HomeMy WebLinkAbout1042 LIGHTHOUSE RD; ; CB054256; PermitCity of Carlsbad 1635 Faraday Av Carlsbad, CA 92008 03-07-2006 Plumbing Permit Permit No: CB054256 Building Inspection Request Line (760) 602-2725 Job Address: Permit Type: 1042 LIGHTHOUSE RD CBAD PLUM Status: Parcel No: 2145314300 Lot#: 0 Applied: Construction Type: NEW Entered By: Reference #: Project Title: Applicant: RESCUE ROOTER P.O. BOX 1592 COWLES RES-REPLACE WATER HEATER EL CAJON CA 92022 619 440-2262 Plumbing Issue Fee Fixture or Trap Building Sewer Roof Drain Install/Repair Water Line Water Heater and/or Vent Gas Piping System Vacuum Breaker Other Plumbing Fees Master Drainage Fee Sewer Fee Additional Fees TOTAL PERMIT FEES 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 Plan Approved: Issued: Inspect Area: Owner: COWLES ROGER A 1042 LIGHTHOUSE RD CARLSBAD CA 92011 ISSUED 12/15/2005 LSM 12/15/2005 12/15/2005 TP $20.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $7.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $27.00 Total Fees: $27.00 Total Payments To Date: $27.00 Balance Due: Inspector: --;,:;;~ FINAL PPROVAL Date::, 6 d ~ Clearance: $0.00 NOTICE: Please take NOTICE that approval of your project includes the Mlmposition• of fees, dedications, reservations, or other exactions hereafter collectively referred to as "fees/exactions." You have 90 days from the date this permit was issued to protest imposition of these fees/exactions. If you protest them, you must follow the protest procedures set forth in Government Code Section 66020(a), and file the protest and any other required information with the City Manager for processing in accordance with Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 3.32.030. Failure to timely follow that procedure will bar any subsequent legal action to attack, review, set aside, void, or annul their imposition. You are hereby FURTHER NOTIFIED that your right to protest the specified fees/exactions DOES NOT APPLY to water and sewer connection fees and capacity changes, nor planning, zoning, grading or other similar application processing or service fees in connection with this project. NOR DOES IT APPLY to any f whi h N I . . . .. NOV-22-2005 TUE 07:47 AM CITY OF CARSLBAD FAX NO. 760 602 8558 P, 02 PERMIT APPLICATION CITY OF CARLSBAD JJUILDING DEPARTMENT 1635 Faraday Ave., Carlsbad, CA 92008 FOR OFFICE USE ONLY PLAN CHECK No,l1.'30S-Lt cl--~ EST. VAL ________ _ Plan Ck. Deposit ~ Validated Bv•-~~-~,.=.,,.-,'-i -a.-~-~- Date 1a... I~ fu,._; Total I ot uJ'l1Ui ProPOMd Us• II ol 1:$1idrnom• # ol f:lnhroom~ TalBphon11 /I ~""--'='cu.L""--"u..1..L--'J"'-!':'~s;ao,,e;'-'--l-"-'-------'-"-"";~=~~:.-""~==':'.="-=~-6 't7~ tb~i 4Ur\5'tlo.3 ;t11it@~3\ S66 \ S1a111/Ztp r Telephone II Adtlrou J;·: ~:CON'MlilCTQfl,.,llflM,ANYI.JUJMB':: · :-{--'· :,:[i."i'.'' :··1;;:,i,:n:~·,}· !Srt<:. 7031.!S l:lusineae 1na: ProfHDIOM C11da: Anv City or County wh!llh requi111s a p,erit,it to conet1uct, 1111.,,, lmpm.,,, damollth m rap11l1 ariv nuctur,, ptlor to ltll inuar.co, 11&0 111cruh'111 1h11 11pplL1:,11nl lor Sll!lh ?<"rmlt to fll11 a slgnad-'1t111amen1 1h11 he I~ lf<l.9nMd pur:suant to the provi&Hlna ol 1ha C1mtr1ctor•~ Liaanso Law IChl~t•• 9, commanding with See1ti:m 7000 ol 0111i8illl'I 3 of the Bulllnen •nd F'rolf1U,Qn.11 Coi;ttl 111 that ha I~ eumpf thllrotram, and tNr basis fClr 1no 1ll1111ed mptlol'I. Any vi ·on of Section 7031.ti bY. aoolicant for a ~trnrt-~ubjl,~ th• 1ppljcom ta I civil p~111ol1y ot no! mor• than live hundred d Jan; IHiOO'h rO e97 :, C\le. e("" lsc 0-r. S " -no,-<> "' J .I Address '. ' City Stete/Zip T•i•ph(l!l.8' !hll• L,,,_, II 7 t..J 7 6 4 A.. LiC&nlB Clm CZR,C.4?,." H.I.c CIIY eU&ineu Ucenu k \:'.l, 026 C..f u Designer Name At.ldro&& City Tolal)Mn1 Stitt Ucenr.,, I-------~ :a. "·.WOllkfiBS'".COMP.ENBA.'nOtf.~ :: ' ,.-,: :·.:: · t',··t° · , \ W01ken;' Comptn&1t1on Oe,cl1rilt111n: 1 l'MlllbV •tfllfl'I uruiar ponolly cf P3/lu,y cne of 1ho lollcwing do~br1nona: D I h11wa and wjll maintain a caniflcat1 ol Ct>rallnt tc slllf·insul'tl fm wo,knn.' camplM\Ution llll provldld by Section 3700 of 1M Labor Cade, for tho p,,rfarmanco :!}.ha work tor which thii parmit Is JHuad. ; "" I have and w~I maintain work41£' compoMotion, u rtquirlld by fDC'.ion 3700 Of thB Lab.or Coda, for lht parform1nc1 of tho Work for which thii; psrmlt ii wau&d. My worker's ca.!!e8n&atlon(naur1nce e11mar und pol1oy nMmll61·~ro· ·'?-G 3 } _ \/ / 0 / lnsur1nca¢ol'l'lfl1ny ·'-()t" CJ\ , P'oiltvNa,WG;.);)3'.!z 'f O E)(lllflllcnoa1e__,,~~l~-~~I,)~ {THIS il:CTION NUP NOT at. COMPl.mc JF THE PfRMIT IS FOR ON~ HUNPRED DOL.1-AR61410Dl OR LESS) 0 Cft!TIRCATE Of EXEMPTION: I ee11rfy tlm ir, thll parform11nca at 1h, worl< Im whll:h th1a permit i, i&&uad, I WII not eml)loy 1ny pe!'kln 1n •IW m~rwur ao as to bocam• 1ubjae1 m tha Warkara' Ccm/)ani;alion Ulw~ of Callloirua, WARNING, Faluro CO Hcura worll■r■' con,p_.d,on l'.Ov.ag■ If unlaW'ful. and aiWIII ~bJIIC'I an •~lo..,_ to crlmln■I P'l"ilfdot _,d cMI fln■1 IIP to On■ hlfOdrod ~:;~~-.. '.~~ ~-of=o~•,-~ga•a~~v~df~~i■Mq3~~T;f~a~~ attmray••~u. ::1,(.'.',:.DWl!ll!Riii!m~O:,,C~"TION:,• ,'',' •.: ,.,'.,, ,_'_•,:" :·--•:': •. ,;',,)"'.',,:::i::;;_· '~::::.:''., , 'I,:\~. : I hlraby 1lr,rm that I ■m ax■mpt flom thti Canmictor', Licon as Ulw for tt\O totlcwinQ /Hien·. "l5d' l, ae own,r of the '11"DPll«Y or my amploy■u W/lh wages aa tl'lllr 1ole compan.inlon, will dD Iha wotk and 1h11 iiUU¢tUla i6 not lntondlld or 0111111<1 for ,010 fs'ac. 7044, _Mueino,, and ProlH1iona COdr;i, The Contt0ctnr'a Uc:or1sa l.flw t.1011 not •PPIY to an own or of property who build$ or imptov .. lhllro-on, and who aoN auch wcrll h1msol1 er thrc,ugh '11• own omplov,a&t, ~0111dill!I that such lm~rov1manu. 1r• nqt 1nt&M1d c:r ctlored for aale. If, tiowev•1, tha bu!h.tif'li or improvement ill IOld wittiin on, yaar cf complathin, tho own41•build81 win hav& ttie 1>u1dltn pf iiraving thlt hi did nat build or improYe for tho p~rpo&e ot HlO). 0 I, II DWntr cl tho pri:,pany, 1m 111ciualv~y contr•etln'II with IIC«!f,eQ oonlrOC'IDni ID can&trurrl thll j)roj!!CI tS.c. 7044, Bu.-1noH al\CI Pratesaions Cada: Tho Comr;ic1or'; Lie:-& I.aw doQ not 1pply tc an owner cl prOIJo'-rtV Wffll build• Dr irt11lr0yas thereon, and =n-traCI& tar suer. proj&(;h with contr1ctcr(1I l1cens■d pur11t11m tc tt.. Contractor'o ~1c■n1& Lewi, □ 1 •m IMmpt i.ll<ler Sectlcin _____ Btfflnu& and ProfHBIQri, Coda fol trill fN&on, 1. I o.,-r;ona(ly plan ta prov1d1 ttl8 m■jor labor end m,t.,rl11kJ tor ccrunt~oticn of the propoaed property improvam,ent. D YES ONO 2. I lhav1 / ha111 not) slgnlld .vi lSl~icatiDn fer I building p1nnit for th~ PIPOOHd work. 3. I lla1111 contraCllld with tno flllllowlng p,ar10n (firm) to provida tho pfcpoud Colllitrue"Clan !Include name / at,lt,1rm I phooe numbat I eontr•ctOf~ fic:BnH numbar); 4. I ~•n tc proYid• _/lOrtiDM of tho wcrk, but l h~Ye hi11d the follow~ ptr&on tc co0rt1inate, suparviH en~ provid!:! tha majo1 work llm:iudo n1me / adOraQa / phono number I controcton< l~nH numberl; ______________________________________ _ !i w~k7,111 prcYide soma of the work, but I h,va eontrimtad (hired) the fejlowmg poricna to pr011,de ttle work indicll1d (include name I addr11111 I phon11 numbt-r / typa ;=~=:=~~==~~,;SOIIDlNO'PiRMITl~NL't,::· ' ,-,:.,:;:j.,:,':,, :. : '·:: ~~~--.• -, -, :;.,--,,:-::.,-_;:'.-,;,.-,,i--'·;~--_.~1 ":'.{,.,, .. ,,, •.• 11 the 'PIJlic■nt or future building oo,uponl ttQuirtd to subm'11 a bu»in&4, pl1n, 1cutelv h111rdllt4 ma11riala ragi:rtr1tlon fonn a, risk miln■g6n,■nt and 11rov11ntion praw■m undar SOC'hon~ 26606, 25!33: or 26634 of tho PN:i&l•y• Tann..-H'.,naraous Subaunct Acco11n1 Act7 0 YES O NO 11 ll'III eppllc1nt or t~rw bulldln$ occupant "'llujrod 10 ob1aln a permit fro~ tlla ,1, l'>Olllltion ccn1rol dlst1lc1 or ■" au1lrty meneg"'1lllr!t dls1rici.? O YES O NO la the facility ta be connructllll w,tt,,n 1,000 lost 0f th• outer baunPllrv of a r;i:hool 1ito7 :□ YES O NO IF AMV Of= THE ANIWcRS A.RE ns. A FINAL CERTlFICATf: OF OCCUPA,icv MAV NOT.-ISSUED UNLESS THE Af'PUC.D.NT ~ MET OR 15 MEETING THE REQUIREMENTS Of THE OFFlt:f! OF U,,IEflGDICV SliJIVICES AND THE ~fl POU.I.Ill ON CQNTROL DISTRICT r.;t;~::•~~~~:~:,~·~;:.~~·,,y'.~~~ t~~,.~~:;:~~oe of the wo~:·;·2'~~c~ this p·~1m11 is ia,u~~\saa 3087rn Civil Cod1I Li.ND~A"i NAME_.,,.--,..,----,-,----LEND!;fl'~ AOORESS ____ ~~---------------:~-~:~~~,~~:=:~~·~·-:~~:~~;;·~~t;~~ ~~~~ -i~;~i;'~~t·;~--~~~~ct •n~ ~ti I;,~:• l~:l:orro:~·;/:~ ·:~': ~~~·&· ·;~ :~~~:~;~::;· I •~r11 to comply with 111 ,Clly ordlnancaa and 81110 llw& r■latl~& to bulldlng 0Qhtb'<.!Clion. / Mro~" lLJtllorlze reprMM11tiVH of th■ Cit\' DI Ca,tebaa fO •nllll upon lhl above ltllllltioned ~roport'1 far 1Mpaction purpotlf;. I 4LIO AGREl: TO SAVE, INDB{NIFV AND KEEP. HARMLESS THE Oll'Y OF CAftLSBAD AGAINST ALL LIAP/LlllES, JUPGMl'l4T8, CDS'rli ANO ExPEMSl!S WHICH MAY IN ANY WAY ACC,i~E AGAINST &AID CITY IN CON&EQUENOE Df THE ORANTINO Of YHIS P!IWJT. CJ&tiA, An OSHA permit la required tor exeall'ltions DYlf 5'0" d1111p 1nd ~malltion or ,~1rulltlon of 11tru~1ura. ovur 3 ,tortu m hl!Qh!. EXPIRATION: l:V8f}' p,nrrnit JS.Sued by lne btllldhig Official under lh& provl&kll\11 i;,f This Cr.Q ,thail axplr• Oy l1mllallon and bl"lcome nun and \/Old if too bulld!rlg Of wOrll 1:11<.!thol'i.t&d by suer. permit is not commonced within 180 r:lays from The tittle Cl Sutlfl permit or II !he buUdin9 or IY(lf1,: elllhon:ed by ouch permit i$ lllJ3P8n!M'd ct 1bariOOnltd at anyiame artertl\e worl<. ls~ !Of e l)(lnDd 011 ~ sec11or11p8,<1.4 Unit= Sulldlng Cede), APPLICANT'S SIGNATURE _ __( (..,avrn-,,c!;&~~:._,2'_'.'i;;.::i;.,,;'!,sd__-.+---~------OAT!" ___________ _ WHITE: File YE~LOW: Applicant PINK: flntnce _,_ '~·; . ·. '''""< • City of Carlsbad Bldg Inspection Request -..,,...,. . . . . ' For: 03/06/2006 Permit# CB054256 Title: COWLES RES-REPLACE WATER Description: HEATER Type: PLUM Sub Type: Job Address: 1042 LIGHTHOUSE RD Suite: Lot O Location: APPLICANT RESCUE ROOTER Owner: COWLES ROGER A Remarks: SAID YOU ALREADY SIGNED OFF ??? Total Time: CD Description Act Comment Inspector Assignment: TP --- Phone: 7609318661 lespaci~,J2___ Requested By: HELEN Entered By: CHRISTINE 25 Water HeaterNents AL_ ___________ _ Comments/Notices/Hold Associated PCRs/CVs Original PC# Inspection History Date Description Act lnsp Comments