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1022 LAGUNA DR; ; CB880245; Permit
.. z 0 ;: .. "' .. J u "' 0 " i[ 0 u .. "' 0 J 5 I "' z ! z 0 ;: .. .. z "' .. ,. 0 u .. ic "' " .. 0 3: ![ & hereby affirm thal I am licensed under provisions of Chapter 9 (Commencmg with Section 7000) ol Division 3 of the Business and Proleaslons Code, and my license 1s m lull force and aflecl hereby a11,rrn Iha! 1 am exempt lroM The Cortrac 1or's L,cense Law for the following reason 1Sec 7031 5 Business and Profess,ons Code Any c,ty or cou~ty whru, re quires a permit lo conslrucl aI1e, ,rnorove demoI1sh or ,epa1r any structure or.or 10 ,ts issuance also requ1<es •~e ap pI,cant lor such oerm,t to 111e a sI~ned statement thar he rs 11censeo pursuant to the prov,srons of !he Lon1rac10r; L,cense Law !Chapter 9 commenc,ng wrth Sert,on 7000 of o,v,s,on 3 ol lhe Business and Proles,,ors Code, or Thal 1s e): empt therelrorn and the bas,s 1or the a11egeo e,ernphon Anv ,,olat,on of Sechon 7031 5 by an app-,canl 10, a permit sub 1ects the apo11canl lo a c,vrl penally or not more t~dn lr,e hun dred dollars ($500) 1 as owner ol the properly or my emplo1·ees w·t" wages as their sole compensation will do lhe work and t~e struc ·ure ,snot intended or oHered for sa•e ,:Sec 7()44. Business and Pro1ess,ons Code The Contractor> l ·cense Law dc>es not apply to an owner ot property who ourlds or ,rnoroves 1nereon and who does such work h1rnse1f o, throuqn n1s own emp1oyees provided lhal such ,rnprovemenls are nol ,~tend ed or oflered for sale It however the bu1ld1ng or improve menT ,s sold wrth,n one yeM o1 cornplet,on the owner-Dul'der will h.ive lhe burden ol prov,ng lhal he drd nol tiurld or ,rn prove lor the pu'pose or s.i1e1 I as owner or !he properly, am exclusively con1,aci1ng w,tn licenseCI contractors la construct the pro1ect (Sec 7044 Business and Pro1ess,ons Code The Cont,aclo,·s License Law does nol aoply 10 an owner 01 O'Operly who Durlds or 1m oroves !hereon and who con1racts for each pro1ec1s w,th a contractor(sl license pursuan1 to lhe Convaclor I License Law1 As a homeowner I am 1rnprov,n9 my home. ancl the lol•ow ,ng condrtrons ernl 1 The work rs Oe1ng performed prior 10 s.ire 2 1 have lived ,n my home lor twelve mon:hs prior to cumplehon ol !hrs work I have not claimed lhrs exemption during tne rast three years !or 11h~: ,:_:~it under Sec _____ _ B & PC I neretJy atf,i--n 1ha1 I have a cert,t.cate ol conseM to selt-rnsure or a cerlrf1ca1e ot Worse rs Compensation In surarce or a cer1,f1ed COP)' thereof ,Sec 3800 Labor Coder POLICY f..0 COMPANY Copy s !,led w1lh the city Cer11t1ed copy 1s he·eDy fur~,shed CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION FROM WORKERS' COMPENSATION INSURANCE iTh1s section need not tie completed ,f the permit 1s for one hundred dollars 1$100) or IE"ss1 _ I certify that 1n the perlorma~ce of lhe work for wn1ch thrs perrnrl 1s ,ssued I shall not employ any person 1n any manner so as lo become sut>1ect to 1he Worke•s Com pen sat1on Laws o! Cahlorn1a NOTICE TO APPLICANT If, after making this Certd,cate of Exemption you should become sub1ec110 the Workers Compensation provisions of tne Labor Code you must torthw11n comply with such provisions or th,s permr1 shall be deemed revoked I hereby a1trrm that there rs a cons1ructron lending agency to, 1he performance of tne work for wn1c~ this oer mrt rs ,ssued (Sec 3097. c,v1I Code) Lender's Name LenCler s Address USE BALL POINT PEN ONLY & PRESS HARD APPLICANT TO FILL IN INFORMATION WITHIN SHADED AREA AND DECLARATIONS. CARLSBAD BUILDING DEPARTMENT APPLICATION & PERMIT 2075 Las Palmas Dr., Carlsbad, CA 92009-1915 (619) 438-1161 JOB ADDRESS AV. ST.RO THOMAS BROS NO, DATE OF APPLICATION BUSINESS LICENSE# VALUATION PERMIT NUMBER inn I Ar.ll~IA nRIVI= 3-e-t"'8 4700 COT I BLOCK l SUBDIVISION l ASSESSOR PARCEL NO. CONTRACTOR CONTRACTORS PHONE 11 ZONE CB88024 5 155-272-13 MISSION OWNfR'S NAME I OWNER'S PHONE VALLEY POOLS 695-2007 .<""\ MARINA DEVELOPMENT CONTRACTOR'S ADDRESS STATE LICENSE NO. -~"V.,, BUILDING SQ. FOOTAGE 281-7191 OWNER'S MAILING ADDRESS 8840 C MIRAMAR ROAD 409386 PO Box 2818, Chula Vista, CA DESIGNER DESIGNER'S PHONE ~ r ~ea") ,,,-Q_#.,. 92012 DESCR1PT•ON OF WORK '\) <:::,~ ~ ~i...-, 88 so. FT. GUN I TE SPA DESIGNER'S ADDRESS STATE LICENSE NO. ..> :,~,-(.Jt-1:c-..,<$--'- ' ' F LR ELEV NO OCC GP EDU .. ~~(j STORIES 0 ~· ,[_J "-0 :-,;J, .,,\; (i> ' .::.~;• I CENSUS TRACT I PAPK:ING SPACE: RES UNITS I GRADING PERMIT ISSUED I REDEVELOPMENT TYPE OCC LOAD FIRE SPF> (\/\·jo 63t''o·-, _r,e ,~'.~ · -·--.• • AREA CONST ,,v:-,ir;-r ;a,,/un~~-Ahchine Ce~"i/,;~ -,. ,□ ' D ,□ -...c YO r-..0 QTY PLUMBING PERMIT· ISSUE ,t50 QTY MECHANICAL PERMIT· ISSUE ;5o0 SUMMARY/ACCOUNT NUMBER EACH FIXTURE TRAP INSTAL I FURN DUCTS iJP TO 100 000 BTU uu1,_LIN<.1 f-'tRrv,11 UU 1 -i:1 ~ U·UV ·IJO-il2 CO 'l .7. - EACH 8UILUING SEWER OVER 100000BTU SIGN PERM IT 001-810·00-00 s22~ I EACH WATER HEATER ANU OR VENT , '5,, BOILER-COMPRESSOR UP TO 3 HP PLAN CHECK 001·810-00-00-8891 47- I EACHGASSYSlEMl !U40UTLETS -·""' BOILER COMPRESSOR 3 J'j HP TOTAL PLUMBING oo; •810·00·00·8222 ,~- EACH GAS SYSTEM ':i OR MOR[ METAL FIREPLACE ELECTR:CAl GO 1 -8 • C ·OG·00·82 23 '1C) - EACH INST AL Al TER, REPAIR WATER PIPE VENT FAN SINGLE DUCT MECHANICAL 001-810·00·00·8224 I EACH VACUUM BREAKER .:2--MECH EXHAUST HOOD DUCTS MOBILEHOME 001-810·0G 00·8225 WATER SOFTNER RELOCATION OF EA FURNACE.HEATER SOLAR 001 ·3 1 O· :JO· :J0·8226 fA('>--1 Rnr;F IP:11fJ il'JSli,-~. DRYER VENT STRONG MOTION 880·519·92·33 ,- TOTi.,L MECHANICAL FIRE SPRl~Ji<LERS 00 I ·8 1 O· :JO· C,0·8227 T()lAl Pl(JMHINL I It;;. ~ PUBLIC FACILITIES ~E~ 320 ·S 1 0·00·00·87--10 KoO BRIDGE FEE 360-810·00·00·8740 QTY ELECTRICAL PERMIT· ISSUE QTY MOBILE. 'Jt.., ":c-. / -I PARK·IN·LIEU 1AREA NfWCOr-.ST EAAMPSWl lJKR CAR PORT /,.;_:.· • ... ~....., TIF 312·810-00-00-8835 I PH I PH AWNING , ... -~;,.~ -..., LA COSTA TIF 311·810·00·00-8835 EXISI ti LUG EA AMP SWT 6KR GARAGE 1,;,.• 1110 1Ml0 .. FMF I PH J PH ,.: "'" C LICENSE TAX 0~ 1 ·S 1 O·C1:J·C10·S 1 E2 ::l, RU,10DEL AlTtR PER CIRCUIT J.5 oO Im ,..,TV rk~'-i'~: !;~:~~ MFF 380·519·92·5? TE'\·1P PULE 200 A r,,,p\ \";n CITY Of CC,ii .. i< · . ,., __ . -"' - OVER 200 AMPS ,._.. ,..,.C.-'-"'• O,' j ft MP lJLCUPANCY 30 DAYSI . ~A. .... / . --.......~ v'1/" CREDIT DEPOSIT <::i-. -/ 1'fl1Al fltUfl1l:A1 I ,2.D .OD TO-Ai TOTAL FEES PAYABLE I /~O QO I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED THE COMPLETED ··APPLICATION ANO PERM Ir AND DO HEREBY Expiration Every permit issued by the Burldmg Ott1c,al under the provisions oflh1S * AN OSHA PERllrt:T IS AEOUIREO FOR EXCAVATIONS OVEA CERTIFY UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY THAT ALL INFORMATION HEREON INCLUDING THE Code shall expire by lim1tat1on and become null and void If the budding or work 5· O" DEEP ANO DEMOt..rTION 0A CONSTAUCTION OF DECLARATIONS ARE TRUE ANO CORRECT ANO l FURTHER CERTIFY ANO AGREE 1F A PERMIT 15 authorized by such permit 1s nol commenced w1th1n 180days from the date of such STAUCT\.IAES OVER 3 STORtES IN HEIGHT permit. or 1f the boitdi~ or work authorized by such permit 1s suspended or ISSUED· TO COMPLY WlTH ALL CITY. COUNlY ANO STATE LAWS GOVERNING BUILDING CON• abanctoned at anv time a tar the work 1s commenced for a oEmod ot 180 davs STRUCTION. WHETHER SPECIFIED HEREIN OR NOT I ALSO AGREE TO SAVE INDEMNIFY AND APPLICANT'S SIGNAT •",b OWNER □ CONTRACTOR"it.. 7. ROVED BY If!, 1°;/4./r~ KEEP HARMLESS THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AGAINST ALL LIABILITIES, JUDGMENTS. COSTS ANO EXPENSES WHICH MAY IN ANY WAY ACCRUE AGAINST SAID CITY IN CONSEQUENCE OF THE /(L .i r .I-'/,;n fh f.0 B ' /,1 BY PHONE IJ GRANTING OF THIS PERMIT 1. 'V' ,!' LL ~ ;;; 0 0. E © f- "O 0 CJ c rn u 0. 0. " ~ C 0: 0 w w © w w " 3 0 © >- © u C rn C LL ,:_ C © ~ CJ § u © 0. w C © " s: TYPE DATE INSPECTOR BUILDING ~ i1i 8 0 d-~.:::, FOUNDATION IA . /l ~ FIELD INSPECTION RECORD REINFORCED STEEL ,.ff("'. 9V' r -1,J -.. ·REQUIRED SPECIAL INSPECTIONS INSPECTOR'S NOTES MASONRY GUNITE OR GROUT INSPECTION REQ IF INSPECTO_~ 3~~"~ .. . CHECKED APPR.O'{A~~ SUB FRAME □ FLOOR □ CEILING SHEATHING □ ROOF □ SHEAR FRAME EXTERIOR LATH SOILS COMP~IANCE ;~r-re-: . I . I r,/ ,..., PRIOR TO ;, 0r ~ .fJ { {,,.,{j ·--v(~ FOUNDATION INSP I;.-~ ! -1,J :,. .. STRUCTURAL CONCRETE i-i <;, (/\•/'.__..,le(/ , A • OVER 2000 PSI , INSULATION INTERIOR LATH & DRYWALL PRESTRESSED ,~~ . . l'>-' ' CONCRETE ,.":' POST TENSIONED ,~"\, V :. CONCRETE .,-,_) PLUMBING FIELD WELDING ··"-Z:::., ""~ t '~::.,-,-·-' □ SEWER AND BUCO □ PL/CO UNDERGROUND □ WASTE □ WATER r<IGH STRENGTH BOLTS TOP OUT □ WASTE □ WATER SPECIAL MASONRY . TUB AND SHOWER PAN GAS TEST PILES CAISSONS D WATER HEATER D SOLAR WATER . ·--. ELECTRICAL □ ELECTRIC UNDERGROUND □ UFFER . ROUGH ELECTRIC □ ELECTRIC SERVICE □ TEMPORARY /I . 17 BONDING n POOL 1t.(O. ll'I .,,," . • . MECHANICAL □ DUCT & PLEM., □ REF. PIPING HEAT -AIR COND. SYSTEMS . . VENTILATING SYSTEMS . . CALL FOR FINAL INSPECTION WHEN ALL APPROPRIATE ITEMS ABOVE HAVE BEEN APPROVED FINAL PLUMBING - ELECTRICAL ,::-- MECHANICAL .. t~ GAS \ -'" BUILDING -; \" "-.\ SPECIAL CONDITIONS . ~ J. WILLIAM COX. M.O., Ph.D DIRECTOR (819) 238-2237 <llnunf~ nf ~an ~iegn DEPARTMENT OF HEAL TH SERVICES 1700 PACIFIC HIGHWAY. SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 92101-2417 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SERVICES (619) 565-5173 DATE 2-23-88- TO: Local Building Officials FROM: Dept. of Health Services Environmental Commercial Pool Plan Check 5201 Ruffin Rd., Ste. C-0564 San Diego, CA 92123 (County Mail Station -0564) RE: NOTICE OF COMMERCIAL POOL COMPLETION PROJECT: Address of Pool: 1022 Laguna Dr. Carlsbad, CA 92008 Owner Name: Marina Development Inc. Owner Address: P.O. Box 218 Chula Vista , CA 92008 Number of Pools: 1 Health Service PC#: 39300 Health Service Referral Date: Contractor: Mission Va 11 el Pool The electrical service for _____ swimming pools and related equipment has been approved; the work completed and electric meter released. BUILDING INSPECTOR _____________ _ Completion Date ______ _ The Department of Health Services desires to maintain a written record of commercial pools that the building department approved prior to issuing our Health Permit. Please complete the above information and mail to the department of Hea 1th Services as soon after final approval as possible. The completion notice may also be placed in the Health Department message box located in many of the Building Department offices. If you have any questions, please call our plan check office at 565-5173. NOTE: This form replaces the 3 x 5 card form DHS:HP (3/82) DHS:EHS-377 (11/87)