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1 LEGOLAND DR; ; CBC2016-0010; Permit
4LCity Carlsbad Commercial Permit_,,_____ Print Date: 07/31/2018 Permit No: CBC2016-0010 Job Address: 1 Legoland Dr ' Permit Type: BLDG-Commercial Work Class: New Status: Closed - Finaled Parcel No: 2111000900 Lot #: Applied: 11/15/2016 Valuation: . - $120,000.00 Reference if: DEV2016-0028 Issued: 04/07/2017 Occupancy Group: - - Construction Type: Permit Finaled: ' # Dwelling Units: - . Bathrooms: Inspector: PBurn Bdrooms: . Orig. Plan Check if: Final Plan Check if: Inspection: 7/31/2018 10:24:01AM Project Title: , LEGOL.AND WP17WATER SLIDE Description: '. , LEGOLAND:WP 17 NEW 927 SF RESTROOM BLDG/ EXPANSION OF MECH. PUMP ROOM & CHEMICAL STORAGE! WET ., SPRAY PLAY AREA / 4 CABANAS / WATERSLIDE ELECTRICAL, STRUCTURE & THEMING ARE N.A.P. 'Applicant: . , - Owner: ETHOS ARCHITECTURE . LEGOLAND CALIFORNIA LLC <LF> PLAY U S DANIEL STEWART r ACQUISITION CO INC . / • 24542 Creekview Dr LAGUNA HILLS, CA 92653 P0 Box 543185 C/O Property Tax Service Co'' 949-607-8016 - DALLAS, TX 75354 .BUILDING PERMIT FEE $2000+ .. $697.00 BUILDING PLAN CHECK FEE (BLDG) • $487.90 ELECTRICAL BLDG COMMERCIAL NEW/ADDITION/REMODEL $89.00 FIRE A-4 & A-S Occu'pancies New :- ' . . . $1,152.00 GREEN BUILDING STANDARDS PLAN CHECK . $166.00 MANUAL BUILDING PERMIT FEE . $125.00 MECHANICAL BLDG COMMERCIAL NEW/ADDITION/REMODEL . $55.00 PLUMBING BLDG COMMERCIAL NEW/ADDITION/REMODEL $8600 - PUBLIC FACILITIES FEES - inside CFD $2,184.00 SB1473 BUILDING STANDARDS FEE' . , S $5.00 STRONG MOTION-COMMERCIAL . . $33.60 SWPPP INSPECTION FEE TIER 1- Medium BLDG . $232.00. SWPPP PLAN REVIEW FEE TIER 1: MEDIUM $55.00 Total Fees: $5,367.50 ' Total Payments To Date: $5,367.50 Balance Due: $0.00 - - . Please take NOTICE that approiaI of your project includes the "Imposition" of fees, dedications, reservations, or other exactions hereafter , collectively referred to as fees/exaction.' You have 90 days from the date this permit was issued to protest imposition of these fees/exactions. If you protest them, you must follow the protest procedures set forth in Government Code Section 66020(a), and file the protest and any other required information with the City Manager for proceing in accordance with Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 3.32.030. Failure to timely follow that procedure will bar any subsequent legal action to attack, review, set aside, void, or annul their imposition • You are hereby FURTHER NOTIFIED that your right to protest the specified fees/exactions DOES NOT APPLY to water and sewer connection - fees and capacity changes, nor planning, zoning, grading or other similar application processing or service fees in connection with this .. p'roject: NOR DOES IT APPLY to any fees/exactions of -which you have previously been given a NOTICE similar to this, or as to which the statute of limitation has previously otherwise expired. - -• .- I • • 1635 Fa'raday Avenue, Carlsbad, CA 92008-7314 1 760-602-2700 1 760-602-8560 f I www.carlsbadca.gov I, THE FOLLOWING APPROVALS REQUIRED PRIOR TO PERMIT ISSUANCE: DPLANNING DENGINEERING DBUILDING MARE DHEALTH DHAZMATIAPCD Building Permit Application Plan Check No Giti,r of -. . 1635 Faraday Ave., Carlsbad, CA 92008 Est. Value 1k ' . . Ce~ri 10 j 760-602-2719 Fax: 760-602-8558 .-' Plan Ck. Deposit -. ,. S ci. . emalI:bulIdlr1gCarISbadca.gov Date ((.js,l5, -ISWPPPI www.carlsbadca.gov JOB ADDRESS 1 'AND Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008 APN 211-100-09-00 CT/PROJECT It {ET1' 7_ ",, PHASE It It OF UNITS IA BEDROOMS IA BATHROOMS TENANT BUSINESS NAME CONSTR. TYPE 0CC. GROUP LOT 18 OFcARLSBAp TRACT.#94-0 OF CARjSBAD RbNCH UNIT 20. MAP # 3408. V-B A-5,. DESCRIPTION OF WORK: Include Square Feet of Affected Area(s) DEMOLITION OF SITE AREA, GRADING, LANDSCAPE, HARDSCAPE, AND OTHER , SITE IMPROVEMENTS, REALIGNMENT OF EXISTING UTILITIES, RESTROOM BUILDING, 6 LANE MAT RACER SLIDE (DEFERRED APPROVAL), A WET SPRAY. (PLAY) AREA, 4 CABANAS, NEW SANDY SEATING AREAS, RELOCATE FOOD &BEVERAGE TRUCK - FROM EXISTING TO NEW LOCATION, NEW OUTDOOR DINING ADJACENT TO FOOD AND BEVERAGE TRUCK. DEFERRED APPROVAL, RELOCATE TUBE STORAGE YARD, EXPANSION OF MECHANICAL PUMP ROOM AND CHEMICAL STORAGE AREA, PATHWAY AND FENCING FOR SOAK N' SAIL ATTRACTION ,NEW EXISTING USE . - PROPOSED USE - GARAGE (SF) PATIOS (SF) DECKS(SF) FIREPLACE AIRCONDITIONING SPRINKLERS 11`1111 ' .A-5 . .-. . .,, A-5 • n/a n/a n/a YES# N0 YES NOE YESNOE APPLICANT NAME . . . - .. PrlmaryContact Daniel Stewart - . - .. -. PROPERTY OWNER NAME . . Play U.S. Acqulsitlonco Inc. . -- ADDRESS.,.. ,.. . ,.,-.. .- . .,,. . ADDRESS 24542 Creekview Drive . -' •J - : ' 1 LEGOLAND Drive CITY . . - . . STATE ZIP , Laguna Hills. ' CA 92653- CITY STATE ZIP Carlsbad CA 92008, PHONE . -,'.. FAX -' - - PHONE FAX ,'949607-8016.. ' .- none ', 949-607-8016 none EMAIL - . - daniels@ethosarch.com '. • . , EMAIL daniels@ethosarch.com PIESIGN PROFESSIONAL COIN CTOR BUS. dt _____ ____ __________________ _. ADDRESS 24542-Creekview Drive' . ' .' ADDRESS E r CITY - . .- STATE 4 . ZIP LagUnaHills ', __CA _--92653 CITY STATE ZIP _- PHONE , 4-9496078016__none P ONE EMAIL - - . .scotth@ethosarch:corn ....• _. _ c.. - - ArchItect - STATE LIC. II C 31801 STAT_L_C.#____'- _CI.AS__CITYBUS.LtC.# Workers' Compensation Declaration:/ hereby affirm under penally of perjury one of lIre following declarations: 1—i - . - -, - L.J I have and will maintain a certificate of consent to self-insure for workers' compensation as provided by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this is issped. permit 11 .--.-.'- -. .- . . - I •J4' LJ I have and will maintain wotit s' compens tion, as ired by Section 37 of the Labor Code, for the performan I the work r which this pert-nit is issu My workers' compensation insuran/e rrier rd p lic number are: Insurance Co. _iL-"-C.IA- D ____5- .) f&Rdicy No. Expiration Dale This section need not be dmpleled if the permit is for one hundred dollars ($100) or less. I , California. WARNING: Failure to ers' compensatio e is unlawful, and shall subject an employer to criminal penalties and civil fines up to one hu dredthous nd dollars (&I00,000), in Certificate of Exemption: I certify, that in the performance of lhIwhich this permit is issued, I shall not employ any person in any manner so as to become subject Is the Workers' Compensation Laws of addition to the cost of compensation, d ma as provided for i 37 6 oft abor code, interest and attorney's fees, CONTRACTORSIGNATURE '•7 '- —]AGENT DATE C- ' I hereby affirm that lam exempt from Conlraclor's License Law for the following reason: affirm of the property or my employees with wages as their sole compensation, will do the work and the structure is not intended or offered for sale (Sec. 7044, Business o ensions Code: The Coniraclor's ees, provided Iha provements are not intended or offered for, - Lice w ddes not apply to an owner cf property who builds or improves thereon, and who does such work himself or through his own emplo~no sale. If, homey din or improvemenl is sold within one year of completion, the owner-builder will have lire burden of proving that he dit build - ove for the purpose ot sale). - I, as owner of the property, am exdusi cling with licensed contractors l construct the project (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions - he Contraclor's License Law does not apply loan owner of - property who builds or improves thereon, and conlra rojects with contractor(s) licensed pursuant to the Contractor's License - '- - am exempt under Section 'Business and Professions Code - on: ' 1.1 personally plan to provide the major labor and materials for construction 01 the propose im ro - EYes ENs - 2. I (have I have nol) signed an application for a building permit for the proposed work. - 3. have contracted with the following person (firm) 10 provide the proposed on (include name address! phone/con ' cense number):-- - 4. I plan to provide portions of the work, bull have hired Ih - person to coordinate, supervise and provide the major work (include nam ross! phone / contractors' license number): 5 I will provide some of the work bull ha c ed (hired) the following persons to provide the work indicated (include name / address I phone I type 0 ROWNER SIGNATURE h DAGENT DATE 11/15/201 r 5 -.,-, • .., Ui . ,1)Sec 7031.5 Business and Professions Code: Any City or County which requires a permit to construct, alter, improve, demolish' or repair any structure, prior to its issuance, also requires the -• as for such permit to file a signed statement that he is licensed pursuant to the provisions of the Contractor's License Law (Chapter 9, commending with Section 7000 of Division 3 of the " Business and Professions Code) or that he is exempt therefrom, and the basis for the alleged exemption. Any violation of Section 7031.5 by any applicant for a permit subjects the applicant to a - civil penalty of not more than five hundred dollars ($500fl. 00 Is the applicant or future building occupant required to submit a business plan, acutely hazardous materials registration form or risk management and prevention program under Sections 25505, 25533 or 25534 of the 'Presley-Tanner Hazardous Substance Account Act? ' Yes Is the applicant or future building occupant required to obtain permit from the air pollution control district or air quaNt management district? Yes - Is the facility to be constructed within 1,000 feet of the outer boundary of a school site? - Yes - - IF ANY OF THE ANSWERS ARE YES, A FINAL CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY MAY NOT BE ISSUED UNLESS THE APPLICANT HAS MET OR IS MEETING THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE OFFICE OF EMERGENCY SERVICES AND THE AIR POLLUTION CONTROL DISTRICT. I hereby affirm that there is a construction lending agency for the performance of the work this permit is issued (Sec. 3097 (i) Civil Code). Lender's Name . ' . I Lender's Address -0 ......................':.'. ,. '- - I certjty that l have read the application and state that the a ove information to correct and that the information on the plans is accurate. I agree to comply with all City ordinances and State laws retathrgto butldingconstruction. thereby authorize representative of the C Caisbad flIer upon the above mentioned property for inspection purposes. I ALSO AGREE TO SAVE, INDEMNIFY AND KEEP HARMLESS THE CITY OF CARLSBAD. AGAINST ALL LIABILITIES, JUDO OSTS XPENSES WHIC AY IN ANY WAY ACCRUE AGAINST SAID CITY INCONSEQUENCE OF THE GRANTING OF THIS PERMIT. OSHA: An OSHA pemrft is required r x lions ov 0 ee and demoli o or construction of structures over 3 stories in height. EXPIRATION: Every permit issu i 010 der Ih proizsio jo this Code shalt expire by limitation and become null and void if the building or work authorized by such permit is not commenced within l8o days from thdate ofuth I e c i permit is suspended or abandoned at any time alter the work is commenced fora period of 180 days (Section 106.4.4 Uniform Building Code). , ,.gAPPLICANTS SIGNATUR - - ' DATE 11/15/2016 .' . :. .. STOP: THIS SECTION NOT REQUIRED FOR BUILDING PERMIT ISSUANCE. Complete the following ONLY if a Certificate of Occupancy will be requested at final inspection. CE R TIFICAT E .J OCCUPANCY (Comm e r ci a l IProj e c t s .I7IWJ Fax (760) 602-8560, Email bUiIdincl.carISbadCa.govor Mail the completed form to City of Carlsbad. Building Division 1635 Faraday Avenue, Carlsbad, California 92008. CO#: (Office Use Only) -• . CONTACT NAME . - ., - - OCCUPANT NAME Daniel Stewart ' . LEGOLAND California ADDRESS - . • . 24542 çre'ekview Dr. .. -, - . BUILDING ADDRESS 1 LEGOLAND Dr. CITY , STATE . ZIP Laguna Hills, - . CA - . ' 92008 CITY STATE ZIP - Carlsbad CA 92008. 'TAX PHONE - (949)607-8016 •' . none, please email. EMAIL - . - - dániels@éthosarch.com OCCUPANT'S BUS. LIC. No. DELIVERY OPTIONS . . -'- . PICK UP: CONTACT (Listed above) . OCCUPANT (Listed above) CONTRACTOR (On Pg. 1) .' .. - . ASSOCIATED CR# ............................................................................................... .. ... . ...... ................. MAIL TO: . CONTACT (Listed above) . OCCUPANT (Listed above) CONTRACTOR (On Pg. 1) NO CHANGE IN USE / NO CONSTRUCTION MAIL /FAX TOOTHER: '. • •- - - -. . . - . . CHANGE OF USE /NO CONSTRUCTION .APPLICANTS SIGNATURE *_. - - DATE -4. -•. . . - -, .5. . . Permit Type: BLDG-Commercial - Application Date: 11/15/2016 Owner: LEGOLAND CALIFORNIA LLC <LF> PLAY U S ACQUISITION CO INC / Work Class: New Issue Date: 04/07/2017 Subdivision: CARLSBAD TCT#94-09 UNIT#02 & 03 Status: Closed - Finaled Expiration Date: 01/01/2019 Address: 1 Legoland Dr Carlsbad, CA 92008-4610 IVR Number: 268 Scheduled Actual - . lnspection Type Inspection No. Inspection Status Primary Inspector Reunspection Complete Date Start Date Checklist Item * COMMENTS Passed BLDG-Building Deficiency Pending DOSH approval Yes - BLDG-Plumbing Final Yes BLDG-Mechanical Final Yes - BLDG-Structural Final Yes BLDG-Electrical Final Yes 08101/2018 BLDG-SW-lnspectio 059585-2018 Scheduled Paul Bumette Incomplete 4 ..n . -¼- : F-- 4 4 - / - •. - \ • :• •T _1• • • ¼ * • •-•: • . F - 5 -- :•• - - .4 ) *4 •- / • : •. I July 31,2018 Page llofl2 - - :' . Permit Type: BLDG-Commercial Application Date: 11/15/2016 Owner: LEGOLAND CALIFORNIA LLC <LF> PLAY U S ACQUISITION CO INC -Work Class: New Issue Date: 04/07/2017 Subdivision: CARLSBAD TCT#94-09 UNIT#02 & -. 03 - Status: Closed - Finaled. Expiration Date: 01/01/2019 Address: 1 Legoland Dr - . Carlsbad, CA 92008-4610 • . IVR Number: 268 Scheduled Actual Inspection Type Inspection No. Inspection Status Primary Inspector Reinspection Complete - Date Start Date 05/31/2018 05/31/2018 BLDG-21 - 059579-2018 Passed Paul Bumette Complete Underground/Underf - loor Plumbing • Checklist Item . COMMENTS Passed • 'I BLDG-Building Deficiency Elevator pit Yes 06!13l2018 06113/2018 BLDG-lI 060788-2018 Partial Pass Paul Bumette Reinspection Incomplete Foundation/FtgiPier . s (Rebar)' -- - ,• , ç Checklist Item COMMENTS Passed .. - S • , ' . BLDG-Building Deficiency Not ready Yes .' .' 06/20/2018 06/20/2018 BLDG-12 Steel/Bond 061592-2018 Passed Paul Burnette Complete' Beam' . ..' Checklist Item ' COMMENTS Passed , S - - BLDG-Building Deficiency Not ready Yes 06121/2018 06/21/2018 , 6LDG-12 Steel/Bond 061737-2018 Passed Paul Bumette Complete : Beam • S / Checklist Itm COMMENTS Passed BLDG-Building Deficiency Yes 0 06/28/2018 06/28/2018 BLDG-11 062540-2018 Passed Paul Bumette Complete • • Foundation/FtglPier s(Rebar). - Checklist Item • COMMENTS ' Passed BLDG-Building Deficiency Not ready Yes BLDG-12 Steel/Bond 062541-2018 Passed Paul Burnette Complete Beam- • • - ' - Checklist Item COMMENTS - ' Passed BLDG-Building Deficiency - Yes ' 07/05/2018 07/0512018 , BLDG-12 Steel/Bond 063160.2018 Partial Pass Andy Krogh Reinspection Incomplete • ' Beam , 5. 0 , , • • Checklist Item COMMENTS Passed - • . 5- 0 - BLDG-Building Deficiency Enlarged sidewalk footings left and right of Yes '- - - ' 0 S - • S slide 0 'I - - •_.5 - ' 07/31/2018 -07/31/2018 • BLDG-Final - 1065475.2018 - Passed Andy Krogh Complete Inspection 0 -5-.. J -- _5 • 0 •• - 1 0_ S • 0 July 3l,2018 - • 0 - • .Page lo -of l2 Permit Type: BLDG-Commercial Application Date: 11/15/2016 Owner: LEGOLAND CALIFORNIA LLC <LF> PLAY US ACQUISITION CO INC Work Class: New - ,issue Date: 04/07/2017 Subdivision: CARLSBAD TCT#94-09 UNIT#02 & 03 Status: 'Closed - Finaled L Expiration Date: 01/01/2019 Address: 1 Legoland Dr - Carlsbad, CA 92008-4610 - - IVR Number: 268 Scheduled ' Actual , ,Date a Date ,Inspection Type. Inspection No. Inspection Status Primary Inspector Reinspection Complete • 'Checklist Item COMMENTS Passed . FIRE- Building Final • Still pending completion of ED access for Yes final inspection. 03/30/2018 03/30/2018 BLDG-Final ' 053299-2018 Partial Pass Andy Krogh Reinspection lnomplete Inspection '' • ' Checklist Item . COMMENTS Passed I BLDG-Building Deficiency Temp occupancy of sand areas and food Yes trailer seating area. No slide, no water .. . . , - , features, no cabanas. Area behind trailer . and electrical still be worked on. . BLDG-Plumbing Final Requires hot water heater working in No restrooms, finish installation of fixtures - , BLDG-Mechanical Final . Yes BLDG-Structural Final . Yes BLDG-Electrical Final Yes - 04/02/2018 04/02/2018 BLDG-Final ' 053459-2018 - Partial Pass Andy Krogh '. Reinspectidn . Incomplete -' - - Inspection , - . :Checklist Item - COMMENTS Passed BLDG-Building Deficiency Occupancy of restrooms Ok Yes - ,- BLDG-Plumbing Final Yes -, - .. - BLDG-Mechanical Final Yes ' BLDG-Structural Final Yes BLDG-Electrical Final Yes , 04/03/2018 04/03/2018 BLDG-Final ' 053674-2018 . Partial Pass Andy Krogh Reinspection Incomplete Inspection. Checklist Item ' COMMENTS Passed - - • , . -. BLDG-Building Deficiency Temp occupancy of sand areas and food Yes - I trailer seating area. No slide, no water features, no cabanas. Restrooms Ok to - occupy ( 'BLDG-Plumbing Final , Yes BLDG-Mechanical Final . Yes • BLDG-Structural Final - . Yes - BLDG-Electrical Final . Yes 04/04/2018 04/04/2018 BLDG-Fire Final 053149-2018 Passed Cindy Wong Complete Checklist Item . COMMENTS Passed - - FIRE- Building Final . Still pending completion of FD access for Yes - final inspection. . -. 05/23/2018 05/23/2018 BLDG-31 - • . 058900-2018 • Passed Paul Burnette - Complete .1 Underground/Condu it - Wiring '.. , , • Checklist Item - . ' COMMENTS Passed • . BLDG-Building Deficiency , No July 312018 . , . . . . !' - - Page 9of12 Permit Type: BLDG-Commercial Application Date: 11/15/2016 Owner: LEGOLAND CALIFORNIA LLC <LF> - V V PLAY U S ACQUISITION CO INC Work Class: New ' - Issue Date: 04/07/2017 Subdivision: CARLSBAD TCT#94-09 UNIT#02 & V 03 - Status: Closed - Finaled Expiration Date: 01/01/2019 Address: 1 Legoland Dr -' Carlsbad, CA 92008-4610 - -. - IVR Number: 268 ScIeduled Actual V V Inspection Type Inspection No. Inspection Status Primary Inspector Reinspection Complete Date Start Date Checklist Item COMMENTS Passed V BLDG-Building Deficiency No BLDG-14 No V Frame-Steel-Bolting-Welding 1' (Decks) • ' V V BLDG-24 Rough-Topout No V BLDG-34 Rough Electrical V No . BLDG-44 No ( V • . V Rough-Ducts-Dampers - V 02/26/2018 '02/26/2018 BLDG-24 049986.2018 Passed Paul Burnette V Complete V Rough/Topout V V - ' Checklist Item V COMMENTS ' Passed V V V BLDG-Building Deficiency - Yes V BLDG-84 Rough 049656-2018 Failed Paul Burnette Reinspection Complete • Combo(14,2434,44) V V V V V 'checklist Item COMMENTS - Passed -. BLDG-Building Deficiency No ' BLDG-14 No - V V V V Frame-Steel-Bolting-Welding V J V .1 . (Deèks) V V BLDG-24 Rough-Topout No BLDG-34 Rough Electrical No V BLDG-44 No V V V Rough-Ducts-Dampers V V '02/27/2018 02/27/2018 BLDG-84 Rough V 050143-2018 Passed Paul Burnette 'Complete,' V Combo(14,24,34,44) V Checklist Item ' COMMENTS Passed V V V BLDG-Building Deficiency Yes V - V / BLDG-14 V Yes V V . Frame-Steel-Bolting-Welding •• V V V (Decks) - . V ' V V V V - ' BLDG-24 Rough-Topout Yes V V BLDG-34 'Rough Electrical Yes V ' BLDG44 Yes V V V V V ' Rough-Ducts-Dampers. 02/28/2018 02/28/2018 BLDG-16 Insulation V 050126-2018 , Passed Paul Burnette Complete ,. V / •V $ VV V ' rIu4;..a I...._. ' r-ennru.c.rre V_V - VV.Vt BLDG-Building Deficiency Yes V 03/02/2018 03/02/2018 BLDG-17 Interior, 050417.2018 Passed Andy Krogh Complete V Lath/Drywall V V • V V• ' V V 03/29/2018 03/28/2018 BLDG-Fire Final 052861.2018 • Partial Pass Cindy Wong Reinspection Incomplete V j V V V • • V V V - V V V V Vl• 'V - V ' • V - •V V . July31, 2018. V •• - ' Page 8 of 12 V V V .4. Permit Type: e BLDG-Commercial Application Date: 11/15/2016 Owner: LEGOLAND CALIFORNIA LLC <LF> PLAY U S ACQUISITION CO INC Work Class:'New - Issue Date: 04/07/2017 Subdivision: CARLSBAD TCT#94-09 UNIT#02 & 03 Status: Closed - Finaled Expiration Date: 01/01/2019 Address: 1 Legoland Dr - Carlsbad, CA 92008-4610 • IVR Number: \268 Scheduled Actual Inspection Type Inspection No. Inspection Status Primary Inspector Reinspection Complete Date - Start Date '07/24/2017 ' 07/24/2017 BLDG-Final 029539.2017 . Cancelled Paul Burnette Reinspection Complete - •• - Inspection • _ - . Checklist Item COMMENTS Passed BLDG-Building Deficiency Temp occupancy of sand areas and food Yes - - - - trailer seating area. No slide, no water - features, no cabanas. Area behind trailer - - and electrical still be worked on. ' BLDG-Plumbing Final No BLDG-Mechanical Final ' No 'BLDG-Structural Final ' No .' BLDG-Electrical Final No .,, - 10/31/2017 - 10/3112017 ._•?•_F BLDG-Fire Final 026983-2017 Partial Pass Cindy Wong Reinspection 'lnáomplete p • - • I • , - ' Checklist Item COMMENTS Passed - FIRE- Building Final Still pending completion of FD access for Yes trial inspection. - * 01/18/2018 01/18/2018 BLDG-IS , 046169-2018 Passed Andy Krogh Complete Roof/ReRoof (Patio) -. - . . ' Checklist Item COMMENTS Passed • ----- BLDG-Building Deficiency Roof sheeting at restrooms Yes ' • ' - - 02/01/2018 02/01/2018 -' • . BLDG-14 • , 047477.2018 Cancelled Paul Burnette Reinspection Complete • FramelSteéllBolting/ - 'Welding (Decks) -- checklist Item COMMENTS Passed - ,' - . BLDG-Building Deficiency • No - - 02/05/2018 - 02/05/2018 - BLDG-14 • 047791-2018 Passed Andy Krogh Complete Frame/Steel/Bolting/ Welding (Decks) - • Checklist Item COMMENTS Passed - ' • BLDG-Building Deficiency Restrooms Yes 02/06/2018 02/06/2018 BLDG-18 Exterior -' 047945.2018 Passed Paul Burnette - Complete -: -. • • Lath/Drywall ' - • - Checklist Item' COMMENTS Passed - • BLDG-Building Deficiency Yes 02/07/2018 02/07/2018 BLDG-84 Rough , 048124-2018 Failed Paul Burnette - Complete Reinspection . • Combo(14,24,34,44) - •- I July 31, 2018 Page 7of12 Permit Ty: BLDG-Commercial Application Date: 11/15/2016 Owner: LEGOLAND CALIFORNIA LLC <LF> PLAY U S ACQUISITION CO INC "Work Class: New Issue Date: 04/07/2017 Subdivision: CARLSBAD TCT#94-09 UNIT#02 & 03 Status: Closed - Finaled Expiration Date: 01/01/2019 Address: 1 Legoland Dr • - • ' Carlsbad, CA 92008-4610 IVR Number: 268 Scheduled ' Actual Inspection Type Inspection No. Inspection Status Primary Inspector Reinspection Complete Date Start Date • . ' Checklist Item COMMENTS Passed BLDG-Building Deficiency . - No 07/03/2017 07/03/2017 BLDG-Final , 027730-2017 Partial Pass Andy Krogh Reinspection - Incomplete Inspection Checklist Item. COMMENTS Passed BLDG-Building Deficiency Temp occupancy of sand areas and food Yes • trailer seating area. No slide, no water - ,: .,. , . , , features, no cabanas. Area behind trailer and electrical still be worked on. . . BLDG-Plumbing Final No BLDG-Mechanical Final No • BLDG-Structural Final , No • - 'S BLDG-Electrical Final No 07/06/2017 07/06/2017 - BLDG-34 Rough 027916-2017 Partial Pass Paul Burnette Reinspection Incomplete ,Electrical ' 4 . Checklist Item , . COMMENTS Passed - . . BLDG-Building Deficiency Existing conduit in pump room to be No - . .. . . replaced with new conduit @ rusty '• - . - locations. All rusted I unsafe conduit, boxes . . -. and switches, outlets, fixtures to be corrected. - Correction notice left with contractor. 4 , 4 . /. . .4 5 . 07/07/2017 07/07/2017 BLDG-Final 028129-2017 Partial Pass ' Paul Burnette Reinspection Incomplete . ' Inspection Checklist Item COMMENTS Passed • ,. - ' ., . BLDG-Building Deficiency Temp occupancy of sand areas and food Yes ,' - . . - trailer seating area. No slide, no water . , features, no cabanas. Area behind trailer \ . and electrical still be worked on. , .5 , BLDG-Plumbing Final No BLDG-Mechanical Final No , BLDG-Structural Final No BLDG-Electrical Final . No 07/21/2017 407/21/2017 BLDG-Final 029452-2017 Cancelled Paul Burnette Reinspection •. Complete - Inspection Checklist Item COMMENTS Passed BLDG-Building Deficiency Temp occupancy of sand areas and food Yes -. . - '• . - , ' trailer seating area. No slide, no water . . - . features, no cabanas. Area behind trailer • .. 1'I. and electrical still be worked on. - . BLDG-Plumbing Final . . No -' -• , BLDG-Mechnical Final ' , No BLDG-Structural Final . No BLDG-Electrical Final ' No ( * I • ' '' ,,-.-S 54 - ' - July 31,2l'18 '.• • • . -. Page 6of12 Permit Type: BLDG-Commercial Application Date: 11/15/2016 Owner: LEGOLAND CALIFORNIA LLC <LF> PLAY U S ACQUISITION CO INC Work Class: New Issue Date: 04/07/2017 Subdivision: CARLSBAD TCT#94-09 UNlT#02 & 03 - -Status: Closed - Finaled Expiration Date: 01/01/2019 Address: 1 Legoland Dr Carlsbad, CA 92008-4610 - - . IVR Number: 268 Scheduled. Actual Inspection Type Inspection No. Inspection Status Primary Inspector Reinspection Complete Date Start Date . . . . * '. Checklist Item COMMENTS Passed BLDG-Building Deficiency Existing conduit in pump room to be No - . replaced with new conduit © rusty locations. All rusted / unsafe conduit, boxes - and switches, outlets, fixtures to be - - - - . - -• corrected. - Correction notice left with contractor. 06/21/2017 . 06121/2017, BLDG-12 SteI/Bond • 026754-2017 Cancelled Andy Krogh Reinspection Complete - Beam - - . Checklist Item COMMENTS Passed • . - BLDG-Building Deficiency Not ready No - 06/23/2017 ' 06/23/2017 BLDG.12 Steel/Bond 027002-2017 Failed Paul Burnette Reinspection Complete .,... , • -, Checklist Item - COMMENTS Passed BLDG-Building Deficiency - Not ready No j - .- - - - - 6LDG-14 027001.2017 Failed Paul Bumette Reinspection Complete - - Frame/Steel/Bolting/ -- - - - - • Welding (Decks) , * - Checklist Item COMMENTS Passed 1 • BLDG-Building Deficiency No . . 06/26/2017 06/26/2017 -,BLDG-12 Steel/Bond 027164.2017 Partial Pass Paul Burnette Reinspection Incomplete -- •-. Beam * - - - Checklist Item - COMMENTS Passed - - • •'' : - - BLDG-Building Deficiency Not ready No BLDG-34 Rough 027166.2017 Partial Pass Paul Bumette Reinspection Incomplete - Electrical . . • Checklist Item COMMENTS Passed - • , • - BLDG-Building Deficiency Existing conduit in pump room to be No I , - replaced with new conduit © rusty • locations. All rusted! unsafe conduit, boxes . , -. , and switches, outlets, fixtures to be -. - • corrected. - - .• Correction notice left with contractor. •f •- ..•--,• . - 06127/2017 06/27/2017 - BLDG-17 Interior , 027260-2017 - Partial Pass Paul Bumette Reinspection Incomplete Lath/Drywall •• . - Checklist Item COMMENTS Passed . • * - BLDG-Building Deficiency • No • 06/29/2017 06/29/2017 . • BLDG-31 . - . 027473.2017 Cancelled Paul Burnette Reinspection Complete , . ' Underground/Condu • * .' - • it - Wiring. • * '*,., • • • 'I,-- I • . 4 • July 31, 2018 Page 50f 12 I PermitType: BLDG-Commercial . Application Date: 11/15/2016 Owner: LEGOLAND CALIFORNIA LLC <LF> PLAY U S ACQUISITION CO INC Work Class: New - : Issue Date: 04/07/2017 Subdivision: CARLSBAD TCT#94-09 UNIT#02 & 03 Status: Closed - Finaled Expiration Date: 01/01/2019 Address: 1 Legoland Dr - Carlsbad, CA 92008-4610 IVR Number: 268 'Scheduled Actual Inspection Type Inspection No. Inspection Status Primary Inspector Reinspection Complete Date Start Date 0610612017 06/06/2017, BLDG-12 Steel/Bond 025290-2017 Partial Pass Paul Burnette Reinspection Incomplete Beam , S VP - -' V-S Checklist Item COMMENTS Passed V BLDG-Building Deficiency No -. CV - 1 - - •. ' -. 06/07/2017 06/07/2017 ' BLDG-12 Steel/Bond 025552-2017 • Partial Pass Paul Burnette Reinspection Incomplete Beam V,V , • Checklist Item COMMENTS Passed V BLDG-Building Deficiency V No 06/09/2017 , 06/09/2017 BLDG-12 Steel/Bond 025770-2017 - Partial Pass Paul Burnette Reinspection Incomplete Beam • V Checklist Item COMMENTS Passed V V - V BLDG-Building Deficiency No .06/12/2017 06/1212017• BLDG-12 Steel/Bond 025897.2017 Partial Pass Paul Burnette Reinspection Incomplete Beam I Checklist Item COMMENTS Passed BLDG-Building Deficiency No 06/14/2017 06/14/2017 BLDG-12 Steel/Bond 026131.2017 Passed Paul Burnette ( Complete Beam - Checklist Item COMMENTS Passed V V * BLDG-Building Deficiency No 06/16/2017 06/16/2017 BLDG-12 Steel/Bond 026426-2017 Failed Andy Krogh Reinspection Complete V V Beam,_, - • V Checklist Item COMMENTS Passed -' BLDG-Building Deficiency Food trailer slab, per RFI slab reduced to 7" No V V ok, rebar to be 12" centers not 16" centers - - ,- ,- - 06/19/2017 06/19/2017 BLDG-12 Steel/Bond 026545.2017 Passed Andy Krogh Complete VV )V• Beam V - I - - Checklist Item COMMENTS Passed V V V V - BLDG-Building Deficiency Food trailer slab Yes , V V - 06/20/2017 06/20/2017 BLDG-12 Steel/Bond • 026668.2017 Failed Andy Krogh Reinspection Ccmplete V ' 'Beam , '• • Checklist Item COMMENTS Passed 'V BLDG-Building Deficiency Not ready No V V V V V V BLDG-34 Rough V 026715-2017 Failed Andy Krogh Reinspection Complete V 'Electrical •- * V - 't* V • - - V V 1 V V July 31, 2018 ..., • - V V Page 4of 12 - Permit Type: BLDG-Commercial Application Date: 11/15/2016 Owner: LEGOLAND CALIFORNIA LLC <LF> PLAY U S ACQUISITION CO INC Work CIss: New Issue Date: 04/07/2017 Subdivision: CARLSBAD TCT#94-09 UNIT#02 & 03 Status: Closed- FinaIed . ' Expiration Date: 01/01/2019 Address: 1 Legoland Dr • Carlsbad, CA 92008-4610 IVR Number: 268 Scheduled • Actual I. Inspection Type Inspection No. start Date Date' Inspection Status Primary Inspector Reinspection Complete 05117/2017 0511712017 BLDG-14 - 023574.2017 Failed Paul Burnette Reinspection Complete Frame/Steel/Bilting/ Welding (Decks) Checklist Item COMMENTS Passed BLDG-Building Deficiency No 05/25/2017 05/25/2017 BLDG-12 Steel/Bond 024457.2017 Partial Pass Paul Burnette Reinspection Incomplete Beam''. , 2' Checklist Item COMMENTS Passed - BLDG Building Deficiency No 05/26/2017 05/26/2017 BLDG-12 Steel/Bond 024547.2017 Cancelled Paul Burnette Reinspection Complete Beam. Checklist Item COMMENTS Passed S - BLDG-Building Deficiency 4 No BLDG-14 i 024548.2017 Cancelled Paul Burnette Reinspection Complete - Frame/Steel/Bolting/ •. - Welding (Decks) - - _,' .44 - . p Checklist Item COMMENTS Passed • BLDG-Building Deficiency No . / 05/30/2017 .05/3012017 ,. BLDG-12 Steel/Bond 024786.2017 Partial Pass Paul Burnette Reinspection Incomplete Beam . '-- Checklist Item - ' COMMENTS ' Passed . BLDG-Building Deficiency I No 05/31!2017 , 05/31/2017 BLDG712 Steel/Bond 024819.2017 Partial Pass Paul Burnette Reinspection Incomplete Beam Checklist Item COMMENTS Passed BLDG-Building Deficiency No 06/01/2017 ' 06/01/2017 ,BLDG-21 024976.2017 Partial Pass Paul Bumette Reinspection -Incomplete Unde'rground/Underf, - ' lo or Plumbing • -• • * . - Checklist Item - . COMMENTS Passed BLDG-Building Deficiency Elevator pit Yes j ••• 4 . BLDG-34 Rough 024977.2017 Partial Pass Paul Burnette Reinspection Incomplet Electrical Checklist Item COMMENTS Passed .1 4. BLDG-Building Deficiency • No - July 3l,2018 t - . Page 3ofi2 Permit Type: BLDG-Commercial . Application Date: 11/15/2016 Owner: LEGOLAND CALIFORNIA LLC <LF> PLAY U S ACQUISITION CO INC Work Class:: New Issue Date: 04/07/2017 Subdivision: CARLSBAD TCT#94-09 UNIT#02 & 03 Status: Closed -. Finaled . Expiration Date: 01/01/2019 Address: 1 Legoland Dr Carlsbad, CA 92008-4610 ' IVR Number: 268 Scheduled Actual Inspection Type Inspection No. Inspection Status Primary Inspector Reinspection Complete Date Start Date - - BLDG-12 Steel/Bond 021548.2017 Partial Pass Paul Burnette Reinspection Incomplete Beam' ;- - - Checklist Item COMMENTS Passed - BLDG-Building Deficiency No 05/01/2017 05/01/2017 - BLDG-11 : .021619-2017 Cancelled Andy Krogh Reinspection Complete Foundation/Ftg/Pier - • s(Rebar) Checklist Item • COMMENTS Passed BLDG-Building Deficiency No • / 05/0312017 05/03/2017 - BLDG-12 Steel/Bond 022044.2017 Failed Paul Burnette Reinspection Complete Beam Checklist Item COMMENTS Passed BLDG-Building Deficiency No 05/04/2017 05/04/2017 • BLDG-11 • 022193.2017 Partial Pass 1 Paul Burnette Reinspection Incomplete Foundation/Ftg/Pier - s(Rebar), r Checklist Item COMMENTS Passed BLDG-Building Deficiency No 1 • 4- 05/05/2017 05/05/2017 BLDG-11 . 022449.2017 Failed Andy Krogh Reinspection Complete • Foundation!Ftg/Pier • S (Rebar) Checklist Item • COMMENTS Passed BLDG-Building Deficiency Not ready No 05/09/2017 05/09/2017 BLDG-12 Steel/Bond 022725.2017 Partial Pass Paul Bumette Reinspection Incomplete - • Beam - -. Checklist Item,•. COMMENTS Passed BLDG-Building Deficiency No .- I 1 05/10/2017 05/10/2017 BLDG-12 Steel/Bond 022883-2017 Partial Pass Paul Burnette Reinspection Incomplete -. . • Beal - • . - • Item Checklist COMMENTS Passed - BLDG Building Deficiency No 05/15/2017 05/15/2017 A BLDG-12 Steel/Bond 023334.2017 - Passed Paul Bumette Complete - '-. Beam • •• - • - . - Checklist Item COMMENTS Passed BLDG-Building Deficiency • Yes July 31, 2018 '- . - Page 2 of 12 - Permit Type: BLDG-Commercial Application Date: 11/15/2016 Owner: LEGOLAND CALIFORNIA LLC <LF> PLAY U S ACQUISITION CO INC Work Class: New . ' Issue Date: 04/07/2017 Subdivision: CARLSBAD TCT#94-09 UNIT#02 & - - 03 Status: Closed- Finaled Expiration Date: 01/01/2019 Address: 1 Legoland Dr - Carlsbad, CA 92008-4610 IVR Number: 268 Scheduled Actual - Inspection Type Inspection No. Inspection Status Primary Inspector Reinspection Complete Date Start Date 04/13/2017 04/13/2017 BLDG-SW-Pre-Con 019822.2017 Passed Paul Burnette Complete Checklist Item COMMENTS Passed VV BLDG-Building Deficiency Yes 04/18/2017 04/18/2017 ' BLDG-81 , 020285.2017 Failed Paul Burnette Reinspection Complete • - V , Underground - - Combo(11,12,21,31) ' V Checklist Item COMMENTS Passed , BLDG-Building Deficiency No V , BLDG-11 Foundation-Ftg-Piers No • V V N (Rebar) V - t V V V BLDG-12 Steel-Bond Beam No V V. • BLDG-21 No -, Underground-Underfloor Plumbing BLDG-31 V No V V Underground-Conduit Wiring V 04/20/2017 04/20/2017 BLDG-21 - V 020680.2017 Cancelled Andy Krogh Reinspection Complete Underground/Underf V V loor Plumbing V • V V V • Checklist Item COMMENTS Passed V • V BLDG-Building Deficiency No V V 04/21/2017 04/21/2017 ' BLDG-21 020846.2017 Partial Pass Andy Krogh Reinspection Incomplete V ' Underground/Underf. . loor Plumbing • V V r V Checklist Item COMMENTS Passed BLDG-Building Deficiency Elevator pit Yes V 04/24/2017 04/24/2017 BLDG-21 020981-2017 Partial Pass Paul Bumette Reinspection Incomplete V V V Underground/Underf • V V loor Plumbing - V V Checklist Item COMMENTS Passed • V BLDG-Building Deficiency Elevator pit Yes 04/26/2017 04/26/2017 BLDG-12 Steel/Bond 021285.2017 Partial Pass Paul Burnette Reinspection Incomplete • . Beam V V Checklist Item ' COMMENTS Passed • V V V V BLDG-Building Deficiency No 04/28/2017 04/28/2017 BLDG-1 1- • 021547-2017 . Partial Pass Paul Burnette Reinspection Incomplete • V Foundation/Ftg/Pier V V • - • s (Rebar) - V V V V Checklist Item - COMMENTS Passed V V • Deficiency No V July 31, 2018 V • V Page 1 of 12 V . -, .5. .5 - 5 .•• 5. -. •. -.5. _5__'•• •_5_. •55•• 55' 5 5 S - '-I S ••S. S - 51 • p -. ' HITE - HILL - INSPECTION • •• .- TESTING/ENGINEERING July 3, 2017 ' City of Carlsbad RECEIVED . • -,'- Building Department "- '• 5 • JUL 03 2017 1635 Faraday Avenue 'Carlsbad, California 92008 CITY OF CARLSBAD Facsimile (760) 602-8560 BUILDING DIVISION Ft - 41 - -' Reference: WPI7-WATER PARK EXPANSION -Permit No: CBC2016-0010 Subject Final Verification of Special Inspection and Materials Testing • -Ladies and Gentlemen: - S Special Inspections of reinforced concrete, structural steel, high strength bolting, welding -. and epoxy anchors were performed for the structure/ constructed under the referenced - : project • name', and permit number(s) by representatives of HiTE (Hill- S inspection/Testii'ig/Engineering). To the best of my knowledge, all the work requiring special inspection and/or material sampling and testing was performed in accordance with the approved plans, construction documents and changes thereto of the approved inspection and testing program and the applicable workmanship provisions of the California Building cdc• We appreciate the opportunity of providing our services - •- • • . espec u y su mi e , HITE w C 64822 ;o I /&4 Henry Barton Hill, Principal Engineer * EXP. 06/30/19 _ * S M.S., P E No C 64822 * Distribution. - (i)Legoland (I) Commerial Builders, On-Site • 4 5 £ * .5 - - - •: * --.5- - P0 Box 771 San Diego CA 92038-0771 555 ',":' San Diego • Orange • Los Angeles • Riverside • Imperial • San Bernardino - www h ite corn (858) 220-1078 Office • (858) 220-7421 Fax - - -- • •- 5- 5 - 5 -- -: REQUEST FOR INFORMATION . - RFI #: 62 PROJECT Name: RFI NAME: Pump Pit Walls p DATE: 04/14/17 Legoland WPI7 JOB # 16096 CR X-Ref # N/A To:: Scott Holcomb FROM: Dan Beiswenger Ethos Architecture COMMERCIAL BUILDERS INC ( _*. - 24542 Creekview Drive - 525 B Street, Suite 1010 Laguna Hills CA San Diego CA 92101 Phone (949) 607-8001 Phone (619) 564-7555 Email: ScottH@ethosarch.com Email: dbeiswenger@cbi-sd.com WE HAVE ENCOUNTERED A CONSTRUCTION ISSUE THAT REQUIRES YOUR INPUT. T0 AVOID CONSTRUCTION DELAY, WE REQUEST A RESPONSE NO LATER THAN: 04/17/17 - • THIS QUESTION WAS ORIGINATED BY: Commercial Builders Inc With copy to: - Chris Bezicki : Robert Kay -. - Daniel Stewart W Rob Netzer 4_ -- .•-• •, - Note Please expedite your response by the date requested Fax reply is accepted - Resed January 2013 \C6it\CorrqranySharnc#Jobs\16096 Legotand Waterpark Ertpansion\5 - Project Corresporrdence\jLegoiarrd WP17 - RFI.XIS)RFI 6062 - - - 0- / MEMORANDUM Date: April 24,2O7 Subject: Reinforcement Locations for Pump Pit Wall Penetrations Project: WPI7 Wright Project No: SC1161416 Attention: Daniel Steward Company: Ethos Architecture Copy to: Scott Holcomb ENGINEERS SEAL - Prepared by: JeremyMagbag Total Pages: 2 (including this sheet) See attached for the location of concrete reinforcement at the 8-0 pump pit wall penetrations COntractor to Verify location, of Wall penetrations with plumbing sand architectUre. Las Vegas Irvine Phoenix Sak.Lake Tucion ... . . Suiic 200 iM6eCA926I8 . 949477.4001 Lefs.con 0 r i.. - * /•*0. •*0 0• 19*6 II_14IIl ILINUL MIMI .IIlI9 ______ hr luir iiiair irnir iii - UI 77R , EFER TO DETAIL 310 ON SHEET 04.i FOR REINFÔCEMENT REOUIREMETSAT19WALL -1 16 16 23 VF W --:: 16 116 1 16 16 h 161619 11 Scale: N.T.S. Date: 4/18/17 CAHFDIR.NI:.A commercial. pools Wall Penetration Drawing VERIFY LOCATION OFWALL Legoland Watérprk Expansion PENETRATIONSOWITH I PLUMBINGANDARCHITECj J ll I II I I16"J': LOCATIONS * MIN. CLFL TYP. 0-U WEST PUMP PIT WALL PENETRATIONS 1 S.• -. REQUEST FOR INFORMATION :& RFI#: 62.1 PROJECT Name: RFI NAME: Pump Pit Walls DATE: 04/18/17 LegoJandWP17 JOB #: 16096 -' CR X-Ref # N/A 1 TO: Scott Holcomb FROM: Dan Beiswenger Ethos Architecture COMMERCIAL BUILDER'S INC . 24542 Creekview Drive 525 B Street, Suite 1010 -, Laguna Hills, CA San Diego, CA 92101 • Phone (949) 607-8001 Phone (619) 564-7555 Email: ScottH@ethosarch.com Email: dbeiswengercbi-sd.com WE HAVE ENCOUNTERED A CONSTRUCTION ISSUE THAT REQUIRES YOUR INPUT. TO AVOID CONSTRUCTION DELAY WE REQUEST A RESPONSE NO LATER THAN 04/19117 THIS QUESTION WAS ORIGINATED BY: Commercial Builder's Inc QUESTION: Please referto detail 310 on attached 54.1 and attached field photo 1, Where proposed retaining wall @ pump pit meets existing mechanical room foundation (clouded in red) there is a concrete step on existing foundation (drawn in yellow). Wall will need to be relocated to ouside of step or will need to be a poured-in- plac' concrete wall. Please advise. - .•- • • & • . .! . Dan Beiswenger 4/18/2017 - • Name Date: RESPONSE: .- See Delta 3, issued on 04/25/2017 which changed the CMU to cast-in-place concrete walls at pump pit. Also, the unforeseen condition of the step has been dealt with in said design. :1 Daniel Stewart 04/25/2017 " •. Name Date: - - .-With copy to: • Revised Januay2O13 • - -4 Chris Brzezicki Robert Kay • , - Daniel Stewart • - . Rob Netzer Note: Please expedite your response by the date requested. Fax reply is accepted. t\CBlltCompanySharecftiobs\16096 Legolaod Waterpark Expansion'5 - Project Co espodence\jLegotand WP17 - RFI.rds)RFI #067 - .1 Fl Response Sketch Ecerpt from Delta 3 below. Refer to Delta 3 issued 04/25/2017. - Daniel Stewart, Principal, Ethos Architecture V. .c - 4 - - V• ' '-• .. : -4 _1 •- V - V..., • .'. i'.. . - . 4 4.:' -• 4 4 NO bHOINCi QV. AT -O • - EXCAVATION PER GEOIECI-1NICAL © 5 HORIZONTAL CARS AT I -41 ALL SHORING SHALL BE DESIGN ' BUILD AS REQ'D. © (E) WOOD STUD WALL Ci 10 HOOK INTO FOOTING KEY WAY III 0 II - WALL PENETRATIONS wl , \ V H1 II V MAINTAIN 2" CLEAR PRO 71 . OPENINGS LU V V •••' c3I4VV V ' - c °-'j ' d • t 41 all V '4 14 V. V -V • • • 4. - " CITY OF CARLSBAD RECEIVED CITY OF CAR1SAD -, GRADING INSPECTION CHECKLIST FOR PARTIAL SITE RELEASE MAR 3 J 2017 PRi.OJECT INSPECTOR___________________ DATE DIVISION 'PROJEcT ID, SDP l P 4S" .. GRADINGPERMJTNQ.6IZ2-011o"O&31 ç LOTSREQUES'TEDFORRELEASE 010010 N/A = NOT APPLICABLE COMPLETE 1.0 _=Incomplete or unacceptable 1st 2nd T. Site access to requested lots adequate and logically grouped. 2 Site erosion control measures adequate including basins and lined ditches installed. 3 Overall site adequate for health safety and welfare of public 4 Letter from Owner/Dev requesting partial release of specific lots, pads or bldg. 5 8%" x 11" site plan (attachment) showing requested tots submitted Compaction report from soils engineer submitted. 7 EOW certification of work done with finish pad elevations of specific lots to be released. P . •- • J 8 Geologic engineer's letter if unusual geologic or subsurface conditions exist 9 Fully functional fire hydrants within 350 feet of building combustibles and an all weather roads access to site is required. 10 Retaining walls installed Adequate progress on installation of slope irrigation and landscape.. 12. Minimum 20' widealEweather'.road. 13 .Sewer installed and available for use Partial release of grading for the above stated lots is approved for the purpose of building Permit issuance Issuance of building permits is still subject to all normal City requirments required pursuant to the building permit process Partial release o'f' the, Site is denied for the following, reasons: -1401' Ar6jeci Date _7 un p rojects Manager Date Partial Site Rel. Checklist —UPDATED 11/2015 ) , CERTIFICATE OF ACCEPTANCE MECH-2A NA7-5.1 Outdoor Air Acceptance (Page 1 of 3) Pro' ci Na e/Asjd des 4-o LcU I &o LJ,O OO System Name or Identification/Tag: SystemWyation or Area Served: Enforcement Agency: Per , Nb_ t Note: Submit one Certificate of Acceptance for each system that must demonstrate compliance. Enforcement Agency Use: CheckeIDate 5 ) '1 :- FIELD TECHNICIANS DECLARATION STATEMENT . 1 certify under penalty of perjury, under the laws of the State of California, the information provided on this form is true and correct. . lam the person who performed the acceptance requirements verification reported on this Certificate of Acceptance (Field Technician). I certify that the construction/installation identified on this form complies with the acceptance requirements indicated in the plans and specifications approved by the enforcement agency, and conforms to the applicable acceptance requirements and procedures specified in : - Reference Nonresidential Appendix NA7. I have confirmed that the Installation Certificate(s) for the construction/installation identified on this form has been completed and is - posted or made available with the building permit(s) issued for the building. V. RESPONSIBLE PERSON'S DECLARATION STATEMENT I certify under penalty of peijury, under the laws of the State of California, that am the Field Technician, or the Field Technician is acting on my behalf as my employee or my agent and I have reviewed the information provided on this form. I am a licensed contractor, architect, or engineer, who is eligible under Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code, in the applicable classification, to take responsibility for the scope of work specified on this document and attest to the declarations in this statement " V • -' (responsible person). I certify that the information provided on this form substantiates that the construction/installation identified on this form complies with the V - acceptance requirements indicated in the plans and specifications approved by the enforcement agency, and conforms to the applicable V • acceptance requirements and procedures specified in Reference Nonresidential Appendix NA7. V V - • I have confirmed that the Installation Certificate(s) for the construction/installation identified on this form has been completed and is V - V posted or made available with the building permit(s) issued for the building. -. I will ensure that a completed, signed copy of this Certificate of Acceptance shall be posted, or made available with the building permit(s) V issued for the building, and made available to the enforcement agency for all applicable inspections. I understand that a signed copy of this - Certificate of Acceptance is required to be included with the documentation the builder provides to the building owner at occupancy. V *'•V -''V... VV , .'•.',.' 'V 2008 Nonresidential Acceptance Forms V ,•, - V V ' August 2009 Company Name: M664*MI L- *rt1,,vtz3 Field Technician's Name: Field' -Si ur %M V, 4,e--17C -rJ4J Dateigned: - 10 / Company Name: Phone: 'Ø V V44ç.j C4L 514v1 'c-Va -Z77- 'S'7 Responsible Person's Name: - Responsible P Is Signat ( Ri V License: V V Date Signed: Position WiTh Company (Title): '.. S CERTIFICATE OF ACCEPTANCE MECH-2A NA7.5.1 Outdoor Air Acceptance (Page 2 of 3) Proect Name/Address: LU6 0 &,*xj,0 e912e System Name or Identification/Tag: System Loeon or I Served: - - •Intent: Verify measured outside airflow reading is within ± 10% of the total required outside airflow value found in the - . Standards Mechanical Plan (MECH-3C, Cot umn H or Column I), per NA 7.5.!. Instrumentation to perform test includes, but not limited to: Watch', Calibrated means to measure airflow 2 Check one of the following: o Variable Air Volume (VAV) - Check as appropriate: a.. Sensor used to control outdoor air flow must have calibration certificate or be field calibrated E] Calibration certificate (attach calibration certification) C] Field calibration (attach results) cf Constant Air Volume (CAV) - Check as appropriate: is designed to provide a fixed minimum OSA when the unit is on NA7.5.1.1 Outdoor Air Acceptance A. Functional Testing (Check appropriate column) CAV VAV a. Verify unit is not in economizer mode during test - check appropriate column - Step 1: CAV and VAV testing at full supply airflow Adjust supply to achieve design airflow Measured outdoor airflow reading (cfm) Required outdoor airflow (cfni) (from MECH-3C, Column 1) Time for outside air damper to stabilize after VAV boxes open (minutes) Return to initial conditions (check) Step 2: VAV testing at reduced supply airflow Adjust supply airflow to either the sum of the minimum zone airflows or 30% of the total design airflow Measured outdoor airflow reading (cfm) C. Required outdoor airflow (cfln) (from MECH-3C, Column!) Time for outside air damper to stabilize after VAV boxes open and minimum air flow achieved (minutes) Return to initial conditions (check) - B. Testing Calculations & Results CAV VAV Percent OSA at full supply airflow (%OAF,a for Step 1) %OAFA =Measured outside air reading /Required outside air (Step Ib/Stepic) ( 3 % % 90%%OAFA l10% . /N YIN Outside air damper position stabilizes within 15 minutes (Step Id < 15 minutes) N Y / N Percent OSA at reduced supply airflow (%OA for Step 2) %OARA = Measured outside air reading /Required outside air (Step2b/Step2c) / S °"° 90%%OA 110% Y / N Outside air damper position stabilizes within 15 minutes (Step 2d < 15 minutes) '.-i,t • Y / N Note: Shaded boxes do not apply for CA V systems 2008 Nonrisidential Acceptance Forms August 2009. -. - .'.. .4• CERTIFICATE OF ACCEPTANCE MECH-2A NA7.5.l Outdoor Air Acceptance (Page 3 of 3) Project Name/Address: - LACU 0 L-Go L'iJO System Name or Identification/Tag: ) / System C. PASS / FAIL Evaluation (check one): PASS: All Construction Inspection responses are complete and Testing Calculations & Results responses are positive Y - yes) - FAIL: Any Construction Inspection responses are incomplete OR there is one or more negative (N - no) responses in Testing Calculations & Results section. Provide explanation below. Use and attach additional pages if necessary. August 2009 CERTIFICATE OF ACCEPTANCE MECH-3A NA7.5.2 Constant Volume Single Zone Unitary Air Conditioner and Heat Pump Systems (Page 1 of 3) Project Name/Address: System Name or Identification! lag: / [ System demonstrate compliance. 'w. that must FIELD TECHNICIANS DECLARATION STATEMENT I certify under penalty of perjury, under the laws of the State of California, the information provided on this form is true and correct. . I am the person who performed the acceptance requirements verification reported on this Certificate of Acceptance (Field Technician). .,- .. I certify that the construction/installation identified on this form complies with the acceptance requirements indicated in the plans and specifications approved by the enforcement agency, and conforms to the applicable acceptance requirements and procedures specified in - Reference Nonresidential Appendix NAT . I have confirmed that the Installation Certificate(s) [or the construction/installation identified on this form has been completed and is posted or made available with the building permit(s) issued for the building. 1. RESPONSIBLE PERSON'S DECLARATION STATEMENT - . . I certify under penalty of perjury, under the laws of the State of California, that am the Field Technician, or the Field Technician is acting on my behalf as my employee or my agent and [have reviewed the information provided on this form. , , 'I am a licensed contractor, architect, or engineer, who is eligible under Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code, in the applicable - - - classification, to take responsibility for the scope of work specified on this document and attest to the declarations in this statement •• . ., - (responsible person). _ • I certify that the information provided on this form substantiates that the construction/installation identified on this Ibrm complies with the acceptance requirements indicated in the plans and specifications approved by the enforcement agency, and conforms to the applicable #- acceptance requirements and procedures specified in Reference Nonresidential Appendix NA7. ' I have confirmed that the Installation Certificate(s) for the construction/installation identified on this form has been completed and is posted or made available with the building permit(s) issued for the building. ' . • I will ensure that a completed, signed copy of this Certificate of Acceptance shall be posted, or made available with the building permit(s) issued for the building, and made available to the enforcement agency for all applicable inspections. I understand that a signed copy of this Certificate of Acceptance is required to be included with the documentation the builder provides to the building owner at occupancy. Company Name: . Phone: VJTR ç 7 Responsible Person's Name: I Responsible P Signatu X1 3i J . S -• License: . Date Signed: 'Position Wit Company (Title): tZ1Nt4P#t .:"- •' 4 -. .' . -• -•-- -- . .'2008 Nonresidential Acceptance Forms August 2009 S ., -1. Enforcement Agency: Permit Numb e ,nfz er: o/'eo /) Note: Submit one Certificate ofAccepiance for each system Enforcement Agency Use: Checked by/Date Company Name: - - - - - Field Technicians Name: Field ' nat - Date Signed: Po ion WI ompany (ThIc): 1&C.Ik?1 I. * CERTIFICATE OF ACCEPTANCE MECH-3A NA7.5.2 Constant Volume Single Zone Unitary Air Conditioner and Heat Pump Systems (Page 2 of 3) Project Name/Address: /?G-O 64/1 LeZ 4AI' System Name or tdentificationll'ag: ,j,, / , - Syste Letion or A!p Served: m - Verjfjit/;e individual components of a constant volume, single-zone, unitary air conditioner and heat pump system function correctly, Intent: including: thermostat installation and programming, supply fan, heating, cooling, and damper operation per NA 7.5.2 Construction Inspection I. Instrumentation to perform test includes, but not limited to: a. None required 2. Installation -. hermostat is located within the space-conditioning zone that is served by the HVAC system. Pr amming (check all of the following): Thermostat meets the temperature adjustment and dead band requirements of 122(b) Occupied, unoccupied, and holiday schedules have been programmed per the facility's schedule. Pre-occupancy purge has been programmed to meet the requirements of Standards Section 121(c)2. A. Functional Testing Requirements I - Operating Modes Cooling load during unoccupied condition Cooling load during occupied condition Manual override - No-load during unoccupied condition Heating load during unoccupied condition -No-load during occupied condition Heating load during occupied condition Step I: Check and verify the following for each simulation mode required A B C D E F C Supply fan operates continually . - - Supply fan turns off - - - - - C. Supply fan cycles on and off - - - - System reverts to "occupied" mode to satisfy any condition System turns off when manual override time period expires - - ' Gas-tired furnace, heat pump, or electric heater stages on Neither heating or cooling is provided by the unit - - - - No heating is provided by the unit - -. 10 - a--Ef- No cooling is provided by the unit -e - - - - J. Compressor stages on - - - - k. Outside air damper is open to minimum position -• - 0 - - 1. Outside air damper closes completely in. System returned to initial operating conditions after all tests have been completed: YIN - B. Testing Results AM I/49v" E F G Indicate if Passed (P), Failed (F), or N/A (X), fill in appropriate letter - V ' ' ' I F - - . 2008 Nonresidential Acceptance Forms August 2009 .4. / ;... :i .•, S ••i .54 CERTIFICATE OF ACCEPTANCE - MECH-3A NA7.5.2 Constant Volume Single Zone Unitary Air Conditioner and Heat Pump Systems (Page 3 of 3) Project Name/Address: E 71 J 19i/9 / 1ë60 11' System Name or Identification/Tag: -: / I pqon or S . -. •1 .: 5 .5 •45 - - ..- - C. PASS / FAIL Evaluation (check one): PASS: All Construction Inspection responses are complete and all applicable Testing Results responses are 'Pass (P) o FAIL: Any Construction Inspection responses are incomplete OR there is one or more 'Fail" (F) responses in Testing Results section. Provide explanation below. Use and attach additional pages if necessary. - - I ---S.. --.-- 5 .-:•-.•_, •• _,,_ - . • ¼ - - -. ;.••4- ••/•. -•_;_••'_ - - 4-s__I• ••- -; t * -' - - • .-- - - • S '• S.-- 4. - . • , 4 .. -. . 5- -- r •t • 2008 Nonresidential Acceptance Forms S . • 4 4, -5- - •: August 2009 .4 •' - J• - ________ MECHANICAL SYSTEM CONTRACTORS. INC. ., •1'- TEST AND BALANCE REPORT FOR SUPPLY SPECIFIED MEASURED . . UNIT OUTLET CFM CFM &i\k AL_kk jgtrio c5j j/ EsGil Corporation In (Partners/lip with Government for Bui&uing Safety S DATE: 12/22/2016 0 APPLICANT RIS. ,JURISDICTION: City of Carlsbad 0 PLAN REVIEWER OFILE - - PLANCHECKNO.: c2016-0010 SET:!! PROJECT ADDRESS 1 Legoland Dr. PROJECT NAME: Légoland WP 17 Site Improvement & Restroom The plans transmitted herewith have been corrected where necessary and substantially conply with the jurisdiction's codes. The plans transmitted herewith will substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes when minor deficiencies identified below are resolved and checked by building department staff. H Thelanstransmitted herewith have significant deficiencies identified on the enclosed check list and should be corrected and resubmitted for a complete recheck. The check list transmitted herewith is for your information. The plans are being held at EsGil - .Corporation until corrected plans are submitted for recheck. H .The applicant's copy of the check list is enclosed for the jurisdiction to forward to the applicant contact person. . The applicant's copy of the check list has been sent to: • . Daniel Stewart . -' •1 '4. •1 - ... .L: '-• . . P EsGil Corporation staff did not advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed J,f * • •... H .EsGil COrporation staff did advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. Person contacted j.oi&-Sewart----- Telephone # 949-607-8016 Date contacer Email daniels@ethosarch.com Mali Telephone •- Fax I In Person REMARKS: This plan review does not include any electrical shown installed to the water slide :.feature including but not limited to; power, lightin ,an control wirin. Applicant to cross out items on the electrical plans and Notp the r h e ural Title Sheet that any electrical to slide is a deferred item \ By Eric Jensen Enclosures . EsGiFCorporation . -El 'GA Z. EJ- MB , E PC 12/22/e-mail clarification 4 -.. .•. ''1 •. 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208 • San Diego California 92123 • (858) 560-1468 • Fax (858) 560-1576 .4-.. . .. . - F- 4 • .-••- . . - - . . 1.- - 16 EsGil Corporation :. In (Partners flip with government for Buz(ding Safety DATE: 12/20/2016 . fiPPLICANT %JURIS. ,"JURISDICTION: City of Carlsbad /LI PLAN REVIEWER D FILE PLAN CHECK NO.: c2016-0010 SET: II PROJECT ADDRESS 1 Legoland Dr. 4PROJECT NAME: LegolandWP 17 Site Improvement & Restroom ETheplans transmitted herewith have been corrected where necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction's codes. .The plans transmitted herewith will substantially comply with the jurisdiction's codes when minor deficiencies identified below are resolved and checked by building .:' •: department staff.-.. : 1 LII ;The plans transmitted herewith have significant deficiencies identified on the enclosed check list - : and should be corrected and resubmitted fora complete recheck. Thé check list transmitted herewith is for your information. The plans are being held at EsGil Corporation until corrected plans are submitted for recheck L The applicant's copy of the check list is enclosed for the jurisdiction to forward to the applicant contact person. . The applicant's copy of the check list has been sent to: Daniel Stewart ' EsGil Corporation staff did not advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed EsGil Corporation staff did advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed Person contacted: Daniel Stewart Telephone #: 949-607-8016 . Date contacted: 40(by.") Email: daniels@ethosarch.com Mail Telephone 'i Fax In Person LII REMARKS ; By: David Yao . Enclosures: EsGil Corporation :•. GA Z EJ E MB E PC 12/13 •. / 1468 Fax (858) 560-1576 p9320 Chesapeake Drive Suite 208 • San Diego California 92123 • (858) 560 • . ,- • - - I • * City of Carlsbad c2016-0010 12/20/2016 NOTE: The items listed below are from the previous correction list. These remaining items have not been adequately addressed. The numbers of the items are from the previous check list and may not necessarily be in sequence. The notes in bold font are current. Please make all corrections, as requested in the correction list. Submit FOUR new complete sets of plans for commercial/industrial projects (THREE sets of plans for residential projects). For expeditious processing, corrected sets can be submitted ' : -. in bne of two ways: ' - 1. Deliver all corrected sets of plans and calculations/reports directly to the City of st Carlsbad Building Department, 1635 Faraday Ave., Carlsbad, CA 92008, (760) 602-2700. The City will route the plans to EsGil Corporation and the Carlsbad Planning, Engineering and Fire Departments. 2 Bring iwd corrected set of plans and calculations/reports to EsGil Corporation 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208, San Diego, CA 92123, (858) 560-1468. Deliver all remaining sets of plans and calculations/reports directly to the City of • Carlsbad Building Department for routing to their Planning, Engineering and Fire Departments. NOTE: Plans that are submitted directly to EsGil Corporation only will not be reviewed by the City Planning, Engineering and Fire Departments until review by EsGil Corporation is complete PLUMBING, MECHANICAL, ELECTRICAL, and ENERGY COMMENTS PLAN REVIEWER Eric Jensen ELECTRICAL (2013 CALIFORNIA ELECTRICAL CODE) • 1. : Include a design summary for the electrical on or adjacent to the water slide. Lots of panels and number 16 conductors but how does that fit with electricity and water? If this is a water slide: Include a description of the circuits that are - routed to the water feature: List, amperage, voltage, location. Are these power limited circuits, isolated ground, listed for use? Note: If you have any questions regarding this Electrical, Plumbing, Mechanical, and Energy plan review list please contact Eric Jensen at (858) 560-1468. To speed the review process, note on this list (or a copy) where the corrected items have been 'addressed on the plans. • . '•- 4 1 c EsGil Corporation In PartnersIiip with government for But(dng Safety DATE: 12/6/2016 UPLICANT ,'JURIS. : JURISDICTION: City of Carlsbad U PLAN REVIEWER U FILE ) PLAN CHECK NO c2016-0010 SETI ' PROJECT ADDRESS 1 Legoland Dr. PROJECT NAME Legoland WP 17 Site Improvement & Restroom iiiiiFThêVllans transmitted herewith have been corrected where necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction's codes. E The plans transmitted herewith will substantially comply with the jurisdiction's ."codes when minor deficiencies identified below are resolved and checked by building department staff. - The plans transmitted herewith have significant deficiencies identified on the enclosed check list V • and should be corrected and resubmitted for a complete recheck. The check list transmitted herewith is for your information. The plans are being held at EsGil V Corporation until corrected plans are submitted for recheck 4 Theappiicant's copy of the check list is enclosed for the jurisdiction to forward to the applicant contact person. •• . • V The applicant's copy of the check list has been sent to: V< .: Daniel Stewart - : . - V - . V • .: - LII EsGil Corporation staff did not advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed ' , \EsGil Corporation staff did advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed .., ,'Person, contacted: Daniel Stewart Telephone #: 949-607-8016 .' ,2te co,tacted 12/f G,2 (by()/ Email daniels@ethosarch.com V ?fiaiI V/ Telephone Fax In Person . LI REMARKS '...' By: David Yao . Enclosures: . V EsGil Corporation Li GA Z EJ LI MB LI Pc 11/17 . * . V V '- 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208 • San Diego, California 92123 • (858) 560-1468 • Fax (858) 560-1576 V V * V V•V V V - 4 • ' V V I - . • • V V• V. V I JURISDICTION: City of Carlsbad USE: restroom! mech. Support! pump room chem. storage ACTUAL AREA: -5924 City of Carlsbad c2016-0010 / 12/6/2016 PLAN REVIEW CORRECTION LIST COMMERCIAL A PLAN CHECK NO:: c2016-0010 OCCUPANCY: B TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: VB ALLOWABLE FLOOR AREA: SPRINKLERS?: restroom Y 13 REMARKS: DATE PLANS RECEIVED BY JURISDICTION: 11/15 r - DATE INITIAL PLAN REVIEW COMPLETED: 12/6/2016 FOREWORD (PLEASE READ) This plan review is limited to the technical requirements contained in the California version of If the International Building Code, Uniform Plumbing Code, Uniform Mechanical Code, National Electrical Code and state laws regulating energy conservation noise attenuation and access for the disabled. This plan review is based on regulations enforced by the Building Department. , 'You may have bther corrections based on laws and ordinances enforced by the Planning Department, Engineering Department, Fire Department or other departments. Clearance from those departments may be required prior to the issuance of a building permit '. Code sections cited are based on the 2013 CBC which adopts the 2012 IBC -r The following items listed need clarification, modification or change All items must be satisfied -,.before the plans will be in conformance with the cited codes and regulations. Per Sec. 105.4 of - the 2012 International Building Code, the approval of the plans does not permit the violationof -ny state, county or city law. * 4 - - To speed up the recheck process, please note on this list (or a copy) where each correction item has been addressed, i.e., plan sheet number, specification section, etc: - Be sure to enclose the marked up list when you submit the revised plans A A -- - 4 .- .... - - _A_ A A . • • ,---, . I . -:• - City of Carlsbad c2016-0010 F -.12/6/2016 Please make all corrections, as requested in the correction list. Submit FOUR new complete sets of plans for commercial/industrial projects (THREE sets of plans for residential projects) For expeditious processing, corrected sets can be submitted . . . in one of two ways: . 1. Deliver all corrected sets of plans and calculations/reports directly to the City of Carlsbad Building Department, 1635 Faraday Ave., Carlsbad, CA 92008, (760) 602-2700. The City will route the plans to EsGil Corporation and the Carlsbad Planning, Engineering and Fire Departments. '2. Bring TWO corrected set of plans and calculations/reports to EsGil Corporation,- • • . 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208, San Diego, CA 92123, (858) 560-1468. Deliver all remaining sets of plans and calculations/reports directly to the City of , Carlsbad Building Department for routing to their Planning, Engineering and Fire Departments - NOTE: Plans that are submitted directly to EsGil Corporation only will not be . reviewed by the City Planning, Engineering and Fire Departments until review by ,. EsGil Corporation is complete. • - . .. • - . . . PLANS - , 1. 1'Provide a note on the plans indicating if any hazardous materials will be stored • and/or used within the building which exceed the quantities listed in IBC Tables -•. 1 307.i(1) and 307.1(2). .. - 2 On the cover sheet of the plans, specify any items that will have a deferred - submittal (trusses fire sprinklers/alarms, etc) Additionally, provide the following note on the plans, per Sec. "Submittal documents for deferred •• submittal items shall be submitted to the registered design professional in • . responsible charge, who shall review them and forward them to the building official with a notation indicating that the deferred submittal documents have .•-• . been reviewed and that they have been found to be in general conformance with the design of the building. The deferred submittal items shall NOT be installed • until their design and submittal documents have been approved by the building -- .. official." SITE PLAN '3 -.• -.. . 3 Provide a fully dimensioned site plan drawn to scale Sec 107.2. Include the following: f.a) - Clearly dimension building setbacks from property lines, street centerlines, . and from all adjacent buildings and structures on the site plan ( - b) North arrow. C) Property lines/easements . - . d) - Streets/alleys. •- e) Existing and proposed buildings and structures I. - --- , -'.. City of Carlsbad c2016-0010 12/6/2016 4. :. Provide a statement on the site plan stating: "All property lines, easements and buildings, both existing and proposed, are shown on this site plan" 5 Show dimensioned parking layout, including any required disabled access spaces. Section 107.2. . ROOFS 6 Specify on the plans the following information for the roof materials, per Section 1506.3: (all new roof-restroom, chem. storage, pump pit room..etc) changing .room has roof (?) . - Manufacturer's name and Product name/number. ICC approval number or equal. 7 Guards (Section 1013) (changing room) * a) Shall be installed at all unenclosed floor openings which are located more ,. than 30" above the floor or grade below. .t -, '• '" Shall be installed at open and glazed sides of stairways, landings and ramps located more than 30" above the floor or grade below. - - Shall be installed at balconies or porches more than 30" above grade or : - floor below. ,Shall have a height of 42" This includes the open side of a stair. • Shall be detailed showing adequacy of connections to resist the horizontal '--; - force prescribed in Section 1607.8.1. -, Openings between railings shall be less than 4" The triangular openings - T r formed by the riser, tread and bottom element of a guardrail at a stair - - . . ,• - shall be less than 6". -•. - g) Glass balusters shall be installed with a continuous rail along the top Section 2407.1.2. . ACCESSIBILITY 8 Provide notes and details on the plans to show compliance with the enclosed '',"Disabled Access" Review List. FOUNDATION 9. Provide a letter from the soils engineer confirming that the foundation plan, grading plan and specifications have been reviewed and that it has been - determined that the recommendations in the soil report are properly incorporated into the plans (see page 21 of the soil report) 'lO. The soils engineer recommended that he/she review the foundation excavations. - Note on the foundation plan that "Prior to the contractor requesting a Building I • -.. •••- -- & f •- , 4 .•! • _; ,• City of Carlsbad c2016-0010 12/6/2016 • • Department foundation inspection, the soils engineer shall advise the building official in writing that: . The building pad was prepared in accordance with the soils report, The utility trenches have been properly backfilled and compacted, and The foundation excavations comply with the intent of the soils report" . STRUCTURAL 11 Page G1 of the calculation shows restroom has 2x6 wall Where on the plan show 2x6 wall? .12. The roof joist for the restroom shall be identified on sheet S2.1. 13. :Provide calculation to show the screen at roof is adequate to support the design load Does the roof joist consider the load from the screen? Double joist'? 14 Page L13 shows the seismic load for the chemical storage Where is the calculation to show how the wind or seismic load been supported? Cantilever • - columns? Footing? 15 Page L23 of the calculation shows fence 10 feet high (7) Sheet F14 of the '- calculation shows 5 feet high (?) with 1.7 k load. Please clarify on the plan the height of the fence 16. Page F14 shows 2 diameter and 4.65 feet embedment. Detail 112/S3.2 shows different depth Please check ADDITIONAL Please refer to the following corrections for mechanical, plumbing, and electrical items. . To speed up the review process, please note on this list (or a copy) where each . .. correction item has been addressed, i.e., plan sheet, note or detail number, calculation page, etc. Please indicate here if any changes have been made to the plans that are not a - result of corrections from this list. If there are other changes, please briefly describe them and where they are located in the plans. • Have changes been made to the plans not resulting from this correction list? Please indicate: IJ Yes D No The jurisdiction has contracted with Esgil Corporation located at 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208, San Diego, California 92123; telephone numberof 858/560-1468, to perform the plan review for your project. If you have any • • 'questions regarding these plan review items, please contact David Yao at Esgil . • •, Corporation. Thank you. S -•:••- • • - • • - .- City of Carlsbad c2016-0010 S 4 '•. . 12/6/2016 • PLUMBING, MECHANICAL, ELECTRICAL, and ENERGY COMMENTS PLAN REVIEWER: Eric Jensen PLUMBING (2013 CALIFORNIA PLUMBING CODE) ç1 • 'Explain the use of ICW for the eye wash equipment? MECHANICAL (2013 CALIFORNIA MECHANICAL CODE) 2. Include a minimum dimension between the exhaust fan and the outside air source on the restroom roof plans 3 Include the pool boiler install instructions detailing an approved flue material type A B" vent for a high efficiency boiler doesn't sound right ••:; :-' 4: No ventilation provided in the chlorine or acid tank rooms? ELECTRICAL (2013 CALIFORNIA ELECTRICAL CODE) Include the grounding electrode system for the restroom building on the : single line diagram. What type of a localized grounding system is available for the food trailer? 7.; If the pool chemical areas require special wiring methods (nonmetallic) include on the electrical floorplans. •. - . 8: Include a design summary for the electrical on or adjacent to the water slide. Lots of panels and number 16 conductors but how does that fit with electricity and water? Note: If you have any questions regarding this Electrical, Plumbing, Mechanical, and - Energy plan review list please contact Eric Jensen at (858) 560-1468. To speed the • PAN - review process, note on this list (or a copy) where the corrected items have been addressed on the plans. • I' - • ', .. - e • - -. . • •• ,T1• •' • - - •5! -S 1 1 - $• S . . S • • • • - - .• 4 -'S 1 • • S. • - • 5•• 4 City of Carlsbad c2016-0010 12/6/2016 . -• DISABLED ACCESS REVIEW LIST DEPARTMENT OF STATE ARCHITECT TITLE 24 -. •'. . SITE PLAN REQUIREMENTS Clearly show that the site development and grading are designed to provide access to all entrances and exterior ground floor exits, as well as access to normal • paths of travel, per Section 11B-206. Where necessary to provide access, shall • incorporate pedestrian ramps, curb ramps, stairways and handrails, etc. When more than one building or facility is located on a site, accessible routes of travel shall be provided between buildings and accessible site facilities, per Section 11B-20622 '. 3. - Show or note that at every primary public entrance, and at every major function - area along, or leading to, an accessible route of travel there is to be a sign • •' .- displaying the international symbol of accessibility. Signs are required to indicate the direction to accessible building entrances and facilities, per Section 11B-216 3 4 Show that an accessible route of travel is to be provided to all portions of the - 2 , building, to accessible building entrances and between the building and the public way, per Section 11 B-206.2. 1 ACCESSIBLE PARKING 5 Each lot or parking structure where parking is provided for the public, as clients, guests or employees, shall provide accessible parking as required by Section 11 B- ,•, 208.2.. . 4 ••• .4 . : 6. ., 4 . • 4 . Show onthe site plan the required number of accessible parking spaces for new - facilities. Per Table 11 B-208.2, the minimum number of spaces is: a) 1 for each 25 spaces up to 100 total spaces 7 Show that the accessible, parking spaces are located per Section IIB-208.3.1 as 4 follows: On the shortest possible route to an accessible entrance, when serving a particular building. On the shortest route of travel to an accessible entrance of a parking •• -'. •'' facility. c) . Spaces are to be dispersed and located closest to accessible entrances • - where buildings have multiple accessible entrances with adjacent parking 8 Show that accessible parking spaces comply with Section 11 B-502.2 as follows 1-_ . .4 - - • -. -'4 - .*.•j• .'_* d. .• • •*'•4 • - City of Carlsbad c2016-0010 .: V 12/6/2016 V Single spaces shall be 14' wide and outlined to provide a 9' parking area and a 5' loading and unloading area This loading/unloading area may be on either side of the vehicle. 4 V When more than one space is provided, in lieu of providing a 14' space for V each space, two spaces can be provided within a 23' area with a 5' loading V V zone between each 9'0" wide space. V C) Each space is to be a minimum of 18' in depth. V V V •' - 9 At least one in every 6 accessible parking spaces (but not less than one) shall be V V served by an access aisle 8' in width and designated as VAN ACCESSIBLE, per V Section .11 B-208.2.4. This loading/unloading area must be on the passenger side • 'of the vehicle. Alternately, the parking stall may be 12' wide with the access aisle 5,' wide: Section 11 B-502.3.4. V .• 10. The words "NO PARKING" shall be painted on the ground within each loading and - • V • V V unloading access aisle (in white letters no less than 12" high and located so that it V is visible to traffic enforcement officials). Section 11 B-502.3.3. V 11. Ramps shall not encroach into any accessible parking space or the adjacent 'V access aisle. Section 11B-406.5.1. V 12.. Show on the site plan that accessible parking space(s) are to.be located such that V V, V •V V a person with a disability is not required to travel behind parking spaces other than VVV V V , to pass behind the parking space in which they parked, per Section 11B-502.7.1. V •. •. 13: Show that a bumper or curb is to be provided, and located at each space, to - ' prevent encroachment of cars into the required width of walkways, per Section ' V 11B-502.7.2. I. V. • V • Show or note that the maximum slope of the parking surface at the accessible V V • • space and adjacent access aisle, in any direction, is :5 1:48, per Section 11 B- V V V 502.4. V V Show or note on the plans that the accessible parking spaces are to be identified' V by a reflectorized sign, permanently posted immediately adjacent to and visible V i. Vfrom each space, consisting of: V A profile view of a wheelchair with occupant in white on dark blue V VV . • V - V background. The sign shall ~!70 in.2 in area. V • V When in the path of travel, they shall be posted ~!80" from the bottom of the c). sign to parking space finished grade V V• • d) Signs may also be centered on the wall of the interior end of the parking V • :V . space. V V V e). ., Van-accessible spaces shall have an additional sign "Van-Accessible" .V V VV V V . • mounted below the symbol of accessibility. V .. .,.City of Carlsbad c2016-0010 12/6/2016 f) In addition, the surface of each accessible space is required to be marked with the international symbol of accessibility. 16. Show, or note, that an additional sign shall also be posted in a conspicuous place at each entrance to off street parking facilities, or immediately adjacent to and visible from each stall or space. Section 11 B-502.8. The sign shall be ~_.17" x 22" , with lettering not :51" in height. Per Section 11 B-502.8.2, required wording is as - - :.- - follows. "Unauthorized vehicles parked in designated accessible spaces not - displaying distinguishing placards or license plates issued for persons with disabilities may be towed away at owner's expense. Towed vehicles may be reclaimed at or by telephoning 17 Show that all vertical entrances to, and vertical clearances within parking : structures have a vertical clearance of ~8'-2" where required for access to accessible parking spaces, per Section 11 B-502.5. CURB RAMPS .18. Curb ramps shall be constructed where a pedestrian way crosses a curb, per Section 202. 19. Plans shall show that curb ramps are ~:48" wide with a slope of :51:12 (8.33%), per -. • Section 11B-406.5.2. 20 Show that the landing at the top of the curb shall be level and ~!48" depth for the entire width of the curb ramp. Section 11 B-406.5.3. 21 - The slope of the fanned or flared sides of curb ramps shall not exceed 1 10, per 'Section 11 B-406.2.2. 22. Show that detectable warnings, 36" deep and extending the full width of the curb ramp, are to be installed for all curb ramps (regardless of slope), per Section 1113- 705. Only approved DSA/AC detectable warning products and directional surfaces .. - shall be installed. Section 11B-705.3. . . . - 23. Locate curb ramps to prevent obstruction by parked cars, per Section 11B-406.5.1. L * WALKS AND SIDEWALKS C • ..'• . . - - 24. If any proposed walks slope >1:20 (5%) they must comply with ramp requirements, per Section 11 B-402.2. 25 Walks along an accessible route of travel are required to be ~:48" minimum in width and have slip resistant surfaces, per Section 11B-403.5.1, Exception 3. -, •I._. 26. The maximum permitted cross slope for walkways shall be 1:48, per Section 11 B-. - '403.3. -4 •, '• - . - 'City of Carlsbad c2016-0010 * 12/6/2016 - 27. Show or note that any abrupt level changes will be :51/211 along any accessible route of travel. When changes do occur, they shall be beveled with a slope of :51:2. . Level changes of :51/41 may be vertical. Section 11 B-303. NOTE: If level changes >1/2, they must comply with the requirements of ramps. 28. Show that a 60" x 60" level area is provided at areas where a door (or gate) swings - toward the walk in the accessible route of travel, per Section 11 B-404.2.4. Show that the walk extends ~:24" beyond the strike edge of the strike edge of any door (or gate) that swings toward the walk. . . 29: Provide details or interior elevations to show that objects projecting from walls with their leading edges comply with Section 11 B-307 1 - a) >27" but :580" above finished floor protrude :54" into walks, halls, corridors, passageways or aisles. b) :527" or >80" above finished floor may protrude any amount. - • • c)' Freestanding objects mounted on posts or pylons may overhang :512" into the walk, hall, etc if ~27" but :580" above ground surface or finished floor. 30. Show that walks with continuous gradients are provided with level areas ~!5'0" long •: at intervals of 400'0" maximum, per Section 11 B-403.7. . ,'. 31: Show that a 36" wide detectable warning material is provided at boundaries between walkways and vehicular ways. Sections 11B- and 11 B- 705.1.2.5. 32. - Plans indicate that more than one route of travel is to be provided. Revise plans to show that all routes are to be made accessible, per Section 11 B-206.2. 1 L . DOORS •i' . - 33..Show, or note that there is a level floor or landing on each side of all doors The floor or landing is to be :51/211 lower than the doorway threshold, per Section 11 B- ' ,•.. .' . 404.2.5. :• . - .34. Show or note that all hand-activated door opening hardware meets the following requirements, per Section 11 B-404.2.7: •. a) Latching, or locking, doors in a path of travel are operated with a single effort by lever type hardware, by panic bars, push-pull activating bars, or other hardware designed to provide passage without requiring the ability to :- '• .• • -. grasp the opening hardware. b) Is to be centered ~34" but :544" above floor. 35. Show or notethat the maximum effort to operate doors shall not exceed 5 pounds, •, with such pull or push effort being applied at right angles to hinged doors and at :- -the center plane of sliding or folding doors. When fire doors are utilized, the p-•* • .• - - -: •'•• • - • :.. • • • • . City of Carlsbad c2016-0010 - V V 12/6/2016 - ., . - '• maximum effort to operate the door may be increased to not exceed 15 pounds. , . Section 11 B-404.2.9. 36. Show or note that the lower 10" of all doors comply with Section 11 B-404.2. 10, as follows To be smooth and uninterrupted, to allow the door to be opened by a wheelchair footrest, without creating a trap or hazardous condition Narrow frame doors may use a 10" high smooth panel on the push side of the door. 'V END OF DOCUMENT 'V. •' ,. V P 4. 'V 4 * V. • 'S * ,*4V V •V ' V * * ' V V V ,•VV V V V. 1fl4'4 - * V ,, V. ,l •V4V•V - _ - V '''4 •V Vi - . S * V V * V VV• * ''-V. * - V I / VVV V V. V V V V V * * V V• , V V V •V V IV V V * 4. * V , •, i S ' - Vi .5 •I -. ''V .1 4 . • 4 - ( .4.,. - 4-, City of Carlsbad c2016-0010 12/6/2016 • (DO NOT PAY- THIS IS NOTAN INVOICE) '4 * VALUATION AND PLAN CHECK FEE JURISDICTION City of Carlsbad PLAN CHECK NO c2016-0010 * PREPARED BY David Yao DATE 12/6/2016 BUILDING ADDRESS 1 Legoland Dr. BUILDING OCCUPANCY B IS 4 • 4 Uurisdiction Code cb By Ordinance $ Bldg Permit Fee by Ordinance t. 697 061 Plan Check Fee by Ordinance 'v] I $453.091 Type of Review fi Complete Review fi Structural Only F-1 Other • '-. EL Repetitive Fee ePeats . Hourly HEl r. * 4 EsGul Fee $390 '.' Comments. - Sheet 1 of 1 : macvalue.doc + 4 . . . 4 4 * . BUILDING . PORTION AREA (Sq. Ft.) Valuation Multiplier Reg. Mod. VALUE ($) restroom pr city 120,000 Air Conditioning Fire Sprinklers TOTAL VALUE 120,000 I! PLANNING DIVISION Development Services 41w > BUILDING PLAN CHECK Planning Division CITY 0 F. REVIEW CHECKLIST 1635 Faraday Avenue C (760 ) P-28 . (760) 602-4610 - www.carIsbdc.gov I DATE: 3/3/17 PROJECT NAME: LEGOLAND WPI7 WATER SLIDE PROJECT ID: SDP 16-25 PLAN CHECK NO: CBC20I6-0010 SE T#: 3 ADDRESS: I LEGOLAND DR APN: 211-100-09-00 This plancheck review is complete and has been APPROVED by the PLANNING Division. By: TERI DELCAMP A Final Inspection by the PLANNING Diviion is required 0 Yes No You may also have corrections from one or more of the divisions listed below. Approval from these divisions may be required.prior to the issuance of a building permit. Resubmitted plans shoUld include corrections from all divisions. This plan check review is NOT COMPLETE. Items missing or incorrect are listed on the attached checklist. Please resubmit amended plans as required. Plan Check Comments have been sent to For questions or clarifications on the attached checklist please contact the following reviewer as marked: . PLANNING . 'ENGINEERING - . ..... FIRE PREVENTION -760-602-46Iu 7606022750 7606024665 Chris Sexton Chris Glassen Greg Ryan 760-602-4624 760-602-2784 . 760-602-4663 Chris.Sexton@carlsbadca.Lov Christopher.Glassen@cansbadca.gov Gregorv.Ryan@carlsbadca.gov Gina Ruiz ValRay Marshall Cindy Wong 760-602-4675 . 760-602-2741 7606024662 Gina.Ruiz@carlsbadca.gov VaIRay.MarshalI@carIsbadca.gov Cynthia.Wong@carlsbadca.gov Teri Delcamp Linda Ontiveros. . Dominic Fieri 760-602-4611 760-602-2773 760-602-4664 teri.deIcamp@carlsbadca.gov Linda.Ontiveros@carlsbadca.gov Dominic.Fieri@carlsbadca.gov Remarks: REVIEW #: 123 ' LIE LILI. LI•II Plan Check No. CBC2016-0010 Address .1 LEGOLAND DR Date 1,1/30/16 Review #, Planner TERI DELCAMP Phóné (760) 602- 4611 APN: 211-100-09-00 Type of Project & Use: THEME PK ATTRACTION'Net Project Density: N/ADU/AC Zoning: C-T-Q General Plan: VC Facilities Management Zone: i CFD (in/out) #1 Date of participation: 12/21/93 Remaining net dev acres:_____ (For non-residential development: Type of land use created by this permit: Hotel) Legend: Z Item Complete ' LI Item Incomplete Needs your action Environmental Review Required: YES N NO LI TYPE TBD. ' DATE OF COMPLETION: Compliance with conditions of approval? If not, state conditions which require action. Conditions of Approval: Discretionary Action Required: YES Z NO Ej TYPE MINOR SDP/CDP APPROVAL/RESO. NO. DATE ' PROJECT N.O. SDP 16-25 OTHER RELATED CASES: CDP 16-48 Compliance with conditions or approval? If not, state conditions which require action. Conditions of Approval: , Coastal Zone Assessment/Compliance Project site loàated in Coastal Zone? YES NO CA Coastal Commission Authority? YES LI NO If California Coastal Commission Authority: Contact them at - 7575 Metropolitan Drive, Suite 103, San Diego, CA 92108-4402; (619) 767-2370 Determine status (Coastal Permit Required or Exempt): CDP 16-48 . . . Habitat Management Plan Data Entry Completed? YES LI NO LI N/A If property has Habitat Type identified in Table 11 of HMP, complete HMP Permit application and assess fees in Permits Plus (A/PIDs, Activity Maintenance, enter' CB#, toolbar, Screens, HMP Fees, Enter Acres of Habitat Type impacted/taken, UPDATE!) " Inclusionary Housing Fee required: YES LI NO LI N/A (Effective date of Inclusionary Housing Ordinance - May 21, 1993.) Data Entry Completed? YES LI NO LI (A/PIDs, Activity Maintenance, enter CB#, toolbar, Screens, Housing Fees, Conètruct Housing Y/N, Enter Fee, UPDATE!) For construction of inclusionary units, email -notification provided to HNS?: YES LI NO LI (Email Susan Steinkemp in HNS with project number and contact info) Housing Tracking Form (form P-20) completed: YES LI NO LI N/A P-28 Page 2 of 4 07/11 Site Plan: LI ME M Provide a fully dimensional site plan drawn to scale. Show: North .arrow, propeity lines, easements, existing and proposed structures, streets, existing street improvements, right-of- way width, dimensional setbacks and existing topographical lines (including all side and rear yard slopes). Provide legal desbription of property and assessor's parcel number.. City Council Policy 44— Neighborhood Architectural Design Guidelines Applicability: YES LI NO Project complies: YES LI NOD N/A H , Zoning: Setbacks: Front: Interior Side: Street Side: Rear: Top of slope 3. Lot Coverage Required 310' Required J4L Required 60' Required 35' Required Required 50% Shown 310' Shown Shown L. Legoland Dr Shown 35' Shown ' Shown.___ Shown' Shown Legoland Dr Shown Shown Shown 4.8% Accessory structure setbacks: Front: Required Interior Side:' Required Street Side: Required Rear: Required Structure separation: Required 4. Height: Required 45' Shown <35' 5." Parking: Spaces Required LEI Shown N/A (breakdown by uses for commercial and industrial projects required) Residential Guest Spaces Required N/A Shown ' LI ' Additional Comments 'OK TO ISSUE AND ENTERED APPROVAL INTO COMPUTER TD DATE 3/3/17 Obtain approval for SDP 16 25/GDP 16-48. Comply with all conditions included with the future approval of SDP 16 25/CDP,16 48.Approved. Will need to obtain approval of'landscape construction plans through the separate landscape plan check process, and complete grading prior to issuance of building permit. Landscape plans approved for signatures. BuildingiLDE will verify grading certification. Provide an overall site plan showing location of attraction within the park and include all project data and site plan information to verify compliance/consistency with requirements. Completed. Add demolition notes to Sheet C 2. Response accepted. Label all structures on Sheets C 3 and C 4. Not completed label Logo sculptures, pump room and chemical storage buildings/areas,. etc. Completed. ' On, Sheet C 3 outline existing trees under slide, that 'areto remain (total 4). Do these conflict with proposed grading/hardscape? Response accepted. Provide floor plans, elevations, and details, etc., for the rest of the structures including entry portal, cabanas, umbrellas, themed backdrop panel, the unidentified structure next to the slide (lighthouse?), the lockers and railing P-28 Page 3 of 4 . 07/11 Page 4 of 4 modifications to the existing changing building, the mat storage if it is a building, and the winner's podium, etc. Response accepted except see comments 13 and 14 below. . Address all comments on redlined plans. Submit redlined sheets with the ned resubmiftal. New Comments: Remove the. SDP and CDP numbers from upper right corner of all C sheets, and, remove the SDP/CD approval blocks from all C sheets. These, do not belong on the construction drawings. Complete Provide lot cove rage data so the highlighted info under zoning above can be completed by staff. Complete On Sheet 2 of 20, Hardscape Plan, the construction legend states symbol 5 detail is D on Sheet 3 but there. is no detail for U."' detail is a wood railing). Provide the detail. Complete' On Sheet, SI.1 show the location of the therned backdrop panel with a keynote for the structural support/footing detail, and pro videa detail if not already included in the set. Deferred submittal Note that ll above ground 'components that are not detailed in the architectural plans (cabanas, themed backdrop panel wall, permanent umbrellas, entry portal, etc) aside from the structural supports will be under a separate permit and are not approved to be. built out per these plans. Noted. 07/11 .4. .-. .. ... ... . __J. . . . .., .4 .. .. , .4. ... 4•_. - ; . -•-.. -..%.,.... .•, .-. •••44•.'•• 1• . •• i 4.5•4 :., .- - 4. • • 4.;..4.. .. If 4•.••.• . . '-,S,EE ,MORE T R U CT U RA L CA LCS IE\J PCR(S) REVIS IONS), ? . 4•• . .. . t1 •- • - .t: .4.. ., 4. • 4.. 4. .•4.• •4.4.4. 4' - . -4.-. 44 .. •4. 4. .J_ 4., 4. 4. •* -4..,-. .,.• _4.. .. ••••. 4 . a •- ..-• . 4... •.4..! - •'.-: - - 4. --4. -. 'a' .'.a - 4. _% .4 '4 • 4.. -a '• ..-- •• 's,, - 4 4. ,.. .• .- 1' '.- -- • - c •,- - : - 4.--.' -4. •4. - • '. • r .4. • . S • •.• - - :. . : • • •••- -s - • - .- -- 4' '4. • - r . - , ,- 4.. . . - 4. 4. + 'F .' S • . - . - _4. 4. _.+Fi• .,, - . - 7 •5+• ' . -I - - ' '- . -.4.- ...q + . - I : $ I I - ECHNICAL UPDATE REPORT PROPOSED WPI7 PROJECT LEGOLAND THEME PARK CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA - I I Prepared for . t .'•, S+ - - - - MERLIN ENTERTAINMENT GROUP! - US HOLDING, INC. One Lego Drive Carlsbad, California 92008 I Project No 10075016 4 - August 26, 2016 I .•• I _ Leighton and Associates, lnc.'Iiiiiiiiiiiiiii A LEIGHTON GROUP COMPANY Leighton and Associates, Inc I - A-LEIGHTON GROUP COMPANY August 26, 2016 Project No 10075016 To: - Merlin Entertainment Group/US Holding, Inc. c/o LEGOLAND California, LLC - One Lego Drive Carlsbad, California 92008 ':Attention: Mr. Chris Brzezicki 1. - - - u••• . ., • . . .Subject. Geotechnical Update Report, Proposed WP17 Project, LEGOLAND Theme - Park, Carlsbad, California .In accordance with your request and authorization, Leighton and Associates, Inc.' (Leighton) has conducted a geotechnical update for the proposed WP17 project that is 11 t planned for the LEGOLAND Theme Park in Carlsbad, California (Figure 1). This report ',. presents the results of our review of pertinent geotechnical documents, previous laboratory testing, limited geotechnical analyses, and provides our conclusions and •- - recommendations for the proposed redevelopment area. j • Based on the' result of our current geotechnical study, the proposed redevelopment i. - - -project Js considered feasible from a geotechnical standpoint provided our - recommendations are implemented in the design and construction of the project. If you have any questions regarding our report, please do not hesitate to contact this office. We atfully ppreciate to be of service. CERTIFIED LEIGHTON AND1ASSOCIATES, INC. • EEG • OFESSIO No. 4S283 A _ - William D. Olson, RCE 45289 * * Mike D. Jensen, CEG 2457 Associate Engineer CI 0 tt 0QS Senior Project Geologist I- Distribution: (4) Addressee - * I , I • I• - I • • * .- p - - - :• • - 3934 Murphy Canyon Road, Suite B205 • San Diego, CA 92123-4425 --i' •: . f 858.292.8030 • Fax 858.292.0771 • www.leightongroup.com , I I " . 10075.016 TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Page r 1.0 INTRODUCTION......................................................................................................1 L, ii PURPOSEANDSCOPE .............................................................................................1 1.2 SITE LOCATION AND DESCRIPTION ............................................................................ 1 13 PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT ......................................................................................2 4 2.0 SUMMARY OF GEOTECHNICAL CONDITIONS....................................................3 -; 2.1 GEOLOGIC SETTING ................................................................................................3 2.2 SITE-SPECIFIC GEOLOGY ........................................................................................3 2.2.1 Uhdocumented Artificial Fill (Not Mapped) ....................................................4 2.2.2 Artificial Fill Documented (Map Symbol - Af) ................................................4 2.2.3 Quaternary-Aged Terrace Deposits (Map Symbol - Qt) 2.2.4 Santiago Formation (Map, Symbol - Tsa)......................................................4 ................................4 2.3 GROUND WATER ...................................................................................................... 5 2.4 LANDSLIDES ...........................................................................................................5 2.5 SLOPES .................................................................................................................. 6 . 2.6 ENGINEERING CHARACTERISTICS OF ON-SITE SOIL ...................................................6 2.6.1 Soil Compressibility and Collapse Potential ...................................................6 2.6.2 Expansive Soils.............................................................................................7 2.6.3 Soil Corrosivity ..............................................................................................7 2.6.4 'Excavation Characteristics ............................................................................7 2.6.5 Infiltration Characteristics ..............................................................................7 3.0 FAULTINGAND SEISMICITY.................................................................................9 • 3.1'FA ULTiNG ................................................................................................................g 3.2 SEISMIC DESIGN PARAMETERS ................................................................................9 3:3 SITE-SPECIFIC GROUND MOTION ANALYSIS ............................................................10 3.4 SECONDARY SEISMIC HAZARDS .............................................................................10 3.4.1 Shallow Ground Rupture .............................................................................11 3.4.2 Liquefaction .................................................................................................11 If . 3.4.3 Tsunamis and Seiches ................................................................................11 4.0 'CONCLUSIONS......................................................................................................12 5.0 RECOMMENDATIONS..........................................................................................14 5.1 EARrHWORK ........................................................................................................14 - 5.1.1' Site Preparation...........................................................................................14 5.1.2 Excavations and Oversize Material .............................................................15 . 5.1.3 Cut/Fill Transitions.......................................................................................15 . 5.2 FOUNDATION DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS .................................................................16 . . . , At '.., .. . . . . ' • -i- Leighton 10075.016 TABLE OF CONTENTS (Continued) • * I .'S Section Page 1' 5.2.1 Conventional Foundations 16 5.2.2 Drilled Pile Foundations ................................................................................. 17 5.2.3 'Mat Slab ......................................................................................................18 - 5.3 FLOOR SLAB CONSIDERATIONS .............................................................................. 18 5.4 RETAINING WALL DESIGN ......................................................................................19 I . I 5.5 SURFACE DRAINAGE AND EROSION ........................................................................20 5.6 CONCRETE FLATWORK..........................................................................................20 - • 5.7 PLAN REVIEW.......................................................................................................21 5.8 CONSTRUCTION OBSERVATION ..............................................................................21 6.0 LIMITATIONS ;................................................................................................22 Tables .J. Table 1 - 2013 Mapped Spectral Accelerations Parameters - Page 10 Table 2 Shaft Model Parameters Page 18 - - Table 3 - Static Equivalent Fluid Weight (pcf) - Page 19 Figure Figure 1 - Site Location Map - Rear of Text Figure 2 - Geotechnical Map - Rear of Text • Figure 3- Proposed Improvements - Rear of Text Appendices I .Appendix A - References • Appendix B - CIDH Pile Capacity Curves Appendix C General Earthwork and Grading Specifications U I' *5 I I I' Leighton 1 10075016 1 1 0 INTRODUCTION We recommend that all individuals utilizing this report read the proceeding information sheet prepared by GBC (the Geotechnical Business Council of the Geoprofessional *. Business Council) and the Limitations, Section 6.0, located at the end of this report. .1.1 Purpose and Scope : •. • U This report presents the results of our updated geotechnical study for the - proposed WP17 project that is to be constructed in the northern portion of LEGOLAND Theme Park in Carlsbad, California (Figure 1). The purpose of our update report was to identify and evaluate the existing geotechnical conditions present at the site and to provide conclusions and recommendations relative to I the proposed development Our scope of services included 1! Review of pertinent documents regarding the geotechnical conditions at the site (Appendix A) . A site reconnaissance to observe existing site conditions Limited geotechnical evaluation and analysis of existing data. .• Preparation. of this report presenting our findings, conclusions, and geotechnical recommendations with respect to the proposed geotechnical design; site grading and general construction considerations. - . • .4. It should be noted that percolation testing to evaluate site infiltration characteristics • I was not part of our scope for this study. I 1.2 Site Location and Description ' The LEGOLAND Theme Park is located north of Palomar Airport Road and west of College Boulevard in Carlsbad; California (Figure 1). The location of the proposed WP17 project is in the northern portion of the LEGOLAND Park. The i. . . conceptual site plan prepared by Commercial Development Resources (CDR, • 2016) was utilized as the base map for the Geotechnical Map (Figure 2). Currently, the site is occupied by an existing attraction with small support I, structures, and • - landscaping. Topographically, the site grades slope to the • • towards the south with elevations ranging from approximately 166 feet above .. - mean sea level (msl) at the northern perimeter of the site to approximately 161 4 .- I - : : - • • -1- Leighton • 1 10075016 I . feet at the southern perimeter. There is also an earthen knoll/berm area along - the northwestern perimeter of the site, which is about 6 to 10 feet higher than the 1 surrounding grades. - - - - I t As background, Leighton performed the initial geotechnical investigation for the - LEGOLAND Theme Park in 1995. Subsequently, the site was mass graded between 1996 and 1998 under the direct observation and testing of Leighton As I a result of the mass grading operations for the development of the LEGOLAND Theme Park, the subject site was generally a cut area which is overlain by the a I fill to create the earthen knoll/berm area (see Figure 2) 11% Site Latitude and Longitude 1 33.12900 N 117.31290 W 1 3 Proposed Development - - -.• I ,It is our understanding that the proposed attraction will consist of a wading pool, a restroom building, a raised attraction, retaining walls, and a retail/support building (see Figure 3) In addition, pavement surfaces and shade structures will be constructed around the pools We anticipate the site earthwork will consist of jemedial grading to account for disturbed fill and general grading (i.e., cuts and fills) to reach the proposed site finish grades. We anticipate the foundation system for the proposed buildings will be shallow conventional footings or mat- type foundations and potentially some shallow isolated pole foundations 1 Preliminary grading and foundation plans or structural loads were not available prior to the preparation of this report 4 i I I I 4 •( jp1ø - • - -2- • 1 Leighton .. .., . I. .1 10075.016 , $iJ+. 2.0 SUMMARY OF GEOTECHNICAL CONDITIONS . . 2.1 Geologic Setting I The site is located in the coastal section of the Peninsular Range Province, a geomorphic province with a long and active geologic history throughout Southern .I. - California. Throughout the last 54 million years, the area known as "San Diego Embayment" has undergone several episodes of marine inundation and subsequent marine regression, resulting in the deposition of a thick sequence of - marine and nonmarine sedimentary rocks on the basement rock of the Southern California batholith. : Gradual emergence of the region from the sea occurred in Pleistocene time, and •. numerous wave-cut platforms, most of which were covered by relatively thin marine and nonmarine terrace deposits, formed as the sea receded from the land. Accelerated fluvial erosion during periods of heavy rainfall, coupled with the I . •. . lowering of the base sea level during Quaternary times, resulted in the rolling hills, mesas, and deeply incised canyons which characterize the landforms we I see in the general site area today. 2.2Site-Specific Geology Bas'ed on our previous subsurface exploration, geologic mapping during previous grading operations (Leighton, 1998), and review of pertinent geologic literature I .. . and, maps, the geologic units underlying the site consist of documented artificial fill soils, Quaternary-aged Terrace Deposits and Tertiary-aged Santiago - FOrmation. Specifically, the site of the proposed WP 17 project site is overlain by •.. '2 to 10 feet of documented Artificial Fill (Af) I ; •' A brief descriptioñ of the geologic units present on the site is presented in the following sections. The approximate aerial distributions of those units are shown on the Geotechnical Map (Figure 2). I 1 4 Leighton 1 10075016 I 2.2.1 Undocumented Artificial Fill (Not Mapped) . Areas of undocumented fill up to approximately 3 feet in thickness may be - encountered in planters and landscape areas. The fill was derived from on- site excavations that were placed following the rough grading operations - which occurred in the late 1990's. The existing slopes along the northern and western perimeters should be evaluated during site grading for a adverse geological conditions and for competency of fill soil. 2.2.2 Artificial Fill Documented (Map Symbol - Af) The artificial fill consists of moist, red-brown, dense, silty sands. The fill S was derived from on-site excavations that was placed and compacted - - ' during the rough grading operations in the late 1990's. The fill soils were - ' - compacted to at least 90 percent relative compaction based on ASTM Test -. • -. Method D1557 (Leighton, 1998). The upper 1 to 2 feet of previously placed. documented fill is weathered or disturbed by existing improvements and o • should be removed and reprocessed prior to the placement of additional fills or construction of new improvements. 4 1 - 8 2.2.3 Quaternary-Aged Terrace Deposits (Map Symbol - Qt) Quaternary Terrace Deposits are present in the eastern portion of the site • - ': : •. beneath the artificial fill. These Terrace Deposits consist of brown to - • - -; •reddish brown, dry to moist, medium dense to very dense, silty fine- to - medium-grained sandstone. It should be noted that the top 3 to 5 feet of Terrace Deposits that were weathered and/or disturbed by previous agricultural use were removed and replaced by compacted fill during. ' grading operations (Leighton, 1998). Sand lenses within the Terrace - Deposits are known to contain layers that transmit water seepage. If cut - I• -- • slopes are planned they should be evaluated by the geotechnical - ' 7 • • consultant. - 8 -- r -• -• I. I- - 2.2.4 Santiago Formation (Map Symbol - Tsa) - S 0 Santiago Formation is present in the western portion of the site beneath -. -.: - the artificial fill. Santiago Formation consists of gray-brown to off-white - - - damp, very dense, silty fine to medium sandstone. We do not anticipate I that Santiago Formation will be encountered during site grading with the 1 " •iiiS R•. • - . • I LeIghton 1 10075016 I exception of deep foundation (drilled pile) associated with the proposed improvements, if any. r 2.3 Ground Water No indication of surface water or evidence of surface ponding was observed during our site reconnaissance. However, surface water may drain as sheet flow across the site during rainy periods. Ground water was not observed in the original exploration borings or during the site grading (Leighton, 1998) Perched 'ground water levels may develop and fluctuate during periods of precipitation Based on our experience and given the approximate elevation of the site, we anticipate the ground water to be at a depth of 75 feet or more. However, it should be noted that previous nearby investigations have encountered perched - ground water accumulated on the geologic contact between the Santiago Formation and the Terrace Deposits observed at the site These conditions will - - need to be evaluated on a case-by-case basis during site grading and within I . sandy layers in the Terrace Deposits. Therefore, based on the above information, - we do hot anticipate ground water will be a constraint to the construction of the poject.. 2.4 • Landslides - Landslides are deep-seated ground failures (several tens to hundreds of feet - deep) in which a large arcuate shaped section of a slope detaches and slides I downhill Landslides are not to be confused with minor slope failures (slumps), which are usually limited to the topsoil zone and can occur on slopes composed of almost any geologic material Landslides can cause damage to structures both 1 above and below the slide mass Structures above the slide area are typically damaged by undermining of foundations Areas below a slide mass can be I • damaged by being overridden and crushed by the failed slope material. - - - Several formations within the San Diego region are particularly prone to : - landsliding. These formations generally have high clay content and mobilize when they become saturated with water. Other factors, such as steeply dipping P 4 bedding that project out of the face of the slope and/or the presence of fracture planes, will also increase the potential for landsliding Based on our site reconnaissance and geologic mapping, the materials on site are generally 1 massive with no distinctive structure f -•-,• --S • I -'--• -- .5 I I, Leighton I . 10075016 No active landslides or indications of deep-seated landsliding were noted at the site during our field reconnaissance, site grading, or our review of available I •' geologic literature, topographic maps, and stereoscopic aerial photographs. Furthermore, our field reconnaissance and the local geologic maps indicate the site is underlain by favorable oriented geologic structure, and no nearby slopes. Therefore, the potential for significant landslides or large-scale slope instability at • the site is considered low. .17 V 25 Slopes I- ' if grading of the site includes the construction of new slopes, we recommend that V -permanent slopes be inclined no steeper than 2:1 (horizontal to vertical) Fills over I SV V 4. sloping ground should be benched to produce a level area to receive fill. Benches V %should be wide enough to provide complete coverage by the compaction V V equipment during fill placement. If cut slopes are proposed to reach site grades, V V V VI they should be evaluated by the geotechnical consultant during grading plan V - V review and grading. V V V V All slopes may be susceptible to surficial slope instability and erosion given V V V substantial wetting of the slope face. Surficial slope stability may be enhanced by providing proper site drainage. The site should be graded so that water from the * V V surrounding areas is not able to flow over the top of slopes. Diversion structures V V • • should be provided where necessary. I ,. 2.6 Engineering Characteristics of On-Site Soil V - Based on the results of our previous geotechnical investigations and our V V V • V professional experience on adjacent sites with similar soils, the engineering V - •. characteristics of the on-site soils are discussed below. I .• 2.6.1 Soil Compressibility and Collapse Potential V Based on the dense nature of the on-site documented fill, Terrace V * I ' Deposits and Santiago Formation, it is our opinion that the potential for V • V settlement and collapse at the site is low. Existing undocumented fills and • I disturbed soils that are present are considered compressible but are expected to be removed by planned grading and/or remedial grading. • V .5 -6- V V V V Leighton' I 10075016 .1. 2.6.2 Expansive Soils I Laboratory tests carried out on selected soil samples collected during our previous explorations and grading activities (Appendix A) indicate the soils -I * , at the site possess a very low to low expansion potential. Locally, soils may have a low to medium expansion. Soils from potential generated - , I excavations in the Terrace Deposits are also expected to possess a very low to low expansion potential. Laboratory testing upon completion of remedial and fine grading operations for the proposed building and ride I pads are recommended to determine actual expansion potential of finish grade soil at the site 2 3 6 Soil Corrosivity Laboratory tests carried out on selected soil samples collected during our 1 previous explorations and grading activities (Appendix A) indicate the soils - . possess a low soluble sulfate content, neutral pH, low soluble chloride "- content, and low electrical resistivity. These findings indicate that the corrosive effects to buried ferrous metal I are expected to be moderate to severe Affects to properly designed and '• ' placed concrete are considered low. Laboratory testing upon completion of remedial and fine grading operations for the proposed building pad is recommended to determine actual soluble sulfate content of finish grade soil at the site I 2.6.4 Excavation Characteristics - It is anticipated the on-site soils can be excavated with conventional heavy-duty construction equipment Localized loose soil zones and friable sands, if encountered, may require special excavation techniques to ' prevent collapsing of the excavation. 2.6.5 Infiltration Characteristics I Based on our experience we anticipate that the underlying documented fill consisting of a mixture of soils and the underlying formation will have permeable and impermeable layers can transmit and perched ground ' 1 water in unpredictable ways Therefore, Low Impact Development (LID) I • At . V • • . - . 1 - -7- . . Leighton I - . . 10075.016 - i, t - I I ' measures may impact down gradient improvements and the use of some unlined LID measures may not be appropriate for this project All 11 1 Infiltration and Bioretention Stormwater Systems design should be - . reviewed by geotechnical consultant. J I I' I .: -: - -. •- . • - - .. --.. I 1 I it I 1 -8- I Leighton 1 10075016 I 3.0 FAULTING AND SEISMICITY 1 3 1 Faulting 1 Our discussion of faults on the site is prefaced with a discussion of California • . legislation and policies concerning the classification and land-use criteria I ,associated with faults By definition of the California Geological Survey, an active fault is a fault which has had surface displacement within Holocene time (about the last 11,000 years). The state geologist has defined a potentially active fault as any fault considered to have been active during Quaternary time (last 1,600,000 ears) This definition is used in delineating Earthquake Fault Zones as mandated :' : by the Alquist-Priolo Geologic Hazards Zones Act of 1972 and most, recently I, revised in 2007 (Bryant and Hart, 2007). The intent of this act is to assure that 1 unwise urban development and certain habitable structures do not occur across the traces of active faults. The subject site is not included within any Earthquake Fault Zones as created by the Alquist-Priolo Act. 1 ' Our review of available geologic literature (Appendix A) indicates that there are no known major or active faults on or in the immediate vicinity of the site The I nearest active regional fault is the offshore segment of the Rose Canyon Fault - • Zone located approximately 4.6 miles (7.4 kilometers) west of the site. i 3.2 Seismic Design Parameters The site can be considered to lie within a seismically active region, as can all of Southern California The effect of seismic shaking may be mitigated by adhering to the California Building Code and state-of-the-art seismic design practices of I - • the Structural Engineers Association of California. Provided below in the Table 1 are the risk-targeted spectral acceleration parameters for the project determined in accordance with the 2013 California Building Code (CBSC, 2013) and the ' USGS Worldwide Seismic Design Values tool (Version 3.1.0). I I I H I 4 I I -9- Leghton 1 ' 10075016 _ ,4 5 - Table I 2013 CBC Mapped Spectral Acceleration Parameters Site Class D Site Coefficients Fa1.049 F=1.567 Mapped MCER Spectral Ss = 1.126g Accelerations Si = 0.433g Site Modified MCER Spectral SMS = 1.182g Accelerations SM1 = 0.679g Design Spectral Accelerations SDS = 0.788g SW = 0.453g 4 , Utilizing ASCE Standard 7-10, in accordance with Section 11.8.3, the following additional parameters for the peak horizontal ground acceleration are associated with the Geometric Mean Maximum Considered Earthquake (MCEG). The • I S . mapped MCEG peak ground acceleration (PGA) is 0.446g for the site. For a Site S • class 0, the FPGA is 1.054 and the mapped peak ground acceleration adjusted .• for Site Class effects (PGAM) is 0.47g for the site. 3.3 Site-Specific Ground Motion Analysis .•. The site is not located in a Seismic Hazard Zone, an Alquist-Priolo Earthquake Fault Zone or in a moderate or high hazard zone designation in the City of I Carlsbad Geotechnical Hazards Analysis and Mapping Study (1992) In addition the site is not assigned to a Seismic Design Category E or F. Therefore, per I .•' Section 4-317(e) of the California Administrative Code the development of a site- specific ground motion analysis is not required per Section 1616A.1.3 of the 2013 - - , • C BC. 3.4 Secondary Seismic Hazards I Secondary effects that can be associated with severe ground shaking following a - relatively large earthquake include shallow ground rupture, soil liquefaction and , dynamic settlement, lateral spreading, seiches and tsunamis. These secondary effects of seismic shaking are discussed in the following sections 1' I Ff. Gm TO IS _10- Leighton I ' 10075016 3.4.1 Shallow Ground Rupture 1 No active faults are mapped crossing the site, and the site is not located within a mapped Alquist-Priolo Earthquake Fault Zone (Bryant and Hart, 2007). Shallow ground rupture due to shaking from distant seismic events is not considered a significant hazard, although it is a possibility at any site. 3.4.2 Liquefaction :. Liquefaction and dynamic settlement of soils can be caused by strong vibratory motion due to earthquakes. Research and historical data indicate I that loose granular soils underlain by a near surface ground water table are most susceptible to liquefaction, while the stability of most clayey - . material are not adversely affected by vibratory motion. Liquefaction is characterized by a loss of shear strength in the affected soil layer, thereby - ., ' causing the soil to behave as a viscous liquid. This effect may be U manifested at the ground surface by settlement and, possibly, sand boils where insufficient confining overburden is present over liquefied layers. Where sloping ground conditions are present, liquefaction-induced 1 r instability can result. Based on the results of our previous studies, reports (Appendix A), and . - .geotechnical analysis it is our professional opinion that the site is not - considered susceptible to liquefaction resulting from ground shaking at the • design ground motion. I . 3.4.3 Tsunamis and Seiches Based on the distance between the site and large, open bodies of water, and the elevation of the site with respect to sea level, the possibility of I • - * 'seiches and/or tsunamis is considered to be very low. I - $ I I .. -11- Leighton . I 10075016 1 40 CONCLUSIONS Based on the results of our geotechnical review of the site, it is our opinion that the I proposed development is feasible from a geotechnical viewpoint, provided the following conclusions and recommendations are incorporated into the project plans and specifications. The following is a summary of the significant geotechnical factors that we - I . expect may affect development of the site. The location of the, proposed improvements is within an area underlain by existing I ... •. documented fill placed as part of the original mass grading of the park and by Quaternary-aged Terrace Deposits and Tertiary-aged Santiago Formation. I . Areas of undocumented fill and disturbed soils up to approximately 3 feet in thickness may be located in areas of existing improvements and landscape areas. . I :These materials, if encountered, should be removed prior to the placement of additional fills or construction of improvements. I . .. The upper 1 to 2 feet of previously placed documented fill is weathered and should r be removed and reprocessed prior to the placement of additional fills or construction of improvements Additional overexcavation or undercutting may be 1 needed, if cut to fill transitions are encountered during site grading Existing underground utilities and construction debris (i.e., existing footings) should I be anticipated during future grading and construction The depths and location of these utilities are unknown at this time. It should be noted that backfill associated with utility trenches should be evaluated on a case-by-case basis and may require complete removal prior to, placement of additional fill or construction of foundations. .. I ' We anticipate that the soils present on the site will be generally rippable with conventional heavy-duty earthwork equipment. Although foundation plans have not been finalized and building loads were not provided-at the time this report was drafted, we anticipate that a lightly loaded I conventional foundation system, consisting of continuous and spread footings with slab-on-grade flooring supported by competent documented fill materials or Terrace Deposits, will be utilized for the site structures Additionally we I understand that some of the structures may utilize drilled piles, and/or mat fOundations to compensate for overturning forces. H I -12- Leighton 1 10075016 I • Based on previous laboratory testing, the soils on the site generally possess a very low to low expansion potential. Nevertheless, there may be localized areas I across the site and between our exploration locations having a higher expansion - potential. I .Based on previous laboratory testing, the soils present on the site have a - negligible potential for sulfate attack on normal concrete, and are moderately to I •- • severely corrosive to buried ferrous metals. These tests should be confirmed upon completion of the grading activities where appropriate. A corrosion consultant should be consulted. The existing7 onsite soils are suitable material for fill construction provided they are relatively free of organic material, debris, and cobbles or rock fragments I larger than 8 inches in maximum dimension • Ground water was not encountered during the site investigation or grading. I -Therefore, ground water is not considered a constraint on the proposed project • development. However, perched ground water and seepage may develop within sandy layers and along the less permeable clay and silt layers within the Terrace' • • I --. Deposits and along the fill and Terrace Deposit contact during periods of - - . precipitation or increased landscape irrigation. .I ' • Active faults are not known to exist on or in the immediate vicinity or project toward the site. However, the proposed project is located in the seismically active - , region of southern California and can expect to be subjected to seismic shaking I during its, design life. Our review of the geologic literature (Appendix A) along with the results of our I - 'study, indicate that the probability of geologic hazards including, tsunamis and seiche, landsliding, liquefaction, and seismic induced settlement are considered I - lowforthe site. • Low Impact Development (LID) measures may impact down gradient I -• improvements and the use of some unlined LID measures may not be - - - -appropriate for this project. I 4 -13- I •.. Leighton I.. . . * 10075.016 '• 5.0 RECOMMENDATIONS 4Thé conclusions and recommendations in this report are based in part upon data that . were obtained from a limited number of observations, site visits, excavations, samples, ' and tests. Such information is by necessity incomplete. The nature of many sites is such -. that differing geotechnical or geological conditions can occur within small distances and I .under varying climatic conditions. Changes in subsurface conditions can and do occur over time. Therefore, the findings, conclusions, and recommendations presented in this report can be relied upon only if Leighton has the opportunity to observe the subsurface I conditions during earthwork operations and construction of the project, in order to - , -. confirm that our preliminary findings are representative for the site. A review of the I grading and foundation plans should be performed prior to construction 5.1 Earthwork We anticipate that earthwork at the site will consist of remedial grading of the -. • • I undocumented fill and disturbed documented fill for new site improvements; utility • - •: construction;subgrade preparation in flatwork and pavement areas; foundation excavation; and retaining wall construction and backfill operations. We • I recommend that earthwork on the site be performed in accordance with the following recommendations and the General Earthwork and Grading I. • - • Specifications for Rough Grading included in Appendix C. In case of conflict, the • - • • following recommendations shall supersede those in Appendix C. 1 -5.11.1 Site Preparation : •, The areas to receive structural fill, engineered structures, or hardscape .•-. 1 -. • should be cleared of surface and subsurface obstructions, including any - existing debris and undocumented or loose weathered fill soils, and • • I • - • stripped of vegetation. Removals beneath the proposed building and/or - .. •. structures should extend at least 2 feet below the proposed footing I • bottoms into the competent documented fill soils and laterally, I • approximately 5 feet beyond the building/structure footprint. Removals .. • . beneath the proposed surface pavements should extend at least 2 feet . • I • below existing site grade or the proposed subgrade elevation whichever is deeper into the competent fill soils. • • I I -14- I -• H Leghton 1 10075016 ' • Removed vegetation and debris should be properly disposed off site. Holes resulting from the removal of buried obstructions which extend below finish site grades should be replaced with suitable compacted fill • , material. All areas to receive fill and/or other surface improvements should be scarified to a minimum depth of 8 inches, brought to above optimum moisture conditions, and recompacted to at least 90 percent relative • compaction based on ASTM Test Method D1557. If clayey soils that are I , more expansive (EI>70) are encountered, increased moisture and revised recommendations may be needed. I ,5.1.2 Excavations and Oversize Material I , - Shallow excavations of the onsite materials may generally be accomplished with conventional heavy-duty earthwork equipment. Localized heavy ripping may be required if cemented and concretionary lenses are encountered in deeper excavations. I ,• Shallow, temporary excavations, such as utility trenches with vertical sides, in the engineered fill and formational materials should remain stable for the period required to construct the utility, provided they are free of I . adverse geologic conditions or seeps. In accordance with OSHA requirements, excavations deeper than 5 feet should be shored or be laid - to if workers are to enter such excavations. Temporary sloping • I .back gradients should be determined in the field by a competent person" as - . defined by OSHA. For preliminary planning, sloping of surficial soils at 1:1 I • (horizontal to vertical) may be assumed. Excavations greater than 20 feet • ' in height will require an alternative sloping plan or shoring plan prepared I • by a California registered civil engineer. 5.1.3 Cut/Fill Transitions -• In order to minimize potential differential -settlement, we recommend that proposed buildingi and settlement sensitive structures are entirely - - underlain by a layer of properly compacted fill. Cut portions of areas planned for structures should be overexcavated to a minimum depth of 2 feet below lowest footing bottom elevation and replaced with properly • ., I • - - . compacted fill. The overexcavated areas should be graded with a I . L percent gradient sloping toward the deeper fill areas, if possible. I'..- ..-•'- I T .•. p . - I P .. -15- . Leighton. I 10075016 I .. '.5.2 .. Foundation Design Considerations I • As discussed in the preceding section, we anticipate that the proposed improvements will be supported on conventional footings, drilled piles (CIDH), I .. .' and/or mat slabs. The following sections address the recommendations for these types of foundation systems. - • . _, ,Conventional Foundations Footings' should extend at least 18-inches beneath the lowest adjacent -- , finish grade. At these depths, footings founded in properly compacted fill soil or formational material may be designed for a maximum allowable I bearing pressure of 2,000 psf. The allowable pressures may be increased by one-third when considering loads of short duration such as wind or seismic forces. The minimum recommended width of footings is 15 inches -I for continuous footings and 18 inches for square or round footings. ' Continuous footings should have a minimum reinforcement of four No. 5 I • • . reinforcing bars (two top and two bottom). Footings should be designed in accordance with the structural engineer's requirements. I • -- • The recommended allowable bearing capacity for spread footings is based * - on a maximum allowable total and differential settlements of 1-inch and I '• . - 3/4-inch. Since settlements are functions of footing size and contact - .• •. • . bearing pressures, some differential settlement can be expected between - ,adjacent columns, where large differential loading conditions exist. With I • , increased footing depth to width ratios, differential settlement should be - • . less: ' We recommend a horizontal setback distance from the face of slopes and retaining wall for all structural footings and settlement-sensitive structures. I • ' The distance is measured from the outside edge of the footing, horizontally to the slope face (or to the face of a retaining wall) and should I ' • - be a minimum of H/2 and need not be greater than 15 feet. Utility trenches . - ' that parallel or nearly parallel structural footings should not encroach -• • within a 1:1 plane extending downward from the outside edge of footing. * • • Please note that the soil within the structural setback area possess poor '. • • lateral stability, and improvements (such as retaining walls, sidewalks, fences, pavements, etc.) constructed within this setback area may be 14 -16 I.' :. •- . • - Leighton • • I 10075016 I subject to lateral movement, and/or differential settlement. Potential distress to such improvements may be mitigated by providing a deepened footing or a pier and grade beam foundation system to support the - V improvement. Deepened footings should meet the setback as described above. - 5:2.2 Drilled Pile Foundations I -; For the analysis and development of the various vertical capacities of ' ClDH piles, the computer program SHAFT (Version 2012) produced by 'V Ensoft, Inc. was used. As shown in Appendix B, the Shaft capacity curves were developed for 24- to 48-inch diameter piles penetrating into dense fill -- and formational material. Uplift capacity curves are also presented in 'Appendix B. Pile settlement is anticipated to be less than 1/4 inch under • V. design loads and normal service conditions. The design curves are based 1 - •. .on center to center pile spacings of at least 3 pile diameters for the CIDH f . piles less than or equal t03 foot diameter, and at least 5 pile diameters for the CIDH piles greater than 3 foot diameter. Where piles are spaced more 'closely, reduction in pile capacity is necessary. Construction of piles • should be sequenced such that the concrete of constructed piles are I -. V •, allowed to setup prior to construction of piles within 5 diameters. V • I . V V V • * • Design of free standing poles as columns embedded in the earth (i.e., V CIDH foundations) to resist lateral loads can be designed in accordance V V vith Section 1807.3 of the 2013 CBC. For level ground conditions, we I 1: V recommend lateral soil bearing pressures of 300 psf per foot of depth • • V V V below the finish grade be used for determination of parameters Si and V S3, in the Non-constrained and Constrained design criteria, respectively. V V V ' these values should be reduced by 50 percent to account for 2 to 1 I .,rdownward sloping ground conditions, if applicable V In addition, we recommend that no subsurface existing or proposed V V • V • • V improvement be constructed within at least five (5) pile diameters of the proposed CIDH foundations. I If alternative methods of lateral analysis are preferable, we recommend analysis methods such as p-y of strain wedge models that consider the V V V : • • V • boundary conditions at the ground surface. The following Table 2 presents • V V V •' ;' • •p -17- V • • • V. Leighton V 10075.016 -S - .,I r idealized soil profile models for use in Shaft analysis, or similar lateral pile - - analysis software. :1 Table 2 Shaft Model Parameters Layer Depth Effective Unit Friction k Top Bottom Soil Model Weight Angle (p ci) (ft) (ft) (pcf) (') 0 E20 20 Sand 127 32 225 80 Sand 125 32 225 I 14 523 Mat Slab - I . A soil modulus of 200 pounds per cubic inch is recommended for design - of structural slab foundations. Structural foundations should be designed by the project structural engineer utilizing an allowable bearing pressure of - I : 1,500 psf. 5.3 Floor Slab Considerations Slab-on-grade floors should be at least 5 inches thick and be reinforced with No. I 4rebars 18inches on center each way (minimum) placed at mid-height in the slab We recommend control joints be provided across the slab at appropriate I ; intervals as designed by the project architect. Where moisture-sensitive finishes are planned, undersiab moisture protection should be designed by the project architect in accordance with Section 4.505 of the 2013 California Green Building I • Standards Code (CBSC, 2013). Prior to placement of the sand layer, the upper 6-inches of slab subgrade should be moisture conditioned to at or above the laboratory optimum moisture content. I The potential for slab cracking may be reduced by careful control of water/cement ratios. The contractor should take appropriate curing precautions during the pouring of concrete in hot weather to minimize cracking of the slabs. - • I : We recommend that a slipsheet (or equivalent) be utilized if grouted tile, marble tile, or other crack-sensitive floor covering is planned directly on concrete slabs. All slabs should be designed in accordance with structural considerations. If 1 If:ji I -18- Leighton I 10075016 1 heavy vehicle or equipment loading is proposed for the slabs, greater thickness and increased reinforcing may be required I 5.4 Retaining Wall Design I For.design purposes, the following lateral earth pressure values in Table 3 for level or sloping backfill are recommended for walls backfilled with very low to low I . expansion potential (Expansion Index less than 50) Table 3 Static Equivalent Fluid Weight (pcf) Conditions Level 2:1 Slope Active 35 55 At-Rest 55 85 Passive 300 (maximum of 3 ksf) 150 (sloping down) '4 c I ' . Active 'earth pressures are considered are considered appropriate for walls that are allowed to rotate an amount equal to 0.002H at the top of the wall, where H is - equal to the wall height. Where walls are not allowed to rotate that minimum amount, at-rest pressures are considered appropriate 'Retaining structures should be provided with a drainage system, as illustrated in I Appendix C, to prevent buildup of hydrostatic pressure behind the wall For sliding resistance, a friction coefficient of 0.35 may be used at the soil-concrete interface The lateral passive resistance can be taken into account only if it is I '4 ensured that the soil against embedded structures will remain intact with time. Retaining wall footings should have a minimum embedment of 12 inches below - the adjacent lowest grade unless deeper footings are needed for other reasons. U To account for potential redistribution of forces during a seismic event, retaining I : - walls providing lateral support where exterior grades on opposites sides differ by more than 6 feet: fall under the requirements of 2013 CBC Section 1616A.1.11 -. - and/or ASCE 7-10 Section 12.7.2 and should also be analyzed for seismic I loading For that analysis, an additional lateral seismic force of 8H2 pounds per 04- I . .. - •:• -19- Leighton I , 10075016 foot acting at 0.6 of the wall height needs to be considered for the design of the retaining walls, where H is the height of the wall. A surcharge load for a I ' * restrained or unrestrained wall resulting from automobile traffic may be assumed -,to be equivalent to a uniform lateral pressure of 75 psf, which is in addition to the I equivalent fluid pressure given above. For other uniform surcharge loads, a uniform lateral pressure equal to 0.35q should be applied to the wall (where q is • the surcharge pressure in psf). lf segmental walls are planned, a friction angle of 28 degrees and a unit weight of 120 to 125 pcf are considered appropriate for the onsite materials. The design ' I should be performed in accordance with NCMA methodology (NCMA, 2009) and design requirements of the wall system. I 5.5 Surface Drainage and Erosion I • Surface drainage should be controlled at all times. The proposed structures should have appropriate drainage systems to collect runoff. Positive surface' I • 'drainage should be provided to direct surface water away from the structure toward suitable drainage facilities. In general, ponding of water should be • . • avoided adjacent to the structure or pavements. Over-watering of the site should. be avoided. Protective measures to mitigate excessive site erosion during construction should also be implemented in accordance with the latest City of Carlsbad grading ordinances. : ,Concrete Flatwork . I ' Concrete sidewalks and other flatwork (including construction joints) should be designed by the project civil engineer and should have a minimum thickness of 4 I inches. For all concrete flatwork, the upper 12 inches of subgrade soils should be moisture conditioned to at least 2 percent above optimum moisture content and I ' compacted to at least 90 percent relative compaction based on ASTM Test • Method D1557 prior to the concrete placement. These recommendations are assuming low expansive materials are present within the upper 2 feet below subgrade. . • I .. Control joints should be provided at a distance equal to 24 times the slab thickness in inches, not to exceed 12 feet. Expansion joints should be incorporated where paving abuts a vertical surface, where paving changes - .1 direction and at 30 feet maximum spacing, joints should be laid out so as to • Apt I 20- Leighton 10075.016 I ' create square or nearly square areas. Sidewalks should be reinforced with 6x6- 6/6, or heavier, welded 'wire mesh slip dowels should be provided across control joints along ADA walkways, curbs, and at doorways Plan Review Foundation and grading plans should be reviewed by Leighton to confirm that the I recommendations in this report are incorporated in project plans I .5 .8 Construction Observation The recommendations provided in this report are based on preliminary design I information, our experience during rough grading, and subsurface conditions . disclosed by widely spaced excavations. The interpolated subsurface conditions should be checked in the field during construction. Construction observation of all I 'onsité excavations and should be performed by a representative of this office so that construction is in accordance with the recommendations of this report All footing excavations should be reviewed by this office prior to steel placement I 1 I I, I ' * I ' I , I 1 - -21- 1 * Leighton, - ' I 10075.016 .• I - 6 0 LIMITATIONS i •,'', k.. . . 4 The conclusions and recommendations in this report are based in part upon field reconnaissance and our previous geotechnical study with widely spaced subsurface explorations. Such information is by necessity incomplete. The nature of many sites is sucft, that differing geotechnical or geological conditions can occur within small I distances and under varying climatic conditions Changes in subsurface conditions can and do occur over time. Therefore, the findings, conclusions, and recommendations ' presented in, this report can be relied upon only if Leighton has the opportunity to - -I . observe the subsurface conditions during grading and construction of the project, in : order to confirm that our preliminary findings are representative for the site 46 u i.., . . . . •. . . . .-, I I I , I I -22- Leghton - I.*, -. .. •. .,. - ... •I . F I +. . : - .,, I - I i r I &4 Figures - i-: U ... i L . 4 .- - .1 '- .1 '-. _4 • .--,'. * I 4 • - - - . t U. .:1 -r:•.;. :-; . ---! U , U : c - p k g .__I_•4 41-1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 41*4 -• -• '••.- •. CABANAS • I ' --- ...' .L 0 /S. / I 4 /'. 1/ uIuuuIu1l_luI,I - 4 -3---- SANDY BEACH 7 1 / ... —. 3__•_;_ & CABANAS .. '- -- .• , - --- ' LEGEND: .-- .•- • - ,, I' '-. Approximate Project Boundary Af Artificial Fill -. . .-gz / A f /1 / Qt Quaternary where - - t i- 'c-N.• • — 3 • '-i AFT LOAD/UNLOAD AREA - './ -1 • •- - • •. .. •- •-. / / • / - '; 1/ -Y)--5 . -;H-;T -•--.- :. I C • I • - 3 • ,. -7- , TUBES & LIFE JACKET STORAGE . . / • . 3,' - ., ,, • AIRPLANE RIDE \ / I "'.:T.' ,-,': . • ;._.,__4'-,__-_,-.._ ,-.- I. / /' -.:.- -'•-- 3 . I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 41*4 - - '.- . CABANAS I ' --- ...' .L 0 /S. / I 4 /'. 1/ uIuuuIu1l_luI,I - 4 -3---- SANDY BEACH 7 1 / ... . 3___;_ & CABANAS .. '- -- . , - --- ' LEGEND: .-- .- - ,, I' '-. Approximate Project Boundary Af Artificial Fill -. . .-gz / A f /1 / Qt Quaternary where - - t i- 'c-N. 3 '-i AFT LOAD/UNLOAD AREA - './ -1 - - . .. - -. / / / - '; 1/ -Y)--5 . -;H-;T ---.- :. I C I - 3 ,. -7- , TUBES & LIFE JACKET STORAGE . . / . 3,' - ., ,, AIRPLANE RIDE \ / I "'.:T.' ,-,': . ;._.,__4'-,__-_,-.._ ,-.- I. / /' -.:.- -'-- 3 . if . . .- 5'. - 4. 1 3_•3• 3 5-'.- TS IWO TS IWO ,• \ - I FENCE -441 AZ A-e - : 00 4 -.-- /.3 S. , 4 Tfp-~, EXISTING MIDWAY ' C1ION TAIL STORAGE ' / I,./j ., . ., •• \ 0 30 60 / , 3 - - I --- •'' __________________________ IC - Feet Project:' 10075.016 I Eng/Geol: WDO/MDJ I Scale: 1=30' 1 Date: August 2016 I Reference: Author: MAM GEOTECHNICAL MAP LEGOLAND - WP17 Carlsbad, California Figure 2 Leighton I I 1 I I I I I I I I I 'I I - - - - C / LEGEND: - - Approximate Project Boundary 41 too — N - - - - 00 00 -.' N /1 I 0 30 60 / - - - - - - -- - Feet $ - - Project 10075016 Eng/Geol WDO/MDJ Figure PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS t Scale 1 =30 Date August 2016 LEGOLAND - WP1 7 -, Reference - - Carlsbad, California Leighton - - Author: -- MAM - - - - - - - P:IORAFTiNGIIO075\0161CA0110015016F03PI_2016-08-261_l_9768.DWG (08-26-16 1:370OPM) Plotted by otetorphy I. • .. :. '- * 'a a I' a. .0' U * * I' APPENDIX A I I References Vt 4 - ,1. .4 . , . ., '•*•'. . .#'a•• . . • I • * I I: -•, H .. — e 4h. -a. •.. ,. ---. 4 . •.. r I 4 . I 10075016 APPENDIX A I : References I American Concrete Institute (ACI), 2006, Guide for Concrete Slabs that Receive I .• Moisture-Sensitive Flooring Materials. ' •Bryant,W. A. and Hart, E. W., 2007, Fault Rupture Hazard Zones in California, Aiquist- I Priolo Special Studies Zones Act of 1972 with Index to Special Study Zone Maps, Department of Conservation, Division of Mines and Geology, Special Publication 42, dated 1997 with 2007 Interim Revision. California Building and Safety Commission (CBSC), 2013, California Building Code I Kennedy, M P, and Tan, S S, 2007, Geologic Map of the Oceanside 30'x60' I . Quadrangle, California, California Geologic Survey, 1:100,000 scale Leighton and Associates, Inc., 1995, Preliminary Geotechnical Investigation, Lego y•'• Family Park and Pointe Resorts, Lots 17 and 18 of the Carlsbad Ranch, Carlsbad, California, Project No. 950294-001, dated October 5, 1995. ', 1996, Supplemental Geotechnical Investigation, Lego Family Park, ' .Carlsbad Ranch, Carlsbad, California, Project No. 960151-001, dated July 23. • • , 1998, Final As-Graded Report of Rough-Grading, LEGOLAND, Carlsbad, '. California, Project No. 4960151-003, dated February 10. 2009, Geotechnical Investigation, Proposed Waterworks Cluster, •A LEGOLAND Theme Park, Carlsbad, California, Project No. 960151-031, dated I September 30 I. • , 2011, Geotechnical Investigation, Proposed Pirate Island Attraction, • LEGOLAND Theme Park, Carlsbad, California, Project No. 960151-035, dated September 30. • 1 • * • 1 ' r 1 A-i I U 10075.016 ,1 : I APPENDIX A (Continued) • , 2013, Geotechnical Update Report, Proposed Water Park Activity Pool, a * LEGOLAND Theme Park, Carlsbad, California, Project No. 10075.002, dated July •. 24; I NCMA, 2009, Design Manual for Segmental Retaining Walls, 3rd Edition Tan,S. S. and Kennedy, M. P., 1996, Geologic Maps of the Northwestern Part of San I Diego County, California, Division of Mines and Geology (DMG) Open-File - Report 96-02, San Luis Rey and San Marcos Quadrangles. 1L Treiman, S.A., 1993 The Rose Canyon Fault Zone, Southern California California 1 Division of Mines and Geology Open-File Report 93-02 45 p I. United States Geologic Survey (USGS), 2010, Ground Motion Parameter Calculator, Version 5 1 0 I-; Ar - . . • . - • - f I ' '_•* II A-2 I I I. I. - 0 ft I I APPENDIX B F I CIDH Pile Capacity Curves I + - a I . •a' ' .•-.. 0 a . . 0 • ft :.. , : $ I ft. 0$ ],.• I - t -. - r I -' - F I -- .0 tt ,•. t. p ,. a ft• • -t- ,••..- ,- :._.• -. .• I_• ft --• - a I . • . I -. • - -•--•• • 0 •0 - •'4 • 00 C I 1 I I- 0- 10 20 30 40 01 Total ResistancefF.S. (tons) 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 ri—rTr1-113 irri r rrrr- r 1rrrr1r1r rrri 1 I lrr1r-rrrl-ri I I I 77 -ll - I I I I --------------------------------------------------------1I I I I I -----------I'- -----*-----1 -----4__________ --- ________________________ ---•---4--.--.. - ------------------------------------------ - - - - - - - - -- -- - - - - , -- .- - - ---------- I I 4 4 I • 4 .1 I I I • I 4 I ---------------------------..I_____I_.____.. -- -- --- - - - - - ------------- I--..-- 1 I 4 I 4 I 4 I I - \\'I'l: . I I • I ---------------.I - _I - - \._'•_ -. 4 I I I ----, -.4 -• -_ I_ ..... 1 I I i ', ,4 - •I I I . I I ,'* \_ I - I I I 444. '4 I I I - I •*_ '1..! - I- 4 • 4 I 1 \ *\ I I I I • I I I -. I . \'. I' - I I • I ,(--0t -- I 4\ I\ I 1 I 4 I I I1 4 r - - I I• I 1f I 4 4 1 -. - -I I . '\. \,. 4 4 1 I I I I I I I I I --- ------- I--II11zIIII1IzIIL\ ---1zII-\ vDia=2ft - oDia=2.5ft -.__ _.i._:'.:------------- ---:.--'------ -A)jj=3fl 0Dia=3.50 , 0DI8=4a LEGO - WP 17- CIDH Pile I - ,I I• l • : , I * 1 * '-V - T APPENDIX C I. General Earthwork and Grading Specifications ,1 I • LEIGHTON AND ASSOCIATES, INC. General Earthwork and Grading Specifications I 1.0 General 1 ..4 •;. . 1.1 Intent These General Earthwork and Grading Specifications are for the grading I . • and earthwork shown on the approved grading plan(s) and/or indicated in the geotechnical report(s). These Specifications are a part of the . recommendations contained in the geotechnical report(s). In case of I ,. • conflict, the specific recomrrindations in the geotechnical report shall supersede these more general Specifications. Observations of the earthwork by the project Geotechnical Consultant during the course of 1 grading may result in new or revised recommendations that could supersede these specifications or the recommendations in the I - eotechnical report(s). 1.2 The Geotechnical Consultant of Record 1 Prior to commencement of work, the owner shall employ the Geotechnical Consultant of Record (Geotechnical Consultant). The Geotechnical • •• I . Consultants shall be responsible for reviewing the approved geotechnical report(s) and accepting the adequacy of the preliminary geotechnical * - findings, conclusions, and recommendations prior to the commencement . • • of the grading. 4 - - Prior to commencement of grading, the Geotechnical Consultant shall. I... review the "work plan" prepared by the Earthwork Contractor (Contractor) and schedule sufficient personnel to perform the appropriate level of observation, mapping, and compaction testing. . S During the grading and earthwork operations, the Geotechnical Consultant shall observe, map, and document the subsurface exposures to verify the I .geotechnical design assumptions. If the observed conditions are found to be significantly different than the interpreted assumptions during the I . design phase, the Geotechnical Consultant shall inform the owner, I . recommend appropriate changes in design to accommodate the observed - 5- • ,conditions, and notify the review agency where required. Subsurface * . . areas to be geotechnically observed, mapped, elevations recorded, and/or I . - • • tested include natural ground after it has been cleared for receiving fill but , before fill is placed, bottoms of all "remedial removal" areas, all key bottoms, and benches made on sloping ground to receive fill. The Geotechnical Consultant shall observe the moisture-conditioning and I, -processing of the subgrade and fill materials and perform relative compaction testing of fill to determine the attained level of compaction. • • . The ,Geotechnical Consultant shall provide the test results to the owner S • .: .' and the Contractor on a routine and frequent basis. I •' -1- LEIGHTON AND ASSOCIATES, INC. General Earthwork and Grading Specifications 1.3 The Earthwork Contractor The Earthwork Contractor (Contractor) shall be qualified, experienced, and knowledgeable in earthwork logistics, preparation and processing of ground to receive fill, moisture-conditioning and processing of fill, and compacting fill. The Contractor shall review and accept the plans, I . geotechnical report(s), and these Specifications prior to commencement of grading. The Contractor shall be solely responsible for performing the -grading in accordance with the plans and specifications. - • '--The Contractor shall prepare and submit to the owner and the Geotechnical Consultant a work plan that indicates the sequence of I earthwork grading, the number of "spreads" of work and the estimated quantities of' daily earthwork contemplated for the site prior to I l , commencement of grading. The Contractor shall inform the owner and the Geotechnical Consultant of changes in work schedules and updates to the work plan at least 24 hours in advance of such changes so that •, I . '. apprOpriate observations and tests can be planned and accomplished. The Contractor shall not assume that the Geotechnical Consultant is aware of all grading operations. The Contractor shall have the sole responsibility to provide adequate - . - equipment and methods to accomplish the earthwork in accordance with the, applicable grading codes and agency ordinances, these . Specifications, and the recommendations in the approved geotechnical report(s) and grading plan(s). If, in the opinion of the Geotechnical I Consultant, unsatisfactory conditions, such as unsuitable soil, improper - moisture condition, inadequate compaction, insufficient buttress key size, ' adverse weather, etc., are resulting in a quality of work less than required I in these specifications, the Geotechnical Consultant shall reject the work and may recommend to the owner that construction be stopped until the conditions are rectified. I;',;'.''•1-. . I - 2.0 Preparation of Areas to be Filled • , 2:1 Clearing and Grubbing I ' - Vegetation, such as brush, grass, roots, and other deleterious material. shall be sufficiently removed and properly disposed of in a method acceptable to the owner, governing agencies, and the Geotechnical i..,, ,.. • . . Consultant. - I.,: ':-- :'.,: . • -2- 1-'--. LEIGHTON AND ASSOCIATES, INC. - General Earthwork and Grading Specifications The Geotechnical Consultant shall evaluate the extent of these removals depending on specific site conditions. Earth fill material shall not contain .. more than 1 percent of organic materials (by volume). No fill lift shall I contain more than 5 percent of organic matter. Nesting of the organic materials shall not be allowed. If potentially hazardous materials are encountered, the Contractor shall stop work in the affected area, and a hazardous material specialist shall be informed immediately for proper evaluation and handling of these materials prior to continuing to work in that area. I As presently defined by the State of California, most refined petroleum -. products (gasoline, diesel fuel, motor oil, grease, coolant, etc.) have , chemical constituents that are considered to be hazardous waste. As such, the indiscriminate dumping or spillage of these fluids onto the - - ground may constitute a misdemeanor, punishable by fines and/or 1 imprisonment, and shall not be allowed. - - ; - 2.2. Processing I . * Existing ground that has been declared satisfactory for support of fill by ' . the Geotechnical Consultant shall be scarified to a minimum depth of I. - :- - 6 inches. Existing ground that is not satisfactory shall be overexcavated as specified in the following section. Scarification shall continue until soils re broken down and free of large clay lumps or clods and the working . surface is reasonably uniform, flat, and free of uneven features that would I . inhibit uniform compaction. • - I . . 2.3 . Overexcavation • . In addition to removals and overexcavations recommended in the I • approved geotechnical report(s) and the grading plan, soft, loose, dry, ' . -saturated, spongy, organic-rich, highly fractured or otherwise unsuitable • ground shall be overexcavated to competent ground as evaluated by the I .• • Geotechnical Consultant during grading. I .' . . • -2.4 Benching • Where, fills are to be placed on ground with slopes steeper than 5:1 (horizontal to vertical units), the ground shall be stepped or benched. * Please see the Standard Details for a graphic illustration. The lowest bench or key shall be a minimum of 15 feet wide and at least 2 feet deep, into competent material as evaluated by the Geotechnical Consultant. ' • . Other benches shall be excavated a minimum height of 4 feet into competent material or as otherwise recommended by the Geotechnical I ' LEIGHTON AND ASSOCIATES, INC. * ' General Earthwork and Grading Specifications Consultant. Fill placed on ground sloping flatter than 5:1 shall also be 4 ' . benched or otherwise overexcavated to provide a flat subgrade for the fill. 2.5 Evaluation/Acceptance of Fill Areas All areas to receive fill, including removal and processed areas, key bottoms, and benches, shall be observed, mapped, elevations recorded, I and/or tested prior to being accepted by the Geotechnical Consultant as I - suitable to receive fill. The Contractor shall obtain a written acceptance from the Geotechnical Consultant prior to fill placement. A licensed surveyor shall provide the survey control for determining elevations of processed areas, keys, and benches. 3.0 Fill Material 3.1 Gen'eral F . Material to be used as fill shall be essentially free of organic matter and other deleterious substances evaluated and accepted by the Geotechnical I Consultant prior to placement Soils of poor quality, such as those with - - . unacceptable gradation, high expansion potential, or low strength shall be - placed in areas acceptable to the Geotechnical Consultant or mixed with I .' ... other soils to achieve satisfactory fill material. .3.2 Oversize I - Oversize material defined as rock, or other irreducible material with a • maximum dimension greater than 8 inches, shall not be buried or placed I .• fill unless location, materials, and placement methods are specifically 'accepted by the Geotechnical Consultant. Placement operations shall be such that nesting of oversized material does not occur and such that oversize material is completely surrounded by compacted or densified fill. . Oversize material shall not be placed within 10 vertical feet of finish grade or within 2 feet of future utilities or underground construction I 33 Import I • • . If importing of fill material is required for grading, proposed import material shall meet the requirements of Section 3.1. The potential import source I • 1S' • shall be given to the Geotechnical Consultant at least 48 hours (2 working 1 days) before importing begins so that its suitability can be determined and • , • •- appropriate tests performed. l.' ,•- ,•-. 1• : : , LEIGHTON AND ASSOCIATES, INC. General Earthwork and Grading Specifications I , 4.0 Fill Placement and Compaction I • 4.1 Fill Layers Approved fill material shall be placed in areas prepared to receive fill (per I :Section 3.0) in near-horizontal layers not exceeding 8 inches in loose thickness. The Geotechnical Consultant may accept thicker layers if - testing indicates the grading procedures can adequately compact the I .thicker layers. Each layer shall be spread evenly and mixed thoroughly to attain relative uniformity of material and moisture throughout. - 1 4.2 Fill Moisture Condition mci Fill soils shall be watered, dried back, blended, and/or mixed, as 1 necessary to attain a relatively uniform moisture content at or slightly over optimum. Maximum density and optimum soil moisture content tests shall be performed in accordance with the American Society of Testing and :Materials (ASTM Test Method Dl 557). I 43 Compaction of Fill - After each layer has been moisture-conditioned, mixed, and evenly spread, it shall be uniformly compacted to not less than 90 percent of maximum dry density (ASTM Test Method D1557). Compaction equipment shall be adequately sized and be either specifically designed - I •' •, for soil compaction or of proven reliability to efficiently achieve the specified level of compaction with uniformity. I ,. :-:4.4 Compaction of Fill Slopes In addition to normal compaction procedures specified above, compaction I t of slopes shall be accomplished by backrolling of slopes with sheepsfoot - - rollers at increments of 3 to 4 feet in fill elevation, or by other methods producing satisfactory results acceptable to the Geotechnical Consultant. Upon completion of grading, relative compaction of the fill, out to the slope - . face, shall be at least 90 percent of maximum density per ASTM Test Method D1557. I . • 4.5 Compaction Testing - - a • a I Field-tests for moisture content and relative compaction of the fill soils shall be performed by the Geotechnical Consultant. Location and ' • frequency of tests shall be at the Consultant's discretion based on field -,' conditions encountered. Compaction test locations will not necessarily be •, - selected- on a random basis. Test locations shall be selected to verify adequacy of compaction levels in areas that are judged to be prone to - a - I , LEIGHTON AND ASSOCIATES, INC. General Earthwork and Grading Specifications I inadequate compaction (such as close to slope faces and at the fill/bedrock benches). 4.6 Frequency of Compaction Testing I - Tests shall be taken at intervals not exceeding 2 feet in vertical rise and/or 1,000 cubic yards of compacted fill soils embankment. In addition, as a guideline, at least one test shall be taken on slope faces for each I ,. 5,000 square feet of slope face and/or each 10 feet of vertical height of a slope. The Contractor shall assure that fill construction is such that the testing schedule can be accomplished by the Geotechnical Consultant. The Contractor shall stop or slow down the earthwork construction if these minimum standards are not met. 4.7 Compaction Test Locations I . The Geotechnical Consultant shall document the approximate elevation - . and horizontal coordinates of each test location. The Contractor shall - •• coordinate with the project surveyor to assure that sufficient grade stakes 5 j -' • are established so that the Geotechnical Consultant can determine the Jest locations with sufficient accuracy. At a minimum, two grade stakes within a horizontal distance of 100 feet and vertically less than 5 feet apart . •• from potential test locations shall be provided. I . • • 5. 5 1 ,5. 0 Subdrain Installation Subdrain systems shall be installed in accordance with the approved • I. . .geotechnical report(s), the grading plan, and the Standard Details. The Geotechnical Consultant may recommend additional subdrains and/or changes in * subdrain extent, location, grade, or material depending on conditions i .. : encountered during grading. All subdrains shall be surveyed by a land .... surveyor/civil engineer for line and grade after installation and prior to burial. Sufficient time should be allowed by the Contractor for these surveys. - 6.0 Excavation • : I: Excavations, as well as • over-excavation for remedial purposes, shall be evaluated by the Geotechnical Consultant during grading. Remedial removal depths shown on geotechnical plans are estimates only. The actual extent of I • removal shall be determined by the Geotechnical Consultant based on the field • evaluation of exposed conditions during grading. Where fill-over-cut slopes are • * to begraded the cut portion of the slope shall be made, evaluated, and accepted 1 :* by the Geotechnical Consultant prior to placement of materials for construction of the fill portion of the slope, unless otherwise recommended by the Geotechnical Consultant. * . U .4* • • 1.. . • L U.. LEIGHTON AND ASSOCIATES, INC. General Earthwork and Grading Speâifications I - 1.0' Trench Backfills I 7.1: Safety The Contractor shall follow all OSHA and Cal/OSHA requirements for safety of trench excavations. 7.2- Bedding and Backfill All bedding and backfill of utility trenches shall be performed in accordance with the applicable provisions of Standard Specifications of I Public Works Construction Bedding material shall have a Sand -. Equivalent greater than 30 (SE>30). The bedding shall be placed to 1 foot over the top of the conduit and densified. Backfill shall be placed and I densified to a minimum of 90 percent of relative compaction from 1 foot above the top of the conduit to the surface I .. The Geotechnical Consultant shall test the trench backfill for relative compaction At least one test should be made for every 300 feet of trench I and 2 feet of fill . 4. 7.3 Lift Thickness I Lift thickness of trench backfill shall not exceed those allowed in the Standard Specifications of Public Works Construction unless the l Contractor can demonstrate to the Geotechnical Consultant that the fill lift can be compacted to the minimum relative compaction by his alternative equipment and method I 7.4 Observation and Testing I • The densification of the bedding around the conduits shall be observed by •. the Geotechnical Consultant : I I I t I \ DEPTH ;' ' r . CUT FACE • SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED PRIOR TO FILL PLACEMENT TO ALLOW VIEWING 4_ . OF GEOLOGIC CONDITIONS •: * / / / EXISTING-' GROUND CUT-OVER-ALL SLOPE SURFACE 4 OVERBUILD AND TRIM BACK - REMOVE DESIGN SLOPE •-ojr j_ UNSUITABLE PROJECTED PLANE -- - MATERIAL 1 TO 1 MAXIMUM FROM 'TOE OF SLOPE TO APPROVED GROUND A BENCHI LBENCH HEIGHT - (4 FEET TYPICAL) CUT FACE SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED PRIOR TO FILL PLACEMENT a FILL SLOPE --------------------- ----------------------- (HORIZONTAL: VERTICAL) MAXIMUM FROM TOE OF SLOPE TO REMOVE GROUND SURFACE TBENCH HEIGHT (4 FEET TYPICAL) FEET MIN. 2 FEET MIN. 1 LOWEST KEY DEPTH BENCH (KEY) .' RLL-OVER-C'JT SLOPE - - - EXISTING . -:-:-:-:-:-:-:--- -:-- GROUND SURFACE \ -:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:--- I - / — -:-3 _BENCH LBENCH HEIGHT I" (4 FEET TYPICAL) ... 115 FEET MIN.I - LOWEST REMOVE ' 2 FEET BENCH (KEY) UNSUITABLE MIN. KEY MATERIAL S $ I 15 FEET MIN. BENCHING SHALL BE DONE WHEN SLOPE'S - 2 FEET MIN- LOWEST ANGLE IS EQUAL TO OR GREATER THAN 5: 1. KEY DEPTH BENCH (KEY) MINIMUM BENCH HEIGHT SHALL BE 4 FEET - . - AND MINIMUM FILL WIDTH SHALL BE 9 FEET. .; 'V - •• •,• •• V - S - 'tV V GENERAL EARTHWORK AND '- KEYING AND BENCHING GRADING SPECIFICATIONS V STANDARD DETAIL ,..::... -- 4:. FINISH GRADE ±SLOPE FACE Th__1r --------------- MIN. 41 N OVERSIZE WINDROW - - -6" MA - - * OVERSIZE ROCK IS LARGER THAN -- 0 : 8 INCHES IN LARGEST DIMENSION. -- -- EXCAVATE A TRENCH IN THE COMPACTED - - - FILL DEEP ENOUGH TO BURY ALL THE GRANULAR MATERIAL T BE DENSIFIED IN PLACE BY DETAIL . BACKFILL WITH GRANULAR SOIL JETTED FLOODING OR JETTING. OR FLOODED IN PLACE TO FILL ALL THE VOIDS. . .' 60 NOT BURY ROCK WITHIN 10 FEET OF 'FINISH GRADE. * ' WINDROW OF BURIED ROCK SHALL BE PARALLEL TO THE FINISHED SLOPE. GRANULAR MATERIAL TYPICAL PROFILE ALONG WINDROW '1 ... . - * OVERSIZE ROCK GENERAL EARTHWORK AND GRADING SPECIFICATIONS . :•- DISPOSAL . STANDARD DETAIL B 4 i. 5' N EXISTING GROUND GROUND SURFACE / / 1/ / 4 - _____________________________________ I BENCHING SUBDRAIN U MATERIAL NSUITABLE TRENCH 4 . , . . -.. SEE DETAIL- BELOW M • ,•, 1 -FILTER FABRIC f I ,, ,/ (MIRAFI 140N OR APPROVED 6 MIN. = EQUIVALENT) OVERLAP .i . - . . CALTRANS CLASS 2 PERMEABLE ---:i MIN. OR #2 ROCK (9Fr'3/FT) WRAPPED •: -r 1COVER IN FILTER FABRIC 4 MIN BEDDING COLLECTOR PIPE SHALL BE MINIMUM 6' DIAMETER .. ., SCHEDULE 40 PVC PERFORATED PIPE. SEE STANDARD DETAIL D FOR PIPE SPECIFICATIONS . . SUBDRAIN DETAIL DESIGN FINISH-'..- GRADE 10 MIN FILTER FABRIC BACKFILL / (MIRAFI 140N OR APPROVED I---. ,OMPACTED / EQUIVALENT) . . . • • , ...-CALTRANS CLASS 2 PERMEABLE 1 ( OR #2 ROCK (9FT'3/FT) WRAPPED I ¶ 6 ØMINI Ø MIN. PIPE IN FILTER FABRIC NONPERFORATED 'DETAIL OF CANYON SUBDRAIN OUTLET 'ciy'ON. SUBDRAINS GENERAL EARTHWORK AND GRADING SPECIFICATIONS ' • •;.H.. . STANDARD DETAIL C I OUTLET PIPES 4 0 NONPERFORATED PIPE - 100 MAX OC HORIZONTALLY A K U 30 MAX D.C. VERTICALLY / LA TTER -:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-,' - S BENCH SEE SUBDRAIN TRENCH DETAIL LOWEST SUBDRAIN SHOULD CMrACuO rILL BE SITUATED AS LOW AS POSSIBLE TO ALLOW I SUITABLE OUTLET ---------------------- 27 MIN I KEY WIDTH I -KEY DEPTH NOTED ON GRADING PLANS 12" MIN. OVERLAP . FROM THE TOP HOG I (2 MIN;) • RING TIED EVERY J 6 FEET I T—CONNECTION FOR COLLECTOR I PIPE TO OUTLET PIPE CALTRANS CLASS II PERMEABLE OR //2 ROCK (3 FT"3/FT) WRAPPED IN FILTER 1 6" MIN. • FABRIC COVER 1 V 0 PERFORATED OUThErPI PIPE - 5% MIN. 4" MIN. BEDDING ,- • - PROVIDE POSITIVE FILTER FABRIC SEAL AT THE ENVELOPE (MIRAFI . - JOINT 140 OR APPROVED EQUIVALENT) 1' ' ' :• ' SUBDRAIN TRENCH DETAIL - SUBDRAIN INSTALLATION - subdroin collector pipe shall be installed with perforation down or, I .. unless otherwise designated by the geotechnicol consultant. Outlet pipes shall be non—perforated pipe. The subdroin pipe shall have at least 8 perforations uniformly spaced per foot. Perforation ' - . 'shall be 1/4" to 1/2" if drill hales are used. All subdrain pipes shall hove a gradient of at 'least 2 towards the outlet. 'S I. SU8DRAIN'FIPE - Subdroin pipe shall be ASTM D2751, SDR 23.5 or ASTM D1527, Schedule 40, or ASTM. 03034, SDR 23.5, Schedule 40 Polyvinyl Chloride Plastic (PVC) pipe. All outlet pipe shall be placed in a trench no wider than twice the subdroin pipe. I , I BUTTRESS OR GENERAL EARTHWORK AND 'REPLACEMENT GRADING SPECIFICATIONS , FILL SUBDRAINS STANDARD DETAIL D : V -. '.. . - H ' . -: V• - V • •V •• V• ••- , 4 , •• CUT-FILL TRANSITION LOT OVEREXCAVATION V I - V . -. V • REMOVE . V V UNSUITABLE - GROUND -' V •r V - M "IN. - - , - - -V - --COMPACTED MIN -------------------- .------>---J '<'2' OVEREXCAVATE •. 4 ---------- - AND RECOMPACT V •- -- - - - - -TYPICAL V . BENCHING i - V UNWEATHERED BEDROCK OR MATERIAL APPROVED BY THE GEOTECHNICAL CONSULTANT-.--- 4 4 4 ; Vt • I V. V V V. .4. • •V - 4 * • V :. 1.r •• V • - V • - GENERAL EARTHWORK AND TRANSITION LOT FILLS GRADING SPECIFICATIONS -- -V. • •- STANDARD DETAIL E 'i_•• 4 - •,. 4 Vf 4. V: ;: . :: -' • V ••V •VVV• -• • —SOIL BACKFILL, COMPACTED TO ,,.-SOIL PERCENT RELATIVE COMPACTION I BASED ON ASTM D1557 RETAINING WALL--.. :-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-::-:-:-:j-:-:-:-:-:-::::-:'. VELOPE WALL WATERPROOFING :PER ARCHITECT'S APPROVED 0 -01 EQUIVALENT)-- SPECIFICATIONS o MIN TO 1-1/2 CLEAN GRAVEL S A I. FINISH GRADE - 4 (MIN.) DIAMETER PERFORATED PVC PIPE (SCHEDULE 40 OR ° • -:-::. EQUIVALENT) WITH PERFORATIONS ORIENTED DOWN AS DEPICTED COMPACTED FILL I : I MINIMUM GRADIENT TO SUITABLE OUTLET 3 MIN WALL FOOTING - I . S . IIIII S S N,\5COMPETENT BEDROCK OR MATERIAL S AS EVALUATED BY THE GEOTECHNICAL S CONSULTANT - # S * NOTE: UPON REVIEW BY THE GEOTECHNICAL CONSULTANT, COMPOSITE DRAINAGE PRODUCTS SUCH AS MIRADRAIN OR J—DRAIN MAY BE USED AS AN ALTERNATIVE TO GRAVEL OR CLASS 2 PERMEABLE MATERIALS INSTALLATION SHOULD BE PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH MANUFACTURER'S . SPECIFICATIONS. 5/ 5 'I RETAINING WALL GENERAL EARTHWORK AND - S GRADING SPECIFICATIONS S DRAINAGE STANDARD DETAIL F • 15 5 •4 5 ' : - I 5. I 41 ACTIVE ZONE - -FILTER FABRIC ------ / ,f -. , '• : / REINFORCED RETAINED ZONE ZONE / / / BACKDRAIN t / TO7O%OF WALL HEIGHT FABRIC '• , / GRAVEL- DRAINAGE FILL -WALL SUBDRAIN MIN 6 BELOW WALL REAR SUBDRAIN: MIN 12" BEHIND UNITS - 4" (MIN) DIAMETER PERFORATED PVC PIPE I FOUNDATION SOILSI (SCHEDULE 40 OR EQUIVALENT) WITH "' PERFORATIONS DOWN. SURROUNDED BY ': 1 CU. FT/FT OF 3/4" GRAVEL WRAPPED IN FILTER FABRIC (MIRAFI 140N OR EQUIVALENT) - OUTLET SUBDRAINS EVERY 100 FEET, OR CLOSER, NOTES: , ' , BY TIGHTLINE TO SUITABLE PROTECTED OUTLET, 1) MATERIAL GRADATION AND PLASTICITY - REINFORCED ZONE: - . GRAVEL DRAINAGE FILL: SIEVE SIZE % PASSING - SIEVE SIZE % PASSING 1 INCH . - 100 . • . 1 INCH 100 NO. 4 . 20-100 3/4 INCH 75-100 4 NO. 40 0-60 NO.4 0-60 NO. 200 • ' 0-35 . NO. 40 0-50 FOR WALL HEIGHT < 10 FEET, PLASTICITY INDEX < 20 NO. 200 0-5 FOR WALL HEIGHT 10 TO 20 FEET, PLASTICITY INDEX < 10 FOR TIERED WALLS, USE COMBINED WALL HEIGHTS WALL DESIGNER TO REQUEST SITE-SPECIFIC CRITERIA FOR WALL HEIGHT> 20 FEET CONTRACTOR TO USE SOILS WITHIN THE RETAINED AND REINFORCED ZONES THAT MEET THE STRENGTH REQUIREMENTS OF WALL DESIGN. GEOGRID REINFORCEMENT TO BE DESIGNED BY WALL DESIGNER CONSIDERING INTERNAL, EXTERNAL, AND COMPOUND STABILITY. 3) GEOGRID TO BE PRETENSIONED DURING INSTALLATION. IMPROVEMENTS WITHIN THE ACTIVE ZONE ARE SUSCEPTIBLE TO POST-CONSTRUCTION SETTLEMENT. ANGLE a-45+4/2, WHERE 4 IS THE çFRICTION ANGLE OF THE MATERIAL IN THE RETAINED ZONE. -5) BACKDRAIN SHOULD CONSIST OF J-DRAIN 302 (OR EQUIVALENT) OR 6-INCH THICK DRAINAGE FILL WRAPPED IN FILTER FABRIC. PERCENT COVERAGE OF BACKDRAIN TO BE PER GEOTECHNICAL REVIEW. "SEGMENTAL GENERAL EARTHWORK AND GRADING ' RETAINING WALLS LTIONS c 11 ityof, -1r1SbacI Community & Economic Development - t CERTIFICATION OF SCHOOL FEES PAID 4, This form imust be completed by the City, the applicant, and the appropriate school districts and returned to the' City prior to issuing -a`building permit. The City will not issue any building permit without a completed school fee form. ".,•': ' ,Project No. & Name: bEV2016-0028, LEGOLAND WP17 WATER SLID Plan Check No.: / .CBCt2016-0010. Project Address: 1 LEGOLAND DR Assessor's PrceI No.: 2111.000900 ProjeciApplicarit: LEGOLAND CALIFORNIA L L C <LF> PLAY U S (Owner Name) Residential Square Feet: New/Additions: Second Dwelling Unit: •' ' I CommercialSquáre Feet: Ne/Additions: 927 City Certification: City of Carlsbad Building Division pate: 01/12/2017 Certification of Applicant/Owners. The person executing this declaration (Owner") certifies under penalty of perjury that (1) the information provided above is correct and true- to the best of the Owners knowledge, and that the Owner will file an amended certification of payment land pay, the additional fee 'if Owner requests an increase in the number of dwelling units or square footage after they building permit is issued or if the initial determination of units -or square footage is found to be incorrect, and that (2) the Owner is the owner/developer of the abov& described project(s), or that the person executing this declaration is authorized to sign on behalf of the Owner. - •' - . SCHOOL DISTRICT SCHOOL FEE CERTIFICATION .' (To be completed by the school district(s)) .: THIS FORM INDICATES THAT THE SCHOOL DISTRICT REQUIREMENTS -. FOR THE PROJECT HAVE BEEN OR WILL BE SATISFIED. " The. undersigned, being duly authorized by the applicable School District, certifies that the developer, builder, or owner has satisfied the obligation for school facilities This is to certify that the applicant listed on page 1 has paid all amounts or, completed other applicable school mitigation determined by the School District. The City may issue building permits for this project Signature of Authorized Schobl District Official:, Title: - Date: Name of School District: 9LSBAD UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT Phone- —. a .....IA •t VIL.J i. WIYULW surI1 - CARLSBAD, CA 9200 Building Division - - -. 1635 Faraday Avenue I CarIsbd,CA 92008 1 760-602-2719 I 760-60 -8558 fax I building@carlsbadca.gov -- •I - ISOO Wral Carlsbad Unified School District 6225 El Camino Real Carlsbad CA 92009 - - Phone: (760) 331-5000 Encinitas Union School District 101 South Rancho Santa Fe Rd Encinitas, CA 92024 Phone: (760) 944-4300 xli 66 San Dieguito Union H.S. District 684 Requeza Dr. Encinitas, CA 92024 Phone: (760) 753-6491 Ext 5514 (By Appt. Only) / I •- NONRESIDENTIAL GREEN Development Services ' Cifv Of 'BUILDING CODE STANDARDS Building Division MANDATORY MEASURES 1635 Faraday Avenue 1 CERTIFICATION CHECKLIST 760-602-2719 .[ ' B-52 www.carlsbadca.gov C fThiiform, siñ diñd completed, and all ipts for the recycled materials shall lië submitted to the Building Inspector prior to Final lnspectionJ Site Development Mandatory 5.1061 Storm water pollution prevention plan. For projects of one acre or less, develop a Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) that has been designed specific to its site, conforming to (X) the State Storm water NPDES Construction Permit or local ordinance, whichever is stricter, as is required for projects over one acre. The plan should cover prevention of soil loss by storm water runoff and/or wind erosion, of sedimentation and/or of dust/particulate matter air pollution. .5.106.4 Bicycle parking and changing rooms. Comply with Sections and; or (x) meet local ordinance, whichever is stricter. Short-Term bicycle parking. If the project is expected to generate visitor traffic, provide permanently anchored bicycle racks within 200 feet of the visitor's entrance, readily visible to (x) passers-by, for 5 pe'rcent of visitor motorized vehicle parking capacity, with a minimum of one two- bike capacity. rack. Long Term bicycle parking. For buildings with over 10 tenant-occupants, provide secure bicycle parking for 5 percent of tenant-occupied motorized vehicle parking capacity, with a minimum (x) of one,space. . 5106.5.2 Designated parking. Provide designated parking for any combination of low emitting, fuel-efficient and carpool/van pool vehicles as shown in Table (X) 5106.8 Light pollution reduction. Comply with lighting power requirements in the California Energy Code and design interior lighting such that zero direct-beam illumination leaves the building (x) site. Meet or exceed exterior light levels and uniformity ratios for lighting zones 1-4 as defined in .Chapter 10 of the California. Administrative. Code, using the following strategies: Shield all exterior luminaries or use cutoff luminaries . (X) Contain interior lighting within each source (X) 3: Allowno more than .01 horizontal foot candle 15ft. beyond the site (x) 4. Contain all exterior lighting within property boundaries (X) Exception: See part 2, Chapter 12, Section 1205.6 for campus lighting requirements for parking facilities and walkways. . 5.106.10 Grading and paving. The site shall be planned and developed to keep surface water away from buildings. Construction plans shall indicate how site grading or drainage system will (x) manage all surface water flows. - ,,• _J_ -. . Water Efficiency and Conservãtion fF - '•44 Indoor Water Use 411 .5.303.1 Meters. Separate meters shall be installed for the uses described in Sections 503.1.1 (x) through 503.1.3. 5303.1.1 Buildings in excess of 50,000 square feet. Separate sub-meters shall be installed as • follows: . For each individual leased, rented, or other tenant space within the building projected to (X) consume more than 100 gal/day. For spaces used for laundry or cleaners, restaurant or food service, medical or dental office, laboratory or beauty salon or barber shop projected to consume more than 100 gal/day. ( 4 / B-52 Page 1 of 5 Rev. 5/17 a, 5.303.1.2 Excess consumption. Any building within a project or space within a building that is projected to consume more than 1,000 gal/day. - (x) - 5.303 Percent savings. A schedule of plumbing fixtures and fixture fittings that will reduce the . . overall use of potable water within the building by 20 percent shall be provided (Calculate (X) savings by Water Use Worksheets or utilize Table 5.303.2.3). 5.303.2.1 Multiple showerheads serving one shower. When single shower fixtures are served by more than one showerhead, the combined flow rate of all the showerheads shall not (X) exceed the maximum flow rates specified in the 20 percent reduction column contained in Table 5.303.2.3 or the shower shall be designed to allow only one showerhead to be in operation at a time. - 5.303.6 Plumbing fixtures and fittings. Plumbing fixtures (water closets -• and urinals) and fittings (faucets and showerheads) shall comply with the requirements listed As applicable for each type in items listed in Table 5.303.6. Water closets (toilets) - flushometer type '. Water closets (toilets) - tank type (X) / . Urinals . . * Public lavatory faucets ,,. . .. (X) Public metering self-closing faucets -" (X) Residential bathroom lavatory sink faucets . (x) Residential bathroom lavatory sinks . (X) Residential showerheads (X) Single shower fixtures served by more than one showerhead - (x) - Piitdoor Water Use •. . .- ..- .H + t 5.304.1 Water Budget. A water budget shall be developed for landscaping irrigation use. (X) 5.304.2 Outdoor potable water use. For new water service, separate meters or submeters shall be installed for indoor and outdoor potable water use for landscaped areas between 1,000 and 5,000 square feet. 5.304.3 Irrigation design. In new nonresidential projects with between 1,000 and 2,500 square feet of landscaped area (the level at which the MLO applies), install irrigation controllers and sensors which include the following criteria and meet manufacturer's recommendations. 5.304.1.1 Irrigation controllers. Automatic irrigation system controllers installed at the time of final inspection shall comply with the following: . . Controllers shall be weather- or soil moisture-based controllers that automatically adjust irrigation in response to changes in plant's needs as weather conditions change. , Weather based controllers without integral rain sensors or communication systems that As applicable account for local rainfall shall have separate wired or wireless rain sensors which connects or communicates with the controller(s). Soil moisture-based controllers are not required to have rain sensor input. Cordtructlon Waste Management Plan (X)• 5.408.1 Construction waste diversion. Establish a construction waste management plan or meet local ordinance, whichever is more stringent. ., (x) 5.408.2 Construction waste management plan. Submit plan per this section.to enforcement authority within the city. 5.408.1.4 Documentation. Provide documentation of the waste management plan (see form (x) B-59) that meets the requirements listed in Section 5.408.1.1 thru 5.408.1.3 and the plan is accessible to the enforcement authority. 5.408.3 Construction waste. Recycle and/or salvage for reuse a minimum of 50 percent of nonhazardous construction and demolition debris or meet local ordinance, whichever is more . stringent. . . .. * (X) Exceptions: . 1. Excavated soil and land-clearing debris 2. Alternate waste reduction methods, developed by working with local agencies if diversion or recycle facilities capable of compliance with this item do not exist. - 5.408.3 Excavated soil and land clearing debris. 100 percent of trees. Stumps, rocks and * - B-52 Page 2 of 5 • •- - -. . ' - Rev. 5/17 ') • 4.,• B-52 . ii J associated vegetation and soils resulting primarily from land clearing shall be reused or recycled. ....-,=.-- . BuiIdingMáinteàflce'andOperatiOh ,• 5.410.1 Recycling by occupants. Provide readily accessible areas that serve the entire building and are identified for the depositing, storage and collection of nonhazardous materials (x) for recycling. 5410.2 Commissioning. For new buildings 10,000 square feet and over, building (x) commissioning for all building systems covered by T24, Part 6, process systems and renewable energy systems shall be included in the design and construction processes of the building project. Commissioning requirements shall include items listed in Section 5.410.2. - 5.410.2.6 . (x) 5.410.2.1 Owner's Project Requirements (OPR). Documented before the design phase of the project begins the OPR shall include items listed in Section 5.410.4. (x) 5.410.2.2 Basis of Design (BOD). A written explanation of how the design of the building systems meets the OPR shall be completed at the design phase of the building project and updated periodically to cover the systems listed in Section 5.410.2.2. (x) 5.410.2.3 Commissioning plan. A commissioning plan describing how the project will be commissioned shall be started during the design phase of the building project and shall include items listed in Section 5.410.2.3. (X) 5.41 0.2.4 Functional performance testing shall demonstrate the correct installation and operation of each component, system and system-to-system interface in accordance with the (X) approved plans and specifications. 5.410.2.5 Documentation and training. A Systems manual and systems operations training are required. (x) 5.410.2.5.1 Systems manual. The systems manual shall be delivered to the building owner or representative and facilities operator and shall include the items listed in Section 5.410.2.5.1. (x) 5.410.2.5.2 Systems operations training. The training of the appropriate maintenance staff for each equipmeit type and/or system shall include items listed in Section 5.410.2.5.2. (x) 5.41 0.2.6 Commissioning report. A complete report of commissioning process activities undertaken through the design, construction and reporting recommendations for post construction phases of the building project shall be completed and provided to the owner or representative. 5.410.4 Testing and adjusting. Testing and adjusting of systems shall be required for (x) buildings less than 10,000 square feet. 5.410.4.2 Systems. Develop a written plan of procedures for testing and adjusting systems. (X) Systems to be included for testing and adjusting shall include, as applicable to the project, the systems listed in Section 5.410.3.2. (x) 5.410.4.3 Procedures. Perform testing and adjusting procedures in accordance with industry best practices and applicable national standards on each system. (x) 5.410.4.3 HVAC balancing. Before a new space-conditioned system serving a building or space is operated for normal use, the system should be balanced in accordance with the procedures defined by national standards listed in Section 5.410.3.3.1. (X) 5.410.4.4 Reporting. After completion of testing, adjusting and balancing, provide a final report (X) of testing signed by the individual responsible for performing those services. maintenance instructions and copies of guaranties/warranties for each system prior to final inspection. 5.410.4.5 Operation and maintenance manual. Provide the building owner with detailed operating and maintenance manual 5.410.4.5.1 Inspection and reports. Include a copy of all inspection verifications and reports required by the enforcing Page 3 of 5 Rev. 5/17 • 13 Environmental Quality Fireplaces 5.503.1 Install only a direct-vent sealed-combustion gas or sealed wood-burning fireplace or a (X) sealed woodstove and refer to residential requirements in the California Energy Code, Title 24, Part 6, Subchapter 7, Section 150. , As Applicable 5.503.1.1 Woodstoves. Woodstoves shall comply with US EPA Phase II emission limits: (X) Weather Resistance and Moisture Management 5.407.1 Weather protection. Provide a weather-resistant exterior wall and foundation envelope as required by California Building Code Section 1403.2 and California Energy Code Section 150, (X) manufacturer's installation instruction instructions or local ordinance, whichever is more stringent. 5.407.2 Moisture control. Employ moisture control measured by the following methods: 5.407.2.1 Sprinklers. Prevent irrigation spray on structures. (X) 5.407.2.2 Entries and openings. Design exterior entries and openings to prevent water intrusion (X) into buildings. Pollution Control 5.504.3 Covering of duct openings and protection of mechanical equipment during construction. At the time of rough installation or during storage on the construction site and until final start up of the heating and cooling equipment, all duct and other related air ditribution (x) component openings shall be covered with tape, plastic, sheet metal or other methods to reduce the debris duct the _amount _of _or_ _which _may _collect _in_ _system. 5.504.5.3 Filters. In mechanically ventilated buildings, provide regularly occupied areas of the building with outside and return air prior to occupancy that provides at least a MERV of 8. 5.504.4 Finish material pollutant control. Finish materials shall comply with Sections 5.504.4.1 through 5.504.4.6 5.504.4.1 Adhesives, sealants, caulks. Adhesives and sealants used on the project shall meet the requirements of the following standards: (x) Adhesives, adhesive bonding primers, adhesive primers, sealants, sealant primers and caulks shall comply with local or regional air pollution control or air quality management district rules where applicable or SCAQMD Rule 1168 VOC limits as shown in Tables 5.504.4.1 and 5.504.4.2. . . .. Aerosol adhesives and smaller unit sizes of adhesives and sealant or caulking compounds (in units of product, less packaging, which do not weigh more than one pound and do not consist of more than 16 fluid ounces) shall comply with statewide VOC standards and other requirements, including prohibitions on use of certain toxic compounds, of California Code of Regulations, Title 17, commencing with Section 94507. 5.504.4.3 Paint and coatings. Architectural paints and coatings shall comply with Table 5.504.4.3 5.504.4.3.1 Aerosol paints and coatings. Aerosol paints and coatings shall meet the Product- - Weighted MIR limits for ROC in Section 94522 (a)(3) and other requirements, including prohibition on use of certain toxic compounds and ozone depleting substances (CCR, Title 17, Section 94520 et seq.). 5.504.4 Carpet systems. All carpet installed in the building interior shall meet the testing and product requirements of one of the standards listed in Section 5.504.4.4. 50504.4.4.1 Carpet cushion. All carpet cushion installed in the building interior shall meet the requirements of the Carpet and Rug Institute Green Label Program. 5.504.4.4.2 Carpet adhesive. All carpet adhesive shall meet the requirements of Table 804.4.1. 5.504.4.5 Composite wood products. Hardwood, plywood, particleboard and medium density . fiberboard composite wood products used on the interior or exterior of the building shall meet the requirements for formaldehyde as specified in Table 5.504.4. . 5.504.4.5.2 Documentation. Verification of compliance with this section shall be provided as requested by the enforcing agency. Documentation shall include at least one of the following: Product certification and specifications Chain of custody certifications - Other methods acceptable to the enforcing agency 5.504.4.6 Resilient flooring systems. Comply with the VOC emission limits defined in the 2009 (X) CHPS criteria and listed on its Low-emitting Materials List (or product registry) or certified under the FloorScore program of the Resilient Floor Covering Institute. B-52 Page 4 of 5 Rev. 5/17 Indoor Moistuand Radon Control 5.505.1 Indoor moisture control. Buildings shall meet or exceed the provisions of the California 'Building Code, Title 24 Part 2, Sections 1203 (Ventilation) Chapter 14.1. (X) Air4uaIityandExhaust 5.506.1 Outside air delivery. For mechanically or naturally ventilated spaces in buildings, meet the (X) minimum requirements of Section 121 of the California Energy Code, CCR, Title 24, Part 6 and Chapter 4 of CCR, Title 8 or the applicable local code, whichever is more stringent. 5.506.2 Carbon DIOXIDE (CO2) monitoring. For buildings equipped with demand control ventilation, CO2 sensors and ventilation controls shall be specified and installed in accordance with the (X) requirements of the latest edition of the California Energy Code, Title 24, Part 6, Section 120.1(C) (4). Outdoor AiQuIuty 5.508.1 Ozone depletion and global warming reductions. Installations of HVAC, refrigeration and fire suppression equipment shall comply with Sections 5.508.1.1 and 5.508.1.2. As 5.508.1 CFCs. Install HVAC and refrigeration equipment that does not contain CFCs. applicable 5.508.1.2 Halons. Install fire suppression equipment that does not contain Halons. (x) (X) I, as the professional responsible for this project, certify that, to the best of my knowledge, the mandatory items * 'listed on this form have been incorporated into the project in order to comply with Title 24, Part 11 of the 2016 California Green Building Standards. All receipts for recycled materials have been attached to this form. Project Address: -1 Plan Check _Number:i//': Print Name:. - Signed: License Number: Date: ey Page 5 of 5 Rev. 5/17 cjtY 0f Carlsbad' Print Date: 08/03/2018 . Permit No: PREV2017-0039 Job Address: 1 Legoland Dr Permit Type: BLDG-Permit Revision Work Class: Residential Permit Revisi Status: Closed - Finaled 'Pa'rcel N: 2111000900, Lot U: Applied: 02/28/2017 Valuation: - $ 0.00 •. •. Reference U: DEV2016-0028 Issued: 05/17/2017 Occupancy Group: •. Construction Type Permit 08/01/2018 -- Finaled: U Dwelling Units:. Bathrooms: Inspector: Bedrooms: 1 . ' •.. . - Orig. Plan Check U: CBC2016-0010 Final - Plan Check U: Inspection: Project Title: - LEGOLAND WP17 WATER SLIDE Description: LEGO: WATER PARK REVISIONS TO DINING AREA, ENTRY, ETC. Applicant: Owner: ETHOS ARCHITECTURE, - LEGOLAND CALIFORNIA LLC <LF> PLAY U S DANIEL STEWART . '' ACQUISITION CO INC 24542 Creekview Dr -LAGUNA HILLS, CA 92653 , P0 Box 543185 C/O Property Tax Service Co 949607-8016 . DALLAS, TX 75354 FEE -. AMOUNT ,FIRE Expedited Plan Review Per Hour,- Office Hours ' $198.00 MANUAL BUILDING PERMIT FEE, • - . $393.75 Total Fees: - $ 591.75.1 Total Payments To Date: $ 591.75 Balance Due: $0.00 / • ,44 1 •, ., / • - , • ,. - .. - I . - .-. . •, . . -- - /Building Division - 1635 Faraday Avenue, Carlsbad CA 92008-7314 1 760-602-2700 1 760-602-8560 f I www.carlsbadca.gov I C,. o Building Division f PLAN CHECK REVISION y CA Development Services :f' 1 1 APPLICATION 1635 Faraday Avenue L.Jar1SL,aU B-15 760-602-2719 - www.carlsbadca.gov Plan Check Revision No PREJ11 Original Plan Check No CôCLdhlo 'JO1O Project Address j Date Z 7 iContactc.r Ph r(c,- Fax - S EmaI bTT'L Tdtztt ft 'ContactAddress. Z4c4. vvJ' 'P1 City LAAJA Zip 'U655 - ' S General Scope of Work ('3h7 ZZ t?.t w-64si-4 . ' Original plans prepared by an architect or engineer, revisions must be signed & stamped by that person Elenens revised: ,- • Ians Calculations ESoils 0 Energy EOther 3 - Describe revisions in detail -- . List page(s) where each revision is shown List revised sheets that replace existing sheets - LA •.:1- '.-4' ),(C , , LZ'(7 jrr ' lr, ôI4,4kL I 01 krt L)ç -y,d,k1 \Zi ç :4 Does this revision, in any way, alter the exterior of the project? Does this revision add ANY new floor area(s)? Yes Does this revision affect any fire related issues? Yes Is this a corrlplete set? es No Yes No No No - '- - 1635 Faraday Avenue, Carlsbad, CA 92008 ti: 760-602- 2719 E: 760-602-8558 Email: building@carlsbadca.gov, www.carlsbadca.gov EsGil Corporation / . In cPartnersfizp with government for 'Bui&Eg Safety DATE 4/18/2017 - U APPLICANT U JURIS. JURISDICTION City of Carlsbad,- U PLAN REVIEWER . . - U FILE PLAN CHECKNO.: CBC2016-0010 REV2(PREV2017-0039, 40)(amend) SET: II PROJECT, -ADDRESS: i LegolandDr. • PROJECT NAME Legoland WP 17 Site Improvement & Restroom Revision & Waterslide, Towers';,,,:-- -- ' The plans transmitted herewith have been corrected where necessary and substantially comply' with the jurisdiction codes The plans transmitted herewith will substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes when minor deficiencies identified below are resolved and checked by building department staff 01 El The plans transmitted herewith have significant deficiencies identified on the enclosed check list. ., and should be corrected and resubmitted for a complete recheck El The checklist transmitted herewith is for your information The plans are being held at EsGil Corporation until corrected plans are submitted for recheck. . -•. .....4 - LII The aplicant'scopy of the check list is enclosed for the jurisdiction to forward to the applicant contact person 1I EsGil Corporation staff did not advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed LI EsGil Corporation staff did advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed Person ontacted Telephone # ..I: Date contacted: - (by: )' Email: : Mail .,Telephone Fax in Person - ••, ' •k,. REMARKS ,1 The roofing for the DJ Tower (canvas or plastic) shall be state fire Marshall approved matehal. 2:Pr6ide a letter from the soils engineer confirming that the foundation plan,. grading plan and specifications have been reviewed and that it has been deteCT ined that the recommendations, in the soil report are properly incorporated into the plans. 3he slide electrical is nbtpart of this permit.)Applicant to Note boldly on all plan set Title Sheets (atTç)tf separate permit is nIessary for the slide electrical installation 4 Only one set of the plan (set II) was provided to Esgil Corp . a.. • - .t -- I '• - - . . . .. By David Yao - Enclosures approved plan (owner set) EsGil Corporation El GA Z EJLI MB El PC log 9320 Chesapeake DriveSuite 208 • San Diego California 92123 • (858) 560-1468 • Fax (858) 560-1576 -- %. .•., -,.•.-_, ./r - 24542 Creekview Dr. Laguna Hills CA. 92653 * - 949-607-8001 info@ethosarch.com Ethos ARCHITECTUREO 02-28-2017 City of Carlsbad - Building Dept ' 1635 FaradayAve; Carlsbad CA 92008 - : .: -• - Re:Legoland WPI7 Subject Delta I Building Revisions I; j. To whom it may concern, Here is a summary list of the items changed for the WPI 7 Delta I revision I Removal of both retention basins, due to the implementation of a parkwide storm water '-:. system. Realigning of the storm drain system. 2. Landscape areas along the northern walkway were removed, and replaced with an - . -. expanded sand area 3 Main entry walkway and portal moved to the west to accommodate saving 2 existing palm trees :4.1 1 Minor modifications to the F&B truck dining area to accommodate moving entry I walkway, as well as moving the counters, and soda machine This also slightly affects the southern sandy area size, which results in removing two umbrellas 5! Moving the queue entry and thematic tower to the east slightly. Also reducing the size of the thematic tower. 6 Removing the impermeable line from the sand pit sections 7 New alignment for the "for reference" fire line 8. . Shifting slide, queue line and slide stair position slightly south. 9 Added guardrail at 4' out from slide and adjusted splash pad layout and queue rail layout - accordingly. '10. Slightly modified tube storage area, fencing and gates. • See aftached detailed list of changes from landscape and mechanical, electrical and plumbing engineers , If you have any questions feel free to reach out to me * • Scott Holcomb MA, NCARB, LEEP AP • • Principal, Design Director * :._•- • * ------ • • , . Legoland WP17 Revisions to Landscape Sheets from Final Plan Check submittal dated 1/25/17 to Delta-1 set dated 2/3/17 Sheet No Sheet Name Action Taken 2 Hardscape Plan A Revised site plan as follows . Eliminated bioretention areas on south and east Added guardrail at 4 out from slide and adjusted splash pad layout and queue rail layout accordingly t Re-aligned northwest portal" entry to be centered between 2 4 existing palm trees, shifting dining area to the south and reducing -. -' j • southwest sand area Removed planter areas along north side of north sand area Modified tube storage area fencing and gates B Added concrete paving at tube storage area -' C Revised concrete underneath slide to be natural gray, broom finish instead of integral color with sand finish D Deleted (2) umbrellas from southwest sand area E Added callout for concrete "tray" lids at grease trap with finish to match • adjacent concrete decking 3 Hardscape Details Detail C - Revised Net Guard Rail detail to match existing net guard rail at • • - Chima Water Park, per RFI #5 4 4 Hardscape Details Detail A - Revised Wood Fence detail to lower overall height by 12" reduce wood post size from 6"X1 0" to 6"X6" and deleted 4"X1 0" pickets so that all pickets are 2"XI 0" per RFl #6 7 Irrigation Plan Revised irrigation layout to reflect site plan canges (see description for Sheet 2 above) I 8 Irrigation Legend Revised calculations per new irrigation layout 10 Irrigation Hydrozone Map Revised hydrozones to reflect new irrigation layout 14 Planting Plan A Revised planting layout to reflect site plan changes (see description for Sheet 2 above) B Deleted all new shrub and groundcover plantings south of southern fence line and southwest of tube storage area C Reduced tree quantities as follows Deleted (2) King Palms Deleted (2) Fishtail Palms Deleted (1) Medjool Date Palm r Deleted (4) Hybrid Coconut Queen Palms I • - 1 1 4* " tkls'c - COLLABORATIVE 4 January 18, 2017 •• -• ,t - . - - .• - Daniel Stewart. Ethos Architecture 24542 Creek View Dr, - Laguna Hills, California 92653 Re WP17 Legoland 1. tklsc Project No.: 2016-0418 - Client Project No 16-004 ,-Deá Daniel: - Te following narrative is in regards to comments received from Ethos Architecture as well as updates r. from Aquatic Design Group dated January 02, 2017 & January 06, 2017: .5. •. .• •, S -. 4 ..• - •e . , •..,- .;-;• S . Mechanical .. -- . * '- ' M-0 1 1 Updated city references 'V-2 .Si 1 Adjusted location of boiler vent base on new selection Plumbing .-.- P-0.1 ,. 1. Revised and Q specification and remark in plumbing fixture schedules. -.. • - •P-2.1 1.:: • Revised waste pipe route to the lavatories. --• ,,; • * , - 2. Added 4" double sweep clean out. P.22 1. Revised gas load and pipe size for pool heater. 4 - 2-- , Revised industrial cold water size to 2". - - P-44 1 Revised waste and vent diagram -P-4.2 .1: Revised gas load on 1/P4.2. 2 .- Revised gas load, gas pipe size and earthquake valve specification on 3/P-4.2. - - Electrical 1. Relocated haystack dryer and associated circuitry. . - 2. -. 'Added additional power where required per F&B truck chart. •. - - E-2.0 Revised lighting plan geheral notes per architectural comments. E-2.1 1. - •.'•.Rélocated power for trap primer per plumbing plans. - -- _ 4* 4 4 9497515800 15231 LAGUNA CANYON ROAD SUITE 100 IRVINE CA 92618 wwwtklsc corn - a tk1scl , V.. - COLLABORATIVE - E-3 1 1 Two controllers and associated circuitry removed per updated backgrounds 2. .'. Pumps SFP8 & MRFP and associated circuitry removed per updated backgrounds. Pump MRBP2 got revised from 7HP to SHP per pool consultant comments. 4. Added 120v power for ozone generator per pool consultant comments. 5.. Added 120v receptacle per pool consultant comments. E-4.I • 1. Updated panel schedule per revisions listed above. , E4.2. 1. Updated panel schedule per revisions listed above. - If you have any questions, or require further clarification, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, tk1sc . --•• V V Thomas (Preston 4 - . Thomas Preston, P.E.- Engineer . TP/tp • a V V -- •'V V 4- V _V VV V C - V V - V • V. It :- : - 4 r 'jr : EsGil Corporation In Tartnership with government for Building Safety DATE: 3/10/2017 ' U APPLICANT Z1tJRIS. JURISDICTION: City of Carlsbad U PLAN REVIEWER U FILE PLAN CHECK NO.: PREV2017-0039,0040 SET: I .. • : \jO4 ;PROJECT ADDRESS: 1 Legoland Dr. PROJECT NAME: Legoland WP 17 Site Improvement & Restroom Revision & t Waterslide, Towers - * , The plans transmitted herewith have been corrected where necessary and substantially comply' with the jurisdiction's codes The plans transmitted herewith will substantially comply wJh the jurisdiction's codes - • when minor deficiencies identified below are resolved and checked by building department staff. The plans transmitted herewith have significant deficiencies identified on the enclosed check list •• and should be,corrected and resubmitted for a complete recheck. Z. The check list transmitted herewith is for your information The plans are being held at EsGil r Corporation until corrected plans are submitted for recheck. The applicant's copy of the check list is enclosed for the jurisdiction to forward to the applicant : .contact persor. ,The4applicant's copy df the check list has been sent to: Scott Holcomb : . . 4 * : LJ EsGil Corporation staff did not advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. EsGil Corporation staff did advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. Person contacted: Scott Holcomb Telephone #: 949-412-3556 &ail teacted t?12-'l (byI'— Email scotth@ethosarch.com r Telephone Fax In Person REMARKS::.., . .:. By David Yao Enclosures EsGil Corporation EGA 0 EJ LII MB LI PC 3/2 - 1468 Fax (858) 560-1576 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208 • San Diego California 92123 • (858) 560 • w I-. :4 City of Carlsbad PREV2017-0039,0040 ; 3/10/2017 - PLAN REVIEW CORRECTION LIST COMMERCIAL PLAN CHECK NO.: PREV2017-0039,0040 JURISDICTION: City of Carlsbad OCCUPANCY: B/U USE: restroom/mech. Pump room/ . chem. Storage/Slide, tower TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: VB ACTUAL AREA: ALLOWABLE FLOOR AREA: SPRINKLERS?: REMARKS: a DATE PLANS RECEIVED BY JURISDICTION: DATE INITIAL PLAN REVIEW COMPLETED: 3/10/2017 STORIES: 1 HEIGHT: OCCUPANT LOAD: DATE PLANS RECEIVED BY ESGIL CORPORATION: 3/2 FOREWORD (PLEASE READ) .This plan review is limited to the technical requirements contained in the California version of the International Building Code, Uniform Plumbing Code, Uniform Mechanical Code, National -. ... Electrical Codeand state laws regulating energy conservation, noise attenuation and access for the disabled. This plan review is based on regulations enforced by the Building Department. You - may have other corrections based on laws and ordinances enforced by the Planning Department, ". Engineering Department, Fire Department or other departments. Clearance from those departments may be required prior to the issuance of a building permit ; . Code sections cited are based on the 2013 CBC, which adopts the 2012 IBC. The following items listed need clarification, modification or change. All items must be satisfied . before the plans will be in conformance with the cited codes and regulations. Per Sec. 105.4 of the 2012 International Building Code, the approval of the plans does not permit the violation of any state, county or city law. 7 to speed up the recheck process, please note on this list (or a copy) where each correction item has been addressed, i.e., plan sheet number, specification section, etc. Be sure to . enclose the marked up list when you submit the revised plans. * I • . •• -. I..- • -• - - • I • * •- - , - - -- _7••• F, . City of Carlsbad PREV2017-0039,0040 t..3/10/20171. - (DONOTPAY— THIS IS NOT AN INVOICE] - . VALUATION AND PLAN CHECK FEE , S - . - JURISDICTION: City of Carlsbad PLAN CHECK NO.: PREV2017- 0039,0040 PREPARED BY David Yao DATE 3/10/2017 1 BUILDING ADDRESS 1 Legoland Dr. -,ByILPING OCCUPANCY: * BUILDING .. IORTION . AREA (Sq. Ft.) Valuation Multiplier Reg. Mod. VALUE ($) revision of site improvement slide, tower Air Conditioning Fire Sprinklers TOTAL VALUE Jurisdiction Code . cb I By Ordinance Bldg. Permit Fee by Ordinance. I Plan Check Fee by Ordinance V 'Type of Review Complete Review Structural Only -....-- - . . - . Other Repetitive Fee Repeats -- .. . Hourly 6 Hrs. @ * EsGul Fee $1.05.00 I $630 001 Based on hourly rate - •: .>,.. •- . Comments: - Sheet lofi macvalue.doc + - , - - 1 •• - City of Carlsbad PREV2017-0039,0040 3/10/2017 : • Please make all corrections, as requested in the correction list. Submit FOUR new complete sets of plans for commercial/industrial projects (THREE sets of plans for * ... residential projects). For expeditious processing, corrected sets can be submitted in one of two ways: r - 1. Deliver all corrected sets of plans and calculations/reports directly to the City of Carlsbad Building* Department, 1635 Faraday Ave., Carlsbad, CA 92008, (760) 602-2700. The City will route the plans to EsGil Corporation and the Carlsbad - Planning, Engineering and Fire Departments. 2. Bring irWO corrected set of plans and calculations/reports to EsGil Corporation, 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208, San Diego, CA 92123, (858) 560-1468. Deliver all remaining sets of plans and calculations/reports directly to the City of Carlsbad Building Department for routing to their Planning, Engineering and Fire Departments. .3, . NOTE:• Plans that are submitted directly to EsGil Corporation only will not be reviewed by the City Planning, Engineering and Fire Departments until review by EsGil Corporation is complete. I All sheets of the plans and the first sheet of the calculations are required to be ............... signed by the licensed architect or engineer responsible for the plan preparation. . California State Law. - • 2 Handrails (Sections 1012 and 1009.15): a) The handgrip portion of all handrails shall be not less than 1-¼" nor more . than 2 inches in cross-sectional dimension. If the handrail is not circular, it. shall have a perimeter dimension of at least 4" and not greater than 6 1/4" .. with a maximum cross-section dimension of 21,4 inches. Section . • 1012.3.1. . - b) Handrails projecting from walls shall have at least 1-1/2 inches between the wall and the handrail. Section 1012.7. 3. - . c) Show that handrails extend ~:12" beyond top nosing, and ~12"-plus-tread--. width beyond the bottom nosing. The extensions of handrails shall be .' in the same direction of the stair flights. Section 11 B-505.1 0. Detail - '.. 1/A500 shows handrail at middle landing 23" beyond the nosing. Why the handrail at bottom landing does not extend 23"? • . . d) • The upper approach and all treads shall be marked with a strip of contrasting color as follows: (11B-504.4.1) ~2" in width Placed parallel to and :51" from the nose of the step or landing The strip is required to be as slip resistant as the treads of the stairs • - L iv) A painted*stripe will be acceptable, but grooves shall not be used to satisfy this requirement. . Adass C roof cdvering is required. Table 1505.1. (tower) r City of Carlsbad PREV2017-0039,0040 3/10/2017 Specify roof slope on the plans.(tower) Specify on the plans the following information for the roof materials, per Section 1506.3: (tower) a) Manufacturer's name and Product name/number. *4. b) ICC approval number or equal. ' Provide a copy of the project soil report prepared by a licensed civil engineer. The report shall include foundation design recommendations based on the engineer's findings. 7 ' Provide a letter from the soils engineer confirming that the foundation plan, -. grading plan and specifications have been reviewed and that it has been determined that the recommendations in the soil report are properly incorporated - . into the plans (when required by the soil report). . . •8. If the DJ tower (7/AD-3) and Queue tower are part of this permit, provide completer construction detail with calculation to justify it. -. Provide complete structural calculation (lateral and vertically) to justify the ,•' -• stairway construction include the landing comply with the plan. 10. Per Figure 1609A, the wind load calculations must use an ultimate wind speed of 110 mph. ;•); 11.' The plans shall indicate that special inspection will be provided for the following work. (Section 107.2) a) Steel construction. Special inspections for steel elements should be provided in accordance with Section 1705.2. •• - •, b) Welding. Welding inspection should be provided in accordance with -.• • Section 1705.2. -: c) High-strength bolts. Periodic inspection should be provided for installation of high-strength bolts in accordance with AISC specifications. Section 17052 Expansion anchors. Periodic special inspection should be provided for -. anchors installed in hardened concrete. Section 1705.3. Soils. Special inspection should be provided for placement of fill 12 inches - I or more deep in accordance with Section 1705.6. Pier foundation. Special inspection should be provided for pier . • V foundations in accordance with Section 1705.8. V 12. A Statement of Special Inspections, prepared by the registered design • -• professional in responsible charge, shall be submitted. This statement shall - include a complete list of materials and work requiring special inspection, the inspections to be performed and an indication whether the special inspection will be continuous or periodic Section 1704.3. V • ' City of Carlsbad PREV2017-0039,0040 3/10/2017 Provide the following note on the plans: "The contractor responsible for the construction of the seismic-force-resisting system shall submit a written Statement of Responsibility to the building official prior to the commencement of work on the system." Section 1704.4. Sheet E-1.1 has electrical shown on or at the water park slide. Describe the lighting systems for box designators 10-17 and how they comply with the pool requirements found n CEC Article 680.411.4(B), 640, Parts I and II, 640.10, 680.6, 680.22(B)(1), and 680.26. 15: To speed up the review process, please note on this list (or a copy) where each : correction item has been addressed, i.e., plan sheet, note or detail number, calculation page, etc. 16. Please indicate here if any changes have been made to the plans that are not a result of corrections from this list. If there are other changes, please briefly describe them and where they are located in the plans. Have changes been made to the plans not resulting from this correction list? Please indicate: IJ Yes L1 No 17 The jurisdiction has contracted with Esgil Corporation located at 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208, San Diego, California 92123; telephone number of * 858/560-1468, to perform the plan review for your project. If you have any 4 questions regarding these plan review items, please contact David Yao at Esgil Corporation Thank you - END OF DOCUMENT 4.. ..* 4 _, ' ,-,.• . .. * .. - - -- 1 - .. - c-- -- .• - a. - 1 I -- • - - .* . 5 City of, Carlsbad PREV2017-0039,0040 31 3/10/2017 - [DO NOT PAY— THIS IS NOTAN IN VOICE] -•.-•-• -S - VALUATION AND PLAN CHECK FEE - : -. JURISDICTION: City.of Carlsbad PLAN CHECK NO.: PREV2017- . 0039,0040 t PREPAREDB: David Yaô• DATE: 3/10/2017 BUILDING ADDRESS 1 Lgoland Dr. - - ( BUILDING OCCUPANCY ' - BU!LDING PORTION -AREA (Sq. Ft.) Valuation Multiplier Reg. Mod. VALUE ($) - ¶ ••t_ revision 3of, site improvement . slide, tower . •;. -, __________ ___________ _____________ - ' . '. ... -' Air Conditioning Fife Sprinklers -•. . .. -. • :' ' - ,,. TOTAL-VALUE, Jurisdiction Code, cb 113y Ordinance Bldg Permit Fee by Ordinance i I 7 7 O I Plan Check FeeOrthnance I Type of Re' viev j E Complete Review fl Structural Only -. 4. t •..-. . - • - . I . . . . . "El Other . Repetitive Fee ED Repeats' '; •. :;-- Hourly 6 Hrs.@* ____ EsGil Fee $105.00 - I $630.00I Based on hourly rate '• - . . -, • -•• '4 !. • - Comments: , - • . t . . --S. Sheet 1 of I - -. . -- • macvalue.doc - 1' ./ 1. ••-- - I ., •t_- . --•- . -, "I' •- •--• •- - S .' - -•-• •.- e - Irvine 4 4 4. S • S. f •-ST,RUCTURAL S PROJECT WP 17 1 Legoland Drive .' Carlsbad, CA 92008 S PRoJECrwO SCII61416 CLIENT Ethos Architecture S 4.DATE; November 10,2016 I ' S SHEET INDEX O BASIS FOR DESIGN O DESIGN LOADS .' 3 FRAMING KEYPLAN . - - . Ki GRAVITY ANALYSIS, - -. Ci S LATERAL ANALYSIS Li FOUNDATION DESIGN Fl ' t1N C 4. . - S -.4 S S . - 4 . S ..These calculations are the sole property of WRIGHT ENGINEERS and may not be reproduced in whole or part without written permission. Calculations are valid only for the above named . project and location and are not valid unless engineer's original wet signed seal is affixed. 4 T..4 4 .4, . .4 2 Venture, Suite 200 Irvine, CA 92618 (p) 949.477.4001 (I) 949.477.4009 wrlghtenglneers.com Las Vegas 1635 Village Center Cit. Suite 200 Las Vegas, NV89134 (p) 702.933.7000 (I) 702.933.7001 , hoenix., 3125S,PrIceRoad Suite 125 Chandler, AZ 85248 (p) 480.483.6111. (0480.483.6112 SaitLake 9160S.300W. Suite 2 ' Sandy, UT 84070 (p)801.352.2001 - (I) 801.352.2006 -- 4 . -4 -.4 - C RIGHT '. - engne 's ' , •':' .. ,V" BASIS FOR DESIGN 1.1 'BUILDING CODE: ' 'CALIFORNIA BUILDING CODE 2013 1.2 ROOF LIVE LOAD::. 20 PSF (REDUCIBLE) , 1.3, WIND LOAD: 110 MPH BASIC WIND SPEED IMPORTANCE FACTOR, 1W = 1.0 , '. ',.. . EXPOSURE C -, , 1.4 SEISMIC LOAD: SEISMIC DESIGN CATEGORYD ' IMPORTANCE FACTOR, IE = 1.0 . ., SITE CLASS D .' ' R=3,1.5 1.5 SNOW LOAD: NONE . 2.1 FOUNDATiON DESIGNED PER RECOMMENDATIONS BY LEIGHTON AND ASSOCIATE INC PROJECT NO 10075,16;. ' DATED AUGUST 26, 2016. ALL FOOTINGS SHALL EXTEND A MINIMUM OF 18 INCHES BELOW PAD . GRADE ALLOWABLE DEAD PLUS LIVE LOAD SOIL PRESSURE = 2000 PSF '4 V CANTILEVER RETAINING WALLS DESIGNED USING ACTIVE SOIL PRESSURE (EQUIVALENT FLUID .•.' ' ' WEIGHT) OF 35 PSF/FT. BRACED FOUNDATION WALLS DESIGNED WITH SOIL PRESSURE . . . * ' . . DISTRIBUTION PER SOIL REPORT. " 3.1 CONCRETE:' '' ,,- 'ALL CONCRETE SHALL BE NORMAL WEIGHT OF 145 PCF USING HAROROCK AGGREGATES. . MINIMUM 28-DAY COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH, fc, USED FOR DESIGN = 2500 PSI. : 4.1 . MASONRY: - HOLLOW, MEDIUM WEIGHT (115 PCF), LOAD-BEARING CONCRETE MASONRY UNITS CONFORMING' - V TO ASTM C90. ALL BLOCKS SHALL BE PLACED IN RUNNING BOND CONSTRUCTION U.N.O. WITH ALL i,.. - 'VERTICAL CELLS IN ALIGNMENT. COMPRESSIVE MASONRY STRENGTH, fm, SHALL BE 1500 PSI. V ' 4 '-5.1 'REINFORCING STEEL: REBAR SHALL CONFORM TO ASTM A515 OR ASTM A706 (A706 REOD. FOR ALL REINFORCING TO BE ' - 'WELDED) AND SHALL BE GRADE 60 (fy =60 KSI) DEFORMED BARS U.N.O. REINFORCING IN SLABS" . ,. ' ON GRADE MAY BE GRADE 40 (fy =40 KSI) DEFORMED BARS FOR ALL BARS #4 AND SMALLER U.N.O. V V ON PLANS OR DETAILS. WELDED WIRE FABRIC SHALL CONFORM TO ASTM A185. PRESTRESSING V . . ' V V , STEEL SHALL CONFORM TO ASTM A416, GRADE 270, SEVEN-WIRE LOW RELAXATION STRAND WITH A GUARANTEED ULTIMATE TENSILE STRENGTH OF 41.3 KIPS. NOMINAL DIAMETER SHALL BE 112 INCH AND NOMINAL AREA SHALL BE0.153 SQ. INCHES. 6.1 STRUCTURAL STEEL STANDARD AND YIELD STRENGTH SHALL BE AS FOLLOWS U.N.O.: - . . SHAPE .. 4 STANDARD: Fy ' ' 'ROLLED WIDE FLANGE SECTIONS ASTM A992 50 KSI OTHER STANDARD STEEL SHAPES 4- ROLLED SECTIONS ' ASTM A36 36 KSI BARS AND PLATES ' ASTM A36' 36 KSI 4- PIPES ASTM A501 36 KSI ORASTM A53 TYPE E OR S, GRADE B 35 KSI ' HOLLOW STRUCT. SECTIONS (RECT.) ASTM A500, GRADE B 46 KSI HOLLOW STRUCT. SECTIONS (ROUND) ASTM A500, GRADE B 42 KSI BOLTS (EXCEPT IN WOOD CONNECTIONS) ASTM A325X - NUTS • V ASTM A563 ' :WASHERS ,\ V , ASTM F436 - . :- ANCHOR RODS ASTM F1554 GRADE 36 36 KSI , -; V V , . . '. . OR GRADE 55 WHERE NOTED 55 KSI - V (GRADE 55 RODS SHALL COMPLY WITH WaDABILITY SUPPLEMENT SI) V WELDS , ' E-70 SERIES .' V ' THREADED ROD, EPDXY BOLTS, STUDS :- . AND BOLTS IN WOOD CONNECTIONS ASTM A307 V 4 6.2 -SAWN LUMBER-' SPECIES AND MINIMUM GRADE SHALL BE AS FOLLOWS U.N.O.: SPECIES AND GRADE "V - ' . 2X4 TOP PLATES, . ' DOUGLAS FIR STANDARD '2X4 STUDS (UP TO 10-0"), BLOCKING. DOUGLAS FIR STUD , fl '. 2X4 STUDS (OVER 10'-0')DOUGLAS FIR No.2 V , V •. 2X6 TOP PLATES DOUGLAS FIR No. 2 O ' - 2X6 STUDS (OVER 10-0') DOUGLAS FIR No.2 4. • 2X6 STUDS (UP TO 10-0"), BLOCKING DOUGLAS FIR STUD '6X BEAMS AND 6X POSTS DOUGLAS FIR No. 1 - JOISTS, AND ALL OTHER SAWN LUMBER DOUGLAS FIR No. 2 0 4 S . . " WPI7.6as1s.doc •4- . . •S , V Copyright WRIGHT ENGINEERS . v20071112 I. ' WP 17 II •._.Vi.tL IL I • [,PROJECT__________________]INo SHEET : z engin e . .. - 6.3 COLD-FORMED STEEL:JOISTS, STUDS, TRACK, ETC. SHALL HAVE STEEL THICKNESS AND EFFECTIVE SECTION PROPERTIES AS LISTED IN THE METAL STUD MFR.'S ASSOCIATION MANUAL (ICC ER.4943) 12.14 -AND16 GAGE STUDS AND JOISTS SHALL HAVE A MINIMUM YIELD STRENGTH OF5OKSI. THINNER . " ç GAGE STUDS AND JOISTS, ALL GAGES OF TRACK, ALL DIAGONAL TENSION STRAPS OR BRACES, a ..•• . AND BRIDGING SHALL HAVE A MINIMUM YIELD STRENGTH OF 33 KSI U.N.O. , t • 'i-' el . - ( 44 .4 - . • • - . - : : t 4_ jp 1. : ..- --- . • '1 • . - . - 4 - . 1 4 l •_•_ - I . • 4 4 • * . I .4.. I c- IC • WPI7 - Bs 400 -, . - - Copydgtit WRIGHT ENGINEERS v20071112 SCI16I41IL 1 - • No: SHEET: w. •,, ... I .... . W. . . .' • . . 4 ' ' , DESIGN DEAD LOADS *. .I. S - S S LOPING FLAT ROOF: 3-PL Y COMPOSITION 2.0 . . ' 112"PLYWD 1,5 • TRUSSES OR RAFTERS AT 24' O.C. 2.8 INSULATION 1.0 5/8"GYPBOARO& SUSPENDED CEILING 4.5 MECH&MISC 5.7 DL(PSF(: 17.5 • • - EXTERIOR WALLS: - S •. r ' 718" STUCCO 10.0 WALL SHEATHING 0.5 -. . . 2x4 STUDS AT18"O.C. 1.1 5 , •• " '. 112"GYPBD 2.0 INSULATION 0.7 'MISC. - 1.7 , DL(PsF),: 16.0 STONE VENEER ADD (PSF DL) 6 METAL DECK ROOF: 1112"BDECK 2.2 SPRINKLERS ' 1.5 MISC. 1.3 01-(PSF):5.0 EXTERIOR CFS STUD WALLS 5. ' •• , * WALL SHEATHING 1.0 (2)5(8" GYPBD, 5.6 6005200-54 CFS STUDS © 1W O.C. 1.6 INSULATION - 0:8 MISC. 1.9 5 -•• . '- - - . . , DL(P81): 10 .MASONRY WALLS: - S • ' . rCMU SOLID GROUTED AT4&O.c. 51.0 5- . . • - 8"CMU SOLID GROUTED AT4rO.C. 53.0 8'CMU SOLID GROUTED AT3rO.C. 55.0 . ' 4 ,,. .t * . * , 8"CMU SOLID GROUTED AT24O.C. 58.0 • IF* CMU SOLID GROUTED ATI6O.C. 63.0 5 - ,•4' - S • • S -•. 4.I * . S • ' --: - - WP17-Loa*1s.yis RESIDENTIAL COPyTIgtitWRIGHTENGINEERS [PROiECT.- WPI7- RIGHT e ngIne - UPDATE 02-12-03 I SC1161416 (,No: JSHEET- I RIGHT eng ne . '. . . . WOOD STUD WALL: TYPICAL M PJM1 STUD DESIGN IN ACCORDANCE NTH THE INTERNATIONAL BUILDING CODE WIND KING STUDS AND POSTS LEAST HORIZ. DIM. (Fl): 2.5 RESIST ONLY HORIZONTAL LOAD • r STUD LENGTH (Fl): 13.00 MEAN ROOF HI. h (Fl): 13 CD: 1.8 INT. ZONE SPACING: 8"o.c. OR(2)AT16o.c. ROOF PITCH: 0:12 Fbs): 1120 EDGE STRIP SPACING: 8" D.C. OR (2) AT 18" o.c. EXPOSURE: C McAP (LB-F1'): 706 LUMBER GRADE: DF STUD GRADE , V(MPH):110 STUD SIZE: 2 x 6 Kzt: 1.00 CRITERIA INTERIOR gg . TYPICAL STUD Ii<L( 240 1w: 1.00 MaV4ND: 1.42 1.24 Leld : 28.4< 50 GC, (+1-): 0.18 Aa WIND: 3,58 3.13 INCISED?: FALSE EFFECTIVE AREA: 56.3 Kd: 0.85 . Ma SEISMIC: 12.62 12.62 AS SEISMIC: 22.25 22.25 . . KtiC&c: 0.85 . - GRAVITY . . . qh,cAc(PsF): 22.38 MAX OPENING (FT) . DL PSFI Wpm TRIB (Fl) 22D INTERIOR ZONE GCp: 0.87 I00, STUDIPOsT INTERIOR g p SLOPING ROOF 21 20 0 0 EDGE STRIP GCp: 1.02 (1)2x8 4-5 3-10" FLAT ROOF 15 20 . 15.1 0 INT. ZONE LOAD (PEp): 23.5 2x6 74' 6'-l" FLOOR 20 . 40 0 0 EDGE STRIP LOAD (PEP): 28.9 2x6 9-7 8-5" CORRIDOR 35 100 0 0 EDGE STRIP (PT): 3 2x6 12-3" 10-11 . . WALL SELF 12 , , 13 .0 6x4 OF No.2 10-7" 9-2" MISC. 20' 0 1 0 6x6 OF No.1 18-2" 16'-3" . SNOW APPLIED TO ROOF IRIS. 8x8 OF No.1 18-4" 16-5' - . SNOW LOAD (PSF): 0.0 6x10 OF N6.1 27-2" 25-0 ' S DEFLECTION INTERIOR EDGE SEISMIC . go ALNI LI(iN L/tIIN) IE: 1.00 EQ-7 0.242 644 0.277 563 Sos: 0.788 5 - .• 0.182 859 0.208 751 SESMIC LOAD (P59: 3.8 70% C&C WIND LOAD PER TABLE 1604.3 FOOTNOTE F. . COMPRESSION BENDING COMBINED •.. " INTERIOR EDGE INTERIOR EDGE INTERIOR EDGE MAX: 1,00 • " BASIC LOAD COMBOS ..Qg EIfII feJffl !JEII EkJfn IkJS0 [P1EI) &JESfl t)L(EI1 IYJESI) INTERIOR EM EQ-1 0 - . 0.90 419 33 33 725 0 0 162 0 0 0.01 0.01 S EQ-2 0+1 '- 1.00 432 ' 33 33 805 0 0 180 0 0 0.01 0.01 . EQ-3-6+S 1.15 448 33 33 926 0 0 207 0 0 0.01 0.01 EQ-4 0+I.r 1.25 454 57 57 1006 0 0 ' 225 0 0 0.02 0.02 . EQ-5 DsO.751L+Sl ., 1.15 446 33 33 926 0 0 207 0 0 0.01 0.01 EQ-6 D+0.751L+Lr) - 1.25 454 51 51 1008 0 0 225 0 0 0.01 0.01 EQ-7 D+(WorO.7E) . 1.60 471 33 33 1288 525 801 288 19 21 0.44 0.60 EQ-8 O+O.75L+(WorE)+(LrorS)] 1.60 471 51 51 1288 394 451 288 14 16 0.35 0.40 • ' ._ . . .' . . .p ., • , . H I- .,'• • 5. • :'. Ccpyiight WRIGHT ENGINEERS v2OO&0417 :-. ?• WP17 1L SC11651416 1L (BI 1 PROJECT: - -. . No: SHEET: • / : RIGHT. 1 • ,.,, .,. . engine • .. . 4 vi - ' "BEAM: B11 -,AT 1(.TOOM RECUCE6 POINT LOADS (LBS): - SPAN (Fl): 16.25 DL(PSF) LL(PSF) LL(PSF) TRIB(FT) Wp,,(PLF) Wtj(PLF) 1 2 3 4 5 6 * UNBRACED L (FT): 16.25 ROOF '18 20 20 1.33 51 27 0 Am < L/ 240 FLOOR 21 - 40 40 0 0 0 Lr . * &.<L/380 ,r wu. -17 -- ---- 5 85 - LL S. SNOW? [P$F]0- , MISC- 20 --- s ---- 1 20 - UP - .ROOFSLOPE: 0:12 - ' . 'UNIFORM LoAD(PLF): 156 27 ON .- ARirB(soFl):22 ,-• -'' TYPE - (So FT) :O - ; -,- . ATX • .AFTRIe - .' LOAD COMBINATION REACTIONS - - END REACTIONS BY CASE: LEFT (K) RIGHT (K) MOMENT '- LEFT ()8) RIGHT (Le) INITIAL DIR. - • 5 , 0-1 1.05 1.05 4.26 , 0 1048 1048 CONTROI.UNGLC: LC-1 LC-1 LC-6 oiONLY ' 0+1-2 1.O5 1.05 4.26 -, Lr 216 216 fv(PSI) fb (PSI) A(mo SPAN /A A(IN) % CAP. -. 0+(Lr or S)-3 1.28rry 1.26 5.13 . LL 0 0 4 x 12 36 692 0.43 450 0.30 94.5 - D+0.75(L+LrorS).4 1.21- .1.21 ' 4.91 SEISMIC UP -263 -263 • 6x10 27 817 0.46 426 0.32 82.6 S D+0.75(L+(Lr/S)+(W/E))-5 1.40, 14 SEISMIC ON 263 263 3 118 x 10112 43 889 0.53 367 0.37 86.8 D+(WorE)-6 1.42. = 1.42 5.78 WIND UP 0 0 $1118X9 31 738 0.51 379 0.36 85.8 r .066+(07E or W)-7 -0.37 0.37 , 2.55 WIND ON 1 0 .. 0 6 3/4 x 7 1/2 29 807 0.67 289 0.47 94.0 Only)L+Lr-B .(Deflection 0.22" 022 0.88 31/2 x 91/4 LSL 44 1023 0.80 242 0.57 99.7' - . - . . - . . (2)13/4 X 9 112 43 970 0.61 322 0.43 90" 5 . BEAM: NOT USED - REDUCED POINT LOADS (LBS): . . •• SPAN (FT): 5.50 - .01 fPSF) IL (PSF) LL (PSF) TRIB (PT) W (PLF) / W1j, (PLF) 1 2 3 4 5 6 UNBRACEDL(FT):5.50 ROOF' 15- 19 . 19 6.75 230 128 0 . . . ATL<U240-: FLOOR . 21 40 :40 0 . 0 0 Lr - Au.<IJ,360 WALL. .11 0 0 -- LL SNOW? (PSFJ: 0 MISC 20 --- - 1 20 --- UP ROOF SLOPE: 5:12 . - . UNIFORM LOAD (PLF) 250 128 ON ARluB (so Fr): 37, 4 0 -'I '. . . 2 TYPE AT . - . AFmi (so r: I LOAD COMBINATION REACTIONS . END REACTIONS BY CASE: INI'flft.L DIR. . . . •' LEFT (K)RIGHT (K)MOMENT (K-Fl) . lEFT _WI RIGHT 1)5) D.1 - 0.33 0,33 0.46 D 333 333 CONTROLLING Lc; LC-3 LC-3 LC-5 DI,ONLY 5 . . D+L-2 0.33 0.33 0.46 (,j 353 353 opnm fvPsi _fbcPsi) _A(1N) _SPAN /A_A(IN) _% CAP. D4(IrorS)-3 0.69 •. 0.69 0.94' IL 0 0 4X6 45 642 0.07 995 0.03 75.1 D+0.75(L+LrorS)4 0.60 0.60 0.82 SEISMIC UP -84 -84 6x4 48 1008 0.16 403 0.08 947 . D+0.75(L+(Lr/S)+(WIE))-5 Q Q SEISMIC ON 84 84 3 118 x 6 45 604 0.05 1298 0.02 57.0 S .. D"(W or E)-6 0.45 • 0.45 0.62 . WIND UP 0 0 5 1/8 x 6 27 368 0.03 2129 0.02 48.3 .: 0.8D+(0.7Eor,-7 W) 0.12 0.12 0.28 WIND ON 0 0 .6314x6 21 280 0.02 2804 0.01 44.1 (Deflection Otily) L+Lr-8 0.35' 0.35 0.48 ' . 3 1/2 x 4318 LSL 58 1014 0.16 407 ' 0.08 83.8 32x5ll2 LSL LAD RAT: V.M, SIMPLE SPAN DEFLOK .. NUMBER OFLVL_2(2)1-314x51l2 45 6420.0811820.03 _-58.8 BEAM: _NOT USED, :REDUCED POINT LOADS (LBS): SPAN Fn:, 15.75 - . DL(PSF)LI (P9 . LL (psF) TRIB VM ft (PLF) wLL (PIP) 1 2345 _S S UNBRACEOL(FT): 15.75 .. - ROOF 22 19 ' 19, 2 82 38 D ' ,•.. Am<LI 240 FLOOR 21 40. 40 0 0 0 . It • ALL <L/360 WALL - 11 -- --- 5 20 --1 20 --- 55 -- LI UP . SNOW? LPSFI: 0 MISC . ROOF SLOPE: 5:12.. . UNIFORM LOAD (FtP): 137----7- ON • ARiRiB (SOFT): 32- • TYPE - AFTRIB (60 Fr): 0 • - ' - AT X - LOAD COMBINATION REACTIONS. - END REACTIONS BY CASE: INAL DIR. - r LEFT (K)RIGHT (K)MOMENT (K-Fl) ,. LEFT (LB) RIGHT ()8) - D-1 0.94 0.94 3.69 0 937 937 CONTROLLING LC: IC - 1 LC -1 IC 5 DL ONLY :- - - • -. ' •* D+L-2 . 0.94. 0.94 3.89 It 299 299 4 12 x fv (PSO _lb (P51) _A (IN) _SPAN IA_A__ 0.25 _c.- 87.9 * 32 600 0.37 505 D+0 or 1.24 1.24 4.87 . a 0 0 S - ' D+0.75(L+LrorS)4 1.16 . 1.16 -- 4.57 - SEISMIC UP .235 -235 6x10 24 535 0.40 478 0.26 79.5, D+0.75(L4(Lr/S)+(W!E))-5 IAI. 1.41 5,57 - . SEISMIC ON 235 235 31/8 x 9 45 1050 0.73 260 0.48 97.4 - - - D+(WorE)'6 1.27 1,27 - 5.01 WIND UP 0 0 51/8 X 71/2 34 922 0.77 247 0.51 99.1 - 0.60+(0.7EorW)-7 0.33 0.33 12.2.1 WINO ON 0 0 6 314 x 71/2 26 700 0.58 325 0.39 90.4 (Deflection only)L+Lr-8 0.30 0.30 1.18 - • 3 1!2x91/4LSL 40 887 0.69 272 0.46 95.9 NUMBEROFLVL 2 (2)1-.314x9112 38 641 0.52 361 0.35 87.2 - • 1• - . Gp*gM WRIGHT ENGINEERS y2ooa041e • WP17 1L_SC11614161( 1 . 1,PROJECT:_ No: S II'IE1':i - - * ----- - Rn I G- PPtT - engines + 0 The purpose of this report Is for prolduct comparison only. Load and support lnfomation necessary for professional design review is not displayed here. Please print an Individual Member Report for submittal purposes. - - : 0 0 Parts Software Operator Job Notes JEREMY-MAGOAG WRIGHTENGINEERS . jm -47,;F 491 bgwhIftmsom WP 17 w --- :- - - 11114120167:52:45AM Forte v5.1. Design Engine: V6.5,1.1 - WP17 - Rest Joists .4te - I SC116141611 3 Page 1of1 - / •.( : REPORT Roof, Roof: Joist (Typica) lit ft.JrftU F 0 Ci • . current Solution: : I piece(s) 18" TM® 360 © 24 OC - " . Overall Lengtii: 31' 10 ••. . .-" * 011 -: •i 3 - L t l 306 . ,. All locations are measured from th6 outside face of left support (or left cantilever end).AII dimensions are horizontal.; Drawing is Conceptual - .. RWIN Member Reaction (Ibs) 1159 @3 1/2 1350 Passed (860/6) 1.25 Shear (Ibs) - 1159 @ 3 1/2 3031 Passed (389/4) 1.25 Moment (Ft-Ibs) 8837 @ iS' 6 1/20 11831 Passed (75%) 1.2.5 Lye Load Dell (in) 0,773 @ 15' 6 1.017 Passed (1./474) Total Load Dell (in) .1.469 @ 15 6 1.525 Passed (1/249) System: Roof Member Type : Joist Building Use: Rldenbai Building Code : IBC 2009 Design Methodology: ASD Member Pitch : 0/12 -- - - . - - - - - as- mlg I - Top Mount Hangu Connector not found HIA N/A N/A 2 -w Top Mount Hanger.. Connector not found N/A H/A N/A i F 0 R TE Solution: ~'"-'WLUTICONS REPORT Current Roof Roof. Joist (A(RTU)MLJt I!i!J RIGHT '. - Overall Length: 31'1" Li iR 'Lu.:1.1 11- All locations ire measured from the left Cantilever end)AI dimensions :1' •e face of left ;. I Drawing support I.(" System: Roof Member Type: Joist Building Use Residential Bulkiing Code ; IBC 2009 Design Mdihodo?gy : ASO Member Pitch : 0/12 _ IN ON, IN S The purpose of this report Is for product comparison only. Load and support Information necessary for professional design review Is not displayed here. Please print an Individual MemberRéport for submittal purposes. S *. - •,••, i..— -; , -• - " ;'': •:-: -.. ". ." S Jis, • . ' . -I'- - 1 5 - - -. .- 11/1412016 7:58:19 AM - Forte v5.1, Design Engine: V6.5.1.1 JE WPI7 - Rest Joists .4te (94 Page loil -. ... 1 SCI1614161 1 - Member Reaction (Ibs) 1657 @ 3 1/2 2700 (175') Passed (61°k) 1.25 [Shear (Ibs) _. Passed (27%) Passed (660/6) LiveLoadDefi.(in): Moment(Ft-Ibs) ____15516@ 15'6"_23663 _1657@3 1/2 _0.689@115'6 _6063 _1.017 Passed (L/531) _1.25 _1.25 -- Total Load Defi:__(In)I___1.510@15_6___1.525 Passed (L/242) _-- - UK -Eli- Efh Pill. . - . - RIGHT!,'SOLUTIONS REPORT Roof, Roof., Joist (At Brace Peip. to Joist) At ! F R T Cur: tSotbotv 2P)18"T®360@24"0C —'s— [T1 - I _ Overag Length: 31'1" 30161 S... from the ______________________________________________________ System: Roof Reaction (Ibs) '1281 @ 1/2". (1.75") Passed (47%) 1.25 Shear (Ibs) . - 1281 @ 3 1/2" 6063 Passed (21%) 1.25 Moment (Ft-Ibs) 13323@i58 30288 Passed (44%) 1.60 Live Load Defi. (in) 0.689@15 6 1.017 Passed (V53 1), -- Total Load Defi.Qn) 12 1.525 Passed (1./326) -- Member Type: Joist Building Use: Residential Building Code: IBC 2009 Design Methodology : ASD Member Pltth:0112 w l i~ M. WE I - Top Mount Hanger Connector not found NIA N/A N/A 2 - Top Mount Hanger Connector not found N/A N/A N/A S ism Rf 1811 TJI® 360 . 2 32 1.12 16 ' DI® 360 . . 2. 24" 1.45 18" . TM® 360 .. .- 2 24" 1.49 16" ',- TM® 230. - 2 19.2 1.55 TM® 210 - 2 16" 1.72 16" TM® 360 . . S 2 19.2' 1.81 IJI® 230 2 r . 2 16" 1.86 18" . Til® 360 . 2 19.2" 1.87 16" •- . T31® 360 . . . 2 16" 2.17 181. fly® 360 • 2 16" 2.24 •The purpose f this report Is for product comparison only. Load and support Information necessary for professional design review Is not displayed here. Please print an Individual Member Report for submittal purposes. 101 - .5... _ . . . ,*. I S -. w i'o,00ivtheçi,rstor ... . Job Motes . . 11/14/2016 8:00:35 AM I• . . . Forte v5.1, Design Engine: V6.5.1.1 WRIGHT ENGINEERS . . WPI7-Rest Joists .4te .. I (949)477-4001 -. L!1wten910t5c0m . .5 . I . Page 1 of 1 SC11614161 I 65 PROJECT: - . (No: I "SI k - . 4 0 0 0 I . 0 0*0 *0 C *0 . I rôject: WPI7- Chemical Storage. .. ocatioiE Chemical Storage Beam ulti-Loaded Multi-Span Beam C 009 International Building çode(AISC 13th Ed ASD)] *SS 4 x 4 x 3/8 x 15.5 FT / ASTM A500-GR.B46 ection Adequate By: 39.8% ontrolling Factor: Deflection DEFLECTIONS Center. Live Load 0.37 IN 11503 Dead Load.. 0.17 in Total Load 0.54 IN 11346 Live Load Deflection Criteria: 11360 Total Load Deflection Criteria: 11240 REACTIONS Live Load 659 lb 659 lb Dead Load ., . 3004b 300 lb Total Load. 959 lb 959 lb .. Bearing Length 0.70 in 0.70 in enrer Span Length . - 15.5 ft lJnbaced Length-Top - 0 It . . Unbraced Length-Bottom 15.5 ft STEEL PROPERTIES -: HSS'4x4x3I8A500-GR.8-46 Properties: Steel Yield Strength: Fy 46 ksi Moduiis of Elasticity:`- . -, E -, 291,000 ksi -Tube Steel Section (X Axis): . dx = -4 in Tube Steel Section (V Axis): dy = . 0 4. 4 in o. . Tube Steel Wall Thickness: . ' t= . . 0.349 in Area: . . A = 4.78 in2 MomehtofInertia0(XAxis):.' - - Ix= 10.3 1n4 - Section Modulus (X Axis): -. .. Sx = 5.13 in3 Plastic Section Modulus (X Axis):' Zx = 6.39 inS Plastic Section Modulus (Y Axis): Zy = . - 0 in3 5 Design Properties peiAISC 13th Edition Steel Manual: Flange Buckling Ratio: FBR = -. 8.46 Allowable Flange Buckling Ratio: -. AFBR = 28.12 .AllowableFlange Buckling Ratio non-compact: = 35.15 Web Buckling Ratio: . 2 WBR = 8.46 - S. Allowable Web Buckling Ratio fo Eqn. .F7-5: AWBR = 60.76 - Nominal Flexural Strength W/ Safety Factor: Mn = . 14668 ft-lb Controlling Equations - .' 177-1 - - 0 -.- •. 0 -- . - Controlling Moment: --.. - 3716 ft-lb S4 7.75 Ft from left support of span 2 (Center Span) S Created by combining all dead loads and live loads on span(s) 2 Controlling Shear: . \ • .. -959 lb . S .16.0 Ft from left support of span 2 (Center Span) Created by combining all dead loads and live loads on span(s ComParlthns with required sectIons: Provided Moment of Inertia (deflection): - 7.37 in4 10.3 1n4 - Moment: .' • .0 3716 ft-lb 14668 ft-lb Shear: -, -i-. -. . -959 lb 37926 lb .14 T S. •-.. 0 --..-•. 5 __•_ 0 , . • 1 Y'.- 0 WIT I ROJECT: J Jeremy e n g e t T,rs StruCalc Version 11/9/2016 8:51:17 AM Uniform Live Load 85 plf Uniform Dead Load 21 plf - Beam Self Weight 17 plf -• . Total Uniform Load 124 plf SCJ1146 No: FSHEET: . . LOADING DIAGRAM . V. 7 f I' :' A AXIAL LOADING Live Load: PL= 1318 lb Dead Load: PD 476 lb Column Self Weight: CSW = 87 lb Total Load: PT = 1881 lb LATERAL LOADING (Dy Face) Uniform Lateral Load: wL-Lat = 0 plf Point Load: One Live Load: 200 lb Location: 0 ft SC1161416 No:I(.t!!ET: -; oIumn ': -. , e ri g p f r.s o 009 International Building Code(AISC 13th Ed ASD)] . . SS 3 x 3x 3/8 x 7.0 FT /ASTM A500-GR.B-46 ectiánAdequateBy:.79.7% : StruCaIc Version 11/10/20169:45:15AM l. I AU Tit 0N ", This column has been designed as a cantilever. Note that the length of the column inputed should include the portion of the column below grade above the point of fixity. See IBC 1805.7 for lateral soil bearing calculations. bELEc11ONS '. . ______ I Deflection due to lateral loads only: Defi = 0.36 IN = L/233 'Live Load Deflection Criteria: . L1120 yr' I R.I.. Live Load: -. Vert-LL-Rxn = 1318 lb Dead Load: .. . Vert-DL-Rxn = 563 lb Total Load:,''., Vert-TL-Rxn = 1881 lb - HORIZONTAL REACTIONS-, Total Reaction at Top of Column: TL-Rxn-Top = 0 lb Total Reaction at Bottom of Column: TL-Rxn-Bottom = 200 lb COLUMNDATA. , Total Column Length: 7. ft - Unbraced Length (X-Axis) Lx: 7 ft • - Unbraced Length (V-Axis) Ly: .7 ft Column End Condtlon-K (e):. 2.1 . COLUMN PROPERTIES ..,. . HSS3x3x3/8-Square • Steel Yield Strèngth . Fy 46 ksi ModulusófElasticity: A.., Ez 29 ksi RColumn Section: . . . dx 3 in dy . 3 in Column Wall Thickness: t = 0.349 in .Area:- . ,. A = • 3.39 in Moment of Inertia (deflection):' lx = 3.78 in4 ly = 3,78 in4 Section Modulus: • 'Sx ...2.52 in3 Sy=, 2.52 1n3 Plastic Section Modulus: , Zx =. ' 3.25 in3 . ,.Zy,= 0 in3 Rad.ofGyration: "-, rx= .1.06 in ry= 1.06 in Column Compression Calculations: , . . - ' Ill .,I... -, l A') t(I ,,In, l A rSIJF r.dLIv, . - .I'.-,'. •"-y"7 - .Controlling Direction for Compr. Calcs: (Y-Y Axis) Flexural Buckling Stress:' Fcr = 9.06 ksi . Controlling Equation F7-1 Nominal Compressive Strength: PC = 18 kip Colu mri Sending Calculations per AISC 13th Edition Steel Manual: Controlling Load case: Axial Dead Load and Lateral Loads (D + Lateral) Eccentricity Moment: Mx-ex = 0 ft-lb My-ey = 0 ft-lb Lateral Moment + Eccentricity: . Mrx= -. 1400 ft-lb Mry = 0 ft-lb Flange Buckling Ratio:. •.FBR=:- 5.6 • Allow. Flange Buckling Ratio:. AFBR . 28.12 Allow. FBR for Non-Compact:- NC . Web Buckling Ratio. ...... WBRX = 5.6 WBRY = 0 Allow. WBR for Eqn. F7-5: AWBR = 60.76 Nthnl. Flex. Str, wl Sfty Factor: Mcx = 7.5 ft-kip Mcy = 7.5 ft-kip Controlling Equation. F71 • F7-1 Combined Stress Calculations: ••. .- - HI-lb Controls: 0.20 ContrIltng Combined Stress Factor: 0.2 11 •. " + I - 1 .* (I V [I 'WP17 . . PROJECT: - -.• RIGHT engine er s :. - S 4 - -. ''•'A S - BEAM: (N) Beam at Pump Room REDUCED / POINT LOADS (LBS): / SPAN (PT): 3.00 DL (P69 IL (PET) LL (P69 TRIO (Fl) W (PLF) W1.1. (P19 1 2 3 4 5 6-. UNSRACEDL(FT): 3.00. ROOF 17 20 20 14.25 527 285 D . - ,rt c Li 240 FLOOR 21 40 40 0 0 0 Lr ALL < L/ 380 WALL 17 ---- 7 119 LL . SNOW?IPSFJ: 0- MISC 20 -i--- -- 1 20 - UP ROOF SLOPE: 0:12 - UNIFORM LQAD(Pt.9: 666 285 ON ARTRIO (so Fr): 43 TYPE AFTâ(sQFi):0 ,- AIX - . LOAD COMBINATION REACTIONS END REACTIONS BY CASE: INAL DIR. . LEFT RIGHT(K) MOMENT Qc-FT) LEFT (LB) RIGHT 0) • 1 D-1 0.57 0.57 0.43 . D 572 572 CONTROLLING IC: LC-3 LC-3 IC-S OLONLY , / . D+L-2 0.57 0.57 0.43 Lr 428 428 OPTIONS fv (PSI) ft) (PSI) A0 T SPAN IA I A Qro % CAP. . . ' D#(LrorS}-3 1.01) ,1.00 0.75 LL 0 0 4x6 55 510 0.02 2199 0.01 67.4 - D+0.75(L+LrorS)-4 0.89 0.89 0.67 SEISMIC UP 1-143 -143 . 6x4 63 801 0.04 890 0.02 844 5 O'i-0.75(L+(LrIS)+(W/E)).5 j,,05 -1.05 0.78 SEISMIC ON 143 143 3 1/8 x 6 54 480 0.01 2887 0.01 43.7 D+(WorE).6 0.78 0.78 0.58 WIND UP 0 0 5 118x6 33 293 0.01 4703 0.00 37.1 - 5 . - 0.60+(0,7E o -7 0.20 0.20 0.26 WIND DNI 0 0 6 3/4 x 61 25 222 0.01 6194 0.00 33.8 (Deflection Only) L+Lr-8 0.43 . 0.43 0.32 - 3 1/2 x 4318 LSLI 74 808 0.04 899 0.02 64.4 5 31IX515LLAIDFATV,M. SIMPLE SPAN DEFLOK NUMBER OFLVL 2 (2) 1-3/4 x 5 1/21 55 510 0.01 2611 0.01 . 4.5.1 . . BEAM: NOT USED REDUCED POINT LOADS(LBS): SPAN (Fl) 5.50 . - DL (PST') LL (PS9 IL (P59 TRIO (Fl) Wp, (PIT) NA (PIT) I 2 3 4 5 - 6 S . UNBRACED I (FT): 5.50 ROOF 15 19 19 6.75 230 128 0 . AlL < Li 240 rioon 21 40 40 0 ' 0 0 It ) S ALL U36O WALL 11 - - 0 0 - LL SNOW? P: 0 1 MISC 20 - -- 1 20 .-.. up S ROOF SLOPE: 5:12. UNIFORM LOAD (P19: 250 128 ON ARTRIB (so Fr): 37 . - . TYPE AFmsnj: 0 . . ATX LOAD COMBINATION REACTIONS . - END REACTIONS BY CASE: INITIAL DIR. LEFT ))RIGHT (K) MOMENT (K-Fl) LEFT (I.8)RIGHT 11.81 . -, 0-1 0.33 0.33, 0.46 . 0 333 333 CONTROLLING LO; LC-3 LC-3 IC - S DIONLY 1, DL2 '0.33 0.33 0.46 . Ii' 353 353 2i1I fV(PSI) I _fb(PSI) I _A(IN) _SPAN/A_ts(P4 _% CAP. D+(LrorS)..3 0.69 0.69 0.94 II 0 0 4x6 45_642_0.07_995_0.03_75.7 . . D+0.75(L+Lrors).4 0.60 0.80 0.82 SEISMIC UP .84 -84 6x4 48 1008 0.16 403 0.08 947 0+ 0.75(L+(LrIS)+(W/E)}-5 Qfi Q SEISMIC ON 84 84 3 1/8 x 6 45 604 0.05 1298 0.02 -57.0.1 - ' 5 - D+(W or E)-6 0.45, 0.45 - 0.62 - WIND UP 0 0 5 1/8 x 6 27 368 0.03 2129 0.02 48.3 0.6D+(0.7E or W).7 0.12 0.12 0.28 WINO ON 0 0 . . 6 3/4 x 6 21 280 0.02 2804 0.01 441 • (Deflection Only) LLr-8 0.35 , 0.35 0.48 , 3 1/2 x 43/8 LSL 58 1014 0.16 407 0.08 83.9 . ' 3112*5112 LSL LAID FIAT: V. M. SIMPLE SPAN DEFL OK ___NUMBER OF LVI:2(2)1-3/4x51(2 642 0.06 1182 0.03 58.8 - 'BEAM: _NOT USED . - REDUCED POINT LOADS (LBS): ' SPAN (Fl): 15.75 . DL _89LI (P39 LI (PEE)TRIB (Ti)WI, (PIT)WLI (PIT) 1 2 3 4 I 5 6 - UNSRACED 1(F)): 15.75 ROOF 22 19 19 2 82 38 D S . An. < 1/ 240 FLOOR 21 40 40 0 0 0 - , ALL <L/360 wu. 11 - -- 5 55 -- ii SNOW? IPSF1: 0 . MISC 20 ---120 UP ROOF SLOPE: 5:12 UNIFORM LoAo(Pu): 157 30 ON 5 ARTRJB (so Fr): 32 •. - TYPE - 'AFTR1a (so l):0' AT LOAD COMBINATION REACTIONS END REACTIONS BY CASE: INITIAL DIR. - ... LEFT (K) RIGHT (K) MOMENT (K.FT) . LEFT 11.81 RIGHT 11.8) 'U-1 U.'+ • 0.94 - 3.69 U WJ( 937 CONTROLLING D+I-2 0.94 0.94 3.69 . Lr 299 299 OPTIO • . . D+(LrorS).3 1.24 1.24 4.87 .' LL 0 0 4 xi D+0.75(L+Lr or S) -4 1.16 1.16 4.57 SEISMIC UP -235 -235 6 x 5 D+0.75(L+(LrIS)+(WIE))-5 1.41 jj, 5.67 SEISMIC ON 235 235 3 118 x 5 D+(WorE)-8 1.27 1.27 5.01 WINO UP 0 0 5118 x 71 0.6D+(0.7E or W)-7 ' 0.33 0.33 2.21 WINO ON 0 0 6 3/4 x 7 1, Only) L+Lr-8 S.(Deflection 0.30 . 0.30 1.18 3 1/2 x 9 1/4 L - . . S. •• NUMEEROFLVL 2 (2) 1-3/4 x 9 1• .• . ''2. , -- )4T'I7. PAW ROM C7fll.4*8 - J - . • Copyrlgill WRIGHT ENGINEERS - --:. WP17 •- - F~ROJ'ECT: - - IC - I LC-I LC-5 DIONLY fv(PSI) lb (PSI) As SPAN/A Ll 32 600 0.37 505 0.25 ' 87.9 - 24 535 0.40 478 0.26 . - 79.5 45 1050 0.73 260 0.48 97.4 34 922 0.77 247 0.51 99.1 - 26 700 0.58 325 0.39 90.4 40 887 0.69 272 - 0.46 95.9, 38 841 0.52 381 0.35 - 87.2 8200504.18 - SC1161416F S T- 1 • C, 1' - .J. Design Maps Summary Report I1i fTt1i r engine USGS Design Maps Summary Report R-PI91 w1 crrlrl -- —I- ri _ AID I II 31, NIS I T '17T1LtIU !I!1L1 I1Ti4t'i I SCll614lPLi 1 [No: tSI-ET: I IRIIGHT • e n gin e e r 130. fT Root - S WAR L '. T I -- - • I (O FT WALL NT (PT 0 5 • Li i (1 36 1t is ( 5 \VZ i) (I 10 i) S WALL - 400 DT. r • - •• • 5555 L i 350O iJ 33,005 L 5 3Jil4i& W JIHT lid f 4 - -; • 4; 1 4 + 1 _ - - • S •-. •- I - - - - - O -- :4 -': • I - - - 1 : [ WP17 PROJECT. ENo: scI16141 1 T '.- 4.-. RICHT engin - . .•.- S DESIGN SEISMIC LOADS ASCE7-1O SECTION 12.8 -EQUIVALENT LATERAL FORCE PROCEDURE . • • . SITE CLASS '0 RISK CATEGORY: II SITE SPECIFIC R 6.5 IE 1.00 SIDS: 0.788 • Ct:0.02 Ss: 1.126 SDI:0.452 ( ' -• x:0.75 Sl:0.433 SEISMIC DESIGN CAT: D S , - Ta (SEC): 0.1 Fa: 1.050 C5 : 0.121 • . . TL(SEC): 8.0- ' Fv: 1.567 C5 MIN: 0.035 S C5i.x: 0.576 DESIGN BAsE SHEAR, v: 0.121 W -.':: -.4 ,- '- - - LEVEL WEIGHT (K) ELEV. (Fr) ' ROOF . 33.0 - 11.0 - •.. . . . 4- .4 - 4 - - PRIMARY SYSTEM DIAPHRAGMS & COLLECTORS V(K) : 4.00 MIN ( 0.158W k: 1 MAX: 0.315W VERT. DISTRIBUTION. Fx DIAPHRAGM, Fp LRFD ASD GOVERlNGFp FplFx 0.121Wx O.087Wx 0.121W 0.158W 1.30 • LRFD ASD CONNECTIONS - . - ASCE 7-10 SECTION 12:1.3 . - Fp: 0:105 Wp 0.075 Wp ARCHITECTURAL, MECHANICAL& ELECTRICAL COMPONENT ANCHORAGE ASCE 7.1O CHAPTER 13 ' - Fp (EQ. 13.3-1) •-- . -' - -. i(13.1.3): 1.0 - •" - ap Rp Z(FT) LRFD 'ASD • MAX (EQ. 133-2) 1.261 Wp 1.0 2.5 11.00 0.378 Wp 0.270 Wp YIN (EQ.13.3-3):O.236Wp 1.0 2.5 . . 9.63 0.347 Wp 0.248 Wp, 1.0 2.5 8.25 0.315 Wp 0.225 Wp • - 1.0 2.5 6-88 0.284 Wp 0.203 Wp - , . ? ', ' - .. 1.0 2.5 5.50 0.252 Wp 0.180Wp •• . - - - .-- - 1.0 2.5 • 4.13 0.236 Wp 0.169Wp 5 ., - • .. ' 1.0 2.5 2.75 0.236 Wp 0.169Wp . 10 25 138 0.236 Wp 0.16 . 9 Wp . . I ' [•4 4,: .. - • 0. - -. Wp17Rest.Seisazf0.xisSeismi0l8C , . Copyright WRIGHTENGINEERS v2007.07.03 5- 4c I. -•U - IF I S016141 I EE: 4. 4 - WP17. - . PROJECT- _'-.4 . ___ -. - • 4.4'4 : RIGHT engine DESIGN WIND LOADS • MAIN WIND FORCE-RESISTING SYSTEM 3 ASCE7-1O, CHAPTER 27,.DIRECTIONAI. PROCEDURE -PART I 3 . ' p=qGGp-qi(GCpi). qz = 0.00256KzKztKdV / W • MEAN ROOF HT, h (Fl): 11 • , Cp AS SHOWN IN FIGURE: 3 RooFPITcH: 0:12 -0.9 -0.9 • 'EXPOSURE: C VMPH): 110 . S RISKCATEGORY: II / Kzt: 1.00 , WINDWARD LEEWARD • Kd:0.85 * GC(+I-):0.18 0.8 \ -0.5 3 G:0.85 SLOPE, 0(050): 0.0 - -, 3. HORIZONTALOIMNSIONS . CpOF WINDWARD WALL IS USED WITH qz, ALL OTHER Cp ARE USED WITH qh LEAST (FT): 29.5 NOTE: THE NEGATIVE WINDWARD ROOF Cp IS THE MAXIMUM UPLIFT " GREATEST (FT): 31.5 I.E. HORIZONTAL DISTANCE FROM WINDWARD EDGE FROM 010 h12 $ LRFD ASD LATERAL DESIGN PRESSURES - .. - WINDWARD NET WAIL P WINDWARD WALLl USING POSITIVE Cp AT WINDWARD ROOF -,. ELEV. (FT) Kz q, (PSF) WALL (PSF) (PSF) WAIL. (PSF) (PEE) S . .. . 15 0.85 22.38 15.2 24.7 9.1 14.8 Kt: 0.85 20 0,90 23.70 16.1 25.6 9.7 15.4 LEEQ ASD 25 0.94 24.75 16.8 26.3 10.1 15.8 I' qn(PsF): 22.4 13.4 30 0.98 25.80 17.5 27.1 10.5 16.2 • LEEWARD WALL (PSF):9.5 , 5.7 40 1.04 27.38 18.6 28.1 11.2 16.9 S . WINDWARD ROOF (PsF): 0.0 0.0 . . 50 1.09 28.70 19.5 29.0 11.7 17.4 ' LEEWARD ROOF (PSF): 17.1 10.3 60 1.13 29.75 20.2 29.7 12.1 17:8 S . . 70 1.17 30.81 20.9 30.5 12.6 18.3 . NET ROOF P(PsF): 17.1 10.3 . 80 1.21 31.86 21.7 31.2 13.0 18.7 INTERNAL P (PSF): 4.0 - 2.4 90 1.24 32.65 22.2 31.7 13.3 19.0 100 . 1.26 33.18 22.6 32.1 13.5 19.2 S. 120 1.31 34.49 23.5 33.0 14.1 19.8 140 1.36 35.81 24.3 33.9 14.6 20.3 S . . . 160 1.39 36.60 24.9 34.4 14.9 20.6 180 1.43 37.65 25.6 35.1 15.4 21.1 • . , . .• 200 1.46 38.44 26.1 35.7 15.7 21.4 • •1' ••' - . . ASOS LRFD T.o. PARAPET (FT):13 • WINDWARD LEEWARD EPARAPET EpARApE11 PARAPET p = qpGCpn PARAPET PARAPET PRESSURES PRESSURES I • Kz ATT.O. PARAPET 0.85 NET GCpn: 1.5 1.0 -. - . qp(PsF):22.38 , . NET P(PSF) 33.6 22.4 56.0 33.6 - - NOTE: PARAPET PRESSURES SHOWN ARE NET PRESSURES, - WINDWARD LEEWARD DUE TO THE COMBINATION OF THE PRESSURES ON THE 3 .. . FRONT AND BACK PARAPET SURFACES. .3 . ' . S VERTICAL DESIGN PRESSURES WiND NORMAL TO RIDGE - rC.O9 W • LRFD PUPUFT(PSF): 21.1 . .ASDPUPUFT(PSF) :12.7 •, t -- •: . r; . ., . . . . I4iP17.-Rest IMna.xismPWVFRS . 5:. FLAT ROOF OR WIND PARALLEL TO RIDGE Cp: -0.9 LRFD PwuFT(PSfl: 21.1 ASD Puui (PEP): 12.7 WP17 PROJECT: - CopiigN vMJG{r ENGINEERS UPDATE 08-28-06 * SCi16141 [NO. [HEET.1 4 RIGHT. engine AT 41 4 4 * . .:.. DESIGN WIND LOADS PARAPETS COMPONENTS AND CLADDING a , ASCE 7-10, CHAPTER 30, PART 6 ROOF 'TYPE: GABLE I HIP I FLAT PARAPETS: p = qp(GCp + GC-pi) . ROOF PITCH : 0:12 T.O. PARAPET, h (FT): 13 GC1 (+1-): 0.00 EXPOSURE C SPAN LENGTH (FT): 2.00 Kz: 0.85 5 ,VCrvwii:110 . . EFFECTIVE AREA (FT2): 1.33 qp(Ps: 22.35 RISKCATEGORV: II . PARAPET IS - 7 AROUND THE PERIMETER OF THE ROOF? N Kzt: 1.00 4 ' LRFD p ASD p 0.85 ' LOCATION LOAD CASE ZONE GCp ZONE GCp NET GCp (PSF) (PSF) LEASTHORIi DIM. (FT): 29.5 EDGE/INTERIOR A +4 1.00 -2 -1.80 2.80 62.6 37.5 EDGESTRIP(FT): 3' . ,B -4 -1.10 +4 1.00 -2.10 -46.9 -28.2 SLOPE 9(oEo) 1 2 CORNER A +5 1.00 -3 -2.80 3.80 84.9 61.0 B -5 -1.40 +5 1.00 -2.40 -53.6 -32.2 - . .• NOTE: USE 0.42 TIMES THE LRFD WIND LOAD OR 0.70 TIMES THE ASD WIND LOAD FOR C&C DEFLECTION . -. CALCULA11ON (IOC 2012 TABLE 1604.3 NOTE F .4,. S .-.' .4 lk * .• 1 - •., 4 4. 4' '4•'• .,1 . :' -• - 4 . . S el) A •' 4. 4 4 . . .. - - . . 4 . - -, .' . . .. . -• -: ............ a 4 1- 4 . ' . ., 'p- .- . - . S I 4 - WP IT- Rest Wind,Jasn C&C - . Copyright WRIGHT ENGINEERS UPDATE 08-14-05 [PROJECT VP 17 [No: SCI16141[L5' 1 / I! SCfl614161 SHEET: 1 ' - - '4 MOM - 4! - r / • .- Z 1 5'! 4- : • .- - • i •- ..-. • w . . .;,' .'. . V . V FLEXIBLE DIAPHRAGM LOAD CALCULATIONS DESIGN NET WIND PRESSURES (PSF) AT- WALL •V V ELEV.(Fr) WINDWARD LEEWARD WALL: 5.8 9.1 V. . WINDWARD ROOF: 2.4 20 9.7 LEEWARD ROOF: 6.9 V V 25 . 10.1 V V L WINDARD PARAPET: 22.6 30 10.5 LEEWARD PARAPET: 15.1 V 11:2 'V MIN. NET PRESSURE: 9.6 CALCULATED 50 t . '11.7 . - . EQUIVALENT . 60. i2.1 . DIAPHRAGM 70 . 126 .• 5- . LOAD 80 130 '90 13.3.V., 100 135 . . WIND LOADS ELEV. RIDGEIDIAPH. ABOVE :' r13 . ELEV. LOADED DIAPH. 11 •. - S ELEV LOW DIAPH. ri: V.0, SURFACE TYPE ABOVE: PARAPET : V DIAPH. LOAD IP.9: 164.1 S - WINDWARD LEEWARD or BOTH: BOTH CONT ACROSS DIAPH? V WIND LOAD CALCULATIONS WI: 14.Opsf(5.5ft)l .. 37.7ps1(2.2ft)1 164.lplf It • . . V• V SV • ,.. . I SEISMIC LOADS Si S2 * SEISMIC COEFFICIENT: 0.087 V 0.087 " DIAPH. DL (PSF): • 35.48. 35.48 V DIAPH. DEPTH (Fl):- 31.5 • 29.41 DIAPH. LOAD (Pl.F .97.2, 90.8 SEISMIC DIAPHRAGM LOAD = SEISMIC COEFFIECIENT (DIAPH DL DIAPH DEPTH + WALL DL WALL TRIB) - A . .*, • p • .' Copytigtil WRIGHT ENGINEERS IGHY . engines r - RIDGE or DIAPHRAGM ABOVE LOADED DIAPHRAGM DIAPHRAGM BELOW I • ' [NO: sa161416I L7- PROJECT.. I I SHE SHE T: I - T' • • I - -. • • v2008.05.C2 EI SdH61416i Lj * 1No: I 1 .1•' — . 4 1:11 itJ1Mrt START I ENDI rr1rr1 ASSUMES FLEXIBLE DIAPHRAGM J.JJ..4LL. LINE... - LINE... LINE... LINE... .' ' • - : - DESCRIPTION: 1St Floor Front-Back IMP RIGHT, engine APPLIED DISTRIBUTED LOADS WIND SEISMIC START, X (Fl) END, X (PT) APPLIED POINT LOADS LINE No. LOC, X (Fl) W (LOS) S (LOS) CALCULATED LINE LOADS LINE NO. LOC, X (Fl) WFORCE SFoRc8 WI SI 1 0 . 29.41 1 0 2414 1430 2 29.41 2414 . 1430' — 'DESCRIPTION: 1st Floor Side-Side . • ) , , . APPLIED DISTRIBUTED LOADS 'WIND 1SEISMIC START, x (m END. x (El) APPLIED POINT LOADS LINE No. LOG, X (El) W (186) S (LOS) CALCULATED LINE LOADS UNE No. LOC, x (Pr) WFORCE SFORCE WV . S2 0 31.6 , - 3 0 2585 1430 4 31.5 2601 1439' "'4 ,,. .• -r S ' : ' "- ' - * - S - DESCRIPTION: 4 ' .'.._ .-.: '*1 APPLIED DISTRIBUTED LOADS WIND SEISMIC-.START.XO"T) END.x(Pn APPLIED POiNT LOADS LINENo. LOC,x'i) WMs) SB.OS) CALCULATED LINE LOADS LINE No. LOC, x(Fi WFORCE SFORCE '• . * 1. ;• • .,, .,.. 1 •', '. .4, -V -."DESCRIPllON: , .': ••. 4 APPLIED DISTRIBUTED LOADS WlND SEISMIC START, X F1) END, X Fl) APPLIED POINT LOADS LINE No. LOG. x(n) W (LOS) S (LOS) CALCULATED LINE LOADS LINE No. LOC, X (Fr) WFORCE SFCRC 1..' ri-,1•* I - ••, .- * • I..'. I •''• i TYP. DIAPH CAP. (PLF): 180 5 -- DESCRIPTION: ' - - ' -- FpIFx: 1 p: 1.3 S . S S - LINE LOC X(FTI DIAPH. DEPTH LEFT (FT) RIGHT (Fl) WIND LEFT WIND RIGHT F, (15) V (PLF) Fx (LB) V (PLF) SEISMIC LEFT SEISMIC RIGHT7 Fx (18) V (PLF) Fx (15) V (PLF) - - - -- - : - UITIANA RIGHT - engpn e5 ,Fx - UNFACTOREDFORCEFROMINPUT v - DIAPH. SHEAR (FACTORED FOR SEISMIC BASED ON Fp1Fx AND p FACTOR NOTE: LEFT AND RIGHT DESIGNATE EACH SIDE OF SW LINE WITH CORRESPONDING FORCE S- DIAPHRAGM FORCES.- . - : TYP. DIAPH. CAP. (PLF): 180 S DESCRIPTION:' it Floor Front- Back .Fp IFx: 1 p:1.3 LINE LOG, X (FIr D1APH. DEPTH LEFT (Fl) RIGHT (Fl) WIND LEFT WIND RIGHT Fx (LB) V (PLF) Fx (LB) V (PLF) SEISMIC LEFT SEISMIC RIGHT Fx (18) V (PLF) F (LB) V (PLF) 1 0 0 31.5 0 ' 0 2414 77 0 0 1430 45 2 2941 3l5, 0 2414 77 0 0 1430 45 0 0 'a... -. .. . • 4 TYP. DIAPH. CAP. (PLF): .180 '. DESCRIPTION: lst Floor Side-Side Fp/Fx: 1 p: 1.3 - - LINE LOC,x1) DIAPH. DEPTH LEFT (Fr) RIGHT (FT) WIND LEFT WIND RIGHT Fx (LB) v(PLF) F(LB) V(PLF) SEISMIC LEFT SEISMIC RIGHT - F, (LB) V(PLF) Fx (LB) v(P) 3- . - 0 29.41 0 - 0 2555 88 0 0 1430 49 4 -' 31.5 9 29.41 , . 9 2585 88 16 0 1430 49 9 0 / ', . :-.. ,- :a ¶ . . ' . --. . TYP. DIAPH. CAP. (PLF): 180 DESCRIPTION: . FpIFx: I p: 1.3 S LINE LOC. xFT) DIAPH. DEPTH LEFT (FT) RIGHT (FT) WIND LEFT WIND RIGHT Fx (LB) V(PLF) Fx (LB) V(PLF) SEISMIC LEFT SEISMIC RIGHT Fx (LB) V(PLF) Fx (Lay V(PLF) 1. •_ -. ,. -- . . I : - 4 S ol fl&nidsAppj'Loads . CopyrI WRIGHT ENGINEERS - - v2008.0502 =P~OJECT. WP 17 [No SJ1614161L_L1 1 : - ;';:• : : :: : 4r AT U : LINE: 1. - WIND FORCE, ASD (1.0): 2,414 LENGTH (PT): - 7.83 7.33 , - I SEISM(C FORCE. ASD (10): 1.430 '. HEIGHT ((11) 13.00 13.00 ROOF UPLIFT (PSF): 12.7 '. ROOF TR(B(FT): • 1.33 11.33 S . ROOF PITCH: 0:12 FLOOR TRIO (FT): 0.00 0.00 - ROOFOL(PeF): 15 , HOLDOWNLOCATION: ,- ELEVATED ELEVATED • - ROOF LL(Psf): 20- - END POST: (2)2x6STUD (2)2x6STUD FLOORDL(PS9: 20 IW)ADDL UPLIFT (1.o): FLOOR LL (P89:40 IM ADDL DOWN (LU): WALL SELF (PS9: 17! JS)AODLUPLIFT(I.8): 5 p': 1.30 IS) ADDL DOWN (LU):_____________________ .Qo: 2.5 LWJ UPLIFT (.8): '.1593 1632 5 lv WIND (PL'): 159 DOWN (LB): 2390 2390 IvSEISMIC(PLF): 123 . . (S) UPLIFT (LB): 1167 1200 5 ' M. W1ENIwAUNo:SWO . [S) DOWN (1.8): 1951 1951 UOIEAR WALL SELECTION: SW9 I CHECK BUCKLING: OK OK SDC-D,, DFS1UDSATIO CHECKTENSION: OK OK * RIGHT-'.- engineers. SHEAR WALL SEGMENTS 8- -. 4 • v200803.25 SCfl614161[ No: SHEET: - ELEVATED: - . ATLe: 5 • . '! . A.B. OPTS: S'. I CS16 CSIO LSTHDU LSTHD8 LSTHDO LSThD8 HDU2 HDLI2 HDU2 HDU2 HTT4 HTT4 • '. :t' ": ' -• • w. . ..', -- . 14. ... . . ... S LINE: 2. • . ... . .. SHEAR WALl. SEGMENTS . '.5 WIND FORCE, ASD (181: 2,597 LENGTH (PT): 31.50 SEISMIC FORCE, ASD(18):.l697 - HEIGNT'T: 13.00 . . T ROOF UPLIFT (P89: 12.7 . ROOFTRIB(Fl): - 1.33 ROOF PITCH: 0:12 FLOOR TRID(FT): 0.00 . . ROOF DL(PSF): 15, HOLDOWN LOCATION: ELEVATED ROOF LL(PSF): 2?' END POST: -(2)208STUD 5 FLOOR DI. (P89: 20 (W) ADD'L UPLIFT (IS): 0 -' FLOOR Il (P89: 40 . IM AOL DOWN (: 0 5 WAUSELF(PSF): 17 ., ISJA0L UPLIFT (1S):' 0 * -- .: p: 1.30 (SI ADDL DOWN (1.8): 0 Qo: 2.5'. . - (WIUPUFT(1.8): 0 tvW1ND(P19: 82, . )W) DOWN (1J): '- 1392 • . •tvSEJSM(C(Pt9:78 - (SJ UPLIFT (L8): 0 . M. SHEARWAI.L No: SWO . (SJ DOWN (1.8): 1375 . I . SI4ENIWAU.OELECTION: 5W9 I ' CHECK BUCKUNG: - OK . GDC-O; SDSO.791; DFFRPJA/NG;STUDSAT 10 CHECKIENSION i... .. • ELEVATED .' . AT Le I ' ° ATCRNR 5_ It'll ABOPTS S I. - .( .' S..--. • . '4 '_5 •.- '• " '' . i," - S 5, •t(, Ik?lT-R3t V.UcSW4oSWl. 2 . COyT1gI!1WRIGHTENGNEERS WP17 PROJECT: ........ O : RIGHT Is n g I n Is e r S rvvM ( LINE: 3 , SHEAR WALL SEGMENTS TOTAL W W1ND FORM ASD(LB): 2,585 LENGTH (m: -, 29.41 . 29,41 SEISMIC FORCE, ASO u8 1,430 : HEIGHT (Fl): 13.00 l 12.7 .ROOFUPUFT(PSF): . ROOFTRIB(P1): 15.25 ROOF Pfl'CII: 0:12 . FLOOR TRIB(F1): .0.00 ROOF DI. (P39:15 HOI-DOWN LOCATION: ELEVATED 5. 'ROOF LL (PEP): 20 .. END POST: (2) 2 x 6 STUD . FLOOR DL(PSF): 20' ,(W]ADDt UPLIFT (1.B): O • FLOOR LL (P-SF): 40. 1W) ADD'L DOWN ((.8): . WALL SELF (Ps9:,17 IS(AE(YLUPUFT(L8):', . 1.30 (S)ADD'L DOWN (1.8): C)o: 2.5 . . (W) UPLIFT ((.8): 0 (V WIND (PL9: 88 . . )WI DOWN '.a(: 1746 . ••• . .. fv SEISMIC (PLF): 63 IS] UPLIFT (LE): . 0 lAIN. SHEARWALL No: 8W9 (SJ DOWN (1.8): 1571 ' 611EARWALtS5%.ECT1ON: SWO I CHECK SUCKLING: OK 800-0 SDSO.79*: DF STUDS ATIG CHECKTENSION: g ELEVATED: AT Le: A.D. OPTS: S I •....*"..:t,.,. . ,. s,., '. - . . •,•}. 'I$ . S UNE 4 SHEAR WALL SEGMENTS TOTAL . -- WIND FORCE. ASD ('.8): 2,001 . ' LENGTH (PT): 29.41 29.41 - SEISMIC FORCE, ASD(I.8): 1,439 . . HEIGHT.(FT): 13.00 ROOFUPUFT(PSF): 12.7 - ROOF TRIBIF1): 15.25 ROOF PITCH: 0:12 FLOOR TRIB (Fl): 0.00 5 - : ROOF DL (P89:15 HOLOOWN LOCATION: - ELEVATED 4 ROOF LI (PSI'): 20 ' END POST: (2)2 x STUD . . FLOOR DL (PSI'): 20 .. (W) AWL UPLIFT (1-8): 0 FLOOR IL (PSF): 40 1W) ADD'). DOWN ((.8): 0 - .WALL SELF (PSF): 17 ., IS)AOLUPUFT(LB) . 0 . p: 1.30 .• fS)ADLDOWI4(L13): 0 . ()2.5 [WI UPLIFT L8): - 0 . ' . fv WIND 'LF): 88 (WJ DOWN (LB): 1751 . .. (V SEISMIC (p1.9:84, ES) UPLIFT ((.8): 0 - . MIRWAU. No SWS . IS] DOWN (1.8): 1575 I SMEAR WALL. SELECTION: SW9 I CHECK BUCKLING: OK . ., 5 , SDCD; 903 79I; DI' FRMLING: STUDS AT 18 CHECK TENSION: S ELEVATED: .3. ', '?' '.. ' - AT La .ATCRNR A.B. OPTS 5 ?-. : ,•..,. . . • ,, -, 458903.25 I SCI16141I t_ii 1 No: I EIET: SCJ16I4I6 jo: [HEET.__ RIGHT w ,L , * I - e wtittS ( M ,tiici JrM() : 06."5 g/ff 1 i1 lit • - Z 5 ttl/p, I3S i-I : ; I : tL,1l I,Ii.1: ifø '14O "'/F12 1 I • w 1. 4 *1 - ,j M%J i U "'hi : - * inRIGHT 1 engtnee DESIGN SEISMIC LOADS W ASCE 7-10 SECTION 12.8- EQUIVALENT LATERAL FORCE PROCEDURE . .r •SITE CLAss :D RISK CATEGORY: II SITE SPECIFIC R 1 5 IE 1.00 Sos 0.788 '. ..' . Ct: 0.02. - x:0.75 . Ss: 1.126 Sol: 0.452 . SI:0.433 SEISMIC DESIGN CAT: D :Ta (SEC) : 0.1 Fa: 1.050 C : 0.525 4 • s..' TL(SEC) :8.0 Fv: 1.567 C5PoN: 0.035 • . . .' - :. C5 MAX: 3.933 DESIGN BASE SHEAR, V 0.525 W • • ' . LEVEL, WEIGHT (K) . ELEV. (FT) ROOF 4.1 ' 6.0 . PRIMARY SYSTEM - DIAPHRAGMS & COLLECTORS V (K) : 2.15 (AN ( 0.158 w k: I M:0.315W VERT. DISTRIBUTION, Fx DIAPHRAGM, Fp LRFD ASD OOV€RINQFp FplFx 0.525 Wx 0.375 Wx 0.525W 0.315W 0.60 CONNECTIONS- : -- LRFD ASD ASCE!10 SECTION 1213 1 Fp 0105Wp 0.075 Wp . ARCHITECTURAL, MECHANICAL & ELECTRICAL COMPONENT ANCHORAGE ASCE7-1O CHAPTER I3 . Fp(EQ.13.3.l) -Ip(13.1.3): 1.0 ap Rp Z(FT) . LRFD ASD • -- MAX (EQ. 13.3-2):.1.261 Wp 1.0 2.5 6.00 0.378 Wp 0.270 Wp * . . MIN (EQ.13.3-3):'O.236Wp I 1.0 2.5 5.25 0.347 Wp 0.248 Wp • . • . 1.0 2.5 4.50 0.315 Wp 0.225 Wp • • • 1.0 2.5 3.75 0.284 Wp 0.203 Wp • . . • . . .• • ' .. • - . 1.0 2.5 3.00 0.252 Wp 0.180Wp • . -. - 1.0 2.5 - 2.25 0.236 Wp 0.169Wp W - .. • 1.0 2.5 1.50 0.236 Wp 0.169Wp 1.01 2.5 0.75 0.236 Wp 0,169 Wp . - . .. • . . . .• • : • - 41 - I - I •t 4 -- • • _ :, - .. . • S • - WRIT- CMem. Room SvjsrrecXsS0s0clBC , Copyrtg)n WRIGHT ENGINEERS y2007.0 7.03 • SC1161416][ HEET- L13 I --• -- 1_No;- w • . •, 1 .• • LY : j 3 , Fr ''i . & . - W,+IlLIL111 f1 IP1' j 1 3' 5 fJ • - _: -• 500 v0t ioi 2tOI'1JL 3t P/Ff L io ,r ff1 .- - - 4 1 . .4 S •- 4 A . -. S ._ •.__4_ ,-. - -1 • I!A!JRIGHT engineers .4 - SC1161416 urc : RIGHT engfne. w •.. . -. . DESIGN SEISMIC LOADS ./ .. ASCE 7-10 SECTION 12.8 - EQUIVALENT LATERAL FORCE PROCEDURE '., - fvllf 01 SITE CLASS :.D RISKCATEGORY:II SITE SPECIFIC R: 6.5 IE 1.00 SOS: 0.788 Ct: 0.02 Ss: 1.126 SDI : 0.452 5 x: 0.75 Si : 0.433 SEISMIC DESIGN CAT: D a Ta(sEC): 0.1 - Fa: 1.050 C. : 0.121 - - . Ti (SEC) : 8.0 . Fv: 1.567 C8 MIN : 0.035 S V . Crx: 0.731 V DESIGN BASE SHEAR, v: 0.121 W . : .• PRIMARY SYSTEM V DIAPHRAGMS & COLLECTORS - V(K) 029 MIN (121011) 0158W k: I MAX: 0.315W - V VERT. DISTRIBUTION, Fx DIAPHRAGM, Pp V ' 5 LEVEL EIGHT (K) •ELEV.(FT) LRFD ASD GOVERINGFp FplFx ROOF 2.4 8.0 0.121Wx 0.087Wx 0.121W 0.158W 1.30 t V. V U V - ... V - CONNECTIONS.. - . V LRFD ASD S ASCETIO SECTION 12I3 Fp 0.105 Wp 0.075 Wp ARCHITECTURAL, MECHANICAL & ELECTRICAL COMPONENT ANCHORAGE ASC 7-10 CHAPTER 13. .. V. V Pp (EQ. 13.3-1) - V 'Ip(13.13): 1.0 ap . Rp Z(FT) LRFD ASD MAX (EQ.i3.3-2): 1.261 Wp . 1.0 2.5 8.00 0.378 Wp 0.270 Wp MIN(EQ. 13.3-3) :,0.236Wp 1.0 2.5 7.00 0.347 Wp 0.248 Wp V. . 1.0 2.5 6.00 0.315Wp 0.225 Wp VU - V . 1.0 2.5 5.00 0.284 Wp 0.203 Wp 10 25 400 0.252 Wp 0. 180 WP . ' - .. ,.' . . , ' 1.0 2.5 3.00 0.236 Wp 0.169Wp' 1.0 2.5 2.00 0.236 Wp 0.169 Wp 5 • •V .. . 1.0 2.5 1.00 0.236 Wp 0.169 Wp I - -' ,.. . I - I S .,. •.. V ',_ / S •_% - 5 . •• - '. V • S :; - V . ._ - -. .- .- flflflV, JV%7 V.. SCI161416.1 L No: Icci : RIGHT • ' .:..1 engjn e .. - DESIGN WIND LOADS MAIN WIND FORCE-RESISTING SYSTEM 5 . ASCE 7-10, CHAPTER 27. DIRECTIONAL PROCEDURE -PART I • p = qGGp - qi(GCpI) £ M1A1 W q= 0.00256)<zKztKdV • MEAN ROOF HT, h (FT): 8 - Cp AS SHOWN IN FIGURE: - ROOF PrrCH: 312 .- .. 0.0 -0.6 • EXPOSURE:C . V(MPH): 110 .1.0 S RISK CATEGORY II - - Kzt 1.00 WINDWARD LEEWARD • - Kd:0,85 GC (+/-): 0.18 - 0.8 -0.5 • .G:0.85 SLOPE, O(DEG): 14.0 HORJZONTALD1ENSIONS . CpOF WINDWARD WALL IS USED WITHqz, ALL OTHER Cp ARE USED WITH qh LEAST (FT): 8.66 . , NOTE. THE NEGATIVE WINDWARD ROOF Cp IS THE MAXIMUM UPLIFT . G REATEST (FT): 20.83 - I.E. HORIZONTAL DISTANCE FROM WINDWARD EDGE FROM oTohI2 . . - . LRFD ASD 5 LATERAL DESIGN PRESSURES - F WINDWARD NET WAU. P WINDWARD NET WALL P USING POSITIVE Cp AT WINDWARD ROOF ELEV. (Fr) 1(z qz (PSF) WALL (PSF) (PSF) WALL (PSF) (P59 '- - * 15 0.85 22.38 15.2 24.7 9.1 14.8 W . . (<ii: 0.85 20 0.90 23.70 16.1 25.6 9.7 15.4 • 25 0.94 24.75 16.8 26.3 10.1 15.8 - qh(PSF): 22.4 13.4 30 0.98 25.80 17.5 27.1 10.5 16.2 LEEWARD WALL (PSF): 9.5 * 5.7 . ' 40 1.04 .• 27.38 18.6 28.1 11.2 16.9 .. . WINDWARD ROOF (PSF): 0.0 0.0 50 1.09 28.70 19.5 29.0 11.7 17.4 - . . LEEWARD ROOF (PSF):11.4 6.9 60 1.13 29.75 20.2 29.7 12.1 17.8 • - .- . .. .' 70 1.17 30.81 20.9 30.5 12.6 18.3 a . NETROOFP(PSF): 11,4.6.9 80 1.21 31.86 21.7 31.2 13.0 18.7 INTERNALP(PSF): 4.0 2.4 •.. 90 1,24 32.65 22.2 31.7 133 19.0 -. . - '. , 100 1.26 33.18 22.6 32.1 13.5 19.2 120 1.31 34.49 23.5 33.0 14.1 19.8 • . . 140 1.36 35.81 24.3 33.9 14.6 20.3 . - ..: 160 1.39 36.60 24.9 ' 34.4 14.9 20.6 180 1.43 37.65 25.6 35.1 15.4 21.1 ( -.., . . 200 1.46 3844 26.1 35.7 15.7 21.4 LRFD ASD 5 to. PARAPET (FT) 1.3 * WINDWARD LEEWARD PARAPET E PARAPET PARAPET, p = qpGCpn PARAPET PARAPET PRESSURES PRESSURES - Kz AT T.O. PARAPET: 0,85 NET GCpn: 1.5 1.0 - - .S qp(PsF): 22.38 . NET P(PSF): 33.6 22.4 56.0 33.6 '- -, r-1 NOTE: PARAPET PRESSURES SHOWN ARE NET PRESSURES. WINDWARD LEEWARD DUE TO THE COMBINATION OF THE PRESSURES ON THE FRONT AND BACK PARAPET SURFACES. • .•'-. O VERTICAL DESIGN PRESSURES . WIND NORMAL TO RIDGE FLAT ROOF OR WIND PARALLEL TO RIDGE I - - - Cp: -1.0 Cp: -1.2 . '• LRFDPiw.wi(PSF): 23.2 LRFDPupun(PSF): 27.6 - . ASD PUPUFT (PSF) 13.9 ASD PUPUFT(PSF): 16.6 • ,', . . - WP17 Amp Room Wnd4sm MWFRS Copyiiglit WI*IGHT ENGINEERS UPDATE 08-28-06 : - [PROJECT.-. WPI7 1LNO SCIl614161IL1 1 - e n g i n e e rs -' 7 'S. RIDGE or DIAPHRAGM ABOVE ," LOADED DIAPHRAGM - DIAPHRAGM BELOW '.1• . -RIGHT..,. FLEXIBLE DIAPHRAGM LOAD CALCULATIONS O DESIGN NET WIND PRESSURES (PSF) . -. - WALL - ELEV. (FT)WINDWARD - -'-0 9.1 LEEWARD WALL: 5.7 15 , 9.1 WINDWARD ROOF: 0.0 20 • 9.7.. '. ' LEEWARD ROOF: 6,9 25' - 10.1 . •.. WINDARD PARAPET: 20.1 30 10.5 , * LEEWARD PARAPET: 13.4 . 11.2 ' MIN. NET PRESSURE: 9.6 CALCULATED . . . ' 50 11.7 , , -. , EQUIVALENT DIAPHRAGM ' 60 ' 12.1' 12.6 •. .• .. " ' . LOAD 80. ." 13,0' Z 90 -'13.3 . 0 .100. , 13.5'. , •,r --• '' ' S . WIND LOADS ' ' WI'' W2 ELEV. RIDGE/DIAPH. ABOVE i: 8 8 • ' ELEV. LOADED DIAPH.: 6' 6 1ELEV LOW DIAPH. :" .'. 0- 0 SURFACE TYPE ABOVE: NIP GABLE ..' . DIAPH. LOAD i'i.j: 52.5 61.8 WINDWARD, LEEWARD, or BOTH: BOTH, BOTH - 0. CONT. ACROSS DIAPH?: V , Y , WIND LOAD CALCULATIONS 5 Wi :14.8psf(3.Oft)1 +B.9psf(2.3ft)0.5=52.5p1f- , W2: 14.8ps1(3.Oft)1 +14.8psf(2.3ft)0.5 = 81.8plf ' .fl _:4. ,, .... , 4' • . - •, . ' -.., ,,,, . ' . . , ' • • SEISMIá' LOAD S Si 82 SEISMIC COEFFICIENT: '0.087 0.087 DIAPH. oLpsn: .13.31 13.31 DIAPH. DEPTH Fn : 8.66 20.83 S . DIAPH.LOADIPU'): 10.0 24.1 '-SEISMIC DIAPHRAGM LOAD SEISMIC COEFFIECIENT (DIAPH. DL • DIAPH. DEPTH + WALL DL • WALL 'IRIB.) :. •;';' -- -:. 0 *1 I. '. a ' . , . , •,. . . , -' , 7. • .., F. . -, ., • ' - S ' I - V • 'I" .. '.' - , - . ' . . - . a. v2008.0502 L SC1161416 [SHELM ] APPLIED DISTRIBUTED LOADS! '.'WIND SEISMIC: START, X (Fl) END, X (FT) APPLIED POINT LOADS LINE No, LOC, X (PT) W(LBS) S (LBS) CALCULATED LINE LOADS LINE No. LOC, X (Fl) WFORCE \ SFORCE W2 . 4S2 . 0 - 8.66. 3 0 268 104.. 4 8.66 268 104 I P - - • . . •. t - - - '. .5 - .. - ' L -4'. .• S. DESCRIPTION: 1st Floor SIdè-Side • • • • 'S RIGHT. e n g i n e e S .. - . - • .- H• START END : 'ASSUMES FLEXIBLE DIAPHRAGM,111 I t-_E.I1II1..... LINE... / LINE... LINE... LINE.,. . : DESCRIPTION: 1st Floor Front-Back 1,. S. • • APPLIED DISTRIBUTED LOADS WIND • SEISMIC START. x (FT) END, x (fl) , APPLIED POINT LOADS , LINE No. LOC, )C (P1) W (Las) S (LBS) CALCULATED LINE LOADS LINE NO. LOC. X (PT) WFORC€ SFORcE WI , . Si 0 .. 20.83 1 0 547 104 2 20.83 547 104 4 , DESCRIPTION: :. • APPLIED DISTRIBUTED LOADS WIND SEISMIC START,xo'l) END, APPLIED POINT LOADS LINE No. LOCX(FT) Wa.BS) SB.BS) CALCULATED LINE LOADS LINE No. LOC, xt WFORCE SFoRcL .1 . • .( ' '•',•. - APPLIED DISTRIBUTED LOADS WIND .' SEISMIC START, x (Fl) END, X (Fl) APPLIED POINT LOADS LINE No. LOC, X (PT) W O.BS) S (1.85) CALCULATED LINE LOADS LINE No. LOC, x rp WFORCE SPORCE - . .5 • .. P' S w_. . S -. . -..-•.."---••• I SC116I416 [HEET-.No: I I --I ' .bESCRIPTION -, 55 '0 — -S RIGHT engineers — : . .F* '1 UNFACTORED FORCE FROM INPUT -: v - DIAPH. SHEAR (FACTORED FOR SEISMIC BASED ON FpIFx AND p FACTOR ' NOTE: LEFT AND RIGHT DESIGNATE EACH SIDE OF SW LINE WITH CORRESPONDING FORCE ' DIAPHRAGM FORCES . - , -; TYP. DIAPH. CAP. (PLF): 350 ;DSCRIPTION: 1t Floor Front-Back Fp I Fx: I p:1.3 . .•' . I TI.'. I)IAI.F1.CAP. (pLF): 350 - DESCRIPTION: 1st Floor Side-Side - Fp I Fx: I p: 1.3 S . a - -- LINE LOC, X p1) DIAPH DEPTH LEFT (FT) RIGHT (FT) WIND LEFT WIND RIGHT Fx (LB) V (PLF) (LB) V (PLF) ..Fx SEISMIC LEFT SEISMIC RIGHT Fx (LB) V (PLF) Fx (La) V (PLF) 0 0 31.5 0 0 547 17 0 0 104 3 2, 2083 r315 r 0 547 17 0 0 104 3 0 0 DESCRIPTION: FpI.Fx: I p: 1.3 DIAPH. DEPTH WIND LEFT WIND RIGHT - SEISMIC LEFT SEISMIC RIGHT LINE LOC, X n LEFT (PT) RIGHT (PT) Fx (LB) V (PLF) Fx (18) V (PLF) F (LB) V (PLF) Fx (La) V (PLF) 3 0 0 '29.41 0 0 268 9 0 0 104 4 - 4 18.66 - 29.41 0 265' 9 0 0 104 4 0 0 ••_.t- - 4 ir - LINE LOG, X (F!) DIAPH. DEPTH WIND LEFT (PT) RIGHT (PT) LEFT WIND RIGHT F. (LB) V (PLF) Fx (18) V (PLF) SEISMIC LEFT SEISMIC RIGHT Fx (18) V (PLF) Fx (LB) V (PLF)_ w - - - I TI-'. DIAPH. r. i'ui: ' da F" •-- I I TI". L'up%r'n. umr. (rLr). Jbv - 'DESCRIPTION: - .. .. FpIFx: 1 p: 1.3 , S S LINE . LOC. X (F!) - DIAPH. DEPTH LEFT (PT) RIGHT (FT) WIND LEFT WIND RIGHT Fx (LB) V (PLF) Fx (LB) V (PLF) - - SEISMIC LEFT SEISMIC RIGHT Fx (LB) V (PLF) Fx (LO) V (PLF) -• _,j :, - -, 4 - . a, t• ' •- - ' -.. - .- I- t - 4 . .,, • . * -, - to 9Q!8O502 S [ SC1161416 1L_Ll1.- 1No: I SHEET: . 4' iI";' J1(wc;. I fwVv fU AT V. rflt Sfl'IJ !__ 1.5 t. S. 4 tA WAi,t ,(,I( M fVfr'? 1(VF . '"S . 'W1N ,çL1: ti Lit; 4 4 - RIGHT.' e a g i n e e r S • i: • !1 : j - - -? - • 3J. S -4 'z 4 5. -;: •()[I) (,AtA CT' :: .5. S - 5' .4 • - • * S 4 I . . • - "555 _ •, ' '- ' -:''" - -,. S • - W '-• 1 - I '4 • SI 4, S. [SCfl61416 1[ No: SHEET: • IV1R1GHT • V V Design Wind Loads V e fl g I n e e r s V Solid Freestanding Wails and Solid Signs . V - ASCE 7-10 Section 29.4 ir k DESCRIPTION WP17 - Umbrellas (20) Project No 161416 - - V Carlsbad, CA • BASIC WIND SPEED (MPH): 110 K: 1.00 .1 : V EXPOSURE: .0 Kd: 0.85 ' No.-OF SIGN SEGMENTS: 2 V ' G: 0.85 V V V LOC. B (ft) j s (ft) . - h (ft) A1 (ft'). yBAR (ft) Kz qz cr F (K) M (K-Fr) V A 20.00, - 5.50 14.25 110.00 11.50 0.85 22.38 43.316 4 . V 1.80 3.767 V V - B V :0.33 8.75 8.75 V 2.89 4.38 0.85 22.38 1.80 0.099 0.433 - / V V V . . . . . • V - 4 - . . a / 1 V 4V i V • • - / a • V V V . - TOTAL: 3.865 43.748 V V V V yBAR(FT) 11.318 LRFD F(k) .3 .8655 LRFD M(k ft) 43.75 • # ASD F(k) 2.3193 ASD M(k ft) 26 24895 • • • 1 • 4 - 1 + 4 4 V V . • V V ... . . /•. V ,V • • • • S. -.: V - .V . V __• I SC116141611LZt 1 RICHT", Design Wind Loads e n g I fl e e r s . -. Solid Freestanding Walls and Solid Signs ASCE 7-10 Section 29.4 .• • -' DESCRIPTION: WP17 -Umbrellas (12') Project No. 161416 Carlsbad, CA BASIC WIND SPEED (MPH): 110 K: 1.00 * EXPOSURE: C K: 0.85 ' No;OF SIGN SEGMENTS: 2 . G: 0.85 • .. S. .5, ) S . LOC. B (ft) . $ (ft) h (ft) A1 (ft2) yBAR (ft) Kz Oz C, F (K) M (K-FT) A 12.00 '. 4.17 '11.25 49.99 9.17 0.85 22.38 1.80 1.712 15.692 B 0.33 7.08, 7.08 2.34 3.54 0.85 22.38 1.80 0.080 0.283 1 .,.. . S • • • I: :. : . . . . . . - - ., - •. . - * TOTAL: 1.792 15.975 5 yBAR (Fr): 8.916 • LRFD F(k) .1 .7918 LRFD M(k ft) 15.98 J ..- ... •.. ASO F(k): 1.0751 ASD M(k-ft): 9.585213 , • -4 - 4 1 5. .1, . • 5, 1 . . i .., .. \ 4 • jWP17 SC1161416 ii Ll2 1 S PROJECT: S . , - - No: I 1S1EEi: I -_ • RIGHT, ' - Design Wind Loads e fl g n e e r s : S .Solid Freestanding Walls and Solid Signs * ASCE 7-10 Section 29.4 AN DESCRIPTION WP17 Fence Project No 161416 Carlsbad, CA • BASICWINDSPEED(MPH) 110 100 :... . - 1EXPOSURE; C - Kd: 0.85 - No. OF SIGN SEGMENTS: 1 G: 0.85 • . . .., j* 4t.... • - • .. - .' - LOC. B (ft)5 s (ft) -h (ft) At (ft 2 ) yBAR (ft) Kz qz Cr F (K) M (K-FT) A10.00. 10.00 10.00 10000 5.00 0.85 22.38 1.45 2.758 13.792 I 1 • .5-. ..•.• . 5 -- 5 .4 5 • 5 - - - . . . . . I.- , . - "M 5 5 • -.5 .. .5. • . . . . 5 • 5- 5- •5_:,- .1 . . - 3• • I • ••• •.-• l. 5..-. '.5 TOTAL 2.758 13.792 . yBAR(FT) 5.000 - : LRFDF4(k): 2.7584 LRFDM(k-ft): 13.79 .--.. -. S - ••- . ASD F(k) 1.655 ASD M(k ft) 8.275064 - • - i I, 4 e _ - S ' 1'- - • . : ..: •-- •.. •. •.. . - •-: .5 r - •- - : --..'- -r •. - 'S * - 4 4 - • 17, • • 4 4.ç I WP17 ii SC1161416 1 1 • (fROJECT:. . • - - - - RNo; ___________ J 5 • - 4 rojectWP17• . ..' - 1•. -- - ocation: Screen Wall Post Check , S ulti-loaded Multi-Span Beath I 009 International Building CodeAlSC 13th Ed ASD)J SS 2-1/2 x 2-1/2 x 114 x 6.5 FT(2 + 4.5) / ASTM A500-GR.B-46 ection Adequate By: 307.1% Sontrolling Factor Deflection .- Live Load :0.03 IN 2L/1466 0.02 IN L12471 Dead Load 0.00 in ' 000 in Total Load. 0.03 IN 21./1460 0.02 IN L/2390 Live Load Deflection Criteria: L/360 Total Load Deflection Criteria: U240 jBearing REACT1bNS Live Load ' 526 lb 252 lb Dead Load, 34 lb 13 lb Total Load .560 lb 265 lb Upllft(1.5F.S) 0 lb -41 lb Length 0.47, in 0.47 in . •' BEAM DATA. ' 2 Left Center Span Length . ' .2 ft '4.5 ft . . '. Unbracéd Length-Top 0 . ft ,. . It I Unbraced Leigth-Bottom 2 It 4.5 It ' . •i. STEEL PROPERTIES KSS 2-1/2 x 2-1/2 x 1/4 '- A500-GR.B-46 '. ' S Properties: '• . ' ' Steel Yield Strength: ' . , Fy = 46 ksi . Modulus of Elasticity: . . , E= '- 29000 kèi Tube Steel Séction(XAxis): . . dx= 2.5 in . Tube Steel Section (Y Axis): 4 dy = . 2.5 in Tube Steel Wall Thickness: , ' t = 0.233 In Area: . - . '. 1.97 1n2 Moment of Inertia (,X Axis): . Ix= ' , 1.63 in4 Section Modulus (XAxis):- . Sx= .. ' 1.3 - Plastic Section.ModuIus(XAxis):. - ,, Zx= 1.63 in3. Plastic Section Modulus(Y Axis): , Zy = 'Z 2.92 1n3 . Design Properties per AlSC 13th Edition Steel Manual: Flange Buckling Ratio: FBR = ,, ' 7,73 Allowable Flange Buckling Ratio:. AFBR 28.12 Allowable Flange Buckling Ratio non-compact: AFBR_NC = 35.15 Web Buckling Ratio: . ' - - WBR = .7.73 Allowable' Web Buckling Ratio for EqnF7-5: AWBR = 60.76 Nominal Flexural Strength w/ Safety Factor: Mn = ' 3742 ft-lb Controlling Equation . -. F7-1- "a ControllIng Momeit: 295 ft-lb .2.3 Ft from left support of span 2 (Center Span) Created by combining all dead toads and live loads on span(s) 2 Controlling Shear. . 3211b At left support of span 2 (Center Span) • - , Created by combining all dead loads and live loads on span(s Comparisons with required sections: Reced Provided ' Moment of Inertia (deflection): ' . ' 0.4 1n4 1.63 in4 Moment: , ' . '295 ft-lb • 3742 fl-lb Shear: ' , '- ....321 lb i p15442 Ib- • r ': -'.::,-:'-- ' I.' :, - '' .'•'. ,- .5 1PECT .. WP17 'IL • - Jeremy w JNIFORM LOADS' Left QM2 Ue '. . Uniform Live Load 112 plf 112 plf Uniform Dead Load 0 plf 0 pif Beam Self Weight 7 p11 7 p11 Total Uniform Load 119 pif 119 oIl ..1 On L!A!IRIGHT engIne C ct'c, \iOoO C(S o 4 14) Ll %) I 5 3 o9 It ()(7)110 r2- 431-5 in3 - o -11 h-3 3)(O f't") I 'ô Pa (ocT 1. 4 riri CoN4Cflor4 V' 4) 1'i -&' c.,-p (P- Xo '2-L to lUl 21C2?'2oB '51i2,* S4v ofrt'-ecD'i) 1'3r71 . ;;: •' .,..- - Q- C4\.' u 00c1ecv VooO vee. is cAlz4ob orJ-1 i&trr. - e I € e5c) too .110 ogççt, o4c yO)o C4kt(2 S - : -'b9Lf - . a q0o fcj - -' • 10 - -. •.-1 , s )3_ 2-' f)• r '32 A - 100 IT )Y\ '-p - - - - * ?os r'c CL- 1' : CJcP H't 713B* o- .1 •• 4, 44 • L I'fl Lts PROJECT 1No: !1SHEET.. ' ' -: r -• roject: Fence Posts ,•. - I RacheI Olson ] J ocatlon 6x6 Post 'Multi-Loaded Multi-Spin Beam wt 4a015 International Budding Code(2012 NDS)] of 2 Douglas Fur Larch Dry Use StruCaic Version 9.0,2.5 12/22/2016 4:31:46 PM ctlon Adequate By: 128.3% ontrolling Factor. Moment 4 DEFLECTIONS '•• Jgjj I,QAPJNG DIAGRAM I Live Load -0.02 IN L/2998 0.13 IN 211872 ead Load 0.00 in 0.00 in ,4 Total Load -0.02 IN 112957 0.13 IN 211650 Lhé Load Deflection Criteria' 1/240 Total Load Deflection Criteria: 11240 4 REACTIONS . . 4 Live Load ' 0 lb 343 lb -. 'Dead Load , 8 lb -46 lb ;- . :•.. Total Load 8 lb 391 lb jUplift (1.5 F.S) -1138 -lb ' 0 Ib . * Beartng Length 0.00 in' 0.11 in . ft 358 ft Unbraced Length Top f veloidl nbraced Length-Bottom 5 ft 3.58 ft Duration Factor 1.00 otch Depth 0.00 - UNIFORM LOADS Cente RLqtft MATERIAL PROPERTIES Uniform Uniform Dead Load 0 pff 0 pif 011~- 'Douglas-Fir-Larch I Beam Sell Weight 7 p11 7 plf .. - ,.. Base Valties Adjusted Bending Stress: Fb = 750 psI Fb' = 749 psi Total Uniform Load 7 p11 7 p11 '' Cd=1.00 C1=1.00 CF= 1.00 . POINT LOADS - RIGHT SPAN *Shear Stress: ' , Fv= .170 psi Fv' = 170 psi Load Number One . t Cd=i.00 . - Live Load 200 lb Modulus of Elasticity: E = 1300 kal E' ' - 1300 ksi Dead Load 0 lb omp to Grain Fc 625 psi Fc -L =' 625 psi Location 358 ft C Controlilng Moment: -758 ft-lb Oer right support of span 2 (Center Span) . Created by combining all dead loads and live loads on span(s) 2, 3 . ControllIng Shear: . 223 lb '• At left support ol span 3 (Right Span) . . created by combining all dead loads and live loads on span(s) 2, 3 ComParlsons wIth required sections: Provided Section Modulus: - •' 12.15 1n3 27.73 in3 Area (Shear)' . . •, 1.97 In2 30.25 in2 Moment of Inertia (deflection): 28.2 in4 .76.26 in4 . Mórnent -758 ft-lb 1731 ft-lb 4 Shear ' . •• ... 223, lb . 3428 lb NOTES ..- .*'_. . -'4 .- .'4-**_ - 4 • - .- . . ,, - I 4 4 .4 . ..:. •. . Ii ' . .144, "4 -' • ' .- 4 - :, , -, I •' - . * - 4 _i 4 7', •' :- " - ' • * 4., I '4 Will S61 tL(( 44 4. • ,JLk(ifU At1It1IMJ1 ,IIEI1 RIGHT' e n g I n e e r S - 5O 2564 LB I OfAffludJ ct uwr ?' j'ej1 S 4 J1 fl8AW)- CR1C41 S I p AT Z5 ID 4y fr 513 ø Fl w o S - * C ---------------,---.-.--.--. I M 3.75 Ff - CROW: a - z) ifij L/1 a '., •. . ,. - I314 2SS LB ti L ? J(11f,j :r IF. S 4 : .. 'cii • a Jay AT i' cc :? 10 fCflkff • 77?b :. 6A~ all C 1 £ : ... a, 1 a POJEC No: . suuiu ii tzH J IIET Al IWT RIGH_I - S e n g I n e e r '"S. . , BEAM ON ELASTIC FOUNDATION '. DESCRIPTION: Line IA I m FOOTING INFORMATION: . , -A ax (ft) V max (k M+ max tk-ft) M- Max (k- (Pso:250O 1n: 0.583 0.020 3.540 0.161 -4.033 (Ps •' q8 F): 2000 •' E(KSF): 410400 3.506* 0.167* .4033* L (FT):8 • ' K8 (KSFIFT):. 60 * SHEARJMOMENT WITH WEIGHT OF FTC INCLUDED •' FS: 2.5 - - 1(5 (KsF): 120 - - B(F'r): 2 ; ' ' ): 0,107 MOMENT (k-ft) ' 'D(FT):1.5 ' 0.5 -" --------------------------------- 1.5 2 Bb.F.(n: LOAD (K) LOCATION (ft) ° \' ' t S -: , ;, P2: 2.-: t 8 •' -1.5 I P9: .. •. length (R) PIO: •- P11' - '5-...., •• - S. P12 SHEAR (k) - - x(ft) ', •y'(ft)• •- V(k) M(k-ft) - ' 0 - - 0.00658 ' -\. 0.61 0.00 2 '. 0.4 •' . 0.00524 -. .0.15 0.15 0.8 0.00390 s-.. - ''-0.24 0.13. 12 ..000257 057 - 003 0 2 4 6 8 10 1.6' -' 0.0013' -0.84 -0.32 -1 -, - 2 -000011 104 069 2 2:4 '0.0014. - -1.17 -1,14 'Length (ft) .2.8' '.0.00279 ,.'' -1.25 -1.62 f. 3.2 - -0.00413 . -1.25 -2.13 3.6 -0.00547 - 1--1.20 ' -2.62 DEFLECTION (ft) ,4 ;t -0.00681 -1.08 , - - -3.08 0.01 4.4 -0.00816 -' , -0.89 0 ' 005 .4.8 , -0.00951 - - -0.64 , - -3.78 - 5.2 '--0.01086. - -0.33 -3.98 0 5;6. -0.01221 '0.05 , 4.03 -0.005 6 8 10 • Ô -- 6 ' -0.01357 -. '. ' .0.50 -3.92 6.4 1 -0.01492 • 1.01 -3.63 -0.01 '-- , 6.8 ' 0.01629 •'• 1.58 -3.11 -0.015 • •T".N. •............ . 7.2 0.01765 . 2.22 ' • , -2.35- 7.6 110.011901 :2.93 'L -1.32 -0.02 •------- ••••••••••••••••••••-•----•-------•••-.-.-•.•.. 5- 8 002038 000 000 0025 Length (ft)lk . _S J . ' ;-•' . •L" S - ( - - .•• . - , S : . ' .'. S • ________ I ••' AD SC1161416 I FEET:PROJECT . . . . No: S - S S .'. I Al 1rvüi' : - .: GRADE BEAM DESIGN DESCRIPTION Line lAl RIGHT engine • 'BEAM.,Fy(ksi): 60 . . top rebar(#): 5 fc(psi): 2500 i: 0.85 S - PROPERTIES Fyv(ksi): 40 . bot rebar(#): S b top (in): 24 pmin: 0.0033 for4l3pcatcutatecq stirrup (#) 3 cvr, top (in) 2.5' b bot (in) 24 pmax 0.0134' • Lines of stirrups (usually 2) 2 cvr, bot (In) 2.5 shear b (in) 24 d top (in) 14,8126 41 -, h (in): 18 d bot (in): 14.8125 . FLEXURE: 'Mu (kip-ft) pbót As bot (inA2) bot. reinforcing 02,4000001 000 -1 # 5 SHEAR:4Vc (kips) 3022 Max stirrup spacing (In) 7 4 if O Vs> 71 Vsmax(klps): 121 •... ' '. Vu (+) (kip) 4Vs reqd: shear stirrups .' 35 none req'd : .'' ;:. • •, . - .. ,•.. - . •.-- ., I ' :,' - . ••-. .• ,: S -- I ..i. ,.,, _ - . •., .~.. . — 4- ,. . ,•' -A , - S.. S •• 4 S . . - . ' • 5- - .: - --- - _. . .4 • . L. - ... S 4 I • : -., I : -'WP 17 PROJECT:' v- - :.. ••.L Mu (-) (kip-ft) ptop As top (InA2) top reinforcing 4.0 0.00023 0.08 1 # 5 I SC1161416 F -1 No: 1lIET: I - - • IM RIGHT • .: - .,: - engineers • BEAM ON ELASTIC FOUNDATION . 'DESCRIPTION: UnelA I - • FOOliNG INFORMATION: -. '. '' .• -A max (ft) V max (K) M+ max (K-fl) M- k-ftl . ft (PSI) 2500 1 (Fr) 0.563 0.018 3.280 0.020 -3.765 I q(PsF): 2000 E(KSF):410400 3.280* 0.026 -3.759' L (n: 8 - K3 (KSF/FT): 60 = SHEARIMOMENT WITH WEIGHT OF FTG INCLUDED -. - . FS 2.5 - K3 (KSF) 120 13(FT): 2 ' . ?: 0.107 MOMENT (k-ft) • D(15 1 05 - -- B.O.F.(FT)t5. LOAD (K)a,LOCAflON(ffl. 8 10 P2 -159 8 15 V2 ~ 1 .98 : PT 08:- P9: .- . - Iength(ft) - PlO: - -. . * • . .- , . - . ... SHEAR (K) 15 . . -...- x (ft) y (ft) - V (K) M 1. (K - 0 -0,01775 -3.28 0.00 / 0.4 .-0.01665,,. -2.63 -1.18 --.-..-- ........---.. .... 0.8 :0.01555 .-2.03 -2.11 2 1.2 -0.01445- , -1.48 -2.81 -25 1.6 - -0.01335 =-0.99 .-3.30 -. ............. . . 2 -0.01225 . -0.55 ' -3.61 .. . . 2.4 -0.01116 ' , -0.16 -3.75 Length(fl) • . - 2.8 -0.01007 ,. 0.17 ' -3.75 . 4 32 -000898 046 -362 DEFLECTION (ft) • ..- 4 - -0.0061, -'. ,- 0.87 -3.08 0.01 . . 4.4' -0.00573 0.99 -2.70 48 000465 1 07 229 0.005 ? - - 5.2 -. .0.00357 1.09 '....-1.85 _______________________________ ______ 5.8'O.00250.4/.1.O6' -1.421 0 60.00142. • 0.98,- -1.01 -0.005 ............- ...................... ...._.. ---------------------------------- • 6.4 - -0.00035 0.85 . -0.64 . - 6.8 0.00073 - 0.67 - -0.33 - -0.01 . . 7.2 - 0.00180 0.43 ' -, . -0.11 .0.015 7.6 0.00288 . 0.19 0.01 8-.o.00395 0.00, 0.00 -0.02 - ......................................L---------------- Length (II) • • * •-'.. * • a '. . - - 0''-•• ,. 1- - i/- - . •..' . P WP 17 11 SCI 161416 1PR0JECT:' - . .. . •-- . •••• No: tsHET .1 - ' -. . - : ;. ,: i:'. :M ciiuiui1 ' • GRADE BEAM DESIGN • DESCRIPTION Line IA I L!L!JRIGHT engin.e • BEAM Fy(ksi):60 top rebar(#): 5 £c (psi): 2500 131: 0.85 PROPERTIES Fyv (ksi) 40 bot rebar (#) 5 b top (In) 24 pmln 00033 (ar4P3pcalcuat4) W stirrup (#): 3, cvr. top (In): 2.5 b bot (ln): 24 pmax: 0.0134 • Lines of sti lb rrups (usually 2): 2 cvr. bot (In): 2.5 shear b (In): 24 d top (in): 14.8125 • h(ln):18 d bot (in): 14.8125 5 FLEXURE:, Mu (+) (klp-ft) pbot As bot (inA2) bot.reinforcing Mu (.)(klp-ft) ptop As top (lnA2) top reinforcing • :, •0.0 000000 0.00 1#5 3.8 0.00021 0.08 I#5 :...: . • SHEAR 's.' 4Vc (kips) 30.22 5 max stirrup spacing (in): 7 4 if 0 Vs> 71 4Vs max (kips): 121 • Vu (i-) (kip) 4Vs req'd: shear stirrups 33 noriereqd • . 4• 1- jo • ..- . - S - . 4 • ._ .-. S • S . . . - S -.- -'--I... C.. . • • 4 41 WP17 [No:: SC1161416 L IPROJECT: SHEET: 5 4 length (ft) ' . - - BEAM ON ELASTIC FOUNDATION RIGHT e n g I n e e r - - DESCRIPTION: Line 181 - O FOOTING INFORMATION: . . ., '. ?C (PSI): 2500 I(FT4): 0.563 - - - q (PSF): 2000 E (I(SF): 410400 -- '. L rr: 7.5 . K. (KSFIFT) 60 - 5 " FS: 2.5 - ' K, (I(sF): 120 -• B(FT): 2 ,, ', A.: 0.107 D(Fr):1.5 • B.O.F. (FT): '1,5 LOAD (K) LOCATION (ft) • ' P1: -1.632 0 • P2.239 75 'P3:. 0.98 '0 ' 5. 1;4 ,' 7.5 P7: -S P8:,:' - P9i . 1 P1 • P12 • .-'., .. :' ., S . x (ft) . . 'y ft) . V (k) M (k-ft 0 0.00766 0.65 0.00 - • -.0.375 - 0,00618.1 0.18 0.15 .: . 0.75 0.00471 - -0.23 0.14 - 1125 -' .' ' 0.00324. -0.57' -0.01 • . 1.5 . 0.00177 '-'.' -0.85 -0.28 1.875 - 0.00029 , -1.06 -0.64 2.25 . -0.00118 -1.20 -1.07 • 2.625 •. -0.00266 " -1.28 -1.53 -.'. . -3 1-0.00413 -1.29 . -2.02 • . - -0.00561 -1.23 -2.49 -0.00708 . -1.11 -2.93 • .-. 4.125- -0.00856 ' ' ' -092 -3.31 S 4.5 0.01005 .. -0.67 - -3.61 4.875 -0.01153 -' -0.34 , -3.80 • 5.25 ' -0.01302' 0.05 . . 3.86 - 5.625, , 0.01450 0.50 ' -3.76 6 -0.01600 1.03 ' -3.48 5' - 6.375 ' ' 0.01749 , 1.62 -2.98 • 6.75 0:01898; . 2.27 -2.26 . - 7.125 - --0.02048 - 3.00 -1.27 5 , 7.5 -002198 . '.0.00 0.00 ..:.- • • • -.'WP17 F~o.0 T; • -A max (it) V max (k) M+ max (k-It) 1(1- max (k-it) 0.022 3.626 0.167 -3.862 3.594 0.172* .3862* = SHEAR/MOMENT WITH WEIGHT OF FTG INCLUDED MOMENT (k-It) 05 ................................................................. 0 -2 -2.5 -3 -3.5 -4.5 ........ SHEAR (k) 5 4 3 2 1 0 -1 -2 Length (ft) DEFLECTION (ft) " Length (It) , -' . SCI 161416 F5 .1. ... No:RT: 0.01 0.005 0 -0.005 -0.01 -0,015 -0.02 -0.025 . :,- •- A f,1t1UU((1l111 - GRADE BEAM DESIGN DESCRIPTION: Line 161 - - RIGHT,.'. e n g I n e e r s- • - BEAM , Fy(ksi): 60 . top rebar (#): 5. fc (psi): 2500 31: 0.85 PROPERTIES Fyv (ksi) 40 bot rebar (#) 5 b top (in) 24 pmin 0.0033 (or43pcaJ,lafed) - stirrup (#): 3 • - cvr. top (in): 2.5 . b bot (in): 24 pmax: 0.0134 • Unesof stirrups (usually 2) 2 cvr. bot (in): 25 shear b(in) 24 d top (in) 148125 1 . h (in): 18 d bot (in): 14.8125 a FLEXURE Mu (+) (lop ft) pbot As bot (InA2) bot reinforcing . 02 000001 000 1 # 5 • SHEAR: . . i. 4Vc(kips): 30.22 max stirrup spacing (In): 7 4 if 0 Vs> 71 +Vs max (kips): 121 -. . Vu (+) (kip) •Vs req'd: shear stirrups 3.6. none reqd . -. :.. . . $ t. I - a It • - I .. ,. - : -. . .. . .t .•4 . * • ----------------------------------- PROJECT: - •. •. —a a F. •. Mu (-) (kip-ft) ptop As top (In'2) top reinforcing - 3.9 0.00022 0.08 1 # 5 7 I , / '1 SCfl614161LF :.-. SHEET: . : bT OVUM RIGHT engine -. - .:k. . .• .. . BEAM ON ELASTIC FOUNDATION DESCRIPTION: Line lB II ' FOOTING INFORMATION:, . . -. -A max (ft) V max (k) M+ max (k-ft) M- nax (ic-ft) - fcpsi: 2500 - -. 1(FT'): 0.563 ' 0.019 3.370 0.027 -3.611 ' qPsF: 2000 ..' -. EC(KSF): 410400 3•370* 0,032k -3.606k LrT): 7.5 ft, LZ K(KsFIFT): 60 . sHEAMOMENT WITH WEIGHT OFFTGINCLUDED FS: 2.51 K'(Ksn: 120 2 . . ? 0.107 MOMENT (k-ft) • -. D(Ffl:1.5' '-' , -: 0.5 ' . y frr .B.o.F.(F:1.5 ..- .. --/ 0 - LOAD (K) LOCATION (ft) 2,39 : P5: 715 1' . - .. P9:. .:' length (11) PlO: , SHEAR (K) P12: * .: ' ' .. . • ' ' -. . - -. . 1.5 . ' , I -. ..' - _ 0.5 -- --- - -- --'- - - x(ft)'-,. .' ;y (ft) - V(k) M(k4t) -0.5 4 6 8 0 --0.01917 -3.37 . 0.00 ..j 0375 001795 , 270 114 15 -0.01674 -. -2.08 .. - -2.03 -2 - /1;125 -0.01553 - . -1.52 -2.70 -2.5 . .. . • - "15 ' -001431 101 318 - - - ---- - • .1875 -001310 056 347 2.25 -0.01190 . - -0.16 . -3.60 Length(ft) . -. 2.825 -0.01069 - 0.191 3.59 - 3' .0.00949 , . 0.48 . -3.46 3.375 -0.00829 - 0.72 :• 34 DEFLECTION (ft) - 3.75 - , -0.00709 -. 0.90 -2.93 0.01 ' 4.125 . -0.00589 . 1.03. -2.57 - 4.5 -0.00469- . 4.875k -0.00350 1.10. -2.17 0.005 . . . 1.12 -1.75 0 a"..5.25) -0.00231, '. -1.09 - -1.33 2 4 6 8 5.625. -0.00111 . ' . 1.01 -0.94 -0.005 - 8 '. 0.00008 - .0.87 --0.58 -0.01 6375 000127 067 029 0015 a 675 0.00246 0.43 -0.09 ........................... , "0.00365 .7.125 0.12 , 0.02 -0.02 --................................................................................. W , , 7.5- 00485 ,.,0.00- -0025 .......................................... ... ........................ ... ....... ........... - Length(ft) a- --- ' ,. ....- . a - * a : 11 SC116141611 I I F? 1 1sH.çr I • WP17 PROJECT: - . $ . Di: 085 pmifl; 0.0033 (or 4/3pC8!cU!8fed) pmax: 0.0134 d Lop (in): 14.8125 V d bot (In): 14.8125 Mu (-) (kip-ft) ptop As top (in "2) top reinforcing 3.6 0.0002 0.07 1 # 5 .. r 1rturi' • GRADE BEAM DESIGN • . DESCRIPTION: Line 18 II • BEAM Fy (ksi) 60 top rébar (#): 5 fc (psi): 2500 . PROPERTIES: Fyv (ksl): 40 bot rebar #): 5 b top (In): 24 - - ',- Stirrup (#): 3 . cvr. top (in): 2.5 b bot (in): 24 • Lineof stirrups (usually 2) 2 - cvr. bot (in) 2.5 shear b (in) 24 h(in)18 .;, •• FLEXURE: Mu(+) (klp-ft) pbot As bot (in42) bot. reinforcing 00 000000 000 1 # 5 — •, V ? •' - W SHEAR: - - •Vc (kips): 30.22 max stirrup spacing (in):.7- 4 if ØVs> 71 4Vs max (kips): 121. Vu () (kip) •Vs req'd: shear stirrups . - --. .3.4 . . none reqd -'... - •••• m- • , - . - I •• • — - W i -i: V V VV • - 4 • .•_. • •. ,iV . V ., • V . .' i.- .. . I ' W. 1PROJECT _.. : - V V :. RIGHT-'-- e n g i n e e rVs SC116141611 Ii V No: It_SHEET. I • • • - . ç :. Constrained Caisson Lateral Bearing Calculation (DESIGN EQUATIONS PER I8C SECTION 1805.7.2.2) - LOCATION: Chemical Storage Room Caisson - .- P (K) : 0.2 h (Fr): * 7.0 . . qlat(PSF!FT): 300 TOLERATE 1/2 MOVEMENT? (v/N): .- N DIAMETER (Fr): 2.0 S3(PSF/FT): :645 MIN EMBEDMENT (Fl) 215 S • 4. - S • ... -- . • '1 s... ' •' . •- ••.• ., - • S • ••s * S ? -. ,. I -. / C .: •. • ... ,,. - . .-,, . • - ØjPnCJsn)d.SCOJ'/SrR4/NED Copyright WRIGHT ENGINEERS 7. RIGHT e n g I n e e r -r - • .. W'P17 - .. ]1. 1HTSCU614I6?"4 -PROJECT: - -. * L No: I 5 •_• 5' AT P1TP WI • . . 6.67 FT. RETAINING LEVEL BACKFILL; LEVEL TOE; SPECIAL INSPECTION RI CHT - engrne s. 5 - .... SOIL EOUIV. FLUID (POP): 35 SPECIAl. INSPECTION? [Y I NI: Y Kd: 0.85 . - SEISMIC SOIL HORIL RESULTANT FORCE (PLF) 8.7 HA2 - . . Lw: 0.87 LOCATION OF RESULTANT FROM BOTTOM (>T): 0.67 H BASIC REND SPEED (IAPI-1): 110 Kz: 0.85 S . qs ALLOWABLE BEARING (PEP): 2000 EXPOSURE [A.,B,C0): C Kzt: 1.00 qSPASsIvE(PGF): 300 GOVERNS-.-> WINDPRESSURE(PSF): 23.14 Cf 1.40 5 .,. . . . LSLIDINoFRIcTIoN: 0.35 . * G: 0.85 .SOLWT.(PCF) 120 . FLOW DEPTH (IN): 0 qz: 19.45 'Km: 0.3 . UNIFORM SURCHARGE (PSF): 0 BACKFiLL SLOPE [_ HORIZI VERT] 0 . INCLUDE UNIFORM SURCHARGE TO RESIST SLIDING: N R: 3 (TABLE 154.2 ASCET.06) 5 FLATDSIT. BEFORE BAC1(FlLl. SLOPE ON) : 0 . - . - AXIAL LOAD ON WALL (LBS): 90 Ss: 1.128 I: 1.0 - ,,TOE6OL SLOPE [_H0RIZl VERTI: Q AXIAL LOAD DIST. OFF WALL FACE (IN): 0 Si 0.433 Fa 1.06 FLAT QJap BEFORE TOE $•ó (IN): 0APPILIED HORIZONTAL FORCE (LEE) 0 SITE CLASS : D ABLE 151a6,>III Sos: 0.79 fcpsi: 2500 DIST. FROM TOP OI' FOOTING TOHORIIL FORCE (FT): 0.00 S.D.C. : 0 iGFENCE WALL WT(psF): 0 5 . fm (PSI): 1500 • . LINE LOAD SURCHARGE(PLF): 0 v: 0.188W oi 5 ii: 21.5 I{ORIZ. DIET. TO LINE LOAD FROM BACK FACE (Fl): 0.00 = (PEP): 0.00 . Fy# & SMAU.ER (1(61): 80 . FLOOD FLUID WEIGHT (Pon: 0 C,: 0.263W (ASCU-05 EQ. 12.0.21 Fy65 & LARGER (1(91): 60 . PASSIVE DEPTH TO IGNORE (IN): 0 0.030W M. (ASCV- EQ. . HT (PT) I I t (IN) d (IN) 'VERT. RESAR As (IN*21FI) flp K i 2! jk CLR - 5 TOP SECTION 4.67 '.7.625 3.81 #6@ 24"o.c. 0,153 0.0034 0.072 0.314 0.895 7.11 EQ ' ' BDTTOMSECTLON 2.00 11.625 8.31 #6@ "o.c. 8 0.460 0.0046 0.099 0.357 0.881 6.38 3 5. ' TOTAL sop- NT 6.67 . . •. . 4. CASE 1: SOIL ONLY ., . . . .. - M V .- fm Fm fs Fs fv - Fv -. (LB-Fl) .. (LB)' . . (PSI) .. (PSI) (1(51) (1(59 (PSI) (PSI) . -- S TO? SECTION 594 382 . J 291 500 13.8 24 9.3 39 - BOTTOM SECTION 1731 779. 159 ' 500 6.2 24 8.9 39 CASE 2: SOfl..1'WND V fm . . ' Fm Is Fs fv Fv . (LB-Fl) . (PSI) . ' . (PSI) sn (1(61) (PSI) - -. TOP SECTION 594 - 382 291 ' 500 , 13.6 .c 24 9,3 39 . 5 BOTTOM SECTION 1731 I779 159 •. . . 500 6.2 < 24 8.9 39 CASE3: SOIL+ SEISMIC SOIL V , " . M V • fm . ' Fm rs Fs Iv' Fv WT) also, (Psi) (1(01) (((SI) (PSI) (('SI) • ,'np SECTION '1018 517' 498 667 23.3 32 12.8 52 V..- BOTTOM SECTION • 2868 , 1055 ..273 . ' • ' , • 687 - '. . 10.6 c 32 12.0 c 52 - , . . . . S . '-• FOOTING WIDTH(F'r): 6.60 , t(IN): 18.0 TOE ON): 48.00 KEY DEPTH pw): 24 B.O.F. EMBEDMENT ON): 18.00. S ... - . 'tMIH FOR REBARANcHORAGE(IN): 10.0 EOILABOVETOEP1): 0.0 *KEY WIDThON) 15 KEY DIST. FROM TOE (IN): 0.00 As . a . Mu ' . Mn Vu Vc .••4._ .(P2IF1) " (04 Q(-FTIF1) ' (K-FTIFT) (IQFT) (((ff1) MN REINFORCING - TOE 40.12- 027 4,75 -. 7.61 - oN 3.14 13.2 oK #532o.c. 'IRANS.BO'T 5 . ' HEEL 0.30 ' 0.71. '. 0.00 1.29 OK 0.88 14.2 OK #4@ 8."o.c. man REQO KEY 012 027 368 604 OK 240 105 o,c #6@32 oc KEY REINF. ' SOIL +W1NDOREQ SOIL ON . SOIL + SEISMIC SOIL • , sccoionsci-vpn: 049, . 0.49 1.26 . (D TOP 0,0011014 S. Wr0rALOl)2.93. .' -2.93 . 2.93 . "° 0601ION .,MOT(K.FT,n):318 .. 3.18 , 5.45., . '\ . 2BOTl0110EcTiC!4 . W MR (K-FT/M: 881. " ., . '9.81 . - 9.81 () ANAl. 1.OPDQOE1SLL 5 F S OT 308 OK 308 oN 1.80 OK '-., (4 (9) AWL LOAD DIET Op FACE OF WALL Fsuos(LWF1): 1168 ,t - - 1168' 'i - - 1583 (9) AFPI,IEO >IOWI0T.OL F0-- 5- -F (LB-Fl): 1024 1024 , ' 1024 0> VORM FORCE DISTA'¼C8 P4 10P - FPu.affl): 1838. - 1838 - 1838 F.S.suDINo:2.45'oK • 2.45 - ,. OK - 1.81 OK I $)qoCoOEM * qx(psp): 590 - T'OK '. 590 o . 1087 OK () GO0TERLTIS - -a - - ' qION (Ps)'): 25 - 25 ' -, 0 L_..._1 ho) &A? DIEt EtFORE EACJGOLL ELOPE ' ,, - 4 (IOPER0" 4. 5 ¼ ' S - - ____-. 5' ISPI7-PMpPoc*flrlsm PtnpRznRW . Coppt1n URIGHT ENGiNEERS vp04re 03-0847 ,.. Eo: OJECT: '- .-.- RIGHT - engineers 4, I. - :• - - .. Constrained Catsson Lateral Bearing Calculation , - - (DESIGN EQUATIONS PER IBC SECTION 1805.7.2.2) ... .. .. k'- -. LOCATION: 20' Wide Umbrella Caisson P(K):5 2.32 S h(FT): 14.3 S . ' qtat(PSFIFT) : 300 TOLERATE .1/2," MOVEMENT? (v/N): V DIAMETER (Fr): • 2.0 . - . * -.S3(PSFJFT): 2935 * t . MIN. EMBEDMENT (Fr): 4.89 40 - - * S •- 1__ - *.- -. ! 5 .. -•. . - .. - c... - -- . - • 4 * •- .: . 5 - H'1iUinbiIth 2 /ssoAxl5cViM5m4IN5O . Copyright WRIGHT ENGINEERS v2008.02.28 [Sd1161416 1LH( 1 - No: SHEET: . - • .- . * ., . -F, : .-- 44.., 4 - I- .4--- 4- , •, ) : RIGHT engrne a 4 a 44 a71 t a Constrained Caison Lateral Bearing Calculation - . (DESIGN EQUATIONS PER IBC SECTION 1805.7.2.2) / LOCATION: 12' Wide Umbrella Caisson ' 4 P(K): 1.1 W h(FT): 11.3 qlat(PSFJFT):, 300 TOLERATE 1l2 MOVEMENT? (YIN): V - - . DIAMETER (rr): 2.0 . . . - 53(PsFiFr): ) 2115 - . - MIN. EMBEDMENT (Fr): 353 - -. -, At • - - •1 . - -. . • -• ,- - - - . . - - .. : 44 . S 4 4 .' -. - --. S •: '- - a : :- . . - t. - . 4 p 4 .4 - . - --.-• - w . .-. a-- a v2008.0Z28 SC1161416 [HEET.- F 1z • RICHT engIneers w •i p' 7. •rx . I • " Constrained Caisson Lateral Bearing Calculation ' - (DESIGN EQUATIONS PER (BC SECTION 1805.7.2.2) r LOCATION Cabana Caisson P(K) 0.225 h (FT): 10.1 • . . 5 , '.- qlat (PsFIFT): 300 TOLERATE 1I2' MOVEMENT? (YIN): V w - DIAMETER (FT): 2.0 -. .4. 5 . .1 S - • , • . ; • . 53 (PSFIFT) 1202 St I • .,. 4• 4'.. MIN. EMBEDMENT (Fl): 2.00 S • • .5-' w 54 • • • • • • 54 'S . S H. ... 'S : .. • 5 . .. S 55 '.5., 5,. .S S S 5 *5 .4 ' S..- - - - • • . L. , CopyriIWRIG ENGINEERS v2008.02.28 ' 4111 SC1161416 .l) I SI1•T: ..$ I . /VV . . • , . • : ' •,. - .. -- '•4.-? .'. V -. . Non-Constraihed Caisson Lateral Bearing Calculation a V (DESIGN EQUATIONS PER IBC SECTION 1805.7 2.1) ' LOCATION: Fence V • V• PQ<): 1.700 h(FT) : 5.00 S - V qlat(PsFIFT): 300 V 1(2' MOVEMENT? (YIN): V V V . V - 4 c? -,DIAMETER (Fr):. 2.0 - • S1 (PSF/FT) 930 s e - MIN. EMBEDMENT (FT):. 4.65 t—t .IV_. •V .V V - V • VV a, ••. . -s , : -V 4 -• V -'V • - V - V V I V • _:.._ -, •••... : - ., V • -. .-. - I V) I • -'V. • - V , : -:-': -. — . - RIGHT e n g n e e r I. .44• - - /7&ncCoJssoiXLSNCN-CCNS!A/NED . Copyright WRIGHT ENGINEERS v2008.02.28 VT scI1614161I I EET: I : 4. RIGHT. 3 FT. RETAINING W 1At4 e n g i n e e r s LEVELBACIçF1LL; LEVEL TOE SURCHARGE 1-_ - SOIL EQUIV. FLUID )PCF):35 . ,? pEclA1. INSPECTION? ylN1:N Kd:0.85 - ' DASICwINOSPEED(MpH): 110 EXPOSURE (A,8,C,01: C 1w: 0.87 1(2: 0.85 F - qs AU.OWA1S.E BEFJllNO (elF): 2000 j GOVERNS- WIND PRESSURE )PSF): 23.14 1(21: 1.00 SMALLER (Hal): 60 LARGER (KBi): 60 .qseAsslvs(PCF(. 300' - Cl: 1.40 Mw: 0.0033 'pMIN: 0.00333 SUONG FRICTIoN: 0.45 FLOOD DEPTH (IN): 0 G: 0.85 (OR 413 p co) (OR 413 p ccv soILwr.(PCF): 120 - UNIFORM sURCHARGE(PsF): 55 qz: 19.45 pMWc: 0.0160 pt.x: 0.01604 ((A: 0.3 . INCLU0EUNFORMSuRCkARGEl0REsusl8tIDIwo: N pIOEAl: 0.0080 pIOEAI.: 0,00802 BACKFR.L SLOPE I_HORIZ:IVER11: 0 . AXIAL LOAD ONWAU,)LES): 0 R: 3 (TABLE 1 SAEOEF.1S) FLAT OST. BEFORE BACUIU. SLOPE (IN): 0 AXIAL LOAD OIST. OFF WALL FACE (IN): 0 SE: 1.126 TOE SOIL SLOPE I _ 1'(OR(Z:I VERfl 0 APPLIED HORIZONTAL FORCE (1.85): 0 SI : 0.433 I: 1.0 FLAT 6T. 'BEFORE TOE SLOPE (5fl 0 1 . , 01ST. FROM TOP OF FOOliNG TO HORIZ. FORCE (Fl): 0.00 SITE CLASS : D (TAME i&Ii.i) Pa: 0.00 fC(Pss. 3000 - ' - , LINE LOAD SURCHARISE(PLP)' 0 S.D.C.: A " Sox: 0.00 I'm (PSI): 1500. - HORSt DIET. TO LINE LOAD FROM SACK FACE (F4 0.00 v: 0.030W (ULTIMATE) AIOFGICEWM&WT(Psr): 0 'n: 21.48 FLOW FLUID WEIGHT(PCF): 0 (p5F): 0.00 P1 WALL. 0.85 ' PASSIVE OE?EI4TO IGNORE )IN): 0 C.: 0.500W V3. Eck. ios.z Cc 0.030W )MIN.) EQ. 15444) Hi' (FT) ((IN) dUN) , VENT. REBAR As )IN"2ff1 p 'P Ic j 2 uk CLR RETA)NINGWALL 4.0D 1 TTAL SOIL 399. SOIl. FACE VERT RSSARcoVERIIAG: CENTER. - . . . . - SO)L.WIND SOIl. FACE RR FRONT FACE REBAR WALL HEIGHT -, , (rho) v As REQT) VENT. REBAR HORIQ. RESAR VERT. ASSAIl )'IORlZ, RESAR LOCATION (Fr) Vu MuØw'T)' IWALL(IN) dUN) (phVcos REO'O (IN'21F1) (INiO.C.) IINIO.04 (lNSLC.) (IN1O,C - . Top 4.0 ' 0.0 0.0 6.00 ' 3.00 3.0 ox 0.0012 ox 0.09 #4 @18 #4 @16 .750H 30 ' 0.1 0.0,' 6.00 ' .5001-I 2.0 0.2 0.1 . 6.00 . 3.00 3.0 ox 0.0012 ox 3.00 3.0 ox 0.0012 cx 0.09 #4 @18 0.09 #4 @18 94 @16 04 @16 . ., - .250H 1.0 0.3,,. '0.4 ' 6.00 3.00 3.0 cx 0.0012 ox , 0.09 #4 @ 18 #4 @18 nAPs 0 ' 0.6' 0.8 6.00 3.00 3.0 ox 0.0023 ox ' 0.09 #4 @ tO #4 @16 WAIL SASS KEY tMIN FOR SHEAR (IN): 3.8 I ', 4. FOOTING , WIGN(F1). 4.00 ((IN). 12.0 ., ,' TOE(IN)., 12.00 KEYOEATh(I?,I). 0 , 8.O.F. EMBEDMENT )IN). 24.00 . tIllS FORREUARAIlCNORAGEIIN): Ii.? SOILABOVE TOE (011:12 KEY WIDTH (IN): 0 , KEY 0151, FROM TOE (IN): 0.00 . ' As . a , ' Mu ' . . .-Mri Vu Vc '(IN"liF'T) )K.FTIFT) - (KIFl( ' (K/Fr) 1SF REINFORCING . TOE 0.13 Q, . . 5.08 ox 0.70 • 8.6 ox #4@ 18"o.c. NONE REISO HEEl. 0,13 0.28 . 0.81. _ 'j- '-. . 5.67 ox 0.60 9.6 cx 94@ 180.c. TRMS.TOP KEY o.00.".o.oao.00 > 0.00 ox. 0.00 > 0.00x #0@0"O.C.NoNEREO'O . . SOIL I. . SOIL .WIND' ' A ' rap swfm • .£Eln . 'CD 0.20 020 () 111001.5 SECTION WToTAl. (IQFTI: 2.22 2.22 ' . ,, • MOE (IFlwT): 0.94 . . . . -- __\_3L.JA1CID C) SQIl(FI SSCTIDII MR (x-FVFIJ: 4.94 - 4•94 : ' -.- . . , AXIAL LOAD C" " F S 01 528 OK 528 ox A" CD AXIAL Lo..D 01ST CIT R= OF WALL FBUDE (La/Fl). 520 520 . - f <D ,, APALED A . ZIS(T,IL FOSO FrtLa,FT): 999 .999 - . •.- . . . ".l c ros oxcr FRICH Te W Fe )LwFr): 600 - . 800 . . " .-.. .. F.S. SLIDING. 3.08 . ox - 3.08 , ox , ' . . . C)PCC000PTIl - , I FLOW QAUR Lm ' lIlAX(PSF)570: ox" 570 'ox 240 • FLAT V161 @NPCFSOAOSE.LStCF5 S F ' • ':4,. C 14P11, RsEBthIg NW. (USE 1N1514WI, CAAENIA RW CoppIglIl WRIGHT ENGINEERS I SIilqlL 1 LN ris- •.1 O: jET: RIGHT' en g I n e e r • : 1 / - 64 (,7 OLU Fi i17 ,7.Ii; Ft47 Fl y jç 1711/ff3 71 l.lf , " '; - , - ': .4 4 - : l 1011 bFun Dl; S 44)74 .7 •''t _______ . Ti)1Ai Z5S1 U 1ff zm 14 7' r 1• 'f4 (AJ1'tI4i7•4 Zcs: z,1 •' . 418 le o.c z to ..7' L 8UI1L(J . .4L, -,. ., . .. S _7# • ..t. . 4 . q- S S .- 4 0' - .,; - :- - - - '- - ': 4.4 & 7' 47 7 - '.'*7.' ',' 7 - • * .7 ; - : - 4 .. [PROJECT 7. , . WN ...' -. 1L0 ...RIGHT 4 .' • 4; O Constrained Caisson Lateral Bearing Calculation -. (DESIGN EQUATIONS PER IBC SECTION 1805722) LOCATION: D4 Tower Caisson 024 - . h(FT): - 9.0 qiat (PSFIFT) 300 — . TOLERATE 1/2" MOVEMENT? (YIN): V W .- -- - - -' DIAMETER (Fl): 2.0 0 S3 (PSFJFT) 1182 - - - .-MIN. EMBEDMENT (Fl): 1.97 '-•'.4-- .. ,', .. .• ., - 0 I 0 444 • 0 •;-,.: i.', ' • 0 . . . - • 1. - 1 W , w * • - IP17- aí Tov,Isson..ZSCONSTPA/NED .. Copyright WRIGHT ENGINEERS v2008.02.28 PROJECT: No: (SIEET: , • V :VL33S I i J4 L Ik1 VVf • V. V t. 1 4 : 4 _ V V 4. V • 4 V nai I( V. V S flgi A? sôs W ( : S ) (iii I JjJ/ All t AD JJiiI N171?rI/jç 1 1 qgj (IJ3;) 71ii -: li2i V_VVVV i VVL__V_ _ It IY1Nl!flflflQ. - . V V // . t U H 4/I V 97 VV l..':./ V ,.VVV• .cf U AL 11 0001 flwltfl:l VVVV [V 1 _ S VW Il w)01 . V V - V VVV - V V 14 V SJ8UIue - ND11VQN/7D flin1 iry IHDI IJlq 4ityof .• -. •.1 ' Carlsbad Print Dte: 08/03/2018' . Permit No: PREV2017-0040 Job Address:' 1 Legoland Dr Permit Type: BLDG-Permit Revision ' Work Class: Residential Permit Revisi Status: Closed - Finaled Parcel No: 2111000900 Lot U: Applied: 02/28/2017 Valuation: $0.00 . Reference #: DEV2016-0028 Issued: 04/19/2017 Occupan'cy Group: Construction Type Permit 08/01/2018' - , S Finaled: U DwlIing Units: . Bathrooms:, Inspector: Bedrooms: ' " . Orig. Plan Check U: CBC2016-0010 Final - : Plan Check U: Inspection: Project Title: LEGOLANDWP17WATERSLIDE Description LEGOLAND WATER SLIDE STRUCTURE& 2 TOWERS WITH THEMED ELEMENTS (ELECTRICAL NOT INCLUDED) - Applicant: : Owner: ETHOS ARCHITECTURE LEGOLAND CALIFORNIA LLC <LF> PLAY U S . DANIEL STEWART 'ACQUISITION CO INC 24542 CreekviewDr - LAGUNA HILLS, CA4 92653 ' , P0 BOX 543185 C/O Property Tax Service Co '. S 949-607-8016 , - . ', DALLAS, TX 75354 FEE S AMOUNT FIRE A-4 & A-S Occupancies'- Nev' $1,152.00, MANUAL BUILDING PERMIT FEE - - $393.75 Total Fees: $'1,545.75 - Total Payments To Date: $1,545.75 Balance Due: $0.00 - - - • . 'S - ) 5. 5' 1 5 - 4.- C r 1 BuiIdig Division 1635 Faraday Avenue, Carlsbad CA 92008-7314 1 760-602-2700 I 760-602-8560 f I www.carlsbadca.gov S Building Division c1ty of PLAN CHECK REVISION Development Services 1 i APPLICATION 1635 Avenue ia.I'iSij.I.i. B-I 5 760-602-2719 www.carlsbadca.gov Plan Check Revision No \jj3c51 Original Plan Check No cjQ1 - o 1 '0 Project Address 1 LC 17g4 Date L.tF7 Contact 'cot Ph 'tY'. 44z.4c5(. Fax Email 4i cH Contact Address VfSOZ City Adjok Zip el General Scope of Work ,, • Original plans prepared by an architect or engineer, revisions must be signed & stamped by that person. .Elements revised: # Jans Calculations E Soils fl Energy Other • 2. Describe revisions in detail - 3. List page(s) where each revision is shown 4. List revised sheets that replace existing sheets -r EcT PJAIT V?JAT -- ,_• -s .' '.5. Does-this revision, in any way, alter the exterior of the project? Yes No 'Does this réviion add ANY new floor area(s)? Yes 7 Does this reviion affect any fire related issues? fl Yes No 8. Is this a complete set? es >(No ".-Signature - 1635 Faraday Avenue, Carlsbad, CA 92008 b: 760-602- 2719 E: 760-602-8558 Email: buiiding@carlsbadca.gov www.carlsbadca.gov - EsGil Corporation In PartnersIiip with government for Buz(dng Safety DATE 4/3/2017 U APPLICANT ,'1'1JRIS. JURISDICTION: CitfCiflbTd U PLAN REVIEWER PREilOI 7 -. U FILE PLAN:CHECKNO.: PREV2O17-00390040 SET: II PROJECT ADDRESS 1 Legoland Dr. PROJECT NAME: Legoland WP 17 Site Improvement & Restroom Revision & Waterslide, Towers ;i The plans transmitted herewith have been corrected where necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction's codes r The,plans transmitted herewith will substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes when minor deficiencies identified below are resolved and checked by building department staff. LI1 ,The plans transmitted herewith have significant deficiencies identified on the enclosed check list and should be corrected and resubmitted for a complete recheck. The check list transmitted herewith is for your information The plans are being held at EsGil Corporation until corrected plans are submitted for recheck : LII The applicant's copy of the check list is enclosed for the jurisdiction to forward to the applicant contact person. - EsGil Corporation staff did not advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed EsGil Corporation staff did advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed -Person contacted- - Telephone #: Date contacted Email Mail Telep e Fax In Person REMARK 1 he roo ng for the DJ Tower (canvas or plastic) shall be state fire Marshall -. approved materia. 2. the soils engineer confirming thatthe fôundatiôn fan, grading plan and specifications have been reviewed and that it has been determined that the recommendations in the soil report are properly incorporated into the plans.The water slide and ,Slide electrical are not part of this permit. Applicant to Note boldly on all plan set Title Sheets (at the .. City) that a separate permit is necessary for the slide and slide electrical installation. KOnly one set - . of the plan (set II) was provided to Esgil Corp. V . V 'By David Yao Enclosures approved plan (owner set) EsGil Corporation V ' E -GA Z EJ LI MB LI Pc, 3/28 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208 • San Diego California 92123 • (858) 560 1468 • Fax (858)560-1576 • ' . - - V - .'- .. • / .... I City of Carlsbaa PREV2017-0039,0040 3/10/2017 V (DO NOTPI4 Y— THIS IS NOTANINVOICEJ VALUATION AND PLAN CHECK FEE V .JURISDICTION: City of Carlsbad PLAN CHECK NO.: PREV2017- .0039,0040 V( V PREPARED BY DavidYao DATE 3/10/2017 V BUILDING ADDRESS: 1 Legoland Dr. V ( V BUILDIN OCCUPANCY: V V BUILDING . PORTION AREA (Sq. Ft.) Valuation Multiplier Reg. Mod. VALUE ($) revision of site V improvement - slide, tower Air-Conditioning Fire Sprinklers TOTAL VALUE V Jurisdiction Code .. cb V By Ordinance rd 6 V V V I I .. . V - V : V PlaCheck Fe'by Oi'1inneFIT I I Type of Review . Complete Review 0 Structural Only - - V V. 0 Other V ri Repetitive Fee Repeats 0iIourly 6 Hrs @ * EsGil Fee $i0000 I $600001 * Based on hourly rate V V • : . V - V V - Comments Sheet 1 of 1 macvalue.doc-i-- V V - fV .- '. V • '• S V : • '8. + .4 EsGil Corporation In (Partnership with government for Building Safety DATE 3/10/2017 DPPLICANT JURIS. 'JURlSDlCTlON: City of Carlsbad . LI PLAN REVIEWER 0 FILE ________ PLANCHECKNO v200039öö40 SET! PROJECT ADDRESS 1 Legoland Dr. PROJECT NAME Legoland WP 17 Site Improvement & Restroom Revision & Waterslide, Towers The plans transmitted herewith have been corrected where necessary and substantially comply - with the jurisdiction's codes r 7 The plans transmitted herewith will substantially comply with the jurisdiction's codes when minor deficiencies identified below are resolved and checked by building department staff. The plans transmitted herewith have significant deficiencies identified on the enclosed check list and should be corrected and resubmitted for a complete recheck The check list transmitted herewith is for your information. The plans are being held at EsGil t' -Corporation until corrected plans are submitted for recheck. -. The applicant's copy of the check list is enclosed for the jurisdiction to forward to the applicant ' contact person Thd applicant's copy of the check list has been sent to: . Scott Holcomb- MY-EsGil Corporation staff did not advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed EsGil Corporation staff did advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed Person contacted: Scott Holcomb Telephone #: 949-412-3556 _Date contacted: I 0 (by flQ... Email scotth@ethosarch.com : lVlaiI 'ITelephone Fax In Person • Eli REMARKS B,: David Yao. . Enclosures: EsGil Corporation , • GA EJ LI MB LI PC 3/2 - • '. - * - 9320Chesapeake Drive Suite 208 • San Diego, Ca1ifornia92123 • (858) 560 1468 • Fax(858)560 1576 .... ,\ .- . . Y-' :. : . : :City'of Carlsbad PREV2017-0039,0040 - PLAN REVIEW CORRECTION LIST - COMMERCIAL FOREWORD '(PLEASE READ):' This plan review is limited to the technical requirements contained in the California version of the International Building Code, Uniform Plumbing Code, Uniform Mechanical Code, National Electrical Code and state laws regulating energy conservation, noise attenuation and access for .the disabled. This plan review is based on regulations enforced by the Building Department. You rriay have other corrections based on laws and ordinances enforced by the Planning Department; Engineerihg' Department, Fire Department or other departments. Clearance from those ;departments may be required prior to the issuance of a building permit. Code sections cited are based on the 2013 CBC, which adopts the 2012 IBC. The following items listed need clarification, modification or change. All items must be satisfied :,before the plans will be in conformance with the cited codes and regulations. Per Sec. 105.4 of the 2012 International Building Code, the approval of the plans does not permit the violation of . any state, county or city law. 'TO speed up the recheck process, please note on this list (or a copy) where each correction - item has been addressed, i.e., plan sheet number, specification section, etc. Be sure to enclose the marked up list when you submit the revised plans. . . . t 2 1. - - - City of Carlsbad PREV2017-0039,0040 3/10/2017 . .1 Please make all corrections, as requested in the correction list. Submit FOUR new complete sets of plans for commercial/industrial projects (THREE sets of plans for residential projects). For expeditious processing, corrected sets can be submitted in one of two ways: Deliver all corrected sets of plans and calculations/reports directly to the City of Carlsbad Building Department, 1635 Faraday Ave., Carlsbad, CA 92008, (760) P602-2700. The City will route the plans to EsGil Corporation and the Carlsbad - Planning, Engineering and Fire Departments. Bring TWO corrected set of plans and calculations/reports to EsGil Corporation, 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208, San Diego, CA 92123, (858) 560-1468. Deliver all remaining sets of plans and calculations/reports directly to the City of Carlsbad Building Department for routing to their Planning, Engineering and Fire Departments. NOTE: Plans that are submitted directly to EsGil Corporation only will not be reviewed by the City Planning, Engineering and Fire Departments until review by EsGil Corporation is complete 1. All sheets of the plans and the first sheet of the calculations are required to be signed by the licensed architect or engineer responsible for the plan preparation. - California State Law. 2: Handrails (Sections 1012 and 1009.15): • . a) The handgrip portion of all handrails shall be not less than 1-/4" nor more . . than 2 inches in cross-sectional dimension. If the handrail is not circular, it 4 shall have a perimeter dimension of at least 4' and not greater than 6-%" with a maximum cross-section dimension of 21A inches Section 1012.3.1. , r ,. - b) Handrails projecting from walls shall have at least 1-1/2 inches between -•,. the wall and the handrail. Section 1012.7. C) Show that handrails extend ~!12" beyond top nosing, and ~12"-plus-tread- ( - . width beyond the bottom nosing. The extensions of handrails shall be ' in the same direction of the stair flights. Section 11B-505.10. Detail -1/A500 shows handrail at middle landing 23" beyond the nosing. Why the handrail at bottom landing does not extend 23"? . d) • The upper approach and all treads shall be marked with a strip of contrasting color as follows: (11B-504.4.1) - i) ~2" in width. "' ; •, - • ii) Placed parallel to and :51" from the nose of the step or landing. . ,. . iii) The strip is required to be as slip resistant as the treads of the stairs. - ,'. .• •• . :. iv) A painted stripe will be acceptable, but grooves shall not be used to - satisfy this requirement. : 3. A Class C roof covering is required. Table 1505.1. (tower) A • S • • •• • • . . . • - City of Carlsbad PREV2017-0039,0040 3/10/2017 'Specify roof slope on the plans.(tower) Specify on the plans the following information for the roof materials, per Section -' 1506.3: (tower) Manufacturer's name and Product name/number. ICC approval number or equal. Provide a copy of the project soil report prepared by a licensed civil engineer. The report shall include foundation design recommendations based on the engineer's findings 7: Providea letter from the soils engineer confirming that the foundation plan, grading plan and specifications have been reviewed and that it has been determined that the recommendations in the soil report are properly incorporated into the plans (when required by the soil report). 8..: If the DJ tower (7/AD-3) and Queue tower are part of this permit, provide completer construction detail with calculation to justify it. 9. Provide complete structural calculation (lateral and vertically) to justify the - . stairway construction include the landing comply with the plan. 10. Per Figure 1609A, the wind load calculations must use an ultimate wind speed of 1.10 mph. 11. The plans shall indicate that special inspection will be provided for the following work (Section 107.2) - Steel construction. Special inspections for steel elements should be provided in accordance with Section 1705.2. C ' , Welding. Welding inspection should be provided in accordance with . • Section 1705.2. • :. • • c) High-strength bolts. Periodic inspection should be provided for installation •. . of high-strength bolts in accordance with AISC specifications. Section 1705.2 . . d) Expansion anchors. Periodic special inspection should be provided for . anchors installed in hardened concrete. Section 1705.3. • Soils. Special inspection should be provided for placement of fill 12 inches or more deep in accordance with Section 1705.6. - . Pier foundation. Special inspection should be provided for pier • • . . foundations in accordance with Section 1705.8. 12. A Statement of Special Inspections, prepared by the registered design • • professional in responsible charge, shall be submitted. This statement shall include a complete list of materials and work requiring special inspection, the inspections to be performed and an indication whether the special inspection Will be continuous or periodic Section 1704.3. -' -. j- • IS : - . • City of Carlsbad PREV2017-0039,0040 ' 3/10/2017 13. Provide the following note on the plans: "The contractor responsible for the construction of the seismic-force-resisting system shall submit a written Statement of Responsibility to the building official prior to the commencement - of work on the system." Section 1704.4. I. -• - Sheet E-1.1 has electrical shown on or at the water park slide 14 Describe the lighting systems for box designators 10-17 and how they comply ''- . .• with the pool requirements found n CEC Article 680.411.4(B), 640, Parts I and II, 640 10, 680 6, 680 22(B)(1) and 680.26. 15.To speed up the review process please note on this list (or a copy) where each correction item has been addressed i.e., plan sheet note or detail number, calculation page, etc . - 16. Please indicate here if any changes have been made to the plans that are not a result of corrections from this list If there are other changes, please briefly describe them and where they are located in the plans .' ' Have changes been made to the plans not resulting from this correction list? Please indicate l Yes LJ No * 17 The jurisdiction has contracted with Esgil Corporation located at 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208, San Diego, California 92123, telephone number of 858/560-1468, to perform the plan review for your project If you have any questions regarding these plan review items please contact David Yao at Esgil Corporation Thank you END OF DOCUMENT Jurisdiction Code cb By Ordinance Bldg. Permit Fee by Ordinance Plan Check Fee by Ordinance . : Type of Review - Complete Review El Other . -. Repetitive Fee , Repeats, .. . Hourly - EsGul Fee Based on hourly rate 4 Comrnents -- -. • • • 4,- . - - • Au. •. . - • 1 • , .. • Structural Only 6 Hrs.@* $105.00 I $630.00I Sheet lofi macvalue.doc + - - -Th - .' •- .c,.n" • &"• City of Carlsbad PREV2017-0039,0040 3/10/2017 - ' - '..• [DO NOT PAY THIS IS NOT AN INVOICE] . f- .;' -• • VALUATION AND PLAN CHECK FEE JURISDICTION: City of Carlsbad 0039,0040 H PREPARED BY David Yao BUILDING ADDRESS 1 Legoland Dr. BUILDING OCCUPANCY: PLAN CHECK NO.: PREV2017- DATE: 3/10/2017 BUILDING ' PORTION AREA (Sq. Ft.) Valuation Multiplier Reg. Mod. f VALUE ($) revision of site improvement - slide; tower Air Conditioning Fire Sprinklers TOTAL VALUE ko - IGHT _ I engineers - . a Irvine 2 Venture. Suite 200 . - -.- Irvine, CA 91618 - - .1 . 949.477.4001 (p) - (I) 949.477.4009 wrlghtenineers.com Las Veigaos e S R U C T U R A L 1 635 Village Center • C A L C U L A T 10 N S SLdte 200 Las Vegas. NV 89134 (p) 702.933.7000 (f) 702.933.7001 - • rRccf WP1 7 - SLIDE FOUNDATIONS 3125 S. Price Road Legoland Drive .1 Suite 125 Chandler, Al 85240 3 Carlsbad, CA 92008 (p) 480.483.6111 (f) 480.483.6112 PROJECT No: SCI1 61 41 6 Salt Lak CLIENT: Ethos Architecture 9160S.300w. - ' Sul DATE: February 3, 2017 Sandy, UT • . . 52. • INDEX BASIS FOR DESIGN -. 1 • DESIGN LOADS 1' 0.0 2 . FOUNDATION KEYPLAN K FOUNDATION DESIGN Fl - .- --: • .' C , I. •••_•• ;•' . ',c_ \E 47' 4ØØW 4 tt(IS54e0 ) 4 — W - .• •,'. These calculations are the sole property of WRIGHT ENGINEERS and may not be reproduced . In whole or part without written permission. Calculations are valid only for the above named - - 'project and location and are not valid unless engineer's original wet signed seal Is affixed. , .'- t / p •-; : - -. , '. . 4. : RIGHT '., -, ¶ '.'''. ' .:. S . BASIS FOR DESIGN . . 1.2 ROOF LIVE LOAD: 20 PSF (REDUCIBLE) 1.1 BUILDING CODE: CALIFORNIA BUILDING CODE 2016 . - . ., ' - IMPORTANCE FACTOR. 1w =1.0 1.3 WIND LOAD: '. 110 MPH BASIC WIND SPEED 1.4 SEISMIC LOAD: SEISMIC DESIGN CATEGORY D - EXPOSURE -. . .. . IMPORTANCE FACTOR, FE 1.0 R=3,1.5 1.5 SNOW LOAD, NONE . '• 2.1".FOUNDATION : DESIGNED PER RECOMMENDATIONS BY LEIGHTON AND ASSOCIATE, INC..; PROJECT NO. 10075.16; DATED AUGUST 26, 2016. ALL FOOTINGS SHALL EXTEND A MINIMUM OF 18 INCHES BELOW PAD . . GRADE, ALLOWABLE DEAD PLUS LIVE LOAD SOIL PRESSURE = 2000 PSF. ALLOWABLE LATERAL SOIL BEARING PRESSURE = 300 PSF/FT. 3.1 CONCRETE: . ALL CONCRETE SHALL BE NORMAL WEIGHT OF 145 PCF USING HARDROCK AGGREGATES. •. .4. . .c : ' MINIMUM 28-DAY COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH, f'c, USED FOR DESIGN = 4000 PSI. ' 3.2 REINFORCING STEEL: REBAR SHALL CONFORM TO ASTM A615 OR ASTM A706 (A706 REQD. FOR ALL REINFORCING TO BE i S. ,, - ...,• * . 4' WELDED) AND SHALL BE GRADE 60(Ii=60KSI) DEFORMED BARS U.N.O. REINFORCING IN SLABS ON GRADE MAY BE GRADE 40 (fy = 40 KSI) DEFORMED BARS FOR ALL BARS #4 AND SMALLER U.N.O. ON PLANS OR DETAILS. WELDED WIRE FABRIC SHALL CONFORM TO ASTM A185. PRESTRESSING STEEL SHALL CONFORM TO ASTM A416, GRADE 270, SEVEN-WIRE LOW RELAXATION STRAND WITH - 'A GUARANTEED ULTIMATE TENSILE STRENGTH OF 41.3 KIPS. NOMINAL DIAMETER SHALL BE 1/2 . '. . - INCH-AND NOMINAL AREA SHALL BE0.153SQ. INCHES. . . . ' * - • -' - . . .4, $ _4 *_z . '1.: ' 4 t 4 - w ' • •- .. .. .4.. 1",' -. V ' • : . :. ' •' . -. .'. r X. .................., ,.. ' ' .5 4 4.-'- '. i ._• 4•.e .• 44 : * ., ... .• .4 i.,-. • .-.. 4. -S 4, 5 4 4 .4 I IMP 17(SdoFTG).Ba4Jsdoc - -. . Copyright WRIGHT ENGINEERS - v2007111 4, 4 CI161416 No: I LET: 1 1 t . I : . -. 0 c : - -HNOMPAWAM0 TASLE r .- I .rn5 t ppp &Sp -p.--.. - I _=__ft__•'__•p_ - - - -- 21S0 STjØ .,.' n_.0"__.,.__.,.__. -- I 4Qp P ,.ppjppp Cr P 'p- ,pp-,pflpp - I pPP '---'---'-P"- aflisJc -' '-p X..PP ---p_-p - - I _1__0_p JC.*IO ' 'PP4.j 0p.p- p.p ---.'p -'--•' pp.. p-..-- pp.0_p ~)I I -----'p flp.p jL P -,---- ._p,_p.' 'p_a--- p ooff== - flrppp,, flVflp !.PI '-pup I - Pp' _, EMp.a -__ cp.pP•'-P '-'p T2!UC 4 P' pp•'pzp - I .ZfJ:'i P -pip -p0_p nfl , fl pflflP flp;..pp flP p_aPT p mmm 'p pP".! - I .---p,.- - wccmfm -u-'-- p. ,..pp 'PIPPPP I 3io:a- 'p O .p '--0_p - - I • . t - — LMSW,IlaIdZIflORWI.ti%KWt,0,14WMWC16tOOtOIN3tstt - . .u.,uaflMUOOtOAZOIWMtltO*DflflCTlOPflDLQC*flOt ,.Mo*414Tw211en0'0_mls. • -"I " 4 . . RIGHT.. e n g I n e e r S. CI161416 LEET: ,. 4 - WP17 -SLIDE FOUNDATIONS PROJECT: . '. L!L!JRIGHT e n g i n •, .• • • kN : Al t(1 IF - --I - - -- . - _L = =• -=- - = - 1 --- - - - - - iII1iIIrE II • : I; 7 iII___ - i—:----:f -- i I _______ NIL —s,.--- -----=-- --=-- -=-- (_ 1- I- • :. Jfl' ftt /1 I! Ij/ -• / . - . •: S • •, S •: • • • .. •.: 1 :. -• : • • • FPROJ'EC'T- WPI7- SLIDE FOUNDATIONS SC1161416 o: SHE 1EET: K( •. • N - .-.- - RIGHT engineers w - Total Resistance/F.S. (tons) 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 -'--r--'-i r ri r1-T=-. T7 r 1 1 T r r r -t I -i r r -r-T i-j--r-i III_L.. : I : -: . • - \, \. \• \ \ - - 4 --4.----_4----- : - ---------------- • : '!. -: : • : - - • . LEGO.WP17-CIDHPile . -- . •:. [ 14 -: ... WP17 -SLIDE FOUNDATIONS PROJECT: - . 4- 161416 F1 '- I '.SHET . - L : '- - 03552 4;.'9i ¼-t n 222 882 2582 567 2375 395 2251 152 1879 4410 112 1988 1Q22 2178 992 2988 824 3401 685 3685 476 ! - 88 1782 842 2401 697 2720 576 2954 394 2475 152 2324 1 8 2015 1059 232, 1008 3138 835 3560 689 3878 470 922 1609 859 2901 708 2859 581 3f24 380 2680 152 2759 4-414 1.99 20901 1147 2603 1062 3.462 873 3937 713 437!) 467 4414 2.37 6629 1009 253 913 2841 746 3192 604 3561 384 3180 152 3621 .-_. 4.#183.S4. .2.270 1368 ,32o3 1200 4245 971 4852 772 5574 457 - 4418 4Z 1783 1231 2730 1049 3504 843 3998 662 4623 372 4322 152 5183 - 5410 1.40 2108 1063 2500 1000 3273 820 3680 683 3989 459 548 104 1563 849 1801 807 23596702835].55628Q2 3832237 152 1761 1 54111 1.72 21561109 268311024 3460 845 3884 6914242 452 549 132 1602 682 1912 828 2484 685 2779 565 2988 381 124ro 152 2149 - 5,114 2.49 2283 1218 305O 1092 3889 895 8382 722 4888 4.46. .54w 1.67 1651 925 2050 854 2641705 2961 5773223 379 771.1522430 5-#18 -41422583 14053946 1266 49201023 5586 8005458 427 5-811 2.95 ISM 97i7206817280412031385853444370305i.152103 .. ....j 5414 296 1799 1080 2533 943 3180 770 3576 615 4014 364 3740 152 4138 II 6-810 168 2123 1103 2838 982 3569 804 3990 635 4343, 427 o418 5.26 2086 1358 3308 1117 4081 896 46301 690 5370 • 338 281 152 6312 ' l 2.07 2173 1158 3044 1Q10 3819 822 4251 664 4853 416 I 5414 2.98 2309 1289 3489 1089 43601. 878 4894 698 5467'' '401 79 6418 5.31 2653 1522 4563 1289 5876, 1020 6462 i8 7408 356 " 9 1.58 1612 914 2159 812 2712 .66~ 3DOO. 542 3227 354: 2692 .152 2559: 6410 2.00 1663' .965 2323, 843 2910 .686 3234! 555 3528 348 3023! 152 3155 7410 1.97 2209 1643 2675 1069 3552 '884 40541 .726 45021 472 6411 246 1704 1020 2502 870 3112 705 3464! 564 3792 336 33411 152 369.. 7411 241 2275 1207 29177 1105 3807 9i0 4340! 741 4850! 465 t31 6414 3.55 1828 1152 2895 949 3591 760 597 4498 318 4118! 152 4754 .T1 7'14 348 - 2453 1361 3401 1205 4397 986 5037' 791 5742! 460 * '6418 6.31 2119! 1484 3639! 1148 4750 901 5398 676 6169 264 59 7-818 6.19 2910 1749 4900 1458 5827 117 61011 910 78081 440 74 8 1.45 JOS 89091 16881 951 2511 70T 2844 584 &C; 2883 M 3045 599 396 12 152 -2Wl!I1 9 124 6711 80225 2257 11 719 .11123465' 92 ,423474t401 488 946 203d 1 881 'Z 7410 2.34. 17381 1006 22161 9202899 171 956 3121 ., 759 3300, 618 3675 389 33541 152 35171 7-411 2.87 MI 1070 2 .1 785 354 14 398 2524 1432 3532 1275 4659 1045 5327! 832 135! 479 6 633 307W 381 37.45; 152 7414 4.14 1945 1223 1056 859 415 680 4761 373 462 152 539.3 8-816 7.07 3021 1816 4870 1577 62791 220 72041 974 6550.1 .466 7-418 737 2343, 1611 38961 1307 4899 1047 56031 793 6643 346 66701 152 6328 9410 2.53 2316 1224 2918 1130 3870 933 4422' 761 50161 481 848 166 1648 .924 1°021 881 2581 .732 2941! 604 3228 403 27811 152 2082 '9411 3.10 2390 1306 3207 1178 4189 96? 4781] 783 .5469!, 474 0 849 2.10 1705 977 20641 917 2778 759 31671 622 3518 403 31411 152 3284 9-814 4.48 2631 1583 3809 1315 4941' 4065 56611 848 6b12 469 1 8-410 167 11781 104€ 23681 '963 3026 794 3453] 66 3885 402 '°l 152 3959 '9-418 7.95 3222 2002' 5313 1.650 6730 1320 7796 1009 9368 449, I !11! !99 . !] i . ,&,-,n -,oi ip, ia,,i oal o' 7S -;t 181 2609 ., 181 3110 181' 427, - 181. 6144 •'- ',- 4 181 2972 181 3515 181 .4792 181 7330 181 3552 181 4222 .•.. •. -181 5564. . 181 8376 " ," "•-- - ,. -. .. I 181 3971 " I 181 4582............. 181 '6229 1 181 9749 ' I 181 '4518 ' 18.1 5281 181 6914 it 181 10708 181 4928 181 5745 181 7863 I 161 11889 IRI 44:1.1 g4v 3m 1902 1169 26711 iD33 .3459 8m ~940 67.3 45& 387' 4359 152 B 9-414 5.33 2110 1366 32211 1165 4122J 936 4716! 728 5523 3,79 55084 152 6659 ' '11 ,410 3.09 2432! 6304 3154 1192 4174 9804808! 795 5513486 5232 181 5818 II ' I . -3.79 I ' 11-411 '379 2535 1405 3491 1253 45591 6025 5,245 825 8870! 47.8 5889! 181 6777 B 10410 3.34 18901 1126 2658] 994. 2377 811 3839] 647 4386 '379 4168! 152 4700 11414 5.47 282661 1646 4246! 1415 5412' 1141 6316! 306 7411 475 74761 181 9050 JB104l1410 197011218 2933!10473983 849 4188 668 34l369 469911525412._ I " - . B 10414 5.92 22064 1437 35601 1688 4422 953 5060i 733 5979j 357 59521 152 7183 12410 ' 3.37 25121 1344 3254 1226 4297 1940 49721 815 .5781 497 5548! 186 6259 C) B - 12-811 414 26351 1455 3616! 1294 4709 .1060 5446 847 6389 492 '6276] 181 7263 B 16-410 3.68. 19321 1167 2650] 1046 3458' 852 397111 688 4583' 400 4429 152 5069 __ '12-414 5.97 2954 1717 44331 1472 5690 1196 6811 937 7904 491 7930] 181 9899 - 8 16-811 4.61. 2024] 1268 2943! 1103 3194 896 43491 713 5063 391 4997, 152 5898 11414 6.51 2283! 1508 36081 1264 4500 1017 5291, 791 6291 383 6387] 152 7794. 13411) 3.65 25451 1385 3392! 1252 4493 1025 5184 829 6030 491 5845! 181 6676 13411 f.48 2001 ISM 3781 1327 49391 1.04 5M 864 6679 483, 6%21 7800 I ' 152 5433 13414 6.47 30' .91 171% 4662 1521 i i i 1074 II 62414 710 2397, 1580 3777 1319 4794k 1064 55€6i 82 6056 395 6721 152 8425 14410 393 2605 1425 3587! 1268 4888 1039 54241 632 53121 481 61451 186 7092 11 58 .13-410 4.34 2030j .1247 28651 1101' 3740! 899. 43071 718 6034 404 49531 152 5831 14411 433 2742 1554 1348 51124 1098 870 71)651 471. 6930 181 82 13411 5.33 2140 1367 3205 1176 41291 952 4756 751 56Q 294 55$Oj ' '!. 15-810 4.21 265. '6465 9657' 1309 4800 607.4 5572 862 6540] '493 6426 186 7537 11 14-810 433 2083 1297 3031!. 1118 3914 911 4525! 722 6283! 394 5208] 152 6,173 15411 5.17 273 16173 . 4102 1391 53151 1138 6159 903 729i 488 1288 181 8763 14411 515 1416 33851 1198 4338 970 5010 758 5896 382 5855, '152 . 16-810 4.49 2702 1505 .37461 1343 4048] 1102 57541 281 67791 502 ' 6713 181 7927 ig 15410 5.01 21231 1328 3104! 1158 4020 944 4650] 750 6491 407 5470] 152 6552 16411 5.52 2871 '1652 4211! 1437 925 7582 '495 7610 181 9256 om 66-410 5.35 217.81 , '1358 31851 1191' 41541 973 48121 767 57061 413 5710[ 152 6917 1,7410 4.77 2765 1545 39011 1359 '5133] 1117 5949! 894 7047! 499 70i7 181 $358 (1) See ConfjrA PoliSs for lot on Cureo - 16-410 563 2815 1586 40981 1386 5336 1131 61666 899 7336 463 7239 181 8769 -'.~al I . [ IVA 47 rn4c s1000tystrs(1.a ba!aneeponfl) 10 bars on the en6fonsde. CD =7r ---5- -- - : ',_ - t '4 - IVIRiGHT . a. • '• Nón-Constrainéd Caisson Lateral Bearing Calculation ' - . ' . (DESIGN EQUATIONS PER IBC SECTION 1805.7.2.1) LOCATION Caisson 1 (AP85) . . , .. P(K): 7.340 - h(FT): 4,50. qlat(PSF/F1'): 300 TOLERATE 1I2 MOVEMENT? (YIN) N -.,DIAMETER (FT): ' 2.0. S1(PSFIFT): 1112. 14 A 772 MIN. EMBEDMENT (Fn : 11.12 ' S3. ' 4CFC1{ u EEAinI& - 1., •.f'3 a." vis '' 41 • - - 0 ' "' Iit,r - L t-o OK •' :' ' . - -. ,, •',z OJ.ft; 5' a 4.- -. (q) - io ffflJ OH .'• VIE () - PJ rUiAi.. Wot 1 - ............... . - - 5 " 1, • ,3 / . / - . ' -. Copyright WRIGHT ENGINEERS V2008.02.20 - S. 'a.- - . . . ''l - - -; ' • - - . . . "I- : SCfl61416 1 13 SHET , . • :, & . . - - -' - - - .. . ' 'Non-Constrained Caisson Lateral Bearing Calculation I -(DESIGN EQUATIONS PER IBC SECTION 1805.7.2.1) LOCATION Caisson 2 (AP 46) P(K): 7.400' • .. . . ) h (Fl) : 4.50 - (PSFIFT) 300 S TOLERATE iir MOVEMENT? (YIN): N DIAMETER (Fl) 2.0 Si (PSFIFT) 1116 - . A: 7.76 .4-- - - 'MIN. EMBEDMENT (FT): 11.16 - ,,-:. ••.. • I.. RIGHT. e n g I n ee ,r S 1 : . IIEo' UUAfJ ] _'? Fl . - (ii((,k M,Ii -- .4 1 . . . i : f MtV 3 l:l FT II[ CJkfI1' ON 1j1 ç. (i) kif 5 trj AT lT'1 ( 01 ., . * et 49 - . . •:'' ,. :.. - ...'.. -.... . -.I • Jr -,-- WJ7(Css/oD2f.4P48)))r25NCN-N5TPAfNED - Copyright WRIGHT ENGINEERS v2008,0228 01 . FOJECT. WP17sLIbEFODATIONS C1b61416 ' -i •.. - . . . :. -. I ______________________I tt!cr _] 4: ::. ; ; :1 RIGHT engine : I : I.. - 9 . . Non-Constrained Caisson Lateral Bearing Calculation (DESIGN EQUATiONS PER IBCSECT1ON 1805.7.2.1) • W ., -. ;•r; '. - . ••4, LOCATION: Caisson 3 (AP I & 2) • ..ç P(K): 21.529 h(FT): L 0.00 - qlat (PSFIFT): 300 TOLERATE lIT MOVEMENT? (YIN): N . W DIAMETER (Fl): 2.0 -. ., • -:. S1(PsF1FT): 1200 . r • A: 20.98 )IIIIIIIIIII11uhhhihhh11 - MIN EMBEDMENT (FT) 2098 I(II{ W(IL • • . • - T1'( L 2,l11 W:,jij ii JU 1 PIA 23 'L If U1t (4thlT (/11] U F/ • e lic• JIIVl. . -'-•. •.' frf 4 I TU! T /' - • •f • • .-. : • -..•. . • • - - • 4 O - • . .•. w •, .1 •.. :- ... • . .., . ,.,•. I J' •. -p • - . • - Opyfl9n1WRIGHT ENGINEERS v2008.02.28 J. WP17- SLIDE FOUNDATIONS usd161416 iT 15 .& PROJECT: . . . . . • I (,No: 1SIIE.T: I . * * : RIGHT engIne', I I S ' . .p •4,4'. •.. NónCónstrained-Caisson Lateral Bearing Calculation (DESIGN EQUATIONS PER (BC SECTION 1805.7.2.1) :-- LOCATION: Caisson 4 (AP 81 & 45) . ?- 4 , . S . P (K):' 10.836 -' - h(FT): 4.50 - - :-. qiat (PSF/FT): 300 TOLERATE 1/2 MOVEMENT? (YIN) N w. -. . . DIAMETER (PT): 2.0 ' SI (PSF,FT): 1200 : A: 10.56 M.M. EMBEDMENT(FT) 1421 /YU (dt'flj/ - £U('1 FU11 j\U1[(j I1i K , Wurir o T L J'O WtLilT #F 14 150 LIfJ3 1 FT FTUL i - k dlOWir, MAO, . 4 * (-'ft FL - "( 1 TIU AT r ' . - • - • - - .. . S - • •' S - r S 44/ & 45)))75NO4'CN.5TP4/NED - Copyright WRIGHT ENGINEERS v2008.02.28 ' --.-• WP 17 SLIDE FOUNDATIONS SC1161416 PROJECT L,No:I (SHr - •• I RIGHT engjne - _AI_. S - I w -• - c- -. 44 S Noñ-Constráined Caisson Lateral Bearing Calculation : • . . - (DESIGN EQUATIONS PER IBC SECTION 1805.7.2.1) S. ' . . ..• LOCATION:, Caisson 5 (AP 83) . . . P(K): 11.760 h(FT) : 4.50 qIat(PSFIFT) 300 S TOLERATE 1/2" MOVEMENT? (YIN): N / '. : • DIAMETER (Fr): 2.0. 5 . . . . Si (PSFIFT): 1200 - . A: 11.47 S MIN EMBEDMENT (Fl) 16.17 /II('UANJ Fog I1I11I 5. -.- K:. = ;'XA60d, TIF K ft4 f f A OIAft1 Ui1( !'L 1 L-11T, UJf . - 4. • tr . - Vt K -I - ' t13 1w r If st oil .- ¼ • -. • I 1 • - • 1 S "' :-- -1 - • I Am HPfn5(4P83))JC_SNON.O.2NSTR4/NEO Copyright WRIGHT ENGINEERS V200&02.28 SC1161416 [SHE .~ ET .1 . . • • - 44 - 4 • 4 • / RIGHT'. engine ff - p .4 1:.!Od4 v200& 02. 28 - .•1 .. . .V17 —SLIDE FOUNDATIONS • Lsdh161416 LSHiR0JET -,...No: !T: . . • 4. ... . a • Non-Constrained Caisson Lateral Bearing Calculation 00. (DESIGN EQUATIONS PER IBC SECTION 1805.7.2.1) LOCATION: Caisson 6 (AP 82) • r -. P(K): 12.250 h (FT): 4:50 F.. qlat(PSF/FT) : 300 * TOLERATE 1/2 MOVEMENT? (v/N): N . - •. DIAMETER (Fr): • 2.0 . - 'S I i (PSFIFT): 1200 A: 11.94 MIN. EMBEDMENT (Fr) 1568 — £1FIUf tl 9 fig!.I' w I.- ?- IIS• Jr .4 -; 11UIIlhV - öK P I It IL 1l (,1MIU (iIJ f fl TI1 1. '* 1 N. M61 ,. .. , ... nnvr1aht WRI(HT FM(1NFFRS l_ iz ii •• RICHT ,.. .. . . engine 0 ) • : O Non-Constrained Caisson Lateral Bearing Calculation DESIGN EQUATIONS PER IBC SECTION 1805.7.2.1) - . LOCATION :• Caisso67 (AP 44) /• -• - . • P(K): 7.850. - h (Fr): 4.50 0 - qiat (psF,FT): 300 - TOLERATE 1/2" MOVEMENT? (Y/N): N DIAMETER (Fr): 2.0 - S1(PSFIFT): 1145 ' . A 802 - MIN. EMBEDMENT (FT): 11.45 )_. 'u Aff'IflNJ • ron ifU .. .• 0 .- 1- 5( . •. ..*. . - - •0 o - 5 $ }'t K 17 1k CI*flJ iiI P Fl t1 ü a .. 0 • * 1 - —.-----. 1• . .. 0 - . . •• (41 wi J TiU AT dK uiv i- ••0 --'• •- 0 - _ . ..-:.t. . . • • •.: . -. .• S . •• •• . • •••0*; . . . 00 • ". •-• ..••, - .è . 0 • / • • 0P/7(tsg1on P(4).)Z$IVONCON57T?AfdVEV 0 Copyright WRIGHT ENGINEERS v.2008.02.28 '' WP 17 - SLIDE FOUNDATIONS 1SC1161416 1 [ HE Fl ROJ ECi,II.No:I - • 0 . .: : ) I M ,:., h,': •'t p engIn .. . I 4 . .4 Non-Coicstrained Caisson Lateral Bearing Calculation . ' ' (DESIGN EQUATIONS PER IBC SECTION 1805.7.2.1) r . S LOCATION Caisson 8 (AP 43) P (K): 7.70 6 - . . '4 . . , •, h '-r): 4.50 I , . qlot(PSFIF1'): 300 w • 4 . , TOLERATE 1/2 MOVEMENT? (YIN) N DIAMETER (Fl): 2.0 S1(psFiFT): 1136 A: 7.9 MIN EMBEDMENT (PT) 1136 (JI 'kitIN( 5 . - •. .' . - P4 .5SL T(1'( I - - 5 I'tx COP oiu ft. H L- L'6t' D I - -- . •-. .. ,•• . -t WJ . ,. 49 Al T5 M 1(1 UC OH '4. • 4 ,. ..'. ..--••... • •'•.-, -4 !. I ..,.'• •• . - - -• - .- :- -, ...•. ... S • S / I - NPF7(Css/oft8f4P43J)XSMOM= NSTP4IIV,c'D ' - Copyrighl WRIGHT ENGINEERS . v2008.02,28 - / WP17 - SLIDE FOUNDATIONS 1 SC1161416 iT FiO - "F~ROJ'E'C*T""' ' - - . No: K, . • ,4, 4 -,, ,0 4 . '•-''': 4- / ( RIGHT : e n g i n e e r S Non-Constrained Caisson Lateral Bearing Calculation - (DESIGN EQUATIONS PER IBC SECTION 1805.7.2.1) - . LOCATION Caisson 9 (AP 41) - P(K): 7.150 .? - .. .:h(: 4.50 . qlat(PSF/FT): 300 TOLERATE 112 MOVEMENT? (YIN): N DIAMETER (FT): 2.0 SI (PSFIFT): 1100 A 7.61 MIN. EMBEDMENT (FT) 11.00 rJtt - • 5 f 7 Uk PM 01*4i PL Ti jp -.-.-•-.------------.-----.--. 1 - V. • V F i(' how, At I e '1 I I-i p • - - - •- tJr .• lilt - U')' . lit. i(- UI 'f 11f At ir" u. g . p ..........;•p - . V - -. - - - p•• - -V •' - -. 4 4 1 --<- --L. - Copynghl WRIGHT ENGINEERS 400802.8 - -. WP 17 - SLIDE FOUNDATIONS 1 S WE ET CI 161416 : 1 ' - -_ PROJECT: . No: S p .•.-•.•-.. - t :k RIGHT e : - - - S - S S4I. I • Non-Constrained Caisson Lateral Bearing Calculation (DESIGN EQUATIONS PER IBC SECTION 1805.7.2.1) LOCATION Caisson 10 (AP 42) P(K: 7.330 Fl(FT) 450 qiat(PSFIFT) 300 TOLERATE 1/2' MOVEMENT? (y/N): N DIAMETER (PT) 2.0 S1(PSFIFT) 1112 A 771 MIN. EMBEDMENT (FT) 1.12 j,j't ikNi' S ---------- I • LI • W t • . Ll0 (1 1 (, 4J (?j1 WNT ) ) V"(,I1DN ON .'T1'( .• . . . ..; ..-,'. . • /iç(,U kOI'1 Tiff • • S : N71fcss,an 10(AP42))JLSN0N-NS77E4IN(D Copyright WRIGHT ENGINEERS - v2008.0228 : WP17- SLIDE FOUNDATIONS 1 161416 FI 1 • I PROJECT: No: (StlEE: J a: RIGHT : engine • Non-Constrained Caisson Lateral Bearing Calculation (DESIGN EQUATIONS PER IBC SECTION 1805.7.2.1) • LOCATION Caisson 11(AP84) P (K): 5.560' h(FT) 450 — qiat (PSFIFT) 300 a - TOLERATE 1/2 "MOVEMENT? (YN): - N : DIAMETER (FT): 1ii' / • MIN. EMBEDMENT (FT) 9.87 p - 3jirt• il• , all / - .... .-- WrM J-U 1 I' . - .• - I i: WUI:/d K Wnr fi 1L Hiii 15° 2 H I 21! ' '1 F! 59K TRY Vi It1 K Owl II S 4 t('{ 'riArt : I. a .--•--- •.. .- : ttt'1LI(Z l(T •pfl (ilA1 tJ 9fj ( ..3 Ia/j 7If fr 6C - -, • :: 1 - - . - 4._ - •• I • r- • S _ ----: -----:- • - - i7t'assioa tfAFd4JJX1SNON..tWSTR4INffD . Copyright WRIGHT ENGINEERS v208.02.28 - .WP17SLIDEFOUNDATIONS [No:h161416 LPROJECT: . " f SHEET: W- - • -- .- - - - -a - - - 1._4 : 4 RIGHT ' • . '. . e n g I n e e r s '—V :- Yr;.: • -. • . - - CONCRETE BEAM DESIGN . DESCRIPTION: T Conc. Tie Beam • . BEAM Pc (psi): 4000 b top (in): 24 ',. shear b (in): 24 i: 0.85 . .• PROPERTIES F (ksl): 60 . b bot (in): 24 - top rebar (#): 5 pmin: 0.0033 for 3pcJcu1at - • F (ksp): 40 cvr. top (in): 3 bat rebar (#): S h pm: 0.0214 (in):, 24 cvr. bot (in): 3 stirrup (#): 3 flop (in): 20.3125 No of lines of stirrups: 2 d bot (in) 20.3125 FLEXURE: Mu (+) (kip-ft) pbOt As bot (in 2) bot. reinforcing Mu (-) (kip-ft) plop As top (inA2) top reinforcing P95.4 0.00290 1.41 •5 # 5 . 00 0 • . 0.0 0.00000 1 0.0 0 0.0 0.00000 -. .. 0.0 0 00 000000 00 0 0.0 0.00000 , ' - 0.0 0 00 00000 00 0 - SHEAR: ' . F: 0.75 .. Vc(kips):46.25 . S Tax stirrup spacing (in) 10 5 if iVs> 925 - - Vs max (kips): 185 Vu (i-) (kip) •cVs req'd: shear stirrups S' .. 33.7. . 'minimum •.# 3 at 7 00 4nonereqd - 0.0 , none req'd . .. . . . . 4. 0.0 none req'd . .. .. - 00 none req'd 00 none req'd w - . . ,1• - DESIGN . beam! Conc. Tie Beam SUMMARY: - ., ' . . depth: 24 inches width 24 inches . fop reinforcing (5) #5 CONT.- ' .bottom reinforcing (5) #5 CONT. (EXISTING REINFORCING) -.4- - shear reinforcing: #3AT7"O.C. AT ENDS #3 AT 40" O.C. AT MIDSPAN : .• S •4_•44 * • * •••__..*_• .- •,• 4 • I * a 4 3 4 W rn. .• . Copyrot WRIGHT ENGINEERS . v200a04.03 : .. WP17- SLIDE FOUNDATIONS 10JECT_. fl61416 EN. 1 - •,• R. __• _.- __..._. _.. SHEET- I i. ,. - RICHT 0 '4r i.:.- S .' 4. - - " 4 CONCRETE BEAM DESIGN 4 4 DESCRIPTION:-Conc Tie Beam • ,. . ,,> BEAM . £c (psi: 4000 b top(ifl) 24. shear b(in): 24 i: 0.85 PROPERTIES: Fy(ksi): 60 b bot (in):. 24 top rebar(#): 5 pmin: 0.0033 4pIcufat Fyv (ksi): 40 ,-'. cur. top (in): 3 bot rebar (#): 5 t.S. . . ' -h (In): 24 .. cvr. bot (in): 3' stirrup (#): 4 pmaX: 0.0214 dtop (in): 20.1875 -. '. No. of lines of stirrups: 2 d bot (in): 20.1875 S FLEXURE: Mu (+) (kip-ft) pbot As bot (inA2) bot. reinforcing Mu (-) (kip-ft) ptop As top (inA2) top reinforcing - 83.0 0:00255 1.24 .. 4 # 5 0.0 0 • . 0.0 o.00000 . 0.0 0 -. . 0.0 0:00000 0.0 0 -- .o. 0.00000 . 0.0 0 0.0 0.00000 . 0.0 0 • * 00 000000 00 0 5 SHEAR 4> 075 4>Vc(kips): 45.96 - max stirrup spacing (in): 10 . 5 if 0 Vs> 91.9 4>V9rnax (kips): 184 S .. Vu (+)(kip) $Vs req'd: shear stirrups . . • 1337 minimum # 4 at 10 . 0.0, .nonereqd 0.0.. none req'd .. • . ..0 . none req'd ... ...' 00 nonereqd W 00 none reqd 5 DESIGN beam Conc. Tie Beam S . SUMMARY:,. .' depth: 24 inches width 24 inches 5 top reinforcing (5) #5 CONT., ., 7 - 0 . bottom reinforcing: (5)#5 CONT. (EXISTiNG.REINFORCING) . . .• . . .- shear reinforcing: #3 AT 7" O.C. AT ENDS #3 AT 40' O.C. AT MIOSPAN S ' .... .,.. - S 5 r ' .' - : - . - I % I 5, 4 • - 'S. - : TFeBnz4sC4'#>cöeam . CopyrIght WRIGHT ENGINEERS ' WP17- SLIDE FOUNDATIONS 1[s161416 SHEET:1 • - PROJECT, __t -. ___...., .. No: . S -. • •4 . 4 - .. - . - 4. - J - 4 : (ToiiiicJ GItCk1) RICHT iF! F1' 5 I1Jt g I n e e r S IT 1tJ!IL 49 TJ/• r (5?6 ) 1 • (i.o) iJ'1 ( ) k • c 114 k ¼.-- I •---: L. JL I 40 Pit-3.0 < 5l.3 : M To - n uw EFCTI Mu-el Of (fiWJW4-b, ALMO 14 M Af~Tll - -. - V6 ) i k ()) 1fl P 'lvllr H .1 -H1 otJ -- .-- - S .-•- - '-i-.---, . i i 'tJ_ (-rc') v (b) 1 (d) - 10, ivy Iv: H oñ ) (VI JAI)(u 7/'.t) - : 1, K - 31V t 51 ili( r L1fl 'AIb. vL 31 II E S - • -- r (U i(3o:ffN (0mi HOW he it - ' • - -- - - L j r WP17 -SLIDE FOUNDATIONS 1 Fo~:6 1416 1 I' 1 • L -13 91i"I91I3S SN0I1YUN1104 9GIIS - LTdi L331Odd1 \ . : :T , - fv ( •t,4.. •' • .- -- - -' \ NI 3 k (ADA Y. A t 1(v A io'O tii)20 0 • : ••-•' • ( 44 • . .• - I ,jjvfl N01 'IVPJ/iIll. IJ - ) s••_ All () 7 bI.hU) (s:A2. IV NJ I - • . - - '.- -- "8 1 0 Plt bO tiZ / 0LitAV C h120 - , sL Q zD 0 D r • - a lkf IV rot z -c , •. -. J 1 nA ii) W !VU5 h 4 SJ 3 aUiva IHDW nil !iV'ijcl,J)I Ya?JfLU)HUS (ft - • :. : -- \ ••44:.fr -•-. a 4 - 4-- S 4- 4 • ______ -... X6 (10U1 Fl * Fl 115Ff 3 /p3 lz 46 7'l LB ar '- r'r ? 101'! z,g 11bfi H - - ',•,- 4 - 4 14Jc U) 1631 1 ,g L1/ tu • - •:. .. 5' tI('J lk1J L bl.0 10 0111' cob L Jc: 11'flI, II f1 1 No: SHEET: w .. • .1' -. . . - S - '-,-. RIGHT e n g I n e e r s engjne S ' •. k A!h RIGHT -, 0 • - - . : Constrained Caisson Lateral Bearing Calculation S . .• (DESIGN EQUATIONS PER IBC SECTION 18057.2.2) ,LOCATION: DJEower Caisson 9 P(K) 0.248 ( - h(FT) 115 W . . •. - qiat (PSFIFT) .300 TOLERATE 1(2 MOVEMENT? (YIN): V DIAMETER (Fr): 2.0. S3(PsFIFT):- 1297 MIN EMBEDMENT (FT) 2.16 . - - ice - - .,.- -. . . . A - L. S 44•4 - - : - .1- -. - 'S... •.*. -..* '. - eat 4 ** .5 -. --. .' I ) : . . .• .5 I - - . -, . *5. 9-*. 5 5* , ;, • - ,.---. . •. .. . ___ VUl/M.0 . • [su LSH F1 1No: EET: - • •f•,•--;, 1 t• ..: . - . -'S LEGOLAND MAT RACER .- 'PROJECT NO: 35624 . Carlsbad, California, USA 1 GROUP . ,. • I I :'.. . . . . : .. • DESIGN NOTES : - (Rev. 0, 2017-02-14) S : . .. -: . . - - . . Description 1 Design criteria and loads ;" - - 2." Slide support analysis and design --• y '. . - 3.-. Tower analysis and design - . •, 5- • : - . . .4. Slide support column base connection 5. Footing design •• . -i -. .• , •. -Al 30201C - : )W/THITEWATER Corporate Ned Office S . Whwoter 'At h6sfries ltd 6700 McMullon Way Rithrnond BC Canada V6W 1i7 Tel (604) 273 1068 Fox (004)273-451 8 e-rnatl whilewater@whttewoterwest corn - t - . - -w~ -PQje,\[ "/ -rn4o --.-*, - -T • - • :. • :• -, - • - 11 • . •:.. ' •- • 9. - • T- • / ••.. : DESIGN CRITERIA • AND LOADS __- • • - _•;_ 1. •, ____ - - •r : . -. - - - -I • I • t -• -•.- • ; - a- - • • - - - . - - 1 • -I •-/ -. • - •t •. - • C- * NOTESO /k\ç spa gsa N. asaiN. NI N. 5* 4 N Mt Na IV QN. 0 7: - - - S - • fl 0.00 5*00, I.- . 5. CC S -- - '5-. .e..ess..ss..e...s.s.....se.....s.s.e.s...e. SUDEPATH LAYOUT X W.V-S WHITE WATER ,a(%, VhuteWater West Industries Ltd GROUP A SLIDE PATH LAYOUT 4- - ,S S S 069 99 geese Goss * . *So ISIS **..*goos e * se e-*,** CP-ES-GN-TP-003 . DateModified: ' Author SEAN LIM Approved By Dennis Vacha TITLE: ASCE7-10 WIND LOAD CALCULATION FOR DIFFERENT SLIDES . - - Revision: 1.0 Total Pages :1 ASCE7-10 WIND LOAD (IMPERIAL UNITS) 71 85 v fm 95 V 3s 110 Wind Speed Vel. 3s.mph 125 .76 -. 90 - 104 120 lmpt Factor I 1 85 100 '. 114 130 RIM 90 105 123 140 - Gust factor. G 0.85 Directionality. K 0.95 - Item 32AT PS 54AT CTR(S) OF Bullet(S) Bullet(F) LR BO GS RS SM ML 84AT 120AT Area ft2/ft 2.7 3.5 4.5 4.75 4 2 5.3 7 6 4.25 2 3.47 2.3 7 10 Cf 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.24 1.29 1.2 1.4 1.2 1.2 1.28 1.2 1.29 - 1.4 1.2 1.2 Adjustt factor 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 , 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Exposure B' K q(psf) - lbs/ft lbs/ft lbs/ft lbs/ft lbs/ft lbs/ft lbs/ft lbs/ft lbs/ft lbs/ft lbs/ft lbs/ft lbs/ft lbs/ft lbs/ft 0-15 ft 0.57 21.66 59.65 77.33 99.42 108.44 95.00 44.19 136.61 154.65 132.56 100.16 44.19 82.41 59.28 154.65 220.93 25 ft 0.66 25.08 69.07 89.54 115.12 125.56 110.00 51.16 158.18 179.07 153.49 '115.97 51.16 95.43 68.64 179.07 255.82 40ft 0.76 28.88 79.54 103.10 132.56 144.59 126.67 58.92 182.15 206.20 176.75 133.54 58.92 109.88 79.04 206.20 294.58 60ft 0.85 32.30 88.95 115.31 148.26 161.71 141.67 65.89 203.72 230.62 197.68 149.36 65.89 122.90 88.41 230.62 329.46 80 ft 0.93 35.34 97.33 126.16 162.21 176.93 155.00 72.09 222.89 252.33 216.28 163.41 72.09 134.46 96.73 252.33 360.47 100 ft 0.99 37.62 103.61 134.30 172.68 188.34 165.00 76.74 237.27 268.61 230.23 173.95 76.74 143.14 102.97 268.61 383.72 Exposure "C' 0-15 ft 1 0.85 32.30 88.95 115.31 148.26 161.71 141.67 65.89 203.72 230.62 197.68 149.36 65.89 122.90 88.41 230.62 329.46 25 ft 0.94 35.72 98.37 127.52 163.95 178.83 156.67 72.87 225.29 255.04 218.61 165.17 72.87 135.91 97.77 255.04 364.34 40ft 1.04 39.52 108.84 141.09 181.40 197.86 173.33 80.62 249.25 282.17 241.86 182.74 80.62 150.37 108.17 282.17 403.10 60 ft 1.13 42.94 118.26 153.30 197.09 214.98 188.33 87.60 270.82 306.59 262.79 198.55 87.60 163.38 117.53 306.59 437.99 80 ft 1.21 45.98 126.63 164.15 211.05 230.20 201.67 93.80 290.00 328.30 281.40 212.61 93.80 174.95 125.85 328.30 469.00 100 ft 1.26 47.88 131.86 170.93 219.77 239.71 210.00 97.68 301.98 341.86 293.03 221.40 97.68 182.18 131.05 341.86 488.38 Exposure "D" 0-15 ft 1.03 39.14 107.79 139.73 179.65 195.95 171.67 79.85 246.86 279.46 239.54 180.98 79.85 148.92 107.13 279.46 399.23 25ft 1.12 42.56 117.21 151.94 195.35 213.08 186.67 86.82 268.43 303.88 260.47 196.80 86.82 161.93 116.49 303.88 434.11 40 ft 1.22 46.36 127.68 165.51 212.79 232.10 203.33 94.57 292.39 331.011 283.72 214.37 94.57 176.39 126.89 331.01 472.87 60 ft 1.31 49.78 137.09 177.71 228.49 249.22 218.34 101.55 313.96 355.43 304.65 230.18 101.55 189.41 136.25 355.43 507.76 80 ft 1.38 52.44 144.42 187.21 240.70 262.54 230.00 106.98 330.74 374.42 320.93 242.48 106.98 199.53 143.53 374.42 534.89 100 ft 1.43 54.34 149.65 193.99 249.42 272.05 238.34 110.85 342.72 387.99 332.56 251.27 110.85 206.76 148.73 387.99 554.27 2/14/2017 9:58 AM - . - ' - - Slide Load LI - \YHIFE"VTALER CP-ES-GN-TP-003 . . . .. Date Modified - Author SEAN LIM Approved By: Dennis Vacha TITLE: ASCE7-10 WIND LOAD CALCULATION FOR SLIDES SUPPORTS . . - Revision: 1.0 ' . . Total Pages: 1 I - -.'I I - •iiiii - ..4.. - ---. ____ • - . - - - ASCE7-10 WIND LOAD (IMPERIAL UNITS) V fm V3s V fm V 3s ' 110 4 . . . 71 . 85 95 Wind Speed Vel. 3s.mph 125 76 90 . 104 120 I It 130. lmpt Factor I 1.• - 85 100 114 K2 90 105 123 140 Gust factor. G 0.85 Directionality. Kd 0.95 - Item Arm Railing Flat "-3" dia 6" dia 8" dia 10 dia 12" dia 16" dia 20" dia 24" dia 30" dia 36" dia Area ff2lft 0.62 0.4 1 0.29 0.56 0.719 0.896 1.063 1.33 1.67 2 2.5 3 Cf 1.3 1.6 1.4 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 Adjustt factor 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Exposure "B" K q(psf) lbs/ft lbs/ft lbs/ft2 lbs/ft lbs/ft lbs/ft lbs/ft lbs/ft lbs/ft lbs/ft lbs/ft lbs/ft lbs/ft 0-15 ft 0.57 21.66 14.84 11.78 25.78 3.74 7.22 9.27 11.55 13.70 17.14 21.52 25.78 32.22 38.66 25ft 0.66 25.08 17.18 IiIii 29.85 4.33 8.36 10.73 13.37 15.86 19.85 24.92 29.85 1 37.31 44.77 40 ft 0.76 28.88 19.79 15.71 34.37 4.98 9.62 12.36 15.40 18.27 22.85 28.70 34.37 1 42.96 51.55 60 ft 0.85 32.30 22.13 17.57 38.44 5.57 10.76 13.82 17.22 20.43 25.56 32.09 38.44 48.05 57.66 80 ft 0.93 35.34 24.21 19.22 42.05 6.10 11.78 15.12 18.84 22.35 27.97 35.12 42.05 52.57 63.08 100ff 0.99 37.62 25.77 20.47 44.77 6.49 12.53 16.09 20.06 23.79 29.77 37.38 44.77 55.96 67.15 Exposure "C" 0-15 ft 0.85 32.30 22.13 17.57 38.44 5.57 10.76 13.82 17.22 20.43 25.56 32.09 38.44 48.05 57.66 25ff 0.94 35.72 24.47 19.43 42.51 6.16 11.90 15.28 19.04 22.59 28.27 35.49 42.51 53.13 63.76 40 ft 1.04 39.52 27.08 21.50 47.03 6.82 13.17 16.91 21.07 25.00 31.27 39.27 47.03 58.79 70.54 60 ft 1.13 42.94 29.42 23.36 51.10 7.41 14.31 18.37 22.89 27.16 33.98 42.67 51.10 63.87 76.65 80 ft - 1.21 45.98 31.50 25.01 54.72 7.93 15.32 19.67 24.51 29.08 36.39 45.69 54.72 68.40 82.07 100ff 1.26 47.88 32.80 26.05 56.98 8.26 15.95 20.48 25.53 1 30.28 37.89 47.58 56.98 71.22 85.47 Exposure "D" 0-15 ft 1.03 39.14 26.81 21.29 46.58 6.75 13.04 16.74 20.87 24.76 30.97 38.89 46.58 58.22 69.86 25ff 1.12 42.56 29.16 23.15 1 50.65 7.34 14.18 18.21 22.69 26.92 33.68 42.29 50.65 63.31 75.97 40ff 1.22 46.36 31.76 25.22 55.17 8.00 15.45 19.83 24.72 29.32 36.69 46.07 55.17 68.96 82.75 60ff 1.31 49.78 34.10 27.08 59.24 8.59 16.59 21.30 26.54 31.49 39.39 49.46 59.24 74.05 88.86 80ff 1.38 52.44 35.93 28.53 62.40 1 9.05 17.47 22.43 27.96 33.17 41.50 52.11 62.40 78.00 93.61 100ff 1.43 54.34 ' 37.23. 29.56 64.66 9.38 18.11 23.25 28.97 34.37 43.00 53.99 64.66 80.83 97.00 .......s.....s..s I SSS•SSSSSSSSSSSS .S•.S S..... OS. .4 -, - 2/14/2017 9:58 AM • - . . Column Load Sec. 11.4.1 Ip.65 Sec. 11.4.2 / p.65 Sec. 11.4.3 / p.65 Sec. 11.4.4 / p.65 Tab. 11.6-1&2 / p.67 Eq. 12.8-1 / p.89 Sec. / p.84 Sec. / p.86 Eq. 12.8-2 / p.89 , Eq. 12.8-3/p.89 Eq. 12.8-5 / p.90 Eq. 15.4-1 / p.140 Sec. / p.108 Eq. 12.14-11 'p.108 Eq. 15.4-1 'p.140 S . ::.. Dlm W-f.-JITTEW-ATIR CP-ES-GN-TP-004 -- . Date Modified: - Author: SEAN LIM Approved By: Dennis Vacha TITLE SEISMIC LOAD iBC20I2/ASCE7-10 Revision: 1.0 Total Pages :2 V.) - SEISMIC LOAD (ASCE7.10) INPUT Project Number 35624 Project Location: Carlsbad CA V - Ss 1126 % - S1 433 % TL= 80 Sec S Site Class: -D -- - (D is default) 1 Fa 1.05 -F.= 1.57 -' Risk Category: •. le= 1.00 - . . - T = -:0.57 Sec.. (Fundamental Period) R= 200 - r = 1 30 (Redundancy Factor) 1, GENERAL CALCULATIONS V V - - SMSFa SS = 1.18 V - M1 F, Si = -0.68 V V ; .- •. SOS = 2/3 SMS = V 0.79. = 2/3 SM1 = 0.45 S . - Seisrnic'Design Category: D V V = C5 W (Cs as calculated below) V '1.30 t4t! V - h - r - W ' Ev =0.2SdW= 0.16W V V • V - 5 EQUIVALENT LATERAL FORCE (Secon 12.8) • Cs=S0I/R= 0.39 44 1 Cs max = -0.39 t - Smin 03 W . , .•' -'Smin . - , : •=> C= 5. V SIMPLIFIED ALTERNATIVE DESIGN CRITERIA (Section 12.14) - F= 1.2 (conservative) C = F S 5 / R = 0.47 - - 5 VV V CS min - -V 0.03 - - C5 =1 V SEIMIC DEMANDS ON COMPONENETS (Section 13.3) V - •'c_9 - . ' .. Page 1 of 2 .1 ) - ,V.V. - ¶ - V•' '4 Fig. 22-1-11 / p.211-219 Fig. 22-1-16 / p.211-219 Fig. 22-12-16 I p.224-226 Sec. 11.4.2/p.65 Tab. 11.4-1 / p.66 Tab. 11.4-2 / p.66 Tab. 15-1 / p.2 Tab. 15-2/p.5 Sec. 12.8.2 I p.90 Tab. 12.2-1orl5.4-1&2 / p.730r141 Sec. 12.3.4 / p.83 / -I / I. 1,1 I. Date Modified: - Author SEAN LIM )WHITEWATERG -ES-GN-TP-004 FCP Approved By: Dennis Vacha TITLE: SEISMIC LOAD IBC2012/ASCE7-10 Revision: 1.0 Total Pages : 2 • . .,.. a = .2.50 (flexible) - l,= 100 .'R=.._2.00 4 zlh = I'00 (at roof level) • ==> C= 118 • . .. • , ..-. : • I.' * - -* -. • I S - 5.. ._' : • :.•,, , • 4I . - . - * Page 2 of 2 - S. .- Sec. 13.1.5&Tab. 13.5-1 /p.11l Sec. 13.1.3/pill Sec. 13.1.5/pill Sec. 13.3.1/ p.113 Sec. 13.3.1lp.113 • S' - •' - . . 1_- •t -,•S i - • - :- • --•. -.. - S - - - . S 'S r ,• - . ' I - -: -- • - -_ -. -' . . . . -- .. 7 -•••' • .: -• •• . - 'L,• L , SLIDE SUPPORT ANALYSIS& DESIGN 5 •t r'y -1 . .•--..•-' • .- -•' S I ;f -. -• - . • : : - * S - • -,•... • -- • - - • - _•S S Ar 4- 3 .- • 1 ' : Job No Sheet No Rev 35624 1 ir Software licensed to WhiteWater West Industries Ltd. J P81tGROUPA SLIDE SUPPORT Job Title LEGOLAND MAT RACER - Ref - By BRODIE PAKALNI11/16/2016 Chd Client • • Pie 35624A-RO.std Date/lime 14-Feb-2017 09:53 - .- - •:r - - - c i' -.-, -.-- - - • Print Run 1 of 1 -'-".- --.• ;_ -- .- S - I L - • -.' - I - ,- -- .- •:- - -- * $ -.,-.. Job No Sheet No / Rev .' 35624 1 0 —- Software licensed t WhiteWater West Industries Ltd. PaFtGROUPA SLIDE SUPPORT Job Tile LEGOLAND MAT RACER Ref . By BRODIE PAKALNI11/16/2016 Chd Client . - - File 35624A-RO.std 14-Feb-2017 09:53 12117 - Y . - •--- -•. C - - I - / 2 •' 1 t ,-. '. 4 '- I -- ',. 4: •. :. • - -- - - lIt -•* 4 ' •• /*/:ft •: • - - I / j/ / / *us/ 1121. - .:' / - • ,* 8 • '__ .4. - - -- ' /1 • - 48 ii - *._j• . - I • • a - Print Time/Date: 14/02/2017 09:54 - * STAAD.Pro V8i (SELECTseries 4) Print Run 1 of 1 r / .- -., __ 't- . - •• . : - -- . , C - Job No Sheet No Rev - 35624 1 0 Software licensed to WhiteWater West Industries Ltd. PaFtGROUPA SLIDE SUPPORT Job Title LEGOLAND MAT RACER Ref By BRODIE PAKALNI11/16/2016 Chd Client .,. . File 35624A-RO.std I0atemme 14-Feb-2017 09:53 ch - S - -. - F . .:• n - .'- • 0 :-- - -. - /• •- / I /4' ''--- --'-- -- 4 .V • •..-' '.-. ---- .*•.. - . .•, ,•,.• .Print Time/Date: 14/02/2017 09:55 - . . STAAD.Pro V8i (SELECTseries 4) Print Run lofi - S - •0 w • *_;-, .4,. Tuesday, February 14, 2017, 09:56 AM' ) .4 r "4 * .4 - - .4 .. * PAGE NO. * ** STAD.Pro'V8i SELECTseries4 ' * a , Version S * * . Proprietary Program of * ,,,* Bentley Systems, Inc. ,' * * Date= FEB 14, 2017 - * 4 * - Time= 9:55:40 * " USER ID WhiteWater West Industries Ltd * * * * ** * * ** ** * * * * ' : w S 1'- S '• STAAD SPACE - ,INPUT FILE: 35624AR0.STD '' . ,. 3. * ' SPEED -> STAAD.PRO V81'SLIDE MODEL GENERAOR j * 4 * SPEED VERSION ' ' :SPD3000 .4. - 5' * - PROJECT NO:' " . ' :35624A * 5 6. PROJECT NAME ¶'. : LEGOLAND MAT RACER * 7. * DATE OF-COMPUTATIONS - :11/16/2016 * .8. * . TIME:OF COMPUTATIONS' :16:23:36 . * 4 9. * ,e ,3D DRAWING FILE ,. - - :35624R5V' * 10 "Ii'. START JOB INFORMATION 12. ENGINEER DATE 11/16/2016 1,13.' JOB NO 35624 - 14"JOB NAME LEGOLANDMAT RACER - '. 4 15. JOB REV 0 -- 16. JOB PART GROUP-ASLIDE,SUPPORT - . 17. ENGINEER NAME BRODIE PAKALNIS '18, END JOB'INFORMATION'. W . 20. INPUT WI6TN,79 IT -. 21. , ******************* . - ' • - 'X Y. '*Z' - - - UNIT FEET KIP JOINT COORDINATES . '25. 1005 147.242 167.837 -100.001;'1006 159.053 167.914 -100.001 5 26. 1007*166519 168.946 -100.001; 1008 '173. 463 171.876 -100.001 27. 1009 181.136 175.722 -100.001; 1010 187.743 177.538 -100.001 . 1 28.,jO11 195.'01}179.536 100.001;.1012 201.916 182:998 -100.001 .1013 205 183.898 -100.001' 603000 181.136 169.2 -103.254 6O3001"181. 136 179-103.254; '604000 195.01 169.2 -103.254 604001 19501 183 -103.254;-605000 181.136 169.2 -81.165 ¶ - S 32. 605001 181.136 179 -81.165; 606000 173.463 169.2 -103.254 606001'173.463 180'-'163.'254;,611000 195.01 169.2 -81.165 . 34. 611001195.01,1831-81.165; 612000 173.463'169.2'-81.165 35:' 612001173.463. 180 -81.165; 612006 147.242 167.837 -96.8864 .. 36: 612007 159.053'167914 -96.8864; 612008 1'66.519 168.946 -96.8864 5. 37_612009 '171.876"-96.8864; 612010 181.136 175.722 -96.8864 * 38. 612011 187.743 177.538 -96.8864 612012 195.01 179.536 -96.8864 ""'6 , **•_ ' ,- ...' _*.., .9, ' -. . 4 .4 r - - - S N:\Proj6ct\35624\EngStructura1\Design Notes\Working files\Slaad Model\35624A-RO.anl . , _'•; 11 5 'STAAD SPACE , - PAGE NO. 2 39 612013 201.916 182.998 968864 612014 205 183.898 968864 40:,612020 147.242 167.837 -93.7718; 612021 159.053 167.914 -93.7718 . 41612022'166.519168.946 -93.7718; 612023 173:463 171.876 -93.7718 42.612024 181.136 175:722 -937718;,612025 187.743:177.538 -93.7718 .43.,612026 195.01. 179.536 -93.7718; 612027 201.916 182.998 -93.7718 "44. 612028 205 183.898 93.7713; 612034 147.242 167.837 -90.6572 0. 45Y612035 159.053 167.914,-90.6572;'61203'6 166.519 168.946 -90.6572 46. 612037 173.463 171.876906572; 612038 181.136 175.722 -90.6572 '47. 612039,187.743 177.538 -90.6572; 612040 195.01179.536-90.6572 -48t612041' 201.916 182.998 `90.6572;-612042 205 183.898 -90.6572 49. 612048 147.242167.837 -87.5427; 612049 159.053 167.914 -87.5427 -.50. 612050 166.519 168.946 87.5427; 612051 173.463 171.876 -87.5427 - .. "51. ,612052181.136 175.722 875427; 612053 187.743 177.538 -87.5427 S 120 S 52. 612054 195.01 179:536 -87.5427; 612055 201.916 182.998 -87.5427 .4' 53. 612056205 183.898 -87.5427; 612062 147.242 167.837 -84.4281 .612063'159.053 167.9i4 84.4281;, 612064 166.519,168.946 -84.4281 552 -. 665 173463171.876 -84.4281;'612066 181.136 175.722 -84.4281 612067 187.743 177.538 -84.4281;'612068'195.01 179.536 -84.4281 .612069.201.916 182.998 -84.4281; 612070 205 183.898 -84.4281 -" 612072 166.519 167.2 -96.886; 612073 166.519 167.2 -87.543 612074 181.136 '175.722 -103.254; 612075 .181.136 175.722 -81.165 60.46120764195.01,179.536 -M.254;.612077 195.01 179.536 -81.165 612080'2057417 183.59 -103.165; 612081 205.417 176.395 -103.165 612082-205:417'1692 -81.165;'612083 205.417 176.395 -81.165 , •63.612088 205.417 191.59 -103.165; 612089 205.417 183.59 -81.165 64.'612090 205.417 191.59 -81.165; '612102 205.417 169.2 -103.165 • '65...6121o3173.463 177 -103.254; 612104.173.463 177 -81.165 "I "66,j612105 173.463 180 -95.891; 612106 173.463 180'-88.528 .' 672 612107 173463 177 -'95.891;.612108 173.463 177 -88.528 68.612109181'.136170 :81.165; 612110 195.01 170 -81.165 S 69. 612111 205.417170 -81.165; 612112 181.136 170 -103.254 .4 70., 612113 195.01 170 103.254; 612114 20517 .170 -1032165 71r,,612115,181136 176.7 -81.165; 612116 195.01 179 -81.165 5.' 72..612117 205.417 1767p-81.165; 612118 181.136 176.7 -103.254 73..612i19"19501 179'-103254; 612120, 205.417 176.7 -103.165 to % "747 612123 195:01180.033 -103.254; 612124 205.417 185 -103.165 75. 6121251195.01,180.033'-81.165; 612126 205.417 185 -81.165 _• 76. 612127 173463 16.9:999 -103.255;'612128 173.463 170 -81.165 77. 612129 181'.136'175.5 -81.165; 612130 181.136 175.5 -103.254 . 78. 612131 173.463 174 -103.254; 612132 173.463 174 -81.165 79. .612133 185.761 170 -81.165; 612134 190.385 170 -81.165 .3 80. 612135 198.479 170Z-81.16;'612136 201.948 170 -81.165 81-612137 185.761 170 .-103.254; 612138 190.385 170 -103.254 - 82. 612139 198.479 170 -103.224;,6121'40 201.948 170 -103.195 83. 612141 185761 177:467 -8'-.165;-612142 190.385 178.233 -81.165 84.612143198.479'181.689 -83.165; 612144 201.948 183.344 -81.165 S .485. 612145,185.761177.467 -103.254; 612146 190.385 178.233 -103.254 86. 612147'198.479 181.689 '-103.224; 612148'201.948 183.344 -103.195 S. 87. SLIDE-A!' . .. ,. . . . 88. *****COLUMNCOORDINATE********* ,89. *****ApJ4 COORDINATE*********. .. 4 "'.: STAAD. PRO GENERATED COMMENT ' * S 94: *1002 1001', 1002 ' 1014 ' , - - -' , ". ' • r S 'a. S 1' '• S C f - - N:Proect\35624\En0\Structura1\DesiPn Notes\Working Files\Staad Pfodel\35624A-RO.anl Tuesday, February 14, 2017, 09:56 AM a 0. I' .1 Page 2 of 18 S • 1 Tuesday, February 14,'2017, 09:56 AM N STAAD SPACE * , ' .-- PAGE NO. 3 5******************* * 96:' MEMBER INCIDENCES'' . 1006 1005'1006!.1067 1006 1007; 1008 1007 1008; 1009 1008 1009; 1010 1009 1010 1011 1010 1011; 1012 1011 1012; 1013 1012 1013; 603000 603000 612112 . 604000 604000 612113;-605000 605000 612109; 606000 606000 612127 ' 611000 611000'612110;,612C,00 612000 612128; 612005 612006 612007 . '612006,612007 612008; 612007 612008 612009; 612008 612009 612010 102.612009 612010 612011;' 612010 612011 612012; 612011'612012,612013 103. 612012 612013612014; 612018 612020 612021; 612019 612021 612022 104.'612.020 612022 612023; 612021 612023 612024; 612022 612024 612025 105.,612023 612025 612026; 612024,612026,612027; 612025 612027 612028 612031 612034 612035;612032 61203' 612036; 612033 612036 612037 ' 612034 612037 612038;'612035 612038 612039; 612036 612039 612040 .198. 612037 612040 612041; 612038,612041 612042;-612044 612048 612049 -: 612045'612049 612050; 612046 612050 612051; 612047 612051 612052 612048 612052 '612053; 612049 612053 612054; 612050 612054 612055 612051 612055 612056;.612057 612062 612063; 612058.612063 612064 • 5 112_612059.612064 612065; 113.612062 612067 612068; 612060 612063 612065 612068 612066; 612069; 612061 612064 612066 612069 612067 612070 114 6M66 '606001 612105; 612067 1007 612008; 612068 612008 612022 612069 612022 ,612036;,'612070 612036 612050; 612071 612050 612064 612072 612050 612073; 612073 612008 612072; 612074 612074 612118 5 612075 612075"612115; 612076 612074 1009; 612077 1009 612010 118: 612078 612010 612024; 612079 612024 612038; 612080612038 612052 . 612081.612066 612052612082 612066 612075; 612083 612076 612123 612084 612077 612125; 612085 612076 1011; 612086 1011 612012 . .122. 612087 612012 612026; 612088 612026 612040; 612089 612040 612054 612090 612054 612068; 612391612068 612077; 612093 612080 612124 612094 612082 612111;*612398 612089 612126; 612114 612081 612114 .r ,612115 612083 612117; 612116 612103 606001; 612117, 612104 612001 612118.612103612107; 612119 612105 612106; 612120 612106 612001 -126: 612121 612107'612108 612122',612108 612104; 612123 612105 612107 612124612106 612108; 612125 612109 612129; 612126 612110 612116 5 612127 612111 612083;,612128 612112 612130; 612129 612113 612119 612130'612114 -6f2102; 612131 612109 612133; 612132 612110 612135 . ' '130. 612133 612112 612137; 612134 612113 612139; 612135 612115 605001 131. 612136 612116 612077; 612137 612115 612141; 612138 612117 612089 .132. 612139 612125 612143; 612140 612118 603001; 612141 612119 612076 133. 612142 612118*612145;612143,612120 612081; 612144 612123 612147 5 , 134 135.-612149-612125 '612145'1-612128-612109;612146 611001; 612151 612127 612112 612127612131; 612147 612152 612123 612128 604001 612132 612153 612080 612120; 612155 612124 612088; 612156 612126 612090 - - 612157'612129 612075;' 612158 612130 612074; 612159 612131 612103 - 138.. M160-612132412104; 612161 612130 612131; 612162 612129 612132 5 139.'612163 612133 612134; 612164 612134 612110; 612165 612135 612136 140. 612166-612136 612111; 612167 612137.612138; 612168 612138 612113 , 141.' 612169 612139 612140; 612170 612140 612114; 612171 612141 612142 612172 612142 612116; 612173 612143 612144; 612174 612144 612126 . 612175 -612145 612146;,'612176 612146 612119; 612177 612147 612148 144' 612178 612148612124; 612179612142 612134; 612180 612141 612133 - 612181 612143,612135;'612182 612144 612136; 612183 612139 612147 612184 612140 612148; 612185 612138 612146; 612.186 612137 612145 * - SLIDE-AA I - , * COLUMN MEMBER S 349 150. * DUMMY MEMBER- - • -**;GROUP-***. , .*. - - . * -. , -• - - :"- * to : t ia ) : -.-•, - - a S N;U'roject35624\EngStr*cura1\Dasign Notes\Working Files\Staad Model\35624A-RO.anl Page 3 of 18 * '.-- 'a ' , - Tuesday February 14 2017 09 56 AM STAAD SPACE - - - - -- PAGE NO. 4 151 START GROUP DEFINITION 152 MEMBER - R 153 _SLIDE AR 154. SLIDE_AA*1006 TO 1013 _612005 TO 612012 612018. TO 612025 612031 TO 612038 - .155. 612044 TO 612051 612057 TO 612064.. *****SLIDE_ML****************- •. S SLIDE-ML6,1006 TO 1013 612005 TO 612012 612018 TO 612025 612031 TO 612038 - 612044 TO 612051,612057 TO 612064 ************* - •. - . - 160. *****,C2***************• *****_PIPE6.63X0.2***************• 606000 612000 612116 612117 612151 612152 612159 612160 _PIPE6.63X028 *****PIPE8'63XO322 ****** .164. -PIPE8.63X0.322 603000 604000 605000611000 612074612075 612083 612084 - 612125 612126 612128 612129 612135 612136 612140 612141 612147 612149 612157 - .', 612158 •,, t t JOINT. • -S •, ***.**TOPSTEEL** .. . 169., 603001604001-605001 606001 611001 612001 612074 TO 612077 612103 - _TOPSTEEL 612104 *****BASEPE**************- •- . 172 BASESTEEL 5 173 BASESTEEL 603000 604000 605000 606000 611000 612000 END GROUP DEFINITION *****USER TABL************* START USER TABLE TABLE 1 •. " - • 'S . PIPE .,. -•.1 - C20 ' 1.66667 0 0 0 ". . • S 5,• 181 C24 S - ' .• 2 0 0 0 - - 5 . ••, . S PIPE663X0.28 ':- . , ,0.5525'0505833 00 •1•• • PIPES.63XO';322 0719167,0.6655 0 0 ' END , ,5 . ,. . ,, . •-' . DEFINE MATERIAL 188 ' S 189 UNIT INCHES RIP .- ' DEFINE MATERIAL START. ISOTROPIc STEEL' ' 4193 . -, . - E 29732:7 • .. - POISSON 0.3 S ' 194 DENSITY 0.006A3` 5 195 ' ALPHA 1.2E-005,j,,7 - DAMP 0.03.,,, - - •5• 5 S - - . TYPE STEEL . 14, . 198.'STRENGTH FY 36 FU 59 RY 1.5 RT 1.2 199. . . ISOTROPIC CONCRETE , '• - 200., E 3150 - , • . . . } 5 .201. POISSON 0.17 DENSITY.8.68E-005 ALPHA 15-005 5 204DAI1P 0.05 - . TYPE CONCRETE, .. STRENGTH FCU 1346' - • ' , , .5 .... S . cil- . - --- ':. - . ' .Se S a S S , • 5,5 , 55* 5,,, S S -'•: -t5, S 4 r -I, • '-4 . - 5f,S . '? * w • 4 _ t - , 5 4 . -. • ,4 '5 Notes\Working Files\staad l4odel\35624A-RO.anl Page 4 of 18 - STh'Project'35624'Eng'Strucoural\Design '5 ' -•e . .S. - .5 Tuesday, February 14, 2017, 09:56 AM 7, STAAD1SPACE 2 . ' ' -- PACE NO. 5 207.' ISOTROPICFRP , r' 208. E800 JL . " .209. POISSON 0.3 '-,210. DENSITY 6.95E005 . 211. END DEFINE MATERIAL - PROPERTY*** 46 ********** 213. MEMBER PROPERTY AMERICAN'.* . 214. 603006.604000 605000 611000 612074 612075 612083 612084 612093 612094 612098 - 215. 612114.612115,612125'TO 612130 612135 612136 612138 612140 612141 612143 - to 216. 612147 612149 612153 612155 TO.612158 UPTABLE i PIPE8.63X0.322 MEMBER PROPERTY AMERICAN I - 1006 TO 1013 612005 TO 612012 612018 TO 612025 612031 TO 612038 - .219. 612044 TO 612051 612057 TO 612064 PRIS AX 17.341X 1 IY 3369 IZ 200 S 220. UNIT FEET RIP 221. MEMBER PROPERTY AMERICAN S 222.612072 612073 PRIS YD 2 223.4612066 TO 612071-612076 TO 612082 612085 TO 612091 612119 - 612120 TABLE ST'PIPX60 606000 612000 612116 612117 612151 612152 612159 612160 TABLE ST PIPX80 612118 612121 612122 TABLE ST PIPX30 227.612123 612124 TABLE ST L20204 - 228. MEMBER' PROPERTY AMERICAN . 5 229. 612179 TO 612186 PRIS YD O.5 ZD 0.04167 - 230. MEMBER PROPERTY AMERICAN 5 231. 612131 TO 612134612137 612139 612142 612144 'TO 612146612161 TO 612177 - - 232.. 612178 TABLE ST L60406 233. *****CONSTANT*************- , - 234. UNIT INCHES RIP . 5 235. CONSTANTS ...-. - .. . 236. BETA 345 MEMB 612131 TO 612134 612137 612139 612142 612144 TO 612146 612161 - .237. 612162 TO 612178 238.' MATERIALFRP MEMB1006 TO 1013 612005 TO 612012 612018 TO 612025 - 239. 612031 TO 612038612044 TC 61205 1 - 612057 TO 612064 5 240. MATERIAL STEEL MEMB 603000 604000 605000 606000 .611000 612000 - 241.'612066 TO 612071 612074 TC 612091 612093 612094 612098 612114 TO 612147 - .242. 612149 612151 TO 612153 612155 TO 612186 ,243. MATERIAL'CONCRETE MEMi 612072 6]2073 ,S .244; UNIT FEET RIP 245. SUPPORTS . • . T 4 - - ,-246. *****COLUMN FIXE********* 5 • 247. 603000 604000 605000 6060C 0.611 000 612000 612072 612073612082 612102 FIXED 248; *****JOINTAT POOL********3 *****JOINT AT TOWER**.******. 1005 612006 '612020 612034-612048 612062 PINNED .2512 1013:612014 612028 612042 612056612070 FIXED BUT MX MY RFX 807.5 RFZ 807.5 252..******PRIMARY. LOA********* .. - 253. MEMBER RELEASE - .254. ,612066 612076 612085 612118 612123 612124 612131 TO 612134 612137 612139 - 255. 612142 612144 TO 612146 612161 612162 START MY MZ 612082 6120916i2120,612122 TO 612124 612145 612146'612161 612162 612164 - '612166 612168 612170 612172 612174 612176 612178 END MY MZ LOAD 1 DL I,: . SELFWEIGHT Y -1 5 260. JOINT LOAD" .- 261. 612001 FYi-0.5. "262. MEMBER LOAD r ' " • ,'. ' till . -..' - . •:,-- •- . .' - -' ' : -- • k 4.-., .••* '•.'- • N:\Project\35624\Eng\Structural\Design Notes\Working Files\Staad Model\35624A-RO.anl . I 4 -I' 4 Page 5of18 - / . . Tuesday February 14 2017 09:56 AM STAAD SPACE . '-- PAGE NO. 6 612119 CON CT .-0. 5.3. 6815 - •' LOAD2 LOADTYPE NONE TITLE LIVE 265.' MEMBERLOAD .. . 266. 1006 TO 1013 612005 TO612012 612018 TO 612025 612031 TO 612038 - S 267., 612044 TO 612051 612057 TO 612064 612067 TO 612071 UNI GY -0.105 268. 1006 TO 1013612005'TO612012 612018 TO 612025 612031 TO 612038 - - 269:' 612044 TO612051 612057 TO 612064 612067 TO 612071 .UNI GY -0.0023 .. - 606000 612118,612121 612122612151 612159 UNI GY -0.02 LOAD 3 LOADTYPE NONE 'TITLE WX - MEMBER LOAD . - .. 1007 TO 1013 606000 612000 612006 TO 612012 612019 TO 612025 612032 TO 612038 - 274.612045 TO 612051 612058 TO 612064 612066 612116 612117.612119 612120 612151 - 275 612152 612159 612160 UNI PX 0.12 .. 276. JOINT LOAD 277 1, 612001 FX 0'5 .278 .9 MEMBER LOAD 279 612119 CON GX 0 53 6815 40 280 LOAD 4LOADTYPE NONE TITLE WZ& MEMBER LOAD , - : 606000 612000 612116612117 612131 612133 61213f612142 612145 612146 612151 - lip '283. 612152 612159 TO 612164 612167,612168'612171"612172 612175 - 612176 UNI PZ 0276 612120 UNIPZ0.45 . '286. JOINT LOAD' -. . .287: 612001 FZ 0.5 - ., • ' . 1 288.MEMBER,LOAD 289. 612119C0N GZ 0.5 3.6815.. •' . . . ' + 290.' 603000'604000 605000 611000'612074 612075'612125 612126 612128 612129 612135 - 612136.612140 612141 612147 612149 612157 612158 UNI PZ 0.014 612132.612134 612139 612144 612165 612166 612169 612170 612173 612174 612177 - 612178 UNI PZ 039 LOAD 5 EX . . , SELFWEIGHT X.0.54 * 296. LOAD,6 EZ - • •-4 :. , . 4 SELFWEIGHT Z 0.54,, '. . . LOAD .7+LOADTYPE NONE TITLE'1.4DL. . REPEAT LOAD 300.'l 1.4 -W, 301. LOAD 8 LOADTYPENONETITLE.1'2DL+1.6LL -' - S p303 -4302 REPEAT LOAD',' 112214 LOAD 9,LOADTYPE NONE TITLE1':2oL+1.0X0.iwL(X)+0.5LL 5 REPEAT LOAD 306 112301205 5 LOAD 10 LOADTYPE NONETITLE 1.2DL+1X0.1WL(-X)+0.5LL REPEATLOAD . #309-1 1.2 3 01205 k LOAD'll LOADTYPE NONE.TITLE.1.2DL+1X0.1WL(Z)+0.5LL 5 REPEAT LOAD 5- 1 1.2 4 0.1 2 0.5 313.+LOAD 12 LOADTYPE NONE. TITLE 12DL+1X0.1WL(-Z)+0.5LL 314 REPEAT LOAD " 1 1.2 4 -O.12 05 LOAD 13 LOADTYPE NONE 'TITLE 1.2DL+1NL(X) - 317 REPEAT LOAD I 318. 1 1.2 3 1.0.,- • 41 * .. ...' '. S - '+5 ; - - ' ; ." . •" ': • -, . - - . , S • '.' 1-'; - ::,,,,--- 'r 5 *4 SN:'Project'35624\Eng\Structura1'DeignNotes' Work ing Files\Staad l-Iode1\35624A-RO.anl Page 6 of 18 • ;-. *' S I * I * Tuesday February 14 2017 09:56 AM 5 STAAD SPACE- - - - -- PAGE NO. 7 5 319. LOAD 14 LOADTYPE NONE TITLE 1.2DL+1.WL(-X) -. - - ' 320 REPEAT LOAD ó' S 321. 1 1:2 3 -10 . - 322. LOAD 15 LOADTYPE NONE TITLE 1.2DL+1WL(0) . . S 323. REPEAT LOAD . 1 1:241.0 LOAD 16 LOADTYPE NONE .TITLE;1.2DL+1wL(-z) . 5 - 326. REPEAT LOAD '327.i1.2 4 -1:0 5 328. LOAD21'LOADTYPE NONE TITLE 09DL+1WL(X). • ' . 329. REPEAT LOAD . 5 330.4 0.9 3 1.0 331: LOAD 22 LOADTYPE NONE 'TITLE 0.9DL+1WL(-X) A ' 332. REPEAT-LOAD t .1 - - , W '0943 -1.0 - - - - . - LOAD 23 LOADTYPE NONE TITLE 0.9DL+1WL(Z) .334. p335. REPEAT LOAD. . 7• .- 1 0.9 4 1.0, - :. -. . LOAD 24 LOADTYPE NONE TITLE 0.9DL+1WL(-Z) - - - .338. 5 339. REPEAT LOAD 1 O.94 -1.01 . • .- - LOAD 36-LOADTYPE NONE TITLE (0.9_0.2SDS)DL+10*OMEGA (1.3)EQ(X)+0.3EQ(Z) REPEAT LOAD - - 342. 1 0.74 5 1.36 O.3 • - - . - 4 S 343. LOAD 37 LOADTYPE NONE TITLE (0.9_0.2SDS)DL+1.0*OMEGA (1.3)EQ(-X)+0.3EQ(-Z) 344. REPEAT LOAD .1345. 1 0.74-5 -1.36 '-03 LOAD38 LOADTYPE NONE TITLE (0.9_0.2SDS)DL+1.0*OMEGA (1.3)EQ(Z)+0.3EQ(X) REPEAT LOAD 5 348. 14 0.746 1.3 5 '0'3 • - - 349. LOAD,39LOADTYPE NONE' TITLE (0.9_0.2SDS)DL+1.0*OMEGA (1.3)EQ(-Z)+0.3EQ(-X) 5 350. REPEAT-LOAD - . . 351. - 1 0.74 6-1.35-0.3,. - 54 352. LOAD 40 LOADTYPE NONE -TITLE (1.2+0.2SDS)DL+1.0*OMEGA.(1.3)EQ(X)+LL +0.3E0(Z) 353. REPEAT LOAD - . . 354.1 1:365 1.3 2,1'0-6`0:3 - - 355. LOAD 41LOADTYPE NONE TITLE (1.2+0.2SDS)DL+1.0*OMEGA (1.3)EQ(-X)+LL+0.3EQ(-Z) REPEAT LOAD ' . - , ' . - • .S 356. _357. 1 1.365 -13 2 1.0 6 -0.3 LOAD 42 LOADTYPE NONE TITLE (1.2+0.2sDs)DL+1.o*OMEGA REPEAT LOAD 3. • - (1.3)EQ(Z)+LL+0.3EQ(X) - 360. 1 1.36 6 1.3 2 1.0 5'0.3',,- -- 5 361. LOAD 43 LOADTYPE NONE TITLE (12+0.2SDS)DL+1.0.*OMEGA (1.3)EQ(-Z)+LL+0.3EQ(-X) REPEATLOAD - 1 1.366-1.321.01 -0.3- PDELTA,3 ANALYSIS •SF4ALLDELTA • . ..., S - - -- -: -- .t', .•: . -g. S.. 3.. - • [' -. . , • - -- - • W A - - -- -- : - - It * 5 . • .3 - ,•- - - - - 1 1 SA, 3- -: S N:\Project\35624\Eng\Structura1IDesign-Notes\ Working Files\Staad Model\35624A-RO.anl - Page 7 of18 - •_4'_ - •. -••. - I S Tuesday February 14 2017 09:56 AM STAAD SPACE ' - PAGE NO 8 ' PROBLEM STATISTICS - --- ------------- NUMBER OFJOINTS' 124 NUMBER OF MEMBERS 153 NUMBEROF PLATES - 0 NUMBER OF SOLIDS 0 NUMBER OF SURFACES 0. NUMBER OF SUPPORTS 22 • SOLVER USED IS THE OUT OF-CORE BASIC SOLVER . ORIGINAL/FINAL B7.3D-WIDTN='87/;.,12/ 76 DOF TOTAL PRIMARY LOAD CASES = - 28, TOTAL DEGREES OF FREEDOM = 654 . SIZE OF STIFFNESS MATRIX = 50 DOUBLE KILO-WORDS REQRD/AVAIL. DISK SPACE = 13.1/ 264991.8 MB '++ Adjusting Displacements -. Adjusting Displacements. ... - ++Adjusting Displacements. ' 365. PARAMETER i ,- - - 366 CODE AISC UNIFIED 2010 -.. 367. METHOD LRFO . 368. CHECK CODE M5045 603000 604000 605000 606000 611000 612000 612066 TO 612071 - .369.. 612074 TO612091,612093 612094 612098 612114 TO 612147 612149 - - 370 612151 TO 612153 6 12155 TC 612178 0 4, 4_ - 4 S -4 4. S.. L S 4 4 4 4 5* S • I 5 p 5 a a . " 5 N \Project\35624\Eng\Structural\Design Notes\Working Files\Staad Model\35624A RO aol ' Page 8 of 18 '4 .4 Tuesday, February 14, 2017, 09:56 AM STAAD SPACE - : -j -- PAGE NO. 9 STAAD.PRO CODE CHECKING- (AISC-360-1O-LRSD) vi.3 -' - S - -- : . • :. S ALL UNITS ARE INCH (UNLESS OTHERWISE Noted) MEMBER' TABLE - RESULT! CRITICAL COND/ RATIO! LOADING/ - T- FX ' MY ' MZ LOCATION --------------------; S 603000 ST PIPE8 63X0 322 )UPT) . • . PASS Hi-lb 0.510 ' 15 1'0 5 C 26.'5 8 3.93 0.00 - _f__'• - 4 - - S S . 604000. ST'PIPE8.63x0.322 (UPT) - - - 'PASS Eq Hi-lb 0.414 15 1.71 C 21.75 2.89 -, 0.00 5 605600 ST P1PE863X0.322 • (UPT) - - - PASS Eq. Hi-lb 0.515 16 S . 1t17 C - -26.58 4.18 0.00 -• - . 606000 ST - PIPX8O )AISC SECTIONS) '. PASS Eq.H1-ib' 0.430 - 15 - 7.1 06 C 27 59 8.26 0.00 611000,ST PIPE8.63X0.322 (UPT) * 5 • * PASS Eq Hl-lbl 16 1.76 C -21.77 2.90 0.00 S 612000S . •PIPX8O •,. • )AISC SECTIONS) S .\PASS Eq Hi-lb4 .0 .4316 16 - 1.63 C _-' -27.57 8.73 0.00 4 612066 ST •PIPX60 -'" - )AISC SECTIONS) - PASS Eq. Hl-1b ' 0.299 13 " 5 - 0.00 T 8.34 -4.26 • 7.36 5 612067 ST PIPx60' , '(Al SC SECTIONS) PASS- Eq. Hi-lb 0.392 8 S 0.98 T 6.40 . . 10.09 • 3.11 6' 612068ST P1PX60 - -- -, )AISC.SECTIONS) . • S - - • PASS Eq. H1ib • - 0.5371 8 0.35'T 11.08 11.51 0.00 5 612069 ST PIP X60 • - • . )AISC SECTIONS) S - - PASS' Eq. Hi-lb - 0.196 8 - - 0.95 T 9 73.36 . -4.83 1.30 -• -• S.. ;1 4 .- - .y.,•, • • 4 612070 ST PIPX66. • - )AISC.SECTIONS) .-' 5 PASS Eq Hi lb 0.537 8 - • 0.35T .11:08 . 11.51 3.11 S - . - • ',.. -tv; • 6 - .. c-. -. •-:--i S 1 5 57 4 5 5,.•. ', . I_ - . _5;_. •- • S - .' -• - , . - 4• •.Z • J - -. S- ,.. 5 -- .. •- :. 5' 5• --V.. . 7 1 & -' .•i ' '7 .• - N:\Project\35624\Eng\Structural\Design Notes\Working Files\Staad - Model\35624A-RO.anl Page 9 of 18 - .. •5 -._;C --V -- 5 • • ,. STAAD SPACE - PAGE NO 10 S STAAD:PRO CODE CHECKING - (AISC-360-10-LRFD) vl.3 • * S. * ** *4* **** * - ALL UNITS 'ARE - El; INCH (UNLESS OTHERWISE Noted) MEMBER TABLE RESULT, ,CRITICAL COND/ RATIO! - LOADING/ FX MY MZ • LOCATION =-----;-------- 612071 ST PIPX60 - (AISC SECTIONS) PASS. Eq. Ni-lb, 0.393 8 . 0 48 T 6.41 10.09 0.00 612074 ST PIPE863X0.322 )UPT) PASS Eq. (1- lb 0.039 15 , 0.11 C - 1.97 0.34 0.00 612075 Sr PIPE8.63X0.322 . -(U') - - PASS 1Eq. Hi-lb ' 0.041 16 . . 0.15C -1.97 0.49 0.00 . 612076 STPIPX60 )AISC SECTIONS). . PASS Eq.-Hl-16 - ,0.596 8 0.02 T - 7.92 '717.16 A 3.25 612077 ST PIPX60 - . (AISC -SECTIONS) PASS. Eq. Hi-lb ',. 0.901 8 2.12 C , 13.15 -24.60 3.11 612078 ST PIPX60 .&- )AISC SECTIONS) . . PASS aEq. Ni-lb . 0.970 8 - ' 4.33 C. 11.41 - -29.10 3.11 • - - r -612079 ST PIPX60 . )AISC SECTIONS) - PASS. 5.52 C Eq. . Ni-lb 11.43 0.950 -28.11 - 0.78 • .612080 ST PIPX60 . )AISC SECTIONS) 4, PASS Eq.,-Hl:-lb 0.971 8 4.33 C - 11.41 . -29.11 0.00 612081 .. • ST PIPX60 : )AISC SECTIONS). - PASS Eq. Ni-lb 0.901 - 8 • 2.12 C -13.16 -24.62 3.11 612082 •• - - ST PIPX60 -. . PASS • Eq. - (AISC Hi-lb SECTIONS) - 10 597 8 • . - - 0.02 T 7.96 . - -17.19 0.00 • . 1 •'. - • • '. .612083 ST , 1yIPE8.63X0.322 (OPT) - . PASS . 0.028 - - '16 * - 0.33 C - -1.21 .. .0.04 0.00 -. .-: - • :- .-, - . • • *- (S. . 4 - - -. -. . ..• *-, - - S t - - ':4 - -,e,, •• • ,. t - • I • ,.•,•-,,--- • ", . - 4, • ., •• 4; . I -- • - . .--. . . . N:\Project\35624)Eng\Stiuctural\Design Notes) Working Fiiles\Staad Model\35624A-RO.anl • .- . _ .•,.----- 1' Tuesday, February 14, 2017, 0956 AM Page 10 of 18 -, .-'- 0 •' - - Tuesday, February 14, 2017, 09:56 AM 5 STAAD SPACE ' -- PAGE NO 11 5 - b - -,. STAAD.PRO CODE CHECKING -(AISC-360-10-LRFD) vl.3 • ****** **** * * * ** ** --. - r .. .- .# ALL UNITS ARE- KIP INCH (UNLESS OTHERWISE Noted) MEMBER TABLE RESULT/.1 CRITICAL COND/ RATIO! LOADING! - FX ' ' MI HZ LOCATION • -• 612084 ST PIPE8.63x0.322 )UPT) . . PASS . •- 0.028 4 0 * . - 0.07 T -- 121 0.03 0.00 612085 ST PIPX60 - -- )AISC SECTIONS) - PASS. Eq. H1-1b 0.481 8 0.00 C 8.79 - - 11.47 3.25 5 612086 ST PIPX60 . )AISC SECTIONS) - - PASS Eq. Hi-lb 0.703 8 .•. .. 1.67 T- - 11.89 -17:60 - 3.11 • .612087,ST PIPX60 . )AISC SECTIONS) -- . - . '- PASS EqHl-lb 0.772 8 • 3.12 T v 11.66 -2057 311 612088 ST PIPX60 , .)AISC SECTIONS) . 5 PASS Eq. Hi-lb., 0.710 8 372:T . . - 8.00, -21.61 1.56 612089 ST OPIPX601 . )AISC SECTIONS)' •. . , PASS Eq.', ,Hl-lb' - 0772 . 8 • . " 3.12'T. . 11.66 . -20.58 0.00 . 612090 ST PIPX66 .' )AISC SECTIONS) PASS Eq Thl-ib 0.704 8 11 90 '-17.61 000 5 1612091 ST 'PIPX60 * )AISC SECTIONS)',- PASS " Eq. Hi-lb . • 0.482 8 0 0.00 C .",. 8.81 -11.49 - 000 612093ST . PIPE8.63X0 322 )UPT) -PASS Eq. Ni-lb 0.055 . 15 5 - . 0.42 C . 3.18 - i ,, .• . 0.06 • ,., . 0.00 612094 ST .PIPE8.63X0.322 -C )UPT) - - - 9 . - PASS. Eq.Hi-ib . 0.643 16 1.09 C . -,-37.26 1.24 . 0.00 1 _..' ,. i'•'• 0 612098 ST 'PIPE8.63X0.322 )UPT) . ','PASS' Eq. Ni-lb .0.055 - - - 16 - . S -, .- 046•C --o.-3.18 . 0.09 0.00 S 4 S - , S ., . . .- .S . • . I S. • :.: . . 0 - ''..' -. \ .. f\ 7 • N:\Project\35624\Eng\Structural\De*ignNoles\WorkingFi1es\Staad Model\35624A-RO.anl - Page 11 of 18 - , ' ' I - ' '0 - - *•t•. - (. . --......... '• , 0 .-..( . .. S - - I 4. - 5. ' - -- ,. . - • - -' .- 5 STAAD SPACE -- PAGE NO. 12 I, STAAD.PRO,CODE CHECKING.- (A1SC360-10LRFD) vl.3 S • ***********k*****************,************ • . .... - ALL UNITS ARE - KIP INCH (UNLESS OTHERWISE Noted) 'i ___4 • 5 MEMBER TABLE , RESULT/ - -CRITICAL CONE)! RATIO! LOADING! FX. MY MZ - - LOCATION S 612114 ST PIPE8 63X0 322 )UPT) 41 . PASS E - Eq. Hi-lb * 0.576 15 0.89 C s33.85 . çO6i - 6.39 :. 4., - •.---. . - - . •. 612115 ST. P1PE863X0.322 :)UPT)...- -. PASS, Eq. 141-lb 4 0. 333 16 S. 0.71 C 'i -19.41 0.52 0.00 5 612116 ST PIPX8O - • ,. )AISC SECTIONS), PASS Eq. Hl'-lb - 0.067 13 0:84 C -' 0.00 , 5.48 - 0.00 5 612117 ,ST:; PIPx80 )AISC SECTIONS) PASS Eq. Hi-lb 0.080 13 - . 1.44 C .# 0.00 . 6:57 . 0.00 • 612118 ST PIPX30 - )AISC SECTIONS) 5 PASS 'Eq. Hl'-lb - 0.108 40 0.01 T - '0.35 -0.50 6.14 • ,- . - 612119 ST oPIPX60 )AISC SECTIONS) - S PASS Eq. Hi-lb' . ' 0.372 13 000 T - 4 10.07' - -558 , 3.68 5 612120 ST PIPX60 . . )AISC SECTIONS) PASS 0.00 T Eq. .141-lb - .34 - 0.299 -4:26 13 0.00 612121 ST PIPX30 . . . )MSC SECTIONS) - PASS Eq. Hi-lb 0.140 40 0.00 T -- • 0.43 70.67 -, 3.07 612122 ST '. PIPX30- )AISC SECTIONS) S PASS Eq.-Hl-'1b . .0.108 40 0.011C 0.37 -0.48 0.61 S . S . 612123 ST L20204. ' PASS )AISC Eq. H3-8 SECTIONS) - " 0018 3 . 0.00 T •• 0.00 . 0.00 0.00 612124 ST L20204 . ', )AISC SECTIONS) 5 - PASS Eq. 143-8 . 0.017 • 3 0.00T . '- . ')y9 . 0.00 0.00 5 A 4 5 - 4)• S • :. ••- - -.-•, ,. 4 4: •• 1 -.- . -.- . s. . - .•. • .. . . . S 1 I. -... . S S •.. '• 4 - . . N:\Project)35624\Eng\Structural)Design9lotes\Working Files\Staad Model\35624A-RO.anl - . - . .' S Tuesday, February 14, 2017, 09:56 AM - a Page 12 of 18 41t$ . - . Tuesday, February 14, 2017, 09:56 AM STAAD-SPACE - ", --PAGE NO. 13 • ,' STAAD.PRO.CODE CHECKING - (AISC-360-10-LRFD) vl.3 a ** ** .• .I_ * ** * * . L_ ALL UNITS ARE KIP INCH (UNLESS OTHERWISE Noted) MEMBER TABLE jRESULT/ CRITICAL COND/ RATIO! LOADING! - OX - MY MI LOCATION -- 612125 ST PIPE8 63X0 322 ' (UPT) . 4 PASS , Eq. Hi-ib' . 0412 16 . . 0.98 C, -21.41 3.21• 0.00 612126 ST PIPE8.63X0.322 )UPT) - - PASS Eq. Hi-lb , 0333 16 '1.47 C -. -17.12 .2.67 1)00 612127 ST PIPEB 63XO322 )UPT) PASS Eq. Hi-lb - 0.580 16 0.93 C -33.82 0.90 0.00 - 612128 ST PIPE8.63X0.322 ' '. )UPT) • - . •..jZ''PASS . Eq. H1ib 0.410 15 '- . 0 90..61,i ,.' 21.41 308 0.00 '612129 ST PIPE8.63X0.322 ' . )UPT) PASS EqJN1-lb 6- 0330 • 15 -' t 1.35'C '' 17.11 251 0.00 04'612130ST ', - ' - '(UPT) 818E8.63X0.322 , .-- •. PASS Eq.Hi-1b 0.641 15 - 1.19 C' 37.29 -1.05 0.80 - •- 612131 ST L60406 ,, • • )AISC SECTIONS) - PASS Eq. H2-1, 0.652 ' -24 0 07 C -, 5.77 1.28 4.62 612132 ' ST 1,60406 - (AISC SECTIONS) PASS- Eq.-H3-8? . 0.589 16 ( . . ' 000 ' 0.00 0.00 . • 4- 4 -, I S ' 6i2I33 ST L60406 - -• . t ')AISC SECTIONS) PASS Eq. H3-8 0.587 16 .. , 0.23 T , 0.00 , .0:00 . 0.00 4 - 4 612134 ST L60406 .)AISC SECTIONS). - PASS" 'Eq. H3-8 . 0.616 16 .0.05T . 0.00 f 0.00 0.00 .4, 4, , .. - -; . 612135 ST PIPE8.63X0322 " )UPT) •.. ' , PASS -SEq. Hi-lb ' 0.001 ' 38 : . 0.05 C' 0.05 .0.01 -, 0.00 •• 4 -4 • • ' '. ••' . . 1 •4. .' •- ' ' S ••t- '.,' 'S • I 4 - * S N \Project\35624\Engstructura1\Design Notes\Working Files\Staad !-lodel\35624A RO ani Page 13 of 18 S '''• 4 Tuesday, February 14, 2017, 09:56 AM -4 Page 14 .of 18 -4- . S 4 - S :. 5 STAAD SPACE I - -- PAGE NO. 14 - STAAD.PRO CODE CHECKING - (AISC-360-10-LRFD) vl.3 • -. I 5 ALL UNITS ARE - KIP 5 INCH (UNLESS OTHERWISE Noted) 5 MEMBER TABLE s RESULT, CRITICAL COND/ RATIO/ LOADING/ - I - FX -- - __ - MZ LOCATION S I - - a -t 612136 ST - PIPE8.63X0322, )UPT) PASS Eq. Hi-lb . 0.172 8 3.86-C - 0.00 -9.90 0.54 • .. 612137 ST L60406. •. . )AISC SECTIONS) - ..4,5 PASS Eq. H2-1 0.663 24 5 0.49T :'591 i.27 4.69 612138 ST PIPE8.63X0.322 (UPT) -. - - PASS Eq. Hi-lb 0.322 16 C .. -18:72 0.50 0.00 S . 0.70 • 4_ -. 4- .. - 612139 ST, . I L60406 .. -- )AISC SECTIONS) - PASS 'Eq.' 3-8 0.671 16 '. Ir 018 C - 0.00 . 4 0:00 0.00 S 4.1. • 612140.ST PIPE8:63X0.322 . N. ,)UPT) • . . . PASS..,Eq. •Hl-lb . 0.001 38 ,005C • 0.05 0.01 0.00 612141 ST PIPEB 63X0 322 * )UPT) S . PASS Eq., H11b . 0.172 8 386C 000 991 054 612142 ST L60406, (AISC SECTIONS) F • 5 .•.•. . PASS Eq. .H2-1 . 6.25 C .: 6.04 • 0.599 0.95 24 4.69 . 5 612143 ST PIPE8.63X0:322 . (UPI) r - - •• . PASSI Eq. Hi-lb 0.330 15 . . 0.671C 19.37 -0.35 0.28 .,6121445T.. L60406 . ..- )AISC SECTIONS) PASS Eq.' H3-8 . 0.695 16 0.03 C - 0.00 0.00 0.00 : •f . .'. ,• .•: 4I 5 . • - 612145 ST L60406 )AISC SECTIONS) PASS ;Eq H3-8 0.304 - 16 • 0.85,C.' -- 0.00 . 0.00 .• S 0.00 ,•. . t• -612i46 ST - •- L60406, .. )AISC . - - SECTIONS). - . . PASS; Eq.-H3-8 - 0.304 16 0.39 T 0.00 . 0.00 . 0.00 S 3 ..- S l_ 1. .5 . .• - • 5. -. , .Y•- - 2. ., S . .•t •a_. - . . : . S - . .. • . . T . ,. S S • .. . S. N:\Project\35624\Eng\Structural\Design Notes\Working Files\Staad i4odel\35624.4-RO.anl -S • STP.AD 'PACE' " ' - -, -- PAGE NO. 15 STAAD.PRO CODE CHECKING - (AISC-360-10-LRFD) vl.3 ALL UNITS ARE - KIP INCH (UNLESS OTHERWISE Noted) MEMBER TABLE RESULT!. CRITICAL CORD! RATIO!. LOADING! - I FE MY . HZ - . rLOCATION ' - 6121411S T PIPE8 63X0 322 (OPT) ' -. PASS Eq. Hi-lb . 0002 - 36 . 0.06 C. 0.02 - 0.09 0.00 612149 ST PIPE8 63X0 322 ., (OPT) PASS- EqH1-lb - - 0.002 36 0.06 C 0.02 0.09 0.00 .612151 ST PIPX80' (AISC SECTIONS) O "•' - PASS Eq 'Hl-1b ' 0.366 15 0.96.0 ". 23.18 .- 736 0.00 .4*. .-'. ..... ST .612152 PIPXSO,. .. "- )AISC.SECTIONS) PASS Eq Hi-lb 0.372 16 1.54 "423.16 ' -. 7.78 0.00 612153 ST PIPE8.63X0.322 - Eq. .,PASS' (OPT) - Hi-lb 0.319 15 * 0.66 C' 18.74 - -- -0.34 6.89 612155 ST PIPEB.63X0.322 (OPT) PASS' Eq. Hl-lb' 0.009 " 38 ' . 0 14 C .. 0 44 0.10 0.00 I . .• 612156 ST PIPE8.63X0.322 -'' '(OPT) 1 • PASS 'Eq. . Hi-lb 0.009 38 0.14 C 0.44 0.10 • 0.00 -- 612157 ST PIPE8.63X0.322 ((•Jp*p) 4 110 PASS . Eq Hi-lb. " ' 0.074 8 5.41 C 0.00 ' 3.88 0.00 Al 612158 ST . PIPES. 63X0 322 (OPT) PASS Eq. Hi-lb . 0.075 8 5:42 C 0.00 - 3.88 0.00 - c- ' • - - 612159 ST PIPX80 r- . )AISC SECTIONS) * , PASS. Eq. Hi-lb 0.143 13 1'.08'C 0.00 11.86 0.00 612160 ST PIPXSO (AISC SECTIONS) PASS Eq. Hi-lb 0.174 13 1.68 C •, 000 14.42 0.00 r ' .'* 4 . - . . * 4 ' - 4 N:\Project\35624\Eng\Structural\Design Notes\Working Eilès\Staad Model\35624A-RO.anl 5 4. *4 Tuesday, February 14, 2017, 09:56 AM 8 - - Page 15 of 18 STAAD SPACE -- PAGE NO. 16 , 5 STAI4D.PRO CODE CHECKING - (AISC-360-10-LP.FD) vl.3 • '•,: r' ALL UNITS ARE KIP INCH (UNLESS OTHERWISE Noted) • MEMBER TABLE RESULT! , CRITICAL COND/ RATIO/. LOADING/ FX , MY HZ LOCATION • ' -- 612161 ST L60406 . )AISC SECTIONS) .., .PASS .Eq' 113-8 •. - '40.312 15 • . . J.96 T 0.00 0.00 7.82 5 612162 ST L60406 . )AISC SECTIONS) - PASS Eq. 0:312 ,H3-8 15 • 1.23 C * 7.82 0:0 0.00 5 612163 ST L60406 4 0 )AISC SECTIONS) PASS Eq., 112-1 0.552 24 • 0.33C 0.52 : 2.31 . 612164 .: ST L60406 .,' )AISC SECTIONS) - " PASS Eq. 112-17 0.644 . 15 0110T','5.51 0.00 612165 ST L60406 )AISC SECTIONS), . 5 PASS- -Eq. H21 0.469 24 0.41'C .' 5.33 0.55 1.73 - , , - . .• - W 612166 ST L60406 "# )AISC SECTIONS) . 'PASS 'Eq. N3-8 . , 0.609 .. 16 - 1. 0:36 C 0.00 . 0.00 -. 3.47 . . 612167 ST L60406 4 ./ )AISC SECTIONS) - PASS Eq.'H2-1 ' 0.551 . 24 . 009T • 6.700 054 193 5 612168 ST L60406 )AISC SECTIONS) PASS Eq. N2-1 0.688 15 - - 0.41 C 5.50 - -2:36 0.00 612169 . ST L60406 - )AISC SECTIONS) 'PASS 'Eq. H2-1 .ç .. 0.467 24 . 0.05 T 530 : 0.571 1.45 612170 ST .L60406 (AISC SECTIONS) F PASS Eq. 'H3-8 . ' '0.585 16 0.15 T 0.00 6 0.00 3.47 .-,. ., ,,• . • 612171 ST L60406 -., . )AISC SECTIONS) . PASS CEq.,N2-1 0.566k. 24 * 0.76T • 6.90 052 2.34 .• .,- S 41 1 • * 4 S - . * 4 • - #1 i , • . N\Project\35624\Eng\Structura1\Design Notes\Working,piles\Staad !4odel\35624A-RO.anl ,. .4 -(,•••. • Tuesday, February 14, 2017, 09:56 AM -4 . * 4 . :'• STAAD SPACE - - - .- Tuesday, February 14, 2017, 09:56 AM PAGE NO. 17 - I .- J STAAD.PRO CODE CHECKING - (AISC-360-10-LRFD) vl.3 - - a . ALL UNITS ARE ' RIP INCH (UNLESS OTHERWISE Noted) ' MEMBER • TABLE RESULT/. CRITICAL CONE), RATIO! LOADING! LOCATION FW MY * ME • • - 612172 ST L60406 • ISC.SECTIONS) ' PASS Eq. H2-1 0.653' • 032C 4 -573 211 15 24 '.)( 655. ' 0.57 000 ..612173 ST L60406 )AISC SECTIONS) ' 612174 ST L60406 - .:)AISC)SECTIONS) , . PASS Eq.- H2-1 0.549 1.92 S - .-. PASS ,. Eq. H3-8 - 0.651 .' 1 612175 ST L60406 ' )AISC SECTIONS), . - 16 003T 000 000 I 0:11 C 6.91 - 0.54 384 . PASS Eq.N2-1 ' 0.566 . 24 a 1.95 612176 ST L60406 i.. AISC SECTIONS) - .•, . 'PASS •Eq. N2-1 * 0.691 . 15 S 0:65 T . - 2.34 ', 0.00 5 612177 ST L60406 )AISC SECTIONS) .1 .....PASS Eq. H38 . 0.630 24 . • PASS - Eq. H2-1 - • 0.553 . • 0:14 T ' 6.52 0.60 ,' 1.60 5 612178ST L60406 )AISC SECTIONS) 16 0.11 T 0.00 0.00 3.84 371 FINISH - . V . ( END OF,THE.STAAD.Pro RUN ************ -. DATE= FEB 14 ,2017 TIME 9:56:12 i 41 • • . It: L •• •* - 4%- •, I ,- S 4 N:\Project\35624\Eng\Structural)Cesign Notes\Working Files\Staad 1-lodel\35624A-RO.anl Page 17 of18 - a. '- w , I 4 , • .4 4 1 Tuesday February 14 2017 09:56 AM STAAD SPACE 4, PAGE NO 18 ******************************************************************** * For questions onSTAAD.Pro, pleasecontact * * • Bentley Systems 'or Partner offices * . We / Email * USA .. +1 •(714) 94-2500 - * - .'elephone * - UK +44 (0)!808'101 9246 * * SINGAPORE +65 6225-6158 - * * FRANCE +33(0) 1 55238400 * * 'GERMANY. .+49 0931 40468 * * INDIA (033) 4006-2021 1 * , '+91 JAPAN +81 (03)5952-6500 ' http //www ctc g co 3p CHINA)..'P +86 2188 4040 . *THAILAND, +66 (0)2645-1018/19 partha.p@eisoftwareth.com* ,• * Worldwide http://selectervices.bentley.com/en-US/ * * I : - a : v. Or : Page 18 of 18 . N:\Project\35624\Eng\Structural\Design Notes\WorkingFi1es\Staad Model\35624A-RO.anl . * TOWER ANALYSIS AND DESIGN • • o j. - -- :-_• -. - - - : - - . 4 : S - • : -. * - S - I - • - .-- •••_•-_*__• . 1! • -t - -: - -• •*_ -•- ,S_ ._S S - '•- O : • I , ; - :. •- S '-5- I ' - , - - - i..- •- -. ' - f • .. -* 4--,: • I • -I, -V - • :,-. '• •••- :-:- -I - - __; . I - • - 0 '- . c '•I__ I AM I Job No Sheet No Rev Software licensed to WhiteWater West Industries Ltd., Part Job Titld Ref : ' • By Dat€17N0V16 Chd 'Client ' : •. • , . File Tower.std IDatefl]me 24-Jan-2017 10:48 4 • . . . . - , N N) \ ' ' P,int'Tirn/t)t 14/flfl17 0547 TA Ar5 D ,., 41O II A on fl7 fin 'i Pint Qfl I nfl . '-'-.:-' " , ':' - '4 ) - I -. • • ,- Job No Sheet No Rev Part A-Software licensed to WhiteWater West Industries Ltd. Job Title - . -• . . . Ref By DatE17_NOV16 Chd Client . - - . File Tower.std I0atemme 24-Jan-2017 10:48 C t Iw 4- 21 Ip Ip '- -. - * --. . -, - - N . • ./. . _--_\_ r % •. S •' - '• ( - . .5• . ,•t . -•- • - - 5% 4 - S •• •5 _P --I.-- a-.. . •5• Pdntflme/Date: 14/0212017 09:47 •STAAD.Pro V8i (SELECTseries 4) - •. -:, - - - PrintRunlofl 4 - A, Job No Sheet No Rev Rot Part Software licensed to WhiteWater West Industries Ltd. Job Title Ref - .. . •. . By Dat€17N0V16 Chd Client 4 - . File Tower.std IDateffime 24-Jan-2017 10:48 I.. - • .0 - —i tTime/Date: 14/0212017 09:48 STAAD.Pro V8i (SELECTseries 4) Print Run 1 of I T ... 4 4 , Tuesday, February 14, 2017, 09:52 AM - , • PAGE NO. 1 4 . ' STAAD.Pro V8i SELECTseries4 * Version ' * * Propriethry Program of' * Bentley Systems, Inc. ' * .Date= FEB 14_2017 , * - Time= 9:50:46 . * USER ID: WhiteWater West Industries Ltd: * 1. STAAD SPACE -. . INPUT FILE: Tower.STD' 2. START JOB INFORMATION 2 . 1 ,., * I ENGINEER.DATE 17-NOV-16 -. LEND JOB INFORMATION 5.4INPUT WIDTH 79 •. 61uNIT'FEET NIP- ' '-.• ,. . " JOINT COORDINATES 1.0 169.20; 2 0 16912 14; 3 22 169.2 0; 4 22 169.2 14;.5 0 183.59 0 6 0 183.59 14; 7,22 183:59 0; 8 22 183.59 14; 9 0 193 0; 10 0 193 14 . 10. 11 22 1930; 12 22 193 14. 13 27.5 183.59 0; 14 31.5 183.59 0; 15 22 183.59 6 11.16 27.5 183.596; 17'31.5183.59 183.59 6; 24 22 176.395 0; 25 0 176.395 0 26 0 176.39514; 27 22 176.395 14 28 11 183.59 0; 29 0 183.59 7 30 11 183.59.14; 3122'183.59 7, 32 0176.395'7; 33 11 176.395 14 14. 3422'176.395 7; 35 11 176.395 0; 36 27.5'173.673 20.667 - 37 31.5 173.673 20.667;38 27.5 173.673 23.667; 39 31.5 173.673 23.667 40 27's 173.673 26.667; 41 31.5 173.673 26.667;.42 27.5 167.257 37.667 . .17. 43 35 167.257 37.667i44 29.5173.673 23.667:45 29.5 167.2 23.667 18. 46 18.3333 183.59 0; 47,14.6667 183.59 0; 48 18:3333 183.59 14 . '19. 49 14.6667 183.59 14; 50 7.33333'183.59 0; 51 3.66667 183.59 0 20. .52'7.33333183.59 14; 53 3.66667 183.59 14; 69 31.5 182.97 6.91669 . 21 70 31 5 182 35 7.83338,-' 71 31 5 181 731 8.75006;'1 72 431.5 181.111 9.66675 22. 7331.5 180.491.10.5834;.74 31.5 179.871 11.5001; 75 31.5 179.251 12.4168 S 23. 76 31.5 178.632'13.3335; 77 31.5 178.012 14.2502; 78.31.5 177.392 15.1669 24. 79 31.5 136.77216.0836; 30 31.5176.152 17.0002; 81 31.5 175.533 17.9169 82 31.5 174.913 18.8336; 33 31.5174.293 19.7503; 84 27.5 174.293 19.7503 26. 85 275174.913,18.8336;"'36 27.5 175.533 17.9169; 87 27.5 176.152 17.0002 27.88 27.5 176.772 16.0836; 39 275 177.39215.1669; 90 27.5 178.012 14.2502 . -'*28'.'91 27.5 178.632 13:3335; 32 27;5 179.251 12.4168 93 27.5 179.871 11.5001 94 27.5 180.491 10.5834 35 27.5 181.111 9.66675;196 27.5 181.731 8.75006 97 27.5; 93 27.5 182.97 6.91669; 9927.5 167.898 36.567 . . 100 27.5 168.5435.467;.131 275 169.182 34.367; 102 27.5 169.823 33.267 32'103 27.5 170.465 32.167; 104 27.5 171.107 31.067; 105 27.5 171.748 29.967 33. 106 .27.5 172:39 28:867; 137 27.5 173.032 27.767; 10831.5 167.898 36.567 34, 10931.5 168.54 35.467; 110 31.5 169.182 34.367; 111 31.5 169.823 33.267 112 31.5 170.465 32.167; 113 31.5171.107.31.067;.114 31.5 171.748 29.967 115 311 5 172.39 28.867; 116 31.5 173.03227.767; 117 3.66667 183.59 7 118733333 183.59 7; 11911 183.59 7; 120 14.6667183.59 7 121 18.3333.'183.59 7; 122:0 171.2 0; 123 22 171.2,14; 124 22 171.2 0 6 " - -- I- , I • , - . ,','- •• '- •.•, . V F •:.'•' I : I N:\Proect\356241En\Structura1\Desin Notes\Working Fi1esStaad Model\Tower.anl • Page 1 of 20 a :• • • ¼ 'p , - - ., - - - •1 Tuesday, February 14, 2017, 09:52 AM STAAD SPACE . . - , -- PAGE NO. 2 . 39:125 0 171.214; 12622,174.1 0; 127 0 190.5 0; 128 22 190.5 0; 129 0 190.5 14 - 40. 130"22 l90'-5.i4'-'-131,4.4 193 0; 132 8.8 193 0; 133 13.2. 193 0; 134 17.6 193 0 • " 41. 135 44 193 14; 136 88'193 14; 137 13.2 193 14; 138 17.6 193 14 ,,, . • 42. 139_4:4190:50;,t1408:8 190.50; 141 13.2 190.5 0; 142,17.6 190.5 0 S 143 4.4 190.5 14; 144 8.8 190.5 14; 145 13.2 190.5.14; 146 17.6 190.5 14 44 .147 22 193 9.33333; 148 22 1934.66667; 1490 193 9.33333; 150 0 193 4.66667 0 45. 151 22 190.5 9.33333; 152 22 190:5 4.66667; 153 0 190.5 9.33333 46.- 154 0 190.5 4.66667 • . ' . , 1,,, 47. MEMBER INCIDENCES . ,48. 1 1 122; 2 6'26; 34123; 4 3 124; 5 5 127; 66 129; 7 8 130; 8 7 128; 97 46 49. 10 5 29;.11 8 48; 12 8 31; 13 7 13; 14 13 14; 1515 7; 16 15 16; 1716 17 t. S 50. 18,14 17; 19 13 16; 26 24 7; 27 126 14;28 25 5; 29 26 125; 30 27 8; 31 25 32 51. 32 26 33; 33.27 34; 34 24.35; 3528 50; -36 '29 6; 3730 52; 38 31 15; 39 32 26 . ' 52. 40 33 27; 41 34 24; 42 35 25; 43 125 32; 44 32 122; 45 26 29; 46 29 25 47125 33; 48'123 33;-.49 26 30; 50 30 27; 51 12.3 34; 52 34 124; 53 124 35 54 35 122; 55 25.28; 56.2428; 57 27 31; 58 31 24;,59 17 69; 60 36 84 5 55. 61"4299; 62 40 38;" 63 3836; 64 43 108;,65 41 39; 66 39 37; 67 39 44 - 56.'68 44'38; 69 45 44; 70 46'47;71 47 '28; 72 48 49; 73 49 30; 74 50 51; 75 51 5 - 57. 76 52 53;,.77 53 6;,78'51'117; 7952 118; 80 28 119;P81 47 120; 82 48 121 58.'"98'69 70; 99 70 71; 100 7i"72;'101 72 73; 10273 74; 103 74 75; 104 75 76 105 7077; 106 77 78; 107 78 79; 108 79 80; 109 8081; 110 81 82; 111 82 83 112 83 37; 113 84 85;114 85 86; 115 86'V;'116.87 88; 117 88 89; 118 89 90 5 61. 119 90 91; 120 91 92; 121 92 93; 122 93 94; 123 94 95;-124 95 96; 125 96,97 62.126 97 98; 127 98 16i 128'99100; 129 100 101; 130 101 102; 131 102 103 . 63. 132 103 104;33 104 105; 134 105 106; 135 106 107;:136 107 40; 137 108 109 - 64. 138 109 110; 'i39 110 111; 140 111 112;, 141 112 113;,142 113 114; 143 114 115 * 65. 144 115,116; 145'116.41;, 146 99 108; 147 109,100; 148 101 110; 149 111 102 66.'150,103 112; 151 113 101; 152 105 114; 153 115 106; 154 107 116; 155 41 40 6' 67. 156' 83 84; 157.37 36; 158 82'85;,159 86 81; 160 80 87; 161 88 79; 162 78 89 163 90 77; '164.76 91;J65.92 75; 166 74 93; 167 9473; 168 72 95; 169 96 71 - 170 70 97; 171.9869; 172 117 53; '173 118 50; 174 119 30; 175 120 49 70.176 121"46; 177122 25 178 123 27;,179 .124 126; 180 125 2;181 126 24 71. 182 9 131;18310 135;-184 12 147; 185'10 '149; 186 127 9; 187 128 11 S 72. 188 127 139;,189 129'.10;.190 130 12;.191 129 143; 192 130 151; 193 129 153 73. 194 131 132; 195 132 133 196 133 134; 197 134 11; 198 135 136; 199 136 137 .. 74. 200 137138;201 138 12; 202139 140; 203 140 141; 204 141,142; 205 142 128 75. 206 143 144; 207. 144 145; 208 145'146;.209 146 130; 210 147 148; 211 148 11 . 76. 212 149 150;'213 150 9; 214 151 152; 215 152 128; 216 153 154; 217 154 127 ' • S. 77. 218,154 150; 219 153 149;'220 143 135; 221 144 136; 222 145 137; 223 146 138 • - 78., 224 151147; 225 152 148; 226 142 134; 227 141 133 '228 140 132; 229 139 131 DEFINE MATERIAL'STABT. . ISOTROPIC STEEL E 4176E+006 .1 82. POISSONO3 . - 83:DENSITY0.489024 . .. " : • .84 .' ALPHAe6E_006 . ." • . . . 685 DAMP 0.03 TYPE STEEL - ,, ' •' STRENGTH FY'5184FU 8352RY 115 RT'1.2 . ISOTROPIC CONCRETE E 453600 5' 90. POISSON 0.17 -t91.' DENSITY-0.150336•,'- .. . . 5 92.4ALPHA 5E-006 DM48 0.05 TYPE CONCRETE • ,• • • • . , -- ', • , I * 1 -' S • - , • S 54 5 . S 5___' •_'$p ' O ' ••.'- ' - S. S - . -. ' - 4., •<" ' 1'S* - . , S - 'S5 • ,.. ,S ' . 'S. -' N:\Project\35624\Eng\Structural\)esign'Noles\Working Files\Staad Model\Tower.anl Page 2 of 20 S I '• 4 - : - ' ..' • ., -;• -4 & . ,.. I 3STAAD SPACE -: .- -- PAGE NO. 3 95. STRENGTH FCU 576 .. . . * 96. END DEFINE MATERIAL t 4 . 97. MEMBER PROPERTY AMERICAN - . -- 27,43 TO. 58:TABLE-STp1p540 . 1 TO 8 26 28 TO 30 177 TO 181 186 187 189 190 TABLE ST PIPS80 5 100. 16'TO 1959 TO 66 98 TO145 155 157 TABLE ST C12X20 lOif 67 68 TABLE ST HSST8X6XO'.375 -.-. MEMBER PROPERTY AMERICAN 69PRISYD 2 MEMBER PROPERTY AMERICAN;. -' 13 14.TABLEST W12x26r . 106. 9 T012 15 31 TO 42 70 TO 77 TABLE ST W14X30 -. . 107. 78 TO 82 172.TO 176 TABLE ST W12X19 . 108. 146 TO 14 156 158 TO 171-TABLE ST L20204 109. MEMBER PROPERTY AMERICAN S 110. 218 TO 229 PRIS YD 0.021 3D 0.167 111. 182 TO 185 188 191 TO 2174TABLE ST L40406 - 112: CONSTANTS.- . . •• . -113. MATERIAL STEEL MEMB1TO.19 26T0 68 70 TO 8298 TO 229 1 114.MATERIAL'CONCRETE MEMB 69 - 115. SUPPORTS - -- 116. 1 TO 4 45 FIXED - •. . - . .. 117. 42 43 PINNED • •. -, ,.. .- .118. MEMBER,RELEASE • • . - 119. 9 TO13 16 TO 19274'31 TO 3443 TO 58 6778 TO 82 182 TO 185 188 191 TO 192 - - 120. •193 START MY MZ - 121. 15 TO 17 2736 39 TO 58 68 75 77172 TO 176 197 201 205 209 211 213 215 - 122. 217 END MY ME .4 .123. SLAVE lx MASTER 5 JOINT 5T0 8 13 TO;17 28 TO 30 46 TO 53 124. SLAVE IX MASTER 36 JOINT 36 TO 41 44 LOAI1 LOADTYPE DEAD TITLE DEAD . SELFWEIGHT Y -1 . MEMBER LOAD - • . - . 128.'15 38 78 TO 82 .172 TO,176 UNIGY -0.2. 129 9 TO 14 1618 35 TO 38 59 TO 66 70 TO 77 98 TO 145 UNI GY -0.026 ._Xt130. 18 19 59 TO 61 64 98 TO,145 UNIGY 0.075 ' - 131. 62 63 65 66 UNIGY-0.125- - 132. 1OL12 36 UNI GY -0.1 .. - 133. LOAD 2 LOADTYPE,LIVE TITLE LIVE • - 131. MEMBER LOAD . . 5 135. 15 38'78 T082 172 TO 176 UNI GY -0:4 136. 18 19 59 TO 66 98 TO 145 UNI GY -0.25 - 5 137: 10 12 36 0111 GY 0.2 - • ..?138. LOA03 LOADTYPE WIND: TITLE MX . MEMBER LOAD-,,' 140: 1 TO 8 26T0 30 177-TO 191 186 187 189 190 UNI PX 0.0153 5 • 141. 10 12.18 3638-59TO6698 TO 145156 UNI PX 011 142 69 0111 PXOL038 5- r 143.10 12 15 31 33 36 38-39,41 UNI PX 0.42 144. JOINT,LOAD - ,- - • p145. 9 TO 12FX 0.75 MEMBER LOAD 184185 192 193 210 TO 217 UNI PX 0.05 - 5 - 148. LOAD 4 LOADTYPE WIND TITLE lIZ - 149. MEMBER LOAD • . 150. 1 TO 8 26 TO 30 177-TO.181 186 187 189 190 UNIPZ 0.0153 I •., •. I S ',-•k.,' ,. • . - . . 0 - •1.1 4 . - I•- .44 -- •. - 5 - :,-•. •1 , ••• . -' -' - S •, :• ¼ -' - •- - -. - ' :* • . ,.:; - .... • - ... - S. - - - -I-- - • • . -. .•- --, -:-'. 4., • I- ••. 4- I. - N:\Pioject\35624kEng\Stiuctural\Deiign Notes\Working Files\Staad Model\Tower.anl Tuesday, February 14, 2017, 09:52 AM -S. - p Page 3 of 20 • -:'4\. ,• ' \.' .. .. • . - STAADSPACE . -- PAGE NO. 4 151. 91113 14 16.35 37 59 TO 64 70 TO 77 98 TO 145 UNI P2 0.11 '152 69-UNI P2 0.038 .- 153. 47TO 5'O 5 TO 56 UNI P2 0.006 ¶ '154..JOINT LOAD 155 9TO12FZ1 W MEMBER LOAD '. . 158,11 3240 UNI PZ 0.277 37 72 73 76'77 UNI'PZ 1.15 . 182 183 188 191 194 TO 209 UNI PZ005 - LOAD 5 LOADTYPE SEISMIC TITLE EX - .161. SELFWEIGNT x 0:54 . . . 162. MEMBERLOAD 163 10 12 15 3638 78'TO 82 172 TO176UNI PX 0.11 '9 TO 14 1618 35 TO 38 59 TO-66 70 TO 77 98 TO 145 UNI PX 0.014 .164. .165. N-19 -59 TO66 98 TO 145-UNI PX 0.04 LOAD6LOADTYPE SEISMIC TITLE El. ,. .SELFWEIGHT Z 0.54' '169. MEMBER LOAD..' . . . 1012 15.36 3878 TO 82 172 TO 176 UNI P2 0.11 • 170. 9TO141618 35 TO 38 59 TO 6670 TO 77 98 TO 145 UNI PZ 0.014 • 171Y18 19 59 TO 66.,98 TO 145 UNI PZ 0.04 thA617 LOADTYPE NONE TITLE 1.4DL: 41 REPEAT LOAD • 1 f.4 .. LOAD.8 LOADTYPE NONE TITLE 1.2DL+1.6LL - REPEAT LOAD t . - - 1..177. 1 1'2 2.1.4 ' 178.-LOAD 9 LOADTYPE NONE TITLE 1.2DL+1.0X0.1WL(X)-I-0.5LL . 179. 180.'L1.230.1 REPEAT LOAD I. - - 2 0.5" 181.- - . . LOAD-lO LOADTYPE NONE. TITLE 1.2DL+1X0.1WL(-X)+0.5LL 182. REPEAT LOAD • 4 . - 183..1 1.2 3 2 05 S. 184 -LOAD 11 LOADTYPE NONE. TITLE1.2DL+1XO.1WL(Z)+0.SLL .U85. REPEAT LOAD \. 1 1.24 01 2 0.5. LOAD 12 LOADTYPE'NONE TITLE 1.2DL+1X0.1WL(-Z)+0.SLL 188.REPEAT.L6AD7-" - 189. 1 1.2 4 0.1 2 0.5 • • LOAD 13 LOADTYPE NONE TITLE 1.2DL+1WL(X) REPEAT LOAD - 192.:11.2.3 1.0 - -193.- LOAD 14 LOADTYPE NONE TITLE 1.2DL+1.WL(-X) - 194'. REPEAT LOAD ...'195. 11.2,3 196 LOAD 15 LOADTYPE NONE TITLE 1 2DL+1WL(Z) 197.. REPEAT.LOAD, - . * • _ 198. '11.2 4 10 - '- -' 5 200. 199.LOAD,16LOADTYPE NONE'TITLE1.2DL+1WL(-Z) ' - REPEAT LOAD - • 2014 1 1.2,4'-1.0- LOAD 21 LOADTYPE NONE' TITLE.09DL+1WL(X) - REPEAT LOAD - - - 5 ' 1 0:93 10 • LOAD 22 LOADTYPE NONE 'TITLE 0.9DL+1WL(-X) .' .: - : REPEAT LOAD to , • 4 4. ::..-- S : S - * ;. r •44 -- . '- S - - --- - - • S - .N:\Proect\35624\EnP\Structura1\Desin Notes\Working Files\Staad 4ode1\Tower.an1 l. Tuesday, February 14, 2017,09:52 AM Page 4 of 20 $ - '4 - A 4'4 Page 5 of 20 Tuesday, February 14, 2017, 09:52 AM STAADz. SPACE - PAGE NO. 5 4077'l 0.93-10 208.LOAD'2fLOADTYPE NONE .TITLE 0.9DL+1WL(Z)' S .209.'REPEAT LOAD - - - / 210. 1 0.9 4 1.0 - - LOAD 24 LOADTYPE NONE TITLE 0.9DL+1WL(-Z) . REPEATLOAD " 1 0.9 4 -1.0. ' .• * .' _'. ,214. LOAD 36 LOADTYPE NONE 'TITLE (0.9_0:2sDs)DL+1.6*0MEGA (1.3)EQ(X)+0'.3E0(Z) REPEAT LOAD , '• - 1 074 5 1.3'6 0.3 • LOAD 37 LOADTYPE NbNEt TITLE (0:9_0.2SDS)DL+1.0*OMEGA (1.3)EQ(-X)+0.3EQ(-Z) REPEAT LOAD . iS . 1219. 1 074 5 -1.3 6 0:3 - (go 220. LOAD 38 LOADTYPE NONE TITLE (0.9-0.2SDS)DL+1.00Or-GA (1.3)EQ(Z)+0.3EQ(X) REPEAT LOAD , * 1 0:746 - LOAD 39 LOADTYPE NONE TITLE (0.9-0.2SDS)DL+1.0OMEGA (1.3)EQ(-Z)+0.3EQ(-X) - 224.REPEATLOAD 225. 1 0.74 6,1.3 50.3 r . • • 226.. LOAD 40 LOADTYPE-NONE . TITLE (1.2+0.2SDS)DL+1.0*OMEGA (1.3)EQ(X)+LL +0.3E0(Z) 227 REPEAT LOAD 228.' 1 1.36 51.3 2 1.0 6 03 - 229. LOAD 41 LOADTYPE NONE TITLE (1.2+0.2SDS)DL+1.0*OMEGA (1.3)EQ(-X)+LL+0.3EQ(-Z) .230. REPEAT LOAD • . 231. ,1 1"36 5-1.3 2 1.0 6 -0:3 ., 232? LOAD 42 LOADTYPE NONE TITLE"(1.2+0.2SDS)DL+1.0'O?IEGA (1.3)EQ(Z)+LL+0.3EQ(X) . .233.?REPEAT LOAD •' . . .1. 234 1 1.36 6 1.3 2 1.0 5.0.3 , - ,. .235. LOAD 43 LOADTYPE NONE TITLE ,(1.2+0.2SDS)DL+1.O0OMEGA (1.3)EQ(-Z)+LL+0.3EQ(-X) . 236. REPEATLOAD . 1 136'6-1.312s1:0 5 -'0.3 - - PDELTA 3 ANALYSIS SMALLDFLTA • ,' PROD L EM ST A T:I.ST I C S ( ------------ NUMBER OF JOINTS - 133- NUMBER- OF MEMBERS. 208 NUMBER OF PLATES ' O NUMBER OF SOLIDS • 0 NUMBER OF SURFACES , 0' NUMBER 'OF SUPPORTS.. .7 :. SOLVER USED IS THE OUT-OF-CORE BASIC SOLVER ''-: ' ORIGINAL/FINAL BAD-WIDTH= ' 120/ 16/ . 254 DOF . TOTAL PRIMARY LOAD CASES = 28, TOTAL DEGREES OF FREEDOM = 687 SIZE OF STIFFNESS MATRIX = 175 DOUBLE . KILO-WORDS 5 REQRD/AVAIL. DISK SPACE = 14.7/ 264991.9 MB ?' •-:- 4 ++ Adjusting Dis;iacernents.*1 4. . ++ AdjustingDisplacements. . .. , - 4. 4 S .- . r 4 .4 .4 4. S ; '- •- '. : I I S 4 4* 44. S N\Project\35624\Eng\StruIura1\Design Notes\Working Files\Staad Model\Tower.anl . .• ,'. - -' - Tuesday February 14 2017 09:52 AM STAAD SPACE 1 --.PAGE NO 6 ++ AdjustingfDisplacements ' 239 PARAMETER 1 .240 CODE AISC UNIFIED 2010 - 241. METHOD LRFD ,' -i-. CHECK CODE MEMB 27 43 TO.58 1 TO 8 2628 TO 30 177 TO 181 186 187 189 190 - 16 TO 19:59 TO 66 98 TO 15 155'157 '67 68 13 14 9 TO 12 15 31 TO 42 70 TO 77 - 78 TO 82'172 TO 176 ••-':'....':'- ..% to - -. / 4 $ 1 - t N:\Project\35624\En4\Structurai\Cesign No1esWorkingFiies\S1aad Model\Tower.anl Page 6 of 20 a Tuesday, February 14, 2017, 09:52 AM ' STAAI3 SPACE PAGE NO 7 A- ,STAAD.PRO CODE CHECKING (AISC 360 10-LRFD) vi 3 } Ic 4 4 44 ALL UNITS ARE KIP INCH (UNLESS OTHERWISE Noted) MEMBER TABLE RESULT/ CRITICAL COND! RATIO!. LOADING! - - 871 MI . MI LOCATION 27 ST PIPS40 .. )AISC SECTIONS) PASS Sec. El . 0108' 8 5.75 C . 0.00 - - 0.00 - 0.00 - 43'ST PIPS40 ., ')AISC SECTIONS) . - - PASS Sec. El -' 0.103 15 7.68 C . :0.00 0.00 0.00 . 44.54' PIPS40t . )AISC SECTIONS) - . 'PASS Sec. El ' 0.100 16 7.47 C 0.00 - 0.00 8.72 . .. . 45 ST PIPS46 4. (AISC SECTIONS). -- . PASS Sec. El.. 0.177 15 12.24 C 0.00 0.00 0 00 46 ST PIPSIO .•- . . ,)AISC.SECTIONS) . PASS Sec El 0.175 16 1206 C 4 0.00. 0.00 - 10.04 * 47 ST ,PIPS40 ( )AISC SECTIONS) PASS. Sec. Ell. • .0.157 22 W . - 9.30 C . 8.00 0.00 • 0.00 48 ST' . PIPS4O )AISC SECTIONS) - • PASS Sec.' El ., , 0.196 13 - n ... ' 11.57 C.. . 44 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 49 ST PIPS40 'il t_• )AISC SECTIONS) PASS - Eq. Ni-la - 0.388 41 20.04 C- 0.03 -0.21 - 5.48 -, • 50 ST ..cPIPS40 - - - - )AISC SECTIONS) PASS Eq. Hi-la' - 0.508 1 40 - - I 26.44'C-' -0.03 . -0.24 I 5.48 51 ST PIPS40 - )AISC SECTIONS) ,- . - - PASS Eq. D2-1 0.112 43 10.82T 0.00 • 0.00 8.72 __ - •* -1 - ' (. ...: - 52 ST PIPS40 )AISC SECTIONS) PASS Sec El 0.161 43 W • 12.07 C - 0.00- - 000 8.72 # S I • S * , S •- . - ' - -,- --t . 5 a . . •• I, '- ' .-- - I. -, 4 - . *. . '¼ - - • -- . - - - 5 • •• - . .. .. . - . • - . ,4 - £ . -. 4, - 4. • N:lProjecl\35624\Eng\Structural\Design Notes\Working Files\Staad Model\Tower.anl Page 7 o 20 ) w 4 Tuesday February 14 2017 09:52 AM STAAD SPACE . -. PAGE NO. 8 -. STAAD PRO CODE CHECKING (AISC 360 10-LRFD) vi 3 *** * * * ** * * **** * ** 51 ,, ALL UNITS ARE - KIP INCH (UNLESS OTHERWISE Noted) MEMBER'S TABLE •' RESULT/ CRITICAL COND/ RATIO/ LOADING/ . -. FX , MY MI LOCATION 53 ST PIPSIO )AISC SECTIONS) . , PASS Sec. El 0.161 . 3 - . ..,9.50 c 0.00 ' 0.00 0.00 ' 54 ST PIPS40 )AISC SECTIONS) * 'PASS Sec. E1' - 0.189 14 , 11 13 C '0.00 0 00 12.16 5 55 ST PIPS40 ')AISC SECTIONS) -, PASS Eq. Ni-la ".. 0.467 41 ' 24.26 C '0.03 -0.23 t5.48 . 56 ST PIPS40 )AISC SECTIONS) PASS Eq. Hi-la 0.427 40 ' 22.14 C . - -0.03 -0.22 5.48 . 4 - 57 ST PIPS40 - ' )AISC SECTIONS) - .,,.- PASS 'Sec.. El ' 0.145' 4 10.00 c .., -o.'oo• , 0.00 0.00 - 58 ST PIPS40 ' . )AISC SECTIONS) 4.. - PASS Eq., 111-ia . ' 0.227 1 43 15.2. C 0.02 -01.06 5.02 J''( , ' '4 1ST - PIPSBO ,. )AISC SECTIONS)' PASS, - Eq. Hi-lb , 0.347' 14 18.70 C , ' ' -0.32 --1742 0.00 I '2 ST'PIPS80 ' )AISC SECTIONS) - 1PASS Eq. Hi-lb 0.329 15 - 43.27C '4 17.96 '0.14 0.00 . 4 3 ST PIPS80 ' -, )AISC SECTIONS) PASS :•Eq. Hi-lb ' 0.478 40 - 18.68.0 -8.48 * 16.27 - 0.00 4 ST PIPS80 •, ' )AISC SECTIONS) I - PASS' Eq. 111-lb - 0.528 41 - - 28.72 C -11.26 - -15.18 0.00 5 ST ,PIPS8O .! )AISC SECTIONS) PASS Eq. 'Hi-lb • 0.326 16 0 90 C -'-17:91 -0.26 0.00 ' .,,..- _____ SW .. •_ - .4 I . 5 ' •,. '4 S (4 3- 4 • N:\Project35624\Eng\Structura1\Design Notes\Working Files\Staad Model\Tower.anl Page 8'of 20 S I S S 5 STAAD SPACE &. PAGE NO 9 . . .pSTAAD.PROCODE CHECKING - (AISC-360-10-LRFD) v1.3 - - V , - .-.V ALL UNITS ARE - KIP INCH (UNLESS OTHERWISE • - Noted) . . 5 MEMBER TABLE V RESULT/ CRITICAL COND/ RATIO! LOADING! - FE ' V 4'\ ..ç MY HZ LOCATION • ---;--- oil V , 44 6 ST )AISC ,PASS Eq: Hi-lb SECTIONS) , 0:324 15 . O90 .0 - •1797 0.14 V 0.00 7 ST PIPS80 1 ' )AISC V SECTIONS) PASS El-lb 0.325- ' 15 - 18.00 - - 0.14 V V 0.00 5 8-ST 'PIPS80 - ' )AISC SECTIONS) 0.•V PASS Eq. El-lb , 0.325 16 C.. 0 90 C -17 90 '0.26 0.00 5 . 26 ST PIPS80 : V' , (RISC SECTIONS) PASS Eq.Hi-1b 0.332 - 16 V V . 4:34 -C V -17.89 0.26 . 7.19 - 1 28 ST PIPSBO , . )AISC SECTIONS) 5 . ( • PASS Eq Ni-lb 0.330 16 '.j-- '3.23 C -17.90 -. -0:26 V 719 29 ST P IPS80 • (RISC SECTIONS) S . P1' 'PASS -Eq. Hi-lb ' '' 0.111 15 1 . V 15.55 C -4.28 V •* ' -0.20. 0.00 - V , • ,VV .V V - 30 ST PIPS8O V '(RISC SECTIONS) 5 PASS 4fEq.N1_1b . '. 3.25 C V •V 1799 0.330 ..• • V0,.14 15 - 7.19 ,•4 - 5 177 ST P1P580 - (RISC SECTIONS) • PASS 'Eq. Hi-lb • 0.112 16 C., -4.18 .15.83 0.33 5.19 5, • . 178 ST PIPS80 (AISC SECTIONS) 15 PASS Eq Hi-lb r 0.111 'p 14.11 C -448 -0.15 5.19 5, .a 179 ST 'PIPSBO ., , )AISC - • PASS Eq. N1-1b .,. SECTIONS) 0.167 V , 43 V V• •31•.33 C - '•fr V 1.70 V 4.17 2.90 '180 ST_ PIPS80 )AISC SECTIONS) S .. • 'V • V PASS Eq... Hi-lb 0.296 14 17.53 'V V 0.60' lr •V 14.65 2.00 5 .. V • jV ,• , S V , . V • , .. . ).•' V .: •,: -. S •- . •' . . I - ' - • V *i'V -. • . 4- 'V. • V, ' ' • I' , • Notes\ Working Files\Staad 'N:\Project\35624\EngVStructurai\hesign Model \Tower.anl Tuesday, February 14, 2017, 09:52 AM 4..., V'L 1- 5 STAAD SPACE - PAGE NO 10 S.. ' - STAAD.PRO CODE CHECKING -(AISC-360-10-LRFD) vl.3 WALL UNITSARE - KIP -INCH (UNLESS OTHERWISENoted) i.- '' .. 5 MEMBER TABLE RESULT! CRITICAL COND/ RATIO! LOADING! - FX MY MZ LOCATION == . . "•1' . -. . .-. - W 181 ST PIPS80 .-.' )AISC SECTIONS) 1. . - . . PASS.. Eq. Ni-lb 0.159 43 . 27.44 C: 1.70 4.17 0.00 S 186 ST PIPS80 (AISC SECTIONS) - PASS Eq. Hi-lb 0051 15 S -- 0.21 C, 2.79 S 0.04 0.00 5 187 ST PIPS80 I )AISC SECTIONS) PASS Eq. Hi-lb 0.051' . 15 0.22 'C* 2-.81 " -0.04 . 0.00 S 189 ST -'PIPS80 e )AISC SECTIONS) . 4 1PASS Eq. Hi-lb. 0.051. 13 0.30 C _0:01 2.81 0.00 .1-' .1905T- PIPSBO . . )AISC SECTIONS) PASS Eq. Hilb. , 0.051= 15 0.38 C-. 44' ..' 2.77 . -0.04 0.00 " 16' ST - C12X20' , )AISC SECTIONS) PASS Eq. Hi-lb 0.057 15 - . • ,0.00 T'- " -0.42 - -0.21 2.75 - 17 ST C12X20 . )AISC SECTIONS) PASS Eq.-Hl-lb 0.004* 38 5 4 0 00 1 .-0.03 -0.03 1.67 .;. . 18 ST C12X20 ' . )AISC SECTIONS). 'PASS Eq. Ni-lb . 0.139 41 0.01'T - 0.38 -5.41 6.00 . ' 4 • I. 19.51'.. C12X20 4-'. . )AISC SECTIONS) - - PASS Eq. Hl-lb. ., 0.113 41 S 0.01 T. .' " 0.30 -4.50 - 6.00 59 ST C12X20 )AISC SECTIONS) - . i., PASS Eq 4.96 C . Hl-lb 0.200 - 41 -0.52 - -8.21 111 5 ir - . 60 ST' C12X20'' '.-' .)AISC SECTIONS) 4 '- -' .,.- PASS Eq. Hi-lb - 0.339 13 '13.92 C - 2.42 1.13 0.00 ,-,•.-.,• -4.. .. 5 S 4 I 5 4 S i • (4 1 N:\Projectk35624\Eh4\Structural\Design Notes\Working flJes\Staad Model\Tower ani . : Tuesday, February 14, 2017, 09:52 AM Page 10 of 20 STAAD SPACE .. -.' --'PAGE NO. 11 STAAD PRO CODE CHECKING (AISC 360 10-LRFD) v1.3 ' -. ';, - • $ 5 ALL UNITS ARE :-.KIP INCH (UNLESS OTHERWISE Noted) MEMBER TABLE ' RESULT! CRITICAL COND/ RATIO! ,' LOADING! FX MY MZ LOCATION * ..• .. S A 61 ST C12X20 1 )AISC SECTIONS) . - PASS Eq.'Hl-lb 0.101 . 40 3.96 C' •-0.52 - -1.61.. 1.27 62, ST 'C12X20 •:•4 - . . )AISC SECTIONS) - . 'PASS Sec. F1' . 0.337 8 ,' , - o:oo T coo 23.09 3.00 .t.. 63 ST C12X20 . , )AISC SECTIONS)' PASS Sec. Fl . 0.491 8 . -4 '. 4. -' • _0.00 T ' f' 0.00' . 33.65 0.00 . 64 ST C12X20 5 - (AISC SECTIONS) PASS Eq. 141-lb • 0.100 40 • 4.35 C -0.53 -1.41 ..' • '.4 1.27 -- 65,ST 'C12X20, .. . .' , )AISC.SECTIONS) PASS .' Sec.eF1 0.340 • 8 0.00 T ,', '. .- 0.00 23.33 3.00 66 ST C12X20 ' )AISC SECTIONS) - . PASS. Sec. Fl • .0.492 8 ' P - .0.00 T 0.00 3377, 0.00 98 ST. C12X20 ' "I5C SECTIONS) 5 PASS Eq. Hi-lb 0.260 ' 41 . . . 5.43 C -0.72 -10.53 1.11 5 99 ST., C12X20 ' ' • )AISC. SECTIONS) PASS Eq .141-lb . 0.300 41 5 590 C " -0 81 -12.40 , 1.11 100 ST-4 C12X20 ' )AISC SECTIONS) . PASS Eq. 141-lb 0.327 41 - - 6.34 C4 -0.84 -13.83 1.11 vl 101 ST ,C12X20 - '.,., )AISC SECTIONS) 5: ' • ' • ' PASS E. 141-lb - 0342 41 - 6.73 C - -0.85 - . -14.82 1.11 - .102 ST C12X20 . )AISC SECTIONS) ,PASS Eq Hl-lb 0.348 41 - 7.09 C . -15.37 ;0.82 • .-,. .•• • . • -,.. - , •, - . . . , ' :" S ••• / - , 4 • 'S --.•- '- .:., . . ' ,. • #t •- . $ •.'--•. --i-. N:\Project\35624\Eng\Str6ctural\DesignNotes\Working Files\Staad Model\Tower.anl S 4. .4 1 Tuesday, February 14, 2017, 09:52;AM. r Page 11 of 20, - Tuesday February 14 2017 09 52 AM STAAD SPACE - .. --PAGE NO. 12 . --. :-. - •--- •4'SV V I - STAAD.PRO CODE CHECKING - (AISC-360-10-LRFD) vl.3 • -: ALL UNITS ARE - KIP INCH (UNLESS OTHERWISE Noted) - MEMBER TABLE I RESULT, CRITICAL CONL)/ RATIO! LOADING! FX.. 4- . MY - MZ LOCATION S ------ - .' W 103 ST C12X20 - 4 )AISC SECTIONS) PASS Eq.H1-lb . I 0.343 " 7 36C -6.76 • -15.49.' 41 0.92 5 104 ST C12X20 . )AISC SECTIONS) .. PASS Eq H1-1b . .0.340 . 41 7.41.0 -. 70.74 -15.48 0.00 105 ST C12X20 P )AISC SECTIONS) PASS. Eq. Hi-lb 0.338 .40 . - 640 C . 0.76 -15.30 0.00 106 . ST ..' C12X20 -. , ., (AISC SECTIONS) PASS 21 Eq. Hi-lb ...0Th29 . 40 . . . . 6.76Cr 0.74 -14.79. 0.00 • 107 ST C12X20 )AISC SECTIONS) '- - 5 - PASS Eq: H11b 0.308 40 - - 7.15 C, . -0:68 -13.84. 0.00 108 ST C12X20 . -. )AISCSECTIONS) PASS Eq. 111-lb '. 0.273 40 7.57 -C -'- " 056' * -12.48 0.00 4 •. 5 1,109 S... - . iT' C12X20 )AISC SECTIONS) - , -4.1.,PASS 'Eq. Hi-lb 0.223 . 40 5 .. .8.00 C 0.36: . -10.69 0.00 . 5 110 ST C12X20 - )AISC SECTIONS) - " - - PASS: Eq. Hi-lb 0.198 - 40 8.72 C- •--0.70 . -5.84 - - 1.11 . 111 ST C12X20 (AISC SECTIONS) • . -PASS Eq. Hl-lb * 0.228 13 3.30 C -1 51 -1.74 1.11 112 ST C12X20 )AISC SECTIONS) • . PASS .Eq 1117lb - p 0.346- 14 3 12 C 2.40 1.94 1.11 ' 113'ST - C12X20 .- - .. - - (AISC SECTIONS) - PASS' Eq Hi lb 0:225 14 4.,.. 5 3.09 C -i 49 :,.."11.66''. 0.00 S - S - • ., --V .--- ... --V :- V. -.4 . -' • .- .4.-. l_• ' -, -, • 4 • S 4 3 S -. •• -.-:':- . -. ' .. S ' 4) 5 Th\Projecl\35624\Eng\Structural\Cesign Notes\ Working Fi1esStaad Model \To'er.an1 S Page 12 of 20 - 3j. 3 .: Tuesday February 14 2017 09:52 AM STAAD SPACE 3 - PAGE NO 13 - STAAD PRO CODE CHECKING (AISC 360-10 LRFD) vi 3 ******************************************* S I- * UNITS ARE KIP INCH (UNLESS OTHERWISE Noted) MEMBER . TABLE -' '.RESULT! CRITICAL COND/ RATIO, LOADING! FE . MY - MZ tLOCATION • TTT , - _44,-• .; W 114 ST C12X20ç *.t )AISC,SECTIONS) 41 .1 PASS, Eq. Hl-lb 0.194 . 0.68 -576 • 0.00 115 ST Cl2X20 , - . )AISC SECTIONS), "4 'PASS ,Eq. Hi-lb . 0.225 41 - 785 C ',, 0.36 -10.87 1.11 - 116 ST4 C12X20 /)AISC SECTIONS) 'PASS., Eq. Ni-lb .-_ 0277' 41 744C 055 1277 111 w - .- , 117 ST C12X20 . •, )AISC SECTIONS). PASS Eq Hi-lb 0.'312 41 7'05'C 0.67 -14.22 1.11 118 ST C12X20 •. . )AISC SECTIONS) - ,'PASS Eq.H1-1b 0.334 41 6.68C ,0.73 -15.23 1.11 • 119 ST eCl2X20 )AISC SECTIONS)- PASS, 'Eq. Hi-lb •. 0:344 41 -. 6.36 C • 076 -15.80 1.11 . 120 ST C12X20 )AISC SECTIONS) 4, PASS Eq. *11llb 0343 .. - 41 6.,16 C 073 -1594 074 121 ST Cl2X20 . . )AISC SECTIONS) - - - - PASS Eq.Hi-1b- 0.346 41 609 1 0.76 -15.93 000 . - 122 ST . C12X20 •(AISC SECTIONS) PASS Eq. Hi-lb 0.348 W 41 5.90-C ,. •'. • 0.81 -15.62 0.00 • 123 ST.. ,C12X20 . •' )AISC SECTIONS) ,, PASS Eq.' H1-1b , • 0.340 • 41 575 C • 0.84 . -14.86. • 0.00 * 124 ST C12X20 ' ')AISC SECTIONS) • -, • • .. 41 . PASS Eq.. Hi-lb .0.322 - - • 5.65 C '. .0.84 -13.66 0.00 . •, - 4 - ' ( -J - II -C . •.. • 4 6" - * -, • •-•. . -- - •1 - • - • - . ,. . ' TA 6 4, N \Project)35624\Eng\Structural\Oesign Notes)worklng files\Staad I-lodel\Tower ani Page 13 of 20 % . . S TAAD SPACE -- PAGE NO. 14 STAAD.PRO CODE CHECKING - (AISC-360-10-LRFD) vl.3 **** 3** ** 5 ALL UNITS ARE - KIP INCH (UNLESS OTHERWISE Noted) MEMBER . ' . TABLE . RESULT! CRITICAL COND/ RATIO! LOADING! -- FXL'- MY MZ LOCATION 5 125 ST C12X20 )AISC SECTIONS) PASS Eq. Hi-lb - 0.293 41 . I 5.5 . - 8C 0.80 -12.01 0.00 .3 • - 5 126 ST C12X20 )AISC SECTIONS) PASS Eq. Hi-lb 0.251 41 5 5.55 C 0.71 -9.93 0.00 5 127 ST C12X20 3 )AISC SECTIONS) -, - - . - PASS Eq. Hi-lb. 0.189 41 . . - '5.52 ,C - 0.52 - -7.41 - 0.00 ST C12X20 . (AISCSECTIONS) - - • 128 .• . - - - PASS Eq. rHi_ib - 0.128 40 - - - I 3.8iC ' 0.62 -2.63 1.27 129 ST .C12X20 - )AISC SECTIONS) 1E. - Hi-lb ½ 0.137 40 - PASS.3.63 C • -0.64, -3.06.. 1.27 5 130 ST C12X20 (AISC SECTIONS) Hi -lb 0:128 - 40 - • • . - • PASS . Eq. - .3.55 C : -0.58 -3.06 • 0.64 5 131 ST Ci2X20 * )AISC SECTIONS) - , PASS E4.'Ni-lb - • 0.125 40 5 . 3.42 C '-O.58 - -2.92 0.00 5 132 ST' Ci2X20 - . - )AISC SECTIONS) - - . - - PASS .Eq. H1ib 0.113 40 5 3.11 C -0 57 • .-2.19 0.00 133 ST C12X20 . ., . -. I)AISC SECTIONS) -- •• I PASS Eq.H1-lb - 0.091 13 . - 1.06 C * - • •- 060 t - -0.79 0.00 ½ . 134 ST C12X20 . - )AISC SECTIONS) . • PASS' Eq. Hi-lb " 0.096 41 - 1.68 C* - -0.19 4.61 1.27 - 135 - - ST .Ci2X20 (AISC SECTIONS) S - . PASS- , Eq. Hi-lb , '0201 41 4:64 - • - 7.91 1.27 S • 6 . 4•- •..- ,. - : - S. ' S C - • .1P- •.-. - - - •. O - S S I S ..( N:\Project\35624\Eng\Structural\Design Notes\Working Files\Staad Model\Tower.anl 5 -! Tuesday, February 14, 2017, 09:52 AM, .- Tuesday, February 14 2017 09:52 AM STAAD SPACE'.,'PAGE NO 15 • .7 . STAAD.PRO CODE CHECKING - (AISC-360710-LRFD) vl.3 S **** * *** ** * ** S .. 5 ALL UNITS ARE .- KIP INCH (UNLESSOTHERWISE Noted) 5 MEMBER TABLE RESULT! CRITICAL COND/ RATIO! LOADING! - FX MY - MZ I LOCATION • 136 ST C12X20 )AISC SECTIONS) . 41 - PASS Eq. Hi-lb . 0.339 1 33 C -1.27 11'.81 1.27 5 137 ST C12X20 )AISC SECTIONS) PASS- -Eq. Hi-lb 0.128 . -. 41 . . -.. 2.55 C 0.61 -2.91 / 1.27 x- l3 ST C12X20 .'(AISC SECTIONS) • . PASS -Eq. Ni-lb 0.138 - 41 -. . 2'39,C 2064 . -3.46 1.27 ?--- ) ,• - . 139 ST/I C12X20 4 ' )AISC SECTIONS) .,.PASS Eq Hi-lb "0.132 41 ( 2.28- C'-.,.' 0.59 '-3.49 0.85 - - 140 ST C12X20 . )AISC SECTIONS) PASS-• Eq.Hl-'1b.. 0.129 - 41 221 C .- -0.57 -3.40 - - 0.00 • 141 ST C12X20 - • - )AISC SECTIONS) - PASS "Eq. Ni-lb - - 0.117 41 1.9 2 C- .' 0:56. -2.75 - 0.00 142ST C12X20 e '.(AISC'SECTIONS) - - PASS Eq.H1-1b 0.093 -. 1 068 C 0.59 1.61 14 • / 0.00 . 143 ST C12X20 ,)AISC SECTIONS) - - Eq:Hl-ib .0 162 40 --•. S "2.22 C 0,19;# 4.95 1.27 . 144 ST C12X20 .- )AISC SECTIONS) PAS Eq. Hi-lb 0.207 - 40 -2.03 C 064 820 127 - 145 ST C12X20 -3 - )AISC SECTIONS) • . S - ---.-- - 'PASS- Eq Hi-lb - .0.344 - 40 - . 1.82-C . - 1.27 12.03 1.27 S .- - - - 7 155 ST :C12X20 -: - . :)AISC SECTIONS) -. • - PASS - Sec. Fl - 0.012 13 0.00 T. - o:oo - -082 --- 0.00 -. - •- - I • . S s -. --- .-----. S N:\Project\35624\Eng\Structural\Design Notes\Working Files\Staad Model\Tower.anl - Page 15 of 20 S Tuesday, February 14, 2017, 09:52 AM STAAD SPACE . ', - $ -- PAGE NO. 16 W - .STAAD.PRO CODE CHECKING - (AISC-360-10-LRFD) vl.3 J ALL UNITS ARE - KIP INCH (UNLESS OTHERWISE Noted) MEMBER . TABLE RESULT/ CRITICAL COND/ RATIO, LOADING/ - , - ç- FE - MY . HZ LOCATION 157 ST C12X20 )AISC SECTIONS) PASS Sec. Fl 0.021 13 '000T 000 139 000 -67,ST .HSST8X6X0.375 )AISC SECTIONS) --"PASS Eq4H3-6 . 0.624 8 O.00T 0.00 31.20 -. 2.00 68 ST ,-.HSST8X6XO.375 . - ,. )AISC SECTIONS) ;' PASS N Eq-,H3-6 0.632 8 b. OOT • A 0.00 31.48 0.00 ' 13 ST W12X26- . PASS : )AISC Eq Hi-lb SECTIONS) . 0.058 43 001T -014 522 550 14 ST# W12-X26 4 . (AISC SECTIONS) PASS, Sec.F1 - 0.055 8 - 0.00T - 000 -5.49 0.00 - 9 S W14X30 )AISC SECTIONS) - PASS Sec. F1' '0.138 . 8 0.00T ., -. 0.00 . • -17.65 ' 3.67 - .4 4 4- ,-- . -ST- ., - 10 W14X30 . - . *t(AISC SECTIONS) , -i . . 4 '• - '- .. .' , .PASS Eq. Hi-lb 0.138 . 13 0.00 r - -3.23 - . on. -7.00 I- .......... 11 ST W14X30_ - ,.,.' •' )AISC SECTIONS) PASS Sec. Fl . . 0.139 8 -'0.0,01 000 -17.71 3.67 . 12 ST W14X30 - )AISC SECTIONS) _. -PASS - 'Eq. H1-1b ,. 0.105 - 13 ,, . .- ..i 0.62 C 2.38 • -0.76 2.92 ••• 15 ST W14X30 ..,-. , )AISC SECTIONS) - . . ',, PASS Eq. Hi-lb., . . 0.079 13 0.00:T 1.'87 ' 0.25 . 0.00 31 ST W14X30 - )AISC SECTIONS) PASS Eq.H1-lb " 0.430. 14 ,075 T - -10.27 4 0.72 , 7.00 $ ... •. •.. '4 -. , -4 • - . . - 4 -u - • - - '- - - •s. : 4. -s .4* w -- •-o: ' -. -• 44 . • - 4.'• • •.• •' 'r .- • -' . -- - N:\Project35624\Eng\Strüctura1*Design Notes\Working Files\Staad •• Model\Tower.anl Page 16 of 20 -: Tuesday, February 14, 2017, 09:52 AN '4 / • I STAAD SPACE.' I PAGE NO 17 STAAD.PRO CODE!CHECKING - (AISC-360-10-LRSD) vl.3 • *** * * ............ **** - 5,.. -.. ..,. .. - ALL UNITS'ARE - KIP INCH (UNLESS OTHERWISE Noted) MEMBER TABLE . RESULT/t CRITICAL COND/ RATIO! LOADING/ MZ LOCATION • 32 ST W14X30 4 (AISC SECTIONS) q d PASS Eq. Ni-lb . ,0.709 4 • .t •005C . --17.17 0.21 11.00 ,, :'•. •" 33 ST W14X30 - '(AISC SECTIONS) PASS Eq Hi lb 0 431 13 S ...I 3w 1.62. C -10.26 0.67 6.42 . 34 ST. W14X30 - - .(AISC SECTIONS) 4 PASS Eq. Hi-lb 0.090 .\ 42 -11:65T .- 1.53 0.73 11.00 35 . ST W14X30 . . '' (AISC SECTIONS) - 'PASS Sec. Fl - '4.j0.104 8 ,.' 000T.- 0.00 -13.28 3.67 4• :'-,• - -. ST W14X30 - (AISC SECTIONS) 36 ' ' PASS Eq:H1-ib 0.138 13 -. ô00 T • -323 .' 0.71 0.00 37 ST- W14X30 .-. ..(AISC SECTIONS) . PASS. - 4Sec. Fl, 0:105 -, 8 - 000 T • 0.00 -13.39 3.67 S. •.S ••:. •S.• s .. . . S - 38 ST ,W14X30, (AISC SECTIONS) - PASS Eq. Hi-lb 0.181 13 4:31.T , .4.16 -0.25, 1.00 39 ST 1 N14X30,. - (AISC,SECTIONS) -4 - PASS ' Eq.. Ni-lb 0.430 14 0.95'T , 10.26. .' 0.72' 0.00 ., ST W14X30 '•' (AISC SECTIONS) . .40 - PASS Hi-lb 0.708 4 -0.06 T -17.17 iO.21 0.00 41 ST W14X30, .d (AISC SECTIONS) PASS9Eq. Hi-lb 0.435 13 - 3:81T. -10.25 - 0.80 0.00 42 ST W14X30 -. (AISC SECTIONS) . -.. - . PASS Eq.. Hi-lb 0.099 43 15 '7 .-1.53 1 0:94 0.00 . - oil 2' 0 _•••4 ' 0 0 14 2 0" :'.:r".. . . • • \• • .•. Nótes\Working Files\Staad - N:\Project\35624\Eng\Structura1Design Model\Tover.anl 41, 'l•• ,- Tuesday February 14 2017 09.52 AM STAAD SPACE -- PAGE NO 18 STAAD.PROCODE CHECKING- (AISC-360-10-LRFD) v1.3 ALL UNITS ABE,- KIP. INCH (UNLESS-OTHERWISE Noted) -. 5 MEMBER' TABLE' RESULT/ CRITICAL COND/ RATIO/ LOADING/ • FX MY HZ LOCATION • ------=:= ___ 5 10 ST W14X30 )AISC SECTIONS) . . ,, PASS Sec. Fl 0.138 8 - 000 T 0.00 -17.65 0.00 5 71 ST W14X30 . )AISC SECTIONS) - PASS 'Sec. Fl 0.104 8 000 T • '..,0.00 -13.28 0.00 Sf • 72 ST W14X30 ' . )AISC SECTIONS) 1 PASS "Sec.F1 - 0.139. 8 0.001 . 0.00 -17.70 0.00 . 73 ST W14X30 )AISC SECTIONS) -. PASS Sea. Fl . 0.105 8 1 0001 000 1339 000 • 74 ST W14X30 .- )AISC SECTIONS) -, PASS Sec. 1 Fl . 0.138 8 - 0.00,T 0.00 . -17.65 3.67 ' 75 ST W14X30 - )AISC SECTIONS) PASS Sec. F1 ' . 0.138 ,. 8 0.00'T,; 't0.00 --1765 0.00 76 ST W14X30 4 - (AISC SECTIONS) . • PASS Sec Fl 0139 SOOT 000 1770 8 367 - - I 5 77 ST W14X30 ' )AISC SECTIONS) PASS -Sec. Fl , 0.139 8 -. 0.00T 0.00 -1770 0.00 . -- 78 ST.. W12X19 • )AISC SECTIONS)-- PASS4Eq.'Ni-lb •-. 0.791 40 0.00 T - ' 3.83 -17.09 7.00 79 ST W12X19 )AISC SECTIONS) PASS.- E4., Mllbr - 0.791 - 40 -, 0.00 T -3.83 -17.09 7.00 * - • 80 ST W1 2X19 ,' • 1A15C SECTIONS), S . PASS Eq. Ni-lb ' 0.791 40 0.00'T ' 3.83 • -17.09 7.00 ." :. ' -. .•, - - .... f•4 '. S ' i 5 1. , 1_gl S - I. - •,, • -4 • N:\Project\15624\Eng\ Structural \Desig*'Notes\ Working files\Staad Model\Tower.anl Page 18 of 20 • / 44 I I. 4 1.. 4 .4 Page 19 of 20 r . STAAD SPACE r -- PAGE NO. 19 W STAAD.PRO'CDDE CHECKING - (AISC-360-10-LRPD) vl.3 S ' .: ./ . . .4 ALL UNITS ARE - KIP INCH (UNLESS OTHERWISE Noted) - 4 * .,. -.. • .. MBER TABLE RESULT/_- CRITICAL COND/ RATIO! 5 LOADING! - . Eli4 MI MI LOCATION • -:i •-:-• 81ST W12X19 . )AISC SECTIONS) 40 • 0 - "PASSEq. Hi-lb 0.791 •- 0.00 T 3.83 --17:09 7.00 - .?. . +•4 82 ST W12X19 (AISC SECTIONS) -. - PASS Eq. Hi-lb .- 0.791 40 0.00 T ' -3.83 -17.09* 7.00 - 172 ST - W12X19 )AISC SECTIONS) - PASS Eq. Hi-lb - 0.791 40 4 000T # 3.83,1709 000 .173 ST W12X19 #.-, - )AISC SECTIONS) - PASS Eq.. Hi-lb -' 0.791 40 0.00,T %-3.83, - -17.09 . 0.00 174 ST W12X19 . -. , (AISC SECTIONS) • - . ' • PASS - E. ?Hi-lb ' 0.791 - 40 - .. o:oo T . 3.83 -17.09 0.00 175 ST W12X19 -)AISC SECTIONS) PASS Eq..Hl-ib 0.791 40 - . -- 0.00 T 3.83. . 17.09 0.00 4 4 .. - • - . 176 ST W12Xi9 - )AISC SECTIONS) 4 - . PASS Eq. Hi-lb 0.791' - 40 0.00 T . -3.83- -17.09 - 0.00 5 245 FINISH 44 4 * *****END OF THE STAAO.Pro RU******** S DATE= FEB 14 2017 TIME= 9:51:26 • 4.- 5 :.. : ;.. *_ - 4 :-;-' .... 4 - I . 4 4 - ., -. . -- •1 Ile S..-.- - : . -. .... -- - . - . - - N:\Project\35624\Eng\Structural)Design Notes\Working files\Staad l4odel\Tower.anl S - . It Tuesday, February 14, 2017, 09:52.AM - ' • - _-; -. ,. - STP.AD SPACE * - -- PAGE NO. 20 For questions on STAAD.Pro, please contact * . * t.Bentley Systems or Partner offices * * •. - - - -• * * Telephone - Web / Email * USA /+1 (714) 974-2500 •. - * - UK +44 (0)-868 101 9246 - * SINGAPORE +65 6225-618 , * * FRANCE +33 (0) 1 55238400 - * * GERMANY +49 0931 40468 * INDIA +91 (033) 4006-2021 ' * .* JAPAN +81 )03)5952-6500 http://www.ctc-g.co.jp . - * CHINA +86 21 6288 4040 - '_• * . * THAILAND +66 (0)264571018/19 partha.p9reisoftwareth.com* * * - -,•-.• •P * * Worldwidehttp//selectservices.bentley.dom/en-US/ ' * lk • 2 - * - •, 4 1 S :- ..- • . 4*_ - •-•t. -.-• to r - . •. - 'I. .5 S 4 1 S S - N:\Project\35624\Eng\Structura1\Deign Notes\Working Files\Sfaad Model\Tower.anl S. 0' . t•_ .*10 Tuesday, February 14, 2017, 09:52 AM I 1• Page*20 of 20 .4 • •. . / • .• . 4 w • .'. 7 •• . - , -- -: r .7; . p... -, • I * -. .. 14. • : .. .. .. 7 4 : ' I / • 7 - I. 1, • 4.1 - 4.- V. - •- . -.7 . . - . ' ,- . . . • t. 47 .1. - - 4. 4.•.7 7.1 : - 14 SLIDE SUPPORT •': COLUMN BASE CONNECTION • . -• . • . __________________ ,•• -' : •,t I -4. - - 4.1. • 1 • . •, • 4 .. -: • - - .:•;'.-- . • • i.-: :- - -. - • . . : ON . ... - WHITEWATER.S Pi CP-ES-GN-TP-OO1 • Date Modified: - Author SEAN LIM Approved By: Dennis Vacha TITLE: STEEL COLUMN BASE PLATE IBC2012/AISC 360-10 Revision: 1.1 Total Pages : 2 4 • : PROJECT NUMBER: I: 35624kI TITLE: ILEGOLAND 1 5 ' INPUT: - I: 8" I Anchorage to concrete wl Concrete Load factors 5. FACTORED FORCE (ä COLUMN BASE kip-in BASE MOMENT Mu K-ft 26.00 . or I 312 IM = M (concrete factors) S BASE SHEAR V, Kips 5:20 V, = V, (concrete factors) - VERTICAL FORCE Pu Kips 1OO• & P(vert) = 0.9P GEOMETRIC DATA W . COLUMN SELECTION . PIPE8.63XO.322. ANCHOR BOLT SELECTION 87-143 O COLUMN DlA. -. - d. in 8.63 ANC. BOLT DIA. ' d, in 1 ,. ANC. BOLT NUMB. N - 8 ANC. BOLT CIRCLE D in -13 • AUTOMATIC BASE PL SELECTION I - 17-1.25 5.. BASE PL. THK. . t in 1.25 BASE PL. DIA. DPI. in 17 . : MECHANICAL PROPERTIES . ANCHOR BOLT GRADE, .. A36 • PLATE YIELD STR. F Ksi 36 CONC. STRENGTH fc Ksi -. 4 BASE PLATE GEOMETRY: d6 D D a in in in In, 6.625 15 11 2.2 8.625 17 13 2.2 10.75 19 15 2.1 12.75 21 17 2.1 14 22 18 2 16 24 20 2 18 26 22 2 20 28 24 2 24 32 28 2 30 38 34 2 36 44 40 2 4 . .. .. - * OUTPUT: - L ANCHOR BOLT " Pu/N Kips 0.13 FACT'D TEN. FORCE, TbU Kips 11.88 per bolt S.. FACTD SHEAR FORCE VbU Kips 0.65 per bolt FACTD T-CAPACITY 4iR Kips 25.61 per bolt Tension is Ok FACT'D V-CAPACITY ORn, Kips 13.32 per bolt Shear is Ok • - ,FACTO ,TOTAL M-CAP. 4RflD K-ft 37.00 Moment is Ok 5:..-. "II. BASE PLATE (per single bolt space) __ ' FACTD MOMENT . M, K-in 23.75 la = 21 - FACTD SHEAR V, Kips 11.88 '• CAPACITY CALCULATION: EFFECTIVE WIDTH/THK LIMIT: - -, :- EFFECTIVE WIDTH b9 in 3.39 tmin = be/10.8 = 0.3 <t O.K. . - EFFECTIVE THK . t in 1.25 P-SECT. MODULUS Z in 1.32 I S 0.88211 5. -- NETSHEARAREA Aw in 4.23 . M-CAPACITY ' - M5 K-in 42.87 < I"• = M, 47.6 O.K. '._ SHEARCAPACITY 4V Kips 82.31 • . M+V INTERACTION:. .M/dM . . 0.55 V. S., 0.14 • -.INTERACTION SUM ' 0.70 < I I Base Plate is O.K. I : ,. 1- • . " - lof2 - -1 -'S • -. . .- . 4 . OH. TITLE ILGOLAND.- DIR.SHEAR•CAPTY FOR FILLET WELDS SIZE 4)R in K/in 3/16 4.18 1/4 557 5/16 6.96 3/8 8.35 1/2 10.02 M/i.3 V/1.3 Pvd'°.9 I pmax < lYp O.K.J. FA WELD WELD 0. K. 2 of 2 -I - •. WHITEWATER CPESGNTPOOI Date Modified: - Author SEAN LIM Approved By: Dennis Vacha TITLE STEEL COLUMN BASE PLATE IBC2012/AISC 360-10 Revision 11 Total Pages 2 w •. PROJECTNUMBER V35624A I • COLUMN MARKING 8 I • III. WELD FILLET WELD SIZE in FACTD WELD CAP: . 4 R K/in 6:96 LENGTH OFWELD . l, in . 3.39 • FACTD SHEAR ' V Kips 11.88 FACT'D CAPACITY R1 Kips 23.58 i1 1V.-CON. PIER INTERFACE -SERVICE LOAD@BASE: _______ - BASE MOMENT M. K-ft BASE SHEAR V Kips 4 00 • VERTICAL FORCE-5. P Kips 111 .GEOMETRIC DATA. ,. . • -BASE, PL. RADIUS - R in 8.50J PL CTR DISTANCE . c in - 4.89 MOMENTARM a ul in 722 FORCE COUPLE- -P =T Kips t ¶33.25 W - BASE PL'. AREA Api in2 226.87 • A 1 /2 - in 11343 STRESS IN CONC. UNDER PLATE: • AVERAGE STRESS. ap,aue Ksi . 0.29 . ',MAXIMUM STRESS Ksi 0.59 ALLOWABLE STRESS o Ksi l 1.32 - O LSELECTION::Is ______ 1 * -,BASE PL. DIA x THK. in ; 17-125 --", ANC: BOLT NO. bIA- CIRCLE 8-113 PEDESTAL DIAMETER C24 S . . .1 1'', -. 0 •- ,' + . S. o : . 0: : . - - ' . •i - - i— r 4. S+ 4' ADDlied OT Moment (about toe Moment at top pedestal kip-ft 8.00 Wind/Quake uplift kip-ft 3.00 Wind/Quake horizontal kip-ft 12.75 Total applied OT @ toe. kip-ft 23.75 Toe Overturning FOS E-3.01 I SOIL BEARING PRESSURE Moment for soil pressure kipft 13.81 Vertical load for bearing kips 20.53 Eccentricity from center of ftg ft 0.672 Eccentricity/ Footing Length ft 0.112 Soil Pressure, Uniform or Triangular I Uniform I If uniform. L' effective ftg length ft 4.7 Soil pressure if uniform psf 735.1 if triangle, triangle base length ft 0.0 Soil pressure if triangular psf 0.0 Soil pressure psf 735.1 Allowable soil pressure psf 2000.0 Soil pressure / Allowable. psf I 0.368 I 8 of 1 - - HffE\\I'ER • CP-ES-GN-TP-002 Date Modified: - Author: SEAN LIM Approved By: Dennis Vacha TITLE: PAD FOOTING IBC2012 (IMPERIAL) Revision: 1.0 Total Pages: 1 • ' PROJECT NUMBER I 35624 I - I; AP1/2 I • FOOTING DESIGN Allowable soil pressure - psf 2000.00 0 - Ftg length . ft 6.00 Ftg widthrt. ft 6.00 • Ftg depth . . ft 5.00 GL, to top of pedestal • 1' ft 0,010 • Pèdestaldiameter ins 20.00 Ftg thickness . ins 14.00 -'. Coef of active lateral pressure Ka 0.40 -,,.Angle shear reist . deg 20.00 Soil 't pcf 10000 Coef of passive" 'pressure K 2.00 a .Soil overstress factor ' 1.00? Vertical Load . kips 1.4 Wind/qual<4 Uplift . kips 1.00 Wind/Quake Horiz kips 2.50 Moment at top of ped - kip-ft 8.00 5. - UPLIFT RESISTANCE S Wt of conc base over kip 6.30 Wt of soil ftg , kip 13.80 . Wt bf pedestal above GL kip .0.03 • Total Wt . . Shear on face kN/m . • kip kip/ft 20.13 0.00 Total shear on single width kip 0.00 Total shear on single length kip 0.00 Total wt to resist uplift inc DL kip 21.53 Uplift FOS I 21.53 I : OVERTURNING RESISTANCE TOE • Conc base . kip-ft 18.90 Soil wt . kip-ft 41.40 • Pedestal wt - t. kip-ft 0.10 Vert shear; width. .. kip-ft -ft 0.00 Vert length. shear, kip 0.00 . Passive resist on pedestal kip-ft. 6.94 Dead load resistance kip-ft 4.20 • .Total resist @toe.. . kip-ft - 71.54 • SLIDING RESISTANCE • Friction Passive kips 7.47 .• kips 5.37 .: .. Total sliding resist kips- .12.84 . .Sliding FOS 'I 5.13 I * a : S . 1. S .. . TITLE: Ilegoland mat Iracer I SUMMARY OF RESULTS Sliding F.O.S. > 1.5 M 2153 O.K. Toe overturning F.O.S. > 1.5 O.K. Uplift F.O.S. > 1.5 O.K. Soil Pressure/Allowable < 1.0 I 0.37 I 0. K. Soil Pressure Type . Uniform Soil Pressure psf 735.1 Allowable Soil Pressure psf 2000.0 - SUMMARY OF RESULTS Sliding F.O.S. > 1.5 6.59 Q.K. Toe overturning F.Q.S. > 1.5 3.23 0. K. Uplift F.O.S. > 1.5 2149.20 0. K. Soil Pressure / Allowable < 1.0 I 0.38 I OX Soil Pressure Type Uniform Soil Pressure psf 764.9 Allowable Soil Pressure psf 2000.0 ADDlied OT Moment (about toe Moment at top pedestal kip-ft 8.50 Wind/Quake uplift kip-ft 0.03 Wind/Quake horizontal kip-ft 14.00 Total applied QT @ toe. kip-ft 22.53 Toe Overturning EQS I 3.23 I SOIL BEARING PRESSURE Moment for soil pressure kipft 14.17 Vertical load for bearing kips 21.48 Eccentricity from center of ftg ft 0.659 Eccentricity / Footing Length ft 0.110 Soil Pressure, Uniform or Triangular I Uniform I If uniform. L' effective ftg length ft 4.7 Soil pressure if uniform psf 764.9 if triangle, triangle base length ft 0.0 Soil pressure if triangular psf 0.0 Soil pressure psf 764.9 Allowable soil pressure psf 2000.0 Soil pressure /Allowable. psf I 0.382 I 7 of 1 S .4 . * .. - WHITEWKIERs - .. . CO-ES-GN-TP-002 . '. Date Modified: - Author SEAN LIM Approved By: Dennis Vacha TITLE: PAD FOOTING IBC2012 (IMPERIAL) Revision: 1.0 Total Pages: 1 PROJECT NUMBER:. I 35624 .1 I.AP41142 •1 1 FOOTING DESIGN • Allowable soil pressure . psf 2000.00 5 Ftg length' - ft . 6.00 Ftg width ft 6.00 • , Ftg depth' •, ft 5.00 GL'to top of pedestal ft 2.00 • * Pedestal diameter .. . ins . 24.00 W Ftg thickness ins 14.00" Coef of active lateral pressure Ka 0.40 Argle shear resist deg '. 20.00 Soil wt pcf, • Coef of passive rressurê ..- Kp 2.00 _. Soil overstress factor ' 1.00- Vertical Load kips 0.45 • 'Wind/quake Uplift kips 0.01 Wind/Quake Horii kips - 2.00 Ab Moment at top of ed -' * kip-ft ; 8:50 • '••5 .• 5 .4 .UPLIFT RESISTANCE .. . .. Wtofconc base •' ;kip. 6.30 Wt of sail over ftg kip 13.80 Wt of pedestal above GL kip ' 0.94' 5 Total Wt' - Shear on face kN/m ' kip kip/ft 21.04 0.00 . Total shear on single width kip 0.00 : -".Total shear on single length kip 0.00 S . ' Total wt to resist uplift inc DL kip 21.49 ' Uplift EQS, ' I 2149.20 I • ' OVERTURNING RESISTANCE TOE • Conc base kip-ft 18.90 ' Soil wt , , kip-ft .. 41.40 5 " Pedestal wt kip-ft 2.83 Vert shear; width:. kip-ft -ft 0.00 ' Vert length. shear, . kip 0.00 . Passive resist on pedestal kip-ft . 8.33 Dead load resistance kip-ft 1.35 : Total resist @ toe. kip-ft ' .72.81 ' . SLIDING RESISTANCE • Friction ' . kips 7.81 Passive -, kips 5.37 . Total sliding resist r. kips 13.18 Sliding FOS.. -' -- I 6.59 I .4 .4 •.., -- . . . - - . . ' 5.• . . - 4 S .- .. . 47 .••.. .. ,+• I ' • ' ,•. . . , . ..:,. TITLE: IIegoIand mat racer . I TITLE: ilegoland mat racer . SUMMARY OF RESULTS Sliding F.O.S. > 1.5 3.40 Toe overturning F.O.S. > 1.5 2.14 Uplift F.OS. > 1.5 72.76 Soil Pressure/Allowable < 1.0 I 0.67 I Soil Pressure Type Triangular Soil Pressure psf 1334.1 Allowable Soil Pressure psf 2000.0 Aoolied OT Moment (about toe Moment at top pedestal kip-ft 15.00 Wind/Quake uplift kip-ft 1.40 Wind/Quake horizontal kip-ft 35.09 Total applied OT @ toe. kip-ft 51.40 Toe Overturning FOS I 2.14 I SOIL BEARING PRESSURE Moment for soil pressure kipft 41.67 Vertical load for bearing kips 28.70 Eccentricity from center of ftg ft 1.452 Eccentricity / Footing Length ft 0.207 Soil Pressure, Uniform or Triangular I Triangulari If uniform. L' effective ftg length ft 0.0 Soil pressure if uniform psf 0.0 if triangle, triangle base length ft 6.1 Soil pressure if triangular psf 1334.1 Soil pressure psf 1334.1 Allowable soil pressure psf 2000.0 Soil pressure / Allowable. psf F-0,667 I Ej\'HITE\A.ATER - CP-ES-GN-TP-002 Date Modified: - Author: SEAN LIM Approved By: Dennis Vacha TITLE: PAD FOOTING IBC2012 (IMPERIAL). / Revision: 1.0 Total Pages: 1 w • . PROJECT NUMBER: I ,35624.1 • I AP43144 I FOOTING DESIGN Allowable soil pressure psf 2000.00 5 Fig length. '' ft 7.00 • Fig width, ft 7.00 • , Fig depth. ' ' . ft 5.00 - . GL to top of pedestal , ft 2.00 • Pedestal diameter ins 24.00 . Fig thicknes' • ins . 15.00 Coef of active lateral pressure Ka . . 0.40 - Angle shear resist ' deg 20.00. Soil wt. - ..," - pcf 100.00 S . Coef of passive pressure Kp 2.00 . - Soil overstress factor 1.00 Vérticdl Load , .- 'kips .- 0.6 5. Wind/qiake Ulift kip .. 0.40 iWindlQuake Horiz . kips . 5.00 * Moment at top of ped ' kip-ft 15.00 • . UPLIFT RESISTANCE . . Wt of conc base . . ' kip . .9.19 Wt of soil over ftg , kip . 18.38 . . Wt of pedestal above'GL kip 0.94 Total Wt i , . kip 28.50 • (Shear on face kN/m .....kip/ft 0.00 Tdtal shear on single width kip 0.00 • Total shear on single length kip- 0.00 Tótalwtto resist uplift inc DL kip , 29.10' ) . Uplift FOS I 72.76 OVERTURNING RESISTANCE (q)-TOE • Conc base . kip-ft 32.16 . Soil wt . Pedestal wt kip-ft kip-ft 64.31 3.30 Veil shear; width. ., kip-ft 0.00 Veil shear, length. . kip-ft ' 0.00 . Passive resist on pedestal kip-ft 8.33 'Dead load resistance kip-ft' 2.10 • Total resist @ toe. kip-ft 110.20 '- SLIDING RESISTANCE' . , Friction. .; . •' '. kips 10.44 .Passive : ;,kips 6.56 Total sliding resist . kips. 17.00 Sliding FOS . . .5 ' . "3 S . • -- . S .. 0. K. 0. K. 0. K. 0. K. / 6 of 1 5,. ADDlied OT Moment (about toe Moment at top pedestal kip-ft 15.00 Wind/Quake uplift ,, kip-ft 0.35 Wind/Quake horizontal kip-ft 21.00 Total applied OT @ toe. kip-ft 36.35 Toe Overturning EQS I 3.03 I SOIL BEARING PRESSURE Moment for soil pressure kipft 27.67 Vertical load for bearing kips 28.94 Eccentricity from center of ftg ft 0.956 Eccentricity/ Footing Length ft 0.137 Soil Pressure, Uniform or Triangular I -Uniform I If uniform. L' effective ftg length ft 5.1 Soil pressure if uniform ,, psf 812.6 if triangle, triangle base length ft 0.0 Soil pressure if triangular psf 0.0 Soil pressure psf 812.6 Allowable soil pressure psf 2000.0 Soil pressure / Allowable. psf F 0.406 I !j 5 of I - - .: :.-- r .- • iWHITEWATER. - - CP-ES-GN-TP-002 Date Modified: - Author SEAN LIM Approved By: Dennis Vacha TITLE :PAD FOOTING IBC2012 (IMPERIAL) Revision: 1.0 Total Pages: 1 w PROJECT NUMBER: I 35624 I • . I AP45146, . FOOTING DESIGN - . Allowable soil pressure psf 2000.00 Ftg length . ft 7.00 Ftg width •- ft 7.00 Ftg depth ' ' ft 500 • GL to top of pedestal ft .. - 2.00 Pedestal diameters ins 24.00 Ftg thickness. ins 15. 00- 't Coef of active lateral pressure Ka 0.40 • ' Angle shear resist . .5 deg 20.00 Soil wt. - pcf 100.00 Coef of passive pressure Kp 2.00 . Soil overstress factor 1.00 Vertical Load . kips 0.54 • Wind/quake Uplift kips 0.10 Wind/Quake Horiz • kips . 3.00.. . Moment at top of ped 6 kip-ft 1500 UPLIFT RESISTANCE , Wtofconc base kip. 9.19 Wt of soil over ftg . kip 18.38 . ,. Wt of pedestal above GL'. kip 0.94 -, Total Wt . kip 28.50 ' Sheth on face kN/m kip/ft 0.00 -Total shear on single width kip 0.00 Total shear on single length kip 0.00 . . Total wt to resist uplift inc DL kip 29.04 Uplift FOS . . I 290.45 I • OVERTURNING RESISTANCE TOE • . Conc base kip-ft 32.16 Soil wt ) . . kip-ft 64.31 Pedestal wt kip-ft 3.30 I S Vert shear; width. kip-ft 0.00 Vert shear, length. kip-ft . 0.00 • . Passive resist on pedestal . kip-ft 8.33 Dead load resistance kip-ft 1.89 ' r .,Total resist @ toe. . kip-ft 109.99 SLIDING RESISTANCE a .Friction kips 10.53 Passive - kips 6.56 • . Total sliding resist kips 17.09 Sliding EQS I 5.70 I . S TITLE : Ilegoland mat racer I SUMMARY OF RESULTS Sliding E.O.S. > 1.5 5.70 O.K. Toe overturning F.O.S. > 1.5 3.03 O.K. Uplift F.O.S. > 1.5 290.45 O.K. Soil Pressure /Allowable < 1.0 I 0.41 I O.K. Soil Pressure Type Uniform Soil Pressure psf 812.6 Allowable Soil Pressure psf 2000.0 TITLE: ilegoland mat racer I SUMMARY OF RESULTS - Sliding F.O.S. > 1.5 3.79 O.K. Toe overturning F.O.S. > 1.5 2.67 1 O.K. Uplift F.O.S. . > 1.5 I 7.26 I O.K. Soil Pressure / Allowable < 1.0 I 0.39 I O.K. Soil Pressure Type Uniform Soil Pressure psf 771.7 Allowable Soil Pressure psf 2000.0 ADolied OT Moment (about toe Moment at top pedestal kip-ft 12.00' Wind/Quake uplift kip-ft 33.75 Wind/Quake horizontal kip-ft 49.00 Total applied OT @ toe. kip-ft . 94.75 Toe Overturning FOS I 2.67 I SOIL BEARING PRESSURE Moment for soil pressure kipft 52.67 Vertical load for bearing kips 46.92 Eccentricity from center of ftg ft 1.123 Eccentricity / Footing Length ft 0.125 Soil Pressure, Uniform or Triangular I -Uniform I If uniform. L' effective ftg length ft 6.8 Soil pressure if uniform psf 771.7 if triangle, triangle base length ft 0.0 Soil pressure if triangular psf 0.0 Soil pressure psf - 771.7 Allowable soil pressure psf 2000.0 Soil pressure / Allowable. psf I 0.386 I .,. :-' ,. . - - . . .. ...,. I___ •' PROJECT-NUMBER: . . I' 35624..I • . I AP8I-84: I . •, . FOOTING DESIGN 'Allowable soil pressure , psf 200000 5 .. Ftg length •. ' ft, 9.00 .Ftg width '- - ft 9.00 5. . Ftg depth 500 GL to top of pedestal - ft 2.00 Pedestal diameter , ins 24.00 Ftg thickness .,. . ins 18.00 - Coef of active latal préssüre Ka 0.40 ' Angle shear resist ' deg 20.00 Soil wt. . - . . pcf 100.00 . Coefofpaéive pressure Kp 2.00 S . Soil overstres factor, 1.00 Vertical Load ',. . kips . 6.9 '... Wind/quake Uplift - kips .7.50 Wird/Quake'Horiz kips 7.00 Mo'ment at top of ped . , ,kip-ft 1200 ' UPLIFT RESISTANCE "- ! Wt of conc base . kip ' 18.23 '- -of Wt soil over ftg . kip 28.35' • Wt of pedestal above GL' kip 0.94 . Total Wt ' '' kip 47.52 • Shear on face kN/m kip/ft '0.00 Total shear on single width kip 0.00 S : Total shear on single length kip 0.00 S " Total wt to resist uplift inc DL kip 54.42 ' ' -. Uplift FOS . F-7.26, I • - OVERTURNING RESISTANCE TOE • Conc base.. . , kip-ft 82.01 - . Soil wt t' . • kip-ft 127.58 S Pedestal wt • • kip-ft 4.24 . 'Veil shear; width.' ', kip-ft 0.00 '. Veil shear, length. kip-ft 0.00 'Passive resist on pedestal .kip-ft 8.33 Dead load resistance. . kip-ft 31.05 . Total resist @ toe. - kip-ft '. 253.21' SLIDING RESISTANCE Friction . • kips 17.07 Passive . - - kips " 9.45 .: . . .'Total sliding resist . . kips 26.52' Sliding FOS . ' . . I 3.79 I S •, --• 411. • 3 of I .,- '411T ITIFRo M 'j CP-ES-GN-TP-002 I Date Modified: - Author: SEAN LIM Approved By: Dennis Vacha TITLE':,PAD FOOTING IBC2012 (IMPERIAL) Revision: 1.0 Total Pages: 1 psf ft ft ft ft ins ins Ka deg pcf K kips kips kips kip-ft kip 11.03 kip 17.15 kip 1.98 kip 30.15 kip/ft 0.00 kip 0.00 kip 0.00 kip 36.95 F-3-695.32 I jWHITE\T1EL CP-ES-GN-TP-002 Date Modified: - Author: SEAN LIM Approved By: Dennis Vacha TITLE: PAD FOOTING 1BC2012 (IMPERIAL) Revision: 1.0 Total Pages: 1 PROJECT NUMBER: I 35624 I TITLE I legoland mat racer I IAP85I FOOTING DESIGN Allowable soil pressure Ftg length Ftg width Ftg depth GL to top of pedestal Pedestal diameter Ftg thickness Coef of active lateral pressure Angle shear resist Soil wt. Coef of passive pressure Soil overstress factor Vertical Load Wind/quake Uplift Wind/Quake Horiz Moment at top of ped UPLIFT RESISTANCE Wt of conc base Wt of soil over ftg Wt of pedestal above GL Total Wt Shear on face kN/m Total shear on single width Total shear on single length Total wt to resist uplift inc DL Uplift FOS SUMMARY OF RESULTS Sliding F.O.S. > 1.5 5.20 0. K. Toe overturning F.O.S. > 1.5 2.30 0. K. Uplift F.O.S. > 1.5 3695.32 0. K. Soil Pressure /Allowable < 1.0 I 0.83 I 0. K. Soil Pressure Type Triangular Soil Pressure psf 1669.4 Allowable Soil Pressure psf 2000.0 lied OT Moment (about toe Moment at top pedestal kip-ft 23.00 Wind/Quake uplift kip-ft 0.04 Wind/Quake horizontal kip-ft 36.80 Total applied OT @ toe. kip-ft 59.84 Toe Overturning FOS [-2-30 I 38.59 60.03 6.92 0.00 0.00 8.33 23.80 137.67 OVERTURNING RESISTANCE diD TOE Conc base kip-ft Soil wt kip-ft Pedestal wt kip-ft Vert shear; width. kip-ft Vert shear, length. kip-ft Passive resist on pedestal kip-ft Dead load resistance kip-ft Total resist @ toe. kip-ft SOIL BEARING PRESSURE Moment for soil pressure kipft Vertical load for bearing kips Eccentricity from center of ftg ft Eccentricity / Footing Length ft Soil Pressure, Uniform or Triangular If uniform. L effective ftg length ft Soil pressure if uniform psf if triangle, triangle base length ft Soil pressure if triangular psf Soil pressure psf Allowable soil pressure psf Soil pressure / Allowable. psf SLIDING RESISTANCE Friction kips 13.44 Passive kips 7.35 Total sliding resist kips 20.79 Sliding FOS I 5.20 I 51.47 36.94 1.393 0.199 I Triangularl 0.0 0.0 6.3 1669.4 1669.4 2000.0 I 0.835 I 4 of 1 '. '- ' *, 4 , Leighton and Associates, Inc. A LEIGHTON GROUP COMPANY r.. * .,-.•.•. * - - April 12, 2017 Project No 10075019 ' -. Merlin Entertainnént Group/US Holding, Inc. c/o LEGOLAND California, LLC, One Lego Drive Carlsbad, California 92008 - Atte'n'tion':,.".Mr. Chris Brzezicki •: Subject: : Geotechnical Review of Deferred Submittal Plans •. Proposed WP 17 Project, LEGOLAND Theme Park . * '• One Lego Drive, Carlsbad, California 92008 References: Ethos Architecture, 2017, LEGOLAND WP17, 1 Legoland Drive, Carlsbad, ,• California, Deferred Submittal —Waterslide & Tower, dated March 20, 2017 ' Leighton and Asociates, Inc., 2016, Geotechnical Update Report, - Proposed WP17 Project, LEGOLAND Theme Park, Carlsbad, California, - PJN10075016, dated August 26,2016 'In accordance with your request, we have reviewed the Deferred Submittal Plans, referenced above, for the proposed WP 17 at LEGOLAND Theme Park, Carlsbad, California. Our review was performed to identify potential conflicts with the referenced eotechnical recommendations. Based on our review, we are of the opinion that the ;plans were . prepared in general conformance with the intent of the referenced geotebhnical document. * • ••. -' . _ •* - * • • • - • 3934 Murphy Canyon Road, Suite B205 • San Diego, CA 92123-4425 858 292 8030 • Fax 858 292 0771 • www.leightongroup.com ** • * -. . -,-_., -. No.. 45283 C CA I; ., . . . . .. Distribution: Email Only h/dLaoL William D. Olson, RCE, 45283 Associate Engineer V 10075.019 If you have any questions regarding our recommendations, please contact this office.,We appreciate this opportunity to be of service Respectfully submitted, r LEIGHTON AND ASSOCIATES, INC.Ss . . 04. raty of Carlsbad Print Date: 08/01/2018 Permit No: PREV2017-0071' Job Address:' llegolandDr Peymit Type: . BLDGPermit Revision ' Work Class: Residential Permit Revisi Status: Closed - Finaled Parcel No: -- .,.-2111060900 ' Lot #: Applied: 04/20/2017 Valuation: ; $0.00 . Reference #: DEV2016-0028 Issued: 05/23/2017 Occupancy Group: t Construction Type Permit 08/01/2018 - : Finaled: # Dwelling Units: ,- Bathrooms: Inspector: PBurn Bedroom: Orig. Plan Check #: CBC2016-0010 Final 7 , •• PlanCheck #: Inspection: Project Title LEGOLAND WP17 WATER SLIDE Description: LEGOLAND: WP 17 DEFERRED ELECTRICAL FOR WATERSLIDE -1 Applicant: .......' .Owner: ETHOS ARCHITECTURE •- LEGOLAND CALIFORNIA LLC <LF> PLAY U S DANIEL STEWART ACQUISITION CO INC 24542 Creekview Dr LAGUNA HILLS, CA 92653 -• P0 Box 543185 C/O Property Tax Service Co * 949-607-8016 - • DALLAS, TX 75354 FEE . •' - AMOUNT MANUAL BUILDING PERMIT FEE : $215.00 Total Fees $ 215.00 Total Payments To Date $ 215.00 Balance Due 0.00 • --, •*- -'I-- - -• 1' ..- •- .1 • - - -. -' I- •.. - Building Division • ' 1 Faraday Avenue, Carlsbad CA 92008-7314 1 760-602-2700 I 760-602-8560f .1635 - I www.carlsbadca.gov . S. I - - Cit of P1.AN CHECK REVISION Development Services ' 4 EUIding Division APPLICATION 1635 Faraday Avenue 1I aflsbdd - - B-15 760-602-2719 www.carlsbadca.gov S S Plan Check Reision No PREv7031LOriginal Plan Check No CCo 1 Project Address I LcçbtLp Date_1rL.00L 7 Contact e_ J Ph Fax 4. Email ifl1. c-c4bs,\çc4 Contact Address_''Z. E&4u Vt&/E City Zip enerai Scope of Work Original plans prepared by an architect or engineer, revisions must be signed & stamped by that person. I • Elements 5revised: - - % •.• Plans CaluIations Soils Energy Other___________________________ 4. Y ' Describe revisions in detail List page(s) where List revised sheets each revision is that replace 1 - shown existing sheets tZ SZSC 5.Does thisre,isior:,,ir any wai, alter the exterior of the project? El Yes Does this revision add ANY hew floor area(s)? Yes -Does this revision affect any fire related issues? Yes too Is this a-comllet6 set?. 0 16 Frr1, Aunp (;rIcIu1 CA 9700R Ph: 760-602--602- 2719 Fax: 760-602-8558 Email: buildinq@ qcarlsbadca.ov - ii - - - - - www carlsbadca gov - - , + - _____- * '.•• •''- '.• '.'. * EsGul Corporation In Partnership with Government for Burtizng Safety ' • - I--., •- - .-- ., DATE May 18, 2017 D APPLICANT JURIS. :,JURISDICTION: City oflsbäJ J PLAN REVIEWER .•. 0 FILE - PLAN:CHECK NO.: PREV2017-0071/2016-0010 rev ' SET:!! PROJECT ADDRESS 1 Legoland Dr - • •, PROJECT NAME Waterslide Electrical Tl-e plans transmitted herewith have been corrected where necessary and substantially comply ,with the jurisdiction's building codes ' .The planstransmitted herewith will substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes • when minor deficiencies identified below are resolved and checked by building department staff. Lii The plans transmitted hrewith have significant deficiencies identified on the enclosed check list and.should be corrected and resubmitted for a complete recheck. j .The check list transmitted herewith is for your information The plans are being held at EsGil * Corporation until corrected plans are submitted for recheck 111111 The applicant's copy of the check list is enclosed for the jurisdiction to forward to the applicant contact person I The applicant's copy of the check list has been sent to .• • EsGilCorporation staff did not advise the applicant that the plan'check has been completed LII EsGil Corporation staff did advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed Person contacted Scott Telephone # 949 412-3556 Datecontacted 51 (by Email scott@ethosarch Mail Telephone Fax In Person 'REMARKS: Applicant to add the handwritten Inspector Note on the Title Sheet to all remaining sets. - • - ' -. By Eric Jensen Enclosures original approved plan • .• EsGilCorporàtion. '', • L GA LEJ Li MB LI Pc 5/15 -t •' L Al t •,••• .*.•$ ' I -, -t * . • .'-.••'- •,•• •'• ,*•- • 9320 Chesdapeake California Drive Suite 208 • San Diego Clf 92123 • (858) 560-1468 • Fax (858) 560-1576 S S S c . , - 4fr I _. t_•_ I s •t S I- -. - - EsGil Corporation In Partnership with government for Bui(ding Safety DATE April 28, 2017 U APPLICANT JURIS. '• 'JURISDICTION: City of Carlsbad 6143, PLAN REVIEWER U FILE PLAN CHECK NO PREV2017-0071/2016-0010rev SET! PROJECT ADDRESS 1 Legoland Dr. - PROJECT NAME: Waterslide Electrical I1 The plans transmitted herewith have been corrected where necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes The plans transmitted herewith will substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes when minor deficiencies identified below are resolved and checked by building department staff. The plans transmitted herewith have significant deficiencies identified on the enclosed check list and should be corrected and resubmitted for a complete recheck :The check list transmitted herewith is for your information The plans are being held at EsGil Corporation until corrected plans are submitted for recheck The applicants copy of the check list is enclosed for the jurisdiction to forward to the applicant contact person The applicant's copy of the check list has been sent to EsGil Corporation staff did not advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed EsGil Corporation staff did advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed Person contacted Scott Telephone # 949 412-3556 ,ate con 71elp ted 4Vby Y\._) Email scoft@ethosarch.com . . "MaiI hor1 Fax In Person REMARKS By Eric Jensen Enclosures original approved plan EsGil Corporation - LI GA LI EJ LI MB LI PC 4/24 - -- -t • -•- - • -. • - •: -- •-• 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208 • San Diego California 92123 • (858) 560-1468 • Fax (858) 560-1576' - It . City of Carlsbad PREV2017-0071/2016-0010 rev April 28, 2017 Y • ••: - - RECHECK CORRECTION LIST .1 4. PLAN CHECK NO.: SET: I - - FOREWORD (PLEASE READ): 4 - - '- This plan review is limited to the technical requirements contained in the Building Code, * Plumbing Code Mechanical Code Electrical Code and state laws regulating energy .conservation, noise attenuation and disabled access. This plan review is based on regulations 'enforced by the Building Department. You may have other corrections based on laws and órdinànces enforced by the Planning Department, Engineering Department or other departments - . The following items listed need clarification, modification or change. All items must be satisfied before the plans will be in conformance with the cited codes and regulations The approval of the plans does not permit.the violation of any state, county or city law. A. Pleäe make all corrections on the original tracings and submit 3 new complete sets of prints to ESGIL CORPORATION .'. B. To facilitate rechecking, please identify, next to each item, the sheet of the plans upon which each correction on this sheet has been made and return this sheet with the r revised plans .. ..• C. The following items have not been resolved from the previous plan reviews. The original correction number has been given for your reference. In case you did not keep a copy of the prior correction list, we have enclosed those pages containing the outstanding . corrections. Please contact me if you have any questions regarding these items. D Please indicate here if any changes have been made to the plans that are not a result of -.. corrections from this list. If there are other changes, please briefly describe them and where they are located on the plans.' Have changes been made not resulting from this list? Yes UNo City of Carlsbad PREV2017-0071/2016-0010 rev .April•28., 2017 ----- - - V - ELECTRICAL and ENERGY COMMENTS PLAN REVIEWER: Eric Jensen ELECTRICAL (2016 CALIFORNIA ELECTRICAL CODE) - • Include compliance with CEC Article 680 for the slide itself: 1. - Provide a motor schedule complete with the GFCI protection for the slide motors requiring it CEC 680.21 (C) . 2.- Many low voltage sensors shown throughout the sheets (A734, A735, A36 for example, - - - but by no means a completelist). Indicate, on the plans, the design features that qualify - t-' these sensors as acceptable for use in a pool. For example, the 24 volt transformers, are they pool rated? Are the sensors buried in the concrete lanes listed for direct burial? How 16 41 do the covers maintain their waterproof status or are they a sealed sensor? 3. Include a bonding design including all items to be bonded: including, but not limited to • the traffic control truss, isolated beams, handrails, guardrails, metal within 5' - equipotential plane, etc. Basically, what I'm looking for is the electrical compliance for all design features Please - -. - provide the bonding design, identify the GFCI protection for all circuits requiring it on the plans, and, lastly, any electrical equipment installed on or near the pool must be listed for the use or justified as per it's use - •-. Note: - I understand different engineers have different responsibilities for the electrical . . -. design however.the above items will need to be addressed on the plans by whoever is the responsible party. Note: If you have any questions regarding this Electrical plan review list please contact Eric - Jensen at (858) 560-1468. To speed the review process, note on this list (or a copy) where the corrected items have been addressed on the plans. - a - - a - -- - - I- - . . - -. - - a - • -. - 4 •! 4 . .• * . - .:'k-,, - - - - . - - -.' .•--- . a - - :,- * S • - - - a - 'a - - I, Sr City of Carlsbad PREV2017-0071/2016-0010 rev April28,2017 [DO NOTPAY—THIS IS NOTAN INVOICE] VALUATION AND PLAN CHECK FEE JURISDICTION City of Carlsbad PLAN CHECK NO PREV2017- 0071/2016-0010 rev * PREPARED BY Eric Jensen DATE April 28, 2017 BUILDING ADDRESS 1 Legoland Dr. BUILDING OCCUPANCY 'S. Jurisdiction Code cb By Ordinance Bldg Permit Fee by Ordinance I I Plan Check Fee by Ordinance V I I Type of Review Complete Review Structural Only 54, - Other Repetitive Fee . Repeats . - Hourly 2 Hrs. @ * EsGul Fee $8600 I $172 001) * Based on hourly rte- - 5_ 5* Corirnents Sheet I of 1 macvalue doc + -- 4_S _ .__;-'S_ .4_• /5• 4 .4 - :- - BUILDING -. --. PORTION .. AREA (Sq. Ft.) Valuation Multiplier Reg. Mod. VALUE ($) : i. revision Air Conditioning Fire Sprinklers TOTAL VALUE 4L-city0f Carlsbad iPrint Date 08/03/2018 Permit No PREV2017-0104 Job Address: :. 1Legoland Dr - Permit Type BLDG Permit Revision Work Class Residential Permit Revisi Status Closed Finaled Parc6No:5 ,. 2111000900 . Lot #: Applied: 06/01/2017 Valuation:. • $ 0.00 -'. Reference #: DEv2016-0028 Issued: 06/23/2017 Occupancy Group: - - Construction Type Permit 08/01/2018 Finaled: - # Dwelling Uhits: Bathrooms: Inspector: PBurn BedroOms: Orig. Plan Check #: CBC2016-0010 Final - - Plan Check #: Inspection: Project Title: LEGOLAND WP17 WATER SLIDE Description LEGOLAND WP 17 STRUCTURAL CHANGES TO SITE WALL S •- - - - - V.....' - Applicant: Owner: ETHOSARCHITECTURE : LEGOLAND CALIFORNIA LLC <LF> PLAY U S DANIEL STEWART . .. . ' ACQUISITION CO INC 24542 Creekview Dr-- LAGUNA HILLS;, CA 92653 P0 Box 543185 C/O Property Tax Service Co 949-667-8'01i6 ' DALLAS TX 75354 'FEE - AMOUNT MANUAL BUILDING PERMIT FEE $187.50 Total Fees $ 187 50 Total Payments To Date $ 187.50 Balance Due $0.00 .' - - .._. '• - S 4• . .. - .- •S C - * - : S - •• . - - S -. - .. ••• S - . - .-,..•• - C: - S •' . . - - . •_ . - S S 4' 1- 'S - Building Division - -- S • - 1635 Faraday Avenue, Carlsbad CA 920084314 I 760-602-2700 1 760-602-8560 f I www.carlsbadca.gov : - (bit yof Ccirisbad PLAN CHECK REVISION Development Services • APPLICATION Building Division 16 I 35 Faraday I B-15 760-602-2719 www.carlsbadca.gov Plan CheckRevision No. PRLV2O 11 I J Original Plan Check No. Project Address L' Date - Con act k h 1. - Fax Emil 5 ( A ,.1conctAddres LAM _7-'(ct2__-V -(-&\ \Qrcity L5iu,t4 Zip General Scope of Work O ,jD I Original plans prepared by an architect or engineer, revisions must be signed & stamped by that person. .1 . Elements revised: Plans Calculations, Soils LI Energy ,\Other &&' 2 3 4 • Describe revisions in detail List page(s) where List revised sheets each revision is that replace shown existingsheets c _____ ç\ ______ ______ z Does this revision, in any way, alter the exterior of the project? Yes Does this revision add ANY new fl or area(s)? LI Yes \No Does this revision ect any fire re d issues? LI Yes- No : .8. Is this a omPIes\e es 1 N )25Si nature 1A A1\ 'd+ S * - -S 1635 Faraday Cars - CA 920bS_Jh160-602- 2719 f: 760-602-8558 Email: building@carlsbadca.gov www.carlsbadca.gov --p EsGil Corporation In Partnership with Government for cftifding Safety DATE: 6/14/2017, - UAPPLICANT 4JURIS JURISDICTION City. of-Carlsbad U PLAN REVIEWER U FILE PLAN CHECKNO.:.PREV2O17-01O4 SET:I - PROJECTDDRESS 1 Legoland Dr. PROJECT NAME Legoland WP17 Revision 4 The plans transmitted herewith have been corrected where necessary and substantially comply : withthe jurisdiction's building codes. The p16n5 transmitted herewith will substantially comply with the jurisdiction's codes when minor deficiencies identified below are resolved and checked by building department staff -. The plans transmitted herewith have significant deficiencies identified on the enclosed check list and should be corrected and resubmitted for a complete recheck The chek list transmitted herewith is for your information The plans are being held at EsGil Corporation until corrected plans are submitted for recheck The applicant's copy of the check list is enclosed for the jurisdiction to forward to the applicant contact person - ' • * - r J The apphcant's copy of the check list has been sent to EsGil Corporation staff did not advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed 4 * - EsGil Corporation staff did advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed Person contacted Telephone # Date contacted (byi11 Email Mail Telephone Fax In Person REMARKS - '- r ,JI '-- -- By David Yao Enclosures - EsGil Corportiàn - • El GP , []EJ El MB El PC 6/6 4 •..• 9320 Chesapeake Drive Suite 208 • San Diego California 92123• (858)560-1468 • Fax(858)560-1576 4 4•4 r - I - City of Carlsbad PREV2017-0104 6/14/2017. [DO NOT PAY —THIS IS NOT AN INVOICE] VALUATION AND PLAN CHECK FEE 4 JURISDICTION City of Carlsbad PLAN CHECK NO PREV2017-0104 PREPARED BY: David Yao : DATE: 6/14/2017 BUILDING ADDRESS 1 Legoland Dr. Al ,,;BUILD!NG 5OCCUPANCY: '. . BUILDING PORTION AREA ( Sq. Ft.), Valuation Multiplier Reg. Mod. VALUE ($) revision'-' new site wall • - .]••'Slt - Air. Conditioning Eire5SprinkIers TOTALVALUE - - 'Jurisdiction Code cb By Ordinance Bldg Permit Fee by Ordinance V . .S. -. Plan Check Fee by Ordinance I I Type of Re'iew E Complete Review E Structural Only S-- r S. El Other El-Repetitive Fee Repeats Hourly 1 5 Hrs EsGil Fee $100.00 I $150.001 - ' S . . . . . 5 * Based on hourly rate _•5 .S-t - ., - -- Comments 5. .5 • . Sheet 1 of I - . . • - - t - . . S.- • macvalue.doc + - .1' h. $ S5S_ • 4 — In I _) f • ,i.t 5- -••,--•• •5_S ... - S. S I - RIGHT - e. ri .g- i rI .e e r s May 31, 2017 Ethos Architecture Project No. : SC1161416 Attention: Scott Holcomb - Subject: WP17 Dear Scott The following are structural revisions made on WP17 .................... S1.1: Site wall is now shown on the plans Foundation Keynote 8 added .S2.2: • -. - Detail 109 added. • . ,• .... . ._l ..• .. - -• ,•• I • Best regards , ., WRIGHT ENGINEERS 4 - •i•' ,• .4 Jeremy Magbag T. •,:. Las Vegas -. - rune Phoenix Salt Lake Tucson _..4_ - 'l4 - • 0. ', •*l -. c - •2 Vccw'e. S~he 200 CA924E1 • 800.933.1411' ' - ' • -4, 4, '• • 4, 4 . ••• i $•••. , '.4 .- - - I Irvine Venture. Suag 200 Irvine, CA 92618 (p) 949.477.4001 (I) 949.477.4009 W(flgIneercom JVegas 635 Village Cancer dr. Suite 200 Las Vegas, NV 89134 (p) 702.933.7000 (I) 702.933.7001 £honlx 3125 S. Price Road Suite 125 Chandler, AZ 85248 (p)480.483.61 II (480.483.6I Ii Salt Lake 9160 S. 300 W. Suite 2 Sandy, UT 84070 (P) 801.3512001 (Q 801.352.1006 . .- :o sk engIneers STRUCTURAL CALCULATIONS . ', 4 \. . I. PROJECT WP1 7 SLIDE FOUNDATIONS I Legoland Drive 0.3 Carlsbad, CA 92008 ;-: PROJECTNO: SCI1 61416 . .. CUE: Ethos Architecture :.:- DATE February 3, 2017 ;. SHEET INDEX ' ". BASIS FOR DESIGN 1 ' DESIGN LOADS 2 . FOUNDATION KEYPLAN - FOUNDATION DESIGN Fl ' !• -• .: . . a Y .4 I Ire. a-- s. •• .... .5. '1 IF (jbfseo CA If - - These calculations are the sole property of WRIGHT ENGINEERS and may not be reproduced In whole or part without written permission. Calculations are valid only for the above named project and location and are not valid unless engineers original wet signed seal is affixed. - -.,F• - -- . pgcvtoi10I0'1 BASIS FOR DESIGN RIGHT e n .g i n e e r S 1.1 BUILDING CODE: CALIFORNIA BUILDING CODE 2016 1.2 ROOF LIVE LOAD: 20 PSF (REDUCIBLE) 1.3 WIND LOAD: IIO MPH BASIC WIND SPEED • IMPORTANCE FACTOR, Iw= 1.0 • EXPOSURE C 1.4 SEISMIC LOAD: SEISMIC DESIGN CATEGORY D IMPORTANCE FACTOR, IE = 1.0 SITE CLASS R= 3, 1.5 1.5 SNOWLOAD: NONE . ., 2:1 FOUNDATION: DESIGNED PER RECOMMENDATIONS BY LEIGHTON AND ASSOCIATE, INC..; PROJECT NO. 10075.16; DATED AUGUST 26, 2016. ALL FOOTINGS SHALL EXTEND A MINIMUM OF 16 INCHES BELOW PAD GRADE. ALLOWABLE DEAD PLUS LIVE LOAD SOIL PRESSURE = 2000 PSF. - ALLOWABLE LATERAL SOIL BEARING PRESSURE = 300 PSF/FT. - 3.1 CONCRETE: ALL CONCRETE SHALL BE NORMAL WEIGHT OF 145 PCF USING HARDROCK AGGREGATES. MINIMUM 28-DAY COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH, ?c, USED FOR DESIGN = 4000 PSI. 3:2 REINFORCING STEEL REBAR SHALL CONFORM TO ASTM A615 OR ASTM A706 A706 REQ'D. FOR ALL REINFORCING TO BE WELDED) AND SHALL BE GRADE 60 (ly = 60 KSI) DEFORMED BARS U.N.O. REINFORCING IN SLABS - ON GRADE MAY BE GRADE 40 (ty = 40 KSI) DEFORMED BARS FOR ALL BARS #4 AND SMALLER U.N.O. I • ON PLANS OR DETAILS. WELDED WIRE FABRIC SHALL CONFORM TO ASTM AI85. PRESTRESSING STEEL SHALL CONFORM TO ASTM A416, GRADE 270, SEVEN-WIRE LOW RELAXATION STRAND WITH A GUARANTEED ULTIMATE TENSILE STRENGTH OF 41.3 KIPS NOMINAL DIAMETER SHALL BE 1/2 * - INCH AND NOMINAL AREA SHALL BE 0.153 SQ. INCHES. - •:. * - - ,__ - •. - -4* • . : - . . --' - ,-,• • . -. . . - - • -.-- ,. •4_: I. .-- - ,•. V - - - '•'-.- i- • V . -- . -. .,• - WP17(SadeFTG)-8e51s40c CapyTjgtlt WRIGHT ENGINEERS v2001112 - -- I WP 17 - SLIDE FOUNDATIONS 1C1161416 11 i • -- *-*•. ., • (PROJECT... - - I SHEET. .4 I. - 4- .- 1 DETAIL rw4l OA) 1,t RIGHT engifl, .--. - I --'--.-- :: - -.-----.--i--- :.:: — r - I mmr=.M~ -- REMMYNE ____ : U — .': - :!..• -- ! -=-- .------ 1 I7:: =r L' .--,- :n ::. .--.- -- - ::-I. 2 . I: mmrl :: weuc:.m :ro!:; ___ .Z : __'__•___?__j_ so - i --i- _..: --••• _-.-_T_ u: MOMMUMIC - i — np. lz I —r - a - 4 - - 4 . •T WPI7 - SLIDE FOUNDATIONS PROJECT: - . ;c 161416 RIGHT - - - . e n g i n • -5' -S •/ . .... ........ . .. .-----..• So' \ '•5_' ...•- CT - L / -''' to "r ' :1 ------.-_.----------- _---_-__'---- S 5- -'5 __5• 5.. S -=5 1='= - -5-- - I / - S •-, I ' '-' '- / . - .-:--' . 4 * - - / . I - -5- -- 5, SF- - S • . . 1i• -. • • • • S - . 5 - - . .• S . 17SLEFOATIONS Lsc1161416 - (PROJECT: • No: SHEET: F ' 99RICHT tJJ FUti A J/641 COO enginers- - Total Resistance/F.S. (tone) . - '0 10 20 - 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 lID 120 130 140 C 1r'117-1 T1ilT irrr1 ;ir —i ...... . r'"''', ----------------------.'.- -'I - I .1 I I- • - .. •:_ . .. •1 - A . I 'I I , - • I I :1 - I 4 . - A I • - I '4 . . •'---':•-l--------------- - - - - I ' •• I I I •' I , F 4 . • - I A • .1 p I -( . -. •0 —•---•-_•'_- -I------'i -------------------------------•',-•-----*.------ • . . A I • A I - H "\\- A. ------------------------ 0Dj2,5ft ------------------.--'-•• -., ••..... .............. ------------. --•AI)ja3fl ODja=3.5ft - - .. . I I - • ' 001a4ft ..,,.. .-I........................................-.....,- - A • . . LEGO - WP 17 - CIVil Pile 17 - SLIDE - 1 1L F I tj - 61416 PROJECT. j No: - SHEET - •:,, I -.. ,, • '- :, .-, - , • . ,. - ., 44 ac MON.;, emimmm-'-w-M-01- " !~:i. 59m -ii 8n 2952 - t 4 1S5 885 1182 842 2401 682 697 2582 587 2720 576 2775 2954 395 394 2251 52 2475 052 1879 2324 4410 112 1.38 1988 2015 1022 1059 2178 23 992 1008 2988 3138 824 835 3401 3560 685 689 3685 3878 476 470 -3023 181 3265 181 2609 3110 - 1 4411 1 1566 922 4809 859 2531 708 2859 581 3124 385 2680 152 2759 4-414 1.99 2090 1147 2603 1082 3462 813 3937 713 4370 467.3848 184 4272 4414 2.31 1626 4009 2 53 913 2810 746 3192 604 3561 284 3180 152 3621 _ 4-418 354 2270 1358 3263 1200 4245 971 4852 772 5574 457 5100 181 6144 4418 421 1783 1231 2730 1049 3504 . . 843 3948 662 4623 372 4322 152 - 5183 .- 682 548 104 1563 849 1801 807 2359 670 26351 556 2292 383 2237 152 i761 l 5410 5.411 14 1.72 ioa 2158 1063 1io9 250 26831 1000 1024 3273 $460 on 645 360 3834 691 3989 4242 459 452 3341 181 3665 181 2972 3515 54.4 1.67 LU2 828 24841685 2779 1 6852988301 1 162 5414 2A9 442 V81 1218 -mii Iow 3889 .%5 4an r 4 4688 4.46. 44m lei I 81 -.4792 733D 877 28D.4 Wl 2.05 5-814 296 .1799 1080 2533 9453180i - 5418 526 2066 1358 3308 1147 4081 720 170 896 3138 586 3576! 615 46301 690 344t 4014 5370 371 384 338 3061 3740 152 52811 152 4138 0312 ii 5410 0411 1.68 2.07 2120 2173 1303 1158 2838] 982 1010 3549 3819 004 3990 4251 655 664 4343 427 445 3644 181 4099 .181 3552 4222 . . . . 5414 . 2.98 2309 1289 3489 1089 4360 87494 698 46531 54671 401 4603 181 5564 6-48 1.25 1511 874 2029788 2555 648 2815! 532 2990. 6418 5.31 2653 1622 4663 1209 5676 1020 4452! 781 7408! -356 7001 181 8376 17 64 9 1.58 1612 914 2159 812 2712 2.80 1663 665 2323 843 2010 6410 664 686 3000 542 3234] 555 3227 3526 364 348 -92 25 1~2 3028J 152 2559: 315 . 7416 107.2289 .1743 2575 1089 3552 884 4654] 726 4502F 472 3999 481 3971 1704- 1 .760 6414 3.55 1112A 1152 2895 949 3521 64Ii 7411 Z4 975 -1207-2907 1105 3807 0 4340! 1 2 .1 6418 6.31 2119] 3484 3839 1148 4750 931 40U 597 5398 676 4498 6169 - 318 264. 411 1 152 5934] 4754. C-n 741 4 3.48 2453 1361 $401 7 416 986 1205 4W -ii 5037 791 5742 91978981 460 5521 181 '11M C 28441 440 7896 104 6749 748 1,45 1616 899 1688; 851 2511 *1 S4 1671 203d ?-# 9 1 881 .2683 707 M 28677410 3045! 599 3300! 18 3D9Z -9 XA 391 584 392 26131 2942 152 • II) 8410 8411 2.25 2.76 2257 2325 - 1183 1257 211° 2978 1112 1158 3685 3978 022 964 4232 4548] 75 174 4740 5132! 468 491, 4269 481 4762 161 4518 5281 234 1138 1008 22.16! 920 2599 7411 287 17911 1070 2413! 956 3121 759 765 3545 533 3675 3975 389 333 33541 -152 374•5• 350j . 8.414 3.98 2524 1432 3532 1275 46591 1045 5327! 832 6.135! 4-79 -.5963 184 6904 ' 7-414 4:14 1945 1223 2853! 1056 3642] 7418 7.37 2343 1811 3096! 1307 859 1047 41521 680 5603! 193 4761 6643 373 348 4628! 152 66701 152 5393 8416 9-410 7.07 2.53 3021 2316' 1.87 1224 4870 2908 15?7 3430 6279 3510 1270 -933 7204] 4422 974 751 8559] 5016] .456 461 8819 161 40.4O 161 10708 4926 848 1.66 1648 .924 1902] 881 2581] 732 2841 604 3228 403 27811' 152 398 9411 3.10 2399] 1306 3207 1078 4189 967 -4741! 783 .5469! 474 5177 181 5745 O . 849 2.10 1.700] 977 2064! 917 2778 Z •1 8410 2.87 1778 1046 2268! 983 3025 759 794 3167] 622 3453, 845 - 3518 3885 403 402 3141] .152 3394 3959 ., 0414 - 9-916 4.4 7.94 2831 3 1508-. 2002 3808 5313 • 1315 1610 4941 6730 1085 1320 5681! 779& 848 1009 6612 9368 449 94861, 181 9510] 181 7063 31589 - 0-411 3.28 183911118 249411007 3292.827 8-8-34 434 2008] 1294 2983! 1125 38701 914 3727-682 4409 718 4226 5106 395 389 35901 152 4017 152 5070] 152 4541 5955 - 10410 2.81 • 2384 1264 3181 1141 .4099, -• 037 46601 - 755 5295 452 4924 181 5433 9-410 301 1006 2422 984 3182 1829 805 3627! 652 4135 396 • 3939! 152 4361 10-811 10414 3.45 497 2478 2734 1356 1575 -3501. 421e 1195 1338 4450) 5291I 975 1082 5065 6056 777 844 5807 hOe! 453 444 5539: 181 7064 181 - 6262 0298 94113.6916021164267111033-34598393940] 07-34523 3B7 4359' .- ..] . • I • I 9-814 533 2110 1366 32211 1165 41221 936 4716) 736 5523 . . 9 5568] 152 6659 " 11-410 '3.09 2437 1304 3154 1102 4174, -- .980. 4608 796 5518" 486 5232 181 5818 • .1 10410 3.34 10501 1126 26581 994. 0377 811 38391 647 4346' 319 4166! 152 - 4700 .... 31411 01414 .3.79 5.47 2535 2626! . 1405 1646 3491 4246! 1253 1415 .4558] 5412 4825 -1147 5245 63161 825 306 6670 7471 478 475 5889! 181 74761 181 6777 9050 10-411 510 1970] 1210-29331 1347 3683 10,414 5.92 1437 3560! 11884422 053 &49,4l88 5000! 5584834 7338979 368 357 46-91 152 7183 54i2-' .- - 1 . 55481 1810259 22061 (':) - -' I .-' 11-310 3.68. 1932! 1167 2050! 1043 3468' 852 - 3971 - 686 . 4563 400 5952, 152 - 4429! 152 5089 I 12430 12411 12.14 3.37 4.14 - 5.97 2635 2954! 25121344 14.95 1717 3254 3616! 4433] 1226 1294 1412 4297 4709 5890 0010 .1060 1196 4972 5446 6811 841 937 815-5781 6389. 7904 497 492 491 -6276] 181 7930! 181 7253 9699 11.417 4.51. 2024! 1260. 2943! 1103 3794 11414 6.51 2283] 1505 36081 1264 4600 696 -1017 .4349]. 713 52P.; 5065 6291 391 383 4997k 152 63311 152 5096 794 .. I 2545! • - - -! 181 5845! 6678 .. - . • 1 13410 15411 3.65 4.48 2610 1385 1$04 33921 3151! 1252 1327 4493- 4939! 1028 1682 5184 5696 829 564 6036] 6679] 451 483 66921 131 7800 12-W.0 4.01 2006 1 27421 1075 3569, 080 4122! 704 4817 5433 '207 47201 152 411 03-814 647 3030, 1788 4562 1521 6010' 1229 5961 962 8328] 480 6430] 181 30374 12-011 492 2108 1317 3O7 142 3928] ,cDN- - 02414 7.10 2397 1560 3777 1319 1064 4537 5166 823 6556 395 672-1] 152. 8425 -:14410 3.93 2605 1425 3587! 1258 4688: 1029 54241 - 832 6312] - 48t 61451 183 1052 .13.410 4.34. 23361 .1241 28661 1101 3740] 13411 5.33 21431 1367 3208] 1176 4129] 899 952 43071 718 4756] .', 751 50341 600 404 - 394 49531 152 5590 '152 5831 - I44h1 - 15.410 4.83 4.21 2742; -2652 1554 1465 4004] 3051] 13-48 1389 .5172]t 4883 1098 1074 3988] 5572 870 - 852 1015, 5540] -.471 495 8930- 381 6425 181 8268 7537 14-8-10 4.68 2083 1287 3031!. 1118 3914 911 4525] .722 5283 394 5208] 152 6:173 - 15-411 5,17 278 8] '1603 - 4102] 1397 5315 1138 6159 - 903 72951 488 7283 181 -8103 _______ • 14411 5.75 2219] 1416 3395! 1168 4338 [' 1S,.10 501 2125] 1328 11e8 4020 970 946 5010 4550 710 5491' 362 407 5885, 152 540 152 l82 6562 '16410 164,1 449 552 - 2702 2&t 1506- 1652 07461 4211] 1343 4ei 4948] 5496 1102. 1478 5754] 881 925 61791 4182; 502 495 6713 181 7610k 181 7927 9256 16410 535 2178! 1358 31851 1191 415.3 973 4812 767 5706 413 5710] 152 6917 07410 477 2765 1545 390 7359 51331 1117 59493 894 70472 499 73171 181 8358 • I tSCon& Points for 'rII,ICb,CUVeS- Round CO1nrInS' - 16-010 505 2815 158 4098! 1386 5336 ! 1131 6166] 899 7338 495 72391 181 . 8759 198 100% f,7 In&cetes 1000,. I, strees )IC beleess posit 3 bars on the 03110co s,de 4 RICHT engine Non-Constrained Caisson Lateral Bearing Calculation (DESIGN EOUAT(ONS PER (BC SECTION 1805.7.2.1) '•_4• . -- -. . - LOCATION: Caisson 1 (AP85) y - P(K) 7.340— h (FT) 450 • - . . P qlat(PSFIFr): 300 (_ • I :- , * TOLERATE 1/2MOVEMENT? (YIN): N . • -a DIAMETER (Fl): 2.0 S1(PSF/FT) 1112 A 772 MIN EMBEDMENT (Fl) 1112 -, 4 CflC( 1(M tEA1IIW& - (FI) H .AIR EL- =-e 1 *4 - .. (069 MAW, (PIIAM N JI L (,i) - ff0 JAil! I( OS (z) -i7- L./ Ii 3 rui AT M 5 tfl J r .., iV .•' ...• . hl • - (• .•. . - • . . --1 - H.; r' .:' •• r . .. -- a f_i 1(APa42)SNCN-OW577?AINEO Copynghl WRIGHT ENGINEERS v2006.02.28 All.WPI7- SLIDE FOUNDATIONS usd161416 FJ PROJECT ,. -P ,;i -. * •. . -••-.-.. a' 4 - . -• RICHT e n g i n I ... .:.. • - Non-Constrained Caisson Lateral Bearing Calculation (DESIGN EQUATIONS PER IBC SECTION 1805.7.2.1) - .. LOCATION : Caisson 2 (AP 46) . , •. ,.•4 . - P(K): 7.400' h(Fr) 450 qiat (PSFIFT) 300 : TOLERATE 112 MOVEMENT? (YIN) N . - -. DIAMETER (Fl): 2.0 Si (PSF/FT) 1116 A 776 • 1 ' -• • . . . . MIN. EMBEDMENT (FT) 11.16 4f :JR1 LMflT L JI'O Ok £hkül ON FL () - '/ 3 tjfjAT (Y' ( V2008.0228 : 0: ] [SH : . ,. .. . I161416 1 - ..-. •...A .. • - - .- 4' ••, - . 111GHT enginer. r - - 'V Non-Constrained Caisson Lateral Bearing Calculation (DESIGN EQUATIONS PER (BC SECTION 1805.7.2.1) •• . LOCATION: Caisson 3 (AP I & 2) - V •V :- V V a -; - It • .. • 4 P(K): 21.520 h(FT) 000 qlat (PSFIFT) 300 TOLERATE 1!2r MOVEMENT? (YIN) N - a DIAMETER (FT) 2.0 V - S1(PsF/vr): 1200 V V I T :::: $ 4 MIN EMBEDMENT (ET) I W1 iiu -) P- Z3 VL Ii t1 I111 N ! Fl L Z'a" MCA ul V . V . . • _________ MN lIFT wf J ' 1 I •V!, -, - • - - - • V - V(4 ,e. 7 - V - - V -• V - V •. - & • 5j V - V VVV - V - "V• a a V - - • V V V - V- • - - • V V - - V ••V&• • 4. a a, • VV JV - V a - - - a V at. WPF71nSAuaI(AP2J)J$ MON. COWS 74INiD Copyright WRIGHT ENGINEERS 11200802.28 V. - -•- - WP17- SLIDE FOUNDATIONS 1kCfl61416 iT c S PROJECT: • •S•• tVV 1 - I No: I I,SIIET: I • V • - • -- V.- - •• V • ----V 11 •,. • V -- V - V V V V - V 1 V a V - - - •V V V e - RIGHT .engine .•> Non-Constrained Caisson Lateral Bearing Calculation • (DESIGN EQUATIONS PER IBC SECTION 1805.7.2.1) 4 LOCATION Caisson 4 (AP 81 & 45) P(K) 10.830 . h (FT): 4.50 - qiat(PSFiFT): 300 - TOLERATE 1i2 MOVEMENT? (y,i): N DIAMETER (Fl): 2.0 •• - . SI (PSFIFT):, 1200 A: 10.56 LI-; MIN EMBEDMENT (FT) 1421 Cjt1 FOIL 1JI' 2 FT 0,1111 K WERlil Of TU Pfkfl ic FlTv )LAIIJ I-lit FIA GN t F! L= lr-O" OR ; M6 AWT .. ft FL I 1w AT W 0 C M / • - 4 ' ..• _:- .- I - - - • •NP/7(ssJo,44P8&5))J7SNOAAcON57PA/NED Copyright V4RIGKr ENGINEERS v2008.02.28 17 - SLIDE FOUNDATIONS '1 ~No:5dh161416 LSHEL66PROJECT :-- • - -- :_ -, t.•• 93RICHT - r 4 Non-Constrained Caisson Lateral Bearing Calculation (DESIGN EQUATIONS PER IBC SECTION 1805.7.2.1) LOCATION Caisson 5 (AP 83) 1 / P(K) 11.760 h(Fr) 450 t qiat (PSFIF1) 300 TOLERATE 1/2 MOVEMENT? (YIN) N DIAMETER (Fr): 2.0 1 • Si (PSFIFT): 1200 ,.' _.r.•,. , . A: 11.47 MIN EMBEDMENT (FT) 1517 :IC- C & =VV fi NJ ' I4{ *Fog RMAk ZUI K w111 ? K ::) P &I U K TU OIMIF W I' H LAY'0 CR"4( PtfittIu1 VI flJ TM AT IV" 81 OR 1 • •'• •-• 1 .•a:. .. . HP/7(cass(APa9JjxLINadIM%7N$TPAA(ED - Copyright WRIGHT ENGINEERS v2008.0228 WP 17 - SLIDE FOUNDATIONS u1sd1161416 PROJEcT.. . tNo: - -, -F a S.. 4. - RIGHT .engIne I Non-Constrained Caisson Lateral Bearing Calculation - (DESIGN EQUATIONS PER IBC SECTION 1805721) LOCATION Caisson 6 (AP 82) * P(K):. 12.250 it (Fr): 4.50 qlal(PSFJFT): 300 TOLERATE 112 MOVEMENT? (YIN): N DIAMETER (Fl): 2.0 . Si (PSFT) 1200 - A 1194 ice MIN EMBEDMENT (Fr)1568 l(Af uu1 MUIit' . p• j... 'I '1 Tft L. fl'O K rI (111M1 N f6 i H T c nr 3 TIN Ar jill ( 6/1 I- - ,_.•* 4.b - . - ..' '- • K7jsA*n 9(4P82J)JZSNCN.O*Ns?A(NED Copyright WRIGHT ENGINEERS v2008.02. 28 rn . 17-SLEFOUNDATIONS SCI161416 PROJECT LU 1 . *•*_ . • . .5 . , - .1- - ,- -- I - Non-Constrained Caisson Lateral Bearing Calculation (DESIGN EQUATIONS PER IBC SECTION 1805.7.2.1) _4 4 LOCATION Caisson 7 (AP 44) P(K) 7850 ., fl (FT) 450 4 qlat (PSF/FT) 300 'TO LERATE 112 MOVEMENT? (YIN) N DIAMETER (Fl) 2.0 ' ' * Si (PS/FT) 1145 A 802 1 t - MIN. EMBEDMENT (Fr): 11.45 LIIIII:IIIIIIIl : 4 r 5 K.- S K P1( (MIF11I ('ill P Fl L. il'11 011 il u o w 4. (j}(f kW1' J Tiff AT if" 0( tK RR 010f UAI ?( 4 \(4 3J q of - -1 - - -, NP71(sia 7(4JJcZSNONCON577WtVEP Copyflght WRIGHT ENGINEERS V2008.02.28 4 4 WP 17 SLIDE FOUNDATIONS 1 SC1161416 1 Fl 1 PROJECT No I 1SEET I - .;• \ 4 4 A ? 4 4 RICHT engine ,..• Non-Constrained Caisson Lateral Bearing Calculation .. (DESIGN EQUATIONS PER (BC SECTION 1805.7.2.1) -. . LOCATION Caisson 8 (AP 43) I P(K) 7700 It (FT): 4.50 qiat(PSFT) 300 TOLERATE 1i2 MOVEMENT? (YIN): N 7. DIAMETER (Fl) 20 4 .. SI(psFIFT): 1136 A 793 MIN. EMBEDMENT 11.36 CJIIE1( AJ4I 4 1 L (H11 ON Vh H - L1 1 S- y11 I( Ft i'ci cJir ON l f2. (} t w( IJ T1 hi it (IC OI - . 1 1 1 r , l,• •• . .. .• - ' .,• . , . ,••, J4F r •• • • . .. ' . COpyTI9M WRIGHT ENGINEERS v200a02.28 [WP i - SLIDE FOUNDATIONS 1 EN!o~:161416 1LEI RIGHT , engin .. Non-Constrained Caisson Lateral Bearing Calculation (DESIGN EQUATIONS PER IBC SECTION 1805.7.2.1) LOCATION Caisson 9 (AP 41) - • '. P(J): 7.150' . S h(FT): 4.50 - qlat(PSFIFT) 300 TOLERATE 112 MOVEMENT? (WN) N DIAMETER (Fl): 2.0 . - . . SI (PSFIFr): 1100 . t•... Jt, -- F -, A 7.61 '- MIN EMBEDPAENT(FT) 11.00 !i tI iitt1t 1 .5 -------------' ' . - - 7. W c.uj 5 -f K ) I l-L t I 1 C 1!11 fl. TI u - MiW1 P0 CIi ow p c- i ! flu At oil i5_'• • S ,4•_ p .. -. - . WP17(C.ssroft9(AP4/)JJrZSNON-CON$WAJNED Copyright WRIGHT ENGINEERS v2008 0228 S • [PROJECT WP17-SLIDE FOUNDATIONS I16l416 : / t Non-Constrained Caisson Lateral Bearing Calculation * (DESIGN EQUATIONS PER IBC SECTION 1805.72.1) LOCATION Caisson 10 (AP 42) P (K): 7.330, I1(FT) 450 q)at(psFlrr): 300 - •. TOLERATE i MOVENT? Th): N DIAMETER (FT) 2.0 S1(PSFFFT) 1112 A 771 :L •t• - . MIN EMBEDMENT (FT) 1112 I C1U4( UkUN' I ) W ri ) I I H Pi GUk1 ON t II Ti L 1t 0 c4lJPN ; 'g,(A kO 4 N1 a RIGHT e n g i n . -r-i • t , . U) 3 rJ 11 I,. ,.• . .. 4•• J. •, • I - -.. I : . .••* . •1 . . * - ,•t._ .• :- - 4 4 ,_ •1 - S •II.• • * ,s •II -. - •, ?.. - j W0171ssian /0(AP4Z5N0A4C0N57WtV Copyright WRIGHT ENGINEERS v2008 0228 . . • WP17- SLIDE FOUNDATIONS 1 CI 161416 i • -. PROJECT.. No: LEI - I - * -I I . -- -. - • - 4 4• - . RIGHT - engineers •••• 'l • * p. . •- Non-Constrained Caisson Lateral Bearing Calculation . -: ': •. •••. (DESIGN EQUATIONS PER IBC SECTION 1805.7.2.1) 1*' •,•t -1 - 'p LOCATION Caisson 11 (AP84) P(K) 5560 , - h(FT): 4.50 - - qlat(PSFIFT): 300 ,TOLERATE 112 MOVEMENT? (YIN): N DIAMETER (FT(: 2.0 SI (PSFIFT) :: MIN. EMBEDMENT (FT) 987 ire YFr f - D I fl oF I • TLE ft4./ t 6h, ' ?f! i Zff 5 L1J tA)IItN •ul " J. Gov gh u Fl L • -. 'iit Z.fl • WI n if " - - ' v200802.26 WP 17- SLIDE FOUNDATIONS SCII6 1416 1 13 No: [PROJECT: ' - •• - - , - . RIGHT ,'.' e n g i n - - - . CONCRETE BEAM DESIGN - DESCRIPTION: Conc. Tie Beam - BEAM f'c (psi): 4000 btop(in): 24 shear b(in): 24 01: 085 -• • PROPERTIES: Fy (ksl): 60 b bot (in): 24 top rebar (#): 5 pmin: 0.0033 for 4t3pc&cu!eted) -: Fyv (ksi): 40 cvr. top (in): 3 bat rebar (#): 5 pmax: 0.0214 h (in) 24 cvr. bot (in) 3 stirrup (#) 3 d top (In) 20.3125 No of lines of stirrups: 2 d bot (in) 20.3125 FLEXURE: Mu (+) (kip-ft) pbot As bot (InA2) bot. reinforcing Mu (-) (kip-ft) ptop As top (inA2) top reinforcing . - 95.4 0.00290 1.41 5 # 5 0.0 0 0.0 0.00000 0.0 0 • 0.0 0.00000 0.0 0 •-• -.-- . 0.0 0.00000 0.0 0 .' •- 0.0 0.00000 0.0 0 .• .••. - 0.0 • 0.00000 0.0 0 : . . • . SHEAR: $: 0.75 Vc (kips) 4625 4 ' .' max stirrup spacing (in) 10 5 If 0 Vs> 925 . - cVs max (kips): 185 Vu (kip) +Vs req d shear stirrups 33.7 minimum # 3 at 7 po.• nonereqd 4 00 nonereqd 00 nonereqd - . - . 0.0 none reqd . 0.0 none reqd DESIGN beam:- Conc.TleBeam - SUMMARY: .• depth: 24 inches width 24 inches . fop reinforcing: (5) #5 CONT. - r bottom reinforcing: (5) #5 CONT. (EXISTING REINFORCING) . .<- -• - -. . sheer reinforcing: #3 AT 7' O.C. AT ENDS #3AT40O.C.ATMIDSPAN ,•••• --. • . I .• - . . nv?e77oBeam Cencfiaam Copyright WRIGHT ENGINEERS . v200&04.03 LOJECT: WP17 - SLIDE FOUNDATIONS C1161416 FH • No: 1L SHEET: 1 & 4 RICHT engjn CONCRETE BEAM DESIGN DESCRIPTION: Conc. Tie Beam : BEAM, ft (psi): 4000 b top (in): 24 shear b (in): 24 31: 0.85 PROPERTIES Fy (ksi) 60 b bat (in) 24 top rebar (#) 5 pmin 00033 (cr413 pcaIcuIat) Fyv (ksi): 40 cvr. top (in): 3 Dot rebar (U): 5 pmax: 0.0214 Ii (in) 24 cvr. bat (in) 3 stirrup (#) 4 d top (in) 201875 No of lines of stirrups 2 d Dot (in) 20.1875 FLEXURE Mu (+) (kip-it) pbOt As bat (in A2) bat reinforcing Mu ( ) (kip-ft) ptop As top (1n42) top reinforcing .J 83.0 0.00255 1.24 . 4 U 5 0.0 0 0.0 0.00000 - 0.0 0 . .. . 0.0 0.00000 0.0 0 0.0 0.0000b 0.0 0 0 0 0 00000 00 0 0.0 0.00000 . 0.0 0 ...4- . , SHEAR 075 * 4iVc (kips) 45.96 max stirrup spacing (In) 10 5 if tVs> 91.9 4iVs max (kips) 184 4 Vu (4) (kip) 4Vs req d shear stirrups 33.7 minimum U 4 at 10 00 nonereqd - : 0.0 none reqd - . . 0.0 none req'd . .. . ',. . .. 0.0 none reqd 00 nonereqd r DESIGN beam Conc. Tie Beam s SUMMARY: depth: 24 inche . - width 24 inches top reinforcing: (5) #5 CONT. . .4. . .•. ., - bottom reinforcing: (5)#5CONT. (EXISTING. REINFORCING) shear reinforcing: #3 AT r O.C. AT ENDS #3 AT 40' 0G. AT MIDSPAN .4, .. . -.' ....- ?., . . — I 1* - 'i .'•':-*' . : 7ta cbccffearn ' Copyilghi WRIGHT ENGINEERS v2006.04.03 [PROJECT WP17 - SLIDE FOUNDATIONS 1 Lc1161416 1 N L1 1 p (1ni iti) T a x •r TUMJ - ' .Ji;;•-' (i) I I ' . 1OJII1L cr&J1 JtILIIk1II RICHT 2' en g i flee r j FT Il F1 S. L!J' flJ r. qv (W); (sit (i.o) (3 (K ) i1M9° 1t1l 16191V fFftfl f.WJ1 U CWJVU-b, Fri L.zj L A01 3o.z tb)r(s) 1w) (o J/'zv)Ij A MALI IN, nx tr j;jj V 4 ji-i k + ~21.11 9 * .• - { ( (toThlN)F L 5;;931 J J /?14 g;LII LP / d r6 j [PROJECT:- WP17 - SLIDE FOUNDATIONS 1h16 1416 -. No: LSHCETP ., .. 4 -. - RIGHT engine UIEi REA 11!: $tIfl,ivj FOR. TOO LMI; k 1 2 Tm TI 4 .3 10 Av . A 1 4 VC - Vu A0 114 31 k FT 0 TA ) -' i' 0(12 owi 1A ff A,, lLi filiAl 1' 0 ? 6,01((t I\t — L5I1J At twu 19-11v $ (fi OI Tu) S -) A toML J1MF ' ç ADD IT 2 IN _; - •.- I /\ V Ph V —fl— . . J ZS A61 Ax ) 0flZ 2 u : SJ LEI ! oo&c j, Act ., .• .;: , - -t IN f - - . AA'I fit - -- •-. ,- -- - - [PROJECT WP17 - SLIDE FOUNDATIONS 1I161416 1 1 - - [ :j33 - 1331O si-i 1L iiii c1L - -' 4 - - - -- ;i c ' r 0 • / • .- -- -i 4- H -- £Nfl1Q Ii • ••_*_. Dl Q Ji r'ri' tLfllD') i1j : DIIM z 2 Ii2 lvigj m MW 1Q t 41J 91 2O( rrio (h) 37 k U I •t V 10RIGHT V e n g i n • -V . V .4 t Constrained Caisson Lateral Bearing Calculation (DESIGN EQUATIONS PER lEG SECTION 1805.7.2.2) - V - r - -. . LOCATION DJ Tower Caisson -. P(<) 0.248 7.4 h(FT) 11.5 qiat (PSFIFT) 300 TOLERATE 112 MOVEMENT? (Y/N): V • DIAMETER (n): 2.0 53(PSF/FT) 1297 :- -' .. .-:- .. MIN. EMBEDMENT (FT): 2.16 V - r I V -44. V. - •j V - -. . 4 -V V 'V - .4 V-V , -4 1Vj - .4 - 4• V .4.___ ' .... -. .- 1 . . •• V . . 4 - ., -• ;. 1 -• - V V V 4 V.. -• 'I . . V. * . V - Copvrlqht WRIGHT ENGINEERS v2008.02.28 ..-. V • \JVR . - u1 * . PROJECT: V . No: SHEEr: (ityof C arlsb ad Print Date: 08/03/2018 Permit No: PREV2017-0107 Job Address: 1 Legàland Dr Permit Typed: BLDG-Permit Revision Work Class: Residential Permit Revisi Status: Closed - Finaled Parcel No: 2111000900 Lot #: Applied: 06/06/2017 VIution: $ 0.00, Reference #: DEV2016-0028 Issued: 10/18/2017 Occupancy, Group: - . Construction Type Permit 08/01/o18 Finaled: U Dwelling Units: - Bathrooms: Inspector: PBurn Bedrooms: Orig. Plan Check U: CBC2016-0010 Final .' Plan Check U: Inspection: Project Title: LEGOLAND WP17 WATER SLIDE Description: - LEGOLAND: WP 17 REVISED FOUNDATION & STRUCTURAL PLANS FOR THEMED TOWER & ENTRYWAY p. . •' ..• . -S Applicant. . Owner: CHRIS BRZEZICKI LEGOLAND CALIFORNIA LLC <LF> PLAY U S P0 Bo 543185 C/O'Property Tax Service Co ACQUISITION CO INC DALLAS,JX75354 - - - P0 Box 543185 C/O Property Tax Service Co : - DALLAS, TX 75354 . FEE., .. • S AMOUNT MANUAL BUILDING PERMIT FEE $312.50 Total Fees $ 312,50 Total Payments To Date $ 312.50 Balance Due $0 00 5_ . S -• 5' 5 • ,- ..•- S • - S .5. ••5 - 1 - - - •• t,• . - , 1 I 5 - 5. _5 1 - • ••- 5 Building Division4 .1635 Faraday.Avenue, Carlsbad CA 92008-7314 1 760-602-2700 I 760-602-8560f I www.carlsbadca.gov S 5 • • 5' 3. 4. • Describe revisions in detail . ,',. List page(s) where List revised sheets - - - each revision is that replace. - shown existing sheets iL'b) - . S . •l, 5- - 5 •' e -- 5- --S - - •5 5 , - -. - F- 1 •ityof.. Piisbad PLAN CHECK REVISION APPLICATION B-15 Develooment Services Building Division 1635 Faraday Avenue 760-602-2719 www.carlsbadca.gov -SI Plan Check Revision No PRcV2oi7-O/p7 Original Plan Check No C'Z0I Project Address _ONE OD fl Date ontactCjktS Ph_____~17- Fax Email \. Contact Address. _j)J(!., ULO(arin Oki if( ,(ML5iJ Citv-r&WM0 Zip General Scope of Work fU.\)SM Tki v(i Eux ihXrS Original plans prepared by an architect or engineer, revisions must be signed & stamped by that person 1. Elements revised , Plans E'alcuIations Soils LIII Energy [II] Other_____________________________ 5. Does this r revision in any way, alter the exterior of the project? LI Yes Doésthis revision add ANY new floor area(s)? LI Yes "No -: -'S Does this revision affect any fire related issues? El Yes No Is this a complete set? LI Yes J "iio sSignature : (JtNu A1 -' 1635 Faraday Avenue Carlsbad CA 92008 fi 760 602 27 19 f 760 602 8558 Email building@carisbadca.gov 5 • - 5t S - - www.carlsbadca.gov - :- -- • .. . EsGil Corporation : In Partnership with Government for Buitiing Safety ' DATE: 16/10/2017 Q APPLICANT 01IS. "JURISDICTION:CitfJCãi1bidi IJ PLAN REVIEWER U FILE j P PLAN CHECK NO.: CBC2016-0010 REVS PREV2017-0107 SET: Ill PROJECT ADDRESS: 1 Legoland Dr. PROJECT NAE: Legoland WP17 Revisions Jhe plans transmitted herewith have been corrected where necessary and substantially comply - wTh the jurisdiction's building codes H Te plans transmitted herewith will substantially comply with the jurisdiction's codes when minor, deficiencies identified below are resolved and checked by building .,department staff. 4. • '- . - 4. 4. The plans transmted herewith have significant deficiencies identified on the enclosed check list and should be corrected and resubmitted for a complete recheck II The check lit transmitted herewith is for your information The plans are being held at EsGil Corporation until corrected plans are submitted for recheck The applicant's copy of the check list is enclosed for the jurisdiction to forward to the applicant contact person - . The applicant's copy of the check list has been sent to H - - EsGil Corporation staff did not advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed I I El EsGil Corporation staff did advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed - •" Person contacted: - Telephone #: Date contacted Email Mail Telephone - Fax In Person H REMARKS $ 4 By David Tao Enclosures approved plan EsGil Corporation L GA El EJ LI MB fl PC 10/5 - -. 9320 Chesapeake136ve, Suite 208 • San Diego California 92123 • (858) 560-1469 • Fax (858) 560-1576 ................ 4 •-- . - 4 . .-.--, .-. S. -O S ., •'•. - - 1 0 - 24542 Creeiew Dr, Laguna Hills CA. 92653 949-607-8001 info@ethosarch.com 1\EthOS ARCHITECTURE -. City-of-Carlsbad Building Department Re...... ., LEGOLANDWP17 Subject Deferred Site Element Foundations I The submitted drawings include new details for thematic site element footings some of which .'replces the previously approved foundation details. 0 * I Waterpark Wave Ride Entry drawings is a new site theming feature - 2 The Waterpark Entry Elevation and Footing drawings replaces the approved structural -- - detail 104/S3.1 in the main set for this specific condition. . 3 The DJ Booth drawings replaces detail 7/AD-3 and this specific condition for structural O,.. . 0 -; detail 108/S2.2 on the Deferred Waterside submittal. - - • EsGil Corporation In(Partnership with government for (Bui(ding Safety DATE: 8/21/2017: U APPLICANT - • ,4JURIS. JURISDICTION'.., Cityof Carlsbad U PLAN REVIEWER U FILE PLAN CHECK NO CBC2016-0010 REVS PREV2017-0107 SET H PROJECT ADDRESS 1 Legoland Dr PROJECT -NAME'-'Legoland WP17 Revisions El The plans transmitted herewith have been corrected where necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction's codes The plans transmitted herewith will substantially comply with the jurisdiction's codes when minor deficiencies identified below are resolved and checked by building d&pa?tthent staff. - •. -' ._•_-._._4. '- The plans transmitted herewith have significant deficiencies identified on the enclosed check list and should be corrected and resubmitted for a complete recheck The check list transmitted herewith is for your information The plans are being held at EsGil Corporation until corrected plans are submitted for recheck Theappliéant'scoy of the check list is enclosed for the jurisdiction to forward to the applicant contact person The applicant's cop' of the check list has been sent to Scott Holcomb * EsGil Cbrporation staff did not advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed EsGil Corporationstaff did advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed Person contcted Scott Holcomb Telephone # 949-607-8001 Datecontacted: '/7_I/l7 (by-J3 Email scofth@ethosarch.com ii Telephone Vti ax In Person 'REMARKS-,-'- ',,,,,By; ' David Yao Enclosures EsGil Corporation El GA El EJ [1] MB El PC 8/15 -S --:-- - .•.--•_ '11_ , - • • .-- c 9320 Chesapeake Drive Suite 208 • San Diego California 92123 • (858) 560-1468 • Fax (858) 560-1576 -- ,. ,___ -• I ._ _. ..c - I - .- ?•3I - City of Carlsbad C2016-0010 CBC2016-001O REV5 PREV2O17-0107 REV 5.'.:- 8/21/2017 NOTE: The items listed below are from the previous correction list. These remaining, items have not been adequately addressed. The numbers of the items - are fràm the previous check list and may not necessarily be in sequence. The notes in bold font are current - " Pläse make all-corrections, as requested in the correction list, Submit FOUR new 'bothpletë sets of plans for commercial/industrial proiects (THREE sets of plans for '- . residential projects).. For expeditious processing, corrected sets can be submitted .in, one of two ways: . - 1. -Deliver all corrected sets of plans and calculations/reports directly to the City of" '. . ' Carlsbad -Building Department, 1635 Faraday Ave., Carlsbad, CA 92008, (760) 602-2700 ..The City will route the plans to EsGil Corporation and the Carlsbad -' Planning Engineering and Fire Departments 2' Bring TWO corrected set of plans and calculations/reports to EsGil Corporation .9320 Chesapeake, Drive, Suite 208, San Diego, CA 92123, (858) 560-1468. ' Deliverall remaining sets of plans and calculations/reports directly to the City of Carlsbad Building Department for routing to their Planning Engineering and Fire Departments 'NOTE:' Plans that are submitted directly to EsGil Corporation only will not be .. reviewed, by. the City Planning, Engineering and Fire Departments until review by - EsGil Corporation is complete 1 The strucuralcalculation is for foundation only. Where is the design for upper structure? Connection details'? Calculation? If prefab ICC approved fabricator? Not part of this permit? Eliminate from the plan - The responseshdws "the structure are all welded as one piece..". It -' -appears to DJ Booth is prefab structure. Does the structure is constructed. ' * in ICC approved fabricator? Provide information on the plan. -. 2: : 'Thecalcula'tion fr-éntry portal design shows the columns are HSS5x5x1/4. The plan shows 6 xl/4' post Please clarify. ,.The response shows the calculation are correct. Provide revise plan to - show the columns are'HSS5x51/4 for entry portal to match the calculation. , (The plan provide still shows 6"x114" column-wrong size) "' a-., - -- -' - .To speed up the review process, please note on this list (or a copy) where each -, - correction item has been addressed, i.e., plan sheet, note or detail number, èalculation page etc . 7 Please indicate here if any changes have been made to the plans that are not a - result of corrections from this list If there are other changes, please briefly describe them and where they are located in the plans I, "1 • - ', 1 • . - I.'- .. '-. -"I." •'," . . .- - -- -' . . -•, • . . - - - , -' . - S.' • - - .. - ...,.,city of Carlsbad C2016-0010 CBC2016-0010 REV5 PREV2017-0107 REV 5_ 8/21/2017 Have changes been made to the plans not resulting from this correction list? Please indicate: D Yes D No V •V • - The jurisdiction has contracted with Esgil Corporation located at 9320 Chesapeake Drive Suite 208, San Diego, California 92123; telephone number of 858/5607-1468 to perform the plan review for your project If you have any questions regarding these plan review items, please contact David Yao at Esgih V Corporation. Thahk you. V .. V.4 V V V -Vi. V3 • *,• - 'V V ..• 4 - V V. V •, V -.•VV V VV V• V V 'V - **_V • ,_*V V *V•t ••t -. - VV • - - -•- V -* V . V' • V • • +. • •-*. •V•'V- . V V • -•;V V •V. . • V V..V V ; •. • V - VV, •V V V V -VV: • V V V V V V V •V V V V • - •V* V :-' V V V V V V V •VV V V •• V V .4 V V * V•V' V V VV V V •, V • - V Vt VVVr V•' V •V --. V • V V V V• V - •*4 :- , - V 4•SV•4 V V&V, - •TV. V*? !VV V I ., 3*,_ •V• V' V V - V •V 4VV V V • •• V V : - - V • V •*V V •S V V • 1 V V V V• * V - V V V4 VVVVV_ 4; :.: •: - V VV V - V - - - V V VV V VV : V .. -• V V 1 V V VV V VVV V_ V V • V V V . V • V •• V V* ,• V V V - V V • V V V ••,+ •* 4 --' •V•V •VVV V VV V - - V • -• - • - V• V" • •V • V . - - •V • V •V V•V • • V V V V EsGul Corporation -. In cPartnersliip with government for tBui(iing Safety DATE: .6/15/2O172 . 0 APPLICANT ,JURIS JURISDICTION: City of Carlsbad 0 PLAN REVIEWER 0 FILE ,''• ,PLANCHECKNOPREV2O17-01O7 SET:I PROJECT ADDRESS 1 Legoland Dr. FROJECTNAME Legoland WP17 Revisions The.plans tranèmitted herewith have been corrected where necessary and substantially comply with the jurisJiction's codes 1711. The plans transmitted herewith will substantially comply with the jurisdiction's codes when minor deficiencies identified below are resolved and checked by building department staff. The'plans transmitted herewith have significant deficiencies identified on the enclosed check list and should be corrected and resubmitted for a complete recheck. The check list transmitted herewith is for your information The plans are being held at EsGil Corporation until corrected plans are submitted for recheck ........................ The applicanVs copy-of the check list i enclosed for the jurisdiction to forward to the applicant'; contact person The applicant's copy of the check list has been sent to Scott Holocomb 4. EsGil Corporation staff did not advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed EsGil Corporation staff did advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed Person ontacted Scott Holocomb Telephone # 949-607-8001 4Date contacted I15I1i (by—) Em il 7 Mail hon) Fax In Person REMARKS cbc2016-0010 rev5 By David Yao Enclosures EsGilCorpbration • LI GA [1 EJ LI MB LI PC 6/8 .1' • - - • •• . 1468 Fax (858)560-1576 9320 Chesapeake Drive Suite 208 • San Diego California 92123 • (858) 560 • -: City of Carlsbad PREV2O17-0107 ••% 6/15/2017 PLAN REVIEW CORRECTION LIST COMMERCIAL PLAN CHECK NO.: PREV20170107 JURISDICTION: City of Carlsbad OCCUPANCY U USE wave ride entry, water park entry, DJ booth TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION ACTUAL AREA ALLOWABLE FLOOR AREA r STORIES HEIGHT SPRINKLERS?- OCCUPANT LOAD REMARKS DATE PLANS-RECEIVED BY DATE PLANS RECEIVED BY JURISDICTION .. ESGIL CORPORATION 6/8 DATE INITIAL PLANREVIEW PLAN REVIEWER: David Yao COMPLETED: 6/15/2017 FOREWORD (PLEASE READ) r This plan review is limited to the technical requirements contained in the California version 6f . the]nternationàlBuilding Code, Uniform Plumbing Code, Uniform Mechanical Code, NationaI. Electrical Code-'and-state laws regulating energy conservation, noise attenuation and access for the disabled. This plan review is based on regulations enforced by the Building Department..." You may have other corrections based on laws and ordinances enforced by the Planning Departinent Engineering Department, Fire Department or other departments. Clearance from those departments may be required prior to the issuance of a building permit Code sections cited are based on the 2016 CBC, which adopts the 2015 IBC - The folIwin'g items listed need clarification, modification or change. All items must be sàtifiéd before the plan-9 will be in conformance with the cited codes and regulations. Per Sec. 105.4 of 'the 2015 International Building Code, the approval of the plans does not permit the violation of any state county or city law To speed up. the'.recheck process, please note on this list (or a copy) where each coi-rectibn item has been addressed, i.e., plan sheet number, specification section. 'etc. Be sure to enclose the marked up list when you submit the revised plans. .. - 4 •A4• - .. 4 4. Cit'y of Carlsbad PRDV2017-0107 6/1-5/2017- Please make all corrections as requested in the correction list Submit FOUR new, ' complete sets of plans for commercial/industrial proiects (THREE sets of plans for residential projects). For expeditious processing, corrected sets can be submitted •. 4 1 Deliver all core(ted sets of plans and calculations/reports directly to the City of Carlsbad Buildinq Department 1635 Faraday Ave Carlsbad CA 92008 (760) 602-2700 The (,iiy will route the plans to EsGil Corporation and the Carlsbad Plnriing Engineering and Fire Departments .", .2. Bring TWO corrected set of plans and calculations/reports to EsGil Corporation, 9320Chesaoeake Drive Suite 208 San Diego CA 92123 (858) 560-1468 Delir all remaining sets of plans and calculations/reports directly to the City of - Carlsbad Building Department for routing to their Planning Engineering and Fire Departments 't•'_,__,• ri4, •' - .4 NOTE Plans that re submitted directly to EsGil Corporation only will not be rcvieweo by the City Planning Engineering and Fire Departments until review by di ' EsGit Ccrporatio s complete 1 The structural cak ulation is for foundation only. Where is the design for upper struc urn? ConneEt ion details9 Calculation? If prefab, ICC approved fabricator'? Nt rart of mis pr'rrnit'? Eliminate from the plan - .- : . - .• . 2 -.,The nc calcula'ion for entry portal design shows the columns are HSS5x5x1/4 The ilan hôis 67*1.IY- post. Please clarify. .' ••4.. 3. 'To sped I"the rt'view process please note on this list (or a copy) where each - , correction item has, been addressed i.e., plan sheet, note or detail number, . ciclation Page, etc. - 4* / A ......... 4 Pleasemndicate hr re if any changes have been made to the plans that are not a result of corections from this list If there are other changes, please briefly ' describe them and where they are located in the plans -- A _: •, •••, . •4 •,t Hvc hanges bern made to the plans not resulting from this correction 1ist? Pleac indicate D Yes D No I 5 , The iunsdi tion has contracted with Esgil Corporation located at 9320 (hes'oeak Drive Suite 208 San Diego, California 92123, telephone number of 858/560-1458 to perform the plan review for your project If you have any questions reoardl,i4' these plan review items, please contact David Yao at Esgil Corporation: Tha ç'ou. . 4- . . • 4 - •-' 4. ,- 4• 4- -A 444 ---7 ,A • - 4' - - - .4 4 4., • ... • '4..,. 44 ' - 4 .4 • .4 • ., I 'S .4 -. 44 •' • '' -- -- - - . .•j - *4 .• '. ,. - . 4 -.9 • . . .. . 45' - . . . - s, - '_ - •• A., 4 '4 4 . . 7--- 4 •:.a.. ,.+ -. c..*. ,•' . . . -4 4. - . - .4 • - 7- ,, .t •' -. F • 1 -- •-':- 4,-- . - 4 .. - :- - * 4'• a I r' City of Carlsbad PREV2017-0107 6/15/2017 [DO NOT PAY—THIS IS NOT AN INVOICE] VALUATION AND PLAN CHECK FEE JURISDICTION '-City of Carlsbad PLAN CHECK NO PREV2017-0107 PREPARED BY, David Yao DATE 6/15/2017 BUILDING ADDRESS 1 Legoland Dr. : BUILDING OCCUPANCY BUILDING PORTION . AREA ( Sq.Ft.) Valuation Multiplier Reg. Mod. VALUE ($) Y •. .. - :-- revisions,., - . • Ar • _4. Air Coditioninq Fire Spinklers TOTALVALUE. . JudsctictionCode .1cb JE3y Ordinance Bldg. Permil..Tce by Ordinance Plan Check Fee by Ordinance Type of Review: II COMP lc'te Review LI Other A I I .•. I 31250I . Structural Only • --• rec ,-.- - Rcpcats Hourly 2.5 Hrs. * EsGul Fee $100.00 I $250 001 PLANNING -, 760-602461Q ENGINEERING - - •760-602-2750!,• :FlRE:PRJENTlON " k- - 760-602-4665: - Chris Sexton 760-602-4624 Chris.Sexton@carisbadca.gov Chris Glassen 760-602-2784 Ch risto0her.Glassen@carisbadca.gov Cindy Wong 760-602-4662 Cynthia.Wong@carlsbadca.gov Gina Ruiz ValRay Marshall Dominic Fieri . 760-602-4675 Gina.Ruiz@carisbadca.gov 760-602-2741 VaiRay.Marshaii@carlsbadca.gov 760-602-4664 Dominic.Fieri@carlsbadca.gov Teri Delcamp '760-602-4611 :- [I] Linda Ontiveros [I] teri.deIcame@carisbadca.gov 760022773 Linda.Ontiveros@carisbadca.gov PLANNING DIVISION Development Services BUILDING PLAN CHECK Planning Division ' 1635 Faraday Avenue C ITY T V 0 F (760) 602-4610 CARLSBAD P29 DATE 6/7/17 PROJECT NAME LEGOLAND WPI7 PROJECT ID SDP 16-25 APN 211-100-09-00 PLAN CHECK NO: PREV20I7-0107 SET#: I ADDRESS: ILEGOLAND DR - This plan check review is complete and has been APPROVED by the PLANNING Division By TERI DELCAMP / A Final Inspection by the PLANNING Division IS required fl Yes Z No I I -You may also have corrections from one or more of the divisions listed below. Approval from these divisions may be required prior to the issuance of a building permit ' Resubmitted plans should include corrections from all divisions. : . This plan check review is NOT COMPLETE. Items missing or incorrect are listed on the attached checklist Please resubmit amended plans as required -• Plan Check Comments have been sent to: chris.brzezicki@rnerlinentertainments.bjz F& questions or clarifications on the attached checklist please contact the following reviewer as marked: .,.-. _4,• ..j,• . 1• I '•' /ITURLEY ENGINEERING Structural Cbnsultin Engineering - Inspections 1 .' •• .- * .4- .-.• - - - STRUCTURAL CALCULATIONS JOB: T17036- 9/19/17 . PROJECT ADDRESS -:- - 1 --co . LEGOLAND WATER PARK ENTRY AND D) BOOTH i FOUNDATION CALCULATIONS ONE LEGOLAND DRIVE CARLSBAD, CA 92008 : CLIENT ; . - - '• -, . . 60GRIT STUDIOS GERRY MARRON 43320 BUSINESS PARK DR f STE B101 TEMECULA, CALIFORNIA 92590 -. .. - . - OFESSlo CD /, clvi V. - . . -.. . - ; ••• . ., . Trevor P. Turley, RE (858) 945-8738 -I • • ••....- . 23 Carnegie Way, San Diego, CA 92122 Trevor@TurleyEngineering.com FWU1701(n ' - * t' - - * S j * - ., •r-; A I R PROJIC I _T_1 —1 ___ gfvr wj ' Structural Consultin Engieerg- Inspections M! r? it1S2 Trevor P Turley, PE (858) 945-87M &opt LL"-' 3263 Carnegie Way San Diego, CA 92122 -- - uevul %I UI ScyIII9HIevl III.LVtl - DESIGN CRITERIA GOVERNING-CODE:- - IBC 2015/ CBC2016 ASCE 7-10 CONCRETE F c=2500 psi NO SPECIAL INSPECTION REQ D I,,U N 0) MASONRY MEDIUM WEIGHT IASTM C90 F m= 1500 psi, SPECIAL INSPECTION REQ D ' MORTA- ASTM C270 F'c=1800 psi, TYPE S GROUT AS1M C76 Fc=2000 psi 'REINFORCING STEEL -ASTM A615, Fy= 40ks1 FOR # 4 AND SMALLER REBAR & TIES AS A615 C'y= 60ksi FOR # 5 AND LARGER REBAR TYP ,.STRUCTURAL STEEL ASM A572 or A992 Fy= 50 ksi (STEEL SHAPES) J N 0 ' -SM A500 GRADE B f-y- 46K51 (STRUCTURAL IUBE) i ASTM A53 GRADE B Fv= 35si (STRUCTURAL PIPE) ASTM A36 Fy= 36 si (PLATES) BOLTING A307 SINGLE PLAT SHEAR CONNECTION U.N.O. .A325-N,, A490--N HIGH STRENGTH, SPECIAL INSPECTION REQUIRED - : WELDING E70>X SERiES- -TYP. , E9O SERIES FOR A615 GRADE 60 REBAR SHOP WELDING TO BE DONE IN AN APPROVED FABRICATOR'S SHOP FIELD WELDING TO HAVE CCN1NUOUS SPECIAL INSPECTION. SAWN LUMBER DOUGLAS FIR LARCH ALLOWABLE STRESSES PER 2015 NDS GLULAMS DOUGLAS FIR LARCH 24F-V4 FOR SIMPLE SPAN CONDITIONS 24F-V8 FOR CANTILEVER CONDITION - . :SOIL:: ALLOWABLE -BEARING PRESSURE = psi ', ... •' - ACTIVE SOIL PRESSURE pci AT-RESI SOIL PRESSURE (RESTRAINED) = _____- pcf PASSIVE SOIL PRESSURE pcf SO L DENSITY pci >k. COEFFICIENT OF RICTION I. EXISTING NATURAL.. SOIL PER CBC20I6 TABLE 1806.2 & - .. TABLE 1610.1 SOILS REPORT PROVIDED BY SOIL REPORT #-: REPORT DATE: SOIL CLASS - .4.1 - PROJECT OAD FOR ENTRY PORTAL S CLIENT;' JOY. NO, T1703& DATE :àñdiñ Wall & Sion Based on ASCE 7-2010 PAGE: DESIGN BY: REVIEW BY: INPUT DATA _---- - - Exposure:caégoiy(B, COD) 4. . lmportance:factor, 1.0 only, (Table :1.52) L 1 00. Basic wind speed (ASCE 7 102651) i 10 mph Topographic factor(2 8 & Table 268 1) K 1 Flat -f- a - Height of top h = 3 ft sL ' 4 " Vertical'dirnension(forwall, s =11) -S 4 ft Ij .• 2 Horizontal dimension B = 2 ft; I 1 Dimension of return corner Lr. 0 ft — . DESIGN SUMMARY - Max:horizontal wind pressure. = 47 (4) / p psf. S.F Max total honzontal farce at centroid of base F = 2;252 25 hips F Max bending moment at centroid of base M = 24.76 ft kips Max torsion at cehtrôid of base. T = 9.00 ft-hips -'ANALYSIS..• . :veiocitv pressure ., ,-• q0.00256IçKV2 s. 18,43 psi - tiere:- - qj, =- velocity -pressure:at rrieaii roof height;;h. (Eq.29.3-1 page 307 & Eq. 30.3-1 page 316) = velocity pressure exposure coefficient evaluated at height h (Tab 20-1-t pg 310) = 0.70 K, = wind directionality factor (Tab 26 6 1 for building page 250) = 0.85 h-= height:Oftôp 13.00 ft. . Wind ForceCase.A: resultant force -though the geometric center (Sec. 29.41 & Fig. 29.1-1) P qG Cf .- . .28 psf • ' ", - . = 2.25 kips M F (h ..O.5s) for sign, F (O.55h) for wall = 24.76 ft-kips = 0.00 ft-kips 'where: G =gust effect factor. (Sec. 26.9). - . = 0.85. page 311) 1.80 . ABs. 80.0 ft2 Wind Force ease B:-resultantforce a4-0.2 B offset of the geometric cèñtér (Se61-29.4.1 & Fig. 29.1-1) P =--Case A •' 28 psi a F =-C-ase-A . ' = 2.25- kips. M Case A. = 24.76 ft'kips ' T0.2.F.B . . 9.00 ft-hips Wind Force Case-Ct iesUltàAt force different at each region (Sec. 29.4.1 & Fig. 294-1) p=-q GC .Bolace. s s F = p ___ _______ (h 0 5s) for sign F (0 55h) for wall) Wind L)ir.. - I- -:- • . .. . .4 1/ 'C *.z. •) I TURLEY. ,PRP .E,T: LEGOI iIr, ENTRY PORTAL DESIGN ' PAGE CLIENT : DESIGN BY: JOB NO.: DATE REVIEW. BY: on AISC 36010, ACI 318-11, and IBC/CBC 1807.3 . : • . . wUT DATA & bESIGN SUMMARY COLUMN SECTION (WF Thbe or Pipe) HS63 ) PI - -_ COLUMN YIELD STRESS 42 si DIMENSIONS L ~G it Vv 9 It HC SIGN GRAVITY LOAD (lbs /ft2 ) b5 psf . SIGN LATERAL LOAD (lbslft2 ) W= 25 psf, ASD 600(JI4tt LATERAL LOAD(plf.) F 14 ASD DIAMETER OF POLE FOOTING b = 3 it ALLOW SOIL PRESSURE' Qa = 1 5 ksf- F LATERAL SOIL CAPACITY .P 32 ksV/ft: . F RESTRAINED @ GRADE"?(l=yes;O=n'o)' I Yes . I Use 3 ft dia x 3 56 ft deep fooling restrained © ground level THE DESIGN IS ADEQUATE U : ANALYSIS YOP~,M .AJIviDirw WMt-'Nt,iUN Pr4U IiLNUJN(j CAPAGII Y OF COLUMN (AISC 360'10 HI) ' . for 0.2 PC. 9 , M & M P. . %= 1.03 < 4/3 (SatisfactoJ for -<O.2. . '2Pç Mcy) Pc. Where Pr ',0:23 kips Mr = 12.887 ft-kips.at bottom of column ,Mry = 3.8661 ft-kips, 30% M used - . ' P ,, /32 = . 124 /167= 741.65 kips,(AISC 36Q-10hapterE) >. P" [Satisfactory) ' p.4.. 27.125 /1.67= 16243 ft-kip s, (AISC 360-lO Chapter F) > 3/4 M [Satisfactàry] M /0 27.1 25 J1.67 16.243 ftkip,.'AlSC 3601O Chapter F.) 71 > 3/4.M, [,atiCfcry] DESIGN'POLE FOOTING (IBC/CBC18O7.-3) By..td'als; use p,odepth d =: 3.56 ft Laterai.bearing ig, boflon, S.3 2 PF, Min( d.,. 12') .= 1.42 ksf - ) Ltheral bearing @d/3, S1 . 2,P p Mi17(d/3,32')= 0.47 ksf Require Depth s.giveii b. Al' ' 4.36h1 1 4- 1 + •- for noncons.trained d [27)h . . . = 3.56 ft [Satisfactory] hs I •'' for co,istrau,ed y . .. Where . . • .. P Voth =' 1.25 kips A= 2.34P/'bS:)= Mrnx ma ' 10.34 ft CHECK "VERTICAL SOIL BEARING CAPACITY (ACI, see. 152:2) .q,il = (0.5D.H..L + co/ wt) /(,'r 4 /4) .0.04 ksf, (net weight of pole footing included.). .,,. . . . <. 09 (Sàtisfactoiy] : r PROJECT; PAGE: ENGINEERING, CLIENT: DESIGN BY: JOB NO.: T17036 DATE .REVIEWBY: WiAhälsIs.for Frèstánd gWaIl & SiñBased on AScE 7-2010 INPUT DATA . . Exposure category (B C or D)"B — -- _..— Importance factor 1 only (Table 1 5 2) = 1 00 Basic wAd speed (ASCE 7I0.26.5.1) V = 110 mph Topographic factor (26.8 & Table 268-1) Hèightoftop . h = 135 546 Vèrticaldirnension (for, wall. s h) S 4 ft Horizontal dimension - B iS ft: V Dimension of return corner, Lr 05 ft A .SV(,3ce ... ., .. DESIGN SUMMARY. : F Max horizontal wind pressure p = 2. psf Max total horizontal force at centroid of base F = 0 85 kips I ert at ceatroid of base M 9.73 ft-kips Max'hending.rr~om - Max- torsion at centroidof;base T 1.27 ft-kips ç . ANALYSIS Velocity pressure . . qO.00256KKKV2 . = .1a3 psf - . 'vhere:. q v.eiocity ØressUre at mean iOofheight,h. (Eq. 29.31 page 3071& Eq. 30.3-1 page 316) Kh = velocity pressure exposure coefficient evaluated at height h (Tab 29.3-1, pg.!! . 0) = 0.70 - = wind directionality factor. (Tab 26.6-1, for building page 250) = 0.85 - h -héightof-tóp = 1350 ft. Wind Force Case'A: resultant force thoUgh-the qeomefric-center ..(Sec. 29:4....& Fig.29.1-1-) , . 28 psf .ri .,'fPA5: . .. a 0.85 kips IjP M = F:.(4!- 0.5t) for sign F (0 55h) for wall = 9.73.ft kips - .T= . . = 0.00 ft-kips wiee: G gusteffect-factor. (Sec. 26.9) = 085 C:netforc.e coefficient (Fig.29.471, page-311) 1:80 . ... .A=Bs -= 30.0 ft2 Wind Force Case B resultant force at 6.2 B offset of the geometric center (Sec 29 4 1 & Fig 29.11 . p =,Case A = 28 psf F=:CàseA . - = 085 kips M =Càse A e • - - a 9.73 ft-kips T=;o.2:FB. .. a 1.27 ft-kips .................. . WI dFoicé Case C: resultant force different at each region (Sec. 29.4:1 & Fig. 29.41) p =qh G C . 8oic-nce 0.5s) for sign F (0 55h) for wall J Wind Er. <== Case.0 may not be considered, footnote.3 of Fig. 6-20 I. 1, ,, :, 4. - • ..v'.lTURLEY - PROJECT L Ej LA D pj T R U U f t, or D PAGE JENGINEERLNG CLIENT; DESIGN BY; JOB NO.: '' DATE REVIEW BY Sign Dein Báied SYAISC 36010 ACI 318 11 and IBC/CBC 18073 INPUT. DATA & DESIGN SUMMARY L COLUMN SECTION (WF; Tube, or Pipe). :iSS4A 1X ,4 TUbe C'OLUMN'ELD.STRESS Fy 46 DIMENSIONS 'L = T5 ft Hs= 4 it w H.=. 115 ft SIGN RA/ITY LOAD'( Ibs/ ft2 ) 0 = 20 psi .8 1 IGN LATERAL LOAD (Ibs/ft2 ) W 17 psf ASO COLUMN LATERAL LOAD ( pif) F 8 plf ASD DIAMETER OF POLE FOOTING = 2 ft ALLOW SOIL PRESSURE 5 1.5 ksf. LATERAL SOIL CAPACITY 0 2 ksf./ ft RESTRAINED: ?1yes,Qno). 1 ,Yes Use 2:ftdia.x2.74ft deep footing restrained@ ground level THE DESIGN IS ADEQUATE. ANALYSIS CHECK COMBINEDCOMPRESSIOf,l AND BENDING CAPACITY O'F'COLUM'N.(AISC 360-10, HI) Afly for .2 P_ i P - = 0.48 .< .4/3 [Satisfactory] 2Pc PC. / r ' Where Pr. 0.33' 3P7. kips. ft4i0s,at bottom of column . fJ4 tli= = 1.19145' ftkps 30% 'M,used' i> o72- ' PJP 57 .1.1.67=. 33.888 kips,(AISC 360-10'ChapterE) P(4i14 >P, [satisfactory] - = M,,./.'I?b 5 17.978 /1.67=' 10.765 ft-kips, '(AISc360-10 Chapter F) . > 3/4.M [Sätifactory] Nick = A4/ iJ 17.978 / 1:67 10:765 ft-kips, (AISC.360-10 Chapter F) A • 3. > 3/4 M,., [Satisfactory] . A. DESIGN POLE. FOOTING (IB/cBC 18,67.3) , D tyLrleIs.use.poIeueptn, 9 2.74 ft - f Lateral bearing @'boUom,S3 =2 Pp Min(d, 12) . 1.09 ksf Lateral bearing @ d/3 S = 2 Pp 1qin(d/3 12 ) = 036 ksf kequire Depth is given by Al 1. 4.36/il .-I- + . I for nonconsirained d..2' V A - - fl.--- - = 2.74. ft [Satisfactoryl for, constrained wh&è ' P= V m = 0:35 kips - 'A =.2 .34P./ (b S'?) = 0:83 ft = Mp / Vm.ax 11.45 ft. CHECK VERTICAL SOIL BEARING CAPACITY (ACI'Sec. 15:2.2) (0:5 - DHS L + CO!w()./(ft b2/4) = 0.12. ksf, (net weight of pole footing included.) : ' Q [Satisfactory] (3) TIM AT ! TOP (s) I4i'1 •-4&- W416 4 w i;s ?-ft (LLr14 No 4'1 '- LkrM"• -4if J4-b5IL FT 1P-Mi- QI1f';-iO 1L -j 1 - 0 ED P6 1I I PROJK,TNO-- iø1UiF.I PLAN VIEW .3t4PV( THEM OOT*)*OWOBRXK 3I41O1OIHOR6OAO PLYWOOD WTDHOALFLOOR (rim 10 KAYO 00*1)1 HOW) *ttwo GRADE joon Rsoo MMGOACT080PROKYMMM ALL FOUR SIDOSIHESAME 23 SWIG 0100 PMS 300 I92I080l5IIStowN VMS 7S IS MOO 0040 *1008 8 811G8001UOW VMS 421 VMS *09. B41110I40010tOW Di 800TH L4 I DJ.BOOTH STRUCTURE T U D 1 0 S J Scote 3/8'I'-O" EQQI11Q molk IT I 1EGOLA4D CAUFQRIA / WATERPARK 2017 60 Date 06/12/2017 ,%a Drawn bytHu 5 .Y U P .1 0 IF Scale. 3/8"=V-0, NOTE: BASE PLATE AND COLUMN MAY BE INSTALLED EATER. NOTE: FOOTINGS DESIGNED FORIOP RESTRAIN! FROM SLAB SURFACE ASSHOWN. IF NO 56B PREsEur;IHEN INCREASE FOOTING DEPTH AN ADDITIONAL 10 DT BOOTH FOOTING AND PLATE DJBOOTHFOOTING PLAN: LMD CALPFORNIA./ TERPAK2017 60: R-IT Dote O6j2/2Ol7 Drawn byHU S 1 .11 t .0 $ Scale. 3/8"=V4" 0. VOM RAGS AND MAM.MmG YE HOOK AIM(HMHIII r*uxwoGbHovE STEEL STRUM LkGOrOPHovin!nMAR1Womc YERHCO4PW AND OUTDOOR NOSH. DU4JA1-LEGO9JMHff8VOTHER L*RD1GwEH,MniIEwrmwHflIc*u8 ND CA 1 LIFORNIA WAY ERPARK O17 60 R I Pate'. 06/09/2017 Drawn by HU S T U 0 $, Scale. 1/4 1 . • i • 21tnlcfnRED 10667tG44T.oueoc. 522M65AZUZ lit ellomatE 24715077 5550757 2376106577U7 7757 475 !MS1503 PUS 717 PMS 390 PMS 675 ?M7200 WATER PARK ENTRY 6-3I4OIA.x 1/4-STEEL POST WELDED TO BASE PLATES 11/2X 11/2. X1/8 STEEL TUBING B RANCHES -WELDED AI All CONNECTIONS • WITH (4) 5/8 WA. GALVANIZED A.B. EMBEDDED 18M1N. WITH NUT AND WASHER EYE BOW ATTACHED TO STEEL FOR BANNER ATTACHMENT 0. 36DIA.X4'ODEEP CONCRETE TOOTING T LECCIANO CALIFORNIA / WATERPARK 2017 00 Date: 09/01/2017 .1K Drawn by HI.) '41F wo S P V D I 0 S I j Soto 114"=1'.O" - ELEVATION VIEW WATER PARK ENTRY STRUCTURE mP FRONT FLATlQL' EQQT1RIcZ NO1E BASE PLATE AND COLUM1I MAY BE INSTAL LED lATER NOTE FOOTINGS DESIGNED (OR TOP RESTRAINT FROM SLAB SURFACE AS SHOWN. IF NO SLAB PRESENT, H(N INCREASE FOOTING DEPTH AN ADDITIONAL 1-0 Aaft T LEC0LAN0 CALIFORNIA / WATERPARK 2017 I Datot 09/01/2017 U D 1 0 5 .Scole* 1U-0" WATER PARK ENTRY FOOTING 4. *- I 6-3/4OA.x1/4STEEiPOM WELDED TO BASE PLATES 3MW.BOLT EXTENSION A' FLATWORXBYOTHERS(CONCRETESLABSIO ctcARANcE —o' —W i----M'-------,F BUTT AGAINST FOOTING IN SEPARATE POUR) NOTE: (4)S/8*MIU. THREADS ROD A.BW/ \ .8111 AND WASHER AT END TO BE EMBEDDED \ irMINIMUM ir S A 3Th THICK BASE PLATE WI (4) sir OIA. - -S- IHRKAI1EIT(,ALV.A& EMBEDDED 1rM)N. WI RH NI11& WASHER A'In CRUSHED BASE PER GEOT(CISNICALREPORT (3)BSRESAT20.C,IOP (8)114 BARS (VERTICAL) & 03TIE.S AT WOE. 3'M)N C1R.I —or--- 36DIA.O3-67DLEP.CONCRuE FOOTING - -'----- - ._- 4 1. - - -, .. .--- • --, . . -.---. .-.-- .. -- -' •. .. - -. -- B-- - . 4 __. - ,, - -: -. . \- . Bi r- 4 4 4 B - 8 -- - :EQQTJtQ.!LAr VIEW AOMW LEGCLANDCAUFCRNIAI. WATERPARK2017 60, bole: 09/01/20117R- T Drawn by HO. S 1 U D v. 0 5 ScäI, WATER PARK:ENTRYFOOT(NG PLAN - -- SITE ELEMENT LEGEND - -tEe oo PEER NCR eMrRyOflNs PErEL CMENSNTN rocENTgN SEONr - B - ENTRY POSTAL rest- SEE SO-GRIT PlATER PANE ENTRY 051ELR.O1MENSION TO CENTER Of POST 04 TORtS PORT - SEE 60-GRIT ONTELS POE 0460010 010005CR 100015100 ROSE OP PONT - . #ç>cç II PROPOSED PATHWAY - . N- •j1 - -- - - I -- - - :.-•. - • N • A-. -. -. OJOPOSED INS ___[r1 111 ppmmmm— .0 —1,-—G-- - :. _Iuj D .1 7101/2 4 - - SHOP DRAWING I SUBMITTAL REVIEW REVaNtwaM1 0 Pwovarosubjadntwupwton,iancotU*,Inecafwm Ire rllracto, of con ,05pneSStIy II, any 00,1300.. Iron Ore ononOrroqoerorenre. eor_Scott Holcomb 0.0.:_06-05-2017 Ethos ARCHIIECTURL 00010.noaaoomcro..IaU,nrf 710 1/2 PLAN VIEW -. 3/4' PVCTHEMED POST AND LEGO BRICK 3/4" EXTERIOR GRADE PLYWOOD INTERNAL FLOOR - . - .• - - - (FLOOR TO HAVE DRAIN HOLES) ALL EXTERIOR GRADE PAINTFINISH FRONT ELEVATION (FACES SPLASH PAD). - - MAGENTA GRAPHICTOBE PROVIDED BYMMM - - -. ALL FOUR SIDES THE SAME -- j, 13 nuii ~r '§W 23 BRIGHT BLUE 192 REDDISH BROWN 194 MED. STONE GREY 24 BRIGHT YELLOW 24 BRIGHT YELLOW DJ BOOTH PMS 300 PMS 175 PMS 421 PMS 109 PMS 109 urley Date: 201 BACK PERSPECTIVE FRONT PERSPECTIVE 4 .- 4.41 LEGOLANDCALIFORNIA/ WATERPARK 2017 60 Date: 05/22/2017* Drawn by: HU ST U DI OS Scale: 3/8'=1'-O" ES Si0 PLAN VIEW Date: 201 -4 - -4 Co --I - N- -4 -4 - --I \ I 71" Turley 18-0700' z: low 210" 2' [0', 4"x 4"x 1/4" STEEL POST WELDED TO BASE PLATES 0 2"X 2"X 1/8" STEEL TUBING UPPER FRAME -WELDED AT ALL CONNECTIONS 0 12"X 12"X 3/8" BASE PLATE WITH (4) 5/8" DIA. GALVANIZED A.B. EMBEDDED 18"MIN. WITH NUT AND WASHER 1/4" STEEL CORNER GUSSET PLATE WELDED TO POST AND FRAME 24"DIA. X 3'-6" DEEP CONCRETE FOOTING Aoft LEGOLAND CALIFORNIA / WATERPARK 2017 ELEVATION VIEW 60 RIT Date: 05/22/2017 Drawn by: HU ALL FOUR SIDES THE SAME DJ BOOTH STRUCTURE S T U D 1 0 $ Scale: 3/8"1'-O" 3" MIN. BOLT 3" MIN. (LR. 4"x4"x 1/4" STEEL POST WELDED TO BASE PLATES FLATWORK BY OTHERS (CONCRETE SLABS TO BUTT AGAINST FOOTING IN SEPERATE POUR) 12" SQR X 3/8" THICK BASE PLATE W/ (4) 5/8" DIA. THREADED GALV. A.B. EMBEDDED 18" MIN. WITH NUT&WASHER CRUSHED BASE PER GEOTECHNICAL REPORT (3) #3 TIES AT 2"O.C. ,TOP (6) #4 BARS (VERTICAL) & #3 TIES Al12-O.C. NOTE: (4)5/8" MIN. THREADS ROD A.B. W/ NUT AND WASHER AT END TO BE EMBEDDED 18" MINIMUM BASE PLATE DETAIL 24" DIA. X 3'-6" DEEP CONCRETE FOOTING FRONT ELEVATION NOTE: BASE PLATE AND COLUMN MAY BE INSTALLED LATER FOOTING P. S NOTE: FOOTINGS DESIGNED FOR TOP RESTRAINT FROM SLAB URFACE AS SHOWN. IF NO SLAB PRESENT, THEN INCREASE LU FOOTING DEPTH AN ADDITIONAL 1'-0" * CtVLOA Digital NOW Turley Date: 201 :35-07'00' Date: 05/22/2017 6u RIT LEGOLAND CALIFORNIA / WATERPARK 2017 Drawn by: HU DJ BOOTH FOOTING AND PLATE 5 T U D 1 0 5 Scale: 3/8"l'-O" 9151, 7' 5' (O.C.) E bE cL 2-4 11 mm (Turley :45-0700 Date: 201 21 BRIGHT RED 106 BRIGHT ORANGE 322 MED AZUR 119 BRIGHT YELL GREEN 124 BRIGHT RED VIOLET PMS 485 PMS 1505 PMS 311 PMS 390 PMS 675 23 BRIGHT BLUE PMS 300 WATER PARK ENTRY SHOP DRAWING I SUBMITTAL REVIEW 0 U rcca&cpya]OWT 0 I*CThO_____ Th4ybfo ny Jcnoiy. olthontdocm.nt. cony,8req*mafd3. By Scott Hotcomb D 06-05-2017 Ethos ARcHntcmas*cc..g_tua €33 VINYL FLAGS AND BANNERS WITH GROMMET AND EYE HOOK ATTACHMENT FAUX WOOD FINISH OVER STEEL STRUCTURE LEGOTO PROVIDE FINAL ARTWORK SURFBOARD - FRP WITH GRAPHICS AND OUTDOOR FINISH PARROT AND LIFEGUARD - LEGO ELEMENT BY OTHER ELEVATION VIEW LIFEGUARD TOWER -METAL FRAME WITH WHITE FINISH Date: 05/23/2017 6%3 RI T LEGOLAND CALIFORNIA / WATERPARK 2017 Drawn by: HI) $ T U D 1 0 S Scale: 1/4"l'-O" 20'5" • - - - H DIA 6 6"DIA.x 1/4" STEEL POST WELDED TO BASE PLATES 1 112"X 11/2" X 1/8" STEEL TUBING BRANCHES -WELDED AT ALL CONNECTIONS - - - - --'-'---- ------ - 12"X 12 X3/8 BASE PLATE - WITH (4) 5/8"DIA. GALVANIZED A.B. EMBEDDED 18"MIN.WITH NUTAND WASHER -------------------------------------------------------- AMh _ I EYE BOLTS ATTACHED TO STEEL FOR BANNER ATTACHMENT 'N _ -:.. 36 DIA X4 0 DEEP CONCRETE FOOTING çOFESSio • - Vej, j iN j1 .III1 Date 201 1570700 - -. .• - -- 0 - -: 30' • 0 ,'- 20'-5" LEGOLAND CALIFORNIA / WATERPARK 2017 4 -. • - - 0 - ELEVATION VIEW 60 • Date 05/23/2017 Drawn by WATER PARK ENTRY STRUCTURE S T U D R 0 S - Scale: 114!'= l -O - •. - , 00 - 0 6"DIA. x 1/4" STEEL POST DEDTO BASE PLATES NORK BY OTHERS (CONCRETE SLABS TO AGAINST FOOTING IN SEPARATE POUR) ).X3/8" THICK BASE PLATE W/(4)5/8" DIA. READED GALV. A.B. EMBEDDED 18" MIN. WITH NUT&WASHER HED BASE PER GEOTECHNICAL REPORT TIES AT 2"O.C. ,TOP BARS (VERTICAL) & #3 TIES AT 12" 0_C. NOTE: (4) 5/8" MIN. THREADS ROD A.B. WI NUT AND WASHER AT ENDTO BE EMBEDDED 18" MINIMUM I 0 L 0 0 BASE PLATE DETAIL IA. X 3'-6" DEEP CONCRETE FOOTING ES Si0 p. Co rn Digita Turley Date: 201 . .20-0700' NOTE: BASE PLATE AND COLUMN MAY BE INSTALLED LATER NOTE: FOOTINGS DESIGNED FOR TOP RESTRAINT FROM SLAB SURFACE AS SHOWN. IF NO SLAB PRESENT, THEN INCREASE FOOTING DEPTH AN ADDITIONAL 1'-0" - - - WATER PARK ENTRY FOOTING SI.)lI[S Date: 05/23/2017 eAvw R I _UII LEGOLAND CALIFORNIA / WATERPARK 2017 Drawn by: HU $ T U D 1 0 S Scale: 1."=l'-O" - -- - - - -*- S - - -. - - - - - - - - - - - -r - 20'-5"(0.(.) 6"DIA. POST WITH 12"SQ. BASE PLATE inside polo to door edge rn OF ES Si 11.1611 Cr. mo b& Turley Date: 201 0:21-0700 WAVE REFERENCES FOR SCULPT AND COLOR 7-0 4'-O" I door opening II'4I'A'4 6" DIA. x 1/4" STEEL POST WITH WHITE EXTERIOR FINISH FIBERGLASS FLAG WITH EXTERIOR PAINT FINISH FIBERGLASS X25 SCALE SURFBOARD WITH WHITE FINISH (MMM TO PROVIDE TEXT OR LOGO) CUSTOM SCULPTED WAVE WITH FIBERGLASS FINISH (COLORS TO MATCH RIDE COLORS) SCULPT REPRESENTATION TO VARY IN PRODUCTION PROCESS BUT TO MATCH CONCEPT SKETCH AND COLOR REFERENCE SHOP DRAWING I SUBMITTAL REVIEW nemme!o 0 0 m-e 0 The,..wrogeemnft.men,.wn, nmend.p.deeionon, 914.4 mm ---------------- --------------- mpnbeeoremmepe,flefl,9èn'eCOn'es SW,melr,d,cuTimt.Ra**d&fl,flSSWllflrdSSretOmImfl hes,tnfldoro,onhre,IuSrtspnnsIbiIyforenYdVie&nrron1 me melua,4r0qS0mfl. Eth (f J_ 736.6 mm WE JNI.1It1I p ELEVATION VIEW AvW LEGOLAND CALIFORNIA / WATERPARK 2017 60 RIT Date: 05/11/2017 Drawn by: HU nfl 11 1'] Ci S T U D I 0 S Scale: 1/4"=I'-O"WHITE P WATER PARK WAVE RIDE ENTRY MS2PO PMS297 PMS298 PMS2BS PMS300 PMS293 21 BRIGHT PMS 48.5 j 3-o" inside pot to wall 2-111/2" wate: nal structure I 6"DIA. x 1/4" STEEL POST WELDED TO BASE PLATES 0 2"x 2" STEEL STRUCTURE WELDED MAIN FRONT POST 12"X 12"X 3/8" BASE PLATE WITH (4) 518"DIA. GALVANIZED A.B. EMBEDDED 18" MIN. WITH N UT AND WASH ER 36" DIA.X4'-O"DEEP CONCRETE FOOTING 3-0' * ELEVATION VIEW Digital urley Date: 201 :46-0700' Date: 05/11/2017 RI T LEGOLAND CALIFORNIA / WATERPARK 2017 62. Drawn by: HU S T U D 1 0 S Scale: 1/4"=l'-O" WATER PARK WAVE RIDE ENTRY STRUCTURE FRONT ELEVATION FOOTING 6" DIA. x 1/4" STEEL POST WELDEDTO BASE PLATES WORK BY OTHERS (CONCRETE SLABSTO AGAINST FOOTING IN SEPARATE POUR) . X 3/8" THICK BASE PLATE W/ (4) 5/8" DIA. IREADED GALV. A.B. EMBEDDED 18" MIN. WITH NUT & WASHER HED BASE PER GEOTECHNICAL REPORT TIES AT 2"O.(. ,TOP BARS (VERTICAL) & #3 TIES AT 12" D.C. IA. X 3'-6" DEEP CONCRETE FOOTING 1/2"TYP I - 0 T 0 0 BASE PLATE DETAIL NOTE: BASE PLATE AND COLUMN MAYBE INSTALLED LATER -- NOTE: FOOTINGS DESIGNED FORTOP RESTRAINT FROM SLAB SURFACE AS SHOWN. IF NO SLAB PRESENT, THEN INCREASE FOOTING DEPTH AN ADDITIONAL 1'-0" LEGOLAND CALIFORNIA / WATERPARK 2017 RIT Date: 05/11/2017 STUDIOS Scalel 10 NOTE: (4) 5/8"MIN. THREADS ROD A.B. WI NUT AND WASHER AT END TO BE EMBEDDED 18" MINIMUM WATER PARK WAVE RIDE ENTRY FOOTING V ..- . i 0 •1 1 . . . 1. - •1 I .• . - - - - , - 1 * 1 p 1 •. . .•• - r "-I-- • 6 WAVE RIDE ENTRANCE - FIE- 21. AA I.;. 36 DIA FOOTING 6"DIA. POST WITH 12"SQ. BASE PLATE p / 4ityof dbrls ad Print Date 08/01/2018 Permit No PREV2018-0117 Job Address 1 Legoland Dr Permit Type BLDG Permit Revision .. Work Class Residential Permit Revisi Status Closed Finaled .Párcel No: - 2111000900J Lot #: Applied: 04/30/2018 Valuation $0.00 Reference # DEV2016 0028 Issued 05/04/2018 Occupancy Group:,Construction Type Permit 08/01/2018 Finaled # DwelIin Units: .. -' Bathrooms: Inspector: PBurn Bedrooms: .. ••.- , Orig. Plan Check #: CBC2016-0010 Final -. Plan Check #: Inspection: Project Title: LEGOLAND WP17WATER SLIDE I Description: LEGOLAND: WP 17 EXTEND SLIDE PATH - Applicant Owner ETHOS ARCHITECTURE LEGOLAND CALIFORNIA LLC <LF> PLAY U S -, DANIEL STEWART r ACQUISITION CO INC 24542 CreekvieW Dr. - LAGUNA HILLS, CA 92653 - P0 Box 543185 C/O Property Tax Service Co 949-607-8016 .- DALLAS,TX 75354 FEE, - AMOUNT . BUILDING PLAN CHECK ADMIN FEE, .'- $35.00 MANUAL BUILDING PLAN CHECK FEE . $120.00 / Total Fees $ 15S:00'. .. Total Payments To Date $ 155.00 Balance Due $0.00 - . . - :. .- -•• . 10 - .4. 0 - 0• •. ._, 0- -. • I 0 . • - 0 10 4 O • • - - - .I 0 0 • . 4-: -- • - - / / 0 • .4 • •0 0 - Building Divisions 1635 Faraday Avenue Carlsbad CA 92008-7314 I 760-602-2700 I 760-602-8560 f I www.carlsbadca.gov / - PLAN CHECK REVISION OR DéveIóp•rnen.t SerW.ces L (~~ W1 ,ity of DEFERRED SUBMITTAL - Building Division 760-602-2719 C~hbd APPLICATION 1635 Fa;aday Avenue ¼) B-I 5 www.carlsbadca.gov Original PlanCheck Number. c8c 20/6 Plan Revision Number PR LAO Oi& 0.117.. ProjectAddres, / bCLP General Scópeof Revision/Deferred Subriii ft* . CONTACT INFORMATION: * . Name Phone 7O Address•--3 _rQ45If City Ca-/sbi Zip 0 " Email Address Original plans prepared by a-i architect or engineer, revisions must be signed & stamped by that person. 1. Elerriéntsrevised: P Plans. El Calculations fl Soils El Energy El Other 2.. 3.. Describe revisions in detail List page(s) where each .......... . . revisionisshown cJ\ ' . . . . . . . . . . Doe this revision, in any vay, alter the exterior of the project? Yes L No - Does this revision add ANY new floor area(s)? 4-Yes No . 6:. Does this revision affect any fire related issues? El Yes VJ, No 7. Is this a complete set? IilYes El No Signature_C- _Al_AA1O Date 1635 Faraday Avenue, Carlsbad, CA 92008 Ph: 760-602-2719. f: 760-602-8558 Email: buuding@carlsbadca.gov - -.. \#hf EsGil SAitbuilt Cornpry DATE May 1, 2018 U APPLICANT ,.URIS. JURISDICTION Carlsbad , - . .,PLAN CHECK# CBC2016-0010 REV7 SETI PROJECT ADDRESS iLegoland Drive PROJECT NAME WP17 Revision The plans transmitted herewith have been corrected where necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes The plans tranmitted herewith will substantially comply with the jurisdiction's codes when minor deficiencies identified below are resolved and checked by building department staff. The plans transmitted herewith have significant deficiencies identified on the enclosed check list and should be corrected and resubmitted for a complete recheck The check lit tranthittedherwith is for your information. The plans are being held at EsGil •. until -corrected, plans are submitted for recheck. r - The applicant's c 1. opy of the check list is enclosed for the jurisdiction to forward to the applicant contat person ' LII The applicant's copy of The check list has been sent to tt EsGil staff did not advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed EsGil staff did advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed Person èortacted:_--'. . -. Telephone #: -: ;•. '.. Date contacted: •. (by1/ ) Email: . -. .-• I.-' MIl;, Telephone Fax In Person - - REMARKS PREV20I8-0117 By Kurt Culver , Enclosures Previously-approved EsGil. plans - Jog. - -S '• - . !- -: - I) .• - 5-- • ',- 4r. 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208 • San Diego, California 92123 • (858)560-1468 • Fax(858)560-1576 — Carlsbad CBC2016-0010 REV7 May1,2018 - [DO NOT PAY— THIS IS NOT AN INVOICE] - - VALUATION AND PLAN CHECK FEE JURISDICTION Carlsbad PLAN CHECK # CBC2016-0010 REV7 PREPARED BY Kurt Culver DATE May 1, 2018 BUILDING ADDRESS 1 Legoland Drive 1 __ .- - -. _1 • - BUILDING OCCUPANCY .--.. 3_• Jurisdiction Code- cb By Ordinance ,.. ç1997 UBC Building Permit Fee V 1 I I 1997 UBC Plan Check Fee V I I Type of Review Complete Review fl Structural Only Repetitive Fee • Ej 'Other . * Repeats Hourly 1 Hr @ * - .. EsGil Fee $12000 I $120.001", Based on hourly rate Comments - . Sheet 1 of 1 . .. . -- -- 4 •• --. -3 . . - -•• '-: .- - -4: • - . -,_. .- - - . • - - •- .1 • - BUILDING PORTION: ':(Sq. . AREA Ft.) .. Valuation Multiplier Reg. Mod. VALUE ($) - . _______________ ___________________ ________________ __________________ ____________________ ,4-• / Air Conditioning. I - Fire-Sprinklers TOTAL VALUE / — Of .1 . Carlsbad A - Print Date: 08/03/2018. .. . Permit No: PREV2017-0129 Job'Addrss: - 1 Legoland Dr Permit Type: BLDG-Permit Revision Work Class: Residential Permit Revisi Status: Closed — Finaled Parcel No: -2111000900 Lot #: Applied: 06/22/2017 Valuation $0.00 - .. Reference #: DEV2016-0028 Issued: 11/06/2017 Occupancy Group: construction Type Permit 08/01/2018 Finaled: '. U Dwelling Units:. . . . Bathrooms: Inspector: PBurn Bedrooms: . .• Orig. Plan Check U: CBC2016-0010 Final - - -. Plan Check U: Inspection: Project Title;' . LEGOLAND WP17 WATER SLIDE Description: LEGOLAND: WP, 17 ADDING SCREEN WALL AT CHEMICAL STORAGE SITE .. — - -: - Applicat:' - -. Owner: ETHOS ARCHITECTURE - . LEGOLAND CALIFORNIA LLC <LF> PLAY U S '- DANIEL STEWART •, ACQUISITION CO INC '-' 24542 Creekview Dr • .. - LAGUNA HILLS, CA 92653 . .; P0 Box 543185 C/O Property Tax Service Co - 949-607-8016 1 - DALLAS, TX 75354 FEE -- -. AMOUNT MANUAL BUILDING PERMIT FEE $187.50 Total Fees $ 187.50 Total Payments To Date $ 187.50 Balance Due $0.00 - . - •p_ • •, .. •.Yr - I',' .a_ , —-• - . p - - &_p 40 p - -p . '-- p -I - - - .. \• _p, •.•. p a,-' , 0,• .-' 0• .- -p /p J •• € 0• - - — 0 -. ., - • -• .-' •"- - -_ .. -p •,• p - 1 . - ,- 0• •• ,• - p . .• •• 'po Building Division - 1635 Faraday Avenue, Carlsbad CA 92008-7314 760-602-2700 760-602-8560 f I www.carlsbadca.gov - - - . - : PLAN CHECK REVISION Development Services - -' APPLICATION flI I AII Building Division C~iN ,rr'LI'MIIUP1 1635 Faraday Avenue • - B-I 5 760-602-2719 www.carlsbadca.goV Plan Check RevisionNo.PRVWAl 012- Original Plan Check No DOt O Project' Address -' t_P' Date____________ Contact Ph Fax Email e Contact Address . City ZIP' 92-L General$copèofWor __k. vlo.,% 0~- Y-"-b t -Q f—/ -e-LAJ ( ~ Original plans prepred by an architect or engineer, revisions must be signed & stamped by that person. 1 Elements revised: - -PIans Calculations 4_E Soils Energy D Other 4- Dóes this revision in any way aIter the exterior of the project? my es No Does thi revision add ANY new floor area(s)? Yes Does this reyisiRn affrt any fire related issues? Yes No 1~<S. l, thi a cmt ty set 1III Yes No kJ' Signature_$T JJ,() 1635 Faraday '9 92008 760 602 27 19 f 760 602 8558 Email building@carlsbadca gov .' • www.carlsbadca.gov - - .- • '-. 2. 3. 4.••• - Describeêvisions in detail • List page(s) where List revised sheets - • • each revision is that replace shown existing sheets' ___________ c-il I -4J S - 74 EsGil Corporation - In Partners flip with government for Building Safety DATE 7/6/2017 0 APPLICANT JURIS. JURISDICTION: City ofça'r1sbad71, 0 PLAN REVIEWER 0 FILE - PLAN CHECK NO.: CBC2016-0010 REV6(PREV2017-0129) SET: I PROJECT ADDRESS: 1 Legoland Dr. PROJECT NAME: Legolând WP 17 Chemical Equipment Storage Building Revision ,The plane transmitted herewith have been corrected where necessary and substantially comply :'.with the jurisdiction's building codes. '•... Li ;The plans transmitted herewith will substantially comply with the jurisdiction's codes when minor deficiencies identified below are resolved and checked by building department staff. :k.The plans transmitted herewith have significant deficiencies identified on the enclosed check list 'and 'should be corrected and resubmitted for a complete recheck. :. LI The check list transmitted herewith is for your information. The plans are being held at EsGil Corporation until corrected plans are submitted for recheck The applicants copy of, the check list is enclosed for the jurisdiction to forward to the applicant ,contact Person.- - LI The applicant's copy of the check list has been sent to t I - 'EsGil Corporation staff did not advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed: LI EsGil Corporation staff did advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed Person contacted Telephone # Date contacted (by'4') Email - • Mail Telephone Fax In Person LI.REMARK:. By: David Yao Enclosures: .4 . , EsGil Corporation GA LI EJ LI MB LI PC 6/27 r.. . . . •j .. 1 - •• -. . . .- - 1468 Fax (858) 560-1576 9320 Ch California Chesapeake Drive Suite 208 • San Diego Califo 92123 • (858) 560 • - .. - -' - . ... . . I : . City of Carlsbad CBC2016-0010 REV6(PREV2017-0129) 7/6/2017 * . . [DO NOT PAY- THIS IS NOT ANINVOICE] VALUATION AND PLAN CHECK FEE JURISDICTION: City of Carlsbad PLAN CHECK NO.: CBC2016-0010 REV6(PREV2017-0129) PREPARED BY: David Yao DATE: 7/6/2017 - :.BUILDING ADDRESS: 1 Legoland Dr. BUILDING OCCUPANCY: BUILDING PORTION AREA (Sq. Ft.) Valuation Multiplier Reg. Mod. VALUE ($) revision Air Conditioning Fire Sprinklers TOTAL VALUE Jurisdiction Code cb . By Ordinance - Bldg. Permit Fee by Ordinance tv 4Plan Check Fee by Ordinance TypeofReview Complete Review LII Other Repetitive Fee RePeats : Hourly .•,• EsGil Fee - ,-' Based on hourly rate ,Cdmmerts: . S S.. 4 4 S , %•t -• 4 S *4 ... r •. '. A . 4 . . - ,. •-t -.5 5 .5 4_- .5. ...*•,... -.5 * 4• - Structural Only 1.5 Hrs.@ $100.00 I $150.00I Sheet lofi .S macvalue.doc + •