HomeMy WebLinkAbout1030 Magnolia Ave; ; 83-579; Permit., z 0 ~ ,. C J :rl 0 " i[ 0 " ,. .. 0 J 5 ii) .. z ! z 0 ;:: :ii z .. .. "' 0 " ., ic .. " ,. 0 3 i[ ~ hereby affirm that I am licensed under ~vlslona of Chapter 9 (commencing with S.Ctlon 7000) of Di'f'lsion 3 of the Business and Professions Code, and my license is in L,c No ~ 1Z, ' Clo<1 full torce~nd ~t-,, /?4ri I here irm that I ai1', e<&mprl'rcim !he Con ~~a.rs~~~:;::~; ~~l~~~1!i~l~~er8t~~~,\~r county which requires a permit to construct alter. ,mprove. demolish, or repair any structure, pnor to its issuance also requ,res the appl1can1 for such perm,! to file a s,gned statement that he ,s 11censecl pursuant to the prov,s,ons of the Con tractor's License Law (Chapter 9 commencmg with Sect,on 700CI of D1v1s1on 3 of the Busmess and Pro tessmns Code) or thal ,s exempt therefrom and the t);ls1s for the alleged exemp!,on Any v1olat1on of Secl,on 7031 5 by an applicant tor a permit subiecls 1ne apphcant to a c,v,I penally of not more than five hundred dollars (S500) D I. as owner of the property, or my employees ,..,th wages as their sole compensation, w,11 do the work. and the struclure ,snot intended or offered for sale (Sec 704-(, Busmess and Proless,ons Code The Contracto1's License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon and who does such work himself or 1hrough h,s own employees, provided that such ,mproveme;,ts a.re not 1ntende1 or offered tor sale If, however. the building or improvement ,s sold w,thin one year of complet,on. the owner-builder will h;rie the burden ot proving mat he d•d not build o, improve for the purpese of sale) D I, as owner of the property, am exc1us1vely contracting •1th licensed contrac1ors to cons1ruct the pro1ec1 (Sec 704-(, Business and Proless,ons Code The Contractor's L,cense Law does not apply to an owner of property who buolds or ,mproves thereon, and who contracts for each pro1ects with a contraclor1Sl license pursuant to the Controctor·s License Lawl D I am exemp! under Sec tor this reason B !. PC .....l!s:T"hereby atrorm that I have a cert1f1cate 01 consent to self-insure, or a cert,!,c.ate of Workers Compensatmn Insurance, or a cert1f1ed copy thereof iSec 3800. Labor Code) ,OUONO 7_0:::,f-;;l3-7'( _ co•e•"' Ch u.P k(fc, C/ □ Copy IS !lied with the c,t 0 Certified copy ,s hereby furnished CERTIFICATE. OF EXEMPTION FROt WORKERS' COMPENSATION INSURA (Th,s section need not be completed,! the ,t ,s tor Qnt' hundred dollars 1$1001 or les 0 I cert,ty that ,n the performance ot thew rk tor which th,s permit ,s ,ssued. I shall riot employ any person m any manner so as to become sub1ec1 to the Workers· Compensation Laws of Caldorn,a NOTICE TO APPLICANT It. alter makm-;i th,s Geri, !1cate ot Exemp11on. you should become sub1ect 10 lhe Wor1<.ers Compensat,or> pro-,s,ons ol tne Labor Code. you must torthw,th compl~ with sue!\ prov,s1ons or lh1s perm,1 shall be deemed revoked O I hereby affirm 1ha1 1he,e ,s a coris1ruc1,on •ending ageric~ ior lhf' perlo,mance ot the worl< tor wn,ch th,s permit ,s ,ssued 1Sec 3097, Ci,11 Code, Lenders Name ___________ _ Lenders Address __________ _ USE BALL POINT PEN ONLY & PRE~S HARD APPLICANT TO FILL IN INFORMATION WITHIN SHADED AREA AND DECLARATIONS CARLSBAD BUILDING DEPARTMENT APPLICATION & PERMIT 1200 Elm, Carlsbad, California 92008 (714) 438-5525 JOB ADDRESS A~;T I OiT'dJ;;JelN BUSINESS LICENSE# PERMIT NUMBER 2..570 8'5' · ;030 mav,oltA Ac1e. OWNER'S r,IAME D(J..11.-d... 3 %n e 5 j 7,.2q~N~79°i' PRIME Cs;;T(~/, a, f ~1z~;~~~ £7J OWNER''Jo3tSDma.fij..rJ01I°' A (/e_ CONTRACTOR'S ADDRESS 3~/f,O Du.r1h/l/ st. LOT l BLOCK yuB01v/J{loN I A~S~/9; -1 I DESIGNER DESCRIPTION OF WORK I • 3,ooLJ . Res, StJl~r C,J,,.,:;.;,,,. i°ESOGNER'SAODRESS I/ea 7-er FIP FLA ELEV. CeNSU> TRACT rANO USE -i >ARKONG s>ACE RES UNO TS 1 GRADING ~EAMIT ISSUED y O ND vO NO TREDEVELOPMENT AREA v □ NO NO STORIES TYPE CONST LICENSE NO. PLAN I.D. # BLDG USE CODE 375687 STATE LICENSE# STAND'r'r/~~t:".~?UILDlNG SQ. FOO~AGE DESIGNER'S PHONE OCC GP EDU OCC LOAD FIRE SPA YO NO Nor Valid Unless Machine Certified QTY. PLUMBING PERMIT -ISSUE QTY. MECHANICAL PERMIT -ISSUE SUMMARY/ACCOUNT NUMBER EACH FIXTURE TRAP EACH BUILDING SEWER f----EACH WATER HEATER ANO/OR VENT -=---r_-:-. = ----- INSTALL FURN DUCTS uP TO 100.000 BTU I _ __j BUILDING PERMIT OVER 100,000 BTU l --. __j ---- BOILER/COMPRESSOR UP TD 3 HP -----+-- SIGN PERMIT PLAN CHECK TOTAL PLUMBING --- --- ~~CH GAS SYSTEM 1 TD 4 OUTLETS ~ACH GAS SYSTEM 5 OR MORE ----!--BOILER/COMPRESSOR 3-15 HP MFTAl FIREPLACE ---- EACH INSTA~--ALTER, REPAIR WATER PIPE -+:E::_A:.::C.:cH VACUUM BREAKER WATER SOFTNER -------11---VENT FAN SINGLE DUCT --------+-------4 ELECTRICAL --- MFCHANICAL --j------------ MUBILEHOME MOBILEHOME PARK INSP 4rlJ ----I tl __ _;_MECH EXHAUST -HQQOiOUCTS ~ REloCATtoN·_~F EA FUR _Nc_A__c_C_Ei_H_E_A_T_E_R ___ +------'--- II I I I :: EACH ROOF ORAIN_~INSIOE) ---1------TOTAL MECHANICAL I '--+-- j f ""c" ~2:~r;□T~A~L~PL~u:M~,,~NG~;;;+:=T~-=~~~ll~~1-~~~~-L=A~R~-~1s~s;u~E~~~l'.:£..Z~~•&¥=~~-~-~; ~= Snl.AR ::i I RONG MOTION --j-------/5 ---------+!--7 '------1---- WI~ C:DRINKLERS -+----- ruDL1V FACILITIES FEE QTY. ELECTRICAL PERMIT -ISSUE QTY. .d BRIDGE FEE __ -----j lPH NEW CONST EA AMP/SWT/BKR <------1-~l~P_Hc_ _____ JPH EXIST BLDG EA AMP/SWT/BKR J PH REMO □EL:AL TER PER CIRCUIT COLLECTORS ---------+-----'--7!--Carlsbad t-STORAGE TANKS Encinitas r ROCK STORAGE -------~---------,----_-_ -_ -_ -_ -_ -_ -_ -➔-+_ -__ -_ -_ -_ -_ -_ -~ -_ -_ -_ -_11- 11 __ San D;~gu,to ---+---~ +---PUMP -+------it s~n Ma•co5 -----1-~~-~---_----~-p:_:,1~ CHECK FEE V SCHOOL FEE -DISTRICT -------; --+----·· -----< ____ _, --- --+-- '--- 1--------1-TEMP PO ~-200 AMPS OVER 200 AMPS ---- -+---+--- ----------+---- 1 • +--------11-- ---+------- -------___ , TEMP OCCUPANCY (30 DAYS) ---,---:__1 TOTAL ELECTRICAL f---- --- TOTAL SOLAR ------· ~1 I I I { '/ I TOTALFEESPAYABLE I /~ I f{AVE CAREFULLY EXAMfNED THE COMPLETEO"APPUCATION AND PERMIT" AND DO HEREBY CERTIFY UNDER 'PENALTY OF PERJURY THAT All INFORMATION HEREON INCLUDING THE 0ECLARA110NS ARE TRUE AND CORRECT ANO I FURTHER CERTIFY AND AGREE IF A PERMIT IS ISSUED: TO COMPLY WITH AU CrTY, COUNTY ANO STATE LAWS GOVERNING BUILDING CON· S'rRUC11QH, WHETHER $_PECIRED HEREIN OR NOT. l ALSO AGREE TO SAVE INDEMNIFY AND KEEP HARMLESS THE CrtY OF'CARLSBAD AGAINST Al.l LIABILITIES, JUDGMENTS, COSTS AND EXPENSES WHJCH MAY IN ANY WAY ACCRUE AGAINST SAID CITY IN CONSEQUENCE OF THE GRANTING OF THIS PERMlT. Expiratton. Every permit luued-b)' the Bui-lding Official under the provisions of this Code shall expire by limitation and become null and void. II the building or work authorized by such permit is not commenced within 180 days from the date of such permit. or if the building or work authorized by such permit is suspended or abandoned at any time after "'9Wotk iS commenced tor a period of 180_~ ···~·ry•GNATURE(?.. OWNER □ CONTRAcro&7 (_JI j~ -~-BV PHONE 0 * AN OSHA PEflMrT IS REQUIRED FOR EXCAVATIONS 0YEfl 5' O" DEEP AND OEMOUTION OR C0NSTMUCTI0N OF STRUCTURES OVER 3 STORIES IN HEIGHT APPROVED BY Jr 13/>fP © LL >, ~ 0 "-E © >-- I "O 0 \!l, C m ~ Q_ "-<( I "' C ii 0 "' "' © "' "' <( I ~ g ~ .,; "' © 0 e CL m " 0 ~ © 0 C m C LL ,::_ C "' ~ CJ 0 0 "' "-"' C ~ " :;: INSPECTION TYPE DATE INSPECTOR BUILDING FOUNDATION REINFORCED STEEL MASONRY GUNITE OR GROUT FLOOR & CEILING SUB FRAME SHEATHING FRAME EXTERIOR LATH lNSULATION INTERIOR LATH & DRYWALL PLUMBING - SEWER AND BL/CO PLUMBING UNDERGROUND PLUMBING TOP OUT TUB AND ~HOWER PAN GAS TEST ELECTRICAL TEMPORARY POWER ELECTRIC UNDERGROUND ROUGH ELECTRIC ELECTRIC SERVICE BONDING G. F. I. -SMOKE DETECTOR MECHANICAL DUCT & PLEM., REF. PIPING HEAT -AIR COND. -SOLAR SYSTEMS VENTILATING SYSTEMS CALL FOR FINAL INSPECTION WHEN ALL APPROPRIATE ITEMS ABOVE HA VE BEEN APPROVED. JOB SITE FINAL PLUMBING ' . ELECTRICAL ~N i\lV MECHANICAL Al 1.,, 1 o..,u '\\ GAS '\'.t' u·v BUILDING '< '..;,. \ SPECIAL CONDITIONS ' CERT OF OCCUPANCY ISSUED I . g3-~1~ FIELD INSPECTION RECORD REQUIRED SPECIAL INSPECTIONS INSPECTOR'S NOTES - INSPECTION REO IF INSPECTOR'S DATE . CHECKED APPROVAL - SOILS COMP!._IANCE PRIOR TO FOUNDATIQr,,, INSP ·-----STRUCTURAL CONCRETE OVER 2000 PSI -PRESTRESSEO CONCRETE ---- POST TENSIONED CONCRETE FIELD WELDING ---------------- HIGH STRENGTH BOLTS ------------- SPECIAL MASONRY ---- PILES CAISSONS - ------ --------- --------- ------- . . . -.--"!+""-.- -· ·----------- - ---------------- "' ----------, ----------