HomeMy WebLinkAbout1 LEGOLAND DR; ; PREV2019-0220; PermitPERMIT REPORT 'arr-'Clsi C bad ty of Print Date: 04/29/2020 Permit No: PREV2019-0220 1 Legoland Dr BLDG-Permit Revision 2111000900 $ 0.00 Job Address: Permit Type: Parcel No: Valuation: Occupancy Group: # Dwelling Units: Bedrooms: Bathrooms: Project Title: Description: Work Class: Commercial Permit Revi5 Status: Closed - Finaled Applied: 10/24/2019 Lot .#: Issued: 11/14/2019 Project #: 0EV2018-0163 PermitFinal Construction Type Close Out: 04/29/2020 Inspector: Orig. Plan Check #: PC2018-0050 Final Plan Check #: Inspection: PROJECT 2020 LEGOLAND: PROJECT 2020 REVISIONS FOR RIDE ANCHORAGE ON NEW RIDE BLDG & DROP TOWER RIDE Applicant: Owner: N ICKY PEREDA LEGOLAND CALIFORNIA LLC Po Box 543,185 C/O Property Tax Service Co 786-709-6866 DALLAS, 1)( 75354 FEE AMOUNT BUILDING PLAN CHECK REVISION ADMIN FEE $35.00 Total Fees: $ 35.00 Total Payments To Date: $35.00 Balance Due: $0.00 Building Division 1635 Faraday Avenue, Carlsbad CA 92008-7314 1760-602-2700 1 760-602-8560 f I www.carlsbadca.gov Page 1 of 1 PLAN CHECK REVISION OR Development Services (City of DEFERRED SUBMITTAL Building Division Carlsbad APPLICATION 1635 Faraday Avenue 760-602-2719 B-I 5 www.carlsbadca.gov Original Plan Check Number l201' -ooU Plan Revision Number I LEGOLAND DRIVE, CARLSBAD CA 92008 (LEGO MOVIE WORLD SITE) Project Address General Scope of Revision/Deferred Submittal:STRUCTURAL FOUNDATION DRAWINGS AND CORRESPONDING CALCULATIONS CONTACT INFORMATION: Name_EDDIE VILLANUEVA Phone (904)238-6933 Fax (904)262-0161 cit y ty 11328 BUSINESS PARK BLVD. Zip JACKSONVILLE 32256 Email Address eddie@aandesoIutions.com _______________ Original plans prepared by an architect or engineer, revisions-must be signed & stamped by that person. 1. Elements revised: Plans El Calculations 9 Soils 9 Energy 9 Other 2. Describe revisions in detail 3. List page(s) where each revision is shown NOTE: ALL STRUCTURES IN THIS SUBMITTAL ARE FREE-STANOINGISELF-SUPPORTING UNITS AND WILL NOT ALTER ANY EXISTING OR NEW BUILDING UNDER S CONSTRUCTION IN ANY WAY. ALL UNITS ARE INTENDED FOR DECORATIVE PURPOSES ONLY. 'BENNY'S SPACESHIP' IS ALSO DECORATIVE AND WILL BE IN ADJACENT TO A PLAY STRUCTURE DESIGNEDIINSTALLED (BY OTHERS). ALL UNITS WILL BE INSTALLED THROUGHOUT OPEN LANDSCAPE AREAS. TALLED 1. LEGOLAND CRANE PORTAL I - FREE-STANDING UNIT WIFOOTINGS AT MAIN SUPPORT AND POLE STRUCTURE FOR 01091 2, LEGOLANO CRANE PORTAL 2- FREE-STANDING UNIT 2IFOOTINO AT POLE STRUCTURE FOR SIGN (AESTHETIC SCAFFOLD FRAME BOLTED DIRECTLY TO CONC. SLAF 8.119 THRU 8.89 DATED 9130119 13.118 mINI 8.318 DATED 9137119 3. DUPLO FIGURE 'C' - FREE.STAND1NG UNIT WWOOTINO L DUPI fl ornuos 'fi', P9PP.TAN!SNI1 thAT WIPOflhIIIfl S.IIB THRU 8.919 DATED 7125119 UIIR YliRti U MR fláTFfl 7IIhlU S. OUPLO FIGURE 'F'- FREE-STANDING UNIT WIFOOTING 0. DUrLO fiGURE 'A' rREE-STAFIBINO UNIT S.IIB THRU 8.419 DATED 7131119 - IIWFOOTING 7. MASTER BUILDERS ENTRY PORTAL. FREE-STANDING UNIT WIFOOTINO 0.110 TIIRU 0.410 DATCO 7114113 12.FI THRU 12.F2 DATED 9110119 V. LSUOLANU KRIIISUWPURIAL - IHt8.5IANDI7lti UNIT WWOOTINCIS BENNY'S SPACESHIP -FREE-STANDING UNIT WJFOOTINOS 5.119 ThRU 5.491 DATLU 917115 5501 THRU 9591 DATED 915119 LEOOLAND QUEEN WHATEVRA PORTAL. FREE-STANDING UNIT WlFOOTlNGS 5.118 THRU 5.519 DATEDSII7II9 Does this revision, in any way, alter the exterior of the project? 9 Yes LI No Does this revision add ANY new floor area(s)? 9 Yes I1 No Does this revision affect any fire related issues? 9 Yes No Is this a co e et? Yes 9 No - Date 10/21/19 1635 Faraday Avenue, Carlsbad, CA 92008 Eb: 760-602-2719 E: 760-602-8558 Email: building@carlsbadca.gov www.carisbadcaoov EsGil A SAFEbui(tCornpany DATE: Oct. 31, 2019 O APPLICANT E) JURIS. JURISDICTION: Carlsbad PLAN CHECK #.: PC2018-0050 (Rev._3 & 4) - Prev2019-0219 & 0220 SET: I PROJECT ADDRESS: 1 Legoland Dr. PROJECT NAME: Project 2020 Deferred Roof Framing PREV2019-0158 The plans transmitted herewith have been corrected where necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes. The plans transmitted herewith will substantially comply with the jurisdictions building codes when minor deficiencies identified below are resolved and checked by building department staff. fl The plans transmitted herewith have significant deficiencies identified on the enclosed check list and should be corrected and resubmitted for a complete recheck. The check list transmitted herewith is for your information. The plans are being held at EsGil until corrected plans are submitted for recheck. The applicant's copy of the check list is enclosed for the jurisdiction to forward to the applicant contact person. The applicant's copy of the check list has been sent to: EsGil staff did not advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. EsGil staff did advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. Person contacted: Telephone #: 0e contacted :y3N!(byTT,) Email: M ii Telephone Fax In Person —R MARKS: On Sheet The structural support for the ride components & Benny's space-ship are under this permit only. By: ALl SADRE, S.E. (for K.C.) Enclosures: Previously-approved plans EsGil 10/28 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208 • San Diego, California 92123 • (858) 560-1468 • Fax (858) 560-1576 LOWE .Srkl!(:I tkES IXC. PW CALCULATIONS FOR BENNY'S SPACESHIP Legoland Carlsbad, CA By Matthew Lowe, PE Lowe Structures, Inc. 09.16.2019 PREV20I9-0219 I LEGOLAND DR LEGOLAND: PROJECT 2020 DEFERRED SUBMITTAL FOR STRUCTURAL FOUNDATION & CALCS DEV2018-0163 2111000900 PC201 8-0050 10/24/2019 PREV20I9-0219 11651 Central Pkwy, Suite 106 Jacksonville, FL 32224 Ph: 904. 992.0377 Sauare (wind normal to face Cf = 1.67 F=qGCf Af = 36.6 Af A1 = 10.0sf F = 366 lbs Kz= 0.849 Base pressure (qz) = 28.7 psf Diagonal wind factor = 1.2 Round member factor= 1.000 Square (wind normal to face) Cf = 2.70 F=qz GCf Af = 65.9 Af Solid Area: Af = 10.0 sf F = 6591bs Lowe Structures, Inc. 11651 Central Parkway Jacksonville, Florida 32224 904-992-0377 JOB TiTLE Benny's Rocket JOB NO. SHEET NO. CALCULATED BY JML DATE CHECKED BY DATE Wind Loads - Other Structures: Importance Factor = 1.00 Gust Effect Factor (G) = 0.85 Wind Speed = 115 mph Kzt = 1.00 Exposure = C A. Solid Freestanding Walls & Solid Signs (& open signs with less than 30% onen sTh = 1.00 Case A&B Dist to sign top (h) 33.0 ft B/s = 0.73 C1 = 1.50 Height (s) 33.0 ft Lr/s = 0.00 F = qz G Cf As = 36.9 As Width (B) 24.0 ft Kz = 1.002 As = 10.0 sf Wall Return (Lr) = qz = 28.8 psf F = 369 lbs Directionality (Kd) 0.85 Percent of open area Open reduction to gross area 0.0% factor = 1.00 Case C reduction factors Factor if s/h>0.8 = 0.80 Wall return factor for CfatOtos= 1.00 CaseC Horiz dist from windward edge Cf F=gzGCfAs (osf) Otos 1.80 44.1 As sto2s 1.20 29.4 As B. Open Signs & Laftice_Frameworks (openings 30% or more of aross area Height to centroid of Af (z) 0.0 ft Width (zero if round) 0.0 ft Diameter (zero if rect) 2.0 ft D(qz)A.5 = 9.89 Percent of open area I = 0 to gross area 0.0% Cf 0.8 Directionality (1(d) 0.85 Kz= 0.849 Base pressure (qz) = 24.4 psf FqGC1A 0.0 Af Solid Area: .A1 = 10.0sf F= 01bs Design sign as solid sign Chimneys. Tanks & Similar Structures Height to centroid of Af (z) 0.0 ft Cross-Section Square Directionality (1(d) 0.90 Height (h) 15.0 ft Width (D) 1.0 ft Type of Surface N/A Square (wind along diagonal) Cf = 1.28 F=qzGCfAf = 28.1 Af Af= Sf F= 01bs Trussed Towers Height to centroid of Af (z) 0.0 ft E = 0.27 Tower Cross Section square Member Shape flat Directionality (Kd) 1.00 Square (wind along tower diagonal) Cf = 3.24 F=qzGCfAf = 79.1 Af Solid Area: Af = 10.0 sf F= 791 lbs Kz = 0.849 Base pressure (qz) = 25.9 psf hID = 15.00 LOWE STRUCTURES, INC MAlT LOWE X:\2019 Projects\19162 - Benny's Rocket\DesignoveraIl.vap Monday, September 16, 2019 4:04 PM Table of Contents Result View Image Result View Image 2 Factored Load Combinations Materials Members Nodal Supports Area Uniform Loads Member Displacements Node Reactions Member Unity Checks Model View Image Design View Image Factored Load Combinations Name I Code I Effective Equation Design I Deflection .6D+.6W +Z ASCE 7-10 ASD :06D + 0.6W+Z Allowable Other .6D+.7Di ASCE 7-10 ASD '0.6D Allowable Other .9D+D1 ASCE 7-10 LRFD - 0.9D - Strength Other .9D+W +Z ASCE 7-10 LRFD 0.9D +W+Z Strength Other 1.2D+1.6L+.5Lr ASCE 7-10 LRFD - 1.2D - - Strength Other 1.2D+1.6Lr+.5W +Z ASCE 7-10 LRFD 1.2D + 0.5W+Z Strength Other 1.2D+W+.5L+Lpa+.5Lr ASCE 7-10 LRFD 1.2D + W+Z Strength - Other 1.4D+1.6H ASCE 7-10 LRFD 1.4D Strength Other D+.6W +Z ASCE 7-10 ASD D + 0.6W+Z Allowable Other D+.75(L+.6W+Lr) +Z ASCE 7-10 ASD D + 0.45W+Z Allowable Other D+H+F ASCE 7-10 ASD D Allowable Other Materials Name Elasticity, E Poisson, v Density, y Thermal, a Shear Ksi K/in'3 in/in/deg-F Modulus, G Ksi 6061-T6-E-All 10100.0000 0.3300 0.0001 0.0000 3796.9925 6063-T6-E/P-All 10100.0000 0.3300 0.0001 0.0000 3796.9925 Members I Nam Node Node Shape Material I End I Crossing I Beta, B I Lengt IWeigh Action e 2 i Connection Connection? deg h I t in lOffset ylOffsetzlFramin1 in g 1 BrnX0 N002 N003 RT2.00x3.00x 6063-T6-E/P- Rigid Connect Yes 90.0000 1.3333 0.0019 0.0000 0.0000 Beam Normal 0.125 All BrnX0 NOO1 NODS RT2.00x3.00x 6063-T6-E/P- Rigid Connect Yes 90.0000 0.6667 0.0010 0.0000 0.0000 Beam Normal 0.125 All BrnX0 N004 N006 RT2.00x3.00x 6063-T6-F/P- Rigid Connect Yes 90.0000 0.6667 0.0010 0.0000 0.0000 Beam Normal 0.125 All BmX0 P1007 N008 R12.00x3.00x 6063-T6-E/P- Rigid Connect Yes 90.0000 5.3333 0.0076 0.0000 0.0000 Beam Normal 0.125 All BrnX0 NO11 N012 RT3.00x3.00x 6063-TG-E/P- Rigid Connect Yes 90.0000 5.3333 0.0176 0.0000 0.0000 Beam Normal 0.250 All BrnX0 N011 N013 RT3.00x3.00x 6063-T6-E/P- Rigid Connect Yes 90.0000 3.3333 0.0110 0.0000 0.0000 Beam Normal 06 0.250 All BrnX0 N012 N014 - RT3.00x3.O0x 6063-T6-E/P- Rigid Connect Yes 90.0000 3.3333 0.0110 0.0000 0.0000 Beam Normal 0.250 All - - - I VisualAnalysis 19.00.0001, Advanced www.iesweb.com Page 1 of 10 Crossing Beta, B Lengt Weigh Offset y Offset z Framin Action Connection? deg h t in In g Yes 90.0000 12.000 0.0396 0.0000 0.0000 Beam Normal Yes 90.0000 2.0000: 0.0029 0.0000 0.0000 Beam Normal Yes 90.0000 2.0000 0.0029 0.0000 0.0000 Beam iNormal Yes 90.0000 1.3333 0.0019 0.0000 0.0000 Beam Normal Yes 90.0000 + 1.3333 0.0019 0.0000 0.0000 Beam Normal Yes 90.0000 2.0000 0.0029 0.0000 0.0000 Beam Normal Yes 90.0000 9.9997 0.0143 0.0000 0.0000 Beam Normal Yes 90.0000 4.0000 0.0057 0.0000 0.0000 Beam Normal Yes 90.0000 4.0000 0.0057 0.0000 0.0000 Beam Normal Yes 90.0000 10.000 0.0143 0.0000 0.0000 Beam Normal Yes 90.0000 1.3333 0.0019 0.0000 0.0000 Beam Normal Yes 90.0000 2.0000 0.0029 0.0000 0.0000 Beam Normal Yes 90.0000 3.3333 0.0048 0.0000 0.0000 Beam Normal Yes 90.0000 1.3333 0.0019 0.0000 0.0000 Beam Normal Yes 90.0000 2.0000 0.0029 0.0000 0.0000 Beam Normal Yes 90.0000 3.3333 0.0048 0.0000 0.0000 Beam Normal Yes 90.0000 4.0000 0.0057 0.0000 0.0000 Beam Normal Yes 90.0000 4.0000 0.0057 0.0000 0.0000 Beam Normal Yes 90.0000 4.0000 0.0057 0.0000 0.0000 Beam Normal Yes 90.0000 2.0000 0.0029 0.0000 0.0000 Column Normal Yes 90.0000 2.0000 0.0029 0.0000 0.0000 Column Normal Yes 90.0000 8.1104 0.0116 0.0000 0.0000 Column Normal Yes 90.0000 8.1104 0.0116 0.0000 0.0000 Column Normal Yes 90.0000 6.6667 0.0095 0.0000 0.0000 Column Normal Yes 90.0000 6.6667 0.0095 0.0000 0.0000 Column Normal Yes 90.0000 6.9602 0.0099 0.0000 0.0000 Column Normal Yes 90.0000 6.9602 0.0099 0.0000 0.0000 Column Normal Yes 90.0000 3.3333 0.0150 0.0000 0.0000 Column Normal IL LOWE STRUCTURES, INC MATE LOWE X:\2019 Projects\19162 - Benny's Rocket\Design\overall.vap Monday, September 16, 2019 4:04 PM Members (continued) I Nam I Node I Node Shape Material I End e i 1 2 i BmXO • N015 N016 RT3.00x3.00x 6063-T6-E/P- Rigid Connect 0.250 All BrnXO N033 iN031 RT2.00x3.00x 6063-T6-E/P- Rigid Connect 0.125 - All BrnXO N034 N032 RT2.00x3.00x 6063-T6-E/P- Rigid Connect 0.125 All BmXO N035 N036 RT2.00x3.00x 6063-T6-E/P- Rigid Connect 0.125 All BmXO N037 N038 RT2.00x3.00x 6063-T6-E/P- Rigid Connect 0.125 All BrnX0 N034 'N039 RT2.00x3.00x 6063-T6-E/P- Rigid Connect 0.125 All BmXO N041 N042 RT2.00x3.00x 6063-T6-E/P- Rigid Connect 0.125 All BrnX0 N048 N051 R72.00x3.00x 6063-T6-E/P- Rigid Connect 0.125 BmX0 N055 N056 RT2.00x3.00x 6063-T6-E/P- Rigid Connect 0.125 All BrnX0 N062 N063 RT2.00x3.00x E/P- Rigid Connect 17 All BITIXO N048 N053 RT2.00x3.00x '6063-T6-E/P- Rigid Connect 0.125 All N071 N072 RT2.00x3.00x 6063-T6-E/P- Rigid Connect 0.125 All BmXO N074 N054 RT2.00x3.00x 6063-T6-E/P- Rigid Connect 0.125 All BmXO N056 N075 RT2.00x3.00x 6063-T6-E/P- Rigid Connect 0.125 All emxo N077 N078 RT2.00x3.00x 6063-T6-E/P- Rigid Connect 0.125 All BnXO N080 N076 RT2.00x3.00x 6063-T6-E/P- Rigid Connect 0.125 All BmX0 N055 N051 RT2.00x3.00x 6063-T6-E/P- Rigid Connect 24 0.125 All BmX0 N077 N072 RT2.00x3.00x 6063-T6-E/P- Rigid Connect 0.125 All BIflX0 N031 N032 RT2.00x3.00x 6063-T6-E/P- Rigid Connect 0.125 All COLO N001 N002 RT2.00x3.00x 6063-T6-E/P- Rigid Connect 0.125 All COLO N003 N004 RT2.00x3.00x 6063-T6-E/P- Rigid Connect 0.125 All COLO N005 N007 RT2.00x3.00x 6063-T6-E/P- Rigid Connect 0.125 All COLO N006 N008 RT2.00x3.00x 6063-T6-E/P- Rigid Connect 0.125 All COLO N002 N009 RT2.00x3.00x 6063-T6-E/P- Rigid Connect 0.125 All COLa N003 NO1O RT2.00x3.00x 6063-T6-E/P- Rigid Connect 0.125 All COLO N002 N011 RT2.00x3.00x 6063-T6-E/P- Rigid Connect 0.125 All COLO N003 N012 RT2.00x3.00x 6063-T6-E/P- Rigid Connect 08 0.125 All COLO N017 N018 RT4.00x4.00x 6063-T6-E/P- Rigid Connect 0.250 All VisuatAnalysis 19.00.0001, Advanced www.iesweb.com Page 2 of 10 Members (continued) I Nam Node Node Shape Material I End e i 1 2 i connection COLO N019 N020 RT4.00x4.00x 6063-T6-E/P- Rigid Connect jo 0.250 All COLO N015 N013 RT3.00x3.00x 6063-T6-E/P- Rigid Connect 11 0.250 All COLD N016 N014 RT3.00x3.00x 6063-T6-E/P- Rigid Connect 12 0.250 All COLD N021 N022 RT3.00x3.00x 6063-T6-E/P- Rigid Connect 13 0.250 All COLD N023 N024 RT3.00x3.00x 6063-T6-E/P- Rigid Connect 14 0.250 All COLD N025 N026 RT3.00x3.00x 606346- E-/P- Rigid Connect 15 0.250 All COLO N028 N029 R13.00x3.00x 6063-T6-EIP- Rigid Connect 16 0.250 All COLO N018 N031 RT4.00x4.00x 6063-T6-E/P- Rigid Connect 17 0.250 All COLD N020 N032 RT4.00x4.00x 6063-T6-E/P- Rigid Connect 18 0.250 All COLD N025 N033 RT2.00x3.00x 6063-T6-EIP- Rigid Connect 19 0.125 All COLD N028 N034 RT2.00x3.00x 6063-T6-EIP- Rigid Connect 20 0.125 All )LO N040 N041 RT2.00x3.00x 6063-T6-E/P- Rigid Connect 21 0.125 All COLD N042 N032 RT4.00x4.00x 6063-T6-E/P- Rigid Connect 22 0.250 All COLD N039 N043 RT2.00x3.00x 6063-T6-EIP- Rigid Connect 23 0.125 All COLD N044 N034 R12.00x3.00x 6063-T6-E/P- Rigid Connect 24 0.125 All COLD N041 N046 RT2.00x3.00x 6063-T6-E/P- Rigid Connect 25 0.125 All COLO N047 N050 R12.00x3.00x 6063-T6-E/P- Rigid Connect 26 0.125 All COLO N045 N049 RTZ.00x3.0Ox 6063-T6-E/P- Rigid Connect 27 0.125 All COLO N051 N042 RT4.00x4.00x 6063-T6-E/P- Rigid Connect 28 0.250 All COLO ND44 N052 RT2.00x3.O0x 6063-T6-E/P- Rigid Connect 29 0.125 All COLD N043 ND48 RT2.ODx3.0Dx 6063-T6-E/P- Rigid Connect 30 0.125 All COLD N045 NO6D RT2.00x3.00x 6063-T6-E/P- Rigid Connect 31 0.125 All COLO N047 N061 RT2.0Dx3.0Dx 6063-T6-E/P- Rigid Connect 32 0.125 All COLD N031 N055 RT4.0Dx4.0Dx 6063-T6-E/P- Rigid Connect 33 0.250 All COLD N049 N058 RT2.00x3.0Ox 6063-T6-E/P- Rigid Connect 34 0.125 All COLD N050 N059 RT2.0Dx3.0Dx 6063-T6-EJP- Rigid Connect 35 0.125 All COLO N053 N054 RT2.00x3.00x 6063-T6-E/P- Rigid Connect 36 0.125 All COLD N072 N051 RT4.DDx4.0Dx 6063-T6-E/P- Rigid Connect 37 0.250 All LOWE STRUCTURES, INC MATE LOWE X:\2019 Projects\19162 - Bennys Rocket\Design\overall.vap Monday, September 16, 2019 4:04 PM Crossing Beta, B Lengt Weigh Offset y Offset z Framin Action Connection? deg h t in in g Yes 90.0000 3.3333 0.0150 0.0000 0.0000 Column Normal Yes 90.0000 0.6667 0.0022 0.0000 0.0000 Column Normai Yes 90.0000 0.6667 0.0022 0.0000 0.0000 Column Normal Yes 90.0000 0.6667 0.0022 0.0000 0.0000 Column Normal Yes 90.0000 0.6667 0.0022 0.0000 0.0000 Column Normal Yes 90.0000 1.3333 0.0044 0.0000 0.0000 Column Normal Yes 90.0000 1.3333 0.0044 0.0000 0.0000 Column Normal Yes 90.0000 5.3333 0.0240 0.0000 0.0000 Column Normal Yes 90.0000 5.3333 0.0240 0.0000 0.0000 Column Normal Yes 90.0000 8.1104 0.0116, 0.0000 0.0000 Column Normal Yes 90.0000 8.1104 0.0116 0.0000 0.0000 Column Normal Yes 90.0000 2.0000 0.0029 0.0000 0.0000 Column Normal Yes 90.0000 4.0000 0.0180 0.0000 0.0000 Column Normal Yes 90.0000 4.0000 0.0057 0.0000 0.0000 Column Normal Yes 90.0000 4.0000 0.0057 0.0000 0.0000 Column Normal Yes 90.0000 2.0000 0.0029 0.0000 0.0000 Column Normal Yes 90.0000 2.5000 0.0036 0.0000 0.0000 Column Normal Yes 90.0000 3.2500 0.0046 0.0000 0.0000 Column Normal Yes 90.0000 4.0000 0.0180 0.0000 0.0000 Column Normal Yes 90.0000 4.0000 0.0057 0.0000 0.0000 Column Normal Yes 90.0000 4.0000 0.0057 0.0000 0.0000 Column Normal Yes 90.0000 3.3333 0.0048 0.0000 0.0000 Column Normal Yes 90.0000 2.6666 0.0038 0.0000 0.0000 Column Normal Yes 90.0000 8.0000 0.0360 0.0000 0.0000 Column Normal Yes 90.0000 0.0833 0.0001 0.0000 0.0000 Column Normal Yes 90.0000 0.1666 0.0002 0.0000 0.0000 Column Normal Yes 90.0000 2.0000 0.0029 0.0000 0.0000 Column Normal Yes 90.0000 5.3333 0.0240 0.0000 0.0000 Column Normal VisuaiAnaiysis 19.00.0001, Advanced www.iesweb.com Page 3 of 10 Nam I Node I Node Shape Material I End e 1 I 2Connection I COLD N057 N062 RT2.00x3.00x 6063-T6-E/P- Rigid Connect 0.125 All COLO N056 N064 RT2.00x3.00x 6063-T6-E/P- Rigid Connect 39 0.125 All COLO N065 N066 RT2.00x3.00x /P- Rigid Connect 40 All COLO N067 N068 RT2.00x3.00x 6063-T6-E/P- Rigid Connect 0.125 All COLO N069 - N070 100x3.00x 6063-T6-E/P- Rigid Connect 0.125 All COLO N071 N074 RT2.00x3.00x 6063-T6-E/P- Rigid Connect 43 0.125 All COLO N075 N076 RT2.00x3.00x 6063-T6-E/P- Rigid Connect 0.125 All COLO N077 ;N055 RT4.00x4.00x 6063-T6-EIP- Rigid Connect 45 0.250 All COLD N078 N080 RT2.00x3.O0x 6063-T6-E/P- Rigid Connect 0.125 All COLO N081 N082 RT2.00x3.00x 6063-T6-E/P- Rigid Connect 47 0.125 AllI COLO N077 N083 RT4.00x4.00x 6063-T6-E/P- Rigid Connect 0.250 All COLD N072 N086 RT4.00x4.00x 6063-T6-E/P- Rigid Connect 0.250 All RBXO N026 N027 RT3.00x3.00x 6063-T6-E/P- Rigid Connect 01 0.250 All RBXO N029 N030 RT3.00x3.00x 6063-T6-E/P- Rigid Connect 02 0.250 All RBxO N056 N057 RT2.00x3.00x 6063-T6-EJP- Rigid Connect 03 0.125 All V001 N039 N040 RT2.00x3.00x 6063-T6-E/P- Rigid Connect 0.125 All V002 N046 N048 RT2.00x3.00x 6063-T6-E/P- Rigid Connect 0.125 All V003 N073 N051 RT2.00x3.00x 6063-T6-E/P- Rigid Connect 0.125 All V004 N054 N073 RT2.00x3.00x 6063-T6-E/P- Rigid Connect 0.125 All V005 N073 N071 RT2.00x3.O0x 6063-T6-E/P- Rigid Connect 0.125 All V006 P1079 N055 RT2.00x3.00x 6063-T6-E/P- Rigid Connect 0.125 All V007 N078 N079 RT2.00x3.00x 6063-T6-E/P- Rigid Connect 0.125 All V008 N079 N076 R12.00x3.00x 6063-T6-E/P- Rigid Connect 0.125 All Crossing Beta, B Lengt Weigh Offset y Offset z Framin Action Connection? deg h t in in g Yes 90.0000 2.0000 0.0029 0.0000 0.0000 Column Normal Yes 90.0000 4.0000 0.0057 0.0000 0.0000 Column Normal Yes 90.0000 4.0000 0.0057 0.0000 0.0000 Column Normal Yes 90.0000 2.6667 0.0038 0.0000 0.0000 Column Normal Yes 90.0000 3.3333 0.0048 0.0000 0.0000 Column Normal Yes 90.0000 3.3333 0.0048 0.0000 0.0000 Column Normal Yes 90.0000 2.0000 0.0029 0.0000 0.0000 Column Normal Yes 90.0000 5.3333 0.0240 0.0000 0.0000 Column Normal Yes 90.0000 3.3333 0.0048 0.0000 0.0000 Column Normal Yes 90.0000 5.3333 0.0076 0.0000 0.0000 Column Normal Yes 90.0000 1.3333 0.0060 0.0000 0.0000 Column Normal Yes 90.0000 1.3333 0.0060 0.0000 0.0000 Column Normal Yes 90.0000 2.7487 0.0091 0.0000 0.0000 Bracing Normal Yes 90.0000 2.7487 0.0091 0.0000 0.0000 Bracing Normal Yes 90.0000 6.3246 0.0090 0.0000 0.0000 Bracing Normal Yes 90.0000 6.3242 0.0090 0.0000 0.0000 Bracing Normal Yes 90.0000 6.3242 0.0090 0.0000 0.0000 Bracing Normal Yes 90.0000 5.1854 0.0074 0.0000 0.0000 Bracing Normal Yes 90.0000 2.3570 0.0034 0.0000 0.0000 Bracing Normal Yes 90.0000 2.3570 0.0034 0.0000 0.0000 Bracing Normal Yes 90.0000 5.1854 0.0074 0.0000 0.0000 Bracing Normal Yes 90.0000 2.3570 0.0034 0.0000 0.0000 Bracing Normal Yes 90.0000 2.3570 0.0034 0.0000 0.0000 Bracing Normal LOWE STRUCTURES, INC MATT LOWE X:\2019 Projects\19162 - Benny's Rocket\Design\overall.vap Monday, September 16, 2019 4:04 PM Members (continued) Nodal Supports [ Name Fix DX Fix DY Fix DZ Fix RX Fix RY I Fix RZ N017 Yes No Yes No No No N019 Yes No Yes No No No N031 Yes No Yes No No No N032 Yes No Yes No No No VisualAnalysis 19.00.0001, Advanced Page 4 of 10 www.iesweb.com FixDZ Yes No Yes iNo Yes - No Yes - No Yes Yes Yes - Yes FixRX FixRY FixRZ - - No No No No No No No No Yes Yes Yes Yes LOWE STRUCTURES, INC MAlT LOWE X:\2019 Projects\19162 - Bennys Rocket\DesignoveraIl.vap Monday, September 16, 2019 4:04 PM Nodal Supports (continued) Name Fix DX Fix DY N042 Yes No N047 No 'No N063 Yes No N068 No No N083 Yes Yes N086 Yes Yes Area Uniform Loads Area Service Case Applied To Direction Uniform Pressure Corridor Pressure Predefined Load psf psf A001 W+Z Members Normal: -Z 37.0000 - -NA- N.A. A002 W+Z Members Normal: -Z 37.0000 -NA- N.A. A003 W+Z Members Normal: -Z 37.0000 -NA- N.A. A004 W+Z Members Normal: -Z 37.0000 -NA- N.A. A005 W+Z Members Normal: -Z 37.0000 -NA- N.A. A006 W+Z Members Normal: +Z -37.0000 -NA- N.A. A007 W+Z Members Normal: -Z 37.0000 -NA- N.A. Member Displacements Member Dy Min Dy Max Dz Min Dz Max in in in in BmXO02 -0.0018 (23) 4.1529 (32) 0.0000 (15) 0.0025 (22) BmX003 -4.1531 (32) 0.0018 (23) 0.0000 (15) 0.0023 (22) BmX007 -0.0819 (15) 0.0001 (23) 0.0000 (15) 0.0027 (23) OL002 -4.1531 (32) 0.00 18 (23) -0.0006 (22) 0.0001 (15) COL015 0.0000 (23) 0.0925 (32) -0.0001 (22) 0.0000(s) OL033 -0.2065 (32) 0.0248 (32) -0.0006 (32) 0.0003 (22) C0L046 -0.6311 (32) 0.0003 (23) -0.0004 (32) 0.0000 (15) RBX001 -0.0925 (32) 0.0000(23) 0.0000 (15) 0.0037 (22) Node Reactions Node Result Case FX FY FZ MX MY MZ K K K K-ft K-ft K-ft N031 1.2D+W+.5L+Lpa+.5Lr +Z nlZ D.A.M. -0.0290 0.0000 -0.7258 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 N042 1.2D+W+.5L+Lpa+.51s +Z nlZ D.A.M. -0.1200 0.0000 1.6889 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 N042 1.4D+1.6H nlZ D.A.M. -0.1300 0.0000 - -0.0007 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 N063 1.4D+1.6H 0.1287 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 N083 .9D+W *+Z 0.0197 0.6192 1.0517 2.2013 1.0453 -0.0150 N083 1.2D+W+.5L.I-Lpa+.5Lr*+Z 0.0263 0.8256 1.0517 - - - 2.2013 1.0453 -0.0199 N083 1.2D+W+.5L-i-Lpai-.5Lr *+Z nlZ D.A.M. 0.0253 0.8231 1.0404 2.1887 1.1251 -0.0240 N083 1.4D+1.6H nlZ D.A.M. 0.0341 0.9613 -0.0005 -0.0009 -0.0005 -0.0253 N083 W+Z 0.0000 0.0000 1.0517 2.2013 1.0453 0.0000 \risualAnalysis 19.00.0001, Advanced Page 5 of 10 www.iesweb.com LOWE STRUCTURES, INC MATF LOWE X:\2019 Projects\19162 - Benny's Rocket\Design\overall.vap Monday, September 16, 2019 4:04 PM Node Reactions (continued) Node Result N083 W+Z D.A.M. N086 1.2D+W+.51+Lpa+.5Lr*+ZnIZ D.A.M.0.0679 - N086 1.4D+1.6H N086 1.4D+1.6H nIZ D.A.M. N086 W+ZD.A.M. Member Unity Checks I I FX FY K K -0.0039 -0.0009 0.9829 --- -- 0.0751 1.1438 0.0747 1.1458 0.0038 0.0009 FZ MX i I K K-ft I 1.0419 2.1822 -- 0.8879 1.8639 --F-- 0.0000 0.0000 -0.0004 -0.0008 0.8900 1.8582 MY I MZ K-ft I K-ft 1.1219 -0.0023 -0.9174 -0.0423 0.0000 -0.0510 0.0004 -0.0504 -0.9141 0.0009 Member Section Unity Check Status Result Case Code I I Type Design Group Reference i BmX001 RT2.00x3.O0xO.125 0.0242 Pass 1.2D+W+.5L+lpa+.5Lr +Z NZ H.1-1 Combined Aluminum_Beam X_G 1 D.A.M. check BmXO02 RT2.00x3.00x0.125 0.0066 Pass 1.2D+W+.5L+Lpa+.5Lr +Z nIZ 11.1-1 - Combined Aluminum_Beam X_G 1 D.A.M. Check BmX003 RT2.00x3.00x0.125 0.0072 Pass 1.2D+W+.5L+Lpa+.5Lr +Z NZ H.1-1 Combined Aluminum_Beam X_G 1 D.A.M. Check BmXO04 RT2.00x3.00xQ.125 0.2620 Pass 1.2D+W.f-.5L+Lpa+.5Lr +Z NZ H.2-7 Torsion Check Aluminum_Beam X_G 1 D.A.M. BmXOOS RT3.00x3.0Ox0.250 0.2671 Pass .9D+W +Z H.2-7 Torsion check Aluminum_Beam X_G 1 BmXO06 RT3.00x3.00x0.250 0.1284 Pass 1.2D+W+.5L-4-Lpa+.5Lr '+Z NZ H.2-7 Torsion Check Aluminum_Beam X_G 1 D.A.M. BmXO07 RT3.00x3.00x0.250 0.1298 Pass 1.2D+W+.5L+Lpa+.5Lr +Z NZ H.2-7 Torsion Check Aluminum_Beam X_G 1 D.A.M. BmX008 RT3.00x3.00x0.250 0.0916 Pass 1.2D+W+.5L-fLpa+.5Lr >+Z NZ H.2-7 Torsion Check Aluminum_Beam X_G 2 D.A.M. BmX009 RT2.00x3.00x0.125 0.0336 Pass 1.2D+W+.5L+Lpa+.5Lr *+Z 11.1-1 Combined Check Aluminum-Beam X_G 1 BmX010 RT2.00x3.O0x0.125 0.1173 Pass 1.2D+W+.5L+Lpa+.5Lr *+Z H.1-1 Combined Check Aluminum_Beam X_G 1 BmXO11 RT2.00x3.00xO.125 0.0207 Pass 1.2D+W+.5L+Lpa+.5Lr >'+Z nIZ H.2-7 Torsion Check Aluminum_Beam X_G 1 D.A.M. BmX012 RT2.00x3.00x0.125 0.0272 Pass .9D+W *+Z NZ D.A.M. H.2-7 Torsion Check Aluminum_Beam X_G 1 BmX013 RT2.00x3.00x0.125 0.2070 Pass 1.2D+W+.5L+Lpa+.5Lr '+Z H.1-1 Combined Check Aluminum_Beam X_G 1 BmXO14 RT2.00x3.00xO.125 0.3552 Pass 1.2D+W+.5L+Lpa+.5Lr +Z H.1-1 Combined Check Aluminum_Beam X_G 1 BmX015 RT2.00x3.00x0.125 0.2614 Pass 1.2D+W+.5L+Lpa+.5Lr *+Z H.1-1 Combined Check Aluminum_Beam X_G 1 BmX016 RT2.00x3.00x0.125 0.3806 Pass 1.2D+W+.5L+Lpa+.5Lr +Z H.1-1 Combined Check Aluminum_Beam X_G 1 BmX017 RT2.00x3.00x0.125 0.2437 Pass 1.2D+W+.5L+Lpal-.5Lr *+Z nlZ P11-i Combined Aluminum_Beam X_G 1 D.A.M. Check BmX018 RT2.00x3.O0x0.125 0.1218 Pass 1.2D+W+.5L+Lpa+.5Lr +Z nIZ P11-i Combined Aluminum_Beam X_G 1 D.A.M. Check BmX019 RT2.00x3.O0x0.125 0.3216 Pass 1.2D+W+.5L+Lpa+.5Lr +Z H.1-1 Combined Check Aluminum_Beam X_G 1 BmX020 RT2.00x3.00xO. 125 0.0474 Pass 1.2D+W-f.5L+Lpa+.5LT ))+Z nlz H.2-7 Torsion Check Aluminum_Beam )(_G 1 D.A.M. BmX021 RT2.00x3.O0x0.125 0.1497 Pass .9D+W +Z H.2-7 Torsion Check Aluminum_Beam X_G 1 BmX022 RT2.00x3.00x0.125 0.4372 Pass 1.2D+WI-.51+Lpa+.5Lr *+Z H.1-1 Combined Check Aluminum_Beam X_G 1 BmX023 RT2.00x3.00xO.125 0.0638 Pass 1.2D+W+.5L+Lpa+.5Lr +Z H.1-1 Combined check Aluminum_Beam X_G 1 - VisualAnalysis 19.00.0001, Advanced Page 6 of 10 www.iesweb.com LOWE STRUCTURES, INC MATT LOWE X:\2019 Projects\19162 - Benny's Rocket\DesignoveralLvap Monday, September 16, 2019 4:04 PM Member Unity Checks (continued) Member Section Unity Check Status Result Case I Code Type Design Group I I Reference BmX024 RT2.00x3.0Ox0.125 0.3029 Pass 1.2D+W+.5L+Lpa+.5Lr *+Z I 11 'Combined Aluminum_Beam X_G 1.1-i check - BmX025 - IRT2.000.004.125 - i - 0.1613 Pass - -1 1.2D+W+.5L+Lpa+.5Lr +Z - H.1-1 -- - Combined - Aluminum_Beam X_G 1 Check I - --------- --- .--- Combined BmX026 RT2.00x3.00x0.125 0.2012 Pass 1.2D+W+.5L+Lpa+.5Lr '+Z H.1-1 check Aluminum_Beam X_G 3 COL001 RT2.00x3.00x0.125 0.0307 Pass 1.2D+W+.5L+Lpa+.5Lr*+ZnlZ - Hi 1 - 'Combined 'AlurninurnSotumn_G 1 FD.A.M. Check COLOO2 RTZ.00x3.O0x0.125 0.0317 Pass 1.2D+W+.5L+Lpa+.5Lr +ZnlZ H 1-1 - CornbCombineded Aluminum_Cotumn_G 1 - D.A.M. . COL003 RT2.00x3.00x0.125 0.2706 Pass Check 1.2D+W+.5L+Lpa+.5Lr *+Z nlZ CombIned Aluminum_Column_G 1 . D.A.M.11-1.1-1 COLOO4 RTZ.00x3.00xo.125 0.2692 Pass 1.2D+W+.5L+Lpa+.5Lr +Z NZ H 11 Combined Aluminu m_Column_C 1 D.A.M. check COLOOS RT2.00x3.00x0.125 0.4585 Pass 1.2D+W+.5L+Lpa+.5Lr *+Z ntZ 11.1-1 Combined Aluminum_Column_C 1 D.A.M.Check COL006 RT2.00x3.00x0.125 0.4618 Pass 1.2D+W+.5L+Lpa+.5Lr *+Z nlZ H 11 Combined Aluminum_Column_G 1 D.A.M. Check COL007 RT2.00x3.00x0.125 0.6993 Pass 1.2D+W+.5L+Lpa+.5Lr +Z H.1-1 Combined check Aluminum_Column_G 1 COLOOB RT2.00x3.00xO.125 0.7005 Pass 1.2D+W+.5L+Lpa+.5Lr * H.1-1 Combined 1 ;Aluminum_Column_G Check check COL009 RT4.00x4.O0xO.250 0.1981 Pass 1.2D+W+.5L+Lpa+.5Lr *+Z H.1-1 - Combined Check Aluminum_Column_C 2 COL010 RT4.00x4.00x0.250 0.1999 Pass 1.2D+W+.5L+Lpa+.5Lr +Z .H.1-1 Combined Check Aluminum_Column_C 2 COL011 RT3.00x3.00xO.250 0.0075 Pass 1.2D+W+.5L+Lpa+.5Lr *+Z nlZ H.1-1 Combined Aluminum_column_C 2 D.A.M. Check OL012 RT3.00x3.00x0.250 0.0076 Pass 1.2D+W+.5L+Lpa+.5Lr +Z nlZ H.1-1 Combined Alumlnum_Column_G 2 .D.A.M. Check C0L013 RT3.00x3.00x0.250 0.0734 Pass 1.2D+W+.5L+Lpa+.5Lr +Z H.1-1 Combined Check Aluminum_ _ColumnG 2 COL014 RT3.00x3.00x0.250 0.0728 Pass 1.2D+W+.5L+Lpa+.5Lr ' H.1-1 Combined Check check Alumlnum_Column_G 2 COLO15 RT3.00x3.00x0.250 0.0708 Pass 1.2D+W+.5L+Lpa+.5Lr *+Z nlZ H 11 Combined Aluminum_Column_G 2 D.A.M. Check COL016 RT3.00x3.00x0.250 0.0711 Pass 1.2D+W+.5L+Lpa+.5Lr *+Z nlZ H.1-1 Combined Aluminum_Column_G 2 D.A.M. Check COLO17 RT4.00x4.00x0.250 0.0745 Pass 1.2D+Wi-.5Li-Lpa+.5Lr +Z nlZ H 11 Combined Aluminum_Column_C 2 D.A.M. Check COLO18 RT4.00x4.00x0.250 0.0753 Pass i.2D+W+.51+Lpa+.5Lr *+Z nlZ H 11 Combined Aluminum_Column_C 2 D.A.M. Check COL019 RT2.00x3.00x0.125 0.1666 Pass 1.2D+W+.5L+Lpa+.5Lr +Z nlZ H.1-1 Combined Aluminum_Column_G 1 D.A.M. Check COLO2O RT2.00x3.00x0.125 0.1742 Pass 1.2D+W+.5L+Lpa-f-.5Lr +Z nlZ H.1-1 Combined Aluminum_Column_C 1 D.A.M. Check COL021 RT2.000.004.125 0.1058 Pass 1.2D+W+.5L-i-Lpa+.5Lr +Z nlZ H.1-1 Combined Aluminum_Column_C 1 D.A.M. Check C0L022 RT4.00x4.00xO.250 0.1262 Pass 1.2D+W+.5L+Lpa+.5Lr +Z nlZ H.1-1 Combined Aluminum_Column_C 1 D.A.M. Check C0L023 RT2.00x3.00x0.125 0.0546 Pass 1.2D+W+.5L.s-Lpa+.5Lr +Z H.1-1 Combined Check Aluminum_Column_G 1 C0L024 RT2.00x3.00x0.125 0.0614 Pass 1.2D+W+.5L+Lpa+.5Lr '+Z nlZ 11.1-1 Combined Aluminum_Column_G 1 D.A.M. check C0L025 RT2.00x3.00x0.125 0.1094 Pass 1.2D+W+.51+Lpa+.5Lr +Z nlZ H.1-1 combined Aluminum 1 _Column _C D.A.M. Check VisualAnalysis 19.00.0001, Advanced Page 7 of 10 www.iesweb.com LOWE STRUCTURES, INC MATT LOWE X:\2019 Projects\19162 - Bennys Rocket\Design\overall.vap Monday, September 16, 2019 4:04 PM Member Unity Checks (continued) Member Section Unity Status Result I Code Type Design Group I Reference C0L026 RT2.00x3.O0x0.125 0.2287 Pass 1.2D+W+.5L+Lpa+.5Lr +Z H.1-1 Combined Aluminum_Column_G 1 Check COL027 RT2.00x3.00xO.125 - 0.0995 Pass I +Z t - H.1-1 - --- Combined - - AJuminum_Column_G 1 11.2D+W+.51+Lpa+.5Lr Check C0L028 RT4.00x4.00x0.250 • 0.1242 Pass 1.2D+W+.5L+Lpa+.5Lr +Z nlZ H.1-1 Combined Aluminum_Column_G 1 D.A.M. Check OL029 RT2.00x3.00xO.125 0.0559 Pass 1.2D+W+.5L+Lpa-s-.5Lr+ZnIZ Hi-i Combined - - Aluminum_Column_G 1 D.A.M. -4------ -- - - ---- - check COL030 RT2.00x3.00xO.125 - 0.0530 Pass 1.2D+W+.SL+Lpa+.5Lr +Z nIZ - - - - H.2-7 -- - Torsion Check .- - Aluminum_Column_G 1 D.A.M. COL031 RT2.00x3.00x0.125 0.1033 Pass 1.2D+W+.5L+Lpa+.5Lr +Z H.1-1 Combined Check Aluminum_Column_G 1 C0L032 RT2.00x3.00x0.125 0.2309 Pass 1.2D+W+.5L+Lpa-i-.5Lr *+Z H.1-1 Combined Aluminum_Column_G 1 Check C0L033 RT4.00x4.0Ox0.250 0.1517 Pass 1.2D-I-W-4-.5L+Lpa+.5Lr *+Z nlZ H.1-1 Combined AIuminum_olumn_G 1 D.A.M. Check C0L034 RT2.00x3.00x0.125 0.0299 Pass .9D+W +Z nIZ D.A.M. H.2-7 Torsion Check Aluminum_Column_G 1 C0L035 RT2.00x3.00x0.125 0.0209 Pass 1.2D+W+.5L+Lpa+.5Lr *+Z nlZ H.1-1 Combined Aluminum_Column_G 1 D.A.M. Check C0L036 RT2.00x3.Q0x0.125 0.1285 Pass 1.2D+W+.5L+Lpa+.5Lr *+Z nlZ H.1-1 Combined 'Aluminum_Column_G 1 D.A.M. Check C0L037 RT4.00x4.00x0.250 0.1148 Pass 1.2D+W+.5L+Lpa+.5Lr *+Z H.1-1 Combined Check Aluminum_Column_G 1 COL038 RT2.00x3.00x0.125 0.0472 Pass 1.2D+W+.5L+Lpa+.5Lr *+Z H.1-1 Combined Check Aluminum_Column_G 1 C0L039 RT2.00x3.00xo.125 0.1390 Pass 1.2D+W+.5L+Lpa-I-.5Lr +Z nlZ H.2-7 Torsion Check Aluminum_Column_G 1 D.A.M. COL040 RT2.00x3.00x0.125 0.1096 Pass 1.2D+W+.5L+Lpa+.5Lr +Z nlZ H.2-7 Torsion Check Aluminum_Column_G 1 D.A.M. COL041 RT2.00x3.00x0.125 0.0920 Pass 1.2D+W+.5L+Lpa+.5Lr ))+Z nlZ H.2-7 Torsion Check Aluminum_Column_G 1 D.A.M. C0L042 RT2.00x3.00x0.125 0.1467 Pass 1.2D+W+.5L+Lpa+.5Lr "+Z nlZ H.2-7 Torsion Check Aluminum_Column_G 1 D.A.M. C0L043 RT2.00x3.O0x0.125 0.0676 Pass 1.2D+W+.5L+Lpa+.5Lr +Z H.1-1 Combined Check Aluminum_Column_G 1 C0L044 RT2.00x3.O0xO.125 0.1802 Pass 1.2D+W+.5L+Lpa+.5Lr +Z NZH 11 Combined Aluminum_Column_G 1 D.A.M. Check C0L045 RT4.00x4.00x0.250 0.1450 Pass 1.2D+W+.5L+Lpa+.5Lr +Z H.1-1 Combined Check Aluminum_Column_G 1 C0L046 RT2.00x3.00x0.125 0.0766 Pass 1.2D+W+.5L+Lpa+.5Lr *+Z H.1-1 Combined Check Aluminum_Column_G 1 C0L047 RT2.00x3.0OxO.125 0.0935 Pass 1.2D+W+.51+Lpa+.5Lr +Z H.1-1 Combined 1 Check Aluminum_Column_G C0L048 RT4.00x4.00xO.250 0.2341 Pass 1.2D+W+.5L+Lpa+.5Lr +Z H.1-1 Combined Check Aluminum_Column_G 1 COLOS1 RT4.00x4.O0x0.250 0.2044 Pass 1.2D+W+.5L+Lpa+.5Lr +Z nlZ H 11 Combined Aluminum_Column_G 1 D.A.M. Check RBX001 RT3.00x3.00x0.250 0.0473 Pass 1. 5Lr 5L+Lpa+ 2D+W+. . +Z nIZ H.2-7 Torsion Check Aluminum_Roof X_G 1 D.A.M. RBX002 RT3.00x3.0Ox0.250 0.0503 Pass 1.2D+W+.5L+Lpa+.5Lr +Z nIZ 11.2-7 Torsion Check Aluminum_Roof X_G 1 D.A.M. RBX003 RT2.00x3.00x0.125 0.2952 Pass 1.2D+W+.5L+Lpa+.5Lr +Z H.1-1 Combined Check Aluminum_Roof X_G 2 V001 RT2.00x3.00xO.125 0.2224 Pass - 1.2D+W+.5L+Lpa+.5Lr +Z H.1-1 Combined Check Aluminum_V Brace _G 1 VisualAnalysis 19.00.0001, Advanced Page 8 of 10 www.iesweb.com LOWE STRUCTURES, INC MATT LOWE X:\2019 Projects\19162 - Benny's RocketDesign\overall.vap Monday, September 16, 2019 4:04 PM I Member Unity Checks I Member I Section V002 RT2.00x3.00x0.125 V003 RT2.00x3.O0xO.125 V004 RT2.00x3.00xO.125 V005 RT2.00x3.00xO.125 V006 RT2.00x3.00xO.125 V007 RT2.00x3.00xO.125 V008 RT2.00x3.0Ox0.125 Unity Check Status Result Case Code Reference 0.3549 Pass 1.2D+W+.5L+Lpa+.5Lr +Z H.1-1 0.0924 P Pass • 1.2D+W+.5L+Lpa+.5Lr +Z nlZ H.2-7 D.A.M. 0.1202 Pass 1.2D+W+.51+Lpa+.5Lr +Z H.1-1 0.0775 Pass 1.2D+W+.5L+Lpa+.5Lr +Z H.1-1 0.1567 Pass 1.2D+W+.5L+Lpa+.5Lr +Z H.1-1 0.1515 Pass 1.2D+W+.5L+Lpa+.5Lr *+Z 11.1-1 0.1569 Pass 1.2D+W+.5L+lpa+.5Lr *+Z H.1-1 Type Design Group Combined Aluminum_V Brace_G 1 Check Torsion Check Aluminum_V Brace_G 2 Combined Aluminum_V Brace_G 2 Check Combined Aluminum_V Brace_G 2 Check Combined Aluminum_V Brace_G 2 Check Combined Aluminum_V Brace_G 2 Check Combined Aluminum_V Brace_G 2 Check El VisualAnalysis 19.00.0001, Advanced Page 9 of 10 www.iesweb.com LOWE STRUC11JRES, INC MATT LOWE X:2019 Projects\19162 - Benny's Rocket\Design\overall.vap Monday, September 16, 2019 4:04 PM ED- VisualAnalysis 19.00.0001, Advanced www.iesweb.com Page 10 of 10 LOWE STRUCTURES, INC MATE LOWE foundation.vfp Untitled VisualAnalysis Project Monday, September 16, 2019 4:16 PM Factored Load Combinations Name Code I Effective Equation Design .6D+.6W *+X ASCE 7-10 ASD 0.61) + 0 6W+X Allowable .6D+.7D1 ASCE 7-10ASD 0.61) Allowable 0.9D+1.2F+E+1.6H AC! 350 (Strength Wind) 0.91) Strength 0.9D+1.2F+W+1.6H +X AC! 350 (Strength Wind) 0.91) + W+X Strength 1.2(D+F+T)+1.6(L+H)+0.5Lr AC! 350 (Strength Wind) 1.21) Strength 1.2Di-1.61r+0.5W *+X AC! 350 (Strength Wind) 1.21) + 0.5W+X Strength 1.2D+W+L+0.5Lr +X AC! 350 (Strength Wind) 1.21) + W+X Strength 1.4(D+F) AC! 350 (Strength Wind) 1.41) Strength D+.6W '+X ASCE 7-10 ASD D + 0.6W+X Allowable D+.75(L+.6W+Lr) '+X ASCE 7-10 ASD D + 0.45W+X Allowable D+H+F ASCE 7-10 ASD D Allowable Service Load Cases Name Source Uses Self Weight Load Count In Codes Analyze D Dead Loads Yes 2 Yes No W+X Wind P05 X Loads No 2 Yes No Pier Loads Pier Service Case Sliding X Sliding Y Axial Moment X Moment Y K K K K-ft K-ft C0L048 D 0.0000 -0.0347 -0.6071 0.0271 0.0000 C0L048 W+X -1.1960 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 -2.9071 COL051 D 0.0000 -0.0682 -0.7752 0.0478 0.0000 COL051 W+X -0.8408 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 -2.0241 ombination Name Side Overturning TResisting Moment Actual Allowable Moment K-ft Safety Factor Safety Factor K-ft .6D+.6W *+X V003->V004 (-1.5, 0, 0 ft) 3.5697 4.4839 [ - - 1.2561 1.0000 .6D+.6W +X V004->VO01 (0, -4, Oft) 0.0758 12.15871 160.3871 1.0000 - Name Force Force: Total K K .6D+.6W *+X 1.2237 2.9321 .6D+.7D1 0.0618 1.6468 Bearing Pressures and Displacemen Plate Result Case F001-P198 0.9D+1.2F+W+1.6H +X F001-P378 .6D+.6W '+X F001-P702 0.9Di-1.2F+W+1.6H +X sting Force: Resisting Resisting Force: Resisting Actual Allowable Friction Force: Passive Additional Force: Piles Safety Factor Safety Factor K K K K 0.8968 2.0353 0.0000 0.0000L 2.3962] 1.0000 0.8968 0.7500 0.0000 0.0000 26.6586 1.0000 Location (1.5,-4,oft) (-0.54605, 0.43486, 0 ft) (-1.5,4,Oft) Bearing Pressure Displacement psf I in 0.00001 0.0000 A I VisualFoundation 9.00.0003 E www.iesweb.com S Page 1 of 2 LOWE STRUCTURES, INC MATT LOWE foundation.vfp Untitled VisualAnalysis Project Monday, September 16, 2019 4:16 PM Punching Shear Capacity 4ame Location Perimeter Phi $Vc Combination Name Load Soil+Footing in I JBetaCJ in I K I I K K I C0L048 (0, -2 ft) Interior 46.7500 7.6875 1.0000 0.7500 68.1896 0.9D+1.2F+E+1.6H 0.5464 0.0466 COLO51 (0, 2 ft) Interior 46.7500 7.6875 1.0000 0.7500 68.1896 1.4(D+F) 1.0853 0.0814 Shear Design 4, Plate Result Case Vu I 4V c I Unity Check Details 1Direction ft I d = 8.75 in, 04O9i F001-P258 1.2D+W+L+O.5Lr +X X -1.4035 9.9612 Reference: AU FOO1-P954 1.4(D+F) V -0.0233 9.3920 ________________ d = 8.25 in, O"OOZ5 Reference: AU Soil Bearing Capacity 4, Combination Name .6D+.6W +X .6D+.6W +X Location (-0.54605, 0.43486 ft) (-1.5,4ft) Pressure Average Value psf psf 0.0060 138.5021 789.2024 138.5021 A I VisualFoundation 9.00.0003 E www.iesweb.com Page 2 of 2 RE REVERENCE ENGINEERING STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING SERVICES Package Type: Project #: Initial Submittal 1905026 DESIGN SPECIFICATIONS DESIGN LOADS ::Wind:: vwt 110 mph Exposure: C Vesd 85 mph ::Ground Snow Load:: P9 0 psf ::Seismic:: SDC: D Site Class: D So = 1.127 g SMS = 1.182 g S1 = 0.434 g SMI = 0.680 9 Fa = 1.049 - SDS = 0.788 9 F = 1.566 - S01 = 0.453 g TL 8 sec 1 California Building Code (CBC) 2016 2 ASCE 7-10: Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other Structures 3 ACI 318-14: Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete 4 ANSIIAISC 360-10: Specification for Structural Steel Buildings www.ReverenceEngineering.com 619-354-1152 Page 1 of 7 9-30-2019 Projects@ReverenceEngineeflng.com PREY 0', 1", \O2 CA— INTERPOLATION 2 2.806 4 0.3 1.80 1.80 1.80 0.272 1.80 0.20 1.80 1.80 1.80 C,= 1.8- Force Coefficient [Figure 29.4-1] Project #: Legoland Crane - Primary Mast RE ENGINEERING REVERENCE 1905026 1 Legoland Dr, Carlsbad, CA WIND LOADS ON OTHER STRUCTURES AND BUILDING APPURTENANCES PER CHAPTER 29 DESIGN WIND LOADS - SOLID SIGNS (SECTION 29.5) V = 110 mph Basic Wind Speed s/h = 0.272 - Cabinent to Overall Height Ratio Exposure Category: C h = 22.03 ft Average Height B/s = 2.806 - Cabinent Width to Height Ratio S = 6 ft Vertical sign dimension Zg = 900 ft Terrain Exposure Constant [Table 26.9-1] B = 16.83 It Horizontal sign dimension a = 9.5 -- Terrain Exposure Constant (Table 26.9-11 E = 100% - Solid to Gross Area Ratio (porosity) K1 0.85 Directionality Factor [Table 26.6-1] FoS - Add. FoS applied to p 1 Topographic Factor (26.8.2] IF two poles,spacing:0I [0 for one pole] G 0.85 - Gust Effect Factor (26.9. 1] 0.2B = 3.367 ft Case B Offset Distribution Factor 1 - (Fraction of sign load that must be attributed to each pole, if more than one is present) 41 Figure 29.4-1 C1 Cases A& B Aspect Ratio B/s 0.05 0.1 0.2 0.5 1 2 4 5 10 20 1 30 45 1.00 1.80 1.70 1.65 1.55 1.45 1.40 1.35 1.35 1.30 1.30 1.30 1.30 0.90 1.85 1.75 1.70 1.60 1.55 1.50 1.45 1.45 1.40 1.40 1.40 1.40 0.70 1.90 1.85 1.75 1.70 1.65 1.60 1.60 1.55 1.55 1.55 1.55 1.55 0.50 1.95 1.85 1.80 1.75 1.75 1.70 1.70 1.70 1.70 1.70 1.70 1.75 0.30 1.95 1.90 1.85 1.80 1.80 1.80 1.80 1.80 1.80 1.85 1.85 1.85 0.20 1.95 1.90 1.85 1.80 1.80 1.80 1.80 1.80 1.85 1.90 1.90 1.95 0.16 1.95 1.90 1.85 1.85 1.80 1.80 1.85 1.85 1.85 1.90 1.90 1.95 h = Cumulative Height to top of section I( = Velocity Pressure Exposure Coefficient [Table 29.3-1] z = Centroid of Section Height qh = Velocity Pressure (psf) q = U.UU25S'Kj KKV (Eqn 27.3-1] p = Design Wind Pressure (psi) p =qh*G*Cf [Eqn 29.4-1] SIGN BUILD FORCE is PER POLE and reflects distribution per Case B to applicable components El_ El - - - -- - - - - El El El_ -- El_ El El El El El El_ -- El - - - -- - -- - El - - - - - - -- - - H 22.03 ft Overall height check i, L''' Project #: Legoland Crane - Primary Mast RE ENGINEERING REVERENCE 1905026 1 Legoland Or, Carlsbad, CA SEISMIC ANALYSIS FOR NON-BUILDING STRUCTURES NOT SIMILAR TO BUILDINGS USGS REPORT: Risk Category: II Sa 1.127 of g Short Period Spectral Acceleration Si 0.434 of g 1-sec Period Spectral Acceleration h5 22.03 F. 1.049 - Site Coefficient w= 20 F5 1.566 - Site Coefficient TABLE 15-4.2: T. 8 sec Long-Period Transition Period R =13 ASCE 7-10 Figure 22-12 EQUIVALENT LATERAL FORCE PROCEDURE PER ASCE 12.8 PER 15.1.3 Sirs = 1.18 - Spectral Response Acceleration Parameter (Eqn 11.4-1] SM1 = 0.68 - Spectral Response Acceleration Parameter [Eqn 11.4-2] Sos = 0.79 - Design Spectral Acceleration Parameter (Eqn 11.4-3) So1 = 0.45 - Design Spectral Acceleration Parameter (Eqn 11.441 x = 0.75 - Period Parameter (Table 12.8-2) = 0.02 - Period Parameter [Table 12.8-2] To 0.20 sec Approximate Fundamental Period [Eqn 12.8-7] CALCULATION OF SEISMIC RESPONSE COEFFICIENTS PER ASCE 7-10 L;s= 0.263 - Seismic Response Coefficient (Eqn 12.8-2) "s = Ce 0.743 - 29.22 - upper limit ror I 3 1 L [Applicable] Upper limit for T> Ti. (N/A) (Eqn 12.8-3) [Eqn 12.8-4] = 0.743 - Applicable Upper limit C5 C5 0.035 - 0.121 - Lower limit Lower limit for S1 a 0.6g (N/A] [Eqn 15.4-1] (Eqn 15.4-21 U5 = 0.035 - Applicable Lower limit = U.263 seismic Response coemcient (Strength Design) I Weight Overrides h (ft) Width (ft) W (lb) w (pIt) w (pst) h (ft) z (ft) W (lb) Fu (kip) M. (k-ft) 1 11.2 1.7 11.21 5.604 390.5 102.6 575 2 0.9 3.9 12.14 11.67 72.84 19.14 223.4 3 1 3.91 4.3 1 1 16.MI 14.08 333.31 87.56 1233 4 6.0 8.4 22.03 19.03 1010 265.3 5048 5 22.03 22.03 0 0 0 6 22.03 22.03 0 0 0 7 22.03 22.03 0 0 0 8 1 122.03 22.03 0 0 0 9 22.03 22.03 0 0 0 10 22.03 22.03 0 0 0 11 22.03 22.03 0 0 0 12 22.03 22.03 0 0 0 13 1 1 22.031 22.03 0 01 0 14 22.03 22.03 0 01 0 15 22.03 22.03 0 0 0 16 22.03 22.03 0 0 0 17 22.03 22.03 0 0 0 18 1 122.03 22.03 0 0 0 19 22.03 22.03 0 0 0 20 1 22.03 22.031 0 0 0 H = 22.03 it Overall height check www.ReverenceEngineering.com . Page s or i 619-354-1152 REF: ASCE CHAPTER 15 ASCE 7-10 Table 1.51 ASCE 7-10 Table 1.5-2 per Structural height Assumed Seismic Weight (conservative) Response Modification Coefficient for Signs and Billboards Seismic Load: Base Bending Moment: 7.1 k-ft Base Shear: 0.475 kip WIND GOVERNS Overstrength: 0 = 2.5 - Base Bending Moment 17.7 k-ft Base Shear: 1.187 kip WIND GOVERNS Post-Installed Anchors (0.75) per (only when applicable) Base Bending Moment: 23.6 k-ft Base Shear: 1.6 kip WIND GOVERNS For Proposals and General Inquiries: Projects@ReverenceEngineeflng.com Project #: Legoland Crane - Primary Mast REVERENCE RE ENGINEERING 1905026 1 Legoland Dr, Carlsbad, CA SPLICE (OR SECTION) LOADS Moments include an additional 10% per 29.4-1 if s1h=1 1 _-------- _-------- __- -- -- - GRADE 1 3.178 1 47.765 1 3.875 CAST-IN-PLACE PIER DESIGN b 3 ft Footing diameter Mu = 47.8 k-ft Moment at grade vu 3.18_1k M5 = 28.659 k-ft Service M (0.6MU) V = 1.907 k s = 100 psI/ft Lateral Bearing per IBC Table 1806.2 s 267 psI/ft Increased per IBC 1806.1 & 1806.3.4 ITERATION PER IBC 1807.3.2.1 h= 15.03 ft S1= 721.1 psf d= 8.102k A= 2.681 It MEMBER SELECTION STAGE: I Pñmar, Soil Class: Shear atgrade w= 1.3 Per lBC1605.3.2 Service V (0.6'VU) P = 2479 lb Lateral Wind Force DESIGN RESULTS MIN. PIER DEPTH: 8 ft and 2 in Ratio MIN. PIER DIAMETER: 3 ft and 0 in 2.722222222 Also refers to diagonal of a square or rectangle LRFD DESIGN Mu =N 318 k-ft T 1 3.88 1k-ft ip = 0.9 F 46 ksi Section Type: SquareHSS v =kip L =1 22.0-31 It = 264.3 in Z,q = 13.84 Ifl 0 Section Name 7 9Mn Pn 91n Combined LU Z (in') (k-fl) D/C Check (kip) D/C Check (k-if) D/C Check 0/C Check - -' HSS7X7XI/4 15.5 53.48 0.893 OK! 72.93 0.044 OK! 44.07 0.088 OK! 0.893 OK! ..i 0 Section Name Z A On (PT Combined (X) <P z (in') (k-ft) DIC Check (kip) HSSIOXIOX3!8 D/C Check (k-if) 0/C Check 0/C Check UJ 47.2 1162.8 0.293 OK! 1155.2 0.02 OK! 1134.2 0.029 OK! 0.293 OK! cj STEEL PLATE SQUARE POST, SQUARE PLATE UNIAXIAL BENDING Descnptor M 1 = 47.765 k-ft Design Moment T9,1 = 44.09 kip Group Tension F11 = 36 ksi Plate Yield b = 16 in Plate width M,,o = 66.14 k-in Plate Moment t = 0.75 in Plate thickness edge = 1.5 in Bolt Edge Distance z = 2.109 ifl" Plastic Section Modulus n = 3 - #1 fasteners d = 10 in Tube Depth M = 75.94 k-in Nominal Yield Moment Si = 13 in Fastener spacing 1111, = 0.9 - Strength Reduction Factor arm = 1.5 in Plate Bending Arm rpM0 = 68.34 k-in Yield Moment Capacity b0111_15 un Bending Width Override Fastener T = 14.7 kipiuroi be11 = 15 in Effective Bending Width 0/C: 0.968 OK x.6 = 8.8 kip(Aso) F1554 ANCHOR ROD (STEEL) CHECK T = 14.7 kip Rod Tension Fu = 58 ksi Ultimate Strength Pn = 28.27 kip V = 16.96 kip V, = 1.0593 kip Rod Shear F11 = 36 ksi Yield Strength ip = 0.75 - = 0.75 - dmd = 1 in Rod diameter A d 0.785 in' Area ofRod IPPn= 21.21 kip On = 12.72 kip GR.: 36 - Rod Grade Z = 0.167 " Plastic Section Modulus D/C: 0.693 OK 0/C: 0.083 OK www.ReverenceEngineering.com Page 4 of? For Proposals and General Inquiries: 619-354-1152 ProjectsiftReverenceEngineedng.com INTERPOLATION 1 1.753 2 0.3 1.80 1.80 1.80 0.272 1.80 0.20 1.80 1.80 1.80 C1= 1.8- Force Coefficient [Figure 29.4-1] Project #: Legoland Crane - Secondary Mast RE ENGINEERING REVERENCE 1905026 1 Legoland Or, Carlsbad, CA WIND LOADS ON OTHER STRUCTURES AND BUILDING APPURTENANCES PER CHAPTER 29 DESIGN WIND LOADS - SOLID SIGNS (SECTION 29.5) V = 110 mph Basic Wind Speed s/h = 0.272 - Cabinent to Overall Height Ratio Exposure Category: C h = 22.03 It Average Height B/s = 1.753 - Cabinent Width to Height Ratio S = 6 It Vertical sign dimension Z9 = 900 It Terrain Exposure Constant [Fable 26.9-1] B = 10.52 ft Horizontal sign dimension a = 9.5 - Terrain Exposure Constant [Fable 26.9-1] E = 100% - Solid to Gross Area Ratio (porosity) Kd = 0.85 Directionality Factor [Table 26.6-1] FoS = 0% - Addl. FoS applied to Pz 1 Topographic Factor [26.8.2] IF two poles, spacing:I0I [0 for one pole) G = 0.85 - Gust Effect Factor [26.9.1] 0.213 = 2.104 It Case B Offset Distribution Factor 1 - (Fraction of sign load that must be attributed to each pole, if more than one is present) 10 Figure 29.4-1 C1 Cases A & B Aspect Ratio B/s 0.05 0.1 0.2 0.5 1 2 4 5 10 20 1.00 1.80 1.70 1.65 1.55 1.45 1.40 1.35 1.35 1.30 1.30 1.30 0.90 1.85 1.75 1.70 1.60 1.55 1.40 0.70 1.50 1.45 1.45 1.40 1.40 1.90 1.85 1.75 1.70 1.65 1.55 0.50 1.60 1.60 1.55 1.55 1.55 30r45 1.95 1.85 1.80 1.75 1.75 1.70 0.30 1.70 1.70 1.70 1.70 1.70 1.95 1.90 1.85 1.80 1.80 1.85 0.20 1.80 1.80 1.80 1.80 1.85 1.95 1.90 1.85 1.80 1.80 1.80 1.80 1.80 1.85 1.90 1.90 0.16 1.95 1.90 1.85 1.85 1.80 1.80 1.85 1.85 1.85 1.90 1.90 1 1.95 h = Cumulative Height to top of section K Velocity Pressure Exposure Coefficient [Table 29.3-11 z = Centroid of Section Height qh = Velocity Pressure (psf) qz =U.UU25bKiIVKzt V [Eqn 27.3-1] p = Design Wind Pressure (psQ p = q**f [Eqn 29.4-1] SIGN BUILD FORCE is PER POLE and reflects distribution per Case B to applicable components Ah (ft) Width (ft) Cant CAB h (ft) z (It) K q (psi) Pz (psi) A1 (sqft) F (kip) M (k-It) T. (k-ft) 1 7.6875 0.5 7.7 3.844 0.849 22.35 34.2 3.8 0.1 0.5 0.0 2 1.33854 5.177 9.0 8.357 0.849 22.35 34.2 6.9 0.2 2.0 0.2 3 15.26563, 2.381 14.3 1 11.66 0.849 22.35 34.2 12.5 0.4 5.0 0.2 4 0.67 0.667 15.0 14.63 0.849 22.35 34.2 0.4 0.0 0.2 0.0 5 0.58333 1.242 15.5 15.25 0.852 22.43 34.32 0.7 0.0 0.4 0.0 6 0.5 2.738 16.0 15.79 0.858 22.59 34.57 1.4 0.0 0.7 0.0 7 2.00 2.42 18.0 17.04 0.872 22.96 35.13 4.81 0.2 2.9 0.1 8 1 3.98 0.083 122.0 20.03 0.902 23.75 36.34 0.3 0.0 0.2 0.0 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 H= 22.03 It Overall height check 1.1 kip 12.0 kip-ft 0.6 kip-It www.ReverenceEngineering.com rage b or laqcAAlcj Project #: Legoland Crane - Secondary Mast RE ENGINEERING REVERENCE 1905026 1 Legoland Dr. Carlsbad, CA SEISMIC ANALYSIS FOR NON-BUILDING STRUCTURES NOT SIMILAR TO BUILDINGS Ss 1.127 of g Short Period Spectral Acceleration Ia 1 - Si 0.434 of g 1-sec Period Spectral Acceleration = 22.03 II F5 1.049 - Site Coefficient w 20 p F5 1.566 - Site Coefficient TABLE 15-4.2: TL = 8 Isec Long-Period Transition Period R = ASCE 7-10 Figure 22-12 EQUIVALENT LATERAL FORCE PROCEDURE PER ASCE 12.8 PER 15.1.3 5MS = 1.18 - Spectral Response Acceleration Parameter [Eqn 11.4-1] 5M1 = 0.68 - Spectral Response Acceleration Parameter (Eqn 11.4-2) 5DS = 0.79 - Design Spectral Acceleration Parameter [Eqn 11.4-3] S01 = 0.45 - Design Spectral Acceleration Parameter [Eqn 11.44] x = 0.75 - Period Parameter [Table 12.8-2] Lh = 0.02 - Period Parameter [Table 12.8-2] To = 0.20 sec Approximate Fundamental Period [Eqn 12.8-71 CALCULATION OF SEISMIC RESPONSE COEFFICIENTS PER ASCE 7-10 0.263 - Seismic Response Coefficient (Eqn 12.8-2) C5 = 0.743 - 29.22 - upper limit Tar I S I L [Applicable] Upper limit for I> IL [N/A) [Eqn 12.8-31 [Eqn 12.84] Us 0.743 - Applicable Upper limit Cs C,= 0.035 - 0.121 - Lower limit Lower limit for Si > 0.6g [N/A] [Eqn 15.4-1] [Eqn 15.4-2] U5 = 0.035 - Applicable Lower limit = 0263 seismic Kesponse Uoelticient srrengtn uesign Weight Overrides I h I (ft) Width (ft) W (lb) w (pIt) w (psf) h (ft) z (ft) W (lb) F5 (kip) M5 (k-ft) 1 7.7 0.5 7.688 3.844 76.88 20.2 77.63 2 1.3 5.2 9.026 8.357 138.6 36.41 304.3 3 5.3 2.41 1 14.291 11.661 250.8 65.891 768.2 4 0.7 0.7 14.96 14.63 8.889 2.335 34.15 5 0.6 1.2 15.54 15.25 14.49 3.806 58.04 6 0.5 2.7 16.04 15.79 27.38 7.192 113.6 7 2.0 2.4 18.04 17.04 96.79 25.43 433.3 8 4.0 0.1 22.03 20.03 6.641 1.745 34.95 9 22.03 22.03 0 0 0 10 22.03 22.03 0 0 0 11 - 22.03 22.03 0 0 0 12 - 22.03 22.03 0 0 0 13 1 1 22.031 22.03 0 01 0 14 22.03 22.03 0 0 0 15 22.03 22.03 0 0 0 16 22.03 22.03 0 0 0 17 22.03 22.03 0 0 0 18 1 1 1 1 22.03 22.03 0 0 0 19 1 1 1 1 22.031 22.031 01 01 0 20 1 1 1 1 22.031 22.031 01 01 0 H = 22.03 It Overall height check www.ReverenceEngineering.com rage c or I 619-354-1152 REF: ASCE CHAPTER 15 ASCE 7-10 Table 1.5-2 per Structural height Assumed Seismic Weight (conservative) Response Modification Coefficient for: Signs and Billboards Seismic Load: Base Bending Moment: 1.8 k-ft Base Shear: 0.163 kip WIND GOVERNS Overstrength: a = 2.5 - Base Bending Moment: 4.6 k-ft Base Shear: 0.408 kip WIND GOVERNS Post-Installed Anchors (0.75) per (only when applicable) Base Bending Moment: 6.1 k-ft Base Shear: 0.5 kip WIND GOVERNS For Proposals and General Inquiries: Projects©ReverenceEngineedng.com Project #: Legoland Crane - Secondary Mast REVERENCEREENGINEERING 1905026 1 Legoland Dr, Carlsbad, CA SPLICE (OR SECTION) LOADS Moments include an additional 10% per 29.4-1 if slhl 1 El El_ El GRADE 1 1.067 1 11.973 1 0.579 CAST-IN-PLACE PIER DESIGN Pilmar, b = P12.0 ft Footing diameter* M k-ft Momentatgrade 1.071k M8 = 7.1836 k-ft Service M (0.6*Mu) V8 0.64 k S = 100 psI/ft Lateral Bearing per IBC Table 1806.2 s' = 267 psI/ft Increased per IBC 1806.1 & 1806.3.4 ITERATION PER IBC 1807.3.2.1 h = 11.22 It Si = 445.9 psf d= 5.01 ft A= 1.455 ft Soil Class: F5 Shear at grade w = 1.3 Per IBC 1605.3.2 Service V (0.6V8) P = 832 lb Lateral Wind Force DESIGN RESULTS MIN. PIER DEPTH: 5 ft and I in Ratio MIN. PIER DIAMETER: 3 ft and 0 in 1.694441111 *Also refers to diagonal of a square or rectangle MEMBER SELECTION STAGE: I LRFD DESIGN M8 1H 1O7k-ft T8 0.58 1k-ft ç = 0.9 F = 42 Section Type: RoundHSS Vu=kip i1 22.031ft = 264.3 in Zm = 3.801 in 0 Section Name Z 9NIn 9vn 91n Combined LU Z (in) (k-ft) DIC Check (kip) DIC Check (k-ft) DIC Check D/C Check HSS4XO.313 4.01 12.63 0.948 OK! 38.44 0.028 OK! 11.88 0.049 OK! 0.948 01(1 -' LU - _a 0 Section Name Z cM8 T8 Combined (X) LU Z (in') (k It) DIC Check (kip) DIC Check (k-ft) DIC Check DIC Check HSS6XO.375 11.2 - 35.28 0.339 OK! 70.31 0.015 OK! 33.09 0.018 OK! 0 .339 OK! uJ __________ ____________________ STEEL BASE PLATE (SIMPLIFIED) ROUND POST, SQUARE PLATE Base Plate M81 = 11.973 k-ft Design Moment b = 13 in Plate width edge = 1.5 in Bolt Edge Distance d =_6 in Pole diameter Sb = 10 in Fastener spacing rb = 7.0711 in Bolt Circle Radius = 3 in Pole Radius arm = 4.0711 in Plate Bending Arm betil13un Bending Width Override =(X) Full Plate Bending (Gussets) Two = 14.37 kip Group Tension M8 , = 58.49 k-in Plate Moment Z = 1.828 in' Plastic Section Modulus M8 = 65.81 k-in Nominal Yield Moment Pb = 0-9 - Strength Reduction Factor = 59.23 k-in Yield Moment Capacity F,=_36 ksi Plate Yield = 0.75 in Plate thickness n 2 - #Tfasteners 0/C: 0.987 OK T1 = 7.184 kip Fastener Tension F1554 ANCHOR ROD (STEEL) CHECK T8 =1 7.2 kip Rod Tension F8 = 58 ksi Ultimate Strength P = 28.27 kip V8 = 16.96 kip V =10.3556 kip Rod Shear F = 36 ksi Yield Strength 0.75 - 0.75 - in Rod diameter A,.,, 0.785 in' Area of Rod (pP8 = 21.21 kip (pV 12.72 kip drcyi=_1 weRR4ver5e z = 0.167 inS' Plastig6),1odulus 0/C: 0.339 oeor ProposalJ1 jlnqejçs: 619-354-1152 Projects@ReverenceEngineeiing.com R E REVERENCE ENGINEERING STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING SERVICES STRU Leo&and Crane Portal 2 1 Legoland Dr Carlsbad, CA Prepared for: A&ES Package Type: Project #: Initial Submittal 1907078 l DESIGN LOADS ::vvina:: VUIt ilu mpn Exposure: C V8Sd 85 mph ::Ground Snow Load:: Pg 0 psf ::Seismic:: SDC: D Site Class: D S 1.127 g Sw = 1.182 g S1 = 0.434g SM1= 0.680g Fe = 1.049 - Ss = 0.788 9 F = 1.566 - SDI = 0.453 g TL= 8 sec DESIGN SPECIFICATIONS 1 uatiomua uuiiaing oae (Lb(.) uio 2 ASCE 7-10: Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other Structures 3 ACI 318-14: Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete 4 ANSI/AISC 360-10: Specification for Structural Steel Buildings www.ReverenceEngineering.com I of 4 For proposals and inquiries: 619-354-1152 Projects©ReverenceEngineering.com REVERENCE Project #: 1Qfl7fl7R Legoland Crane Portal 2 I Legoland Dr, Carlsbad, CA RE ENGINEERING MMMM MMMIM IMMEWM MiMIMIM C,= 1.775- Force Coefficient [Figure 29.4-11 WIND LOADS ON OTHER STRUCTURES AND BUILDING APPURTENANCES PER CHAPTER 29 V = 110 mph Basic Wind Speed s/h = 0.35 - Cabinent to Overall Height Ratio Exposure Category: C h = 1428 It Average Height B/s = 2 - Cabinent Width to Height Ratio s = 5 ft Vertical sign dimension Z = 900 It Terrain Exposure Constant [Table 26.9-11 B = iö It Horizontal sign dimension a = 9.5 - Terrain Exposure Constant [Table 26.9-1] 100%'- Solid to Gross Area Ratio (porosity) Kd = 0.85 Directionality Factor [Table 26.6-1] FoS - Addl. FoS applied to p 1 Topographic Factor [26.82] IF two poles, spacing:I0 [0 for one pole] G = 0.85 - Gust Effect Factor [26.9.1] 0.213 = 2 It Case B Offset Distribution Factor: 1 - (Fraction of sign load that must be attributed to each pole, if more than one is present) Figure 29.4-1 C, Cases A& B s/h Aspect Ratio B/s - r T T 5 W 20 30 45 1.00 1.80 1.70 1.65 1.55 1.45 1.40 1.35 1.35 1.30 1.30 1.30 1.30 5 11 11 115 T5 115 1.45 11 115 1.40115 1 0.70 1.90 1.85 1.75 1.70 1.65 1.60 1.60 1.55 1.55 1.55 1.55 1.55 0.50 1.95 1.95- 115 115 11 115 11 115 115 -T.W 115 115 0.30 1.95 1.90 1.85 1.80 1.80 1.80 1.80 1.80 1.80 1.85 1.85 1.85 25 115 11 115115 115 T 115115 115 115 115 0.16 115 115 11 115115 115 1.55 1.35 115 115 115 115 h = Cumulative Height to top of section 1V- Velocity Pressure Exposure [Table 29.3-1] z = Centroid of Section Height qh = Velocity Pressure (psi) a.z = 0.00256*Kd*Kz*KIV2 [Eqn 27.3-11 p = Design Wind Pressure (psi) p =qh*G*Cf [Eqn 29.4-1] SIGN BUILD H IMIM - - - - u - - - -- - ------------- -- I_____________ -- .I_____________ -- IJ_____________ -- I_____________ -- Ij_____________ -- LI -- - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - -- Ij_____________ -- I - - - - -- -- - -- - - - - H= 14.29ft Overallheightcheck mum www.ReverenceEngineering.com 2 of 4 For proposals and inquiries: 619-354-1152 Projects©ReverenceEngineering.com Project #: Legoland Crane Portal 2 r' F" REVERENCE 1907078 ENGINEERING I Legoland Dr, Carlsbad, CA rx r. SEISMIC ANALYSIS FOR NON-BUILDING STRUCTURES NOT SIMILAR TO BUILDINGS ua lwrukl: NISK uategory: ii S 1.127 of g Short Period Spectral Acceleration Is 1 - Si 0.434 of g 1 -sec Period Spectral Acceleration h5 = 14.29 F, 1.049 - Site Coefficient w = 15 F, 1.566 - Site Coefficient TABLE 15-4.2: I. = 8 sec Long-Period Transition Period R =1_I- ASCE 7-10 Figure 22-12 EQUIVALENT LATERAL FORCE PROCEDURE PER ASCE 12.8 PER 15.1.3 S115 = 1.18 - Spectral Response Acceleration Parameter [Eqn 11.4-1] SMI = 0.68 - Spectral Response Acceleration Parameter (Eqn 11.4-21 5os = 0.79 - Design Spectral Acceleration Parameter (Eqn 11.4-3) S01 0.45 - Design Spectral Acceleration Parameter [Eqn 11.4-4] X = 0.75 - Period Parameter (Table 12.8-2) C1 = 0.02 - Period Parameter (Table 12.8-2] Ta = 0.15 sec Approximate Fundamental Period [Eqn 12.8-7] CALCULATION OF SEISMIC RESPONSE COEFFICIENTS PER ASCE 7-10 Us = 0.263 - Seismic Response Coefficient [Eqn 12.8-2] "a - 1.025 - Cs 55.94 - "P?' "k TL [Applicable] Upper limit for T> T1 [NIA] IEqn 12.6-3] [Eqn 12.8-4] C5 - 1.028 - Applicable Upper limit Cs - 0.035 - C.= 0.121 - Lower limit Lower limit for S1 a 0.6g [N/A] [Eqn 15.4-11 [Eqn 15.4-2] U5 = 0.035 - Applicable Lower limit seismic Kesponse Loemcient rengm uesign I Weight Overrides I h (ft) Width (ft) W (lb) w (pIt) w (psf) h (It) z (It) W (lb) F, (kip) M, (k-It) 1 7.0 0.5 7.042 3.521 52.81 13.87 48.85 2 1.7 5.2 200 8.724 7.883 200 52.54 414.2 3 0.3 0.5 9.026 8.875 2.266 0.595 5.283 4 5.3 5.3 400 14.29 11.66 400 105.1 1225 5 14.29 14.29 0 0 0 6 14.29 14.29 0 0 0 7 14.29 14.29 0 0 0 8 14.29 14.29 0 0 0 9 14.29 0 0 0 10 14.29 0 0 0 11 14.29 0 0 0 12 14.29 0 0 0 13 14.29 0 0 0 14 14.29 0 0 0 15 fl14.291 14.29 0 0 0 -ir - - - b 17 14.29 0 0 0 18 14.29 0 0 0 19 14.29 0 20 1429 UEil H = 14.29 ft Overall height check REF: ASCE CHAPTER 15 c-I ASCE 7-10 Table 15-2 per Structural height Assumed Seismic Weight (conservative) Response Modification Coefficient for: Signs and Billboards Seismic Load: Base Bending Moment: 1.7 k-ft Base Shear: 0.172 kip WIND GOVERNS Overstrength: o = 2.5 - Base Bending Moment: 4.2 k-ft Base Shear: 0.43 kip WIND GOVERNS Post-Installed Anchors (0.75) per (only when applicable) Base Bending Moment 5.6 k-ft Base Shear: 0.6 kip WIND GOVERNS www.ReverenceEngineering.com 3 of 4 For proposals and inquiries: 619-354-1152 ProjectsReverenceEngineenng.com Project #: Legoland Crane Portal 2 REVERENCE 1907078 1 Legoland Dr, Carlsbad, CA RE ENGINEERING SPLICE (OR SECTION) LOADS Moments include an additional 10% per 29.4-1 if s1h1 1_ - - -- - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - I GRADE 1 1.361 I 14.782 1 1.321 CAST-IN-PLACE PIER DESIGN b 2 ft Footing diameter' M, 14.78 k-ft Moment at grade 1_1k = 8.869 k-ft Service M (0.6'M 1 V, = 0.817 k s = 100 psflft Lateral Bearing per IBC Table 1806.2 s = 267 psflft Increased per lBC 1806.1 & 1806.3.4 ITERATION PER IBC 1807.3.2.1 h = 10.86 ft Si = 563.3 psf d 6.329 It A= 2.206 ft Primary Soil Class: F-5-1 Shear at grade iii = 1.3 Per IBC 1605.3.2 Service V (0.6'VU) P = 1062 lb Lateral Wind Force DESIGN RESULTS MIN. PIER DEPTH: 6 ft and 4 in Ratio MIN. PIER DIAMETER': 2 ft and 0 in 3.166666667 MEMBER SELECTION STAGE: I LRFD DESIGN -u =114.78 1k-ft T =11.32 1k-ft P 0.9 l- 42 ksi Section Type: RoundHSS V 1.36 lkip L:I 14.29 Ift = 171.4 in Z,,= 4.693 in3 - Q Section Name T Twin Tvn W in Combined Z 3) (k-if) 0/C Check (kip) 0/C Check (k-if) DIC Check D/C Check W HSS6i25XO.125 11 15.5 0.954 OK! Cl, 26.88 0.051 OK' 14.59 0.091 OK! 0.954 OK! 0 Section Name Z rpM, rpV rpT, Combined (X) W Z (in 3) (k-fl) D/C Check (kip) 0/C Check (k-fl) D/C Check HSS6X0375 11.2 35.28 0.419 OK! 70.31 0.019 OK! 33.09 0.04 OK! 0/C Ch~ K! 0.419 O CAP STEEL BASE PLATE (SIMPLIFIED) ROUND POST, SQUARE PLATE Base Plate Mui = 14.78 k-ft Design Moment =(X) Full Plate Bending (Gussets) F = 36 ksi Plate Yield b = 12 in Plate width = 1 in Plate thickness edge = 1.5 in Bolt Edge Distance n = 2 - #1 fasteners d = 6 in Pole diameter 1,I = 19.71 kip Group Tension Sb = 9 in Fastener spacing M, = 66.3 k-in Plate Moment rb = 6.364 in Bolt Circle Radius z = 2.121 in' Plastic Section Modulus D/C: 0.965 OK = 3 in Pole Radius M, = 76.37 k-in Nominal Yield Moment arm = 3.364 in Plate Bending Arm Tb = 0-9 - Strength Reduction Factor b,, = 8.485 in Effective Bending Width rpM = 68.73 k-in Yield Moment Capacity T1 = 9.854 kip Fastener Tension F1554 ANCHOR ROD (STEEL) CHECK 9.854 kip Rod Tension F. = 58 ksi Ultimate Strength P, = 15.9 kip V, = 9.543 kip Vu = 0.681 kip Rod Shear F = 36 ksi Yield Strength ip = 0.75 - rp = 0.75 - dmd = 0.75 in Rod diameter Amd 0.442 in2 Area of Rod IPPA = 11.93 kip rpV, = 7.157 kip GR.: 36 - Rod Grade z = 0.07 in 3 Plastic Section Modulus O/C: 0.826 OK D/C: 0.095 OK www.ReverenceEngineering.com 4 of 4 For proposals and inquiries: 619-354-1152 ProjectsReverenceEngineering.com RE REVERENCE ENGINEERING STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING SERVICES STRUCTURAL .pio Figure 'C' -;;------- 1 Legoland Way Carlsbad, CA -Prepared for: Attraction & Entertainment Solutions, Inc. Package Type: Initial Submittal DESIGN SPECIFICATIONS 1 California Building Code (CBC) 2016 2 ASCE 7-10: Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other Structures 3 ACI 318-14: Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete 4 ANSI/AISC 360-10: Specification for Structural Steel Buildings Project #: 1905002B DESIGN LOADS ::Wind:: Vutt 110 mph ______ Exposure: C Vasd = 85 mph L:;;—' ::Ground Snow Load:: Po 0 psf ::Seismic:: SDC: 0 Site Class: D S 1.127 g S, 1.182 g S1= 0.4349 5M1 = 0.680 g F0 = 1.049 - Ss = 0.788 9 F 1.566 - 5D1 = 0.453 g TL = 8 sec www.ReverenceEngineenng.com Page 1 of 17 For Proposals and General lnquides: 619-354-1152 Projects©ReverenceEngineeflng.com INTERPOLA11ON 0.2 0.238 0.5 1 1.65 1.64 1.55 1 1.64 0.90 1.70 1.69 1.60 C,= 1.637- Force Coefficient [Figure 29.4-1] Project #: Duplo Figure 'C' REVERENCE RE ENGINEERING 1905002B 1 Legoland Way, Carlsbad, CA WIND LOADS ON OTHER STRUCTURES AND BUILDING APPURTENANCES PER CHAPTER 29 V = 110 mph Basic Wind Speed slh 1 - Cabinent to Overall Height Ratio Exposure Category: FC h = 21 It Average Height B/s = 0.238 - Cabinent Width to Height Ratio s = 21 It Vertical sign dimension Z9 = 900 It Terrain Exposure Constant [Table 26.9-11 B = 5 It Horizontal sign dimension a = 9.5 - Terrain Exposure Constant [Table 26.9-11 E = 100% - Solid to Gross Area Ratio (porosity) K,1= 0.85 Directionality Factor [Table 26.6-11 FoS = - Add. FoS applied to Pz Ki = 1 Topographic Factor [26.8.2) IF two pispadng:F--O--Jft 10 for one pole) G = 0.85 - Gust Effect Factor [26.9.1] 0.28 = 1 It Case B Offset Distribution Factor: 1 - (Fraction of sign load that must be attributed to each pole, if more than one is present) Figure 29.4-1 C, Cases A& B s/h Aspect Ratio HIS 0.05 0.1--- - 11 -r -r - 4 5 10 20 30 45 1.00 1.80 1.70 1.65 1.55 1.45 1.40 1.35 1.35 1.30 1.30 1.30 1.30 0.90 1.85 1.75 1.70 1.60 1.55 1.50 1.45 1.45 1.40 1.40 1.40 1.40 5 115 T 11 11 110115115 T5 7-55-7-55--T-55-1.5 6.50 1.95 1.8T 115 11 110110110 115 110110110 11 0.30 1.95 1.90 1.85 1.80 1.80 1.80 1.80 1.80 1.80 1.85 1.85 1.85 T5 795 1.90 1.85 1.80 1.80 1.80 1.80 1.80 1.85 1.90 115 1.95 0.16 1.95 1.90 1.85 1.85 1.80 1.80 1.85 1.85 1.85 1.90 1.90 1.95 h = Cumulative Height to top of section Kz = Velocity Pressure Exposure Coefficient [Table 29.3-1] z = Centroid of Section Height 4h = Velocity Pressure (psi) qz = U.UULDOl%dl%zI%ziV [Eqn 27.3-11 p = Design Wind Pressure (psi) p = qGC, [Eqn 29.4-11 SIGN BUILD WiLE is FLK FULL añWFi eWi5ibuuon per case 0 to applicable components h (ft) Width (ft) Cant CAB" h (ft) z (ft) K q (psi) p (psi) AF (sqft) F (kip) M (k-ft) T (k-ft) 1 1.563 5.208 1.6 0.781 0.849 22.35 35.77 8.1 0.3 0.2 0.3 2 1.563 7.24 3.1 2.344 0.849 22.35 35.77 11.3 0.4 0.9 0.6 3 3.125 5.208 6.3 4.688 0.849 22.35 35.77 16.3 0.6 2.7 0.6 4 0.781 7.813 7.0 6.641 0.849 22.35 35.77 6.1 0.2 1.4 0.3 5 1.172 10.42 8.2 7.617 0.849 22.35 35.77 12.2 0.4 3.3 0.9 6 8.984 2.604 17.2 12.7 0.849 22.35 35.77 23.4 0.8 10.6 0.4 7 0.781 4.797 18.0 17.58 0.878 23.11 36.99 3.7 0.1 2.4 0.1 8 1.563 5.208 19.5 18.75 0.89 23.43 37.49 8.1 0.3 5.7 0.3 9 0.781 4.797 20.3 19.92 0.901 23.73 37.97 3.7 0.1 2.8 0.1 10 0.391 2.083 20.7 20.51 0.907 23.87 38.21 0.8 0.0 0.6 0.0 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 H = 20.7 ft Overall height check 3.4 kip 30.9 kip-ft 3.8 kip-ft www.ReverenceEngineering.com Page 2 of 17 For Proposals and General Inquiries: 619-354-1152 Projects©ReverenceEngineeflng.com Project #: Duplo Figure 'C' REVERENCEREENGINEERING 1905002B 1 Legoland Way, Carlsbad, CA SEISMIC ANALYSIS FOR NON-BUILDING STRUCTURES NOT SIMILAR TO BUILDINGS USGS REPORT: Risk Category: II S5 1.127 of g Shod Period Spectral Acceleration le 1 - Si 0.434 of g 1-sec Period Spectral Acceleration h5 = 20.7 f F5 1.049 - Site Coefficient w = 20 F5 1.566 - Site Coefficient TABLE 15-4.2: T1 8 sec Long-Period Transition Period R =3 ASCE 7-10 Figure 22-12 EQUIVALENT LATERAL FORCE PROCEDURE PER ASCE 12.8 PER 15.1.3 MS = 1.18 - Spectral Response Acceleration Parameter [Eqn 11.4-1] SMI 0.68 - Spectral Response Acceleration Parameter [Eqn 11.4-2] DS = 0.79 - Design Spectral Acceleration Parameter [Eqn 11.4-3] Soi = 0.45 - Design Spectral Acceleration Parameter [Eqn 11.4-4] x 0.75 - Period Parameter [Fable 12.8-2] 0.02 - Period Parameter [Fable 12.8-2] = 0.19 sec Approximate Fundamental Period [Eqn 12.8-71 CALCULATION OF SEISMIC RESPONSE COEFFICIENTS PER ASCE 7-10 0.263 - Seismic Response Coefficient [Eqn 12.8-2] - 0.778 - Cs = 32.07 - 'IP' 1111111 UI IL [Applicable] Upper limit for T> TL (N/A] [Eqn 12.8-3] [Eqn 12.84] - 0.778 - Applicable Upper limit = 0.035 - C5 0.121 - Lower limit Lower limit for S a 0.69 [N/A] [Eqn 15.4-1] [Eqn 15.4-2] - 0.035 - Applicable Lower limit - U4b3 aeismic Kesponse ..ueuicieni tairengin uesignj I Weight Overrides I Ah (ft) Width (ft) W (lb) w (pIt) w (psf) h (ft) z (ft) W (lb) F5 (kip) M5 (k-ft) 1 1.6 5.2 . - 1.563 0.781 162.8 42.76 33.41 2 1.6 7.2 3.125 2.344 226.2 59.44 139.3 3 3.1 5.2 6.25 4.688 325.5 85.52 400.9 4 0.8 7.8 7.0311 6.641 122.1 32.071 213 5 1.2 10.4 8.203 7.617 244.1 64.14 488.6 6 9.0 2.6 17.19 12.7 467.9 122.9 1561 7 0.8 4.8 17.97 17.58 74.95 19.69 346.1 8 1.6 5.2 19.53 18.75 162.8 42.76 801.7 9 0.8 4.8 20.31 19.92 74.95 19.69 392.3 10 0.4 2.1 20.7 20.51 16.28 4.276 87.69 11 20.7 20.7 0 0 0 12 20.7 20.7 0 0 0 13 20.7 20.7 0 0 0 14 . 20.7 20.7 0 0 0 15 . 20.7 20.7 0 0 0 16 20.7 20.7 0 0 0 17 20.7 20.7 0 0 0 20.7 20.7 0 0 0 20.7 20.7 0 0 0 L=20.7 gOverallheight 20.7 20.71--3r-O. 0 It check REF: ASCE CHAPTER 15 ASCE 7-10 Table 1.5-2 per Structural height Assumed Seismic Weight (conservative) Response Modification Coefficient for: Signs and Billboards Seismic Load: Base Bending Moment: 4.5 k-ft Base Shear 0.493 kip WIND GOVERNS Overstrength: 0 = 2.5 - Base Bending Moment: 11.2 k-ft Base Shear 1.233 kip WIND GOVERNS Post-Installed Anchors (0.75) per (only when applicable) Base Bending Moment: 14.9 k-ft Base Shear: 1.6 kip WIND GOVERNS w.ReverenceEngineeiing.com Page 3 of 17 For Proposals and General Inquiries: 619-354-1152 Pmjects@ReverenceEngineenng.com Project #: Duplo Figure 'C' REVERENCEREENGINEERING 1905002B I Legoland Way, Carlsbad, CA SPLICE (OR SECTION) LOADS Moments include an additional 10% per 29.4-1 if s!h1 Splice P ice h (ft) Index- h- (ft) w+ (ft) h+ (ft) p+ (psf) A I (sqft) F,, (kip) (ft) 1 9.354 5 8.203 2.604 17.19 35.77 20.40 0.73 3.92 2 3 4 V (kip) M (k-fl) T (k-ft) 1.347 9.301 0.980 ALUMINUM BASE PLATE (SIMPLIFIED) SQUARE POST, SQUARE PLATE M,,1 = 9.301 k-ft Design Moment arm = 1.5 in Plate Bending Arm ALUM 6061-T6 Si =11 in Fastener spacing Tomi = 10.15 kip Group Tension x WELDED? d= 8 in Member depth F,,,, = 24 ksi b.ff = 9 in Effective Bending Width M,, 15.22 k-in Plate Moment F,, = 15 ksi 0.75 in Plate thickness s= 0.844 111 Elastic Section Modulus F,,,,, = 15 ksi n ="3 - # T fasteners Z= 1.266 111 Plastic Section Modulus = 1 MnP = 18.98 k-in Nominal Yield Moment M,,,, = 30.38 k-in Nominal Yield Moment 3.382 kip Fastener Tension = 0.9 - Strength Reduction Factor % = 0.9 - Strength Reduction Factor = 17.09 k-in Yield Moment Capacity = 27.34 k-in Yield Moment Capacity D/C: 0.891 OK Demand: Capacity D/C: 0.557 OK Demand: Capacity ASTM A307 THRU-BOLT CHECK ip U.(b - wengm reaucuon ractor kip Fastener Tension F,, = 58 ksi PT,, 6.406 kip Tensile Rupture Capacity T,, =gin Vu =kip Fastener Shear F,,1= 43.5 ksi D/C: 0.528 OK dbd = Bolt diameter F,, = 26.1 ksi On 3.844 kip Shear Rupture Capacity A,,,,, 0.196 in' Area of Bolt D/C: 0.175 OK f, 3.43 ksi Required Shear Stress çR,, = 6.406 kip Combined Rupture Capacity M 43.5 ksi Modified Nominal Tensile Stress D/C: 0.528 OK www.RovemnceEngineedng.com Page 4 of 17 For Proposals and General Inquiries: 619-354-1152 Projects©ReverenceEngineeflng.com roJect#: Duplo Figure 'C' REVERENCEREENGINEERING 1905002B I Legoland Way, Carlsbad, CA SPREAD FOOTING CALCULATION FOR STEEL BASE PLATE ON CONCRETE L = 7 It Width (perp to sign face) #14Ibars f' = 2500_Ipsi Concrete Comp. Strength B = 7 It Length (parallel to sign face) db = 0.5 in Bar diameter f, = 60Iksi Reber Yield Strength H = 18 in Footing Depth Ab = 0.196 in- Bar area E = 29000lksi Modulus of Elasticity H5 = 0 in Depth of soil above CC =__ Clear Cover Yc = 145_Ipd Concrete Specific Weight d = 0 in Member depth V5 = 75 Ipd Soil Specific Weight b ="O in Base Plate depth m = 0 in A ="I Lt Wt Agg Factor LOAD PARAMETERS: Mu = 34.03 k-ft Moment at grade M5 = 20.42 k-ft aelvice M (U.OiVkd CONCRETE VOLUME (GROSS PAD ONLY) V, =F3.39 Ik Shear at grade V5 = 2.032 k Service V (0.6*M5) Ilu = 3400 lb = 73.5 It- Axial at grade 2833 lb aerViie r tr,, IL) = 2.722 " SOIL PROPERTIES q=115oo1psf p= 4911 Footing Area x 1.33 - If = 200.1 It Footing Inertia q' = 1995 psf ASD ALT LC#7-D+w0.6W ASDLC#7 -AD +0.6W LRFDLC#4-1.2D+W W = 1.3 - MOT = 23.47 k-ft q,+ = 925.7 psf q1 = 1995 psf MR = 28.33 k-ft q1,. = -265 psf q,,+= 739.6 psf BEARING: OK OVERTURN: OK slope = -170 lb/ft = -406 psf UPLIFT: Yes FLEXURAL CRITICAL SECTION (BOTTOM FLEXURAL REBAR) L'= 3.5 It t= 1.228 in t= 1.153 in Req'd Steel per ft. 0.101 in' q. = 330 psf R = 0.614 in A': 0.577 in Bar Spacing: 18 in M = 31.18 kip-ft M = 442.7 k-in M = 416.8 k-in OVERRIDE 12un = 374.2 k-in ip: 0.9 - ip = 0.9 - Available width: 77.5 in as = 14.75 in IPMn = 398.4 k-in qiM = 375.2 k-in # Bars 7 - A= 1.475 in DIG: 0.939 - D/C: 1.00- Balance Ea. End: 6 in OK III = 0.9 - A'5 = 0.49 in A'5 = 0.489 1n = 1.374 in OK A5 = 0.522 in N,= 13.84 in x 1.33 = 14.74 in A5req = 0.65 in Use (7)- 04 Bars @12 in O.C. FLEXURAL CRITICAL SECTION (TOP FLEXURAL REBAR) TEMP. & SHRINK. CHECK U = 1.557 ft As = 0.04 in On = 31.52 k-in Top+Btm Mats: A,= 2.749 in - M = 2.371 kip-ft A = 1.121 Ifl D/C: 0.903 - Parallel Area: A515q = 2.722 ' = 28.45 k-in I= 0.093 in N,= 0.036 in OK d5 = 14.75 in K = 0.047 in x 1.33 in Perp. Area As.mq = 2.722 in- k= 1.475 in M = 35.02 k-in A5,req = 0.048 in OK p= 0.9- 1P= 0.9- SHEAR CRITICAL SECTION REBAR DEVELOPMENT Assume concrete outside top and bottom layers carries no shear Avail: 35.5 in = 100.8 kip Id = 24 in OK p 0.75- q'1 = 1225 lbperftwidth 'dh = 12 in OK (PV, = 75.6 kip q'R2 = 438.5 lb per ft width L" 2.271 ft V = 11.64 kip q,'= 539.4 psf D/C: 0.15 OK www.ReverenceEngineering.com Page 5 of 17 For Proposals and General Inquiries: 619-354-1152 Projects@ReverenceEngineeflng.com Envelope Only Solution SK-1 July 29, 2019 at 7:13 AM RISA-C.r3d www.RovemnceEnaineedna.com For Proposals and General Inquiries: 619-354-1152 ProjectsReverenceEngineenng.com Envelope Only Solution SK-2 July 29, 2019 at 7:13 AM RISA - C.r3d www.ReverenceEnaineerina.com For Proposals and General Inquiries: 619-354-1152 Projects@ReverenceEngineering.com Loads: BLC 1, DEAD Envelope Only Solution SK-3 July 29, 2019 at 7:13 AM RISA - C.r3d www.ReverenceEnoineenno.com For Proposals and General Inquiries: 619-354-1152 ProjectsReverenceEngineering.cam Loads: BLC 2, WIND 1 Envelope Only Solution SK-4 July 29, 2019 at 7:13 AM RISA - C.r3d w.ReverenceEnaineerina.com For Pr000sals and General lnauiries: 619-354-1152 Projects@ReverenceEngineehng.com Company Ii 7:14 AM Designer : July 29, 2019 Job Number : : Checked By: Model Name ..... Aluminum ProDerties I =hot P rni rZ IncH Mij Thami flancihi Thhta k+ Fhilkcil Ph,Ikci1 P,rkci1 Pc.ulkcil (f _j. 3003-H14 1.01e+7 3.788e... .33 1.3 .173 Table... _j_ 19 16 13 12 1 141 .2.... 6061-T6 1.01e+7 3788e... .33 1.3 .173 Tathe... _1_. 38 35 35 24 141 .1... 6063-T5 1.01e+7 3.788e... .33 1.3 .173 Tae... _1_ 22 16 16 13 141 _4_. 6063-T6 1.01e+7 3.788e... .33 1.3 .173 Table... _1_ 30 25 25 19 141 _L. 5052-H34 1.02e+7 3.788e... .33 1.3 .173 Table... _1_ 34 26 24 20 141 .1... 6061-16W I 1.01e+7 3J88e.. .33 1 1.3 1 .173 Table _1_ 24 15 15 15 141 .1... 6063-T5W 1.01e+7 3.788e.. .33 1.3 .173 Tae... 1 17 8 8 10.2 141 Aluminum Section Sets Basic Load Cases RI ( flacMnhinn (cfannr, V (ra,ih, V (rauih, 7 (2ra,ih, - Ininf Pninl flictrih,it AraclMa S,irfa,'af I!it1 - tW•IkA1iISI.] Load Combinations .1•• MEN wur-T-7mm rim RISA-30 Version 17.0.2 [GA ... ...... FEATURES1905002B - Duplo C\CaIcuIationsRISA - C.r3d] Page 1 www.ReverenceEngineenng.com Page 10 of 17 For Proposals and general Inquiries: 619.354-1152 ProjectsReverenceEngineenng.com Designer : July 29, 2019 IIIRISA Job Company Number : 7:14 AM ANEMEISCHEKCOMPANY Model Name : Checked By: Load Combinations (Continued) Descriotion Solve P... S... B... Fa... BLC Fa... BLC Fa ... B... Fa... B... Fa ... B... Fa ... B... Fa... B... Fa... B... Fa ... B... Fe... Envelope Joint Reactions Joint X FIbi LC V Fibi LC Z Fibi LC MX Fib-fl LC MY llb-ftl LC MZ Fib-fl LC N3 max 677.02422.9827.45322. .993 1_ 0 33 0.33 O 33 2 ____ .mjo. 81.233 29. 666.489 29 -740.079 28 0 1 0 1.. 0 J... NI max -11.17 33 -288.674 33 -.606 .. 0 . 0 33 0 33. n1a -584.249 16 -9323.701 16 -995.258 16 0 j.... 0 L 0 .1. N4 max -81.233 33 9827.453 2. .993 j.... 0 .33 0 33 0 33. .min. -677.024 j.. 666.489 .29. -740.079 .29 0 j.... 0 ..j. 0 1... N2 max 584.249 22. -288.674 .. -.606 .. 0 33 0 33 0 33 .rn!n 11.17 29 -9323.701 16 -995.258 16 0 1.... 0 .1... 0 .t 9 Totals: max 0. 33 11175.422 1 0 33 10 mm 0 1 755.629 28 -3467.792 16 - Envelope AA ADMI-15: LRFD - Building Aluminum Code Checks Member Shane Code C. LocFinl LC Shear ... Loclini Dir L. ohi*Pnc. nhiPntF. ohiMn.. nhi*Mn.. ohi*Vnv ... ohi*Vnz ... Cb Eap _.L. Ml .478 4.25 22 .037 _0... .g. 22177625 77625 11887.5 11887.5 21262.5 21262.5 1... .1-1 ...L. M2 .418 j.9... 22 .399 0 .y. 22 77625 77625 11887.5 11887.5 21262.5 21262.5 2.._ .1 ...... M3 rRT6X6XXOO. .294 17125 22 .044 .....0... z. 22 77625 77625 11887.5 11887.5 21262.5 21262.5 1... .1-1 4... M4 478 22 .037 Q z 22 77625 77625 11887.5 11887.5 21262.5 21262.5 1... .1-1 L MS .418 j9 22 .399 Q . 22 77625 77625 11887.5 11887.5 21262.5 21262.5 2 .1-1 & M6 .. .294 17.125 22 .044 _..Q... .z 22 77625 77625 11887.5 11887.5 21262.5 21262.5 1. .1-1 ..7.... M7 RT6X6XO.. .481 22L5 22 .407 _..0...I v 22 77625 77625 11887.5,11887.5 21262.5 21262.5 2. .1-1 ..... M8 RT6X6XO.. .564 22.75 22 .370 22.75 .y 22 77625 77625 11887.5 11887.5 21262.5 21262.5 2....1.1-1 ....9.... M9 RT6X6XO.. .481 ....L.. 22 .407 221_5 i 22 77625 77625 11887.5 11887.5 21262.5 21262.52 . .1-1 ..10.. MIO RT6X6XO.. .564 ..L.. 22 .370 ...Q... .y 22 77625 77625 11887.5 11887.5 21262.5 21262.52 ... .1-1 ii M11 RT6X6XO.. .418 ...Q... 22 .006 ....Q._ ..-L 77625 77625 11887.5 11887.5 21262.5 21262.5 1 .1 JZ M12 RT6X6XO.. .380 ..L.. 22 .122 .._ z. 22 77625 77625 11887.5 11887.5 21262.5 21262.511 .1-1 ii M13 RT8X8XO.. .648 11. 22 .302 1.9... .i 22102428.. 104625 21394.... 21394.... 29362.5 29362.51 ... .1-1 1.4.. M14 RT8X8XO.. .809 .J0.. 22 .031 0 v 1 102428..104625 21394.... 21394 .... 29362.5 29362.51 ... .1-1 15 M17 RT6X6XO.. .018 22.2522 .010 22.25 z. 28 77625 77625 11887.5 11887.5 21262.5 21262.51 ... .1-1 IL M17A RT6X6XO.. .054 IL 22 .020 _..0... z. 22 77625 77625 11887.5 11887.5 21262.5 21262.5 1 11-1 17 M20 RT8X8XO.. .473 14 22 .059 1.4... z. 22102428.. 104625 21394 .... 21394.... 29362.5 29362.5 1 1.1-1 IL M21 RT8X8XO.. .545 IL. 2 .067 .10... .z 22102428.. 10462521394.... 21394.... 29362.5 29362.5 1 1.1-1 19 M19 RT6X6XO.. .704 0 1221 .060 1 0 Iz.. 22 64908.... 77625 11887.5 11887.5 21262.5 21262.5 1 Li .2D.. M20A RT8X8XO.. .726 22 .078 22 102428.. 10462521394.... 21394.... 29362.5 29362.5 21 M21A RT6X6XO.. .452 ~17.1125 Q... 22 .038 ..L.. ~Z-_..Q... . 22 n'21 77625 77625 11887.5 11887.5 21262.5 21262.5 1... - LI- .22 M22 RT6X6XO.. .452 125 2 .038 _Q_ . 77625 77625 11887.5 11887.5 21262.5 21262.5 1... 1.1- RISA-30 Version 17.0.2 [GA ... ...... \FEATURES\1905002B - Duplo C\CalculationsRlSA - C.r3d] Page 2 www.ReverenceEngineering.com Page 11 of 17 For Proposals and General Inquiries: 619-354-1152 Projects©ReverenceEngineedng.com 1Ik'iI!S)I Anchor DesignerTm Software Version 2.6.6703.0 a 1.Prolect Information Customer company: Customer contact name: Customer e-mail: Comment: 2. Inout Data & Anchor Parameters General Design method:ACI 318-14 Units: Imperial units Anchor Information: Anchor type: Cast-in-place Material: AB Diameter (inch): 0.625 Effective Embedment depth, hot (inch): 12.000 Anchor category: - Anchor ductility: Yes h (inch): 14.13 Cmiii (inch): 1.38 Smun (inch): 2.50 Company: I Date: 7/24/2019 Engineer: Page: 1/6 Project: Address: Phone: E-mail: Project description: Location: Fastening description: Base Material Concrete: Normal-weight Concrete thickness, h (inch): 18.00 State: Cracked Compressive strength, f (psi): 2500 'Pc.v: 1.0 Reinforcement condition: B tension, B shear Supplemental reinforcement: Not applicable Reinforcement provided at corners: No Ignore concrete breakout in tension: No Ignore concrete breakout in shear No Ignore 6d0 requirement: Yes Build-up grout pad: No Base Plate Length x Width x Thickness (inch): 12.00 x 12.00 x 1.00 Yield stress: 36000 psi Profile type/size: HSS6X6XI/4 Recommended Anchor Anchor Name: PAB Pre-Assembled Anchor Bolt - PAB5 (5/8"0) Input data and results must be checked for agreement with the existing circumstances, the standards and guidelines must be checked for plausibility. Simpson Strong-Tie Company Inc. 5956W. Las Positas Boulevard Pleasanton, CA 94588 Phone: 925.560.9000 Fax: 925.847.3871 www.strongtie.com www.ReverenceEngineering.com Page 12 of 17 For Proposals and General Inquiries: 619-354-1152 PmjectsReverenceEngineenng.com 0 lb Anchor Designer Software ipsi. Ill tI .r !1 Version 2.6.6703.0 a Company: I Date: 7/24/2019 Engineer: Page: 216 Project: Address: Phone: E-mail: Load and Geometry Load factor source: ACI 318 Section 5.3 Load combination: not set Seismic design: No Anchors subjected to sustained tension: Not applicable Apply entire shear load at front row: No Anchors only resisting wind and/or seismic loads: Yes Strength level loads: Nua [lb]: 10000 V [lb]: 600 Vuay[lb]:O Mux (ft-lb]: 0 My [ft-lb]: 0 M [ft-lb]: 0 <Figure 1> z 10000 lb Input data and results must be checked for agreement with the existing circumstances, the standards and guidelines must be checked for plausibility. Simpson Strong-Tie Company Inc. 5956 W. Las Positas Boulevard Pleasanton, CA 94588 Phone: 925.560.9000 Fax: 925.847.3871 www.strongtie.com www.RevemnceEngineadng.com Page 13 of 17 For Proposals and General Inquiries: 619-354-1152 Projects©ReverenceEngineenng.com I1I k I '11 Anchor Designer Engineer Software Project: Version 2.6.6703.0 Address: Phone: E-mail: <Figure 2> Date: 7124/2019 Pace: 3/6 Input data and results must be checked for agreement with the existing circumstances, the standards and guidelines must be checked for plausibility. Simpson Strong-Tie Company Inc. 5956W. Las Positas Boulevard Pleasanton, CA 94588 Phone: 925.560.9000 Fax: 925.847.3871 www.strongIie.com www.ReverenceEngineering.cem Page 14 of 17 For Proposals and General Inquiries: 619-354-1152 ProjectsReverenceEngineeflng.com I1II'il Anchor DesignerTm Software Version 2.6.6703.0 'V Company: Date: 7/24/2019 Engineer: Page: 416 Project: Address: Phone: E-mail: 3. Resultlna Anchor Forces Tension load. Shear load x, Shear load y, Shear load combined, Anchor Nua (Ib) Vuax (Ib) V8 (lb) I(Vuax)2+(Vuay)2 (lb) 1 2500.0 150.0 0.0 150.0 2 2500.0 150.0 0.0 150.0 3 2500.0 150.0 0.0 150.0 4 2500.0 150.0 0.0 150.0 Sum 10000.0 600.0 0.0 600.0 Maximum concrete compression strain (%o): 0.00 Maximum concrete compression stress (psi): 0 Resultant tension force (Ib): 10000 Resultant compression force (lb): 0 Eccentricity of resultant tension forces in x-axis, eNx (inch): 0.00 Eccentricity of resultant tension forces in y-axis, e,, (inch): 0.00 Eccentricity of resultant shear forces in x-axis, eva (inch): 0.00 Eccentricity of resultant shear forces in y-axis, evy (inch): 0.00 4. Steel Strenath of Anchor In Tension (Sec. 17.4.1) Nsa(lb) S ON. (lb) 13100 0.75 9825 <Figure 3> Concrete Breakout Strenath of Anchor in Tension (Sec. 17.4.2) Nb = 16284fh0P° (Eq. As Fe (psi) he (in) Nb (lb) 1.00 2500 5333 13024 5Ncsg =0 (ANc/ANco) Y'ecN Wed.N Ncp.NNb (Sec. 17.3.1 & Eq. ANC (in 2) ANcO (in 2) Ca.mln (in) PucN Y'eig,N F'cN 'f'cp,N N (lb) 0 ON." (lb) 625.00 256.00 8.00 1.000 1.000 1.00 1.000 13024 0.70 22258 Pullout Strength of Anchor In Tension (Sec. 17.4.31 ØNpn = ØpNp = Øp8Abrgf'c (Sec. 17.3.1. Eq. & Awg (in 2) t' (psi) 0 ØNpn (Ib) 1.0 2.10 2500 0.70 29372 Input data and results must be checked for agreement with the existing circumstances, the standards and guidelines must be checked for plausibility. Simpson Strong-Tie Company Inc. 5956W. Las Positas Boulevard Pleasanton, CA 94588 Phone: 925.560.9000 Fax: 925.847.3871 www.stmngtie.com www.ReverenceEngineeiing.com Page 15 of 17 For Proposals and General Inquiries: 619-354-1152 ProjectsReverenceEngineenng.com I1II'1I Anchor Designer Software Version 2.6.6703.0 a Company: I Date: 7/24/2019 Engineer: Page: 5/6 Project: Address: Phone: E-mail: S. Steel Strength of Anchor in Shear (Sec. 17.5.1) V. (lb) fgmuf 0 4ouiØVaa (lb) 7865 1.0 0.65 5112 9. Concrete Breakout Strenath of Anchor in Shear (Sec. 17.5.21 Shear perpendicular to edge In x-dlrectlon: Via = minI7(1e/da)024daAa.Ifccal15; 9Jr81'i (Eq. & Eq. 10 (in) d0 (in) As ic (psi) Cal (in) Vbx (Ib) 5.00 0.625 1.00 2500 12.00 17434 = c (A vc/Av) .v v.v V'h.v Vbx (Sec. 17.3.1 & Eq. b) Av. (in2) Av. (in2) !l'.v lel.v q'cV Kv Vbx (I b) 0 OVcijgx (lb) 450.00 648.00 1.000 0.833 1.000 1.000 17434 0.70 7062 Shear parallel to edge in x-direction: Vi, = minl7Qo/d0)°24daAa4f'cc9i15; 9Afccai15I (Eq. & Eq. l (in) d8 (in) AG l'c (psi) COI (in) Vby (lb) 5.00 0.625 1.00 2500 8.00 9490 Vcbgx = 0 (2)(Avc/Avco) VlmvWedvY'c.VV'h.vVtiy(Sec. 17.3.1, & Eq. Ava (in2) Av. (in2) ¶I'OC.V '01.v !P.v ¶F.v I/by (lb) 0 OVc* (lb) 300.00 288.00 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 9490 0.70 13839 Concrete Prvout Strength of Anchor in Shear (Sec. 17.5.3) ØVcpg = ØkcpNcs,g = 0k,(ANc/ANco) YcN V'ed,N WANq-'cp.NNb (Sec. 17.3.1 & Eq. kcp AN. (in2) ANcO (in2) tI.'N V'ed.N PN !PI.N Nb (Ib) 0 ØVcpg (I b) 2.0 625.00 256.00 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 13024 0.70 44517 Results Interaction of Tensile and Shear Forces (Sec. 17.6.1 Tension Factored Load, N (lb) Design Strength, oN0 (lb) Ratio Status Steel 2500 9825 0.25 Pass Concrete breakout 10000 22258 0.45 Pass (Governs) Pullout 2500 29372 0.09 Pass Shear Factored Load, V08 (lb) Design Strength, øV0 (lb) Ratio Status Steel 150 5112 0.03 Pass T Concrete breakout xi 600 7062 0.08 Pass (Governs) II Concrete breakout y- 300 13839 0.02 Pass (Governs) Pryout 600 44517 0.01 Pass Interaction check NudONn V,,,,/ØV,, Combined Ratio Permissible Status Sec. 17.6..1 0.45 0.00 44.9% 1.0 Pass PAB5 (518"0) with hef = 12.000 inch meets the selected design criteria. Input data and results must be checked for agreement with the existing circumstances, the standards and guidelines must be checked for plausibility. Simpson Strong-Tie Company Inc. 5956W. Las Positas Boulevard Pleasanton, CA 94588 Phone: 925.560.9000 Fax: 925.847.3871 www.strongtie.com www.ReverenceEngineeiing.com Page 16 of 17 For Proposals and General Inquiries: 619-354-1152 ProjectsReverenceEngineering.com III'1tI Anchor DesignerTm Software Version 2.6.6703.0 a Company: Date: 7/24/2019 Engineer: Page: 6/6 Project: Address: Phone: E-mail: 12. Warnings - Minimum spacing and edge distance requirement of 6da per ACI 318 Sections 17.7.1 and 17.7.2 for torqued cast-in-place anchor is waived per designer option. - Designer must exercise own judgement to determine if this design is suitable. Input data and results must be checked for agreement with the existing circumstances, the standards and guidelines must be checked for plausibility. Simpson Strong-Tie Company Inc. 5956W. Las Positas Boulevard Pleasanton, CA 94588 Phone: 925.560.9000 Fax: 925.847.3871 www.strongtie.com www.ReverenceEngineering.com Page 17 of 17 For Proposals and General Inquiries: 619-354-1152 Projects@ReverenceEngineering.com RE REVERENCE ENGINEERING STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING SERVICES STRUCTURAL CALCULATIONS for Legoland Queen Whatevra Portal at 1 Legoland Dr Carlsbad, CA Prepared for: Attraction & Entertainment Solutions Package Type: Project #: Initial Submittal 1907090 DESIGN SPECIFICATIONS DESIGN LOADS 1 ualiTomia tswaing oae (L.) zuio 2 ASCE 7-10: Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other Structures 3 ACI 318-14: Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete 4 ANSI/AISC 360-10: Specification for Structural Steel Buildings ::vvina:: vu11— iiu mpn Exposure: C Vasd 85 mph ::Ground Snow Load:: Pg = 0 psf ::Seismic:: SDC: D Site Class: D S8 = 1.127 g bMS — 1.182 g S1 = 0.434 g SM1= 0.6809 F8 = 1.049 - 5DS = 0.788 g F8 = 1.566 - S01 = 0.453 g TL = 8 sec www.ReverenceEngineering.com 619-354-1152 1 of 6 For proposals and inquiries: Projects@ReverenceEngineenng.com INTERPOLATION 1 1.071 2 0.5 1.75 1.75 1.70 0.459 1.76 L.2.30 1.80 1.80 1.80 C1 = 1.757- Force Coefficient [Figure 29.4-1] 1. ; Project #: Legoland Queen Whatevra Portal RE ENGINEERING REVERENCE 1907090 1 Legoland or, Carlsbad, CA WIND LOADS ON OTHER STRUCTURES AND BUILDING APPURTENANCES PER CHAPTER 29 V = 110 mph Basic Wind Speed sIb = 0.459 - Cabinent to Overall Height Ratio Exposure Category: C h = 15.89 ft Average Height B/s = 1.071 - Cabinent Width to Height Ratio Vertical sign dimension = 900 ft Terrain Exposure Constant [Table 26.9-11 B = 7.813 ft Horizontal sign dimension a = 9.5- Terrain Exposure Constant [Table 26.9-11 E = s =_7.292_ft 100% - Solid to Gross Area Ratio (porosity) d = 0.85 Directionality Factor [Table 26.6-1] FoS = 15% - Add'l. FoS applied to Pz Kzt = 1 Topographic Factor [26.8.2] IF two poles, spadng:_5.859 [0 for one pole] G = 0.85 - Gust Effect Factor [26.9.1) 0.28 = 1.563 It Case B Offset Distribution Factor: 0.767 - (Fraction of sign load that must be attributed to each pole, if more than one is present) Figure 29.4-1 C1 Cases A& B Aspect Ratio Bls 0.05 0.1 0.2 0.5 1 2 4 1 5 10 20 30 45 1.00 1.80 1.70 1.65 1.55 1.45 lAD 1.35 1.35 1.30 1.30 1.30 IT 0.90 1.85 1.75 1.70 1.60 1.55 1.50 1.45 1.45 1.40 1.40 1.40 1.40 0.70 1.90 1.85 1.75 1.70 1.65 1.60 1.60 1.55 1.55 1.55 1.55 1.55 0.50 1.95 1.85 1.80 1.75 1.75 1.70 1.70 1.70 1.70 1.70 1.70 1.75 0.30 1.95 1.90 1.85 1.80 1 1.80 1 1.80 1.80 1.80 1.80 1.85 1.85 1.85 0.20 1.95 1.90 1.85 .801.80 1.80 1.80 1.80 1.85 1.90 1.90 1.95 0.16 1.95 1.90 1.85 1.85 1 1.80 1.80 1.85 1.85 1.85 1.90 1.90 1.95 h = Cumulative Height to top of section Velocity Pressure Exposure Coefficient [Table 29.3-1] z = Centroid of Section Height qh = Velocity Pressure (pst) qz = 0.0025bK1içKV [Eqn 27.3-11 p = Design Wind Pressure (psi) p = qGCf [Eqn 29.4-1] SIGN BUILD -- -- -- -- ------------- -- Ij_____________ -- II_____________ -- ._____________ -- I_____________ -- -- -- IJ_____________ -- LI -- LI -- EJ_____________ -- Ij_____________ -- .J_____________ -- LI -- Ej_____________ -- L1 - - - - ---- - - -- - - H 15.89 It Overall height check H www.ReverenceEngineering.com 2 of 6 For proposals and inquiries: 619-354-1152 ProjectsReverenceEngineenng.com Project #: Legoland Queen Whatevra Portal REVERENCEREENGINEERING 1907090 1 Legoland Dr, Carlsbad, CA SEISMIC ANALYSIS FOR NON-BUILDING STRUCTURES NOT SIMILAR TO BUILDINGS usis KruKi: RISK I.alegory: ii S5 1.127 of g Short Period Spectral Acceleration I 1 - g 1-sec Period Spectral Acceleration h5 15.89 ft F5 1.049 - Site Coefficient w 15 _psf Si_0.434_of Site Coefficient TABLE 15-4.2: TL F5_1.566_- 8 sec Long-Period Transition Period R 3 ASCE 7-10 Figure 22-12 EQUIVALENT LATERAL FORCE PROCEDURE PER ASCE 12.8 PER 15.1.3 bMS = 1.18 - Spectral Response Acceleration Parameter [Eqn 11.4-11 SMI = 0.68 - Spectral Response Acceleratn Parameter (Eqn 11.4-21 bDS = 0.79 - Design Spectral Acceleration Parameter [Eqn 11.4-3] S01 = 0.45 - Design Spectral Acceleration Parameter [Eqn 11.4-4] x = 0.75 - Period Parameter [Table 12.8-2] C1 = 0.02 - Period Parameter [Table 12.8-2] T5 0.16 sec Approximate Fundamental Period [Eqn 12.8-71 CALCULATION OF SEISMIC RESPONSE COEFFICIENTS PER ASCE 7-10 Us = 0.263 - Seismic Response Coefficient [Eqn 12.8-21 Us = C. = 0.949 - 47.71 - upper limit for I S I L [Applicable] Upper limit for T> TL [N/A] [Eqn 12.8-3] [Eqn 12.8-41 = 0.949 - Applicable Upper limit Cs= 0.035 - 0.121 - Lower limit Lower limit for S a 0.6g (N/A] [Eqn 15.4-1] [Eqn 15.4-21 0.035 - Applicable Lower limit tlos = U.bS seismic KeSponse uoemcient (saengtn uesign) I Weight Overrides I Ah (It) Width (ft) W (lb) w (plO w (psf) h (ft) z (It) W (lb) F. (kip) M. (k-ft) 1 7.8 1.3 7.813 3.906 152.6 40.09 156.6 2 1.3 6.5 9.115 8.464 127.2 33.41 282.7 3 5.0 7.8 14.11 11.61 585.9 153.9 1788 4 1.8 2.6 1 15.89 15 69.17 18.17 272.6 5 15.89 15.89 0 0 0 6 15.89 15.89 0 0 0 7 15.89 15.89 0 0 0 8 15.89 15.89 0 0 0 9 15.89 15.89 0 0 0 10 15.89 15.89 0 0 0 11 15.89 15.89 0 0 0 12 15.89 15.89 0 0 0 13 15.89 15.89 0 0 0 14 15.89 15.89 0 0 0 15 15.89 15.89 0 0 0 16 15.89 15.89 0 0 0 17 15.89 15.89 0 0 0 18 15.89 15.89 0 0 0 19 15.891 15.891 0 0 0 20 1 1 15.891 15.891 01 0 0 H = 15.89 ft Overall height check REF: ASCE CHAPTER 15 ASCE 7-10 Table 1.5-2 per Structural height Assumed Seismic Weight (conservative) Response Modification Coefficient for: Signs and Billboards Seismic Load: Base Bending Moment: 2.5 k-ft Base Shear: 0.246 kip WIND GOVERNS Overstrength: Q: 2.5 - Base Bending Moment: 6.2 k-ft Base Shear: 0.614 kip WIND GOVERNS Post-Installed Anchors (0.75) per (only when applicable) Base Bending Moment: 8.3 k-ft Base Shear: 0.8 kip WIND GOVERNS www.ReverenceEngineering.com 3 of 6 For proposals and inquiries: 619-354-1152 ProjectsReverenceEngineenng.com Project & Leqoland Queen Whatevra Portal REVERENCE 1907090 R ENGINEERING 1 Legoland Dr, Carlsbad, CA SPLICE (OR SECTION) LOADS Moments indude an additional 10% per 29.4-1 if s1h=1 Splice h (ft) Index- h- (ft) w+ (ft) h+ (ft) p+ (psi) A, (sqft) F (kip) z (ft) 1 7.8125 1 7.813 6.51 9.115 38.4 8.48 0.33 0.65 2 10.9583 2 9.115 7.813 14.11 38.4 24.66 0.95 1.58 3 4 V (kip) M (k-ft) T (k-ft) 1.164 3.699 0.000 1.04 1.85 1.57 I GRADE 1 1.196 1 12.178 1 0.000 CAST-IN-PLACE PIER DESIGN b = It Footing diameter Mu=12.18 k-ft Moment at grade Vu1_1.20_1k 7.30688 k-ft Service M (0.6*Mu) Vs = 0.718 k S = 100 psf/ft Lateral Bearing per IBC Table 1806.2 s = 267 psflft Increased per IBC 1806.1 & 1806.3.4 ITERATION PER IBC 1807.3.2.1 h= 10.18 ft S1= 528.1 psf d= 5.934 ft A= 2.068 It Piimarj Soil Class: Shear at grade w = 1.3 Per IBC 1605.3.2 Service V (0.6*Vu) P = 933.3 lb Lateral Wind Force DESIGN RESULTS MIN. PIER DEPTH: 6 ft and 0 In Ratio MIN. PIER DIAMETER: 2 ft and 0 In 3 *Also refers to diagonal of a square or rectangle ALUMINUM BASE PLATE (SIMPLIFIED) SQUARE POST, SQUARE PLATE Base Plate M1 = iii• k-ft Design Moment arm= 2.688 in Plate Bending Arm ALUM 6061-T6 si = 11.375 in Fastener spacing T91 = 12.85 kip Group Tension X WELDED? d= 6 in Member depth F, = 24 ksi b = 7.5625 in Effective Bending Width M1 = 34.53 k-in Plate Moment ksi = 1.25 in Plate thickness S = 1.969 in Elastic Section Modulus F,, =_15 F,, = 15 ksi n 2 - # T fasteners Z = 2.954 in Plastic Section Modulus k = 1 - M, = 44.3115 k-in Nominal Yield Moment M,u = 70.9 k-in Nominal Yield Moment 6.424 kip Fastener Tension = 0.9 - Strength Reduction Factor 9b = 0-9 - Strength Reduction Factor = 39.8804 k-in Yield Moment Capacity PMIIIJ = 63.81 k-in Yield Moment Capacity D/C: 0.866 OK Demand: Capacity 0/C: 0.541 OK Demand: Capacity ALUMINUM TUBE - FLEXURE Stage I M1 = 12.18 k-ft Design Moment M1 = 146.1 k-in Design Moment ALUM 6061-16 D = 6 in Member depth d = 5.5 in Member inside depth X WELDED? B= 6 in Member width b= 5.5 in Member inside width F, = 24 ksi F =F15 ksi T= _0.25 in Member thickness lc = 1 - F, =_15 ksi S= 10.5816 Elastic Section Modulus Z= 12.41 in Plastic Section Modulus = 186.094 k-in Nominal Yield Moment M, = 297.8 k-in Nominal Rupture Moment 9b = 0.9 - Strength Reduction Factor Pb = 0-9 - Strength Reduction Factor qpmnp = 167.484 k-in Yield Moment capacity IRMni, = 268 k-in Rupture Moment Capacity 0/C: 0.873 OK Demand: Capacity D/C: 0.545 OK Demand: Capacity www.ReverenceEngineering.com 4 of 6 For proposals and inquiries: 619-354-1152 ProjectsReverenceEngineering.com Project #: Legoland Queen Whatevra Portal REVERENCEREENGINEERING 1907090 1 Legoland Dr, Carlsbad, CA F1554 ANCHOR ROD (STEEL) CHECK Rod Tension F = 58 ksi Ultimate Strength P. = 15.9 kip 9.543 kip Rod Shear F = 36 ksi Yield Strength = 0.75- 0.75- =_6.424 kip Vu =_0.598 kip dmd 0.75 in Rod diameter A 0.442 in2 Area of Rod IPPn = 11.93 kip çV= 7.157 kip GR.: 36 - Rod Grade z = 0.07 1fl' Plastic Section Modulus D/C: 0.539 OK DIC: 0.084 OK ALUMINUM BASE PLATE (SIMPLIFIED) SQUARE POST, SQUARE PLATE Stage 2 Match Plate System 3.70 k-ft Design Moment arm= 2.688 in Plate Bending Arm ALUM 6061-T6 s1= 11.38 in Fastener spacing Two = 3.903 kip Group Tension X d= 6 in Member depth F = 24 ksi be5 = 7.563 in Effective Bending Width = 10.49 k-in Plate Moment F = 15 _WELDED? ksi I= 0.75 in Plate thickness s= 0.709 in, Elastic Section Modulus ksi n = 2 - #1 fasteners Z= 1.063 in, Plastic Section Modulus F=_15 = 15.95 k-in Nominal Yield Moment m,u = 25.52 k-in Nominal Yield Moment 1.951 kip Fastener Tension 0.9 - Strength Reduction Factor Pb = 0.9 - Strength Reduction Factor qlmnp = 14.36 k-in Yield Moment Capacity 9Mnu = 22.97 k-in Yield Moment Capacity D/C: 0.731 OK Demand: Capacity D/C: 0.457 OK Demand: Capacity ALUMINUM TUBE - FLEXURE Stage 2 M 1 = 3.70 k-ft Design Moment M1 = 44.39 k-in Design Moment ALUM 6061-16 D = (4 6 in Member depth d = 5.75 in Member inside depth X WELDED? B= 6 in Member width b= 5.75 in Member inside width F=_24 ksi F,=15 ksi 1= 0.125 in Member thickness =_1 - F,=15 ksi S = 5.635 in Elastic Section Modulus z = 6.473 in Plastic Section Modulus MnP = 97.09 k-in Nominal Yield Moment M,, = 155.3 k-in Nominal Rupture Moment IN = 0.9 - Strength Reduction Factor % = 0-9 - Strength Reduction Factor Tmnp = 87.38 k-in Yield Moment Capacity iiimnp = 139.8 k-in Rupture Moment Capacity D/C: 0.508 OK Demand: Capacity D/C: 0.318 OK Demand: Capacity ASIM A307 THRU-BOLT CHECK p 0.75- Strength Reduction Factor = 1.951 kip Fastener Tension Fu = 58 ksi pT = 14.41 kip Tensile Rupture Capacity v=_1.85 kip Fastener Shear Fm= 43.5 ksi D/C: 0.135 OK d 1 = 0.75 _in Bolt diameter = 26.1 ksi 9Vn = 8.648 kip Shear Rupture Capacity A%ft 0.442 in Area of Bolt D/C: 0.214 OK f 4.187 ksi Required Shear Stress çR = 14.41 kip Combined Rupture Capacity F 1 43.5 ksi Modified Nominal Tensile Stress D/C: 0.135 OK www.ReverenceEngineering.com 5 of 6 For proposals and inquiries: 619-354-1152 ProjectsReverenceEngineering.com .1 ' Project M Legoland Queen Whatevra Portal RE ENGINEERING REVERENCE 1907090 1 Legoland Dr, Carlsbad, CA ALUMINUM BASE PLATE (SIMPLIFIED) SQUARE POST, SQUARE PLATE Stage 3 Match Plate System = 3.70 k-ft Design Moment arm = 2.688 in Plate Bending Arm ALUM 6061-16 Fastener spacing Tgmj = 3.907 kip Group Tension X WELDED? d= 6 in Member depth s =_11.38_in in Effective Bending Width M 9i= 10.5 k-in Plate Moment ksi = b =_7.563 0.75 in Plate thickness S= 0.709 in Elastic Section Modulus F, =_24 F =_15 F = 15 _ksi ksi o = 2 - #1 fasteners Z= 1.063 in, Plastic Section Modulus Mnp = 15.95 k-in Nominal Yield Moment = 25.52 k-in Nominal Yield Moment 1.954 kip Fastener Tension IPb 0-9 - Strength Reduction Factor % = 0.9 - Strength Reduction Factor vmnp= 14.36 k-in Yield Moment Capacity 9Mu = 22.97 k-in Yield Moment Capacity D/C: 0.731 OK Demand: Capacity DIC: 0.457 OK Demand: Capacity ALUMINUM TUBE - FLEXURE Stage 3 3.70 k-ft Design Moment M1 = 44.45 k-in Design Moment ALUM 6061-16 D = 6 in Member depth d = 5.75 in Member inside depth X WELDED? B= 6 in Member width b = 5.75 in Member inside width F, = 24 ksi F, = 15 ksi T=_0.125 in Member thickness k=_1 - F.,=_15 ksi = 5.635 in Elastic Section Modulus Z = 6.473 in, Plastic Section Modulus = 97.09 k-in Nominal Yield Moment = 155.3 k-in Nominal Rupture Moment = 0.9 - Strength Reduction Factor % = 0.9 - Strength Reduction Factor 1pmnp = 87.38 k-in Yield Moment Capacity q)M( = 139.8 k-in Rupture Moment Capacity D/C: 0.509 OK Demand Capacity D/C: 0.318 OK Demand: Capacity ASTM A307 THRU-BOLT CHECK p 0.75 - Strength Reduction Factor 1 =kip Fastener Tension F = 58 ksi q1 14.41 kip Tensile Rupture Capacity V =kip gin Fastener Shear F, = 43.5 ksi DlC: 0.136 OK Bolt diameter Frw = 26.1 ksi 9Vn = 8.648 kip Shear Rupture Capacity Abolt 0.442 in Area of Bolt DIC: 0.239 OK f 4.687 ksi Required Shear Stress çR = 14.41 kip Combined Rupture Capacity llt 43.5 ksi Modified Nominal Tensile Stress D/C: 0.136 OK www.ReverenceEngineering.com 6 of 6 For proposals and inquiries: 619-354-1152 Projects©ReverenceEngineering.com RE REVERENCE ENGINEERING STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING SERVICES STRUCTURAL CALCULATIONS for Legol d Rainbow Portal at Carlsbad, CA Prepared for: Attraction & Entertainment Solutions Inc. Package Type: Project #: Initial Submittal 1907028 DESIGN LOADS ::Wind:: Exposure: C V11 110 mph Vasd 85 mph ::Ground Snow Load:: Pg = 0 psf ::Seismic:: SDC: 0 Site Class: 0 SsO 1.127 g SMs 1.182 9 S1 = 0.434 g 5M1 0.6809 F0 = 1.049 - 5DS = 0.788 g F0 1.566 - S01 = 0.453 g 1L = 8 sec DESIGN SPECIFICATIONS 1 uaiiomia utioing I.0ae (I.b) w1b 2 ASCE 7-10: Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other Structures 3 ACI 318-14: Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete 4 ANSl/AlSC 360-10: Specification for Structural Steel Buildings www.ReverenceEngineering.com 619-354-1152 I of4 For proposals and inquiries: ProjectsReverenceEngineering.com INTERPOLATION 2 2.891 4 0.5 1.70 1.70 1.70 0.321 1.79 0.30 1.80 1.80 1.80 Cf = 1.79- Force Coefficient [Figure 29.4-11 Project #: Legoland Rainbow Portal RE ENGINEERING REVERENCE 1907028 1 Legoland Way, Carlsbad, CA WIND LOADS ON OTHER STRUCTURES AND BUILDING APPURTENANCES PER CHAPTER 29 V = 110 mph Basic Wind Speed s/h = 0.321 - Cabinent to Overall Height Ratio Exposure Category: 06-1 Average Height B/s = 2.891 - Cabinent Width to Height Ratio s = 3.833 ft Vertical sign dimension = 900 ft Terrain Exposure Constant [Table 26.9-1) B = h =_11.96_ft 11.08 ft Horizontal sign dimension a = 9.5- Terrain Exposure Constant [Table 26.9-1] £ Solid to Gross Area Ratio (porosity) K = 0.85 Directionality Factor [Table 26.6-1] 100%_- FoS =LM- - Add'l. FoS applied to p, K1t = 1 Topographic Factor [26.8.2) IF two poles, spacing:_12.25 I [0 for one pole] G = 0.85-.Gust Effect Factor [26.9.1) 0.28 = 2.217 ft Case B Offset Distribution Factor 0.681 - (Fraction of sign load that must be attributed to each pole, if more than one is present) Figure 29.41 Cr Cases A& B sth Aspect Ratio B/s 0.05 0.1 0.2 .0.5 1 2 4 5 10 20 1 30 45 1.00 1.80 1.70 1.65 1.55 1.45 1.40 1.35 1.35 1.30 1.30 1.30 1.30 0.90 1.85 1.75 1.70 1.60 1.55 1.50 1.45 1.45 1.40 1.40 1.40 1.40 0.70 1.90 1.85 1.75 1.70 1.65 1.60 1.60 1.55 1.55 1.55 1.55 1.55 0.50 1.95 1.85 1.80 1.75 1.75 1.70 1.70 1.70 1.70 1.70 1.70 1.75 0.30 1.95 1.90 1.85 1.80 1.80 1.80 1.80 1.80 1.80 1.85 1.85 1.85 0.20 1.95 1.90 1.85 1.80 1.80 1.80 1.80 1.80 1.85 1 1.90 1.90 1.95 0.16 1.95 1.90 1.85 1.85 1.80 1.80 1.85 1.85 1.85 1 1.90 1 1.90 1 1.95 h = Cumulative Height to top of section Kz = Velocity Pressure Exposure Coefficient [Table 29.3-1] z = Centroid of Section Height qh = Velocity Pressure (psi) qz = 0.UU25bKK"V [Eqn 27.3-1] p = Design Wind Pressure (psi) p = qG'Cf [Eqn 29.4-1] SIGN BUILD FORCE is PER POLE and reflects distribution per Case B to applicable components h (ft) Width (ft) Cant. CAB. h (ft) z (ft) q (psi) p (psi) AF (sqft) F (kip) I M (k-ft) T (k-ft) Mul M 1 3.906 3.917 3.9 1.953 0.849 22.35 37.4 15.3 0.3 0.6 2 0.25 1 4.2 4.031 0.849 22.35 37.4 0.3 0.0 0.0 3 0.313 3.25 4.5 4.313 0.849 22.35 37.4 1.0 0.0 0.1 4 0.276 3.417 4.7 4.607 0.849 22.35 37.4 0.9 0.0 0.1 5 0.531 3.75 5.3 5.01 0.849 22.35 37.4 2.0 0.0 0.2 6 0.771 4.146 6.0 5.661 0.849 22.35 37.4 3.2 0.1 0.3 7 0.854 4.083 6.9 6.474 0.849 22.35 37.4 3.5 0.1 0.4 8 0.725 5.333 7.6 7.263 0.849 22.35 37.4 3.9 0.1 0.5 9 0.542 6.354 8.2 7.897 0.849 22.35 37.4 3.4 0.1 0.5 10 2.385 9.438 10.6 9.36 0.849 22.35 37.4 22.5 0.4 3.9 11 1.405 6.396 12.0 11.26 0.849 22.35 37.4 9.0 0.2 1.9 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 #ki H =11.96ft Overall height check kip-ft 3.1 kip-ft kip-ft www.ReverenceEngineering.com 2 of 4 For proposals and inquiries: 619-354-1152 ProjectsReverenceEngineering.com S Project #: Legoland Rainbow Portal REVERENCE RE ENGINEERING 1907028 1 Legoland Way, Carlsbad, CA SEISMIC ANALYSIS FOR NON-BUILDING STRUCTURES NOT SIMILAR TO BUILDINGS UbLib KtUK I: RISK I.aiegory: ii Ss of g Short Period Spectral Accelerafion le 1 - S _1.127 of g 1-sec Period Spectral Acceleration h1 11.96 ft - Site Coefficient w =_15 psf F1 F1_1.049 _0.434 1.566 - Site Coefficient TABLE 15-4.2: 8 sec Long-Period Transition Period R =13 ASCE 7-10 Figure 22-12 EQUIVALENT LATERAL FORCE PROCEDURE PER ASCE 12.8 PER 15.1.3 5MS = 1.18 - Spectral Response Acceleration Parameter [Eqn 11.4-11 SMI 0.68 - Spectral Response Acceleration Parameter [Eqn 11.4-2] SOS = 0.79 - Design Spectral Acceleration Parameter [Eqn 11.4-31 0.45 - Design Spectral Acceleration Parameter [Eqn 11.4-4] x = 0.75 - Period Parameter [Fable 12.8-2] C1 = 0.02 - Period Parameter [Table 12.8-2] T = 0.13 sec Approximate Fundamental Period [Eqn 12.8-7] CALCULATION OF SEISMIC RESPONSE COEFFICIENTS PER ASCE 7-10 Us = 0.263 - Seismic Response Coefficient [Eqn 12.8-2] Us = Us = 1.174 - 73.05 - upper lIMIt Tor I S I [Applicable] Upper limit for I > L [N/A) [Eqn 12.8-3] [Eqn 12.841 = 1.174 - Applicable Upper limit Us = C,= 0.035 - 0.121 - Lower limit Lower limit for S a 0.6g [N/A] [Eqn 15.4-1] [Eqn 15.4-2] 0.035 - Applicable Lower limit 025i Seismic Kesponse coefficIent strengtn uesign; I Weight Overrides I Ah (ft) Width (ft) W (Ib) w (pIt) w (psf) h (ft) z (ft) W (lb) F1 (kip) M1 (k-ft) 1 3.9 3.9 - 3.906 1.953 229.5 60.29 117.8 2 0.3 1.0 4.156 4.031 3.75 0.985 3.972 3 0.3 3.3 4.469 4.313 15.23 4.002 17.26 4 0.3 3.4 4.745 4.6071 14.14 3.714 17.11 5 0.5 3.8 5.276 5.01 29.88 7.851 39.33 6 0.8 4.1 6.047 5.661 47.94 12.59 71.3 7 0.9 4.1 6.901 6.474 52.32 13.74 88.98 8 0.7 5.3 7.626 7.263 58 15.24 110.7 9 0.5 6.4 8.168 7.897 51.63 13.56 107.1 10 2.4 9.4 10.55 9.36 337.7 88.72 830.4 11 1.4 6.4 11.96 11.26 134.8 35.42 398.7 12 11.96 11.96 0 0 0 13 11.96 11.96 0 0 0 14 11.96 11.96 0 0 0 15 11.96 11.96 0 0 0 16 11.96 11.96 0 0 0 17 11.96 11.96 0 0 0 18 11.96 11.96 0 0 0 11.96 11.96 0 0 0 i20 WOverall 11.96 11.96 0 U U height check REF: ASCE CHAPTER 15 ASCE 7-10 Table 1.5-2 per Structural height Assumed Seismic Weight (conservative) Response Modification Coefficient for: Signs and Billboards Seismic Load: Base Bending Moment: 1.8 k-ft Base Shear: 0.256 kip WIND GOVERNS Overstrength: 0 = 2.5 - Base Bending Moment: 4.5 k-ft Base Shear. 0.64 kip WIND GOVERNS Post-Installed Anchors (0.75) per (°ntr when applicable) Base Bending Moment: 6.0 k-ft Base Shear: 0.9 kip WIND GOVERNS www.ReverenceEngineering.com 3 of 4 For proposals and inquiries: 619-354-1152 ProjectsReverenceEngineenng.com Project #: Legoland Rainbow Portal RE ENGINEERING REVERENCE 1907028 1 Legoland Way, Carlsbad, CA - SPLICE (OR SECTION) LOADS Moments include an additional 10% per 29.4-1 if slhl Splice P ice h (ft) fl Index- ex- h- (It) w+ (ft) h+ (ft) p+ (psf) A, (sqft) F9 (kip) z (It) 1 9.37 9 8.168 9.438 10.55 37.4 11.17 0.42 0.59 2 3 4 V (kip). M (k-ft) T (k-ft) 0.586 0.564 1.218 I GRADE 1 1.215 1 8.554 1 0.000 CAST-IN-PLACE PIER DESIGN Pnmar,, b = 2 ft Footing diameter* M9 = 8.553-ft Moment at grade V9 1_1.22_1k 5.132 k-ft Service M (0.6*Mu) V9 = 0.729 It s = 100 psI/ft Lateral Bearing per IBC Table 1806.2 s' = 267 psf/ft Increased per IBC 1806.1 & 1806.3.4 ITERATION PER IBC 1807.3.2.1 h= 7.04 It S1= 487 Pf d = 5.471 It A= 2.278 it Soil Class: Shear at grade w = 1.3 Per IBC 1605.3.2 Service V (0.6*Vu) P = 948 lb Lateral Wind Force DESIGN RESULTS MIN. PIER DEPTH: 5 ft and 6 in Ratio MIN. PIER DIAMETER*: 2 ft and 0 in 2.75 *Also refers to diagonal of a square or rectangle MEMBER SELECTION STAGE: I LRFD DESIGN M9 1 8.55 1k-ft T _0.00 lk-ft ip = 0.9 F, = 46 ksi Section Type: SquareHSS V = 1.22 Ikip L= 1 9.37 Ift = 112.4 in Zmq = 2.479 - ,... Q Section Name z 9M9 9vn (pin Combined W Z (1 (k-ft) D/C Check (kip) DIC Check (k-It) 0/C Check 0/C Check HSS3X3XII4 2.48 8.556 1 OK! 26.62 0.046 OK' 7.284 0 OK! 1 OK' - _1 ._j 0 Section Name Z 9M9 On pT Combined (X) z (in') (k-ft) 0/C Check (kip) DIC Check (k-ft) DIC Check DIC Check HSS3X3X5!16 2.9 110.01 0.855 OK! 130.79 0.039 OK! 18.644 0 OK! 0.855 OK! STEEL PLATE SQUARE POST, SQUARE PLATE UNIAXIAL BENDING Base PL M91 = 8.6 k-ft Design Moment T,,,1 = 12.83 kip Group Tension F, = 36 ksi Plate Yield b = 12 in Plate width M9,,= 32.08 k-in Plate Moment t = 0.75 _in Plate thickness edge = 2 in Bolt Edge Distance z = 1.266 in Plastic Section Modulus n = 2 _- #1 fasteners d = 3 in Tube Depth M. = 45.56 k-in Nominal Yield Moment sb = 8 in Fastener spacing Pb = 0.9 - Strength Reduction Factor arm = 2.5in Plate Bending Arm qMn = 41.01 k-in Yield Moment Capacity =1 in Bending Width Override Fastener Tu = 6.4 kip(FD) b9, = 9 in Effective Bending Width DIC: 0.782 OK x.6 = 3.8 kip(Aso) F1554 ANCHOR ROD (STEEL) CHECK Tu = dmd = GR.: 6.4kip in - Rod Tension Rod Shear Rod diameter Rod Grade F9 = F, = A d z = 58 ksi 36 ksi 0.307 in2 0.041 in,Plastic Ultimate Strength Yield Strength Area of Rod Section Modulus P, = 9= 9Pn = DIC: 11.04 kip 0.75- 8.283 kip 0.775 OK V9 = = On = 0/C: 6.627 kip 0.75- 4.97 kip 0.122 OK V9 =_0.608_kip 0.625 36 www.ReverenceEngineenng.com 4 of 4 For proposals and inquiries: 619-354-1152 Projects@ReverenceEngineenng.com RE REVERENCE ENGINEERING STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING SERVICES STRUCTURAL CALCULATIONS tp o Figure 7 at 1 Legoland Way Carlsbad, CA Prepared for: Attraction & Entertainment Solutions, Inc. Package Type: Project #: Revised Package 1905002D DESIGN SPECIFICATIONS DESIGN LOADS 1 California Building Code (CBC) 2016 ::Wind:: V1t = 110 mph 2 ASCE 7-10: Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other Structures Exposure: C Vasd = 85 mph 3 ACI 318-14: Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete ::Ground Snow Load:: P9 0 psf 4 ANSI!AISC 360-10: Specification for Structural Steel Buildings ::Seismic:: SDC: D Site Class: D S 1.127 g SMS 1.182 g Si = 0.434 9 SMI = 0.680 g Fa = 1.049 - Sos = 0.788 9 F 1.566 - S01 = 0.453 g 1L 8 sec www.ReverenceEngineering.com 619-354-1152 Page 1 of 6 7-31-2019 ProjectsReverenceEngineering.com INTERPOLATION 0.5 0.507 1 1 1.55 1.55 1.45 1 1.55 0.90 1.60 1.60 1.55 Ct= 1.549- Force Coefficient [Figure 29.4-1] REVERENCE Project #: Duplo Figure 'F' RE ENGINEERING 1905002D I Legoland Way, Carlsbad, CA WIND LOADS ON OTHER STRUCTURES AND BUILDING APPURTENANCES PER CHAPTER 29 DESIGN WIND LOADS - SOLID SIGNS (SECTION 29.5) _____ V = 110 mph Basic Wind Speed slh 1 - Cabinent to Overall Height Ratio Exposure Category: C h = 15.4 It Average Height B/s = 0.507 - Cabinent Width to Height Ratio s = 15.4 ft Vertical sign dimension 900 It Terrain Exposure Constant [Table 26.9-11 B = 7.813 ft Horizontal sign dimension a = 9.5 - Terrain Exposure Constant [Table 26.9-1] E = 100% - Solid to Gross Area Ratio (porosity) Kd 0.85 Directionality Factor [Table 26.6-11 FoS Add'I. FoS applied to Pz Kg= 1 Topographic Factor [26.8.2] IF two poles, spacing:I_I [0 for one pole] G = 0.85 - Gust Effect Factor [26.9.1] 0.2B = 1.563 ft Case B Offset Distribution Factor: 1 - (Fraction of sign load that must be attributed to each pole, if more than one is present) Figure 29.4-1 Cf Cases A&B Aspect Ratio B/s 0.05 0.1 0.2 0.5 1 1 2 4 5 10 20 30 45 1.00 1.80 1.70 1.65 1.55 1.45 1.40 1.35 1.35 1.30 1.30 1.30 1.30 0.90 1.85 1.75 1.70 1.60 1.55 1.50 1.45 1.45 1.40 1.40 1.40 1.40 0.70 1.90 1.85 1.75 1.70 1.65 1.60 1.60 1.55 1.55 1.55 1.55 1.55 0.50 1 1.95 1 1.85 1.80 1 1.75 1.75 1.70 1.70 1.70 1.70 1.70 1.70 1.75 0.30 1.95 1.90 1.85 1.80 1.80 1.80 1.80 1.80 1.80 1.85 1.85 1.85 0.20 1.95 1.90 1.85 1.80 1.80 1.80 1.80 1.80 1.85 1.90 1.90 1.95 0.16 1.95 1.90 1.85 1.85 1.80 1.80 1.85 1.85 1.85 1.90 1.90 1.95 h = Cumulative Height to top of section K1 = Velocity Pressure Exposure Coefficient [Table 29.3-1] z = Centroid of Section Height qh = Velocity Pressure (pst) q = 0.00256KKV [Eqn 27.3-1] p = Design Wind Pressure (psi) p = qG'Cf [Eqn 29.4-1] SIGN BUILD FORCE is PER POLE and reflects distribution per Case B to applicable components F Pri eneral Inquiries naineerina.con th (ft) Width (ft) Cant. CAB. h (ft) (ft) K 1 q (psi) Pz (psi) AF (sqft) F. (kip) M (k-ft) T. (k-fl) M ial M u2 1 1.563 7.813 1.6 0.781 0.849 22.35 29.42 12.2 0.4 0.3 0.6 2 0.391 4.688 2.0 1.758 0.849 22.35 29.42 1.8 0.1 0.1 0.1 3 2.734 2.604 4.7 3.32 0.849 22.351 29.42 7.1 0.2 0.7 0.1 4 4.286 7.813 - - 9.0 6.831 0.849 22.35 29.42 33.5 1.0 6.7 1.5 5 6.427 6.266 15.4 12.19 0.849 22.35 29.42 40.3 1.2 14.4 1.5 6 7 8 V 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 H = 15.4 It Overall height check 2.8 kip - 22.2 kip-ft - 3.7 kip-ft - 0.0 0.0 q 619-354-1152 www.ReverenceEngineering.com page 2 CT b REVERENCE Project #: Duplo Figure 'F' RE ENGINEERING 1905002D 1 Legoland Way, Carlsbad, CA SEISMIC ANALYSIS FOR NON-BUILDING STRUCTURES NOT SIMILAR TO BUILDINGS S. 1.127 of g Short Period Spectral Acceleration le Mpsf - S1 0.434 of g 1-sec Period Spectral Acceleration h5 =ft F8 1.049 - Site Coefficient w = F5_1.566 Site Coefficient TABLE 15-42 1=_8 Isec Long-Period Transition Period R 3 ASCE 7-10 Figure 22-12 EQUIVALENT LATERAL FORCE PROCEDURE PER ASCE 12.8 PER 15.1.3 SMS = 1.18 - Spectral Response Acceleration Parameter (Eqn 11.4-1i SMI = 0.68 - Spectral Response Acceleration Parameter [Eqn 11.4-2] S0s = 0.79 - Design Spectral Acceleration Parameter [Eqn 11.4-3] Sol = 0.45 - Design Spectral Acceleration Parameter [Eqn 11.44] x = 0.75 - Period Parameter [Table 12.8-2] C, = 0.02 - Period Parameter [Table 12.8-2] T5 = 0.16 sec Approximate Fundamental Period [Eqn 12.8-71 CALCULATION OF SEISMIC RESPONSE COEFFICIENTS PER ASCE 7-10 C, = 0.263 - Seismic Response Coefficient [Eqn 12.8-2] C. = C, = 0.971 - 49.98 - Upper limit for T:5 T, [Applicable] Upper limit for T> TL [N/A] [Eqn 12.8-3] [Eqn 12.84] C, 0.971 - Applicable Upper limit C, = C,= 0.035 - 0.121 - Lower limit Lower limit for S, 2! 0.69 [N/A] [Eqn 15.4-1] [Eqn 15.4-21 Cs = 0.035 - Applicable Lower limit C, = 0.263 Seismic Response Coefficient (Strength Design) I Weiaht Overrides I (th (ft) Width (if) W (lb) w (PH) w (psf) h (if) z (if) W (lb) F. (kip) M. (k-if) 1 1.6 7.8 1.563 0.781 244.1 64.14 50.11 2 0.4 4.7 1.953 1.758 36.62 9.621 16.91 3 2.71 2.6 4.688 3.32 142.4 37.41 124.2 4 43 7.8 8.974 6.8311 669.8 176 1202 5 6.4 6.3 15.4 12.19 805.4 211.6 257 6 - 15.4 15.4 0 0 7 15.4 15.4 0 0 8 15.4 15.4 0 01 0 9 15.4 15.4 0 0 10 15.4 15AI 0 0 11 15.4 15.4 0 0 12 15.4 15.4 0 0 13 15.41 15.4 0 01 0 14 -- 15.4 15.4 0 01 0 15 15.4 15.4 0 0 16 . 15.4 15.4 0 0 17 15.4 15.4 0 0 0 18 1 15.41 15.4 0 0 0 19 1 15.4 15.4 0 0 0 20 15.4 15.4 0 0 0 H = 15.4 It Overall height check www.ReverenceEngineering.com iage 3 o b 619-354-1152 REF: ASCE CHAPTER 15 ASCE 7-10 Table 1.5-2 per Structural height Assumed Seismic Weight (conservative) Response Modification Coefficient for Signs and Billboards Selémic Load: Base Bending Moment: 4.0 k-ft Base Shear: 0.499 kip WIND GOVERNS Overstrength: C) = 2.5 - Base Bending Moment: 9.9 k-ft Base Shear: 1.247 kip WIND GOVERNS Post-Installed Anchors (0.75) per (only when applicable) Base Bending Moment 13.2 k-ft Base Shear: 1.7 kip WIND GOVERNS For Proposals and General Inquiries: ProjectsReverenceEngineering.com 7. Project #: Duplo Figure 'F' REVERENCE 1905002D ENGINEERING I Legoland Way, Carlsbad, CA SPLICE (OR SECTION) LOADS Moments include an additional 10% per 29.4-1 if sTh1 Splice P ice h (ft) Index- h- (ft) w+ (ft) h+ (ft) p+ (psf) A (sqft) Fu (kip) z (ft) 1 5.354 3 4.688 7.813 8.974 29.42 28.28 0.83 1.81 2 3 4 V NO M (k-ft) T (k-ft) 2.017 9.602 2.785 GRADE 1 2.792 1 22.240 1 3.745 CAST-IN-PLACE PIER DESIGN P,imaiy b = 3 ft Footing diameter* M = =W k-ft Moment at grade vu 2.79 1k M, = 13.34 k-ft Service M (0.6*Mu) V5 = 1.675 k s = 100 psflft Lateral Bearing per IBC Table 1806.2 s'= 267 psf/ft Increased per IBC 1806.1 & 1806.3.4 ITERATION PER IBC 1807.3.2.1 h = 7.96 It SI = 590.7 psf d = 6.637 It A= 2.876 ft Soil Class: Shear at grade w = 1.3 Per IBC 1605.3.2 Service V (0.65VU) P = 2178 lb Lateral Wind Force DESIGN RESULTS MIN. PIER DEPTH: 6 ft and 8 in Ratio MIN. PIER DIAMETER*: 3 ft and 0 in 2.222222222 *Also refers to diagonal of a square or rectangle www.ReverenceEngineeiing.com Page 4 of 6 For Proposals and General Inquiries: 619-354-1152 ProjectsReverenceEngineenng.com Project #: Duplo Figure 'F' RE ENGINEERING REVERENCE 1905002D 1 Legoland Way, Carlsbad, CA ALUMINUM TUBE - FLEXURE Upper Tube M1 = 9.602 k-ft Design Moment M1 = 115.2 k-in Design Moment ALUM 6061-16 D = 8 in Member depth d = 7.375 in Member inside depth x WELDED? M15 B 8 in Memberwidth b= 7.375 in Memberinsidewidth F1 24 ksi ksi T= 0.3125 _in Memberthickness k 1 _- F,ksi S= 23.7012 in3 Elastic Section Modulus Z= 27.72 in' Plastic Section Modulus mop = 415.759 k-in Nominal Yield Moment = 665.2 k-in Nominal Rupture Moment Pb 0.9 - Strength Reduction Factor (Pb = 0.9 - Strength Reduction Factor çM = 374.183 k-in Yield Moment Capacity 4PM p = 598.7 k-in Rupture Moment Capacity D/C: 0.30792 OK Demand: Capacity D/C: 0.192 OK Demand: Capacity ALUMINUM BASE PLATE (SIMPLIFIED) SQUARE POST, SQUARE PLATE Match PL M1 = 9.602 -ft Design Moment arm = 2 in Plate Bending Arm ALUM 6061-T6 s1 = 12 _k in Fastener spacing T9,Ps = 9.602 kip Group Tension x WELDED? d= 8 in Member depth Firn, = 24 ksi b = 8 in Effective Bending Width = 19.2 k-in Plate Moment F,, = 15 ksi = 1 Plate thickness S= 1.333 in' Elastic Section Modulus F, = 15 n= 2 _in - # T fasteners Z= 2 Ifl Plastic Section Modulus k= r—, _ksi - MnP = 30 k-in Nominal Yield Moment = 48 k-in Nominal Yield Moment 4.801 kip Fastener Tension (Pb = 0.9 - Strength Reduction Factor Pb = 0.9 - Strength Reduction Factor = 27 k-in Yield Moment Capacity qiM, = 43.2 k-in Yield Moment Capacity D/C: 0.71122 OK Demand: Capacity D/C: 0.445 OK Demand: Capacity ASTM A307 THRU-BOLT CHECK ç 0.75 - Strength Reduction Factor Fastener Tension F = 58 ksi = 10.01 kip Tensile Rupture Capacity T, =_4.80075_kip Fastener Shear Fifi = 43.5 ksi 0/C: 0.48 01< V =_1.00836 kip d1 =_0.625 in Bolt diameter F, = 26.1 ksi = 6.006 kip Shear Rupture Capacity Am 0.3068 in Area of Bolt D/C: 0.168 OK f 3.28675 ksi Required Shear Stress (pRo = 10.01 kip Combined Rupture Capacity F 1 43.5 ksi Modified Nominal Tensile Stress D/C: 0.48 OK www.ReverenceEngineering.com Page 5 of 6 For Proposals and General Inquiries: 619-354-1152 ProjectsReverenceEngineering.com REVERENCE Project #: Duplo Figure 'F' RE ENGINEERING 1905002D I Legoland Way, Carlsbad, CA ALUMINUM TUBE - FLEXURE Lower Tube M1 = 22.2396 k-ft Design Moment M1 = 266.9 k-in Design Moment ALUM 6061-T6 D = 8 in Member depth d = 7.375 in Member inside depth x _WELDED? B =_8 in Member width b = 7.375 in Member inside width F 24 ksi F =_15 ksi T=_0.3125 in Member thickness k _1 - _15 ksi S= 23.7012 in' Elastic Section Modulus Z = 27.72 in Plastic Section Modulus Mnp = 415.759 k-in Nominal Yield Moment M, = 665.2 k-in Nominal Rupture Moment 1Pb = 0.9 - Strength Reduction Factor = 0.9 - Strength Reduction Factor qMv = 374.183 k-in Yield Moment Capacity IPM p = 598.7 k-in Rupture Moment Capacity D/C: 0.71322 OK Demand: Capacity D/C: 0.446 OK Demand: Capacity ALUMINUM BASE PLATE (SIMPLIFIED) SQUARE POST, SQUARE PLATE Base P1. M1 = 22.240 k-ft Design Moment arm = 4 in Plate Bending Arm ALUM6061-T6 s1= 16 in Fastener spacing T9,1 = 16.68 kip Group Tension x WELDED? d= 8 in Member depth F,, = 24 ksi b = 20 in Effective Bending Width M1= 66.72 k-in Plate Moment F, = 15 ksi 1 in Plate thickness S= 3.333 ifl Elastic Section Modulus ksi n 3 - #1 fasteners Z= 5 Ifl' Plastic Section Modulus F, =_15 k1= 1I- = 75 k-in Nominal Yield Moment Mnp 120 k-in Nominal Yield Moment 5.56 kip Fastener Tension Pb = 0.9 - Strength Reduction Factor % = 0.9 - Strength Reduction Factor qMfiP = 67.5 k-in Yield Moment Capacity ipM,u = 108 k-in Yield Moment Capacity D/C: 0.98843 OK Demand: Capacity D/C: 0.618 OK Demand: Capacity F1554 ANCHOR ROD (STEEL) CHECK Rod Tension F = 58 ksi Ultimate Strength P = 11.04 kip V = 6.627 kip V, 0.93082 kip Rod Shear F = 36 ksi Yield Strength = 0.75 - 0.75 - Tu =_5.55989 kip d 0.625 in Rod diameter A,,,, 0.307 in Area of Rod pP 8.283 kip qV = 3.976 kip GR.: 36 - Rod Grade Z = 0.041 in' Plastic Section Modulus D/C: 0.671 OK 0/C: 0.234 OK x _GROUT PAD COMBINED: D/C: 0.603 OK www.ReverenceEngineeiing.com Page 6 of 6 For Proposals and General Inquiries: 619-354-1152 Projects©ReverenceEngineenng.com RE REVERENCE ENGINEERING STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING SERVICES STRUCTURAL CALCULATIONS for Duplo Figure 'D' at 1 Legoland Way Carlsbad, CA Prepared for: Attraction & Entertainment Solutions, Inc. Package Type: Project #: Initial Submittal 1905002C DESIGN SPECIFICATIONS 1 i.ailTomla tswaing oae (I.) zuio 2 ASCE 7-10: Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other Structures 3 ACI 318-14: Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete 4 ANSI/AISC 360-10: Specification for Structural Steel Buildings DESIGN LOADS ::Wina:: t - iiu mpn Exposure: C Vasd 85 mph ::Ground Snow Load:: Pg = 0 psf ::Seismic:: SDC: D Site Class: D S 1.127 g Sms = 1.182 g S1 = 0.434 g SMI= 0.680 9 - Fe = 1.049 - SDS = 0.788 g F = 1.566 - 5D1 = 0.453 g TL = 8 sec www.ReverenceEngineering.com I of 13 For proposals and inquiries 619-354-1152 Projects@ReverenceEngineenng.com INTERPOLATION 0.5 0.734 1 1 1.55 1.50 1.45 1 1.50 0.90 1.60 1.58 1.55 C1 = 1.503- Force Coefficient [Figure 29.4-1] Project #: Duplo Figure 'D' RE ENGINEERING REVERENCE 1905002C 1 Legoland Way, Carlsbad, CA WIND LOADS ON OTHER STRUCTURES AND BUILDING APPURTENANCES PER CHAPTER 29 V = 110 mph Basic Wind Speed s/h = 1 - Cabinent to Overall Height Ratio Exposure Category: C h = 17.74 It Average Height B/s = 0.734 - Cabinent Width to Height Ratio s = 17.74 It Vertical sign dimension Z9 = 900 It Terrain Exposure Constant [Table 26.9-1] B = 13.02 It Horizontal sign dimension a = 9.5 - Terrain Exposure Constant [Table 26.9-1] E = 100% - Solid to Gross Area Ratio (porosity) Kd = 0.85 Directionality Factor [Table 26.611 FoS - Add'l. FoS applied to Pz K t = 1 Topographic Factor [26.8.2] IF two poles, spacing:I_11.5_I [0 for one pole] G = 0.85 - Gust Effect Factor [26.9.11 0.28 = 2.604 It Case B Offset Distribution Factor 0.726 - (Fraction of sign load that must be attributed to each pole, if more than one is present) Figure 29A-1 C1 Cases A&B Aspect Ratio B/s 0.05 0.1 0.2 0.5 1 2 4 5 10 20 30 45 1.00 1.80 1.70 1.65 1.55 1.45 1.40 1.35 1.35 1.30 1.30 1.30 1.30 0.90 1.85 1.75 1.70 1.60 1.55 1.50 1.45 1.45 1.40 1.40 1.40 1.40 0.70 1.90 1.85 1.75 1.70 1.65 1.60 1.60 1.55 1.55 1.55 1.55 1.55 0.50 1.95 1.85 1.80 1.75 1.75 1.70 1.70 1.70 1.70 1.70 1.70 1.75 0.30 1.95 1.90 1.85 1.80 1.80 1.80 1.80 1.80 1.80 1.85 1.85 1.85 0.20 1.95 1.90 1.85 1.80 1.80 1.80 1.80 1.80 1.85 1.90 1.90 1.95 0.16 1.95 1.90 1.85 1.85 1.80 1.80 1.85 1.85 1.85 1.90 1 1.90 1.95 h = Cumulative Height to top of section = Velocity Pressure Exposure Coefficient [Table 29.3-11 z = Centroid of Section Height qh = Velocity Pressure (psi) qz [Eqn 27.3-1] p = Design Wind Pressure (psi) p = q*G*Cf [Eqn 29.411 SIGN BUILD FORCE is PER POLE and reflects thbution per Case B to applicablecomponents h (ft) Width (ft) Cant. CAB. h (ft) z (ft) K Z q (psi) Pz (psi) A (sqft) F (kip) M (k-ft) T (k-ft) M UI M u2 1 0.167 0 0.2 0.083 0.849 22.35 32.84 0.0 0.0 . 0.0 2 1.563 5.208 1.7 0.948 0.849 22.35 32.84 8.1 0.1 0.1 3 0.391 7.292 2.1 1.924 0.849 22.35 32.84 2.8 0.0 0.1 4 1.172 5.208 3.3 2.706 0.849 22.35 32.84 6.1 0.1 0.3 5 0.391 7.292 3.7 3.487 0.849 22.35 32.84 2.8 0.0 0.2 6 1.172 5.208 4.9 4.268 0.849 22.35 32.84 6.1 0.1 0.4 7 0.391 7.292 5.2 5.049 0.849 22.35 32.84 2.8 0.0 0.2 8 1.563 5.208 6.8 6.026 0.849 22.35 32.84 8.1 0.1 0.8 9 2.734 2.604 9.5 8.174 0.849 22.35 32.84 7.1 0.1 1.0 10 1.563 5.208 11.1 10.32 0.849 22.35 32.84 8.1 0.1 1.4 11 1.563 7.813 12.7 11.89 0.849 22.35 32.84 12.2 0.2 2.4 12 0.391 10.42 13.1 12.86 0.849 22.35 32.84 4.1 0.1 0.9 13 11,172 5.208 1 14.2 13.64 0.849 22.351 32.84 6.1 0.1 1.4 14 0.391 7.813 14.6 14.42 0.849 22.35 32.84 3.1 0.1 0.7 15 3.125 5.208 17.7 16.18 0.863 22.71 33.37 16.3 0.3 4.4 16 17 18 19 20 H = 17.74 It Overall height check 1.5 kip 14.2 kip-ft 3.6 kip-ft 0.0 kip-ft 0.0 kip-ft www.ReverenceEngineering.com 2 of 13 For proposals and inquiries 619-354-1152 ProjectsReverenceEngineering.com Project #: Duplo Figure 'D' REVERENCE 1905002C ENGINEERING I Legoland Way, Carlsbad, CA rX F. SEISMIC ANALYSIS FOR NON-BUILDING STRUCTURES NOT SIMILAR TO BUILDINGS UbIi KUK I: RISK i.ategory: Ii Ss 1.127 of g Short Penod Spectral Acceleration 1e 1 S1 0.434 of g 1-sec Period Spectral Acceleration ha = _- 17.74 If Site Coefficient w= 20 F Fe_1.049_- 1.566 - Site Coefficient TABLE 15-4.2: TL = 8 sec Long-Period Transition Period R 3 ASCE 7-10 Figure 22-12 EQUIVALENT LATERAL FORCE PROCEDURE PER ASCE 12.8 PER 15.1.3 SMS = 1.18 - Spectral Response Acceleration Parameter [Eqn 11.4-I1 SMI = 0.68 - Spectral Response Acceleration Parameter [Eqn 11.4-21 5DS = 0.79 - Design Spectral Acceleration Parameter [Eqn 11.4-3] SDI = 0.45 - Design Spectral Acceleration Parameter [Eqn 11.4-4] x = 0.75 - Period Parameter [Fable 12.8-2] C1 = 0.02 - Period Parameter [Table 12.8-2] Ta = 0.17 sec Approximate Fundamental Period [Eqn 12.8-7] CALCULATION OF SEISMIC RESPONSE COEFFICIENTS PER ASCE 7-10 0.263 - Seismic Response Coefficient [Eqn 12.8-2] Us = C5 = 0.873 - 40.41 - upper limit Tor I 5 'I. [Applicable] Upper limit for T> TL [NIA] [Eqn 12.8-3] [Eqn 12.8-41 U5 = 0.873 - Applicable Upper limit Us = C,= 0.035 - 0.121 - Lower limit Lower limit for S1 a 0.6g [N/A] [Eqn 15.4-1] [Eqn 15.4-2] U9 0.035 - Applicable Lower limit 0.263 Seismic Response Coefficient (Strength Design) I Weight Ovemdes I h (ft) Width (ft) W (Ib) w (pit) IN (psf) h (ft) z (ft) W (lb) F. (kip) M. (k-ft) 1 0.2 0.0 0.167 0.083 0 0 0 2 1.6 5.2 1.729 0.948 162.8 42.76 40.53 3 0.4 7.3 2.12 1.924 56.97 14.97 28.8 4 1.2 5.2 3.292 2.706 122.1 32.07 86.77 5 0.4 7.3 3.682 3.487 56.97 14.97 52.19 6 1.2 5.2 4.854 4.268 122.1 32.07 136.9 7 0.4 7.3 5.245 5.049 56.97 14.97 75.57 8 1.6 5.2 6.807 6.026 162.8 42.76 257.7 9 2.7 2.6 9.542 8.174 142.4 37.41 305.8 10 1.6 5.2 11.1 10.32 162.8 42.76 441.4 11 1.6 7.8 12.67 11.89 244.1 64.14 762.3 12 0.4 10.4 13.06 12.86 81.38 21.38 275 13 1.2 5.2 14.23 13.64 122.1 32.07 437.5 14 OAJ 7.8 14.62 14.42 61.04 16.03 231.3 15 3.1 5.2 17.74 16.18 325.5 85.52 1384 16 17.74 17.74 0 0 0 17 17.74 17.74 0 0 0 18 17.74 17.74 0 0 0 19 17.74 17.74 0 20 17.74 17.74 U Eid H= 17.74 It Overall height check REF: ASCE CHAPTER 15 ASCE 7-10 Table 1.5-2 per Structural height Assumed Seismic Weight (conservative) Response Modification Coefficient for: Signs and Billboards Seismic Load: Base Bending Moment: 4.5 k-ft Base Shear 0.494 kip WIND GOVERNS Overstrength: = 2.5 - Base Bending Moment: 11.3 k-ft Base Shear: 1.235 kip WIND GOVERNS Post-Installed Anchors (0.75) per (only when applicable) Base Bending Moment: 15.1 k-ft Base Shear 1.6 kip WIND GOVERNS www.ReverenceEngineering.com 3 of 13 For proposals and inquiries 619-354-1152 Projects©ReverenceEngineering.com Project #: Duplo Figure 'D' REVERENCE' RE ENGINEERING 1905002C I Legoland Way, Carlsbad, CA SPLICE (OR SECTION) LOADS Moments include an additional 10% per 29.4-1 iT sTh1 Splice h (ft) Index- h- (ft) w+ (ft) h+ (ft) p+ (psf) A (sqft) F (kip) Z (ft) 1 7.917 8 6.807 2.604 9.542 32.84 4.23 0.14 0.81 2 3 4 V (kip) M (k-fl) T (k-fl) 0.962 5.165 2.187 I GRADE 1 1.548 1 15.601 1 0.000 CAST-IN-PLACE PIER DESIGN Piimaiy ft Footing diameter M= b =q 15.60 k-ft Moment at grade V1_1.55_1k M = 9.361 k-ft Service M (0.6*M ) Vs = 0.929 k s = 100 psf!ft Lateral Bearing per (BC Table 1806.2 s = 267 psflft Increased per (BC 1806.1 &1806.3.4 ITERATION PER IBC 1807.3.2.1 h = 10.08 It Si = 580.8 psf d = 6.526 It A= 2.432 It Soil Class: 5 Shear at grade w = 1.3 Per (BC 1605.3.2 Service V (0.6VU) P = 1207 lb Lateral Wind Force DESIGN RESULTS MIN. PIER DEPTH: 6 ft and 7 In Ratio MIN. PIER DIAMETER: 2 ft and 0 in 3.291666667 *Also refers to diagonal of a square or rectangle www.ReverenceEngineering.com 4 of 13 For proposals and inquiries 619-354-1152 ProjectsReverenceEngineenng.com Project #: Duplo Figure '0' REVERENCEREENGINEERING 1905002C 1 Legoland Way, Carlsbad, CA ALUMINUM TUBE- FLEXURE Upper Section M 1 = 10.329 k-ft Design Moment M1 = 123.9 k-in Design Moment ALUM 6061-T6 D = 8 in Member depth d = 7 in Member inside depth x WELDED? B = k1 8 in Member width b = 7 in Member inside width F, =_24 ksi F, = 15 ksi T= 0.5 in Member thickness 1 - F, = 15 Iksi S = 35.313 in Elastic Section Modulus Z= 42.25 1fl Plastic Section Modulus Mnp = 633.75 k-in Nominal Yield Moment = 1014 k-in Nominal Rupture Moment (Pb = 0.9 - Strength Reduction Factor 1Pb 0.9 - Strength Reduction Factor = 570.38 k-in Yield Moment Capacity Ap= 912.6 k-in Rupture Moment Capacity D/C: 0.2173 OK Demand: Capacity DIC: 0.136 OK Demand: Capacity ALUMINUM BASE PLATE (SIMPLIFIED) SQUARE POST, SQUARE PLATE Match Plates Mul = 10.329 k-ft Design Moment arm = 1.75 in Plate Bending Arm ALUM 6061-T6 Si = 11.5 in Fastener spacing TWO = 10.78 kip Group Tension x WELDED? d= 8 in Member depth F, = 24 ksi b = 14 in Effective Bending Width 1,P1 18.86 k-in Plate Moment F, = 15 ksi = 0.75 in Plate thickness S = 1.313 in4 Elastic Section Modulus Fw = 15 ksi n 2 - # T fasteners Z = 1.969 In, Plastic Section Modulus Ic, = 1 - MnP = 29.531 k-in Nominal Yield Moment M, = 47.25 k-in Nominal Yield Moment 5.389 kip Fastener Tension (Pb = 0.9 - Strength Reduction Factor 90 0.9 - Strength Reduction Factor 26.578 k-in Yield Moment Capacity qlMfl = 42.53 k-in Yield Moment Capacity D/C: 0.7097 OK Demand: Capacity D/C: 0.444 OK Demand: Capacity ASTM A307 THRU-BOLT CHECK Match PL Hardware (p 0.75 - Strength Reduction Factor Tu =kip Fastener Tension F = 58 ksi = 10.01 kip Tensile Rupture Capacity V =kip Nlin Fastener Shear Fm= 43.5 ksi DIC: 0.538 OK did = Bolt diameter F, 26.1 ksi çV 6.006 kip Shear Rupture Capacity A,, 0.3068 in' Area of Bolt D/C: 0.08 OK f 1.5675 ksi Required Shear Stress qiR 10.01 kip Combined Rupture Capacity F', 43.5 ksi Modified Nominal Tensile Stress D/C: 0.538 OK www.ReverenceEngineering.com 5 of 13 For proposals and inquiries 619-354-1152 ProjectsReverenceEngineering.com Project #: Duplo Figure '0' RE ENGINEERING REVERENCE 1905002C 1 Legoland Way, Carlsbad, CA ALUMINUM TUBE - FLEXURE Lower Section M 1 =_t#l### k-ft Design Moment M1 = 187.2 k-in Design Moment ALUM 6061-16 D =_8 in Member depth d = 7 in Member inside depth x WELDED? ______ B= _8 in Member width b= 7 in Member inside width F, =_24 ksi F,,, =_15 ksi T 0.5 in Member thickness k, =_1 - F, =_15 ksi S = 35.31 in Elastic Section Modulus Z = 42.25 lfl Plastic Section Modulus M,, = 633.8 k-in Nominal Yield Moment Mn, = 1014 k-in Nominal Rupture Moment 1pb = 0.9 - Strength Reduction Factor 9b = 0.9 - Strength Reduction Factor 1pmnp = 570.4 k-in Yield Moment Capacity çM = 912.6 k-in Rupture Moment Capacity D/C: 0.328 OK Demand: Capacity D/C: 0.205 OK Demand: Capacity ALUMINUM BASE PLATE (SIMPLIFIED) SQUARE POST, SQUARE PLATE Base Plate M1 = ##### k-ft Design Moment arm = 1.25 in Plate Bending Arm ALUM 6061-T6 III = 10.5 in Fastener spacing Tol = 17.83 kip Group Tension x WELDED? d= 8 in Member depth Ftuw = 24 ksi b.ff = 7.5 in Effective Bending Width = 22.29 k-in Plate Moment F, = 15 ksi = 1 in Plate thickness S = 1.25 in' Elastic Section Modulus Fcyw = 15 ksi n ="3 - ft T fasteners Z = 1.875 in Plastic Section Modulus k = 1 - Mnp = 28.13 k-in Nominal Yield Moment M,,u = 45 k-in Nominal Yield Moment 5.943 kip Fastener Tension = 0.9 - Strength Reduction Factor 1Pb = 0.9 - Strength Reduction Factor qlmnp = 25.31 k-in Yield Moment Capacity Au = 40.5 k-in Yield Moment Capacity D/C: 0.88 OK Demand: Capacity D/C: 0.55 OK Demand: Capacity F1554 ANCHOR ROD (STEEL) CHECK = d,,, = GR.: 5.943 IP Rod Tension F = 58 ksi Ikip Rod Shear F, = 36 ksi un Rod diameter A, 0.307 in2 Rod Grade z = 0.041 in. PAD xIGROUT 0.625 Vu =_0.516 j- Ultimate Strength Pn = 11.04 kip V = 6.627 kip Yield Strength ip = 0.75 - ip = 0.75 - Area of Rod qPn = 8.283 kip pV = 3.976 kip Plastic Section Modulus D/C: 0.717 OK D/C: 0.13 OK COMBINED: D/C: 0.608 OK www.ReverenceEngineering.com 6 of 13 For proposals and inquiries 619-354-1152 . ProjectsReverenceEngineenng.com Project #: Duplo Figure '0' REVERENCE R E. ENGINEERING 1905002C I Legoland Way, Carlsbad, CA JOINT REACTION PER RISA Joint Columni X LCx Y LCy Z LCz Mx LCmx LCmy Mx LCmz N1 max 0.636 1i.01710 330 33 6.697 . 22 0.271 ij Ni min 0.409 28 0.654 28 -1.92 .16 -16.3 16 0 1 0.174 28 N2 max -0.41 33 1.017 1 T-33 0 33 0 33-0.17 33 N2 mm -0.64 1 0.654 28 -1.92 16 -16.3 16 -6.7 16 -0.27 . 1 - . - ------ 1 ----.- r - Ti Xmax 0.636 kip Xmin -0.64 kip Yrnax 1.017 kip Yd 0.654 kip Zinax Dkip Zmin= -1.92 kip mxmax 0k-ft Mx = -16.3 k-ft MYmax 6.697 k-ft My -6.7 k-ft M4w 0.271 k-ft Mz 0.27 k-ft CAST-IN-PLACE PIER DESIGN . . Pifmar/ b Qft Footing diameter M0 k-ft Moment at grade Vul 1.92 1k M0 = 9.78 k-ft Service M (U.bM ) Vs = 1.154 k $ = 100 psfift Lateral Bearing per IBC Table 1806.2 s' = 267 psflft Increased per IBC 1806.1 & 1806.3.4. ITERATION PER IBC 1807.3.2.1 h = 8.48 It SI = 606.6 psf d = 6.815 It A = 2.893 It Soil Class: F5 Shear at grade w = 1.3 Per IBC 1605.3.2 Service V (O.ti'V0) P = 1500 lb Lateral Wind Force DESIGN RESULTS MIN. PIER DEPTH: 6 ft and 10 in . Ratio MIN. PIER DIAMETER*: 2 ft and 0 in 3.416666667 *Also refers to diagonal of a square or rectangle www.ReverenceEngineering.com 7 of 13 For proposals and inquiries 619-354-1152 Projects©ReverenceEngmneering.com Envelope Only Solution SK-1 July 29, 2019 at 4:13 PM uisa.r3d tsn,an Da*,aranraCnninnnnni. earn Far nmnn0210 2nd inniiiripo 619-354-1152 ProjectsReverenceEngineenng.com Envelope Only Solution SK-2 July 29, 2019 at 4:13 PM risa.r3d IMAMI PAuren,'flninoOflfln ,!nm Fnr nmnnsals and innuirias 619-354-1152 ProjectsReverenceEngineering.com Loads: BLC 1, DEAD Envelope Only Solution SK-3 July 29, 2019 at 4:13 PM risa.r3d ,sa.an. Da*,aranarnninaannn -- Far nmnnc2le 2n11 inniiirip 619-354-1152 ProjectsReverenceEngineenng.com I101bIft lbfft blfl Loads: BLC 2. WINO 1 Envelope Only Solution SK-4 July 29, 2019 at 4:13 PM nsa.r3d IMWI RawaromaFnninporinn mm 11 of 13 Fnr nmnnIE land innhjiripE 619-354-1152 ProjectsReverenceEngineering.com 111 Company Rls Designer : 4:14 PM July 29, 2019 Job Number : A 'EW 'S 'HE CMpA Model Name : Checked B Aluminum Properties I hI p fl,eil ( wan M. Th,m I flncih,r Thhlo Pit kf tii1Ici1 Fh,I€1 Irurkfl cuirki1 (t 1 3003-H14 10100 3787.5 .33 1.3 .173 Table B... 1 19 16 13 12 141 2 6061-T6 10100 3787.5 .33 1.3 .173 Table B... 1 38 35 35 24 141 3 6063-T5 10100 3787.5 .33 1.3 .173 Table B... 1 22 16 16 13 141 4 6063-T6 10100 3787.5 .33 1.3 .173 Table B... 1 30 25 25 19 141 5 5052-1-134 10200 3787.5 .33 1.3 .173 Table B... 1 34 26 24 20 141 6 6061-T6W 10100 3787.5 .33 1.3 .173 Table B... 1 24 15 15 15 1 141 Aluminum Section Sets Label Shape Type Design List Material Design A... A Dn2 lyvFin41 Izz[in4] J Fin41 I 1 I 8x8x.5 I RT8X8XO.250 I Column IRectanciularTubes061-T6V1 Typical I 7.75 I 77.7 I 77.7 I 116 I Basic Load Cases M1 f, n;,,.,;, r',w., V V .u+,, 7 ininf P,,int flifrih,itarI ArnafkAa Roirfora(P AiIII1 RU 'iiFIIP RU AilklIIC RU 'i1ll'L U TiT1ll'J. UIkYA;[sIs]ir:- RU_1IYA Load Combinations C DflI+ CDQCP V. P P Po P Pa P Pa P Pa P Pa R F:n R F Ur5p1u;1rwl.1 flflflU•lUU•Ul• NflflU•U•••U•UUU ________ ________ flflflU•U•U•UU•U•U RUy5[sII;1ILI1 __ flflflflU•UUUU•UU• flflfl•U•U•U•U••• flflflU•U•UU•N•U• ________ __AflflflU•I••U•UU•• MEAN16111 RAW!, _______ Uflh1flh1••U••lU•U•U• Rom ________ __flflUflflUU•UU•URUl RISA-313 Version 17.0.2 [G:\...\...\...\FEATURES\1905002C - Duplo D\Calculations\risa.r3d] Page 1 www.ReverenceEngineeiing.com 12 of 13 For proposals and inquiries 619-354-1152 ProjectsReverenceEngineenng.com Company Designer : July 29, 2019 IIIRISA Job Number : 4.14 PM Checked By ANEMETSCHEKCOMPANY Model Name : ....._ Load Combinations (Continued) Q Dfld+ QQQQ R I R F R r [eII;ILP! _________ nnnnuu•••uuu•• flflflil••lU•U•••U••• _________ Member Distributed Loads (BLC 1: DEAD) I hI I.,n QI.* n,1 RAnn+,.drIht I n,'+innhn 0/-I 9nd I Iirin O/ 1 - M3 V -20 -20 0 0 2 M4 V -20 -20 0 0 3 Ml V -20 -20 0 0 4 M2 V -20 -20 0 0 - Member Distributed Loads (BLC 2: WIND 1) RAr..h.I hI fli,w.finn Qfart MnniI,,rI(Ih/ft 9nrl RAnnt,irIdIhHt +irt I nrtirinFin%.1 I=nrI I flrinrin%.1 1 Ml - Z 77 77 0 0 2 M2 Z 77 77 0 0 3 M3 Z 110 110 0 0 4 M4 Z 110 110 0 0 5 M5 Z 1 113 1 113 1 0 1 0 Envelope Joint Reactions v rL11 if' Vfl,1 if' 7(I1 if' RAY rft1I RAY rkJf1IrM7rkft1Ir 1 Ni max .479 1 .7721 o A 036.7222.211 2 mm .308 28 .496 2E -1.923 U -16.339 U 0 1 .135 28 3 N2 max -.308 33 .772 1 0 3 0 33 0 3 -.135 33 4 mm -.479 1 .496 2 -1.923 U -16.339 U -6.722 if -.21 1 5 Totals: max 1 0 33 1.544 1 0 3 min 0 1 .992 1281 -3.847 - Envelope AA ADM 1-15. LRFD - Building Aluminum Code Checks RA.....,. r'.,i, r' I ...,.r...j I r' Ch i n;. I f' .,h;*o.,,. nh;D,,sr nhi'IaIn nhiliAr, nh.*/n, nh*Vn7 (h Fan 1 Ml RT8X8XO.. .804 0 22 .354 0 z 2295.425 104.625 21.394 21.394 29.363 29.363 2 M2 RT8X8XO.. .804 109.6--22 .354 109.6.. z 22 95.425 104.625 21.394 21.394 29.363 29.363 3 M3 RT8X8XO.. .255 108.5--22 .034 108.5.. z 22 95.681 104.625 21.394 21.394 29.363 29.363 2... .1-1 4 M4 RT8X8XO.. .255 0 22 .034 0 z 22 95.681 104.625 21.394 21.394 29.363 29.363 2... .1-1 5 M5 RT8X8XO.. .495 32.8322 .079 32.83 z 22 102.428 104.625 21.394 21.394 29.363 29.363 1 .1-1 RISA-3D Version 17.0.2 [G:\...\...\...\FEATURES\1905002C - Duplo D\Calculations\risa.r3d] Page 2 www.ReverenceEngineering.com 13 of 13 For proposals and inquiries 619-354-1152 ProjectsReverenceEngineering.com RE REVERENCE ENGINEERING STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING SERVICES STRUCTURAL CALCULATIONS for Duplo Figure 'A' at 1 Legoland Way Carlsbad, CA Prepared for: Attraction & Entertainment Solutions, Inc. Package Type: Project #: Initial Submittal 1905002A DESIGN LOADS ::Wind:: Vuit 110 mph Exposure: C Va i 85 mph ::Ground Snow Load:: Pg = 0 psf ::Seismic:: SDC: D Site Class: D S 1.127 g Sm. = 1.182 g S1 = 0.434 g SMI = 0.680 g Fa = 1.049 - SDs = 0.788 g F = 1.566 - SDI = 0.453 g TL = 8 sec DESIGN SPECIFICATIONS 1 California Building Code (CBC) 2016 2 ASCE 7-10: Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other Structures 3 ACI 318-14: Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete 4 ANSI/AISC 360-10: Specification for Structural Steel Buildings www.ReverenceEngineering.com 619-354-1152 Page 1 of 6 7-23-19 Projects@ReverenceEngineenng.com P~evoc'- 0c INTERPOLATION 2 2 4 0.5 1.70 1.70 1.70 0.333 1.78 LO 3-0 1.80 1.80 1.80 C,= 1.783- Force Coefficient [Figure 29.4-1] Project #: Duplo Figure 'A' RE ENGINEERING REVERENCE 1905002A 1 Legoland Way, Carlsbad, CA WIND LOADS ON OTHER STRUCTURES AND BUILDING APPURTENANCES PER CHAPTER 29 DESIGN WIND LOADS - SOLID SIGNS (SECTION 29.5) _____ V = 110 mph Basic Wind Speed s/h = 0.333 - Cabinent to Overall Height Ratio Exposure Category: C h = 15 ft Average Height B/s = 2 - Cabinent Width to Height Ratio s = 5 ft Vertical sign dimension = 900 It Terrain Exposure Constant [Table 26.9-1] B = 10 It Horizontal sign dimension a = 9.5- Terrain Exposure Constant [Table 26.9-1] £ = 100% - Solid to Gross Area Ratio (porosity) Kd = 0.85 Directionality Factor [Table 26.6-1] FoS ••i - Add'I. FoS applied to Pz Kzt = 1 Topographic Factor [26.8.2] IF two poles, spacing:I_6.229 I [U for one pole] G = 0.85 - Gust Effect Factor [26.9.1] 0.213 = 2 It Case B Offset Distribution Factor: 0.821 - (Fraction of sign load that must be attributed to each pole, if more than one is present) Figure 29.4-1 Cf Cases A& B Aspect Ratio B/s 0.05 0.1 0.2 0.5 1 2 4 5 10 20 30 45 1.00 1.80 1.70 1.65 1.55 1.45 1.40 1.35 1.35 1.30 1.30 1.30 1.30 0.90 1.85 1.75 1.70 1.60 1.55 1.50 1.45 1.45 1.40 1.40 1.40 1.40 0.70 11.90 1.85 1.75 1 1.70 1.65 1.60 1.60 1.55 1.55 1.55 1.55 1.55 0.50 1.95 1.85 1.80 1.75 1.75 1.70 1.70 1.70 1.70 1.70 1.70 1.75 0.30 1.95 1.90 1.85 1.80 1.80 1.80 1.80 1.80 1.80 1.85 1.85 1.85 0.20 1.95 1.90 1.85 1.80 1.80 1.80 1.80 1.80 1.85 1.90 1.90 1.95 0.16 1.95 1.90 1.85 1.85 1.80 1.80 1.85 1.85 1.85 1.90 1.90 1.95 h = Cumulative Height to top of section Kz = Velocity Pressure Exposure Coefficient [Table 29.3-1] z = Centroid of Section Height qh = Velocity Pressure (psi) q = 0.00256*Kd*Kz*KVi •[Eqn 27.3-1] p = Design Wind Pressure (psi) p = q*G*Cf [Eqn 29.4-1] SIGN BUILD FORCE is PER POLE and reflects distribution per Case B to applicable components Pit eneral Inquiries ei,q..naineerina.con 1h (ft) Width (ft) Cant CAB. h (ft) z (ft) K Z q (psi) Pz (psi) A (sqft) F (kip) M (k-It) T (k-It) M Ui M ii2 1 0.781 10.42 0.8 0.391 0.849 22.35 38.96 8.1 0.2 0.1 2 2.344 10.42 3.1 1.953 0.849 22.35 38.96 24.4 0.5 09 - 3 10.7811 10.42 1 1 3.9 3.516 0.849 22.35 38.96 8.1 0.21 0.6 4 0.781 10.42 4.7 4.297 0.849 22.35 38.96 8.1 0.2 0.7 5 2.344 10.42 7.0 5.859 0.849 22.35 38.96 24.4 0.5 2.8 6 0.781 10.42 7.8 7.422 0.849 22.35 38.96 8.1 0.2 1.2 7 1.563 10.42 9.4 8.594 0.849 22.35 38.96 16.3 0.3 2.7 8 12.34415.208 1 1 11.7 10.55 0.849 22.351 38.96 12.2 0.2 2.5 9 0.375 5.208 12.1 11.911 0.849 22.35 38.961 2.0 0.01. 0.5 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 H = 12.09 It Overall height check kip - 2. 2tkip-ft 8.5 Jpft - 0.0 sI 0.0 ij 619-354-1152 www.ReverenceEngineenng.com P age Z 01 b Project #: Duplo Figure 'A' REVERENCEREENGINEERING 1905002A I Legoland Way, Carlsbad, CA SEISMIC ANALYSIS FOR NON-BUILDING STRUCTURES NOT SIMILAR TO BUILDINGS WI SI. . I Ifl Wt'fl7. II S5_1.127 of g Short Period Spectral Acceleration Is 1 - S1 0.434 of g 1-sec Period Spectral Acceleration h, =_12.09_f F,_1.049 - Site Coefficient w= 20 F, 1.566 - Site Coefficient TABLE 15-4.2: TL 8 _sec Long-Period Transition Period R 1_I ASCE 7-10 Figure 22-12 EQUIVALENT LATERAL FORCE PROCEDURE PER ASCE 12.8 PER 15.1.3 SMS = 1.18 - Spectral Response Acceleration Parameter [Eqn 11.4-1] SM1 = 0.68 - Spectral Response Acceleration Parameter [Eqn 11.4-2] SDS = 0.79 - Design Spectral Acceleration Parameter [Eqn 11.4-3] S01 = 0.45 - Design Spectral Acceleration Parameter (Eqn 11.4-4] x = 0.75 - Period Parameter [Table 12.8-2] C, = 0.02 - Period Parameter [Table 12.8-2) T, = 0.13 sec Approximate Fundamental Period (Eqn 12.8-7) CALCULATION OF SEISMIC RESPONSE COEFFICIENTS PER ASCE 7-10 C. = 0.263 - Seismic Response Coefficient [Eqn 12.8-2] C, = C,: 1.164 - 71.82 - Upper limit for TS T1 [Applicable] Upper limit for T> T1 [N/A] [Eqn 12.8-3] (Eqn 12.8-4) Cs = 1.164 - Applicable Upper limit C, = C,: 0.035 - 0.121 - Lower limit Lower limit for S 0.69 [N/A] [Eqn 15.4-1] [Eqn 15.4-2] C,: 0.035 - Applicable Lower limit C,: 0.263 Seismic Response Coefficient (Strength Design) I Weight Overrides h (ft) Width (ft) W (lb) w (p11) w (psI) h (ft) z (ft) W (lb) F. (kip) M. (k-ft) 0.8 10.4 0.781 0.391 162.8 42.76 16.7 2 2.3 10.4 . 3.125 1.953 488.3 128.3 250.5 3 1 0.81 10.4 1 3.9061 3.516 162.81 42.76 150.3 4 0.8 10.4 4.688 4.297 162.8 42.76 183.7 5 2.3 10.4 7.031 5.859 488.3 128.3 751.6 6 0.8 10.4 7.813 7.422 162.8 42.76 317.4 7 1.6 10.41 9.375 8.5941 325.5 85.52 734.9 8 2.3 5.2 11.72 10.55 244.1 64.14 676.5 9 0.4 5.2 12.09 11.91 39.06 10.26 122.2 10 12.09 12.09 0 0 0 11 12.09 12.09 0 12 1 12.091 12.091 0 01 0 13 12.09 12.091 0 0 0 14 12.09 12.09 0 15 12.09 12.0 16 12.09 12.09 0 0 0 17 1 . 12.09 12.09 0 01 0 18 1 1 12.091 12.09 00 19 12.09 12.09 00 20 1 12.09 12.09 0 0 0 H: 12.09 ft Overall height check www.Ru.arenceEngineering.com page S olb 619-354-1152 REF: ASCE CHAPTER 15 ASCE 7-10 Table 1.5-2 per Structural height Assumed Seismic Weight (conservative) Response Modification Coefficient for Signs and Billboards Seismic Load: Base Bending Moment: 3.2 k-ft Base Shear: 0.588 kip WIND GOVERNS Overstrength: 0 = 2.5 - Base Bending Moment: 8.0 k-ft Base Shear: 1.469 kip WIND GOVERNS Post-Installed Anchors (0.75) per (only when applicable) Base Bending Moment: 10.7 k-ft Base Shear: 2.0 kip WIND GOVERNS For Proposals and General Inquiries: Projects©ReverenceEngineehng.com REVERENCE Project #: Duplo Figure 'A' RE ENGINEERING 1905002A 1 Legoland Way, Carlsbad, CA SPLICE (OR SECTION) LOADS Moments include an additional 10% per 29.4-1 if sTh1 Splice h (ft) I Index- h- (ft) w+ (ft) hF (ft) p+ (psf) AF (sqft) F (kip) z (ft) 1 5.458 4 4.688 10.42 7.031 38.96 16.38 0.64 0.79 2 3 4 V (kip) M (k-fl) I (k-ft) 1.390 3.263 3.886 GRADE 1 2.178 1 11.879 1 0.000 CAST-IN-PLACE PIER DESIGN Pñmaty b Footing diameter* Mk Qft -ft Moment at grade Vu = r 2-181 k M5 = 7.127 k-ft Service M (0.6MU) Vs = 1.307 k s = 100 psf/ft Lateral Bearing per IBC Table 1806.2 s 267 psf/ft Increased per IBC 1806.1 & 1806.3.4 ITERATION PER IBC 1807.3.2.1 h= 5.45 ft Si = 581.3 psi d= 6.532 It A= 3.42 ft Soil Class: Shear at grade w = 1.3 Per IBC 1605.3.2 Service V (0.6*V ) P = 1699 lb Lateral Wind Force DESIGN RESULTS MIN. PIER DEPTH: 6 It and 7 in Ratio MIN. PIER DIAMETER*: 2 It and 0 in 3.291666667 Also refers to diagonal of a square or rectangle www.ReverenceEngineering.com Page 4 of 6 For Proposals and General Inquiries: 619-354-1152 Projects@ReverenceEngineering.com Project #: Duplo Figure 'A' RE ENGINEERING REVERENCE 1905002A I Legoland Way, Carlsbad, CA ALUMINUM TUBE - FLEXURE M1 = 3.263 k-ft Design Moment M1 = 39.16 k-in Design Moment ALUM 6061-T6 D =_6 in Member depth d 5.5 in Member inside depth x WELDED? ______ B 6 in Member width b= 5.5 in Member inside width F, =_24 ksi F, =15 ksi T= _0.25 in Member thickness k1=_1 - F =_15 ksi S = 10.58 11113 Elastic Section Modulus Z= 12.41 ire Plastic Section Modulus = 186.1 k-in Nominal Yield Moment = 297.8 k-in Nominal Rupture Moment 9b = 0.9 - Strength Reduction Factor 9b = 0.9 - Strength Reduction Factor = 167.5 k-in Yield Moment Capacity ipM = 268 k-in Rupture Moment Capacity D/C: 0.234 OK Demand: Capacity DIC: 0.146 OK Demand: Capacity ALUMINUM BASE PLATE (SIMPLIFIED) SQUARE POST, SQUARE PLATE M 1 = 3.263 k-ft Design Moment arm = 2 in Plate Bending Arm ALUM 6061-T6 s 10 in Fastener spacing T 1= 3.916 kip Group Tension x WELDED? d = 6 in Member depth F = 24 ksi b05 = 8 in Effective Bending Width Mu,O = 7.831 k-in Plate Moment F, = 15 ksi n Plate thickness S = 0.521 ire Elastic Section Modulus F, = 15 n ZZ #1 fasteners Z= 0.781 in' Plastic Section Modulus k, =' _ksi - M, = 11.72 k-in Nominal Yield Moment = 18.75 k-in Nominal Yield Moment 1.958 kip Fastener Tension IN = 0.9 - Strength Reduction Factor 1Pb = 0.9 - Strength Reduction Factor = 10.55 k-in Yield Moment Capacity ipM, = 16.88 k-in Yield Moment Capacity 0/C: 0.742 OK Demand: Capacity D/C: 0.464 OK Demand: Capacity ASTM A307 THRU-BOLT CHECK ______ p 0.75 - Strength Reduction Factor Fastener Tension F = 58 ksi qiT = 10.01 kip Tensile Rupture Capacity T =_1.958_kip V kip Fastener Shear Fm 43.5 ksi D/C: 0.196 OK _0.695 d, 0.625 in Bolt diameter F, = 26.1 ksi pV 6.006 kip Shear Rupture Capacity A,011 0.307 in Area of Bolt D/C: 0.116 OK f 2.265 ksi Required Shear Stress ipR,, = 10.01 kip Combined Rupture Capacity F'1 43.5 ksi Modified Nominal Tensile Stress 0/C: 0.196 OK www.ReverenceEngineering.com 619-354-1152 Page 5 of 6 For Proposals and General Inquiries: ProjectsReverenceEngineenng.com REVERENCE Project #: Duplo Figure 'A' RE ENGINEERING 1905002A 1 Legoland Way, Carlsbad, CA ALUMINUM TUBE - FLEXURE M1 = 11.879 k-ft Design Moment M 1 = 142.5 k-in Design Moment ALUM 6061-T6 D =_6 in Member depth d = 5.5 in Member inside depth x WELDED? B= _6 in Member width b= 5.5 in Member inside width F, =_24 ksi F 15 ksi T= in Member thickness 1 - F,, =_15 ksi .3 .3 S= 10.58 in Elastic Section Modulus Z= 12.41 in Plastic Section Modulus = 186.1 k-in Nominal Yield Moment M, = 297.8 k-in Nominal Rupture Moment Pb = 0.9 - Strength Reduction Factor b = 0.9 - Strength Reduction Factor = 167.5 k-in Yield Moment Capacity 9m p = 268 k-in Rupture Moment Capacity D/C: 0.851 01< Demand: Capacity D/C: 0.532 OK Demand: Capacity ALUMINUM BASE PLATE (SIMPLIFIED) SQUARE POST, SQUARE PLATE M 1 = 11.879 k-ft Design Moment arm = 2 in Plate Bending Ann ALUM 6061-T6 s1 = 10 in Fastener spacing Tg,j = 14.25 kip Group Tension x WELDED? d= 6 in Member depth F,. = 24 ksi Nff = 10 in Effective Bending Width = 28.51 k-in Plate Moment F,, = 15 ksi = 1 Plate thickness S= 1.667 in' Elastic Section Modulus F = 15 n = 3 _in - # T fasteners Z= 2.5 Ifl' Plastic Section Modulus 4-1 1 _ksi - M, = 37.5 k-in Nominal Yield Moment M, = 60 k-in Nominal Yield Moment 4.752 kip Fastener Tension 0.9 - Strength Reduction Factor Pb = 0.9 - Strength Reduction Factor = 33.75 k-in Yield Moment Capacity ipM,u = 54 k-in Yield Moment Capacity D/C: 0.845 OK Demand: Capacity D/C: 0.528 OK Demand: Capacity F1554 ANCHOR ROD (STEEL) CHECK Rod Tension F 58 ksi Ultimate Strength P = 11.04 kip V 6.627 kip V,, 0.726 kip Rod Shear F = 36 ksi Yield Strength = 0.75- 0.75- Tu =_4.752kip _ Rod diameter A, 0.307 in2 Area of Rod = 8.283 kip = 3.976 kip d,,,,, =_0.625 in GR.: 36 - Rod Grade Z = 0.041 in Plastic Section Modulus D/C: 0.574 01< D/C: 0.183 OK X _GROUT PAD COMBINED: D/C: 0.455 OK www.ReverenceEngineeiing.com Page 6 of 6 For Proposals and General Inquiries: 619-354-1152 Pmjects@ReverenceEngineering.com