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1012 Home St; ; 84-127; Permit
"' z 0 ;:: .. "' .. ~ u '" 0 .. i[ u "' '" 0 ~ 3 !!' "' '" z ~ D I hereby affirm that t am licensed under provisions of Chapter 9 (commencing with Section 7000) of Division 3 al the Business and Professions Code, and my license is in full force and effect L.r Nr, _____ le ·e;sJC :Sec sue" ~e,mil to J ,·<;>•;•: 'O tt;e P'C'Cl'.,'UCC a.-. C0a:;ter g omMer-:,0 :; ,., ?:mo of 1 nl 'he ~1Jsir•esc a~n P"J'PSW,rs lhJ11'. e, e"';J' "",erel·c, c<'d :0e bds1s 'or Tr.e d:legeo e~e'l'pMn rw1 ,,c d11on ol Sect,Jn ~031 '.i oy an a;Jpl,cdn' tor a perm,1 suo- ec:~ The appl v.nr :o a cov,I Jenal!y o' rot more than l•ve "'J~ d·e~ do'lars ;S500' I. as owner o: The propeny. or my employees ·mth waqes as t~eir sole compensatLOn will do the work. and the struc-I rure 1s 101 ,n:ended or ollered for soie (Sec 7044 Business a·1c Pro!ess1cns Code The Cuntractor' s license i_Jw does 1a! apply to an owner 01 prooerty who builds o, improves !hereon and who doos such work htmsel' o, through his awn employees provided Iha! such improvements are nol 1ntend-'!d or ol'e·ed tor sa•e If. however the bu1ld1ng or 1mprove- -?~t 1s s~,c w11h1n one year 01 completion. lhe owner-bu,lder ,,, l1ave :~e burden of proving that he d,d not bu,ld or 1m- pro,_0 tor the pu<pose of sale) as owner of :he properly. am exclusively contracting wllh licensed con:ractors to construct the pro1ect (Sec 7044, Business and Professions COde The Contractor's license Law does nol apply to an owner of property who builds or ,m oroves lhereon. and who contracts for each pro1ects with a coctractor{s) lrcense pursuanl lo lhe Contractor's L1ce~se Law) As a homeowner I am 1mprov1ng my home, and the follow ,ng cond1t1ons exist l · 1 T~e work is he1ng performed prior to sale 2 I have lived 1n my home for twelve months pr10, In completion o1 this work 3 I have not claimed lh•s exemption dunn~ the last three years I am exP.mpt under Sec ______ B & P C for thos reason, ____________ _ z 0 ;:: .. "' z '" ~ ,. 0 u "' "' '" " "' 0 ~ I L ![ D I hereby a,/f,rm 1ha.1 I have a cer1,1,ca!e of consen1 10 self ,nsure o, a cert,hcate of Worker5 Compens.at1on lnsura.nce or a renihed copy lhf'reoT (Sec 38CO. Labor Code1 POLICY NO COMPANY 0 Copy ,s Tiled with the c,ty 0 Cert1!1ed copy ,s hereby lurn,shed CEATIFICAH OF EXE:MPTION FROM WORKERS COMPENSATION INSURANCF (Th,s sec11on need nol be compleled il rr.,, perm,t ,s •or one hundred dolla.rs /SlOOI or less, D I r.ert1!y th>1t ,n tr-Le pertormance ot the wori< tor which this permit ,s ,ssued I shall not employ an, person "' any manner so as !O tie(·ornf' sutJ1eO ll lhe Wor1<ers Compens.at,on Laws CJf Caht0rn13 NOTICE TO APPLICANT H, al!er n,«k1n, th,s Cen t,cate of E•ernplion you should become ~ub1ect ,, 1he Wo,1,.ers Compens.at,on prov,~rons ol the L;ibo• Code you musl lortn ... i1h comply ,.,:h ~u, ~ provi~1ons or th,s pe,m1t shall t:,p ,1f'PCT1ed rpso•eJ O I rLPrebv a.tfirn, lh,;,• •nt,rP ·s a , ,,, er,~, r,c_,r pnd,ni, ager,, re,, th,• pf'"fl''T•<'W'P "' '"P """'' wh1U' rr.,5 pe,rr-r 'S',ut,d 1C>f', \/_)'l' r/.>d,. L erde,, NilrT1e ___________ _ Lt'rlder ~ Address __________ _ USE BALL POINT PEN ONLY & PRESS HARO APPLICANT TO FILL IN INFORMATION WITHIN SHADED AREA AND DECLARATIONS. CARLSBAD BUILDING DEPARTMENT 1200 Elm. Carlsbad, Cal1forn1a 92008-1989 _{6~9) 438-5525 APPLICATION & PERMIT ;;~o2ss / / e sf. -~-~--- AV ST./ / NEAREST CROSS ST. DA31:u10N BUSINESS LICENSE # VALUATION -$- L/PERMIT r>.UMBER) ~ ;~1 ' , LOT BLOCK J Suao1vIs10N J ASSESSOR PARCEL NO CONTRACTOR I CONTRACTORS PHONE # ZONE OW'\if R'S r,.,,,AME .;:t;;'kr1 ~ OWNE A'S PHONE 7.2? S-9CC CONTRACTOR'S ADDRESS LICENSE NO PLANl.0 # BLDG USE CODE ow"-ER·s~1~~~ed ~ O,C).~-..,C:. '?~-? l cf;";;:f:r DESIGNER LICENSE ,;, STANDAno PLAN., BUILDING SQ FOOTAGE DESCRIPTION OF WO'RK C': ~ _6,~,-p ,tl=n ~rz:=;4'1 . crnsus rn•c, I GP LAND USE ,.,./4J -~~ rz; 5"#-?~"'--? OEStGNEA"S ADDRESS Jc-1,-ft~,,,,_ ¢ ,a//4..c/4.4' , 'e FLA ELEV vO l'.0 CAR"NG SCACC I RE:S UNITS GRADING PERMIT ISSUED J REDEVELOPMENT AREA y D N □ vO NO QTY PLUMBING PERMIT· ISSUE I ,= ! _':1'_.~11 OTY MECHANICAL PERMIT· ISSUE NO STORIES TYPE CONST ~- DESIGNER'S PHONE ace GP EDU ;; -: ,,. : . ace LOAD FIAESPFI' (._, -~-" -" vO NO Not Valid Unless Machine Cert1!1ed SUMMARY/ACCOUNT NUMBER -EACH FIXTURE: TRAP I , INSTALL FURN DUCTS UP TO 100.000 BTU BU!LOING PERMIT l SIGN PERMIT 01-00-00-8220 ~ s=:::. - EACH BUILlJING SEWER ~ +-·------·-- I-- f- EACH WAlER HEATER ANU OR VENT -~ __ GAS SYSTEM 1 i.__9~-~T l fTS EACH GAS SYSTEM 5 OR MO Ht ~-----~--! BOtlERiCOMPRESSOR UP TO J HP f--BOILER/COMPRESSOR J 15 HP -- OVER 100,000 BTU ------+- ----~-t--~------·-PLAN CHECK ---.-- TOTAL PLUMBING ---- --+--· METAL FIREPLACE I n ELECTRICAL 01-00-00-8221 +----- 01-00-00-8806 ---- 01-00-00-8222 01-00-00·8223 ---· ---+----------, EACH INST Al ALH.R, REPAIR WA Tm PIPE -----vENT FAN SINGLE DUcT . MECHANICAL 01-00-00-8224 t-E-AcH-vAcUUMsREAKER --t r---MECHEx_H_A-usT H0oo1luns -------~-MOBILEHOME ___ ----01•00-oo-s225 1 1. WATER SOFTNER I RELOCATION OF EA FURNACE/HEATER MOBILEHOME PARK INSP I I, f- [_AC!-' R\/Ji '";~ii•PJ 1 ',', l'i I -----·--·--I ·--SOLAR -------,-~-T[]JA( PIUMBINl. TOTJ..l MECHANICAL STRONG MOTION FIRE SPRIW(LERS ~ -_ :I -: -~ -II I Ir -- PUBLIC FACILITIES FEE QTY ELECTRICAL PERMIT· ISSUE _0_1 ·00-0_0_-:.822.6___ 80-92-33-0519 01-00-00-8227 32-00·09~8933-+- 1 5-1 QTY SOLAR --~SSUE I I NEWCONSTEAAMPSW' BKR =-# COliFCTOR:i.,-'/ I ~CHOOLFEE-DISTRICT --· BRIDGE FEE ----·--· ~------r--------, I PH \ PH Sl~E' TANKS I Carlsbad 80-92-21-0519 +-----· - . -------- EXIST HlOG EA AMP SWT BKR --L..,,---ROCK STORAGt Encinitas 80-92-22-0519 ---------------+-- I PH -----+------ PUMP _R~~-nFLALltR -A°--.!.,? PlANC~l_C_K_F_LL __ TE\.1PPOLE JUOA\lP) -~[)1eguIto _______ 80-92-23-0519 1 San Marcos 80-92-24-0519 ----------------~-t-------~ OVER 2UU MIPS ___ ---------i--~-LIC4ff00008162 --jJ-------- --➔--------- GR!:.UI r DEPOSIT -- -------~,.L-.,f I -, I l(lTAl SOlAR I TOTAL FEES PAYABLE I ,,,:;~ I HAVE ~aEFULL Y EXAMINED THE COMPLETED '"APPLICATION AND PERMIT'" AND DO HEREBY Expiration. Everyperm1t1ssued by the Bu•lding Ofl1c1al undef the prov1s,ons olthts CERfiFY UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY THAT ALL INFORMATION HEREON INCLUDING THE Code shall expire by l!m_rtation and become null and void If the buildrng or work DECLARATIONS ARE TRUE AND CORRECT AND ! FURTHER CERTJFY AND AGREE JF A PERMIT IS aulhom:ed by such permit IS not commenced w1th1n lBO days from tl1e date of such lSSlJED· TO CQMPL y WITH ALL CITY. COUNlY AND STATE LAWS GOVERNING BUILDING CON-p&1"m1t, or if the bmld1~ or work authonzed by such permit rs suspended or STRUCTION. WHETHER SPECIFIED HEREIN OR NOT l ALSO AGREE TO SAVE INDEMNIFY ANO ebandoned at an lime a er the work IS commenced for a enod of 160 da s KEEP HARMLESS THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AGAINST ALL UABILITiES. JUDGMENTS, COSTS ANO ~T'S SIG:1>'5E 'If. EXPENSES WHfCH MAY IN ANY WAY ACCRUE AGAINST SAID CITY IN CONSEQUENCE OF THE ,"u G8ANTING OF THIS PERMIT :,....,__ '-Q........s-,, "'""" OWNER□ Aa,, __ r CONTRACTOl'I 0 BY PHONE 0 * AN OSHA PERM:T IS REQUIRED FOR EXCAVATK>NS OVER 5· O" DEEP AND 0£MOLITK>N OR CONSTRUCTION OF STRUCTURES OVER 3 STORIES IN HEIGHT APPROVED ~y .. /£ DATE '.i'//,-,,/ © LL c 0 0 Q E 0 f- D 0 ('J C ro u Q Q <( I -~ C Q_ 0 m m © m m <( I ~ .2 © >- ,; m © u 0 0:: ro ;;; 0 Q © u C ro C U: ,:. C © ~ ('J 0 u © Q m C © L :;: TYPE I DATE INSPECTOR BUILDING : '-,, FOUNDATION I FIELD INSPECTION RECORD ' REINFORCED STEEL I MASONRY : GUNITE OR GROUT I REQUIRED SPECIAL INSPECTIONS INSPECTOR'S NOTES - INSPECTION RED IF INSPECTORS DATE CHECKED APPROVAL FLOOR & CEILING SUB FRAME I SHEATHING □ ROOF □ SH~AR SOILS COMPLIANCE PRIOR TO FOUNDATION INSP FRAME I EXTERIOR LATH I STRUCTURAL CONCRETE OVER 2000 PSI INSULATION I I PRES TRESSED CONCRETE INTERIOR LATH & DRYWALL I POST TENSIONED I CONCRETE PLUMBING I FIELD WELDING SEWER AND BUCO □IPUCO I UNDERGROUND □ WASTE □ \NATER HIGH STRENGTH BOL Ts TOP OUT □ WASTE □ WATER SPECIAL MASONRY TUB AND SHOWER PAN I GAS TEST I PILES CAISSOJ'..S □ WATER HEATER □ SOLAR Wi,.TER I ELECTRICAL I □ ELECTRIC UNDERGROUND D'UFFER ROUGH ELECTRIC I □ ELECTRIC SERVICE D TEMPORARY - □ BONDING □ POOL I • I MECHANICAL I □ DUCT & PLEM., D REF. PIPlt'JG HEAT -AIR COND. SYSTEMS I VENTILATING SYSTEMS I I CALL FOR FINAL INSPECTION WHEN ALL APPROPRIATE ITEMS ABQVE /:I_A\IE BEEN APPROVED FINAL I ' PLUMBING I ELECTRICAL I MECHANICAL I GAS I ' BUILDING I ; SPECIAL CONDITIONS : I LOCAL CODE COMPLIANCE CERTIFICATION (Section 221 (d) 2 (f) National Housing Act) Glendale Federal 110 Wall St. La Jolla, CA 92037 Mortgagee Property Address: 1012 Home Ave. Carlsbad Street City IT IS HEREBY CERTIFIED by the Undersigned: . 92008 Zip l. That he is the __ ....,S""e"'n'-'-i ,,_o r,_____,B,.,,ucci .c:l d"-iccn..,,9~I n~s!-"p"!'e-"ci"to"-!r"77"~.-------------of the (Official Title) Carlsbad (City-County) California State 2. That it is a part of his official duties to inspect and/or determine whether buildings, structures, real property or premises meet or comply with the requirements of State and Local Laws, Ordinances, Codes, or Regulations relating to Public Health, Safety, Zoning or otherwise, which may be applicable thereto. 3. That on March 6 , 19 84 , the property of premises above described was inspected and as of that date said property or premises and the structures and buildings located thereon did meet and comply with the require- ments of all said laws, codes and ordinances applicable thereto. 4. That on __________ , 19 , the property or premises above described was inspected and as of thatdate said property or premises and the structures and buildings located thereon did not meet and comply with the r~quiirements of all said laws, codes and ordinances applicable thereto for the following reasons: Said addition was constructed in 1968 and did meet codes adopted at such time. DATED This ----'3=--,/,____,_7~/_·_.f[:'-,f-1--__ day of __________ 19 rt (Sigoed) ~7 ~;,zi;zf; · ~ame. Printed) Title