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1 LEGOLAND DR; ; CBC2017-0061; Permit
(-''' Print Oat!;!: 03/21/2017 Job Address: Permit Type: Parcel·No: Valuation: Occupancy Group: # Dwelling·Units: Bedrooms: Project Title: 1 Legoland Dr BLDG-Commercial 2111000900 $0.00 City of Carlsbad 1635 Faraday Av Carlsbad, CA 92008 Commercial Permit www.carlsbadca.gov Work Class: P/M/E Lot#: Reference #: Construction Type: Bathrooms: Orig. Plan Check#: Plan Check#: Status: Applied: Issued: Finaled: Inspector: Description: LEGOLAND: REPLACEMENT OF PACKAGED AIR-CONDITIONER SERVING PIZZA & PASTA BUFFET Applicant: !!RIAN BLOKER 3565 Corporate Ct San Diego, CA 92123-,2415 858-609-2500 PLUMBING, ELECTRICAL, AND MECHANICAL PERMIT Total Fees: $166.00 Owner: LES,OLAND CALIFORNIA LLC <LF>· PLAY US ACQUISITION CO INC Po Box 5'43185 C/O Property Tax Service-Co DALLAS, TX 75354 Total Payments To.Date: $166.00 Contractor: TRANE US INC 916-577-1100 Balance Due: Please take NOTICE that approval of your project includes the "Imposition" of fees,·dedications, reservations, or other exactions hereafter collectively referred to as "fees/exaction." You have 90 days from the date this permit was issued to.protest imposition of these fees/exactions. If you protest them, you must follow the protest procedures set forth i.n Government Code Section 66020(a), and file the protest and any other required information with the City Manager for processing in accordance with Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 3.32.030. Failure to·timely follow that procedure will bar any subsequent legal action to attack, review, set aside, void, or annul their imposition. You are hereby FURTHER NOTIFIED that your right to protest the specified fees/exactions.DOES NOT APPLY to water and sewer connection fees and capacity changes, nor planning, zoning, grading or other similar application processing or service fees in connection with this project. NOR DOES IT APPLY to any fees/exactions of which you have previously been given a NOTICE similar to this, or as to which the statute of limitation has previously otherwise expired. Permit No: CBC2017-0061 Closed -Finaled 02/06/2017 02/08/2017 $166.00 $0.00 0.B9(~QiN°" -PflR~ . C]H~iH DHA?MAT/APC~ Bqf ld_l11s ·p•,mit· Appficijtion 16~5 Faraday Aye,. Garlsb~~. CA "9?"(!08 F1fi: 1so.Jm~~27.19 Fax: 760i.sog.:as58 email': bLi\ldtn~@~f!sl?.~di;:a,fiov /~)a~ C~ec;~ No,C..'Ec. ~ \1 -00 ~ ) -:~i:v~1_ue. . 'JOB'ADDRESS :on~i~gpland:C>riye ca:r,sbaci; CA~20QB, :-.. - ::>. ~ d -' • ' , ' ,__ ., ' ', , ~ ' " ,.-~- ' SUITE#/SPACEt/\J!iJT# ·' ·_: dAPN ' ,__ ' , -l '' ---·· • • ~ + . # B<\THROOMS -, -. ,-':: ,,~N.\!fl' B!JSIN~ NAi'fl!): -::i _ _ : _ -_ _:J.,fg_olan_d -rONSTR. TYP~ 1 occ. G.ROUP DESCRll>TIOl'fOF WORK: ln_clude·SquareF:eet of Affected Area(s) :Qirect repla~ement of 1i>Jon P~c~a.ged ~ilConditioner1 :s~rv(ng:'pjzzit & ,Pasta,-$uff~f _, ' : ' ' -: ' ' "' , f' '' ' ' -._ ' .c,. ' '_ ',--: , ' ;' ~~ < ,;,,·, EXl$TIN~ USE _ .. · 1 PROP0$1;D US(!: , . . ' , j GAl'lAGE (St=r· ' !!flTlqS (SF) . :j:D, _E--C.KS,.(S. :l ._-F.lREP[!.CE . . _ '.~jAlR C?t-/_D,lTlOl'.'ll~G. -, FIR!, SP_RlN~~EflS ; ·_ :C.<:>rnfotf0901ing '. ,,, ~o~ha11g~ -_J_ -;, , :. L -.Y~Q .. ·NOi :~IZJN_o_i::i, YEsD_~o[J 'AP_PUCA,T•N_AME_ Pilmary Contact APDRESS . CITY PHONE: ---' -- , ~5~5-Qqrpor~te ~.Qurt _ •--- , . •: PROPE,RTY.OW!'<!l;!l~ME ADDR_ESS .. 011~ L~Qp(and ,Driye STATE -ZIP QA _non~ EMAIL , _ E'-,'lAlL _ ·_ .: '.: -~ .. . _ ~: : -_ N.2~1.1~rr~f~j@l~g9l~ng.~gw DESIGN PRQf.ES~IO!'<!llL --CO~T!V',CTOR pu~;_-NAME'· ---', , '-, -----" -.fran~U$1nt. DBATrane. ADDRE9S . --A[)DRESS --' . -~ijOQ P~i:r1me1_9re~~ Rf_, CITY . ;s_an :Oi~.ao :STATE CA. ZIP CfTY .. '9212~-- STATE-ZIP 54601-:7511 PHONE _ 858•609-2500 -858•609-2554 PHONE -, Q58-609~25_54 EMAIL EMAIL . -JSTATELl~,561_7,9_6 STATE UC.# _5~1796 lCLASS . 1 CITY BUS, UC.# _ 01 I>. G3bi -_· -J-i~44?8 , '(Sec: ?,031:5,B_ysl~ess·and Professjons Code:, flny City.or-Cou_nty Which re~~~~-~la~ -~ pe~mit to, c9:nstiuct,alter, improve, d~i)iqll!ih, o_r ·rep:alr <!ril' str,uct~te, P.ri,or, to its issuance, als.ci requires the a . nt for such permJt to file ~ signed s~te(llent t~at ~e Is 1lceJ1sed·p_ur the proy1~1Q_,1J§.Q,Hhg COJltrl!Cto!'~ Ljcense'Law {Chapter!;!, co_mme_n_d1ng with Section 7090 of Division 3 of \~e~-·:',::--:;, ess·and.Professfons Code) or that-he 1s exempt.therefrom, and the b forthe·alJeged.eiempt[on: Any violation of.Section 7031.5 by any applicant for a permit subjects the applicant-to a,.=:. c:,:;;=;_ enalty ofnotmo·re than 'five huridrecLdollars {$500)): :i•:::c'""•"""~", _· · -· · · · · · · :'!::! ,...,_,.::., -~~';;~~. -------. -=-= --,, "·"~~;-_ · Workers' Compinsatloo Del;laratlan: / hereby affi_rm under penalty of peijury one o; ihe follo'lling declaraUons:· " B 'r' h(ve arfd wlll ni~inlain ~ c · ate of consant to sllf-lnsuri fQr wolke~' compensation as firov~ by sec$.n ·3700· of the [,abor Cod~, for !he performance of the wolk for \Yhjch this pennit is issued. • I hive and wUrm_@lntaln w' '. COll)~~uli._1Jf;,: i~ _bY ~on 37-' • of the~~ CIJ!l!l, for the.per(o",11!!/i~_of ~I!-~~ fo~~ich i\i~ ll8TTJ)!t is issued. My wo~e~' compens~tlo, i~su, _ carrier and policy • nu~berare_:lnsuranceCo. , , ;-_ .. _, _:'· -• . __ • __ ,: ·:.'., : -,~-": .:-PollC)'No:;f'R.,\.Qt-~_~fl'f-(6 .. , .. E)(p1raUonDate _ . _ _. _ ~sec.lion need not. be completed ff IIM!-perm~ Is for one hundred doHars·($11l!J) or less. _ · -LJ C~rtiflca\e _of Exeil\~tiqn: I certify-that in the peitorriiance of the wglk_for wl]lclfthls permit ls l~li~, l shali ~ot em~y_any person In.any l[ia,nner so as to become subject to_ the Workers' Compen_sation Laws of Cillilomia. ·WARNING; Fallur1 to secure work1rs' coiilp1111atlo/rcoverag,11-urilawful, ind s -jbj~ an ~mplgyarto ~rill)lnal penalties and'clvll fines up to one huiidr_ th arid dollars (&100,000), In additiori io the cost of compensation, ifamagH is. . Jor in Section 3706 of the. -: r Interest ind attcimey's fiii. , ~ co~tAActci~-~G~Aiu~ --· · · • · -·· · --· .-· . ,, -. CJ~!E~T . _ 6 '/ iieieby aff/nn that i am exempt fnim Contiacitor's f$ense Law for the fo/low(ng reason: _ CJ I, ~-s awrier qi the property.or.my. employees with wages~ their sole pompensation;wjll do !he worjl_and the slructure is no! intended or offered for sale (Sec. 7~, Business and Professions Code: The Conlracto(s License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon, arid who doe~ such walk himse~ or through his own employees, p_rovlded that such Improvements are not Intended or offered for sa)e. If, however, the building or Improvement Is sokf within one_year of completion, the owner-bullder will have the burden of proving that he did not build or improve fo_r !he purpose of sale). · 0 I, as ow_n~r of th~ property, am exclusively bonlravfing with licensecl conlrc!<;tors to conslrljct th1i'projeci (Sec. 7Q44, ~pslness and Prt1fesslons Code: The Contracto(s License Law does not apply to an owner of (ll0()8!ty wtio bulkfs_ or improves ihel'!loil, and contr.K:ts for such projects with conlrilctor(s) llcen~d pu·rsuan! to-the Confr.lcio(s License-Law). ti I~ exempt under Section -_ Business and Professlo~ Coile fcrth,ls reason: __ _ 1.1 personally plan to provide the major labor and materials for cons!nJctJon·of the proposed property improvement . 0Yes 0No 2. I (have J have n9t) signed an appllcatiOI) for a bulkfing permit f!>r th~ proposed worlt . . -3. I ha~ CQ!llr.!qted with the lo~ person (firm) to provide the proposed cons!nJction Onclude name address/ phone/ conlractors' license number): _ 4. I plan to provide portions of the wolk, but l have hired the followlng person to coordinate, supervise and provide the major walk (include name / address/ phone / contractors' license number): 5:1-wili provide ~me of the work, biif I have contracted (hired) the foHowing pers6ns to provide the worlc lnd_icated (include name / address / phone / type of wolk): . _g P~OPERTY OWNER SIGNATURE 0AGENT DATE .· ' .. ,·, COMPLETE THIS SECTION FOR NON-RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS ONLY ;.@S" APPLK:~T'S SIGNATURE DATE · .•.. ,.: -~ . STOP: THIS ~ECTION NOT RE~UIR~I] fO~ Bu-!LDIN_G PERMIT IS~UA~CE. Complete -the following ONLY .if a Certificate-of Qccupanc;y will_ b~ .requ,st~d at fi(lal i11spec;tipn. ,. , ; 0 C , ' ' .fill[ (76Q)'.602~8!i60,.Erii~i! bull¥ng@carlshadca.gov or .M\11, ~e cilrrip~l!ld~f!)ri\1 io·GI~ o!C~~tiad; Btiildi~ o\~~iqr; 16j5Fafud~y.Alienue,:e~r1~bad, Callio~ia 92008. • CONTACT•NA!I/IE ADDRESS . STATE I 'FAX EMAIL DELIVERY.OPTIONS . · . .> . . ~PiCKUI": -qONTACT (Usted ab9ve) OCCllPANf:(LJsted above) CONTRACTOR (On Pg, 1) MAlllQ: ~ONTA~(Ll~\~dabQve) ·. OCCUPANT (LISt~a~ove) ~ONTRACTOR (On Pg. 1J . ZIP. 'MAIL/'FAXTOOTHER: ~:~· ~-'-''--'"--"--'-~---'"----'---"-'--''--'-~---'--'- E APPLICANT'S SIGNATURE , I CO#: (Office !Jse OniyJ ·_O(iCUPANTNAME. BUllDING·ADDRESS '~ -' - ·STATE CA : o<;gUPANT'S ~l!S, LIC, N9. . AS~!)CIATED CB#,_...---'"--=----'----'--=------"- NO 9HANGE IN'l.15.E/ NO CONSTRUCTION CHANGE OF USE/ NO CONSTRUCTION DATE ZIP --..~· -::;':::::~ ~~ :~ :, 0 '' : '·.~ Permit Type: BLDG-Commercial Application Date: 02/06/2017 Owner: LEGOLAND CALIFORNIA LLC <LF> PLAY US ACQUISITION CO INC Work Class: P/M/E Issue Date: 02/08/2017 Subdivision: CARLSBAD TCT#94-09 UNIT#02 & 03 Status; Closed -Finaled Expiratiqn Date: 09/18/2017 Address: 1 Legoland Dr Carlsbad, CA 92008-461 o IVR Number: 1812 Scheduled Actual Inspection Type Inspection No. Inspection Status P'rimary Inspector Reinspection Complete Date Start Date 03/21/2017 03/21/2017 BLDG-43 Air 017100-2017 Passed Andy Krogh Complete Cond./Furnace Set BLDG-Final 017099-2017 Pa!!!Sed Andy Krogh Complete Inspection Checklist Item COMMl;NTS Passed BLDG-Mechanical Final Yes March 21, 2017 Page 1 of 1 Calculations for LEGOLAND Rooftop Unit Replacement 1914 Palomar Oaks Road Carlsbad, CA 92008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA TRANE 3565 Corporate Court San Diego, CA 92123 Phone: 858-r-C~~2017~061 1 LEGOLAND DR LEGOLAND: REPLACEMENT OF PACKAGED AIR CONDITIONER SERVI NG PIZZA & PASTA BUFFET 2111000900 2/6/2017 CBC2017-0061 Stru~tural Engineers r --· ~i,""""'-1,.1~-i-..... -~·,j~~--=;;~~-"- PROJECT __ @~"'~C_L._~_~V,, ____________ _ ENGR Oa'.z ,1 \:f;( \Vf1G-l.(tJi1 We--;::.\\ odff l,{tJtf Wt :::-nw;t ·} _.__&; clJ;. -/I~ II 6\~-.. 4) '< 1. ~ . f::::-~1-.-tx4/;.~ J rJJ ~ 4,0i -z. -F-~Ofl,f' SHEET _____ _ GSSI NO. ____ _ DATE l''z'l1 -It ~---::: 1i1s1J-,t. 1110 o~ ~ 12 .... q -7.~':lf- . 1.i:r £1r-Mx :: '-?"2.P1 o <::. &Sr O ~ (x;. l(,cj M) :.(-1:5) 1411 TJ I f"\'ZO "'5~ ~Ki~ UNCT ? EfLACE ~IJT DESIGN PROPERTIES AND MATERIAL WEIGHTS 9½" or117/8" _, l ~ TJl®/ProTM 150 joists Top, and bottom flanges of 1½" x 1½" Microllam® LVL with %11 Performance Plus® web. 7 r1¾-'' =fr ___ a18" 9½", 1Flll", 14"or16" TJl®/Pro™ 250 joists Top and bottom flanges of 1¾" x 1½" Microllam® LYL with %" Performance Plus® web. DESIGN PROPERTIES (100% LOAD DURATION) 395 6,135 584 7,205 801 .fs•• _n,oof. -· GENERAL NOTES • Design reaction inclu_g_e19.!!J.~ds on the joist. Design shear is computed at the face of supports ind~j~_g::a'IJ;lp_ads on the span(s). Allowable shear may sometimes be increaJ!',#.;i!~efior supports-in accordance with NER--119 and NEP,-200 and these·iir~req~i!te·reflected in span tables. • The reaction values above ;,:~·:based on an assumed minimum bearing length of 1¾11 at ends, 3½11 at intermediate supports. • Values shown throughout this brochure are applicable in dry-service conditions only. 7 r25/10" =fr 14"or16" TJl®/Pro™ 350 joists Top and bottom flanges of 2o/is" x 1½" Microllam® LVLwith %" Performance Plus® web. 7 r3½" ==fl 7ft6" 1F/a", 14"or16" -' l -r: TJl®/Pro™ 550 joists Top and bottom flanges of 3½11 x 1½11 Microllam® LVL with ¼s11 Performance Plus® web. • The following forml/.[ii_~ ForTJl®/Pro~1p and 350/ •· ez<imates the uniform load deflection of 6. (inches): -;~ .... ) _ 22.5 wL 4 + 2::g7'."wL2 6.---El-d X 105 w = uniform load in pounds per lineal foot L = span in feet For TJl®/Pro™ 550 Joists 6. = 22.5 wL4 + 2.29 wL2 El dx 105 d = out-to-out depth of the joist in inches El= value from table MATER,IAL WEIGHTS (Include TJI® joist weights in dead load calculations -see table above for JOIST WEIGHTS) Sheathing Based on: Southern pine -40 pcf for plywood, 44 pcf for 058 Douglas fir-36 pcf for plywood, 40 pcf for 058 Southern Pine Douglas Fir ½" plywood ..................... 1.7 psf ............... 1.5 psf % 11 plywood ..................... 2.0 psf ............... 1.8 psf ¾11 plywood .................... 2.5 psf.. ............. 2.3 psf 11/011 plywood ................... 3.8 psf.. ............ .3.4 psf ½11 058 ............................ 1.8 psf. .............. 1.7 psf %11 OSB ............................ 2.2 psf ............... 2.0 psf ¾11 058 ............................ 2.7 psf ............... 2.5 psf 1¼11 OSB .......................... 4.1 psf.. ............. 3.7 psf Roofing Materials Asphalt shingles ....... 2.5 psf Wood shingles ........ 2.0' psf Clay tile ....•........ 9.0 to 14.0 psf Slate' (% 11 thick) ....... 15 psf Roll or Batt Insulation (1" thick) Rock wool ........... 0.2 psf Glass wool ........... 0.1 psf Floors Hardwood (Nominal 1 11) ••• 4.0 psf Concrete ( 1 " thick) Regular ............... 12.0 psf Lightweight ............ 8.0 to 10.0 psf Sheet vinyl .............. 0.5 psf Carpet and pad .......... 1.0 psf ¾11 ceramic or quarry tile ... 10.0 psf Gypsum concrete (¾ 11) ••••• 6.5 psf Ceilings Acoustical fiber tile ........ 1.0 psf ½11 gypsum board ......... 2.2 psf %" gypsum board ......... 2.8 psf Plaster ( 1 11 thick) ......... 8.0 psf El J ,Nl:ZSD ,AHINA'l'SP ,¥AH .AHINA'tED 6EAH ~TAL :,NfAL. :r.? ,WN fll:P GAL YANIZf:P :r.? /ft r ~ti-I aoL. 1' :>Ft rtJDINAL 4EIGI-IT UH ~e 801..T ~NICAl- M ~---NTE~ a, .. .._•• ALI- Mil.. Tl fG!IIK aol-T II IC60 "4627 OSSIGN Cl-?ITEl-?IA: Ft.AT ~: PEAD 1-0AP LM: LOAD 2. WINO: a. eA&IC HIND ePEEP • b.EXPOSUFE• 3. et:leHIC: 117.(I) F,&.F. 2"·" P.6.1=. (~OUCl6Ll5) 2(/).(I) p .$.t=. 2(1).(I) P.S.F. (fEPIJCleLE) 1(1) M.P.M. e 191 u.e.c. el:leMIC Pl:&IGN PARAH~ FA~R YALU!: ~1 u.ac. FEFE~c1: !EleMIC %~):~TOR, Z f)/,(1) TA6LE 16 -I &olL ~.Jifi:trPI: &o TA6L516 -J ~ , -.,r,_.h , el:leHlC ~ICIENT C0 (l).44 1'Ael! t6,. Gt &l:leMIC c:ol:FrlCll:NT Cv ,z,~,tt) tAaLf: 16 -R NEAR-~ FACT0R. N.. 1.0 TABLE I&• e eif-cUCTU~~ Srtii?UC~ oee5~ATION S !ECTION M"2 OI= THE UNI~ I. FINAL ~ING oNCI: l MISC. ~CTION5 ''l?,\,_~ &·-- Unit to be replaced with new, unit. t -·---"© --·-® @F!<ovlD! ~ ®=-' f88!:!! ~Ol!iE!'b,I 1,,lJ.I.JOre 3.fll.LFici<: • TRANE' , Prepared For: All Bidders ·Sold To: Submittal Date: November 30, 2016 Customer P.O. Number: 1DI Custom'er Project Number: Job Number: Job Name: Lego/and Kitchen Rooftop Changeout One Lego/and Drive CARLSBAD, CA 92008 Trane U.S. Inc. dba Trane is pleased to provide the enclosed submittal for your review and approval. Product Summary Qty Product 1 3-10 Ton R410A PKGD Unitary Gas/Electric Rooftop Brian Bloker Trane 3565 Corporate Court San Diego, CA 92123-6396 Phone: (858) 576-2500 Cell: (916) 997-0539 Fax: (858) 576-2554 The attacned information describes the equipment we propose to furnish for this project, and is submitted for your approval. --., J:\JOBS\ 116\75010\5\Legoland Kitchen Rooftop Changeout SU BM ITT AL 10 T Hi EFF.doc Table Of Contents Product Summary .......................................................................................................................... 1 3-10 ton R410A PKGD Unitary Gas/Electric Rooftop (Item A1) ................................................ 3 J"ag Data ................................................................................................................................................... 3 Product Data .................................................. · .......................................................................................... 3 • Performance Data .......... '. .......................................................................................................................... 3 Mechanical Specifications ........................................................................................................................ 5 Unit Dimensions .................•................................................................. , .................................................... 8 Weight, Clearance & Rigging Diagram ............................. , ..................................................................... 1 O Accessory ........... .' .................................................................................................................................. 12 Legoland Kitchen Rooftop Changeout November 30, 2016 Tag Data -3-10Ton R410A PKGD Unitary Gas/Electric Rooftop (Qty: 1) Item Tag(s) Qty Description Model Number A1 Y4C-1 1 3-10 Ton R410A PKGD Unitary YHC120F3RLA--M004A 100008000000000 Gas/Electric 0000000 Product Data -3-10 Ton.R410A PKGD Unitary Gas/Electric Rooftop Item: A1 Qty: 1 Tag(s): Y4C-1 DX cooling, gas heat High efficiency Convertible configuration 10Ton Major design sequence 208-230/60/3 Microprocessor controls 3ph Low gas heat 3ph Low Leak Econ-ref enthalpy 0-100%/ BR 3p CompleteCoat® 3ph Through the base electrical 3ph Non-fused disconnect Supply air smoke detector 3ph Performance Data -3-10 Ton R410A PKGD Unitary Gas/Electric Rooftop Tags Desian Airflow (cfm) Airflow Application Coolina Enterina DB (F) Coolina Enterina WB (F) Ent Air Relative Humiditv (%) Ambient Temp (F) Evap Coil LeavinQ Air Temp (DB) (F) Evap Coil Leavina Air Temp (WB) (F) Cooling Leavinq Unit DB (F) Cooling Leaving Unit WB (F) . Gross Total Capacity (MBh) Gross Sensible Cap~city (MBt,) Gross Latent Capacity (MBh) Net Total Capacity (MBh) Net Sensible Capacity (MBh) Net Sensible Heat Ratio (Number) . Heating EAT (F) Heating LAT (F) Heating Delta T (F) Input Heating Capacity (MBh). Output Heating Capacity (MBh) Output Heating Cap. w/Fa.n (MBh) Design ESP (in H2O) Compqnent SP (in H2O) Field supplied drive kit required Indoor mtr operating power (bhp) Indoor RPM (rpm) Indoor Motor Power (kW) Outdoor Motor Power (kW) Compressor Power (kW) System Power (kW). IPLV@ AHRI (IPLV) MCA (A) MOP (A) Compressor 1 RLA (A) FLO= Furnished by Trane U.S. Inc. dba Trane I Installed by Others Y4C-1 4000 Downflow 80.00 71.00 64.73 95.00 61.81 61.81 63.64 62.45 119.73 78.59 .41.14 112.58 71.44 0.63 60.00 88.10 28.10 150.00 120.00 127.15 0.500 0.870 None 2.55 1548 1.90 0.54 7.86 10.30 14.7 -46.10 60.00 19.60 Equipment Submittal Page 3 of 12 Legoland Kitchen Rooftop Changeout Tags Compressor 2 RLA (A) Evaporatorfan FLA (A) Condenser fan FLA (A) Evaporator face area (sq ft) Evaporator rows (Each) Evaporator fin spacing (Per _Foot) Evaporator face velocity (ft/min) .Min. unit operating weioht (lb) Max. unit operatinq weioht (lb) Fan motor heat (MBh) Dew Point (F) Ducted Discharoe He.atinq -63 Hz (dB) Ducted Discharge HeatJnq -125 Hz (dB) Ducted Discharge 1-featinq -250 Hz (dB) Ducted Discharqe Heatinq -500 Hz (dB) Ducted Discharae Heatina -1 kHz (dB) Ducted Dischan:ie Heatinq -2 kHz (dB) Ducted Discharae HeatinQ -4 kHz (dB) Ducted Discharge Heating -8 kHz (dB) Ducted Inlet HeatinQ -63 Hz (dB) Ducted Inlet Heating -125 Hz (dB) Ducted Inlet HeatinQ -250 Hz (oB) Ducted Inlet HeatinQ -500 Hz (dB) Ducted Inlet HeatinQ -1 kHz (dB) Ducted Inlet HeatinQ -2 kHz (dB) Ducted Inlet Heatinq -4 kHz (dB) Ducted Inlet Heatina -8 kHz (dB) Outdoor Noise Heatina -63 Hz (dB) Outdoor Noise Heatina -125 Hz (dB) Outdoor Noise Heatina -250 Hz (dB) Outdoor Noise Heating -500 Hz (dB) Outdoor Noise Heating -1 kHz (dB) Outdoor Noise HeatinQ ~ 2 kHz (dB) Outdoor Noise Heatina -4 kHz (dB) Outdoor Noise Heatina -8 kHz (dB) Rated capacity (AHRI) (MBh) Exhaust fan power (kW) Refrig charrie (HFC-410A) -ckt 1 (lb) Refriq chan:ie (HFC-41 0A) -ckt 2 (lb) ASHRAE 90.1 Saturated Suction Temp Circuit 1 (F) Saturated Discharae Temp Circuit 1 (F) Saturated Suction Temp Circuit 2 (F) Saturated Discharqe T·emp Circuit 2 (F) IEER () EER @ AHRI Conditions (EER) Total Static Pressure (in H20) FLO= Furnished by Trane U.S. Inc. dba Tranel· Installed by Others November 30 2016 ' Y4C-1 10.40 . 8.50 2.70 16.65 4.00 192 240 1259.0 1608.0 7.15 62.10 81 90 85 82 77 73 73 65 80 81 80 70 60 60 62 52 89 87 91 85 80 77 73 66 113.00 0.65 7.1 5.0 Yes ' 55.70 119.67 58.73 123.20 ' 14.70 12.4 1.370 Equipment Submittal Page4 of 12 Legoland Kitchen Rooftop Changeout Mechanical Specifications -3-10 Ton R410A PKGD Unitary Gas/Electric Rooftop Item: A1 Qty: 1 Tag(s): Y4C-1 General November 30, 2016 The. units 'shall be convertible airflow. The operating range shall be between 115°F and 0°F in cooling as standard from the.factory for units with microprocessor controls. Operating ranQe for units with electromechanical controls shall be between 115°F and 40°F. Cooling performance shall be rated in accordance with ARI testing procedures. All units shall be factory assembled, internally wired, fully charged with R-41 OA, and 100 percent run tested to check cooling operation, fan and blower rotation, and control sequence before leaving the factory. Wiring internal to the unit shall be colored and numbered for simplified identification. Units shall be cULus listed and labeled, classified in accordance for Central Cooling Air Conditioners. Casing Unit casing shall be constructed of zinc coated, heavy gauge, galvanized steel. Exterior surfaces shall be cleaned, phosphatized, and finished with a weather-resistant baked enamel finish. Unit's surface shall be tested 672 hours in a salt spray test in compliance with ASTM 8117. Cabinet construction shall allow for all maintenance on one side of the unit. Service panels shall have lifting handles and be removed and reinstalled by removing two fasteners while providing a water and air tight seal. All exposed vertical. panels and top covers in the indoor air section shall be insulated with a cleanable foil-faced, fire-retardant permanent, odorless glass fiber material. T_he base of the unit shall be insulated with 1/8 inch, foil-faced, closed-cell insulation. All insulation edges shall be either captured or sealed. The unit's base pan shall have no penetrations within the perimeter of the curb other than the raised 1 1 /8 inch high downflow supply/return openings to provide an added water integrity precaution, if the condensate drain backs up. The base of the unit shall have provisions for forklift and crane lifting, with forklift capabilities o~ three sides of the unit. Unit Top The top cover shall be one piece construction or, where seams exist, it shall be double-hemmed and gasket-sealed. The ribbed top adds extra strength and enhances water removal from unit top. Filters Throwaway fi_lters shall be standard on all units. Optio~al 2-inch MERV 8 and MERV 13 filters shall also be available. Compressors All units shall have direct-drive, hermetic, scroll type compressors with centrifugal type oil pumps. Motor shall be suction gas-cooled and shall have a voltage utilization range of plus or minus 10 percent of unit nameplate voltage. Internal overloads shall be provided with the scroll compressors. Dual compressors are outstanding for humidity control, light load cooling con~itions and system back-up applications. Dual compressors are available on 7½-1 0 ton models and allow for efficient cooling utilizing 3-stages of compressor operation for all high efficiency models. Notes: Crankcase heaters are optional on YSC {036, 048, 060, 072, 090, 102, 120); standard on YHC (036, 048, 060, 072, 092, 102, 120). Indoor Fan The following units shall be equipped with a direct drive plenum fan design (T/YSC120F,T/YHC074F, T /YHC092F, T /YHC102F, 120F). Plenum fan design shall include a backward-curved fan wheel along with an external rotor direct drive variable speed indoor motor. All plenum fan designs will have a variable speed adjustment potentiometer located in the control box. 3 to 5 ton units (high efficiency 3-phase with optional motor) are belt driven, FC centrifugal fans with adjustable motor sheaves. 3 to 5 ton units (standard and high efficiency 3-phase) have multispeed, direct drive motors. All 6 to 8½ ton units (standard efficiency) shall have belt drive motors with an adjustable idler-arm assembly for quick-adjustment to fan belts and motor sheaves. All motors shall be thermally protected. All 10 tons, 6 ton (074), 7½ to 8½ (high efficiency) units have variable speed direct drive motors. All indoor fan motors meet the U.S. Energy Policy Act of 1992 (EPACT). OutdoQr Fans The outdoor fan shall be direct-drive, statically and dynamically balanced, draw-through in the vertical discharge position. The fan rrwtor shall be permanently lubricated and shall have built-in thermal overload protection. Evaporator and Condenser Coils Internally finned, 5/16" copper tubes mechanically bonded to a configured aluminum plate fin shall be standard. Evaporator coils are standard for all 3 to 1 0 ton standard efficiency models. Microchannel condenser coils are standard FLO =Furnished by Trane U.S. Inc. dba Trane I Installed by Others Equipment ~ubmittal Pages of 12 Legoland Kitchen Rooftop Changeout November 30, 2016 for all 3 to 10 ton standard efficiency models and 4,5,6, 7.5, 8.5 ton high efficiency models.The microchannel type condenser coil is not offered on the 4 and 5 ton dehumidification model. Due to flat streamlined tubes with small ports, and meta])urgical tube-to-fin bond, microchannel coil has better heat transfer performance. Microchannel condenser coil can reduce system refrigerant charge by up to 50% because of smaller internal volume, which leads to better compressor reliability. Compac,t all-aluminum microchannel coils also help to reduce the unit weight.These all aluminum coil:;; are recyclable. Galvanic corrosion is also minimized due to all aluminum construction. Strong aluminum brazed structure provides better fin protection. In addition, flat streamlined tubes also make microchannel coils more dust resistant and easier to clean. Coils shall'be leak tested at the factory to ensure the pressure integrity.The evaporator coil and condenser coil shall be leak tested to 600 psig.The assembled unit shall be leak tested-to 465 psig.The condenser coil shall have a patent pending 1+1+1 hybrid coil designed with slight gaps for ease of cleaning.A plastic, dual-sloped, removable and reversible condensate drain pan with through-the-base condensate drain is standard. CompleteCoat Coils The cathodic epoxy type electrodisposition coating is formulated for high edge build to plate fin and tube heat exchangers.The coating is selected to provide excellent resistance and durability to corrosive effects of alkalies, acids, alcohols, petroleum, seawater, salt air and· corrosive environments.This option is available for the plate fin-tube condenser coil and the microchannel type_ condenser coil. Controls Unit shall be completely factory-wired with necessary controls and contactor pressure lugs 0r terminal block for power wiring. Unit shall provide an external location for mounting a fused disconnect device. A choice of microprocessor or electromechanical controls shall be available. Microprocessor controls provide for all 24V control functions. The resident control algorithms shall make all heating, cooling, and/or ventilating decisions in response to electronic signals from sensors measuring indoor and outdoor temperatures. The control algorithm maintains accurate temperature control, minimizes drift from set point, and provides better building comfort. A centralized microprocessor shall provide anti-short cycle timing and time delay between compressors to provide a higher level of machine protection. 24-volt electromechanical control circuit shall include control transformer and contactor High Pressure Control All units include High Pressure Cutout a~ standard. Phase monitor Phase monitor shall provide 100% protection for motors and compressors against problems caused by phase loss, phase imbalance, and phase reversal. Phase monitor is equipped with an LED that provides an ON or FAULT indicator. There are no field adjustments. The module will automatically reset from a fault condition. Refrigerant Circuits Each refrigerant circuit offer thermal expansion valve as standard. Service pressure ports, and refrigerant line filter driers are factory-installed as standard. An area shall be provided for replacement suction line driers. Gas Heating Section The heating section shall have a progressive tubular heat exchanger design using stainless steel burners and corrosion resistant steel throughout. Ari induced draft combustion blower shall be used to pull the combustion products through the firing tubes. The heater shall use a direct spark ignition (DSI) system. On initial call for heat, the combustion blower shall purge the heat exchanger for 20 seyonds before ignition After three unsuccessful ignition attempts, the entire heating system shall be locked out until manually reset at the thermostat/zone sensor. Units shall be suitabie for use with natural ga:s or propane (field-installed ~it) and also comply with the California requirement for low NOx emissions (Gas/Electric Only). Plenum Fan The following unit $hall be eqtJipped with a direct drive plenum fan design (all 1 O tons and 7.5-8.5 ton high efficiency units). Plenum fan design shall include a backward-curved fan wheel along with an external rotor direct drive variable speed indoor motor. All plenum fan designs will have a variable speed adjustment potentiometer located in the control box. Through the Base Electrical Access An electrical service entrance sh~II be provided allowing electrical access for both control and main power connections inside the curb and through the base of the unit. Option will allow for field installation of liquid-tight conduit and an external field-installed disconnect switch. Through the Base Electrical· with Disconnect Switch This 3-pole, molded case, disconnect switch with provisions for through the base electrical connections are available. FLO= Furnished by Trane U.S. Inc. dba Trane I Installed by Others Equipment Submittal Page 6of 12 · Lego land Kitchen Rooftop Changeout November 30, 2016 The disconnect switch will be installed in the unit in a water tight enclosure with access through a swinging door. Wiring will be provided from the switch to the unit high volt~ge terminal block. The switch will be UUCSA agency recognized. Note: The disconnect switch will be sized per NEC and UL guidelines but will not be used in place of unit overcurrent protection. ' Supply and/or Return Air Smoke Detector Smoke detector shall be factory installed photoelectric smoke detector mounted in the return air section (with or without the economizer or motorized damper option), AND/OR in the supply air fan compartment. The detector will be wired for continuous power whenever the unit is energized. Upon detection of smoke, the detector will shut down all unit operations. Local codes may dictate the location of detectors. Note: Due to the shipping position of the economizer or motorized damper, the return air smoke detector will not be completely factory installed. The wiring harness for the detector will be routed and tied off in the fan compartment for shipping. The smoke detector and barometric damper hood will also be installed in a shipping position in the fan compartment. Supply, Return, and Plenum Air Smoke Detector With this option installed, 1f smoke is detected, all unit operation will be shut down. Reset will be manual at the unit. In order for the supply air smoke detector or return air smoke detector to properly sense smoke in the supply air stream or the return air stream, the air velocity entering the smoke detector unit must be between 500 -4000 feet per minute. Equipment covered in this manual will develop an airflow velocity that falls within these limits over the entire airflow ran·ge specified in the evaporator fan performance table. Supply and/or Return Smoke Detectors may not be used with the Plenum Smoke Detector. FLO= Furnished by Trane U.S. Inc. dba Trane I Installed by Others Equipment Submittal Page 7of 12 Legoland Kitchen Rooftop Changeout November 30, 2016 Unit Dimensions-3-10 Ton R410A PKGD Unitary Gas/Electric Rooftop Item: A1 Qty: 1 Tag(s): Y4C-1 CONTROL BOX SECTION ACCESS PANEL CONDENSATE (SEE NOTE 1) HORIZONTAL AIRFLOW THROUGH THE BASE CONDENSATE INDOOR TOP PANEL UTDOOR TOP PANEL CONDENSER FAN CONDENSER COIL CONDENSER COIL SIDE COMPRESSOR ACCESS PANEL POWER WIRE (SEE NOTE 3) PACKAGED GAS I ELECTRICAL ISOMETRIC VIEW 279/16'1 43/16" -1 NOTES: 1. ALTERNATE CONDENSATE DRAIN CONNECTION 3/4" -14 NPT DIA HOLE 2. 1/2" NPT GAS CONNECTION (80 mbh, 120 mbh); 3/4' NPT GAS CONNECTION (150mbh, 200mbh, 250mbh) 3. UNIT POWER WIRE 1 3/8" DIA HOLE. [~ ! 321/8' ,-g 4. THAU-THE-BASE ELECTRICAL AND GAS IS NOT STANDARD ON AJ..L UNITS. 33" s~t_ I o l RETURN I LJ I I I I , __ 171/2' 171/2" PLAN VIEW UNIT DIMENSION DRAWING 93/S"r-1 191/41 1611/16' 321/4" SUPPLY RETURN 321/4' 279/16"--1-:r. -----------+---9911/16"____,.j ,:--:i 41/4' CONDENSATE DRAIN PACKAGED GAS/ ELECTRICAL DIMENSION DRAWING 5. VERIFY WEIGHT, CONNECTION, AND ALL DIMENSION WITH INSTALLER DOCUMENTS BEFORE INSTALLATION COIL .---....__ ¢=l CE SERVI SIDE -- '~ : : L~. .. : : FLO= Furnished by Trane U.S. Inc. dba Trane I Installed by Others Equipment Submittal H ORIZONTAL AIRFLOW 162' Page B of 12 Legoland Kitchen Rooftop Changeout Unit Dimensions-3-10 Ton R410A PKGD Unitary Gas/Electric Rooftop Item: A1 Qty: 1 Tag(s): Y4C-1 'ELECTRICAL/ GENERAL DATA 'GENERAL <2l<4H5l HEATING PERFORMANCE Model: YHC120F Oversized Motor HEATING· GENERAL DATA Unit Operating Voltage: 187-253 MCA: NIA Heating Model: Unit Primary Voltage: 208 MFS: NIA Unit Secondary Voltage 230 MCB: NIA Heating Input (BTU): Unit Hertz: 60 Heating Output (BTU): Unit Phase: 3 No. Burners: No. Stages EER Standard Motor Field Installed Oversized Motor 'Gas Inlet Pressure MCA: '46.1 MCA: NIA Natural Gas (Min/Max): MFS: 60.0 MFS: NIA LP (Min/Max) MCB: 60.0 MCB: NIA Gas Pipe Connection Size: ,, INDOOR MOTOR Standard Motor Oversized Motor Number: ·1 Number: NIA Horsepower: 3.8 Horsepower: NIA Motor Speed (RPM): -Motor Speed (RPM): NIA Phase 3 Phase NIA Full Load Amps: 8.5 -8.5 Full Load Amps: NIA Locked Rotor Amps: -Locked Rotor Amps: NIA COMPRESSOR Circuit 1/2 OUTDOOR MOTOR Number: ·2 Number: ·1 Horsepower: 5.1/3.0 Horsepower: 0.75 Phase: 3 Motor Speed (RPM): 1100 Rated Load Amps: 19.6/10.4 Phase: 3 Locked Rotor Amps: 136.0/73.0 Full Load Amps: 2.7 Locked Rotor Amps: 9.8 POWER EXHAUST ACCESSORY (3) FILTERS (Field Installed Power Exhaust) Phase: NIA Type: Throwaway Horsepower: NIA Furnished: Yes Motor Speed (RPM): NIA Number 3/2 Full Load Amps: NIA Recommended 20"x25"x2' Locked Rotor Amps: NIA 20"x30'x2' NOTES: 1. Maximum (HACR) Circuit Breaker sizing is for installations in the United States only. 2. Refrigerant charge is ;in approximate value. For a more precise value.,see unit nameplate and service instructions. 3. Value does not include power Exhaust Accessory. - 4. Value includes oversized motor. 5. Value does not include Power Exhaust Accessory. 6. ~ER is rated at AHR! conditions and in accordance with DOE test procedures. FLD = Furnished by Trane U.S. Inc: dba Trarie I Installed by Others Equipment Submittal 'Low 150,000/105,000 120,000/84,000 3 2 '4.5/14 10.0/14.0 314' Field Installed Oversized Motor Number: NIA Horsepower: NIA Motor Speed (RPM): NIA Phase NIA Full Load Amps: NIA Locked Rotor Amps: NIA REFRIGERANT (2) Type R-410 Facto,ry Charge Circuit#1 7.1 lb Circuit#2 5.0lb November 30, 2016 Page 9 of 12 Legoland Kitchen Rooftop Changeout November 30, 2016 Weight, Clearance &Rigging Diagram -3-10 Ton R410A PKGD Unitary Gas/Electric Rooftop Item: A1 Qty: 1 Tag(s): Y4C-1 C B A PACKAGED GAS/ ELECTRICAL . . CORNER WEIGHT INSTALLED ACCESSORIES NET WEIGHT DATA ACCESSORY II WEIGHTS ECONOMIZER II 93.0lb MOTORIZED OUTSIDE AIR DAMPER I MANUAL OUTSIDE AIR DAMPER II BAROMETRIC RELIEF II OVERSl:Z:ED MOTOR I BELT DRIVE MOTOR POWER EXHAUST I THROUGHT THE BASE ELECTRICAUGAS (FIOPS) 13.0 lb UNIT MOUNTED CIRCUIT BREAKER (FIOPS) .,. .. ....-- UNIT MOUNTED DISCONNECT (FIOPS) 9--01b POWERED CONVENIENCE OUTLET (FIOPS) HINGED DOORS (FIOPS) HAIL GUARD SMOKE DETECTOR, SUPPLY/ RETURN 5.!Vb/ NOVAR CONTROL I ./ :================11 STAINLESS STEEL HEAT EXCHANGER _ REHEAT Ip=====~ l=============~, ROOF CURB _ :======~ SHIPPING 11453.0 lb NOTE: 1. All weights are approximate. 2. Weights for options that are not list refer to Installation guide. 3. The actual weight are listed on the unit nameplate. CENTER OF GRAVITIY (E) LENGHT I (F) WIDTH I 54" I 27" I 4. Refer to unit nameplate and installation guide for weights before scheduling transportation and installation of unit. 5. The weight shown represents the typical unit operating weight for the configuration selected. Estimated at+/· 10 % of the nameplate weight.. Verify weight, connection, and all dimension with installer documents before installation. Corner weights are given for information only. Net/Shipping weight of optional accessories should be added to unit weight when ordering factory or field installed accessories. PACKAGED GAS/ ELECTRICAL RIGGING AND CENTER OF GRAVITY FLO= Furnished by Trane U.S. /he. dba Trane I Installed by Others Equipment Submittal Page 10 of 12 • Lego land Kitchen Rooftop Changeout November 30, 201 o Weight, Clearance & Rigging Diagram -3-10 Ton R410A PKGD Unitary Gas/Electric Rooftop Item: A1 Qty: 1 Tag(s}: Y4C-1 >, CLEARANCE FROM TOP OF UNIT 72" CLEARANCE 36" DOWNFLOW CLEARANCE 36" HORIZONTAL CLEARANCE 18" PACKAGED GAS/ ELECTRIC CLEARANCE CLEARANCE 48" CLEARANCE 36" ROOF OPENING -----------7 7: I UNITOUTLIN~- 1 I 45· I 63 3/16" ~_J : 46" 9911/16' PACKAGED GAS/ ELECTRIC DOWNFLOW TYPICAL F!OOF OPENING FLO -Furnished by Trane U.S. Inc. dba Trane I lnstafled by Others Equipment Submittal Page 11 of 12 • Legoland Kitchen Rooftop Changeout Accessory-3-10 Ton R410A PKGD Unitary Gas/Electric Rooftop Item: A1 Qty: 1 Tag(s): Y4C-1 - I 00 I I FLD = Furnished by Trane U.S. Inc: dba Trane I Installed by Others 0 I I LOW LEAK ECONOMIZER HOOD ACCE$SORY Equipment Submittal November 30, 2016 ECONOMIZER HOOD BAROMETRIC RELIEF HOOD ro•== ~7 361/ 2" -i- 7" 00 I ! C 28' Page 12 of 12 E D 40.063 EX RIA , " C B A I 2 3 80.500 NEWI.D. -18.500 ,__ 27.125 _ NEWS/A NEWR/A · / ~ \ ,~ ,,,-/ I / I I ' 15.688 ~ EX?A · ·~ I/ 17 _ 3.329 ---~2.1 ,__ 31.349 _ 15.296 EXS/A -EXR/A INCLUDE IJ~,:ijL ' J;!j ! ~= 11; j -,!< .. ,, =i 4 56.375 NEWI.D. &RIA 5 SIA ~ -FULL INTERNAL INSULATION -50' L/F GASKETING tH.:! ;~ j' I 83.500 I NEWO.D. T,~=i L ) 'T~Z ' ' f---55.ooo--i EXO.D. 5 6 ITEM NO. IOTY. PARTNO. I I PRC6 I 0CADP DECK P 2 2 CAPRC6 I0HE597M E 3 2 CAPRC6lOHE597AB SI 4 2 CAPRC610HE597AC Ei 5 2 CAPRC610HE597AD C 6 I CAPRC6 J 0HE597 AE D 7 I CAPRC610HE597AF D' 8 I CAPRC610HE597AG D 9 I CAPRC610HE597AH B I 59.375 ---NEWO.D. 83.250 EXO.D. ·nu: 1'1Uk.\l.\ nu, \."0-.-1.,1:,,1:0 IN 110S l)JL\\\l~\l I) nu: ~Olt. l'M.u!1'1U\ Of ,\llLkO~n.n.'-"Okl'Olt..\ nos..,:-, Rl:Ul.OUl1l."nn:,: ll',. l'.\k{ llll \\ IIOU. \\llll0l' f Jill. \\'kJl f~Nl'Cll\US~IO!«(Jl"~ll.:RIJ~U:ILCOkruk.\JI\J'{, l!>l'RUIDUll\,O fC}l{}.lf 2 3 4· 5 6 7 MATERIAL DESCRJPTION 1l6GA DECK PAN J16GA ·ENDS 16GA SIDES 16GA END SUPPORTS UGGA CROSS SUPPORTS 18GA DIVIDERA l8GA DIVIDERB 18-GA DIVIDERC MS-GA BASE PAN 7 8 >-~ "' <{ Cl! "-. 'Sj- <{ 0 >-i--'. "' <:'! (!) 0) :i: ' • co 0 0 ~ 0 ~ <{ ~ Cl (0 i:i QJ 1ii !!! 0 I I I I r z ~ n. ~ lil I I I I ID w Cl ~ .. ~ 8 .J w 27 S; Cl! 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