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1015 CHESTNUT AVE; A2; CO940108; Certificate of Occupancy
Page 1 of CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY BUILDING DEPARTMENT Cert of Occ#: CO940108 Type: CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY Bldg Address: 1015 CHESTNUT AV Parcel Nos 205-190-25-04 Bldg Owners RICHARD DUQUETTE 1015 CHESTNUT AVENUE #A-2 Suite* 619 724-0560 CARLSBAD, CA 92008 Related Bldg Permit* : CB940776 Occupant Name/Phone* : RICHARD DUQUETTE Contact Name/Phone* ; E. DUQUETTE/724-0560 Business Classificationt 2.3 Description of Use: LAW OFFICE I certify that this building or portion .complies with the Uniform Building Code for theigroup and division of occupancy and the use for which the proposed occupancy is classified. The above informatiojj is true and correct, and I make this statement under penalty of perjury. Signature of Building Official j>ate FOR DEPARTMENTAL USE ONLY Date Routed Use Zone Inspected By Inspected By Inspected By COMMENTS . Occupancy Group! 82 <LJ , Date ~T7~ Date Date Contruction TypexvN Approved J±_ Disapproved Approved Disapproved Approved Disapproved CITY OF CARLSBAD 2075 Las Palmas Dr., Carlsbad, CA 92009 (619) 438-1161 Page i oi I CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY BUILDING DEPARTMENT • .'•-•• Cert of Occ# : CO9401Q8 Type": CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY .Bldg Address:__10i5__CHESTMUT_AJL. "Parcel No: 205-190-25-04 ' Bldg Owner: RICHARD DUQUETTE 1015 CHESTNUT AVENUE #A~2 Suite* 619 724-0560 CARLSBAD, CA 92008 Related Bldg Permit* : C8940776 Occupant Name/Phone* : RICHARD DUQUETTE Contact Wame/Phone# ; ft. DMQVETTE/724-0560 Business Classification t 1 . "s Description of Use; LAW OFffCfc ' , - I certify that tfeis building-. or portion complies with the Uniform Building €ocie for the* .group arid 'division of occupancy and the-u.-3© for which the proposed occupancy is classified. . ,Tht above inf-orrftatioa i.» true and- correct, and 1 make this , eta foment under pen-alty of perju'ry. Date,Signature of Buildii^if Official ,,rJ_^.ZTS F o R E i5 A-&-T ME-W.'T. A .r, " u.»> E o » L Y .Date Routed Use Zone Inspected By Inspected By J Inspected By*" Ct;nt ruction Type; VW Approved _.&_.. Disapproved __ __ Approved _ „ Disapproved _ Approved „ _ Disapproved _ ' ' '' CITY OF CARLSBAD 2075 Las Palmas Dr., Carlsbad, CA 92009 (619) 438-1161