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1000 AVIARA PY; ; CB042804; Permit
07-29-2005 City of Carlsbad 1635 Faraday Av Carlsbad, CA 92008 Commercial/Industrial Permit Permit No Building Inspection Request Line (760) 602-2725 CB042804 Job Address Permit Type Parcel No Valuation Occupancy Group Project Title 1000AVIARAPYCBAD COMMIND Sub Type Lot* $2 303 540 00 Construction Type Reference # KELLY CORP CTR - 77 300 SF CONG TILT UP SHELL OFFICE IN DUST 0 NEW Applicant THOMAS LAMORE 12220 EL CAMINO REAL #200 SAN DIEGO CA 92130 858-793 4777 Owner Status Applied Entered By Plan Approved Issued Inspect Area Plan Check* ISSUED 07/19/2004 KMT 07/29/2005 07/29/2005 Building Permit Add I Building Permit Fee' Plan Check Add I Plan Check Fee Plan Check Discount Strong Motion Fee Park Fee LFM Fee Bridge Fee BTD #2 Fee BTD #3 Fee Renewal Fee Add'l Renewal Fee Other Building Fee Pot Water Con Fee Meter Size Add'l Pot Water Con Fee Reel Water Con Fee $5 705 85 Meter Size $0 00 Add'l Reel Water Con Fee $3 708 80 Meter Fee $0 00 SDCWA Fee SO 00 CFD Payoff Fee $48374 PFF (3105540) $000 PFF (4305540) $30 940 00 License Tax (3104193) $0 00 License Tax (4304193) $95 202 00 Traffic Impact Fee (3105541) $0 00 Traffic Impact Fee (4305541) $0 00 PLUMBING TOTAL $0 00 ELECTRICAL TOTAL $0 00 MECHANICAL TOTAL $12,746 00 Master Drainage Fee D1 5 Sewer Fee $0 00 Redev Parking Fee $0 00 , Additional Fees TOTAL PERMIT FEES $000 $365 00 $601200 $000 $41 924 43 $000 $000 $000 $1006200 $000 $665 00 $301000 $10000 $000 $1434069 $000 $1 426 00 $226 691 51 Total Fees $226,691 51 Total Payments To Date $3,709 00 Balance Due $222,982 51 lUJLDING PLANS ^_ IN STORAGE ATTACHED 3640 Of/29/05 0002 01 COR 222982 51 Inspector FINAL APPROVAL Date Clearance NOTICE Please take NOTICE that approval of your project includes the Imposition of fees dedications reservations or other exactions hereafter collectively referred to as lees/exactions You have 90 days from the date this permit was issued to protest imposition of these fees/exactions If you protest them you must follow the protest procedures set forth in Government Code Section 66020(a) and file the protest and any other required information with the City Manager for processing in accordance with Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 3 32 030 Failure to timely follow that procedure will bar any subsequent legal action to attack review set aside void or annul their imposition You are hereby FURTHER NOTIFIED that your right to protest the specified fees/exactions DOES NOT APPLY to water and sewer connection fees and capacity changes nor planning zoning grading or other similar application processing or service fees in connection with this project NOR DOES IT APPLY to any fees/exactions of which vou have previously been aiven a NOTICE similar to this, or as to which the statute of limitations has previously otherwise expired PER CITY OF CARLSBAD BUILDING DEPARTMENT 1635 Faraday Ave , Carlsbad, CA 92008 11 V* PROJECT INFORMATION FOR OFFICE USE ONLY PLAN CHECK NO EST VAL r- Plan Ck Deposit Validated, By Date Unit No | Phase No Total # of units 07/19/04 { Assessor's Parcel-ojv 2 H' CONTACTPERSONjOf different *rom}applicant) Contractor'''f D Agent7for|Contractor ""I O'Owner Agenffo Owner Name SMITH (^Xl^ULTlNieA^CM. Address ^Jfe ALL&O (gjEicup' &noe? /4/pr>gM'VAwjg,v^t> frzfe'&&J£^&ettD&}'"f?6o\~7ct~? - 7?'2?Q issuance, also requires the applicant for such permit to file a signed statement that he is licensed pursuant to the provisions of the Contractor's License Law [Chapter 9, commending with Section 7000 of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Codel or that he is exempt therefrom, and the basis for the alleged exemption Any violation of Section 7031 5 by any applicant for a permit subjects the applicant to a civil penalty of not more than five hundred dollars i$500]} Jame State License tt Address License Class r\City "State/Zip dty Business Licen'se # iy oX Telephone # Designer Name Address City State/Zip Teiephone S* / / ~"7 f-\ IState License # C-.""././, IO I \WORKERS; COMPENSATION>"*}$'> ! ;!tv ['hW""*™^!,?" VS1' ^IM'^TTTJJ'k!, ! 70 V^iTiriL'.t >! ViMrr^nVJj|!'%!'''-.'!(iH. * Workers' Compensation Declaration I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury one of the following declarations Q I have and will maintain a certificate of consent to self-insure for workers' compensation as provided by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued j%J I have and will maintain workers' compensation, as required by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued My worker s compensation insurance carrier and policy number are Insurance Company _£>/**.( *=. /fc^-j^-,j Policy No __/ ~y/ £s>~~>7 5 ~c?£-^){- Expiration Date &—/~&*\~~ (THIS SECTION NEED NOT BE COMPLETED IF THE PERMIT IS FOR ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS [5100] OR LESS) O CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION 1 certify that in the performance of the work for which this permit is issued, I shall not employ any person in any manner so as to become subject to the Workers' Compensation Laws of California WARNING Failure to secure workers' compensation coverage is unlawful, and shall subject an employer to criminal penalties and civil fines up to one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000), in addition to the cost of compensation, damages as provided form Section 3706 of the Labor code, interest and attorney's fees SIGNATURE ^/C^^t^~^^~-~ DATE ^''^-^ '<^<^~ 17 C OWNER-BJXtDER DECLARATION', '', ' '-' >&& >« ?'«" ,1"J!>P ''' V'lVr'™ , [...ifo',,, I „„£ ,!" ',' ',</?h ,[\l„-, ss|™L' j^"r-j!', "> *~ttl^ <! "*'"! i ^ "!'!.'! hereby affirrrYthat I am exempt from the Contractor's License Law for the following reason Q I, as owner of the property or rdy employees with wages as their sole compensation, will do the work and the structure is not intended or offered for sale (Sec 7044, Business and Professions Code The Contractor s License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon, and who does such work himself or through his own employees, provided that such improvements are not intended or offered for sale If, however, the building or improvement is sold within one year of completion, the owner-builder will have the burden of proving that he did not build or improve for the purpose of sale) Q I, as owner of the property, am exclusively contracting with licensed contractors to construct the project (Sec 7044, Business and Professions Code The Contractor's License Law does not apply to an owner of property who butlds or improves thereon, and contracts for such projects with contractor(s) licensed pursuant to the Contractor's License Law) 0 I am exempt under Section Business and Professions Code for this reason 1 I personally plan to provide the major labor and materials for construction of the proposed property improvement n YES [~lNO 2 I (have / have not) signed an application for a building permit for the proposed work 3 I have contracted with the following person (firm) to provide the proposed construction (include name / address / phone number / contractors license number) 4 I plan to provide portions of the work, but I have hired the following person to coordinate, supervise and provide the major work (include name / address / phone number / contractors license number) 5 I will provide some of the work, but I have contracted (hired) the following persons to provide the work indicated (include name / address / phone number / type of work) PROPERTY OWNER SIGNATURE DATE Is the applicant or future building occupant required to submit a business plan, acutely hazardous materials registration form or risk management and prevention program under Sections 25505, 25533 or 25534 of the Presley- Tanner Hazardous Substance Account Act? Q YES d NO Is the applicant or future building occupant required to obtain a permit from the air pollution control district or air quality management district7 CD YES Q NO Is the facility to be constructed within 1,000 feet of the outer boundary of a school site? Q YES Q NO IF ANY OF THE ANSWERS ARE YES, A FINAL CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY MAY NOT BE ISSUED UNLESS THE APPLICANT HAS MET OR IS MEETING THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE OFFICE OF EMERGENCY SERVICES AND THE AIR POLLUTION CONTROL DISTRICT I hereby affirm that there is a construction lending agency for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued (Sec 3097(i} Civil Code) LENDER'S NAME LENDER'S ADDRESS 9 f » ^APPLICANT CERTIFICATION^' >! §. ', - ,l> * II. ^ ! I.'' "•£». [ ><},; £ ,?„, ,,,,a, 8|! '<.' v( ?L f t S, t „, , ',. J; f iSi'u ft' 1P, ' i ; y j , ,$£, „ <s!i! \ f„'. 'f '| ftf ! I certify that I have read the application and state that the above information is correct and that the information on the plans is accurate I agree to comply with all City ordinances and State laws relating to building construction I hereby authorize representatives of the CitV of Carlsbad to enter upon the above mentioned property for inspection purposes I ALSO AGREE TO SAVE, INDEMNIFY AND KEEP HARMLESS THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AGAINST ALL LIABILITIES JUDGMENTS COSTS AND EXPENSES WHICH MAY IN ANY WAY ACCRUE AGAINST SAID CITY IN CONSEQUENCE OF THE GRANTING OF THIS PERMIT OSHA An OSHA permit is required for excavations over 5 0" deep and demolition or construction of structures over 3 stories in height EXPIRATION Every permit issued by the building Official under the provisions of this Code shall expire by limitation and become null and void if the building or work authorized by such permit is not commenced withiruiSQdays from the date of such permit or if the building or work authorized by sucrj permit is suspended or abandoned a\ any lime after Ihe work is commenceilor a p€riqd of l^J^Jays (Section 106 4 4 Uniform Building Code) APPLICANT'S SIGNATURE DATE WHITE File YELLOW Applicant PINK Finance City of Carlsbad Final Building Inspection Dept: Building Engineering Planning CMWD St Lite^Eke Plan Check #: Permits: Project Name: Address: Contact Person: Sewer Dist: Inspected / By: £ t Inspected By: Inspected By: CB042804 KELLY CORP.'CTR. - 77,300 SF CONG. TILT-UP SHELL OFFICE 1000AVIARAPY Phone: CA Water Dist: CA ?£,- 1 Date I Inspected: v \H\6if IDate Inspected: Date Inspected: Date: Permit Type: Sub Type: Lot: 0 Approved: $L^ Approved: Approved: 09/12/2006 COMMIND INDUST Disapproved: Disapproved: Disapproved: Comments: Page 1 of 1 Christine Wauschek - Kelly Corporate Center From: "Michael Elliott" <mikeelhott2@cox net> To: "David Dates" <ddate@ci carlsbad ca us>, "Michelle Gregory" <mgreg@ci carlsbad ca us>, "Christine Wauschek" <cwaus@ci carlsbad ca us>, "Michele Masterson" <mmast@ci carlsbad ca us>, "Pat Kelley" <pkell@ci carlsbad ca us>, "Pete Dreibelbis" <pdrei@ci carlsbad ca us>, "Van Lynch" <vlync@ci carlsbad ca us>, <marci_koski@fws gov> Date: 12/04/200612 10PM Subject: Kelly Corporate Center Kelly Corporate Center Project Number SDP97-25 Drawing Number 3 81-6P 1000 Aviara Parkway - CB042804 Not Approved - Permit card was not signed See attached report regarding corrections to bio-swale areas at the corner of Palomar Airport Road and Aviara Parkway file IIC \Documents and Setting s\Cwaus CARLSBAD\Local Settmgs\Temp\GW}00001 12/04/2006 ReCity of Carlsbad Final Building Inspection MM. . ...... ,. _^____-_A Dept Building Engineering Plan Checks Permit** CB042804 Project Name KELLY CORP CTR CONC TILT-UP SH Address 1 000 AVIARA PY Contact Person Sewer Oist CA Inspected BV D D Inspected By Inspected Bv Rlannmq CMWD St Lite Fire ECEIVED I SEP I 3 2006 ( |f> Ot- < AKI SltAI)i-xt mirso »n'\H IMHNT ( M&l Dl\ ISIO> Date 09/12/2006 Permit Type COMMIND - 77,300 SF Sub Type INDUST ELL OFFICE Lot 0 Phone Water Dist CA Date / / Inspected 7 //£/&£ Approved /^--^Disapproved Date Inspected Approved Disapproved Date Inspected Approved Disapproved' Comments i 'DO City of Carlsbad Bldg Inspection Request For 08/07/2006 PermiW CB042804 Title KELLY CORP CTR - 77,300 SF Description CONG TILT-UP SHELL OFFICE inspector Assignment TP 1000 AVIARAPY Lot Type COMMIND Sub Type INDUST Job Address Suite Location APPLICANT THOMAS LAMORE Owner Remarks Phone 6195203860 Inspector Total Time Requested By STEVE Entered By JANEAN CD Description 14 Frame/Steel/Boltmg/Welding 34 Rough Electric Act Comment Comments/Notices/Hold Comment NEED SIZE OF WATER METER TO COMPLETE FEES Associated PCRs/CVs Original PC# PCR06064 ISSUED KELLY CORP- DbFERRED WINDOWS, & CURTAIN WALLS Inspection History Comments 2ND FLR RESTRM 2ND FLR MECH CHASE CORE BRD 2ND FLR 1STFLRENTY@E END SUPP GYP CEIL ©LOBBY CEIL LiTES CEIL @ LOBBY DUCTS CEIL @ LOBBY REST RMS Date 08/01/2006 08/01/2006 08/01/2006 08/01/2006 08/01/2006 08/01/2006 07/28/2006 07/28/2006 07/28/2006 07/28/2006 07/25/2006 07/25/2006 07/25/2006 07/25/2006 07/25/2006 07/24/2006 07/24/2006 Description 14 14 17 18 34 44 14 34 44 84 14 14 34 44 44 14 34 Frame/Steel/Bolting/Welding F ram e/S teel/BoIti ng/Weldi ng Interior Lath/Drywall Exterior Lath/Drywall Rough Electric Rough/Ducts/Dampers Frame/Stee!/Bol ting/We Id ing Rough Electric Rough/Ducts/Dampers Rough Combo Frame/Steel/Botting/Weldmg Frame/Steel/Bolting/Welding Rough Electric Rough/Ducts/Dampers Rough/Ducts/Dampers Frame/Steel/Bolting/Welding Rough Electric Act AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP CO we AP AP AP AP CO CO tnsp TP TP TP TP TP TP TP TP TP TP TP TP TP TP TP TP TP SUPP GYP CEIL ©LOBBY LITES GYP CEIL @ LOBBY 1 & 2 FLR SUPP/EXHST DUCT DUCTS GYP CEIL # LOBBY SHAFTS City of Carlsbad Bldg Inspection Request For 02/09/2007 Permit* CB042804 Title KELLY CORP CTR -77,300 SF Description CONG TILT-UP SHELL OFFICE Inspector Assignment TP 1000 AVIARAPY Lot Type COMMIND Sub Type INDUST Job Address Suite Location APPLICANT THOMAS LAWIORE Owner Remarks Phone 6195203860 Inspector *-y Total Time CD Description 19 Final Structural 29 Final Plumbing 39 Final Electrical 49 Final Mechanical Requested By STEVE Entered By CHRISTINE Act Comment Comments/Notices/Holds Comment NEED SIZE OF WATER METER TO COMPLETE FEES CV061107 PCR06064 Associated PCRs/CVs Original PC# CLOSED Z- SIGN IN R 0 W MONUMN1 SIGN, ISSUED KELLY CORP- DEFERRED WINDOWS, & CURT AIN WAI LS Inspection History Date Description Act Insp 01/30/2007 89 Final Combo PA TP 09/08/2006 23 Gas/Test/Repairs AP TP 08/30/2006 14 Fra me/Steel/Bolt ing Art/eld ing CO TP 08/29/2006 14 F ram e/Stee I/Boll ing/Weld ing CO TP 08/11/2006 17 Interior Lath/Drywall AP TP 08/09/2006 14 Frame/Steel/Bolting/Weldmg WC TP 08/09/2006 17 Interior Lath/Drywall AP TP 08/09/2006 34 Rough Electric AP TP 08/07/2006 14 Frame/Steel/Boltmg/Welding AP TP 08/07/2006 34 Rough Electric AP TP 08/07/2006 34 Rough Electric AP TP 08/01/2006 14 Frame/Steel/Bolting/Weldmg AP TP Comments TO EXTEND PERMIT UNTIL PLANNING APPROVAL MECH YARD T-CEIL CORRs DUCTSHAFTENCL EMR 1 HRCORR 1STFLR MSB, DSB, SUB PNL, TRANS 2ND FLR RESTRM Inspection List Permits CB042804 Type COMMIND INDUST Date Inspection Item 02/09/2007 89 02/09/2007 89 01/30/2007 89 Q1/3Q/2QQ7 89 09/08/2006 23 08/30/2006 14 08/29/2006 14 08/11/2006 17 08/09/2006 14 08/09/2006 17 08/09/2006 34 08/07/2006 14 ' 08/07/2006 34 08/07/2006 34 08/01/2006 14 08/01/2006 14 08/01/2006 17 08/01/2006 18 08/01/2006 34 08/01/2006 44 07/28/2006 14 07/28/2006 34 07/28/2006 44 07/28/2006 84 07/25/2006 14 07/25/2006 14 07/25/2006 34 07/25/2006 44 07/25/2006 44 07/24/2006 14 07/24/2006 34 07/24/2006 44 07/20/2006 14 07/20/2006 34 07/17/2006 17 07/17/2006 24 07/11/2006 34 06/22/2006 24 06/20/2006 18 06/20/2006 24 06/19/2006 24 06/13/2006 14 Final Combo Final Combo Final Combo Final Combo Gas/Test/Repairs Frame/Steel/Bolting/Weldm Frame/Steel/Bolting/Weldm Interior Lath/Drywall Frame/Steel/Bolting/Weldm Interior Lath/Drywall Rough Electric Frame/Steel/Bolting/Weldm Rough Electric Rough Electric Frame/Steel/BoltingA/Veldin Frame/Steel/Boltmg/Weldin Interior Lath/Drywall Exterior Lath/Drywall Rough Electric Rough/Ducts/Dampers Frame/Steel/Bolting/Weldm Rough Electric Rough/Ducts/Dampers Rough Combo Frame/Steel/Bolting/Weldm Frame/Steel/Boltmg/Weldin Rough Electric Rough/Ducts/Dampers Rough/Ducts/Dampers Frame/Steel/Boltmg/Weldin Rough Electric Rough/Ducts/Dampers Frame/Steel/Boltmg/Weldin Rough Electric Interior Lath/Drywall Rough/Topout Rough Electric Rough/Topout Exterior Lath/Drywall Rough/Topout Rough/Topout Frame/Steel/Bolting/Weldm Inspector Act TP - - TP TP TP TP TP TP TP TP TP TP TP TP TP TP TP TP TP TP TP TP TP TP TP TP TP TP TP TP TP TP TP TP TP TP TP TP TP PY TP AP Rl Rl PA AP CO CO AP we AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP CO AP we AP AP AP CO CO CO AP AP AP NR NR AP AP AP NS AP KELLY CORP CTR - 77,300 SF CONC TILT-UP SHELL OFFICE Comments CAN YOU FINAL? OR DO YOU LTR SENT? WANT TO EXTEND PERMIT UNTIL PLANNING APPROVAL MECH YARD T-CEILCORRs DUCT SHAFT ENCL EMR 1 HRCORR 1STFLR MSB, DSB, SUB PNL, TRANS 2ND FLR RESTRM 2ND FLR MECH CHASE CORE 2ND FLR 1STFLRENTY@ E END SUPP GYP CEIL @ LOBBY CEIL LITES CEIL @ LOBBY DUCTS CEIL @ LOBBY REST RMS SUPP GYP CEIL @ LOBBY LITES GYP CEIL ©LOBBY 1 & 2 FLR SUPP/EXHST DUCT SHAFTS DUCTS GYP CEIL # LOBBY BRD @ FURRED WALLS @ MAIN LOBBY MSB PULL SUB FOR SEO (CRN) EXT SOFFIT DW MSB 2 & 3 FLR 1STFLRRESTRMS POP OUTS @ N & S WALLS Monday, February 12, 2007 Page 1 of 2 06/13/2006 34 06/12/2006 14 06/12/2006 15 06/12/2006 24 06/08/2006 13 06/08/2006 24 06/01/2006 14 05/23/2006 1 1 05/23/2006 12 05/22/2006 1 1 05/22/2006 12 05/18/2006 21 05/16/2006 17 04/28/2006 12 04/24/2006 15 04/21/2006 11 04/21/2006 12 04/20/2006 11 04/10/2006 11 02/16/2006 11 02/16/2006 12 01/23/2006 11 01/23/2006 12 01/19/2006 11 01/19/2006 12 01/18/2006 11 01/18/2006 12 01/12/2006 11 01/12/2006 12 01/09/2006 11 01/09/2006 21 12/29/2005 11 12/29/2005 12 12/14/2005 11 12/14/2005 12 12/06/2005 31 12/01/2005 11 12/01/2005 31 11/29/2005 11 11/18/2005 11 11/18/2005 12 11/17/2005 22 11/04/2005 21 10/07/2005 21 Rough Electric Frame/Steel/Boltmg/Weldin Roof/Reroof . Rough/Topout Shear Panels/HD's Rough/Topout Frame/Steel/Boltmg/Weldin Ftg/Foundation/Piers Steel/Bond Beam Ftg/Foundation/Piers Steel/Bond Beam Underground/Under Floor Interior Lath/Drywall Steel/Bond Beam Roof/Reroof Ftg/Foundation/Piers Steel/Bond Beam Ftg/Foundation/Piers Ftg/Foundation/Piers Ftg/Foundation/Piers Steel/Bond Beam Ftg/Foundation/Piers Steel/Bond Beam Ftg/Foundation/Piers Steel/Bond Beam Ftg/Foundation/Piers Steel/Bond Beam Ftg/Foundation/Piers Steel/Bond Beam Ftg/Foundation/Piers Underground/Under Floor Ftg/Foundation/Piers Steel/Bond Beam Ftg/Foundation/Piers Steel/Bond Beam Underground/Conduit-Wirm Ftg/Foundation/Piers Underground/Conduit-Winn Ftg/Foundation/Piers Ftg/Foundation/Piers Steel/Bond Bean\ Sewer/Water Service Underground/Under Floor Underground/Under Floor TP TP TP TP TP TP PD TP TP TP TP PY TP TP TP TP TP TP PY TP TP PY PY TP TP TP TP TP TP TP TP TP TP TP TP TP BN BN BN TP TP TP TP TP TP TP TP TP TP TP PD TP TP TP TP PY TP TP TP TP TP TP PY TP TP PY PY TP TP TP TP TP TP TP TP TP TP TP TP TP BN BN BN TP TP TP TP TP AP CO we AP CO AP PA AP AP NR NR AP AP AP PA we AP CO PA we AP AP we we AP we NR we CO AP AP we AP we AP PA AP AP AP AP AP AP AP CO ENTRY FRM ROOF DRAINS S SIDE ROOF DRAINS N SIDE OK TO INSULATE FURRING WALLS LITE POLE BASE FTGS INT ELECT RM 2ND FLR MTL PAN DECK ' POUR STRIP 3RD FLOOR DECK PNLSCOMP ftg @ mech bldg PNLS (SEE CARD) PNLS PNLS LITE POLE BASE FTGS F S @ MECH YARD TSH & MECH YARD PNLS SOG U/G CONDUIT FOR SITE LITES 6B#3INTERIOR AND CLOUDED AREAS #2 COPPER UFFER 6B-1 & 2 SEE CLOUDS ON PLANS FOR VOIDS SPRD FTGS MAIN TO BLDG , LAT TO MECH YARD MAIN AND LATS NOT COMP Monday, February 12, 2007 Page 2 of 2 - l; GEOTECHNICAL EXPLORATION, INC. SOIL & FOUNDATION ENGINEERING* GROUNDWATER • ENGINEERING GEOLOGY Job Name 7T Job*Date Project Location: Summary of OBservqtiphs: ''Art/ L>J_L IF'- r""<3°V Q ,'cAtj A. / 3 .<,. Recommendation: T// Received by: 7420 Trade St. San Diego, CA92'121 •• (858) 549-7222 • FAX: (858) 549-1604 "E-mail: geotech@ixpres.com EsGil Corporation In Partnership with government for Quitting Safety DATE: April 29, 2005 Q^AEHJCANT JURISDICTION: Carlsbad PLAN CHECK NO.: O4-2804 SET: HI. PROJECT ADDRESS: 1000 Aviara Parkway PROJECT NAME: Kelly Corporate Center X3 The plans transmitted herewith have been corrected where necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes. The plans transmitted herewith will substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes when minor deficiencies identified below are resolved and checked by building department staff. The plans transmitted herewith have significant deficiencies identified on the enclosed check list and should be corrected and resubmitted for a complete recheck. The check list transmitted herewith is for your information. The plans are being held at Esgil Corporation until corrected plans are submitted for recheck. The applicant's copy of the check list is enclosed for the jurisdiction to forward to the applicant contact person. The applicant's copy of the check list has been sent to: X) Esgil Corporation staff did not advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. Esgil Corporation staff did advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. Person contacted: Telephone #: . Date contacted: (by: ) Fax #: Mail Telephone Fax In Person REMARKS: By: Bert Domingo Enclosures: Esgil Corporation D GA D MB O EJ D PC 4/21/05 tmsmtl.dot 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208 * San Diego, California 92123 * (858)560-1468 4 Fax (858) 560-1576 EsGil Corporation In Partnership ivitfi government for (Suififing Safety DATE: January 12, 2O05 , JURISDICTION: Carlsbad Q PLAN REVIEWER Q FILE PLAN CHECK NO.: 04-28O4 SET: II . , PROJECT ADDRESS: 1000 Aviara Parkway • . PROJECT NAME: Kelly Corporate Center . ' ' • The plans transmitted herewith have been corrected where necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes. ; The plans transmitted herewith will substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building .codes when minor deficiencies identified below are resolved and checked by building department staff. The plans transmitted herewith have significant deficiencies identified on the enclosed check list and should be corrected and resubmitted for a complete recheck. X] The check list transmitted herewith is for your information. The plans are being held at Esgil Corporation until corrected plans are submitted for recheck. The applicant's copy of the check list is enclosed for the jurisdiction to forward to the applicant .' contact person. . , X] The applicant's copy of the check list has been sent to: Thomas Lamore • . , 12220 El Camino Real, Ste. # 200, San Diego, CA 92130 Esgil Corporation staff did not advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. X] Esgil Corporation staff did advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. Person contacted: Thomas - Telephone #: (858) 793-4777 Date contacted: / //J/c£(by:^f$ Fax #: 4787 Mail "'"Telephone v^ Fax |/ln Person - , REMARKS: By: Bert Domingo Enclosures: - Esgil Corporation • GA • MB D EJ D PC 1/4/05 ' , tmsmtl.dot 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208 4 San Diego, California 92123 4 (858) 560-1468 + Fax (858) 560-1576 Carlsbad O4-2804 January 12, 2005 RECHECK PLAN CORRECTION LIST JURISDICTION Carlsbad PLAN CHECK NO. 04-2804 PROJECT ADDRESS 1000 Aviara Parkway SET II DATE PLAN RECEIVED BY DATE RECHECK COMPLETED ESGIL CORPORATION 1/4/05 January 12, 20O5 REVIEWED BY. Bert Domingo _^_^______^_^__^^^_ FOREWORD (PLEASE READ): This plan review is limited to the technical requirements contained in the Uniform Building Code, Uniform Plumbing Code, Uniform Mechanical Code, National Electrical Code and state laws regulating energy conservation, noise attenuation and disabled access This plan review is based on regulations enforced by the Building Department You may have other corrections based on laws and ordinances enforced by the Planning Department, Engineering Department or other departments. The following items listed need clarification, modification or change All items must be satisfied before the plans will be in conformance with the cited codes and regulations Per Sec 106 4.3, 1997 Uniform Building Code, the approval of the plans does not permit the violation of any state, county or city law A Please make all corrections on the original tracings and submit(please see correction # 1 below) new complete sets of prints B To facilitate rechecking, please identify, next to each item, the sheet of the plans upon which each correction on this sheet has been made and return this sheet with the revised plans C The following items have not been resolved from the previous plan reviews The original correction number has been given for your reference In case you did not keep a copy of the prior correction list, we have enclosed those pages containing the outstanding corrections Please contact me if you have any questions regarding these items D Please indicate here if any changes have been made to the plans that are not a result of corrections from this list If there are other changes, please briefly describe them and-where they are located on the plans Have changes been made not resulting from this list? QYes aNo Carlsbad 04-2804 January 12, 2O05 . GENERAL 1 Please make all corrections on the original tracings, as requested in the correction list Submit three sets of plans for commercial/industrial projects (two sets of plans for residential projects) For expeditious processing, corrected sets can be submitted in one of two ways 1. Deliver all corrected sets of plans and calculations/reports directly to the City of Carlsbad Building Department, 1635 Faraday Ave , Carlsbad, CA 92008, (760)602-2700 The City will route the plans to EsGil Corporation and the Carlsbad Planning, Engineering and Fire Departments 2 Bring one corrected set of plans and calculations/reports to EsGil Corporation, 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208, San Diego, CA 92123, (858) 560-1468 Deliver all remaining sets of plans and calculations/reports directly to the City of Carlsbad Building Department for routing to their Planning, Engineering and Fire Departments NOTE Plans that are submitted directly to EsGil Corporation only will not be reviewed by the City Planning, Engineering and Fire Departments until review by EsGil Corporation is complete • PLANS 2 All sheets of the plans and the first sheet of the calculations are required to be signed by the California licensed architect or engineer responsible for the plan preparation. Please include the California license number, seal, date of license expiration and the date the plans are signed Business and Professions Code THIS WILL BE CHECKED WHEN ALL THE ITEMS BELOW ARE MET. 5 When special inspection is required, the architect or engineer of record shall prepare an ' inspection program which shall be submitted to the building official for approval prior to issuance of the building permit Please review Section 106 3 5 Please complete the attached form IT SEEMS NOT INCLUDED IN THE SUBMITTED PACKAGE • FOUNDATION 21. Provide a letter from the soils engineer confirming that the foundation plan, grading plan and specifications have been reviewed and that it has been determined that the recommendations in the soil report are properly incorporated into the plans IT SEEMS NQTINCLUDED IN THE SUBMITTED PACKAGE Carlsbad 04-2804 January 12, 2O05 • ELECTRICAL AND ENERGY CORRECTIONS PLAN REVIEWER: Morteza Beheshti • ELECTRICAL (1999 NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE) 1. Please sign the last sheet in the set. 2 Please detail the main electrical room since there are two overlapping doors shown. NEC 110-26 IT SEEMS THE CLEARANCE IN FRONT OF THE "HOUSE DIST." PANEL IS NOT ADEQUATE AT THE ONE EGRESS DOOR FROM THE ELECTRICAL ROOM. PLEASE RE-ARRANGE AND SHOW THE EXACT DIMENSION FOR THE EQUIPMENT IN THE MAIN ELECTRICAL ROOM DETAIL SHEET E6.1. 3. Please include a ground electrode and a structure disconnecting means for the , mechanical yard. NEC 230-70, 250-32 • ENERGY CONSERVATION 4. The energy forms are ok as submitted. Note: If you have'any questions regarding this Electrical or Energy plan review list please contact Morteza Beheshti at (858) 560-1468 To speed the review process, note on this list (or a copy) where the corrected items have been addressed on the plans 3 Correct the openings and penetrations of the fire rated enclosures around the 1 HR Passageways #106 and 114, as per UBC, Section 1005 3 4.4 (or fire rated stairway enclosure as per UBC, Section 1005 335) Please remove the electrical wiring penetrating and passing through fire rated stairway enclosure PLUMBING AND MECHANICAL CORRECTIONS 4 JURISDICTION: Carlsbad DATE: 1/11/05 * PLAN REVIEW NUMBER: 04-2804 SET: II PLAN REVIEWER: Glen Adamek 1 The final set of drawings to be reviewed for signing and sealing mst before the permits - are to be issued Each sheet of the plans must be signed by the person responsible for their preparation, before the permits are issued Business and Professions Code - PLUMBING (2000 UNIFORM PLUMBING CODE) 4 , . The Civil drawings were not included in the plan package? Please provide the site plumbing plans showing the sizes and locations of the gas meters and water meter, and the sizes, routes, and slopes of the building sewer, storm drainage system, site gas lines, and site water lines Carlsbad 04-2804 January 12, 2005 6 Correct the water line sizing calculations on sheet P0.1 to show compliance with UPC, Section 610 12 1 Maximum velocities in copper and copper alloy tube and fitting systems shall be limited to a maximum of eight (8) feet per second in cold water and five (5) feet per second in hot water As per UPC, Chart A-4 the maximum allowed GPM values seem to be too large for the 1/2,11/*, 1'/2, and 2 inch cold water pipe sizes; and the 1/2 and 11/4 inch hot water pipe sizes. Please correct the GPM values and check the fixture units for the revised GPM. MECHANICAL (2000 UNIFORM MECHANICAL CODE) 8 Detail 6 on sheet M4.1 still shows "Secondary Drainage Pan" draining to "Primary Condensate". Please correct the detail 6 on sheet M4.1. Detail the overflow (secondary) condensate discharge from air conditioning units that are in a ceiling space to readily observed locations UMC Section 310 2. 9. Sheet M2.1 seems to still show the make-up air for the Janitor's room #108 to be taken from the ceiling space of future tenant space. Please correct. On the mechanical plans clearly show the limits of ceiling space used as duct or plenum Then address the following on the plans a) Clearly show that all material exposed within the plenum complies with UMC Section 605 0 "Materials shall have a mold-, humidity-, and erosion-resistant face that meets the requirements of UL 181 " b) Clearly show that all combustible materials exposed within the plenum space must comply with UMC Section 602 2 Flame-spread index of not more than 25 and a smoke- developed rating of not more than 50 c) Environmental and/or product-conveying duct systems shall not extend into or through ducts or plenums UMC Sections 504 1 (Environment) & 505 1 (Product conveying) Note: If you have any questions regarding this Plumbing and Mechanical plan review list please contact Glen Adamek at (858) 560-1468 To speed the review process, note on this list (or a copy) where the corrected items have been addressed on the plans. Carlsbad 04-28O4 January 12, 2005 To speed up the review process, note on this list {or a copy) where each correction item has been addressed, i e , plan sheet, note or detail number, calculation page, etc Please indicate here if any changes have been made to the plans that are not a result of corrections from this list If there are other changes, please briefly describe them and where they are located in the plans Have changes been made to the plans not resulting from this correction list? Please indicate a Yes Q No The jurisdiction has contracted with Esgil Corporation located at 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208, San Diego, California 92123, telephone number of 858/560-1468, to perform the plan review for your project If you have any questions regarding these plan review items, please contact Bert Domingo at Esgil Corporation Thank you EsGil Corporation In (Partnersntp -with government for (Buifaing Safety DATE. August 4, 2004 a AE^UCANT JURISDICTION: Carlsbad a PLAN REVIEWER Q FILE PLAN CHECK NO. 04-2804 SET I PROJECT ADDRESS. 1000 Aviara Parkway PROJECT NAME Kelly Corporate Center The plans transmitted herewith have been corrected where necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes The plans transmitted herewith will substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes when minor deficiencies identified below are resolved and checked by building department staff The plans transmitted herewith have significant deficiencies identified on the enclosed check list and should be corrected and resubmitted for a complete recheck. X] The check list transmitted herewith is for your information. The plans are being held at Esgil Corporation until corrected plans are submitted for recheck The applicant's copy of the check list is enclosed for the jurisdiction to forward to the applicant contact person. ><] The applicant's copy of the check list has been sent to Thomas Lamore 12220 El Cammo Real, Ste #200, San Diego, CA92130 Esgil Corporation staff did not advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. XI Esgil Corporation staff did advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed Person contacted Thomas Telephone # (858) 793-4777 Date contacted $(<5/ov (by:fA>r) Fax # 4787 Mail_^ Telephone Fax^ In Person REMARKS By Bert Domingo Enclosures Esgil Corporation D GA D MB D EJ D PC 7/26/04 trnsmtldot 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208 + San Diego, California 92123 4 (858)560-1468 + Fax (858) 560-1576 Carlsbad 04-2804 August 4, 20O4 ;PLAN REVIEW CORRECTION LIST COMMERCIAL PLAN CHECK NO/ O4-2804 OCCUPANCY B JURISDICTION Carlsbad USE: Office TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION V 1 Hour ACTUAL AREA: 77350 SQ Ft. ALLOW ABLE FLOOR AREA 112000 SQ FT STORIES Three HEIGHT 45' SPRINKLERS?: YES REMARKS DATE PLANS RECEIVED BY JURISDICTION DATE INITIAL PLAN REVIEW COMPLETED August 4, 2004 OCCUPANT LOAD DATE PLANS RECEIVED BY ESGJL CORPORATION 7/26/04 PLAN REVIEWER Bert Domingo FOREWORD (PLEASE READ): This plan review is limited to the technical requirements contained in the Uniform Building Code, Uniform Plumbing Code, Uniform Mechanical Code, National Electrical Code and state laws regulating energy conservation, noise attenuation and access for the disabled. This plan review is based on regulations enforced by the Building Department You may have other corrections based on laws and ordinances enforced by the Planning Department, Engineering Department, Fire Department or other departments Clearance from those departments may be required prior to the issuance of a building permit Code sections cited are based on the 1997 UBC. The following items listed need clarification, modification or change All items must be satisfied before the plans will be in conformance with the cited codes and regulations. Per Sec 106.4.3, 1997 Uniform Building Code, the approval of the plans does not permit the violation of any state, county or city law To speed up the recheck process, please note on this list (or a copy) where each correction item has been addressed, i.e., plan sheet number, specification section, etc. Be sure to enclose the marked up list when you submit the revised plans. Carlsbad 04-2804 August 4, 2004 • GENERAL 1. Please make all corrections on the original tracings, as requested in the correction list Submit three sets of plans for commercial/industrial projects (two sets of plans for residential projects) For expeditious processing, corrected sets can be submitted in one of two ways 1. Deliver all corrected sets of plans and calculations/reports directly to the City of Carlsbad Building Department, 1635 Faraday Ave , Carlsbad, CA 92008, (760) 602-2700 The City will route the plans to EsGil Corporation and the Carlsbad Planning, Engineering and Fire Departments 2 Bring one corrected set of plans and calculations/reports to EsGil Corporation, 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208, San Diego, CA 92123, (858) 560-1468 Deliver all remaining sets of plans and calculations/reports directly to the City of Carlsbad Building Department for routing to their Planning, Engineering and Fire Departments NOTE Plans that are submitted directly to EsGil Corporation only will not be reviewed by the City Planning, Engineering and Fire Departments until review by EsGil Corporation is complete • PLANS 2 All sheets of the plans and the first sheet of the calculations are required to be signed by the California licensed architect or engineer responsible for the plan preparation Please include the California license number, seal, date of license expiration and the date the plans are signed Business and Professions Code. 3 Provide a statement on the Title Sheet of the plans that this project shall comply with the 2001 edition of the California Building Code (Title 24), which adopts the 1997 UBC, 2000 UMC, 2000 UPC and the 1999 NEC 4 On the cover sheet of the plans, specify any items requiring special inspection, in a format similar to that shown below • REQUIRED SPECIAL INSPECTIONS In addition to the regular inspections, the following checked items will also require Special Inspection in accordance with Sec 1701 of the Uniform Building Code. ITEM REQUIRED? REMARKS • SOILS COMPLIANCE PRIOR TO FOUNDATION INSPECTION • STRUCTURAL CONCRETE OVER 2500 PSI • FIELD WELDING • . SPECIAL MOMENT FRAME CONNECTIONS (SEISMIC ZONES 3 & 4 ONLY) • HIGH-STRENGTH BOLTS • DESIGNER-SPECIFIED • OTHER Carlsbad 04-2804 August 4, 2O04 5. When speciaf inspection is required, the architect or engineer of record shall prepare an inspection program which shall be submitted to the building official for approval prior to issuance of the building permit. Please review Section 106.3 5 Please complete the attached form • SITE PLAN 6. Clearly dimension building setbacks from property lines, street centerhnes, and from all adjacent buildings and structures on the site plan 7 Clearly designate any side yards used to justify increases in allowable area based on Section 505 • FIRE-RESISTIVE CONSTRUCTION 8 Provide details of the one-hour fire-resistive construction Include roof/ceiling assemblies, floor/ceiling assemblies, wall assemblies, column and beam assemblies, etc 9 Detail and reference I C B O. number or other approval for horizontal fire assembly using trusses Item 21-1 1 in Table 7-C requires 2 layers of 5/8" Type X gypsum wallboard at the bottom chords of trusses. Section 704 2 8 10. Detail how one-hour fire-resistive wall construction is maintained at built-in wall fixtures and behind mailboxes, fire extinguisher cabinets, electric panels exceeding 16 square inches in area, etc Section 709 7 • INTERIOR WALL AND CEILING FINISHES 11. Provide a note on the plans or on the finish schedule, stating, "Wall and ceiling materials shall not exceed the flame spread classifications in UBC Table 8-B " • STAIRWAYS 12 Stairway handrails should not project more than 3-1/2 inches into the required width Trim and stringers may not project more than 1-1/2 inches Section 1003.332 13 Stairway riser must be 4 inches minimum and 7 inches maximum and minimum run shall be 11 inches Section 1003 333 See the exception for private stairways serving less than 10 occupants Carlsbad 04-2804 August 4, 2004 14 Handrails (Section 1003.3 3.6): a) Handrails and extensions shall be 34" to 38" above nosing of treads and be continuous b) The handgrip portion of all handrails shall be not less than 1-1/4 inches nor more than 2 inches in cross-sectional dimension Handrails projecting from walls shall have at least 1-1/2 inches between the wall and the handrail c) Ends of handrails shall be returned or shall have rounded terminations or bends • ELEVATORS 15 Elevators shall be enclosed in a one-hour shaft except in Type ! and Type I! F.R construction where the elevator shall be in a two hour shaft Section 711 16 Every opening into an elevator shaft enclosure shall be protected by a self-closing fire assembly having a one-hour fire rating in one-hour shafts and one and one-half hours in two hour shafts Section 711 4 • GLASS AND GLAZING 17. Glazing in the following locations should be of safety glazing material in accordance with Section 2406 4 (see exceptions) a) Walls enclosing stairway landings or within 5 feet of the bottom and top of stairways where the bottom edge of the glass is less than 60 inches above a walking surface. • MISCELLANEOUS LIFE/SAFETY 18. Guardrails (Section 509.1): a) Shall have a height of 42". b) Shall be detailed showing adequacy of connections to resist the horizontal force prescribed in Table 16-B. Please submit calculations. c) Openings between railings shall be less than 4" The triangular openings formed by the riser, tread and bottom element of a guardrail at a stair shall be less than 6" • TITLE 24 DISABLED ACCESS 19. The words "NO PARKING" shall be painted on the ground within each loading and unloading access aisle (in white letters no less than 12" high and located so that it is visible to traffic enforcement officials) Section 1129B 4.2 Carlsbad 04-2804 August 4, 2004 • FOUNDATION 20 The soils engineer recommended that he/she review the foundation excavations. Note on the foundation plan that "Prior to the contractor requesting a Building Department foundation inspection, the soils engineer shall advise the building official in writing that. a) The building pad was prepared in accordance with the soils report, b) The utility trenches have been properly backfilled and compacted, and c) The foundation excavations comply with the intent of the soils report" 21 Provide a letter from the soils engineer confirming that the foundation plan, grading plan and specifications have been reviewed and that it has been determined that the recommendations in the soil report are properly incorporated into the plans • STRUCTURAL 22 The recommended beam 75 is different than what is shown on the plans 23 The sheet SO 0 shows Na = 1 3 but the calculations used 1 Please clarify 24. Please show the ICBO approval for the metal decks for the diaphragms on the plans 25. It seems that the recommendations for the tilt walls for grids 1 & 12 are different than what is shown on the plans Please see sheets T1, 2 & 3 of the calculations 26 Please show the lengths of the grade beams for the lines 6 & 7 27. The GB1 recommended 7 # 6 T & B 28. The FTG # 1 recommended 11 #6. 29 The elevation of the panels 8 & 9 on grid A-A show different rebars than what is shown on the detail 17/SD2-1 30 The recommendations shown on Page L13 of the calculations are different than what is shown on the plans 31 It seems that there is no recommendations for the calculations shown on pages L22-L66 32. Page CN5 recommended connection detail 6/SD2 but the plan shows differently 33. Page CN4 did not show any recommendation Carlsbad O4-2804 August 4, 20O4 34 Please show detail how the beams would be supported at the corner of lines 6 & 7 and AA 35 It seems that the referenced plans for the stairs shown on the framing plans are not compatible. • ADDITIONAL 36 The diamond 3a on the 3rd floor plan could be 3b ELECTRICAL AND ENERGY CORRECTIONS PLAN REVIEWER: Morteza Beheshti • ELECTRICAL (1999 NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE) 1 Please indicate the fault levels on the single line diagrams Indicated values should include all motor contributions from all mechanical equipment shown 2. Please justify the AIC ratings of all equipment based on the above calculations 3. Note that the mam service will not be energized prior to the Building Inspectors' receipt of a third party NRTL testing laboratory performance test certification for the service ground fault protection NEC 230-95 4 Note on the single line diagram that all service disconnect devices shall be labeled as a "Service Disconnecting Means" NEC 230-70(b) 5 Please include all equipment shown on plans on to the single line I e , the mechanical yard transformer and "M2" panel etc Also, complete detail 1 on sheet E6.1, include on single line diagram and show location on plans 6 Please detail the main electrical room since there are two overlapping doors shown NEC 110-26 7. Please include a ground electrode and a structure disconnecting means for the mechanical yard NEC 230-70, 250-32 8. Please include a schedule for all panels shown on plans. I e , "M1" and "M2" Also, provide a schedule for the inverter panel and justify sizing. NEC 700-10 9 Please provide a minimum of 1 foot-candle of emergency illumination at the floor level of the lobby areas UBC 1012 2 & NEC 700-16 Carlsbad 04-2804 August 4, 2004 • ENERGY CONSERVATION 10. The energy forms are ok as submitted Note: If you have any questions regarding this Electrical or Energy plan review list please contact Morteza Beheshti at (858) 560-1468 To speed the review process, note on this list (or a copy) where the corrected items have been addressed on the plans PLUMBING AND MECHANICAL CORRECTIONS 4 JURISDICTION: Carlsbad DATE: 8/2/04 + PLAN REVIEW NUMBER: 042804 SET: I PLAN REVIEWER: Glen Adamek 1 The final set of drawings to be reviewed for signing and sealing lust before the permits are to be issued Each sheet of the plans must be signed by the person responsible for their preparation, before the permits are issued. Business and Professions Code 2 Correct the statement on the Title Sheet of the plans stating that this project shall comply with the 2001 edition of the California Building Code (Title 24), which adopts the 1997 UBC. 2000 UMC, 2000 UPC and the 1999 NEC 3 Correct the openings and penetrations of the fire rated enclosures around the 1 HR Passageways #106 and 114, as per UBC, Section 1005.3.4 4 (or fire rated stairway enclosure as per UBC, Section 1005 335) Please remove the water pipe penetrations and chilled water supply and return piping and the duct openings for the supply air, return air and exhaust system shown passing through the 1 HR Passageways #106 and 114 as shown on sheet M2 1. PLUMBING (2000 UNIFORM PLUMBING CODE) 4. Provide the site plumbing plans showing the sizes and locations of the gas meters and water meter, and the sizes, routes, and slopes of the building sewer, storm drainage system, site gas lines, and site water lines 5. Please show the upstream sewer manhole rim elevation. As per UPC, Section 710 1, provide backwater valves on all building drains which serve plumbing fixtures with flood rim elevations below the upstream manhole rim elevations. Only fixtures with flood rim levels below the upstream manhole rim elevation may flow through a backwater valve. Carlsbad O4-28O4 August 4, 20O4 6. Correct the water line sizing calculations on sheet P0.1 to show compliance with UPC, Section 610.12 1 Maximum velocities in copper and copper alloy tube and fitting systems shall be limited to a maximum of eight (8) feet per second in cold water and five (5) feet per second in hot water. MECHANICAL (2000 UNIFORM MECHANICAL CODE) 7. Return air shall not be obtained from a bathroom or toilet room, as per UMC, Section 906 6 The plans show return air grills into the toilet rooms Please correct 8 . Detail the overflow (secondary) condensate discharge from air conditioning units that are in a ceiling space to readily observed locations UMC Section 310 2 9 On the mechanical plans clearly show the limits of ceiling space used as duct or plenum Then address the following on the plans a) Clearly show that all material exposed within the plenum complies with UMC Section 605 0 "Materials shall have a mold-, humidity-, and erosion-resistant face that meets the requirements of UL 181 " b) Clearly show that all combustible materials exposed within the plenum space must comply with UMC Section 602 2 Flame-spread index of not more than 25 and a smoke-developed rating of not more than 50 c) Environmental and/or product-conveying duct systems shalhnot extend into or through ducts or plenums UMC Sections 504 1 (Environment) & 505 1 (Product conveying) 10 Detail the boiler flue (vent) termination as per UMC Section 806.6 11. Detail the boiler flue (vent) offsets, length, pitch and clearances as per UMC Section 805 Note: If you have any questions regarding this Plumbing and Mechanical plan review list please contact Glen Adamek at (858) 560-1468 To speed the review process, note on this list (or a copy) where the corrected items have been addressed on the plans. Carlsbad 04-2804 August 4, 2004 To speed up the review process, note on this list (or a copy) where each correction item has been addressed, i e , plan sheet, note or detail number, calculation page, etc Please indicate here if any changes have been made to the plans that are not a result of corrections from this list If there are other changes, please briefly describe them and where they are located in the plans Have changes been made to the plans not resulting from this correction list? Please indicate a Yes Q No The jurisdiction has contracted w/th Esgj) Corporation located at 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208, San Diego, California 92123, telephone number of 858/560-1468, to perform the plan review for your project. If you have any questions regarding these plan review items, please contact Bert Domingo at Esgil Corporation. Thank you. Carlsbad O4-28O4 August 4, 2004 City of Carlsbad Building Deportment BUILDING DEPARTMENT NOTICE OF REQUIREMENT TOR SPECIAL INSPECTION Do Not Remove From Plans Plan Check No. 04-2804 Job Address or Legal Description 1000 Aviara Parkway Owner "THEr Au-Ed OEouP Address &OO*3 VALLl£f . - You are hereby notified that in addition to the inspection of construction provided by the Building Department, an approved Registered Special Inspector is required to provide continuous inspection during the performance of the phases of construction indicated on the reverse side of this sheet. The Registered Special Inspector shall be approved by the City of Carlsbad Building Department prior to the issuance of the building permit. Special Inspectors having a current certification from the City of San Diego, Los Angeles, or ICBO are approved as Special Inspectors for the type of construction for which they are certified, The inspections by a Special Inspector do not change the requirements for inspections by personnel of the City of Carlsbad building department. The inspections by a Special Inspector are in addition to the inspections normally required by the County Building Code. The Special Inspector is not au then zed to inspect and approve any work other than that for which he/she is specifically assigned to inspect. The Special Inspector is not authorized to accept alternate materials, structural changes, or any requests for plan changes. The Special Inspector is required to submit written reports to the City of Carlsbad building department of all work that he/she inspected and approved. The final inspection approval will not be given until all Special Inspection reports have been received and approved by the City of Carlsbad building department Please submit the names of the inspectors who will perform the special inspections on each of the items indicated on the reverse side of this sheet. (over) Carlsbad 04-2804 August 4, 2004 SPECIAL INSPECTION PROGRAM ADDRESS OR LEGAL DESCRIPTION: _\OOO PLAN CHECK NUMBER: £>4-2g*?4 OWNER'S NAME- I, as the owner, or agent of the owner (contractors may not employ the special inspector), certify that I, or the architect/engineer of record, will be responsible for employing the special inspector(s) as required by Uniform Building Code (UBC) Section 1701.1 for the construction project located at the site listed above. UBC Section 108.3.5. te f I, as the engineer/architect of record, certify that i have prepared the following special inspection program as required by UBC Section 106.3.5 for the construction project located at the site listed above Signed 1. List of work requiring special inspection: Soils Compliance Prior to Foundation Inspection Structural Concrete Over 2500 PSI Prestressed Concrete Structural Masonry Zl Designer Specified 2. Name(s) of individuals) or flrm(s) responsible for the special inspections listed above: A. B. C. Held Welding High Strength Bolting Expanslon/Epoxy Anchors Sprayed-On Flreprooflng 3 Other AxfcHQE. fioLTS 3. Duties of the special Inspectors for the work listed above: A. B. Special inspectors shall check in with the City and present their credentials for approval nnor to beginning work on the job site SI 9^10958981 1I9S3 Carlsbad O4-28O4 August 4, 2OO4 VALUATION AND PLAN CHECK FEE JURISDICTION. Carlsbad PLAN CHECK NO . 04-2804 PREPARED BY: Bert Domingo DATE: August 4, 2004 BUILDING ADDRESS: 1000 Aviara Parkway BUILDING OCCUPANCY: B TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION V 1HR BUILDING PORTION Office Air Conditioning Fire Sprinklers TOTAL VALUE Jurisdiction Code AREA (Sq Ft) 77350 77350 77350 cb Valuation Multiplier 6400 360 1.80 By Ordinance Reg Mod . VALUE ($}, 4,950,400 278,460 139,230 5,368,090 $11,866.50 Plan Check Fee by Ordinance Type of Review Repetitive Fee Repeats Complete Review D Other D Hourly Structural Only Hour* Esgll Plan Review Fee Comments $7,713.23 $6,645 24 Sheet 1 of 1 macvalue doc City of Carlsbad Public Works — Engineering DATE BUILDING ADDRESS PROJECT DESCRIPTION ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUMBER BUILDING PLANCHECK CHECKLIST PLANCHECK NO o2-/£- o?0 _ 70 EST VALUE $03, ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT APPROVAL The item you have submitted for review has been approved The approval is based on plans, information and/or specifications provided in your submittal, therefore any changes to these items after this date, including field modifications, must be reviewed by this office to insure continued conformance with applicable codes Please review carefully all comments attached, as failure to comply with instructions in this report can result in suspension of permit to build [A R;ght-of-Way permit is required prior to construction of the following improvements By G D D a D c a n 7 7 DENIAL Please seeOnej attached report of deficiencies marked wittijG /lake necessary corrections to plans or specificaUens fofi compliance with applicable codes and standarefs /Submit corrected plans and/or specifications to in is gmice for review By Date By Date INEERING AUTHORIZATION TO ISSUE BUILDING Dat ATTACHMENTS Dedication Application Dedication Checklist Improvement Application Improvement Checklist Future Improvement Agreement Grading Permit Application Grading Submittal Checklist Right-of-Way Permit Application Right-of-Way Permit Submittal Checklist and Information Sheet Sewer Fee Information Sheet ENGINEERING DEPT CONTACT PERSON Name KATHLEEN M FARMER City of Carlsbad Address 1635 Faraday Avenue, Carlsbad. CA 92QQ8 Phone (76Q) 602-2741 CFD INFORMATION Parcel Map No Lots Recordation Carlsbad Tract CA 920O8|-7314 * (76O) 602-272O • FAX (760) BUILDING PLANCHECK CHECKLIST SITE'PLAN I /iit Provide a fully dimensioned site plan drawn to scale Show A North Arrow B Existing & Proposed Structures C Existing Street Improvements D Property Lines E./Easements ' F Right-of-Way Width 8fAdjacent Streets G Driveway widths H Existing or proposed sewer lateral I Existing or proposed water service J Existing or proposed irrigation service D D D / 2 Show on site plan D D A B C Drainage Patterns 1 Building pad surface drainage must maintain a minimum slope of one percent towards an adjoining street or an approved drainage course 2 ADD THE FOLLOWING NOTE "Finish grade will provide a minimum positive drainage of 2% to swale 5' away from building " Existing & Proposed Slopes and Topography Size, type, location, alignment of existing or proposed sewer and water service (s) that serves the project Each unit requires a separate service, however, second dwelling units and apartment complexes are an exception Sewer and water laterals should not be located within proposed driveways, per standards 3 Include on title sheet A Site address B Assessor's Parcel Number C Legal Description For commercial/industrial buildings and tenant improvement projects, include total building square footage with the square footage for each different use, existing sewer permits showing square footage of different uses (manufacturing, warehouse, office, etc ) previously approved EXISTING PERMIT NUMBER DESCRIPTION H VWORD\DOCS\CHKL5-nBu!WinQ Plancheek CWsl Form (Generic) Hoc BUILDING PLANCHECK CHECKLIST 1ST 2ND 3rd DISCRETIONARY APPROVAL COMPLIANCE EH D D 4a Project does not comply with the following Engineering Conditions of approval for Project No D D D 4b All conditions are in compliance Date DEDICATION REQUIREMENTS 5 Dedication for all street Rights-of-Way adjacent to the building site and any storm drain or utility easements on the building site is required for all new buildings and for remodels with a value at or exceeding $15.000. pursuant to Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 18 40 030 Dedication required as follows Dedication required Please have a registered Civil Engineer or Land Surveyor prepare the appropriate legal description together with an 8 Yz" x 11" plat map and submit with a title report All easement documents must be approved and signed by owner(s) prior to issuance of Building Permit Attached please find an application form and submittal checklist for the dedication process Submit the completed application form with the required checklist items and fees to the Engineering Department in person Applications will not be accept by mail or fax Dedication completed by Date IMPROVEMENT REQUIREMENTS O C3 6a All needed public improvements upon and adjacent to the building site must be constructed at time of building construction whenever the value of the construction exceeds $75.000. pursuant to Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 1840040 Public improvements required as follows Attached please find an application form and submittal checklist for the public improvement requirements A registered Civil Engineer must prepare the appropriate improvement plans and submit them together with the requirements on the attached checklist to the Engineering Department through a separate plan check process The completed application form and the requirements on the H WORD^DOCS\CHKLS~nBuiWing Planctieck Cfclsl farm [RIDDLE HARVEY 7 12 00) Oac BUILDING PLANCHECK CHECKLIST iST ,RD D D checklist must be submitted in person Applications by mail or fax are not accepted Improvement plans must be approved, appropriate securities posted and fees paid prior to issuance of building permit improvement Plans signed by Date 6b Construction of the public improvements may be deferred pursuant to Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 1840 Please submit a recent property title report or current grant deed on the property and processing fee of $310 so we may prepare the necessary Future Improvement Agreement This agreement must be signed, notarized and approved by the City prior to issuance of a Building permit D D Future public improvements required as follows 6c Enclosed please find your Future Improvement Agreement agreement signed and notarized to the Engineering Department Please return Future Improvement Agreement completed by Date 6d No Public Improvements required SPECIAL NOTE Damaged or defective improvements found adiacent to building site must be repaired to the satisfaction of the City Inspector prior to occupancy GRADING PERMIT REQUIREMENTS The conditions that invoke the need for a grading permit are found in Section 11 06 030 of the Municipal Code 7a Inadequate information available on Site Plan to make a determination on grading requirements Include accurate grading quantities (cut, fill import, export) 7b Grading Permit required A separate grading plan prepared by a registered Civil Engineer must be submitted together with the completed application form attached^NOTE The Grading Permit must be issued and rough grading approval obtained prior to issuance of a Building Permit DateGrading Inspector sign off by 7c Graded Pad Certification required (Note Pad certification may be required even if a grading permit is not required ) H WORD\DOCS\CHKLS-nBuilding Plancheck Cklst Form (GENERIC 7 U 00) doc Rev 7/M/OO BUILDING PLANCHECK CHECKLIST 1ST D D D gRD D D D D D 7d No Grading Permit required 7e If grading is not required, write "No Grading" on plot plan MISCELLANEOUS PERMITS 8 A RIGHT-OF-WAY PERMIT is required to do work in City Right-of-Way and/or private work adjacent to the public Right-of-Way Types of work include, but are not limited to street improvements, tree trimming, driveway construction, tying into public storm drain, sewer and water utilities Right-of-Way permit required for nan D a a nan INDUSTRIAL WASTE PERMIT If your facility is located in the City of Carlsbad sewer service area, you need to contact the Carlsbad Municipal Water District, located at 5950 Ei Camino Real, Carlsbad, CA 92008 District personnel can provide forms and assistance, and will check to see if your business enterprise is on the EWA Exempt List You may telephone (760) 438-2722, extension 7153, for assistance Industrial Waste permit accepted by Date 11 10 NPDES PERMIT Complies with the City's requirements of the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit The applicant shall provide best management practices to reduce surface pollutants to an acceptable level prior to discharge to sensitive areas Plans for such improvements shall be approved by the City Engineer prior to issuance of grading or building permit, whichever occurs first equired fees are attached- CD No fees required WATER METER REVIEW u/^/Mr^1/c 12a Domestic (potable) Use Ensure that the meter proposed by the owner/developer is not oversized Oversized meters are inaccurate during low-flow conditions If it is oversized, for the life of the meter, the City will not accurately bill the owner for the water used • All single family dwelling units received "standard" 1" service with 5/8" service H \WOROOOCS\CHKLS'nBolk)inB Planctwck Cktet Form (Generic) Hoc 1ST )ND }RD n n n 12b BUILDING PLANCHECK CHECKLIST • If owner/developer proposes a size other than the "standard", then owner/developer must provide potable water demand calculations, which include total fixture counts and maximum water demand in gallons per minute (gpm) A typical fixture count and water demand worksheet is attached Once the gpm is provided, check against the "meter sizing schedule" to verify the anticipated meter size for the unit • Maximum service and meter size is a 2" service with a 2" meter • If a developer is proposing a meter greater than 2", suggest the installation of multiple 2" services as needed to provide the anticipated demand (manifolds are considered on case by case basis to limit multiple trenching into the street) Irrigation Use (where recycled water is not available) All irrigation meters must be sized via irrigation calculations (in gpm) prior to approval The developer must provide these calculations Please follow these guidelines 1 If the project is a newer development (newer than 1998), check the recent improvement plans and observe if the new irrigation service is reflected on the improvement sheets If so, at the water meter station, the demand in gpm may be listed there Irrigation services are listed with a circled "I", and potable water is typically a circled "W" The irrigation service should look like STA 1+00 Install 2" service and 5 meter (estimated 100 gpm) 2 If the improvement plans do not list the irrigation meter and the service/meter will be installed via another instrument such as the building plans or grading plans (w/ a right of way permit of course), then the applicant must provide irrigation calculations for estimated worst-case irrigation demand (largest zone with the farthest reach) Typically, Larry Black has already reviewed this if landscape plans have been prepared, but the applicant must provide the calculations to you for your use Once you have received a good example of irrigation calculations, keep a set for your reference In general the calculations will include • Hydraulic grade line • Elevation at point of connection (POC) • Pressure at POC in pounds per square inch (PSI) • Worse case zone (largest, farthest away from valve • Total Sprinkler heads listed (with gpm use per head) • Include a 10% residual pressure at point of connection 3 In general, all major sloped areas of a subdivision/project are to be irrigated via separate irrigation meters (unless the project is only SFD with no HOA) As long as the project is located within the City recycled water H \WORD\DOCS\CHKLST\BulkJtna Plancheck CMst Form (Generic) doc 1ST 2ND 3RD BUILDING PLANCHECK CHECKLIST service boundary, the City intends on switching services/meters to a new recycled water line in the future these irrigation f~l 12c Irrigation Use (where recycled water is available) 1 Recycled water meters are sized the same as the irrigation meter above 2 If a project fronts a street with recycled water, then they should be connecting to this line to irrigate slopes within the development For subdivisions, this should have been identified, and implemented on the improvement plans Installing recycled water meters is a benefit for the applicant since they are exempt from paying the San Diego County Water Capacity fees However, if they front a street which the recycled water is there, but is not live (sometimes they are charged with potable water until recycled water is available), then the applicant must pay the San Diego Water Capacity Charge If within three years, the recycled water line is charged with recycled water by CMWD, then the applicant can apply for a refund to the San Diego County Water Authority (SDCWA) for a refund However, let the applicant know that we cannot guarantee the refund, and they must deal with the SDCWA for this Additional Comments (V H >WORD\DOCS*CHKLSTlfiu!MinB Plancheck Chlsl Form (Genenc) doc ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT FEE CALCULATION WORKSHEET D Estimate based on D Calculation based //KJ/1 ^Address [ {) v\J f Prepared by ^-J—LL,, EDU CALCULATIONS Types of Use UJVu Types of Use APT CALCULATIONS, Types of Use (ft**M Types of Use unconfirmed information from applicant on building plancheck plan submittal 4vi/KlV /4>A~-/^- Bldg Permit No C$ '<?/ " '^° \ I f) S \ Date (/ (Q ™V Checked by Date Wst types ana square footages for all uses ^ - -. 4^^^ Sq Ft /Units "?~7, 5>^) EDU's / ^ 'P jf" / Sq Ft /Untts EDU's List types and square footages for all uses (W-z/- Sq Ft /Units -773^^5^^ ADT's 3 Pi Sq Ft /Units ADT's FEES REQUIRED WITHIN CFD D YES (no bridge & thoroughfare fee in District #1, reduced Traffic Impact Fee) Q NO D 1 PARK-IN-LIEU FEE PARK AREA & # 'FEE/UNIT X D 2 TRAFFIC IMPACT FEE ADT's/UNITS D 3 BRIDGE AND THOROUGHFARE FEE (DIST #1 ADT}S/UNITS % < X^FE ADT D 4 FACILITIES MANAGEMENT FEE UNIT/SQ FT D 5 SEWER FEE EDU's BENEFIT AREA EDU's ZONE. X FEE/SQ FT /UNiT FEE/EDU FEE/EDU = $. n 6 SEWER LATERAL ($2,500) D 7 DRAINAGE FEES PLDA_ ACRES = $ HIGH /LOW FEE/AC = $ D 8 POTABLE WATER FEES UNITS CODE CONNECTION FEE METER FEE SDCWA FEE 1 of 2 Word\Docs\MistormslFee Calculation Worksheet Rev 7/14/00 JUL-29-200S FRI 12:13PM ENGINSPECTION P, 002 PROJECT INSPECTOR: PROJ5CT IDJi FQE3 /t "? i• LxK.w <t CITY OF CARLSBAD TS _>; * LOTS REQUESTED FOR RELEASE: WA ~ NOT APPLICABLE ^ 3 COMPLETE 0 = Incomplete or unacceptable DATE- 7^y? -. PERMIT 1si v/ o v/ y y v. y "7" 2nd. y < — = — 1. 2. 3. 4. 5, 6. 7. 8. 9. Sft© access to requosted lota adequate snd logically grouped Sri0 orosion control measures adequate. Overall site adequate for health, safety and welfare of public. Letior from Owner/D©v. requesting partial reteoso of specific lots, pads orbldg. 814" x 11" site plan (attachment) showing requested lots subrnfSed, Compaction report from soils engincsr submtScd. (If soils report hss submitted with a previous partial relesss, a letter from soils gineer referencing the soils report and identifying specific lots for lGsse shall accompany subsequent partial releases). 7 EOW certfficstfon of work dona with finish pad elevations of spscrfic lots to bo released. Letter must state lot (s) is graded to within a tenth (. 1 ) of the approved grading plan. Geologic engineer's letter If unusual geologic or subsurface conditions exist, Fully functional fire hydrants within 500 foot of building combustibles and an all weather roads access to sit© is required. P^ri:i^l release of grading for the above stated lots is approved for the purpose of building psrmK issucnco- Issuance of building permits is still subject to all normal City requirements required pursuant to the building parmft procssa. , Psrtial retease of the site is denied for ths following reasons: ProjGCi; Iribpecfcor Date Ccnsifuction an Date J :. r^LEJ.-USTGR. ?C r-MS/rAfiTSlTH. FRM PLANNING DEPARTMENT BUILDING PLAN CHECK REVIEW CHECKLIST Plan Check No CB 04-2804 Planner Van Lynch APN 212-040-70-00 Address 1000 Aviara Parkway Phone (760)602-4613 Type of Project & Use Office Net Project Density n/a DU/AC Zoning PM General Plan PI Facilities Management Zone CFD (in/out) #_Date of participation 5/7/91 Remaining net dev acres 0 Circle One (For non-residential development Type of land used created by this permit Industrial - Commercial business park \ Legend. ^ Item Complete O Item Incomplete - Needs your action Environmental Review Required: YES X NO „__ TYPE Mit neg dec DATE OF COMPLETION 9-1-99 Compliance with conditions of approval9 If not, state conditions which require action Conditions of Approval AJof$>& Discretionary Action Required: APPROVAURESO NO 4602 PROJECT NO 7 YES X NO TYPE SDP DATE 9-1-99 97-25 OTHER RELATED CASES CDP 97-52 Compliance with conditions or approval9 If not, state conditions which require action Conditions of Approval AJvns Sn*ky D Coastal Zone Assessment/Compliance Project site located in Coastal Zone9 YES X CA Coastal Commission Authority9 YES NO NO X If California Coastal Commission Authority Contact them at - 7575 Metropolitan Drive, Suite 103, San Diego CA 92108-4402, (619) 767-2370 Determine status (Coastal Permit Required or Exempt) Coastal Permit Determination Form already completed9 YES_ NO If NO, complete Coastal Permit Determination Form now Coastal Permit Determination Log # Follow-Up Actions: 1} Stamp Building Plans as "Exempt" or "Coastal Permit Required" (at minimum Floor Plans) 2) Complete Coastal Permit Determination Log as needed NO XCH Inclusionary Housing Fee required- YES _ (Effective date of Inclusionary Housing Ordinance - May 21,1993 ) Data Entry Completed9 YES NO (A/P/Ds, Activity Maintenance, enter CB#, toolbar, Screens, Housing Fees, Construct Housing Y/N, Enter Fee, UPDATE') Site Plan- H \ADMIN\COUNTER\BldgPlnchkRevChklst Rev 9/01 D D 1 Provide a fully dimensional site plan drawn to scale Show North arrow, property lines, easements, existing and proposed structures, streets, existing street improvements, right-of-way width, dimensional setbacks and existing topographical lines (including all side and rear yard slopes) CH Q 2 Provide legal description of property and assessor's parcel number Policy 44 - Neighborhood Architectural Design Guidelines D D 1 Applicability YES NO X D D 2 Project complies YES NO Zoning: 1 Setbacks OK per SDP and Consistency Determination Front Required _ • interior Side Required Street Side Required Rear Required Top of slope Required Shown Shown Shown Shown Shown 2 Accessory structure setbacks Front Interior Side Street Side Rear Structure separation Required Required Required Required Required / AJ/A'/A* Shown Shown Shown Shown Shown n D nn DD 3 Lot Coverage 4 Height Required Required 45 feet Spaces Required 309 Shown Shown 45 feet Shown 3115 Parking (breakdown by uses for commercial and industrial projects required) Residential Guest Spaces Required Shown Additional Comments 1 Please note on Sheet A1 4 that the roof color shall be gray in color (per the conditions of SDP approval No 25 of PC reso 4602) 2 Please provide an acoustical study showing interior noise levels at or below 50 CNEL (per conditions of mitigation monitoring and reporting program of Mitigated Negative Declaration) copy attached „ OK TO ISSUE AND ENTERED APPROVAL INTO COMPUTER DATE H \ADMIN\COUNTER\BldgPlnchkRevChklst Rev 9/01 ROBERT PRATER ASSOCIATES Consulting Geotechnical Engineers Robert R. Prater, C.E. 1942-1980 Wm. David Hespeler, C.E., G.E. September 20, 2004 543-1E, 04-40 The Allen Group 6005 Hidden Valley Road, Suite 150 Carlsbad, California 92009 Attention: Mr. Harve Filuk Re: Foundation Plan Review Kelly Ranch Corporate Center - Building 3 Carlsbad, California Gentlemen: In accordance with your request we have reviewed the foundation plans for the subject building. We previously performed a geotechnical investigation-for the Kelly Ranch Corporate Center, the results of which were presented in our report dated April 30, 1997. The results of an update geotechnical reconnaissance for the building project were presented in our letter report dated July 19, 2004. Based on our review it is our opinion the foundation plans conform to our recommendations. We recommend, however, that Note 5 under the "Soils/Foundations" section on sheet S 0.0 regarding over excavation of footings be revised to indicate that the over excavated material shall be replaced as well-compacted structural fill placed under the full-time observation of the Geotechnical Engineer's representative, not extra concrete. Our services consist of professional opinions and recommendations made in accordance with generally accepted geotechnical engineering principles and practices. This warranty is in lieu of all other warranties either express or implied. If you have any,questions, please call. Very truly yours, ROBERT PRATER ASSOCIATES Wm. D. Heeler, G.E. WDH:mkd Copies: Addressee (1) Smith Consulting Architects, Attn: Tom Lamore (2) 7420 Trade Street, San Diego, California 92121 • (858) 453-5605 • Fax (858) 549-1604 / ROBERT PRATER ASSOCIATES Robert R. Prater, C.E. 1942-1980 Consulting Geotechnical Engineers & Geologists • Wm. David Hespeler, C.E., G.E. / July 19, 2004 543-1E, 04-36 The Allen Group 6005 Hidden Valley Road, Suite 150 Carlsbad, California 92009 Attention: Mr. Harve Filuk Re: Update Geotechnical Reconnaissance Proposed Building 3 Kelly Ranch Corporate Center Carlsbad, California Gentlemen: •. In accordance with your request we have performed an update geotechnical reconnaissance for the subject building project. We previously performed a geotechnical investigation for the Kelly Ranch Corporate Center, the results of which were presented in our report dated April 30, 1997. The grading for Building Pad 3 was completed in February 2000 in conjunction with the grading for Pads 2A and 2B; Pad 3 was graded to an elevation of about 79.5 feet. The results of our earthwork observation and testing services associated with that earthwork as well as details of the settlement monitoring program were presented in our report dated April 12, 2000. It is our understanding that Building 3 will be a three-story structure with a slab-on-grade floor. The finish floor elevation will be 80 feet as previously anticipated. The presently proposed building footprint, however, extends beyond the previously recompacted building limits in three areas and the mechanical room has been relocated. SITE CONDITIONS Based on our recent field reconnaissance the Building 3 site (as well as the Building 2B site) is at the same grades as at the time of our previous grading observations and is currently covered with a heavy growth of brush. Based on our previous laboratory testing, the near surface soils have a low expansion potential with an expansion index of 40 to 50 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Utilizing the settlement monitoring data from our previous work we have analyzed anticipated foundation settlements for the proposed 3-story office building on Building Pad 3. Based on our analysis, it is our opinion that Building Pad 3 is in general suitable for construction of the proposed 3-story office structure in accordance with the recommendations presented in our geotechnical investigation report dated April 30, 1997, as well as the following supplemental recommendations. Grading The new building limits extend beyond the previously prepared building pad limits. Accordingly, we 1 recommend that the removal and recompaction of alluvial soil be extended to accommodate the new 4125 Sorrento Valley Blvd., Suite B, San Diego, California 92121 • (619) 453-5605 FAX: (619) 453-7420 • . July 19, 2004 ; 543-1E, 04-36 Page 2 building limits. Prior to any site grading all areas of new construction should be cleared of any miscellaneous debris and stripped of all vegetation. The cleared and stripped materials should be disposed of off site. The newly recompacted areas should be surcharged generally as previously recommended in our investigation report except that the surcharge height should be 5 feet and only needs to extend 20 feet beyond the building limits at the top of the surcharge slopes. Settlement monuments should be installed on each of the newly recompacted areas and read daily for at least 10 days and every third day thereafter to aid in verifying the anticipated settlements. The monuments should be placed on the recompacted surface and read prior to the surcharge placement and care must be taken not to hit them during the monitoring period. The monuments should be read to an accuracy,of 0.01 feet. We anticipate a settlement period of about 3 to'4 weeks. Subsequent to this additional work, we anticipate that total settlements under the building loads will be on the order 1 inch and will occur rapidly as the structure is erected. We anticipate that post-construction differential settlements will be less than Vi-inch in 25 feet. Our supplemental recommendations for removal and recompaction as well as surcharging are shown on the attached reduced Sheets 5 and 7 prepared by CDS Civil Engineers, In light of the expansion indices of the soils present on the subject building pad, we recommend that the soils in the upper 12 inches from finish subgrade elevation under floor slabs and adjoining hardscape areas be moisture conditioned to a minimum of 2 percent above laboratory optimum and compacted to a minimum of 90 percent relative compaction. The recommended moisture content should be maintained until the time that concrete is placed. Accordingly, we recommend that the pad be lightly sprinkled periodically as necessary. We recommend that our representative verify the moisture content of the subgrade soils in the slab areas prior to the placement of concrete. Seismic Considerations We recommend that design in accordance with the 1997 UBC for Near Source Coefficients be based on a Seismic Source Type of "B" for the Rose Canyon Fault Zone at a distance of 6 miles and a Soil Profile Type of *'Sd". Asphalt Concrete Pavements . Based on the previous R-Value test results and City of Carlsbad minimum traffic index of 4.5 for automobile drives and parking stalls and 5.5 for truck drives, we anticipate that pavement sections for the development should consist of 2!/2 inches of asphalt concrete on 7V£ inches of aggregate base for parking stalls and automobile traffic channels and 3 inches on 10 inches for pavements subject to up to 8 heavy trucks per week. Final pavement sections should be evaluated during construction based on R- Value tests performed on samples of the soils exposed at the rough subgrade elevations. Asphalt concrete should consist of Type III-C2-AR-4000 in accordance with the Standard Specifications For Public Works Construction, 1997 Edition (Standard Specifications),' Section 400-4 and be placed in accordance with Section 302-5. Aggregate base should conform to the requirements for Crushed Aggregate Base or Crushed Miscellaneous Base in Section 200-2 of the Standard Specifications. The upper 6 inches of the pavement subgrade soil as well as the aggregate base layer should be compacted to a minimum degree of compaction of 95 percent. Preparation of the subgrade and placement of the asphalt concrete and base materials should be performed under the observation of our representative. Prior to the pavement construction, we recommended that we review the submittals for the AC and aggregate base for conformance to the above recommendations. July 19, 2004 543-1E, 04-36 Page 3 Concrete Pavements If enhanced pavement is utilized similar to Building 2A, it will have saw cut weakened plane joints at 15- foot centers both ways and score joints at 5-foot centers. The depth of the weakened plane joints will be 1/3 of the slab thickness as recommended by the American Concrete Institute and the score joints will be approximately 1/4 inch in depth. We recommend that the concrete ribbon gutters have a minimum thickness of 5 inches in areas subject only to automobile traffic and 6l/2 inches in areas subject to truck traffic. In addition, we recommend that enhanced pavement be 6V£ inches thick. The slabs should be supported on a 6-inch layer of aggregate base. In areas of ribbon gutters or drainage swales, however, aggregate base should be provided to match the total adjacent pavement section. The base rock layer and upper 6 inches of the underlying subgrade soil should be compacted to a minimum degree of compaction of 95 percent. The concrete should, conform to Section 201 of The Standard Specifications for Public Works Construction, 1997 Edition, for Class 560-C-3250. We recommend that saw-cut, weakened plan joints be provided at about 15-foot centers both ways. The pavement slabs should be saw-cut no more than 24 hours after the placement of the concrete. The depth of the joint should be 1/4 of the slab thickness and its width should not exceed 0.02 feet.- Our services consist of professional opinions and recommendations made in accordance with generally accepted geotechnical engineering principles and practices. This warranty is in lieu of all other warranties .either express or implied. • If you have any questions, please call. . Very truly yours, ROBERT PRATER ASSOCIATES Wm. D. Hespeler, G.E. WDH:mkd Attachments Copies: Addressee (2) Smith Consulting Architects, Attn: Mr. Tom Lamore (3) CDS Civil Engineers, Attn: Mr. Bruno Callu (1) c ^ -• GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION FOR KELLY RANCH CORPORATE CENTER CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA APRIL 1997 ROBERT PRATER ASSOCIATES Consulting Soil, Foundation & Geological Engineers Robert R. Prater, C.E. 1942-1980 Wm. David Hespeler, C.E. April 30, 1997 543-1A, 97-145 The Allen Group 4365 Executive Drive, Suite 850 San Diego, California 92121-2130 Attention: Mr. Randy Jackson Re: Geotechnical Investigation Kelly Ranch Corporate Center Carlsbad, California Gentlemen: In accordance with your request we have performed a geotechnical investigation for the subject site. The accompanying report presents the results of our field investigation, laboratory tests, and engineering analysis. The soil, foundation, and geologic conditions are discussed and recommendations for the geotechnical engineering aspects of the site development are presented. If you have any questions concerning our findings, please call. Very truly yours, ROBERT PRATER ASSOCIATES Wm.D.Hespeler, G.E James Barton, C.E.G. CERTIFIED ENGINEERING EOLOGIST WDH/JB:jb Copies: Addressee (6) Crosby, Mead, Benton & Associates, Attn: Mr. Bruno Calm (2) 10505 Roselle Street, San Diego, California 92121 • (619)453-5605 FAX: (619)453-7420 GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION For KELLY RANCH CORPORATE CENTER Carlsbad, California To The Allen Group 4365 Executive Drive, Suite 850 San Diego, California 92121-2130 April 1997 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page No. Letter of Transmittal Title Page Table of Contents INTRODUCTION 1 SCOPE 1 SITE CONDITIONS 1 A. Surface 1 B. Subsurface 2 C. Ground Water 3 D. Seismic Considerations 3 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 4 A. Surcharging 5 B. Earthwork 6 1. Clearing and Stripping 6 2. Treatment of Existing Fills 6 3. Treatment of Alluvial Soils 6 4. Subgrade Preparation 7 5. Excavation 7 6. Material for Fill 7 7. Compaction 8 8. Temporary Construction Slopes 8 9. Permanent Slopes 8 10. Trench Backfill . 8 11. Drainage 9 12. Construction Observation 9 C. Foundations 9 1. Footings • 9 2. Building Floor Slabs 10 3. Retaining Walls 10 4. Lateral Loads 11 D. Asphalt Concrete Pavements 11 E. Limitations 11 Figure 1 - Vicinity Map Figure 2 - Site Plan and Geologic Map Figure 3 - Settlement Monument Figure 4 - Piezometer Installation Detail Figure 5 - Typical Retaining Wall Details APPENDIX A - FIELD INVESTIGATION Figure A-l - Key to Exploratory Boring Logs Exploratory Boring Logs 1 through 21 APPENDIX B - LABORATORY TESTING Figures B-l through B-4 - Plasticity Chart and Data Figure B-5 - Compaction Test Results Figure B-6 - Direct Shear Test Results GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION FOR KELLY RANCH CORPORATE CENTER PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD AND COLLEGE BOULEVARD CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA INTRODUCTION In this report we present the results of our geotechnical investigation for the subject project located south of Palomar Airport Road and west of College Boulevard in Carlsbad, California. We previously performed a geotechnical investigation for the property the results of which were unpublished. The purpose of this geotechnical investigation was to supplement the previous work to evaluate the subsurface soil, foundation, and geologic conditions at the site with respect to the currently proposed development and to provide recommendations concerning the geotechnical engineering aspects of the presently proposed development. It is our understanding that the site development will consist of three, two-story, concrete tilt-up structures with slab-on-grade floors. Maximum combined dead plus live column and wall loads are not expected to exceed 60 kips and 4 kips per lineal foot, respectively. Paved parking and drives will also be provided. A new road (Hidden Valley Road) constructed by others, will separate the western two-story building from the others. Based on our review of a preliminary plan provided us titled "Kelly Ranch Corporate Center, Preliminary Site Plan Analysis" dated April 17, 1997, by Crosby Mead Benton & Associates, grading to attain the desired finish grade elevations is expected to consist of cuts and fills up to about 4 feet deep. The plan indicates finish floor elevations of 73.5, 77.25, and 80.0 feet for the buildings from west to east (denoted as Buildings "A", "B", and "C" on the Site Plan and Geologic Map, Figure 2). It is also our understanding that no grading or construction will be performed south of the existing creek or east of the presently proposed Aviara Parkway. SCOPE Our scope of work was performed in accordance with our proposal dated January 2, 1997 and included a site reconnaissance and review of our previous work at the site, additional subsurface exploration and laboratory testing, engineering analysis of all the field and laboratory data, and the preparation of this report. The data obtained and the analyses performed were for the purpose of providing design and construction criteria for site earthwork, building foundations, slab-on-grade floors, retaining walls, and pavements. SITE CONDITIONS A. Surface The subject property is located near the western terminus of the Encinas Canyon (see Vicinity Map, Figure 1). Topographically, the site slopes to the west ranging in elevation from approximately 90 543-1A Page 2 feet at the east end to approximately 63 feet at the west end. The property is bordered by the future Aviara Parkway along the east side, an existing creek along the south side, an earthen berm and a north-south creek along the west end and Palomar Airport Road along the north side of the site. A recently graded road (future Hidden Valley Road) is also present near the western end of the site. At the time of our previous subsurface exploration some fill soils were being placed by heavy earthmoving equipment west of the recently graded road near the west end of the site. The fill soils appear to be excess soils from the existing construction south of the site. The partially graded future Aviara Parkway is present at the eastern end of the site. Transmission lines are also present near the eastern end of the site; crossing the future road. The property was recently disced and the near surface soils appear disturbed to a depth of about 18 inches. Vegetation across the site generally consists of a low growth of weeds. A thicker growth of weeds and brush are present near the existing creek and Palomar Airport Road. B. Subsurface A subsurface investigation was performed using a truck-mounted, continuous-flight auger drill to investigate and sample the subsurface soils. Eighteen exploratory borings were drilled during the period of January 10 through 19, 1996 to a maximum depth of 71 feet for the previous investigation work. Three additional borings were drilled on March 27 and 28, 1997 to a maximum depth of 75 feet. The approximate locations of all the borings drilled at the site are shown on Figure 2. Logs of all the borings and details regarding the field investigation are presented in Appendix A. Details of all the laboratory testing and the laboratory test results are presented in Appendix B. The materials encountered in Borings 1, 2, 17, 18, 19 and 20 consisted of loose to medium dense, clayey sand fill soils to depths of 13-1/2, 4, 1, 1, 1-1/2, and 2 feet, respectively. As indicated previously, fill soils were being placed west of the future Hidden Valley Road during our subsurface exploration. Based on the results of our exploration and review of an older topographic map (1975) it appears that fill soils are scattered across the west end of the site and could be up to about 6 feet in depth. The materials underlying the fill soils as well as the materials encountered from the surface in the remainder of the borings generally consist of firm to very stiff, sandy clay and loose to medium dense, clayey sand alluvium to depths ranging from 19-1/2 feet in Boring 5 to 69 feet in Boring 19. Some scattered lenses of loose to medium dense, silty and poorly graded sand and gravel were also encountered within the alluvial soils. Based on die results of the subsurface exploration the alluvium below the ground water depths appeared in general to be an over consolidated older deposit. The consistency of the alluvium above the ground water level is more erratic and is considered compressible during future wetting after site development. The fill soils and/or alluvium in Borings 3 and 5 through \5 and 19 through 21 were underlain by hard, sandy clay formational mudstone and/or medium dense to very dense, clayey and poorly graded formational sandstone to the maximum depths explored. The formational materials are lithologically similar to the Tertiary (Eocene age) Santiago Formation. Based on our laboratory test results and past experience with similar materials the near surface fill and alluvial soils possess a low to medium expansion potential. The boring logs and related information depict subsurface conditions only at the specific locations shown on the site plan and geologic map and on the particular dates designated on the logs. Subsurface conditions at other locations may differ from conditions occurring at these boring 543-1A Page3 locations. Also, the passage of time may result in changes in the subsurface conditions due to environmental changes. C. Ground Water Free ground water was encountered in all of the exploratory borings at the time of drilling. The ground water was measured at depths generally ranging from approximately 19 feet at the east end of the site in Boring 1 to approximately 9-1/2 feet at the west end of the site in Boring 18. The depth to ground water was measured in Borings 1 through 18 at least one day after drilling. Based on our measurements and the materials encountered in the borings, it appears that the average stabilized ground water depth across the site is about 10 feet below the alluvial surface. It must be noted, however, that fluctuations in the level of ground water may occur due to variations in ground surface topography, subsurface stratification, rainfall, and other possible factors which may not have been evident at the time of our field investigation. D. Seismic Considerations The San Diego area, as most of California, is located in a seismically active region. The San Diego area has been referred to as the eastern edge of the Southern California Continental Borderland, an extension.of the Peninsular Ranges Geomorphic Province. The borderland is part of a broad tectonic boundary between the North American and Pacific Plates. The plate boundary is dominated by a complex system of active, major, strike-slip (right lateral), northwest trending faults extending from the San Andreas fault, about 70 miles east, to the San Clemente fault, about 50 miles west of the San Diego metropolitan area. During recent history the San Diego County area has been relatively quiet seismically. No fault ruptures or major earthquakes have been experienced in historic time within the San Diego area. Since the period of instrumentally recorded earthquakes, the San Diego area has experienced scattered "micro seismicity" with Richter magnitudes generally less than 4.0. During June 1985 a series of small earthquakes occurred beneath San Diego Bay; three of these earthquakes had recorded magnitudes of 4.0 to 4.2. In addition, the Oceanside earthquake of July 13, 1986 resulted in a magnitude of 5.3 located approximately 26 miles offshore of the City of Oceanside. Based on our review of some available published information including the County of San Diego Faults and Epicenters Map, there are no active or potentially active faults known to pass through the site. The prominent fault zones generally considered to have the most potential for earthquake damage in the vicinity of the site are the active Elsinore and San Jacinto fault zones mapped approximately 26 and 50 miles northeast of the site, respectively, and active offshore faults including the Coronado Bank fault zone approximately 21 miles southwest of the site. Local faulting of significance includes the Rose Canyon fault zone mapped approximately 6 miles southwest of the site. The Rose Canyon fault zone is an oblique, strike-slip fault zone which is considered the southern extension of the active Newport-Ing]ewood fault zone. Geologic evidence indicates that portions of the Rose Canyon fault zone have moved within the Holocene epoch (last 11,000 years). According to the California Division of Mines and Geology (CDMG) this defines the Rose Canyon fault as active. The geologic structure and seismicity of the Rose Canyon fault zone are still not well 543-1A Page 4 understood. It can generally be said, however, that this fault system has a much lower degree of activity than the more distant active faults east and west of the San Diego metropolitan area. In addition to the above mentioned faults, an unnamed north-south trending fault was mapped by Wilson (1972) near the central portion of the site. The fault is concealed on-site and no materials younger than Tertiary age are known to be offset by this fault. Based on available geologic literature and the above information the fault is most likely a Tertiary age feature and is considered inactive. Although research on earthquake prediction has greatly increased in recent years, geologists and seismologists have not yet reached the point where they can predict when and where an earthquake will occur. Nevertheless, on the basis of current technology, it is reasonable to assume that the proposed buildings will be subject to the effects of at least one moderate to major earthquake. During such an earthquake, the danger from fault offset through the site is remote, but relatively strong ground shaking is likely to occur. Strong ground shaking not only can cause structures to shake, but it also has the potential for including other phenomena that can indirectly cause substantial ground movements resulting in damage to structures. These phenomena include seismically induced waves such as tsunamis and seiches, inundation due to dam or embankment failure, landsliding, lateral spreading, differential compaction, and ground cracking. Available information indicates that the location of and geotechnical conditions at the site are not conducive of these phenomena. With regard to the potential for soil liquefaction during earthquakes, it is our opinion that the fill and alluvial soils above the level of free ground water should not be subject to liquefaction. The alluvial soils below the level of free ground water are comprised predominantly of sandy clay and clayey sand with some lenses of silty to poorly graded sand. Cohesive soils such as the sandy clay and clayey sand alluvium have a very low to nonexistent potential for liquefaction. The lenses of silty to poorly- graded sand in the alluvial deposits are potentially liquefiable during a major seismic event. These sandier soils are of a discontinuous, isolated, nature, contained within the predominantly clayey body of alluvium. In addition, the remedial grading recommended herein will result in a compacted structural fill mat in building areas that is 10 or more feet in thickness. In light of the preceding, it is our opinion that any liquefaction induced differential settlement, that may occur during a major seismic event, would be minimal and non-detrimental to the proposed structures. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS From a geotechnical engineering standpoint, it is our opinion that the site is suitable for construction of the proposed development provided the conclusions and recommendations presented in this report are incorporated into the design and construction of the project. The primary features of concern at the site are the presence of existing fill soils and the unknowns with regard to soil compaction and the adequacy of the original subgrade preparation and 2) the presence of compressible alluvial deposits across the site. Unless proper documentation regarding the placement and compaction of the existing fill soils can be provided, we recommend that all the existing fill materials be removed and recompacted. The purpose of the removal and recompaction work would be to preclude the possibility of the proposed improvements being subject to excessive 543-1A Page 5 total and differential settlements resulting from compression of any poorly compacted portions of the existing fill or inadequately prepared subgrade. In addition, the compressible alluvium will undergo relatively large total and differential settlements as a result of the proposed fill and building loads. Compression of the alluvium above the ground water level would be erratic and unpredictable, resulting in detrimental settlements under building loads and these deposits should be removed and recompacted in building areas. Below the ground water level, time dependent compression of the alluvium resulting in detrimental post-construction total and differential settlements of buildings can be reduced to tolerable levels by placing temporary fill (surcharge) loads in excess of the permanent embankment and building loads for a sufficient period of time to allow for the time dependent consolidation of the alluvium prior to building construction. Detailed earthwork and foundation recommendations are presented in the following paragraphs. The opinions, conclusions, and recommendations presented in this report are contingent upon Robert Prater Associates being retained to review the plans and specifications as they are developed, monitor and analyze the surcharging program, and to observe the site earthwork and installation of foundations. A. Surcharging With regard to the compressible alluvium underlying the site, the proposed buildings may be subject to relatively large settlements resulting from consolidation of the compressible soils under the weight of additional fill and buildings. We estimate that maximum long term total settlements in the building areas may be on the order of 6 to 7 inches and that the long term differential settlements in the building areas may be on the order of 2 to 6 inches. The field and laboratory data, however, indicates that the alluvial deposit may be somewhat over consolidated, which could result in the actual settlements being significantly less and occurring more rapidly than anticipated. In order to assure that the proposed buildings would not be subject to damage due to excessive settlements, it would be necessary to pre-load the proposed building sites with surcharge fill. Surcharging (pre-loading) techniques require that several feet of fill (in addition to that required to raise the site grades to the desired level) be placed over the building sites. The additional fill weight consolidates the underlying compressible deposits for a period of time such that a major portion of the anticipated ultimate settlements occur prior to building construction. The required thickness of surcharge fill is dependent on the anticipated building loads, the thickness of the compressible layers, and the time available to complete the surcharge program. We recommend, however, that consideration be given to initially completing the planned grading and monitoring settlements and pore water pressures for a period of 1 to 2 months in the building areas to more accurately evaluate the need for surcharging. If this option is chosen temporary fill should be placed to maintain the pad subgrade elevation for a distance of 20 feet beyond the proposed building limits (including any exterior canopy foundations). Details of settlement monument and piezometer installation are presented on Figures 3 and 4, We recommend that piezometers be installed at two locations in each building area and five settlement monuments be installed on each building pad. These devices should be installed under the direction of our representative and should be read once immediately after installation and about once a week until the necessary settlement has been achieved. 543-1A Page 6 If the initial monitoring indicates surcharging is necessary, we anticipate a 6,to 7 foot surcharge height for a period of about 3 months based on the current plans and the laboratory test results. Surcharge fills need not be compacted but should be placed in a manner so as to provide an in-place moist density of at least 110 pounds per cubic foot. Slopes of the temporary surcharge fills should not be steeper than 2 horizontal to 1 vertical and the tops of the slopes should extend at least 40 feet beyond the building limits, including any exterior canopy foundations. B. Earthwork 1. Clearing and Stripping The site should be cleared of all obstructions including abandoned utilities, asphalt concrete pavements to be abandoned (access road) and any miscellaneous trash or debris that may be present at the time of construction. After clearing, the ground surface should be stripped of surface vegetation as well as associated root systems. Holes resulting from the removal of buried obstructions that extend below the-proposed finished site grades should be cleared and backfilled with suitable material compacted to the requirements given under Item A.7., "Compaction." Prior to any filling operations, the cleared and stripped materials should be disposed of off-site. 2. Treatment of Existing Fills Unless proper documentation can be obtained regarding the placement and compaction of the existing fill soils encroaching on the property from the Aviara Parkway grading in the eastern portion of the site, we recommend that they be removed and recompacted. In addition, all existing fills in the western portion of the site, as well as the previously described disturbed soils from discing operations, should be removed and recompacted. The recompaction work should consist of a) removing all existing fill materials and any underlying disturbed natural soil down to firm natural ground, b) scarifying, moisture conditioning, and compacting the exposed natural subgrade soils, and c) replacing the materials as compacted structural fill. The areal extent of and depths required to remove the fills and disturbed natural soils should be determined by our representative during the excavation work based on his examination of the soils being exposed. Any unsuitable materials such as perishable debris or asphalt and concrete rubble that may be encountered should be selectively removed as directed by our representative and disposed of off-site. 3. Treatment of Alluvial Soils The treatment of alluvial soil below the ground water level in building areas should be as described in Section A. In order to provide suitable foundation support for the proposed buildings, we recommend the alluvial soils above the ground water level be removed to a depth of about 2 feet above the ground water level encountered during the removal operations and replaced as compacted structural fill. The limits of removal should extend 20 feet beyond the limits of the proposed buildings, including adjacent exterior slabs and any canopy foundations, at the base of the excavations. Prior to placing fill in the excavations, the bottoms should be covered with a layer of Mirafi 600X, or equivalent, geotextile reinforcing fabric. In addition, compaction of the lower lifts of fill material in the excavations may 543-1A Page 7 require the use of a sheepsfoot roller. It has been our experience that in the case of soft excavation bottoms the desired degree of compaction can usually be achieved by "back-rolling" the initial lifts of fill with a sheepsfoot roller. Compaction is made possible by two factors: a) the high contact stresses imparted by the tamping foot to a relatively shallow depth (usually to the depth of the fill layer), and b) the low stresses imparted by the tamping foot in the soil strata below the water table thus minimizing the disturbance within these soil strata. 4. Subgrade Preparation After the site has been cleared and stripped, the exposed subgrade soils in those areas to receive fill, non-building improvements and/or pavements should be scarified to a depth of 12 inches, moisture conditioned, and compacted to the requirements of Item 7, "Compaction." Any deeper deposits of loose surface soil encountered during the subgrade preparation work should be removed to firm ground. The depth and areal extent of any required removal should be determined by our representative at the time of construction based on an examination of the soils exposed. 5. Excavation Based on the results of the exploratory borings and our experience with similar soils, it is our opinion that the required excavations can in general be accomplished utilizing ordinary heavy earthmoving equipment. Excavation and recompaction within a few feet of the ground water level, however, may require the use of "swamp cats." Normal track pressures as well as heavy wheel loads from normal earthmoving equipment may result in excessive disturbance of the excavation bottom. The bidding contractors should not, however, be relieved of making their own independent evaluation of the excavatibility of the on-site materials prior to submitting their bids. In addition, our experience has shown that depending on seasonal weather variations, low-lying areas on-site may become wet and may be difficult for normal heavy earthmoving equipment operations. 6. Material for Fill All on-site soils with an organic content of less than 3 percent by volume are in general suitable for reuse as fill. Fill material should not contain rocks or lumps more than 6 inches in greatest dimension, not more than 15 percent larger than 2-1/2 inches, and no more than 25 percent larger than 1/4-inch. Potentially expansive clayey soils removed from the required excavations with a UBC Expansion Index greater than 30 should only be reused as fill below a depth of 12 inches below the finished subgrade level in building and exterior slab areas. In addition, any required imported fill material should be a low-expansion potential (U.B.C. Expansion Index of 30 or less), granular soil with a plasticity index of 12 or less. AH materials for use as fill should be approved by our representative prior to filling. It should be noted that depending on the time of the year that construction is undertaken and the depth of the required excavations, the soils removed from some of the excavations may be in a saturated or near-saturated condition. If this occurs it will be necessary to allow the materials to dry sufficiently to allow for proper compaction before they can be reused as fill or backfill. 543-1A Pages 7. Compaction All structural fills should be compacted to a minimum degree of compactiori of 90 percent based on ASTM Test Designation D 1557-91. The upper 6 inches of subgrade soil beneath pavements should be compacted to a minimum degree of compaction of 95 percent just prior to placement of the aggregate base layer. Fill material should be spread and compacted in uniform horizontal lifts not exceeding 8 inches in uncompacted thickness. Before compaction begins, the fill should be brought to a water content that will permit proper compaction by either: 1) aerating the fill if it is too wet, or 2) moistening the fill with water if it is too dry. Each lift should be thoroughly mixed before compaction to ensure a uniform distribution of moisture. Based on the laboratory test results and our past experience with similar materials, we estimate that the alluvial soils will undergo a shrinkage loss due to compaction of about 5 percent. This estimate is only rough at best and should be used for preliminary planning purposes only. 8. Temporary Construction Slopes Based on our subsurface investigation work, laboratory test results, and engineering analysis, temporary cut-slopes for the required excavations that are up to 10 feet high should be safe against mass instability at an inclination of 1 (horizontal) to 1 (vertical). Some localized sloughing or raveling of the soils exposed on the slopes, however, may occur. Since the stability of temporary construction slopes will depend largely on the contractor's activities and safety precautions (storage and equipment loadings near the tops of cut-slopes, surface drainage provisions, etc.) it should be the contractor's responsibility to establish and maintain all temporary construction slopes at a safe inclination appropriate to his methods of operation. 9. Permanent Slopes We recommend that any required cut and fill slopes be constructed to an inclination no steeper than 2 (horizontal) to 1 (vertical). The project plans and specifications should contain all necessary design features and construction requirements to prevent erosion of the on-site soils both during and after construction. Slopes and other exposed ground surfaces should be appropriately planted with a protective ground cover. Fill slopes should be constructed so as to assure that the recommended minimum degree of compaction is attained out to the finished slope face. This may be accomplished by "backrolling" with a sheepsfoot roller or other suitable equipment as the fill is raised. Placement of fill near the tops of slopes should be carried out in such a manner as to assure that loose, uncompacted soils are not sloughed over the tops and allowed to accumulate on the slope face. 10. Trench Backfill Pipeline trenches should be backfilled with compacted fill. Backfill materiaj should be placed in lift thicknesses appropriate to the type of compaction equipment utilized and compacted to a minimum degree of compaction of 90 percent by mechanical means. In pavement areas, that portion of the 543-1A Page 9 trench backfill within the pavement section should conform to the material and compaction requirements of the adjacent pavement section. Our experience has shown that backfills for even shallow, narrow trenches, such as for irrigation and electrical lines, which are not properly compacted can result in problems, particularly with respect to shallow ground water accumulation and migration. 11. Drainage Positive surface gradients should be provided adjacent to the buildings and roof gutters and downspouts should be installed so as to direct water away from foundations and slabs toward suitable discharge facilities. Ponding of surface water should not be allowed, especially adjacent to the buildings or on pavements. 12. Construction Observation Variations in soil and geologic conditions are possible and may be encountered during construction. In order to permit correlation between the preliminary soil and geologic data and the actual conditions encountered during construction and so as to aid in evaluating conformance with the plans and specifications as originally contemplated, it is essential that we be retained to perform on-site review during the course of construction. All earthwork should be performed under the observation of our representative to aid" in proper site preparation, selection of satisfactory fill materials, as well as placement and compaction of the fills. Sufficient notification prior to earthwork operations is essential to make certain that the work will be properly observed. C. Foundations 1. Footings We recommend that the proposed buildings be supported on conventional, individual-spread and/or continuous footing foundations bearing on well-compacted fill material. All footings should be founded at least 18 inches below the lowest adjacent finished grade. Footings located adjacent to the tops of slopes should be extended sufficiently deep so as to provide at least 8 feet of horizontal cover or 1-1/2 times the width of the footing, whichever is greater, between the slope face and outside edge of the footing at the footing bearing level. Footings located adjacent to utility trenches should have their bearing surfaces situated below an imaginary 1-1/2 to 1 plane projected upward from the bottom edge of the adjacent utility trench. All utility trenches should be located to meet the preceding criteria without lowering footing bearing surfaces. At the recommended depths footings may be designed for allowable bearing pressures of 3,000 pounds per square foot (psf) for combined dead and live loads and 4,000 psf for all loads, including wind or seismic. The footings should, however, have a minimum width of 12 inches. All continuous footings should contain top and bottom reinforcement to provide structural continuity and to permit spanning of local irregularities. We recommend that a minimum of two No. 5 top and two No. 5 543-1A Page 10 bottom reinforcing bars be provided in the footings. In order for us to offer an opinion whether the footings are founded on soils of sufficient load bearing capacity, it is essential that our representative inspect the footing excavations prior to the placement of reinforcing steel or concrete. Settlements under building loads are expected to be within tolerable limits for the proposed structures. For footings designed in accordance with the recommendations presented in the preceding paragraphs we anticipate that post-construction differential settlements will not exceed 1/4 inch in 25 feet. 2. Building Floor Slabs Concrete slabs-on-grade may be supported directly on low-expansion potential (UBC Expansion Index of 30 or less) compacted fill soil. Slab reinforcing as well as slab thickness should be designed in accordance with the anticipated use of and loading on the slab. As a minimum, however, we recommend that the slabs have a minimum thickness of 4-1/2 inches and be reinforced at mid-height with No. 3 reinforcing bars at 18-inch center to center spacing both ways to minimize hairline cracking of the slabs due to concrete shrinkage. In areas where moisture-sensitive floor coverings are to be utilized and in other areas where floor dampness would be undesirable, we recommend that an impermeable membrane be provided beneath the slabs. The membrane should be covered with 2 inches of sand (minimum sand equivalent of 30) to protect it during construction. The sand should be lightly moistened just prior to placing the concrete. The sand may be incorporated as part of the recommended low-expansion potential layer. 3. Retaining Walls Retaining walls must be designed to resist lateral earth pressures and any additional lateral pressures caused by surcharge loads on the adjoining retained surface. We recommend that unrestrained (cantilever) walls be designed for an equivalent fluid pressure of 35 pounds per cubic foot (pcf). We recommend that restrained walls be designed for an equivalent fluid pressure of 35 pcf plus an additional uniform lateral pressure of 8H pounds per square foot where H = the height of backfill above the top of the wall footing in feet. Wherever walls will be subjected to surcharge loads, they .should also be designed for an additional uniform lateral pressure equal to one-third the anticipated surcharge pressure in the case of unrestrained walls and one-half the anticipated surcharge pressure in the case of restrained walls. The preceding design pressures are for a level backfill condition and assume that there is sufficient drainage behind the walls to prevent the build-up of hydrostatic pressures from surface water infiltration. Adequate drainage may be provided by means of weepholes with permeable filter material installed behind the walls or by means of a system of subdrains. (See Figure 5, "Typical Retaining Wall Details"). Backfill placed behind the walls should be compacted to a minimum degree of compaction of 90 percent using light compaction equipment. If heavy equipment is used, the walls should be appropriately temporarily braced. 543-1A Page 11 Retaining walls should be. supported on footing foundations designed in accordance with the recommendations presented previously under Item C.I., "Footings." Lateral load resistance for the walls can be developed in accordance with the recommendations presented under Item C.4., "Lateral Loads." 4. Lateral Loads Lateral load resistance for the buildings supported on footing foundations may be developed in friction between the foundation bottoms and the supporting subgrade. An allowable friction coefficient of 0.35 is considered applicable. An additional allowable passive resistance equal to an equivalent fluid weight of 250 pounds per cubic foot acting against the foundations may be used in design provided the footings are poured neat against the adjacent compacted fill materials. These lateral resistance values assume a level surface in front of the footing for a minimum distance of 3 times the embedment depth of the footing and any shear keys and are based on a factor of safety of 1.5. D. Asphalt Concrete Pavements Based on the results of our exploratory borings and laboratory tests as well as our experience with soils similar to those encountered at the site, we anticipate that pavement sections for the proposed development will be on the order of 2 inches of asphalt concrete on 5l/2 to 11A inches of aggregate base for parking stalls and minor traffic channels and 3 inches on 7 to 9V£ inches for major automobile traffic channels and pavements subject to occasional heavy vehicular loadings such as truck access drives, truck loading areas, and approaches to trash enclosures. The above sections are based on assumed Traffic Indices of 4 and 5V4 and R(Resistance)-values of 15 and 30. Actual pavement section recommendations should be based on R(Resistance)-value tests performed on bulk samples of the soils that are exposed at the finished subgrade elevations across the site at the completion of the mass grading operations. Asphalt concrete should consist of Type III-B3-AR-4000 in accordance with the Standard Specifications for Public Works Construction, 1994 Edition (Standard Specifications), Section 400-4 and be placed in accordance with Section 302-5. Aggregate base should conform to the requirements for Crushed Aggregate Base or Crushed Miscellaneous Base in Section 200-2 of the Standard Specifications. The upper 6 inches of the pavement subgrade soil as well as the aggregate base layer should be compacted to a minimum degree of compaction of 95 percent. Preparation of the subgrade and placement of the asphalt concrete and base materials should be performed under the observation of our representative. E. Limitations The recommendations presented in this report are specifically for the proposed construction of the Kelly Ranch Corporate Center near College Boulevard and Palomar Airport Road in Carlsbad, California. Our office should be notified of any changes in the proposed development for further recommendations, if necessary, based on our review. As grading and foundation plans are developed we should be retained to review them for conformance to our recommendations. We also recommend that our office review any other plans which may affect the geotechnical conditions on-site such as landscaping, irrigation, plumbing, or other similar type plans. We should also be retained to review 543-1A Page 12 any future development plans including building additions in order to develop specific recommendations for proposed construction. Additional subsurface exploration could be required. The conclusions and recommendations presented in this report are based on our evaluation of the subsurface materials encountered on-site, our understanding of the proposed development, and our general experience in the geotechnical field. If significant variations in the geotechnical conditions are encountered during construction our office should be consulted for further recommendations. The satisfactory performance of the site is also dependent on proper maintenance. Proper maintenance includes, but is not limited to, providing and maintaining good drainage away from structures and slopes, establishing good vegetation cover on slopes, and avoiding excess irrigation. Significant variations in geotechnical conditions may occur with the passage of time due to natural processes or the works of man on this or adjacent properties. In addition, changes in the state of the practice may occur as a result of legislation or the broadening of knowledge. Accordingly, the conclusions and recommendations presented in this report should be reviewed and updated, if necessary, after a period of two years. Our services consist of professional opinions and recommendations made in accordance with generally accepted geotechnical engineering principles and practices. This warranty is in lieu of all other warranties either express or implied. Approximate Scale (feet) ^^••••^^^^^^^^^•^••^^^•^^•H0 1000 2000 4000 Base: USGS topographic maps titled "Encinitas Quadrangle and San Luis Rey Quadrangle," dated 1968, photorevised 1975. ROBERT PRA TER ASSOCIA TES Consulting Soil, Foundation, & Geologic Engineers VICINITY MAP KELLY RANCH CORPORATE CENTER Carlsbad, California PROJECT NO. 543-1 A DATE April 1997 FIGURE 1 Holes for anchor rods 2" O.D. threaded steel pipe welded to steel base plate 1/4" thick steel base plate SETTLEMENT MARKER DETAILS (No Scale) Notes: 1. Base plate to be buried 12" below the base of the compacted fill embankment. Plate shall be firmly anchored by driving steel reinforcing rods in the base plate holes to a depth of 24" and bending the top of rods over onto the top of the plate. 2. Additional 5-foot lengths of pipe to be added as required as fill is raised. 3. Elevation readings shall be made on a reference rod extending down the pipe to the base plate. Pipes to be capped except when elevations are being shot. Initial elevations shall be shot before the placement of the fill. Subsequent readings shall be taken as directed by the Soil Engineer. 4. Markers shall be well flagged so as to assure that they will not be damaged during construction. 5. Contractor shall be held responsible for damage to the markers. If it is necessary to replace a damaged or destroyed marker, the cost of fabricating a new marker, its installation, and all engineering costs related to the re- installation shall be borne by the contractor. ROBERT PRATER ASSOCIATES Consulting Soil, Foundation, & Geologic Engineers SETTLEMENT MONUMENT KELLY RANCH CORPORATE CENTER Carlsbad, California PROJECT NO. 543-1 A DATE April 1997 FIGURE 3 File: 543-1 A, F4 Soil Backfill Existing Ground Surface PVC Sweep Boring Wall Bentonite Seals SCHEMATIC ONLY NOT TO SCALE Bottom of Trench Piezometer Tubing £: To Terminal Pneumatic Piezometers With Sand Packing ROBERT PRA TER ASSOCIA TES Consulting So//, Foundation. & Geologic Engineers PIEZOMETER INSTALLATION DETAIL KELLY RANCH CORPORATE CENTER Carlsbad, California PROJECT NO. 543-1A DATE MAY 1997 FIGURE 4 WeII-compacted sandy backfill Proposed finish grade Retaining Wall SCHEMATIC ONLY NOT TO SCALE Temporary cut inclined at a maximum inclination of 1 (horizontal) to 1 (vertical) Drainage provision with a four-inch minimum diameter rigid perforated pipe placed with perforations down and surrounded by at least four inches of permeable filter material Notes: 1) Positive surface gradient and/or drop inlets to be constructed behind the walls to prevent ponding and infiltration of surface water runoff. 2) Perforated pipe to discharge into a free outlet at a lower elevation. 3) Perforated pipe to have a minimum drainage gradient of 0.5 percent. 4) Permeable filter material shall consist of washed concrete sand conforming to the standards of ASTM C33. Alternatively, 3/4 inch gravel completely surrounded in a suitable filter fabric may be used in lieu of concrete sand. 5) Drainage behind walls may also be provided by means of weepholes with permeable filter material placed behind the weepholes. 6) Waterproofing behind walls should be included where wall dampness is not desirable. ROBERT PRATER ASSOCIATES Consulting Soil, Foundation, & Geologic Engineers TYPICAL RETAINING WALL DETAILS KELLY RANCH CORPORATE CENTER Carlsbad, California PROJECT NO. 543-1 A DATE May 1997 FIGURE 5 A-l APPENDIX A FIELD INVESTIGATION The field investigation consisted of a surface reconnaissance and a subsurface exploration program using a truck mounted, continuous-flight auger drill. Eighteen exploratory borings were drilled during the period of January 10 through 19, 1996, and three exploratory borings were drilled on March 27 and 28, 1997 at the approximate locations shown on the Site Plan and Geologic Map, Figure 2. The soils encountered in the borings were continuously logged in the field by our representative and described in accordance with the Unified Soil Classification System (ASTM D 2487). Logs of the borings as well as a key for soil classification are included as part of this appendix. The boring locations shown on the site plan were estimated from an untitled, undated topographic map prepared by Crosby Mead Benton & Associates. Representative samples were obtained from the exploratory borings at selected depths appropriate to the investigation. All samples were returned to our laboratory for evaluation and testing. Standard penetration resistance blow counts were obtained by driving a 2-inch O.D. split spoon sampler with a 140-pound hammer dropping through a 30-inch free fall. The sampler was driven a maximum of 18 inches and the number of blows recorded for each 6-inch interval. The blows per foot recorded on the boring logs represent the accumulated number of blows that were required to drive the last 12 inches or portion thereof. Samples contained in liners were recovered by driving a 2.5-inch I.D. California sampler 18 inches into the soil using a 140-pound hammer. Boring log notations for the standard split spoon and California samplers as well as for jar and sack samples taken from auger cuttings are indicated below. Standard Split Spoon Sampler California Sampler Indicates sack sample taken from auger cuttings Indicates jar sample taken from auger cuttings The boring logs show our interpretation of the subsurface conditions on the dates and at the locations indicated, and it is not warranted that they are representative of subsurface conditions at other locations and times. PRIMARY DIVISIONS GROUP SYMBOL SECONDARY DIVISIONS CO_J o CO QLJJ o:<D LUCOcc<oo Xh- LUo:O UJ ^j§ ft -J oto o ig K ^LU 5££^ \- GRAVELS MORE THAN HALF OF COARSE FRACTION IS LARGER THAN NO. 4 SIEVE SANDS MORE THAN HALF OF COARSE FRACTION IS SMALLER THAN NO, 4 SIEVE CLEANGRAVELS (LESS THAN 5% FINES) GW Well graded gravels, gravel-sand mixtures, little or no fines. GP Poorly graded gravels or gravel-sand mixtures, little of no fines. GRAVEL WITH FINES GM Silty gravels, gravel-sand-silt mixtures, non-plastic fines. GC Clayey gravels, gravel-sand-clay mixtures, non-plastic fines. CLEAN SANDS (LESS THAN 5% FINES) sw Well graded sand, gravelly sands, little or no fines. SP Poorly graded sands or gravelly sands, little or no fines. SANDS WITH FINES SM Silty sands, sand-silt mixtures, non-plastic fines. sc Clayey sands, sand-day mixtures, plastic fines. O u_to _i D < LU •*- Z 2 1 IO UJ LU C£ Z O LU ^j « S >S LU w o5°E o LU ^ II SILTS AND CLAYS LIQUID LIMIT IS LESS THAN 50% ML Inorganic silts and very fine sands, rock flour, silty or clayey fine sands or clayey silts with slight plasticity. CL Inorganic clays of low to medium plasticity, gravelly clays, sandy clays, silty clays, Jean clays. OL Organic sills and organic silty clays of low plasticity. SILTS AND CLAYS LIQUID LIMIT IS GREATER THAN 50% MH Inorganic silts, micaceous or diatomaceous fine sandy or silty soils, elastic silts CH Inorganic clays of high plasticity, fat clays. OH Organic clays of medium to high plasticity, organic silts. HIGHLY ORGANIC SOILS Pt Peat and other highly organic soils 200 DEFINITION OF TERMS U.S. STANDARD SERIES SIEVE 40 10 CLEAR SQUARE SIEVE OPENINGS 3/4" 3" 12" SILTS AND CLAYS SAND FINE MEDIUM COARSE GRAVEL FINE COARSE COBBLES BOULDERS GRAIN SIZES SANDS, GRAVELS AND NON-PLASTIC SILTS VERY LOOSE LOOSE MEDIUM DENSE DENSE VERY DENSE >• BLOWS/FOOT* 0-4 4-10 10-30 30-50 OVER 50 CLAYS AND PLASTIC SILTS VERY SOFT SOFT FIRM STIFF VERY STIFF HARD STRENGTH** 0-1/4 1/4-1/2 1/2-1 2-4 OVER 4 BLOWS/FOOT* 0-2 2-4 4-8 16-32 OVER 32 RELATIVE DENSITY CONSISTENCY 'Number of blows of 140 pound hammer falling 30 inches to drive a 2 inch O.D. (1-3/8 inch I.D.) split spoon (ASTM D-1586). "Unccinfinedcompressivestrenglh intons/sq. ft. as determined by laboratory testing or approximated by the standard penetration test (ASTM D-1586),pocket penetrometer, torvane, or visual observation. ROBERT PRATER ASSOCIATES Consulting Soil, Foundation, & Geologic Engineers KEY TO EXPLORATORY BORING LOGS Unified Soil Classification System (ASTM D-2487) KELLY RANCH CORPORATE CENTER Carlsbad, California PROJECT NO. 543-1A DATE April 1997 FIGURE A-1 DRILL RIG Continuous Flight Auger SURFACE ELEVATION 97' (approx.) DEPTH TO GROUNDWATER 19' (See Note) BORING DIAMETER 8 Inches DESCRIPTION AND CLASSIFICATION DESCRIPTION AND REMARKS CLAYEY-SILTY SAND (fill) Some gravel @ 5-6 Feet CLAYEY SAND (fill) with asphalt fragments FILL CLAYEY SAND (alluvium) SILTY SAND (alluvium) Note: Depth to ground water measured at 1 9 feet four days after drilling CLAYEY SAND (alluvium) SANDY CLAY (alluvium) scattered lenses of clayey sand CLAYEY SAND (alluvium) Bottom of Boring = 36-1/2 Feet Note: The stratification lines represent the approximate boundary between material types and tne transition may be gradual. SYM- BOL 2 COLOR gray light gray reddishbrown yellowish brown reddishbrown/gray reddish brown brown darkgrayish brown grayish brown yellowish brown grayish brown grayish brown grayish brown CONSIST loose- medium dense loose- medium dense mediumdense medium dense medium dense stiff medium dense SOIL TYPE sc- SM SC SC SM SC CL SC DEPTH (FEET) _ 2 _ - 4 _ - 6 - - 8 - - 12 - - 14 - - 16 - - 18 - - 20 - - 22 - - 24 - - 26 - - 28 - - 30 - - 32 - - 34 - - 36 - - 38 - LOGGED BY JM DATE DRILLED 1/19/96 SAMPLERX X X X X s _L_ X X X X X PENETRATIONRESISTANCE(BLOWS/FT.)23 13 13 15 WATERCONTENT(%)8 6 20 25 LU ill!§x~ ^UJQ^ 106.5 EXPLORATORY BORING LOG ROBERT PRATER ASSOCIATES Consulting Soil, Foundation, & Geologic Engineers KELLY RANCH CORPORATE CENTER Carlsbad, California PROJECT NO. 543-1 A DATE April 1997 NG NO. 1 DRILL RIG Continuous Flight Auger SURFACE ELEVATION 86' (approx.) DEPTH TO GROUNDWATER 11' (See Note) BORING DIAMETER 8 Inches DESCRIPTION AND CLASSIFICATION DESCRIPTION AND REMARKS CLAYEY SAND (fill) FILL ! SANDY CLAY-CLAYEY SAND (alluvium) CLAYEY SAND (alluvium) Note: Depth to ground water measured at 1 1 feet four days after drilling SANDY CLAY (alluvium) scattered lenses of medium dense clayey sand CLAYEY SAND (alluvium) with some gravel Bottom of Boring ~ 36-1/2 Feet Note: The stratification lines represent the approximate boundary between material types and the transition may be gradual. SYM- BOL 5 COLOR yellowish brown dark grayish brown yellowish brown grayish brown grayish brown CONSIST. loose stiff- medium dense medium dense very stiff medium dense SOIL TYPE SC CL- SC SC CL SC DEPTH (FEET) - 2 - - 6 - - 8 - - 10 - - 12 - - 14 - - 16 - -18 - - 20 - - 22 - - 24 - - 26 - - 28 - - 30 - - 32 - - 34 - - 36 - - 38 - - 40 - LOGGED BY JM DATE DRILLED 1 /1 9/96 SAMPLERX X s_l_ X X X QOH= 2u_ — c/j ^>,il ' — f~~\ 15 17 18 14 WATERCONTENT{%)15 22 19 21 LLJ ^CD!— 1O 0- H~^— ' CO^ SXG: >-LUO._ 106.7 EXPLORATORY BORING LOG ROBERT PRATER ASSOCIATES Consulting Soil, Foundation, & Geologic Engineers KELLY RANCH CORPORATE CENTER Carlsbad, California PROJECT NO. 543-1A DATE April 1997 NGNO. 2 DRILL RIG Continuous Flight Auger SURFACE ELEVATION 83' (approx.) DEPTH TO GROUNDWATER 12' (See Note) BORING DIAMETER 8 Inches DESCRIPTION AND CLASSIFICATION DESCRIPTION AND REMARKS CLAYEY SAND (alluvium) CLAYEY SAND (alluvium) scattered lenses of stiff sandy clay Note: Depth to ground water measured at 12 feet two days after drilling SANDY CLAY (formational mudstone) Bottom of Boring = 31-1/2 Feet Note: The stratification lines represent the approximate boundary between material types and the transition may be gradual. SYM- BOL ^ COLOR grayish brown dark grayish brown dark grayish brown grayish brown dark grayish brown dark gray grayish brown/ reddish brown gray/ maroon CONSIST. loose loose medium dense loose hard SOIL TYPE SC SC CL DEPTH (FEET) _ 2 - _ 4 _ - 6 - - 8 - 10 - 12 - - 14 - - 16 - - 18 - - 22 - - 24 - - 26 - - 28 - - 32 - LOGGED BY JM DATE DRILLED 1/16/96 SAMPLERX X s _L_ X X X li^ 15 17 26 27 6 35 WATERCONTENT(%)20 28 17 21 22 18 Ulizy H* tf rf" £^^* i^"^* CO**"CD |£~ >UJa__ Q^ 99.6 96.3 113.2 106.3 EXPLORATORY BORING LOG ROBERT PRATER ASSOCIATES Consulting So//, Foundation, & Geologic Engineers KELLY RANCH CORPORATE CENTER Carlsbad, California PROJECT NO. 543-1 A DATE April 1997 NG NO. 3 DRILL RIG Continuous Flight Auger DEPTH TO GROUNDWATER 10' (See Note) SURFACE ELEVATION 81' (approX.) BORING DIAMETER 8 Inches DESCRIPTION AND CLASSIFICATION DESCRIPTION AND REMARKS CLAYEY SAND (alluvium) Note: Depth to ground water measured at 10 feet two days after drilling scattered lenses of stiff sandy clay and medium dense silty sand SANDY CLAY (alluvium) Bottom of Boring = 36-1/2 Feet Note: The stratification lines represent the approximate boundary between material types and the transition may be gradual. SYM- BOL xz COLOR grayish brown yellowish brown grayish brown gray/ orange grayish brown CONSIST. loose medium dense medium dense- dense stiff SOIL TYPE sc CL DEPTH (FEET) - 2 - - 4 - - 6 - - 8 - 10 - 12 - - 14 - - 16 - - 18 - - 22 - - 24 - - 26 - - 28 - - 32 - - 34 - - 36 - - 38 - LOGGED BY JM DATE DRILLED 1/16/96 SAMPLERX X X s X X X II 19 16 28 21 30 13 WATERCONTENT(%)10 25 21 21 20 24 LU ill CO z£~ XLua^ 99.6 99.1 105.9 EXPLORATORY BORING LOG ROBERT PRATER ASSOCIATES Consulting Soil, Foundation, & Geologic Engineers KELLY RANCH CORPORATE CENTER Carlsbad, California PROJECT NO. 543-1 A DATE April 1997 NG NO. 4 DRILL RIG Continuous Flight Auger SURFACE ELEVATION 83' (approx.) DEPTH TO GROUNDWATER 13' (See Note) BORING DIAMETER 8 Inches DESCRIPTION AND CLASSIFICATION DESCRIPTION AND REMARKS CLAYEY SAND (alluvium) SANDY CLAY/CLAYEY SAND (alluvium) Note: Depth to groundwater measured at ' 1 3 feet one day after drilling CLAYEY SAND (alluvium) SANDY CLAY (formational mudstone) Bottom of Boring = 22-1/2 Feet T Note: The stratification lines represent the approximate boundary between material types and the transition may be gradual. ROBERT PRATER ASSOCIATES Consulting Soil. Foundation, & Geologic Engineers SYM- BOL xz COLOR grayish brown grayish brown fight grayish brown grayish brown CONSIST. loose- medium dense stiff/ medium dense medium dense hard SOIL TYPE SC CL/ SC SC CL DEPTH (FEET) _ 2 - - 4 - - 6 - - 8 - lu - 12 - - 14 - - 16 - - 18 - - 20 - - 22 - - 24 - - 26 - - 28 - - 30 - - 32 - - 34 - - 36 - - 38 - - 40 - LOGGED BY JM DATE DRILLED 1/10/96 SAMPLERS + S X X F X PENETRATIONRESISTANCE(BLOWS/FT.)25 27 25 87 WATERCONTENT(%)17 17 19 16 LlJ C/J^"CD tn-_ >~UJQ-, O^ 110.6 115.1 108.1 EXPLORATORY BORING LOG KELLY RANCH CORPORATE CENTER Carlsbad, California PROJECT NO. 543-1 A DATE April 1997 NG NO. 5 DRILL RIG Continuous Flight Auger DEPTH TO GROUNDWATER 9-1/2' (See Note) SURFACE ELEVATION 80' (approx.) BORING DIAMETER 8 Inches DESCRIPTION AND CLASSIFICATION DESCRIPTION AND REMARKS CLAYEY SAND (alluvium) Note: Depth to groundwater measured at 9-1/2 feet two days after drilling scattered lenses of loose silty sand some gravel from 15-1/2 to 16 feet some gravel from 30-1/2 to 31 feet Note: The stratification lines represent the approximate boundary between material types and the transition may be gradual. SYM- BOL 5 ROBERT PRATER ASSOCIATES Consulting Soil, Foundation, & Geologic Engineers 7 COLOR dark grayish brown grayish brown CONSIST. loose medium dense loose SOIL TYPE sc DEPTH (FEET) - 2 - - 4 - - 6 - - 8 - 10 - 12 ~ - 14 - - 16 - - 18 - - 22 - - 24 - - 26 - - 28 - - 32 - - 34 - - 36 - - 38 - - 40 - LOGGED BY JM DATE DRILLED 1/10/96 SAMPJ.ERX X sI X k X X OOH h-ZLL ^ ^ CO ~ CO > 15 14 12 19 9 9 WATERCONTENT(%)15 22 20 19 25 23 SHEARSTRENGTHBY TORVANE(KSF)tn_ Q^ 103.4 104.2 EXPLORATORY BORING LOG KELLY RANCH CORPORATE CENTER Carlsbad, California PROJECT NO. 543-1 A DATE April 1997 NGNO. 6(pg.1) DRILL RIG Continuous Flight Auger SURFACE ELEVATION 80' (approx.) DEPTH TO GROUNDWATER 9-1/2' (See Note) BORING DIAMETER 8 Inches DESCRIPTION AND CLASSIFICATION DESCRIPTION AND REMARKS CLAYEY SAND (alluvium) scattered thin lenses of poorly-graded sand CLAYEY-POORLY GRADED SAND (formational sandstone) Bottom of Boring = 61-1/2 Feet Note: The stratification lines represent the approximate boundary between material types anci the transition may be gradual. SYM- BOL COLOR grayish brown gray- grayish brown/ orange CONSIST. loose dense SOIL TYPE sc SP DEPTH (FEET) - 42 - - 44 - - 46 - - 43 - 50 - 52 ~ - 54 - - 56 - -58 - - 62 - LOGGED BY JM DATE DRILLED 1/10/96 SAMPLERX X PENETRATIONRESISTANCE(BLOWS/FT.)9 8 32 WATERCONTENT(%)23 26 22 UJ^.-z.ry r — ' <^ tf* C^^>^^- to^~CO SxtT £:>&• - EXPLORATORY BORING LOG ROBERT PRATER ASSOCIATES Consulting Soil, Foundation, & Geologic Engineers KELLY RANCH CORPORATE CENTER Carlsbad, California PROJECT NO. 543-1 A DATE April 1997 NG NO. 6 (pg.2) DRILL RIG Continuous Flight Auger . SURFACE ELEVATION 79' (approx.) DEPTH TO GROUNDWATER 17' (See Note) BORING DIAMETER 8 Inches DESCRIPTION AND CLASSIFICATION DESCRIPTION AND REMARKS SILTY SAND (alluvium) CLAYEY SAND (alluvium) SANDY CLAY/CLAYEY SAND (alluvium) CLAYEY SAND (alluvium) SANDY CLAY (alluvium) Note: Depth to groundwater measured at1 7 feet one day after drilling scattered lenses of clayey sand SANDY CLAY-CLAYEY SAND (alluvium) CLAYEY SAND (alluvium) Note: The stratification lines represent the approximate boundary between material types and the transition may be gradual. ROBERT PRATER ASSOCIATES Consulting Soil, Foundation, & Geologic Engineers SYM- BOL COLOR gray grayish brown grayish brown light brown light brown grayish brown grayish brown CONSIST. very loose loose- medium dense mediumdense stiff/ medium dense medium dense stiff stiff- . medium dense medium dense SOIL TYPE SMx SC CL/ SC SC CL CL- SC SC\ DEPTH (FEET) - 4 - - 6 - - 8 - 10 - 12 - - 14 - - 16 - - 18 - - 22 - - 24 - - 26 - - 28 - - 32 - - 34 - - 36 - - 38 - - 40 - LOGGED BY JM DATE DRILLED 1/10/96 SAMPLERX S y X s^ :z LLI —•O o Hl-Z u. 27 35 14 8 12 15 21 WATERCONTENT(%}17 . 22 22 20 33 21 21 20 SHEARSTRENGTHBY TORVANE(KSF)z£~ >UJCLf 109.9 103.6 EXPLORATORY BORING LOG KELLY RANCH CORPORATE CENTER Carlsbad, California PROJECT NO. 543-1 A DATE April 1997 NGNO. 7 (pg.1) DRILL RIG Continuous Flight Auger SURFACE ELEVATION 79' (approx.) DEPTH TO GROUNDWATER 17' (See Note) BORING DIAMETER 8 Inches DESCRIPTION AND CLASSIFICATION DESCRIPTION AND REMARKS CLAYEY SAND (alluvium) SILTY SAND lens at 50-51 feet SILTY SAND lens at 55-55 1/2 feet CLAYEY SAND (formational sandstone) Bottom of Boring = 56-1/2 Feet Nole: The stratification lines represent the approximate boundarybetween material types and the transition may be gradual. SYM- BOL COLOR grayish brown black- dark grayish brown grayish brown maroon/ gray CONSIST. medium dense dense- very dense SOIL TYPE sc sc\ DEPTH (FEET) - 42 - - 44 - - 46 - - 48 - 50 -52 ~ - 54 - - 56 - - 58 - LOGGED BY JM DATE DRILLED 1/10/96 SAMPLER^ui~ OOf- i£|- <f)>z»2££s 14 16 20 48 WATER'CONTENT(%)22 21 18 18 SHEARSTRENGTHBYTORVANE(KSF)th-^xrr Z3CD& >-UJQ-tfg~ Q> EXPLORATORY BORING LOG ROBERT PRATER ASSOCIATES Consulting Soil, Foundation, & Geologic Engineers KELLY RANCH CORPORATE CENTER Carlsbad, California PROJECT NO. 543-1 A DATE April 1997 NGNO. 7(pg.2) DRILL RIG Continuous Flight Auger SURFACE ELEVATION 77' (approx.) DEPTH TO GROUNDWATER 14-1/2' (See Note) BORING DIAMETER 8 Inches DESCRIPTION AND CLASSIFICATION DESCRIPTION AND REMARKS CLAYEY SAND (alluvium) ' scattered lenses of silty sand at 10-16 1/2 feet Note: Depth to groundwater measured at 14-1/2 feet one day after drilling thin lens of silty sand at 21 feet SANDY CLAY (alluvium) SANDY CLAY-CLAYEY SAND (alluvium) CLAYEY SAND (alluvium) scattered lenses of silty sand Note: The stratification lines represent the approximate boundary between material types and the transition may be gradual. SYM- BOL * COLOR grayish brown dark grayish brown grayish brown grayish brown grayish brown CONSIST. loose- medium dense mediumdense loose firm stiff- medium dense medium dense SOIL TYPE SC CL CL- SC SC DEPTH (FEET) - 2 - - 4 - - 6 - - 8 - - 10 - - 12 - - 14 - - 16 - - 18 - -22 - - 24 - - 26 - - 28 - - 32 - - 34 - - 36 - - 38 - - 40 - LOGGED BY JM DATE DRILLED 1/10/96 SAMPLERS X s X PENETRATIONRESISTANCE(BLOWS/FT.)12 12 14 7 6 11 18 WATERCONTENT(%)14 28 20 22 30 24 21 SHEARSTRENGTHBYTORVANE(KSF)0.9 Z^" Q^ 102.8 95.7 EXPLORATORY BORING LOG ROBERT PRATER ASSOCIATES Consulting Soil, Foundation, & Geologic Engineers KELLY RANCH CORPORATE CENTER Carlsbad, California PROJECT NO. 543-1A DATE April 1997 NGNO. 8(pg.1) DRILL RIG Continuous Flight Auger SURFACE ELEVATION 77' (approx.) DEPTH TO GROUNDWATER 14-1/2' (See Note) BORING DIAMETER 8 Inches DESCRIPTION AND CLASSIFICATION DESCRIPTION AND REMARKS CLAYEY SAND (alluvium) SANDY CLAY (alluvium) SANDY CLAY/CLAYEY SAND (alluvium) SANDY CLAY (alluvium) medium dense clayey sand lens at 53-54 feet CLAYEY SAND (alluvium) thin lens of silty sand at 56 feet CLAYEY SAND (formational sandstone) Bottom of Boring - 61 Feet Note: The stratification lines represent the approximate boundary between material types a.nd the transition may be gradual. SYM- BOL COLOR grayish brown dark grayish brown/ black dark grayish brown black/ grayish brown grayish brown gray/ orange CONSIST. medium dense stiff stiff/ medium dense very stiff medium dense very dense SOIL TYPE SC CL CL/ SC CL SC SC DEPTH (FEET) -44- - 46 - - 48 - 50 - 52 - - 54 - - 60 - - 62 - - 64 - LOGGED BY JM DATE DRILLED 1/10/96 SAMPLERr PENETRATIONRESISTANCE(BLOWS/FT.)12 11 26 23 24 87 WATERCONTENT(%)25 22 21 22 24 21 UJ cE2 "m 1.1 0.9 2.0 Sxrr >-Lija-, Q^ EXPLORATORY BORING LOG ROBERT PRATER ASSOCIATES Consulting Soil, Foundation, & Geologic Engineers KELLY RANCH CORPORATE CENTER Carlsbad, California PROJECT NO. 543-1 A DATE April 1997 NGNO.8(pg.2) DRILL RIG Continuous Flight Auger SURFACE ELEVATION 77' (approx.) DEPTH TO GROUNDWATER 8-1/2'(See Note) BORING DIAMETER 8 Inches DESCRIPTION AND CLASSIFICATION DESCRIPTION AND REMARKS CLAYEY SAND (alluvium) Note: Depth to ground water measured at 8-1/2 feet three days after drilling thin lens of stiff sandy clay at 15 feet scattered lenses of silty sand gravel from 37 1/2-42 feet Note: The stratification lines represent the approximate boundary between material types and the transition may be gradual. SYM- BOL COLOR dark grayish brown grayish brown CONSIST. loose medium dense SOIL TYPE SC DEPTH (FEET) - 2 - - 4 - - 6 - - 8 - 10 - - 12 ~ - 14 - - 16 - - 18 - - 22 - - 24 - - 26 - - 28 - - 32 -i - 34 - - 36 - - 38 - - 40 - LOGGED BY JM DATE DRILLED 1/15/96 SAMPLERX X s _L_ X X X 2OH 15 27 10 13 10 WATERCONTENT{%)19 22 23 SHEARSTRENGTHBY TORVANE(KSF)|xtr Cl> 101.5 101.0 EXPLORATORY BORING LOG ROBERT PRATER ASSOCIATES Consulting Soil, Foundation, & Geologic Engineers KELLY RANCH CORPORATE CENTER Carlsbad, California PROJECT NO. 543-1 A DATE April 1997 NGNO. 9(pg.1) DRILL RIG Continuous Flight Auger SURFACE ELEVATION 77' (approx.) DEPTH TO GROUNDWATER 8-1/2' (See Note) BORING DIAMETER 8 Inches DESCRIPTION AND CLASSIFICATION DESCRIPTION AND REMARKS CLAYEY SAND (alluvium) thin lens of silty sand at 4,1 feet SANDY CLAY (formational mudstone) CLAYEY SAND {formational sandstone) Bottom of Boring = 46-1/2 Feet Note: The stratification lines represent the approximate boundary between material types and the transition may be gradual. SYM- BOL COLOR grayish brown maroon olive CONSIST. medium dense hard very dense SOIL TYPE SC CL S(N DEPTH (FEET) _ 44 - - 46 - - 48 - - 50 - LOGGED BY JM DATE DRILLED 1/15/96 SAMPLERPENETRATIONRESISTANCE(BLOWS/FT.)26 70 WATERCONTENT(%)24 LU X2ftsgea "£ ^>-Hxrr=>CDri>-LUD_o:>-' Q> EXPLORATORY BORING LOG ROBERT PRATER ASSOCIATES Consulting Soil. Foundation, & Geologic Engineers KELLY RANCH CORPORATE CENTER Carlsbad, California PROJECT NO. 54 3-1 A DATE April 1997 NG NO. 9 (pg.2) DRILL RIG Continuous Flight Auger SURFACE ELEVATION 78' (approx.) DEPTH TO GROUNDWATER 1 3' (See Note) BORING DIAMETER 8 Inches DESCRIPTION AND CLASSIFICATION DESCRIPTION AND REMARKS CLAYEY SAND (alluvium) scattered lenses of stiff sandy clay Note: Depth to ground water measured at 13 feet one day after drilling Note: The stratification lines represent the approximate boundary between material types and the transition may be gradual. SYM- BOL * COLOR grayish brown dark grayish brown dark grayish brown/ grayish brown grayish brown CONSIST. loose medium dense very loose medium dense SOIL TYPE sc DEPTH (FEET) - 6 - _ 8 _ 10 -12 - - 14 - p 16 - - 18 - -22 - - 24 - - 26 - - 28 - - 32 - - 34 - - 36 - - 38 - - 40 - LOGGED BY JM DATE DRILLED 1/15/96 SAMPLERX X s _L X X X X 2oP 16 23 35 14 3 WATERCONTENT(%)18 19 18 19 22 SHEARSTRENGTHBY TORVANE(KSF)ixc >-LUQ^ 109.2 110.0 113.9 EXPLORATORY BORING LOG ROBERT PRATER ASSOCIATES Consulting Soil, Foundation, & Geologic Engineers KELLY RANCH CORPORATE CENTER Carlsbad, California PROJECT NO. 54 3-1 A DATE April 1997 BORING NO, 10(pg.1) DRILL RIG Continuous Flight Auger SURFACE ELEVATION 78' (approx.) DEPTH TO GROUNDWATER 13' (See Note) BORING DIAMETER 8 Inches DESCRIPTION AND CLASSIFICATION DESCRIPTION AND REMARKS CLAYEY SAND (alluvium) scattered lenses of stiff sandy clay CLAYEY-POORLY GRADED SAND (formational sandstone) Bottom of Boring = 61-1/2 Feet Note: The stratification lines represent the approximate boundary between materiai types and the transition may be gradual. ROBERT PRATER ASSOCIATES Consulting Soil, Foundation, & Geologic Engineers SYM- BOL COLOR grayish brown dark grayish brown gray CONSIST. medium dense medium dense SOIL TYPE sc sc- SP DEPTH (FEET) -42 - - 44 - - 46 - -48 - -52 ~ - 54 - -56 - - 58 - - 62 - LOGGED BY JM DATE DRILLED 1/15/96 SAMPLERX X -ZU- 17 23 26 WATERCONTENT(%)20 18 23 LUxz D "- k" -— -* C/3^~ 5x~ >- IJJCL_ EXPLORATORY BORING LOG KELLY RANCH CORPORATE CENTER Carlsbad, California PROJECT NO. 543-1 A DATE April 1997 BORING NO. !0(pg-2) DRILL RIG Continuous Flight Auger DEPTH TO GROUNDWATER 1 4' (See Note) SURFACE ELEVATION 77' (approx.) BORING DIAMETER 8 Inches DESCRIPTION AND CLASSIFICATION DESCRIPTION AND REMARKS CLAYEY SAND (alluvium) scattered lenses of stiff sandy clay Note: Depth to ground water measured at 14 feet one day after drilling gravel at 28 feet SANDY CLAY (alluvium) CLAYEY SAND (formational sandstone) Bottom of Boring = 36 Feet ' Note: The stratification lines represent the approximate boundary between material types and the transition may be gradual. SYM- BOL 2 COLOR dark grayish brown- grayish brown grayish brown dark gray grayish brown gray CONSIST. 'oose medium dense loose medium dense very stiff dense SOIL TYPE sc CL SC DEPTH (FEET) - 2 - - 4 - - 6 - - 10 - -12 - - 14 - - 16 - 18 - 20 - - 22 - - 24 - - 26 - - 28 - - 32 - - 34 - LOGGED BY JM DATE DRILLED 1/11/96 SAMPLERX X X X X T -"t ill 15 21 24 13 6 10 21 41 WATERCONTENT(%)13 20 18 22 17 LU z£~ >-UIQ-_ Q^ 104.1 105.9 112.6 EXPLORATORY BORING LOG ROBERT PRATER ASSOCIATES Consulting Soil, Foundation, & Geologic Engineers KELLY RANCH CORPORATE CENTER Carlsbad, California PROJECT NO. 543-1 A DATE April 1997 NGNO. 11 DRILL RIG Continuous Flight Auger DEPTH TO GROUNDWATER 10' (See Note) SURFACE ELEVATION 75' (approX.) BORING DIAMETER 8 Inches DESCRIPTION AND CLASSIFICATION DESCRIPTION AND REMARKS CLAYEY SAND (alluvium) thin lens of stiff sandy clay at 6 feet Note: Depth to ground water measured at 10 feet six days after drilling SANDY CLAY/CLAYEY SAND (alluvium) CLAYEY SAND (alluvium) Note: The stratification lines represent the approximate boundary between material types and the transition may be gradual. SYM- BOL V COLOR grayish Drown grayish brown grayish brown CONSIST. loose- medium dense medium dense stiff/ medium dense medium dense SOIL TYPE sc CL/ SC SC DEPTH (FEET) - 2 - - 4 - - 6 - - 8 - - 10 - - 12 - - 14 - - 16 - - 18 - - 22 - - 24 - - 26 - - 28 - - 32 - - 34 - - 36 - - 38 - - 40 - LOGGED BY JM DATE DRILLED 1/12/96 SAMPLERX X X XX X X ZLLJ_OOHh-2:u- 3£w£fes£«0 £££ 27 24 13 13 16 [WATERCONTENT(%)20 20 18 SHEARSTRENGTHBY TORVANE(KSF)tH22: 27=>&o>-UJQ-arg — 0^ 107.3 EXPLORATORY BORING LOG ROBERT PRATER ASSOCIATES Consulting Soil, Foundation, & Geologic Engineers KELLY RANCH CORPORATE CENTER Carlsbad, California PROJECT NO. 543-1 A DATE .April 1997 NGNO.12(pg.1) DRILL RIG Continuous Flight Auger SURFACE ELEVATION 75' (approx.) DEPTH TO GROUNDWATER 10' (See Note) BORING DIAMETER 8 Inches DESCRIPTION AND CLASSIFICATION " DESCRIPTION AND REMARKS CLAYEY SAND (alluvium) CLAYEY/SILTY-POORLY GRADED SAND (alluvium) CLAYEY/POORLY GRADED SAND (formational sandstone) CLAYEY SAND (formational sandstone) Bottom of Boring = 71-1/2 Feet Note: The stratification lines represent the approximate boundary between material types and the transition may be gradual. SYM- BOL COLOR gray/ orange gray grayish brown/ orange gray CONSIST. medium dense medium dense dense medium dense dense SOIL TYPE SC SC/ SM- SP SC/ SP SC DEPTH (FEET) - 42 - - 44 - - 46 - - 48 - - 52 - - 54 - - 56 - - 58 - - 62 - - 64 - - 66 - - 68 - - 72 - LOGGED BY JM DATE DRILLED 1/12/96 SAMPLERX ~z.\u-~-DOH ^1I-COS £550as» 10 24 10 42 23 49 WATERCONTENT(%)27 23 16 UJ ry!~<&&£ 5gg£w£ tHz:x(T=>C3& >UJO-t£g — Q^ EXPLORATORY BORING LOG ROBERT PRA TER ASSOCIA TES Consulting Soil, Foundation, &. Geologic Engineers KELLY RANCH CORPORATE CENTER Carlsbad, California PROJECT NO. 543-1 A DATE April 1997 NGN0.12 (pg.2) DRILL RIG Continuous Flight Auger SURFACE ELEVATION 74' (approx.) DEPTH TO GROUNDWATER 1 1 ' (See Note) BORING DIAMETER 8 JflCheS DESCRIPTION AND CLASSIFICATION DESCRIPTION AND REMARKS CLAYEY SAND (alluvium) scattered lenses of stiff sandy'clay Note: Depth to ground water measured at 1 1 feet three days after drilling SANDY CLAY (alluvium) SANDY CLAY-CLAYEY SAND (alluvium) CLAYEY SAND (alluvium) scattered gravel Note: The stratification lines represent the approximate boundary between material types and tne transition may be gradual. SYM- BOL y COLOR grayish brown dark grayish brown grayish brown grayish brown/ orange tight grayish brown CONSIST. loose- medium dense medium dense stiff stiff- medium dense medium dense SOIL TYPE SC CL CL- SC SC DEPTH (FEET) - 2 - - 4 - - 6 - - 8 - 10 - 12 - - 14 - - 16 - - 18 - - 22 - - 24 - - 26 - - 28 - - 32 - - 34 - - 36 - - 38 - - 40 - LOGGED BY JM DATE DRILLED 1/12/96 SAMPLERX s X X X X X ^^-^OOH(-ZU- S£|-C/)>z«2US a 27 29 28 15 20 WATERCONTENT(%)21 19 17 HIxz S^rSZQ;": x£o£w£h-=- fefc sfecr=>o£ >-LUCLo:> — 0^ 105.6 EXPLORATORY BORING LOG ROBERT PRATER ASSOCIATES Consulting Soil, Foundation, & Geologic Engineers KELLY RANCH CORPORATE CENTER Carlsbad, California PROJECT NO. 543-1 A DATE April 1997 NGNO.13(pg.1) DRILL RIG Continuous Flight Auger SURFACE ELEVATION 74' (approx.) DEPTH TO GROUNDWATER 1 1 ' {See Note) BORING DIAMETER 8 Inches DESCRIPTION AND CLASSIFICATION DESCRIPTfON AND REMARKS CLAYEY SAND (alluvium) poorly graded sand lens at contact CLAYEY SAND (formational sandstone) Bottom of Boring = 56-1/2 Feet Mole; The stratification lines represent the approximate boundary between material types and the transition may be gradual. SYM- BOL COLOR grayish brown grayish brown/ orange gray/ orange CONSIST. medium dense dense SOIL TYPE SC SC\ DEPTH (FEET) - 42 - - 44 - - 46 - - 48 - oU -52- - 54 - - 56 - - 58 - LOGGED BY JM DATE DRILLED ' 1/12/96 SAMPLERX PENETRATIONRESISTANCE(BLOWS/FT.)18 25 40 WATERCONTENT{%)19 22 SHEARSTRENGTHBY TORVANE(KSF)^£~ oig^ • EXPLORATORY BORING LOG ROBERT PRATER ASSOCIATES Consulting Soil, Foundation, & Geologic Engineers KELLY RANCH CORPORATE CENTER Carlsbad, California PROJECT NO. 543-1 A DATE April 1997 MGNO.13 (pg.2) DRILL RIG Continuous Flight Auger DEPTH TO GROUNDWATER 17* (See Note) SURFACE ELEVATION 73' (approx.) BORING DIAMETER 8 Inches DESCRIPTION AND CLASSIFICATION DESCRIPTfON AND REMARKS CLAYEY SAND (alluvium) SANDY CLAY/CLAYEY SAND (alluvium) Note; Depth to ground water measured at ' 17 feet three days after drilling CLAYEY SAND (alluvium) lens of silty sand at 25-26 feet scattered thin lenses of stiff sandy clay Note: The sirattficatiorj lines represent the approximate boundary between material types and the transition may be gradual. SYM- BOL y COLOR dark grayish brown grayish brown grayish brown grayish brown CONSIST. loose- medium dense medium dense firm/ loose stiff/ medium dense medium dense SOIL TYPE sc CL/ SC SC DEPTH (FEET) _ 2 - - 4 - - 6 - - 8 - 10 -12 - - 14 - - 16 - - 18 - -22- - 24 - - 26 - - 28 - - 32 - - 34 - - 36 - - 38 - - 40 - LOGGED BY JM DATE DRILLED 1/11/96 SAMPLERX X X s X PENETRATIONRESISTANCE(BLOWS/FT.)17 12 12 12 13 15 13 WATERCONTENT(%)19 27 24 20 25 LLJxz:or|~< £i££ ^l<A>CQ ti-z:xrr- ^>On>-ajQ-tf§~a> 102.7 88.6 EXPLORATORY BORING LOG ROBERT PRATER ASSOCIATES Consulting Soil, Foundation, & Geologic Engineers KELLY RANCH CORPORATE CENTER Carlsbad, California PROJECT NO. 543-1 A DATE April 1997 NGNO.14(pg.1) DRILL RIG Continuous Flight Auger DEPTH TO GROUNDWATER 17' (See Note) SURFACE ELEVATION 73' (approx.) BORING DIAMETER 8 Inches DESCRIPTION AND CLASSIFICATION DESCRIPTION AND REMARKS CLAYEY SAND (alluvium) SANDY CLAY (alluvium) CLAYEY SAND (alluvium) scattered lenses of silty sand lens of poorly graded sand at 61 feet CLAYEY SAND (formational sandstone) Bottom of Boring = 66-1/2 Feet Note: The stratification lines represent the approximate boundary between material types and the transition may be gradual. SYM- BOL ROBERT PRATER ASSOCIATES Consulting Soil, Foundation, & Geologic Engineers COLOR grayish brown grayish brown gray/ orange gray gray CONSIST. medium dense stiff medium dense dense- very dense SOIL TYPE SC^ CL SC SC DEPTH (FEET) — — ylO - 44 - - 46 - - 48 - - 52 - - 54 - - 56 - - 58 - - 62 - - 64 - - 66 - - 68'- LOGGED BY JM DATE DRILLED 1/11/96 SAMPLERPENETRATIONRESISTANCE(BLOWS/FT.)13 15 13 10 23 86 WATERCONTENT(%)26 27 LU, ||c >UJQ__ EXPLORATORY BORING LOG KELLY RANCH CORPORATE CENTER Carlsbad, California PROJECT NO. 54 3-1 A DATE April 1997 NGNO.14 (pg.2) DRILL RIG Continuous Flight Auger SURFACE ELEVATION 74' (approx.) DEPTH TO GROUNDWATER 1 3' (See Note) BORING DIAMETER 8 Inches DESCRIPTION AND CLASSIFICATION DESCRIPTION AND REMARKS CLAYEY-SILTY SAND (alluvium) CLAYEY SAND (alluvium) Note: Depth to ground water measured at 1 3 feet one day after drilling scattered lenses of stiff sandy clay and silty sane SANDY CLAY (alluvium) CLAYEY SAND (formational sandstone) Bottom of Boring = 36-1/2 Feet Note: The stratification lines represent the approximate boundary between material tyPes and the transition may be gradual. SYM- BOL 2 COLOR grayish brown grayish brown dark gray grayish brown grayish brown gray CONSIST. loose medium dense stiff very dense SOIL TYPE SC- SM SC CL SC DEPTH (FEET) I- 2 - - 4 - - 6 - - 8 - ID -12 ~ - 14 - - 16 - - 18 - - 22 - - 24 - - 26 - - 28 - - 32 - - 34 - - 36 - LOGGED BY JM DATE DRILLED 1/11/96 SAMPLERX X s X X PENETRATIONRESISTANCE(BLOWS/FT.)19 30 17 14 20 13 55 WATERCONTENT(%)19 18 23 21 21 w IV 1— <ill CO^~CO DO^ >- LUQ-_ 108.7 112.4 EXPLORATORY BORING LOG ROBERT PRA TER ASSOCIA TES Consulting Soil, Foundation, & Geologic Engineers KELLY RANCH CORPORATE CENTER Carlsbad, California PROJECT NO. 543-1 A DATE April 1997 NGNO. 15 DRILL RIG Continuous Flight Auger SURFACE ELEVATION 72' (approx.) DEPTH TO GROUNDWATER 9-1/2' (See Note) BORING DIAMETER 8 Inches DESCRIPTION AND CLASSIFICATION DESCRIPTION AND REMARKS CLAYEY SAND (alluvium) scattered lenses of silty sand POORLY GRADED SAND (alluvium) Note: Depth to ground water measured at 9-1/2 feet one day after drilling CLAYEY SAND (alluvium) scattered thin lenses of stiff sandy clay r Bottom of Boring = 38 Feet Note; The stratification lines represent the approximate boundary between material types and the transition may be gradual. ROBERT PRATER ASSOCIATES Consulting Soil, Foundation, & Geologic Engineers SYM- BOL xz COLOR grayish brown yellowish brown grayish brown/ orange dark grayish brown/ grayish brown CONSIST. loose medium dense medium dense medium dense loose medium dense SOIL TYPE SC SP sc DEPTH (FEET) - 2 - _ 4 _ - 6 - - 8 - 1U - 12 ~ - 14 - - 16 - - 18 - - 20 - - 22 - - 24 - - 26 - - 28 - - 30 - - 32 - - 34 - -36-1 - 40 - LOGGED BY JM DATE DRILLED 1/16/96 SAMPLERX ¥s_u X X X X PENETRATIONRESISTANCE(BLOWS/FT.)21 32 13 7 25 21 WATERCONTENT(%)21 18 19 24 •17 17 SHEARSTRENGTHBY TOR VANE(KSF)^Z >-UJQ._ 99.0 104.3 EXPLORATORY BORING LOG KELLY RANCH CORPORATE CENTER Carlsbad, California PROJECT NO. 543-1 A DATE April 1997 NGNO. 16 DRILL RIG Continuous Flight Auger SURFACE ELEVATION 73' (approx.) DEPTH TO GROUNDWATER 11' (See Note) BORING DIAMETER 8 Inches DESCRIPTION AND CLASSIFICATION DESCRIPTION AND REMARKS CLAYEY SAND (fill) FILL I CLAYEY SAND (alluvium) SANDY CLAY (alluvium) Note: Depth to groundwater measured at 1 1 feet four days after drilling CLAYEY SAND (alluvium) SANDY CLAY (alluvium) thin lenses of clayey sand at 35-36 feet Bottom of Boring = 36-1/2 Feet Note: The stratification lines represent the approximate boundary between material types and the transition may be gradual. SYM- BOL s COLOR light yellowish brown grayish brown dark grayish brown grayish brown grayish brown CONSIST. loose loose firm loose loose- medium dense stiff SOIL TYPE sc/ sc CL SC CL DEPTH (FEET) - 2 - - 4 ~ - 6 - r- 8 - - 10 - L 12 _ - 14 - - 16 - - 18 - - 20 - -22 - - 24 - - 26 - - 28 - - 30 - - 32 - - 34 - - 36 - - 38 - LOGGED BY JM DATE DRILLED 1/19/96 SAMPLER'-X X X s_i_ X X X ZLU^ OOf-t-ZU-;$5:w £fe<:^«g ISs 10 6 13 10 WATERCONTENT(%)24 LLI X^ sl%gsgg ^ (-,zxrr^>0tj >-LUD-K>~Q^* 96.1 EXPLOFRATORY BORING LOG ROBERT PRATER ASSOCIATES Consulting Soil. Foundation. & Geologic Engineers KELLY RANCH CORPORATE CENTER Carlsbad, California PROJECT NO. 543-1 A DATE April 1997 NGNO. 17 DRILL RIG ' Continuous Flight Auger SURFACE ELEVATION 69' (approx.) DEPTH TO GROUNDWATER 9-1/2' (See Note) BORING DIAMETER 8 Inches DESCRIPTION AND CLASSIFICATION DESCRIPTION AND REMARKS CLAYEY SAND (fill) i FILL CLAVEV SAND (aiJuvium) SANDY CLAY/CLAYEY SAND (alluvium) Note: Depth to groundwater measured at 9-1/2 feet four days after drilling Bottom of Boring = 36-1/2 Feet Note: The stratification lines represent the approximate boundary between material types and the transition may be gradual. SYM- BOL xz COLOR reddish brown < grayish brown grayish brown dark grayish brown grayish brown CONSIST. loose loose firm/ loose stiff/ medium dense SOIL TYPE SC SC CU SC DEPTH (FEET) _ 4 - - 6 - - 8 - - 10 - - 12 - - 14 - - 16 - - 18 - - 20 - - 22 - - 24 - - 26 - - 28 -i - 30 - - 32 - - 34 - - 36 - - 38 - - 40 - LOGGED BY JM DATE DRILLED 1 /1 9/96 SAMPLERX X X X X X DOH 12 13 15 15 WATERCONTENT{%)24 tii lit K/y*^~CD l^uT VUJQ^ 91.4 EXPLORATORY BORING LOG ROBERT PRATER ASSOCIATES Consulting Soil, Foundation, & Geologic Engineers KELLY RANCH CORPORATE CENTER Carlsbad, California PROJECT NO. 543-1 A DATE April 1997 NGNO. 18 DRILL RIG Continuous Flight Auger SURFACE ELEVATION 69' (approx.) DEPTH TO GROUNDWATER 12' (S66 note) BORING DIAMETER 8 Inches DESCRIPTION AND CLASSIFICATION DESCRIPTION AND REMARKS CLAYEY SAND (fill) I FILL I CLAYEY and SILTY SAND (alluvium) SANDY CLAY and CLAYEY SAND (alluvium) Note: Depth to ground water measured at 1 2 feet at time of drilling POORLY GRADED SAND (alluvium) CLAYEY SAND and SILTY-POORLY GRADED SAND (alluvium) SANDY CLAY and CLAYEY SAND (alluvium) Note: The stratification lines represent the approximate boundary between material types and the transition may be gradual. SYM- BOL 2 COLOR reddish brown grayish xown-dark grayish jrown dark grayish brown grayish brown grayish brown grayish brown CONSIST. oose oose firm/ loose medium dense loose loose very stiff/ medium dense SOIL TYPE sc SCI SM CL/ SC SP SC/ SP- SM CL/" SC DEPTH (FEET) _ _ - 2 - - 4 - - 6 - m - - 12 - - 14 - - 16 - - 18 - _ 09 — - 24 - - 26 - - 28 - - 32 - - 34 - - 36 - - 38 — - 40 - LOGGED BY JB DATE DRILLED 3/27/97 SAMPLERX s PENETRATIONRESISTANCE(BLOWS/FT.)23 7 9 10 3 8 8 14 WATERCONTENT(%)22 22 20 25 25 UJ *£%us w>-m £>- iofe > LUfXK3~Q> EXPLORATORY BORING LOG ROBERT PRATER ASSOCIATES Consulting Soil, Foundation, & Geologic Engineers KELLY RANCH CORPORATE CENTER Carlsbad, California PROJECT NO. 54 3-1 A DATE April 1997 BORING NO. 19(pg.1) DRILL RIG Continuous Flight Auger SURFACE ELEVATION 69' (approx.) DEPTH TO GROUNDWATER 12' (see note) BORING DIAMETER 8 Inches DESCRJPTJON AND CLASSIFICATION DESCRIPTION AND REMARKS SANDY CLAY and CLAYEY SAND (alluvium) scattered lenses of silty to poorly graded sand SANDY CLAY (residuum) CLAYEY SAND (formational sandstone) Bottom of Boring = 75 Feet Note: The stratification lines represent the approximate boundary between material types and the transition may be gradual. ROBERT PRATER ASSOCIATES Consulting Soil, Foundation, & Geologic Engineers SYM- BOL COLOR grayish brown black/ grayish brown gray dark grayish brown and orange light grayish brown CONSIST. very stiff/ medium dense stiff- very stiff very dense SOIL TYPE CL- CH/ SC CL ---^ SC DEPTH (FEET) -42- - 44 - - 46 - - 48 - — sn -52- - 54 - - 56 - - 58 - - 62 - - 64 - - 66 - - 68 - - 72 - - 74 - - 76 ~ LOGGED BY JB DATE DRILLED 3/27/97 SAMPLER' I ZLU ,-.O(_)l- PZU; < <T enQl\-~£-U)%-£«0 SJBIs. 16 13 18 14 27 32 24 50 WATERCONTENT(%)21 34 SHEARSTRENGTHBY TORVANE(KSF)zxrr30<j >- LUQ-££§ —Q^ EXPLORATORY BORING LOG KELLY RANCH CORPORATE CENTER Carlsbad, California PROJECT NO. 543-1 A DATE April 1 997 BORING NO. 19(pg.2) DRILL RIG Continuous Flight Auger SURFACE ELEVATION 69' (approx.) DEPTH TO GROUNDWATER -| 3' (see note) BORING DIAMETER 8 Inches DESCRIPTION AND CLASSIFICATION DESCRIPTION AND REMARKS CLAYEY SAND (fill) FILL! CLAYEY and SILTY SAND (alluvium) SANDY CLAY-SANDY SILT (alluvium) Note: Depth to ground water measured at 13 feet at time of drilling thin lens of clayey sand at 15 feet CLAYEY SAND (alluvium) CLAYEY-SILTY SAND (formational sandstone) Note: The stratification lines represent the approximate boundary between material types and the transition may be gradual. ROBERT PRATER ASSOCIATES Consulting Soil, Foundation, & Geologic Engineers SYM- BOL " COLOR olive and reddish brown dark grayish brown dark grayish brown grayish brown and brown olive gray and orange CONSIST. loose loose- medium dense firm- stiff . very stiff medium dense medium dense SOIL TYPE SC sc/ SM CL- ML SC SC SM DEPTH (FEET) - 4 - - 6 - - 8 - 10 - 12 - - 14 - - 16 - - 18 - - 22 - - 24 - - 26 - - 28 - - 30 - - 32 - - 38 - LOGGED BY - CBW DATE DRILLED 3/28/9 7 SAMPLERs T PENETRATIONRESISTANCE(BLOWS/FT.)17 12 12 12 15 16 11 21 26 WATERCONTENT(%)22 20 21 21 HIEz 1.8 1.7 >2.0 |H_ xiua-_ EXPLORATORY BORING LOG KELLY RANCH CORPORATE CENTER Carlsbad, California PROJECT NO. 543-1A DATE April 1997 BORING NO. 20<pg.1) DRILL RIG Continuous Flight Auger SURFACE ELEVATION 69' (approx.) DEPTH TO GROUNDWATER 13' (see note) BORING DIAMETER 8 Inches DESCRIPTION AND CLASSIFICATION DESCRIPTION AND REMARKS CLAYEY-SILTY SAND (formational sandstone) Bottom of Boring = 46 Feet Note: The stratification lines represent the approximate boundary between material types and the transition may be gradual. SYM- BOL COLOR light olive gray CONSIST. medium dense SOIL TYPE sc- SM DEPTH (FEET) -42 - - 44 - 4fa LOGGED BY CBW DATE DRILLED 3/28/97 SAMPLERPENETRATIONRESISTANCE(BLOWS/FT.)20 WATERCONTENT(%)SHEARSTRENGTHBY TORVANE(KSF)z£~ >-LJJQ-_ Q^ EXPLORATORY BORING LOG ROBERT PRATER ASSOCIATES Consulting Soil, Foundation, & Geologic Engineers KELLY RANCH CORPORATE CENTER Carlsbad, California PROJECT NO. 543-1 A DATE April 1997 BORING NO. 20 (pg. 2) DRILL RIG Continuous Flight Auger DEPTH TO GROUNDWATER Not Established SURFACE ELEVATION 69' (approx.) BORING DIAMETER 8 Inches DESCRIPTION AND CLASSIFICATION DESCRIPTION AND REMARKS SANDY CLAY and CLAYEY SAND (alluvium) SANDY CLAY (alluvium) CLAYEY-SILTY SAND (alluvium) scattered lenses of silty-poorly graded sand Note: The stratification lines represent the approximate boundary between material types and the transition may be gradual. SYM- BOL ROBERT PRATER ASSOCIATES Consulting Soil, Foundation, & Geologic Engineers COLOR dark grayish brown dark grayish brown grayish brown CONSIST. loose/ soft- firm medium dense/ stiff stiff loose medium dense SOIL TYPE CL- SC CL Q/-^ SM DEPTH (FEET) - 4 - - 6 - - 8 - - 10 - - 12- i— 14 - 18 - - 20 - - 22 - - 24 - - 28 - - 30 - - 32 - - 34 - - 38 - - 40 - LOGGED BY CBW DATE DRILLED 3/28/97 SAMPLER-20K 7]k>5 6 15 15 15 2 16 21 28 WATERCONTENT(%)22 21 16 20 LU H£!Os2 CO >2.0 z£rr > LUQ. EXPLORATORY BORING LOG KELLY RANCH CORPORATE CENTER Carlsbad, California PROJECT NO. 543-1 A DATE April 1997 BORING NO. 21 (pg- 1) DRILL RIG Continuous Flight Auger SURFACE ELEVATION 69' (approx.) DEPTH TO GROUNDWATER Not Established BORING DIAMETER 8 Inches DESCRIPTION AND CLASSIFICATION DESCRIPTION AND REMARKS CLAYEY-S1LTY SAND (alluvium) SANDY CLAY (formational mudstone) Hi i.i fl—i' r~f* r— iBottom of Boring - 56 Feet Note: The stratification lines represent the approximate boundary between material types and the transition may be gradual. SYM- BOL ROBERT PRATER ASSOCIATES Consulting Soil, Foundation, & Geologic Engineers COLOR light grayish brown olive gray and pinkish brown CONSIST. medium dense very stiff hard SOIL TYPE SC- SM CL DEPTH(FEET) - - - 42 - - 44 - 4b 4o - 50 - - 52 - - 54 - _ LOGGED BY CBW DATE DRILLED 3/28/97 SAMPLERIII 22 22 19 33 WATERCONTENT(%)21 LUJTZ III CO Sxrr ^y&^ EXPLORATORY BORING LOG KELLY RANCH CORPORATE CENTER Carlsbad, California PROJECT NO. 543-1A DATE April 1997 BORING NO. 21 (pg. 2} B-l APPENDIX B LABORATORY TESTING The natural water content and dry unit weight was determined on selected samples and is recorded on the boring logs at the appropriate sample depths. Eight Atterberg Limits tests and forty-five No. 200 sieve tests were performed on selected samples of the subsurface soils to aid in classifying the soils according to the Unified Soil Classification System. The results of these tests are presented on Figure B-l through B-4. One laboratory compaction test (ASTM D 1557-91) was performed on a representative bulk sample of the on-site soils. The results of the test are presented on Figure B-5. One laboratory direct shear test was performed on a sample remolded to approximately 90 percent of the laboratory maximum density. The sample was sheared at a constant rate under various surcharge pressures; failure was taken at the peak shear stress. The results of the test are presented on Figure B-6. 60 50 ~ 40 XLJU O 5 30 i- o w 20 _iD- 10 7 4 ( CL-ML '///, ML CL ( \ /X^ ML c ^7 ^ r OL CH / ^' MH OH S - 3 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 1 00 LIQUID LIMIT (%) KEY SYMBOL , © (•? BORING NO. 1 2 2 3 3 4 5 6 7 7 7 7 SAMPLE DEPTH (feet) 16 6 . 26 16 26 21 3-5 11 14 16 ,- 21 26 NATURAL WATER CONTENT 6 15 19 17 22 21 22 22 20 33 21 LIQUID LIMIT 40 47 PLASTICITY INDEX , 24 23 PASSING NO. 200 SIEVE 13 50 45 • 42 40 41 52 27 27 57 93 49 LIQUIDITY INDEX 0.17 0.39 UNIFIED SOIL CLASSIFICATION SYMBOL | SM CL-SC SC SC SC SC CL SC SC CL CL CL-SC ROBERT PRATER ASSOCIATES Consulting Soil, Foundation, & Geologic Engineers PLASTICITY CHART AND DATA KELLY RANCH CORPORATE CENTER Carlsbad, California PROJECT NO. 543-1 A DATE April 1997 FIGURE .B-1 * 60 50 • -T 40 XUJQ ?, 30 l- o « 20 _iCL 10 7 4 C CL-ML //// ML CL /Xx#;;'/ / 0 s ML o CH X ' . ' r OL •^f'j MH OH > / 3 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 LIQUID LIMIT (%) KEY SYMBOL © BORING NO. 7 8 8 8 8 9 9 9 10 10 10 10 10 SAMPLE DEPTH (feet) 41 21 25.5 31 36 6 31 41 6 21 31 ' ' 41 51 NATURAL WATER CONTENT 22 22 30 24 21 19 23 24 18 19 22 20 18 LIQUID LIMIT 32 PLASTICITY INDEX 14 - --- PASSING NO. 200 SIEVE 44 26 73 ' 50 36 . 40 39 13 31 40 34 46 51 LIQUIDITY INDEX 0.86 UNIFIED SOIL CLASSIFICATION SYMBOL SC sc CL CL-SC SC SC SC SM SC sc sc sc CL . ROBERT PRATER ASSOCIATES Consulting So/7, Foundation, & Geologic Engineers PLASTICITY CHART AND DATA KELLY RANCH CORPORATE CENTER Carlsbad, California PROJECT NO. 543-1 A DATE April 1997 FIGURE B-2 60 50 -T 40 XLlJ Oz 30 h- o « 20 5CL 10 7 4 KEY SYMBOL © A CL-ML XX/^ ML CL A f ^/ ^ ML o ~7/ I r OL CH / *? MH OH / / ) 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 LIQUID LIMIT {%) . BORING NO. 11 12 12 12 13 14 15 16 16 16 16 18 SAMPLE DEPTH (feet) 18-1/2 15-1/2 16 51 21 10-1/2 11. 10-1/2 16 26 • 30 16 NATURAL WATER CONTENT 22 19 20 23 19 27 18 18 19 24 LIQUID LIMIT 34 30 PLASTICITY INDEX 18 6 PASSING NO. 200 SIEVE 36 47 53 10 47 49 40 3 43 22 31 68 LIQUIDITY INDEX 0.17 NA UNIFIED SOIL CLASSIFICATION SYMBOL SC sc CL SM-SP SC SC SC SP SC SC SC CL . ROBERT PRATER ASSOCIATES Consulting Soil, Foundation, & Geologic Engineers PLASTICITY CHART AND DATA KELLY RANCH CORPORATE CENTER Carlsbad, California PROJECT NO. 543-1 A DATE April 1997 FIGURE B-3 60 50 -s- 40 XIU Qz 30 t-o w 20 _) Q- 10 7 4 KEY SYMBOL © A H CL-ML ff f^ J^ ML CL '/%L ML o © ^7 ' I r OL CH / i *5X^ MH OH / 3 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 LIQUID LIMIT (%) BORING NO. 19 19 19 19 20 20 21 21 21 SAMPLE DEPTH (feet) 21 26 36 50 16 26 • 15-1/2 25-1/2 50 NATURAL WATER CONTENT 22 20 25 34 22 21 22 21 21 LIQUID LIMIT 55 35 28 PLASTICITY INDEX 44 10 *- 6 PASSING NO. 200 SIEVE 47 18 16 79 60 49 68 35 55 LIQUIDITY INDEX 0.52 -0.30 -0.17 UNIFIED SOIL CLASSIFICATION SYMBOL SC SM SM CH CL-ML SC CL SC-SM CL ROBERT PRATER ASSOCIATES Consulting Soil, Foundation, 6. Geologic Engineers PLASTICITY CHART AND DATA KELLY RANCH CORPORATE CENTER - Carlsbad, California PROJECT NO. 543-1A DATE April 1 997 FIGURE B-4 BORING NO. 5 U? UQ__ >-1- <f>z: LLl Q o: Q DEPTH (FT.) 3-5 135 130 125 120 115 110 SAMPLE DESCRIPTION SANDY CLAY (SC), grayish brown Zero Air Voids Curve < / Specific Gravity = 2.70 3 «//1 i / / / 1 I I 1 ft I 1 \\ /• \/ X N, /i/ \\ \ N\\ V \ \ > ^ \\\ \ V \ <, \\ \\V 11 s\ 5 10 15 20 MOISTURE CONTENT (%) MAXIMUM DRY DENSITY (PCF) OPTIMUM WATER CONTENT (%) TEST DESIGNATION 126.7 10.1 ASTMD 1557-91 ROBERT PRA TER ASSOC1A TES Consulting Soil, Foundation, & Geologic Engineers SPECIFIC GRAVITY 25 COMPACTION TEST RESULTS KELLY RANCH CORPORATE CENTER Carlsbad, California PROJECT NO. 543-1 A DATE April 1997 FIGURE B-5 Not 5.0 4.0 g? 3.0 U)COin C£h-<JO o: | 2.0 CO 1.0 C x* / X ) / 3 / ©^ S/ / ^ /® / 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 NORMAL PRESSURE (KSF) SAMPLE DATA BORING NO.: 5 DEPTH (FT.) ; 3-5 DESCRIPTION: SANDY CLAY (CL), grayish brown TEST,RESULTS APPARENT COHESION:1.82ksf \PPARENT ANGLE OF INTERNAL FRICTION: 31 ° TEST DATA TEST NUMBER 1 2 3 NORMAL PRESSURE (KSF) 1 .10 2.20 4.40 SHEAR STRENGTH (KSF) 2.32 3.32 4.24 INITIAL H2O CONTENT (%) 1 3.2 1 3.2 1 3.2 FINAL H2O CONTENT (%) INITIAL DRY DENSITY (PCF) 113.9 11 3.9 1 1 3.9 FINAL DRY DENSITY (PCF) STRAIN RATE:0.01 inch/minute (approx.) e: Test was performed on a sample remolded to approximately 90 percent of laboratory maximum density. ROBERT PRA TER ASSOCIA TES . Consulting Soil, Foundation, & Geologic Engineers DIRECT SHEAR TEST RESULTS KELLY RANCH CORPORATE CENTER Carlsbad, California PROJECT NO. 543-1A DATE April 1997 RE B-6 I EXTERNAL AND INTERNAL ACOUSTICAL TESTING AND ANALYSES FOR THE THREE STORY OFFICE BUILDING OF THE KELLY CORPORATE CENTER LOCATED AT PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD AND AVIARA PARKWAY IN CARLSBAD. CA FOR THE ALLEN GROUP. To: Mr. Tom Lamore - , Architect, A.I.A. . ' SMITH CONSULTING ARCHITECTS 12220 El Camino Real, Suite 200 San Diego, CA 92130 - ' "" Mr. Harve Filuk THE ALLEN GROUP 401 "B" Street, Suite 2150 ' , San Diego, CA 92101 From: Dr. Leslie E. Penzes . Certified Acoustical Consultant, P.E. Mr. Joseph G. Morrow Acoustical Consultant, C. M.' DR. PENZES & ASSOCIATES . 12475 Bodega Way , . San Diego, CA 92128 September 27, 2004 . I I I '•fl I f SUMMARY AND RECOMMENDATIONS I i DR. PENZES & ASSOCIATES ACOUSTICS Reports, testing and Research EXTERNAL AND INTERNAL ACOUSTICAL TESTING AND ANALYSIS FOR THE THREE STORY OFFICE BUILDING OF THE KELLY CORPORATE CENTER LOCATED AT PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD AND AVIARA PARKWAY IN CARLSBAD, CA FOR THE ALLEN GROUP. SUMMARY: Acoustical Analysis was performed to determine the Exter- nal and Internal Noise Levels in CNEL and in L,equ, at the above cited building project located Palomar Airport Road and Aviara Parkway in Carlsbad, CA (Sheet AS1). Based on the information provided by the Traffic Engineer for the City of Carlsbad, SANDAG, the San Diego County Regional Airport Authority, measurements made .at. the site and ; computer simulations, the future exterior free field noise level generated by traffic and aircraft on the north side of the building on the first floor is -71 dBA in CNEL (Figure 3) and 73 dBA in CNEL on the second and third floors (Figure 4). The noise level on the roof of the future building is 73 dBA in CNEL due to over flying aircraft taking off from nearby McClellan-Palomar Airport (Figure 4 and Ref. 5). These future noise levels were applied for the External and Internal Noise Analyses of the building. The Internal Noise Analysis has been conducted in order to ensure that Internal Noise Level in the areas in the 'building are less than or equal to 50 dBA in CNEL, a condition when all of the external windows and doors of the buildings are closed (Ref. 6)'. .; RECOMMENDATIONS: . To ensure that' noise levels will be less than or equal to 50 dBA in CNEL at any location in the building, all of the external windows, and doors of the building must be closed. . Due to the restriction of the closed windows, forced ventilation is required. This can be established by the installation of fans or an air conditioning system (HVAC) by UBC Code. Either one of these can be provided in the design. 12475 Bodega Way, San Diego, California 92128 • (858) 592-7374 • FAX (858) 592-7666 I The.Ventilation of the building shall comply with Section 1203.3 of the California Building Code (CBC). The. areas 'of the windows and doors' are-presented on Tables 10 - 39 with attached drawings (Sheets AS1, Al.l, Al. 2 / Al.3> Al. 4 , A3.1, A5.1, A5.2,- A7. 1, . and AD-3.1)_. . ' .-/. ' It. is required that the listed STC Rating and the,,areas of the construction components be used in the design. However, it would also be acceptable to use components with a higher STC Rating than the listed values or provide smaller areas. . *• , WINDOWS • . ' - - ' Windows on the first floor at all sides of the -building must have a. miriimum'STC Rating of 26 (Fig. 5'}. The windows on the" second and third floors on the northern half of the building must have a minimum STC Rating of 29 {Fig. 6). Windows on the second and third floors-on the southern half of the building must have a minimum STC Rating of 26 .(Fig. 6) . EXTERNAL WALLS . The External Concrete Walls of the building must have a minimum STC Rating of ,47 (Sheet A3.1, A5 .1, and A5 .2) . . ' . Aluminum Panel Wall construction must have a minimum STC.Rating of 36 (Sheet A3.1, A5.1, and A5.2) • " .'. • EXTERNAL DOORS . ' ; External Glass Entry Doors of the building must have a minimum STC Rating of 26 (Sheets Al.l, A3.1, A5.2, and A7.-1). ROOF - - . .' The Built-Up Roof construction must~have a minimum STC Rating of 38 '(Sheets Al. 4, A5 . 1, A5 . 2 , andAD-3.1). 2. \i^' It1 is required...that these construction components with the quoted .dimensions and the associated STC Ratlnct be used- in the* construction of these buildings. . . . • ., Not' included in this report are the acoustical requirements of the interior walls between rooms. Therefore, no.responsibility is taken for this aspect of the acoustical design. It is recommended that the standards of the City of Carlsbad be applied. Dr. Leslie E. Penzes , Certified Acoustical Consultant, P. E September 27/2004, 1 i I I i i 3. IV I I I I DISCUSSION EXTERNAL NOISE DISCUSSION EXTERIOR NOISE . . MEASUREMENTS . The recommendations made as a result of this study are based on the traffic information provided by SANDAG (Ref. 1) , personal communications with the Traffic Engineer of the City of Carlsbad, aircraft noise information from the San Diego County Regional Airport Authority (Ref. 5) , noise measurements obtained at the site (Tables IT and 2T) and the associated computer simulations. Exterior Noise Measurements Instruments For the-Exterior Noise Measurements, Quest 1800 and 1900 Sound Level Meters Type 1 with the accessory were used. The accessory included the Sound Level Calibrator by Quest (Type CA-22). The sound instruments were calibrated prior to the tests. Field Tests Sound measurements were conducted at two different locations on the site of the future building. The results -of' these 'measurements are presented on Tables IT and ,2T. Noise measurements were performed on the site on September 13, 2004. The location of one sound meter was located approximately 7o Ft from the existing chain link fence at the north property line of the site facing Palomar Airport Road (Sheet AS1, Loc.'!). Table IT presents the noise level in L,equ. generated by traffic on Palomar Airport Road and Aviara Parkway and noise generated by aircraft taking off or landing at McClellan-Palomar Airport at this location (Sheet. AS1, Loc. 1) as: L,equ., Mean. Loc, 1 = 893.2/15 •= 59,5 dBA 4. During the same period, the second sound meter was located at approximately 150 Ft from the existing chain link, fence at the north property line adjacent to .Palomar Airport Road and approximately 100 Ft from the existing chain link fence at the east property .line adjacent to Aviara Parkway' (Sheet AS1> LOG. 2) . The noise level in L,equ. from noise generated by traffic and aircraft at this location (Sheet AS1, LOG. 2} according to Table 2T is: L,equ.. Mean, Loc. 2 = 707.8/12 = 58.9 dBA Computer Simulation . . Due to the requirements .to show the validity of the forthcoming computer simulation of the Sound Tests' (Table IT) and the determination of the present and future CNEL noise levels, computer simulations were also performed (References 2 and 3). According to'SANDAG's Website for TRAFFIC VOLUMES of the City of Carlsbad (Ref. 1), the Present Average Daily Traffic (ADT) on Palomar Airport Road in the area of the site is 46,200 vehicles/day. In the area of the site, Palomar Airport Road Is a 6 lane road. From the same source, the Present Average Daily Traffic on Aviara Parkway is 8,900 vehicles/day. Aviara Parkway is a 4 lane road in the (vicinity of the site. Both roads are analyzed and their combined noise levels are simulated with the instrument location "(Loc. 1) of the noise measurement on Table IT. Table IE presents the inputs and outputs ,of the computer program, for a 6 lane road representing Palomar Airport Road. Assuming that the number of vehicles can be approximately estimated by the Hourly Average traffic based on the daily ADT of 46,200 Vehicles/Day (Ref. 1), the Average Hourly Volume of the- Vehicles on Palomar Airport Road: Veh. Average/Hour, Palomar Airpt; Rd. = 46,200/24 = 1,925 Veh./Hpur For the 6 lanes of Palomar Airport Road, an estimated average speed of 40 MPH for cars, medium trucks and heavy trucks are considered. The noise level in L,equ. for the 6 lanes of Palomar Airport Road at the instrument location on Table IT according to Table 2E is: .L,equ., Palomar Airport Road, Loc. 1 = 66.0 dBA 5. • * There is a an elevation difference between Palomar Airport Road and the site of the proj ect. This elevation difference contributes a reduction in the noise level between-the road and the instrument location (Loc. 1) on the site. Table 3E presents the. listing of the input and output for the computer program applied in the determination of noise levels due - to earth berm effects (Ref. 2). Table 4E presents the noise reduction due to the earth berm' effect between Palomar Airport Road and Loc. 1 oh the site as: Reduction, earth berm, Loc. 1 - 8.6•dBA Applying this reduction to the noise level from Palomar Airport Road, the simulated noise level -in L,equ. at Loc'. 1 from Palomar Airport Road is: • L,egu., Sim., Loc.l, Palomar Airpt. Rd. = 66.0 '- 8..6 - 57.4 dBA Table 5E .presents the inputs and outputs of the computer program for a 4 lane road representing Aviara Parkway. Assuming that the number of vehicles can be 'approximately estimated by the Hourly Average.traffic based on the daily ADT of 8,900 Vehicles/Day {Ref. 1), the Average Hourly Volume of the Vehicles on Aviara "Parkway: Veh. Average/Hour, Aviara Pkwy.^ 8,900/24 = 371 Veh./Hour ' For the 4 lanes of Aviara Parkway, an estimated average speed of 45 MPH for cars, medium trucks and heavy trucks are considered. . • The noise level in L,equ. for the 4 lanes of Aviara Parkway at the instrument location (Loc. 1) on Table IT according to Table 6E ••is: . . L,equ., Palomar. Airport Road, Loc. 1 = 55.7, .dBA ' Combining the noise levels from both roadways at Loc. 1, the simulated noise level in L,equ, at, Loc. 1 is: . L,egu-. , Simulated, Loc. 1 = 10LOG (10*5.74 +10*5.57) - 59.6 dBA The error between the simulated noise level at Loc. 1 and the actual noise measurement at the location '(59.5 dBA} is'less than -19- , .•-L "S .1 . . • « 6. PRESENT CNEL NOISE LEVEL Estimating.for both Palomar Airport Road and Aviara Parkway, the daily traffie.distribution of 80% for ' day. 'time, 8% for the evening time and 12% for night time for the • Present and Future Noise Levels in CNEL due to considerable volume of medium and heavy truck traffic observed on both roadways. Present Noise Level in CNSL at the Future Building from Traffic Generated.Noise on Palomar Airport Road and Aircraft from , • McClellan-Palomar Airport • - " Besides the above values 'in this computer run, all .of the previously applied input data was used. Table 7E presents 'the Present Noise Level in CNEL from the traffic on Palomar Airport' Road at the north side of the future building adjacent to the roadway as: " , . • . . - - CNEL, Present/ North Bldg, Palomar Airpt. Rd. = 68.2 dBA ' . Table 8E presents the noise reduction due to' the-earth berm effect between"the north side of the future buildihg/and Palomar Airport Road as:' . • Reduction, North Bldg., Palomar Airpt. Rd. = 8.1 dBA Applying the reduction of the earth berm effect of the elevation difference, the Present Noise Level in CNEL at north side of the future building from Palomar Airport Road is: CNEL,. Present, N. Bldg., Palomar Airpt. Rd. ='68.2 - 8.1 = 60.1 dBA Aircraft noise is - a major contributing factor to the. noise' levels at the site. A sufficient number of both prop-driven and small jet aircraft was observed fly directly above the site as part of the take-off pattern from McClellan-Palomar Airport. According to the map of NOISE CONTOURS, McCLELLAN-PALOMAR AIRPORT AREA (Fig. 3.1-9} as provided in the DRAFT, •TIER ONE • SCREENING ANALYSIS, Chapter 3. Site Analysis/' Section 3.1. McClellan-Palomar Airport Area prepared for the San Diego County Regional Airport Authority (Ref. 5), the .site of the project is in the vicinity of the 73 dBA in CNEL noise contour. The map presents twp sets-of• noise contours for the airport. The set of 'noise . 7 . . contours to the north represent the additional contours as the result of the proposed future development and expansion of the /airport. The set of noise contours to the south represent the area of noise influence .at the site as it ips at present and will remain in the future. - '• A noise level of 73 dBA in CNEL is applied to the roof of the future building and- 70 dBA in CNEL (3 dBA 'attenuation to the building's sides perpendicular to the noise source,. i.e. the overflying aircraft) at the sides of the building. Applying the aircraft noise level to the traffic noise level at the first floor of the building, the total present no.ise level in CNEL on the first floor at the north side of the building is: ' CNEL, 1st Fir.'. North Bldq. = 10LOG(10^7.00 +-10A6". 01) ='70 dBA ' - ... The noise levels in CNEL at the second-and third floors of the future building are in free field conditions and are not subjected to earth berrrv reductions. Thus, the noise level iri CNEL presented. . on Table 7E is _combined with the aircraft noise level and noise .', levels on' the second and -third floors at the north side' of the building are: _ . . - CNBL, 2nd&3rd Flrs.,North Bldg. = 10LOG(10^7.00 + 10^6.82) = 72 dBA- .The same method of .determination of the present noise levels ' in CNEL are applied at the east side of future building adjacent to Aviara Parkway.. Present Noise Level in CNEL at the Future Building from Traffic Generated Noise on Aviara Parkway and Aircraft from Mc'Clellan-Palomar Airport Besides the above values in this computer run, all of the previously applied input data was used. Table 9E presents . the Present Noise Level in CNEL from the traffic on Aviara 'Parkway at the east side of the future building adjacent to the roadway as: CNEL, 'Present, East Bldg, Aviara Pkwy. =60.8 dBA. Table 10E presents the noise reduction due to the'earth berm effect between the north side of the future building and Aviara as:_ Reduction, North Bldg.,"Palomar Airpt. Rd. = 8.0 dBA- -Applying the reduction of the. earth berm effect of the elevation difference, the Present Noise Level in CNEL at east side of the'future, building from Avrara Parkway is; , 'CNEL, Present, 'E. Bldg., Aviara Pkwy.,= 60.8 - 8.0 = 52.8 dBA . • Applying the aircraft noise level to the traffic noise level .at the first floor of the building', the total present noise level in CNEL on the -first floor, at the north side of the building, is: CNEL. lst-F-lr., East Bldq. =' 10LOG (10A7 . 0.0 + 10*5.28) = 7 0 dBA ' .The noise levels in CNEL at the second and third .floors 'at the east side of the future-building-are also in free field conditions and 'are not subjected to earth berm reductions: Thus the noise level in CNEL presented on Table 9E is combined with the aircraft noise level and noise levels on the second and third floors at the north side of the building are: ' CMEL, 2nd&3rd Firs.,East Bldq. = 10LOG"(10A7.00 + 10*6.08) =71 dBA The Present Noise Level in CNEL Distribution for the first' floor is presented on Figure 1 and for the second and third floors of the future building is presented on Figure 2.' . •FUTURE CNEL NOISE LEVEL The' Future .traffic data was • obtained from Mr. Bob Johnson,' Traffic Engineer for the City of Carlsbad.- According to Mr. Johnson, the SANDAG Model for future Average Daily Weekday Traffic Volumes- (ADT's) are used in the City of Carlsbad. According to Mr. Johnson,- the Future Average•Daily Traffic' (ADT) on Palomar Airport Road in the "area"of the site is 62,200 vehicles/day. From the same source, the Future Average Daily- Traffic' on Aviara Parkway is 16,500 vehicles/day. .Assuming that the number of vehicles can be ' approximately estimated by the Average Future Traffic based on the daily ADT of 62,200 Vehicles/Day, the Vehicles on Palomar"Airport Road is:, Veh.Future, Average/Hour, Palomar = 62,200/24 ='2,592 Veh./Hr "Also, the number of vehicles can be approximately estimated by the' Average Future Traffic based on the daily ADT of- 16,500 Vehicles/Day, the Vehicles -on Aviara Parkway is: ' - 9. • Veh.'Future, Average/Hour, Aviara = 16,500/24 = 688 Veh.-/Hr Future Noise Level in CNEL at the Future Building from Traffic Generated Noise on Palomar Airport Road and Aircraft from .- ' McClellan-Palomar Airport • Besides" the above values in this computer run/ all of the previously applied input data was used. Table HE presents the Future Noise Level in CNEL from the-traffic on Palomar Airport Road at the. north side of the future building adjacent to the roadway as: -" - CNEL, .Future, North Bldg, Palomar Airpt. Rd. = 69.5'dBA the reduction of the earth berm . effect of the •' elevation difference presented on Table 8E, the Future Noise Level • in CWEL.at north side of the future building from Palomar Airport • Road is : ' CNEL, Future, _N. Bldg'., Palomar Airpt. Rd. = 69.5 - 8-.1 = 61.4 dBA Applying the aircraft noise level to the traffic noise level at 'the first floor of the building, the total future. noise level in "CNEL on the first floor, at the north side of the building is; CNEL, 1st Fir.'/ North Bldg. = 10LOG (10*7 . 00 + 10*6.14) = 71 dBA . The noise levels in CNEL at the second and third floors of the .future building, are in free field conditions and are 'not subjected to earth berm reductions. Thus the future noise level in CNEL 'presented on Table HE is combined with the aircraft noise level and noise levels on 'the second and third floors at the north side of the building are: CNEL, 2hd&3rd Firs., North Bldg. = 10LOG (10A7 . 00 + 10*6.95} = 73 dBA The same method of determination of the future noise levels in CNEL are applied at the east side of future building adjacent to Aviara Parkway. 10. Future Noise Level in CNEL at the Future Building from Traffic Generated Noise on Aviara Parkway and Aircraft from Aviara -Parkway ' • " . Besides the above values in' this computer run, all of" the' previously applied input data was used. Table 12E presents the Future Noise Level in CNEL from the traffic on Aviara Parkway at the east side of the future building adjacent to the roadway as: CNEL, Future, East Bldg, Ayiara Pkwy..= 63.5.dBA Applying the reduction of the earth berm effect of the elevation difference presented on Table 10E, the Future Noise Level in CNEL at east side of the future building from Aviara Parkway is: CNEL, Future, E. Bldg.,. Aviara Pkwy. =.63.5 - 8.0 = 55.5 dBA Applying the aircraft noise level to the traffic noise level at the first floor of the building, the total future noise level in CNEL on the first floor at the north side of the building is: CNEL. '1st Fir., East'.Bldq. = 10LOG (10 A7.00 + 10A5.55) - 70 dBA The noise levels in CNEL at the second and -third floors at the east side of the future building are also in free field conditions and are. not subjected to earth berm reductions. Thus the future noise level in.CNEL presented on'Table 12E is combined with the aircraft noise ^level and noise levels 'on the second and third floors at the north side of the building are: CNEL, 2nd&3rd Firs'. .East Elder. = 10LOG(10^7.00 + 10*6.35)' = 71 dBA The Present Noise Level in CNEL Distribution for the first floor is presented on Figure 3 and for the second and third floors of the future building is presented on Figure 4. The Future Noise Levels in CNEL' on all three floors of the future building 'will be applied in the .Internal Noise Analysis (INA) of, the building. • . • 11. I i i i INTERNAL NOISE INTERNAL NOISE ANALYSIS Mr. Tom Lamore, Architect, A.I.A. .for ' SMITH CONSULTING ARCHITECTS, provided the drawings and documents t'o perform the- Interior Noise Analysis (INA) for the future KELLY CORPORATION CENTER located on the parcel at 'the southwest' corner of Palomar Airport Road and Aviara Parkway in Carlsbad,' CA. The drawings are attached ' (Sheets AS1, Al.l, Al.2, Al.3, A1.4, A3.1, ' A5.1, A5.2, ' A7.1, and AD-3 .1) . '• .. -. - The Internal Noise in areas of the building were, analyzed'using the Internal Noise Analysis (INA) computer program developed by Dr. Alexander.Segal and licensed to Dr. Leslie E. Penzes (Ref. 4). Areas in the future building applied in the' project were analyzed. Tables 10 through 39 provide the Internal Noise Levels in CNEL and'the. associated, construction components of the areas in the building. - • ' For'analysis of the areas in the building,' the proceeding two types of tables are provided: . •.•••• . The first table (tables with even numbers) presents a list of -construction components,, the corresponding .areas, STC Rating, • - exterior noise in CNEL, and interior noise in- CNEL with the 'windows closed. ' . . The second table (tables with odd' numbers) provides the "Building Elements Sound Transmission, -Information" . This table lists in detail the transmission loss in dBA as a function of the . •frequencies and some technical details of these construction components •. - -The. external windows of the building are .installed in store front systems, thus they are inoperable and will. remain closed. "For an .easy understanding of the Tables, examples of. the Internal Noise Analysis of the areas in the ' building will be discussed in .the following. -• - • • > 12. . FIRST FLOOR v • First Floor, Space @ Northeast Corner Table.10 provides the construction components and the related areas for the Space on the first floor at the northeast corner of the future building. Table 10 presents the interior noise analysis for this area (Ref. 4). This table shows the sound absorption, construction components and correction factors. .Table 10 presents a noise level of 49 dBA in CNEL in this area. Table 11 presents the .building element sound transmission loss1 information. ... • " First 'Floor, North Side Lobby/Entry .Table 12 provides the construction components and the related areas for the North Side Lobby/Entry. Table 12 presents the interior noise- analysis for this area (Ref. 4). This table shows the sound absorption, -construction components and correction factors. .Table 12 presents a noise level of 46 dBA in CNEL when the double -glass entry doors are closed and 61 dBA in CNEL when .the entry .doors are open'50%. These results indicate that the Entry doors, must remain closed. - ; Table 13'presents the building element sound transmission loss information. , ' • First Floor, Space @ Southeast 'Corner _Table 14 provides the construction components and the related areas for the Space on, the first floor at the southeast corner of the future building. Table 14 presents the interior noise analysis for this area (Ref. 4). This table shows the sound absorption, construction components and correction factors. -.Table 14 presents a.noise-level of 47 dBA in CNEL in this area. Table 15 presents the building element sound transmission loss information. 13. SECOND FLOOR Second Floor. Space @ Northeast Corner Table 2.0 provides -the construction components and the related areas for the' Space on the second floor-at the northeast corner-of the future building. Table 20 presents the interior noise 'analysis for this area (Ref. 4). This table shows the sound•absorption/ construction components and correction factors. ^Table 20 presents ,a noise level of 45 dBA in CNEL in this area. Table 21'.presents the building element sound transmission loss, information. ' ' Second Floor, Space @ Middle North Side Table 22 provides the 'construction .components and the relat'ed areas for the Space on the second floor at the middle of the-north .side of; the future building. Table 22 presents the interior noise analysis for this area (Ref. 4). This table shows', the '"sound absorption, construction components and correction factors. Table 22 presents a noise level of 46 dBA in -CNEL in this area. " • • ' .Table 23 presents the building element sound transmission loss information. . ... THIRD FLOOR . ' - . Third Floor, Space @ Northeast Corner Table 30 provides the construction components and the related areas for the Space on the third floor at the northeast corner of the future building. Table 30 presents the interior noise analysis for this area (Ref. 4) . This table shows 'the -sound absorption, construction components and correction factors. Table 30 presents a noise level of ,49 dBA in CNEL in this area. • . •• . Table 31 presents the building'element sound transmission loss information. ' 14. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Third Floor, Space @ Northwest Corner Table 36 provides the construction components and the related areas for the Space on the third floor at the northwest corner of the future building. Table 36 presents the interior noise analysi's for this area (Ref. 4). This table shows the"sound absorption, construction components and correction factors. Table 36 presents a noise level of. 48 dBA in CNEL in this area. Table 37-presents the building element sound transmission loss information. Third Floor, Space @ South.Side Table 38 provides the construction components and the'related areas for the Space' on the third floor at the south side of the ^future building. Table 38 presents the' interior noise analysis for 'this area (Ref. 4). Thi's table shows the sound absorption, construction components and correction factors. Table 38 presents- a noise level of 46 dBA in CNEL in this area. "• . Table 39 presents the building element sound transmission loss information. ' ' 15 REFERENCES I I I I I I I I I I I i I i i •; I I I REFERENCES 1. .SANDAG.Web Site: www.sandag.org/resources/demographics and other data/transportation, 2004, DATA FILES-Average Weekday Traffic Volumes (ADT) ,• City of Carlsbad. > *. : ' • 2.'/(U.S.) Federal Highway Administration, Washington, DC'.' Dec. . >• 1978,.P881-194227 ' • . 3. DEPARTMENT-OF .TRANSPORTATION, Office of Transportation Laboratory:"California Vehicles Noise Emission Levels". (Calyeno) Feb. 28, 1985. ' ' - ' 4. INTERIOR NOISE ANALYSIS COMPUTER PROGRAM. INA. VERSION 2.1. Dr. Alexander Segal, 1990. Licensed to Dr." Leslie E. Penzes. 5. Noise Contours Map McClellan-Palomar Airport Area (Figure 3.1- 9), Air Transportation Action Program-ATAP, DRAFT-TIER ONE SCREENING ANALYSIS, Chapter 3. Site Analysis, Section 3.1 McClellan-Palomar Airport Area, Prepared for: San Diego -County ' Regional Airport Authority, Prepared by: Landrum & Brown, June 23, 2003. ' 6. Internal Noise Limit for Office Buildings by the City of - Carlsbad, Section X. b) Noise of attached condition of approval received with Proposal Request from Tom Lamore, Architect, A.I.A. for SMITH CONSULTING ARCHITECTS, Fax Transmittal, August 24, 2004. ' ' 16. REFERENCE 6 6) An exterior lighting plan including parking areas shall be submitted for Planning Director arid U.S. Fish,and Wildlife Service approval prior to building permit issuance. All- lighting shall be designed to reflect downward and avoid any impacts on adjacent homes or property. The maximum height of all light fixtures shall not exceed 30 feet. . X. b) NOISE • ', - ,' . ' ' The majority -of the project site is located within the 65 to 70 decibel CNEL noise contours identified in the Comprehensive Land Use Plan for McClellan-Palomar Airport with ah area of the northeast corner of the site falling within the 70 to 75 decibel CNEL. noise contour. SANDAG preparecl a site specific plot of the noise contour lines in relation to proposed buildings and it was determined that no structures will be located within the 70 to 75 decibel CNEL noise 'contour. Office buildings, are listed on the McClellan-Palomar Airport Noise/Land"Use Compatibility Matrix as conditionally compatible in the 65 to 70 decibel CNEL noise level with the following mitigation measures: 1) Proposed office buildings shall be noise attenuated to an interior level of 50 decibels CNEL based on an acoustical study submitted along with building plans. Concurrent with the submittal of building plans the applicant shall submit an acoustical study documenting what construction materials or measures must be utilized to meet required interior noise levels. A letter signed by the acoustical engineer and the project architect which contains the architects registration stamp and certifies that the recommendations of ' the acoustical study have been incorporated into the building plans shall be submitted and ' approved by the Planning Director prior to building permit issuance. 2) Prior to the issuance of building permits the Developer shall prepare and record a Notice that this property may be subject to noise impacts from the proposed or existing- Transportation Corridor, hi a form meeting the approval of the Planning Director and City Attorney (see Noise Form #1 on file in the Planning Department). 3) Prior to the issuance of building permits the Developer shall prepare and record a Notice that this property is subject to overflight, sight and sound of aircraft operating from McClellan-Palomar Airport, in a form meeting the approval of the Planning Director and the City Attorney (see Noise Form #2 on file in the Planning Department). 4) Prior to the issuance of building permits, the Developer shall record an Avigation Easement for the property to the County of San Diego and file a copy of the recorded document with the Planning Director. 16 , Rev. 03/28/96 I REFERENCE 6 6) . An exterior lighting plan including parking areas shall be submitted for Planning Director and U;S. Fish.and Wildlife Service approval prior to building permit issuance. All lighting shall be designed to reflect downward and avoid,any impacts on adjacent homes or property. The maximum height of all light fixtures shall not exceed 30 feet. X. b) NOISE ' ' . ' . .''.-''• , ' - The majority-of the project site is located within the 65 to 70 decibel CNEL noise contours identified in the Comprehensive Land Use Plan for McClellan-Palomar Airport with an area of the northeast corner; of the site falling within the 70 to 75 decibel CNEL noise contour. SANDAG prepared a site specific plot of the noise contour lines in relation to proposed buildings and it was determined that no structures will be located within the 70 to 75 decibel CNEL noise contour. Office buildings, are listed on the McClellan-Palomar Airport Noise/Land Use Compatibility Matrix as conditionally compatible in the 65 to -70 decibel CNEL noise level with the following mitigation measures: ,' . . - . ' 1) Proposed office buildings shall .be noise attenuated to an interior level of 50 decibels CNEL based on an acoustical study submitted along with building plans. Concurrent with the submittal of building plans the applicant shall submit an acoustical study -documenting what construction materials or measures must be utilized to meet required' interior noise levels. A letter signed by the acoustical engineer and the project architect . " which contains the architects registration stamp and certifies that the recommendations of the acoustical study have been incorporated into the building plans shall be submitted and approved by the Planning Director prior to building permit issuance. - 2) Prior to the issuance of building permits the Developer shall prepare and record a Notice that this property may be subject to. noise impacts •from the proposed or existing* Transportation Corridor, in a form meeting the approval of the Planning Director and City Attorney (see Noise Form #1 on file in the Planning Department). 3) -Prior to the issuance, of building permits the Developer shall prepare and record a Notice that this property is subject to overflight, sight and sound of aircraft operating from ' , McClellan-Palomar Airport, hi a form meeting the approval of the Planning Director and the City Attorney (see Noise Form #2 on file in the Planning Department). 4) . Prior to the issuance of building permits, the Developer shall record ah Avigation Easement for the property to the County ,of San Diego and file a copy of the recorded document with the Planning Director. 16 Rev. 03/28/96 I I I H II FIGURES ..K KcJJfSlra/V•' l l ' -' MI' r- -v- .*'•"'.• »' i-'iv -* j^i—f, s. ^H i*ifr*~-i-V ^•*»,™-»'V'"^ M, n f i*V S-i xvv" '-'P "oa Vvv J^^-^B 12i to t:o£ S- o< 1 «o c O 1 «. .2oo 2 o £ co toa«cto oD)0) to (O I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I KELLY CORPORATE CENTERPALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD AND AVIARA PARKWAY: CARLSBAD, CA • . PRESENT . NOISE'DISTRIBUTION IN. CNEL FIRST FLOOR ... ..."• • AVIARA PARKWAY BEYOND ' ' . O fcCD O<cO O Q_ <C ^O NORTH O Q_ CO 70 dBA cn FIG-. 1 ; KELLY CORPORATE'.CENTER . . . PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD AND AVIARA PARKWAY CARLSBAD, CA . • : .-, ' -. PRESENT ' ,- ' NOISE DISTRIBUTION-IN. CNEL •'•.. SECOND AND THIRD FLOORS AVIARA PARKWAY BEYOND o£ DQ Q -< -O O CL <Czso <Q_ Q_ CD NORTH 71 dBA .- ROOF 73 dBA AIRCRAFT NOISE enCO CL CO FIG. 2 -.'. KELLY CORPORATE CENTER', PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD AND AVIARA PARKWAY . CARLSBAD, CA ' 'FUTURE ' ^ •• NOISE. DISTRIBUTION IN CNEL ' . FIRST FLOOR 1 o ;z:o£3DQ O «tO oroQ_ o <cQ_ • NORTH AVIARA PARKWAY BEYOND L CL CO - 70 dBA ' , . KELLY CORPORATErrwTFR CL CD \ ^ \ O- FIG. 3 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I -. ••• 'KELLY CORPORATE CENTER ,;• . ; PALOMAR AIRPORT, ROAD'AND AVIARA' PARKWAY CARLSBAD, CA • ' , , . : "'.-'•'. . , EUTURE ' '...NOISE DISTRIBUTION IN CNEL • ... ' .SECOND AND, THIRD FLOORS , - ' ' - '-' AVIARA PARKWAY BEYOND .. • . • " ' ozo LjJm Q•<cOCC ccoD_ '££<c ce<c"S.Q •<cu • NORTH ROOF 73 dBA AIRCRAFT NOISE KELLY CORPORATE CENTER. SECOND AND THIRD FLOORS .'ROOF 73 dBA .. AIRCRAFT NOISE FIG. 4 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ••. KELLY-CORPORATE CENTER . •'. PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD AND AVIARA PARKWAY . 'CARLSBAD, CA ' ' • . STC RATING FIRST FLOOR • ; •. ' AVIARA PARKWAY BKOND ' - " .' . Q Z O.&CD Q<COo: o Cu <C ^o_ i<ca, •• ' CO— !OIIro • STC=26 oo'— 1• o• II • .r-o CD" 1- . 'U _ ^__ KELLY CORPORATE- A o \ 1 I • CENTER . \ «b \- - • V^A FIRST FLOOR . \ ^ \ \ \\' \ : . \ \\ s> \ • - \\ <y»'V\ • . V NORTH FIG: 5 • -KELLY CORPORATE CENTER - , PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD AND AVIARA PARKWAY •' - : . " CARLSBAD, CA . ' "'•"• ' STC RATINGS1 • . " : . SECOND AND THIRD FLOORS' . ' ".-•'. .: .- AVIARA PARKWAY BEYOND ' - ' • 73 dBA AiRCRAFT NOISE KELLY CORPORATE CENTER SECOND AND THIRD FLOORS 'ROOF 73 dBA • A1RCRAR NOISE FIG. 6 'JjJiiP H > !5 ii * I w ft lM A !! > i s^ i; i« »j*?• i* KELLY CORPORATE CENTER PARCEL 4 - PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD (Sm/thConsuJtingArchitects r I IK*sis im y ? ^fi5i I H| aSHPI P P f 'tcl»)s?II III I piIII if I ill S«ii,i'i5 36' si ili t Its [HE If HE SS ^ l! It %? iji ?j M ij§ ij;• ^ if w w & Ei KELLY CORPORATE CENTER PARCEL 4 - PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA SmithConsultingArchitects S ii is at*lf ' U l*i mi Itifa ^« SHI!' Ill * Sa li I;i; Si $18 i i hi ft MHsH! !*S IN °M M iri1| plniiihpill 'ini iill 1 1 1 ii 1! 'Ht!1;fi!*FfiSJ!Ffl!1¥ fit* if ill 1 11is F? HM? ;![*? Mir HsjF [3js sj,^ ^; I^MI^! li^iiii o,si JE' jg »fi |H *fj * g' ii hi i i J i> *_L FO E S r i I S h 8T P .' ? ej??S'j' r ff^P 's t * ^j ^ i j if ; t >f>f;>11 KELLY loi CORPORATE CENTER PARCEL 4 - PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 5 SmithConsultingArchitects • mjli BCwaHBil; , sufcjm• s*.t>pp.cA nty\ j CBMIJ m-*T^' ^ ! : SH5P* J>!5 !H t^l fSWl E ^f : t- i> -£ '3f ^1 & !iw! PI nl s » ! HE n ? nt? ms MH ^K sf h'it'ltPM " i?; ns^!^!f^Mi!sfi ;K ii Is I rBf tiff 1*F ttRf it** 5» f b? 3ij hs y sjf S N N M j Si » * i ,f| i ^ K ftf KELLY CORPORATE CENTER PARCEL 4 - PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA SmithConsultingArchitects 11 \ 1 HP KELLY CORPORATE CENTER PARCEL 4 - PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA ! SmithConsultingArchitects -© -0 ff KELLY CORPORATE CENTER PARCEl 4 - PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA SmithConsultingArchitects I M 1 * IS n H s s• in n1 !1 KELLY CORPORATE CENTER PARCEL 4 - PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA SmithConsultingArchitects *10 KELLY CORPORATE CENTER PARCEL 4 - PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA SmithConsulting Architects «H I u pUnni!!'®* hshi i I hi t V, i © t i f. ff DQHD FtOOfl DDOPfi (MM M M M M M M ( M M 11 KELLY CORPORATE CENTER THE *LLEh PARCEL 4 - PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA | SmithConsultingArchitects \ IMMUM Mif < o 'Mill™ 5» . * fin n DIw KELLY CORPORATE CENTER PARCEL 4 • PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA ! SmithConsultingArchitects TABLES SOUND TESTS I I I I I I I I I I I I I i I i i i i September 13, 2004 KELLY CORPORATE CENTER Palomar Airport Road Carlsbad, California Table IT Time (PM) 3 00 3 3 -3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 05 08 10 15 19 20 25 27 30 33 35 38 40 L, equ. , Mean Location of L, equ. (dBA) 59.9 57.5 60 .8 60.4 59.6 59.2 59.1 58, .8 59.5 59.3 60.8 60.1 60.8 60.6 = 893.2/15 Instrument : Remarks Prop. Prop. Prop. Jet Jet = 59.5 dBA On site, appr Plane Plane Plane Dximat from existing chain link fence at north Property Line adjacent to Palomar Airport Road. I I 1 I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I Table 2T Time (PM) '3 05 3 3 4 4 4 4 .4 4 4 4 4 09 10 15 20 25 29 30 34 35 37 40 Lj ecru . , Mean Location of L, equ (dBA) 58.4 61 .2 60 .3 58.8 57.8 57.3 58.1 58.0 59.2 59.2 59.9 59.6 = 707.8/12 Instrument : Remarks Prop. Plane Prop. Plane Jet Jet =58.9 dBA On site , approxirnat from existing chain link fence at north Property Line adjacent to Palomar Airport Road and approximately 100 Ft from existing chain link fence at east Property Line adjacent to Aviara Parkway. • v I I I I EXTERNAL NOISE COMPUTER SIMULATIONS TABLE LIST 100-170 100 REM ANALYTICAL PREDICTION OF HIGHWAY NOISE,SIX LANES .110 REM CALVENO EMISSION AND FHWA MODEL, ENGLISH UNITS 115 REM ANN=Autos,Nearest -116 REM ANM-Autos,Mid-Near 120 REM AN=Autos,Near 130REMAF=Autos,Far 131 REM AFM=Autos,Mid-Far : 135 REM AFF=Autos,Farest 136 REM MNN-Medium Trucks.Nearest 137 REM MNM=Medium Trucks,Mid-Near 140 REM MN=Medium Trucks.Near 150 REM MF=Medium Trucks.Far 151 REM MFM=Medium Trucks,Mid-Far 15 5 REM MFF=Medium Trucks,Farest 156 REM HNN=Heavy Trucks,Nearest - . 160 REM HN-Heavy Trucks,Near 161 REM HNM=Heavy Trucks,Mid-Near 170 REM HF==Heaw Trucks Jar 171 REM HFM-Heavy Trucks.Mid-Far 175 REM HFF=Heavy Trucks,Farest 176 REM SANNE-Speed of Autos,Nearest 177REMSA^NE=SpeedofAutos,Mid-Near . 180 REM SANE-Speed of Autos,Near 190REMSAFE=SpeedofAutos,Far ' . 191 REM SAMFE=Speed of Autos.Mid-Far 195 REM SAFFE^Speed of Autos,Fares( 196 REM SMNNE-Speed of Medium Trucks,Nearest 197 REM SMMNE=Speed of Medium Trucks,Mid-Near 200 REM SMNE-Speed of Medium Trucks,Near 210 REM SMFE=Speed of Medium Trucks Far 211 REM SMMFE=Speed of Medium Trucks.Mid-Far 215 REM SMFFE=Speed of Medium Trucks,Farest 216 REM SHNNE-Speed of Heavy TruckssNearest 217 REM SHMNE=Speed of Heavy Trucks,Mid-Near 220 REM SHNE-Spccd of I Icavy Trucka,Ncur 230 REM SHFE-Speed of Heavy Trucks,Far LIST 231-300 . 231 REM SHMFE-Speed of Heavy Trucks,Mid-Far • 235 REM SHFFE=Speed of Heavy Trucks,Farest ' 236 REM VANN^Volume of Autos,Nearest " . 237REMVAMN=VoIumeofAutos,Mid-Near \ . 240 REM VAN-Volume of Autos,Near 251 REM VAMF=Volume of Autos,Mid-Far .255REMVAFF-VolumeofAutos,Farest _ . - 256 REM VMNN=Volume of Medium Trucks,Nearest 257 REM VMMN=Volume of Medium Trucks,Mid-Near 260 REM VMN-Voiume of Medium Trucks,Near 270 REM VMF=Volume of Medium Trucks.Far 271 REM VMMF=Volume of Medium Trucks,Mid-Far 275 REM VMFF=Volume of Medium Trucks,Farest " 276 REM VHNN-Volume of Heavy Trucks,Nearest 277 REM VHMN=Volume. of Heavy Trucks,Mid-Near 280 REM VHN-Volume of Heavy Trucks,Near 290 REM VHF-Volume of Heavy Trucks.Far 291 REM VHMF=Volume of Heavy Trucks.Mid-Far 295 REM VHFF-Volume of Heavy Trucks,Farest 300 REM B=Angle,Total Angle(Hard Site);Computed Integrated AngleCSoft Site1) 320 REM DOE-Reference Distance ' . 330 REM DlE^Arbitrary Distance,Near . - 335 REM D2E=Arbitrary Distance,Far - 336 REM D3E=Arbitrary Distance,Nearest 337 REM D4E=Arbitrary Distance,Farest ' 338 REM D5E=Arbitrary Distance,Mid-Near 339REMD6E-ArbitraryDistance,Mid-Far ' ' * . ' 340 REM A-Site Hardness 350 REM G=Grade(%) 360 REM AB=Adjustment of Building or Coverage 362 REM Lij=Leq/H:EQUIVALENT SOUND LEVEL(dBA) FOR A CLASS OF VEHICLES 364 REM WHERE i-1,2,3 (AUTOSMEDIUM TRUCK.HEAVY TRUCK) 366 REM WHERE j-l^^^.S.eCNEAR^AR^earest 367 REM D^PERCENT OF DAYTIME TRAFFIC 368 REM E=PERCENT OF EVENING TRAFFIC 3 69 REM N-PERCENT OF NIGHTTIME TRAFFIC LOAD"CALVENE6.BAS"TA&U RUN - ' . ENTER VALUES FOR SANNE,SANE,SAFE,SAFFE,SMNNE,SMNE,SMFE,SMFFE 740,40,40,40,40,40,40,40 ' • ENTER VALUES FOR SHNNE,SHNE,SHFE,SHFFE 740,40,40,40 . ; • ' 'ENTER VALUES FOR SAMNE,SAMFE,SMMNE,SMMFE,SHMNE,SHMFE 7 40,40,40,40,40,40 - ENTER VALUES FOR VANN,VAN,VAF,VAFF,VMNN,VMN,VMF,VMFF 7312,312,312,312,6,6,6,6 ENTER VALUES FOR VHNN,VHN,VHF,VHFF 73,3,3,3 • ENTER VALUES FOR VAMN^AMF^MMN^MMF^HMN^HMF 7312,312,6,6,3,3 ENTER VALUES FOR B,DOE,D1E,D2E,D3E,D4E,D5E,D6E ?'180,49,119,151,95,175,107,163 ENTER VALUES FOR D,E,N ? 1,0,0 ENTER VALUES FOR A,G,AB 7 0,0,0 '. LOAN= 67.37429 LOMF= 76.30057 LOMNN= 76.30057 LOMFF= 76.30057 LOHNN=81.12543 LOHFF-81.12543 S13=-6.402506S11- S23=-23.56254S21- S33--26.57284S31- AD1--3.853509AD2 L13-58.09651 Lll= L23= 49.86276 L21= L33-51.67732 L31- L15= 57.57991 L16= L35= 51.16072 L36= LEQH(COMBrNED) CNEL-65.96461 LOAF= 67.37429 LOMN-,76.30057 LOHN=81.12543 LOMN= 76.30057 LOMF-76.30057 LOHF=81.12543 6.402506 S12=-6.402506 S14=-6.402506 23.56254 S22=-23.56254 S24--23.56254 26.57284 S32--26.57284 S34--26.57284 --4.88781 AD3--2.875275 AD4--5.52842 AFS= 57.11828 L12- 56.08398 L14= 55.44337 48.88452 L22= 47.85022 L24- 47.20961 • 50.69908 L32- 49.66478 L34- 49.02417 55.75187 L25-49.34616 L26-47.51811 49.33267 -65.96461 • LOAD"BARRIESE.BAS" - Ok_ LIST 100-250 100 REM NOISE REDUCTION DUE TO NOISE BARRIER, FHWA METHOD, ENGLISH UNITS (Ft.) - ' .'•-,. 110 REM CIE-DISTANCE FROM SOURCE TO BARRIER . 120 REM C2E=DISTANCE FROM BARRIER TO RECEPTOR 130 REM HE-HEIGHT OF BARRIER ABOVE ROADWAY ELEVATION 140 REM S1E-SOURCE HEIGHT ABOVE ROADWAY 150 REM RE-RECEPTOR HEIGHT WITH RESPECT TO ROADWAY 160REMT-TEMPERATUREINF "-..-. • 170 REM FR-FREQUENCY IN CPS 211 REM INDEX BRIGHT SIDE . 212 REM INDEX 2=LEFT SIDE 213 REM PR-RIGHT ANGLE FROM THE OBSERVER SIDE 214 REM PL-LEFT ANGLE FROM THE OBSERVER SIDE 220 REM NO-FRESNEL NUMBER, PERPENDICULAR TO SOURCE LINE 230 REM EB-EARTHBERM FACTOR 231 REM RCE-LIMIT HEIGHT OF SOURCE 232 REM.LB,LBL-NOISE REDUCTION DUE TO NOISE BARRIER OR EARTH BERM 235 REM LO-0, NO NOISE REDUCTION DUE TO THE HEIGHT OF SOURCE 236 REM LM-THE MAXIMUM POSSIBLE NOISE REDUCTION 250 PRINT Ok_. 1LIST 2RUN 3LOAD" 4SAVE" 5CONT 6,"LPT1 7TRON 8TROFF 9KEY OSCREEN RUN • . / ENTER VALUES FOR C1E,C2E,HE,S1E,RE,TE,FR 774,61,10,12.3,4.5,68,550 ENTER VALUES FOR EB 71, " - - ENTER VALUES FOR PL,PR 7-90,90 Al-22.56609 Bi-18.66822 C= 41.21662 DO-1.768875E-02 NO=5.670741E-02 ' . - ; .. ' . • - RC= 2.470116- - • . . P0=-l.570796 P3--.6283185 P7= .6283186. P10= 1.570796 OFF- 3.141593 UO=2.690014E-08 U3-.2882554 U7= .2882553 U10-2.690014E-08 VSO=2.690649E-08 VS3= .2407211VS7=.2407211 VS10=.2.690649E-08 Z0= 1.000236 Z3- .8350966 Z7= .8350967 Z10= 1.000236 IU= 2.735575 LBL=-8.601011 ' Ok_ 1LIST 2RUN, 3LOAD" 4SAVE" 5CONT 6,"LPT1 7TRON 8TROFF 9KEY OSCREEN I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I LIST 100-200 100 REM ANALYTICAL PREDICTION OF HIGHWAY NOISE,FOUR LANES ' 110 REM CALVENO EMMISSION AND FHWA MODEL, ENGLISH UNITS 115 REM ANN=Autos,Nearest 120 REM AN=Autos,Near • ,130 REM AF=Autos,Far. • 135 REM AFF^Autos,Farest . • 136 REM MNN=Medium Trucks,Nearest 140 REM MN^Medium Trucks.Near 150 REM MF=Medium Trucks,Far 155 REM MFF^Medium Trucks.Farest 156 REM HNN=Heavy Trucks,Nearest 160REMHN==HeavyTrucks,Near • 170 REM HF-Heavy Trucks,Far 175 REM HFF=Heavy Trucks,Farest . 176 REM SANNE=Speed of Autos.Nearest 180 REM SANE=Speed of Autos.Near 190 REM.SAFE=Speed of Autos.Far 195 REM SAFFE=Speed of Autos,Farest 196 REM SMNNE=Speed of Medium Trucks.Nearest 200 REM SMNE=Speed of Medium Trucks,Near 210 REM SMFE-Speed of Medium Trucks Far. 215 REM SMFFE-Speed of Medium Trucks.Farest 216 REM SHNNE=Speed of Heavy Trucks,Nearest 220 REM SHNE=Speed of Heavy Trucks,Near 230 REM SHFE-Speed of Heavy Trucks,Far 235 REM SHFFE=Speed of Heavy Trucks,Farest 236 REM VANN-Volume of Autos.Nearest 240 REM VAN=Volume of Autos,Near 250 REM VAF-=Volume of Autos,Far 255 REM VAFF=Volume of Autos.Farest 256 REM VMNN=Vplmhe of Medium Trucks,Nearest 260 REM VMN^Volume of Medium Trucks.Near 270 REM VMF-Volume of Medium Trucks,Far 275 REM VMFF-Volume of Medium Trucks,Farest ; 276 REM VHNN=Volume of Heavy Trucks,Nearest 280 REM VHN=Volume of Heavy Trucks.Near - ,. 290 REM VHF^Volume of Heavy Trucks,Far 295 REM VHFF=Vohune of Heavy TrucksJFarest 300 REM B=AngIe,Total AngIe(Hard Site);Computed Integrated Angle(Soft Site) 320 REM DOE^Reference Distance LIST 321-400 . 330 REM D1 E^Arbitrary Distance,Near 335 REM D2E=Arbitrary Distance,Far 336 REM D3E=Arbitrary Distance,Nearest 337 REM D4E=Arbitrary Distance,Farest 340 REM A-Site Hardness 350REMG=Grade(%) 360 REM AB^Adjustment of Building or Coverage 362 REM Lij=Leq/H:EQUIVALENT SOUND LEVEL(dBA) FOR A CLASS OF VEHICLES 364 REM WHERE i«l,2,3 (AUTO,MEDIUM TRUCK,HEAVY TRUCK) 366 REM WHERE j=l,2,3,4(NEAR,FAR,Nearest,Farest) . ' : 370 REM D-PERCENT OF DAYTIME TRAFFIC 371 REM E-PERCENT OF EVENING TRAFFIC 372 REM N^PERCENT OF NIGHTTIME TRAFFIC 375 PRINT Ok_ 1LIST 2RUN 3LOAD" 4SAVE" 5CONT 6,"LPT1 7TRON 8TROFF 9KEY OSCREEN I I I 1 RUN ENTER VALUES FOR SANNE,SANE,SAFE,SAFFE,SMNNE,SMNE,SMFE,SMFFE 745,45,45,45,45,45,45,45 'ENTER VALUES.FOR SHNNE,SHNE,SHFE,SHFFE 745,45,45,45 ENTER VALUES FOR VANN,VAN,VAF,VAFF,VMNN,VMN,VMF,VMFF 790,90,90,90,2,2,2,2 ENTER' VALUES FOR VHNN,VHN,VHF,VHFF ?U,U' . - ENTER VALUES FOR B,DOE,D1E,D2E,D3E;D4E,A,G ? 180,49,352,384,340,396,0,0 ENTER VALUES FOR AB 70 , , ENTER VALUES FOR D,E,N ? 1,0,0 - . LOAN- 69.35903 LOAFF-69.35903 LOMN-77.61008 LOMFF= 77.61008 LOHN-82.10756 LOHFF= 82.10756 S13--12.31315S11 S23--28.84528 S21 S33--31.85558 S31 AD1--8.563467 AD2 L13-48.63304 Lll- L23-40.35198 L21= L33= 41.83916 L31- LEQH(COMBINED) CNEL-55.65497 LOAF= 69.35903 LOMF-77.61008 LOHF= 82.10756 LOANN-69.35903 LOMNN= 77.61008 LOHNN-82.10756 12.31315 S12--12.31315 S14--12.31315 28.84528-S22--28.84528S24---28.84528 31.85558 S32=-3L85558 S34=-31.85558 =-8.941352 AD3--8.412829 AD4=-9.074991 AFS- 0 48.48241 L12- 48.10452 U4= 47.97088 40.20133 L22- 39.82345 L24= 39.68981 41.68852 L32-41.31063 L34= 41,177 i=55.65497 (C) Copyright Microsoft 1982, 1983 6.1697 Bytes free Ok_ - ' . • LOAr>"CALVENE6.BAS" Ok_ • . . - RUN .ENTER VALUES FOR SANNE,SANE,SAFE,SAFFE,SMNNE,SMNE,SIVIFE,SMFFE 7 40,40,40,40,40,40,40,40 . - ENTER VALUES FOR SHNNE,SHNE,SHFE,SHFFE ' 740,40,40,40 ' . ' , , , - - ENTER VALUES FOR SAMNE,SAMFE,SMMNE,SMMFE,SHMNE,SHMFE. : 740,40,40,40,40,40 ENTER VALUES FOR VANN,VAN,VAF,VAFF,VMNN,VMN,VMF,VMFF 7312,312,312,312,6,6,6,6 ENTER VALUES FOR VHNN,VHN,VHF,VHFF 7 3,3,3,3 . - . ENTER VALUES FOR VAMN,VAMF,VMMN,VMMF,VHMN,VHMF • 7312,312,6,6,3,3 ENTER VALUES FORB,DOE,D1E,D2E,D3E,D4E,D5E,D6E 7180,49,161,193,137,217,149,205 * . • . • ENTER VALUES FOR D,E,N .'70.8,0.08,0.12 ENTER VALUES FOR A,G,AB - 70,0,0 ' • LOAN="67.37429 LOMF= 76.30057 LOMNN- 76.30057 LOMFF- 76.30057 LOHNN-81.12543 LOHFF-81.12543 S13=-6.402506SH=- 323^-23,56254 S S33--26.57284 SSI- AD 1--5.166299 AD2 L13^ 56.50654 Lll- L23-48.27279 L21- L33-50.08735 L31- L15= 56.14189 L16- L35-49.72269 L36- LEQH(COMBINED) ,CNEL= 68.2216 'LOAF= 67.37429 LOMN= 76.30057 LOHN-81.12543 LOMN- 76.30057 LOMF- 76.30057 LOHF-81.12543 6.402506 S12—6.402506 S14--6.402506 23.56254 S22=-23.56254 824^23.56254" 26.57284 S32--26.57284 S34--26.57284 —5.953613.AD3--4.465245 AD4=-6.462637 55.80549 L12= 55.01818 L14= 54.50915 47.57173 L22= 46.78442 L24- 46.27539 - 49.38629 L32- 48.59898 L34- 48.08995 54.75621 L25- 47.90813 L26= 46.52246 48.33702 -64.69401 ENTER VALUES FOR C1E,C2E,HE5S1E)RE,TE>FR ? 74,103,10,12.3,4.5,68,550 ENTER VALUES FOR EB ENTER VALUES FOR PL,PR ? -90,90 ' TABLE 8E Al- 22.56609 Bl- 31.43913 O 54.00197 D0= 3.250122E-03 NO=1.041939E-02 ! ' . RC= 2.072228 . . P0=-1.570796 P3=-.6283185 P7= . 6283186 P10= 1.570796 DFF= 3.141593 UO=4.942619E-09 U3- 5.296389E-02 U7= 5.296389E-02 U10-4.942619E-09 . . VSO- 4.946799E-09 ' VS3= 5.114838E-02 VS7= 5.114838E-02 VS10=4.946799E-09 Z0= 1.000846 Z3-. 9657216 Z7=. 9657217 Z10= 1.000846 IU= 3.05776 LBL=-8.117465 " . - " ' 1LIST 2RUN 3LOAD" 4SAVE" 5CONT 6,"LPT1 7TRON 8TROFF 9KEY OSCREEN I I I I I I I I I I I I I • I I I I I Version 2.10 (C) Copyright COMPAQ Computer Corp. 1982, 83, 84 (C) Copyright Microsoft 1982,1983 , . • ' 61697 Bytes free , Ok_ ' ' , - LOAD'rCALVENE4.BAS" . Ok_ • • ' RUN ' '• - ENTER VALUES FOR SANNE,SANE,SAFE,SAFFE,SMNNE,SMNE,SMFE,SMFFE 745,45,45,45,45,45,45,45 : , • ENTER VALUES FOR SHNNE,SHNE;SHFE,SHFFE " . 745,45,45,45 - ' ••• . ENTER VALUES FOR VANN,VAN,VAF,VAFF,VMNN,VMN,VMF,VMFF ? 90,90,90,90,2,2,2,2 ENTER VALUES FOR VHNN,VHN,VHF,VHFF ' - • 71,1,1,1 ENTER VALUES FOR B,DOE,D1E,D2E,D3E,D4E,A,G ? 180,49,237,269,225,281,0,0 ENTER VALUES FOR AB . " .--..- ?0 ENTER VALUES FOR D,E,N 70.8,0.08,0.12 . . LOAN-69.35903 .LOAFF= 69.35903 LOMN-77.61008 LOMFF=77.61008 LOHN* 82.10756 LOHFF-82.10756 S13=-12.31315S11=- S23.=-28-.84528 S21= S33=-31.85558S31= ADI--6.845523 AD2 L13= 50.42601 LI 1= L23- 42.14494 L21= L33- 43.63212 L31= LROH(COMBTNHD) CNEL= 60.8286 LOAF-69.35903 LOMF= 77.61008 LOHF- 82.10756 LOANN-69.35903 LOMNN-77.61008 LOHNN-82.10756 12.31315-S12=-12.31315SH=-12.31315 28.84528 S22=-28.84528 S24--28.84528 31.85558 S32=-31.85558.S34=-31.85558 =-7.395562 AD3--6.619865 AD4=-7.585102 AFS= 0 50.20035 L12- 49.65031 L14= 49.46077 41.91928 L22= 41.36924 L24= 41.1797 43.40646 L32-42.85642 L34-42.66688 -57.30102 • • I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ENTER VALUES FOR C1E,C2E,HE,S1E,RE,TE,FR 7.77,176,10,12.3,4.5,68,550 ENTER VALUES FOR EB ?1 - ENTER VALUES FOR PL,PR 7-90,90 , . UcVDE Al-23.48007 Bl-53.67098 O 77.15104 DO-7.629395E-06 NO=2.445866E-05. - .RC= 1.445623 - . PO^-1.570796 P3=-.6283185 P7= .6283186 P10= 1.570796 DFF= 3.141593 UO-1.160239E-11 , U3-1.243284E-04 U7= 1.243284E-04 , • • . U10-1.160239E-11 VSO= 1.1-74616E-11 VS3- 1.243191E-04 VS7= 1.243191E-04 VS10=1.174616E-11 70=1.012391 Z3= .9999249 Z7= .9999251 Z10-1.012391 IU-3.145291 LBL=-7.994891 Ok_ 1LIST 2RUN 3LOAD" 4SAVE" 5CONT 6,"LPT1 7TRON 8TROFF 9KEY OSCREEN I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I HE(C) Copyright Microsoft 1982, 1983 61697 Bytes free LOAD"CALVENE6.BAS" . RUN ENTER VALUES FOR SANNE,SANE,SAFE,SAFFE,SMNNE,SMNE,SMFE,SMFFE 7.40,40,40,40,40,40,40,40 ENTER VALUES FOR SHNNE,SHNE,SHFE,SHFFE 740,40,40,40 , . ENTER VALUES FOR SAMNE,SAMFE,SMMNE,SMMFE,SHMNE,SHMFE - 740,40,40,40,40,40 ENTER VALUES FOR VANN,VAN,VAF,VAFF,VMNN,VMN,VMF,VMFF 7419,419,419,419,9,9,9,9 ENTER VALUES FOR VHNN,VHN,VHF,VHFF ? 4,4,4,4 ENTER VALUES FOR VAMN,VAMF,VMMN,VMMF,VHMN,VHMF 7419,419,9,9,4,4 " , ENTER VALUES FOR B,DOE,D1ESD2E,D3E,D4E,D5E,D6E 7180,49,161,193,137,217,449,205 ENTER VALUES FOR D,E,N 70.8,0.08,0.12 ENTER VALUES FOR A,G,AB ? 0,0,0 . - • LOAF- 67.37429 LOMN- 76.30057 LOMF= 76.30057 LOHF= 81.12543 LOAN= 67.37429 LOMF- 76.30057 LOMNN-76.30057 LOMN-76.30057 LOMFF- 76.30057 LOHNN=81.12543 LOHN-81.12543 LOHFF-81.12543 S13=-5.12191 Sll=-5.12191 S12--5.12191 S14--5.12191 S23--21.80163 S21=-21.80163 S22--21.80163 S24--21.80163 S33--25.32345 S31=-25.32345 S32=-25.32345 S34=-25.32345 ADl=-5.166299 AD2--5.953613 AD3--4.465245 AD4=-6.462637 AFS= 0 LI 3- 57.78714 LI 1- 57.08608 L12= 56.29877 L14= 55.78974 L23= 50.0337 L21- 49.33265 L22= 48.54533 L24- 48.03631 L33= 51.33674 L31- 50.63568 L32= 49.84837 L34= 49.33934 L15- 57:42248 L16= 56.03681 L25= 49.66904 L26- 48.28337 L35- 50.97208 L36- 49.58641 LEQH(COMBINED)= 66.02451 CNEL= 69.5521 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I LOAD"CALVENE4.BAS" Ok_ - • RUN . ; . ENTER VALUES FOR SA1^E,SANE,SAFE,SAFFE,SMNNE,SMNE,SMFE,SMFFE ? 45,45,45,45,45,45,45,45 ENTER VALUES FOR SHNNE,SHNE,SHFE,SHFFE 745,45,45,45 . . ENTER VALUES FOR VANN,VAN,VAF,VAFF,VMNN,VMN,VMF,VMFF ? 167,167,167,167,3,3,3,3 ENTER VALUES FOR VHNN,VHN,VHF,VHFF - 7-2,2,2,2 ENTER VALUES FOR B,DOE,D1E,D2E,D3E,D4E,A,G ? 180,49,237,269,225,281,0,0 ENTER VALUES FOR AB ' - ?0 '-:••. ENTER VALUES FOR D,E,N 7-0.8,0.08,0.12 LOAN- 69.35903 LOAFF-69.35903 LOMN-77.61008 LOMFF-77.61008 LOHN-82.10756 LOHFF= 82.10756 SI 3^-9.628411 Sll=- S23--27.08436 S21= S33^-28.84528 S31- ADl=-6.845523 AD2 L13= 53.11075 Lll= L23= 43.90585 L21= L33- 46.64242 L31 = LEQH(COMBINED) CNEL= 63.47421 LOAF= 69.35903 LOMF-77.61008 LOHF= 82.10756 LOANN-69.35903 LOMNN= 77.61008 LOHNN= 82.10756 9.628411 S12=-9.628411 814^-9.628411 27.08436 S22--27.08436 S24--27.08436 28.84528 S32--28.84528 S34=-28.84528 --7.395562 AD3--6.619865 AD4--7.585102 AFS- 0 52.88509 LI2= 52.33505 L14= 52.14551 43.68019 L22= 43.13016 L24- 42.94062 46.41676 L32- 45.86672 L34- 45.67718 = 59.94663 INTERNAL NOISE I FIRST FLOOR Dr. Leslie E. Penzes 09-24-2004 REPORT- ATTACHMENT I I I I I I • I I I I TABLE 10 _ - ' RESULTS OF INTERIOR NOISE ANALYSIS . .Location - KELLY CORP. CENTER, FIRST FLOOR, SPACE @ NORTHEAST CORNER Noise Source - AIRCRAFT NOISE (NBS, 1978) ' * . Octave Band Center Frequency, Hz . 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 " .- A-weighted Exterior Noise Spectrum (re total A-weighted level of 100 dB) 83.0 ' .-88.4- 93.2 95.0 , 94.5 ', 90.3 Room Sound Absorption in Sabins 240 240 .24.0 240 . \ 240" - -240 ' BUILDING FACADE REFLECTION CORRECTION 0.0 dB' QUALITY CORRECTION ' - 3.0 dB • NOISE TRANSMISSION THROUGH CONSTRUCTIONS Building Element Information Exterior Interior NOISE • # NAME STC AREA NOISE with Construction ' . . SQ. FT CLOSED OPEN % 1. CONCRETE WALL ' ' '47 60.0 71 27 27 0 2. WINDOW (1/8" GLASS)- 26 140.0 71 46 46 0 3 . CONCRETE WALL '. ,47 '60.0 70 26 260. 4. WINDOW (1/8" GLASS) 26 140.0 70 -"45 • 45, ' 0 INTERIOR NOISE LEVEL IN THE ROOM . - 49 49 Dr. Leslie E. Penzes 09-24-2004 ' ; '. ATTACHMENT REPORT-' ' ' ' ' ' . TABLE 11 BUILDING ELEMENTS SOUND TRANSMISSION LOSS INFORMATION SOUND TRANSMISSION LOSS AT OCTAVE BAND CENTER FREQUENCY -125 • 250 500 1000 2000 4000 1. WINDOW (1/8" GLASS)-ALUMINUM SLIDING/ PREMIER SERIES 500,, #87-130 STC = 26; Construction is -operable for ventilation 20- ' 21 25 27, 27 '27 2. CONCRETE WALL-8" Thick STC - 47 • 26 41 " 43 45 48 53 . Dri Leslie E. Penzes 09-24-2004 . ATTACHMENT • - REPORT- .' • ' • ' '•'... - . TABLE 12 RESULTS OF INTERIOR NOISE ANALYSIS ; Location - KELLY CORP. CENTER, FIRST FLOOR,. NORTH SIDE LOBBY/ENTRY Noise Source - AIRCRAFT NOISE {NBS, 1978) - ' Octave Band Center Frequency, Hz - 125 250 . 500 1000 2000 4000 A-weighted Exterior Noise Spectrum (re total A-weighted level of 100- dB) 83.0 88.4 . 93.2 95.0 ' 94.5 90.3 Room Sound Absorption in Sabins 257 • 257 .257 257 257 257' BUILDING FACADE REFLECTION CORRECTION - 0.0 dB QUALITY CORRECTION .-' 3.0 dB NOISE TRANSMISSION THROUGH CONSTRUCTIONS Building Element Information Exterior Interior NOISE # . . NAME STC AREA NOISE with Construction .SQ. FT ' CLOSED OPEN .% 1. WINDOW (1/8" GLASS) 26 92.0 71 44 44 ' 0 2. FRENCH WOOD DOOR . 26-48.0 '71 41 ' 61 50 INTERIOR NOISE LEVEL IN THE ROOM 46 6l' I Dr. Leslie E. Penzes • -' ' 09-24-2004 . ' ATTACHMENT REPORT- . TABLE 13 BUILDING ELEMENTS SOUND TRANSMISSION LOSS INFORMATION SOUND TRANSMISSION LOSS AT OCTAVE BAND CENTER FREQUENCY 125 250 500 1000 2000. . 4000 1. FRENCH- WOOD DOOR-3/32" GLASS, BRASS WEATHER STRIP, NBS,W-94-71 . STC = 26; Construction is operable for ventilation 21 - 24 27 27 24 28 2'.. WINDOW (1/8" GLASS)-ALUMINUM SLIDING, PREMIER SERIES 500,'#87-130 STC = 26; Construction is operable for ventilation -20 .21 25.'- 27 27 • .'27 Dr. Leslie E. Penzes .09-24-2004 REPORT- ATTACHMENT TABLE 14 " . ,' , . RESULTS OF INTERIOR NOISE ANALYSIS • Location'.- KELLY CORP. CENTER, FIRST FLOOR, SPACE @ SOUTHEAST CORNER Noise Source - AIRCRAFT NOISE (NBS, 1978) . . " . Octave Band Center Frequency, Hz . - ' >' 125 250 . 500 1000 2000 4000 A-weighted Exterior Noise Spectrum (re total A-weighted level of 100 dB) 83.0 • 88.4 93.2 ' 95.0 94.5 90.3 Room Sound Absorption-in Sabins 24'0 ''240 240 240 240 240 BUILDING- FACADE REFLECTION CORRECTION - 0.0 dB QUALITY CORRECTION - ' 3.0 dB ' . NOISE TRANSMISSION THROUGH CONSTRUCTIONS Building Element Information Exterior Interior NOISE # - NAME' • STC AREA NOISE with construction . • '' SQ. FT CLOSED OPEN % 1. CONCRETE WALL " 47 .60.0 .70 26 26 0 2. WINDOW (1/8" GLASS) 26 140.0 70 45 45 0 3. CONCRETE WALL 47 • 60.0 67' 23 23 0 , 4. WINDOW (1/8" GLASS) 26 140.0 67- .• - 42 42 0 INTERIOR NOISE LEVEL IN THE ROOM 47 47 Dr. Leslie E. Penzes' 09-24-2004 ' . ^ATTACHMENT REPORT- - TABLE 15 BUILDING ELEMENTS SOUND TRANSMISSION LOSS INFORMATION SOUND TRANSMISSION LOSS AT OCTAVE BAND CENTER FREQUENCY 125- 25.0 500 1000 2000 4000 1. WINDOW (1/8" GLASS)-ALUMINUM SLIDING, PREMIER SERIES 500, #87-130 STC = 26; Construction is operable for ventilation . - 20 - ' 21 .25 .27 • 27 , 27 2. CONCRETE'WALL-8" Thick STC =47 ' 26 41 • 43 45 48 • - 53 SECOND FLOOR Dr. Leslie E. Penzes 09-24-2004 REPORT- ATTACHMENT ' i - TABLE 20 i RESULTS OF INTERIOR NOISE ANALYSIS 'Location - KELLY CORP. CENTER, SECOND FLOOR, SPACE @ NORTHEAST CORNER Noise Source .- AIRCRAFT NOISE (NBS, 1978) . Octave Band Center Frequency, Hz 125 250 - 500' 1000 2000 4000 A-weighted Exterior Noise Spectrum {re total A-weighted level of 100 dB) '83.0 88.4 . 93.2 95.0 94.5 .90.3 Room Sound Absorption in Sabins • •• 240 240 ' 240 240 240 240 BUILDING FACADE REFLECTION CORRECTION - 0.0 dB QUALITY CORRECTION - 3.0 dB • NOISE TRANSMISSION THROUGH CONSTRUCTIONS - • ' • Building Element. Information Exterior Interior NOISE ' # - NAME- STC AREA NOISE with Construction SQ. FT CLOSED OPEN % 1. CONCRETE WALL 47 96.0 73 ' 31 31 0 2. WINDOW (1/4" GLASS) 29 84.0 .73 43 ' 43 0 . 3. CONCRETE WALL 47 96.0 71 29 29 0 4. WINDOW (1/4." GLASS) .29 84.0 .71 41 41 0 INTERIOR NOISE LEVEL IN THE ROOM ' 45 45 - Dr. Leslie E. Penzes 09-24-2004 . . - ATTACHMENT REPORT- . . ' . . ' • . "TABLE 21 ' BUILDING ELEMENTS SOUND TRANSMISSION LOSS'INFORMATION . SOUND TRANSMISSION LOSS AT OCTAVE BAND CENTER FREQUENCY 125 . ' 250' ' 500 I'OOO 2000 4000 1. WINDOW (1/4" GLASS)-ALUMINUM SLIDING, PREMIER SERIES 550, #85-171 STC =' 29; Construction is operable for ventilation 22 ' 24 28 29 . 29 . 32 2. CONCRETE WALL-8" Thick STC = 47 26 41 43 45 48 53 Dr. Leslie E. Penzes 09-24-2004 REPORT-- ATTACHMENT '' ' . TABLE 22 - RESULTS OF INTERIOR NOISE ANALYSIS ' _..-.. Location - KELLY.CORP. CENTER, SECOND FLOOR, SPACE ® MIDDLE .NORTH SIDE ' Noise Source - AIRCRAFT NOISE (NBS,- 1978) Octave Band Center Frequency, Hz .- . 125 . -250 . 500 1000 2000 4000 A-weighted Exterior Noise Spectrum (re total A-weighted level of 100 dB) 83.0 88".4 -. 93.2 95.0 94.5 90.3 Room Sound Absorption in Sabins 240 240 .240 240 240 240' BUILDING FACADE REFLECTION CORRECTION - 0.0 dB QUALITY CORRECTION • - 3.0 dB NOISE TRANSMISSION THROUGH CONSTRUCTIONS Building Element Information Exterior Interior NOISE # NAME STC AREA NOISE with Construction SQ. FT CLOSED OPEN % 1. ALUMINUM PANEL WALL 36 60.0 73 40 40 0. 2. WINDOW (1/4" GLASS) 29 120.0 ' 73 45 . 45 0 INTERIOR NOISE LEVEL IN THE ROOM .- 46 46 Dr. Leslie E. Penzes 09-24-2004 . . ' .' - ' ATTACHMENT REPORT- - ' • TABLE 23 - . BUILDING ELEMENTS SOUND TRANSMISSION LOSS INFORMATION SOUND TRANSMISSION LOSS AT OCTAVE BAND CENTER FREQUENCY 125 , 250 500 1000 ' 2000 4000 .1. WINDOW (1/4" GLASS) -ALUMINUM SLIDING,. PREMIER SERIES 550, #85-171 STG = 29; Construction is operable for ventilation 22 , • 24 28 ' 29 29 - 32 2. ALUMINUM PANEL WALL-Aluminum Panel with 6" Insulation & "5/8" Gyp. STC-=36 • • - '15 31 35 '* 35. 40 . 45 Dr. Leslie E. Penzes' 09-24-2004 REPORT- - ATTACHMENT TABLE 24 ' ' . RESULTS OF INTERIOR NOISE ANALYSIS Location - KELLY CORP. CENTER, SECOND FLOOR, SPACE @ SOUTHEAST CORNER" Noise Source - AIRCRAFT NOISE (NBS, 1978) . Octave Band Center Frequency, Hz 125 250 ' 500. lO'OO ' '2000. 4000 A-weighted Exterior Noise Spectrum (re total A-weighted level of 100 'dB) 83;.0 88.4 93.2 95.0 94.5 ..90.3 Room Sound Absorption.in Sabins 240 - 240 . 240 . 240 . 240 . .240 BUILDING FACADE REFLECTION CORRECTION - 0.0 dB QUALITY CORRECTION - . . - 3 .0" dB NOISE TRANSMISSION THROUGH CONSTRUCTIONS . . Building Element Information Exterior Interior NOISE • "ft NAME STC AREA NOISE with Construction . ' SQ. FT ' CLOSED OPEN % 1. CONCRETE WALL 47 96.0 .71 '29 29 . 0 2. WINDOW (1/8" GLASS) 26 84..0 '71 44-44 '0 ,3. CONCRETE WALL ' 47 - 96.0 ' '68 26 26 0 4. WINDOW (1/8" GLASS) "" 26 84.0 68 - 41 4T1 ' 0 INTERIOR NOISE LEVEL IN THE ROOM 46 . 46 •'- ' Dr. Leslie E. Penzes 09-24-2004 • ' ATTACHMENT REPORT-' -".._• TABLE 25 • BUILDING ELEMENTS SOUND TRANSMISSION LOSS'INFORMATION • SOUND TRANSMISSION LOSS AT OCTAVE BAND CENTER FREQUENCY- . 125 250 500 , 1000 - 2000 ' 4000 1,-WINDOW (1/8" GLASS)-ALUMINUM SLIDING, PREMIER SERIES 500, #87-130 STC = 26; Construction is operable-for ventilation • 20 21 25 27 . . 27 27 2. CONCRETE WALL-8" Thick ' - . STC = 47• " . . ' - 26 ' 41 43 45 48 •' . 53 I THIRD FLOOR Dr: Leslie E. Penzes 09-24-2004 REPORT- ATTACHMENT .' - • • . ' TABLE 30 ' - RESULTS OF INTERIOR NOISE ANALYSIS ; ' Location'- KELLY CORP. CENTER, THIRD FLOOR, SPACE @ NORTHEAST CORNER Noise Source - AIRCRAFT NOISE (NBS, 1978} Octave Band Center Frequency, Hz 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000' A-weighted Exterior Noise Spectrum (re total A-weighted level of '100 dB) 83..0 88.4 93.2 95.0 94.5 - - 90.3 Room Sound Absorption in Sabins 240 ' ' 240 240 240 . 240 240 BUILDING FACADE REFLECTION CORRECTION QUALITY CORRECTION NOISE TRANSMISSION # 1. 2 . 3 . 4 . 5. - 0. - 2. 0 dB 0 dB. - , THROUGH CONSTRUCTIONS . Building Element Information NAME • STC AREA CONCRETE WALL- WINDOW {1/4" GLASS) - CONCRETE WALL WINDOW (1/4" GLASS) ROOF WITH M.DECK &4 Ply 47 29 47 29 38 SQ. 54 126 54 126 400 FT .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 Exterior NOISE 73 73 71 71 73 Interior NOISE with Construction CLOSED 27 44 - 25 42 45 ' OPEN 27 44 25 42 45 - . g,"5 0 0 0 0 0 , INTERIOR NOISE LEVEL IN THE ROOM 49 49 - . Dr. Leslie E. Penzes • 09-24-2004" ' . ATTACHMENT REPORT- TABLE 31 BUILDING ELEMENTS SOUND TRANSMISSION LOSS INFORMATION SOUND TRANSMISSION LOSS AT OCTAVE BAND CENTER FREQUENCY - . " 125 250 _ 500 'lOOO - 2000 4000 1. WINDOW (1/4" GLASS)-ALUMINUM SLIDING, PREMIER SERIES 550, #85-171 STC = 29; Construction is operable-for ventilation / • 22 24 28 29 2.9 32 2. CONCRETE WALL-8" Thick STC =47 . 26 .41 43 "45 48 53 3. ROOF'WITH M-.DECK &4 Ply-Metal Deck with Built Up Roof (4 Ply) STC = 38 . .. ' 17' 33 37 " . 38 42 . . 47 Dr. Leslie E. Penzes 09-24-2004 REPORT- ATTACHMENT . • ' •• TABLE .32 • - . " • • • • RESULTS OF INTERIOR NOISE ANALYSIS , Location - KELLY CORP'. CENTER, THIRD FLOOR, SPACE ® MIDDLE NORTH SIDE Noise Source - AIRCRAFT NOISE (NBS, 1978) . " ' - - .• Octave Band Center Frequency, Hz . . - 125 250 • 500 1000 2000 • 4000 A-weighted Exterior Noise Spectrum (re total A-weighted level of 100 dB) 83.0- 88.4 93.2 95.0 94.5 90.3 • Room Sound Absorption in Sabins 240 240 ' 240 • 240 240 240 - • BUILDING FACADE REFLECTION CORRECTION - 0.0 dB - QUALITY CORRECTION - - 2.0 dB NOISE TRANSMISSION THROUGH CONSTRUCTIONS Building Element Information Exterior Interior NOISE . # . • NAME STC AREA NOISE - with Construction ...... SQ. FT '. CLOSED OPEN % ,1. WINDOW (1/4" GLASS) 29 '180.0 73 ' 46 ,46 0 2. ROOF WITH M.DECK &4. Ply 38 400.0. 73 ' 45- 45 0 INTERIOR NOISE LEVEL IN THE ROOM ' '49 49 Dr. Leslie E. Penzes 09-24-2004 ' ATTACHMENT REPORT- - • . TABLE 33 ' • ' BUILDING ELEMENTS SOUND TRANSMISSION LOSS INFORMATION SOUND TRANSMISSION LOSS AT OCTAVE BAND CENTER FREQUENCY 125 250 " 500 ' 1000 • 2000 4000 1.. WINDOW (1/4" GLASS) -ALUMINUM SLIDING, PREMIER SERIES' 550, #85-171 STC = 29; Construction is operable for ventilation 22 24 .28 29 29 32 2. ROOF WITH M.DSCK &4 Ply-Metal Deck with Built Up Roof (4 Ply) STC = .38 17 33. 37 - • 38 42 • 47 ATTACHMENT SOUTHEAST CORNER Dr. Leslie E. Penzes 09-24-2004 ' REPORT- TABLE 34 RESULTS OF INTERIOR NOISE ANALYSIS ' Location - KELLY CORP. CENTER, THIRD FLOOR, SPACE Noise Source - AIRCRAFT NOISE (NBS, 1978) Octave Band Center Frequency, Hz '. . 125 250 500 1000 2000. ,4000 A~weighted. Exterior Noise Spectrum (re total A-weighted level of 100 dB) 83.'0 88.4 93:2 • 95.0 94.5 ' 90.3 •Room Sound Absorption in Sabins 240 240 240 . 240 . 240. ' 240 . BUILDING FACADE REFLECTION CORRECTION - QUALITY CORRECTION NOISE TRANSMISSION # 1. .2. 3. 4. 5. Building Element NAME CONCRETE WALL WINDOW (1/8" GLASS) CONCRETE WALL WINDOW (1/8" GLASS) ROOF Wim M.DECK &4 THROUGH Information STC - 47 26 47 26 Ply 38 - AREA SQ. 54 126 54 126 400 FT .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 ,0 . 0 dB - , 2.0 dB i CONSTRUCTIONS Exterior NOISE Interior NOISE with Construction .CLOSED OPEN 71 71 68 68 • 73 25 45 22 42 - 45 25 45 ' , 22 42 45 3-"5 0 0 0 0 0 INTERIOR NOISE LEVEL IN THE ROOM -49 49 Dr. Leslie E. Penzes 09-24-2004 ' . ATTACHMENT REPORT- .... TABLE 35- BUILDING ELEMENTS SOUND TRANSMISSION LOSS INFORMATION SOUND TRANSMISSION LOSS AT -OCTAVE BAND CENTER FREQUENCY 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 1. WINDOW (1/8"'GLASS)-ALUMINUM SLIDING, PREMIER SERIES 500, #87-130 • STC = 26; Construction is operable for ventilation •20 • ' 21 25 27 ' 27 - • 27 2. CONCRETE WALL-8" Thick STC = 47 ' - 26 41 43 45 .'48 . 53 3. ROOF WITH M.DECK &4 Ply-Metal Deck with Built Up Roof (4 Ply) STC =38 ' 17 ' 33 37' 38 42 47 Dr. Leslie E. Penzes 09-24-2004 REPORT- ATTACHMENT '. '' . . TABLE 36 . . RESULTS OF INTERIOR NOISE ANALYSIS Location.- KELLY CORP. CENTER, THIRD FLOOR, SPACE @ NORTHWEST CORNER .Noise-Source - AIRCRAFT NOISE (NBS, 1978) Octave Band Center 'Frequency, Hz 125 250 500 1000 2000 . 4000 A-weighted Exterior Noise Spectrum (re total A-weighted level of 100 dB) 83.0 88.4 93.2 95.0 94.5. 90.3 Room Sound Absorption in Sabins 240 240 240 240 240 240 - BUILDING FACADE REFLECTION CORRECTION - QUALITY CORRECTION NOISE TRANSMISSION - 0. - 2. 0 dB 0 dB THROUGH CONSTRUCTIONS Building Element- Information # NAME STC AREA ''.'•' SQ. FT ' 1. 2. 3. 4 . 5. CONCRETE WALL WINDOW (1/4" GLASS) CONCRETE WALL WINDOW (1/4" GLASS) ROOF WITH M.'DECK &4 Ply 47 29 47 29 38 54. 126. 54. 126. 400. 0 0 0 0 0 Exterior Interior NOISE NOISE with Construction CLOSED OPEN % 73 73 70 70 - 73 27 44 24 41 45 27 44 24 41 45 - 0 0 0 0 0 INTERIOR NOISE LEVEL IN THE ROOM 48 48 • '' Dr. Leslie E. Penzes 09-24-2004 ATTACHMENT REPORT-^ . TABLE 37 , BUILDING ELEMENTS SOUND TRANSMISSION LOSS INFORMATION . SOUND TRANSMISSION LOSS AT OCTAVE BAND CENTER FREQUENCY . 125 • ..250 500 1000 • 2000 4000 1. WINDOW (1/4" GLASS)-ALUMINUM SLIDING, PREMIER SERIES 550, #85-171 STC = 29; Construction is operable for ventilation 22 24 28 ' 29 29 32 2..CONCRETE WALL-8" Thick STC =47 26 * " 41 43 45 48 53 3. ROOF WITH M.DECK &4 Ply-Metal Deck with Built Up Roof (4 Ply): STC =38 17 33 37 38 42 47 Dr. Leslie E. Penzes 09-24-2004 REPORT- ATTACHMENT TABLE 38 • ... . • . ' RESULTS OF INTERIOR NOISE ANALYSIS . 'Location— KELLY CORP. CENTER, THIRD FLOOR, SPACE @ _ SOUTH SIDE ', '. Noise Source -_AIRCRAFT NOISE (NBS, 1978) Octave Band' Center Frequency, Hz 125 250 . 500 .1000 2000 4000 A-weighted Exterior Noise Spectrum (re total A-weighted level of 100 dB) •83.0 - 88.4 ' 93.2 95.0 94.5 .. 90.3 Room Sound Absorption in Sabins :* " 240 , 240 240 240 240 .240 BUILDING FACADE REFLECTION CORRECTION - 0.0 dB • ' • . QUALITY CORRECTION ' - 2.0 dB NOISE TRANSMISSION THROUGH CONSTRUCTIONS Building Element Information Exterior Interior NOISE # . NAME STC AREA NOISE . with Construction SQ. 'FT CLOSED OPEN % 1. CONCRETE WALL 47 72.0 68 • 24 24 " 0 2. WINDOW (1/8" GLASS) ..26 108.0 68 41 41 0 3. ROOF WITH M.DECK &4 Ply 38 400.0 73 45^ 45 0 - INTERIOR NOISE LEVEL IN THE ROOM • 46 " 46 , Dr. Leslie E. Penzes . 0 9 ~ 24 - 2 0 04: ' ' ATTACHMENT REPORT- , ' ' • TABLE 39 - . BUILDING ELEMENTS SOUND TRANSMISSION LOSS INFORMATION ' ' SOUND TRANSMISSION LOSS AT OCTAVE BAND CENTER FREQUENCY 125 . 250 , 500 - 1000 . 2000 4000 '1. WINDOW (1/8" GLASS)-ALUMINUM SLIDING, PREMIER SERIES 500, #87-130 STC = 26; Construction is operable for ventilation 20 . 21 25 27. . 27 27 2. CONCRETE WALL-8" Thick' STC =47 26 . "41 - 43 45 48 53 3. ROOF WITH M.DECK &4 Ply-Metal Deck with Built Up Roof (4. Ply) STC =38 17 33 37 38 ' . 42 47 JUL-12-2005 TUEJ2:47 PM CITY OF CflRSLBAD-FAX NO, 760' 602 8558 P, 03 Community Facilities District No. 1 NON-RESIDElSmAL CERTIFICATE: Non-Residential Land Owner, please read this option carefully and be sure you thoroughly understand the options before signing. The option you chose will affect your payment of the developed Special Tax assessed on your property. This option is available only at the time of the first building permit issuance. Property owner signature is required before a building permit will be issued. Your signature is confirming the accuracy of all infomiation shown. ** Kama « Owner I C/o V*W Telephone Addres* Su*«rV /9frvU-5 Z>*-TS City, State y> 'i / 9^00 7 Zip Code >d Project Address Carlsbad, California City, State 9200°! Zip Code 'a ^rcel Number or APN wid Lot Number if not yet subdivided by County Assessor. Building Permit Numbers) As cited by Ordinance No. NS-155 and adopted by tho City of Cwlsfaad, California, the City is authorized 10 levy a Special Tax in Community Facilities District No. 1. All nDn-residentiaJ property, upon tho issuance of a building permit, shail have (Jw option to (1) pay the SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT TAX ONE- TIME or (2) asBurae the ANNUAL SPiBClAL TAX - DEVELOPED PROPERTY for a period not to exceed twenty-five (25) years. Please indicate you* choice by initialing the appropriate line below: OPTION (1):I elect to pay the SPECIAL TAX - ONE-TIME now, as a one-time payment,. Amount of One-Time Special Tax: $ /"^floo' Owner's Initials OPTION (2): J- \ elect to pay tbe SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT TAX ANNUALLY for a period not to V. -S exceed Twenty-five . (25) years, Maximum Annual Special Tax: $/j=*y£7 Owner's Initials IA I DO HEREBY CERTIFY UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY THAT THE UNDERSIGNED IS THE PROPERTY OWNER OF THE SUBJECT PROPERTY AND THAT I UNDERSTAND 'AND WILL COMPLY WITH THE PROVISIONS AS STATED ABOVE. . . . SignaAire of Property Owner Title Print Name Date Th«. City of Carlsbad has not independently verified the information shown above. Therefore, we accept no responsibility as to the accuracy or completeness of this information. Land Use, FY .Factor )X Square Ft! 7 'JUL-12-2005 TUE 12 = 48 Pfl CITY OF CfiRSLBAD FAX NO. 760 BO? 8558 P, 04 City of Carlsbad Building Department CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE PAYMENT OF SCHOOL FEES OR OTHER MITIGATION This form must be completed by the City, the applicant, and the appropriate school districts and returned to the City prior to issuing a building permit. The Citv will not issue any building permit without a completed school fee form. Project Name; Building Permit Plan Check Number: Project Address: A.P.N.: Project Applicant (Owner Name): Project Description; Building Type: Residential:Number of New Dwelling Units Square Feet of Living Area in New Dwelling Second Dwelling Unit: Square Feet of Living Area in SOU Residential Additions: Net Square Feet New Area Commercial/Industrial: Square Feet Floor Area City Certification of Applicant Information: 77. Date: SCHOOL DISTRICTS WITHIN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD Carlsbad Unified School District 6225 El Camino Real CwlsbadCA 92009 (331-5000) ^*~~>—Encinitas Union School District 101 South Rancho Santa Fe Rd . EncinltaS.CA 92024 (944-4300 ext 166) San Marcos Unified School District 2I5MataWay San Maicos, CA 92069 (290-2649) Contact: Nancy Dolce (By Appt. Only) San Dieguito Union High School District 7)0 Encinitas Blvd. Encinins, CA 92024 (753-6491) Certifiestion of Applicant/Owners, The person executing rhis declaration ("Owner"} certifies under penally of perjury thai (1) !he information provided above is coned and true to (he beat of the Owner's knowledge, and that the Owner will file an amended certification of payment ahd pay the additional lee if Owner requests an increase in the number of dwelling units or square footage after the building permit is issued or if the initial determination of units or square foolage is found to be incorrect, and lhal (2) lha Owner is the owner/developer of the above described projacl(s), or that the person executing this declaration is authorized tg sign on behalf of thsAvner. Signature; 1635 Faraday Avenue * Carlsbad, CA 920O8-7314 • (760) 602-2700 *"* " 1JUL-12-2005 TUE 12:49 PM CITY OF CARSLBAD FAX NO, 760 602 6558 P. 05 SCHOOL DISTRICT SCHOOL FEE CERTIFICATION (To be completed by the school district(s))»*****»•»••*«*»***•*******•••*•**••« ***»*****••****••»*******»«*•**•*******************»**»»»*••**•*««•• THIS FORM INDICATES THAT THE SCHOOL DISTRICT REQUIREMENTS FOR THE PROJECT HAVE BEEN OR WILL BE SATISFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT: The undersigned, being duly authorized by the applicable School District, certifies that the developer, builder, or owner has satisfied the obligation for school facilities. This ts to certify that the applicant listed on page 1 has paid ail amounts or completed other applicable school mitigation determined by the School District. The City may issue building permits for this project. SIGNATURE OF AUTHORIZED SCHOOL- DISTRICT OFFICIAL TITLE GAYLEN f REEMAN .< 0£P4W SUPERINTENDENT NAME OF SCHOOL DISTRICT DATE PHONE NUMBER \ -r '05-04-2006 City of Carlsbad 1635 Faraday Av Carlsbad, CA 92008 Plan Check Revision Permit No:PCR06064 Building Inspection Request Line (760) 602-2725 Job Address: Permit Type: ' Parcel No: Valuation: Reference #: Project Title: Applicant: DON KRANTZ #206 338 W LEXINGTON ELCAJON 92020 1000AVIARAPYCBAD PCR 2120407000 Lot#: 0 $0.00 Construction Type: V1 CB 042804 'KELLY CORP- DEFERRED WINDOWS & CURTAIN WALLS Status: ISSUED Applied: 04/20/2006 Entered By: LSM Plan Approved: 05/04/2006 Issued: 05/04/2006 Inspect Area: Owner: KELLY CORPORATE CENTER II L L C Plan Check Revision Fee / Additional Fees • $420.00 , - $0.00 Total Fees:$420.00' Total Payments To Date:$420.00 Balance Due:$0.00 Inspector: FINAL APPROVAL Date:Clearance: NOTICE: Please take NOTICE that approval of your project includes the "Imposition" of fees, dedications, reservations, or other exactions hereafter collectively referred to as "fees/exactions." You have 90 days from the date this permit was issued to protest imposition of these fees/exactions. If you protest them, you must follow the protest procedures set forth in Government Code Section 66020(a), and file the protest and any other required information with the City Manager for processing in accordance with Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 3.32.030. Failure to timely follow that procedure will bar any subsequent legal action to attack, review, set aside, void, or annul their imposition. You are hereby FURTHER NOTIFIED that youf right to protest the specified fees/exactions DOES NOT APPLY to water and sewer connection fees and capacity changes, nor planning, zoning, grading or other similar application processing or service fees.in connection with this project. NOR DOES IT APPLY to any fees/exactions of which you have previously been given a NOTICE similar to this, or as to which the statute of limitations has previously otherwise expired, PERMIT APPLICATION CITY OF CARLSBAD BUILDING DEPARTMENT 1635 Faraday Ave., Carlsbad, CA 92008 FOR OFFICE USE ONLY PLAN CHECK NO.P<l£ EST. VAL. Plan Ck. Deposit Validated By Date Address (include Bldg/Suite 'siness h/ame (at this address) Legal Description Lot No,Subdivision Name/Number Unit No.Phase No.Total # of units Assessor's Parcel #Existing Use Proposed Use Description of Work SQ. FT.#of Stories # of Bedrooms # of Bathrooms u/fat- Name City Agent for Owner State/Zip Telephone #Fax # Address State/Zip Telephone # fj f 7?:>-VT77 Address City State/Zip Telephone #Name ' !511Pp3oWTRA£TO "' ' ' ' ..'.... (Sec. 7031.5 Business and Professions Code: Any City or County which requires a permit to construct, alter, improve, demolish or repair any structure, prior to its issuance, also requires the applicant for such permit to file a signed statement that he is licensed pursuant to the provisions of the Contractor's License Law [Chapter 9, commending with Section 7000 of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code] or that he is exempt therefrom, and the basis for the alleged exemption. Any violation of Section 7031.5 by any applicant for a permit subjects the applicant to a civil penalty of not more than five hundred dollars [5500]). i~A IrtetA 12/jJ LA Name State License # V Address License Class City State/Zip City Business License # Telephone # Designer Name State License # Address „ ,.,.,„„„„ , ,-«,u,,a,,,,.,,,,ta,.,,, ,a ,-«:iii-iiiisifi-niitif City State/Zip Telephone Workers' Compensation Declaration: [H I have and will maintain a certificate of consent to self-insure for workers' compensation as provided by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. D 'I have and will maintain workers' compensation, as required by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. My worker's compensation insurance carrier and policy number are: Insurance Company Policy No. Expiration Date (THIS SECTION NEED NOT BE COMPLETED IF THE PERMIT IS FOR ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS [$100] OR LESS) Q CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION: 1 certify that in the performance of the work for which this permit is issued, I shall not employ any person in any manner so as to become subject to the Workers' Compensation Laws of California. WARNING: Failure to secure workers' compensation coverage is unlawful, and shall subject an employer to criminal penalties and civil fines up to one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000), in addition to the cost of compensation, damages as provided for in Section 3706 of the Labor code, interest and attorney's fees. SIGNATURE ' DATE ^IlOWNER^BUItDERIDECL-ARATION , , , , , , I hereby affirm that I am exempt from the Contractor's License Law for the following reason: Q I, as owner of the property or my employees with wages as their sole compensation, will do the work and the structure is not intended or offered for sale (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Code: The Contractor's License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon, and who does such work himself or through his own employees, provided that such improvements are not intended or offered for sale. If, however, the building or improvement is sold within one year of completion, the owner-builder will have the burden of proving that he did not build or improve for the purpose of sale). D I, as owner of the property, am exclusively contracting with licensed contractors to construct the project (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Code: The . Contractor's License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon, and contracts for such projects with contractor(s) licensed pursuant to the Contractor's License Law). CD I am exempt under Section _ _____^_ Business and Professions Code for this reason: 1 . I personally plan to provide the major labor and materials for construction of the proposed property improvement. Q YES ClNO 2. I (have / have not) signed an application for a building permit for the proposed work. 3. . I have contracted with the following person (firm) to provide the proposed construction (include name / address / phone number / contractors license number): 4. I plan to provide portions of the work, but I have hired the following person to coordinate, supervise and provide the major work (include name / address / phone number / contractors license number): _ 5. 1 will provide some of the work, but I have contracted (hired) the following persons to provide the work indicated (include name / address / phone number / type of work): __ PROPERTY OWNER SIGNATURE DATE Is the applicant or future building occupant required to submit a business plan, acutely hazardous materials registration form or risk management and prevention program under Sections 25505, 25533 or 25534 of the Presley-Tanner Hazardous Substance Account Act? D YES dl NO Is the applicant or future building occupant required to obtain a permit from the air pollution control district or air quality management district? Q YES O NO Is the facility to be constructed within 1,000 feet of the outer. boundary of a school site? Q YES Q NO IF ANY OF THE ANSWERS ARE YES, A FINAL CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY MAY NOT BE ISSUED UNLESS THE APPLICANT HAS MET OR IS MEETING THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE OFFICE OF EMERGENCY SERVICES AND THE AIR POLLUTION CONTROL DISTRICT. I hereby affirm that there is a construction lending agency for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued (Sec. 3097(i) Civil Code). LENDER'S NAME LENDER'S ADDRESS I certify that I have read the application and state that the above information is correct and that the information on the plans is accurate. I agree to comply with all City ordinances and State laws relating to building construction. I hereby authorize representatives of the City of Carlsbad to enter upon the above mentioned property for inspection purposes. I ALSO AGREE TO SAVE, INDEMNIFY AND KEEP HARMLESS THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AGAINST ALL LIABILITIES, JUDGMENTS, COSTS AND EXPENSES WHICH MAY IN ANY WAY ACCRUE AGAINST SAID CITY IN CONSEQUENCE OF THE GRANTING OF THIS PERMIT. OSHA: An OSHA permit is required for excavations over 5'0" deep and demolition or construction of structures over 3 stories in height. EXPIRATION: Every permit issued by the building Official under the provisions of this Code shall expire by limitation and become null and void if the building or work authorized by such permit is not commenced within 180 days from the date of such permit or if the building or work authorized by such permit is suspended or abandoned at any time after the work is commeneea^or a p^rjod o^l^O'g^^ijSection 106.4.4 Uniform Building Code). APPLICANT'S SIGNATURE DATE WHITE: File YELLOW: Applicant PINK: Finance EsGil Corporation *f" ~ In (partnersfiip witfi government for Quitting Safety DATE: April 28, 2006 ' a APPLICANT a JURIS. JURISDICTION: Carlsbad • a PLAN REVIEWER a FILE PLAN CHECK NO.: PCR06-064(04-2804.REV) SET: I PROJECT ADDRESS: 1000 Aviara Parkway PROJECT NAME: Windows & Curtain Walls for Kelly Corporate Center The plans transmitted herewith have been corrected where necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes. The plans transmitted herewith will substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes when minor deficiencies identified below are resolved and checked by building department staff. The plans transmitted herewith have significant deficiencies identified on the enclosed check list and should be corrected and resubmitted for a complete recheck. The check list transmitted herewith is for your information. The plans are being held at Esgil Corporation until corrected plans are submitted for recheck. The applicant's copy of the check list is enclosed for the jurisdiction to forward to the applicant contact person. .The applicant's copy of the check list has been sent to: "" " ** X] Esgll-Gorporation staff did not advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. Esgil Corporation staff did advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. Person contacted: Telephone #: Date contacted: (by: - ) Fax #: Mail Telephone Fax In Person REMARKS: By: Bert Domingo Enclosures: Esgil Corporation D GA D MB Q EJ D PC • 4/24/06 trr.smu.dot 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208 + San Diego, California 92123 4 (858)560-1468 + Fax (858) 560-1576 VALUATION AND PLAN CHECK FEE JURISDICTION: Carlsbad 2804.REV) PREPARED BY: Bert Domingo BUILDING ADDRESS: 1000 Aviara Parkway BUILDING OCCUPANCY: TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: PLAN CHECK NO.: PCRO6-064(04 DATE: April 28, 20O6 BUILDING PORTION Air Conditioning Fire Sprinklers TOTAL VALUE Jurisdiction Code • AREA ( Sq. Ft.) cb Bldg. Permit Fee by Ordinance '^. Valuation Multiplier By Ordinance Reg. Mod. VALUE ($) Plan Check Fee by Ordinance $420.00 Type of Review: [Repetitive Fee ~^] Repeats Complete Review D Other ,—i Hourly 3.5 Structural Only Hours * Esgil Plan Review Fee $336.00 • Based on hourly rate Comments: Sheet 1 of 1 macvatue.doc SUNSET G L A Z 1 N G Kelly Corporate Center Structural Calculations "Reno Contracting, Job No.: 05-363 Project: Kelly Corporate Center Submittal No. 040-08800-0 "The enclosed document(s) has been reviewed by Reno Contracting, Inc. for general conformance to the requirements of the Contract Documents. We did not discover any deviation from the Contract Documents, for details and accuracy, for confirming and correcting ail quantities and dimensions, for choice of fabrication processes and techniques of construction, for coordinating his work with all other trades, and for performing his work in a safe and satisfactory manner." RENO CONTRACTING, INC. Date: March 29, 2006 ^s 8834 La Mesa Blvd. | La Mesa, CA 91941 | 619.463.9803 | = 25-893 Psf 2 Page ? 2.1 Stiffen Mullion Add a 3" x 1/4" piece of steel Es:= 29-l06-psi Ea:= lO-)06psi s •12 L:= 3.090. in4 t\ ls = 0.562 in L:= 10-H p*a Ieq= 4.721 in Mark E. Deardorff Structural Engineer 15656 Vista Vicente Drive Ramona, CA 92065 760-789-9250 V CLIENT: Sunset Glazing PROJECT : Kelly Corporate Center JOB No: 05-363 BY:HFDbyMED CHECKED: SUBJECT: Responses to review / i 1. Wind Loading _ 1.1 Normal Ce:= 1,37 Cq=1.20 q:= 12.6-psf p:=CeCq-q 1 .2 Discontinuity = 20..7Hpsf A := p-50-in-384-Ea cq 3. Page 2 3.1 Corner Mufh'on A = 0.411 in - - 292 A 240 - OK ICOC - 400 - From design chart read 13'-6" allowable span. Use reinforced mullion with allowable span of l6'-6" - OK. Printed: 3/19/2006 1 Saved: 3/19/2006. 2:30 PM Harry F^Ceardorff, SE • 17489 Plaza De! Curtidor. Apt. 189 San Diego, CA 92128 858-592-0205 Phone 658-592-7728 FAX Job: Designer HFD Page: ^ Rev: Date: Of ~r H --•- f— i*7*- -v )- __0(! -3sJ_ rl.LVTL 4 '• i ^_... L ^_J._J__ . ' -I -i \. .. 4. airy F.'peardorff, SE 7489 P'iaza Del Curticfor, Apt. 189 an DiegtJ, CA 92128 656-592-0205 Phone 858-592-7728 FAX . Designer: HFD Page: ' / Rev: of ! j 1 ~T . !; i i|- -T -t : i,....*. .,; i i i i • " Harry.F. Seardortf, SE H489 Plaza Del Curtidor, Apt, 189 San Diego, CA 92128 , 656-592-0205 Phone 858-592-7728 FAX Job: Design^: HFD Harry F.-.Deardorff, SE 17489 Plaza Del Curtidor, Apt. 189 SanDiega,CA92128 858-592-0205 Phone 858-592-7728 FAX Job: _ Designer: HFD Page: Rev: _ Data:" ~/f? c.2. < IK & n<x ; /ot, Harry F. Deardorff, SE 1 7489 Pla'zo Del Curtidor, Apt. 1 89 $an Diego', CA 92128 858-592-0205 Phone 858-692-7728 FAX Job: C<9-£ Designer: HFD Page: If Rev: ~* tDate:YZ// ^*— -——- - - |— - *- - of f~/"> <.Ut± •-2L- _!_.. ----* -T i. ^_ — i— /*7 -f- .. i_. 4 —t—r1\ IB; 12 FT FOR; teuton n. i™. 10: owHurr. BAIT? run t-CMBM cimag taa» aucwms traafw i«i MM v*iuuftirttviimBKitaa(m fc DUHETEHOwn acvmOWMO IV tx 4ffi IB)au •JD 40D HO •39 sat «S ws its S3 CD US 1J1D,1.1DD vw IS LIB •a LUD Mtt Lib at,1 u>a.«D IMP tar CB •*** •fc Utt uit m 1.1*9 taw A1 Iflfi ns vn tSD un 41S 103 tm UB xua 41*UDD LED <a an IfflD SITS tin 1JB un tna •XX tffl «JCD wan 1.415 va 100 7.1S3 aim UB 10 UD UB UM MB vm *£n|tc»KM*« ARCADIA,* INC.AF450 AND AFS450 SERIES 2" X 4 1/2" OFFSET GLAZED SYSTEM FOR 1/4" GLASS ' Full Scale 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 to 9 8 7 6 5 s X 1 = 3.090 IN * S = 1.236 IN 3 CDini 2: 345 MULLION 6 7 8 9 10 SPACING IN FEET 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 '11 10 9 8 7 6 5 ^ss. ^> s \ ss s \j s N S X \ ^ N S X k *s " "vl - S h X s 'x. x *-•. X. ^ ^J ~ ^ •** ~~F~ _j fS^• • 1 • — '~*- ^^ I = 6.695 IN * 3456780 10 MULLION SPACING IN FEET MO-355VWTH STEEL REINFORCEMENT 15/8"X31/e"X10GA. CURVE REPRESENTATION A = 15 P.S.F. B = 20 P.S.F. C = 25 P.S.F. D = 30 P.S.F. HUJLUU- LU Xzo \ \ N 'vl S i.; V L. \J > Sj S •^ N S \ s s S Nj X X, V s. X, V X 1 N X // •^. k ^ ^ •v 1 f \ ^ •v. -. / / s - v ~i/ \ *• tx ^1 "^./ •^ - 1 , N /?s C "^•^ = 5.320 IN * 3 = 2.189 IN3 10 t- «UJ 13 UJ h- 1a X UJ z -\ ° ^ R \s s s S \ s•^ \ s, ^1 X S Sj V V *• X, 'v X s V X. X 1 ' is s. s, s s X1 " Vj / V X -> s. / X, 'V. , .s X < ^. X. •^ _ * / f s ^ ^5 ~~, ^"n^. /^ I = 8.S97 IN * MO-358WtTH STEEL REINFORCEMENT 346 MULLION 6 7 8 9 10 SPACING IN FEET 3456789 10 MULLION SPACING IN FEET 34 INC.AF450 AND AFS450 SERIES 2" X 4 1/2" OFFSET GLAZED SYSTEM FOR 1/4" GLASS Windload 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 I = 1.796 IN * S = 0.928 IN ' 34567B910 MULLION SPACING IN FEET 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 a 7 6 5 \N Xs X 1 - 5.699 IN * SM-455 WITH IEINFORCE X 2 7/8* X 3/16 3456789 10 MULLION SPACING IN FEET CURVE REPRESENTATION A = 15 P.S.F. B = 20 P.S.F. C = 25 P.S.F. D = 30 P.S.F. I = 4.270 IN S = 2.265 IN UJttz I- UJ zo 10 - \S \ \ S \ X N,s S / \XL S ^N r* ^ X X "* S / X [X, •-> X S S X ^ X ^ X. X, 1 * x> X. ^ •-. --v •*• X <-^ •^ . 1> S I = 6.688 IN ' SM-458 WITH STEEL REINFORCEMENT 15/8'X25/B'X10GA. 456789 10 MULLION SPACING IN FEET 3456788 10 MULLION SPACING IN FEET 35 ARCADIA,* INC.AF600 AND AFS600 SERIES 2" X 6" OFFSET GLAZED SYSTEM FOR 1/4" GLASS Windload •B V, f 14 13 W 1t 10 9 e 7 B s s V L ^ ^ V s i^t «*\ s S i s\\ s s. s '•v h^ V V l> ^ ^v "•, ^. ^ s. <x - S, S ^ %^ , 1 "*\ "* -s ^ .. ^1 fl"""f TI »i I it 6 7 B fi 10 SPACING IN FEET 111XzO -£A 20 18 17 1fl 1& 14 IS 12 11 to 's ^ \ \ \\ \ \ \ \ \ ^ \ ' S v ^ * *s V k. • ^ ^ ^ \ *N *\ . < *s N N. " s, \ [S, ^i I ^ ^1 f s. " •^ ^ --. „ = 15.428 IN' 3 A & MUIUON 6 7 8 9 10 SPACING IN FffiT CURVE REPRESENTATION A = 15 P.S.F, B * 20 P.S-F. C = 25 P.S.F. D = 30 P.S.F. t« t- is.UJ 1S Ulu. 14 ^ 11 3 9 2 n \ " ^•> ^*, ^ \\ h "^ h V> ^ V ^ ^ f V V *K ^ U ^1 • 1 *._- . ^•>- . ^ k. ««. _^ | =4.464 IN* * 1.00 s *•_I-A ^ ^, - *^B -**D SIN' •TT* SM-eas 22i 21 20 £ «UJ U. 16 Z - 17 I16 X IB L> \ \ t '*,>^ sT * ^ 1 S s s s s . s. ^ ^ •^ ^ - ' S_ „-^F-. t« ^ V X 's. ± ^ s s ^ v •-s "• s v Ik ^ i ^ Si "^3 = 11.888 IN* ^466769 10 MUUJON SPACING IN FEET 3456789 10 MULLION SPACING IN FEET •nr-l ARCADIA,® INC.AF600 AND AFS6QO SERIES 2" X 6" OFFSET GLAZED SYSTEM FOR 1/4" GLASS Windload 18 17 is Hi « KM - 13 CD 12 Ul O in 7 6 6 s h 1 ^* ^\ ''v, S s ^ X 1 \ X, '•i ^ ^ ^ v ^ , ** s H ^ ^~ Sk > s *« •J * V •*. sj ••» N *• •^ "» ^ "• », i.» s ~2jy A B c D WIN ' 57 IN* Ott r me * 5 6 7 6 9 10 rfULUDN SPACJNQ IN FEET 22 at 20 S19 U- Mt 2 1- 1T S 16 X 15 S 14 d 13 11 ID 9 1 h i maa«4 ^\ \ \ _\ - \. \ >, •, S s.^ S ^ J - s v *V s ^*>, L ^ ^ ^ s ^, 1 1 *- s s. 1), ^, ** F— - K •x • - N q ^ *• k ^ ^k •^ E A B C dUlUON SPACING IN fKT CURVE REPRESENTATION A * 15 RS.F. B =-20 P.S.F. C * 26 P.S.F. D =.-30 P.S.F. i 17 IB & 15111U. 14 2 H 13 T'O 12raX 11 S 103« S A 7 S ^k'* V st"> s s ^ ^ ^ ^ V ^ S \ ^ ^ ^ , s k, ^ >, V, X, V k. ^ <, X K, ^ S •v *s ^ ^ >s •* 1 ^ zz 21 20 E1S U. 18 Z .. 17 U) s«d,3 S ta fi 10 \i i s s V s V, ^ V \ ^,• ^ ^1 s \ ii s s.s. ^ s • \ s V ^ s| s <^ s •X *, -. ^ ^ > , 1 = 14.178 IN * STEEL HE1NFORCEM0JT, 3 •* 5 e T B 9 10 MULUON SPACING IN FEET 34S67I191EI MULUON SPACING tN FEET INC.Wmdload-— .- _— . _»-», _-..»., MTOUU unit Mrouuu otni£o 2" X 6" OFFSET GUZED SYSTEM FOR 1/4" GLASS , l 33 i tH M £ S £ w ,_$--£ £_ 19 ^ "? g I7 ^ 5 _ 5 _ _ * z r2 *s W =3 14 k s « --\ 12 •* ' * 1 **S- 2.057 IN -F " -2g -^ ~. « L.1 L - /^ &24 -^-^-- "N S V ^ ^*^C s s k,^ sk-^-ISa : - CM X r-3-45 B >rs_ s *"" \ 'z S S a V- "L ' W ^ x.\ r _s ^ w ___::ik,3 ia _.„:::,3 1fl :syA. S ., ^ /^\ 'T s s • "** ^ k _ C trvtcjini1) -*< - - — - — SD 1 = 1K1OTIW * /V ^„ -_ i ^^ . Vt x w ^ t. i,, ^ I M _ ^ _ _ i. s, —k.i.j^ _-ia y\ S N t I- ^i!-° M_ ^^ ICOC-6QOWI7H t « „ - _ D 5TEQ. RBHfORCaiBVT ^ I^HfpViilU^KI/*" S 4 5 6 r B 8 10 3436783 10 MULUQN SPACING IN FEET MULUQN SPACING IN FEET f £i r~ 20 •* rtQ l '» 1 ~~l ^r- 1 1e ^ -- ^-ul i5" N : : - •£ IB s; s 3 15 y - c - ^ " -5 -5---is I 14 ^^CJC--5 -y^--^-g is --^-s-^ d 12 "i:^;:2 " i5t1 i 10 i 9 "~ A 1 | 1 ^ _ J—l 1 i I CURVE REPRESENTATION A » 15 P-S-F. B = 20 P.S.F. C as 25 P S J1*j •"" £^ r *^j*«j • 0 = 30 P.S.F. t a a.nm IN ' ^ S D 2JTI 6 IN 1- go rX— ::„ w20 v-s : _ _ r -1 n g 1T Ss 3 r S — - a ^ - - -- i N >s""b, ^^is__a.__ s"sv """* S S « "S.^:^: s is :::s-^i S ,3 - - __K^_^_ * r ^ * 12 M M 1 T J \o Li-LLLl_L 1 o 1* ft«3 IW J D. . . . . (2)MOQ5SWTTH STECt. BGIWF£»aieMBr I I 1 1. _1 ., i 1&/FX 43/16 X1QGA. 3 4 5 B r 8 B 1D MULLION SPACING IN FEET 345 MULUON fi 7 B 9 10 SPACING IN FEET 01/03/2008 14:59 PAX 6184614857 SUNSET GLAZING AF600 AND APS600 SERIES 2" X 8" OFFSET GLAZED SYSTEM FOR W GLASS Windload IB 17 16 (U IS Ulu_ )« g 5 13iu o to g9 5 8 7 6 & \\1 \1 * ^\ - ^< L'A \ s s s , 1 v s, \ ^V S \ V < ^ \ s N S "*. S. s ^ y ^s, "* *• ^ S ,, 1^ Ik sJ N S, •*> « . ., S i^- ^ *** "^ 1 = 6.1H 5=1.661 A B C 0 J 3 IN* SiN3 r^ COC-631 2£ 1=25.3 WIN* a 24 Ik 22 2 0 20 1 tfl O IB _J=[ 17 16 !\ \ \ \\ ** \ \ \ T K V V s y ^s ^^ . ^ T s. .1 ^ * (' \, k \ <,1 S si *, . S \ s \ ^s V *> 11 s s ^ , 11 s . J" X,S - S s * S = 6,25. B C D 3 IN' m^m >«90AI 5 3456789 10 MULUON SPACING IN FEET MUU.IOW SPACING IN FEET CURVE REPRESENTATION A = 15 P.SJF. B = 20 P.S.F. C = 25 P.S.F- D * 3D P.S.F. AKCADIA,® INC AF450 AND AFS450 SERIES 2" X 4 1/2" OFFSET GLAZED SYSTEM FOR 1/4" GLASS Windload 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 •s ^: 1 = 5.906 IN * S = 1.853 IN ' 3456789 10 MULLION SPACING IN FEET 22 21 20 19 IB 17 16 IS 14 13 12 11 10 VX \ \\ , I = 10.344 IN 3456789 10 MULLION SPACING IN FEET 1COC-400 WITH STEEL REINFORCEMENT 15/8'X37/16"X1GGA. CURVE REPRESENTATION A = 15 P.S.F. B = 20 P.S.F. C = 25 P.S.F. D = 30 P.S.F. 22 21 20 19 16 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 -- \ \\...\-S\ s \ V\ 11 -- - ^ \ s \ ' V \ s \ \\ S ^ N / •^. S s / \ / •*v ^ /ltl •**! . J s ^ s s/" s, X, IX. / X •v. •^ x ,, lv -X / , X < - 8.726 IN " S = 2.240 IN * 22 IC-355 W/ IC-358 I = 10.675 IN * S = 2.779 IN 3 OC-356 W/ OC-3S7 3456789 10 MULLION SPACING IN FEET 34S678910 MULLION SPACING IN FEET 37 ABCADIA> INC.AF/AFG AND AFS 300401 SERIES 2" X 3" OFFSET GLAZED SYSTCM FOR 1/4" AND 1" GLASS Deadload = 0.1 70 IN', = 0.129 IN to 9 - LULU LL cLU CO <s N. AB 3 4 5-6 78 9 10 MULLION SPACING (N FEET [ = 0.151 IN' S = 0.124 fN' 10 h- LU 5Qj a CO 3456789 10 MULLrON SPACING IN FEET MAX. ALLOW. DEFL- = U360 OR 1/8* WHICHEVER IS LESS HM-353 CURVE REPRESENTATION A ( ) * 1/8 PTS. OR A MINIMUM OF 8" AWAY FROM THE EDGE OF GLASS B(= 1/4 PTS. OR A MINIMUM OF 8" AWAY FROM THE EDGE OF GLASS HM-303 ARCADIA,* INC. AFSQQ AND AFseoo SERIES Deadload 2" X 6" OFFSET GLAZED SYSTEM ' " FOR W GLASS _^_^ Oeadbad Design Criteria MuSlioro deagned for U380 or IflP deflection whichever is toss. Ratio curves represent fimil values end are based on criteria for Dimple beam uniformly loaded. Allowable stresses for 6063*75 aluminum alloy = 9500 P.S.I. Allowable stmsces for A^6 structural steel = 21600 P.S.I. Maximum deflection between supports for eingte span; Maximum bending momenl for single span; M « Pa Where: P = a =V4gr 1/8 point of span (aa specified on cftarts) E =10X10* P.S.I. I = moment of Inertia of the (nullion L = length of the hortzonial span ARCADIA/ INC.AF600 AND AFS600 SERIES 2" X 6" OFFSET GLAZED SYSTEM FOR 1/4- GLASS Deadload GLASS HEIGHT IN FEET GLASS HEIGHT IN FEET->j»ifl A w'w-w. »(»•-* r*wt>*»oiei^oatPg^^ * Y -1 ' ' s\\I ^ I\ \\\ \\ 1 \\\ \ \ \I, i *s 1, X *\ ••, - s •s. *^ *++** 4 5 6 .7 89 1 flULUQN SPACING IN FEE II\1 | \ \ \ \ \ \ t \ s ^\ s -\ s t S "^. •k.*s ». \ = 0 .Z7B IN ' - . S» 0.177 IM* _ . MAX ALLOW. OEFL. = U3BO OR 1/8" WHIOHEVERISLESS Jf^f13 <$>v VA Ltk • «•? . 1}77 1 HM-o4o A B • I_ CURVE REPRESENTATION fT;. • - • — . •-A( J = 1/8PTS.OR A MINIMUM OF «" AWAY FROM THE EDGE OF GLASS 1 - 0 422 IM* B ( >" W f"15' OR „ A™,KI» A MINIMUM OF fi" AWAY 5, - 0^03 IN pj^jyj THE EDGE QF Q^^ " * HDr^i " ' ir^v - k— - ^r~A 1 B -t f h \ 3456789 10 MUUiON SPACING IN FEET HM-648 ARCADIA,* INC.AF600 AND AFSSOQ SERIES r X 8- OFFSET GLASED SYSTEM FOR 1/4" GLASS Deadload I = 0.204 IN * S = 0.126m'GLASS HEH3HT IN FEET-* M W *fc W OB -J O). W -\ 1 \ I 1 1I \ \ » \ \ \ k \ \ 1 \ V \^\ x ^ s^\ rs. ^" •^ L---1 « * *— •~^"^ 3456T6910 MULUON SPACING IN FEET MAX. ALLOW, OEFt. * IJ^J OR WHICHEVER IS LESS HU447 CURVE REPRES&fTATlON A(- )«1/BPTS.OR A MINIMUM Of B" AWAY FROM THE EDGE OF GLASS B( -}=1/4PTS.OR A MINIMUM OF 8" AWAY PROM THE EDGE OF GLASS QJ.U4D.L4V3/ 4RCADIA,® INC.Full Scale 2" X4 1/2" OFFSET GLAZED SYSTEM FOR1/4-GUVSS 18 17 in «UJ U- 14z J lljj o 12 LIT X 11zo 10 I9 s .N 18 17 1E £ 15 UJ "- 14 Z t'J ZO 10 — 1 43 * ^e 7 6 S 1 = S.UKI IM 4 v "s h \ ^S ^ , V •S s N. ^ N *^ [• V 'N 1 - f •k \ h \ i"x ^ ^-. - [ •C. •v. •w •-, •^i •*J - 1-2 A B 0 4 5 e r a a 10 dULUON SPACfNQ IN FEET ..i.1 s"v * \ V \r. v N "" \ 's \ S X. V X{ * | X N 's v> x*s 'x. 'V, s s'- '•• s •^ t^» •» * "-. -* •*! •x, f *^ ^ *• - •^. ~ 5 •^1 * -2,1 ! A B C D !36INS 17 rt \ " fc w I Ulii 1 ri u: n X2 12 X 11 9 10 MO055 2 * 7 6 5 Ik lDB.fiaSIN ' V ^_b s \ S V- ^ \ ^s s ^ •^ 1 "I s •v •v ^ V. V, P" *N "^ -v, ^•^1 ^ •"•4 = -- B 1 l" i , 1 __ ^t^ff ffjy~iv t —i ^B 3C Mn, n ~j MO3S5VWTHSTSEL f^lNJ=ORCEMEWr 1 S/8" X 3 I/S" X OGA. 1 4 S a 7 8 9, 10 MULUON SPACING !N FEET CURVE REPRESENTATION A » 15 P.S.F. B = 20 P.S.F. C = 25 P.S.F. D = 30 P.S.F. 20 IN* 16 89 IH1 ir T* i:1 1 fl Z p 1u 1ffi 1MULLION HEIGHT 1jiffl^mwg-jj-jTs ^^ -''n 'vv1 ^ 1** 1 ^,s >N . \ \• SI >^ •*. N, ,, S X ^^_ *S ^J ^-, ^ ^t *Z* "N l^- "T*-, rr-i : p." • "B - C UUUIUJ^ ••••i MO358WTT1 STTEKt REINFORC 15»-X3-X10 1 H EMENT ~) 3456788 10 MULLION SPACING IN FEET 34 5 07 A i 1Q MULUON SPACING IN FEET 34 tt OQ-o e oc SK 88 ^K°£op §85 Q Q 2£5 <[ O rvl£uj p S ^ 2 *fi <S^^g ^S uj H :c § Q5^ Z -fel § atfilg o ps ^- ^ i d rJ o: a 0 UJ ° O ^4 ^ 09 a _j - 1 .„ r> 1* "J *>• IT; U*fc-nf^-^""— '[ o^ilo-^ «^eS85aegI^iiiO-lt;~. Qu.UJ_jJZ(6!!ti o^z<f~*£ woafc^iuuju. | • si<;Ojy<NZ .1 ZJ.-3zEiJ<t- t! ma.uju.xxo 51 ! 4! •£ 1 1 ^ 525 3&o: a,u. < I *oa,t- < , i f £