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HomeMy WebLinkAbout1015 CHESTNUT AVE; ; 85-7; PermitDECLARATIONS LENDER WORKER'S COMPENSATION l' * -• OWNER/BUILDER ^ I IEXPENSES WHICHGRANTING OFTHIMAY IN ANY WAY ACCRUE AGAINST SAID CITY IN CONSEQUENCE OF THfc / T^\fl tft~f~~\ P **£**' * B HONE O I1Lender's AddressISIHUGIION. WHblHtH KPhOII-lhU HbHbIN OH NOI. 1 ALbU AbKfet IU bAVb INUtMNIhY ANU «PD-tnAWT-<; Qi.^iifi'iDc: X. /I / Nif " nKEEP HARMLESS THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AGAINST ALL LIABILITIES. JUDGMENTS, COSTS AND *J^XAN ' b^Ui*JTrURE * ^ yr OWNErlM CONTRACTOR U|J o &~\ 1 - ifn igfsg ma ^ a a g1 Si! s»S»^ S§3? _»5 S> 9 | • 3C * S^?"™ J--3S "<8°° 55* S»S o^S^O 5^"^ °|m3 J 5 •* 0)^5 3^5^QZ 3^w><tl So-oO ? —H: if!;: Isif »J|B ! f^p ^?<» ^-| sS§g ? * %°- Illll o|l° §Nz Iois L°»" ?"»3 2?S5<»= ?i3S3 o^3» Jj^>0"S? 1J^; if!! 5»s|*g Isgri :^5 1 E CAREFULLY EXAMINED THE COMPLETED "APPLICATION AND PERMIT'IFY UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY THAT ALL INFORMATION HEREONARATIONS ARE TRUE AND CORRECT AND 1 FURTHER CERTIFY AND AGRED: TO COMPLY WITH ALL CITY. COUNTY AND STATE LAWS GOVERNINSiiis!c -n O Q £>CO ° TJ OOzmz:L •? W rn -<ExpirattcCode shalauthorizedpermit, orabandoneen. Every permit issued by the Buitcexpire by limitation and becomeby such pafmrais not commencecif the building or work author!at any tifie ajter the work is coning Official under thenull and void If theJ within 180 days fromted by such permitimenced for a period>rovtstonsof thisJuilding or workthe date.of suchs suspended ornf iftn riavs. '* AN OSHA PERMIT5' 0" DEEP AND DESTRUCTURES OVEifi SoS FOR EXCAVATIONS OVE1 CONSTRUCTION OfN HEIGHTX TOTAL ELECTRICAL 1 f, s*xf>i —'4 •- — (o cno 33 TOTAL FEES PAYABLE1 ^^^ ^Cv. o 3Jma -I DmT7O05 ? \ "«TEMP OCCUPANCY 130 DAYS)MFF 80-92-57-0519\ O ID r-jO CO LICENSE TAX 01-00-00-8162i\ -H T3 ~D O m O CD C/) •**. 3D EMODEL'ALTER PER CIRCUITon:m ~nrn cn 0o o CO ocn _ X CO -o X -a cn o CO o" OOCD tb roCO 0cn CO m <IST BLDG EA AMP/SWT/BKRROCK STORAGEm o OOCD UDro roro CDcn CO .- X T)STORAGE TANKSo fQ. DD t£ ro 0cn CO \ \i W CONST EA AMP/SWT'BKR / 0£P ft —^\COLLECTORSCnoXoO ~~nmm ncn— <ID O— 1 L_ . |~ 1D 1 hereby allirm that 1 have a certificate of consent Ito self-insure, or a certificate of Workers' iCompensation Insurance, or a cenified copy thereof(Sec. 3800, Labor Code) 1POLICY NO '0 ELECTRICAL PERMIT - ISSUE^OH SOLAR -,C/)c=m 00 oCDm mm % - CD I — O I — — I C/J -nmm COro 0 OCD OOCO C CD ) •>»TOTAL MECHANICAL^ \FIRE SPRINKLERS 01-03-00-8227> 1 \ cn—i3D O cn o— <o COCO CDCn CO f m 0 OO-n O 5m O 3D CD S O0 33 \WATER SOFTNERRELOCATIoTl m Tl <Z o. m Xm -Hm o CD m O m 3DD cn-a for this reason .EACH VACUUM BREAKERMECH EXHAUST - HOOD/DUCTSMOBILEHOME 0cp o-o dororocn *. CONTRACTOR'^^ a - S'D illff|D li||l|sII5a Ililiiflifff- 1 11 1 li! . !]1S 11 "° ^ ^ f 35^-52= =-s;<35<Q"«co c^c>rt°5^2'iT"s """' " / ' ™ ""="""- 9" ?^^a«.-T?9t?-'7 EACH INSTAI... ALTER, REPAIR WATER PIPEV Z— 4 Z CO m O CT 0 MEGHANCD O0 OOro ^I EACH GASSYSTEM5 OR MOREMETAL FIREPLACEmi —mO-H 1 — 0 s CDcp OOro CO ^\ 1 EACH GAS SYSTEM 1 TO 4 OUTLETSI BOILER/COMPRESSOR 3-15 HP—io -0 d CD cn O 8 g OO roho & f V -<EACH WATER HEATER AND/OR VENTt BOILER/COMPRESSOR UPTO 3 HP-ai —>zon:m(D;*; CD S CDOgcscn S ^ (L, ^EACH BUILDING SEWER" 1» 0 m 30 OO "o00 DO — I SIGN PERM— 1 CD S CDCD COroro t v»EACH FIXTURE TRAP•s.J f ^ zC/l c; 33 Z O r: c: c CDCD O0o CD •? \ COcz o 0 rr 33 C3 S Oc: 00roroo 1 -4 I 1 ^PLUMBZ 0 TJm H Cm vl o MECHANICAL PERMIT - ISSUEUi-J SUMMARY/ACCOUNT NUMBER /*) i 1 <f)\CENSUS TRACTGP LAND USE PARKING SPACERES UNITSGRADNG PERMIT ISSUEDYD N DREDEVELOPMENTAREAYD NdTYPECONSTOCC LOAD< I D S z yn 3 £-1 ^^ ^ (\. ^ $-li (tt 1 \ < "" D ^ ZD r 33 m m NOSTORIESOno 9 m ^*. 35yr\5 D•H** *\ V L-u •«. ^1DESCRIPTION OF WORK X~\Tau/uA*rr mftzvJew&Jif iLortif- fofl- Sutfe- C5<[DESIGNER'S ADDRESSfoiSctterMJT /We, 6? 1 -£. t Q* iS~\] DESIGNER'S PHONEHot Valid Unless Machine Certified[OWNER'S MAILING ADDRESSto& Cttezrujr fare, ^uire f&. CMj^BkOft m T^ ^ TJ TS LICENSE '"f # Ntnd OUVONVISP.BUILDING SO. FOOTAGE&/ . $!:•:.-o\ -<-f*- f i §z BLOCKR'S NAMESUBDIVISIONASSESSOR PARCEL£LG>£-tfo-. NO. .^4-' OWNER'S PHONE434-1031Sb ov\ ^ ~ 3> ?q033c °* ty > D ^^ rnift w I I LICENSE NO.1 3-77*79T)r z p CDr~ 8 c mno O'm CONTRACTORfiag^T t.f^I CONTRACTORS Phmf-no-fi4} o -J m N»O Zm ^C] 1 hereby affirm that 1 am licensed under_ provisions of Chapter 9 (commencing withSection 7000) of Division 3 of the Businessand Professions Code, and my license is infull force and Nn ria«[JOB ADDRESS AV. ST.RD. NEAREST CROSS ST.10$ OteST/uJT /we st/KFoa Ro fie*?DATE OF APPLICATIONi-7-sr00c m -^ r ^s M m *">""\ *' ^^*™ onm T n CARLSBAD BUILDING DEPARTMENT APPLICA^fl5S & PEF1 « 1200 Elm, Carlsbad, California 92008-1989 (619) 438-5525 /3E H rCti--^w 1 Mm OB» O —4 m O flo 3Dm 3D O TJ TJ O Z O :ILL IN INFORMATION WITHIN SHADED AREA AND DECLARATIONS.White — Inspector Green — (1) Finance (2) Data Process, Yellow — Assessor Pink — Applicant. Gold — Temporary File f ' ,SPECIAL CONDITIONS/BUILDINGx' % ."' _ > G> CO • -> -? **MECHANICAL- -».ELECTRICAL.,,'• 'PLUMBING, - z 1- 1 CO 03 O rn | 01 CDrnrr t33 O mo /CALL FOR FINAL INSPECTIC^^- ^ 5 ^ >»r~r~N^ ^TJTJ3)OPRIATE.VENTILATING SYSTEMS»*.. "* -*i v ;•• '^ *<k _ - "'..•* > 0.HEAT - AIR COND. SYSTEMS, , f r ',. *.' * n a o PO TJ m 2 D 33m Tl TJ TJ Z 0 •„ •' ^ ' \ l._.MECHANICAL_ c^ ( ^IO - •— _ s^_ 1\V D BONDING D POOL; •> J,-.-*'D ELECTRIC SERVICE D TEMPOF*"-£ 1 •>M1 q *^ X "y-j --f " ',,»ROUGH ELECTRIC*•-" * ••K •Mtk J4 * . "'•)• - .''6 ELECTRIC UNDERGROUND D ITl Tlm 33 >" V "•? 'l, -•'• •V , •M-.••''i ELECTRICALc I •i.*' •1' -~ 1 , • ~rJLQ*M7 ;^ f \ i N < W f !••/Q WATER HEATER D SOLAR WA"-•im 33 _— -x.J \0 ; . • o CO HmCO TJ mcn O cn O Zc.o fr. [ ( ! V>• yv TUB AND SHOWER PANK tv\\ ">V-SV_>sr g r '^ 9 D(^ l* •' o oc n Z CO m a § Hm 31 (jTrr >r -?s ;">; • cr G•Z~z v (V|\! t ^ i,1/i 7?'UNDERGROUND D WASTE D V«5= m 33 •• -•' '•'i^ • ' ' vIr. I If f SEWER AND BL/CO DlPL/CO3] ~TD ^= O y)'w H Dm HI c§PLUMBING'••f•> -n. *^n' O Sm C? 1- oozo m— im INTERIOR LATH & DRYWALL^oCO— ( — im Z 5ZTl D f INSULATION") ~Q D ^ 2|71 mH cn71 cn O , 1J EXTERIOR LATH1" < N O cn< Hm 3]D C o ^o cO -nJJ T] J>(71 l- Oozo mHFRAME^v> *•»» >g>m "•»!. f TC (^z > cz z(J T ^J *SHEATHING D ROOF D SHE"Tl3J •**» S •DID oXI 0 .-• •- i i FLOOR & CEILING SUB FRAME \CO O in n0 TJ z Om ? .•*" i (GUNITE OR GROUT 'z CO-D O H «oz o13m noc m n 0 >> * ^CTJ _ 0^>c n^ C D Hm , *MASONRY ,\ \ ' 31 J ~1 0Dn•)H D D 0 '? >.REINFORCED STEEL 'm Qc 55mO CO TJmO 1—___ zCO Tlm 0H O ZCO zcoTlmo Ou CO zoHm CO FOUNDATION ]~n mr— D CO TlmOH Oz 3)m O X 0 ^BUILDING '.-•• • '" ^ ^i** TJrn D m INSPECTO•33 •• ... _ ^ * " , \\ * t-*' J V rt 2075 LAS PALMAS DRIVE CARLSBAD, CA 92009-4859 dtp of Cartebab DEVELOPMENT PROCESSING SERVICES DIVISION TELEPHONE (619)438-1161 Date: 12-3-86 To: Robert Raman 25011 Calle Arenal El Toro CA 92630 PC# 85-7 Date: 1-7-85 Last Inspection: 2-21-86 PLEASE CALL FOR A FINAL INSPECTION IF WORK DONE BUILDING PERMIT EXPIRATION Our records indicate that your building permit will expire by limitation of time on 12-12-86 , 19 . The provisions of UBC, Section 303(d) state: "(d) Expiration. Every permit issued by the Building Official under the provisions of this code shall expire by limitation and become null and void if the building or work authorized by such permit is not commenced within 180 days from the date of such permit, or if the building or work authorized by such permit is suspended or abandoned at any time after the work is commenced for a period of 180 days. Before such work can be recommenced, a new permit shall be first obtained so to do, and the fee therefor shall be one-half the amount required for a new permit for such work, provided no changes have been made or will be made in the original plans and specifications for such work; and provided further that such suspension or abandonment has not exceeded one (1) year. Any permittee holding an unexpired permit may apply for an extension of the time within which he may commence work under that permit when he is unable to commence work within the time required by* this section for good and satisfactory reasons. The Building Official may extend the time for action by the permittee for a period not exceeding 180 days upon written request by the permittee showing that circumstances beyond the control of the permittee have prevented action from being taken. No permit shall be extended more than once. In order to renew action on a permit after expiration, the permittee shall pay a new full permit fee." Please check below indicating your intentions and return this letter to us. Project abandoned. New permit will be obtained prior to commencing work. Maximum 180-day time extension requested. NOTE: Separate letter for an extension request and reason for such must accompany this form. If you have questions, please contact this department at 438-1161. MARTIN ORENY Building Official 11/86