HomeMy WebLinkAbout1005 PINE ST; ; 85-861; Permito < z o ocUJ o 3 CO z O »- 3 O UJ a n I hortby affirm ttiat l-^m llcenaod under provlslona'of Chapter 9 (commerxjlng with Section 7000) of DMeion 3 of the Business and Profeesions Code, and my license Is In full force and effect. • - Uc Ho _2 Class J !— 1 hareby atfinn that i am exempt from the Contrac tor's Ucanse Law for the foBowvtg reason (Sec 7031 5 Business and Professions Coda Any city or county whHCh re quires a pemnt to construct, after, mprove.^nmofish, or repair any structure, prior to its issuance also requires the ap- plicartt for such'perrmt to Me a sipned statement that he is- rtcensed pursuant to the prdvisions of the Contractor s' bcar^ Law (Ctapter 9 commencing with Section 7000 of « Drvisl^ 3 of the Business and ProJessioni Code) or that is ex empt therefrom and the ttasis for the alleged examphon Any^ vKdatlon of Section 7031.5 by an appbcani for a penrut sub- fects the appftcant to a cml pertafty of not more than trve hun-. dred do^ (J500). □ I, as cwner;)f the property, or my employees with wagesas their sole compensation, wiQ do the work, and the structure ts not Intended or offered for sate (Sec 7044. Businessaruj Professions Code The Confractor's Ltcense Law doesnot apply to an owner of property wtio burids or anprovesthereon and who does such wort mmsetf or through his ownemployees, provided that such anprovements are not intended or offered for sale, ft, however, the buifckng or anprwe-.ment is sold wdhin one ysar of compteton, the owner-builderwill have the burden of proving tfrat he dMj not build or improve for the purpose of s^) . □ I, as owner of the property, am otdusrvely contractingwith Ijcersed contractors to construct the profed (Sec. 7044,Business and Professions Code. The Contractor's Lxense-Law does not apply to an mmer of property wtn builds or improves thereon, and who contracts for each projects with a .gnt^lor(5) licansi pursuant to ttw Contractor"! Ucanse ■ □ As 1 homeowner I am improving my home, and the follow-tng conditnrts exist:1. The wait Is being performed pnor to sate. 2. I have bved In rw hone »r twehre monthspnor to completion of ttis work. ,3 I have not claimed ttite exemption durvig thelast three years. □ I am exempt under Sec : B&P C■for this reason • O f- . oo (/i Ec UJ oc o d I hereby affirm that I have a certificate of oortaent to stif-iniure. or a certificate of Workers Compensation In surance. or a certified copy thereof (Sec 3800. Labor Code) POUCY NO. COMPANY D Copy IS filed with the aty CH Certified copy la hereby fumlstied CERTlFfCATE OF EXEMPTION FROM WORKERS' (XIMFENSATION INSURANCE- (This section need not be completed if the permit» for one hundred dollars ($100) or less) Q I certify ttwl in the performance of the work for wtnohthis permit Is laaued. I shall not employ any person in anymanner ao ae to become subject to the Workers' Compen- 'satKKi l.awa of Califcmiau ffOTKDE TD APPUCANT. It.jifter making thie Certiflcaleof Exeimptioruyou ahouW t)econtie subfect to the Workers", Compensation proviat^a of ttie Labor Code, you must forthwith comply with such proviwont or thle permit shall be deemed revoked- • ' i n 1 hereby affirm that there Is a construction tending agency for the performance of the work for which this per- V mit Is issued (Sec 3097, Civil Code) Lender's Nsme^ Lender's Address. USE BALL POINT PEN ONLY & PRESS HARD APPLICANT TO FILL IN INFORMATION WITHIN SHADED AREA AND DECLARATIONS. CARLSBAD BUILDING DEPARTMENTCarlsbad, California 92008-1989 (619) <^5625 APPLICATION & PERMIT JOB ADDRESS AV. ST.RD, NEAREST CROSS 8T. LoV/ BLOCK T SUBQ] VISION | A^ESSOR PARCEL NO. OWNER'S NAME . 'OWNER'S PHONE" OWNER'S MAl.LlNG •ADDRESS' ' TION OF WORK — OStQ- CENSUS TRACT QTY. Z GP LAND USE PAf^lK "NG SPACE RES LTNITS CONTRACTOR CATIO BUSINESS LICENSE # CONTRACTOR'S ADDRESS DESIGNER DESIGNER'S ADDRESS. F/P FLR ELEV. yD nD ^ GRADING PERMIT. ISSUED Y □ N 0 PLUMBING PERMIT - ISSUE EACH FIXTURE TRAP EACH BUILDING SEWER EACH WATER HEATER AND/OR VENT EACH GAS SYSTEM 1 TO 4 outlets • EACH GAS system 6 OR MORE EACH INSTAL . ALTER, REPAIR WATER PIPE EACH VACUUM BREAKER WATER SOFTNER EACH ROOF DRAIN (INSIDE) TOTAL PLUMBING QTY.ELECTRICAL PERMIT - ISSUE NEW CONST E% AMP/SWT'BKR 1 PH 3 PH EXIST BLDG EA AMP/SWT/BKR I PH 3 PH REMODEL.'ALTER PER CIRCUIT TEMPPOLE 2aOAMPS OVER 200 AMPS TEMP occupancy (30 DAYSI TOTAL ELECTRICAL QTY. REDEVELOPMENT AREA yG nG MECHANICAL PERMIT - ISSUE INSTALL FURN. DUCTS UP TO 100,000 BTU OVER 100,000 BTU BOILER/COMPRESSOR UPTO 3 HP BOILER/COMPRESSOR 3-15 HP METAL FIREPLACE VENT FAN SINGLE DUCT MECH EXHAUST - HOOD/DUCTS RELOCATION OF EA FURNACE/HEATER TOTAL MECHANICAL QTY. NO STORIES TYPE CONST SQJJ^R - IS5UdsSCOLLECTORS STORAGE TANKS ROCK STORAGE PUMP PLAN CHECK FEE TOTAL SOLAR I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED THE COMPLETED -APPLICATION AND PERMIT" AND 00 HEREBYCERTIFY UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY THAT ALL INFORMATION HEREON INCLUDING THEDECLARATIONS ARE TRUE AND CORRECT AND I FURTHER CERTIFY AND AGREE IF A PERMIT IS ISSUED. TO COMPLY WITH ALL CITY. COUNTY AND STATE LAWS GOVERNING BUILDING CONSTRUCTION. WHETHER SPECIFIED HEREIN OH NOT. ( ALSO AGREE TO SAVE INDEMNIFY AND KEEP HARMLESS THE GITY OF CARLSBAD AGAINST ALL LIABILITIES, JUDGMENTS, COSTS'AND' EXPENSES WJHIGH MAYIiN ANY WAY ACCRUE fLGAINSX SAID CITY IN CONSEQUENCE OF THEI Gfi^NRHp O^THIS PERMIT-. ' ■ ■ '4. ' (XINTnACTORS PHONE • LICENSE tW. peSIGN^RTS PHONE .UCENSE NO. FIRE SPR yD nQ VALUATION ^5 P ZONE PLAN I.D. # ERMIT NUMBER BUILOfNQ SO. FOOTAQE tT/BT>'Be6«9J?ul3DT5ffff7"fr?f Not Vak'd Unfess Machine Certified ^ s&i'sg SUMMARY/ACCOUNT NUMBER BUILDING PERMIT 001-810-00-00-8220 SIGN PERMIT 001-810-00-00-8221 PLAN CHECK 001-810-00-00-8806 TOTAL PLUMBING 001-810-00-00-8222 ELECTRICAL 001-810-00-00-8223 MECHANICAL 001-810-00-00-8224 MOBILEHOME 001-810-00-00-8225 MOBILEHOME PARK INSP SOAR 001-810-00-00-8226 STRONG MOTION 880-519-92-33 FIRE SPRINKLERS 001-810-00-00-8227 PUBLIC FACILITIES FEE 332-810-00-00-8930 SCHOOL FEE - DISTRICT Carlsbad Encinltas San Dieguilo San Marcos UCENSE TAX 001-810-00-00-8162 MFF 880-519-92-57 CREDIT DEPOSIT TOTAL FEES PAYABLE "2^ Expiratioo Every permit (eeued by the BuHdirtg (Dfficial under the proyiaronsofthieCode ehaJI expire by limitation and become null arKf void l( the bmkJing or workauthorized by such permit ts not commenced within 180 days from the date of suchpermit or if the buildtng or work authorized by such permit is suspended' orabandoned at any tim aner the work is commenced for a period of ISO days. * AN OSHA PERMrr tS F«QUIR£D FOR EXCAVATIONS OVER 5' 0" DEEP AND DEMOLmON OR CONSTBUCTION OF STRUCTURES OVER 3 STOWES IN HEIGHT T'S SIQNA OWNER □ CONTRACTOR □APPROVED, BY BY PHONE '□ TYPE 1 DATE INSPECTOR BUILDING > FOUNDATION REINFORCED STEEL ' MASONRY 1 GUNITE OR GROUT | SUB FRAME □ FLOOR □ OEIUING SHEATHING □ ROOF □ SHEAR FRAME ; EXTERIOR LATH i INSULATION 1 INTERIOR LATH & DRYWALL J 1 PLUMBING ; □ SEWER AND BUOO □ PljJCO UNDERGROUND □ WASTE □ WATER TOP OUT □ WASTE □ V^fATER TUB AND SHOWER PAN | GAS TEST 1 □ WATER HEATER □ SOLAR WATER I ELECTRICAL i □ ELECTRIC UNDERGROUND dIuFFER ROUGH ELECTRIC ] □ ELECTRIC SERVICE □ TEMPORARY A□ BONDING □ POOL 1 \ MECHANICAL i □ DUCT & PLEM., □ REF. PIPNG .l!.. . - \1 HEAT — AIR COND. SYSTEMS '\ ^VENTILATING SYSTEMS !/\ V i/f 1 /\ M ( ITEMS ABOVE HAVE BEEN APPROVED. \TE FINAL i PLUMBING !A1 1 ELECTRICAL I /j MECHANICAL 1 /GAS . I / BUILDING !/ SPECIAL CONDITIONS i / 1 1 FIELD INSPECTION RECORD ' ^ REQUIRED SPECIAL INSPECTIONS INSPECTOR'S NOTES INSPECTION REQ IF CHECKED INSPECTOR'S APPROVAL DATE SOILS COMPLIANCE PRIOR TO FOUNDATION INSP 1 structural CONCRETE OVER 2000 PSI ... * ' r '4 PRESTRESSED CONCRETE 'i 2"* ^ f-..A, ■ POST TENSIONED CONCRETE / FIELD WELDING ' HIGH STRENGTH BOLTS /V,'' ,' -V l-> special MAhpNRY /J // PILES CAISSONS / / //V r / /• /- / ,, , 1 :■ : ■ I f . UM (. ( • l\\A '* ." 1 *, • . . r* /'