HomeMy WebLinkAbout1 Legoland Dr; ; CBC2017-0349; PermitI Print Date: 12/13/2017 Job Address: Permit Type: Parcel No: Valuation: Occupancy Group: # Dwelllng Units: Bedrooms: Project Title: 1 Legoland Dr, BLDG-Commercial 2111000900 $11,187.66 City of Carlsbad 1635 Faraday Av Carlsbad, CA 92008 Commercial Permit www.carlsbadca.gov Work Class: Patio Lot#: Reference #: Construction Type: Bathrooms: Orig. Plan Check#: Plan O,eck #: Description: LEGO LAND: 726 SF STEEL SHADE STRUCTURE Applicant: Owner: MIKE KELLEY LEGOLAND CALIFORNIA LLC 674 Rancheros Dr Permit No: CBC2017-0349 Status: Qosed -Rnaled Applied: 06/27/2017 Issued: 08/02/2017 Flnaled: Inspector. PBurn Contractor: MBARC CONSTRUCTION 674 Rancheros Dr San Marcos, CA 92069-3005 760-744-4131 Po Box 543185 C/0 Property Tax Service Co DALLAS, TX 75354 San Marcos, CA 92069-3005 BUILDING PERMIT FEE $20oo+ BUILDING PLAN CHECK FEE (BLDG) SB1473 BUILDING STANDARDS FEE STRONG MOTION-COMMERCIAL Total Fees: $229.72 Total Payments To Date: $229.72 Balance Due: Please take NOTICE that approval of your project lndudes the "Imposition" of fees, dedications, reservations, or other exactions hereafter collectively referred to as "fees/exaction." You have 90 days from the date this permit was Issued to protest Imposition of these fees/exactions. If you protest them, you must follow the protest procedures set forth In Government Code Section 66020(a), and file the protest and any other required Information with the Qty Manager for processing In accordance with Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 3.32.030. Failure to timely follow that procedure will bar any subsequent legal action to attack, review, set aside, void, or annul their Imposition. You are hereby FURTHER NOTIFIED that your right to protest the spectfled fees/exactions DOES NOT APPLY to water and sewer connection fees and capacity changes, nor planning, zoning, grading or other similar application processing or service fees In connection with this project. NOR DOES IT APPLY to any fees/exactions of which you have previously been given a NOTICE similar to this, or as to which the statute of limitation has previously otherwise expired. $0.00 $132.70 $92.89 $1.00 $3.13 1Jl1:·rouOW1NG APPROVALS REQUIRED PRIOR TO PERMIT ISSUANCE: Pl.ANNING OENGINEERING Ccicyof Carlsbad Building Pe, 111ft Applicatlon 1635 Faraday Ave., Carlsbad, CA 92008 Ph: 760-602-2719 Fax: 760-602-8558 emaU: bulldlng@carfsbadca.gov www.cartabadca.gov DESCRIPTION OF WORK: Include 8qtllll9 l"Nt" Are8(9) BUILDING DARE OHEAL TH OHAZMAT/APCO Plan Check No. EsL Value co Ni:=---W S1"E:fl-S~e: 4Trzw::..'lll-g_ & Jqf -E:Mf'L.Ov£1S.. 13tzf;D,\(. AJ:Z.GA..--fuJD T t:Zuc.K... 12~ "?Q.ffiST PROPOSED USE GARAGE (SF) PATIOS (SF) DECKS (SF) Fl REPLACE AIR CONDITIONING FIRE SPRINKLERS ~~ YESO, Ne@ YES0NO~ YESD~ STATE CA. ZIP~ ADDRESS ADDRESS 014 ~"3, [)µ.. STATE Nl PHONE FAX EMAIL (Sec. 703i5 Business end Professions Code: Arri City or County which requires a P11rmlt to construct, alter, Improve, demollsh or~r any struotLl'e,=to 11B Issuance, elso requres the appllcant for such permit to 1le e SUUJed lltlltement thllt he III llcenS!ld pursuant to the provisions of the Contractor's License I.Bw ioter 9, comm with Section 7000 of DMslon 3 of the Business and Proresslons Code) or that he m exempt therefrom, and the basis for the alleged exemption. Arry vlolatlon of Section 031.5 by erry appllcent e perm It subjects the epplloant to e clvl penelty of not more than fNe hundred dollars ($500)). Worbrs' COIR!lBlllatlon lledll!'ltlon: I hereby tJ/ftm lnder pensty of pet;xy 006 r:J the folowtlg cleclllralbls: 0 _1 hml and wfl llllmllin I certlllcMa al consent ID salf.lnlurt forwarlcera' cornpEllmatio!l 811 provided by Sed!cll 3700 rithe lJmr Code, for the plllfilliilSIICB of !he Yloot b'v.tkh !his pemil la llsuad. [Zf1 hive 111d wfll lllllnlain llrOlbrs' Cj111!1181 ..... BS 1'8(1.ked by Sedlon 3700 rj the Laber Coda, for fhe pMOOTB1_ : tile WOO\ for which 1h,ls pennl Is lsiood. My wcrtefs' C01ll)61 ISBfloi 1 ~ canter Bild palt'y rumar are: mtJralC8 eo. E3e , T--bh~ i;; u. rn ~W\. .Iffi. ~ N~ Pttcy No. ~'30 3 ::Z"trr Expialloo DBE ll IJ/70 t '7 'jli§, aectklrl need not be comp!eled ~ the penn!l ls for one txrrued d(jars ($100) or le68. LJ Certllcala of Emuptlon: I certify Iha! In th!l pllrlormmlcs of th!l lllOIX for wl'kh thill l)QfTTlft la la!ued, I shell not employ mt Per9011 In mt memer so BS kl become IIIJbjed kl the Woibrs' ~ laws of CalWomla. WARNING: Failn to secure worbra' compeneallon CO'ffllgG II unlawful, and shall subj8ct 811 employer ID criminal penalties and clvl line8 up to one lumed lhousnl dollars (&100,etO), In 8'kltlon to the coet of compenaallon, dlllnagea prO¥ldld for Section 3706 of the Labor code, lnler1llt 1111d lllomly's 1-. A'.S" CONTRACTOR SIGNATIJRE D AGENT DATE " /'?.. ri ll ~ I hereby lllftm lhllt I am -,npt from ~ l.blnsa Law for the b6owlt)g IUIISOII: D ~ Bii lM16l'filhe property or my employees 'Mlll1 fL'888S 95 fhe!r sole compensation, 1111 do !he WOO'. and !he strucbie ls not lrmidad or ollered for sals (Sec. 7044, 8umess end Prolesslons Co:le: The Ccrrtreckli's l.lcen9e Law does llOI apply lo an OM1Br of property who ldls ~ ln1)IOl'B8 thereon, and ,mo does such ~ timsell or ttvooJt1 his own emJm)'008. proviled that lllCh ~ n not lnmnded ~ ol!ered for sale. If, howeYer, !he buBd!ng or lnlprowmenl Is sokl 'MVlln one year of con1)le8on, Iha OWll8'-bilder will haw the burden of proving that he <ii not build or Im prow fer the pllJlllSe at sale~ D I, as owner at the property, sm eicdu!t\lllly contracting wtlh licaflsed conlractm kl conslruct the project (Sec. 7044, Bu!iless 111d Prolass!one Code: The Corirecla's License L.sw does not~ to Ell O\Ul10t' of property who b\jds or ITT1l]l'(MIS thereon, ;rid conlrllclB l!r Slrl1 projeclB wift1 conlrac!o!(e) llamed pimmt to the Conlraclo!'s Ucense UNI~ D I am exampt ulller Secfion_Bus!nees 111d Protesslona ~ for this reason: 1. I par30l18ly JDl to prao;lda Iha major lebor and malel1als for conslrudlon of the ~ property lmprovemenl. C)ves [Joio 2. I (hava / have nol) signed Ell applicallon for a bLtiJg permit for the proposed work. 3. I have contradad wflh the foUoMlg pl!!Dl ~) to proYkle the proposed consvudlon (Include name address / plme I conlradora' l1cense number): 4. I plan to provide porions ri Iha wO!k, but I have Ind the folcMlng pe1mn lo coord1nale, sup9CVlsa and pro'lide the ~ work (lndude rane I ~ I plme I conlrecto!9' l1censa m.JTiJer): 5. I l!il prowie same at !he WOik, but I he"te contrected (hired) Ille ~ persona to JIOYk1e the work lndbllad (mchide name I adct'ess I phone I type of 'Mllk): ~ PROPERTY OWNER SIGltATIJRE DATE Is the applicant or future buldng occupant required il S1Jbmlt a business pli.i, a:utely hazS'dous mate rt as reglstratloo b m or risk mal!Ja8!Tl811l and prevention r,ugl'l!TI under Sec6ons 25505, 25533 or 25534 of the Presley-T annElf Haza-dous Substmce Accoont krl Yes No Is the appicant or future buldlng occupant requred to obtoo a perrrit from the 1*" pollul!on cootrol dJstrlct or lir Quality management district? Yes No Is the fa:!ity to Ile constructed within 1,CXXJ feet of the outer bound.ry of a school site? Yes No F ANf OF THE AHSWERS ARE YES, A FINAL CERTFICATE OF OCCUPANCY MAY NOT BE ISSUED UNLESS THE APPLICANT HAS MET OR JS MEETING THE REQUREMENTS OF THE OFFICE OF EMERGENCY SERVICES AND THE AIR POLLUTION CONTROL DISTRICT. I hereby affirm that there Is a construction lending agency for the performance of the work this permit Is Issued (Sac. 3097 (Q C/vU Code). Lender's Name Lendel's Address I ce!llfy that I haw read the appllcatlon and state that the abo\e lnfonnatlon Is correct and that the Information on the plans ls IICCllllle. I agree to complyM!h all Cl1}' ordmnces and Stale laws re!atlng ID bulir-,g construction. I hereby autalze repi1350111atr,-e ct tie at,, of C!rlsbad to erter 1.4J011 tie !ilOY0 nmfboed piq>erty foc nspectro ptlJX)SeS. I ALSO AGREE TO SA VE, INDEMNIFY AND KEEP HARMLESS TIE CITY OF CARLS8AD AGAf'.IST All LIABILfllES, JUDGM:NTS, COSTS AND EXPENSES 'M-llCH IMY ~ /WY WAY ACCRUE f,&JNST SAJD CITY IN CONSEQLelCE OF THE GRANffiG OF THIS PERMT. OSHA: NI OSHA pemi!t Is ~ b" excaviiloos CMS SO' deep l:l1d derrdb1 CJ: coostrudlon of siuctures CJM 3 stales In height EXP™ TION: Eveiy pem1lt Issued by 11e Bu!khJ Oflk:lal under Ile prOYislons of f1is Code shall exp1re by ~ am becane mJ cm veil r the bulkl1g or v.m 81.!horized by such permt 1s not ccmnooced w11v1 1 BO days fran fle dale ct such pemt or if the bLDi"lg or WOO( aiihorm! by such pennit Is suspended or abaldooed at any t!rre !iu the work Is C0011TlEJlCed b" a pe!1od ct 1 BO days (SedlCJl 106.4.4 Uribm BuiklblJ Code). A$ APPLICANT'S SIGNATURE ~ DATE (pf ?Jfl l rJ STOP: THIS SECTION NOT REQUIRED FOR BUILDING PERMIT ISSUANCE. Complete the following ONLY If a Certificate of Occupancy will be requested at final inspection. CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY fCommcrcial Projects on I y J Fax (760) 602-8560, Emal I bu jJd jn g@ca rlsbad ca.gov or MaD the completed form to City of Carlsbad, Buikilr;;i Division 1635 Faraday A venue, Garl.sbad, California 92008. COi: (Office Use Only) CONTACT NAME OCCUPANT NAME ADDRESS BUILDING ADDRESS crrv STATE ZJP crrv STATE ZJP Carlsbad CA PHONE I FAX EMAIL OCCUPANT'S BUS. UC. No. DEi.NERY OPTIONS PICK UP: CONTACT (Listed ebOYe) OCCUPANT (listed eboYe) CONTRACTOR (On Pg. 1) ASSOCIATED est MAIL TO: CONTACT (Usted above) OCCUPANT (Listed above) CONTRACTOR (On Pg. 1) NO CHANGE IN USE/ NO CONSTRUCTION MAIL/ FAX TO ontER: CHANGE OF USE/ NO CONSTRUCTION A$ APPLICANT'S SIGNATURE DATE Permit Type: BLDG-Commerclal Applic11tlon Date: 06/27/2017 Owner: LEGOLAND CALIFORNIA LLC Work Class: Patio Issue Date: 08/02/2017 Subdivision: CARLSBAD TCT#94-09 UN!T#02 & 03 Status: Closed -Flnaled Expiration Date: 05/30/2018 Addl'e$8: 1 Legoland Dr Cartsbad, CA 92008-4610 IVR Number: 4664 Scheduled Actual Date Start Date Inspection Type Inspection No. lnspectlon Status Primary Inspector Re Inspection Complete 12/13/2017 BLDG-Final 043363-2017 Pused Paul Burnette Complete Inspection Checkllst Item COMMENTS Passed B LDG-Bu!ldmg De!lclency No BLDG-Plumbing Flnal No BLDG-Mechllnk:al Final No BLDG-Structural Final Yes BLDG-Electrical Final No 11127/2017 11/27/2017 BLDG-11 041392-2017 Paned Paul Burnette Complete Foundatlon/Ftg/Pler 9 (Rebar) Checklist Item COMMENTS Passed B LDG-Bul1dlng Deflc!ency No 12/01/2017 12/01/2017 Bl.00-11 041948-2017 Paued Paul Burnette Complete Foundlltlon/Ftg/Pler • (Rebar) ' Checklist Item COMMENTS Passed BLDG-BuBdlng Deficiency Yes 12/08/2017 12/08/2017 BLOO-Flnal 042809-2017 Failed Paul Burnette Reins pectlon Complete Inspection l Checklist Item COMMENTS Passed BLDG-Bu!dlng Deflcleocy No BLDG-Plumbing Final No BLOG-Mechanical Final No BLOG-Structural Fina I No BLDG-EJectrlcel Final No December13,2017 Page 1 of1 EsGil Corporation In a>artnersliip witli <}o'JJmuunt for aJuilaino Safety DATE: 07/12/2017 JURISDICTION:-Carlsbad ' --'-- PLAN CHECK NO.: CBC2017-0349 PROJECT ADDRESS: 1 Lego Dr. PROJECT NAME: Legoland Shade Structure SET: I D APPLICANT fl" JURIS. D PLAN REVIEWER D FILE C8J The plans transmitted herewith have been corrected where necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes. D The plans transmitted herewith will substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes when minor deficiencies identified below are resolved and checked by building department staff. D The plans transmitted herewith have significant deficiencies identified on the enclosed check list and should be corrected and resubmitted for a complete recheck. D The check list transmitted herewith is for your information. The plans are being held at EsGil Corporation until corrected plans are submitted for recheck. D The applicant's copy of the check list is enclosed for the jurisdiction to forward to the applicant contact person. D The applicant's copy of the check list has been sent to: C8J EsGil Corporation staff did not advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. D EsGil Corporation staff did advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. Person contacted: 1J-Telephone#: Date contacted: (by:-fl-) Email: Mail Telephone Fax In Person D REMARKS: By: Dwight Ashman Enclosures: EsGil Corporation D GA D EJ D MB D PC 06/29/2017 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208 + San Diego, California 92123 + (858) 560-1468 + Fax (858) 560-1576 ' ... ~ ~--Carlsbad CBC201 7-0349 07/12/2017 [DO NOT PAY -THIS IS NOT AN INVOICE] VALUATION AND PLAN CHECK FEE JURISDICTION: Carlsbad PLAN CHECK NO.: CBC2017-0349 PREPARED BY: Dwight Ashman BUILDING ADDRESS: 1 Lego Dr. BUILDING OCCUPANCY: BUILDING AREA Valuation PORTION ( Sq. Ft.) Multipller Canoov 726 Citv Est Air Conditioning Fire Sprinklers TOTAL VALUE Jurisdiction Code CB By Ordinance Bldg. Permit Fee by Ordinance Plan Check Fee by Ordinance Type of Review: 0 Complete Review D Repetitive Fee ~-:,,, :I Repeats Comments: D Other D Hourly EsGII Fee DATE: 07/12/2017 Reg. VALUE ($) Mod. 11 188 I 11,188 $132.33! $86.01 I D Structural Only 1-----ilHr. @ ' $74.101 Sheet 1 of 1 macvalue.doc + I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CALCULATIONS FOR: [ J (?~ ~ PREPARED UNDER ll-!E CONTROL AND SUPERVSION DF TI-IE DESIGN PROFESSIONAL ABC/1/E ('"'7'" -,-.• -... , r. . ci t. ... -,. . .. ,':t i~:-~~·) ,~ ~<~·, t..'· .1 \• . -. ~ -::---.~ 'r:i' \ ·~~·~ ..... l.-,->·, .· .•' tl ' ' • 0 \ T L Design Criteria Structural Engineering Notes Load Combinations Materials RISA Model Views Foundation Design Connection Design RISA Analysis Report Panel Data '4 ~ ·_J TABLE OF CONTENTS ' -'. . ·; ! I Vet31on B.0.2 Updaled 4117/2016 I I I I ·I I I I I I ·I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I GENERAL BuRdlng Code: ~ri'Q9de:,, . Risk Category: DEAD LOAD Se~ Cover Sheet ASyE 1:10 · II 2 psf DESIGN CRITERIA Roof Slope ("): 18.43 4:12 PIich Equivalent Roof Height 15.00 ft Weight of Roofing System -F~ Dead L:oad . Frame Self-\Nelght LIVE LOAD Roof Live Load, L, SNOW LOAD Ground Snow Load, p R Jmpo~· F~. f (Snow l...of!ds). .· Slope Factor, C, Toemia1 Factor, c~ Exposure ·Factor, C8 Rat Ro6f sii~ i.oaci, P, · Leeward Unbalanced Snow Load WJND LOAD Basic Wind Speed, Vu11 ~.re. category Gµ,st Effect Fa,ctor, G-' · Velocity Pressure Exposure Coefficient, K, . Wind, Directionality Factor, Kd . Topographic Factor, Kr1 Veloc!fy ~,:,q·, 20 psf 0.0 psf 1.0 1.0 1.2 · 1.0 0.0 · psf 0.0 psf 110 mph C. 0.85 0.85 0.85 1.00 22.38. psf 90 mph ASCE 7 Table 4-1 .. ,,. ·· · ASCE'i)~.1.5-;2: ASCE 7 F/gln 7-2 . ,: A9CE7 T.i,/,,'7-3 ASCE 7 Table 7-2 . J\SCE 7 Secibl 7.3 · ASCE 7 S~ 7.6.1 ASCE 7 Section 2M ' .. ASCJ;:7,S~20.7: ~7Sdoi12u1 ASCE 7 Tabla 27.l. 1 . ASCE. 7 Tfd11& 2G.&-1 . ASCE 7 Secl1on 20. 6.2 . AspE 7 ~ 27.l.2 frlaln Wlm:1:J::on:e Re5Jll1ing System , . ·, · ASCE 7 S6ctlori 27.4.S 0,-, Buldlng, Cl&ar!Mnd Flow(Cn lhlmASCE 7 RQ. 27.44-27.4-7) . . . F«,of,-: . , · . Component 'ancl. Claddirifi EJementa · · ASCE r Sealloll 30.s.2 · Open Bulc*!g, CJMl" l'hld Row (Cn from ASCE 7 Fig. 30.6-1 -30.6-3) :: · -Wind Direction· <r~~ · : Away Flom~ . Load Case cO Windward Cp "' , . p,{psf): : . C 180 : : ; leewartf 9P=' ; : p (psf): 'c9() , . Sld~rdCp . p-(psf):--. A 1.10 20.93. . -0.17 ·. -3.25 0.80 1522 SEISMIC LOAD Analysis Procedure Seismic SJte·Class B 0.01 : 0.16. -0.96 -18.31 -0.80 -::1s.22' · Basic Seismic Force Resisting System Short~ Re\lP()mie f>a!,ametet, S, 1-Sec Spectral Response Parameter, S 1 :~ic Design Category · Importance Factor, I Respj,rise ~n Coefflcleri~ R Redundancy Factor, p . . Overstrength Factor, 0 0 ' Design Short Spectral Response Parameter, s DS 1-Sec Design Spectral Response Parameter, S 01 Seismic Response Coefficient, C 3 Effectfve Seismic Weight, W Seismic Base Shear, V SelsmJc Load, E . · Seismic Load with OVerstrength Factor, Em Zone 3 Cn: 2.29 -2.11 · · ·p (psf): 43.59 · ' -40.1·1 Zone 2 en: 1.n -1.63 . p (psf): 33.65 ·:,: ·-3(03 ·: Zone 1 Cn: 1.15 -1.05 Equivalent Lateral Force_ Procedure D . Steel Ordinary Canfflewr CokJ:m Sysl9ms 1.13 0.44 D 1.00 1.25 . 1.30 1.25 0.79 '0.45 0.63 2.00 · psf 127 pst 1.64 psf 1.58 psf , p (psf):, . . 21.80 -20.05 ASCE 7 Secllon_ 12.B ASCE 7 Sac:bl 11.4.2 ASCE 7 Table 12.2-1 ASCE i 1Jec1on 11.s ASCE7 Tabl91U-1 flSCE.. 7 Tatw .12.2·1. · ASCE 7 Tab/8 12.2-1 ASCE 7 Table 12.2-1 ASCE 7 S&dlon 11.4.4 ASCE7 Sdori 1'1.4.4 ASCE 7 S9Cllon 12.8.1 ASCE 1 &don 12. 1 .2 ASCE 7 Sttc1lon 12.B. 1 , .ASCE7~-12.4 ASCE 7 S8cllo,i 12.4 STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING NOTES GENERAL NOTES I I I All field connections must be made with A325 High Strength bolts using the "Snug Tight'' method of tightening as described In the latest AISC I Manual. Loads applied to the structure may be greater than required for the project location. Actual structure dimensions may be smaller than shown In this document STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS NOTES RISA-30 structural analysis software was used to model the 3-0 space frame. To reduce the amount of computer printout, the analysis results only show each memberis controlling load case. Unless noted otherwise in the 'RISA Analysis Report', the roof deck was not utilized In the structural analysis to provide lateral support to the members. From the analysis, an member deflections end structural drift ere within allowable limits. STRUCTURAL DESIGN NOTES End plates were designed by applying beam end forced to the edges of the plate and calculating the resulting prying moment at the edge of the bolt holes. In determining the prying moment It was assumed that the area of the plate between bolts was fixed. Light gage members were designed in accordance with the latest edition of the AISC specifications and the AISI Cold-Formed Steel Design Manual. STRUCTURAL CONNECTION NOTES Bolt threads were assumed to not be excluded from the connections. \ I ·I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Key Abbreyflljjon Qe9crjotlon DL Deed Load Lr s Su Wx Wz Wx (Minimum) Wz (Minimum) Ex Ez Emx Emz Sds liUinb« 14 15 16 17 16 19 20 21 22 23 24 26 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 ' 43 Roof Live Load Snow load Unbelanced Snow Load W1nd Load (X-Dlrec:tlon) Wind Load (Z-Dlrectlon) 1 o psf Minimum Wind Load (X-Dtectlon) 1 o psf Minimum Wind Load (Z-Directlon) Selsmf c Load (X-Dlrecllon) Seismic Load (Z-Dlracllon) Seismic Load (X-Dlrectlon) with OverBtreogth Faclor Seismic Load (Z-Olrectlon) with OYerstrength Factor Design Spectral AcceleratlOO Parameter Allowable Stress Design (Factored) pascrtotion D D+ Lr D+S D+Su D + 0.6Wx (Load Ca9e A) D + O.fNVx (Load Casa B) D + (0.6Wx (Mlnlmum)) D + o.75(0.fNVx (Load case A)) + o.75Lr D + 0.75(0.6Wx (Minimum)) + 0.75Lr D + 0.75(0.6Wx (Load Case A)) + 0.75S D + 0.75(0.fNVx (Minimum)) + 0.758 0.6D + 0.6Wx (Load Caae A) 0.6D + O.fNVx (Load case B) 0.6D + (0.6Wx (Mlnlmum)) D + 0.6Wz (Load case A) D + O.ri'Nz (Load Case B) D + (0.6Wz (Minimum)) D + 0.75(0.6Wz (Load Case A)) + 0.75Lr D + 0.75(0.6Wz (Minimum)) + 0.75Lr D + 0.75(0.6Wz (Load Case A)) + 0.75S D + 0.75(0.6Wz (Minimum)) + 0.76S 0.6D + 0.6Wz (Load Caae A) 0.6D + 0.6Wz (Leed Case B) 0.6D + (0.6Wz (Minimum)) (1.o+0.14•Sda)D+ 0.7Ex (1.o+0.105*Sda)D + 0.525Ex + 0.75S (0.6-0.14.Sda)D + 0.7Ex (1.o+0.14.Sds)D + 0.7Ez (1.o+0.1 OS'Sda)D + 0.525Ez + 0.75S (0.6-0.14•Sda)D + 0.7Ez ~ 1. Load comblnatlona are effecllve In all ltatea that have adopted IBC ea a base code. 2 See •RJSA Analysis Report" for the load combinations that are not Ullted above. ~ 1 2 3 4 6 6 7 6 9 10 .t:l.l,iml1!I[ 54 65 56 57 66 59 60 61 62 63 64 66 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 76 76 77 76 70 60 61 82 63 M 85 se 67 LOAD COMBINATIONS Service (Unfactored) De8ajpjjQ[] SERVICED SERVICE Lr SERVICES SERVICE Su SERVICE Wx (Load C~ A) SERVICE Wx (Load Case B) SERVICE Wz (Load case A) SERVICE Wz (Load Case B) SERVICE Ex SERVICE Ez Strength Design (Factored) PMrafPtion 1.4D 12D+ 0.5Lr 12D + 0.6S 1.2D + 0.5Su 1.2D + 1.6Lr + 0.5Wx (Load Case A) 120 + 1.6Lr + 0.5Wx (Minimum) 12D + 1.6S + 0.5Wx (Load case A) 120 + 1.6S + 0.5Wx (Mlnlmum) 1.20 + 1.oWx (Load case A) + o.SLr 1.2D + 1.0Wx (Load Case B) + 0.5Lr 120 + 1.0Wx (Minimum) + 0.5Lr 120 + 1.oWx (Load case A) + o.ss 12D + 1.0Wx (Load Case B) + O.SS 12D + 1.0Wx (Mlnlmum) + O.SS 0.9D + 1.0Wx (Load Case A) 0.9D + 1.0Wx (Load Case B) 0.90 + 1.0Wx (Minimum) 120 + 1.6Lr + 0.5Wz (Load Case A) 1.2D + 1.Blr + o.5Wz (Minimum) 1.20 + 1.ss + o.SWz (Load case A) 1.2D + 1.BS + 0.5Wz (Minimum) 1.2D + 1.0Wz (Load Case A) + 0.5Lr 1.2D + 1.0Wz (Load Case B) + 0.5Lr 1.20 + 1.0Wz (Mlntmurn) + 0.5Lr 1.20 + 1.awz (Load case Al + o.ss 1.2D + 1.0Wz (Load Case B) + O.SS 1.2D + 1.r!Nz (Mlnlmum) + 0.6S 0.90 + 1.0Wz (Load Case A) 0.9D + 1.0Wz (Load Case B) O.BD + 1.0Wz (Minimum) (1.2+0.2"Sd•)D + 1.0Ex + 0.2S (0.9-0.2'Sda)D + 1.0Ex (1.2+0.2*Sda)D + 1.0Ez + 02s (0.9-0.2*Sds)D + 1.0Ez Column .Truss _'· Tension RJdge ... Purtln ·Truss Tall Compression Tu~ HSS Sections: Pipe Sections: RMT Sections: Channel & Angle Sections: Connection Plates: Connections Bolts Welding Process: Welding Electrode: HSS 1 Ox6x3/16 -HSS6x4x1/8 HSS8x6x3/16 HSS5x3X1/8 HSS6x4x3/16 HSS4x4x1/8 HSS5x5x1/2 ASTM A500 Gr. B ASTMA53Gr. B ASTMA519 ASTMA36 ASTMA36 ASTMA325 Gas Metal Arc Weldlng E70xx I MATERIALS I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ~ ( / Joint Labels Member Labels Member Shapes Member Lengths Member Local Axis RISA MODEL VIEWS ~ Z X 11 10 8 - -·-- -·-- - - - - - - - - - - -·- -----------------~ Z X ---------------Ai Z X )i Z X Y. z ------------------- I I FOUNDATION DESIGN I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I FOUNDATION DESIGN FIXED BASE Drilled Pier AIIOYtable Actual Load Combination I Member Bearing Pressure (Chapter 18 of the Bulldlng Code) 1500 psf 764 psf 31 / Column1 OK 2 Embedment Check (Chapw 18 of the Bulldlng Code). 7.1 ft 8.0 ft 41 / Column1 OK 3 UpttftCheck SFc 5.34 4920 lbs 922 lbs 36/Column4 OK 4 Area of Reinforcement (ACI Chapter 10) 5.09 n2 5.41 ln2 Minimum Value Controls OK Spread Footing Allowable Actual Load Combination I Member 5 6 7 8 9 Bearing Pressure (Chapter 18 of the Bulldlng Code) 1500 psf 1101 psf 40/Colunm3 OK Shear Check (ACI Chapter 11) Overturning Check SFa 1.35 Slkfrng Check SF= 5.40 Area of Reinforcement I (ACI Chapter 7) Check Load Comblnellon 1 31 2 41 3 36 X X 5 40 X X 7 40 8 41 X X 9 -#7 vertical bars ( equally spaced) #4 ties horizontal @ 12" O.C. wl 2 u., 1, tho lop r 8 ft '---1 Pdlled Pier Option NIA NIA 126 kip-In 93 kip-In 3.9 kip 0.7 kip 4.42 Irr 4.42 Irr Design Forces I Moments Member Fx (Axlal) Fy Fz [kl [kl [kl Column1 5.40 0.10 0.05 Column1 1.51 -0.73 -0.37 Column4 -0.92 -0.11 -0.05 X X X X Column3 0.60 o.n 0.36 X X X X Column3 0.60 o.n 0.36 Column1 1.51 -0.73 -0.37 X X X X 5 -#6. horfzontal bars (equally spaced) each way, top and bottom T 1.6 ft -------------------------· 1 5.5ft----- soread Footing Option Does Not Control / OK By Inspection OK 40/ColUTM3 OK 41 /Column1 OK Minimum Value Controls OK Mx My Mz [k-ln] ~] [k-ln] 0.02 -6.60 12.74 -0.17 43.93 -94.47 -0.02 6.68 -14.37 X X X 0.17 -43.62 93.19 X X X 0.17 -43.62 93.19 -0.17 43.93 -94.47 X X X I I The foundation design contained herein ls not site specific, but Is based on the presumptive allowable foundation pressures In Chapter 18 of the Buildlng Code (Class 5 solQ. The bulldlr,g offlclal In the Jur19dlctlon In which this structure is located may require a site speclflc gaotechnlcaJ report or letter from a qualified local professional engineer attesting to whether the actual elte conditions meet the assumptions ldenttfied above. Pier Diameter (fl): 13.00 · Pier Depth (fl): 8.00 .__ ____ ___. Spread Footing Width (fl):, 5.5 Spread Footing Thickness (fl): '-1_.5 ___ ___. fc (psi): 3000 Concrete Unit Weight (lblft3): 145 FOUNDA T10N DESIGN -FIXED BASE TT OK I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SERVICE LOAD FOUNDATION REACTION SUMMARY Refer to RISA model views for column local axis I Service Loads (Unfactored) I LC Member Label Sec 1 Column1 1 1 Column2 1 Axial [k] y Shear [k] z Shear 00 Torque [k-tn] y-y Moment [le-In] z..z Moment [k-ln] LC Deacrlptkm 1.328 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.069 -0.445 SERVICE D 1.327 0.000 0.000 0.000 -0.069 -0.443 SERVICED 1 Column3 1 1.327 0.000 0.000 0.000 -0.009 -0.443 SERVICED 1 Column4 1 1.328 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.069 -0.445 SERVICED I 2 Column1 1 2 Column2 1 2 Column3 1 3.632 -0.008 -0.002 0.000 0.263 -2.007 SERVICE Lr 3.628 -0.008 0.002 0.000 -0.259 -1.991 SERVICE Lr 3.828 -0.008 0.002 0.000 -0.259 -1.991 SERVICE Lr 2 Column4 1 3.832 -0.008 -0.002 0.000 0.263 -2.007 SERVICE Lr 3 Column1 1 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 SERVICES I 3 Column2 1 3 Column3 1 3 Column4 1 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 SERVICES 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 SERVICES 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 SERVICES 4 Column1 1 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 SERVICE Su 4 Column2 1 0.000 1 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 SERVICE Su I 4 Column3 1 4 Column4 1 5 Column1 1 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 SERVICE Su 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 SERVICE Su 0.828 -0.288 0.130 0.062 -17.951 -39.974 SERVICE Wx (Load Case A) 5 Column2 1 1.759 0.285 0.131 0.026 -18.111 38.859 SERVICEWx(LoadCaseA) 5 Column3 1 I 5 Column4 1 6 Column1 1 6 Column2 1 0.827 -0.289 -0.130 -0.058 17.928 -40.048 SERVICE Wx (Load Case A) 1.761 0.288 -0.131 -0.010 18.063 38.958 SERVICE Wx (Load Case f,,J -1.845 -0.214 0.098 0.002 -13.550 -29.052 SERVICE Wx (Load Case B) -0.778 0.217 0.087 0.048 -13.409 30.160 SERVlCEWx(LoadCa&eB) 6 Column3 1 -1.643 -0.213 -0.099 -0.017 13.582 -28.965 SERVICE Wx (Load Case B) 6 Column4 1 I 7 Column1 1 7 Column2 1 7 Cofumn3 1 -0.779 0.218 -0.097 -0.053 13.434 30.090 SERVICE Wx (Load Gase B) 1.797 0.142 0.064 0.028 -8.860 19.011 SERVICE Wz (Load Case A) 1.795 0.141 -0.084 -0.010 8.883 18.904 SERVICE Wz (Load Case A) 1.055 -0.147 0.068 0.062 -8.095 -20.531 SERVICEWz(LoadCaseA) 7 Column4 1 1.055 -0.147 -0.088 -0.056 9.101 -20.401 SERVICE Wz (Load Case A) I 6 Cofumn1 1 8 Column2 1 8 Cofumn3 1 8 Column4 1 -1.151 0.110 0.050 0.048 -8.824 15.411 SERVICE Wz (Load Caae B) -1.151 0.111 -0.049 -0.053 6.818 15.525 SERVICE Wz (Load Csse B) -1.717 -0.104 0.048 0.002 -B.589 -13.919 SERVICE Wz (Load CB9e B) -1.719 -0.105 -0.048 -0.017 6.601 -14.016 SERVICEWz(LoadCsseB) 9 Column1 1 -0.074 1.026 -0.515 -0.241 61.981 132.606 SERVICE Ex I 9 Cofumn2 1 9 Column3 1 9 Cofumn4 1 10 Column1 1 0.074 -1.028 -0.515 -0.242 61.981 -132.606 SERVICE Ex -0.074 1.026 0.515 0.241 -81.981 132.806 SERVICE Ex 0.074 -1.028 0.515 0.242 -81.981 -132.608 SERVICE Ex 0.046 -1.028 -0.515 -0.242 81.882 -132.806 SERVICE Ez 10 Column2 1 0.046 -1.028 0.515 0.242 -81.981 -132.806 SERVICE Ez I 10 Column3 1 10 Column4 1 -0.048 1.028 -0.515 -0.241 61.882 132.807 SERVICE Ez -0.048 1.028 0.515 0.241 -81.982 132.807 SERVICE Ez I I I I I i I ~ I CONNECTION DESIGN I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I www.hilti.us Company: Specifier. Address: Phone I Fax: E-Mail: Specifier's comments: 1 Input data Anchor type and diameter: Effective embedment depth: Material: Proof: Stand-off Installation: Anchor plate: Profile: Base material: Reinforcement: Seismic loads (cat. C, D, E, or F) Geometry [In.] & Loading [kip, In.kip] •=IISi.i Profis Anchor 2.7.3 Page: Project: Sub-Project I Pos. No.: Heavy Hex Head ASTM F 1554 GR. 55 3/4 h., = 11.000 In. ASTM F 1554 Design method ACI 318-14 / CIP eb = 0.000 in. (no stand-off); t = 0.750 in. Date: 5/31/2017 I I, x ~ x t = 16.000 in. x 12.000 in. x 0.750 in.; (Recommended plate thickness: not calculated Rectangular HSS (AISC); (L x W x T) = 10.000 In. x 6.000 in. x 0.188 in. cracked concrete, 3000, r; = 3000 psi; h = 18.000 in. tension: condition B, shear. condition B; edge reinforcement: none or < No. 4 bar Tension load: yes ( (d)) Shear load: yes ( (c)) ' z : ' ' Y--· ,l~~'l.':\--~ ----- ~-----'V ' ' ' ' '' ,x ' Input data and results must be checked for agreement With the exist,ng conditJona and lot plausibRyt PROFIS Ancho< ( c) 2003-2009 HiltJ AG. FL-949<1 Schaan Hlltl Is a registered Trademark of Hllti AG. Schaan •=IIS•• www.hilti.us Profis Anchor 2. 7 .3 Company: Page: 2 Project: Specifier. Address: Sub-Project I Pos. No.: Phone I Fax: E-Mail: 2 Proof I Utilization (Governing Cases) Loading ens ton Shear Proof oncrete Breakout trength Concrete edge failure in direction x+ Date: 5/31/2017 Design values [kip) Utilization [%) Status 1.116 9.457 -/12 OK Combined tension and shear loads 0.582 Pv ~ Utlltzatlon !IN,v [%) Status 0.118 44 OK Loading 3 Warnings • Please consider all details and hints/warnings given In the detailed report! Fastening meets the design criteria! 4 Remarks; Your Cooperation Duties • Any and all Information and data contained In the Software concern solely the use of Hlltl products and are based on the principles, formulas and security regulations in accordance with Hilti's technical directions and operating, mounting and assembly Instructions, etc., that must be strictly complied with by the user. All figures contained therein are average figures, and therefore use-specific tests are to be conducted prior to using the relevant Hllti product. The results of the calculations carried out by means of the Software are based essentially on the data you put in. Therefore, you bear the sole responsibility for the absence of errors, the completeness and the relevance of the data to be put in by you. Moreover, you bear sole responsibility for having the results of the calculation checked and cleared by an expert, particularly with regard to compliance with applicable norms and permits, prior to using them for your specific facility. The Software serves only as an aid to Interpret norms and permits without any guarantee as to the absence of errors, the correctness and the relevance of the results or suitability for a specific application. • You must take all necessary and reasonable steps to prevent or limit damage caused by the Software. In particular, you must arrange for the regular backup of programs and data and, if applicable, carry out the updates of the Software offered by Hllti on a regular basis. If you do not use the AutoUpdate function of the Software, you must ensure that you are using the current and thus up-to-date version of the Software In each case by carrying out manual updates via the Hilli Website. Hllti will not be liable for consequences, such as the recovery of lost or damaged data or programs, arising from a culpable breach of duty by you. Input data and results must be cheeked lo< agreement w,th the existing conditions and lo< plausibility! PROFIS Anchor ( c ) 2003-2009 Hlltl AG, FL-9494 Schaan Hlltl is a registered Trademar1< of Hilti AG, Schaan www.hilti.us Company: Specifier. Address: Phone I Fax: E-Mail: Page· Project: Sub-Project I Pos. No.: Date: ,:11s., Profis Anchor 2.7.3 5/31/2017 Specifier's comments: Please Note: Post Installed Anchors are Optional 1 Input data Anchor type and diameter: Effective embedment depth: Material: Evaluation Service Report: Issued I Valid: Proof: Stand-off Installation: Anchor plate: Profile: Base material: Installation: Reinforcement: Seismic loads (cat. C, D, E, or F) Geometry [In.] & Loading [kip, In.kip] HIT-HY 200 + HAS 3/4 h01.oct = 11.000 In. (h.,_.... = -in.) 5.8 ESR-3187 11/1/2016 I 3/1/2018 Design method ACI 318-14 / Chem ei, = 0.000 In. (no stand-off); t = 0. 750 In. t, x ly x t = 16.000 in. x 12.000 In. x 0.750 in.; (Recommended plate thickness: not calculated Rectangular HSS (AISC); (L x W x T) = 10.000 in. x 6.000 In. x 0.188 in. cracked concrete, 3000, fc' = 3000 psi; h = 18.000 In., Temp. short/long: 32/32 ·F hammer drilled hole, Installation condition: Dry tension: condition B, shear: condition B; no supplemental splitting reinforcement present edge reinforcement: none or < No. 4 bar Tension load: yes ( (d)) Shear load: yes (17 . (c)) z . <l~B--~----· .,_ -·· ~---... Y--· Input dala and results must be ched<ed for ogreement w,U, the existing condition& and for plausiblilyt PROFIS Ancho< ( c) 2003-2009 Hdti AG. Fl.-9494 Schaan Hilti Is a reg,ste<ed Tradematlc ol lffli AG. Schaan •=IIS~i www.hlltl.us Profis Anchor 2.7.3 Company: Page: 2 Specifier: Project: Address: Sub-Project I Pos. No.: Phone I Fax: Date: E-Mail: 2 Proof I Utilization (Governing Cases) Design values [kip] Loading Proof ens1on Shear Concrete edge failure In direction x+ 1.118 9.457 5 3 Warnings • Please consider all details and hints/warnings given In the detailed reportl Fastening meets the design criteria! 4 Remarks; Your Cooperation Duties 5/3112017 Utlllzatlon Status -112 OK Status Any and all information and data contained in the Software concern solely the use of Hilti products and are based on the principles, formulas and security regulations in accordance with Hilti's technical directions and operating, mounting and assembly instructions, etc., that must be strictly complied with by the user. All figures contained therein are average figures, and therefore use-specific lasts are to be conducted prior to using the relevant Hlltl product. The results of the calculations carried out by means of the Software are based essentially on the data you pul In. Therefore, you bear the sole responsibility for the absence of errors, the completeness and the relevance of the data to be put in by you. Moreover, you bear sole responsibility for having the results of the calculation checked and cleared by an expert, particularly with regard to compliance with applicable norms and permits, prior to using them for your specific facility. The Software serves only as an aid to interpret norms and permits without any guaranlee as to the absence of errors, the correctness and the relevance of the results or suitability for a specific application. You must take all necessary and reasonable steps to prevent or limit damage caused by the Software. In particular, you must arrange for the regular backup of programs and data and, if applicable, carry out the updales of the Software offered by Hlltl on a regular basis. If you do not use the AutoUpdate function of the Software, you must ensure that you are using the current and thus up-to-date version of the Software in each case by carrying out manual updates via lhe Hilti Website. Hllti will nol be liable for consequences, such as the recovery of lost or damaged data or programs, arising from a culpable breach of duty by you. Input data and resutts must be checked for agreement wilh the exiSling conditiona and lo< plausibility! PROFIS Anchor ( c) 2003-2009 HilU AG. FL,9494 Schaan HIIU la a reglslered Tradematlc of Hllti AG. Schaan I I STRENGTH DESIGN FOUNDATION REACTIONS I Strength Design Reactions {Factored} I Axial LC Load Combination Description [k] 54 1.40 1.9 55 1.20 + 0.5Lr 3.4 56 1.20 + 0.5S 1.6 I 57 1.20 + 0.5Su 1.6 58 1.20 + 1.6Lr + 0.5Wx (Load CaseA) 7.9 59 1.20 + 1.6Lr + 0.5Wx (Mlnlmum) 7.4 60 1.20 + 1.6S + 0.5Wx (Load Case A) 2.1 I 61 1.20 + 1.6S + 0.5Wx (Mlnimum) 1.6 62 1.20 + 1.oWx (Load case A)+ 0.5Lr 4.5 63 1.20 + 1.0Wx (Load Case B) + 0.5Lr 0.7 64 1.20 + 1.0Wx (Minimum)+ 0.5Lr 3.4 65 1.20 + 1.0Wx (Load Gase A) + 0.5S 2.6 I 66 1.20 + 1.0Wx (Load Case B) + 0.5S -1.1 67 1.20 + 1.0Wx (Minimum)+ 0.5S 1.6 68 0.9D + 1.0Wx (Load Gase A) 22 69 0.9D + 1.0Wx (Load Case B) -1.5 I 70 0.9D + 1.0Wx ~lnimum) 1.2 71 1.20 + 1.6Lr + 0.5Wz (Load Case A) 8.3 72 1.20 + 1.6Lr + 0.5Wz ~mum) 7.4 73 1.20 + 1.es + o.5Wz ( case A) 25 74 1.2D + 1.6S + 0.5Wz Minimum) 1.6 I 5 1. + 1.0 case + .5Lr .2 76 1.20 + 1.0Wz (Load Case B) + 0.5Lr 0.5 77 1.20 + 1.0Wz tlnlmum) + 0.5Lr 3.4 78 1.20 + 1.oWz Load case A)+ 0.5S 3.4 I 79 1.20 + 1.0Wz (Load Case B) + 0.5S -1.3 BO 1.20 + 1.0Wz {Minimum)+ 0.5S 1.6 81 0.9D + 1.0Wz (Load Case A) 3.0 82 0.9D + 1.0Wz (Load Gase B) -1.7 83 0.9D + 1.0Wz (Minimum) 1.2 I 84 (1.2+0.2*Sds)D + 1.0Ex + 0.2S 1.7 85 (0.9--0.2*Sds)D + 1.0Ex 0.9 86 (1.2+0.2*Sds)D + 1.0Ez + 0.2S 1.8 87 {O. 9--0.2*Sds)D + 1.0Ez 0.9 I I I I I HILTI PROF)S INPlJf I I I Tensile Force Shear (x) Shear (y) Torslonal Moment (z-axls) Bending moment (x-axis) Bending moment (y-axis) )'.Shear M 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 --0.3 --0.2 --0.2 --0.2 --0.5 --0.4 --0.3 --0.5 --0.4 --0.3 --0.5 --0.4 --0.3 --0.1 --0.1 --0.1 --0.1 .3 -0.2 --0.2 -0.3 --0.2 --0.2 --0.3 -0.2 --0.2 1.0 1.0 · 1.0 1.0 --0.9 1.0 0.5 0.2 -62.5 133.4 zShear To~te [k] [In-p] 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 o.o· 0.0 0.0 --0.1 0.0 --0.1 0.0 --0.1 0.0 --0.1 0.0 --0.2 --0.1 --0.2 0.0 --0.1 0.0 --0.2 --0.1 --0.2 0.0 --0.1 0.0 --0.2 --0.1 --0.2 0.0 --0.1 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 .1 .1 0.1 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.5 0.2 0.5 0.2 --0.5 --0.2 --0.5 --0.2 kip -uplift Is positive kip kip I n-klp I n-klp In-kip Controlllng Column: strong axis 'i::'J Moment z-z Moment [in-kip] [In-kip] --0.1 --0.6 --0.2 -1.5 --0.1 -0.5 --0.1 --0.5 15.3 -39.2 10.0 -26.7 15.0 -34.2 9.9 -22.4 30.7 -70.6 22.9 -50.6 20.1 -45.9 30.4 -68.5 22.7 -49.1 19.9 -44.3 30.3 -68.2 22.6 -48.B 19.9 -44.0 -8.5 -21.9 -5.B -15.2 -7.7 -17.8 -5.1 -11.4 -15. -3 .0 -11.4 -25.2 -10.4 -23.7 -15.5 -35.4 -11.1 -23.B -10.1 -22.4 -15.5 -35.2 -11.1 -23.6 -10.0 -22 2 -62.9 134.0 -62.5 133.4 627 134.0 62.4 133.4 Column3 Controlllng Combination X Base Plate Check: 16"x12"x0.75" P1ate Size -~ f:'leteThlckness 3 Concrete Bearing Column Weld Checks 4 Tension (Fx/Aw +My/Sy+ Mz/Sz) 5 Sneai. ·{(FyNy + <Mx~bl'2))Jlw) .. 6 Shear Z (FzNz + ~(df2))/lw) 7 Combined · · · Check 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 COLUMN BASE PLATE CONNECTION FlXED CONNECTION Allowable Actual Load Combination I Member (AJSC JB-1) 13.9 'in2 192.0 lrf 38/Column4 . (AISC PART 14) ·. 0.58.ln 0.75 In 38 I Goluinn4 (AISC JB-2) 1020 pal 621 psi 38/Column4 Allowable Actual Load Combination I Member (AJSC J2-3) 2.8 le/In 1.6 le/In 43 / Column1 (AISC J2-3) 28 k/in 0.1 kiln 411 Cojumn1 · (AJSCJ2-3) 2.8 kiln 0.0 klln 38 / Column1 (AISC J2-3) 2.8 kiln 1.6 kiln 43/Column1 Design Forces I Moments Load-Combmtlon Member Fx (Axial) [k] 38 Cofumn4 1.53 38 Cofumn4 1.53 38 Column4 1.53 43 Column1 0.68 41 Column1 1.51 38 Column1 1.42 43 Column1 0.68 12" 1.5" 1.6" rl 4 1-------1 I I 16" 13" I I I I I I I I l------c.-1 1.5" Base Plate Piao Fy [kJ -0.73 -0.73 -0.73 -a.n -0.73 0.73 -0.72 0 Fz Mx My Mz [kl [k-ln] [k-ln] [k-ln] 0.36 0.17 -43.77 -94.47 0.36 0.17 -43.77 -94.47 0.36 0.17 -43.77 -94.47 -0.36 -0.17 43.62 -93.62 -0.37 -0.17 43.93 -94.47 -0.37 -0.17 43.93 93.48 -0.36 -0.17 43.62 -93.62 w Base Plate Eleyation Column Size: HSS10x6x3 Base Plate Size: 16"x12~x6.75". Weld Size (in): o.188 fc (psi): 3000 OK OK OK OK .. OK OK -OK COLUMN BASE Pl.A TE CONNECT10N -FIXED CONNECTION TT OK I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I TENSION MEMBER TO COLUMN 2B0LTS Bolt Check: (2) 0.626" Diameter, A325 Bolts Allowable Actual 1 Shear AISC (J3-1) Ri/0 8.3 kip 2.5 kip · :? : Ten:ston... P4sb (J:3-,1) Ri/0 13.~ klp · 2.2 klp 3 Bearing AISC (J3-6b) Rt/0 20.4 kip 2.6 klp End Plate Check: 0.375" Thick Allowable Actual 4 Shear Yielding AlSC (J4-3) Rt/0 45.8 klp 4.6 kip . /j. Shear-~. :~ , . · : ·.Alsc (4+4) · Ri/0 ·so.Q klp i :0(6)lp. 6 Weld Check w c o.1B1ri· AISC (J2-3) Ri/0 2.8 kip/In 0.2 kip/In .. 0.38 In. · .' .· · ~4Mn. . 025 'tn . . . nw .. Design Forces I M_oments Check Loed Comblnal!oo Member Fx (Ax!al) Fy Fz [kJ [k] [kJ 1 31 Teoslon2 -6.4 1.6 0.1 2 31 Teoslon3 -6.3 0.7 0.0 '3 31 Tenslon2 -6.4 1.6 0.1 4 31 Tenelon2 -6.4 1.6 0.1 6 31 Tensloo2 -6.4 1.6 0.1 6 31 Tenslon2 -6.4 1.6 0.1 7 31 Tenelon3 -6.3 0.7 0.0 x---4.24 In 45" ~ Load Combination I Member 31 /Tenslon2 OK 3HTerislon3·'· .OK 31 I Tenslon2 OK Load Combination I Member 31 /Tenslon2 OK : < :. 31 i Teoslori2 .'::i.-:·· --~ ' : 31 I Tensloo2 OK 31 /Tenslon3''··_. OK' Mx My Mz [IH'l] [k-ln) [k-lnJ 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 410 0 4 ln 1 Lp= 8 In --_l_ HSSBX6X0.1875 PJaoYJew j. Wp = 8.48 ln,j Connectlon E,leyatlon Member Height (in): 18 Member Width (in): ff ~---~ Member Thickness (in): 0.188 End Plate Weld Size (in): 0,188 End Plate Eievatfoo End Plata Sectlon Number of Bolts: 12 Bolt Diameter (in):: Ct1)25. End Plate Thickness (in): 0.375 Flange Plate Thickness (in): R'2,50'·. ,.,: · ,., TENSION MEJ.fBE=R TO COLUMN· 2 BOLTS TT OK Bott Check: (2) 0.626" Diameter, A325 Bolts 1 Shear AISC (J3-1) • ''2:· ,:~ . " ,: ·A1$C (J3-1) . · 3 Bearing AISC (J3-6b) End Plate Check: 0.376" Thick AJSC (J4..3) .. : !'JSC{~)·.' 4 Shear Yleldlng 5: . ~ R,Upture' 6 Weld Check w a o.125" AISC (J2-3) . . . ~ , . ) · · :Plate 1'.iilckness 1tP) Check Load Comblnalloo 1 31 2 36 3 31 4 31 5 31 6 31 7 36 TRUSS TO COLUMN 2B0LTS Allowable Rt/0 8.3 kip . Rt,/Q · 13.lj'klp · R,/0 20.4 kip Allowable Actual 2.5 kip .0,9 kip. 2.5 kip 25 kip . 25 kip' 0.1 klp,1n 0.38,ln: · Design Forces-/ Moments Member Fx (Axllll) Fy Fz [kJ [kJ [k) Truss2 9.4 0.3 0.0 Truss2 -1.B 0'.1 0.0 ·Truss2 9.4 0.3 0.0 Tru882 9.4 0.3 0.0 Truss2 9.4 0.3 0.0 Truss2 9.4 0.3 0.0 Truss2 -1.B 0.1 0.0 x= 21n ~ Load Combination I Member 31 /Truss2 · · · 36(:Truss2 31 /Truss2 Load Combination I Member Mx [k--ln) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 31 /Truss2 3.1r;r~:=,: 31 /Truss2 : .. '36 I Truss2. My Mz [k-ln] [k-«i) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 OK :.,"·:. Qi<::: OK OK : . ·. ·.Qt<'' : OK . "OK· 1 3.0Bln .~ ~ Lp= 6.16 in 3.08 In 0 = 13.26" Wp=4 In Connection E)eyatjon Eod Plate Elevatloo End Plate SecjJon Member Height (in): 16 I Member Width (in):~_4 __ --~· Member Thickness (in): 0.125 End Plate Weld Size (in): 0.125· Number of Bolts: 12 Bolt Diameter (in): : 0:625 End Plate Thickness (in): 0.375 Flange Plate Thickness (in): ·o.25CV. muss TO COLUMN -2 BO/.. TS TT OK I I I I I I I I I I I I ·I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I TRUSS TO COMPRESSION MEMBER 2B0LTS Bolt Check: (2) 0.625" Diameter, A325 Bolts Allowable 1 Shear AISC (J3-1) Rt/0 8.3 kip j ·::: Tei)s/Qn :_., ·:-· . . . . · _AISC (~1) · . Rt/0 13.8 l<lp 3 Baarlng AJSC (J3-8b) Rt/0 14.8 kip End Plate Check: 0.376" Thick Allowable 4 Shear Yielding AISC (J4-3) R,iO 33.3 kip ,-5; .. $1'iaad{~ptqre:··. _.· .... .: .. :::":·.· ~_(j4-4) · :.: .· !'VO 31.? kip 6 Weld Check w • o. 125" AISC (J2-3) Rt/0 1.9 kip/In .. 1·/~'~----:~( :~· ' . . .. ' . ; . .. : . ~~-0231n Actual 0.3 kip, · . 2~:klP 0.3 kip Actual 0.5 kip . 0:5: kip 0.5 klplln · · o.38 rn Load Combination I Member 31 /Truss2 OK .-31 /Truas-4: .=-: ·,,., ·\.:., ''( ·. pK.·. · 31 /Truss2 OK Load Combination I Member 21 /Truss3 OK ... ,. -' 21 {Ti:uss:3· ·. : · ,'. : . · OK : 31 I TruBS4 OK ·-'.:/::~~ ir~ ·-::.::)(~·r·/::bi ::: :( -:: ::· .. :. ·:: .'-::;·:·:: .. ~ :::": .... ' .... Design Forces I Moments Check Load Comblnallon Member Fx (Axlel) [kl 1 31 Truss2 3.1 . 2 31 Truss4 3.1 3 31 Truss2 3.1 4 21 Truss3 2.9 5 21 Truss3 2.9 6 31 Truss4 3.1 7 31 Truss4 3.1 \ x= 21n r-;-1 8= 13.26" Wp=4 In Coooectloo EJeyatlon End Plate E)eyatlon Member Height (in): 16 I Member Width (in): ~-4_. __ ___..· Member Thickness (in): 0.125 Fy Fz Mx My Mz [kl [kl [k-ln] [k-ln] [IHnJ -0.5 0.0 0.0 -0.4 2.4 -0.3 0.0 0.0 -1.2 15.8 -0.5 0.0 0.0 -0.4 2.4 -0.2 0.0 0.0 0.8 8.2 -0.2 0.0 0.0 0.8 8.2 -0.3 0.0 0.0 -1.2 15.8 -0.3 0.0 0.0 -1.2 15.8 3.08ln ~ ~ 3.08 ln End P(ate Section Number of Bolts: 12 ~alt Diameter (in):._o_.6_2_~_: -~ End Plate Thickness (in): 0.375 End Plate Weld Size (in): d'. 1 is Flange Plate Thickness (in): NONE ·, TRUSS TO COMPRESSJON MEMBER -2 BO/.. TS TT OK RIDGE BEAM TO COMPRESSION TUBE 2B0LTS Bolt Check: (2) 0.626" Diameter, A326 Bolts Allowable Load Combination I Member 1 Sheer AISC (J3-1) _, 12>.T~on-·. . . ·_-· AlSC (~1) 3 Bearing AISC (J3-6b) End Plate Check: 0.6" Thick 4 Shear Yleldlng . 5: ,: 81:iear' RUptU'e 6 WeldCheck we 0.125" Rt/0 8.3 kip . • Rtlq •. 13.~' kli:i Ri/0 19.7 kip Allowable Ri/0 38.0 kip . Ri/q • 31.fi kip Rt/0 1. 9 kip/In 0.4 kip .if a: \dP. . ' . 0.4 kip Actual 0:8 kip .'0:8 klp·• 1.0 kip/In 'I: AISC (J4-3) AISC (J.44) ~SC (J2-3) '·NiM· :.:::.:.0.. · 0. 3 8 In · 22Wp .:-: 0.50 In' Design Forces I Moments Check load CQTlblnal!on Memier Fx (Axlal) Fy Fz [kl [kl [kJ 1 31 Rldge1 4.4 -0.8 0.0 2 31 Rldge1 4.4 -0.8 0.0 3 31 Rldge1 4.4 -0.8 0.0 4 31 Rldge1 4.4 -0.8 0.0 6 31 Rlclge1 4.4 -0.B 0.0 6 31 Rldge1 4.4 -0.8 0.0 7 31 Rldge1 4.4 -0.8 0.0 x=1.6 In r;:-1 1 Lp= 5 In HSS5X3X0.125 J_ J. Wp = 3 In ·I Plan View Connection Eleyatfon !;!Kl Plate l;levatf QD 31 / Rldge1 OK · 3,1 ( Rldge1,:. ,,.. ,:,·,,OK· 31 / Rldge1 OK Load Combination I Member 31 / Rldge1 OK , . 311~1'.' ·.· ·.: ,,-.. ··, PK: 31 / Rldge1 OK ·. -, 31 I Rldgef : •· ... OKi. ·:·:: ... : ' .. : < Mx My Mz [k-ln) [k-«1] [k-l'l] 0.0 0.0 227 0.0 0.0 227 0.0 0.0 227 0.0 0.0 227 0.0 0.0 22.7 0.0 0.0 22.7 0.0 0.0 227 1.25 In ~ mj 251n Mz. pl ~ 2.5 In 1.25 In E;nd Plate Sec!lon Member Height (in):I? . I Member Width (in):.__. 3_. ___ -_.· B~l~~~~~:e~~i1~: 1a~625 . \> Member Thickness (in): 0.1.25 End Plate Weld Size (in): O: 125 WELDED CONNECT10N IS PERMITTED End Plate Thickness (in): 0.500 Flange Plate Thickness (in): NQNE: : .\. , RIDGE BEAM TO COMPRESSION TUBE -2 BOl TS Tr OK I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Toe Flan9! Checks: {3112~24 Screws 1 Shear (3 of the screws) :'.:2· Tensio!'l (~oft\'le'~) : 3 Shear Y161dlng (plate) PURLIN CONNECTION ONE-SIDED Allowable Actual 2420 lb 611 lb -0 lb 0·1b Ri/0 14830 lb 611 lb Load Combination I Member 36 / Pur11n1 OK n1a:. QI(.· 36 / Purtln1 OK AISC (J4-3) ;' •( "~-Ru~·(P.late).' : AISC (.1+4). Ri/0 .. 1~164 lb 611·1b; · ·_36 /,Pimlrl1. ,·. / ··' ; ( .·OK : ., Side Flange Checks: {6112-24 Screws Allowable Actual 5 Shear (6 of the screws) :_5.: ·-,:~ton (~of.the~):'. 7 Shear Yialdlng (plate) ·:a. .. . ~ Ruptr.µ:e (plate) : Weld Check: 0.126" FIiiet Weld 9 Weld Check Check X -+---I>- X Plan View 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 4840 lb 4294 lb " 0 lb 0:1~.' AISC (J4-3) R,Jn 11621 lb 4294 lb . : . J\lSc .(.J.<8f Rt/0 10531 lb· 4~ lb. Allowable Actual AISC (J2-3) R,Jn 1.94 kip/in 0.16 klplln Design Forces I Moments Load Comblna!lan Member Fx (Ax!al) Fy Fz (k] [kl (k] 36 Purtin1 --0.8 0.1 0.0 n/e n/e n/a n/a n/e 36 Pur11n1 --0.8 0.1 0.0 36 Purlln1 --0.8 0.1 0.0 21 Pur11n2 4.2 1.2 --0.3 n/a n/e n/a n/a n/a 21 Pur11n2 4.2 1.2 --0.3 21 Pur11n2 4.2 1.2 --0.3 21 Purfin2 4.2 1.2 --0.3 * Putin on oppoda side of troas not shaM1 for claJ1ty * Sct8w quanmy In sl!elches above may not mlloot acwa/ requ/r9m8nl3 Coonection Elevatloo Load Combination I Member 21 / Pur11n2 OK . "ri/a· .. : ' : ·.::OK.·· 21 / Pur\ln2 OK -· .. ; 11.1. Purtfn2 ... .. :_~ .. Load Comblnetlon I Member 21 / Pur11n2 OK Mx My Mz (k-ln] [k-tl] (k-kl] 0.0 0.0 0.0 n/a n/a n/a 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 n/a ' n/a n/a 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 + 7 7 + End Plate E)eyatlon Member Height (in):16 Member Width (in): 4. .. Sheet Metal Thickness: 10 gage 0.13461n Screw Size: 12-24. · . , 1~ ~-'-----' Member Thickness (in): 0.188 Screw Quantity (Top): 3 End Plate Weld Size (in): 1/8. Screw Quantity (Side): 6 · . PURLJN CONNE;CT/ON -ONE-SIDED TT OK Bolt Check: (2) 0.625" Diameter, A325 Bolts 1 Shear AISC (J3-1) . 2:,. :reP,Blo)'l · ·: Aisc <~3-1) 3 Bearlng AISC (J3-6b) End Plate Check: 0.375" Thick 4 Shear Ylaldlng ·:·~ · .$haarR'.upture , , 6 Weld Check w • 0.126" i 7' :~+ti~ (tp). Check 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 12 AISC (J4-3) .. AISC (J.4..4) . AISC (J2-3) Load Combnrtloo 15 21 15 31 31 21 21 0= 13.26" TAIL CONNECTION 2B0LTS Allowabfe Rt./0 8.3 kip . R#l· , 13.8 kip R,/(l 12.7 kip Allowable Rt.IC 222 kip Actual 0.1 kip .: : 0.6 kip 0.1 kip Actual 0.1 kip . . . . R,ICI · . 17.8" kip R,/0 1.9 klplln · 0:1 kip· 0.1 klplin · .'::J~:·. 0.10 In · ··: .. 0.38 _!ri· Design Forces I Moments Member Fx(Aml) Fy Fz [kl !kl. [kl · T russtall 1 0.0 -0.1 0.0 Trusstafl2 0.0 -0.1 0.0 Trussta111 0.0 -0.1 0.0 Trusstall1 0.0 -0.1 0.0 Trusstaf11 0.0 -0.1 0.0 TruBStall2 0.0 -0.1 0.0 Trusstall2 0.0 -0.1 0.0 X"' 21n h-1 1 Lp= 4.10 In Wp=4 In End Plate Elevatloo Load Combination I Member 15 /TrusstaU1 OK 21 IT1).JS$112·: · ··, · ., ·-'..OK 15 /Trussta111 OK Load Combination I Member 31/Trusstall1 OK · · • . 31 /.Trusefull1 ,::): ._:." .. ,.·.:.OK: 21 I Trusstall2 OK 'l ,• ..... Mx My Mz [k-il] [k-ln) [k-il] 0.0 0.0 1.3 0.0 0.0 1.5 0.0 0.0 1.3 ' 0.0 0.0 1.6 0.0 0.0 1.6 0.0 0.0 1.5 0.0 0.0 1.6 2051n -~ / 2051n End Plate Section Member Height (in): 14 Member Width (in): ~4_i _: ·--~ Member Thickness (in): 0.125 Number of Bolts:12 Bolt Diameter (in):: o:B~Q End Plate Weld Size (in): o: 1·25. End Plate Thickness (in): 0.375 Flange Plate Thickness (in): :NO,N~ .-·. :_: .. · I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I TAJL CONNECTTON -2 BO/.. TS TT OK I RISA ANALYSIS REPORT IIIRISA Company o .. lgMf JobNumber Model Nome Basic Load Cases ......... ............ 1 F C.:~T 2 3 4 5 ,:, l 6 X WINDWARD LOW 7 X I ~~woar I ')\N 8 X SIDEWARD LOW X WINDWARD U!'PER X LEEWARD UPPER X SIOEWARD UPPER A Z WINDWARD LOW 7 ~~••rnu, ..... 1: Z SIOEWAAD LOW 11 Z WINDWARD UPPER 17 Z LEEWARD UPPER 111 Z SIOEWAAD UPPER 19 z··· 20 EX FR!' " 21 EX O:>r'I 22 EZ"" 23 EZRO 24 i,LC 2T,-n1,e Area .. 25 BLC 3 Tron11enl AIOI 26 BLC 6 r,-n11tn1 AIH •. 27 B C 7 Tronslenl Alea 28 c 8 Tr.nlitnt ,., .... 29 C12TranslenlAIH 30 C 13 Tr.naltnl Alea 31 C 14 TrllnalontAIN .. 32 C 15 Tr.nallnl Alea 33 LC 19 Trensllnl Alea :\4 C21Transi.ntAtu. '.I~ C 23 Trensltnt Alea Load Combinations .•. " rl ~, ~· r SERJE; ~ : .. n.. Cu.Al -NVICEW. -CauB -NVICEWz _.... c ... AJ :scKV!CEWz .aadCastB """"'' 'IC E,c n SERVI ric Ez 11 12 13 1, n 1~ n + I 11\ D +S RISA-3D Version 15.0.0 Chocked By __ r•-= ""''"""" v~---~ ,----~ ·-~ n.= --~-· __ , .. ~-~--- no -1 no Ll ~· SL \M \NJ 3 \M 6 , 3 '.\ II\ A II\ 1M 1M 1 _, 4 -1 "' 4 ,nna "" "'""e 251 ,___ nnA 1an ""A 1Qll ,nna ?AA ""'A 95 ,nna 1' =a 1' nnA .,, nne 6 nnA .,, nnA .,, " p " R Ca R •• R .. R Ca R Ca R Ca R Ca R Ca R C a R •• 1 2 ' 70 12. .. 7 1 .... 8 ~L 9 1r 11 .0987 10 .. A 9 .... Q 1r 11 12 ... 14 1 .... 11~ ~.1.. <It:! 117 IH .098 , .. 10 .. 11~ 9 .... 16 117 11e 10 .822 21 1.6 .. 12 .822 n 1.6. •• y 1 1 .. y 1 1 L' 1 .. y 1 1 ii' 1 [S:1...\..L\...1. .. IU10069_RAM22X33MR_2_20_0_11o_cBC16_0_A_SS.r3d] Page 1 IIIRISA Company Oellgner JobNumll« Model Nome Load Combinations {Continued) n.. ...... ~ • p " 17 n+!;, .. 1A D + O.&Wx n nod Cast Al -1A D • O.&Wx {Load ca .. Bl •• ,n n + m ·~ .. '1 )+0.71 0.6Wx oadCuo .. .. ?? )+0.7! 06Wx Mln/mUmll •• .. 23 )+0.71 0.6Wx Load Cue .. .. , .. D+ 0.75 0.6Wx Mlnlmunlll •. .. 25 0.60 • o 6Wx (Laid Caso II .. 26 060+0,&Wx••""CUoB .. , 27 o 60 • (0.8Wx (Minimum)) .. ' 28 D + O.&Wl (l0t1d c ... 11) Yu Y 2 D + 0.6W1 (Lood Cast Bl Yu Y 3 I)+" ·~ as y '.I )+07 0.8Wz Load C11e . ea '.I )+0.7 0.6Wz u ~uml\ .. 3 ) + 0.7 0.8Wz oadCUt .. .. '.IA D+0.7 0.6W1 u--n. .. 35 0.60 + 0.6Wz Cl.oac! CUI II .. 36 O.IO + 0.6W% tlDMI CNt t1 , .. 37 060 +(08Wz Mlrimum)) .. y 31! (1.0+0.14-sds [)+ 0.7Ex ... y 3! 1.0•0.105'Sd1 D•0525E Yea V 4[ IU.&-0.1•-sd• [)+ 0.7Ex .. y 4 {1.0+0.14'S<ls D • 0.7El ... y 4 , 1.0+0.105"Sdl D+ 0,62&6.. Yo1 y 4 to 6-0 14'Sds D • 0 7El Yea Y 4 4 4 4 4 4 1 An 5 1 ?n+nl..lr ,; 1 ?n + n ic:c 5 1 ?n + o "'"' 51 1.20 + 1.6Lr + 0.5Wx Cl.old .. 5 1.20 + 1.6Lr + 0.5Wx (Mini 6 1.20 + us + 0.6Wl< /Load .. 6 1.20 • 1.6S + 0.5Wx CMWII 6 1.20 + 1.0WX LOOdCosol\. 6 1.20 • 10WX """c...B 6 1.20+ 1.0Wx Minimum}• .. 65 1.20 + 1.0Wx """C...A AA .20+1.0Wx """CUe B. 67 1.20+ 1.awx Mffnum)• .. 68 0.90+ 1 OWX ftM c11,>:. 69 0.90+ 1.0WX Lo1dC11tB 70 0.90 • 1.0WX (MlnlmUml 7 1 1.20 • 1 6Lr • 0.5Wz (Laid .. 7' 1.2D• 1.6Lr+0.6WlCMlri ... 73 1.20 + 165 + 0 5Wz CLoad .. Cl>ockod By: __ c. ' C, R R •• R Ca R Ca R c. R c. R c. R Ca 1, ' 7~ 7 ' 7~ L 7 L3 .75 1 11 7 , ,.~ .1 1 1 1 .1 1 19.8 .1 1 _7 1 1 1 1 11 l!I. 1 .7 2 75 1 17 ' 7~ 7 3 7~ 7 ., 7~ _1 1 1 1 _1 19 9.6 _11.1 .. Q .7 .1 1.0 .. a .52 51., .75 _1 .ffl _g .7 .11.1 .. 1C .7 _, 1.0 .. 11 .626 " .75 _1 .489 11 .7 111 11 5 111 ,; .11 L .5 111 1 A II ,; .833 11 1.6 112 8 L 111? " 1.6 IL5 .833 .1 1.2 ' 1.6 12 8 .1 11.2 1.8 .. _2 .5 1 1.6 .. 11 18 1 16 .. 11 1.e .. 1 16 1.6 . 1 9 L 18 .. 1 .9 11 18 1 1.2 ' 1 6 7 833 ., 1.2 1 .ll 19 8 L1 1' 3 1 6 L7 833 RISA-30 Version 15.0.0 [S:1. .. l. .. 1...I...I. .. IU10069_RAM22X33MR_2_20_0_ 110_CBC16_0_A_SS.r3d) Page 2 IIIRISA Company Designer Job Number Model Name Load Combinations {Continued) ....... -~ " " " 74 1.2D + 1,85 + 0,5Wz tMlnl ... 75 1.20+ 1.0Wz Load c ... A. 7A 1.20+ 1.0Wz Old CISI 8 .. 77 1.20 + 1.0WZ Mini'num) + •• 78 1.20 • 1.0Wz oadC11eA. 79 1.20 + 1.0Wz Load CHe B. BO 1.20 • 1.0Wz Minimum)+ .. 81 O.IID + 1 OWz lo1d CHe Al 8 0.90+ 1.0Wz "'-"dCUtBI 0.90 + 1.owz {Minimum) 1.2+0.2"Sd1JD + I.OEx + 0 .• 1na....n ?•,n•u + 1 OF• 1.2+0.2"5dolD + 1.0Ez • 0 .• 7 ,n o~n ?•C:::Ae,1 + 1 ·~· R 9 0 1,1 92 3 4 5 B 7 ~ l , n 1 1 ,~wvu·~ i::mv 1 ,~wviri= i::m, 11.0+0.14"5dl D + 0.7Emx K1.0+0.106"5dl D + 0 525E.. !0.6-0.14"5dl D + 0.7Emx 1 11.0+0.14"5dl D + 0.7Elnz 111 1.0+0.105"5dl 0 + 0.525E.. 112 (0.6-0. U "Sdl D + 0.7Elnz 113 114 1 5 1 6 1.2+0.2"Sd1JO + 1.0Emx +. 1 7 (0.11-0.2"Sd1JD + 1.0Emx 1 R 1.2+0.2"5dolD + 1.0Emz +. 1 9 (0.11-0.2·5d1)0 + 1.0Emz 1 ,n 121 1?? 123 1?4 1?~ 1?R 127 128 129 1311 Checl<ed By. __ A .. a. '• A .. a .. •• B. Fl. B ... Fa. B. •• B. •• B .. B. .. 1 11 ? A 1 Q R L1 11.2 1.8 .. ? .5 L1 1.2 1.8 •• L2 .5 1 1 2 1 16 L2 5 .1 11.2 1.6 •• 11-. .5 1 1.2 • 1.8 .. .. . 5 .1 11.2 I~ 1B .. .5 1 9 7 1.8 .. 1 9 1.6 .. 1 9 9 1R 1 1.3. 113 ? 1 .742 1 1.3 .. 11 113 ? 1 .7'2 11 .,. • 791 21 1.5 •. 22 .791 1.5 .. 1 ,., .. 1 .. 7 1 1.0 .• 1. 525 13 75 1 .489 1 .. 7 1 1.1., I •. 7 1 1.0 .. 1 .. 525 13 75 .1 ,489 1 .7 .1 1.3 .• ~1. 1 L3 .2 .1 .742 I. 1 .1 1.3 .• 1 .• 1 L3 .2 L1 .742 1. 1 RISA-30 Version 15.0.0 (S:\. .. \. .. \ ... \. .. \. .. IU10069_RAM22X33MR_2_20_0_ 11o_cec1s_o_A_SS.r3d] Page 3 IIIRISA Company Designer Job Number Model Name Load Combinations {Continued) Checked By; __ lll l PescdPtiOO ffff[f ff ff f fffffffff f ffl Joint Boundary Conditions Iii I I fii I= Ii 1·=1·11 1·tii l Member Primary Data ..... I """' J Wnl K w.., ., ...... ta T\/04' nu1an u11 u ...... no,lan Dul 1 ~n,umn1 N1 J2 77~ r nlumn Column T[IRIC """'Gr.B. Tvnlr.,,, 2 ·~umn? N4 JS 315 rnlumn Column Tl"'" ""°° Gr.B . TvnlrAI 3 r nlumn3 18 9 135 r'nlumn Column T[IRI= ~GrB. Tvnlral 4 ~um, I 11 I 2 45 nu,mn cocumn TI IRIC ,uwio Gr.B • run,,.,., Tn•• ' 7 Trun Raam T[IRI= iUOOGrB . Tvn ,..,., I Tn,.• 5 ·n••• Roam T IRI" ...wor.B . Tun rAI Tn,. 9 4 f ntCICI Raam IRI= .500Gr.B. run rAI Tn••• i2 14 n••• Rum '"" "'-500GrB . Tvn rAI nisstai 1 3 2 Trus• Tail 1aam oor.B. vnra( n, .. ,.j ? ~ "'"' All ,oam Gr.B. vnlral n , .. tail3 N9 ·n,ss TAil lf>am Gr.B. volcial n•••••n• 1? ••• All ···-Gr.B. vnlr, 3 RidnP1 4 ~id e lPam Gr.B. un,ra 4 M•~•• ; •n• = ···-Gr.B. vnlra 15 Tension2 5 ? Ans nn lPam Gr.B. volca 16 :Anolnn-. 1? l ... = ···-Gr.B. vn'r • 17 Tension4 N9 N2 en nn leam 500 Gr.B. "" r•I 18 Pur11n1 NP101 NP102 1R A'\ """'" '""--••Gr.B. 0-M 19 Pu~jn2 NP102 NP103 1R A'\ Purtln leam 500 Gr.B .. ·-"" 20 Purtln-. NP103 NP104 1RA-. """'n <oam ·, :,wGr.B. ·--· 21 p,,n;nA "'D104 NP101 1R .4-. Purlln Roam r, 1A500 Gr.B. ·-·"" Member Advanced Data J BelelH RISA-30 Version 15.0.0 [S:\. .. \. .. I •.. \. .. \ ..• \U10069_RAM22X33MR_2_20_0_11o_CBC16_D_A_SS.r3d) Page 4 Company IIIRISA ~$~.~~ Checked By: __ Member Advanced Data (Continued/ .... Io., •••• .IRIMe ... •-I ,_.•et.rtnl .J "'"·etrin1 TJr. Onlv a...-""-' .,.,..,a,__;.. ~~··· ~..:•mlt:.~sion 4 •n,umnA .... Nnna 5 Tn,ss1 AIIPIN Yes None A Tn,ss2 AIIPIN Yes Nnna 7 Truss3 AIIPIN Yes Nnne R Tn,s!t.4 nuujN y..,. nne 9 Trusstail1 Yes nne 10 Tn•sstan? Yao nne 11 Trusstai 3 Yes nne 12 Tn••slail& YDo nnA 13 Ridae1 Yes nne 14 Tension, AIIPIN Ben PIN Yes nne 15 Tension2 AIIPIN Ben PIN Yes None 16 TAnc::jnn,: All"IN ><an PIN Yes NnnP 17 Tension4 AIIPIN BenPIN Yes None 18 "''"'" AIIPIN l>AnDIPJ ye,s NnnP 19 Pur1in2 AIIPIN BenPIN Yes None 20 Durlin3 ARDIN -nuJN y-Nnna ?1 DuriinA AIIPIN C>anDIPJ Vao "'nna Hot Rolled Steel Design Parameters .... , ·-·-""~""' ........ , .... , ha ·'"' l<w l<n Cb r.-.._ 1 Column1 rnh•mn 11.5 2 2 Lateral 2 cni,,mn7 ""'""'" 11.5 2 2 I •IP,<>I 3 Column3 rn1 .. mn 11.5 2 2 i ., .. ,a, l"',Jo,mnA l"',Jo,mn 11.5 2 2 lateral ,.,, •• 1 Truss 13 :<:an man' .8 .8 I •taral rn,eoO Tn••• 13 '<:anman• .B .B I alar•I rn,••' Tn••s 13 <:anman• 8 .8 I "'al rri•••• Trt••• 13 ~anman R R ..... Tn•••••• Truss Tai 2 .1 ?,1 I .... , n1C!C1Ynjl? TrunT11il ? 1 2 1 'D"'I n,•uail3 Truss Taft 2. .1 2.1 L D•al I n•••tAi14 Tru .. Td ? .1 ?1 'D"'I 1 Ridae1 Rinne 11 ~ 6~ .,,.,al 1 Tens1on1 ..... inn 18 1 ~•a=• 15 Tensinn7 Tan•ion 29 1 1 aleral 16 Tanclnn'< TAno"'" 18 1 1 ...... 1 Ten '""" Tan, ·on 9 1 1 lateral D, lin1 D, ,n 1 1 I •ta,al Pu lin2 Pu1 :in D 1 1 tata .. f D, ,in·• D, '" 1 1 ••ara, o .. , ''"4 D,,r·in n 1 1 Lat .. ral RJSA-30 Version 15.0.0 (S:\. .. \. .. \ ... \. .. \. .. \U10069_RAM22X33MR_2_20_0_11o_csc16_D_A_SS.r3d} Page 5 IIIRISA Company Designer Job Number Model Name Envelope A/SC 14thf360-10/: ASD Steel Code Checks ... _ .... ·-·-,..,,,..,.....,.. -··· IC ., ... _,., "" IC 1 Column I SS10x.. .391 0 41 014 0 V 41 2 CokJmn2 =10x.. 391 0 141 014 0 V 38 3 Column3 SS10x.. .388 0 38 014 0 V 41 4 Column4 SS10x.. ·•u• 0 138 014 0 V 1311 5 Tn,~s1 :--.... ....... x4 .. .361 6477 31 021 3.on V 31 6 TnJSS2 SS6x4 .. 360 477 131 0?5 3.077 V 21 7 Truss3 SS6x4 .. .264 284 15 .017 3.on V 115 R Tn•••4 SS6X4 .. 280 .47? 21 025 13.U/I V 21 9 russtal1 s...-x.4,. 023 906 31 llO<I 2.906 V 31 10 !\1Slllil2 SS4"4 .. 023 .~-1,1 009 2.906 ;y 121 11 russtai'3 HSS4x4 .. .020 2.906 15 008 2.906 V 15 1? Trusatd4 SS4x4 .. .023 ? '"'" 1?1 llOQ 2.906 V 121 13 Ridae1 SS5x3 .. 345 11 31 .044 11 V 31 14 Tenllon1 Hl>S8x6 .. 7"4 Acna 131 .024 0 V 131 15 Tension2 HSS8x6 .. .578 14.354 21 .040 0 V 21 1B Tenston3 HSS8x6 .. 211 8909 21 022 0 V 121 17 TensiorM HSS8x6 .. 519 14.354 31 n<t7 0 V 131 18 wunon HSS6x4 .. 128 .... ~ 31 014 0 V 31 19 Pur1in2 HSS6s4 .. .632 10.101 21 037 ?0 V 21 70 ""''"tn3 H."'l..Qix_-4 •• 120 .... ~ 71 013 0 ;y 21 21 Purlin4 HSS6x4 .. .596 10.101 31 033 20 V 31 Material Takeoff Checked By: __ o..,-,n., Dau..., .. ____ ..... ,_ Cb =-- 62.941 147.916 255.923 455.398 1.6 .. 1-1b 6? 041 147.918 25~ 0 23 A~~ 398 1.8 .. 1·1b 62.941 147.916 255.923 455.398 1.6 .. 1-11 6? QA.1 147.916 ?55.9?3 A~~ ·,uw 1.6 .• 1-11 45031 61.425 73197 115.H:<:< 1.2.. 1-la 45 ,... fl1 4?5 73197 1151\."13 1.2.. i1·1• 45031 61.425 73.197 115.633 1.3 .. i1-1a 45031 61.425 73.197 115.633 1.2.. H1-11 42.169 48.754 65792 65.792 2.7 .. H1-1b 42.169 4A.fl),4 65.792 65.792 2.7. HMt 42.169 48.754 65 792 65.792 2.7 .. H1-1b 4? 1f'SQ 4R.754 "'~ 707 M707 2.7 .. H1-1t 34187 48.754 47 569 80.707 2.4 .. H1-ll 73.739 128.635 237.53 330.B 1.1 .. H1-n 35 128.635 237.53 330.E 1.1 .. H1-1b 73. ':>>f 128.635 .,_ 53 ,.,n 1.1 .. i1-1b 3 128.635 .,_ 53 ... 1.1 .. i1-1t 67 IR ~ ..... ~9 81 7 l 1.15 u-n 22 59 90 ..... 1 59 81.796 1.1 .. i1-1b 67. IR ~ ..... .59 181 ·-1.15 i1-1b 22 59 Q0,347 12 59 81.796 1.1.. ii-lb Ii I'll' 111 III I II I t I i51 I Jg; I RISA-30 Version 15.0.0 (S:\. .. \ ... \ ... \...\. .. \U10069_RAM22X33MR_2_20_0_ 110_CBC16_D_A_SS.r3d] Page 6 PANEL DATA ' ' I ! McELROY METAL CORPORATE QFFl~E •~.a.BOX 1148 • SHREVEPORT, LA 111es-1't4a·· (?1-8) 747--80\lO • FAX (3HI) ,'747:·S:Q:?S Issue Date: June 1, 2006 No. 07-232-06 Multi-Rib -----------36' COYERAGE'-------------1 TOP IN COMPRESSION BOTTOM IN COMPRESSION v. I, s. M. I, s. M,, GAUGE FY (KSI) Vw'EJC3HT (PSF) ldplft. Po,i Iba/It. (ln.4/ll) (ln.'lll) ldp-ln.lll (In. 4 /fl) (In. 3 /fl) kJ p-ln ./fl 24 60.0 1.1-4 0.9053 223.34 377.49 0.0523 0.0576 1.7233 0.0327 0.0643 1.6267 1. 8eo!lon prop«1IM .. calcu!aled In eccordance with the 2001 Al8I North >.morun Speollca!lon for the Dulgn at Cold-Formed steel 8truoturBI Membara. 2. va 1o Ria ...,_bta lhMr. 4. Ix lo for -delannlnallon. B. Se Is for ben<Un11, e. Ma II the ~ bencA'lg rn<><'*1l 3, Pa ls the allowable load for web a1ppq on end & ~ ~ 7. All valueo .,.. for one foot of panel 'Mllth. Allowable Uniform Loads (PSF) s pan n Feet lepenType L.otld Type 1.50 2.00 2.l50 3.00 3.!IO 4.00 4.50 B.00 8.!IO -v.,r,d 810 287 1113 127 113 71 BIi o4e 37 Negat,,e W.nd "'81 271 173 120 BS 87 e3 "'3 ae 8-l;le ll1YI e10 287 183 127 93 71 ee o4e 37 0.-, (IJ1eo) 1384 871 2Q2 189 108 71 60 38 27 loeaeooon (l.1240) 1016 "'28 21g 1215 ~ ea 37 27 20 -Wind "'31 283 1151! 11e ee !56 62 "'2 35 Nogaflv9'Mnd "'61 2e6 178 123 91 70 66 o4e 37 2ep.n u.... "'31 2e3 1!!11 11e ell ee 62 "'2 38 Dehollon (1.11 l50) 2851 1118 en 331 20!I 1ag gs 71 63 ~(l.12,40) 11168 838 .i.211 2-48 168 104 73 63 "'°' Potm..Wnd e1e -204 1""' 107 82 ae ea ""' NegdteVmd 8311 324 214 162 113 87 av BIi -48 38pan u.... 818 -204 1""' 107 82 ee ea ""' Detledlon (!J1 BO) 2077 m ,4,48 2611 1113 10Q 78 66 42 Defhocl!on (l.12,40) 1667 e57 33e 1g,4 122 a2 87 "'2 31 -Wild "'89 2111 191 136 100 T7 e1 ,4g 41 Nag.OV. 'M'ld e10 305 201 142 106 e1 eo4 62 "'3 4Spen Live o48Q 291 1~ 1~ 100 T7 81 4g 41 o.a.o6on (1.11 l50) 2204 930 "'78 276 173 118 51 ell ""' O.-.(l.12,40) 1663 eQ7 351 20II 130 B7 e1 ""' 33 Nole9: 1. Alowable unfoim io.~ are baed upon equal lp8l1 ~ 2. Poo11ve Wind Is "'1nd ~ and lsNOT ~ by 33113 'Mo. 3. Negal!Ye ~ lo wind sudlon or upll! and lsNOT lncreasad by 33 113%. 4. Live ts lhe allO'Mble lv8 or 1110W ~ e. Defleotion (1.1180) 11 Ille dowable load that ~ the paner. dollaallo<1 to U180 MJh under poll!1va or Ive "-do e. Detledlon (L/2,40) lo !he "-"'-b!e load that IJml!I !'18 pan.r.-to l./2,40 -under poont.-. or l!ve load. 7. The ""'Jght ofh par,el halNOTb1on d«luctad from Iha~ loadl. e.oo 31 30 31 21 1B 211 31 29 41 31 37 IQ 37 32 2"' 3"' 3& 3"' 3"' 26 e.so 7.00 27 23 2e 22 27 23 18 13 12 g 26 22 28 23 26 22 32 28 24 1g 31 27 33 211 31 27 2B 20 1g 1e ~ 26 31 27 29 26 27 21 20 1e e. Poe!UYe Wind, NegaDv9 Wind, and u.. Lo.d -are -to oontt>ed .-& -g UA1g Eq. C3.3.1-1 of the AlSl 9poUloallon. g, Po.iwv. 'Mnd and Uva Load -""' lmbd by-b crl!>l*Jg uot,g • barTIQ Jongt, o( 'r. 10. Web alp~ -.,. detannlned UN'Q a ral)o of the lDfom1 load aatually aupport8d by !he top t1aT'QN of Iha _,, CORPORATE OFFICE. $HR!=VE:PDEIT, LQUISI.AN'A -------,--------------- MIDWEST bJVlstON • CLINTON, lL NOATlfEAST DIVlSION • WINCHESTER. VA !NeST TEXAS DMStON • ME;Rl(EL. TX SOUTHEAST DIVISION .• PEACHTREE C~ .GA SOUTHWEST DlvtSION • SOSSIEA CITY, LA QREA,: LAKES't11VISIO}t • MARSHALi.... Ml. 7.150 e.oo 8.!IO g,oo 20 17 1e 14 1g 1e 1e 13 20 17 1B 14 10 B 7 e e e 6 4 1g 1e 14 13 20 17 16 14 19 1e 14 13 21 17 14 12 1e 13 10 g 23 21 1e 1e 2e 22 1g 17 23 21 18 18 1e 13 11 9 12 10 e 7 22 1g 17 1e 23 20 18 1B 22 19 17 1B 17 14 12 10 13 10 g 7 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ->· ii' •. .. SAN DIEGO REGIONAL HAZARDOUS MATERIALS QUESTIONNAIRE OFFICE USE ONLY RECORDIDt~--------------~1 PLAN CHECKt ________________ 1 BP DATE : Ing ttw , er your s ll968 use, process, or store any of e cant must contact the Fire Protection Agency with jurisdiction prior to plan submlttal. Occupancy Rating: Facftlty'a Square Foc,qge ~nctudlng proposed project): . 1. Explosive or Blasmg Agents 5. Organic Peroxides 9. Wetsr Reectlves 2 Compressed Gases 6. Oxidizers 10. Cryogenics Telephone# (ol 13. Corrosives 14. Ottler Health Hazards 3. AemmeblelCombustlble Liquids 7. Pyrophorlcs 11. Highly Toxic or Toxic Materials 15. None of These. 4. Flammable Solld8 8. Unstable ReactiYeB 12. Radloactlves P~~ D'=U~ DEP~ENT ~ ~RONMENTAL H~ ~~ DM§ION ~m= If the answer to any of the qUE yes, mu ~County r,Dlego Hazardous ~~ue. SUlte 10, n Diego, CA 92123. Call (858) 505-6700 prior to the Issuance of a bulkflng permit FEES ARE REQUIRED Project Completion Date: . Expected Date of Occupancy: 0 CalARP Exempt YES NO (for new construction or remodeling profects) 1. D Er Is yotr business listed on the reverse side of this form? (check all that apply). 2. 0 [!'" WII your bumess dispose of Hazardous Substances or Medical Waste In any amount? 3. D ~ WII your business store or handle Hazardous Substances In quantities greater than or equal to 55 gallons, 500 4. D 5. D 6. D 1. D s. D pounds and/or 200 cubic feet? [3' WIU your buslness store or handle carclnogen&lreproductlve toxins In any quantity? 13' WIii your business use an existing or lnstlil an underground storage tank? 13' WIii your business store or hancle Regulated substances (Ca!ARP)? 13' WIii your buslness use or Install a Hazardous Waste Tank System (Title 22, Article 10)? 13' WDI your business store petroleum In tanks or containers et your facllty with a total faclJty storage capacity equal to or than 1 320 Ions? California's Petroleum N::t.. Date lnlllals D Ca1ARP Required Date D Ca1ARP Complete Date ~ m~~~W.CJ 'S Any YES* answer requires a stamp from APCD 10124 Old Grove Road, San ~~ __ _ _ . stamp If Q1 Yes .iill!1 Q3 Yes illlll. Q4-Q6 No]. The folowlng questions are Intended to the majortty of air pollution lssuesat the arming stage. Projects may require additional measures not Identified by these questions. For comprehensive requirements contact APCO. Reslclencee are typlcaiy exempt, except -those with more than one building+ on the property; mgle buildings with more than foll" dwelllng lnts; townhomes; condos; mbced-conmerclal use; deliberate bums; residences forming part of a larger project. [1:xcludes garages & small outbuldngs.] YES NO 1. D 8" wm the project disturb 160 square feet or more of existing buRdlng ma1erlals? 2. D 19' wm any load supporting structural members be removed? Notification may be required 1 o working days prtor to corrmenclng demollUon. 3. 0 0 (ANSWER ONLY IF QUESTION 1 or 2 IS YES) Hes an asbestos survey been performed by a Certified Asbestos Consutant or Site Survemanc:e . 4. D s. D Technician? 0 (ANSWER ONLY IF QUESTION 3 IS YES) Based on the survey results, wlll the profect disturb any asbestos containing material? Notification may be required 10 working days prior to commencing asbestos removal. [Zf"' W1i the project or assoclaled construction equipment emit fir contamlnants? See the reverse side of this form or APCD factsheet Cwww.sdapcd.org!Jnfolfacts/prts.odf) for typical equipment requiring an APCO permit. 6. 0 0 (ANSWER ONLY IF QUESTION 5 IS YES) WII the project or associated construction equipment be located within 1,000 feet of a school ~ / "J..7 I l'] I declare under ~the best of my knowledge and-bellef-------------- Name of OWner or Authortzed Agent Signature of Owner or Authortzed Agent Date FOR OFFICAL use OHL Y: FIRE DEPARTMENT OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION: ____________________________ _ BY: _______________________ _ EXEMPT OR NO FURT1ER INFORIIATIOH Rl!QUIRED REU!ASED FOR BUILDIN6 Pe!UIIT BUT NOT FOR OCCUPANCY Rl!1.l!ASE) FOR OCCUPANCY COUNTY-HMO" APCO COUNTY-HMO APCD COUNTY-HMO APCD • A stamp In this box .mdll exempts businesses from completlng or updating e Hazardous Matetials Busill968 Plan. other permitting requirements may stll apply. HM-9171 (08/16) County of San Diego -DEH -Hazardous Materials Division