HomeMy WebLinkAbout1024 KNOWLES AVE; ; CB880250; Permit"' z 0 ;:: .. C .. ~ () .. 0 " il 8 C .. 0 ~ 3 ~ .. z ~ " z 0 ~ z .. .. " 0 0 "' ir .. " C 0 3 11 O I hereby affirm that I am licensed under provlaion1 ol Chapter 9 (commencing with S.Ctton 7000) ol Division 3 ol the Business and Professions Code, and my license is in lull force and etlect Mereby afhrm lhat I am exempt from The Cortroc 1o<s Locense Law 10, the lollowmg reason !Sec 7031 ) Bus,ness and P,o1ess,ons Code Any c,ty or co~nty wn,cr, re qu,res a penml 10 construct. al1er. ,mprove dernoi1sn. or repa,r any structure pr,o, lo ,Is issuance a·so 1equ,res :neap plIcant tor sue~ perm,r to file a s,qned slatemenl that he ,s I,censed pursuant lo the prov,s,ons of lhe Lonrracwr s L,canse Law ,:Chapter 9 commenc,ng with Ser.Mn 7000 ot Div,s,on 3 o1 lhe Business ana Profess,ons Code, or that ,sex e,,,0I t~ere1ror,i and the bas,s for the alleged exempr,on ~ny v,olahon 01 Section 7031 S by an applIcanl tor a perm,, au~ Iects Ine appI,cant lo a c,vII oenalry 01 not more lhan five h,J~ dred OOl•ars 1$SOOI I as owner ol the property_ or my employees wIlh wages as their sole compensatoon will do the worK and the siruc '•Jre ,s nor intended or offered 1or sale 1sec 7044. Business and Pro•ess,ons Code The ConIractor s License Law does ~ot ap~ly IO an owner o1 property who builds or ,mproves inereon and who does sucn work hunselt or through h,s own employees. provided that such ,mprnvemenIs are nol Inlend ed or offered Im sate 11 however lhe bu1ldmg or ,mprove- ment ,s sold w1Ih,n one year of completmn, the owner-burlder w,II nave the burden of prov,nq that he did nol build o, ,m prove 1or the purpose 01 saleI 1 as owner of lhe pro~erty, am exclusively rnntracting with licensed contracrors 10 construct lhe proIer.t lSec 7044 Bu51ness and Professmns Code The Con1<ac!or s License Law does not apply 10 an owner ot properly who builds or ,m proves !hereon and who contracts for each proIecls with .i contractor(s) I,cense pursuant 10 me Cortraclor·s License Law) As a homeowner I am ,mprov,ng my home. and the tollow ,ng cond1I,ons exist 1 The work ,s berng perlormed pnor to sale 2 I have lived ,n my home lor twelve months pr,or to completion of lh,s work I have no1 cla,meCI This cxcmpt,on during the last three years I amexempl under Sec _____ _ B&PC !or th,s reason ____________ _ __ I nereby att"m I hat I have a cert,!Lca1e of consent to se"-1nsure o, a cert,f,cate ot WorKers Compensat,on In s~rance or a ceri,f,ed copy thereol ,sec 3800 Labor Code, POLICY NO COMPANY Copy ,s filed w.tn the c,ty Ce!lif,eo copy ,s hf'reby furnished CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION FROM WORKERS COMPENSATION INSURANCE 1Th1s section need not be completed ,f the perm,I ,s for one hundred dolla,s ($100! or IE'SS! I certify tha1 ,n the performance o' the worl< lor wh,cl" tn,s per"1It rs ,ssued. I shal• not employ any person ,n any manner so as to become subiect to tne Worke<s Com pen saI,on Laws o• CaI,rorn1a "IOTICE TO APPLICANT I! afler making this Cert1t1cate ol E,emp1,on you should become subIect to 1ne Workers Compensation prov,s,ons o! the Labor Code. you must forlhw1lh comply with such prov,s,ons or th•s perm,t shall be deemed revoked I hereby aft.rm that there Is a constructwn lend,ng agency for the performance o11he work for w~1ch t~,s per m,t Is issued !Sec 3097 c,v,I Codei Lenders Nar-1e Lenders Address USE BALL POINT PEN ONLY & PRESS HARD APPLICANT TO FILL IN INFORMATION WITHIN SHADED AREA AND DECLARATIONS CARLSBAD BUILDING DEPARTMENT 2075 Las Palmas Dr., Carlsbad, CA 92009-1915 (619) 438-1161 APPLICATION & PERMIT "73,i'54 K~ 01.u LE. s ~T.RD. THOMAS BROS NO. DATE OF APPLICATION Z.-1-.5-'is COT Bi,.OCK J sVeolJ-ns10N ~,.7 A.SSES~R PARCEL N.Q ~ -I !S'S ,.;,.s I '-j 'Z 'Cl v CONTRACTOR ~m::t.:;e L ~.YEA,-i llf 7:,lr:';i,°t' If I/viva-.. CONTRACTOR'S ADDRESS O\A'NER"S.MAILING Af..7-ss c-; r,102.-<.{ ~f-..lc:>~t.es AvE DESIGNER ~'t"~ft'&;~\S+~c.:. -E i,...E:c:..fv-1 c..fQ\~ OEStGNf-R'S ADDRESS Jl)7)A.itt; ~. -:/200 -- FP FLRELEV QTY. QTY. ' I CENSUS TRACT PAFIK,NG SPAC~ PLUMBING PERMIT ISSUE EACH FIXTURf TRAP E.ACH t\UILOING SEWER EACH WATER HEATER Ar-.□ OR VE:Nl EACH GAS SYSTEM 1 T04 OUTLETS EACH GAS SYS HM~ OR MORE EACH INST AL ALTER. REPAIR WAI ER PIPE EACH VACUUM BREAKER WATER SOF INER ~A.CH RJCF [)R,'.\l'J ,l'JC.:IDi, TUI Al PllJMl:llNC I ELECTRICAL PERMIT -ISSUE NEW CONST EA AMP SW! 8KR RES UI\IITS 1 7.50 5.00 J9 YD ,c, GAADINGPE~~UED I REDEVELOPMENT -~ ARC~ 1-,• ,Q.._, □ ~~ -~ -'-~ -□ QH](;_,,-MEffi,?N1--•~~IT -ISSUE 4. lY , ..... , ~c..., ~r :r1Ns T!-i~ Fl.JRN_ .. 'h,Q, To ,00.000 BTU ""'"I .. V <L'v OVER 100 000 BTU BOILER coiei"°' SUR uP rn J HP 801LE6: SSOR 3 l"i HP Mf' ,~;'l'1)',iCE VENT ~SINGLE DUCT MEC~-XHAUST HOOD DUCTS RELOCATION OF EA FURNACE HEATER DRYER VENT TQT,4.L MECHANICAL QTY MOB I;>;_,,- CAR PORT Ln'J,,' l~ • 1 I 'PH PH I II I AWNING 11· -a,\ I fX1STIHDGf:.AAMPSV,'lf:lKRGARAGE / /.-,:\ ·•q I e ; -I I PH l PH I II I II,;: ./., ~ REMODEL Al TtR PER c RIUIT I 1~ II I I~ , TE MP P[ll [ JOU AMPS --. ~ OVER }(JU AMPS \<'_ • ..:.1 l £MP OCCUPANCY ,30 [JAYS! ~ 5,_'T>_l ~l Ot t; R L 9 </i / lilTAI tlfLlRIUd I ~n-lDTAl NO STORIES TYPE CONST 15.00 BUSINESS LICENSE# VALUATION PERMIT NUMBER CONTRACTORS PHONE 11 ZONE ~~()')..it) STATE LICENSE NO. BUILDING SO FOOTAGE DESIGNER'S PHONE STATE "-LICENSE-Nd. ,.:\.·.,... ,.:.:• ,_.: _ _-. OCC GP EDU DCC LOAD I FIRE SPF> vD ",O Not Vahd Unle!s Machine Cert1f1ed SUMMARY/ACCOUNT NUMBER !:WILDING PERMIT SIGN PERM!T PLAN CHECK TOTAL PLUMBING ELECTRICAL MECHANICAL MOBILEHOME SOLAR STRONG MOTIOll. FIRE SPRINt\LERS PUBLIC FACILITIES FEE BRIDGE FEE PARK-IN-LIEU !AREA ,, f CREDIT DEPOSIT 001-810-00-0D-8220 001-810-00-00-822' 001-810·00-00-8891 00 ·, -81 0-00-00-8222 001-81 0-00-00-8223 001-8 i 0-00-00-82 24 001-8' 0 -DO -00-8225 001 ·81 0-00-00-8226 880-519-92·33 001 -81 O-Q0-00-8227 320-8' 0-00-00-87 40 360-810·00·00-87 40 312-81 0·00-00-8835 00 · -S' >C11J-20-8' fi2 880-519·92-57 TOTAL FEES PAYABLE l c'...((') ---- 30- I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED THE COMPLETED .. APPLICATION ANO PERMIT"" AND DO HEREBY EJtpiration. Every permrt IS9Uedbythe8u1ldingOlflc1alunderthe prov1s1onsoltt11s CERTIFY UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY THAT ALL INFORMATION HEREON INCLUDING THE Code shall expire by Hm_1tat10n and become nut1 and vo•d tf lhe burldmg 01 work * AN OSHA PEAMll 1$ AEOU1RED FOR EXCAVATIONS OVER 5· 0 .. DEEP ANO DEMOLITION OR CONSTRUCTION OF STRUCTURES OVER 3 STOAtES IN HUGHT DECLARATIONS ARE TRUE ANO CORRECT AND I FURTHER CERTIFY AND AGREE IF A PERMIT tt> aul~~;iz~~ ?y such ~mt! i9 not commenced within 180days from the date of such l !$SUED: TO.COMPLY WITH ALL CITY. COUNlY ANO STATE lAWS GOVERNING BUILDING CON-=■nd0ned ~-'=~ ~~,:1~x w \:~thori:.~ by J~th permit is suspended or STRUCTION. WHETHER SPECIFIED HEREIN OR NOT 1 ALSO AGREE TO SAVE INDEMNIFY ANO '-'':::"::c:':":c:-!,!(.!!!!!!c!!!!ff' .',~:O,,,~s_,o~0!!!!~90!!!!'~•'2.,!~0C'!'.l!!~.:JotfJl~80!lJ~•!X!---,~ ..... ,-,----------------..;,-----~ KEEP HARMLESS THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AGAINST ALL LIABIUTIES. JUDGMENTS. COSTS ANO 17PCPP l N,Tr;S GNATUR ACTOR O APPROVED BY DATE/ 4: EXPENSES WHICH MAY IN ANY WAY ACCRUE AGAINST SAID CITY IN CONSEQUENCE OF THE >I, ... .-----<""i7/ rfil GRANTING OF THIS PERMIT 1 0 ~ BY PHONE _{J______::J_ I ). J--l> 0 ' T7 ' I ' ~ ii: c ~ 0 0, E w >-- I D 0 ('.) ;= m u 0, 0, <: I ~ C CL 0 ~ w w w w <: I ~ 2 © >- w u C m C "- C w ~ "' 0 u w 0, w C w ~ ,; BUILDING : DATE --CB%~O.?Si) TYPE DATE INSPECTOR FOUNDATION I FIELD INSPECTION RECORD l---------------------~-------------------------------1 REINFORCED STEEL I REQUIRED SPECIAL INSPECTIONS INSPECTOR'S NOTES MASONRY : REO IF INSPECTOR s '====~======~---=--=====-=--=I GUNITE OR GROUT I INSPECTION CHECKED APPR-._e)_A_TE SUB FRAME □ FLOOR □ CEILING SOILSCOMPCIANCE "4\' -c.:" .. SHEATHING □ ROOF □ St4EAR PRIOR TO .:}· --, FOUNDATION INSP ~s. FRAME I ----+------1,~~'-----+-----I !-------------------------------+ STRUCTURAL CONCRETE /j,U EXTERIOR LATH I OVER 2000 PSI Hi• INSULATION : PRESTRESSED 1ft :-_;' 1--:;C:::_ON;:C:'.'R;E_"TE',-. ==---+-----\1 v.:..,_ ___ +---li'''clf-' ---------------------------1 INTERIOR LATH & DRYWALL I PosT TENs10Nrn r.... . ' 1 CONCRETE , ... .,. ~: /f------------------------------J PLUMBING I FIELD WELDING "'(~'::> -. I ,,;:-: □ SEWER AND BL/CO [J Pl/CO HIGH STRENGTH -, _,_ -, ! BOL is UNDERGROUND □ WASTE □ 1 WATER i--=-=-c__-----+-----+-----+--- 'iOP OUT D WASTE □ WATER f-sF_E_c_iA_L_M_A_so_N_R_v __ +-----+------+---~ TUB AND SHOWER PAN 1 GAS TEST I PILES CAISSON,':: □ WATER HEATER □ SOLAR WATER f--------+-----~--------'---- 1 f---------~------11----------1--- ELECTRICAL : D ELECTRIC UNDERGROUND □ UFFER ROUGH ELECTRIC 1 □ ELECTRIC SERVICE □ TEMPORARY □ BONDING □ POOL ~ , ----l--------' l-----------------------------, ' MECHANICAL I · □ DUCT & PLEM., □ REF. PIPING HEAT -AIR COND. SYSTEMS , • VENTILATING SYSTEMS 1 I . CALL FOR FINAL INSPECTION WHEN ALL APPROPRIATE ITEMS ABOVE HAVE BEEN APPROVED. - FINAL I PLUMBING I f7 I// K-~------+---+----+-------, ELECTRICAL I \11/TJJ' 1 h 1 7 MECHANICAL ' ,.JJ 4," I .II l,L--------+---f-----+----, !--------------------------- ,. ' I, GAS , 'II , l', / I r. .v. f---------+-----+-----+-----, 1-~__:_ _________________________ _ BUILDING ~ , l 1 ..V / SPECIAL CONDITIONS ' r / , II