HomeMy WebLinkAbout1007 DAISY AVE; ; 80-962-A; Permitn? °* o1 am exempt under Sechis reason1 CD 9° -o 0 8^§ 2 s with a contractor(s) license puttractor s License Law)v>cDi o" CD ^ Ho *<to an owner of property >ho tr-es thereon and who contracts 1O C tn 5! lo T3 _ 0 3 O^^1^1 -, « Q. O ™" rtT »as owner of the property am excting with licensed contractors 'project (Sec 7044 Business ?nde The Contractor s License LawSSoSf * i 1° zr q _ -iie r builder will have the burden ofdid not build or improve for theT3 c O § <Q 3"O U 3 3- -i CD d for sale If however the buildmit is sold within one year of cor3 to"2.0CD ~" 533 •D ^ O C?° 5?»3 self or through his own employe: such improvements are not mt<t> CD 3 Wa.CD -& ol n &O (D-" Q. i' D •a —apply to an owner of property wroves thereon and who does« ncO CTD- c S*J9 » 5-S S d for sale (Sec 7044 Businessis Code The Contractor s Licen!(D D) r~ a i -0a. 3^ £ ™ ? (D a f tfl 5£ c CD 5 D £ 5 SQ. O 2. * Cq —as owner of the property or nvi wages as their sole compensaO CD if Q. CD w«'5. 2.S § i 1 OF THE GRANTING OF THIS PERMITAPPLICANT S SIGNATURE' \ OWNERS^ CONTRACTORnT)•D Io m0 m O m 1 HAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED THE COMPLETED AFHEREBY CERTIFY THAT ALL INFORMATION HEREONFURTHER CERTIFY AND AGREE IF A PERMIT IS ISSU!COUNTY AND STATE LAWS GOVERNING BUILDING CtSPECIFIED HEREIN OR NOT 1 ALSO AGREE TO SAVELESS THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AGAINST ALL LIABILPLICATION AND PIS TRUE AND COFED TO COMPLY WlINSTRUCTION WHINDEMNIFY AND tTIES JUDGMENTSIllfils^i'rt-1 ! > 30 0 Z > JZ^ H° ^n 0 ^ _ D D O •AN OSHA PERMIT5 0 DEEP AND DESTRUCTURES OVElSl/U<.£s, \N>JS REQUIRED FOR EXCAVATMOLITION OR CONSTRUCTICR 3STORIES IN HEIGHT- ^^-^(.AaiLtj. "vziog m "• \. V^ oz TOTAL ELE£J#fcALFRACTOR\ o—i r— •nmm •D | 00 - - fc. r \\ i \ - —TEMP OCCUPANCY1 \ - - 0 m 3) i 1 \ \ - -TEMP POLE 200 AMPS ^STOTAL MOti—m S, o -n r— - —REMODEL/ALTER PER CIRCUIT j/Sr-nmZ m o m 3D \ \ - - -oX Jl -oX \HAMAOA CABANA ^^^\ ^ia» •>.EXIST BLDG EA AMP/SWT/BKR\ V)m -t -o en Or— 3D - - -oX fsjtJl CO T)X T3O rsX \V MOBILE HOME-NEW CONST EA AMP/SWT/BKRAWNINGMECHANICAL- —1 ELECTRICAL PERMITH 0 MOBILE HOME PERMITS ELECTRICAL-TOTAL PLUMBINGSs S CONTRACTORTOTAL PLUMBINGV CONTRACTORALL INCLUSIVE PERMIT- w ./ TOTAL MECHANICAL-o £ oXmo - \ s4 t t r CO 9 SIGN PERMIT- •^W^TER SOFTNERRELOCATI3N r^F^A FURNACE/HEATERBUILDING PERMIT- - INSPECTION EACH LAWN SPRINKLER SYSTEMMECH EXHAUST - H(J#u7DUCTSEACH INSTAL , ALTER REPAIR WATER PIPEVENT FAN SINGLE DUCT J/'EACH GAS SYSTEM 5 OR MORE f /•BOILER/COMPRESSOR 16 30 HP ^^^m o X t/}c 1 i J| *; P BOILER/COMPRESSOR 3 15 HP\ 5o X >-tm31 i 3] i ^ ^BOILER/COMPRESSOR UP TO 3 HPEACHBUILONG SEWEROVER 100 000 BTU< m o 1 ^1 INSTALL FURN DUCTS UP TO 100 000 BTUO PLUMBING PERMITA Jt * ^' 5 MECHANICAL PERMIT2H \3 VALIDATEB 03foen o -nH roo ctnm STANDARD PLAN #TJ r~ Z 0 TYPE CONSTOnn 0 0 CENSUS TRACTTl r zo ctnm ZONINGRES UNITSPARKING SPACENUMBER OF STORIESi\ ^I m \ L^^1" i 0 V ~^ * 01 31 ^ ^^^_ r-o H BLOCKSUBDIVISION_ Ul "" C•x. — tn """ 31 ~ O 0- Q DESIGNER$U/vv£5DESISNER'S ADDRESSSA/VITZ.Omt/i GNER'S PHONESTATE LICENSE•^^ o 8 *:- ^CONTRACTOR'S ADDRESS^sS/l-AncECONTRACTOR'S XPHONE/ *** T"1 •• 1 r '. 1 ~-~ K»S i— » i? GO 0) | [Xi i PRIME CONTRACTOROoO/\JE-/qfenH nmz \ &° ? [TtS O_ o tnt/i — D I ^^v ^B CITY OF CARl*SBACi-^^ APPLICATUSE BALL POINT PEN ONLY 1200 ELMm 2 z sc 1m r 7 \ j| COCO V' 0 H I Z mo r~ ? &:: c 10 H D S/n zo C E i H h J M mi / i • T) TJ n zH H O Fr~ z ™5o • nm TJ o Tl 0n ;UPANCY ISSUED^ fcV* j-1 1 D )-3^ x}. V "~" — • ~-~ i 1 y*. — . -• f"* ^ /•M ._.,. - — 1 k •5 d X_X, <5r*x 1 s*_«, "•^ ^ "•-. >5 METER-F'ERM-TEMP *-V/»r^ \ 5,/ wc«c\ ^X s.^ • — *>i m m :C METER-•PERM-TEMP f\\ ^< ^ -> s. ^-H<-2X ( ^ £ J^" ^ ^1^-%^; o •T- m3) om TJ S REQ COMPLETED)/ j* u« ^ V"5- VX *«, N -n r z 'TJ m f BLDG DEPT•*ist is *s^ ^ ff= ^ TJ Z ( f ^ ^> ;> s t "G Xo • FRAME\ J I ^• FENCE PREPLA:HmTJ ™» •V > PRE DECK— -. ^ (fi i TJ Oo • STEEL BONDING1 O H ; i 1 ! i ; inrn m TJ • , . H S TJ TJo mTl ? (POLE)OH •t* m•n , (ff m H mw 'HEIGHT OF CHIMN-< 0 3) (n mmr ' TJ 3J TJ nm t m KTERIOR LATH OK • PLACE !\ji cnn 0 s 3> rm0>3JO OK . PLACE TAPm z SULATIONOK • PLACE WALLCDO 31a - Tl 39 1m o PLACE INSULATIOIJL '• i 31 O oI Im PING/VENTILATING; 3) D: i TJ ~ m 0 3Jo oI mrmo 31 n r ,,' Tl TJ m o 0 TJ 0c 3J CONCRETETlr\3OTING • FORMS • SETBACK •0 rm c Dm 3) 10r m PLUMBINGl/lr B FLOORO 0 Z - Jl 5 Tl 833 C "2,om3) TIro/-*)R HEATING( ' C "Z.om TJ Tl or<i )R PLUMBING"Tl Cz D -\ 0 Z TIo3J (/i H ID n7; H O rmH - ' §n )D FLOORINSPECTION .-D Hm zenTJm 0HO3J Z T]mo-io zoHm i -n m.__1o zC/l mn_ i oz JOmno TOo D~•£DRESS! ,1 \ Oszm/n TJm zo p DECLARATIONS LENDER WORKERS COMPENSATION 1 onrtm * Andres I111STRUCTION WHE"KEEP HARMLESSEXPENSES WHICr-GRANTING OF THHHER SPECIFIED HEREIN OR NOT 1 ALSO AGREE TO SAVE INDEMPTHE CITY OF CARLSBAD AGAINST ALL LIABILITIES JUDGMENTS CCMAY IN ANY WAY ACCRUE AGAINST SAID CITY IN CONSEOUENCS PERMIT111 (/>"•O -< "n ^C/>-. -t > > /Si! . >I T3 •ft rs V^^S 1 i1 o its § a n DO m0 ^^^5^* ^ x**^^" OWNER/BUILDER I I If a igfsg |||D ? D a g 3 2f5a |p tiff I filf |Io5 1 f ?lsl §iu still -° = sl|i s |5I--i •- -•~rt/)q— O3 " y2 Q. _ ft*f -^ -, 3 - a: i? O — C ~n oJr030 ™<2."^^'T9 - - s D 3 ~ ?-. »=• Ci *(/!„—</: 3 ^T ^ > O C CMl f:?f^ iff ^1 ?fi C ' 7f ^pC-t — T — Q; 3 iS^fDs 9 S " " 5 3 ? ~ I •• ° 3 = en a o -/«; m m -*.r 033 >E CAREFULLY EXAMINED THE COMPLETED APPLICATION AND PERMIIFY UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY THAT ALL INFORMATION HERECARATIONS ARE TRUE AND CORRECT AND 1 FURTHER CERTIFY AND AGED TO COMPLY WITH ALL CITY COUNTY AND STATE LAWS GOVERNT AND DO HEREBYN INCLUDING THEREE IF A PERMIT ISNG BUILDING CON7? C °n Every permit issuedexpire by limitation aby such permit is nolif the building or weat any time after the*• » g cr 5 ing Official undernull and void If] within 180 daysled by such perrtmenced for awb^r% 33 provisions of this)uilding or workthe date of suchs suspended orof iSOdavs* AN OSHA PERMIT5 0 DEEP AND DESTRUCTURES OVES REOAJIREDMOUTION OfR 3 STORIESFOR EXCAVATIONS OVE1 CONSTRUCTION OFN HEIGHTa J>r— rr- ID —1O •ino TOTAL FEES PAYABLE^CREDIT DEPOSITTLMP OCCUPANCY (30 DAYS)MFF 80 92 57 0519e 1 CD LO LICENSE TAX 01 00 00 8162IEMPPULE ?UO AMPSREMODEL'Al.33 m ncz V ~D m T; m San Marcos _^. 80 92 24 0519-oI '~° X -a •a SanDieguito 80 92 23 0519m X 5 en ^c/i — i ;x JO 0o o1C m m o 5 COCD ID no o CO X TD ^STORAGE TANKSo a. to IN3 r>o O CJl m n O Z —\ m -c i 0o o cr o o01 — o 33 OH ELECTRICAL PERMIT ISSUE(A D SOLARW</> m PUBLIC FACBRIDGE FEEc '(S) -nmm no o CD OCD OOto 1 1 | VU! At. PLUMBlNli 1— io mo X z (/) 3D ^DOC/3 S oCD CO IXJ rso ~vj STRONG MOTION 80 92 33 0519om oo .D V)o1 — CD CDO g DO\i VNATEH SOr'TNERRELOCATIoz rr ~n C Z om Xm —im MOBILEHOME PARK INSPfor this reason 1EACH VACUUM BREAKER? lif j !i!ij! s§ff! 3 iS|s§! !i^l!*§iMxo^Q. "^ —.""ra jy **• "o111™™^"1^'-? !T: i 11ro 5 "> ro _^°-^.oH 5™3S^l^™^"5 P° to 1 ^ oSoB-^§ Oc"^S^^^«5 EACHINSTA1. ALIER REPAIR WAT ER PIPEMECH EXHAUST HOOO/OUCTS0ro mn:o m CD oo o0 CO roen m — t -r Z C/) Z cn r—m D CO-H MECHANo i — CD OCD 0CD OO m n C/1to oc 5 cr1 o o 32 rr _^ 1U r~ CD 0 CD 0O CO ro CO EACH GASSYSIEM 1 10 4 OUTLETS |BOILER/COMPRESSOR 3 15 HPTOTAL PLUMBING 00CD O 0 00roro EACH WATER HFAFEH AMJ/OR VENT [BOILER/COMPRESSOR UP 10 3 HPPLAN CHECK 00o o0 EACH BUILDING SfWERo m O "=>0g CO "^C c5 -orn33 CD CD0 0o oo ro N m X -n X IDrn 3)INSTALL FURN DUCTS UP TO 100 000 BTUCD C 0 CT-am 33 — ) CD OO CD 0 OOro 0 * o PLUMBzo Tlm H 05OTCm \(f\ |QJ O MECHANICAL PERMIT ISSUE1 SUMMARY/ACCOUNT NUMBERWhite — Inspector Green — (1) Finance (2) Data CtNSUS T RACTO•o r Z D CC/lm -D I Z T3 nrr CZ H(ft an 0 NG PERMIT ISSUEDY D N DREDEVELOPMENTAREA•: D NDTYPECONSTOOn r~0 O < I D ^ 2 B>n ? \ R > ^| 1 h i I s h i a ^ a -n mrm NOSTORIESOO C-a mOc b/£u/b/;t)6u:; /an.iuuu'ibfiuj &/fju/"n/4 /,f].,/Vor l/a//rf i/n/«j Machine Certifieda T V < * I } ^^ CONTRACTOR C__- 11 hereby al!irm thai I am exempt from the Contrac 1tor s License Law lor the Wowing reason (Sec 703! b ,Business and Professions Code Any city or county which requires a perrrvl to construct alier imorove demolish or |repair any structure prior Jo its issuance also requires 'he applicant tor sucn permit to file a siqned statement that he is 1licensed pursuant to the provisions of !he Untiactor s •License Law [Chanter 9 commencing with Section 7000 ofDivision 3 o' tne Business and Piolessions Code) or thai is ex Iempt Iherelrom ana the oasis lor the alleged exemption Anyv.olation of Section 7031 5 by an applicant for a permit suo 1jects the applicant to a civil penally of not more than five hun Iored ool'ars (SbOO)IDm n 0 V 1 DESIGNER S ADDRESSOm 6Zm3 T) I Ozm ( 4 t•i i rf1OWNER S MAILING ADDRESSP.O. 60* 5S8I - CrtUuA VIST* - CA <fcLol£L.1DESIGNERf\M ^\p:&r" 0mZ m tt H Z O o •Dr Z 1 5 o 01o | om Process, Yellow — Assessor pmk-—_ Applicant 0 CPI •A -<. j C7 ((TS 7)y OWNER S PHONtfcn,)i/?i-wno Z| z>nHo 3 Ul i i >C/ o D 3 W wi I r~ OmZO)m Zo r Z D Dr m OOO Gold £0 O) n fl *f^ k %. w «•* enfs 5 0 0 c* °V. o*•>. z ^^ H^» 33rv\ g^^ o oozH33 OHO w im | | 1 hereby affirm that 1 am licensed under_ provisions of Chapter 9 (commencing withSection 7000) of Division 3 of the Businessand Professions Code and my license is mfull force and effecthr Nn ClaM[JOB ADDRESS AV ST RD NEAREST CROSS ST\oo1 D£U$V Avmad I^dUsYCt,o 1 G 5|BUSINESS LICENSE it1 1CARLSBAD BUILDING DEPARTMENT APPLICATION & PEF1200 Elm Carlsbad California 92008 1989 (619)4385525H 00m 00 o m O 00 -o m </> 3D O •or~ O Z o T] r-i- Z Z-nO 39 1 Oz X z z 0ma 9m z 0 omo 1 O (A — Temporary File SPECIAL CONDITIONS iBUILDING'^ ,.-• -• t. ^ * , * ,,- CO 'MECHANICAL— ', * - •• **ELECTRICAL»**" "* - . * /•* „ , * . 1 PLUMBING. -- ; -\ ! N .. ; , \ -,- " — . - -- ^V •n z •~T c J '• " — ^ ,,CALL FOR FINAL INSPECTION WITEMS ABOVE HAVB BEE23: ,"^ ""O ^^^j r™"* S-o— Do "^33s J m > •) ; J VENTILATING SYSTEMS '^ ^4'X, o „- *vc — -/ ( •*• r. ., t . *V" ^ N •* ^ ^ •HEAT - AIR COND SYSTEMS ,_. n o 90-o m n m-n 33 zO MECHANICAL iD BONDING D POOL ,D ELECTRIC SERVICE D TEMPORARYROUGH ELECTRIC ,D ELECTRIC UNDERGROUND D DFFE3J ELECTRICAL ,D WATER HEATER D SOLAR WATERO CO Hm TUB AND SHOWER PAN ,TOP OUT D WASTE D WATERCzam DCffl DC0cza n | -m n 1m3JSEWER AND BL/CO DIPL/CO '1PLUMBING iINTERIOR LATH & DRYWALL ,INSULATION 'EXTERIOR LATHFRAME 'SHEATHING D ROOF D SH^33 FLOOR & CEILING SUB FRAME "GUNITE OR GROUT \Z 1 3 REINFORCED STEEL ,FOUNDATION ii 1 .r ] j i i 1 j 1 : ! l i I • • ; ] j 1 ] j ?m 1cr,^ TJ h>y ^t/i6z i | ! 1 i >! (/5• oi z 1 < i i1 03 ^ O Q H T ^ CT, H ^Ij Tl Tl b ^IT 5 9o ^ -' CiX ] O "000^ C/)o -* n 'n-H Zm '.r. Znn • t i 1 o "n °? O^H^ 3m m m 05•T, < H •5 c 'O ^_j •n TJ cno 5 o z § 01 o ^ Si -J°2 "0 ><fl 1~ ~ ooz 0 ^Z ,- Z > ^S 0O m rrHm l i i ~zw PECTIOZ O m m00 m -TtD _ "& ^~ ~c ^ T) ^ S ^^ — i CXf"~0"' 0 m •amO —3Dm O 01 mO j>f— ZC/) T)m0H Cz i ' i zO)T)m0 O3J C/) Z OHmO) -n mr~ O •^ TlmOH Oz um O D *&BUILDING !TJm m ~^ 05 H3nC^ 13 0 i i . J, 1 1 V no <">"° 5 o <£oo o° I|I-SCDO S !— Q 3 "* 3" Q ^•0 TJO £« - <» 3 £ 9-CD - » w 3 CD 201 SC/1 3O 3D "H. f n caCD•% COCD0 • v CD 3° D O O § 0> o til r~oCD3(A(D I 1W S ? tu 83 IO s OCD3(A(D•oC Wc P>3 o ?CD T3 O S 3*(D CDO3 3 CL who con^w 3" COco3" T3 O ^.05 •< 0 CD 3" V3 § CD O^property'•3-0 Q- C el(/> o 3 CD CD •a £ 8 O^, O CO3 CD ^O O T s Licen;w 1 Q. (A 3O^ 0)•o o g*. O)cen 3 (/>CO <\)3Q. Tl O C?CO CO 0 3CO 5yo — B)3 W<o os|53 — on I*5 =• S»a> T3aoo •o II S "" 35 «» S — o 0 ctfl ° S 01 •<^ oc O0 D O 1)S ?= «* °| 3T O 11 Ml 3" -,ft) CD CD °|| 0 a _1 = E3 <O (K-° 3£ = S53^3-a o f _. O ""?sa 1^CD O Oq -a^ ciS it •" SScjg - « a-Q.| »sis SSSlsS'^-sl'it^38-'» -. -i i ™ D o a,r~ o Q. 3 3OJ (D ^s •°CLs?ao o |° iffo3 o 3 O :^"&> INSPECTION VALIDATE* r,m31 0 11 C)o Dc q Mnc:na '• | 5 «- ^^ * W •* (3C ,^ ^ ' ^^ X •s. i » X- a 11 rn-Hrn m0 Hm J 1C VV r / ^ ^ ^^ELEC METER--PERM-TEMP) ^ \ < ^S \•^J ^<y > 1[OTHER DEPT'S REQ COMPLETEo 1I r1 7 X V FINAL INSP B'f BLDG DEPTI TJ Z I SHOWN <• FRAME• FENCE PREPLw m3) TJ 31m omo i 1 ! j i |. SWIM'POOL <•- STEEL.BONDINGr— 0 in -1minH ;s .^ — ^ ±SEWER '1 TEMP POWEFR (POLE)OTHER•-*LI \ PLATE TIES/HEIGHT OF CHIMIzm"^DAMPER &S~—1mm FIREPLACE3 EXTERIOR LI O jj in-I cOf)o WALLBOARDi OK . PLACE TAITI 1 INSULATIONOK • PLACE WALrCOo ^31 D FRAME OK •PLACE INSULATKu Z ROUGH HEA-HNG/VENTILATINO 1 ROUGH PLUr^2 o ROUGH ELEiCTRICALFRAME• 0 O Oc 31 CONCRETEi FOOTING • FORMS « SETBACK^O~ m 1 UNDER SLAE1 PLUMBINGSLAB FLOOR• O H O Z >-,VLL SUB FLOOR1 UNDER FLOCDR HEATINGUNDER FLOC3R PLUMBINGj 1 FOUNDATIOrvl • FORMS* SET B0 ^•-| O rmH '1 WOOD FLOORINSPECTION; .. O H T1 z«fi'ECTOR. - zCO"DmnHO CO* Z 0 mCO •-• TI m O ZCOtimn— i 6z TOmno o '. PT| O £Zm TIm 1 zo INTERDEPARTMENTAL INFORMATION SHEET BUILDING DEPARTMENT BUILDING ADDRESS: DECEIVEDDAT U DEC H 1980 CITY OF CARLSBADBuilding Department PLANNING DEPARTMENT 70NE LOT SIZE LOT WIDTH UNITS ALLOWED UNITS PROVIDED PARKING SPACES REQUIRED % COVERAGE ALLOWED BUILDING HEIGHT ALLOWED FRONT SETBACK: ALLOWED PROVIDED _PROVIDED_ _PROVIDED PROVIDED SIDE SETBACK: INTRUSIONS LANDSCAPE & IRRIGATION PLAN COMMENTS: REAR SETBACK' ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION REQ: ADDITIONAL COMMENTS:/ y &**tx£*>fa?-#~*--' OK TO ISSUE:' 'OK TO FINAL DATE IMPROVEMENTS ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT ,W? ^ R.O.W INDUSTRIAL WASTE SEWER CONNECTION xfr,/) ^ '*$' DRIVEWAY LOCATIONS GRADING PERMIT EASEMENTS DRAINAGE LEGAL DESCRIPTION ADDITIONAL COMMENTS OK TO ISSUE:DATE |1 -\VglQ PWI OK TO FINAL DATE FIRE DEPARTMENT SPPINKLING SYSTEM FIRE ALARMS FIRE HYDRANTS . ADDITIONAL COMMENTS FIRE PROTECTION EQUIP. EXITS LOCATION TO ISSUE'DATE OK TO FINAL DATE WATER DEPARTMENT REQUIREMENTS OF APPROPRIATE DISTRICTS MET DATE 1200 ELM AVENUE J J >SZ7 . I \ TELEPHONE CARLS3AD, CALIFORNIA 920C8 438-5525 Citp of Cartebatr 1 XAST AND FINAL NOTICE. IF NO ACTION TAKEN - 'NtATTIR WILL BE PREFERRED TO THE CITY ATTORNEY'S OFFICE To: "Mr* Bruce. Snyder - Re: BP/f 80.96? . Hot tuh - 1007 Daisy Ave. Last Inspection: iQjy 8? mrr«rt<nn« T *< , Carlsbad. CA. 92008 ;;;* PERMIT EXPIIES: 2M8-83 C°rreCt1°nS 1ef1 No further extension will be granted Fran: Building Dept. - City of Car!) Date: .1-4-83 Subject: Final Inspection - EXPIRED BUILDING PERMIT Dear Sir: Carlsbad Building Department records show the required inspections including a final inspection have not been rrade on your property. It is important, to have a permit but you must also have a record with our depart-jenr of all inspections and finals. Building permits are void if work is not ccTT^enced within. 180 days of issuance, or if construction or work is suspended or abandoned for a period of oSO days at any time after work has oarrrenced. "<» . Upon selling your hers many lenders require proof of permits, inspections and final inspection. If not available, a compliance- inspection is required,- $25.00, and any vork not to code must be corrected, and permits not obtained will be required. Cor department -vculd like to have your home safe and to keep the records of your prcpertr/ as accurate as possible for your convenience. Please contact our office for a FINAL INSPECTION. Shank you, St»i?hJ<WiWtfh -. ... CriY BUILDING INSPECTOR • • *< Field Inspector can be reached between 3 and A p.m. (Monday through Friday) Building department telephone No. (714) 438-5525. . DEVELOPMENTAL SERVICES O Assistant City Manager (714) 438-5596 CX Building Department (714) 438-5525 n Engineering Department (714) 438-5541 D Housing & Redevelopment Department (714)438-5611 D Planning Department (714) 438-5591 Cttp of 1200 ELM AVENUE CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 August 23, 1982 Mr. Bruce Snyder 1007 Daisy Avenue Carlsbad California (92008) Dear Mr. Snyder: Re: PC#80-962 / Solar and Hot tub In answer to your request of _ extension of 180 days until August 18, 1982 , an February 18, 1983 has been granted to your building permit. No further extension will be granted. //C/U yV MARTIN ORENYAfrT Building Offic^l MO/gl V cJ^'-cxM <2x>^ --- |Do] CA /s 1200 ELM /-V7 soE CARLSBAD, CAL-F: •> 14 92008 Date:8-10-82 TELEPHONE 714 438-5525 Citp of CarMmb To: Bruce Snyder 1007 Daisy Ave. Carlsbad, CA. 90008 PC#0-962olar , ,hot tub Last inspection 2-18-82 Dated: 12-16-80 Subject: Building Permit Expiration Dear Sir: Our records indicate that your building permit will expire by limitation of time on 8-18-82 The provisions of UBC Section 303(d) state: (d) Expiration. Every permit issued by the building official under the provisions of this code shall expire by limitation and become null and void if tne building or work authorized by such permit is not commenced within 180 days from the date of such permit, or if the building or work authorized by such permit is suspended or abandoned at any time after the work is commenced for a period of 180 days. Before such work can be recommenced, a new permit shall be first obtained so to do, and the fee therefor shall be one-half the amount required for a new permit for £=uch work, provided no changes have been made or will be made in the original plans r.nd specifications for such ^,ork; and provided further that such sus- pension or abandonment has not exceeded one year. Any permittee holding an unexpired permit may apply for an extension of the ture within which he may commence work under that permit v-iien he is unable to commence work within the time required by this section for good and satisfactory reasons. The building official may extend the tune for action by the penr.it t^?s for a period not exceeding 180 days upon written request by the permittee s'rGVLng that circumstances beyond the control of the permittee have prevented action frcm Le_ng taken. No permit shall be extended moiethan once. In order to renew action on a pertnrt after expiration, the permittee shall pay a new full permit fee. Please check helow indicating your intentions and return this letter to us. Prcrjeec abandoned. New permit will be obtained prior to commencing work. X Maxurion ISO day time extension requested. NOTE: Separate letter for an extenr.if;.'-: request and reason for such must accompany this form. If you have any question, please contact 'the Carlsbad Building Department at 438-5525. Very truly yours, Martin Orenyak Building Official Attention Property Owner: An "owner-builder" building permit has been applied for in your name and: bearing your signature. Please complete and return this information in the envelope provided at your earliest opportunity to avoid unnecessary delay in processing and issuing your building permit. Ko building permit will be issued until this verification is received. 1. I personally plan to provide the xaajor labor and materials for construction of the proposed property improvement (yes or no) V^-'-' ^ i •: - 2. I (have/have not) H A VA'— ^signed an application for a building permit. for the proposed work. , - - ~""" i 3. I have contracted with the following person (firm) to provide .the proposed con- struction: Name / City Phone 1 - • A/ v fvd Contractors License Nc 4. I plan to provide portions of the work, but I have hired the following person to coordinate, supervise and provide the major work: Kame' Address NlhCity Phone Contractors License No. 5. I will provide some of the'work but I have contracted {hired} the following per- sons to provide the work indicated: \ Name Address Phone Type of Work AM- Signed: Property Owner _ J\Li> (re> __ _— Social Security Number vS 5s (~> ~/Z- *-/O 11 Date ... 8 £fe:c^ !<}8O Building Department 1200 ELM AVENUE f-4 ^g? pi TELEPHONE: CAHLSBAO. CALIFORN1A 92008 ti^£tw «4 £j (714)438-552!. of Cartebafo Dear Property Owner; An application for a building permit has been submitted in your name 3 is ting your- self as the builder of the property improvements specified. For your protection you should be aware that as "cwn&r-builder* you are the respon- sible party of record on such a permit. Building pecraits are not required to ba signed by property owners unless they are personally performing their own work, If your vork is being performed by someone other than yourself, you roay protect youi- self from possible liability if that parson applies for tha proper permit 5n his OK her name. Contractors ate required by law to ba licensed and bonded? by the State of California and to hava a business license from the city or county. They are also required by law to put their license number on all permits for which they apply, • If you plan to do your own work, with the exception of various trades that you plan to subcontract, you should be aware of the following information £or your henef 5.1. and protection. If you employ or otherwise engage any persons other than your inraediate family, an 3 the work {including materials and other costs) is $200 or more for the entire pro- ject, and such persons are not licensed as contractors or subcontractors, then you may be an employer. - i" If you are an employer, you must register with the state and federal government ,as an employer and you are subject to several obligations including state and federal income tax withholding, federal social security taxes, workers' compensation insur- ance, disability insurance costs, and unemployment compensation contributions.;> Thart> may be financial risks for you if you do not carry out these obligations, and these risks are especially serious with respect to workers* compensation insueance., For more specific information about your obligations under federal law, contact the Internal Revenue Service {and, if you wish, the U.S. Snail. Business Administration) . For more specific information about your obligations under state law, contact the Department of Benefit Payments and the Division of Industrial Accidents.i * ^ If the structure is intended for sale, property owners who are not licensed con-> tractors are allowed to perform their work personally or through their own employees, without a licensed contractor or subcontractor, only under limited conditions. A frequent practice of unlicensed persons professing to ba contractors is to secure an "owner-buxlcler" building permit, erroneously implying that the property owner is providing hie or her own Ictbor and material personally. Bu tiding permits are not required to be signed by property owners unless they are performing their own work Information about licenced contractors n:»y be obtained by contacting the Contractor Stnto Lic£-n:,e, Bo<xrd in your community or at 1020 II Street, SacrQr.it.nto, Culiforn ia 95814. Pltast; complete ami return the enclosed ownor-buildor verification forn j;o that ve can confirm that you arc aware of these iratters. the buLldiny permit wall not }j>e until the verification is returned. Very truly yours, O" Carlsbad EUIT..DINO IJI7PAR!I'btlT