HomeMy WebLinkAbout1032 LANDS END CT; ; CB960440; PermitB U I L D I N G P E R M I T Pertr.i t No: CB9tiv4 4 n . Project No: A960063u Development No: -, __ o 07:51 Page 1 of 1 1Job Addiess: 1032 LANDS ENO Permit Type: RE:'AINING WALL Parcel No: 214 531 t3-ou Valuation: 1,823 CT SJ.ite: Lot#: Occupancy Group: Reference#: Description: 45 LIN. FT RETAINING WALL : 3 FT. HIGH/ CITY SPECS Appl/Ownr : MONTELLO, T. 4715 60TH STREET SAN DIEGO, CA. 92115 le Jc I< Fees Required Fees: Adjustments: Total Fees: Fee descr1pt1on Bui::..ding Permit Plan Check Strong Motion Fee -A BUILDING TOTAL 1< * * bl9 CITY OF CARLSBAD 6812 04/02/96 0001 01 02 C-PRHT Consttuction Type: ·vN 44.c Status: ISSUED Applied: CJ;lS/96 Apr/Issue: 04/02/96 EnterE>d By: MDP 229-0642 .00 28.00 44.00 *** Ext fee Data 43.UO 28.00 1. 00 72.00 2075 Las Palmas Dr., Carlsbad, CA 92009 (619) 438-1161 PERMIT APPLICATION ~ ~ City of Carlsbad Building Department 2075 Las Palll8S Dr., Carlsbad, CA 92009 (619) 438-1161 I. PERM.I I NPE From Llst l (see back) give code of Permit-Type: ____________ _ For Residential Projects Only: From Llst 2 (see back) give Code of Structure-fype: ____________________ _ Net Loss/Gain of Dwelling Units s:,.::9 03,t 15/;h ;;OC.l ,: __ _ 2. PRCllECT INFORMATION FOR OFFIC1fOSR10NLY Address /03)- Nearest Cross Street LEGAL DESCRIP I ION Sub<l1vis1on Name/Number dmt No. Phase No. CHECK BEWW IF SOBMII IED: □ 2 Energy Cales □ 2 Structural Cales □ 2 Soils Report □ 1 Addressed Envelope ASSESSOR'S PARCEi. ~ M ~ 3' h () PL ~ 1XTs~ ~OPOSEDUSE DESCRIPTION OF WORK # OF STORIES # OF BEDROOMS / # OF BATI!ROOMS SQ. Ff. '-( t" ;, ADDRESS '-f / ( S (oQ 0-r ( s:-DAY TELEPHONE ZIP CODE s NAME (lastnamefirst)C, f'°j'5hfrt.._e e5 ADDRESS L/qS-f • ..,/f-c, f(S:- CITY ~ STATE ~ZIP CODE q I 7 f 9 DAY TELEPHONE 6 ' ~~1t!::i':me first) ~ CiJ · ADDRESS ~ C) / 0 o/,) aL-e yZ.; · CITY t9--:'.)'1e._ ~ STATE ~ ZIP CODE 9 ~'o'(t, DAY TELEPHONE '7 rt/ -~ c,, .5:,-7 JD STATE IJC. #'.J&f (,, IJCENSE CLASS 6 / CITY BUSINESS IJC. # DESIGNER NAME (last name hrst) ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP CODE DAY TELEPHONE STATE IJC. # 7. WORKERS' CDMPENsAilON workers compensat1on uec1arat1on: I hereby affirm that I have a cert11lcare of consent to self-msure issued by the Director of lndusrnai Relations, or a certificate of Workers' Compensation Insurance by an admitted insurer, or an exact copy or duplicate thereof certified by the Director of the insu~r thereof filed with the uildin Inspection Department (Section 3800, Lab. C). INSURANCECOMPANY m o. L,Ul';;)-1¼'1-~I~D~~-s-tl-30-c:i 1c t is permit IS issue , s a not emp oy any person m any man r SIGNATURE □ □ □ Owner-Builder Declaration: I hereby ainrm that I am exempt from the Contractors license Law for the followmg reason: I, as owner of the property or my employees with wages as their sole compensation, will do the work and the structure is not intended or offered for sale (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Ccxle: The Contractor's License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon, and who does such work himself or through his own employees, provided that such improvements are not intended or offered for sale. If, however, the building or improvement is sold within one year of completion, the owner-builder will have the burden of proving that he did not build or improve for the purpose of sale.). I, as owner of the property, am exclusively contracting with licensed contractors to construct the project (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Code: The Contractor's License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon, and contracts for such projects with contractor(s) licensed pursuant to the Contractor's License Law). I am exempt under Section ________ Business and Professions Code for this reason: (Sec. 7031.5 Business and Professions Code: Any City or County which requires a permit tQ construct, alter, improve, demolish r any structure, prior to its issuance, also requires the applicant for such permit to file a signed'statement that he is lice rsuant to the provisions of the Contractor's License Law (Chapter 9, commencing with Section 7000 of Division 3 of the Bu · and Professions Code) or that he is exempt therefrom, and the basis for the alleged exemption. Any violation of Section 7 y any applicant for a permit subjects the applicant to a civil penalty of not more than five hundred dollars [$500]). SIGNATURE DATE Is the applicant or future building occupant required to submit a business plan rely hazardous materials registration form or risk management and prevention program under Sections 25505, 25533 or 25S34 of the Pres -anner Hazardous Substance Account Act? □ YES □ NO Is the applicant or future building occupant required to obtain permit from the air pollution control district or air quality management district? □YES □NO Is the facility 10 be constructed within 1,000 feet of the ou er boundary of a school site? □YES □NO IF ANY OF nm ANSWERS ARE YES, A FINAL CERTIFICATE OF OOCUPANCY MAY NOT BE~ AFI'ERJlfl.Y 1, 1989 UNLESS nm APPIJCAN'T HAS MET OR IS MEIITING nm REQUIREMENTS OF nm OFFICE OF EMERGENCY SERVICES AND TIIE AIR POILUTION OONTROL DISTRICT. 9_ WNSI KOCI ION 1£NDING AGENCY I hereby affirm that there 1s a construchon lendmg agency for the performance of the work for which this permit 1s issued (Sec 3097 (1) Civil Code). LENDER'S NAMyX'.JQJ\~ LENDER'S ADDRESS 10. APPUCAN I ~ I certify that I have read the apphcahon and state that the above mformat1on 1s correct. I agree to comply wuh all City ordmances and Stare laws relating to building construction. I hereby authorize representatives of the City of Carlsbad to enter upon the above mentioned property for inspection purposes. I AISCJ AGREE ID SAVE INDEMNIFY AND KEEP HARMLF.SS nm CTlY OF CARISIIAD AGAINST AIL LlABIUllES, JUDGMENTS, CXlSfS AND EXPENSES WIIlCH MAY IN ANY WAY ACDl\JE AGAINST SAID CTlY IN OONSEQUENCE OF nm GRANTING OF THIS PERMIT. OSHA: An OSHA permit is required for excavations over 5'0" deep and demolition or construction of structures over 3 stories in height. Expiration. Every permit issued by the Building Official under the provisions of this Ccxle shall expire by limitation and become null and void if the building or work authorized by such pennit is ot commenced wit in 365 days from the date of such permit or if the building or work authorized by such pennit is suspended or abandoned at y . af r ' c menced fora pericxl of 180 days (Section 303(d) Uniform B0 g~mQ (,,,., APPIJCANT'S SIGNATURE DATE '-+-'....,_-{ fJ PINK: Finance CITY OF CARLSBAD INSPECTION REQUEST PERMIT# CB960440 FOR 05/21/96 DESCRIPTION: 45 LIN. FT RETAINING WALL 3 FT. HIGH/ CITY SPECS TYPE: RETAIN JOB ADDRESS: 1032 LANDS END CT APPLICANT: MONTELLO, T. CONTRACTOR: OWNER: PHONE: PHONE: PHONE: INSPECTOR AREA PY PLANCK# CB960440 OCC GRP CONSTR. TYPE VN STE: LOT: 619 229-0642 REMARKS: MW/NEILS/431-8870 SPECIAL INSTRUCT: INSPECTOR --1-/,--,0'--------- TOTAL TIME: --RELATED PERMITS--PERMIT# TYPE CB960012 SFD STATUS ISSUED ACT COMMENTS CD 69 LVL DESCRIPTION MA Final Masonry (¥ ____ _ ------------------ ------------------------------------ ***** INSPECTION HISTORY***** DATE 040596 040496 040396 DESCRIPTION Grout Grout Ftg/Foundation/Piers ACT INSP AP DC NR DC AP PY COMMENTS PLANNING/ENGINEERING APPROVALS PERMIT NUMBER CB 9' 0 Q 440 RESIDENTIAL RESIDENTIAL ADDITION MINOR (< $10,000.00) DATE ___ 3_-"""';?-'--5_-_o/ ______ b'---- TENANT IMPROVEMENT PLAZA CAMINO REAL VILLAGE FAIRE COMPLETE OFFICE BUILDING PLANNER ____________ DATE _______ _ - ENGINEE;]zz 27J4red('~ ' C:IWP! t IFUS\BLCG.FRM Rav 1 1/1 5190 PLANNING DEPARTMENT BUILDING PLAN CHECK REVIEW CHECKLIST Plan Check No. CB 9£~ -440 Address __ \O_>_Z.. __ l-s_01_/\J~f_1_d_L_1_· Planner David Rick Phone (619) 438-1161 ext. 4328 (Name) APN: 2IL( -53 ) , 1<3 Type of Project and Use: _3=--'-R=e--'-r-'-, _t..,U?\ __ l_/ ------------- Zone: Pc... Facilities Management Zone: Z o CFO (l~/cbUt\ # _________ _ circW (If property in, complete SPECIAL TAX CALCULATION WORKSHEET provided by Building Department) Legend ~ Item Complete (Q) Item Incomplete -Needs your action Environmental Review Required: YES NO~TYPE __ _ DATE OF COMPLETION: _______ _ Compliance with conditions of approval? If not, state conditions which require action. Conditions of Approval _____________________ _ ~ D Discretionary Action Required: YES NO /TYPE ___ _ APPROVAL/RESO. NO. ______ DATE _____ _ PROJECT NO. ____ _ OTHER RELATED CASES: ___________________ _ Compliance with conditions or approval? If not, state conditions which require action. Conditions of Approval _____________________ _ California Coastal Commission Permit Required: YES NO~ DATE OF APPROVAL: ______ _ San Diego Coast District, 3111 Camino Del Rio North, Suite 200, San Diego, CA 92108 (619) 521-8036 Compliance with conditions of approval? If not, state conditions which require action. Conditions of Approval ______________________ _ o,,t(□ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ lncluslonary Housing Fee required: YES __ NO / (Effective date of lnclusionary Housing Ordinance -May 21, 1993). Site Plan: 1. Provide a fully dimensioned site plan drawn to scale. Show: North arrow, property lines, easements, existing and proposed structures, streets, existing street improvements, right-of-way width, dimensioned setbacks and existing topographical lines. 2. Provide legal description of property, and assessor's parcel number. Zoning: 1. Setbacks: Front: Required _____ Shown _____ _ Int. Side: Required _____ Shown _____ _ Street Side: Required _____ Shown _____ _ Rear: Required _____ Shown _____ _ 2. Lot Coverage: Required _____ Shown _____ _ 3. Height: Required _____ Shown _____ _ 4. Parking: Spaces Required ____ Shown _____ _ Guest Spaces Required ____ Shown _____ _ Additional Comments. ______________________ _ OK TO ISSUE AND EmERED APPROVAL INTO COMP~~ - K:\ADMIN\COUNTER\PLANCKFRM 1-17-96 OWNERSHIP EXHIBIT 7 I I~ I I~ 114. 0 I I I I LANDS END COURT -:-+---- LEGEND: M • o-D H.P. ---- ----0 ■ ---II] FIRE HYDRANT MASONRY WALL STREET LIGHT HIGH POINT 4H STORM DRAIN DRAIN INLET PILASTER 5'-6H WOOD FENCE ORA/NAG[ PATTERN TRANSFORMER NOT£: FENCE LOCATIONS AR£ SHOWN SCHEMATICALLY -ACTUAL LOCATIONS MAY VARY BASED ON FIELD CONDITIONS. GREYSTONE HOMES GREYSTONE COVE PHASE ONE MAP No. 13282 BUYER: _________ _ LOT19 BUYER: _________ _ OAT£: __ _ USCOC PROJCCI \124\0802\1,tjlllOC