QQ cr w = 1,80 + 2,80 = 5 22 kN / cm 2 The transmition of the horizontal loads is also possible alone over friction by the prestressed screws. Comparisionwith DIN 4112: 16 x M 12 ( 8.8) IF v = 16 -37 = 592 kN; friction value min µ = 0, 1 admissible FH = 592 -0, 1 = 59,2 kN >> existing F H. 44 Bearing cross : -.... : , ·: Resultant bearing point is the middle -between the com!sit anchor. rm= 1000 mm Weight of the cross-app. 200 kg Support reactions and stress-resultant components Load case 1 L F v,d= 37,28 + 1,35 ( 5,00 + 2,00) = 46,73 kN; F Hw,d = 11, 10 kN M w, d = 8820 + 11; 1 O . 55 = 9431 kN cm Vertical load without partial safety value: F v = 27,6 + 7,00 = 34,60 kN -46.73 2 · 9431 min. F 1, d = s - s . 100 = = -5,84 -23,58 = -29,42 kN ; • 34,60 max F 1,d = s +. 23,58 = 19,26 kN max M y,d= 29,42 · 0,558 = 16,42 kN m; Load case 2: L F Av, d = 45,76 + 1,35 { 5,00 + 2,00) = 55,21 kN FA h = 12,34 + 0;3s7 ( 5,oo + 2,00) = 14,91 kN M A = 7872 + ( 12,34 + 1,85 ) -55 = 8652 kN cm Vertical load without partial safety value / . F AV= 33,60 + 7,0 = 40,60 kN -55,21 2 · 8652 min F 1, d = s -s. 100 -= = -6,90 -21,63 = 28~53 kN -40,60 max F 1,d = s + 21,63 = 16,56 kN I • I ! t'IOOt: Dominant is load c.e 1 : On the outer boarder: cr x , d = 1642 / 194 = 8,46 kN I cm 2 cr R,d = 24,0 / 1,1 = 21,80 kN / cm 2 8,46 ./ 21,80 = 0,39 < 1 According EL ( 744): In the area of the web : e = 100-8,5-12 = 79,5 mm 1642 · 7,95 cr x, d = 1s40 0,5 · t y, h Permitted transmissible forte from the bearing -:-ring. Load bearing length I: I 2 = 8 + 5 ( 12 + 8,'5 + 12 ) = 8 + 162,5 = = 170 mm; s = 5,6 mm F y, h = 24,0 kN / cm 2 y M = 1, 1 F R,d = 0,56 · 17 -24,0 / 1,1 =·207,70 kN min F 1, d /FR, d = 57,58 / 20r;7 = 0,28 < ·- -·:II I • " n " I I " " " I ., " .J The tower is a so 4ted ,,Temporary structure" referi-to DIN 4112. For the safety against overturning and slidin~ smaller wind shear amounts of safety margin can be used then in the DIN 18 800 ( y F . 'I'= 1,5 ) Refering to DIN 4112: yw = 1,2 F hw = 11, 10 · 1,2 / 1,5 = 8,88 kN M w = 86,52 · 1,2 / 1,5 = 69,22 kN m; Anchor load: 34,60 2 ·. 69,22 max F 1 = a + a. 1,0 = -4,33 + 17,31 = 12, 98 kN ; available FISCHER reaction anchor R M12 Foundation concrete quality = 8 25 Anchor distance a = 15 cm < norm a = 27 Therefore reduced anchor I oad. red. F = permited F · X a reda j_ 1§._ ...1 X a = ( 1 + a ) · 2 = ( 1 + 27-) • 2 = 0, 78 Permited reduced F = 2, 10 -0,78 = 15,60 kN > 12,98 In load case 2 = earthquake shock : Max F 1 = 16,56 kN An. earthquake shock is an exception -DIN 4149 Building in German earthquake areas -therefore static certainties can be exhausted. N·ormalfy they are 1,5 and higher. Assuming the anchor has a safety factor of 1,5 sufficient reserve for a earthquake shock is available. The horizontal load can be pi ed up by 16 anchor an between concrete and steel. µ = o friction ~ Proof dispensable. t-'U!;;IUUII !:idl~lV -cvullUallUll. No reduction of s~-refering to DIN 4112. - A circular foundation with an outside diamete~ of 2,80m and a height of 0,80 m. y = 23,0 kN / m 3 r F = 23,o. o,so. n. 2,802 1 h = 11a,3o kN, Stress resultant components in the foundation joint Load case 1 -Wind : I y = 34,60 + 113,30 = 147,90 kN M w,d = 94,31 + 11,10 · 0,80 = 103,19 kN m; Loadcase-~arthquakeshock: I y = 40,60 + 113,30 = 153,90 kN; MA= 86,52 + 14,91 -0,80 + 0,367 -90,32 · 0,40 = 86,52 + 11,93 + 13,26 = 111,71 lNm; Stability refering to handbook 2 steel buildings: Load case 1 -Wind : i = 103,19 / 147,90 = 0,70 m; -1 k 1 = 4 -1,40 = 0,35 < 1. = split joint L.:...1E k 2 = 1s • 1,40 = 0,82 > I = Q, 70 m Load case 2 earthquake shock : 1. = 111,71 / 153,90 = 0,76 m < k 2= 0,82 m; Pressure on soil : Load case 1 -Wind : A= 2,802 1t / 4 = 6,16 m2 I:..1.:..L ..l. . .!: p ,d = A · k 1 [ 1 -0, 7 ( k 1 -1 ) ( 1 -k 2 .) ] 147.90 · 2 · 0.70 0,70 0,70 6, 16 . 0,35 [ 1 -0, 7 ( 0,35 -1) ( 1 -0,82 ) ] . = 81,98 kN / m2 < ??? -Load case 2 earthquake shock : 153,90 -2 · 0,76 0,76 0,76 P,d= 6,16-0,35 [1-O,7(o,35-1)f1-o,112)] = 99,20 kN / m2 < admissible p Margin of safety against sliding is given . Waging Feb.19 1998 Signed MELZER •• 49 City of Carlsbad <;<{)3/15/2@00 . _,.. Plan Check Revision Permit No:PCR00040 Job Address: Permit Type: Parcel No: Valuation: Reference #: Project Title: Building Inspection Request Line (760) 602-2725 1 LEGO~ DR CBAD PCR Lot#: O 2111000900 $0.00 Construction Type: NEW LEGOLAND KIDS POWER TOWER ADDITIONAL FOOTINGS Status: Applie<;I; Entered By: Plan Approved: Issued: Inspect Area: ISSUED 02/25/2000 GMF 03/15/2000 03/15/2000 LEGOLAND CALIFORNIA INC <LF> LEGOLANbtSTATES AG Applicant: _owr.ier.:~ 1?53 03/15/00 0002 01 CGP LEGOLAND CALIFORNIA INC <LF> LEG9kA'ND ESTA"'fES:'AG/\ _ C/0 PROPERTY TAX SERV CO \~ 9(0_J'fQ?iE~lj')TAX SERV CO PO BOX 543185 (1ry· ~\S P.G~B0X,543v851./ ~ DALLAS TX 75354 0::::1) _ DALLAS Tx""15a~~-\ ,A 7~~(\~~~ ~0 \ Total Fees: i $218.00 j FINAL APPROVAL Inspector: Date: _____ _ / I Clearance: $218.00 NOTICE: Please take NOTICE that approval of your project includes the "Imposition" of fees, dedications, reservations, or other exactions hereafter collectively referred to as "fees/exactions." You have 90 days from the date this permit w~s issued to protest imposition of these fees/exactions. If you protest them, you must follow the protest procedures set forth in Government Code Section 6602d{a), and file the protest and any other required information with the City Manager for processing in accordance with Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 3.32.030. Failure to timely follow that procedure will bar any subsequent legal action to attack, review, set aside, void, or annul their imposition. You are hereby FURTHER NOTIFIED that your right to protest the specified fees/exactions DOES NOT APPLY to water and sewer connection fees and capactiy changes, nor planning, zoning, grading or other similar application processing or service fees in connection with this project NOR DOES IT APPLY to any fees/exactions of which vou have oreviouslv been aiven a NOTICE similar to this or as to .which the statute of limitations has oreviouslv otherwise exoired. '-'' ' T ur-'-'AM · .. • , 2075 Las Palmas Dt., Carlsbad, CA 92009 (760) 438-1161 02 I ·-,t; PERMIT APPLICATION CtTY OF CARLSBAD BUILDING DEPARTMENT 1635 Faraday Ave., Carlsbad, CA 92008 Legal Description Lot No. Subdivision Name/Number Assessor's Parcel # Existing Use Name Address ~~1£~2E~ilnt<r.wrl!f!L·'.'.:.·;._: .• ·:· .~· -~-_,, ..... Name Address City City FOR OFFICE USE ONLY PLAN CHECK NO. f'cA.COOtf 0 EST. VAL.---------'-"--------'- Plan Ck. Deposit ,--,,-----------Va Iida t e d By A~ bate -;....[ 2-.:...5~[~ct-d~--'--------- Unit No. Phase No. Total # of·units Proposed Use State/Zip Telephone # · S.tate/Zip Telephone# ;:s;:,;;:,P'clt,1)'.R').\'.QJ;Q.ft:',(CP_MPA~X:;NAIV!,I;?.::,;., '.:.~· .,~. ' ... ;'.'.;~·: .... _, ~~ •. ,., , ~,::, ~7 ..... ---~=-_.,.... __ ._-_-.-~.---:'f-'.'.:.,,.,.__~. ~ 7,: ' i;,.,, :.~ .. ,.· _ ;S:; ~ ,;.',, x· ·. , ·; + C"'":::~" (Sec. 7031.5 Business and Professions Code: Any City or County which requires a permit to construct, alter, improve, demolish or repair any structure, prior to its issuance, also requires the applicant for such permit to· file a signed statement -that he is licensed p_ursuant to th·e provisions of the -Contractor's License Law [Chapter 9, commending with Section 7000 of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code] or that he is exempt therefrom, and the basis for the alleged exemption. Any violation of Section 7031.5 by any applicant for a-permit subjects the applicant to a civil penalty of·not more than five hundred dollars [$500]). Name Address City State/Zip Telephone #' State License # --'--~------License Class ,-~--------City Business License # -'-,-,'---~--- Designer Name Address City State/Zip State License # ~ <WORKERSf,OOMPErf~· *,:::;~.....,~·-:::;;~ ~~--:'.-: ''" ---.. , ,~::~, ; ':L_:;_:;;:_,_ .. : ; : '.7-~--".' Workers' Compensation Declaration: I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury one of the following declarations: Telephone O I have and will maintain a certificate of consentto self-insure for workers' compensation as provided by Section 3700-of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. 0 I have and will maintain workers' compensation, as required by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. My worker's compensation insurance carrier and policy number are: Insurance Company____________________ Policy No.____________ Expiration Date _______ _ (THIS SECTION NEED NOT BE COMPLETED IF THE PERMIT IS FOR ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS [$100] OR-LESS) O CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION: I certify that in the performance of the work for which this permit is issued, I shall not employ any person in any manner so as to become subject to the Workers' Compensation Laws of California. WARNING: Failure to secure workers' compensation coverage is unla,ivful, and shall subject an employer to criminal penalties and civil fines up to one hundred thousand dollars j$100,000), in addition to the-cost of compensation, damages as provided for in Section 3706 of the tabor code, interest and attorney's fees. SIGNATURE ____ -,---------------,----------..,,.. DATE ________ _ £7~..-=1•tAwNelirtu1i:oe:a;oicLAllAtioN .. : ,, .. ,': .. ··--,7:·-~·};;:>,.,.,., .. ;' ·~··> :':.:;".'.': ::·,:: . ::t .. "-,·~:,·-,:~::::~3·:,.'"'/··· · -~,: --~'.--"~ ,:',,:;, ~~t:~'~<··-~·'::,~·:::: :...::.'~2.f< -"~ I hereby affirm that I am exempt from the Contractor's License Law for the following reason: 0 I, as owner of the property or-my employees with wages as their sole compensation, -will -do the work and the structure is not intended or offered for sale (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Code: The Contractor's License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon, and who does such work himself or through his own employees, provided that such improvements are not intended or offered for sale. If, however, the building or·improvement is sold within one year of completion, the owner-builder will have the burden of proving that he did not build or-improve for the purpose of sale). 0 I, as owner of the property, am exclusively contraeting with licens'ed contractors to-construct the project (Sec. 7044, ·Business and Professions Code: The Contractor's License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon.-and contracts for such projects with contractor(s) licensed pursuant to the Contractor's License Law). 0 I am exempt under Section ______ Business and Professions Code for this reason: 1. I personally plan to provide·the major labor and materials for 9onstruction of the proposed property improvement. D YES ONO 2. I (have / have not) signed an applica_tion for a building permit for the proposed work. 3. I have contracted_with the following person (firm) to provide the proposed construction (include name / address I phone number / contractors license number): 4. I plan to provide portions of the work, but I have hired the following person to coordinate, supervise and provide the major work U'nclude name / address I phone number/ contractors license number)=----------------~----------------------------- 5. I will provide some of the work, but I have contracted (hired) the following persons to provide the work indicated (include name/ address / phone number/ type of work)=--------------------------~--------,.---------------------- Is the applicant or future building occupant required to submit a business plan, acutely hazardous materials registration form or risk management and' ·prevention program under Sections 25505, 25533 or 25534 of the Presley-Tanner Hazardous Substance Account Act? 0 YES O NO Is the applicant or future building o,ccupant req\Jired to obtain a permit from the air pollution control district 9r air quality management district? 0 YES O NO Is the facility to be constructed within 1,000 feet of the outer boundary of a school site? 0 YES O NO IF ANY OF THE ANSWERS ARE YES, A FINAL CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY MAY NOT BE ISSUED UNLESS THE APPLICANT HAS MET OR IS MEETING THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE OFFICE OF EMERGEI\ICY SERVICES AND THE AIR POLLUTION .CONTROL DISTRICT. i.8i;;:;~u-o.r1<>'N:'teN01N¢l'XGEtJcv.: :'.:::yr~::-~2:-:-~-~ .~ .... ;........~,~.,,_, .. _. · "' ~--·,_ · : I hereby affirm that there is a construction lending agency for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued (Sec. 3097(0 Civil Co.de). LENDER'S NAME :;,;;;.;;;;;;;:;;:;;;;;;;;;::::::::::;:::::;;;:;;::::;;=::::;::::::::;:::::::::::=~,,...::..LE:;._N:..::D:..::E;._R_;.'S __ A-D __ D_R_E_S_S::;:::=::;:::::==::::;;;:::::::;;:;:::;:::::::;::::;;:;::::::::::;::;::::;:::::;:::::;:::;:::;:::::::::::::::;::;::;::::;:::::::;::::;:::::;::::::;=., :~;k£,'l'~I:f1,!;ICANTwP.!i,ijJJfi~A~!'J,N,;';.7' ,;:,2>,,-/2·,).,-;' .:·•;;~, ·-,:;.·_,,.,.,, ... ,/:,:',~:,,;;.; .. ~,;~,.,~.;~.,,;, ,;,,'-;:C ,.: :cis'ic';,.:-. ',:.;, ~:;,c;,c;..'.:,}:C:.;::';.;,;.;,.,;.,i,;,,:,_;Jw :::;,;.;;i'.,,{!l,,. ·,: ;(f:7, ·t:,_, .. ;l,i'.~J ,;:·,;,., :] I certify that I have read the application and state that the above information is correct and that the information on· the pla.os is accurate. -1 agree to comply with all City ordinances and State laws relating to building construction. I hereby authorize representatives of the Citt of. Carlsbad to enter upon the above mentioned property for inspection purposes. I ALSO AGREE TO SAVE, INDEMNIFY AND KEEP HARMLESS THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AGAINST ALL LIABILITIES, JUDGMENTS, COSTS AND EXPENSES WHICH MAY IN ANY WAY ACCRUE AGAINST SAID CITY IN CONSEQUENCE OF THE GRANTING:OF THIS PERMIT. OSHA: An OSHA permit is required for excavations over .5'0" deep and demolition or construction of structures over 3 stories in height. EXPIRATION: Every permit issued by the building Official under the provisions of this Code shall expire-by limitation and become null and void if the building or work authorized by such permit is not commenced within 180 days from t date of such permit or if 'the building or work authorized by such permit is suspended or abandoned at any time after the work is cotR1T~~-f 80 da (SE'lct n 106.4.4 Uniform Building Code). YELLOW: Applicant PINK: finance -', ' -List 1 -Permit-Type From the following list, determine the permit-type that best describes the work you propose to do. Please put the code of tha,t . ,;. permit-type in the blank at the top of the page on the front of this application. Residential permits (only) also require the identification of the structure-type to be associated with the permit. Choose a structure-type from "List 2 -Structure-Types" and put its code in the appropriate blank on the front of this application. Residential Permits Code . " --Description APT Apartments -new construction. CONDO Condominiums -new construction. CVNNR Conversion. Convert all or a portion of a residential units. non-residential building to residential use, creating one or more new CVNRN Conversion. Convert one or more residences in a building to non-residential usage. CVNRR Conversion. Increase or reduce the number of dwelling units in a residential structure through interior modifications (i.e.: a four bedroom house converted to a duplex. with 2 bedrooms each). DEMO Demolition oermit. (Also specify type of structure from List 2). DUP Duplex -new construction. MOHO Mobile home, renovation, repair, or addition of accessory structure not yielding a new living unit. MOHON Mobile home, pre-fabricated house, or trailer installed (plumbed, wired) in a mobile home park (see distinction from single-family residence, below). RAD Residential addition/alteration, creating no new dwelling unit(s). RREISSUE Residential permit re-issue. RREPAIR Residential building repair. Damage, fire, etc. RREPLACE Residential building replacement (no additional units). SFA Single-family, attached -new construction. A one-family house attached to one or more other houses, with one or more common walls extending from foundation to roof at, or forming, a lot line. Has own plumbing and heating system (e.~.: townhouse, row house, half-plex) SFD Single-family, detached -new construction: A one-family house with open area on all four sides. May have an attached or detached garage, or a business. May be a detached "granny flat". May be a mobile home or trailer on an individual lot, but not in a mobile home park. Non-Residential/ Accessory Permits Code Description COM Commercial structure, new construction. CREISSUE Commercial permit re-issue. CREPAIR Commercial building -repair. Damage, fire, etc. CREPLACE Commercial building -replaczement. CTI Commercial tenant improvement, DEMO Demolition permit. ELEC Electrical permit, for electrical work only. HOTEL Hotel or motel (including Managed Living Unit hotel) -new construction. HOTELR Hotel renovation. lNDUST Industrial structure, new construction. lTI Industrial tenant improvement. MECH Mechanical permit, for mechanical work only. MISC Miscellaneous. Use only if proposed work doesn't fit another activity type. PATIO Patio and/or deck. PLUM Plumbing permit, for plumbing work only. POOL Gunite pools and spas. RETAIN Retainin~ wall oermit. SIGN Sign construction/installation permit. SOLAR Solar energy system installation permit (specify structure type to be served). SPA Factory-made or Gunite. List 2 -Structure-Type (Use with Residential Permit Only) From the following list, determine the type of residential structure that best describes the structure on which you will be working. Please put the code of that structure-type in the appropriate blank at the top of the page on the front of this aoolication. Code Description SFA Single-family, attached. A one-family house attached to one or more other houses, with one or more common walls extending from foundation to roof at, or forming, a lot line. Has own plumbing and heating system (e.g.: townhouse, row house, half-plex). SFD Single-family detached: A one-family house with open area on all four sides. May have an attached or detached garage, or a business. May be a detached •granny flat•. May be a mobile home or trailer on an individual lot, but not in a mobile home park. MF2-4 Multi-family, 2 to 4 units. A residential structure on a single lot, containing two, three, or four dwelling units. Units may share master heating, plumbing, or electrical service (e.g.: duplex, triplex, quad-plex). MFS+ Multi-family, 5 or more units. Same as MF2-4, except the building has a t least five attached units on the same lot. MOHO Mobile home, pre-fabricated house, or trailer installed (plumbed, wired) in a mobile home park (see distinction from single-family residence, above). Es,Gil Corporation 1n Partnership witfi. (jovemment for '13uiu£ing Safety DATE: March 6, 2000 JURISDICTION: Carlsbad ~ tl PLAN REVIEWER 0 FILE PLAN CHECK NO.: 99-4437 REV (PCR 00-40) SET: I PROJECT ADDRESS: 1 Lego Dr. PROJECT NAME: Kids Power Tower Additional Footings D D D D D The plans transmitted herewith. have been corrected where necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes. The plans transmitted herewith will substantially comply .with the jµrisdiction's building codes when minor deficiencies identified below are resolved and checked by building department staff. The plans transmitted herewith have. significant deficiencies identified on the enclosed check list and should be corrected and resubmitted for a complete recheck. The check list transmitted herewith is for your information. The plans are being held at Esgil Corporation until corrected plans are submitted for recheck . . The applicant's copy of the check list is enclosed for the juri$diotion to forward to the applicant contact person. The applicant's copy oJ the check list has been sent to: Esgil Corporation staff did not advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. Esgil Corporation staff did advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. Person contacted: Telephone#: Date contacted: (by: ) Fax #: Mail Telephone Fax In Perso(l [8J REMARKS: The plans shall clearly indicate the assumptions-made by the engineer for the proposed tower elements: 20" wide, 35'· tall and at least 50% open. By: Kurt Culver Esgil Corporation D GA D MB O EJ D PC 2/29/00 Enclosures: ·.-· . ~~ - trnsmtl.dot 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208 + ~an Diego, California 92123 + (858) 560-1468 + Fax (858) 560-1576 • i .. Carlsbad 99-4437 REV March 6, 2000 VALUATION AND PLAN CHECK FEE JURISDICTION: Carlsbad PLAN CHECK NO.: 99-4437 REV PREPARED BY: Kurt Culver BUILDING ADDRESS:. 1 Lego Dr. BUILDING OCCUPANCY: DATE: March 6, 2000 TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: BUILDING PORTION BUILDING AREA VALUATION VALUE (ft. 2) MULTIPLIER ($) ' Air Conditioning Fire Sprinklers TOTAL VALUE: D 199 UBC Building Permit Fee D Bldg. Permit Fee by ordinanc~: $ D 199 UBC Plan Check Fee D Plan Check Fee by ordinance: $ Type of Review: D Complete Review D Structural Only [:gl Hourly D Repetitive Fee Applicable D Other: Esgil Plan Review Fae: $ 174.30 Comments: Footing review: Esgil fee = 2 hrs. @ $87.15/hr. Sheet 1 of 1 macvalue.doc 5196 ' , C: C: C: <ti "' "' li: a: a: PLANNING ~DEPARTMENT BUILDING PLAN CHECK REVIEW CHECKLIST ., Plan Check No-:-eB-fc,~ oool/Q Address .:f_ LEGQL.Atv/J .,(),f1r/£ Planner L)oa Neu. Phorie (619) 438-1161, extension 'It/~ APN: 2./ I--loo -oq . . . ,. T f P .. & U .~"c'~'iThe ~ N ·.· . yp~ o roJect . se:~ e. ~id ~-. et P_r~J_ect Density: If////-DU/AC Zoning: C-7:-9 .· Gene~an: ---,;,&, . Fac1llt1es Management Zone: 13 CFD~out} # ·; Date of participation:/2--2;~93 Remail"!ing net dev acres: /S- ~1e one · · (For non-residential developmel'.lt: Type of land used created by · this permit: Al I. o±hec COmr-zecc-ie I use..r ) Legend: ~ Item Complete (0) Item Incomplete -,N~eds your action Environmental Review Required: YES NO TYPE ---- DATE OF COMPLETION:-'------ Compliance with conditions of approval? If not, state conditions which require action. Conditions of Approval: ~)9 D Discretionary Action Required: YES NO TYPE· ---- APPROVAL/RESO. Nn. -----,---'--·DATE ___ _ PROJl:CT NO. §<)f) _9t2z.-/c/ . OTHER RELArED CASES:-------'---~-------------- Compliance with conditions or approval? If not, state conditions which require action. Conditions of Approval: ______ ,---_,_ ______ ----'------------------- Coastal Zeme Assessment/Compliance . \. ,. '. , Project sit¢·1:0eatea' -in':C()a$fa1·.zone?,~--YEsk · N(J_· ·_._ .. ,; .- r CA' -Cda~;ta'I ):6mnii~~ior/ J,utliority?; -·,. y·6s~ NO _x. . \" If California Coastal Commission Autho·rity: Contact them at -3111 Camino Del Rio North, Suite 200, San Diego CA 92108:-1725;. {619) 521-8036 Determine status (Coastal Permit Required or Exempt): .:z:s.s~ CL);'} 9C-/C . Coastal Perm rt Oetermination Form alrec:1dy ·completed? YES NO If NO, complete Coastal Permit Determination Form·now. Coastal Permit Determination Log #: Follow-Up Actions: 1) Stamp Building Pla:ns as "Exempt" or "Coastaf Permit Required" (at minimum Floor Plans)_. . _ \ · _2) Complete: Coastc:11· Permit Determination Log as needed. i ~ . - ' \ I lnclusionary Housing Fee required: YES (Effective date of lnclusionary Housing Ordinance -May 21, 1993.) Data Entry Completed? YES NO NO ·; ._: . ·.(A/P/Ds, Actiyity Maintenance', enter CB#, toolbar, Screens, Housing Fees, Construct Housing Y/N, Enter Fee, UPDATE!) D GD .. ODD Site Plan: 1. Provide a fully dimensional site plan drawn to scale. Show: North arrow, . '· . property lines, easements, existing and proposed structures, streets, existing street improvements, right-of-way width, dimensional setbacks and existing topographical lines·. · 2. Provide legal description of property and assessor's parcel number. Zoning: 1. Setbacks: Front: Required -------Shown ------Interior Side: Required -------Shown ------Street Side: Required ------Shown ------Rear: Required ---'-----Shown ------ 2. Accessory structure setbacks: Front: Required ------Shown ------Interior Side: Required ------Shown ------Street Side: Required ------Shown ------Rear: Required ------Shown ------ Structure separation: Required ------Shown ------ 3. Lot Coverage: Required ------Shown 4. Height: Required ---,.---Shown _____ _ ~ Show Ae(Jh-t-ornol e-/eVOt-f,'cw.--,.s -for--f-he-rx/ e/e--ie-,-fs '--Gr" wJ-11 'ch ~ o,,c£(/-t,C>t,;fct I ~ it~ 5. Parking: Spaces Required ______ Shown ------~pro~ Guest Spaces Required ______ Shown _____ _ Additional Comments ________________________ _ DATEJ--/o/"-0O PAGE: / of __ _ BURGESS ENGINEERING GROUP JOB#: _q,._,_q--"--()-"--3_._q--=-D'-'-[ __ DATE: . Z -,8 -2,ciac, NAME: Jft5rJ/ . I ·1 zo I z.Yz-•¢ .-ZL 0 1 ZD 11 0 ~ } tbi.-,hr tPY £l) I k1/r? d?,,-~(""? · #~ r-14,,,t,-,X: Af-0-e-~~,.r/ · .s:~1 J6.tv/r fe,9~ /,<//r~d ~?~Fe/ o-!So 7,h. ~,,.,./, .e /1'6 ::-/L,--~'1" /I -- ~ ~ J-43 ,P= 4z C17 16 2: µ.,) 'J---:V .:-/. /3?) ' ?6 :-4'--4~.,,,-,,,,,.___ 4r /.4-3 c::!.c; !: / • ..3 /7 ~ (! ,/3.)(1, 3)( /t,; ~4-~o/ { /. o) I : , l ! "-~ ;~, ./8 t1/ 4,z;>..a~----- ' ~ ! ' I J:ol: ! I I l . ~ ·-,._, .. . . ' -~-l 1--.. 1- 1 I Jl ,, ' ! [') BURGESS ENGINEERING GROUP ...... --!-.. -· . ~$ ffe.v~r ~.v~,,.-- -;:;0fr.,,,?7£,£2! ;f"trf--/rt.fpk1rlf-- 4' ~ r,,-=4 ,*'/,J?;?6 C/#,n;/WJ I _, ,b PAGE: £_ of JOB#: qqo-3q-l> t DATE: fl?-13 -ZePdJ NAME: J./5.J-- I -~· . __ .. _. -~ t'-1 \_ -.:·' PAGE;, ____ of ___ _ BURGESS ENGINEERING GROUP JOB #: _ _._q__,_q ...._D-""-29 ....... ----"D....,_/ __ ' DATE: ______ _ NAME: ______ _ (!,,, I ,L/.s = :Z I _,KC,/ )Ge,,, I c4v,/? /_p~~ 6 dt7,6.S, P;,?d;::-;-4'.;tt.1" r ~ --- ,Z.. 3,:~&"1/1-)( I 7 7 ~- r.::: 6t/ c/ -I l 1,)()/J ;t,,, == 14.;/s ~ -= ;2,45: IP~~-. .1.7/::.. l I I i r·· -----1 -1--.. --. -•• ~·-. -f -------, ___ J __ _ : t I I . I -' --·· ·~ ~ -~-___ !_,. ____ ·_ . ...:_ ...... __ , --.J~ ~--·j-------~~--·----·~:_ .... ' -. -·-·-·--__ j_ ------· .... ._ ' ·----·--' _ __,.;~---.. - - Statics for H'EEGE Tower The ride consists of a Tower which can be used by a maxium of 8 people at the same time usil)9 four twin seats . The seats can be pulled up to a height of 6,60 m above ground. The following calculations are an analysis only of wind influence and earthquake shock/seismic effects (USA) to the Tower itself, the bearings, and foundation. The parts necessary to winch passengers up have been analysed in a seperate calculation. Computation base; DIN 4112 ,,Temporary stucture" DIN 4149 Building in German earthquake areas DIN 18800 Building in steel Part 1 -2 DIN 1055 load assumption for buildings Part 4 DASt guideline 016 UNIFORM BULIDING COOE Volume 2 ( USA) Catalogue Firm:Avdel TEXTRON (rivit) Construction material: 1983 1981 1990 1986 1992 1994 Steel S235JR, Steel ST 02 Z (DIN 17 162), Bolts M 12 (8.8), High tension fine steel rivit, concrete B 25 , Fischer reaction anchor R Literature: Stahlbau Handbuch Part.2 Petersen: Stahlbau ,Vieweg Verlag Table of contents: Pos.1 Tower Pos. 2 Bearing Stress analyst : Dipl.lng(FH) Hans J. Melzer Postkellerstr.18a 83329 Waging -·Germany. Phone:# 49. 8681 . 1435 Fax : # 49. 8681 . 4104 1985 1993 2-4 43 -50 Pos.1 Tower System and load - -Center of gravity at wind surface from head of tower and its decoration Paneling ", • - .. . . -. -. ·-· -. · HEFr. 2 Jos. 1 turi,n ... r; y 5 I e m : . u vi 0{ 13 t-{ u. 5 f u [/{ 9. C) a ().) .::, ii:! ~ <'v c:::s-~ C) 2 ~ -(:) Cl ~ C C ~ C) a:, ~ '.:) C) ~ a a c-., '=" \.() ~ ~] () C) ""' "<: ~u : _i_s;oo_ 0 C) o· °' ) ~ Ver G { e id.u1-1. ~ 6 0 .. -1 ,~Ert;r I -) \ I ()0, -..: .J f · ,, _,, 1/ . I"' ~ 600 B0RO F. BAUSTATIK U. STAHLBAU ING. HANS J. MELZER POSiKBl.ERSTR. 18A • TEL 08681/1435 • FAX 4104 83329 WAGING/ SEE - Interference: Permanent Interference: Own weight of tower without drive . GT K = 2025 kg =/\ 20,25 kN Seats for 8 people Gs 1-: = 4. 75 = 300 kg =I\ 3,00 kN Head of tower (incl.bearing beam and casters) Gn1-: = 135 kg =/\ 1,35 kN Standard covering head of tower G kk = 100 kg =/\ 1,00 kN Optional decoration on head of tower G dek K = 200 kg =/\ 2,00 kN LG K ::::: 2025 + 300 + 135 + 100 + 200 ::::: 2760 kg =/\ 27,60 kN Variable interfetence: Live load 8 people p K = 8 · 0,75 = 6,00 kN Wind: Determination of size -wind while ride is not in use: Basis are DIN 4112 and DIN 1055 /Part 4 1: The tower has a octagonal crosscut with d = 1,10 m Basis DIN 1055 : Cr= 1,4 -\JI = 8,0 m 'J,., = 2-8 I 1,10 =14,5 --. \JI ::;:0,74 C r = 1,4 -0, 7 4 > 1,04 _i • Up to 5 m over ground q wk= 1,04 · 0,30 · 1,10 ;= 0,34 kN / m; from 5,0 to 8,0 m obove ground : q wk = 1,04 · 0,50 -1,10 = 0,57 kN / m ; Because the final version and decoration is unknown we calculate substitute surface of5 m2 in a hight of9m. Cr assume 1,0 Q wkk = 1,0 · 0,80 · 5,0 = 4,00kN ; I Q wk = 0,34 -5,0 + 0,57 · 3,0 + 4,00 = = 1,70 + 1,71 + 4,00 = 7,41 kN; Effects on site in U.S.A Site Carlsbad CA Lateral thrust due to wind ref. ,,UNIFORM BUILDING CODE" 1994 section 1618: Lateral thrust P = Ce · Cq · qs · Iw Figure 16-1 : uw ;:= 70 · 1,61 · 113 km/b ExposureB Table 16-G: Up to 4,57 m: 6,10 m: 7,62 m: 8,00 m: 9,00 m: Table 16-H: Octagonal tower Table 16-F: Ce= 0,62 Ce= 0,67 Ce= 0,72 Ce= 0,73 Ce= 0,76 qs = 12,60 · 0,0479 = 0,60 kN / m2 Cq = 1,1 4 - Table 16-K: lw = 1 In the situation of proximity for the tower we calc1.date on basis of DIN 4112 : Up to 5,0 m above ground : max. projected width = 1,20 m q "'k = 0,62. 1,1 . 0,60 . I . 1;20 = 0,49 kN / m ; from 5,0 m -8,0 m above ground : q wk = 0,68 · 1,1 · 0,60 · 1 · 1,20 = 0,5 kN / m; Head of tower with decoration (theming) : Cq = 1,0 Qwkk = 0, 76 · 1,0 · 0,60 · 1 · 5;0 = 2,28 kN / m ; L Q wk= 0,49 -5,0 + 0,54 · 3,0 + 2,28 = = 2,45 + 1,62 + 2,28 = 6,35 kN ; Seismic calculation ref. ,,UNIFORM BUILDING CODE" section 1628 : Z · I -C V= Rw -W 1,25 · S C= T 2/3 Method A: T =CT·(hn) ¾ CT= 0,020 h n := 9,30 m =A 30,5' T = 0,020 · 30,5 ¾ · 0,260 ; Table 16 -J : S = 1,2 1,25 -1,2 C = (0,26) 2/3 -3,68 > 2,75 Table 16-I: Table 16-K: Table 16 -P: Z =0,4 I = 1,0 Rw= 3 - V= 0,4 -1,0 ·2,75 3 W = weight of tower Impedance factor · W = 0,367W. For the tower steel St02Z is used (ref.DIN 17162 or EN 10214 ). Characteristics : fy,k = 140 N / mm2 fu,k = 500 N / mm2 For the supporting parts St 37 fy,k = 240 NI mm2 fu,k = 360 N / mm2 Rivets: Stainless steel revit Stock No.: 1,4301 fu,b,k = 360 N / mm2 Bolts: M 12 8.8 fy,b,k = 640 N / mm2; fy,b,k = 800 N / mm2; Determination of size: In Germany: Determining for the rating of the tower is the pretention from wind while the ride is not working -variable interference. Permanent load: yf = 1,35 Wind : yf = 1,5 Site Carlsbad CA. USA: Determining is the horizontal shock from earthquake. Refering to DIN 4149 (buildings in German earthquake region), wind load and seismic shock are not assumed happening at the same tim~. We suppose: Permanent load+ live load ( max. 8 Adults): yf= 1,35 Earthquake shock exceptional load : yf = 1,5 System with interference: Looking at ~ wall ,,HETWA" - - -- . ~ . ~ -. . -· ·-.... --·"··· --· .. . ·HffT. 9 ) y s_{il11 .. 11 ll~ {: "f r·i:1. 0.·1 f( !{ civz·s t ~:l ,' . 7J e f Y (;, C Vl { t { W (r cJ .· e /i-1 C W c; &I cl . ..., <:I--0-- ~r-c ~ tJ' to ~ ' \t-, ~ " .; 1-- ~ ..,.. ~ -~ .. .. ~. -. ----'-- --....... ·+ ~ .. . -... I . . .. ·I ,.._ I . , · ~ . I. IJ ·It ftETWA . . .... -I ... ,..; -··,q .-. ·_ .. .. I G, sq m .. ,---~--···· 1 ··· .. __ _f_ .••.. I • ~ ~ 1 .. . .. ·6 . --'--"· ... _,.. -<G: . . . -·~ ., • . . . _J 5,00 WI ; .,L ~' -· -· -- 1· ~ I .. I . "'. ~ ~-·_Z ~ .. ,1~ I I ........ t . ~ I I. . --... I ~- "" -·~- I ! z . a .... I a ,([ I ~ a x' . SORO ·F. BAUSTATIK U. STAHLBAU · ING. HANS J. MELZER POs~·;../-:..'. :::RS1R.18A-Ta.08681/1435-FAX4104 ~?-~29 WAGING I SEE - Determining the load: Load case 1 : Permanent load + Wind To simplify and to be safe we assume permanent load only on the intersection 8 and 18. Fy,d = 1,35 -27,60 / 4 = 9,32 kN Wind : ( direction X ) As singel load on the brace plate intersection: Fx1,d = 1,5 -0,34 -0,925 / 2-2 = 0, 118 kN Fx2,d = 1,5 · 0,34 · 1,063 / 2 Fx3,d = 1,5 · 0,34 · 1,20 I 2 Fx4,d = = 0,271 kN = 0,306 kN = 0,306 kN Fxs,d = (1,5 · 0,34 · 1,025 + 1,5 · 0,57 · 0, 125) / 2 =(-0,523 -0, 107) / 2 = 0,315 kN Fxs,d = 1,5 · 0,57 · 1,20 / 2 = 0,513 kN ; Fx7,d = 1,5 · 0,57 · 1,096 / 2 = 0,469 kN ; Wind directed on the head and optional theming : Fxs,d= 1,5 ( 0,57 · 0,579 + 4,00 ) / 2 = 3,24 kN ; Fys,d = -Fy1s,d = 1,5 · 4,00 -1,083 / 0,60 · 2 = 5,42 kN ; Load case 2: Permanent load + live load + earthquake shock Assume: The weight of the tower is equaly distributed over the length of the tower. g = 20,25 / 7,917 · 2 = 1,28 kN / m The vertical load from the total weight and the live load will be assumed to be on the safe side only -on the brace plate intersection 8 and 18 . Fy,d = 1,35 ( 27,60 + 6,00) / 4 = -11,34 kN Horizontal load from earthquake shock: Fx1,d = 0,367 · 1,28 · 0,925 / 2 · = 0,218 kN Fx2,d = 0,367 · 1,28 -1,063 = 0,500 kN Fx3,d = 0,367 -1,28 -1,20 = 0,564 kN Fx4,d = Fx5,d = 0,564 kN Fx6,d = 0,56 + 0,367 · 9,00 · 0,335 · 0,5 / 1,20 = 0,56 + 0,461 = 1,02 kN ; Fx7,d = 0,367 ( 1,28 -1,096 + 9,00 -0,865 · 0,5 / 1,2) = 1,71 kN ; Fxs,d = 0,367 ( 1,28 -0,992 / 2 + ( 1,35 + 1,00 + 2,00) / 2) = 1,03 kN Fx,d = 0,218 + 0,500 + 3 · 0,564 + 1,02 + 1,71 + 1,03:: 6, 17 kN 0,367 Fys,d = -Fy1s,d = 0,600-2 ( 1,35 -0,083 + 1,00 · 0,583 + 2,00 -1,383 ) = 1,06 kN ; ':) - It Profiles Column From joint 3 respectively 13 Thickness of sheet t = 3 (Insert drawing) " -. -. . . . . .. ~ . . . ........... ,..; . ··~ . -. . : . . {2() trr.ch.°ilt/N.{-:··.·.-·~ ... : . : .. · ...... ~ ... :·: ... - ·.5],(ej · : .. :·.... : : : : · ' . b". /, ... 1 . . .. . . . . . .A. 11.u.u .... e.u ... 3 .. hiw. J3. 13( ti h d.(c k {. t = 3 ~ ·-··-· _... -------· 3 ---i---. --z;· 11 .. . --------+---4. . ~ ~ . S'. . . .. ~ .......... (, ........... 7-·· .... ... . .. : . zq . _cas .Ekm./El{u.~~S :·· .d/.,_·_ /iuii /.c4" v.1/H·r ():)tr/ t c! u 1 rt, e 11-1 1 icue:iit p.i:o s-IQ;·m wi . ! . ·'. :. . .. . . . . . ... . ...... ··-~ . .. . . ' . -.-... 12 BURO F. BAUSTATIK U. STAHLBAU 1·NG .. HANS J. MELZER . · .~STR.18A· TB.. 08681n435 · FAX 4104 8 3. $ 2 9 W A ·G I N G / S -E E J J Determination of profile values by use of computer progamm. D.I.E.Software -XEQDO Version : 4.02 Licence for D.I.E GmbH CAD + Software Joint definition: Joint 1 2 3 4 5 6 y 0,000 cm 2,970 cm 9,320 cm 9,320 cm 2,970 cm 0,000 cm z 0,000cm 2,970 cm 2,970 cm 18,670 cm 18,670 cm 21,640 cm Sheet metal quality Sheet metal Joint t 1 2 3 4 5 begin 1 2 4 5 6 end 2 3 3 4 5 Material data, OIN for calculation St 37 DIN 18800 90 t ¾ 40 Weight Elastic limit Permissible 6 Permissible p Permissible Ov 7850,00 kg / mA3 24;00· kN / cm2 21,82 kN / cm2 12;60· kN / cm2 21 ;82 kN / cm2 0,300 cm 0,300 cm 0,300 cm 0,300 cm 0,300 cm Center-of-mass coordinates refering to the start point ys ZS = 6,44 cm = 10,82 cm Cross-section value refering to center of gravity A lyz lz ly ID = 11,04 cm A2 = 0,00 cm A4 = 115,97 cm A4 = 55.3,03 ·cmA4 = 0,33 cm A4 - Ordinates y, z refering to center of gravity Joint y z 1 2 3 4 5 6 -6,436 cm -3,466 cm 2,884 cm 2,884 cm -3,466 cm -6,436 cm -10;820 cm -7,850 cm -7,850 cm 7,850 cm 7,850 cm 10,820 cm Cross-section value refering to center of gravity in direction of major axis Major axis inclination alpha = 0,000° leta lzeta Ip = = = 553,029 cm A4 t15,972 cm A4 669,001 cm A4 Cross section value ry' .and rz' refer to major axis ry' rz' = = -0,000 cm -9,932 cm Ordinates eta , zeta referihg to center of gravity Moment of resistance refering to centerline of metal sheet Joint eta zeta Weta Wzeta 1 -6,44 cm -10,82 cm -51, 11 cmA3 -18,02 cmA3 2 -3,47 cm ~ 7,85 cm -70 45cmA3 ' ' -33,46 cmA3 3 2,88 cm -7,85 cm -70,45 cmA3 40,21 cmA3 4 2,88 cm 7,85 cm 70,45 cmAJ· 40,21 cmAJ 5 -3,47 cm 7,85 cm 70,45 cmA3 -33,46 cmA3 6 -6,44 cm 10,82 cm 51,11 cmA3 -18~02 cmA3 Radius of gyration iy = 7,08 cm iz = 3,~4 cm iyz = 0;00 cm ieta = 7;08 cm izeta = 3,24 cm ip = 7,78 cm im = 10,11 cm Thrust center coordinates yM = 1~,89 cm zM = 10,82 cm 1L - Arch resistance refering to thrust center lw = 29.52,45 cmA6 Ordinates w refering to thrust center and moment of resitance Ww Joint w 1 -15,69 cm2 2 -21,84 cm2 3 28,01 cm2 4 -28,01 cm2 5 21,84 cm2 6 15,69 cm2 Total weight of cross section G Surface of cross section 0 Statical moment Sheet metal Joint 1 Joint 2 Pos (cm) 1 1 2 0,00 1,40 2,80 4,20 2 2 3 0,00 2,1.2 4,23 6,35 3 4 3 0,00 5,23 10,47 15,70 4 5 4 0,00 2,12 4,23 6,35 5 6 5 0,00 1,40 2,80 4,20 Ww -188, 14 cmAS -135,41 cmA5 105,40 cm A 5. -1 ()5,40 cm AS 135,21 cmA5 188, 14 cmAS = 0,090 kN·/ m 73,60 cm2 I cm Seta Szeta (cmA3) (cmA3) 0,00 0;00 -.2,50 -4,34 -4,57 -8,26 -6,24 -11,16 -6,24 -11,76 -7,77 -16,75 -7,95 -21,73 -6,79 -26,72 -6,79 26,72 -2,26 34,93 2,26 34,93 6,79 26,72 -6,24 11,76 -7,77 16,75 -7,95 21,73 -6,79 26,72 -0,00 -0,00 -2,50 4,34 -4,57 8,26 -6,24 11,76 Sw (cml\5} 0,00 -7,02 -14,90 -23,64 -23,64 -32,23 -30,27 -17,76 17,76 -11,56 -11,56 17,76 23,64 32,23 30,27 17,76 -0,00 7,02 14,90 23,64 Li - Post-lower section -from the pedestal to the joint 3 resp~ctively joint 13. With rivet assembled cut section . ( Insert drawing) ·- - -·HfFt . - . sh ( ( .JWI .. G:{ Vl. ( ( y ( V1 --~B'e y: e / ch -l/U 111 A {A f ( r;, 5 e J/ hr' r z-u. VM__ ?( M of i 0:. .J .: hz.w.: . u ~ _ J 3 . lit ) u Wz ,-vi. ( l/l. 5 t. f-1 f z-I /v : (} rA /r ( c &tl--l ( H c( u r c h {J t JI - j,-1 ( ( ( u ~tg . .... . . . .... .. 2'1,7 BURO F. BAUSTATIK U. STAHLBAU ING. HANS J. MELZER PosTKt:7.LERSTR.18A·TB..08681/1435-FAX4104 8 ·3 :3 2 9 W A G I N G / S E E D jXEQDO - It (Insert drawing) D.I.E.Software-XEQDO Version : 4.02 L.oadcase 1 Normal tension from N ., : 4G XEQDO .. ·: ·" z' ; I I I I I ,, I ,, I I I I I 2 13 0 O.I.E. Software -XEQDO Version: 4.02 Vollversiort mit Zeitlimit. Uiuft am 03.12.1997 ab. Uzensiert. far: D.1.E. GmbH CAD + Statik Software Demo-Versio Auftrag: Position: Benutzer: Normalspannungen aus N Lastfall 1 · 1 :130 Seite: BURO F. BAUSTATIK U. STAHLBAU ING. HANS J. MELZER POSTKELLERSTR 18A-TEL08681/1435 • FAX4104 ~~329 WAGING /.SEE - - D.I.E.Softawre -XEQDO Version : 4.02 Licence for D.I.E GmbH CAD+ Software Joint definition: Joint y z 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 0,000 cm 9,320 cm 9,470 cm 9,620 cm 2,970 cm 9,320 cm 9,470 cm 9,620 cm 2,970 cm 0,000 cm 9,620 cm 14,320 cm 14,320 Cin 9,620 cm 14,320 cm 14,320 cm Sheet metal definition: 5,000 cm 7,970 cm 7,970 cm 7,970 cm 7,970 cm 23,670cm 23,670 cm 23,.670 cm 23,670 cm 26,640 cm 3,970 cm 3,970 cm 6,320 cm 27,670 cm 27,670 cm 25,320 cm Sheet metal Joint t 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Beginning End 5 2 10 6 13 12 4 16 15 14 3 4 7 8 7 1 5 9 9 12 11 11 15 14 8 2 3 6 7 3 0,300 cm 0,300 cm 0,300 cm 0,300 cm 0,300 cm 0,300 cm 0,300 cm 0,300 cm 0,300 cm 0,300 cm 0,300 cm 0,300 cm 0,300 cm 0,300 cm 0,600 cm Material data, DIN for the calculation St 37 DIN 18800 90 t 3/ 4 40 Weight Elastic limit Permissible 0 Permissible p Permissible Ov 7850,00 kg / mA3 24,00 kN / cm2 21,82 kN / cm2 12,eO kN /cm2 21,82 kN / cm2 Center-of-mass coordinates refering to the start point ys ZS = = 8,65 cm 11,85 cm Cross-section value referirtg to center of gravity A = 22,56 cm "2 lyz = 0.,00 cm "4 lz = 258,58 cm "4 ly =1454,26 cm"4 ID = 1,52 cm "4 Ordinates y, z refering to center of gravity Joint y z 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 -8,648 cm 0,672 cm 0,822 cm 0,972 cm -5;678-cm 0,672 cm 0,822 cm 0,972 cm -5,678 cm -8,648 cm 0,972 cm 5,672 cm 5,672 cm 0,972 cm 5,672 cm 5,67.2 cm -10,820 cm -7,850 cm -7,850 cm 7,850 cm 7,850 cm 7,850 cm 7,850 cm 7,850 cm 7,850 cm 10,820 cm -11,850 cm -11,850 cm -9,500 cm 11,850 cm 11,850 cm 9,500 <;m It Cross-section value refering to center of gravity in direction of major axis Major axis inclination alpha = 0,000° Cross-section value refering to center of gravity -in direction of major axis leta lzeta Ip = = = 1454,263 cm A4 258·,578 cm A4 1712,841 cm A4 !I HS Cross section value ry' and rz' refer to major axis ry' ... 0,000 cm rz' = -1,093 cm Ordinates eta , zeta refering to center of gravity Moment of res1tance refering to centerline of metal sheet Joint eta zeta Weta Wzeta 1 -8,65 cm -10,82 cm -134,41 cmA3 -29,90 cmA3 2 0,67 cm -7,85 cm -185,26 Crt}AJ 384,83 cmA3 3 0,82 cm -7,85 cm -185,26 cmA3 314,60 cmA3 4 0,97 cm -7,85 cm -185,26 cmA3 266,04 cmA3 5 -5,68 cm -7,85 cm -185,26 cmA3 -45,54 cmA3 6 0,67 cm 7,85 cm 185,26 cmA3 384,83 cmA3 7 0~82 cm 7,85 cm 185,26 cmA3 314,60 cmA3 8 0,97 ,cm 7,85 cm 185,26 cmA3 266,04 cmA3 9 -5,58 cm 7,85 cm 185,26 cmA3 -45,54 cmA3 10 -8,65 cm 10,82 cm 134,41 cmA3 -29,90 cmA3 11 0,97 cm -11,85 cm -122 72 cmA3 266,04 cmA3 -' ' 12 5,67 cm -11,85 cm -122,72 cmA3 45,59 cmA3 13 5,67 cm -9,50 cm -153,08 cmA3 45,59 cmA3 14 0,97 cm 11,85 cm 122,72 cmA3 266,04 cmA3 15 5,67 cm 11,85 cm 122,72 cmA3 45,59 cmA3 16 5,67 cm 9,50 cm 153,08 cmA3 45,59 cmA3 Radius of gyration iy = 8,03 cm iz = 3,39 cm iyz .. 0,00 cm ieta = 8,03 cm izeta = 3,39 cm ip = 8,71 cm -im = 8,76 cm Thrust center coordinates yM = 9,56 cm zM = 11,85 cm Arch resistance refering to thrust center lw = 18902,89 cmAG l~ Ordinates w refering to thrust center and moment of resitance Ww Joint w Ww 1 -54,06 cm2 -349,66 cmAS 2 -0,47 cm2 -40155, 17 cmAS 3 0,71 cm2 267 46,08 cm AS 4 1,88 cm2 10032,03 cmAS 5 -50,32 cm2 -375,67 cmA5 6 0,47 cm2 40155, 17 cm AS 7 -0,71 cm-2 -26746,08 cmAS 8 -1,88 cm2 -10032,03 cm"5 9 50;32 cm2 375,67 cmA5 10 54,06 cm2 349,66 cm"5 11 1,64 cm2 11495,43 cmAS 12 57,34 cm2 329,67 cmA5 13 68,53 cm2 275,85 cm"5 14 -1,64 cm2 -11495,43 cmA5 15 -57,34 cm2 -329,67 cmA5 16 -68,53 cm2 -275,85 cm"5 Total weight of cross section G = 0,18 kN / m Surface of cross section 0 = 119,00 cm2 / cm Statical moment Sheet metal Joint 1 Joint 2 Pos Seta Szeta Sw (cm) (cm"3) (cm"3) (cm"5) 1 5 1 0,00 903 ' 11,76 65,76 140 ' 6,43 8,26 44,37 2,80 3,42 4,34 22,44 4,20 0,00 0,00 0,00 2 2 5 0,00 13,79 26,72 114,14 -2,12 13,55 21,73 108,56 4,23 11,96 16,75 92,44 6,35 9,03 11,76 65,76 3 10 9 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 1,40 -3,42 4,34 22,44 2,80 -6,43 8,26 44,37 4,20 -9,03 11,76 65,76 4 6 9 -0,00 13,79 -26,72 -114, 14 2,12 13,55 -21,73 -108,56 4,23 11,96 -16,75 -92,44 6,35 9,03 -11,76 -65,76 5 13 12 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,78 1,33 -2,32 15,67 1',57 2,67 -4,83 30,45 235 . ' 4,00 -7,53 44,37 L\J Statical moment Sheet metal Joint 1 Joint 2 Pas Seta Szeta Sw (cm) (cmA3) (cmA3) (cmA5) 6 12 11 0;00 4,00 -7,53 44,37 1,57 6,30 -13, 10 66,95 3,13 7,85 -18,66 80,82 4,70 8,68 -24,23 85,95 7 4 11 0,00 -9,85 36,05 -88,07 1,33 -9,46 32,65 -87,33 2,67 -9,07 28,71 -86,62 4,00 -8,68 24,23 -85,95 8 Hi 15 0,00 '0,00 0,00 0,00 0,78 1,33 2,32 -15,67 1,57 2,67 4,83 -30,45 2,35 4,00 7,53 -44,37 9 15 14. 0,00 4,00 7,53 -44,37 1,57 6,30 13, 10 -66,95 -313 7,86. 18,66 -80,82 ' 4,70 8,68 24,23 -85,95 10 14 8 0,00 8,68 24,23 -85,95 1_,33 9,07 28,71 -86,62 2,67 9,46 32;65 -87,33 4,00 9,85 36,05 -88,07 11 3 2 O,QO 13,76 27,07 114,13 0,05 13,77 26,95 114, 14 0,10 13,78 26,83 114,14 0,15 13,79 26,72 114, 14 12 4 3 0;00 9,85 -36,05. 88,07 0,05 9,86 -36, 17 88,09 0,10 9,88 -36,29 88,11 0;15 9,89 -36,41 88,13 13 7 6 0,00 13,76 -27,07 -114, 13 0,05 13,77 -26,95 -114, 14 0.,10 13,78 -26,83 -114,14 'It 0,15 13,79 -26,72 -114, 14 14 8 7 0,00 9,85 36,05 .; 88,07 0,05 9,86 36,17 -88,09 0,10 9,88 36,29 -88, 11 0,15 9,89 36,41 -88,13 15 7 3 0,00 -3,87 66,48 26,01 5,23 .; 1,29 79,91 24,53 10,47 1,29 79,91 24,53 15,70 3,87 63,48 26,01 - Brace plate: Topmost brace plate: All other brace plates: A = 0,3 -16,0 + 2 -0,3 -2,2 + 4,80 + 1,32 =6,12 cm2 Jy = 0,3-163'12+ 1,32 -8,15 2 = 102 + 87,7 =190 cm3 4,80 -.0,15 :+ 1,32 -1,4 crz = 6,12 =0,42 cm; J z = 4,80 -0,27 2 + 1,32 . 0,98 2 + 2 . 0,3 . 2,2 3 /12 = 0,35 + 1,27 + 0,53 = 2,15 cm3 ; 1 Jx = 3(16-03 3 +2-22-03 3 )=0184cm3 ' ' ' ' A = 0,3 -24,4 + 1,32 = 8,64 cm2 ; gy = 0,3 -24,4 3'12 + 1132 12,352 = 363 + 201 = 561 cm3 7,32 -0,15 + 1,32-1,4 J z == · 8,64 = 0,34 cm ; J z = 7,32. 0,19 ~ + 1,32. 1,06 2 + 2. 0,3. 2,2 3'12 . 4 = 0,26 + 1,48 + 0,53 = 2,27 cm L 4 J x = 3 ( 24,4 -0,3 3 + 2 . 2,2 . 0,3 3 ) = 0,259 cm - --/-If FT -_ - . 8/i-z cl,,{ _ btich r :.: : Oh tr 5 f·t s.·. 3/val. L.bf.ti kl ; '.3 22. "' -ft;" Ii, ; . . . '2 . -:, -~/2 CHA i .. ·7) -~ · q3~J{pfz -r: 1,Bz:-~)5 2 ~ ,102 ., e;, 1 . . .. ----... $ . > _ )90 Clit. ,:- .I{ · :-· 1/fO · °'I~ -t //, 32 ·ii;~ -= (/ ~ 2 cn,z . . · C -· · · br ;(l_ · -I I · · · · · · l · -2 ~ / . J l . ,. . 1i 80. · q 2 l r 13 2 · ~ q 8 . ~ 2 · 0, 3 · 2, Z /12 ~ ~.35-+ /,27-., u,~3 .. . . ~- T ?,)5 On i Jx '" ·_j_ (··ir. (), ? 3 -{, 'i· ? 2. (J, 3 3 ) .. 3 /I.I) . I :) .. -. '-1 ! . $ 0184 {111 -I I "'Rest{ /cl(( -8 iirdi61tclzt .: A -;; °' 3_ --ri ~ ~ ;/, g2 .. 8, c ~ {Yi,/,. 'JJ -= o, 3 · Zfi~ 1/Al + /i82 ;17, 35 2 ... 36 3 -t 20{ " . -. . 1. ~ 56 L (1AA . . . l .. 'rt -, - { :i -= i, 32-·ql~ 1' J,32 ·(IA .,, £ 3 ~ rn, _ /) C: . . • Et 64 V, . I .Jz _., 1, at· o,1q z --f i 32 · /,06 l., 2 · v, J ·l,2 1/dz , 0, 26 ~ II, f 8 -f q ~j ~ -: 2 2 7 (11,1 • I I /I · r· 3 _ 3) JK ~ 3 2if·q3 -t 2·2,2·({1 ~ ... -7 0. 259 O-v1 • ( ( 20 BURO F. BAUSTATIK U. STAHLBAU ING. HANS J. MELZER POSTKELLERSTR.18A·TEL08681/1435·FAX4104 83329 WAGING/ SEE ·-·- Analysis of stress: Consulting engeneering office Hans J. Melzer 8221 Waging Phone 08681 1435 Computer software : SYSTRA -Stabw Stabtragwerke HETWA Manufacturer : Heege A Towerwall -influence from wind an earthquake shock Calculation: ANR = 0 SeQ:; O Version 10.02 = (kN and cm) Material -data No. Mat.-Data Steel E-Modul G-Modul Gamma 1 .21 OOOE+05 ;81 OOOE+04 .000 Amount indicated material Joint-coordinates = (cm.) Joint No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 20 X-coord. .000000 .000000 .000000 .000000 .000000 .000000 .000000 .000000 60.000000 60.000000 60.000000 60.000000 60.000000 60.000000 60.000000 60.000000 30.000000 Amount indicatet joints Largest joint no. Cross section value =1 y-coord. . 000000 92.500000 212.500000 332.500000 452.500000 572.500000 692.500000 791.700000 .000000 92.500000 212.500000 332.500000 452~500000 572.500000 692.500000 791.700000 400.000000 = 17 =20 = (cm) No. Sec.N·o. JX JY AX 1 stem .3310000 11.04000 2 stem 1.520000 22.50000 3 cross-piece .1840000 q.120000 4 cross-piece .2590000 8.640000 AY 553.0000 .0000000 1454.000 .0000000 2.150000 .0000000 2.270000 .0000000 z-coord . .000000 .000000 .000000 .000000 .000000 .000000 .000000 .000000 .000000 .000000 .000000 .000000 .000000 .000000 .000000 .000000 30.000000 JZ AZ 116.0000 .0000000 258.0000 .0000000 190.0000 .0000000 564.0000 .0000000 Alpha .10000E-04 Li Amount given cross-cut's = 4 Amount given leg no. = 21 Highest stem no. = 26 Max. Joint No. Difference = 10 Largest system Joint No. = 18 Leg sizes = (cm) Leg size Joint Material DX BETA length A'PM JX AX Start cros_s-cut DY Ref. End No. DZ 1 1 1 .000 135.000 92.500 0 0 1.5200 22.500 2 2 92.500 20 0 0 1454.0 .00000 .000 258.00 .00000 2 2 1 .boo 135.000 120.000 0 0 1.5200 22.500 3 2 120.000 20 0 0 1454.0 .00000 .000 258.00 .00000 3 3 1 .000 135.000 120.000 0 0.33100 11.040 141 4 1 120.000 20 0 0 553.00 .00000 .000 116.00 .00000 4 4 1 .000 135.000 120.000 0 0 .33100 11.040 5 1 120.000 20 0 0 553.00 .00000 .000 116.00 00000 5 5 1 .000 135.000 120.000 0 0 .33100 11.040 6 1 120.000 20 0 0 553.00 .00000 .000 116.00 .00000 6 6 1 .000 135.000 120.000 0 0 .33100 11.040 7 1 120.000 20 0 0 553.00 .00000 .:000 116.00 .00000 7 7 1 .000 135.000 99.200 0 0 .33100 11.040 8 1 99.200 20 0 0 553.00 .00000 .000 116.00 .00000 \-11 11 1 .000 45.000 92.500 0 0 1.5200 22.500 12 2 92.500 20 0 0 1454.0 .00000 .000 258.00 .00000 12 12 1 .000 45.000 120.000 0 0 1.5200 22.500 13 2 120.000 20 0 0 1454.0 .00000 .000 258.00 .00000 13 13 1 .000 45.000 120.000 0 0 .33100 11.040 14 1 120.000 20 0 0 553.00 .00000 .000 116.00 .00000 14 14 1 .000 45.000 120.000 0 0.33100 11.040 15 1 120.000 20 0 0 553.00 .00000 .000 116.00 .00000 15 15 1-.000 45.000 120.000 0 0 .33100 11.040 16 1 120.000 20 0 0 553.00 .00000 .000 116.00 .00000 L4 Leg size Joint Material DX BETA length APM JX AX Start cross-cut DY Ref. End No. DZ 16 16 1 .000 45.000 120.000 0 0 .33100 11.040 17 1 120.000 20 0 0 553.00 .00000 .000 116.00 .00000 17 17 1 .000 45.000 99.200 0 0 .33100 11.040 18 1 99.200 20 o· o 553.00 .00000 .000 1.16.00 .00000 20 2 1 60.000 180.000 60.000 0 0 .25900 8.6400 12 4 .000 1 0 0 2.2700 .00000 .000 564.00 .00000 21 3 1 60.000 180.000 60.000 0 0 .25900 8.6400 13 4 .000 1 0 0 2.2700 .00000 .000 564.00 .00000 -22 4 1 60.000 180.000 60.000 0 0 .25900 8.6400 14 4 .000 1 0 0 2.2700 .00000 .000 564.00 .00000 23 5 1 60.000 1.80.000 60.000· 0 0 .25900 8.6400 15 4 .000 1 0 0 2.2700 .00000 .000 564.00 .00000 24 6 1 60.000 180.000 60.000 0 0 .25900 8.6400 16 4 .000 1 0 0 2.2700 .0000 .000 564.00 .00000 25 7 1 60.000 180.000 60.000 0 0 .25900 8.6400 17 4 .000 1 0 0 2.2700 .00000 .000 564.00 .00000 -26 8 1 60,000 180.000 60.000 0 0 .18400 6.1200 18 3 .ooo 1 0 0 2.1500 .00000 .000 190.00 .00000 Max.Joints =3 Max.amount Joint = 16 ·- Consulting engeneering office Hans J. Melzer 8221 Waging Phone 08681 1435 Computer software : SYSTRA --Stabw Stabtragwerke HETWA Manufacturer: Heege A Towerwall -influence from wind an earthquake shock Support Joint Restrain: 1 PX PY PZMY 11 PX PY PZ MY 2 PZ 3 PZ 4 PZ 5 PZ 6 PZ 7 PZ 8 PZ 12 PZ 13 PZ 14 PZ 15 PZ 16 PZ 17 PZ 18 PZ L() Consulting engeneering office Hans J. Melzer 8221 Waging Phone 086811435 Computer software : SYSTRA -Stabw Stabtragwerke HETWA Manufacturer : Heege A Towerwall -influence from wind an earthquake shock Term of load case : 1: Perm1;ment load + Wind -Ride not in operation 2: Permanent load + Live load + earthquake shock (Californien U.S.A,) Amount of cases = 2 LEG load = (CM,KN) KO: p LI: Pl P.2 LI L2 EZ: p L EG: FAKT P-EG Stem LF Load TE: No. No. CODE OT: DT-Z HZ DT-Y HY l l GLPXEZ .12 00 :-2 GLPXEZ .22 00 Joint load = (CM,KN) Joint Load case Load leg NR NR CODE MX. MY MZ PX PY PZ No. 2 1 GLPX .00 .QO .00 .27 .00 .00 0 2 GLPX .00 .00 .00 .50 .00 .00 0 3 1 GLPX .00 .00 .00 .31 .00 .00 0 2 GLPX .00 .00 .00 .56 .00 .00 0 4 1 GLPX .00 .00 .00 .31 .Ob .00 0 2 GLPX .00 .00 .00 .56 .00 .00 0 -5 1 GLPX .00 .00 .00 .32 .00 .00 0 2 GLPX .00 .00 .00 .56 .00 .00 0 6 1 GLPX .00 .Ob .00 .51 .. 00 .00 0 2 GLPX .00 .00 .00 1.02 .0() .00 0 7 1 GLPX .00 .00 :00 .47 .oo .00 0 2 GLPX .00 .00 .00 1.71 .00 .00 0 8 1 GLPX .00 .00 .00 3.25 .00 .00 0 1 GLPY .00 .00 .00 .00 -9.32 .00 0 1 GLPY .00 .00 .00 .00 5.42 .00 0 2 GLPX .00 .00 .00 1.03 .00 .00 0 2 GLPY .00 .00 .00 .00 -11.34 .00 0 2 GLPY .00 .00 .00 .00 1.06 .00 0 18 1 GLPY .00 .00 .00 .00 -5.42 .00 0 1 GLPY .00 .00 .00 .00 -9.32 .00 0 2 GLPY .00 .00 .00 .00 -11.34 .00 0 2 GLPY .00 .00 .00 .00 -1.06 .00 0 - Consulting engeneering office Hans J-. Melzer 8221 Waging Phone 08681 1435 Computer software : SYSTRA -Stabw Stabtragwerke HETWA Manufacturer : Heege A Towerwall -influence from wind an earthquake shock Joint deformation = (CM) Joint Load case No. No. PHI-Y PHI-Z X y z 8 1 2 ~.000165 .000000 -.002966 1.949901 .055709 .000000 -.000043 .000000 -.001914 1.533658 .021767 .000000 leg-cutting power = (CM,KN) leg ABSZ 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 11 11 12 12 .ODO 92.500 .ODO 120.000 .ODO 120.000 .000 120.000 .000 120.000 .000 120.000 .000 99.200 .000 92.500 .000 120.000 Load case 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 MX .ODO .000 .ODO .000 .000 .000 .oob .000 .ODO .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .ODO .oob .000 .ooo .oob .000 .000 .ODO .000 .000 .000 .000 .000- .000 .000 .000 .ooo· .000 .000 .000 MY .000 .000 209.492 234.859 -98.210 -85.892 47.655 70.526 -176.159 -1'61.478 59.766 76.044 -127.079 -106.994 65.~76 76.253 -114.710 -89.644 70.073 75.938 .a.9(h846 -54.064 74.935 71.524 -58.399 -4.655 53.911 21.045 .000 .000 209.331 234.564 -98.324 -86.101 47:669 70.546 MZ .,000 .000 -145.775 -154.638 161.884 1.66.068 -129.942 -140.015 93.846 91.962 -82.032 -85.291 104.767 97.701 -87.964 -85.918 92.682 79.94 -81.801 -73.615 79.080 56.356 -70.182 -50.799 63.124 25.365 -53.900 -21.042 .000 .000 145.726 154.548 -161.886 -166.073 129.940 140.013 N 54.865 42.927 54.865 42.927 40.361 27.810 40.361 27.810 29.811 16.873 29.811 16.873 21.004 8.246 21.004 8.246 12.488 2.427 12.488 .427 4.903 -5.697 4.~03 -5.697 -1.370 -9.287 -1.370 -9.287 -73.505 -65.607 ~73.505 -65.607 -59.001 -50.490 ~59.001 -50.490 QY 1.659 1.826 1.576 1.672 2.432 2.551 2.432 2.551 1.466 1.477 1.466 1.477 1.606 1.530 1.606 1.530 1.454 1.280 1.454 1.280 1.244 .893 1.244- .893 1.180 .468 1.180 .468 -1.575 -1.671 -1.575 -1.671 -2.432 -2.551 -2.432 -2.551 QZ 2.348 2.693 2.265 2.539 1.216 1.303 1.216 1.303 1.966 1.979 1.966 1.979 1.609 1.527 1.609 1.527 1.540 1.380 1.540 1.380 1.382 1.047 1.382 1.047 1.132 .259 1.132 .259 2.263 2.536 2.263 2.536 1.217 1.305 1.217 1.305 LI L~ Consulting engeneering office Hans J. Melzer 8221 Waging Phone 086811435 Computer software : SYSTRA -Stabw Stabtragwerke HETWA Manufacturer: Heege A Towerwall -influence from wind an earthquake shock leg-cutting power = (CM,KN) Leg ABSZ Load case MX MY MZ N QY QZ 13 .000 1 .000 -176.145 -93.849 -48.451 -1.466 1.966 2 .000 -161.459 -91.965 -39.553 -1.477 1.979 13 120.000 1 .000 59.748 82.035 -48.451 -1.466 1.966 2 .000 76.030 85.293 -39.553 -1.477 1.979 14 .000 1 .000 -127.099 -104.765 -39.644 -1.609 1.610 2 .000 -107.013 -97.703 -30.926 -1.530 1.528 14 120.000 1 .000 66.046 87.957 -39.644 -1.606 1.610 2 .000 76.301 85.924 -30.926 -1.530 1.528 15 .000 1 .000 -114.614 -92.662 -31.128 -1.454 1.537 2 .000 -89.555 -79.895 -23.107 -1.279 1.379 15 120.000 1 .000 69.859 81.793 -31.128 -1.454 1.537 2 .000 75.938 73.567 -23.107 -1.279 1.379 16 .000 1 .000 -91.092 -79.120 -23.543 -1.245 1.389 ,_ 2 .000 -53.939 -56.279 -16.983 -.892 1.044 16 120.000 1 .ODO 75.647 70.234 -23.543 -1.245 1.389 2 .000 71.313 50.722 -16.983 -.892 1.044 17 .ODO 1 .000 -57.185 -62.570 -17.270 -1.169 1.115 2 .000 -4.830 -25.406 -13.393 -.469 .261 17 99.200 1 :000 53.432 53.421 -17.270 -1.169 1.115 2 .000 21.080 21.077 -13.393 -.469 .261 20 .000 1 .031 .000 -435.126 -.134 -14.503 .000 2 .032 .000 -453.580 -.248 -15.117 .000 20 60.000 1 .031 .ODO 435.060 -.134 -14.503 .000 2 .032 .000 453.458. -.248 -15.117 .000 21 .000 1 .018 .. 000 -316.503 -.153 -10.550 .ODO 2 .019 .000 -328.084 -.283 -10.936 .000 21 60.000 1 .018 .000 316.504 -.153 -10.550 .000 2 :019 .000 328.086 -.283 -10.936 .000 22 000 1 .033 .000 -264.206 -.153 -8.807 .000 2 .033 .000 -258.822 -.282 -8.628 .000 22 60.000 1 .033 .000 264.208 -.153 -8.807 .000 2 .033 .000 258.828 -.282 -8.628 .000 23 000 1 .028 .000 -255.500 -.159 -8.516 .000 I-2 .026 .000 -234.588 -.283 -7.819 .000 23 60.000 1 .028 .000 255.463 -.159 -8.516 .000 2 .026 .000 234.530 -.283 -7.819 .000 24 .000 1 .027 .ooo -227.546 -.252 -7.586 .000 2 .022 .000 -183.828 -,511 -6.125 .000 24 60.000 1 .027 .000 227.592 -.252 -7.586 .000 2 .022 .000 183.651 -.511 -6.125 .000 25 .000 1 .020 .000 -188.543 -.247 -6.273 .000 2 .011 .000 -107.722 -.853 -3.590 .000 25 60.000 1 .020 .000 187.833 -.247 -6.273 .000 2 .011 .000 107.671 -.853 -3.590 .000 26 000 1 .008 .000 -76.234 -1.615 -2.530 .000 2 .002 .000 -29.759 -.516 -.993 .000 26 60.000 1 .008 .000 75.556 -1.615 -2.530 .000 2 .002 .000 29.809 -.516 -.993 .000 L':J Consulting engeneering office Hans J. Melzer 8221 Waging Phone 086811435 Computer software : SYSTRA -Stabw Stabtragwerke HETWA Manufacturer : Heege A Towerwall -influence from wind an earthquake shock JOINT-LOADS / BEARING REACTION (CM,KN) (A=BEARING ,F=SPRING) J-NR LF MX MY MZ X y z 1 1 .000 .OOO=A .000 -2.834=A -54.865=A .487=A 2 .000 .OOO=A .000 -3.195=A -42.927=A .613=A 2 1 .000 .000 .000 .271 .000 -1.347=A 2 .000 .000 .. 000 .500 .000 -1.495=A 3 1 .000 .000 .000 .306 .000 1.214=A 2 .oo_o .000 .000 .564 .000 1.237=A 4 1 .000 .000 .OOQ .306 .000 -.352=A 2 .000 .000 .000 .564 .000 -.357=A 5 1 .000 .000 .000 .315 .000 .059=A 2 .000 .000 .000 .564 .000 .073=A 6 1 .000 .000 .000 .513 .000 .037=A 2 .000 .000 .GOO 1.020 .000 .038=A 7 1 .000 .000 .000 .469 .000 -.131=A 2 .000 .ooo .000 1.710 .000 -.256=A 8 1 .000 .000 :QOO 3.250 -3.900 .034=A 2 .000 .000 .000 1.030 -10.280 .148=A 11 1 .000 .OOO=A .000 -2.714=A 73.505=A -.486=A 2 .000 .OOO=A .000 -2.975=A 65.607=A -.612=A 12 1 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 1.346=A 2 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 1.492=A 13 1 .000 .000 .ooo .000 .. 000 -1.213=A 2 .000 .ooo .000 .0.00 .000 -1.235=A 14 1 .000 .,000 .000 .000 ,000 .351=A 2 .000 .000 .QOO .000 .000 .357=A 15 1 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 -.057=A 2 .000 .000 .ooo .000 .000 -.073=A 16 1 .000 .. 000 .000 .000 .000 -.043=A 2 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 -.037=A 17 1 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .141=A 2 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .254=A 18 1 .000 .000 .000 .ooo·· -14.740 -.038=A -2 .000 .000 .000 · .000 -12.400 -.147=A TOTAL OF BEARING LOAD: ( TOTAL MOMENTUM REFERING TO POINT NO. 1) LF SUM-MX SUM-MY SUM-MZ SUM-X SUM-Y SUM-Z 1 .000 .000 4410.275 -5.548 18.640 .000 2 .000 .000 ~936.416 -6.170 22.680 .000 Imperfections are not noted because they are irrelevant for the determination of size determining the moment of flexure in the static system . Definition to other parts of DIN 18 800. Whole tower as frame-leg: r = 4 hy = h z = 600 mm 12 a = 1200 mm Cross -cut of unstiffened leg A 1 = 11,0 cm2 AG = 4 · 11,0 = 44,0 cm2 i 1 = 3,24 cm Euler case 2: s k = 2 · 800 = .1600 cm J y = J z = 44,0. 302 + 4. 116 = 39600 + 464 = 40064 cm2 ; 1600 A kg = A kz = ,/ 4oos4 = 53, 0 ~ c = 1 44 buckling stress line C ... a= 0,49 Ref. Ratio 9f slenderness: 1t:a=-r -'1 E = 1t: "1 21000 = 121,7; fy' k 14 ').. k 53,0 Ak= la = 121,7 = 0,436; > 0,2· k = 0,5 [ 1 + 0,49 ( 0,436 -0,2 ) + 0,4362] = 0,653 ; 1 k =0,653 + ,/ 0,653 2 -0,436 2 = 0,878 ; max Nd = 1,35 ( 27,60 + 6;0) · 45,36 kN N pl,ct = 14,00 · 44,0 / 1, 1 = 560,0 J<N Nct 45, 36 K-Npl,d = o,878 -sso = 0,09 < 0, 1 ; ym=1,1; jl) - No stability analysis for the whole stucture necessary Torsional-flexural buckling for single leg : Ref. DAst-guide line 016 / 4.6. Equalization (459) Not reinforced leg : nb=im--YJz/Jw n b = Amount of brace plates ; n b = ...J 553 I 2952 = 4,38 < given .n b = 7 Torsional -flexural buckling for singel leg not dominant. Proof: Proceedure EL -EL crr,d = fy,d = 14,0/1,1 = 12,73kN/cm2 Tie plate: Top most tie plate leg 26 Decisive is load case 1. -1.62 47.1 Decisive for the tie plate is the load on the row of rivits. M z= 76,23 ~ 2,53 -11,5 = 47,1 kN cm A= 6,12 cm 2 W z= 190 / 8,33 = 22,8 cm 3 a = 6,12 ± 22,s = -0,26 ± 2,07 = -·2,33 kN / cm2 a I a R,d = 2,33 / 12,73 = 0,18 << 1.,0; 4' = 1,0 limited ( b / t) = 133 -Y 24.o = 407 >> vorh b / t. 2,33 · 1,1 Rivit 0 6,5 mm : .i 1 - 33 h.erfaj rh e it()_ ( u1-cfcn • ! .. ' . ' l · · t.> ,'~ cit (r_y{ t c ~ rr I c/o J /Auvv1u-d C1M cl-r r /J ,· e {, f / lu . ( . Hz '.: 7 6, l 3 -s f 3 · // i ~- j I . . . A85 } 415 t 300 .. ,, ~ 01 kl.Jon,· ( ;4 7 &, 12 {1'0 iv 1 7 Aqo / ~ 3 3 7 ? z, 8 o,,/ . (; ? -4,GZ ± ~ t "f·. · 7 -· u. 26 t 2.0'1 .. -l, '3 /dJ 10 1/':.· 1-. 6, .12. . lli" 8 I . . . I :) I { V' G /Gto1 · ~ 233 / d~l3 ,. q;e « ArO,. 1f s -1.u . ( .. I ) , ~ ~(j r . 2f0 . . I .. 4 0. 1 > > . (I(} J, I . b /f .. qr f /A. l bt f. . .. 3. .. 2. .. . . . IA _,33 -~/l fJ i ( f e ~-t . ¢ 6, t; f1:,11v1 : l0vtt1c ./Jt'elre/h.t: ,, . V : Z t;3 ., .41rl/f4S-~ . Z s3 -1 4,//u ., 0 63 UJ \/4 1 ~ d,62 1u v " =· .6. 63.(.4 . • 1!..G6 k Iv '1t . I . v;1: = ,162 / ~ .. q 4.1 ttv res V1(, 2 (4tG6z-f q~il I 7 . ;f,7 )·6/v dL .. 0. r wtW( . I I ex,,, ~ ), a I} • r i 5. q; s J / °' ;s ·_ q 11 ., ~ o ~~t.d:, 0, 3. · qG~ · lO · lft,,o /1 ;( ·,. ~ 45 t IJ ~l/Vc/1.,d :-~7{/ft't~ -q 12?1 < /( ,· Ahrci1trel/l. : . · f in1 dtt/\ t( och ( { { ( { V ?JI t"vt U /,,,/ {. ( / \ {~Id B0RO F. BAL!STATIK U. STAHLBAU ING. HANS J. MELZER . POSTl$..LERSTR. 18A-TEL 08681/1435. FAX4104 8ij~29 WAGING/ SEE Inner rivit row : V" = 2,53 + 47,1 / 11,5 = 2,53 + 4,10 = 6,63 kN V 1 = 1,62 kN V 11 = 6,63 / 4 = 1,66 kN V 1 1 = 1,62 / 4 = 0,41 kN res V 11 = -,J 1662 + O 31 2 = 1 71 kN ' ' ' d 1= 6,5mm; u 1 = 1,08 · ( 3,5 · 0,65) / 0,65 · 0,77 = 3,0 V 1,r,d = 0,3 · 0;65 -3,0 · 14;0 / 1, 1 = 7,45 kN -V11/V1,r,d::;:1,11/7,45=0,229 <1; Shearing: For the high-strength rivit , the charactaristic values of breaking strain unknown. Ref. manufacturer specification: Allowable Va: 11100 N A: 11,10 kN >> existing, Va. Outer rivit row (in the middle of the stem) (4 ) proof needless. All other tie plates: e Decisive is the lowest tie plate ( beam 20 ) in load case 2. Layout of the rivits like the top most tie piate. M z = 453;6-15,12 -11,5 = 280 kN cm; A =8,64cm2 ; W z = 564 / 12,5 = 45, 1 cm3 ~ y = 4s,1 = 6,20 kN / cm2 y I y r,d = 6,20 / 12,73 = 0,49 < 1,0 max. V = 280 / 11,5 = 24,35 kN 24,35 't = o,3-24 = 3,38 kN / cm 3 .iL 't' r,d = 14,00 / 1,1 -.../ 3 = 7,35 kN /cm2 't / '! r,d = 3,38 I 7,35 = 0,46 < 1, 0 Rivits: Inner rivits row ( 8 behind each other ) V" = 15, 12 + 24,35 = 39,48 kN V1 L:::: 39,48 / 8 -4,94 kN ; The unimportant normal force is disregardable. V 1L/ V L,R,d = 4,94 / 7,45 = 0,66 < 1 , 19 Rivit row in the middle of the leg 6 flat head rivits behind each other . V " = 24,35 kN V 1 L" = 24,35 I 6 = 4,06 kN V L,R,d = 0,8 · 0,3 · 0,65 · 3,0 · 14,0 / 1, 1 = 5,96 kN V1,/ V L,R,d = 4,06 / 5,96 = 0,68 <1 ; Further proof for the tie plates is needless .. Unstiffend leg : Leg 3 , Loa~ ,case 1 first joint : 29,81 176;2 ™ Beam 3 -7 and 13-17. A= 11,0 cm2 Wy1,4= '553 / 10,8 = 51,2 cm3 W y2,3 = 553 I 8,0 = 69, t cm3 Wz1,4= 116 r6,44 = 18,0 cm3 Wi.2,3 = 116 / 3,03 = 38,3 <;;m3 y1 = 11,0 + s1,2 -18,0 =2,71 +3,44-5,21 =0,94kN/.cm3 < -cR,d=12,73 176,2 ~ . y 2 = 2,71 + 69,1 + 38,3 = 2,71 + 2,55 + 2,45 = 7,71 kN / cm 2 y 3 = 2,71 -2,55 + 2,45 = i,61 cm 2 y 4 = 2, 71 -3,44..,.. 5,21 = -5,94 cm 2 ·- ·- ---HEFT. 35 . ,: ( i-t vt e Jt l )J /2. (y .(/lit'.... ( B ~( ()tk £,/ t'//1 (tr tt'u Dr i-r c.( It) V11 .. )5/fi'. 1 'ii-~J·t; ~ J'~ ~/J !dv ~<1 -; ·3 i 48 / B ~ . 1t 9 1· l /J r Di< 9e11'w-5e .tvurniJoJw.retfl r"sl .11rv(/!uch(itrrr'9 · bC<V. . . . . ~l l~1'ftd ~ i 9tr./.l;~5. 7 u, bb ( /I,· Ivie {re ili l . t' IA d tr /1 t" ti i_ cf.ts SI le ( t s 6 /J/ e f e l1. _ it i.td.l tr t i'IA c~ t·icJ.tv l'i·ll[ S' e //l t, k OfJ ( V'' -21, 35 u0 ~l,, -: 2 i 35 It .. 't o 6. , v Vi,t,J 1: .u,.8 ·(43. · qGs. · io · A't,O /1,I ~ ~ 9C 4/U ~[ / v;,F,c{ l" 'i OG /5/?6 ~ q 68 < _ ~ '° Vl/ t. t'f ( Y ( /J.tlc&. W(i°f e ... (u; c(f t t5 / vt U. l bf ( C [1 l el'I l helt.vl(c4. 5tt'ele: Ut,1 V{Y ).I iI{jj.r ... ~Ii tl. : 2. . 'j ---s I 3 ·1 . -~ Jo ht 3 .. 1 a . A 3 -/(?. A. "" /1,0 · Cf11. ( . U!t_j,(,'7 : · ·1v~z:3. .We~4 {A.it Zt3 S~3/A0,8 3 .... ., ~11, 2 Ctvt i ,,-I e, o 3 "7 .. ti;( {ft,,[ I • t16 / ~ ~4 1 ~ ;(~ 001.A ; = ~; ~03 ; .. 3 g 3 Cit.A . I I' 80-RO F. BAUSTATIK U. STAHLBAU · ING. HANS J. MELZER POs·r~ELLERSi'R.1aA-TEL08681/1435-FAX4104 8 ~ ~ 2 9 W A G I N G /. S E E Respectively leg 13, load case 1 first joint. -48,45 y 1 = 11,0 + 3,44 + 5,.21 = -4,40 + 3,44 + 5,21 = + 4,25 kN / cm 2 y 2 = -4,40 + 2,55 -2,45 = -4,30 kN / cm 2 y 3 = -4,40 -2,55 -2,45 = -9,40 kN / cm 2 y 4 = -4,40 -3,44 + 5,21 = -2,63 kN / cm 2 Respectively in windy condition or earthquake shock on one corner {Insert drawing-) Stress in one wall -level F '= 0,5 · F / --./ 2 ; Moment of flexure in the l'egs: M z 1 = M 22 = 2 · 93,8 /--./ 2 = ± 133 kN cm; M y 3 = M y4 = 2 · 176, 1 '/ --./ 2 = ± 249 kN cm ; Normal forces-: N 1 = 2 -29,81 /--./ 2 = 42, 16 kN N 3 = 2 · ( -48,49 ) / .;J 2 = -68,52 kN In both pf the other legs only the own weight . N 2 = N 4 = ( -48,45 + 29,81 ) / 2. = -9,32 kN Beam 1: 42,16 133 cr1 = 11,0 -18 = 3,83-7,39 = -3,56 kN / cm 2 133 cr 2 = 3,83 + 38,3 = 3,83 + 3,47 = 7,30 t<N / cm 2 cr 3 = 7,30 kN / cm 2 cr4= -3,56 kN / cm 2 ·- •'f/fft JG . 5l ub. -; 1, LF), 411 ( vM.5_s k"'1 ol t 1,,1 : _,,-~ zqs{ + ;11~ z· _ 93 e \) 1 :11/;.0 . . ,1:; /(~ 0 7 2, 1 /(+ :~ ~ 4· -~ 5; ?;( ~ . q Cf 'i Ii fJ /cw/-< r; P,d , A2,13 rz_ ., .1 7A. -+ 411.2 t q, &' " \.) ~7 69;1 . 383 I I l "" Z ?A + ·2, 5 5" '+ 2, ~ ;-_ ,. 1; 11 h !J /{ n,1 G 3 ~ 211 A -?, 5 r -1-z 4 r 7 2, G 1 ~ G1 T 2 14 -~ -~ {4 -,: 512// .. -4q1.; (I SI Ct b )3, Lf ;I I iln (cu1r5 s, k 11 ol e i-1 : -;: -~B,5 5 i-2 ~4 i-5 l) ~ -1.~0 .f 3 ~4 -f 5 2/1 /(1, o·· ~ . . I 7, 1 1 ? + :{ 2$_ {[J /c~ 1... · · . bzw. -~ 11 G; .. . -. { t, (J f i 5 r .;, 0 ~ .S-, -i 30 t Iv /r 1i1 1 · ~ ,. -7,/10 -2,~r.-2,.'r':;' 0,, ~ ~ ~o " G1 = -i 'r o :~ ~ 4 ~ . t. ~ 2/t .. -. ? § 3 " 6 z tJ. : .b t i . lv llll J o d t v ftrJ heh e 1:1. 5 / vp uh tr Eck J ~ -i .,..._1F' ~ -~-z_ @ 2 1 · ' C / • 3 . \,lj ~ z 1 ,~ ,~I I • ~ ft._·~·. .1 . .,-. IF' --· I I 4 I I .. -~· I ,,,~ . -':--. . J . if 1 . ·---1---· -· ® V ... -----0 /2 'l . F1 . s·0RO F. BAUSTATIK U. STAHLBAU ING. HANS J. MELZER .POSTKEU.ERSTR. 18A-TEL. 08681/1435· FAX4104 C$~29 WAGING/ SEE Beam 2: -.9.32 249 cr 1 = 11 + 51,2 = -0,85 + 4,86 == 4,01 kN / cm 2 249 a 2 = -0,85 + 69,.1 = 0,85 + 3,55 = 2,70 kN / cm 2 cr 3 = -0,85 -3,55 = -4,40 kN / cm 2 a 4 = -0,85 -4,86 = -5, 71 kN / cm 2 Beam 3: -68;52 133 cr1= 11,0 + 18 =-6,23+ 7,39 = 1,16kN/cm 2 133 cr 2 = -6,23 -38,3 = -6,23 -3,47 = 9, 70 kN / cm 2 cr 3 = -9,70 kN / cm 2 a 4 = -1, 16 kN / cm 2 Examination of the (b / t ) relationship : Beam 3 on load of corner Web : q, = 1 Limiting ( b / t ) = 37,8 · -'1 24.0 = 56,7 9,70 · 1,1 existing ( b / t) = 150 / 3 = 50 Side strip on beam 2: a side= -5,71' kN /cm 2 In corner : ·cr = -4,40 kN / cm 2 With q, = 1 : Limiting ( b / t ) = 12,9 -'1 24,0 = 25,2 5,71 · 1,1 Existing b = 42 mm Existing ( b/ t) = 42 /3 =.14; - Bending buckling : El. 739 Condition b : A K = 0,3 -~ f y , d / cr N ; Determining is the buckling about the Z -axis of the profil. i z = 3,24 cm S k= 1'20 cm Aa=...J21000 =121,6 14 11, k,z= 120 / 3,24 = 37,0 A k,z= 37,0 / 121,6 = 0,30 68,52 cr N = 11,0 = 6,23 kN / cni 2 0,3 -...J 12,73 / 6,23 = 0,429 > 0,30 ; Stiff end leg : (Insert drawing) Beam 1,2 and 11, 12: Beam 1 load .case 2 endjoint 42.93 235 155 A = 22,5 cm 2 Wy1 = 1454 / 10,8 = 135 cm 3 = W y4 Wy2 = 1454 / 12,O = 121 cm 3 = Wy3 Wz1 = 258 / 8,65= 29,8 cm 3 = W z4 W22= 258 / 5,82 = 44,3 ctn 3 = W z3 cr 1 = 22,5 -135 + 29,8 = 1,91 -1,74 + 5,20 = 5,37 kN / cm 2 < r r,d = 12,73 235 155 cr 2= 1,91 -121 -44,3 = 1,91 -1,94-3,50 = -3,53 kN 1 cm 2 cr 3= 1,91 + 1,94-3,50 = -0,35 kN / ctn 2 cr 4= 1,91 + 1,74 + 5,20 = 8,35 kN / cm 2· _i() 0 • • • • • 0 Ho·-o _,, .. #..'. --~~----~-~ •••• ~H~-• --•• • • . . . ·· H(Ft _.· ___ ·_ ·-·· :· __ .: · __ ... _:_ ·_,. :·: . .":_·_· -~ .... 1 G "" _i_gj_2 · ? · • ··,I 1 · · u . ,,. . -"// ft O 0. Z 3 . h IJ1 {ivt . q 3· -V 112/1311·23 __ , · _ > :· .. · 0·tr 13._ > °' 10 1 Ve Yr; { e, {J e v 51 i e. l : 1.z .A ~.2?,~rn/ I 2 kl~.,: =: JLi54 / /1~8 3 7 ;(3~ (fl/I : j,{)~1 k/~t ~ It . I AZD ' y ;/2)rr11 .. {JJ~-a .wi1 . ~ ;z; e: / ~ t; . > -i 2~ B c1n -:; l-v z; · . J11i 1 · r ·· z r 8 / ~ 8 z 4 .. 3. 3 7 ~ "' 3th'! ~ lJ l 3 ~I ii b-l ~ 2 . u . AJ, 12 : 5/c,.b. A 1 . LF 2, fi~dk~-rolth . -.. · 4'~·q3 · _ z 3 s--· -+ ... , .. 1s-=s'" G, ZZ t 43"~ --Z1, 'It. . , T d, 94 -I/, 74 -r 5,20 . ' -~ 37 fJJ/orr. l < :n,r/ :c //2', ?3 r ---z3-r -4~~---... ·· · \Jz-7 ./,~ ·-: --174·----~ · -1~1" 3 · = · · · ~ °;/,qi ~ 1,q{ -3;:~o'., -~53 tU/o~i G3 7 1, CJA ., I/, q1 ~ .3 ro 1 o, 1~-J ~ , 4,qA_ +. '114 :·~-~:io · ,:_ a, gc; A /Jc-r{Cz (A) t../r vo1,1; · ·er e.i-t lh e lt r( t'c h , 51 u b 4 ~ l F " . ft, c{k i , o ft u : G -z -?~,6A _ l 3!' _ d5~-I' . 1 22,-~ A 3~ zq, 8 ~ -2, qz--:· 4;'7~ --~ 20· .. :_ 9, 86 kV /rt/ G2 ,. -2, qz -1,_q~ .;, 3, so .. · --;1,.36 " · Ga ~ ~ 2, q 2 -f d, q4 -t 3, )0 , 2, 5 z ,, G~ -=-. -2, qz -f At 1. -~1 20· ·: -4 3 8 " . B0RO F. BAUSTATIK U. STAHLBAU ING. HAN·s J. MELZER PO~;-:-'f.PJ I FRSTR.18A-TEL06681/1435-FAX4104 8 ~ S 2 9 w-A G I N G / S E E - Proof of -r dispensable . Beam· 11, load case 2, end joint: -65,61 235 155 cr 1 = 22,5 -135 + 29,s = 2,92 -1,74 -5,20 = 9,86 kN 1 cm 2 cr 2 = 2,92 '-1,94 + 3,50 = -1,36 kN / cm 2 cr 3= -2,92 + 1,94 + 3,50 = 2,52 kN / cm 2 cr 4= -2,92 + 1,74 -5,20 = -6,38 kN / cm 2 Respectively while in use in windy condition or earthquake shock on one corner: Bending moments in the legs: M z 1 = M z3 = 2 -155 / -V 2 = ± 219 kN cm; M y 2 = M y4 = 2 -235 / --./ 2 -± 332 kN cm ; Normal forces: N 1 = 2 -54,871..:/ 2 = 77,60 kN N 3 = 2 - ( -73,51 ) J -.;j 2 = -103,96 kN In both of the other bec\ms only the own weight . N 2 = N 4 = ( -73,51 + 54,87 ) / 2 = -9,32 kN ; Beam No.1: 77,60 219 cr 1 = 22,s + 29,s = 3,45 + 7,35 == 10,80 kN / cm 2 219 cr 2 = 3,45 -44,3 = 3,45 -4,.94 = -1,49kN / cm 2 cr 3 = -1,49 kN / cm 2 cr 4= 10,80 kN / cm 2 - Beam No.2: -9.32 332 cr 1 = 22,5 -135 = ~ 0,41 -2,46 = -2,87 kN / cm 2 332 a 2 = -0,41 -121 = 0,41 -2,74 = -3, 15 kN / cm 2 cr 3 = -0,41 + 2,74 = 2,33 kN / cm 2 a 4 = -0,41 + 2,46 = 2;05 kN / cm 2 Beam No.3: -103,96 219 22,5 -29,8 = -4 62 -7 35 = -11 97 kN / cm 2 ' ' ' ' 219 cr 2 = -4,62 + 44,3 = -4,62 + 4,94 = 0,32 kN /.cm 2 cr 3 = -0,32 kN / cm 2 a 4= 11,97 kN / cm 2 Bending buckling : El. 739 with case b, i z= 3,39 cm; Euler case 2 : Unsupported length over which buckling occurs Sk = 2-92,5 = 185 cm la=121,6 1 k,z= 185 / 3,39 = 54,6 lk,z= 54,6 / 121.,6 = 0,449 103,9_6 a N = 22,s = 4,62 kN / cm 2 0,3 · ...J 12,13 t 4,62 = 0,498 > 1 k, z = 0,449 Rivits for the connection of leg and track . Shearing forces : Decisive is Qy: Beam no.2 repectively beam 12 load case 2~ - - Qy= 2,55 kN; Static moment of both profiles: Sy ( = 11,34. 2,14 = 24,3 cm 3 respectivly Y = 11,04 -2,21 = 24,4 cm' rivits distance 1200 mm. Strain per rivit: Sy · I 24,4 · 12 V 1 ay = Qy · J2: . t = 2,55 . 229 . 2 = 1,44 kN ; Additional strain from Oz resulting from different moment of inertia of the two profiles. Sz \_ = 0,3-4,2 · 9,34 + 0,3. 6,5. 7,85 + 0,3. 7,85 · 3,93 = 11,77 + 15,31 + 9,26 7 = 36,3 cm 3 s z 17 = 0,3. 2,35. 10,68 + 0,3. 4,7. 11,95 + 0,3. 11,85. 5,93 = 7,53 + 20,61 + 21,08 ::::49,2 cm 3 ; /1 s z= 49,2-36,3 = 12,9 cm 3 ; Q z= 1,30 kN . 4 J z = 1454 cm Qz-~Sz · L V 1az= Jz = 1.30·· 12.9 , 12 1454 t V 1 = 1,44 + 0, 14 = 1,58 kN = 0,14 kN L V 1/ V 1 r,d·= 1,58 / 7,45 = 0,212 < 1,0 Allowable shear force ref. manufacturer data. All. Va= 11,10 kN >> priorV a Lower fastening : The leg stands on a ring bearing - Compressive force derived through contact compression . A= 11,0 cm 2 N ci= -103,.96 kN y = 103,96 / 11,0 = 9,45 kN / cm 2 y / y R,d= 9,45 / 12,73 = 0,74 < 1,1 Repectively with the cut-out on the cross piece. Av= 11,0-0,3 -10= 8,0 cm 2 CT = 103,96 / 8,0 = 13,00 kN / cm 2 a I a R,d = 13,00 / 12, 73 = 1,02; ti The minor transgression is justifiable. Load transfer of the tensile force: Max N d = 77,60 .kN Load transfer about 8 bolts M 12 ( -8.8) e 1 = 20 mm> 1,2 -13:;: 15,6 e = 40 mm > 2,2 -t3 = 28,6 e 2 = 20 mm > 1,2 -13 = 15,6 e 3 = 50 mm 9 Shear stress and hole bearing pressure Min. t = 3 mm Net cross cut of the leg with sector and deduction of the bolt hole. A n, = 11,0 -03 -10 ,... 4 · 1,3 -0,3 = 6:,44 cm 2 CT = 77,60 / 6,44 = 12,05 kN / cm 2 cr/ CTR,d =12,05/12,73=0,95<1 Bolts shear : a a= 0,60 V a,R,d= 1,13 · 0,60 -/ 1,1 = 49,31 kN Va, 1 = 77,60 I 8 = 9, 70 kN Va,1 / Va,R,d= 9,70/49,31=0,197<1 Hole bearing pressure Edge bolt: a 1,1 = 1,1 · 2 / 1,3---0,30 = 1,39 I Second bolt: a 1, 2 = 1,08 -4 / 1,3 -0, 77 = 2,55 Because the leg is not m~ed to the full amount and the bolt 8.8 prestressed therefore w~ calcula,te with equalization No .. 51. V t,R,d, 1,1 = (1,39 + 0,5) · 0,3 · 1,2 · 14,0/ 1,1 = 8,66 kN; Vt, R, d, 1,2 = (2,55 + 0,5 ) · 0,3 · 1,2 · 14,0 / 1, 1 = 13,97 kN ; L Vt= 4 ( 8,66 + 13,97) = 90,54 kN 7760 I 90,54 = 0,86 < 1, Application of the loads in the upper bearing ring: Min. F, d = -103,96 kN Per side F, d~ 1 = 103,96 / 2 = -51,98 kN Line of welding between bearing plate no.t = 6 and bearing plate no. t =10: Aw1 = 2, 0,35: 4 = 2,80 cm 2 Line of welding between bearing plate t = 10 and ring plate t = 8: 8. 5,6 mm Length of the load bearing line of welding L w= 5,0 cm A w 2 = 0,56 -5 = 2,80 cm 2 ; Material of plate SI 37 - 2 : F y,k = 240 N / mm 2 · cr w= 0,95 cr w, R, d = 0,95 -24,00 / 1, 1 = 20,73 kN / cm 2 51,98 a w = 2. 2,so = 9,28 kN / cm 2 aw I [' w, R, d = 9,28 / 20,73 = 0,45 < 1 ; Verificati.on of the transmission of the tensile force is not nec;essary. Bearing: System: Insert drawing The transition of the loads from the tower into the ring bearing is beyond all doubt ensured . Proof not nessesary Transmition of the loads into the bearihg cross: Refer to the ,,HETWA" computer print of calculation in resulting bearing load. Load case 1 Wind: Fvd = 2 -18,64 = 37,28 kN ( 11, F = 1,35) F Hw,d= 2 · 5,55 = 11,10 kN (AF -\f = 1,5) M w,d = 2 -4410 = 8820 kN m (AF .q, = 1,5) Vertical load without part safety factory t: Fv= 27,60 kN Load case 2 : earthquake shock ( exceptional) . -··Htrr .rB .... . F .. ·\/ ' , M . . '·' •. -hi, l-<so J 1.83 . . . . . . ... . . • . . .. kD-Ebtnt ·-·-·- ~ ... ,.6., lJi( {Ab.t~ l.t//u.t,1.5. dtr lo)ftt1.. aur dt111 Tuun iitho, c,{lt,, ·he(c(i0.:· .. ~l_°i°'i-1g( .UvZfA oftt1 i)rtUHrCtl/l t'~f ZW( I { u'r'(r ( { .. g (lJC< UY { t /<Ill . /UCr( tf l,vt l f d a (Ctr t vt f b' e IA. r ( { c ti , · .fiu { ( /lu L--Z 5:-:dt v.. L 01 sl e. 0.. r_'i-r d&ts _ L cygJ ~ k ;-tlr z: t; ic lu c,{ Ct z vt. d// ii r"u. { l / / r i vi' v~ I vi A vf f (c, g (t/ r {C1<feh iv1 dtv {DI!· 3tred1Hu1115 "/ltTWA' BURO F. BAUSTATIK U. STAHLBAU ING. ·H·ANS J. MELZER Pt.>trrl<ELLERSTR. 18A, TEL 08681/1435 · FAX 4104 8 3 3 2 9 W A G ·1 N G / S E E - F Av= 2 · 22,88 = 45,76 kN FA H = 2 -6-17 = 12 34 kN ' , M A= 2 -3936 = 7872 kN m Vertical load without part safety factor ! F v= 33,60 kN Dead weight from drive, the ring and the rotating track: Gu ~ 5,00 kN; Support reactions on the cross: Load case 1: 8 bearing .points with r= 884 I = 442 mm max bearing point load: ..:.EL. 2 - M 37,28 + 1.35. 5,0 2 {8820 + 11,10. 35) minF1,d= 8 -8-r= 8 -27,60 -5!0 max F 1,d = s + 52,08 = +48,00 kN Load case2: From eathquake shock on y u. F A, H , r u = 0,367 -5,0 = 1,84 kN Lever arm to top edge cross -0,35 m, 8 · 44,2 IM A= 7872 + ( 12,34 + 1,84) -35 = 83~8 kN cm 45,76 + 1,35 · 5,0 2 · 8368 =-5,50 -52,08=-57,58 kN min F 1, d = s -8 . 44 2 = -6 56 -47 33 = -53 89 kN· ! ' ' ' -33,60 -5,00 max F 1,d= 8 + 47,33 = 42,51 kN; Proof: Transmition of the min. support reactions. Line of welding, between cross section and flange of lower ring bearing: a= I};._ 5,6 19,3 42,5 60 tw=S,6+1,61 -12+5-ij,5+5,12=127mm Aw= 0,56 · 12,7 = 7,00 cm 2 cr w = 57,58 / 7,11 = 8,10 kN / cm 2 8, 10 / 20,73 = 0,39 <1 Transmition of the tensile forces: 2 bolts M 12 ( 8.8) N R, d = 1, 13 · 64 / ( 1, 1 -1, 1 ) = 59, 77 kN Respectively : N R, d = 0,843 -80 l( 1,25 -1, 1 ) = 49,05 kN 48,00 N 1 = 2 = 24, 00 kN 24,00 / 49,05 = 0,49 < 1 Load bearing line of weldings for the transmi.ti.on of the tensile force. Gusset plate : A w 1 = 2 -0,3 -3,0 = 1,80 cm2 Partial load bearing Web plate line of welding I};._ 5,6 A w 2 = 0,56 -5,0 = 2,80 Cr'n 2 24,00 cr w = 1,80 + 2,80 = 5,22 kN / cm 2 5,22 I 20, 73 = 0,25 < 1 The transmition of the horizontal loads is al$o possible alone over friction by the prestressed screws. Comparision with DIN 4112 : 16 x M 12 ( 8.8) }:: F v = 16 -37 = 592 kN ; friction value min µ = 0, 1 admissible Ftt = 592 -0, 1 = 59,2 kN >> existing F H. - - Bearing .cross : Resultant bearing point is the middle between the composit anchor. r m = 1000mm Weight of the cross app. 200 kg Support reactions .and stress-resultant components Load case 1 L F v,d= 37,28 + 1,35 ( 5,00 + 2,00) = 46,73 kN; F Hw,d = 1 t, 10 kN M w,d = 8820 + 11,10 · 55 = 9431 kN cm Vertical load without partial safety value: F v = 27,6 + 7,00 = 34,60 kN · -46,73 2 · 9431 min. F 1 , d = s -s . 100 = =-584-2358=-2942kN· -' ' ' ' -34,60 max F 1,d =;: s + 23,58 = 19,26 kN max M y, d :;: 29,42 · 0,558 = 16,42 kN m j Load case 2: L F Av·, d = 45,76 + 1,35 ( 5,00 + 2,00) = 55,21 kN F Ah = 12,34 + 0,367 (5,00 + 2,00);:: 1'4,91 kN MA= 7872 + ( 12,34 + 1,85) · 55 = 8652 kN. cm Vertical load without partial safety value FA v = 33,60 + 7,0 = 40,60 kN -55,21 2 · 8652 min F 1 , d = s -s. 100 = = -6,90 -21,63 = 28,53 kN -40,60 max F 1 , d = · s + 21,63 = 1'6,56 kN - Proof: Dominant is load case 1 : On the outer boarder: CT x , d = 1642 / 194 = 8,46 kN / cm 2 cr R,d = 24,0 / 1,1 = 21,80 kN / cm 2 8,46 I 21,80::; 0,39 < 1 According EL ( 744) : In the area of the web : e = 100 -8,5-12 = 79,5 mm 1642 · 7,95 CT X' d = 1940 = 6, 73 kN / Crtl 2 < 0,5 . f y' h Permitted transmissible force from the bearing -ring. Load bearing length I: I 2 = 8 + 5 ( 12 + 8,5 + 12). = 8 + 162,5 = = 170 mm; s = 5,6 mm F y, h = 24,0 kN / cm 2 y M = 1, 1 4lt F R,d = 0,56 -17 · 24,0 / 1,1 = 201;10 kN min F 1, d / F R, d = 57,58 / 207, 70 = 0,28 < 1 - Position stability analysis -anchoring_: The tower is a so called ,,Temporary structure" refering to -OIN 4112. For the safety against overturning and sliding smaller wind shear amounts of safety margin can be used then in the. DIN 18 800 ( y F • \f' = 1,5 ) Refering to DIN 4112: y w = 1,2 F hw = 11, 10 -1,2 / 1,5 = 8,88 kN M w = 86,52 · 1,2 / 1,5 = 69,22 kN m; Anchor load: 34,60 2 · 69,22 max F 1 = s· + s. 1,0 = -4,33 + 17,31. = 12, 98 kN:; available FISCHER reaction anchor R M12 Foundation concrete quality = B 25 Anchor distance a = 15 cm < norm a = 27 Therefore reduced anchor loa(f. red. F = permited F · X a. reda 1.. 1i_ _1 X a= ( 1 + a ) · 2 = ( 1 + 27 ) · 2 = 0, 78 Permited reduced F = 2 -10. 0,78 = 15,60 kN > 12,98 In load case 2 = earthquake shock : Max F 1 = 16,56 kN An earthquake shock is art exception -DIN· 4149 · Building in German earthquake areas -therefore static certainties can be exhausted. Normally they are 1,5 and higher. Assuming the anchor ·has a safety factor of 1,5 sufficient reserve for a earthquake shock is available. The horiz.ontal load can be picked up by 16 anchor and partly due to friction between concrete and steel. µ = 0,2 Proof dispensable. To Compare : One ( 1x ) bolt alone is able to conduct a horizontal load of 7,80 KW. 16 bolts are available. Position safety'--Foundation: No reduction of safety refering to DIN 4112. A circular foundation with an outside diameter of 2,80m and a height of 0,80 m. y = 23,0 kN / m 3 r F = 23,0. 0,80. n. 2,802 1 h = 113,30 kN, Stress resultant components in the foundation joint Load case 1 ..,. Wind : I,y = 34,60 + 113,30::: 147,90 kN -M w,ct = 94,31 + 11,10 -0,80 = 103,19 kN m; Load case -e;;irthquake shock : - E y = 40,60 + 113,30 = t53,90 kN ; MA= 86,52 + 14,91 -0,80 + 0,367 -90,32 -0,40 = 86,52 + 11,93 + 13,26 = 111,7t kNm; Stability refering to handbook 2 steel buildings; Load case 1 -Wind : t = 103, 19 / 147,90 = 0,70 m,; ..1 k 1 = 4 -1,40 = 0,35 < t = split joint .L..:....1E k 2 = 1s -1,40 = 0,82 > I = 0, 70 m Load case 2 earthquake shock : t = 111,71 / 153,90 = 0,76 m < k 2= 0,82 m; Pressure on soil : Load case 1 -Wind : A = 2,802 1t I 4 = 6, 16 m2 ~2-i ~ ! p ,d = A · k 1 [ 1 ....: 0, 7 ( k 1 -1 ) ( 1 -k 2 ) ] 147,90 · 2 · 0,70 0,70 0,70 6, 16 . 0,35 [ 1 -0,7 ( 0,35 -1 )( 1 -0,82 ) ] ' = 81,98 kN / m2 < ??? - Load case 2 earthquake shock: .153,90 ·2 · 0,76 W 0.76 p 'd = 6, 16. 0,35 [ 1 -0, 7 ( 0,35 -1 ) ( 1 -0,82 ) ] = 99,20 kN / m2 < admissible p Margin of safety against sliding is given . Waging Feb.19 1998 Signed MELZER