HomeMy WebLinkAbout1008 FOXGLOVE VW; MULTI-PERMIT FILE; CB062783; PermitCity of Carlsbad 1635 Faraday Av Carlsbad, CA 92008 09-29-2006 Plumbing Permit Permit No: CB062783 Building Inspection Request Line (760) 602-2725 Job Address: Permit Type: 1008 FOXGLOVE VIEW CBAD PLUM Status: Parcel No: 2144102600 Lot#: 0 Applied: Construction Type: NEW Entered By: Reference #: Plan Approved: Issued: Project Title: TORIGOE RES-REPLACE WTR HTR Inspect Area: Applicant: FAST WATER HEATER COMPANY 12601 132ND AV NE KIRKLAND WA 98034 425 814 3124 Plumbing Issue Fee Fixture or Trap Building Sewer Roof Drain Install/Repair Water Line Water Heater and/or Vent Gas Piping System Vacuum Breaker Other Plumbing Fees Master Drainage Fee Sewer Fee Additional Fees TOTAL PERMIT FEES 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 Owner: TORIGOE GEORGE M&KEIKO F 1008 FOXGLOVE VW CARLSBAD CA 92011 ISSUED 09/29/2006 LSM 09/29/2006 09/29/2006 $20.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $7.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $27.00 Total Fees: $27.00 Total Payments To Date: $27.00 Balance Due: Inspector: Clearance: $0.00 NOTICE: Please take NOTICE that a roval of your project includes the 'Imposition• of fees, dedications, rese,vations, or other exactions hereafter collectively referred to as "fees/exactions." You have 90 days from the date this permit was issued to protest imposition of these fees/exactions. If you protest them, you must follow the protest procedures set forth in Government Code Section 66020(a), and file the protest and any other required information with the City Manager for processing in accordance with Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 3.32.030. Failure to timely follow that procedure will bar any subsequent legal action to attack, review, set aside, void, or annul their imposition. You are hereby FURTHER NOTIFIED that your right to protest the specified fees/exactions DOES NOT APPLY to water and sewer connection fees and capacity changes, nor planning, zoning, grading or other similar application processing or service fees in connection with this project. NOR DOES IT APPLY to any f f I 'I fli j in r vi I h IWi From: PERMIT APPLICATION CITY OF CARLSBAD BUILDING DEPARTMENT 1635 Faraday Ave., Cartsbed CA 92008 1008 FOXGLOVE VIEW Addtan pnclude Bldg/Sulla#) Descr1pllon of Woric SQ.FT. Remove/Replace Gas Water Heater -~~,~.;~>·,· .. ,:\ :-:. ~.~· ... ~· ~.. ·. . . . ~ .. -•. .'" . 'I if (_r(.~1.~.1 UnlNo. 09/29/2006 09:39 1886 P.002/D04 ru" urra"c uor: uraL., PLAN CHECK No. Mo (e ;)-7~ EST. VAJ... ---------- Plan Ck. Oeposlt __ -+LL=:""1_.....__.....,. __ Validated By __ ...... ..,"1,..--c::b>'l"~....-~--- ~m ~~~-~~'~.:l,'t__:...J/~Q~~~- Ph .. No. Total #ofunb # of Bedrooms #of Ba111n>Offl8 Name Add.-Qty ~ T•lepl\o!W # Fu# Z..}:; ,;, ""~·t • -.,• .>, 1 • ,~,, ~1 1,• • ., r.' It • .: , • , ,, '. _ • ';' • '. ,, '' -· •• ' .·:·; : :, "25)614-31~, x~~TJ 'ASTWA,ER HEATER C~MPlr1~1132NDAVE NE KIRKLAND, ffl 98034; Name AddlMa City a.lZlp TIIIPhOne # ;,~ ••••• • •... (,_,, •• ·:•''. J • • .-\ ' ' -'. ~ ·.·~~ ~) CAR~IIAD, ~A 9!009 TORIGOE, GEORGE NM1e Men. Cly ~ T.iei,e-f LE +a APIP I . f ! I 1111 1• (Sec. 7031.6 BulinlM and Protnllo111 COila: Any Cly or County WNcll lllqUlra a permit 10 coRICnlct. idlllr, lmpn,w, demollah or ,.pu: MY llnlclln, pr!Dr Ill b !Nuance, uo requn. the aq,plcant for such pflll!llt ID m. • llgn-,d atement lhlt he II llcenaed ptnUant ID tha plU'llalone of the Connclol'e ucenm Law [Chapllr 9, commencing with Saellon 7000 of DMllon 3 of 1h11 Bustneu and Pror..lcma Code) or 1hat he II ..,.pt 11atwfrom, and Iha 1111111 for 1he alleged -.nptton. Arr, vlolallon 111 Section 7031 .5 by any applcant for• parmlt IUbjlcts 1h11 appbnt ID • aMI penalty of not more 1han m huncnd cloUara ($li00)). FAST WATER HEATER COMPANY 12601132ND AVE NE KIRKLAND, WA 98034 425 814-3124 Name Addn,es City StallllZlp Telephoqe # Stn Ucenee t 877 489 UC9Me ci..s C36 etty s--. UmtnN ,_1 __ 2_22_3_0_2 ____ _ Dalgner Name Sta~Uc:enee·~~---~ AddlllSS S18te/Zlp Telephone# Woncet9' CompenMUon Decll111Don: I hef9bi/ afflnn WUlar penalty of peljulyone of ._1alowlng dliellPIJlllone: C I have 1111d wll mUllul • Cllrtilica19 or ooJIAnt ID tlit-lnlurl for woc1(erl' c:oml)lll9dxl • proYtded ~ Secaon )700 of Iha Lllbor Code, for lhe'.<palformance of the wort ~~~~-~-t . J( I t,aw and WOI mlllnllln wortlll'a oompeneatlon, • reqwect by S4lc:llon 3700 of 1he labor cocte, for 1111 po!fo~ of lhe wort for which 1h11 pennlt 11 IIS\lld. My worbr'e eomperwallan l111U1a11m C8rilrand P*Y number 11111: tn111ranoeCompany California State·Fund · PollcyNo.1761660 Ellpnlllonoate~1..:;:2/:..1 __ /0:..6;...._ ___ _ (THIS 8!CT10N NEED NOT•• COMPI..E'l!D FTitll PERMn' 18 l'OR ONS HUNDRID DOI.LARI 1$100] OR L.1188) C CERTiflCATE OI' EXEMPTION: I 08l1lfy U.t In the pmtgnnance of 1111 WD11< for wNct1 1h11 l*ffllt Is lleued, I lhd not employ •IYI pa111111 In •ny manner to a to baCOma lUllject to the WO!kers' Compelllllon Lawa of Cdfon\11. WARNING: Fallun to -workln' ~ -.e Is unlawful. pd ••• aubJect • aplo,ar lo clfrnlnel penalllla and cMI ti.-up to 0111 llundflld thDUand dollln(t100.000), In llddlllon to Iha ,;ost of c°""**'8on, -.... .,. pn,vlded for In 8'clloll S70I ofthl 4bor Code, lnllrNt MCI alflJml(e re ... s1GNATIJRE .:~·:;.;;;:,:'%"•:;~;:(',,:·~ .. ws:r±:rtf oATE 912e,os B11B .... WBI.I L L il.B I herebylllllrm that I mn exempt from the Con1n1ctof1 Uceme Lllwfor~folowq NUOn: · Cl I, • owner of the property or my employeN wl1h WIIIIM u lhelr eole compenallon, wtll d tllll wortc end Ille IIIUClunl Is r,ot lmended or oftiNwd for aale (SK 7044, Buslneea 811d ProfaNlonl Code: Tha Connctor'I LloltnN LaW dolll not apply ID 111 -of p,operty who bulldl or lmprovw ttwreon, lni:I wllO dOea suol1 Wlllk hlrnHlf or through hie own ampla)INS, pnivlded u.t sud! lmprowmenll Jn not ln•ndld or ~red fOr Nia. II', "-'• Ille IIUlldl..i or 1mpruve111ent t. 801c1 wllhbl one ye« of complallan, the -«illder • haw e. bUnle/1 al pn,,itng 1hlt .. dlcl not bullll or lmprm1 t:Jr the P11PCJ10 of 8111). a 1, as DMW of the pnip9rty. 1111 vdulMiY connalln; With bnled Glll1lrslonl to conlttUot.,. projlat (Sec. 7IM4. 8ulineA and Profelllo1111 Code: The ConlnlrAor'• Ucenw Law doee not apply IO an owner of~ who bUlldl ar lmsw-lhefeon. and co1'111WD for suoh pn>Jacll v.ftl contraclDl(1) bneecl p1119uant ID the eontr.clDr's Uoenaelllw). c I am .-mpt under Sedfon Bumess and f>lomllons Code for lhls -n; 1. I ~fly plan lo provide Iha ll1lljor llbor 111d mltlrtals forcon81Jucldgn of Iha pro~ proptf1y Im~ C YES C NO 2. I (hlYll!lall9 not) signed III appllcaGon for• bulldlng permit for lie pn,poeed wotk. 3. I have contnlctllcl wlCh 119 followlng penan (firm) ID provlda 11,a pn,poNd COl'IIINctlon (lnl*lde nam1 / ldclree I phone number I oonll'II01l>ll llcenee number): 4. I plan IO provide portions of tho~ but I haw hll'ld t,a folloMlg person ID c;oordlnma, 1Up11Y1ee and proYlde the m,Jor WOiie (n:tude 111me /add,-/ phone N.ll'lber I lonlnlctorsQ~111111number); ______ ~--------------------------------6. I wlfl proyfde 101M al1h1 WOlt, but I hav9 colll18Ctld (lihd) 1he fDflMl'19 Pllll'IOl'll III provta Ille WOik lndlclllilcl (lnc:IUcll name/ eddrMI f pl1Dlia n"'1bar I l)1)I otWOllc): PROPERYYOWNERSIGNATURE ______________________ DATE ________ _ ., From: PERMIT APPLICATION CITY OF CARLSBAD BUILDING DEPARTMENT 1635 Faraday Ave., Carlsbad CA 92008 Page2 of 2 09/29/2006 09:40 1886 P.003/004 19 the 9PPllclnt or IUlln bul1dhg occup"1t ~ to llltlmlt • bud,eN pllri, IICUmly haatdoll9 m*1llt ragll1nlt!on for or r1lk mllllOlffl9fll Ind ~ l)C'Ogl8ffl lllder Secllona26606,215633or2MMof1hlPl'lliey,-TannerHallrdo•6~AccoWltAct'I C YES C NO 19 tlle applcar,t or ftJlure bulldlng DCCl4Jalll niql.hd to oblMI • pennlt flul'a Ille llr poMlon c:antrlll dlllrlc:t or ar quaUty m•,ao.nant dlllltct? c YES C NO Is 1M fdty to be con•lndlch.«hti 1,000 fNI of the OU9f bolaldlryof uahool 1111? C YE8 IJ NO II' AHY OP THI! AN8W!!RI AIU! YU. A l'INAL Cl!Ml'ICAff 0, OCCUPANCY MAY NOT 81! 188U1!D UNU!N TJiE APPUCANI' HAS fftT OR IS MUTIHG THI! REau,uil,ENTa OF THll OPFICI! OF IIERGENCY EMCH AND THR All POLWnON CONTROL DIBTR1CT. e LENDER'S NAME----------------U!NOl!R'8ADDRES8 ____ ~----~------- I certfy lllt I haw i..i h 11pplmlon and ..-aw 1119 tlboVe lnron!l8IIOII II c:onat 1111d 11et tie lrmnndan on 1118 plllW II -=ira. 1 eo-to comply ww, 1n Cly ordlnences Ind Stalll l•WI ntlltl~ to buld~ C01111Juc11on, I t.leby au1hol17:e ~IIUvls of Che cay of c.tlbld lo enter upon 1he lb«-menllaned prapmty far lnlpeetlon Pl,IIIOIIIS. I Al.80 A.OREE 10 SAVE, INDEMNIFY AND KEEP HARMU!88 THe Cfl'Y OF CARL8BAD AGAIH8T ALL LWIIUTll!8, JUOGIDl!NT8, com AND l!XPEN8!8 WHICH MAY IN ANY WAY ACCltUE AGAINST MID CITY N CONSEQUEHC& Of 1lG: CIIIANTING O" THIS PIRWT. OSHA: An OSHA pennl It~ lbr ~ of trrr deep Ind CMIIIOlllan or COIIIWCllon of 11NC11n1 over 3 storm In height. IXPIRATION: l!velypennk illlied 11\111111 buldlng Ofllcllll und9rlhl pn,Vlllanlofthl9CodelMluplr9 t,yllnlldonand beoolnl nUll and"* lrlhebuldlng orWD111authol1ad by such pennll II not c:ommenced Wllllk1 180 d8)ta from 1lle dale ot IIUdl pennl or If the bulldlllg or work 8Ulholad by IUCh perm I II liJlll*llled or lblndolled at .-,, lme ll!lrir lhlwork 11 oamme~ft>r• peitod ot 180 da)W (Secllan 108AA Unfonn 8ullcl,. Cods). . .. City of Carlsbad Bldg Inspection Request For: 08/24/2007 Permit# CB062783 Title: TORIGOE RES-REPLACE WTR HTR Description: Type:PLUM Sub Type: Job Address: 1008 FOXGLOVE VIEW Suite: Lot: O Inspector Assignment: PD --- Phone: 7609291003 biz Location: Inspector: ---+_,__ OWNER TORIGOE GEORGE M&KEIKO F Owner: TORIGOE GEORGE M&KEIKO F Remarks: 760/438-1506 home Total Time: CD Description Act Comments Requested By: NA Entered By: CHRISTINE Rough/Topout . ~'""''---------------------- '},,~ w~·~-------~:-~--- 24 comments/Notices~s Associated PCRs/CVs Original PC# Inspection History Date Description 10/31/2006 21 Underground/Under Floor 10/31/2006 25 Water HeaterNents Act lnsp Comments WC PD CO PD see notice attached City of Carlsbad 01/27/1999 Plumbing Permit Permit No:CB990374 Building Inspection Request Line (760) 438-3101 Job Address: Permit Type: 1007 FOXGLOVE VIEW CBAD PLUM Parcel No: 2144102100 Lot#: 0 Construction Type: NEW Reference #: Project Title: WATER HEATER REPLACEMENT Applicant: A&J FOSTER, INC. 2819 CENTRAL AV SPRING VALLEY CA 91977 619-697-4151 Total Fees: $27.00 Plumbing Issue Fee Fixture or Trap Building Sewer Roof Drain Install/Repair Water Line Water Heater and/or Vent Gas Piping System Vacuum Breaker Other Plumbing Fees Master Drainage Fee Sewer Fee TOTAL PERMIT FEES J FINAL APPROVAL riv µ i, qq Inspector: ~ Date: \ -' Status: Applied: Entered By: Plan Approved: Issued: Inspect Area: Clearance: ISSUED 01/26/1999 DT 01/27/1999 01/27/1999 .00 .00 0.00 0.00 $0.00 $7.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $27.00 $27.00 NOTICE: Please take NOTICE ~ Pt approval of your project includes the "Imposition· of fees, dedications, reseivations, or other exactions hereafter collectively referred to as "fees/exactions." You have 90 days from the date this permit was issued to protest imposition of these fees/exactions. If you protest them, you must follow the protest procedures set forth in Government Code Section 66020(a), and file the protest and any other required information with the City Manager for processing in accordance with Ca~sbad Municipal Code Section 3.32.030. Failure to timely follow that procedure will bar any subsequent legal action to attack, review, set aside, void, or annul their imposition. You are hereby FURTHER NOTIFIED that your right to protest the specified fees/exactions DOES NOT APPLY to water and sewer connection fees and capactiy changes, nor planning, zoning, grading or other similar application processing or service fees in connection with this project. NOR DOES IT APPLY to any fees/exactions of which vou have oreviouslv been alven a NOTICE similar to this or as to which the statute of limitations has oreviouslv otheiwise exoired. CITY OF CARLSBAD 2075 Las Palmas Dr., Carlsbad, CA 92009 (760) 438-1161 ·-..>-l \ \ FOR OFFICE USE ONLY PEFlMIT APPLICATION CITY OF CA RLSBAD BUILDING DEPARTMENT 2075 Las Palmas Dr., Carlsbad CA 92009 (6 19 ) 438-1161 PLAN CHECK r o._:j!/_37 '-( EST. VAL.~--·------~ Plan Ck. Deposit --=~r-:---- Velidetod By __ ~...._...___,"'-r+...-,- Date~~~~~~~~~~-+.f-1..~£...irJ--V tl~lPAOJECtlNF.OIUMti~~~~~~Wiifff11~7mru JQQ7 Fox Glove Vi ew Add1u1 (lnclud, Bldg/Suh• I I Bualneu N•m• lat tNa addreuJ Log1I Du cripUon Lot No. Subdlvlalon Nam,/Nu'!'b,r Unit No. Phase llo To 1&i l cl ·, Du criptlon of Work SO. FT. tor 6101111 I of Bedrooms , o f Batru-: :,· • ...,., .• ·,.. · WATER· HFATER .. REJ?.LACoom'~·-·'7t'll'1~'·iltt~!i!:,\V<J"~r··1:t\lt,lt.h'lf.lll{ffl.'rl~~ir.mo!~-,,J(!rrn•JJ1mM!1'1!t"nr~""'''Jr · ·· "~· .• 1..0lfT A CT PEilSON'ifVi1111,18(l.l.lfi.iifuljp,p_U~iiiiHU~:i~lill~1k.fWllJll,rttf.tl\'40ll"l~~~,1jUlUMIWQo~Ul-1:~·-ll.!J;'cli'., ·.; t Demir jian, Mary 1007 Fox Glove Vi ew CARLSB~ CA . 92009 438-2343 N1m1 Addrtu City SUte/ZJp T ofoµhone , ;; , . , ~.'.,;1{ f\J'Y.UC~T·,.,, 0 :~1111JJ~,for!~@lAi tmi&e'l:!1Jlll1o.i~iM!IGJ!.o.w'.iu}JjiUllf A1(ofi&.G'.li'i5'1!M,'lifi\lfil1£i.lli11ffl~lri~~~ ·£; ?}.\.\i/{ G. :; . '. SHEUY ,IOBNSQN/J<RISTY FOSTER 1 3706 B HWY S BUS ET. CAIDN, CA . 92021 ( 619) 390-44 77 N•m• ~ Addrt11 City St1U/Zlp T oleµhono I - ~::-JJ.f..8.9..f.~IYiO.Y.(f'l.~lfi~~~~mn.rwr..-:wu,nwm:fftU:lWWWiWPIWWMINwmAl~~ii :~·~N;.f~::,.,_. : . Cerni rjian, Mary J 001 Fox GJ ave View CARLSBAD CA 92009 438 2343_ N1m1 Addrtu City 6Ute/Zlp T 1l1phono I 0>f1i.{C..Olff.AACJOR;.co.Me.e.N~ 'f~1)fi:· !S ec. 703 1.5 Buslnu 1 and Prolaulona Code: Any City or County which 11qulrH I pttmlt to con1\ruc\, 11111, lmprov,, demolish or re p•ir any a11uc1u11. prior 1-,:, lssu,nct, also requires tht applicant lor such permit lo flit a algntd atat,mtnl that h• la llc,nnd pu11u1nt to th, provl1ions ol the Cornroctor' 1 Ucenae • , .,. ICh1pt11 9, commending with S,ctlon 7000 ol Division 3 ol th, Buslnua and P1or111lona Cod,J or that ht la exempt tho,elrom, and 1he bosi s for the 111•;•~ exompllon. Any violation ol Section 7031.6 by eny eppllcant lor , pttmlt 1ubJt c\1 lht tppllcanl to, clvll penalty of not more 1han live hu11u1od uollo11 1150011 A & J FOSTER PLUMBING 13706-B HWY 8 BUS , EL CAJON CA . 92021 (619)390-4417 Nemo Addrus City Slatt /Zlp T ole~hono 1 S1111 Uconse I 630120 Ucenu Clau C-36 City Bu1lnu1 Uct nlt I 1200354 Oosignet Name Addrus City Sla te/Zip T olophono Su ta Ucerua I ---~N-/_A ___ _ ~;i,i('l,'.ORKE.R.S:·.COMPEHS4TION.~~~~l~1I~~J~!'llltl~;«tt~mli'~~~-alll~~f r?iii1.Vi.~ ' . .:i:J.~: ... Workora' Componutlon Oecl11etlon: I hortby elflrm undtl ptnelty ol ptrJury on, of lht rollowlng .declerttlona: 0 f havt end will malnteln , c1rtlflc1t• ol consent to 11U-ln1urt lor work111' comp1n11tlon H provided by Section 3700 of lllo Labo• Cooe. lo, lhe porro,m, ,c, ol 1h1 work for which this permit Ii lnued. 0 X hav, and wlll maintain work1ra' comp1nsatlon, H required by Sectlon 3700 ol'the Llbor Cod,, for th, pt1lormanc1 of the wo1k for which this perrs · , Issued. My work11'1 compensation lnsuranc, carrier and policy ntimbtt 111: truu11nc, comp,ny FARMER INSURANCE Policy No. ___ N_2_0_0_7_-_5_6_-_5_1 __ Expira tion 0 111 ___ C_ONI' __ I_NU_ OUS lTHIS SECTION NEED NOT BE COMPLETED IF THE PERMIT IS FOR ON! HUNDRED DOLLARS 1•100) OR LE6B1 0 CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION: I c:ertlly that In th, ptrformanca ol tht work for which 1h11 permit l1 l11u,d, I 1h11J not employ any person In 011y mannor so as to become subloct to th• Worktra' Compensation Laws ol C11Jlofnl1. · WARNING: F.nure to 11cure•work111' comp1n11\lon coverage la unlawful, 111d 1h.U aub)1ct 1n ,mploytr lo crlmlnal ptnaltlna and civil lino• ur, to one hundroc: thouHnd dollora ($ 100,0001. In 1ddltlon lo th, cost or comp,nntlon, damagH H provided for In Section 3706 of lh, Lab~ code, lnler11l end 1llorney'a hu SIGNATURE DATE-------~- 7. ,··owNER-eu1LDER DEqLARAJ10N\,:1i}~".WYi~*·~'.i&fl~i·.ml~~~~;.tm,mu.mii~Iir1~J1·11SX»-~~001:1I ',·.·i!g<..iv:1.·--.. :;' ;:.J.:: .. , I horoby alllrm tht t I am exempt lrom tht Con1ractor'1 Uc1n1t L,w 101 tht following 1tt1on: 0 I. u owner ol tho property or my employ,u with w1gu II lhtir aolt comp1n111lon, wlll do th, work end th• 11ruc1u11 Is no\ 11\londed or ollorou lor ,.,. IS,c. 7044, BuS1nus and Prolualona Code: The Contractor'• Uc1n11 Law dot1 not 1pply to Ill owntr or property who build, or Improves thereon. end who doe, such work himeell or th1ough his own employau, provided that such lmprovtmtn\a art no\ lnltndtd or 01111,d lor 11ft . If, however, lhe building o• lmprov1men1" sold wl1hln on• yoar ol compl,tlon, the owntr·bullder wlll have the burden or proving thtt ht did not build or Improve for th• pu,pott of 11111. 0 I. 11 owner of th• property, •m ,xclualvely contracting with Uc,nud contr1c\011 to con1truct'lht project (Sec. 7044, Bualn,u and Prof1ulon1 Code; Th , Contractor', Uc,nu Law don not apply 10 an owner or property who bullda or lmprovu thereon, ,nd conllactt for euch proj1c11 wi1h con1rec1orl•J hc,n,o: pur auant to tht Con1r1ctor'1 Uc1n11 L1wl. · 0 I 1m ex1mp1 under Section------Bu1ln11s i nd Pror,ulon, Codi tor \hll ruaon: I . f peraon,IJy plan to provide tha major labor tnd m1111lal1 101 conatructlon or th, propottd property lmprovam,nt. 0 YES ONO 2. I lhave I have not) algned ,n 1ppllc1tlon for I building permit for \ht propo11d work: J. I h1v1 cont11c11d with tht lollowlng p111on Hlrml I!) provide th, propo1td con11,ucllon (Include namt I addrua I phone number I contractors hc enu nu•·•c,1•' 4. I plan to provide portions ol the work, but I h,v, hired th, following pt11on to coordln11,, 1up11vl11 ind provide th, major work (include namo I addro ss 1 ~'I:·• numb1r /con1r1ctm1 ~1n11numb1rl:~~~~~~~~-~~~~~--~-------------~~~-~~~~~~~-~~~~ 5. I will provide aom, or the work, but I hav, contrac\t d (hlr1dl \ht following p11aon1 to provld1 th• work Indicated llncluda nome I addr oss I phone numbe< ·, c, of_workl: ___________________ ,__------------------------------------ PROPERTY OWNER SIGNATURE DATE __________ _ ~co~:rn1s,secuo~.F.QR.HPN.-&s.lQ.E«.®:IUlJ~.iHQ1P.tB.Mltiitnlil'.il®'O'lillt&NIPU~~;;~~:J,¥:ri;J:·;,:~~;:,i~)'._::i-~,· lJ the appllcanl or lutur• building occup,nl requlrtd to aubmlt I bualntaa plan, 1cu1,ly haurdoua m1t11l1la reglalrtllon rorm or risk m1nagem11H and provon:.cr p<ogram undtt Sections 26606, 25633 or 26634 ol th, PrHloy·Tanntr Haurdoua 6ubal1nc1 Account Actl O YES O NO Is tt-o. applicant Of future building occupant 11qulrtd to ob11ln I permit from th, air pollution control dlatrlct or air quality m1n,g1m1n1 di,trlct I O YES O I,:' Is IN raclllty to be constructed within 1,000 fnl of lh• ou\11 boundary or I achool 111,1 0 YES O NO IF A14Y OF THE ANSWERS ARE YES, A FINAL CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY MAY NOT II! IHUED UNUSS THE APPLICANT HAS MET OR IS MEETltlG THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE OFFICE OF EMERGENCY SERVICES AND THE AIR POLLUTION CONTROL DISTRICT. a.: ··:coNSTRUCTION LENDIN01AOENCY:'~W'.~t,l :9i~1Wf'~~~m~~'.~~~~~'l~~~.JJ:1:;jXii (iij,;i :': . .-::·:. I hereby affirm 1h11 th11t 1, • conatructlon lending agency. ror th, perro,m1nc, or 1h1 work ro1 which thl• p11mlt la l11u1d IS,c. 3097111 Clv,1 Code I LENDER'S NAME LENDER'S AOORESS _______________________ _ 9: • M'PLICANl:,CERTIFIC~JlOK.J~-.,~! -i~J~(,f~~~m;,f. \flffiµi~i-fi..l,~~';',i'i.1:l.iir)M!?~A~"'Gm;~r,mJN1ffi!!,rW$.~':~'i::\;1/,\',.:1 · · , , . I certlly that I h,v, rod th, applicatlon i nd atilt lh111h1 abov1 lnlorm1tlon la correct and that lh1 lnlormatlon on th, plans ls 1ccura te. I ,greo 10 comply ,., .. , • City ordinances and Stat, lawa 11l1llng to building conatructlon. I ha11by authorlu rep111en111lv11 or th, City ol Carl1 b1d 10 1n111 upon the ebove ment ..... · property !or inspection purpo111. I ALSO AGREE TO SAVE, INDEMNIFY AND KEEP .HARMLESS THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AGAINST ALL LIABILll ES JUDGMENTS. CO STS AND EXPENSES WHICH MAY IN ANY WAY ACCRUE AGAINST 5AID CITY IN CONSEQUENCE OF THE GAANTINO UF THIS PERMIT OSHA: An OSHA permit 11 11qulrtd lor exc1v1tlona ovt1 r;•o• daap end d,molltlon or conatrucllon or 111uc1ur11 ov11 3 1torl11 In ht lg!H EXPIRATION: Every parmlt luu,d by \ht Bulldlng Olflclal under tht pro~l1lo111 ol thll Cod, 1h1II 1xpl11 by llmltatlon and become null end vo•d '' tloo build,n; ·• work authorized by auch permit la no\ commtnct d within 366 daya from lht dalt or 1uch permit or Uthe building or work authorized by such µorrnl\ 1, ,u$Pe"; • · or abandoned II any tlmt alter th, w~ommtnct d lor I period ol 180 d1y1 lS1ctJgn 108,4,4 Uniform Building .Code). APPLICANT'S SIGNATURE ~ ..!t-ruU.A . DATE /-2Jo ,,.qo, City of Carlsbad Inspection Request For: 2/2/99 Permit# CB990374 Title: WATER HEATER REPLACEMENT Description: Type:PLUM Sub Type: Job Address: 1007 FOXGLOVE VIEW Suite: Lot 0 Location: 1\PPLICANT : A&J FOSTER, INC. Owner: DEMIRJIAN GEORGE R&MARY TRS Remarks: am please Total Time: Phone: 7604382343 Inspector: ---- Requested By: MARY Entered By: CHRISTINE :;_comm~ CD Description 25 Water HeaterNents Inspection History Date Description Act lnsp Comments