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1 LEGOLAND DR; ; PREV2019-0261; Permit
'(FIT, C of PERMIT REPORT Carlsbad Print Date: 04/29/2020 Permit No: PREV2019-0261 1 Legolancl Qr BLDG-Permit Revision Work Class: Residential Permit Revisi Status: Closed - Finaled 2111000900 Applied: 12/10/2019 $ 0.00 Lot #: Issued: 12/24/2019 Project #: DEV2018-0163 PermitFinal Construction Type Close Out: 04/29/2020 Inspector: Qrig. Plan Check #: PC2018-0050 Final Plan Check #: Inspection: PROJECT 2020 LEGOLAND: PROJECT 2020- EXTERIOR LIGHT GAUGE FRAMING & CALCS FOR NEW RIDE BLDG, DOWNTOWN BLDG & EXISTING RESTAURANT/THEATER BUILDING Job Address: Permit Type: Parcel No: Valuation: Occupancy Group: # Dwelling Units: Bedrooms: Bathrooms: Project Title Description: Applicant: . Owner: Contractor: WMB-ROI, INC. LEGOLAND CALIFORNIA LLC SWINERTON BUILDERS STEVEN BOYINGTON 110 S Kentucky Ave Po Box 543185 C/O Property Tax Service Co 260 Townsend St Lakeland, FL 33801-5002 DALLAS, TX 75354 San Francisco, CA 94107-1765 863-687-3573 415-984-1362 FEE AMOUNT BUILDING PLAN CHECK REVISION ADMIN FEE $35.00 MANUAL BLDG PLAN CHECK FEE $225.00 Total Fees: $ 260.00 Total Payments To Date: $ 260.00 Balance Due: $0.00 Building Division 1635 Faraday Avenue, Carlsbad CA 92008-7314 1 760-602-2700 1 760-602-8560 f 1 www.carlsbadca.gov Page 1 of 1 (City of Carlsbad PLAN CHECK REVISION OR DEFERRED SUBMITTAL APPLICATION B-15 Development Services Building Division 1635 Faraday Avenue 760-602-2719 www.carlsbadca.gov Original Plan Check NumberZOI? _O 0- C8CA2ôI7 -Plan Revision Number ( Project Address -t LE7O tAlVi) l* MAl) , C 174V' General Scope of Revision/Deferred Submittal: ESCt kI6fHT '#1. FfY+M) IVtV CONTACT INFORMATION: Name Phone Phone 4/1 &b 65177 Fax Address/67l' -City _5 1> Zip_12)1? Email Address 13P14' )4 YV WI57TO i'1 O ,4 Original plans prepared by an architect or engineer, revisions must be signed & stamped by that person. 1 . Elements revised: XPlans X Calculations 0 Soils 0 Energy 0 Other 2. Describe revisions in detail 3. List page(s) where each revision is shown tXt. 1461/1rA. f!kPMIW t, CALCM1ftT7Otk A-L--L Folk /VEW• RI 1E 8 w/ji rn/ba $ L)O 'viWvtV x ri w ft jyA 494 Does this revision, in any way, alter the exterior of the project? XYes No Does this revision add ANY new floor area(s)? 0 Yes No Does this revision affect any fire related issues? 0 Yes No Yes EJNo e s 121~ A _______________________ Date Is this a complet Y ilm. 002- 2719 7602558 Email:building@carlsbadca.gov £Signature 1635 Faraday Avenue, Carlsbad, CA 9200 ANwcarKbadcagov V/ EsGil A SAFEbui1t Company DATE: Dec. 20, 2019 JURISDICTION: Carlsbad PLAN CHECK #.: PC2018-0050 (Rev.5) - Prev2019-0261 /APPLICANT URIS. SET:I PROJECT ADDRESS: 1 Legoland Dr. PROJECT NAME: Project 2020 Deferred Roof Framing PREV2019-0158 The plans transmitted herewith have been corrected where necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes. E The plans transmitted herewith will substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes when minor deficiencies identified below are resolved and checked by building department staff. The plans transmitted herewith have significant deficiencies identified on the enclosed check list and should be corrected and resubmitted for a complete recheck. The check list transmitted herewith is for your information. The plans are being held at EsGil until corrected plans are submitted for recheck. The applicant's copy of the check list is enclosed for the jurisdiction to forward to the applicant contact person. E The applicant's copy of the check list has been sent to: EsGil staff did not advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. E EsGil staff did advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. Person contacted: Telephone #: Date contacted: 111 2.01 ($y.31) Email: Mail Telephone Fax In Person REMARKS: By: ALl SADRE, S.E. (for K.C.) Enclosures: Previously-approved plans EsGil 12/12 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208 • San Diego, California 92123 • (858) 560-1468 • Fax (858) 560-1576 Carlsbad PC2018-0050 (Rev.-5) - Prev2019-0261 Dec. 20, 2019 [DO NOT PAY- THIS IS NOT AN INVOICE] VALUATION AND PLAN CHECK FEE JURISDICTION: Carlsbad PLAN CHECK #.: PC2018-0050 (Rev.-5) - Prev2019-0261 PREPARED BY: ALl SADRE, S.E. (for K.C.) DATE: Dec. 20, 2019 BUILDING ADDRESS: 1 Legoland Dr. BUILDING OCCUPANCY: BUILDING PORTION AREA (Sq. Ft.) Valuation Multiplier Reg. Mod. VALUE ($) Air Conditioning Fire Sprinklers TOTAL VALUE Jurisdiction Code ICb ]By Ordinance 11997 USC Building Permit Fee 11997 USC Plan Check Fee [J Type of Review: r Repetitive Fee I J Repeats F * Based on hourly rate r Complete Review r Other Hourly EsGil Fee V F r Structural Only I 1.51 Hrs. @* $120.00 I $180.001 Comments: Sheet 1 of 1 Page 1 of 49 22320 Foothill Blvd, Suite 600 Hayward, CA 94541 Phone-415 619 6000 Fax-415 5009583 Email - wiraj@zenithengineers.com www.zenithengineers.com ZENITH ENGINEERS Engineering during Construction PROJECT: Cold Formed Steel Framing Swinerton - SD PROJECT #: 191056 LOCATION: 1 Legoland Dr Carlsbad CA CLIENT: Swinerton - SD PREPARED BY: Wiraj Karve REVIEWED BY: Senthil Puliyadi, P.E. REV: 0 DATE: 09.26.2019 Applies to all pages TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 Summary 1 2 Seismic and Wind Design Criteria 2 3 Design of Mansard Roof 4 4 Design of Exterior Non-Structural Wall Components 8 (a) Ears 8 (b)Eyes, Nose and Tongue 12 5 Check for screws and anchors 16 6 Appendix A - Calculations 18 (a) CFS Member Check 19 RAM Analysis Output 23 Screw capacities 47 SUMMARY: STRUCTURAL SYSTEMS The scope of work for this project is to provide engineering calci i ations an4?4the exterior non-structural wall components (dog face) and mansarc ro& átPP10bgoland1o?rded Amusement Park) in Carlsbad, California. 0 Not approved. resubmiL__copies SSE has reviewed the item only for general Cold form framing is used to design these exterior non-structura I wa$lpompdhit99nT$tIsdpep11. The onsibte for: confirming and provides the calculations and the connections used for the desig s pquantities and performing work in a safe and satisfactory manner. SSE Project No.: 18-029 _Submittal No.:SD18 Reviewed by: .Q.N.__..Date:JfliiiI 8/13/2019 ATC Hazards by Location CtTC Hazards by Location Page 2 of 49 Search Information Address: J 1.Legola0 Dr',.Cärlsbad, CA 92008, USA Coordinates: 33.12624960000001, -117.31192390000001 Elevation: ft rimestamp: 2019-08-14101:52:02.765Z Hazard Type: Wind ASCE 7-16 ASCE 7-10 -- r7r 7 - r — Temecula \ a NationaIFoiest o ' An;aBnrri Carlsbad ; - - •.' L. "Deseh - :,S -t Pa I •1' -' SanDieo• U Google ° Map data ©Reportanjap errof,I ASCE 7-05 MRI 10-Year ------------------------67 mph MRI 25-Year ------------------------72 mph MRI 50-Year ------------------------78 mph MRI 100-Year -----------------------83 mph Risk Category I ---------------------90 mph Risk Category II ---------------------97 mph Risk Category lll ------------------103 mph MRI 10-Year --------------------72 mph MRI 25-Year --------------------79 mph MRI 50-Year --------------------85 mph MRI 100-Year -------------------91 mph Risk Category I ---------------100 mph . 1Rlik cáti . 110 mph Risk Category ill-iV -----------115 mph ASCE 7-05 Wind Speed ------------85 mph Risk Category IV ------------------107 mph The results indicated here DO NOT reflect any state or local amendments to the values or any delineation lines made during the building code adoption process. Users should confirm any output obtained from this tool with the local Authority Having Jurisdiction before proceeding with design. Disclaimer Hazard loads are interpolated from data provided in ASCE 7 and rounded up to the nearest whole Integer. Per ASCE 7, islands and coastal areas outside the last contour should use the last wind speed contour of the coastal area - in some cases, this website will extrapolate past the last wind speed contour and therefore, provide a wind speed that is slightly higher. NOTE: For queries near wind-borne debris region boundaries, the resulting determination is sensitive to rounding which may affect whether or not it is considered to be within a wind-borne debris region. Mountainous terrain, gorges, ocean promontories, and special wind regions shall be examined for unusual wind conditions. While the information presented on this website is believed to be correct, ATC and its sponsors and contributors assume no responsibility or liability for its accuracy. The material presented in the report should not be used or relied upon for any specific application without competent examination and verification of its accuracy, suitability and applicability by engineers or other licensed professionals. ATC does not intend that the use of this information replace the sound judgment of such competent professionals, having experience and knowledge in the field of practice, nor to substitute for the standard of care required of such professionals in interpreting and applying the results of the report provided by this website. Users of the information from this website assume all liability arising from such use. Use of the output of this website does not imply approval by the governing building code bodies responsible for building code approval and interpretation for the building site described by latitude/longitude location in the report. https://hazards.atcouncii.orgl#Iwind?lat=33.12624960000001&lng=-117.31192390000001&address=1 Legoland Dr%2C Carlsbad%2C CA 92008%2C ... Ill 8/13/2019 U.S. Seismic Design Maps Page 3 of 49 OSHPD I Legoland Dr Carlsbad CA 92008 I Legoland Dr, Carlsbad, CA 92008, USA Latitude, Longitude: 33.1262496, -117.31192390000001 ..1 - useum Making Muc Legoland 4d Theatre 9 \' \ 1 SEA LIFE Aquarjum \ " \; 1 9 LEGOLANbCáIifcithi\ Lego tore Staff Parking 9 Google !! Hotel Parking9 \\ Map data 02019 Google Date Design Code Reference Document Risk Category Site Class Type Value Description SS 1.127 MCER ground motion. (for 0.2 second period) S1 0.434 MCER ground motion. (for 1.05 period) SMS 1.182 Site-modified spectral acceleration value SMI 0.679 Site-modified spectral acceleration value SDS 0.788 Numeric seismic design value at 0.2 second SA SDI 0.453 Numeric seismic design value at 1.0 second SA 8/13/2019,6:39:44 PM ASCE7-10 11 D - Stiff Soil Type Value Description SDC 0 Seismic design category Fa 1.049 Site amplification factor at 0.2 second F,, 1.566 Site amplification factor at 1.0 second PGA 0.447 MCEG peak ground acceleration FPGA 1.053 Site amplification factor at PGA PGAM 0.471 Site modified peak ground acceleration TL 8 Long-perIod transition period in seconds SsRT 1.127 Probabilistic risk-targeted ground motion. (0.2 second) SsUH 1.194 Factored uniform-hazard (2% probability of exceedance in 50 years) spectral acceleration SsD 1.525 Factored deterministic acceleration value. (0.2 second) SIRT 0.434 Probabilistic risk-targeted ground motion. (1.0 second) S1UH 0.436 Factored uniform-hazard (2% probability of exceedance in 50 years) spectral acceleration. SID 0.616 Factored deterministic acceleration value. (1.0 second) PGAd 0.59 Factored deterministic acceleration value. (Peak Ground Acceleration) CRS 0.944 Mapped value of the risk coefficient at short periods CR1 0.995 Mapped value of the risk coefficient at a period of 1 a https://seismicmaps.org 1/2 Page 4 of 49 Leg6Iand-New.R1deBuIIdIng.4 - _- - MansardRoof Des1 ••.• •• j• - - 1 ASCE .---l.,-References:---- 740 3. AISI - ..••.-.-.- I S100-16 TT --H -i-"- 2. .DescriptionàtStructureLCornponentafl -0 dScopeofWork:..L__L 1 focméd4teeLrnernbersstudan&trafks and shall ihescoDe, ,the bb connected to corrugated mtal roof deck at thetop of the building.. ±1-- -.-H-- H -- ofwork ctndesignJ1iem c'prf. .-• . H J±' zti±H NAL - - - -• i.. - I . 1TITI' ______.. ____ ____ -• • SideEIevation/Section of Mansard RooLr - - Created with PTC Mathcd Express. See www.mathcad.com for more information. Page 5 of 49 3 GravutyLoadSystemDesugn.. _3.0psf(asphaItro.ofIng)._ 1.5 psf (plywood sheathin) 2.0 psf (sheet metal roofing) - —3:0psf(co!diormedsteelmembers) 1.5psf(misc.) 15PSF -_--=-------- r mawardro-IofPn - ---r------ Th - -i-------H---------------- ---- - _____ - --,---+-------- W p DLA For framing design, 2,moc}!4 nb ItG see attachd RAM analysis output y)a,i ,11O5lbf -f- I I rrr - ----4------ Created with PlC Mathcad Express. See www.mathcad.com for more information. Page 60f49 4.LatetaILoadSystemDesign: 4A.Se1lsmic.Hazard:________ Setsic sign_c tegpy;J. Site Classjf1cation:.(defäuft)____._____ Or braced to structural frame below its-center of mass lw krti fn efri il+i iri fr!mma hir%A, ife ,n4r rf mee h,35fL z35ft I±I NY =Zi III s DS 4IL) 4III _ TTT _ .RooLheIght.. 4 MnrrdroMjatroofJevel it6I ACE 71O (Eq. 133):Min SeLmi !cecoeffien mum seismicdesign force Ii F,D = (1 6_DI)1 ] 261 ASCE 71O (Eq coefficient 13-3:') Maximum seismicdesugn force .mir .28 !J D))946.L _. ¶ tHi±iHHr i+r Created with PTC Mathcad Express. See www.mathcad.com for more information. Page 7 of 49 • . 1abIe2L31.________ K t:=1.O . . •••.. . ...... mph) GQ.85 ..................... Cp nnthL:rd0 4:iWaUI _ pressure coefficient .... .. .... ................. :IabIe26.11:1....... . -•-.-•-•..•- ...... PZeew4rdnPwindwardnet-32709 psf.. . •. .. ,. . ..By..engineering judgment. h,1425ft Height of mansard roof 8P0 9,ne,nbers 16 in. • . • - . . _ - ... Created with PTC Mathcad Express. See www.rpathcad.com for more information. I Page 8 of 49 ..Lego!and.-NewRideBuilding Address: 1Legoand_D! -1--.A 5 &E 7-10 CBC 2016 AISI S100-16 fleearswiILbehuiIt singcoI&formed steel connected existing _Walls and the roof of the building -" f ffie theme hased.structu- scope,,... . I I / I .:..............' Created with PlC Mathcad Express. See www.mathcad.com for more information. Page 9 of 49 3. Gravity Load .System.Design:'. _7.5psL(stuccoassurningupto..2coats 1.5 psf (insulation) 3.0 psf (cold formed steel members) 2:5 f(degls)r USE1*5PSF 'dead load on SPOCZfl9mb16iTh I PDbutaylexteriornon8t,.zci1 1woJlele, -* ziwaetemk. spacing,, 0.M27 ft Povide6OpS?62-54(1&g@Li6o.c. - F9r framing din, see attached ut. RAM anal'sis outpif Wp niurw1eL nent 1bf - L ------- i 1 Created with PTC Mathcad Express. See www.mathcad.com for more information. Page 10 of 49 4A.SeisrnicHazard: Site _Classification: P(default)___ acceleration Darameter (1 sec) Iable1.5:2):..Irnportancefactor__ 5. ASCE 710(Table 13 5:1) .Cantileverelements,unbraced or braced to structural frame below its center of mass able ced or braced to structural frame below its center of mass F 946 ASCWQ(Eq 13 3:1)srndesign fOrCeCOeffi * CIent -Pp flLRFD:=(o.3.SD3.IP)=O.236 ASCE7IO (Eq.13.33): Minimum seismic design force coefficient ASCE1iO (Eq.13.3:2):Maximurnseismic4esigttforce. coefficient F 9 mtn (Frj , max (F LpyD , Fpmu pJ'D))O 946_ - 832Jbf - I Created with PTC Mathcad Express. See www.mathcad.com for more information. Page 11 of 49 4B.WInd Load. ,.L. - VJ11Omph_L__i .Wind.VeIacityL posure iI K1.O_JbI427.3:1 - Table 26.6:71 qO.Ofl26 \L7nph) - - j• _Lj.. - = diard seEigure2z.4:waII _1Gust,factor.;.•Section26.1.1:1. LI .4 .P1rPficInL__ GC indiard110P8f . - I0I&26.•11:1LL - _L_, _ - - -. ITtf11LTJIITI - q4 %- 726o33 '1 r uknd - JJHT rH1 - - - - - i_Nin , net41wf cit telimal,=-Jut ind ardi t a 32 185. usjL -- - - ------- di t:=p -- L. - Bengiçeringjudgmeit hmansarci bers rooi19..it 4= =•=--= -= - - kip ----- ---k--H -=- == -=L- spad - ---- -- - -- - -R--L 47= Created with with PTC Mathcad Express. See www.mathcad.com for more information'. Page 12 of 49 Legolland Address_iLegoland Dr Carlsbad CA 9200_ 5gn of Exterior Non-Structural Wall ElementS: 1. ASCE 7-10 2.CBC2O16 2.. Description .of.Structure/Component..andScopeotWork: IheexterioLnontwcturaLwaILelementswiIL. _extJgj walls f the buiIding_._ ----------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------- . . • _! - - - -• ;-.•.•• - - - ii• ;WPI Created with PTC Mathcad Express. See www.mathcad.com for more information. Page 13 of 49 3.Gravity.LoadSystemDesign: 1 1I±1 1111 11111 1.5 bsf (insulation) 3.0 psf (cold formed steel members) USE15PSF RDt1 j D zleta 8Pa9memb, _LL.. ----.-W.p:= Dâxie Lor wn --- =J4 ----- - H Created with PTC Mathcad Express. See www.mathcad.com for more information. Page 14 of 49 .4.. LateraI.toad.Systern..DesignL.. Site Classification: P.(default)____ acceleration Darameter. (1 sec ii.O .L__ or braced to Structural frame below its center of mass or braced to structural frame below its center of mass Mansard rootis at roofJevel RpLR ±kJ - ip -H-------- (0 3 Ii,) =0 236 ASCE 7:10(Eq coefficient 13 3-3) . Minimum seismic design forc . (1I6.SDsIP)1.261 TT1' I - . .. Acr coefficient J :" r FT "i-•' .... . J .405_lbf._ FD27(Em LF-D ---_. nx.(Fp rJDFj w?rD) — )0946 _. - - -. 82-968. Ibf 111111 D: p F-pdesi ------------- RFD IIIIIII_IzIIIII1I:IzIiIIzIIItIII: / Created with PlC Mathcad Express. See www.mathcad.com for more information. Page 150f49 AB. Wiind Load, —Ti i1O.mph.._______ Wind /eIodty_ * _JabIe.2l31___________________ qz 59&psf mph G0.85 - $ustJactor;_Section26.i1:1.L_. Se&Figure274:1-WaU icient PleewardnetPwindwardnet-32709 psf. Byenineering.judgment. 'inansardroof'3 75 ft - - Heightof mansard rooL Created with PTC Mathcad Express. See www.mathcad.om for more information. ( Page 16 of 49 LgolandNew.RideBuildiflg Address: lLegolandDr Carlsbad Ck 92008 gnofConnector... LReferences:.___ 1. ASCE 7-10 2.CBC2O16 3. AISI S100-16 waftelemen4s.togxistiAg mgated metal rPQf and CMU WaDS 3..SupportReations: _.L._. ChJkihietMt4rewL(MS444L41441II IHIII i _T Is_ eation_accurs where iy2i.28ki ,)Ji(0.2133 J J L corruqatedmetaIro)f@ mansard roof . LD 43i47Jbf I 1 IIiJi IIJIIIL1IfI I I I I I I II II: to upper flange/flute of the corrugated metal roof. - apaczty#i.=145 108 rC .. - nj Capaczty#103 .. May, byengineerinjudgment.. ::IfIH IIII Created with PTC Mathcad Express. See www.mathcad.com for more information. Page 17 of 49 heckMasonryAnchorsL. tracks to the CMU wall. Capacity 0 ,ff 50O_lbf Capacity_of_1i4diameter_Tapconscrew__ =0487 - Okay by-engineering tVTGapacza igrnn____ Check #&scEewsconneingCESmémbers:.. conservative) i n rrrih, rf rri - -D-- pact I Ill Ti IEII 1111 1111 ITIlLI lIIIIIIIIIII±lIIIIIIEII±tIIIIz. . . . . . . . . . . . H H __ -—j-—r ILlI Ii 11:11 IiIIIlilII II LII I I IIIIIIlItII I IT I I I II IJIl Created with PTC Mathcad Express. See www.mathcad.com for more information. Page 18 of 49 APPENDIX A - CALCULATIONS Project Name: I600s162-54 Check for Seismic Model: Beamiva —1 Code: 2012 NASPEC [AISI S100-2012] Page 19 of 49 Page 1 of 2 Date: 09/17/2019 Simpson Strong-Tie® CFS Designera ection: 600S162-54 (50 ksi) Single C Stud I Maxo = 2527.1 Ft-Lb Va = 2822.9 lb I = 2.86 j'14 Loads have not been modified for strength checks ru.. Loads have been multiplied by 0.70 for deflection calculations Bridging Connectors - Design Method = AlSl SIOO Simpson Strong-Tie Span/CantiLever Bridging Connector Stress Ratio Span N/A - Shear and Web Crippling Checks Bending and Shear (Unstiffened): 30.5% Stressed @PI 7.50 .- I'l Bending and Shear (Stiffened): NA Web Stiffeners Required?: No I. Point Loads P1 Load(lb) 400 X-Dist.(ft) 3.75 Simpson Strong-Tie® Connectors Support Rx(lb) Ry(Ib) #10 SMS Screws provided I Simpson Strong-Tie® Connector Connector Interaction Anchor Interaction RI 200 400 By Others & Anchorage Designed by Engineer NA NA R2 200 0 By Others & Anchorage Designed by Engineer NA NA * Reference catalog for connector and anchor requirement notes as well as screw placements requirement Flexural and Deflection Check Deflection Mmax MmaxJ Mpos Bracing Ma(Brc) Mposl Span Ft-Lb Maxo Ft-Lb (in) Ft-Lb Ma(Brc) (in) Ratio Span 750.0 0.297 750.0 None 1237.6 0.606 0.050 L/1786 Distortional Buckling Check Span K-phi Lm Brac Ma-d Mmax! lb-inlin in Ft-Lb Ma-d Span 0.00 90.0 2158.3 0.347 Combined Bending and Axial Load Details SIMPSON STRONG-TIE COMPANY INC. www.strongtie.cem Page 20 of 49 Project Name: 600S162-54 Check for Seismic Page 2 of 2 Model: Beam/Stud —1 Date: 09/17/2019 Code: 2012 NASPEC [AISI S100-2012] Simpson Strong-Tie® CFS Designer' Axial Ld Bracing(in) Max K-phi Lm Bracing Allow Intr. Span (lb) KyLy KtLt KLIr (lb-in/in) (in) load(lb) PIPa Value Span 400.0(c) 60.0 60.0 105 0.0 90.0 4478.9(c) 0.09 0.70 SIMPSON STRONG-TIE COMPANY INC. www.strongtie.com Project Name: 600S162-54 Check Model: Beam/Stud —1 Code: 2012 NASPEC [AISI SIOO-2012] 10.00 43.60 - Page 21 of 49 Page lofi Date: 09/25/2019 Simpson Strong-Tie® CFS Designer Section: I600S162-54 (50 ksi) Single C Stud I Maxo = 2527.1 Ft-Lb Va = 2822.9 lb I = 2.86 inA4 Loads have not been modified for strength checks Loads have been multiplied by 0.70 for deflection calculations Bridaina Connectors - Desian Method = AISI SIOO Simpson Strong-Tie Span/CantiLever Bridging Connector Stress Ratio Span N/A - Shear and Web Crionlina Checks Bending and Shear (Unstiffened): 7.7% Stressed @R2 Bending and Shear (Stiffened): NA Web Stiffeners Required?: No #10 SMS Screws i—provided as I connectors Simpson Strong-Tie® Connectors Connector Anchor Support Rx(lb) J Ry(Ib) Simpson Strong-Tie® Connector Interaction Interaction Ri 218 0 R2 218 0' * Reference catalog for connector and anchor requirement notes as well as screw placements requirement FlexuralandDeflectionCheck Mmax Mmax! Mpos Bracing Ma(Brc) Mposl Deflection Span Ft-Lb IMaxo Ft-Lb (in) Ft-Lb Ma(Brc) (in) Ratio Span 545.0 0.216 545.0 None 629.2 0.866 0.081 L11475 DistortionalBucklingCheck Span K-phi Lm Brac Ma-d Mmaxt lb-lnlin in Ft-Lb Ma-d Span 0.00 120.0 2158.3 0.253 SIMPSON STRONG-TIE COMPANY INC. www.strongtie.com Page 22 of 49 Project Name: 1362S1 62-43 Check I Page 1 of I Model: Beam/Stud —1 Date: 09/25/2019 Code: 2012 NASPEC [AISI S100-2012] Simpson Strong-Tie® CFS Designer Section: I 62S162-43 (33 ksi) Single C Stud Maxo = 612.0 Ft-Lb Va = 1739.1 lb I = 0.71 mM Loads have not been modified for strength checks - Loads have been multiplied by 0.70 for deflection calculations Bridging Connectors- Design Method = AISI SIOO Simpson Strong-Tie SpanlCantiLever Bridging Connector Stress Ratio Span N/A - Shear and Web Crippling Checks Bending and Shear (Unstiffened): 7.5% Stressed @R2 6.00 43.60 Bending and Shear (Stiffened): NA Web Stiffeners Required?: No —I— #10 SMS Screws 1—provided as connectors Simpson Strong-Tie® Connectors I 4,. Connector Anchor Support JRx(lb) Ry(lb) Simpson Strong-Tie® Connector Interaction Interaction RI L138] 0 R2 0 * Reference catalog for connector and anchor requirement notes as well as screw placementsrequirement Flexural and Deflection Check Deflection Mmax Mmaxl Mpos Bracing Ma(Brc) Mpos! Span Ft-Lb Maxo Ft-Lb (in) Ft-Lb Ma(Brc) (in) Ratio Span 196.2 0.321 196.2 None 518.5 0.378 0.043 U1694 Distortional Buckling Check Span K-phi Lm Brac Ma-d Mmaxl lb-in!in in Ft-Lb Ma-d Span 0.00 72.0 634.9 0.309 SIMPSON STRONG-TIE COMPANY INC. www.strongtie.com Bentley' Current Date: 09/17/2019 06:35 PM Units system: English Page 23 of 49 MANSARD ROOF SECTION L n.l Benttey- durrent Date: 09/17/2019 06:36 PM Units system: English Flla nmp, flflrnnhnytFnninQrinn q..hmiffI!fllQ nr,,41Q1flcA ('IW Fnrmarl Pmminn - wnart,in - Page 24 of 49 LI will NNO co o __ - I t'S-E91S009 SVIlSS!S! IW0113103 OSD OLSY A570 Gr5O cold form aisiSSMAS 600S162-54 Wi3enttey- durrent Date: 09/17/2019 06:42 PM Page 25 of 49 Units system: English .OF 83,0.0r 5,0.0) U n4a IBenttey Current Date: 09/17/2019 06:43 PM Page 26 of 49 Units system: English. File name: D:DropboxEnqineering Submittal2019 projects\1 91056 - Cold Formed Framing - Swinerton - Lego LandEngg Calcs1. Mansard RooM. Mansard Roof - a Load conditioi:_DLDead Load Distributed user loads - Members -0.02KipIftJ N -0.02( /ftl N ;••••• ••' L 1penneys Current Date: 09/17/2019 06:43 PM Page 27 of 49 Units system: English File name: D:DroDbox\EnQineenng Submittal\2019 projects\191056 - Cold Formed Framing - Swinerton - Lego LandEngg Calcs1. Mansard Roof1. Mansard Roof - a Load conditio4 LL=Live Load Distributed user loads - Members 27ft3 -0.02 plftl V an. Aenttey- Current Date: 09/17/2019 06:44 PM Units system: English File name: D:\Droobox\Enainéerina Page 28 of 49 Submittal\2019 projects\191056 - Cold Formed Framing - Swinerton - Lego LandEngg Calcs1. Mansard Roof1. Mansard Roof - concentrated - Nodes L N.Ifientley- Current Date: 09/25/2019 05:44 PM Units system: English File name: D:Drppbox\Enpineenng Page 29 of 49 SubmittaI2019 projects19 1056 - Cold Formed Framing - Swinerton - Lego LandEngg CaIcs1. Mansard Roof\09.25.201911. Distributed user loads - Members L ~.jjqentley- Current Date: 09/25/2019 05:54 PM Units system: English File name: roobioxEnçmeenno1 Load condltio Page 30 of 49 projects191056 - Cold Formed Framing - Swinerton - Lego LandEngg Calcs1. Mansard Rool09.25.2019\1. Stress ratio AISc/AISI/B5/AS/cSA/NDS :.12 0.11 0.09 0.08 0.07 M 0.04 LI fl It' U LI II -. / ! IBentLeya Current Date: 09/25/2019 05:55 PM Units system: English File name: Page 31 of 49 projects191056 - Cold Formed Framing - Swinerton - Lego Land\Engg Calcs\1. Mansard Root\09.25.20191. Stress ratio AISC/A1S1/BS/AS/SA/NDS 0.24 0.21 0.19 0.17 0.15 0.12 0.10 0.08 0.05 0.03 L 09 feent(ey Current Date: 09/25/2019 05:55 PM Units system: English File name: D:DropboxEngineering Load condition :1 LC3=i 20L+LL+EC Page 32 of 49 projects191056 - Cold Formed Framing - Swinerton - Lego Land\Engg Calcsll. Mansard Rooñ09.25.20191. Stress ratio A1S/AISI/8S/AS/SA/NDS 0.12 0.11 0.10 0.08 0.07 0.06 0.05 0.04 0.02 0.01 L ! BentLey' Current Date: 09/25/2019 05:55 PM Units system: English File name: D:DrooxEnaineerinci Page 33 of 49 Submittal\2019 projects\191056 - Cold Formed Framing - Swinerton - Lego LandEngg Calcs\1. Mansard Rooñ09.25.20191. Stress ratio AIS/AISI/BS/AS/SNNDS 0.16 =0.13 -0.10 0.08 007 0.05 0.03 0.02 L IBenttey' Current Date: 09/26/2019 12:04 PM Page 34 of 49 Units system: English File name: D:DropboxEngineering Submittal2019 projects\191056 - Cold Formed Framing - Swinerton - Lego LandEngg Calcs1. Mansard Roofl09.25.2019\1. MAX SUPPORT REACTIONS FOR ANCHORAGE CHECK xO.O133tKipI xO.O264jKipj FxO.258IKipl FrO.O?961Xip1 irO.218tKipI Fy-0.2331X1p1 L 0.0entley- Current Date: 09/17/2019 06:50 PM Units system: English 91056- Cold Page 35 of 49 EARS L .§.jjBenttey Current Date: 09/17/201906:50 PM Page 36 of 49 Units system: English File name: D:DropboxEngineering Submittal2019 projects191056 - Cold Formed Framing - Swinerton - Lego LandEngg Calcs2 Ears\1. EARS -Ram Model 09.16. 2( ALL MEMBER SECTIONS AND MATERIAL - 600S162-54 (50 KSI) This member has two 600S162-54; see dwgs S1I$SMA_SGl264 0 V LXISSSl! nw jeenfiley, Current Date: 09/17/2019 06:52 PM Page 37 of 49 Units system: English File name: D:\Dropbox\EnQinèenng Submittal2019 projects\191056 - Cold Formed Framing.- Swinerton - Lego LandEngqCalcs2. Ears1. EARS- Ram Model 09.16. 24 019.5,0),0),0) 14.75.0) f'I65,14.75,O)?33,14.75.0) '4.67,7.375.0) '.375.0) L Weentley- Current Date: 09/17/2019 06:53 PM Units system: English File name: D:DrpoboxEngineerjng Load conditlon:IDL=Dead Loadi Page 38 of 49 SubmittaI2019 projects191056 - Cold Formed Framing - Swinerton - Lego LandEngg Calcs2. Ears\1. EARS - Ram Model 09. Distributed user loads - Members L Ilse nItley Current Date: 09/17/2019 06:53 PM Units system: English File name: D:Droobox\Enoineerino Page 39 of 49 Submittal2019 projects\191056 - Cold Formed Framing - Swinerton - Lego LandEngg Calcs2. Ears\1. EARS -Ram Model 09.1 Distributed user loads - Members L BentLey' Current Date: 09/17/2019 06:54 PM Units system: English File name: D:DroboxEaaeegkia Page 40 of 49 SubmittaR2019 projects191056 - Cold Formed Framing - Swinerton - Lego LandEngg Calcs\2. Ears\1. EARS - Ram Model 09.1 Concentrated - Nodes L !%jeentley- Current Date: 09/25/2019 06:16 PM Units system: English File name: D:DroaboxEnainering Page 41 of 49 Submittal2019 projects191056 - Cold Formed Framing - Swinerton - Lego LandEngg Calcs2. EarsRAM - 09.25.20191. EARS Distributed user loads - Members L J Weentiley- Current Date: 09/25/2019 06:46 PM Units system: English File name: D:Drur,buxEnuinrinu Page 42 of 49 projects1191056 - Cold Formed Framing - Swinerton - Lego LandEngg Calcs\2. EarsRAM - 09.25.20191. EARS Stress ratio AI5C/AISI/8S/AS/SA/NDS 0.88 O.69 -0.59 -0.49 -0.39 -0.30 0.20 0.10 4.136E-03 L entLey Current Date: 09/25/2019 06:46 PM Units system: English File name: D:DrothnxFnninoprinn Page 43 of 49 9 projects191056 - Cold Formed Framing - Swinerton - Lego LandEngg Calcs\2. EarsRAM - 09.25.2019\1. EARS Stress ratio AIS/AISI/BS/AS/SNNDS 0.78 0.70 LIo.53 045 0.28 EIII0.19 0. 11 LJ003 L nw 10entleg, Current Date: 09/25/2019 06:47 PM Units system: English File name: D:DrñthoxEnoineennp Page 44 of 49 Submittal2019 projects191056 - Cold Formed Framing - Swinerton - Lego Land\Engg Calcs2. Ears\RAM - 09.25.20191. EARS Stress ratio AIS/AISI/BS/AS/SNNDS 0.54 LLI 030 0 18 .12 0.06 2.334E-03 L jeenttey' Current Date: 09/25/2019 06:47 PM Units system: English File name: D:DionboxEnaineethia Page 45 of 49 Submittal\2019 projects191056 - Cold Formed Framing - Swinerton - Lego Land\Engg Calcs2. EarsRAM - 09.25.20191. EARS Stress ratio AIS/AISI/BS/AS/SNNDS 0.44 0.39 0.35 0.30 0.25 0.20 0.16 0.11 0.06 0.01 L 16entley, Current Date: 09/25/2019 06:52 PM Units system: English File name: D:DropboxEngineering Page 46 of 49 Submittal2019 projects191056 - Cold Formed Framing - Swiiierton - Lego LandEngg Calcs\2. EarsRAM - 09.25.20191. EARS MAX SUPPORT REACTIONS x.O.007316IKI.O.008484IIQpj 1y.O768LKipJ 1yO.O449IKipI L IPERFORMANCE Tf :J I ri i.jid Thr.m Ultimate Tension and Shear Values (Lbs/kN) in Concrete ANCHOR PMIN.DEPTHIOFI In (mm) DMENT f'c=2000 PSI (13.8 MPa) f'c= 3000 P51(20.7 MPa) fc=4000 PSI (27.6 MPa) fc= 5000 PSI (34.5 MPa) TENSION Lbs. (kN) SHEAR Lbs. (kN) TENSION Lbs. (kN) SHEAR Lbs. (kN) TENSION Lbs. (kN) SHEAR Lbs. (kN) TENSION Lbs. (kN) SHEAR Lbs. (kN) 3/16 (4.8) 1 (25.4) 600 (2.7) 720 (3.2) 625 (2.8) 720 (3.2) 650 (2.9) 720 (3.2) 800 (3.6) 860 (3.8) 1-1/4 (31.8) 845 (3.7) 720 (3.2) 858 (3.8) 720 (3.2) 870 (3.9) 720 (3.2) 1,010 (4.5) 860 (3.8) 1-1/2 (38.1) 1,090 (4.8) 860 (3.8) 1,090 (4.8) 1 860 (3.8) 1,090 (4.8) 860 (3.8) 1,220 (5.4) 860 (3.8) 1-3/4 (443) 1,450 (6.5) 870 (3.9) 1,455 (6.5) 870 (3.9) 1,460 (63) 990 (4.4) 1,730 (7.7) 990 (4.4) 1/4 (6.4) 1 (25.4) 750 (3.3) 900 (4.0) 775 (3.4) 900 (4.0) 800 (3.6) 1,360 (6.1) 950 (4.2) 1,440 (6.4) 1-1/4 (31.8) 1,050 (4.7) 900 (4.0) 1,160 (5.2) 900 (4.0) 1,270 (5.6) 1,360 (6.1) 1,515 (6.7) 1,440 (6.4) 1-1/2 (38.1) 1,380 (6.1) 1,200 (53) 1,600 (7.2) 1,200 (5.3) 1,820 (8.1) 1,380 (6.1) 2,170 (9.7) 1,670 (7.4) 1-3/4 (44.5) 2,020 (9.0) 1,670 (7.4) 2,200 (9.8) 1,670 (7.4) 2,380 (10.6) 1,670 (7.4) 2,770 (12.3) 1,670 (7.4) Safe working loads for single Installation under static loading should not exceed 25%d the ultimate load capacity. Ultimate Tension and Shear Values I ANCHOR I I DIA. I In. (mm) I ANCHOR I EMBEDMENT I In. (mm) I LIGHTWEIGHT BLOCK TENSION I SHEAR Lbs. (kN) I Lbs. (kN) I MEDIUM WEIGHT BLOCK I I I I TENSION I Lbs. (kN) I SHEAR I I Lbs. (kN) I I 3/16 (4.8) I 1 (25.4) I 220 (1.0) 400 (1.8) 340 (1.5) I 730 (3.2) I I 1/4 (6.4) I 1 (25.4) I 250 (1.11 I 620 (2.8) I 500 (2.2) I 1,000 (4.4) NOTE: 3/116' Tapcon requires 5/32' bit, 1/4' Tapcon requires 3/16'Idl. U Wall is medium weiaht block Allowable Edge and Spacing Distances 17!77(, NORMAL WEIGNT(ONCRETE CONCRETEMASONRYUNITS(CMU) DIA FULLCAPACI1Y REDUCED CAPACITY LOAD REDUCTION FULL CAPACITY REDUCED CAPACITY LOAD REDUCTION ritical DIstance (Minimal Distance FACTOR (Critical Distance (Minimal Distance FACTOR Indies) Inches) Indies) Indies) Spacing Between 3/16 3 1-1/2 0.73 3 1-1/2 1.00 Anchors-Tension 1/4 4 2 0.66 4 2 0.84 Spacing Between 3/16 3 1-1/2 0.83 3 1-1/2 1.00 Anchors- Shear 1/4 4 2 0.82 4 2 0.81 Edge Distance - 3/16 1-7/8 1 0.83 4 2 0.91 Tension 1/4 2-1/2 1-1/4 0.82 4 2 0.88 Edge Distance 3/16 2-1/4 1-1/8 0.70 4 2 0.93 -Shear 1/4 3 1-1/2 039 4 2 0.80 Fan SI: 1 Inch = 25.4mm ESR-21 96 I Most Widely Accepted and Trusted F,, F Paqe 5 of 10 40u 48 TABLE 2-fALLOWABLE TENSILE PULL-OUT LOADS (PIIOTIa), pounds-force' AM. Steel F,, = 45 ksl Applied Factor of Safety, 0 = 3.0 Nominal Design thickness of member not in contact with the screw head (in.) Screw Diameter Description n) 0.015 0.018 0.024 0.030 0.036 0.048 0.060 0.075 0.090 0.105 0.135 Self.dillllng_Screws for Steel-to-Steel Connections5 #7-18 0.151 - - - - 69 92 116 144 173 202 260 #8-18 0.164 - - - - 75 100 125 157 188 220 282 #10-12 #10-16 0.190 - - - - 87 116 F145 182 218 254 327 #10-18 0.216 - - - - 99 132 165 207 248 289 373 I14 0.250 - - - - 115 153 191 239 287 333 430 Self-piercing Screws for Steel-to-Steel Connections6 #8-18S 0.164 37 49 68 86 109 - - - - - - #10-12S 0.190 44 53 77 102 117 150 - - - - For SI: 1 inch = 25.4 mm, I lbf = 4.4 N, I ksi = 6.89 MPa. 'For tension connections, the lower of the allowable pull-out, pullover, and tension fastener strength of screw found in Tables 2, 3, and 5, respectively must be used for design. 2Unless otherwise noted, load values are based upon calculations in accordance with Section J4 of AISI S1 00-16. ANSI/ASME standard screw diameters were used in the calculations and are listed in the tables. 3The allowable pull-out capacity for intermediate member thicknesses can be determined by interpolating within the table. 'To calculate LRFD values, multiply values in table by the ASD safety factor of 3.0 and multiply again with the LRFD 0 factor of 0.5. 5For F,, ? 65 ksi steel, multiply values by 1.44. 6Load values are based on testing in accordance with AISI S905. TABLE 3-ALLOWABLE TENSILE PULL-OVER LOADS (P5ovlQ), FOR HILTI SCREWS pounds-force', 2A45 Steel F,, = 45 ksl Applied Factor of Safety, 0 = 3.0 Screw Description Washer or Head Diameter Design thickness of member in contact with the screw head (in.) 0.015 0.018 0.024 0.030 0.036 0.048 0.060 0.075 0.090 0.105 0.135 Hex Washer Head (HWH) or High Hex Washer Head (HHWH) #8-18S 0.315 106 128 170 #8-18 0.335 113 136 181 225 271 363 453 567 680 790 1020 0.399 135 162 215 268 323 430 540 673 807 943 1210 0.415 140 168 224 279 337 447 560 700 840 980 1260 14.14 0.500 169 203 270 336 1 407 1 540 677 843 1010 1180 1520 Philips Pan Head (PPH) #8-18 0.311 105 126 168 210 252 336 420 525 630 735 945 #10-16 0.364 123 147 197 246 295 393 491 614 737 860 1106 Phillips Truss Head (PTh) #10-18 0.433 146 175 234 292 1 351 1 468 585 731 877 1023 1315 Phillips Pan Head (PPH) #7-18 0.303 102 123 164 205 1 245 1 327 409 511 614 716 920 Phillips Pancake Head (PPCH) #10-16 0.409 138 166 221 276 1 331 1 442 552 690 828 966 1242 Torx Pancake Head (TPCH) #12-14 .0409 138 166 221 276 1 331 1 442 552 690 828 966 1242 Phillips Flat Truss Head (PFTH) #10-12 0.364 123 147 197 1 246 1 295 1 393 491 614 737 860 1106 For SI: 1 inch = 25.4 mm, I lbf = 4.4 N. I ksi = 6.89 MPa. 'For tension connections, the lower of the allowable pull-out, pullover, and tension fastener strength of screw found in Tables 2, 3, and S. respectively must be used for design. 2Load values are based upon calculations in accordance with Section J4 of AISI S100-16. ANSI/ASME standard screw head diameters were used in the calculations and are listed in the tables. 3The allowable pull-over capacity for intermediate member thicknesses can be determined by interpolating within the table. 4To calculate LRFD values, multiply values in table by the ASD safety factor of 3.0 and multiply again with the LRFD 0 factor of 0.5. 5For F,, a 65 ksi steel, multiply values by 1.44. ESR-2196 I Most Widely Accepted and Trusted Page 6 of 10 TABLE 4A.4ALLOWABLE SHEAR (BEARING) CAPACITY OF STEEL-TO-STEEL CONNECTIONS USING HILTI SELF-DRILLING SCREWS, pounds-force' %%4.5 Steel F 45 ksl Applied Factor of Safety, 0 = 3.0 p Design ,, , • thickness of Design thickness of member not in contact with the screw head (In.) Screw om na member in Description Diameter contact with screw head, 0.036 0.048 0.060 0.075 0.090 0.105 0.135 (in.) 0.036 167 220 220 220 220 220 220 0.048 167 257 294 294 294 294 294 0.060 167 257 360 367 367 367 367 #7-18 0.151 0.075 167 257 360 459 459 459 459 0.090 167 257 360 459 550 550 550 0.105 167 257 360 459 550 642 642 0.135 167 257 360 459 550 642 826 0.036 174 239 239 239 239 239 239 0.048 174 268 319 319 319 319 319 0.060 174 268 373 400 400 400 400 #8-18 0.164 0.075 174 268 373 497 497 497 497 0.090 174 268 373 497 597 597 597 0.105 174 268 373 497 597 697 697 0.135 174 268 373 497 597 697 897 0.036 188 277 277 277 277 277 277 0.048 188 289 370 370 370 370 370 #10-12 0.060 188 289 403 463 463 463 463 #10-16 0.190 0.075 188 289 563 577 577 577 403 #10-18 0.090 188 289 403 563 693 693 693 0.105 188 289 403 563 693 807 807 0.135 188 289 403 563 693 807 1040 0.036 200 309 315 315 315 315 315 0.048 200 308 420 420 420 420 420 0.060 200 308 430 523 523 523 523 #12-14 0.216 0.075 200 308 430 600 657 657 657 #12-24 0.090 200 308 430 600 787 787 787 0.105 200 308 430 600 787 920 920 0.135 200 308 430 600 787 920 1180 0.036 215 340 363 363 363 363 363 0.048 215 331 467 487 487 487 487 0.060 215 331 463 607 607 607 607 I414 0.250 0.075 215 331 463 647 760 760 760 0.090 215 331 463 647 850 910 910 0.105 215 331 463 647 850 1060 1060 0.135 215 331 463 647 850 1060 1370 I ZENITH ENGINEERS Engineering during Construction Page 1 o 49 22320 Foothill Blvd, Suite 600 Hayward, CA 94541 Phone-415 619 6000 Fax-415 5009853 Email - yisi1avin.si1ath(zenithengineers.com www.zenithengineers.com FRP details no longer applicable 12/04/19 PROJECT: Cold Formed & Trap&WallDesig FE PROJECT #: 191371 Co-i LOCATION: 1 Legoland Dr, Carlsbad, CA 92008 CLIENT: Swinerton Exp. 12/31/19 ).. PREPARED BY: Yisilayin Silafu, M.S., REVIEWED BY: Senthil Puliyadi, M.S.,M.Eng., P.E REV: 0 DATE: 11.08.2019 49 Pages TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 Reference Cutsheets 2 thru 8 2 Engineering Calculations 9 thru 49 Q IS ev i" I 6' OVERVIEW Page 2 of 49 Connections can be made using a variety of fastening options. It is critical to specify the proper fastener to ensure the proper performance of the connections in light-gauge (cold-formed) steel construction. The most common and widely used connection methods are screw connections, powder-actuated fastener connections and weld connections. Each type of connection method has various advantages and disadvantages. Therefore, we provide data for the most common types so you can choose your preferred connection method. SCREW CONNECTIONS Self-drilling screws—These high-strength fasteners are used if the connection is multiple thicknesses of 33mi1 steel or thicker. One of the more common self-drilling screws is a #10-16 x 5/8 HWH SD 010 diameter shaft, 16 threads per inch, 5/8 length, hex washer head self-drilling screw). : 114.14 HWH Screw - Dia. 0.240 Shear Ciba) [ Tension Ube) 199 1 106 :Lze 138 416 1 173 — 600 250 — 588 1, 218 = 849 315 i 867 311 867 r 450 - 867 380 86 549 D All Material thickness (mils) Design thickness (in) Material Strength Fy Fu (k x .) (ksi) #8.l8Screw 910-16Screw - - #12.14Screw 114-14Screw Shank a 0.160 Shank 0.190 Shank a 0.210 Shank a 0.240 Head a 0.250 Head a 0.375 Head a 0.375 Head a 0.500 Bearing (lbs Pullover Bearing (Ibs) (Ike) Pullover (Ibs) Bearing (lbs) Pullover (Ibs) Bearing Pullover (Ibs) (! lover 33 0.0346 33 45 - - 224 L 195 266 - 292 - 294 292 - - 336 389 43 0.0451 33 45 254 j 347 381 381 438 507 33 45 367 _ 318 436 478 481 478_ 550_ 637 54 .056 50 65 530 460 629 690 695 690 795 920 68 0.0713 33 45 - - 549 602 606 602 693 802 50 65 - - 792 869 876 869 1001 1159 97 1 .33 45 - - 783 858 865 858 989 1144 65 - - 1130 1239 1249 1239 1 1428 1653 33 45 - - - - 1056 1048 1207 1397 118 0.1242 50 65 - - - - 1526 1514 1744 2018 Notes: I All values were calculated using the 2001 AISI Specification w!2004 supplement. 2 Charts are based on Buildex TEK2 HWH screw capacities. All screws must meet minimum criteria outlined. 3 Shear strength for 08, #10,412, and 114 screws must be greater than or equal to 1000 lbs, 1400 lbs, 2000 lbs and 2600 lbs respectively. 4 Tension strength for 98, #10, #12, and 1/4 screws must be greater than or equal to 1545 lbs. 1936 lbs, 2778 lbs and 4060 lbs respectively. 5 The minimum head diameter for #8 screws is 1/4 The minimum head diameter for #10 and 912 screws is 3/8" The minimum head diameter for 1/4 screws is I12 6 Screw ultimate shear capacity is based on Buildex' DATA as a minimum. 7 Buildex is a registered trademark of Illinois Tool Works, Inc. FastClipTm deflection screws—Many of the ClarkDietrich . deflection clips include our proprietary FastClip fastener 1T' that has been specifically designed to provide friction- free deflection. These fasteners eliminate drag, binding or resistance that can often occur with common fasteners. FastClip" Deflection Screw Average UlUmate Shear 2400 lbs NASPEC 2007 ASD Factor of Safety 3.0 Average Allowable Shear Load 800 lbs Pub. No. CD-ClipExpress 07/15 The technical content of this literature is effective 07/13/15 and supersedes all previous information. clarkdietrich.com Page 3 of 49 1* Seismic Parameters OSHPD 191371 - Seismic Data I Legoland Dr, Carlsbad, CA 92008, USA Latitude, Longitude: 33.1262496, -117.31192390000001 p Museum of t V Making MUS!C Legoland 4d Theatre 9 SEA LIFE Aquarium LEGOLAND California IT 9 Staff Parking 9 4 Lego Store Hotel Parking 9 Google data 02019 Gooale Date 8/14/2019, 2:32:16 PM Design Code Reference Document ASCE7-10 Risk Category II Site Class 0- Stiff Soil rype Value Description 7s, 1.127 MCER ground motion. (for 0.2 second period) S1 0.434 MCER ground motion. (for 1.0s period) SMS 1.182 Site-modified spectral acceleration value 5M1 0.679 Site-modified spectral acceleration value SDS 0.788 Numeric seismic design value at 0.2 second SA SDI 0.453 Numeric seismic design value at 1.0 second SA Type Value Description Soc 0 Seismic design category Fa 1.049 Site amplification factor at 0.2 second Fv 1.566 Site amplification factor at 1.0 second PGA 0.447 MCEG peak ground acceleration FPGA 1.053 Site amplification factor at PGA PGAM 0.471 Site modified peak ground acceleration TL 8 Long-period transition period in seconds SsRT 1.127 Probabilistic risk-targeted ground motion. (0.2 second) SstJH 1.194 Factored uniform-hazard (2% probability of exceedance in 50 years) spectral acceleration SsO 1.525 Factored deterministic acceleration value. (0.2 second) Si RT 0.434 Probabilistic risk-targeted ground motion. (1.0 second) SI UH 0.436 Factored uniform-hazard (2% probability of exceedance in 50 years) spectral acceleration. S1D 0.616 Factored deterministic acceleration value. (1.0 second) PGAd 0.59 Factored deterministic acceleration value. (Peak Ground Acceleration) CRS 0.944 Mapped value of the risk coefficient at short periods CR1 0.995 Mapped value of the risk coefficient at a period of 1 S 0.0 0.0 2.5 5.0 Period, T (sec) - Sa(g) Design Response Spectrum 0.8 0.6 -S 0.4 5- (0 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.5 1.0 2.5 5.0 7.5 Period, T (sec) - Sa(g) 7.5 Page 4 of 49 Seismic Parameters MCER Response Spectrum 1.5 DISCLAIMER While the information presented on thiswebsite is believed to be correct, SEAOC tQ;jkjRQ and its sponsors and contributors assume no responsibility or liability for its accuracy. The material presented in this web application should not be used or relied upon for any specific application without competent examination and verification of its accuracy, suitability and applicability by engineers or other licensed professionals. SEAOC / OSHPD do not intend that the use of this information replace the sound judgment of such competent professionals, having experience and knowledge in the field of practice, nor to substitute for the standard of care required of such professionals in interpreting and applying the results of the seismic data provided by this website. Users of the information from this website assume all liability arising from such use. Use of the output of this website does not imply approval by the governing building code bodies responsible for building code approval and interpretation for the building site described by latitude/longitude location in the search results of this webstle. Page 5 of 49 Wind Parameters OTC Hazards by Location Search Information Temecula lina Island Address: 1 Legoland Dr, Carlsbad, CA 92008, USA 3sential ,., - Habitat.. w ievéIand Coordinates: 33.12624960000001, -117.31192390000001 ta National, Forest ;c Elevation: ft 00. .; MzaB Carlsbad .Dës * Hazard Type Wind - San Diego s 0JMap data ©2°raip prrl ASCE 7-16 ASCE 7-10 ASCE 7-05 MRI 10-Year --------------------67 mph MRI 25-Year --------------------72 mph MRI 50-Year --------------------78 mph MRI 100-Year -------------------83 mph Risk Category I -----------------90 mph Risk Category II -----------------97 mph Risk Category ill ...............103 mph MRI 10-Year -----------------72 mph MRI 25-Year -----------------79 mph MRI 50-Year -----------------85 mph MRI 100-Year ---------------91 mph Risk Category I ------------100 mph Category II 110 mp Risk Risk Category lll-lV --------115 mph ASCE 7-05 Wind Speed --------85 mph Risk Category IV --------------107 mph The results indicated here DO NOT reflect any state or local amendments to the values or any delineation lines made during the building code adoption process. Users should confirm any output obtained from this tool with the local Authority Having Jurisdiction before proceeding with design. Disclaimer Hazard loads are interpolated from data provided in ASCE 7 and rounded up to the nearest whole integer. Per ASCE 7, islands and coastal areas outside the last contour should use the last wind speed contour of the coastal area - in some cases, this website will extrapolate past the last wind speed contour and therefore, provide a wind speed that is slightly higher. NOTE: For queries near wind-borne debris region boundaries, the resulting determination is sensitive to rounding which may affect whether or not it is considered to be within a wind-borne debris region. Mountainous terrain, gorges, ocean promontories, and special wind regions shall be examined for unusual wind conditions. While the information presented on this website is believed to be correct, ATC and its sponsors and contributors assume no responsibility or liability for its accuracy. The material presented in the report should not be used or relied upon for any specific application without competent examination and verification of its accuracy, suitability and applicability by engineers or other licensed professionals. ATC does not intend that the use of this information replace the sound judgment of such competent professionals, having experience and knowledge in the field of practice, nor to substitute for the standard of care required of such professionals in interpreting and applying the results of the report provided by this website. Users of the information from this website assume all liability arising from such use. Use of the output of this website does not imply approval by the governing building code bodies responsible for building code approval and interpretation for the building site described by latitude/longitude location in the report. Page 6 of 49 Fiberglass BFP22 THRU BFV22SH Channel lengths: 10 Ft. (3.05 m) and 20 Ft. (6.09 m) Fiberglass strut meets specification of ASTM 0-4385 Levels Ill and IV. FP22 [,,.- BFP22H17/8 FV22 BFV22H17/8 d Back /16" (14.3) holes 1I8" (47.6) on centers -'.BFP22SH BFV22SH I16" (14.3) x /8" (22.2) slots 2' (50.8) on centers Part No. Material Description Color Weight Lbs./ft. kg/rn I BFP22 Polyester Resin Solid Back Gray_ Beige .63 (.94)_J BFV22* Vinyl Ester Resin Polyester Resin Solid Back .63 (.94) .60 (.) ] TBFP22H17/8* Holes in Back HolesinBack Gray Beige BFV22H17/e* VinylEsterResin .60(.89) .61(.91)1 I_BFP22SH PolyesterResin Slots _inBack -__Gray_ BFV22SH* VinylEsterResin Slots in Back Beige .61 (.91) * Insert -10 for 10'-0" (3.05 m) length or -20 for 20'-0" (6.09 m) length 13/16 BFV22A eSolid Channel Lengths: 10 Ft. (3.05 m) and 20 Ft. (6.09 m) (20.6) Fiberglass strut meets specification of H-I BFP22A ASTM 0-4385 Levels III and IV. (41.3) 2A 2A 31/4" ack to (82.5) Back Part No. Material Description Color I Weight - Lbs/ft. kg/rn BFP22A* I Polvstar Rasin Rack To Rack I Gray 1.15 11.71 15/81, j I_BFV22A*I_ Vinyl Ester Resin _Back ToBack _Beige I_1.15(1.71) - (41.3) * Insert -10 for 10,-0" (3.05 m) length or -20 for 20'-0" (6.09 m) length Field Cutting Sealant Kits RS1KO10 • Pint Sealing Kit (473 cm3) includes sealant and brush applicator Seals exposed fibers after field cutting UV resistant Published design loads on page 227 are based on usage at 70°F (21°C) and must be reduced for' continuous exposure to higher temperatures. Refer to the chart below for high temperature applications. Temperature I Design Load Multiplier L75°FjcL_. 100% 100°F(3800 90% 78%1 150°F (66°C) 68% r 175°F f79°C 60% 1 WARNING1 200°Fw300 52% APPROPRIATE PROTECTIVE CLOTHING AND RESPIRATORY PROTECTION DEVICE SHOULD BE WORN WHEN FIELD CUTTING OR GRINDING FIBERGLASS. Reference page 224 for general fitting specifications. Eaton - - 226 B-Line series strut systems Page 7 of 49 Fiberglass Beam Loading Data for Glass Reinforced Polyester Resin Maximum Deflection - Beam Allowable @ Maximum Allowable Load @ Deflection = Span Part Beam Load Allowable No. Load Beam Load 1/240 Span 1/360 Span In. mm Lbs. kN in. mm Lbs. kN Lbs. kN 12" BFP22 1781 (7.92) 0.064 (1.62) 1392 (6.19) 928 (4.13) (305) L BFP22A 2259 (10.05) 0.037 (.94) 2259 (10.05) 2051 (9.12) 24" BFP22 890 (3.96) 0.256 (6.50) 347 (1.54) 231 (1.03) (609) BFP22A 1127 (5.01) 0.147 (3.73) 767 (3.41) 511 (2.27) 36" (914) 101 (0.45) j BFP22 592 (2.63) 0.576 (14.63) 153 (0.68) BFP22A 750 (3.33) 0.330 (8.38) 338 (1.50) 224 (0.99) 48" BFP22 443 (1.97) 1.024 (26.01) 85 (0.38) 55 (0.24) (1219) BFP22A 560 (2.49) 0.587 (14.91) 188 (0.83) 123 (0.55) BFP22 353 (1.57) 1.600 (40.64) 53 (0.23) 34 (0.15) 60" (1524) BFP22A 446 (1.98) 0.918 (23.32) 117 (0.52) 76 (0.34) ] 72" BFP22 293 (1.30) 2.303 (58.49) 35 (0.15) 22 (0.10) (1829) BFP22A 370 (1.64) 1.322 (33.58) . 78 (0.34) 50 (0.22) BFP22 218 (0.97) 4.095 (104.01) 17 (0.07) 9 (0.04) 96" (2438) BFP22A 273 (1.21) 2.350 (59.69) 39 (0.17) 23 (0.10) 1 120" BFP22 172 (0.76) 6.398 (162.51) 8 (0.03) 3 (0.01) (3048) BFP22A 214 (0.95) 3.671 (93.24) 19 (0.08) 9 (0.04) Beam Loading Data for Glass Reinforced Vinyl Ester Resin Maximum Deflection Beam Allowable @ Maximum Allowable Load @ Deflection = Span Part Beam Load Allowable No. Load Beam Load 1/240 Span 1/360 Span. in. mm Lbs. kN in. mm Lbs. kN - Lbs. kN BFV22 2220 (9.87) 0.071 (1.80) 1568 (6.97) 1045 (4.65) L" (305) BFV22A 6442 (28.65) 0.039 (0.99) 6442 (29.65) 5549 (24.68) 24" BFV22 1109 (4.93) 0.283 (7.19) 391 (1.74) 260 (1.15) (609) BFV22A 3219 (14.32) 0.155 (3.94) 2079 (9.25) 1385 (6.16) 114 (0.51) BFV22 738 (3.28) 0.637 (16.18) 172 (0.76) E 36" (914) BFV22A 2144 (9.53) 0.348 (8.84) 922 (4.10) 613 (2.72) ] BFV22 553 (2.46) 1.133 (28.78) 96 (0.43) 63 (0.28) 48" (1219) BFV22A 1606 (7.14) 0.619 (15.72) 516 (2.29) 342 (1.52) L 60" (1524) 39 (0.17) j 216 (0.96) BFV22 BFV22A 441 (1.96) 1283 (5.70) 1.770 (44.96) 0.967 (24.56) 60 (0.26) 327 (1.45) 72" BFV22 366 (1.63) 2.549 (64.74) 40 (0.18) 25 (0.11) (1829) BFV22A 1067 (4.74) 1.393 (35.38) 224 (0.99) 147 (0.65) 11 (0.05) 1 273 (1.21) 4.531 (115.09) 19 (0.08) 79(2438)BFV22 BFV22A 796 (3.54) 2.477 (62.91) 121 (0.54) 78 (0.34) I 120" BFV22 216 (0.96) 7.079 (179.80) 9 (0.04) 7 (0.02) (3048) BFV22A 633 (2.81) 3.870 (98.30) 72 (0.32) 44 (0.19) Loading Information Beam Loads: The above charts list the total allowable uniform load for various simple spans based on a minimum safety factor of 2. If the load is concentrated at center span, multiply the load from the above charts by 0.5 and the corresponding deflection by O.B. All beams should be supported in a manner to prevent rotation at supports. Long, deep beams should be tied between supports to prevent twist. For channels with holes or slots use 90% of recommended load shown in channel loading chart. Reference page 224 for general fitting specifications. B-Line series strut systems 227 Eaton 91/8" (231.8) 114~ .9) LI (136.5) Fiberglass Page 8 of 49 BFV341 BFV342 Four Hole Splice Plate Five Hole Flat Plate Material: Injection molded glass reinforced polyurethane • Material: Injection molded glass reinforced polyurethane hree Hole Flat Corner Plate Four Hole Flat Corner Plate Material: Injection molded glass reinforced polyurethane • Material: Injection molded glass reinforced polyurethane 31/2' 31/2" (88.9)--1 (88.9) FV132 BFV133 ye Hole Flat Cross Plate Four Hole Flat Tee Plate Material: Injection molded glass reinforced polyurethane • Material: Injection molded glass reinforced polyurethane 5/8" . 31/2" (136.5) (88.9) 51/8 J 0 " I (136.5) -J Reference page 224 for general fitting specifications. Eaton 238 B-Line series strut systems Page 90f49 z MI: Your Engineering & Design Partner Cold Formed & FRP Parapet Wall Design 1.) GENERAL INFORMATION: D..,, := 15 psf Assumed conservatively including theme panels L e,gthofw&z:= 30 ft Length of parapet wall, maximum considered Hhejghiofw := 13 ft Height of parapet wall, maximum considered := 16 in Spacing of studs Aijaryseiic := . 17.333 ft2 Tributary area for seismic At,uiary_wi Spacing stt Hheighiofwazz = 17.333 ft 2 Tributary area for wind 2) SEISMIC LOAD: SDS:= 1.127 SDI := 0.453 (for the given site) - a:=2.5 (Table 13.5-1 - ASCE 7-10), parapets R:=2.5 (Table 13.5-1 - ASCE 7-10), parapets 28.33 ft (Height of the building / strucutre is taken from architechtural drawing; no need to be exact h:28.33ft because of the nature of the equation involved) Seismic lateral force coefficient, Fp ,eii nt:= I 0.4.aP.SDS 11+2.-f-) (Eq. 13.3-1 of (RpJ t h, ASCE 7-10) Tp 6. 191371 - C01 - Cold Formed & FRP Parapet Wall Design.mcdx zz: Page 10 of 49 Your Engineering & Design Partner Fp ,e fficjent= 1.352 Fpcoefficientminimum 0.3 SDs 1,, = 0.338 1.6. SDS . =1.803 Design seismic lateral force coefficient, Fpcwffjdentdwign:= mm Fpcoefficientnw jmum,mic (Fpweffijent , Fpcoefficientminimtim ) Fpcoeff jntdjgn =1.352 Seismic lateral force on :=FoeJfi td Atrs jc Dw ,ji= 351.624 lbf wall, LRFD Seismic lateral force on VSW jSD:VjCW,1.O.7=246.137 lbf wall, ASD V:=110 mph (Wind Velocity, See attached wind parameter cutsheet). K.:=0.76 (at height 40 ft above ground level, Exposure B. Table 29.3-1 of ASCE 7-10) K:= 1.O (No special topography) Kd:=O.85 (Tabe 26.6-1 of ASCE 7-10; components and claddings) 2 q2:= 0.00256.K2.K2 .Kd.( •p3f=20.Ol psf (ASCE 7-10 Eq. 29.3-1, 1 mph Velocity pressure) q:=q2=20.01 psf I 6. 191371 - C01 - Cold Formed & FRP Parapet Wall Design.mcdx 'Z X: Page 11 of 49 Your Engineering & Design Partner Calculation of lateral force tth Walls & Parapets ASCE 7-10 (Fig. 30.4-1): External pressure coefficient ASCE 7-10 (Fig. 30.4-1): External pressure coefficient GC, := 0.55 ASCE 7-10 (Table 26.11-1): Internal pressure coefficient Qzaie.ra& := max (qh . (GCPQS + GCPZ) ,16 psI) 1= 25.013 psf QaieraLneg := q. (GCp_neg - GC) = —27.014 psf IQiaie.rai_neg = 0.036 kif Wind load per stud, LRFD FW ,4SD:=0.6.FWj=0.022 kif Wind load per stud, ASD D8 D,jaj = 0.26 kip = 351.624 Wf F=0.036 -kip ft - Dead load per stud Total Seismic load of wall Wind load per stud From above load, it is clear that wind load governs the design since seismic load is lesser than wind. See attached RAM ANALYSIS Output for more design and details. Okay to use 600S162-54 with Fy=50ksi © 16" O.C. as parapet wall studs. 2"x2"xl/4" Kickers need to be provided © maximum of 48" O.C. and atleast lft away from top end for the walls of height lOft & 4ft away from top end for wall of height 13ft. Top track and • bottom track should be same gauge as wall stud. Provide solid blocking (to match stud size and gauge) @ max ift below the Tab plate connection for kicker. 6. 191371 - C01 - Cold Formed & FRP Parapet Wall Design.mcdx Page 12 of 49 Your Engineering & Design Paitner 4101) DESIGN OF CONNECTION BETWEEN (N) STUD TO (N) B017OM TRACK: Fx:=0.103 kip= 103 lbf Base reaction, see RAM output Tprgw :=Fx= 103 1 b Tension per screw 198 lbf Tension capacity of #10 screw Ti,cr&rew = 0.52 Okay Tt#io Use #10-16 HWH screw to connect Stud to bottom track. 4C) DESIGN OF CONNECTION BETWEEN (N) BOTTOM TRACK TO (E) TOP TRACK OF PARAPET: Fx:0.103 kip= 103 lbf Base reaction, see RAM output Vprscw :=F= 103 lbf Shear per screw, conservative =600 lbf ,. Shear capacity of 1/4" screw Vperscrew =0.172 VcapjgyO25 Okay Use 1/4"-14 HWH screw © 8" O.C. to connect bottom track of parapet to (E) top track of parapet. 40) DESIGN OF CONNECTION BETWEEN (N) TAB PLATE & (N) WALL STUD: Provide 4"x8"x3/16" of ASTM A36 steel(Galvonized)Tab plate © 48" O.C. to connect Wall stud with Kicker A:= 1.05 kip= 1050 lbf Axial force per Tab Plate, see RAM output V2:=0.319 kip= 319 lbf Shear due to lateral load, see RAM output VTabP1ate := \/A X2 + V22 = 1097.388 Of ¼crew =4 Number of screws per Tab Plate VToJ,patc = 0.587 screw Vcpacity#io Resultant shear per tab plate V,10 =467 lbf Shear capacity of #10 screw Okay 0 Provide 4 number of #10-16 HWH screw to connect Tab plate with Wall stud 6. 191371 - C01 - Cold Formed & FRP Parapet Wall Design.mcdx = Page 13 of 49 Your Engineering & Design Partner 4E) DESIGN OF CONNECTION BETWEEN (N) TAB PLATE & (N) KICKER: Axial force per kicker, see RAM output A: 1.29 kip= 1290 Of Vperboit:=AX= 1290 Of Shear per bolt 72Boit := 1 Number of bolt in Diameter of bolt 2 0.7.1r.dBQ12 = 0.137 in2 A 0t:= =45 ksi FflVEOsj =27 ksi := 0.75 RntBot :=F 0it .ABQIt = 6.185 kip 14wBoZt := Ffl B0t A 0 = 3.711 kip Vperboit = 0.463 Bolt Area of bolt (0.7 is multiplied to get root area) Nominal Tensile Strength of A307 bolt, AISC (33.2) Nominal Shear Strength of A307 bolt, AISC (33.2) AISC (33.7): LRFD factor AISC (Eq. 33-1): Design tensile strength of bolt AISC (Eq. 33-1): Design shear strength of bolt Okay to use 1/2" dia A307 Bolt Provide 1/2" dia A307 HDG bolt to connect Tab plate with Kicker 6. 191371 C01 - Cold Formed & FRP Parapet Wall Design.mcdx Page 14of49 Your Engineering & Design Partner 4E) DESIGN OF CONNECTION BETWEEN (N) KICKER & (N) BOTTOM ANGLE RECEIVER: Use 6"x6"x5/16" L Angle receiver with 7" length to connect Kicker to (E) roof Fx:0.675 kip= 675 Thf Shear per kicker, see RAM output Fy:= 2.04 kip= 2040 thf Tension per kicker, see RAM output nBo&' Number of bolt dBoj:=!jfl Diameter of bolt - 0.7.7r .dBOl 2 ABO1t:= = 0.137 in Area 4 Area of bolt (0.7 is multiplied - to get root area) F 0it := 45 ksz Nominal Tensile Strength of A307 bolt, AISC (33.2) FflVBOIt =27 ksi Nominal Shear Strength of A307 bolt, AISC (33.2) 0.75 AISC (33.7): LRFD factor RflU3O1t:=FfljflOjj.ABOIt=6.185 kip AISC (Eq. 33-1): Design tensile strength of bolt '4iuBoli :=FflVBO jt . A 0 = 3.711 kip AISC (Eq. 33-1): Design shear strength of bolt F = 0.243 Okay to use 1/2" dia A307 Bolt '4ivl3olt PY = 0.44 Okay to use 1/2" dia A307 Bolt Dolt 0 • 'tBo1i F, '2 / F (nBolt . + I = 0.252 Okay vBolt J (flBou ort) Provide 1/2" dia A307 HDG bolt to connect Kicker with angle receiver 6. 191371 - C01 - Cold Formed & FRP Parapet Wall Design.mcdx zx: Page 15of49 Your Engineering & Design Partner Fx:0.405 kip Fy:= 1.22 kip VbOjjASD:=±x.= 101.25 lbf Shear per bolt TP bO1 F jD := - = 305 lbf Tension per bolt Divided by 4 since there are 4 lag screws per angle receiver. Provide (4) 1/2" Dia. SS lag screws with 5.75" embedment to connect the angle receiver to 8x8 member. Tzagrewc,pwjty := (378'bf .5.75 fl = 2173.5 OfI.. in Vzayscreweapoj jty =320 lbf= 320 ibf NDS 2015 Table 12.2A (Withdrawl Capacity) specific Gravity 0.5 NDS 2015 Table 12K G=0.5 (Tiagswcapacit1j) = 81.625 deg atan 1 Vzagrewcapacity) Tiagj.capacjty Viag.rewcapojjty Za:= 2 2 1935.6341bf Tiagrewcap ity COS () + Viagscrcap,,.ity Sfl () := VV boujtSD2 + TpCrbOUJISD2 =321.367 lbf .PreBwiantloo4 - - 0.166 Okay Z.- F:0.675 kip Fy:2.04 kip Fx V..4.,.:337.5 lbf Shear per anchor, divided by 2 2 since there are 2 anchors Tan Py 1020 Of Tension per anchor, divided by 2 2 since there are 2 anchors Provide (2) 1/2" dia Kwik Bolt TZ - CS of 2" Mm. Embedment with HDG. See attached Hilti Output for more design and details. 6. 191371 - C01 - Cold Formed & FRP Parapet Wall Design.mcdx Page 16 of 49 ZZ: Your Engineering & Design Partner Conservatively seismic and wind forces are derived for 13ft height parapet wall with maximum length and walls of lesser height checked for maximum loads D3 Ssp,Jejflgst Hjghtofwai1 0.26 kip Vseisi,jctuaii= 351.624 lbf F,,=0.036 kip ft Dead load per stud Total Seismic load of wall Wind load per stud From above load, it is clear that wind load governs the design since seismic load is lesser than wind. See attached RAM ANALYSIS Output for more design and details. Okay to use 600S162-54 with Fy=50ksi @ 16" O.C. as parapet wall studs. 2"x2"x1/4" Kickers need to be provided @ maximum of 48" O.C. and atleast ift away from top end of wall height. Top track and bottom track should be same gauge as wall stud. Provide solid blocking (to match stud size and gauge) @ max ift below the Tab plate connection for kicker. F:=0.0712 kip= 71.2 lbf Base reaction, see RAM output Tprew :=F= 71.21bf Tension per screw := 198 lbf Tension capacity of #10 screw = 0.36 Okay Use #10-16 HWH screw to connect Stud to bottom track. F:0.054 kip= 54 lbf Shear per stud Fy:=0.325 kip= 325 lbf Shear per stud V0 =Fx=54 ibf Shear per anchor Ta Fy=325 lbf Tension per anchor Since the load is very less, by Engineering judgement, it is okay to use 1/2" dia Kwik Bolt 3 - CS 2" Embedment with HDG @ 12" O.C. to attach the bottom track to the (E) CMU wall. 6. 191371 - C01 - Cold Formed & FRP Parapet Wall Design.mcdx Page 17 of 49 Your Engineering & Design Partner F:=0.0712 kip= 71.2 Of Vperscrew :=F= 71.2 ibf Vcapacityo.25 =600 ibf Vperrp. = 0.119 VcapitVo25 Shear per screw Shear capacity of 1/4" screw Okay / Use 1/4"-14 HWH screw @ 8" O.C. to connect bottom track of parapet to (E) top track of parapet. Fx:=0.0324 kip 32.4 lbf Fy:0.272 kip= 272 lbf := \JFx2 +F12 =273.923 lbf Shear per screw Vpacity#10 := 467 lbf Shear capacity of #10 screw Vperscrew = 0.587 Okay Vcapojty#i ) By Engineering judgement, it is okay to provide (2) #10-16 HWH screw @ Lap connection of each (N) Studs I 5F) DESIGN OF CONNECTION BETWEEN (N) TAB PLATE & (N) WALL STUD: Provide 4"x8"x3/16" of ASTM A36 steel Tab plate @ 48" O.C. to connect Wall stud with Kicker Ax:0.262 kip= 262 lbf Axial force per Tab Plate V2 :=0.134 kip= 134 Of Shear due to lateral load Since the loads are very less than 13ft wall, hence it is adequate to provide 4 number of #10-16 HWH screw to connect Tab plate with Wall stud \ 6. 191371 - C01 - Cold Formed & FRP Parapet Wall Design.mcdx ZZ: Page 18-of 49 Your Engineering & Design Partner Ax:0.310 kip= 310 lbf Axial force per kicker Since the loads is very less than 13ft wall, hence it is adequate to provide 1/2" dia A307 HDG bolt to connect Tab plate with Kicker Use 6"x6"x5/16" L Angle receiver with 7" length to connect Kicker to (E) roof F:0.259 kip= 259 Thf Shear per kicker, see RAM output Fy:0.443 kip= 443 lbf Tension per kicker, see RAM output Since the loads are very less than 13ft wall, hence it is adequate to provide 1/2" dia A307 HDG bolt to connect Kicker with angle receiver F:0.155 kip Fy:0.268 kip Fx' VprboziSD:=—=38.75 ibf Shear per bolt F TP,tSD := - = 67 lbf Tension per bolt Since the loads are very less than 13ft wall, hence it is adequate to provide (4) 1/2" Dia. lag screw with 5.75" embedment to connect the angle receiver to 8x8 member Fx:0.259 kip F V0 :=—= 129.5 ibf F Ta,,r:221.5 ibf Fy:=0.443 kip Shear per anchor, divided by 2 since there are 2 anchors Tension per anchor, divided by 2 since there are 2 anchors Since the loads are very less than 13ft wall, hence it is adequate to provide (2) 1/2" dia Kwik Bolt TZ - CS of 2" Minimum Embedment with HDG. 6. 191371 - COI - Cold Formed & FRP Parapet Wall Design.mcdx a ZI Page 19of49 Your Engineering & Design Partner D3 :=Du,aii .H, ghfwiIL = 0.26 kip Dead load per stud = 351.624 lbf Total Seismic load of wall 0.036 .L- Wind load per stud, LRFD ft Fw D= 0.022 !i?_ Wind load per stud, ASD ft From. above load, it is clear that wind load governs the design since seismic load is lesser than wind. Assumed B-Line BFV22A Fiberglass strut shall be provided as vertical and horizontal member. Provide BFV22A Fiberglass strut as Kickers © maximum of 48" O.C. and atleast 4ft away from top end for wall of height 13ft. Top and bottom member shall be of BFV22A Fiberglass strut. Provide solid blocking BFV22A Fiberglass strut © max ift below the kicker connection. Properties of BFV22A: Pal1o'1eW2 := 796 ibf AdlowableJ3FV22A =2.477 in =0.9732 in4 E:=5000 ksi Max allowable load of BFV22A strut Deflection @ maximum alliowable load of BFV22A strut Moment of Inetria of B22A strut is assumed since BFV22A is similar to B22A profile Young's Modulus of FRP assumed, conservative Check for BFV22A: h,9htss 9 ft Max simply supported height of sturt PASD:=FVJULASD. hj9ht ss— 194.502 lbf Allowable load over BFV22A strut A5D = 0.244 Okay allowable_rnaxJ3FV22A 6. 191371 - COI - Cold Formed & FRP Parapet Wall Design.mcdx z Page 20 of 49 Your Engineering & Design Partner Deflection check for BFV22A: AzctvoLSS := 5. F1fldD. hightss4 =0.656 in Actual deflection 384EIm jorj2 Azctnal_SS < allowable-BFV22A Okay B-Line BFV22A Fiberglass strut shall be provided as vertical and horizontal member & kickers as shown in Zenith drawings. 6. 191371 - C01 - Cold Formed & FRP Parapet Wall Design.mcdx !.1-j eentlevs Page 21 of 49 Current Date: 11/9/2019 10:41 AM Units system: English File name: D:\DroDbox\Enaineerina SubmittaPi2019 Proiects191371 CO-11 - Fiberalass Paraoet Redesian - Swinerton - I Leaoland DñEnaa Calcs\11-09-2019\7. 19137 Rendered View n-- IsentLey'l Page 22 of 49 Current Date: 11/9/2019 10:47 AM Units system: English 1-09-2019\7. I Material, Section & Support • L. All studs & blocking to be of same gage and shall confirm to A570 Gr.50 cold form. . Kickers to be of size 2x2x1/4" and shall confirm to ASTM A36. . Kickers need to be installed 4ft away from top end of walls for height 13ft & ift away from top nd of walls of height lOft. Q] Bentley' Page 23 of 49 Current Date: 11/9/2019 10:48 AM Units system: English File name: D:Dropbox\Engineenng Submittal\2019 Projects1191371 CO-1 - Fiberglass Parapet Redesign - Swinerton - I Legoland DñEngg Calcs11-09-2019\7. 19137 Loads Axial force Concentrated - Nodes t.5.1sentiews Page 24 of 49 Current Date: 11/9/2019 10:49 AM Units system: English File name: D:\Dropbox\Engineering Submittal\2019 Projects\191371 CO-1 - Fiberglass Parapet Redesign - Swinerton - 1 Legoland DrEngg Calcs\II-09-201917. 191 Load condition: W=Wind Load Loads Axial force Distributed user loads - Members n.- Isentlego Page 25 of 49 Current Date: 11/9/2019 10:51 AM Units system: English File name: D:\DropboxEnaineerinc Submittal\2019 Projects\191371 CO-1 - Fiberglass Parapet Redesign - Swinerton - I Legoland DrEngg Calcs11-09-20197. Maximum stress ratio is less than 1.0. Stress ratio Hence the members are safe n,,,- IsentLey 4 Page 26 of 49 Current Date: 11/9/2019 10:51 AM Units system: English File name: D:\Dropbox\Engineering Submittal\2019 Projects\191371 CO-1 - Fiberglass Parapet Redesign - Swinerton -1 Legoland Dr\Engg Calcs11-09-2019\7. 1913 Load condition: LC2=0.6D+0.6W Stress ratio AISC/AISI/BS/AS/CSA/NDS 0.94 0.85 0.76 0.66 0.57 0.48 0.38 0.29 0.20 0.11 I[Kip] [Kip] 1794[KipJ FY=-1 .02(Kipj Fz=-0.000792[Kip] nN IsentLeys Page 27 of 49 Current Date: 11/9/2019 10:53 AM Units system: English File name: D:\DropboxEngineering Submittal\2019 Projects\191 371 CO-1 - Fiberglass Parapet Redesign - Swinerton - I Legoland DñEngg Calcs\1 1-09-2019\7. 19137 Load condition: LC2=0.6D+0.6W HJ'l 41115 Isenney Page 28 of 49 Current Date: 11/9/2019 10:54 AM Units system: English File name: D:\DroDbox\EnQineelinc Submittal\2019 Projects191371 CO-1 - Fiberglass Parapet Redesign - Swinerton - I Legoland Dr\Engg Calcs\11-09-2019\7. 191 Fz-0.001319[Kip] n-jeentiewe Page 29 of 49 Current Date: 11/9/2019 10:55 AM Units system: English File name: D:\DropboxEngineerin Submittal\2019 Projects\I91 371 co-I - Fiberglass Parapet Redesign - Swinerton - I Legoland DrEngg calcs\I 1-09-2019\7. 191 Load condition: LC20.6D+0.6W Internal forces Axial force n-jeentLeys Page 30 of 49 Current Date: 11/9/2019 10:56 AM Units system: English File name: D:Droobox\Enaineerinc Submittal\2019 Projects191371 CO-I - Fiberglass Parapet Redesign - Swinerton - I Legoland Dr\Engg CalcsII-09-20I9\7. 191 Internal forces Shear force 19[Kip] MlBenttey Page 31 of 49 Current Date: 11/9/2019 10:56 AM Units system: English File name: D:\DrooboxEnaineennc Submittal2019 Projects\191371 CO-1 - Fiberglass Parapet Redesign - Swinerton - I Legoland DñEngg Calcs\11-09-2019\7. 191 Internal forces Axial force .27[Kip] n. I senneys Page 32 of 49 Current Date: 11/9/2019 11:44 AM Units system: English Rendered View I 010 '4— — C 8o Q CD .2 tO CO1 ø< .U) cr2 Eci utoU)1 D CO .2 CO CO U)CA 2 iI I RM 0 < /,,)•(k ti' \ ' øoi CA -4 'cng 'I 0) o8 0— (,)O. -a —!, IM 11 1 "1~1111'-'i 18entley Current Date: 11/9/2019 11:46 AM Units system: English gn - Swinerton - I Legoland L 0 Page 33 of 49 Material, Section & Support All studs & blocking to be of same gage and shall confirm to A570 Gr.50 cold form. Kickers to be of size 2x2x1/4" and shall confirm to ASTM A36. Kikcers need to be installed ift away from top end of the wall. LO n4f3entlev Page 34 of 49 Current Date: 11/9/2019 11:47 AM Units system: English File name: D:\Dropbox\Engineerinç Submittal\2019 Projects\191371 CO-1 - Fiberglass Parapet Redesign - Swinerton - I Legoland DrEngg Calcs\11-09-2019\8. 191 Load condition: DDead Load Loads Axial force Concentrated - Nodes EA n.1senneye Page 35 of 49 Current Date: 11/9/2019 11:47 AM Units system: English File name: D:\Dropbox\Engineering Submittal2019 Projects\191371 CO-1 - Fiberglass Parapet Redesign - Swinerton - I Legoland Dr\Engg Calcs\11-09-2019\8. 191 Load condition: W=Wind Load Loads Axial force Distributed user loads - Members n4-. - JiBentley4 Page 36 of 49 Current Date: 11/9/2019 11:48 AM Units system: English File name: D:\Dropbox\Engineering SubmittaI2019 Projects\191371 CO-1 - Fiberglass Parapet Redesign - Swinerton - I Legoland DAEngg Calcs\11-09-2019\8. 19137 Maximum seress ratio is less than 1.0. Hence the members are safe Stress ratio AISC/AISI/BS/AS/sA/NDS I sentLey is I Page 37 of 49 Current Date: 11/9/2019 11:48 AM Units system: English File name: D:\Dropbox\Engineering Submittal2019 Projects\191371 CO-I - Fiberglass Parapet Redesign - Swinerton - 1 Legoland Dr\Engg CaIcs11-09-20I9\8. 19137 Stress ratio AISC/AJSI/BS/AS/SA/NDS 0.29 0.26 0.23 0.20 0.17 0.14 0.11 0.08 0.05 0.02 n.1 sentiew Page 38 of 49 Current Date: 11/9/2019 11:50 AM Units system: English File name: D:Droobox\Enaineerinc Submittal2019 Projects\191371 CO-1 - Fiberglass Parapet Redesign - Swinerton - I Legoland DñEngg CalcsII-09-2019\8. P1 Fz=-0.000315[Kip] I senney 0 Page 39 of 49 Current Date: 11/9/2019 11:51 AM Units system: English File name: D:\DropboxEngineenng Submittal2019 Projects\191371 CO-1 - Fiberglass Parapet Redesign - Swinerton - I Legoland Dr\Engg Catcs11-09-2019\8. 19137 Load condition: Anch1 .20+W x 26[Kip] AZ / 7T2 [Kip] / FxO.119[Kip] Fy-0.0902[Kip] / Fz0.000524[Kip] x0.259[Kipj N ,, =0443[Kip] x0.054[Kip] 0[Kip] y=0.325[Kip] Fz0.000296[Kip] N )fx=O.054[Kip] y0.325[Kip] z-0.000297[Kip] >Fx=0.119[Kip] Fy=-0.0892(Kipj Fz=-0.000522[Kip] F-048entie-ya Page 40 of 49 Current Date: 11/9/2019 11:51 AM Units system: English File name: D:\DropboxEngineenng Submittal2019 Projects\191371 CO-1 - Fiberglass Parapet Redesign - Swinerton - I Legoland DrEngg Calcs\I 1-09-2019\8. 19137 Load condition: LC1D+0.6W Internal forces Axial force 7 :: 040123[fXi i] ic=-0.0142IKupJ ; BentLey Page 41 of 49 Current Date: 11/9/2019 11:52 AM Units system: English File name: D:\DropboxEngineering Submittal\2019 Projects\191371 CO-1 - Fiberglass Parapet Redesign - Swinerton - I Legoland DñEngg Calcs\11-09-2019\8. 19137 Load condition: LC1D+0.6W Internal forces Shear force / :1T I1 'TT. :' O1'2(j V2=0.0 -216[K P] /77 Bentley Page 42 of 49 Current Date: 11/9/2019 11:53 AM Units system: English File name: D:\Dropbox\Engineeiing Submittal\2019 Projects\191371 CO-1 - Fiberglass Parapet Redesign.- Swinerton - I Legoland DAEngg Calcs\11-09-2019\8. 19137 Load condition: LC1D+0.6W Internal forces Axial force .7 . Ax=-0.29 [Kip] —w - Ax=-0.31 [Kip] Zenith Notes: Edge distance of concrete from center of anchor bolt shall not be less than 6". Depth of concrete above metal deck type is taken conservatively 4" although shows greater in As-Builts provided by client. Kwik Bolt TZ - CS 14 )ia With 2" Min EmbedrnI.lIL (HD T Page 43 of 49 DCR=O.75 M-0 Ed www.hilti.us Profis Anchor 2.8.5 Company: Page: 1 Specifier: Project: 191371 - C01 Address: Sub-Project I Pos. No.: Phone I Fax: I Date: 11/8/2019 E-Mail: Specifier's comments: I Input data Anchor type and diameter: Kwik Bolt TZ - CS 1/2(2) I Effective embedment depth: heja = 2.000 in., hnom = 2.375 in. Material: Carbon Steel Evaluation Service Report: ESR-1917 Issued I Valid: 5/l/2019 1 5/l/2021 Proof: Design method ACI 318-14 / Mech. Stand-off installation: - (Recommended plate thickness: not calculated) Profile: Base material: cracked concrete, 3000, = 3,000 psi; h = 4.000 in. Installation: hammer drilled hole, Installation condition: Dry Reinforcement: tension: condition B, shear: condition B; no supplemental splitting reinforcement present edge reinforcement: none or < No. 4 bar Seismic loads (cat. C, D, E, or F) Tension load: yes ( Shear load: yes ( (c)) R - The anchor calculation is based on a rigid anchor plate assumption. Geometry [in.] & Loading [lb, in.lb] Input data and results must be checked for agreement with the existing conditions and for plausibilityl PROMS Anchor (c )2003.2009 Hits AG, FL-9494 Schaan HIIII Is registered Trademark of 111111 AG, Schaan Kwik Bolt TZ - CS 14 i)ia With 2" Min EmbednIdIl (HDG) Page 44 of 49 DCR=O.75 www.hiltLus Profis Anchor 2.8.5 Company: Page: 2 Specifier: Project: 191371 - COI Address: Sub-Project I Pos. No.: Phone I Fax: I Date: 11/8/2019 E-Mail: 2 Load case/Resulting anchor forces Load case: Design loads Anchor reactions [lb] Tension force: (+Tension, -Compression) Anchor Tension force Shear force Shear force x Shear force y 1 1,020 338 -338 0 max. concrete compressive strain: - [%a] max. concrete compressive stress: - [psi] resulting tension force in (x/y)=(0.000/0.000): 0 [Ib] resulting compression force in (x/y)=(0.000/0.000): 0 fib] 3 Tension load Load Nua [lb] Capacity 4' N, [lb] Utilization PN = Nu./4t N Status Steel Strength* 1,020 8,029 13 OK Pullout Strength N/A N/A N/A N/A 80 OK Concrete Breakout Strength** 1,020 1,284 anchor having the highest loading **anchor group (anchors in tension) 3.1 Steel Strength Nsa = ESR value refer to ICC-ES ESR-1917 4' Nsa ? Nua ACI 318-14 Table Variables Ase.N [in.2] futa [psi] 0.10 106,000 Calculations Nsa [lb] 10,705 Results Nsa [lb] 4' steel 4' noixiucitie 4' N [lb] N50 fib] 10.705 0.750 1.000 8,029 1,020 Input data and results must be checked for agreement with the existing conditions and for plausibilityl PROFIS Anchor (c) 2003-2009 itllti AG, FL-9494 5chaan Huh is a registered Trademark of Hilti AG, Schaan Page Kwik Bolt TZ - CS 14 )ia With 2" Mm Embedrr1.11 (HD 45 of 49 DCR=O.75 www.hiltlus Profis Anchor 2.8.5 Company: Page: 3 Specifier Project: 191371 - COI Address: Sub-Project I Pos. No.: Phone IFax: I Date: 11/8/2019 E-Mail: 3.2 Concrete Breakout Strength Ncb = (c) N' ed.N NJ c.N N' cp,N Nb AN CO ACI 318-14 Eq. ( a) $ ACI 318-14 Table . ANC see ACI 318-14, Section, Fig. R ANCO =9h .2f ACI 318-14 Eq. ( 1 = 2 eN) 5 1.0 N'ecN ( + ACI 318-14 Eq. ( W wiN = 0.7 + 0.3 (f:1) 1.0 ACI 318-14 Eq. ( N' cpN = MAX(EOJO!0 I 1.0 c3 ' Cac ACI 318-14 Eq. ( Nb = it. X a NE. h1f ACI 318-14 Eq. ( Variables het [in.] eC1N [in.] erw [in.] camin [in.] N' c.N 2.000 0.000 0.000 6.000 1.000 cac[in.] k . fc [psi: 5.500 17 1.000 3,000 Calculations A [in.2] Aw [in.2] N' ecl,N '1 ec2,N N ed,N N' cpN Nb [Ib] 36.00 36.00 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 2.634 Results NCb [Ib] $ corrasta $ seismic $ nonductite $ Not, [lb] Nua [lb] 2,634 0.650 0.750 1.000 1,284 1,020 Input data and results must be checked for agreement with the existing conditions and for plauslbilityl PROFIS Anchor (c )2003-2009 111111 AG, FL-9494 Sdiaan Hilti Is registered Trademark of Hull AG. Schaan Kwik Bolt TZ - CS 1/ DCR=O.75 www.hilti.us Company: Specifier Address: Phone I Fax: E-Mail: )ia With 2" Min Embedrn11L (HDG) Page 46 of 49 Profis Anchor 2.8.5 Page: 4 Project: 191371 -CO1 Sub-Project I Pos. No.: Date: 11/8/2019 4 Shear load Load Vi,. [th] Capacity 4 V [lb] Utilization pv = Vu0/4 V Status Steel Strength 338 3,572 10 01< Steel failure (with lever arm) N/A N/A N/A N/A PryoutStrength** 338 1,844 19 OK Concrete edge failure in direction x- 338 1,840 19 OK *anchor having the highest loading**anchor group (relevant anchors) 4.1 Steel Strength V 0 = ESR value refer to ICC-ES ESR-1917 Vsteei 2! Vua ACI 318-144 Table Variables Av [in.2] futa [psi] 0.10 106,000 Calculations [lb] 5,495 Results Vsaeq (lb) 4> steel 4> renctucita $ Vsa [lb] Vua [lb] 5,495 0.650 1.000 3.572 338 4.2 Pryout Strength = k p V ed.N V c.N V 'cp,N Nb] ACI 318-14 Eq. ( VcpaVua ACI 318-14 Table ANc see ACI 318-14, Section, Fig. R ANco = 9 h 2 of ACI 318-14 Eq. ( tleC.N=(l +} a.)5 1.0 ACI 318-14 Eq. ( haf I ed.N = 0.7 + 0.3 (fL) 1.0 ACI 318-14 Eq. ( WcP.N = MAX( 1!!eallef 5 1.0 ACI 318-14 Eq. ( Nb = kc X a NEC h ACI 318-14 Eq. ( Variables kcp her [in.] eC1N [in.] e2,N [in.] ;.min [in.] 1 2.000 0.000 0.000 6.000 V c.N c c [in.] kc a f [psi] 1.000 5.500 17 1.000 3,000 Calculations A [in.'] AN [in.2] V ecl.N >1 ec2.N V ed.N V CP.N Nb (lb] 36.00 36.00 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 2.634 Results Vq> [lb] 4> concrete $ seismic 4> nowiucijie 4> Vcp [lb] Vua [lb] 2.634 0.700 1.000 1.000 1,844 338 Input data and results must be checked for agreement with the existing conditions and for plausibilityl PROFIS Anchor (c) 2003-2009 Huh AG, FL-9494 5chaan 111111 Is registered Trademark of 111111 AG. Schaart Kwik Bolt TZ - CS 14 Lia With 2" Min Embedrn..IIL (HDG 'Page DCR=O.75 www.hilti.us Profis Anchor 2.8.5 Company: Page: 5 Specifier: Project: 191371 - COI Address: Sub-Project I Pos. No.: Phone I Fax: I Date: 11/8/2019 E-Mail: 4.3 Concrete edge failure in direction x- Vci, r— VdVWcVWhVWpa,lleIVVb - ( Avc vco ) ACI 318-14 Eq. (17.5.2.la) 4) V 2! Vua ACI 318-14 Table see ACI 318-14, Section, Fig. R Avoo = 4.5 c ACI 318-14 Eq. ( 1 'VecV = ( J + 2ev ) 1.0 ACI 318-14 Eq. ( 'v ed y = 0.7 + 0.3(T) 1.0 ACI 318-14 Eq. (17.52.6b) 'Vh.V h 1.0 ACI 318-14 Eq.( Vb = (7 (I ) 0.2 Id) )a 'I?cf ACI 318-14 Eq. ( Variables c81 [in.] ca2 [in] e5v [in.] 'v c.V he [in.] 6.000 6.000 0.000 1.000 4.000 Ia [iii.] X a da [in.] t [psi] 11 paraiiei,v 2.000 1.000 0.500 3,000 1.000 Calculations Av, [in.21 Av [in.2] V ec.V V ed.V W h.V Vb [lb] 60.00 . 162.00 1.000 0.900 1.500 5,258 Results Vth [lb] 4) concrete 4) seismic 4i nonductlla 4) Vci, [lb] Von [Ib] 2,629 0.700 1.000 1.000 1,840 338 5 Combined tension and shear loads ON Ov Utilization IN.V [%] Status 0.794 0.184 5/3 75 OK PNV = + < I I Input data and results must be checked for agreement with the existing conditions and for plausibilityl PROFIS Anchor (c) 2003-2009 Hull AG, FL-9494 5chaan Hilti Is registered Trademark of Hilti AG, Scbaan Kwik Bolt TZ - CS 14 )ia With 2" Min EmbedmlIL (HDG) Page of 49 DCR=O.75 www.hilti.us Profis Anchor 2.8.5 Company: Page: 6 Specifier: Project: 191371 - COI Address: Sub-Project I Pos. No.: Phone I Fax: I Date: . 11/8/2019 E-Mail: 6 Warnings The anchor design methods in PROFIS Anchor require rigid anchor plates per current regulations (ETAG 001 /Annex C, ECTA TR029, etc.). This means load re-distribution on the anchors due to elastic deformations of the anchor plate are not considered - the anchor plate is assumed to be sufficiently stiff, in order not to be deformed when subjected to the design loading. PROFIS Anchor calculates the minimum required anchor plate thickness with FEM to limit the stress of the anchor plate based on the assumptions explained above. The proof if the rigid anchor plate assumption is valid is not carried out by PROFIS Anchor. Input data and results must be checked for agreement with the existing conditions and for plausibility! Condition A applies when supplementary reinforcement is used. The 0 factor is increased for non-steel Design Strengths except Pullout Strength and Pryout strength. Condition B applies when supplementary reinforcement is not used and for Pullout Strength and Pryout Strength. Refer to your local standard. Refer to the manufacturer's product literature for cleaning and installation instructions. Checking the transfer of loads into the base material and the shear resistance are required in accordance with ACI 318 or the relevant standard! An anchor design approach for structures assigned to Seismic Design Category C, D, E or F is given in ACI 318-14, Chapter 17, Section (a) that requires the governing design strength of an anchor or group of anchors be limited by ductile steel failure. If this is NOT the case, the connection design (tension) shall satisfy the provisions of Section (b), Section (c), or Section (d). The connection design (shear) shall satisfy the provisions of Section (a), Section (b), or Section (c). Section (b) / Section (a) require the attachment the anchors are connecting to the structure be designed to undergo ductile yielding at load level corresponding to anchor forces no greater than the controlling design strength. Section (c)/Section (b) waive the ductility requirements and require the anchors to be designed for the maximum tension / shear that can be transmitted to the anchors by a non-yielding attachment. Section (d) / Section (c) waive the ductility requirements and require the design strength of the anchors to equal or exceed the maximum tension / shear obtained from design load combinations that include E, with E increased by 00. Hilti post-installed anchors shall be installed in accordance with the Hilti Manufacturer's Printed Installation Instructions (MPII). Reference ACI 318-14, Section 17.8.1. Fastening meets the design criteria! Input data and results must be checked for agreement with the existing conditions and for ptsusibilityl PROFIS Anchor (c) 2003-2009 Hilti AG, FL-9494 Schaan Hill] Is registered Trademark of Hilt] AG, 5chaan Kwik Bolt TZ - CS 14 Jia With 2" Min EmbedmIIL (HDG) Page 49 of 49 DCR=O.75 www.hilti.us Profis Anchor 2.8.5 Company: Page: 7 Specifier: Project: 191371 - CCI Address: Sub-Project I Pos. No.: Phone I Fax: I Date: 11/8/2019 E-Mail: 7 Installation data Anchor plate, steel: - Profile: - Hole diameter in.the fixture: - Plate thickness (input): - Recommended plate thickness: - Drilling method: Hammer drilled Cleaning: Manual cleaning of the drilled hole according to instructions for use is required. Anchor type and diameter: Kwik Bolt TZ - CS 1/2 (2) Installation torque: 480.001 in.lb Hole diameter in the base material: 0.500 in. Hole depth in the base material: 2.625 in. Minimum thickness of the base material: 4.000 in. 7.1 Recommended accessories Drilling Cleaning Setting Suitable Rotary Hammer • Manual blow-out pump • Torque controlled cordless impact tool (Hilti Properly sized drill bit Safeset System) Torque wrench Hammer Coordinates Anchor in. Anchor x y C.X. C+. 1 0.000 0.000 6.000 - 6.000 - 8 Remarks; Your Cooperation Duties Any and all information and data contained in the Software concern solely the use of Hilti products and are based on the principles, formulas and security regulations in accordance with Hilti's technical directions and operating, mounting and assembly instructions, etc., that must be strictly complied with by the user. All figures contained therein are average figures, and therefore use-specific tests are to be conducted prior to using the relevant Hilti product. The results of the calculations carried out by means of the Software are based essentially on the data you put in. Therefore, you bear the sole responsibility for the absence of errors, the completeness and the relevance of the data to be put in by you. Moreover, you bear sole responsibility for having the results of the calculation checked and cleared by an expert, particularly with regard to compliance with applicable norms and permits, prior to using them for your specific facility. The Software serves only as an aid to interpret norms and permits without any guarantee as to the absence of errors, the correctness and the relevance of the results or suitability for a specific application. - You must take all necessary and reasonable steps to prevent or limit damage caused by the Software. In particular, you must arrange for the regular backup of programs and data and, if applicable, carry out the updates of the Software offered by Hilti on a regular basis. If you do not use the AutoUpdate function of the Software, you must ensure that you are using the current and thus up-to-date version of the Software in each case by carrying out manual updates via the Hilti Website. Hilti will not be liable for consequences, such as the recovery of lost or damaged data or programs, arising from a culpable breach of duty by you. Input data and results must be checked for agreement with the existing conditions and for plausibility! PROMS Anchor (c) 2003.2009 HilU AG, FL-9494 Schsan liliti Is registered Trademark of Huh AG, Schaan