HomeMy WebLinkAbout1 PONTO RD; ; CB112576; PermitCity of Carlsbad 1635 Faraday Av Carlsbad, CA 92008 01-10-2012 Pool Permit Permit No: CBI 12576 Building Inspection Request Line (760) 602-2725 Job Address: Permit Type: Parcel No: Valuation: Reference #: PC #: Project Title: 1 PONTO RD CBAD POOL 2141601000 Lot #: 0 $307,664.00 Construction Type: NEW CARLSBAD HILTON * 3316 SF POOL//72 SF SPA//72 SF WADER Status: ISSUED Applied: 12/08/2011 Entered By: JMA Plan Approved: 01/10/2012 Issued: 01/10/2012 Inspect Area: Applicant: MISSION POOLS OF ESCONDIDO INC 755W GRAND AVENUE ESCONDIDO, CA 92025 619-743-2605 Building Permit Add'I Building Permit Fee Plan Check Add'I Plan Check Fee Electrical Fee Plumbing Fee Strong Motion Fee Green Bldg Standards (SB 1473) Fee Renewal Fee Add'I Renewal Fee Other Building Fee Additional Fees TOTAL PERMIT FEES Owner: WAVE CREST OCEANFRONT L L C C/O WILLIAM SHANNAHAN 1200 PROSPECT ST #425 LA JOLLA CA 92037 $1,510.98 $0.00 $1,057.69 $0.00 $30.00 $30.00 $30.77 $12.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $2,671.44 Total Fees: $2,671.44 Total Payments To Date: . $2,671.44 Balance Due: $0.00 Inspector: FINAL APPROVAL I Date: O/2.9((2. Clearance: I NOTICE: Please take NOTICE that approval of your project includes the imposition" 01 fees, dedications, reservations, or other exactions hereafter collectively referred to as lees/exactions." You have 90 days from the date this permit was issued to protest imposition of these lees/exactions. If you protest them, you must follow the protest procedures set 1o1h in Government code Section 66020(a), and file the protest and any other required information with the city Manager for processing in accordance with Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 3.32.030. Failure to timely follow that procedure will bar any subsequent legal action to attack, review, set aside, void, or annul their imposition. You are hereby FURTHER NOTIFIED that your right to protest the specified fees/exactions DOES NOT APPLY to wafer and sewer connection fees and capacity changes, nor planning, zoning, grading or other similar application processing or service fees in connection with this project. NOR DOES IT APPLY to any City of Carlsbad 1635 Faraday Av Carlsbad, CA 92008 Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) Permit 01-10-2012 1 I Permit No:SW110445 Job Address: I PONTO RD CBAD Permit Type: SWPPP Status: ISSUED Parcel No: 2141601000 Lot #: 0 Applied: 12/08/2011 Reference #: Entered By: BUILDG CB#: 112629: Issued: 01/10/2012 Inspect Area: Project Title: HILTON GARDENS Tier: 1 3316 SF POOLII72 SF SPNI72 SF WADER Priority: M Applicant: Owner:• MISSION POOLS OF ESCONDIDO INC WAVE CREST OCEANFRONT L L C C/O WILLIAM SHANNAHAN 755 W GRAND AVENUE '1200 PROSPECT ST #425. ESCONDIDO, CA 92025 / - LA JOLLA CA' 92037 619-743-2605 // ? •_.:.-- . ''• (•- Emergency Contact: / \ \ / "''••'. \ ') \ JACK TONE ..•. 760-801-6049 , j "•_-_j I , . -•1' \ v:- ' .--.-- / \ •-,.t -.__ ø'__'_ - i I 1'. '' t•-_• ji •', SWPPP Plan Check J kl • $50.00 SWPPP Inspections / ' i / T / $210.00 I Additional Fees . $0.00 TOTAL PERMIT FEES \\ /' \ \ j / $260.00 INCORPORATED Y Total Fees: $260.00 'Total Payments To Date:" $260.00 Balance Due: $0.00 \< FINAL APPROVAL DATIL CLEARANCE_________ SIGNATURE.AI. JJI4lpc DI M.. % 2 C Building Permit Application ' I.__ 1-1 L L • '-' ..) ( Est. 1635 Faraday Ave., Carlsbad, CA 92008 CITY OF Value 3O 7( (, _______________ 760-602-2717/2718/2719 CARLSD/-%D Fax 760-602-8558 Plan Ck. Deposit Date 1 2,1 ri 11 sw i — I www.carlsbadca.gov JOB ADDRESS i2' p7 401 ,4, ,?UITE#/SPAcE#/uNIT# APN - - - LOT # # OF UNITS # BEDROOMS # BATHROOMS TENANT BU SINESS NAME J CONSTR. TYPE J 0CC. GROUP DESCRIPTION OF WORK: Include Square Feet of Affected Area(s) P1, pa- / /3czdt EXISTING USE PROPOSED USE GARAGE (SF) PATIOS (SF) DECKS FIREPLACE AIR CONDITIONING I FIRE SPRINKLERS I YES jJ# NO[— I YES El NO El I YES El NOEl APAICANT flAME (Primary 9pntact) * APPLICANT NAME (Second afii Cont,rct) ac ac , ZT'L PV L:i i/4 P 1 ADDRESS ADDRESS 75 (_• p;:( rn• CITY STATE ZIP C]Y STATE ZIP (J9 PHONE 776s0n 9,91—'14'57 I FAX PHONE I79-41i/ EMAIL EMAIL /agf/zfr,2. - ,R9PERTY ERJVAME t- #e't CONTRACTOR BU9 NAME 4a i / ,, it L vEtV- 1 E&rjZ & iL ADDRESS ADDRESS %'/i~cin,i it-TI-11,171-A2 155 /) áiii I4VI. STATE ZIP IA 2/ ATF CI' jFAX t6COiidO PHONE '( PHONE I c ?7gs.7et-7g5-t5g9 ENTAIL EMAIL ARCH/DESIGNER NAME & ADDRESS - STATE tic. it 7ce I CLASS I Cliv BUS. LIC.# k- 'L(?,'7 706 om ..,jue. .ifly ..ILy vi iuurity witien requires a permit to construct, site,, improve, demolish or repair any Structure, prior to its issuance, also requires the applicant for such permit to file a signed statement that he Is licensed pursuant to the provisions of the Contractor's License Law (Chapter 9, commending with Section 7000 of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code) or that he Is exempt therefrom, and the basis for the alleged exemption. Any violation of Section 7031.5 by any applicant for a permit subjects the applicant to a civil penalty of not more than five hundred dollars ($500)). - Workers' Compensation Declaration: thereby affirm under penalty of pe4u,y one of the following declarations: I have and will maintain a certificate of consent to self-Insure for workers' compensation awprovided by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. I have and will maintain workers' compensation, as repuir d by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. My workers' compensation ins u nra •er and policy number are: Insurance co/i/Ptt 6 4/a' ?7&'' ( Policy N7t 9i25/Z 7/I // Expiration Date _______ This section need not be completed if the permit is for one hundred dollars ($100) or less. [J Certificate of Exemption: I certify that in the performance of the work for which this permit is issued, I shall not employ any person in any manner so as to become subject to the Workers' Compensation Laws of California. WARNING: Failure to secure workers' compensation coverage Is unlawful, and shall subject an employer to criminal penalties and civil fines up to one hundred thousand dollars (&100,000), In addition to the cost of compensation, d ages asp vided for in Sectio 06 of the Labe;tole, Interest and attorney's fees. I I CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE #7'7 AGENT DATE ®900009 0 7000 I hereby affirm that lam exempt from Contractor's License Law for the following reason: [] I, as owner of the property or my employees with wages as their sole compensation, will do the work and the structure is not intended or offered for sale (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Code: The Contractor's License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon, and who does such work himself or through his own employees, provided that such improvements are not intended or offered for sale. If, however, the building or improvement is sold within one year of completion, the owner-builder will have the burden of proving that he did not build or improve for the purpose of sale). [J I, as owner of the property, am exclusively contracting with licensed contractors to construct the project (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Code: The Contractor's License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon, and contracts for such projects with contractor(s) licensed pursuant to the Contractor's License Law). lam exempt under Section Business and Professions Code for this reason: 1.1 personally plan to provide the major labor and materials for construction of the proposed property improvement Elves [—]No 2.l (have ! have not) signed an application for a building permit for the proposed work. I have contracted with the following person (firm) to provide the proposed construction (include name address! phone! contractors' license number): I plan to provide portions of the work, but I have hired the following person to coordinate, supervise and provide the major work (include name! address/ phone! contractors' license number): 5.1 will provide some of the work, but I have contracted (hired) the following persons to provide the work indicated (include name! address! phone! type of work): ..PROPERTY OWNER SIGNATURE [-]AGENT DATE _______?OJO3 30(?060 (®U) 000-000011)(30voaa @00110000 WIDOW@ 0011c? Is the applicant or future building occupant required to submit a businessjc, acutely hazardous materials registration form or risk management and prevention program under Sections 25505,25533 or 25534 of the Presley-Tanner Hazardous Substance Account Act? [J Yes [J No Is the applicant or future building occupant required to obtain a permit frortfthe air pollution control district or a glity management district? DYes XNo Is the facility to be constructed within 1,000 feet of the outer boundary of a school site? 1:IYes LJNo IF ANY OF THE ANSWERS ARE YES, A FINAL CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY MAY NOT BE ISSUED UNLESS THE APPLICANT HAS MET OR IS MEETING THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE OFFICE OF EMERGENCY SERVICES AND THE AIR POLLUTION CONTROL DISTRICT. (30 !J(31fl®(J WIDOW@ 0X9 thereby affirm that there is a construction lending agency for the performance of the work this permit is issued (Sec. 3097 (i) Civil Code). Lender's Name Lender's Address O00& 000€30® - I certffijthatl have readtheapplication and statethattheaboveinformation IscorTectandthatthe information onthe plans lsaccumte. I agreelo complywith all City ordinances and State laws relatingiv, building constructic I n. I hereby authorize representative of the City of Carlsbad to enter upon the above mentioned property for inspection purposes. I ALSO AGREE TO SAVE, INDEMNIFY AND KEEP HARMLESS THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AGAINST ALL LIABILITIES, JUDGMENTS, COSTS AND EXPENSES WHICH MAY IN ANY WAY ACCRUE AGAINST SAID CITY IN CONSEQUENCE OF THE GRANTING OF THIS PERMIT. OSHA An OSHA permit is required for excavations over 50' deep and demolition or construction of structures over 3 stories in height EXPIRATION: Every permit issued by the Building Official under the provisions of this Code shall expire by limitation and become null and void if the building or work authorized by such permit is not commenced within 180 days from the date of such permit or if the building or work authorized by such permit is suspended or abandoned at anytime alter the work is commenced fora period of 180 days (Section 106.4.4 Uniform Building Cods). ..APPL(CANT'S SIGNATURE &d AMU%. DATE /67 /"// / Inspection List Permit#: CB112576 Type: POOL CARLSBAD HILTON 3316 SF P00L1172 SF SPAJI72 SF WADER Date Inspection Item - 06/29/2012 59 Final Pool 06/25/2012 89 Final Combo 06/25/2012 89 Final Combo 06/14/2012 55 Fence/Pre-Plaster 06/06/2012 55 Fence/Pre-Plaster 06/05/2012 55 Fence/Pre-Plaster 06/01/2012 51 Excav/Steel/Bonding/Fence 05/31/2012 51 Excav/Steel/Bonding/Fence 05/11/2012 51 Excav/Steel/Bonding/Fence 05/11/2012 52 Underground Plumbing 05/04/2012 11 Ftg/Foundation/Piers 02/16/2012 51 Excav/Steel/Bonding/Fence 02/16/2012 52 Underground Plumbing 02/16/2912 53 Electric/Conduit/Wiring 02/15/2012 51 Excav/Steel/Bonding/Fence MC 02/15/2012 52 Underground Plumbing MC 02/15/2012 53 Electric/Conduit/Wiring MC Act Comments CO GFI PROTECTION OK PA GFIOK RI AP CO COMPLETE FENCING AND GATES co NO FENCING AP DECK BOND AT SOUTH SIDE PA SPA DECK BOND PA AP PA DECK BOND SEE CARD AP POOL, SPA &WADER AP EQUIP TO POOL, SPA & WADER AP STEEL, LIGHT SHELL, EQUIP & DECK TAIL BONDS CO COMPLETE ALL WORK CO LEAK AT NORTH SKIMMER CO Inspector MC MC MC MC MC MC MC PB PB MC MC MC MC Friday, June 29, 2012 Page 1 of 1 CITY OF CARLSBAD BUILDING PLANCHECK Pool/Retaining Wall CHECKLIST E-37 Development Services Land Development Engineering 1635 Faraday Avenue 760-602-2750 www.carlsbadca.gov ENGINEERING Plan Check for C1311-2576. Review # Date: 12109/11 Project Address: I PONTO DR Project Description: POOL, SPA AND WADER FOR HOTEL Valuation: $307,664 ENGINEERING Contact: Kathleen Lawrence Email: kathleen.lawrencecarIsbadca.gov Phone: 760-602-2741 Fax: 760-602-1052 Any outstanding issues will be marked with I X I. Please make the necessary corrections to the plans or specifications for compliance with applicable codes and standards. Submit corrected plans and/or specification to the Building division for resubmittal to the Engineering Division. Items that conform to permit requirements are marked with LLi ATTACHMENTS: __ __ I I Engineering Application I I Right-of-Way Application/Info. Sheet F7Storm Water Forms I I Reference Documents OFFICIAL USE ONLY NGINEERING AUTHO ZATION TO ISSUE BUILDING PERMIT BY: 1JE DATE: REMARS: Notification of Engineering APPROVAL has been sent to via . on E-36 Page 1 of 4 REV 5/23/11 I.e CB 11-2576 Review# I 1. SITE PLAN g , ~,d Provide a fully dimensioned site plan drawn to scale. Show: El IETINorth arrow S I El I i:zi Existing & proposed struâtures j ) 0 El I [1 Property lines (show all dimensions) EJ I Eli Easements Show on site plan: F7,7 Drainage patterns El Existing & proposed slopes El [21 Existing topography Retaining Walls (location and height) El LJ Indicate what will happen with soil excavated from pool area. Include on title sheet: E:1 EUJ Site address E1 Eli Assessor's parcel number El EZ:i Legal description/lot number El El Grading: Quantitiesof Cut El Fill E:J importEJ ExportEJ El El Project does not comply with the following engineering conditions of approval for project no: El El Conditions were complies with by: Date: Lot / Map No.: MS 05-23 Subdivision/Tract: SDP 05-14 Reference No(s): E-37 Page 2 of 4 REV 5/23/11 CB 11-2576 Review# I 2. GRADING PERMIT REQUIREMENTS The conditions that require a grading permit are found in Section 11.06.030 of the Municipal Code. GRADING PERMIT ISSUED GR 10-17 Inadequate information available on site plan to make a determination on• grading requirements. Include accurate grading quantities in cubic yards (cut, fill, import, export and remedial). This information must be included on the plans. If no grading is proposed write: "NO GRADING" Grading Permit required. NOTE: The grading permit must be issued and rough grading approval obtained prior to issuance of a building permit. A separate grading plan prepared a registered civil engineer must be submitted together with the completed application form attached. A grading permit has been applied for: DWG No grading permit required. 3. MISCELLANEOUS PERMITS RIGHT-OF-WAY PERMIT is required to do work in city right-of-way and/or private work adjaôent to the public right-of-way. A separate right-of-way issued by the engineering division is required for the following: EEl IJ Please complete attached right-of-way application form and return to the engineering department together with the requirements on the attached right-of-way checklist, at the time of resubmittal. Right-of-way permit and pool permit will be issued simultaneously. E-37 Page 3 of 4 REV 5123/11 - *f CB 11-2576 Review# I 4. STORM WATER Construction Compliance NI 0 fl Project Threat Assessment Form complete. Enclosed Project Threat Assessment Form incomplete/incorrect. Please make corrections, re-sign a new form and resubmit with next submittal. Requires Tier I Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan. Please complete' attached form and return (SW 11-445 Post-Development (SUSMP) Compliance Storm WaterStandards Questionnaire complete. Storm Water Standards Questionnaire incomplete. Please make the corrections, re-sign the questionnaire and resubmit with next submittal. Project is subject to Standard Storm Water Requirements. See city Standard Urban Storm Water Management Plan (SUSMP) for reference. http://wwwcarlsbadca.pov/business/budding/Documents/EngStandsw-stds-vol4-ch2.pdf Disconnect discharges per SUSMP. Do not connect runoff from impervious surfaces to storm drains without first discharging water over landscape areas. See SUSMP Minimize use of impervious surfaces per SUSMP. Redesign to reduce the excessive use of impervious area (pavement) on project. Use a balanced design of pervious surfaces (landscape area, planters, etc.) and impervious surfaces. See SUSMP 5.. Additional Comments E-37 Page 4 of 4 REV 5/23/11 This form is required for all pools, retaining walls or whenever a building footprint is enlarged. l i^:; CITY OF CAR LSBAD STORM WATER COMPLIANCE FORM TIER I CONSTRUCTION SWPPP E-29 Development Services Land Development Engineering 1635 Faraday Avenue 760-602-2750 www.carlsbadca.gov STORM WATER COMPLIANCE CERTIFICATE I My project is not in a category of permit types exempt from the Construction SWPPP requirements / My project is not located inside or within 200 feet of an environmentally sensitive area with a significant potential for contributing pollutants to nearby receiving waters by way of storm water runoff or non-storm water discharge(s). I My project does not require a grading plan pursuant to the Carlsbad Grading Ordinance (Chapter 15.16 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code) / My project will not result in 2,500 square feet or more of soils disturbance including any associated construction staging, stockpiling, pavement removal, equipment storage, refueling and maintenance areas that meets one or more of the additional following criteria: located within 200 feet of an environmentally sensitive area or the Pacific Ocean; and/or, disturbed area is located on a slope with a grade at or exceeding 5 horizontal to I vertical; and/or disturbed area is located along or within 30 feet of a storm drain inlet, an open drainage channel or watercourse; and/or construction will be initiated during the rainy season or will extend into the rainy season (Oct. 1 through April 30). I CERTIFY TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE THAT ALL OF THE ABOVE CHECKED STATEMENTS ARE TRUE AND CORRECT. I AM SUBMITTING FOR CITY APPROVAL A TIER I CONSTRUCTION SWPPP PREPARED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF CITY STANDARDS. I UNDERSTAND AND ACKNOWLEDGE THAT I MUST: (1) IMPLEMENT BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES (BMPS) DURING CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES TO THE MAXIMUM EXTENT PRACTICABLE TO MINIMIZE THE MOBILIZATION OF POLLUTANTS SUCH AS SEDIMENT AND TO MINIMIZE THE EXPOSURE OF STORM WATER TO CONSTRUCTION RELATED POLLUTANTS; AND, (2) ADHERE TO, AND AT ALL TIMES, COMPLY WITH THIS CITY APPROVED TIER 1 CONSTRUCTION SWPPP THROUGHOUT THE DURATION OF THE CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES UNTIL THE CONSTRUCTION WORK IS COMPLETE AND APPROVED BY THE CITY OF CARLSBAD. pacbr1-a. NER(S)/OWNER'S AGENg NAME (PRINT) OWNER(S)/OWNER'S AGENT NAME (SIGNATURE) DATE PROJECT INFORMATION Site Address, 1Q Assessor's Parcel Number: /).dljl %1' Project ID: L4J1! Construction Permit No.: Estimated Construction Start Date Project Duration Months Emergency Contact: Name:tJC 7,Z 24 hour Phone7&O'10I (O'/q Perceived Threat to Storm Water Quality edium 0 Low If medium box is checked, must attach a site plan sheet showing proposed work area and location of proposed structural BMPs For City Use Only. CITY ST Approved By: - I Date: ac)lll STOIM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION NOTES ALL NECESSARY EQUIPMENT AND MATERIALS SHALL BE AVAILABLE ON SITE TO FACILITATE RAPID INSTALLATION OF EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL BMPS WHEN RAIN IS EMINENT. THE OWNER/CONTRACTOR SHALL RESTORE ALL EROSION CONTROL DEVICES TO WORKING ORDER TO THE SATISFACTION OF THE CITY ENGINEER AFTER EACH RUN-OFF PRODUCING RAINFALL. THE OWNER/CONTRACTOR SHALL INSTALL ADDITIONAL EROSION CONTROL MEASURES AS MAY BE REQUIRED BY THE CITY ENGINEERING OR BUILDING INSPECTOR DUE TO UNCOMPLETED GRADING OPERATIONS OR UNFORESEEN CIRCUMSTANCES WHICH MAY ARISE. ALL REMOVABLE PROTECTIVE DEVICES SHALL BE IN PLACE AT THE END OF EACH WORKING DAY WHEN THE FIVE (5) DAY RAIN PROBABILITY FORECAST EXCEEDS FORTY FERCENT (40%). SILT AND OTHER DEBRIS SHALL BE REMOVED AFTER EACH RAINFALL. ALL GRAVEL BAGS SHALL BE BURLAP TYPE WITH 3/4 INCH MINIMUM AGGREGATE. ADEQUATE EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL AND PERIMETER PROTECTION BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICE MEASURES MUST BE INSTALLED AND MAINTAINED. SPECIAL NOTES E-29 . Page 1 of 3 REV 4/30/10 Erosion Control Sediment C ntrol iMPs ° Tracking Control Non-Storm Water Waste Management and Materials BMPs BMPs Management BMPs Pollution Control BMPs U) .9 1 g .2 2 0 a ci) CM .0 0 u: 1 - Cn CO Best Management Practice • 2- ...L US (BMP) Description 3 ci' CO . I— E ,, o oi to 0 0 0 .l1 ii 8 , I! w >. ° c°c C a . -2 °8 r.icj 2 • co .m CL • . - a • - • I :2 ca 0 .2 co Cl) .c 0 .2 u. C) U)> U) 22 U) CL 2°' U) .E So cor c i a.( a. - >C co4 c to 2 CO a cec ' o co i: o: CASQA Designation 3 r-. T . C) ? 'r Go ? IT 0 W 0 w 0 w 0 W CO) W C1) W U) W U) W U) Lii U) W U) • W U) Z U) Z U) Z U) Z Construction Activity W - - Grading/SoilDusturbance Trenching/Excavation - Stockpiling - - ........ - - - - - - - - -. - - - - - Drilling/Boring - Concrete/Asphalt Saw cutting • Concrete flatwork . -- Paving ConduitlPipelnstallation StuQco/Mortar Work . I - Wast'Disposal --- - - - - - - - - - Staging/Lay Down Area Equipment Maintenance and Fueling Hazardous Substance - Use/Storage --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Dewatenng - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Site Access Across Dirt Other (list): ....... -.- Instructions: Begin by reviewing the list of constructionactivitie and checking the box to the left of any activity that will occur during the proposed construction. Add any other activity descriptions in the blank activity description boxes provided for that purpose and place a check in the box immediately to the left of the added activity description. For each activity descrnbed, pick one or more best management practices (BMPs) from the list located along the top of the form. Then place an X in the box at the place where the activity row intersects with the BMP column. Do this for each activity that was checked off and for each of the selected BMPs selected from the list. For Example - If the project includes site access across dirt, then check the box to the left of "Site Access Across Dirt". Then review the list for something that applies such as "Stabilized Construction Ingress/Egress" under Tracking Control. Follow along the "Site Access Across Dirt" row until you get to the "Stabilized Construction Ingress/Egress" column and place an X in the box where the two meet. As another example say the project included a stockpile that you intend to cover with a plastic sheet. Since plastic sheeting is not on the list of BMPs, then write in "Cover with Plastic" in the blank column under the heading Erosion Control BMPs. Then place on X in the box where the "Stockpiling" row intersects the new "Cover with Plastic" column. To learn more about what each BMP descriptiuuu ui ueaiis, you may wish to review (lie BMP Rlefetence HauuduuL piepared to assist applka,uts iii the selection ofappiupiiatu Best Management Practice measures. The reference also explains the California Stormwater Quality Association (CASQA) designation and how to apply the various selected BMPs to a project. E-29 Page 2 of 3 REV 4/30/10 CITY OF CAR LSBAD PLANNING DIVISION BUILDING'PLAN CHECK APPROVAL P-29 Develonment Services Planning Division 1635 Faraday Avenue (760) 602-4610 www.carlsbadca.gov PERMIT NUMBER CB112576 DATE 12/16111 ADDRESS I PONTO RD RESIDENTIAL ADDITION- MINOR (<171000.00) RETAINING WALL VILLAGE FAIRE POOL/SPA TENANT IMPROVEMENT COMPLETE OFFICE. BUILDING SOLAR PANELS OTHER POOL/SPA/WADER PER CD 09-16 PLANNER GR FOR CW . DATE 12/16/11 1 P-29 Page 1 of 1 07/11 BLDG. flEPT .- Conditions for CB112576 16:18 12/20/2011 Sec Item Id Description Approved Reg Date Items Action Inheritable Item Origin * C0N000512 No R 1212012011 1 CO No BP006 0 Please provide the following information CB112576 HILTON CARLSBAD regarding the pool equipment and 1 PONTO RD chemicals: Product name. Listed components (spec. 3316 SF POOL//72 SF SPA//72 SF sheets), Location where stored or used. Container size, Hazard classification. WADER - - - - -- Amount in use-closed systems. Amount in - - - use-open systems. Material Safety Data Sheets for the Hazardous Materials. Please indicate on the plas how the pool equipment is compliant with the California Fire Code Section 2705: Use, Dispensing and Handling. Provide hazard identification sign per CFC 2703.5. A Knox Box will be required at the main gated entrance for the pool area. Please note on plans. Please provide a scope of work for this project. The current description of work on the application does not match the set of plans. Total Rows: 1 Page 1 Conditions f& CBI 1257'6 DEPT COPY 14:07 01/10/2012 Sec Item Id Description Approved I Req I Date I Items I Action I Inheritable I Item Origin C0N000512 Yes I R 112/20/2011 1 1 AP I No I BP006 0 A Hazardous Material Permit may be I I required at timeof final. The chlorine class will need to be provided. APPROVED: THIS PROJECT HAS BEEN CB112576 HILTON CARLSBAD REVIEWED AND APPROVED FOR THE PURPOSES ISSUANCE OF OF- t 1 PONTO RD BUILDING PERMIT. 3316 SF POOL//72 SF SPA// 72 SF THIS APPROVAL IS SUBJECT TO WADER FIELD INSPECTION AND REQUIRED TEST, NOTATIONS HEREON, CONDITIONS IN CORRESPONDENCE AND 1 CONFORMANCE WITH ALL APPLICABLE REGULATIONS. - THIS APPROVAL SHALL NOT BE HELD TO PERMIT OR APPROVE THE VIOLATION OF ANY LAW. Total Rows: I Page 1 '- TREADS W/ MAX. RISE OF 120. A LAthER IS REQUIRED a THE DEEP END LI OF A POOL HAVING A WATER DEPTH GREATER THAN 4--b". WHERE THE WIDTH OF THE POOL EXCEEDS30' (2) LADDERS SHALL BE PROVIDED ON EA. SIDE OF THE DEEP END. I COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO J EVIRONMENTAL HEALTH POOL PLAN CHECK CALL. (858)1. GUNITING OR BACKFILLING 2. : INSPECTION FOR OPERATION FRC 14 F THERE ISNPC?T NJJ 0N91J YEAR PI A r3DD4tviI4,S SUBVIITTUDYOR APPROVAL CHANGES N CO I'll JT AS BUILT PLAN RUCTIONVALLREQUillf N d) COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO 1• DEPARTMENT OF \ # ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH •..L. PLAN REVIEW PROVISIONALAppRovj PLANS ACCEPTED FOR CONSTRUCTION SUBJECT TO THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE STATE AND LOCAL REGULATIONS. THIS STAMP IS NO ASSURANCE THAT THE PLANS OPECI- FICA IONS ARE CORRECT IN EVERY RESPECT rr IN DES OR CONSTRUCTIONMUST BE CORRECT[-,D. BY__________ _______DATE________ . 7 APPROVED SET FOR PLANS MUST REMAIN ON THE 0B SITE DURING CONSTRUCT; .9 •• • £ SCALE: 14" : 1-0" I ii• Mons 0 MATERIAL SAFETY DATA Page 1 of; MONSANTO COMPANY 8C0 N. LINDBERGH BLVD. ST. LOUIS, MO 63167 -• Emergency Phone-No- (Call Collect) 314-654-1000 PRODUCT IDENTIFICATION Synonym(s): 1 ,3,5-Trichlorci-s-triazine-2,4,6(1 H3K,5H)-ttione; TrichloroIsocyanuráteaddTrichIoro-s-triaziiietriu11 Il Chemical Name: 1 ,3,5-Triazine-2,4,6(1 H,31,1,5H)-trione, 1 ,3,5-trichloro-, Chemical Formula: C3N303C13 . .. ,. Chemical Family: Chlorinated isocyanurates - CAS No..: . 87-90-1 : - -• - EPA Reg. No.: 524-107 TSCA Inventory: 1,3,5-Tr1azine2,4,6,0 H3H,5 àne, 1,3,5-ichEoro. appears on the Inventory of ChemfcE Siitiances publithed by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) under, authority of the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA). DOT Proper Shipping ... -.: Name: . Thchforoisocyanuric Acid, dry DOT Hazard Class! I. D. No.: Oxidizer/UN2468 1. ,•,. DOT Label(s): Oxidizer U.S Surface Freight . .--.- •----- .-.-- -- -. I Classification: Trichloroisocyanutic Acid . (Bleach Assistant Compound, NOIBN. dry) Reportable Quantity (RQ) Under U.S. EPA CERCLA Regulations: Not Listed Hazardous Chemical(s) . Under OSHA Hazard Communication Standard: This substance is identified as a hazardous chemical under - . . - ... the criteria of the OSHA Hazard Communication Standard— (29 CFR-1910.1200),..-z..-.. •±4J Tnchloroisocyanuric acid, CAS Reg.. No. 87-O-I IMONSANTO PRODUCT NAME ACL 0 90. PLUS CHLORINATING I COMPOSITION I-. U L 'S ,isanto MATERIAL SAFETY DATA Page 2of7 WARNING STATEMENTS 1Keep out of reach of children. DANGER! HIGHLY CORROSIVE. CAUSES IRREVERSIBLE EYE DAMAGE. CAUSES BURNS TO SKIN. - IRRITATING TO NOSE AND THROAT. MAY BE FATAL IF SWALLOWED. WILL BURN WITH THE EVOLUTION OF CHLORINE AND EQUALLY TOXIC GASES. STRONG OXIDIZING AGENT. . ... -. . -. CONTACT WITH WATER SLOWLY LIBERATES-IRRITATING AND HAZARDOUS CHLORINE- CONTAINING GASES.; DECOMPOSES AT 460°F TO 480°F WITH LIBERATION OF HARMFUL GASES. Mix only with water. Use clean dry utensils. Do not add this product to any dispensing device containing remnants of any other product. Such use may cause a violent reaction leading to fire or explosion. Contamination with moisture, organic matter, or other chemicals may start a chemical reaction with genP.ration of heat, liberation of hazardous gases, and possible generation of fire and explosion. Directions for Use: It is a violation, of Federal Law to use this product in a manner inconsistent with its labeling. - FOR INDUSTRIAL USE ONLY. FOR. REPACKAGING OR FORMULATING AS A DIS1NFGTAtJ.T, SANITIZER, BACTERICIDE, FUNGICIDE OR ALGICIDEt Repack ersor formulators must obtain - their own EPA Registration Number to legally market this product for Note: Drum contains absorbent packets. Remove packets before using contents. Discard packets with reuse. PRECAUTIONARY MEASURES Do not get in eyes, on skin, or on clothing. Wear goggles or face shield and rubber gloves when handling. Avoid breathing dust or fumes. Wash thoroughly with soap and water after handling. Remove and wash contaminated clothing before reuse. EMERGENCY AND FIRST AID PROCEDURES IF SWALLOWED, drink promptly a large quantity of milk, egg Whites, gelatin solution, or, if these are not available, drink large quantities of water. Avoid alcohol.. IF ON SKIN, immediately brush off excess chemical and flush with plenty of water. Remove contaminated clothing. Wash clothing before reuse. If irritation persists, call a physician. IF IN EYES, flush with plenty of water. Get medical attention. IF INHALED, remove person to fresh air. Call a physician. rote To Physician: Probable mucosaJ damage may contraindicate the use of gastric lavage. - IN CASE OF; FIRE, if possible, isolate container-in open ROwithipr volume of water. IN CASE OF: CONTAMINATION OR DECOMPOSITION, do not reseal container. 7 Monsanto MATERIAL SAFETY DATA Page 3 of 7 .6CCUPATJ0NAL CONTROL PROCEDURES EyePmtecftoir Wear chemical splash goggles and have eye baths immediate'y avalableece- - - -- - .......- there is potential for eye contact. . Skin Protection: Wear appropriate protective gloves and protective clothing that provide a 'barrier to prevent skin contact. Consult glove manufacturer todetermine appropriate type glove for given application Wash immediately if skin is contaminated Launder - contaminated clothing and clean protective equipment before reuse Provide a safety shower at any location where skin contact can occur Wash thoroughly after handling Respiratory Protection Avoid breathing dust or vapor. Use NIOSH/MSHA approved equipment when air- borne exposure limits are exceeded Full facepiece equipment is recommended - - - - and if used, replaces need for face shield and/or wcherriical.splash goggles Con- sult respirator manufacturer to determine appropriate type equipment for given application The respirator use limitations specified by NIOSI-IIMSHA or the ma- - - -- - - - nufacturer must be observed High airborne -concentrations ..may require use of self-contained breathing apparatus or supplied air respirator Respiratory protec- tion programs must be in compliance with 29 CFR 1910 134 Ventilation Provide ventilation to control exposure levels below airborne exposure limits Use local mechanical exhaust ventilation at sources of air contamination such —I as open process equipment Airborne • Exposure Limits Typical Product Composition, - - Active Ingredient TrichIoro--tnaz,netr,one 99% Inert ln?id ieiitis - Available Chlorine 90% rj-j - -.- OSHA PEL None Established - - - ACGIH TLV None Established Monsanto has adopted an internal limit of 05 mg/rn3 TWA, 1 5 mg/rn3 S1EL for ACL 90 PWS chlorinating - i.0rnp0srt1on - ) Chlorine OSHAPEL'C: ,,. .. '.. ACGIH TLViTWA 1 ppm (3 m0/rn3) TLV 'STEL 3 Pm (9 mg/rn3) FIRE PROTECTION INFORMATION - AI'I . rI DI t I Irr,r+irir, rørrlr,f,+tr,f te ririt lrnvihI I.+ if hfd-I Cr r- temperature of 460-480°F, this material will undergo with evolution of heat and-dense noxious gases. . • : .: .: :1 - Extinguishing Media: Special Fire fighting Procedures: A thermal decomposition can be extinguished by flooding with copious quanti-ties of water or by isolating the decomposing material and allowing.4 to be con. sumed. ., .: ''• ,. Firefighters and others subjected to prodUctsof decomposition should wear full protective clothing and. self-contained breathing apparatus. Chlorine con- taining gases with traces of phosgene can. be liberated at temperatures in excess of 400°F. 'p '3 -S. '-I.. (Fire Protection Information Continued On The Next Page) Monsanto MATERIAL SAFETY DATA. . .. Page 3 of 7. --OCCUPATIONAL CONTROL PROCEDURES .... yeProtectIon Wear chemicaisplash goggles and have eye aths imm41ately...--- availa.0e.lv)ere ........... - there is potential for eye contact . Skin Protection: Wear appropriate protective gloves and protetive clothing that provide barrier. .ái to prevent skin contact Consult glove manufacturer to determine appropriate type glove for given application Wash immediately If skin is contaminated.,Launder contaminated clothing and dean protective equipment before reuse Provide a safety shower at any Jocation where skin contact can occur.,Wash ttforoughly after handling Respiratory Protection Avoid breathing dust or vapir Use NIOSH/MSI-iA approved equipment when air- borne exposure limits are exceeded Full facpiece equipment is recommended . - - and if used replaces need for face shield and/or chemica splash goggles Con- suit respirator manufacturer to determine appropriate type equipment for given application The respirator use limitations specified by NiCtSHfMSHA or the ma- - - -- - - - nufacturer must be observed High airborne concentratior.s mar require .se of self-contained breathing apparatus or'-supplied air respirator Respiratory protec- tion programs must be in. compliance with 29 CFR 1910 134 Ventilation Provide ventilation to control exposure levels below airborne exposure limits Use local mechanical exhaust ventilation at sources of air contamination such - as open process equipment. M Airborne Exposure Limits Typical Product Composition - Active Ingredient Trichlora-s-tnazinetrione 990/o Inert ingredients - -7 Available Chlorine 90% m . -.,,. ..........0 OSHA PEL None Established * ACGIH TLV! None Established - - Monsanto has adopted an internal limit of 05 mglrn3 IWAI 1 5 mg/rn3 StEL for ACL. 90 PLUS chlorinating > rnposruon Chlorine . .t .. OSHA PEL'C: 1 ppm (3 mg/m3) ACGIH TLV*/1WA: . 1 ppm (3 mg/m3) TLV,'STEL.: 3 ppm (9 rngfmn3) FIRE PROTECTION INFORMATION 1— - •A( rV -HV ?,I][ Ltk rnlc)nni.4TIUI[J [IJJ11j)1L'III1IlI US 11111 lIilIfIIfl1JI, LaUt IF IIdItz-IJy an tiistae source to _.. temperature of 460-480°F, this material will undergo self-sustaining decomposit,or with evoluion of heat and dense noxious gases - ExInguishiag Media: A thermal decomposition can be extinguished by fi oding with co0ous quanti- fies of water or by isolating the decomposing material and a110win. . be, corjL sumed. . . . . Special Fire fighting . .. Procedures: . Firefighters and others subjected to products of.decompositior hould wear full protective clothing and self-contained breathing apparatus Chionne con- s.- • .... . taming gases with traces of phosgene can, be liberated attemperatures in excess of 400°F. (Fire Protection Information Continued On The Next Page) 41Säflt0 MATERIAL SAFETY DATA Page4of 7 FIRE PROTECTION INFORMATION (Continued) Unusual Fire and....... Explosion Hazards: Small quantities of water react with ACL 90 PLUS to form hazardous quanti-ties of nitrogen trichioride which is violently explosive. See Technical Bulletin ICiWT-1 04 for further information. REACTIVITY DATA - Materials to A void: Avoid contact with water on concentrated ACL 90 PLUS in the con- tamer. Concentrated ACL 90 PLUS in the container reacts with water - - - - to form hypochiorous acid and cyanurcacid Also avd contact With - easily oxidizable organic material; ammonia, urea, or similar nttrogerr- containing compounds; inorganic, reducing compounds; calcium ochldritiralkalii" • _________-_ ________________ Hazardous Decomposition . - .. - - ..... Products: Chlorine-containing gases can be procuced.. Traces of phosgene can be liberated at high temperatures 4003F. . Hazardous Polymerization: Does not occur. . . . . HEALTH EFFECTS SUMMARY • . • . - The following information presents both human experience and-the results of scientific .apeñmnts used by qualified experts to assess the effects of ACL 90 PLUS on the health of fridustrially exposed in- dividuals and to support the Precautionary Statements and Occupational Control PrOcedures recomn- - - mended in this document. To avoid misunderstanding, the data: pro'iid hi section should be îñ- -. terpreted by individuals trained in evaluation of this type of information. P Human Experience Dermal contact and inhalation are expected to be the primary routes of occupational exposure to ACL 90 PLUS. ACL 90 PLUS is considered to be corrosive to the eyes and skin Exposure to ACL 90 PLUS . dust or fumes has been reported to produce eye, nose, throat and respiratoirtráct irritation. -Cc On contact with moisture ACL 90 PLUS readily decomposes to chionna, hypoctilorous acid and cyanunc - acid. The tissue damage resulting from contact with ACL 90 PLUS is cons4ered to result, in part from its chlorine and hypochlorous acid decomposition products. Sposure to chlorine gas has been reported to ) cause.Muming of the eyes with lacnmation, burning of the nose a &moujh w1t11 hinorrhea, ancLwritalioa of_ - the linings of the entire respiratory tract with coughing, a choking. sensation, substemaI 'piii vomiting .. nausea, headache, dizziness and syncope. The onset of severe: respiratory symptoms folfowirto exposure...... - to chlorine, including pulmonary edema and pneumonrbs, may be delayed.,. Zj Toxicological Data . . -. .. Data* from Monsanto studies and from the scientific ifterature indicate the following: Zr - :< ACL 9OPLUS . • <baI LD (Rat): -. 600 mg/kg, Slightly Toxic DermaJ LD (Rabbit): 7,600 mg/kg, Practically Nontoxic Eye Irritation (Rabbit. 24-hr): Corrosive - -. • -. w Skin Irritation (Rabbit, 24-hr): Corrosive- . -. U.! -- DOT Skin Irritation (Rabbit, 4-hr): Not Corrosive Rats were exposed by inhalation to dust of ACL 90 PLUS at exposure levels of 3.2, 10.1-and .3trrgImn J. —foc 6-hours/day 5-days/week for 4 weeks Signs of irntatiorHnduding lac-imation salivation ar1d1abored f----breathingwere -observed at the mid and-high-exposure, levefnciea ed - Er -, chemistry parameter alterations were also noted in the mid- and high-exposure groups. No adverse histopathological effects were observed. The no-effect level is considered to be 3.2 mg/m3. -. < (Health Effects Summary Continued On The Next Page) —7 Emergency Spill and - Lealflñfbithation Contáiñ spilled material.- - — possible to prevent corita See Reactivity. Data.'.se KEEP SPILLED MATER1AL.• DIR". If.. tear-producing vapors mayresult. Sweep scoop, or vacuum Iup all spill --Contaminated material. apfâ1nblE cleanup on a dry basis if possible F used in the removal .of ACL: as, fijmifl : impounds be 37n Tay. :FlóJI iroi i'roceoures . of this document. : . . . .. .:.. -. ..•. . . . - I As currently defined, unneutralized ACL is a hazatfc.Ljs substance under Comprehensive Environmental Respoflse, onipnsation and Liability Act - (CERCLA) If 100 pounds or more are releasihto the environment, it must be reported to the National Response Center (pçi424-88o2 or 2024264.2675) Since local, state and federal laws may valy, cbnsult yz.r zney "or,appopnate - regulatory officals for information relating to spiIIépo1ing. . . . Keep unneutralized ACL out of. sewers, wa:ershecs and water systems. -- #---••- with vhich i mact JocuriêiiT' , 1 I, aIloweto stand in damp cr wet areas, II 69 jylonsanto MATERIAL SAFETY DATA : Page5of7 ---H EALTH EFFECTS SUMMARY (Continued) Tdditianal Information •.. - TL___.. . .- .....- .....- ..........2- - .: - . . ... -. Contact of ACL 90 PLUS with moisture will produce cyanuric acid and hazardous chbrine gas and hypochiorous acid. A Threshold Limit Value (TLV') has been established by the American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists for chlorine. For further information, on thlorine, please refer tc the current edition of the Documentation of Threshold Limit Values. For inforrratjo, on cyanurc acid, please refer to the Cyanuric Acid Dry Material Safety Data Sheet. . . . . PHYSICAL DATA Appearance and Odor: White crystalline solid, slight chlorine od -. ._Melting Point: 225-230CC (decànposes) -1• Loose Bulk Density (lbs..cu. ft.): 56 (regular) .. . . . - 57 (granular and era grà tr•. pH (1% solution @ 257C) 30 Solubility Cy 25°C 1.2 W166 g H20 4. r. as - Note: These physical data are typical values Typical values should not be construed as a guaranteed anysis of fi SPILL, LEAK & DISPOSAL INFORMATION -- - THIS SPILL, LEAK AND DISPOSAL INFORMATION IS APPLICAELbE 6NCENtRA1EAcI t (Spill, Leak & Disposal Information Continued On The Next Page) in.,..., Ur ?....:.. . - tätie at the neàièst :EPA d..bOoiilciósën cling- Lt.hZhn jiispose of liner sri a '. '..... emanner.. :. : • -e isanto MATERIAL SAFETY DATA Page 6 of 7 SPILL, LEAK & DISPOSAL INFORMATION (Continued) Disposal Information: Waste Disposal: Dispose of in accordance with all local, state andfederal regulations. As currently defined in. Federal Resource .Corervátion an d Be' overy_Act (RCRA) regulations, ACL 90 PLUS, when disarded, is a hazardous waste exhib-iting the characteristics of ignitabflity. (D-001).and reaôtMty (D-003) . S e e 4 0 C F R 261.23. its disposal, therefore, is regulated by1Fèd44'RCRA regulations. Consult your attorney or appropriate regu!atory offic sfor.:information reg a r d i n g a d d i - Liundi State andkxL waste. £pul ieu ..: Do not dispose of filled or partially filled ccñihein.a commo n w a s t e c o m - pactor Contaminants in the compactorsu akTntsawdust - 1luur-wepLI iy compound, etc. could cause spontaneous dec mposition and fusion of the ma-terial at ambient temperatures resulting in ruptur&bf the drum . If material is dry, disposal by incineration is redom,nenied Do not transport wet material. An alternate thfdr disposal is by neutrali fir,r +r, rnn..nyiriv,',nn rQdHItuhir.h ,.r &A rdâd•efeii, Th;'1-. _tIIa,, 4 4 I lII flI f • %I!S WV• IflII cedure should be undertaken only.âfter - .- - - Monsanto Technical BLilletin.IC/WT104 Wastes of this pesticide may càuéirrév and may be dangerous Improper disposa nnsate is a violation of Federal IW lfth according to label instnict.&itâct Control Agency, or the Hazardous Was Regional office for guidance. Container Disposal: COmpletely empty liner byshairigard ing particles Empty residue into aplica sanitary landfill empty container with water, an thsposc ADDITIONAL COMMENTS V ;• The preparation of concentrated solutions or slurries of ACLZ. 90 çrt.ating composition is not recommended. Also, ACL 90 PLUS is not recommended for forrnul at e d a t é a c h e s c o n t a i n i n g s t r o n g a l k a l i , surfactants or hydrated chemicals. V V Environmental Toxicity Information: 48-hr LC50 Daphnia magna 021 ppm, Highly Toxic 6-hr LC50 Bluegill Sunfish: 0.30 ppm, Highly Toxic 96-hr LC Rainbow Trout: 0.32 ppm, Highly Toxic V V5 V V V Oral LD50 Mallard Duck: 1,021 mg/kg, Slightly-Toxic. :- V 8-Day Dietary LC-50 Mallard Duck Greater than 10,000 ppm, Practca8y1Nciroxi 8-Day Dietary LC50 Bobwhite Quail Greater than 7,422 ppm, Practically4lontcxtc This product is toxic to fish Do not discharge into lakes, strea m s , p o n d s , p r p u o l i c w a t e r s u n l e s s i n a c - cordance with NPDES Permit For guidance contact the regional of f i c e o f E P A . — Storage:- Retie pblyethyteffia luier after each useandlceep contiiWr-ttght t V c ' o s e c r M o m i n a - O N — dry place Do not allow water to get into container. Keep contai n e r s o f f w e t f l o T h D o r i ä t contaminate water, food, or feed by storage or disposal. V V V V Refer to Monsanto Technical Bulletin IC/WT-1 04 for detailed infor m a t i o n O n h a n d l i n g a n d s t o r a g e OflSa iito MATERIAL SAFETY DATA Page 7 of 7 DATE: 11I2/85 -. _. SUPERSEDES: 11/25/84 001O524 FOR ADbITIONAL NON-EMERGENCY INFORMATION, CONTACT MSDS Coordinator : Specialty Chemicals Monsanto Chemical, Company 314-6941000 :. . . (A Unit of Monsanto Co.) . .•. : .t- ,.. - 7 ... 7. t. I. I - . -. >. 1 ..,,:.. .. ,.--. r t 7 , 7 T1 IT) C . ... .-:" Although the information and recommendations set forth herein (hereinafter "Information') a r e p r e s e n t e d i n g o o d f a i t h a n d b e l i e v e d t o b e correct as of the date hereof, Monsanto Company makes no representations as to the completeness-or accuracy thereof. Irifoanalion Is supplied upon the condition that the persons receiving same will make their own determinaflon &S to its sudabety for their, purpo s e p n o r to use. In no event will Monsanto Company be responsible for damages of, any ,naturOwhatsoever esunfrr, use of or rellancó'upon Information NO REPRESENTATIONS OR WARRANTIES EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED OF MERHANTABIUTY FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR OF ANY OTHER NATURE ARE MADE HEREUNDER WITh.. RESPECT TO 'INFORMATION OR THE • 0 PRODUCT TO WHICH INFORMATION REFERS. . ..•. . , . Co ACLO Is a registered trademarI of Monsanto Company. • . . TLV° 13 a registered trademark of American Conference of Qo.emmenta1 InCusthel Hyg (ACGIH).