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07-17-2013 City of Carlsbad 1635 Faraday Av Carlsbad.CA 92008 Commercial/Industrial Permit Permit No: CB101660 Building Inspection Request Line (760) 602-2725 Job Address: Permit Type: Parcel No: Valuation: Occupancy Group: Project Title: Applicant: MICHAEL TRIA 2359 4TH AVE CA 92101 619-233-6777 1 PONTO RD CBAD COMMIND 2141601000 $17,400,088.11 Sub Type; HOTEL Lot #; 0 Construction Type: 5A Reference # HILTON: 175,769 SF HOTEL W/ 28,844 SF BASEMENT PARKING Status: Applied: Entered By: Plan Approved- Issued: Inspect Area Plan Check #: FINAL 09/09/2010 JMA 03/02/2011 03/02/2011 MC PC110005 Owner: WAVE CREST RESORTS I 828 2ND ST ENCINITAS CA 92024 LLC Building Permit $37,267.74 Meter Size T2 Add'l Building Permit Fee $0.00 Add'l Red, Water Con, Fee $1,286,00 Plan Check $24,224.03 Meter Fee $2,940,00 Add'l Building Permit Fee $0.00 SDCWA Fee $46,716,00 Plan Check Discount $0,00 CFD Payoff Fee $270,068,70 Strong Motion Fee $3,654,02 PFF (3105540) $316,681,60 Park Fee $0.00 PFF (4305540) $0,00 LFM Fee $0,00 License Tax (3104193) $0,00 Bridge Fee $0,00 License Tax (4304193) $0,00 BTD #2 Fee $0,00 Traffic Impact Fee (3105541) $373,563,48 BTD #3 Fee $0,00 Traffic Impact Fee (4305541) $0,00 Renewal Fee $0.00 PLUMBING TOTAL $6,601,00 Add'l Renewal Fee $0.00 ELECTRICAL TOTAL $2,510,00 Other Building Fee $0.00 MECHANICAL TOTAL $4,174,50 Pot. Water Con. Fee $45,542.00 Master Drainage Fee $70,084,44 Meter Size D2 Sewer Fee $201,944,40 Add'l Pot. Water Con. Fee $0.00 Redev Parking Fee $0,00 Red. Water Con. Fee $27,115.00 Additional Fees $0,00 Green Bldg Stands (SB1473) Fee $696.00 HMP Fee $0,00 Flre Expedidted Plan Review $2,972.50 Green Bldg Standards Plan Chk ?? TOTAL PERMIT FEES $1,438,041,41 Total Fees: ^.^ ^^.j Total Payments To Date: $1,438,041,41 Balance Due: $0.00 Inspector: FINAL APPROVAL Date: Clearance: NOTICE: Please take NOTICE that approval of your project includes the "Imposition" of fees, dedications, resen/ations, or other exactions hereafter collectively referred to as 'fees/exactions," You have 90 days from the date this pemiit was issued to protest imposition of these fees/exactions. If you protest them, you must follow the protest procedures set forth in Govemment Code Section 66020(a), and file the protest and any other required information with the City Manager for processing in accordance with Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 3,32,030, Failure to timely follow that procedure will bar any subsequent legal action to attack, review, set aside, void, or annul their imposition. You are hereby FURTHER NOTIFIED that your right to protest the specified fees/exactions DOES NOT APPLY to water and sewer connection fees and capacity changes, nor planning, zoning, grading or other similar application processing or service fees in connection with this project, NOR DOES IT APPLY to any fees/exactions of which vou have previously been given a NOTICE similar to this, or as to which the statute of limitations has previousiv othenivise expired, 12-05-2012 City of Carlsbad 1635 Faraday Av Carlsbad, CA 92008 Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) Permit Permit No:SW100312 Job Address: 1 PONTO RD CBAD Permit Type: SWPPP Status ISSUED Parcel No: 2141601000 Lot#: 0 Applied 09/09/2010 Reference #: Entered By JMA CB#: 101660 Issued 03/02/2011 Inspect Area MC Project Title: HILTON: OCEANFRONT HOTEL & SPA Tier 1 Priority: M Applicant: MICHAEL TRIA 2359 4TH AVE CA 92101 619-233-6777 Emergency Contact: JOHN ROBBINS Owner: WAVE CREST RESORTS II L L C 828 2ND ST ENCINITAS CA 92024 619-719-8079 SWPPP Plan Check SWPPP Inspections Additional Fees $0,00 $0,00 $0,00 TOTAL PERMIT FEES $0.00 Total Fees: $0,00 Total Payments To Date: $0,00 Balance Due: $0.00 FINAL APPROVAL DATEl'Zfo^f^ CLEARANCE SIGNATURE ^-^S Building Perniit Application 1635 Faraday Ave,, Carlsbad, CA 92008 760-602-2717/2718/2719 Fax 760-602-8558 wvra.cartsbadca.gov Plan Check No. Est. Value (9^^ ^7/ Plan Ck Peposit Py!«/. SS" Date SWPPP • # OF UNrrs CT/PBCUECT* SUlTE«/SPACE«/UNtr« » BATHROOMS occ. SROUP DESCRIPTION OF WORK: Incfude 5i7iiare Feet or Affected 4rearsJ i| /. '"/n< ^^sjtUcWof a 'Z0^,fi'/2' SF. 2^5-l^i Otyfel UH4A t»*em«n^^and a (>;>p<^i| ^FpA-^K'^a i EXISTING USE PROPOSED USE V/ilCO'vl", UJe/we/, 6»i«&Kti( -l^jk.! GARAGE (SF) PATIOS (SF) DECKS (SF) FIREPUCE AIR CONDITIONING FIRE SPRINKLERS 3,7S^ 3, YESE>2 NOn VESgjNOn YESEJNOQ CONTACT NAME (HDUfBrmt fom Agpllcant) tAKcM^ rktA- APPUCANTNAME^^^^ ^^^^^^ ADDRESS ^ ^ cm ^ STATE ZIP PHONE . FAX ( EMAIL ' ^ , PROPERTYOWNERNAME -/ ^ ^ CONTRACTOR BUS. NAME _ A // ADDRBS , J. ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP CITY STATE ^ 1 /)ZJ/J[ PHONE FAX PHONE kjty^ EMAIL EMAIL / HJ ARCH/DESIGNER NAME & ADDRESS ^^5^ ^Ik. fyue . STATE LIC, # STATE UC.# f CLASS CITV BUS. LIM Civil penalty of not more than five hundred dollars {$500]). Workers' Compensatian Declaration: / hemby ammi under penalty of peiji/iy one of the Mmhg iMaratlons: I have and wil maintain a certificate of consent to self-insure for workers' compensatkin as pmvided by Sectkin 3700 ol ttie Latior Code, kir ths peifomiance of the work for which this pemt Is Issued, I have and wHI maintain workers' compensation, as required by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for Ihe perfomiance of the work for whk:h this permit Is Issued, My woikers' compensatton Insurance carrier and policy number are; Insutance Co Policy No, Expiratton Dale This section need not be compleled If the permit is for one hundred dollars (SlOO) or less. I I Certificate of Exemption: I certify that In the perfomiance of Ihe work for which this pemiit Is Issued, I shall not employ any peison In any manner so as to become sutiject to the Wodters' CompensaUon Laws of Callfbmla. WARNING: Failure to secure workers' compensabon coverage is uniawful, and shall sub|ect an employerto criminal penalties and civU fines up to ons hundred thousand dollars (&100,000|, in addition to the cost of campensation, damages as provided for in Seclion 3706 of the Labor code, Interest and attorney's fees, CONTRACTOR SIQNATURE •AGENT OATE / hereby affirm Ifiaf / an exampt torn Contrsctoi's Ucense Lm lor the lalowing reason: I I I, as owner of the property or my employees with wages as their sole compensation, will do Ihe work and the stmcture is not intended or offered for sale (Sec, 7044, Business and Professtons Code: The Contractoi's Ucense Law does nol apply to an owner of property who builds or Impioves thereon, and who does such wohi himself or thiough his own employees, pmvkled that such Impmvements are not intended or offered for sale. If, however, the building or Improvement Is soto within one year of completion, the owner-buiMer will have the burden of pmving that he dkl not buH or Impiove for the purpose of sale), r~1 I, as owner of the property, am exclusiveiy contracting viilth Itoehsed contractois to constmct the project (Sec, 7044, Business and Professions Code: The Conlractor's License Law does not apply fo an owner of property who bultos or Improves thereon, and contracts tor such piojects wfth contraclor(s) licensed pursuant fo the Contractor's License Law). ( I I ara exarapl under Sectton EBusiness and Professions Code far Ihis reason: 1.1 personaNy plan to provide Ihe major labor and materials for constructton of the proposed pnjperty Improvement. Qves I INO 2.1 (have I have not) signed an applfcatton for a bulWing pemilt for the pioposed woik. 3.1 have contracted with the follawing person (tmi) to piovide the proposed constmction (include name addiess / phone / contiactois' license number): 4.1 plan 10 provide portions of thevmk, but I have hired lhe following peison to coordinate, supervise and pravide the major wohi (InMe name I address I phone I contractors' Iksnse numbei): 5,1 wfll piovide some of the wohi, but I have conlracted (hired) the folowing peisons to piovkle the wodt Indicated (include name / address / phone / type of work): ^1 PROPERTY OWNER SIGNATURE •AGENT DATE City OF CARLSBAD Building Permit Appiication 1635 Faraday Ave,, Carlsbad. CA 92008 760-602-2717 / 2718 / 2719 Fax: 760-602-8558 www.carisbadca.^v Plan Ch«ck No. Est. Value Plan Ck. Deposit Oata I SWPP JOB ADORESS DESCRIPTION OF WORK: (neittd* S<)li*r* FMI QI Alhtttil *m»C) • »u*oos«r" TSATSBSSSR-It»*l><r BuSlf«St N»>« L_ EXIiT1N« USE PROPOSES USC GARAGE iSFs PATTOS'Sri DECKS (SFi FIREPLACE rESQ » NOD AW CONWTlONlNG yES D ^r0C FIRE SWINKLERS VES O NOD CONTACT NAME |l» OMtnnt Fom AupWcanf) APPLICANT NJ ME ADn«ESS ADDRESS STATE ZiP STAIE ZIP PvlONE FAV OHOSE EVAil EMA! I PROPERTY OWNER NAME ADDRESS ADDRESS r- STATE ZIP cm Sr*TE ZIP FAX PHONE i£i\Ci- -2s^\^ t£>2Xn TAX tVAlL EMAIL AOCw D£Si:iXtfl riAMt i AMiOtSS i5T*Ul.)C • i STAIt LC • COBS Al & arvius LX:« .S« '03: S Bucmees and PnXeuim Cwte. Any C% ot Count) when reouuesa permii lo construct. »«e». anprove. (J•^no(•^ 0( rm* mw structure, pnor to «»<s»u«ic«. •ISO i»<iuir«s irw soi>ic«r< •or SbCti pKrrn; u? tn* ( Mtfica saienwnt uw n* • IcmMd pursuant to me provisions cf the Conusctw s Lic«iM Uo Knutei 9. commenMnc witli Sectior 7000 ol Dwisior 3 o< the SiiuncM and PnHessiom CodM oi Bwt he B «>«n«( tlwc4>om. and the t»5S lor tbe HMed eutmption Any vntation o' Sactwn *03 l .S Or any appacannor a permn sulXiCts th* apptican; to s ci.il psmllt 0* not nwe »»r fix huiMkM doMra itSOQi Woi**n'ComvamMlsn DadanMoii //W'MriMnninirMnia^c'iMiiinmi'lwfoiaimfdiaram n I havi and wtl mamuln • canllical* ol consanl to HH-liuutt lor wms'S coinoanuaan n provided l» Section 3700 c< tw lalnr Cod* •O' fw perfurmtnca ot tw wok lor whch ns pannH » esino • lha«>aiMliiMiiujm<inwofkare coaipm«lon. as rNuiM0vS«ccri 3700 01 tiwLBor tw rw pettonnanca ol tw wok tx ifacn Im panM n lUucd My .-^.twrare '"s..a™.Co __^kli±i^E P»c,Ko WC'o^to^^XW'?? workcfi compantalon ramnc* cimw and poKy Eivratioii Dalt r-n saaon nc«a nol M ampeted if the oetmii« tor one ni«»6fl doUars i Jl Xi or WH n Camhcau ol Ewmptkui: i tsiWi mat ir, tne ocrtcmana gf ew won lor «vti»» Z»\tm tWAISiNG;Fitaloucui««ylm'caiiiM|iatonjpw adiMton to Ww caal a( csaifantMon, i\W>6iC»tf^mtUnyUcthn 3< •hail not mploy any panon n any maniwr M as to b«xme sutfact lo tw Mnan Conpansaton Lam ol wtttct Vl mploytr lo oMntl panaMat and dv* dnat up lo DM hundrad Swuaand doian (StM.tNl, in kiltrttl and •ttemty'i Ita*. / / t 9 DECIARATION ' .leretf a^rm fftaf I etwtA trvri Contracrrv s ijcansa Law lor tw foflowoff raaic/- 3 I m oMBes o( tie orooaiiy or mv emptjvaes xim viajw ss tnei sow compwvSfOon. .jc »* tm. and tw itniclut* « nol JiKnded or oflared kx sale rSac I'M*. Btamess and "foleisrons Cooe Tne C«^»Bct.-if 5 LfCense Law does net appty lo BT o*r«r cf proparty tirf^o tHjtOs or tmpraias twreon. ant3 who doas such wtirt twisa* or thTJuQh his own empk^ieat. pOMdM li* sucii 'mprthwwnis are not 'niervjeo or offwad kx sae If rio**»«f \r» ouiocg a imonxenwnl is solo wlh^n one year of comoiaaon. Ihe OMWr-tuider Ml have »» burdan ol pnwtng ttal he dd nol burio or <vvv<* ta lha ptpposa ol saiel "I I as o«"« c* n» on50»rt». am eiousrrtiy cooling win icensed coneactois lo constuo Bw oroiecl iSac. 'OM Businass and Protessnns CM* Th» CorirscJof s bcansa La* does nol afip>( lo an o»n«< o" pfDt«nv wnoOuHd! or mcfovas tharaon ano contracls kr s^^:^ protects twin corffactoni iicansad pursuit to the CtmtadorsLtcansaLa*! "1 1 a-r eiOTci (jn<»f 5»c»on . . Business anij P<o«ess«5ns Cooe ky in.s laascn ' I eersofiai* cian « pn)-/vl« tne mafor BOw ano iraief*j (or conajucton ol tw prcioseo crooerty •mo'O.efnen! rj > « 1 fJc ; I in*e • ria»e •xHi signed an aoSolien tor a inj**n^ permii •o' lne propOMd tvcrt ; I liive ajntfjctei! tm Ifw lotowng person ilmi lo onwde |r» pnjpoaeo constiuoon (mcnjOe name atforets; phona ' conraciors iKtnse numoer! ' ' aar. 10 tjfcn-ioe twtons ol rne ««. put I r.8v« rwat! tw ia«*ing person to coonSnaie supenose aM provide tw mator aioni iroutJe nanw' atWess i pncna.' conl-actoa Kansa ntfnperi ; •«« wo-id* s«n* cvitie wo*. cut I r*<t conlracted :iweo. ifw lotio«w>g persons »trovioe tn* wo^ mdeaiea (mciLde name aodrea' Dhone; typ* ol worti .iCS^ PROPERTY OWCR SIGMA TURE •AGENT DATE Is the appiicant or future building occupanl required fo submit a business plan, acutely hazanlaiis matedals legistralion forni or hsit management and pieventlon pmgram under Secltons 25505,25533 or 25534 of the Presley-Tanner Hazanlous SubslarKB Account Acl? CZl Yes I iNo Is the appiicant or future bultoing occupant lequlied fo obtain a pennit fram the air pollution contrai distdct or air qualitv management district? O^es No Is the facility to be constmcted within 1,000 feet ol the outer boundaiy of a schooi site? [[[[jYes IINO IF ANY OF THE ANStWERS ARE YES, A FINAL CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY MAY NOT BE ISSUED UNLESS THE APPLICANT HAS MET OR IS MEETING THE REQUIREMENTS DF THE OFFICE OF EMERGENCY SERVICES AND THE AIR POLLUTION CONTROL DISTRICT. I hereby affirm that there is a ronstfudion lending Lender's Name performance of the worit this pennit is issued (Sec, 3097 (i) Civil Code), Lender's Address I ceibfy that I have read the appncafion and state that the atiove Infomiadon is conect and that the Infonnation on the ptons is accura^^ 1 hereby aulhorize lepiBsentathB of the City of Carlsbad to enler uponihe above menltoned prapeity for Inspectton purposes. I ALSO AGREE TO SAVE, INDBUNIFY AND KEEP HARMLESS THE QTY OF CARLSBAD AGAINST ALL UABIUTIES, JUDGMENTS, COSTS AND EXPENSES WHICH MAY IN ANY WAY ACCRUE AGAINST SAID CITY IN CONSEQUENCE OF THE GRANTING OF THIS PERMIT, OSHAAnOSHApemillls tei)ulied for excavations over S'O' deep and demolition or constnjctton of stncluias over 3 sbiies in height EXPi RATION: Eveiy pennit Issued by the Building Official under the mvlstons of this Clode shall explieb^llalion and become nullandvDldiflhebuldingor work authorized by sucti pemiil is not commenced wilhin 180 days tiom the dale of such permit a if the building or wortt aulljo^ by such pemiil i/su^ DATE "~ ^eS"APPLICANT'S SIGNATURE EsGil Corporation In Partnersfiip -witH government for (Buifiing Safety DATE: FEB. 22, 2011 • APPLICANT JURISDICTION: CARLSBAD • PLANREVIEWER • FILE PLANCHECKNO.: 10-1660 SET:V PROJECTADDRESS: Intersection of Carlsbad Blvd. & Ponto Drive PROJECT NAME: HILTON CARLSBAD OCEANFRONT RESORT/SPA & Parking Garage I I The plans transmitted herewith have been corrected where necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction's codes. ^ The plans transmitted herewith will substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes when minor deficiencies identified below are resolved and checked by building department staff. I I The plans transmitted herewith have significant deficiencies identified on the enclosed check list and should be corrected and resubmitted for a complete recheck. I I The check list transmitted herewith is for your information. The plans are being held at Esgil Corporation until corrected plans are submitted for recheck. I I The applicant's copy of the check list is enclosed for the jurisdiction to fonward to the applicant contact person. I I The applicant's copy of the check list has been sent to: MICHAEL TRIA C/O JWDA AIA 2359 4™ AVE., S.D., CA 92101 Esgil Corporation staff did not advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. I I Esgil Corporation staff did advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. Person contacted: MIKE Telephone #: 619-233-6777 Date contacted: (by: ) Fax #: Mail Telephone Fax In Person ^^z'^''• ^^'^'^ ^I^ '^^^I^^J^j^ XI REMARKS: All the K-sheets shall be stamped ancfsigned by the responsible licensed designer, Me-^iif ^J*^ |](}VCj^ trusses runningJhEQugiJhe fire rated shaft above the ceiling must be wrapped with drywall for fire rating of one our minimun]fCbrrect detail)12/A5.25 to show the required ceiling rated fire damper at the duct opening in the fire rated ceiling memtJranelrtloptOf the Linen Chute for the Vent Ducting. By: ALI SADRE ' Comment: Tnis project includes a three level open parking structure, ESGII Corporation ^'^/Y TV^ t iVSf Ccm^T/^01'^ • GA • EJ • PC log in & out 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208 • San Diego, Califomia 92123 • (858)560-1468 • Fax (858) 560-1576 EsGil Corporation In Partnersiiip -witfi government for (BuiUing Safety DATE: FEB. 17,2011 • AEELICANT JURISDICTION: CARLSBAD • PLAN REVIEWER • FILE PLANCHECKNO.: 10-1660 SET: IV PROJECTADDRESS: Intersection of Carlsbad Blvd. & Ponto Drive PROJECT NAME: HILTON CARLSBAD OCEANFRONT RESORT/SPA & Parking Garage r~l The plans transmitted herewith have been corrected where necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction's codes. I I The plans transmitted herewith will substantially comply with the jurisdiction's codes when minor deficiencies identified below are resolved and checked by building department staff. I I The plans transmitted herewith have significant deficiencies identified on the enclosed check list and should be corrected and resubmitted for a complete recheck. ^ The check list transmitted herewith is for your information. The plans are being held at Esgil Corporation until corrected plans are submitted for recheck. PLEASE SEE BELOW I I The applicant's copy of the check list is enclosed for the jurisdiction to fonward to the applicant contact person. Kl The applicant's copy of the check list has been sent to: MICHAEL TRIA C/O JWD/^ e-mail: mtria(gjiwdainc.com MICHAEL TRIA C/O JWDA AIA 2359 4"^" AVE., S.D., CA 92101 I I Esgil Corporation staff did not advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. Esgil Corporation staff did advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. Person contacted: MIKE Telephone #: 619-233-6777 Date contacted: ^fill Fax #: ^Mail V^elepho^ ^oULLjieJ^ IXI REMARKS: Please^&eanaclie^/or remaining items from previous list. *This project includes a three level open parking structure. A reminder that the plans to be resubmitted need to be stamped & signed bv the proiect designers. By: Glen Adamek for Ali Sadre Enclosures: EsGil Corporation 3 GA 13 EJ • PC 2/10/2011 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208 • San Diego, Califomia 92123 • (858) 560-1468 • Fax (858) 560-1576 CARLSBAD 10-1660 FEB. 17, 2011 NOTE: The items listed below are from the previous correction list. These remaining items have not been adequately addressed. The numbers of the items are from the previous check list and may not necessarily be in sequence. The notes in bold font are current. • ARCHITECTURAL B) The K-sheets are not signed and sealed bv the licensed designer. Please have all sheets of the drawings signed. 29. Please provide the complete Acoustical Analvsis Report bv Wieland Associates. Inc. Onlv 3 pages from the report were provided. Please show how all the items as per the acoustical analysis report are incorporated into the plans. CBC 1207.11. • STRUCTURAL • (Due to proposed structural revisions per DCI list dated Jan. 31) • (Please cloud all the changes on plans in the next submittal) 1. Provide a legend for the bubble keynote # 4 on Sheet S2.1A-W. 2. On Sheet S2.1 B, specify all wood posts are 6x6 (typical) UNO. 3. As per the submitted list of revisions, item # 1, there is HSS columns on grid P, which is not accurate. Specify the grid point where this occurs. 4. Please note where detail 18/S6.05 is referenced on the framing plans. 5. Detail 20/S8.02 as noted on item # 2 ofthe list of proposed changes is incorrect. It should say 15/S8.02, no? 6. Clarify item # 3 on the submitted list of proposed changes indicating that HSS8x4 was replaced with CMU wall and detail 11/S5.03 was added. Detail 12/S5.03 as referenced on Sheet S2.1C, near grid point 6.2-A.4 is incorrect. There is no CMU wall here only concrete walls. 7. Where is plan note # 3 as indicated on the roof framing notes added to Sheet S2.2B, as per item # 5 of the submitted list of revisions? Shouldn't this say note #4? 8. As per item # 5 on the submitted list of revisions, details 11 & 16/S5.02 are not referenced on Sheets S2.2A, nor are they referenced on Sheet S2.3A, clarify! [It is not clear how your action is resolving the mis-coordination of details 11 & 16/S5.02]. CARLSBAD 10-1660 FEB. 17, 2011 9. Where is gridline 50, as noted in item # 7 on the list of submitted revisions, on plans (Sheets S2.2B & S2.2B-A)? Also there is no dimension to gridline # 6 on Sheet S2.2B-A, as stated on the list. 10. As per note # 7, on the list of submitted revisions, there is no note on Sheet S2.2C, near grid point 6-B. The framing note as stated near grid point 6-A.2, referring to note # 4 is incorrect. It should say note # 3, no? 11. Clarify item # 15, as noted on the list of revisions, referring to 13/S5.03 for guardrails!? This is a CMU-to-slab detail, no guardrails! 12. Sketch 4/S3.02 is still incomplete to profile sump details. Add complete structural details with reinforcement information. 13. Where is Sheet S2.0E, as noted on the submitted list of revisions, item # 20? • ELECTRICAL & ENERGY COMMENTS PLAN REVIEWER: Eric Jensen • ENERGY CONSERVATION 7. The exceptions used in the response are from the California Energy Standard. Section 131. for interior lighting controls and do not apply the outdoor lighting controls in the California Energy Standard. Section 132. The California Energy Standard, Section 132(c)2 is for outside lighting, not lighting inside a garage. Specify the following mandatory measures and provide the electrical design for the exterior lighting: The method of providing multilevel switching. (For both the parking structure as well as the site lighting). / see a "lighting contactor" on the panel schedule for the parking garage but no design of one or the multilevel switching design per 131(b) for the interior garage areas. The exception quoted was for outdoor lighting (132), the remaining part of the above comment deals with the interior parking lighting. Note: If you have any questions regarding this Electrical and Energy plan review list please contact Eric Jensen at (858) 560-1468. To speed the review process, note on this list (or a copy) where the corrected items have been addressed on the plans. CARLSBAD 10-1660 FEB. 17, 2011 • PLUMBING AND MECHANICAL CORRECTIONS JURISDICTION: Carlsbad DATE: 2/17/2011 PLAN REVIEW NUMBER: 101660 SET: IV PLAN REVIEWER: Glen Adamek • GENERAL AND ARCHITECTURAL PME ITEMS C) The trusses running through the fire rated shaft above the ceiling must be wrapped with drywall for fire rating of one hour minimum. Please correct the detail 12 on sheet A5.25. Correct the detail 12 on sheet A5.25 to show the required ceiling rated fire damper at the duct opening in the fire rated ceiling membrane at top of the Linen Chute for the Vent Ducting. • PLUMBING (2006 UNIFORM PLUMBING CODE) 26. The installation of the three proposed commercial clothes washers do not agree with the manufacturer's installation instructions provided. Please address the following items: Include the manufacturer's installation instructions detailing the requirements forthe commercial clotheswasher: Water supply, waste pipe sizing, and a structural foundation, as required. The comment was "See attached", nothing attached. A) The Structural Engineer did not response to this item and no calculations for the dynamic floor loading as reguired per the commercial clothes washer installation instructions. Please provide the engineer's design calculations and construction details for the design of the concrete raised floor system supporting the proposed commercial clothes washers (over the basement boiler room). Including the dynamic floor loading as per the commercial clothes washer installation instructions. Note: If you have any questions regarding this Plumbing and Mechanical plan review list please contact Glen Adamek at (858) 560-1468. To speed the review process, note on this list (or a copy) where the corrected items have been addressed on the plans. EsGil Corporation In (Partnersfiip -witli government for (BuiCtfing Safety DATE: JAN. 18,2011 • APPLICANT • /jtjRisr^) JURISDICTION: CARLSBAD • PtAITREVlEWER • FILE PLANCHECKNO.: 10-1660 SET: III PROJECTADDRESS: Intersection of Carlsbad Blvd. & Ponto Drive PROJECT NAME: HILTON CARLSBAD OCEANFRONT RESORT/SPA & Parking Garage I I The plans transmitted herewith have been corrected where necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction's codes. I I The plans transmitted herewith will substantially comply with the jurisdiction's codes when minor deficiencies identified below are resolved and checked by building department staff. I I The plans transmitted herewith have significant deficiencies identified on the enclosed check list and should be corrected and resubmitted for a complete recheck. XI The check list transmitted herewith is for your information. The plans are being held at Esgil Corporation until corrected plans are submitted for recheck. PLEASE SEE BELOW I I The applicant's copy of the check list is enclosed for the jurisdiction to fonA/ard to the applicant contact person. X The applicant's copy of the check list has been sent to: MICHAEL TRIA C/O mOA e-mail: mtria@iwdainc.com MICHAEL TRIA C/O JWDA AIA 2359 4™ AVE., S.D., CA 92101 I I Esgil Corporation staff did not advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. ^ Esgil Corporation staff did advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. Person contacted: MIKE Telephone #: 619-233-6777 Date contacted: 11 Zod I (by:p-s) Fax #: •^i^ Mail ^ Telephone Fax In Person X REMARKS: Please see attached for remaining items from previous list. *This project includes a three level open parking structure. By: ALI SADRE Enclosures: EsGil Corporation IEI GA IE! EJ • PC 1/11 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208 • San Diego, Califomia 92123 • (858) 560-1468 • Fax (858) 560-1576 CARLSBAD 10-1660 JAN. 18, 2011 NOTE: The items listed below are from the previous correction list. These remaining items have not been adequately addressed. The numbers ofthe items are from the previous check list and may not necessarily be in sequence. The notes in bold font are current. • ARCHITECTURAL A) The 22 Architectural sheets, Al 0.10 though Al 1.70, are missing for the latest plan package. Please provide complete plan packages. B) The K-sheets are not signed and sealed by the licensed designer. Please have all sheets ofthe drawings signed. 29. Please show how all the items as per the acoustical analysis report are incorporated into the plans. CBC 1207.11. . ELECTRICAL & ENERGY COMMENTS PLAN REVIEWER: Eric Jensen • ENERGY CONSERVATION 7. The California Energy Standard, Section 132(c)2 is for outside lighting, not lighting inside a garage. Specify the following mandatory measures and provide the electrical design for the exterior lighting: The method of providing multilevel switching, (For both the parking structure as well as the site lighting). / see a "lighting contactor" on the panel schedule for the parking garage but no design of one or the multilevel switching design per 131(b) for the interior garage areas. The exception quoted was for outdoor lighting (132), the remaining part ofthe above comment deals with the interior parking lighting. Note: If you have any questions regarding this Electrical and Energy plan review list please contact Eric Jensen at (858) 560-1468. To speed the review process, note on this list (or a copy) where the corrected items have been addressed on the plans. CARLSBAD 10-1660 JAN. 18, 2011 • PLUMBING AND MECHANICAL CORRECTIONS JURISDICTION: Carlsbad DATE: 1/19/2011 PLAN REVIEW NUMBER: 101660 SET: III PLAN REVIEWER: Glen Adamek . GENERAL AND ARCHITECTURAL PME ITEMS B) On sheet M2.0C ate building lines 10.2 and 11.2 the two exhaust duct system open through the garage fire-rated separation without smoke and fire dampers at the wall between the garage and the corridor. Please correct. C) Correct the detail 12 on sheet A5.25 to show the required ceiling rated fire damper at the duct opening in the fire rated ceiling membrane at top of the Linen Chute for the Vent Ducting. • PLUMBING (2006 UNIFORM PLUMBING CODE) 11. The Civil Drawing sheets (drawings by Hofman) are missing for the latest set of plans. Please show the upstream sewer manhole rim and finished floor elevations. Provide backwater valves for all fixtures installed on floor levels below the next upstream manhole rim elevation. (Only fixtures installed on floor levels below the next upstream manhole rim elevation may flow through a backwater valve.) UPC 710.1. The plumbing design does not match the civil (Hofman, sheet 4 of 10) as concerns inverts and manhole rim elevations. Please review and co-ordinate. 14. The sheet A10.20 called out in the response is missing from the latest plan package. Please provide complete plan packages. Provide a plumbing material schedule on the plans describing the following systems: Potable water piping, the drain, waste, and vent piping, gas piping, and the roof drains. Include the rated design for the wall membrane penetration of the unit "PEX" piping material. CPC 1505.0. 26. The installation of the three proposed commercial clothes washers do not agree with the manufacturer's installation instructions provided. Please address the following items: Include the manufacturer's installation instructions detailing the requirements for the commercial clotheswasher: Water supply, waste pipe sizing, and a structural foundation, as required. The comment was "See attached", nothing attached. A) Please provide the engineer's design calculations and construction details for the design ofthe concrete raised floor system supporting the proposed commercial clothes washers (over the basement boiler CARLSBAD 10-1660 JAN. 18, 2011 room). Including the dynamic floor loading as per the commercial clothes washer installation instructions. B) Please provide design caicuiations and construction details for the design of the indirect waste receptors for drainage of commercial clothes washers. Please include calculations for the receptor sizing (volume) and the drain line sizing for proposed waste discharge. The detail 6 on sheet P4.2 does not show the size of the trench drain to receive the indirect waste from the three commercial clothes washers. C) Also, provide construction details for the proposed trench drain to receive the indirect waste from the three commercial clothes washers. • MECHANICAL (2006 UNIFORM MECHANICAL CODE) 40. The commercial clothes dryer exhaust ducting system for the three dryer vent into a common vent system shown on sheet M2.1C does not agree with the installation instruction on sheet 19 ofthe installation book for combining dryer exhaust to a common exhaust system. Please correct and provide cut-sheets, listing data, and installation instructions for the proposed "Lint Collector" system and provide the mechanical engineer's design data and calculations for the proposed commercial clothes dryer exhaust ducting system. Submit the manufacturer's installation requirements for the Type 2 (commercial) clothes dryer. Include the design requirements found in UMC 905.0 and also the appliance installation instructions: The exhaust duct design: gauge, the clearance distances, routing, and the termination location, provide the minimum make-up air amounts, and the vent design. The comment was "See attached", nothing attached. Note: If you have any questions regarding this Plumbing and Mechanical plan review list please contact Glen Adamek at (858) 560-1468. To speed the review process, note on this list (or a copy) where the corrected items have been addressed on the plans. EsGil Corporation In Partnersfiip witfi government for (Buifding Safety DATE: DEC. 06, 2010 • AEELICANT q^^jURis^ JURISDICTION: CARLSBAD • PLANREVIEWER • FILE PLANCHECKNO.: 10-1660 SET: II PROJECTADDRESS: Intersection of Carlsbad Blvd. & Ponto Drive PROJECT NAME: HILTON CARLSBAD OCEANFRONT RESORT/SPA & Parking Garage I I The plans transmitted herewith have been corrected where necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction's codes. I I The plans transmitted herewith will substantially comply with the jurisdiction's codes when minor deficiencies identified below are resolved and checked by building department staff. I I The plans transmitted herewith have significant deficiencies identified on the enclosed check list and should be corrected and resubmitted for a complete recheck. X The check list transmitted herewith is for your information. The plans are being held at Esgil Corporation until corrected plans are submitted for recheck. PLEASE SEE BELOW I I The applicant's copy of the check list is enclosed for the jurisdiction to fonA/ard to the applicant contact person. X The applicant's copy of the check list has been sent to: MICHAEL TRIA C/O mOA e-mail: mtria(gjiwdainc.com MICHAEL TRIA C/O JWDA AIA 2359 4™ AVE., S.D., CA 92101 I I Esgil Corporation staff did not advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. IX Esgil Corporation staff did advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. Person contacted: MIKE Telephone #: 619-233-6777 Date contacted: \TJ^IIO (by: ) Fax #: ^ MailTelephone-^ Fax In Person X REMARKS: Please see attached for remaining items from previous list. "This project includes a three level open parking structure. By: ALI SADRE Enclosures: EsGil Corporation 3 GA S EJ • PC 11/29 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208 • San Diego, Califomia 92123 • (858) 560-1468 • Fax (858) 560-1576 CARLSBAD 10-1660 DEC. 06, 2010 NOTE: The items listed below are from the previous correction list. These remaining items have not been adequately addressed. The numbers ofthe items are from the previous check list and may not necessarily be in sequence. The notes in bold font are current. • GENERAL • The following note should be given with each correction list: Please nnake all corrections, as requested in the correction list. Submit FOUR new complete sets of plans for commercial/industrial projects (THREE sets of plans for residential projects). For expeditious processing, corrected sets can be submitted in one of two ways: 1, Deliver all corrected sets of plans and calculations/reports directly to the City of Carlsbad Building Department, 1635 Faraday Ave,, Carlsbad, CA 92008, (760) 602-2700, The City will route the plans to EsGil Corporation and the Carlsbad Planning, Engineering and Fire Departments, 2, Bring one corrected set of plans and calculations/reports to EsGil Corporation, 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208, San Diego, CA 92123, (858) 560-1468, Deliver all remaining sets of plans and calculations/reports directly to the City of Carlsbad Building Department for routing to their Planning, Engineering and Fire Departments, NOTE: Plans that are submitted directly to EsGil Corporation only will not be reviewed by the City Planning, Engineering and Fire Departments until review by EsGil Corporation is complete, • FIRE-RATED CONSTRUCTION 37. Detail column fire protection and specify column impact protection in garage areas per Section 714.4. As a minimum, show a steel jacket around each column to a height of 5 feet above the ground for impact protection. Show how this is done on the parking structure plans. Provide details and references on plans. This applies to the columns in the path of travel for the basement garage. ADDITIONAL 136. Please see attached for P/M/E items. 137. To speed up the review process, note on this list (or a copy) where each correction item has been addressed, i.e., plan sheet, note or detail number, calculation page, etc. • The jurisdiction has contracted with Esgil Corporation located at 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208, San Diego, California 92123; telephone number of 858/560-1468, to perform the plan review for your project. If you have any questions regarding these plan review items, please contact ALI SADRE at Esgil Corporation. Thank you. CARLSBAD 10-1660 DEC. 06, 2010 ELECTRICAL and ENERGY COMMENTS PLAN REVIEWER: Eric Jensen ELECTRICAL (2005 NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE) 1. Obtain City planner approval for the property line light spill by the site lighting (fixture Z2 & Z6). This item to remain to forward back to the City unless planner approval is received prior to plan review approval. 2. The electrical sen/ice room doors will require panic hardware per NEC 110.26(C)2. Please add to architectural door schedule. Door schedule has not been revised. ENERGY CONSERVATION 7. Specify the following mandatory measures and provide the electrical design for the exterior lighting: The methoid of providing multilevel switching, (For both the parking structure as well as the site lighting), / see a "ligtiting contactor" on the panel schedule for the parking garage but no ciesign of one or the multilevel switching design per 131(b) for the interior garage areas. Note: If you have any questions regarding this Electrical and Energy plan review list please contact Eric Jensen at (858) 560-1468, To speed the review process, note on this list (or a copy) where the corrected items have been addressed on the plans. PLUMBING AND MECHANICAL CORRECTIONS JURISDICTION: Carlsbad DATE: 12/06/2010 PLAN REVIEW NUMBER: 101660 SET: II PLAN REVIEWER: Glen Adamek/Eric Jensen GENERAL AND ARCHITECTURAL PME ITEMS 2, Horizontal fire-resistive assemblies (mandatory in rated and non-rated buildings) separating dwelling units or sleeping units (sleeping units occupancies R-1 hotel, R-2 (without cooking), & 1-1 only) (IBC 419.3) must have the duct and air transfer openings protected as required by IBC 711 and IBC 716, (dampers/shafts). Detail the ducts routing compliance with 716.6.1 "located within the cavity ofthe wall". (The wall must be continuous from the entry of the duct through the roof For example: Above the unit ceiling but below the floor elevation. PLUMBING (2006 UNIFORM PLUMBING CODE) 11. Please show the upstream sewer manhole rim and finished floor elevations. Provide backwater valves for all fixtures installed on floor levels below the next CARLSBAD 10-1660 DEC. 06, 2010 upstream manhole rim elevation. (Only fixtures installed on floor levels below the next upstream manhole rim elevation may flow through a backwater valve.) UPC 710.1. The plumbing design does not match the civil (Hofman, sheet 4 of 10) as concerns inverts and manhole rim elevations. Please review and co- ordinate. 14. Provide a plumbing material schedule on the plans describing the following systems: Potable water piping, the drain, waste, and vent piping, gas piping, and the roof drains. Include the rated design forthe wall membrane penetration of the unit "PEX"piping material. CPC 1505.0. 26. Include the manufacturer's installation instructions detailing the requirements for the commercial clotheswasher: Water supply, waste pipe sizing, and a structural foundation, as required. The comment was "See attached", nothing attached. MECHANICAL (2006 UNIFORM MECHANICAL CODE) 29. If this project is in a noise compliant area of the City that requires an Acoustical Report, please provide it (the Acoustical Report) for plan check. Add an outside air design, if required. CBC 1207.11. The comment was "See attached", nothing attached. Note: Sheet CS specifies this project in a noise compliant location. 30. Detail the primary and secondary mechanical condensate waste design: Pipe sizing, routing, and termination areas. UMC 310.0 & UPC 807.2. Detail the piping material type at the rated construction separations. 33. Provide complete kitchen hood plans, details, and calculations to show compliance with UMC, Chapter 5, Part II: o A duct shaft is required in all multistory buildings and in 1 story buildings with rated roof/ceiling assemblies. Provide a shaft design complying with UMC 510,7,2 and 510,7,3 on the plans, / cannot find a link between the ductwrap and the type I hood ducting: I see detail references on the ductwrap sheet and circle letter detail designators on the mechanical floorplans but nothing to tie the type I hood ducts to any sort of protection. o Show the required cleanouts for the grease duct as per UMC, Section 510,3, They're probably on there (circle letter) but I have no references. 40. Submit the manufacturer's installation requirements for the Type 2 (commercial) clothes dryer. Include the design requirements found in UMC 905.0 and also the appliance installation instructions: The exhaust duct design: gauge, the clearance distances, routing, and the termination location, provide the minimum make-up air amounts, and the vent design, 777e comment was "See attached", nothing attached. 41. Detail exhaust ventilation system compliance with UMC Chapters 5 & 6. Detail the exhaust outlet clearances as per UMC 504,5 (Environmental) & 506,9 (Product conveying). There is an outside air intake on level 1 that may be impacted by GEF-1 depending upon the site wall design. New: Louvers are shown at a rated construction (columns 11/A, 11/C, 24/S (roof duct) & 24/A (piping)). CARLSBAD 10-1660 DEC. 06, 2010 Note: If you have any questions regarding this Plumbing and Mechanical plan review list please contact Glen Adamek/ Eric Jensen at (858) 560-1468. To speed the review process, note on this list (or a copy) where the corrected items have been addressed on the plans. EsGil Corporation In (PartnersHip -witli government for (Buifding Safety DATE: SEPT. 24, 2010 • APPI ir.^NT •UURIS, ) JURISDICTION: CARLSBAD • PLANREVIEWER • FILE PLANCHECKNO.: 10-1660 SET: I PROJECTADDRESS: Intersection of Carlsbad Blvd. & Ponto Drive PROJECT NAME: HILTON CARLSBAD OCEANFRONT RESORT/SPA & Parking Garage I I The plans transmitted herewith have been corrected where necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction's codes. I I The plans transmitted herewith will substantially comply with the jurisdiction's codes when minor deficiencies identified below are resolved and checked by building department staff. I I The plans transmitted herewith have significant deficiencies identified on the enclosed check list and should be corrected and resubmitted for a complete recheck. X The check list transmitted herewith is for your information. The plans are being held at Esgil Corporation until corrected plans are submitted for recheck. I I The applicant's copy of the check list is enclosed for the jurisdiction to forward to the applicant contact person. ^ The applicant's copy of the check list has been sent to: MICHAEL TRIA C/O J\NDfi e-mail: mtria(5^iwdainc.com MICHAEL TRIA C/O JWDA AIA 2359 4™ AVE., S.D., CA 92101 I I Esgil Corporation staff did not advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. Esgil Corporation staff did advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. Person contacted: MIKE Telephone #: 619-233-6777 Date contacted: ^U^lro (by: \^) Fax #: ^ Mail ~^ Telephones Fax In Person I I REMARKS: This project includes a three level open parking structure. By: ALI SADRE Enclosures: EsGil Corporation H GA IEI EJ • PC 9/14 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208 • San Diego, Califomia 92123 • (858) 560-1468 • Fax (858) 560-1576 CARLSBAD 10-1660 SEPT. 24, 2010 PLAN REVIEW CORRECTION LIST COMMERCIAL PLANCHECKNO.: 10-1660 JURISDICTION: CARLSBAD OCCUPANCY: B/S1/S2/R1/A2/A3 USE: HOTEL/PARKING TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: V-A/ II-B 94,630 ACTUAL AREA: Hotel = 204,613; Parking = ALLOWABLE FLOORAREA: (11.5k) Varies STORIES: 3 + Basement/ 3-Levels (Garage) HEIGHT: 40'(Max) SPRINKLERS?: Y OCCUPANT LOAD: 1,000/ 450 REMARKS: DATE PLANS RECEIVED BY JURISDICTION: 9/9 DATE PLANS RECEIVED BY ESGIL CORPORATION: 9/14 DATE INITIAL PLAN REVIEW COMPLETED: SEPT. 24, 2010 PLAN REVIEWER: ALI SADRE FOREWORD (PLEASE READ): This plan review is limited to the technical requirements contained in the International Building Code, Uniform Plumbing Code, Uniform Mechanical Code, National Electrical Code and state laws regulating energy conservation, noise attenuation and access for the disabled. This plan review is based on regulations enforced by the Building Department. You may have other corrections based on laws and ordinances enforced by the Planning Department, Engineering Department, Fire Department or other departments. Clearance from those departments may be required prior to the issuance of a building permit. Code sections cited are based on the 2007 CBC, which adopts the 2006 IBC. The following items listed need clarification, modification or change. All items must be satisfied before the plans will be in conformance with the cited codes and regulations. Per Sec. 105.4 of the 2006 International Building Code, the approval of the plans does not permit the violation of any state, county or city law. To speed up the recheck process, please note on this list (or a copy) where each correction item has been addressed, i.e.. plan sheet number, specification section, etc. Be sure to enclose the marked UP list when you submit the revised plans. CARLSBAD 10-1660 SEPT. 24, 2010 GENERAL The following note should be given with each correction list: Please make all corrections, as requested in the correction list. Submit FOUR new complete sets of plans for commercial/industrial projects (THREE sets of plans for residential projects). For expeditious processing, corrected sets can be submitted in one of two ways: 1, Deliver all corrected sets of plans and calculations/reports directly to the City of Carlsbad Building Department, 1635 Faraday Ave,, Carlsbad, CA 92008, (760) 602-2700, The City will route the plans to EsGil Corporation and the Carlsbad Planning, Engineering and Fire Departments, 2. Bring one corrected set of plans and calculations/reports to EsGil Corporation, 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208, San Diego, CA 92123, (858) 560-1468. Deliver all remaining sets of plans and calculations/reports directly to the City of Carlsbad Building Department for routing to their Planning, Engineering and Fire Departments. NOTE: Plans that are submitted directly to EsGil Corporation only will not be reviewed by the City Planning, Engineering and Fire Departments until review by EsGil Corporation is complete. • PLANS All sheets of the plans and the first sheet of the calculations are required to be signed by the licensed architect or engineer responsible for the plan preparation. Any portion of the project shown on the site plan that is not included with the building permit application filed should be clearly identified as "not included" on the site plan or Title Sheet. I.e., site walls, fences, gates, monument signs, etc. OthenA/ise, show construction details and references on plans. Sec. A106.1.1. Provide a Building Code Data Legend on the Title Sheet. Include the following code information for each building proposed: • Occupancy Classification(s): B(Office)/A2(Restaurant)/A3(Assembly)/S1 (Storage)/ S2(Parking)/R1 (Hotel) - Revise the notes on plans accordingly • For Mixed Occupancy Buildings, state whether the "nonseparated" or "separated" option was chosen from Section 508,3, • Description of Use: As per above • Type of Construction: V-A (Hotel)/ II-B (Parking) - Add this for the Parking Structure • Sprinlders: Yes - Note typical for all including parking garage • Stories: Hotel: 3 + Basement; Parking: 3 Levels - Ok as noted • Heiaht: 35' (Each Building) - Note this on plans accordingly • Floor Area: Hotel: Basement = 1^' Flr. = 2"" Flr. = 3'"^ Flr. = Parking: 1'* Level = etc. - Add the Covered Entry/ Patio Areas on plans & add to total areas. • Occupant Load: Hotel = Parking = - Add to the plans accordingly • Justification to exceed allowable area in Table 503 (if applicable) - Note this for each building as required • Justification to exceed allowable height or stories in Table 503 (if applicable) - Note this for each building CARLSBAD 10-1660 SEPT. 24, 2010 4. Provide a statement on the Title Sheet of the plans, stating that this project shall comply with the 2007 California Building Code, which adopts the 2006 IBC, 2006 UMC, 2006 UPC and the 2005 NEC. Revise the notes on CS under applicable codes. Also revise the references to UBC, UFC, etc., on Sheet AO.20. 5. Provide a note on the plans indicating if any hazardous materials will be stored and/or used within the building which exceed the quantities listed in IBC Tables 307.7(1) and 307.7(2). • SITE PLAN 6. Include the following on the site plans. Sec. Al 06.1.1: a) Clearly dimension building setbacks from property lines, street centeriines, and from all adjacent buildings and structures on the site plan, b) Property lines/easements, c) Streets/alleys, 7. Show the required number of HC and van accessible parking spaces on plans and those provided, i.e., on Sheet CS of plans. Section A106.1.1. 8. Provide a statement on the site plan stating: "All property lines, easements and buildings, both existing and proposed, are shown on this site plan." 9. Clearly designate any side yards used to justify increases in allowable area. Section 506.2. • LOCATION ON PROPERTY 10. When two or more buildings are on the same property, the buildings shall have an assumed property line between them forthe purpose of determining the required wall and opening protection and roof cover requirements, per Section 704.3. Section 503,1.2. 11. Projections shall not extend beyond the distance determined by the following two methods, whichever results in the lesser protection (Section 704.2): a) More than 12 inches into areas where openings are prohibited, b) A point one-third the distance to the property line from an assumed vertical plane located where protected openings are required in accordance with Section 704,8, c) For most buildings, this will prohibit projections within 40" of the lot line in nonsprinklered buildings, and 24" for sprinklered buildings, 12. Structural elements exposed in walls required to be fire-resistive construction due to location on property must have the same fire-resistive rated protection as the wall, or as required for the structural frame for the type of construction, whichever is greater. Section 714.5. • BUILDING AREA 13. Show the total actual areas are less than the total allowable areas on plans for the Type of Construction shown for each building. Table 503: CARLSBAD 10-1660 SEPT. 24, 2010 a) Note: In California, the State Fire Marshal made the following restrictive changes to IBC: i) For Group A and R occupancies, the maximum allowable floor area may be increased by only two from Section 506,4 (instead of 3 as listed in the IBC), This also applies to Section 506,4,1, Clarify using sprinklers for additional story as noted on Sheet A0,40, Why is this needed as listed in the 2"" column? ii) The provision for allowing fire sprinklers to increase the allowable floor area together with the allowable height is not allowed for Group A and R occupancies, (sprinklers can be used to increase the area or height, but not both). Section 504,2, 14. When a building has more than one occupancy, the area shall be such that the sum of the ratios of the actual area divided by the allowable area for each occupancy shall not exceed one. This only applies if the "separated occupancies" option is chosen from Section 508.3.3. Include SI & A3 occupancies on plans as well. . FIRE WALLS 15. Per Section 705.2, a fire wall shall have sufficient structural stability under fire conditions to allow collapse of construction on either side without collapse of the wall. Show how this is structurally accomplished on plans. 16. Fire walls shall be continuous from exterior wall to exterior wall and shall extend at least 18" beyond the exterior surface of exterior walls. Show the outline of the assumed PL on various sheets of plans and indicate rated glazing within 5' of such assumed PL's at the end ofthe fire walls, i.e.. Sheet A2.1C, near grid point B.3/11. Similarly, on all other levels. See the next few items too. Section 705.5. Exceptions: a) Fire walls shall be permitted to terminate at the interior surface of combustible exterior sheathing or siding provided the exterior wall has a fire-resistance rating of at least 1 hour for a horizontal distance of at least 4' on both sides of the fire wall. Openings within such exterior walls shall be protected by fire assemblies having a fire-protection rating of not less than % hour, b) Fire walls shall be permitted to terminate at the interior surface of noncombustible exterior sheathing, exterior siding or other noncombustible exterior finishes provided the sheathing, siding, or other exterior noncombustible finish extends a horizontal distance of at least 4' on both sides of the fire wall, c) Fire walls shall be permitted to terminate at the interior surface of noncombustible exterior sheathing where the building on each side of the fire wall is protected by an automatic sprinkler system. 17. Where the fire wall intersects the extenor walls, the fire-resistance rating for the exterior walls on both sides of the fire wall shall have a 1 -hour fire-resistance rating with VA hour opening protection where opening protection is required. The fire-resistance rating ofthe exterior wall shall extend a minimum of 4' on each side of the intersection of the fire wall to exterior wall. Exterior wall intersections at fire walls that form an angle equal to or greater than 180 degrees do not need exterior wall protection. Section 705,5.1. 18. Fire walls shall extend to the outer edge of horizontal projecting elements, such as balconies, roof overhangs, canopies, marquees and architectural projections that are within 4' of the fire wall. Section 705.5.2. Exceptions: CARLSBAD 10-1660 SEPT. 24, 2010 a) Horizontal projecting elements without concealed spaces, provided the exterior wall behind and below the projecting element has not less than 1-hour fire-resistance-rated construction for a distance not less than the depth of the projecting element on both sides of the fire wall. Openings within such exterior walls shall be protected by fire assemblies having a fire-protection rating of not less than VA hour, b) Noncombustible horizontal projecting elements with concealed spaces, provided a minimum 1-hour fire-resistance-rated wall extends through the concealed space. The projecting element shall be separated from the building by a minimum of 1-hour fire- resistance-rated construction for a distance on each side of the fire wall equal to the depth of the projecting element. The wall is not required to extend under the projecting element where the building exterior wall is not less than 1-hour fire-resistance-rated for a distance on each side of the fire wall equal to the depth of the projecting element. Openings within such exterior walls shall be protected by fire assemblies having a fire- protection rating of not less than V* hour, c) For combustible horizontal projecting elements with concealed spaces, the fire wall need only extend through the concealed space to the outer edges of the projecting elements. The exterior wall behind and below the projecting element shall be of not less than 1-hour fire-resistance-rated construction for a distance not less than the depth of the projecting elements on both sides of the fire wall. Openings within such exterior walls shall be protected by fire assemblies having a fire-protection rating of not less than V* hour. Fire walls must extend in a continuous straight vertical plane from the foundation to a point 30" above both adjacent roofs. Show details of the termination of the Fire Walls on plans at the roof. Show how this accomplished in the attic as depicted on Sheet A2.3C, Section 705.6. Exceptions: 19. a) Two-hour fire walls may terminate at the underside of the roof sheathing, provided i) ii) iii) The lower roof assembly within 4' of the wall has not less than a 1-hour fire- resistance rating and the entire lenqth and span of supporting elements for the rated roof assembly has a fire-resistance rating of not less than 1 hour. Openings in the roof shall not be located within 4 feet of the fire wall. The entire building is provided with not less than a Class B roof covering. b) c) 20. Fire walls shall be permitted to terminate at the underside of noncombustible roof sheathing, deck or slabs, provided: i) Openings in the roof are not located within 4 feet of the fire wall, and ii) The entire building is provided with not less than a Class B roof covering. In buildings of Type V construction, walls shall be permitted to terminate at the underside of combustible roof sheathing or decks, provided: ) There are no openings in the roof within 4' of the fire wall, i) The roof is covered with a minimum Class B roof covering, and ii) The roof sheathing or deck is constructed of fire-retardant-treated wood for a distance of 4' on both sides of the wall or the roof is protected with 5/8" Type X gypsum board directly beneath the underside of the roof sheathing or deck, supported by a minimum of 2" nominal ledgers attached to the sides of the roof framing members for a minimum distance of 4' on both sides of the fire wall, iv) Buildings located above a parking garage designed per Section 509,2 may have their fire walls terminate at the horizontal separation between the garage and the building. Openings through a fire wall shall have the following fire-protection ratings, per Section 715: CARLSBAD 10-1660 SEPT. 24, 2010 a) 1 Vi-hour opening protection for a 2-hour fire wall, 21. Each opening through a fire wall shall not exceed 120 square feet (unless both buildings are equipped throughout with an automatic sprinkler system). The aggregate width of openings at any floor level shall not exceed 25% ofthe length ofthe wall. Section 705.8. 22. Fire walls, which separate portions of buildings having different heights, may terminate 30" above the lower roof level, provided the exterior wall for a height of 15' above the lower roof is not less than 1-hour fire-resistance-rated construction from both sides with openings protected by three-fourths-hour assemblies. Section 705.6.1, Exception: a) Where the fire wall terminates at the underside of the roof sheathing, deck or slab of the lower roof, provided: i) The lower roof assembly within 10' of the wall has not less than a 1-hour fire- resistance rating and the entire length and span of supporting elements for the rated roof assembly has a fire-resistance rating of not less than 1-hour, ii) Openings in the lower roof shall not be located within 10' of the fire wall, 23. Please indicate the basis of approval for the fire-resistive construction elements of the fire wall, parapet, and roof assembly if used in lieu of parapet, i.e.. Item Number in Table 720.1, U.L. Directory, etc. (Note: Trusses require two layers of 5/8 inch Type 'X' drywall, per Item 21-1.1 in Table 720.1(3).) 24. Provide a note on the plans stating: "Penetrations of fire walls shall be protected with through-penetration fire stops and membrane-penetration fire stops in accordance with IBC Section 712." . TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION 25. The plans shall demonstrate compliance with the unique requirements for each Type of Construction. See Sections 601, 602 and 603. a) In California, Table 601 was modified for Group A and R occupancies, by modifying Footnote "c" so as to require fire protection for the structural frame, b) In California, Section 704,5 was modified for Group A and R occupancies, by requiring exterior walls to be rated for exposure to fire from both sides, regardless of fire separation distance, • FIRE-RATED CONSTRUCTION 26. Where one-hour fire-resistive construction is required, an approved automatic sprinkler system, when not othenA/ise required, may be substituted for the one-hour construction. Table 601, Footnote e. However, the 1-hour substitution for the fire resistance of exterior walls shall not be permitted. 27. Provide details on the plans for the fire-resistive construction. Include roof/ceiling assemblies, floor/ceiling assemblies, wall assemblies, column and beam assemblies, etc. Be sure to list with each detail the basis of approval (U.L. listing number, ICC research report, etc). CARLSBAD 10-1660 SEPT. 24, 2010 a) In California, Section 704,5 was modified for Group A and R occupancies, by requiring exterior walls to be rated for exposure to fire from both sides, regardless of fire separation distance, 28. Detail and reference I.C.C. number or other approval for horizontal fire assembly using trusses. Item 21-1.1 in Table 720.1(3) requires 2 layers of 5/8" Type X gypsum wallboard at the bottom chords of trusses. Section 703. 29. Detail how fire-resistive wall construction will be maintained at built-in wall fixtures and behind mailboxes, fire extinguisher cabinets, electric panels exceeding 16 square inches in area, etc. Section 712.3.2. 30. Detail on the plans how fire-resistive wall and ceiling protection will be maintained at all duct penetrations, such as at bathroom and kitchen hood fans, laundry room fans and dryer vents. Section 716. 31. Fire dampers shall be installed per Section 716.5 at all duct and air transfer openings of: a) Ceilings of fire-resistive floor-ceiling assemblies or roof-ceiling assemblies, b) Fire walls (area separation walls), c) Fire barriers, (occupancy separations) (see exception for walls), d) Fire partitions at fire-rated corridors, e) Shaft enclosures, 32. Smoke dampers shall be installed per Section 716.5 at all duct and air transfer openings of: a) Fire-rated corridors, b) Shaft enclosures. c) Smoke barriers, d) In California, Section 710,7 was modified for Group A and R occupancies, to state that duct openings in smoke partitions (corridors) shall also be provided with a smoke damper complying with Section 716,3,2, e) In California, Section 716,5,2 was modified for Group A and R occupancies, to state that duct openings in fire barriers shall also be provided with smoke dampers, 33. If smoke dampers are required, the plans shall show the locations of the smoke detectors listed in the options of Section 716.3.2.1 ofthe IBC. 34. Provide a note on the plans stating: "Penetrations of fire-resistive walls, floor- ceilings and roof-ceilings shall be protected as required in IBC Section 712." 35. Clearly identify location and hourly fire-resistive rating of vertical shafts on the plans. Provide construction details showing location of fire dampers and how fire resistivity will be maintained at floors and roofs. Section 707. a) In California, Section 707,14,1 was modified for Group A and R occupancies, to require elevator lobbies where an elevator shaft connects more than TWO stories (as opposed to three stories listed in the IBC), l,e,, see the service elevator near grid point N-6, CARLSBAD 10-1660 SEPT. 24, 2010 36. An elevator machine room is required to be separated from the remainder of the building by fire barriers and horizontal assemblies having the same fire resistant rating as the hoistway enclosure and the opening (doors & ducts) protection rating equal to the hoistway enclosure door rating. Show the proper rating for elevator machine room walls & doors on plans & door schedule. CBC 3006.4. 37. Detail column fire protection and specify column impact protection in garage areas per Section 714.4. As a minimum, show a steel jacket around each column to a height of 5 feet above the ground for impact protection. Show how this is done on the parking structure plans. Provide details and references on plans. This applies to the columns in the path of travel for the basement garage. 38. Where columns require a fire-resistance rating, the entire column, including its connections to beams or girders, shall be protected. Where the column extends through a ceiling, fire resistance ofthe column shall be continuous from the top of the floor through the ceiling space to the top of the column. Section 714.2.2, 39. Columns, trusses, beams or other structural members supporting more than one floor or roof must be individually fire protected. (Section 714.2.1) Detail the required protection on the plans, 40. Show fire-retardant treated wood where necessary & all furred ceilings, Sec. 803.4.2. • INTERIOR WALL AND CEILING FINISHES 41. Hangers and assembly members of dropped ceilings below a one-hour ceiling assembly shall be noncombustible materials except in Type V construction, where fire retardant treated wood may be used. Section 803.4.2. 42. Provide a note on plans or on the finish schedule, stating, "Wall and ceiling materials shall not exceed the flame spread classifications in IBC Table 803.5." • FIRE BARRIERS 43. A one-hour fire barrier separation is required between the A & R occupancy and the B/S occupancies, etc. Table 508.3,3 (see exceptions). Provide a key plan on the drawings to show how this is accomplished. This includes separation between S2 (basement garage & SI storage/ fan room, on A2.0 & rated doors). E.g., see doors B135, 136 & 137 on A2.0D, etc. This applies to units and their separation from storage, laundry, common areas, etc. Show via a key-plan. 44. A fire barrier is not required for an accessory use not occupying more than 10% of the area of any floor of a building, nor more than the tabular values for either height or area for such use (without height/area increases). Section 508.3.1. 45. Doors & fire shutters in fire barriers shall comply with Table 715.4. FIRE BARRIER RATING (hours) MINIMUM OPENING PROTECTION ASSEMBLY (hours) 1 CARLSBAD 10-1660 SEPT. 24, 2010 46. Openings in a fire barrier wall shall be limited to a maximum aggregate width of 25% of the length of the wall, and the maximum area of any single opening shall not exceed 156 square feet. Exception: The 156 square foot limitation shall not apply where the adjoining fire areas are sprinklered. Section 706.7. 47. Supporting construction below fire barrier walls shall be protected to afford the same fire-resistance rating of the fire barrier. Section 706.5. 48. Structural members supporting a horizontal fire barrier must have the same fire-resistive rating as the separation. Section 711.4. 49. Incidental use areas may need to be separated from the main occupancy. See Table 508.2 below. a) Even if sprinklers are used to eliminate the need for 1-hour wall construction, Section 508,2,2,1 still requires the partitions to extend to the underside of the floor/roof above and for any doors in the partitions to be self-closing. ROOM OR AREA SEPARATION AND/OR PROTECTION Furnace room where any piece of equipment is over 400,000 Btu/ hr. See above for details Rooms with boilers where the largest piece of equipment is over 15 psi and 10 horsepower See above for details Parking garage (Section 406,2) See above for details Laundry rooms over 100 square feet See above for details Storage rooms over 100 square feet See above for details Waste and linen collection rooms over 100 square feet See above for details 50. Steel electrical outlet boxes at fire barrier walls shall not exceed sixteen square inches, shall not exceed 100 square inches per 100 square feet ofwall, and shall be separated by a horizontal distance of twenty-four inches when on opposite sides of a wall. Section 712.3.2. 51. Ducts penetrating fire barriers at occupancy separations must have fire dampers. Section 716.5.2. a) In California, Section 716,5,2 was modified for Group A and R occupancies, to require smoke dampers in addition to fire dampers. 52. An S-2 enclosed parking garage in the basement of a building housing a Group B, or Group R occupancy may be classed as a separate building for the purpose of determining area limitations, continuity of fire walls, limitation of number of stories and type of construction, when all of the following conditions are met (Section 509.2): a) S-2 is Type IA construction. Note this on CS for the basement, b) S-2 is separated from the uses above by a 3-hr, horizontal separation. Note this on plans, c) Openings through the 3-hour horizontal separation shall be in elevator shaft or stairway enclosures (2-hour rated) extending above and below such openings. Openings in the 2- hour enclosures shall have a minimum iy2-hour fire-protection rating. Specify 2-hr, Stairs/ Elevator Shafts with 90-minute openings typical including elevator machine rooms throughout. CARLSBAD 10-1660 SEPT. 24, 2010 i) The requirement for a 2-hour rated enclosure above and below the 3-hour horizontal separation may be changed to a 3-hour rated enclosure below and a 1- hour rated enclosure above the 3-hour horizontal separation (provided that the structure above the 3-hour horizontal separation doesn't require a rating higher than 1-hour for the enclosure elsewhere in the code), • EXITS 53. All doors within the exit path to a public way from an occupancy of Group A having an occupant load of 50 or more shall not be provided with latches or locks unless they are equipped with panic hardware. Sections 1008.1.9 and 1002, I.e., see doors 1233, 1236, 1239, etc. Too many to itemize. 54. When additional doors are provided for egress purposes, they also shall conform to the requirements of Section 1008 (width, swing, hardware, etc.). Section 1008.1. This applies to doors # 1236 & 1239 on A2.1A. The door swing should be reversed. • STAIRWAYS 55. StainA/ays should be enclosed as specified in Section 1020: a) Two-hour fire-resistive barrier walls are required in buildings four or more levels in height, and one-hour elsewhere, b) Openings in exit enclosures, other than unexposed exterior openings, shall be limited to those necessary for exit access to the exit enclosure from normally occupied spaces and for egress from the exit enclosure. c) Doors should be labeled 1-hour fire assemblies for 1-hour stair enclosures and 1 Vi-hour fire assemblies for 2-hour stair enclosures. Section 715, Additionally, such doors should have a maximum transmitted temperature end point of not more than 450 degree (F) above ambient at the end of 30 minutes of standard fire test exposure. Section 715,3,4, Please provide this note on the door schedule, d) Penetrations into or through an exit enclosure are prohibited, except for equipment and ducts necessary for independent pressurization, sprinkler piping, standpipes and electrical conduit serving the enclosure, 56. Handrails (Sections 1012 and 1009.10): a) The handrail extension dimensions as shown on 2/A8,34 are not correct, b) Show the stripping of the steps for the visually impaired on stair details, l,e,, A8,40, • CORRIDORS 57. Corridors shall have interior door openings protected by tight-fitting smoke and draft control assemblies rated 20 minutes. Doors shall be maintained self-closing or be automatic-closing by action of a smoke detector per Section 715.4.7. Doors shall be gasketed to provide a smoke and draft seal where the door meets the stop on sides and top. Section 715. Provide a complete note on door schedule, 58. Duct penetrations (or air transfer openings) of fire-rated corridor construction shall have smoke dampers per Sections 716, CARLSBAD 10-1660 SEPT. 24, 2010 59. Provide a complete architectural section ofthe corridor, showing all fire-resistive materials and details of construction for the fire partition walls and roof/ceilings and all penetrations. Section A106.1.1. See Section 708.4. • EXIT SIGNS 60. Exit signs are required whenever two exits are required. Show all required exit sign locations. Section 1011.1. 61. In California, where exit signs are required by Chapter 10, additional approved floor-level exit signs which are internally or externally illuminated, self-luminous, or photoluminescent or shall be provided in all interior corridors of Group R-1 Occupancy. Section 1011.6. a) The bottom of the sign shall not be less than 6 inches or more than 8" above the floor level and shall indicate the path of exit travel. For exit and exit-access doors, the sign shall be on the door or adjacent to the door with the closest edge of the sign or marker within 4" of the door frame, 62. In California, when exit signs are required by Chapter 10, in addition to floor-level exit signs, approved path marking shall be installed at the floor level (or no higher that 8 inches above the floor level) in all interior corridors of R-1 occupancies. Section 1011.7, a) Such marking shall be continuous except as interrupted by doorways, corridors or other such architectural features in order to provide a visible delineation along the path of travel, 63. A tactile sign stating "EXIT" and complying with ICC Al 17.1 shall be provided adjacent to each door to an egress stairway, an exit passageway and the exit discharge. Section 1011,3. 64. Show two sources of power for the lamps at exit signs. Section 1011.5.3. 65. Show that the means of egress path will be lighted with at least one foot candle at floor level. Section 1006, 66. Show separate sources of power may be required for exit illumination. Review Section 1006.3, • ELEVATORS 67. In buildings having an elevator in California, Group A and R occupancies, at least one gurney-sized elevator shall be provided. The elevator car shall be of such a size and arrangement to accommodate a 24-inch by 84-inch ambulance gurney or stretcher in the horizontal, open position. Section 3002.4. 68. Per IBC, Section 707.7: Openings in a shaft enclosure shall be protected in accordance with Section 714 as required for fire barriers. Such openings shall be self-closing or automatic-closing by smoke detection. IBC, Table 714.2 requires minimum opening protection assembly of one hour for one hour fire rated shafts and requires minimum opening protection assembly of one and one-half hours for two hour fire rated shafts. Note this on plans. CARLSBAD 10-1660 SEPT. 24, 2010 69. Per IBC, Section 707.14: "Elevator hoistway and dumbwaiter enclosures shall be constructed in accordance with Section 707.4 and Chapter 30." Per IBC, Section 707.4: Shaft enclosures including exit enclosures shall have a fire-resistance rating of not less than 2 hours where connection four stories or more and 1 hour where connection less than four stories. Shaft enclosures shall have a fire- resistance rating not less than the floor assembly penetrated, but need not exceed 2 hours. IBC, Table 601 requires minimum 2 hours fire rated floor assemblies in Type I construction. 70. Per IBC, Section 3004.1: Hoistways of elevators and dumbwaiters penetrating more than three stories shall be provided with a means for venting smoke and hot gases to the outer air in case of fire." As per IBC, Section 3004.3: Except as provided for in Section 3004.3.1, the area of the vents shall not be less than 3V^% of the area of the hoistway nor less than 3 sq feet for each elevator car, and not less than 3V^% for each elevator car in hoistway, whichever is greater. 71. In buildings having an elevator in California, Group A and R occupancies, an enclosed elevator lobby shall be provided at each floor (where the elevator connects more than 2 stories) shall be provided. Note: The exception to eliminate the lobby due to fire sprinklers does not apply to these occupancies. Section 707.14.1. • GLASS AND GLAZING 72. Glazing in the following locations should be of safety glazing material in accordance with Section 2406.2 (see exceptions): a) Fixed and sliding panels of sliding door assemblies and panels in swinging doors, b) Individual fixed or operable panels, other than those locations described above, that meet all of the following conditions: i) Exposed area of an individual pane is greater than 9 square feet, and: ii) Exposed bottom edge is less than 18 inches above the floor, and: iii) Exposed top edge is greater than 36 inches above the floor, and: iv) One or more walking surfaces are within 36" horizontally of the plane of the glazing, • SOUND TRANSMISSION 73. If the project is located in noise critical areas (CNEL contours of 60 dB) as shown on the City or County's General Plan, then an acoustical analysis showing that the proposed building has been designed to limit noise in habitable rooms to CNEL of forty-five dB is required. Where windows must be closed to comply, it is necessary to provide mechanical ventilation capable of providing at least two air changes per hour. Provide design. CBC Section 1207.11.4. 74. The Title Sheet or Site Plan should clearly indicate if any portion of the project is in a noise critical area (CNEL contours of 60 dB) as shown on the City or County's General Plan, If no portion ofthe project is within a noise critical area, provide a note on the Title Sheet stating: "This project is not within a noise critical area (CNEL contour of 60 dB) as shown on General Plan". CBC Section 1207.11.4. CARLSBAD 10-1660 SEPT. 24, 2010 75. Show how penetrations of assemblies for piping, electrical devices, recessed cabinets, bathtubs, soffits or heating, ventilating or exhaust ducts shall be sealed, lined or insulated or treated to maintain the required sound ratings. 76. Wall and floor/ceiling assemblies separating dwelling units from each other and from common space (such as corridors, laundry rooms, common garages, service areas, etc.) must have a listed rating of STC 50 (and IIC of 50 for floors). Section 1207. Show the location of and provide details of the listed wall and floor/ceiling assemblies, and indicate the listing agency and listing number for tested ratings. • GENERAL RESIDENTIAL REQUIREMENTS 77. A fire alarm system and an automatic smoke detection system may be required in Group R occupancies. Please review Section 907,2.8 and 907.2.9. 78. In California, if a fire alarm system is required, it shall activate a means of warning the hearing impaired. Please note this on the plans. CBC Section 1007.9. • ROOFS 79. Specify roof slope on the plans for all areas and all buildings. 80. Specify on plans the following information for the roof materials, per Sec, 1506.3: a) Manufacturer's name; Product name/number; b) ICC approval number, or equal, 81. Specify minimum YA'/ft. roof/deck slope for drainage or design to support accumulated water. Section 1507,10.1. 82. Show the required attic ventilation on plans. Show "area required" and "area provided." The net free ventilating area shall not be less that 1/150*^^ of the area of the space ventilated. Section 1203.2. 83. Show location of attic access with a minimum size of 20"x30", unless the maximum vertical headroom height in the attic is less than 30 inches. Access must be provided to each separated attic area. Section 1209.2. • FIRE EXTINGUISHING 84. Fire sprinklers may be required by jurisdiction ordinance. a) In California, Fire Walls shall not be considered to create separate buildings for the purpose of automatic fire sprinkler requirements (unless they are four-hour walls with no openings). Section 705.1,2 of Title 24, as adopted by the State Fire Marshal, 85. A Fire Alarm System shall be installed under the following conditions, per Section 907 (see exceptions): a) Group A occupancies having an occupant load of 300 or more, b) Group R-1 occupancies. CARLSBAD 10-1660 SEPT. 24, 2010 • MISCELLANEOUS LIFE/SAFETY 86. Please provide notes on the plans to show the suspended ceilings in Seismic Design Categories D, E & F comply with ASCE 7-05 Sec. as follows: a) All ceilings shall use a Heavy Duty T-bar grid system. b) The width of the perimeter supporting closure angle shall be not less than 2 inches, c) In each orthogonal horizontal direction, one end of the ceiling grid shall be attached to the closure angle, d) The other end in each horizontal direction shall have a clearance from the wall and shall rest upon and be free to slide on a closure angle or a listed assembly. e) Ceiling areas over 1,000 ft.^ must have horizontal restraint wires (typically restraint would consist of four 12 gauge wires splayed 90° to each other and sloped 45° to the horizontal, spaced 12" o.c). f) Ceiling areas over 2500 ft.^ must have seismic separation joints or full height partitions, g) Ceilings without rigid bracing must have 2" oversize trim rings for sprinklers and other ceiling penetrations, 87. Specify on the plans that the draftstopping and fireblocking from Section 717 will be installed (combustible construction). a) In California, the exception in Section 717.3,3 (draftstops for floors) was modified for Group A occupancies, to state that the area between draft stops may be 3,000 square feet and the greatest horizontal dimension may be 100 feet. b) In Califomia, the exception in Section 717.4.3 (draftstops for attics) was modified for Group A occupancies, to state that the area between draft stops may be 9,000 square feet and the greatest horizontal dimension may be 100 feet. 88. Assembly occupancies must comply with Section 1025, a) In California, the following wording was added to the end of Section 1025,3: "At least one-half of the additional means of egress required by this section shall be directly to an exit, or through a lobby, that is not used to access the main exit, to an exit, or to a one hour rated corridor to an exit," b) In California, the following wording was added to the ends of Section 1025,2 and 1025,3: "Group A occupancies that have an occupant load greater than 300 shall be provided with at least 0,20 inch (5,1 mm) total exit width for each occupant served," c) In California, Section 1025,,3,1 was added to state: "Group A occupancies that have an occupant load of 100 or more and less than 300, shall have at least one of the required means of egress directly to an exit, or through a lobby, that is not used to access the main exit, to an exit, or to a one hour rated corridor to an exit or continuous through a one hour rated lobby to an exit." Show how this is accomplished for the Main Ballroom. 89. Guards (Section 1013): a) Shall be detailed showing adequacy of connections to resist the horizontal force prescribed in Section 1607.7. 90. Parking garages shall have an unobstructed headroom clearance of not less than 8'-6" above the finish floor to any ceiling, beam, pipe or similar construction. Section 406,2.2. Please dimension this on plans. CARLSBAD 10-1660 SEPT. 24, 2010 91. Show one hour rated laundry chutes with 45-minute rated doors and a one hour rated termination room and 20-minute door to be separated from the laundry room on Sheet A2.1C. Similarly, for other floor levels. Section 707.13. 92. Please complete the blank bubble on Sheet A2.1C. 93. Show a barrier on Sheet Al 1.11 to prevent occupants from exiting into the basement. See Sheets Al 1.60 & Al 1.61. This applies to level two stairs. 94. Please review the door schedule for the rating of openings. Many are not rated properly, others are under-rated, i.e., 20-minute rated instead of 45-minute rating, or 45-minute rating where 60- or 90-minute rating is required. See the fire barrier portion of the list and corridor section for detailed rating of the openings to be properly reflected on plans. I.e., see storage, mechanical rooms, etc., in the rated corridors. These spaces need to have one hour rated separation with 45- minute rated openings instead of 20-minutes as shown. Too many to itemize. • ACCESSIBILITY 95. Provide notes and details on the plans to show compliance with the enclosed "Disabled Access" Review List. 96. Show the number of required and provided HC accessible guest units for the hotel on plans. • STRUCTURAL 97. Specify on the foundation plan or structural specifications sheet the soil classification, the soils expansion index and the design bearing capacity ofthe foundation. Section Al 06.1.1. 98. Provide a letter from the soils engineer confirming that the foundation plan, grading plan and specifications have been reviewed and that it has been determined that the recommendations in the soil report are properly incorporated into the plans, 99. Note on the foundation plan that "Prior to the contractor requesting a Building Department foundation inspection, the soils engineer shall advise the building official in writing that: a) The building pad was prepared in accordance with the soils report, b) The utility trenches have been properly backfilled and compacted, and c) The foundation excavations comply with the intent of the soils report." 100. Please show structural details and references for the patio covers and trellis framing on plans. 101. Please complete the steel framing information on sketches 2 & 3/PS2.2. Also clarify Levels 5 & 6 as noted on these details. Please verify the gridlines as noted here and cross reference them on the structural framing plans. CARLSBAD 10-1660 SEPT. 24, 2010 102. Please complete the blank bubble on Sheet PS2.0 and PS2.1, near grid line A. 103. Please note where details 7, 11, 14, 16 & 20/PS5.3 are referenced on plans. 104. Please specify where details 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 18, 19 & 20/PS5.1 are cross referenced on plans. 105. Please provide a detail through all the grade beams as per the foundation plans. Show the reinforcement size and spacing in both directions as well as any ties size and spacing. 106. Where is detail 6/S6,02 as referenced on S2.3D-W under note #11? 107. Please show moisture barrier for the slab on grade in habitable areas on the foundation plans in the hotel building. 108. On Sheet S2.1A, specify all the posts sizes on plans including wood, steel pipes, TSS, etc., as required. I.e., 6x6, typical, UNO. Similarly, Sheet S2.1B, near gridline O. 109. Show a detail for the transition between the concrete wall and the CMU wall near the elevator shafts, i.e., as per Sheet S2.1C. 110. Please call out all the concrete beams on Sheet S2.1C and reference to a schedule for their information including their longitudinal and lateral reinforcement size and spacing. I.e., see gridlines A, B, 11, etc. 111. The information on many tendons are not shown on various sheets of plans. I.e., S2.1C-A, i.e,, gridlines 6.2, 8.5, 17.5, etc. Review them all and specify typical information, UNO, in each direction. Too many to itemize on other sheets as well. S2.1B-A (near gridlines 6.1, 8,1 & 8,5), Sheet S2.1D-A, etc. 112. Show details and references on plans for the depressed slab areas on plans, i.e., S2,1D-A, near gridlines A & U, 113. Please show the shear wall designation and length on plans for all the exterior walls. 114. Please provide a schedule on plans with references on framing plans for all the beams and headers at openings UNO. 115. Please show the HVAC equipment weight and location on framing plans for all areas prior to resubmittal. 116. Please show the material specification for LSL's, LVL's, PSL's, steel studs, steel joists, etc. with references on framing plans. 117. Please specify all the joists size and spacing for all areas on plans. I.e., Sheet S2.3D, etc. Many areas are not noted throughout this level. Alternatively, one may refer to another part of the framing plans for duplicative information. CARLSBAD 10-1660 SEPT. 24, 2010 118. Where is detail 13/S6.03 as referenced on S2.3C, near grid point D-14? 119. Note the required drag force for the truss design on Sheet S2.3E, between shear panels. 120. Identify all the horizontal and vertical straps on the framing plans. Many are not called out as presented. 121. Please show air ducts details and references on framing plans. 122. Please provide a column schedule on plans showing complete size, vertical & lateral reinforcement information for CCI, 2, 3, etc., as called out on plans. See Sheets S2.0C, S2.0D, S2.1B, etc., for details. 123. Please provide calculations for all the non-bearing framing and non-bearing CMU walls, as presented on plans. 124. Please provide calculations for the retaining walls (all various conditions) as proposed on the structural plans. 125. Please show all the stud rails with details and references, as per calculations, on the structural plans. 126. Please label RB1, 2, ; FBI, 2, as per the calculations on structural drawings. 127. Provide calculations for all the concrete beams and columns as depicted on plans. Similar to those on Sheets 116 & 117 of the calculations. Many are missing from the package. 128. Please include additional schematics in the structural calculations similar to those on pages G-2, G-13, etc., covering all typical various portions ofthe project. 129. The previous item applies to all various levels of the project as well as the vertical and lateral force resisting elements, elevated slabs, concrete beams, all columns & footings. See the next item as well. 130. The previous item applies to both the hotel building plans as well as the parking structure, 131. In the Owen Calculations, for Parking Structure Package, show the same designation for all the beams and columns as are shown on the structural framing plans so they can be verified against the structural plans. Please see the next item as well. 132. What is currently presented in the Owen Calculation is not verifiable against the plans. This applies to all the elevated slabs, perimeter and interior beams, columns, footings, retaining walls, non-bearing CMU partitions, and the lateral framing elements, as are shown on plans. CARLSBAD 10-1660 SEPT. 24, 2010 • Construction documents 133. The following design loads shall be clearly indicated on the construction documents. (Section 1603.1); Provide this information forthe Parking Structure similar to that provided forthe Hotel Building. Sheets PS1.0 & PS1.1. • Floor live load. Uniformly distributed, concentrated, and impact live load, including any live load reductions used, should be indicated. • Roof live load. Each roof live load used should be indicated, • Wind load. The following information should be provided, (Section 1603.1.4) o Basic Wind speed (3-second gust), mph o Wind importance factor, I, and building category o Wind exposure o Applicable internal pressure coefficient o Components and cladding (the design wind pressure in terms of psf to be used for the design of exterior component and cladding materials not specifically designed by the registered design professional • Seismic design data. The following information should be provided. (Section 1603.1,5) o Seismic importance factor, IE and occupancy category o Mapped spectral response accelerations Ss and Si o Site class o Spectral response coefficients Sps and SDI o Seismic design category o Basic seismic-force-resisting system(s) o Design base shear o Seismic response coefficient(s), Cs o Response modification factor(s), R o Analysis procedure used, • Special loads. Where applicable, special loads should be indicated with appropriate section ofthe code, (Section 1603,1,7), EARTHQUAKE LOADS 134. Collector design forces . Collector elements, splices and their connections to resisting elements should be designed to resist the prescribed forces. They must also have the design strength to resist the special load combinations of Section (Section 12.10,2.1). Specify all the drag forces on plans for which the trusses can be designed. 135. Additional structural corrections may be warranted once the revised plans and calculations are submitted for review and approval. CARLSBAD 10-1660 SEPT. 24, 2010 • ADDITIONAL 136. Please see attached for P/M/E & HC items. 137. To speed up the review process, note on this list (or a copy) where each correction item has been addressed, i.e., plan sheet, note or detail number, calculation page, etc. 138. Please indicate here if any changes have been made to the plans that are not a result of corrections from this list. If there are other changes, please brieflv describe them and where they are located in the plans. Have changes been made to the plans not resulting from this correction list? Please indicate: • Yes • No 139. The jurisdiction has contracted with Esgil Corporation located at 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208, San Diego, California 92123; telephone number of 858/560-1468, to perform the plan review for your project. If you have any questions regarding these plan review items, please contact ALI SADRE at Esgil Corporation, Thank you. CARLSBAD 10-1660 SEPT. 24, 2010 • ELECTRICAL and ENERGY COMMENTS PLAN REVIEWER: Eric Jensen . ELECTRICAL (2005 NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE) 1. Obtain City planner approval for the property line light spill by the site lighting (fixture Z2 & Z6). 2. The electrical service room doors will require panic hardware per NEC 110.26(0)2. Please add to architectural door schedule. 3. Review NEC 620.23(A) for lighting branch circuit requirements in machine rooms. 4. On the dimmer system/panel schedules (E5.7), how do I reference which circuits are provided to each dimmer control? • ENERGY CONSERVATION 5. The wood wall assemble has a U-factor of .059, Where is this factor from? 6. Include, on the plans, for all window and skylight types, a complete fenestration description detailing compliance with the energy standards. The description shall include the following applicable information: • Type of product: Manufactured or site assembled, • The U-factor and the SHGC ratings, • The method of certification: NFRC label, NFRC certification available at site, SHGC(fen) calculation method, or a CEC Default label, • For site-assembled or non-certified fenestration also include a description of the assembly (frame type and glazing type) used for each type, 7. Specify the following mandatory measures and provide the electrical design for the exterior lighting: • The method of providing multilevel switching, (For both the parking structure as well as the site lighting), 8. The guestroom A-31 fixture (guestroom) is described where on the plans? Note: If you have any questions regarding this Electrical and Energy plan review list please contact Eric Jensen at (858) 560-1468. To speed the review process, note on this list (or a copy) where the corrected items have been addressed on the plans. CARLSBAD 10-1660 SEPT. 24, 2010 • PLUMBING AND MECHANICAL CORRECTIONS • JURISDICTION: Carlsbad DATE: 9/23/2010 • PLAN REVIEW NUMBER: 101660 SET: I PLAN REVIEWER: Glen Adamek • GENERAL AND ARCHITECTURAL PME ITEMS 1. The City Building Official to review evidence of Health Department approval (for restaurants and swimming pools and spas). 2. Horizontal fire-resistive assemblies (mandatory in rated and non-rated buildings) separating dwelling units or sleeping units (sleeping units occupancies R-1 hotel, R-2 (without cooking), & 1-1 only) (IBC 419.3) must have the duct and air transfer openings protected as required by IBC 711 and IBC 716. (dampers/shafts). 3. An elevator machinery room is required to be separated from the remainder of the building by fire barriers (706) and horizontal assemblies (711). Please detail how these ratings will be maintained for the mechanical openings shown. IBC 3006.4. 4. Rooms containing refuse or laundn/ chute access shall be separated from the remainder of the building by afire barrier. CBC 707.13.3, IBC 707.13.4. Fire rated door may not be undercut 1 inch for ventilation, 5. Include, on the mechanical plans, the locations of all required smoke, fire, combination smoke and fire, or ceiling radiation dampers. Be sure to include a symbol on the symbol schedule for each damper type. CBC 716 6. Please correct the drawings to show the required 42 inch tall "Guards" (guard rails) as per CBC, Section 1013.5: "Where appliances, equipment, fans, roof hatch openings or other components that require service are located within 10 feet of a roof edge or open side of a walking surface..." 7. Please provide plans details and calculations to show compliance with CBC, Section 406.3,3,1 forthe required open minimums. 8. Clearly specify the minimum overhead clearances that must be maintained in the garage locations on both the mechanical and plumbing plans. If less than 8'2" is specified, clearly identify accessible & non-accessible locations & clearances. • PLUMBING (2006 UNIFORM PLUMBING CODE) 9. Show the size of the public water meters. 10. Show the locations, sizes and routes of the water line from the public water meters to the building. CARLSBAD 10-1660 SEPT. 24, 2010 11. Please show the upstream sewer manhole rim and finished floor elevations. Provide backwater valves for all fixtures installed on floor levels below the next upstream manhole rim elevation. (Only fixtures installed on floor levels below the next upstream manhole rim elevation may flow through a backwater valve.) UPC 710.1. 12. Show the slopes of the building sewers, building drain & waste lines. 13. On sheets P2.0B, P2.0C, & P2.0D correct the Table for waste piping flow at 1/8 inch per 12 inch slope forthe 8 inch and 10 inch piping to include the allowed minimum flow rates. Show the 8 inch (and 10 inch) building sewer lines comply with CPC, Table 7-8 for min and max fixture units for proposed slopes. 14. Provide a plumbing material schedule on the plans describing the following systems: Potable water piping, the drain, waste, and vent piping, gas piping, and the roof drains. 15. Please correct the water line sizing calculations on sheet PO. 1: a) Show the minimum and maximum water pressure at the water meter, b) Show the water meter pressure loss as per CPC, Chart A-1, c) The allowable pressure loss does not include the 10 psi pressure Loss at the Thermostatic Mixing Valves in the hot water system, as per the schedule on sheet P0,1? d) The water line sizing calculations show no water softener. But the Water Softener Schedule on the same sheet shows water softeners serving the Laundry and the Kitchen, Please address. e) The water line sizing calculations do not seem to include sizing of the water line from the public water meters to the building. f) A complete review of the water line plans and sizing calculations will be done when the correct calculations and plans are provided. 16. Obtain approval from the serving sewer agency and the Building Official to drain the garage floors to the public sewer system. CBC, Section 406.2.6 requires drainage to storm water system, not sewer. "The floors in a parking garage shall be sloped to facilitate movement of liquids to a drain or toward the main vehicle door. Please address. CBC 406.2,6" 17. As per CPC, Section 1217.4, please provide a letter from SDG&E (the agency supplying fuel gas) stating they can supply the gas at the amount and pressure pressure used in the gas piping design, before the permit is issued. Also, SDG&E will review the location of gas pressure regulator and required test tees. The Building Official to review. 18. On the plans please detail the routs of the gas vent piping from each of the gas pressure regulators to the outside. 19. Include the gas piping sediment trap installed as close as possible to the appliance inlet with the plumbing design. Exceptions: Appliances with an internal sediment trap,(or) ranges, clothes dryers, gas fireplaces, and outdoor grilles. UPC 1212,7. CARLSBAD 10-1660 SEPT. 24, 2010 20. Clearly show on the plans all gas lines are schedule 40 metallic piping as per the sizing note #2 in detail 1 on sheet P4.3. 21. All water closet seats, except those within dwelling units, shall be of the open front type or have an automatic seat cover dispenser, UPC, Section 408.2.2. 22. Show the shower control valve and shower head locations comply with UPC, Section 411.10. 23. Provide the following information concerning the water heater: a) Show that water heater is adequately braced to resist seismic forces. Provide two straps. One strap at top 1/3 of the tank and one strap at bottom 1/3 of the tank. Or provide engineer's desiqn calculations and details on the drawings for the seismic bracing svstems. UPC 508.2. b) Provide combustion air design: Show opening sizes and routing of ducts, UPC 507,0, c) Detail the water heater vent installation: Size, routing, slope, and termination location (Minimum 8' from vertical surfaces), UPC 510,0, 24. Provide calculations to show compliance with UPC Section 412.0 & Table 4-1, (Minimum Plumbing Facilities), 25. Detail the required listed reduced pressure principle backflow preventer as protection of water connection to carbonator. UPC 603.4.12 26. Include the manufacturer's installation instructions detailing the requirements for the commercial clotheswasher: Water supply, waste pipe sizing, and a structural foundation, as required. 27. Detail how the floor drain trap seal is to be maintained. UPC 1007.0 28. 6012 Identification of a Potable and Nonpotable Water System. In all buildings where potable water and not potable water systems are installed, each system shall be clearly identified. Each system shall be color coded as follows: 601.2.1 Potable Water-Green background with white lettering. 6012.2 Nonpotable W/afer- Yellow background with black lettering, with the words "CAUTION: NONPOTABLE WATER, DO NOT DRINK". Table 6-1 Minimum Lenath of Color Field and Size of Letters. See Table. • MECHANICAL (2006 UNIFORM MECHANICAL CODE) 29. If this project is in a noise compliant area of the City that requires an Acoustical Report, please provide it (the Acoustical Report) for plan check. Add an outside air design, ifrequired. CBC 1207.11. 30. Detail the primary and secondary mechanical condensate waste design: Pipe sizing, routing, and termination areas. UMC 310.0 & UPC 807.2. 31. Please detail roof access to roof mounted HVAC equipment. CMC 904.10.3.3. CARLSBAD 10-1660 SEPT. 24, 2010 32. Buildings of more than 15' in height shall have an inside means of access that meets the design requirements of UMC 904.10.3.3. Please provide. City approval for use of an outside ladder is required. 33. Provide complete kitchen hood plans, details, and calculations to show compliance with UMC, Chapter 5, Part II: a) Provide the UL listing card showing the exhaust sizing requirements used for the hoods. b) Provide exhaust sizing calculations for kitchen hoods, UMC 508,4, c) Show the required replacement air for each kitchen hood. Include an air balance schedule, UMC 511,3 Please correct and provide calculations to show replacement air quantity shall be adequate to prevent negative pressures in the commercial cooking areas from exceeding 0,02 inch of water column, d) Clearly show the material used to construct the hood and exhaust duct, UMC Section 508,1,1. e) Provide grease duct air velocity calculations. (Maximum 2,500 fpm) UMC 511.2, f) Provide a section detail for the hood showing the relative dimensioned locations for the hood, ceiling, and overhead construction framing of the floor or ceiling. Be sure to describe the construction materials (combustible, limited combustible, or non- combustible) used adjacent to the hood and duct, UMC 507,2. g) The duct routing shall be as direct as practical to the exterior of the building, UMC 510,1,2. h) A duct shaft is required in all multistory buildings and in 1 story buildings with rated roof/ceiling assemblies. Provide a shaft design complying with UMC 510,7,2 and 510,7,3 on the plans. i) Show the required cleanouts for the grease duct as per UMC, Section 510.3, j) Horizontal ducts require at least one 20 X 20" opening for personnel entry, UMC, Section 510,3,4,1, k) Vertical ducts require an access at the top or, if personnel entry is not possible, a cleanout at each floor level, UMC, Section 510.3,4,3. I) Detail the kitchen hood duct termination clearances as per UMC 510,8, m) A complete kitchen hood system plan review will be done when the complete hood system plans, details, and calculations are provided, 34. Deep fat fryers must be installed no closer than 16" from the fryer to surface flames from an adjacent appliance. UMC 515.0. 35. Provide smoke detection in the supply air duct of an "air-moving system" for required shut-off of equipment for smoke control. UMC Section 609.0 An "air- moving system" is a system designed to provide heating, cooling, or ventilation in which one or more air-handling units are used to supply air to a common space or to draw air from a common plenum or space. UMC Section 203.0. 36. Provide exhaust ventilation for the S-2 parking garage capable of exhausting .75 CFM, Include the fan specifications, locations, all ducting (sizing, routing, and termination locations), and any shafts and/or dampers that may be required. IBC 406.4.2 (CMC Table 404). 37. Provide the exhaust and make-up air design for the occupancy type listed in Table 4.4, UMC 403.7. CARLSBAD 10-1660 SEPT. 24, 2010 38. Please provide calculations to show compliance with UMC, Section 1105.3 for the maximum allowed amount of refrigerant in the walk-in coolers and walk-in freezer boxes as per UMC, Table 11-1 or please provide the required refrigerant vapor detection and alarm systems. 39. Please provide the MECH-3-C forms showing the required mechanical ventilation rates forthe new or revised conditioned spaces. Coordinate the mechanical and the Title 24 outside air design. CMC 403.0 & Title 24 121(b)2 & (d). 40. Submit the manufacturer's installation requirements for the Type 2 (commercial) clothes dryer. Include the design requirements found in UMC 905.0 and also the appliance installation instructions: The exhaust duct design: gauge, the clearance distances, routing, and the termination location, provide the minimum make-up air amounts, and the vent design. 41. Detail exhaust ventilation system compliance with UMC Chapters 5 & 6. a) Detail the required make-up air as per UMC 505,3 b) Detail the exhaust outlet clearances as per UMC 504,5 (Environmental) & 506,9 (Product conveying), c) Clearly show the duct materials are suitable for the intended use, UMC, Section 506.1 d) Clearly show the exhaust duct material and gage used for each duct size, UMC Tables 5- 5 and/or 5-6 e) Detail duct support as per UMC 506,5 & 6040,5 f) Detail protection from physical damage as per UMC 506,8 & 604,4, Note: If you have any questions regarding this Plumbing and Mechanical plan review list please contact Glen Adamek at (858) 560-1468. To speed the review process, note on this list (or a copy) where the corrected items have been addressed on the plans. CARLSBAD 10-1660 SEPT. 24, 2010 DISABLEP ACCESS REVIEW LIST PEPARTMENT OF STATE ARCHITECT - TITLE 24 The following disabled access Items are taken from the 2007 edition of California Building Code, Title 24, Per Section 109,1, all publicly and privately funded public accommodations and commercial facilities shall be accessible to persons with disabilities, NOTE: All Figures and Tables referenced in this checklist are printed in the California Building Code, Title 24, Please reflect all the aoplicable HC notes on the plans. I.e., thev mav be imprinted on olans as follows: • SITE PLAN REQUIREMENTS 1, Clearly show that the site development and grading are designed to provide access to all entrances and exterior ground floor exits, as well as access to normal paths of travel, per Section 1127B.1. Where necessary to provide access, shall incorporate pedestrian ramps, curb ramps, stairways and handrails, etc. 2, When more than one building or facility is located on a site, accessible routes of travel shall be provided between buildings and accessible site facilities, per Section 1127B,1, 3, The accessible route of travel shall be the most practical direct route between accessible building entrances, accessible site facilities, and the accessible entrance to the site. Section 1127B,1, 4, Show, or note that at every primary public entrance, and at every major function area along, or leading to, an accessible route of travel, there is to be a sign displaying the international symbol of accessibility. Signs are required to indicate the direction to accessible building entrances and facilities, per Sec. 1117B.5.7 & 1127B.3, 5, Show that an accessible route of travel is to be provided to all portions of the building, to accessible building entrances and between the buildina and the public wav, per Section 1114B,1,2, 6, Where more than one route of travel is provided, all routes shall be accessible. Section 11148,1,2, 7, Show that a 36" wide detectable warning material is provided at boundaries between walkways and vehicular ways. Section 11336,8,5, 8, Show that stairways occurring outside a building comply with Section 1133B as follows: a) The upper approach and all treads shall be marked with a strip of contrasting color as follows: i) >2" in width; Placed parallel to and <1" from the nose ofthe step or landing, ii) The strip is required to be as slip resistant as the treads of the stairs, b) Treads shall be: i) Have no abrupt edges at the nosing projecting >1 Vz" past the face of the riser above, ii) Smooth, rounded or chamfered exposed edges. Open risers are not permitted, . ACCESSIBLE PARKING 9, Each lot or parking structure where parking is provided for the public, as clients, guests or employees, shall provide accessible parking as required by Section 11298, 10, Show on the site plan the required number of accessible parking spaces for new facilities. Per Table 118-6 the minimum number of spaces is: a) 1 for each 25 spaces up to 100 total spaces, b) 1 additional space for each 50 spaces for between 101 and 200 total spaces, c) 1 additional space for each 100 spaces for between 201 and 500 total spaces, 11, Show that accessible parking spaces comply with Section 1129B,3,1 as follows: a) Single spaces shall be 14' wide and outlined to provide a 9' parking area and a 5' loading and unloading area on the passenger side of the vehicle. b) When more than one space is provided, in lieu of providing a 14' space for each space, two spaces can be provided within a 23' area with a 5' loading zone between each 9'0" wide space. CARLSBAD 10-1660 SEPT. 24, 2010 c) Each space is to be a minimum of 18' in depth, 12, At least one in every 8 accessible parking spaces (but not less than one) shall be served by an access aisle >96" in width and designated as VAN ACCESSIBLE, per Section 11298,3,2, 13, Ramps shall not encroach into any accessible parking space or the adjacent access aisle. Section 11298,3,3, 14, Show on the site plan that accessible parking space(s) are to be located such that disabled persons are not compelled to wheel or walk behind parked cars other than their own, per Section 1129B,3.3, 15, Show that a bumper or curb is to be provided, and located at each space, to prevent encroachment of cars into the required width of walkways, per Section 1129B.3.3, 16, Show or note that the maximum slope of the parking surface at the accessible space and adjacent access aisle, in any direction, is < 1:50 (2%), per Section 11298,3.4. 17, Show or note on the plans that the accessible parking spaces are to be identified by a reflectorized sign, permanently posted immediately adjacent to and visible from each space, consisting of: a) A profile view of a wheelchair with occupant in white on dark blue background, b) The sign shall >70 in^ in area; When in the path of travel, they shall be posted >80" from the bottom of the sign to parking space finished grade, c) Signs may also be centered on the wall of the interior end of the parking space >36" from the parking space finished grade, ground or sidewalk, d) Spaces complying with Section 11298,4,2 shall have an additional sign "Van-Accessible" mounted below the symbol of accessibility per Section 11298,4, e) In addition, the surface of each accessible space is required to be marked with the international symbol of accessibility, 18, Show, or note, that an additional sign shall also be posted in a conspicuous place at each entrance to off street parking facilities, or immediately adjacent to and visible from each stall or space. The sign shall be >17" x 22" with lettering not <1" in height. Per Section 11298,4 required wording is as follows. "Unauthorized vehicles parked in designated accessible spaces not displaying distinguishing placards or license plates issued for persons with disabilities may be towed away at owner's expense. Towed vehicles may be reclaimed at or by telephoning 19, Show that all vertical entrances to, and vertical clearances within, parking structures have a vertical clearance of >8'-2" where required for access to accessible parking spaces, per Section 11 SOB. 20, The words "NO PARKING" shall be painted on the ground within each loading and unloading access aisle (in white letters no less than 12" high and located so that it is visible to traffic enforcement officials). Section 11298.3,3, • CURB RAMPS 21, Curb ramps shall be constructed where a pedestrian way crosses a curb or at each corner of a street intersection, per Section 11278,5,1, 22, Plans shall show that curb ramps are >48" wide with a slope of si :12 (8,33%), per Seclions 11278,5,2 and 11278,5,3, The lower end of each curb ramp shall have a V2" lip beveled 45°, per Section 11278,5,5, 23, Show that the landing at the top of the curb shall be level and >48" depth for the entire width ofthe curb ramp. Section 11276,5.4. 24, The slope ofthe fanned or flared sides of curb ramps shall not exceed 1:10, per Section 11278.5.3. 25, Show or note that the surface of all curb ramps and the flared sides are to be slip resistant, and contrasting from the adjacent sidewalk finish, per Section 11276,5,5, 26, Provide details or note on the plans that all curb ramps have a grooved border 12" wide at the level surface of the sidewalk along the top and each side approximately ^/V o.c, per Section 11278.5.6. CARLSBAD 10-1660 SEPT. 24, 2010 27. Show that detectable warnings, extending the full width and depth of the curb ramp, inside the grooved border, are to be installed for all curb ramps (regardless of slope), per Section 1127B.5,7, These consist of raised truncated domes with a diameter of 0,9" at the base, tapering to 0.45" at the top. Spacing shall be 2,35" o,c. Only approved DSA/AC detectable warning products and directional surfaces shall be installed. 28. Locate curb ramps to prevent obstruction by blocked cars, per Section 11278.5.8, • WALKS ANP SIPEWALKS 29. If any proposed walks slope >1:20 (5%) they must comply with ramp requirements, per Section 11336.5,1, 30. Walks along an accessible route of travel are required to be >48" minimum in width and have slip resistant surfaces, per Section 11338.7. 31. The maximum permitted cross slope shall be %" per ft., per Section 11336.7.1.3, 32. Show or note that any abrupt level changes will be <Vi along any accessible route of travel. When changes do occur, they shall be beveled with a slope of <1:2. Level changes of <%" may be vertical, NOTE: If level changes >V-i \ they must comply with the requirements of curb ramps, 33. Show that a 60" x 60" level area is provided at areas where a door (or gate) swings toward the walk in the accessible route of travel, per Section 1133B,7,5, Show that the walk extends >24" beyond the strike edge of the strike edge of any door (or gate) that swings toward the walk, 34. Show or note that >80" headroom is to be provided from all walkway surfaces to obstructions, per Section 11336,8,2, • PEPESTRIAN RAMPS • Note there are no ramps on this proiect or provide details and references on plans: • ENTRANCES ANP CIRCULATION 35. Specify that all entrances, and exterior ground level exits, are accessible, per Section 11336,1, 36. Every corridor serving an occupant load of 10 or more shall not be less than 44" in width. Section 11336,3,1, Corridors sen/ing an occupant load of less than 10 shall not be less than 36" in width. 37. Floors of a given story shall be a common level throughout, or shall be connected by pedestrian ramps, or elevators. Section 1120B,1, . POORS 38. Show or note that all hand-activated door opening hardware meets the following requirements, per Section 11338,2.5.2: a) Latching, or locking, doors in a path of travel are operated with a single effort by lever type hardware, by panic bars, push-pull activating bars, or other hardware designed to provide passage without requiring the ability to grasp the opening hardware, b) Is to be centered >30" but S44" above floor, 39. Show or note that the maximum effort to operate doors shall not exceed S-Vi pounds for exterior doors and 5 pounds for interior doors, with such pull or push effort being applied at right angles to hinged doors and at the center plane of sliding or folding doors. When fire doors are utilized, the maximum effort to operate the door may be increased to not exceed 15 pounds. Section 11336.2.5. 40. Show or note that the lower 10" of all doors comply with Section 11336.2.6, as follows: a) To be smooth and uninterrupted, to allow the door to be opened by a wheelchair footrest, without creating a trap or hazardous condition. b) Narrow frame doors may use a 10" high smooth panel on the push side of the door, 41. Show that the minimum strike edge distances are provided at the level area on the side to which a door (or a gate) swings, per Section 11338.2.4.3: CARLSBAD 10-1660 SEPT. 24, 2010 a) >24" at exterior conditions; >18" at interior conditions, b) >12" on the push side, if the door has both a latch and a closer. Figure 118-26A, c) Where a door is located in a recess or alcove where the distance from the face of the wall to the face of the door is greater than 8 inches, the above clearances shall apply. Section 11336,2,4.5. 42. Show a level area, or landing, per Section 11338.2,4,2: a) >60" in the direction of door swing. b) >48" in the direction opposite the door swing (or 44" if doors don't have latches or closers). . SPECIAL HAZARPS 43. Provide details or interior elevations to show that objects projecting from walls with their leading edges comply with Section 11336.8,6: a) >27" but <80" above finished floor protrude <4" into walks, halls, corridors, passageways or aisles, b) <27" or >80" above finished floor may protrude any amount. c) Freestanding objects mounted on posts or pylons may overhang <12" into the walk, hall, etc. if >27" but s80" above ground surface or finished floor, 44. If a walk crosses or adjoins a vehicular way and walking surfaces are not separated by curbs or other elements, show that the boundary is defined, per Sec, 11336,8,5, by a continuous detectable warning which is: a) Only approved DSA/AC detectable warning products and directional surfaces shall be installed, b) >36" in width. • STAIRWAYS ANP HANPRAILS The following provisions apply to stairways with one or more risers, per Section 1002.1. 45. Show that handrails are provided on each side of the stairs, per Section 11338.4.1.1. Exception: Private stairways 30" or less in height may have handrails on one side only. 46. Show or note that interior stair treads are marked at the upper approach and the lower tread of each stair, by a strip of clearly contrasting color, per Section 11336.4,4, as follows: a) At least 2" wide (but not more than 4" wide). b) Placed parallel to and not more than 1" from the nose ofthe step or landing. c) The strip shall be as slip resistant as the other treads of the stair. • ACCESSIBLE MEANS OF EGRESS (IBC Section 1007) Note: Previously, Refuge Areas were not required in buildings having supervised sprinkler systems. This is no longer the case (except for most 2 story buildings). 47. All required accessible spaces shall be provided with accessible means of egress equal in number to the number of exits required by Sections 1015 and 1019. CSC Section 1007.1. Exception: Accessible means of egress are not required in alterations to existing buildings. 48. Accessible means of egress shall be continuous to the public way and shall consist of the following components, per CBC Section 1007,2, as applicable: a) Stairs, Section 1007.3, i) Stairs shall be enclosed, per Section 1007.2, unless unenclosed stainways are permitted by Section 1020.1. ii) Where an exit stairway is open to the exterior, the accessible means of egress shall include either an area of refuge or an exterior area for assisted rescue. Section 1007,2, iii) In order to be considered part of an accessible means of egress, exit stairways shall have a clear width of not less than 48" between handrails (not 48" between walls). This is not required in buildings protected throughout by an approved automatic sprinkler system. CARLSBAD 10-1660 SEPT. 24, 2010 iv) Exit stainways that are part of an accessible means of egress shall incorporate either an area of refuge within the stainway with an enlarged story-level landing, or shall be accessed from an area of refuge or a horizontal exit (see figures below). CBC Section 1007.3 CARLSBAD 10-1660 SEPT. 24, 2010 M/«NTAIN MINIMUM REQUIRED CLEAR EGRESS WIDTH (SECTIONS 1005.1,1009.1 4 1017.2) / PROVIDE SIGNAGE (SECTIONS 1007.6, 1007.6.5, 1007,7 4 1110,3) PROVIDE INSTRUCTIONS AND TWO-WAY COMMUNICATION (SECTIONS 1007,6,3 & 1007,6.4) 30" X 48" WHEELCHAIR SPACE (SECTION 1007.6,1) •or SI; 1 inch = 25,4 mm. Figure 1007.3(1) ACCESSIBLE MEANS OF EGRESS STAIRWAY WITH ENLARGED STORY-LEVEt LAWDIMrt CARLSBAD 10-1660 SEPT. 24, 2010 MAINTAIN MINIMUM REQUIRED CLEAR EGRESS WIDTH (SECTIONS 1005.1 & 107.2) AREA OF REFUGE • SMOKE BARRIER (SECTION 709) li 30" X 48" WHEELCHAIR SPACE (SECTION 1007.6.1) ACCESSIBLE ROUTE WITH MANEUVERING CLEARANCE AT DOORS PROVIDE SIGNAGE (SECTIONS 1007,6.5,1007.7 & 1110.3) PROVIDE INSTRUCTIONS AND TWO-WAY COMMUNICATION (SECTIONS 1007.6.3 & 1007.6.4) For SI: 1 inch = 25,4 mm. Figure 1007.3(2) ACCESSIBLE MEANS OF EGRESS STAIRWAY ACCESSED FROM AN AREA OF REFUGE v) Wheelchair spaces within stainways (or the refuge areas adjacent to stairways) shall not reduce the required egress width. CSC Section 1007..6.1 b) Elevators. Sections 1007.2.1 and 1007.4. i) In buildings 5 or more stories, elevators must comply with Section 1007,4 (which includes the need for standby power, etc). ii) In buildings less than 5 stories, designers have the option whether elevators are to be considered part of the accessible means of egress (to limit travel distance or to satisfy other provisions of the code). If this option is taken, compliance with Section 1007.4 must be shown. c) Areas of Refuge. Sections 1007.6. i) Each area of refuge shall be sized to accommodate two wheelchair spaces that are not less than 30" x 48" each. CSC Section 1007.6.1. a) The enforcing agency may reduce the size to accommodate one wheelchair space on floors where the occupant load is less than 200. ii) Areas of refuge that are not within a stair enclosure shall be separated from other areas by a smoke barrier with a one-hour fire-resistance rating extending to the roof or floor deck above. Doors through such smoke barrier walls shall be 20-minute fire-rated assemblies. CSC Section 1007.6.3 CARLSBAD 10-1660 SEPT. 24, 2010 iii) A minimum wheelchair space of 30" by 48" shall be provided for each 200 occupants served by the area of refuge. CSC Section 1007.6 iv) Wheelchair spaces shall not reduce required exit width. CSC Section 1007.6. v) A button complying with Section 11178,6 in the area of refuge shall activate both a light in the area of refuge indicating that rescue has been requested and a light at the central control point indicating that rescue is being requested, A button at the central control point shall activate both a light at the central control point and t a light in the area of refuge indicating thatthe request has been received, C8C Section 1007,6,3,1, vi) Areas of refuge shall be provided with a two-way communication system to a central control point. If the central control point is not constantly attended, the area of refuge shall also have controlled access to a public telephone system, CSC Section 1007.6 vii) Specify on the plans that the areas of refuge will comply with Section 1007,6,4, viii) Areas of refuge shall be identified by a sign stating AREA OF REFUGE and an international symbol of accessibility, CBC Section 1007.6 d) Exterior Areas for Assisted Rescue. Sections 1007.8, i) If exterior areas are used for assisted rescue, they must comply with the size requirements for Areas of Refuge in Section 1007.6.1. ii) Where walls or openings are between the exterior areas and the interior of the building, the building exterior walls within 10' horizontally of a nonrated wall or unprotected opening shall have a fire-resistance rating of not less than 1 hour. Openings within such exterior walls shall have a rating of not less than '/i-hour. This construction shall extend vertically from the ground to a point 10' above the floor level of the area for assisted rescue (or to the roof line, whichever is lower). Section 1007.8. iii) Exterior stairways that are part of the exterior area for assisted rescue shall provide a clear width of 48" between handrails. There is no exception to this requirement, even if the building has a sprinkler system. CARLSBAD 10-1660 SEPT. 24, 2010 MANEUVERING CLEARANCE PER ICC Al 17,1 RESCUE ASSISTANCE EXTERIOR AREA OF RESCUE ASSISTANCE '/--HOUR OPENING PROTECTIVE 1-HOUR PROTECTION %-HOUR OPENING PROTECTIVE 10'-0" MIN. OR ROOF LINE RESCUE ASSISTANCE EXTERIOR AREA OF RESCUE ASSISTANCE iv) The exterior area shall be at least 50% open, and the open area above the guards shall be distributed as to minimize the accumulation of smoke or toxic gases. v) Exterior areas for assisted rescue shall have identification as required for Areas of Refuge that complies with Section 1007.6.5. 49. At exits and elevators that don't provide an accessible means of egress, signage shall be installed, indicating the location of accessible means of egress. Section 1007.7. CARLSBAD 10-1660 SEPT. 24, 2010 . ELEVATORS 50, Show on the plans to show that the inside of the elevator car complies with the following, per Section 11166.1.8. The clear distances between walls, or between the walls and the door, excluding return panels, is: a) >80" by 54" (at center opening doors). b) >68" by 54" (at side-slide opening doors). i) In California, Section 3002,4A was modified for Group A, E, H, I, L and R occupancies, along with high-rise buildings, to require an elevator sized to accommodate the loading and transport of an ambulance gurney with dimensions of 84 inches by 24 inches. c) The distance from walls to return panel is >51". 51, Show that a handrail is provided on one wall of the car, preferably the rear, per Section 11168.11. The rails shall be smooth and the inside surface >1 Vs" clear ofthe walls at a height of 32"±1" from the floor, 52, Show, or note, that call operation buttons are to be S42" above the floor, per Section 11166,1,10. . SANITARY FACILITIES 53, Where separate facilities are provided for persons of each sex, these facilities shall be accessible to persons with disabilities. Where unisex facilities are provided, these facilities shall be accessible to persons with disabilities, per Section 11158.2. 54, Where facilities are to be used solely by children, the specific heights may be adjusted to meet their accessibility needs, per Section 11156,1,2, 55, Show that passageways leading to sanitary facilities have required clear access widths, per Section 11156.5. Show that all doonways have: a) >32" clear opening. b) A clear area: >60" in the direction of the door swing; >44" away from the direction of door swing. c) All strike edge clearance dimensions are required to be met (i.e. 18" strike edge distance). 56, Note that the doonways leading to sanitary facilities shall be identified, per Section 11156.6, as follows: a) An equilateral triangle YV thick with edges 12" long and a vortex pointing upward at men's rest rooms. b) A circle VA" thick, 12" in diameter at women's rest rooms. c) The required symbols shall be centered on the door at a height of 60". d) Braille signage shall also be located on the wall adiacent to the latch outside of the doonways leading tothe sanitary facilities, per Section 11178.5.1. e) A 12" diameter circle with a triangle superimposed on the circle and within the 12" diameter at unisex rest rooms, . MULTIPLE ACCOMMODATION SANITARY FACILITIES 57, Show that the accessible rest room is to be provided with a 60" minimum diameter clear space measured from the floor to a height of 27 inches. NOTE: Doors (other than the door to the accessible toilet compartment) in any position may encroach into this space by not more than 12 inches, per Section 11158,3,1, 58, Doors shall not swing into the clear floor space required for any fixture within the toilet facility. Section 11156,3,1,2, 59, Show that at least one water closet fixture, located in a compartment, shall provide the following, per Section 11156,3,1.4: a) >28" clear space from a fixture (or >32" clear space from a wall) at one side. b) The other side of the water closet shall provide 18" from the centeriine of the water closet to the wall. c) The compartment shall be a minimum of 60" wide. CARLSBAD 10-1660 SEPT. 24, 2010 d) Clear space in front of the water closet shall be: i) >48" if the compartment has an end opening door; >60" is required for side opening doors. e) Grab bars shall not project more than 3" into the clear spaces indicated. 60. If the water closet compartment has an end-opening door (facing the water closet), the door shall be located on a diagonal to the water closet, with a maximum stile width of 4 inches (see the figure below). Additionally, the door must be provided with a clearance of at least 18" at the strike side. 61. Show or note, per Section 1115B.3,1,4 that the doors to the accessible water closet compartment will be equipped with a self closing device with: a) >32" clear opening width when located at the end of the compartment. b) >34" clear opening width when located at the side of the compartment. 62. The door into the accessible water closet compartment shall be provided with a clearance of at least 18" at the strike side of the door, per Section 11158,3.1,4,5, Additionally, such doors shall have a clear space of not less than 48" as measured at right angles to the door in its closed position, 63. When 6 or more water closets are provided within a multiple-accommodation toilet room, show the additional requirements given in Section 1115B.3.1.5. • SINGLE ACCOMMOPATION FACILITIES 64. Show a sufficient space in the toilet room for a wheelchair to enter the room and close the door, per Section 11158.3.2. The space is required to be: a) >60" diameter; A T-shaped space as shown in Figure 11 B-12(a) and (b). b) Doors are not permitted to encroach into this space by more than 12 inches. 65. Show that the water closet is located in a space, per Section 11158,3,2,3, which provides: a) A minimum side clearance of either: i) >28" from a fixture. This clearance shall extend all the way to the rear wall. Section 11158,4,1.1. This will generally require the toilet room to be 7' wide (along the rear wall) by 6-6" in the other direction. ii) >32" from a wall on one side. This clearance shall extend all the way to the rear wall. b) A clear space in front of the water closet measuring 60" wide by 48" in front. Section 11156,4,1,2. 66. Doors in the room shall not swing into the clear floor space required for any fixture. Maintain the required clearances at the lavatory/water closet without the entry door swinging into those areas. Section 11156.3.2,2, . RESTROOM FIXTURES ANP ACCESSORIES 67. Show, or note, on the plans that the accessible water closets meet the following requirements, per Section 11158,4.1: a) The seat is to be >17" but si 9" in height. b) The controls for flush valves shall be: Mounted on the side of the toilet area; Be <44" above the floor. 68. Show, or note, on the plans that accessible urinals meet the following requirements, per Section 11158,4,2: a) The rim of at least one urinal shall: Project at least 14" from the wall; 6e S17" above the floor, b) The control mechanism is to be located <44" above the floor, c) >30" x 48" clear floor space is provided in front ofthe accessible urinal. Section 11158.4.2. 69. Show that accessible lavatories comply with the following, per Sections 11156.4.3: a) >30" x 48" clear space is provided in front for forward approach. The clear space may include knee and toe space beneath the fixture. CARLSBAD 10-1660 SEPT. 24, 2010 b) When lavatories are adjacent to a side wall or partition, there shall be a minimum of 18" to the center line of the fixture to the wall. c) The counter top is <34" maximum above the floor. d) >29" high, reducing to 27" at a point located 8" back from the front edge, e) >9" high x 30" wide and 17" deep at the bottom; Hot water pipes and drain lines are insulated, 70, Show that grab bars comply with the following, per Section 11156,4: a) Grab bars shall be located on each side or one side and the back of the water closet stall or compartment, b) They shall be securely attached 33" above the floor, and parallel, NOTE: Where a tank-type toilet is used which obstructs placement at 33", the grab bar may be installed as high as 36". c) Grab bars at the side shall be located: i) 15" to 1 QVi' (±1") from the center line of the water closet stool. ii) Be >42" long with the front end positioned 24" in front ofthe stool, iii) Total length of bars at the back shall be >36", d) The diameter, or width, of the grab bar gripping surface is >1 Vi' but si Vi\ or the shape shall provide an equivalent gripping surface, e) If mounted adjacent to a wall, the space between the wall and the grab bar shall be 1 Va", 71, Per Section 11158,8, show on the plans <40" height for: a) The operable parts of at least one: i) Paper towel dispenser; Sanitary napkin dispenser; Waste paper disposal, ii) Other similar dispensing and/or disposal fixtures, b) The bottom edge of mirrors. 72, If showers are proposed, show or note compliance with the following requirements, per Section 1115B,4,4: a) Size and Clearance, Accessible showers shall comply with one of the following: i) Roll-in shower 60 inches minimum in width between wall surfaces and 30 inches in depth with a full opening width on the long side. Shower compartment size and clear floor space shall comply with Figure 11B-2A. ii) Alternate roll-in shower 60 inches minimum in width between the wall surfaces and 36 inches in depth with an entrance opening width of 36 inches minimum. Shower compartment size and clear floor space shall comply with Figure 11B-2B. iii) Alternate roll-in shower 60 inches minimum in width between the wall surfaces and 36 inches in depth as long as the entrance opening width is a minimum of 36 inches. Shower compartment size and clear floor space shall comply with Figure 11B-2C. b) Threshold in roll-in type showers shall be V-i inch in high max and shall comply with Section 11248.2. c) Orientation. Where within the same functional area, two or more accessible showers are provided, there shall be at least one shower constructed opposite hand from the other or others (i,e,, one left- hand control versus right-hand control). d) Water controls shall be of a single-lever design, operable with one hand, and shall not require grasping, pinching or twisting of the wrist. The center line of the controls shall be located at 40 inches above the shower floor, i) Controls in a 60-inch minimum by 30-inch minimum shall be located on the back wall ofthe compartment adjacent to the seat and the centerline of the controls shall be within a range of no less than 19 inches and no more than 27 inches from the seat wall as shown in Figure 11B-2A. ii) Controls in a 60-inch minimum by 36-inch minimum alternate roll-in shower shall be located on the side wall of the compartment adjacent to the seat and the centeriine of the controls CARLSBAD 10-1660 SEPT. 24, 2010 shall be within a range of no less than 19 inches and no more than 27 inches from the seat wall as shown in Figure 118-28. iii) Controls in a 60-inch minimum by 36-inch minimum alternate roll-in shower with optional enclosure shall be located on the back wall of the compartment adjacent to the seat and the centerline ofthe controls shall be within a range of no less than 19 inches and no more than 27 inches from the seat wall as shown in Figure 11B-2C. e) A flexible hand-held shower unit is required with at least a hose 60 inches long thaf can be both used as a fixed shower head and hand held. This unit shall be mounted such that the top ofthe mounting bracket is a maximum of 48 inches above the shower floor. i) The hand held sprayer unit a 60-inch minimum by 30-inch minimum shall be located on the back wall of the compartment adjacent to the seat and the centerline of the controls shall be within a range of no less than 19 inches and no more than 27 inches from the seat wall as shown in Figure 116-2A ii) The hand held sprayer unit in a 60-inch minimum by 36-inch minimum alternate roll-in shower shall be located on the side wall of the compartment adjacent to the seat and the centeriine of the controls shall be within a range of no less than 19 inches and no more than 27 inches from the seat wall as shown in Figure 118-28. iii) The hand held sprayer unit in a 60-inch minimum by 36-inch minimum alternate roll-in shower with optional enclosure shall be located on the back wall of the compartment adjacent to the seat and the centeriine of the controls shall be within a range of no less than 19 inches and no more than 27 inches from the seat wall as shown in Figure 116-2C, f) Two wall-mounted heads may be installed in lieu ofthe hand-held unit in areas subject to excessive vandalism. (Except within guest room and suites of hotels, motels and similar transient lodging establishments) Each shower head shall be installed so that it can be operated independently ofthe other and shall have swivel angle adjustments both vertically and horizontally. One head shall be located at a height of 48 inches above the floor. g) The floor slope shall be a maximum of 2% in any direction. Where drains are provided, the grate shall have openings % inch maximum and located flush with the floor surface. h) Indicate on the plans a folding seat, located on the wall adiacent to the controls, 18" above the floor and shall not extend more than 6 inches from the wall. The seat dimensions and mounting position shall complywith Figures 116-2A, 11B-2B, 118-2C. i) Grab bars complying with Section 1115B.4.4.8 shall be located: i) On walls adjacent to and opposite the seat; Mounted >33" but s36" above the shower floor. ii) Grab bars shall not extend into that portion of the wall over the seat. See Figures 11B-2A, 11B-2B, 11B-2C j) The soap dish when provided shall be located on the control wall <40" above the shower floor and within reach limits from the seat. Section 11156.4.4.9. k) Enclosures when provided for shower compartments shall not obstruct controls or obstruct transfer from wheelchairs onto the shower seat. GENERAL ACCESSIBILITY REQUIREMENTS • PRINKING FOUNTAINS • The following provisions apply if drinking fountains are indicated on the plans 73. Plans shall indicate that drinking fountains comply with Section 11156.4.6 as either: a) Located completely in an alcove, >32" in width and >18" in depth. b) Positioned to not encroach into accessible pedestrian ways. 74. The drinking fountain shall be a minimum of 18 inches in depth and there shall be clear and unobstructed knee space under the drinking fountain not less than 27 inches in height and 8 inches in depth, the depth measurements being taken from the front edge ofthe fountain. Additionally, there shall be toe clearance of 9 inches in height above the floor and 17 inches in height above the floor and 17 inches in depth from the front edge ofthe fountain. A side approach drinking fountain is not acceptable. Section 11156.4,6, CARLSBAD 10-1660 SEPT. 24, 2010 75. Drinking fountains shall be accessible to individuals who use wheelchairs and to those who have difficulty bending or stooping. This can be accommodated by the use of "hi-low" fountains. Section 1115B,4,6, 76. Note on the plans that the drinking fountain(s) will comply with all applicable Title 24 provisions (bubbler height, etc.). . CONTROLS ANO OPERATING MECHANISMS 77. The highest and lowest operable parts of all controls, dispensers, receptacles and other operable equipmenf shall be placed within 48" of the floor but not lower than 15" for fonward approach (or within 54" but not lower than 9" if side approached). Electrical and communication system receptacles on walls shall be mounted no less than 15" above the floor. Section 1117B.6.3. 78. Note on the plans that controls and operating mechanisms shall comply with the requirements of Section 11178.6. • SIGNAGE 79. Per Section 1011,3, tactile exit signs shall be required at the following locations: a) Wherever basic CBC provisions require exit signs from a room or area to a corridor or hallway. The tactile exit sign shall have the words, "EXIT ROUTE," b) Each grade-level exit door. The tactile exit sign shall have the word, "EXIT," c) Each exit door that leads directly to a grade-level exterior exit by means of a stainway or ramp. The tactile exit sign shall have the following words as appropriate: i) "EXIT STAIR DOWN."; "EXIT STAIR UP," d) Each exit door that leads directly to a grade-level exterior exit by means of an exit enclosure or an exit passageway. The tactile exit sign shall have the words, "EXIT ROUTE," e) Each exit door through a horizontal exit. The tactile exit sign shall have the words, "TO EXIT." 80. Tactile stair level identification signs (complying with Section 11178.5.1) shall be located at each floor level landing in all enclosed stairways in buildings two or more stories in height to identify the floor level. At the exit discharge level, the sign shall include a raised five-pointed star located to the left ofthe identifying floor level. Section 1020.1.6. 81. Where permanent identification is provided for rooms and spaces, raised letters shall also be provided and shall be accompanied by Braille. Section 11178.5. 82. Provide a note on the plans stating that the signage requirements of Section 11178.5 will be satisfied. . COUNTERS ANP TABLES 83. Where fixed or built-in counters or tables are provided for the public, and in general employee areas, 5% (but never less than one) must be accessible. Section 1122B.1. 84. The tops of tables and counters shall be 28" to 34" from the floor. Where a single counter contains more than one transaction station, such as a bank counter with multiple teller window or a retail sales counter with multiple cash register stations, at least 5% (but never less than one of each type of stafion) shall be located at a secfion of counter that is at least 36" long and no more than 28" to 34" high, Secfion 11228,4, . ALARMS 85. Per Sections 907,9.1, 11146.2.2 and 1007.9, when emergency warning systems or fire alarms are provided, there shall also be approved notification appliances for the hearing impaired, installed in accordance with nafional standards in the following areas: i) Restrooms; Corridors; Multipurpose rooms; Occupational shops; Lobbies; Meeting rooms ii) Occupied rooms where ambient noise impairs hearing of the fire alarm 86. Provide a note on the plans stating that the audible and visual alarms will comply with the provisions of Titte 24 Section 907. . GROUP A OCCUPANCIES CARLSBAD 10-1660 SEPT. 24, 2010 87, Note that assistive listening device systems shall be installed in the following areas for people with hearing impainnents, per Section 11046,2; a) Assembly areas; Conference and meeting rooms; Similar areas, b) The number of personal receivers required to be available shall be equal to 4% of the total seats provided, but >2, 88, Note on the plans that proper signage indicafing the presence of assistive listening devices shall be posted in a prominent place, per Section 1104B.2,4. 89, Revise plans to show that a permanent assistive listening device system is provided, per Section 11046.2.6 for areas with fixed seating and an occupant load of >50. 90, Show that dining, banquet and bar facilifies are accessible, per Secfion 11048,5, as follows: a) Access is provided at primary entrances and exits as required by Secfion 11336,1,1, b) Fixed seating, counters and/or tables shall comply with Section 11048,5,4 as follows: i) Wheelchair access is required to all areas where each type of funcfional acfivity occurs, ii) Each dining, banquet and bar area shall have one wheelchair seafing space for each 20 seats, with >1 space per functional area. c) Access to these seats shall be by main aisles >36" in clear width. d) Accessible seats are integrated with the general seafing to allow a reasonable selecfion of seafing area and to avoid having one area specifically highlighted. e) Food service aisles shall be a >36" clear width, with a preferred width of 42", where passage of stopped wheelchairs by pedestrians is desired. f) Restrooms shall be accessible. g) Access to food preparation areas comply with the provisions for entrance doors and doonways, and aisles. . GROUP R OCCUPANCIES 91, Hotels and similar places of transient lodging shall comply with the following provisions per secfion 11118,4, 92, Fully accessible guest rooms and suites shall incorporate the requirements, together with their sanitary facilities as per the following items and Table 118-3, Accessible suites of rooms shall be dispersed among the various classes to provide a range of options regarding room size, cost, amenities and number of beds. All rooms shall comply with section 1111 B.4.5 for hearing impaired guests. a) 1 for each 25 rooms up to 100; 1 for each addifional 50 rooms up to 200. b) 1 for each addifional 100 rooms upto 500; Between 501 and 1000.„2% of total. c) Over 1000. .20 plus 1 for each additional 100. d) In addifion to rooms required above, the same number of rooms shall be provided with the following features: i) Auxiliary visual alarms in compliance with secfion 11118.4.5.1. ii) Visual Notification Devices to alert the room occupants of incoming telephone calls and a door knock or bell. These devices shall not be connected to auxiliary signal appliances, iii) Permanenfiy installed phones shall have volume controls and an accessible electrical oufiet within 48" to allow the use of a text phone. 93, Accessible rooms with roll-in showers shall be provided as follows: a) 1 for between 51 and 100 rooms; 2 for between 101 and 200 rooms. b) 3 for between 201 and 300 rooms; 4 for between 301 and 400 rooms. c) 4 plus 1 for each addifional 100 rooms. CARLSBAD 10-1660 SEPT. 24, 2010 94. Accessible sleeping rooms shall provide 36" clear width maneuvering space along both sides of a bed, or between two beds. 95. Public rooms and common use areas shall be made accessible as required by other sections. Sec. 1111B.2. 96. Recreafional facilifies, when provided, including swimming pools shall comply with secfions 11048.4.3 and 1132B,2, Section 11118,3, 97. When kitchen accommodafions are provided, the number of such accommodafions shall be equal to units provided per Table 11 b-3. a) Kitchens shall be designed and constructed to provide a minimum clear space of 60" between cabinet fronts, countertops or walls for all U-shaped kitchen areas, and a minimum of 48" for all other designs. Portions are required to be removable if less than 60" clearance is provided. See section 11118.5.4.3,11118,5,4,3,1 and 11118.5,4,3.2. b) Countertops other than those made of tile, stone or cultured stone, shall be constructed to provide the following: i) A minimum linear length of 30" at the kitchen sink and a work surface, both of which are to be designed to enable repositioning to a minimum height of 28", ii) The base of fhe cabinets directly under the sink and work surface areas which are designed for reposifioning shall be removable to provide for wheelchair clearance, iii) The sides and back of adjacent cabinets, which may become exposed to moisture or food handling when a countertop is lowered, shall be constructed of durable, nonabsorbent material appropriate for such uses, iv) Finished flooring shall be installed beneath such countertops, v) Lower shelving and/or drawer space shall be provided in the kitchen at a height of no more than 48", 98. Bathrooms in the accessible rooms shall comply with the following; a) Doors shall not swing into the required clear floor space for any fixture, b) There must be a minimum clear floor space of 30" by 60", The clear floor spaces at fixtures and controls, accessible route and turning space may overiap, c) Water closets must comply with secfions 11158 and 1502.0 ofthe California Plumbing Code. This will require the following clearance: i) >60" diameter (or the T-shaped space from Figure 118-12. Poors are not permitted to encroach into this space by more than 12 inches. d) Show that the water closet is located in a space, per Secfion 111567,2, which provides: i) A minimum side clearance of either: a) >28" from a fixture; >32" from a wall on one side, ii) >48" clear space in front of the water closet. e) Lavatories and mirrors shall comply with secfions 11158.9 & 1504.0 of the California Plumbing Code. f) If tubs or showers are provided, at least one shall be accessible in compliance with secfion 11156,6,1 and 1506.0 ofthe California Plumbing Code for tubs or 11158.6.2 and 1505,0 for showers, 99. 6athrooms in all remaining units shall comply with the following; a) All bathroom fixtures shall be in a location that allows a person using a wheelchair measuring 30" by 48" to touch the wheelchair to any lavatory, urinal, water closet, tub, sauna, shower stall and any other similar sanitary installation if provided. b) All bathroom entrance doors shall have a clear opening width of 32" and shall be either sliding doors or shall be hung to swing in the direction of egress from the bathroom. CARLSBAD 10-1660 SEPT. 24, 2010 [DO NOT PAY- THIS IS NOT AN INVOICE] VALUATION AND PLAN CHECK FEE JURISDICTION: CARLSBAD PLANCHECKNO.: 10-1660 PREPARED BY: ALI SADRE DATE: SEPT. 24, 2010 BUILDING ADDRESS: Intersection of Carlsbad Blvd. 8B Ponto Drive BUILDING OCCUPANCY: R1/S2 TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: V-A/II-B BUILDING PORTION AREA (Sq. Ft.) Valuation Multiplier Reg, Mod, VALUE ($) HOTEL 204613 PARKING 94630 Air Conditioning Fire Sprinklers TOTAL VALUE 18,616,671 Jurisdiction Code CB By Ordinance I Bldg, Permit Fee by Ordinance • | I Plan Check Fee by Ordinance Type of Review: F Complete Review r structural Only r" Repetitive Fee Repeats r other j— Hourly EsGil Fee Nr. @ $39,760.54 $25,844.35 $22,265.90 Comments: Sheet 1 of 1 macvalue.doc + ENGINEERING PLAN CHECK COMMENTS UTL » SOLTEK PACIFIC V CONSTRUCTION Transmittal Cover Sheet Detailed, Grouped by Each Transmittal Number 861 - Hilton Carlsbad Oceanfront Resort & Spa Project # 01-0861 Intersection of Carisbad Blvd. and Ponto Drive, Tel: (760)438-0034 Fax: (760)438-0062 Carisbad, CA Date: 2/22/2011 Reference Number: 0003 Transmitted To Trahsmitted By Grant Clavier Johno Ortega Construction Management & Inspection Soltek Pacific Construction Company 5950 El Camino Real 2424 Congress Street Cartsbad, CA 92008 SanDiego, CA 92110-2888 Cell Phone: (760) 802-8783 Tel: 619-296-6247 Cell Phone: (760) 802-8783 Fax:619-296-0730 1 1 Acknowledgement Required Package Transmitted For Delivered Via Tracking Number Review, Submission, Approval, Signature Hand Delivered at Jobsite Request To Release Review, Submission, Approval, Signature Building Pad for Building Permit ltem# Qty Item Reference Description Notes Status Cc: CompanyName Contact Name Copies Notes Remarks The Following Information Is Being Provided As Requested To Release The Building Pad For The Building Permit: 1. Letter of request from the developer. Soltek Pacific Constmction Document RE: Ponto Hilton / Grading Permit No.: GRI00017 (1 page) 2. 8 -1/2 X11 plan showing requested area. Acculine Survey HILTON RESORT #1393-11 BASEMENT CERT Document (1 page) 3. Preliminary soils report approved by the Soils Engineer. Interim Report Of Compaction Test Results From Group Delta Consultants 4. Engineer of Work certification of pad elevations. Acculine Survey BUILDING PAD CERTIFICATION Documents (2 pages) Signature Signe gned Date Prolog Manager Printed on: 2/22/2011 SPCC. '1'Zo6 foster Page 1 SOLTEK PACIFIC CONSTRUCTION Corporate Office 2424 Congress Street San Oisgo, CA 92110-2888 Phone 619-296^47 Fax 619-29G-7109 Estimating Fax 619-296-4314 EOE Contractor License 886641 wvw.soltekDadfc.com Job 0U761 RIMAC ANNEX and Woman's Softball Improvements University of Califomia, San Diego Phone TBD Fax TBD Tuesday, February 15,2011 City of Carlsbad 1635 Faiaday Ave. Carlsbad, CA 92008 RE: Ponto HUton Grading Permit No.: GR100017 Subject: Request To Release Building Pad for BuUding Permit This letter is requesting that the Engineering Department release the Building Pad for tiie Building Pennit. This Letter, in addition to the following infonnation is being provided as requested: 1. Letter of request from the developer. This letter is 2. 8-1/2 X 11 plat showing requested area. Provided by Acculine Survey. 3. Preliminary soils report ^proved by the Soils Engineer. 4. Engineer of Work certification of pad elevations. Provided by Acculine Siarey. Please advise of any other requirement that must be met to allow the Engineering Department to release the Building Pad for the Building Pennit. Sincerely, BenBun^ Project Manager AcCDLlNKSmVEY,lNa 1919 Grand Ave., Ste IG, SanDiego, CA 92109 (858)483-6665 • Fax (858) 483-6056 E-mail: acculmesurvey@sbqglobaljiet BUILDING PAD CERTIFICATION Fdmiary 15,2011 Soltdc Pacific Construction 2424 Congress St, Suite A SanDlego.CA 92110 Job No. 13093 Hilton Resort - Caiisbad Dear Sirs, Tbe grading for the basement pad was verifed on Febraary 14,2011 and is in substandal conformance with fhe approved Building Plans. The average elevation of said pad is wifhin 0.10' of flie pad elevation as shown on said plans, (floor is sloped and is variable, see attached sketeh), as follows: Plan Pad El Finish suifece minus 5" (0.42') As Built El AvCTage 0.43' Respectfully, Rudy P. Pacheco, LS • 1393pad.art end (2 sheets) HILTON CARLSBAD RESORT AND SPA BASEMENT PAD CERTIFICATION 2/15/2011 # Ex dirt elev. Design ft Dif. 706 50.94 51.35 0.41 707 50.95 51.36 0.41 708 50.84 51.35 0.S1 709 50.93 51.35 0.42 710 50.94 51.35 0.41 711 50.85 51.35 0-.50 712 50.87 51.35 0.48 713 50.86 51.35 0.38 714 51.00 51.35 0.35 715 50.94 51.35 0.41 718 50.77 51.35 0.58 717 50.62 51.35 0.73 718 50.66 51.36 0.70 719 51.05 51.35 0.30 720 60.89 51.35 0.46 721 50.89 51.35 0.46 722 50.93 51.35 0,42 723 50.93 51.35 0.42 724 50.98 51.35 0.37 725 51.09 51.35 0.27 726 50.66 51.18 0.32 727 51.03 51.18 0.15 728 51.03 51.35 0.32 729 51.05 51.35 0.30 730 51.11 51.35 054 731 51.08 51.35 0.29 732 51.19 51.35 0.16 733 50.85 51.35 050 734 50.88 51.03 0.15 735 50.91 51.35 0.44 736 50.69 51.10 0.41 737 50.32 50.78 0.46 738 50.^ 51.08 0.39 739 50.40 50.78 0.38 740 50.16 50.48 0.33 741 50.44 50.79 0.35 742 50.89 51.35 0.46 743 50.62 51.05 0.43 744 5051 51.36 0.45 745 50.58 51.07 0.48 746 50.42 50.76 0.34 747 50.63 51.02 0.40 748 50.99 51.40 0.41 T49 50.61 51.15 0.54 TSQ 50.97 51.32 O.SS 751 48.95 51.46 1.51 7S2 48.64 50.18 0.55 753 50.39 50.77 0.38 754 48.84 50.53 0.58 765 50.88 51.43 0.55 756 51.70 52.04 0.34 757 51.16 51.31 0.35 7^ 51.61 51.97 0.36 758 51.15 51.69 0.54 7&3 50.76 51.24 0.48 761 50.05 50.55 0.50 762 50.14 50.57 0.43 Means 0.43 1919 QRAHD AVE., 8TE. je DIEQO, CA 92109 183-6665 - FAX 483-6056 ACCUUNE SURVEY INC. .(is^tfffl AeCUUNE SURVEY, INC. laiS ORAMD AVB., STC. IQ SAN DIEOO, CA 92109 (6S8) 483-6665 - FAX 48S-60S6 IGROUP! CONSULT .ANTS Geotechnical Enfiii-y(ring H-i!drC'Geoiog;y' Eart-hquake Mat fid.-? Testing & i'lsp-iction TO: LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL Wave Crest Oceanfront, LLC 829 Second Street, Suite A Encinitas, CA 92024 DATE: ATTENTION: REGARDING: GDC PROJECT: 18 Februaiy 2011 John Yeakey 11-0046 SD126A We are transmitting the following attached items by: FAX Mail FAX No. Messenger Number of Faxed pages following this transmittal: Express Mail Hand Deliver Overnight Delivery: X Copies Date Description 1 2/18/11 Interim Report of Compaction Test Results Hilton Carlsbad Oceanfront Resort & Spa Remarks: Signed: r. Admin. /Assistant Copy To: 9245 Activity Road, Suite 103 • San Diego, CA 92126 • Tel. (858) 536-1000 • Fax (858) 536-8311 Aliso Viejo • (949)450-2100 • www.GroupDelta.com • Torrance* (310)320-5100 GROUP DELTA CONSULTANTS (icnti-vfituviil f arth quit ki- Matt rials /V vfin;; i'lnvnsit Sen inw February 18, 2011 Wave Crest Oceanfront, LLC 829 Second Street, Suite A Encinitas, California 92024 Attention: IVIr. John Yeakey SUBJECT: Mr. Yeakey: INTERIM REPORT OF COMPACTION TEST RESULTS Hilton Carisbad Oceanfront Resort & Spa Carisbad, Califomia This report summarizes the results of the testing and observation services provided by Group Delta Consultants during fine grading operations for the building pad areas at the subject site. The general contractor for this project was Soltek Pacific Construction. Grading operations were performed by Cutting Edge Grading. Our services were provided between January 18 and February 17, 2011. 1.0 PURPOSE AND SCOPE OF SERVICES This report and the associated geotechnical services were performed in general accordance with the provisions of the referenced proposal (Group Delta Consultants, 2010). Our field personnel were provided for this phase of the project in order to test and observe the remedial earthwork operations for the basement building pad areas. These observations and tests assisted us in developing professional opinions regarding wrtiether or not the geotechnical aspects of earthwork construction were conducted in general accordance with our geotechnical recommendations, and the geotechnical requirements of the City of Carlsbad. Our services did not include supervision or direction of the actual work of the contractor, his employees, or agents. Our services did include the following. As-needed consultation during grading, referenced in Appendix A. Pertinent letters and reports are !)2}.'>Actinly Riiud..Suite IDS A San Dk.!>n. California 9212S A mS) .m-1 IKIfl viikc A mfi) .iSli-SS 11 fa.x ln:ine. (949) 45il-2!mi A Torrdna: CA (310) 320-oiOO A Onlario. CA (909) mSoOO A El Centro. CA (760) 337-2067 www.OrmipDelld.com Interim Report of Compaction Test Results Hilton Carlsbad Oceanfront Resort & Spa Wave Crest Oceanfront, LLC QDC Project No. SD-126A February 18, 2011 Page 2 Observation of the preparation of the existing ground in order to confirm that earthwork was conducted in accordance with our recommendations. Performing field and laboratory tests on fill and the proposed pavement materials to support geotechnical recommendations and conclusions. Preparation of daily field reports summarizing the day's activity with regard to earthwork, and documenting hours spent in the field by our technicians. Preparation of this report which summarizes site preparation, field and laboratory test results, fill placement, and the compaction operations. 2.0 SITE DESCRIPTION The site is located just east of the Pacific Coast Highway, about 500 feet from the coastal bluffs of Carisbad State Beach. The site is bounded to the north by Ponto Road, to the south by existing commercial and residential buildings, to the west by Pacific Coast Highway, and to the east by the AT&SF Railway. The northern portion of the site contains compacted fill placed during grading for the adjacent residential development, as documented in the referenced report (SCST, 2000). Development will include construction of a 3-story wood-framed hotel, with a separate 3-story parking garage. Both structures have basement areas. Current plans indicate that hotel will have finish floor elevations of 62.4 to 63.6 feet, with the basement area at about 51.4 feet. The parking structure basement will have a finish floor elevation of about 42.0 feet. Site development will also include various pavements, drainage improvements, underground utilities and retaining structures. Ponto Road will be extended south. A swimming pool wnth surrounding flatwork and landscaping is proposed in the central courtyard. GROUP 3.0 GEOLOGY The site is located within the coastal plain section of the Peninsular Ranges geomorphic province of southern California. This province, which stretches from the Los Angeles basin to the tip of Baja California, is characterized as a series of northwest trending mountain ranges separated by subparallel fault zones, with a coastal plain of subdued landforms underlain by marine sediments. N:\Projects\SD\SD126A Carlsbad Hilton, GradingT&0\1 l-0046\ll-0046.doc Interim Report of Compaction Test Results Hilton Carlsbad Oceanfront Resort & Spa Wave Crest Oceaniix>nt, LLC GDC Project No. SD-126A Februaiy 18, 2011 Page 3 The site is underiain by undifferentiated fill and alluvium, which overlie sedimentary deposits known as the Bay Point and Santiago formations. The surficial soils throughout the site generally consist of poorly graded or silty sand (Unified Soil Classification System SP or SM), which typically have a very low expansion potential and negligible soluble sulfate content. However, fat clay (CH) was encountered about 3-feet below the finish slab grade for the parking structure. Supplemental foundation recommendations related to the presence of the fat clay were presented in the referenced document (Group Delta Consultants, 201 lb). 4.0 GRADING OPERATIONS The geotechnical aspects of the initial phase of grading reported herein include remedial earthwork for compressible and expansive soils, and the mitigation of cut/fill transitions beneath the hotel and parking garage basement areas. In addition, general cut and fill grading was conducted in order to attain design elevations. Each of these operations is described in greater detail below. 4.1 Remedial Earthwork: Remedial grading was conducted within the basement building pad areas in general accordance with the recommendations presented in Sections 8.3.3 of the referenced geotechnical report (Geotechnics, 2009). For the hotel and parking garage basement areas, remedial excavations were conducted within 5 feet of the building perimeters to a depth of about 3 feet below finish pad grades. The stockpiled soils that were freed of deleterious materials were then used to backfill the remedial excavations to finish basement pad grades. GROUP It should be noted that temporary slopes remain around the hotel basement areas. Additional remedial earthwork will be needed once the basement walls are constructed. Benches should be excavated into the temporary slopes during the basement wall backfill operations in order to excavate and compact the loose surficial soils on the temporary slopes. A considerable amount of remedial earthwork also remains outside of the building areas. Remedial earthwork will be needed for the extension of Ponto Road, around the perimeter of the parking garage, and along the western edge of the site. An as-graded geotechnical map and report will be prepared once the remedial earthwork and improvement operations are completed at the site. M:\Projects\SD\SD126A Carlsbad Hilton, Grading T&0\1 l-0046\n-0046.doc Interim Report of Compaction Test Results Hitton Carisbad Oceanfront Resort & Spa V\tave Crest Oceanfront, LLC GDC Project No. SD-126A Februaty 18,2011 Page 4 4.2 Fill Soils: The various materials used as fill are described in Figure B-1. The maximum densities and optimum moisture contents of the soils were determined In the laboratory using ASTM method D1557. The on-ate soils generally consisted of fine to medium grained silty sand (SM). For samples with more than 10 percent plus %-inch material, the maximum densities and optimum moisture contents were corrected using ASTM D4718. 4.3 Fill Hacement: Grading of the site was perfomied using typical grading techniques with heavy eartihmovlng equipment. In-place moisture and density tests were made during fill placement in general accordance with ASTM D6938. The results of these tests are presented in Appendix C. The test elevations are based on field survey stakes and estimates from the grading plans, and should only be considered rough estimates. 5.0 GEOTECHNICAL EVALUATION AND CONCLUSIONS GROUP Based on our observations and tests, it is our professional opinion that remedial grading operations were performed in general accordance with the intent of the project geotechnical recommendations, and with the geotechnical requirements of the City of Carisbad. In the areas we tested and observed, it is our professional opinion that fill soils were placed in substantial accordance with the minimum compaction criterion of 90 percent of the maximum dry density based on testing conducted in general accordance with ASTM D1557. Our conclusions are based on observations and tests performed between January 18 and February 17, 2011. No representations are made to the quality and exlent of materials not observed. 5.1 Buildinq Pads: It is our professional opinion that remedial grading for the building pad areas was conducted in general accordance with the intent of our geotechnical recommendations, and with the geotechnical requirements of the City of Carisbad. Laboratory tests were conducted on selected samples of the soils used within the upper 3 feet of the building pad areas. Testing included expansion index and soluble sulfate content (see Figure B-2). The laboratory tests indicate that the soils within the foundation influence zone of the hotel generally consist of silty sand (SM) with a very low expansion index and negligible soluble sulfate content. N:\Projects\SD\SD126A Carlsbad Hilton, Grading T&0\11-0046\11-0046.doc Interim Report of Compaction Test Resutts Hilton Carlsbad Oceanfront Resort & Spa Wave Crest Oceanfront, LLC GDC Project No. SD-126A February 18, 2011 Page 5 The building areas at the site are now underlain by three or more feet of compacted sandy fill with a very low expansion potential and negligible soluble sulfate content. However, fat clay (CH) WE© encountered about 3- feet below the finish slab grade for the parking structure, as described in the referenced document (Group Delta Consultants, 2011b). The fat clay is very highly expansive, potentially compressible, and not considered suitable for the direct support of the partying garage basement foundation loads. Consequently, we have recommended that all foundations for the parking garage be deepened as needed to bear directly on the sandy soils observed below the fat clay. The deepened excavations may be backfilled to planned footing subgrade elevations using a 2-sack sand and cement slurry. 5.2 Pavement Materials: Roughly 3,200 tons of Crushed Miscellaneous Base (CMB) was produced at the site. The CMB is proposed for use in the Ponto Road pavement section. Conformance tests for the CMB included particle size analysis, R-V^lue, Sand Equivalent, and Durability, as summarized in Figures B-5.1 to B-5.5. The results indicate that the base gene-ally conformed to the requirements for %-inch Maximum Crushed Miscellaneous Base (CMB) from Section 200-2.4 of the 2006 Standard Specifications for Public V\forks Construction (APWA, 2006). However, Samples B-3 through B-5 did not meet the gradation or Sand Equivalent requirements for CMB (the samples were generally too fine). The R-Value test results Indicate that the fine CMB will still provide good support for traffic loads. However, the CMB gradation may be Improved by mixing the stockpiles with a small percentage of minus %-inch crushed rock. 5.3 Hpe Zone l\/faterials: Someof the future underground improvements at the site will require bedding sand with a Sand Equivalent greater than 30. A selected sample of the on-site sandy soils was tested for Sand Equivalent in general accordance with ASTM D2419. The sample had a Sand Equivalent of 24, and would therefore not be considered suitable for use within the pipe zone. However, the on-site sandy soils are considered suitable for general use as utility trench and retaining wall backfill. GROUP N:\Projects\SD\SD126A Carlsbad Hilton, Grading T&0\11-0046\11-0046.doc Interim Report of Compaction Test Results Hitton Carfsbad Oceanfront Resort & Spa Wave Crest Oceanfront, LLC GDC Project No. SD-126A February 18, 2011 Page 6 6.0 LIMITATIONS Our services were performed using the degree of care and skill ordinarily exercised, under similar circumstances, by reputable soils engineers and geologists practicing in this or similar localities. No warranty, express or Implied, Is made as to the conclusions and professional advice included in this report. The samples taken and used for testing, the observations made, and the in-place field testing performed are believed to be representative of the project. However, soil and geologic conditions can vary significantly between tested or obsen/ed locations. \Ne appreciate this opportunity to be of professional service. Hease feel free to contact the office with any questions or comments, or if you need anything else. GROUP DELTA CONSULTANTS Matthew A. Fagan, P.E. 57248 Senior Engineer Distribution: (1) Addressee, Mr. John Yeakey (iohnveakev@.vahoo.com) (1) Soltek Pacific, Mr. John Robbins (irobbins@soltekpaclfic.com) (1) Soltek Pacific, Mr. Ben Bump rbbump(a),soltekpacific.com) (1) Soltek Pacific, Mr. Johno Ortega (iorteaa(S),soltekpacific.com) (1) City of Carisbad rarant .clavler(a!carlsbadca.aov) GROUP N:\Projects\SD\SD126A Carlsbad Hilton, Grading T&O\11-0046\11-0046,doc APPENDIX A REFERENCES American Society for Testing and Materials (2006). Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Section 4, Construction, Volume 04.08 Soil and Rock (I); Volume 04.09 Soil and Rock (II); Geosynthetics, ASTM, V\fest Conshohocken, PA, Compact Disk. APWA et al. (2006). Standard Specifications for Public W3rks Construction, Untreated Base Materials, Asphalt Concrete, BNI, Vista, CA. Geotechnics Incorporated (2009). Geotechnical Investigation, Hilton Carisbad Beach Resort and Spa, Carlsbad, CA Project No. 0703-002-01, Document No. 09-0206, April 24. Group Delta Consultants (2010). Proposal for Geotechnical Services, Testing and Observation of Earthwork Construction, Hilton Carisbad Oceanfront Resort, Carisbad, California, Proposal No. SDI0-215, December 15. Group Delta Consultants (2011a). Cistern Backfill Recommendations, Hilton Carisbad Oceanfront Resort & Spa, Carisbad, California, Project No. SD- 126A, Document No. 11-0032, January 31. Group Delta Consultant (201 lb). Parking Garage Foundation Recommendations, Hilton Carisbad Oceanfront Resort & Spa, Carisbad, California, Project No. SD-126A, Document No. 11-0047, February 9. Southem California Soil and Testing Inc. (2000). As-Graded Geotechnical Report, Pacific Shores South, Carisbad Boulevard and Poinsettia Lane, Job No. 9811238.13, dated August 25. GROUP DELTA N:\Projects\SD\SD126A Carlsbad Hilton, Grading T&0\11-0046\11-0046.doc APPENDIX B LABORATORY TESTING Selected samples were tested using generally accepted standards. Laboratory testing was conducted in a manner consistent with the level of care and skill ordinarily exercised by members of the profession currently practicing under similar conditions and In the same locality. No warranty, express or implied, is made as to the correctness or serviceability of the test results or the conclusions derived from these tests. VWiere a specific laboratory test method has been referenced, such as ASTM, Caltrans, or AASHTO, the reference applies only to the specified laboratory test method and not to associated referenced test methods or practices, and the test method referenced has been used only as a guidance document for the general performance of the test and not as a "Test Standard.' A brief description of the tests performed follows: Classification: Soils were classified visually according to the Unified Soil Classification System as established by the American Society of Civil Engineers in general accordance with the procedures outlined in ASTM test method D2488. Maximum Density/Optimum Moisture: The maximum density and optimum moisture of selected soil samples were determined by using test method ASTM D1557. For samples with more than 10 percent plus %-inch material, the maximum densities and optimum moisture contents were corrected using ASTM D4718. The test results are summarized in Figure B-1. Expansion Index: The expansion potentials of selected samples of finish grade soils within the building pad areas were estimated in general accordance with the laboratory procedures outlined in ASTM test method D4829. The test results are summarized on Figure B-2. GROUP Sulfate Content: To assess the potential for reactivity with concrete, selected soil samples were tested for water soluble sulfate. The sulfate was extracted from the soil under vacuum using a 10:1 (water to dry soil) dilution ratio. The extracted solution was tested for water soluble sulfate in general accordance with ASTM D516. The test results are presented in Figure B-2. N:\Rojects\SD\SD126A Carlsbad Hilton, Grading T&O\11-0046\11-0046,doc APPENDIX B LABORATORY TESTING (Continued) Partiicle Size Analvsis: Particle size analyses were performed in general accordance with ASTM D422, and were used to supplement visual soil classifications. The test results are presented In Figure B-3. Direct Shear: The shear strength of a selected sample of the fat clay encountered 3-feet beneath the parking structure slab-on-grade was assessed using direct shear testing performed In general accordance with ASTM D3080. The samples were carved from relatively undisturbed blocks of the clay, then Inundated with water and tested for shear strength. The test results are summarized In Figure B-4. Base Conformance Tests: Conformance testing was conducted on selected samples of the Crushed Miscellaneous Base fabricated at the site. Individual laboratory tests included Sieve Analysis (ASTM C136), Sand Equivalent (ASTM D2419), R-Value (ASTM D2844), and Durability (ASTM D3744). The test results are presented in Figures B-5.1 through B-5.5. GROUP N;\Projects\SD\SD126A Carlsbad Hilton, Grading T&0\11-0046\11-0046.doc MAXIMUM DENSITY & OPTIMUM MOISTURE (ASTMD1557&D4718) ID DESCRIPTION MAXIMUM DENSITY [Ib/ft^] OPTIMUM MOISTURE [%] 1 FILL: Brown silty sand (SM). 131 B'A 2 FILL: Brown silty sand (SM). 130 9 3A FILL: Brown silty sand (SM) with 0% gravel. 122% 872 38 FILL: Brown silty sand rSM) with 5% aravel. 124.1 8.1 3C FILL: Brown siltvsand fSM) with 10%aravel. 125.8 7.8 3D FILL: Brown silty sand (SM) with 15%qravel. 127.5 7.4 3E FILL: Brown silty sand (SM) with 20%aravel. 129.2 7.0 3F FILL: Brown silty sand (SM) with 25% gravel. 131.0 6.6 3G FILL: Brown silty sand (SM) with 30% gravel. 132.8 6.3 4 FILL: Brown silty sand (SM). 129 9 5 FILL: Brown silty sand (SM). 125 11 rl 370 Amapola Avenue, Suite 212, Torrence, CA 90501 32 Mauctily, Suite B, Irvine, CA 92618 4201 Santa Ana St., Suite F, Ontario, CA 91761 9245 Activity Ftoad, Suite 103, San Diego, CA 92126 Document No. 11-0046 LABORATORY TEST RESULTS Project No. SD-126A FIGURE B-1 EXPANSION AND SULFATE TEST RESULTS (ASTMD4829& D516) ID 1 SAMPLE DESCRIPTION SOLUBLE SULFATE EXPANSION INDEX EI-1 Gray fat clay (CH), 3-fe^ below parking structure. — 212 EI-2 Brown silty sand (SM), west half paricing structure. < 0.01% 0 EI-3 Brown silty sand (SM), east half parking structure. 0.01% 0 EM Brown silty sand (SM), north portion of hotel. < 0.01% 0 EI-5 Brown silty sand (SM), middle portion of hotel. < 0.01% 0 EI-6 Brown silty sand (SM), south portion of hotel. 0.02% 0 EXPANSION INDEX POTENTIAL EXPANSION Oto 20 Very low 21 to 50 Low 51 to 90 Medium 91 to 130 High Above 130 Very High SULFATE CONTENT [%] SULFATE EXPOSURE CEMENT TYPE 0.00 to 0.10 Negligible - 0.10 to 0.20 Moderate II, IP(MS), IS(MS) 0.20 to 2.00 Severe V Above 2.00 Very Severe Vplus pozzolan ^^^m 370AmapolaAvenue, Suite212, Torrence, CA90501 .^« 32Mauchly, Suite B, Irvine, CA92618 LABORATORY TEST RESULTS r f 4201 Santa Ana St., Suite F, Ontario, CA 91761 IjjJ^ 9245 Activity Road, Suite 103, San Diego, CA 92126 Document No. 11-0046 Project No. SD-126A FIGURE B-2 U.S. standard Sieve Sizes 100 90 80 .3'70 ^60 il 50 c 0) B40 (1) Q. 30 20 10 0 3" 3/4" 3/8" #4 *8 *i^iQQ *^2a,q •-02— ••-85-1 73 -0% Gravel 10% Sand 90% Fines- 100 10 1 0.1 Grain Size in Millimeters 0.01 0.001 COARSE 1 FINE COARSE MEDIUM 1 RNE SILT AND GRAVEL SAND CLAY SAMPLE SAMPLE NUMBER: EI-1 EXPANSION INDEX: 212 UNIFIED SOIL CLASSIFICATION: DESCRIPTION: FAT CLAY CH ATTERBERG LIMITS LIQUID LIMIT PLASTIC LIMIT PLASTICITY INDEX 104 28 76 DKI.TA RSranlGRI 370 Amapola Avenue, Suite 212, Torrence, CA 90501 32 /v\auchly, Suite B, irvine, CA 92618 4201 Santa Ana St., Suite F, Ontario, CA 91761 9245 Activity Road, Suite 103, San Diego, CA 92126 SOIL CLASSIFICATION Document No. 11-0046 Project No. SD-126A FIGURE B-3 to a. I—I to to Ui to < UJ X to 1200 1000 800 600 400 200 0 : • ' • S£— 1 1 _ 1—1 1 1 I., ' • ' ' 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 STRAIN I%] .0 10.0 4000 3500 300O 2 2500 Ul a 2000 CO ct 3 1500 1000 500 • Peak Strength Test Results 17 Degrees, 450 PSF Cohesior> • Ultimate Strength Test ResuKs 12 Degrees, 450 PSF Cohesion • Peak Strength Test Results 17 Degrees, 450 PSF Cohesior> • Ultimate Strength Test ResuKs 12 Degrees, 450 PSF Cohesion • • """"^ • """"^ ——~" • • • • 1 • ' • —1 • 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 NORMAL STRESS [PSF] SAMPLE: EI-1 Description: Gray brown fat clay (CH). (Encountered ~3-feet beneath garage slab). STRAIN RATE: 0.0002 IN/MIN (Sample was consolidated and drained) PEAK ULTIMATE 17" c 450 PSF PSF IN-SITU AS-TESTED Yd 84.2 PCF 84 2 PCF Wc 33.7 % 35.7 % 370 *ii\aM/s Ave. SUM 212. ToitBiK«. CA QtlSOl 32 MaudVf. SolM B. Irvine. CA 92616 4201 Santa Ana Si, Siile F. OnaPo. CA SI7G1 92«5 AcBvRv Roaa Suae 103, San CA 92126 DIRECT SHEAR TEST RESULTS Document No. 11-0046 Project No. SD-126A FIGURE U.S. SlandaiU Steve Sizes M N fie »30 #50 #100 #200 SIEVE PERCENT SPECIFIED SIZE FINER AS OPERATING TESTED RANGE 1%-100 100 3/4-95 85-100 3/8" 74 55-75 No.4 se 35-60 No.6 45 No. 16 35 No. 30 27 10-30 No. 50 17 No. 100 9 No. 200 5.8 2-9 0.01 Grain Stze In Millimeters MAXIMUM DENSITY (AS TM D1557) MAXIMUM DENSITY: OPTIMUM MOISTURE: CRUSHED MISCELLANEOUS BASE. FINE STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR PUBLIC WORKS CONSTRUCTION. 2006 EDITION, SECTION 200-2.4 SAMPLE ID: DATE SAMPLED: SAMPLE LOCATION: B-1 2/9/2011 Crusher @ 308 tons QUAUTY SPECIFICATIONS RESULTS SPECIFIED R-VALUE (CTM 301, ASTM D2844) 82 78 MIN SAND EQUIVALENT (CTM 217. ASTM D2419) 53 35 MIN DURABILITY (CTM 229, ASTM D3744) 55 40 MIN PERCENTAGE WEAR (ASTM C131) 100 REVOLUTIONS 15MAX 500 REVOLUTIONS 52 MAX I.KiH- iroAmapoleAve., SuBe2l2. Terence.CABOSOi 32 UaucNy. SUM B, irvne. CA 92618 4201 Swa Ana Sl. SUM F. OnUno, CA Si 781 S245Aavily RoM, Suw 103. San Diego, CA 92I2D CONFORMANCE TEST RESULTS Documenl No. 11-0046 Project No. SD-126A FIGURE --.L^,^n':.ii..s.,-/:l-(5..l: 0&<17 3M- 3/6-U.S. Standard S«ve Sues •6 #16 #30 #50 #100 #200 SIEVE PERCENT SPECIFIED SIZE FINER AS OPERATING TESTED RANGE VA" 100 100 3/4" 96 85-100 3/8" 71 55-75 No.4 54 35-60 No . 8 42 No. 16 33 No. 30 26 10-30 No. 50 16 No. 100 9 No. 200 5.5 2-9 MAXIMUM DENSITY (AS TM D1557) MAXIMUM DENSITf: OPTIMUM MOISTURE: CRUSHED MISCELLANEOUS BASE. FINE STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR PUBLIC WORKS CONSTRUCTION, 2006 EDITION. SECTION 200-2.4 QUALITY SPECIFICATIONS SAMPLE ID: DATE SAMPLED: SAMPLE LOCATION: B-2 2/10/2011 Cnjshor @ 1.000 tons RESULTS SPECIFIED R-VALUE (CTM 301. ASTM D2844) 76 MIN SAND EQUIVALENT (CTM 217, ASTM D2419) 53 35 MIN DURABILITY (CTM 229. ASTM D3744) 40 MIN PERCENTAGE WEAR (ASTM C131) 100 REVOLUTIONS 15 MAX 500 REVOLUTIONS 52 MAX ;;Htx 1' am AmapM Awe &jae2\2. terttrtm. CA 80601 32 Haucf«|r Suae B. Irvne. CA 82018 «01 Sna Ana St.. Suae F Onlaio CA 01781 S24S AcMv Roaa StAe :01 San OMgo CA 02126 CONFORMANCE TEST RESULTS Document No. 11-0046 Prpject No. SD-126A FIGURE B-5.2 3/4' 3/8' U.S. Standard Sieve Sizes #8 #16 #30 #50 #100 #200 SIEVE PERCENT SPECIFIED SIZE FINER AS OPERATING TESTED RANGE VA-100 ICC 3/4" 95 85 -100 3/8" 78 55-75 No.4 64 35-60 No. 8 55 No. 16 48 No. 30 41 10-30 No. SO 24 No. 100 12 No. 200 7.2 2-9 MAXIMUM DENSITY (AS TM D1557) MAXIMUM DENSITY: OPTIMUM MOISTURE: 0.01 Grain Size In Mllltmelers CRUSHED MISCELLANEOUS BASE. FINE STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR PUBUC WORKS CONSTRUCTION, 2006 EDITION. SECTION 200-2.4 SAMPLE ID: DATE SAMPLED: SAMPLE LOCATION: B-3 2/11/2011 Crusher @ 1,800 tons QUAUTY SPECIFICATIONS RESULTS SPECIFIED R-VALUE (CTM 301. ASTM D2844) 84 78 MIN SAND EQUIVALENT (CTM 217. ASTM D2419) 33 35 MIN DURABIUTY (CTM 229. ASTM D3744) 61 40 MIN PERCENTAGE WEAR (ASTM C131) 100 REVOLUTIONS 15 MAX 500 REVOLUTIONS 52 MAX i'MOUV :^^iVB 3?0AmapMAv«., Sune212 Tonvn, CA 00501 Document No. 11-0046 ^ J 32 UsucNy, Suae B. Inma, CA 9261B f ^ 420lSaruAnaSl.,SuuF.Onlar«.t>Bi7«l CONFORMANCE TEST RESULTS Project No. SD-126A lin T \ f^'Atj Road. SuW 103 San Dlego CA 82126 FIGURE B-5.3 U.S, Standard Sieve Sizes #4 #8 #16 #30 #60 #100 0.01 Grain Size in Millimeters CRUSHED MISCELLANEOUS BASE, FINE STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR PUBLIC WORKS CONSTRUCTION. 2006 EDITION, SECTION 200-2.4 SIEVE PERCENT SPECIFIED SIZE FINER AS OPERATING TESTED RANGE iy?" 100 100 3/4" 95 85 -100 3/8" 75 55-75 No.4 60 35-60 No. 8 SO No. 16 41 No. 30 33 10-30 No. 50 22 No. 100 12 No. 200 8.2 2-9 MAXIMUM DENSITY (ASTM D1557) MAXIMUM DENSITY: 119y» PCF OPTIMUM MOISTURE: 12% SAMPLE ID: DATE SAMPLED: SAMPLE LOCATION; B-4 2/15/2011 Crusher @ 2,500 tons QUAUTY SPECIFICATIONS RESULTS SPECIFIED R-VALUE (CTM 301, ASTM D2844) 78 MIN SAND EQUIVALENT (CTM 217, ASTM D2419) 40 35 MIN DURABILITY (CTM 229, ASTM D3744) 40 MIN PERCENTAGE WEAR (ASTM C131) 100 REVOLUTIONS 15 MAX 500 REVOLUTIONS 52 MAX 370Amape*aAve. SuHe212. Torrance. CABOSOl 32 MBucrty. Sulla B, IfvM. CA 92618 4201 Sanla Ana SI. SutleF. tWarlo. CA 91781 9248 Acmf Road Suite 103, San Oiego. CA 92126 CONFORMANCE TEST RESULTS Document No. 11-0046 Project No. SD-126A FIGURE B-5.4 Anal>ilsAJW*B*w20C8..l» updeuM- 0M7 3/4" 3/8" U.S. Standard Steve Sizes #4 #8 #16 #30 #50 #100 S200 SIEVE PERCENT SPECIFIED SIZE FINER AS OPERATING TESTED RANGE VA" 100 100 3/4" 99 85 -100 3/8" 89 55-75 No.4 76 35-60 No-8 66 No. 16 58 No. 30 50 10-30 No. 50 33 No. 100 19 No. 200 13.0 2-9 MAXIMUM DENSITY (AS TM D1557) MAXIMUM DENSITY: OPTIMUM MOISTURE: 0.01 Grain Size in Millimeters CRUSHED MISCELLANEOUS BASE, FINE STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR PUBUCWORKS CONSTRUCTION. 2006 EDITION. SECTION 200-2.4 SAMPLE ID: DATE SAMPLED: SAMPLE LOCATION: B-5 2/16/2011 Crusher® 3.200 tons QUAUTY SPECIFICATIONS RESULTS SPECIFIED R-VALUE (CTM 301, ASTM D2844) 78 MIN SAND EOUIVALENT (CTM 217, ASTM D2419) 31 35 MIN DURABILITY (CTM 229, ASTM D3744) 58 40 MIN PERCENTAGE WEAR (ASTM C131) 100 REVOLUTIONS 15 MAX 500 REVOLUTIONS 52 MAX 370 Amapola Ave. suw 212, Tonance. CA 9050i 5 1^ 4201 SantflAnoSt.,SiiteF.One8nj.ty»9l7ei CONFORMANCE TEST RESULTS Document No. 11-0046 Project No. SD-126A DiLLIA ^^^Mtf Rood, SuM 103. Ssn Oego CA 92126 FIGURE B-5.5 AneltielVLaD'BaM200e.>:l8 updaM 0807 APPENDIX 0 FIELD TEST RESULTS The results of the field density tests taken during the grading operations at the subject site are presented in the following Figures C-1 through C-4. Note that the elevations and locations of the field tests were determined by hand level and pacing relative to field staking done by others. GROUP N;\Projects\SD\SD126A Carlsbad Hilton, Grading T&O\11-0046\11-0046,doc GKOUP ^r370 Amapoia Avenue, Suite 212, Torrence, CA 90501 32 Mauchly, Suite B, Irvine, CA 92618 4201 Santa Ana St., Suite F, Ontario, CA 91761 J 9245 Activity Road, Suite 103, San Diego, CA 92126 DENSITY TEST RESULTS Document No. 11-0046 Project No. SD-126A FtGURE C-1 Test Test Elevation/ Soil l\^ax. Dry iVIoisture Dry Relative Required Retest Test No. Date Location Type Density Content Density Compaction Compaction Number Method [ft] [pcf] l%] [pel] [%] [%] 1 01/31/11 40 1 131.0 7.6 118.9 91 90 NU 2 01/31/11 41 1 131.0 8.4 119,3 91 90 NU 3 01/31/11 46 1 131.0 8.0 118.4 90 90 NU 4 01/31/11 47 1 131.0 8.6 117.9 90 90 NU 5 01/31/11 40 1 131.0 8.3 119.6 91 90 NU 6 01/31/11 41 1 131.0 8.6 121.5 93 90 NU 7 01/31/11 49 1 131.0 8.3 120.6 92 90 NU 8 01/31/11 50 1 131.0 8.7 118.6 91 90 NU 9 01/31/11 43 1 131.0 8.7 118.7 91 90 NU 10 01/31/11 44 1 131.0 8.3 120.6 92 90 NU 11 01/31/11 47 1 131.0 8.6 121.0 92 90 NU 12 01/31/11 48 1 131.0 8.6 120.1 92 90 NU 13 01/31/11 51 1 131.0 8.2 118.0 90 90 NU 14 01/31/11 52 1 131.0 8.0 121,0 92 90 NU 15 01/31/11 44 1 131,0 9.0 121.3 93 90 NU 16 01/31/11 45 1 131.0 8.8 120.3 92 90 NU 17 02/01/11 49 1 131.0 8.7 123.0 94 90 NU 18 02/01/11 49 1 131.0 8.6 123.3 94 90 NU 19 02/01/11 49 1 131.0 9.1 122.0 93 90 NU 20 02/01/11 50 1 131.0 9.6 121.8 93 90 NU 21 02/01/11 48 1 131.0 8.4 120.8 92 90 NU 22 02/01/11 49 1 131.0 8.7 122.5 94 90 NU 23 02/01/11 51 1 131.0 8.4 121.0 92 90 NU 24 02/01/11 52 1 131.0 8.7 117.8 90 90 NU 25 02/01/11 48 1 131.0 8.5 118.4 90 90 NU 26 02/01/11 50 1 131.0 8.6 120.0 92 90 NU 27 02/01/11 50 1 131.0 8.7 122.0 93 90 NU 28 02/01/11 51 1 131.0 9.0 123.1 94 90 NU 29 02/01/11 52 1 131.0 9.2 127.6 97 90 NU 30 02/01/11 52 1 131.0 9.1 119,0 91 90 NU 31 02/01/11 53 1 131.0 8.4 124.9 95 90 NU 32 02/01/11 54 1 131.0 8.9 126.5 97 90 NU 33 02/01/11 51 1 131.0 8.8 125.4 96 90 NU 34 02/01/11 52 1 131.0 11.1 120.3 92 90 NU 35 02/02/11 45 2 130.0 11.8 117,4 90 90 NU 36 02/02/11 45 2 130.0 11.0 117.0 90 90 NU 37 02/02/11 41 2 130.0 9.2 120.2 92 90 NU 38 02/02/11 42 2 130.0 9.6 119.8 92 90 NU 39 02/02/11 46 2 130.0 9.2 121.5 93 90 NU 40 02/02/11 47 2 130.0 9.8 119.9 92 90 NU 41 02/02/11 45 2 130.0 9.0 120.8 93 90 NU 42 02/02/11 44 2 130.0 9.0 120.1 92 90 NU 43 02/02/11 41 2 130.0 9.6 119.7 92 90 NU 44 02/02/11 43 2 130.0 9,7 118.9 91 90 NU c.Kour 370 Amapoia Avenue, Suite 2 12, Torrence, CA 90501 f 'j 32 Mauchly, Suite B, Irvine, CA 92618 ^ 4201 Santa Ana St., Suite F, Ontario, CA 91761 j.^ 9245 Activity Road, Suite 103, San Diego, CA 92126 DENSITY TEST RESULTS Document No. 11-0046 Project No. SD-126A FIGURE C-2 Test Test Elevation/ Soil l\^ax. Dry Moisture Dry Relative Required Retest Test No, Date Location Type Density Content Density Compaction Compaction Number Method [ft] [pel] [%] [pcf] [%] [%] 45 02/02/11 46 2 130.0 10.3 122.2 94 90 NU 46 02/02/11 47 2 130.0 9.7 121.5 93 90 NU 47 02/02/11 50 2 130.0 9.9 120.0 92 90 NU 48 02/02/11 51 2 130.0 9.2 118.3 91 90 NU 49 02/02/11 49 2 130.0 9,8 119.9 92 90 NU 50 02/02/11 50 2 130.0 9,6 118.0 91 90 NU 51 02/02/11 47 2 130.0 9.0 120.6 93 90 NU 52 02/02/11 48 2 130.0 9.3 121.3 93 90 NU 53 02/02/11 48 2 130.0 9.0 118.4 91 90 NU 54 02/02/11 49 2 130.0 8.9 117.7 91 90 NU 55 02/02/11 47 2 130.0 9.4 119.0 92 90 NU 56 02/02/11 48 2 130.0 11,0 118.7 91 90 NU 57 02/02/11 47 2 130.0 10.1 120.4 93 90 NU 58 02/02/11 48 2 130.0 9.6 117.9 91 90 NU 59 02/03/11 53 2 130.0 10.1 118.0 91 90 NU 60 02/03/11 54 2 130.0 11.4 117.7 91 90 NU 61 02/03/11 49 2 130.0 10.8 119.0 92 90 NU 62 02/03/11 52 2 130.0 10.6 117.6 90 90 NU 63 02/03/11 40 4 129.0 9.1 115.6 90 90 NU 64 02/03/11 41 4 129.0 9,3 117.9 91 90 NU 65 02/03/11 40 4 129.0 9,1 117.1 91 90 NU 66 02/03/11 41 4 129,0 9.3 123.1 95 90 NU 67 02/03/11 41 4 129.0 9.1 122.1 95 90 NU 68 02/03/11 40 4 129.0 9.6 118.5 92 90 NU 69 02/03/11 49 2 130.0 8.7 118.3 91 90 NU 70 02/03/11 50 2 130.0 9.3 117.8 91 90 NU 71 02/03/11 50 2 130.0 9.9 119.6 92 90 NU 72 02/03/11 50 2 130.0 9.8 118.1 91 90 NU 73 02/03/11 56 2 130,0 11.0 120.3 93 90 NU 74 02/03/11 57 2 130.0 9.9 123.7 95 90 NU 75 02/03/11 54 2 130.0 8.9 125,0 96 90 NU 76 02/03/11 55 2 130.0 9.2 123.6 95 90 NU 77 02/03/11 40 4 129.0 9.2 122.1 95 90 NU 78 02/03/11 41 4 129.0 9.8 117.5 91 90 NU 79 02/03/11 40 4 129.0 9.4 121.8 94 90 NU 80 02/03/11 41 4 129.0 9.8 120.4 93 90 NU 81 02/03/11 42 2 130.0 8.9 120.0 92 90 NU 82 02/03/11 43 2 130.0 9.1 118.1 91 90 NU 83 02/04/11 57 5 125.0 10.9 117.9 94 90 NU 84 02/04/11 58 5 125.0 11.4 116.9 94 90 NU 85 02/04/11 58 5 125.0 12.0 118.0 94 90 NU 86 02/04/11 59 5 125,0 12.8 116.5 93 90 NU 87 02/04/11 40 5 125.0 11.8 118.1 94 90 NU 88 02/04/11 40 5 125.0 11,5 117.7 94 90 NU CKOUI' 370 Amapola Avenue, Suite 2 12, Torrence, CA 90501 32 Mauchly, Suite B, Irvine, CA 92618 ^ 4201 Santa Ana St., Suite F, Ontario, CA 91761 J ^ 9245 Activity Road, Suite 103, San Diego, CA 92126 DENSITY TEST RESULTS Document No. 11-0046 Project No. SD-126A FIGURE C-3 Test Test Elevation/ Soil Max. Dry Moisture Dry Relative Required Retest Test No. Date Location Type Density Content Density Compaction Compaction Number Method [ft] [pel] [%] [pcf] [%] [%] 89 02/04/11 39 5 125.0 11.0 120.4 96 90 NU 90 02/04/11 39 5 125.0 11.7 121.0 97 90 NU 91 02/04/11 41 5 125.0 12.2 121.3 97 90 NU 92 02/04/11 41 5 125.0 12.3 120.6 96 90 NU 93 02/04/11 39 5 125,0 11.6 117.8 94 90 NU 94 02/04/11 40 5 125.0 11.8 117.7 94 90 NU 95 02/04/11 41 4 129.0 9.6 118.2 92 90 NU 96 02/04/11 40 4 129.0 9.1 118.7 92 90 NU 97 02/07/11 49 4 129.0 9.2 122.9 95 90 NU 98 02/07/11 50 4 129.0 11,1 124.6 97 90 NU 99 02/07/11 49 4 129.0 10.9 123.6 96 90 NU 100 02/07/11 50 4 129.0 9.8 124.3 96 90 NU 101 02/07/11 49 4 129.0 8.9 119.0 92 90 NU 102 02/07/11 50 4 129.0 9.4 119,3 92 90 NU 103 02/07/11 47 4 129.0 9.0 119.6 93 90 NU 104 02/07/11 47 4 129.0 9.1 123.3 96 90 NU 105 02/07/11 47 5 125.0 11.2 114.7 92 90 NU 106 02/07/11 48 5 125.0 11.0 115.0 92 90 NU 107 02/08/11 50 1 131.0 9.3 123.2 94 90 NU 108 02/08/11 51 1 131,0 9.7 125.4 96 90 NU 109 02/08/11 50 5 125.0 11.5 117.4 94 90 NU 110 02/08/11 50 5 125.0 12.1 119.0 95 90 NU 111 02/08/11 50 5 125.0 10.9 115.0 92 90 NU 112 02/08/11 49 5 125.0 11.4 119.4 96 90 NU 113 02/09/11 58 1 131.0 9.0 119.0 91 90 NU 114 02/09/11 59 1 131.0 9.4 120.1 92 90 NU 115 02/09/11 58 1 131.0 9.3 117.8 90 90 NU 116 02/09/11 59 1 131.0 8.9 118.4 90 90 NU 117 02/09/11 58 1 131.0 8.8 119.3 91 90 NU 118 02/09/11 59 1 131.0 9.1 118.7 91 90 NU 119 02/10/11 61 1 131.0 11.1 122.0 93 90 NU 120 02/10/11 62 1 131.0 9.1 122.1 93 90 NU 121 02/10/11 61 1 131.0 8.4 124.1 95 90 NU 122 02/10/11 61 1 131.0 8.7 125.4 96 90 NU 123 02/10/11 60 1 131.0 9.3 118.6 91 90 NU 124 02/10/11 61 1 131.0 8.5 119.4 91 90 NU 125 02/10/11 59 1 131.0 8.7 119.1 91 90 NU 126 02/10/11 60 1 131.0 8.5 118.6 91 90 NU 127 02/10/11 60 4 129.0 9.1 117.7 91 90 NU 128 02/10/11 61 4 129,0 9.8 118.4 92 90 NU 129 02/10/11 58 4 129.0 10.7 118.0 91 90 NU 130 02/10/11 59 4 129.0 9.2 117.3 91 90 NU 131 02/11/11 49 4 129.0 9.6 119.0 92 90 NU 132 02/11/11 50 5 125.0 11.1 116.3 93 90 NU CKOUP 370 Amapola Avenue, Suite 2 12, Torrence, CA 90501 r '] 32 Mauchly, Suite B, Irvine, CA 92618 nCMCITV TCCT DCei II TC ^ 4201 Santa Ana St,, Suite F, Ontario, CA 91761 UCNOI IT I CO I KCSUI. I 3 np, J ^ 9245 Activity Road, Suite 103, San Diego, CA 92126 Document No. 11-0046 Project No. SD-126A FIGURE C-4 Test Test Elevation/ Soil Max. Dry Moisture Dry Relative Required Retest Test No, Date Location Type Density Content Density Compaction Compaction Number Metho [ft] [pcf] [%] [pcf] [%] [%] 133 02/11/11 49 5 125.0 10.9 118.0 94 90 NU 134 02/11/11 51 5 125.0 11.4 117.2 94 90 NU 135 02/11/11 60 5 125.0 11.3 116.9 94 90 NU 136 02/11/11 61 4 129.0 9.2 120.1 93 90 NU 137 02/11/11 50 4 129.0 9,1 117.0 91 90 NU 138 02/11/11 51 4 129.0 9.0 117.1 91 90 NU 139 02/11/11 56 4 129.0 6.5 113.5 88 90 Note^ NU 140 02/11/11 49 4 129.0 9.4 118.3 92 90 NU 141 02/11/11 51 4 129.0 9.9 117.4 91 90 NU 142 02/14/11 49 4 129.0 9.8 117,9 91 90 NU 143 02/14/11 49 4 129.0 9.1 119.1 92 90 NU 144 02/14/11 50 4 129.0 8.9 119.4 93 90 NU 145 02/14/11 50 4 129.0 8.9 117.0 91 90 NU 146 02/14/11 50 4 129.0 9.5 119.3 92 90 NU 147 02/14/11 51 4 129.0 8.8 117.4 91 90 NU 148 02/14/11 51 4 129.0 8.7 120.1 93 90 NU 149 02/14/11 51 4 129.0 9.1 120.0 93 90 NU 150 02/14/11 51 4 129.0 9.3 119.1 92 90 NU 151 02/14/11 51 4 129.0 8.5 116.9 91 90 NU 152 02/14/11 51 4 129.0 9.2 117.4 91 90 NU 153 02/14/11 51 4 129.0 9.0 118,0 91 90 NU 154 02/15/11 51 4 129.0 9,2 116.2 90 90 NU 155 02/15/11 51 4 129.0 9.4 117.8 91 90 NU 156 02/15/11 62 1 131.0 7.3 120.3 92 90 NU 157 02/15/11 62 1 131.0 7.4 122.5 94 90 NU 158 02/15/11 62 1 131.0 7.8 122.5 94 90 NU 159 02/15/11 62 1 131.0 7.0 123.7 94 90 NU 160 02/15/11 62 1 131.0 9.3 123.3 94 90 NU 161 02/15/11 62 131.0 9.6 117.3 90 90 NU Note^ : Test 139 was taken outside of the building perimeter. The area will be reworked and retested at a later date. STORM WATER Development Services Engineering Department CiTY OF STANDARDS Development Services Engineering Department CiTY OF QUESTIONNAIRE 1635 Faraday Avenue CARLSBAD E-34 760-602-2750 www.carlsbadca.gov INSTRUCTIONS: To address post-development poilutants that may be generated from development projects, the City requires that new development and significant redevelopment priority projects incorporate Permanent Stonn Water Best Management Practices (BMP's) into the project design per the City's Standard Urban Stormwater Management Plan (SUSMP), Initially this questionnaire must be completed by the applicant in advance of submitting for a development application (subdivision, discretionary permits and/or construction permits). The results of the questionnaire determine the level of storni water standards that must be applied to a proposed development or redevelopment project. Depending on the outcome, your project will either be subject to 'Standard Stormwater Requirements' or be subject additional criteria called 'Priority Development Project Requirements'. Many aspects of project site design are dependent upon the stomn water standards applied to a project. Applicant responses to the questionnaire represent an initial assessment of the proposed project conditions and impacts. City staff has responsibility for making the final assessment after submission of the development application. If staff detennines that the questionnaire was incorrectly filled out and is subject to more stringent storm water standards than initially assessed by the applicant, this will result in the return of the development application as incomplete. In this case, please make the changes to the questionnaire and resubmit to the City, If applicants are unsure about the meaning of a question or need help in determining how to respond to one or more of the questions, they are advised to seek assistance from Land Development Engineering staff. A separate completed and signed questionnaire must be submitted for each new development application submission. Only one completed and signed questionnaire is required when multiple development applications for the same project are submitted concurrently. In addition to this questionnaire, applicants for construction permits must also complete, sign and submit a Project Threat Assessment Form to address construction aspects of the project. Please answer the questions below, follow the instructions and sign the form at the end. 1. Is your project a significant redevelopment? DEFINITION: Significant redeveiopment is defined as the creation, addition or replacement of at least 5,000 square feet of impervious surface on an already existing developed site. Significant redevelopment inc ludes, but is not limited to: the expansion of a building footprint; addition to or replacement of a structure; structural development including an increase in gross floor area and/or exterior constmction remodeling; replacement of an impervious surface that is not part of a routine maintenance activity; and land disturbing activities related with stmctural or impen/ious surfaces. Replacement of impen/ious surfaces includes any activity that is not part of a mutine maintenance activity where impervious material(s) are removed, exposing underlying soil during construction. If your project IS considered significant redevelopment, then please skip Section 1 and proceed with Section 2. If your project IS NOT considered significant redevelopment then please proceed to Section 1. E-34 Paget of 3 REV 3/23/10 %/ CITY OF STORM WATER STANDARDS QUESTIONNAIRE E-34 Development Services Engineering Department 1635 Faraday Avenue 760-602-2750 www.carlsbadca.gov SECTION 1 NEW DEVELOPMENT PRIORPTY PROJECT TYPE Does you project meet one or more of the following criteria: YES NO 1. Housina subdivisions of 10 or more dwellina units. Examoles: sinale familv liomes. multi-familv homes, condominium and apartments X 2. Commercial- areater than 1-acre. Anv develooment other than heaw industrv or residential. Examoles: hospitals: laboratories and other medical facilities; educational institutions; recreational facilities; municipal facilities; commercial nurseries; multi-apartment buildings; car wash facilities; mini-malls and other business complexes; shopping malls; hotels; office buildings; public warehouses; automotive dealerships; airfields; and other light industrial facilities. X 3. Heavv Industrtal 1 Industry areater than 1 acre. Examoles: manufacturina olants. food orocessino olants. metal working facilities, printing plants, and fleet storage areas (bus, trucl<, etc.). X 4, Automotive repair stioo. A facilitv cateqorlzed in anv one of Standard Industrial Classification fSIC^ codes 5013. 5014, 5541, 7532-7534, and 7536-7539 X 5. Restaurants. Anv facilitv that sells prepared foods and drinks for consumotion, includina stationarv lunch counters and refreshment stands selling prepared foods and drinks for immediate consumption (SIC code 5812), where the land area for development is greater than 5,000 square feet. Restaurants where land development is less than 5,000 square feet shall meet all SUSMP requirements except for structural treatment BMP and numeric sizing criteria requirements and hydromodification requirements. X 6, Hillside develooment Anv develooment that creates 5,000 sauare feet of imoervious surface and is located in an area with known erosive soil conditions, where the development will grade on any natural slope that is twenty-five percent (25%) or greater. X 7. Environmentallv Sensitive Area fESA)\ All develooment located within or directiv adiacent^ to or discharaina directly'' to an ESA (where discharges from the development or redevelopment will enter receiving waters within the ESA), which either creates 2,500 square feet of impervious surface on a proposed project site or increases the area of imperviousness of a proposed project site to 10% or more of its naturally occurnng condition. X 8. Parkina lot. Area of 5,000 sauare feet or more, or with 15 or more oarkina soaces. and ootentiallv exoosed to urban runoff X 9. Streets, roaofs. tiiahwavs. and freewavs. Anv oaved surface that is 5.000 sauare feet or areater used for the transportation of automobiles, trucks, motorcycles, and other vehicles X 10. Retail Gasoline Outlets. Servina more than 100 vehicles oer dav and areater than 5.000 sauare feet X 11. Coastal Develooment Zone. Anv oroiect located within 200 feet of the Pacific Ocean and (11 creates more than 2500 square feet of impemneable surface or (2) increases impenneable surface on property by more than 10%. X 12. More than 1-acre of disturbance. Proiect results In the disturbance of more than 1-acre or more of land and is considered a Pollutant-generating Development Project*. X 1 Environmantally Sensitive Areas include but are not limited to all Clean Water Act Section 303(d) impaired water bodies; areas designated as Areas of Special Biological Significance by ttie State Water Resources Control Board (Water Quality Control Plan for the San Diego Basin (1994) and amendments); water bodies designated with the F^ARE benefidal use by the State Water Resources Control Board (Water Quality Control Ran forthe San Diego Basin (1994) and amendments); areas designated as ptesen/es or their equivalent under the Multi Species Conservation Program within the Cities and County of San Diego; and any other equivalent environmentally sensitive areas which have been identified by the Copermittees. 2 "Directly adjacenf means situated within 2Q0 feet ofthe Environmentally Sensitive Area. 3 "Discharging directly to" means outflow from a drainage conveyance system that is composed entirely of flows from the subject development or redevelopment site, and not commingled with flow from adjacent lands. 4 Pollutant-senerating Development Projects are those projects that generate pollutants at levels greater than background levels. In general, these include all projects that contribute to an exceedance to an impaired virater body or which create new Impervious surfaces greater than 5000 square feet and/or Introduce new landscaping areas that require routine use of fertilizers and pesticides. In most cases linear pathway projects that are for infrequent vehicle use, such as emergency or maintenance access, or for pedestrian or bicycle use, are not considered Pollutant-generating Development Projects if they are built wifh pervious surfaces or if they sheet flow to surrounding pervious surfaces. Section 1 Results: .If you answered YES to ANY of the questions above your project is subject to Priority Development Project requirements. Please check the "meets PRIORITY DEVELOPMENT PROJECT requirements" box in Section 3. A Stomrt Water Managennent Plan, preparetJ in accordance with City Storm Water Standards, must be submitted at time of application. If you answered NO to ALL of the questions above, then your project is subject to Standard Stormwater Requirements. Please check the "daes not meet PDP requirements" box in Section 3. E-34 Page 2 of 3 REV 3/23/10 ^ CITY OF CARLSBAD STORM WATER STANDARDS QUESTIONNAIRE E-34 Development Services Engineering Department 1635 Faraday Avenue 760-602-2750 www.carlsbadca.gov SECTION 2 SIGNIFICAtrr REDEVELOPMENT: 1 If the exisfiftB-develoDnaent-wasconstructed todav. would it aualihr as a priority proiect? (Priority oroiects ipre defined in Section 1) If you answered YES, please proceed to question 2. If you answered NO, then you fiJXE NOT a significant redevelopment and you ARE NOT subject to PRIORITY broject requirements, onlv STANDARD requirements. Please check the •DOES NOT MEET PRIORITY REQUIREMENTS" bat in sAsfton 3 below. 2. Is the projeta solely limited to one of the following: Trenching and resurlacing associated with utility work? b. Resurfacing and reconfiguring existing surface parking lots? c. New sidewalk construction, pedestrian ramps, or bike lane on public and/or private existing roads? d. ReplacenriCTt of existing damaged pavement? If you answered NO to ALL of the questions, then proceed to Question 3. If you answered YES to ONE OR MORE of the questions then you ARE NOT a significant redevelopment and you ARE WOT subject to PRIORITY project requirements, only STANDARD requirements. Please check the "DOES NOT MEET PRIORITY REQUtREMENTS" box in Section 3 below. Will the development create, replace, or add at least 5,000 square feet of impervious surfaces on an existing development, or be located within 200 feet of the Pacific Ocean and (1) create more than 2500 square feet of Impermeable surface or (2) increase Impenneable surface on property by more than 10%? If you answered YES, you ARE a significant redevelopment and you ARE subject to PRIORITY project requirements. Please chea the "MEETS WfTH REQUIREMENTS" box in Section 3 below. If you answered NO, you ARE NOT a significant redevelopment, and you ARE NOT subject fo PRIORITY project requirements, only STANDARD requirements. Please check the 'DOES NOT MEET PRIORITY REQUIREMENTS" box in Section 3 below. SECTION 3 Questionnaire Results: • MY PROJECT MEETS PRIORITY REQUIREMENTS. MUST COMPLY WITH PRIORITY PROJECT STANDARDS AND MUST PREPARE A STORM WATER MANAGEMENT PLAN FOR SUBMITTAL AT TIME OF APPLICATION. MY PROJECT DOES NOT MEFF PRIORITY REQUIREMENTS AND MUST ONLY COMPLY WITH STANDARD STORM WATER REQUIREMENTS. Apf^icant informalion and Signature Box .pplicant Name: — , Applicant Tjtto: Appl Am Appl 1^ leant Tjtto: This Box for City Use Oniy City Concurrence: By; Date Yes No 7^ Project ID: E-34 Page 3 of 3 REV 8/12/09 4^ CO (0 CO - Q Q CSI CO PLANNING DEPARTMENT BUILDING PLAN CHECK REVIEW CHECKLIST Address 7205 Ponto Drive _ Phone (760)602- 4614 Plan Check No, CB 101660 Planner Christer Westman APN: 214-160-10,11.13,19,20,21.24.29 and 214-590-04 Type of Project & Use: Commercial Net Project Density: N/A Zoning: CT-Q/C General Plan: T-R Facilities Management Zone: 22_ CFD (in/out) # 1 Date of participation: 06/22/2010 Remaining net dev acres: 0 Circle One (For non-residential development: Type of land used created by this permit: Commercial/Hotel) Legend: ^ Item Complete • Item Incomplete - Needs your action Environmental Review Required: YES |EI NO • TYPE Negative Declaration DATE OF COMPLETION: Julv 21. 2009 Compliance with conditions of approval? If not, state conditions which require action. Conditions of Approval: Discretionary Action Required: YES IEI NO • TYPE RP/SDP APPROVAL/RESO. NO. DATE July 21.2009 PROJECT NO. RP 05-11/SDP 05-14 OTHER RELATED CASES: Compliance with conditions or approval? If not, state conditions which require action. Conditions of Approval: Coastal Zone Assessment/Compliance Project Site located in Coastal Zone? YES JEl NO Q CA Coastal Commission Authority? YES O NO El If California Coastal Commission Authority: Contact them at - 7575 Metropolitan Drive, Suite 103, San Diego, CA 92108-4402; (619) 767-2370 Determine status (Coastal Permit Required or Exempt): CDP 05-43 issued bv the Citv of Carlsbad Habitat Management Plan Data Entry Completed? YES • NO IEI If property has Habitat Type identified in Table 11 of HMP, complete HMP Permit application and assess fees in Permits Plus (A/P/Ds, Activity Maintenance, enter CB#, toolbar, Screens, HMP Fees, Enter Acres of Habitat Type impacted/taken, UPDATE!) Inclusionary Housing Fee required: YES O NO ^ (Effective date of Inclusionary Housing Ordinance - May 21, 1993.) Data Entry Completed? YES • NO • (A/P/Ds, Activity Maintenance, enter CB#, toolbar, Screens, Housing Fees, Construct Housing Y/N, Enter Fee, UPDATE!) H:\ADMIN\Template\Building Plancheck Review Checklist.doc Rev 4/08 Site Ptan: Provide a fully dimensional site plan drawn to scale. Show: North arrow, property lines, easements, existing and proposed structures, streets, existing street improvements, right-of-way width, dimensional setbacks and existing topographical lines (including all side and rear yard slopes). Provide legal description of property and assessor's parcel number. • • • Policy 44 - Neighborhood Architectural Design Guidelines 1, Applicability: YES • NO |EI 2, Project complies: YES • NOO Zoning: 1, Setbacks: N/A Front: Interior Side: Street Side: Rear: Top of slope: Required. Required, Required, Required, Required Shown Shown Shown Shown Shown 2, Accessory structure setbacks: N/A Front: Required, Interior Side: Required. Street Side: Required. Rear: Required. Structure separation: Required. Shown Shown Shown Shown Shown 3, Lot Coverage: Required N/A Shown N/A • • • • 4. Height: Required 35 max Shown 37.5 NOTE: Height shown to flat roof. Sloping shingle roof (parapets) OK to exceed for screening 5, Parking: Spaces Required 389 Shown 389 (breakdown by uses for commercial and industrial projects required) Residential Guest Spaces Required N/A Shown N/A Additional Comments OK TO ISSUE AND ENTERED APPROVAL INTO COMPUTER Provido ovidonco of payment of Hf DATE 3tion of noticoo of rootriction, otc. Requires Landscape Plan approval Requires approval of an onsite lighting plan <imum building height approved is 36 foot with protrusions for oquipmont ocrooning New Comment: 12/01/10 - Bottom floor shingles missing on interior pool court elevations south and west facing, 01/13/11 - applicant requested relief from comment. Comment stands. Please provide shingles. H:\ADMIN\Template\Building Plancheck Review Checklist.doc Rev 4/08 0 V QJ Q) CO CO CD o Q a >> XI S k #3 O a> led o 6 O 6 CO c c a 1 51 3 m • • PLANNING DEPARTMENT BUILDING PLAN CHECK REVIEW CHECKLIST Plan Check No. CB 101660 Planner Christer Westman Address 7205 Ponto Drive Phone (760)602- 4614 APN: 214-160-10,11,13(f9:20,21,24,29 and 214-590-04 Type of Project & Use: Commerciai Net Project Density: N/A Zoning: CT-Q/C General Plan: T-R Facilities Management Zone: 22 CFD (in/out) # 1 Date of participation:_06/22/2010_ Remaining net dev acres: 0 Circle One (For non-residential development: Type of land used created by this permit: Commercial/Hotel) Legend: |Ei Item Complete • Item Incomplete - Needs your action Environmental Review Required: YES E] NO • TYPE Negative Declaration DATE OF COMPLETION: Julv 21, 2009 Compliance with conditions of approval? If not, state conditions which require action. Conditions of Approval; Discretionary Action Required: YES El NO • TYPE RP/SDP APPROVAL/RESO. NO, DATE July 21, 2009 |^oc,-| I tt.4t O^^'b ^^pc^-^^ "^Co^^^ PROJECT NO, RP 05-11/SDP 05-14 OTHER RELATED CASES: Compliance with conditions or approval? If not, state conditions which require action. Conditions of Approval: Coastal Zone Assessment/Compliance Project site located in Coastal Zone? YES M NO O CA Coastal Commission Authority? YES • NO ]El If California Coastal Commission Authority: Contact them at - 7575 Metropolitan Drive, Suite 103, San Diego, CA 92108-4402; (619) 767-2370 Determine status (Coastal Permit Required or Exempt): CDP 05-43 issued by the Citv of Carlsbad Habitat Management Plan Data Entry Completed? YES • NO ^ If property has Habitat Type identified in Table 11 of HMP, complete HMP Permit application and assess fees in Permits Plus (A/P/Ds, Activity Maintenance, enter CB#, toolbar. Screens, HMP Fees, Enter Acres of Habitat Type impacted/taken, UPDATE!) Inclusionary Housing Fee required: YES • NO El (Effective date of Inclusionary Housing Ordinance - May 21, 1993.) Data Entry Completed? YES • NO • (A/P/Ds, Activity Maintenance, enter CB#, toolbar, Screens, Housing Fees, Construct Housing Y/N, Enter Fee, UPDATE!) H:\ADMIN\Template\Building Plancheck Review Checklist.doc Rev 4/08 Site Plan: n Provide a fully dimensional site plan drawn to scale, Show: North arrow, property lines, easements, existing and proposed structures, streets, existing street improvements, right-of-way width, dimensional setbacks and existing topographical lines (Including all side and rear yard slopes). Provide legal description of property and assessor's parcel number. n • • • Policy 44 - Neighborhood Architectural Design Guidelines 1. Applicability: YES • NO S 2 Project complies YES • NOD • Zoning: 1 Setbacks N/A Front Interior SKle Slreel Side Rear Top of slope Required Required Required Required Required 2. Accessory structure setbacks: N/A • la • Front: Interior Side Street Side: Rear: Structure separation: 3, Lot Coverage: 4. Height: Required Required Required Required Required Shown Shown Shown Shown Shown Shown Shown Shown Shown Shown Required N/A Shown N/A Required 35 max Shown 37.5 Spaces Required 389 Shown 389 5. Parking, (breakdown by uses for commercial and industrial projects required) Residentiai Guest Spaces Required N/A Shown N/A Additional Comments OK TO ISSUE AND ENTERED APPROVAL INTO COMPUTER 1. • Provide evt^ence of payment ol HMP-in liou tooo \i{c>\/\C> 2 Provide evKtenc© of fecof<latK>n of nottcos of rcptnction. etc. - \ l^c>\/1 o 3 Requires Landscape Plan approval 4. Requires approval of an onsite lighting plan 5. Maximum buOdmghetgm approved i^^teetwrth-frfotaisior^f^^ |Z/&(/io H \ADMlN\TomplateVBuilding Plancheck Revlow Checklist.doc Rev 4/08 PLANNING DEPARTMENT BUILDING PLAN CHECK REVIEW CHECKLIST Address 7205 Ponto Drive _ Phone (760)602-4614 Plan Check No. CB 101660 Planner Christer Westman APN: 214-160-10.11,13,19, and 214-590-04 Type of Project & Use: Commercial Net Project Density: Zoning: CT-Q/C General Plan: T-R Facilities Management Zone: .22_ N/A CFD (in/out) # 1 Date of participation: 06/22/2010 Remaining net dev acres: 0 Circle One (For non-residential development: Type of land used created by this permit: Commercial/Hotel) a. Legend: |^ Item Complete • Item Incomplete - Needs your action ^ Environmental Review Required: YES ^ NO • TYPE Negative Declaration DATE OF COMPLETION: Julv 21. 2009 Compliance with conditions of approval? If not, state conditions which require action. Conditions of Approval: Discretionary Action Required: YES El NO • TYPE RP/SDP APPROVAL/RESO, NO. DATE Julv 21. 2009 PROJECT NO. RP 05-11/SDP 05-14 OTHER RELATED CASES: Compliance with conditions or approval? If not, state conditions which require action. Conditions of Approval: Coastal Zone Assessment/Compliance Project site located in Coastal Zone? YES El NO O CA Coastal Commission Authority? YES D NO El If California Coastal Commission Authority: Contact them at - 7575 Metropolitan Drive, Suite 103, San Diego, CA 92108-4402; (619) 767-2370 Determine status (Coastal Permit Required or Exempt): CDP 05-43 issued bv the City of Carlsbad Habitat Management Plan Data Entry Completed? YES • NO El If property has Habitat Type identified in Table 11 of HMP, complete HMP Permit application and assess fees in Permits Plus (A/P/Ds, Activity Maintenance, enter CB#, toolbar, Screens, HMP Fees, Enter Acres of Habitat Type impacted/taken, UPDATE!) Inclusionary Housing Fee required: YES G NO ^ (Effective date of Inclusionary Housing Ordinance - May 21, 1993,) Data Entry Completed? YES • NO • (A/P/Ds, Activity Maintenance, enter CB#, toolbar, Screens, Housing Fees, Construct Housing Y/N, Enter Fee, UPDATE!) H:WDMIN\Template\Building Plancheck Review Checklist.doc Rev 4/08 Site Plan: Provide a fully dimensional site plan drawn to scale. Show: North arrow, property lines, easements, existing and proposed structures, streets, existing street improvements, right-of-way width, dimensional setbacks and existing topographical lines (including all side and rear yard slopes). Provide legal description of property and assessor's parcel number. • • • Policy 44 - Neighborhood Architectural Design Guidelines 1. Applicability: YES • NO El 2. Project complies: YES • NOQ Zoning: 1. Setbacks: N/A Front: Interior Side: Street Side: Rear: Top of slope: Required Required Required Required, Required. Shown Shown. Shown Shown Shown 2, Accessory structure setbacks: N/A Front: Required Interior Side: Required, Street Side: Required, Rear: Required. Structure separation: Required. Shown Shown Shown Shown Shown 3. Lot Coverage: Required N/A Shown N/A • 4. Height: Required 35 max Shown 37,5 NOTE: Height shown to flat roof. Sloping shingle roof (parapets) OK to exceed for screening 5, Parking: Spaces Required 389 Shown 389 (breakdown by uses for commercial and industrial projects required) Residential Guest Spaces Required N/A Shown N/A Additional Comments • • • OK TO ISSUE AND ENTERED APPROVAL INTO COMPUTER CWestman DATE 02/11/2011 SEE NOTE BELOW Provido ovidonco of paymont of MMP in liou fooo 2^ Provido ovidonco of rooordation of noticoo of rootriction, oto. Sr-—Roquiroo Landooapo Plan approval 4, Requires approval of an onsite lighting plan. Onsite and outside building lighting still under review. But OK to issue building permit to allow the project to move forward. 02/11/2011 : approved io 36 foot with protruoiono for oquipmont ocrooning )or ohingloo miooing on intorior pool facing. 01/13/11 applicant roquootod roliof from oommont, Commont otande, Ploaoo pre H:\ADMIN\Template\Building Plancheck Review Checklist.doc Rev 4/08 i CORRECTION LIST Page: 1 of 2 Daryl K. James & Associates, Inc. Checked by: Susan Guzzetta 205 Colina Terrace Date: September 30, 2010 Vista, CA 92084 T. (760) 724-7001 Email: kitfire@sbcglobal.net APPLICANT: Wave Crest Oceanfront LLC JURISDICTION: Carlsbad Fire Department PROJECT NAME: Hilton Carlsbad Oceanfront PROJECT ADDRESS: Carlsbad Blvd. & Ponto Dr, PROJECT DESCRIPTION: CBI 01660 Construction of new Hotel with basement and a 3-levei Parking Structure INSTRUCTIONS • This plan review has been conducted in order to verify conformance to minimum requirements of codes adopted by the Carlsbad Fire Department, • The items beiow require correction, clarification or additional information before this plan check can be approved for permit issuance. • To expedite the recheck process, please note on this document (or copy) how and where each correction item listed below has been addressed (sheet number, note number, detail number, legend number, etc.). Corrections or modifications to the plans must be clouded and provided with numbered deltas and revision dates. - PLEASE SEND OR DELIVER REVISED PLANS WITH BUILDING DEPT. COMMENTS DIRECTLY TO: SUSAN GUZZETTA 6121 COSTA RUSTICO SAN CLEMENTE, CA 92673 • Please direct any questions regarding this review directly to: Susan Guzzetta at 949-573-1558 or stguzzetta@gmail.com CORRECTIONS Page CS Indicate parking structure as "open structure" Add hood fire suppression system and patio fireplace to deferred submittals. A0.20 GENERAL NOTES Please revise the fire department notes with the following: Fire Department Emergency Response Maps will be updated as per Carlsbad's Municipal Code 17.04.190 Combustible vegetation fuel modification at construction sites shall be maintained prior to combustible building materials arriving on site. Carlsbad Municipal Code 17.04,250 Group A and R-1 curtains, draperies, hangings and other decorative materials suspended from walls or ceilings shall meet the flame propagation performance criteria of N,F,P,A, 701 in accordance with Section 806,2 or be noncombustible, California Fire Code Section 807,1 The emergency power system shall provide power for a duration of not less than 90 minutes, C,B,C, Section 1006,3 Rooms with an occupant ioad of 50 or more people shall have the occupant load of the room or space posted in a conspicuous place, near the main exit or exit access doorway from the room or space. 1 f e Department notes indicate "see hydrant location map on sheet A002 for all fire hydrants that are within 400' . the building," Sheet A002 is not included with the submittal for review. Please provide an approved plan inclicating the existence and locations of current and proposed fire hydrants and FDC locations. Approval shall be by the Fire Marshal of the City of Carlsbad Fire Department. The approved hydrant and FDC plan shall then be fonwarded to me as part of the corrected plan set. The Fire Flow for the building must be reviewed and approved by the Carlsbad Fire Department as per the Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 17.04.210. The approved fire flow shall then be fonwarded to me as part of the corrected plan set. Fire Department notes indicate "See site plan for approved fire department access roadways." The site plan does not indicate the location or dimensions of fire access roadways. Please provide a revised plan indicating the approved emergency access. Approval shall be by the Fire Marshal of the City of Carlsbad Fire Department, The access must also be marked as per the Carlsbad Municipal Code 17,04.130 and the CF.C, Section 503,3, Please indicate markings on access plan. The approved fire access plan shall then be fonwarded to me as part of the corrected plan set, A9.30 Provide hardware schedule with door schedule. Numbers provided in hardware column on door schedule do not have a reference or detail that indicates type of hardware. As per the door schedule, not all openings/doors located in the one-hour and two-hour walls are indicated on the door schedule as have a fire rating. Example: Door 1243 (storage room door in 1-hour occupancy separation wall) - No rating provided. Door 1258 (restaurant door in 1-hour occupancy wall) - No rating provided. Please review the door schedule and provided door ratings for all rated openings. All openings shail meet the requirements of C.B.C. Section 715,1 and table 715,4. and be indicated on the revised plan set, ID>5.1 Patio Fireplace must meet requirements of Carlsbad Fire Department with regard to horizontal and vertical distances to combustible construction, A separate submittal to the fire department will be required for the patio fireplace prior to construction. H n 3 i f" B ?^ s HILTON CARLSBAD OCEANFRONT RESORT AND SPA PREPARED FOR JOSEPH WONG DESIGN ASSOCIATES DESIGN IS BASED ON THE 2006 INTERNATIONAL BUILDING CODE SUPPLEMENTAL STRUCTURAL CALCULATIONS NOVEMBER 19^^ 2010 DCI Job# 09051-0018 Hi!; 7^0 San Diego Oai-lorr GROUP DELTA CONSULTANTS Geoleehnieal Engineering Geology Hytl rogpology Earthquake Englneerinit .Maierials Testing & Inspection Forensic Serriees October 18, 2010 Wave Crest Resorts III, LLC 829 Second Street, Suite A Encinitas, Califomia 92024 Attention: Mr. John Yeakey SUBJECT: FOUNDATION PLAN REVIEW COMMENTS Hilton Carlsbad Beach Resort and Spa Carlsbad, California Document No. 10-0548 Project No. SD-126 References: Mr. Yeakey: Geotechnics Incorporated (2009). Geoteciinical Investigation, Hilton Carlsbad Beacti Resort and Spa, Carlsbad, CA, Project No. 0703-002-01, Document No. 09-0206, April 24. DCI Engineers (2010), Hilton Carlsbad Oceanfront Resort and Spa, Carlsbad, CA, Job No. 09-51-0018, Sheets S 1.0, Sl.l, S 1.2, S2.0B, S2.0C, S2.0D, S2.1A, S2.1B, S2.1C, S2.1D &S3.01, May 28. This letter confirms that we have reviewed the geotechnical aspects of the referenced foundation plans for the proposed Hilton Carlsbad Beach Resort and Spa. With the exception noted below, it is our opinion that the referenced plans adequately incorporate the intent of the geotechnical recommendations. The follovkang change should be made to the plans prior to finalization. • Sheets 2.0BCD & 2.1 ABCD. Foundation Note 10: Add the following note to each of the plans: "All foundation excavations shall extend to a minimum depth of 24 inches below lowest adjacent soil grade." We appreciate this opportunity to provide continued professional service. Please feel free call with any questions or comments, or if you need anything else. GROUP DELTA CONSULTANTS Matthew A. Fagan, Pft. 57248 Senior Engineer Distribution: (1) Addressee, Mr. John Yeakey (iohnveakev(a)vahoo.com (1) Mr. Blake Schatz (bschatzCSdci-enqineers.com) 92-1.^.-\(lirily Itodd,.Suite 103 A San Dicgo. Californiti 92r2(l A (H'iS)')3(;-IO()0 voicv A (SSS) SSti-SHII fax In ine, CA (9-m LW-SJOO A rormnce. CA (.310).320-5100 A Ontario. CA (909) ti05-6mj A El Centro. CA (760) 337-2(167 itirtf.OroiipDella.eoin ^DCI ENGINEERS aSSHO'AMATO CONVERSANO INC. Project No. Sheet No. Project Date Subject I.o 0.2Q i'-- /?.!r' , IA'- lc>nii>n^i'ii,i^\Cn,<:T/z IP , /' '•^07'i c - P 'I-' Jl J I... ,,.L.-,. ROOM s 3FL OWEN PROJECT: fli^Tn^l REV. BY: DATE: A f ) Q PRQjFnT Mn DATE: PAGE: TITLE: Lafe^al 3^<;hem', <,pe,,.^, fie^yiPc^^c^l Masovv, Uvwj c:5 1 Vn=- l5bcD psJ: 15- PROJECT: BY: DATE: PROJECT NO. REV. BY: DATE: PAGE: TITLE: II Ok. ^. OK ETABS \ lA>iNO LOfiD^ RSF- Cjf^a FOUR ^ID^SJ -1> ETABS V9.2.0 - File: Hilton Resort - September 2 2010 17-15 Plan View - STORYI - Elevation 474 - Kip-in Units 1 ^ I \ I V i x7';> V / A 1 I o Hilton Resort.txt ETABS V9.2.0 File:HILTON RESORT Units:Kip-ft September 2, 2010 17:05 PAGEI STORY DATA STORY SIMILAR TO HEIGHT ELEVATION STORYI None 39.500 39.500 BASE None 0.000 ETABS V9.2.0 FilerHILTON RESORT Units:Kip-ft September 2, 2010 17:05 PAGE 2 STATIC LOAD CASES STATIC CASE AUTO LAT SELFWT NOTIONAL NOTIONAL CASE TYPE LOAD MULTIPLIER FACTOR DIRECTION DEAD DEAD N/A 1.0000 LIVE LIVE N/A 0.0000 EQX QUAKE IBC2006 0.0000 EQY QUAKE IBC2006 0.0000 WINDX WIND None 0.0000 WINDY WIND None 0.0000 EQOPX QUAKE None 0.0000 EQOPY QUAKE None 0,0000 ETABS V9.2.0 FileiHILTON RESORT Units:Kip-ft September 2, 2010 17:05 PAGE 3 AUTO SEISMIC IBC2006 Case: EQX AUTO SEISMIC INPUT DATA Direction: X + EccY Typical Eccentricity = 5% Eccentricity Overrides: No Period Calculation: Program Calculated Ct = 0,028 (in feet units) Page 1 Hilton Resort.brt AUTO SEISMIC IBC2006 Case: EQY AUTO SEISMIC INPUT DATA Direction: Y + EccX Typical Eccentricity = 5% Eccentricity Overrides: No Period Calculation: Program Calculated Ct = 0.028 (in feet units) x = 0.8 Top Story: STORYI Bottom Story: BASE R = 5 I = 1 Ss = 1.251 g SI = 0.472g TL = 8 Site Class = D Fa = 1 Fv= 1.528 tin = 39.500 (Building Height) AUTO SEISMIC CALCULATION RESULTS Sds = 0.8340g Sd1 = 0.4808g T Used = 0.1199 sec W Used = 258.20 Page 3 STORY UX UY Hilton Resort.txt UZ RX RY RZ ST0RY1 8.025E+00 8.025E+00 O.OOOE+00 O.OOOE+00 O.OOOE+00 O.OOOE+00 BASE 3.520E-01 3.520E-01 O.OOOE+00 O.OOOE+00 O.OOOE+00 O.OOOE+00 Totals 8.377E+00 8.377E+00 O.OOOE+00 O.OOOE+00 O.OOOE+00 O.OOOE+00 ETABS V9.2.0 File:HILTON RESORT Units:Kip-ft September 2, 2010 17:05 PAGES CENTERS OF CUMULATIVE MASS & CENTERS OF RIGIDITY STORY DIAPHRAGM /- CENTER OF MASS //-CENTER OF RIGIDITY-/ LEVEL NAME MASS ORDINATE-X ORDINATE-Y ORDINATE-X ORDINATE-Y STORY1 D1 O.OOOE+00 0.000 0.000 7.884 10.028 ETABS V9.2.0 FileiHILTON RESORT Units:Kip-ft September 2, 2010 17.05 PAGE MODAL PERIODS AND FREQUENCIE S MODE PERIOD FREQUENCY CIRCULAR FREQ NUMBER (TIME) (CYCLES/TIME) (RADIANS/TIME) Mode 1 0.11993 8.33849 52.39230 Mode 2 0.10397 9.61796 60.43145 Mode 3 0.08908 11.22602 70.53516 Mode 4 0.07095 14.09497 88.56130 Mode 5 0.05913 16.91217 106.26227 Mode 6 0.05024 19.90259 125.05166 Mode 7 0.04679 21.37056 134.27521 Modes 0.04438 22.53037 141.56246 ETABS V9.2.0 File:HILTON RESORT Units:Kip-ft September 2, 2010 17:05 PAGE 10 MODAL PARTICIPATING MASS RATIOS MODE X-TRANS Y-TRANS Z-TRANS RX-ROTN RY-ROTN RZ-ROTN NUMBER %MASS<SUM> %MASS <SUM> %MASS <SUM> %MASS <SUM> %MASS <SUM> %MASS <SUM> Model 1.62 < 2> 62.93 <63> 0.00 < 0> 79.84 <80> 2.26 <2> 7.3K 7> Mode 2 69.86 < 71 > 0.90 < 64> 0.00 < 0> 0,94 < 81 > 95.68 < 98> 1.62 < 9> Page 5 WINDX -1.368E-10 -7.015E-11 2.700E+01 2.772E+02 WINDY -5.817E-11 -1.382E-10 -1.874E+01 -2.484E+02 EQOPX 6.499E-10 -4.224E+01 -2.467E-13 8.464E+02 EQOPY 1.000E-09 -4.417E+01 -8.793E-14 8.966E+02 Hilton Resort.b(t -1.528E+02 9.896E-10 1.245E+02 1.095E-09 2.397E-08 -2.707E+02 3,690E-08 -3.170E+02 ETABS V9.2.0 File:HILTON RESORT Units:Kip-ft September 2, 2010 17.06 PAGE 13 STORY FORCES STORY LOAD STORYI EQX STORYI EQY STORYI WINDX STORYI WINDY STORYI EQOPX STORYI EQOPY VX VY MX MY 4.362E-12 -4.307E+01 -1.139E-09 4.839E+02 4.244E-08 -9.241 E+02 -3.819E-14 8.744E-10 -4.307E+01 -2.945E+02 9.241E+02 3.224E-08 2.700E+01 -1.368E-10 -7.015E-11 9.896E-10 2.772E+02 -1.528E+02 -1.874E+01 -5.817E-11 -1.382E-10 1.095E-09 -2.484E+02 1.245E+02 -2.467E-13 6.499E-10 -4.224E+01 -2.707E+02 8.464E+02 2.397E-0S -8.793E-14 1.000E-09 -4.417E+01 -3.170E+02 8.966E+02 3.690E-08 ETABS v9,2.0 File:HILTON RESORT Units:Kip-ft September 2, 2010 17:06 PAGE 14 STORY DRIFTS STORY DIRECTION LOAD MAX DRIFT STORYI STORYI STORYI STORYI STORYI STORYI X Y X Y Y Y EQX EQY WINDX WINDY EQOPX EQOPY 1/18457 1/14745 1/696401 1/763600 1/16994 1/14859 ETABS V9.2.0 File:HILTON RESORT Units:Kip-ft September 2, 2010 17:06 PAGE 15 DISPLACEMENTS AT DIAPHRAGM CENTER OF MASS STORY DIAPHRAGM LOAD UX UY RZ STORYI STORYI ST0RY1 D1 D1 D1 EQX EQY WINDX 0.0020 -0.0002 0.0000 -0.0002 0.00001 0.0022 0.00007 0.0000 0.00000 Page 7 load combinations.txt ETABS V9.2.0 File:HILTON RESORT Units:Kip-in September 2, 2010 17:49 PAGEI LOADING COMBINATIONS COMBO COMBO TYPE CASE SCALE CASE TYPE FACTOR STI ADD DEAD Static 1.4000 ST2 ADD DEAD Static 1.2000 LIVE Static 0.5000 ST4WX ADD DEAD Static 1.2000 WINDX Static 1.6000 LIVE Static 0.5000 ST4WY ADD DEAD Static 1.2000 WINDY Static 1.6000 LIVE Static 0.5000 ST5EX ADD DEAD Static 1.3700 EQX Static 1.0000 ST5EY ADD DEAD Static 1.3700 EQY Static 1.0000 ST5EOX ADD DEAD Static 1.3700 EQOPX Static 1.0000 ST5EOY ADD DEAD Static 1,3700 EQOPY Static 1.0000 ST6WX ADD DEAD Static 0.9000 WINDX Static 1.6000 ST6WY ADD DEAD Static 0.9000 WINDY Static 1.6000 ST7EX ADD DEAD Static 0.7300 EQX Static 1.0000 ST7EY ADD DEAD Static 0.7300 EQY Static 1.0000 ST7E0X ADD DEAD Static 0.7300 EQOPX Static 1.0000 ST7EOY ADD DEAD Static 0.7300 EQOPY Static 1.0000 S1 ADD DEAD Static 1.0000 S3 ADD DEAD Static 1.0000 LIVE Static 1.0000 Page 1 / ) ) 5. Ov 4ir 8f 15 ^ i 0 \ DELTA: CONSULTANTS Geotechnieat Knglneerlnif Geology Hydr<ig<iohfty Earthquake EngUteerli^ Materials Testing & Inspection Forenofc ServU>es October 18, 2010 Wave Crest Resorts 111, LLC 829 Second Street, Suite A Encinitas, California 92024 Attention: Mr. John Yeakey Document No. 10-0548 Project No. SD-126 SUBJECT: References: Mr. Yeakey: FOUNDATION PLAN REVIEW COMMENTS Hilton Carlsbad Beach Resort and Spa Carlsbad, California Geotechnics Incorporated (2009). Geotechnical Investigation, Hilton Carlsbad Beach Resort and Spa, Carlsbad, CA, Project No. 0703-002-01, Document No. 09-0206, April 24. DCI Engineers (2010). Hilton Carlsbad Oceanfront Resort and Spa, Carlsbad, CA, Job No. 09-51-0018, Sheets Sl.O, Sl.l, S1.2, S2.0B, S2.0C, S2.0D, S2.1A, S2.1B, S2.1C, S2.1D &S3.01, May 28. This letter confirms that we have reviewed the geotechnical aspects of the referenced foundation plans for the proposed Hilton Carlsbad Beach Resort and Spa. With the exception noted below, it is our opinion that the referenced plans adequately incorporate the intent of the geotechnical recommendations. The following change should be made to the plans prior to finalization. • Sheets 2.0BCD & 2.1 ABCD. Foundation Note 10: Add the folloving note to each of the plans: "All foundation excavations shall extend to a minimum depth of 24 inches below lowest acijacent soil grade." We appreciate this opportunity to provide continued professional service. Please feel free call with any questions or comments, or if you need anything else. GROUP DELTA CONSULTANTS Matthew A. Pagan, Pft. 57248 Senior Engineer Distribution: (1) Addressee, Mr. John Yeakey (iohnveakevPvahoo.com (1) Mr. Blake Schatz (bschatzCd dci-enqineers.com) 9mAct-k'UfRmd,SuiU 103 A San Diego, (Mfornitt mm A (m)m-m(>mke A (mS).m-mn f<u Irvine, CA (»49) 450-2100 A Torrm.ee, CA (310) msiOO A Oniario, CA (909) 605-6500 A E! Centro, CA (760) 337-2067 wwiv.GroupMta.mm C&IO\(ahO Geotechnics Incorporated San Diego El Centro Riverside GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION HILTON CARLSBAD BEACH RESORT AND SPA CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA prepared for Wave Crest Resorts HI, LLC 829 Second Street, Suite A Encinitas, Califomia 92024 by GEOTECHNICS INCORPORATED Project No. 0703-002-01 Document No, 09-0206 April 24, 2009 Ob 10 { 9245 Activity Road, Ste. 103 • San Diego, California Plione (858) 536-1000 • Fax (858) 536-8311 92126 Geotechnics Incorporated April 24, 2009 Wave Crest Resorts III, LLC 829 Second Street, Suite A Encinitas, Califomia 92024 San Diego El Centro Riverside Project No. 0703-002-01 Document No, 09-0206 Attention: Mr. John Yeakey SUBJECT: Gentlemen: GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION Hilton Carlsbad Beach Resort and Spa Carlsbad, California In accordance with your request, we have prepared this updated geotechnical investigation for the proposed three-story Hilton Carlsbad Beach Resort and Spa on Ponto Road in Carlsbad, Califomia. This geotechnical update is based on our review of the current design concept as shown on the attached Exploration Plan, as well as the findings of our previous geotechnical investigation of the site (Geotechnics, 2005), Specific conclusions regarding site conditions and recommendations for foundation design and earthwork constmction are presented in the attached report. These conclusions and recommendations supersede those provided previously (Geotechnics, 2005). We appreciate this opportunity to provide professional services. If you have any questions or comments regarding this report or the services provided, please do not hesitate to contact us. GEOTECHNICS INCORPORATED Anthony F. Belfast, P.E. Principal Distribution: (6) Addressee, Mr, John Yeakey 9245 Activity Road, Ste. 103 • San Diego, California • 92126 Phone (858) 536-1000 • Fax (858) 536-8311 GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION HILTON CARLSBAD BEACH RESORT AND SPA CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1 2.0 SCOPE OF SERVICES 1 3.0 SITE DESCRIPTION 2 4.0 PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT 2 5.0 GEOLOGY AND SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS 3 5.1 Santiago Formation (Tsa) 3 5.2 Bay Point Formation (Qbp) 3 5.3 Undifferentiated Fill and Alluvium 4 5.3 Compacted Fill 4 5.4 Groundwater 4 6.0 GEOLOGIC HAZARDS 5 6.1 Ground Rupture 5 6.2 Seismicity 5 6.3 Liquefaction 6 6.4 Landshdes and Lateral Spreads 6 6.5 Tsunamis, Seiches, Earthquake Induced Flooding 6 7.0 CONCLUSIONS 7 Geotechnics Incorporated GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION HILTON CARLSBAD BEACH RESORT AND SPA CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA TABLE OF CONTENTS (Continued) 8.0 RECOMMENDATIONS 8 8.1 Plan Review 8 8.2 Excavation and Grading Observation 8 8.3 Earthwork 8 8.3.1 Site Preparation 9 8.3.2 Compressible Soils 9 8.3.3 Building Areas 9 8.3.4 Temporary Slopes 10 8.3.5 Fill Compaction 10 8.3.6 Surface Drainage 10 8.4 Foundation Recommendations 11 8.4.1 Conventional Foundations 11 8.4.2 Settlement 11 8.4.3 Lateral Resistance 12 8.4.4 Foundation Setbacks 12 8.4.5 Seismic Design 12 8.5 On-Grade Slabs 13 8.5.1 Moisture Protection for Slabs 13 8.5.2 Exterior Slabs 15 8.5.3 Reactive Soils 15 8.6 Earth-Retaining Stmctures 15 8.6.1 Cantilever Retaining Walls 16 8.7 Preliminary Pavement Design 16 8.7.1 Asphalt Concrete 16 8.7.2 Portland Cement Concrete 17 8.7.3 Interlocking Concrete Paver Blocks 17 8.8 Pipelines 18 8.8.1 Thmst Blocks 18 8.8.2 Modulus of Soil Reaction 18 8.8.3 Pipe Bedding 18 9.0 LIMITATIONS OF INVESTIGATION 19 Geotechnics Incorporated GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION HILTON CARLSBAD BEACH RESORT AND SPA CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA TABLE OF CONTENTS (Continued) ILLUSTRATIONS Site Location Map Figure 1 Site Vicinity Map Figure 2 Fault Location Map Figure 3 Spectral Accelerations Figures 4,1 through 4,4 Wall Drain Details Figure 5 TABLES Regional Seismicity Table 1 PLATES Exploration Plan Plate 1 APPENDICES REFERENCES Appendix A SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION Appendix B LABORATORY TESTING Appendix C Geotechnics Incorporated GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION HILTON CARLSBAD BEACH RESORT AND SPA CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 1.0 INTRODUCTION This updated report presents the results of our geotechnical investigation for the proposed Hilton Carlsbad Beach Resort and Spa in Carlsbad, Califomia, The purpose ofthis investigation was to characterize the pertinent geotechnical conditions at the site, and to provide recommendations for the geotechnical aspects of earthwork constmction and foundation design. The conclusions presented in this report are based on field exploration, laboratory testing and engineering analysis, as well as our previous experience in the site vicinity (Geotechnics, 2005). Portions of the site contain existing stmctures and improvements which preclude subsurface exploration. Consequently, the conclusions and recommendations presented herein should be considered preliminary and subject to revision based on the conditions exposed during earthwork operations or future subsurface explorations. 2.0 SCOPE OF SERVICES This updated report was prepared in general accordance with the provisions of the referenced proposal (Geoteclinics, 2009). To evaluate geotechnical impacts to the proposed development and provide recommendations for grading and foundation design, the following services were provided. • A reconnaissance of the site and literature review of available maps and geologic reports. Pertinent references are provided in Appendix A, • A subsurface exploration of the site including six exploratory borings. Samples of the soils encountered in the explorations were collected for laboratory analysis. Boring logs are presented in Appendix B. The boring locations are shown on the Exploration Plan, Plate 1, • Laboratory testing of selected samples collected during the subsurface exploration. The laboratory test results are summarized in the figures of Appendix C. • Assessment of general seismic conditions and geologic hazards affecting the site vicinity, and development of seismic design parameters for the 2007 Califomia Building Code (CBC). • Development of recommendations for site preparation, earthwork and backfill, remedial earthwork, foundation design, soil bearing capacity, foundation settlement, retaining wall design, pavement design, soil reactivity, and site drainage and moisture protection, • Preparation of this report summarizing our findings, conclusions and recommendations, Geotechnics Incorporated WAVE CREST RESORTS 111, LLC PROJECT NO. 0703-002-01 APRIL 24, 2009 DOCUMENT NO. 09-0206 PAGE 2 3.0 SITE DESCRIPTION The proposed hotel site is located just east of the Pacific Coast Highway and Carlsbad State Beach as shown on the Site Location Map, Figure 1. The site is located approximately 500 feet east of the coastal bluffs at the Carlsbad State Beach, The site is bounded to the north by Ponto Road, to the south by existing commercial and residential buildings, to the west by Ponto Drive, and to the east by the AT&SF Railway. The property location is shown on the Site Vicinity Map, Figure 2. The site slopes gently down towards the southeast with elevations ranging from about 65 feet above mean sea level (MSL) at the northwest comer of the site, to roughly 44 feet MSL at the southeast comer of the site. Several undocumented fill stockpiles are located in the center of the site. The northem portion ofthe site contains an area of compacted fill that was placed during grading for the residential development north of the site. Fill placement in that area was documented in the referenced as-graded report (SCST, 2000), Two desilting basins were constmcted during grading in the northem portion ofthe site. The basins are about 3 to 4 feet deep. Several existing commercial and residential buildings currently occupy the southem portion ofthe site. The northem portion of the site is presently vacant. However, it is our understanding that several stmctures which previously existed in that area were demolished. In addition, several underground storage tanks appear to have been removed from 7204 Ponto Drive in the southern portion of the site. The records we reviewed indicate the storage tanks were about 4 to 5 feet deep. Geotechnics Incorporated did not provide environmental consulting services for the site. 4.0 PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT It is our understanding that development will include construction of a 3-story wood-framed hotel, along with a separate 3-story reinforced concrete parking garage. Both stmctures will have partial basement areas. Preliminary grading plans indicate that hotel will have a finish floor elevation of about 64.5 feet, with the basement area at about 53.5 feet. The parking structure will have a finish floor elevation of about 45.0 feet. The structures will likely be supported by concrete slabs-on-grade with conventional shallow foundations. Site development may also include various paved parking and driveway areas, as well as a variety of underground utilities and retaining stmctures, Ponto Road will be extended south between the parking garage and the buildings, A swimming pool with surrounding flatwork and landscaping is proposed in the central courtyard area. The layout of the proposed development is shown on the attached Exploration Plan, Plate 1, Geotechnics Incorporated TOPO! map printed on 04/22/09 from "California.tpo" and "Untitled.Lpg" 117.33333'^ W 117.31667° W WGS84 117.30000" W 117.33333* W TNtfMN /l3* 117.31667* W j . ^ Mlit WGS84 117.30000* W PmtledfiomTOPOl 92001 Notional Gec^rapkic Holdings (www topo com) Geotechnics Incorporaled SITE LOCATION MAP Project No. 0703-002-01 Document No. 09-0206 FIGURE 1 Geotechnics Incorporaled SITE VICINITY MAP Project No. 0703-002-01 Document No. 09-0206 FIGURE 2 \Draning\CorelDraw\8rd8x11-h Rev. 12/99 WAVE CREST RESORTS III, LLC PROJECT NO. 0703-002-01 APRIL 24, 2009 DOCUMENT NO. 09-0206 PAGE 3 5.0 GEOLOGY AND SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS The site is located within the coastal plain section of the Peninsular Ranges geomorphic province of southem Califomia. This province, which stretches from the Los Angeles basin to the tip of Baja Califomia, is characterized as a series of northwest trending mountain ranges separated by subparallel fault zones, with a coastal plain of subdued landforms underlain by marine sediments. As observed during this investigation, the subject site is underlain by shallow undifferentiated undocumented fill and alluvium, which overlies sedimentary deposits known as the Bay Point and Santiago formations. The approximate locations of the exploratory borings conducted for this investigation are shown on the Exploration Plan, Plate 1. Logs describing the subsurface conditions encountered in the borings are presented in Appendix B. A description of the specific units observed during our field investigation follows. 5.1 Santiago Formation (Tsa) Tertiary-age Santiago Formation was encountered in Borings B-4 through B-6 at depths ranging from approximately 18 to 38 feet below the ground surface. The formational materials included lean to fat claystone, clayey sandstone, and sandstone. The materials were typically gray to grayish brown in color, moist, and hard or very dense in consistency. We anticipate that the Santiago Formation will not be exposed by the planned excavations. 5.2 Bay Point Formation (Obp) The Quatemary-age Bay Point Formation was encountered in all of our explorations. This formation overlies the Santiago Formation. As observed on site, the Bay Point Formation includes poorly graded sand (Unified Soil Classification Symbol SP), silty sand (SM), clayey sand (SC), lean clay (CL), and fat clay (CH). The materials were brown, yellow-brown, grayish brown or gray in color. The sands were typically moist and medium dense to very dense in consistency. The clays were typically moist and hard in consistency. Geotechnics Incorporated WAVE CREST RESORTS III, LLC PROJECT NO. 0703-002-01 APRIL 24, 2009 DOCUMENT NO. 09-0206 PAGE 4 5.3 Undifferentiated Fill and Alluvium Undocumented fill and alluvium were encountered in most of the exploratory borings conducted for this project. The undifferentiated fill and alluvium thickness was observed to vary from approximately 4 to 8 feet at the locations we explored. The fill was likely derived from the underlying alluvium, and is therefore similar in composition. The undocumented fill was not differentiated from the underlying alluvium for the purpose of this investigation. The undifferentiated fill and alluvium encountered in our borings t3/pically consisted of poorly graded or silty sand (SP or SM). These materials were typically brown, moist, and loose to medium dense in consistency. Laboratory testing indicates the undifferentiated fill and alluvium has a very low expansion potential. However, the undifferentiated fill and alluvium is considered to be undocumented, potentially compressible, and unsuitable for the direct support of the proposed fill and stmctural loads. 5.4 Compacted Fill About 9 feet of compacted fill was encountered in Boring B-1 in the northem portion of the site. The compacted fill we observed consisted of poorly graded sand with silt (SP-SM). The compacted fill was brown, moist, and dense in consistency. Our literature review indicates that the compacted fill was placed in the late 90's during grading for the residential development north of the site. We have reviewed the as-graded report prepared by Southem Califomia Soil and Testing for the area (SCST, 2000). Based on the bottom elevations provided in the as-graded report, the maximum compacted fill thickness is about 14 feet. The compacted fill pad is documented, dense in consistency and generally considered suitable for support of the proposed structures and improvements. The approximate location and extent of the compacted fill is shown on the attached Exploration Plan, Plate 1. 5.5 Groundwater Groundwater was observed in Borings B-5 and B-6 at depths ranging from approximately 41 to 45 feet below the ground surface. It should be noted that changes in rainfall, irrigation practices, or site drainage may produce seepage or locally perched groundwater conditions at any location within the soil or bedrock underlying the site. This typically occurs at underlying contacts with less permeable materials, such as the interface that exists between the fill or alluvium and the underlying fomiational materials. Geotechnics Incorporated WAVE CREST RESORTS III, LLC PROJECT NO. 0703-002-01 APRIL 24, 2009 DOCUMENT NO. 09-0206 PAGES 6.0 GEOLOGIC HAZARDS The subject site is not located within an area previously known for significant geologic hazards. Indications of active faulting, landshdes or liquefiable soils were not encountered during this investigation. Geologic hazards at the site will generally be associated with the potential for strong ground shaking due to an earthquake on a nearby active fault. Each of the various geologic hazards is described in greater detail below. 6.1 Ground Rupture Ground mpture is the result of movement on an active fault reaching the ground surface. The nearest known active fauh is within the Rose Canyon fault zone, which is located about SVi km west of the site. The site is not located within an Alquist-Priolo Earthquake Fault Zone, and no evidence of active or potentially active faulting was found during our investigation. Consequently, ground mpture is not considered to be a substantial geologic hazard at the site. 6.2 Seismicity According to the program TOPO!, the approximate centroid of the subject site is located at a latitude of 33.0969° north and longitude of 117.3152" west (NGH, 2001). The Fault Location Map, Figure 3, shows the locations of known faults within a 100 km radius of the site. Table 1 summarizes the properties of these faults. The values presented in Table 1 were developed using the program EQFAULT and supporting documentation (Blake, 2000). The program FRISKSP was used to perform a probabilistic analysis of seismicity for the site. The analysis was conducted using the characteristic earthquake distribution of Youngs and Coppersmith (1985). Based on the results of our probabilistic analyses, the peak ground accelerations with a 2, 5 and 10 percent probability of being exceeded in a 50 year period are 0,56, 0.39g and 0.26g, respectively. These levels of risk are often referred to as the Maximum Considered, Upper Bound and Design Basis Earthquakes, respectively. By comparison, the Califomia Geological Survey website indicates that the Design Basis Earthquake for the site is 0,33g (CGS, 2003). Geotechnics Incorporated Holocene fault displacement (during past 10.000 year»l wiilioul historic record. Geomorpliic oviCence for Holocene faulting inaudea sag corrfs. sea Bhc/rtng illtle emsion, or w lollcwia (oalures in Holocene age depoai;s: otfeei sifeam courses, linear scarps, shutter ridges, atO trianguiat laceled spurs. Recency of faulting offehore ia based on ihe inlerpreieo aoe of the yctnuosi - < displaced 0/faulting. I.at8 Quaternary fautt displacement (during past 700.000 years). Geomorphc evidence similar to lhat deacri&ed tor HoWceno faula exceol leatures are less dsilncl Faulling may be yo'jngef, but lack of younger o\'e"yno9 deposits precludes more acojrale age Classificalion, Qualemary faull [age undiffetentialed). Most teulB of this calc^oiy show evidence CT displacemcnl sometime during ihe past l .6 milion years; possible exceptijns are faults Ital displace tOCks of undifferentiated Pllo-Ple' See Bulletin 201. Appendix D for source tate Cenozoic faults within the Sierra Nevada Including, but not restricted to. Ihe Foothills fault system Faults show stratigraphic and.'or geomoiphki evidence (or displacement of late Miocene and Ptiocene deposits. By anatogy. * I Ceiwzoic faults in thia system that hava been mvesligaled in delai> may have Deen active in Quaternary bme (Dala from PGS.E. 1993 ' Pre-Quale mary fault (older than 1.6 million years) or fault without recognized Quatemary displacement. Some faults are shown In this category because the source ot mapping used was ol reconnaissance nature, or was not done with the of Cabr§ ^ull displaceinenis. Faults in this cale^^ry are not necessarily inactive. SCALE (KM) REFERENCES: Reproduced witti permission. Division of Mines and Geology, CD-ROM 200O-O06 (2000), Digital Database ol faults from lhe Fault Activily Map ol California and Adjacent Areas. IBID (1994). Selected Faulte in Northern Baja Califomia. Offshore, aod trie Adjacent Southern Calilornia Area. CC o o go O O) il a> tj sg a. Q_ < g o o '.Dralitng\CoretDraw\Fault-SD Rev. 09'03 DISTANCE ESTIMATED MAXIMUM ESTIMATED SHEAR ESTIMATED FAULT* TO SITE PEAK GROUND EARTHQUAKE FAULT AREA" MODULUS" SLIP RATE" [KM] ACCELERATION^ MAGNITUDE^' [CM^] [DYNE/CM^] [MMnCEAR] Rose Canyon 6 0.52 7.2 9.10E+12 3.30E+11 1.5 Newport-lnglewood (Offshore) 13 0.33 7,1 8.58E+12 3,30E+11 1.5 Coronado Bank 31 0.19 7.6 2,41E+13 3.30E+11 3.0 Elsinore (Temecula) 42 0.08 6.8 6.45E+12 3.30E+11 5.0 Elsinore (Julian) 42 0.10 7.1 1.14E+13 3.30E+11 5.0 San Diego Trough 47 0.13 7,7 3.00E+13 3.30E+11 2.0 Elsinore (Glen Ivy) 61 0.05 6.8 5,40E+12 3.30E+11 5.0 Palos Verdes 62 0.07 7.3 1.25E+13 3.30E+11 3,0 San Joaquin Hills 63 0.05 6.6 4,30E+12 3.60E+11 0,5 Earthquake Valley 69 0.03 6.5 3.00E+12 3.30E+11 2,0 San Jacinto-Anza 79 0,04 7,2 1.64E+13 3.30E+11 12.0 Newport-lnglewood (LA,Basin) 80 0,04 7.1 8,58E+12 3.30E+11 1,0 San Jacinto-San Jacinto Valley 81 0.03 6.9 7,74E+12 3.30E+11 12.0 Chino-Central Ave. (Elsinore) 84 0.03 6.7 4,63E+12 3.30E+11 1,0 San Jacinto-Coyote Creek 84 0,03 6,8 6.15E+12 3,30E+11 4.0 San Clemente 84 0.08 8.1 6.00E+13 3.30E+11 4.0 Whittier 89 0.03 6.8 5,90E+12 3.30E+11 2.5 Elsinore (Coyote Mountain) 90 0.03 6.8 5.85E+12 3.30E+11 4.0 1. Fault activity determined by Blake (2000), CDMG (1992), Wesnousky (1986), and Jennings (1994). 2. Median peak horizontal ground accelerations (in g's) from Sadigh (1997) for Rock Sites for the Maximum Earthquake Magnitude. 3. Moment magnitudes determined from CDMG (2003), Blake (2000), Wesnousky (1986) and Anderson (1984). 4. Estimated fault areas, shear moduli, and slip rates after fault data for EQFAULT and FRISKSP, Blake (2000), 5. The Maximum Earthquake Magnitude is the estimated median moment magnitude that appears capable of occuring given rupture of the entire estimated fault area. Geotechnics Incorporated REGIONAL SEISMICITY Project No. 0703-002-01 Document No. 09-0206 TABLE 1 WAVE CREST RESORTS III, LLC PROJECT NO. 0703-002-01 APRIL 24, 2009 DOCUMENT NO. 09-0206 PAGE 6 6.3 Liquefaction Liquefaction is a process in which soil grains in a saturated deposit lose contact due to earthquakes or other sources of ground shaking. Liquefiable soils typically consist of cohesionless sands and silts that are loose to medium dense, and saturated. Due to the dense nature of the formational materials and compacted fill which will underlie the proposed development, and the absence of shallow groundwater in the soils observed during our subsurface exploration, the potential for liquefaction is considered to be negligible. 6.4 Landslides and Lateral Spreads Lateral spreading is a form of plastic deformation which occurs on gently sloping ground during an earthquake. Typically, the event requires liquefaction and an unsupported, steep cut or scarp at the toe of the failure area that allows the initial lateral displacement. Evidence of ancient landslides or slope instabilities was not observed at the site during our investigation. The site is not underlain by liquefiable soils. Based on the relatively dense nature of the underlying materials, the site is not believed to be susceptible to lateral spreading or landsliding associated with a seismic event on a nearby active fault. Accordingly, the potential for landslides or lateral spreads to significantly impact the proposed development is considered to be low. 6.5 Tsunamis, Seiches, Earthquake Induced Flooding The site is located more than 45 feet above mean sea level (MSL). Studies have suggested that a 500-year tsunami in the Pacific Ocean may result in a water surface increase of about 12 feet above tidal elevations in the site vicinity (U.S. Army, 1974), The elevation of the site likely precludes damage due to seismically induced waves (tsunamis) or seiches. The site does not appear to be located below any large bodies of water. Consequently, the potential for earthquake induced flooding is considered to be low. Geotechnics Incorporated WAVE CREST RESORTS IH, LLC APRIL 24, 2009 PROJECT NO. 0703-002-01 DOCUMENT NO. 09-0206 PAGE 7 7.0 CONCLUSIONS No geotechnical conditions were apparent in this investigation that would preclude the proposed development of the site. However, some geotechnical factors exist which require consideration, • Most of the site is underlain by about 4 to 8 feet of alluvium and undocumented fill. These soils are considered to be potentially compressible and unsuitable for the direct support of the proposed structures and improvements. Consequently, we recommend that all alluvium and undocumented fill throughout the site be excavated, freed of deleterious materials such as vegetation and debris, and replaced as a uniform compacted fill to the proposed finish grades. • Based on the preliminary fmish floor elevations, it appears that portions of both the hotel basement and the parking structure basement will be underlain by several feet of undocumented fill or alluvium. Once the remedial grading described above is completed, the structures will still be underlain by various transitions between compacted fill and formation. In order to provide more uniform bearing conditions for the proposed foundations and slabs, we recommend that the remaining cut portions of both structures be over-excavated as necessary so that a minimum of three feet of compacted fill is placed beneath all portions of the proposed structures (including the basement areas). The minimum over-excavation depth should be taken as three feet below the proposed finish pad grades. • Excavations are expected to generate predominately granular soils with a low expansion potential and negligible soluble sulfate content based on commonly accepted criteria. However, excavations may also produce some moderately or highly expansive material. Expansive soils generated by site excavations (with an Expansion Index over 50) should be segregated and removed from the site, or placed in non-structural landscaping areas, • A minor amount of loose sediments may have accumulated within the desilting basins since the site was graded. These materials are not suitable for the direct support of new fill or structural loads. These sediments should be excavated and compacted during finish grading. • It is our understanding that several underground storage tanks were previously removed Irom the site. Geotechnics Incorporated has not provided environmental consulting services for this project. As a consequence, we have no opinion regarding the presence or absence of contaminated soils throughout the subject site. Geotechnics Incorporated WAVE CREST RESORTS III, LLC APRIL 24, 2009 PROJECT NO. 0703-002-01 DOCUMENT NO. 09-0206 PAGE 8 8.0 RECOMMENDATIONS The remainder of this report presents geotechnical recommendations regarding earthwork and design of the proposed structures and improvements. These recommendations are based on empirical and analytical methods tjpical of the standards of practice in southem Califomia. If these recommenda- tions do not cover a specific feature of the project, please contact our office for amendments. 8.1 Plan Review We recommend that foundation and grading plans be reviewed by Geotechnics Incorporated prior to finalization. It has been our experience that substantial changes in the development may occur from the preliminary plans used for the investigation. Such changes may require additional evaluation, which could result in modifications to the recommendations provided in the following sections of the report. 8.2 Excavation and Grading Observation Foundation and grading excavations should be observed by Geotechnics Incorporated. During grading, Geotechnics Incorporated should provide observation and testing services continuously. Such observations are considered essential to identify field conditions that differ fi-om those anticipated by the preliminary investigation, to adjust designs to actual field conditions, and to determine that the grading is accomplished in general accordance with the recommendations of this report. Recommendations presented in this report are contingent upon Geotechnics Incorporated performing such services. Our personnel should perform sufficient testing of fill and backflll during grading and improvement operations to support our professional opinion as to compliance with the compaction recommendations. 8.3 Earthwork Grading and earthwork should be conducted in general accordance with the Grading Ordinance of the City of Carlsbad and the requirements of the CaHfomia Building Code (CBC). The following recommendations are provided regarding specific aspects of the proposed earthwork construction. These recommendations should be considered subject to revision based on field conditions observed by the geotechnical consultant. Geotechnics Incorporated WAVE CREST RESORTS 111, LLC PROJECT NO. 0703-002-01 APRIL 24, 2009 DOCUMENT NO. 09-0206 PAGE 9 8.3.1 Site Preparation: Site preparation includes removal of deleterious materials, existing structures, or other improvements from areas to be subjected to fill or stmctural loads. Deleterious materials, including vegetation, trash, and constmction or demolition debris, should be removed from the site. Loose sediments within the desilting basins should be excavated under the observation of Geotechnics Incorporated, dried back if necessary, and then replaced as a uniformly compacted fill. Existing subsurface utilities that are to be abandoned should be removed and the excavations backfilled and compacted as described in Section 8.3.5. 8.3.2 Compressible Soils: The undifferentiated undocumented fill and alluvium throughout the site is considered to be potentially compressible and unsuitable for the direct support of future fills or stmctural loads. The thickness of these compressible soils at the locations we explored typically varied from approximately 4 to 8 feet. Roughly 5 feet of undocumented fill is anticipated in the area previously backfilled after removal of the underground storage tanks as shown on Plate 1. All undocumented fill and alluvium should be excavated and replaced as compacted fill throughout the site. These remedial excavations should be conducted under the continuous observation of Geotechnics Incorporated personnel. The remedial excavations should extend at least 5 feet beyond the perimeter of the proposed building foundations (including any associated isolated column footings), and 2 feet beyond the perimeter of the proposed flatwork and pavement areas. 8.3.3 Building Areas: Based on the preliminary development plans, we anticipate that the basements for the proposed hotel and parking garage will be underlain directly by both the Bay Point Formation and relatively shallow compacted fill generated by the remedial grading operations described in Section 8.3.2. In order to create more uniform bearing conditions, we recommend that the cut portions of the proposed building pad areas also be over-excavated to at least 3 feet below finish pad grades, and then replaced with a uniformly compacted fill as described in Section 8,3.5, Note that the over-excavation of the cut portions of thebuilding pad areas may be conducted simultaneously with the excavation and compaction of compressible soils as described in Section 8.3.2. We suggest that the building areas be initially over-excavated to a minimum depth of 3 feet below finish pad grade. The excavations bottoms may then be observed by Geotechnics Incorporated to locate areas where additional remedial excavations for compressible soils may be needed. Geotechnics Incorporated WAVE CREST RESORTS III, LLC APRIL 24, 2009 PROJECT NO. 0703-002-01 DOCUMENT NO. 09-0206 PAGE 10 8.3.4 Temporarv Slopes: Temporary slopes may be needed at the site to complete the recommended remedial earthwork, the basement excavations, and for constmction of the proposed subsurface utilities. Excavations should conform to Cal-OSHA guidelines. Temporary excavations should be inclined no steeper than 1:1 (horizontal to vertical) for heights up to 15 feet. Higher temporary slopes, planned excavations near existing stmctures, or excavations that encounter seepage or other potentially adverse conditions should be evaluated by the geotechnical consultant on a case-by-case basis during grading. If shoring is required, Geotechnics Incorporated should be contacted to provided specific shoring parameters, 8.3.5 Fill Compaction: All fill and backflll to be placed in association with site development should be accomplished at slightiy over optimum moisture conditions using equipment that is capable of producing a uniformly compacted product. The minimum relative compaction recommended for fill is 90 percent of the maximum dry density based on ASTM D1557. Geotechnics should continuously test and observe fill placement so that an opinion can be rendered to the compaction achieved. Imported fill sources should be observed prior to hauling onto the site to determine the suitability for use. In general, imported fill soils should have an expansion index less than 50 based on ASTM D4829. Samples of imported materials should be tested by Geotechnics Incorporated in order to evaluate their appropriate engineering properties for the planned use. During grading operations, soil types may be encountered by the contractor which do not appear to conform to those discussed within this geotechnical report. The geotechnical consultant should be notified in order to evaluate the suitability of these soils for their proposed use. 8.3.6 Surface Drainage: Slope, foundation and slab performance depends greatly on how well surface mnoff drains from the site. This is tme both during constmction and over the entire life of the stmcture. The ground surface around stmctures should be graded so that water flows rapidly away from the stmctures and top of slopes without ponding. The surface gradient needed to achieve this may depend on the prevailing landscape. The project engineer should consider these aspects in design. Geotechnics Incorporated WAVE CREST RESORTS III, LLC APRIL 24, 2009 PROJECT NO. 0703-002-01 DOCUMENT NO. 09-0206 PAGE 11 Planters should be built so that water from them will not seep into the foundation, slab, or pavement areas. If roof drains are used, their drainage should be channeled by pipe to storm drains, or discharge at least 10 feet from buildings. Irrigation should be limited to the minimum needed to sustain landscaping plants. Should excessive irrigation, surface water intmsion, water line breaks, or unusually high rainfall occur, saturated zones or "perched" groundwater may develop within the underlying soil. Sound engineering judgment should be used in designing the proposed improvements, maintaining protective slope vegetation, and minimizing irrigation, 8.4 Foundation Recommendations Foundation design should be performed by the project stmctural engineer, incorporating the following geotechnical parameters. These design parameters should be considered preliminary, and subject to revision based on the conditions observed during grading. They are only minimum criteria and should not be considered a stmctural design, or to preclude more restrictive criteria of goveming agencies or the stmctural engineer. 8.4.1 Conventional Foundations: The following recommendations assume that the foundations for the proposed stmctures will bear entirely in compacted fill as described in Section 8.3,3. The bearing soils are assumed to have a low expansion potential (an Expansion Index of less than 50). Preliminary design should incorporate the following geotechnical parameters. Allowable Bearing: 2,500 lbs/ft^ ('/a increase for wind or seismic loads) Minimum Footing Width: 18 inches Minimum Footing Depth: 24 inches below lowest adjacent soil grade Minimum Reinforcement: Two No. 4 bars at both top and bottom in continuous footings. 8.4.2 Settlement: Total and differential settlements of the proposed stmctures are not expected to exceed one inch, and three quarters of an inch in 40 feet, respectively. Geotechnics Incorporated WAVE CREST RESORTS 111, LLC PROJECT NO. 0703-002-0! APRIL 24, 2009 DOCUMENT NO. 09-0206 PAGE 12 8.4.3 Lateral Resistance: Lateral loads against the stmcture may be resisted by fi-iction between the bottoms of footings and slabs and the supporting soil, as well as passive pressure from the portion of vertical foundation members embedded into formational material. A coefficient of friction of 0.40, and a passive pressure of 350 psf per foot of depth is recommended. 8.4.4 Foundation Setbacks: As a minimum, all foundations should be setback from any descending slope at least 8 feet. The setback should be measured horizontally from the outside bottom edge of the footing to the slope face. The horizontal setback can be reduced by deepening the foundation to achieve the recommended setback distance projected from the footing bottom to the face of the slope. 8.4.5 Seismic Design: Based on the findings of the our subsurface investigation, it is our opinion that 2007 CBC Site Class C (Soft Rock) would be most applicable to the general site conditions. The properties of known active faults within 100 km of the site were summarized in Table 1. The Rose Canyon fault, which is located about 5'/2 km west of the site, is the closest known active fault. The median deterministic response spectra for the ten closest known active faults are presented in Figure 4.1. The Rose Canyon fault produces the highest median spectral accelerations for all periods. The 2001 CBC response spectmm for a Seismic Soil Profile Type Sc is also shown in Figure 4.1 for comparison. The 2001 CBC response spectmm is essentially a deterministic spectmm for the nearest known active fault. The upper bound of the median deterministic spectra may be used to determine the 2007 CBC Deterministic MCE Response Spectmm for Site Class C, as shown in Figure 4.2. This spectmm is determined by comparing 1 Vi times the upper bound of the deterministic spectra to the deterministic lower limit on the MCE response spectmm presented in Figure 21.2-1 of ASCE 7, The results of this analysis are shown graphically in Figure 4.2. A probabilistic seismic hazard analysis was also conducted for the site using the program FRISKSP, As described in Section 6.2, our analyses indicate that the peak ground accelerations with a 2, 5 and 10 percent probability of being exceeded in a 50 year period are 0.56, 0,39g and 0.26g, respectively. The probabilistic uniform hazard response spectra associated with these three risk levels are shown in Figure 4.3, Geotechnics Incorporated L80 2.0 Period [Seel Geotechnics Incorporaled Project No. 0703-002-01 DETERMINISTIC SPECTRAL ACCELERATION Document No 09-0206 FIGURE 4.1 1.80 O.OC 0.0 Upper Bound ol Deterministic Spectra lor all faults (see Figure Ll) 1 Vi Times the Upper Bound of Deterministic Spectra lor all laults Deleiminislic Lower Limit on MCE Response Spectrum (ASCE 7) 2007 CBC Deterministic MCE Response Spectrum for Site Class C 0.5 LO 15 20 Period [Sec] 2.5 3.0 3 5 4 0 Geotechnics Incorporated DETERMINISTIC SPECTRAL ACCELERATION Project No. 0703-002-01 Document No. 09-0206 FIGURE 4.2 reo L60 1 40 DOO •FRISKSP Probabilistic Design Basis Unilomi Hazard Spectrum (DBE - 475 Years) •FRISKSP Probabilistic Upper Bound Unifomi Hazard SpecHum (UBE - 949 Years) FRISKSP Probabilistic Maximum Considered Uniform Hazanj Spectrum (MCE - 2.475 Years) 0.0 0.5 1.0 L5 2.0 Period ISec] 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 Geotechnics Incorporated PROBABILISTIC SPECTRAL ACCELERATION Project No. 0703-002-01 Document No. 09-0206 FIGURE 4.3 L80 L60 0.20 0.00 — 2007 CBC Delemiinislic MCE Response Spectrum lor Site Class C — 2007 CBC Probabilistic MCE Response Spectrum lor Site Class C —2007 CBC Site Specilic MCE Response Spectrum for Site Class C —2007 CBC Site Specilic Design Spectaim for Site Class C ^2007 CBC Recommended Design Spectrum lor Site Class C (USGS) 0,0 0.5 1.0 L5 2.0 Period [Seel 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 Geotechnics Incorporated DESIGN SPECTRAL ACCELERATION Project No. 0703-002-01 Document No. 09-0206 FIGURE 4.4 WAVE CREST RESORTS III, LLC APRIL 24, 2009 PROJECT NO, 0703-002-01 DOCUMENT NO. 09-0206 PAGE 13 A site specific evaluation was conducted in accordance with Section 21.2 of ASCE 7 because the site is located within 10 km of an active fauh (Rose Canyon). The site specific evaluation involves a comparison of the deterministic and probabilistic based Maximum Considered Earthquake (MCE) response spectra described previously. The 2007 CBC Deterministic MCE Response Spectmm for Site Class C is shown in red in Figure 4.4. The 2007 CBC Probabilistic MCE Response Spectrum for Site Class C is shown in blue in Figure 4.4. The 2007 CBC Site Specific MCE Response Spectmm for Site Class C is the lower limit of these two spectra, as shown in green in Figure 4,4. The 2007 CBC Site Specific Design Spectmm for Site Class C represents 2/3 of the MCE spectmm, as shown in gray in Figure 4.4. We recommend that the USGS mapped spectral ordinates be used for seismic design. The mapped spectral ordinates Ss and S i equal 1.336 and 0.505 for the site. The site coefficients (Fa and Fv) equal 1.000 and 1.300, respectively. The MCE spectral parameters SMS and SMI equal 1.336 and 0.657, respectively. The spectral design parameters SDS and SDI equal 0.890 and 0.438, respectively. The recommended 2007 CBC Design Spectmm for Site Class C is shown in black in Figure 4.4. 8.5 On-Grade Slabs The project stmctural engineer should design the proposed building slab using the following minimum geotechnical parameters. On-grade slabs should be supported by compacted fill or formation as recommended in Section 8.3.2. Slab thickness, control joints, and reinforcement should be designed by the stmctural engineer. If an elastic design is used, a modulus of subgrade reaction of200 VoI'vci would be appropriate. Building slabs should be at least 5 inches thick, and be reinforced with at least No. 3 bars on 18-inch centers, each way. 8.5.1 Moisture Protection for Slabs: Concrete slabs constmcted on grade ultimately cause the moisture content to rise in the underlying soil. This results from continued capillary rise and the termination of normal evapotranspiration. Because normal concrete is permeable, the moisture will eventually penetrate the slab. Excessive moisture may cause mildewed carpets, lifting or discoloration of floor tiles, or similar problems. To decrease the likelihood of problems related to damp slabs, suitable moisture protection measures should be used where moisture sensitive floor coverings, moisture sensitive equipment, or other factors warrant. Geotechnics Incorporated WAVE CREST RESORTS III, LLC PROJECT NO. 0703-002-01 APRIL 24, 2009 DOCUMENT NO. 09-0206 PAGE 14 The most commonly used moisture barriers in southem Califomia consist of two to four inches of clean sand or pea gravel covered by 'visqueen' plastic sheeting. Two inches of sand are placed over the plastic to decrease concrete curing problems. It has been our experience that such systems will transmit approximately 6 to 12 pounds of moisture per 1000 square feet per day. The architect should review the estimated moisture transmission rates, since these values maybe excessive for some applications, such as sheet vinyl, wood flooring, vinyl tiles, or carpeting with impermeable backings that use water soluble adhesives. Sheet vinyl may develop discoloration or adhesive degradation due to excessive moisture. Wood flooring may swell and dome if exposed to excessive moisture. The architect should specify the moisture barrier based on the allowable moisture transmission rate for the flooring. The American Concrete Institute provides detailed recommendations for moisture protection systems (ACI 302.1R-04). ACI defines a "vapor retarder" as having a minimum thickness of 10-mil, and a water transmission rate of less than 0.3 perms when tested in accordance with ASTM E96. ACI defines a "vapor barrier" as having a water transmission rate of 0.0 perms. The vapor membrane should be constructed in accordance with ASTM E1643 and E1745 guidelines. All laps or seams shouldbe overlapped a minimum of 6 inches, or as recommended by the manufacturer. Joints and penetrations should be sealed with pressure sensitive tape, or the manufacturer's recommended adhesive. The vapor membrane should be protected from puncture and repaired per the manufacturer's recommendations if damaged. Based on current ACI recommendations, concrete should be placed directly over the vapor membrane. The common practice of placing sand over the vapor membrane may increase short term moisture transmission through the slab because it provides a reservoir for bleed water to collect from the concrete. The sand placed over the vapor membrane may also move prior to concrete placement, resulting in irregular slab thickness. However, placing concrete directly on a low permeability membrane may resuh in finishing delays, increased cracking, as well as an increased potential for slab curl and other curing problems. To reduce the potential for such problems, a low water to cement ratio should be used for the concrete (typically between 0,45 and 0.50), and the concrete should be moist cured in accordance with ACI guidelines. Geotechnics Incorporated WAVE CREST RESORTS III, LLC PROJECT NO. 0703-002-01 APRIL 24, 2009 DOCUMENT NO. 09-0206 PAGE 15 The vapor membrane is often placed over 4 inches of a granular base material. The base should be a clean, fine graded sandy material with 10 to 30 percent passing the No. 100 sieve. The base should not be contaminated with clay, silt, or organic material. The base should be proof-rolled prior to placing the vapor membrane. 8.5.2 Exterior Slabs: Exterior slabs on-grade should be supported by low expansion compacted fill as recommended in Section 8.3.2. Exterior slabs should be at least 4 inches thick. Crack control joints should be placed on a maximum spacing of 10 feet, each way, for slabs, and 5 feet for sidewalks. The potential for long-term differential movements across the control joints be reduced by using steel reinforcement. Typical reinforcement for exterior slabs would consist of 6x6 W2,9/W2.9 welded wire fabric placed securely at mid-height of the slab section. 8.5.3 Reactive Soils: In order to assess the exposure of concrete in contact with the site soils, samples were tested for water soluble sulfate content (see Figure C-3). Based on these test results, the site soils appear to have a negligible potential for sulfate attack based on commonly accepted criteria. However, it should be noted that the use of fertilizer or the presence of sulfate in the irrigation water may cause the sulfate content in the soil to rise over time. In order to help assess the reactivity of the site soils with buried metal pipes or stmctures, soluble chloride, pH, and resistivity tests were conducted on selected soil samples (see Figure C-3). These tests indicate that the site soils may be slightly corrosive to buried metals. A corrosion consultant may be contacted for specific corrosion control recommendations. 8,6 Earth-Retaining Stmctures Backfllling retaining walls with expansive soil can increase lateral pressures well beyond normal active or at-rest pressures. We recommend that retaining walls be backfilled with soil which has an expansion index of 20 or less. Retaining wall backfill should be compacted to at least 90 percent relative compaction, based on ASTM D1557. Backfill should not be placed until walls have achieved adequate stmctural strength. Heavy compaction equipment, which could cause distress to the walls, should not be used. Walls should contain backdrains to relieve hydrostatic pressure. Our recommended wall drain details are shown in Figure 5. Geotechnics Incorporated DAMP-PROOFING OR WATER- PROOFING AS REQUiRED ROCK AND FABRIC ALTERNATIVE MINUS 3/4-INCH CRUSHED ROCK ENVELOPED IN FILTER FABRIC (MIRAFI 140NL, SUPAC 4NP, OR APPROVED SIMILAR) 12-INCH MINIMUM 4-lNCH DIAM. PVC PERFORATED PIPE DAMP-PROOFING OR WATER- PROOFING AS REQUIRED GEOCOMPOSITE PANEL DRAIN 1 CU. FT PER LINEAR FOOT OF MINUS 3/4-INCH CRUSHED ROCK ENVELOPED IN FILTER FABRIC 4-INCH DIAM. PVC PERFORATED PIPE PANEL DRAIN ALTERNATIVE WEEP-HOLE ALTERNATIVE NOTES 1) Perforated pipe should outlet through a solid pipe to a free gravity outfall. Perforated pipe and outlet pipe should have a fall of at least 1%, 2) As an alternative to the perforated pipe and outlet, weep-holes may be constructed, Weep-holes should be at least 2 inches in diameter, spaced no greater than 8 feet, and be located just above grade atthe bottom of wall. 3) Filter fabric should consist of Mirafi 140N, Supac 5NP, Amoco 4599, or similar approved fabric. Filter fabric should be overlapped at least 6-inches. 4) Geocomposite panel drain should consist of Miradrain 6000, J-DRain 400, Supac DS-15, or approved similar product. 5) Drain installation shouid be observed by the geotechnical consultant prior to backfilling. Geotechnics Incorporated WALL DRAIN DETAILS Project No. 0703-002-01 Document No. 09-0206 FIGURES \Draftin9\C0relDraw\Walldrn Rev. 6/99 WAVE CREST RESORTS III, LLC PROJECT NO. 0703-002-01 APRIL 24, 2009 DOCUMENT NO. 09-0206 PAGE 16 8.6.1 Cantilever Retaining Walls: For general wall design, an allowable bearing capacity of 2,500 lbs/ft, a coefficient of friction of 0.40, and a passive pressure of 350 psf per foot of depth is recommended. Cantilever retaining walls with level granular backfill maybe designed using an active earth pressure approximated by an equivalent fluid pressure of 35 lbs/ft^. Cantilever retaining walls with 2:1 sloping backfill may be designed for an equivalent fiuid pressure of 55 lbs/ft^. These active pressures should be used for walls free to yield at the top at least one percent of the wall height. Restrained walls with level backflll or 2:1 sloping backfiil should be designed assuming at rest earth pressures of 55 and 85 Ib/ft^, respectively. Walls adjacent to traffic areas should also be designed to resist a uniform lateral pressure of 100 lbs/ft^ acting as a result of a 300 lbs/ft^ surcharge behind the wall. 8.7 Preliminary Pavement Design Altematives for using asphalt concrete, Portland cement concrete, or interlocking concrete paver block pavements are provided below. For preliminary design purposes, an R-Value of 20 was assumed. However, R-Value tests should be conducted on the actual pavement subgrade soil prior to finalizing pavement section design. For all pavement areas, the upper 12 inches of subgrade soil should be scarified immediately prior to constmcting the pavement section, brought to about optimum moisture content, and then compacted to at least 95 percent of the maximum dry density based on ASTM D155 7. Aggregate base should also be compacted to 95 percent of the maximum dry density. Aggregate base should conform to Section 200-2 of the Standard Specifications for Public Works Constmction (SSPWC;. Asphah concrete should conform to Section 400-4 ofthe SSPWC, and should be compacted to at least 95 percent relative compaction based on the Hveem density determined in general accordance with ASTM D2726. 8.7.1 Asphalt Concrete: Asphalt concrete pavement design was conducted in general accordance with the Caltrans Design Method (Topic 608.4). A Traffic Index of 5.0 was assumed for general passenger car parking lot areas. A Traffic Index of 6.0 was assumed for truck traffic areas (such as the driveways and trash tmck routes). The project civil engineer should review the assumed traffic indices to determine if they are appropriate. Based on an assumed R-Value of 20, the preliminary pavement design for the parking lot areas would consist of 3 inches of asphalt concrete over 6 inches of aggregate base. The preliminary pavement design for the tmck access driveways consists of 3 inches of asphalt concrete over 11 inches of aggregate base. Geotechnics Incorporated WAVE CREST RESORTS III, LLC PROJECT NO. 0703-002-01 APRIL 24, 2009 DOCUMENT NO. 09-0206 PAGE 17 8.7.2 Portland Cement Concrete: Concrete pavement design was conducted in accordance with the simplified design procedure of the Portland Cement Association. This methodology is based on a 20 year design life. For design, it was assumed that aggregate interlock would be used for load transfer across control joints. The subgrade materials were assumed to provide "low" subgrade support. Furthermore, the portland cement concrete was assumed to have a minimum 28 day flexural strength of 600 psi. Based on these assumptions, and using the same traffic indices presented previously, we recommend that the PCC pavement sections at the site consist of at least 6 inches of concrete placed directly over compacted soil. Crack control joints should be constmcted for all PCC pavements on a maximum spacing of 10 feet, each way. Concentrated tmck traffic areas, such as trash truck aprons, should be reinforced with number 4 bars on 18-inch centers, each way. 8.7.3 Interlocking Concrete Paver Blocks: We understand that interlocking concrete paver blocks may be used in some portions ofthe site. Interlocking concrete paver block design was developed using Technical Specification No. 4 of the Interlocking Concrete Pavement Institute (ICPI). The concrete paver blocks were assumed to be roughly equivalent to an equal thickness of asphalt concrete. For our design, we have assumed that the paver blocks will have a minimum nominal thickness of 80 mm. The minimum pavement section for parking lot areas should consist of 80 mm paver blocks over 1 inch of bedding sand over 6 inches of aggregate base. The pavement section for tmck access driveways should consist of 80 mm paver blocks over 1 inch of bedding sand over 11 inches of aggregate base. The paver blocks should be installed in general accordance with the product manufacturer's recommendations. Once the aggregate base has been compacted, and the concrete edge restraints are in place, bedding sand should be screeded in an even layer over the base. The bedding sand should be at least inch thick, but should not exceed 1 Vi inches in thickness. The use of more than 1V2 inches of bedding sand may result in undesirable settlement of the paver blocks over time. The paver blocks should be placed over the bedding sand, and vibrated into place using a high frequency plate compactor. The joint sand should then be swept over the pavers and into the joints, and compacted. Typically, 4 to 6 passes with a compactor would be used to seat the interlocking paver blocks. Geotechnics Incorporated WAVE CREST RESORTS 111, LLC PROJECT NO. 0703-002-01 APRIL 24, 2009 DOCUMENT NO. 09-0206 PAGE 18 The bedding sand should conform to the gradation requirements for ASTM C33. ICPI specifications indicate that the bedding sand should be ".. .as hard as practically available." We recommend that bedding sand be used with a durabiUty exceeding 30 when tested in general accordance with ASTM D3744. A separate joint sand should be used which is finer than the bedding sand, and which conforms to the gradation requirements of ASTM C144. 8.8 Pipelines It is our understanding that the proposed development will include a variety of pipelines such as storm drain, sewer and water. Geotechnical aspects of pipeline design include lateral earth pressures for thrust blocks, modulus of soil reaction, and pipe bedding. Each of these parameters is discussed separately below. 8.8.1 Thmst Blocks: Lateral resistance for thmst blocks may be determined by a passive pressure value of 350 lbs/ft^ for every foot of embedment, assuming a triangular pressure distribution. This value may be used for thmst blocks embedded into formational material. 8.8.2 Modulus of Soil Reaction: The modulus of soil reaction (E') is used to characterize the stiffiiess of soil backflll placed along the sides of buried flexible pipehnes. For the purpose of evaluating deflection due to the load associated with trench backflll over the pipe, a value of 1,500 lbs/in is recommended for the general site conditions, assuming granular bedding material is placed around the pipe. 8.8.3 Pipe Bedding: Typical pipe bedding as specified in the Standard Specifications for Public Works Construction may be used. As a minimum, we recommend that pipes be supported on at least 4 inches of granular bedding material such as minus 3/4-inch cmshed rock or disintegrated granite. Geotechnics Incorporated WAVE CREST RESORTS III, LLC APRIL 24, 2009 PROJECT NO. 0703-002-01 DOCUMENT NO. 09-0206 PAGE 19 9.0 LIMITATIONS OF INVESTIGATION This investigation was performed using the degree of care and skill ordinarily exercised, under similar circumstances, by reputable geotechnical consultants practicing in this or similar localities. No warranty, express or implied, is made as to the conclusions and professional opinions included in this report. This report is issued with the understanding that it is the responsibility of the owner, or of his representative, to ensure that the recommendations contained herein are brought to the attention of the necessary design consultants for the project and incorporated into the plans, and the necessary steps are taken to see that the contractors carry out such recommendations in the field. The findings ofthis report are valid as of the present date. However, changes in the condition of a property can occur with the passage of time, whether due to natural processes or the work of man on this or adjacent properties. In addition, changes in applicable or appropriate standards of practice may occur from legislation or the broadening of knowledge. Accordingly, the findings of this report may be invalidated wholly or partially by changes outside our control. Therefore, this report is subject to review and should not be relied upon after a period of three years. GEOTECHNICS INCORPORATED Matthew A. Fagan, P^, 57248 Project Engineer Anthony F. Belfast, P.E, 40333 Principal Engineer W. Lee Vanderhurst, C.E.G. 1125 Principal Geologist Geotechnics Incorporated APPENDIX A REFERENCES American Society for Testing and Materials (2006). ASTM Standards on Disc, Volume 04.08, Soil and Rock (I): D420 - D5779. Blake, T.F. (2000). EQFAULT, EQRISK, and FRISKSP: Computer Programs for the Estimation of Peak Horizontal Acceleration From Southem Califomia Historical Earthquakes. Bowles, J. E. (2000). Foundation Analysis and Design, 5th ed.: New York, McGraw Hill 1175 p. Cahfomia Department of Conservation, Division of Mines and Geology (1992). Fault Rupture Hazard Zones in California, Alquist-Priolo Special Studies Zone Act of 1972: Califomia Division of Mines and Geology, Special Publication 42. Cahfomia Geological Survey (2003), Seismic Shaking Hazards in Cahfomia, Based on the USGS/CGS Probabilistic Seismic Hazards Assessment (PSHA) Model, 2002 (revised April 2003), 10% probability of being exceeded in 50 years, retrieved April 22, 2009 from http://w-W'W.consrv.ca.gov/cgs/rghm/pshamap/pshamain.html Geotechnics Incorporated (2005). Preliminary Geotechnical Investigation, Hotel Site on Ponto Road, Carlsbad, California, Project No. 0703-002-00, Document No. 05-0083, Febmary 18. Geotechnics Incorporated (2009). Proposal for Geotechnical Services, Updated Geotechnical Investigation with 2007 CBC Seismic Design, Carlsbad, California, Proposal 09-063, Document 09-0162, April 1. Intemational Conference of Building Officials (2007). Califomia Building Code, Title 24. Jennings, C. W. (1994). Fault Activity Map of California and Adjacent Areas with Locations and Ages of Recent Volcanic Eruptions'. Califomia Division of Mines and Geology, Geologic Data Map Series, Map No, 6. Joseph Wong Design Associates (2009). Plans for Hilton Carlsbad Beach Resort and Spa, Carlsbad, California, Job No. 2629, dated May 6. National Geographic Holdings (2001). TOPO! hiteractive Maps on CD-ROM, San Diego, San Jacinto Wilderness, and Anza Borrego Desert Area, San Francisco. Sadigh, K., Chang, C. Y,, Egan, J. A., Makdisi, F. and Youngs, R. R. (1997). Attenuation Relationships for Shallow Crustal Earthquakes Based on California Strong Ground Motion Data, Seismological Research Letters, Vol. 68, pp. 180 through 189, Geotechnics Incorporated APPENDIX A REFERENCES (Continued) Seed, H. B., and Idriss, I. M. (1982). Ground Motions and Soil Liquefaction during Earthquakes: Berkeley, Califomia, Earthquake Engineering Research Institute, 134p. Southem Califomia Earthquake Center (1999). Recommended Procedures for Implementation of DMG Special Publication 117, Guidelines for Analyzing and Mitigating Liquefaction Hazards in California, University of Southem Califomia, 60 p. Southem Califomia Soil and Testing Inc. (2000), As-Graded Geotechnical Report, Pacific Shores South, Carlsbad Boulevard and Poinsettia Lane, Job No. 9811238.13, dated August 25. Tan, S. and Kennedy, M. (1996). Geologic Map of the Northwestern Part of San Diego County, Map of the Encinitas and Santa Fe 7.5' Quadrangles, San Diego County, Califomia. U. S, Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station (1974). Tsunami Prediction for Pacific Coastal Communities, Hydraulics Laboratory, Vicksburg, Mississippi. Wesnousky, S. G. (1986). Earthquakes, Quatemary Faults, and Seismic Hazard in Califomia: Joumal of Geophysical Research, v. 91, no, B12, p. 12587-12631. Youngs, R.R. and Coopersmith, K.J. (1985). Implications of Fault Slip Rates and Earthquake Recurrence Models to Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Estimates, Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, vol. 75, no, 4, pp. 939-964. Geotechnics Incorporated APPENDIX B SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION Field exploration consisted of a visual reconnaissance of the site, and the drilling of six 8-inch diameter hollow-stem auger borings to depths of up to approximately 51 feet below existing grade. The borings were drilled between January 24"^ and 25*, 2005. Soil samples were visually classified in the field and retained for laboratory testing. The approximate locations of the borings are shown on the Exploration Plan, Plate 1. Logs describing the subsurface conditions encountered are presented on Figures B-1 through B-9. Disturbed soil samples were collected from the borings using a 2-inch diameter Standard Penetration Test (SPT) sampler. Relatively undisturbed samples were collected using a 3-inch diameter, ring lined sampler (modified CALifomia sampler). The SPT and CAL samples were sealed in plastic bags, labeled, and retumed to the laboratory for testing. The drive weight for these samples was a 140-pound hammer with a free fall of 30 inches. For each sample, the number of blows needed to drive the sampler 12 inches was recorded on the logs under "blows per ft." Standard Pen samples are indicated on the logs with "SPT", and modified Califomia samples with "CAL". Bulk soil samples were also collected from the borings, and are indicated by shading. The explorations were located by visually estimating, pacing and wheel rolling distances from landmarks shown on the Exploration Plan, Plate 1. The locations shown should not be considered more accurate than is implied by the method of measurement used and the scale of the map. The lines designating the interface between differing soil materials on the logs may be abmpt or gradational. Further, soil conditions at locations between the excavations may be substantially different from those at the specific locations explored. It should be noted that the passage of time may also result in changes to the soil conditions reported in our logs. Geotechnics Incorporated Logged by: RCF IVIethod of Drilling: LOG OF EXPLORATION BORING NO. 1 Date Drilled: 1/24/2005 8-inch diameter hollow-stem auger Elevation: 65' msl X D. UJ Q UJ a tn o -J m u >- tn z UJ Q UJ tc z> \- V) o DESCRIPTION LAB TESTS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 - 17 - 18 - 19 - 20 21 - 22 - 23 24 25 26 27 I- 28 29 30 40 85 SPT CAL Compacted Fill: poorly graded sand with silt (SP-SIVI), brown, fine to medium grained, moist, dense (SCST, 2000). Gradation, Soluble Sulfate, Soluble Chloride, pH, Resistivity 23 65 36 SPT CAL SPT 50/3" CAL 43 SPT Bay Point Formation: poorly graded sand (SP), yellow brown to pale brown, fine to medium, moist, medium dense. Dense Pale brown to very dark grayish brown. Total depth- 30 feet No groundwater encountered PROJECT NO. 0703-002-00 GEOTECHNICS INCORPORATED FIGURE B-1 Logged by: RCF Method of Drilling: LOG OF EXPLORATION BORING NO. 2 Date Drilled: 1/24/2005 8-inch diameter hollow-stem auger Elevation: 61'msl a UJ a Ul a. tn o -J m UJ o a > t tn z UJ o UI H £2 O DESCRIPTION LAB TESTS 1 - 2 - 3 4 5 6 7 I- 8 9 10 11 h 12 13 - 14 - 15 - 16 17 18 - 19 - 20 - 21 - 22 23 24 - 25 - 26 - 27 28 - 29 - 30 21 40 65 33 62 CAL SPT CAL SPT CAL Undifferentiated Fill and Alluvium: poorly graded sand (SP), brown to dark brown, fine to medium grained, moist, medium dense. Bay Point Formation: poorly graded sand (SP), yellowish brown, fine to medium. moist, dense Pale to yellowish brown, dense. Total depth- 21 feet No groundwater encountered PROJECT NO. 0703-002-00 GEOTECHNICS INCORPORATED FIGURE B-2 LOG OF EXPLORATION BORING NO. 3 Logged by: RCF Date Drilled: 1/25/2005 IVIethod of Drilling: 8-inch diameter hollow-stem auger Elevation: 59' msl 1-Ul UJ LU Co" DEPTH (FT) BLOWS PER t DRIVE SAMPl BULK SAMPL DENSITY (PC MOISTURE (°/ DESCRIPTION LAB TESTS - 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 _ p 22 CAL Undifferentiated Fill and Alluvium: silty sand (SM). dark brown, fine to medium grained, moist, medium dense. Yellowish brown, fine to medium. Gradation, Soluble Sulfate, Soluble Chloride, pH, Resistivity - 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 _ p 14 SPT Dark yellowish brown. o - 9 Bay Point Formation: Poorly graded sand (SP), yellowish brown, fine to medium, moist, dense. - 10 - 11 50/6" CAL - 12 - 13 - 14 - 15 - 16 58 SPT Brown, very dense. - 17 - 18 - 19 - 20 - 21 77 CAL - 22 - 23 - 24 - 25 - 26 77 SPT Well graded sand with gravel (SW), brown, fine to coarse, moist, very dense. - 27 - 28 - 29 - 30 PROJECT NO. 0703-002-00 GEOTECHNICS INCORPORATED FIGURE B-3 LOG OF EXPLORATION BORING NO. 3 (continued) Logged by: RCF IVIethod of Drilling: 8-inch diameter hollow-stem auger Date Drilled: Elevation: 1/25/2005 59' msl D. Ul Q CC Ul o. tn o _i m o a. OT z UJ a UJ oc I-OT DESCRIPTION LAB TESTS 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 I- 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 I- 48 49 50 51 - 52 - 53 - 54 - 55 - 56 57 - 58 - 59 - 60 50/5" BAM 50/5" SPT 50/3" CAt 50/6" SPT 50/4" Bay Point Formation (continued): poorly graded sand (SP), gray, fine, moist, very dense Clayey sand (SC), grayish brown, fine, moist, very dense. Santiago Formation: Sandy lean clay (CL), brown, medium plasticity, moist, very hard, PP >4,5 tsf Pale brown, moist, very hard, PP >4,5 tsf PP >4.5 tsf Fat clay (CH), dark brown, high plasticity, moist, very hard, PP >4.5 tsf Total depth- 4972 feet No groundwater encountered PROJECT NO. 0703-002-00 GEOTECHNICS INCORPORATED FIGURE B-4 LOG OF EXPLORATION BORING NO. 4 Logged by: RCF Date Drilled: 1/24/2005 Method of Drilling: 8-Inch diameter hollow-stem auger Elevation: 48' msl P 1^ ER FT iMPLE MPLE (PCF) g UJ X 1- 0. m <!, OT < OT >• H cc D DESCRIPTION LAB TESTS DEP BLOWl DRIVE BULK DENSI MOISI - 1 Undifferentiated Fill and Alluvium: siltv sand (SM), dark brown, fine. Gradation, - 1 moist, medium dense. Expansion Index - 2 106 10.6 Moisture/ Density - 3 14 ok.' Atterberg Limits - 4 - 5 C Reddish brown. - 4 - 5 C 23 SP,T - D - 7 - 8 Bay Point Formation: sandv lean clav (CL), gray, medium plasticity, moist, hard. - D - 7 - 8 PP =3.0 tsf - 9 - 10 - 9 - 10 Fat clay (CH), gray, high plasticity, moist, very hard. - 11 50/6" PP >4.5 tsf - 12 - 13 - 13 - 14 - 15 Clayey sand (SC), brown, fine to medium, moist, dense. - 16 41 SPT - 17 - 18 Santiaao Formation: Sandv lean clay (CL), gray brown, medium plasticity, moist. - 19 50/5" jCAfi very hard, PP >4.5 tsf - 19 - 20 - 20 Total depth- 19 feet - 21 - 22 No groundwater encountered - 21 - 22 - 23 - 24 - 25 - 26 - 27 - 28 - 29 - 30 PROJECT NO. 0703-002-00 GEOTECHNICS INCORPORATED FIGURE B-5 LOG OF EXPLORATION BORING NO. 5 Logged by: RCF Date Drilled: 1/24/2005 IVIethod of Drilling: 8-Inch diameter hollow-stem auger Elevation: 56' msl 1-u. Ul _j n UJ _i o DEPTH (F-BLOWS PER DRIVE SAMI BULK SAMF DENSITY (P MOISTURE DESCRIPTION LAB TESTS - 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 17 SPT Undifferentiated Fill and Alluvium: siltv sand fSM). brown, fine to medium moist, medium dense. Gradation, Soluble Sulfate, Soluble Chloride, pH, Resisfivity, Expansion Index - 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 54 CAL - 7 - 8 - 9 - 8 - 9 Bay Point Formation: poorlv araded sand fSP). brown, fine to medium, moist, dense. - 10 - 11 30 SPT - 12 - 13 - 14 - 15 - 16 47 CAL Brown to yellowish brown. - 17 - 18 - 19 - 20 - 21 51 SPT Yellowish brown, very dense. - 22 - 23 - 24 - 25 - 26 50/5" CAL Well graded sand (SW), yellowish brown, fine to coarse, moist, very dense. - 27 - 28 - 28 - 29 Clayey sand (SC), brown, fine, dry to moist, very dense. - 30 PROJECT NO. 0703-002-00 GEOTECHNICS INCORPORATED FIGURE B-6 LOG OF EXPLORATION BORING NO. 5 (continued) Logged by: RCF IVIethod of Drilling: 8-inch diameter hollow-stem auger Date Drilled: Elevation: 1/24/2005 56" msl a UJ a cc Ul a. tn 5 o _i ffi o o. >- I- UJ o UJ a: t-52 O DESCRIPTION LAB TESTS - 31 - 32 - 33 - 34 - 35 - 36 - 37 - 38 39 - 40 - 41 - 42 - 43 - 44 - 45 - 46 47 h 48 49 h 50 51 52 h 53 54 I- 55 56 57 58 59 60 50/6" mm 50/4" sOALt 50/6" SPT 50/3" CAL 50/4" Bay Point continued): clayey sand (SC), brown, fine, dry to moist, very dense. Santiago Formation: Sandy lean clay (CL), grayish brown, low to medium plasficity, moist, very hard, PP >4,5 tsf V Groundwater encountered at 45 feet. Clayey sand (SC), grayish brown, fine, moist, very dense. Poorly graded sand (SP), yellowish brown, fine, wet, very dense. Total depth- 51 feet Groundwater encountered at 45 feet PROJECT NO. 0703-002-00 GEOTECHNICS INCORPORATED FIGURE B-7 Logged by: RCF IVIethod of Drilling: LOG OF EXPLORATION BORING NO. 6 Date Drilled: 1/25/2005 8-inch diameter hollow-stem auger Elevation: 48' msl Q. UJ O OC Ul a. tn O _i ffi o Q. OT Z UJ o UJ tc =3 H OT O DESCRIPTION LAB TESTS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 - 10 - 11 - 12 - 13 - 14 - 15 - 16 - 17 18 - 19 - 20 21 22 - 23 - 24 - 25 - 26 - 27 - 28 - 29 - 30 16 SPT 38 CAL 44 SPT 50/5" CAL 50/5" SPT 50/2" CAL Undifferentiated Fill and Alluvium: poorly graded sand (SP), dark brown, fine, moist, medium dense. Brown. Bay Point Formation: Sandy lean clay (CL), grayish brown, medium plasticity, moist, very hard, iron oxide staining, PP =4,5 tsf Clayey sand (SC), light grayish brown, fine, moist, dense, iron oxide staining. Very dense. Santiago Formation: Sandy lean clay (CL), gray, medium plasticity, very hard, PP >4.5 tsf Clayey sand (SC), gray, fine, dry to moist, very dense, iron oxide staining. Lean clay (CL), brown, medium plasficity, moist, very hard. PP =4.25 tsf PROJECT NO. 0703-002-00 GEOTECHNICS INCORPORATED FIGURE B-8 LOG OF EXPLORATION BORING NO 6 (continued) Logged by: RCF Method of Drilling: 8-inch diameter hollow-stem auger Date Drilled: Elevation: 1/25/2005 48' msl X I-0. UJ Q OC Ul a. ffi o Q. >• H OT UJ Q UJ OC z> I-w o s DESCRIPTION LAB TESTS 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 - 41 - 42 - 43 44 I- 45 46 47 48 49 I- 50 51 - 52 - 53 - 54 - 55 - 56 - 57 58 59 60 50/5" SPt Santiago Formation (continued): lean clay (CL), brown, medium plasticity, moist, very hard. PP =4.25 tsf 50/4" Grayish brown, low to medium plasficity. PP >4.5 tsf 50/5" SPT V Clayey sand (SC), light grayish brown, fine, moist, very dense. Groundwater encountered at 41 feet 50/4" CAL Poorly graded sand (SP), fine to medium, moist to wet, very dense. 50/5" Wet. Total depth- 49y2 feet Groundwater encountered at 41 feet PROJECT NO. 0703-002-00 GEOTECHNICS INCORPORATED FIGURE B-9 APPENDIX C LABORATORY TESTING Laboratory testing was conducted in a manner consistent with that level of care and skill ordinarily exercised by members of the profession currently practicing under similar conditions and in the same locality. No warranty, express or implied, is made as to the correctness or serviceability of the test results, or the conclusions derived from these tests. Where a specific laboratory test method has been referenced, such as ASTM, Caltrans, or AASHTO, the reference applies only to the specified laboratory test method and not to associated referenced test method(s) or practices, and the test method referenced has been used only as a guidance document for the general performance ofthe test and not as a "Test Standard". A brief description of the tests performed follows. Classification: Soils were classified visually according to the Unified Soil Classification System as established by the American Society of Civil Engineers. Visual classification was supplemented by laboratory testing of selected soil samples and classification in general accordance with the laboratory soil classification tests outiined in ASTM test method D2487. The resultant soil classifications are shown on the boring logs in Appendix B. Particle Size Analysis: Particle size analyses were performed in general accordance with ASTM test method D422. The results are presented in Figures C-1.1 through C-1.4. Expansion Index: The expansion potential of selected soil samples was estimated in general accordance with the laboratory procedures outlined in ASTM test method D4829. The test results are shown on Figure C-2 along with common criteria for evaluating the expansion potential. pH and Resistivity: To assess the potential for reactivity with metal, selected sample were tested for pH and resistivity using Caltrans method 643. The results are shown in Figure C-3. Sulfate Content: To assess the potential for reactivity with concrete, selected soil samples were tested for water soluble sulfate. The sulfate was extracted under vacuum using a 20:1 (water to dry soil) dilution ratio. The solution was tested for water soluble sulfate using ASTM D516, The test results are presented in Figure C-3 along with common criteria for evaluating sulfate content. Chloride Content: Soil samples were also tested for water soluble chloride. The chloride was extracted from the soil under vacuum using a 20:1 (water to dry soil) dilution ratio. The extracted solution was then tested for water soluble chloride using a calibrated ion specific electronic probe (Orion 710A+). The test results are also shown in Figure C-3, Geotechnics Incorporated 100 T 90 80 70 0) ^60 0) c 3" 50 c <u 2 40 a> D. 30 20 10 0 1^" 3/4" 3/8" U.S. standard Sieve Sizes #4 #10 #16 #30 #50 #100 #200 _xi_-.LJ,.^J.__.i.. 100 10 1 0.1 Grain Size in Millimeters 0.01 0.001 COARSE FINE COARSE MEDIUM FINE SILT AND GRAVEL SAND CLAY SAMPLE SAMPLE NUMBER: B-1 SAMPLE LOCATION: 0' - 5' UNIFIED SOIL CLASSIFICATION: SP-SM DESCRIPTION: POORLY GRADED SAND WITH SILT ATTERBERG LIMITS LIQUID LIMIT: PLASTIC UMIT; PLASTICITY INDEX: Geotechnics Incorporated SOIL CLASSIFICATION Project No. 0703-002-01 Document No. 09-0206 FIGURE C-1.1 100 90 80 05 70 ^60 c 1 'A" u. 50 c tu 40 (D Q. 30 20 10 0 3/4" 3/8" ..1 Ji.J. .!..... U.S. standard Sieve j^g #16 #30 ,_i _ } 1 J-i 4- i ! i : iJXLj-..: I : • I I .-J 1 4- 100 10 1 0.1 Grain Size in Millimeters 0.01 0.001 COARSE FINE COARSE MEDIUM FINE SILT AND GRAVEL SAND CLAY SAMPLE SAMPLE NUMBER; B-3 SAMPLE LOCATION: 0' - 5' UNIFIED SOIL CLASSIFICATION: SM DESCRIPTION: SILTY SAND ATTERBERG LIMITS LIQUID LIMIT; PLASTIC LIMIT; PLASTICITY INDEX; Geotechnics Incorporated SOIL CLASSIFICATION Project No. 0703-002-01 Document No, 09-0206 FIGURE C-1.2 100 90 80 0)70 CD ^60 Q) il 50 c S£ 40 Q. 30 20 f 10 0 1'/." 3/4" U.S, Standard Sieve Sizes 3/8" #4 #10 #16 #30 #50 #100 #200 —^ • -T'-T-^n 1 1 1 n—T—r- ..1 -I L i -J—- i ..J.L l....:.4-i- 100 10 1 0.1 Grain Size in Millimeters 0.01 0.001 COARSE FINE COARSE MEDIUM FINE SILT AND GRAVEL SAND CLAY SAMPLE SAMPLE NUMBER; B-4 SAMPLE LOCATION; 0'-5' UNIFIED SOIL CLASSIFICATION: SM DESCRIPTION: SILTY SAND ATTERBERG LIMITS LIQUID LIMIT: PLASTIC LIMIT; PLASTICITY INDEX; Geotechnics Incorporated SOIL CLASSIFICATION Project No. 0703-002-01 Document No. 09-0206 FIGURE C-1.3 100 J • 90 -[ '• 80 D)70 ^60 CD il 50 40 ^' CD CL 30 20 10 0 VA" 3/4" 3/8" U.S. Standard Sieve Sizes 0 #16 #30 #50 #100 #200 ..J..Li..u , J -.L i,,.; Ld..J...[ i—J,. L-L... 100 10 1 0. Grain Size in Millimeters 0.01 0.001 COARSE FINE COARSE MEDIUM FINE SILT AND GRAVEL SAND CLAY SAMPLE SAMPLE NUMBER; B-5 SAMPLE LOCATION: 0' - 5' UNIFIED SOIL CLASSIFICATION: SM DESCRIPTION: SILTY SAND ATTERBERG LIMITS LIQUID LIMIT; PLASTIC LIMIT; PLASTICITY INDEX; Geotechnics Incorporated SOIL CLASSIFICATION Project No. 0703-002-01 Document No, 09-0206 FIGURE C-1.4 EXPANSION TEST RESULTS (ASTM D4829) SAMPLE DESCRIPTION EXPANSION INDEX B-4(g0'-5' Fill/Alluvium: Dark brown silty sand (SM). 0 B-5 (gO'-5' Fill/Alluvium: Brown silty sand (SM). 0 CLASSIFICATION OF EXPANSIVE SOIL EXPANSION INDEX POTENTIAL EXPANSION Oto 20 Very low 21 to 50 Low 51 to 90 Medium 91 to 130 High Above 130 Very High . Project No, 0703-002-01 Geotechnics LABORATORY TEST RESULTS Document No 09-0206 Incorporated FIGURE C-2 CHEMISTRY TEST RESULTS (ASTM D516, CTM 643) SAMPLE pH RESISTIVITY [OHM-CM] SULFATE CONTENT [%] CHLORIDE CONTENT I%] B-1 @0'-5' 7.7 11,550 <0.10 <0.03 B-3@0'-5' 8.1 11,220 <0.10 <0.03 B-5(§0'-5' 7.9 11,220 <0.10 <0.03 SULFATE CONTENT [%] SULFATE EXPOSURE CEMENT TYPE 0,00 to 0,10 Negligible - 0,10 to 0.20 Moderate II, IP(MS), IS(MS) 0,20 to 2.00 Severe V Above 2.00 Very Severe V plus pozzolan SOIL RESISTIVITY [OHM-CM] GENERAL DEGREE OF CORROSIVITY TO FERROUS METALS Oto 1,000 Very Corrosive 1,000 to 2,000 Corrosive 2,000 to 5,000 Moderately Corrosive 5,000 to 10,000 Mildly Corrosive Above 10,000 Slightly Corrosive CHLORIDE (Cl) CONTENT [%] GENERAL DEGREE OF CORROSIVITY TO METALS 0,00 to 0,03 0.03 to 0,15 Above 0.15 Negligible Corrosive Severely Corrosive Geotechnics LABORATORY TEST RESULTS Incorporated Project No. 0703-002-01 Document No. 09-0206 FIGURE C-3 I© ^yiEL/^[S|D WIELAND ACOUSTICS, INC. J, ^^--^1 io~ri/^0 1371 Warner Avenue, Suite A ALUUO I ILo Tustin, CA 92780 Tel: 949.474.1222 noise & vibration consultants www.wielanclacoustics.com June 20, 2011 Project File 07.075.00 Mr. John Yeakey WaveCrest Resorts II, LLC 829 Second Street, Suite A Encinitas, CA 92024 Subject: Addendum to the Acoustical Evaluation for the Hilton Resort & Spa Carlsbad Beach References: Acoustical Evaluation for the Hilton Resort & Spa Carlsbad Beach in the City of Carlsbaci, CA. Wieland Acoustics, Inc. Project File 970-07. November 15,2007. H//fon Carlsbaci Oceanfront Resort and Spa, Carlsbad, California - architectural plans. JWDA. March 1, 2011. Dear Mr. Yeakey: As requested, we have updated the interior noise analysis of the referenced report using the referenced architectural plans forthe project. Based on the results ofthe analysis, the following noise control measures are required for compliance with the City and State interior noise standard of 45 dB CNEL Noise Control Requirements 1. All windows and exterior doors in the guest rooms shall be well fitted and well weather-stripped assemblies. The perimeters of all window and door frames shall be sealed to the exterior wall construction with a weather-resistant sealant. In addition, all guest room windows and exterior doors shall be sound-rated assemblies. All guest room windows shall have a minimum OITC (Outdoor-Indoor Transmission Class) rating of 29 and all guest room exterior doors shall have a minimum OITC rating of 28. 2. The exterior walls of all guest rooms shall be constructed as follows: a. Minimum 5/8" type X gypsum wallboard interior. Penetrations of the gypsum board (i.e., for switches, power or cable outlets, wall fixtures, etc.) should be kept to a minimum. Where outlet penetrations cannot be avoided, non-hardening sealer (such as putty pads manufactured by Spec Seal or Kinetics) shall be wrapped around the back, sides, top, and WIELAND WAVECREST RESORTS II, LLC ArOI )9TirS Carlsbad Beach Resort , , W V Project File 07.075.00 - FINAL noise a vibration consultants ^ bottom of all outlet boxes. Knockout plates on outlet boxes shall not be bent or removed except as required for connection of conduits/cabling. b. Minimum 2x4 wood studs . c. Stud space filled with minimum R-11 insulation batts. All insulation shall be snugly fitted and/or stapled between the studs. d. Minimum 5/8" DensGlass sheathing (manufactured by Georgia-Pacific) exterior. Where shear panels are required, the DensGlass shall be installed over the shear panels. Felt and/or building paper may be installed over the DensGlass sheathing as needed. e. Exterior finish (7/8" stucco, El Dorado Cliffstone stone veneer on scratch and brown coats, James Hardie Artisan Lap siding, or James Hardie HardieShingle siding) over the DensGlass sheathing. f. All joints shall be well fitted and/or caulked to form an airtight seal. 3. There shall be no openings (mail slots, vents, etc.) in the exterior walls of the guest rooms. 4. The interior noise standard is to be met in all guest rooms with windows and doors closed. Therefore, ventilation is required in all guest rooms per the Uniform Building Code standards In order to provide a habitable environment. This may be achieved with standard air conditioning. Wall-mounted air conditioners shall not be used 5. The roof system shall have minimum Yi" plywood sheathing that is well sealed to form a continuous barrier to the noise. Minimum R-19 insulation batts shall be placed In the rafter space. 6. In order to minimize the buildup of interior noise due to reverberation, the floors of all guest rooms, except bathrooms, shall be carpeted with minimum 1/8" pile height carpeting. These revised requirements replace Section 6 {Noise Control Recommendations) ofthe referenced acoustical evaluation report in its entirety. Implementation Disclaimer Wieland Acoustics assumes no responsibility whatsoever for the implementation ofthe recommendations provided in this report, or for the details of construction or the final noise levels following completion ofthe project. We are responsible only for the accuracy of our calculations, which are based on the construction elements detailed in this report. No guarantees or assurances are given or implied. www.wielandacoustics.com 2 June 20, 2011 WIELAND ACOUSTICS noise 6 vibration consultants WAVECREST RESORTS II, LLC Hilton Carlsbad Beach Resort Project File 07.075.00 - FINAL Thank you for this opportunity to provide you with acoustical consulting services. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call us at 949.474.1222. Sincerely, WIELAND ACOUSTICS, INC. Jonathan Higginson Senior Consultant www.wielandacoustics.com June 20, 2011 r ACOUSTICAL EVALUATION FOR THE HILTON RESORT ft SP>^ CARLSBAD BEACH, CARLSBAD, CA Project FUe 970-07 November 15, 2007 Prepared for: Wave Crest Resorts II LLC 829 Second Street, Suite A Encinitas, CA 92024 Prepared by: David L. Wieland, Principal Consultant Wieland Associates, Inc. 2691 Richter Avenue, Suite 114 Irvine, CA 92606 Tel: 9491474-1222 Fax: 9491474-9122 www. wielandassoc. com V J Wieland Associates, Inc. FINAL Hilton Resort 6 Spa Carlsbad Beach Table of Contents 1 INTRODUCTION/PROJECT DESCRIPTION 1 2 NOISE STANDARDS 1 2.1 CITY OF CARLSBAD NOISE STANDARDS 1 2.2 STATE OF CALIFORNIA NOISE INSUUTION STANDARDS 2 3 EXTERIOR NOISE LEVELS 2 3.1 TRAFFIC NOISE 2 3.2 TRAIN NOISE 3 4 GROUND VIBRATION 3 5 ASSESSMENT OF IMPACT 3 6 NOISE CONTROL RECOAAMENDATIONS 4 6.1 FURTHER SUGGESTED NOISE CONTROL 4 7 PARTY WALL AND FLOOR/CEILING SEPARATION ASSEMBLIES 4 8 CONCLUSION 4 9 IMPLEMENTATION DISCLAIMER 5 10 REFERENCES 5 List of Tables Table 3-1. Data Used in Traffic Noise Analysis 2 Table 3-2. Data Used in Train Noise Analysis 3 List of Figures Figure 1-1. Project Site Location 1 List of Appendices Appendix I. Glossary of Acoustical Terms Appendix II. Noise Measurements Appendix III. Traffic Noise Analysis Appendix IV. Train Noise Analysis WAVE CREST RESORTS 11 LLC 1 Project File 970-07 November 16, 2007 Wieland Associates, Inc. FINAL Hilton Resort Et Spa Carlsbad Beach 1 Introduction/Project Description The proposed project is a hotel to be located at the comer of Ponto Road and Carlsbad Boulevard in the City of Carlsbad. The project site is bounded on the north and east by Ponto Road, on the south by existing development, and on the west by Carlsbad Boulevard. Further to the east of Ponto Road is the San Diego Northem Railroad line. Figure 1-1 indicates the location of the project site. OCEAN 3 Miswn 4 taarni Figure 1-1. Project Site Location The following report provides a description of the noise standards that apply to the project, an analysis of the future noise enviromnent at the site, an assessment of impact relative to the noise standards, and recommendations for mitigating the significant impacts. 2 Noise Standards 2.1 City of Carlsbad Noise Standards The City of Carlsbad's Noise Guidelines Manual identifies the maximum exterior noise levels for non-residential uses. As indicated in the Manual, hotels are conditionally acceptable in areas where the exterior community noise equivalent level (CNEL) ranges from 65 to 75 dB. (Refer to Appendix I for a glossary of acoustical terms used throughout this report.) "Conditionally acceptable" is defined WAVE CREST RESORTS II LLC Project File 970-07 1 November 16, 2007 Wieland Associates, Inc. FINAL Hilton Resort Et Spa Carlsbad Beach to mean that "[n]ew construction or development should be undertaken only after a detailed analysis of the noise reduction requirements is made and needed noise insulation features included in the design. Conventional construction, but with closed windows and fresh air supply systems or air conditioning will normally suffice." 2.2 State of California Noise Insulation Standards All multifamily projects must comply with the State of Califomia's noise insulation standards (CAC Title 24, Chapter 2.5, Section 2-3501). The State's Titie 24 standards specify that the intmsion of noise from exterior sources (such as traffic) shall not exceed a CNEL of 45 dB within the interior of any habitable space. In addition, the State standards set minimum ratings for the sound and impact transmission of party wall and floor/ceiling separation assemblies. This report only provides an evaluation of, and recommendations for, the exterior-to-interior requirements of the State standards. It is the project architect's responsibility to ensure compliance with the separation assembly requirements of the State standards. 3 Exterior Noise Levels 3.1 Traffic Noise Referring to Figure 1-1, the primary source of traffic noise affecting the project site is Carlsbad Boulevard. The following data, obtained in part from the Ponto Beachfront Village Vision Plan EIR dated August 2007, were used in our analysis of traffic noise exposures at the site: Table 3-1. Data Used in Traffic Noise Analysis Traffic Parameter Carlsbad Boulevard Future Roadway Configuration 4 lanes, divided Average Daily Traffic Volume (ADT) 22,100 Posted Speed Limit 50 mph % Medium Trucks 1.84% % Heavy Trucks 0.74% Based on the above traffic data, it is estimated that the fiiture unmitigated traffic noise exposure will range from 67 to 68 dB CNEL at the building fa9ade nearest to Carlsbad Boulevard. At the common outdoor recreation areas, the CNEL is expected to range from 67.5 dB to less than 65 dB, depending on distance from the roadway. (Refer to Appendix III for the analysis.) The traffic noise analysis was conducted using the FHWA Traffic Noise Model (Reference 2). Ponto Road is a local collector and is not expected to contribute significantly to the overall noise exposure. WAVE CREST RESORTS II LLC Project File 970-07 November 16, 2007 Wieland Associates, Inc. FINAL Hilton Resort Et Spa Carlsbad Beach 3.2 Train Noise There are three types of trains that operate on the rail line east of the project site: Amtrak, Coaster and unscheduled freights. In order to identify the noise levels generated by these train operations, continuous monitoring was conducted at 7114 Leeward over a four-day period. The monitor at this residence was located about 108 feet from the rail line, and was buffered from the train noise by a six foot barrier. The results of the monitoring, provided in Appendix II, indicate a CNEL that ranges from 60.1 to 61.4 dB. Additional limited measurements were obtained on the project site at the location of the nearest proposed hotel fa9ade to the rail line. These measurements, also provided in Appendix II, indicate that Amtrak and Coaster operations generate maximum noise levels of about 67 to 74 dB(A). The results ofthe measurements were used, along with the following operational data provided by SANDAG, to calibrate a noise model developed by the Federal Transit Administration. Table 3-2. Data Used in Train Noise Analysis Train Type Existing Future Amtrak 22 32 Coaster 22 54 Freight 6-8 9-12 Based on the modeling results provided in Appendix IV, it is estimated that the future CNEL will be 61 dB at the nearest hotel faQade to the rail line. 4 Ground Vibration The Federal Transit Administration (Reference 3) has developed a screening procedure to determine whether rail operations will have a significant adverse impact on adjacent properties. This procedure indicates that the critical distance from a rail line for residences and buildings where people normally sleep is 200 feet. This is the distance beyond which ground vibration is not expected to create a significant adverse impact. Since the proposed hotel will be located 380 feet from the rail line, it is concluded that the impact of ground vibration will not be significant. 5 Assessment of Impact As indicated in Section 3, the exterior noise exposure at the project site is estimated to be 68 dB or less. This is within the "conditionally acceptable" range of 65 to 75 dB identified in the City's Noise Guidelines Manual; therefore, no exterior mitigation is required. However, the design of the guest rooms facing Carlsbad Boulevard will need to provide a minimum noise reduction of 23 dB in order to meet the State's interior noise standard of 45 dB. At the guest rooms facing the rail line, the design will need to provide a minimum noise reduction of 16 dB. WAVE CREST RESORTS II LLC Project File 970-07 November 16, 2007 Wieland Associates, Inc. FINAL Hilton Resort & Spa Carlsbad Beach 6 Noise Control Recommendations 1. All windows and exterior doors in the guest rooms shall be well fitted and well weather-stripped assembhes. In addition, those guest room windows and doors that face Carlsbad Boulevard shall be soimd-rated assemblies with a minimum OITC (Outdoor Indoor Transmission Class) rating of up to 30. The actual rating needed should be determined as part of the final engineering design of the project. 2. All exterior walls of the guest rooms shall provide a minimum OITC rating of 37. 3. There shall be no openings (mail slots, vents, etc.) in the exterior walls of the guest rooms. 4. The interior noise standard is to be met in all guest rooms with windows and doors closed. Therefore, ventilation is required in all guest rooms per the Uniform Building Code standards in order to provide a habitable environment. This may be achieved with standard air conditioning. Wall-mounted air conditioners shall not be used. 5. The roof system shall have minimum Vi" plywood sheathing that is well sealed to form a continuous barrier to the noise. Minimum R-19 insulation batts shall be placed in the rafter space. It should be noted that the recommended interior noise control measures are based on the assumption that standard building constmction provides a noise reduction of at least 20 dB with windows and doors closed. 6.1 Further Suggested Noise Control In addition to the measures described above, the client may wish to install sound-rated windows and doors at the guest rooms facing the railroad. Although not required by Code, such assemblies would reduce the maximum noise levels that are experienced within the rooms during a train pass, thus reducing the possibility of sleep disturbance. The rating of these windows and doors should be determined as part of the final engineering design of the project. 7 Party Wall and Floor/Ceiling Separation Assemblies The State's noise insulation standards (Title 24) specify minimum sound ratings for party wall and floor/ceiling separation assemblies. The design of these assemblies is beyond the scope of this report. It is the project architect's responsibility to ensure compliance with the party wall and floor/ceiling assembly requirements of the State standards. 8 Conclusion Analysis indicates that the project site is exposed to significant levels of noise as a result of traffic on Carlsbad Boulevard. However, it is concluded that the project can be designed to comply with the WAVE CREST RESORTS 11 LLC 4 Project File 970-07 November 16, 2007 Wieland Associates, Inc. FINAL Hilton Resort 6 Spa Carlsbad Beach State's interior noise standard for multifamily constmction. The actual noise mitigation measures that are needed should be determined as part of the final engineering design of the project. 9 Implementation Disclaimer Wieland Associates assumes no responsibility whatsoever for the implementation of the recommendations provided in this report, or for the details of construction or the final noise levels following completion of the project. We are responsible only for the accuracy of our calculations, which are based on the construction elements detailed in this report. No guarantees or assurances are given or implied. 10 References 1. Site Plan, Floor Plans and Elevations prepared by Joseph Wong Design Associates. October 24, 2007. 2. FHWA Traffic Noise Model (TNM), Version 2.5. Federal Highway Administration. Febmary 2004. 3. Transit Noise and Vibration Assessment. Harris, Miller, Miller and Hanson, Inc. May 2006. WAVE CREST RESORTS II LLC 5 Project File 970-07 November 16, 2007 APPENDIX I Glossary of Acoustical Terrns Glossary of Terms The following is a list of defmitions of terms commonly used in the field of acoustics. Some, or all, of these terms may have been used in the preceding report: Ambient Noise: The all-encompassing noise associated with a given environment at a specified time, usually a composite of sound from many sources both near and far. Average Sound Level: See Equivalent-Continuous Sound Level. A-Weighted Sound Level, dB(A): The sound level obtained by use of A-weighting. Weighting systems were developed to measure sound in a way that more closely mimics the ear's natural sensitivity. The A- weighting system is incorporated into the sound level meter to alter its sensitivity relative to frequency so that the instrument is less sensitive to noise at frequencies where the human ear is less sensitive and more sensitive at frequencies where the human ear is more sensitive. (Refer to Figure I-l for typical noise source levels.) Community Noise Equivalent Level (CNEL)-. A 24-hour A-weighted average sound level which takes into account the fact that a given level of noise may be more or less tolerable depending on when it occurs. The CNEL measure of noise exposure weights average hourly noise levels by 5 dB for the evening hours (between 7:00 p.m. and 10:00 p.m.), and 10 dB between 10:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m., then combines the results with the daytime levels to produce the final CNEL value. It is measured in decibels, dB. (Refer to Figure 1-2 for typical noise exposure levels.) CNEL: See Community Noise Equivalent Level. Day-Night Average Sound Level (Ldn) : A measure of noise exposure level that is similar to CNEL except that there is no weighting applied to the evening hours of 7:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. It is measured in decibels, dB. (Refer to Figure 1-2 for typical noise exposure levels.) Daytime Average Sound Level (Leql2): The time-averaged A-weighted sound level measured between the hours of 7:00 am to 7:00 pm. It is measured in decibels, dB. Decay Rate: The time taken for the sound pressure level at a given frequency to decrease in a room. It is measured in decibels per second, dB/s. Decibel (dB): The basic unit of measure for sound level. Direct Sound: Sound that reaches a given location in a direct line from the source without any reflections. Divergence: The spreading of sound waves from a source in a free field, resulting in a reduction in sound pressure level with increasing distance from the source. Energy Basis: This refers to the procedure of summing or averaging sound pressure levels on the basis of their squared pressures. This method involves the conversion of decibels to pressures, then performing the necessary arithmetic calculations, and finally changing the pressures back to decibels. Equivalent-Continuous Sound Level (Leq): The average sound level measured over a specified time period. It is a single-number measure of time-varying noise over a specified time period. It is the level of a steady sound that, in a stated time period and at a stated location, has the same A-weighted sound energy as the time-varying sound. For example, a person who experiences an Leq of 60 dB(A) for a period of 10 minutes standing next to a busy street is exposed to the same amount of sound energy as if he had experienced a constant noise level of 60 dB(A) for 10 minutes rather than the time-varying traffic noise level. It is measured in decibels, dB. Fast Response: A setting on the sound level meter that determines how sound levels are averaged over time. A fast sound level is always more strongly influenced by recent sounds, and less influenced by sounds occurring in the distant past, than the corresponding slow sound level. For the same non-steady sound, the maximum fast sound level is generally greater than the corresponding maximum slow sound level. Fast response is typically used to measure impact sound levels. Ll Field Impact Insulation Class (FIIC): A single number rating similar to the impact insulation class except that the impact sound pressure levels are measured in the field. Field Sound Transmission Class (FSTC): A single number rating similar to sound transmission class except that the transmission loss values used to derive this class are measured in the field. FIIC: See Field Impact Insulation Class. Flanking Sound Transmission: The transmission of sound from a room in which a source is located to an adjacent receiving room by paths other than through the common partition. Also, the diffraction of noise around the ends of a barrier. Frequency: The number of oscillations per second of a sound wave (i.e., the number of cycles per second). It is measured in hertz, Hz. FSTC: See Field Sound Transmission Class. Hertz (Hz): See Frequency. Hourly Average Sound Level (HNL): The equivalent-continuous sound level, Leq, over a 1-hour time period. It is measured in decibels. Impact Insulation Class (IIC): A single number rating used to compare the effectiveness of floor/ceiling assemblies in providing reduction of impact-generated sounds such as the sound of a person walking across the upstairs floor. Impact Noise: The noise that results when two objects collide. Impulse Noise: Noise of a transient nature due to a sudden impulse of pressure like that created by a gunshot or a balloon bursting. Insertion Loss: The decrease in sound power level measured at the location of the receiver when an element (e.g., a noise barrier) is inserted in the transmission path between the sound source and the receiver. It is measured in decibels. Inverse Square Law: A rule by which the sound intensity varies inversely with the square of the distance from the source. This results in a 6 dB decrease in sound pressure level for each doubling of distance from the source. Ll, Lg, L25, LSQ: See X-Percentile-Exceeded Sound Level. Ldn: See Day-Night Average Sound Level. Leq: See Equivalent-Continuous Sound Level. Leq(12): See Daytime Average Sound Level. Lmax: See Maximum Sound Level. L„: See X-Percentile-Exceeded Sound Level. Lpk: See Peak Sound Level. Masking: The process by which the threshold of hearing for one sound is raised by the presence of another sound. Maximum Sound Level (Lmax): The greatest sound level measured on a sound level meter during a designated time interval or event. It is measured in decibels. NC Curves (Noise Criterion Curves): A system for rating the noisiness of an occupied indoor space. An actual octave-band spectrum is compared with a set of standard NC curves to determine the NC level of the space. A7C; See Noise Isolation Class. NNIC: See Normalized Noise Isolation Class. Noise: Any unwanted or disagreeable sound. 1-2 Noise Criterion Curves: See A^C Curves. Noise Isolation Class (NIC): A single number rating derived from measured values of noise reduction between two enclosed spaces that are connected by one or more partitions. Unlike STC or NNIC, this rating is not adjusted or normalized to a measured or standard reverberation time. Noise Reduction: The difference in sound pressure level between any two points. Noise Reduction Coefficient (NRC): A single number rating of the sound absorption properties of a material. It is the average of the sound absorption coefficients at 250, 500,1000, and 2000 Hz, rounded to the nearest multiple of 0.05. Normalized Noise Isolation Class (NNIC): A single number rating similar to the noise isolation class except that the measured noise reduction values are normalized to a reverberation time of 0.5 seconds. NRC: See Noise Reduction Coefficient. Octave: The frequency interval between two sounds whose frequency ratio is 2. For example, the frequency interval between 500 Hz and 1,000 Hz is one octave. Octave-Band Sound Level (Octave-Band Level): For an octave frequency band, the sound pressure level of the sound contained within that band. It is measured in decibels. One-Third Octave: The frequency interval between two sounds whose frequency ratio is 2"^ (1.26). For example, the frequency interval between 200 Hz and 250 Hz is one-third octave. One-Third-Octave-Band Sound Level (One-Third-Octave-Band Level): For a one-third-octave frequency band, the sound pressure level of the sound contained within that band. It is measured in decibels. Outdoor-Indoor Transmission Class (OITC): A single number rating used to compare the sound insulation properties of building facade elements. This rating is designed to correlate with subjective impressions of the ability of facade elements to reduce the overall loudness of ground and air transportation noise. Peak Sound Level (Lpk): The maximum instantaneous sound level during a stated time period or event. It is measured in decibels. Pink Noise: Noise that has approximately equal intensities at each octave or one-third-octave band. Point Source: A source that radiates sound as if from a single point. RC Curves (Room Criterion Curves): A system for rating the noisiness of an occupied indoor space. An actual octave-band spectrum is compared with a set of standard RC curves to determine the RC level of the space. Real-Time Analyzer (RTA): An instrument for the determination of a sound spectrum. Receiver: A person (or persons) or equipment which is affected by noise. Reflected Sound: Sound that persists in an enclosed space as a result of repeated reflections or scattering. It does not include sound that travels directly from the source without reflections. Reverberation: The persistence of a sound in an enclosed or partially enclosed space after the source ofthe sound has stopped, due to the repeated reflection of the sound waves. Reverberation Time (Tto^: The time required for the sound pressure level of a given frequency in an enclosed or partially enclosed space to decrease by 60 dB after the source of the sound has stopped. It is measured in seconds. Room Absorption: The total absorption within a room due to all objects, surfaces and air absorption within the room. It is measured in Sabins or metric Sabins. Room Criterion Curves: See RC Curves. RTA: See Real-Time Analyzer. SLM: See Sound Level Meter. 1-3 Slow Response: A setting on the sound level meter that determines how measured sound levels are averaged over time. A slow sound level is more influenced by sounds occurring in the distant past that the correspondingya*/ sound level. Sound: A physical disturbance in a medium (e.g., air) that is capable of being detected by the human ear. Sound Absorption: The process of dissipation of sound energy, and the property of materials and structures to dissipate sound energy. Sound Absorption Coefficient (a): A measure of the sound-absorptive property of a material. Sound Insulation: The capacity of a structure or element to prevent sound from reaching a receiver room either by absorption or reflection. Sound Level: See Sound Pressure Level. Sound Level Meter (SLM): An instrument used for the measurement of sound level, with a standard frequency-weighting and standard exponentially weighted time averaging. Sound Power Level: A physical measure of the amount of power a sound source radiates into the surrounding air. It is measured in decibels. Sound Pressure Level: A physical measure of the magnitude of a sound. It is related to the sound's energy. The terms sound pressure level and sound level are often used interchangeably. It is measured in decibels. Sound Transmission Class (STC): A single number rating used to compare the sound insulation properties of walls, floors, ceilings, windows, or doors. This rating is designed to correlate with subjective impressions of the ability of building elements to reduce the overall loudness of speech, radio, television, and similar noise sources in offices and buildings. Source Room: A room that contains a noise source or sources. Spectrum: The spectrum of a sound wave is a description of its resolution into components, each of different frequency and usually different amplitude (level). STC: See Sound Transmission Class. Tfo: See Reverberation Time. Tapping Machine: A device used in rating different floor constructions against impacts. It produces a series of impacts on the floor under test, 10 times per second. Tone: A sound with a distinct pitch (i.e., a dominant frequency). Transmission Loss (TL): A property of a material or structure describing its ability to reduce the transmission of sound at a particular frequency from one space to another. The higher the TL value the more effective the material or structure is in reducing sound between two spaces. It is measured in decibels. White Noise: Noise that has approximately equal intensities at all frequencies. (White noise need not be random noise.) Windscreen: A porous covering for a microphone, designed to reduce the noise generated by the passage of wind over the microphone. X-Percentile-Exceeded Sound Level (L,): The A-weighted sound level equaled or exceeded by a fluctuating sound level x percent of a stated time period. E.g., the letter symbol Lio represents the sound level which is exceeded 10 percent of the stated time period. For a 1-hour measurement, L50 is the sound level exceeded for more than 30 minutes in an hour, L25 is the sound level exceeded for more than 15 minutes in an hour, Lg is the sound level exceeded for more than 5 minutes in an hour, and L2 is the sound level exceeded for more than 1 minute in an hour. 1-4 Threshold of pain —r— 120 dB(A) Disco - Textile mill- Printing plant- Jackhammer at 50'- Power lawn mower at 5' - Heavy truck at 50'- Concrete mixer at 50'- Inside car at 40 mph . Vacuum cleaner at 10'- Car, 60 mph at 100'- Conversational speech" Large transformer at 50'- Urban residence" Small town residence - Soft whisper at 6' - North rim of Grand Canyon- Threshold of hearing - •llOdB(A) •lOOdB(A) -90dB(A) •80dB(A) • -70dB(A) • •60dB(A) • •50dB(A) • -40dB(A) -30dB(A) -20dB(A) -lOdB(A) -OdB(A) 10 dB change generally perceived as twice or halt as loud 15 dB change generally iperceived as quite noticeable 13 dB change is generally barely • perceptible 1 dB change is generally not • noticeable WIELAND ASSOCIATES, INC. Common Noise Sources and A-Weighted Noise Levels I-l 1-5 Next to freeway- Los Angeles, 3/4 mi. from LAX - Downtown Los Angeles Housing on major street Los Angeles, 8 mi. from LAX- Old suburban residential area- Small town cul-de-sac - Farm- -90 dB •80dB -70 dB Common standard for noise exposure level in exterior residential areas -60 dB -50 dB Common standard for noise exposure level in interior residential areas -40 dB -30 dB WIELAND ASSOCIATES, INC. Common CNEL and Ldn Noise Exposure Levels at Various Locations 1-2 1-6 <>• <$•• <<>• <>• <<>• <$>• <>• <>• <>• <>• <>• <>• X V' Time of Day WIELAND ASSOCIATES, INC. Table n-2. Measured Hourly Noise Levels & Community Noise Equivalent Level, CNEL Project: Wavecrest Resorts, LLC. Hilton Hotel Location: 7114 Leeward, Rear Patio Date: June 25/26, 2005 Measurement Period Measurement Period Hourly Noise Level^ Measurement Period Hourly Hourly Noise Level^ Measurement Period Noise Lcivel, Hourly Noise Level^ Measurement Period Noise Lcivel, Hourly Noise Level^ Measurement Period dB(A) Measat^ittient Pctriod dB(A) 12:00 am- 1:00 am 54.0 12:00 pm- 1:00 pm 54.4 1:00 am-2:00 am 53.3 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm 54.6 2:00 am - 3:00 am 47.6 2:00 pm-3:00 pm 56.4 3:00 am - 4:00 am 61.3 3:00 pm-4:00 pm 53.7 4:00 am - 5:00 am 45.7 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm 52.1 5:00 am - 6:00 am 53.5 5:00 pm-6:00 pm 54.4 6:00 am - 7:00 am 52.6 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm 52.6 7:00 am - 8:00 am 51.5 7:00 pm- 8:00 pm 57.3 8:00 am - 9:00 am 45.4 8:00 pm - 9:00 pm 58.8 9:00 am - 10:00 am 51.1 9:00 pm - 10:00 pm 54.9 10:00 am-11:00 am 52.9 10:00 pm- 11:00 pm 49.9 11:00 am- 12:00 pm 53.6 11:00 pm- 12:00 am 52.0 CNEL: 61.4 > cn *o Z 13 o ^<'' o.<^' ..^ .J^ ,.<^' ^.5^" V N- b-<<>• <<>• <>• <>• <>• <>• <>• Time of Day WIELAND ASSOCIATES, INC. Table II-3. Measured Hourly Noise Levels & Community Noise Equivalent Level, CNEL Project: Wavecrest Resorts, LLC. Hilton Hotel Location: 7114 Leeward, Rear Patio Date: June 26/27, 2005 Hourly Noise Level, Hourly Noise Level, Measurement Period dBCA) Measurement I^rioid dB{A) 12:00 am- 1:00 am 60.1 12:00 pm- 1:00 pm 50.6 1:00 am-2:00 am 37.9 1:00 pm-2:00 pm 52.7 2:00 am - 3:00 am 42.4 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm 58.4 3:00 am - 4:00 am 43.8 3:00 pm - 4:00 pm 52.5 4:00 am - 5:00 am 48.4 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm 52.1 5:00 am - 6:00 am 53.4 5:00 pm - 6:00 pm 51.1 6:00 am - 7:00 am 55.5 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm 53.1 7:00 am - 8:00 am 55.5 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm 53.7 8:00 am - 9:00 am 53.8 8:00 pm - 9:00 pm 58.0 9:00 am - 10:00 am 51.0 9:00 pm - 10:00 pm 53.7 10:00 am-11:00 am 55.6 10:00 pm- 11:00 pm 49.8 11:00 am- 12:00 pm 53.8 11:00 pm- 12:00 am 43.1 CNEL: 60.1 WIELAND ASSOCIATES, INC. Table 11-4. Measured Hourly Noise Levels & Community Noise Equivalent Level, CNEL Project: Wavecrest Resorts, LLC. Hilton Hotel Location: 7114 Leeward, Rear Patio Date: June 27/28, 2005 Hourly Noise Level, Hourly Noise Le vel, Measuremeht Period dB(A) Mi^suremeiit Period dB(A) 12:00 am- 1:00 am 60.0 12:00 pm- 1:00 pm 53.3 1:00 am-2:00 am 56.5 1:00 pm-2:00 pm 56.2 2:00 am - 3:00 am 39.0 2:00pm-3:00pm 52.0 3:00 am - 4:00 am 41.5 3:00 pm - 4:00 pm 55.8 4:00 am - 5:00 am 45.1 4:00 pm-5:00 pm 57.6 5:00 am - 6:00 am 50.5 5:00 pm-6:00 pm 53.4 6:00 am - 7:00 am 53.4 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm 55.1 7:00 am - 8:00 am 55.6 7:00 pm-8:00 pm 52.8 8:00 am - 9:00 am 54.2 8:00 pm - 9:00 pm 44.1 9:00 am - 10:00 am 52.7 9:00 pm - 10:00 pm 58.2 10:00 am-11:00 am 55.2 10:00 pm- 11:00 pm 41.7 11:00 am- 12:00 pm 47.0 11:00 pm - 12:00 am 37.5 CNEL: 60.1 ii ii O Z >. "u o ffi <>• <>• <>• <>• <>• <>• <>" <>" <<>• <>• ,.<^^' Time of Day WIELAND ASSOCIATES, INC. Table II-5. Noise Survey Project: WaveCrest Resorts, LLC Position: On project site Date: June 24, 2005 Time: Noted Noise Source: Traffic on Carlsbad Blvd. Distance: 20' from curb of Carlsbad SLM Height: 5' LD 712 S/N: 0555 LD CALI50 Calibrator S/N: 2206 Operator: J.T. Stephens PQ .SS *c z 80.0 n I 75.0 -1 70.0 -- t 65.0 -65.0 - 60.0 -L I 60.0 -r ~i 55.0 -55.0 -1 50.0 -50.0 - 45.0 -] 45.0 - 40.0 - 0 20 40 60 80 100 Percent of Time Noise Level is Exceeded Measurement Period 1:25 PM to 1:46 PM to to n* Ln Ln Ln 2 75.8 8 73.3 25 68.7 50 62.8 90 54.8 99 50.3 Leq 68.0 Lmax 78.7 Lmin 49.2 * Leq is the average sound level during the measurement period. Ln is the sound level exceeded n% of the time during the measurement period. Lmax and Lmin are the maximum and minimum sound levels during the measurement period. WIELAND ASSOCIATES, INC. Table II-6. Single Event Noise Level Measurements Project: WaveCrest Resorts, LLC Date: June 28, 2005 Position: On project site, 115 yards from railroad tracks Time: 1:30 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. El'teiit ; No.,:: Time Descriptioti Duration, sec. ^^SEL,-::^ dB(A) Litiax, dB(A) Leq, dB(A) 1 1:30 PM Coaster #2103 13.3 71.9 66.8 60.6 2 2:05 PM Surfliner#461 17.5 77.2 71.7 64.7 3 2:28 PM Amtrak #464 8.8 78.1 73.7 68.7 4 3:04 PM Coaster #2103 stopped 52.0 76.5 65.9 59.4 Coaster #2103 idled 120.0 51.4 3:06 PM Coaster #2103 started 26.0 68.5 61.0 54.3 5 3:42 PM Surfliner #450 15.5 77.7 72.0 65.8 Wieland Associates, Inc. APPENDIX III Traffic Noise Analysis RESULTS: SOUND LEVELS Hilton Carlsbad Wieland Associates, Inc. JLH 18 December 2007 TNM 2.5 Calculated witfi TNM 2.5 RESULTS: SOUND LEVELS PROJECT/CONTRACT: RUN: BARRIER DESIGN: ATMOSPHERICS: Hliton Carlsbad Future Traffic Noise from Carlsbad Blvd. INPUT HEIGHTS 20 deg C, 50% RH Average pavement type shall t>e used unless a State liighway agency substantiates tfie use of a different type witti approval of FHWA. Receiver Name No. #DUs Existing No Barrier Witli Barrier iLAeqth LAeqIh Increase over existing Type Calculated Noise Reduction Calculated Crifn Calculated Crit'n Sub'l Inc Impact LAeqtli Calculated Goal Calculated minus Goal dBA dBA dB dB dBA dB dB dB ReceiverOI 1 1 1 0.0 67.2 66 67.2 10 Snd Lvl 67.2 0.0 8! -8.0 Receiver02 2 1 0.0 67.4 66 67.4 10 Snd Lvl 67.4 0.0 8 -8.0 Receiver03 3 1 0.0 62.5 66 62.5 10 — 62.5 0.0 8 -8.0 Receiver04 4 1 0.0 61.7 66 61.7 10 — 61.7 0.0 8 -8.0 ReceiverOS 5 1 0.0 64.4 66 64.4 10 — 64.4 0.0 8 -8.0 ReceiverOe 6 1 0.0 64.6 66 64.6 10 — 64.6 0.0 8 -8.0 Receiver07 7 1 0.0 68.2 66 68.2 10 Snd Lvl 68.2 0.0 8 -8.0 Receiver07-2 8 1 0.0 67.9 66 67.9 10 Snd Lvl 67.9 0.0 8 -8.0 Receiver07-3 i 9 1 0.0 67.8 66 67.8 10 Snd Lvl 67.8 0.0 8 -8.0 ReceiverOS 10 1 0.0 67.0 66 67.0 10 Snd Lvl 67.0 0.0 8 -8.0 Recelver08-2 1 0.0 66.5 66 66.5 10 Snd Lvl 66.5 0.0 8 -8.0 Receiver08-3 12 1 0.0 66.6 66 66.6 10 Snd Lvl 66.6 0.0 8 -8.0 ReceiverOS 13 1 0.0 60.7 66 60.7 10 — 60.7 0.0 8 -8.0 Receiver09-2 14 0.0 60.1 66 60.1 10 — 60.1 0.0 8 -8.0 Receiver09-3 15 1 0.0 59.9 66 59.9 10 — 59.9 0.0 8 -8.0 Receiverl 0 16 1 0.0 67.9 66 67.9 10 Snd Lvl 67.9 0.0 8 -8^0 Receiver 10-2 17 11 0.0 67.5 66 67.5 10 Snd Lvl 67.5 0.0 8 -8.0 Receiverl 0-3 20 1 0.0 67.5 66 67.5 10 Snd Lvl 67.5 0.0 8 -8.0 Receiverl 1 22 1 0.0 67.5 66 67.5 10 Snd Lvl 67.5 0.0 8 -8.0 Receiverl 1 -2 29 1 0.0 67.0 66 67.0 10 Snd Lvl 67.0 0.0 8 -8.0 Receiverl 1 -3 30 1 0.0 67.1 66 67.1 10 Snd Lvl 67.1 0.0 8 -8.0 Receiverl 2 31 1 0.0 63.3 66 63.3 10 — 63.3 0.0 8 -8.0 Receiverl 2-2 32 1 0.0 62.7 66 62.7 10 — 62.7 0.0 8 -8.0 Receiverl 2-3 33 1 0.0 62.8 66 62.8 10 — ; 62.8 0.0 8 -8.0 M:\Pro]ects\951-975\970-07 Hilton, Carlsbad, Wavecrest Resorts ll\TNM Version RESULTS: SOUND LEVELS Hilton Carlsbad Receiverl 3 34 1 0.0 60.8 66 60.8 10 — 60.8 0.0 8 -8.0 Receiverl 3-2 35 1 0.0 60.1 66 60.1 10 — 60.1 0.0 8 -8.0 Receiverl 3-3 36 1 0.0 60.1 66 60.1 10 — 60.1 0.0 8 -8.0 Receiverl 4 37 1 0.0 64.1 66 64.1 10 — 64.1 0.0 8 -8.0 Receiverl 4-2 38 1 0.0 63.6 66 63.6 10 — 63.6 0.0 8 -8.0 Receiverl 4-3 39 1 0.0 63.7 66 63.7 10 — 63.7 0.0 8 -8.0 Receiverl 5 40 1 0.0 67.8 66 67.8 10 Snd Lvl 67.8 0.0 8 -8.0 Receiverl 5-2 41 1 0.0 67.3 66 67.3 10 Snd Lvl 67.3 0.0 8 -8.0 -8^ Receiverl 5-3 48 1 0.0 67.4 66 67.4 10 Snd Lvl 67.4 0.0 8 -8.0 -8^ Receiverl 6 51 1 0.0 64.4 66 64.4 10 — 64.4 0.0 8 -8.0 Receiverl 6-2 52 1 0.0 63.9 66 63.9 10 — 63.9 0.0 8 -8.0 Receiverl 6-3 53 1 0.0 64.0 66 64.0 10 — 64.0 0.0 8 -8.0 Receiverl 7 54 1 0.0 62.6 66 62.6 10 — 62.6 0.0 8 -8.0 Receiverl 7-2 55 1 0.0 62.0 66 62.0 10 — 62.0 0.0 8 -8.0 Receiverl 7-3 68 1 0.0 62.0 66 62.0 10 — 62.0 0.0 8 -8.0 Dwelling Units #DUs Noise Reduction Dwelling Units #DUs Min Avg Max dB dB dB All Selected 39 0.0 0.0 0.0 All Impacted -17 0.0 0.0 0.0 All that meet NR Goal -0 0.0 0.0 0.0 M:\Projects\951-975\970-07 Hilton, Carlsbad, Wavecrest Resorts ll\TNM Version APPENDIX IV Train Noise Analysis Nolw Wode4 Bawd on F»daral TrHn«it Adm»nstration Ganeral Transit Nolss Asssasment Developed lor Chtcago Create Protect Copyright 2006. HMMH Inc. Case: BttHneT^ati Ktsa L»VIj K Waa^smtot RESULTS Noise Source Ldn (dB) Leq - daytime (dB) Leq - nighttime (dB) Ul Source* 62 eo Source 1 57 52 50 Source 2 57 52 50 Sources 53 52 43 Sourcfi 4 S4 54 45 Source 5 53 51 45 Source 6 51 50 43 Bourr^e 7 0 D 0 Source 8 0 D 0 g receiver Imrjtt use caiegory Mow. |L*ND USE CATEGOBY Parameler Source 1 Source 2 Sources Source 4 Sources Source 6 Source ^ Freiqfit Locomotive fl Freight Cars 10 Commute Diesel Locoaiotive 2 Commulur Rail Cars 3 Commuter Diesel Locomotive t CommLiter Bail Care 9 Di Mince (source lo receiver) «al,c.ini -"lii-dislance (ft) IM distance (ft) 'U distance (ft) life Daytime Hours (7 AW - 10 PM) speed (mph) Irainsfhouf 4*1 locos/lrain f Speed (mph) 4C (rains hour 041 l»>nqth ol cars (ft) / train ItWfl speeO (mph) t-ar,s/hcu- ^.n l^oa^-ain J speed (mph) 90 trains/hour I.T3 c*^ra.n B speed (mph) Sl trains hour iA locos/lrain 1 speed (mph) H irain^hour 1.4 train 4 NlQhtllme Hours (10 PM-T AM) speed (mph) AO irams/hour 4» locos^lrarn 1 spwjd (mph) •8> (rains hour fl.f» lenflth ol cars (ft) / train IIM trains/hctir 022 speed (mph) SC train^hour Ojffi cws^iain t speed (mph) flC trains hour 6fli locoE/tran 1 speed (mph) 80 trains/hour 0.33 cars train A Wheel Rata? % d cars */ wheal Bats % of cars nl wheet tats % of cars w wheel Bats Jointed Track? Y/N T Y.N t Y/N f Y/N V YN J-Y/N T Embedded Track? V/N VN a Y/N N Y/N N YN U Y/N N AerM Structure? Y/N Bl YN N Y/N N Y/N N YN M „ ™ H Barrier Present? Y/N T YN f'" V/N Y Y/N V YN V Y/N Y Inlervantng Rows ol ol BuHdtngi number ot rows number ol rows number of rows Noise Model Based on Federal Transit Admlnstratlon General Transtt Noise Assessment Developed for Chicago Create Project Copyright ZOOS. HMMH tic. Casa: nnueTlatii NDtteLctelHaeM nqwtA Nolee Source LdnfdB) Leq - daytime (dB) Leq - nighnlme (dB) All Sources HO 57 ^3 Sou ce 1 54 49 48 Sou ce2 54 49 48 Sou re 3 TO RO 41 Sou nH4 5Z 51 42 Sou ce5 51 49 43 Sou ce6 49 47 41 r^s 7 0 0 Sou ceS 0 0 0 ILAND u5e CATEGOH' Enwr tor up lo 8 rtolaa sources below -: HOISE SOURCE PARAMETERS • refef-fce llil lor source numbers. Plafnce (source to receiver) FreigW L. Jointed Track? 4» 1 ComiTnrte< Diesel Lt speed (mph) length of rars (H) /1 ••^5 speed (mph) l.ra lra.hs/hour 1,73 train! (mph) locos/train of cars w/ wheel flats ""8! speed (mph] trai n^i/fiour 1 cys train Wieland Associates, Inc. FINAL Hilton Resort & Spa Carlsbad Beach 3.2 Train Noise There are three types of trains that operate on the rail line east of the project site: Amtralc, Coaster and imscheduled freights. In order to identify the noise levels generated by these train operations, continuous monitoring was conducted at 7114 Leeward over a four-day period. The monitor at this residence was located about 108 feet from the rail line, and was buffered from the train noise by a six foot barrier. The results of the monitoring, provided in Appendix II, indicate a CNEL that ranges from 60.1 to 61.4 dB. Additional limited measurements were obtained on the project site at the location of the nearest proposed hotel fa9ade to the rail line. These measurements, also provided in Appendix II, indicate that Amtrak and Coaster operations generate maximum noise levels of about 67 to 74 dB(A). The results of the measurements were used, along with the following operational data provided by SANDAG, to calibrate a noise model developed by the Federal Transit Administration. Table 3-2. Data Used in Train Noise Analysis Train Type Existing Future Amtrak 22 32 Coaster 22 54 Freight 6-8 9-12 Based on the modeling results provided in Appendix IV, it is estimated that the futiu-e CNEL will be 61 dB at the nearest hotel fa9ade to the rail line. 4 Ground Vibration The Federal Transit Administration (Reference 3) has developed a screening procedtwe to determine whether rail operations will have a significant adverse impact on adjacent properties. This procediu-e indicates that the critical distance from a rail line for residences and buildings where people normally sleep is 200 feet. This is the distance beyond which groimd vibration is not expected to create a significant adverse impact. Since the proposed hotel will be located 380 feet from the rail line, it is concluded that the impact of groimd vibration will not be significant. 5 Assessment of Impact As indicated in Section 3, the exterior noise exposure at the project site is estimated to be 68 dB or less. This is within the "conditionally acceptable" range of 65 to 75 dB identified in the City's Noise Guidelines Manual; therefore, no exterior mitigation is required. However, the design of the guest rooms facing Carlsbad Boulevard will need to provide a minimum noise reduction of 23 dB in order to meet the State's interior noise standard of 45 dB. At the guest rooms facing the rail line, the design will need to provide a minimum noise reduction of 16 dB. WAVE CREST RESORTS II LLC Project File 970-07 November 16, 2007 1 Wieland Associates, Inc. FINAL Hilton Resort Et Spa Carlsbad Beach 6 Noise Control Recommendations 1. All windows and exterior doors in the guest rooms shall be well fitted and well weather-stripped assemblies. In addition, those guest room windows and doors that face Carlsbad Boulevard shall be sound-rated assemblies with a minimum OITC (Outdoor Indoor Transmission Class) rating of up to 30. The actual rating needed should be detemiined as part of the final engineering design of the project -^<Sai. >J0|ES (-4- ^ 5H6EtS A4-2i> - 44-.2&. KkSlE.*? lUlZ A^.A ^ M-ld). 2. All exterior walls of the guest rooms shall provide a minimum OITC rating of 37.- ^^E, G&i. HP^ ^5 Oil 3. There shall be no openings (mail slots, vents, etc.) in the exterior walls of the guest rooms. <S0&.- KkSfE ^ 4. The interior noise standard is to be met in all guest rooms with windows and doors closed. Therefore, ventilation is required in all guest rooms per the Uniform Building Code standards in order to provide a habitable environment. This may be achieved with standard air conditioning. Wall-mounted air conditioners shall not be used. W/IFC<, ^JSUaCE- 4VEAT"WMP AfiE FttWlCED. S<pfe. vpC|V'U 5. The roof system shall have minimum Vi" plywood sheathing that is well sealed to form a continuous barrier to the noise. Minimum R-19 insulation batts shall be placed in the rafter space. It should be noted that the recommended interior noise confrol measures are based on the assumption that standard building construction provides a noise reduction of at least 20 dB with windows and doors closed. 6.1 Further Suggested Noise Control In addition to the measures described above, the client may wish to install sound-rated windows and doors at the guest rooms facing the railroad. Although not required by Code, such assemblies would reduce the maximum noise levels that are experienced within the rooms during a train pass, thus reducing the possibility of sleep disturbance. The rating of these windows and doors should be determined as part of the fmal engineering design of the project. 7 Party Wall and Floor/Ceiling Separation Assemblies The State's noise insulation standards (Title 24) specify minimum sound ratings for party wall and floor/ceiling separation assemblies. The design of these assemblies is beyond the scope of this report. It is the project architect's responsibility to ensure compliance with the party wall and floor/ceiling assembly requirements of the State standards. wAlL-5<stt^0al€ ^j^V. fi/o<2. ScHCPatE- 8 Conclusion Analysis indicates that the project site is exposed to significant levels of noise as a result of fraffic on Carlsbad Boulevard. However, it is concluded that the project can be designed to comply with the WAVE CREST RESORTS II LLC 4 Project File 970-07 November 16, 2007 1 Wieland Associates, Inc. FINAL Hilton Resort Et Spa Carlsbad Beach State's interior noise standard for multifamily construction. The actual noise mitigation measures that are needed should be determined as part of the final engineering design of the project. 9 Implementation Disclaimer Wieland Associates assumes no responsibility whatsoever for the implementation of the recommendations provided in this report, or for the details of construction or the final noise levels following completion of the project. We are responsible only for the accuracy of our calculations, which are based on the construction elements detailed in this report. No guarantees or assurances are given or implied. 10 References 1. Site Plan, Floor Plans and Elevations prepared by Joseph Wong Design Associates. October 24, 2007. 2. FHWA Traffic Noise Model (TNM), Version 2.5. Federal Highway Adminisfration. February 2004. 3. Transit Noise and Vibration Assessment. Harris, Miller, Miller and Hanson, Inc. May 2006. WAVE CREST RESORTS II LLC 5 Project File 970-07 November 16, 2007 (0 > Ti O ro o CO (D 3 7\ 2 ED <D < PLEASE VEWFY VWUTMCKNESS AHD TYPE AT EACH LANOMO THCNCSS WALL TYPE SAFETY BEAM REon PER ceHA tnainz PinviaED4MSTAU£aByOTHBa.AS . DmECTEOtYTHYUENMWPP FiaO OFFICE OEEMNIOAD* <5TA11t HOTM>ACT) ' NOrE:VEHTHaUTWAYASIIE0imED-v u\ A5UEAir.1RUlEZI 4 ^ TOP OUDE RAIL BRACKET TO BE WSTALLCO AB REOT ABOVE FVnSHEO FLOOR M OVEWCAO SUPPORT TO BE PROMIEO BY GENERAI CONTRACTOR Q Ui ^ O O D 4^ o O o < (D o' 3 SS. o o A 'RAILBRACKETHOUNTMOSURFACE 23H* 4 0--4* CLEAR HOMTWftV ^ 3W 23H* 3W 23H* 1 r-10 trr BACK TO BACK OF ounx RALS 3W rr BETWEEN OUa RAU 1 r 1 lie ^ jAocMOLf iTir l-O-PLATFORM r . r4-MM. CLEARINBDE . 1 /-SUWPITBVaC 1 HOISTWAY PLAN NOT TO SCAU NOre«:C«. PK UNES ANO prTTMOS SHAU. BE PnOPERLY SUPPORTED TO REUEVE STRAIN NOTEBiAa REACTIONS INCLUDE AUOWANCE FOR IMPACT. tXrSSENKHUPP ELEVATOR TO BE Nl ITWAY OR MACMNE ROOM KSIGN. iLEVATOR OESIQN 1 FABRICATION B ROVAL WILL BE CONSTRUED AS FINAL CAB WEIGHT. UNUS5 OTHERWISE NOTIFlEo!^ NOTE C: THY5SENKHUPP ELEVATOR TO BE NOTIFEO Of ANY CHANOE TO ELEVATOR ^TCtSTWAY OR MACHINE ROOM DESIGN NOTED: ELEVATOR OESIQN 1 FABRICATION BASED ON ESTIMATED CAB WEIGHr SHOWN. APPR " ^ " OILDRAULIC ELEVATOR CONTRACT DATA TYPE: KINOSWDOOM FPM UP 190 FPMDaWNMAX. I CAPACITY: WOO CAR ENCLOSURE: DOORTYPE: ONE SPEED-CENTER OPEMNQ PLATFORM THC 4M I FMSICD FLOOR: I prTLACceir" POKWH SUPPLY: I OLO): PLUNOEROD: CVLMDEROO: I WALLTJK: BOTTOM CAR RIMBY: r CAR BUFFER STROKE: 2Ur BETWmiPfrFtR.lCARIOLSHRCMCCMP«t«atDBUFmt imiir BUFFER REACnCN (TYP. AT EACH BUFFER) • EBT. VanONO PRESS. CAR FRAIE I'li.n A"aiia CROSSHEAD S'1.33 FORIffD I I'Ui an£ ftjia s-sia l<I1.Tt BOLSTER • .AjajM TOAiriaaw . TME FOLLOWING CONOmOf^ MUST BE MET BEFORE INSTALUTION IS COMPLETED. AND ARE NOT INCLUDED IN THE ELEVATOR CONTRACT: I. A PltMS, PKlPm.t VEKTI.ATED HOISTYIIAT (ACCOROIHa TO COOE AMO ICES «HO»yN> 7. AOenMTI SUPPORT FOR MCR. OUSE RAH BIIACKEn.ANOBUFFERS (FOH REACTONS SHOWN I 1 HOISTWAY BARRICADC* AND ALL CUTTWa AHD PA1CHMO TO MSTAIL HOISTWAY EN1RANCES. SIU.S. HAU FIXTURES. 0*. AND ELECInC IBCS. 4. PITLiaHrSANOSWnCHCONVENIENCEDUn£TSWirHOFCIPROTECTiaNPERNEC.PITLAOoeil pn CAR lACCOROINO TO COOC^ NOTE: MUST BE CLEAR OF AU ELEVATOR EOUPUCm. 9 OCOCATEO110 VOLT.lt AMP. SERVICE. ALONO WTHTELEPHONEaRCUT WHEN REOUREO. TO TERMNALS OF EACH REOUIRED CONTROLLER |AS LOCATEO ON PLAN VIEW) FOR THE FOUOMKO -CAN LIQHT AND ALARM CmCUTT WITH era PROTECTION PEA NEC NOTE: IP STANDBY POWER IS SUPPLIED TO ELEVATOR. CAR UGHT AND ALAIM CIRCUT AND ORDUP CONIROI SERVICE MUST BE STANDBY PO«ei BACKS). BRANCH ORCUIT CONDUCTOR SIBNG. MATEAALS, ANO INSULATION IINCLU9N0 BRANCH DRCUT OVERCURRENT PROTECTIVE DEVICE) TO COMPLY VMIH ALL LOCAL ELECtRKM. COOE& AUPR STARnHO CURRENT WITH A MAX AUOVUBIE VOLTAGE DROP OF 10« AMPS FUU LOAD CURHEHT WITH A MAX. AUOWABLE VOLTAGE DROP OF 0». AMPS RATED CURRENT WITHAMAXAUOIWBLEVaLTAaC DROP OF 91L NOTE: ALSO. A FOURTH WRE OF SAME SIZE AS THREE PHASE WnE813 REQURED FOR G PURPOSESTOMWIMia ELECTRICAL NOISE INTERFERENCE. THE OROUTOMO WIRE >l CONNECTED TO THE BULDINOS B.ECTRICAL SYSTEM OROUNO. IF BATTERY OPER LOWERING IS PROVIDEO. A MECHAMCAL AUX. CONTACT SHAU BE \ INSTALLED ON THE OSC SW. FOfl EA. CAR THE AUX CONTACT SHALL BE CONFIGURED AS SPST AT IA IIOVAC |MIN). THE AUX CONTACT SHAU BE OPEN WMN THE use SW ISMTHE OPEN POSnWN. IFASHUNTTRffCIReuT BREAKER IB PROVIDEO. AN AUX CONTACT SHAU SE INSTAUED ON THE CIRCUIT BREAKER GEN. CONTRACTOR HUST FORWARD POWER REQUIREHENTS TO ELED CONTRACTOI^ T ANENCLOSEDMACHNEAREAIACCaHDIHOTOCODELWTTNADEOUATELKiHr.HEAT. ANO VEHTILATiaN {UN SO*F.. MAX ODY. IMTH NON-CONDBIBINa HUMEXTY OF 1040% AND SEALED CONCRETE FLOOR SLAB SURFACE. NOIE: MUET PROVIDE ADEQUATE DOOR SOE TO AUOW INSTAILADON OF EOUPMENT. ] OR LEAVE WAU OUT UNTIL lOUmBir IS M PLACE. 1 ENTRANCE WAU WITH lOITELS MUST BE PROVnO AFTER ENTRANCE FRAACS ARE SET OR LEAVE A ROUGH DPBmO 15" 1M0SIANO IT HOHER THAN IHE FRAME OPEMNO. SEE INSTALLATION PROCEDURES FOR FRAWE-TOWAU. INTERFACE DETALS TO ENSURE CONFORMANCE VHTH IHE LABELED ^TRANCE INTERFACE CONSTRUCT^ 0. POatETSINCaRRIO0RWAU(PCRF1XIURE0RAWINaS)FaRHAUFVCTUflES. NOTE: MUST BE LOCATED At DIRECTED BY B.EVATOR CONIRACTOR W SMOKE SENSORS (AS REOUMED^ 11. CONOUTAND WIRING FROM HOISTWAT TO ELEVATOR MOMTOnNa PANELS (FOR BCCURItY, LIFE. SAFETY. OR FIRE REOUflaCNTS) IS PIPE<lEEVES.TRENCHtlO.ANDBACKPU.B«>POROILANOORCaNDUirLMES AS SHOWN OR LOCATED BY ELEVATOR CONIRACrOn IIB • AT. UENT.^L^ ALS^^^^ ITIOH 13-A souARC MOLC IN PIT noon ran COWCWBTEAnERJACKlSSET. SETTMG OF JACK AND ni MiTH DATE SYM. DESnNEO PER ASME AtT.I DO NCrr SCALE THS DRAWMO QBIERAL CONTRACTOR: ELEVATOR CONTRACTOR: TIE3SwSgai3aRIRniSIBnViS«on?1liap^ Ebvalor anil musl nol bs msDs puMc or copied. TMs drawing Is loaiiod stilijsd to return on demand and Is not lo be used diiectly or Indiiectly bi any manner deMmenlal to IhB bileFBtl ot TnvswnKwico Elevslof. hyssenKrupo Eleyatf 1^ ^ CITY OF CARLSBAD COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT NO. 1 NON-RESIDENTIAL B-32 Development Services Building Division 1635 Faraday Avenue 760-602-2719 www.carlsbadca.gov NON-RESIDENTIAL CERTIFICATE: Non-Residential land owner, please read this option carefully and be sure you thoroughly understand before signing. The option you chose will affect your payment of the developed Special Tax assessed on your property. This option Is available only at the time of the first building permit issuance. Property owner signature is required before signing. Your signature is confirming the accuracy of all information shown. Wave Crest Oceanfront, LLC 760-753-2440 Name of Owner Telephone 829 2^° ST. # A 7205 & 7206 Ponto Dr. Address 92024 Project Address Encinitas, CA Carlsbad, CA 92009 City, State Zip City, State Zip 216-160-10-00 Assessor Parcel Number(s) or APN(s) and Lot Numbers(s) if not yet subdivided by County Assessor PC110005 (CBI 01660 & CB110227) Building Pennit Number(s) As cited by Ordinance No. NS-155 and adopted by the City of Carlsbad, Califomia, the City is authorized to levy a Special Tax in Connmunity Facilities District No. 1. All non-residential property, upon the issuance of a building permit, shall have the option to (1) pay the SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT TAX ONE TIME or (2) assume the ANNUAL SPECIAL TAX - DEVELOPED PROPERTY for a period not to exceed twenty-five (25) years. Please indicate your choice by initializing the appropriate line below: OPTION (1): I elect to pay the SPECIAL TAX - ONE TIME now, as a one-time payment. Amount of One-Tlme Special Tax: $ 270,068.70 Owner's Initials . OPTION (2): I elect to pay the SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT TAX ANNUALLY for a period not to exceed twenty-five (25) years. Maximum annual Special Tax: $ 37,296.49 Owner's Initials . I DO HEREBY CERTIFY UNDER PENALTY OF^PERJURY THAT THE UNDERSIGNED IS THE PROPERTY OWNER OF THE SUBJECT PROPEBW AND THATI UNDERSTAMD AND WILL COMPLY WITH THE PROVISION AS,STATED ABOVE. Signature Y WITH THE PROVISION A^STATED ABOVI Ti^e 7 Print Name Date The City of Carlsbad has not independently verified the information shown above. Therefore, we accept no responsibility as to the accuracy or completeness ofthis information. LandUse Hotel Imp.Area I FY 10/11 Annex date 5/91 Factor 1.3199 X Square Ft. 204,613 = $270,068.70 B-32 Page 1 of 1 Rev. 07/09 CITY OF CERTIFICATION OF Development Services CITY OF SCHOOL FEES PAID Building Department 1635 Faraday Avenue CARLSBAD B-34 760-602-2719 www.carlsbadca.gov This form must be completed by the City, the applicant, and the appropriate school districts and returned to the City prior to issuing a building permit. The City will not issue any building permit without a completed school fee form. Hilton Project Name: Building Permit Plan Check Number: PC11-05 Project Address: 7205 PONTO DR. A.P.N.: 214-160-10-00 Project Applicant (Owner Name): Project Description: Building Type: Residential: Second Dwelling Unit: Residential Additions: Wave Crest Oceanfront, LLC Hotel commercial New Dwelling Unit(s) Square Feet of Living Area in New Dwelling Square Feet of Living Area in SDU Net Square Feet New Area Commercial/Industrial: 175,769 Net Square Feet New Area City Certification of Applicant Information: Date: 2 •Ml SCHOOL DISTRICTS WITHIN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD ^ Carlsbad Unified School District 6225 El Camino Real Carlsbad CA 92009 (331-5000) O vista Unified School District 1234 Arcadia Drive Vista CA 92083 (726-2170) 1 1 San Marcos Unified School District 255 Pio Pico Ave Ste 100 San Marcos, CA 92069 (290-2619) Contact: Nancy Dolce (By Appt. Only) 1 1 Encinitas Union School District 101 South Rancho Santa Fe Rd Encinitas, CA 92024 (944-4300 x1166) 1 1 San Dieguito Union High School District-By Appointment Only 710 Encinitas Blvd. Encinitas, CA 92024 (753-6491) Certification of Applicant/Owners. The person executing this declaration ("Owner") certifies under penalty of perjury that (1) the infomiation provided above is correct and true to the best ofthe Owner's knowledge, and that the Owner will file an amended certification of payment and pay the additional fee if Owner requests an increase In the number of dwelling units or square footage after the building permit is issued or if the initial determination of units or square footage is found to be incon-ect, and that (2) the Owner is the owner/developer of the above described project(s), or that the person executing this declacertiftfi is authorized to sign on behalf of the Owner. Signature: B-34 Date: Page 1 of 2 Rev. 03/09 SCHOOL DISTRICT SCHOOL FEE CERTIFICATION (To be completed by the school district(s)) ********************************************************* THIS FORM INDICATES THAT THE SCHOOL DISTRICT REQUIREMENTS FOR THE PROJECT HAVE BEEN OR WILL BE SATISFIED. SCHOOL DISTRICT: The undersigned, being duly authorized bythe applicable School District, certifies that the developer, builder, or owner has satisfied the obligation for school facilities. This is to certify that the applicant listed on page 1 has paid all amounts or completed other applicable school mitigation determined by the School District. The City may issue building permits for this project. SIGNATURE OF AUTHORIZED SCHOOL DISTRICT OFFICIAL "^'"^^^ CARLSBAD UNIRED SCHOOL DISTRICT eaasELCAiynNoncAL NAME OF SCHOOL DISTRICT CARLSBAD, CA 92009 DATE ^ PHONE NUMBER B-34 Page 2 of 2 Rev. 03/09 jACKMiLLER Ql0uttttr 0f ^utx Mxtntx ^ . ^ ELIZABETH POZZEBON director ^ Assistant Director DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH FOOD AND HOUSING DIVISION P.O. BOX 129261, SAN DIEGO, CA 92112-9261 Phone: (619) 338-2222 FAX: (619) 338-2377 1 (800) 253-9933 www.sdcdeh.orq PLAN APPROVAL SHEET DBA: Hilton Carlsbad DATE: SITE: Carlsbad Blvd, Carlsbad PC #: 26779 BUSSINESS OWNER: Bill Ganepa Plans are approved contingent upon the following: 1) Department of Environmental Health (DEH) stamped plans shall be maintained at the jobsite and available for review at the time of the inspection. 2) Changes to equipment layout, menu, or application must be submitted for approval. Changes made without approval will make the plan approval null and void. 3) Obtain local Building Department and all applicable agencies permits and approvals. 4) All food and utensil-related equipment shall be certified to applicable sanitation standards by an ANSI accredited testing agency. 5) Upon completion of 60%-80% of construction, call (619) 338-2364 to schedule a preliminary inspection. In lieu of a plumbing inspection by DEH: a. Floor sinks shall be installed V2 exposed and equipped with an appropriate grill cover if no access is provided for cleaning. b. Drain lines shall slope Vi" per foot to gravity, shall not exceed 15' in length and shall terminate a minimum of 1" above the floor sink with a legal air gap. Drain lines shall not intercept walkways or door ways. c. No condensate drainage of any kind, including HVAC can drain to the mop sink. d. The entire floor surface must be sloped to the floor drains approximately 1/8 inch per foot or a four feet diameter depression that slopes 1:50 (approximately VA inch per foot). e. Conduits of all types shall be installed within walls as practicable. When otherwise installed, they shall be mounted or enclosed in a chase so as to facilitate cleaning. f. Backflow devices shall be initially tested upon installation by a certified tester. 6) The operational Health Pennit may be applied for after the preliminary inspection. New business owners are encouraged to be present at the time of the fmal inspection. 7) Owners and/or operators must pass an approved and accredited Food Safety Certification course. Proof of successful completion of this course is to be fiimished at the final inspection. 8) At the time when the final inspection is requested, the facility shall have all utilities operational and all relrigeration shall have an ambient air temperature of 38°F or below and shall be equipped with a thermometer accurate to +/- 2°F in the warmest section of the unit. All equipment is to be in place and functional. 9) An air balance test shall be fumished at the time of the final inspection (for facilities with mechanical exhaust systems), 10) Seal all cracks, gaps and crevices in counters, cabinets, around metal flashing, sink backsplashes, around pipes and conduits with silicone sealant. Plans reviewed by C.Penn @ (858)505-6660 CALL (858)505-6660 AT LEAST 5 WORKING DAYS IN ADVANCE TO SCHEDULE PRELIMENARY AND FINAL INSPECTIONS. A FINAL INSPECTION SHALL BE CONDUCTED AND AN ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH PERMIT SHALL BE ISSUED PRIOR TO OPENING AND OPERATING THIS FOOD ESTABLISHMENT. cc: File District Inspector "Environmental and public health through leadership, partnership and science" t-i(^\/M //I // / X,// n ^Ai^YZ-rrr:^^ «n e DUP BY ^ CITY OF CARLSBAD ESTIMATE OF ,, BUILDING PERMIT , ' FEES ^fA\ Development Services B-40 Building Division 1635 Faraday Avenue 760-602-2719 www.carlsbadca.gov Email L^EiM>^&*Ae^Q rtoFUAA Contact LESUe ^Me^^WE^^Aal Phone_^!#QXfe91dloy Fax Project Address 7205 Po^tTO PRiVe MO /m ftgcas. Ti9? n> iT APN (Required) JiilJMlMO Description of Project ResoM HPTB, U^iTs^ Construction Type "lA Describe COMMERCIAL use of Building: (As in: 10.OOOsf. shell, or. if improving: 5,000sf office to office/ 3,500sf warehouse to office): Describe RESIDENTIAL use of Building: (As in: 2300sf living/SOOsf garage/200sf deck): Sprinklered? 'PJ Yes • No if Yes. contact the Fire Dept. for fees (760-602-4666) Air Conditioned? 'Sl Yes • No DATE: VALUATION: PLANNING Redevelopment Parking Fee.. Habitat Management Plan Fee HMP.. Affordable Housing Fee BUILDINO Building Permit 3^^^^' ENGINEERINQ Bridge & Thoroghfare Fee BTD #2 BTD #3 Local Facilities Management Zone Fee LFMZ.. Park in Lieu Master Drainage Fee Water D/strict Plan Check Strong Motion Green Building 7^/ Community Facilities District Fee CFD '^^l [CFD: LandUse:/ , , ImpArea: Public License Tax Plumbing (tfJoOj^ Electrical • Facilities Fee PFF p.>»^(Xt' Meter Size (Potable) 3S^S^^I Meter Fee (Potable) Add'l Potable Water Connection Fee Meter Size (Reclaimed) Meter Fee Add'l Reclaimed Water Connection Fee- San Diego Water Authority Fee SDCWA.. Sewer District Mechanical 3t ' 4, nr. Sewer Connection Fee. Sewer Benefit Fee Stormwater Traffic Impact Fee SCHOOL DISTRICT: B-40 Page 1 of 1 Rev. 02/10 BUILDING PERMIT FEES CALCULATION Valuation: Comm/Res (C/R): Building Fee Plan Check Fee Strong Motion Fee Green Bldg. Stand. Fee License Tax/PFF License Tax/PFF (in CFD) $18,616,671 c $39,760.54 $25,844.35 $3,910.00 $744.00 $651,583.49 $338,823.41 20^ , 1/3 9Hj 1 I t-o,-!^ ' haun.-^ f^a.'iJ.^ 09/08/2010 Janet Altar From: Mike Peterson Sent: Wednesday, January 05, 2011 7:59 AM To: Raenette Abbey; Janet Altar Subject: FW: Carlsbad CFD #1 annexation From: Leslie Weinheimer [mailto:lweinheimer@hofmanplanning.com] Sent: Tuesday, January 04, 2011 12:38 PM To: 'Barbara Hale-Carter' Cc: Mike Peterson Subject: RE: Carlsbad CFD #1 annexation Thanks Barbara! I appreciate your help and confirmation. Leslie From: Barbara Hale-Carter [mailto:barbc@sdfa.com] Sent: Tuesday, January 04, 2011 12:34 PM To: 'Leslie Weinheimer' Cc: 'Mike Peterson' Subject: RE: Carlsbad CFD #1 annexation I did not check your figure but the words are correct. I have copied Mike Peterson on this email - reminding him of the history so he can be certain that the correct fee is calculated and things do not need to be redone. Hope all is weil. Barb —Original Message— From: Leslie Weinheimer [mailto:lweinheimer@hofmanplanning.com] Sent: Tuesday, January 04, 2011 12:18 PM To: 'Barbara Hale-Carter' Subject: FW: Carlsbad CFD #1 annexation Hi Barbara, Happy New Year! I hope you enjoyed the holidays. I wanted to check in with you regarding the Hilton Carlsbad project that I previously worked on the annexation with you last year. This was a complicated annexation since part of the project was already annexed previously etc so it was part in and part out. If I recall correctly, I think you had said that the CFD fee would be calculated based on the original annexation year for the entire property since trying to determine the breakdown of what part of the building was annexed at what time would be too difficult and time consuming. I am supposed to come up with an estimate of the CFD fee for Bill Canepa at permit issuance so I just wanted to confirm based on the email below that the fee would be based on the May 7,1991 tax rate for Improvement Area I for hotel use for the entire project/property, which would be $1.3199/sf. Thanks for your help! Leslie Leslie Weinheimer | Principal Planner ^ CITY OF CAR. L^BAD PLUMBING, ELECTRICAL, MECHANICAL WORKSHEET B-18 Deveiopment Services Building Department 1635 Faraday Avenue 760-602-2719 www.carlsbadca.gov Project Address: Car-hM felvck- j CsirlsW.C^ Permit No.: CP>1 Ol <b <^ (9 Information provided below refers to worl; being done on the above mentioned permit only. This form must be completed und returned! to the Buildinq Deparfment before the permit can be issued. Buiiding Dept. Fax: (760) 602-8558 Number of new or relocated fixtures, traps, or floor drains New building sewer line? Ves X No Number of new roof drains? 4*7 Install/alter water line? :<£5. Number of new water heaters? _ ^ Number of new, relocated or replaced gas outlets? (hi Number of new hose bibs? ^ Upgrade existing panel? Ves_ From ^Amps to_ No _Amps Number of new panels or subpanels? ~ SO^ Single Phase Number of new amperes Three Phasa Number of new amperes Three Phase 480 Number of new amperes ^60^ Remodel (relocate existing outlets/switches or add outlets/switches)? Ves No Number of new furnaces, A/C, or heat pumps? 26g New or relocated duct worb? Ves X No Number of new fireplaces? „ 2, Number of new exhaust fans? 124*^ Relocate/install went? YfeS Number of new exhaust hoods? 7 Number of new boilers or compressors? Number of HP ID Page 1 of 1 Rev. 03/09 SAN DIEGO REGIONAL HAZARDOUS MATERIALS QUESTIONNAIRE OFFICE USE ONLY UPFP# ^/30C>h HV# o?/ - -fo f BP DATE / ; Business Name Business Contact iMinots <jA«i5iiAD ^tmit:jco\r f*2^/-^fi!v Jdtt<J veA<er Telephone # - 2440 Project Address City State ii.(^e5Bjnod«r <At5i£BiM:> fewo. ^fcwmpE. cAtteeAP c^. Zip Code 'iTOll APN# 244-1^-10, <l, I3,» Mailing Address City State zip Code Plan File*' Project Contact uom y^-Ni^ Telephone # - The following questions represent the facility's activities, NOT the specific project description PART I: FIRE DEPARTMENT - HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DIVISION: OCCUPANCY CLASSinCATION: Indicate by circling the Item, whether your business will use, process, or store any of the following hazardous materials. If any of the items are circled, applicant must contact the Fire Protection Agency with Jurisdiction prior to pian submittal. 5. Organic Peroxides g. Water Reactives 13. Comjsives 6. Oxidizers 10. Cryogenics 14..^0mer Health Hazards 7. Pyrophorics 11. Highly Toxic or Toxic Materials /fs^^None of These. 8. Unstable Reactives 12. Radioactives v_y 1. Explosive or Blasting Agents 2. Compressed Gases 3. Flammable/Combustible Uquids 4. Flammable Solids PART H: SAN DIEGO COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH - HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DIVISIONS (HMD): If the answer to any of the YES NO 1. • 2. • 3. • J3 4. • |g) 5. • 0 6. • • CalARP Exempt Date questions Is yes. appHcant must contact the County of San Diego Hazardous Materials Division, 1255 Imperial Avenue, 3'" floor, San Diego, CA 92101 Call (619) 338-2222 prior lo the issuance of a building permit. FEES ARE REQUIRED. fc«pec1'eX G£>fyirs|.ciri o fs... Expected Date of (iccupancy: Is your business listed on the reverse side ofthis fonn? (check all that aftply). Will your business dispose of Hazardous Substances or Medical Waste n any amou Will your business store or handle Hazardous Substances in quantities equal to or 55 gallons, SOO pounds, 200 cubic feet, or carcinogens/reproductive toidns in any qu: Will your business use an existing or install an underground storage tatK? Will your business store or handle Regulated Substances (CalARP)? | O £ i'l Will your business use or install a Hazardous Waste Tank System (Titlej^^cle 10)? Initials • CalARP Required I Date Initials • CalARP Comptete I Date Initials PART III: SAN DIEGO COUNTY AIR POLLUTION CONTROL DISTRICT: If the answer to any of the quSBBonrbelow Is yes, applicant must contact the Air Pollution Control District (APCD), 10124 Old Grove Road, San Diego, CA 92131-1649, telephone (858) 586-2600 prior to the issuance of a building or demolition pemiit. Note: if the answer to questions 3 or 4 is yes, applicant must also submit an asbestos notification forni to the APCD at least 10 woridng days prior to commencing demolition or renovation, except demolition or renovation of residential stmctures of fbur units or less. Contact the APCD for more Infonnation. 1. YES • 2. • • • • • Will the subject facility or construction activities include operations or equipment that emit or are capable of emitting an air contaminant? (See the APCD factsheet athttD:/Awww.5dapcd.oro/infoffacts/Dermits.pdf. and the iist of typical equipment requiring an APCD permit on the reverse side of this from. Contact APCD if you have any questions). (ANSWER ONLY IF QUESTION 1 IS YES) Will the subject facility be located wtthin 1,000 feet of the outer boundary of a school (K through 12)? (Public and private schools may be found after search of the Califomia School Directory at http://www.cde.ca.aov/re/sd/: or contact the appropriate sdiool district). Will thete be renovation that involves handling of any friable asbestos materials, or disturbing any material that contains non-friable asbestos? Will there be demolition involving the removal of a load supporting structural member? Briefly describe business activities: 2-<5r (3S3t^ -ffCfC^ IS^SST" Briefly describe proposed project: ^ _ ^-p^ llC^Et- ^ gfii^EH^^ I declare under penalty of perjury that to the best of my knowledge and belief th .made herein are true and conect. Name of owner or Authorized Agent Sign'a^re q|f Owneror Authorized Agent (( I IG iZjQiO Date FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY: FIRE DEPARTMENT OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION:. BY: : DATE:. URTHERINroRlKATION REQUIRED APCD RELEASED FOR BUILDING PERMfT BUT NOT FOR OCCUPANCY COUNTY-HMD APCD RELEASED FOR OCCUPANCY COUNTY-HMD APCD HM-9171 (04/07) County of San Diego - DEH - Hazardous Materials Division INDUSTRIAL WASTEWATER DISCHARGE PERMIT SCREENING SURVEY Date S-^^'IO Business Name Vltf-bn Ca>^kht:>^ <^T33>ij'rt>/tf /^e^a^H S>!« _ Street Address /n-kr^c-ftOri fc;f (^/arbfTaJ feluci.^ dn-k Vr. ^Corl'hA.CA- ^7 2X) S Email Address POh}^ PLEASE CHECK HERE IF YOUR BUSINESS IS EXEMPT: (ON REVERSE SIDE CHECK TYPE OF BUSINESS) Check all below that are present at your facility: Acid Cleaning Ink Manufacturing Nutritional Supplement/ Assembly Laboratory Vitamin Manufacturing Automotive Repair Macliining / Milling Painting / Finishing Battery Manufacturing Manufacturing Paint Manufacturing Biofuel Manufacturing Membrane Manufacturing Personal Care Products Biotech Laboratory (i.e. water filter membranes) Manufacturing Bulk Ciiemical Storage Metal Casting / Forming Pesticide Manufacturing / Car Wash Metal Fabrication Packaging Chemical Manufacturing Metal Finishing Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Chemical Purification Electroplating (including precursors) Dry Cleaning Electroiess plating Porcelain Enameling Electrical Component Anodizing Power Generation Manufacturing Coating (i.e. phosphating) Print Shop Fertilizer Manufacturing Chemical Etching / Milling Research and Development Film / X-ray Processing Printed Circuit Board Rubber Manufacturing Food Processing Manufacturing Semiconductor Manufacturing Glass Manufacturing Metal Powders Forming Soap / Detergent Manufacturing Industrial Laundry Waste Treatment / Storage SIC Code(s) (If known):. Brief description of business activities (Production / Manufacturing Operations): Description of operations generating wastewater (discharged to sewer, hauled or evaporated): Estimated volume of industrial wastewater to be discharged (gal/day):. List hazardous wastes generated (type / volume): Date operation began/or will begin at this location: g.^uPg ^(3/2. Have you applj^ for a Wastewater Discharge Permit from the Encina Wastewater Authority? Yes (Np) If yes, when: Site Contact ^(e^kec^ Signature. Title <rd»iS'|rac-hoi f\A^6Atxo^ .Phone No. 7(^6 J^'b • 1.Mi> ENCINA WASTEWATER AUTHORITY. 6200 Avenida Encinas Carlsbad, CA 92011 (760)438-3941 FAX; (760)476-9852 PC110005 1 PONTO RD HILTON HOTELS. PARKING STRUGTU CB101660 1 POI^ORD HILTON: 175,769 SF HOTEL W/ CB110227 njmtma^ HILTON HOTEl.>g^630 SF ABOVE •sw fCrO^^T. • CV Approved BUILDING ^ Pate PLANNING -ap ^ENGINEERING w/SW -Jt) ^T^H- HazMat APCD HeaUi Forms/Fees Encina HazHealthAPCD PE&M ihlii CG^ M-^^ ^^^^ , ... r / / fg,!^., /y-r^ PFF: N 1 Sent Rec'd School Sewer Stormwater Special Inspection Due? By Density: ImpAreai/?^ FY:^^^d. Factor:/, 3?'?'^ Comments Date Building Date Date Date Engineering Fire Planning fj^VOfe /j/3//0^ lO I (O Need? 7 '•Done • Done • Done Application Complete? Fees Complete? Y N Y N By: By: d/W//- j-hfU ftrmt-^ i^^^^o 0^ ^ ^^/. yS/^^^/^'x^