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1 LEGOLAND DR; ; PREV2018-0161; Permit
Lcity of Carlsbad Print Date: 11/29/2018 Permit No: PREV2018-0161 Work Class: Commercial Permit Revis Status: Closed - Finaled Lot U: Applied: 06/19/2018 Reference U: DEV2016-0029 Issued: 07/23/2018 Construction Type Permit 11/29/2018 Finaled: Bathrooms: Inspector: PBurn Orig. Plan Check U: CBC2017-0076 Final Plan Check U: Inspection: Job Address: Permit Type: Parcel No: Valuation: Occupancy Group: # Dwelling Units: Bedrooms: 1 Legoland Dr BLDG-Permit Revision 2111000900 $ 0.00 Project Title: LEGOLAND JD18 DARK RIDE Description: JD 18 RIDE: DEFERRED EXTERIOR THEMING ELEMENTS Applicant: Owner: Contractor: ETHOS ARCHITECTURE LEGOLAND CALIFORNIA LLC <LF> PLAY U S MCCARTHY BUILDING COMPANIES INC SCOTT HOLCOMB ACQUISITION CO INC 24542 Creekview Dr 9275 Sky Park Ct Laguna Hills, CA 92653-4209 To Box 543185 C/O Property Tax Service Co SAN DIEGO, CA 92123-4303 949-607-8001 DALLAS, TX 75354 949-851-8383 FEE . AMOUNT BUILDING PLAN CHECK ADMIN FEE $35.00 MANUAL BUILDING PLAN CHECK FEE $375.00 Total Fees: $ 410.00 Total Payments To Date : $ 410.00 Balance Due: $0.00 Building Division 1635 Faraday Avenue, Carlsbad CA 92008-7314 1 760-602-2700 1 760-602-8560 f I www.carlsbadca.gov PLAN CHECK REVISION OR Development Services ( City of DEFERRED SUBMITTAL Building Division Cl 1j j APPLICATION 1635 Faraday Avenue a r s a I 760-602-2719 B-I 5 www.carlsbadca.gov 19 Original Plan Check Number CBC 2017-0076 Project Addrès 1 Legoland Drive Plan Revision Number PREVO1 0 1 LQ ( General Scope of Revision/Deferred Submittal: Deferred Submittal for Exterior Themed Elements CONTACT INFORMATION: Name Daniel Stewart Phone 949.607.8016 Fax Address 24542 Creekview Drive City _Laguna Hills Zip 92653 Email Address daniels@ethosarch.com Original plans prepared by an architect or engineer, revisions must be signed & stamped by that person. 1 . Elements revised: IKI Plans EKI Calculations Soils Energy Other 2. Describe reviions in detail 3. List page(s) where each revision is shown Themed Element Drawings and Details LEGOHeliopterandPlatform . (14) Sheets Q-Line Portal (9) Sheets Submarine Photo Op . Sheets Entry Portal I & 2 (29) Sheets Control Tower Sheets Anchoring Plan (2) Sheets Structural Calculations , (115) Sheets Does this revision, in any way, alter the exterior of the project? EJ Yes No Does this revision add ANY new floor area(s)? LI Yes Ej No Does this revision affect any fire related issues? F1 Yes No Is this a i rr~ lete set? Yes 9( No £Signatur Date o(o( 1635 Faraday gue, Carlsbad, CA 92008 : 760-602- 2719 f: 760-602-8558 Email: building@carIsbadca.gov www.carlsbadca.gov * EsGil, A SAFEhuiLf Company DATE: June 25, 2018 JURISDICTION: Carlsbad PLAN CHECK #.: CBC2017-0076 /REV SET: I U APPLICANT RI S. PRQJECT ADDRESS: 1 Legoland Dr. PROJECT'tAME: Themed Elements The plans transmitted herewith have been corrected where necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes. LI The plans transmitted herewith will substantially comply with the jurisdiction's codes when minor deficiencies identified below are resolved and checked by building department staff. The plans transmitted herewith have significant deficiencies identified on the enclosed check list and should be corrected and resubmitted for a complete recheck. LII The check list transmitted herewith is for your information. The plans are being held at EsGil until corrected plans are submitted for recheck. The applicant's copy of the check list is enclosed for the jurisdiction to forward to the applicant contact person. The applicant's copy of the check list has been sent to: EsGil 'staff did not advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. LI EsGil staff did advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. Person contacted: - Telephone #: Date contacted: (bI:d?) Email: Mail Telephone Fax In Person REMARKS: 20-1I8i0I1I6i By: Kurt Culver Enclosures: Previously-approved EsGil , plans 6/21/18 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208 • San Diego, California 92123 • (858) 560-1468 • Fax (858) 560-1576 Carlsbad CBC2017-0076 REV9 June 25, 2018 [DO NOT PAY- THIS IS NOT AN INVOICE] VALUATION AND PLAN CHECK FEE JURISDICTION: Carlsbad PLAN CHECK #.: CBC2017-0076 REV9 PREPARED BY: Kurt Culver DATE: June 25, 2018 BUILDING ADDRESS: 1 Legoland Dr. BUILDING OCCUPANCY: BUILDING PORTION AREA (Sq. Ft.) Valuation Multiplier Reg. Mod. VALUE Air Conditioning Fire Sprinklers TOTAL VALUE Jurisdiction Code Icb IBY Ordinance I 1997 IJBC Building Permit Fee 1997 UBC Plan Check Fee V Type of Review: El Complete Review El Structural Only El Repetitive Fee Repeats * Based on hourly rate El Other El Hourly 2.5 Hrs. @ * EsGil Fee $120.00 I $300.00I Comments: Sheet 1 of 1 TECHNICAL REPORT SUBJECT: LEGOLAND DEEP SEA ADVENTURE SUMMARY STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS REPORT, CONTROL TOWER & Q-LINE PORTAL ,Z) co SUBMARINE PHOTO OP W/ OVERHEAD FRAMEY $ LARGE AND SMALL ENTRY PORTALS HELICOPTER PROP FOR: ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT SOLUTIONS GLOWACKI ENGINEERING, INC. Alan T. Horrell, P.E. Document 1802 TR-1 Rev B.pdf Technical Report No. 1802 TR-1 Rev B Project Number 1802-1 June 4, 2018 REVISION A June 12, 2018 REVISION B June 14, 2018 If 4' THOMAS C. tj ALLEN 11w Ii Itcc NoS5460 OF CAU61 Alan 1. Horrell, P.E. #70618 GLOWACKI ENGINEERING, INC 1835 East West Pkwy Suite 10 Fleming Island, FL 32003 ' No 70618 FILE: PROJECT 1764 LEGOLAND DEEP SEA ADVENTURE TECHNICAL REPORT * - 1802TR-1 Rev B DATED 6/14/18 Printed copies of this STATE OF : Lij document are not ••. ' considered signed and the sealed and signature must be verified on any. electronic copies. 1835 East West Parkway East, Suite 10 Fleming Island, Florida 32003 - USA Phone (904) 278-8870 Fax (904) 278-8826 Technical Report No. 1802 TR-1 Rev B 1 - Glowacki Engineering Ago ABSTRACT This report is a final summary structural review of the Deep Sea Adventure Prop structures. The analysis is done using the base structure as per Ref 1 with the material properties for the given components and the loads defined in Ref 3. The load áonditions required by Ref 3 were used to derive limiting cases for structural analysis. These load cases were defined as (1) dead and live loads, (2) hurricane force wind loads, and (3) seismic acceleiationldeceleration loads: Satisfactory results from these load cases would imply adequacy for all load conditions. The results were compared to the requirements for strength design from Ref 4 thru 8 and found the structures adequate for the intended service and load conditions. PURPOSE The purpose of this report is to evaluate the reactions for the prop structures from the gravity forces, wind loads, and seismic acceleration/deceleration loads and compare the results to allowable material property values. PROCEDURE/CALCULATION-BASIS OF ENGINEERING First principle calculations (FPC) for gravity, wind, and seismic acceleration loads from the listed References are used to calculate the forces on the structure and identify basic load conditions. A Finite Element Analysis (FEA) model is used to evaluate-the reactions in the prop structures. First principle calculations where done for the forces required at the anchor connections. See Appendix A for samples of structural drawings used in 'analysis, Appendix B for basic calculations, Aj,pendix C for summary FEA results, and Appendix D for selected excerpts from references. ALLOWABLE STRESS AND LOAD VALUES The allowable values for shear and bending stresses are listed as follows: Steel, Steel Welds and Grade 1 Steel Fasteners: fy = 36 ksi Bending/Tensile: fa = 0.6fy = 21.6 ksi, Shear: fa = 0.4fy = 15.0 ksi Grade A325 Steel Fasteners: fy = 90 ksi Bending!Teiisile: fa = 0.6fy = 45.0 ksi, Shear: fa = 0.4fy = 34.0 ksi Aluminum Structure: fy = 21.0 ksi Bending/Tensile: fa- 0.6fy =,12.6 ksi, Shear: fa = 0.4fy = 8.4 ksi Aluminum Welds: fy = 17.0 ksi (Filler 5356) Bending/Tensile: fa = 0.6fy = 10.2 ksi, Shear: fa = 0.4fy = 6.8 ksi REFERENCES • General reference documents, drawings, and data sheets are listed below. Specific excerpts from these references can be found listed in the Appendices. AE&S drawings for Deep Sea Adventure Structures Dwg #MT —000.01 .USGS Site Soil Report "LEGOLAND Deep Sea Adv 3/23/2018 ASCE 7-10 Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other Structures ADM, Aluminum Design Manual, 2010 LRFD, First Edition, 1986 Finite Element Analysis (FEA) Computer Program "ACAD Simulation" ver 2018 Roärk's Formulas for Stress and Strain, 6 Ih Edition AWS, National Design Specification for Wood, 2017 ACI-3 18, Concrete Construction, Technical Report No. 1802 TR-1 Rev B 2 Glowacki Engineering I CALCULATIONS AND RESULTS The structure was analyzed using basic first principal calculations (FPC) from designated references and computer modeling with loads (FEA). - See Appendix B for basic calculations, load conditions, and results for this general analysis - See Appendix C for FEA summary results - See Appendix D for selected excerpts from listed references CONCLUSIONS The results from the structural analysis show stress and deflection values within the allowable values for the structure components. Thestructure is deemed-as adequate for the described load conditions calculated. End Report Text Technical Report No. 1802 TR-1 Rev B 3 Glowacki Engineering APPENDICIES APPENDIX A -,Reference Drawings (Samples) APPENDIX B Basic Calculations APPENDIX .0 - FEA Summary Results APPENDIX D - Selected Excerpts from References J Technical Report No. 1802 TR-1 Rev B 4 Glowacki Engineering APPENDIX A Reference Drawings (Sample) V I - 07& ø46/8 78 I 48' I T1 18/e J • LJIII,J _____ 9%3 .T - ' I L i' LLC - DEEP SEA ADVENTURE CARLSSAA CAUFOMM OEScRIP11ON CONTROL TOWER REVMDft 122 OAM 41212018 JAS.CNC. 2018 NIB Q-LINE PORTAL - FRONT 0-UNE PORTAL - SIDE kVJ J LEGOLAND CA Deep Sea Adventure 0-LINE PORTAL 11328 Business Park Blvd. ==-7 I tl5obfld 0110, CO,kbad, CA 92M FABRICATION ADDENDUM 04102/2OIB JacksonvIlle. F132256 c.,ao, 3000:1001.82 ARCH REFERENCE' FABRICATION SET 030922018 13.2 www,aandesolvtlossoni I010N 80A00u 01 DATE: 0410212018 rn,,00.no,.I.enaftSa.c, DRAWN BY: DOUGH NIA 0 AAES.I4C.20I0 ANSI 0 ALL ALUMINUM SUBMARINE SCALED AT 80% OF ACTUAL UNIT Hfl ±114 140% ie 171/" 1764 can JflS.INC. ZOlS El ±4-4Y2 LEGO DEEP SEA ADVENTURE - DESCRiPTION SUBMARINE PHOTO OP DA'TE 312712018 OPIUM or. 24 SQ. X -28H (COLOR 199) CONCRETE PIERS (BY G.C.) 09.1 1764 LEGO DEEP SEA ADVENTURE DESCRIPTION C*sa. c& PORTAL I A 2 2.1 6j] JmdxwAUk FL 32250 iff (O4)USa9 ____________ I NC. 2018 NJO Y2"-13X8"L18-8SSHHCS, I\ TN FLAT WASHER (1 PL) _ [L •i- f-13 X4L 18-8SS HHCS, FLAT WASHER (2 PL)ALL WELDS ARE FULL \\LH WELDS ARE MATERIAL THICKNESS MINIMUM ALL EXTERIOR WELDS GROUND SMOOTH. '-13 X 61 18-8SS HEAD HEAD CAP SCREW WI FLAT WASHERS, NYLON INSERT LOCK NUT (4PLEA RUNNER) AT CH • %"-10 X 8"L 1SS HEX HEAD CAP SCREW 1fl W/ FLAT WASHERS, NYLON INSERT LOCK NUT ,2 (4 PL INTO PLATFORM) ASH K FLAT W , NUT (8 PL PER CORNER) --ilurini FLAT WASHERS, NYLON. INSERT LOCK NUT --------- ---- BRACES) (2 PL PER CROSS BRACE, 8 sl gl al l. - :::_:: __-------------------- ::::: . _ -_ __ Ift I128 IS* Pat BI I-8Eli?I JalR LIC - DEEP SEA ADVENTURE C1A DESCRIPTION LEGO HEUCOPTER & PLATFORM - piir.il -WWII - AM Or. 54Y GO&ES.INC. 2018 MGIB GLiY'X'ACI(I NAVAL ARCHITECTS AND MARINE ENGINEERS DESIGN CALCULATIONS 1 / :Kv.1835 [AST ST PK8Y 110 FLEHINC ISLAND, FLORIDA 32003 PHONE (904) 278-8870 FAX (904) 278-8826 ,/i 7 DWG. NO.: 1802 T— 1 .0 Rev 3 SHEET JOB: ITEM:A&ES LEGOLAND DEEP SEA ADVENTURE BY:AHORRD± DATE: 5/14/18 SUBJECT: STRUCTURAL LOAD AND REACTIONS 1802-1 CHKD: E.GLOWACKI DATE: 5/14/18 GIVEN: PROPS FOR THE "DEEP. SEA ADVENTURE" SHOW SET AS SHOWN BELOW; —SEE REFERENCE DRAWINGS FOR STRUCTURAL ARRANGEMENTS AND DETAILS ENTRY PORTALS - SUBMARINE PHOTO OP . S CONTROL TOWER QLINE PORTAL HELICOPTER PROP FIND: EVALUATE STRUCTURE AND ANCHORING FOR DEAD LOADS, LIVE LOADS, WIND PRESSURE LOADS, AND SEISMIC LOADS. SOLUTION: THE WORST CASE LOADS FOR THE STRUCTURE WILL BE ANALYZED FOR DEAD LOADS, LIVE LOADS, WIND FORCE LOADS, AND SEISMIC LOADS AS DESCRIBED IN THE REFERENCED DESIGN STANDARD ASCE 7-10. CONVENTIONAL FIRST PRINCIPLE CALCULATIONS (FPC) WILL BE USED TO EVALUATE BASIC LOADS AND REACTIONS. FINITE ELEMENT ANALYSIS (FEA) WILL BE USED TO EVALUATE THE REACTIONS IN: THE OVERALL STRUCTURES WHERE APPLICABLE. 1 DERIVE LOAD VALUES FOR STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS A. CALCULATE PROP STRUCTURE DEAD LOADS (WEIGHTS) B. CALCULATE LIVE LOADS FOR PROP STRUCTURES - C. CALCULATE EXTREME WIND LOADS ON STRUCTURES • CALCULATE THE SEISMIC LOADS ON STRUCTURES CALCULATE, LOAD COMBINATIONS TO APPLY TO STRUCTURE 2. CALCULATE REACTION FORCES FOR STRUCTURES AT ANCHORING POINTS A. FPC CALCULATIONS FOR.TENSION, COMPRESSION, AND SHEAR LOADS - B. EVALUATE MINIMUM ANCHOR REQUIREMENTS • C. COMPARE MINIMUM ANCHOR REQUIREMENTS TO ANCHOR SCHEDULE • EVALUATE STRUCTURE REACTIONS FOR CALCULATED LOADS FPC CALCULATIONS FOR SIMPLE BEAMS AND COLUMNS • FEA MODELS WITH APPLIED LOADS EVALUATE STRESS AND DEFLECTION RESULTS DETAIL ANCHOR ARRANGEMENTS FOR ITEMS TO FOUNDATIONS GLO'\X'ACKI NAVAL ARCHITECTS AND MARINE ENGINEERS DESIGN CALCULATIONS X17 XE ENGINEERING 1835 EAS1 AEST PKWY 1110 ftEINC ISLAND, FLORIDA 32003 PHONE (904) 278-8870 FAX (904) 278-8826 DWG. NO.: 1802 T-1.0 Rev 3 SHEET JOB: ITEM:A&ES LEGOLAND DEEP SEA ADVENTURE By:AH0t DATE: 5/14/18 SUBJECT:STRUCTURAL LOAD AND REACTIONS 1802-1 CHKD:E.GLOWACKI DATE: 5/14/18 SOLVE: 1. DERIVE LOAD VALUES FOR STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS A. CALCULATE PROP STRUCTURE DEAD LOADS (WEIGHTS) WEIGHT OF PRIMARY STRUCTURES —AS REPORTED CONTROL TOWER AND QLINE PORTAL ANS WTCT =13,038 Ibs, WTQP = 5,400 IbsI SUBMARINE PHOTO OP AND OH FRAME ANS WTsP =12,1 50 Ibs, WToF = 1,030 IbsI ENTRY PORTALS, LARGE AND SMALL WTEPL =8OlbWTEPs=875Ibs ANS HELICOPTER AND PLATFORM ANS WTHc, =11,400 lbs I END SECTION l.A CALCULATE LIVE LOADS FOR FLOAT STRUCTURE NO LIVE LOADS OTHER THAN WIND AND SEISMIC L =10_H . ANS .0 END SECTION 1.8 CALCULATE EXTREME WIND LOADS ON STRUCTURES BASIC WIND VELOCITY PRESSURE —AS PER REFERENCE 3 RISK CATEGORY II EXPOSURE C MAX z < 15.0 ft EXTREME WIND VELOCITY VE= 110 mph VELOCiT( PRESSURE qz = 0.00256 Kz Kzt Kd V2 where: Kz = 0.85 (z< 15.0 ft), Kzt = 1.0 Kd = 0.85 (REF 3. TABLE 26.6-1) qz = 0.00256(0.85)(1.0)(0.85) (110)2 122.4 psf I ANS WIND FORCE 1. WIND FORCE ON CONTROL TOWER AND QLINE PORTAL ACTE. ACTS SOLID SIGN (from Figure 29.4-1) Fws FWE . 188& Cf =1.68 SIDE, Cc =1.73 END SIDE WIND AREA Aas- AWS = ACTS + AQPS AQP ____ = 64.5 + 97.6 = 162.1 ft' END WIND AREA AWE = ACTE + AQPE = 6.4.5 + 54.5 = 119.0 ft' END VIEW SIDE VIEW EXTREME WIND FORCE AT SIDE, FWS' FWS = qzGCcAWs = (22.4)(0.85)(1.68)(162.1) = 5,180 Ibfl ANS EXTREME WIND FORCE AT END, FWE ANS FWE = qzGCfAWE = (22.4)(0.85)(1.73)(119.0) = 3,916 IbfI'.. EXTREME WIND FORCE ON CONTROL TOWER, FWCT_________ FwcT = qzGCfACTE = (22.4)(0.85)(1.73)(64.5) = 12,123 IbfI ANS GLOWACKI NAVAL ARCHITECTS AND MINE ENGINEERS DESIGN CALCULATIONS X17 :a~ 1835 ENGINEERING [AST WEST PKA'Y fl10 FLEMING ISLAND, FLORIDA 32003 PHONE (904) 278-8870 FAX (904) 278-8826 I DWG. NO.:_1802 T- 1.0 Rev SHEET JOB: ITEM:A&ES LEGOLAND DEEP SEA ADVENTURE IBY:A.HORRELL DATE: 5/14/18 SUBJECT: STRUCTURAL LOAD AND REACTIONS 1802-1 CHKD:E.CLOWACKI DATE: 5/14/18 SOLVE: 1. DERIVE LOAD VALUES FOR STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS C. CALCULATE EXTREME WIND LOADS ON STRUCTURES b. WIND FORCE: Cont... 2. WIND FORCE ON SUB PHOTO OP AND OVERHEAD FRAME a. SUB PHOTO OF: SOLID SIGN (from Figure 29.4-1) G =0.85 _E.....—...i i-F FWS I . FWE C =1.73 SIDE, C =1.68 END ASPS SIDE WIND AREA AWS = ASPS = 51.0 ft2 AsPE- . END WIND AREA - AWE = ASPE = 36.0 ft2 END VIEW SIDE VIEW EXTREME WIND FORCE AT SIDE, FWS _ ANS .Fws = qzGCfAWs = (22.4)(0.85)(1.73)(51.0) = 11,678 IbfI EXTREME WIND FORCE AT END, FWE ANS FWE = qzGCrAwE = (22.4)(0.85)(1.68)(36.0) = 11,151 IbfI b. OVERHEAD FRAME: AOFE Aors SOLID SIGN (from Figure 29.4-1) FWS FWE G =0.85 . ... Cf =1.83 SIDE, Cf =1.85 END 1_~ F SIDE WIND AREA -L- Aws = Aors = 11.1 ft2 END WIND AREA AWE = AOFE = 30.6 ft2 END VIEW SIDE VIEW EXTREME WIND FORCE AT SIDE, FWS ANS FWS = qzGCfAwS = (22.4)(0.85)(1.83)(11.1) = 1386 Ibf I EXTREME WIND FORCE AT END, FWE FWE = qzGCfAwE = (22.4)(0.85)(1.85)(30.6) = 11,075 Ibf I-u ANS 3: WIND FORCE ON LARGE AND SMALL ENTRY PORTALS —WORST CASE WIND ON FRONT ALPF AsPF FWS SOLID SIGN (from Figure 29.4-1) G =0.85 Cf =1.75 END r FRONT WIND AREA, LARGE PORTAL AWFL = ALPF = 39.9 ft2 Lj FRONT WIND AREA, SMALL PORTAL SIDE FRONT SIDE• FRONT AWFS = ASPF = 32.3 ft2 VI EW VI EW VIEW VIEW LARGE PORTAL SMALL PORTAL GLO'\5CTACKI NAVAL ARCHITECTS AND MARINE ENGINEERS DESIGN CALCULATIONS X17 11II1J]1ILE1T 1835 EAST PRST PKW fluX FLEMING ISLAND, FLORIDA 32003 PHONE (904) 278-8870 FAX (904) 278-8826 DWG. NO.: 1802 T-1.0 Rev 3 SHEET JOB: ITEM:A&ES LEGOLAND DEEP SEA ADVENTURE BY:A.HORRELL DATE: 5/14/18 SUBJECT: STRUCTURAL LOAD AND REACTIONS 1802-1 CHKD: E.GLOWACKI DATE: 5/14/18 SOLVE: 1., DERIVE LOAD VALUES FOR STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS C. CALCULATE' EXTREME WIND LOADS ON STRUCTURES b. WIND FORCE WIND FORCE ON LARGE AND SMALL ENTRY PORTALS, Cont... EXTREME WIND FORCE AT FRONT—LARGE PORTAL, FWFL ANS FwFL = qGCfAwEL= (22.4)(0.85)(1.75)(39.9) = 11,328 IbfI EXTREME WIND FORCE AT FRONT—SMALL PORTAL, FWFS ANS FWFS = qzGCfAwEs= (22.4)(0.85)(1.75)(32.3) = 11,075 Ibfl.m 3. WIND FORCE ON HELICOPTER PROP —WORST CASE WIND ON SIDE ROOFTOP EQUIPMENT . HCS (from Figure 29.5-1) FWS 7; Cf =1.35 SIDE . SIDE WIND AREA Aws = AHCS = 25.2 ft2 END VIEW - SIDE VIEW VELOCITY PRESSURE qz = 0.00256 Kz Kzt Kd V2 where: Kz = 0.90 (z>15.0 ft) Kzt= 1.0 Kd = 0.85 (REF 2. TABLE 26.6-1) _________ q = 0.00256(0.90)(1 .0)(0.85) (110)2 =123.7 psf H ANS EXTREME WIND FORCE AT SIDE, FWFS ANS FWFS _ qzGCfAHcS = (23.7)(0.85)(1.35)(25.2) = 1686 Ibf H END SECTION 1.0 D. CALCULATE THE SEISMIC LOADS ON STRUCTURES a. SEISMIC LOAD PARAMETERS FROM (REF 3) CHAPTER 12 "SEISMIC DESIGN FOR BUILDING STRUCTURES", CHAPTER 13 'SEISMIC DESIGN FOR NONSTRUCTURAL COMPONENTS", AND CHAPTER 15 "SEISMIC DESIGN FOR NONBUILDING STRUCTURES" IN CONJUNCTION ,WITH (REF 2) USGS DESIGN MAPS SUMMARY SOIL REPORT WHERE, IMPORTANCE FACTOR I = 1.0 DESIGN SPECTRAL ACCELERATIONS, 5Ds = 0.787g WEIGHT OF STRUCTURE, W = D = *VARIES* HORIZONTAL (LATERAL) SEISMIC FORCES (EQ. 12.4-3 & 15.4-5) = V = 0.30SDsWI = 0.3(0.787)W(1.0) = 0.2361WT VERTICAL SEISMIC FORCES (EQ. 12.4-3) [v = 0.20SDsD = 0.2(.787)D = 0.1574WT GLOWAC}(.I NAVAL ARCHITECTS AND MARINE ENGINEERS DESIGN CALCULATIONS 11835 EAST WEST PKI( 1110 FL[INC ISLAND, FLORIDA 32003 I 17 ],1J3-I1J],],11IJcI- PHONE (904) 278-8870 FAX (904) 278-8826 DWG. NO.: 1802 T-1.0 Rev 3 SHEET JOB: ITEM:A&ES LEGOLAND DEEP SEA ADVENTURE BY: A.HORRELL DATE: 5/14/18 1802-1 SUBJECT: STRUCTURAL LOAD AND REACTIONS CHKD:EGL0WAC DATE:5/14/18 SOLVE: D. CALCULATE THE SEISMIC LOADS ON STRUCTURES, Cont... b. SEISMIC FORCES 1. CONTROL TOWER AND 0—LINE PORTAL 1A. SEISMIC FORCES ON CONTROL TOWER, WTcT = 3,038 lbs HORIZONTAL FORCE Eh = 0.2361WT = 0.2361(3,038) = ±718 Ibf VERTICAL FORCE Ev = 0.1574WT = 0.1574(3,038) = ±478 Ibf 113. SEISMIC FORCES ON 0—LINE PORTAL, WTQP = 5,400 lbs HORIZONTAL FORCE Eh = 0.2361WT = 0.2361(5,400) = ±1,278 Ibf VERTICAL FORCE Ev = 0.1574WT = 0.1574(5,400) = ±850 Ibf 1C. SEISMIC FORCES ON TOWER & PORTAL ASSEMBLY, WTT = 8,438 lbs HORIZONTAL FORCE Eh = 0.2361WT = 0.2361(8,438) = ±1,992 lbf VERTICAL FORCE Ev = 0.1574WT = 0.1574(8,438) = ±1,328 Ibf 2. SUB PHOTO OP AND OVERHEAD FRAME SEISMIC FORCES ON SUB PHOTO OP, WTsP = 2,150 lbs HORIZONTAL FORCE Eh = 0.2361WT = 0.2361(2,150) = ±508 Ibf VERTICAL FORCE Ev = 0.1574WT = 0.1574(2,150) = ±338 Ibf SEISMIC FORCES ON OVERHEAD FRAME, WTOF = 1,030 lbs HORIZONTAL FORCE Eh = 0.2361WT = 0.2361(1,030) = ±243 IV VERTICAL FORCE Ev = 0.1574WT = 0.1574(1,030) = ±162 Ibf 3. LARGE AND SMALL ENTRY PORTALS * . 3A. SEISMIC FORCES ON LARGE PORTAL, WTEPL = 1,680 lbs HORIZONTAL FORCE Eh = 0.2361WT = 0.2361(1,680) = ±397 Ibf VERTICAL FORCE Ev = 0.1574WT = 0.1574(1,680) = ±264 Ibf 3B. SEISMIC FORCES ON SMALL PORTAL, WTEPS = 875 lbs HORIZONTAL FORCE Eh = 0.2361WT = 0.2361(875) = ±207 IV VERTICAL FORCE Ev = 0.1574WT = 0.1574(875) = ±138 Ibf J GLOWACKII NAVAL ARCHITECTS AND MARINE ENGINEERS DESIGN CALCULATIONS 6/ II1ciIIT1ERJNci- 1835 [AST WEST PKWY fluX FINING ISLAND, FLORIXA 32003 PHONE (904) 278-8870 FAX (904) 278-8826 17 DWG. NO.: 1802 T-1.0 Rev 3 SHEET JOB: ITEM:A&ES'LEGOLAND DEEP SEA ADVENTURE BY:AH0Rt DATE: 5/14/18 SUBJECT: STRUCTURAL LOAD AND REACTIONS 1802-1 CHKD: E.GLOWACKI DATE: 5/1 4/18 SOLVE: D. CALCULATE THE SEISMIC LOADS ON STRUCTURES SEISMIC FORCES, Cont... 4. HELICOPTER PROP 4A. SEISMIC FORCES ON HELICOPTER PROP, WTHc = 1,400 lbs HORIZONTAL FORCE (AS PER REF 3 CHAPTER 13 EQ. 13.3-1)) FP = 0.387WT = 0.378(1,400) = ±529 Ibf VERTICAL FORCE Ev = 0.1574WT = 0.1574(1,400) = ±220 IV SEISMIC DRIFT AS PER SECTION 15.4.5 OF REF 3, DRIFT CALCULATIONS ARE NOT REQUIRED FOR NONBUILDING TYPE STRUCTURES IF ALTERNATE ANALYSIS IS USED FOR CALCULATED DEFLECTIONS. CONTROL TOWER ON QLINE PORTAL --SEE FEA RESULTS SUMMARY FOR LATERAL DISPLACEMENT. —THE CALCULATED LATERAL DEFLECTION UTILIZED A CD FACTOR 10. THE TABULATED CD FACTOR FOR THIS TYPE OF STRUCTURE. WAS DESIGNATED AS 3 IN TABLE 15.4-2 OF REF 3. FOR STEEL FRAMWES. THE CD FACTOR WAS FURTHER MULTIPLIED BY 3.3 TO ACCOUNT FOR THE DIFFERENCE IN STIFFNESS BETWEEN STEEL AND THE ALUMINUM THAT THE STRUCTURE WAS FABRICATED WITH. SUB PHOTO OP AND OVERHEAD FRAME —NOT APPLICABLE LARGE AND SMALL ENTRY PORTALS —NOT APPLICABLE HELICOPTER PROP —NO STRUCTURAL MODEL AVAILABLE TO FOR THE BUILDING SUPPORTING THE HELICOPTER PROP FOR EVALUATING DRIFT. END SECTION 1.D GLO'WACKI NAVAL ARCHITECTS AND MARINE ENGINEERS DESIGN CALCULATIONS 7 J$ 1835 [AS] WEST PKWYfluX fL[ING ISLAND, FLORIDA 32003 PHONE (904) 278-8870 FAX (904) 278-8826 DWG. NO.: 1802 T— 1 .0 Rev 3 . ,/ 7 SHEET JOB: ITEM:A&ES LEGOLAND DEEP. SEA ADVENTURE BY:A.HORRELL DATE: 5/14/18 SUBJECT: STRUCTURAL LOAD AND REACTIONS 1802-1 CHKD: E.GLOWACKI DATE: 5/1 4/18 SOLVE: 1. DERIVE LOAD VALUES FOR STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS E. CALCULATE LOAD COMBINATIONS TO APPLY TO STRUCTURES NOTE: LOAD CASES DESCRIBED BELOW ARE FOR THE WORST * CASE LOAD/STRUCTURAL ARRANGEMENTS. BY CALCULATION, WIND LOADS ARE THE DOMINATING LOADS IN ALL CASES 1. CONTROL TOWER AND 0—LINE PORTAL —SIDE WIND LOAD IS WORST CASE CONTROL TOWER LOADS FLCU TOTAL LATERAL LOAD ON CONTROL TOWER, Ftcu AN I FLCTT = FWCT FTVCTT r y FLCQT TOTAL VERTICAL LOAD ON CONTROL TOWER, F'cT1 ANS • FvcTr = WTcT + Ev= 3,038 + 478 =13,516 IbfI-.. E CT CONTROL TOWER AND 0—LINE PORTAL ASSEMBLY LOADS TOTAL LATERAL LOAD ON ASSEMBLY, FLCQT ANS j [j FLCQT = FWQP = 15,1 80 Ibf I END VIEW TOTAL VERTICAL LOAD ON OLINE PORTAL,FvC1T ANS FVCQT = WTT + Ev = 8,438 + 1,328 =1 9,766 IbfI... SUB PHOTO OP AND OVERHEAD FRAME —SIDE WIND LOAD IS WORST CASE SUB PHOTO OP LOADS TOTAL LATERAL LOAD ON SUB PHOTO OP, FLSPT T FLSPT = FWSP = 11,678 Ibf l ANS FST TOTAL VERTICAL LOAD ON SUB PHOTO OP, FVSPT ANS Fvsr = WTsP + Ev= 2,150 + 338 =1 2,488 IbfI... r-- OVERHEAD FRAME LOADS Li II Li. • TOTAL LATERAL LOAD ON OVERHEAD FRAME, FLOFT END VIEW ,FLOFr = FWOF =1386 Ibf I.-" ANS TOTAL VERTICAL LOAD ON OVERHEAD FRAME, Fvon ANS FVOFT = WToF + Ev= 1,030 + 162 =11,192 Ibfl*.. LARGE AND SMALL ENTRY PORTALS FRONT WIND LOAD ON ENTRY PORTALS IS WORST CASE LARGE ENTRY PORTAL LOADS TOTAL LATERAL LOAD ON LARGE ENTRY PORTAL, FLEPT FLEPT = FWEPL = 11,328 bf I ANS FLEPT TOTAL VERTICAL LOAD ON LARGE ENTRYPORTAL, FVEPT ANS . ! FVEPT = WTEPL + Ev = 1,680 + 264 =1 1 ,944 IbfI. !fIFvEPT . j'j SMALL ENTRY PORTAL LOADS Li . TOTAL LATERAL LOAD ON SMALL ENTRY PORTAL, FLEPST ANS FLEPSI = FWEPS = 11,075 Ibf H SIDE VIEW TOTAL VERTICAL LOAD ON SMALL ENTRY PORTAL, FVEPST FVEPST = WTEPS + Ev = 875 + 138 = 11,013 Ibfl ANS n jF1v L M2 M1 R2L J R2v.E-. 12 END VIEW FBD WHERE: FLCQT = 5,180 Ibf FVCQT = 9,766 Ibf Ii = 111.5 in 12 = 62 in G-LO\VAC}(T NAVAL ARCHITECTS AND MARINE ENGINEERS I DESIGN CALCULATIONS 11835 EAST REST PKPt( 1110 FLEMING ISLAND, FLORIDA 32003 Y17 ENGINEERING 1 11I1'1G- PHONE (904) 278-8870 FAX (904) 278-8826 DWG. NO.:_1 802 T-1.0 Rev 3 SHEET JOB: ITEM:A&ES LEGOLAND DEEP SEA ADVENTURE IBY:A.HORRELL DATE: 5/14/18 1802-1 __ SUBJECT: STRUCTURAL LOAD AND REACTIONS . I CHKD:E.GLOWACKI DATE: 5/14/18 SOLVE: DERIVE LOAD VALUES FOR STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS E. CALCULATE LOAD COMBINATIONS TO APPLY TO STRUCTURES, Cont... 4. HELICOPTER PROP —SIDE WIND LOAD IS WORST CASE HELICOPTER PROP ( "\ FLCQT TOTAL LATERAL LOAD ON HELICOPTER PROP, FLHCT ANS FLHCT FWHC =1 686 IbI I TOTAL VERTICAL LOAD ON HELICOPTER PROP, FVHCT ANS F ,QT FVHCT = WTHC + Ev = 1,400 + 220 = 11,620 Ibf I ii, END VIEW END SECTION i.E SOLVE: CALCULATE REACTION FORCES FOR STRUCTURES AT ANCHORING POINTS A. FPC CALCULATIONS. FOR TENSION, COMPRESSION, AND SHEAR LOADS NOTE: REACTIONS DESCRIBED BELOW ARE FOR THE WORST CASE LOAD/STRUCTURAL ARRANGEMENTS. 1. CONTROL TOWER AND Q—LINE PORTAL —SIDE LOAD IS WORST CASE UPLIFT AT BASE —FROM LATERAL FORCES ONLY SUM Mi = FLCQT(11 ) - R2v(12) = 0 SOLVE R2v = FLcOT(11)/(12) = 5,180(111.5)/(62) = 9,316 Ibf WITH (3) COLUMNS EACH SIDE, MAX VERTICAL TENSION IN EACH LEG Ril = R2v/3 = 9,316/3 = [315 Ibf (TENSION ATA NY IEG AN S DOWNFORCE AT BASE —FROM LATERAL AND VERTICAL FORCES SUM M2 = FLcQT(11 ) + FvcoT(12)/2 - Riv(12) = 0 SOLVE Riv = (FLCQT(11) + FvcQT(12)/2)/(12) = 5,180(111.5) + 9,766(62/2))/62 = 14,198 Ibf WITH (3) COLUMNS EACH SIDE, MAX VERTICAL COMPRESSION IN EACH LEG Rc = (R1v)/3 = (14,198)/3 = 14,733 Ibf (COMPRESSION AT ANY LEG) I ANS c. LATERAL SHEAR LOADS AT BASE —FROM LATERAL FORCES SUM FL = FLCQT - R1L - R2t- = 0, (RiL = R2L = R) SOLVE R = FLCQT/2 = 5,180/2 = 2,590 Ibf WITH (3) COLUMNS EACH SIDE, LATERAL SHEAR IN EACH LEG Rs = (R)/3 = (2,590)/3 = 1863 Ibf (LATERAL SHEAR AT ANY LEG) I- ANS GLO\WAC}(I NAVAL ARCHITECTS AND MARINE ENGINEERS DESIGN CALCULATIONS Y17 ENGINEERING 1835 EAST YEST PKYIY 10 FLEINC ISLAND, FLORIDA 32003 PHONE (904) 278-8870 FAX (904) 278-8826 DWG. NO.: 1802 T-1.0 Rev 3 SHEET JOB: ITEM:A&ES LEGOLAND DEEP SEA ADVENTURE BY:A.HORRD± DATE: 5/14/18 SUBJECT:STRUCTURAL LOAD AND REACTIONS 1802-1 CHKD:E.GLOWACKI DATE: 5/14/18 SOLVE: 2. CALCULATE REACTION FORCES FOR STRUCTURES AT ANCHORING POINTS A. FPC CALCULATIONS FOR TENSION, COMPRESSION, AND SHEAR LOADS, Cont... 2. SUB PHOTO OP AND OVERHEAD FRAME —SIDE WIND LOAD IS WORST CASE J_\ A. SUB PHOTO OP UPLIFT. AT ONE SIDE OF BASE / —FROM LATERAL FORCES ONLY FLSP SUM Mi = FLSPT(11) - R2v(12) - R3v/2(13) = 0 FvsPT/ : R = R2V = R3V/2 \J_R3v SOLVE R = FLsPT(11)/((12+13)) I~F = 1,678(96)/(78+48) = 1,281 Ibf 13 ill MAX VERTICAL TENSION IN EACH SUPPORT POINT M2 ,- Mi Rri=R ANS R2L Ri L\.4 = 1,281 Ibf (TENSION AT ANY ONE INT~ R2v 12 --1 DOWNFORCE AT ONE SIDE OF BASE —FROM LATERAL AND VERTICAL FORCES END VIEW FBD SUM M2 = FLSPT(11) + FvsPT(12)/2 - Riv(12) = o SOLVE Riv = (FLSPT(11) + FvsPr(12)/2)/(12) WHERE: - (1,678(96) + 2,488(78/2))/78 = 3,309 Ibf FLSPT = 1,678 Ibf WITH (2) SUPPORT POINTS EACH SIDE, MAX VERTICAL FvsPT - '488 Ibf COMPRESSION IN EACH POINT . 11 =12 Rc = (R1v)/2 = (3,309)/2 = ANS 13 = 48 in = 1,655 Ibf (COMPRESSION AT ANY ONE POINT)I-u LATERAL SHEAR LOADS AT BASE —FROM LATERAL FORCES SUM FL = FLSPT - RiL - R2L - 2R3L = 0, (R1L = R2L = 2R3L) SOLVE RI- = FLSPT/4 = 1,678/4 = 420 Ibf LATERAL SHEAR IN EACH PLATFORM COLUMN Rs2c = (RiL = R2L) =1420 Ibf (LATERAL SHEAR AT POINT)INS LATERAL SHEAR IN EACH PLATFORM CONNECTION AT BLDG RSBi = (R3L = 2R2t-) = 420(2) = 1840 Ibf LATERAL SHEAR ALONG END ANS d. LOADS AT PLATFORM CONNECTION TO BLDG —RESULTING LOADS FROM END VIEW FBD • LATERAL TENSION (FROM SIDE LOAD MOMENT) AN S R4LT =11,078 Ibf (LATERAL TENSION ALONG EDGE)I • LATERAL COMPRESSION (FROM END WIND + LATERAL SEISMIC) (IGNORE COLUMN SUPPORTS) R4Lc = FLSPT = (1,260 + 508) ---- II . =11,714 Ibf (LATERAL COMPRESSION ALONG EDGE)INS VERTICAL SHEAR (FROM DOWNFORCE LOAD) RN = R2v/2 = 2066/2 I bf (VERTICAL SHEAR AT BLDG) ANS G-LO'\XTACKI NAVAL ARCHITECTS AND MARINE ENGINEERS DESIGN CALCULATIONS 1Y17 ENGINEERING 1835 EASI WEST PKI' flU FLEMING ISLAND, FLORIUA 32083 PHONE (904) 278-8870 FAX (904) 278-8826 DWG. NO.: 1802 T-1.0 Rev 3 SHEET JOB: -A&ES LEGOLAND DEEP SEA ADVENTURE BY:A.HORRELL DATE: 5/14/18 SUBJECT: STRUCTURAL LOAD AND REACTIONS 1802-1 CHKD: E.GLOWACKI DATE: 5/1 4/18 SOLVE: 2. CALCULATE REACTION FORCES FOR STRUCTURES AT ANCHORING POINTS A. FPC CALCULATIONS FOR TENSION, COMPRESSION, AND SHEAR LOADS, Cont... 2. SUB PHOTO OP AND OVERHEAD FRAME —SIDE LOAD.IS WORST CASE B. OVERHEAD FRAME a. UPLIFT AT ONE SIDE OF BASE ELan kR3v —FROM LATERAL FORCES ONLY U_-._ SUM Ml = FLon(11) - R2v(12) - R3v(12) 0 Mr L F-FFv-~1 1R31. R = R2v = R3v SOLVE R = FL0n(11 )/(2(12)) Rlv!Li = 386(180)/2(150) = 231 Ibf Ii MAX VERTICAL TENSION IN EACH SUPPORT POINT M2 RTi=R ANS R2L Ri LU =1231 Ibf (TENSION AT ANY ONE P .41 R2v 12 b. DOWNFORCE AT ONE SIDE OF BASE END VIEW —FROM LATERAL AND VERTICAL FORCES FBD SUM M2 = Ft-oFr(11) + FvoFT(12)/2 - R1v(12) = 0 SOLVE Riv = (FLaFr(11) + Fv0rr(12)/2)/(12) WHERE: . = (386(180) + 1,192(150/2))/150 1,059 Ibf FLOFT = 386 Ibf WITH (2) SUPPORT POINTS EACH SIDE, MAX VERTICAL Fvorr = 1,192 Ibf COMPRESSION IN EACH POINT Ii = 180 in Rci = (R1v)/2 = (1,059)/2 ANS 12 = 150 in = 1530 Ibf (COMPRESSION AT ANY ONE POINT)] LATERAL SHEAR LOADS AT BASE —FROM LATERAL FORCES SUM FL = FLOFT - R1L - R2L - 2R3L = 0, (Ri. = R2L = 2R3L) SOLVE RL = FLOFT/4 = 386/4 = 97 Ibf LATERAL SHEAR IN EACH FRAME COLUMN RSa = (Ri. = R2L) =197 Ibf (LATERAL SHEAR AT POINT) NS LATERALSHEAR IN EACH FRAME CONNECTION AT BLDG • RSBi = (R3L) =146 Ibf (LATERAL SHEAR AT BLDC) ANS LATERAL LOADS AT FRAME CONNECTION TO BLDG —RESULTING LOADS FROM END VIEW FBD I LATERAL TENSION (FROM SIDE LOAD MOMENT) ANS R4LCI'4T--- I R4LT =[-897 Ibf (LATERAL TENSION AT BLDG) H R3vf 1 LATERAL COMPRESSION (FROM END WIND + LATERAL SEISMIC) • (IGNORE COLUMN SUPPORTS) R4LC = FLOFT = (1,117 + 243) ANS 11,360 Ibf (LATERAL COMPRESSION AT BLDG)H VERTICAL SHEAR (FROM DOWNFORCE LOAD) ANS GLOWACKI NAVAL ARCHITECTS AND MARINE ENGINEERS DESIGN CALCULATIONS 11 / ENGINEERING 1835 EAST WEST PKY( 1110 REMINC ISLAND, FLORIDA 32003 PHONE (904) 278-8870 FAX (904) 278-8826 ,/j 7 DWG. NO.: 1802 T-1.0 Rev 3 SHEET JOB: ITEM:A&ES LEGOLAND DEEP SEA ADVENTURE BY:A.HORRELL DATE: 5/1 4/18 SUBJECT: STRUCTURAL LOAD AND REACTIONS 1802-1 CHKD: E.GLOWACKI DATE: 5/1 4/18 SOLVE: 2. CALCULATE REACTION FORCES FOR STRUCTURES AT ANCHORING POINTS A. FPC CALCULATIONS FOR TENSION, COMPRESSION, AND SHEAR LOADS, Cont... 3.• LARGE AND SMALL ENTRY PORTALS —FRONT LOAD IS WORST CASE A. LARGE ENTRY PORTAL 1 FLEPT a. LATERAL SHEAR LOAD AT BASE Qjj —FROM LATERAL FORCES FtVEPT SUM FL = FLEPT - R1L = 0 - SOLVE R1L = FLEPT AN =11,328 Ibf (LATERAL SHEAR BASE)I... S Mi 1 ,-4! b. DOWNFORCE AT BASE OF PORTAL R2vLf_.R2v —FROM VERTICAL FORCES / ! I SUM Fv = FVEPT + Riv = 0 SOLVE Riv = FVEPT RiT,4Ml = 11,944 Ibf (VERTICAL LOAD AT BASE)H5 R1LL SIDE VIEW ' c. MOMENT OF BASE OF PORTAL FBD -FROM LATERAL FORCES ONLY WHERE: . SUM Ml = FLEPT(11) - R2v(12) = 0 FLEPT = 1,328 Ibf SOLVE R2v = FLEPT(11 )/(12) = 1,328(80)/(16) FVEPT = 1,944 Ibf = 6,64O Ibf (TENSION LOAD EACH ANS li = 80 in . SIDE OF BASE) 12 = 16 in - B. SMALL ENTRY PORTAL SMALL ENTRY PORTAL FBD IS THE SAME WITH REDUCED DEADWEIGHT, WIND AND SEISMIC LOADS R1L=11,034 Ibf (LATERAL SHEAR BASE)I ANS Riv =1728 Ibf (VERTICAL LOAD AT BASE) I ANS R2v =14,769 Ibf (TENSION LOAD EACH SIDE OF BASE) I ANS 4. HELICOPTER PROP, —SIDE LOAD, IS WORST CASE a. UPLIFT AT ONE SIDE OF BASE Li —FROM LATERAL FORCES ONLY / \ SUM Ml = FLHcT(11) — R2v(12) = 0 FLHT' SOLVE- R2v = FLHcT(11)/(12) = 686(73)/(67) = 747 Ibf (2) SUPPORT POINTS AT EACH SIDE OF FRAME BASE p WITH T RTi = R2v/2 = 747/2 = 77T ibf TENSION AT ANY ONE POINT ANS M2 b. DOWNFORCE AT ONE SIDE OF BASE 41vM (tT .—FROM LATERAL AND VERTICAL FORCES RlL4 SUM M2 = FLHcT(11) + FvHcT(12)/2 - Riv(12) = 0 R2V 12 TEND VIEW SOLVE Riv = (FLHcT(11) + FvI-4cT(12)/2)/(12) FBD = (686(73) + 1,620(67/2))/67 = 1,557 Ibf WHERE ' WITH (2) SUPPORT POINTS EACH SIDE, MAX VERTICAL FLHCT — 686 Ibf COMPRESSION IN EACH POINT FVHCT = 1,620 Ibf Rci = (R1v)/2 = (1,557)/2 AN S Ii = 73 in = 1779 .Ibf (COMPRESSION AT ANY ONE POINT) l 12 = 67 in GLIY\V.AC]KI NAVAL ARCHITECTS AND MARINE ENGINEERS DESIGN CALCULATIONS 1 Y 17 , 1835 ]11JI1]]R.II1I'ci- [AS] WEST PKP( flU FI.[ING ISLAND, FLORIDA 32003 PHONE (904) 278-8870 FAX (904) 218-8826 DWG. NO.: 1802 T-1.0 Rev 3 SHEET JOB: ITEM:A&ES LEGOLAND DEEP SEA ADVENTURE BY:A.HORRD± DATE: 5/1 4/1 8 SUBJECT: STRUCTURAL LOAD AND REACTIONS 1802-1 CHKD:E.GLOWCKI DATE:5/1 4/18 SOLVE: 2. CALCULATE REACTION FORCES FOR STRUCTURES AT ANCHORING POINTS A. FPC CALCULATIONS FOR TENSION, COMPRESSION, AND SHEAR LOADS, Cont... 4 HELICOPTER PROP, Cont... LATERAL SHEAR LOADS AT. BASE —FROM LATERAL FORCES SUM FL = FLHCT - 2R1L - 2R2L = 0, (Ri- = R2L) SOLVE RL = FLHCT/4 = 686/4 = 172 Ibf LATERAL SHEAR IN EACH FRAME COLUMN RSCi = (Ri = R2L) ANS END SECTION 2.A B. EVALUATE MINIMUM ANCHOR REQUIRMENTS CONTROL TOWER AND QLINE PORTAL MAXIMUM LOADS IN PORTAL COLUMNS: MAX SHEAR AT -ANY POINT = 863 Ibf MAX COMPRESSION AT ANY POINT = 4,733 Ibf MAX TENSION AT ANY POINT = 3,105 Ibf SUB PHOTO OP AND OVERHEAD FRAME MAXIMUM LOADS JN PLATFORM COLUMNS: MAX SHEAR AT ANY POINT = 840 Ibf MAX COMPRESSION AT ANY POINT = 1 ,655 Ibf MAX TENSION AT ANY POINT = 1,281 Ibf LARGE AND SMALL ENTRY PORTALS MAXIMUM LOADS IN PORTAL BASES: MAX SHEAR AT ANY BASE = 1,328 Ibf MAX COMPRESSION AT BASE = 1,944 Ibf MAX TENSION AT EACH SIDE OF BASE = 6,640 Ibf HELICOPTER PROP MAXIMUM LOADS IN PORTAL BASES: MAX SHEAR 'AT ANY BASE = 172 Ibf MAX COMPRESSION AT BASE = 779 Ibf MAX TENSION AT EACH SIDE OF BASE = 374 Ibf END SECTION 2.B C. COMPARE MINIMUM ANCHOR REQUIREMENTS TO ANCHOR SCHEDULE ANCHOR BOLT ALLOWABLE STRENGTHS (GRADE A325 BOLTS) FROM REF 5, PART 16 SECTION J3 WITH 0 =. 2.00 (ASD), FNT = 90 ksi, FNS = 68 ksi ALLOWABLE TENSILE FORCES: 034", A = 0.417 -in 2, FTA = RN/Q= FNTA/Q= 90(0.417)/2 = 18.8 kips 'O1/2 A = 0.182 in2, FTA2 = RN/Q= FNTA/Q= 90(0.182)/2 = 8.2 kips ALLOWABLE SHEAR FORCES: 03/4", A = 0.417 in 2, FsA1 = RN/)= FNSA/Q= 68(0.417)/2 = 14.2 kips O1/2 A = 0.182 in2 , FSA2 = RN/Q= FNsA/C= 68(0.182)/2 = 6.2 kips LAG SCREW PULL—OUT STRENGTHS FROM REF 8; PULLOUT CAPACITY FOR LAG SCREWS PULLOUT CAPACITY: ½"ø LAG SCREW PULLOUT CAPACITY RANGES FROM 0.437 kips/in EMBEDMENT IN SOUTHERN PINE TO 0.291 kips/in EMBEDMENT FOR SPRUCE. USE AVERAGE, FAPO = 0.364 kips/in EMBEDMENT. I G-LO\X7A.C}(I I NAVAL ARCHITECTS AND MARINE ENGINEERS I DESIGN CALCULATIONS X17 :lE I 835 EAST WEST PKI'IY 110 FLEMINC ISLAND, FLORIDA 32003 I ENGINEERING _PHONE (904)278-8870 FAX (904)278-8826 _DWG. NO.:_1802T— 1.0Rev 3SHEET JOB: ITEM:A&ES LEGOLAND DEEP SEA ADVENTURE I BY:kH0RRELL DATE: 5/14/18 1802-1 __ SUBJECT: STRUCTURAL LOAD ANDREACTIONS CHKD:E.GLOWACKI DATE:5/14/18 SOLVE: 2. CALCULATE REACTION FORCES FOR STRUCTURES AT ANCHORING POINTS C. COMPARE MINIMUM ANCHOR REQUIRMENTS TO ANCHOR SCHEDULE, Cont... c. THEMED ELEMENT MAXIMUM FORCES AT ANCHOR LOCATIONS Q'—LINE PORTAL COLUMNS WITH (4) 03/4" BOLTS —MAX TENSION FORCE AT ANY COLUMN BASE, FIM = 3.1 kips < (4)FTA1 = 75.2 kips GOOD —MAX SHEAR FORCE AT ANY COLUMN BASE, FSM = 0.86 kips < (4)FsA = 32.8 kips GOOD —MIN EMBEDMENT 7.0" WITH EPDXY HIT—HY200OREQ. —ANCHOR UTILIZATION AS PER REF 9 ACI-318 (SEE "PROFIS" EXCERPT REPORT IN APPENDIX D) ANS TENSION = 5%, CONCRETE BREAKOUT = 25% SHEAR = 3%, CONCRETE EDGE BREAKOUT = 32% SUB PHOTO—OP PLATFORM COLUMNS WITH (6) 03,4" BOLTS MAX TENSION FORCE AT ANY COLUMN BASE, FTM = 1 .3 kips < (6)FTA1 = 11 2.8 kips GOOD MAX SHEAR FORCE AT ANY COLUMN BASE, FSM = 0.42 kips < (6)FsA1 = 49.2 kips GOOD MIN EMBEDMENT 7.0" WITH EPDXY HIT—HY 200 OR EQ. —ANCHOR UTILIZATION AS PER REF 9 ACI-318 (SEE "PROFIS" EXCERPT REPORT IN APPENDIX D) ANS TENSION = 6%, CONCRETE BREAKOUT = 5% SHEAR = :1%, CONCRETE EDGE BREAKOUT = 2% OVERHEAD FRAME TRUSS COLUMNS WITH (2)0½" BOLTS EACH SIDE OF COLUMN —MAX TENSION FORCE AT ANY COLUMN BASE, FTM = 0.231 kips < (4)FTA2 = 75.2 kips GOOD —MAX SHEAR FORCE AT ANY COLUMN BASE, FSM = 0.097 kips < (4)FsA2 = 32.8 kips GOOD —MIN EMBEDMENT 7.0" WITH EPDXY HIT—HY 200 OR EQ. —ANCHOR UTILIZATION AS PER REF 9 ACI-318 (SEE "PROFIS" EXCERPT REPORT IN APPENDIX 0) ANS TENSION = 1%, CONCRETE BREAKOUT = 1% SHEAR = 1%, CONCRETE EDGE BREAKOUT = 2% ENTRY PORTALS WITH (2)01/2 BOLTS EACH SIDE OF COLUMN LARGE PORTAL —MA) TENSION FORCE AT. ANY COLUMN BASE, FTM = 6.6 kips < (2)FTA2 = 16.4 kips GOOD —MAX SHEAR FORCE AT ANY COLUMN BASE, FSM = 1.3 kips < (4)FSA2 = 24.8 kips GOOD. —MIN EMBEDMENT 7.0" WITH EPDXY HIT—HY200OR EQ. —ANCHOR UTILIZATION AS PER REF 9 ACI-318 (SEE "PROFIS" EXCERPT REPORT IN APPENDIX D) TENSION = 18%, CONCRETE BREAKOUT = 45% SHEAR =9%, CONCRETE EDGE BREAKOUT = 44% ANS GLO\X7.A.CI(.I. NAVAL ARCHITECTS AND MARINE ENGINEERS DESIGN CALCULATIONS 1 4 / PL' 1835 EAS1 WEST PKWY 110 FLEMINC ISLAND, FLORIDA 32003 PHONE (904) 278-8870 FAX (904) 278-8826 ,/j 7 DWG. NO.: 1802 T— 1 .0 Rev 3 SHEET JOB: ITEM:A&ES LEGOLAND DEEP SEA ADVENTURE BY:A.HORRELL DATE: 5/14/18 SUBJECT: STRUCTURAL LOAD AND REACTIONS 1802-1 CHKD: E.GLOWACKI DATE: 5/14/18 SOLVE: 2. CALCULATE REACTION FORCES FOR STRUCTURES AT ANCHORING POINTS C. COMPARE MINIMUM ANCHOR REQUIRMENTS TO ANCHOR SCHEDULE c. THEMED ELEMENT MAXIMUM FORCES AT ANCHOR LOCATIONS ENTRY PORTALS, Cont... SMALL PORTAL —MAX TENSION FORCE AT ANY COLUMN BASE, FTM = 4.8 kips < (2)FTA2 = 16.4 kips GOOD —MAX SHEAR FORCE AT ANY COLUMN BASE, FSM = 1.0 kips < (4)FsA2 = 24.8 kips GOOD. —MIN EMBEDMENT 7.0" WITH EPDXY HIT—HY 200 OR EQ. —ANCHOR UTILIZATION AS PER REF 9 ACI-318 (SEE "PROFIS" EXCERPT REPORT IN APPENDIX D) TENSION = 13%, CONCRETE BREAKOUT = 32% SHEAR = 8%, CONCRETE EDGE BREAKOUT = 35% HELICOPTER BASE WITH (4) ø1/2 LAG SCREWS WITH 1" EMBEDMENT AT EACH BASE —MAX TENSION FORCE AT ANY COLUMN BASE, ElM = 0.37 kips < (4)FAPo = 1.5 kips GOOD —MAX SHEAR FORCE AT ANY COLUMN BASE, FSM = 0.17 kips < (4)FsA2 = 24.8 kips GOOD END SECTION 2.0 SOLVE: 3. EVALUATE STRUCTURE REACTIONS FOR CALCULATED LOADS THE WORST CASE LOADS WILL BE USED TO EVALUATE THE REACTIONS IN THE BASIC STRUCTURES. THE STRUCTURAL ARRANGEMENTS WERE REVIEWED FOR GENERAL ASSEMBLY USING THE PRESCRIPTIVE STANDARDS FOR ARRANGEMENTS AND WELDEMENTS AS PER ALUMINUM DESIGN MANUAL 2010 (REF 5). CONVENTIONAL FIRST PRINCIPLE CALCULATIONS (FPC) WILL BE USED TO EVALUATE BASIC BEARING, BENDING, TENSION AND SHEAR REACTIONS. FINITE ELEMENT ANALYSIS (FEA) WILL BE USED TO EVALUATE THE REACTION IN THE OVERALL STRUCTURES WHERE APPLICABLE. 1. CONTROL TOWER 'AND 0—LINE PORTAL REVIEWED -FOR ASSEMBLY AND WELDEMENTS —IN COMPLIANCE WITH REF 4. APPROVED BY INSPECTION STRUCTURE MODELED AND ANALYZED USING FEA —SEE FEA SUMMARY RESULTS MAX VON MISES STRESS, f = 6.2 ksi MAX CONTROL TOWER DEFLECTION (STORY DRIFT, Cd=10) dx = 0.255 in 2. SUB PHOTO—OP PLATFORM COLUMNS WITH (6) 03%" BOLTS a. REVIEWED FOR ASSEMBLY AND WELDEMENTS —IN COMPLIANCE WITH REF 4. APPROVED BY INSPECTION GLOWACKI NAVAL ARCHITECTS AND MARINE ENGINEERS DESIGN CALCULATIONS 1/' ENGINEERING PHONE (904) 278-8870 FAX (904) 278-8826 DWG. NO.: 1802 T-1.0 Rev 3 SHEET I. 835 [AST WEST PKWY fluX FLEMINC ISLAND, FLORIXA 32003 I 17 JOB: ITEM:A&ES LEGOLAND DEEP SEA ADVENTURE BY:A.HORRELL DATE: 5/1 4/18 1802-1 SUBJECT: STRUCTURAL LOAD AND REACTIONS CHKD: E.GLowACKI DATE:5/1 4/18 SOLVE: 3. EVALUATE -STRUCTURE REACTIONS FOR CALCULATED. LOADS 2. SUB PHOTO--OP PLATFORM COLUMNS, Cont... b. SPECIFIC STRUCTURAL COMPONENTS EVALUATED USING FPC BEARING IN SUB PLATFORM COLUMNS MAX BEARING LOAD BASED ON BEARING AREA COLUMN. BEARING LOAD, F = 2,066 Ibf 0.28'--- COLUMN SECTION PROPERTIES 6" As = 5.58 in2 06" SCH 40 PIPE BEARING STRESS: a = =I297 psi < 6,800 psi O.K. AN 2, SUB PHOTO—OF PLATFORM COLUMNS WITH (6) 03/41' BOLTS b. SPECIFIC STRUCTURAL COMPONENTS EVALUATED USING FPC, Cont... BENDING IN SUB PLATFORM FRAMING MAX BENDING STRESS IN 2x6x1/2" STIFFENERS —SUB WEIGHT DISTRIBUTED OVER 5 PRIMARY STIFFENERS LOAD =. 1,825/5 = 365 Ibf EACH. F365 Ibf ENER STIFFENER SECTION PROPERTIES As = 3.00 in ANS I = 15.2 in4 SM = 5.07 in3 fl ANS RT2x6x 1/4" FBD SHEAR FORCE: R = VMAX = F/2 = 365/2 = 183 Ibf BENDING MOMENT: MMAX = FI/4 = 365(104)/4 = 9,490 in—Ibf SHEAR STRESS: R/As = (183)/(3.0) • BENDING STRESS: = MMAx/SM = (9,490)/(5.07) =1 1,872 psi < 6,800 psi O.K. 3. ENTRY PORTALS REVIEWED FOR ASSEMBLY AND WELDEMENTS —IN COMPLIANCE WITH REF 4. APPROVED BY INSPECTION STRUCTURE MODELED AND ANALYZED USING FEA —SEE FEA SUMMARY RESULTS, APPENDIX C MAX VON MISES STRESS, 5.5ksi MAX PORTAL TRUSS DEFLECTION dx = 0.08 in G-LO\XTACKI NAVAL ARCHITECTS AND MARINE ENGINEERS DESIGN CALCULATIONS 1 Y 17 PHONE (904) 278-8870 FAX (904) 278-8826 1835 [AS1 8[SI PKPIY 1110 F1[ING ISLAND, FLORIDA 32003 DWG. NO.: 1802 T-1.0 Rev 3 SHEET JOB: ITEM:A&ES LEGOLAND DEEP SEA ADVENTURE By:A.HORRD± DATE: 5/14/18 SUBJECT: STRUCTURAL LOAD AND REACTIONS 1802-1 CHKD:E.CLOWACKI DATE: 5/14/18 SOLVE: 3. EVALUATE STRUCTURE REACTIONS FOR CALCULATED LOADS, Cont... 4. HELICOPTER PROP REVIEWED FOR ASSEMBLY AND WELDEMENTS —IN COMPLIANCE WITH REF 4. APPROVED BY INSPECTION SPECIFIC STRUCTURAL COMPONENTS EVALUATED USING FPC • 1. BEARING IN SUPPORT PLATFORM LEGS MAX BEARING LOAD BASED ON BEARING AREA COLUMN BEARING LOAD, F = 779 Ibf 0.375" COLUMN SECTION PROPERTIES AB=5.441n2 fRT4x4x3.8" BEARING STRESS: = F/A ANS 1143 psi < 6,800 psi 5. MISCL CALCULATIONS APPLICABLE TO ALL STRUCTURES a. MAXIMUM LOADS FOR XFS TRUSS FOR ENTRY PORTALS AND SUB PHOTO OVERHEAD FRAME XFS BOX TRUSS w=1.33 ft WIDE WIND PROFILE 10-0" SPAN RATED FOR 844 plf r 16" Qw CHECK WIND LOAD ON TRUSS Qw = qz(w) = 22.4(1.33) • b. BENDING STRESS FOR ALUMINUM PLATE 1. WORST CASE STRESS ON NOMINAL 24x36" SECTION OF PLATING AS PER REF 7. "ROARK'S" TABLE 26 CASE 1 a/b = 36/24 = 1.5 ALL EDGES \. J B =0.4851 (interpolated) SIMPLY qz .D t = 0.25 SUPPORTED j qz = 22.4 psf = 0.16 psi -. . • = Bqzb2/t2 =(0.4851)(0.16)(242)/(0.25 2) ANS - END SECTION 3. Gtc\x7..ACKJ NAVAL ARCHITECTS AND MARINE ENGINEERS DESIGN CALCULATIONS 1,," I 1/7 ENGINEERING I 835 EAST WEST PKY(Y 1110 FEVING ISLAND, FLORIDA 32003 1 835 (904) 278-8870 FAX (904) 278-8826 DWG. NO.: 1802 T— 1 .0 Rev 3 ,, SHEET JOB: ITEM:A&ES LEGOLAND DEEP SEA ADVENTURE BY:A.HORRELL DATE: 5/14/18 SUBJECT: STRUCTURAL LOAD AND REACTIONS 1802-1 I CHKD:E.GLOWACKI DATE: 5/14/18 SOLVE: 4. DETAIL ANCHOR ARRANGEMENTS FOR ITEMS TO FOUNDATIONS 16" TYP 03/4" THREADED ROD ,.,—WITH NUT AND 20/8" WASHER HILTI—HY200 EPDXY OR EQ. ff, MIN. EMBEDMENT 7" INSTALL AS -T-Roo I PER MFG SPECIFICATIONS I (4) PLACES EACH FOOTER C'1 I I :"—BASE PLATE FOOTER PLAN VIEW 1- 30" 1YP 1 Q—LINE PORTAL ANCHORS I (6) PLACES 3" 01/2" THREADED ROD WITH NUT AND 1.750/8" WASHER HILTI—HY200 EPDXY OR EQ. MIN. EMBEDMENT 7" INSTALL AS : PER MFG SPECIFICATIONS I • .(4) PLACES EACH FOOTER I I BASE PLATE FOOTER FOOTER PLAN VIEW ABASE 071 PLATE SUB OVERHEAD FRAME ANCHORS I-o" (2) PLACES 03/4" THREADED ROD WITH NUT AND 20/8" WASHER HILTI—HY200 EPDXY OR EQ. ?--- I MIN. EMBEDMENT 7" INSTALL AS PER MFG SPECIFICATIONS / - (6) PLACES EACH FOOTER PLAN VIEW -' 24" TYP-I SUB PLATFORM ANCHORS: I (2) PLACES 01/2" THREADED ROD —Tyll WITH NUT AND 1.750/8" WASHER I ° HILTI—HY200 EPDXY OR EQ. MIN. EMBEDMENT 7" INSTALL AS 2 PER MFG SPECIFICATIONS I (4) PLACES EACH FOOTER BASE PLATE FOOTER PLAN VIEW LARGE AND SMALL ENTRY PORTAL ANCHORS • (2) PLACES END SECTION 3. END BASIC CALCULATIONS 1802 T-3 Rev 0 FEA Summary —CONTROL TOWER AND 0-LINE PORTAL LOAD CASE 3P, STATIC LOAD, PLATE MODEL Analysis - Linear Static Stress Model —CONTROL TOWER AND Q-LINE STRUCTURE WITH WIND AND SEISMIC SIDE LOAD Material - ALUMINUM 6061 Elements - Plates CONTROL TOWER AND: OLINE STRUCJRE SIDE W!N 3D SEbMt ...................... - -- '.... L.JAL I.....- - AECH'JRS AT RAS E -. j•-. - 3 52:171.057,;r 266.588 Figure 3.1 - Basic Structural Model with Loads and Boundary Conditions Image Comments: Structure basic model with seismice and extrerm wind loads Technical Report No. 1802 T-3 Rev 0 1 Glowacki Engineering tióñMises '12)' LLN. OWAES1BE3E 8OQ ç FOR WELDED ' ALUMINUM 476O = 34OO 272O .2040, I EAKt0CALStRESS ELEVATIONS 766 251319 Figure 3.2 - Overall Structure von Mises Stress Image Comments: Model stresses showing nominal, aid peak model stress elevations. Technical Report No. 1802 T-3 Rev 0 2 Glowacki Engineering Str I on Mise ibflin'2f I I -- I- 120. oh4080 LOrCAC4ATRESS ELEVAT 360, WS i I! L 'i Figure 3.3 - Local Structure von Mises Stress-1 Image Comments: Local peak model stress elevations Technical Report No. 1802 T-3 Rew 0 3 Gowacki Engineering ... . LATERAL DISPLACEMENT WITH Cd 100 IMGE'iS .,- - EXGGERATEDI 41 UU i73977 - JTTr1rTrfllflFI Figure 3.5 - Calculated Wind and Seismic Load Displacement Image Comments: Calculated deflection at 0.258 in. This includes a seismic factor for story drift using nominal Cd = 3.0 for rigid steel frames that was further amplified by x3.3 to account for the flexibility ratio of aluminum to steel. Technical Report No. 1802 T-3 Rev 0 5 Glowacki Engineering I 'LATERL AND VERTICAL LCADFROM PORTAL OVERHEAD STRUCTURE ISSTRUCTURE Horn NDAT1ON O.O60 :3.659 in 47317 70.976. 1802 T-4 Rev 0 FEA Summary - LARGE ENTRY PORTAL TOWER LOAD CASE 4P, STATIC LOAD, PLATE MODEL Analysis - Linear Static Stress Model - LARGE ENTRY PORTAL STRUCTURE WITH WIND AND SEISMIC LOAD Material - ALUMINUM 6061 Elements - Plates Figure. 4.1 - Basic Structural Model with Loads and Boundary Conditions Image Comments: Structure basic model with seismice and extreme wind loads Technical Report No. 1802 T-4 Rev 0 1 Glowacki Engineering I VOfl Miss LLOW4'PLE STRE5 IbfIih'A2, I WELDED 680O ALUMINUM 612O MNALMODEL ESSELEVATION.S• LOCAL MDEi ss 4EVATIOtJS Figure 4.2 - Overall Structure von Mises Stress Image Comments: Model stresses showing nominal and peak model stress elevations. Technical Report No. 1802 T-4 Rev 0 2 Glowacki Engineering Stress Mises —: IbfiiiA2) - 68OO 6;12o 476O - \' oo 272O 2,O4O t '136O? $e8o L; i: ! q.oQo. j I r1 • Figure 4.3 - Local Structure von Mises Stress-1 Image Comments: Local peak model stress elevations Technical Report No. 1802 T-4 Rev C' 3 Glowacki Engineering I Itf.i2)! 55 :. St —1'EAKLOCALSTRESS 340014 552 j - - 2,720 - /• ( .- /• 4' -- / •S. -. / ~/-/- ")< J /. / / • I z _ S 00 2701 Figure 4.4 - Local Structure von Mises Stress-2 Image Comments: Model stresses showing nominal and peak model stress elevations 5.5 ksi. Technical Report No. 1802 T-4 Rev 0 4 Glowacki Engineering Magnitude L. \ DISET(?1)MAE 4.1 0.024618..' 00O8O59 it 41 ••i Y 0.000 22A061 .813. 67219 Figure 4.5 - Calculated Wind and Seismic Load Displacement Image Comments: Calculated deflection at 0.08 in. Technical Report No. 1802 1-4 Rev 0 5 Glowacki Engineering I H . ..,.,,. t .. APPENDIX D Selected Excerpts from References Technical Report No. 1802 TR-1 Rev B . 40 Glowacki Engineering I CHAPTER 12 SEISMIC DESIGN REQUIREMENTS FOR BUILDING STRUCTURES 12.1 STRUCTURAL DESIGN BASIS 12.1.1 Basic Requirements. The seismic analysis and design procedures to be used in the design of building structures and their members shall he as prescribed in this section. The building structure shall include complete lateral and vertical force- resisting systems capable of providing adequate strength. stiff- ness, and energy dissipation capacity to withstand the design ground motions within the prescribed limits of deformation and strength demand. The design ground motions shall be assumed to occur along any horizontal direction of a building structure. The adequacy of the structural systems shall be demonstrated through the construction of a mathematical model and evaluation of this model for the effects of design ground motions. The design seismic forces and their distribution over the height of the building structure shall be established in accordance with one of the applicable procedures indicated in Section 12.6 and the corresponding internal forces and deformations in the members of the structure shall he determined. An approved alternative procedure shall not be used to establish the seismic forces and their distribution unless the corresponding internal forces and deformations in the members are determined using a model consistent with the procedure adopted. EXCEPTION: As an alternative, the simplified design pro- cedures of Section 12.14 is permitted to he used in lieu of the requirements of Sections 12.1 through 12.12, subject to all of the limitations contained in Section 12.14. 12.1.2 Member Design, Connection Design, and Deforma- tion Limit. Individual members, including those not part of the seismic force-resisting system, shall be provided with adequate strength to resist the shears, axial forces, and moments deter- mined in accordance with this standard, and connections shall develop the strength of the connected members or the forces indicated in Section 12.1.1. The deformation of the structure shall not exceed the prescribed limits where the structure is subjected to the design seismic forces. 12.1.3 Continuous Load Path and Interconnection. A con- tinuous load path, or paths, with adequate strength and stiffness shall be provided to transfer all forces from the point of applica- tion to the final point of resistance. All parts of the structure between separation joints shall be interconnected to form a con- tinuous path to the seismic force-resisting system, and the con- nections shall be capable of transmitting the seismic force (Fr) induced by the parts being connected. Any smaller portion of the structure shall be tied to the remainder of the structure with ele- ments having a design strength capable of transmitting a seismic force of 0.133 times the short period design spectral response acceleration parameter, S1,, times the weight of the smaller portion or 5% of the portion's weight, whichever is greater. This connection force does not apply to the overall design of the seismic force-resisting system. Connection design forces need not exceed the maximum forces that the structural system can deliver to the connection. 12.1.4 Connection to Supports. A positive connection for resisting a horizontal force acting parallel to the member shall be provided for each beam, girder, or truss either directly to its supporting elements, or to slabs designed to act as diaphragms. Where the connection is through a diaphragm, then the mem- ber's supporting element must also he connected to the dia- phragm. The connection shall have a minimum design strength of 5% of the dead plus live load reaction. 12.1.5 Foundation Design. The foundation shall be designed to resist the forces developed and accommodate the movements imparted to the structure by the design ground motions. The dynamic nature of the forces, the expected ground motion, the design basis for strength and energy dissipation capacity of the structure, and the dynamic properties of the soil shall be included in the determination of the foundation design criteria. The design and construction of foundations shall comply with Section 12.13. 12.1.6 Material Design and Detailing Requirements. Struc- tural elements including foundation elements shall conform to the material design and detailing requirements set forth in Chapter 14. 12.2 STRUCTURAL SYSTEM SELECTION 12.2.1 Selection and Limitations. The basic lateral and verti- cal seismic force-resisting system shall conform to one of the types indicated in Table 12.2-1 or a combination of systems as permitted in Sections 12.2.2, 12.2.3, and 12.2.4. Each type is subdivided by the types of vertical elements used to resist lateral seismic forces. The structural systems used shall be in accor- dance with the structural system limitations and the limits on structural height, h, contained in Table 12.2- I. The appropriate response modification coefficient, R; overstrength factor, 9 0; and the deflection amplification factor, Cth indicated in Table 12.2-I shall be used in determining the base shear, element design forces, and design story drift. Each selected seismic force-resisting system shall be designed and detailed in accordance with the specific requirements for the system as set forth in the applicable reference document listed in Table 12.2-I and the additional requirements set forth in Chapter 14. Seismic force-resisting systems not contained in Table 12.2-1 are permitted provided analytical and test data are submitted to the authority having jurisdiction for approval that establish their dynamic characteristics and demonstrate their lateral force resis- tance and energy dissipation capacity to he equivalent to the structural systems listed in Table 12.2-1 for equivalent values of Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other Structures 59 Table 13.2-1 Applicable Requirements for Architectural, Mechanical, and Electrical Components: Supports and Attachments General Design Force and Displacement Attachment Architectural Component Mechanical and Electrical Nonstructural Element (i.e., Component, Requirements Requirements (Section Requirements Requirements (Section Component Requirements Support Attachment) (Section 13.2) - 13.3) (Section 13.4) 13.5) (Section 13.6) Architectural components and supports X X X and attachments for architeàtural components Mechanical and ciccirical components X - X X X with !,,>! Supports and attachments for mechanical X X X X and electrical components - 13.2 GENERAL DESIGN REQUIREMENTS 13.2.1 Applicable Requirements for Architectural, Mechani- cal, and Electrical Components, Supports, and Attach- ments. Architectural, mechanical, and electrical components, supports, and attachments shall comply withthe sections refer- enced in Table 13.2-1. These requirements shall be satisfied by one 0! the following methods.. Project-specific design and documentation submitted for approval to the authority having jurisdiction after review and acceptance by a registered design professional. Submittal of the manufacturer's certification that the com- ponent is seismically qualified by at least one of the following: Analysis, or Testing in accordance with the alternative set forth in Section 13.2.5, or Experience data in accordance with the alternative set forth in Section 13.2.6. 13.2.2 Special Certification Requirements for Designated Seismic Systems. Certifications shall be provided for desig- nated seismic systems assigned to Seismic Design Categories C through F as follows: Active mechanical and electrical equipment that must remain operable following the design earthquake ground motion shall be certified by the manufacturer as operable whereby active parts or energized components shall be certified exclusively on the basis of approved shake table testing in accordance with Section 13.2.5 or experience data in accordance with Section 13.2.6 unless it can be shown that the component is inherently rugged by com- parison with similar seismically qualified components. Evidence demonstrating compliance with this requirement shall be submitted for approval to the authority having jurisdiction after review and acceptance by a registered design professional. Components with hazardous substances and assigned a component importance factor, I,,, of,] .5 in accordance with Section 13.1.3 shall be certified by the manufacturer as maintaining containment foIloiiing the-design earthquake ground motion by (I) analysis, (2) approved shake table testing in accordance with Section 13.2.5, or (3) experience data in acordancc with Section 13.2.6. Evidence demon- strating compliance with this requirement shall be submit- ted for approval to the authority having jurisdiction after review and acceptance by a registered design professional. 13.2.3 Consequential Damage. The functional and physical interrelationship of components, their supports, and their effect on each other shall be considered so that the failure of an essen- tial or nonessential architectural, mechanical, or electrical com- ponent shall not cause the failure of an essential architectural, mechanical, or electrical component. 13.2.4 Flexibility. The design and evaluation of components, their supports, and their attachments shall consider their flexibil- ity and their strength. 13.2.5 Testing Alternative for Seismic Capacity Determina- tion. As an alternative to the analytical requirements of Sections 13.2 through 13.6, testing shall be deemed as an acceptable method to determine the seismic capacity of components and their supports and attachments. Seismic qualification by testing based upon a nationally recognized testing standard procedure, such as ICC-ES AC 156, acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction shall be deemed to satisfy the design and evaluation requirements provided that the substantiated seismic capacities equal or exceed the seismic demands determined in accordance with Sections 13.3.1 and 13.3.2. For the testing alternative, the maximum seismic demand determined in accordance with Equa- tion 13.3-2 is not required to exceed 3.2I,,W. 13.26 Experience Data Alternative for Seismic Capacity Determination. As an alternative to the analytical requirements of Sections 13.2 through 13.6, use of experience data shall be deemed as an acceptable method to determine the seismic capac- ity of components and their supports and attachments. Seismic qualification by experience data based upon nationally recog- nized procedures acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction shall he deemed to satisfy the design and evaluation requirements provided that the substantiated seismic capacities equal or exceed the seismic demands determined in accordance with Sections 13.3.1 and 13.3.2. 13.2.7 Construction Documents. Where design of nonstruc- tural components or their supports and attachments is required by Table 13.2-1, such design shall be shown in construction documents prepared by a registered design professional for use by the owner, authorities having jurisdiction, contractors, and inspectors. Such documents shall include a quality assurance plan if required by Appendix 1 IA. 13.3 SEISMIC DEMANDS ON NONSTRUCTURAL COMPONENTS 13.3.1 Seismic Design Force. The horizontal seismic design force (F,,) shall be applied at the component's center of gravity and distributed relative to the component's mass distribution and shall be determined in accordance with Eq. 13.3-1: F,, = 0.4aPSDSWP (l+2!1 (13.3-1) R,, t h IP 88 STANDARDS 7-10 F is not required to be taken as greater than F= 1.6S,)s1W (13.3-2) and F,, shall not be taken as less than F,, = (13.3-3) where F,, = seismic design force S,)$ = spectral acceleration, short period, as determined from Section 11.4.4 a = component amplification factor that varies from 1.00 to 2.50 (select appropriate value from Table 13.54 or 13.6-1) I,, = component importance factor that vanes from 1.00 to 1.50 (see Section 13.1.3) W,, = component operating weight R,, = component response modification factor that varies from 1.00 to 12 (select appropriate value from Table 13.5-1 or 13.6-1) z = height in structure of point of attachment of component with respect to the base. For items at or below the base, z shall be taken as 0. The value of zlh need not exceed 1.0 h = average roof height of structure with respect to the base The force (F,,) shall be applied independently in at least two orthogonal horizontal directions in combination with service loads associated with the component, as appropriate. For verti- cally cantilevered systems, however, the force F,, shall he assumed to act in any horizontal direction. In addition, the com- ponent shall be designed for a concurrent vertical force ±0.2S,5W,,. The redundancy factor, p, is permitted to he taken equal to 1 and the overstrength factor, Q0, does not apply. EXCEPTION: The concurrent vertical seismic force need not he considered for lay-in access floor panels and lay-in ceiling panels. Where nonseismic loads on nonstructural components exceed F,,, such loads shall govern the strength design, but the detailing requirements and limitations prescribed in this chapter shall apply. In lieu of the forces determined in accordance with Eq. 13.3-1, accelerations at any level are permitted to be determined by the modal analysis procedures of Section 12.9 with R = 1.0. Seismic forces shall be in accordance with Eq: 13.3-4: FP a,a W,, A, (13.3-4) =( IP where a, is the acceleration at level i obtained from the modal analysis and where A is the torsional amplification factor deter- mined by Eq.12.8-14. Upper and lower limits of F,, determined by Eqs. 13.3-2 and 13.3-3 shall apply. 13.3.2 Seismic Relative Displacements. The effects of seismic relative displacements shall be considered in combination with displacements caused by other loads as appropriate. Seismic relative displacements, D,,,, shall be determined in accordance with Eq. 13.3-5: D,,,=DI, (13.3-5) where = the importance factor in Section 11.5.1 = displacement determined in accordance with the equations set forth in Sections and Displacements within Structures. For two connec- tion points on the same structure A or the same structural system, one at a height h and the other at a height h, D,, shall be deter- mined as D,, =4,,A - I-'yA (13.3-6) Alternatively, D,, is permitted to be determined using modal procedures described in Section 12.9, using the difference in story deflections calculated for each mode and then combined using appropriate modal combination procedures. D,, is not required to be taken as greater than DP = (h—h)& (13.3-7) Displacements between Structures. For two connec- tion points on separate structures Aand B or separate structural systems, one at a height h and the other at a height h, D,, shall be determined as I),, = II + I611I (13.3-8) D,, is not required to he taken as greater than D hxA (13.3-9) " hyaB h,. h, where D = relative seismic displacement that the component must be designed to accommodate = deflection at building level x of structure A, determined in accordance with Eq. (12.8-15) = deflection at building level y of structure A, determined in accordance with Eq. (12.8-15). = deflection at building level y of structure B, determined in accordance with Eq. (12.8-15). h = height of level x to which upper connection point is attached h, = height of level v to which lower connection point is attached = allowable story drift for structure A as defined in Table 12.12-I = allowable story drift for structure B as defined in Table 12.12-1 = story height used in the definition of the allowable drift A. in Table 12.12-1. Note that E,,Ih,, = the drift index. The effects of seismic relative displacements shall be consid- ered in combination with displacements caused by other loads as appropriate. 13.4 NONSTRUCTURAL COMPONENT ANCHORAGE Nonstructural components and their supports shall he attached (or anchored) to the structure in accordance with the require- ments of this section, and the attachment shall satisfy the require- ments for the parent material as set forth elsewhere in this standard. Component attachments shall be bolted, welded, or otherwise positively fastened without consideration of frictional resistance produced by the effects of gravity. A continuous load path of sufficient strength and stiffness between the component and the supporting structure shall be provided. Local elements of the structure including connections shall be designed and con- structed for the component forces where they control the design of the elements or their connections. The component forces shall be those determined in Section 13.3.1. The design documents Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other Structures 89 shall include sufficient information relating to the attachments to verify compliance with the requirements of this section. 13.4.1 Design Force in the- Attachment. The force in the attachment shall be determined based on the prescribed forces and displacements for the component as deterfiuined in Sections 13.3.1 and 13.3.2, except that R shall not be taken as larger than 6. 13.4.2 Anchors in Concrete or Masonry Anchors in Concrete. Anchors in concrete shall he deigned in accordance with Appendix D of AC! 318., Anchors in Masonry. Anchors in masonry shall be designed in accordance with TMS 402/ACT 530/ASCE 5. Anchors shall be designed to be governed by the tensile or shear strength of a ductile steel element. EXCEPTION: Anchors shall be permitted to be desigiied so that the support that the anchor is connecting to the structure undergoes ductile yielding at a load level corresponding to anchor forces not greater than their design strength, or the minimum design strength of the anchors shall be at least 2.5 times the factored forces transmitted by the component. Post-Installed Anchors in Concrete and Masonry. Post-installed anchors in concrete shall beprequali- tied for seismic applications in accordance with ACT 355.2 or other approved qualification procedures. Post-installed anchors in masonry shall he prcqualified for seismic applications in accordance with approved qualification procedures. 13.4.3 Installation Conditions. Determination of forces in attachments shall take into account the expected conditions of installation including eccentricities and prying effects. 13.4.4 Multiple Attachments. Determination of force distribu- tion of multiple attachments at one location shall take into account the stiffness and ductility of the component, component supports, attachments, and structure and the ability to redistrib- ute loads to other attachments in the group. Designs of anchorage in concrete in accordance with Appendix D of ACI 318 shall be considered to satisfy this requirement. 13.4.5 Power Actuated Fasteners. Power actuated fasteners in concrete or steel shall not be used for sustained tension loads or for brace applications in Seismic Design Categories D, E, or F unless approved for seismic loading. Power actuated fasteners in masonry are not permitted unless approved for seismic loading. EXCEPTIONS: I. Power-actuated fasteners in concrete used for support of acoustical tile or lay-in panel suspended ceiling applica- tions and distributed systems where the service load on any individual fastener does not exceed 90 lb (400 N). 2. Power actuated fasteners in steel where the service load on any individual fastener does not exceed 250 lb (1,112 N). 13.4.6 Friction Clips. Friction clips in Seismic Design Catego- ries D, E, or F shall not be used for supporting sustained loads in addition to resisting seismic forces: C-type beam and large flange clamps are permitted for hangers provided they are equipped with restraining straps equivalent to those specified in NFPA 13, Section 9.3.7. Lock nuts or equivalent shall be pro- vided to prevent loosening of threaded connections. 90 13.5 ARCHITECTURAL COMPONENTS 13.5.1 General. Architectural components, and their supports and attachments, shall satisfy the requirements of this section. Appropriate coefficients shall be selected from Table 13.5-1. EXCEPTION: Components supported by chains or other- wise suspended from the structure are not required to satisfy the seismic force and relative displacement requirements provided they meet all of the following criteria: I. The design load for such items shall be equal to 1.4 times the operating weight acting down with a simultaneous hori- zontal load equal to 1.4 times the operating weight. The horizontal load shall he applied in the direction that results in the most critical loading for design. Seismic interaction effects shall be considered in accor- dance with Section 13.2.3. The connection to the structure shall allow a 3600 range of motion in the horizontal plane. 13.5.2 Forces and Displacements. All architectural compo- nents, and their supports and attachments, shall be designed for the seismic forces defined in Section 13.3.1. Architectural components that could pose a life-safety hazard shall be designed to accommodate the seismic relative displace- ment requirements of Section 13.3.2. Architectural components shall be designed considering vertical deflection due to joint rotation of cantilever structural members. 13.5.3 Exterior Nonstructural Wall Elements and Connec- tions. Exterior nonstructural wall panels or elements that are attached to or enclose the structure shall be designed to accom- modate the seismic relative displacements defined in Section 13.3.2 and movements due to temperature changes. Such ele- ments shall be supported by means of positive and direct struc- tural supports or by mechanical connections and fasteners in accordance with the following requirements: Connections and panel joints shall allow for the story drift caused by relative seismic displacements (Dr) determined in Section 13.3.2, or 0.5 in. (13 mm), whichever is greatest. Connections to permit movement in the plane of the panel for story drift shall be sliding connections using slotted or oversize holes, connections that permit movement by bending of steel, or other connections that provide equiva- lent sliding or ductile capacity. The connecting member itself shall have sufficient ductility and rotation capacity to preclude fracture of the concrete or brittle failures at or near welds. All fasteners in the connecting system such as bolts, inserts, welds, and dowels, and the body of the connectors shall be designed for the force (Fe) determined by Section 13.3.1 with values of R and a taken from Table 13.5-I applied at the center of mass of the panel. Where anchorage is achieved using flat straps embedded in concrete or masonry, such straps shall he attached to or hooked around reinforcing steel or otherwise terminated so as to effectively transfer forces to the reinforcing steel or to assure that pullout of anchorage is not the initial failure mechanism. 13.5.4 Glass. Glass in glazed curtain walls and storefronts shall be designed and installed in accordance with Section 13.5.9. 13.5.5 Out-of-Plane Bending. Transverse or out-of-plane bending or deformation of a component or system that is sub- jected to forces as determined in Section 13.5.2 shall not exceed the deflection capability of the component or system. STANDARDS 7-10 CHAPTER 15 SEISMIC DESIGN REQUIREMENTS FOR NONBUILDING STRUCTURES 15.1 GENERAL 15.1.1 Nonbuilding Structures. Nonbuilding structures include all self-supporting structures that carry gravity loads and that may be required to resist the effects of earthquake, with the exception of building structures specifically excluded in Section 11.1.2 and other nonbuilding structures where specific seismic provisions have yet to be developed, and therefore, are not set forth in Chapter 15. Nonbuilding structures supported by the earth or supported by other structures shall be designed and detailed to resist the minimum lateral forces specified in this chapter. Design shall conform to the applicable requirements of other sections as modified by this section. Foundation design shall comply with the requirements of Sections 12.1.5, 12.13, and Chapter 14. 15.1.2 Design. The design of nonbuilding structures shall provide sufficient stiffness, strength, and ductility consistent with the requirements specified herein for buildings to resist the effects of seismic ground motions as represented by these dsign forces: Applicable strength and other design criteria shall be obtained from other portions of the seismic requirements of this standard or its reference documents. - Where applicable strength and other design criteria are not contained in, or referenced by the seismic requirements of this standard, such criteria shall be obtained from reference documents. Where reference documents define acceptance criteria in terms of allowable stresses as opposed to strength, the design seismic forces shall be obtained from this section and used in combination with other loads as specified in Section 2.4 of this standard and used directly with allowable stresses specified in the reference docu- ments. Detailing shall be in accordance with the reference documents. 15.1.3 Structural Analysis Procedure Selection. Structural analysis procedures for nonbuilding structures that are similar to buildings shall be selected in accordance with Section 12.6. Non- building structures that are not similar to buildings shall be designed using either the equivalent lateral force procedure in accordance with Section 12.8, the modal analysis procedure in accordance with Section 12.9, the linear response history analysis procedure in accordance with Section 16. 1, the nonlinear response history analysis procedure in accordance with Section 16.2, or the procedure prescribed in the specific reference document. 15.2 REFERENCE DOCUMENTS Reference documents referred to in Chapter 15 are listed in Chapter 23 and have seismic requirements based onthe same force and displacement levels used in this standard or have seismic requirements that are specifically modified by Chapter 15. 15.3 NONBUILDING STRUCTURES SUPPORTED BY OTHER STRUCTURES Where nonbuilding structures identified in Table 15.4-2 are sup- ported by other structures and nonbuilding structures are not part of the primary seismic force-resisting system, one of the follow- ing methods shall be used. 15.3.1 Less than 25% Combined Weight Condition. For the condition where the weight of the nonbuilding structure is less than 25% of the combined effective seismic weights of the non- building structure and supporting structure, the design seismic forces of the nonbuilding structure shall he determined in accor- dance with Chapter 13 where the values of R,, and a,, shall be determined in accordance to Section 13.1.5. The supporting structure shall be designed in accordance with the requirements of Chapter 12 or Section 15.5 as appropriate with the weight of the nonbuilding Structure considered in the determination of the effective seismic weight, W. 15.3.2 Greater than or Equal to 25% Combined Weight Condition. For the condition where the weight of the nonbuild- ing structure is equal to or greater than 25% of the combined effective seismic weights of the nonbuilding structure and sup- porting structure, an analysis combining the structural character- istics of both the nonbuilding structure and the supporting struc- tures shall be performed to determine the seismic design forces as follows: I. Where the fundamental period, T, of the nonbuilding struc- ture is less than 0.06 s, the nonbuilding structure shall be considered a rigid clement with appropriate distribution of its effective seismic weight. The supporting structure shall he designed in accordance with the requirements of Chapter 12 or Section 15.5 as appropriate, and the R value of the combined system is permitted to be taken as the R value of the supporting structural system. The nonbuilding struc- ture and attachments shall be designed for the forces using the procedures of Chapter 13 where the value of R,, shall be taken as equal to the R value of the nonbuilding structure as set forth in Table 15.4-2, and a,, shall be taken as 1.0. 2. Where the fundamental period, T, of the nonbuilding struc- ture is 0.06 s or greater, the nonbuilding structure and supporting structure shall be modeled together in a com- bined model with appropriate stiffness and effective seismic weight distributions. The combined structure shall be designed in accordance with Section 15.5 with the R value of the combined system taken as the lesser R value of the nonbuilding structure or the supporting structure. The nonbuilding structure and attachments shall be designed for the forces determined for the nonbuilding structure in the combined analysis. Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other Structures 105 CHAPTER 26 WIND LOADS: GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 26.1 PROCEDURES 26.1.1 Scope. Buildings and other structlres, including the main wind-force resisting system (MWFRS) and all components and cladding (C&C) thereof, shall be designed and constructed to resist the wind loads determined in accordance with Chapters 26 through 31. The provisions of this chapter define basic wind parameters for use with other provisions contained in this standard. 26.1.2 Permitted -Procedures. The design wind loads for buildings'and other structures, including the MWFRS and com- ponent and cladding elements thereof, shall be determined using one of the procedures as specified in this section. An outline of the overall process for the determination of the wind loads, including section references, is provided in Fig. 26.1-I. Main Wind-Force Resisting System (MWFRS). Wind loads for MWFRS shall be determined using one of the following procedures: - I. Directional procedure for buildings of all heights as sped- lied in Chapter 27 for buildings meeting the requirements specified therein; Envelope procedure for low-rise buildings as specified in Chapter 28 for buildings meeting the requirements speci- fied therein; Directional procedure for building appurtenances (rooftop structures and rooftop equipment) and oilier Structures (such as solid freestanding walls and solid freestanding signs, chimneys, tanks, open signs, lattice frameworks, and trussed towers) as specified in Chapter 29; and Wind tunnel procedure for all buildings and all other struc- - tures as specified in Chapter 31. Components and Cladding. Wind loads on compo- nents and cladding on all buildings and other structures shall be designed using one of the following procedures: I. Analytical procedures provided in Parts I through 6, as appropriate, of Chapter 30; and 2. Wind tunnel procedure as specified in Chapter 31. 26.2 DEFINITIONS The following definitions apply to the provisionsof Chapters 26 through 31: - APPROVED: Acceptable to the authority havingjurisdiciion. BASIC WIND SPEED, V: Three-second gust speed at 33 ft (10 m) above the ground in Exposure C (see Section 26.7.3) as determined in accordance with Section 26.5.1. BUILDING, ENCLOSED: A building that does not comply with the requirements for open or iartially enclosed buildings. BUILDING ENVELOPE: Cladding, roofing, exterior walls, glazing, door assemblies, window assemblies, skylight assem- blies, and other components enclosing the building. BUILDING AND OTHER STRUCTURE, FLEXIBLE: Slender buildings and other structures that have a fundamental natural frequency less than 1 Hz. BUILDING, LOW-RISE: Enclosed or partially enclosed buildings that comply with the following conditions: Mean roof height h less than or equal to 60 ft (18 m) and Mean roof height h does not exceed least horizontal dimension. BUILDING, OPEN: A building having each wall at least 80% open. This condition is expressed for each wall by the equa- tion A0 ~! 0.8 A. where A0 = total area of openings in a wall that receives positive external pressure, in ft2 (m) Ag = the gross area of that wall in which A. is identified, in ft2 (m2) BUILDING, PARTIALLY ENCLOSED: A building that complies with both of the following conditions: The total area of openings in a wall that receives positive external pressure exceeds the sum of the areas of openings in the balance of the building envelope (walls and roof) by more than 10% and The total area of openings in a wall that receives positive external pressure exceeds 4 ft2 (0.37 m2) or 1% of the area of that wall, whichever is smaller, and the percentage of openings in the balance of the building envelope does not exceed 20%. These conditions are expressed by the following equations: A0 >l.10A01 A0 > 4 ft2 (0.37 m2) or> U.0 lAg, whichever is smaller, and Ao;/Agi < 0.20 where A0, A8 are as defined for open building A0j = the sum of the areas of openings in the building envelope (walls and roof) not including A0, in ft2 (m) Agi = the sum of the gross surface areas of the building enve- lope (walls and roof) not including Ag, in ft2 (m) BUILDING OR OTHER STRUCTURE, REGULAR SHAPED: A building or other structure having no unusual geo- metrical irregularity in spatial form. BUILDING OR OTHER STRUCTURES, RIGID: A build- ing or other structure whose fundamental frequency is greater than or equal to 1 Hz. Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other Structures 187 160(72) FIGURE 26.5-1A Basic Wind Speeds for Risk Category II Buildings and Other Structures Notes: Values are design 3-second gust wind speeds in miles per hour (m/s) at 33 ft (lOm) above ground for Exposure C category. Linear interpolation between contours is permitted. Islands and coastal areas outside the last contour shall use the last wind speed contour of the coastal area. Mountainous terrain, gorges, ocean promonlories, and special wind regions shall be examined for unusual wind conditions. Wind speeds correspond to approximately a 7% probability of exceedance in 50 years (annual exceedance probability = 0.00143, MRI = 700 years). 191a STANDARDS 7-10 CHAPTER 29 WIND LOADS ON OTHER STRUCTURES AND BUILDING APPURTENANCES-MWFRS 29.1 SCOPE 29.1.1 Structure Types. This chapter applies to the determina- tion of wind loads on building appurtenances (such as rooftop structures and rooftop equipment) and other structures of all heights (such as solid freestanding walls and freestanding solid signs, chimneys, tanks, open signs, lattice frameworks, and trussed towers) using the directional procedure. The steps required for the determination of wind loads on building appurtenances and other structures are shown in Table 29.1-1. User Note: Use Chapter 29 to determine wind pressures on the MWFRS of solid freestanding walls fr.standing solid signs, chimneys, tanks, Open signs, lattice frameworks, and trussed towers Wind loads on rooftop structures and £quip- mcnt may he determined from the provisions of this chapter. The wind pressures are calculated using specific equations based upon the directional procedure. 29.1.2 Conditions. A structure whose design wind loads are determined in accordance with this section shall comply with the following conditions: The structure is a regular-shaped structure as defined in Section 26.2. The structure does not have response characteristics making it subject to across-wind loading, vortex shedding, or instability due to galloping or flutter; or it does not have a site location for which channeling effects or buffeting in the wake of upwind obstructions warrant special consideration. 29.1.3 Limitations. The provisions of this chapter take into consideration the load magnification effect caused by gusts in resonance with along-wind vibrations of flexible structures. Structures not meeting the requirements of Section 29.1.2, or having unusual shapes or response characteristics, shall be designed using recognized literature documenting such wind load effects or shall use the wind tunnel procedure specified in Chapter 31. 29.1.4 Shielding. There shall be no reductions in velocity pres- sure due to apparent shielding afforded by buildings and other Structures or terrain features. 29.2 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 29.2.1 Wind Load Parameters Specified in Chapter 26. The following wind toad parameters shall be determined in accor- dance with Chapter 26: Basic wind speed V (Section 26.5), Wind directionality factor Kd (Section 26.6), Exposure category (Section 26.7), Topographic factor K, (Section 26.8), and Enclosure classification (Section 26.10). 29.3 VELOCITY PRESSURE 29.3.1 Velocity Pressure Exposure Coefficient. Based on the exposure category determined in Section 26.7.3, a velocity pres- sure exposure coefficient K or K, as applicable, shall be deter- mined from Table 29.3-I For a site located in a transition zone between exposure cat- egories that is near to a change in ground surface roughness, intermediate values of K. or Kh, between those shown in Table 29.3-I, are permitted, provided that they are determined by a rational analysis method defined in the recognized literature. 29.3.2 Velocity Pressure. Velocity pressure, q, evaluated at height z shall be calculated by the following equation: q, = 0.00256 KZKJKV2 (lb/ft2) (29.3-1) [In SI: qz 0.613 KZKZ,KaV2 (N/M2); V in rn/s] where Kd = wind directionality factor defined in Section 26.6 K = velocity pressure exposure coefficient defined in Section 29.3.1 = topographic factor defined in Section 26.8.2 V = basic wind speed from Section 26.5 = velocity pressure calculated using Eq. 29.3-1 at height h The numerical coefficient 0.00256 (0.613 in SI) shall be used except where sufficient climatic data are available to justify the selection of a different value of this factor for a design application. 29.4 DESIGN WIND LOADS—SOLID FREESTANDING WALLS AND SOLID SIGNS 29.4.1 Solid Freestanding Walls and Solid Freestanding Signs. The design wind force for solid freestanding walls and solid freestanding signs shall be determined by the following formula: F = qhGC!AS (lb) (N) (29.4-I) where qh = the velocity pressure evaluated at height /i (defined in Fig. 29.4-I) as determined in accordance with Section 29.3.2 G = gust-effect factor from Section 26.9 Cf = net force coefficient from Fig. 29.4-1 A = the gross area of the solid freestanding wall or freestanding solid sign, in ft2 (m2) Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other Structures 249 Height above . ground level, z Exposure B C (m) D ft 0-15 (0-4.6). 0.57 0.85 1.03 20 (6.1) 0.62 0.90 1.08 25 (7.6) . 0.66 0.94 1.12 30 (9.1) 0.70 0.98 1.16 40 (12.2) 0.76 1.04 1.22 50 (15.2) 0.81 1.09 1.27 60 (18) 0.85 1.13 1.31 70 (21.3) 0.89 1.17 1.34 80 (24.4) 0.93 1.21 1.38 90 (27.4) . 0.96 1.24 1.40 100 (30.5) 0.99 1.26 1.43 120 (36.6) 1.04 1.31 1.48 140 (42.7) 1.09 1.36 1.52 160 (48.8) 1.13 1.39 1.55 180 (54.9) 1.17 1.43 1.58 200 (61.0) 1.20 1.46 1.61 250 (76.2) 1.28 1.53 1.68 300 (91.4) 1.35 1.59 1.73 350 (106.7) 1.41 1.64 1 1.78 .400 (121.9) 1.47 1.69 1.82 450 (137.2) 1.52 1.73 1.86 500 (152.4) . 1.56 1.77 1.89 Notes: 1. The velocity pressure exposure coefficient K may be determined from the following formijla: For 15 ft. !~z zg - For z<l5ft. Kz = 2.01 (z/z X/a Kz = 2.01 (15/z g)2 2. x and Zg are tabulated in Table 26.9.1. Linear interpolation for.intermediate values of height z is acceptable. Exposure categories are defined in Section 26.7. Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other Structures 11 251 Design Wind Loads All Heights Figure 29.4-1 Force Coefficients, C1 Solid Freestanding Walls Other Structures & Solid Freestanding Signs B F h CASE A VAUD t_J . Fl I _________Memtutt ____________________ CASE C GROUND WRFACE ELEVATION VIEW F ! 4f I4_ 025 hI flF_i:_ 'I 2i oosh macF CASE B F L_t_Lf__l_4_IT_I1_J 0.20-51 $ifi 000 SI,urncE Lb I - CROSS-SECTION VIEW PLAN VIEWS Ratio, s/h Aspect Ratio. B/s f1.'mai Aspect Ratio, B/s vdrrdomdodge) 2 1 3- 4 . 5 1 6 1 7 1 8 1 9 1 13 ~ 45 0t0s 1 2.25 1 2.80. 1 2.90 1 3.10' 1 3.30' 1 3.40' 1 3.95 3.65' 1 3.75 OLDS 4.00' 1.05 I 1.05 I 1.05 I 1.05 I 1.00 I 0.95 I 3s to 4s I 1.50 I 1.85 I Vdoe, 5hdIb0rn.rlrrJrod by the bdlooingrodactror return in Lb peducrimFaulm - PLAN54cWOIWALIORSIGNWIrII eIlETURNCObaNER le > . 153 II) 1590 . 1515 soonro pneneflr: B *2 (560 casio The term 'signs' in notes below also apØies to 'freestanding walls". Signs with openings comprising less than 30% of the gross area are classified as solid signs. Force coefficients for solid signs with openings shall be permitted to be multiplied by the reduction factor (1 - (1 - c) 5) To al low for both normal and oblique wind directions, the following cases shall be considered: For s/h 1: CASE A: reseltant force acts normal to the face of the sign through the geometric center. CASE B: resaltant force acts normal to the face of the sign at a distance from the geometric center toward the windward edge equal to 02 limes the average width of the sign For B/s a 2. CASE C must also be considered: CASE C: resultant forces act normal to the face of the sign through the geometric centers of each reglors For s/h = 1: The same cases as above except that the vertical locations of the resultant forces occur at a distance above the geometric center equal to 0.05 times the average height of the sigro For CASE C where s/h *0.8, force coefficients shall be mt/tip/led by the reduction factor (1.8- s/h). Linear interpolation is permitted for values of s/h, B/s and L/s other than shown Notation: B: horizontal dimension of sign, in feel (meters); h: height of the sign, in feet (meters); s: vertical dimension of the sign, in feet (meters); e: ratio of solid area to gross area; L5: horizontal dimension of return corner, in feet (meters) 252 . . STANDARDS 7-10 Other Structures All Heights Figure 295-1 Force Coefficients, Chimneys, Tanks, Rooftop uinment. & Similar Structures Cross-Section Type of Surface hID ______ 1 7 25 Square (wind normal to face) All 1.3 1.4 2.0 Square (wind along diagonal) All 1.0 1.1 1.5 Hexagonal or octagonal All 1.0 1.2 1.4 Round (D..fj> 2.5) (DFqz >5.3,Dinm,q in N/rn2). Moderately smooth 0.5 0.6 0.7 Rough (D'/D= 0.02) 0.7 0.8 0.9 Very rough (D'1D=0.08) 0.8 1.0 1.2 Round (D,f :5 2.5) (D,fi:55.3,Dinm,q inN/rn2 ) All 0.7 0.8 1.2 Notes: The design wind force shall be calculated based on the area of the structure projected 911 a plane normal to the wind direction. The force shall be assumed to act parallel to the wind direction. Lincar interpolation is permitted for hID values other than shown. Notation: D: diameter of circular cross-section and least horizontal dimension of square, hexagonal or octagonal dross-sections at elevation under consideration, in feet (meters),- D': depth of protruding elements such as ribs and spoilers, in feet (meters); and h: height of structure, in feet (meters); and qz: velocity pressure evaluated at height z above ground, in pounds per square foot (N/m). For rooftop equipment on buildings with a mean roof height of h !~ 60 ft, use Section 29.5.1. Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other Structures 253 Aluminum Design Manual PART I-A Specification for Aluminum Structures— • . Allowable Stress Design © The Aluminum Association, Inc. 900 19th Street, NW, Washington, DC 20006 Eighth Edition, January 2005 * Table 3.3-2 MINIMUM MECHANICAL PROPERTIES FOR WELDED ALUMINUM ALLOYS THICKNESS TENSION COMPRESSION SHEAR ALLOY AND TEMPER . PRODUCT RANGE . F' F 2 F 2 in. ksi ksi ksi ksi 1100-1-112, H14 All 11 3.5 3.5 8 3003-H12, H14, H16, H18 All 14 5 5 10 Pdclad . 3003-1-112, H14, H16, H18 . . All 13 4.5 4.5 10 3004-H32, H34, H36, H38 All 22 8.5 8.5 14 Alclad 3004-1-132, H34, H36, H38 Al 21 8 8 13 3005-1-125 . Sheet 17 6.5 6.5 12 5005-1-112,H14,H32,H34 All 15 5 5 9 5050-1-132, H34 All 18 6 6 12 5052-0, H32, H34 Al . 25 9.5 9.5 16 5083-0, Hill 5083-0,1-1116, H32, H321 5083-0, H116, H32, H321 Extrusions Sheet& Plate Plate 0.188-1.500 1.501-3-000 39 40 39 16 18 17 . 15 18 17 23 24 24 5086-0, 1-1111 5086-H112 5086-0, H32, H34, H116 Extrusions Plate Sheet & Plate 0.250-2.000 35 35 35 14 14 14 13 14 14 21 21 21 5154-H38 Sheet 30 11 11 19 5454-0, Hill . 5454-H112 5454-0, H32, H34 Extrusions Extrusions . . Sheet & Plate 31 31 31 12 12 12 11 12 12 19 19 19 5456-0, H116, H32, H321 5456-0, H116, H32, H321 Sheet & Plate - Plate - 0.188-1.500 1.501-3.000 42 41 19 18 18 17 25 25 6005-T5 Extrusions up thru 0.250 24 13 13 15 6061-T6, T651, T6510, T65113 6061-T6,T651,T6510,t65114 All . All ' ". . over o.375 24 24 15 11 15 11 15 15 6063-T5, T52, T6 All • 17 8 8 11 6351-T5, T63 6351-T5, T64 Extrusions Extrusions over 0.375 24 24 15 11 15 11 15 15 6463T6 . Extrusions 0.125-0.500 17 8 8 11 7005-T53 . Extrusions up thru 0.750 40 24 24 22 Filler wires are listed in Table 71-1. Values of F,,. are AWS D1.2 weld qualification values. 0.2% offset in 2 in. gage length across a groove weld. Values when welded with 5183, 5356, or 5556 alloy filler wire, regardless of thickness. Values also apply to thicknesses less than or equal to 0.375 in. when welded with 4043, 5554, or 5654 alloy filler wire. Values when welded with 4043, 5554, or 5654 alloy filler wire. January 2005 IA 19 La,g-,,S-cr,,e,vv'l Withd rawa L Design Values PuliOut Capacity (Lbs.:per In. Thread Depth) Specific 1/4 1n. 5/161n. 3/8 1n. 7!161n 1/2 1n Wood Type Gravity Diam Diam., Diam Diam. Diam. Southern pine 0,55--, 260 307 352 395 437 Douglas fir, larch 0 50 225 266 305 342 378 Lodgepole pine.'0.4-6 199 235 269 302 334 RedwOod 043 179 212 243 273 302 Spruce 042 173 205 235 264 291 Source: American Wood Council Notes: Side-grain penetration; thread depth does not include tapered tip or the threadless portion of the screw shank. Table values include a 1 .6 safety factor. IJSGS; Design Maps Detailed Report ASCE 7-10 Standard (33.12330N, 117.31276°W) Site Class D - "Stiff Soil", Risk Category 1/11/111 Section 11.4.1 - Mapped Acceleration Parameters Note: Ground motion values provided below are for the direction of maximum horizontal spectral response acceleration. They have been converted from corresponding geometric mean ground motions computed by the USGS by applying factors of 1.1 (to obtain S) and 1.3 (to obtain S1). Maps in the 2010 ASCE-7 Standard are provided for Site Class B. Adjustments for other Site Classes are made, as needed, in Section 11.4.3. From Figure 221[1] . S5 = 1.133 g From Figure 222t2] . . S1 = 0.436 g Section 11.4.2 - Site Class The authority having jurisdiction (not the USGS), site-specific geotechnical data, and/or the default has classified the site as Site Class D, based on the site soil properties in accordance with Chapter 20. Table 20.3-1 Site Classification Site Class . V5 N or 14,h S. Hard Rock >5,000 ft/s N/A N/A Rock 2,500 to 5,000 ft/s N/A N/A Very dense soil and soft rock 1,200 to 2,500 ft/s >50 >2,000 psf Stiff Soil 600 to 1,200 ft/s 15 to 50 1,000 to 2,000 psf Soft clay soil <600 ft/s <15 <1,000 psf Any profile with more than 10 ft of soil having the characteristics: Plasticity index P1> 20, Moisture content w ~ 40%, and Undrained shear strength s < 500 psf F. Soils requiring.siteresponse. See Section 20.3.1 analysis in,accordance with Section - 21.1 . For SI: lft/s = 0.3048 rn/s 1lb/ft2 = 0.0479 kN/m2 -i Section 11.4.3 - Site Coefficients and Risk-Targeted Maximum Considered Earthquake Spectral Response Acceleration Parameters Table 11.4-1: Site Coefficient F. Site Class Mapped MCE R Spectral Response Acceleration Parameter at Short Period S5 :5 0.25 S,= 050 S= 0.75 S= 1.00 S,2: 1.25 A 0.8 0.8 . 0.8 0.8 0.8 B 1.0 1.0 11.0 1.0 1.0 C 1.2 1.2 1.1 1.0 1.0 D 1.6 . 1.4 1.2 1.1 1.0 E 2.5 1.7 . 1.2 0.9 0.9 F . See Section 11.4.7 of ASCE 7 Note: Use straight-line interpolation for intermediate values of S For Site Class = D and S = 1.133 g, F0 = 1.047 Table 11.4-2: Site Coefficient F, Site Class Mapped MCE R Spectral Response Acceleration Parameter at 1-s Period S1 :50.10 S1 = 0.20 S1 = 0.30 S1 = 0.40 S 2! 0.50 A 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 B 1.0 1.0 1.0 .. 1.0 1.0 C 1.7 1.6 1.5 1.4 1.3 D 2.4 2.0 -. 1.8 1.6 1.5 E 3.5 . 3.2 2.8 2.4 2.4 F See Section 11.4.7 of ASCE 7 Note: Use straight-line, nterpolation for intermediate values of S For Site Class = D and S.= 0.436 g, F9 = 1.564 Equation (11.4-1): SMS = FaSs = 1.047 x 1.133 = 1.186 g Equation (11.4-2): SM1 = FS1 = 1.564 x 0.436 = 0.682 g Section 11.4.4 - Design Spectral Acceleration Parameters Equation (11.4-3): SDS = " S s = % x 1.186 = 0.790 g Equation (114-4): . SDI = % S j = % x 0.682 = 0.454 g Section 11.4.5 Design Response Spectrum From Figure 2-j2C31 TL = 8 seconds Figure 11.4-1: Design Response Spectrum T<T0 SS(O4+O6T/T0 ) [\ { Section 11.4.6 - Risk-Targeted Maximum Considered Earthquake (MCER) Response Spectrum The MCER Response Spectrum is determined by multiplying the design response spectrum above by 1.5. Section 11.8.3 - Additional Geotechnical Investigation Report Requirements for Seismic Design Categories D through F FromFigure_22-7 - PGA = 0.450 Equation (11.8-1): PGA, = FPGAPGA = 1.050 x 0.450 = 0.473 g Table 11.8-1: Site Coefficient F A Site Mapped MCE Geometric Mean Peak Ground Acceleration, PGA Class PGA PGA = PGA = PGA = PGA -a 0.10 020 , 0.30 0.40 0.50 A 0,8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 B 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 C 1.2 1.2 1.1- 1.0 1.0 D 1.6 1.4 - 1.2 F 1.1 1.0 E 2.5 1.7 - 1.2 0.9 0.9 F See Section 11.4.7 of ASCE 7 Note: Use straight-line interpolation for intermediate values of PGA - For Site Class = D and PGA = 0.450 g, FPGA = 1.050 Section'— Method 1 (from Chapter 21- Site-Specific Ground Motion Procedures for Seismic Design) From Figure 22-17 - CRS = 0.941 From Figure 22-1 E61 CR1 = 0.992 II Section 11.6 - Seismic Design Category Table 11.6-1 Seismic Desian Cateaory Based on Short Period Response Acceleration Parameter VALUE OF SDS RISK CATEGORY loril III IV S05 <0.167g A A A 0.167g 5 S05 < 0.33g B B C 0.33g 5 S05 < 0.50g C C D 0.509:5S D D D For Risk Category= land SOS = 0.790 g, Seismic Design Category = D Table 11.6-2 Seismic Design Category Based on 1-S Period Response Acceleration Parameter VALUE OF SDI - RISK CATEGORY 1 or II III IV S 1 < 0.067g A A A 0.0679 S01 < 0.133g. B B C 0.133g SDI <0.20g . C C D 0.209 :5 SDI D D D For Risk Category = I and SDI = 0.454 g, Seismic Design Category = D Note: When S is greater than or equal to 0.75g, the Seismic Design Category is E for buildings in Risk Categories I, II, and III, and F for those in Risk Category IV, irrespective of the above. Seismic Design Category "the more severe design category in accordance with Table 11.6-1 or 11.6-2" = D Note: See Section 11.6 for alternative approaches to calculating Seismic Design Category. References Figure 22-1 https :1/earthquake. usgs. gov/hazards/designmaps/downloads/ pdfs/20 lO_ASCE- 7_Figure_22- 1. pdf Figure 22-2: https ://earthquake. usgs. gov/hazards/designmaps/downloads/pdfs/20 lO_ASCE- 7_Figure_22-2. pdf Figure 22-12: https://earthquake.usgs.gov/hazards/designmaps/downloads/pdfs/2010_ASCE-7_Figure_22-12.pdf Figure 22-7: https ://earthqua ke. usgs. gov/hazards/designmaps/downloads/pdfs/20 lO_ASCE- 7_Figure_22-7. pdf Figure 22-1 7: https ://earthquake. usgs. gov/hazards/designmaps/downloads/pdfs/20 1O_ASCE-7_Figure_22- 17. pdf Figure 22;18: https :1/earthquake. usgs. gov/hazards/designma ps/downloads/pdfs/20 1O_ASCE-7_Figure_22- 18. pdf IJSGS"Design-A,aps Summary Report User—Specified Input .':Report TitleLEGOLAND Deep Sea Adv Fri March-23; 2018 .16:47:04 UTC Building Code Reference Document ASCE 7 10 Standard (which% utilizes USGS hazard data available in 2008) Site Coordinates 33 1233°N, 117 312760W Site Soil Classification Site Class D - Stiff Soil Risk Category 1/11/111 '- .,l V 4 st.a Ocen i de '- Cilbd : -• Eondiclo' Eiic :iti? USGS—Provided Output S = 1 133 g $MS = 1;,1 86 g = Q-790 g S1 = 0.436,.g' MI = 0 682-'g S01 = G.454 g For information on how the SS and Si values above have been calculated from probabilistic (risk targeted) and deterministic ground motions in the direction of maximum horizontal response please return to the application and select the "2009 NEHRP", building code reference docunient. - -- voBa CEpjSjkcIrujn - • -• • .. - . - . -- __;__••• -? -- - - -. •• . - I i. O) OJ 0411 0 Oj iJ) I j 14&i i Js l'l 14(1 (J fl i I UI) 3-1 M, i&I J34 - '-- -' '- - - Perind T(s Pcriod T (sc For PGA,, TL C and CR, values please view the cetaiIed reoort Although this information is a product of the U.S. Geological Survey we provide no warranty, expressed or implied as to the aciiracyof th& data contained therein. This tool is hot a sUbitute for technical subject-matter knowledge. wwwhilti.us .. ' Profis Anchor 2.7.7 Company: Glowacki Engineering. -. ., Page: 1 Specifier: A. Horrell : Project: LEGOLAND DSA Address: : Sub-Project I Pos. No.: A&ES Phone I Fax: I '.' Date: 6/14/2018 E-Mail: , Specifiers comments: Themed Element Anchors Q-Line Portal I Input data Anchor type and diameter HIT HY 200 + HAS R 316 SS 314 ,Effective embedment depth: . h 1 = 7.000 in. (hefijmft = - in.) Material: ASTM'F 593... Evaluation Service Report: ESR-3187 Issued I Valid: 11111201,6'I 3/1/2018 Proof: •. Design method Ad 318-08 I Chem Stand-off, installation: eb 0:000in. (no stand-off; t =,0.500 in. Anchor plat& l x lx t 15.625 in. x 15.625 in. x 0.500 in.; (Recommended plate thickness: not calculated Profile: : .. •• . RéctangularHSS (AlSC); (Lx W x T) 15.000 in. x 15.000 in. x 0.375 in. ,Base material: . cracked concrete, 7000, f5'= 7,000 psi; h = 32.000 in., Temp. short/long: 32/32 °F Installation: . . hammer drilledhole, Installation condition: Dry Reinfor,cement: - tension: condition B, shear: condition B; no supplemental splitting reinforcement present Odge reinforcement: none or < No. 4 bar Seismic loads (cat. C, D, E, or F). no Geometry (in.] & Loading [lb. in.lb] •• . Z.. (54— (A .. N N — -- X inp'ut data and results must be checked for agreement with the existing conditions and for plausibility! PROMS Anchor (c) 2003-2009 Hilti AG, FL-9494 Scháan Hihti is a.registered Trademark of Hilti AG, Schaan www.hilti.us Company: Glowcki Engineering. Specifier: A. Horrell Address: Phone I Fax: E-Mail: Page: Project: Sub-Project I Pos. No.: Date: Profis Anchor 2.7.7 2 LEGOLAND DSA A&ES 6/14/2018 2 Load case/Resulting anchor forces Load case: Design loads Anchor reactions [lb] I - Tension force:(+Tension, -Compression) Anchor Tension force Shear force Shear force x Shear force y 1 776 305 216 216 2 776 305 216 216 3 776 305 •: 216 216 776 , 305 216 216 max. concrete compressive strain: - [%oj max. concrete compressive stress: - [psi] resulting tension force in (x/y)=(0.000I0.001): 3,105 [lb] resulting compression force in (xly)=(O.000/0.000): 0 (lb] y 03 04 L) Tension 01 02 3 Tension load : Load Nua [lb] Steel Strength* 776 Bond Strength— 3,105 Sustained Tension Load Bond Strength N/A Concrete Breakout Strength 3,105 * anchor having the highest loading anchor group (anchors in tension) 3.1 Steel Strength Nsa' ESR value refer to ICC-ES ESR-3187. t N5 Nua ACi 318-08 Eq. (D-1) Variables A., [in.'] futa (psi] 0.33 85,000 Calculations Capacity $ N [lb] Utilization ON = Nu5I$ N9 Status 18,479 5 OK 6,032 52 OK N/A N/A N/A 12.620 25 OK Results N58 [ib] steel • 4t N58 [lb] • N 8 [lb] 28,430 0.650 18,479 ' 776 Input data and results must be checked for agreement with the existing conditions and for plausibility! PROFIS Anchor ( c ) 2003-2009 Hitti AG, FL-9494 Sthaan Hilti Ise registered Trademark of Hilti AG, Sthaan ELJ www.hilti.us . Profis Anchor 2.7.7 Company: Glowacki Engineering. Page: 3 Specifier: A. Norrell Project: LEGOLAND DSA Address: - Sub-Project I Pos. No.: A&ES Phone I Fax: . I . Date: 6/14/2018 E-Mail: 3.2 Bond Strength Na9 = -'V edNa 'V ec2,Na 'V edNa 'V cp,Na Nb2 : ACI 318-11 Eq. (D-1 9) 4) Nag ~t N22 . ACI 318-11 Table D.4.1.1 ANa = see ACI 318-11 Part D.5.5.1 Fig. RD.5.5.1(b) - ANaQ = (2 CNa)2 ACI 318-11 Eq. (D-20) cNa 10da'\JGO,ACI 318-11 Eq. (D-21) t11ec.Na = (1+.eN ) 1.0 ACI 318-11 Eq. (D..23) cNa - "V edNa = 0.7 + 0.3 (?) !~ S10 ACI 318-11 Eq. (D-25) CNa t1 cp,Na n MAX(Ei0'5, ) !g 1.0 'ACI 318-11 Eq. (D-27) Nba 2' tkc' It d' het ACI 318-11 Eq. (D-22) Variables [psi] d2 [in.] het [in.] Comm [in.] t b.0 [psi] 2,461 0.750 7.000 2.875 1,347 eC1N [in.] e1 [in.] cac [in.] . a 0.000 0.001 12.784 1.000 Calculations CNa [in.] AN0 [in .2] •. ANOQ [in.2] - '-V edNa 11.167 268.14 498.80 0.777 'V edNa V ec2.Na -'V cp,Na Nb2 [lb] 1.000 1.000 - 1.000 22,213 Results - Na, [lb] 4 bond 4) N29 (lb] - [lb] 9,280 0.650 - 6,032 3,105 Input data and results must be checked for agreement with the existing conditions and for plausibility! PROFIS Anchor ( C ) 2003-2009 Hilti AG, FL-9494 Schaan Hilti is a registered Trademark of Hilti AG. Schaan www.hilti.us Profis Anchor 2.7.7 Company: Glowacki Engineering. Page: 4 Specifier: A. Horréll Project: LEGOLAND DSA Address: Sub-Project I Pos. No.: A&ES Phone I Fax: I . Date: 6/14/2018 E-Mail: 3.3 Concrete Breakout Strength NCb9 = (!) w ec,N I) ed,N 41 c,N W ,N N ACI 318-08 Eq. (D-5) Ncbg 2: N, ACI 318-08 Eq. (D-1) ANC see ACI 318-08, Part D.5.2.1, Fig. RD.5.2.1(b) ANO = 9 h 1 Acl 318-08 Eq. (D-6) 4lec,N = ( .12e I N ~ 1.0 ACI 318-08 Eq. (D-9) 0.7 + 0.3 (L!L) 1.0 ACI 318-08 Eq. (D-11) tllcp,N = MAX(!Bt0, i9!)!5 1.0 . ACI 318-08 Eq. (D-13) 5 . Nb . = kc h.f ACI 318-08 Eq. (D-7) Variables het [in.] eC1N [in.] e1 [in:] cam1. [in.] V c,N 3.542 0.000 0.001 2.875 1.000 c8 [in.] k . fc [psi] 12.784 17 , 1 7,000 , Calculations AN, [in .2] ANCO [in. 2] V ecl,N V ec2,N V ed.N V cp,N Nb [lb] , 268.14 112.89 1.000 . 1.000 0.862 1.000 9,480 Results . . Ncbg [lb] 4) concrete .' 4 Nc,9 [lb] Nua [lb] 19,416 0.650 12,620 3,105 Input data and results must be checked tor'agreement with the existing conditions and forptausibility! PROFIS Anchor ( c ) 2003-2009 Hilti AG, FL-9494 Schaan Hitti is a registered Trademark of Hitti AG. Sct,aan . www.hilti.us . Profis Anchor 2.7.7 Company: Glowacki Engineering. Page: 5 Specifier: A. Horrell Project: LEGOLAND DSA Address: Sub-Project I Pos. No.: A&ES Phone I Fax: I. Date: 6/14/2018 E-Mail: 4 Shear load Load V. [lb] Capacity V,, [lb] Utilization p = VUJ$ V Status Steel Strength* . 305 10,236 3 OK Steel failure (with lever arm)* N/A N/A N/A N/A Pryout Strength (Bond Strength controls)** 1,220 12,993 10 OK Concrete edge failure in direction x+ . 1,220 3,935 32 OK anchor having the highest loading anchor group (relevant anchors) 4.1 Steel Strength V00 = (0.6 Asev futa) refer to ICC-ES ESR.3187 41 Vsteei a V 8 ACI 318-08 Eq. (D.2) Variables Ase,v [in .2] f [psi] (0.6 Asev fut.) [lb] - 0.33 85,000 17,060 Calculations. . Vsa [lb] 17,060 - Results '1 [lb] 41 steel 41 V5 [lb] V 8 [lb] 17,060 0.600 10,236 305 Input data and results must be checked for agreement with the existing conditions and for plausibility! PROFIS Anchor ( C ) 2003-2009 Hitti AG, FL-9494 Schaan Hilti is registered Trademark of Hilti AG. Sct,aan Profis Anchor 2.7.7 6 LEGOLAND OSA A&ES 6/14/2018 www.hilti.us Company: Glowacki Engineering. Page: - Specifier: A. Horrell Project: Address: Sub-Project I Pos. No. Phone I Fax: I . Date: E-Mail 4.2 Pryout Strength (Bond Strength controls) v =k[(5) V edNa 41 ec2,No V edNa V cp,Na Nba] . ACI 318-11 Eq. (D-41) 4) V aV 8 . ACI 318-11 Table (D.4.1.1) ANO see ACI 318-11, Part D.5.5.1, Fig. RD.5.5.1(b) ANOO = (2 C.)2 ACI 318-11 Eq. (D-20) CNa =10d3 \J ACI 318-11 Eq. (D-21) Vec.Na '( ACI 318-11 Eq. (D-23) Ved.Na = 0.7 + 0.3 1.0 ACI 318-11 Eq. (D-25) cac 41 cp,Na = MAX( ) s 1.0 ACI 31811 Eq. (D-27) Nei =X a 't k.c da ' het ACI 318-11 Eq. (D-22) Variables T k,C,)fl [psi] d [in.] her [in.] Cam10 [in.] 2 2,461 0.750 7.000 2.875 T k.. [psi] eGIN [in.] ed2N [in.] ca, [in.] 1,347 0.000 0.000 12.784 1.000 Calculations cNa [in.] AN, [in. 2] ANaO [in. 2] 41 ed.Na 11.167 268.14 498.80 0.777 41 edNa V ec2.Na 41 cp,Na Nba [lb) 1.000 1.000 1.000 22,213 Results V 9 [lb] 4) concrete 4) Vcpg [lb] . V 0 [lb) 18,562 0.700 12,993 1,220 Input data and results must be èhecked for agreement with the existing conditions and for plausibility! PROFIS Anchor ( c ) 2003-2009 Hilti AG, FL-9494 Sthaan Hilti is a registered Trademark of Hitti AG, Schaan www.hilti.us Company: Glowacki Engineering. Specifier: A. Horrell Address: Phone I Fax: ' I E-Mail: 4.3 Concrete edge failure in direction x+ VCb9 = (c) w ec,V 41 ed,V 41 c,V 41 h,V 41 paraIIetV Vb Avco ACI 318-08 Eq. (D-22) 4) Vcg 2: Vua ACI 318-08 Eq. (D-2) Avc see ACI 318-08, Part D.6.2.1, Fig. RD.6.2.1(b) Av0 = 4.5 c 1 ., ACI 318-08 Eq. (D-23) Wec./ = ( + 2e x ) 51.0 ACI 318-08 Eq. (D-26) 3Cal - Cal 41 ed.V = 0.7 + 0.3 1.5Cal) 51.0 ACI 318.08 Eq. (D-28) 'V h,V = ~ 1.0 . ha ACI 318-08 Eq. (D-29) Vb = (7 (i!.) gd)?. c ACI 318-08 Eq. (D-24) Profis Anchor 2.7.7 Page: 7 Project: LEGOLAND DSA Sub-Project I Pos. No.: A&ES Date: 6/14/2018 Variables Cal [in.] c82 [in.] eCV [in.] w c,V h8 [in.] 2.875 2.875 0.000 .. 1.000 32.000 le [in.] X d [in.] . f [psi] p parallel,v 6.000 1.000 0.750 7,000 1.000 Calculations Av [in .2]Avco [in. 2] ' 41 ec,V 41 ed,V 41 h,V Vb [lb] 61.99 37.20 1.000 0.900 1.000 3,748 Results VCb9 [112] 4) conCrete ' 4t Vcbg [lb] V88 [lb] 5,621 0.700 3,935 .1,220 5 Combined tension and shear loads' I3N 13v ' Utilization I3N.V [%] Status 0.515 0.310 5/3. 48 OK 0NV = + < 1 6Warnings ' The anchor design methods in PROFIS Anchor require rigid anchor plates per current regulations (ETAG 001 /Annex C, EOTA TR029, etc.). This means load re-distribution on the anchors due to elastic deformations of the anchor plate are not considered - the anchor plate is assumed to be sufficiently stiff, in order not to be deformed when subjected to the design loading. PROFIS Anchor calculates the minimum required anchor plate thickness with FEM to limit the stress of the anchor plate based on the assumptions explained above. The proof if the rigid base plate assumption is valid is not carried out by PROFIS Anchor. Input data and results must be checked for agreement with the existing conditions and for plausibility! Condition A applies when supplementary reinforcement is used. The 0 factor is increased for non-steel Design Strengths except Pullout Strength and Pryout strength. Condition B applies when supplementary reinforcement is not used and for Pullout Strength and Pryout Strength. Refer to your local standard. Design Strengths of dhsive anchor systems are influenced by the cleaning method. Refer to the INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE given in the 'Evaluation Service Report for cleaning and installation instructions The ACI 318-08 version of the software does not account for adhesive anchor special design provisions corresponding to overhead applications. Checking the transfer of loads into the base material and the shear resistance are required in accordance with ACI 318 or the relevant standard! Fastening meets the design criteria! Input data and results must be checked for agreement with the existing conditions and for plausibility! PROFIS Anchor ( c ) 2003-2009 Hilti AG, FL-9494 Schaan Hittiis a registered Trademark of Hitti AG, Sthaan C) >g 0 0. . DI g UI 71C,i01óI > • ()y3( Cn 010 -.1 01 OD __ TI (71 ( * (J101 0101 01 CD o Cl r' F.) 0101 01 01 00 00 CD UI -40 2UI .0D , CCD CD CD CD_. (10 0. 10 C UI UI CD CD a, 0. 3 1< CD ()0XD> -.1 - D8CD . In . o 3 33ö 3 0 CL (D CD a,D A) CD CL -a-. C0. a -2. UI3CDCCD 0) C, CD 'I 0.3'•X1 CL A) 8 ul 0)pC(/) o o CDCfl0..En CL UI 5 0• to 9. - 0 — C — - -.0 CD P0 a. > CD - CL 91 .0. 0 2. -x CD 0 C) (TI to 0 UI C a 0 UI - - CDCDa,-- . 3 -g - Cl) CD CD C CD CD C 0. CD UI f) a. (A cr j3 — a,0CD 3UIo I CD Pt 74 210' 0P 0 CO (I, Ln + 01 Ln p > SI) () 0) C') () m>cno 0. CD 3 T. .CD UI C11 CD Ti . a, x - PC) 2 m (0 CD CD (p a,Ca, — o.2 CD CD aCD 0 CD a -u 0 UI z p 0)> 1 01 Cno 01 0 0 C') !. j... . LMLIL www.hilti.us Profis Anchor 2.7.7 Company: Glowacki Engineering. Page: 9 Specifier: A. Horrell Project: LEGOLAND DSA Address: Sub-Project I Pos. No.: A&ES Phone I Fax: I . Date: 6/14/2018 E-Mail: 8 Remarks; Your Cooperation Duties. Any and all information and data contained in the Software concern solely the use of Hilti products and are based on the principles, formulas and security regulations in accordance with Hilti's technical directions and operating, mounting and assembly instructions, etc., that must be strictly complied with by the user. All figures contained therein are average figures, and therefore use-specific tests are to be conducted prior to using the relevant Hilti product. The results of the calculations carried out by means of the Software are based essentially on the data you put in. Therefore, you bear the sole responsibility for the absence of errors, the completeness and the relevance of the data to be put in by you. Moreover, you bear sole responsibility for having the results of the calculation checked and cleared by an expert, particularly with regard to compliance with applicable norms and permits, prior to using them for your specific facility. The Software serves only as an aid to interpret norms and permits without any guarantee as to the absence of errors, the correctness and the relevance of the results or suitability for a specific application. You must take all necessary and reasonable steps to prevent or limit damage caused by the Software. In particular, you must arrange for the regular backup of programs and data and, if applicable, carry out the updates of the Software offered by Hilti on a regular basis. If you do not use the AutoUpdate function of the Software, you must ensure that you are using the current and thus up-to-date version of the Software in each case by carrying out manual updates via the Hilti Website. Hilti will not be liable for consequences, such as the recovery of lost or damaged data or programs, arising from a culpable breach of duty by you. Input data and results must be checked for agreement with the existing conditions and for plausibility! PROFIS Anchor ( c ) 2003-2009 Huh AG, FL-9494 Sthaan Hilti is registered Trademark of Hilti AG, Schaan .www.h1lti.us OLE . Profis Anchor 2.7.7 Company: Glowacki Engineering. . Page: 1 Specifier: A. Horrell Project:. LEGOLAND DSA - Address: . . Sub-Project I Pos: No.: A&ES Phone I Fax: . I : Date: 6/14/2018 E Mail Specifierscomrnents: Themed ElemèntAnhors -Sub OverHead Frame Columns llnpütdata Anchor typeand diameter: HIT-HY.260 HAS-R 316 SS 1/2 Effective embedment depth: heta = 7.000 in. (hetjim it = - in.) Material: ASTM F 593 Evaluation Service Report: .ESR-3187, : Issued I-Valid:- 11/1/2016.1 3L1/2018 . Proof: . . . .. Design method ACI 318-08 / Chem Stand off installation e,'= 0.006 in (no stand off) t = 0.500 in Anchor plate: 15 xl5 xt=16.000.in. x 16.000 mx 0.500 in.; (Recommended plate thickness: not calculated Profile Rectangular 1-ISS (AISC) (Lx W T) = 16.000 in x 16.000 in x 0.375 in Base material cracked concrete 7000 = 7,000 psi h = 36.000 in Temp short/long 32/32 T Installation: hammer drilled hole, Installation condition: Dry - Reinforcement tension condition .,B, shear condition B no supplemental splitting reinforcement present - . •• • • • • edge reinfOrce'me'nt: none Or < No. 4 bar Seismic loads (cat. C, D, E,-or F) no. • :. Geometry [in;] &'Loading [lb, in.Ib]. - z Co 0 - — 'input data and results must be che ked for agreement with the,existing condiiions and for plausibility! -. PROFiS Anchor ( c ) 2003-2009 Huh AG, FL-9494 Schaan Hifii is a registered Trademark of Hilti AG, Schaan www.hilti.us Company: Glowacki Engineering. Specifier: A. Horrell Address: Phone I Fax:• I E-Mail: 2 Load case/Resulting anchor forces Load case: Design loads - Anchor reactions [lb] Tension force: (i-Tension, -Compression) Anchor Tension force Shear force Shear force x Shear force 1 58 34 24 24 2 58 34 24 24 3 58 34 .24 24 4 58. 34 24 24 max. concrete compressive strain: max. concrete compressive stress: - [psi] resulting tension force in (x/y)=(0.000I0.000): 231 [Ib], resulting compression force in (x/y)(0.000/0.000): 0 [lb] Page: Project: Sub-Project I Pos. No Date: . I I 111111-I mi I Profis Anchor 2.7.7 2 LEGOLAND DSA A&ES 6/14/2018 y 03 04 Tension 01 02 3 Tension load Load N88 [lb] Capacity N, [lb] Utilization PN = Steel Strength* 58 . 9,223 Bond Strength** 231 24,792 Sustained Tension Load Bond Strength* . . N/A N/A N/A Concrete Breakout Strength 231 35,804 anchor having the highest loading anchor group (anchors intension) 3.1 Steel Strength Nsa = ESR value refer to ICC-ES ESR-31 87 d? Nsa ?- Nua ACI 318-08 Eq. (D-1) Variables ASe,N [in. I futa [psi] 0.14 100,000 Calculations . Nsa [lb] 14,190 . Results N58 [lb] Ii steel 4i N53 [lb] . N88 [lb] 14,190 0.650 . . 9,223 . 58 N5 Status OK OK N/A OK Input data and results must be checked for agreement with the existing conditions and for plausibility! PROFIS Anchor ( C ) 2003-2009 Huh AG, FL-9494 Schaan Hilti is a registered Trademark of Hilti AG, Schaan / www.hilti.us Profis Anchor 2.7.7 Company Glowacki Engineering. Page: 3 Specifier: A. Horrell Project: LEGOLAND DSA Address: . - Sub-Project I Pos. No.: A&ES Phone I Fax: I Date: 6/14/2018 E-Mail: 3.2 Bond Strength Nag = (ANaO ) '41 edNa 41 ec2,Na IV edNa V cp,Na Nba ACI 318-11 Eq. (D-i 9) 4t N09 2- Nua ACI 318-11 Table D.4.1.1 AN. = see ACI 318-11 Part D.5.5.1 Fig. RD.5.5.1(b) ANOO = (2 )2 ACI 318-11 Eq. (D-20) cw0 = 10 da N 71136 ACI 318-11 Eq. (D21) 4/ec,Na = ( + eN) 15 1.0 ACI 318-11 Eq. (D-23) cNa - V edNa = 0.7 + 0.3 (.t) r. 1.0 . ACI 31811 Eq. (D-25) CNa 41 cp,Ns = MAX( !!00, 9).~ 1.0 ACI 318-11 Eq. (D-27) Nba = A-a Tk,c it da her ACI 318-11 Eq. (D-22) Variables T k,c,unm [psi] d0 [in.] h0 [in.] ;min [in.] t k.0 [psi] 2,461 0.500 7.000 10.000 1,241 eC1,N [in.] eC2N [in.] c8 [in.] A- a 0.000 0.000 13.239, 1.000 Calculations cNa [in.] AN. [in .2] ANOO [in .2] . 41 ed.Na 7.445 619.48 221.69 1.000 V edNa '41 ec2.Na 41 cp.Na Nba [lb] 1.000 1.000 1.000 13,651 Results Na, [lb] bend 4t Na, [lb] N00 [lb] 38,142 0.650 24,792 231 Input data and results must be checked for agreement with the existing conditions and for plausibility! PROFIS Anchor ( C) 2003-2009 Hilti AG, FL-9494 Sthaan Hitti is a registered Trademark of Hilti AG, Sthaan www.hilti.us 'S Profis Anchor 2.7.7 Company: Glowacki Engineering. Page: 4 Specifier: A. Horrell Project: LEGOLAND DSA Address: Sub-Project I Pos. No.: A&ES Phone I Fax: 1 Date: 6/14/2018 E-Mail: S 3.3 Concrete Breakout Strenth NCb, ANcO () w ec,N 'V ed,N 'V c,N 'Vp,N Nb ACI 318-08 Eq. (D5) Nctg N a ACI 318-08 Eq. (D-1) ANC see ACI 318-08, Part D.5.2.1 Fig. RD.5.2.1(b) ANCO = 9 h ACI 318-08 Eq. (D-6) 'V ec.N =( + 2eN) 15 1.0 . ACE 318-08 Eq. (D-9) 4led,N = 0.7 + 0.3 (?0-) 5 1.0 ACI 318-08 Eq. (D-11) 4lcp,N = MAX(., 1.5h01)'5 1.0 ACI 318-08 Eq. (D-13) Nb = Ic0 X ' h15 A61 318-08 Eq. (D-7) Variables het [in.] eC1N [in.] ec2,N [in.] cam!. [in.] 'V C.N 6.667 0.000 0.000 10.000 1.000 c c [in.] k0 f, [psi] 13.239 17 1 7,000 Calculations ANC [in .2] . SANCO [in.2] 'V ecl,N 41 ec2N V ed,N 900.00 . 400.00 1.000 1.000 1.000 Results Ncbg [lb] 4' concrete 4 Ncbg [lb] Nua (Ib) 55,084 0.650 - 35,804 231 Vcp.N Nb [Ib] 1.000 24,483 Input data and results must be checked for agreement with the existing conditions and for plausibility! 'I PROFIS Anchor ( C ) 2003-2009 Hitti AG, FL-9494 Schaan Hilti is a registered Trademark of Hilti AG, Schiaan I I I E-z NJ I Profis Anchor 2.7.7 Page: 5 Project: LEGOLAND DSA Sub-Project I Pos. No.: A&ES Date: 6/14/2018 www.hilti.us Company: Glowacki Engineering. Specifier: A. Horrell Address: Phone I Fax: I E-Mail: 4 Shear load Load Vua [lb] Capacity V, [lb] Utilization pv = Steel Strength* 34 5,109 Steel failure (with lever arm)* N/A N/A N/A Pryout Strength (Bond Strength controls)** 137 53,402 Concrete edge failure in direction y+ 137 12,505 2 * anchor having,the highest loading anchor group (relevant anchors) 4.1 Steel Strength Vs.= (0.6 Ase,v ft.) refer to 16C-ES ESR-3187 4 V51 2' V.a ACI 318-08 Eq. (D-2) Variables Ase,v [in.2] futa [psi] (0.6 Ase v f3) [lb] 0.14 100,000 8,515 Calculations V [lb] 8,515 Results V 8 [lb] 4 steel 4 V5 (lb] V 8 [lb] 8,515 0.600 5,109 34 Input data and results must be checked for agreement with the existing conditions and for plausibility! PROFIS Anchor ( C ) 2003-2009 Hilti AG. FL-9494 Schaan Hitti Ise registered Trademark of Hitti AG. Sct,aan Status OK N/A OK OK www.hilti.us Company: Glowacki Engineering. Page: Specifier: A. Horrell Project: Address: . Sub-Project I Pos. No. Phone I Fax: I Date: E-Mail: 4.2 Pryout Strength (Bond Strength controls) Vcpg =kp[(5) 41 edNa 41 ec2,Na 41 edNa 41 cp,Na N 3] ACI 318-11 Eq. (D-41) ao (I) VcpgaVU. . ACI 318-11 Table (D.4.1.1) AN. see ACI 318-11, Part D.5.5.1, Fig. RD. 5.5.1(b) AN.. = (2 Cta)2 ACI 318-11 Eq. (D-20) cNa = 10 ACI 318-11 Eq. (D-21) tlec,Na = (1 + .ei) :5 1.0 . ACI 318-11 Eq. (D-23) CN 41 edNa 6.7 + 0.3 (!0!0) :r. 1.0 -ACI 318-11 Eq. (D-25) ticp,Na = MAX (E30. CjN.) ~ 1.0 ACI 318-11 Eq. (D-27) Nba = a t b.c da het , ACI 318-11 Eq. (D-22) Variables T k,c,oncr [psi] do [in.] het [in.] Camin [in.] 2 2,461 . 0.500 7.000 10.000 k.d [psi] eC1N [in.] e.2,N [in.] . cac [in.] k a 1,241 0.000 0.000 13.239 1.000 Calculations - CNa [in.] ANa [in. 21 ANaD [in. 2] edNa 7.445 619.48 221.69 1.000 41 edNa 41 ec2,Na 4) cp.Na Nba [lb] 1.000 1.000 1.000 13,651 Results Vcpg [lb] tt concrete 4t Vcpg [lb] Vua [lb] 76,289 - 0.700 . 53,402 137 Profis Anchor 2.7.7 6 LEGOLAND DSA A&ES 6/14/2018 Input data and results must be checkedfor agreement with the existing conditions and for plausibility! PROFIS Anchor ( C ) 2003-2009 Hilti AG. FL-9494 Sthaan Hilti is registered Trademark of Hitti AG. Schaan www.hilti.us Company: Glowaàki Engineering. Specifier: A. Horrell Address: Phone I Fax: I E-Mail: Page: Project: Sub-Project I Pos. No.: Date: Profis Anchor 2.7.7 7 LEGOLAND DSA A&ES 6/14/2018 4.3 Concrete edge failure in direction y+ _/Av\ VCbg 'AJ '41 ec,V '41 ed,V '41 c,V W h,V'4I parallel,V Vb 4)Vcbg ~:Vua Avc see ACI 318-08, Part D.6.2.1, Fig. RD.6.2.1(b) Av0 =4.5ci 12e I Wec.v =(l +.!.)1.0, - 3c01 - '4'ed.V =0.7 +0.3(i)l.0 4'h,V ='jii.o h. Vb (7 (i)°2 ') A. 'i ACI 318-08 Eq. (D-22) ACI 318-08 Eq. (D-2) ACI 318-08 Eq. (D-23) ACI 318-08 Eq. (D-26) ACI 318-08 Eq. (D-28) ACI 318-08 Eq. (D-29) .ACI 318-08 Eq. (D-24) Variables . c [in.] ca2 [in.] ecv [] i c,v ha [in.] 10.000 10.000 0.000 1.000 36.000 le [in.] A. d [in.] lc [psi] 9) paraiiei.V 4.000 1.000 0.500 7,000 1.000 Calculations Avc [in .2] Avo. [in .2] qt ec,V 11 ect,v '41 h,V Vi, [lb] 450.00 450.00 1.000 0.900 1.000 19,850 Results Vcbg [lb] 4) concrete 4) V 9 [lb] Vua [lb] 17,864 - 0.700 12505 137 5 Combined tension and shear loads ON l3v Utilization I3N,V [%] Status 0.009 0.011 5/3 1 OK NV I3 <1 . . 6 Warnings The anchor design methods in PROFIS Anchor require rigid anchor plates per current regulations (ETAG 001/Annex C, EOTA TR029, etc.). This means load re-distribution on the anchors due to elastic deformations of the anchor plate are not considered - theanchor plate is assumed to be sufficiently stiff, in order not to be deformed when subjected to the design loading. PROFIS Anchor calculates the minimum required anchor plate thickness with FEM to limit the stress of the anchor plate based on the assumptions explained above. The proof if the rigid base plate assumption is valid is not carried out by PROFIS Anchor. Input data and results must be checked for agreement with the existing conditions and for plausibility! Condition A applies when supplementary reinforcement is used. The 0 factor is increased for non-steel Design Strengths except Pullout Strength and Pryout strength. Condition B applies when supplementary reinforcement is not used and for Pullout Strength and Pryout Strength. Refer to your local standard. Design Strengths of adhesive anchor systems are influenced by the cleaning method. Refer to the INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE given in the Evaluation Service Report for cleaning and installation instructions The ACI 318-08 version of the software does not account for adhesive anchor special design provisions corresponding to overhead applications. Checking the transfer of loads into the base material and the shear resistance are required in accordance with ACI 318 or the relevant standard! Fastening meets the design criteria! Input data and results must be checked for agreement with the existing conditions and for piausibflityl PROFIS Anchor (C) 2003-2009 Hitli AG, FL-9494 Schaan Hiiti is a registered Trademark of Hilti AG, Schaan www.hilti.us Profis Anchor 2.7.7 Company: Glowacki Engineering. Page: 8 Specifier: . A. Horrell Project: LEGOLAND DSA Address: . Sub-Project I Pos. No.: A&ES Phone I Fax: I Date: 6/14/2018 E-Mail: 7 Installation data Anchor plate, steel: - Anchor type and diameter: HIT-HY 200 + HAS-R 316 SS 1/2 Profile: Rectangular HSS (AISC); 16.000 x 16.000 x 0.375 in. Installation torque: 360.001 in.lb Hole diameter in the fixture: d1 = 0.563 in. Hole diameter in the base material: 0.563 in. Plate thickness (input): 0.500 in. Hole depth in the base material: 7.000 in. Recommended plate thickness: not calculated - Minimum thickness of the base material: 8.250 in. Drilling method: Hammer drilled Cleaning: Compressed air cleaning of the drilled hole according to instructions for use is required 7.1 Recommended accessories Drilling . Cleaning Setting Suitable Rotary Hammer • Compressed air with required accessories • Dispenser including cassette and mixer Properly sized drill bit , to blow from the bottom of the hole • Torque wrench Proper diameter wire brush Coordinates Anchor in. Anchor x y c_X C, C,, I C., 1 -5.000 -5.001 10.000 20.000 10.000 20.000 2 5.000 -5.001 20.000 10.000 10.000 20.000 3 -5.000 5.000 10.000 20.000 20.000 10.000 4. 5.000 5.000 20.000 10.000 20.000 10.000 Input data and results must be checked for agreement with the existing conditions and for plausibility! PROFIS Anchor ( C ) 2003-2009 Hilti AG, FL-9494 Sthaan Hilti is a registered Trademark of Hitti AG, Schaan ELM www.hilti.us * Profis Anchor 2.7.7 Company: Glowacki Engineering. Page: 9 Specifier: A. Horrell Project: LEGOLAND DSA Address: Sub-Project I Pos. No.: A&ES Phone I Fax: Date: 6/14/2018 E-Mail: 8 Remarks; Your Cooperation Duties Any and all information and data contained in the Software concern solely the use of Hilti products and are based on the principles, formulas and security regulations in accordance with Hilti's technical directions and operating, mounting and assembly instructions, etc., that must be strictly complied with by the user. All figures contained therein are average figures, and therefore use-specific tests are to be conducted prior to using the relevant Hilti product. The results of the calculations carried out by means of the Software are based essentially on the data you put in. Therefore, you bear the sole responsibility for the absence of errors, the completeness and the relevance of the data to be put in by you. Moreover, you bear sole responsibility for having the results of the calculation checked and cleared by an expert, particularly with regard to compliance with applicable norms and permits, prior to using them for your specific facility. The Software serves only as an aid to interpret norms and permits without any guarantee as to the absence of errors, the correctness and the relevance of the results or suitability for a specific application. - You mut take all necessary and reasonable steps to prevent or limit damage caused by the Software. In particular, you must arrange for the regular backup of programs and data and, if applicable, carry out the updates of the Software offered by Hilti on a regular basis. If you do not use the AutoUpdàte function of the Software, you must ensure that you are using the current and thus up-to-date version of the Software in each case by carrying out manual updates via the Hilti Website. Hilti will not be liable for consequences, such as the recovery of lost or damaged data or programs, arising from a culpable breach of duty by you. Input data and results must be checked for agreement with the existing conditions and for plausibility! PROFIS-Anchor ( C ) 2003-2009 Huh AG, FL-9494 Sthaan 111111 is a registered Trademark of HUll AG, Sthaan - www.hilti.us Company: . Glowacki Engineering. Specifier: A. Hornell Address: Phone I Fax: I E-Mail: 2 Load case/Resulting anchor forces Load case: Design loads F Anchor reactions [lb] Tension force: (+Tension, -Compression) Anchor Tension force Shear force Shear force x Shear force 1 213 99 70 70 2 214 99- 70 70 3 214 99 70 - 70 4 213 99 70 70 5 213 '99 70 70 6 213 99 70 70 Profis Anchor 2.7.7 Page: 2 Project: LEGOLAND DSA Sub-Project I Pos. No.: A&ES Date: 6/14/2018 05jo 04 Tension 03 02 max. concrete compressive strain: . - [%o) max. concrete compressive stress: . - [psi] resulting tension force in (xly)=(0.000/0.000): 1,281 [lb] resulting compression force in (x/y)=(O:000I0.000): 0 [lb] 3 Tension load Load N. [Ib] Steel Strength* . 214 Bond Strength 1,281 Sustained Tension Load Bond Strength* N/A Concrete Breakout Strength 1,281 - * anchor having the highest loading' anchor group (anchors in tension) 3.1 Steel Strength Nsa . = ESR value, refer to ICC-ES ESR-3187 4t Nse a N53 ACI 318-08 Eq.'(D-l) Variables ASeN [in. ] fat. [psi] .0.33 85,000 Calculations N3 [lb] 28,430 Results Nsa [lb] 4) steel 4)Nsa [lb] Nsa [lb] 28,430 0.650 18,479 214 Capacity N [lb] Utilization pN = Nj4) Nn Status 18,479 2 OK 25,597 6 OK N/A N/A N/A 31.268 5 OK Input data and results must be checked for agreement with lPe existing conditions and for plausibility! PROFIS Anchor (c) 2003-2009 Hiiti AG, FL-9494 Schaan Hilti is a registered Trademark of Hitti AG, Schaan www.hilti.us Profis Anchor 2.7.7 Company: Glowacki Engineering. Page: 3 Specifier: A. Horrell . Project: LEGOLAND DSA Address: Sub-Project I Pos. No.: A&ES Phone I Fax: I Date: 6/14/2018 E-Mail: . 3.2 Bond Strength ANa Nag = (!) V edNa 4! ec2,Na 41 edNa 4! cp,Na Nba ACI 318-11 Eq. (0-19) N09 a N ja . , ACI 318-11 Table D.4.1.1 ANa =seeACl 318-11, Part, Fig. RD.5.5.1(b) AN.. . =(2 CNa)2 ACI 318-11 Eq. (0-20) cNa da J ACI 318-11 Eq. (0-21) 'I! ec.No = ( + :5 1.0 ACI 318-11 Eq. (D-23) CNa V edNa = 0.7 + 0.3 01N22) ACI 318-11 Eq. (D-25) , V = MAX(020, 9) 51.0 .Na ACI 318-11 Eq. (D-27) Nb0 = Xa ' ti,c'71 d0 ' het ACI 318-11 Eq. (D-22) Variables k,C,UC [psi] de [in.] het [in.] c15 [in.] t k,c [Psi] 2,461 0.750 7.000 16.000 1,347 eC1N [in.] ec2N (in.) ca, [in] 0.000' 0.000 12.784 1.000 Calculations C1 [in.] AN, [in. 21 ANaO [in. 21 V edNa 11.167 884.33 498.80 1.000 V edNa V e62,Na - 'V cp,Na . N 0 [lb] - 1.000 1.000 1.000 : 22,213 Results Nag [113] bond 4t N09 [lb] Naa [lb] 39,380 0.650 '-25,597 1,281 Input data and results must be checked for agreement with the existing conditions and for plausibility! PROFIS Anchor ( c ) 2003-2009 Hilti AG, FL-9494 Schaan Hilti is a registered Trademark of Hilti AG, Schaan www.hilti.us Company: Glowacki Engineering. Page: Specifier: A. Horrell Project: Address: Sub-Project I Pos. No.: Phone I Fax: I . Date: E-Mail: 3.3 Concrete Breakout Strength - NC,9 ANC () Wec,N U) ed,NW c,N U) cp,N Nb 'ACI 318-08 Eq. (D-5) Ncbg a N 0 . -ACI 318-08 Eq. (0-1) ANC see ACI 318-08, PartD.5.2.1, Fig. RD.5:2.1(b). ANCO = 9 h . ACI 318-08 Eq. (D-6) 4Jec,N = (1 +2eN ) o ACI 318-08 Eq. (0-9) 4led.N = 0.7 + 0.3 (f) :5 1.0 ACI 318-08 Eq. (0-11) U) p,N = MAX(E10. iet) :5 1.0 ACI 318-08 Eq. (0-13) C.6 cac Nb = Ic h 5 . ACI 318-08 Eq. (0-7) Variables . hei [in.] eC1N [in.] eN [in.] cam!. [in.] 7.000 . 0.000 0.000 16.000 1.000 c c [in.] , f [psi] 12.784 17 1 7,000 Profis Anchor 2.7.7 4 LEGOLAND DSA A&ES 6/14/2018 Calculations AN. [in .2] ANCO [in .2] 41 ecl,N . U) ec2,N 91 ed.N 9) cp,N Nb [Ib] 805.37 441.00 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 26,342 Results Ncbg [113] ' 4) concrete 4) Nb, [Ib] : NO3 [Ib] 48,104 0.650 31,268 . 1,281 -- Input-data and results must be checked for agreement with the existing conditions and for plausibility! PROFIS Anchor ( c ) 2003-2009 Hilti AG, FL-9494 Schaan Hilti is a registered Trademark of Hilti AG, Sct,aan 4 I * www.hilti.us . Profis Anchor 2.7.7 Company: Glowacki Engineering. Page: 5 Specifier: . A. Horrell Project: LEGOLAND DSA Address: Sub-Project I Pos. No.: A&ES Phone I Fax: I Date: 6/14/2018 E-Mail: 4 Shear load Load V4. Libi Capacity $V,, [lb] Utilization pv = Vijj4)Vn Status Steel Strength* 99 10,236 1 OK Steel failure (with lever arm)* . N/A N/A N/A N/A Pryout Strength (Bond Strength controls)** 594 55,131 2 OK Concrete edge failure in direction x+ 594 31,440 2 OK * anchor having the highest loading anchor group (relevant anchors) 4.1 Steel Strength -. V = (0.6 Ase v f) refer to ICC-ES ESR-3187 41 VsteetaVaa ACI 31808 Eq. (D-2) Variables Ase,v (in.'] f13 [psi] (0.6 Asev fat.) [lb] 0.33 85,000 17,060 Calculations Vsa [lb] 17,060 - * Results Vsa [lb] 4 steel 41 V5 [lb] Vaa [lb] 17,060 0.600 10,236 99 Input data and results must be checked for agreement with the existing conditions and for plausibility! PROFISAnchor ( c ) 2003-2009 Hilti AG, FL-9494 Schaan Hilti is a registered Trademark of Hilti AG. Schaan • _ www.hilti.us Profis Anchor 2.7.7 Company: Glowacki Engineering. Page: 6 Specifier: A. Horrell Project: LEGOLAND DSA Address: . Sub-Project I Pos. No.: A&ES Phone I Fax: I • . Date: 6/14/2018 E-Mail: 4.2 Pryout Strength (Bond Strength controls) =k[(Lf-) 4J edNa V ec2,Na 'I' edNa Wcp,Na Nba] ACI 318-11 Eq. (D-41) d) Vcpg aV. ACI 318-11 Table (D.4.1.1) ANa see ACI 318-11, Part D.5.5.1, Fig. RD.5.5.1(b) ANaO = (2 Cra)2 . ACI 318-11 Eq. (D-20) cN2 =;Oda \.1 700 / - ACI 318-11 Eq. (D21) V edNa = (1 + eN) :5 1.0 . ACI 318-11 Eq. (D-23) V edNa = 0.7 +. 3 () :51.0 ACI 318-11 Eq. (D-25) V cP.Na = MAX( _)s10 . ACI 318-11 Eq. (D-27) Nba = X a tkc it da her ACI 318-11 Eq. (D-22) Variables k t cfl (psi] da [in.] her [in.] camjn [in.] 2 2,461 0.750 7.000 16.000 [psi] eC1N [in.] ec2,N [in.] ca. [in.] a 1,347 0.000 . 0.000 . 12.784 1.000 Calculations CNa [in.] ANa [in. 21 ANaO [in. 21 W edNa 11.167 884.33 498.80 1.000 XP ccl Na 'V ec2.Na 'V cp.Na Nba [lb] 1.000 1.000 . 1.000 22,213 Results - Vcpg [1I] concrete itt Vcpg [lb] V0 [lb] 78,759 0.700 55,131 . 594 Input data and results must be checked for agreement with the existing conditions and for plausibility! PROFIS Anchor( c ) 2003-2009 Huh AG. Ft.-9494 Sthaan Hilti is a registered Trademark of Hitti AG. Schaan * _ www.hilti.us Profis Anchor 2.7.7 Company: Glowacki Engineering. Page: 7 Specifier: A. Horrell Project: LEGOLAND DSA Address: Sub-Project I Pos. No.: A&ES Phone I Fax: I Date: 6/14/2018 E-Mail: 4.3 Concrete edge failure in direction x+ ( Ave - Vcbg - 'V ec,V 1.1/ ed,V 'V 0 'V h,V 4I parallel,V Vb 4) Vthg ~t Vea see ACI 318-08, Part D.6.2.1, Fig. RD.6.2.1(b) Av 0 =4.5c 1 'Vec.v =(i+.2e v.)~i.o 3Cai V ed,V = 0.7 +0.3(1.5c -—) :5 1.0 81 'Vh.V =..fT8i~1.0 h8 0.2 Vb (7 (.!.) 'i)', f. C. a8 / ACI 318-08 Eq. (D-22) ACI 318-08 Eq. (D-2) ACI 318-08 Eq. (D-23) ACI 318-08 Eq. (D-26) ACI 318-08 Eq. (D-28) ACI 318-08 Eq. (D-29) ACI 318-08 Eq. (D-24) Variables c81 [in.] Ca2 (in.] e [in.] 'V h3 (in.] 16.000 39.680 0.000 1.000 20.000 le [in.] . 2. d8 [in.] V. [psi] 'V paratlet,V 6.000 1.000 0.750 7,000 1.000 Calculations [in .2] 'Av.n2] 4' ec,V 'Il ed,V 'V h,v Vb [lb] 960.00 1;152.00 1.000 1.000 1.095 49,201 Results . . VCbO [lb] 4)conmte Vc,0 [lb] . V 8 [lb] 44,914 . 0.700 31,440 594 5 Combined tension and shear loads ON I3v Utilization I3N,V [%] Status 0.050 0.019 5/3 1 OK I3NV -3<-1 6 Warnings The anchor design methods in PROFIS Anchor require rigid anchor plates per current regulations (ETAG 001/Annex C, EOTA TR029, etc.). This means load re-distribution on the anchors due to elastic deformations of the anchor plate are not considered - the anchor plate is assumed to be sufficiently stiff, in order not to be deformed when subjected to the design loading. PROFIS Anchor calculates the minimum required anchor plate thickness with FEM to limit the stress of the anchor plate based on the assumptions explained above. The proof if the rigid base plate assumption is valid is not carried out by PROFIS Anchor. Input data and results must be checked for agreement with the existing conditions and for plausibility! Condition A applies when supplementary reinforcement is used. The cP factor is increased for non-steel Design Strengths except Pullout Strength and Pryout strength. Condition B applies when supplementary reinforcement is not used and for Pullout Strength and Pryout Strength. Refer to your local standard. Design Strengths of adhesive anchor systems are influenced by the cleaning method. Refer to the INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE given in the Evaluation Service Report for cleaning and installation instructions The ACI 318-08 version of the software does not account for adhesive anchor special design provisions corresponding to overhead applications. Checking the transfer of loads into the base material and the shear resistance are required in accordance with ACI 318 or the relevant standard! Fastening, meets the design criteria! Input data and results must be checked for agreement with the existing conditions and for plausibility! PROFIS Anchor ( C ) 2003-2009 Hitti AG, FL-9494 Schaan Hitti is a registered Trademark of Hitti AG, Sthaan (a I\) (a 0 cacao) 'm (D 0) QQ0) 00 1 çO=> —.1 — (D.2 CD a)90, m.. - 00.CD - _ CD 0 I'D 3C) - CD —CmCD -. o P33e2. 3 3 Oo.CD CD w CL .rj.XCD CQ CD 0 CL co CD3t, a 0) CD -. Cfl U) o o CDCm CD CD Cm 5 0> - a =0 SIF 5 -0; QL • b — (a m CL .0 CD. X CC CL 0) CD CD 0 0) CD 0 CO 0) X NJ a. co 0 to 5 0 Cm C 0 Cm '. s2.a -' 5CDCDW- CD -. 33o. CD 0CD0 03CCD I.CD CD:a CL CL CD CCD CA a.. 0)CD—W 010 3 CD - CDCD - CD cD - CD 0.. 0 Cl) CD 5 N) =.. 0 0 Q)_0) + 0) ço 5 cno -' 9) 0) ' Z Cl) 0> Cl) H ELJ www.hilti.us . Profis Anchor 2.7.7 Company: Glowacki Engineering. Page: . 9 Specifier: A. 1-torrell Project: LEGOLAND DSA Address: S Sub-Project I Pos. No.: A&ES Phone I Fax: I Date: 6/14/2018 E-Mail: * 8 Remarks; Your Cooperation Duties Any and all information and data contained in the Software concern solely the use of Hilti products and are based on the principles, formulas and security regulations in accordance with 1-tilti's technical directions and operating, mounting and assembly instructions, etc., that must be strictly complied with by the user.- All figures contained therein are average figures, and therefore use-specific tests are to be conducted prior to using the relevant Hilti product. The results of the calculations carried out by means of the Software are based essentially on the data you put in. Therefore, you bear the sole responsibility for the absence of errors, the completeness and the relevance of the data to be put in by you. Moreover, you bear sole responsibility for having the results of the calculation checked and cleared by an expert, particularly with regard to compliance with applicable norms and permits, prior to using them for your specific facility. The Software serves only as an aid to interpret norms and permits without any, guarantee as tothe absence of errors, the correctness and the relevance of the results or suitability for a specific application. You must take all necessary and reasonable steps to prevent or limit damage caused by the Software. In particular, you must arrange for the regular backup of programs and data'and, if applicable, carry out the updates of the Software offered by Hilti on a regular basis. If you do not use the AutoUpdate function of the Software, you must ensure that you are using the current and thus up-to-date version of the Software in each case by carrying out manual updates via the Hilti Website. Hilti will not be liable for consequences, such as the recovery of lost or damaged data or programs, arising from a culpable breach of duty by you. Input data and results must be checked for agreement with the existing conditions and for plausibility! PROFIS Anchor ( c ) 2003-2009 Hilti AG, FL-9494 Schaan Hilti is a registered Trademark of Hilti AG, Schaan Moil www.hilti.Lis . . .. " Profis Anchor 2.7.7 Company: Glowacki Engineering.. Page: 1 Speôifier: . A. HorreiF- Project: LEGOLAND DSA Address: . Sub-Project I Pos. No.: A&ES Phone Fax: . I • . Date: . 6/14/2018 E-Mailf . . : Speciflérs comments: Th'emed Element Anchors - Sub OverHead Frame Columns .1 Input data .•. :..', _________ __________ Anchor type and diameter HIT HY 200 + HAS R 316 SS 1/2 Effective embedmentdepth: . herw = 7.000 in.. (hetiimit = in.) Material: . ,. ASTM F-50-1. : . Evaluation Service Report:, E5R3187 Issued I-Valid: ' 11/1/2016 13/1/2018... : Proof:- '. Design method ACI 318-08 / Chem Stand-off installation e = 0.000 in (no stand off) t = 0..500 in Anchor'plàte:, . Lx Lx x t =16.000 in. x,16.000 in. x 0.500 in.; (Recommended plate thickness: not calculated 'Profile: . Rectangular HSS (AISC); (Lx W x T) = 16.000 in. x 16.000 in. x 0.375 in. Base material: . ' cracked concrete, 7000, f' = 7,000 psi; h = 36.000 in., Temp. short/long: 32/32 F Installation: ........ . hammer drilled hole, Installation condition: Dry Reinforcement tension condition B shear condition B no supplemental splitting reinforcement present - , edge reinforcement: none or <No. 4 bar Seismic loads (cat. C, D, E, or F) -no -. Geometry [in] & Loading [lb in.Ib] Eat ........................................................ .'-.,, 91 0 - 05 . • . . . ., ,.• . •\___ Input data and results must be checked for agreement with the existing'conditions and for p!ausibih! PROFIS Anchor I c) 2003-2009 Hitti AG, FL-9494 Schaan Hittils a registered Trademark of Hitti AG, Sthaan • Shear force x Shear force 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 Utilization PN = Nua/4t N5 Status 1 OK 1 OK N/A N/A 1 OK OL71 Ed www.hilti.us Profis Anchor 2.7.7 Company: Glowacki Engineering. Page: 2 Specifier: A. Horreil Project: LEGOLAND DSA Address: S Sub-Project I Pos. No.: A&ES Phone I Fax: I Date: 6/14/2018 E-Mail: 2 Load case/Resulting aiichor forces Load case: Design loads Anchor reactions [lb] Tension foróe: (+Tension, -Compression) Anchor Tension force Shear force 1 58 34 2 58 34 3 58. 34 4 58 34 max. concrete compressive strain: . - IN - max. concrete compressive stress: - [psi] resulting tension force in (x/y)=(0.000/0.000): 231 [lb) resulting compression force in (x/y)=(0.000/0.000): 0 [lb] 3 Tension load Load Nua [lb] Capacity N,, [lb] Steel Strength* 58 9,223 Bond Strength 231 24,792 Sustained Tension Load Bond Strength* N/A N/A Concrete Breakout Strength 231 35,804 * anchor having the highest loading anchor group (anchors in tension) 3.1 Steel Strength - N58 = ESR value refer to ICC-ES ESR-31 87 4) N5 2~ Nua ACI 318-08 Eq. (D71) Variables AseN [in.2] fut. [psi] 0.14 100,000 Calculations Nsa [lb] 14,190 Results Nsa [lb] 4) steel 4t N58 [lb] N. [lb] 14,190 0.650 9,223 58 AY 03 04 U Tension 01 02 Input data and results must be checked for agreement with the existing conditions and for plausibility! PROFIS AnchOr ( C) 2003-2009 Hilti AG, FL-9494 Scttaan Hilti is a registered Trademark of Hitli AG, Sthaan w.iilti.us Profis Anchor 2.7.7 Company: Glowacki Engineering. Page: 3 Specifier: A. Horrell Project: LEGOLAND DSA Address: Sub-Project I Pos. No.: A&ES Phone I Fax: I Date: 6/14/2018 E-Mail: 3.2 Bond Strength N39 = () tp eci,ta kV ec2,Na 9/edNa 4/ cp,Na N53 ACI 318-11 Eq. (D-19) It N39 Naa ACI 318-11 Table D.4.1.1 ANa = see ACI 318-11, Part D.5.5.1, Fig. R13.5.5.1(b) ANaD = (2 CNa)2 ACI 318-11 Eq. (D-20) CNa =10da\j71100 ACI 318-11 Eq. (D-21) 91ec,Na = ( + eN) 1.0 ACI 318-11 Eq. (D-23) cNa 4' edNa = 0.7 + 0.3 (to) 1.0 - ACI 318-11 Eq. (D-25) 41 cp,Na = MAX 012i2, CN3) :5 1.0 ACI 318-11 Eq. (D-27) Nba = X a ' Tkc' it d' her ACI 318-11 Eq. (D-22) Variables T c,c.uncr [Psi] da [in.] het [in.] . Capin [in.] I k,C [psi] 2,461 0.500 - 7.000 10.000 1,241 eC1N [in.] er, [in.] cac [in] a 0.000. 0.000 , 13.239 . 1.000 Calculations CNa [in.] ANa [in.2] AN",, [in .2] 4/edNa 7.445 619.48 221.69 1.000 9/ edNa .41 ed2,No - 41 cp,Na Nbo [lb] 1.000 1.000 1.000 . 13,651 Results N39 [Ib] 4, band 4, Nag [lb] Nua [Ib] 38,142 0.650 24,792 - 231 Input data and results must be checked for agreement with the existing conditions and for plausibility! PROFIS Anchor ( C ) 2003-2009 Hilt i AG, FL-9494 Schaan Hilti is a registered Trademark of Hitti AG, Schaan www.hilti.us rW; Profis Anchor 2.7.7 Company: Glovacki Engineering. Page: 4 Specifier: A. Horrell Project: LEGOLAND DSA Address: Sub-Project I Pos. No.: A&ES Phone IFax: I Date: 6/14/2018 E-Mail: 3.3 Concrete Breakout Strength ANC N69 = 41ec,N 41 ed,N 'P c,N 41 cp,N Nb ANcO - ACI 318-08 Eq. ()••5) 4,N,b, a Nua . ' ACI 318-08 Eq. (D-1) ANC see ACI 318-08, Part D.5.2.1,.Fig. RD.5.2.1(b) A,,, = 9 h . Ad 318-08 Eq. (0-6) Wec,N ( 2 e) :5i.0 ACI 318-08 Eq. (D-9) = 0.7 + 0:3 (-E.) -.5 1.0 ACI 318-08 Eq. (0-11) W,N = MAX (!, iei) 1.0 ACII 318-08 Eq. (0-13) Nb . = kc X , Ffc h 5 ' ACI 318-08 Eq. (D-7) Variables her [in.] - eC1N [in.] eC2.N [in.] Ca,min [in.] P c.N 6.667 0.000 0.000 10.000 1.000 c c [in.] lc f, [psi] 13.239 17 1 7,000 Calculations * AN. [in-'] A5 [in.2] kV dcl,N ec2,N 41 ed,N 41 cp,N Nb [lb] 900.00 400.00 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 24,483 Results Nthg (lb] 4, concrete 4, Nct,g [lb] NO3 [lb], 55,084 0.650 35,804 231 Input data and results must be checked for agreement with the existing conditions and for plausibility! PROFIS Anchor ( c ) 2003-2009 Hilti AG, FL-9494 Sthaan Hilti is a registered Trademark of Hitti AG, Schaan www.hiiti.us Profis Anchor 2.7.7 Company: Glowacki Engineering. Page: 5 Specifier: A. Horrell Project: LEGOLAND DSA Address: S . Sub-Project I Pos. No.: A&ES Phone I Fax: I Date: 6/14/2018 E-Mail: 4 Shear load Load Vu. jib] Capacity $V [lb] Utilization pv = Vj4Vn Status Steel Strength* 5,109 1 OK Steel failure (with lever arm)* . N/A, N/A N/A N/A Pryout Stength (Bond Strength controls)** 137 53,402 1 OK Concrete edge failure in direction y+ 137 12,505 2 OK * anchor having the highest loading anchor group (relevant anchors) 4.1 Steel Strength ' V 3 = (0.6 Ase v futa) refer to ICC-ES ESR-31 87 d,t Vsteei'2!Vua ACI 318-08 Eq.(D2) Variables Asev [in .2] . f. [psi] (0.6 Ase,v fate) [lb] . 0.14 100,000 8,515 Calculations S Vsa [lb]' 8,515 Results Vsa [lb], steel . ll Vsa [lb] V 8 [lb] 8,515 0.600 5,109' 34 'Input data and results must be checked for agreement with the existing conditions and for plausibility! PROFIS Anchor ( C ) 2003-2009 Huh AG, FL-9494 Schaan Hitti is a registered Trademark of Hitti AG. Schaan www.hilti.us Company: Glowacki Engineering. Page: Specifier: A. Horrell Project: Address: . Sub-Project I Pos. No Phone I Fax: I Date: E-Mail: 4.2 Pryout Strength (Bond Strength controls) =k[(ANO -) 'V eclNaW ec2,Na 'V edNa 'V cp,Na Nba] ANaO , ACI 318-11 Eq. (D-41) 4) V,9 aVua . ' ACI 318-11 Table (D.4.1.1) AN. see ACI 318-11, Part D.5.5.1, Fig. RD.5.5.1(b) ANao = (2 CNa)2 . ACI 318-11 Eq. (0-20) cNa = 10 d,, N T 71URO ACI 318-11 Eq. (0-21) 'Vec,Na =(l eN) 1.0 ACI 318-11 Eq. (D-23) CN 'VedNa = 0(n):5 1.0 ACI 318-11 Eq. (D-25) Cac 4 cp,Na = MAX(E.!flL!!, ) ~ 1.0 ACI 318-11 Eq. (0-27) Nba =ka tic,c Tc da h0 'ACI 318-11 Eq. (0-22) Variables kcp t [psi] da [in.] h0 [in.] Ca win [in.] 2 2,461 0.500 7.000 10.000 T k,c [psi] eCIN [in.] e31,1 [in.] Cac [in.] a 1,241 0.000 0.000 13.239 1.000 Calculations CNa [in.] ANa [in. 21 A 0 [in.'] 'V edNa 7.445 - 619.48 221.69 1.000 'V cci Na 'P ec2.Na 'V cp,Na Nba [lb] 1.000 1.000 1.000 13,651 Results. ' Vcpg [lb] 4) concrete itt Vcpg [Ib) V00 [lb] 76,289 0.700 53,402 ' 137 Profis Anchor 2.7.7 6 LEGOLAND DSA A&ES 6/14/2018 Input data and results must be checked for agreement with the existing conditions and for plausibility! PROFIS Anchor ( c ) 2003-2009 Hilti AG, FL-9494 Sthaan Hitti is a registered Trademark of Hilti AG. Schaan www.hilti.us Company: Glowacki Engineering. Specifier: A. Horrell Address: Phone I Fax: .1 E-Mail: Page: Project: Sub-Project I Pos. No.: Date: Profis Anchor 2.7.7 7 LEGOLAND DSA A&ES 6/14/2018 4.3 Concrete edge failure in direction y+ IAv5\ Vc59 _ - N) ec,V 41 ed,V 91 c,V 9/ h,V 91 paraitel,V Vb 4) V9aV8 AvC • see ACI 318-08, Part D.6.2.1, Fig. RD.6.2.1b) Av50 = 4.5c 9'ec,v =(+o 3c' 9l ed,V = 0.7.+0.3 1.0 :5 (T al) Why he Vb = (7 (1)02 ) ? da ACI 318-08 Eq. (D-22) ACI 318-08 Eq. (D-2) ACI 318-08 Eq. (D-23) ACI 318-08 Eq. (D-26) ACI 318-08 Eq. (D-28) ACI 318-08 Eq. (D-29) ACI 318-08 Eq. (D-24) Variables c81 [in.] . [in.] ecv [in.] N) .v h [in.] 10.000 10.000 0.000 1.000 36.000 le [in.] 2, d5 [in.] . f [psi] w paraiiei,v 4.000 1.000 0.500 - 7,000 1.000 Calculations A 5 [in.'] Av [in .2] 41 ec,V 4i ed,V N) h,V Vb [lb] 450.00 450.00 1.000 - 0.900 1.000 19,850 Results VCbg [lb] 4) concrete 4) V59 [lb] V [lb] 17,864 0.700 12,505 137 5 Combined tension and shear loads ON ov Utilization I3N,V [%] Status 0.009 0.011 5/3 ' 1 OK I3NV = + PV <= 1 6 Warnings The anchor design methods in PROFIS Anchor require rigid anchor plates per current regulations (ETAG 001/Annex C, EOTA TR029, etc.). This means load re-distribution on the anchors due to elastic deformations of the anchor plate are not considered - the anchor plate is assumed to be sufficiently stiff, in order not to be deformed when subjected to the design loading. PROFIS Anchor calculates the minimum required anchor plate thickness with FEM to limit the stress of the anchor plate based on the assumptions explained above. The proof if the rigid base plate assumption is valid is not carried out by PROFIS Anchor. Input data and results must be checked for agreement with the existing conditions and for plausibility! Condition A applies when supplementary reinforcement is used. The CD factor is increased for non-steel Design Strengths except Pullout Strength and Pryout strength. Condition B applies when supplementary reinforcement is not used and for Pullout Strength and Pryout Strength. Refer to your local standard. Design Strengths of adhesive anchor systems are influenced by the cleaning method. Refer to the INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE given in the Evaluation Service Report for cleaning and installation instructions The ACI 318-08 version of the software does not account for adhesive anchor special design provisions corresponding to overhead applications. Checking the transfer of loads into the base material and the shear resistance are required in accordance with ACI 318 or the relevant standard! Fastening meets the design criteria! Input data and results must be checked for agreement with the existing conditions and for plausibility! PROFIS Anchor( c ) 2003-2009 Hilti AG, FL-9494 Schaan Hilti is a registered Trademark of Hiiti AG, Schaan www.hilti.us Profis Anchor 2.7.7 Company: Glowacki Engineering. Page: 8 Specifier: A. Horrell Project: LEGOLAND DSA Address: . S Sub-Project I Pos. No.: A&ES Phone I Fax: I Date: 6/14/2018 E-Mail: 7 Installation data Anchor plate, steel: - . Anchor type and diameter: HIT-HY 200 + HAS-R 316 SS 1/2 Profile: Rectangular HSS (AISC); 16.000 x 16.000 x 0.375 in. Installation torque: 360.001 in.lb Role diameter in the fixture: df = 0.563 in. Hole diameter in the base material: 0.563 in. Plate thickness (input): 0.500 in. . Hole depth in the base material: 7.000 in. Recommended plate thickness: not calculated Minimum thickness of the base material: 8.250 in. Drilling method: Hammer drilled Cleaning: Compressed air cleaning of the drilled hole according to instructions for use is required 7.1 Recommended accessories Drilling Cleaning Setting Suitable Rotary Hammer Compressed air with required accessories • Dispenser including cassette and mixer Properly sized drill bit - to blow from the bottom of the hole • Torque wrench Proper diameter wire brush 11 Coordinates Anchor in. ' * Anchor x y c.x c, c. c, 1 -5.000 -5.001 10.000 20.000 10.000 20.000 2 5.000 -5.001 20.000 10.000 10.000 20.000 3 -5.000 5.000 10.000 20000 20.000 10.000 4 5.000 5.000 20.000 10.000 20.000 10.000 Input data and results must be checked for agreement with the existing conditions and for plausibility! PROFIS Anchor ( C ) 2003-2009 Hilti AG, FL-9494 Schaan Hitti is a registered Trademark of Hilti AG, Schaan ELI, Ili www.hilti.us . Profis Anchor 2.7.7 Company: Glowacki Engineering. Page: 9 Specifier: A. Horrell Project: LEGOLAND DSA Address: . . Sub-Project I Pos. No.: - A&ES Phone I Fax: . Date: 6/14/2018 E-Mail: 8-Remarks; Your Cooperation Duties Any and all information and data contained in the Software concern solely the use of Hilti products and are based on the principles, formulas and security regulations in accordance with Hilti's technical directions and operating, mounting and assembly instructions, etc., that must be strictly complied with by the user. All figures contained therein are average figures, and therefore use-specific tests are to be conducted prior to using the relevant Hilti product. The results of the calculations carried out by means of the Software are based essentially on the data you put in. Therefore, you bear the sole responsibility forthe absence of errors, the completeness and the relevance of the data to be put in by you. Moreover, you bear sole responsibility for having the results of the calculation checked and cleared by an expert, particularly with regard to compliance with applicable norms and permits, prior to using them for your specific facility. The Software serves only as an aid to interpret norms and permits without any guarantee as to the absence of errors, the correctness and the relevance of the results or suitability for a specific application. You must take all necessary and reasonable steps to prevent or limit damage caused by the Software. In particular, you must arrange for the regular backup of programs and data and, if applicable, carry out the updates of the Software offered by Hilti on a regular basis. If you do not use the AutoUpdate function of the Software, you must ensure that you are using the current and thus up-to-date version of the Software in each case by carrying out manual updates via the Hilti Website. Hilti will not be liable for consequences, such as the recovery of lost or damaged data or programs, arising from a culpable breach of duty by you. Input data and results must be checked for agreement with the existing conditions and for plausibility! PROFIS Anchor ( C ) 2003-2009 Hilti AG, FL-9494 Schaan Hilti is a registered Trademark of Huh AG, Sch,aan www.hilti.us . Profis Anchor 2.7.7 Company:. GlowackiEngineering Page: 1 Specifier: . . . Horrel....... Project: LEGOLAND DSA ..Address: . . Sub-Project I Pos. No.: A&ES Phone I Fax: . . I •. Date: 6/14/2018 'E-Mail: . . . Specifiers comments: Themed Element Anchors - Large Entry Portal Input data . . .: ... •. .; .. . ___________ Anchor type and diameter HIT HY 200 + HAS -R 316 SS 1/2 4U Effective embedment depth heta = 7000 fl (hefimd = in) Material:. ., . ASTMF 593 Evaluation Service Report: ESR-3187 Issued I Valid: . 11/1/20161.3/1/2018 . . Proof: . besign rnethódACl 318-08 I Chem Stand-off installation: . eb '0000 in. (no stand-off); t = 0.500 in. Anchor plate: . 1 <t16.00O in. 16.000 in. X 0.500 in.; (Recommended plate thickness: not calculated Profile: ., Rectangular HSS (AISC); (Lx W x T) = 16.000 in. x 16.000 in. x 0.375 in. Base material: . - cracked cànôrete, 7000, f5' = 7,000 psi; h = 24.000 in., Temp. short/long: 32/32 T. -Installation: . . hammer drilled We, Installation condition: Dry Reinforcement: . . tension:conditioñ B shear: condition B; no supplemental splitting reinforcement present edge reinforcement: none or < No. 4 bar Seismic loads (cat. C, D, E, or F) no Geometry [in.] & Loading [Ib;in.lb] . . .- .- 35 Input data and results must be Checked for agreement with the existing conditions and for plausibility! PROFIS Anchor ( c ) 2003-2009 Hitti AG, FL-9494 Schaan Hiiti is a registered Trdemark of Hilti AG, Schaan www.hilti.us Company: Glowacki Engineering. Specifier: A. 1-lorrell Address: Phone IFax: I E-Mail'... 2 Load case/Resulting anchor forces Load, case: Design loads Anchor reactions [lb] Tension force: (+Tension, -Compression) Anchor Tension force Shear force Shear force x Shear force 1 1650 460 325 325 2 1,650 460 325 325 3 1,650 460 325 325 4 1,650 460 325 325 max. concrete compressive strain: - IN max. concrete compressive stress: ' - [psi] resulting tension force in (x/y)=(0.000I0.000): 6,600 [lb) resulting compression force in (x/y)=(0.000/0.000): 0 [lb] 3 Tension load Profis Anchor 2.7.7 Page: 2 Project: LEGOLAND DSA Sub-Project I Pos. No. A&ES Date: 6/14/2018 AY 03 04 (__) Tension 01 02 Load N55 [lb] Capacity N [lb] Utilization PN = N55/+ N5 Status Steel Strength* . . 1,650 9,223 18 OK Bond Strength** ' 6,600 9,728 68 OK Sustained Tension Load Bond Strength N/A N/A N/A N/A Concrete Breakout Strength 6,600 14,795 45 OK * anchor having the highest loading —anchor group (anchors in tension) 3.1 Steel Strength Nsa = ESR value refer to ICC-ES ESR-31 87 4t N58 N88 ACI 318-08 Eq. (D-1) , Variables Asew [in .2] futa [psi] 0.14 10,000 Calculations Ns. [lb] 14,190 Results N58 [lb] d steel d,t .N58 [lb] N88 [lb] 14,190 0.650 9,223 1,650 Input data and results must be checked for agreement with the existing conditions and for plausibility! PROFIS Anchor ( c ) 2003-2009 Hilti AG, FL-9494 Sctiaan Hitti is a registered Trademark of Hilti AG, Schaan Profis Anchor 2.7.7 3 LEGOLAND DSA A&ES 6/14/2018 www.hilti.us Company: Specifier: Address: Phone I Fax: E-Mail: Glowacki Engineering. A. Horrell I , Page: Project: Sub-Project I Pos. No. Date: 3.2 Bond Strength 'N0, = () V edNa kV ec2,Na V edNa )41 cp,Na Nb2 ACI 318-11 Eq. (D-19) ANaO N 9 N - ACI 318-11 Table D.4.1.1 ANa = see ACI 318-11, Part D.5.5.1, Fig. RD.5.5.1(b) ANaO = (2 cNa)2 ACI 318-11 Eq. (D-20) CNa = 10 da 'Sjj ACI 318-11 Eq. (D-21) tllec.Na.(ie N 1.0 . ACI 318-11 Eq. (D-23) V edNa =07 '(;n) 51.0 4ACI 318-11 Eq. (D-25) CNe V cp,Na =MAX(Samt,) 1.0 ACI 318-11 Eq. (D-27) Nba 2' tk,c it da her ACI 318-11 Eq. (D-22) Variables . k,c.ancr [psi] . . d8 [in.] her [in.] cami. [in.] t r,c [psi) 2,461 0.500 . 7.000 3.500 1,241 eC1N [in.] eC2N [in.] c2 [in.] . a 0.000 0.000 13.239 1.000 Calculations cNa (in.] . A, [in .2] ANaD [in. 21 . V edNa 7.445 289.00 221.69 0.841 '41 edNa V ec2,Na 'V cp,Na Nt,a [lb] 1.000 1.000 ' 1.000 13,651 Results Na, [Ib] 4) bend 4) Nag (lb] Nua [lb) - 141*966 0.650 9,728 ' . 6,600 Input data and results must be checked for agreement with the existing conditions and for plausibility! PROFIS Anchor ( c ) 2003-2009 Hilli AG, FL-9494 Sthaan Hilti is a registered Trademark of Hitti AG. Schaan www.hiItius Company: Glowacki Engineering. Page: Specifier: A. HorrellT . Project: Address: - Sub-Project I Pos. No.: Phone I Fax: I . . Date: E-Mail: Profis Anchor 2.7.7 4 LEGOLAND DSA A&ES 6/14/2018 3.3 Concrete Breakout Strength Nctrg = () '4) ec,N 41 ed,N )4! c,N 41 cp,N Nb ANCO ACI 318-08 Eq. (D-5) 4tNcbg a N ACI 318-08 Eq. (D-1) ANC see ACI 318-08, Part D.5.2.1, Fig. RD.5.2.1(b) ANcO= 9 h 2 ACI 318-08 Eq. (D-6) Wec.N ( + :5i. ACI 318-08 Eq. (D-9) Ped,N =0.7+0.3 i.o - ACI 318-08 Eq. (D-11) ,N SL2 kV = MAX (!5t,i-11e!):5 1.0 ACI 318-08 Eq. (D-13) Nb = k ?, I? h ' ACI 318-08 Eq. (D-7) Variables het [in.] e1 [in.] . [in.] cam). [in.) )4) c,N 3.333 0.000 0.000 3.500 1.000 Cac [in] . k . f' [psi] 13.239 17 1 - 7,000 Calculations . ANC [in.'] ANCO [in.2] w ecl,N 91 ec2,N 91 ed.N '4) cp,N Nb [lb) 289.00 100.00 1.000 1.000 0.910 1.000 8,656 Results Ncbg [lb] 4) concrete 4r Nag (lb] Nua [lb] 22,762 . 0.650 14,795 , . 6,600 9 Input data and results must be checked for agreement with the existing conditions and for plausibility! PROFIS Anchor ( c ) 2003-2009 Hitti AG, FL-9494 Schaan Hilt) is a registered Trademark of Hilti AG. Schaan www.hilti.us . L ELE mi Profis Anchor 2.7.7 Company: Glowacki Engineering. Page: 5 Specifier: A. Horrell Project: LEGOLAND DSA Address: Sub-Project I Pos. No.: A&ES Phone I Fax: I Date: 6/14/2018 E-Mail: 4 Shear load Load V1 [lb] Capacity $ V [lb] Utilization = Vj4 Vn Status Steel Strength* . 460 5,109 9 OK Steel failure (with lever arm)* N/A N/A N/A N/A Pryout Strength (Bond Strength controls)* 1838 20,953 9 OK Concrete edge failure in direction y+** . 1,838 4,192 44 OK anchor having the highest loading anchor group (relevant anchors) 4.1 Steel Strength - V = (0.6 Ase v futa) refer to ICC-ES ESR-3187 4) Vsteei a Vua ACI 318-08 Eq. (D-2) Variables - Ase,v [in .2] f.t. [psi] (0.6 Ase v fut.) [lb] 0.14 100,000 8.515 Calculations V [lb] 8,515 Results Vsa [lb] 4t steel 4t Vsa [k)] Vua [lb] 8,515 0.600 5,109 460 Input data and results must be checked for agreement with the existing conditions and for plausibility! PROFIS Anchor ( C ) 2003-2009 Hilti AG, FL9494 Schaan Hilti is a registered Trademark of Hilti AG, Schaan www.hilti.us Profis Anchor 2.7.7 Company: Glowacki Engineering. Page: 6 Specifier: A. Horrell Project: LEGOLAND DSA Address: Sub-Project I Pos. No.: A&ES Phone I Fax: I Date: 6/14/2018 E-Mail: 4.2 Pryout Strength (Bond Strength controls) v9 =k,[(?-) 'V edNa 'V ec2,Na V edNa 'V cp,Na Nba] ACI 318-11 Eq. (D-41) > Vcpg 2: VU. ACI 318-11 Table (D.4.1.1) AN. see ACI 318-11, Part D.5.5.1, Fig. RD.5.5.1(b) ANaO = (2 )2 ACI 318-11 Eq. (D-20) CN8 . -10 d. N 7113011 ACI 318-11 Eq. (D-21) tlec.Na = (1 +e t ) :5 1.0 , ACI 318-11 Eq. (D-23) CNa Ved,Na = 0.7 + 0.3 :5 1.0 ACI 318-11 Eq. (D-25) kV = MAX(E03i1, ) ~ 1.0 .N. ACI 318-11 Eq. (D-27) N5a =Xa lk,c 71 da her ACI 318-11 Eq. (D-22) Variables - - kep t k.cuncr [psi] da [in.] her [in.] Cam1. [in.] 2 2,461 0.500 7.000 3.500 t k.0 (psi] eC1N [in.] eN [in.]' Cac [in.] -k a 1,241 0.000 0.000 13.239 1.000 Calculations CNa [in.] AN. [in.2] - ANOO [in.2] ' 'V edNa 7.445 289.00 221.69. 0.841 'V edNa 'V ec2.Na 'V cp,Na Nba [lb] 1.000 1.000 1.000 13,651 Results Vcpg [lb] 0 concrete d/ Vcpg [lb] Vua [lb] 29,933 0.700 - 20,953 1,838 Input data and results must be checked for agreement with the existing conditionsand for plausibility! PROFIS Anchor ( c ) 2003-2009 Hilti AG. FL-9494 Schaan Hilti is a registered Trademark of Hilti AG, Schaan www.hilti.us Company: Glowacki Engineering. Specifier: A. Horrell Address: Phone I Fax:' I E-Mail: Page: Project: Sub-Project I Pos. No. Date: L=1 _1 111111-I mi I Profis Anchor 2.7.7 7 LEGOLAND DSA A&ES 6/14/2018 4.3 Concrete edge failure in direction y+ v9 = () 'v ec,v kV e,v W V h,V W parattel,V Vb ACI 318-08 Eq. (D-22) (1) Vcbg 2: Vaa ACI 318-08 Eq. (D-2) Av, see ACI 318-08, Part, Fig. RD.6.2.1(b) A 0 = 4.5 c2.1 ACI 318-08 Eq. (D-23) Vec.v = (1 ~2e0 ' 1.0 ACI 318-08 Eq. (D-26) \ 3Cai/ V ed.v = 0.7 + 0.3 (1 a :5 1.0 ACI 318-08 Eq. (D-28) h,V = ~ 1.0 ACI 318-08 Eq. (D-29) Vb = (7 (h!.) i) 2. ACI 318-08 Eq. (0-24) Variables Cai [in.] c02 [in.] e [in.] - w c.V 3.500 3.500 0.000 1.000 le [in.] 2. da [in] f [psi] )41 parallel.V 4.000 - 1.000. 0.500 7,000 1.000 Calculations Av [in. 21 Avco [in. 21 V ec,V -. V ed,V V h,V Vb [lb] 89.25 55.13 1.000 0.900 1.000 4,110 Results Vcbe (lb] 4) concrete 4) Vcg [lb] Vua [lb] 5,989 0.700 4,192 1,838 5 Combined tension and shear loads ON l3V Utilization I3N,V [%] Status 0.678 - 0.439 5/3 78 OK I3NV = A + 14 <= 1 6 Warnings The anchor design methods in PROFIS Anchor require rigid anchor plates per current regulations (ETAG 001/Annex C, EOTA TR029, etc.). This means load re-distribution on the anchors due to elastic deformations of the anchor plate are not considered - the anchor plate is assumed to be sufficiently stiff, in order not to be deformed when subjected to the design loading. PROFIS Anchor calculates the minimum required anchor plate thickness with FEM to limit the stress of the anchor plate based on the assumptions explained above. The proof if the rigid base plate assumption is valid is not carried out by PROFIS Anchor. Input data and results must be checked for agreement with the existing conditions and for plausibility! Condition A applies when supplementary reinforcement is used. The factor is increased for non-steel Design Strengths except Pullout Strength and Pryout strength. Condition B applies when supplementary reinforcement is not used and for Pullout Strength and Pryout Strength. Refer to your local standard. Design Strengths of adhesive anchor systems are influenced by the cleaning method. Refer to the INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE given in the Evaluation Service Report for cleaning and installation instructions The ACI 318-08 version of the software does not account for adhesive anchor special design provisions corresponding to overhead applications Checking the transfer of loads into the base material and the shear resistance are required in accordance with ACI 318 or the relevant standard! Fastening meets the design criteria! Input data and results must be checked for 'agreement with the existing conditions and for plausibility! PROFIS Anchor ( c ) 2003-2009 1-lilti AG, FL-949.4 Schaan Hilti is a registered Trademark of Hilti AG, Schaan 24.000 ELJ Ni WWW.hilti.us : . Profis Anchor 2.7.7 ' Company: Glowacki Engineering. - . Page: 8 Specifier: A. Horrell . Project: LEGOLAND DSA Address: Sub-Project I Pos. No.: A&ES Phone I Fax: I Date: 6/14/2018 E-Mail:, 7 Installation data Anchor plate, steel: -. •• . -. Anchor type and diameter: HIT-HY 200 + HAS-R 316 SS 1/2 Profile: Rectangular HSS (AISC); 16:000 x 16.000 x 0.375 in. Installation torque: 360.001 in.lb Hole diámetér in the fixture: df = 0.563 in. Hole diameter in the base material: 0.563 in. Plate thickness (input):-0.500 in. Hole depth in the base material: 7.000 in. Recommended plate thickness:-not calculated • Minimum thickness of the base material: 8.250 in. Drilling method: Hammer drilled Cleaning: Compressed air cleaning of the drilled hole according to instructions for use is required 7.1 Recommended accessories Drilling Cleaning Setting Suitable Rotary Hammer Compressed air with required accessories Dispenser including cassette and mixer Properly sizeddrillbit' ' to blow from the bottom of the hole Torque wrench 'Proper diameter wire brush y • ,' 8.000 i'.; 8.000 . . 0 . 0 , , C., - . 0 0 -. • - • •• • 0 co --- o x 0 . 0 GO 0 0 0 3.000 - 10000 3000 - Coordinates Anchor in. Anchor x- • • y c c, c,,- -. .1 • -5:000 -5.001 3.500 13.500 3.500 -13.500 2 5.000 -5.001 13.500 3.500 3.500 13.500 3 -5.000 5.000 3.500 13.500 13.500 -3.500 4 5.000 5.000 13.500 3.500 13.500 3.500 Input data and results must be checked for agreement with the existing conditions and for plausibility! PROFIS Anchor (C) 2003-2009 Hilti AG, FL-9494 Schaan . Hilti is a registered Trademark of Hilti AG, Schaan / •. • _ www.hilti.us WE mi Profis Anchor 2.7.7 Company: Glowacki Engineering. Page: 9 Specifier: A. Horrell Project: LEGOLAND DSA Address: Sub-Project I Pos. No.: A&ES Phone I Fax: . j Date: 6/14/2018 E-Mail: 8 Remarks; Your Cooperation Duties - Any and all information and data contained in the Software concern solely the use of Hilti products and are based on the principles, formulas and security regulations in accordance with Hilti's technical directions and operating, mounting and assembly instructions, etc., that must be strictly complied with by the user. All figures containd therein are average figures, and therefore use-specific tests are to be conducted prior to using the relevant Hilti product. The results of the calculations carried out by means of the Software are based essentially on the data you put in. Therefore, you bear the sole responsibility for the absence of errors, the completeness and the relevance of the data to be put in by you. Moreover,' you bear 'sole responsibility for having the results of the calculation checked and cleared by an expert, particularly with regard to compliance with applicable norms and permits, prior to using them for your specific facility. The Software serves only as an aid to interpret norms and permits without any guarantee as to the absence of errors, the correctness and the relevance of the results or suitability for a specific application. You must take all necessary and reasonable stepi to prevent or limit damage caused by the Software. In particular, you must arrange for the regular backup of programs and data and, if applicable, carry out the updates of the Software offered by Hilti on a regular basis. If you do not use the AutoUpdate function of the Software, you must ensure that you are using the current and thus up-to-date version of the Software in each case by carrying out manual updates via the Hilti Website. Hilti will not be liable for consequences, such as the recovery of lost or damaged data or programs, arising froth a culpable breach of duty by you. Input data and results must be checked for agreement with the existing conditions and for plausibility! PROFIS Anchor ( c ) 2003-2009 Hilti AG. FL-9494 Sthaan Hilti is a registered Trademark of Hilti AG. Schaan •••... www.iiilti.us ' Profis Anchor 2.7.7 Company: Glowacki Engineering. S Page: Specifier • A. .Horrell Project: LEGOLAND DSA Address: Sub-Project I Pos. No.: A&ES Phone ,l Fax: ' I •• Date: 6/14/2018 E-Mail: Specifiers comrnents:Themed Element Anchors - Small Entry Portal 1 Input data- Anchor type and diameter HIT HY 200 + HAS E B7 HDG 3/8 Effective embedment depth: h6fact =70000 in. (hetiimit = - in.) •. Material:' . . ASTMA 193 'Grade B7 Evaluation Service Report: Hilti Technical Data Issued I Valid: - I - •• Proot: Design method ACI 318-08 /Chem Stand-off installation: . e = 0.00 in. (no stand-off); t = 0.500 in. Anchorplate: l x l, x t = 16.000 in:x 16.000 in. x 0.500 in.; (Recommended plate thickness: not calculated Profile: . Rectangular'HSS(AISC); (Lx W T)= 16.000 n.'x 16.000 in. x 0.375 in. Base material: . cracked concrete, '7000, f5 = 7,000 psi; h = 24.000 in., Temp. short/long: 32/32 F Installation:' hammer' drilled hole, Installation condition: Dry Reinforcement: - tension: conditiOn B, shear: condition B; no supplemental splitting reinforcement present • ' edge reinforce'ri,ent: none or < No. 4 bar Seismic toads (cat. C, D; E, or F) • , • Geometry [in.] & Loading [Ib, in.lb] • •. S 'S N05 • .• .: • • S Input data and results must be checked for agreement will, the existing conditions and for plausibility! . PROFIS Anchor ( C ) 2003-2009 Hilti AG, FL-9494 Schaan Hilti is a registered Trademark of Hilti AG, Schaan www.hilti.us Company Glowacki Engineering. Specifier: A. Horrell Address: Phone I Fax: . I E-Mail: 2 Load case/Resulting anchor forces Load case: Design loads Anchor reactions [lb] Tension force: (+Tension, -Compression) Anchor Tension force Shear force Shear force x Shear force 1 1,170 366 258 259 2 1,170 366 258 258 3 1,170 366 259 259 4 1,170 366 259 258 max. concrete compressive strain: max. concrete compressive stress: . - [psi] resulting tension force in (x/y)=(0.'000/0.000): 4,679 [lb] resulting compression force in (x/y)=(0.000/0.000): 0 [lb] Profis Anchor 2.7.7 Page: 2 Project: LEGOLAND DSA Sub-Project I Pos. No.: A&ES Date: 6/14/2018 y 03 04 U Tension 01 02 3 Tension load Load N 5 [lb] Capacity $ N [lb] Utilization pN = N551$ N5 Status Steel Strength* . 1,170 7,264 17 OK Bond Strêngth** 4,679 12,778 37 OK Sustained Tension Load Bond Strength* N/A N/A N/A N/A Concrete BreakoUt Strength-4,679 14,795 32 OK * anchor having the highest loading —anchor group (anchors in tension) 3.1 Steel Strength Nsa = Value refer to Hilti Technical Data . * 4 N58 a Nu. ' ACt 318-08 Eq. (D-1) Variables ASeN [in .2] uta [psi] 0.08 125,000 Calculations - Nsa [lb] 9,685 Results , * Nse FIb] It steel 4s N [lb] - N58 [lb] 9,685 0.750 7,264 1,170 Input data and results must be checked for agreement with th6 existing conditions and for plausibility! PR0P15 Anchor ( c ) 2003-2009 Hilti AG, FL-9494 Schaan Hilti is a registered Trademark of Hilti AG, Schaan www.hilti.us Company: Glowacki Engineering. Page: Specifier: A. Horrell Project: Address: Sub-Project I Pos. No. Phone I Fax: I Date: E-Mail: Profis Anchor 2.7.7 3 LEGOLAND DSA A&ES 6/14/2018 3.2 Bond Strength Nag = ( 0Wec1.NaWeNa IV, ed,NaW,Na Nba ACI 318-11 Eq. (D-19) 4, Nag a N,, . - ACI 318-11 Table D.4.1.1 AN. = see ACI 318-11, Part D.5.5.1, Fig. RD.5.5.1(b) ANaO = (2 CNa)2 ACI 318-11 Eq. (D-20) CNa =10da'\Jj ACI 318-11 Eq. (D-21) 41ec,Na = (1 +eN) 5 1.0 ACI 318-11 Eq. (D-23) CNa W edNa = 0.7 + o.3() 5 1.0 . ACI 318-11 Eq. (D-25) CNa W,Na•= MAX( ):5 1.0 ACI 318-11 Eq. (D-27) Nba = a tkC' it da het ACI 318-11 Eq. (D-22) Variables I k,c.uncr [psi] d0 [in.] h0f [in.] C8 mix [in.] T bc [Psi] 2,461 0.375 7.000 . 3.500 1,158 eC1N [in.] e,N [in.] . c [in.] 0.000 0.000 13.239 1.000 Calculations .CNa [in.] AN. [in .2] ANag [in .2] 4/ edNa 5.583 289.00 124.70 0.888 W edNa 4J ec2,Na .41 cp,Na Nba [lb] 1.000 1.000 1.000 9,552 Results Nag [lb] 4, bond 4, N09 [lb] . Noa [lb] 19,658 0.650 12,778 4,679 Input data and results must be checked for agreement with the existing conditions and for plausibility! PROFIS Anchor ( c ) 2003-2009 Hitli AG, FL-9494 Sthaan Hitti is a registered Trademark of Huh AG, Sthaan • .. '. www.hilti.us Profis Anchor 2.7.7 Company: Glowacki Engineering. Page: 4 Specifier A. Horrell Project: LEGOLAND DSA Address: Sub-Project I Pos. No.: A&ES Phone IFax: I Date: - 6/14/2018 E-Mail: 3.3 Concrete Breakout Strength Nth9 = (A—) 'Vec,N 'Ved,N kVc,N 'Vcp,N Nb . ACI 318-08 Eq. (D-5) 4) Nctg 2' Noa ACI 31808 Eq. (D-1) AN. see AC! 318-08, Part D.5.2.1, Fig. RD.5.2.1(b) ANCO = 9 h 1 - , ACI 318-08 Eq. (D-6) 1~ 4Jec.N = ( 2 eN :5 10 + ACI 31808 Eq. (0-9) —hef kV ed.N = 0.7 + 0.3 (15h:j) ACI 318-08 Eq. (D-11) kV cp,N = MAX (!01!t, i1et)5 1.0 AC! 318-08 Eq. (D-13) Nb = Ic . "R hI5 ACI 318-08 Eq. (0-7) Variables - - het [in.] eClN [in.] ec2,N [in.] 0amin [] 'V c,N 3.333 0.000 0.000 3.500 1.000 c c [in.] k tic [psi] 13.239 17 1 7,000 Calculations • . [in .2] ANO [in. 2] . 'V eci,N 'V ec2,N 'V ed.N kV cp.N Nb [lb] 28900 100.00 J.000 - 1.000 0.910 1.000 8,656 Results . • - Nchg [lb] 4) concrete 4) Nc [IL'] Nua [IL'] 22,762 0.650 . 14,795 . 4,679 Input data and results must be checked for agreement with the existing conditions and for plausibility! PROFIS Anchor ( C) 2003-2009 Hilti AG, FL-9494 Schaan Hilti is a registered Trademark of Hilti AG, Sthaan M-1 www.hilti.us LM11 1W Profis Anchor 2.7.7 Company: GIo,acki Engineering. Page: 5 Specifier: A. Horrell Project: LEGOLAND DSA Address: Sub-Project I Pos. No.: A&ES Phone IFax: I Date: 6/14/2018 E-Mail: 4 Shear load Load Vua[lb] Capacity 4)V, [I b] Utilization , = Vj4)V. Status Steel Strength* 366 3,776 10 OK Steel failure (with lever arm)* N/A N/A N/A N/A Pryout Strength (Bond Strength controls)** 1,462 27,524 6 OK Concrete edge failure in direction x+ 1,462 3,631 41 OK * anchor having the highest loading anchor group (relevant anchors) 4.1 Steel Strength V59 = (0.6 Ase v f010) refer to Hilti Technical Data 4t Vsteet~-Vua ACl 318-08 Eq. (D-2) Variables Asev [in.2] [psi] (0.6 Ase v futa) [lb] 0.08 125,000 5,810 Calculations V50 fIb] 5,810 Results V [lb] 4) steel 4t Vsa[lb] V58 [lb] 5,810 0.650 3,776 366 Input data and results must be checked for agreement with the existing conditions and for plausibility! PROFIS Anchor ( C ) 2003-2009 Hitti AG, FL-9494 Schaan Hitti is a registered Trademark of Hitti AG, Schaan www.hilti.us Company: Glowacki Engineering. Page: Specifier: A. Horrell Project: Address: . . Sub-Project I Pos. No.: Phone I Fax: I . Date: E-Mail:' 4.2 Pryout Strength (Bond Strength controls) rkcp[( ANaO 5)4i eél,Na W ec2,Na W edNa V cp,Na Nba] ACI 318-11 Eq. (0-41) 4, VCJ2: V33 . ACI 318-11 Table (D.4.1.1) AN3 see ACI 318-11, Part, Fig. RD.5.5.1(b) AN.. = (2 CN3)2 Am 318-11 Eq. (D-20) CNa = 10 d,,7.'1. ACI 318-11 Eq. (D-21) P ec,Na = (1 + eN _) :5 1.0 ACI 318-11 Eq. (0-23) CNa P ed.Na = 0.7 + 0.3 (Ein) 1.0 ACI 318-11 Eq. (D-25) P cp,Na = MAX( !t, ) 1.0 ACI 318-11 Eq. (D-27) Nb3 A a tkc t da her ,ACI 318-11 Eq. (0-22) Variables T ,c,,,e(ISj] . da [in.] het [in.] Ca,mj,, [in.] 2 2,461 0.375 7.000 3.500 T k,c [psi] eCl,N [in.] . e32.N [in.] Cac [in.] A 1,158 0.000 .0.000 13.239 1.000 Calculations - Ct,a [in.] AN. [in.2] A,JQ [in .2] 11 edNa 5.583 289.00 124.70 0.888 P edNa P ec2,Na P cp,Na No. [lb] 1.000 1.000 . 1.000 9,552 Results Vcpg [lb] 4 concrete 4, V 9 [lb] V,3 [lb] 39,320 0.700 27,524 1,462 Profis Anchor 2.7.7 6 LEGOLAND DSA A&ES 6/14/2018 Input data and results must be checked for agreement with the existing conditions and for plausibitityt PROFIS Anchor ( C) 2003-2009 Hilti AG, FL-9494 Schaan Hilti is a registered Trademark of Hilti AG, Sthaan www.hilti.us Company: Glowacki Engineering. Page: Specifier: A. Horrell Project: Address: Sub-Project I Pos. No. Phone I Fax: I Date: E-Mail: Profis Anchor 2.7.7 7 LEGOLAND DSA A&ES 6/14/2018 4.3 Concrete edge failure in direction x+ Avc V69 = ec,V )4/ ed,V 91 CV 91 h,V 41 parallel,V Vb ACI 318-08 Eq. (D-22) ,) V g Vua ACI 318-08 Eq. (D-2) Av see ACI 318-08, Part D.6.2.1, Fig. RD.6.2.1(b) Avco = 4.5 c 1 ACI 318-08 Eq. (D-23) 'u ec.v = (1 + 2e ' 5 1.0 ACI 318-08 Eq. (D-26) \ 3Ca1I 4 ed.v = 0.7 + °:3(i--1) 1.0 ACI 318-08 Eq. (D-28) 4'h,V = 4E.'C.::1 1.0 h. ACI 318-08 Eq. (D-29) Vb = (7 (i.). ) 'J? c ACI 318-08 Eq. (D-24) Variables '. Cai [in.] ca2 [in.] ecv [in.] )41 c,v ha [in.] 3.500 3.500 0.000 1.000 24.000 le (in.] d [in.] f [psi] 91 parallel.V 3.000 1.000 0.375 7,000 1.000 Calculations Av [in .2] A [in .2], '4ec,V 41 ed.V 41 h,V V [lb] , 89.25 55.13, 1.000 0.900 1.000 3,559 Results VCbg [II)] 4)concrete 4t VCbg [lb] V (lb] 5,186 0.700 3,631 . . 1,462 5 Combined tension and shear loads ON 5v C Utilization I3N,V [%] Status 0.366 0.403 5/3 41 OK I3NV = A + 6 <= 1 6 Warnings The anchor design methods in PROFIS Anchor require rigid anchor plates per current regulations (ETAG 001 /Annex C, EOTA TR029, etc.). This means load re-distribution on the anchos due to elastic deformations of the anchor plate are not considered - the anchor plate is assumed to be sufficiently stiff, in order not to be deformed when subjected to the design loading. PROFIS Anchor calculates the minimum required anchor plate thickhess with FEM to limit the stress of the anchor plate based on the assumptions explained above. The proof if the rigid base plate assumption is valid is not carried out by PROFIS Anchor. Input data and results must be checked for agreement with the existing conditions and for plausibility! Condition A applies when supplementary reinforcement is used. The 0 factor is increased for non-steel Design Strengths except Pullout Strength and Pryout strength. Condition B applies when supplementary reinforcement is not used and for Pullout Strength and Pryout Strength. Refer to your local standard. Design Strengths of adhesive anchor systems are influenced by the cleaning method. Refer to the INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE given in the Evaluation Service Report for cleaning and installation instructions The ACI 318-08 version of the software does not account for adhesive anchor special design provisions corresponding to overhead applications. Checking the transfer of loads into the base material and the shear resistance are required in accordance with ACI 318 or the relevant standard! Fastening meets the design criteria! Input data and results must be checked for agreement with the existing conditions and for plausibility! PROFIS Anthor( c) 2003-2009 Huh AG, FL-949.4 Schaan Hilti is a registered Trademark of Hilti AG, Schaan a www.hilti.us . . Profis Anchor 2.7.7 Company: Glowacki Engineering. Page: 8 Specifier: A. Horrell . Project: LEGOLAND DSA Address: . Sub-Project I Pos. No.: A&ES Phone I Fax: I Date: 6/14/2018 E-Mail: 7 Installation data Anchor plate, steel: - Anchor type and diameter: HIT-HY 200 + HAS-E B7 HDG 3/8 Profile: Rectangular HSS (AISC); 16.000 x 16.000 x 0.375 in. Installation torque: 180.000 in.lb Hole diameter in the fixture: d1= 0.438 in. Hole diameter in the base material: 0.438 in. Plate thickness (input): 0.500 in. Hole depth in the base material: 7.000 in. Recommended plate thickness: not calculated Minimum thickness of the base material: 8.250 in. Drilling method: Hammer drilled Cleaning: Compressed air cleaning of the drilled hole according to instructions for use is required 7.1 Recommended accessories Drilling Cleaning Setting Suitable Rotary Hammer Compressed air with required accessories • Dispenser including cassette and mixer Properly sized drill bit . to blow from the bottom of the hole Torque wrench Proper diameter wire brush Coordinates Anchor in. Anchor x y c5 - c,, - c y C,y 1 -5.000 -5.001 3.500 13.500 3.500 13.500 2 5.000 -5.001 13.500 3.500 3.500 13.500 3 -5.000 5.000 3.500 13.500 13.500 3.500 4 5.000 5.000 13.500 3.500 13.500 3.500 Input data and results must be checked for agreement with the existing conditions and for plausibility! PROFIS Anchor ( c ) 2003-2009 Hilti AG. FL-9494 Sthaan Hitti is a registered Trademark of Hihi AG. Schaan r4 M71 1~ www.hilti.us Profis Anchor 2.7.7 Company: Glowacki Engineering. Page: 9 Specifier A. Horrell . Project: LEGOLAND DSA Address: Sub-Project I Pos. No.:. A&ES Phone I Fax: I Date: 6/14/2018 E-Mail: 8 Remarks; Your Cooperation Duties Any and all information and data contained in the Software concern solely the use of Hilti products and are based on the principles, formulas and security regulations in accordance with Hilti's technical directions and operating, mounting and assembly instructions, etc., that must be strictly complied with by the user. All figures contained therein are average figures, and therefore use-specific tests are to be conducted prior to using the relevant Hilti product. The results of the calculations carried out by means of the Software are based essentially on the data you put in. Therefore, you bear the sole responsibility for the absence of errors, the completeness and the relevance of the data to be put in by you. Moreover, you bear sole responsibilitq for having the results of the calculation checked and cleared by an expert, particularly with regard to compliance with applicable norms and permits, prior to using them for your specific facility. The Software serves only as an aid to interpret norms and permits without any guarantee as to the absence of errors, the correctness and the relevance of the results or suitability for a specific application. You must take all necessary and reasonable steps to prevent or limit damage caused by the Software. In particular, you must arrange for the regular backup of programs and data and; if applicable, carry out the updates of the Software offered by Hilti on a regular basis. If you do not use the AutoUpdate function of the Software, you must ensure that you are using the current and thus up-to-date version of the Software in each case by carrying out manual updates via the Hilti Website. Hilti will not be liable for consequences, such as the recovery of lost or damaged data or programs, arising from a culpable breach of duty by you. - Input data and results must be checked for agreement with the existing conditions and for plausibility! PROFIS Anchor ( C ) 2003-2009 Hilti AG, FL-9494 Sôhaan Hilti is a registered Trademark of Hilti AG, Schaan - -, 03/40 X 120L 18-8SS THREADED ROD WI 10' MIN. EMBEDMENT IN 01" DRILLED HOLES, EPDXIED IN PLACE (4 PER BASE PLATE) Atlzactlon & Enta,talnment Solutions, - PIMA= ft inc. - 4I5LLC 11328 Business Paik Blet - - Jacksonville, FL 32258 (804) 2601889 ________ - www.aandesolutIons.com __.,- - QUEUE-LINE PORTAL ANCHORS LLC DEEP SEA ADVENTURE CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA - 03% X 12"L 18-8SS THREADED ROD WI 10" MIN. EMBEDMENT IN 01" DRILLED HOLES, EPDXIED IN PLACE (4 PER BASE PLATE) ENTRY PORTALS I & 2 ANCHORS I %' THICK J,~ BASE PLATE TRUSS CONC. PIER 24" PIER QUEUE LINE COLUMN (1 OF 6) 153/. STAINSION POST I OF 4 ROC INSULATIC 6' - ROOF SHEATHING WOOD BEAM BELOW (BY OTHERS) 9" SQ. MNW I mom= ARM wlOE DRAWN BY &JANESKY T 0 O —'Xr LONG 18-8SS LAG BOLT ___ W/ FLAT WASHERS 0 PL PER BAE 12' SO. INTO WOOD BEAM BELOW HELICOPTER PATF Qrlsbad Building Division JUL 23 Z018 APPROVED BY: R C(ISy_) ISSUED BY: STRUCTURAL STAMP LIMITED TO STRUCTURAL C. ALLEN ELEMENTS AND 1 ATTACHMENTS. ALL (THOMAS\ No.S5460 1*1 DIMENSIONS AND NON-STRUCTURAL OF C ELEMENTS SHALL BE BY THEMING DESIGNER. REVISIONS: AA DATE6/15018 ANCHORING PLAN ©A&ES,INC. 2018 a6ic "'m O B 3.10 PIER N CONC. PIER TRUSS 3/8 THICK BASE PLATE ø%• X 121 18-88S THREADED ROD WI \\ iou MIN. EMBEDMENT IN 010 DRILLED HOLES, EPDXIED (REDHEAD EPCON C6 IN PLACE (4 PER BASE PLATE) SUBMARINE PORTAL ANCHORS FE STRUCTURAL STAMP ( THOMAS s\\ LIMITED TO STRUCTURAL C. ELEMENTS AND ALLEN ATTACHMENTS. ALL NoSL) 5460 DIMENSIONS AND NON-STRUCTURAL CTU ELEMENTS SHALL BE BY OF C THEMING DESIGNER. C6) ----'— - --------. ----, SUBMARINE PLATFORM ANCHORS LLC DEEP SEA ADVENTURE ANCHORING PLAN REVISIONS: CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 3AAMEW JIM Kw ARM 619WENIM, DATE0/15!2018 DRAWN BY 8.JANESKY A&ES.INC. 2018 ANSI B 2.1 DRAWN BY: JOB I754 I AL .,thtQJI -1 M.I,A41 REVISIONS: DATE: 311W2018 DESCRIPTION ENTRY PORTAL I & 2 ----.-PROAWIb 1764 MraitIon & Ent.dinment $citIoni In 11328 eu Paik B JadonvllIe, FL 356 (904) 260.6889 wwwAandesollIftwom LEGO DEEP SEA ADVENTURE I LEGOLAND WAY, cARLsBAD, CA. - / RECEIVED JUN 19 2018 CITY OF CARLSBAD BUILDING DIVISION Ethos Architecture has reviewed this deferred submittal. Its design has been found to be in general conformance with the design of the building. As such we ask that the Building Official review this deferred submittal. This proposed work shall not be installed until the deferred submittal documents have .been approved by the building ficial. by Daniel Stewart, Principal and Archtiect Date: 06/19/2018 ©A&ES,INC. 2018 ANSI 8 STRUCTURAL STAMP LIMITED TO STRUCTURAL ELEMENTS AND ATTACHMENTS. ALL DIMENSIONS AND NON- STRUCTURAL ELEMENTS SHALL BE BY THEMING DESIGNER. tUIIiIII,. 1 riO,9 l4, I; No 70618 * :E STATE OF fL' ON A- Alan T. Horrell, P.E. #70618 GLOWACKI ENGINEERING, INC 1835 East West Pkwy Suite 10 Fleming Island, FL 32003 FILE: PROJECT 1764 LEGOLAND DEEP SEA ADVENTURE ENTRY PORTALS Printed copies of this document are not considered signed and sealed and the signature must be verified on any electronic copies. MATL THICKNESS WELD = -I — MA1'L THICKNESS STITCHED 1" EACH 3" ii WI IE t N TLI ALL 6061 ALUMINUM YIELD STRENGTH: 35,000 PSI HARDNESS: BRINELL 95 (SOFT) TEMPER: 16 HEAT TREATED MEETS ASTM B221 MAIL It1IUl%J'1-1 WELD =)/2 =Y2 MATL THICKNESS /-11 X 11 18-8SS CARRIAGE BOLT, FLAT WASHERS, NYLON INSERT LOCK NUT (4 PL) STRUCTURAL STAMP LIMITED TO STRUCTURAL ELEMENTS AND ATTACHMENTS. ALL DIMENSIONS AND NON- STRUCTURAL ELEMENTS SHALL BE BY THEMING DESIGNER. --F-------- I 'ITHOMAS C. ( ALLEN \ NoS5460 * 1* OF C a1 Ae-- i - I I LEGO DEEP SEA ADVENTURE I DESCRIPTION REVISIONS:I I ____________________ I I I I _._11764 I I i I ii a_tii. I _-fl-_-i - I ____(_I LEGOLAND WAY, CARLSBAD, CA. _ENTRY PORTAL 1. ROPE WINCH W GEARS I I ____ I _I _I_I DATE: I 2.2 I e.mcv I I I I DATE: 3/1W2018 I I I I I I DRAWN BY: I I I ©A&ES,INC. 2018 ANSIB I !1!E!IF!1iIIr -!- 1 . FOAM & FRP MINIFIGS BY OTHERS p Vi11 15%" 16" XRP TRUSS 1/4w TUBE BASEPLATE POTTED W/ GROUT CONCRETE PIER BY G.C. DESIGNED BY ENGINEER II 76" A- HEADER WI SIGN WEIGHS 480 POUNDS 121%" ALL Y4" ALUM. PLATE CONSTRUCTION [624/1,2n Y4" X 6" SQ. ALUM. TUBE 15/8"WiY4" RIBS j -"--11/8" ø10/4" Mle 30" FRP MINIFIG '5500 CU/IN. MASS 42" 42" / _ 24" SO. THOMAS C. ALLEN NaS546O STRUCTURAL STAMP LIMITED TO STRUCTURAL ELEMENTS AND ATTACHMENTS. ALL DIMENSIONS AND NON- STRUCTURAL ELEMENTS SHALL BE BY THEMING DESIGNER. TNo I I LEGO DEEP SEA ADVENTURE I REVISIONS: I I 1 LEGOLAND WAY, CARLSBAD, CA. ENTRY PORTAL 1, ROPE WINCH W GEARS I I AmbmvM% FL =11 I - I - I I I I I I I 2.3 i 1764 DESCRIPTION I I M.1.A41 DATE: 318/2018 I I I I I WAYM Or.I I I ©A&ES,INC. 2018 ANSIB H. . 39i6" ,,t nIl 43/4IJ COMMON TO BOTH PORTALS (-2 & -4) II II II II II u 11 Ir Li LL 17%" 32" 30" 11" I I I! STRUCTURAL STAMP LIMITED TO STRUCTURAL ELEMENTS AND ATTACHMENTS. ALL DIMENSIONS AND NON- STRUCTURAL ELEMENTS SHALL BE BY TH EMING DESIGNER. N ' THOMAS C. ALLEN Li No.S5460 OF C 1764 LEGO DEEP SEA ADVENTURE DESCRIPTION REVISIONS: I ' / ç• &i..saaa.'e-.-., I.. ---.,. I I I LEGOLAND WAY, CARLSBAD. ck ENTRY PORTAL 1, ROPE WINCH W GEARS TIb. I I I I I I I 24 I I DATE: 3/8/2018 I I I I I I ORAWNBY. I I ©A&ES.INC. 2018 ANSI 30" 22%" STRUCTURAL STAMP LIMITED TO STRUCTURAL ELEMENTS AND ATTACHMENTS. ALL DIMENSIONS AND NON- STRUCTURAL ELEMENTS SHALL BE BY THEMING DESIGNER. C. ALLEN NoS546O = n n n n U U U U i1ON TO BOTH IALS(-2&-4) 51%6" 58%6" 1Y4,J J AMmftn I EallwhillmlM ka 11 ePuk IiiIuui, R. US 1764 cump - - I- LEGO DEEP SEA ADVENTURE I LEGOLAND WAY, CARLSBAD, CA. DESCRIPTION ENTRY PORTAL. 1. ROPE WINCH W GEARS St 174. AIL A4.1. A41611 DATE: 318/2018 REVISIONS: 2.5 © A&ES,INC. 2018 DRAWN B ANSI 9 29/" 2.21 3946" BACKER PLATE MAT'L: 1/8" ALUM. PLATE QTY:2 58%6 51Y" 29%n 22l4 COMMON TO BOTH PORTALS (-2 & -4)- THOMAS C. ( ALLEN \ UI II' NoS546O ,z * 1* REVISIONS: DESCRIPTION ENTRY PORTAL 1, ROPE WINCH W GEARS Joe 1* 1794. ARCH. ,-iiU M.I.A41 DATE: 31812018 DRAWN BY: 58%6 V H V 51Y4" H 51%6" I u 50Y4" I i Jj FRAME MAT'L: Y8" x iY" SQ. ALUM. TUBE QTY: 4 STRUCTURAL STAMP LIMITED TO STRUCTURAL ELEMENTS AND ATTACHMENTS. ALL DIMENSIONS AND NON- STRUCTURAL ELEMENTS SHALL BE BY THEMING DESIGNER. 2.6 m.&.. I --.--.. MIL U, k.'.., FL -- FACE PLATE MAT'L: Y13" ALUM. PLATE QT(: 2 PROMM LEGO DEEP SEA ADVENTURE 1764 I LEGOLAND WAY, CARLSBAD, CA. CUM - Y27 5Y" 22%" H 21 H " FRAME CORNER FRAME SIDE 3,46" MAT'L: Y8" X 11/41' SQ. ALUM. TUBE MA1'L: Y" X 1Y SQ. ALUM. TUBE QTY:8 QTY:4 ©A&ES,INC. 2018 ANSI -2C -2E -2G 1/46 of I 03" 7/,, P/8 II II - II II II II II II II II I ii ii ii II IU- II 8" II II uI. II II • II II UI II II II II UI II II II II II II II B_...&. •--lI---L. II II II 2%6" 713%6I I II COMMON TO BOTH LIJI PORTALS (-2 & 4) SIGN BRACKET QTY: 2 (RIGHT) STRUCTURAL STAMP LIMITED TO STRUCTURAL ELEMENTS AND ATTACHMENTS. ALL DIMENSIONS AND NON- STRUCTURAL ELEMENTS SHALL BE BYTHEMING DESIGNER. THOMAS C.\ ALLEN \ No.S5460 * 1* OF cAU _______ - LEGO DEEP SEA ADVENTURE DESCRIPTION 1764 I LEGOLAND WAY, CARLSBAD, ck ENTRY PORTAL I ROPE WINCH W GEARS 2.7 mnIlIflsu1 '.l -- Dmvm or DATE: 318/2018 © A&ES,INC. 2018 ANSI 8 H 7%611 H H H " --------------------- 2%&' 6" ------------------- Y81' Hif 174611 1 .3" 11/8 It © t I ------------ 6" W/32" 7 1 6 H - .'" 43" if IH 1/46" pll/ " L~ ~ 1 1/8" 16 1/U + 13" .=:==: 2 R2%" 1nJ 1764-2E.DXF MAT'L: Y81' ALUM. QTY: 8 AMmdm&Edmi*mmdOokdb% ka as LEGO DEEP SEA ADVENTURE 1764 1 LEGOLAND WAY, CARLSBAD, CA. cuorp '° - Iav ©A&ES,INC. 2018 SLOTTED TUBE MATL: 1/8" X 3" X 4" ALUM. TUBE COMMON TO BOTH QTY: 4 PORTALS (-2 & -4) MISC. 1/8" ALUM. PLATES SLOTTED TUBE (LEFT) MAT'L: Y8" X 3" X 4" ALUM. TUBE QTY: 2 & 2 RIGHT ,.-,. H 27/8"H- ___ 2/8" 1764-2G.DXF MAT'L: 1/8 ' ALUM. QTY:8 I 764-2F.DXF MATL: Y8" ALUM. QTY:4 DESCRIPTION ENTRY PORTAL 1, ROPE WINCH W GEARS STRUCTURAL STAMP LIMITED TO STRUCTURAL ELEMENTS AND ATTACHMENTS. ALL DIMENSIONS AND NON- STRUCTURAL ELEMENTS SHALL BE BY THEMING DESIGNER. REVISIONS: 2.8 ANSI B £St 1764. AH. M.1.A4.1 DATE: 3/812018 DRAWN BY THOMAS C. ALLEN r. NS5460 OF C STRUCTURAL STAMP LIMITED TO STRUCTURAL ELEMENTS AND ATTACHMENTS. ALL DIMENSIONS AND NON- STRUCTURAL ELEMENTS SHALL BE BY THEMING flFSIGNPR '/THOMAS C. \ ( ALLEN \ NoS5460 1* H H 1" rt.0 r %"-lO ALUM. \ COUPLING NUT 4', tl Ii UI I II I I II 46" 1/2 11 _ H- 03" 11/2 H 03" _,c:j::3-•-- ," MAT'L: 03" X 1/8" ALUM. TUBE QTY: 4 13/8"-H H ø2/8" 4/U 1764-2C.DXF MAT'L: Y8" ALUM. QTY: 8 73/U [IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII] [IIIIIIIIIIIIII 1 01/8 - 3/" MAT'L: 11/21' SQ. Xx" ALUM. TUBE QTY: 4 COMMON TO BOTH PORTALS (-2- & -4) 1764-2D.DXF MAT'L: Y81' ALUM. QTY: 4 MAT'L: 08" XY8" ALUM. TUBE QTY:4 LLO I - 1764 11 &.i1M4 w - cuoir maunducli.com '-- LEGO DEEP SEA ADVENTURE I LEGOLAND WAY, CARLSBAD, CA. - DESCRIP11ON ENTRY PORTAL 1, ROPE WINCH W GEARS St 1754' ARM REFIBItENIX M.I.MI DATE: 318/2018 DRAWN BY: REVISIONS: 2.9 ©A&ES,INC. 2018 ANSI 1764 St 17*0 ARI. DATE: 31812018 DØAWN W. 2.10 a_aun REVISIONS: AIImdm&EdmldnmW80k9bm, ka mduokftnum DESCRIPTION ENTRY PORTAL 1, ROPE WINCH W GEARS LEGO DEEP SEA ADVENTURE I LEGOL.AND WAY, CARLSBAD, CA. - -T - Y16'1 + • ------------- I I 1 II II = III II ill II ==i# I I II II 1.11 II I =========== 1'6 ii I 16Y" /1 933/4fl , -1/8 if / •.. 15/" •4u 46/8" YB if 1013%6u 1/8" 'lu I-'-- 151/2 -.-1 I F == = == == = = = = = == = = = == = 0 Iii ¶ III III III II 12Y2' I1 /11----- III , II II Y41, T 15Y8" y4u 932fl OUTER SHELL ASSEMBLY -2 23346" 0 = ==u5 = == == = ©A&ES.INC. 2018 ANSI THOMAS C. ALLEN Li JIM NoS546O 4:0 ¼OFCAU) STRUCTURAL STAMP LIMITED TO STRUCTURAL ELEMENTS AND ATTACHMENTS. ALL DIMENSIONS AND NON- STRUCTURAL ELEMENTS SHALL BE BY THEMING DESIGNER. H- 15i46" H H- 15%"H 31Y4" 12Y2" 49/32" %1611 N1 H 10Y32" ------ --------------------- '±illlli±I i - ii 111111 iii ii H oj 7/flJft 1 1 933/411 '0 y4"—+— RH 15 -4..-- 15%" HH-'23 6" 2346" if 15%" T y4" _H 23i" H $0 -..- 1OY" /1/u4 [ STRUCTURAL STAMP LIMITED TO STRUCTURAL ELEMENTS AND ATTACHMENTS. ALL DIMENSIONS AND NON- STRUCTURAL ELEMENTS SHALL BE BY THEMING DESIGNER. I-H 611 1/4" _.. 20%6" 14" 16%6" 14Y" INNER SPINE ASSEMBLY -2 _________ aa ___ - PROTNo. I. LEGO DEEP SEA ADVENTURE • DESCRIPTION __________- I I I \ 1764 1 LEGOLAND WAY, CARLSBAD, CA. ENTRY PORTAL 1, ROPE WINCH W GEARS ____ I I 2.11 9MMEW I __ M.1, 1 DA: 018 __ ___ - - IJ= III: 1171%ft I wommWWoMmim DRAWN BY: ©A&ES:INC. 2018 - ANSI 45.922" 15.387" 15.148" 15.387" BEND UP 900 u.. H" BEND UP 900 12.500" 1764-2H.DXF MATL: "4" ALUM. 15%" QTY: 2 _ + COMMON TO BOTH R/4 FE THOMAS C. 15%" ALLEN STRUCTURAL STAMP LIMITED TO STRUCTURAL ELEMENTS AND ATTACHMENTS. ALL DIMENSIONS AND NON- STRUCTURAL ELEMENTS SHALL BE BY THEMING DESIGNER. kl I1iiJU P'- ' 1764 LEGO DEEP SEA ADVENTURE DESCRIPTION REVISIONS: 11111111 Balmn FWk Rd I LEGOLANO WAY, cARLsBAD;ck _ENTRY PORTAL I • ROPE WINCH W GEARS _.... CUM ________________ &WCV _____ 2.12 _ MI. All DATE: 3/8/2018 —s— DRAWPI BY ©A&ESINC. 2018 - ANSI VERTICAL SUPPORT TUBE MATL: Y41' X 6" SQ. ALUM. TUBE QTY: 2 HORIZONTAL -SUPPORT TUBE MAT'L: Y41' X 6" SQ. ALUM. TUBE QTY: 2 COMMON TO BOTH PORTALS (-2 & -4) 10/4 03/4 03/4 11 it 141/2" H 3y2" COMMON TO BOTH PORTALS (-2 & -4) 14Y" H ______ 1/8" 1O/" I 11 7/ 3Y2 H H- 4" H H TRUSS MOUNT A MATL: 3/ X 4" ALUM. ANGLE QTY: 2 TRUSS MOUNT B MAT'L: %" X 4" ALUM. ANGLE QTY: 2 THOMAS C. ALLEN NoS546O OF C STRUCTURAL STAMP LIMITED TO STRUCTURAL ELEMENTS AND ATTACHMENTS. ALL DIMENSIONS AND NON- STRUCTURAL ELEMENTS SHALL BE BY THEMING DESIGNER. A,11ii I 11 own nftm*m~ -_.__.. — 1764 CUM -I- LEGO DEEP SEA ADVENTURE I LEGOLAND WAY, CARLSBAD, CA. DESCRIPTION ENTRY PORTAL 1, ROPE WINCH W GEARS imo:i AN. ,uICE A.I.1,M.1 DATE: 31812018 REVISIONS: 2.13 © A&ES,INC. 2018 DRAWN BY: ANSI 8 ACCESS DOORSTOP MAT'L: 1/41' X 1" ALUM. ANGLE QTY: 4 DRILL& TAP VbY,, 2" ACCESS DOOR MOUNT MAT'L: 1/81' X 3/4 ALUM. ANGLE QTY: 2 SIGN HANGER MAT'L: 1/4t' X 2" ALUM. ANGLES QTY: 4 (THOMAS G. 5 ALLEN NoS546O OF STRUCTURAL STAMP LIMITED TO STRUCTURAL ELEMENTS AND ATTACHMENTS. . ALL DIMENSIONS AND NON- STRUCTURAL ELEMENTS SHALL BE BY THEMING DESIGNER. SIGN HANGER ASS'Y QTY:4 COMMON TO BOTH PORTALS (-2 & -4) ALUM. HEX NUT 2Y2"- E-----'- = 11 /411-10 X 21/2"L 18-8SS HHCS I Ills JMbWr^ FL =11111111 - 1764 LEGO DEEP SEA ADVENTURE I LEGOLAND WAY, CARLSBAD, CA. aw I - DESCRIPTION ENTRY PORTAL 1, ROPE WINCH W GEARS iis mt A.I.I,M.1 DATE: 31812018 REVISIONS: 2.14 ©A&ES,INC. 2018 DRAWN BY: ANSI 8 H 15 H 1-0 1764-2R.DXF 151/80 MATL: Y° ALUM. I QTY:1 F— 1013%6n T 1548" 1764-2S.DXF MATL: Y40 ALUM. QTY: I H_%6 H f t_ 1764-2T.DXF MATL: Y.4' ALUM. QTY: I 510 - 176DXF 15Y&' MATL:YALUM. _L QTY: 1 STRUCTURAL STAMP LIMITED TO STRUCTURAL ELEMENTS AND ATTACHMENTS. ALL DIMENSIONS AND NON- STRUCTURAL ELEMENTS SHALL BE BY THEMING DESIGNER. ' THOM LL AS C. . AEN NoS546O OF CAV 1764-2Y.DXF 12%6" MATL: Y4 ALUM. QTY:1 93Y2s, S -: 1764-2X.DXF MATL: Y4 ALUM. [I Q1Y:1 0 0 — T.F 1762:DxF T 15/ MATL:Y4"ALUM. 15 QTY:1 . 46/' = 1764-2V.DXF MATL: Y4" ALUM. QTY: 1 = 31Y r DEEP V GROOVE F i;QF MATL ALUM. i i MATL: Y ALUM. QTi:1 QTY:1 93/8 ___ Q I I LEGO DEEP SEA ADVENTURE I REVISIONS: I _____ ____________ I PRETNo I ______________ I ii DESCRIPTION ffl~F 11 PtUI. —w-- I I I LEGOLAND WAY, CARLSBAD, CA. ENTRY PORTAL 1, ROPE WINCH W GEARS I I I 101 LIP ponum I - I JOSt175$ I RCIti.NC! I I I I I _ I i 2.15 I I I I DATE: 31812018 I u I mdsscloccm I I I I DRAWN I I I BY: I I I © A&ES,INC. 2018 ANSI B T 21:/8" THOMAS C. Na.S546 MD OF C STRUCTURAL STAMP LIMITED TO STRUCTURAL ELEMENTS AND ATTACHMENTS. ALL DIMENSIONS AND NON- STRUCTURAL ELEMENTS SHALL BE BY THEMING DESIGNER. 1764-2N.DXF MAT'L: Y41' ALUM. QTY: I 15Y" 23346" I 764-2J.DXF MATL: 1/41' ALUM. QTY: I H 151/8 go H I5Y8" I - - 1764-2P.DXF MAT'L: 1/4" ALUM. QTY:1 15Y" 3O/4" 21/8" :1 21/8" IN_ I 764-2M.DXF MAT'L: Y4" ALUM. QTY: I H 15Y8" H 15Y&' 1764-2K.DXF 1764-2L.DXF MAT'L: Y4" ALUM. MAT'L: Y4" ALUM. QTY: I QTY: I A*adm&ElwldnmW9dWb%- ,s. 1764 m.usclonp.com -'p-----t- LEGO DEEP SEA ADVENTURE I LEGOLAND WAY, CARLSBAD, CA. - REVISIONS: DESCRIPTION ENTRY PORTAL 1, ROPE WINCH W GEARS B R I70I. AK_,jIDR M.I.A.Ii DATE: 3/W2018 DRAWN BY: 2.16 © A&ESINC. 2018 ANSI 8 7~416 if 14/8" 4%6" PULLEY ASSEMBLY QTY: 3 14" 14%" 146" 3y8 I' hG WELD ALL JOINTS GRIND SMOOTH 11 THOMAS C. ALLEN r. NS546O OF C STRUCTURAL STAMP LIMITED TO STRUCTURAL ELEMENTS AND ATTACHMENTS. ALL DIMENSIONS AND NON- STRUCTURAL ELEMENTS SHALL BE BY THEMING DESIGNER. ______ ___ __ _______ ___ I _.__. I OTNo. I '- I I LEGO DEEP SEA ADVENTURE I DESCRIPTION I I io. I. • 1764 I I I I LEGOLAND WAY, CARLSBAD, CA. ENTRY PORTAL 1, ROPE WINCH W GEARS I I *RCtrl I I I I I I I I I I I 2.17 I DATE: 3/8/2018 I I I midiuclaiom I -- - I J I I I I I I I I ©A&ES,INC. 2018 ANSI 14/8" 311 8': H 3y8" 2yl 11 ____ PULLEY HOUSING ASSEMBLY QTY:3 hG WELD ALL JOINTS GRIND SMOOTH R4" TIG WELD ALL JOINTS GRIND SMOOTH hl h 06%" 0811 %6" 1 of 01O/4" PULLEY WHEEL ASSEMBLY Q1Y3 __ STRUCTURAL STAMP LIMITED TO STRUCTURAL ,/ n T ELEMENTS AND ATTACHMENTS. ALL r. STRUCTURAL ELEMENTS SHALL BE BY THEMING OF DESIGNER. m_______ _________i___-___-_ I I I a __ , '--- - I I LEGO DEEP SEA ADVENTURE I DESCRIPTION I I _11764 I I I I 111 BodmI FWk UM. I . —r— I I LEGOLAND WAY, CARLSBAD, CA. ENTRY PORTAL 1, ROPE WINCH W GEARS I I mm I I - e.'w - J JOSE1Th4 I ARt.wDR I ___ I CLUlT I OEGI I I I I i 2.18 I I -- - -' I I I I DATE: 31812018 I I I I I I I DRAWN BY: I I ©A&ES,INC. 2018 ANSI 06%" '8 1/8 MAT'L: 6" SCH. 10 ALUM. PIPE QTY: 6 O1O/4 2/ " 16" MAT'L: 10" SCH. 10 ALUM. PIPE QTY: 6 MAT'L: 08" X 1/81' ALUM. TUBE QTY: 3 '' THOMAS C. ALLEN No.S5460 zo STRUCTURAL STAMP LIMITED TO STRUCTURAL ELEMENTS AND ATTACHMENTS. ALL DIMENSIONS AND NON- STRUCTURAL ELEMENTS SHALL BE BY THEMING DESIGNER. -.3"- ____ 08" 7% 11 + -.-- if 2%" MAT'L: 08" X Y8" ALUM. TUBE QTY:6 717 i ' 1764 - LEGO DEEP SEA ADVENTURE DESCRIPTION REVISIONS: I LEGOLAND WAY, CARLSBAD, CA.ENTRY PORTAL 1. ROPE WINCH W GEARS 2.19 DATE: 31w2018 ; mJIIIN1flS.cC• DWtl BY: 2018 • • ANSIB MAT'L: Y8" ALUM QTY:6 13%6" H MAlt: Y8" ALUM QTY: 6 MAlt: 1/8" ALUM QTY: 3 MATL: 1/8" ALUM MAlt: Y8" ALUM QTY:6 QTY:6 OFE - STRUCTURAL STAMP LIMITED TO STRUCTURAL THOMAS C. \ ELEMENTS AND ALLEN \ ATTACHMENTS. ALL NaS546O ID j DIMENSIONS AND NOW * STRUCTURAL ELEMENTS SHALL BE BY THEM ING OF DESIGNER. 14% MAT'L: Y13" ALUM QTY: 12 ___ 1764 LEGO DEEP SEA-ADVENTURE I LEGOLAND WAY, CARLSBAD, CA. DESCRIPTION ENTRY PORTAL I ROPE WINCH W GEARS REVISIONS: 2.20 -. - Ilk 117"m _JIM _ DATE: 3I8P2OI8 ________ IDRAWN Br. © A&ES,INC. 2018 ANSI 8 2 )40 T I STRUCTURAL STAMP THOMAS C LIMITED TO STRUCTURAL ALLEN ELEMENTS AND NaS546O ATTACHMENTS. ALL * DIMENSIONS AND NON- STRUCTURAL ELEMENTS SHALL BE BY THEMING DESIGNER. 6FLias PRO= Ift LEGO DEEP SEA ADVENTURE I LEGOLAND WAY, CARLSBAD, c& DESCRIPTION ENTRY PORTAL 1, ROPE WINCH W GEARS REVISIONS 2.21 erimm"DATE: -__ ims:17"m MIX 3/8/2018 IDRAVM BY. ©A&ESINC. 2018 ANSI 0 Y4" X 6" SQ. ALUM. TUBE W/)/4w RIBS 130Y" 15%" H 7 433/4fl 76" 42" i 933/4W .1.1 ALL " ALUM. PLATE CONSTRUCTION HEADER W/ SIGN WEIGHS 390 POUNDS 16" XRP TRUSS BASEPLATE POTTEI W/ GROUT r4 CONCRETE PIER BN DESIGNED BY ENGI' r Will i4 L— Will 15%" - •..k 4— 15/8" —'-I23/46" 31Y4" __ __ L I I. ----- -f------ ----------------- V ______ ------------------------------- THOMAS C. \i ( ALLEN \ No.85460 ) * 1* 24" 15/8" STRUCTURAL STAMP LIMITED TO STRUCTURAL ELEMENTS AND ATTACHMENTS. ALL DIMENSIONS AND NON- STRUCTURAL ELEMENTS SHALL BE BY THEMING DESIGNER. - LEGO DEEP SEA ADVENTURE. DESCRIPTION REVISIONS: .1764 I LEGOLAND WAY, GARLSSAD, c& S ENTRY PORTAL 2, SINGLE PORTAL W LEGO TRUSS A IuI*I--nI_IR.S cuom OE8I BIO. ARM __ __________ (aoq _____ - 84•J - t MIMI DATE 3/18/2018 owti Sr ©A&ES,INC. 2018 S ANSIB r MATLTHICKNESS -.-I WELD =Y MAL THICKNESS MATL THICKNESS WELD = 2/3 MATL THICKNESS STITCHED 1" EACH 3" /4"-10 X 21/21 6061 Al HEX BOLT (WEL INSIDE OF HEAL /4"-10 6061 Al. COUPLING (WELDED IN OF SIGN BRACI rl ALL 6061 ALUMINUM YIELD STRENGTH: 35,000 PSI HARDNESS: BRINELL 95 (SOFT) TEMPER: T6 HEAT TREATED MEETS ASTM B221 /8"-1 1 X 1Y"L 18-8 CARRIAGE BOL FLAT WASHERS, NYL( INSERT LOCK NUT (4 F LEGO DEEP SEA ADVENTURE DESCRIPTION REVISIONS: 1764 I LEGOLAND WAY, CARLSBAD, CA. ENTRY PORTAL 2, SINGLE PORTAl. W LEGO TRUSS _____ - ' DRAWN Sr DATE. 3/18/2018 ©A&ES,INC. 2018 - - ' ANSIB I flI in II II! T H15%"H 3/u 933/Il 46" 1 I II III II II III I I I I ii II II II II 1 III II == = == = = = == = = I III = ==I= = = == ====== Ii II J II II I I I loll III II III J II ii I II II III I II —TI /16'1 11 THOMAS C. Q) ALLEN OF C STRUCTURAL STAMP LIMITED TO STRUCTURAL ELEMENTS AND ATTACHMENTS. ALL DIMENSIONS AND NON- STRUCTURAL ELEMENTS SHALL BE BY THEMING DESIGNER. 7%" II II II II II II II II L==4 - -' ' DAWIft LEGO DEEP SEA ADVENTURE DESCRIPTION REVISIONS: 1764 1 LEGOI.AND WAY, CARLSBAD, CA. ENTRY PORTAL 1, ROPE WINCH W GEARS 43 DATE: 3/W2O18 . DRAWN BY: ©A&ES,INC. 2018 - ANSI H 14" 2O%6" 18" 3946" 4.. .. loll 933/41! 4.4 REVISIONS: m.iio $ MIL Iik.i FLMIIIIII -_._._... 1764 LEGO DEEP SEA ADVENTURE I LEGOLAND WAY, CARLSBAD, CA. - DESCRIPTION ENTRY PORTAL 1, ROPE WINCH W GEARS JOB 1784-M ARCH. I M.1.A4i I DATE: 3/812018 DRAWN BY: I STE LIM ELE AT I rl lVI r_- 114 u DIMENSIONS AND NON— STRUCTURAL ELEMENTS SHALL BE BY THEMING DESIGNER. © A&ESINC. 2018 • ANSI B ._ /4II 4 Y4 151/8" 15/8" 236" 234" 15/° 236" -4P STRUCTURAL STAMP LIMITED TO STRUCTURAL ELEMENTS AND ATTACHMENTS. ALL DIMENSIONS AND NON— STRUCTURAL ELEMENTS SHALL BE BY THEMING DESIGNER. 93Y" 1764-4X.DXF MATL:Y4ALUM. QTY:1 0 0 T 15Y' I THOMAS C. ( ALLEN \ Lii r. No.S5460 p * 1* 1764-4Y.DXF MA7L: Y4n ALUM. 129%6m QTV:1 - 17:DxF J MATL:Y ALUM. 153 QTY: 1 I. 0 1764-4R.DXF MATL: Y4 ALUM. 151/8 QTY: I 0 46% I764-4V.DXF MATL: Y.4 ALUM. QTY: I l___ IO% - 11 5Y8" I764-4S.DXF MATL: Y4" ALUM. QTY: I I I5" _I 17644T.DXF MAM Y4 ALUM. QTY: 1 15Y I5/8 1 1764-4W.DXF MATL: Ye," ALUM. QTY: I ------ ------ T Y9' DEEP V GROOVE MATL.Y4' ALUM. Q1Y1 17644B.DXF MATL:YALUM. QTY: 1 F — 1O13%6 • I I5Y8° __1• I764-4Z.DXF MAVL: Y4" ALUM. QTY: 1 935'4 1 LEGO DEEP SEA ADVENTURE DESCRIPTION . REVISIONS: 1764 11132111 9mkIiimiI I__ Rd 1 LEGOLAND WAY, CARLSBAD, c& ENTRY PORTAL 1, ROPE WINCH W GEARS 45 JOBtiTh4. RCIt . ulCE DRAWN BY: DATE: 31812018 ©A&ES,INC. 2018 . ANSI H 15Y H 21/8" 15i8 7~416 it I 764-4P.DXF MATL: 1/4" ALUM. QTY: 1 1764-4N.DXF MAT'L: 1 /411 ALUM. QTY: I j5y " H 15Y8" H H 15Y81' H 15>'8" 236" 21/8" 21/8" THOMAS C. ALLEN No.S5460 1764-4J.DXF MATL: 1/41' ALUM. QTY: 1 1764-4K.DXF MAIL: 1/41' ALUM. QTY: I 1764-4L.DXF MATL: 1/4" ALUM. QTY: I 1764-4M.DXF MAT'L: 1/4" ALUM. QTY: I STRUCTU RAL 'STAMP LIMITED TO STRUCTURAL ELEMENTS AND ATTACHMENTS. ALL DIMENSIONS AND NON- STRUCTURAL ELEMENTS SHALL BE BY THEM ING DESIGNER. ---.- LEGO DEEP SEA ADVENTURE DESCRIPTION REVISIONS: MIL 1764 G _____ I LEGOLAND WAY, CARLSBAD, CA. ENTRY PORTAL 1, ROPE WINCH W GEARS ___ . 4.6 ----..... DRAWN BY: DATE. 31812018 ©A&ES,INC. 2018 ANSI 00 00 STRUCTURAL STAMP LIMITED TO STRUCTURAL ELEMENTS AND ATTACHMENTS. ALL DIMENSIONS AND NON- STRUCTURAL ELEMENTS SHALL BE BY THEMING DESIGNER. THOMAS C.T *:Rz ( ALLEN NoS546O 01 - II 01 II I 764-2-4A.DXF (MAIL: Y8" 6061 ALUM..) (QTY: 1) 1764-2-4B.DXF (MAT'L: Y8" 6061 ALUM.) (QTY: 1) I U ImIUUULULH1U I 1ml1I1000 UUULUU U 0.0 11 II I (00 0.0 00 \J \/ 00 17S4 I 764-2-4C.DXF (MAT'L: 1/811 6061 ALUM.) (QTY: 1) 1764-2-4D.DXF (MAT'L: Y8" 6061 ALUM.) (QTY: 1) LEGo DEEP SEA ADVENTURE REVISIONS: DESCRIPTION 1 LEGOI.AND WAY. CARLSBAD. c& . ENTRY PORTAL I • ROPE WINCH W GEARS DENGIM I I M.1.M1 I DATE: 3/W2018 A4I I LI_J9..1.l...w — PROMTNo. Ift - 1764 11$NtI 2.4.1 ©A&ESINC. 2018 ANSI 8 1764-2X.DXF MAIL: Y ALUM. ami ALUM. Q1Y:i 1764-2-4E.DXF (MATL: Y47 8061 ALUM.) (QTY: 1) i784X.D - MATt:ALUM. QTY: 1 DEEP V GROOVE 1 M F --------------- ------ ------1 "\ 1764-2-4H.DXF (MATL: Y4§ 6061 ALUM.) (QTY: 1) fi 1764-2V.DXF 1764-2Y.DXF j F-1 MAIL: Y4 ALUM. MAIL Y ALUM. Q1Y:1 Q1'I:1 MArLV4* ALUM. 1764-2-4F.DXF (MATL: Y476061 ALUM.) (QTY: 1) I Mh X. yL I MAcUM. QTY: 21 I LL QTY: 2 -------------------------------------------------- / I / UAfl V ALUM. QTY: I 17642-4J.DXF (MAVL: Y47 6061 ALUM.) (QTY: 1) awamt I764-4V*DXF MAIL:ALUM. 1764-4LDXF 1764-4M.DXF QTY: I I1644LDXF MATL:Y ALUM. MA1'LY4 ALUM. WITL ALUM. QTY: I 0Th 1 QIY:i 1764-2KDXF 1784-4KDXF 17644NDXF I764-2NDXF 1784.2J. 1764-2M.DXF MAT :iLUM• MAT ALUM . MAT A QTY LUM. MATt ALUM. MM. MATL QTY: iLUM• 1764-2-4G.DXF (MAlt: Y' 6061 ALUM.) (QTY: 1) 1784-4U.DXF MATL ALUM. QTY: I 1764-2W.DXF MAIL: ALUM. QTY: I 1784-2U.DXF 1764-4Y.DXF MATL Y ALUM. MAIL: % ALUM. QTY:1 QTY:1 FE 1764-2-4K.DXF (MATL: Y" 6061 ALUM.) (QTY: 1) STRUCTURAL STAMP LIMITED TO STRUCTURAL ELEMENTS AND ( NS546O DIMENSIONS AND NOW )ATTACHMENTS. ALL * * STRUCTURAL ELEMENTS SHALL BE BY THEM IN G DESIGNER. 61 E 114 PWNo. 1764 11 PUk ON& H. US —. —. -- LEGO DEEP SEA ADVENTURE I LEGOLAND WAY, CARLSBAD, CA. - BP DESCRIPTION ENTRY PORTAL 1, ROPE WINCH W GEARS JOBt 11S4 ARI. n.rDR DATE: 31812018 DRAWN BY. REVISIONS: 2.4.2 ©A&ES,INC. 2018 - . ANSI ±15'-11%" ALL ALUMINUM SUBMARINE SCALED AT 80% OF ACTUAL UNIT 7'-3" 21/a" RECEIVED JUN 192018 CITY Or CARLSBAD BUILDING DIVISION "'U IIlii ' ry LI F! S "- 5' '. . : No 70618 . ..*-. - . S : : * :: STATE OF 441 ; 1s%s 'II,'" 140/8" I if 6 N- -4 -a- N- a M-- N- W- N- N- 1W/8" Alan T. Horrell, P.E. #70618 GLOWACKI ENGINEERING, INC 1835 East West Pkwy Suite 10 Fleming Island, FL 32003 FILE: PROJECT 1764 LEGOLAND DEEP SEA ADVENTURE SUB PHOTO OP Printed copies of this document are not considered Signed and sealed and the signature must be verified on any electronic copies. Ethos Architecture has reviewed this deferred submittal. Its design has been found to be in general conformance with the design of the building. As such we ask that the Building Official review this deferred submittal. This proposed work shall not be installed until the deferred submittal documents have been approved by the building I1ficiaI. K by Daniel Stewart, Principal and Archtiect Date: 06/19/2018 STRUCTURAL STAMP LIMITED TO STRUCTURAL ELEMENTS AND ATTACHMENTS. ALL DIMENSIONS AND NON- STRUCTURAL ELEMENTS SHALL BE BY THEMING DESIGNER. 24" SQ. X —28"H (COLOR 199) CONCRETE PIERS (BY G.C.) Piiel41I 11Sh.,3tUM. ___________ mns.ccm 1764 LEGO DEEP SEA ADVENTURE Address DESCRIPTION SUBMARINE PHOTO OP REVISIONS: 09.1 _. _- $JJ(y - * 10 PrI.I. A4141 DATE 312712018 —_'__.'_ DRAWN Sr ©A&ES,INC. 2018 01& I IB STRUCTURAL STAMP LIMITED TO STRUCTURAL ELEMENTS AND ATTACHMENTS, ALL DIMENSIONS AND NON- STRUCTURAL ELEMENTS SHALL BE BY THEMING DESIGNER. Abudm& odium . y..,.,-r.#.a.. C....o...Ia.g..,. losilloolono 1764 LEGO DEEP SEA ADVENTURE 1 I.EGOLAND WAY, CARLSBAD, c& DESCRIPTION SUBMARINE PHOTO OPP ROCKWORK INTEGRATION REVISIONS: 2ILM M1A4.i DATE: 312712018 DRAWN BY: - - ©A&ES,INC. 2018 . ANSI tLtIVItIN I 0 /kINU ATTACHMENTS. ALL. DIMENSIONS AND NON- STRUCTURAL ELEMENTS SHALL BE BY THEMING DESIGNER. Y41' x 4" BOLTED ANGLE CONNECTION DRILL & EPDXY ANCHOR INTO CONCRETE POOL 716" -. -. 15%" 93/811 1 CONCRETE PIER BY OTHERS KNIFE WALL MOUNT BRACKET 11°N&/ Vl HEADER END / BULKHEAD — k ADJUSTABLE LAG BOLT t7 o / MOUNT (6 PL) °.13 X 1L 1SS C HHCS,WASHERS, LON INSERT LOCKNUTS (7 PL) 15%" -_--L- 15Y2" 6%" 15/8" 140/" - 78Y8" H- 621/2" 15/8" 21/" T-9V8 TT CL C ELEV 183.2 ONNECTION - 2346" TRUSSES NOT SHOWN 15%n /16°X16"X11' 62%6° ELEV 178.0 FINISH FLOOR 109%" 132° [6Y4" II U u U II - 1023/8" .. 15%" -- 6,,j -k-3" ------------- j 03 28Y2" ELEV 174.5 I/O PLATFORM ELEV 172.0 WATER LINE ELEV 170.5 I/O PIER ELEV 168.1 POOL FLOOR 63" •.+- '-I 24" LEGO DEEP SEA ADVENTURE S Address MGM DENOWt DESCRIPTION REVISIONS: SUBMARINE PHOTO OPP PLATFORM & HEADER imeop AN. A.1.1.A4.1 DATE: 4I1112018 DRAWN BY: A&MOM&Edmidmot9dubm - •___,• - a 1764 JUINErAft R. 09.3 © A&ES,INC. 2017 5 ANSI 8 LIMITED TO STRUCTURAL ELEMENTS ANDTHOMAS C. ALLEN ATTACHMENTS. ALL DIMENSIONS AND NON- STRUCTURAL ELEMENTS SHALL BE BY THEMING DESIGNER. No.S54.60 ZD Lp OF 87° 11 0 ING %"-11 X 1Y2"L I8-8SS SOCKET HEAD CAP SCREWS, NYLON FLAT WASHERS, NYLON INSERT LOCK NUTS (4 PL, EACH SIDE) tf 87° H 15/8" __ 2Y,,, 171/8° 140/° BOLTED CONNECTION BETWEEN HALVES USE /°-16 X Vt 18-8SS HEX BOLTS, NYLON FLAT WASHERS, NYLON INSERT LOCK NUTS - o - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - o 2346" :: Y8" 1250 - "'!.. LEGO DEEP SEA. ADVENTURE Address . REVISIONS:_1764 DESCRIPTION SUBMARINE PHOTO OPP PLATFORM & HEADER DATE &W/2018 © A&ES,INC. 2018 ANSI 8 /THOMAS C. F ALLEN Ii, t NoS5460 <4 10 X 8L 18-8SS S, WASHERS, NUTS Y GROOVED PLAT DRILL & EPDXY ANCHOR INTO ROCKWORK OR CONCRETE POOL ADD THRU BOLT AFTER INSTALL I II I [F Hi__ -L: - II - 1O9/8' STRUCTURAL STAMP LIMITED TO STRUCTURAL ELEMENTS AND ATTACHMENTS.' ALL DIMENSIONS AND NON- STRUCTURAL ELEMENTS SHALL BE BY THEMING DESIGNER. DRILL & EF CONCRET 6Y- p VA mSuIdUSc1mS.COm m !__i 1764 LEGO DEEP SEA ADVENTURE Address DESCRIPTION SUBMARINE PHOTO OPP PLATFORM & HEADER REVISIONS: 095 CILIEMP __ OJANEW Joe I* op ARCK REFERENCE DATE: 3/27/20 18 DRAWN BY: © A&ES,INC. 2018 - ANSI 8 - 10/8" 99y8" THOMAS C. ALLEN uj OF c STRUCTURAL STAMP LIMITED TO STRUCTURAL ELEMENTS AND ATTACHMENTS. ALL DIMENSIONS AND NON- STRUCTURAL ELEMENTS SHALL BE BY THEMING DESIGNER. 3" ]_ 1021/8 11 2" 4" -T I 8/" 14" 14" 14" 13Y2" A I 0/" 109% If 1/4" HH- Y4". X 2" X 4" ALUM. TUBE --4-%" X 3" X 6" ALUM. TUBE 1/4 4iu r---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I--------- 26%6 I 22" - 22" I / I - 1/41' X 2" X 6" ALUM. TUBE 2 ---------- L --- ----- - -------- -- - -------------------------- 4/ Y4' X 2" X 6" ALUM. TUBE 2" :T::::::-_::::i:::::::::::::_T:::::::::::::E:::::::::::::::::::::::: 16 2" 1/4" X 2" X 6" ALUM. TUBE - I 10" 68Y8" 10 ----------------------------------------- z - / i'- ¶!lu A X 3" X 6" ALUM. TUBE 108/8" PLATFORM FRAMING rfII 113 e.Ii. zoi irkr.t ______ UWITIflIV — _ 1764 LEGO DEEP SEA ADVENTURE Address DESCRIPTION. SUBMARINE PHOTO OPP PLATFORM & HEADER REVISIONS: 09.6 - -- - Joe 0: 00 RCR REFERENIX A1.I. MI DATE: 312712018 __________________ DRAWN BY: -- ©A&ESINC. 2018 - ANSI 1 RIY2" 1764-09B MATL: /8" ALUM. PLATE QTY: 2 H 703/4" 3/si - 693'" ----------------------------------------------- 16 PLATFORM LEG QTY: 2 1&/d' 4" n i 1• [/4 J 2" REAR JOIST, MAT'L: 3/n x 2" X 4" ALUM. TUBE QTY: 3 0P /n ---------------------- 234n I [11111] _L _____" CENTER FRONT JOIST MATL: Y° X 2"X 4" ALUM. TUBE QTY:1 96%" - 6" 993/n __,J 30 3//UI] 8 SIDE JOIST MATL: 3/0 X 3° X 6" ALUM. TUBE QTY: 2 6" SCH. 40 ALUM. PIPE W/8"(6 PL) 012" OY2° 1764-09C MAIL: 3/n ALUM. PLATE QTY:2 STRUCTURAL STAMP. FE LIMITED TO STRUCTURAL ELEMENTS AND C. ((fHOMAS ATTACHMENTS. ALL ALLEN DIMENSIONS AND NON- STRUCTURAL ELEMENTS SHALLBE BY THEMING S DESIGNER. OFCpU PyjI IuaBi,IUIMUIJ -I.-*, ______ 11ai.Iu.,PukGIwd - --_—.!.__ — 1764 LEGO DEEP SEA ADVENTURE Address DESCRIPTION SUBMARINE PHOTO OPP PLATFORM & HEADER REVISIONS: . . "U — CUM A1IA4.1 DATE 3127/2018 ow,i BY: ©A&ES,INC. 2018 - ANSI STRUCTURAL STAMP LIMITED TO STRUCTURAL ELEMENTS AND ATTACHMENTS. ALL DIMENSIONS AND NON- STRUCTURAL ELEMENTS SHALL BE BY THEMING DESIGNER. '/THOMAS C. \i ( ALLEN \• UI Ifl No.S5460 j 1* I 3y8n 7/i6" - In 3/IJIF WfW TRIM ACCESS COVER FLANGE ANGLES BACK 1" - Y4" ALUM. TOP ACCESS PANELS REMOVABLE FOR EASY INSTALL o 1 1 " :::::::-_::::-_::_::::_: rn V O LL !11 Ji• --'r--'---- - ---- ------ 939" LEFT HEADER 78Y8" RIGHT HEADEER 781/4" COVER 62%" COVER - SPLIT LINE - OVERLAP - ______ V-GROOVE LINES 71 I i 0 0 0 0 9%" Y41' X iY2" ALUM. ANGLES TIE HALVES TOGETHER Almdm&Edm%dmmd8okdIor^- 11a0u.li,PIitDMt 171I I-"--.Ub RS uiiiIi (90$) ao meo 1764 LEGO DEEP SEA ADVENTURE Address DESCRIPTION SUBMARINE PHOTO OPP PLATFORM & HEADER REVISIONS. UO. __ - a - ____ *4 1 ?,I.I DATE 3/27/2018 _____________ DRflWN BY: © A&ES,INC. 2018 ANSI B STR LIMI ELEI ATT DIMENSIONS AND NON- STRUCTURAL ELEMENTS SHALL BE BY THEMING DESIGNER. 78Y 11 —15/8" .- mmm EE SHEET 12 Ep THOMAS C. ( ALLEN \ r. No.S5460 OF C 31Y4 0/8 LEFT SIDE HEADER ASSEMBLY WELDED TO TOP ACCESS COVER ------------------------------ - -------- I I 'iit m - - FRDA=ft LEGO DEEP SEA ADVENTURE Address DESCRIPTION1764 SUBMARINE PHOTO OPP PLATFORM & HEADER REVISIONS: 09.10 - SAVIEW - ________ M1 A41 DATE: 3/27/2018 poi) ___ DRAWN BY: ©A&ES,INC. 2018 ANSI 71/8" 87" STRUCTURAL ST LIMITED TO STRL ELEMENTS AND ATTACHMENTS. DIMENSIONS ANI STRUCTURAL EL SHALL BE BY THI DESIGNER. THOMAS C. ALLEN : NaS546O ZD 1764 CUB M. __SIM DESCRIPTION REVISIONS: SUBMARINE PHOTO OPP PLATFORM & HEADER CO . MCII. ..duICE A4 J. *41 DATE: 312712018 DRAWN Br. RIGHT SIDE HEADER ASSEMBLY LEGO DEEP SEA ADVENTURE Address 09.11 ©A&ES,INC. 2018 - ANSI El 933/" SEE SHEET H 23%6" H 63%6" KNIFE WALL MOUNT BRACKET THOMAS C. ALLEN cc NOLSWO STRUCTURAL STAMP LIMITED TO STRUCTURAL ELEMENTS AND ATTACHMENTS. ALL DIMENSIONS AND NON- STRUCTURAL ELEMENTS SHALL BE BY THEMING DESIGNER. 01/2" X 4" LAG BOLT (6 PL) Y2"-13 X 1"L I 8-8SS HHCS, WASHERS, NYLON INSERT LOCKNUTS (7 PQ HEADER END BULKHEAD ,- ADJUSTABLE j MOUNT : _ _ 11Ei...PkDIwd. 1764 LEGO DEEP SEA-ADVENTURE Address DESCRIPTION SUBMARINE PHOTO aPP PLATFORM & HEADER REVISIONS: O9.2 —j---- --- w, dmddWnLiImiI DRAWN &AIIIIIIEW -__Ale 0: ol AFAK M.I.A41 DATE 3127/2018 BY; _________________ ©A&ES,INC. 2018 - ANSI 514tl T 411 If II I II 1/4 6%" 06" ',J if If KNIFE WALL MOUNT MATL: Y4" ALUM. PLATES QTY:2 SETS 411 I 'I [4411 k—[ 3/411 T R9/32" T 32 211 T, Iu,J N1611 ADJUSTABLE ADJUSTABLE MOUNT MAT'L: 1/41' X 4" ALUM. ANGLE QTY: 4 _v__ 51j461' 046 (4 PL) HEADER END PLATE (MODIFY) MATL: 1/4" ALUM. PLATE QTY: 2 2" 2"- 491 6" . 6" 4" 8" Y4" hh 0/46It II' 411 0 1 311 8" 2I/8" 'ITHOMAS C.\ ALLEN \j UI Ifl NoS5460 1* STRUCTURAL STAMP LIMITED TO STRUCTURAL ELEMENTS AND ATTACHMENTS. ALL DIMENSIONS AND NON- STRUCTURAL ELEMENTS SHALL BE BY THEMING DESIGNER. I di~ 1I II J.AIIe ft I Q$) iundusalu.com 1704 LEGO DEEP SEA ADVENTURE Address DESCRIPTION SUBMARINE PHOTO OPP PLATFORM & HEADER REVISIONS: — - L1N(Y 9op - Mi.Pi4.I DATE: 3!27PO18 ____________ _____________ DRAWN BY: -- ©A&ES,INC. 2018 --- - ANSI 105" 12Y2" 20" H 20" n' W /1611 (5 PL) 1/" "1 T [/4 1 H 41111f 2Y2" 20" 20"TYP 0%6 (6 PL) [2 PLATFORM REAR SEAT MAT'L: 14 X 4" ALUM. ANGLE QTY: I FE STRUCTURAL STAMP LIMITED TO STRUCTURAL TTHOMAS C. ELEMENTS AND Li ALLEN ATTACHMENTS. ALL NaS5460 DIMENSIONS AND NOW * STRUCTURAL ELEMENTS SHALL BE BY THEMING OF C DESIGNER. J11111111110IIIIIII16 FL =11111 I DEEP SEA ADVENTURE Address DESCRIPTION SUBMARINE PHOTO OPP PLATFORM & HEADER 09.31 . ®rwo/ LEGO cump DATE: 32712018P2O18 DPAWN BY:' ©A&ES,INC. 2018 - - ANSI Ethos Architecture has reviewed this deferred submittal. Its design has been found to be in general conformance with the design of the building. As such we ask that the Building Official review this deferred submittal. This proposed work shall not be installed until the deferred submittal documents have been approved by the building ficial. by Daniel Stewart, Principal and Archtiect Date: 06/19/2018 STRUCTURAL STAMP LIMITED TO STRUCTURAL ELEMENTS AND ATTACHMENTS. ALL DIMENSIONS AND NON- STRUCTURAL ELEMENTS SHALL BE BY THEMING DESIGNER. '/ THOMAS C. \j ( ALLEN r. NoS546O zi tIttIIIIii, . H No 70618 . *d. - . - 33 % STATE OF Alan 1. Horrell, P.E. #70618 GLOWACKI ENGINEERING, INC 1835 East West Pkwy Suite 10 Fleming Island, FL 32003 FILE: PROJECT 1764 LEGOLAND DEEP SEA ADVENTURE CONTROL TOWER Printed copies of this document are not considered signed and sealed and the signature must be verified on any electronic copies. QTY: DESCRIPTION: 4 Y" X 48" X 96" 6061 ALUM. 3 Y" X 48" X 96" 6061 ALUM I /" X 48" X 96" 6061 ALUM 2 /4h' X 60" X 120" 6061 ALUM 20 Y2"-13 X 1Y2"L 18-8SS HHCS 40 Y2" 18-8SS FLAT WASHERS 20 1/2"-13 18-8SS NYLON INSERT LOCK NUT 192 1/411-20 X %"L 18-8SS FHCS I /4"-10 X 91 18-8SS HHCS 2 3%" FLAT WASHERS I /4"-10 18-8SS NYLON INSERT LOCK NUT 4 Y2"-13 X 11 18-8SS PHCS I 1/4" X 078" FIBERGLASS TANK HEAD 12 CAST RESIN LEGO STUD 7" 1" SCH. 40 ALUM. PIPE 4" iY" SCH. 40 ALUM. PIPE 2" 4" SCH. 10 ALUM. PIPE 250" Y8" X 1" ALUM ANGLE 64" Y8" x '1Y2" SQ. TUBE 128" Y8" x 1" x '1Y2" ALUM TUBE 11" Y8" X 2" X 5" ALUM TUBE 14" %" x iY" X 3" ALUM TUBE 631" 1/4" x 1%" ALUM ANGLE 288" 1/4" X 2" ALUM ANGLE :•186" Y4" X 3" ALUM ANGLE 212" 1/4" X 2" SQ. ALUM TUBE 120" 1/4" X 2" X 6" ALUM TUBE 16" 1/4" X 4" X 8" ALUM. TUBE r1 - — '' LLC- DEEP SEA ADVENTURE DESCRIPTION REVISIONS: 61L 1764 11=00biPWkMd .- CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA CONTROL TOWER ____ — 0.9(1' BIOP _____ IL. .Jtt1 o.oiee - • - ________ NBEOOKPMEIT DATE: 41412018 JU1dNCOflI.CCIU __________________ DRAWN BY: S..W€SKY 2018 ANSI Pw-w1Qi STRUCTURAL STAMP LIMITED TO STRUCTURAL ELEMENTS AND ATTACHMENTS. ALL DIMENSIONS AND NON- STRUCTURAL ELEMENTS SHALL BE BY THEMING DESIGNER. '/THOMAS C.\j ( ALLEN \ NoS546O OF C 31Y1" 78%" H 46/8" H 7y2u 59Y 9/8" -Li En m.i..sa '14 11ia..PkUvd. raR_,AI. R. P mJIflNOlBflI.CCII - 1764 LLC DEEP SEA ADVENTURE CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA DESCRIPTION CONTROL TOWER REVISIONS: 12.2 _____________ CUM.- - evmm ENGIMEM ThBEOCK PAGE 11 DATE: 4P2I2O18 ORAWN BY: 8.JANESKY -i - - © A&ESINC. 2018 ANSI B 7%u 2/8" 3Y8"—•'I — .It— i" /8 Y8" STRUCTURAL STAMP LIMITED TO STRUCTURAL ELEMENTS AND ATTACHMENTS. ALL DIMENSIONS AND NON- STRUCTURAL ELEMENTS SHALL BE BY THEMING DESIGNER. THOMAS C uf . ALLEN No.S5480 zt * * OF C 61 ' . TOWER BASE RING ASSEMBLY \'i1 AbuftABOrMumd OM10% FL=IIII r...',,. 1764 LLC - DEEP SEA ADVENTURE CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA DESCRIPTION CONTROL TOWER REVISIONS: -. MEW 1)OOI( PAGE 17 DATE 41212018 DRAWN BY: S.JAE8KY ©A&ES,INC. 2018 ANSI STRUCTURAL STAMP LIMITED TO STRUCTURAL ELEMENTS AND ATTACHMENTS. ALL DIMENSIONS AND NON- STRUCTURAL ELEMENTS SHALL BE BY THEMING DESIGNER. AFf THOMAS C. ALLEN UPI r. NaS546O zt 6>uci 95 II%#I I V.dIJ '.d.P I V VSUWJ Admmft FL =11 MIMI O-4• PRojerrift 1764 LLC- DEEP.SEA ADVENTURE CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA DESCRIPTION CONTROL TOWER REVISIONS: 12.8 MEW DENOWt EMMOM DATE: 4=018-I OOI(PME17 -w DRAWN BY 8.JAIEBKY ©A&ES,INC. 2018 ANSI 1w- "72 if 339gw 'ip TURAL JON- IENTS ING LEXAN SUPPORT MATL: Y4' X 2' SQ. ALUM. ANGLE QTY: 4 COMMON HOLE TO AUGI ADD ANGLE ONNECT LAST 2 DGETHER, WELD INSIDE STITCH WELD (BOTH SIDES) __________ 36Y2' 29/8' 22%' — 159" TAP Y4'-20 (12 PL) 14 lh 2' 'p I I 433/4• c—,-j g&sE.Aeian., Tht.I=,i - 1764 LLC - DEEP SEA ADVENTURE CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA DESCRIPTION CONTROL TOWER REVISIONS: 12.10 -__ DATE: 41212018 JLUIIIIIII -----•CUM &ANEW DR&WN BY: ©A&ES,INC. 2018 ANSI 23%6" 9/ 'I /16 iY2" 22.40 Alwluo & PTNo. ku. — 1764 CLEW.___ mINklBM.CUU 1116 - H 29%" uu. 30Y4" p 271% ui 28Y4M /// //" . 48%" oil WINDOW FRAME SUB-ASSEMBLY QTY:4 LLC - DEEP SEA ADVENTURE CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA DEMONIM STRUCTURAL STAMP LIMITED TO STRUCTURAL ELEMENTS AND ATTACHMENTS. ALL DIMENSIONS AND NON- STRUCTURAL ELEMENTS SHALL BE BY THEMING DESIGNER. THOMAS C. ALLEN li r. NaS546O OF C V 1 1/,, 7/i, /2 /8 [1%6" 46" 11/20 -'-' 7'4" 14/° REVISIONS: 12.11 DESCRIPTION CONTROL TOWER aRc*t u ThBOOk PAM I7 DATE: 4=018 DRAWN BY: S.JNE$XY © A&ES,INC. 2018 0 ANSI 8 31Y2"Sol Al I A 1AflNDOW CAGES 22346" 11 6J 6 STRUCTURAL STAMP FE LIMITED TO STRUCTURAL ELEMENTS AND CIO THOMAS Q- i.. ATTACHMENTS. ALL (( ALLEN DIMENSIONSANDNON - Icc NaS546O zo STRUCTURAL ELEMENTS \ *\ 1* SHALL BE BY THEMING DESIGNER. q — LLC - DEEP SEA ADVENTURE DESCRIP11ON REVISIONS: 1764 CARLSBAD. CALIFORNIA CONTROL TOWER 12.16 — - PAGE 17 DATE: 41212018 1 DRAWN 0Y 8.JAIKY rn.4.fl....rv.ea r4...e.c..c... - ©A&ES,INC. 2018 - ANSI - 011e 19%6"Hff I W/It) /8 H WELD FRAME E TO BOX ) BOX ANGLES DST OM T/O POST OVERLAP CONTROL BOXES FROM BOTTOM I I I I1..LLJ i \ I! i i \ I. ------------ Ji 3/2I H- F 23%6" r -- i 5--ro T . %w 151/8 W8 STRUCTURAL STAMP FE LIMITED TO STRUCTURAL AND THOMAS C.ELEMENTS ATTACHMENTS. ALL (fjf ALLEN DIMENSIONS AND NOW cr-NS548O zt STRUCTURAL ELEMENTS * * SHALL BE BY THEMING DESIGNER. OFC 11=9vd__Plmklhd — 09h..&S Wflfl% C4t.,5W.t* -PRDA=ft 1764 LLC - DEEP SEA ADVENTURE CARLSBAD CALIFORNIA DESCRIPTION CONTROL TOWER - 1218 - TBOCII PAGE I7 DATE: 41212018 DRAWN BY: 8.JNEBICY © A&ES,INC. 2018 ANSI 8 ) RIM SUPPORTS ADD UPPER SUPPORT / I I if II 'i 1 14 .dll' II ,lli, I, II .1 iii ii lli' I' II I------------ ir - __.. 16n STRUCTURAL STAMP IHi -_.L------ 1 U IJI I LIMITED TO STRUCTURAL I 113460 I 1 I ELEMENTS AND co THOMAS C.'\t\\ ILL —— 'I I ATTACHMENTS. ALL IfCD( ALLEN DIMENSIONS AND NOW cr. No.55460 5/ —h- 14" k- STRUCTURAL ELEMENTS SHALL BE BY THEMING DESIGNER. QFcp0 iI .—-. - LLC - DEEP SEA ADVENTURE DESCRIPTION REVISIONS: Wr. iII - CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA CONTROL TOWER __ __ 1220 ____ __________ - - - JCSIITSI-12 ARcH._.-CE m.ss*iaom _.----_-t•.. . - 1)OOIC PAGE 17 DATE: 4I018 rMAWN BY. &JANEW © A&ES,INC. 2018 - ANSI B DESCRIPTION CONTROL TOWER A8011111114-12 ARM ThBEOOk PAN 17 DATE: 4=018 DRAWN BY: &JNEBKY OFE STRUCTURAL STAMP LIMITED TO STRUCTURAL ' THOMAS C. % ELEMENTS AND ALLEN ILI ATTACHMENTS. ALL NaS5460 X DIMENSIONS AND NOW * * STRUCTURAL ELEMENTS SHALL BE BYTHEMING OF C DESIGNER. REVISIONS: I 12.22 OLE IN TOP 12/8" . m-1wi a 11âi..jI øEI&,. - TNo km. 1764 ___ — 1 —•L ____ pm2mma - -- p - 1" ø%6" (4 PL) CAP. MATL: 078" xY4" FIBERGLASS TANK HEAD QTY: I LLC - DEEP-SEA ADVENTURE CARLSBAD. CALIFORNIA - ©A&ES,INC. 2018 . ANSI FROAMIft LLC - DEEP SEA ADVENTURE DESCRIPTION1764 REVISIONS: - ____ - CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA CONTROL TOWER - -. ARM ____ MILM • THBIOCk PAN 17 DATE: 4/2/2018 12.23 DRAWN BY S.JNEBICY ©A&ES,INC. 2018 ANSI 15%" H-8"-H 46/" flb7 4O/4" ::::::.::::::::::ll 4" 23%6 THOMAS C.'\t- 0 ALLEN 50 OF BOLT W/3/4"-1O X 9"L 18-8SS HHCS, FLAT WASHERS, NYLON INSERT RRUCTCK NUT URAL STAMP LIMITED TO STRUCTURAL ELEMENTS AND ATTACHMENTS. ALL DIMENSIONS AND NON- STRUCTURAL ELEMENTS SHALL BE BY THEMING DESIGNER. ANTENNA MOUNT BOX PREVIOUSLY INSTALLED 14Y2" --- ' LLC - DEEP SEA ADVENTURE DESCRIPTION 14JI 11saaIwPukM. ....- CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA CONTROL TOWER OOICP?E17 DATE: 4P22O18 12.24 DRAWN BY 8.JNESKY ©A&ES,INC. 2018 ANSI 6/4" —rr II II II II II 8" II I II V D I II ii II II I I I •••••••••••• 4'2" F"•••••••• U i1 3" FI- II .ili. 1 11 172 II II II U -=1 U KEYED - H mm m m _mj II II ------ -- _ I 4" Y8U F1r.l 1/U 315%6U 15/8" 46/8" 1O4 146" " y41 511/s 1 716 U W1 6 KEYED STRUCTURAL STAMP LIMITED TO STRUCTURAL ELEMENTS AND ATTACHMENTS. ALL DIMENSIONS AND NON- STRUCTURAL ELEMENTS SHALL BE BY THEMING DESIGNER. ' THOMAS C. ALLEN No.S5460 SEE SHEET 26 FOR ISOMETRIC WELD ALL EXTERIOR EDGES, RADIUS SMOOTH 1-1 R55 't A. IS __________ (104) -9 all m — PRI)A=ft -F LLC - DEEP SEA ADVENTURE1764 CARLSBAD. CALIFORNIA DESCRIPTION CONTROL TOWER REVISIONS: 12.2 a. - oeim, 84VCY - - . TIOOI(PAOE 17 DATE: 41212018 ái ..• ____________ DRAWN BY: 8.JAIEEKY ©A&ES,INC. 2018 . - - ANSI STRUCTURAL STAMP LIMITED TO STRUCTURAL ELEMENTS AND ATTACHMENTS. ALL DIMENSIONS AND NON- STRUCTURAL ELEMENTS SHALL BE BY THEMING DESIGNER. THOMAS C. .' ALLEN r. No.S5480 OF C DD %"-10 X 9L 18-8SS HHCS, IYLON INSERT LOCK NUT, FLAT WASHERS IGHTEN TO 100 IN/LBS LEXAN TO BE MEASURED TO FIT IQIZIZ TARA ( ruJLJ I lUIVI LPUU'..#IW 1rv..ii U ' 'lb r i maakecs, --- LLC - DEEP SEA ADVENTURE REVISIONS: DESCRIPTION.1764 _____ 11IMIPUkBM. __9___—__• CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA CONTROL TOWER . 1230 I tIrUIb ft US AAMiCE SAMEW - DATE: 41212018 ©A&ES,INC. 2018 . . ANSI I Y211-13 X 8"L 18-8SS HHCS,% LJ 1I\ FLAT WASHER (1 PL) - I [i FLi] JUN 19 2018 CITY OF CARLSBAD THOMAS C. \ 13 X 4"L 188SS HHCS, j! HJ BUILDING DIVISION ALLEN \ FLAT WASHER (2 PL) ALL WELDS ARE FULL UJI NoS546O )Jj ___ L ALL EXTERIOR WELDS GROUND SMOTH LDS ARE Y2 MATERIAL NgIMuM OF C Ethos Architecture has reviewed this 1 __4—-T-- FFfll'lVTfl STRUCTURAL STAMP deferred submittal. Its design has been ll 4 1JJjjjJ..0 LIMITED TO STRUCTURAL found to be in general conformance 1/2"-13 X 61 18-8SS HEAD HEAD CAP SCREW ELEMENTS AND with the design of the building. As such we ask that the Building Official review / WI FLAT WASHERS, NYLON INSERT LOCK NUT ATTACHMENTS. ALL this deferred submittal. This proposed . / (4 PL AT EACH RUNNER) DIMENSIONS AND NON- work shall not be installed until the / STRUCTURAL ELEMENTS deferred submittal documents have I SHALL BE BY THEMING been approved by the building dThcial. DESIGNER. by Daniel Stewart, Principal and Archtiect -4.L.LL Date: 06/19/2018 ,z— /4"-10 X 81 18-8SS HEX HEAD CAP SCREW W/ FLAT WASHERS, NYLON INSERT LOCK NUT FLAT WASHER, ) I—I (4 PL INTO PLATFORM) NUT (8 PL PER CORNER) ----- %"-10 X 2't 18-8SS HEX HEAD CAP SCREW IITI W/ FLAT WASHERS, NYLON INSERT LOCK NU¼ 1t i (2 PL PER CROSS BRACE, 8 BRACES) --------------- -1-- II I I I I -r Alan T. Horrell, P.E. #70618 Ni I --_. -.., ..- -- liii: '. '-'tt / GLOWACKI ENGINEERING INC 111 --•. --._.-.. ..-- ..- '3EfJ.7 $> , 1835 East West Pkwy Suite 10 E •.\( Fleming Island, FL 32003 - - / No 70618 . FILE: PROJECT 1764 LEGOLAND :111 . ---- ----- ----... I * • • * DEEP SEA ADVENTURE HELICOPTER PROP - Printed copies of this P \ STATE OF 4J document are not considered signed and - sealed and the signature &/0 % must be verified on any electronic copies. --------------------------------- Nn&Ei4,dalnment$clutlone, - LLC - DEEP SEA ADVENTURE DESCRIPTION REVISIONS: IiidI1II me Busbun Pwk __ .--- - CARLSBAD CALIFORNIA LEGO HELICOPTER & PLATFORM 'a' JadànII1.,FL 32256 -- Iv. IfATII rtri -t--'----- - 8.JN(Y - JIM 1Th$10 ARCH. ..aICE (904) eo.eeaa __________________ T)OOK PAGE 17 DATE3W2O18 - DRAWN BY: 8.JNIESKY © A&ESINC. 2018 1'Rt.O 1, O 1 (a I ANSI 8 If 20/16 12Yf 62Y2" 40/" 713A6" - H 15/8 —H 311/4" V--m v 933/ti 12Y2 h 46/ TAIL SEE SHEET 10 FUSLAC SEE SHEET LANDING GEAR SEE SHEET 3 \W/16 of 6Y4" iogY2 11 THOMAS C.- ALLEN OF STRUCTURAL STAMP LIMITED TO STRUCTURAL ELEMENTS AND ATTACHMENTS. ALL DIMENSIONS AND NON— STRUCTURAL ELEMENTS SHALL BE BY THEMING DESIGNER. 171%" - LJ-9irIa1 1y4U IT I Jel— SEESH 111L*L._tuI. (hi [t1j1I ' wommulbsIdAmum ________________ m LLC - DEEP SEA ADVENTURE CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA DESCRIPTION LEGO HELICOPTER & PLATFORM REVISIONS: 10.3 -- CUM CENGI- - *.JNIY -- - • JQS 111.10 RDt iIcE 11OOICPAOE 17 DATE:31212018 ---- DRAWN BY AEw(Y © A&ES,INC. 2018 • ANSI 8 STRUCTURAL STAMP LIMITED TO STRUCTURAL ELEMENTS AND ATTACHMENTS. ALL DIMENSIONS AND NON- STRUCTURAL ELEMENTS SHALL BE BY THEMING DESIGNER. 46/8" H 31Y4" ± 1Y2"HH 1311 . rl --V 796 11 7%6 7 416iI I 93/u I 6,V41' -J 8 -713/u ' /16 - 93/8" 39'46 31/8" —16/8 — 16" -i 7/8" m .I aB-tP.-- Vct1I11=111mbimPOkIIIIIA PRDABUFft 4I5LLC LLC - DEEP SEA ADVENTURE CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA DESCRIPTION LEGO HELICOPTER & PLATFORM REVISIONS: 10.3 THEMMM PAGE 17 DATE312!2018 - DRAWN BY . ©A&ESINC. 2018 ANSI STRUCTURAL STAMP FE LIMITED TO STRUCTURAL ELEMENTS AND ATTACHMENTS. ALL i r ALLEN DIMENSIONSANDNON - NaS546O (COMAS C. STRUCTURAL ELEMENTS * * SHALL BE BY THEMING DESIGNER. Y8" FACET PLATES Y4' TOP PLATE Y4" BENT CHANNEL -/ %" PIPE CRUSH TUBES .7 . N FULL WELD 4Yf GRIND SMOOTH. 29/1611 H 713%6"ff 8%" BLEND CORNERS "H H 16 H h 37/&' 3/41P SCH. 40 ALUM. PIPE ____________ (O•)______ ...fl C.g. .gVfl.'o. - 0 —m - LLC - DEEP SEA ADVENTURE CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA . . DESCRIPTION LEGO HELICOPTER & PLATFORM REVISIONS: . 104 - . . 17 DATE.1P2I2O18 _____ DRAWN BY _________ -- © A&ES,ll'JC. 2018 ANSI 8 Y14" X 11/7" X 3" AL. TUBE 1/81' FLAT ALUM. PLATES 4EISCH 10 AL. PIPE 6" SCH. 40AL. PIPE —\ 1/2"-13 X 5"L ALUM. BOLTS Ye" BENT CHANNEL Y4" SPINE PLATE —/ 0%" X Y81' AL. CRUSH TUBES THOMAS C. ALLEN cc NaS5460 OF C s . STRUCTURAL STAMP LIMITED TO STRUCTURAL ELEMENTS AND ATTACHMENTS. ALL DIMENSIONS AND NON- STRUCTURAL ELEMENTS SHALL BE BY THEMING DESIGNER. pr ____ 1LJI 11SkIIWd. l,r.A4 — LLC - DEEP SEA ADVENTURE CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA DESCRIPTION LEGO HELICOPTER & PLATFORM REVISIONS: 1010 - ENGINEER Jam imlo: ___ ARDN. ThOCkPE 17 DATE:31212018 DRAWN BY © A&ESINC. 2018 ANSI B 11746" 10 9y2" 5y411 ii T 1 ft j__ OREI 3) 611 10" 3/I'] 2/" XIU / '... 15/" • . 23 6" 1Y2nJ 23%6" 6Y4" - STRUCTURAL STAMP FE LIMITED TO STRUCTURAL ELEMENTS AND THOMAS C. ATTACHMENTS. ALL q' ALLEN DIMENSIONS AND NOW w cr. NoS5460 STRUCTURAL ELEMENTS * * SHALL BE BY THEMING cw DESIGNER. OF I EN 17, ka A*Mdm&EdwbkvmdOdlft% R.N (O$) kl ~ PROJECTIft .....415LLC LLC - DEEP SEA ADVENTURE CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA DESCRIPTION LEGO HELICOPTER & PLATFORM 1011 9= 4 DRAWN - e.Macsxy - £ ___ 11OOK PAGE 17 DATE31212018 __________________ - -- BY: S4UEBXY © A&ES,INC. 2018 ANSI B 3( Y4" X 3" SQ. ALUM TUBE Ye" X 3Y8" TALL PLATES AROUND PERIMETER 012" XY8" X 3Y"H AL. TUBE 06"XY8"X3i"H AL. TUBE 08"XY8"X3Y8"H AL. TUBE 171/" 62/16" -1 r jJ4LJLII.34t!L1' L__L1 6" 15" J I I- ------------- T 02" SOLID ALUM. SHAFT STRUCTURAL STAMP LIMITED TO STRUCTURAL ELEMENTS AND ATTACHMENTS. ALL 11 DIMENSIONS AND NON- STRUCTURAL ELEMENTS SHALL BE BY THEMING DESIGNER. - .0. V.4Cfi - - PROJEW Na LLC - DEEP SEA ADVENTURE CARLSBAO, CALIFORNIA DESCRIPTION LEGO HELICOPTER & PLATFORM REVISIONS: 10.16 . 1ThI-10 REFERENIX DATE:31212018 DRAWN BY S.JAI€SKY ©A&ESINC. 2018 - ANSIB 2%6" R3" R6" R3" i 6Y" R6" 21 N1 6 4I6I 2%6"- R4" 76/4" THOMAS C. (D ALLEN ui OF c STRUCTURAL STAMP LIMITED TO STRUCTURAL ELEMENTS AND ATTACHMENTS. ALL DIMENSIONS AND NON- STRUCTURAL ELEMENTS SHALL BE BY THEMING DESIGNER. 23%6" 1764-RI .DXF MAlt: Y' ALUM QTY: 4 87/8" m..aie--'--- fcMlJI I1'—PukUM. ___YFL~ --- LLC - DEEP SEA ADVENTURE CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA DESCRIPTION LEGO HELICOPTER & PLATFORM REVISIONS: 10.19 - - -- __ UOCkP?E 11 DATE31212018 SAVIEW DRAWN BY 8.JNXY - ©A&ESJNC. 2018 . ANSI STRUCTURAL STAMP LIMITED TO STRUCTURAL ELEMENTS AND ATTACHMENTS. ALL DIMENSIONS AND NON- STRUCTURAL ELEMENTS SHALL BE BY THEM ING DESIGNER. 15/8 5 'I FE THOMAS C. CID ALLEN cc NoS546O ZD OF C -. ._---;; I • — I 31Y4 40%" L I W/4 it 713%6 h' uiH 15%" H- 713%6 I 713%6 - 311/4" - 311/4" 23%6" I, OVERALL FUSLAGE ASSEMBLY _____ -— LLC - DEEP SEA ADVENTURE CARLSBAD. CALIFORNIA DESCRIPTION LEGO HELICOPTER & PLATFORM REVISIONS: 1022 - GAVIESKY - - — --THOMMOOK EMONESt - JO0: 1754.10: ARCIt,C0: PAGE17 DATE:32I2O18 FFL~ DRAWN BY. ©A&ES,INC. 2018 ANSI THOMAS C. CD ALLEN ui CC NaS5400 OF C STRUCTURAL STAMP LIMITED TO STRUCTURAL ELEMENTS AND ATTACHMENTS. ALL DIMENSIONS AND NON- STRUCTURAL ELEMENTS SHALL BE BY THEMING DESIGNER. I11 1" /16 ENGINE INTAKE BOX QTY: 2 - PTIb 4I5LLC LLC - DEEP SEA ADVENTURE CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA DESCRIPTION LEGO HELICOPTER & PLATFORM 10.39 CUM _____ EMONIM im 17W.10 ARDK 11BOCkPPM 17 DATE:312!2018 DRAWN BY: S.JAIEBKY ©A&ES,INC. 2018 ANSI B STRUCTURAL STAMP LIMITED TO STRUCTURAL ELEMENTS AND ATTACHMENTS. ALL DIMENSIONS AND NON- STRUCTURAL ELEMENTS SHALL BE BY THEM ING DESIGNER. ACCESS PLATE WITH LEVERS QTY:1 H H 2%6" FS-29 40 0 • 15%6 0 0 150 146" rA 8Y8" 31i46" 3" ALUM HOLLOW SPHERE 03" 3/4U H 1113%6u N1 6 Cii] (ED_ 06%" MAT'L: 6" SCH. 10 ALUM. PIPE CAP QTY: 2, 1. 12 l/ " .i '/2 if QiIIIIIIII:II:ill] MAT'L: 011/21' XY8" AL. TUBE QTY: 2 4I5LLC LLC - DEEP SEA ADVENTURE CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA DESCRIPTION LEGO HELICOPTER & PLATFORM REVISIONS: 10.43 DATE:312!2018 DRAWN BY: &JANESff ©A&ES,INC. 2018 ANSI 59%6 561 yl 6u %6 DIAMOND PLATE 29" 48" 45" ALUMINUM :--r--i---I- rrr— II I 00 II II I I fl LJ I II VII V II I I I ILJ I II lIP II 0 I 110 V 0 I I U Hi: 237%6'i1 In In ul on 39Y" - I II VII I p 0 1111 I In I on 0 110 I1 00 I no I I 110 11 n I 00 I I I 110 I I uu 00 Ion I 0 00 I 0 00 I V 0 D 0 n 1 I 00 I I I 0 0 r 1 00 I0 u 00 i I V VI II I oI I 00 V VI II I VI L1 - - - 1y2,'J 127" 125" r THOMAS 1( ALLEN cs NaS548O :1) iY21' STRUCTURAL STAMP LIMITED TO STRUCTURAL - hF ELEMENTS AND -hIB —" ATTACHMENTS. ALL I -hA — I DIMENSIONS AND NON- STRUCTURAL ELEMENTS -lID SHALL BE BY THEMING DESIGNER. 612" 3" J ma 1re!UII _____ _____ ___ ____ ___________ ret..I4#(..n DM..IUV.,nft --' 415LLC LLC - DEEP SEA ADVENTURE CARLSBAD. CALIFORNIA DESCRIPTION LEGO HELICOPTER & PLATFORM REVISIONS: 10.45 _ - THEmEsommE 17 - .17S4.1O DATE:312!2018 ____________ _________________ DRAWN BY- &JANESKY ©A&S,INC. 2018 ANSI 125" l91 TF9 IF 51 rF91 IFi1 IF 91 IF 9I II II II II II I ===========I II II I ==========II II II II I 0 ii ii U II II II II II II II II 4jq_ ..p___I& .4114.._ pJI___... ...IL- -li-U.. 14" 3" 14" 14" bY2" —Iu--31 ,/ nc STRUCTURAL STAMP LIMITED TO STRUCTURAL TELEMENTS AND co LL :91 ALLEN ATTACHMENTS. ALL DIMENSIONS AND NON- 1*11 STRUCTURAL ELEMENTS PLATFORM DECK ASSEMBLY QTY: I SHALL BE BY THEMING DESIGNER. r'I - LLC - DEEP SEA ADVENTURE DESCRIPTION REVISIONS: CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA LEGO HELICOPTER & PLATFORM R.N CUM DEIKRM BI JIM i io- ARCK_____ Iv. 46 T)ffiOOlC PAGE 17 DATE312!2018 .1ii1l4iC' .IISIIIRCI __________________________ . DRAWN BY: 8.JAIUKY C...e.—. 12 ©A&ES,INC. 2018 - ANSI STRUCTURAL STAMP LIMITED TO STRUCTURAL ELEMENTS AND ATTACHMENTS. ALL DIMENSIONS AND NON- STRUCTURAL ELEMENTS - 21" SHALL BEBymEMIN: 15" DESIGNER. 911 OFE THOMAS. ALLEN cc NaS548O qUCT ------------ 'Op cu*° ø/" (4 PL) !EIi_iIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 2" - : 14 20 56Y8" 1764-IIQ MATL: X 4" SQ. ALUM. TUBE QTY: 2 23/j 6Y" if EIIIII:IIIIiIII:BIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIfIIIII T 56Y8" I . All 1 0 0 0 1 UP SLOPE LEG ASS'Y QTY: 1, 1 MIRRORED 12" I _ 12" 9" -H 9" -H I- 21" 15" 911 [IiiIIiILIiiIIIIiIiIIIIIIiIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 2 8" -u 211—'-- ,.-05/8"(4PL) 2" 14" 2011 58/8" 1764-hR MAT'L: /8" X 4" SQ. ALUM. TUBE S _ £'" - - -- 58/8" 12/8" 1IiJ _ 4" ____ _________________________________________________________ " J To 4" DOWN SLOPE LEG ASS'Y 2/8 QTY: i,1MIRRORED LLC - DEEP SEA ADVENTURE DESCRIPTION REVISIONS: CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA LEGO HELICOPTER & PLATFORM CUM. DESIXIM DOIct 10.50 _____ JF --- - - J0175110 -—w 11O PAGE 17 DATE1I2J2oi8 DRAWN BY: 8.JNESKY Ia... Vn...vw.n.S ©A&ES,INC. 2018 ANSI