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1002 CANVASBACK CT; ; CB063619; Permit
^ w 01-16-2007 City of Carlsbad 1635 Faraday Av Carlsbad, CA 92008 Electrical Permit Permit No CB063619 Building Inspection Request Line (760) 602-2725 Job Address Permit Type Parcel No Reference # Project Title 1004 CANVASBACK CT CBAD ELEC 2146434200 Lot# SMITH RES-PHOTOVOLTAIC SYSTEM Status Applied Entered By Plan Approved Issued Inspect Area ISSUED 12/26/2006 RMA 01/16/2007 01/16/2007 Applicant SMITH KENNETH B&BRIDGETA 1004 CANVASBACK CT CARLSBAD CA 92011 Owner SMITH KENNETH B&BRIDGETA 1004 CANVASBACK CT CARLSBAD CA 9201T Electric Issue Fee Single Phase per AMP Three Phase per AMP Three Phase 480 Per AMP Remodel/Alteration per AMP Remodel Fee ' Temporary Service Fee Test Meter Fee Other Electrical Fees • Additional Fees TOTAL PERM)T FEES $1000 , $000 ; $000 $0 00' $000' 7 $0 00 , '$000 $000 $11000l- $000 3120 00 Total Fees $120 00 Total Payments To Date $120 00 Balance Due $000 Inspector Clearance, NOTICE Please take NOTICE that approval of your project includes the Imposition" of fees, dedications, reservations, or other exactions hereafter collectively referred to as "fees/exactions You have 90 days from the date this permit was issued to protest imposition of these fees/exactions If you protest them you must follow the protest procedures set forth in Government Code Section 6602Q(a) and file the protest and any other required information with the City Manager for processing in accordance with Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 3 32 030 Failure to timely follow that procedure will bar any subsequent legal action to attack, review, sel aside void, or annul their imposition You are hereby FURTHER NOTIFIED that your right to protest the specified fees/exactions DOES NOT APPLY to water and sewer connection fees and capacity changes, nor planning, zoning, grading or other similar application processing or service fees in connection with this project NOR DOES IT APPLY to any feesjexactions of which youJjave previously been given a NOTICE similar to this, or as to which the statute of limitations has previously otherwise expired PERMIT APPLICATION CITY O CARLSBAD BUILDING DEPARTMENT Faraday Ave , Carlsbad, CA 92008 PLAN CHECK NO EST VAL Plan Ck Deposit Validated By Date i 32 Address (include'Bldg/Surte #)Business Name (at this addres Legal Description Lot No Subdivision Name/Number Unit No Phase No Total # of units Assessor's Parcel #Existing Use Proposed Use escription of Worktipescrir /SQ FT #of Stories # of Bedrooms # of Bathrooms ^riif^^^^m^m\7r^ffrfw^'sr^^r^ft^s^!'^T'^''''r "^iTSiffirtf^iiOT^liTlainerem!.TromappiicBnti4,|,j^ fegwallEkkrihu«!*u A — iiagli^ifcMkAilUteihb,^ !<*!*.ttdwyitiJii^ayElU>aw^4-ls^UtJJJt/^t^-» Name Address City State/Zip Telephone {Sec 7031 5 Business and Professions Code Any City or County which requires a permit to construct, alter, improve, demolish or repair any structure, prior to its issuance, also requires the applicant for such permit to file a signed statement that he is licensed pursuant to the provisions of the Contractor's License Law IChapter 9, commending with Section 7000 of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code] or that he is exempt therefrom, and the basis for the alleged exemption Any violation of Section 7031 5 by any applicant for a permit subjects the applicant to a civil penalty of not more than five hundred dollars IS500!) Name State License # Address License Class City State/Zip City Business License # Telephone # Designer Name State License # Address City State/Zip Telephone Workers' Compensation Declaration I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury one of the following declarations LJ I have and will maintain a certificate of consent to self-insure for workers' compensation as provided by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued Q I have and will maintain workers' compensation, as required by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued My worker's compensation insurance carrier and policy number are Insurance Company Policy No Expiration Date (THIS SECTION NEED NOT BE COMPLETED IF THE PERMIT IS FOR ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS [$1001 OR LESS) O CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION I certify that in the performance of the work for which this permit is issued, I shall not employ any person in any manner so as to become subject to the Workers' Compensation Laws of California WARNING Failure to secure workers' compensation coverage is unlawful, and shall subject an employer to criminal penalties and civil fines up to one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000) in addition to the cost of compensation damages as provided for In Section 3706 of the Labor code, interest and attorney s fees SIGNATURE DATE »SSi^feliiJiay!isJ^PW1JiiBi*i&fy!iix^iJii.i{ss aby affirm that I am exempt from the Contractor's License Law for the following reason as owner of the property or my employees with wages as their sole compensation, will do the work and the structure is not intended or offered for sale (Sec 7044, Business and Professions Code The Contractor's License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon, and who does such work himself or through his own employees, provided that such improvements are not intended or offered for sale If, however, the building or improvement is sold within one year of completion, the owner-builder will have the burden of proving that he did not build or improve for the purpose of sate) n I, as owner of the property, am exclusively contracting with licensed contractors to construct the project (Sec 7044, Business and Professions Code The Contractor's License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon, and contracts for such projects with contractor(s) licensed pursuant to the Contractor's License Law) f~l I am exempt under Section Business and Professions Code for this reason rfe<f r-i1 I Dflworiallv plan to provide the major labor and materials for construction of the proposed property improvement rXlYES LJNO 2 l^haviy/ have not) signed an application for a building permit for the proposed work 3 I have contracted with the following person (firm) to provide the proposed construction (include name / address / phone number / contractors license number) 4 I plan to provide portions of the work, but I have hired the following person to coordinate, supervise and provide the major work (include name / address / phone number / contractors license number) _^_ 5 I will provide some of the work, but I have contractedA hired) the following persons to provide the work indicated (include name / address / phone number / type of work) /S _ •> . PROPERTY OWNER SIGNATURE DATE (p&rfft r^r^D^SuTe^i5iV3v"sss'r^^^UJBJJlLDINGJ;ERMlTSAONLY^_^^^a^^JiJJiL^^a^k^r.,,ii' , n ff & A,.,&. JJnai'.^^MLd^La^^A_i)!^u. Is the applicant or future building occupant required to submit a business plan, acutely hazardous materials registration form or risk management and prevention program under Sections 25505, 25533 or 25534 of the Presley-Tanner Hazardous Substance Account Act? Q VES Q NO Is the applicant or future building occupant required to obtain a permit from the air pollution control district or air quality management district? Q YES G NO Is the facility to be constructed within 1,000 feet of the outer boundary of a school site? Q YES Q NO IF ANY OF THE ANSWERS ARE YES A FINAL CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY MAY NOT BE ISSUED UNLESS THE APPLICANT HAS MET OR IS MEETING THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE OFFICE OF EMERGENCY SERVICES AND THE AIR POLLUTION CONTROL DISTRICT I hereby affirm that there is a construction lending agency for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued (Sec 3097(i) Civil Code) LENDER'S NAME LENDER s ADDRESS f^ir^AePLTCANT^ERtfFICATlONlilETIISSfl I certify that 1 have read the application and state that the above information is correct and that the information on the plans is accurate I agree to comply with all City ordinances and State laws relating to building construction I hereby authorize representatives of the CitV of Carlsbad to enter upon the above mentioned property for inspection purposes I ALSO AGREE TO SAVE, INDEMNIFY AND KEEP HARMLESS THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AGAINST ALL LIABILITIES JUDGMENTS, COSTS AND EXPENSES WHICH MAY IN ANY WAY ACCRUE AGAINST SAID CITY IN CONSEQUENCE OF THE GRANTING OF THIS PERMIT OSHA An OSHA permit is required for excavations over 5'0" deep and demolition or construction of structures over 3 stories in height EXPIRATION Every permit issued by the building Official under the provisions of this Code shall expire by limitation and become null and void if the building or work authorized by such permit is not commenced withm 180 days from the date of such permit or if the building or work authorized by such permit ^suspended or abandoned at any time after the work is commenceq/for^period^f l^dayffTSectlon^oe 4 4 Uniform Building Code) APPLICANT'S SIGNATURE DATE WHITE File YELLOW Applicant PINK Finance City of Carlsbad Bldg Inspection Request For 05/02/2007 PermiW CB063619 Inspector Assignment Title SMITH RES-PHOTOVOLTAIC SYSTEM Description 1004 CANVASBACKCT Lot 0 Type ELEC Sub Type Job Address Suite Location OWNER SMITH KENNETH B&BRIDGET A Owner SMITH KENNETH B&BRIDGET A Remarks P M PLEASE - PHOTO VOLTAIC Total Time ' CD Description 35 Fixtures Act Comments Phone 7603895004 Inspector Requested By BRIDGET Entered By CHRISTINE 0 Comments/Notices/Holds Associated PCRs/CVs Original PC# Inspection History Date Description Act Insp Comments EsGil Corporation In <Partnersfiip with government for (BuiCding Safety DATE January 10, 20O7 a APPLICANT a JURIS JURISDICTION Carlsbad a PLAN REVIEWER a FILE PLAN CHECK NO O6-3619 REV SET II PROJECT ADDRESS 1004 Canvasback Court PROJECT NAME Smith Solar Photovoltaic The plans transmitted herewith have been corrected where necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes X] The plans transmitted herewith will substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes when minor deficiencies identified below are resolved and checked by building department staff The plans transmitted herewith have significant deficiencies identified on the enclosed check list and should be corrected and resubmitted for a complete recheck The check list transmitted herewith is for your information The plans are being held at Esgil Corporation until corrected plans are submitted for recheck The applicant's copy of the check list is enclosed for the jurisdiction to forward to the applicant contact person The applicant's copy of the check list has been sent to Esgil Corporation staff did not advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed Esgil Corporation staff did advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed Person contacted Telephone ft. Date contacted (by ) \ / Fax # Mail Telephone Fax In Person I/**/ XI REMARKS' City Cross out the exjstlo^ single line diagram (in City packet at City) and add Notes to Revision 3 single line diefgram (look in returned packet for corrected sheets) By Eric Jensen /^ Enclosures Esgil Corporation D GA D MB D EJ D PC OTC-1/10 ' trnsmtldot 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208 + San Diego, California 92123 * (858)560-1468 4 Fax (858) 560-1576 EsGil Corporation In (Partnersfiip tvitd government for <SuiCtfing Safety ^DATE January 8, 2007 JURISDICTION Carlsbad PLAN CHECK NO 06-3619 REV X PROJECT ADDRESS 1004 Canvasback Court PROJECT NAME Smith Solar Photovoltaic a ABEUCANT PLAN REVIEWER FILE SET I The plans transmitted herewith have been corrected where necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes The plans transmitted herewith will substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes when minor deficiencies identified below are resolved and checked by building department staff The plans transmitted herewith have significant deficiencies identified on the enclosed check list > and should be corrected and resubmitted for a complete recheck XI The check list transmitted herewith is for your information The plans are being held at Esgil Corporation until corrected plans are submitted for recheck The applicant's copy of the check list is enclosed for the jurisdiction to forward to the applicant contact person • The applicant's copy of the check list has been sent to Esgil Corporation staff did not advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed XI Esgil Corporation staff did advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed Person contacted Ken Smith ( ^^) Telephone # 760 389-5004 Date contacted ^/o(,(by (^ ) Fax # 209984-1881 /(&5 f)X5^ Mail Telephone w^'Fax-"' In Person -/ ^ 8 Z. REMARKS By Eric Jensen Esgil CorporationD GA n MB n E PC Enclosures 1/2 trnsmtl dot 9320 Chesapeake Dnve, Suite 208 4- San Diego, California 92123 *• (858)560-1468 + Fax (858) 560-1576 Carlsbad 06-3619 REV January. 8, 2007 GENERAL PLAN CORRECTION LIST JURISDICTION Carlsbad PLAN CHECK NO * O6-3619 REV PROJECT ADDRESS 1004 Canvasback Court DATE PLAN RECEIVED BY DATE REVIEW COMPLETED. ESGIL CORPORATION 1/2 January 8, 2007 REVIEWED BY Eric Jensen FOREWORD (PLEASE READ): This plan review is limited to the technical requirements contained in the Uniform Building Code, Uniform Plumbing Code, Uniform Mechanical Code, National Electrical Code and state laws regulating energy conservation, noise attenuation and disabled access This plan review is based on regulations enforced by the Building Department You may have other corrections based on laws and ordinances enforced by the Planning Department, Engineering, Department or other departments . The following items listed need clarification, modification or change All items must be satisfied before the plans will be in conformance with the cited codes and regulations Per Sec 106 4 3, 1997 Uniform Building Code, the approval of the plans does not permit the violation of any 'state, county or city law • Please make all corrections and submit two new complete sets of prints to ESGIL CORPORATION • To facilitate rechecking, please identify, next to each item, the sheet of the plans upon which each correction on this sheet has been made and return this sheet with the revised plans • Please indicate here if any changes have been made to the plans that are not a result of corrections from this list If there are other changes, please briefly describe them and where they are located on the plans Have changes been made not resulting from this list? Q Yes - Q No Carlsbad O6-3619 REV January 8, 2OO7 ELECTRJCAL CORRECTIONS PLAN REVIEWER: Eric Jensen 1 Include the module series fuse protection design with the single line diagram 2 The inverter grounding electrode conductor design (sizing and routing) must be included on the single line diagram Only a reference to NEC 250-122 (equipment grounding) is found'? 3 t Does this permit include a service upgrade9 The original single line diagram described a 100 ampere service, the revised diagram a 200 ampere Note: If you have any questions regarding this Electrical plan review list please contact Eric Jensen at (858) 560-1468 To speed the review process, note on this list (or a copy) where the corrected items have been addressed on the plans PLANNING/ENGINEERING APPROVALS PERMIT NUMBER DATE g ADDRESS P AnuasbacJc. gT TENANT IMPROVEMENT RESIDENTIAL ADDITION MINOR PLAZA CAM I NO REAL (<$1 0,000,00) CARLSBAD COMPANY STORES POOL / SPA RETAINING WALL VILLAGE FAIRE COMPLETE OFFICE BUILDING OTHER PLANNER ENGINE DATE vs> DATE PV Solar Installation 1004CanvasbackCt Owner/Installer Ken Smith Cell (858)583-2115 £'' PV Solar Installation 1004CanvasbackCt Carlsbad CA 92011 Owner Ken and Bndget Smith Cell (858)583-2115 Home (760) 389-5004 Cover Page Roof Layout Single Line Drawing Solar Panel Cut Sheet String Sizing Chart JS&$r&*~~ — -""""''^ Inverter Cut Sheet \, \j t^\ Inverter UL Certification ^ \ iJfV. -a\S^ * Rack'Entnneenng Certification C^,,« CsV^1 J* ^"^ * \\\ \f^' • * ftv Tile Standoff/ Roof Framing Detail Racking Detail Roof load calculations 2 3 3 7 9 10 11 13 19 Notes Plaques shall be installed as required by SDGE and NEC UTILITY AC DISCONNECT At alternate power source AC Disconnect DC DISCONECT At DC Disconnect WARNING THIS SERVICE SUPPLIED BY ALTERNATE POWER SOURCE WITH DISCONNECT LOCATED AS SHOWN (Includes map locating solar and disconnect) Paae 1 of 19 PV Solar Installation l(004CanvasbackCt Owner/Installer Ken Smith Cell (858)583-2115 Roof Layout PV EAST Mitsubishi PV-MF170EB3 Module Pool Solar to be installed by Licensed Contractor 472 sq ft POOL (90%) 23 PV Modules Page 2 of 19 JflN-10-2007 15 06 Frorn'UCSD EHS 858 534798E To 858 560 1576 P £'3 Single Line Drawing (REVISION 3) 1004 Canvasback Ct, Carlsbad CA 92011 Owner/Installer Ken Smith cell 658-683-2116 .Approximate distant / from rooftop box to I switch Is 75 feat V Note 3 WEST PV Array 1 String x 12 Modules Mitsubishi PV-MF170EB3 Note 1,6 Inverter (West) SMA SWR SB2500U w/ display UL 1741 Note 5, 8 • •• • * 1 WEST PV Army, contains 1 airing* 12 170-Watl Modules In series 2 EAST PV Array cbnlame 1 string x 1 0 1 70- Wall Modules In series 3 PV Array wiring lo Module la «10 AWG, UV protected, with factory- In stalled MC connectors to Interface with modules 4 PVHigh Voltage DC Disconnect Switch 5 DC/AC Inverter IQ SB2500UL, modal ruled al 2 5 kW AC output and Is rateo to provide 10 4 ampa at 240-VaIta at 4Q C Irwortor Is Lloted to UL- 17«1 "Utllity-lntoTaclivo" PV Output Motor Integrated Gmuria-Feutl Protection provided in DC/AC Inverter Negative pole of PV array referenced to ground at the Inverter 6 Utility Swilen IB visible open, lockable in,opan,pnnltlon 240-Vac, 4-Polfi ^_ ^ fl Equlpmeni-fl rounding conductor fo be installed following Invener \ ^ munufocture'ii mairuction Module frame and equipment grounding v conductors to be bore wire or hove green colored Insulation 8 AWG and connocied it> equipment Qcourtdms point m mverter Single equipment grounding conductor (10 AWO bare wire or hove green colored insulation) routed from ac load center to Inverter terminal labeled PE ('Protective / MalrrSmvoo PoTiol-WIfhS K iS-AfnrWB^Pole Circuit Breoker for Interactive Point of Connection All grounds connected to mom service Ground In Mflln Service Panel Note 2 EAST DC Disconnect Note 4 EAST PV Array 1 String* 18 Modules Mitsubishi PV-MF17QEB3 Note 1,8 Inverter1 (East) SMA SWR 2500U w/ display UL1741 Note 5, 8 Lockabie AC Disconnect Noted ( Note'Q.a Main Electrical Panel PV Solar Installation 1004CanvasbackCt Solar Panel Cut Sheet Owner/Installer Ken Smith Cell (858)583-2115 MITSUBISHI ELECTRIC PHOTOVOLTAIC MODULE ELECTRFC PHOTOVOLTAIC MODULE PV-MF170EB3 170Wp LAM) content 0 g". A n*w Fond of photovoltaic jmw«r g4««Kttlon, awfiti f rf«ndilar to Ifw onvlronnont. rr^icus riarrT3l;ricunt cfl^riri iiT1^ -iT Ho nWdor co»IIna raqvlrad for cafb-for hlahof I*V nadgf« conv0Kb>n afflctancy. sjfiit=f>; ts^ri] ^^/arr^ce rf rhs r>=A prciliirT^ ^f.irv Tunitr* unfcrrny «,-/* An Industry Href A trlpla*Uy«red tormina! box with ranarkabto wnMr red static» and fbn« ratardancy. I i/vl>-i(T; ti hqnly f latri1103;rai iciJL^1 -OcTifc^ parting r, irfji?!" -1 tt 1131 ptrf..rTTrv~ -r-iJ r"i£t • rarn^ll-cn; Changes foe the Better Cd!K( «lcitt:oitBiUj a"d iJlLjIl--i-pl^n vjTt-ml^i Page 4 of 19 PV Solar Installation l()04CanvasbackCt Owner/Installer Ken Smith Cell (858)583-2115 MiTiLLLHI ELLC1KCPV f ODULE PV-MF170EB3 70Wp SPECIFICATIONS t'ia<-. nin P -MFroff::?, DRAWINGS AND DIMENSIONS I . frii£3l .1 . || * Ml N.srnha urciie n<> nminh) £l n Q. LI. i "I. H ^*- "V-^ k ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTtCS A MfTSLBiSHI BJECTR1C CORPORATION iPKCE TCK Cii'ltiG S-T null MOtiCni hllp '(Hkibjif UM ul.tihlEl L11Gf.F«S«J-BN«';n Puttied i< l^n fVOOCI e'fftir t Nri ij.) v«iih mi Page 5 of 19 PV Solar Installation 1004CanvasbackCt Owner/Installer Ken Smith Cell (858)583-2115 String Sizing Chart String Sizing Program Selected Inverter SWR2500U(240)| Results from String Sizing V 6 0 Selected PV Manufacturer Mitsubishi^ Selected PV Module PV-MF170EB3(170W}i Design Irradiance (W/m2) 1000 Idc Max Vdc Max 12 600 Module Pnom Voc 170 W 30,6 V Inverter Data Pacmax 2500 Vmpt Max 550 Module Data Vnip 24,6V Pdcmax 2800 Vmpt Mm Viuin 250 235 Isc imp 7,38 A 6,93 A Temperature Coefficient of Voltage Temperature Coefficient of Current Temperature Coefficient of Power - 0,346 % + 0,057 % - 0,478 % Mounting Method Please select the mounting method for the array Mounted flat against the roof Temperature Data Select the coldest expected temperature Select the hottest expected temperature when sunlight will be on the modules when sunlight wilt be on the modules 14 °F 77 °F| Imperial units © Metric units o Results 1 string configurations 11 in senes12 in senes 13 in senes 14 in senes 15 in senes 16 in senes 17 in senes * Page 6 of 19 PV Solar Installation !P04CanvasbackCt Owner/Installer Ken Smith Cell (858)583-2115 Inverter Cut Sheet Sunny Boy 2500U The leading grid-tied photovoltaic inverters in Europe and America UL1741 Listed for grid interactive inverters 5-year comprehensive warranty standard Rugged NEMA 4X stainless steel enclosure standard Exceptional reliability and energy capture ratio Easy to install three-point mounting system Comprehensive communications and data collection options SMA's modular string inverter design is expandable to virtually any size system The SMA Sunny Boy inverter, the most popular grid-tied photovoltaic inverter in Europe, is now UL 174] Listed end available in North Americc Sunny Boy'sexsten- sive track record in some of the world's mosl demanding markets hcs made it a favorite cmong FV professionals everywhere Over 250,000 Sunny Boy inverters have been installed worldwide Superior design, rock-solid German engineering end exceptional real-world efficiency have made Sunny Boy the top choice for American solar designers Page 7 of 19 PV Solar Installation 1.004 Cajivasback Ct Owner/Installer Ken Smith Cell (858)583-2115 Sunny Boy 2500U Inverter GWsUc Ntunui Sunny Boy's unsurpassed reliability and efficiency are the result of SMA's manufacturing philosophy that combines simple design with robust execution SMA's state-of-the-art maximum power point tracking performance results In greater real-world energy capture than any other grid-tied inverter Sunny Boy's safer/ and reliability record is also exceptional due, in part, lo the mver tor's redundant grid monitoring and built-in ground fault detection and interruption protection The Inverter's IGBT power stage generates a nearly perfect sine wave with the lowest harmonic distortion in the industry and meets ultra-strict FCC EMC stan- dards SMA's unique String Inverter technology makes future system expansion simple SMA advanced communication options are available to satisfy almost any application ' Specifications Inverter Technology AC Input Volt age AC Input Frequency DC Input Voltage Peak Power Tracking Voltage PV Start Voltage Minimum DC Input Vottage Maximum Array Input Power Maximum AC Pcwer Output Current THD Power Factor Peak Inverter Efficiency Cooing Maximum AC Output Current Maximum DC Input Current Real smewave current source high Frequency PWM 21 3-262 (240V AC) or 183-229 (208V AC) 59 3 60 5 (60Hz) (SOHz dx> available) 250 600V DC 234 550V DC (at 240V AC) 300V DC 207 - 256V DC dependent on available line voltage 3000W (240V AC)(DC@STC) 2600W (20SV AC)(DC@STC) 2500W (240V AC} 2100W (208V AC) DC Voltage Ripple Pov* r Com urn pfi on Ambient Temperature Rating Enclosure Dimensions Weight Com pi lane* < 5% 0 25W nighttime < 7W standby 45eC NEMA4X (iP65) Stainless Steel 17 10W x 116OH x8 40D In 434W x 295H x 214D mm 71 Ibs (32kg) United Slates UL 1741 E210376 Ul 1998 IEEE 519 IEEE 929 ANSI C62 41 Cl & C3 FCC part 15 A & B International DIN EN500S2 Part I 61000-32 50081 500U 600055 Part 2 55011 Group 1 Class B 50178 60U6 Part 1 I Unity * Optional external fan (Sunny Breeze) available 'Convection cooling jno fan) 12A 12A SMA America Inc 12438-C loma Rica Dr Graii Valley CA 95945 Tel 530 273 4895 Fax 5302747271 wwwsnxKimenca com Solar Today... Energy Tomorrow Page 8 of 19 PV Solar Installation Owner/Installer Ken Smith 1,004 Canvasback Ct " Cell (858)583-2115 Inverter UL Certification NoHMroak, Ufeak eMSMOM UnMd States Conner) CoW [ij (M7) ZR ttOQf AX No. (547)171-8133 I Undenvrtlen laboratories Inc.* NOTICE OF AUTHORIZATION TO APPLY THE UL MARK horthbrook Office May B, 1001 Attni Br Svan BrecicKer 34JCC Wei»t«te) Germany Our Rnteroncc Flit 1210356, Project OOHXl»03ftSubject Bii-w,y Soy SW-SSQOJ Dan Mr Broaicker He nava cojrpl»tod our engineering inv«*tlflation uodec tha above project nvmbec and find Cheproduct* eooiply with tne applicable requirement! i-Td serves ae authorisation to app*y the CL a/id C-UL Listing Mail, only at the rectory under daicrlDad C*.cv Identical to the aubject Bedel Hhicn *a* aabndtted Co UL for this investigation, ttta C-rccorda cohering th» prodact will b« in tb» Ccnlonsity M»»ment Servlcvi InapscODDProcedure File E2103J6, vaiima i baaed on tfi* co^letlon of the Initial Production inipection (IPIt that wu perforated on Kay 4, IQ3I To pcovlde thfl r-anutatfCurai with tHo lottndad authorliatlon to use tBe OL turk, the addceiie* Runt Band a copy of this Colic* »rO all attached catarlal to each maunfacturing location a* currantIy auttwriiad i" Che appropriate UL rile ProcectDT* TliiJ authoilution 1» effective for 30 d*y) orlly fcon tha date of tils Kotiec and only toe product* at the Lndicaced ttanufecturlng locations Rvcordi covering the pioduct eie now b*ingprepared and *ill b* tent to the in4Lc*t.*d nanutaccurinq lotatioo* in th* o«*t futnra Please note that Conformity A**ei*Mnt Serricei Froc«ttur*o ate »nt to the nanafactureca only ualau tha Applicant spnclfloLly requ«ti this docuaionC Pliaie noti Hitbln Cacada, there are fedecal and local atetutea and regulaticna enquiring tneuio of Bilingual product aarkingi It it the responsibility of tne vanufftcturor [ordiftctbutor) to coaply with this law JL> auctti the oarkloq* provided in the DL CoafornityAlMJSOent Service Proctdure say include only the Eoqllih veiaion Plcage contact ua if younood *t*l*tance with tcanalatlons or In ooturwinin? Mhlch ojurXlng* ale appropclata for your Product* produced, which bear the UI> Kark, ahall be identical to thuye evaluated By UL andfound to conply with UL'a raquirenenta If change* IB construction arc dlecovered, J)iathorintieo to Uie Chi UL KatN B*y be wltbdcavn and product* that bear the JE. Mark Bay have jrt to be revised (in the field or at the manatacturer'i facility) Co bring than into coapllatica J J Ratpactfully, R*»)ewod by f Sc.ph*n T Gardner (Cat 41S76J Tlaothy P Tqonraa (Ent tJOSl) 5( Project EoelBMe Sr Projoct cnglne«EConfomity JUsaasnent. aonticsa - lOl3W*a« con tonal tv Anas an* nt satvic** - 3013HHBK K-mail Sticpfien T GardD«t9u> ul COB t-anil TLoothy ? EgonvuRlua ul con la DWHC M»W »• Page 9 of 19 PV Solar Installation Owner/Installer Ken Smith 1004CanvasbackCt Cell (858)583-2115 Rack Engineering Certification Brian Spring 1 September 2006 Structural Engmeermg 161 LINDEN IN Mr Hal Newman MILL V*LLEV " YI n T 945*1UniRac, Inc T- (415,4W.2MO 1411 Broadway Boulevard NE n^-^^e^-an*™-™. Albuquerque, NM 87102-1545 Subject Engineering Certification for UmRac's SolarMount™ Universal PV Module Mounting System Dear Mr Newman, Attached is the UniRac Calculation worksheet and Installation Manual #214, Pub 040316-1 u. Copyrighted by UniRac. Inc , March 2004, 20 pages 1 have reviewed these calculations, and-certify their results are accurate The calculations determine the design level forces for wind, as prescribed in the California Building Code fhc adequacy of the UNIRAC structure is demonstrated by the calculations- The calculations alw> correctly determine the anchorage requirements for the installation, and^this requirement is properly represented m Installation Manual #214 The calculations are based upon 1 "The 2001 California Building Code, California Code of Regulations", based on the 1997 "Uniform Building Code, Volume 2 Structural Engineering Design Provisions", b> International Conference of Building Officials, Whttticr, Ca, 1997, and California Building Standards Commission, Sacramento, California, 2001 2 'Manual of Steel Construction Load Resistance I actor Design", 3rd Ed, American Institute of Steel Construction, Chicago, 1L ,2001 3 "Aluminum Design Manual Specifications and Guidelines for Aluminum Structures *, The Aluminum Association, Washington D C , 2000 4 Mechanical Properties of UNIRAC extruded raits and related components based on data obtained from Walter Gerstle, PE, Department of Civil Engineering, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM With this letter, I certify that UniRac SolarMount products will be structurally adequate and will satisfy the building codes listed above when they arc installed per the "SolarMount Code- Compliant Planning and Assembly", Installation Manual $214, Pub 040316-111, Copyrighted by UniRac, Inc, March 2004 The structure to which the UniRac SolarMount system is connected should be evaluated on a case-by-case basis, per Part I of the Installation Manual, to ensure it's adequacy to accept attachments and to support all applied loadings, per the building too*. r Please call me if you have any questy Sincerely, Bnan Spring, PE, SE Page 10 of 19 PV Solar Installation 1004CanvasbackCt Owner/Installer Ken Smith Cell (858)583-2115 Tile Standoff / Roof Framing Detail THE STANDARD IN PV MOUNTING STRUCTURES1 2'A' Hanger Bolt Assembly UniRac Part No 310025 Installation Sheet 2091 Thank vou tor purchasing a UniRac product Please review these msirut tions tomplereK before ptoceeumj; Hanger bolts are designed to install SolarMouni1" or SunFrame" rail sets above ule or metal corngated roofs The installer is solely responsible for • Complying with nil applicable local or national building codes, including any that may supersede this manual, • Ensuring that UniRac and other products a re appropriate for the par- ticular installation and the installation environment, • Ensuring that the roof, its rafters, connections, and other structural sup- port members can support the array underbuilding live load conditions, • Using only UniRac parts and installer-supplied parts as specified bv Uni- Rac (substitution of parts may void the warranty), • Maintaining the waterproof integrity of the roof, and • Ensuring safe installation of all electrical aspects of the PV array Driver (sold separately) UmRac part no. 310O26 Pares List AS flemi are siofnten i Wrench Qty Recommended torqite (ft-ftwj Hanger bolt V x 8" Flange nut Vr Heavy fender washer Flat washer 30 Caution Seamiest seed hardware can seize up a process called galling To significantly reduce the likelihood of galling. SAT-T-EZE anti seize iubncant has been included with your hardware Apply a snull dix-p to the thteads of all bolts before inscalbaon If more anu-s«ize is needed substitute any Iubncant c UniRac welcomes input concerning rhenecurncj and user friendliness oi this manual Please write to publications^ uniraccom Pub 04 0720-111 July 2004 © 2004 b; UniRac, Inc All nghtsresersed Page 11 of 19 PV Solar Installation 1,004 Canvasback Ct OwnerAnstaller Ken Smith Cell (858)583-2115 UMlRAC* Installation Sheet 2091 'Hanger Bolt L foot (from Sotat Mount ral set} Heavy fender washers Spacing and thread embedment Foot spacing and embedded thread depth atfett vour installation s abihtv to withstand the wind load at vour site and must be addressed Both issues are covered on pages 4-8 of UniRae's Installation Manual 214, S'tar Mount™ CndL'Comp'taiuPtGnn'iisaml'\\\emh!v, whiih tan be downloaded tree atwww umrac com Manual 214 can also assist in documenting that vour design complies with either the Uniform or California Building Code Assembly Drill a minimum VJs* diameter hot through roofing material With V*' bit, drill pilot hole duecth into rafter Hanger feofh mmt be secured (o rafter* Using dn\er insert bolt in pilot hole Seal hole with roofing cement or other appropriate roofing sealant Use tlat washei to help create a watertight seal Using heavy washers and flange nuts secure theL-foot tram vour SplarMount rail kit above roofing material When all L leet are aligned torque the top Hange nut to 30 foot pounds 10 year limited PioductWananty UmRac Inc., warrants to the enigma! purchaser f Purchaser") ot product(s) that It manufactures {"Product ) at the ortgftal naalhtlon sue that <h« Product shall be free from defects In matenil and wrtomnship for a parted of ten (JO) years, from the earlier of I) the date the installation of the Product Is completed or 2) 30 days after th« purchase of the Prod tic t by the original Purchaser Thli Warranty doei not cover damage to th« Product that occurs during its shipment. storage or nstaBaaon ThHWimnty shall b«VCMO If nsuitidon of the Product it not performed t\ accordance with UnlRac* wrtttan installatson mstrucuons or H the Product ha» be en modified repaired, or reworked m a manner not previously authorized by UrtRac IN WRITING or H the Product ts installed In an environment for which It was not designed UniRtc shall not be liable for consequential contingent or incidental damages anting out of the use o( the Product by the Purchaser under any circumstance! If within the specified Warranty period tha Product trull be reasonably proven to be defective then UnlRac shall repair or replace the defective Product, or any part thereof m UniRac^ sole discretion Such repair or replacement shall completely satisfy and discharge all of UniRac's liability with respect to this limited Warranty Under no circumstances shall UniRac be liable for special indirect or consequential damages arising out of or related to use by Purchaser ol the Product. Manufacturers of related items, such as PV modules and flashings may provkto written warranties Of their own UnlRacs limited Warranty covers only Its Product, and not any related Items THE STANDARD IN PV MOUNTING STRUCTURES1 UniRac, Inc wwwunnac com 1411 Broadway Boulevard NE Albuquerque NM 87102-1545 USA 505 2426411 505 242 6412 Fax Pa«el2of 19 PV Solar Installation 1004 Canvasback Ct Owner/Installer Ken Smith Cell (858)583-2115 Racking Detail UNiRA€' Installation Manual 214 SolorMount Code-Compliant Planning and Assembly Part II. Procedures for code-compliant installations using the SolarMount Module Mounting System This bulletin is designed to support applications for build- ing permits for installations using SolarMount" PV Module Mounting Svstem, manufactured bv UniRai, Inc Follow the SK steps belo^v and the installation instructions on pages 9-20 to install SolarMount in compliance with the 2001 California Building Code and the UBC1997 Before pioceeding. note the following • This bulletin addresses onlv wind loads on the as- sumption that wind produces the maximum load lactor affecting an installation Venrj that other local factors, such as snow loads and earthquake effects, do not ex ceed the wind loads Give precedence to an> factor that does Wind loads are considered to act on the entire projected area ormavbe perpendicular to am surface • The root on which the SolarMount uill be installed must have the capacity to resist the combined Design Dead Load and Live Load per footing listed in Tables 2 and 3 on pages 6-7 1. Determine the Basic Wind Speed at your installation site For the United States, see Minimum Basic Wind Speeds in Miles per Hour" reproduced below If vour installation is outside the United States or it \ ou need further assistance consult a local professional engineer or vour local building nuthontv Ftgurt 1 Minimum Basic Wind Speeds. ReprodtKcdfrom l*BC, VoL 2, Siriirrunil Engineering Design Provisions, Chap 16 Dv UI, Wind Design, Fig 161, "Minimum Batic Wind Speeds in Milei per Hour" p 36. The mop has been adopted by the 2OOI Col farnui Building Code (Fig 16-1 vol 2. p 36) Page 13 of 19 PV Solar Installation 1,004 Canvasback Ct Owner/Installer Ken Smith Cell (858)583-2115 Installation Manual 214 SolarMount Code-Compliant Planning and Assembly llNlRAC* 2. Determine the exposure category of your installation site The Coiiforma Bi/ildifig Codi * defines wind exposure catego- ries as follows txrosuREB has terrain with buildings, foiests oi sur lace irregularities covering at least 20 percent ot the ground level area extending 1 mile (1 61 km) or more irom [he sit? EXPOSURE c has terrain that is tlat and generalh open. extending '/a mile (0 SI km) or moie from the site in am quadrant or ha\ ing scattered obstruct tons one fralfirtle or irorefrom tbfsttc i» am1 This category includes flat or gentry rolling open country and grasslands, bites normally canadtred ai Exposure B, but which, arc !>ub}Kt to tnpoj/faphh amplification VT channelization suchasrtdgctopsordrmvs shall be td as Exposure C t EXPOSURE D represents the most severe exposure in ar eas with basic wind speeds ot 30 miles per hour (mph) ( 1 29 km/h) or greater and has terrain that is Hat and unobstructed facing large bodies of water over 1 mile (1 61 km) or more in width relative to any quadrant ot the building site Exposure D extends inland from the shoreline !/4 mile (0 40 kml 01 10 times the building height whichevei is greater 3. Determine Design Wind Pressure required for your installation Design Wind Pressure is the amount of wind pressure that a structure is designed to withstand, expressed here in pounds per square foot (psO To detei mine the Design Wind Pressure required tor vour installation apply the following factors using Table 1 * , • v our Basic Wind Speed (determined instep 1) • vourexposuiei.;iregorv (.determined in step 2) and • the height otvour roof above the ground Ifvourvalues fall signmcanth outside the range ot the table, or it vour Design Wind Pressure requirement exceeds 50 psf consult UmRac a professional engineer orvour local building authority '2O01 California Bu'ldlng Code \vl 2, -.hap 16. Stri i tural Engines ing Daign Prwis.o7\s, Da III Wtnd Design, p. 38 10 original, ird.iatmg material interred by California io definlt^ns adopted/ram tbe UBC Table I Design Wind Pressure (psf) byWind Speed and Exposure Category Design fore* applies to surface pressure and'or uplift (withdrawal) BOSK: Wind Spwrf fmfthf 70 80 90 100 IIP 120 130 Category B IS' roof height 20 roof height 25 roof height 10 II 12 30'i oof height 12 Category C IS roof height 17 20 roof height 19 25'roof height ( 19 30' roof height 20 Category D 15 roof height 23 20' roof height 24 25' roof height 25 30' roof height 25 13 14 15 16 23 24 25 26 30 31 32 33 17 18 19 21 29 31 32 33 38 39 41 42 21 22 24 25 35 38 40 41 46 48 50 51 25 27 29 31 43 46 48 50 56 58 60 62 30 32 35 36 51 54 57 59 67 70 72 74 35 38 41 43 60 64 67 69 78 82 84 87 Source T7«« DeSjn Wind fma,n ff) vdLet art toted on tft* fbrmdo P = Ct * c, * •)• * '- (20O! CaiSornta 3i.Mng Cede, \cL 2. J\cp 16. Srru^nird Engineering Design Provisions Di SI Wind Design, p 3810) Am.mp- = ' o-id C, = I 3 4a. Determine Minimum Design Dead and Live Loads for standard rafter spacing. . Foot spacing refers to the space between L-teet (or standotts it applicable) along the same SolarMount rail (see Fig 2, p ft) Irvou are spacing leet to match nstandaid ralrer spacing con suit Table 2 to determine vour Minimum Design Lne and Dead Loads per footing (If \ou prefer to maximize toot spacing to minimize roof penetiations, skip to Step 4b on p 8 ) Locate the make and model of the PV module t hat j ou plan to install and the ratter spacing at vour installation site Read the Minimum Design Dead Load and read or extrapolate the Mini- mum Design Lne Load tor the Maximum Foot Spaungand the Design Wind Ptessure vou determined in step 3 Tb/neef cod\,,)O<! rm/if verify that the roof mftera&etnbly atyoiir installation site ho> the capacity to resist the mm of the Design Dead and Lite Loads It thev do not, trv smaller looter spacing (In this case, vou mav elect to use the piocedures outlined in Step 4b ) It the result is still not acceptable lelocate the arrav to a stronger area ot the root or strengthen the inadequate framing elements For assistance, consult n local prolessional engineer Go to step S on page 8 Page 14 of 19 PV Solar Installation 1.004 Canvasback Ct Owner/Installer Ken Smith Cell (858)583-2115 UMORAC' Installation Manual214 SolarMount Code-Compliant Planning and Assembly Table 2 SolarMounc™ Loads (Ibs) per Footing at Standard Rafter Spaclngs To meet cod* )cur Design Leads mutt be at or above chow Induced tbu the H5alter are solely reiponiMe tor vertfyttig [hat th« roof can withstand these design leads For spec tftattoro based on Deign Wind Pressure values greater than 50 points per square foot, conaa IWBac Minimum Destfn Lfve icod as af*iH?ll*tlll Dram— -•-- Deed Load AstroPower AP65 AP75 49" rafter (foot) spacing 64" raftar (Toot) spachg 72" rafter (foot) tpacng 33 43 49 FiBicDon of Desyi Wind Pressure 20 ptf 30 (of 40 pif 157 210 236 136 315 354 315 420 472 50pSf 393 524 590 AstroPower API 1 10, API 110 48" rafter (foot) spacing 64" rafter (foot) spacing 72" rafter (foot) spacing AstroPower APII6S 48" rafter (Toot) spacing 64" rafter (foot) spacing 72" rafter (foot) spacing 33 44 50 31 41 46 194 258 191 194 258 291 191 387 436 191 387 436 387 Sib 581 387 Sib 581 484 646 726 484 646 726 BPSotar37S.360.Seo.S8S 48" rafter (Toot) spacing 64" rafter (foot) spacing 72" raftar (foot) spacing BP Solar 3125 48" rafter (foot) spacing 64" rafter (foot) spacing 72" rafter (foot) spacing BP Solar Jl 60 4150.4160 48" raftar (foot) spacing 64" rafter (foot) spacing 72" raftar (foot) spacing Evergrean ECI02, ECI 10. 48" raftar (Tool) spacing 64" rafter ffoot) spacing 72" raftar (foot) spachg Pint Solar FS50D 48" raftar (foot) spacing 64" rafter (foot) spacing 72" rafter ffoot) spacing Kyocera KCAO 48" raftar (foot) spacing 64" rafter (foot) spacing 72" rafter (foot) spacing Kyocera KCI20 KCI15G 48" rafter (foot) spacing 64" rafter (foot) spacing 72" rafter (foot) spacing 31 41 46 33 44 SO 4170 33 44 50 ECUS 35 46 52 35 47 52 29 39 44 34 45 51 158 211 237 196 2h 2S 4 237 316 356 297 >OA 316 421 474 396 ^Ifl 395 527 593 495 AAft Similar in dimensions 20V 279 314 208 277 312 158 210 136 118 171 192 187 149 281 JI4 418 470 312 416 468 236 315 354 192 256 289 281 374 421 418 557 627 416 555 624 315 420 473 256 341 384 374 499 561 "oesfri Dead lead RWE Schotr ASE 300 48" rafter (foot) spacing 58 64" rafter (Toot) spacing 77 72" rafter (foot) spacng 87 Minimum Design LNe load 01 a ft. nctton of DatftWM Pressure 20pif 148 331 373 30 & 373 497 559 40W 497 662 745 50 ft b2l 828 NA RWE Schott SAPC165 (Se« Sharp NE-1 6SUI ) Sanyo H1TI90 48" rafter (foot) spacing 29 64" rafter (foot) spachg 39 72" rafter (foot) spachg 44 Sharp NE-80UI 48' rafter (foot) spacing 33 64" rafter (foot) spachg 44 72" rafter (foot) spacmg 49 Sharp ND-I23UI 48" rafter (foot) spacing 38 64" rafter (foot) spachg 50 72" rafter (foot) spacRg 56 Sharp ND-NOECU(UOW) 48" rafter (foot) spacing 26 64" rifter ffootl ^pacti^ 34 72" rafter (foot)"spacTTg- — -__O9 173 231 260 158 210 237 197 262 295 153 204 230 160 347 390 237 3IS 355 295 393 443 230 306 344 347 462 520 315 420 473 393 525 590 306 408 459 433 578 650 394 516 591 491 656 738 383 510 574 i« SharpNE-l65UI NT-I7SUI NTI85UI 697 784 520 693 780 394 525 591 320 427 480 468 623 701 Kyocera KCI5BG KCI47G 46" rafter (foot) spacing 64" rafter (foot) spacing 72" rafter (foot) spacing PhotownttPW7SO 48" rafter (foot) spacing 64" raftar (Toot) spacing 72" raftar (foot) spacing PhotowattPWUSO 48" rafter (foot) spacing 64" rafter (foot) spachg 71" rafter (foot) spachg PhotowattPWIbSO 48" rafter (foot) spacing 64" rafter (foot) spacing 72" rafter (foot) spacing 28 37 42 30 40 45 30 39 44 31 41 46 169 226 254 162 216 144 163 118 145 161 216 244 254 339 381 244 325 365 245 327 368 244 325 365 339 452 508 325 433 487 317 436 490 315 433 487 423 564 635 406 541 609 409 545 613 406 541 609 48" rafter (foot) spacng 35 64" rafter (foot) spacng 47 72" raftar (foot) spacing 53 Sharp ND-I67UI 48" rafter (foot) spacng 28 64" rafter (Toot) spachg 37 72" rafter (foot) spacng 4 1 Shall SMI 10 48" rafter (foot) spachg 32 64" rafter (foot) spacng 43 72" rafter (foot) spachg 49 Shell SQ70 SQ7S.SQ80 48" rafter (foot) spachg 3 1 64" rafter (foot) spachg 4 1 72" rafter ffoot) spacng 46 Shell SQHO,SQI50,SQI60 48" rafter (foot) spachg 36 64" rafter ffoot) spachg 48 72" rafter (foot) spacng 54 SunWUe SW85. SW90. SW95 48" rafter (foot) spachg 35 64" rafter (foot) spacing 46 72 rifter (foot) spacing 52 SunWlze SWII5.SWI20 48" rafter (foot) spachg 34 64" rafter (foot) spacng 45 72" rafter (foot) spacing 5 1 UnlSolar 64 48" rafter (foot) spachg 25 64" rafter (foot) spachg 33 72" rafter (foot) spacing 37 207 276 310 174 232 262 173 230 1S9 157 110 236 213 284 320 190 253 285 140 153 285 179 239 Z69 310 413 465 262 349 392 159 345 339 236 315 354 320 416 479 285 330 427 285 380 427 169 359 403 413 551 620 349 465 523 345 460 518 315 420 472 426 568 639 380 506 569 380 506 569 359 478 538 ' 517 689 775 436 581 654 432 576 648 393 524 590 533 710 NA 474 633 712 474 633 712 448 598 672 Page 15 of 19 PV Solar Installation 1004CanvasbackCt Owner/Installer Ken Smith Cell (858)583-2115 Installation Manual 214 SolarMount Code-Compliant Planning and Assembly Table 3 SolarMount"' Loads per Footing at Max/mum Foot Spacing To meet coda your Design Loads mustba at or above ch* Dasign Wind Pressure Indicated You tha installer, are KHely responsible for verifying that the root can withstand these design loads For specifications taied on Design Wind Pressure values greater than 50 pounds per tquirefoot,contJCtUniR;K: 20 pit JOptf 40pif 50 fnf 20psr 81 Similar in dimensions AsthDPowei AP6S, AP75 Maxtnum Foot Spacing (inches) 131 107 93 83 Minimum Foot Design Live Loid (Ibs) 429 526 610 680 Minimum Foot Design Dead Load (Ibs) 89 73 63 56 AsttoPowerAPH 10. APHIO Maximum Foot Spacing (inches) 118 96 83 75 MUwnum Foot Design L*e Loid (Ibi) 476 581 670 757 Minimum Foot Design Dead Load (bs) 62 67 58 52 AsiroPovwrAPIlfiS Maximum Foot Spacing (Inches) 118 96 83 75 Minimum Foot Design Live Loid (Ibs) 476 581 670 757 Minimum Foot Design Dead Load (bs) 75 61 53 48 BP Solar 375,180,580 SflS Maxtnum Foot SpaUig (hdies) 131 107 92 83 Mtnjmum Foot Design Lrve Loid (Ibs) 431 528 606 683 Minimum Foot Design Dead Load (Ibs) 84 68 59 53 BP Solar 3125 Majdmum Foot Spacing (ndies) 117 95 82 74 Minimum Foot Design Live Loid (Ibs) 483 588 677 763 Minimum Foot Design Dead Load (bs) BP Solar 3160 4150 4160 4170 Maximum Foot Spacing (inches) 114 Minimum Foot Design Live Load (Ibs) 496 607 697 784 Minimum Foot Design Dead Load (bs) 79 64 55 50 EvergreenECI02.ECIIO.ECHS Maximum Foot Spacing (inches) 114 93 80 72 Mlnvnum Foot Design Live Loid (Ibs) 494 605 693 780 Minimum Foot Design Dead Load (bs) 82 67 58 52 First Solar FS50D Maximum Foot Spaong (flches) 131 107 92 83 Minimum Foot Design L*o Loid (Ibs) 430 527 604 661 Minimum Foot Design Dead Load (bs) 95 78 67 60 Kyocera KOJO Majomum Foot Spacing (tidies) 145 118 103 91 Mtnjmum Foot Design LNe Load (Ibs) 387 472 549 613 Minimum Foot Design Dead Load (bs) 88 72 63 56 Kyocera KCI20 KCI25G Majt*™im Foot Spacfif (hcties) 120 98 65 76 Mlnmum Foot Design Live Loid (Ibs) 468 573 662 740 Mlnffnum Foot Design Dead Load (bs) B5 69 60 54 Kyocera KCISAG, KCI67G Maximum Foot Spacing (Inches) 126 103 89 80 Mlnmum Foot Design Live Loid (Ibs) 445 545 628 706 Minimum Foot Design Doad Load (bs) 73 60 51 46 Photowa«PW750 Mtttnum Foot Spacing (kiches) 119 105 91 81 Mtamum Foot Design LKe Load (Ibs) 436 533 616 685 Minimum Foot Design Dead Load (Ibs) 80 65 57 50 PI»atowactPWl250 Kixlmum Foot Spacing(ndias) 128 105 9t 81 Minimum Foot Design Live Load (Ibs) 436 536 620 689 Minimum Foot Design Dead Load (bs) 79 65 56 50 PnatowaltPWI6SO Mixmum foot Spacing (toChn) 129 105 91 81 Minimum Foot Design LM Load (Ibs) 436 533 616 685 Minimum Foot Dasign Dead Load (bs) 83 68 59 51 RWESchottASE 300 Maximum Foot Spacing (inches) 104 85 Minimum Foot Design Live Loid (bs) SM 660 Minimum Foot Deugn DeidLoad (Ibi) 126 103 RWE Schott SAPCI45 (See Sharp NE-I6SU1) Sanyo HIT 190 Maximum FcotSpaetng (Inches) 125 Minimum Foot Design Uve Loid (bs) 451 Minimum Foot D«ogrt Dejd Loid (Jbt) 76 ShirpNE-BOUl Maximum Foot Spacing (Inches) 131 Minimum Foot Design Uvs Loid (tos) 430 Minimum Foot Design Dead Load (bs) 90 Sharp NO I13UI Maximum Foot Spacing (inches) 117 Minimum Foot Design Live Loid (bs) 480 Minimum Foot Design Deid Load (bi) 92 Sharp ND-NOECU(MOW) Maximum Foot Spacing (inches) 133 Minimum Foot Dgtlm Live Load (bs) 424 Minimum Foot DesignT3ei*Laad^l>j) Ti Sharp NE ItSUI NT-17SUI,NT-I85UI Maximum Foot Spacing (Inches) 114 Minimum Foot Design Uve Load (Ibs) 491 Minimum Foot Deagn Dead Load (bi) 63 Sharp ND I67U1 Maximum Foot Spacing (Inches) 124 Minimum Foot Design Uve Loid {bs) 450 Minimum Foot Desi^i Dead Load (Ibs) 71 Shell SMI 10 Maximum Foot Spacing (inches) 125 Minimum Foot Design Live Load (bs) 450 Minimum Foot Dasign Dead Load (bs) 84 Shell SQ70.SQ75.SQ80 Maximum Foot Spacing (Inches) 131 Minimum Foot Design Uve Load (bs) 419 Minimum Fool Design Dead Load (bi) 84 Shell SQ 140. SQ 150. SQ160 Maxlmun Foot Spacing (Inches) 112 Minimum Foot Design Uve Load (bs) 497 Minimum Foot Design Dead Load (bs) B4 SunWIze SW85 SW90 SW95 Maximum Foot Spacing (Inches) 119 Minimum Foot Design Live Loid (bs) 470 Minimum Foot Design Dead Load (bs) 86 StinWlieSWUS SWI20 Maximum Foot Spacing (Inches) " 119 Minimum Foot Destgn Uve Load (bs) 470 Minimum Foot Design Dead Load (Ibi) 84 UnlSolar 64 Maximum Foot Spacng (inches) 123 Minimum Foot Design Live Load (bs) 459 Minimum Foot Design Dead Load (bs) 64 102 553 62 107 527 73 96 S90 75 108 516 58 93 601 68 102 556 58 102 550 69 107 526 69 91 612 69 97 575 70 97 575 69 100 560 52 74 766 89 88 636 54 92 604 63 83 680 65 94 599 51 81 698 59 B8 639 50 633 59 93 610 60 BO 710 60 84 664 61 84 664 59 87 650 45 66 654 80 79 7)3 48 83 682 57 74 758 58 84 669 45 72 775 53 79 717 45 79 710 53 83 680 53 71 788 53 75 741 54 75 741 53 78 728 40 Page 16 of 19 PV Solar Installation 1004 Canvasback Ct Owner/Installer Ken Smith Cell (858)583-2115 Installation Manual 214 SoIarMount Code-Compliant Planning and Assembly 4b.... Or verify Maximum Foot - Spacing and Determine Minimum Design Dead and Live Loads To minimize root penetrations, consult Table 3 (p 7) to deter- mine Maximum Foot Spacing allowable tor the Design Wind Pressuie that vou determined in Step 3 Find the make and model oi the PV module you plan to install. then read or extrapolate Foot Design Live Lo'ads and Dead Loads at the maximum spacing To meet code, you oiiisr verify that foot spot iftj; is at or Maw t/ie Ui mention listed and that tht roof rafter auentbfv fit your installation »ire has the capacity to withstand the mm of ihf Dc»ign Dead Load and Design Ln e Load for the >pf a- fied spacing Itthevdonot, tn smaller footer spacing It the result is still not acceptable relocate the array to a stronger area oi the root or strengthen the inadequate framing elements For assistance, consult a local piofessional engmeei 5. Verify acceptable Rail End Overhang Rail End Oveihang (Fig 2) must equal 50 percent or less ot toot spacing Thus, if foot spacing is 72 inches the Rail End Overhang can be up to 36 inches In this case two feet can suppoit a rail of as much as 144 inches (72 inches between the feet and 36 inches of ovei hang at each e nd) 6 Ensure that Live Loads do not exceed Pull-Out Capacities Based on the characteristics of vow root ratter or truss lumber and the lag sciews, consult Table 4 to deteinune the lag pull out capacity per 1 -inch thread depth Compare that v alue to the minimum design live load poi footing determined in Step 4a or 4b Based on these values, determine the length of the lag-screw thread depth vou lequire to lesist the design live load Toensuiecode compliance the lag pull-out capacity per looting must be greater than the footing design liv e load Ir \om SoljrMounr requiies standoffs nlways use at least two lag screws to secure the standoff to the ratter Figure 2 SotarMountjoot spacing refers to the distance bcnveenjeel on fhewime ruiL Over- hang the distance from end of the rait to the first foot ma) be no more than half the foot tpacmg Table 4 Lag pull-out (withdrawal) capacities (Ibs) In typical roof cruss lumber Log screw spea/icaaons Douglas Fir Larch Douglas Fir South Enjjelmann Spruce Lodgepole Pine (MSR 1 650 f & higher) Hem Fir Hem Fir (North) Southern Pine Spruce Pine Fir Spruce Pine Fir Specific gravity 050 046 046 043 046 055 042 2 K' dread depth 665 583 586 530 596 769 513 '/»~ shaft.* per / " thread depth 266 235 235 212 235 307 205 /i~ ihoft* pef / " riireotf deplh gfy 304 269 269 243 269 352 235 tThread depth f ! ''\ ', f ?!J -i P32 N 2 iHV (E of 2 million psi and higher grades of MSR and MEH 050 665 266 304 SOUTCH iJrtfxm fluJdtnjCode Ame/lcan WoodCaanal Notei, (If TTireod muit be emfcedded n a rajler or oititr nmaurvl roof member (2} Whiut votes Wicwp«me a 14 tafity 1ba.or recommended by theAmttKonWoed Council (3) See UBC fbi /eij«wd edge ttsancn. 'Use (tat *mften wnfi lay tows 8 Page 17 of 19 PV Solar Installation Owner/Installer Ken Smith 1,004 Canvasback Ct Cell (858)583-2115 Page 18 of 19 PV Solar Installation 1004Ca-nvasbackCt Owner/Installer Ken Smith Cell (858)583-2115 Roof load calculations Brian Spring Structural Engineering ISl LINDEN LN MILL VALLEY CA S4941 T«l (413)497-2880 1 September 2006 Mr Hal Newman UniRac, Inc. 1411 Broadway Boulevard NE Albuquerque, NM 87102-1545 Subject Engineering Certification for UmRac's SolarMount™ Universal PV Module Mounting System Dear Mr Newman, Attached is the UniRac Calculation worksheet and Installation Manual f/214. Pub 040316-1 n, Copyrighted by UniRac, Inc , March 2004, 20 pages I have reviewed these calculations, and certify their results are accurate The calculations determine the design level forces for wind, as prescribed in the California Building Code The adequacy of the UNIRAC structure is demonstrated by the calculations- The calculations also correctly determine the anchorage requirements for the installation, and^this requirement is properly represented in Installation Manual ft214 The calculations are based upon 1 "The 2001 California Building Code, California Code of Regulations", based on the 1997 "Uniform Building Code, Volume 2 Structural Engineering Design Provisions", b> International Conference of Building Officials, Whittier, Ca, 1997, and California Building Standards Commission, Sacramento, California, 2001 2 'Manual of Steel Construction Load Resistance I actor Design", 3rd Ed, American Institute of Steel Construction, Chicago, IL, 2001 3 "Aluminum Design Manual Specifications and Guidelines for Aluminum Structures" , The Aluminum Association, Washington D C , 2000 4 Mechanical Properties of UNIRAC extruded rails and related components based on data obtained from Walter Gerstle, PE, Department of Civil Engmeenng, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM With this letter, I certify that UniRac SolarMount products will be structurally adequate and will satisfy the building codes listed above when they arc installed per the "SolarMount Code- Compliant Planning and Assembly", Installation Manual #214, Pub 040316-In, Copyrighted by UniRac, Inc, March 2004 The structure to which the UniRac SolarMount system is connected should be evaluated on a case-by-case basis, per Part I of the Installation Manual, to ensure it's adequacy to accept attachments and to support all applied loadings, per the building cude S* r Please call me if you have any qucstipa^oi.c.p.nct Sincerely, Brian Spnng, PE, SE Page 19 of 19