HomeMy WebLinkAbout1030 MAGNOLIA AVE; ; 83-490; Permit.. z 0 : ~ :.l 0 "' .. 0 -' 5 ~ .. z ~ z 0 ~ z .. .. "' 8 .. i< .. "' "' 0 3: il L•c No ____ _ Cl a 1, I hereby a!hrm that I am exempl from the Contrac tor's License Law for the lollow,~g reason (Sec 7031 S Business and Pro1ess,ons Code /;ny oty or i;ounty wh,c~ re ou,res a perm,i to construo. alter improve demol,sh, or repa,r any struc1ure. prior lo its issuance aIso requires the ap- plicant for such permit to file a s,qned statement that he ,s I,censed pursuant \o \he provIs1ons of the contractor's License law ',Chapter 9 commenc,ng w,th Secl,on 7000 of DIvIsIon 3 o1 the Bus,ness and Professoons Godel or \ha\ Is ex- empt therelrom and the l>as1s tor the allegeo exempt,on My v,ola1,on of Section 7031.5 by an appl1can1 tor a perm,1 sub- 1ects the applicant to a c1v1I penally ol not more than live hun- dred dollars 1$500) r. I. as owner ot the property, or my employees w1\h Wdges as their sole compensation. will do the work. and the struc-1ure Is not 1n1ended or of1ered for sale ISec 7044, Bus,ness and Protess1ons Code The Contractor's License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon and who does such work himself or through his own employees, provided that such improvements are not mtend· ed or _ottered for sale_ 11. however. the building or ,mprove· men\ Is sold w1\h1n one year ol complehon. the owner-builder will hav~burden o! proving thal he did no\ build or im-prove 1 purpose of saleJ n~ of 1he property_ am exclusively contracting with I e contractors to construct the proIect (Sec 7044 Bus1n s d Professions Code The Con!ractor·s License Law does not apply to an owner Ill property who builds or im- proves thereon, and who contracts for each proiects with a contractor(s) license pursuant to \he Contractor·s license Law) 0 As a homeowner I am improving my llome. and the follow-ing cond1\1ons exist 1 The work_ is being per1ormed prior to sale 2 I _have lived m my home for twelve months prior to comp.1etIon of this work I have not claimed \his exemption during me last three years. D I am exempl under Sec ______ , 8 & P C !or this reason ____________ _ D I hereby amrm that 1 ha-.,e a cer11!,cate ot cor,sen1 to self-,nsure. or a cert1!1cate of Workers Compensa1mn Insurance. or a cer1,!1ed copy !hereof !Sec 3800. Labor Code) POLICY NO COMPANY 0 Copy IS fried w,th Ille c,1y 0 cer11hed copy ,s hereby furnished CERTIFICATE. OF EXE:.MPTION FROM WORKERS-COMPENSATION INSURANCE (T!i,s sec11on nee<! no1 be completed ol the perm,I 1s tor one hundred dollars i$1001 '·" less1 0 l cer1,!y that on 1he performance of the wori. to, wh,ch th,s permit ,s ,ssued. I shall no1 employ any person on any manner so as lo become sub1ecI to 1he Workers· Compensat,on Laws ot Cal,1orn,a NOTICE TO APPLICANT +!. alter mak,n'J th,s Cer1, t1cate o! Exemption you should t,ecome ~ub1ect 10 the Workers· Gomper,sat1on prov,sIons o! !he Labor Code. you must !or1h,.,,th comply ,,nth such provIs,ons o, this permI1 shall bf' deemed revoked 0 I hereby af!,rm 1ha1 there ,s a (()(1Slruct,0r• lenQ,r,g a<Jericy to• 1he penorrn;mce u• 'hP "'0r1< 'Qr wh,ch 1h,s perm,t ,s issued ISer JO'l? (,,,,r Code, l ende• s N3me ___________ _ LPn<:Je, s 11.dd,ess __________ _ USE BALL POINT PEN ON_L Y & PRESS HARD APPLICANT TO FILL IN INFORMATION WITHIN SHADED AREA ANU U~UANAI IVl'la>. CARLSBAD BUILDING DEPARTMENT APPLICATION & PERMIT 1200 Elm, Carlsbad, California 92008-1989 (619) 438-55~ JOB ADDRESS AV. ST~RD. NEAREsrCROSS ST. DATE OF APPLICATION l!•'o--~ PLUMBING PERMIT -ISSUE CONTRACTOR CONi"AACTO~~A 'Z: r"'"' _,,_, "'t D~rGNIE.R'S,.,!\;QOBess QTY. y O N 0 F/P FLR ELEV. vO NO REDEVELOPMENT AREA YD NO MECHANICAL PERMIT -ISSUE EACH FIXTURE TRAP I / ,I'/ .'-,,t}~ ) INSTALL FURN. DUCTS UP TD 100,000 BTU EACH BUILDING SEWER I I v-,_, ~ I OVER 100 000 BTU EACH WATER HEATER AND/OR VENT / BOILER/COMPRESSOR UPTO 3 HP' NO STORIES TYPE CONST .3-oo BUSINESS LICENSE # VALUATION PERMIT NUMBER CONTRACTORS f>HONE # I ZONE Bo~O LICENSE NO. LICENSE# .,,oes1G-NE,R-s PHON£- OCC GP EDU OCCLOAD I FIAESPR vO NO PLAN 1.0. # BLOG use CODE ~-A-DD, STANDARD PLAN# ~i $;FOOTAGE ri t;I \; l 1 1Gl4\·, G·•..:iQ-~~: Ja:, ... -l Not Valid Unless M;,chine Cert, lied SUMMARY/ACCOUNT NUMBER BUILDING PERMIT 01·00-00-8220 SIGN PERMIT 01-00-00-8221 PLAN CHECK 01-00-00-8806 TnTdl DI IIUQING EACH GAS SYSTEM 1 TO 4 OUTLETS 801LER/COMPRESSOR 3-15 HP I . I ,v,nL, Lum.JI I' 01-00·00-8222 -----~ -------- EACH GAS SYSTEM 5 OR MORE METAL FIREPLACE ELECTRICAL 01-00-00-8223 EACH INSTAI,.. ALTER. REPAIR WATER PIPE VENT FAN SINGLE DUCT _1-._. --MECHANICAL 01-00-00-8224 EACH VACUUM BREAKER MECH EXHAUST HOOOiOUCTS MOB\LEHOME 01-00-00-8225 WATER SOFTNER I H I RELOCATION Of EA FURNACE1HEATEA MDBILEHOME PARK INSP I I EACH ROOF DRAIN (INSIDE) I ~ / I I SOLAR _ ---~0-UU-Mllb I ~ =7 TOT k L MECHANICAL I STRONG MOTIQ!!_ ~!!2-33-0519 ' J 'c, TOT AL Pl UMBINL --- QTY. ELECTRICAL PERMIT -ISSUE NEW CONST EA AMP.'SWT eKR IPH J PH EXIST BLOG EA AMP1SWT 'BKR I PH 3 PH REMODEL ALHR PER CIRCUIT TEMP POLE ?00 AMPS □VER 200 AMPS TEMP OCCUPANCY !30 DAYSI TflTAL ELECTRICAL 1 ~HAve ~~Fuu. v ExA~ttiEo THE (;OMP: ,,Cl;ffi"tf'Y,,~ J:'ERALt;(J)F PERJUA'i DEQl,ARAn'fNS-A~.-TFIUE AND CORREO ,~S'SlJEQ: lQ COMP!.Y Wl'TH A.U, .crr;y ~ STRtJCTl@llt, Wf-lETHER SP!.CtFfEO HE KEEP H4RftLESS'if.H6 CIU/ ,OF .CARLiS&AO 1£:r(pENSf;S Wl'tlpi'.1.MAY tN ANY W)!r __ AQ· ~N-TlffG OF THIS PER~ ,. ' • ;, 0~1) c) QTY. [ SOLAR -ISSUE COLLECTORS STORAGE TANKS ROCK STORAGE PUMP -PLAN CHECK FEE ---TOTAL SOl AR FIRE SPRINKLERS 01-00-00-8227 PUBLIC FACILITIES FEE ~2-0Q:_Q0-89}_3 BRIDGE FEE SCHOOL FEE · DISTRICT Carlsbad 80-92· 21-0519 Encinitas 80-92-22·0519 ~an Di~uito 80-92-23·0519 San Marcos 80-92-24-0519 LICENSE TAX 01-00-00-8162 CREDIT DEPOSIT TOTAL FEES PAYABLE , ,· ,,-;-" , -.---,, ' ,,, ,, "'" ',, ··~:.,,...--,-;----,;-~ --.. -.'f.Alt~.lS~El<IM'l!A,-Q'<E!' >' O" ....... >N!'l>PiDl!TI(lf,i QII CONS~ '" STNC11.IMS OVER 3 SlOAIESW HEIGHT av ~··□ ~~ DATE l\,Z,483 w "- >, ;;; 0 o_ ~E w f- l " 0 "' C ~ 0 o_ :t~ f ~ C a: 0 w w w w w <t ~ g a; >- '" w w 0 0 ,i: ~ ;;; 0 ~ w 0 C ~ C u: s C w w <:i 0 u w o_ w C ~ re ,: TYPE I DATE INSPECTOR ' g3.-_Yqo . BUILDING ' I FOUNDATION I 11.,,r,,.~3 fil FIELD INSPECTION RECORD REINFORCED STEEL ' I/ REQUIRED SPECIAL INSPECTIONS INSPECTOR'S NOTES MASONRY ' GUNITE OR GROUT ' INSPECTION REQ. IF INSPECTORS DATE St.AA L_.,.. ...... ,., ltd -'"fr,,., • • --r~ ,. ,-d:>t::" nn 6z To .,.. • 1 -CHECKED APPROVAL ~\Or FLOOR & CEILING SUB FRAME I SHEATHING in ROOF □ SH~AR ",1,,~ t " FRAME I , .. q,~ ... /I SOILS COMPLIANCE -""'-J\1 ~ r-. ,,._ PRIOR TO FOUNDATION INSP EXTERIOR LATH ,, I . , .~~ " I. '/ STRUCTURAL CONCRETE OVER 2000 PSI INSULATION ' ~,· "' ,,I_,; ,, .... I INTERIOR LATH & DRYWALL I ,., .~"' ,~ ' PRESTRESSEO CONCRETE POST TENSIONED I VJ CONCRETE PLUMBING ' ' FIELD WELDING SEWER AND BUCO □IPUCO I UNDERGROUND □ WASTE □ WATER J--HGH STRENGTH BOL Ts TOP OUT □ WASTE □ WATER ",,t,q.M ~lJ,, SPECIAL MASONRY TUB AND SHOWER PAN I ,, GAS TEST I PILES CAISSONS □ WATER HEATER D SOLAR WATER I ELECTRICAL I □ ELECTRIC UNDERGROUND □ UFFER ROUGH ELECTRIC I 7,.1,q.a4 t;J.1- □ ELECTRIC SERVICE □ TEMPORARY 'I □ BONDING □ POOL ' ' I MECHANICAL I □ DUCT & PLEM., □ REF. PIPll;G .· HEAT -AIR COND. SYSTEMS I . ., , --. VENTILATING SYSTEMS I I CALL FOR FINAL INSPECTION WHEN ALL APPROPRIATE ___ ITEMS ABOVE HAVE BEEN APPROVED FINAL I • • PLUMBING ' .'---') ' ELECTRICAL I ~ '-' MECHANICAL . ,~...__. I I GAS ' .::: ' \~ BUILDING I --\.. --"--. ' SPECIAL CONDITIONS I \._'X\ ~- ' ~ ..... -·• -· ----~ PLAN ID 8'3-.+f O DATE 11·/0 ·B? JOB ADDREss 10120 t{tfi.6NoUA-CHECKED BY :_Jf!_l::jlt:f:/ =---- CITY OF CARLSBAD BUILDING DEPARTMENT -ROOM ADDITION CORRECTION LIST c.~ CORRECTIONS ~M~CK£D BELOW ARE TO BE MADE ON PLANS Two identical sets of plans drawn to scale with the following information are required: A. Dimensioned plot plan showing all existing and proposed buildings, legal description, job address, earth slope, driveway slope and lot drainage. 8-J .• Foundation plan and foundation details. n,,l""(D Show foundation plans and foundation details. V ~ Provide 6 x 6 -10 x 10 wire mesh in slab, 4"clean sand, vapor barrier ()' and 2 -#4 rebars continuous in footings. ~ Show foundation details per attached soils report or furnish current soi 1 report. C. ~terior ~ Show Z · Show ~ Show o.V&l Show 0~ Show Elevations all exterior elevations. window sizes, door sizes and locations. materials used on exterior. roof pitch and roofing materials used. adequate bracing. D._J;_raming Sections . -tSP,•,c11J6 ,o."tll Show complete structural framing details, material sizes, header sizes, rafter sizes, joist sizes and connection to existing building. O Show materials used-on the interior -floors, walls and ceiling. t Show required insulation per state law -R-11 for exterior walls, • R-19 for ceiling. -4:" Provide R-19 insulation in attic of existing building if addition is 30% of existing building area. -S-:-Two story additions require structural calcs for vertical and horizontal -_.::::,~lo~1ree~~b~~\N3y\N c~lr'3G l~~oftB architect. 17or Plan ~~ Show use of Re"' ade!itio11 aud existing adjacent room(s). Show heating provided for new addition. If electric, Title 24 calcs. 1 Show what has happened to the light and ventilation in adjacent r~m~ Fireplace: If metal show ICBO number. 't.f'<xl,,\ ~l't'-+W•NOo SI Show dimensions and square footage for room addition and adjacent rooms. Provide extefior lighting at exterior doors. i Provide adequate electrical receptacles. Provide GFI at all oulside, bathroom and garage electrical receptacles. Show room ceiling and passageway heights. , Provide adequate emergency exit from sleeping rooms, 20" clear width, 7 sq ft of area, not more than 44'' from floor, 24'' clear height. ~'Provide smoke detectors for existing and/or new bedrooms. F.~eral ~ Provide one exterior electrical receptacle (GFI) if none existing. Provide backflow preventer for any new hose bibbs. Show proper attic and underfloor ventilation. Window into carport must be fixed glass. Show area of addition and area of new glazing and area of glass removed. Check with La Costa, Ponderosa Homes or Coastal Commission for their requirements. (o,S.Z,(a ~~u; q,+.r;,o ~ ~ 3l,~4 e~ Cl; ~·f{C Mt)C_Jj. ~ ~ A"( ~ tECE IVED. PLAN CHECK NUMBER__..0'-3--_~_~_o __ NOV 8 1983 CITY OF CARLSBAD PLANNING : Building Department ZONE: ----- SCHOOL FEES: SAN DIEGUITO ENCINITAS ---------------- SAN MARCOS --------CARLSBAD -------- REQUIRED SETBACKS --+-----% COVERAGE ·-------+------ FRONT ------------FENCES/WALLS ___ _:_4--+----=======-SIDE ----+~------ -TWO CAR GARAGE __________ _ 0::: REAR ----------L.1.1 3 L.1.1 ;: ~ COMMENTS: __________________________ _ L.1.1 ~ a:: a 0~ □ REDEVEL0Pf1ENT APPROVAL REQUIRED: ___ -+--i--+--H-.......... ~--------- E ~ o 1..1.1- 0::: 0 0::: ::> □ 8~ LANDSCAPE PLAN COMMENTS: ---------------------- ENVIRONMENTAL REQUIRED-'-: _ __.~.-;.._.,-.,,,.:;...:_~<-=--=--------------- ADDITIONAL COMMENTS: ------------------------ OK TO ISSUE: Wi DATE: JwoK TO FINAL: ___ DATE: ____ _ ********************************************************************************** ENGINEERING LEGAL DESCRIPTION VERIFIED? ____ A.P.N. CHECKED? __ P. F. F . _ _._ ____ PARK IN LI EU _i..::NLj/J.--:ft;_:__ ____________ _ R. 0. l{: __ &f--"--+----IMPROVEMENTS: _.:__N~{J-!Pr...l.._ __________ _ -------------E.D.U: ---=-N....:.+-=/lr--=----------- SHIER: N/A:: LATERAL: __.N~/ ...... &.......________ DRIVEWAY: ___.N~, ..!...~--=---------- ~ GRAD I NG PERMIT: ......,...JtJ~/uAr::I,_ ____________________ _ ~ ~ DRAINAGE: _ ___!N~[...:.,r-..!__ ______________________ _ EASEMENTS: ---'C)..;~\<_,___· _______ ADDITIONAL COMMENTS: OK TO ISSUE: ....S.-\c:;;'.~~~~:::::::::;~== ' DATE: , \-1 B-'B:s * ENGINEERING INSPECT ON REQUIRED: __________________ _ PUBLIC r!ORKS INSPECTOR: ______________________ _ FINAL OK: -----------DATE: _____________ _ * IF THIS ITEM IS NOT CHECKED , BUILDING DEPARTME NT WILL MA KE ALL INSPECTIONS (DRIVEWAYS, CURB CU T, DRA INAGE , ETC.)