HomeMy WebLinkAbout1050 AUTO CENTER CT; ; CB891693; PermitBUILDING PERMIT Permit No: CB891693 12/01/89 09:52 Project No: A8902872 Page 1 of 1 Development No: Job Address: 1050 AUTO CENTER CT str: Fl,; Ste : Permit Type: COMMERCIAL BUILDING Parcel No: 211-080-01-00 Construction Type: NEW Occupancy Group: B1 VNS Class Code: Status: ISSUED Description: AUTO SALES OFFICE SHELL BLDG B Applied : 10/27/89 : PLAN CK 890202 TI REQ FOR OCCUPANCY Apr/Issue : 10/27/89 i !,? .!2./'!;J,/ey ' '' . ,, Valuation: 111,366 e& +<2 293 3 Validated By: CD 619 944 4090 OWNER : CARLTAS COMPANY 4401 MANCHESTER AV % ENCINITAS, CA 92024- lected &i Credits *** :, 1. R** Fees Required *** _________--___--____--_----- -----i"-ii---_-*---r.L,,___________---------------------- ., ., ' - ., _' ' , ., .,, .oo 6,992.00 Ext fee Data Fees : 6,992. PO Adjustments: IO0 Total Fees: 6,992 . 00 .oo -____________---__ Fee description _________--___-_____------_--------- . ., 682.00 443.00 Building' Permit 17.00 Plan Check 3898.00 Y Strong Motion Fee Enter 'Y' to Autocalc ,P.F.F. > Traffic Impact Fee > 290.00 .00 1662.00 > ,, 6992.00 > Enter Number of EDU'B MFF * BUILDING TOTAL , ,: , I ~N~MROVAL I IINSP. E&&WTE LZSSI CITY OF CARLSBAD 2075 Las Palmas Dr., Carlsbad CA 92009 (619) 438-1161 DEVELOPMENT PROCESSING SERVICES DIVISION 2075 LAS PALMAS DRIVE CARLSBAD, CA 92009-4859 (619) 438-1161 MISCELLANEOUS FEE RECEIPT CITY zip 4 ww TEL.+~-&&~ Applicant Please Prlni And Flll I Shaded An Oni /os& duj /Ob0 ,&&CPhTee VALIDATION AREA PLAN ID NO. CONTRACTOR’S .MAILING ADDRESS CITY ZIP TEL. STATE BUSNESS LICENSE NO. LICENSE NO. 4803 02/15/89 0001 01 05 Misc 1990.00 PLAN CHECK FEE 001-810-00-00.8821 /f’gd IF THE APPLiCANT TAKES NO ACTiON WITHIN 180 DAYS, PLAN CHECK FEES WILL BE FORFEITED. CONTRACTOR ESTMATED VALUATION SUBDIVISION LOT(S) 2 ENERGY CALCS 2 SOILS REPORTS I DATE DATE GIVEN/ SENT TO APPLICANT LA COSTA LETTER I CERTlFiCATE OF OCCUPANCY I APPLICANT’S SIGNATURE DATE White. File Yellow. Applicant Pink. Finance Gold. Assessor ! FINAL BUILDING INSPECTION ! PLAN CHECK NUMBER: 890202 DATE: 6-45-90 PROJECT NAME: ADDRESS 1050 Auto Canter Ct PROJECT NO.: 891693 UNIT NUMBER: PHASE NO.: TYPE OF UNIT ’dew Coaiserciai NUMBER OF UNITS: CONTACT PERSON: Robert CONTACT TELEPHONE 431-8917 All Oepartinsnts INSPECTED DATE ?b%dq / BY: INSPECTED: 7-3-7” APPROVED __ DISAPPROVED __ INSPECTED DATE BY INSPECTED APPROVED __ DISAPPROVED __ INSPECTED DATE BY INSPECTED APPROVED - DISAPPROVED - COMMENTS: i /’ ROY. ilea WHITE Suspense BLUE Water District GREEN: Enpineering CANARY Utilities PINK Planning GOLD: Flre PLAN CHECK NUMBER: 890202 DATE: 6-25-90 PROJECT NAME ADDRESS 1050 AUtQ cmtw ~t PROJECT NO.: BylG93 UNIT NUMBER: PHASE NO.: TYPE OF UNIT: I iew Curririarciai NUMBER OF UNITS CONTACT PERSON: Roh\r t CONTACT TELEPHONE 431-8917 6411 3eprrtnents INSPECTED APPROVED DISAPPROVED - DATE 4%bQ INSPECTED DATE BY INSPECTED APPROVED ~ DISAPPROVED ___ INSPECTED DATE BY: INSPECTED APPROVED __ DISAPPROVED __ r Rev. 11% WHITE: Suspense BLUE Water District GREEN: Engineerlng CANARY: Utilities PINK Plannlng GOLD Flre , FINAL BUILDING INSPECTION PLAN CHECK NUMBER: 890202 DATE 6-25-90 PROJECT NAME: ADDRESS 1050 Auto Center Ct PROJECT NO.: 891693 UNIT NUMBER: PHASE NO.: TYPE OF UNIT Idow Commercial NUMBER OF UNITS: CONTACT PERSON: Robert CONTACT TELEPHONE: 431-8917 Ail DrDartmsnts INSPECTED DATE BY: INSPECTED APPROVED - DISAPPROVED - INSPECTED DATE BY INSPECTED: APPROVED - DISAPPROVED - COMMENTS Rev. 1Io WHITE Suspense BLUE: Water Dlslrlct GREEN: Englneerlng CANARY Utllllles PINK Planning GOLD Flre ~~ FINAL BUILDING INSPECTION PLAN CHECK NUMBER: d90Lu: DATE: 6-15-30 PROJECT NAME: ADDRESS 1050 Auto %nfc?r Ct PROJECT NO.: 891693 UNIT NUMBER: PHASE NO.: TYPE OF UNIT: New :hrriwrciai NUMBER OF UNITS CONTACT PERSON: Robert CONTACT TELEPHONE 431-8517 INSPECTED DATE BY INSPECTED: APPROVED - DISAPPROVED __ INSPECTED DATE BY. INSPECTED APPROVED - DISAPPROVED - COMMENTS Rev. 11a WHITE Suspense BLUE Water District GREEN Enpineering CANARY Utllltles PINK Planning GOLD Fire FINAL BUILDING INSPECTION DEPT: BUILDING ENGINEERING FIRE PLANNING U/M WATER PLAN CHECK#: CB891045 PERMIT#: CB891045 PROJECT NAME: SFD 4808 SF LIVING 786 SF GAR 478 SF DECK CORRECT ADDR IS 2902 DATE: 07/24/90 PERMIT TYPE: SFD INSPECTED DATE BY : INSPECTED: APPROVED - DISAPPROVED - INSPECTED DATE BY : INSPECTED: APPROVED - DISAPPROVED - INSPECTED DATE BY : INSPECTED: APPROVED - DISAPPROVED - COMMENTS : 07/3 1/9 0 INSPECTION HISTORY LISTING FOR PERMIT# CB891693 DATE INSPECTION TYPE ACT 07/3 1/9 0 07/ 0 5/9 0 07/05/90 07/02/9 0 06/29/90 06/29/90 06/27/9 0 06/27/9 0 06/2 5/9 0 06/25/90 06/12/9 0 06/08/9 0 0 6/ 0 8/ 9 0 06/ 08/9 0 0 6/08/9 0 04/19/90 04/19/90 Final Combo Frame/Steel/Bolting/Welding Frame/Steel/Bolting/Welding Frame/Steel/Bolting/Welding Frame/Steel/Bolting/Welding Frame/Steel/Bolting/Welding Frame/Steel/Bolting/Welding Frame/Steel/Bolting/Welding Final Combo Final Combo Final Combo Final Plumbing Final Plumbing Final Electrical Final Electrical Ftg/Foundation/Piers Ftg/Foundation/Piers AP RI AP RI RI NS RI NR RI co RI RI NR RI NR RI AP HIT <RETURN> TO CONTINUE... 07/31/90 INSPECTION HISTORY LISTING DATE 04/ 19/90 04/19/90 04/09/90 04/09/90 03/02/90 03/02/90 02/23/90 02/23/90 02/2 1/90 02/2 1/9 0 02/14/90 02/14/90 02/13/90 02/13/90 02/13/90 02/09/90 02/09/90 COMMENTS NO TENANT METERS W/O TI PERMIT T3/CMW/ROBERT/991-8018 RES/MH/ T2/MH RESCHEDULE FOUR 7-2-90 T3/MH/ROBERT/991-8018 Tl/CMW/ROBERT/431-8917 MINOR CORR TZ/MH/ROBERT/431-8917 TZ/MH/ROBERT/431-8917 TZ/MH/ROBERT/431-8917 NOT PER PLAN T3/RS/ROBERT/43 1-8917 LIGHT STD FTGS FOR PERMIT# CB891693 INSPECTION TYPE ACT COMMENTS Gas/Test/Repairs Gas/Test/Repairs Interior Lath/Drywall Exterior Lath/Drywall Ftg/Foundation/Piers Ftg/Foundation/Piers Footing Footing Grout Grout Underground/Under Floor Sewer/water service Sewer/water Service Footing Footing Footing Footing RI PA RI AP RI AP RI DN RI AP RI AP AP RI AP RI NR HIT <RETURN> TO CONTINUE... 07/31/90 INSPECTION HISTORY LISTING FOR PERMIT# CB891693 DATE INSPECTION TYPE ACT 02/09/90 Footing NR 02/09/90 Grout AP 02/01/90 Underground/Under Floor RI 02/01/90 Undergroundpnder Floor AP 01/19/90 Ftg/Foundation/Piers RI 0 1/ 19/9 0 Ftg/Foundation/Piers AP 01/15/90 Ftg/Foundation/Piers RI T3/RS/ROBERT/4 3 1-89 17 START TEST T3/RS/ROBERT/431-8917 SOFFITS TZ/~/ROBERT/431-891'? DECK OVER BASMT & SLAB TZ/RS/ROBERT/431-8917 SEE NOTES 2-23-90 T2/MH/ROBERT/431-8917 S, W, E WALLS TZ/MH/ROBERT/431-8917 PVC SCH 40 OK TO ENCASE TZ/NH/ROBERT/4 3 1-89 17 RET WALL FTNG T3/RS/ROBERT/431-8917 COMMENTS RET WALL GROUT 1ST LIFT BLDG B T2/MH/ROBERT/431-8917 G.I. DRAINS & SANITARY DRAIN Tl/MH/ROBERT/431-8917 BLDG B (ALL) TZ/MH/ROBERT/431-8197 CITY OF CARLSBAD INSPECTION REQUEST PERMIT# CB891693 FOR 02/23/90 INSPECTOR AREA PK DESCRIPTION: AUTO SALES OFFICE SHELL BLDG B PLANCK# CB891693 TYPE: COM CONSTR. TYPE NEW PLAN CK 890202 TI REQ FOR OCCUPANCY OCC GRP B1 VNS JOB ADDRESS: 1050 AUTO CENTER CT STR: FL: STE : APPLICANT: SEE PLdNCK PHONE : OWNER: CARLTAS COMPANY PHONE: 619 944 4090 CONTRACTOR: PHONE : n REMARKS: TZ/RS/ROBERT/431-8917 INSPECTOR k SPECIAL INSTRUCT: HE IS ASKING FOR A MASONRY INSPECTION...? TOTAL TIME: --RELATED PERMITS-- PERMIT# TYPE STATUS CB890202 ISSUED ***** INSPECTION HISTORY ***** DATE 022190 021490 021390 021390 020990 020990 020990 020190 011990 011590 011590 DESCRIPTION Grout Sewer/Water Service Footing Sewerplater service Footing Grout Footing Underground/Under Floor Ftg/Foundation/Piers Ftg/Foundation/Piers Steel/Bond Beam ACT INSP AP PK AP PK AP PK AP PK NR PK AP PK NR PK AP PK AP PK NR PK NR PK COMMENTS PVC SCH 40 RET WALL FTNG OK TO ENCASE s, w, E WALLS GROUT 1ST LIFT BLDG B RET WALL G.I. DRAINS & SANITARY DRAIN BLDG B (ALL) RAINED OUT CORRECTION NOTICE n o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 FOUNDATION REINFORCING STEEL MASONRY GROUT-GUNITE FLOOR AND CEILING FRAME SHEATHING FRAME EXTERIOR LATH INSULATION INTERIOR LATH OR DRYWALL PLUMBINO 0 0 0 D o 0 0 5 UNDERGROUND PLUMBING /+-&ea- 04u' Q2.W mf€ 5u'/7336/ UNDERGROUND WATER ROUGH PLUMBING TOP OUT PLUMBING SEWER AND PUCO. TUB OR SHOWER PAN GAS TEST WATER HEATER 6&+ Ma- 74 ALFfl - 6 ELECTRICAL 0 TEMPORARY SERVICE 0 ELECTRIC UNDERGROUND 0 ROUGH ELECTRIC 0 POOL BONDING 0 ELECTRIC SERVICE 0 UFERGROUND 0 G.F.I. 0 SMOKE DETECTOR 35 10 -- MISCELLANEOUS 0 PLENUM AND DUCTS 0 COMBUSTION AIR 0 CONDITIONED AIR SYSTEMS 0 SOLAR 0 GRADING 0 POOL 0 PATIO 0 SIGN 0 OTHER TIME: DATE: INSPECTOR CITY OF CARLSBAD BUILDING INSPECTION DEPARTMENT PHONE. 4383550 Note: Final Inspection Required ~~ ~~~~~~ - - - -_ - - - - - ~ ~~ - - - - ~~ ~ ~ I -- ,- STRUCTURAL AND CIVIL ENGINEERS, 7709 CONVOY COURT, SAN DIEGO. CALIFORNIA 92111. TELEPHONE (714) 278-3292 Action (A) Direction (D) Required: Information (I) FIELD REPORT Report by: Roject:Cartry P1a7a Job # - Site Visit Date: 5/74/90 Report Date:5/30/90 Report R 2 Resent: Ken -per Fnoineeruq. . . R' irk Winklemba Dave Tavlor: Tri - Sauare Framina Observations and comments PaeeLofL Reviewed progress of roof framing. been picked-up yet. Not all items from previous report had Specific new items as follows: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Wood ledger support for 4 x 12 header at grid F was not installed using 4 x 4 per my phone conversation with Robert Rowe. condition with 3 x 8 and 3 - 3/4" dia. anchor bolts. The detail works as I saw it. Framer asked for detail for drag strut on line E from 1.5 to 3. See Drawing 9. Framer said that due to incorrect masonry wall heights a 4 x wood plate was not used on line E per plan. Framer pointed out that masonry wall on line D was stopped too low and that 4 x 4 struts were not in place. Responding to call from Architect, I have reviewed contractor's concern about parapet on line D and propose the solution shown \on Drawing 12. The construction of the eaves of the building were not aone according to detail 1/57. to incorrect elevations, two plywood plates were used to shim up to the correct height along grids 1 & 3. I reviewed existing See Drawing 10 for solution. He asked for a solution. See Drawing 11. A35N clips were not installed at 16" O.C. but at 4p O.C. Also due See Drawings 13 & 14. I , CONEER ENGINEERING ~ STRUCTURAL AND CIVIL ENGINEERS, 7709 CONVOY COURT, SAN OIEGO, CALIFORNIA 92111. TELEPHONE (714) 278-3292 FIELD REPORT Project: Car Country Plaza (continued) Job # Site Visit Date: Report Date: Report I 2 ~~ Observations and comments 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. The holdown connection from the drag strut to the masonry wall at grid D & 2 is embeded too low into the wall, so a wood spacer was added. The framer asked if the connection was acceptable. The drag connection holdown at grid C.9 and 3 was installed crooked. The framer agreed to reinstall properly. The framer questioned whether the revised truss plate connection at girder truss CJ3 near grid C-3 was adequate with double truss vs triple - shown on struct. drawing 76/58. See Drawing 16. The framer questioned whether connection of drag strut to nailer PL at 4-8 is adequate. per plan S5. The detail is adequate as constructed. The framer constructed detail 16A/S7 differently than shown, using a 2 x and plwd. spacer to make up differnece between 4 x and 6 x members. See Drawing 17. for bolting required. The framer said that Drawing 5 from previous report could not be built as shown due to interfernece with truss webs. See Drawing 15. The nailer plate was not lapped 12' into the roof structure See revised Drawing 5. Action (AI I Report by: Information (1) Direction (Dl Kenneth A. Boe Required: \ i I.. L ORAWIWC 12 n 1 1 I STRUCTURAL CALCULATIONS I es - 235 \ EXP. 3-31-93 CONE@R ENQlNEeRlNO Structural dnd Civil Engineers 77119 (ONVOY COllRT SAN UIFGO. CALIFORNIA 92111 lo (7141 278-1292 \ I 21 *e 1.06 xt.33 /0. i.3 1 I E D m m E 0. fl. 0. I(. '. co N E rE H i€ N G 1 N E E x 1 rsl c STRUCTURAL AND CIVIL ENGINEERS, 7709 CONVOY COURT, SAN OIEGO, CALIFORNIA 9211 1. TELEPHONE (714) 278-3292 FIELD REPORT Roject: Car Country Plaza Job I 88- 185 Site Visit Date: 04/27/90 04/30/90 Report I 1 Report Date: Robert Rowe/Collins General; Rick Winkleman & Dave Taylor/Tri-Square Construction; Ken 8oe/Coneer Engineering Observations and commentr Pase 1 of2 Met with contractors to review questions about framing. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Truss at grid D.2 and 5.8 is misaligned with masonry wall. Truss must be moved to provide 2" joint. upon previously with general contractor. of struts to nailer plates on line 0.2. Detail at 8.8 - 5.5 is incorrect. Drag should line up. Framer wanted a solution. See drawing 3. Drags do not line up (vertical difference) at C.5 4.3. a solution. the field. Drag strut splice does not line up at grid 7 & 0.4. solution was verbally agreed upon in the field. Drag strut, on line 7, cannot cross shear panels at D.6 & D.8 because truss web members are in the way. agreed upon in the field. See drawing 1 for solution verbally agreed Also, see drawing 2 for connection Framer wanted See drawing 3. This solution was verbally agreed upon in See drawing 4. This See drawing 5. This solution was verbally Drag strut on line B to be spliced per details provided to Collins on 04/25/90. Anchor bolts in masonry do not align properly per detail 20/S8 with cont.. . I Action (A) I Rewrt bv: Required: Information (1) I Direction (D) I I COMMENT I 1 I 1 .- CONEER ENGINEERING STRUCTURAL AN0 CIVIL ENGINEERS, 7709 CONVOY COURT, SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 9211 1. TELEPHONE (714) 278-3292 I I I FIELD REPORT Job X - Repolt I Project. Car Countr-a 1 04/30/90 Report Date: 04/27/90 Site Visit Date: Present: Robert Rowe/Collins General; Rick Winkleman & Dave Taylor/Tri-Square Construction; Ken Boe/Coneer Engineering 1 Observations and mmments Continued from page 1 drag struts at grids 4.3 & 4.7 (all 4 locations). upon in field. Drag strut connection at grid 5.7 & 8.8 is not aligned properly. Framer wanted a solution. grid E:8 & 7. Framer asked about detail 76/58 as it occurs at C.5 & 2.8. .He said truss plate location conflicts with hanger. He will contact truss contractor. See drawing 6 for solution agreed 8. 9. General Contractor asked for detail for connection of strut to nailer plate at See drawing 7 for solution agreed upon in field See drawing 8 for solution previously agreed upon. 10. 1 Lo- . '" I v"-- I I I I I I I I L I I I I I WYMAN TEST IN G LAB0 RAT0 R I E S ].larch 22, 1990 3arltas Development Tompany 4481 Manchester Avenue, Suite 2Ub Encinitas, 3alifornia 92024 Inspection Testing Quality Control WTL 89-201 Report NO. 3 SUBJE 3T : Footing Excavation Observation, 3ar :ountry Plaza, 1050 Auto 3enter Zourt, Zarlsbad, 3alifornia. Permit # 1Gbd-89, Plan File # 185U-XY KE~”EKEN:E: “Report of Observations and Testing Regarding Lots 2,3 and lLJ, 3ar :ountry 3arlsbad Expansion,” Prepared by Kleinfelder and Associates, dated August 4, 1988. Gentlemen: This letter has been prepared to confirm that we have observed tile continuous footing excavations bounded by tne ouilding lines intersections E-1.5, b’-l.5, F-3 and E-3. Our observation indicated that: a) The soil conditions exposed in the footing excavations do not differ from the conditions anticipated in the prepartion of the referenced report prepared for the subject development. b) The depth and width of the footing excavations were found to comply with the recommendations presented in tne referenced report and the structural plans for the subject development. All footings will be founded on a suitable bearing stratum. 13230 Evening Creek Dr. S.. Suile 218 San Diego, California 92128 (619) 486-0354 WTL 89-201 March 22, 1990 Page 2 C) All footiny excavations are into the existing compacted fill material as anticipated in the referenced report. d) The foundation recommendations presented in the referenced report have been complied with. If you should have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact this office. This opportunity to be of professional service is sincerely appreciated. Respectfully submitted, Wyman Testing Laboratory Ronald S. Halbekt, R.3.E. #42204 RSH:~~Y cc: (4) Submitted (2) Zollins General Tontractor (2) Zity of Zarlshad, Building Inspection WYMAN TESTING LAB0 RATORl ES ilarch 22, 1990 3ar I t a s Deve 1 opmen t :om pan y 4401 Manchester Avenue, Suite 2166 Encinitas, zalifornia 92024 Inspection Testing Quality Control WTL 89-201 Report No. 3 SUBJE3T: Footing Excavation Observation, 3ar :ountry Plaza, 1050 Auto :enter Zourt, :arlsbad, Zalifornia. Permit X lwbd-89, Plan File # 18516-89 KEYEHEN’E: “Report of Observations and Testing Regarding Lots 2,3 and lld, 3ar 3ountry 3arlsbad Expansion,” Prepared by Kleinfelder and Associates, dated August 4, 1988. Gentlemen: This letter has been prepared to confirm that we have observed tne continuous footing excavations bounded by the building lines intersections E-1.5, P-1.5, F-3 and E-3. Our observation indicated that: a) The soil conditions exposed in the €ooting excavations do not diCEer from the conditions anticipated in the prepartion oE the referenced report prepared for the sub j ec t de v e 1 opine n t . b) The depth and width of the footing excavations were found to comply with the recommendations presented in the referenced report and the structural plans for the subject development. All footings will be founded on a suitable bearing stratum. 13230 Evening Creek Dr. S.. Suite 218 Son Diego, California 92128 (619) 486-0354 - . WTL 89-201 March 22, 1990 Page 2 C) All footiny excavations are into the existing compacted fill material as anticipated in the referenced report. d) The foundation recommendations presented in the referenced report have been complied with. If you should have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact this office. This opportunity to be of professional service is sincerely appreciated. Respectfully submitted, Wyman Testing Laboratory Ronald S. Halbekt, R.3.E. #42204 RSH: j ly cc: (4) Submitted (2) 2ollins General :ontractor (2) 3ity of zarlsbad, Building Inspection 13230 Evening Creek Drive South Wyman Suite 210 Testing San Diego, California 92128 Laboratories (61 9) 486-0354 I CovERiNci WORK PERFORMED DRE~NF~RCEO CONCRETE uSTRUCT. STEEL AssEMeLY Jon ADDRESS 1050 Auto Center Ct. Carlsbad Car Country Plaza Built Up Roofing OWNER OR PROJECT NAME co NSTR,. MAT% 1TYPE.G HADE.ETC.1 DESIGN STRENGTH SOURCE OR MFGR. DESCRIOE MAT'L. (MIX DESIGN. RE-BAR GRADE n MFGR.1 ,io11 WLLH No. 89-201 ENUING 6-8 ie 90 OLDG. PEWMIT NO. PLAN FlLE NO. ARCHITECT Krommenhoek McKeown Coneer Engineering CoPYins General Cont. ENGINE E Fl DEN E R CONTRACT0 I* CONTR. DOING HEPORTED WORK I I LAB RECEIVING BI TEgTING CONSTR. MAT.L SAMPLES Wyman Testing Labs I ROOFING INSPECTION 6-7 Crew: 3 Roof Mechanics weather: Sunny Kettle 500° observed application of base, 2-ply, capsheet in southwest mechanical well. ,'- - CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE z' ' / 5 ,7/'--c , .~ / k~/ x2<. ( ,.'- .* L, I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE INSPECTEO ALL OF THE ABOVE I3EI'OHTED WORK. UNLESS OTI-IENWISE NOTEI) I HAVE FOUND TI-IIS SlGNATUI1U OF IIEGISTUIIED INSPECTOR WORK TO COMPLY WITH THE APPROVED PLANS SPECIFICATIONS,& 6- 7. 6i.d AI'PLICABLESECTIONS OF 1'1-IE CITY OF SAN OIEGO BUILDING LAWS. DATE OF REPORT I?EGISTEl? NUMBER ROOFING INSPECTION 6-6 Crew: 3 Roof Mechanics Weather: Sunny Kettle 500O Observed application of base, 2-ply, capsheet in east mechanical well. ,,/+ CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE I HEflEBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE INSPECTED ALL OF THE ABOVE z;/ / ./.. /. -7/- T7 REPORTED WORK, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED I HAVE FOUNDTHIS SIGNATURE OF REGISTERED INSPECTOR WORK TO COMPLY WITH THE APPROVED PLANS SI’ECIFICATIONS, & 6‘ 6 . LTfl I1EG 15TEll NUMOER APPLICABLESECTIONS OF THE CITY OF SAN OlEGO HUlLDlNG LAWS. DATE OF REPORT i:~;!:i~ Evening Creek Urivc Soutli Suite 2lU Snn Diego, Caliloiiiiii 9:!l?ll Wyman (6 IIJ) 186-O:I!~l COVERING WORK PERFORMED ~HEINFORCEO CONCRETE , OSTRUCT. STEEL ASSEMBLY WHICH REQUIRED APPROVAL BY nPRE.STRESSED CONCRETE 0 REINFORCED GYPSUM OGLUE.LAM.FABRICATION THE SPECIAL INSPECTOR OF OREINFC~HCED MASONRY OPILE DRIVING UOTHER ," AD"I*ESS Carlsbad 1050 Aut0 Center Ct. For, WEEK No. 89-201 ENV~NG 6-8 (e 90 -_ w Em OR PROJECT NIM Par country Ptaza Crew: 3 Roof Mechanics Weather: Sunny Kettle 500O BLDG. PEllMlT NO. PLAN FILE NO. Observed application of base, 2-ply, capsheet in west mechanical wall. - ES.IGN STRENGTH SOURCE orTii-on. iSCRIUE MAT.L. {MIX DESIGN. RE.BAR GRADE LL h1FGR.l ... , ... , > .. i - -.> , - ,/" - -/ I CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE INSPECTED ALL OF THE ABOVE REPORTED WORK, UNLESS OTIHERWISE NOTED I HAVE FOUND TIIIS -51 c N A TI1 14 L o F iiE(i I STE H E n I 18 BPLCTO H AR HITECT Ifrommenhoek McKeown Eoneer Engineering EN INEEI, CONTR. DOING nEPORTED WORK LA RECElVl G 0. TESTIN C NSTn. MAT'L SAMPLES Wyman Yesting E&s WORK TO COMPLY WITH THE APPROVED PLANS SPECIFICATIONS, & 6 -, <I " APPLICADLESECTIONS OF THE CITY OF SAN DI€GO I+IJII.DING LAWS. DATE Or RCPOnT I3 L G 157 C !I tl< I h< U E n 13230 Evenirig Creek Drive South Wyman Suite 210 Testing San Diego, California 92128 Laboratories (619) 486-0351 COVERING WORK PERFORMED OHEINFORCEO CONCRETE , OSTRUCT. STEEL ASSEMULY WHICH REOUIRED APPROVAL BY OPRE6TRESSED CONCRETE UREINFORCED GYPSUM flOLUE-LAM.FABRlCATION THE SPECIAL INSPECTOR OF OREINFORCEU MASONRY UPlLE DRIVING I~lDTHEIi 08 AOORESS 7188 Avenida Encinas Carlsbad Poinsettia Village - Phase 11 2000 psi I CafMat Design Mix # CS64EWP7-7 or Mortar Type 's' Hollow Load nearing CMU ASTM c90 Reinf. Bars ASTM A615 Gr. 60 >WNER OR PROJECT NAY TR. M T'L TY E GRADE ETC.] 'O We 1 n forded >la sori r y BESIGN STRENGTH SOURC OR MFGR. 1'01, WEL.,' No. 90-074 4-27 is 90 OLDG. PERMlT NO. PLAN FILE NO. 89-855 Eoom€s blesquita 8urEett & wong Mccartliyfiacific Crest Ozark Co. Wyman Testing rJa%s A CHIT CT E GIN El GENERALCONT ACTQR CONTR. DOING REPORTED wonic LAB RECEIVING Q TESTING ONSTll. MAT'L SAMPLES - MASONRY INSPECTION 4-27 Inspected the laying-up of reinforced, grouted structural Masons were observed for proper low-lift installation Inspected the laying-up of CMU block at nuildings I1 61 I wall Inspected mortar for proper mixing and handling. Inspected reinEorcing steel for size, grade, lap, location, and clearance. Inspected the placement and consolidation of 5 cubic yards of grout, mix design # C564EWP7-70R in the following locations: wall line 4 (A to I) grout pour to top of wall. masonry as outlined below. procedures and techniques as noted on approved drawings. line 4 (A to I) final lay-up up to top of wall. One set of 4 grout samples taken from wall line 4(D to E). Grout supplied by CalMat. Ticket H 69832, Work inspected is in accordance with the approved plans. truck # 4977. CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE INSPECTED ALL OF THE ABOVE REPORTED WORK, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED I HAVE FOUNOTHIS WORK TO COMPLY WITH THE APPROVED PLANS SPECIFICATIONS, & APPLICAOLESECTIONS OF THE CITY OF SAN DlEGCl tlUILUING LAWS, 13230 Evening Creek Drive South California 92120 WHICH REOUIRED APPROVAL BY nPHE.STRESSED CONCRETE UREINFORCED GYPSUM DGLUE-LAM.FADRICATION THE SPECIAL INSPECTOR OF OREINFORCED MASONRY OPlLE DRIVING MASONRY INSPECTION 4-26 Inspected the laying-up of reinforced, grouted structural masonry as outlined below. Masons were observed for proper high lift procedures and techniques as noted on approved drawings. Inspected reinforcing steel for size, grade, lap, location, and clearance. Inspected grout space immediately prior to closing of cleanouts for clean-up and clearances. Inspected the placement and consolidation of 11 cubic yards of grout, mix design #665 in the foLl.owing Locations: Upper retaining wall at lunch area. One set of 4 grout samples taken from l0ft.back from south side of stair's. Grout supplied by Escondido Ready Mix. Ticket # 343656, truck #290. Work inspected is in accordance with the approved plans and specifications per IJBC. Note: All masonry inspection is comple.ted. CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE INSPECTED ALL OF THE ABOVE REPORTED WORK, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED I I-IAVE FOUNDTHIS WORK TO COMPLY WITH THE APPROVED PLANS SPECIFICATIONS, Ed APPLICABLESECTIONS OF TI-IE CITY OF SAN OlEGO BUILDING LAWS. I (,<,Lei,'<, 322 DATE OF IREPOIIT I1CG ISTE" II"I.IDE,I Y 13230 Evening Creek Drive South California 92.120 THE SPECIAL INSPECTOR OF MASONRY INSPECTION 4-26 Inspected the laying-up of reinEorced, grouted structural masonry as outlined below. Masons were observed for proper high lift procedures and techniques as noted on approved drawings. Inspected reinforcing steel €or size, grade, lap, location, and clearance. Inspected grout space immediately prior to closing of cleanouts for clean-up and clearances, Inspected the placement and consblidation of 11 cubic yards of grout, mix design #665 in the following locations: Upper retaining wall at lunch area. One set of 4 grout samples taken from 10ft.back from south side of stair's. Grout supplied by Esco'ndido Ready Mix. Ticket # 343656, truck #290. Work inspected is in accordance with the approved plans and specifications per UBC. Note: All masonry inspection is comple.ted. I CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE INSPECTED ALL OF THE ABOVE REPORTED WORK. UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED I HAVE FOUND THIS WORK TO COMPLY WITH THE APPROVED PLANS SPECIFICATIONS. & APPLICABLESECTIONS OF THE CITY OF SAN DIEGD BUILDING LAWS, ( <,,kJ,'C. XZ? II C G I STE I3 NU M BE n DATE OF REPOllT .- COVERING WORK PERFORMED [IIREINFOHCED CONCRETE USTRUCT. STEEL ASSEMBLY WHICH REOUIRED APPROVAL BY OPRE.STRESSE0 CONCRETE oREINFORCE0 GYPSUM 0GLUE.LAM.FABRICATION THE SPECIAL INSPECTOR OF OREINFORCEO MASONRY OPILE DRIVING OTH E R -on WEEK JOB ADDRESS 1050 & 1060 Auto Center Ct., Carlsbad No. 89-201 ENU~NG 4-27 1s 90 Car Country Plaza 1060/89-1694 'A'I Re in to rhed Masonry f'm 1,500 Hazard Block Coneer Engineering C90 H.L.b. Grade! N-? 8x4~16, & 12x4~16 Slump, C270 Type 'S' Mortar/800 psi C476 Grout 2,000 psi/Mix 665 Wynian Testlng Labs A615 Reinforcing Steel Grade 60 Rldg H Permit - 1050/89-1693 OWNER OR PROJECT NAME ELDG. PE IMIT NO PLAN FlLE NO. -CONST%. M Tal TY E.GRADE.ETC.1 AI1CHITECT Krommenhoek/McKeown Co?lfi.ns Wit%sosgy Masonry DESIGN STRENGTH SOUACE OR MFGR. ENGINEER DESCRIDE MAT'!+. MIX DESIGN RE-B R RADE a MFGR.1 GEN n LCONTRACTOH COtjT , DOlN REPORTCD WORK LAO RECEIVING e TESTING CONST". MAT'L SAMPLES MASONRY INSPECTION 4-25 Inspected the laying-up of reinforced, grouted structural masonry as outlined below. Masons were observed for proper high lift retainin9 wall procedures and techniques as noted on approved drawings. Inspected the laying-up of C90 Grade N-1 H.L.R. 8x4~16, 12x4~16 slump block. Lunch area upper retaining wall is full height. Inspected mortar for proper mixing and handling. Inspected reinforcing steel for size, grade, lap, location, and clearance. CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE INSPECTED ALL OF THE ABOVE WORK TO COMPLY WITH THE APPROVED PLANS SPECIFICATIONS,& REPORTED WORK, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED I HAVE FOUND THIS APPLICABLESECTIONS OF THE CITY OF SAN DIEGO BUILDING LAWS. VEGISTCRED INSPECTOR .> - yc;uy* r: +'(.i,,:?- ,.i.xia 2.. I1EG I5TCrl IIUUOEH DATE 0,'"EPORT ... Wyman Testing Laboratories 13230 Evening Creek Drive South Suite 218 San Diego, California 92120 1619) 486-0354 COVERING WORK PERFDHMED DREINFUHCED CONCRETE , \hTRUCT. STEEL. ASSEMULY WHICH REOUIRED APPROVAL BY nl'RE.STliESSED CONCRETE uHEINFOtlCE1) tiY1'SUM ~GLUE.LAM.FABHICATION THE SPECIAL INSPECTOR OF OREINFORCED MASONRY UPILE DRIVING (7 OTHER r77n TV~P 's' Mori-ar/ROl? nni MASONRY INSPECTION 4-24 Inspected the laying-up of reinforced, grouted structural masonry as outlined below. Masons were observed for proper high lift grouted CMU slump block wall's procedures and techniques as. noted on approved drawings. Inspected the laying-up of C90 Grade N-1H.L.A 8x4~16, 12x4~16 slump block at building 'A' and lunch area retaining wall north side of stair's 1st 5th lift, and site screen wall north side of building 'A'. Inspected mortar €or proper mixing and handling. One set of 4 mortar samples taken from north wall at stair's going up 1st 4 ft. Inspected reinforcing s tee1 for size, grade, lap, location, and clearance. Inspected the placement and consolidation of 9 1/2 cubic yards of grout, mix design #665 in the following locations: Building 'A' last grout lift D3 thru F3, P3 thru El.5, 11.2 at I thru D.4 at 1. This makes building 'A' completed. One se.t of 4 grout samples taken Erom building A at line D.3 1/2 at 3 last lift. Grout supplied by Escondido Ready Mix. Ticket H1255770, truck #514. Work inspected is in accordance with the approved plan and specifications per UBC. CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE i;./ /-Zz - I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE INSPECTED ALL OF THE ABOVE REPORTED WORK, UNLESS OTIiERWISE NOTED I IblAVE FOUND TI-IIS WORK TO COMPLY WITH THE APPROVE0 PLANS SPECIFICATIONS, IL APPLICABLE SECTIONS OF THE CITY OF SAN DIEGO UUlLDlNG LAWS. Z22-x 61 E G 1s~ c n NU M o E n DATE OF I3CPOI1T 13230 Evening Creek Drive South Suite 210 Wyman Testing San lliecjo, Califorilia 92128 Laboratories (6 19) 486-0354 COVERING WORK PERFORMED nRElNFORCE0 CONCRETE . OSTRUCT. STEEL ASSEMBLY WHICH REOUIRED APPROVAL By OPRE4THESSEO CONCRETE OREINFORCED GYPSUM nGLUE.LAM.FAan,CATION THE SPECIAL INSPECTOR OF nRElNFORCED MASONRY OPlLE DRIVING OTHER 10” *DOI1CSQ MASONRY INSPECTTON 4-23 Inspected the laying-up of reinEorced, grouted structural masonry as outlined below. Masons were observed for proper highlift CMU slump block wall procedures and techniques as noted on approved drawings. Inspected the laying-up of C90 Grade N-1, H.L.R. 8x4~16, 12x4~16 slump block at Building A and site retaining wall at lunch area. Wall south of stairs completed and started 1st 4th Lift on north side oE stairs. I Inspected mortar for proper mixing and handling. Inspected reinforcing steel. €or size, grade, lap, location, and clearance. CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE A/ /---I-) ~~ I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE INSPECTED ALL OF THE ABOVE REPORTED WORK, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED I IIAVE FOUNDTHIS WORK TO COMPLY WITH THE APPROVED PLANS SPECIFICATIONS,& ERE0 INSPECTOR dW7A.WC. 2 T5- APPLICABLESECTIONS OF TlHE CITY OF SAN OIEGO IIUILDING LAWS. DATE OF REPOnT IIEGISTEn IIUMIlEn Y JO" *ODIIESS 1050 & 1060 Auto Center Ct. Carlsbad OWNER OR PROJECT NAME Car Country Plaza Reinforced Masonry f'm 1500 Hazard Block C90 H.L.B. Gr. N1 8x4~16 & 12x4~16 S lumr, C270 TvDe 's' Mortar 1800 psi C476 Grout 2000 psi Mix # 665 A615 Reinforcinq Steel Gr. 60 CONSTR. MAT'L (TYPE.GRA0E.ETC.J DESIGN STRENGTH SOURCE OR MFGR. OESCRIOE MAT'L. {MIX DESlGN. RE-BAR GRAOE It MFGR.1 PO,) WEEK '*90 N0'89-201 ENOlNG 4-20 OLOG. PERMtT NO. PLAN FILE NO, 89-1693/1694 Krommenhoek/McReown Coneer Engineering Collins Gener. Cont. Withosky Masonry Wyman Testing Labs ARCHITECT ENGINEER GENERAL CONTRACTOR CONTR. DOING REPORTED WORK LAB RECEIVING It TESTING CONSTR. MAT'L SAMPLES MASONRY INSPECTION 4-20 Inspected the laying-up of reinforced, grouted structural Masons were observed for proper high-lift CMU slump block masonry as outlined below. wall procedures and techniques as noted on approved drawings. 12x4~16 slump block at Building A, D3 thru F & G3, G15 thru F3 and continued on lunch area retaining wall from stairs south and site screen wall. Inspected the laying-up Of C90 Gr. N1 H.L.B. 8X4X16 & Inspected mortar for proper mixing and handling. One set of 4 mortar samples taken from last lift line 3 at E. Inspected reinforcing steel for size, grade, lap, location, and clearance. Work inspected is in accordance with the approved plans and specifications. CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE INSPECTED ALL OF THE ABOVE WORK TO COMPLY WITH THE APPROVED PLANS SPECIFICATIONS,& REPORTED WORK, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTE0 I I-IAVE FOUND THIS SIGNATUR FR 'REO INSPECTOR APPLICABLESECTIONS OF THE CITY OF SAN DltGO BUILDING LAWS, DATE 9-2u-Z OF RCPOnT- 7 Gmec3e;.riv I? CG 15TEll N UI.IOER Wyman Testing Laboratories 00 AOORE5S 1050 & 1060 Auto Center Ct. Carlsbad iWNER OR PROJECT NAME Car Country Plaza Reinforced Masonry f'm 1500 Hazard Block C90 H.L.B. Gr. N1 8x4~16 & 12~4x16 Slump C270 Type 's' Mortar 1800 psi C476 Grout 2000 psi Mix # 665 A615 Reinforcinq Steel Gr. 60 ONSTR. MAT'L ITYPE.GRADE.ETC.J lEFlGN STRENGTH SOURCE OR MFGR. 8ESCRIBE MAT'L. (MIX DESIGN. RE-BAR GRADE (L MFGR.1 13230 Evening Creek Drive Soulh Suite 218 Sari C)iego, Caliloriiin 92 128 1619) 486-0354 1'011 WEtK '19 0 No. 89-201 YNU#NC. 4-20 BLOC. PEllMlT NO. PLAN FlLE NO. 89-1693/1694 Kromnienhoek/McKeown Coneer Engineering Collins Gener. Cont. Withosky Masonry Wyman Testing Labs ARCHlTECT ENGINEER GENERALCONTRACTOR CONTR. DOING REPORTED WORK LAB nECElVlNG (L TESTING CONSTR. MAT'L SAMPLES ~ - __ COVERING WORU PERFORMED OREINFORCED CONCRETE OSTRUCT. STEEL ASSEMBLY WHICH REOUIRED APPROVAL BY OPRE.STRESSED CONCRETE OREINFORCED GYPSUM flGLUE.LAM.FABRICATION THE SPECIAL INSPECTOR OF OREINFORCED MASONRY OPILE DRIVING nOTHER MASONRY INSPECTION 4-19 Inspected the laying-up of reinforced, grouted structural rriasonry as outlined below. Masons were observed for proper high-lift CMU slump walls procedures and techniques as noted on approved drawings. Inspected the laying-up of C90 Gr. N1 A.L.R. 8x4~16 & 12x4~16 slump block at Duilding A, D.2 thru D.4 at I, upper retaining wall at lunch area, site screen wall north end of site. Inspected mortar for proper mixing and handlj.ng. Inspected reinforcing steel for size, grade, lap, location, Work inspected is in accordance with the approved plans and and clearance. specifications. CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE INSPECTED ALL OF THE ABOVE REPORTED WORK, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED I HAVE FOUNDTHIS WORK TO COMPLY WITH THE APPROVED PLANS SPECIFICATIONS,& P+7&3- I~EGISTC~I riutnDER APPLICABLESECTIONS OF THE CITY OF SAN DlEGO BUILDING LAWS, DATE OF REPORT MASONRY INSPECTION 4-18 Inspected the laying-up of reinforced, grouted structural masonry as outlined below. Masons were observed for proper high-lift CMU slump block wall procedures and techniques as noted on approved drawings. . Inspected the laying-up of C90 Gr. N1 H.L.B. 8x4~16 & 12x4~16 slump block at Building A, and site retaining at lunch area; also, looked at site screen wall north side of Bui.'Ldinc~ A. Inspected mortar for proper mixing and handling. One set of 4 mortar sainples taken from 1st 8" of wall at end of stairs south retaining wall. Inspected reinforcing steel for size, grade, lap, location, and clearance. Inspected grout space immediately prior to closing of cleanouts for clean-up and clearances. Inspected the placement and consplidation of 17 1/2 cubic yards of grout, mix design # 665 in the following locations: Building A, 1st grout lift on line D3 thru F3, 2nd grout lift 1 & 2 at D1 thru 1 thKU 1.5 at E. One set of 4 grout samples taken from Building A, 1st grout lift at 6 ft. of 10 ft. lift line 3 at D.3. Grout supplied by Escondido Ready Mix. Ticket # 205881, truck # 524. Work inspected is in accordance with the approved plans and project specifications. CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE INSPECTED ALL OF THE ABOVE REPORTED WORK, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTEI) I IIAVE FOUNDTHIb WORK TO COMPLY WITH THE APPROVED PLANS SPECIFICATIONS, Lk APPLICABLESECTIONS OF TtIE CITY OF SAN DltGO BUILDING LAWS, I1CG ISTCII 11" hl UC I1 g Creek Drive South . .. ^.^ >ESCAItIE MAT'L. (MIX DESIGN. nE.OAR GnADE B; MFGR.1 C9Q 1I.L.B. Gr. N-1 8~4x16 & 12~4x16 C270 Type 's' Flortar 1800 psi C476 Grout 2000 psi Mix 665 Reinf. Steel ASTM A615 Gr. 60 &6 'e 9G PLAN FILE NO, t694 GENEllAL CONTRACTOR Collins General Cont. WitKOsky Masonry Wyman Testing LaEs C0NT.R. OINC llEPORTED Wont< -~ LAO I7ECEIVING B; TKSTING CO STn. MAT'L SAMPLEPI 4 i7 MASONRY INSPECTION Inspected the laying-up of reinforced, grouted structural masonry as outlined below. Masons were observed for proper high-lift CMU wall procedures and techniques as noted on approved drawings. Inspected the laying-up of C90 Gr. N1 HLR 8x4~16 & 12x4~16 slump block at Building A, started 2nd lift on lines D.3 at 1 thru El, El thru E1.5, laid out line F3 thru D at 3. Inspected mortar for proper mixing and handling. One set of 4 mortar samples taken From Building A, 2nd lift Inspected reinforcing steel for size, grade, lap, location, Work inspected is in accordance with the approved plans and at 6.5 Et. of line El thru E1.2. and clearance. specifications per UBC. CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE INSPECTED ALL OF THE ABOVE 3EPORTED WORK, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED I HAVE FOUNDTHIS VORK TO COMPLY WITH THE APPROVED PLANS SPECIFICATIONS, 5 I? E G 1ST E n NU M 0 E rt i~~~~~~~~~s~c.rio~~ OF TIIE CITY OF SAN i>iEGo IIUILDING LAWS. - 13230 Eveliilig Creak Drive Soul11 Wyman Suite 210 Testing San Diego. California 92128 Laboratories (619) 486-0354 COVERING WORK PEHFORMED OHEINFOHCEO CONCRETE . OSTHUCT. STEEL ASSEMHLY WHICH REOUIRED APPROVAL BY OPRE.STHESSE0 CONCRETE mRElNFORCE0 GYPSUM nGLUE-LAM.FABRICATION THE SPECIAL INSPECTOR OF OREINFORCED MASONRY OPILE DRIVING UOTHER JOU ADDRESS 1050 & 1060 Auto Center Ct. Carlsbad OWNER OR PROJECT NAME Car Country Plaza CONSTR. MAT'L (TVPE.GRADE.ETC.J DESIGN STRENGTH Re in forced Mason r y f'm 1500 Hazard Block C90 1I.L.R. GK. N1 8~4x16 & 12~4x16 5 1 umu C270 Tvpe 's' Mortar 1800 psi C476 Grout 2000 psi Mix # 665 A615 Reinforcinq Steel Gr. 60 SOURCE OR MFGR. DESCRIBE MAT'L. (MIX DESIGN. RE.BAR GRADE LL MFGR.1 I-OH WEEK "O.89-201 EN u I N c. l*90 Pl.AI4 F!LE NO. -LOG. PEnMlT NO. 89-1693/1694 ARCHITECT Kromnienhoek/McKeown Coneer Engineering Collins Gener . Cont. Withosky Masonry Wyman Testing Labs ENGlNECR GENERAL CONTRACTOR CONTR. OOING REPORTED WORK LAO nECElVlNG LL TESTING CONSTR. MAT',. SAMPLES UNSCHEDULED CANCELLATION 4-17 Reported to project site for scheduled masonry inspection. Due to conditions outside our control, inclement weather conditions (rain), scheduled work was cancelled without notice. No inspections were performed. CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE INSPECTED ALL OF THE ABOVE REPORTED WORK, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED I HAVE FOUNDTHIS WORK TO COMPLY WITH THE APPROVED PLANS SPECIFICATIONS, & APPLICABLESECTIONS OF THE CITY OF SAN OltGO I3UILOING LAWS, -4J.-=w REG 1STCll NUhlllE rl " JOB ADDRESS 1050 & 1060 Auto Center Ct. Carlsbad OWNER OR PROJECT NAME Car Country Plaza Re 1 n tor c e d Ma son r y f'm 1500 Hazard Block C90 1I.L.B. Gr. N1 8x4~16 & 12~4x16 Slump C270 Type 's' Mortar 1800 psi C476 Grout 2000 psi t4ix # 665 CONSTq. M T'L 1TYPE.GAAOE.ETC.I OESIGN STRENGTH SOURCE OR MFCR. OESCRIOE MAT'L. (MIX DESIGN. RE.BAR GRADE & MFGR.1 r Wyman Testing Laboratories ,'OH WEE* N0'89-201 IENDING 4-20 1s 90 BLDG. PERMIT NO. PLAN PILE NO, 89-1693/1694 K r omme n hoe k /Mc K e ow n Coneer Engineering Collins Gener. Cont. Nitliosky Masonry Wyman Testing Labs ARCHITECT ENGINE E R 0 E N E R A L C 0 N T R I\ CTO I? CONTR. DOING llEPORTBD WORM LAO RECEIVING LL TESTING CONSTR. MAT'L SAMPLES 13230 Evening Creek Drive South Suite 210 San Diego. California 92128 (619) 486-0354 - 0 ..... ~ Car Country Plaza Re 1 n tor c e d Ma son r y CONSTq. M T'L 1TYPE.GAAOE.ETC.I OESIGN STRENGTH ISOURCE OR MFCR. ~~~ ~ PEHFOHMEO ORElhFUHCtU COIuCHETE OSTIIUCT. STEEL ASSEMULY WIllCH REOUIHED APPHOVAL BY C]PRE.STRESSEO CONCRETE ultEINFOI3CEO liYPSUM !:IGLUE-LAM.FABIIICATlON 1s 90 20 PILE NO, 8 9-1 6 93 /1694 K r omme n hoe k /Mc K e ow n ARCHITECT ENGINE E R Collins Gener. Cont. 'sky Masonry 10ING llEPORTBD WORM I ' ElVlNG LL TESTING CONSTR. MAT'L SAMPLES - Testing Labs A615 Reinforcing Steel Gr. 60 I MASONRY INSPECTION 4-16 I Inspected the laying-up of reinforced, grouted structural masonry as outlined below. Masons were observed for proper high-lift CMU slump block wall procedures and techniques as noted on approved drawings. Inspected the laying-up of C90 Gr. NI 8x4~16 & 12x4~16 slump block at Building A, continued on line F at 1.5 thru G & F at 3, D3 thru F3 and D.2 thru D.4 at 1, started upper retaining wall at lunch area south end of wall in line with D.4 - Building A. Inspected mortar for proper mixing and handling. Inspected reinforcing steel for size, grade, lap, location, Inspected grout space immediately prior to closing of Work inspected is in accordance with the approved plans and and clearance. cleanouts for clean-up and clearances. specifications. CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I tlAVE INSPECTED ALL OF THE ABOVE REPORTED WORK, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED I ~IAVE FOUND THIS APPLICABLESECTIONS OF THE CITY OF SAN DIEGO BUILDING LAWS. WORK TO COMPLY WITH THE APPROVED PLANS SPECIFICATIONS, 1L FmW DATE OF REPORT I3 E G I ST Ell N U t4 0 E 63 L.. ~ .... ..,. . . . , ,,.. , . .. . . , . .. . . ,... ._... G;&- JOB ADORES5 1050 & 1060 Auto Center Ct. Carlsbad OWNER OR PROJECT NAME Car Country Plaza CONSTA, MAT'L ITYPE.GI7ADE.ETC.J Reinforced Masonr - f'm 1500 Hazard Block C90 H.L.B. Gr. N-1 8X4Xl6 & 12x4~16 C270 Type 's' Mortar 1800 psi C476 Grout 2000 psi Mix 665 DESIGN STRENGTH SOURCE OR MFCR DESCRIBE MAT'L. [MIX DESIGN. IIE-BAR GRAOE (L MFGR.1 132:)O Evcning Ctcnk Olive South Suite 210 Wyman Testing Sari Diego, Cahfornia 92120 Laboratories (619) 406-0354 COVERING WORK PERFORMED OREINFORCED CONCRETE . OSTRUCT. STEEL ASSEMBLY WHICH REOUIRED APPROVAL BY C]PRE-STRESSED CONCRETE OREINFORCED GYPSUM OGLUE-LAM.FABRICATIDN THE SPECIAL INSPECTOR OF OREINFORCED MASONRY UPILE DRIVING OOTHER I on WEEK No' 89-201 ENOING - 80 9 SLDG. PERMlT NO. PLAN FlLE NO. 89-1693/1694 ARCHITECT Krommenhoek/McKeown LNDINr'ER --__ Coneer Enqineerinq GENERALCONTRACTOR Collins General Cont. Witeky Pfasonry Nyrnan Testing 1,abs CONTR. DOING ltEPORTED WORK LAB RECElYlNG TESTING CONSTR. MAT'L SAMPLES ~~ Reinf. Steel A615 Gr. 60 . .... ~ -_ 4-13 MASONRY INSPECTION Inspected the laying-up of reinforced, grouted structural masonry as outlined below. Masons were observed for proper high-lift CMU wall procedures and techniques as noted on approved drawings. Inspected the laying-up of C90 Gr. N1 HLB 8x4~16 & 12x4~16 slump block at Building A, El thru F at 1.5, F at 1.5 thru F & G at 3. Inspected mortar for proper mixing and hand]-ing. Inspected reinforcing steel for size, grade, lap, location, and clearance. CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE # /A/ I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE INSPECTED ALL OF THE ABOVE REPORTED WORK, UNLESS O.rHERWISE NOTE0 I HAVE FOUND THIS WORK TO COMPLY WITH THE APPROVE0 PLANS SPECIFICATIONS, & 9dW - Pwd&ad3 APPLICAOLE SECTIONS OF TllE CITY OF SAN DIEGO BUILUING LAWS, OATE Or liCP0nT I1CGlhTfrl N Vhl DE I2 I e- %. 13230 Evening Creek Drive South Suite 218 Wyman Testing San Diego. California 92128 (619) 486-0354 Laboratories COVERING WORK PERFORMED OREINFORCED CONCRETE OSTRUCT. STEEL ASSEMtlLY WHICH REQUIRED APPROVAL BY 0PRE.STAESSED CONCRETE OREINFORCED GYPSUM flGLUE.LAM.FABRICATION THE SPECIAL INSPECTOR OF OREINFORCED MASONRY OPlLE DRIVING UOTHER MASONRY INSPECTION 4-11 Inspected the laying-up of reinforced, grouted structural masonry as outlined below. Masons were observed for proper high-lift CMU procedures and techniques as noted on approved drawings. Inspected the laying-up of C90 Gr. Nl FILA 8x4~16 & 12x4~16 slump block at Building A, laid lines D at 1 thru El, El thru F at 1.5. Inspected mortar €or proper mixing and handling. One set of 4 mortar samples taken from Building A, at D.4 at Inspected reinforcing steel for size, grade, lap, location, Inspected grout space immediately prior to closing of Work inspected is in accordance with the approved plans and 1 at lintel. and clearance. cleanouts for clean-up and clearances. specifications per UBC. 4-12 Inspected the laying-up of reinforced, grouted structural masonry as outlined below. Masons were observed for proper high-lift CMU wall procedures and techniques as noted on approved drawings. Inspected the laying-up of C90 Gr. N1 HLR 8x4~16 & 12x4~15 slump block at Building A, continued on lines D at 1 thru E at 1, El thru F at 1.5. Inspected mortar for proper mixing and handling. Inspected reinforcing steel for size, grade, lap, location, Work inspected is in accordance with the approved plans and and clearance. specifiations per UBC. CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE INSPECTED ALL OF THE ABOVE REPORTED WORK, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED I HAVE FOUND THIS WORK TO COMPLY WITH THE APPROVED PLANS SPECIFICATIONS, 5 APPLICAELESECTIONS OF THE CITY OFSAN OIEGO BUILDING LAWS, I?EGISTER NUMBEn DATE OF REPORT I ,.._,__.., .....,...,...... .. ,,... " 1:32:)0 Eveniiig Crock Dtivo Sollth Suite 210 Wymaii Testing .SR~I Diego, Cdifornia 92120 Laboratories (619) 4f\6-0354 COVERING WORK PEnFOIlMEU I.~IlEINFOIlCEU CONCRETE C%XRlJCT. S'IEEI. ASSEMHLY WlllCll REOUIREU Al'l'flOVAL BY [Ill'IlEW IlESSEO CONCllEl E ClRElNFOIlCED CiYPSUM ~T.i.lIE.LAM.FAHIlICAllON THE SPECIAL INSPECTOR OF 1 IllElNFllllCEU MASONRY C:lPlLE DIllVlNl; Cl or1 lliri 3.05CIt;ter ri-. 0wNEn on PnOJECT NAME r9cI F1.L.R. Cr. N - 1 8x4~16 & 13~4x16 rnllins General rnnt C~NT~. DOING I~EPOIZTED wonic Avrv LAB IIECElVlN LL TESTING CbNSTR. MAT'L SAMPLES C476 Grout .20c10 si Mix 665 Wvman Test'inq r,a hs MASONRY INSPECTION 4-10 Inspected the laying-up of reinforced, grouted structural masonry as outlined below. Masons were observed for proper high-lift CMU wall procedures and techniques as noted on approved drawings. Inspected the laying-up of C90 Gr. N1 HLB 8x4~16 & 12x4~16 slump block at Building A, continued on line D3-F3 and veneer Building B, 1.2 thru 1.7 B line. Inspected mortar for proper mixing and handling. Inspected reinforcing steel for size, grade, lap, location, and clearance. Inspected grout space immediately prior to closing of cleanouts For clean-up and clearances. Inspected the placement and consolidation of 25 cubic yards of grout, mix design # 665 in the following locations: Building A, last grout lift on lines B4 thru 03, 03 thru C2, C2 thru ~1 & 2, C.9 at 3 thru 3.5 at C.9 and last lift 3 ft. line 4.3 thru 4.7 at A. One set of 4 grout samples taken from Building A, at approximately 12th floor level B at 2.5. One set of 4 prism samples taken from 12th floor level, B at 2.5 line. Grout supplied by Escondido Ready Mix. Ticket # 671365, truck # 499. Work inspected is in accordance with the approved plans and specifications per UBC. CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE J%/ L7 I IlEREBY CERTIFY TllAr I IIAVE INSPECTErI A1.L. OF TlIE ABOVE REPORTEL? WORK. UNL.ESS OTllEl7WlSE NOl~EU I IIAVE FOUND 1111s APPLICABLE SECTIONS OF THE CITY OF SAN DIEGO HUILDING LAWS, I1E G 15'rE n NVMOE n WORK TO COMPLY WITII niE APPROVEU PLArds SPECIFICATIONS, e, WIIICII IIE~IUIRED AWIIOVAL UY cll’IlE.Sl IlESSELI CONCllE’lE L:~IIEINFORCEO GYI’WM r~GLUE-LAM.FAOIIICATION THE SPECIAL INSI’ECTOII CII: C~I R E IN Fl II1CEll M ASONllY ch’l LE DHIV IN(; LTIOTHER OB ADDRESS 1050 & 1060 Auto Center Ct. carlsbad DWNER on PnOJECT NIIMII Car country Plaza ONSTR. MAT’L ITYPE.Gl7ADE.ETC.J mN STRENGTH SOURCE OR MFGn. Reinforced Masonry €‘m 1500 Hazard Block C90 1I.L.B. Gr. N-1 8~4x16 & 12x4~16 C270 Type ‘s’ Mortar 1800 psi C476 Grout ,2000 psi Mix 665 Rein€. 5teel A615 Gr. 60 SESCRIBE MAT’LI lMlX DESIGN. RE.BAR GRADE LL MFGH.1 -__ - 1’011 w LEY -__-_____ 89-201 ENUINT. 4-13 19 90 DLDG. I’EIIMIT NO. PLAN TILE NO. 89-1693/1694 ARCHITECT Krommenhoek/McKeown Coneer Engineering Collins General Cont. Withosky Masonry Wyman Testing Labs ENGINEER GENERAL CONTRACTOn CONTR. DOING WEPORTED WORM LAB RECEIVING R TEPTINC CONSTR. MAT’L SAMPLES MASONRY INSPECTION 4-9 Insr~ected the laying-up of reinforced, grouted structural masonry as outlined below. E4asons were observed for proper high-1.ift CMU wal.1 procedures and techniques as noted on approved drawings. Inspected the laying-up of C90 Gr. Nl HLB 8x4~16 & 1.2~4~16 slump block at Building A, continued on line F & G at 1.5, F & G at 3, F3 thru D3, started veneer on Building B, line 01.2 thru 1.7. Inspected mortar for proper mixing and handling. Inspected reinforcing steel for size, grade, lap, location, and clearance. Inspected grout space immediately prior to closing of cleanouts for clean-up and clearances. Inspected the placement and consolidation of 9 1/2 cubic yards of grout, mix design # 665 in the following locations: Building A, 1st grout lift on line F & G 3 thru El, El thru D.3. One set of 4 grout samples taken from Building A at 7 ft. level line P & G 1.5. Grout supplied by Escondido Ready Mix. Ticket # 20.5516, truck # 528. Work inspected is in accordance with the approved drawings and the UBC. CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE INSPECTED A1.L OF THE ABOVE REPORTED WORK, UNLESS O.I&IERWISE NOTED I IIAVE FOUND THIS WORK TO COMPLY WITH THE APPROVED PLANS SPECIFICATIONS,& APPLICABLESECTIONS OF TtIE CITY OF SAN DIEGO BUILDING LAWS, INSPECTOR €-dAZs-r il EG I STE rl N V h! 0 En ,. ,. . , .- .. I 13230 Evening Creek Drive South Suite 218 Wyman Testing San Diego, California 92128 Laboratories (619) 486-0354 . COVERING WORK PERFORMED OREINFORCED CONCRETE , OSTRUCT. STEEL ASSEMBLY WHICH REOUIRED APPROVAL BY OPRE.STRESSE0 CONCRETE OREINFORCED GYPSUM OGLUE-LAM.FABRICATlON THE SPECIAL INSPECTOR OF OREINFORCE0 MASONRV OPILE DRIVING OOTHER MASONRY INSPECTION 4-6 Inspected the laying-up of reinforced, grouted structural masonry as outlined below. Masons were observed for proper high-lift CMU procedures and techniques as noted on approved drawings. Inspected the laying-up of C90 Gr. N1 H.L.B. 8x4~16 & 12x4~16 slump block at Building A, continued on lines 3 at B thru C at 2 over lintels. Inspected mortar for proper mixing and handling. Inspected reinforcing steel for size, grade, lap, location, Work inspected is in accordance with the approved plans and and clearance. specifications and the UBC. CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE INSPECTED ALL OF THE ABOVE /& wv - REPORTED WORK. UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED I HAVE FOUNDTHIS 1 SIGNATUR6(0F REGISTERED INSPECTOR ~.~ ~. ~~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~ WORK TO COMPLY WITH THE APPROVED PLANS SPECIFICATIONS, & APPLICABLESECTIONS OF THE CITY OF SAN OlEGO BUILDING LAWS. / 7kP 44/43 REGISTER NUMBER OAT- POflT A615 Reinf. Steel Gr. 60 MASONRY INSPECTION 4-5 Inspected the laying-up of reinforced, grouted structural masonry as outlined below. Masons were observed for proper high-lift (CMU) procedures a.nd techniques as noted on approved drawings. Inspected the laying-up of C9Q Gr. N1 H.L.B. 8x4~16 & 12x4~16 slump block at Building A, continued on 4th lift 3 thru 3.4 at C.9 line and 1st lift over lintels, 3 at B thru C at 2. Inspected mortar for proper mixing and handling. Inspected reinforcing steel for size, grade, lap, location, Work inspected is in accordance with the approved plans and and clearance. specifications per UBC. CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE INSPECTED ALL OF THE ABOVE REPORTED WORK, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED I HAVE FOUNOTHIS WORK TO COMPLY WITH THE APPROVE0 PLANS SPECIFICATIONS,& APPLICABLESECTIONS OF THE CITY OF SAN DlEGO BUILDING LAWS, DATE OF REPORT REGISTER NUMBER -- 1050 & 1060 Auto Center Dr. Carlsbad Car Country Plaza WNER OR PROJECT NAME DNSTR MAT'L ITYPE.GRADE,ETC.l ESIGN STRENGTH SOURCE OR MFGR. Reinforced Masonry f'm 1500 I Hazard Block C90 H.L.B. Gr. N1 8~4x16 & 12~4x16 Slumv C270 Type Is' Mortar 1800 psi C476 Grout 2000 psi Mix Desiqn # 665 ESCRlsE MAT'L. (MIX OESIGN. RE-BAR GRADE k MFGR.1 13230 Evening Creek Drive South Suite 210 Wyman Testing San Diego, California 92128 Laboratories (619) 486-0354 COVERING WORK PERFORMED OREINFORCED CONCRETE OSTRUCT. STEEL ASSEMBLY ~~ No' 89-201 jENUING 4-6 I* 90 BLDG. PERMIT NO. PLAN FILE NO. 89-1693/1694 ARCHOTECT Krommenhoek/McKeown Coneer Engineering Collins Withosky Masonry Wvman Testincl Labs ENGINEER GENERAL CONTRACTOR CONTR. 001NG REPORTED WORK LAB RECEIVING e TESTING CONSTR. MATL SAMPLES WHICH REOUIREO APPROVAL BY OPRE.STRESSEO CONCRETE OREINFORCED GYPSUM ~OLUE.LAM.FAORICATION THE SPECIAL INSPECTOR OF OREINFOHCED MASONRY flPlLE DRIVING --kill I E R 38 ADOReSS I Ico., *.LE* A615 Reinf. Steel Gr. 60 MASONRY INSPECTION 4-3 Inspected the laying-up of reinforced, grouted structural masonry as outlined below. Masons were observed for proper high-lift CMU procedures and techniques as noted on approved drawings. Inspected the laying-up of C90 Gr. N1 H.L.B. 8x4~16 & 12x4~16 slump block at Building A, 3rd lift on lines C at 2 thru D at 1 & 2, D 1 thru D.2 at 1, 4th lift line 3 thru 3.4 at C.9, 3 at B thru C at 2. Inspected mortar for proper mixing and handling. One set of 4 mortar samples taken from Building A, last Inspected reinforcing steel for size, grade, lap, location, Work inspected is in accordance with the approved plans and lift of D1 thru D.2 at 1. and clearance. specifications per UBC. UNSCHEDULED CANCELLATION 4-4 Reported to project site for scheduled masonry inspection. Due to conditions outside our control, weather conditions (rained out), scheduled work was cancelled without notice. No inspections were performed. I3EGISTER NUMBER CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE INSPECTED ALL OF THE ABOVE REPORTED WORK, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED I HAVE FOUND THIS WORK TO COMPLY WITH THE APPROVED PLANS SPECIFICATIONS, & APPLICABLESECTIDNS OF THE CITY OF SAN DlEGO BUILDING LAWS, EPORT DAT- 13230 Evening Creek Drive South Suite 218 San Diego, California 92128 Wyman Test in g Laboratories (619) 486-0354 COVERING WORK PERFORMED OREINFORCED CONCRETE OSTRUCT STEEL ASSEMBLY OS AODReSS 1050 & 1060 Auto Center Dr. Carlsbad IWNER OR PROJECT NAME Car Country Plaza Reinforced Masonry f'm 1500 Hazard Block C90 H.L.B. Gr. N1 8~4x16 & 12~4x16 SlUmr C278 Tvoe 's' Mortar 1800 psi C476 Grout 2000 psi Mix Design # 665 ONSTR. MAT'L ITVPE.GRADE.ETC.I 8ESlGN STRENGTH SOURCE OR MFGR. ESCRlaE MAT'L. (MIX DESIGN, RE-BAR GRADE (L MPGR.1 FOR WEEH No. 89-201 \ENDING 4-6 I* 90 BLDG. PERMIT NO. PLAN FILE NO. 89-1693/1694 Krommenhoek/McKeown Coneer Engineering Collins withosky Masonry Wyman Testing Labs ARCHITECT ENGINEER GENERALCONTRACTOR CONTR. DOING REPORTED WORK LAB RECEIVING e TESTING CONSTR. MATT. SAMPLES A615 Reinf. Steel Gr. 60 I MASONRY INSPECTION 4-2 Inspected the laying-up of reinforced, grouted structural masonry as outlined below. Masons were observed for proper high-lift CMU procedures and techniques as noted on approved drawings. Inspected the laying-up of C90 Gr. N1 H.L.B. 8x4~16 & 12x4~16 slump block at Building A, continued lines B at 3 thru B at 4, 4.3 thru 4.7 at A line, F at 1.5 thru 3 & G & F, 1st lift, 3rd lift over lintels C at 2 thru 1 & 2 at D, D.2 at 1 thru D1. Inspected mortar for proper mixing and handling. Inspected reinforcing steel for size, grade, lap, location, and clearance. Inspected grout space immediately prior to closing of cleanouts for clean-up and clearances. Inspected the placement and consolidation of 7 1/2 cubic yards of grout, mix design # 665 in the following locations: Building A, 1st grout lift on C.5 at 2, D at 1 thru D.2 at 1. One set of 4 grout samples taken from 1st lift at 6 to 7 ft., line D at 1. Grout supplied by Escondido Ready Mix. Ticket # 1252813, truck # 174. Work inspected is in accordance with the approved plans and specifications per UBC. CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE P\ fl I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE INSPECTED ALL OF THE ABOVE A5-vqvu REPORTED WORK. UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED I HAVE FOUND THIS / SIGNATURE O'F REGISTERED INSPECTOR WORK TO COMPLY WITH THE APPROVED PLANS SPECIFICATIONS, & - c24Zf-yz.l REGISTER NUMBER APPLICABLESECTIONS OF THE CITY OF SAN OlEGO BUILDING LAWS, DATE OF REPORT I 1:~!:3(1 Evening Creek Drive South Suite 218 AM.FADRICATION MASONRY INSPECTION 3-30 Inspected the laying-up of reinforced, grouted structural masonry as outlined below. Masons were observed for proper high-lift grouted CMU procedures and techniques as noted on approved drawings. Inspected the laying-up of c90 GK. N-1 H.L.B. 8x4~16 & 12x4~16 slump block at Building A, continued on lines 3 at B thru 4 at B, G at 2 thru F at 3 laid out, started 4th lift at Mechanical Room, 3 at C.9 thru 3.4 at C.9. Inspected mortar for proper mixing and handling. One set of 4 mortar samples taken from Building A, 4 ft. above lintel B at 3 thru B at 4. Inspected reinforcing steel for size, grade, lap, location, and clearance. Inspected grout space immediately prior to closing of cleanouts for clean-up and clearances. Inspected the placement and consolidation of19 1/2 cubic yards of grout, mix design # 665 in the following locations: Building A on lines 5.3 at C.5 thru 5.5 at D, C.5 and C.9 at 4 thru 3 at C.9, line 3 at C.5 thru D, 3 at B thru C.5 at 2. One set of 4 grout samples taken from Building A at line 3.2 at C.9. One set of 4 prism samples taken (12 x 16 x 8) at line 3.2 at C.9. Grout supplied by Escondido Ready Mix. Ticket # 1252585, truck # 541. Work inspected is in accordance with the approved plans and specifications. CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE INSPECTED ALL OF THE ABOVE REPORTED WORK, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTE0 I HAVE FOUND THIS WORK TO COMPLY WITH TI-IE APPROVED PLANS SPECIFICATIONS. & API’LICAOLESECTIONS OF TI-IE CITY OF SAN DlEGO UUlLDlNG LAWS, $& w;E:ng Laboratories 13230 Evening Creek Drive South Suite 218 %III Diego, California 92128 1619) 486-0354 . 3-29 MASONRY INSPECTION Inspected the laying-up of reinforced, grouted structural masonry as outlined below. Masons were observed for proper h gh-lift CMU walls procedures and techniques as noted on approved drawings. Inspected the laying-up of C90 Gr. N1 H.L.B. 8x4~16 & 12x4~16 slump block at Building A, continued on lines 3 at C.9 thru 4 at C.9; 3 at B thru 4 at A & B; completed line 5.3 at C.5 thru 5.5 at D and 3.4 at C.9 thru 4 at c.9 & C.5. Inspected mortar for proper mixing and handling. Inspected reinforcing steel for size, grade, lap, location, and clearance. Inspected grout space immediately prior to closing of cleanouts for clean-up and clearances. Work inspected is in accordance with the approved plans and specifications per UBC. CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE INSPECTED ALL OF THE ABOVE REPORTED WORK. UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED I NAVE FOUND TI-IIS WORK TO COMPLY WITH ‘THG APPROVED PLANS SI’ECIFICATIONS, & zzz AI’1’I.ICAIILESEC’TIOl~S OF TIME CITY OF SAN DIkGO UlllLOlNG LAWS, DATL o,’r<L,.onf’ I? EG 4 576 I3 NU hl 0 E 81 I 3" ADDRESS 1050 & 1060 Auto Center Carlsbad C.ar Country Plaza Reinforced Masonry f'm 1500 Hazard Block C90 H.L.B. Gr. N-1 8X4X16 & 12~4x16 Slump C270 Type 's' Mortar 1800 psi C476 GrOut.2000 psi Mix Design # 665 WNER OR PROJECT NAME ONSTR..MAT'L 1TYPE.GRADE.ETC.J SOURCE OR MFGR. ESlGN STRENGTH EIiCnlDE MAT'L. [MIX OESIGN. I?E.B+.R GRADE LL MFGR.1 ~I:K!30 Evening Creek Drive Sotilli Suite 218 Wyman Testing !hi) Diego, California 92128 \q& !tt;tt Laboratories (61 9) 406-0354 COVERING WORK PERFORMED REIN FORCED CONCRETE . OSTRUCT. STEEL ASSEMULY WHICH REOUIRED APPROVAL BY Ch'RE.STRESSED CONCRETE OflElNFORCED GYPSUM ~GLUE.LAM.FABRICAT~ON THE SPECIAL INSPECTOR OF OREiNFOHCED MASONRY OPlLE DRIVING nnTUGa For, WEE* 1s 90 No. 89-201 ENY~NG 3-30 OLDC. PEWMIT NO. PLAN FILE NO. 89-1693/94 Krommenhoek/McKeown Coneer Engineering Collins General Cont. Wihtoskv Masonry Wyman Testing Labs ARCHITECT ENGINE E I? GENERAL CONTRACTOR CONTR. DOING llCPORTE0 WORK LAD IIECEIVING lk TFSTING CONSTR. MAT'L SAMPLES ~- I - A615 Reinf. Steel Gr. 60 MASONRY INSPECTION 3-28 Inspected the laying-up of reinforced, grouted structural masonry as outlined below. Masons were observed for proper high-lift CMU wall procedures and techniques as noted on approved drawings. Inspected the laying-up of C90 Gr. N1 H.L.B. 8x4~16 & 12x4~16 slump block at Building A on lines 5th lift C.5 at 5.3 thru 5.5 at D, last lift C.5 & C.9 at 4 line. Inspected mortar for proper mixing and handling. Inspected reinforcing steel for size, grade, lap, location, Inspected grout space immediately prior to closing of Work inspected is in accordance with the approved plans, and clearance. cleanouts for clean-up and clearances. specifications and the UBC. CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE I HEREBY CERTIFY TIiAT I HAVE INSPECTED ALL OF THE ABOVE REPORTED WORK. UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED I IHAVE FOUND THIS WORK TO COMPLY WITH THE APPROVED PLANS SPECIFICATIONS,& APPLICABLESECTIONS OF THE CITY OF SAN OlEGO BUILDING LAWS, REG 1srEn NU hl D E n I 132:m Evening Creek Drive SouWi Suite 218 Sa11 Diego, California 92128 i& 'I=&/ w;zng Laboratories (619) 486-0354 COVEIIING WORK PERFOHMED OREINFORCED CONCRETE OSTRUCT. STEEL ASSEMBLY WHICH REOUIRED APPROVAL BY 0PRE.STRESSED CONCRETE OREINFORCED GYPSUM OGLUE.LAM.FABRICATION THE SPECIAL INSPECTOR OF OREINFORCED MASONRY OPlLE DHlVlNG OOTHER Jou ADOllESS bo,, WEEH 1050 & 1060 Auto Center Carlsbad ENUlNG - I* qn NO. - OWNER OR PROJECT NAME BLDG. PEllMlT NO. PLAN FlLE NO. Car Country plaza 89-1693/94 CONSTR.,MAT.L. (TYPE.G RADE.ETC.) ARCHITCCT OESlG N 5T I3 N GTH SOTRCC OR MFG". ENG IN ECI? Reinforced Masonry f'm 1500 Hazard Block Coneer Enqineerino C90 H.L.B. Gr. N-1 8~4x16 & 12x4~16 Collins General Cont. Slump C270 Type Is' Mortar 1800 psi Withoskv Masonrv C476 Grout.2000 psi Mix # 665 Wyman Testing Labs A615 Reinf. Steel Gr. 60 K rommenhoe k /Meown DESCRIBE MAT'L. IM~X DESIGN. nE-Bln GRADE k MPGR.I GENERAL CONTRACTOR CONTR. DOING ITEPORTED WORK LA0 RECEIVING R TESTING CONSTR. MAT'L SAMPLES MASONRY INSPECTION 3-27 Inspected the laying-up of reinforced, grouted structural masonry as outlined below. Masons were observed for proper high-lift CMU procedures and techniques as noted on approved drawings. Inspected the laying-up of C90 Gr. N-1 H.L.B. block at 8x4~16 & 12x4~ 16 slump block at Building A, laid on lines E at 1 thru 1.5, 1.5 at E thru E.5, 1st lift; 3rd lift starting at lintels 3 at C.9 thru 4 at C.9 & C.5, 3 at B thru 4 at A & B line, 2nd lift on columns line D.l & D.2 at line 1. Inspected mortar for proper mixing and handling. One set of 4 mortar samples taken from at lintel height on Inspected reinforcing steel for size, grade, lap, location, Work inspected is in accordance with the approved plans and 3.4 at c.9. and clearance. specifications and the UBC. I CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE I HEREOY CERllFY THAT 1 HAVE INSPECTED ALL OF THE ABOVE REPORTED WORK, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED I HAVE FOUND THIS WORK TO COMPLY WITH THE APPROVED PLANS SPECIFICATIONS,& APPLICABLESECTIONS OF THE CITY OF SAN DIEGO IBUILDING LAWS. DATE 01' 8:EI'OnT I I t:\:!:H) Evening Creek Drive Soulli Suite 210 Siin Diego, California 92128 Wyman Laboratories (619) 486-0354 r COVEHING WOHK PEHFORMED ~~REINFCJIICEU CONCRETE USTIIUCT. STEEL. ASSEMULY WHICH REnUlRED APPROVAL BY UPHE.STliESSED CONCRETE CiflEINFORCED GYI’SUM flGLUE.LAM.FABRICATION THE SPECIAL INSPECTOR OF UREINFOHCEO MASONRY UPILE DRIVING OOTHER MASONRY INSPECTION 3-26 Inspected the laying-up of reinforced, grouted structural masonry as outlined below. Masons were observed for proper high-lift CMU procedures and techniques as noted on approved drawings. Inspected the laying-up of C90 Gr. 1 H.L.B. 8x4~16 & 12x4~16 slump block at Building A, continued on lines 3 at B thru C.5 at 2; C.9 at 2 thru D1-D.2 at I, 2nd lift; D at 3-3 at C.5, 3rd lift; ~.4 at 1 thru E at 1, 1st lift. Inspected mortar for proper mixing and handling. Inspected reinforcing steel for size, grade, lap, location, Work inspected is in accordance with the approved plans and and clearance. specifications. CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE a /A/ I IIEREOY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE INSI’ECTEO ALL OF THE ABOVE REPORTED WOHK, UNLESS OTIiEllWlSE NOTED I IMAVE FOUND THIS AI’I’LICABLE SEC-rlONS OF TI-IE CITY OF SAN DIEGO BUILDING LAWS. WORK TO COMPLY WITH THE APPROVED PLANS SI’ECIFICATIONS, & /i#&j/C 2 z-. IMEGlSTEn NUMDEll COVERING WORK PERFORMED UAEINFOHCED CONCRETE , USTRUCT. STEEL ASSEMBLY WlHlCH REOUIRED APPROVAL BY flPRE.STRESSED CONCRETE UHEINFORCED GYPSUM OGLUE.LAM.FA0RICATION THE SPECIAL INSPECT011 OF OREINFORCED MASONRY OPlLE DRIVING OOTHER Con WEEN JOO AODliESS 1050 & 1060 Au to Center Ct. Carlsbad No. 89-201 ENYING 3-23 Is 90 C.ar Country Plaza 89-1693/1694 Reinforced Masonry Krommenhoek/McKeown f'm 1500 Hazard Block Coneer Engineering C90 H.L.B. Gr. N1 8~4x16 & 12~4x16 Collins Gener . Cont. Slump C270 Type 's' Mortar 1800 psi Withosky Masonry C476 Grout, 2000 psi Mix # 665 Wyman Testing Labs BLOC.. PEIaMIT NO. PLAN FILE NO. OWNER OR PROJECT NAME CONSTR. MAT'L (TYPE.GRADE.ETC.J ARCIIITCCT DESIGN STRENGTH SOURCE OR MFO". ENGINE CI3 DESCRIDE MAT'L. (MIX DESIGN. nE.sz~m GRADE LL MFGR.I GENERAL CONTRACTOR CONTH. nOlNG IIEPOnTCO WORK LAB RECEIVING & TESTING CONSTR. MAT'L SAMPLES r A615 Reinforcing Steel Gr. 60 MASONRY INSPECTION 3-23 Inspected the laying-up of reinforced, grouted structural masonry as outlined below. Masons were observed for proper high-lift grouted CMU walls procedures and techniques as noted on approved drawings. Inspected the laying-up of C90 Gr. N-1 I1.L.B 8x4~16 & 12x4~16 slump block at Building A, on lines D at 5.5 thru C.5 at 5.2, started line D.4 t 1 thru E at 1, 2.5 at B thru 2 at 8.8, 3rd lift. Inspected mortar for proper mixing and handling. One set of 4 mortar samples taken from Building A, line E at 1 at F.F. Inspected reinforcing steel for size, grade, lap, location, and clearance. Inspected grout space immediately prior to closing of cleanouts for clean-up and clearances. Inspected the placement and consolidation of 17 cubic yards of grout, mix design # 665 in the following locations: Building A, lines C.5 at 3 thru D.3; C.9 at 3 thru C.9 at 4; 3.2 at B thru 4 at B; 6.3 at B, 5 A & B. One set of 4 grout samples taken from Building A, 1st grout lift at 7 ft. line 3.5 at B. Grout supplied by Escondido Ready Mix. Ticket # 342568, truck # 487. Work inspected is in accordance with the approved plans, project speci€ications and .the UBC. I CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE INSPECTED ALL OF THE ABOVE REPOflTEO WORK. UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED I HAVE FOUND THIS ~ FNATURE o+ + GtSTt'llEO INSPECTOR 3-e7 - 245 - WORK TO COMPLY WITH 'THE APPROVED PLANS SPECIFICATIONS, tL APPLICAULESECTIONS OF TIlE CITY OF SAN DIEGO UUlLDlNG LAWS, RT DATE- I3 EG I STE R NU M II E I3 3n AOORLSS 1050 Auto Center Ct. Carlsbad WNER OR PROJECT NAME C.ar Country Plaza JNSTI1. MAT'L [TYPE.GRADE.ETC.J Deck Service Basement f'c 3000 Nelson & Sloan Mix Design # 6552 ESIGN STRENGTH SOURCE on MFGR. LSCRIDE MAT'L. [MIX DESIGN. IIE-OAR GRADE & MFGn.1 3-23 FOH WEBH 1) 90 No' 89-201 ENDING 3-23 BLOC. PEIIMIT NO. PLAN FILE NO. 89-1693 AIICHITECT Krommenhoek/McKeown Coneer Engineering Collins Gener. Cont. Hubbard Wyman Testing Labs ENGINE C b? OENEAAI. CONTRACTOR CONTR. DOING IIEI*OI#TED WORN LAD RECEIVING &TESTING CONSTR. MAT'L SAMPLES CONCRETE INSPECTION Inspected the reinforcing steel installation for deck lines El-3, G1-3 per details noted on amroved drawinas. -~- Inspected reinforcing steel -fbr size, grade, lap,' locations, and clearance. Inspected the placement and consolidation of 35 cubic yards of concrete, mix design # 6552 in the following locations: lines One set of 4 test cylinders taken from upper deck service basemen Slump test results 4". Concrete supplied by Nelson & Sloan. Ticket # 282824, truck # 359. Work inspected is in accordance with the approved plans. Note - a total of 140 cubic yards were poured 350 cubic E.l, E.2, E.3, D.l, D.2, D.3, D.4. yards of 3000 psi and 105 cubic yards of 2000 psi. CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE -1 /-----3 I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE INSPECTED ALL OF THE ABOVE REPORTED WORK, UNLESS OTIiEHWISE NOTED I HAVE FOUNOTHIS APPLICAULESECTIONS OF TIIE CITY OF SAN DIEGO llUlLDlNG LAWS. WORK TO COMPLY WITH nif APPROVED PLANS SPECIFICATIONS, 5 IIEG 1STEll NU ht OE R 13230 Evening Creek Drive South Suite 218 COVERING WORK PERFORMED OREINFDRCEO CONCRETE OSTRUCT. STEEL ASSEMBLY WHICH REOUIRED APPROVAL BY OPRE.STRESSED CONCRETE OREINFDRCED GYPSUM OGLUE.LAM.FABRICATIDN I CONCRETE INSPECTION 3-22 Inspected the reinforcing steel installation for footing, Building A per details noted on sheets 1/51, 2/52, 4/52, 2/56, 5/56 of approved drawings. Inspected reinforcing steel for size, grade, lap, locations, and clearance. Verified member dimensions with inplace formwork. Verified dimensions of excavated locations. Checked locations of embedded items and sleeves. Inspected the placement and consolidation of 27 1/2 cubic yards of concrete, mix design # 6552 in the following locations: Building A, on lines D.l at 3 thru D.4 at 3, E3 thru F3, F3 thru G2 thru G.5, G2 thru F1.5, F1.5 thru E1.5. One set of 4 test cvlinders taken from footing G at 2. _.. ~~ ~ slump test results 4 1/2'1. Concrete supplied by Nelson & Sloan. Ticket # Ht194899, truck # 323. project specifications and the UBC. Work inspected is in accordance with the approved plans, ~~ ~~ CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE INSPECTED ALL OF THE ABOVE REPORTED WORK, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED 1 HAVE FOUND THIS WORK TO COMPLY WITH THE APPROVED PLANS SPECIFICATIONS,& APPLICAELESECTIONS OF THE CITY OF SAN DIEGO BUILDING LAWS, A615 Reinforcinq Steel Gr. 60 MASONRY INSPECTION 3-22 Inspected the laying-up of reinforced, grouted structural masonry as outlined below. Masons were observed for proper high-lift grouted CMU wall procedures and techniques as noted on approved drawings. Inspected the laying-up of C90 Gr. N-1 H.L.B. 8x4~16, 12x4~15 slump block at Building A, laid lines 4.3 at A, 4.7 at A up to 17 ft., grout lift C.9 at 4 thru C.9 at 3, C.5 at 3 thru D at 3 up to lintel height, 1st 5ft. on D.l at 1 thru D.3 at 1. Inspected mortar for proper mixing and handling. Inspected reinforcing steel for size, grade, lap, location, and clearance. Inspected grout space immediately prior to closing of cleanouts for clean-up and clearances. Inspected the placement and consolidation of 17 L/2 cubic yards of grout, mix design # 665 in the following locations: Building A, last lift on lines C.5 at 4 thru C.5 at 5.5; C.5 at 5.5 thru D.2 at 5.5 and D.2 at 7 thru 8.8 at 7, 0.8 at 7 thru 6 at B. One set of 4 grout samples taken from Building A, last lift Grout supplied by Escondido Ready Mix. Ticket # 342468, Work inspected is in accordance with the approved plans and at C.5 at 5. truck # 184. project specifications per UBC requirements. CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE INSPECTED ALL OF THE ABOVE REPORTED WORK, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTE0 I HAVE FOUNOTHIS WORK TO COMPLY WITH THE APPROVED PLANS SPECIFICATIONS,& APPLICAELESECTIONS OF THE CITY OF SAN OlEGO BUILDING LAWS, REGISTER NUMBER 13230 Evening Creek Drive South Suite 218 Wyman Testing %in Diego, California 92128 Laboratories (619) 486-0354 . COVERING WORK PERFORMED nRElNFOHCE0 CONCRETE , OSTHUCT. STEEL ASSEMBLY WHICH REOUIREO APPROVAL BY OPRE-STRESSED CONCRETE uHElNFORCE0 tiYPSUM 0GLUE.LAM.FABRICATION THE SPECIAL INSPECTOH OF OREINFORCED MASONRY OPILE ORWINO C~OTH E R EN= IN E Ell Coneer Enqineerino GENE I1 AL CON T I1 ACTOR A615 Reinforcinq Steel Gr. 60 I MASONRY INSPECTION 3-21 Inspected the laying-up of reinforced, grouted structural masonry as outlined below. Masons were observed for proper high-lift CNU wall .procedures and techniques as noted on approved drawings. Inspected the laying-up of C90 Gr.N-1 H.L.B. 8x4~16 & 12x4~16 slump block at Building A, continued lines 3.4 thru 3.2 at B to lintel height and 1st lift lines 3B thru 2C, C2 thru D 1 & 2, lines ~1 thru D.2 at 1. Inspected mortar for proper mixing and handling. Inspected reinforcing steel for size, grade, lap, location, Work inspected is in accordance with the approved plans, and clearance. project specifications and the UBC. CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE INSPECTED ALL OF THE ABOVE REPORTED WORK, UNLESS OTI-IERWISE NOTED I HAVE FOUND THIS WORK TO COMPLY WITH TI-11: APPROVED PLANS SPECIFICATIONS, (L --..---afih~e nc TI-IF CITY OF SAN DIEGO ~UILDING LAWS. -. IIEGlSTLn NUMUEn .. -. ..T 13230 Evening Creek Drive South Suite 218 Wyman Testing San Diego, California 92128 Laboratories (619) 486-0354 . COVERING WORK PERFORMED OREINFORCED CONCRETE OSTRUCT. STEEL ASSEMBLY WHICH REOUIREO APPROVAL BY OPRE-STRESSED CONCRETE OREINFORCED GYPSUM OGLUE-LAM.FABRICATION THE SPECIAL INSPECTOR OF OREINFORCED MASONRY OPILE DRIVING OOTHER MASONRY INSPECTION 3-19 Inspected the laying-up of reinforced, grouted structural masonry as outlined below. Masons were observed for proper high-lift CMU wall procedures and techniques as noted on approved drawings. Inspected the laying-up of c90 Gr. N-1 II.L.B. 8x4~16 & 12x4~16 slump block at Building A, completed lines 5.5 at C.5 thru 4 at C.5; B6 thru 5A & B lines; 5A thru 4.7 at A; C.5 at 4 thru C.5 at 5.3 lines and started 4.7 at A thru 4 A & B. Inspected mortar for proper mixing and handling. Inspected reinforcing steel for size, grade, lap, location, Work inspected is in accordance with the approved plans and and clearance. specifications per UBC. 3-28 Inspected the laying-up of reinforced, grouted structural masonry as outlined below. Masons were observed for proper high-lift CMU wall procedures and techniques as noted on approved drawings. Inspected the laying-up of c90 Gr. N-1 1I.L.B. 8x4~16 & 12x4~16 slump block at Building A, completed 4 A & B thru 4.3 at A, 3rd lift 4.3 at A thru 4.7 over big arch - 2nd lift on column 3.4 thru 4 at B to lintel height, laid out 1st course lines 30 thru 2 at C to D1 & 2. Inspected mortar for proper mixing and handling. One set of 4 mortar samples taken from Building A, line 3.4 Inspected reinforcing steel for size, grade, lap, location, Work inspected is in accordance with the approved plans and at B, 6th level. and clearance. specifications per UBC. CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE INSPECTED ALL OF THE ABOVE REPORTED WORK, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED I HAVE FOUNOTHIS I TURE OF REG STERED INSPECITIU WORK TO COMPLY WITH THE APPROVED PLANS SPECIFICATIONS, & 3r 2-0- - APPLICAELESECTIONS OF THE CITY OF SAN DlEGO BUILDING LAWS, DATE- REGISTER NUMBER 13:W) Evening Creek Drive Soutli Suite 218 Siin Diego, California 92128 Wyman (619) 486-0354 fl? Testing !I#? Laboratories COVERING WORK PERFOHMED OREINFOHCED CONCRETE . USTRUCT. STEEL ASSEMBLY 00 ADDRESS 1050 & 1060 Auto :enter Zourt iWNER OR PROJECT NAME 3ar Zountry Plaza Reinforced hasonry ONST?. MAT'L (TYPE GRADE.ETC.1 Wt4ICH REOUIHED APPROVAL BY nPHE.STRESSED COhCRETE OHEINFORCEU GYPSUM nGLUE.LAM.FAHRICATION TAE SPECIAL INSPECTOR OF OREINFOHCED MASONRY UPILE DHIVING UOTtlER FOR WEEK :arlsbadN0.8!4-201 ENDING 3-16 19 90 BLDG. PE MIT NO. PLAN FILE NO, 10 6 078 9 - 16 9 4 "A"I Krommenhoek/McKeown ARCHITECT 3270 Type "S" Mortar 1800 psi 3476 Grout 2000 psi/mix A615 Reinforcing Steel Gr. 60 CDNTR. DOING REPORTED WOAK Withsosky Masonry wyman Testing LaCboratories LAO RECEIVING TESTING ONSTR MAT.'L SAMPLES MASONRY INSPEZTION 3-16 Inspected the laying-up of reinforced, grouted structural masonry as outlined below. Masons were observed for proper high lift 3MU wall procedures and techniques as noted on approved drawings. Inspected the laying-up of 290 Gr. N-1 H.L.B 8x4~16, 12x4~16 slump block at bldg. "A" completed line's B6 thru 5 at A and B, 5.5 at D.2 thru 3.9 at 5.5 and D.2 at 5.5 thru 6 rake at top of wall 3.5 and 2.9 at 4 started line's 5.5 at :.5 thru 4 at 3.5 and 3.9, 86 thru 5 A and B 3rd lift and 3.9 at 4 thru 3 at 2.9 up to lintel height. Inspected mortar for proper mixing and handling. Inspected reinforcing steel for size, grade, lap, location, work inspected is in accordance with the approved plans and and clearance. spec. per UB3. CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE e I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE INSPECTED ALL OF THE ABOVE REPORTED WORK, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED I HAVE FOUND THIS WORK TO COMPLY WITH THE APPROVED PLANS SPECIFICATIONS, & APPLICAOLESECTIONS OF THE CITY OF SAN DIEGO BUILDING LAWS. TERED INSPECTOR /p,2* 22D IIEG ISTEII I4 Uhl DE It .- OB ADDRESS 1050 & 1060 Auto :enter 3ourt Zarlsbad Zar 3ountry Plaza ONSTR. MAT'L ITYPE.GilAOB.ETC.1 Reinforced Masonry f'm 1500 Hazard Block 390 H.L.B. Gr. N-lr 8~4xl6,12x4x16 slumF lWNER OR PROJECT NAML SOURCE OR MFGR. ESION STRENGTH ESCRIBE MAT'L. (MIX DESIGN. RE-BAR GRADE LL MFGR.1 wK::ng Laboratories FOR WEEH 89-201 ENDONG 3-16 10 90 PLAN FILE NO, OLDG. PE IM T NO 106 0) 8 4 - 16 9 4 "A" I Krommenhoek/McKeown -oneer Engineer _olfins AncnrrrcT EYG IN E ER G\NER CCONTRACTOR 13230 Evening Creek Drive South Suite 218 Sail Diego, California 92120 (619) 486-0354 - -_ COVERING WORK PERFORMED OREINFOHCED CONCRETE OSTRUCT. STEEL ASSEMBLY WHICH REOUIRED APPROVAL BY OPRE6TRESSED CONCRETE OREINFORCE0 GYPSUM nGLUE-LAM.FABRICATION THE SPECIAL INSPECTOR OF OREINFORCED MASONRY OPILE DRIVING UOTHER MASONRY INSPE3TION 3 -15 Inspected the laying-up of reinforced, grouted structural masonry as outlined below. Masons were observed for proper high lift 3MU wall procedures and techniques as noted on approved drawings. Inspected the laying-up of 390 Gr. N-1 H.L.B., 3MU 8x4~16, 12x4~16 slump block at bldg. "A" 3rd lift completed on line D.2 at 7 thru B.8 at 7r 8.8 at 7 thru 6.3 at B up to 16 Ft. and started line's B6 thru 5 at A and B, 5.5 at D.2 thru 3.9 at 5.5 and D.2 at 5.5 thru 6 rake on top of wall 3.5 and 3.9 at 4. Inspected mortar for proper mixing and handling. Inspected reinforcing steel for size, grade, lap, location, and clearance. Inspected grout space imknediately prior to closing of cleanouts for clean-up and clearances. Inspected the placement and consolidation of 13 l/2 cubic yards of grout, mix design # 665 in the following locations: 1st lift 9 Ft. bldg. 6 "A" on line's 5 A thru 4 at A and B, last 3 Ft. of arch D.6 at 8 thru D.7 at 8 and pop out on basement wall line D.4-E on line 1. One set of 4 grout samples taken from bldg. "A" at line 4.7 at A, 6 Ft. level of 9 Ft. Grout supplied by Escondido Ready Mix. Ticket # 204674. - Truck # 524. 4.7 at A line. One set of 4 prisim 8x16~12 or 12x16~8 samples taken from Grout supplied by Escondido Ready Mix. Ticket #204674. Truck #524. Work inspected is in accordance with the approved plans and spec. per UB3. CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE INSPECTED ALL OF THE ABOVE REPORTED WORK. UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED I HAVE FOUND THIS .~ ~ ~~~ . .~ WORK TO COMPLY WITH THE APPROVED PLANS SPECIFICATIONS, & 3-23G&.l c7 C?~/~&~~ DATE OF llCPORT HEGISTEn NUMBER APPLICABLESECTIONS OF THE CITY OF SAN DlEGO UUlLDlNG LAWS. 1:32:10 Evening Creek Drive South Suite 218 Wyman Testing San Diego, California 92128 Laboratories (619) 486-0354 JB ADDRESS 1050 & 1060 Auto :enter :ourt 3arlsbad WNER OR PROJECT NAME 3ar 2ountry Plaza ONSTR. MAT'L 1TYPE.GRAOE.ETC.I ESIGN STRENGTH SOURCE OR MFGR. Water Proofing Tremco Trem Proof 60 Roll On Type Bldg . "B" Permit 1050/89-1693 "B" ESCRIOE MAT'L. (MIX DESIGN. RE.OAR GRADE (L MFGR.1 ~ ~~~~ COVERING WOHK PEHFORMED OREINFOHCED CONCRETE USTRUCT. STEEL ASSEMBLY WHICH REOUIREO APPROVAL BY OPHE.STRESSEO CONCRETE OREINFORCEO ~~YPSUM OGLUE.LAM.FABRICATION THE SPECIAL INSPECTOR OF OREINFORCED MASONRY OPILE DHIVING OOTHER FOR WEEK No. 89-201 ENDING 3-16 90 BLOC. PERMIT NO. PLAN FILE NO. 10 6 0 / 8 9 - 16 9 4 "A" ARCHITECT Krornmenhoek/McKeown 3oneer Engineer 201 1 ins Western States 3aulking Wyman Testing Laboratories ENGINEER GENERAL CONTRACTOR CONTR. DOING REPORTED WORK LAB RECEIVING (L TESTING CONSTR. MAT'L SAMPLES WATERPROOFING INSPE3TION 3-15 Verified the materials to be used are as noted in applicable approved drawings, and project specifications. Visually inspected the retaining wall and fountain surface for loose debris and cleanliness. Protection board was installed per prolect specifications in the following locations retaining wall west side of site, lower wall's 1st 4 Ft. of 6 Ft. wall. proofing for proper thickness, Tremco trem proff 60 roll on and side lap. Inspected the placing of the 1st coat of specified water- Job and Manufactures specifications. ~~~~ ~ CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE INSPECTED ALL OF THE ABOVE WORK TO COMPLY WITH THE APPROVED PLANS SPECIFICATIONS,& APPLICABLE SECTIONS OF WE CITY OF SAN OlEGO BUILDING LAWS. REPORTED WORK, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTE0 I HAVE FOUND THIS TEREO INSPECTOR f M,.( >A-2 23 DATE OF IiCPORT IIEGISTER NUMDER ,13230 Evening Creek Drive South Suite 218 Wynian Testing S;rn Diego, California 92128 Laboratories (61 9) 4236-0354 COVERING WORK PEHFORMED uRElNFORCED CONCRETE , OSTRUCT. STEEL ASSEMBLY IESCRIDE MAT'L. MIX DESIGN. RE-BAR GRlDE (L MFGR.1 390 H.L.2. Gr. N-1, 8~4~16,12X4X16 slump 3270 Type"S" Mortar 1800 psi 3476 Grout 2000 psi/mix 665 WHICH REOUIRED APPROVAL BY nPRE.STRESSED COhCRETE uHElNFORCEU GYPSUM ~CLUE.LAM.FABRICATION THE SPECIAL INSPECTOH OF OREINFOHCEO MASONRY OPlLE ORlVlhG L~OTIIER GZN AS CONTRACTOR COW R DO1 G REPORTED WORM LAD RECEIVING TEST1 G ONSTR. MAT.L SAMPLES -o??ins w i €tis o srC y Ma s 0 nr y Wyman Test inq tarbora tor ies CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE & n r'L (TYPE GRADE.ETC.J RCHlTECT Reinforced hasonry 1 %rommenhoek/McKeown f'm 150R I Hazard Block -0oeer Enoineer 2CSIC.N STRENGTH SOURCE OR MFGR. EQG I N E ER - I- - A615 Reinforcing Steel Gr. 60 MASONRY INSPE3TION 3-13 Inspected the laying-up of reinforced, grouted structural masonry as outlined below. Masons were observed for proper high lift 3MU wall procedures and techniques as noted on approved drawings. Inspected the laying-up of 390 GL. N-1 H.L.H. :MU 8x4~16, 12x4~16 slump block at bldg. "A" 3rd lift on line D.2 at 7. thru B.8 at 7, B.8 at 7 thru 6.3 at H, 9 FT. to 12 Ft. over lintel. Inspected mortar for proper mixing and handl.ing. Inspected reinforcing steel for size, grade, l.ap, location, and clearance. Work inspected is in accordance with the approved plan E, spec. per UB3. 3-14 Inspected the laying-up of reinforced, grouted structural masonry as outlined below. Masons were observed for proper high lift 3MU wall procedures and techniques as noted on approved drawings. Inspected the laying-up of 390 Gr. N-1 H.L.B. :MU 8x4~16, 12x4~16 slump block at bldg. "A" continued on lines D.2 at 7 thru 8.8 at 7 and B.8 at 7 thru 6.3 at B from 12 Ft. to 16 FT. 4" top of wall. ~nspected mortar for proper mixing and handling. One set of 4 mortar samples taken frotn bldy."A" at line 6.3 at B. Inspected reinforcing steel. for size, grade, lap, location, and clearance. Inspected grout space immediately prior to closing of cleanouts for clean-up and clearances. work inspected is in accordance with the approved plan and spec. per UB3. (NOTE): 1 (4) sika grout 212 non shrink. For column base's in basement bldg. "A" and 9 bars of no. 4 vert's in 3MU column line 2.5 at B.l, that was out of the wall they were drilled 16" by 2 1/2" per engineer. I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE INSPECTED ALL OF THE ABOVE Y/4ar, L4ZL ~ REPORTED WORK, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTE0 I HAVE FOUND THIS WORK TO COMPLY WITH THE APPROVED PLANS SPECIFICATIONS, & APPLICABLESECTIONS OF TtIE CITY OF SAN OIEGO BUILDING LAWS, I? E G I ST E A NU M D E R DATE 01- IWEPORT 10" ADDllES5 OWNER OR PROJECT NAME C0116Tn. hl T'L lTYPE,G ADE ETC.1 1050 & 1060 Aut0 Center Court Carlsbad Car Country Plaza Reinforced #asohry f'm 1500 I Hazard Bqock C-90 H.L'.B. Gr. N-1,8~4~16,12~4~16 slum C-270 Type"S" Motar 1800 psi C-476 Grout 2000 psi/mix DE51GN STnENGTI, SOURCE DA MFG , ocscniuu MAT.L. MIX DESIGN. I~E.OA~ GnAoE LL IIIFGR. ~ A-615 Reinforcin Steel. Gr. 60 B I.dij. "0" ~ermi t 1@5@/89-1693 ... 10 90 FO,, WEeK NO. 89-201 3-12 "~~6~~~~~T-t~6g4,,A". PLAN FILE NO. *k?%fi?& n h 0 e k /M c K e 0 w n 1 Coifins E INEE~ voneer, Eng. wit!hsos%y Masonry Wyman Testing ta%oratories GUNE 1 L CONTtZACTOR CON.T DOlN nCPonrEo WOR!~ LAD nECEIVING lk TESTIN C r45Tn. hlAT'L SIhIPI.EB MASONRY INSPECTION I 3-12 Inspected the laying-up of reinforced, grouted structural Masons were observed for proper high lift procedures and Inspected the laying-up of C-90, grade N-1, H.L.B. CMU, Inspected mortar for proper mixing and handling. One set of 4 mortar samples taken from line #1, 1st lift, masonry as outlined below. techniques as noted on approved drawings. 8X4X16, 12~4x16 slump block at line 1 to.2 from B to B.9. 3rd course. Inspected reinforcing steel for size, grade, lap, location, and cleaiance. Work inspected is in accordance with tne approved drawings CEIITIFICATION OP COMPLIANCE I IIERELIY Cfm'lFY THAT I IIAVE INSPECTED ALL. OF THE ABOVE HEI'ORTED WOHK, LJNLESS OTI-IEIiWISE NOTEfl I IIAVE FOUND TMlS WORK TO COMPLY WITH THE APPROVED PLANS SPECIFICATIONS. & SIGN-,? LIIIE 01' "EGISTEIICD ... lNr,.I.ECTOII .I <('/ ,? - 12 - ii'i, REG 1STEFl NlII.10 E II AI'PLICAULESECTIONS OF TME CITY OF SAN DIEGO MUlLUlNG LAWS. DATE OF nCPOnT . --_.- I 13230 Evening Creek Drive South Wyman Suite 218 Testing San Diego, California 92128 Laboratories __ (619) 486-0354 . COVERING WORK PERFORMED OREINFORCED CONCRETE OSTRUCT. STEEL ASSEMBLY WHICH REOUIRED APPROVAL BY OPRE.STRESSEO CONCRETE OREINFORCED GYPSUM ~GLUE.LAM.FABRICATION THE SPECIAL INSPECTOR OF OREINFORCED MASONRY OPILE DRIVING OOTHER MASONRY INSPECTION 3-9 Inspected the laying-up of reinforced, grouted structural masonry as outlined below. Masons were observed for proper high lift grouted masonry procedures and techniques as noted on approved drawings. Inspected the laying-up of C-90 Gr. N-1 H.L.B., 8x4~16, 12x4~16 slump block at bldg. "A" laid line 4.7 at A thru A at 3, and C.9 at 4 thru 3 at C.9. Inspected mortar for proper mixing and handling. Inspected r.einforcing steel for size, grade, lap, location, Inspected grout space immediately prior to. closing of Inspected the placement and consolidation of 47.5 cubic and clearance. cleanouts for clean-up and clearances. yards of grout, mix design # 665 in the following locations: Bldy. "A" 1st grout lift C.5 at 4-5.5 at C.5 and C.5 thru D.2 at 5.5, D.2 thru B at 7 thru 5 at A and B 2nd grout lift D.2 at 5.5 thru H 5.5-H at ? and H? tnru D.2 at 7 and 0. One set of 4 grout samples taken from line D.3 at 55 2nd lift. Grout supplied by Escondido Ready Mix. Ticket # 341991, Truck # 464. One set of 4 Prism 12x16~8 samples taken from line ~.3 at 55 2nd lift. Grout supplied by EsCondido Ready Mix. Ticket #341991. Truck #464. One set of 4 grout samples taken from line D.2 at 7 and 8, 2nd grout lift. Grout supplied by Escondido Ready Mix. Ticket #342010. Truck #289. Work inspected is in accordance with the approved plan and spec. per UBC. I CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE INSPECTED ALL OF THE ABOVE REPORTED WORK, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTE0 I HAVE FOUNDTHIS WORK TO COMPLY WITH THE APPROVED PLANS SPECIFICATIONS, & APPLICAELESECTIONS OF THE CITY OF SAN DlEGO BUILDING LAWS, 00 ADDRESS 1050 & 1060 Auto Center Court Carlsbad >W Cqr EA0 Pounfry PnDJ CTNA PYaza L: :0dJ&Tpb A pr bTr; PjiGjgA D E .ET=, I >ES#ON STRENGTH SOU C ORMFGR. G;a%e >E CRlDE AT'L. M X E-OAR GRADE LL MFGR.1 Bituthhene' b ?Vb%+*P rimer Rituthene 3000 Waterproofing Membrane 3-8 Verified the materials to be used are as noted in applicable approved drawings, and. project specifications. Visually inspected the bldg. "A" basement walls surface for loose debris and cleanliness. Protection board was installed per project specifications in the following locations primer coat and vertical application of sheet membrane, 2 1/2" side lap and 12" corner stripes. Periodically thru out the day was flood tested for leaks to insure proper drainage. Per grace spec. and approved plan and spec. per UBC. 3-9 Verified the materials to be used are as noted in applicable approved drawings and project specifications. Visually inspected the basement wall surface for loose debris and cleanliness. Protection board was installed per project specifications in the following locations primer coat and vertical application of sheet membrane, 2 1/2" side lap and 12" corner stripes. Inspected the placing of the 1st 4 Ft. coat of specified waterproofing for proper thickness 4 basement wall's (and side lap). Periodically thru out the day was flood tested for leaks to insure proper drainage. Per grage spec. and approved plan and spec per UBC. I FOR WEEK No.89-201 ENDlNO 3-9 I90 ~~8678~~f+$6411A~~ . PLAN FILE NO. 1\?%+hf&hhoek/McKeown &"A&'e~ Eng. yoNff f b 50 NTR ACTO R WeNZ@eW'"'3B%pP8B'WW'k ing ~yDm"aE14E'I(~~t~~~T1ej~6~~~~~T~AMPLES CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE INSPECTED ALL OF THE ABOVE REPORTED WORK, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED I HAVE FOUNOTHIS WORK TO COMPLY WITH THE APPROVED PLANS SPECIFICATIONS.& 11EG1STEn NUMUCn APPLICAIILE SECTIONS OF THE CITY OF SAN DIEGO BUILDING LAWS, DATE OF naronr 30 ADDRESS 1050 & 1060 Auto Center Court Carlsbad Car Country Plaza Rein?orced Masonry f'm 1500 Hazard Block C-90 H.L.~. Gr. 6J-l,8~4~16,12x2i16 slump C-270 Type"S" Mortar 1800 psi C-476 Grout 2000 psi/mix 665 A-615 Reinforcing Steel Gr. 60 B WNER OR PROJECT NAME O14STJ1. AT'L IT PE.GtIADE.ETC.1 ESIGN STRENGTW SOURCE OR MFOR. ESCRIOE MhT'L. MIX DESIGN RE-OAR GRADE & MFG MASONRY INSPECTION 3-8 Inspected the laying-up of reinforced, grouted structural masonry as outlined below. Masons were observed for proper high lift CMU procedures and techniques as noted on approved drawings. Inspected the laying-up of c-90 Gr. N-1 H.L.B 8x4~16 slump block at bldg. "A" laid line's 4.3 thru 5.8 at A and B 2nd lift and C.5 at 3 thru D at 3, C.9 at 3 thru 3.2 at C.9. Completed last lift D.2 at 5.5 thru H at 5.5. Inspected mortar for proper mixing and handling. One set of 4 mortar samples taken from bldg. "A" 7 Ft. level Inspected reinforcing steel for size, grade, lap, location, Work inspected is in accordance with the approved plans's at 4.3 at A line. and clearance. and spec. per UBC. COR WLEH N0.89-201 ENDING 3-9 1.90 OLDG. PEllMlT NO PLAN FILE NO. 10 6 0/ 8 9 - 16 94 "A"' I Krommenhoek/McKeown ET'$:, Eng. FoYPins Wi thsosty dasonry Wyman Testing Ea6oraFories Ldg. "E" Permit 1050/89-1693 ARCHITECT 81. CONTRACTOR CO.NTR. DO1 G RE DATED WORI< LAO IIECEIVING *.TEST1 G ONST . MAT'L SAMPLES CERTlFlCATlflN OF COMPLIANCE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE INSPECTED ALL OF THE ABOVE REPORTED WORK, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTE0 I HAVE FOUND THIS WORK TO COMPLY WITH TCIE APPROVED PLANS SPECIFICATIONS, & APPLICABLESECTIONS OF TllE CITY OF SAN OIEGO BUILDING LAWS, ERED INSPECTOR Pfl/d&933 ne~isren NUMDER DATE OF l7CPOnT I Wyman Testing Laboratories 0" ADDRESS 1058 & 1060 Auto Center court Carlsbad >WNEH OR PnOJECT NAME :011ST17 AT'L T TE.CIIADE.ETC.) Car Country Plaza Fief2 We'lJing >ESIGN STRENGTH SOURCE OR MFGR. )ESCRIOE IAIT'L. lMlX DESIGN. IIE.BAR GRAnE & MFGn.1 13230 Evening Creek Drive South Suite 218 San Diego, California 92128 1619) 486-0354 . 190 FOR WEEK N0+39-201 ENDING 3-9 PVZ~T,$YITIFg~ nAut. PLAN FILE NO. nciii ec i?romkehhoek/McKeown &Gdgv??, Eng . EnYTins E E 1\LCONTRACTOR 6%T_RhDOING REPORTED WORK YULI" BRECEI ING . E TI Wyman l(estSh4 f1868'Yd&~TMA"pLES Bldg. "B" Permit 1050/89-1693 "B" WELDING INSPECTION 3-7 connections in the following locations: 4 full penatration welds of L 3x3x1/4 angle to beam at line 1, middle of basement at 1 Ft. by 18" opening in deck and what 1/2" puddle weld's on deck and button punched had to be done. Certified welders were observed for proper welding procedures and techniques. ' Completed welds were inspected for size, length, location, and unless otherwise noted are free of visible defects and in accordance with the approved plan and spec. per UBC, A.W.S. Visually inspected the full penatration welding of moment CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE INSPECTED ALL OF THE ABOVE f3EPORTED WORK, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED I HAVE FOUNDTHIS WORK TO COMPLY WITH THE APPROVED PLANS SPECIFICATIONS, & APPLICAULE SECTIONS OF TI-IE CITY OF SAN DIEGO BUILDING LAWS, emu 3e 2s DATE OF I7CPOnT IleGlSTLll NUMOEn /--->- 13230 Evening Creek Drive South Suite 218 Wyman Testing San Dlego, California 92128 fiik c" (619) 486-0354 : 3L Laboratories ~. ./.TI:/. COVERINQ WDRK PEHFDRMED DREINFOHCED CONCRETE , USTHUCT. STEEL ASSEMBLY WHICH REOUIRED API'ROVAL BY UPRE6TRESSED CONCRETE OREINFORCED GYPSUM OGLUE.LAM.FABRICATIDN THE SPECIAL INSPECTOH OF flRElNFOHCED MASONRY OPlLE DRIVING OOTHER 30 ADDRESS 1050 & 1060 Auto Center Court Carlsbad FOR WEEK N089-201 ENOING 3-9 180 - OMLTS , AT'L r PE G~IADB.ETC.J ESlGN STRENGTH SOURCE OR MFGR. Fie18 Wefdirig Nelson Stkd's 3Axa ESCRIOE MAT'L. MIX DES10 R -#AR GRAOE & MFGR.) CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE INSPECTED ALL OF THE ABOVE REPORTED WORK, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED I HAVE FOUNDTHIS WORK TO COMPLY WITH THE APPROVED PLANS SPECIFICATIONS, & APPLICADLESECTIONS OF TllE CITY OF SAN OIEGO UUlLDlNG LAWS. EGI5TERED INSPECTOR 13 EG ISTE n Nu M n c n DATC OF nCPORT I R CI.1 IT ECT trommenhoek/McKeown Eoneer, Eng. NGINEER eEIEfCh&ONTRACTOR hgI&TtR. &lggfEPffJ5D WORK k^y~~m"a"E~~~~rtq~~T~~i68P~T~0@O)P~Te~SAMpLEs . .- I f;;;;'- OB ADDRESS 1050 & 1060 Auto Center Court Carlsbad Car Country Plaza Re 1 n for ced Masonry f'm 1500 I Hazard Block >WNER OR PROJECT NAME :ONSTR. M T'L ITY E GRADL.ETC.) BESIGN STRENGTH SOURCE OR MFGR. 13230 Evening Creek Drive South Suite 218 San Diego, California 92128 Wyman (619) 486-0354 . p& Testing ' Laboratories COVERING WORK PERFORMED OREINFORCED CONCRETE OSTRUCT. STEEL ASSEMBLY FOR WEEH No. 89-201 ENOINO 3-9 19 90 k0607#4L1°6g4 00 PE VIA#* PLAN 'ILE No. A CHlTECT f?rommenhoek/McKeown Poneer. Ena. E GlNEER WHICH REOUIRED APPROVAL BY OPRE.STRESSED CO~CRETE OREINFORCEO GYPSUM OGLUE.LAM.FABRICATION THE SPECIAL INSPECTOR OF OREINFORCED MASONRY OPILE DRIVING OOTHER - C-270 Type "S" Mortar 1800 psi C-476 Grout 2000 psi/mix 665 A-615 Reinforcing Steel Gr. 60 dldg. "B" Permit 1050/89-1693 MASONRY INSPECTION 3-6 Inspected the laying-up of reinforced, grouted structural masonry as outlined below. Masons were observed for proper high lift CMU procedures, techniques as noted on approved drawings. Inspected the laying-up of C-90 Gr.N-1 HLB 8x4~1'6 12x4~16 slump block at bldy. "A" 3rd lift 5.5 thru 5.8 at D.2 and continued on line's E thru D.6 and start 3rd lift D.6 thru D.2 at 7 and 8, 2nd lift C.9 thru C.5 at 4. Inspected mortar for proper mixing and handling. Inspected reinforcing steel for size, grade, lap, location, Work inspected is in accordance with the approved plan and and clearance. spec. per UBC. 3-7 Inspected the laying up of reinforced grouted structural masonry as outlined beiow. Masons were observed for proper high lift CMU procedures and techniques as noted on approved drawings. Inspected the laying-up of C-90 Gr. N-1 HLB 8x4~16, 12x4~16 slump block at bldg. "A" , completed line D.6 thru D.2 at 7 and 8. Continued over big arch at D.6, D.7 at 8. Started last lift on line D.2-H at 5.5 and 3rd lift up to lintel on line C.9-C.5 at 4 thru C.5 at 5.5. I Inspected mortar for proper mixi'ng and handling. Inspected reinforcing steel for size, grade, lap, location, Work inspected is in accordance with the approved UBCplans. and clearance. CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE INSPECTED ALL OF THE ABOVE WORK TO COMPLY WITH THE APPROVED PLANS SPECIFICATIONS, & REPORTED WORK. UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED I HAVE FOUNDTHIS ISTERED INSPECTOR Cqd-3 APPLICABLESECTIONS OF THE CITY OF SAN OlEGO BUlLOlNG LAWS, DAYE OF REPORT REGISTER NUMBER MASONRY INSPECTION 3-5 Inspected the laying-up of reinforced, grouted structural masonry as outlined below. Masons were observed for proper high lift CMU procedures and techniques as noted on approved drawings. Inspected the laying-up of C-90 Gr. N-1 block HLB 8x4~16, 12x4~16 slump BLK at Bldg. "A" continued 1st lift on line 4.3-4 at A and B line at B4-3.4 at B, 3rd lift line's 7,8 at E.8, ~.8 thru ~.6 at 8. Basement column line D.4 at 1 thru El. Inspected mortar for proper mixing and handling. One set of 4 mortar samples taken from bldg "A" line 7,8 at Inspected reinforcing steel for size, grade, lap, location, Work inspected is in accordance with the approved plan and E.8, 14 Ft. level. and clearance. spec per UBC. CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE INSPECTED ALL OF THE ABOVE REPORTED WORK. UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTE0 I HAVE FOUND 71-115 WORK TO COMPLY WITH THE APPROVED PLANS SPECIFICATIONS, & API'LICAIILE SECTIONS OF TIIE CITY OF SAN DIEOO BUILDING LAWS, I 13230 Evening Creek Drive South Suite 218 Wyman Testing San Diego, California 92128 Laboratories (619) 486-0354 COVERING WORK PERFORMED OREINFORCE0 CONCRETE OSTRUCT. STEEL ASSEMBLY WHICH RECIUIRED APPROVAL BY OPRE.STRESSED CONCRETE OREINFORCED GYPSUM 0GLUE.LAM.FABRICATIDN THE SPECIAL INSPECTOR OF OREINFORCED MASONRY OPILE DRIVING C?7cI Tvnp Withosky Masonry LAO RECEIVING e TESTING CONSTR. MAT'L SAMPLES C476 Grout 2000 psi Mix # 665 Wyman Testing Labs MASONRY INSPECTION 3-2 Inspected the laying-up of reinforced, grouted structural masonry as outlined below. Masons were observed for proper high lift CMU procedures and techniques as noted on approved drawings. Inspected the laying-up of C90 Gr. N1 H.L.B. slump block 8 x 4 x 16 & 12 x 4 x 16 block, continued on site retaining wall, last lift over steps up the hill; Building A, continued on 3rd & last lift on lines 5.5 at H thru 7 at H and 7 at H thru 7 & 8 at E.8; continued on 1st lift on line 4 thru 5 at A line. Inspected mortar for proper mixing and handling. One set of 4 mortar samplestaken from Building A, at corner Inspected reinforcing steel €or size, grade, lap, location, Work inspected is in accordance with the approved plans and line 7 at H at 14 ft. and clearance. specifications per UBC. CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE INSPECTED ALL OF THE ABOVE REPORTED WORK, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTE0 I HAVE FOUNDTHIS SIGNA URE OF R GISTERED INSPECTOR WORK TO COMPLY WITH THE APPROVED PLANS SPECIFICATIONS, 5 3-/%4 IL? APPLICABLESECTIONS OF THE CITY OF SAN DIEGO BUILDING LAWS, DATE OF RE- REGISTER NUMBER I 3-2 Visually inspected the full penetration welding of support angle to beam connections in the following locations: line 2.4, east bays. Visually inspected the arc spot welding of decking to beams connections in the following locations: perimeter of lube pit area decking. Certified welders were observed for proper welding procedures and techniques. and unless otherwise noted are free of visible defects and in accordance with the approved drawings and the AWS D1.l. , Completed welds were inspected;for size, length, location, .- 13230 Evening Creek Drive South Suite 218 Wyman Testing San Diego, California 92128 Laboratories (619) 486-0354 . WHICH REOUIREO APPROVAL BY nPRbSTRESSE0 CONCRETE OREINFORCE0 GYPSUM 0QLUE.LAM F WELDING INSPECTION 3-1 Visually inspected the full penetration welding of support angle to beam connections in the following locations: line 2.7 east bays and lines 1.3 west bays. Visually inspected the fillet welding of beam to bearing plate connections in the following locations: line 3 beams. Certified welders were observed for proper welding procedures and techniques. Completed welds were inspected for size, length, location, and unless otherwise noted are free of visible defects and in accordance with the approved drawings and the AWS ~1.1. CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE INSPECTED ALL OF THE ABOVE REPORTED WORK, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED I HAVE FOUND THIS WORK TO COMPLY WITH THE APPROVED PLANS SPECIFICATIONS.& APPLICAOLESECTIONS OF THE CITY OF SAN OlEGO BUILDING LAWS. REGISTLA NUMBER DATE UF REPORT 13230 Evening Creek Drive South Suite 218 Wyman Testing Sin Diego, California 92128 Laboratories (619) 486-0354 COVERING WORK PERFORMED OREINFORCEO CONCRETE USTRUCT. STEEL ASSEMBLY THE SPECIAL INSPECTOR OF OREINFORCED MASONRY OPILE DRIVING OOTHER WHICH REOUIRED APPROVAL BY OPRE-STRESSED CONCRETE aRElNFORCE0 GYPSUM ~GLUE.LAM.FABRICATION Dm AODRESS 1050 & 1060 Auto Center Ct. Carlsbad Ca-r Country Plaza WNER OR PROJECT NAME ONSTR. MhT'L iTYPE.GRIOE.ETC.) ES1GN STRENGTH SOURCE OR MFGR. Reinforced Masonry f'm 1500 Hazard Block C90 H.L.B. Gr. N1 8X4X16 & 12X4X16 Slump C270 Type 's' Mortar 1800 psi C476 Grout ,2800 psi Mix # 665 A615 Reinf. Steel Grade 60 ESCRIDE MAT'L. [MIX DESIGN. RE-DAR GRADE LL MPGR.1 FOR WEEN No. 8 9- 2 0 1 ENDING 3-2 1.90 DLDG. PERMIT NO. PLAN FILE NO. 89-1693/1694 ARCHITECT Krommenhoek/McKeown Coneer Engineering Collins General Cont. Withosky Masonry Wyman Testing Labs ENGINEER GENERAL CONTRACTOR COlJTR. DOING REPORTED WORN LAD nECEIVING (L TESTING CONSTR. MAT'L SAMPLES MASONRY INSPECTION 3-1 Inspected the laying-up of reinforced, grouted structural masonry as outlined below. Masons were observed for proper high-lift grouted CMU procedures and techniques as noted on approved drawings. Inspected the laying-up of C90 Gr. N1 H.L.B. slump block 8 x 4 x 16 & 12 x 4 x 16 block at Building A, continued on line B.8 thru B.6, 2nd lift and 1st lift on 5.8 at B thru 4.7 at A; site retaining wall continued 2nd lift of lower walls. Inspected mortar for proper mixing and handling. Inspected reinforcing steel for size, grade, lap, location, and clearance. Inspected grout space immediately prior to closing of cleanouts €02: clean-up and clearances. Inspected the placement and consolidation of 9 1/2 cubic yards of grout, mix design # 665 in the following locations: high lift grout Building A on lines D.4 at 8 thru D.2 at 8 and 5.5 at D.2 thru 5.5 at H, 1st 12 ft. One set of 4 grout samples taken from middle of wall at D.6 of 12 ft. Grout supplied by Escondido Ready Mix. Ticket # 1248376, truck # 514. Work inspected is in accordance'with the approved plans and specifications per UBC. I CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE Q-3- 1 HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE INSPECTED ALL OF THE ABOVE REPORTED WORK, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED I HAVE FOUND THIS SIGNA URE OF R GISTERED INSPECTOR WORK TO COMPLY WITH THE APPROVED PLANS SPECIFICATIONS,& 6-5- @ rr3 REGISTKR NUMOER S-/;;?c-d APPLICABLESECTIONS OF THE CITY OF SAN DlEGO BUILDING LAWS. DATE OF 1- JOO AODRE~S 1050 Auto Center Ct. Carlsbad Car Country Plaza OWNER OR PROJECT NAME CONSTR. MAT'L ITYPE.GRADE.ETC.1 DESIGN STRENGTH SOURCE OA MFGR. OESCAIUE MAT'L. [MIX DESIGN. RE.OAR GRADE 4 MFGR.1 A36 Reinf. Steel E70 Series Electrode UNSCHEDULED CANCELLATION 2-28 PDR WEEK No. 89-201 IEHOING 3-2 I. 90 PLAN PILE NO. nLoc. PERMIT NO. 89-1693 ARCHITECT Krommenhoek/McKeown Coneer Engineering Collins General Cont. Saafco Wyman Testing Labs ENGilNEER GENERAL CONTRACTOR CONTR. DOING REPORTED WORK LAB RECEIVING 4 TESTING CONSTR. MAT'L SAMPLES Reported to project site for scheduled welding inspection. Due to conditions outside our control, Contractor not ready to weld, scheduled work was cancelled without notice. No inspect ions were perf or med. WELDING INSPECTION 3-1 Visually inspected the fillet welding of beam to imbed plate connections in the following locations: line 1 at D.4-E (4). Visually inspected the full penetration with backing welding beam to beam connections in the following locations: between D.4-D.G at 1.25 (2 beams). Visually inspected the fillet welding of angle to beam and angle to angle connections in the following locations: F at 3 per sheet 5-2. Certified welders were observed for proper welding procedures and techniques. Completed welds were inspected,for size, length, location, and unless otherwise noted are free of visible defects and in accordance with the approved plans. CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE \\\I I,//\ I\ I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE INSPECTED ALL OF THE ABOVE x KT(i v\ 1 REPORTED WORK, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTE0 I HAVE FOUND THIS S,IGNATUUE OF WORK TO COMPLY WITH THE APPROVED PLANS SPECIFICATIONS. -1 APPLICABLESECTIONS OF THE CITY OF SAN DlEGO BUILDING LAWS. DATE OF REPORT 13230 Evening Creek Drive South Suite 218 Wyman Testing San Diego, California 92128 Laboratories (61 9) 486-0354 COVERING WORK PERFORMED OREINFORCED CONCRETE , nSTRUCT. STEEL ASSEMBLY WHICH REOUIRED APPROVAL BY nPRE4TRESSED CONCRETE OREINFORCED GYPSUM 0GLUE.LAM.FABRICATION THE SPECIAL INSPECTOR OF OREINFORCED MASONRY OPILE DRIVING UOTHER MASONRY INSPECTION 2-28 Inspected the laying-up of reinforced, grouted structural masonry as outlined below. Masons were observed for proper high-lift grouted CMU procedures and techniques as noted on approved drawings. Inspected the laying-up of C90 H.L.B Gr. N1 slump block 8 x 4 x 16 & 12 x 4 x 16 block at Building A, 2nd lift on lines C7 thru B6; site retaining wall, layed upper north and south ends at parking set back. Inspected mortar for proper mixing and handling. Inspected reinforcing steel for size, grade, lap, location, and clearance. Inspected grout space immediately prior to closing of cleanouts for clean-up and clearances. Inspected the placement and consolidation of 25 cubic yards of grout, mix design # 665 in the following locations: 1st lift of 5 ft. on lower site retaining wall; completed last grout lift on pop out ~uilding B, AI-82; Building A, high-lift grout line 5.5 at H thru 7 at H; 7 at H thru E.8 at 7 & 8; E.8 thru D.4. One set of 4 grout samples taken from lower retaining wall Grout supplied by Escondido Ready Mix. Ticket # 204088, Work inspected is in accordance with the approved plans and in line with Building A, line C.5. truck # 491. specifications per UBC. , CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE 42 773 I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE INSPECTED ALL OF THE ABOVE REPORTED WORK, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTE0 I HAVE FOUND THIS WORK TO COMPLY WITH THE APPROVED PLANS SPECIFICATIONS.& &f/9V \- WY I v\ APPLICAOLE SECTIONS OF THE CITY OF SAN DIEGO BUILDING LAWS. DATE 01'UEFORT REGlSTEn M En ... 13230 Evening Creek Drive South Suite 218 AM.FABRICATION I 2-27 MASONRY INSPECTION Inspected the laying-up of reinforced, grouted structural Masons were observed for proper high-lift CMU procedures masonry as outlined below. and techniques as noted on approved drawings. x 4 x 16 & 12 x 4 x 16 block at Building A, 2nd lift on line C.5 at 4 thru 5.5 at D; D.2-C.2 at 7, layed out lines 4.1 at A- 3.5 at 8; site retaining wall continued on south end laying 1st grout lift to 5 ft. 4 in. and started up the steps north and south ends, Inspected mortar for proper mixing and handling. Inspected reinforcing steel for size, grade, lap, location, Work inspected is in accordance with the approved plans and Inspected the laying-up of C90 H.L.B Gr. N-1 slump block, 8 and clearance. specifications per UBC. CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE INSPECTED ALL OF THE ABOVE REPORTED WORK, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED I HAVE FOUNDTHIS NATUI(E F REGISTERED IN5PECTOR WORK TO COMPLY WITH THE APPROVED PLANS SPECIFICATIONS.& ?T( m 4 cr3 /rl APPLICABLESECTIONS OF THE CITY OF SAN DIEGO BUILDING LAWS. DATE- ORT REGISTER NUMBER I COVERING WORK PERFORMED OREINFORCED CONCRETE . USTRUCT. STEEL ASSEMBLY WHICH REOLJIREO APPROVAL BY OPRE.STRESSE0 CONCRETE OREINFORCED GYPSUM ~0LUE.LAM.FABRICATION THE SPECIAL INSPECTOR OF OREINFORCE0 MASONRY OPlLE DRIVING nOTHER FOR WEEN 100 ADoReES 1050 & 1060 Auto Center Ct. Carlsbad N0'89-201 IENOING 3-2 In 90 OWNER OR PROJECT NAME BLDG. PERMlT NO. PLAN FILE NO. Ca.r Country Plaza 89-1693/94-90 CONSTR. MAT'L ITYPE.GRAOE.ETC.] ARCHITECT OLSIGN STRENGTH SOURCE OR MFGR. ENGINEER DESCRIBE MAT'L. IMlX DESIGN. RE-BAR GRADE LL MFGR.1 Reinforced Masonry Krommenhoek/McKeown f'm 1500 Hazard Block Coneer Engineering C90 H.L.B Gr. N-1 8x4~16 & 12X4X16 Collins General cont. Slump C270 Type 's' Mortar 1800 psi Withosky Masonry - C476 Grout.2000 psi Mix # 665 Wyman Testing Labs GENERALCONTRACTOR CONTR. DOING REPORTED WORK LAB RECEIVING LL TESTING CONSTR. MAT-L SAMPLES A615 Rebar. Steel Gr. 60 I MASONRY INSPECTION 2-26 I Inspected the laying-up of reinforced, grouted structural masonry as outlined below. Masons were observed for proper high-lift CMU procedures and techniques as noted on approved drawings. Inspected the laying-up of C90 H.L.B slump block 8 x 4 x 16 & 12 x 4 x 16 block at Building B, completed lay of Building B on pop out A1-B2; Building A, continued on B6-B5.8, 1st lift and layed out line B5.8 thru A & B5, A5-A4.7; site retaining wall, continued on put 1st lift up to 5'4" north of stars, layed out South end up to 40" 12 x 4 x 16. Inspected mortar for proper mixing and handling. One set of 4 mortar samples taken from 50 ft. back of north Inspected reinforcing steel for size, grade, lap, location, Work inspected is in accordance with the approved plans and end of retaining wall at 4'8". and clearance. CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE INSPECTED ALL OF THE ABOVE REPORTED WORK, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED I IHAVE FOUNDTHIS WORK TO COMPLY WITH THE APPROVE0 PLANS SPECIFICATIONS, 5 APPLICABLESECTIONS OF THE CITY OF SAN DIEGO BUILDING LAWS. REGISTER NUMBER I . -_ 13230 Evening Creek Drive South Suite 218 Wyman Testing San Diego. California 92128 Laboratories (619) 486-0354 COVERING WORK PERFORMED OREINFORCED CONCRETE CISTRUCT. STEEL ASSEMBLY ~ ~._ ~ WHICH REOUIRED APPROVAL BY OPRE.STRESSED CONCRETE OREINFORCED GYPSUM ~GLUE.LAM.FABRICATIDN THE SPECIAL INSPECTOR OF OREINFORCED MASONRY OPILE DRIVING noTnFn FOR WECH IO8 ADDRESS 1050 & 1060 Auto Center Ct. Carlsbad INo.89-20l ENDING 2-23 >WNER OR P, Car Co 1- A615 Reinforclng Steel Gr. 60 MASONRY INSPECTION 2-23 Inspected the laying-up of reinforced, grouted structural masonry as outlined below. Masons were observed for proper high-lift (grouted masonry) procedures and techniques as noted on approved drawings. Inspected the laying-up of C90 H.L.B. slump block 8 x 4 x16 &.12 x 4 x 16 block at Building A, continued lines B.8 - B at 6.3, 1st lift column at B at 5.8, B6 and site retaining wall; starting in line with Building A A & C thru D.l 3'4" and D.2 - D.3 - 4 ft. lift. Inspected mortar for proper mixing and handling. Inspected reinforcing steel for size, grade, lap, location, and clearance. Inspected the placement and consolidation of 241/2 cubic yards of grout, mix design # 665 in the following locations: Building B, last lift from 12 ft. to 15'4 lines B1, Al, A2, B2, B1 pop out line A1-B2 still has 3 feet more to top. One set of 5 grout samples taken from Building B, at 16 ft. line B 1.6. Grout supplied by Escondido Ready Mix. Ticket # 203891, truck # 282. Work inspected is in accordance with the approved plans and specifications per UBC. I NOTE: A1-Bl north wall frob 12 ft. to 15'4" was not inspected by City of Carlsbad. They grouted it before City ~nspector showed up. Was advised not to grout wall by myself and General for Collins General Contractors. CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE 0 I-/------ A- ~ I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE INSPECTED ALL OF THE ABOVE REPORTED WORK, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED I HAVE FOUNDTHIS WORK TO COMPLY WITH THE APPROVED PLANS SPECIFICATIONS,& APPLICABLESECTIONS OF THE CITY OF SAN OlECO BUlLOlNG LAWS. EGISTERED INSCEST~~ Gad /Z? REGISTER NUMITER I Wyman Testing Laboratories 13230 Evening Creek Drive South Suite 218 San Diego, California 92128 1619) 486-0354 ~ -. . COVERING WORK PERFORMED ~REINFORCED CONCRETE OSTRUCT. STEEL ASSEMBLY THE SPECIAL INSPECTOR OF OREINFORCED MASONRY OPILE DRIVING OOTHER WHICH REOUIRED APPROVAL BY OPRE.STRESSED CONCRETE OREINFORCED GYPSUM 0GLUE.LAM.FABRICATIDN MASONRY INSPECTION 2-21 Inspected the laying-up of reinforced, grouted structural masonry as outlined below. Masons were observed for proper high-lift CMU procedures and techniques as noted on approved drawings. Inspected the laying-up of C90 H.L.B. Gr. N1 8 x.4 x16 & 12 x 4 x 16 slump block at Building B, completed A1-B1, 3rd grout lift on B1-B2; Building A, 1st lift on lines C at 9 at 4 thru C at 9 at 3, 2nd lift at lines E at 8 - D.2 at 8. Inspected mortar for proper mixing and handling. One set of 4 mortar samples taken from Building A, column Inspected reinforcing steel for size, grade, lap, location, Work inspected is in accordance with the approved plan and line D.5 at 8, 2nd lift. and clearance. specifications per UBC. 2-22 Inspected the laying-up of reinforced, grouted structural masonry as outlined below. Masons were observed for proper high-lift CMU procedures and techniques as noted on approved drawings. Inspected the laying-up of C90 H.L.B. Gr. N1 8x4~16 & 12x4~16 slump block at ~uilding BI‘ last lift on line A1-B1; Building A, 1st lift line 3 at C.5 thru 3 at D.2 and line 7 at D.2; 2nd lift at 5.5 at ~.2-6 at ~.2 continued on lines D.6 at 8 thru ~.2 at 8, 2nd lift; continued on line 5.5 at H thru 5.5 at D.2 - 5.8 at D.2 to lintel height, 1st lift C.3, B.5, B at 7 & B7 - 86.3; site retaining wall laid 1st course. Inspected mortar for proper mixing and handling. Inspected reinforcing steel for size, grade, lap, locat’ion, Work inspected is in accordance with the approved plans and and clearance. ,. LrlllL.aLlOm pc1 UDL. CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE INSPECTED ALL OF THE ABOVE REPORTED WORK, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED I HAVE FOUNDTHIS SI NATURE o ~EG~STEREO INSPECTOR WORK TO COMPLY WITH THE APPROVED PLANS SPECIFICATIONS, & 2- &a& UfC-2 APPLICABLESECTIONS OF THE CITY OF SAN DIEGO BUILDING LAWS. OATE OF REPORT REGISTER NUMBER 13230 Evening Creek Drive South Suite 218 Wyman Testing San Diego, California 92128 Laboratories (619) 486-0354 COVERING WORK PERFORMED OREINFORCED CONCRETE OSTRUCT. STEEL ASSEMBLY WHICH REOUIRED APPROVAL BY OPRE.STRESSED CONCRETE OREINFORCE0 GYPSUM OGLUE.LAM.FABRICATION A615 RPinfnrrino Steel Cr 612 THE SPECIAL INSPECTOR OF OREINFORCED MASONRY OPILE DRIVING OOTHER FOR WEEN 08 AOORESS 2-20 MASONRY INSPECT I ON Inspected the laying-up of reinforced, grouted structural masonry as outlined below. Masons were observed for proper high lift (grout CMU) procedures and techniques as noted on approved drawings. Inspected the laying-up of C90 H.L.B. Gr. N1 8x4~16 & 12x4~16 slump block at Building A & B. Building B, 3rd lift on line 82-81, also Al-BZ last lift. Building A, 1st lift on line C.9 thru C.5 at 4 thru C.5 at 5.8, 2nd lift at line 5.8 - 5.5 at 0.2 thru H at 5.5. Inspected mortar for proper mixing and handling. Inspected reinforcing steel for size, grade, lap, location, and clearance. Inspected grout space immediately prior to closing of cleanouts for clean-up and clearances. Inspected the placement and consolidation of 24 cubic yards of grout, mix design # 665 in the following locations: Building A, basement wall 12 x 8 x 16 on line 0.4 at 1 thru E at 1, E at 1 - E at 3, D.4 at 1 - E at 3. One set of 4 grout samples taken from Building A, on line E at 1 basement walls. Grout supplied by Escondido Ready’Mix. Ticket # 1246989, truck # 447. Work inspected is in accordance with the approved plans and specifications per UBC. CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE 5.a 7- I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE INSPECTED ALL OF THE ABOVE REPORTED WORK, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED t HAVE FOUND THIS WORK TO COMPLY WITH THE APPROVED PLANS SPECIFICATIONS,& APPLICABLESECTIONS OF THE CITY OF SAN DIEGO BUILDING LAWS, m %-U T REGlSTEn NUMR DATE 0- Wyman Testing Laboratories 13230 Evening Creek Drive South Suite 218 San Diego, California 92128 (619) 486-0354 COVERING WORK PERFORMED OREINFORCED CONCRETE OSTRUCT. STEEL ASSEMBLY WHICH REQUIRED APPROVAL BY OPRE.STRESSEO CONCRETE OREINFORCED GYPSUM OGLUE.LAM.FAERICATION THE SPECIAL INSPECTOR OF REINFORCED MASONRY OPILE DRIVING 13 OTH E n Car Countrv P laza Keinforced Masoi lr v f’m 1588 Hazard Block ONSTR. MAVL (TYPE.GRADE.ETC.1 IESIGN STRENGTH SOURCE OR MFGR. IESCRIOE MAT’L. (MIX DESIGN. RE-BAR GRADE (L MFGR.1 Steel Gr. 68 MASONRY INSPECTION 2-15 Inspected the laying-up of reinforced, grouted structural masonry as outlined below. Masons were observed €or proper high-lift procedures and techniques as noted on approved drawings. Inspected the laying-up of C98 H.L.B. Gr. N-1 8~4x16 & 12x4~16 slump block at Building B, completed line A2-B2 from 12 ft. to 15 ft. t.0.w. started line B-1 - B-2. Inspected mortar Cor proper mixing and handling. One set of 4 mortar samples taken from Building B at B1.5 at Inspected reinforcing steel for size, grade, lap, location, Work inspected is in accordance with the approved plans and 11 ft. level. and clearance. specifications per UBC. 2-16 Inspected the Layiny-up of reinforced, grouted structural Masons were observed for proper high-lift procedures and Inspected the laying-up of C98 H.L.B. Gr. N-1 8x4~16 & Inspected mortar for proper mixing and handling. Inspected reinforcing steel for size, grade, lap, location, Work inspected is in accordance with the approved plans and masonry as outlined below. techniques as noted on approved drawings. 12x4~16 slump block at Building B, still lay lines B1 thru 82. and clearance. specifications per UBC. CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE ,? ,, /”/ , v//., _J ,- ,I‘ , ; I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE INSPECTED ALL OF THE ABOVE . $*, r REPORTED WORK UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED I HAVE FOUND TIllS SIGNATUhE OF WGISTEREO INSPECTOR ~, ~~ ~~ ~~ ~. ~. ~ ~ .~ ~ ~ - ~~ WORK TO COMPLY WITH THE APPROVED PLANS SPECIFICATIONS, & :? 24; ,, -l~; p.,q 7 -7 ? ’ ,.5 APPLICABLESECTIONS OF THE CITY OF SAN DlEGO EUlLOlNG LAWS, DATE OF REPORT REGlSTEll NUMDER I 132:)O Evening Creek Drive South $& Wyman Suite 218 Testing San Diego, California 92128 Laboratories (619) 486-0354 COVERING WD~K PERFORMED OREINFORCEO CONCRETE OSTRUCT. STEEL ASSEMBLY WHICH REOUIRED APPROVAL BY OPRE~TRESSED CONCRETE OREINFORCED GYPSUM OGLUE.LAM.FABRICATION THE SPECIAL INSPECTOR OF OREINFVRCED MASONRY OPILE DRIVING OOTHER CONCRETE INSPECTION 2-14 Inspected the reinforcing steel installation for retaining wall footing per details S1, 54, Al, A2 on 1-3/A1, J/A7, 20-22/A2 of approved drawinys. Inspected reinforcing steel for size, grade, lap, locations, and clearance. Verified member dimensions with inplace formwork. VeriEied dimensions of excavated locations. Checked locations of embedded items and sleeves. Inspected the placement and consolidation of 85 cubic yards of concrete, mix design # 1 in the following 1ocations:westside of Building A, for retaining wa.11 footing. One set of 4 test cylinders taken from footing at stairs south side in line with Building A, line D.2 (at 36 c.Y.). Slump test results 5". Concrete supplied by Escondido Ready Mix. Ticket # 1246262, truck # 139. One set of 4 test cylinders taken from footing at south end of wall, 1st step down in footing from top footing in line Building A, line E. Slump test results 4 1/2". Concrete supplied by Escondido Ready Mix. Ticket # 1246295, truck # 139. Work inspected is in accordance with the approved plans and specifications per UBC. ? ) '... ,/' ..A+' . . . : CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE INSPECTED ALL OF THE ABOVE REPORTED WORK, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTE0 I HAVE FOUND THIS ~ ,...- ~.. yr-> ,'. I ._ ' ~ SIGNATYIIE QFcRtGISTERED INSPECTOR ~ _I' WORK TO COMPLY WITH THE APPROVED PLANS SPECIFICATIONS, & APPLICABLESECTIONS OF 1HE CITY OF SAN DIEGO tlUlLVlNG LAWS, <.--7-= . or;^ ,,' .+/<.).,y- IT,' II EG ISTE NUMBER DATE OF REPORT 13230 Evening Creek Drive South Wyman Suite 218 Testing c:~,, nlann rsilinrnla ( Laboratorie! I COVERING WORK PERFORMED OREINFORCED CONCRETE n9TRllrT-9T~FI d99FMRI V LAB ALCE I C476 Grout 2000 osi Mix 665 ~fi15 Reinfl. wvmai y,yyv, VUIIIVI...Y 32.128 S (619) 486-0354 ~ ~ ~~~ , WHICH REOUIRED APPROVAL BY 6PRE.STFIESSED CONCRETE nRElNF0RCEU GYPSUM ~GLUE-LAM.FAERICATION THE SPECIAL INSPECTOR OF nRElNFORCE0 MASONRY UPlLE DRIVING 0 OTHER 10- 100"ESS I - CONSTR. MAT'L ITY E GRADE.ETC.1 Relniorcecf hasonry f'm 1500 Hazard Block C90 H.L.B. Gr. N-1 8X4X16 & 12X4X16 C270 Type 'st Mortar 1800 psi DESIGN STRENGTH SOURCE OR MFGR. DESCRIBE MAT'L. [MIX DESIDN. RE-OAR GRADE LL MFGR.1 . . - . . -, - . . . I ARCUITECT Krommenhoek/McKeown Coneer Engineeriny Collins General Cont. Withosky Masonry ENGINEER G h N E R A I C 0 N T R ACTO R CONTR. DOING REPORTEO WDRIS . .~ MASONRY lNSPECTION 2-13 Inspected the laying-up of reinforced, grouted structural masonry as outlined below. Masons were observed for proper high-lift procedures and techniques as noted on approved drawings. Inspected the laying-up of C90 H.L.B. Gr. N-1 12x8~16 reg., 8x4~16 & 12x4~16 slump block at Building A, basement walls D.4 at 3. - E at 3; E at 1 - E at 3, last lift; 1st lift Building A, line D.2 at 5.5 thru C.5 and C.5 at 5-C.5, C.5 at 5.5; Building B, 3 ft. lift from 9'4" to 12" from f.f. line AI-A2. Inspected mortar for proper mixing and handling. One set of 4 mortar samples taken from Building B, at line Inspected reinforcing steel for size, grade, lap, location, Work inspected is in accordance with the approved plans and Al-A2, 11 ft. level. and clearance. specifications per UBC. 2-14 Inspected the laying-up of reinforced, grouted structural masonry as outlined below. Masons were observed for proper high-lift procedures and techniques as noted on approved drawings. Inspected the 1-ayiny-up of C90 H.L.B. Gr. N-1 12x8~16 reg., 8x4~16, 12x4~16 slump block at basement Building A, 12x8~16 reg. line D.4 at 2 - 3 at D.4, ~.4 at 1 - E at 1, top out at 6" below f.f.; Building B, A2-B2 back wall 3 ft. Lift and started over the arch. Inspected inortar for proper mixing and handling. Inspected reinforcing steel for size, grade, lap, location, and clearance. Work inspected is in accordance with the approved plans and specifications per URC. I CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I IIAVE INSI'ECTEI) AI.1. OF TllE ABOVE REPORTED WORK. UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTE13 I IIAVE FOUND THIS WORK TO COMPLY WITH THE APPROVE0 PLANS SPECIFICATIONS, & 54,. ; (&f:y- :;:.;y&, I" OF_P$GlSTERCO INSPECTOR L. 5,;- -I. .t,n;r. 5 ,- i n E G 151 L,, N UM 0 E Fa APPLICABLESECTIONS OF THE CITY OF SAN DIEGO BUILDING LAWS, DATE OF REPORT Wyman Testing Laboratories 00 ADDnE55 105id h lC160 Auto Center Ct. Carlsbad Car Country Plaza )WNER OR PROlECT NAME :ONSTI?. MAT'L 1TYPE.GnAOE.ETC.) >E51GN STRENGTH SOURCE On MFGR. Re 1 rl fo rced Masonry E'm 1500 Hazard Block CY@ 11.L.H. Gr. N-1 8X4xlb & 12~4x16 (3270 Type 's' Mortar 1800 psi (:476 (:rout 2(.IM(d psi Mix 665 A61.5 ReinE. Steel tir. 60 IESCRIIIE IAAT'L. [MIX DESIGN. RE.BAR GRADE LL MFGR.1 ~ ___.___ .__- 13230 Evening Creek Drive South Suilc 218 %til Diego, Calilornia 92128 (61 9) 4Rti-03!54 FOR WeLn N0'89-201 ENDING 2- I# yu BLOC. PEllhllT NO. ,LAii?;PLe NO. 89-1693/1694 ARCHITECT Krommenhoek/McKeown Coneer Engineer - iriy Collins General Cont. Withosky Masoury Wyman 'resting ~ahs ENGINEER GENEnAL CONTRACTOR __ CONTR. DOING llEPORTE0 WORM LAO IlECElVlllC & TESTING CONfirll. MAT'L SAMPLES ___- ___ .. ~.. 2-12 MASONRY INSPECTION Inspected the layiny-up of reinforced, grouted structural. masonry as outlined below. Masons were observed €or proper high-lift procedures an(3 techniques as noted ion approved [lrawings. Inspected the Iayi.ng-up oC C9B i1.L.B. CMU Gr. N-:l 8x4x16 h 12x4~16 block at Buitdiny A, basement walls last Lift on title 11.4 at 1 thru E at 1 and U.4 at 1 thru D.4 at 2.2. Inspected inortar for proper !nixing and handling. Inspected reinforcing steel. for size, grade, lap, Location, and clearance. Inspected grout space immediately prior to closing of cleanouts for clean-up and clearances. Inspected the placelnent and consolidation of 23 cubic yards oE grout, mix design # 665 in the Eollowing locations: nuildiny B, 1st 10 ft. lift at Al.-A2; A2-B2; B2-Al; B1-Al, One set of 5 yro~lt samples taken Crom Building B, line 1.5 at fl, line top half r,E J.U tt. qrout 1.ift. One set of 4 p,ci.sin samples taken Eroiii Building R, line 1.5 at B, top half of column, 12 x 16 x 8 or 8 x 16 x 12. Grout supplied by i3scondido Ready Mix. Ticket # 2113484, truck l/ 531. Work inspected j~s 1.11 accordance with (:lie approved plans and speciEications and the URC. CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE 5. .' . , ~ - .I :., . 7 . .. I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE INSPECTED ALL 01: THE ABOVE REPORTED WORK. UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED I HAVE FOUNDTHIS SIGNATURE OF.I~EGISTERE" ~NBCE~TOU ~~ ~..~ ~~ ~. ~ A,.,, L',;', WORK TO COMPLY WITI-I TI.IE APPROVED PLANS SPECIFICATIONS. & 1 ??!., c' . -1 L' APPLICABLESEC'TIONS OF 7tIE CITY OF SAN I>IEG(.J IUUILOING LAWS, L>l\',L "I- "CI'O,,T REG 1STC11 rl VMnE n /'" LL 1:3:':~g) Evening Creek Diive Soulti Wyman Suite 218 Testing S;m Diego, California 92128 Laboratories (619) 486-0354 COVEHING WORK PEHFORMED nHElNFOHCEO CONCRETE nSTtlUCT. Sl~EL.1. ASSEMHLY WIIICII REDUIHED API'ROVAL HY flPRE.STHESSED CONCRETE ~3flEINFORCEO GYPSUM nGLIJE.LAM.FAERICATION wE SPECIAL INSPECTOR OF ~REINFORCEO MASONRY []PILE OHIVING OOTtlER Jon ADDRESS 1fl516 & 186 8 Auto center Dr. Carlsbad Car Country Plaza Rei n €0 rced Mas 0 I1 r y f'm 1500 C9U IILR Gr. N1 8X4X16 & 12~4x16 SlUlllP C270 Type 's' Mortar 1800 psi C476 GZOUt 2000 psi Mix A615 Rebar Gr. 60 OWNER OR PROJECT NAME CONSTR. MAT*L ITYPE.GnADE.ETC.1 DESIGN STRENGTH SOURCE on MFGR. Hazard BLock DESCnlOE MAT'L. (MIX DESlGN. RE-OAR GnlDE & MFOR.1 Fora WEEK NO. 8 9 -3 1 CNYING 2-9 1090 89-1693/94 K r omme n ho e k /M c Ke 0 w n C o ne e r i ng E ng i nee r i n g Collins General Cont. Withosky Masonry Wyman Testing Labs OLDG. PCnMlT NO, PLAN FILE NO. ARCHITECT ENGINEER .. __ GENE 11 A I. co N TR A CTD A __ CONTR. DOING llEPOnTED WORM LAD RECEIVING OC TESTING CONSTR. MAT'L SAMPLES MASONRY INSPECTION 2-8 Inspected the laying-up of reinforced, grouted structural masonry as outlined below. Masons were observed for proper high-lift CMU procedures and techniques as noted on approved drawings. Inspected the laying-up of C90 HLI3 L2x8x16 reg. block at 8x4~16 & 12x4~16 slump block at Building A, basement wall line D;4 at 1 thru D.4 at 3, 1st lift to 4'8" - Keg. block 12x8~16 and on Building A lines 5.5 at E.B thru 5.5 at ~.2, last 2 ft. of left and 11.2 at 7 tnru 7 at C, .Last 2 ft. ot 1st lift and started 6.3 at A thru 7 at C. Inspected Inortar for proper mixing and handling. Inspected reintorcing steel for size, grade, lap, location, and clearance. 2-9 Inspected the laying-up of reinforced, grouted structural masonry as outlined beLow. Masons were observed for proper high-lift procedures and techniques as noted on approved drawings. Inspected the laying-up of C90 HLB 12x8~16 reg. block and 8x4~16 & 12x4~16 slump block at Building A, 2nd lift starting A + 5'4" to 10 ft. on lines 5.5 at H thru 7 at H. Inspected mortar for proper mixing and handling. One set of 4 mortar samples taken from Building A, 2nd lift from 5'4" to 18 ft. from footing on line 5.5 at H at 6 ft. level. Inspected reinforcing steel for size, grade, lap, location, and clearance. Inspected grout space immediately prior to closing of cleanouts for clean-up and clearances. Work inspected is in accordance with the approved plans and specifications per UBC. CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE .--e4 ,,A I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE INSPECTED ALL OF THE AQOVE WORK TO COMPLY WITH THE APPROVED PLANS SPECIFICATIONS, & mAG M/L REPORTED WORK, UNLESS OTIiERWISE NOTE0 I IHAVE FOUND TI-IIS RED INSPECTOR IIEGISTEll NUMBER APPLICABLESECTIONS OF THE CITY OF SAN OlEGO BUILDING LAWS, D&TE OF RCPORT Wyman Testing Laboratories DO *oonESS 1050 Auto Center Ct. Car lsbad Car Country Carlsbad WNEA OR PROJECT NAME ONSTA. MAT'L ITYPE.GRAOE.ETC.1 CSlGN STAENGTII SOURCE on MFGR. Footinq Soils ESCRIYC MAT'L. lMlX DESlGN. RE-Dln GnlDE LL MFGR.1 ,'OH WEL,' NO. 89-201 ENDING - ,I 90 DLOG. PERMIT NO. PLAN FILE NO. 89-1693 AnCHITECT Krommenhoek/McKeown CNG IN ECll C 0 n ee.r E nq i nee r i nq GE NER AL. CO NTll ACTO A co 1 1 ins- LnILL- CONTR. DOING IZCPORTED WORK LAO RECEIVING Bc TESTING CONSTA. hlAT'L SAMPLES Wyman Testinq Labs FOOTING SOILS INSPECTION 2-7 Inspected the footing excavations for retaining walls at the west side of the site. Checked footing dimensions. Footings were probed and found to have high resitance. All footing excavations were found to bear on firm Eormational materials that are in conformance with those outlined in the preliminary soils investigation. CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE </ - A I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE INSPECTED ALL OF THE ABOVE REPORTED WORK, UNLESS OTHERWISE NO-rE0 I IIAVE FOUND THIS WORK TO COMPLY WITH THE APPROVED PLANS SPECIFICATIONS, & APPLICABLESECTIONS OF TIIE CITY OF SAN UlEGO BUILDING LAWS. -75L-L-V ( SIGNATURE OF REGISTERED INSPE OR 3/r 2-9 - 90 DATE OF REPOnT REGISTEll NUMDER I:L:~O Evening Creek Drive South Siiile 2 Ifl :><LI\ Ijiego, Califoiilia 92 12U Wyman Testing Lahoratories (619) 4H6--0354 COVEHING WOHK PEHFORMEU CIIIEINFOHCED CONCHETE mS'rHUC7. SlkEL ASSEMULY MASONRY INSPECTION 2-6 I n spec t ed the 1 a y i ng -up of re i n forced , g r o u t ed s t r uc tu r a 1 masonry as outlined below. Masons were observed for proper high-lift procedures and techniques as noted on approved drawings. Inspected the laying-up of C90 MLB Gr. N1 8x4~16 & 12x4~16 block at Building 8, 2nd lift on lines A1 thru I31 and A1 thru A2, started 2nd lift A2 thru 82. Inspected mortar for proper mixing and handling. Inspected reinforcing steel €or size, grade, lap, location, and clearance. 2-7 Inspected the laying-up of reinforced, grouted structural masonry as outlined below. Masons were observed for proper high-lift CMU procedures and techniques as noted on approved drawinys. Inspected the laying-up of C90 HL8 Gr. N 12x8~16, reg. 8x4~16 slump block at Building B, 2nd lift A2 thru 82 up to 10 ft. - Building A, basement wall 12x8~16, 1st lift 4'8" on lines 11.4 at 1 thru E at 1 and E at 1 thru E at 3. Inspected mortar for proper mixing and handling. One set of 5 mortar samples taken Erom Building A, basement Inspected reinforcing steel for size, grade, lap, location, Work inspected is in accordance with the approved plans and wall line 11.4 at 1 thru E at 1, last 2 Et. of 4'8" lift. and clearance. speci f ica tions. CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE INSPECTED ALL OF THE ABOVE REPOR.rED WORK. UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED I HAVE FOUND TI-IIS EGISTEREO 1NSPEtTOn WORK TO COMPLY WITH THE APPROVED PLANS SPECIFICATIONS, & CH.f&H%L?? DATE OF lsEPOnT I? EG 15TEn N UMOER API'LICABLESECTIONS OF 1IIE CITY OF SAN DIEGO BUILDING LAWS, Wyman pqF resting ' lltl I1 PI c Laboratories ~~ ~~ COVElllhG rrDHl< PEtirDHMEU ~~HkIhFlJIlCEU COluCtIETt ~.lSTl~l~l:l. SI tll. ASbtMULY WIIICtI IIEOUIHEO AI'PfiOVAL UY ~~*l't(t.Sl HESSEU CONCREl E C~IiEINFOH1:CI~ IIYI'SJM nGLUE-LAM.FAURICATION MASONKY INSPECTION 2-5 Inspected the laying-up of reinforced, grouted structural masonry as outlined below. Masons were observed for proper high-lif t procedures and techniques as noted on approved drawings. Inspected the laying-up of C91d Gr. N1 8x4~16 & 12x4~16 block at Building E, 2nd Lift on corner A1 - Building A lay out 1st course line 5.5 at E.8 - 5.5 at C.5 at 5, laid lines 5.5 - 5.8 at D.2 thru 5.5 at E.8 1st 3 ft. of 5'4" lift. Inspected mortar for proper mixing and handling. One set of 4 mortar samples taken from Building A, line 5.5 Inspected reinforcing steel for size, grade, lap, location, Work inspected is in accordance with the approved plans and at D.6, 1st Coot.. and clearance. specifications per UBC. CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE INSPECTED ALL OF THE ABOVE REPORTED WORK, UNLESS OTI-lEAWlSE NOTED I IHAVE FOUNOTHIS TERED INSPECTOR WORK TO COMPLY WITH THE APPROVED PLANS SPECIFICATIONS, 1~ M-rr APPLICABLESECTIONS OF THE CITY OF SAN DlEGO BUILDING LAWS, REGlSTEn 1IUhlBER >OD ADDRESS Car Country Ct. Carlsbad 10516 & 1060 OWNER OR PROJECT NAME Car Country Plaza CONBTR. MAT'L ITYI'E.GVIADL.ETC.1 DESIGN STIIENGTH SOURCL Orl MFGR. DESCRIDE MIT'L. IMIX DESIGN. nE-OAR GRADE 81 MFGR.1 Keinforced Concrete Footinqs Nelson & Sloan f'c 3(6@0 C94 Keadv Mix Concrete M ix # 6552 CONCRETE INSPECTION 2-2 basement pit per details S1, S2, S6A, S6, 2, 3, 4/S6A, ll/S6A. and clearance. Inspected the reinforcing steel installation for footing Inspected reinforcing steel for size, grade, lap, locations, Verified member dimensions with inplace formwork. Verified dimensions of excavated locations. Checked locations of embedded items and sleeves. Inspected the placement and consolidation of 40 cubic yards of concrete, mix desiyn # 6552 in the tol.lowiny locations: basement footing on lines El thru IC3 and 11.8 at 1 thru 3. One set of 4 test cylinders tdken From uui.lding A, basement €ooting on lines El at north corner. Slump test results 4 1/2" . Concrete supplied by Nelson E, Sloan. Ticket # 275145, Work inspected is in accordance with the approved plans, truck # 323. specifications and the UBC. cor, WEE,' ENUING 2-2 IS9 0 PLAN FILE NO, N0Xi9-2(?l I OLDG. PEIlMIT NO. ___ 8 9-169 3/1694 AnCIIITUCT &r ommen hoe k/McKeo wn C o nee r_-.E.nq i ne e r i nq Collins General Cont. jj ubba rd Wyman Testing Labs ENGINE E I? GENERAL CONTRACTOR CONTR. DOING ~~EPDRTED won)( LAO nECEIVlNG & TESTING CONSTFI. MAT',. SAMPLES CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I IIAVE INSPECTEI) ALL OF THE ABOVE REPORTED WORK, UNLESS OTIIEHWISE NOTED I IklAVE FOUNU TI-IIS APPLICABLE SECTIONS OF WIE CITY OF SAN UIEGO BUILDING LAWS. C%7&??33 REGISTER NUMBER WORK TO COMPLY win1 THE APPROVED PLANS SPECIFICATIONS.& IO" ADOI1US'. 185@ & 1868 Car Country Ct. Carlsbad >WNER 0" PROJECT NAMC Car Country Plaza :ONSTR. MAT'L ITYPE.GRA0E.ETC.I IESlGN STRENGTH SOURCE 0" MFGR. Reinforced Masonry Hazard Block C98 H.L.B G r. N1 8 x4xl6=12x4x16 S lumn _&lock C 7163 Groiit 7.w - osi M ix A61 5 Reinforcing,Steel Grade 68 MASONRY INSPECTION 2-1 ' Inspected the laying-up of reinforced, grouted structural masonry as outlined below. Masons were observed for proper high-lift CMU walls procedures and techniques as noted on approved drawings. Inspected the laying-up of C90 H.L.B 8 x 4 x 16 & 12 x 4 x 16 slump block at Building B, 2nd lift on line I31 thru B2. Inspected mortar for proper mixing and hand.1ing. One set of 4 mortar samples taken from Building B at 1.5 at Inspected reinforcing steel for size, grade, lap, location, Work inspected is in accordance with the approved plans, B, 6 ft. level. and clearance. specifications and the UBC. lorn WEE,' t I, Y, N G 2-2 Ie90 89-2161 NO. OLDG. PERMIT NO. 89-1693/1694 PLAN FILE NO. ARCHITCCT -_ Krommenhoek/McKeown - Coneer Enqineerinq Col tins General cont. ENG IN E c ,I GENE H A I. CO PI Tn ACTOR COIITR. DOING ~EPO~TED wonv ILAO ItCCLIVING lk TESTING CONSTR. MAT.L. SAMPLES Nithosky Masonrv Wyman 'Pestiny Labs CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE INSPECTED ALL OF THE ABOVE REPORTED WORK. UNLESS OTIIERWISE NOTED I IlAVE FOUNDTI-IIS W011K .TO COMPLY W171-I TlIE APPROVED PLANS SPECIFICATI(1NS. 1L API'LICAULE SEC'rlONS OF l-tlE CITY OF SAN DIkGO BUILUING LAWS. OATU or REronT I* E G 1STEn N UMDER f, -.' -2. l,\:':\ll f-V~lllll~J (;lC!t;k I)rlVt+ ~<<JLIllI Sirilu 2 111 :~,III rjiego, C;iiiil(iiiiiii 9% 128 Wyman Testing @I&& :1'11:1 Labor at o r ie s (619) 4H6-(1354 COVEI3ING WOHK PEHFORMEI) nIIEINFCiHCEO CONCRETE r1ISTIlUCT. SlEEL ASSEMBLY WIIICI4 REQUIRED APPROVAL BY nI'RE-STRESSEO CONCRETE cll1EINFORCED GYPSUM nGLUE-LAM.FABRICATION 0" ADDRESS ar Countrv Ct. C arlsbad 185B L 1068 C Car Countrv Plaza Reinforced Concre te Footins f'c 3000 C94 Ready Mix Concrete Mix # 6552 iWNER OR PROJECT NAME ONPTR. MAT'L ITYPE.GnADE.ETC.l IESIGN STRENGTH SOURCE OR MFGR. Nelson & Sloan ,ESCRIUE MAT'L. IMlX DESIGN. RE.BI\R GRADE LL MFGR.1 f. Steel Gr. 6@ FOR WEEN ENUlNG 2-2 Isgo NO -m-2 II 1 OLDG. PEI?MIT NO. PLatt FILE tio. 89-1693/1694 anctiirc:CT -menhoek/McKeown Coneer Enqineerinq Collins General Cont. Hubbard LAO nccCiviriCi LL TESTING coNsrn. MAT'L SAMPLES wyman Testing Labs ENGINEER GENERAL. CONTRACTOR CDNTR. DOlNCI llCPORTED WORI< CONCRETE INSPECTION 2-1 Inspected the reinforcing steel installation for footing and grade beams per details S1 thru 56 on shee.t 1/56, 6/56, 8,9, 18, 13/S6, 2/56 of approved drawings. Inspected reinforcing steel €OK size, grade, lap, locations, and clearance. Verified member dimensions with inplace formwork. VeriEied dimensions of excavated locations. Checked locations of embedded items and sleeves. Inspected the placement and consolidation of 28 cubic yards of concrete, mix design # 6552 in the following locations: Building A, footings and grade beams on lines 1.2 at D, D1 thru D.8 at 1. One set of 4 test cylinders taken Erom Building A, at line Slump test results 4". Concrete supplied by Nelson L Sloan. Ticket # 274865, Work inspected is in accordance with the approved plans, D.3 at 1. truck # 360. specifications and the UBC. CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE INSPECTED ALL OF THE ABOVE REPOHTEO WORK, UNLESS OTllERWlSE NOTED I HAVE FOUND TlllS WORK TO COMPLY WIT11 3IiE APPROVED PLANS SPECIFICATIONS,& , ncGisrEn I(UMOER APPLICAULESECTIONS OF 1tIE CITY OF SAN DIEGO 0UlLOlNG LAWS, DATE OF RCPOnT --< , i:t:':jI~ EvuninrJ Creek Drive Soill11 Silite 2111 :;it11 i.)iego, Calllorl\ia 92 IL'tI (61 9) 4t16-llY5.I Wyman Labor at or ie s COVERING WOfiK PERFOHMEU OREINFORCED CONCRETE USTHUCT. S'IEEL. ASSEMULV DY ADD"ES5 11650 & 1060 Car Country Ct. Carlsbad WNER OR PROJECT NAME Car Country Plaza ONSTR. MAT'L ITYPE.GRADE.ETC.1 EStGN STRENGTH SOURCE OR MFGR. Reinforced Masonry f'm 1500 CY16 H.L.B Gr. N1 8~4xl6=12x4x16 Slump Block C270 G rout 2000 13 si Mix A615 Reinforcing .Steel Grade 60 Hazard Block ESCRlsE MAT'L. (MIX DESIGN. RE.OAR GRADE k MFGR.1 1'011 WCCK ENDING 2-2 IOY 0 PLAN FILE NO. N0'8Y-201 OLDG. PERMIT NO. 8Y-1693/1694 ARCHITCCT Krommenhoek/McKeown Coneer Engineering Collins General Cont. Withoskv Masonry Wyman Testing Labs E PIG IN E C R GENERAL CO PIT R ACTO R CONTR. DOING ITEPORTEO WORH LAO 17ECCIVING U. TESTING CONSTR. MAT'L SAMPLES I MASONRY INSPECTION 1-31 Inspected the laying-up of reinforced, grouted structural masonry as outlined below. Masons were observed for proper high-lift CMU walls procedures and techniques as noted on approved drawings. Inspected the laying-up of CY0 H.L.B. 8 x 4 x 16 & 12 x 4 x 16 slump block at Building A, laid out lines D.2 at 7; B at 7-8 at 5, 1st lift on column line D.2 at 7 & 8; D at 7, C.2 at 7. Inspected mortar for proper mixing and handling. Inspected reinforcing steel for size, grade, lap, location, Work inspected is in accordance with the approved plans and and clearance. specifications per UBC. CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I tIAVE INSPECTED ALL OF THE ABOVE REPORTED WORK, UNLESS OSIIERWISE NOTE0 I HAVE FOUND THIS WORK TO COMPLY Wll-tl THE AI'PHOVEO PLANS SPECIFICATIONS, LG L&&l/8euz - t7EGlSTEn NUMOEn AI'PLICABLESECTIONS OF THE CITY OF SAN UIEGO BUILDING LAWS. DATE 01'"CPO"T ( "i1- 1:i:':ii) Evening Creek Oiivt? Souti1 :,<II~ I)ie.cJo. (;aliloi ii~ii 9% 1211 (619) 4ti&(1:3!?4 Wyman Suite 2 113 La I-, o r a 1: or i e s COVEHING WOHK PEHFOHMED nllElNFOHCED CONCRETE . flSlHUC1-. S'l EEL ASSEMULY WHICH REOUIHED APPROVAL BY CIPHE.STHESSE0 CONCREl-E ~~IIEINFOHCEII GYPSUM nGI.UE.LAM.FABRICATION 30 ADOAESS 111511 & 1060 Car Country Ct. Carlsbad WNER On PROJECT NAME Car Country Plaza 3NC.T". MAT'L 1TYPC.GRADC.CTC.l Reinforced Concrete[Footinqs f'c 3000 ES1GN STRENGTM SOURCE on MFGR. Nelson & Sloan C94 Keady Mix Concrete Mix # 6552 ESCRIUE MAT'L. (MIX DESIGN. RE-mAR GRADE LL MFGR.1 A615 Reinforcinq Steel Gr. 60 ,'OR WEEK ENUING 2-2 tsg0 89-201. NO. nl.DG. PCt?b$lT NO. PLAN FILE NO. 89-1693/1694 AIICIIITUCT Krommenhoek/McKeown Coneer Enqineerinq Collins General Cont. ENGlNECR GENEIIAL CONTRACTOR CONTI?. OOING llEPORTED WORM If u bba r d Wyman Testing Labs 1.a" lTCC<lV!NG OI TESTING CONSTR. MAT'I. SAMPLES CONCRETE INSPECTIOM 1-30 Inspected the reinforcing steel installation for footiny & grade beam per details S/1 thru 54, S6 on sheets 1/56, 8/56, 6/S6, 13/56, 9 & 18/56, 2/56 of approved drawings. Inspected reinforcing steel €or size, grade, lap, locations, and clearance. Verified member dimensions with inplace formwork. Verified dimensions of excavated locations. Checked locations of embedded items and sleeves. Inspected the placement and consolidation of 107 cubic yards of concrete, mix design # 6552 in the €oLlowiny locations: Building A, footings and grade beams D.2 at 7 thru B.8 at 7 - B at 6 thru 5 at A & B - A at 5 thru A at 4.7 - A at 4 thru B at 4 - B at 3.2 thru 0 at 2 - C.5 at 2. One set of 4 test cylinders taken from Building A, at line A at 4.7. Slump test results 4 1/2". Concrete supplied by Nelson & Sloan. Ticket # 274335, truck H 365. Work inspected is in accordance with the approved plans, specifications and the UBC. CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE INSPECTED ALL OF THE ABOVE WDflK TO COMPLY WITH THE APPROVE0 I'LANS SPECIFICATIONS, .% API'LICAELESECTIONS OF THE CITY OF SAN DIEGO BUlLOlNG LAWS, REPORTEfl WORK, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTE0 I HAVE FOUND THIS RED IN5P DATE Or RCPOnT Il<GlSTEn 1IUMOER COVERING WOHK PEHFDRMED nREINFOHCE0 CONCRETE OSTHUCT. Sl EEL ASSEMBLY WlllCll REOUIHED APPROVAL BY nPAE.STHESSk0 CONCREl E nRElNFORCED GYPSUM nGLUE-LAM.FABRICATION THE SPECIAL INSPECTOR OF UREINFOHCED MASONRY []PILE DHIVING fl OTtl ER 00 ADDRESS 30/60 Aut o Ctr. Ct. Carlsbad >WNER OR PROJECT NAME car Country Plaza Reinforced Masonry si Hazard Block f'm 1500 D :ONSTR. MAT'L 1TVPE.GRADE.ETC.J bE51GN STRENGTH SOURCE OR MFGR. 1ESCRIDE MAT'L. (MIX DESIGN. RE-BAR GAAOE LL MFGR.1 (190 H.L. B. Grade N.l -8~4x16 12~4x16 S lmo Block C270 Type S. Mortar 1800 psi TOR WEEN IS 90 "O.89-201 ENUING 2-2 OLDG. PCRMlT NO. FILE NO. ARCIIITCCT Krommenhoek/Mckeown Coneer Enginesring Collins General Contractors Withsosky Masonry Wyman Testing LaCboratorles -- ENGINE E I, GENERAL CONTRACTOR CO!ITR. Giic ~~CPORTED WORK LAO RECEIVING LL TESTING ONSTR. MAT:L SAMPLES ~ ~~~~ - I Reinforcing Steel Grade 60 C476 Grout 2000 psi A615 -_ MASONRY INSPECTION 1-29 Inspected the laying-up OE reinforced, grouted structural Masons were observed for proper high-lift CMU wall Inspected the laying-up of C90 H.L.H. 8x4~16" and 12x4~16" 1st .lift of CMU 5'4" Inspected mortar for proper mixing and handling. Inspected reinforcing steel for size, grade, lap, location, masonry as outlined below. procedures and techniques as noted on approved drawings. s.lump block at building A laid out line 8, line 7 and 8 at E.8 - D.6 at 8. and clearance. MASONRY INSPECTION 1-30 Inspected the laying-up of reinforced, grouted structural Masons were observed for proper high-lift CMU wall Inspected the laying-up of 8x4~16" and 12x4~16" slump block Inspected mortar for proper mixing and handling. One set of 4 mortar samples taken from building A at lines Inspected reinforcing steel for size, grade, lap, location, masonry as outlined below. procedures and techniques as noted on approved drawings. at building A, 1st lift on lines D.6 at 8 thru D.2 at 8. n.4 at 8, 1st lift. and clearance. ~~ ~ CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE INSPECTED ALL OF THE ABOVE REPORTED WORK, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTE0 I HAVE FOUND TI-IIS WORK TO COMPLY WITH THE APPROVED PLANS SPECIFICATIONS, tL de.d/+=;W IIEGISTEII NUUDCR APPLICADLESECTIONS OF THE CITY OF SAN DIEGO UUlLDlNG LAWS. DATE OF REPOllT I 132:10 Evening Creek Drive South Wyman Suite 218 Testing Sail Diego, California 92128 Laboratories (619) 486-0354 ~GLUE.LAM.FAERICATION MASONRY INSPECTION 1-26 Inspected the laying-up of reinforced, grouted structural masonry as outlined below. Masons were observed for proper high-lift CMU procedures and techniques as noted on approved drawings. Inspected the laying-up of high-lift CMU block at c90 8x4~16 and 12x4~16 slump block building A 1st lift 5'4" on lines 5.5 thru 8 at H. Inspected mortar for proper mixing and handling. One set of 4 mortar samples taken from building A middle of Work inspected is in accordance with the approved plans and wall at 5.5 thru 8 at H. speci€ications per UBC. CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE --4./+- L-,/' I\ I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE INSPECTED ALL OF THE ABOVE (,A=& -- REPORTED WORK, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED I HAVE FOUND THIS WORK TO COMPLY WITH THE APPROVED PLANS SPECIFICATIONS, 5 )STEREO INSPECTOR &6+-< L&2,37 l?EGlSTEn NUMOER APPLICABLESECTIONS OF TllE CITY OF SAN DlEGO BUILDING LAWS, DATE OFREPORT .13230 Evening Creek Drive South Suite 218 Wyman Testing San Diego, California 92128 Laboratories (619) 486-0354 COVERING WORK PERFORMED OREINFOHCED CONCRETE , DSTHUCT, SrEEL ASSEMBLY 00 ADORES5 Auto Ctr. Ct., ca rlsbad >WNER OR PROJECT NAME Carltas Development Co. :ONSTR. MAT'L (TYPE.GRAOC.ETC.1 KeinEorced Concrete Footinq f'c ?flCTLil DS i Nelson & Sloan BESIGN STRENGTH SOURCE OR MFGR. IESCRIOE MAT.L. iMrx DESIGN. RE-BAR GRADE (L MFGR.I rete Mix # 6552 ~615 RPinFnrdna S~PP~ r!! fin FO" WBEH I* 90 No' 89-2111 ENDING 1-26 DLDG. PEnMlT NO. PLAN FILE NO. 1050/89-164 & 1 50/89-163 ARCHITECT Kroloinenhoek/Mckeown Coneer Enqineering collin_s General Contractors ENGINEER GENERALCONTRACTOR CONTR. DOING REPORTED WORK LAO RECEIVING LL TESTING CONSTR. MAT'L SAMPLES Ha b ba rd Wymaii Testing Laboratories CONCRETE INSPECTION 1-26 Inspected the reinforcing steel installation for footings bui'lding A per details Sl-S4, 56 on sheets 1/56, 8/S6, 13/56, 2/S6 and tables of approved drawings. Inspected rein€orcing steel for size, grade, lap, locations, and clearance. Veri €ied member dimensions with inp.lace formwork. Veri€ied dimensions of excavated Locations. Checked locations of ernbedded items and sleeves. Inspected the placement and consolidation of 80 cubic yards of concrete, mix design # 6552 in the Eollowing locations: building A footings on lines D.6-D.2 at 8, D.2 to 5.5, D.6-C.2 at 5.5, C.5 at 4-C.5 at 5.5, c.9 at 4-C.9 at 3.3, and 2 outside column footings between B at 6.3-8.8 at 7. one set of 4 test cylinders taken from building A line D.2 at 8. Slump test results 4.5". Concrete supplied by Nelson & Sloan. Ticket # 273569, Work inspected is in accordance with the approved plans and truck # 354. speciEications per UBC. CGIPTERED INSPECTOR CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE INSPECTED ALL OF THE ABOVE REPORTED WORK, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED I HAVE FOUND THIS WORK TO COMPLY WITH THE APPROVED PLANS SPECIFICATIONS, & APPLICAELESECTIONS OF THE CITY OF SAN DlEGO BUILDING LAWS. J H EG I STE n N U M D E R cy//?< .l/C 2-72 DATE OF nEPORT .1:1%:10 Evening Creek Drive South Suite 218 GLUE.LAM.FABRICATION C476 GrOut.2008 psi I wyman Testing Laboratories A615 Re intorcins S tee1 Grade 60 MASONRY INSPECTION 1-25 Inspected the laying-up of reinforced, grouted structural masonry as outlined below. Masons were observed for proper high-lift CMU procedures and techniques as noted on approved drawings. Inspected the laying-up of C98 8x4~16 and 12x4~16 slump block at building B 1st lift 5'4" on Line A thru B at 1 and started lead for 2nd lift corner at line 13 at 2. Started laying out at building A on lines 5.5 ttiru 8 at H and H thru E.8 at 8. Inspected mortar for proper mixing and handling. Inspected KeinfOKCing stee'l tor size, grade, lap, location, Work inspected is in accordance with the approved plans and and clearance. speci€ications per UBC. CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE 61 c^& - ' I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE INSPECTED ALL OF THE ABOVE REPORTED WORK, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED I HAVE FOUND THIS WORK TO COMPLY WITH THE APPROVED PLANS SPECIFICATIONS, & APPLICABLESECTIONS OF THE CITY OF SAN DIEGO BUILDING LAWS, GISTEREO INSPECTOR //../&&-233 DATE OF REPb-nT REGISTER NUMBER Wyman agz Testing Laboratories 13230 Evening Creek Drive South Suite 218 Sari Diego, California 92128 (6191 486-0354 .. . . .- . . . - . . . . -, THE SPECIAL INSPECTOH OF OREINFORCED MASONRY OPILE DRIVING OTHER- ~ ~- FOR WEEM 00 ADORE55 Ctr. Ct.. Carlsbad - I9 90 ENDING >WNER OR PROJECT NAMC IPLAN FILE NO. n h d e k /Mc ke o w n MASONRY INSPECTION 1-24 Inspected the laying-up of reinforced, grouted structural masonry as outlined below. Masons were observed €or proper high-lift CMU procedures and techniques as noted on approved drawings. Inspected the laying-up of C90 8x4~16 and 12x.4~16 slump block at building B 1st Lift of CMU to 5'4" on lines A at 1 thru 2 and B at 1 thru 2, also first 2' of A1 thru B1. Inspected mortar €or proper mixing and handling. One set of 4 mortar samples taken froin middle of north wall Inspected reinforcing steel for size, grade, lap, location, Work inspected is in accordance with the approved plans and at ~1.5 line. and clearance. specifications per UBC. ~~~ CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE INSPECTED ALL OF THE ABOVE REPORTED WORK. UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED I HAVE FOUND THIS APPLICABLESECTIONS OF THE CITY OF SAN OIEGO BUILDING LAWS. WORK TO COMPLY WITH THE APPROVED PLANS SPECIFICATIONS, & /dd9&/k23 3 REGISTER NUMBER OATE OFRCPORT 192:iO Evening Creek Drive South Suite 218 Sa11 Diego, Calitornia 921 28 Testing Laboratories (619) 486-0354 COVERING WORK PERFORMED OREINFORCED CONCRETE . OSTHUCT. STEEL ASSEMULY WHICH REOUIRED APPROVAL BY OPRE.STRESSED CONCRETE OREINFORCED GYPSUM OGLUE.LAM.FABRICATION THE SPECIAL INSPECTOR OF C~REINFORCEO MASONRY OPILE DRIVING nnTusa IOU ADORES5 1dS- Au to Ctr. Ct., Carlsbad Carltas Development Co. Reinforced Concrete Footing E'c 3000 P si Nelson & Sloan c94 Readv Mix Concrete Mix De sicln 6552 A615 Reinforcing Steel Grade 60 3WNER OR PROJECT NAME TONSTR. MAT'L 1TYPE.GRAOE.ETC.) SOURCE OR MFGR. IESIGN STRENGTH IESCRIBE MAT'L. (MIX DESIGN. RE.8AR GRAOE LL MFGR.1 3WNER OR PROJECT NAME FOR WCLH No. 89-201 BNO~NG 1-26 ID 90 QLDG. PE MIT NO 10 5 B78 9- L 6 4 & 1 4!tf.?8F4LE1% Kroinlnenlioek/Mckeown Coneer Engineering ARCHITECT ENGINEER GENE LCONT ACTOR coPfins eeneral contractors Ha bh a r8 Wyman Testing Ea&o~at~~~'i-~SMPLES CONTR DO1 G nEPORTE0 WORH LAB RECEIVING (L TESTIN C NS R. M Carltas Develoement Co. Reinforced Concrptk Footinu E'c 3000 P si I Nelson & sloan c94 Readv Mix Concrete Mix Desicln 6552 A615 Reinforcing Stc TONSTR. MAT'L ITYPE,GRAOI IESIGN STRENGTH IESCRIBE MAT'L. (MIX DESIGN. RE.8AR GRAOE LL MFCR.1 GENE LCOh I coPf1ns CONCRETE INSPECT I ON 1-24 Inspected the reinEorcing steel installation for footings buil-ding A per details S1 thru 54 and 56 on sheets 1/56, 8/S6, 13/S6, 2/56 and tables of approved drawings. Inspected reinforcing steel €OK size, grade, lap, locations, and clearance. Verified member dimensions with inplace formwork. VeriEied dimensions of excavated locations. Checked locations of embedded items and sleeves. Inspected the placement and consolidation of 40 cubic yards of concrete, mix design # 6552 in the following locations: footings building A on lines 5.5 - 8 at H thru 5.5 - 8 at D.6. One set of 4 test cylinders taken Eroin building A line 6.3 at H. Slump test results 4". Concrete supplied by Nelson & Sloan. Ticket # 273022, work inspected is in accordance with the approved plans and truck # 360. specifications per UBC. CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE &/-- I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE INSPECTED ALL OF THE ABOVE REPORTED WORK, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED I HAVE FOUNDTHIS WORK TO COMPLY WITH THE APPROVED PLANS SPECIFICATIONS, & APPLICABLESECTIONS OF TI-IE CITY OF SAN DIEGO BUILDING LAWS, E OF HISTEREO INSPECTOR c=#,4?.J*2z3 DATE dF REPOnT REGISTER NUMBER Wyman 13230 Evening Creek Drivi Testing Laboratories CY4 Keadv M ix Concrete/Mix 560-C3250 ~615 Reinforclna Steel G rade 60 2 South Suite 210 Sa11 Diego, Calilornia 92128 (619) 466-0354 COVEHING WOHK PEHFORhlEV ~1~t:lNFO~~ChDCONCRETE GIST UCT. SlEEI. ASSEMULY Wt4ICH REOUIRED AWflOVAL OY 0PHE.STHESSED COhCRET nR NFORCEU GYPSUM ~GLUE.LAM.FABRICATION THE SPECIAL INSPECTOR OF 1050/1060 Auto Ctr. Ct., Carlsbad flREIhFORCEI1 hlASONRY ri UP E DRIVING I~OTHER 80" *OO"ESS >WNER OR PROJECT NAME Car 1 tas Deve Lopmint Co. 4 :ONSTI<. MAVL ITvPE.(in*De.eTc.i Collins General Contractors J.E. Fox CONTR. DOING R6 LAO RECEIVING II FOR WEEK 89-201 ENDING 1-26 1. 90 PLAN PlLE NO, Reinforced Concrete f'c 3000 P si Escondido Read K r omme n h o e k/Mc k eo wn SOURCE OR MFGR. ENGINEER >ESIGN STRENGTH IESCRIOE MAT'L. (MIX DESIGN. RE.BAR GRADE II MFGR.1 GENERALCONTRACTOI ~ :PORTED WORK Construction TESTING CONSTR. MAT'L SAMPLES I Wyman Testing Laboratories CONCRETE INSPECTION 1-23 Inspected the placement and consolidation of 7.5 cubic yards of concrete, mix design # 560-C3250 in the following locations: type 1 catch basin for site 2 on northeast side of property 1 on corner. One set of 4 test cylinders taken Eroin north side middle of both catch basins. slump test results 4". Concrete supplied by Escondido Ready Mix. Ticket # 202821, work inspected is in accordance with the approved plans and truck # 121. specifications per UBC. CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE INSPECTED ALL OF THE ABOVE REPORTED WORK, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTE0 I IiAVE FOUNDTHIS WORK TO COMPLY WITH THE APPROVED PLANS SPECIFICATIONS,& APPLICABLESECTIONS OF THE CITY OF SAN OlEGO BUILDING LAWS, .CWGNI\T GISTERED INSPECTOR .,*E? -*J -J&/>, e?, 2Jdp L23' DATE OF R€PO%T REGISTER NUMBER 13230 Evening Creek Drive South Suite 218 San Diego, California 92128 WHICH REOUIRED APPROVAL BY OPRE.STRESSEO CONCRETE CIREINFORCED GYPSUM ~GLUE.LAM.FABRICAT,ON THE SPECIAL INSPECTOR OF OREINFORCED MASONRY OPILE DRIVING MASONRY INSPECTION 1-23 Inspected the laying-up of reinforced, grouted structural masonry as outlined below. Masons were observed for proper high-lift CMU procedures and techniques as noted on approved drawings. Inspected the laying-up of C90 8x4~16 and 12x4~16 slump block at building B 1st lift of CMU to 5'4" on line 2 at on line 2 at A thru B and column on south wall 1.4 and 1.5. Inspected mortar for proper mixing and handling. One set of 4 mortar samples taken from middle of column 1.4 Inspected reinforcing steel for size, grade, lap, location, Work inspected is in accordance with the approved plans and building B. and clearance. specifications per UBC. CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE -L?.-/ /A / I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE INSPECTED ALL OF THE ABOVE REPORTED WORK. UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED I HAVE FOUND THIS -//<'k w- - , .~ ..~ ~~~ / //n/A1!27? 2 WORK TO COMPLY WITH THE APPROVED PLANS SPECIFICATIONS.& APPLICAELESECTIONS OF THE CITY OF SAN DlEGO BUILDING LAWS. DATE OF REPOW REGISTER NUMBER Wyman Testing Laboratories 13230 Evening Creek Drive South Suite 218 San Diego, California 92128 (6191 486-0354 ~~ ~ - ~ .- - COVERING WORK PERFORMED OREINFORCED CONCRETE . OSTRUCT. STEEL ASSEMBLY WHICH REOUIREO APPROVAL BY OPRE.STRESSED CONCRETE OREINFORCEO GYPSUM OGLUE.LAM.FABRICATION THE SPECIAL INSPECTOR OF OREINFORCED MASONRY OPILE DRIVING 0 OTHER MASONRY INSPECTION 1-22 masonry as outlined below. techniques as noted on approved drawings. east and south wall. Inspected the layiny-up of reinforced, grouted structural Masons were observed for proper low-lift procedures and Inspected the laying-up of 8" x 12" block at base course Inspected mortar for proper mixing and handling. Inspected reinforcing steel for size, grade, lap, location, Work inspected is in accordance with the approved drawings and clearance. and UBC. ~~ CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE .- I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE INSPECTED ALL OF THE ABOVE '2 ~ , SIGNATURE-OF REGISTEIIED INSPECTOR *I REPORTED WORK, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED I IHAVE FOUND 1HIS WORK TO COMPLY WITH THE APPROVE0 PLANS SPECIFICATIONS & , . I .;.. , 1 , . . , . , , ,* r, (8 .\I I.' HEGISTE" NUUIIE" APPLICABLE SECTIONS OF TI-IE CITY OF SAN L)IEGO tlUILDING LAWS, n&rE or REPO~T 00 AO0”LBS Car lsbad 18516 Auto Center Dr. WNER on rRoJEcT NAME Car Country Plaza ONSTR. hlAT’L I+YPE.GRAOE.ETC.l ESIGN sTnEriGrn BouRcE on MFGR. ESCRIOE MAT‘L. (MIX OESIGN. RE-OAR GRAD,€ LL MFGR.1 Type ‘s’ Mortar 18160 psi I LAO RECEIVING LL TESTING CONSTR. hIAT’L SAMPLE9 Wyman Testing Labs I POI, WEE,, 89-2161 ENOSNG 1-25 ‘0916 NO. DLDG. rEnhiiT NO. PLAN FILE NO. 89-1693 ARCHlTECT Krommenhoek/McKeown Coneer E ng i neer i ng Collins General Cant. CONTR. DOING nEPoRTEo won#( ENGINEER GENERAL CONTRACTOR MASONRY INSPECTION 1-22 Built leads at 4 corners OE Building B, 1st lift. One set of 3 mortar samples taken from Building B, at 1(A), 1st lift. CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE INSPECTED ALL OF THE ABOVE AEPORTED WORK. UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED I HAVE FOUND TI-IIS 5IGNATUnE OF REGISTCREO INSPECTOn WORK TO COMPLY WITH 1HE APPROVED PLANS SPECIFICATIONS, & I\ l-ZL-9Q gs - zg3ut. -gP( APPLICAULESECTIONS OF 11-IE CITY OF SAN OltG0 IiUILDING LAWS, Ir D*TE 01- lncP0,lr n EG ISTEll PI UM OEn WYMAN TESTING LABORATORIES I 7 CCP 225 28 CCP 226 28 CCP 227 13230 Evening Creek Dr. Suite 218 San Diqo, CA 92120 (619) 486-0354 05-03-90 3 X 3 9.763 * 31,0Q0 3180 05-24-90 3 X 3 9.709 * 33,000 3480 05-24-90 3 X 3 9.708 * 41,000 4220 REPORT OF COMPRESSION TESTS CAI? COUNI'RY PLAZA PROJECT NO. 89-201 PROJECT - - PROJECT ADDRESS 1050 AUTO CENT'ER COURT, CAWBAD CONTRACTOR - COLLIPIS BLDG. PERMIT NO. BLX A-cloGO, B-111050 KROMI.I~lIIOCK/~lcK~~~l CAItL'I'AS DEVELOPMENl' CO. ARCHITECT/ENGINEER __ TO BE BILLED __ ___ PLAN NO, BLDG A-1189-1694, ~-tog-i693 SAMPLE DATA REPORT OF D CONCRETE MORTAR GROUT OTHER ___ ESCONDIDO READY MIX PLACEMENT DATE 04-26-90 SUPPLIER 343656 80 MIN TICKET NUMBER TIME IN MIXER 6.5 SACK 665 MIX DESCRIPTION MIX NUMBER - SLUMP 9-1/2" ADMIXTURE N/A TYPECEMENT . I1 - AIR CONTENT N/A 2500 UNIT WEIGHT N/A DESIGN STRENGTH l0FT FkOM SOUTH SIDE OF STAIRS LOCATION OF PLACEMENT ~~ ~ ~ SPECIAL TEST INSTRUCTION OR REMARKS 2uuu 28 REQUIRED STRENGTH (f'c) SAMPLES MADE BY ___ DATE RECEIVED IN LAB - PSI AT -- DAYS im IIOLLO~~KY 04-327-90 LABORATORY DATA * ACTUAL MEASURL?D AREA LA LABORATORY DATA REMARKS ______. DISTRIBUTION - ALL SAMPLING AND TESTING CONDUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM STANDARD DESIGNATIONS C.1 I-fi9. C39-80, C70-75. CG17-7G DATE s-.3k& I WYMAN ~ TESTING LAB 0 RAT OR1 ES 13230 Evening Creek Dr. Suite 218 San Diego, CA 92128 (GlY) 486-0354 REPORT OF COMPRESSION TESTS 09-201 PROJECT CAR COUN'I'RY 1'1 .MA PROJECT NO PROJECT ADDRESS 1050 AUTO CEWJXR COURT, CARLSBAD CONTRACTOR COLLIElS RI~~~1~I~~IIOEK/IlcKl~~~~l CARLTAS IY3VI3LOPMIStSP CO . ARCHITECT/ENGINEER _-- 10 BE BILLED -____---- BLDG PERMITNO __-_ __ BLDG A-{IlOGO, B-lIlO50 PLAN NO 131,uG A-#89-1694, B-t89-1693 SAMPLE DATA - REPORT OF 0 CONCRETE 0 MORTAR B GROUT 0 OTHER SUPP1.IER ~ MIX DESCRIPTION MIX NUMBER - SLUMP TYPE CEMENT UNIT WEIGHT N/A DESIGN STRENGTH LOCATION OF PLACEMENT __ __________ ESCONDIDO 17EAI)Y MIX PLACEMENT DATE 04-24-90 6.5 SACK TICKET NUMBER 1.2 5 5 7 7 0 G65 TIME IN MIXER - I IIR 24 MIN 10 " I1 N/A N /A 2500 ADMIXTURE __ AIR CONTENT BLDG n LASTON LINE 11.3 1/2 @ 3 - SPECIAL TEST INSTRUCTION OR REMARKS zu PSI AT DAYS DATE RECEIVED IN LAB 28-r- REQUIRED STRENGTH (f'c) SAMPLES MADE BY ED HOLLOW AY 04726-90 LABORATORY DATA LAB COMPRESSIVE FIELD CONTROL DATE DIMENSIONS TEST AREA MAX LOAD STRENGTH IDENTITY NUMBER TESTED INCCIES SQ INCHES POUNDS 9.617 39,000 I-' LABORATORYDATAREMARKS DISTRIBUTION . REVIEWED BY: A/&%&-- ALL SAMPLING AND TESTING CONDUCTED IN ACCORDANCE win1 ASTM STANDARD DESIGNATIONS C31-69. C39-00, C7R-75. C617-76 DATE .s:.?.sY?6 13230 Evening Creek Dr. suite 218 San Diego, CA 92120 (619) 486-0354 WYMAN TESTING LABORATORIES REPORT OF COMPRESSION TESTS PROJECT CAR COUNTRY PLAZA PROJECT NO. PROJECT ADDRESS io50 AUTO CEW~ER COURT, CARLSBAD CONTRACTOR .- CO!IM_S . . ... -. - __- ~i~o~~,~~.ti[ioCK/r,ici(L.:OI~~i _- ARCIiITECTIENGINEER TO BE BILLED _____ _____ BLDG. PERMIT NO. ___ CARLTAS Dl3VEIAX'MEtJ'Y CO. DLE A-IIlOGO, B-111050 PLAN FILE NO. BLM; A-#89-1694, B-t89-1693 SAMPLE DATA Rmvmr OF CONCRETE MORTAR o GROUT OTHER 04-24-90 PLACEMENT DA 1 E .___ - PRG MIXED SUPPLIER __I_ MIX DESCRIPTION MIX NUMBER __ SLUMP TYPE CEMENT ___ UNIT WEIGHT LOCATION OF PLACEMENT __ 1 SACK TICKET NUMBER N/A N/A I1 AIRCONTENT - N/A N JA- __--- 4 MIN TIME IN MIXER TYPE S N/A __ ADMIXTURE 1000 DESIGN STRENGTH NORTH SlDE OF STAIRS GOING UP THE STAIRS I SPECIAL TEST INSTRUCTION OR REMARKS --____ 17 28 LLUWA Y SAMPLES MADE BY __ DATE RECEIVED IN LAB PSI AT DAYS 04-26-90 REQUIRED STRENGlH (t'c) ~~ LAB0 R ATORY DATA LAB COMPRESSIVE FfELD CONTROL DATE DIMENSIONS TEST AREA MAX LOAD STRENGTH IDENTITY NUMBER TESTED INCHES sa INCHES POUNDS PSI I 7 I CCP 251 1 05-01-40 271 3.14 I 7,200 1 2290 I I- IL-A-z3:-L_IIl-----I LABORATORYDATAREMARKS +-=L 13230 Evening Creek Dip. Suite 210 Siln Diego, CA 92128 && (Gl9) 4OG-0354 WYMAN TESTING LABORATORIES REPORT OF COMPRESSION TESTS CAI< COIlNPliY PLAZA PROJECT NO. 09-201 1050 AUllW CENTIIR COURT, CARLSBAD PROJECT ADDRESS ..__ COLLINS CONTRACTOR ____ KIIOMI4EL~IOCK /~ld<l~Wbl ARCHITECT~ENGINEER __ .. CARL'I'AS DEVEIBOPMDtJP CO. B-#1050 PROJECT __ - TO BE BILLED ___ .... ___- BLDG. PERMIT NO. RLUC; A-fllOG0, .- BIN A-#BY-1694, E-1109-1693 PLAN FILE NO. 2- SAMPLE DATA __ - nEPoftr OF u CONCRETE u MORTAR u GROUT OTHER __~ ..... . SUPPLIER PRE-MIX PLACEMENT LIATE 04-20-90 MIX nrsCnir.rioN .. ............................... TICKET NuMriEn 1. SACK N/A ___- 4 MIN N/A 7.800 ............................. ... 'TIME IN MlXEll ..... __ MIX NUMBER r M/A .>LUMP .. . 'L'YL'C s . ADMIXTURE .~ f L AIR CONTENT N/A .rYrE CEMENT UNIT WEIGHT . LOCATION OF PLACEMENT ~ DESIGN STRENGTH N/A 1,AST LT.FT LIPIE 3 @ E SPECIAL TEST INSTRUCTION OR REMARKS .- - 2R-- -- .LfJBo----- PSI AT DAYS -~ ____ REQUIRED STRENGTH (l'c) SAMPLES MADE BY __. -. DATE RECEIVEU IN LAB - l3lIWAl7D llOlr,o~JAY 04-20-90 LABORATORY DATA LAB COMPRESSIVE FIELD CONTROL DATE VIMENSIONS TEST AREA MAX LOAD STRENGTH 2595 3G90 12,650 4030 IDENTITY NUMBER TESTED INCIiES SQ INCHES POUNDS PSI - __ ~- __ - _____ ____ -_ _- -. - LABORATORY DATA REMARKS __-- DISTRIBUTION REVIEWED BY: ALL SAMPLING AND TESTING CONDUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITt-1 ASTM STANDARD DESIGNATIONS COI-GR, cmnn. c7n-75. ~~17-7~ -.(-xb 13230 13vening Creek Dr. Suite 210 San Diego, CA 92120 k (619) 406-0354 WYMAN TESTING LABORATORIES REPORT - OF COMPRESSION TESTS 89-201 PROJECT CAR COUNTRY __ PLAZA PROJECT NO. 1050 AU'rO CLSN'L'II:II COURT, CARLSBAD piwJEc.r ADDRESS ~.~ ~ - CONTnACTOR - Col>l.,:l.Ns ~ - I\RCI-lll'ECT/ENGINEER -. KI mmr II ~ io EK . . / rm( . ~ ~. ic)w~ -ro BE UILLED CAI<I;I'AS ~ lll3Vl~~i -. I)I'MI?EI'P .. CO. .. .-___ __- - .~. 111 IC A-#OY-1694, D-fOY-lt93 OLOG. PERMIT NO. ur.,ix; A-I~LUGO, . n-ti.u~io ~~ PLAN FILE NO. ~- - _- SAMPLE DATA nEPom- OF o CONCRETE u MORTAR m GROUT u OTHER - - I<SCONDII)O I11~?AI)Y MIX 04-18-9Q :;IIPPLIE~ ~~ ~ .. PLACEMENT DA-IE ._ MIX LIESCRIPTION .--~.~~.~.i;~~ ~ .... ~~ TICKET NUMUEll - MIX NUMQEN ~-~~./2~,,-.-... . TIME IN MIXER _-_ SLUMP __I =.~.~-~ __ ADMIXTURE TYPE CEMENT UNIT WEIGHT ______ LOCATION OF PLACEMENT SACK 205081 80 MIN N/A __ N/A 2500 AIR CONTENT - Nf7----- rT7XUulT J L1 FT b D61?"YiT'"D"r%T@ 3 LI NE __.______ - SPECIAL TEST INSTRlJCTlON Of1 REMARKS . .- - LL?--Lff- - 04-20-90 REQUIRED STRENGTH (f'c) -r~v-nmmwlry~ PSI AT DAYS SAMPLES MAUE BY ~ DATE RECEIVED IN LAB LABORATORY DATA - WYMAN TESTING LAElORATORlES 13230 Evening Creek DI. Suite 210 !;an Diego, CA 92120 (619) 406-0354 REPORT OF COMPRESSION TES'T'S 09-201 PROJECT _~ CAR ~ COUNTRY ~ I'lAZA ~~ PROJECT NO. PROJECT ADDRESS ______ 1050 AUYU C'dt4'l'l?l< -. COURT, CARLSBAI> - - CONTHACTOR ~ COLLINS ~ __ - -. ~~ - ~l~~~l~i~~~JllO~~/~lcl~~!:O~~~l ARCI-1ITECT/ENC1INEEm ~__ TO BE BILLED ____...___ BLDG. PERMIT NO, mix ~ A-tlUGU, ~-ir1050 CARLTAS Dwmmmi-r CO. PLAN FILE NO. .~ BLIX ..!- A-#89-1694, B-889-1693 SAMPLE DATA REPORT OF U CONCRETE MORTAR 0 GROUT 0 OTHER SUPPLIER ~ __ PLACEMENT DATE - 1'17L? MIXl*:I> bIOlI'I'AR MIX 04-10-90 N/A - - 1. SACK TYPE s MIX DESCRIPTION . .... . ~~ ~ ~ . . .. TICKET NUMBER I4lX NUMBER 1~IME IN MIXER SLUMP ~~~.~ .- ~ .....~ .- TYPE CEMENT ..~ ~ ~~. UNIT WEIGHT LOCATION OF PLACEMENT ~ ~ 5 MIN ~ N/A ADMIXTURE N/A N /A 1800 AIR CONTENT DESIGN STRENti'lH I1 N/A _- 1ST 8" A STAIRS __ SPECIAL l-EST INSTRUCTION OR REMARKS ~__ __ _- -~~ __._: ~--- :?. . PSI AT ___ DAYS ETj-JKSiXITWXT- 04-20-30 ' REQUIRED STRENGTIH (f'c) __ SAMPLES MADE BY ~_ DATE RECEIVED IN LAB LABORATORY DATA LAB FIELD CONTROL DATE UlMFNSlONS TEST AREA IDENTITY NUMBER TESTED I NCI-I ES SQ INCHES 3.14 I I ..-__I I I COMPRESSIVE I4 DISTRIBUTION ____ ALL SAMPLING AND TESTING CONDUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM STANDARD DESIGNATIONS mi-m. c39-80. c7a-75, ~~17-7e .- 1- 13230 Evening Creek Dr. suite 218 San Diego, CA 92128 (619) 486-0354 WYMAN TESTING LABORATORIES REPORT OF COMPRESSION TESTS CAR COUNTRY PLAZA PROJECT NO. 89-201 PROJECT PROJECT ADDRESS 1050 AUTO CEN!CER COURT, CARLSBAD CONTRACTOR COLLINS KROEIMEfIIlOEK/MCKWWN CARLTAS DEVELQPMEVT CO. ARCHlTECTlENGlNEER TO BE BILLED BLDG PERMIT NO. BLDG A-#1060, B-#l050 BLDG A-#89-1694, B-#89-1693 PLAN FILE NO. SAMPLE DATA REPORT OF 0 CONCRETE C MORTAR I GROUT C OTHER SUPPLIER MIX DESCRIPTION 6.5 SKCK TICKET NUMBER MIX NUMBER SLUMP TYPE CEMENT ESC9NDTI)O RKADY MIX PLACEMENT DATE 04-18-90 671365 665 TIME IN MIXER 85 MIN N/A AD MIXTURE 10" I1 AIR CONTENT N/A 2500 DESIGN STRENGTH N/A UNIT WEIGHT LOCATION OF PLACEMENT BLDG "A" LINE 2.5 AT B ABOUT 12.5 FT SPECIAL TEST INSTRUCTION OR REMARKS LldldW L6 DmTT;I;UWFiP PSI AT DAYS DATE RECEIVED IN LAB 04-12-90 REQUIRED STRENGTH (I'c) SAMPLES MADE BY LABORATORY DATA LAB COMPRESSIVE FIELD CONTROL DATE DIMENSIONS TEST AREA MAX LOAD STRENGTH IDENTITY NUMBER TESTED INCHES SO INCHES POUNDS PSI I 7 1 CCP 231 I 04-17-90 3 X 3 1 9.548 * I 31.0ac1 I 32561 I ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ . . - .. ~ ,-_- ____ 1- I I 20 1 CCP 232 I 05-08-90 3 X 3 I 9.766 * I 40,000 I 4100 28 I CCP 233 I 05-08-60 3 X 3 I 9.379 * I 35,500 I 3790 l---t-i ++ ACTUAL MEASURED AREA LABORATORYDATAREMARKS DISTRIBUTION __ I ALL SAMPLING AND TESTING CONDUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM STANDARD DESIGNATIONS C31-69, C39-60, C76-75, C617-76 DATE 5-/0 -9'0 WYMAN TESTING LABORATORIES 7 CCP 223 54-18-1911 2 X 4 3.14 4,200 28 CCP 224 05-09-30 2 X 4 3.14 7,050 28 CCP 225 05-09-90 2 X 4 3.14 6,850 - .. 13230 Evening Creek Dr. Suite 218 San Diego, CA 92128 (619) 486-0354 1335 2240 2180 ~~~ ~ REPORT OF COMPRESSION TESTS 89-201 PROJECT CAR COUNTRY PLAZA PROJECT NO. PROJECT ADDRESS 1050 AUTO CENTER COURT, CARLSBAD CONTRACTOR COLLINS KROMMECJI 10EK /MCKlDWbl CARLTAS DEVEU)PMEE?l' CO. ARCHlTECTlENGlNEER - TO BE BILLED BLDG. PERMIT NO. BLDG A-#1060, B-#lo50 PLAN FILE NO. BLDG A-#89-1694, B-#89-1693 SAMPLE DATA REPORT OF CONCRETE B MORTAR GROUT U OTHER - SUPPLIER MIX DESCRIPTION MIX NUMBER SLUMP TYPECEMENT __ UNIT WEIGHT LOCATION OF PLACEMENT PRE MIXED MOR'I'RR MIX PLACEMENT DATE 1 SACK TYPE S 54-11-90 N/A N/A N/A TICKET NUMBER TIME IN MIXER ADMIXTURE AIR CONTENT DE IG TRENGTH 5 MIN N/A I1 N/A BLDG "A" AT LINE D.2 #? LINTEL 1800 SPECIAL TEST INSTRUCTION OR REMARKS lBWB 28 D HOLLUWAY 04-12-90 REQUIRED STRENQTH (f'c) PSI AT DAYS SAMPLES MADE BY DATE RECEIVED IN LAB LABORATORY DATA LAB COMPRESSIVE LABORATORY DATA REMARKS DISTRIBUTION REVIEWED BY: 1- ALL SAMPLING AND TESTING CONDUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM STANDARD DESIGNATIONS DATE mo CWG~. c39-80, c7a-75, c~i7-70 -- 13230 Evening Creek Dr. Suite 218 san Diego, CA 92128 (619) 486-0354 WYMAN TESTING LABORATORIES REPORT OF COMPRESSION TESTS CAR COUNTRY PLAZA PROJECT NO. 89-201 1050 AUTO CENTER COURTl CARLSBAD PROJECT PROJECT ADDRESS CONTRACTOR COLLINS KROMbIEtlIlOEK /McK!33@1 ARCHITECT~ENGINEER TO BE BILLED BLDG PERMIT NO. CARLTAS DEVEIOPMENT CO. BLDG A-#l060, B-#l050 PLAN FILE NO. BLDG A-#89-1694, B-#89-1693 7 CCP 219 28 CCP 220 28 CCP 221 SAMPLE DATA 04-1G-bO 3 X 3 9.465 * 30,000 3170 05-07-b0 3 X 3 9.753 * 40,588 4150 05-07-BQ 3 X 3 9.C10 * 40.000 4160 REPORT OF 0 CONCRETE 0 MORTAR =GROUT 0 OTHER SUPPLIER MIX DESCRIPTION MIX NUMBER SLUMP TYPE CEMENT UNIT WEIGHT LOCATION OF PLACEMENT ESCONDIDO READY MIX PLACEMENT DATE 04-09-90 6.5 SACK TICKET NUMBER 205516 75 MIN 665 9 - 1 /2 " ADMIXTURE N/A I1 AIR CONTENT N/A N /A F & G 1.5, 1ST GROUT LIFT 7 FT TIME IN MIXER 2500 DESIGN STRENGTH SPECIAL TEST INSTRUCTION OR REMARKS DAYS 11 fIUi3XWAY PSI AT DATE RECEIVED IN LAB 04-10-90 AEOUIRED STRENGTH [l'c) SAMPLES MADE BY LABORATORY DATA LAB COMPRESSIVE FIELD CONTROL DATE DIMENSIONS TEST AREA MAX LOAD STRENGTH ALL SAMPLING AND TESTING CONDUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM STANDARD DESIGNATIONS : C31-69. C39-RO, C70-75. CF17-76 ! '. . DATE 5- 8-90 - 13230 Evening Creek Dr. Suite 218 San Diego, CA 92128 (619) 486-0354 WYMAN TESTING LABORATORIES REPORT OF COMPRESSION TESTS 89-201 PROJECT CAR COUNL'RY PLAZA PROJECT NO. PROJECT ADDRESS 1050 AU'IY) CENTER COURT, CARLSBAD CONTRACTOR C0LLIE.B Kn~~lE~~lO~K/~~CK~~~l CARLTAS DEVELOPMENT CO. ARCHlTECTlENGlNEER TO BE BILLED BLDG. PERMIT NO. BLDG A-#1060, B-#1050 PLAN FILE NO. BLLX A-#89-1694, B-#89-1693 SAMPLE DATA REPORT OF 0 CONCRETE MORTAR 0 GROUT 0 OTHER SUPPLIER _--__ MIX DESCRIPTION _________ 1 SACK TICKETNUMBER - N/A MIX NUMBER SLUMP TYPE CEMENT UNIT WEIGHT N/A DESIGN STRENGTH LOCATION OF PLACEMENT PRE MIX1311 MORTAR MIX PLACEMENT DATE 04-07-90 weE s TIME IN MIXER 4 MIN N/A ADMIXTURE N /A I1 AIR CONTENT N /A 1800 BLDG "A" A'P 6.5 FT OF El-El..% 9 30 30 ~~ SPECIAL TEST INSTRUCTION OR REMARKS PSI AT 28 DAYS DATE RECEIVED IN LAB 1800 REQUIRED STRENGTH (f'c) SAMPLES MADE BY ED JIOLLOWRY 04-89-90 CCP 215 04-16-$0 2 X 4 3.14 8,950 2850 CCP 216 05-07-90 2 X 4 3.14 14,050 4470 CCP 217 05-07-10 2 X 4 3.14 14,800 4710 LABORATORY DATA LABORATORYDATAREMARKS DISTRIBUTION - ALL SAMPLING AND TESTING CONDUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM STANDARD DESIGNATIONS C31-69. C39-80, C78-75, CG17-76 REVIEWED BY: 1 /a&- DATE 5-d % WYMAN TESTING LABORATORIES 13230 Evening Creek Dr. Suite 218 San Diego, CA 92120 (619) 406-0354 REPORT OF COMPRESSION TESTS PROJECT CAR COUNTRY PLAZA PROJECT NO. 89-201 CONTRACTOR COLLINS PROJECT ADDRESS 1050 AUTO CIWI’ER - COURT, CARLSBAD KRO~IM~tlIlOCK/McK~~l - SAMPLE DATA REPORT OF 0 CONCRETE 0 MORTAR 0 GROUT OTHER PRISMS -. - L°CATIoNINSTRUCT~RE: CEMENT: TT Building A line 2.5 @ B at about 12.5 ft. -- AOMIXTURE: SANO: Escondido Ready Mix ROCK: Escondido Ready Mix MIX NO. OR PROPORTIONS: 665 TIME IN MIXER. MINUTES: 1 hr. 25 mine SLUMP. INCHES: TICKET NO: 671368 TRUCKNO: 449 10 ED FABRICATED BY: Tested by: FM - I I 1 1 I I LAeORATORY NO: MARK: 8180 CCP227 OATE MADE: OATE RECEIVED: DATE TESTEO: DIAMETER, INCHES: AREA. SO. INCHES: MAXIMUM LOAD, LBS. * COMPRESSIVE STR.. PSI : AGE TESTEO. DAYS: REO’O PSI AT 28 DAYS : UNIT WT/CU Fl’ IPLASTlCl: 4-10-90 4-13-90 4-17-90 80.20 162,000 2,060 7 1,500 5-08-90 80.71 218,500 2,750 28 5-08-90 81.22 201,500 2,520 28 - (3) Wyman Testing OlSTRlBUTlON : I I *Corrected strength per ASTM E447-80 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA SOIL AN0 TESTINQ, INC. REVIEWED BY: Michael B. Wheeler, R.C.E. #45358 WYMAN TESTING LABORATORIES 13230 Evening Creek Dr. Suite 218 sa13 Diego, Cn 92128 (619) 486-0354 HEPORT OF COMPRESSION TESTS - ._ CAR CC)UNl'ItY l'I,A%A PROJECT NO. 89-201 - I'nOJE(:'I- ~ ~ -- -. 10'iO ALJ'l'O Cl!Nl'l3l< COURT, PHOJEC-I AUURESS . ~. . .~ ...~ COLLI:flS CONTRACTOR ~ -- KllOONMr~.:LIIIOEK/ McKIXIWEI ARcHITEcT/ENGINEER CAIlLTAS DEVELDPMECSJ.' CO. TO BE BILLED ___-___. .- BLUG. PERMIT NO. BLW A-jIlUGO, B-#1050 - CAIILSBAD BLIX A-#89-1694, B-#89-1693 PLAN FILE NO. ~~~ ~~ ~~ SAMPLE DATA REPOf3T OF U CONCRETE I M(Jl71-AI7 U GROUT 0 OTIiER PItt? l4lxF:I) PLACEMENT DATE 04-03-90 SUPPLIER ..~ 1. SACI: 'CY 1'1,: s Mix iiEsCnir'i.ioN .. . . .~. . . . -I ICKET NUMREI3 N /A .- 5 M1N LIME .TIME IN MlXEH ADMIXTURE - MIX NUMBER ~ SLUMP '1Y PE CEMEN.1 . ~ .... ~~ ~~~~~~ ~ . ..~~ AIR CONTENT UNU wEitiwr . . ,,-~,,~..-.~- UESlGN STRENGTH LOCATION OF PLACEMENT - N/4 7. '1 N/A _- 1800 l3L~~~-~ A AI LINES U1-D. 2 AT 1, 'TOP 1 FOOT OF WALL SPECIAL TEST INSInUCTlON OR REMARKS IWM __ LI( PSI AT __ DAYS TITTUCLUWA7 04-05-90 UATE RECEIVED IN LAB REQUIRED STRENGTH (t'c) SAMPLES MAUE BY LABORATORY DATA LAB COMPRESSIVE FIELD CONTROL DIMENSIONS TEST AREA MAX LOAD STRENGTH IDENTl1.Y NUMBER .TES.I'EII INCHES SO INCHES POUNDS 3.14 9,500 ____ 28 - ___ -- ~ WYMAN TESTING LABORATORIES 9.618 * 26,500 9.740 * 38,500 9.410 * 36,000 13230 Evening Creek Dr. : Suite 218 San Dieqo, CA 92128 (619) 486-0354 2760 3950 3820 REPORT OF COMPRESSION TESTS CAR COUNl'RY PLAZA PROJECT NO. 89-201 1050 AUTO CENTER COURT, CARLSBAD COLLIPIS KRO~~ME~~ilO~K/MCK~~~l CARCPAS nEVELQPMEN1' CO. PROJECT PROJECT ADDRESS CONTRACTOR ARCHITECT/ENGINEER TO BE BILLED _____-- BLDG PERMIT NO. BLUG A-#lOGO, B-tlO50 BLDG A-#89-1694, B-t89-1693 PLAN FILE NO. SAMPLE DATA REPORT OF u CONCRETE MORTAR GROUT OTHER ESCOMDIUO READY MIX PLACEMENT DATE 04-02-90 6.5 SACK 665- 1252813 105 MIN SUPPLIER MIX DESCRIPTION MIX NUMBER - TICKET NUMBER TIME IN MIXER R, /n irn I LABORATORYDATAAEMARKS -4nm- DISTRIBUTION ALL SAMPLING AND TESTING CONDUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM STANDARD DESIGNATIONS C31-69, C39-DO. C70-75. CG17-76 I I .. . ...,.. , ... . WYMAN TESTING LABORATORIES 3.14 3.14 13230 Evening Creek Dr. ' Suite 218 San Diego, CA 92128 (619) 486-0354 12,600 10,900 REPORT OF COMPRESSION TESTS 89-201 PROJECT CAR COUMl'RY PLAZA PROJECT NO. PROJECT ADDRESS __ CONTRACTOR ARCHITECT/ENGINEER TO BE BILLED BLDG. PERMIT NO. EL& A-#1060, B-#1050 1050 AUTO CENTER COURT, CARLSBAD COLLlElS ___ KI70OMME~~-lOEK/McRr~l CARLTAS DEVEMPMENT CO . BLK A-#89-1694, B-#89-1693 PLAN FILE NO. SAMPLE DATA REPORT OF U CONCRETE I MORTAR U GROUT 0 OTHER PI713 Ml.XI.:I) MOR'rAll MIX PLACEMENT DATE 03-30-9Q SUPPLIER 1 SACK MIX DESCRIPTION 'L'Y I? 1; :i MIX NUMBER SLUMP TYPE CEMENT UNIT WEIGHT _____ LOCATION OF PLACEMENT N/A N/A 11 AIR CONTENT N/A NT---- TICKET NUMBER TIME IN MIXER ADMIXTURE 10 M1.N N/A 1800 DESIGN STRENGTH DLUG ''E" 4FT AUOVIZ LENTI3L 83-4 SPECIAL TEST INSTRUCTION OR REMARKS 1mw LU PSI AT DAYS TU-?IUlXUWAY 04-02-90 DATE RECEIVED IN LAB REQUIRED STRENGTH (f'c) SAMPLES MADE BY LABORATORY DATA LAB COMPRESSIVE FIELD CONTROL DATE DIMENSIONS TEST AREA MAX LOAD STRENGTH IDENTITY NUMBER TESTED INCHES SO INCHES POUNDS PSI 7 l?CP 199 1 04-IIG-$C1 2 X 4 I 3.14 I 6.0c10 I 2160 I - LABOflATORY DATA REMARKS DISTRIBUTION ____.__ ALL SAMPLING AND TESTING CONDUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM STANDARD DESIGNATIONS C31-69, C39-DO, C70-75. CG17-76 REVIEWED BY: DATE ; 13230 Evening Creek Dr. ! Suite 218 San Diego, CA 92128 (619) 486-0354 - WYMAN TESTING LABORATORIES REPORT OF COMPRESSION TESTS CAR couiww PLAZA PROJECT NO. 89-201 lOS0 AU'l'O CENTER COURT, CARLSBAD PROJECT PROJECT ADDRESS CONTRACTOR COLLIPB Kl?Ofill"lEtllIOEK /Mcl<l30WM CAR1,'l'AS lXV13~PMENT CO. ARCI-IITECTIENGINEER ___ TO DE BILLED - BLDG. PERMIT NO. 13LW A-#lOGOr B-ll.1050 PLAN NO, BLDG A-t89-1694, B-#89-1693 ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ SAMPLE DATA REPORT OF 0 CONCRETE 0 MORTAR GROUT 0 OTIHER SUPPLIER CSCONDIDO ._ READY MIX ~L~CEM~NT DATE 03-30-90 MIX DESCRIPTION 6.5 - SACK TICKET NUMBER 1252585 665 TIME IN MIXER 80 MIN MIX NUMBER - _._ -__-__ SLUMP - l(6" ADMIXTURE N/A TYPE CEMENl I1 AIR CONTENT N/A 2500 UNIT WEIGHT N/A DESIGN STRENGTH LOCATION OF PLACEMENT BLDG "A " AT LINE 3.2 (3 C.9 SPECIAL TEST INSTRUCTION OR REMARKS PSI AT --.??-DAYS DATE RECEIVED IN LAB 2000 REQUIRED STRENGTH (f'c) SAMPLES MADE BY 04-02-90 ED FIOLLOWAY LABORATORY DATA LAB COMPRESSIVE FIELD CONTROL DATE DIMENSIONS TEST AREA MAX LOAD STRENGTH IDENTITY NUMBER TESTFO INCHES sn INCHFS POUNDS 35 000 9.492 * 38 000 400(6 7 __ * AC'I'UAL MEASURED AREA LABORATORY DATA REMARKS n - DISTRIBUTION DATE '/-3b- ALL SAMPLING AND TESTING CONDUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITI-I ASTM STANDARD DESIGNATIONS C31-69. C39-00. C78-75. CG17-76 I 4 WYMAN TESTING LABORATORIES 13230 Evening Creek r Suite 218 San Diecro, CA 921211 REPORT OF COMPRESSION TESTS 89-201 -~ PROJECT NO CAR COUNTRY PLAZA PROJECT PROJECT ADDRESS 1050 AUlW CENTER COURT, CARLSBAD ARCHITECT,ENGINEER RRO~~~I~~lOEK/~lcK~~l TO BE BILLED __- BLDG, PERMIT NO, BLIE A-iI1060, B-ftlO50 CONTRACTOR COLLIP~S CARLTAS DEVELOPMENT CO. PLAN FILE NO BLUG A-f89-1694, B-1189-1693 SAMPLE DATA PRISMS REPORT OF 0 CONCRETE 0 MORTAR 0 GROUT =OTHER -__ LOCATIONINSTRUCTURE Wall @ line L @ line 52 second lift CEMENT I1 AOMIXTURE Pozz & Sika Grout Aid SAND Sorrento ROCK Sorrento MIX NO OR PROPORTIONS TIME IN MIXER, MINUTES 90 SLUMP INCHES 10 7775 FED 25 LABORATORY NO: MARK: OATE MADE' 3-30-90 OATE RECEIVED. 4-02-90 4-07-90 OATE TESTED: OIAMETER, INCHES. AREA. SO. INCHES 58.27 MAXIMUM LOAO. LEIS : 124,000 2,130 8 1,500 ' COMPRESSIVE STR. PSI : AGE TESTED. DAYS. REO'O Psi AT 28 OAYS : UNIT WTjCu FT IPLASTICI: (3) Wyman Testing OISTRIBUTION : * Corrected strength per ASTM E447-80 7776 FED 26 4-27-90 58.21 172,250 2,990 28 T~CKET NO: 51670 FED 27 7777 I 58.21 129,750 3,120 28 c SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA SOIL AND TESTING, INC. REVIEWED BY Michael 8. Wheeler, R.C.E. #45358 WYMAN 7 28 -. 28 TEST1 N G -____ CCP 191 04-113-90 2 X 4 3.14 6,600 2100 CCP i92 04-24-90 2 x 4 3.14 11,600 3690 CCP 193 84-24-58 2 X 4 3.14 10,650 3390 LABORATORIES 13230 Evening Creek Dr. Suite 218 San Diego, CA 92128 (619) 486-0354 REPORT OF COMPRESSION TESTS CAR COUNYRY PLAZA - PROJECT NO. 89-201 - 1050 AU'IY) CW"T[I COUR'l', CARLSBAD KlIO~11.II~:tllIOE:R/ElcY\I~~~PI CARLY'AS I)EVELOPWNT CO. PROJECT PROJECT ADDRESS _..__ CONTn AC.TOll ~ ..~ c?Lr'lrrs - ~.. .. .~ . .~~ .. -- .. ' ARCI-1ITECTIENGINEEn -~ TO BE BILLED ___ BLDG. PERMIT NO. BLDG A-#1060, B-#l050 RLDG A-#89-1694, B-#89-1693 PLAN FILE NO. ~ ~ ~~ SAMPLE DATA REPORT OF 0 CONCRETE a MORTAR 0 GROUT 0 OTHER SUPPLIER PRE MIXED MOll'rAR MIX pLACE~~~T D~r~ 03-27-90 MIX DESCRIPTION _____ 1 SACK TICKET NUMBER N/A TYPE s TIME IN MIXER 4 MIN MIX NUMBER _____- SLUMP __ N/A ADMIXTURE N/A TYPE CEMENT I1 AIR CONTENT N /A N /iT- DESIGN STRENGTH 1800 UNIT WEIGHT __ LOCATION OF PLACEMENT BLDG "A" LINTEL A'I' 3.4 @ C.9 - SPECIAL TES t INS TtlUL' I ION OR nEMAnKS PSI AT 28 DAYS EV HOLLOWAY 03-29-90 DATE RECEIVED IN LAB 180U REQUIRED STRENGTH (r'c) SAMPLES MADE BY LABORATORY DATA ! LABORATOnY DATA REMARKS .- ______ ___ UI STR IBUTI ON ALL SAMPLING AND TESTING CONDUCTED IN ACCORDANCE wiw ASTM STANDARD DESIGNATIONS DATE k2Y-90 C31-fi9. c39-a0, C70-75. ~617-76 .. __ 13230 Evening Creek Dr. Suite 218 San Diego, CA 92128 (619) 406-0354 WYMAN TESTING LABORATORIES REPORT OF COMPRESSION TESTS CAR COUNI'RY PLAZA PROJECT NO. 89-201 1050 AU'KI CI.'N'l'I3I COURT, CARLSBAU PROJECT .. PROJECT AUDRESS .~ -__- CONTnACTOfl COLLIEIS ~.. . KlIUF114 1W11 IOliX / I IcK ID\'dEI CARI/l'AS IlEVELOPMEN1' CO. ' ARCHITECT/ENGINEER .- TO BE BILLED . ~ BLDG. PERMIT NO. BLUG A-111060, B-#1050 PLAN FILE NO. BLIX; A-#89-1694, B-#09-1693 SAMPLE DATA REPORT OF 0 CONCRETE 0 MORTAR GROUT 0 OTHER SUPPLIER MIX DESCRIPTION 6.5 SACK TICKET NUMBER 342568 MIX NUMBER 665 TIME IN MIXER 90 MIN ESCONDIDO READY MIX PLACEMENT DATE -- SLUMP 10" ADMIXTURE N/A UNIT WEIGHT N/A DESIGN STRENGTH 2500 TYPE CEMENT %I AIR CONTENT - N/A BLDG "A" 1ST GROUT LIFT AT 7FT LINE 3.5 @ U LOCATION OF PLACEMENT __ SPECIAL TEST INSTRUCTION OR REMARKS PSI AT 28 DAYS DATE RECEIVED IN LAB 2000 REQUIRED STRENGTH (l'c) SAMPLES MADE BY El) IJO1,LOWAY 9.111 * ~. 0.968 *- LABORATORY DATA 25.000 274U 35,000 3840 32,000 3570 13230 Evening Creek Dr. Suite 218 San Diego, CA 92128 (619) 486-0354 WYMAN TESTING LABORATORIES REPORT OF COMPRESSION TESTS - 89-201 CAR ___-- COUNI'RY PLAZA PROJECT 1050 AU'LY) CENTER COUW, CARLSBAD PROJECT ADDRESS - COLLINS CONTRACTOR . KROHI.1EtPIIlOEK /flcK!ZO\~M CARL'I'AS 1)EVELOPMLTU CO. PROJECT NO. ' ARCHlTECTlENGlNEER __. TO BE BILLED ____ __- BLDG. PERMIT NO. BLW A-111060, B-11050 PLAN FILE NO. BLM; A-#89-1694, B-1189-1693 SAMPLE DATA REPORT OF H CONCRETE 0 MORTAR 0 GROUT 0 OTHER SUPPLIER ______ .- MIX DESCRIPTION ______ MIX NUMBER SLUMP __.__ TYPE CEMENT UNIT WEIGHT LOCATION OF PLACEMENT _____ NELSON L SLOAN PLACEMENT DATE 03-23-90 5.5 SACK TICKET NUMBER 282824 6552 TIME IN MIXER 45 EIIN I1 N/K---- 4 ti--'------ ADMIXTURE POZZ 161 N /A __ AIR CONTENT 30Q0 DESIGN STRENGTH DECK SERVICE PIT LINE D.5 7 CCP 107 03-30-90 6 X 12 28.27 75,000 28 CCP LOT 04-20-90 6 X 12 28.27 122,500 20 CCP 109 04-20-90 6 X 12 28.27 133,000 - - _- ___ -. - -~ ~ SPECIAL TEST INSTRUCTION OR REMARKS JllUdld 2.8 REQUIRED STRENGTH (I'c) PSI AT DAYS SAMPLES MADE BY - DATE RECEIVED IN LAB l"I 2650 4330 4700 LAB0 R ATORY DATA LABORATORY DATAREMARKS DISTRIBUTION A- REVIEWED BY: ALL SAMPLING AND TESTING CONDUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM STANDARD DESIGNATIONS DATE 22%k%! - C31-69, C39-80. C7R-75, C617-7fi WYMAN 3.14 3.14 3.14 TESTING 8,650 2750 12,100 3850 11,650 371 0 LABORATORIES 132 30 Evening Creek Dr. Suite 218 San Diego, CA 92128 (619) 486-0354 REPORT OF COMPRESSION TESTS CAI< COUMlsI??Y PJ AZA 89-201 1050 AUl'O CUNTIZH COUI?'l', CAI<LSBAD COLIMNS PROJECT ~ .~ . PROJECT NO. PnOJEC~r ADUnESS ~~ . ~ _____ CONTRAC.IOR . __ ' ARCHlTECTlENGlNEER KROMI.lI.'tlIlOCK/Iicl(~~~El _L-~- - CARLTAS DEVElBPMEtTI' CO. TO BE BILLED BLDG. PERMIT NO. BLX A-#1060, B-#1050 PLAN NO, BLDG A-#89-1694, B-4189-1693 SAMPLE DATA REPORT OF CONCRETE MORTAR GROUT OTHER 03-23-90 PRE MIXED MORTAR MIX PLACEMENT DATE 1 SACK TYPE s 4 MIN N/A I1 SUPPLIER MIX DESCRIPTION MIX NUMBER ~ TIME IN MIXER SLUMP __ TYPE CEMENT UNIT WEIGHT ___ LOCATION OF PLACEMENT . N/A TICKET NUMBER - WATER 19% ADMIXTURE AIR CONTENT N /A 1808 . DESIGN STRENGTH N/R BLDG "A1' LINE AT E-1 SPECIAL TEST INSTRUCTION OR REMARKS IMUU 28 PSI AT DAYS lT-lmixu7 REQUIRED STRENGTH (I'c) .-~ SAMPLES MADE BY ~ DATE RECEIVED IN LAB I44--I I ' LABORATORYDATAREMARKS DISTRIBUTION ALL SAMPLING AND TESTING CONDUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM STANDARD DESIGNATIONS C31-69. C39-80, C78-75. C617-76 WYMAN TESTING LABORATORIES 7 CCP 167 03-27-98 2 X 4 3.14 7,900 28 CCP 168 04-17-40 2 X 4 3.14 14,100 28 CCP 169 04-17-!0 2 X 4 3.14 13,900 13230 Evening Creek Dr. Suite 218 San Dieqo, CA 92128 (619) 486-0354 2510 4490 4425 REPORT OF COMPRESSION TESTS CAR COWRY PLAZA PROJECT NO. 89-201 PROJECT PROJECT ADDRESS 1050 AU'IY) CENTER COURT, CARLSBAII CONTRACTOR COLLlPlS - KROb114EtTIIOCK/I IcKEOWN CARLTAS DEVEMPMECTT CO . ' ARCHITECT/ENGINEER TO BE BILLED BLDG. PERMIT NO. BLEZ A-#1060, B-#1050 PLAN FILE NO. BLDG A-#89-1694, B-#89-1693 SAMPLE DATA REPORT OF 0 CONCRETE W MORTAR 0 GROUT 0 OTHER SUPPLIER MIX DESCRIPTION MIX NUMBER SLUMP TYPE CEMENT UNIT WEIGHT LOCATION OF PLACEMENT PRE MIXED PLACEMENT DATE 03-20-90 TYPE s TIME IN MIXER 4 MIN I1 1 SACK TICKET NUMBER N/A WRC 494 ADMIXTURE AIR CONTENT DESIGN STRENGTH N/A N/A N /A 1800 BL DG "A " 3.4 @ B 6' LEVEL SPECIAL TEST INSTRUCTION OR REMARKS 1800 03-22-90 PSI AT 28 DAYS DATE RECEIVED IN LAB ED HOLLOWAY REQUIRED STRENGTH (I'c) SAMPLES MADE BY LABORATORYDATAREMARKS DlSTRlBUTlON REVIEWED BY: ALL SAMPLING AND TESTING CONDUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH DATE Y-/9 90 ASTM STANDARD DESIGNATIONS C31-69, C39-80, C7R-75, (3617-76 - WYMAN TESTING LABORATORIES 7 28 28 13230 Evening Creek Dr. Suite 218 San Diego, CA 92128 (619) 486-0354 CCP 171 03-29-40 3 X 3 10.326 * 27,000 2620 CCP 172 04-19-40 3 X 3 9.172 * 41,500 4270 CCP 173 04-19-4B 3 X 3 9.706 * 39,500 4070 I REPORT OF COMPRESSION TESTS CAR COUNI'RY PLAZA PROJECT NO. 89-201 1050 _- AUTO CISN'PBR COURT, PROJECT PROJECTADDRESS CA11LSBAU CONTRACTOR COLLlflS KROElMl3lIlOEK/McKEOWM ' ARCHITECT/ENGINEER - CARLTAS DEVEU)PMENT CO. TO BE BILLED BLDG. PERMIT NO, BLM; A-#1060, B-#lO?O BLM; A-#89-1694, B-#89-1693 PLAN FILE NO. SAMPLE DATA REPORT OF 0 CONCRETE 0 MORTAR GROUT 0 OTHER SUPPLIER ESCONDIDO READY MIX PLACEMENT DATE 03-22-90 MIX DESCRIPTION 6.5 SACK TICKET NUMBER 342468 TIME IN MIXER 80 MIN MIX NUMBER 665 SLUMP 9-1/2" ADMIXTURE N/A TYPE CEMENT I1 AIR CONTENT N/A 2500 DESIGN STRENGTH N/A UNIT WEIGHT LOCATION OF PLACEMENT BLDG "A" LAST LIFT C.5 @ 5 SPECIAL TEST INSTRUCTION OR REMARKS 03-23-90 PSI AT 28 DAYS DATE RECEIVED IN LAB 000 REQUIRED STRENGTH (I'c) SAMPLES MADE BY ED HOLLOWAY LABORATORY DATA l-----l+ I I I Id * ACTUAL MEASURED AREA 1 LABORATORYDATA REMARKS .- 13230 Evening Creek Dr. Suite 218 WYMAN TESTING LABORATORIES San Diego, CA 92128 (619) 466-0354 7 - CCP 175 03-29-58 6 X 12 - 20.27 05,500 3020 28L- CCP 176 84-19-G-0 6 X 12 28.27 132,000 4670 20 CCP 177 04-19-50 6 X 12 28.27 131,500 4650 - REPORT OF COMPRESSION TESTS 89-201 PROJECT CAR COUWRY PLAZA PROJECT NO. PROJECT ADDRESS 1050 AUTO CENTER COURT, CARLSBAD CONTRACTOR COLLINS KROEDlISCII1OCK /IlcKD\*l ' ARCHlTECTlENGlNEER CARLTAS DEVELOPMEt?l' CO. TO BE BILLED BLDG. PERMIT NO. __ BLDG A-#1060, B-#1050 PLAN NO, BLX A-#89-1694, B-#89-1693 SAMPLE DATA REPORT OF m CONCRETE MORTAR o GROUT o OTHER -- SUPPLIER NELSON & SLOAN PLACEMENT DATE MIX DESCRIPTION 5.5 __ SACK TICKET NUMBER 4094899 MIX NUMBER 6552 - 1IME IN MIXER 35 )TIN SLUMP 4-1/2" ADMIXTURE N/A TYPE CEMENT ____ 11 AIR CONTENT N /A UNIT WEIGIHT N/A UESIGN STRENG II t 3UUO LOCAT~ONOF~LACEMENT FOOTING BLDG "A" LINT: G @ 2 SPECIAL TEST INSTRUCTION OR REMARKS PSI AT 28 DAYS DATE RECEIVED IN LAB 3000 REQUIRED STRENQTH (f'c) SAMPLES MADE BY HERB SLOCUM LABORATORY DATA LABORATORY DATA REMARKS DISTRIBUTION REVIEWED BY: -1 &?/&-- ALL SAMPLING AND TESTING CONDUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH DATE y-/9-90 ASTM STANDARD DESIGNATIONS C31-G9. C39-80. C78-75. CG17-7fi 13230 Evening Creek Dr Suite 218 Snn Diego, CA 92128 (619) 486-0354 WYMAN TESTING LABORATORIES REPORT OF COMPRESSION TESTS 89-201 CAR COUNl'ItY I?l,AZA PROJECT ... __- PROJECT AUURESS 1050 AU'l'O CENTER --___- COURT, CARLSBAD__ __ PROJECT NO. CoN~rRACIOR COLLINS ARCHITECTIENGINEER KROWl4LIPlI1OCR ....... / tlcK!30WN ~ - -ro BE BILLED __...~_..I_ CARL'I'AS llI?.VELOPMC~PSl' ......... - CO. . ~~ ........................ ~ ..... ___... __ .. BLLZ A-#lUGU, B-lll0')U BLDG. PERMIT NO. __ ... __ PLAN FILE NO. ... BLDG A-R89-1694, ~--#09-1G93 .- SAMPLE DATA riwmr OF CONCRETE u MORTAR I GROUT u OTIHER ____~ __ -- SUPPLIER -_ ESCONDIDO READY MIX PLACEMENT 0 3 - 15 -90 MIX DESCRIPTION ______ MIX NUMBER . ................. TIME IN MlXEll ___..-..I_.--..- 204674 TICKET NUMLYER 6.5 SACK 665 75 MIN SLUMP . ~~ 9-1/2" . . ... ADMIXTURE .... N/A I1 N/A N/A IYPE CKMENT ............................................... AIR CONTEN'I ...................... ................... ...................... ......... I)ESIGN STl7ENG'Il.l .................. - IJNlT WEIGIIT LOCATION OF PLACEMENT __. ... _- 2500 BLDG "'A" iST GROU1' LIFT SPECIAL TEST JNSTRUC-rlON OR REMAnKS .- ..... m--- -- -2 888---~ ..-_---I--___ REQUIRED STRENGTI-I (I'C) ............. ___ PSI AT __. DAYS SAMPLES MADE OY .... DATE RECEIVED IN LAB EO HOLLOWAY 03-16-90 LABORATORY DATA F I El. I1 IDENTITY LAB COMPRESSIVE CoN-rrioL 13A.I.E UIMENSIONS TEST AREA MAX LOAD STRENGTH NUMBER TESTEIJ INCI-IES SO INCHES POUNDS PSI - 8.660 ........ .. . * ........ ~. ACTUAL MEASURED AREA LAmnA.ronY DATA REMARKS . . .... ..--- 1.32 30 Iwening Creek IW. ~..-- WYMAN TESTING LABORATORIES __ --- REPOI-~T OF COMPIESSION -m-i-s -. --____c_ CAR COUMl'RY PLAZA 89-201 1050 AU'I'O CI;:ti'PIPt COURT, CARLSUAD _- I~RoJEC~I ... PROJECT NO. PrwJ~cr AUDRESS CONTRACTOR COLLlElS ......... .___ BLUG PERMIT NO. A-i1106"f ?!Jx5L--- PLAN FILE NO. - - KRObIMI3XIOCK / L4cK~~'W CARLTAS DEVISLOPMECIP CO. ARCHITECTIENGINEER ~ ~~ TO BE BILLED __ ULIX A-#89-1694, B-t89-1693 __ SAMPLE DATA - nEPOnT OF 0 CONCRETE 0 MORTAn OIIOUT 0 O'TtlER ......... ~ ~ - SUPPLIEI3 -. ..- .- .. ........ PLACEMF" DATE -.-o.~dkg.a.- MIX DESCRIPTION MIX NUMUER .- .. ... .......... ...... . 'TIME IN MIXER /e---.-- SIKA GROUT 212 NON SHRINK N/A TICKET NUMBER .--.-E&- ...-.-.-- NON SHRINK ..___ .. .. ........ w4-. ... ................... !;LU M I ' N/A .. ..... AUMlXTUnE IVYI'E CEMENT ....... I1 .................... . AIR CONTENl .... N/A .. UNIT WEIGWT ___ N /A - DESIGN STRENGSH N/A LOCATION OF PLACEMENT __ -. 2.5 @ B.l BUILDING A ... .___ - -- SPECIAL TEST INSTRUClION OR REMARKS - ........ - .. .. ._.---I ---- 28 Il1TclUII'iE1J STRENDI'I-I (I'c) ............. ....... PSI Nr UAYS 3000 03-15-90 DATE RECEIVEU IN LAB ED HOLLOWAY SAMPLES MADE BY __-_ . . -. LABORATORY DATA LAB COMPRESSIVE FIELD C 0 N T R 0 L DATE DIMENSIONS TEST AREA MAX LOAV STRENGTH IDENTITY NUMBER TESl ED INCHES SQ INCHES POUNDS ____ 28 25,500 __ 28 _- 3.14 8280 LABORATORY DATA REMARKS ._^___~ .- .. _- __ ......... DISTIIIUUTION ........ REVIEWED BY: ALL SAMPLING AND TESTING CONIIUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WIT1.I ASlM STANDARD DESIGNATIONS CD1-69, CD9-DO. C70-75, CG17-7G DATE ~f~-~' WYMAN TESTING LABORATORIES LABORATORY NO: MARK. DATE MAOE OATE f.IECEIVE0: OATE TESTED: DIAMETER, INCHES: AREA, SO. INCHES MAXIMUM LOAO. LES: 'COMPRESSIVE STR.. PSI : AGE TESTED. OAYS: REO'O PSI AT 28 DAYS: UNIT WT/CU FT IPLASTICI: . ._ 13230 Evening Creek Dr. Suite 218 San Diego, CA 92128 (619) 486-0354 7411 CCP163 3-15-90 3-20-90 3-22-90 77.20 152,000 2,010 7 1,500 REPORT OF COMPRESSION TESTS CAR COUNTRY PLAZA PROJECT NO. 09-201 PROJECT PROJECT ADDRESS 1050 AUTO CENTER COURT, CARLSBAD CONTRACTOR COLLIMS KROE1El!3THOEK/McKEOWbl ' ARCHITECT/ENGINEER L°CATloNIN STRUCTURE Building "A" 1st grout lift @ 4.7 A A 6' of 9' lift SAND Escondido Ready Mix ROCK Escondido Ready Mix I1 CEMENT AOMl X T UR E 665 MIX NO OR PROPORTIONS TIME IN MIXER. MINUTES 7.5 TRUCKNO 524 TICKET NO 204674 SLLJMP. INCHES: FAERICATEO BY- Ed Tested by: FM I I I I 4-12-90 . 7412 CCP164 4-12-90 * Corrected strength per ASTM E447-80- SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA SOIL AND TESTING, INC. REVIEWED BY so/- Oliverson, P. E. WYMAN TESTING LABORATORIES 13230 Evening Creek I)r. Suike 210 Sa11 Diego, CA 92128 (619) 486-0.354 REPORT OF COMPHESSION TESTS CAR COUN'll<Y PLAZA - PROJECT NO. 89-201 PROJECT - PROJECT ADDRESS 1050 _- AUlW CENTIiR COURT, KRO~M~LII1OCK/Mcl~~~~l CARLTAS DEVELOPMEMT CO. CARLSBAD CONTRACTOR - CoLLw ARCHITECT/ENGINEER TO BE BILLED BLDG. PERMIT NO. BLDG A-111060, B-#lo50 BLDG A-#89-1694, B-#89-1693 PLAN FILE NO. SAMPLE DATA nmmr OF CONCRETE MowrAn u GROUT OTHER SUPPLIER PRE iXIX?L...KO.KT~ PLACEMENT DATE a?-LA=.%a MIX NUMBER TYPE s .~.~ _.___-. TIME IN MIXER ..--J-m lYPE CEMENT I1 . . AIR CONTENT . N/A MIX DESCRIPTION .-AAC.K ____ TICKET NUMBER N./L- SLUMP .. .~ ~ ~ ADMIXTURE -N/A-...~.~-~- UNIT WEIGHT N/A . .. UESIGN STRENC'Ir1.I -l@.m LOCATION OF PLACEMENT 311D AT 6. @ SPECIAL TEST INSTRUCTION OR REMARKS - 28 PSI AT ___ DAYS DATE RECEIVEIj IN LAB _____. i8mm REQUlnED STRENGTH (I'cl __ - ED FIOLLOWAY SAMPLES MADE BY . . .. 03-15-90- LABORATORY DATA LAB COMPRESSIVE FIELD CONTROL DATE DIMENSIONS TEST AREA MAX LOAD STRENGTH INCHES SO INCHES POUNDS PSI I-- IDENTITY NUMBER TESTED I 3.14 3.14 _- -_ 3 - 14 ... I I I . 1.- I ~ I I LABORATORY DATA REMARKS ___ __ - ___-. . __ DISTRIBUTION . REVIEWED BY: DATE --!i!Z//2° ALL SAMPLING AND TESTING CONUUCTEII IN ACCORDANCE WITH AS7 M S-rANDARU DESIGNATIONS C;:31.6!), C39-DO, C7R-75, CG17-7G WYMAN TESTING LABORATORIES REPOI3T OF COMPRESSION TESTS - 89-201 PROJECT NO. __. CAR COUNl'RY PLAZA PFIOJECT ............... ... PROJECT ADDRESS 1050 AUTO UNl'IX COURT, CARLSBAD ...... - .___~ CONTRACTOR COuJNS ,\I1Ct-IITECT/ENGINEER KROMMEE~~IOCK / ...... t4CKlZZWN .... ___ BLDG. PERMIT NO. BLDG A-fllOGO, B-#1050 CARLTAS DJi'VI<LOl'MEt?l' .CO. ... ... ... ._ .... BLJX A-#89-1G94, D-#09--16!, 3 .. TO L3E IBILLED __I_- 'I PLAN FILE NO. ---.-.-- _~___ SAMPLE DATA ffEf'Of7T OF 0 CONCRETE 0 MORTAR I Gr1OUT 0 OTI-iER ~ _. ......... .. .... ......... SUPI'LIER ESCONDD.0 . !%!D-X.~- PLACEMENT UAIW --0..399_=9 E-. MIX DESCRIPTION 6 - 5 SACK .......... 'TICKET NUMBER 3&UL ~ MIX NUMBER 665 ...... TIME IN MIXER .--0.5-&1&. .- SLIJMI' . 10" . .. . ADMIXTURE ............ N/A. . UNIT WEIGHT N/A . , .~~ wiw CEMENT I' .... .__...____ AIR C0NTEN.T . .~.--.N/&... ...... ............... 2500 .... ..... . IIESIGN STnENl~i 11.1 ........... .. 5.5 ......... @ D. 3 LAST LIFT BLDG "A" LOCA.llON OF PLACEMENT ... .. ..... .................. ...... ....... . ....... SPECIAL TEST INSTRUCTION OR REMARKS -. ....... ~ .... ........... -. ~. ....... .. 28 . PSI AT ___. DAYS 2000 REaIJlRED STRENGTH (r'c) __-_ .... SAMPLES MADE BY . ~ 03-12-90 DATE RECElVEll IN LAB ED HOLLOWAY LABORATORY DATA ~~~ ~~ LAB COMPRESSIVE FIELD CONTROL DATE DIMENSIONS TEST AREA MAX LOAD STRENGTH IDENTITY NUMBER TESTED INCHES SO INCI-IES POUNOS PSI ~______ 9.909 57,500 .. .. . ____ . -..__ - ....... .... .... . ._ __ .... ....... .. . . . .. .~..~. -- .... ........... - ...___.... ........... * ACTUAL MEASURED AREA I.AlIOHATOIiY DATA REMARKS . -. . __- __. UIS I IiIUUTION .. A1.L SAMPLING AND TESTING CONDUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM STANDARD DESIGNATIONS C31-GS. C39-80, C70-75. C617-76 I WYMAN TESTING LAB 0 RAT0 R I ES ~- __ REPORT OF COMPHESSION TESTS _- BY-201 PROJECT NO. _I__--.- CAR COUWPRY L-'LA%A PNOJECl' ..... ~_____ PROJECT ADDRESS 1050 AUTO CKPI'l'li'R ..... COURT, CARLSBAD-..-~.- ~~ COwrimc'roR coLL?lg-s.. , ...... -. ~.~ ... ..~ ... -rO tJE UILLED ., ___ .~~ KROE1ME:CIIIOlX / I'IcK EOWEl CARIX'AS Dl?VI,:I IOI'MI!?H'I.' CO. AHCl~lll~CCT/ENGINEER - . .... .... ....... . ~ ~ . ...... . .... .. ....... BLM; A-Il060, B-#:l.0'50 131,IX A-tO9-lG94, U-f09-16!1 3 BLDG. PERMIT NO. ____ PLAN FILE NO. ....~..___..__._I - SAMPLE DATA ixPo/qr OF o CONCRETE o MORTAR GHOUT OTHER --.-. . .. .......... SUPPLIER ESCONDIDO l7EAl)Y __ MIX PLACEMENT DA.IE 03-03-90 SLUMIJ ~~___ __ . . ADMIXTURE ... ..........N/A..... ... ~ .. N/A .. DESIGN STRENG.TI-I 2500 - 342010 80 MIN ...... TIME IN MIXEA . ....... ...______ TICKET NUMBER 6.5 SACK 665 8-1/21' MIX DESCRIPTION MIX NUMBER __ -rypr CEMENT __ I1 ........ ............ AIR CONTENl . -....-..'./A ..... .................. UNIT WEIGIiT LOCATION OF PLACEMENT .. .- __._. B%K"'A.'' D.2 AT 7 THROUGH 8 LAST LIFT __._- SPECIAL TEST INSTRUCTION OR REMARI<S .... ..___ __ 2ooo----- .- 2 0--- ~ REQUIRED STRENGTH (I'c) PSI AT UAYS SAMPLES MADE BY ~ -EB-H*~~owE;y DATE RECEIVEI) IN LAB ... . c13-12-90 LABORATORY DATA ...... ..... ....... ... ............ ..... INCHES SQ INCHES POUNIX PSI IIIENT-ITY NUMBER TESTED __ ___. -. .... .. ............... ..... 9.828 34,000 3460 __ .____ CCP 135 03-1G- 3x3 CCP 13, 04-06-8.'---3 __~ X 3 1 9.927 * I - ~. 43,001) CCP 137 04-06- 3x3 9.RR1 * 77 ~ uaa .... .. .. -- ........ ... .___.. .. ..... ........ ... .. . .......... _____ .___ ..... .... _ -. . __._____ ___ .. ACTu AL-M-EmR-fi D AREA LABORATORY -*- DATA REMARKS ........... __ -...___ ,..... ~ .. .... - DlSTRlUUTlON - -- ~..~ ALL SAMPLING AND TESTING CONDUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM STANDARD DESIGNATIONS WYMAN TESTING LABORATORIES .. Ikil ___ .. ______ . .___ ... ...... ... ..... . . .. . . . ..... ._-_.____. ..... ..... REPORT OF COMPRESSION TESTS ~ ~~ 0!3-%0 I PROJECT NO. PROJECT _I PROJECT ADDRESS 1050 AUTO Cl~Nl'Iil< COURT, CRRLSBAD __ CONTRACTOR COLLINS ........ ... ___ ARCHIl~ECTIENGINEER KROEZL4E~THOI::K ...... / I~cK I<OwM . .- .. CARLTAS L~15VI::UII'ME;N'P -. ... CO. -, ... . ..__ .. - ....... __... '10 BE DILLED ULuti. PERMIT NO. BLM; A-#lOGO, B-tlU50 ', ' BLW; A-Nl9-1G94, B-lt89-1G9 3 __ PLAN FILE NO. .- SAMPLE DATA - r<EPoRr OF CONCRETE rn MORTAR u GROUT OTHER __ --_- SUPPLIER JOB MIX PLACEMENT DATE A*%----- - MIX DESCRIPTION N/A __ .. ~. TICKET NUMBER ---Nh ........ ... MIX NUMBER - TYPE S .... ~_.___ TIME IN MlXEfl N/A ......... UNIT WE I G HT N/A - . .... DESIGN STRENG'II-I __ SLUMI' N/A ..... ADMIXTURE L.LME l-YPE CEMENT - I1 ... AIR CONTENT ...... N./A..-~ ... . LOCATION OF PLACEMENT CMU WALL TO "C" FROM. #2 TO. #3 . 'IB'' .......... .... -- . - .. ... ..... .. .... SI'ECIAL TEST INSTRUCTION OR REMAIIK!; . ..... ..... ........ ........ . . . . .____ ..... ... 28 REQUIRED STRENGTH (I'c) __ .... - PSI AT [JAYS DATE RECEIVEI> IN LAB SAMPLES MADE BY .. 1800 TERRY IlALL LABORATORY DATA LA0 COMPRESSIVE FIELD CONTROL DATE DIM ENS1 ONS TEST AREA MAX LOAD STRENGTH IDENTITY NUMBER TESTED INCHES SO INCHES POUNDS PSI .. -L35@--. - 9,LLL- 3.14 - ____I._.. 9 60 o-_. .. 132 30 Evening Creek Dr. Suite 218 WYMAN TESTING LABORATORIES San Diego, CA 92128 (619) 486-0354 REPORT OF COMPRESSION TESTS PROJECT CAR COM'RY PLAZA PROJECT NO. 89-201 PROJECT ADDRESS 1050 AUTO CENPER COURT, CARLSBAD CONTRACTOR COLLIElS KROMMEEHIOEK /McKEEWN ' ARCHITECT/ENGINEER CARLTAS DEVELOPMENT CO. TO BE BILLED BLDG, PERMIT NO, BLDG A-#1060r B-#1050 PLAN NO, BLDG A-889-1694, B-#89-1693 __ SAMPLE DATA Building "A" last lift line 5.5 @ D.3 Type I1 LOCATION IN STRUCTURE: CEMENT: AOMIXTURE: Escondido Ready Mix Escondido Ready Mix 665/6.5 sack 1 hr. 25 min. SANO ROCK MIX NO OR PROPORTIONS: TIME IN MIXER. MINUTES' SLUMP INCHES. Tested bv: FM EDH FABRICATEO BY: LABOAATOAY NO: MARK: OATE MAOE DATE RECEIVED: DATE TESTEO: OIAMETER. INCHES: AREA. SO. INCHES: MAXIMUM LOAO. LBS.: :COMPRESSIVE STR.. Psi : AGE TESTED. DAYS: REQ'D PSI AT 28 OAYS: UNIT WT/CU FT IPLASTICI: 464 TRUCK NO: 3-09-90 3-13-90 3-16-90 4-07-90 78.55 76.86 156,000 169,000 2,020 2,250 29 2,oo; I 6995 CP 145 4-07-90 78.28 167,750 2,180 29 TlCKET NO: - 341991 - (3) Wyman Testing, Inc. OISTRIBUTION : * Corrected strength per ASTM E447-80 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA SOIL AND TESTINQ. INC. REVIEWED BY' 1 James E. Oliverson, P. E. WYMAN TESTING LABQRATORlES - .. REPORT OF COMPRESSION TESTS - e+zni PROJEC? CAR COUNTRY ...... T'IAZA . PROJECT NO. 1050 AUTO Cl<N4i'I~~~l< COURT, CARLSBAD-.~~., -. .................. pRo.m-r ADDRESS - ..... ARCHlTECTlENGlNEER -. .. . . . 'ro DE UILLED -- DLDG. PERMIT NO. __ . ........ I'LAN FILE NO. CONTRACTOR CO~IMS- ........ ~. ........ .~ KROMMISTIIlOT:I< / IlcK IXNM .......... .. . ... CARLTAS __~ DDVI!IX)L'MISNT ...... __-.. 'CO. -~ ..... . .. ....... BLDG A-d1060, B-#:l.OliO IIZIX; A-it89-1G94, .. I3-t89--1G9 3 .............. .. . _. -. ..... SAMPLE DATA - REPOR r OF 0 CONCRETE MORTAR 1.1 GllOlJT 0 OTHER ...... .......................... .......... MIX DESCRIPTION 1 SACK .............. TICKET NUMBER N.L& .... __ ..................... SUI'PI.II-:tl - PRE MIX-8-Q. PIOJtTAR LMLL PLACEMENT r)NE ?.3:.@.839 .... MIX NUMBER TYPE S ...... ME IN MIXER 5 .... ~.%N SLUMP .- N/A .. .. ... ADMIXTURE ... 4.g4 WR -. ...... -rYm CEMENT I1 AIR CONTENl. ... .--...-.NIA..~ .. ..... .... UNU WEIGHT N/A .... DESIGN STRENWI4 -100-u. LOCATION OF PLACEMENT BLDG ........ 'IA'' ~__I_.._.-_... ........... .... ................... LINE 4m @ A . ... .. ........ ._ __. ...... ___ ..... ...... -. -. __ .~~~ SPECIAL TEST INSTRUCTION OA REMAnl<l; . ~. ........... . ........ ......... __ ....... -~ ............ ..... - .............. 28 ..... PSI AT __ DAYS 1800 REOUIRED STRENGTH (l'c) SAMPLES MADE BY ...... DATE RECEIVEL) IN LAB ...~. @3-09-90 ED HOLLOWAY LABORATORY DATA .~ LAB COMPRESSIVE FIELD CONTROL DATE DIMENSIONS TEST AREA MAX LOAD STRENGTH 890 IDENTITY NUMBER TESTED INCHES SQ INCHES POUNDS PSI ~____ 2x4 3.14 3.14 7, G00 _ __._ ... .. .. ~..___ .... ___ .. .. ~ - LABORATORY DATA REMARKS -- *VISIBLE CAP FAILURE _. ....... - _,.~ ..... ._ DISTRIBUTION ... ...~ .__- ALL SAMPLING AND TESTING CONDUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM STANDARD DESIGNATIONS C.1 I-l;n. 639-00, C70-75, CG17-76 REVIEWED BY. ... ___ DATE ..??ddk . _. SAMPLE DATA ..... ~ ..... . ...... ............ ....... 7 CCP 127 ~ 03-12- 0 2 X 4 .... ......... 28 CCP 1281 04-02-{@ . 2 ._.____ X 4 I 9,900 :::," ..... 28 CCP __ 129 04-02- 0 .- ...... 2 .- X 4 3.14 11 I 400.L.. MIX L)ESCRIPTION ---_I 1 SACK FiLlJMI' N/A 'I Yl'l. (;I<MI~iVI .. 11111 I WlilGl 1.1 LCICA'llON OF I'LACEMENT TYPE MIX r'llJMIjEIl ..... ?~. ............. - 1 :I .. N/A . ........ BJ DG "A" ... -~ .... SI'EGIAL TEST INSlRUCT!ON OR REMARKS ............. . 2B9U ...... 3150 3630 ..... __.- ._ ... A8 111101111-lI?l~ STRENGTH (r'c) . PSI AT IJAYS 1000 ED IIOTJ,OWAY M 3 - M (I - 9 $1 .. . ... :;AMl'LIiS MAUE UY .. .. ... DATE RECE1VCI.J IN LAB ...... ......... - . TICKET NUMOI:II . N/& . ............. .... .l!ME IN MIXL?II ....... 5 MIN.. .......... ... All7 CONTEN I N /.A ..... . ADMIXTURE .......... WPC- 4.44.. .. -~ DESIGN STI1IiNrilll . ..l8Q@ .... LINE[;I_I thr9.@!-B.@L2.5 ..4c,& .... . __ .... _~.___.. ... - ................ ...... .~________ ........ . .. .. . ^^ ................ ............ .. ... ..... .... .............. ..... ... . .... . .. ............... i ...... I. I .... I .... I. ...................... J . I ~.p-2zL 13210 Evening Creek Dr Suite 218 :<an Ilieqo, CA 9Z.120 (619) 486-0154 h - WYMAN TESTING LABORATORIES REPORT OF COMPRESSION TESTS ____ - -. CAR COUNTRY [PLAZA 09-201 ~II()JE:CT ~____ ~. . PROJECT NO. IPROJECT ADDRESS __ 1.050 AU'I.'O .__ CKPi'l'lilt -_ COURT, CARLSBAD - .. CONTRACTOR COI.,14IEIS .. TO LIE BILLED ___.- CARL'I.'AS I)EVP:U3PMi%d'I! . CO. __ __ __ ____ KRObII.IEEMOCK /MCl(EOWM AnCI.IITECT/ENGINEER ____ ~ -~ -. BLDG A-4189-1694, l3-#89-1693 BLUG. PERMIT NO. BLDG A-#lOGO, ___-- B-fll05O PLAN FILE NO. -- SAMPLE DATA REPORT OF 0 CONCRETE 0 MORTAR B%GnOUT 0 OTHER SUPPLIER ESCONDIROLREARLL PLACEMENT DATE -..-01=81=g0 MIX NUMBER 665 _-.. TIME IN MIXER LMLN-.. ~ MIX DESCRIPTION 6.5m_-~-.. TICKET NUMBER ----JZAO$lzd.-------~ SLUMP - 9 " - _____ ADMIXTURE __-dL TYPECEMENT ~ I1 __ AIRCONTENT A UNIT WEIGHT N/A ~~ ~ DESIGN STRENGTH -.- I._-.- LOCATION OF PLACEMENT BLDG 1'&?-- HIGH LIFT 5.5 @ D.ULI1ILLE OF ULL 13 ' POUR- .~ .. ...--.__I . ~. . SPECIAL TEST INSTRUCTION OH REMAIWS . - - .~ nEOUlnED STRENGTH (l'c) 2000 - - .-- PSI AT 28 DAYS SAMPLES MADE BY ED IIOLLOWAY DATE RECEIVEU IN LAB 0 3 - 0 5- 9 0- LABORATORY DATA LAB COMPRESSIVE FIELD CONTROL DATE DIMENSIONS TEST AREA MAX LOAD STRENGTH INCHES SO INCHES POUNDS PSI I -. IDENTITY NUMBER TESTED LABORATORY DATA REMARKS * ACTUAL ~ MEASURED AREA -- . . . . -. ... . ~~. .. ... DISlIlIOUTION REVIEWED BY: ALL SAMPLING AND TESTING CONDUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM STANDARD DESIGNATIONS C:? l-Vl, CDS-00. C7D-75. CG17-70 DATE 27&L90 -PLL r&- 1.3230 henincj Creck Iir. -Su.i.Le 218 $;an Ilieqo, CA 92120 (01.9) 486-0354 - .. kdll4L - WYMAN TESTING LABORATORIES - .. __ _____ REPoin- __ OF ~. COMPRESSION 1-rm-s -. - CAI< COIINl'I<Y 1'1 AKA 09-201 iow AU?Y) mrribiii< ~~ COUIW, CARI;SLMD i'lloJi:(.: 1- ... . . ....... ~._____ __ ........ I'nOJECT NU. .................... PHOJECT ADURESS CONTRACTOR COLLZEi--_ -. . ____-___ TO RE HILLED CARL'I'AS DEVEUPMEtJ'I .- . . - CO. - KRO~1E:LRIOER/ PlCl'XOWPl ARCI-lIl~ECT/ENGINEER ... . . - DLIX A-tlOGO, l3-Dl.050 ........ .. PLAN FILE NO. .. I3LLX A-ftJ9-3.694, B--it89--1G9 ................... 3 Ill.lXi. PERMIT NO. . .. -- -- SAMPLE DATA REPOrnr OF CONCRETE u ZIORTAFI 11 GWUT o 011-IER ... . .- ......... .. 1 SACK rJ/n N/A rg 7~ PRE MIX MORTAR MIX PLACEMENT DA'lE 02-26-90 TYPE s 5 MI N SUPPLIER . - . MIX DESCRIPTION ....... TICKET NUMBEII ......... MIX NUMBER ..... . TIME IN MIXEH ..... .. SLUMP -. . ADMIXTURE C 4'14 WATI'R RI2I)UCISR .~ .. ........ .... .... .. . . .~~ ... TYPE CEMENT ...... . AIR CONl'EN'I N/A"' ............... 11 io&- ......... ____~_ DESIGN STRENGrIi . .. UNIT WEIGHT LOCATION OF PLACEMENT . ~_____.~-~ . ..... .......... ...... -. ........... NOR'rll ?.f~i~l 01.' RETAINING WALr, 511' BACK ...... SPECIAL TEST INSTRUCTION OR REMAFIKS ......... .. ........ ............... ............ . ............ ........... ... . .... 28 REOUII3EU STRENGTH (I'c) ..... PSI AT .. I.)AYS SAMPLES MADE BY ____. DATE RECEIVEI) IN LAB .... ..... - .. 1.8 0 0 ED IIOLLOWAY - -- LADORATORY DATA __ - LAB FIELIJ CONTROL DATE DIMENSIONS TEST AREA irmu-w NUMBER TESTED INCHES SQ~INCHES 3.14 - .. CCP 117 03-26- 0 2 X 4 3.14 ~ ...... . 28 ......... .... .. __ ..... ......... __ .... .~ - ....... ... ~ . .. ! 1. ..... ...... .............. LABORATORY DATA REMARKS __.._ ........ __ ..... UIS'l~RlLlUlION AI.1. SAMPLING AND TESTING CONDUCrED IN ACCOFIDANCE WIT1 I ASTM STANUAFIO DESIGNATIONS COMPRESSIVE MAX LOAD STRENGTH POUNDS PSI ___ 1700 ?,6615 2420 5'350 -. __~ . .__ ! ..... .... . ~~ -. .... .. ~- .. .. .. WYMAN TESTING LABORATORIES .____..-_...___.___.___I._. -. .. ... ..... 9.795 * 33,000 337w ..... I 9.719 * 4(dLld .. ... 4700 __ - ' J--. ._ ___ 9.041 * -.~ 9.866 * 42, 000 4260 , ::,;;a __ . ... .___ REPORT OF COMPRESSION TESTS ___ CAR COUNI'RY PLAZA PROJECT NO. 09-LO1 PROJECT . .- 1050 AUTO Cr<P.ITI.'R CUUI?l', CARLSUAD .... ................. ........... PROJECT ADDRESS __.__ . KRO~IM~~IIIOI:~/IIcl~~~~~l ARCt4ITECTIENGINEER __ ............ . .......... .. ...... .. CARLTAS I~ll~VI.:IOI?MISCl'I' CO. TO NE 13ILLED ... ................... ................... . __ .... __ .. CONTRACTOR CO%EE ........... . ....... .............. ............... BLDG. PERMIT NO. ULLX; A-lllOG0, ll-IllOclO ........ . PLAN FILE NO. ... ~__~~ ~ ~ SAMPLE DATA REmmr OF u CONCRETE MORTAR 1:krtou-r u 011-IER .. ..... - SUPPLIER MIX PLACEMENT DAI'E 02-232?.8 ESXINDIIJO READY MIX DESCRIPTION 6.5 SA3K .... __~ TICKET NUMBER . 203891 ... 665 ...... ...__ . TIME IN MIXER 80 .. MIN ..... MIX NUMBER __ ~ __ - ___ SLUMP .~ __ 9 - 1/ 2 " ADMIXlURE N/A TYPE CEMENT ~ rr .~ ... AIR CONTENT N/A ............ ...... . ...... . ........... 25w0 DESIGN SSRENGTH __ UNIT WEIGHT N/A .... . AT 16 FEET ON LINE t31.6 BLDG "13" ..~..~ .. ................ .... LOCATION OF PLACEMENT .......... __ .... ~~.__ . ...___.. ....... ......... .~ -. SPECIAL .TEST INSTRUCTION OR REMAIlKS .... .. - ........ . ~ .. ..... ............ .. __ .. ........ . . 28 .. PSI AT ~- UAYS 2000 REOUIHED STRENGTH (rc) _I_~ SAMPLES MADE BY __ .... - .- DATE RECEIVED IN LAB 02-26-90 ED HOLLOWAY- LABORATORY DATA LAB COMPRESSIVE F1EI.I) CONTROL DATE IjIMENSIONS TEST AREA MAX LOAD STRENG.II-I . - LABORATORY DATA REMARKS . -~ * R:'?UAL MEASURED AREA .......... .. .... ... - -- A1.I. SAMPLING AND TESTING GONIjIJCTEU IN ACCORDANCE WITI-I ASTM STANDARD DESIGNATIONS C?I-Gq, C39-Rfl. C7D-75. CG17-7G WYMAN TESTING LABORATORIES , I3230 Evening Creek Ill-. Suite 218 !;an Diego, CA 92120 (G19) 486-0 354 REPORT OF COMPRESSION TESTS 89-201 __ ..___.. PROJECT NO. CAR COUNTRY PLAZA PROJECT PIIOJECI~ ADDRESS __~ 1050 AU'I'O Cl?~WISI< ... COURT, CARLSBAC __ COLLIEJS . CONlnACTOR - ......... .............. ................. ARCI-IITECT/ENGINEER __ ............. . __ ___-- Kl7~~~lI~HIIC)lX /I.lcJ(I~:OIJN CAIlLTAS DEV~~IDI'MENP CO. TO BE DILLED . . .............. .. DLDG. PERMIT NO. .................. ___ PLAN FILE NO. .... ... ...... ~ 13LE A-IIIOGO I~-ftlO',O I3I.muG A-#89-1694, B-#89-169 3 SAMPLE DATA ____ REPORT OF 0 CONCRETE D%ORTAR C1 GROlJT 0 OTHER __ ___ MIX DESCRIPTION 1 SA3K ............ TICKET NUMREll - N/A . .__ . PRI.: MIXEIl PLACEMENT DATE __.____.__ 02-21-90 SUPPLIER - ... ............ ._ '11 y L> E S N/A ..... .... WATER REDU_'EK '494 I1 5 MIN MIX NUMDER .............. TIME IN MIXER ...... ..... SLUMP ADMIXTURE TYPE CEMENT _- UNIT WEIGHT N/A ... DESIGN STRENGTH 1800 LOCATION OF PLACEMENT ...... N/A __ ... AIR CONTENT __ ~__ ON LINE 2NU LIFT U.5 @ 8 - BLDG "A" ............ ~ __- SPECIAL TEST INSTRUCTION OR REMARKS ___ ...... .___. 1800 28 1: REClUlllED STRENGTH (I'c) _____ PSI AT .DAYS SAMPLES MADE BY .~ ___.. UATE RECEIVED IN LAB ___ ED HOLLOWAY 02-22-90 LABORATORY DATA LAB COMPRESSIVE FIELD CONTROL DATE DIMENSIONS TEST AREA MAX LOAD STRENGTH -. IDENTITY NUMBER TESTED I NCI-IES sa INCHES POUNDS PSI 1 8 10--- .....--.__-I_ 5,700 .. -~ ~- 9,616l4 306W 7,800 240w ____ .... .... DISl HICIUTION ALL SAMPLING AND TESTING CONIIUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITI-l ASTM S-I'ANUARD DESIGNATIONS c3 1-59. ~3s-DO. c7a-75. ~~17-76 R E 130 111 -r o F c o M P n ES s I o N TESTS - u9-201. PROJECT NO. CAR C<)IJMJ'I<Y I'IAXA PROJEC.1- __ . ......................... PROJECT ADDRESS 1050 AU'I'O ----- CI<Nl'Kl< ~ ~. COURT, CARLSBAD ____ CONTRACTOR COLLINS ..... .. TO BE BILLED CARLTAS I~i3V~~X)I'ME:N'I' CO. ...... __ __ __ - ARCHITECT/ENGINEER .... -~ -~ __ KIIOEIE~I~:llllO~~/r~l~l~r~~~~l RLDG A-HlOGO, U-lt:LO',O BLDG. PERMIT NO. ._ .... -___ PLAN FILE NO. . ...... - .- SAMPLE DATA rw-Pmir OF CONCRETE ~%on rA1.i ILI GROLJT ~TI-IER ........................ ... SIJPPLIER __ ~~ ....... .___. PLACEMENT IIA I I: ~- O?Z&?T?.k! -- PHE MlXKI) MOR'PAR MIX ...... .. .... MIX I1ESC;nlPTION 1 SACK ...... .... IICKET NUMBII7 ........... N/A .. MIX NIJMUEH .. .. . 'TIME IN MlXEll ........ ~~M.IN ... .... SLIJMI.' 'r Y tj E :i 14 /A ........ WR C494 .... . ............................ ... ADMIXTUIIE . . ~~ .~ . ..... I YPIi CEMENT ..... ~...N/k ......... ..... AIR CONTENT ..... N/A.~.. ..... . ...-. . II UESIGN STRENGl 1.1 i8aa ... . UNIT WE1 GHT ........ __ LOCATION OF PLACEMENT - - -.__ I3 L.2 BLI:)G " f3 " ... . ~ ..... __ ....... . SF'EGIAI. l-EST lNS.FRUCTlON OF1 nEMAIIKS ... ....... -_ -.. ............. __ ........ __ 1800 28 REQUIRED STRENGTH (l'c) ...... --._.___ PSI AT . l.)AYS SAMPLES MADE BY . DATE RECEIVEU IN LAB _-_ ED HOLLOWRY 02-16-90 I..ABORATORY DATA ___.- __ FIELD IDENTI-TY LAB CONTROL NUMBER ...... ~- -. .___ I--.--- I .. -~ ...... COMPRESSIVE DATE 111 MENSIONS TEST AREA MAX LOAD STRENGTH TEsrEr) INCI-IES SO INCHES POIJNOS PSI . ___ 02-22-9116 . 2 .- X - 4 1:- 1610.- 03-15-90 ~ 2 X .___ 4 3.14 _ .. o, .. 3110 2640 ~ 03-15- ..... ~- M .... 2 X 4 3.14 9,000 206@ .._~.~____ ... ......... ... .... .... .- ... ... . - i ....... . . .-._ ........ .......... ~ .... ~ .... I ~ - LABORATORY DATA FIEMARKS ....... DISlRlBUTION __ ...... ..... ALL SAMPLING AND TESTING CONDUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITI-I AS1 M STANDARD DESIGNATIONS C3 1-69, CX-nfl. C78-75, C017-76 . .... ~ ~ .. ......... WYMAN TESTING LABCIRATORIES , - .... ~.____ __ REPORT OF COMPRESSION TESTS .- UY-201 PROJEC-r NO. ~._.--I_- CAR COUN'L'RY 1'1 ,A%A PROJECT __ ................. .............. 1050 AU'KI CliitJl.'l~l< ..... COURT, CARLSL3nD ... pn0JEd-r ADDRESS CONTRACTOR ......... . . ARCHITECT/ENGINEER' .~ ~. _.____._ ___-_- COLLlflS ... . - .--- KROMI4EtJl IOCK / IlcI<I?OWM __ CARL'I'AS I~i?~VE~MX!Ml3Tl' CO . TO BE BILLED -~ ..... .. BLDG A-IlOGO, 13-lt1050 BLDG. PERMIT NO. __ ___ ............. 131,IX A-#89-1694, ~ B-1109-169 3 PLAN FILE NO. __ ___ .- - SAMPLE DATA REPORT OF fl CONCRETE fl MORTAR I%irlOUT 0 OTHER __-.~ ~ ___ SUPPLIER "S"D'c''~ . ..... '"A')y?Mr!.. PLACEMEN.r IIATE 82-28-98 ........... MIX DESCRIPTION . 6.5 SACK .... ...... ..__. TICKET NLIMIIEH . 1246389 ........... MIX NLJMBEFI .. 665 ......... .. TIME IN MIXER ....... N/h-... .. .................... SLIJMI' .. - ... .TYPE CEMENT . I1 .................... AIR CONTENT .. NlA ...... \IN IT WEIGI-1.1 .... .......... .- ..... L.O(;A I ICIN 01; PLACEMCN'I' .... AUMIXTUI7E N/A ............. - ... 9 " ........ N/A IIESIGN STRFNG11.l .. 2500 ............. . ... BASEMENT WALLS 1': @ L I,INE ....... . ~ ....... ................. ...... Him ll~" . . __~ ................... .... ~ -~ SPECIAL TEST INSTRUCTION OR REMARKS .... ., .. .. ~~ . __ . - . ._-__ ...... .. ..... 2500 28 REQUIRED STRENGTH (f'c) ............. PSI AT DAYS SAMPLES MADE BY ............ ..___ DATE RECEIVEIJ IN LAB ....... E I) 1.1 o rd L own Y 02-21-98 - _- LABORATORY DATA LAB COMPRESSIVE MAX L.OAD STRENGTH ........ ...... -31 !~.5 0 0 ..... - 3550 .......... .. CCP 104 83-20-98 ..... 3 .. X 3 9.782 * 48, 80M 4 120 FIELD CONTROL DATE I) I M EN S I 0 NS TEST AREA IUENT'ITY NUMBER TESTEU INCHES SQ INCIHES POUNDS PSI _-___ -. ~~~~ __ .................... ... 9.94u * .................. I 4G,(48M . 4.5K .___~ ............... ____ __ .............. ........ _____ - ___ ... __.._ - ____ ___ -. .. - ..... ......... ........ ....... ... ~ ............. - .... LABORATORY DATA REMARKS ............. ... IJI Sl I1 I LllJTl ON ........................ ALL SAMPLING AND TESTING CONLJUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITI-I AS1 M STANDARD DESIGNATIONS m-ri~, cmnn. ~70-75, ~~17.76 . ~ __I_.____. __-__ ____. SAMPLE DATA _- ncrtirtr or UKWNCRETE u MoRTAbi 1.1 or~oti~r o WI IIER .......... ............. SIJPl'l..llill ...... ESCONUI ......... uo l+~ljY MI?.. I'LACEMENT 1)~~1 E ....... ~k327.14 -9 (I .... MIX llfiSl;~3ll'~l IUN ........ 5 L~.. SACK . IICKET NUMl3lill ~ 1246268 ~ .~~~ MIX F1 IJ MOER ..... -~ .L ...... _ .. 'I IME IN MlXEll 5bl MIN SLUMP 5 " . . ADMIXTURE N/A TYPE CEMENT -~ ........ ... AIR C0NTEN.l N/A LC LOCNION OF PLACEMENT _ _____. ~ LINE IJ @ 2 .. . ............. .......... . UNIT WEIGHT __ N/A ... DESIGN STRENGTI-1 200k3 RETAINING WALL IWO'I'ING WEST SILIE IN LINE: W1'PI.I E3LI)ti . .. ...... .. __ ................ -~ ........ ..... ....... .... ................ SPECIAL 1EST INSTRUCTION OR HEMAIII<S ...... ~- ... ...... ...... ....... _~ .-.......I_ -. ........ ...... _____ 28 REQUIRED STRENGTH (f'c) ...... .. PSI AT DAYS SAMPLES MADE BY IJATE AECEIVEII IN LAB .____ 2000 ED HOL~OWAY M 2 - L 5 - 9 W LA8 COMPRESSIVE FIELIJ CONTROL IJA.rE DIMENSIl~)NS TEST AREA MAX ILOAD STnENGlIi POUNDS rsi - ~ SO INCHES .......... .... . IUEIWI~Y NUMBER TESTED lNCl.lES ..-__ ....... .... .................... 28.27 .... 37IO8M __ ............. :t 3 10 ........ ... 28.27 . 62,588 ........ 22.10 __ 28.27 __ 61,56bl 218O ................... .... ....................... .................... . ........ ......................... ........ 7 2 tI 28 ~_ ~ . ~~ ~~~ . ~~ ......... -. . .......... ~ .... ~ ~ ........ .. .~ -_ - ... ...... .......... __-~ ~~__ ~ ..._____ ..... ..... .. .- . ....... .. .. ..... .__ .... ................. ............ I AllOllA~lOHY DATA IlEMARIG .... ...... .- .... .... IIIS'I~IIIOU~I~ION ~ A1.I. SAMPLING AND TESTING CONT>IJCTEIJ IN ACCORDANCE WITI-I ASl~M SSANDAnD DESIGNATIONS C31-lill. C.39-fl0, C7R-75. 6617.76 WYMAN TESTING LABORATORIES LABORATORY DATA __- LAB FIEI.IJ CONTnOL DATE Ll I I\( Flu:; I( IN S TEST AREA INCIIES SO INCHES . . .., . - . .- . IUENliIY lvJMBEfl TESTED . -- . . . . . . 1 . . . . .. ... .- . . ~ . .~ .. Ill __ . . . COMPRESSIVE MAX LOAD STRENtiTH POUNDS PSI WYMAN TESTING LABOHATORIES ,I WYMAN TESTING LABORATORIES ,I WYMAN TESTING LABOI-IATORIES I 9. ....... . 4 I 8kJV. ......... L !j 3 (4 ..~, I3MO--... ... ~-.:LLzw.- - ...... - . 2.3.3c ...... ..................... .. ........ .................... .... .............. .............. ......... ...... ......... ..................... .. ........... .. ~~~~ . .. ...... __ ~~ .- __ ~. . ........ .. ....... ... -~ ... .... .. ....... .............. . REPOI'1'1- ~- OF COMPRESSION TESTS __ CAR CCJUN'l'ItY I'IAXA 1050 AUTO Cl<l,fl'l~:l< COUIIIL', CALILSUAI) .... .................. . ............ I'II~JJEL I .................. ...... ....................... ............. PROJECI' NCJ. ....... I'IlUJEC I AUUHESS ___ ........... CONll7AC70R ...... .. . ..... .... ARC1 III~ECl./ENGlNEER I__ . .......... CAHLTAS I>I::VI;'I.OPMEPJ'l' CO. .... T-o LIE rjit.Lm ~ ~ ._ ....... . ............ 131.1 JG. I'E I3 M IT NO. ~~.____ - COLL,IEIS .... . ~:LIONM I':I II io I :I: /I 'it:r( i;:owri . ....... ~- .......... ........ ... ......... -. __ IlLDG A-iI1060, B-illOTiO ... PLAN FILE NO. ULUC A-tl19-lG94 Wit89-16!J 3 ...... .. ........... - . . -. SAMPLE __.. DATA - IIEPO111 OF I3 CONCRE'IE dcMOl7TAll I:I GIlt3111 13 0~1~1 IER .... -~ ................................... ~;~ll'l~lll~ll 1' 11 E M 1 X E I.) PLACEMENT UA'IE .......ld..i ~13.: .I)@. ............... ...... ........... ................... .... ................... ... MIX iii::x;nirwoN .... l.LS4CK ... I~ICKET NUMBER ~~~N/A MI x I I( l EA1 11.11 I 'I'YPN . ~~~. :; I IMI IN MlXlill 3 MlN :;l~llMl' N!!L AIJMIX IUlllI . . WA'I.' 1,: I< I< b:l; IJ l,JK li c 4 I) 4 ~ ....... - ....... .. ~~ . ......... ...... ... ... SPEGIAL .TEST INSTRUCTION OR REMAI3KS .... ..... ..... -~ ........ ~ ~. .... REOIJIIIEU SlRENG'rH (I'c) ................ .. IJSIAT . LIAYS SAMI'L.ES MADE UY ........ ... I)ArE RECEIVEIJ IN LAB .. .~ .......... .... ..... ... ~ ....... ._ ................. ............. .... - .. ....... ..... %H 180U E 0 1.10 11 LU W A Y . WYMAN TESTING LABORATORIES 132 10 Evening Creek Dr. Suite 218 San Diego, CA 92128 (613) 486-0354 .- ,I REPORT OF COMPRESSION TESTS 89-201 CAR COUNTRY PLAZA PROJECT NO. 1050 AUTO CENTER COURT, CARLSBAD PROJECT PROJECT ADDRESS CONTRACTOR COLLIW ~ KRO~~l~€~-lO~~/~l~K~~~l CARLTAS DEVELOPMEPTI .- CO. ARCHITECT/ENGINEER -- TO BE BILLED __ BLDG. PERMIT NO. BLDG A-#1060, B-#1050 B-kG A-#89-1694, B-#89-169 3 PLAN FILE NO. SAMPLE DATA LOCATION IN STRUCTURE CEMENT AOMlX TURE SAND ROCK MIX NO OR PROPORTIONS TIME IN MIXER MINUTES SLUMP INCHES Type I1 Escondido Ready Mix Escondido Ready Mix 665/6.5 sack 2 hr. 10 FABRICATED BY C1 ient Tested by: FM LABORATORY NO: MARK: DATE MADE DATE RECEIVEO: DATE TESTED' DIAMETER, INCHES: AREA.. SO. INCHES MAXIMUM LOAD, LSS COMPRESSIVE STR, PSI ~ AGE TESTEO, DAYS, REO'O PSI AT 28 OAYS: UNIT WT/CU FT ~PLASTICI: TRUCKNO 531 TICKET NO 203484 (3) Wyman Testing DISTRIBUTION ~ SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA SOIL AND TESTINO. INC. REVIEWEO EY' , 4 a*/ Oliverson, P. E. I WYMAN TESTING LABORATORIES SAMPLE DATA SPECIAL TEST INSTRUCTION OR REMARKS . ___..______.I_ __ FIEOUIREU STRENGlH (l'c) -I.!(? .... ~ PSI AT 28 DAYS E I1 NO 1 I I*() w h Y SAMPLES MADE BY - . DATE RECEIVE11 IN LAB !&-ld!kgL. - - .. - LABORATORY DATA .- LAB COMIWESSIVE ~~ FIELD CONTROL DATE OIMENSIONS TEST AREA MAX LOAD STRENGYI-I IIJENTI~rY NUMBER 1-ESTED I NCI-IES SO INCHES POUNLIS PSI I - ALL SAMPLING AND TESTING CONIICICTED IN ACCORDANCE WIT1 I AWM STANDARD DESIGNATIONS G3i-G9, C:39-00. C70-75, CG17-7fi 132 10 Evening Creek Dr. Suite 218 San Iliego, CA 92120 (G19) 406-0354 WYMAN TESTING LABORATORIES - REPORT OF COMPRESSION TESTS CAR COUW~~Y PLAZ~ PROJECT NO 09-201 PROJECT PROJECT ADDRESS 1050 AUlQ CENPCR COURT, CARLSBAD CONTRACTOR COLLIElS BLDG PERMIT NO. BLDG A-tl060, B-#lO50 PLAN FILE NO --- KR~~CJllOCR/McI~~~~J CARLTAS DEVELOPMEPJT CO . ARCHITECTENGINEER _- TO BE BILLED BLDG A-#89-1694, B-#09-1693 SAMPLE DATA REPORT OF 0 CONCRETE dhORTAI7 U GROUT 0 OTHER SUPPLIER PRE MIXED MOIVIPAR PLACEMENT DATE -d?-cIcI-9ua MIX DESCRIPTION --LSACK - __ TICKET NUMBER N/!. MIX NUMBER 'TYPE s __ __ TIME IN MIXER -5- GAL PER BAG 94# SLUMP N/A ADMIXTURE - TYPE CEMENT I1 __ _.__ AIR CONTENT N /A UNI r WEIGHT N/A _____ UESlGN STRENGTH -l0ldO - LOCATION OF PLACEMENT ULDG "A" LS'I' LIPT AT 1' LINE 5.5 Cd U.6 SPECIAL TEST INSTRUCTION OR REMARKS ~~ ~ PSI AT 28 DAYS DATE RECEIVED IN LAB 02-06-90 1 870 REQUIRED STRENQTH (Po) ED HOLLOWAY SAMPLES MADE BY LABORATORY DATA LAB COMPRESSIVE FIELD CONTROL DATE DIMENSIONS TEST AREA MAX LOAD STRENGTH IDENTITY NUMBER TESTED INCHES sa INCHES POUNDS PSI .. 1 I _I_ LABORATORY DATA REMARKS -_ DISTRIBUTION REVIEWED BY: ,/* ALL SAMPLING AND TESTING CONDUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH DATE 3-5-7n ASTM STANDARD DESIGNATIONS C31-69. C39-60, C76-75. C617-76 WYMAN TESTING LABORATORIES 28 28 -- 13230 Evening Creek Dr. Suite 218 San Dieqo, CA 92120 (G19) 486-0354 - -___ CCP 61 03-02-31 G X 12 132, 08U - 4858 __ CCP 62 03-02-Y 137,OC)ld .-__- - .. - _____ REPORT OF COMPRESSION TESTS PROJECT CAR COUWRY PLAZA PROJECT NO. oy-201 PROJECT ADDRESS 1050 AU'IY) Cl3dI"T COUI7'I', CARLSBAD CONTRACTOR COLLIPlS ___ KROMbIEIlIIOIX /WI<FOWN CARLTAS DEVELOPMENP CO. ARCHITECT/ENGINEER TO BE BILLED BLDG. PERMIT NO. BLM; A-#lOGO, B-{b<O?O BLUG A-t89-1694, EflOY-lGY 3 - PLAN FILE NO. ~~ ~~ ~~ ~ SAMPLE DATA REPORT OF $CONCRETE u MORTA~ u GROUT O~~IER SUPPLIER EL ON k- s!?O I\ lq----- PLACEMENT DATE -0232-28- _-- MIX DESCRIPTION 5.5 SACK TICKET NUMBEI? 275145 MIX NUMBER 6552 rlME IN MIXER 68 MIN TYPE CEMENT I1 . - AIR CONTENT N/A UNIT WEIGHT N/A LOCATION OF PLACEMENT SLUMP 4 - 1/2 " ADMIXTURE e 161 - -_ DESIGN STRENGTH 3800 BLDG "A" BASEMEN'I' PIT FOOTING ON LINE 13-1 NORTH CORNER SPECIAL TEST INSTRUCTION OR REMARKS . PSI AT 28 DAYS DATE RECEIVED IN LAB 3880 REQUIRED STRENGTH (t'c) 8 2 - 8 5 - 9 CI EO HOLLOW= SAMPLES MADE BY LABORATORY DATA WYMAN TESTING LABORATORIES . .- SPECIAL l-EST INSTRUCTION OR REMARKS . _ _~_ ~ ~~ ~-~ ~~ ____ _~ ~ 28 REOUII1ED STRENCXI-I (I'o) ~~. ~~ ...~ PSI AT DAYS 3WWM SAMPLES MADE BY I':n 110Id1.OWAY DAVE RECEIVEI) IN LAB U2-kJ2-YM LABORATORY DATA ALL SAMPLING ANI1 TESIING CONDUCTED IN ACGORLIANCE Wl-rtl ASTM STANDARD DESIGNATIONS CD1.114, C39-l70 C7B-75, C617-76 13% 10 l?veniivj Creek I)r. Su.i.Le 2111 :;?III IJieCjJo, (:A 92I.XJ (Gl9) 486-0354 WYMAN TESTING LABORATORIES REPORT __ OF COMPRESSION TESTS _. CAR COIIFI'PI<Y . 1'1 . ,AKA ~ PROJECT NU. 09-201 PROJEC-IF PROJECT ADDRESS 1050 AUII'O CII"TJil( COUIW, __ CARLSUAU - CONTRACTOR COLLIfJS .. ... TO BE HILLED CARLTAS I)I::VL.:IDI?ME:L?I' ..__~___. CO. . ~ K170OF!IlI?I 11 ICXK I' IlCI(E0WM ARCIHITECTIENGINEER ~. ~ ..... ~ .. ~ UIJX n-itioso n-itloso PLAN FILE NO. .. IJI ... 1.--- M; A-tU9-1GY4, 13--#09--1G3 1 BLDG. PERMIT NO. SAMPLE DATA .* REPORT OF U CONCRETE O'hORTAR 111 GROUT OTIHER ___ _.~__ SUPPLIER PK U MI X M.) CONC ... I< k:'r It: PLACEMENT DAlE 112-81-98 MIX DESCRIPTION ___.___.~ 1 SACK N /A 4 MIN .~ TICKET NUMBEn MIX NUMBEn ~~ ~ . ..~ ..~~ TIME IN MlXEfl wPE s SLUMP N/R -~ ~ ~. ... ADMIXTURE 2- 1/2 GALLON wArrEii ~ C"R HAG TYPE CEMENT AIR CONTEN-I N/A -. 11 i8ao DESIGN FTRENGTH N/A UNIT WEIGtlT __ ~~ LOCATION OF PLACEMEN-I . - 13LI)(; 11--11- -~..- 13 2ND LIF'P A'I' 6 ON LIN1;: 1..5 @ U SPECIAL TEST INSTRUCTION OR REMARKS -_ . l€rBB----- PSI AT 28 DAYS lTrHulI;-I;-Ow h-T C?z-C?72-9C? REQUIRED STRENGTH (f'c) SAMPLES MADE BY DATE RECEIVE11 IN LAB __ LABORATORY DATA .- LAD COMPRESSIVE FIELD CONTROL DATE I>IMENSIONS l-EST AREA MAX LOAD STRENGTH lOEN'll.lY _.__ NlJMBER TESTED ~ INCFIES SO INCHES POUNDS PSI . t5w 'I , 2 5 I' 23L8 7, I.MC? 22GM ___-.__ __~ _.__~ ~~ .~ . __.- 7 CCP 56 U2-88-48 2 X 4 3.14 28 CCP 57 (I3-MS-SO 2 X 4 3. i4 2 8 CCI' 50 M3-llI.-OM 2 X 4 3. 24 __ .~ LAD COMPRESSIVE FIELD CONTROL DATE I>IMENSIONS l-EST AREA MAX LOAD STRENGTH lOEN'll.lY NlJMBER TESTED INCFIES SO INCHES POUNDS PSI . 3.14 t5w 3. i4 7 I i- 4-3- 13230 Evening Creek Dr. SuiLe 210 &@ (619) ai Diego, 486-0354 CA 9217fl WYMAN TESTING LABORATORIES REPORT OF COMPRESSION TESTS CAR COUNI'RY J'IAZA - PROJECT NO 09-201 PROJECT - PROJECT ADDRESS CONTRACTOR ARCHlTECTlENGlNEER 1050 AIJ'lD CEN'1'I:R COURT, CARLSHAD COLLINS __ KROEV4l3lI lOCK/llCl~~O~'Jbl '10 DE BILLED __ CARLTAS l>EVEIBPMEt~l' ____ CO. - HLDG A-fIlOGO, B-tl.050 PLAN FILE NO UIX A-itOY-lG94, 0-itO9-I693 BLDG PERMIT NO SAMPLE DATA REPOFIT OF U~ONCRETE MORTAR u GROUT OTHER __ SUPPLIER NELSON & SLQAN PLACEMENT DATE -- - MIX DESCRIPTION N/A TICKET NUMBER 274.13'. MIX NUMBER 6552 TIME IN MIXER 45 MTN SLIJMP . - 1/ 2L. ADMIXTURE ---Jlh--- __ _. . AIR CONTENT ....--N/& ____ ~. TYPE CEMENT I1 UNIT WEIGHT N/A DESIGN STRENGTIH LOCATION OF PLACEMENT 'IA'' AT LINE A 4.7 GRADE BEAM SPECIAL TEST INSTRUCTION OR REMARKS __ _______ ~ I PSI AT 20 DAYS 3LJb3ld REQUIRED STRENGTH (f'c) ~- SAMPLES MADE BY El) HOLLOWAY DATE RECEIVED IN LAB 0 .L-0 3-9 ld LABORATORY DATA LAB COMPRESSIVE FIELD CONTROL DATE DIMENSIONS TEST AREA MAX LOAD STRENGl H IDENTITY NUMBER TESTED 6 x 12 124,000 I - 7 3.14 ~ WYMAN TESTING LABORATORIES 3,600 1150 112 30 Rveninq Creek Dr. Suihe 218 Sail Ilieqo, CA 921211 (019) 486-0354 2 L1 3.14 3.14 __ -~ ~. .- ... .- ~ ~~ ~~ ~~ REPORT OF COMPRESSION TESTS CAR COUNL'RY l'LAZA PROJECT NO. 89-201 1050 AU'I'O CE:N'I.'III? COURT, CARLSBAD PROJECT PROJECT ADDRESS CONTRACTOR COLLIElS KRO~~~E~fllOl~K/~~CK~~l ARCHITECTIENGINEER __ CARLTAS IXWELOPME~TI' CO . TO BE BILLED __ ~-- DLDG. PERMIT NO. L1LIX: A-flOGO, l3-/flO5U ~~ ~~ UIdG A-#89-l.G94, tPt89-1G93 . PLAN FILE NO. !i,75M 1830 5,9R0 1800 - SAMPLE DATA /fEPOflT OF 0 CONCRETE dMOnTAR U GROUT 0 OTIHER __ SUPPLIER PRE MlXEI) -~ PLACEMENT DATE 01-316-9 MIX DESCRIPTION 1 SACK TICKET NUMBER N/A 3 MIN TIME IN MIXER 'TYPE s N/A ADMIXTURE 2-1/3 GALLON WATER MIX NUMBER SLUMP TYPE CEMENT UNIT WEIGHT LOCATION OF PLACEMENT I1 AIR CONTENT N/A N/A 1800 DESIGN STRENG I I I ___. BLUG " A " 1ST LLP'L' U.4 @ 8 LINE SPECIAL TEST INSTRUCTION OR REMARKS - 28 DAYS REQUIRED STRENGTH (l'c) PSI AT SAMPLES MADE BY 1800 ED Hor,rxiwlSnY 01-31-90 DATE RECEIVED IN LAB LABORATORY DATA I I -t I I I I I __ ~ L I__. LABORATORY DATA REMARKS DISTRIBUTION - RFVIEWEU BY: ALL SAMPLING AND TESTING @-L.e- CONDUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM STANDARD DESIGNATIONS C31-W, C39-BO. 670-75. CGl7-70 DATE Lk&7?9° 112 30 Evening Creek 1W. Suite 218 :;an Dirqo, CA 92120 ((519) 4OG-0354 WYMAN TESTING LABOf1ATORIES REPORT OF COMPRESSION TESTS CAR COUNIRY 1'1 ,AZA PROJECT NO. 09-201 io50 nwo CI;:N'I'ISR couwr, CARLSBAD cormm PROJECT ____ ___~__ .... PROJECT ADDflESS _________..~_ - -- CONTRACTOR ............ ARCHlTECTlENGlNEER RROMMETEI[~IOIW ... I IC I( IXMN CARLTAS . l>EVl?~~l'MENT CO. TO BE BILLED ..... UILG A-BlOGO, Li-llJ 050 BLDG. PERMIT NO. PLAN FILE NO. 1Yl-S A-R09-1694, B-lt09-lG9 ___- 3 SAMPLE DATA REPOFIT OF CONCRETE CI&lOFITAP U GnOW 0 OTHER ... SUPPLlm . p!<.G..Ml x.&l) L'Lll)L)uc'fs PLACEMEN'I UA.1'12 ......... 01-26~-.3 0~ ................ MIX DESCRIPTION --AsAcL __ TICKET NUMBER N/L MIX NUMBEII 'I'YP'E s ......... TIME IN MIXER 4_MLN___...- SLUMP N/A .. ADMIXTUnE ... z,L/_2_-cALP~nlulc-y-rlt UNIT WEIGHT __ N/A DESIGN STRENGTN 1808 TYPE CEMENT 11 ____~ AIR CONTENT -_--N/A LOCATION OF PLACEMENT BL1'G "'" ~ 5.5 - 8 Cd tl MIDDLE - OF _-_._ WALL . _- ~____ -. .. __ ...... SPECIAL TEST INSTRUCTION OR REMARKS ____ - 28 PSI AT __.DAYS DATE RECEIVED IN LAB 1 8 0 G--- ED HOLLOWAY REOlJlRED STRENGTH (I'c) __ SAMPLES MADE BY __ (11-29-90 LABORATORY DATA 1.A13 COMPRESSIVE F1EL.D CONWUL DATE DIMENSIONS TEST AREA MAX L.OAD STRENGTH sa INCHES POUNDS IDENTITY NUMBER TESTED INCHES 3 . .I 4-- pLO.%L.- ....... _____ __ .. ~ ...... .. . - ......... ..... ...... ... ~- __. .. LABORATOnY DATA REMAflKS ___ ___ . ____ DISTRIBUTION ___ h ALL SAMPLING AND TESTING CONDlJCTEO IN ACCORDANCE WITtP ASTM STANDAfll> DESIGNATIONS C31-69. COR-flfl. C7fl-75, C617-76 DATE .t:. %:.% WYMAN TESTING LABORATORIES 7 28 28 __-._____ 132 30 mening Creek llr. suite 210 San Diego, CA 92120 (619) 4OG-0354 4720 CCP 40 82-02-92 6 X 12 20.27 7 I., 500 CCP 41 02-23-9d G x 12 28.27 133,588 129,590 CCP 42 82-23-32 6 X 12 28.27 __- - - ___-__ ___ -. __ ~. .- ~ REPORT OF COMPRESSION TESTS 09-201 __ PROJECT NO. __ CAR COUNTRY I'I.AZA PROJECT PROJECT ADDRESS 1050 AUTO CENPL'R COULI", CARLSBAD - CONTRACTOR COLLINS -, - ARCIHITECTIENGINEER KROb~4FtIl IOIX /PICK IT3W - ~ -- CAI<L'PAS III!'VI~~I~DI'MI~~4'I~ CO. TO BE BILLED --L ..... 13LX A-tl060, U-#.I 050 BLOG. PERMIT NO. PLAN FILE NO. _- 13LIX; A-#OY-1694, I+-itO9-lGSll -- SAMPLE DATA .. REPORT OF AONCRETE o MORTAR GROUT OTHER PLACEMEN-r DATE __ 01-26-90 __ NELSON & SLOAN SUPPLIER 5.5 SACK 273569 MIX DESCRIPTION ~.___ _____ TICKET NUMBER 78 MIN MIX NUMBER ~~ ~~ TIME IN MIXER ____- 6552 4-1/2" P 161 SLUMP ..___._._..___I__.__...~~.. . ~ ADMIXTURE ______-_-.._ I1 N/A TYPE CEMENT AIR CONTENT _ N/A UNI'I' WEIGHT LOCATION OF PLACEMENT ____ ___ 3008 -- (i A" DESIGN STRENGTI-I --- n r, 13 G LINE 0.2 @ B FOO'I'INGS __ -.__ SPECIAL TEST INSTRUCTION OR REMARKS . 388ir 28 - PSI AT __ DAYS MI-29-90 TF"LL[jW&.f - REOUlI?ED STRENGTH (f'c) SAMPLES MADE BY DATE RECEIVE0 IN LAB 1.32 10 1:vening Creclc Dr. Suite 210 (G19) 406-0354 !+in IXLCCJO, CA 92120 WYMAN TESTING LABORATORIES REPORT OF COMPRESSION TESTS 89-201 __ PROJECT NO. CAR COUWPRY imun PROJECT PROJECT ADDRESS 1050 AUTO Cl~N'l'J3R COURT, CARLSBAD CONTRACTOR - COLLIEIS Kl70~lE~lE~Jl IOEK /MCK I'X)WEI CARL'IAS DEVEIUJI?MEfJ'J~' CO. ARCHITECT/ENGINEER TO BE BILLED __.___ ~ __.- BLDG. PERMIT NO. ALIX; A-111060, . R-CIO~O PLAN FILE NO. RI IX.' n-1109-16~, ~-1to9-169 3 SAMPLE DATA _. SPECIAL TEST INSTRUCTION OR REMARKS __. . PSI AT 20 DAYS 3 om--- El, ,~,oj;zo-ujyy- 01-25-90 REQUIRED STRENGTI-1 (I'c) SAMPLES MADE DY . DATE RECEIVED IN LAB ___ ~. LABORATORY DATA LAB COMPRESSIVE FIEI.1) CONlIIOL INSE 1)IMFNSIONS l-EST AREA MAX ILOAI) S.I'RENGlk1 28.27 __-- 28.27 4'768 - -. _____ . -. 7 _- - LABORATORY DATA REMAFlKS .. DISTRIBUTION 1.12 10 l?venincJ Crcelc Ur. Siin Ilieqo, CA 32120 (619) 486-0354 WYMAN TESTING LABORATORIES REPORT OF COMPRESSION TESTS -~ 09-201 cnix COIINII'RY PI .... ,Am 1050 AU'l'O CfiN'l'l!l< . COURT, CARLSDAD KRO~~IEHIIOCK/IlcI~ISOCJM CARL,TAS l~EVlil~PMI3t~~ CO. ____ PROJECT NO. PROJECT - PROJECT ArimEss CONTRACTOR ................. ARCIiITECT/ENGINEER TO BE BILLED .... BLDG. PERMIT NO. nrAlkT-li l0G0 , I3- It 1050 ______ COLLIHS .. - PLAN FILE NO. ..L_L Ill Ix' A-t03-1694, I3--109-1GY3. SAMPLE DATA REPORT OF 0 CONCREl-E U&lORl~All L1 GROUT U 01-I-IER ~__ __-- SUPPLIER -----P~.~IXEb L'RQUUC!PS-. PLACEMENT DATE ..~-.4~,L24~- 9 B . MIX DESCRIPTION L.-if!ct< ........... ~~ TICKET NUMOEII ..... ~-.N/!L . MIX NUMDEl4 ................ '!'~~'~~-.. L! . TIME IN MIXIiII .... ~5 M1 N~ .. ...... SLUMP ......... ~!![&.~.~~ .... ADMIXWRE ..~~.L/~~GAI;LONS:-WA!I!~:~. ..... ................ 'TYPE CEMENT -- ........... ......... AIR C0N.IEN.I' . L'I/R -__ UNIT WEIGI-IT _~_____ N /A . DESIGN STRENGTI-I -2i LOCATION OF PLACEMENT UI,I)G "13" FIKST LIFT ON LINL~~E'I'WEEN 1 & 2 k3 A __ SPECIAL TEST INSTRUCTION OR REMARKS - PSI AT 2* DAYS 18VM REQUIRED STRENGTH (f'c) _- SAMPLES MADE BY EI~ iioi,rxwAY DATE RECEIVED IN LAB CI 1 - 2 5 -20 LABORATORY DATA 13230 Evenin9 Creek Dr Suike 218 (619) 406-0354 !+in I>i.ego, CA 92120 WYMAN TESTING LABORATORIES REPOI3I' OF COMPRESSION TESTS 09-201 PROJECT NO. -- (:Alt COIJI.I'I'I<Y 1'1 AXA PROJECT .. ~~ ~ .~ . ~ -- 1050 AU'lC) C1~;N'L'I~~I~ COUI<T, CARLSUAL) PROJECT ADDRESS .~~ __-- KI7OM1~lI~;III lOl~I</t.l( :I< ImWN CAl<l:,'l'AS I>I~?VI~:I.~~I'MI~:~~I~ CO. CONTRACTOR LYLL1:PI:; . . ~~ ARCI-II'rECT/ENGINEC-'R .... . ~ ~ TO BE DILLED .~ ~. BLDG. PERMIT NO. ~~ 131,IX; A-HDY-1694, U-ID9-1693 PLAN FILE NO. _-.__ ___- 13LIX A-t10G0, 13-1(.1.050 SAMPLE DATA REPORT OF CONCRETE O%ORTAR U GROUT 0 OTHER - 01-23-90 PLACEMENT DATE - PRE: MIXE:l) SUPPLIER MIX DESCRIPTION TICKET NUMBEn SLUMP __..___ - ADMIXTURE .... MIX NUMBER . TYPE CEMENT ~~~- __ . - AIR CONTENT LOCATION OF PLACEMENT ____ ___~ L SACK N/A NK '1' Y LJ 1s s 4 M1N - TIME IN MlXEn - N/A I1 IN/A 1800 - - DESIGN STnENGrl I COLUMN IJNIT WEIGHT -Br.-y-~~" I3 ul'.-IyI-fl-hp. .. ... ~~.. ... ___ ~~ ~~~~. . .. SPECIAL TEST INSTTIUCTION OR REMAf1KS -. - ~ 1-800--- La-- REQUII1ED STRENGTH (f'c) ~EDAoT~~.ov.nTy PSI AT __ DAYS SAMPLES MADE BY . ~ __ DATE RECEIVEU IN LAB - LABORATORY __ DATA LAB COMPRESSIVE FIEL 13 CON-lnOL DATE T)IMENSIONS TEST AREA MAX ILOAD S.rRENG1-H IDENTITY NUMBER TESTED INCIIES SO INCt-IES POUNUS PSI I- -- 7 LLP 2.1 1-01-3~~-$d 2 x 4 1- 3.14 I-- 5.500 I 1750 I -~ -,-~..~ -~ ~ LABORATORY IJA TA REMARKS -.. DISTRIBUTION __ ALL SAMPILING ANI) TESTING CON[)IJC'rE.[l IN ACCORDANCE WIIIl ASTM STANI>AIII) I-)ESIGNATIONS cni-69. c:ln.-fTn. c7n-75. cli17-76 , WYMAN TESTING LABORATORIES 28.27 28.27 6 X 12 28.27 - 13230 Evening Creek Dr. Suite 218 San Diego, CA 92128 (G19) 486-0354 87,000 3080 - 126, 00B w 130,500 (4620 1 L../ REPORT OF COMPRESSION TESTS CAR COUNTRY PLAZA PROJECT NO. 89-201 1050 AU'I'O CENTER COURT, CARLSBN) PROJECT PROJECT ADDRESS CONTRACTOR COLLIPlS KROEW4ETlllOEK /HcKED!4Pl ARCHlTECTlENGlNEER CARLTAS IW.JELOPMEtTP CO. TO BE BILLED ___ -. .. .. . . BLUG A-lllOG0, B-ill050 ___ PLAN FILE NO. BLW A-#89-1694, B-1/89-1693 BLDG. PERMIT NO. SAMPLE DATA REPonr OF UEONCRETE MORTAS c! GROUT o OTHER SUPPLIER NELSON & SLOAN PLACEMENT DATE -.-01-19-90 MIX DESCRIPTION 5.5 SACK TICKET NUMBER --272238 MIX NUMBER 6552 - TIME IN MIXER 45 MIN SLUMP TYPE CEMENT UNIT WEIGHT N/A DESIGN STRENGTH (30d0' LOCATION OF PLACEMENT 4 - 1 /2 " ADMIXTURE P 161 I1 AIR CONTENT NA GRADE BEAM LINE B @ 1 + 26' ~. SPECIAL TEST INSTRUCTION OR REMARKS 28 PSI AT ___ DAYS DATE RECEIVED IN LAB 3ca00- REQUIRED STRENGTH (I'c) SAMPLES MADE BY - 01-22-90 JOHN POWELL WYMAN TESTING LABORATORIES ,13230 Evening Creek Dr Suite 218 San Diego, CA 92128 (619) 466-0354 REPORT OF COMPRESSION TESTS CAR COUNTRY PLAZA PROJECT NO. 89-201 1050 AUTO CENTER COURT, CARLSBAD KROE~lEtEJLIOCR/ ICKl?QWll ARCHITECT/ENGINEER CARLTAS DEVELOPMENT CO. TO BE BILLED __ - BLDG PERMIT NO. ___. PROJECT PROJECT ADDRESS CONTRACTOR COLLIMS WLM: A-IJlOGO, B-ltl050 PLAN FILE NO. I3cffi A-#89-1694, IH89-169 3 SAMPLE DATA X REPORT OF 0 CONCRETE 0 MORTAR 0 GnOUT 0 OTHER SUPPLIER - 1242837 6 SACK MIX DESCRIPTION 83-146 175 MIN MIX NUMBER 3R N/A 11 N/A SLUMP N/.A (3250 ) TYPE CEMENT AIR CONTENT UNIT WEIGHT ~uxA=-4- DESIGN STRENGTH LOCATION OF PLACEMENT ESCONDIUO READY MIX PLACEMENT DATE 01-19-90 TICKET NUMBER TIME IN MIXER ADMIXTURE _, L ~ ~ ~~ ~ -~ ~ SPECIAL TEST INSTRUCTION OR REMARKS ---- - JLdW Lti 01-22-90 REQUIRED STRENGTH (r'c) Je#fl'-mmt?'L., PSI AT DAYS SAMPLES MADE BY DATE RECEIVED IN LAB LABORATORY DATA LAB COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH FIELD CONTROL DATE UlMENSlONS TEST AREA MAX LOAD IDENTITY NUMBER TESTED INCIHES SO INCHES POUNDS 104,580 I I l------I Lab- LABORATORY DATA REMARKS - & DISTRIBUTION REVIEWED BY: ALL SAMPLING AND TESTING CONDUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM STANDARD DESIGNATIONS C31-09. C39-flfl. C78-75. Cfil7-7fi DATE .&&T.?!! 13230 Evening Creek Dr. Suite 218 San Diego, CA 92128 (619) 486-0354 WYMAN TESTING LABORATORIES REPORT OF COMPRESSION TESTS 89-201 PROJECT CAR COUNTRY - __ PLAZA PROJECT NO PROJECT ADDRESS 1050 AUTO CENTER COURT', CARLSBAD CONTRACTOR COLLIMS KR0~.1~IIIOCK/llcK~O~~~l CARLTAS DEVELOPME" CO. ARCHITECT/ENGINEER TO BE BILLED BLDG PERMIT NO BLDG A-81060, B-%1050 PLAN NO BLK n-#89-1694, n-1~19-i691 CCP 25 CCP 26 - __ SAMPLE DATA REPORT OF 0 CONCRETE &ORTAR 0 GROUT 0 OTHER ____ SUPPLIER -. __ ___ . . - MIX DESCRlPl ION ___ MIX NUMBER SLUMP TYPE CEMENT UNIT WEIGHT DESIGN STRENGTH LOCATION OF PLACEMENT PLACEMENT DAlE __ 01-22-90 ._ TICKET NUMBER - _-_____._ TIME IN MIXER ADMIXTURE AIR CONTENT BA'PCH MORTAR N /A TYPE S N/A 11 N/A 4 MIN LlME - N/A N/A 1800 BLDG "B" @ 1-A 1ST LIFT __ SPECIAL TEST INSTRUCTION OR REMARKS ltl(d(d PSI AT 28 DAYS JELTTKKKERSON 01-24-90 DATE RECEIVED IN LAB REOUIRED STRENGTH (r'c) SAMPLES MADE BY 01-29-9a 2x4 3.14 4,500 1430 1990 02-19-93 2x4 3.14 6,25@ .~ - 02-19-92 2x4 3.14 6,350 2020 __ c---c---C---l--------I------i I+ LABORATORY DATAREMARKS . . .. DISTRIBUTION -_ amAz By ALL SAMPLING AND TESTING CONDUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM STANDARD DESIGNATIONS CRI-69, CRR-OD. C.70-75, Cf17-76 DATE Z-Za-?d I ~ 132 30 Evening Creek Dr. Suite 218 Sm Diego, CA 92128 (619) 486-0354 WYMAN TESTING LABORATORIES 28.27 55,560 28.27 122,000 62-09-90 6 X 12 I 28.27 I 114,5(60 - REPORT OF COMPRESSION TESTS 4050 PROJECT CAR COUNTRY ---- PLAZA PROJECT NO. -- 89-201 1050 AUTO CEN!!ER _. COUIIT, ARLSBAD KRO~11~lEIIIIOC~/I~lcK~~~M PROJECT ADDRESS CONTRACTOR ARCHlTECTlENGlNEER .. COLLINS .. ~ - TO BE BILLED CARL'PAS l>LWI.:LOPME:CIT . .. CO. -__--.-- ULUG A-tl060, U-ftl050 PLAN FILE NO. BLW A-#89-1694, B-ilfJY-1693 ELDG. PERMIT NO. SAMPLE DATA REPORT OF O%ONCRETE o MORTAR u GROUT OTHER ESCONUIDO READY MIX PLACEMENT DAl-E -81-12-90 SUPPLIER -_ MIX DESCRIPTION MIX NUMBER SLUMP TYPE CEMENT UNIT WEIGHT ____ DESIGN STRENGTH - LOCATION OF PLACEMENT .PAU--. SPECIAL TEST INSTRUCTION OR REMARKS N/A TICKET NUMBER __ 202684 83-146 TIME IN MIXER 85 MIN 4 - 1 / 2 " ADMIXTURE N/A I1 AIR CONTENT N/A N/A 3250 MANHOLES & COVERS STOKH DHAIN H3 NOR'PHWES'P COKNEIIS Ok' - LU DAYS m76 REQUIRED STRENGTH (f'c) SAMPLES MADE BY __ DATE RECEIVED IN LAB PSI AT 'RFRRsGocrJ M LABORATORY DATA LI Lld Id) LABORATORY DATAREMARKS -. - DISTRIBUTION REVIEWED BY: ALL SAMPLING AND TESTING CONDUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM STANDARD DESIGNATIONS DATE -&???.E- CRI-~~R, Cw-fln, C?R-?~. ~61~76 I I. 7 CCP 1 28 CCP 2 28 CCP 3 ~- WYMAN TESTING LABORATORIES 7 01-17-90 6 X 12 28.27 86 ,Bold 3040 02-07-50 6 X 12 28.27 118, cI00 4170 02-07-90 6 X 12 28.27 lV3,500 3660 -__ - -- 13230 Evening Creek Dr. Suite 218 San Diego, CA 92128 (619) 486-0354 REPORT OF COMPRBSION TESTS PROJECT CAR COUNTRY PLAZA // PROJECT NO. 89-201 1050 All10 CEN'l'ER COURT, /kAd D PROJECT ADDRESS CONTRACTOR ARCHITECT/ENGINEER TO BE BILLED BLDG. PERMIT NO. BLDG A-111060, 8-1/1050 COLLINS KROME.IEtll-IOCK/t~cK~i~l CARLTAS DEVEIKIPMEEJI! CO. 17' RLDG A-1189-1694, B-1189-169 3 PLAN FILE NO. - SAMPLE DATA Y REPORT OF O*CONCRETE 0 MORTAR 0 GROUT 0 OTHER SUPPLIER MIX DESCRIPTION MIX NUMBER SLUMP TYPE CEMENT UNIT WEIGHT LOCATION OF PLACEMENT 01-16-98 PLACEMENT DATE TICKET NUMBER ESCONDIDO READY i4IX 339923 65 MIN N/A 83-146 - TIME IN MIXER 4 - 1n' ADMIXTURE - N/A N/A AIR CONTENT DESIGN STRENGTH I1 3250 N7A ~~OLES ESGIL CORPORATION 9320 CHESAPEAKE DR., SUITE 208 SAN DIEGO, CA 92123 (619) 5601468 DATE : 7 12s / 89 JURISDICTION: CIT I/ 0 ,? fARLS BAD PLAN CHECK NO: t?? 0 202 SET: PROJECT ADDRESS: 10~0- (060 ADTO rt=rfr&K cb~l ,q PROJECT NAME: CA R COlI~-rTR Y PLAZA ODESIGNER The plans transmitted herewith have been corrected where necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes. The plans transmitted herewith will substantially comply 0 with the jurisdiction's building codes when minor deficien- - cies idenfified are resolved and checked by building department staff. The plans transmitted herewith have significant deficiencies . and resubmitted for a complete recheck. The check list transmitted herewith is for your information. plans are submitted for recheck. The applicant's copy of the check list is enclosed for the 0 identified on the enclosed check list and should be corrected 0 The plans are being held at Esgil Corp. until corrected 0 jurisdiction to return to the applicant contact person. r applicant's copy of the check list has been sent to: 1 h3LL-i rAd&--w ~~~€=-& 7 g%s- . W-nl 7i-L f%A?Mi-r-rd?t Esgil staff did not advise the applicant contact person that plan check has been completed. Esgil staff - did advise applicant that the plan check has been completed. Person contacted: Date contacted: Telephone # 0 REMARKS : By: DAV/D vm Enclosures: ESGIL CORPORATION 7/,4 OGA OAA Ovw ODM I ESGIL CORPORATION 9320 CHESAPEAKE DR.. SUITE 208 SAN DIEGO, CA 92123 (619) 5601468 DATE : 7 / 18 / JURISDICTION: CITY ot CARL S %A 0 - PLAN CHECK NO: 89 020 2 SET: PROJECT ADDRESS: loso- IO6 0 AUTO cwrie COURT PROJECT NAME: CAR COUA TRY PLAZA The plans transmitted herewith have been corrected where building codes. The plans transmitted herewith will substantially comply 0 with the jurisdiction's building codes when minor deficien- 0 necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction's cies identified are resolved and checked by building department staff. The plans transmitted herewith have significant deficiencies : and resubmitted for a complete recheck. The check list transmitted h is for your information. The plans are being held atzCorp. until corrected plans are submitted for recheck. The applicant's copy of the check list is enclosed for the 0 identified on the enclosed check list and should be corrected below 0 jurisdiction to return to the applicant contact person. The applicant's copy of the check list has been sent to: %Rue -m OHAS / beam w oo&n 1Sf.r MVlaRFr\lA &L VU SD 9'2 If P Esgil staff did not advise the applicant contact person that plan check has been completed. 0 Esgil staff - did advise applicant that the plan check has been completed. Person contacted: Date contacted: Telephone # REMARKS: T& par rectiows m-63 of p F?VIOUC LbwPc+;Gn II 'St IS 0.k but the rrst 3 the /nvrrc+ion5 s+:~l oukfa By: DAVID YAO Enclosures: ESGIL CORPORATION 7/ ID OGA OAA Ovw DM ESGIL CORPORATION 9320 CHESAPEAKE DR., SUITE 208 SAN DIEGO. CA 92123 (610) 560-1468 DATE : 6 f 30 189 JURISDICTION: CITY OF CARLT BAD PLAN CHECK NO: 890 30 2 SET: OUPS OFILE COPY DES IGNER PROJECT ADDRESS: 10 So- io 60 AUTO CWTER COURT PROJECT NAME: CAR CClJt-lTRY PLAZA The plans transmitted herewith have been corrected where building codes. The plans transmitted herewith will substantially comply 0 with the iurisdiction's buildino codes when minor deficien- 0 necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction's - cies identified are resolved and checked by building department staff. The plans transmitted herewith have significant deficiencies and resubmitted for a complete recheck. The check list transmitted herewith is for your information. The plans are being held at Esgil Corp. until corrected plans are submitted for recheck. The applicant's copy of the check list is enclosed for the 0 identified on Khe enclosed check list and should be corrected 0 jurisdiction to return to the applicant contact person. The applicant's copy of the check list has been sent to: NUCE THoUA 5 f LE&,4dA WBOTTON IZf5 MDRENA BLV D so 92 110 Esgil staff did not advise the applicant contact person that plan check has been completed. Esgil staff did advise applicant that the plan check has been completed. Person contacted: Date contacted: Telephone # 0 REMARKS: .. 1 . . ;i .~, By: .-;mv ID YAO Enclosures: . . .,:' ..,~GGA. .Om Evw QDM .... ' .. . .,. . :' . ESGIL CORPORATION 6/~2 ,. . .i .~ ,. .:. - .. .. .. .. .. I JURISOIC~~ON: CARL SWD Oatc 6/30 'ROJECI ADDRESS: !Od- 1060 ,& to fcnfrr +tt 79: p~dc -7loh?os / /s~ix~~~ I~Joo++~,L 50 CA 92 f Id , <- /i- M Ct?l?Ll b/v J PLAN CORRECTION SHEET 2lanr Chcck No. 8q o 202 XT TOilEWCRD: PLEASE READ Plan check is limited to technical requirements contained in the Uniform Building Code, Uniform Plumbing Cole, Uniform riechanical Code, National Electrical Code and state laws regulating energy conservation, noise attenuation and access for the handicapped. regulations enforced by the Building Inspection Department. based on laws and ordinances enforced by the Planning Department, Engineering Department or other departments. The items circled below need clarification, modification or change. to be satisfied before the plans will be in conformance with. the cited codes and regulations. Per Sec. 303 (c), of the Uniform Building Code, the approval of the plans does not permit the violation of any state, county or city law. A. PLANS The plan check is based on You may have other corrections All circled items have 3 Lc make all corrections on the original tracing. and submit two ne* sets of prints, and any orlginal plan xta that may have been returned to you by the jurisdiction, to: kSG ,c 2. To facilitate rcchccking. p1cs.e identify, next to csch clrclcd Item, thc shcst of the Plana upon which each correction on thi3 3hect hs. been made and rcturn thla Check sheet with tho rcvlsed plana. 3 The following items have not been 3 resolved from previous plan reviews. The original correction number has heen given for your reference. Please me if You have any questions regarding these items. ~. _. - ~ Data @ana received by plan checker Date 2 plan check cmpleted 6/30 6/2 Z 1'1 d BY oA\/in YA 0 J1/15/87 I ._ I1 .. I I -. ESGIL CORPORATION 9320 CHESAPEAKE DR.. SUITE 208 SAN DIEGO, CA 92123 202, (619) 560.1468 CAQ'L.5 gA D r;ups DESIGNER PROJECT ADDRESS: I 060 Au TA C@,/TE'R CUUKT PROJECT NAME: CAE COUNTKY P LAZA FOR CARLTA s DivEfDpMsi-fT &. The plans transmitted herewith have been corrected where necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes. The plans transmitted herewith will substantially comply 0 with the jurisdiction's building codes when minor deficien- cies identified are resolved and checked by building department staff. The plans transmitted herewith have significant deficiencies and resubmitted for a complete recheck. The check list transmitted herewith is for your information. The plans are being held at Esgil Corp. until corrected plans are submitted for recheck. The applicant's copy of the check list is enclosed for c3e 0 identified on the enclosed check list and should be correcte6 0 jurisdiction to return to the applicant contact person. 0 The applicant's copy of the check list has been sent to: Esgil staff did not advise the applicant contact person that plan check has been completed. Esgil staff did advise applicant that the plan check has been completed. Person contacted: Date contacted: Telephone # 0 REMARKS : By: >A VIP YAO Enclosures: ESGIL CORPORATION 6/, OGA OAA Ovw ODM .-. I Date: 6h Jurisdiction CARLSBAD Prepared by: 0 hVlD Y A0 VALUATION AND PLAN CHECK FEE 0 PLAN CHECK NO. 3?-/69d pPV Bldg. Dept. Esgil I BUILDING ADDRESS / 060 TO c+wrz+z GJMT APPLICANT/CONTACT I< r-?a A ( IFEAh") PHONE NO. 2 7-F- 743 o BUILDING OCCUPANCY 35 -7- DESIGNER PHONE TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION V-dC gP KJ CONTRACTOR PHONE Total Value Building Permit Fee S- , I/ i.8 $ 300- 09 Plan Check Fee $ 24 0- COMMENTS; .. . ... SBEET I O? I 12/87 I ._ ESGIL CORPORATION 0320 CHESAPEAKE DR.. SUITE 208 SAN DIEGO. CA 02123 (610) 5601468 ON JURISDICTION: CITY OF mRLs%4 v ER DATE : 87 PLAN CHECK NO: pQ 0 202 SET: I PROJECT ADDRESS: IUS 0-1060 PROJECT NAME: PAR ram TR Y DL AzA The plans transmitted herewith have been corrected where building codes. The plans transmitted herewith will substantially comply cies identified are resolved and checked by building department staff. The plans transmitted herewith have significant deficiencies and resubmitted for a complete recheck. The check list transmitted herewith is for your information. The plans are being held at Esgil Corp. until corrected plans are submitted for recheck. The applicant's copy of the check list is enclosed for the 0 necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction's 0 with the jurisdiction's building codes when minor deficien- 0 identified on the enclosed check list and should be corrected 0 jurisdiction to return to the applicant contact person. The applicant's copy of the check list has been sent to: 3Ruc.= THOMAS / L EGANd hroo7To/\I /C/9 MOL? .E f.J A BLVD SD Q2 110 Esgil staff did not advise the applicant contact person that plan check has been completed. 0 Esgil staff did advise applicant that the plan check has been completed. Person contacted: Date contacted: Telephone X REMARKS : By: DH\/ \ I> Y9 0 Enclosures: ESGIL CORPORATION 2/,5 AM- 2/( s JoRIsIImm: CAef S BAD Date plans received by jurisdiction: Date plans received by Esgil Corp.. ID: RRUCF THOMAS / LE=Ah/h/ Wooj?i)l\( Date initial plan check completed: 3/s/7 By : DAV IP YAO Applicant contact person: 3 Ru c E -THO MAS / LE&A Nd W W7..,'i IoREyRD: l7z4ssw11l) Plan check is limited to technical requiremnts contained in the Uniform Building Code, Uniform Plumbing Code, Uniform Mechanical Code, NatioMl Electrical code and state laws regulating energy conservation, noise attenuation and access for the disabled. me plan check is based on regulations enforced by the Building Inspection Department. You may have other corrections based on laws and ordinances enforced by the Planning Departwmt, Engineering Department or other departments. Present California law mdates that construction comply with Title 2.k and the applicable model code editions adopted, with or without changes, by the various state agencies authorized to propose building regulations for enforcement at the local level. Code sections cited are based on the 1985 UBC. me circled item listed need clarification, modification or change. All item rrmst be satisfied before the plans will be in ConformMCe with the cited codes and regulations. Per Sec. 303 (c), 1985 Uniform Building Code, the approval of the plans does not permit the violation of any state, county or city law. TO SDWd UD the rech eck Droces s. note on this lirt. JOr a CODY) where each corn ction item has bbnn Ndressed. i.e.. Dl M sheet. swcifisation. et& M me t o enclose the =ked M li rt whm voy *it the revised ~1- Please make all corrections on the origiml tracings and submit two new sets of prints, and any original plan sets that may have been returned to you by the jurisdiction, to: Esgil Corporation, 9320 hesapeake Drive, Suite 208, San Diego, California (619) 560-1468. 92123, Please make all corrections on the original tracings and submit two new sets of prints, and any original plan sets that may have been returned to you by the jurisdiction, to: The jurisdiction's building department. Provide the site address and a vicinity sketch on the Title Sheet. Provide the names, addresses and telephone numbers of the owner and the responsible design professionals on the Title Sheet. All sheets of the plans and the first sheet of the calculations are required to be signed by the California licensed architect or engineer responsible for the plan preparation. Please include the California license number, seal, date of license expiration and the date the plans are signed. Business and Professions Code. Indicate on the Title Sheet whether or not a grading permit is required for this project. buildine De&oit auulication filed should be clearly- ibentified'as "not included" on the site plan or Title Sheet. . Provide a Building Code Data Lagend on the Title Sheet. Include the following code informtion for each building proposed: Occupancy Group Description of Use Type of Construction Sprinklers: Yes or No Stories Height Floor Area t Provide a note with the building data legend stating that yards used for area increases shall be permanently maintained. @ Provide a note on the plans indicati if any hazardous materials will be stored anTor used within the building which exceed the quantities listed in UBC Table 9-A. c. swm . Provide a fully dimensioned site plan dram to scale. Show north arrow, property lines, easements, streets, existing and proposed buildings and structures. Provide a statement on the site plan stating: "All property lines, eassmsnts and buildings. both existing and proposed, are shown on this site plan". Clearly designate on the site plan existing buildings to remain, existing buildings to be demolished, buildings to be constructed under this permit and MY proposed future buildings. 0 Clearly designate any side yards used to justify increases in allowable area based on Section 506. . Show on the site plan all proposed walls, retaining walls and fences. Specify their heights on the plana. Provide constmction details if a part of this permit. . Cleazly dimension building setbacks from property lines, street centerlinea, and from all adjacent buildings and structures on the site plan. . Show and dimansion on the site plan all building projections including eaves, balconies, cornices and similar AppendageS extending beyond the exterior walls. Show on the site plan, or provide the grading plana, showing finish floor elevations, elevations of finish grade adjacent to buildings, drainage patterns and locations and gradients of cut or fill slopes. Show dimensioned parking layout including any p' required disabled access spaces. 9. Show the location of any designated flood plains, open space easements, or other development restricted areas on the site plan. P 1. Provide a reference on the site plan to any details or specifications for required site improvements to comply with the Title 24 disabled access requirements. Justification to exceed allowable area in Table 5-C. (if applicable) Justification to exceed allowable height or stories in Table 5-D. (if applicable) JLlullaaFImPmKT when two or mre buildings are on the same property, the buildings shall have an assumed property line between them for the purpose of determining the required wall and opening protection and roof cover requirements, per Section 504 (c). An exception is provided if the combined area of the buildings is within the limits specified in Section 505 for a saw property as an existing building, the location of the assumed property line with relation to the existing building shall be such that the exterior wall and opening protection of the exisiting building meet the criteria of Table 5-A and Part IV. Buildings over one story and containing courts shall have an assuwed property line for the purpose of determining required wall end open? protection of court walls, per Section 504 (e . See possible exception. Please show how the court walls will be made to comply with Section 504 (c). The exterior walls less than =feet to a property 1' e or an assumed property line, shall be Afire-rated construction. Section Section 504 (c). 03. Exterior walls shall have a 30 inch parapet when less than /O feet to a property line or an assumed property line. The uppermost 18" of such arapets shall be noncombustible. (see exceptton, Section 1709.) The exterior wall shall have protected openings (314 hour) when closer than feet to a property line or an assumed property line. Section 03. lhe exterior walls shall have no openings when closer than 5 feet to a property line or an assumed property line. Openings include windows, doors, scuppers, vents, etc. Section 03. Eaves over required windows shall be not less than 30 inches from side and rear property lines. Section 504 (a). Combustible projections located where openings are rewired to be urotected shall be heaw timber *or one-how coinstnution. Section 1710. Projections may not extend more than 12 inches into areas *ere openings are not allowed. Section 1710. P. Projections over public property mst ccnoply with Chapter 45. Projections may not extend wre than one-third the distance from the exterior wall to the property line or one-third the distance from an assumed vertical plane located where fire- resistive protection of openings is first required, whichever is least restrictive. Section 504 (b). Fire-resistive exterior wall construction shall be maintained through attic (vu. Section 4.301. (c). When openings are required to be protected due to location on property, the sum of openings shall not exceed 50 percent of the total area of the wall in Badr story. A covered pedetrien walkway mubt comply with the requirements in Section 509. Exterior exit balconies cannot be located in an area where openings are required to be protected. Section 3305 (i). Exteror stairwavs shall not Droiect into vards Section 504 (b). where protection of openiigs- is requhd. Section 3306 (n). Yards or courts serving as required exits for 10 or more occupants must be at least 10 feet wide or have walls of one-hour construction for a height of 10 feet above the court or yard grade. Openings shall be protectad by fire-assemblies having a rating of not less than three-fourths-hour. Section 3301 (b) definition and Section 3311 (d). Stluctural elements exposed in walls required to be fire-resistive construction due to location on property mst have the same fire- resistive rated protection as the wall, or as required for the structural frame for the type of construction, whichever is greater. Table 17-A footnote 1, and Section 1702. Openings for scuppers, mechanical equipuent vents, foundation vents and similar openings have to be protected where openings are required to be protected. Table 5-A, Section-03. when a building has mare than one occupancy, the area shall be such that the sum of the ratios of the actual area divided by the allowable area for each occupancy shall not exceed one. Section 503 (a). As shown, the building(s) islare over area for the Type of Construction shown. Table 5-C. . Provide a note on the plans or on th. finish schedule, "Wall and ceiling materials shall not exceed the flame spread classifications in UBC Table 42-B." Cl-ly specify minimum thickness of valll and slabs to provide -hour fire-resistive rating per Table 43-B and C. Clearly specify mind cover for bonded reinforcim at ~ - ~ fire-rated floors, fire rated columns, fire rated beams. Clearly specify mind cover for prestressed concrete tendons per Section 4303 (c) 3. . Detail all plumbing and electrical penetrations at occupancy, area, corridor or other fire seasration walls as SDecified in I. Section 4304 (ij. Detail all furred ceilings as required in Section 4203. Show fire-retardant treated wood vhere necessary. Clearly label and identify on the plan6 the fire-resistive corridors. area separation walls, shafts, occupancy separation walls and floors, exit courts less than 10 feet vide and exit enclosures, along vith their hourly ratings. Section 302 (a). IFJmUoR YbZI. Ann IXmuG FmIm Foam plastics shall not be used as interior finish except as provided in Section 1712. When valls and ceiling are required to be fire- resistive or noncombustible, the finish material shall be applied directly against such fire-resistive or noncombustible construction ~~~ ~~~~ ~~ ~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~ ~~~~~~ or to furring strips not exceeding 1-3/4 inches. Ihe furred space shall be filled vith inorganic or Class I material or fire stopped not to exceed 8 feet in any direction. Section 4203, 1. When finish materials are set out or dropped more than 1-314 inches from fire-rated walls or ceilings the finish material shall be Class I or sprinklered on both sides or attached to noncombustible backing or furring strips. Section 4203, 2. Hangers and assembly members of dropped ceilings below a one-hour ceiling assembly shall be noncombustible materials except in Types I11 and V construction, vhere fire- retardant treated wood may be used. Section 4203, 2. All interior Val1 or ceiling finishes less than 114 inch thick shall be applied directly against a noncombustible backing unless it is in accordance vith an approved tested assembly. Section 4203. 4. -hour occupancy separation is required betveen occupancy and the occupancy. Table 5-B, Section 503 ~0,s 43-A, B, c and chapter 43. (see excentions in Section 503) Administrative and clerical offices and similar room6 need not be separated from other occupMcies provided they are less than 750 sq. ft., less than 25 percent of the floor ared of the major use and not related to an H- 1 or H-2 occupancy. Section 503 (a). +. Provide - -hour fire-resistive door assemblies in the --hour occupancy separation. Section 503 (c). . A B-1 occupancy in the basement or first story of a building housing a group B, Division 2 occupancy may be classed as a separate building. Ihe building above may also be considered a separate and distinct building for the purpose of area limitation, limitation of number of stories and type of construction ONLY if the conditions of Section 702 are met: a. b. B-1 is Type I ConsWCtiOII. B-l/B-2 is separated by a three-hour occupancy separation. C. B-1 is restricted to passenger vehicle storage, laundry room6 and mechanical equipment room6 (no storage, recreation room, etc.). Ihe maxh building height does not exceed the limits in Table 5-D for the last type of construction. d. . The Type I construction is required to have protected openings when located vithin 20 feet from a property line or centerline of a public way. Section 1803 (b). . In Type I construction, no openings are permitted in exterior walls less than 5 feet from a property line. . All openings in floors forming a three-hour separation shall be protected by vertical enclosures above and belov the opening. Ihe walls of such enclosures shall be not less than two-hour fire-resistive construction, and openings therein shall be protected by a one and one-half-hour assembly. Section 503 (c) 2. Tables 434, B, C and Qmpter 43. P Section 1803 (b). 74 structural umbers supporting an occupancy separation must have the samn fire-resistive rating as the separation. No openings are allowed in a four-hour fire- resistive occup~cy separation wall. Section 503 (c). Openings in a three-hour fire-resistive separation shall be protected by a three-hour assembly, and openings may not exceed 25 percent of the length of wall in the story and no single opening shall exceed 120 sq. ft. Section 503 (c). A two-hour fire-resistive separation shall be not less than two-hour fire-resistive construction. openings shall be protected by a one and one-half-hour assembly. Section 503 (c). Section 503 (b). A one-hour fire-resistive separation shall be not less tban one-hour fire-resistive construction. Openings shall be protected by a one-hour assembly. Section 503 (c). Occupancy separation wall penetrations at be either ferrous or copper and fire-stopped. Steel electrical outlet boxes, not exceeding 16 sq. inches end not exceeding 100 square inches per 100 square feet of wall may be installed and shall be separated by a horizontal distance of 24 inches when on opposite sides of a wall. Section (e). 11. Fire-resistive floors used for occupancy d separation shall have openings for mechanical and electrical equipment enclosed in shafts per Section 1706. 1 2. Clarify that wiring within concealed spaces complies with the Mechanical Code and UBC Section 4305 (e). 43. Ducts penetrating one or two-hour occupancy separation walls mast have fire dampers. A fire door is required for three-hour separations. Section 4306 (j). enclosed and shall be separated from the non- usable space 8s required for one-hour fire- resistive construction and the door to the usable space shall be self-closing, of noncombustible construction or solid wood core, not less than 1-314 inches in thickness. Section 1703. Show the separation you propose, i.e., Item number in Table 43-A, B, C; Gypsum Fire-Resistive Design Manual; U.L., etc. Usable space under the first story shall be basis for the rating of the occupancy Unlesi the entire building ia sprinklered, storage CUMS in excess of 1000 sq. ft. (3000 sq. ft. if storage area is sprinklered and not othervise required to be) in connection with sales occupkies shall be separated from public ares by a one-hour fire-resistive OCCU~MCY separation. Section 702 (a). . In areas where the occupant load exceeds -, two exits are required. See . Tabla 33-A. . Exits should have a minb Separation of one- half the maxirmrm overall diagonal dimsnsion of the building or area served. Section 3303 (c). . The maxb number of required exits and their required separation must be maintained until egress is provided from the smmcture. Section 3303 (a). 1 1. Where a required exit enters a yasd or court t‘ the minirmrm width of the yard or court shall be 44” and the yard must be unobstructed and lead to a public way. Section 3311 (b), Section 3301 (b). It. Where required exits enter an exit court (see definition, Section 404 and 3301), the exit court must discharge into a public way or exit passageway. Ihe exits from the exit court shall comply with Section 3311 (d) requiremants for width, number, and protection of walls and openings when the OCCUpMt load exceeds 9. . ChMge in width in a exit court shall be effected gradually by a guardrail at lest 36 inches high and making an angle of not more Uan 30 degrees with the axis of the court. Section 3311 (b). openings except exits and shall have walls, floors and ceilings of the sam fire- resistance required for the building, with a minimum one-hour fire-resistive construction. Exit openings in the walls shall be protected by a three-fourths-hour assembly. Section 3312 (a). 0 wements require two exits. -rbe htrrc+ Section 3303 (a). +pa+ &/f +b d;op/ dnsAa,,ce 0 f -tbc hsernrnt. C &zest p2i4it to c/osest of f-0 s+oIrwc* J Y Walls of exit phageways shall be without 16. Total width of exits in feet shall be not less than total occupant load served divided by 50. Tributary occupant load from baremMts and stories above shall be per Section 3303 (b) and the maximum width required for any story shall be maintained. 1 7. No point in the building shall be more than 150 feet (200 if sprinklered) from an exterior exit, horizontal exit, enclosed stairvay or exit passageway. ueasured along the path of travel. This may be increased 100 feet if last 150 feet is in a corridor. (See exceptions). swing a tributary occupant load of more than f f t Section 3303 (d) 18. Double acting doors are not allowed vhen 100, or when part of a fire assembly, or part of smoke and draft control assemblies or vhen equipped with panic hardware. Section 3304 1 9. Exit doors should swing in the direction of f agrees (b)- when serving an occupant load of 50 or more or vhen serving any haeardous aren. Section 3304 (b). See doors 10. Exit doors should be openable from the hide without the use of a key special knowledge, or effort. Section 3304(cj [Note that exit doors serving 10 or less occupants may have a night latch, dead bolt, or security chain per Title 24 2-3304 (c).] from assembly rooms with 50 or more occupants shall not be provided with a latch or lock unless it is panic hardware. Section 3318. 1 2. All doors and gates, within the exit path from an assembly room to a public way, all not be provided with latches or locks unless they are equipped with panic hardware. . Exit doors should be a minimum size of 3 feet by 6 feet 8 inches with a minimum door swing of 90 degrees. Hawhum leaf width is 4 feet. Section 3304 (e). 4. The net dimension (clear width) at doorvays should be used in determining exit widths required by Section 3303 (b). Section 3304 (e). In consideration of door thicknesses, panic hardware. door swing, etc.. the required exit width have not been furnished. f . Exit doors Section 3318. i ? ld J See door 5. Regardless of occupant load, a floor or landing not more than 1 inch (1/2-inch if disabled access is required) below the threshold is required on each side of an exit door. Section 3304 (h). 1 6. Wen a door landing serves an occupant load of 50 or more, doors in any position shall not reduce the landing dimension to less than one half its required width. d7. Door landhi shall have a lath measured in Section 3304 (i). P 7 the-direction of travel of not less than 14 inches. Section 3304 (i). . Doors should not project more than 7 inches into the required corridor width vhen fully opened, nor more than one-half of the required corridor width vhen in any position. Section 3305 (d). $29. Revolving, sliding and overhead doors cue not permitted as exit doors if the occupant load exceeds 9 or the exit door serves a hazardous area. Section 3304 (g). 1:lZ; other exit ramps 1:s. Ramps steeper than 1:15 shall have handrails as required for stairnays. Minimum size landings and landing clearances must be provided. Ramps required by Table 33-A shall not exceed Section 3307. . Stainray width must be at least 44 inches when serving 50 or more occupants; 36 inches vhen less than 50. Section 3306 (b). 132. Seventy eight inch minima headroom clearance for stairvays should be indicated on the plans. Section 3306 (p). Note that this is from aplane tangent to the stairwaytraad nosing. 3. Stairvay handrails should not project more than 3-112 inches into the required width. Trim and stringers may not project more than 1-112 inches. Section 3306 (b). 134. Enclosed usable space under interior or 0 exterior stairvavs should be Drotected on the 0 Y enclosed side & required fo; one-hour fire- rcsistive construction. Show 2 x @ 16" O.C. railers. Section 3306 (m) (n). 6 opy/;..blf I$. Landings should not be reduced in width more than 7 inches by a door vhen fully open. Section 3304 (i). 36. Stairvays from upper levels which extend below the level from vhich egress from the building is provided, shall have an approved barrier to preclude exiting into such lover levels. Section 3306 (h) h 3309 (e). 7. Vertical distances between stairway landings are limited to 12 feet. f Section 3306 (i). 8llSlss 8 18. All interior stainfays and rqs shall bn enclosed. In other than H-6 and I occupMcies an enclosure is not required if serving only one adjacent floor and not connected to stairs or corridors serving other floors. Section 139 Staiway riser wt be 4 inches min* and 7 inches. Section 3306 (c). See the exception for private stainays serving less than 10 occupants. . Winding and spiral staiways are permitted only in residential occupancies. 1. Stairways should be enclosed as specified in Section 3309: a. Tuo-hour fire-resistive walls are required in buildings of Type I and 11-P.R. construction, and in all buildings over four stories, and one-hour elsevhere. b. Only exit doors are allowed to open into exit enclosures. C. Doors should be labeled one and one-half- hours or one-hour fire assemblies. d. Exit enclosures should include a corridor on the ground floor extending to the exterior (see exception). Fire-resistive construction should be as required for the exit enclosure, including protected openings. Only exit doors are permitted to open into the corridor. e. An approved barrier is required at the ground floor to prevent people from accidentally conthing to the lover level. f. Usable space is not allowed under the 12. Occupied floors more than 75 feet above the highest grade should have all exits from the in smoke-proof enclosures. Section / o 3309 inches (a). mimum and minimum run shall be 11 Section 3306 (d). ? stairs. E;?%. J In buildings four or more stories, one stairvay ut extend to the roof. Section 3306 (0). It ut be in a smoke-proof enclosure in buildings over 75 feet in height. A first story as allowed by Section 702 shall be included in determining the nmber of stories vhen determining if a staiway to the roof is required. Section 3306 (0). . Handrails: HMdrails are required on each ride of or stainays serving one dvelling unit may have one handrail (if not open on both sides). Private stairnays (1 tanant) need only have a handrail on one side if 30" or less in height. . Staiways with less than four risers that f serve one individual dvelling unit need 4. Handrails shall be 30" to 34'' above nosing of treads and be contlmroua. Except for private staiwayr, at least one rail shall extend 6" beyond top and bottom risers. /. All stairs shall have handrails terminating in a newel or safety post. Section 3306(j). Note: Title 24 requires handrails on both sides to extend 12 inches beyond the top nosing and 12 inches plus the treadvidth beyond the bottom nosing where disabled access is required. 5. The handpip portion of all handrails shall be not less than 1-1/4 inches nor more than 2 inches in cross-sectional dimension. Handrails projecting from walls shall have at least 1-1/2 inches betveen the wall and the handrail. Section 3306 (j). or within 10 feet horizontally of an exterior exit stainray in buildings over two stories shall be protected by a self-closing assembly having a three-fourths-hour rating, unless two separate exterior stairvays serve an exterior exit balcony. Section 3306 (1). within 10 feet, wrasured horizontally, of an exterior stair shall be protected by self-closing fire assemblies having a three-fourths-hour fire protection rating vhen the stair serves a floor level having openings in two or more floors below it. See exception above. Section 3306 (1). . Buildings four or more stories in height shall have a staiway numbering system complying P with Section 3306 (9). Staiways lerr than '4'' vide not have handrails. 6. openings in the exterior wall below Openings in exterior walls below or ~~ ~ 8/15/88 9 n. CoRRIDoRS . Corridors and exterior exit balconies serving 10 or more occupants nust be aminimumb4 inches wide and 7 feet high to the lowest projection. Section 3305 (b). 10 When a corridor or exterior exit balcony is accessible to the handicapped, changes in elevation shall be made by of a ramp. Section 3305 (f). 11. Corridors serving 30 or more occupants shall have walls and ceilings of one-hour construction except: a. Corridors greater than 30 feet wide when the occupants have an exit independent from the corridor. Exterior sides of exterior exit balconies. Corridor walls and ceilings need not be of fire-resistive construction within office spaces having an occupant load of 100 or less when the entire story in which the space is located is equipped with an automatic sprinlrler system throughout and smoke detectors are installed within the corridor in accordance with their listing. Section 3305 (g). One-hour fire-rated corridors shall have door openings protected by ti@t-fitting smoke and draft control assemblies rated 20 minutes, except openings in interior walls of exterior exit balconies. Doors shall be maintained self-closing or be automatic-closing by action of a smoke detector per Section 4306 (b). Doors shall be gasketed to provide a smoke and draft seal where the door met6 the stop on sides and top. 1Y i! b. C. Section 3305 (h). Total area of all openings, except doors, in any portion of an interior corridor, shall not exceed 25 percent of the area of the corridor wall of the room which it is separating from the corridor. Such openings shall be protected by fixed, approved 1/11 inch thick wired glass installed in steel framss. Section 3305 (h). I 4. Elevators serving more than two stories shall not open into required one-hour exit corridors unless protected by en approved smokeldraft control door system. In high rise buildings refer to Section 1807 (h). 5. hrct penetrations of fire-rated corridor walls and ceilings shall have fire dampers per Section 4306 (j). Section 3305. . One-hour corridor. shall not k used an an integral part of a duct systea. lhis includes the space above a dropped ceiling within the one-hour corridor. 1. Provide a complete architectural section of the corridor, and exterior exit balcony, showing all fire-resistive materials and details of construction for all floor, walls. roof and all penetrations. 1 8. Ceilings of comburtible materials cannot be suspended below the one-hour corridor ceiling. In types I11 or V constnrction fire retardant treated wood may be used. 19. Corridor walls may terminate at the ceiling only if the ceiling is an element of a one- hour fire-resistive floor or roof system. Section 3305 (g). 0. when two exits are required, dead end corridors and exit balconien axe limited to 20 feet. Section 3305 (e). UHC Section 706 (b). f ;d f ? 4 Section 3305 (g). Section 3305 (g). 1. pxII SI= Exit signs are required for exits serving an occupmt load exceeding 49. exit sign locations. Show all required Section 3314 (a). Show that exits are lighted with at least one foot candle at floor level. Section 3313 (a). Show that the power supply for exit illumination and exit signs is provided by two separate circuits. (Occupant load exceeds 50 in I occupancies, 100 in H occupancies and 300 in all others). Section 3313 (b) 1. W. Show separate saurces of power for exit illumination and exit signs. (Occupant load exceeds 999 in A-1, 500 in A-212.1, 750 in churches, 100 in 1's and 500 in B-2 occupancies used for retail sales or offices). Section 3313 (b) 2. 0 . The exit sign locations as shown are not adequate. 0. €lzvm Elevators shall be enclosed in a one-hour sbaft except in Type I and Type I1 F.R. construction where the elevator shall be in a two hour shaft. Elevators in other than Group I occupancies need not be in a rated enclosure if serving only one adjacent floor. Section 1706. 8115188 10 1 7. Every opening into an elevator shaft enclosure f shall be protected by a self-closing fire assembly having a one-hour fire rating in one- hour shafts and one and one-half hours in two hour shafts. Section 1706. . Elevator shafts extending through more than two floor levels shall be vented to the outside. The area of vent shall be not less than 3 1/2% of the shaft ared and a minimum of 3 square feet per elevator. Section 5104. 1 9. Elevators in high rise buildings shall comply f with Section 1807(b). 1 0. Every elevator lobby or entrance area shall be f provided with an approved smoke detector as required by Section 5103(b). . Doors other than the hoistway door and the elevator car door are prohibited at the point of access to elevator car. Section 5106. enclosure to comply with Section 5103(a). . Provide notes, details or specifications to show the elevator will comply with UBC Sections 5102-5106 and Title 24 Section 2-5102 through 2-5105. 1 4. Provide clear inside elevator car dimensions as required by U.B.C. Section 5103(d) 6 and Title 24 2-5103(m). a. One elevator in buildings more than three stories or buildings where disabled access is required to upper level(6): 6'4' by 4'-3" with a minimum clear opening width of 42". b. Elevators other than in (a) above serving an occupant load over 50 shall have a minimum inside platform of 5 feet 8 inches wide by 4 feet 6 inches deep. The minimum clear door width shall be 36 inches. e. Elevators other than in (a) above serving less than 50 occupants shall have a mind inside platform of 4 feet 6 inches by 4 feet 6 inches and a minimum clear door width of 2 feet 8 inches. Revise the number of elevator cars per hoistway I P. -- 1 5. Specify on the window schedule the glass type and thickness to show compliance with Table 54- / A and B. 1 6. Glazing, in the sm wall plane as a door, mubt be safety glaring if within 12" of the door and less than 60" above the walkins surface. unless I ~ ~ - , ~ ~ ~~~~ the glazing is leaded or faceted glass. Section 5406 (d) 6. 7. Glass in excess of 9 sq. It. with tha lowst edge less the 18 inCha6 above a walking surface shall be safety glazing or shall have a horizontal number not less than 1-112 inchen in width and located betWCen 24 and 36 inches above the walking surface. Section 5406 (d) 7. 9. gap lp. A fire-retardant roof covering is required. See exceptions under Section 3202 (b). @ specify roof pitch. td6 specified. Specify minimum pitch of . Roof pitch is not adequate for roof covering #. Specify roof material and spplication. 182 Specify ICBO, UL or other recognized listing materials not covered $4. Specify roof slope for drainage or desi to 1 4. Show roof drains and overflows. Size drains f per Appendix D of UPC. Section 3207 (a). 0 approval n support accumulated water. Section 3207 r). Show the legal basis to allow roof drair!nge to Draft stop rooflceiling area, attics, flow onto the adjacent property. mnsards, overhangs, false fronts and similar to limit area to 3,000 sq. ft. or 60 LF (9,000 sq. ft and 100 LF, if sprinklered). Section 2516 (f). 17. B-2 and B-4 occupancies with over 50,000 sq. ft. of undivided area and B occupMcies over 15,000 sq. ft. of single floor area shall have smoke and heat vents per Section 3206. 188 Provide skylight details to show compliance with Chapter 34 and Section 5207 or provide ICE0 or other recognized approval listing. compliance with Section 5206 or provide ICBO or other recognized approval listing. 0. Show attic ventilation. Minimum vent is 11150 of attic area or 11300 of attic area if at least 50 percent of the required vent is at least 3 feet above eave or cornice vents. Section 3205 (c). 1 1. Provide a minimum 22" x 30" attic access P 0 Provide plastic roof panel details to show ~~ ~~ 1 opening (or 30" x 30" if equipment is in attic). Section 3205 (c). R. - . Fire sprinklers are required for any story or basement when the floor area exceeds 1,5W sq. ft. and there is not provided at least 20 sq. ft. of opening entirely above the adjoining ground in each 50 lineal feet or fraction thereof of exterior wall on at least one side, or when openings are provided on only one side and the opposite side is more than 75 feet away. Section 3802 (a). 13. Fire sprinklers are required in a basement if any portion of a basenent is more than 75 feet from openings in an exterior wall. 3802 (b). b. Fire s rinklers are required at the top of rubbid and linen chutes and in their terminal rooms. Chutes extending through three or more floor shall have additional sprinkler heads htalled within such chutes at alternate floors. Sprinkler heads shall be accessible for servicing. Section 3802 (b). Section f 1 94 . Fire mrinklers are reouired in retail sales floors or in B-2 retail sales than three stories in height. when exceeding the ares in Section 3802 (f). occipancies mre Section 3802. Fire sprinklers are required in H occupancies . Provide fire sprinklers in drinking and dining ? establishmants when the total area of unseparated rooms exceeds 5000 square feet. Section 3802 (c). 48. Provide fire sprinklers I Section 506, 507, 508 or 3802. See also jurisdiction ordinance. 199 when serving more than 100 sprinkler heads, automatic sprinkler system shall be supervised by an approved central, proprietary or remote, station service, or shall be provided with a local a10 which will give an audible signal at a constantly attended location. Section 3803. 0 2 0. Provide class - standpipes per Section 3007. A first story as allowed by Section 702 shall be included in detennining the number of stories hen determining if standpipes are required. Section 3806. P 1. Provide a copy of the project soil report prepared by a California licensed architect or civil engineer. The report shall include foundation design reconmendations based on the engineer's findings and shall comply with UBC Section 2905. specifications sheet the soil classification. the soils -ion index and the design bearing capacity of the foundation. 3. Provide a letter from the soils engineer confirming that the foundation plan, grading plan and specifications have been reviewed and that it has been determined that the recommendations in the soil report are properly incorporated into the plans. (when required by the soil report). . me foundation plan does not comply with the following soil report recouaendation(a) for Specify on the foundation plan or structural I' this project I 2 5. Provide notes on the foundation plan listing the soils report recouaendations for foundation slab and build- pad preparation. 6. Note on the foundation plan that: "Prior to the contractor requesting a Building Department foundation inspection, the soils engineer shall advise the Building Official in writing that: a. the build% pad was prepared in accordance with the soils report; b. the utility trenches have been properly backfilled and compacted, cmd; c. the foundation excavations, forming and reinforcement comply with the soils report and approved plan". 2 7. Provide spread footings for concentrated loads designed for 1,000 psf soil bearing or per bearing value as aetennined by an engineer or architect. chapter 29. chapter . Show height of retained earth on all Show distance from foundation to edge of cut or fill slopes and show slope and heights of cuts and fills. hapter 29. P d 2 8. Show height of all foundation walls. / 23. 2f foundation walls. chapter 23. 1. Note on the plans that wood shall be 6 inches above finish grade. Section 2516 (c) 7. .. Show minh under floor ventilation e a 1 sq. ft. for each 150 sq. ft. oedd:: floor area. Openings shall be as closa to comers as practicable and shall provide cross 212 Note on plans that surface water will drain away from building and show drainage pattern and key elevatfons. Dimsnrion foundations per Table 29-A. ventilation on at least two approximately opposite sides. Section 2905 (f). 0 Section 2516 (c) 6. *V*rA-rk.l---ad-Wk TkeYrrl*lwkm-*ud*wdbm rq.udbIMW7l.L .~h~~*-~d~- xz*$Wk .*w--nm Note on the plans: "On graded sites, the top of any exterior foundation shall extend above the elevations of the street gutter at point of discharge or the inlet of an apprwed drainage device a minimum of 12 inches DIUS 2 nercent." Provide- elevations on the site pi& to show compliance. Section 2907 (d) 5. 5. Show foundation sills to be pressure treatad, P or equal. Section 2516 (c) 3. 2 6. Show foundation bolt size and spacing. Foundation bolt size and spacing for shehr walls must be clearly shown on the foundation plan. Section 2907 (e). power driven pins. Show ed e and end distance and spacing. Section 306 (ff. Show size, embedment and location of hold down anchors on foundation plan. Section 2303 (b) 4. 2 9. Note on the plans that hold down anchors must be tied in place prior to foundation inspection. Show adequate footings under all bearing walls f Specify size, ICBO number and manufacturer of J +- and shear walls. Section 2907 (a). 2t. Show stepped footings for slopes steeper than 1:lO. Section 2907 (c). 2 2. Show minimum 18 inch clearance from grade to bottom of floor joists and minh 12 inch clearance to bottom of girders. Section 2516 f pier size, spacing and depth into undisturbed soil. Table 29-A. Show minh under floor access of 18 inches by 24 inches. Section 2516 (c) 2. 2 6. Specify that posts embedded in concrete shall be pressure treated per UBC Standard NO. 25- 12. Section 2516 (c) 1. r' 7.. lwaw 7. Show veneer support end connections in Seismic Zones 3 and 4, comply with Section 3002, 4, 5, 6 and Section 2515 (a) regarding ties and #9 wire in horizontal joints. 2 8. Show height and construction details of all / masonry walls. Chapter 24. 9. Show floor and roof connections to masonry walls. Connection shall resist 200 pounds per lineal foot or the actual design load, whichever is greater. Cross grain tension or bending in wood ledgers is not permitted. Section 2312 (j) 3. A. 230 Provide details for damp proofing the foundation walls, below finish grade, whera usable space exists on the interior side of the walls. Section 1707 (d). . Show a minimum 2" air space and flashing be- planter and building walls. Section 2516 (c) 7. + 0 u. . Provide complete structural details on the plans with cross referencing es needed to show the structural framing will comply with the design calculations and building code requirements. 2 3. Provide minb structural specifications on the plans to show that all stnactural materials will comply with the design calculations and building code requirsments. f at each end and at least every 25 feet Of length with 1 x 4 diagonal let-in braces or equivalent. Section 2517 (g) 3. Note cross bridging or blocking. Floor joist. and rafters 12" or more in depth shall be supported leterally by bridging at intervals not exceeding 8 feet, unless both edges are held in line. Section 2506 (h). Show blocking at end and at supports of floor joists, and for rafters at exterior walls. Section 2517 (d) 3. . Show solid blocking at ridge line and at exterior walls on trussed roofs. Section 2506 (h), Section 2517 (h). . Shw double joists. Floor joists shall be '? doubled under "ing partitions running 2 0. Bearing partitions, perpendicular to joists, t' shall not be offset from supporting girders, beams, walls or partitions, more than the depth of the joists. 2 1. Show rafter ties. Rafter ties ahall be spaced not more than 4 feet on center and be just above the ceiling joists, where rafters and ceiling joists are not parallel. Section 2517 (h) 4- 2 2. Show rafter purlin braces to be not less than f 45 degrees to the horizontal. Section 2517 (h) parallel with the joists. Section 2517 (d) 5. Section 2517 (d) 5. J 112" min- clearance between top plate of interior partitions and bottom chord Of trusses. (To ensure loading will be as designed). 2k4 Show double top plate with minimum 48" lap 2 5. Show nailing will be in compliance with Table J 25-9. 0 splice. Section 2517 (g) 2. shov stud tire and spC Hhxian allowabh +. stud heights; beaxing "3; 2 x 4 and 2 x 6 max. 10'; non-baaring: 2 x 4 mx. 14', 2 x 6 max. 20'. Table 25-R-3. . studs supporting two floore, a roof and ceiling uust be 3 x 4 or 2 x 6 at 16" O.C. Table 25-R-3. 2 9. Note an A.I.T.C. certificate of Camplieme for glued laminated wood members shall be given to the building inspector prior to installation. Section 306 (f). connections and reference the detail to the plan. Section 2516 (m). . Detail shear trmsfer connections. including ? roof and floor diaphragms, to shear walls. J Detail all post to beam and post to footing Section 2513. walls, floor and roof d-. Indicate required blocking. Maintain .arbno diaphrasm dimension ratios. (Tables 25 I, J, K) and Section 4713 (a). Show 3" x 4" or 2" x 6" studs in first story of three story wilding. Provide details and truss calculations for this project. wfv on the fws identification numbers. plan. Section 302 (a) 7. Specify nail size and spacing for all sheex Table 25-R-3. . Provide roof framing plan and floor framing 2 6. Provide framing sections through i note fire stops at the following per Section 2516 (f): a. in conceded snaces of stud walls and ~~~~~~~~ ~ ~~~~~~ ~~ ___~ ~~~~ ~~~ partitions, including furred spaces, at the ceiling and floor levels and at 10 foot intervals along the length of the wall. Section 302 (a) 7. 257 Specify all header sizes for opening over 4' Provide calculations for main vertical end horizontal framing members and post footings. Section 302 (a) 7. p dE of C2IC.S -&- ~~tpe*~ .paw no oint /md r unlfbr o,d shoo^ ur~. panels, shear transfer and related. Section PA' 302 (a) 7. 0 wide. Section 2517 (9) 5. b. at all interconnections between concealed vertical and horizontal spaces such as occur at soffits, drop ceilings and cove ceilings; in concealed spaces between stair stringers at the top and bottom of the run and between studs along and in line with the mn of stairs if the walls under the stairs are unfinished; end c. Provide cadulations tor laterap ioads, shefuc,., ~ - *c+. 4 (71 d. in openings around vents, pipes, ducts, chimneys, fireplaces and similar openings which afford a passage for fire at ceiling and floor levels, with noncombustible materials. Show on developed in the structural calculations. the plans all structural requi-tS c '.d 2f . Columns and posts located on concrete or masonry floors or deck. exposed to the weather or to water splash or in basements and which support pement structures shall be supported by concrete piers or metal pedestals projecting above floors unless approved wood of natural resistance to decay or treat wood is used. Section 2516 (c) 4. 2 2. Individual concrete or mnsonry piers shall project at least 8 inches above exposed ground unless the colunms or posts which they support are of approved wood of natural resistance to decay or treated wood is used. Section 2516 f (c) 4. 3. Specify plywood grade and panel identification index. Table 25-N. . %en roof pitch is less than 3:12, design ridge as a beam. 2 5. If foundation cripple wall studs are less than 14" framing shall be solid blocking. Section 2517 (g) 4. 6. Cripple wall studs exceeding 4 feet in height shall be 3 inch by 4 inch or 2 inches by 6 inches when supporting 2 stories. Section 2517 Section 2517 (h). / + 7. Show plywood sheathing over exposed eaves, or other weather exposed arw, is "bonded with exterior glue." Plywood used for exterior wall shall be the exterior type. Section Fz33, 2516(i). 8. Snow a weep screed at the foundation plate line on all exterior stud walls to be stuccoed. Section L706 (e). + (g) 4* 9. Ridges, hips, and valleys shall be at least one size larger than supported rafters. Section 2517 (h) 3. 0. In open beam construction, provide strap ties Section across the beams at the ridge support. 2501 (b). Show unenclosed floor and and glazed sides of landings and rqs, balconies or porches more than 30" above grade or floor, and roofs used for other than service to the building have 42" miniouo height guardrail, through which a 6" sphere mot pass, and designed for 20 lbs. per lin. ft. applied horizontally at top rail (50 lbs. for exit facilities serving more than 50). Section 1711. Table 23-8. 6. Provide platform and stage construction. including occupancy separations and roof vents, as per olapter 39. 2 7. Pedestrian walkway shall comply with Section . Provide at least one drinking fountain for each floor level in Group A occupancies. Section 605. . Show that aisles and seats comply with Sections 3315 and 3316. 2 0. Buildings housing Group A CccupMcies shall front directly upon or have access to a public street not less than 20 feet in width. Tne access to the public street &all be a ma 20-foot-wide right-of-way, unobstructed and maintained only as access to the public street. Tne main entrance to the building shall be located on a public street or on the access way. Section 603. mf Openhp, OperI I 509. f the plans to show compliance with the enclosed Handicapped Access (heck List. Handicapped access requirements may be more restrictive than the LTBC. . Provide mechanical plans, plan details, calculations and completed forms to show compliance with state regulations for energy conservation. 2 5. Provide electrical planr, plan details, Parking garages shall have an unobstructed 7 calculations and the completed Form 5 or CF-5 headroom clearance of not less than 7'4' above to show compliance with state regulations for the finish floor to any ceiling, beam, pipe or energy conservation. Similar construction. Section 702 (b). . Incorporate in the plans or specifications the Show light and ventilation, for areas @ attached "Title 24 Mandatory Requirements" and customarily used by people, will comply with the "Title 24 Construction ComplhCe Section 605. Statement Requirements". With Section 510 (b), regarding floors, walls and showers. @ Provide restroom for each sex if the number of employsee exceeds 4 and both s es are employed, Section 705 (B occupancy). Tan4 W/ -t?md;~ap acCpsscrble) I v- - Provide details of restrwms to show compliance ~ 8115188 15 285 P1-e see additional corrections, or remarltr, on the following page. Ihe iurisdiction has contracted with &pi1 0 Corpoktion located at 9320 Chesapeake D&k. Suite 208. SM Diego, California 92123; telephone number of 6191560-1468, to perfom the plan check for your project. If YOU have any questions regarding these plan check items, please contact DAVID YA 0 at Esgil Corporation. nlank you. Enclosures : 16 Submit complete electrical plans and specifications. submit plan ohowing location of all services. Submit coqlete one-line diagram of service and feeders. Indicate the grounding system to be installed for building service. Indicate ampera interrupting capacities (AIC) of service and subservice equipment. NEC 230-651110-9. Indicate sizes of fuses andlor circuit breakers. Indicate fuse symbols to show fault currents ea-e limited to 10,600 amp. on branch circuits. i.e. JJN, LcL. If fuses are not used to limit fault currents on branch circuits to 10,OOO amps, specify method to be used. Submit plan showing location of all switchboards. Indicate dimansion of switchboards and control panels rated 1200 amperes or mare. NEC 110-16(c). Submit plan showing location of all transformers. Indicate the grounding system to be installed for transformers. Nu: 250- 26(c). yi. Provide overcurrent protection on the NEC 240- secondary side of transformers. 211384-16(d). #. %hit plan showing location f. submit panel- schedules. of all pAm1s. #. Specify conduit and wire sizes. f type of insulation. Specify aluminum or copy conductors and Indicate existing service size. Indicate existing building load. Indicate new adaitioml loads. Indicate wiring method. show exit signs on the electrical lighting plan. Note: Power for exit lights and mergency lighting mst conform to the 1985 UBC Sections 3313 and 3314. Provide receptacle(s) within 25' of the roof mounted A/C units. ra*: Section 509. Provide mltiple switch light% controls per CAC, Title 24, 2-5319. Any questions on electrical please contact the plan checker shown above, at Esgil Corporation at (619) 560-146a. lhank YOU. . TITLE 24 MANDATORY REQUIREMENTS (To be noted on plans or specifications) HVAC Controls Sec. 2-5315. (a) Each HVAC system shall: 1. Be equipped with at least one automatic device for reducing HVAC energy use during periods of nonuse or alternate uses of the building spaces or zones served by the system: 2. Be able to maintain space temperature set points from 55'F to 85OF. Two or more replaceable fixed set-point devices shall be permitted if installed so as to maintain space temperature set points in the zone that they control: 3. Be able to provide sequential temperature control of heating and cooling capacity in each zone, if both heating and cooling are provided: 4. Provide a range of temperatures up to 10°F in which no heating or cooling is provided to the space, if the HVAC system has both heating and- cooling capability: 5. Be able to terminate all heating at 70°F or less: and 6. Be able to terminate all cooling at 78'F or more. EXCEPTION: Multiple zone HVAC sytems requiring concurrent operation of independent heating and cooling systems need not comply with Section 2-5315(a) 4, 2-5315 (a)5, and 2-5315(a)6. (b) Zoning. Each zone shall be provided with at least one of the devices specified in subsection (a) to control the HVAC system which serves the zone. Each floor of a building with conditioned space shall contain at least one zone. Ventilation Systems Sec. 2-5316. On mechanical ventilation supply and exhaust systems capable of moving more than 5,000 cfm of air, auto- matic dampers interlocked and closed on fan shut- down shall be provided. On gravity ventilating systems, either automatic or readily accessible manually operated dampers in all openings to the outside, other than combustion air openings, shall be provided. Doors and Windows Section 2-5317. (a) Doors and windows between conditioned and uncon- ditioned spaces, such as garages and closets for central forced air gas furnaces using outside air for combustion, shall be designed to limit air leakage into or from the building envelope. I .. Control Devices for Indoor Lighting Sec. 2-5319. Controls for lighting loads within the building envelope shall meet each of the following re- quirements. (a) Each area enclosed by ceiling-height partitions shall have independent control of the lighting within that area. Each area enclosed by ceiling-height partitions shall have at least one readily accessible manually operated switching device to control lighting within the area. For lighting controls, "readily accessible" means located so that a person using the device can see the controlled lights or the area being lit. Switching devices in addition to, but not instead of, the required reaaily accessible manually operated switching devices shall also be permitted. (c) The general lighting of any area 100 square feet or larger in which the connected lighting load equals or exceeds 1.0 watt per square foot throughout the entire area shall be controlled so that the load may be reduced by at least one-half while maintain- ing a reasonably uniform level of illmination throughout the area. Readily accessible switches, that control each luminaire in a space with more than one luminaire, orthat control each lamp in a space independently meet the requirements of this section. (d) In all areas where effective use may be made of natural light, lighting circuiting shall be arranged so that units, in all portions of the area where natural light is available at the same time, are switched independently of the remainder of the area. Occupant Operating and Maintenance Information to be Provided by Builder (b) The bui1de.r shall provide the building owner, manager, and the original occupants a list of the heating, cooling, water heating, and lighting systems and features, materials, components, and mechanical devices conservation or solar devices installed in the building, and instructions on how to use them efficiently. The instructions shall be con- sistent with specifications set forth by the Executive Director. Water heaters, showerheads, lavatory faucets and sink faucets must be certified by the California Energy Commission (Excluding: waterheaters of the non-storage electric type and lavatories in public facilities having devices that limit the flow of hot water or have self-closing faucets or having devices that limit the outlet temperature to amaximum of llO°F) Section 2-5314, Table 2-536. Water Heaters and Plumbing Fixtures SITE DEVELOPMENT f. HANDICAPPED PARKIXC SPACES {. The maximum cross slope shall rot umd %' per loot. (2.3325a.3) See Approved Parking Plan lor Ia)oul. (Fig. 2-71.1) Pmvidc handicapped spaces. (2-71024 Space shall be so located that handicapped persons are not com- pelled to whel or walk behind p'arkcd cars other thin their own. (2-7102~) (2.3325~. Fig. 2-33-2) /. Cratings are not allowed whenever pariblc. (2-332Sb) /. At each gate or door a 60 x EO- level area Is rquired when the y A 24- clew spxt is rquired st strike ride of gate or dour. gale swinp toward the walk. (2.3325e) Parking space shill be a minimum of 9 ft. x 18 ft. wlth adjacent 5 It. loading zone. Double space shall be 23 ft. wide. (2-7102b. . 4. A drx d4-dmp lwei is the rwinO a,v~y from the walk. (2.3325el Fig. 2.71.1) Maximum slope of parking surface In any direction shall not u- 4 'A" per foot. (2.ilOZd) Parkingspacc(s) shill be identified with the international Sym- bol Accessibility on reflectorired sign affixed to post or wall, md also duplicatcdonparkingsurfacc (symbol lo be36-r36"). (2.7102C). Entrance to parking facility or structure shdl also have durable metal sign stating that unauthorized vehicle(s) parking in han- dicapped spacc(s) may be subject to low-away. (2-ilOZe) Entranm to and vcltical dearam within adble Iwel of park- ing structure shill be 8 It. 2 in. \o any structural membcr. duct or pipe. (24021) .. a. A path of travel with I slope greater than 1 in 20 shall be con- sidered a ramp. (2-3307.) b. The maximum slope shall be 1 in 12. (2.3307~) c. The width shall be 48- minimum. (2.33Oib-3) d. A EO-.intcrmcdiate landing is rquired at maximum elevation ' change of 30" and 71" landing at each change of direction (over 30). (2-330id-1) Landings are required at top and bottom of ramps. (2.2Mid-1) Boltom landing thdl be minimum of iT in thedirection of travel. . e. I. (Fig. 2.33)-ilA) . CURB RAMPS g. Top landing shall be 60" x 60" minimum. (2.33Oid.Z) h. When door nvings onto top landing. minmum depth of landing rquired is door width plus 40=. [Fig. 2.33-llA) Top landing shall haye 60" min. width when door wings onto the landing, with 24" on strike side of door at exterior ramp, or 18' at interior ramp. (2-330id-4) Ramp hmdraik are required on esch side of ramp. when slope uccsdr 1 in 15. (2-31oie) . Curb ramps shall be lecnkd wherever pedestrian path - wrb. (Z-i;03a) v. Curb ramp shall be 48- min. width (2-il03b) with maximum dope of 1 in 12. (2-il03e) A level 48- min. depth landing is required at top of curb ramp over entire curb ramp width. (2-7103d) 6. lf no landing is provided. the slope of flared sides shall not u- 1. j. t md 1 in 12. 12-ilOSd) #. Surface is to bi dip resistant. (2-71030 fi Border markings shall be ITwideof %'x %-pvs. %-apart. located at top and sides. (2-7103h) WALKS Site dcvdopmcnt cess to orimary entrances and acccs to normal oaths of travel and wh;re n-ary to provide ace- hall incorphe pedestrian ramps, curb ramps. etc. (2-iIOla) f . 0 Walk wldth shall be 48- rninlmu'm. (2-3325.) k. Ramp handrail shdl be continuous, l&ated 3-44" in height above ramp &rfam, with 12- utcnsionr beyond top and bot- tom. and the ends returned. (2.33Oie) HandrriL shall be 1-%- to Tcronsection. spaced min. of I-%- fmm wall. (2.33Oie) 1. m. A T high curb or whcel guide rail cenleied 3- plvrlminus 1- above ramp surface is required on both sides where not other. WLe bounded by walls when the nmp cxmds 10 feet in length. (2-3305h) SPECIAL ACCESS LIFTS I. Ufu may be provided between levels. In lieu 01 elevator. whcn the vmM drtBnCm between Imdinp. stwurd elevator. strue. ~nlderl~.nd~fepl~rdt~rru~IlowedbyiheSt~tcofC~lifor. nia. Dcpt. of Indutrld Relations. Div. d Occupationd Sslety and Health. (Z4106a) DA 2/4/00 1. ?IAUnDS s. Provide MT'hrsdroom lrom walkway surlace to any ovcrhanp. Ing obstruytion. (2-3326b) Headtoom ol80~minimum shall be mainlsined for walk. cor. ridors. aisle. de. (24221.2) b. e. Protrudineobiccu rithlcndinncdecr betwmnZTmd80" above /. FLOORS -. -I linishcd floor shall not protrude more than 4- into walks. cor- ridon. ctc. (23221.1. Fig. 2.S.i) d. Objects with protruding edges below 27" above linirhed floor may protrude any amount. (2.5221.1) Free standing objects mounted on pits between 27" and SO" above the floor may project a maximum of I?". (2.5121.1) Abrupt change in lcvd ucding 4" adjacent to \valk, UCL'pt between walk and adjacent streets or drive. shnli be identified by 6' high warning curbs above walk surface. (2.3326.) e. I. ENTRANCES AND CIRCULATION @ ENTRANCES. DOORS, VESTIBULES AND CORRIDORS f All primary entrances to buildings shnll be acrruible to thc han- dicapped. (2-33011) 7. All required nit doon shall have 32- e1e.r opening at 90. (3g door). (2.3304e-1) . At least one of a pair of doon shall meet the min. 32-rlcar en- trance wldth rquircment. (2-33044) Thrshold shhnli be no higher than %' above the floor. Edge to be beveled with aslope no greater than 1 in 2. if more than K-. (2.33Mh-1. Fig. 2.33-5) /f: ktcriorlevel landing may dope up to %'per foot in any direc. /. Door hardwarcshdl be or the lever or push type. mounted 30' to 44- above the floor and be operable with a mrx. effort of 8.5 Ibs. lor exterior doors and 5 Ibs. for Interior doors. (2-3304~3. tion [or surrJrr dminrgc. (2.413) 2.33041.2) The lower 10-of the door shall be of smooth. plane surface (no r- or trap) except at automatic and sliding doors. (2-33Mm) Building cntrance(s) shall be identified by sign with the Inter- national Symbol of Acearibility. Show location on the plan. (2-52%-7) The symbol shall be a white figure on blue background. (2-522b.2) . f provide an a- gate. 32- clear width opening. ol turnstile. (2-3304n) There shaii be a clear ares on each side of door. W deep in direc- tion of dwr swing and 44- deep in opposite direction of door swing. (2.3304h-2) Width of clear area on the swing side of the door shall utcnd 24- put strike jamb for exterior doon and 16- put strike jnmb lor interior doors. (2-3304h-2) The space between two mnsecutive doors (ratibule) shall pro- wde 1 min. of 4a- dear depth between the open dow and a se- mnd closed door. (2.3304h-ZD. Fig. 2.33JA) Doors in a series st a vestibule shall swing in the same direction, or away lrom lhc sp8CC between them. (24304h-ZD) cupant load. (2.3305bl) For mrridonorer 200 feet long. see special rqulrrmrnu of See. P3305b-2. (Fig. 2-3W /. . . . Corridon shall be 44- minimum In width or u required by ~e- a. Floors of a liven stor). rhdl be a ammon level throughout or ahdl be mnnected by pdutrim ramp. pawnger rlrv.ton. or apecia1 a- lifts. (2.522e) d. STAiRWAYS 1 m . Tread, shall hire smooth. rounded upovd edga and be slip mis. tant. (2.3306s.l) b. Nosing shall not project more than 1%- past face of the riser below. (2.3306s-2) c. Risers shall be suflicienlly solid. (2-3306s-3) d . The upper approach and lower tread of each flight of stain shall be marked with a contrasting colored strip 2- in width. (2-r) e. On exterior stairs. each tread shall be marked u noted above. (2.3306,) 1. g. Handrails we required on each side of stairway. (2.3306j.2) Handrails JIill be located 30" to 34" above nosing. utend 12- bond tdp riser and 12" plus ireid width beyond bottom nos. iny and returned to walilnewd post. (2-3306j.2) h . Handrails shall be I K' lo 2" in gripping crm scction and 1 H' dear of wall. (2.3306j-2) . ELEVATORS ' a. See Chnpter 51 01 UBC lor car sire. b. Prusengcr elevators in buildings other than thaselisted in Chaptrr 51 ol UBC servibsTn occvpuni load of more than SO shrn have 8 ear sire 66" wide by 51- dcrp with J min. clear opening width of 36". (25103m-2BI) Passenger elevators in buildings other than those listed in Chaptcr 51 of UBC serving an occupant loud of 50 or less shall haw a ear sine 01 %'.wide by 54" deep with a minimum clear opening width uf 32-. (25i03m-%2. 3) Rskd Brsilic marking and Arabic numerals arc required on mn. trol buttons and door jambs. (2.5103m) P c. d. 1 . TOILET FACILITIES ACCESS a. Wlen lmted on aecePible floors, sanihr). facilities shall be ma& aeccniblc to phFicdly handicapped. (2.511~-3) b. Doorwa)T shall have 32- minimum dear width. (2-511n-SA) e. Thereshail be a level area with 60" clcar depth in the direction of the door swing. and a level area with 44- clear depth in op psite direction of door wing. (2JIla-5B) 11. MULTIPLE ACCOIIODATION TOILET FACILITIES 1 ' a . Provide clear area 60- diameter x 27 high . or clear space 56- x W x 27 high. (2.5ilr.6.A) b. Doors (other than handicap eompartmcnt) are not to encroach more thvn 12- into above mentioned clear space. (2.51ia.6A) Provide 23" dear space between water cioret and fixture or 32" dcnr space between water closet and wall. (2.51 In-68) A 4F'lonl: clear space is muired in front of wnter closet. A 80' e. d . .. dear sps& L re&ired vh;n the tolld mrnp*rtment hu a side door. (2.511a4B) e. Water doact compartment door to prondr JO' dear width lor end entry md q- dear width Inr ride cnrry. Door to be self- dosing and swing out. (2411a-K) .. SINGLE ACCOhlODATlON TOILET FACILITIES a. Water dosel shall be located 28' lrom a lirlurr or 3+' from a will. (2.511~-7. Fig. 2.S.IA) b. hlinimum elcar sp8ce in front 01 rater closrt shall be 48. (2.51 1a.7. Fig. 2-5.1A) e. In an existing building. a single ammmodation toilet Iarilitg may hive a ap8ce36- wide I 18" long in Iront of water closcl. (2.511a.7. Fig. 2.5-IC) : GRAB BARS AT WATER CLOSET a. One at side 42- long extending 24" In lront 01 water closet: one at rear 36- long entered on water closet; both mounted 33- nbore floor. (2-511dA) b. Ban shall be 1%" to 1%- in diameter with IVr'cIcarance lo wall. (2.5lla-6B) Bat lutencn and mounting support shall be sble to withstand 250 IbsAt. In bending. shear and tension. (2Jlla-80 e. . WATER CLOSET s. Height of water doset scat shd be 17- to 19'dove floor. (5-1W b. The lore required to activate the flush vdve shdi be 5 Ibr. max- lrnum. (5-1502) 1p I/. URINALS I. Where urinak sreprwided. the rim of at lcvt oncshdl project 14' from the wall and be locntd 17" muimum above floor. (5-1503a) b. The force required to sctivate the flush valve shall be 5 Ibs. mix- hum and located 44' maximum above floor. (5-1503b) e. Provide 30" x 4r clew floor spa? for forward approach. (251 lb-4) 7. LAVATORIES a. Provide 30- x 48- clear floor spncc for forward approach. Said dear flwr space may include knee and toe spa* under lavatory described below. (2.511b-IA) b. Provide clear space beneath lavrtorier 29- high by 30- wide by 8- dep (knee space) and 9- high from the floor by 30- wide by IT deep from front of lavatory (toe space). (S-lSO4a) e. Hot water and drain pipa under lwntories shall be insulated. [S-l% b) d. Faucet rontrnk and operating mcchnnism (operable with one hand) shall beof the type not requiring tight grasping. pinchiny or twisting 01 ihe wrist and an oprating fora not exding 5 Ibs. (5-lSO4c) e. SciI.eImin~vdlvato =main own form I& IUwtonds. (515UIc) If. TOILET ROOM ACCESSOnlES a. Mirror bottom edge shall be located 40" maximum above floor. (2.51 Ib-18) b. Toilet the dlpcrucnrhall be mnunlcd within 12" Irom the lront edge of toilct scat. (2.511b.3. Fig. 2.5-IA) e. Operating parts 01 dLpcnsinp md dkpl ktur.r (tow& wule. min do&. etc.) shall be wtthin 40' 01 floor. (2.511b-2) . SANITARY FACILITIES IDENTIFICATION a. OnJoorw~~~lc~dinptor~nlt~r). Iacilitiulherym~lrlobepro- vided ate I?- EquildrraI Triangle lor men. 12' Diamclcr Cir- cle for womcn. and '4'' thick. ccntcrd on door. 60" high mn. trasting dolor. (?-SIla.SC) . BATHING FACILITIES a. Onc such facility shall comply when provided lor the public. clients or cmpla?ces. (2.51 1a.9) b. Shower mmpartmcnt shall be 42" wide. 48-dcep. with a 36' vide entrance. (2.51 Ia.9Al) Note on the plans that the handicappped bathing lacilitiesshsll ronlorm to rquiremrnlr of Srct. 2.51 la.9.5.1505-8 and 5.1506. PP e. GENERAL REQUIREMEWTS 1. DRINKING FOUNTAIN a. The alcove in which the water lountain Ir located shall be not Isr than 32- wide by 16- deep. (2~511~. Fig. 2-54) b. Note on the plans that drinking Iountain shall conform lo re- quIremenrr of Sec. 2.511~ and 51507. 3' / 2 . PUBLIC TELEPHONE I. Provlde space 30" x 48- for forward or parallel approach to b. Note on the plans that public telephoner shill conform to IP telephone. (2.511dZ) .. . quiremenu of Scc. 2-511d. @ELECTRICAL REQUIRExiExTs IS. 20 and 30 amp. rcceptrcle outleu sSall be Installed not lat ' than 12- above floor. (3-?10-50e) Center of witch shall be located not lat than 36- nor mort than 'a 48" above the floor. (3.380-8c) CROUP A OCCUPASCY REQUIRLULXTS . AUDITORIUSIS. ASSEMBLY HALLS, THEATERS. ETC. a. Seating and toilet facititis for the handicapped shdi be anmi- blc from the main lobby or primary entrance. (2-611b-1) b. This str~cture requires wheelchair seating spaces. (2-61 Ib-1Al) e. Each wheelchairspaceshall b;BO-x30"andlevel. (2.611b-lA2) d. When the seating CrpBeity uceods 300. the wheelchair spes shall be in more than one location. (2-6lIb-lAZ) IOU. Clear leg space shall be at least 24-. (2-611b.18) Stagcs. enclosed and unenclosed platforms. orchestra pits, ticket booths. and refreshment sales facilitiesshdl be made aecatible. (2.61 Ib.?. 3) e. Thir stmcture requires XI& for semi-ambulant per. f. PAR/ A -0 - Date: 3/P Jurisdiction Prepared by: 0 Bldg. Dept. VALUATTON AND PLAN CHECK FEE 0 Esgil zzucch% PLAN CHECK NO. 84 02~2 - $Id3 A APPLICANT/CONTACT €xuc,- 'THOMAS PHONE NO. 2 76 - 7 710 BUILDING OCCUPANCY - TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION V-N CONTRACTOR PHONE BUILDING ADDRESS - ld -1060 AOTO C XI KT DESIGNER PHONE Air Conditioning 1 I I I I@ Commercial . I Res. or Corn. Fire Sprinklers 26 ,e4 34/42 9" 6 dd, o o 7 e Total Value @ Plan Check Fee f t 1608s Building Permit Fee f J 24.74- SHEET/OF 2- *, ~ 12/81 Datei ?'/! Jurisdiction PARIS- Prepared by8 VALUATION AND PUN CHECK FEE 2MRYAo BUILDING PORTION warn h d Use - Q Bldg. Dept. 0 Esgil BUILDING AREA 'VALUATION VALUE MULTIPLIER 464r 23 /I 1,366" . t I PLAN CHECK NO. 0202 -616 BUILDING ADDRESS Io.co-## ALlTO CEmw2 PA IJRT APPLICANT/CONTACT HUG "DMAS PHONE NO. ' 276 -77/0 BUILDING OCCUPANCY TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION - DESIGNER PHONE CONTRACTOR PHONE Total Value . 0" . Building Permit Fee $ J 706 - Plan Check Fee $ s 4j--&E COflMENTS; SHEET~OF 2 -, . 12/87 I ENGINEERING CHECKLIST 3 //3 /R9 -F Item Complete Item Incomplete - Needs Your Action 1,2,3 Number in circle indicates plancheck By: number that deficiency Plan Check No. BPOZOL Project Address: /&%oh& ,$m Gem& Project Name: 40 7b CEfliZrr Field Check Date: .. .. was identified mm Site Plan 1. Provide a fully dimensioned site plan drawn to scale. Show: North arrow, property lines, easements, existing and proposed structures, streets, existing street improvements, right-of-way width and dimensioned setbacks. do 0 duo 2. Show on Site Plan: Finish floor elevations, elevations of finish grade adjacent to building, existing topographical lines, existing and proposed slopes, driveway and percent (%) grade and drainage pat terns. 3. 4. Provide assessor's parcel number. Provide legal description of property. do do 0 do 0 do 0 n'n do 0 do 0 do0 don do 0 00 0 dn 0 PERMITS REQUIRED Grading 5. Grading permit required. (Separate submittal to Engineering Department required for Grading Permit). Grading plans in plan check PE 6. 7. Need the following completed prior to building permit issuance: A. Grading plans signed. B. Grading permit issued. C. Grading completed. D. E. Grading inspected and permit signed off by City Inspector. 8. Right-of-way Permit required for work in public right-of-way (e.g., driveway approach, sidewalk, connection to water main, etc). 9. Industrial Waste Permit application required. To be filled out Certification letter and compaction reports submitted. completely and returned to Development Processing. I FEES REQUIRED , Fee Per Unit: - , Total Fee: - 10. Park-in-Lieu fees required. Quadrant: - R &5 Fee Per Unit: , Total Fee:#/867 . 11. Traffic impact fee required. 12. Bridge and Thoroughfare fee required. Fee Per Unit: - , Total Fee: - . dn @!J 0 13. Public facilities fee required. 14. Facilities management fee required. Fee:,%& -9ta A u 6.23 (.97 tS.26) do 0 80 a do 15. Additional EDU's req 'red: Sewer connection fee. !$ 7788.- Sewer permit no. r\w. 285-1. 16. Sewer lateral required: REMARKS: G&otn)6 NE 4s QcrwsmUri~w r~e~ oh) CT87-3 bo ZW-24 %L&o AluMfi,e n.itis & ;&E A6-m (c.").). 37). @N' m P&crrsxoi- CUALS~L~OM~,-J fiiDT0s~ m7 &-I @f2 Lars z t.3 (coda +I ).a ,Qci-L fc-. 4. . 0 RfC,PRCc41L USE raSecmnr OR GVWY OF €%S~~T r= =+&262 &hlf..ct w &?he&rn€k,d7 or%(?Lwmwr OF F4rs*G.J7 Frxz 063 dEwUav 3W& LATS 1 +L m L.Mw couo. e). la&A REG\,lIee60 ( - O.K. to issue: Date : If you have any questions about any of the above items identified on this plan check, please call the Development Processing Department at 438-1161. I I OrZ.lb[d& cqlEcc<Llsr b5-r w pfAddld6 Pr-jrJr BUILDING PLANCHECK d= ENGINEERING CHECKLIST DATE: /b/Z6/B9 ITEM COMPLETE PLANCHECK NO. 'low2 0 ITEM INCOMPLETE - NEEDS YOUR ACTION 1 2 3 fOSO-fO60 morn em. fT; SNR LITEM SELECTED T D D 25H(Eu GLOC5. C C C PROJECT ID: c&?- CWtJfLY &?AuSm- HHH E E E LEGAL REQUIREMENTS ccc K K K Site Plan no0 1. Provide a fully dimensioned site plan drawn to scale. Show: north arrow, property 1 ines, easements, existing and proposed structures, streets, existing street improvements, right-of- way width and dimensioned setbacks. 000 2. Show on site plan: Finish floor elevations, pad elevations, elevations of finish grade adjacent to building, existing topographical lines, existing and proposed slopes, driveway with percent (%) grade and drainage patterns. 000 3. Provide legal description and Assessors Parcel Number. Discretionarv Aooroval ComDl iance 4. No Discretionary approvals were required. 5. Project complies with all Engineering Conditions of Approval for Project No. 6. Project does not comply with the following Engineering Conditions of Approval for Project No. FRM0010.DH Conditions complied with by: Date: ' Field Review 7. Field review completed. No issues raised. 8. Field Review completed. The following issues or discrepancies with the site plan were found: A. B. Site lacks adequate public improvements. Existing drainage improvements not shown or in conflict with site plan. Site is served by overhead power lines. Grading is required to access site, create pad or provide for ultimate street improvement. C. D. oa/zg/ag I E. Site access visibility problems exist. Provide onsite F. Other: turnaround or engineered solution to problem. Dedications 9. No dedication required. 10. Dedication required. Please have a registered Civil Engineer or Land Surveyor prepare the appropriate legal description together with an 8%" x 11" plat map and submit with a title report and the required processing fee. All easement documents must be approved and signed by owner(s) prior to issuance of Buildina Permit. The descriotion of the dedication is as follows~ Dedication completed, Date: By : Imorovement Reauirements 11. No public improvements required. SPECIAL NOTE: Damaaed or be reoaired to the satisfaction of the City insoector orior to occuoancv. 12. Public improvements required. This project requires construction of public improvements pursuant to Section 18.40 of the City Code. Please have a registered Civil Engineer prepare appropriate improvement plans and submit. for separate plancheck process through the Engineering Department. Improvement plans must be approved, appropriate securities posted and fees paid prior to issuance of permit. The required improvements are: : Improvement plans signed, Date: By : FRMOO 10. DH 13. Improvements are required. Construction of the public improvements may be deferred in accordance with Section 18.40 of the City Code. Please submit a letter requesting deferral of the required improvements together with a recent title report on the property and the appropriate processing fee so we may prepare the necessary Future Improvement Agreement. The Future Improvement Agreement must be signed, notarized and approved by the City prior to issuance of a Building Permit. Future Improvement Agreement completed, Date Gradina Reauirementq 13a. Inadequate information available on site plan to make a determination on grading requirements. Please provide more detailed proposed and existing elevations and contours. Include accurate estimates of the grading quantities (cut, fill, import, export). -14. No grading required as determined by the information provided on the site plan. -15. Grading Permit required. A separate grading plan prepared by a registered Civil Engineer must be submitted for separate plan check and approval through the Engineering Department. NOTE: The Gradinq Permit must be issued and qradinq substantially comDlete and found acceDtable to the Citt InsDector prior to issuance of Buildinq Permits. Grading Inspector sign off. Date: By : Miscellaneous Permits -16. Right-of-way Permit not required. - 17. Right-of-way Permit required. A separate Right-of-way Permit issued by the Engineering Department is required for the following: - 18. - 19. Sewer Permit is required. A Sewer Permit is required The fee required Sewer Permit is not required. concurrent with Building Permit issuance. is noted below in the fees section. Industrial Waste Permit is not required. -20. 08/29/89 FRM0010. DH i - 21. Industrial Waste Permit is required. Applicant must complete Industrial Waste Permit Applicantion Form and submit for City approval prior to issuance of Building Permits. Permits must be issued prior to occupancy. Industrial Waste Permit accepted - Date: By : Fees Reauired #2. Park-in-Lieu Fee x23. Traffic Impact Fee &24. Bridge and Thoroughfare Fee Quadrant:- Fee per Unit: Total Fee: f Total Fee: /%7% - Fee Per Unit: b Total Fee: My 7 + Fee per Unit: 225. Public Facilities Fee required. *6. Facilities Management Fee Zone: - Fee : d27. Sewer Fees Permit No. EDU's 6.23 Fee: Sewer Lateral required: *a* Fee: h;sitEi3.. ENGINEERING AUTHORIZATION TO ISSUE PERMIT 3 h Date: /?h,h FRMOOlO .DH -mm ### 222 W PLANNING CHECKLIST Plan Check No. vso20,z Address 103 /GO Am fE.r~e & T Type of Project and Use Zone C-2-0 Use Allowed? YES A NO Setback: Front - Side Rear - Facilities Management Zone 3 School District: San Dieguito AUTO dms~ - Encinitas - C;ar Is bad _eL San Marcos - Discretionary Action Required YES b( NO - Type SDP-3 ,4f%.&nrrE ~CL63rz.qT~~ Environmental Required YES o( NO - /JSU6. 8/5/88 Landscape Plan Required YES p( NO - Comments OK TO ISSUE DATE 2560 ORION WAY CARLSBAO, CA 92008 TELEPHONE (619) 931-2121 aitp of Carl$bab FIRE DEPARTMENT PLAN CHECK REPORT APPROVEDd 8 d DISAPPROVED _- PLAN CHECK# - L APPROVAL OF PLANS IS PREDICATED ON CONFORMING TO THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS AND/OR MAKING THE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS, AND PERMITS Provide one copy of: floor plan@); site plan; sheets Provide two site plans showing the location of ail existing fire hydrants within 200 feet of the project. 3. Provide specifications for the following: p,L,,L- LkAww/uClS &.L &kE &?Vd&h 75 __ 1. __ 2. ~. ~ CO., alarms, hydrants). Pian must be approved by the fire departrnen priorto installation. The business owner shaii complete a building information letter and return it to the fire department. FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEMS AND EQUIPMENT 4. Permits are required for the installation Of all fire protection systems$pJn_kle!$ stand pipes, dry chemical, halon, - 5. I ~3 c I 33/3COOl ) ) -.J 6. The following fire protection systems are required: Automatic fire sprinklers (Design Criteria: As a77. Aft , 4 Dry chemical, Halon, COS (Location: 0 Stand Pipes(Type: ) 0 Fire Alarm (TypelLocatlon: ) 7. Fire Extinguisher Requirements: One 2A rated ABC extinguisher for each &,?Of 1 sq. ft. or portion thereof with a travel distance to the nearest An extinguisher with a minimum rating of to be located: - 8. Additional fire hydrant(s) shall be proGded EXITS 9. -10. -11. Exit doors shall be openable from the inside without the use of a key or any special knowledge or effort A sign stating, This door to remain unlocked during business hours" shall be placed above the main exit and EXIT signs (6" x %" letters) shall be placed over all required exits and directional signs located as necessary to doors b+/taU Lcrib ?/ub I<EY Of &2!&&\~~~/L~T?*/& 7Y/r% dk-;?;) /? 6c.i -< clearly indicate the location of exit doors. GENERAL s12. -13. Storage, dispensing or use of any flammable or combustible liquids, flammable liquids, flammable gases and hazardous chemicals shall comply with Uniform Fire Code. Buliding(s) not approved for high piled combustible stock. Storage In closely packed plies shall not exceed 15 feet in height, 12 feet on pallets or In racks and 6 feet for tires, plastics and some flammable liquids. If high stock pil- ing is to be done, comply with Uniform Fire Code, Article 81. $.- 14. Additional Requirements. ... -A n SrniZk-7 0-F &4s7~ &L 70 10 /b# .<,e U AuCG- WITH &nLLe- 79 dt--Y&, -15. Comply wi Plan Examiner 0.1. 3/,/P7 , - Attach to Plans - Report mailed to architect __Met with June 20, 1989 Leeann Wootton KM&A PO Box 82208 San Diego, Calif 92138 Your File 5.08, PROJ 88 520A OUR PC 89-202 This responds to your letter of June 6, 1989, and the items listed. A. We approve. B. Even though the occupancy load is less than 10, we feel the stairway in a commercial building should not be treated as a "private" stairway. C, 0, E. These Items are approved after you have noted on the title The rise should be 7" maximum and 11" minimum. sheet of the plans: "These are shell buildings and cannot be occupied until tenant improvements are approved by the City of Carl sbad". F. We did not receive the revised drawings you mention. However, if the distance between the stairways closest points is at least half the diagonal distance of the basement, this item is approved. cd c: David Yao ~- - 2075 Las Palmas Drive-Carlsbad. California 92009-4859*(619) 438-1 161 6/20 Marty: Esgil view attached. Carter Please sign and return if OK. 114189 David: 89-202 1050 Auto Center Ct Please discuss this letter with Kurt and let me have your views SO I can present them to Marty. Thanx, L-- Carter I CONllR RNOINR8RINO 7709 COWOT COUIT SAN mwo, CALIFORNIA qziii Structural and Civil Engineers In41 278-3192 . . ' -3 -- . . . ._ . . _- k = fi.8,) +('8); ' - .Gel - *"o 1.4 q 8 r 3 STRUCTURAL CALCULATION6 - - m3-2 7.c CONCER aNOlNlECRlNQ Structural and Civil Engineers 7709 roNvnY cnuu SAN DIEGO. CALIFORNIA 92111 (7141 278-3292 i r , . r' 2.0 2.0 Lo il '?' LO ,l r r- -,. . ,. --. r i '., i _* i .L5 . I. .. I -. . ., .. . .. .. . .... . . I I I .. . .. , . . .... I i .. i;". .v2 .. I. .,. ~. I-' , ., . .. ,. . . .. . .. ... ..... . . .- I , ... -.. r -. r . . .. -7 +- -777 f I i I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I P b II I 1 'f' Li 0 P ,' L l0.l -. I- I .' I I Ll3 - '... i v, = 14.5 + 2.7 - l1,L ! L14 k = zq,o --, i . 2.29 .5q q.34 lo I I I -+- -L a,+ * I +?. + ZL A, A, i r? . " . 7 i .I 1.22 I b.1 I .oqc .3+b CI 49.3 = L = 54q .. . .u J’ '- 1 .".I :. SIiEAIZ OK ,... i' , F L E X rU R E 7.3.2 I: FLEXURE 7.3.2-Design moment strength +Mn for beam sections 10 in. wide Reference: ACI 318-77, Sections 7.12, 8.4.1, 8.4.3. 9.3.2(a), 10.2, 10.3.1-10.3.3, 10.5.1. and 10.5.3, and Commentary Sections l0.3.l(A)(l) and 10.3.2 8 .O 7.0 6.a N .. C .- 5 .;; 5.c a 2 4 0' 4 L - c .. 4.a , , . , ., . .. .. . ,. . ..: .,....,.. 3.0 2 .c ,--. - d, in. .. , , , , .. . , , . , . , , . , .. For use 01 this Design Aid. see Flexura Examples 1, 2. 7. 10. and 14 4 60 4ftitiitifliifiitHtitiitttiitt t CONCRETE HASONRY SHEAR-MLL * t*tfttitiiftfiifiWfH?itttiiit SHYALL VERSION (1.011 SEPTEHBER, 1987 --__------.--___---.___. ifitititiitti4tfitftitititfiiiitiHHifHftifiHifiitfiiiiiitiiitf t i * THIS CONCRETE HASONRY SHEAR WALL PROGRAH (SHYALL) WAS WRITTEN i t AS PART OF THE TCCHAR HASONAY RESEARCH PROGRM AND WAS FUNDED i * BY THE NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION AND THE CONCRETE HASONRY i * ASSOCIATION OF CALIFORNIA AND NEVADA. THE WRK WAS CONDUCTED t 45 PART OF THE CATEGORY 2 RESEARCH YOUK UNDER THE JOINT i RESEARCH EFFORTS OF EKEH (EWINS AND ASSOCIATES, KARIOTIS AND t t ASSOCIATES, AN0 ENGLKERIK AND HART INC.) AND YAS WRITTEN BY * i i € THE STAFF OF ENGLEKIRK AND HART, IIIC. i t t + SHWALL IS WRITTEN AS A PART OF THE NATIONAL EARTIWAKE i i HAZARD REOUCTION PROGRAH (NEHRP) AND IS INTENDED TO BE BOTH A i i RESEARCH AID AND DESIGN AID FOR CONCRETE HAWRY SHEAR WALLS. I t 1 t NEITHER THE NATIONAL SCIENCE FWIIDATION, THE CONCRETE MASONRY t * ASSOCIhTION OF CALIFORNIA AND NEVEDI MR ENGLEKIRK AND HART, I t INC. ASSUMES ANY RESPONSI8ILITV FOR ANY ERRORS, IIISTAKES, OR f * HISREPRESENTATIONS THAT HAY RESULT FROH THE USE OF SHWALL. i i SHYALL IS PROVIDED IN AN 'AS IS' CONDITION. NO WARRANTIES OF I ANY KIND, WHETHER STATUTORY, WRITTEN, ORAL, EXPRESSED, OR t t IHPLIED (INCLUDINB WARRANTIES OF ANY FITNESS AND f t HERCHANTABILITY) SHALL APPLY. t - t I t i THE COPY OF THIS PRDGRAH HAY BE OBTAINED FRM : i CONCRETE HASONRY ASSOCIATION t t OF CALIFORNIA AND NEVADA t * 6060 SUNRISE VISTA DR. SUITE 1875 i fi CITRUS HEIGHTS, CA 95610 i * TEL: (916) 722-1700 I i i tiiitittftiitttittttittitttititiitiftiftfitttiftftitittfftfttttttt JOB I I 88-235 DATE : 2-89 SHEET : To@ TITLE I: PIER I1 TITLE 2: LINE 5.5 1. NOMINAL DESIGN LOADS - DEAD LOAD.. ................................ LIVE LOAD.... .............................. LATERAL SHEAR FORCE (V5).... ............... MOlENT(Hs). ................................ 2. HALL PROPERTIES NOMINAL BLOCK THICKNESS. (t).... ............ LENGTH OF YALL.(Lw).. ..................... SPECIFIED COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH...... ....... MODULUS OF RUPTURE..................,.. .... nAmi USABLE MASONRY COMPRESSIVE STRAIN., 3. LOAD FACTORS ENTER I FOR ANSI OR 2 FOR U.8.C LOAD FACTOR 'U : 1.4 D t 1.7 L U i 1.4 D + 1.4 L t 1.4 E U : 0.9 D - 1.4 E 4. FACTORED AXIAL DEAD AND LIVE LOAD PU: 1.4 D t 1.7 l... ..................... - 5. NOMINAL AXIAL STRENGTH (Pon . 0.85 ffmLut).... 6. DESIGN AXIAL STRENGTH (Pou . 0.65 Pon)....... Pu = 7 I OF NDMINAL AXIAL STRENGTH (Pon) Pa = 12 I OF DESIGN AXIAL STREHGTH (PPu) 7. NOMINAL PURE ENDIN6 NOMENT CALCULATION SPECIFIED YIELD STRENGTH., ................. ESTIMATED NEUTRAL AXIS LOCATION ........... VERTICAL STEEL LOCATION AS1 : 0.40 INA2 D1 5 29.1 KIPS 0.0 KIPS 4.6 KIPS 49.1 K-FT 8.0 IN. 4.7 FT 1.5 KSI 1.2 f'mA0.5 0.003 4- 2 41 KIPS 544 KIPS 354 KIPS O.K. O.K. 60.0 KSI 6.9 IN. 4.00 IN. IS2 : 0.40 INA2 02 : 20.00 IN. AS3 = 0.40 IW2 03 : 36.00 IN. AS4 : 0.00 1NA2 M 3 5mo IN. ASS = 0.00 IN"2 05 : 59.00 IN. AS6 : 0.00 INA2 06 : 75.00 IN. AS7 = 0.00 IV2 07 = 91.00 IN. AS8 0.00 1NA2 DB 107.00 IN. AS9 : 0.00 1NA2 D9 : 123.00 IN. AS10 : 0.00 IN*2 DIO: 139.00 IN. AS11 = 0.00 INA2 011: -67.00 IN. AS12 : 0.00 INA2 012: -51.00 IN. AS13 : 0.00 IN"2 013: -35.00 IN. AS14 : 0.00 INA2 014: -19.00 IN. AS15 : 0.00 INA2 DI5: -3.00 IN. AS16 : 0.00 1NA2 016. 13.00 IN. AS17 : 0.00 IN? 017: 29.00 IN. AS18 : 0.00 IN"2 018: 37.00 IN. AS19 = 0.00 IN? 019: 44.00 IN. AS20 : 0.40 IN9 D20: 52.00 IN. AREA OF STEEL : 1.6 IN"2 SUH OF TENSION AN0 COHPRESSION FORCES. ..... 0 KIPS O.K. NEUTRAL AXIS HUST BE O.K. ........... NEW NEUTRAL AXIS LOCATION.... .............. 6.90 IN., IMHIML PURE BENDING HOHENT Man)... ....... 197 K-FT 8. FACTORED REQUIRED HOMENT Hu . 1.4 its............ .................... 69 K-FT 9. NOMINAL CRACKING HOHENT CAPACITY OF SECTION (Mcr) 00 YOU WbNT TO INCLUDE AXIAL LOAD IN CRACK IN6 HOHENT CALCULATION? (YES: I NO =O). I PERCENTAGE OF LIVE LOAD TO BE USED TO CALCUTLATE NOHINAL CRACKING HOHENT.. ....... 100 I GROSS SECTION HODULUS ...................... 3985 IN"3 HOOULVS OF RUPTURE., ....................... 46 PSI NOHINAL CRACKING HOHENT CAPACITY ........... 38 K-FT IO. EVALUATE NECESSITY OF VERTICAL STEEL CONFINEHENT (BOUNDARY HEMBER) COMPRESSIVE STRESS AT 0.4 f'r ........... 0.60 KSI ESTIHATED NEUTRAL AXIS LOCATION............ 22.70 IN. Pu . 1.4 D t 1.4 L........... ............. 41 KIPS SUHHATION OF TENSION AN0 COHPRESSION FORCES 41 Klffi O.K. HOHENT CORRESPONOING TO STRESS 0.4 flm... 143 K-FT THEREFORE : BOUNDARY ELEMENT IS NOT NEEDED THE N.A. HUST BE O.K..... ................. ESTIHATEO NEUTRAL AXIS LOCAlIM(............ 19.80 IN. Pu . 0.9 D ................................. 26 KIPS SullllATIOW OF TENSION AND COHPRESSION FORCES 26 KIPS 0.K. MHENT CORRESPONDING TO STRESS 0.4 f'n... 143 K-FT THEREFORE : BOUNDARY ELEMENT IS NOT NEEDED THE N.A. HUST BE O.K...................... 11. CALCULATE DESIGN BALAMCEO AXIAL LOAD (Pbu) BALANCED NEUTRAL AXIS (Cb). ................ 30.78 IN. NOMINAL BALANCED AXIAL LOAD (Pbn). ......... 261 KIPS DESIGN BALANCED AXIAL LOAD (Pbu.0.65 Pbn).. 169 KIPS 12. COHPARE ULTIHATE AXIAL LOA0 AND BALANCED AXIAL LOAD Pu . 1.4 D + 1.4 L..... ................... 41 KIPS Pu : 16 I OF NOHINAL BALANCEO LOAD (Pbn). Pu : 24 I OF DESIGN BALANCED LOAD (Pbu).. FLEXURAL PHI FACTOR., I.., . s s -, * - * * * - m - 0.72 Pu -0.9 D......... ........................ 26 KIPS Pu : 10 I OF NOHINAL BALANCED LOAD (Pbn). Pu : 15 2 OF DESIGN BALANCED LOAD (Pbe).. FLEXURAL PHI FACTOR., ...................... 0.77 13. CALCULATE DESIGN BALANCED HOHENT CAPACITY (Hbu) WOHlNAL BALANCED HOHENT (Hbn) .............. 424 K-FT DESIGN BALANCED MHENT (Hbu 0.65 Hbn).. 276 K-FT 14. CALCULATE DESIGN PURE BENDING HOHMT CAPACITV (Hou) NOHINbL PURE BENDING HOHENT(Hon)......... .. DESIGN PURE BENDING MHENT (Hou:0.85 Hon) 15. CALCULATE DESIGN PURE AXIAL LOA0 CAPACITY (Pou) NOHINAL PURE AXIAL LOAD (Pon).............. DESIGN PURE AXIAL LOAD (Pou = 0.65 Pod.. HAXIHUH USABLE AXIAL LOAD (Pmax=4.80 Pou).. 16. DESIGN MHENT CAPACITY (I) Hu . 1.4 Hs................................ DESIGN MHENT CAPACITY CORRESPONDING TO 1.4 D + 1.4 L........................ HlHrr......... ........................ 0.9 D.. ............................... Hlltr ................................. 17 SHEAR DEMAND vu . 1.4 v5 .............................. REQUIRED FLEXURAL DUCTILE SHEAR (Vdu)...... 18 SHEAR CAPACITV IIAXIHUH NOHINAL SHEAR STREWGTH TABLE 24-K.. PLASTIC HINGE REGION ENTER I OMERYISE 2... VI . Cd Ag SQRT(f'8) TABLE 24-L............ Ar %I1 INA2 S . 24.0 IN............... v5 ........................................ Vn :VI + Vs.. .............................. DUCTILE SHEAR RATIO (VnlVdu).... ........... SHEAR PHI FACTOR.. ......................... Vu ((( 0.60 Vn . 9 KIPS O.K. ...... 197 K-FT 168 K-FT 638 KIPS 415 KIPS 332 KIPS 69 K-FT 178 1-FT O.K. 4.7 174 K-FT O.K. 4.6 6 KIPS 23 KIPS 66 KIPS 1 0 KIPS 15 KIPS IS KIPS 0.67 0.60 ftttittitttfttt*it*tfttttftttif t CONCRETE MASONRY SHEAR-HALL * tttfftttftffttf*ttftffttttttttt fiittttftttftiftttttttfttfitttttffft~ttttttttffffffttttttttftftttt I f t THIS CONCRETE HASDNRY SHEAR WALL PROGRAM (SHYALL) WAS URITTEN t t AS PART OF THE TCCNAR MASONRY RESEARCH PROGRAH AND HAS FUNDED * t BY THE NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION AND THE CONCRETE HASONRY f ASSOCIATION OF CALIFORNIA AND NEVADA. THE HORK HAS CONDUCTED * AS PART OF THE CATEGORY 2 RESEARCH WORK UNDER THE JOINT t RESEARCH EFFORTS OF EKEH (EYING AND ASSOCIATES, KARIOTIS AND a t ASSOCIATES, AN0 ENGLKERIK AND HART INC.) AND HAS YRITTEN BY t f t t SHYALL IS YRITTEN AS A PART OF THE NATIONAL EARTHOUAXE t i HAZARD REDUCTION PROGRAH (NEHRP) AND IS INTENDED TO BE BOTH A t i RESEARCH AID AND DESI6N AID FOR CONCRETE MSONRY SHEAR HALLS. t t t f NEITHER THE NATIONAL SCIENCE FOU)(OATION, THE CONCRETE llASONRY t I ASSOCIATION OF CALIFORNIA AND NEVEDA IWR ENGLEKIRK AND HART, t t INC. ASSUWES ANY RESPONSIBILITY FOR ANY ERRORS, HISTAWES, OR 5 t MISREPRESENTATIOMS THAT MAY RESULT FROM THE USE OF SHYALL. t t SHYALL IS PROVIDE0 IN AN ‘AS IS’ CONDITION. No YARRANTIES OF t ANY KIND, WHETHER STATUTORY, YRITTEN, ORAL, EXPRESSED, OR i t IMPLIED (INCLUDIffi YARRANTIES OF ANY FITNESS AND t t MERCHANTABILITY) SHALL APPLY. t t t i THE STAFF OF ENGLEKIRK AND HART, INC. t r t i f f THE COPY OF THIS PROGRAM HAY BE OBTAINED FROM : i CONCRETE MASONRY ASSOCIATION t OF CALIFORNIA AND NEVADA t f 6060 SUNRISE VISTA DR. SUITE 1875 t t CITRUS HEIGHTS, CA 95610 f t TEL: (916) 722-1700 t t I tittitffffftfttft*tftttftftff~tttttfftttittttfttftftfttttftffttttf JOB 1 : 88-235 DATE : 2-89 SHEET : TITLE I: PIER 12 TITLE 2: LINE 5.5 1. WOHINAL DESIGN LOADS DEAD LOAD.... .............................. 32.9 KIPS LIVE LOAD.. ................................ 0.0 KIPS LATERAL SHEAR FORCE (Vs) ................... 8.4 KIPS .- MOMENT(lls). ................................ 2. WALL PROPERTIES NOMINAL BLOCK THICKNESS. (t). ............... LENGTH OF YALL.(Lv).. ..................... SPECIFIED COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH.. ........... HODULUS OF RUPTURE.. ....................... MAXIMUM USABLE MASONRY COMPRESSIVE STRAIN.. 3. LOAD FACTORS ENTER 1 FOR ANSI OR 2 FOR U.8.C LOAD FACTOR U : 1.4 D + 1.7 L U : 1.4 0 t 1.4 L + 1.4 E U : 0.9 D - 1.4 E - 4. FACTORED AXIAL DEAD AND LIVE LOAD Pu: 1,4 D + 1.7 L........................ 5. WOHINAL AXIAL STRENGTH (Pon = 0.85 f'mlwt).... 6. DESIGN AllAL STRENGTH (Pou -- 0.65 Pod....... Pu = 7 1 OF NOIIINAL AXIAL STRENGTH (Pon) Pu : 10 I OF DESIGN AXIAL STRENGTH (Pou) 7. NOMINAL PURE BENDING 4OMENT CALCULATION SPECIFIED YIELD STREIIGTH........... ........ ESTIHATED NEUTRAL AXIS LOCATION ........... VERTICAL STEEL LOCATION AS1 : 0.40 IN? DI : AS2 0.40 IN9 02 = AS3 : 0.40 1NA2 D3 = AS4 : 0.40 INY 04 : AS5 : 0.00 IN"2 05 = 93.4 I-FT 8.0 IN. 6.0 FT 1.5 KSI 1.2 l'rA0.5 0.003 -I- 2 46 KIPS 700 KIPS 455 KIPS 0. K. O.K. 60.0 KSI 9.2 IN. 4.00 IN. 20.00 IN. 36.00 IN. 52.00 IN. 74.00 IN. AS6 : 0.00 INA2 06 : 90.00 IN. AS7 : 0.00 INT D7 : 106.00 IN. AS8 0.00 IN"2 08 = 122.00 IN. AS9 = 0.00 INA2 D9 : 138.00 IN. AS10 : 0.00 IN"2 010: 154.00 IN. AS11 : 0.00 1NA2 011: -67.00 IN. AS12 0.00 INA2 012: -51.00 IN. AS13 : 0.00 IN9 D13: -35.00 IN. AS14 = 0.00 INV 014: -19.00 IN. ASIS = 0.00 IN"2 015: -3.00 IN. AS17 = 0.00 IF2 817: 29.00 IN. Asia -- 0.110 1~2 D18~ 37.00 IN. As19.3 0.00 IP2 D19. 60.00 IN. As20 = 0.40 W2 020: 68.00 IN. AREA OF STEEL = 2.0 IF2 /-- sun OF Toision CWRESSION FORCES.. .... 0 KIPS O.K. NEUTRAL AXIS lusT BE D.X. ........... NEW NEUTRAL AXIS 1~11~.................. 9.20 IN. NOWIML PURE 0EY)IWG lloMyl (Iton).......... 371 K-FT 8. FACTORED REOUIRED MHIENT HII . 1.4 k... ............................. 131 K-FT 9. WOHINAL CRACKIN6 IlOHOnuIT WlClTV OF SECTION Mtr) DO YOU WT TO INCLUDE AXIAL LMD IN CRACKINS llOH€llT CALCULAIION? (YES:I,NO;O). 1 PERCENTAGE OF LIVE LDAD TO BE USED TO CALCUTLATE WlML CRACKIN6 ll(RW7.. ....... 100 I GROSS SECTION IIWULUS. ..................... 6388 IW3 HODULUS OF WPTURE.. ....................... 46 PSI NONINAL CRACKIN6 IWIIONT CAPACITY. .......... 58 K-FT IO. EVALUATE NECESSITY OF VERlIUl STEEL WFINEWENT (BWIWDARY IIEHBER) COHPRESSIVE STRESS AT 0.4 f'i ........... 0.60 KSI ESTlnAlED NEUTRAL AIlS LOCATION............ 27.80 IN. Pu . 1.4 D 4 1.4 L ........................ 46 KIPS SUHHATION OF TENSION AND COHPRESSION FORCES 46 KIPS O.K. HOHENT CORRESPDNDINS TO STRESS 0.4 f'm... 231 K-FT THEREFORE : BOUNDARY ELEHENT IS NOT WEEDED THE LA. HUST BE 0.11 ...................... ESTIMTEO NEUTRAL AIIS LOCATION............ 24.70 IN. Pu . 0.9 D...... ........................... 30 KIPS SUIIHATION OF TENSlOll AND COHPRESSION FORCES 30 KIPS O.K. HOHENT CORRESPONDING TO STRESS 0.4 f'D. 231 K-FT THEREFORE : BOUNDARY ELEWENT IS NOT WEEDED THE N.A. WUST BE 0.K ...................... 11. CALCULATE DESIGN BALlNCED AXIAL LOAD (Pbd BALANCED NEUTRAL AXIS (Cb).. ............... 40.24 IN. NOWINAL BALANCED AXIAL LOAD (Pbn).......... 344 KIPS DESIGN BALANCED AXIAL LOAD (Pbu:0.65 Pbn).. 223 KIPS - 12. COWPARE ULTIHATE AXIAL LOAD AND BALANCED AXIAL LOAD Pu . 1.4 0 4 1.4 L....... ................. 46 KIPS Pu : 13 I OF NOWINAL BALANCED LOAD (Pbn). Pu = 21 I OF DESIGN BALANCED LOAD (Pbu).. .. CIllQAl Pur FAPTIIP.. ...................... 0.74 Pu . 0.9 D ................................. 30 KIPS Pu = 9 I OF NOHINAL BALANCED LOAD (Pbn). PU 5 13 I OF DESIGN BALANCED LOAD (Pbu).. FLEXURAL PHI FACTOR.. ...................... 0.78 13. CALCULATE DESIGN BALANCED NONENT CAPACITY (Hbu) NONINAL BALANCED HMENT (Nbn). ............. 689 K-FT DESIGN BALANCED MHENT (Nbu = 0.65 Hbn).. 448 K-FT 14. CALCULATE DESIGN PURE BENDING MHENl CAPACITY (liou) NOHINAL PURE BENDING HOHENT(Hon)........... OES16N PURE BENDING HOllENT (Hou:O.85 lion) 15. CALCULATE DESIGN PURE AXIAL LOAD CAPACITY (Pod NOHINAL PURE AXIAL LOAD (Pon).............. DESIGN PURE AXIAL LOAD (Pou : 0.65 Pon).. HAXINUH USABLE AXIAL LOAD (Padx:0.80 Pou).. - 16. DESIGN HONENT CAPACITY (I) Hu . 1.4 115.,.........................,.... DESIGN MNENT CAPACITY CORRESPONDIN6 TO 1.4 D + 1.4 L........... ............. N/Ntr.. ............................... 0.9 D ................................. HMrr....... .......................... I7 SHEAR DEHMD Vu . 1.4 Vs .............................. REOUIRED FLEXURAL DUCTILE SHEAR (Vdr)...... 18 SHEAR CAPACITY NAXIHUN NOHINAL SHEAR STRENGTH TABLE 24-K.. PLASTIC HINGE REGIDN ENTER I OTHERWISE 2... VI . Cd A# SORT(f'd TABLE 24-L............ Av . 0.2 IN"2 vs ........................................ S . 24.0 IN............... Vn :VI t Vs ................................ DUCTILE SHEAR RATIO (VnlVdu)..... .......... SHEAR PHI FACTOR.. ......................... Vu ((( 0.80 Vn . 29 KIPS O.K. ...... 321 K-FT 273 K-FT 817 KIPS 531 KIPS 425 KIPS 131 K-FT 286 K-Fl O.K. 4.9 281 K-FT 0.1. 4.a 12 KIPS 33 KIPS 85 KIPS 1 0 KIPS 36 KIPS 36 KIPS 1.04 0.80 ,-- iHiiiiii~iiiiii4iiiiiiiiiitiit i COWCRETE HASONRY SHEAR-WALL t ttttiiifittiittififittt€ft4itii SHYALL VERSION (1.01) SEPTEHBER, 1987 _-_____________-___.____ ttiftttitfitiiiiitfiiiitiittttfiiiiftt€fiiitiiittittt4i*iiittfttti € t * THIS CONCRETE MSONRY SHEAR WALL PROGRAM (SHYALL) WAS YRITTEN I f AS PART OF THE TCCMAR NASONRY RESEARCH PROGRM AND WAS FUNDED * * BY THE NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION AND THE CONCRETE HASONRY 4 f ASSOCIATION OF CALIFORNIA AND NEVADA. THE WORK WAS CONOUCTED + AS PART OF THE CATEGORY 2 RESEARCH WORK UNDER THE JOINT t RESEARCH EFFORTS OF EKEH (EWIffi AND ASSOCIATES, KARIOTIS AN0 * t ASSOCIATES, AND ENGLKERIK AND HART INC.) AN0 WAS WRITTEN BY * _- i 4 SHWALL IS WRITTEN AS A PART OF ME NATIONAL EARTHWAKE * HAZARD REDUCTION PROGRM (WEHRP) AND IS INTENDED TO BE BOTH A * t RESEARCH AID AND DESIGN AID FOR CONCRETE HASONRY SHEAR WALLS. i i i NEITHER THE NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION, THE CONCRETE MASONRY * t ASSOCIATION OF CALIFORNIA AND NEVEOA NOR ENGLEKIRK AND HART, * * INC. ASSUHES ANY RESPONSIBILITY FOR ANY ERRORS, HISTAKES, OR t * MISREPRESENTATIONS THAT MY RESULT FROM THE USE OF SHWALL. * t SHWALL IS PROVIDE0 IN AN 'AS IS' CONDITION. NO WARRANTIES OF * 1 ANY KIND, WHETHER STATUTORY, WRITTEN, ORAL, EXPRESSED, OR * 6 IHPLIED (INCLUDIHG YARRANTIES OF ANY FITNESS AND i t MERCHANTABILITY) SHALL APPLY. i I t t t + t t THE STAFF OF EHGLEKIRK AND HART, INC. t * i THE COPY OF THIS PROGRAH HAY BE OBTAINED FRDN : t CONCRETE HASONRY ASSOCIATION t OF CALIFORNIA AND NEVADA 4 t 6060 SUNRISE VISTA OR. SUITE 1875 I t CITRUS HEIGHTS, CA 95610 t i TEL: (916) 722-1700 t I i €ttfttfiftitit€++t€iitfittititftititttttiiittitttitifi~f€tiiit*tif JOB I : 88-235 DATE : 2-89 SHEET : TITLE 1: PIER 13 TITLE 2: LINE 5.5 1. NOMINAL DESIGN LOADS DEAD LOAD...... ............................ 30.7 KIPS LIVE LOAD.... .............................. 0.0 KIPS LATERAL SHEAR FORCE (Vs).. ................. 8.4 KIPS HOMENT(k)... .............................. 93.4 K-FT .- 2. WALL PROPERTIES llwlIML BLMK THICKNESS. (t),m.s, ........... 8.0 IN. LEffiTHOF UALL.(Lv).. ..................... 6.0 FT SPECIFIED COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH............. 1.5 KSI HODULUS OF RUPTURE.. ....................... 1.2 f'fiV.5 MAXII(U11 USABLE MASONRY COMPRESSIVE STRAIN.. 0.003 -I- 3. LOAD FACTORS ENTER I FOR ANSI OR 2 FOR U.8.C LOAD FACTOR U = 1.4 0 + 1.7 L U 1.4 D t 1.4 L + 1.4 E 2 U : 0.9 D - 1.4 E - 4. FACTORED AIIAL DEAD AND LIVE LOAD Pu: 1.4 D + 1.7 L........................ 43 KIPS 5. NOMIML AXIAL STRENGTH (Pon = 0.85 f'dut).... 700 KIPS 6. DESIGN AXIAL STRENGTH (Pou . 0.65 Pon)....... 455 KIPS Pu : 6 1 OF NOHINAL AXIAL STRENGTH (Pod O.K. Pu : 9 2 OF DESIGW AXIAL STRENGTH (Pod O.K. 7. NDHINAL PURE BENDING MOHENT CALCULATION SPECIFIED YIELD STREIIGTH ................... 60.0 KSI ESTIMATED NEUTRAL AXIS LOCATION ........... 9.2 IN. VERTICAL STEEL LOCATION AS1 = 0.40 IN*2 Dl : 4.00 IN. AS2 : 0.40 IN*2 02 20.00 IN. AS3 -- 0.40 IN*2 03 : 36.00 IN. AS4 2 0.40 INA2 04 : 52.00 IN. ASS 0.00 1NA2 D5 = 74.00 IN. AS6 : 0.00 1N*2 06 : 90.00 IN. AS7 : 0.00 IN"2 07 : 106.00 IN. AS8 : 0.00 IN*2 08 : 122.00 IN. AS9 : 0.00 IN*2 D9 = 138.00 IN. AS10 : 0.00 IN42 DIO: 154.00 IN. AS11 0.00 INY Dll: -67.00 IN. AS12 = 0.00 INA2 012: -51.00 IN. AS13 = 0.00 INT 013: -35.00 IN. AS14 : 0.00 INA2 DI4: -19.00 IN. .",e . n AA ,,,A* n4c. -9 nn tu . ,,.I." ........ _._ AS17 = 0.00 IN"2 017: AS18 : 0.00 IN"2 018: AS19 0.00 IN9 019; AS20 = 0.40 INV 020: AREA OF STEEL 2 2.0 IN? SUN OF TENSION AND COHPRESSION FORCES.. .... NEUTRAL AXIS MUST BE O.K. ........... NEW NEUTRAL AXIS LOCATION., ................ NOMINAL PURE BENDING HOHENT (Mon). ......... ---.. 29.00 37.00 60.00 68.00 0 9.20 321 .... IN. IN. IN. IN. KIPS O.K, IN. K-FT 8. FACTORED REQUIRED NOMEN1 . 1.4 Ns............... ................. 131 K-FT 9. NOHINAL CRACKIN HOHENT CAPACITY OF SECTION (Htr) DO YOU WANT TO INCLUDE AXIAL LOAD IN PERCENTAGE OF LIVE LOAD TO BE USED TO CALCUTLATE NOMNAL CRACKING HOMENT......... 100 Z GROSS SECTION HDWLUS. ..................... 6588 IN"3 nooutus OF RUPTURE.. ....................... 46 PSI NOMINAL CRACKING MMENT CAPACITY.. ......... 56 K-FT CRACKING IOHENT CALCULATION? (YES=l,NOiO). I IO. EVALUATE NECESSITY OF VERTICAL STEEL CONFINEHENT (BOUNDARY HRIBER) COHPRESSIVE STRESS AT 0.4 f'm ........... 0.60 KSI ESTIMTED NEUTRAL AXIS LOCATION............ 27.20 IN. PY . 1.4 D t 1.4 L....... ................. 43 KIPS SUMMATION OF TENSION AND COMPRESSION FORCES 43 KIPS O.K. nOHENT CORRESPONDING TO STRESS 0.4 f'a... 231 K-FT THEREFORE : BOUNDARY ELEMENT IS NOT NEEDED THE N. A. nus1 BE 0. K.. .................... ESTIHATED NEUTRAL AXIS LOCATION............ 24.40 IN. Pu . 0.9D... .............................. 28 KIPS SUMATION OF TENSION AND CMPRESSION FORCES. 28 KIPS O.K. MOMENT CORRESPONDING TO STRESS 0.4 f'B..* 231 K-FT TBEREFORE : BOUNDARY ELEHENT IS NOT NEEDED TBE N.A. MUST BE D.K.... .................. 11. CALCULATE DESIGN BALANCED AXIAL LOAD (Pbu) BllLANCED NEUTRAL AXIS (Cb). ................ 40.24 IN. NPHINAL BALANCED AXIAL LOAD (Pbnl.......... 344 KIPS DESIGN BALANCED AXIAL LOAD (Pbu4.65 Pbn).. 223 KIPS 12. COHPARE ULTIHATE AXIAL LOAD AND BALANCED AXIAL LOAD Pu . 1.4 D t 1.4 1.. ...................... 43 KIPS Pu : 13 Z OF NOAINAL BALANCED LOAD (Pbn). Pu : 19 Z OF DESIGN BALANCED LOAD (Pbu).. .................... * .e Pu . 0.9 D... .............................. 28 KIPS Pu -- 8 2 OF NOlllWAL BALANCED LOAD (Pbn). Pu : 12 2 OF DESIGN BALANCED LOAD (Pbu).. FLEXURAL PHI FACTOR. ....................... 0.78 13. CALCULATE DESIGN BALANCED HOMENT CAPACITY (Mu) r WOllINAL BALANCED BOllENT (Mbn). ............. 689 K-FT DESIGN BALANCED MOMENT (Mbu 2 0.65 Hbn).. 448 K-FT 14. CALCULATE DESIGN PURE BENDIN6 MOllENT CAPACITY (Mu) NOMINAL PURE BENDING l4OMENT(Mon). .......... OESIGN PURE BENDING MlENT (llou4.85 Mod 15. CALCULATE DESIGN PURE AXIAL LOA0 CAPACITY (Paul NOMINAL PURE AXIAL LOAD (Pan). ............. DESIGN PURE AXIAL LOAD (Pou : 0.65 Pan).. MAXIHUM USABLE AXIAL LOAD (Pmar.0.80 Paul.. I 16. DESIGN MOMENT CAPACITY (HI Mu . 1.4 lls................... ............. DESIGN HOMENT CAPACITY CORRESPONDING TO 1.1 D * 1.4 L........................ llllltr ................. 6.. ............. 0.9 D...... ........................... HlHtr ................................. 17 SHEAR DEMWD VU . 1.4 VS .............................. REWIRED FLEXURAL DUCTILE SHEAR (Vdr)...... I8 SHEAR CAPACITY HAXIMUM NOMINAL SHEAR STRENGTH TABLE 24-K.. PLASTIC HINGE REGION ENTER I OTHERYISE 2... VI = Cd Aq SORT(f'a) TABLE 24-1.. .......... Av . 0.2 IN*2 S . 24.0 IN. .............. v5 = ....................................... Vn =VI. * vs.. .............................. DUCTILE SHEAR RATIO (VnlVdu). .............. SHEAR PHI FACTOR.. ......................... Vu ((( 0.80 Vn : 29 KIPS O.K. ...... 321 K-FT 273 K-FT 817 KIPS 531 KIPS 425 KIPS 131 K-FT 285 K-FT 0.K. 5.1 281 K-FT 0.K. 5.0 12 KIPS 34 KIPS 85 KIPS I 0 KIPS 36 KIPS 36 KIPS 1.05 0.80 tittittifitt~tttttffttttttttttt * CONCRETE MASONRY SHEAR-WLL i ttitttttttttitttfiittttttHtfti SHWALL VERSIOW (1.01) SEPTEMBER, 1987 _-___________.-__--_____ f4titittftttt~titffttttttttttft4tHitHttff~tftiftttfftfttttf4tf t t * THIS CONCRETE MASONRY SHEAR YALL PROGRM (SHYALL) WS WRITTEN t * AS PART OF THE TCCMAR HASONRY RESEARCH PROGRAII AM WAS FUNDED * t BY THE NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION AllD THE CONCRETE MASONRY t ASSOCIATION OF CALIFORNIA AND NEVADA. AS PART OF THE CATEGORY 2 RESEAUCH WORK UNDER THE JOINT t RESEARCH EFFORTS OF EKEH (EYI116 AND ASSOCIATES, KARIOTIS AND * t ASSOCIATES, AND ENGLKERIK AWD MRT IN.) AND HAS WRITTEN BY t THE WORK Yffi CONDUCTED * * t t 7 t 4 SHWALL IS WRITTEN AS A PART OF ME NATIONAL EARTHWAKE t t HAZARD REDUCTION PROGRAM (NEHRP) AND IS INTENDED TO BE BOTH A t . t RESEARCH AID AN0 DESIGN AID FOR CONCRETE MASONRY SHEAR WLLS. * * NEITHER THE MTIONAL SCIENCE FWMTIOW, THE CDRAETE MSOWRY 5 t ASSOCIATION OF CALIFORNIA AND NEVEDA NOR ENGLEKIRK AND HART, * * MISREPRESENTATIONS THAT MAY RESULT FROM THE USE OF SHWALL. t * SHWALL IS PROVIDED IN AN 'AS IS' CONDITION. NO WARRANTIES OF * * ANY KIND, WHETHER STATUTORY, WRITTEN, ORAL, EXPRESSED, OR t t IHPLIED (INCLUDING WARRANTIES OF MV FITNESS AND f * MERCHANTABILITY) SHALL APPLY. t t THE STAFF OF ENGLEKIRK AND HART, IN. t I i i * IN. ASSUMES ANY RESPONSIBILITY FOR MY ERRORS, IIISTAKES, an t t t t THE COPY OF THIS PROGRAM HAY BE OBTAINED FROM : t CONERETE MASONRY ASSOCIATION I i OF CALIFORNIA AND NEVADA 4 i 6060 SUNRISE VISTA DR. SUITE 1875 i * CITRUS HEIGHTS, Cb 95610 t t TEL: (916) 722-1700 t i t tiitt~~iitttttttfttt~ttt4~ttttt~tfttttt~tffftttttiftfftfttffttttff JOB I : 88-235 DATE : 2-89 SHEET : TITLE I: PIER #4 TITLE 2: LINE 5.5 I. NOHINAL DESIGN LOADS DEAD LOAD.. ................................ LIVE LOAD.... ............................... LATERAL SHEAR FORCE (Vs)... ................ MOHENT(Hs)... .............................. r 2. MALL PROPERTIES NOHINAL BLOCK THICKNESS. (t) ................ LENGTH OF WALL. (tu) ....................... SPECIFIED COHPRESSIVE STRENGTH. ............ HODULUS OF RUPTURE.. ........................ HAXIHUH USABLE HASONRV COHPRESSIVE STRAIN.. 3. LOAD FACTORS ENTER 1 FOR ANSI OR 2 FOR UAC LOAD FACTOR U : 1.4 D + 1.7 L U = 1.4 D + 1.4 L + 1.4 E U L 0.9 D - 1.4 E - 4. FACTORED AXIAL DEAD AND LIVE LOAD Pu= 1.4 D t 1.7 L............. ........... 5. NOHINAL AXIAL STRENGTH (Pon . 0.85 f'nlut).... 6. DESIGN AXIAL STRENGTH (Por . 0.65 Pod....... Pu = 3 I OF NOHINAL AXIAL STRENGTH (Pod Pu = 5 I OF DESIGII AXIAL STRENGTH (Pou) 7. NOMINAL PURE BENDING HOHENT CALCULATION SPECIFIED YIELD STRENGTH................... ESTIMATED NEUTRAL AXIS LOCATIOW ........... VERTICAL STEEL LOCATION AS1 = 0.40 IN^2 Dl = 11.8 KIPS 0.0 KIPS 4.6 KIPS 49.1 K-FT 8.0 IN. 1.7 FT 1.5 KSI 1.2 f'a"0.5 0.003 -I- 2 17 KIPS 544 KIPS 354 KIPS O.K. O.K. 60.0 KSI 6.9 IN. 4.00 IN. AS2 : 0.40 INA2 02 : 20.00 IN. AS3 = 0.40 IN"2 D3 a 36.00 IN. AS4 : 0.00 IN*2 04 : 59.00 IN. AS5 = 0.00 IN*2 D5 = 74.00 IN. AS6 0.00 IN*2 06 : 90.00 IN. AS7 : 0.00 INA2 D7 : 106.00 IN. AS8 : 0.00 IN*2 08 : 122.00 IN. AS9 = 0.00 IN-2 09 = 138.00 IN. AS10 : 0.00 INA2 DIO. 154.00 IN. AS11 : 0.00 INa2 Oil: -67.00 IN. AS12 : 0.00 IN*2 D12: -51.00 IN. AS13 3 0.00 IN*2 D13: -35.00 IN. AS14 : 0.00 1NA2 014: -19.00 IN. nic- .? nn IN AClC - n An ,,I*, 39-235- 1-89 3oPl /- AS17 = 0.00 IN"2 017: 29.00 IN. AS18 = 0.00 IN"2 018: 37.00 IN. AS19 = 0.00 IN*2 019: 44.00 IN. AS20 : 0.40 IN2 020: 52.00 IN. AREA OF STEEL = 1.6 INA2 SUH OF TENSION AND COMPRESSION FORCES., , , , , NEUTRAL AXIS MUST BE O.K. ........... NEW NEUTRAL AXIS LOCATION.............. .... 6.90 IN. NOMINAL PURE BENDING MOMENT (Ion).......... 197 I-FT 0 KIPS O.K. 8. FACTORED REQUIRED MOMENT nu . 1.4Ms............ .................... 69 K-FT 9. MHINAL CRACKING MOMENT CAPACITY OF SECTION (Htr) DO YOU WANT TO INCLUDE AXIAL LOAD IN CRACKING MOMENT CALCULATION? (YES:I,NO:O). I PERCENTAGE OF LIVE LOAD TO BE USED TO CALCUTLATE NOMINAL CRACKING MOHENT.. ....... 100 I GROSS SECTION MODULUS. ..................... 3985 IN*3 HODULUS OF RUPTURE.. ....................... 46 PSI NOMINAL CRACKING HOMENT CAPACITY... ........ 25 K-FT IO. EVALUATE NECESSITY OF VERTICAL STEEL CONFINEHENT (BOUNDARY MEHBER) COMPRESSIVE STRESS AT 0.4 Vm ........... 0.60 KSI ESTIMATED NEUTRAL AXIS LOCATION., .......... 18.30 IN. Pa 5 1.4 D + 1.4 L................... ..... 17 KIPS SUMMATION OF TENSION AND COMPRESSION FORCES I7 KIPS O.Y. MOMENT CORRESPONDING TO STRESS 0.4 f'a.,. 144 K-FT THEREFORE : BOUNDARY ELEMENT IS NOT NEEDED THE N.A. MIST BE 0.K ...................... ESTIMTED NEUTRAL AXIS LOCAIION............ 17.30 IN. Pu = 0.9 D... .............................. 11 KIPS SUMMATION OF TENSION AND COMPRESSION FORCES I1 KIPS O.K. MDMENT CORRESPDNDING TO STRESS 0.4 f'm... 145 K-FT THEREFORE : BOUNDARY ELEMENT IS NOT NEEDED THE N.A. HUST BE O.K..... ................. 11. CALCULATE DESIGN BALANCED AXIAL LOAD (Pbu) BILANCED NEUTRAL AXIS (Cb). ................ 30.78 IN. NOMINAL BALANCED AXIAL LOAD (Pbn).......... 261 KIPS DESIGN BALANCED AXIAL LOAD (Pbu=0.65 Pbn).. 169 KIPS 12. COMPARE ULTIHATE AXIAL LOAD AND BALANCED AXIAL LOAD Pu = 1.4 D + 1.4 L.... .................... 17 KIPS Pu : 6 I OF NOMINAL BALANCED LOAD (Pbn). Pu = 10 I OF DESIGN BALANCED LOAD (Pbu).. C1 CIllPAl BUT CAPTflQ ...................... 0.80 Pu . 0.9 D.............. ................... I1 KIPS Pu 2 4 I OF NOHINAL BALANCED LOAD (Pbn). Pu 2 6 2 OF DESIGN BALANCED LOAD (Pbu).. FLEXURAL PHI FACTOR... ..................... 0.82 13. CALCULATE DESIGN BALANCED MHENT CAPACITY (tlbu) ,-- NOHINAL BALANCED HOHENT (Hbn). ............. 424 K-FT DESIGN BALANCED NOHENT (Hbu : 0.65 Hbn).. 276 K-FT 14. CALCULATE DES16N PURE BENDINS MHENT CAPACITY (HoU) NORINAL WRE BEND1116 MOIENT(npn)........... 197 K-FT DESIGN PURE BEND116 HMENl (llou:O.85 Hon) 168 K-FT 15. CALCULATE DESIGN PURE AXIAL LOAD CAPACITY (Poul NOHINAL PURE AXIAL LOAO (Pori).............. DESIGN PURE AXIAL LOAD (Pou : 0.65 Pon).. HAXIHUH USABLE AXIAL LOAO (PD~;0.80 POU).. - 16. DESIGN HIMEIT CAPhCITY (I) Hu . 1.4 Is.. .............................. DESIGN MOMENT CAPACITY CORRESWNDING TO 1.4 D t 1.4 L........................ H/HCl.. ............................... 0.9 Os.... ............................ H/Hcr................................. 17 SHEAR DEMND VU i 1.4 VS .............................. REBUILD FLEXURAL DUCTILE SHEAR (Vdrf...... 18 SHEAR CAPACITY MAXIHUH WOHIWAL SHEAR STRENGTH TABLE 24-K.. PLASTIC HINGE REGION ENTER I OTHERWISE 2.. . VI = Cd Ag SQRT(f'1) TABLE 24-L....... ..... Av 4.11 INA2 S . 24.0 IN.. .............. vs =..................................* .... Vn :VI t VI.. .............................. DUCTILE SHEAR RATIO (VnlVdu). .............. SHEAR PHI FACTOR.. ......................... Vu ((( 0.60 Vn : 9 KIPS O.K. ...... 638 KIPS 415 KIPS 332 KIPS 69 K-FT 172 K-Fl O.K. 7.0 170 K-Fl O.K. 6.9 6 KIPS 20 KIPS 66 KIPS I 0 KIPS 15 KIPS 15 KIPS 0.77 0.60 i tt*fiIiittitt*tfti~~I~?~~*?t~~t f CONCRETE NASONRY SHEAR-WALL t rttttfr*ttttt*tIttt???t***tt~tt SHWALL 'IERSION (1.01) SEPTENBER, 1987 i t t -I + I f t t I * f t t t t t t f t i t € f t t t t t t - t THIS CONCRETE MASONRY SHEAR WALL PROGRAM (SHWALL! WAS WRITTEN t ASSOCIATION OF CALIFORNIA AND NEVADA. THE !mi: WAS CONOUCTEO t AS PART OF THE TCCNAR HASONRY RESEARCH PROGRAM AND MAS FUNDED t BY THE NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION AND THE CONCRETE KASONRY + AS PART OF THE CATEGOAY 2 RESEARCH WORK UNDER THE J3lNT * !ESEARCH EFFORTS OF EKEH (SWING AND ASSOCIATES, KARIOTIS AND * ASSOCIATES, AND ENGLKERIK AND HART INC.) AND !$AS URITTEN BY I THE STAFF OF ENGLEKIRK AND HART, INC. * ? ? SHWALL IS URITTEN AS A PART OF THE NATIONAL EARTHQUAKE HAZARO REDUCTION PROGRAM (NEHRP) AND IS INTENDED TO BE BOTH A t RESEARCH AID AND DESIGN AI0 FO2 CONCRETE HASONRY SHEAR MALLS. + NEITHER THE NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION, THE CONCRETE HASONRY * ASSOCIATION OF CALIFORNIA AND NEVEDA NOR ENGLEKIRK AND HART, * INC. ASSUHES ANY RESPONSIBILITY FOR ANY ERRORS, NISTAKES, OR t HISREPRESENTATIONS THAT NAY RESULT FROM THE USE OF SHWALL. t SHWALL IS PROVIDED IN AN 'AS IS' CONDITION. NO WARRANTIES OF * ANY KIND, WHETHER STATUTORY, WRITTEN, ORAL, EXPRESSED, OR t INPLIED (INCLUDING WARRANTIES OF ANY FITNESS AND MERCHANTABILITY) SHALL APPLY. f THE COPY OF THIS PROGRAN NAY BE OBTAINED FROA CONCRETE NASONRY ASSOCIATION f OF CALIFORNIA AND NEVADA f 6060 SUNRISE VISTA OR. SUITE 1875 t CITRUS HE!GHTS, CA 95610 t TEL: ('316) 722-1700 t f t f t : t JOB I : 88-235 DATE : 2-83 SHEET : 31 b, TITLE !: PIER #I TITLE 2: LINE 3 I, tlOflINdl DESIGN LOADS DEAD LOAD .................................. LYE !OAD .................................. LATERAL SHEAR FORCE (Vs) ................... !iOi?EtiT(Nsl.. ............................... 2. WALL PROPERTIES NOMINAL BLOCK THICKNESS.(t) ................ LENGTH rjF WALL.!Lw).. ..................... SPEC!FIED C[l!!PRESS!VE STRENGTH.. ........... l!ODULUS OF RUPTURE.. ....................... UAYI?iUH USABLE NASONRY COMPRESSIVE STRAIN.. 2. GAD FACTORS ENTER 1 FOR ANSI OR 2 FOR U.8.C LOAD FACTOR U : 1.4 D t 1.7 L U : 1.4 3 t 1.4 L t 1.4 E U : 0.P D . !,4 E 4. FACTOW AXIAL DEAD AX !NE LOAD Pu: 1.4Dt 1.71 ........................ 5. NOMINAL AXIAL STRENGTH (Pon 0.85 f'nlutl.... 6. DESIGN AXIAL STREtIGTIf (Pnu = 0.65 Ponl ....... Pu i 3 I OF NONINAL AXIAL STRENGTH (Pon) Pu = 5 I OF DESIGN AXIAL STRENGTH (Poul 7. NOMINAL PURE BENDING NOHENT CALCULATION SPECIFIED YIELD STRENGTH.. ................. ESTIHATED NEUTRAL AX!S LOCATION ........... VERTICAL STEEL LOCATION AS1 = 0.40 lNA2 D1 : AS2 = 0.40 INA2 02 = AS3 : 0.40 INA2 03 AS4 : 0.40 IN*? 04 : AS5 : 0.40 lN*2 D5 = AS6 = 0.40 lNA2 06 : ~~ AS7 = 0.40 INA? .E = 0.40 INA? AS9 = 0.40 INA? kSl0 = 0.40 !N"2 ASli = 0.40 IN": AS12 = 0.40 IN"? AS13 = 0.40 IN*? AS14 : 0.40 INA? AS15 i 0.40 INA? AS16 : 0.40 iNA2 59.5 KIPS 0.0 !'IPS 32.4 KIPS 360.6 X-FT 8.0 IN. 23.3 FT 1.5 KSI 1.2 f'm*0.5 '9.003 -I- - 83 KIPS 2722 KIPS 1769 KIPS O.K. O.K. 60.0 KSI 37.3 IN. 4.00 IN. 20.00 IN. 36.00 IN. 52.00 IN. 68.00 IN. 84.00 IN. D7 = 100.00 IN. 09 = 116.1N IN. D9 : 132.00 I#. DIO= 14?.00 If<. Dl!? 164.00 IN. 013: 196.00 IN. 014. 212.00 IN. 015. 228.00 IN. 016: 244.00 IN. DI?= moo IN. AS17 = 0.40 IN*: D17: 260.00 IN. AS18 : 0.00 IN-2 DlS= 264.00 IN. AS19 0.00 INA; D19= 268.00 IN. AS20 0.40 IN*; 020: 276.00 IN. AREA OF STEEL 7.2 INA2 SUM OF TENSION AND COMPRESSION FORCES.. .... 0 KIPS O.K. NEUTRAL AXIS WST RE O.K. ........... NEU HEUTRAL AXIS LOCATION..... ............. 37.30 IN. NONINAL PURE BENDING ROMEHT (Man)., ........ 4430 K-FT 8. FACTORED REWIRED BOflENT NII : I. 4 Hs.. .............................. 505 K-FT '3. NOHINAL CRACKING NOMENT CAPACITY OF SECTION !IItr! DO YOL! WANT TO INCLUDE AXIAL LOAD I# CRACKING flOMENT CALCULATION? (YES:I,NO;O). I PERCENTAGE OF LIVE LOAD TO BE USED TO CALCUTLATE NONINAL CRACKING MOBENT.. ....... 100 Z GROSS SECTION NODULUS ...................... 99633 INA3 IIODULUS OF RUPTURE., ....................... 46 PSI NOBINAL CRACKING flONENT CAPACITY.. ......... 617 K-FT 10. E?ALUAiE NECESSITY OF VERTICAL STEEL CONFINEHENT (BOUNDARY flEMBER) - COMPRESSIVE SiRESS AT 0.4 f'm ........... 0.60 KS! ESTIMATED NEUTRAL AWlS LOCATIOtl.. .......... 88.70 IN. Pu . 1.4 D + 1.4 L.... .................... 83 KIPS SUNMATION OF TENSION AND COHPRESSION FORCES 83 KIPS O.K. MOMENT CORRESPONDING TO STRESS 0.4 f'n... 3213 K-FT THEREFORE : BOUNDARY ELEMENT IS NOT NEEDED THE N.A. llUST BE 0.K ...................... ESTIIIATED NEUTRAL AXIS LOCATION.. .......... 83.60 IN. Pu = 0.9 D ................................. 54 KIPS SUBNATION OF TENSION AND COMPRESSION FORCES 54 KIPS O.K. ;IOHENT CORRESPONDING TO STRESS 0-4 f'n... 3186 K-FT THEREFORE : BOUNDARY ELEMENT IS NOT NEEDED THE N.A. MUST BE O.K.. .................... 11. CALCULATE DESIGN BALANCED AXIAL LOAD (Pbu) BALASCED NEUTRAL AXIS !Cb) ................. 163.35 IN. NOBItIAL aALANCED AXIAL LOAD (Pbn) .......... 1420 KIPS DESIGN BALANCED AXIAL LOAD (Pbu-0.65 Pbn).. 93 YIPS !2. COYPARE X!!RATE 4'11AL LOAD PlD PA!AI!CEE AX!>L I-%? Pu . 1.4 D + !.4 L ........................ e3 KIPS PU : 6 1: OF NCYINAL BALANCED LOAD !Pbn:i. Pu = 1 I OF DESIGN BALANCED LOAD (Pha).. FLEXURAL PHI FWC~ ........................ o.ac ,.- 2 3.4 D ................................. 54 KPS Px = 4 I OF NONiNAL BALANCED LOAD (Pbn,. Pu : 6 1 OF DES!GN BALANCED LOAD !Pbu),. FLEYURAL PHI FACTOR.. ...................... 0.82 13. CALCULATE DESIGN BALANCE0 NORENT CAPACITY ifibu) NOMINAL BALANCED MOMENT inbn) .............. 993s K-FT DESIGN BALANCED nONENT (Mbu : 0.65 Nbn).. 6458 K-FT 14. CALCULATE DESIGN PURE BENDING NONENT CAPACITY iNou) NONIYAL PURE BENDING NOnENTiNon).. ......... DESIGN PURE BENDING NORENT :Mou~O,35 Mnn! !5. CALCULATE DESIGN PURE AXIAL LOAD CAPACITY iPou) NONINAL PURE AXIAL LOAD (Pod .............. DESIGN PURE AXIAL LOAD !POU = 0.65 Pon).. MAXINUN USABLE AXIAL LOA0 (Pnaxz0.80 Pou).. 16. DESIGN flOIIENT CAPACITY iN) Mu . 1.4 Ns ................................ DESIGN NORENT CAPACITY CORRESPONDING TO 1.4 D t !.4 L ........................ NlNtr.. ............................... 0.3 D..,. ............................. N/Mrr ................................. 17 SHEAR DEHAND vu . 1.4 v5 .............................. REQUIRED FLEXURAL DUCTILE SHEAR (Vdu)...... 18 SHEAR CAPACITY HAXINUN NOMINAL SHEAR STRENGTH TABLE 24-K.. PLASTIC HINGE REGION ENTER 1 OTHERMISE 2.. I Ve i Cd Ag SORT(f'B1 TABLE 24-L... ......... Av : 0 INA? S : 24.0 IN ............... VS = ....................................... Vn =Vn + Vs. ............................... DUCTILE SHEAR RATIO (Vnl'ldu) ............... SHEAR ?!I FACTOR.. ......................... Vu ((i 0.60 Vn = 201 YIPS O.K. ...... 4430 K-FT 3765 K-FT 31.15 KIPS 2044 KIPS 1635 KIPS 505 K-FT 3858 K-FT O.K. 6.2 3825 K-FT 0.K. 6.2 45 KIPS 434 KIPS 446 KIPS ? 335 KIPS 3 KIPS 335 KIPS 0.77 0.60 rxrttt**t*tt~i**xtx***€*€tt€tt*t*****itft*t***t€**t*l**xxt*ttt€t€* < t :- TIlIS CONCRETE NASONRY EHEAR WALL PROGRAH (SHWALL) WAS LJRITTEN t 5 AS ?ART CF TUE TCCNAR MSONRY RESEARCH PSOGRAM AND HAS FUNDED * * BY THE NATIENAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION AN0 TUE CONCRETE HASOMY t 5 ASSOCIATION OF CALIFO?HIA AND NEVADA. THE WORE WAS COIIDVCTEO + * AS PART OF THE CATEGORY RESEARCH WORK UNDER THE JOINT t 1. RESEARCH EFF09TS OF EEEH (EWING AN0 AS?OC!ATES, KARIOTIS AX! t t ASSOCIATES, AND ENGLYERIK AND HART :IC.) AND YAS YRITXi EY t THE STAFF OF ENGLEKIRK AND HART, INC. x * 1 - t SHWALL IS WRITTEN AS A PART OF THE NATIONAL EARTHQUAKE € 4 HAZARD REDUCTION PRDGRAR (NEHRP) AN0 IS INTENDEO TO BE BOTH A t f RESEARCH AI0 AND DESIGN AID FOR CONCRETE NASONRY SHEAR WALLS. * 1 NEITHER THE NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNOATION, THE CONCRETE HASONRY * 1 4 t ASSOCIATION OF CALIFORNIA AND NEVEDA NOR ENGLEKIRK AND HART, * f INC. ASSUNES ANY RESPONSIBILITY FOR ANY ERRORS, I?ISTAIES, OR t * RISREPRESENTATIONS THAT RAY RESULT FROM THE USE OF SHYALL. * f SHUALL IS PROVIDED IN AN 'AS IS' CONDITION. NO WARRANTIES OF + i ANY KINO, WHETHER STATUTORY, WRITTEN, ORAL, EXPRESSED, OR t t INPLIEO (INCLUDINO WARRANTIES OF ANY FITNESS AN0 € € NERCHANTABILITY) SHALL APPLY. t f t 1. t :HE COPY OF THIS PROGRAM BAY BE OBTAINED FROn : t CONCRETE MASONRY ASSOCIATION I OF CALIFORNIA AND NEVADA * t 6060 SUNRISE VISTA DR. SUITE 1875 f f CITRUS HEIGHTS, CA 95610 t * TEL: ('316) 7?:-1700 t * i ~tttt€*lt~ttXt~x1ttfftf€*tltx*tt1.t~~t*tttt~f~~ttt1f~ftttttftxt*~tl JOB 4 : 38-35 DATE : 2-99 SHEET : TITLE 1: PIER 1: TITLE 2: LINE 3 1, NU8INkL DESIfN LOADS DEAD LOAD .................................. 29.2 KIPS LIVE LOAD .................................. 0.0 Kips !ATERA! %EAR FORCE ivsj ................... 1.8 [IPS MONENTiHs) ................................. 2. WALL PROPERTIES NOflINAL BLOCK THICKNESS. (k).. .............. ILEtlGTH OF WALL.(!w).. ..................... SPECIFIED CORPRESSIVE ETRENGTH, ............ YODIJLUS IIF RIJPTURE.., ...................... llAXIHllH IISABLE MASONRY COMPRESSIVE STRAIN.. 2, !OM FACTORS ENTER 1 FOR ANSI OR 2 FOR U.P,C LOAD FACTOR I! = 1.4 D 6 I,? L U : 1.4 D 1,4 ! t 1.4 E U = 0.3 0 . 1.4 E 4. FACTORED AXIAL DEAD AND LIVE !OAD Pu: 1.4D+ 1.71 ........................ 5. NOHINAL AXIAL STRENGTH (Pon : 0.85 f'ntut).... 6. DESIGN AXIAL STRENGTH !Poi1 . 0.65 Punl. ...... Pu = 8 I OF NOMINAL AXIAL STRENGTH (Pod Pu : 12 I OF DESIGN AXIAL STRENGTH (Pou) 7. NOMNAL PURE BENDING RUMEN1 CALCULATION SPECIFIED YIELO STRENGTH.. ................. ESTIRATED NEUTRAL AXIS LOCATION ........... VERTICAL STEEL LOCATION AS1 : 0.40 INA? D1 = AS2 : 0.40 111'2 r> z AS3 = 4.40 INA: 02 : AS4 : 0.00 I#'? 01 = ASS = 0.00 IN*? D5 = 27.5 K-FT 8.0 IN. 4,? FT :.5 hSl. I.? f'V9.S 0.003 -I- 2 41 KIPS 544 KIPS 354 KIPS 0. K. R*K. 60.0 XSI 6.1 IN. 4.00 IN. :0.00 Ill. 26."'! ::I. t;.:.:0 ::I. 68.0O IN. #:17 : 0.00 I:;"? 317- 160.00 IN. Asis : 0.00 Iv? Dl'd: 264.00 IN. ASl? = 0.00 INA: D19= 44.00 IN. AS20 : 0,413 INA? 020: 52.00 IN. AREA OF STEEL 1.6 !#"? SUM OF TENSION AND COHPRESSION FORCES.. .... 0 KIPS O.K. NEUTRAL AXIS NET BE O.K. ........... NEW WTRAL AXIS LOCATION .................. 6.90 IN. NOMINAL PURE BENDING HOHENT (Hon) .......... 197 X-FT 9. FACTORED REQUIRED HOMENi nu . 1.4 ns ................................ 39 K-FT 1. tlOHINAL CRACKING RORENT CAPACITY OF SECTION (kr) BO YOU WANT TO INCLUDE AXIAL LOAD IN PERCENTAGE OF LIVE LOAD TO BE USED TO CALCUTLATE NOHINAL CRACKING flOMENT.. ....... 100 I GROSS SECTION NODULUS., .................... 3985 IN^3 MODULUS OF RUPTURE. ........................ 46 PSI NOHINAL CRACKING NDMENT CAPACITY.. ......... 38 K-FT CRACKING ;IORENT CALCULATION? (YES-I,NO~O). I IO. EVALUATE NECESSITY OF VERTICAL STEEL CONFINENENT (BOUNDARY \EMBER) CONPRESSIVE STRESS AT 0.4 f'n ........... 0.60 KSI ESTIMATED NEUTRAL AXIS LOCATION.. .......... 22.60 IN. Pu . 1.4 D t 1.4 1. ....................... 41 KIPS SUMNATION OF TENSION AND COMPRESSION FORCES 41 KIPS O.K. NONENT CORRESPONDING TO STRESS 0.4 f'm... 143 K-F! THEREFORE : BOUNDARY ELEnENT IS NOT NEEDED THE N.A. HUST BE 0.K ...................... ESTIHATED NEUTRAL AXIS LOCATION............ 19.70 IN. Pu . 0.9 8. ................................ 26 KIPS SUMNATION OF TENSION AND CONPRESSION FORCES 26 KIPS O.K. NOMENT CDRAESPONDING TO STRESS 0.4 f'n... 143 K-FT THEREFORE ! BOUNDARY ELERENT IS NOT NEEDED THE N.A. NUST BE 0.K ...................... !I. CALCULATE DESIGN SALt!!P;D iYIAL LOA0 (?h! SA!ANCED 1IEUTRPL AXIS (Chi.. ............... 30.79 IN. NOHINAL 8ALAtlCED AXIAL LOAD (PbnI .......... P61 ):IPS DESIGN BALANCED AXIAL LOAD !Pbu:4.55 Ptnl.. !69 KIPS 12. COHPRE ULililATE AXIAL LOAD AND %LAKED AXIAL LOAD Pu . 1.4 0 t i.4 L ........................ 41 KIPS Pu : 16 1 OF NOi?lNAL BALANCED LOAD !?:?I. Pu = 24 Z OF DESIGX SALIHCED LOAD (FLU!.. -.-,.,,.., ".,. r.*rnn .,. 77 Pa . 0." D ................................. 26 %IPS Pu : IO 1 OF NOMIFIAL BALANCED LOAD (Pknj. Pu : 16 I OF DESIGN BALANCED LOAD !PSu!., FLEXURAL PHI FACTDI, ....................... 0.77 13. CALCULATE DESIGN BALANCED MDMENT CAPACITY (Xbul NDMIP$AL BALANCED HDNENT (Hbn!, . , , ,. , , , , , , , , 424 K-FT DESIGN BALANCED NOHENT (flbu = 0.65 Mbn!.. 276 K-FT 14. C.\LC!ILATE CESIGH PURE SENDING flONENT CAPACIT:' (hu! ?..- )!CuIL!AL PUPE BENDING f!DMENT(hn). .......... DESIGN PURE SENDING MOMENT (Nau=l0.85 Mnnj !5. CALCELATE DESIGN PURE AXIAL LDAD CAPACITY (Pou! NOflINAL PURE AXIAL LDAD (Pnn!.............. DESIGN PURE AX:AL LCAD ;?aii = 0.65 Pon!.. MAXIMUM USARLE AXIAL LOAD !Plar'0.80 Pod 16. DESIGN MOMENT CAPACITY (N! HI1 . 1,'l HS- ............................... DESIGN NDilENT CAPACITY CORRESPONDING TO 1.4 D t 1.4 L ........................ MlMtr. ................................ 0.3 D ................................. Mlflrr,, ............................... 17 SHEAR DEMAND Vu i 1.4 VE .............................. REQUIRED FLEXURAL DUCTILE SHEAR (Vdu) ...... 18 SHEAR CAPACITY NAXlMUfl NOIINAL SHEAR STRENGTH TABLE 24-R.. PLASTIC HINGE REGION ENTER I OTIIE?blISE !... VB : Cd Ag SORT(f'mj TABLE 24-1. ........... Av :0.11 IN*? s . 24.0 IN ............... v5 : ....................................... Vn :Vm + Vs ................................ DUCTILE SHEAR 8ATIO !Vni'ldul., ............. WAR PHI FACTOR.. ......................... Vu '!i 0.60 Vn = 9 KIPS D.K. ...... I?? K-FT 168 K-FT 633 KIPS 415 YIPS 37: 'Ips 39 K-FT 178 K-FT D.K. 4.7 174 K-FT O.K. 4.6 3 KIPS 16 KIPS 56 KIPS I 0 KIPS 1; YIP? 15 KIPS 0.96 0.60 ftt*tt*tffttt*~ttit*ttt*ttt~t*t t CONCRETE NASOWRY SHEAR-WALL t rtttifttttfittt**ff*tttttftttt* SHHALL VERSION (I,$l) SE?TiI(BEA, IS87 tt~~it~I~~i****tttftt~fttittt~tt~ftt*ti*tt*~*tt~**~ftttttt~t€t~~~t f * t THIS CONCRETE MSOAIAY SHEAR WALl PROERAil GHWALL) HAS WRITTEN t t AS PART OF THE TCCMAR IASONR? BESEARCH PROGRAM AND WAS FUNDED + t 9Y THE NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION AND THE CONCRETE MASOIJRY t f ASSOCIATION OF CALIFORNIA AND NEVADA. THE YORK WAS CONDUCTED * AS PART OF ?HE CATEGORY 2 RESEARCH UORK UNDER THE JOIXT i RESEARCH EFFORTS OF EREH iEKING AND ASSOCIATES, KARIOTIS AND I. * AESOCIATES, AND ENGLKERIK AND HART INC.! :AYD !#AS IIRITTEY PY t t I t THE STAFF UF ENGLEKIRK AN0 HART, INC. I f t f t SHWALL IS WRITTEN AS A PART OF THE NATIONAL EARTHQUAKE t HAZARD REXCTICN PROGRAM (NEHRP) AND IS INTENDED TO RE BOTH A f i WEARCH AI0 AND DESIGN AID FOR CONCRETE MASONRY SHEAR MALLS. f I 4 t NEITHER THE NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION, THE CONCRETE RASOIIRY * t ASSOCIATIO# OF CALIFORHIA &NO NEVEOA NOR ENGLEKIRK AND HART, * t INC. ASSURES ANY RESPONSIRILITY FOR ANY ERRORS, MISTAKES, OR * t RISREPRESENTATICNS THAT ElAY RESULT FROB THE USE OF SHWALL. t f SH#ALL IS PAOVIDED IN ,AN 'AS IS' CONDITION. NO MARRANTIES OF t ANY KIND, WHETHER STATUTORY, MITTEN, ORAL, EXP4ESSEDI OR t. t IMPLIED (INCLUDING WARRANTIES OF ANY FITNESS AND t t IERCHANTABILITY) SHALL APPLY. t t f f t THE COPY OF THIS PRCGRAN MY BE OBTAINED FROll : 4 CONCRETE UASONRY ASSOCIAT!ON t t OF CALIFORNIA AND NEVADA f t 6060 SUNRISE VISTA DR. SUITE 1875 f + CITR!IS HEIGHTS, CA 95610 t f TEL: (916) 722-1700 t 1 t ~fr*i*fttt4t~tltt€lt~~~+~t+~f*tttttt~tttt4+~titttttt*tft€~~~4'+tti JDP # : $8-235 DATE : 2-81 SHEET : TITLE I: PIER 13 TITLE ?: LINE 3 !. !8lii!!.l3L DESIGN LOAE DEAD LOAD.. ................................ 30.6 KIPS LIVE LOAD .................................. 9.n SIPS LATERAL SHEAR FORCE (W............... .... 2.7 KIPS MOIiENT(k),.. .............................. 31.5 K-FT 2. WALL PROPERTIES NOMNAL BLOCK THICKNESS.(tI.........,........ 8.0 IN. LENGTH OF WALL.(Lw).. ..................... SPECIFIED COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH.. ........... ;IODlULUS OF RUPTURE.. ....................... 'IAXIMUM USABLE NASONRY COMPRESSIVE STRAIN.. 3. LOAD FACTORS ENTER I FOR ANSI OR 2 FOR U.B.C LOAD FACTOR U = 1.4 U t. 1.7 L U = 1.4 D + 1.4 L + 1.4 E U : 0.3 0 - 1.4 E 4. FACTORED AXIAL DEAD AND LIVE LOAD Pu: 1.4 D + 1.7 L ........................ 5. NOHINAL AXIAL STRENGTH (Pon . 0.85 f'alut).... 6, DESIGN AXIAL STRENGTH (POU . 0.65 Pd....,.. Pu i 6 2 OF NOHINAL AXIAL STRENGTH (Pori) Pu : 1 I OF DESIGN AXIAL STRENGTH (Pod 7. NOMINAL PURE BENDING HOHENT CALCULATION SPECIFIED YIELD STRENGTH ................... ESTIMATED NEUTRAL AXIS LOCATION ........... VERTICAL STEEL LOCATION AS1 = 0.40 IN9 AS2 0.40 INA? A53 = 0.40 IN*: A51 : ?.40 INA? >% = e.09 !?!*? 456 : 0.(10 IN": AS7 = 0.00 IN*: r\S8 = 0.00 INY so = '?.to I!*? ASlO: 0.00 IN": AS11 : 0.00 IN? AS12 = 0.00 INY AS!? = 9.00 IN"? AS14 = 0.00 INA2 AS!?. 'l.i.0 !'P? Dl = 02 = D3 = 04 : CF, : 06 : 6.0 FT 1.5 !SI 1.2 f'a"0.5 0.003 -I- 2 43 KIPS 700 KIPS 455 KIPS O.K. O.K. 60.0 YSI 9.2 IN. 4.00 IN. :e.oo IN, :E.':l'i :)!, S?.Ol' I)!. S!i.UO IN. 94.0') IN. 07: 100.DO !II. 08: 1!5.0!> 81. D? : Il?.'?n IN. 010: 148.00 IN. 011. 154.00 IN. 013. 196.9? !N. 014; 212.00 IN. ?!:: :?y.':I': TI'. 012: iao.00 IH. ,-- L L AS17 = 0.00. iW? 3:7: 260.00 I#. AS18 = 0.00 INA2 019: 264.00 IN. AS19 = 0.00 IN*? 911; 80.00 IN. AS20 = 0.40 IN"? 021): 69.00 IN. AREA OF STEEL = 2.0 !N*2 SUH OF TENSION AND CCMPRESSIOH FORCES.. .... 0 KIPS O.K. NEUTRAL AXIS MUST BE 0.K. ........... NEW tdEUTRAL AXIS LOCATION.. ................ '3.20 IN. NCN!NAL PURE EEND!NF NOYENT !Ion). ......... 321 <+T 9. FACTORED RE[IY!RED MOMENT Hu . 1.4 Hs. ............................... 55 K-FT ?. !:O"rfML CRACKING MNENT CAPACITY ZF SX7IDN 'ifmi DO YOU WA"IT TO INCLUDE AXIAL LOAD IN PERCENTAGE OF LIVE LOAD TO BE USED TO CALCUTLATE NOflINAL CRACKING NONENT......... 100 I GROSS SECTION IIODULUS. ..................... 6588 INA3 HODULUS OF RUPTURE.. ....................... 46 PSI NOMINAL CRACKING NOflENT CAPACITY. .......... 56 K-FT CRACKING MONEEIT CALCULATION? CES: 1, )IO :O). 1 10. EVALUATE NECESSITY OF 'IERTICAL STEEL CONFINENENT (BOUNDARY HENBERI COMPRESSIVE STRESS AT 0.4 f'n ........... 0.60 KS! ESTINATED NEUTRAL AXIS LOCATION ............ 27.20 IN. Pu . 1.4 D + 1.4 L ........................ 43 KIPS SUliHATION OF TENSION AND COMPRESSION FORCES 43 KIPS O.K. NOHENT CORRESPONDING TO STRESS 0.4 f'a... 231 K-FT THEREFORE : BOUNDARY ELEMENT IS NOT NEEDED THE N.A. NUST BE 0.K ...................... ESTIIIATEO NEUTRAL AXIS LOCATION., .......... 24.40 IN. Pu . 0.9 D. ................................ 28 KIPS SUHHATION OF TENSION AND CONPRESSION FORCES 28 KIPS O.K. NOnENT CORRESPONDING TO STRESS 0.4 f'm... 231 K-FT THEREFORE : BOUNDARY ELENENT IS NOT NEEDED THE N.A. NUST BE 0.1: ...................... 11. CALCULATE DESIGN EALANCED AXIAL LOAD (Pbul BALANCED NEUTRAL AXIS 'Cb) ................. 40.24 IN. NOtlINAL BALANCE? AXIAL LOAD (Pbn! .......... 344 KIPS DESIGN BALANCED AXIAL LOAD iPbuz0.t: ?W.. i-i KIPS *.?9 12. COflPdRE ULTIHATE AXIAL LOAD AND RALANCED AXIAL LOAD Pi1 . 1.4 D t 1.4 L ........................ 43 KIPS PII : I? I OF NOHINAL BALANCSD LOAD (Pbn,. Pu = 19 1 OF DESIGN PALANCED LOAD [Phu).. CI r,!!lQ>l P'l' rArT0:. .... , '!,?C .................. . '>'I Ki,CE ?? 0.9 9 ................................. ..I Pu : 3 I OF NOAINAL BALANCED LOAD (Pbn!. Pu : 12 1 OF DESIGII EALANCEO LOAD (Pbuj.. FLEXURAL PHI FACTOR.. ...................... 0.73 tIOI1INAL PURE BENDING NO8E!iT('lnn!. .......... DESIGN PURE BENIN5 ;IOHEIIT !\ou~'i.95 Hen) CALXATE 3ESIEII Pb?E AXIAL !@AD CAPACITY (Po'I! 15. NOHINAL PURE AXIAL !OAD (Pon!. ............. OES!GN ?URE AXIX LOAD !PGU = G.65 ?On).. MAXIllCA USABLE AXIAL !OAD (Pi?ar:0.30 Poul.. - 16. DESIGN IIOHENT CAPACITY (111 Mu : 1.4 ns ................................ DESIGN IIOHENT CAPACITY CORRESPONDING TO 1.4 D t 1.4 1. ....................... AlAcr., ............................... 0.9 0. ................................ n/mtr ................................. 17 SHEAR DEIIAND ')U . 1.4 1'5 .............................. ilEOUIRE0 FLEXURAL DUCTILE SHEAR (Vdu!...... !a SHEAR CAPACITY HAXIAUH NOHINAL SHEAR STRENGTH TABLE 243.. PLASTIC I;iEIE ?EC.!n!+ ENTER ! OTWXISE 2.. . :'m . 2 Ag %?Trfb'! T.!P!E 24-1 ............ Av 4.11 IN*: S . ?'.C !!I ............... I!: ........................................ Vn :'!n 4 '!s,, .............................. - DUCTILE SHEAR PATIO (VniVdu!. .............. SHEAR PHI F4CTOR.. ......................... I?. CALCU!ATE DESIGN PlJRE BENDING !OflENT CAPACIT'I (loll) 'l~ :<: 0.60 Vn . I; KIPS O.K. ...... 321 R-FT 273 u-Fi 3!7 K!?S 531 U!PS 425 KIPS 55 K-FT 235 X-FT O.K. 5.1 281 K-FT O.K. 5.0 4 KIPS 26 KIPS 85 KIPS ! 0 KrPr 20 KIPS -. a> i'1p.C 0.76 0.60 ,-- t*t€*€fitttt*t€€~~*~tttt4€*t~f**t**~*~tt*4~t****€~****ttt**~tt*~~* t € THIS CONCRETE NASONRY SHEAR WALL PROGRAH (SHYALL) MAS WRITTEN ? AS PART OF THE TCCflAR IIASDNRY RESEARCH PROGRAM AND MAS FUNDED * t * RY THE NATIONAL SCIEHCE FOUNDATION AND THE CONCRETE MASONRY i ASSOCIATION OF CALIFORNIA AND NEVADA. AS PART OF THE CATEGORY 2 RESEARCH YORI: UIIDES THE ,JOINT i RESEARCH EFFORTS OF EKEH IEWING AND ASSOCIATES, LXRIOTIS AND + GSOCIATES, AND ENGLXERIK AND HART INC.) AND WAS WRITTEN BY t THE WON WAS CONDUCTED t t f ,-- * t SHWALL IS WRITTEN AS A PART OF THE NATIONAL EARTHQUAKE t HAZARD REDUCTlDN PROGRAM (NEHRP) AND IS RITENDED TO BE BOTH A t t RESEARCH AID AND UESIGN AID FOR CONCRETE NASDNRY SHEAR WALLS. t * 'i t THE STAFF OF ENGLEKIRK AND HAU, INC. x t € t t x :(EITHER THE NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION, THE CONCRETE IASONRY t * ASSOCIATION OF CALIFORNIA AND NEVEDA NOR ENGLEKIRK AND HART, i t INC. ASSUHES ANY RESPONSIBILITY FOR ANY ERRORS, IIISTAKES, OR t * IIlSREPAESENTATlDNS THAT RAY i7ESULT FRO\ THE USE OF SHWALL. f t SHWALL IS PROVIDED IN AN 'AS IS* CONDITION. NO WARRANTIES OF * 4 AMY KIND, WHETHER STATUTORY, WRITTEN, ORAL, EXPRESSED, OR * * IMPLIED (INCLUDING WARRANTIES OF ANY FITNESS AND t t NERCHANTABILITY) SHALL APPLY. t t t 4 4 THE COPY OF THIS PRDGRAN BAY BE OBTAINED FROM : * CONCRETE NASONRY ASSOCIATION t t OF CALIFORNIA AND NE'!ADA f t 6060 SUNRISE S'ISIA OR. SUITE 1875 + CITRUS HEIGHTS, CA 95610 € , f TEL: (?!6! !22-1700 t t * t~~ttxtt?itttit?+~~?+t~ttttt~tttt€f4~ttt€tttft~fi~ft~€t??~*ttt'ittt ma it : 9~-:25 3ATE : 2-33 YEE? : TITLE !: PIER 44 TITLE 2: LINE 3 1. NOi1IHAL DESIGN LOADS DEAD LOAD .................................. L I’JE LOAD. ................................. LATE%! SHEAR FORCE (V.0 ................... MORENT(Ns) ................................. 2. UALL PROPERTIES HONINAL BLOCK THICKNESS. (t) ................ ,- !ENGTH OF WALL.!L,;), ...................... SPECIFIED COMPRESSIVE STRENGiB.. ........... MODULUS DF RUPTURE ......................... MAXIHUH USABLE MASONRY CDIPRESSIK STRAIN.. 3. LOAD FKTORS ENTER I FOR ANSI OR 2 FUR U.B.C LOAD FACTOR U : 1.4 D + 1.7 L U = 1.4 O + 1.4 L + 1.4 E U : 0.9 D - 1.4 E 4. FACTORED AXIAL OEAD AND LIVE LOAD Pu: 1.4 D t 1.7 L ........................ 5. NOHINAL AXIAL STRENGTH (Pan = 0.85 f’atut).... 6. DESIGN AXIAL STREIlGTH (Puu . 0.65 Pori)....... PII : 5 1 OF !lDNINAL AXIAL STRENGTH (Ponl Pu : 7 1 OF DESIGN AXIAL STRENGTH (Pou) 7. NONNAL PURE BENDING MOMENT CALCULATION SPECIFIED YIELD STRENGTH....... ............ ESTIMTED NEUTRAL AXIS LOCATION ........... VERTICAL STEEL LOCATION AS! : 0.40 INA: Dl = AS? : 0.40 INA2 D? : AS3 = 0.40 IN^2 D3 = AS4 = 10.40 III*” 04 = AS5 = 0.00 IN*? 15 = i 27- KIPS 583 KIPS 371 KIPS O.K. D.K. 60.0 KSI 9.2 IN. 4.00 IN. 20.00 IN. 36.00 !N. 48.00 111. flO.C’! IN, r ....... ..~ ... .~ :: (1.X 1:r; D17- 260.80 IN. AS13 : 0.00 IN? 018; '264,OO IN. AS19 0.00 IN"? D19: 30.00 .IN. $,$:!): ,>.q [)py D?O: jg.!j(t IN. ;$EA OF STEEL I 2.9 I:("? SUH !IF TSNEICN AND CONFRESSION F2oCES. ..... 0 K:Ps C,K. NELITRAL AXIS KIST BE O.K. ........... NEW :!EUTRAL AXIS LOCATION.. ................ '9.20 IN. !;OMINAL PURE SEND!NG NDIENT !kn! .......... 239 K-fT E. FACTORED REQUIREE ZOYEKT ?! = 1.4 Ns.. .............................. 40 K-FT '3. IlO~ItlAL C?AC!::NG WENT CAPACITY OF SECTION !Ncr! DO YOU :JAN1 TO IIICLUOE AXIAL !DAD 3 PERCENTAGE OF LIVE LOAD TO BE USED TO CALCUTLATE NO!tlHAL CRACKING HOMENT........, 100 Z GROSS SECTION MODULUS. ..................... 4575 ItP3 HODULUS OF RUPTURE ......................... 46 PSI XOII!NA! CRACKING IOMENT CAPACITY.. ......... 34 K-FT CgACXIHG WENT CALCULATION? (YES:l,NO4). 1 10. EVALUATE NECESSITY OF VERTICAL STEEL CONFINENENT (BOUNDARY RENBERI COMPRESSIVE STRESS AT 0.4 f'm ........... 0.60 KSI ESTIHATEB NEUTRAL AIIS LOCATION.. .......... 22.80 IN. PI! = 1.4 D I. 1.4 L ........................ 27 KIPS SUHHATION OF TENSION AND COnPRESSlON FORCES ;7 KIPS 0.E. HOZENT CORRESPONDING TO STRESS 0.4 f'n... 178 K-FT THEREFORE I BOUNDARY ELEnENT IS NOT NEEDED THE N.A. YUST 9E O.K.. .................... ESTIMATED NEUTRAL AXIS LCCATION. ........... 21.40 IN. Pu = 0.9 D ................................. 18 KIPS SUNHATION OF TENSION AND CONPRESSION FORCES 18 KIPS O.E. MOMENT CORRESPONDIWG TO STRESS 0.4 f'm... 181 K-FT THEREFORE : BOUNDARY ELEnENT IS NOT tIEEDED THE N.A. MUST AE 0.K ...................... I!. CALCl!!ATE DESIGN BALANCED AXIAL LOAD !Pbul PALANCED NEUTML AXIS iCb! ................. 33.14 I!i, NONIIML ?ALANCEP AXIAL LOAD !Pbol. ......... ?66? E!% DESIGN PALANCED AXIAL LOAD I?bu=O.65 Pbn!.. 175 KIPS 12. COYPARE ULTIMATE AXIAL LOAD AND BALANCED AXIAL LOAO Pu = 1.4 D t 1.4 L ........................ 27 KIPS Pu : 10 2 OF NOHINAL BALAI!CED LOAO !Pbn). Pa = 16 2 OF DESIGN YALAHCED LOAD !Pbd.. .~ .,- ~~~ Pu . 0.9 D ................................. 18 KIPS Pu : 7 I OF NONINAL BALANCED LOAD (Pbn!. Pu : 10 1 DF DESIGN BALANCED LOAD (Pbul.. FLEXURAL PHI FACTOR,. ...................... 0.80 ,- !3. CALCULATE DESIGN BALANCED NOIENT CAPACITY (?!HI) NOVINAL BALANCED ilDRENT (Nbn). ............. 504 K-F? DESIGN EALANCED NONENT (#bu 0.65 EW.. 327 E-Fi !1. CALCULATE DESIGN PURE BEIiDIEiG NDXENT CAPACITY (Mou) NOMINAL PURE BENDING HONENT(Noni. .......... 289 K-FT DESIGN PURE PEIIDIHG MOYENT (C00:0.85 flon) 245 K-FT 15, CALCULATE IESIGN PURE AXIAL LOAD CAPACITY (POU! NOMINAL PURE AXIAL LOAD (Pori). ............. IIAI!;1UM USABLE AXIAL LOLO (P@ax:O.SO Pou).. DESIGN PURE AXIAL !DAD (POU 0.65 %?I.. .- !6. DESIGN IDNENT CAPACITY (fl) nu . 1.4 ns. ............................... DESIGN MUIENT CAPACITY CORRESPONDING TO 1.4 D + !.4 ! ........................ NIHcr ................................. 6.9 D ................................. WVcr. ................................ 17 SHEAR DEMAND Vu : 1.4 Vs .............................. REQUIRED FLEXURAL DUCTILE SHEAR (Vdul,. .... 13 :HEAR CAPACITY KAXiflUV NOIIINAL SHEAR STRENGTH TAR!E 24-1.. ?!E?!S U1NC.E Rf6:3!4 :!IT2 ! O:;!E&[ISE ;, , , \'a . Cd Ag S3RT!f'n! TABLE 24-L... ......... ./1 i,, :Q, 1; !I;*? J . .<.C! IN ............... 'In %a 4 k.. .............................. ?:'C:!!E ELIEAR RAT!O IYn!Vdz!. .............. :!!EA? PY! FACTOR.. ......................... (! 4 .' ~~. ' " 3.60 Yn 1 10 KIPS O.V. ...... I_ . :,., I,. - ,, ........................................ 701 KIPS 455 KIPS 354 K!PS 40 K-FT ?44 K-FT 0.E. 7.2 244 V-FT 0.Y. 7.2 3 KIPS ?l KIPS 71 KIPS ! 0 R!PS !? K!PS 17 KIPS 1.79 C.iG t****~t*****i*******t***t****t* * CONCRETE MASONRY SHEAR-MLL i t*****t**l**ttt****tt****t****i SHYALL VERSION (1.01) SEPTEMBER, 1987 __._____._________-.---. ***t********ii*~*tt**tt***t***t***ttt*t*t*********t***t****t*****t * t * THIS CONCRETF MASONRY SHEAR WALL PROGRAM (SHYALL) MS WRITTEN t i AS PART OF THE TCCMAR MASONRY RESEARCH PROGRAM AND WAS FUNDED + t BY THE NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION AND THE CONCRETE MASONRY * i ASSOCIATION OF CALIFORNIA AND NEVADA. THE YORK HAS CONOUCTED * AS PART OF THE CATEGORY 2 RESEARCH WORK UNDER THE JOINT i RESEARCH EFFORTS OF EKEH (EYING AND ASSOCIATES, KARIOTIS AND * f ASSOCIATES, AND ENGLKERIK AND HART INC.) AND HAS WRITTEN BY * * * * SHYALL IS WRITTEN AS A PART OF THE NATIONAL EARTHQUAKE t 5 HAZARD REDUCTION PROGRAM (NEHRP) AN0 IS INTENDED TO BE BOTH A * * RESEARCH AID AND DESIGN AID FOR CONCRETE WASONRY SHEAR HALLS. * * * * NEITHER THE NATIONAL SCIENCE FDUNDATION, THE CONCRETE MASONRY * * ASSOCIATION OF CALIFORNIA AND NEVEDA NOR ENGLEKIRK AND HART, * * INC. ASSUMES ANY RESPONSIBILITY FOR ANY ERRORS, MISTAKES, OR e t RISREPRESEITITIONS THAT MAY RESULT FROM THE USE OF SHYALL. * * SHYALL IS PRDVIOEO IN AN 'AS IS' CINDITION. NO WARRANTIES OF * * ANY KIND, WHETHER STATUTORY, WRITTEN, ORAL, EXPRESSED, OR * * IMPLIED (INCLUDING YARRANTIES OF ANY FITNESS AND * * I(ERCHANTABIL1TY) SHALL APPLY. * t * * THE STAFF OF ENGLEKIRK AN0 HART, INC. * - * * * * THE COPY OF THIS PROGRAM HAY BE OBTAINED FROM : * CONCRETE MASONRY ASSOCIATION t t OF WLIFDRWIA AND NEVADA * * 6060 SUNRISE VISTA DR. SUITE 1875 * * CITRUS HEIGHTS, CA 95610 * * TEL: (916) 722-1700 * * * **tttt**************ttt*t***~***t**t**t*tt******~t**t*******i***** JOB I : 88-235 DATE : 2-89 SHEET : TITLE 1: PIER #I TITLE 2: LINE A 8106 B 1. NOMINAL DESIGN LOADS r DEAD LOAD....... ........................... LIVE LOAD.. ................................ LATERAL SHEAR FORCE (Vs). .................. MHENT (N5 1, ................................ 2. WALL PROPERTIES NOMINAL BLOCK THICKNESS. (t). ............... LENSTH OF MALL. (Lvl.. ..................... SPECIFIED COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH.. ........... HODULUS OF RUPTURE.. ....................... MAXIMUM USABLE MASONRY COMPRESSIVE STRAIN.. 3. LOAD FACTORS ENTER 1 FOR ANSI OR 2 FOR U.8.C LOAD FACTOR U : 1.4 D + 1.7 L U = 1.4 D + 1.4 L + 1.4 E U : 0.9 D - 1.4 E 4. FACTORED AXIAL DEAD AND LIVE LOAD Pu: 1.4 D + 1.7 L............... ......... 5. NOMINAL AXIAL STRENGTH (Pon 0.85 f'mLut).... 6. DESIGN AXIAL STRENGTH (Por . 0.65 Pon)....... Pu i 3 I OF NOMINAL AXIAL STRENGTH (Pon) Pu 5 I OF DESIGN AXIAL STRENGTH (Pod - . 7. NOMINAL PURE BMDING HONENT CALCULATION SPECIFIED YIELD STRENGTH................... ESTIMATED NEUTRAL AKIS LOCATION ........... VERTICAL STEEL LOCATION AS1 = 0.40 IN%? D1 = AS2 = 0.10 IN"2 D2 : AS3 = 0.40 INL2 D3 = AS4 : 0.00 IK"2 04 = ASS = 0.00 IN? D5 : 11.9 KIPS 0.0 KIPS 5.1 KIPS 55.2 K-FT 8.0 IN. 4.7 FT 1.5 KSI 1.2 t'r*0.5 0.003 -I- 2 17 KIPS 544 KIPS 354 KIPS O.K. O.K. 60.0 KSI 6.9 IN. 4.00 IN. 20.00 IN. 36.00 IN. 28.00 IN. 44.00 IN. AS6 * 0.00 IN? AS7 : 0.00 IN*2 AS8 : 0.00 INA2 AS9 = 0.00 IN"2 AS10 : 0.00 IN? AS11 = 0.00 IN9 AS12 : 0.00 11'2 AS13 0.00 1NA2 AS14 = 0.00 INA2 AS15 : 0.00 IN^2 AS16 = 0.00 IN"2 ~~ 06 : 60.00 IN. 07 = 76.00 IN. D8 : 92.00 IN. D9 : 108.00 IN. 010: 124.00 IN. D11: -66.00 IN. 012: -50.00 IN. 013: -34.00 IN. D15: -2.00 IN. D16: 14.00 IN. DM: -18.00 IN. AS17 : 0.00 INA2 Dl71 30.00 IN. AS18 0.00 IP2 D18. 38.00 IN. AS19 = 0.00 IN"2 019: 44.00 IN. AS20 : 0.40 IN? 020. 52.00 IN. AREA OF STEEL : 1.6 IN? SUM OF TENSION AND COMPRESSION FORCES.. .... 0 KIPS O.K. NEUTRAL AXIS MUST BE O.K. ........... NEW NEUTRAL AXIS LOCATION .................. 6.90 IN. NOHINAL PURE BENDING MOHENT (Hon).......... 197 K-FT 8. FACTORED REWIRED HOMENT Mu . 1.4 Ms......... ....................... 77 K-FT 9. NOHINAL CRACKING HOHENT CAPACITY OF SECTION (Mtr) DO YOU WANT TO INCLUDE AXIAL LOAD IN CRACKING HOIIENT CALCULATION? (YES4,NO;O). I PERCENTAGE OF LIVE LOAD TO BE USED TO CALCUTLATE NOMINAL CRACKING MONENT.. ....... 100 1 GROSS SECTION HODULUS.... .................. 3985 IN"3 MODULUS OF RUPTURE.. ....................... 46 PSI NOMINAL CRACKING MOMENT CAPACITY........... 25 K-FT 10. EVALUATE NECESSITY OF VERTICAL STEEL COIIFINEIIENT (BOUNDARY HEHBER) - COHPRESSIVE STRESS AT 0.4 f'm ........... 0.60 KSI ESTIHATEO NEUTRAL AXIS LOCATION............ 18.20 IN. Pu . 1.4 D + 1.4 L................. ....... 17 KIPS SUHHATION OF TENSION AND COMPRESSION FORCES 17 KIPS O.K. MOMENT CORRESPONDING TO STRESS 0.4 f'm.., 144 1-FT THEREFORE : BWNDARY ELEMENT IS NOT NEEDED THE N.A. MUST BE O.K.. .................... ESTIMATED NEUTRAL AXIS LOCATIOW............ 17.30 IN. Pu . 0.9 D.... ............................. 11 KIPS SUMHATION OF TENSION AND COHPRESSION FORCES II KIPS O.K. HOMENT CORRESPONDING TO STRESS 0.4 1'1.. . 145 K-FT THEREFORE : BOUNDARY ELEMENT IS NOT NEEDED THE N.A. HUST BE O.K....... ............... 11. CALCULATE DESIGN BALANCED AXIAL LOAD (Pbu) BALANCED NEUTRAL AXIS (Cb).. ............... NOHINAl BALANCED AXIAL LOAD (Pbn).......... 261 KIPS DESIGN BALANCED AXIAL LOAD (Pbu=0.65 Pbn).. 169 KIPS 30.78 'IN. 12. COMPARE UirInArE AXIAL LOAD AND BALANCED AXIAL LOAD Pu . 1.4 D + 1.4 L..... ................... 17 KIPS Pu 6 I OF NOMINAL BALANCED LOAD (Pbn). Pu = 10 I OF DESIGN BALANCED LOAD (Pbu).. FLEXURAL PHI FACTOR..... ................... 0.80 3\43 Pu . 0.9 D ................................. 11 KIPS Pu : 4 2 OF NOMINAL BALANCED LOAD (Pbn). Pu = 6 I OF DESIGN BALANCED LOAD (Pbu).. FLEXURAL PHI FACTOR........................ 0.82 13. CALCULATE DESIGN BALANCED MOMENT CAPACITY (Mbu) NOMINAL BALANCED MOMENT (Mbn) , , . , , , , , , . . , . . 424 K-FT DESIGN BALANCED IIOMENT (Rbu = 0.65 Rbn).. 276 K-FT 14, CALCULATE DES16N PURE BENDING MOMENT CAPACITY (Mou) NOMINAL PURE BENDIN6 tlOMENT(tlon) ........... DESIGN PURE BENDING HONENT (Mou:0.85 Ron) 15. CALCULATE DESIGN PURE AXIAL LDAD CAPACITY (Pod NORINAL PURE AXIAL LOAD (Pon).............. HAXIMUM USABLE AXIAL LOAD (P#rr:O.(lO Pou).. DESIGN PURE AXIAL LOAD (PO# : 0.65 Pon).. 16. DESIGN MOMENT CAPACITY (MI MU . 1.4 ns..,............................. DESIGN "EN1 CAPACITY CORRESPONDIN6 TO 1.4 D 4 1.4 L........................ nintr ................................. 0.9 D... .............................. H/Hcr...... ........................... 17 SHEAR DEMAND Vu . 1.4 Vs .............................. REWIRED FLEXURAL DUCTILE SHEAR (Vdr)...... 18 SHEAR CAPACITY HAXIlWll WDlINAL SHEAR STREIIGTH TABLE 24-K.. PLASTIC HINGE REGION ENTER 1 OTHERYISE 2... VI . Cd Ag SQRT(f'd TABLE 24-L.... ........ AV :o.u IN*Z s: 24.0 In. .............. vs ........................................ Vn -VI * Vs.. .............................. DUCTILE SHEAR RATIO (VnlVdu)............... SHEAR PHI FACTOR.. ......................... Vu ((( 0.60 Vn . 9 KIPS O.K. ...... 197 K-FT 168 K-FT 638 KIPS 115 KIPS 332 KIPS 77 K-FT 172 K-FT O.K. 7.0 170 K-FT O.K. 6.9 7 KIPS 20 KIPS 66 KIPS I 0 KIPS 15 KIPS 15 KIPS 0.77 0.60 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii CONCRETE MASONRY SHEAR-HALL i iiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ,-- iiiiiiii~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiititiiiiiiiii i i i THIS CONCRETE MSDNRY SHEAR WALL PROGRAM (SHYALL) WAS WRITTEN * i AS PART OF THE TCCNAR MASONRY RESEARCH PROGRAM AND WAS FUNDED * i BY THE NATIDNAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION AND THE CONCRETE MASONRY i ASSOCIATION OF CALIFORNIA AND NEVADA. THE WORK HAS CONDUCTED AS PART OF THE CATEGORY 2 RESEARCH WORK UNDER THE JOINT * RESEARCH EFFORTS OF EKEH (EYING AND ASSOCIATES, KARIOTIS AND 4 i ASSOCIATES, AND ENGLKERIK AND HART INC.) AND WAS WRITTEN BY 4 - i i SHYALL IS WRITTEN AS A PART OF THE NATIONAL EARTHOUAKE I i HAZARD REDUCTION PROGRAM (NEHRP) AND IS INTENDED TO BE BOTH A i i RESEARCH AID AND DESIGN AID FOR CONCRETE MASONRY SHEAR WALLS. i i I i NEITHER THE NAllONAl SCIENCE FOUNDATION, THE CONCRETE MASONRY i ASSOCIATION OF CALIFORNIA AND NEVEDA NOR ENGLEKIRK AND HART, i i INC. ASSUMES ANY RESPONSIBILITY FOR ANY ERRORS, MISTAKES, OR 4 llISREPRESENlATIONS THAT HAY RESULT FROM THE USE OF SHYALL. i i SHYALL IS PROVIDED IN AN ‘AS IS’ CONDITION. NO WARRANTIES OF * * ANY KIND, WHETHER STATUTORY, WRITTEN, ORAL, EXPRESSED, OR IMPLIED (INCLUDII(G YARRAWTIES OF ANY FITNESS AND 4 MERCHANTABILITY) SHALL APPLY. i t i i THE STAFF OF ENGLEKIRK AND HART, INC. i i i i I i I THE COPY OF THIS PROGRAM HAY BE OBTAINED FROM : i CONCRETE MASONRY ASSOCIATION I OF CALIFORNIA AND NEVADA i i 6060 SUNRISE VISTA OR. SUITE 1875 i i CITRUS HEIGHTS, CA 95610 i i TEL: (916) 722-1700 * i i iiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~iiiiiiii~i*iiiiiiii~iiiiiiiiiiiii~iiiiiii~iii JOB t : 88-23 DATE : 2-89 SHEET : TITLE 1: PIER t2 TITLE 2: LINE A BLDG B 1. NOHINAL DESIGN LOADS DEAD LOAD... ............................... 30.6 KIPS LIVE LOAD........,. ........................ 0.0 KIPS LATERAL SHEAR FORCE (Vs).... ............... 9.4 KIPS HONENT(ils). ................................ 2. MALL PROPERTIES NOIIINAL BLOCK THICKNESS. (t). ............... LENGTH OF YALL.(Lu).. ..................... SPECIFIED COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH.. ........... NODULUS OF RUPTURE.. ....................... HAXIHUH USABLE HASDNRY COHPRESSIVE STRAIN.. 3. LOAD FACTORS ENTER 1 FOR ANSI OR 2 FOR U.B.C LOAD FACTOR U : 1.4 0 + 1.7 L U : 1.4 D + 1.4 L + 1.4 E U : 0.9 D - 1.4 E - 4. FACTORED AXIAL DEAD AND LIVE LOAD Pa: 1.4 D + 1.7 .................... ..... 5. NOHINAL AXIAL STRENGTH Won . 0.85 flaLut).... 6. DESIGN AXIAL STRENGTH (Por . 0.65 Pon)....... Pu = 6 I IF NOHINAL AXIAL STRENGTH (Pori) PP * 9 I OF DESI6N AXIAL STREWGM (Pou) 7. WOHINAL WRE BENDIN6 HOHENT CALCULATION SPECIFIED YIELD STRENGTH.. ................. ESTIHATED NEUTRAL AXIS LOCATION ........... VERTICAL STEEL LDCAllON AS1 : 0.40 INA2 Dl = AS2 : 0.40 IW2 D2 a AS3 0.40 IN”2 03 : AS4 2 0.40 IN-2 04 : ASS 0.00 INA2 05 = 105.6 K-FT 8.0 IN. 6.0 FT 1.5 KS1 1.2 f1iA0.5 0.003 -I- 2 13 KIPS 700 KIPS 455 KIPS O.K. O.K. 60.0 KSI 9.2 IN. 4.00 IN. 20.00 IN. 36.00 IN. 52.00 IN. 79.00 IN. AS6 : 0.00 INA2 06 : 95.00 IN. AS7 : 0.00 INA2 07 = 111.00 IN. AS8 : 0.00 1NA2 08 : 127.00 IN. AS9 0.00 IN*2 09 = 143.00 IN. AS10 : 0.00 INA2 010s 159.00 IN. AS11 : 0.00 IN*2 011: -66.00 IN. AS12 : 0.00 1NA2 012: -50.00 IN. AS13 = 0.00 INA2 013: -34.00 IN. AS14 : 0.00 IN*2 D14: -18.00 IN. “(F- -1 An IU LllC . n An ,,,A* ..-.- ........ AS17 = 0.00 IN"2 D17= 30.00 IN. AS18 : 0.00 IN^2 DIE: 38.00 IN. AS19 2 0.00 INA2 019: 60.00 IN. AS20 : 0.40 INA2 020: 68.00 IN. AREA OF STEEL = 2.0 INA2 SUN OF TENSION AND COMPRESSION FORCES.. .... 0 KIPS O.K. NEUTRAL AXIS MIST BE O.K. ........... NEW NEUTRAL AXIS LOCATION.................. 9-20 IN. NOHINAL PURE BENDING MOHENT (Ron).......... 321 K-FT 8. FACTORED REOUIREO NOMEN1 Mu: 1.4 Ms... ............................. 148 K-FT 9. NOHINAL CRACKING MOMENT CAPACITY OF SECTION (Mu) DO you WANT TO INCLUDE AXIAL LOAD IN CRACKING MOMENT CALCULATION? (YES4,NO:O). I PERCENTAGE OF LIVE LOAD TO BE USE0 TO CALCUTLATE NOMINAL CRACKING MOMENT., ....... 100 I GROSS SECTION MDULUS.. .................... 6588 1W3 MODULUS OF RUPTURE... ...................... 46 PSI NOHINAL CRACKING MOMENT CAPACITY........... 56 K-FT IO. EVALUATE NECESSITY OF VERTICAL STEEL CONFINEMENT (BWNDARV PEMBER) COHPRESSIVE STRESS AT 0.4 1'1 ........... 0.60 KSI ESTIHATEO NEUTRAL AXIS LOCATION............ 27.20 IN. Pu . 1.4 D t 1.4 L... ..................... 43 KIPS SUMMATION OF TENSION AND COMPRESSION FORCES 43 KIPS O.K. HOMENT CORRESPONDING TO STRESS 0.4 f'a,.. 231 K-FT THEREFORE : BOUNDARY ELEM!3T IS NOT NEEDED THE N.A. IUS7 BE O.K.......... ............ ESTIMATED NEUTRAL AXIS LOCATION............ 24.40 IN. Pu . 0.9 D ................................. 28 KIPS SUMMATION OF TENSION AND COMPRESSION FORCES 28 KIPS 0.K. MOMENT CORRESPONOING TO STRESS 0.4 f'a... 231 K-FT THEREFORE I BOUNDARY ELEMENT IS NOT NEEDED THE N. A. MUST BE 0.1: ...................... 11. CALCULATE DESIGN BALANCED AXIAL LOAD (Pbu) BALANCED NEUTRAL AXIS (Cb) ................. 40.24 IN. NOMINAL BALANCED AXIAL LOAD (Pbn).......... 344 KIPS DESIGN BALANCED AXIAL LOAD (Pbu=0.65 Pbn).. 223 KIPS 12. COMPARE ULTIMATE AXIAL LOAO AND BALANCED AXIAL LOAD Pu . 1.4 D t 1.4 L ........................ 43 KIPS Pu : 12 I OF NOMINAL BALANCED LOAO (Pbn). Pu : 19 I OF DESIGN BALANCED LOAD (Pbu).. II rYlln.8 our CIFl"0 ........... 0.15 Pu . 0.9 D................ ................. 28 KIPS Pu : 8 1 OF NOMINAL BALANCED LOAD (Pbn). Pu : 12 I OF DESIGN BALANCED LOAD (Pbu).. FLEXURAL PHI FbCTOR........................ 0.78 13. CALCULATE DESIGN BALANCED MNENT CAPACIN Mbu) NONINAL BALANCED NONENT (Nbn) . . , . . , , . , . , , , , 689 K -FT DESIGN BALANCED MNENT (Nbr = 0.65 Nbn).. 448 K-FT 14. CALCULATE DESIGN PURE BENDIM NOHENT CAPACITY (Nou) NONINAL PURE BENDING I(OnENT(Mon). .......... DESIGN PURE BENDIN mar (IIOU~S Ilon) 15. CALCULATE DES1611 PURE AXIAL LOAD CAPACITY (Pou) NWINAL PURE AXIAL LOAD (Pon).............. DESIGN PURE AXIAL LOAD (Pou = 0.65 Pon).. NAXIHUN USABLE AXIAL LOAD (Ptd.80 Pau).. _- 16. DESIGN NOENT CAPACITY (I) Nu . 1.4 Hs...................,............ DESIW HONENT CAPACITY MRRESPDNDIWB To 1.4 0 + 1.4 L.................,...... UNrr......... ........................ 0.9 D ................................. NlNtr ................................. I7 SHEAR DENAN0 Vu . 1.4 Vs .............................. REQUIRED FLEXURAL DUCTILE SHEAR (Vdu) ...... 18 SHEAR CAPACITY NAXINUl NONINAL SHEAR STRENGTH TABLE 24-K.. PLASTIC HINGE REGION ENTER 1 OTHERYlSE 2... VI . Cd Ag SQRT(f'8) TABLE 24-L..... ....... Av . 0.2 INA2 S . 24.0 IN............... vs ........................................ Vn :VI t Vs........... ..................... DUCT1 LE SHEAR RATIO (VnlVdr). .............. SHEAR PHI FACTOR.. ......................... vu w 0.80 vn . 29 KIPS O.K. ...... 321 K-FT 213 K-FT 817 KIPS 531 KIPS 425 KIPS 148 K-FT 285 K-FT O.K. 5.1 281 K-FT O.K. 5.0 13 KIPS 34 KIPS 85 KIPS I 0 KIPS 36 KIPS 36 KIPS 1.06 0.80 i73--'" 2-57 a2 a3 . I-..., r 33A SHYALL VERSION (1.01) SEPTEHBER, 1987 iffiiff~iffif~fiififffffifffiffffffiiffiiffff4fffi~ffffffifffff4ff i f i THIS CONCRETE HASOWRY SHEAR MALL PROSRAN (sHnAu) WAS WRITTEN + f AS PART OF THE TCCHAR HASONRY RESEARCH PROGRAN AND WAS FUNDED * I. BY THE NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION AND THE CONCRETE NASONRV * f ASSOCIATION OF CALIFORNIA AND NEVADA. THE WORK UAS CONDUCTED f A5 PART OF THE CATEGORY 2 RESEARCH MORK UNDER THE JOINT i RESEARCH EFFORTS OF EKEH (EWING AND ASSOCIATES, KARIOTIS AND ASSOCIATES, AND ENGLKERIK AND HART INC.) AND MAS WRITTEN BY i i I f * THE STAFF OF ENGLEKIRK AH0 HART, INC. t * SHWALL IS YRITTEN AS A PART OF THE NATIONAL EARTHRUAKE f HAZARD REDUCTION PROGRAH (NEHRP) AND IS INTENDED TO BE BOTH A i f RESEARCH AID AND DESIGN AID FOR CONCRETE HASONRV SHEAR MALLS. f f NEITHER THE NATIONAL SCIENCE FWNDATION, THE CONCRETE NASONRY i t ASSOCIATION OF CALIFORNIA AND NEVEDA NOR ENGLEKIRK AND HART, f INC. ASSUHES ANY RESPOMSI8ILITY FOR ANY ERRORS, HISTAKES, OR f i HISREPRESENTATIONS MAT NAY RESULT FRDH THE USE OF SHMALL. i f SHMALL IS PROVIDED IN AN 'AS IS' CONDITION, NO MARRANTIES OF * * ANY KIND, MHETHER STATUTORY, WRITTEN, ORAL, EXPRESSED, OR i f IMPLIED (INCLUDING MARRANTIES OF ANY FITNESS AND f * HERCHANTABILITY) SHALL APPLY. f I i - i i f f THE COPY OF THIS PROGRAH HAY BE OBTAINED FROM : CONCRETE HASONRY ASSOCIATION i i OF CALIFORNIA MO NEVADA i t 6060 SUNRISE VISTA DR. SUITE 1875 I * CITRUS HEIGHTS, CA 95610 f f TEL: (916) 722-1700 f f I fffitffii~tiiiififfffffffff~fffttfff4~fiifffftffffffffffffffffffff JOB I : 88-235 OATE : 2-89 SHEET : TITLE I: PIER I1 TITLE 2: LINE B BLDG B ,- .- I. NOHINAL DESIGN LOADS DEAD LOAD..................... ............. 6.8 KIPS LIVE LOAD. ................................. 0.0 KIPS LATERAL SHEAR FORCE (VI). .................. 7.7 KIPS MOMENT(Mr) ................................. 88.0 K-FT 2. HALL PROPERTIES NOMINAL BLOCK THICKNESS.(t)....... ......... 8.0 IN. LENSTH OF HALL.(lu).. ..................... 3.3 FT SPECIFIED COMPRESSIVE STREMTH...... ....... 1.5 KSI MODULUS OF RUPTURE......................... 1.2 f’rA0.5 MAIIMM USABLE MASONRY COMPRESSIVE STRAIN.. 0.003 -I- 3. LOAD FACTORS ENTER 1 FOR ANSI OR 2 FOR U.6.C LOAD FACTOR U 8 1.4 D t 1.7 L U = 1.4 D + 1.4 L t 1.4 E U : 0.9 D - 1.4 E 2 4. FACTORED AXIAL DEAD AND LIVE LOAD Pua 1.4 D + 1.7 L........................ 10 KIPS 5. WIML AXIAL STRWGTH (Pon . 0.85 VmLut).... 389 KIPS 6. DESIGN AXIAL STRWTH (Por . 0.65 Pod....... 253 KIPS Pu = 2 Z OF WDMINAL AXIAL STRENGTH (Pod 0. K. Pu : 4 1 OF DESIGW AXIAL STRENGTH (Pod O.K. 7. NOMINAL PURE BENDING IIM(ENT CALCULATION SPECIFIED YIELD STRENGTH,. ................. 60.0 KSI ESTIMTED NEUTRAL AXIS LOCATION ........... 4.8 IN. VERTICAL STEEL LOCATION AS1 = 0.88 1N^2 As2 = 0.00 IN”2 AS3 = 0.00 11’2 As4 = ‘0.00 IN”2 ASS = 0.00 INA2 AS6 = 0.00 IN”2 AS7 : 0.00 INA2 AS8 0.00 INA2 AS9 = 0.00 IN”2 AS10 : 0.00 INA2 AS11 : 0.00 lNA2 AS12 : 0.00 INA2 AS13 = 0.00 INA2 AS14 : 0.00 IN”2 ASlS = 0.00 1NA2 AS16 0.00 IN”2 D1 = 4.00 IN. 02 12.00 IN. D3 = 20.00 IN. D5 = 44.00 IN. 06 : 60.00 IN. 07 : 76.00 IN. D9 : 108.00 IN. DIO: 124.00 IN. DIl: -84.00 IN. D12: -68.00 IN. D13: -52.00 IN. 014: -36.00 IN. 015: -20.00 IN. 016: -4.00 IN. 04 = 28-00 IN. oa : 92.00 IN. AS17 : 0.00 IN"2 D17= 12.00 IN. AS18 : 0.00 INA2 D18: 20.00 IN. AS19 = 0.00 IN^2 019s 28.00 IN. AS20 = 0.88 INA2 D20: 36.00 IN. AREA OF STEEL : 1.8 IN? SUM OF TENSION AND COIIPRESSION FORCES.. .... 0 KIPS O.K. NEUTRAL AXIS MUST BE O.K. ........... NEW NEUTRAL AXIS LOCATION.... .............. 4.80 IN. NOMINAL PURE BENDING MMENT (Mod .......... 147 K-FT 8. FACTORED REOUIRED MOMENT Mu . 1.4 Ms.... ............................ 123 I-FT 9. NOMINAL CRACKING MOMENT CAPACITV OF SECTION (Mer) DO YOU WANT TO INCLUDE AXIAL LOAD IN CRACKING MOHENT CALCULATION? (YES4,NO:O). I PERCENTAGE OF LIVE LOAD TO BE USED TO CALCUTLATE NOMINAL CRACKING MOMENT.. ....... 100 I GROSS SECTION MODULUS. ..................... 2033 INA3 MODULUS OF RUPTURE. ........................ 46 PSI NOMINAL CRACKING MOMENT CAPACITY., ......... 12 K-FT 10. EVALUATE NECESSITY OF VERTICAL STEEL CONFINEIIENT (BOUNDARY IIEMBER) - COIIPRESSIVE STRESS AT 0.4 f'i ........... 0.60 KSI ESTIMATED NNTRAL AXIS LOCATION............ 13.90 IN. Pu . 1.4 D t 1.4 L........................ 10 KIPS SUMMATION OF TENSION AND COMPRESSION FORCES 9 KIPS O.K. MOMENT CORRESPONDIM TO STRESS 0.4 f'D.,. 119 K-FT THEREFORE : QUNDARY ELENENT IS NEED* d3 c, THE N.A. MUST BE O.K............... ....... ESTIMATED NEUTRAL AXIS LOCATtMI............ 13.50 IN. Pu . 0.9 D......................... ........ 6 KIF$ SUMMATION OF TENSION AND COMPRESSION FORCES 6 KIPS 0.K. MONENl CORRESPONDING f'D... 121 K-FT THEREFORE : THE N.A. MUST BE 0.1: ...................... d, e g"a. c. 11. CALCULATE DESI6N BALANCED AXIAL LOAD (Pbu) BALANCED NEUTRAL AXIS (Cb).... ............. 21.31 IN. NOMINAL BALANCED AXIAL LOAD (Pbn).......... 176 KIPS DESIGN BALANCED AXIAL LOAD (Pbu'0.65 Pbn).. 114 KIPS 12. COMPARE ULTIMATE AXIAL LOAD AND BALANCED AXIAL LOAD Pu . 1.4 D 4 1.4 L............... ......... 10 KlPS Pu : 5 I OF NOMlNAL BALANCED LOAD (Pbn). Pu : 8 I OF DES16N BALANCED LOAD (Pbu).. FLEXURAL PHI FACTOR., ...................... 0.81 3 3/43 Pu . 0.9 D. ................................ 6 KIPS Pu 3 I OF NOHINAL BALANCED LOAD (Pbn). Pu = 5 1 OF DESIGN BALANCED LOAD (Pbu).. FLEXURAL PHI FACTOR.......... .............. 0.82 13. CALCULATE DESIGN BALANCED HUHENT CAPACITY (Hbu) NOHINAL BALANCED HOHENT (Hbn).............. 301 K-FT DESIGN BALANCED HOHENT (Hbu = 0.65 Hbn).. 196 K-FT 14. CALCULATE DESIGN PURE BENDING HOHENT CAPACITY (HOU) NOHINAL PURE BENDING HOHENT(Hon)........... DESIGN PURE BENDIN6 HOHENT (Hou%85 Non) 15. CALCULATE DESIGN PURE AXIAL LOAD CAPACITY (Pod NOHINAl PURE AXIAL LOAD (Pod .............. DESIGN PURE AXIAL LOAD (Pou : 0.65 Pon).. HAXIHUH USABLE AXIAL LOAD (PB~X:O.BO Pou).. 16. DESIGN HOHENT CAPACITY M) nu . 1.4 Hs.........,......,.........,..... DES16N lWHENT CAPACITY CORRESPONDING TO 1.4 D t 1.4 L........................ H/HCl... .............................. 0.9 D... .............................. n/ncr ................................. 17 SHEAR DEHMD Vu 1.4 Vs .............................. REQUIRED FLEXURAL DUCTILE SHEAR (Vdu)...... 18 SHEAR CAPACITY HAXIHUH NOHINAL SHEAR STRENGTH TABLE 24-K.. PLASTIC HINGE REGION ENTER 1 OTHERWISE 2... VI = Cd Ag SORT(f'u) TABLE 24-L............ Av . 0.2 1119 S . 24.0 IN............... vs ........................................ DUCTILE SHEAR RATIO (VnIVdu). .............. SHEAR PHI FICTOR. .......................... Vu ((( 0.80 Vn = 16 KIPS O.K. ...... Vn :VI t VS., .............................. 147 K-FT 125 K-FT 492 KIPS 320 KIPS 256 KIPS 123 K-FI 127 K-FT O.K. 10.9 127 K-FT 0.K. 10.9 11 KIPS I4 KIPS 41 KIPS I 0 KIPS 20 KIPS 20 KIPS 1-45 0.80 L tftHffitttit4Hftfftttfiifffff t CDNCUETE MSONRY SHEAR-HALL 8 tiiitfH~iftftif444ttftifiififf ,-- fftfififtiftffHffiffftttffiftfftt€ftfffitfffftfftfft+tfttfftftttt f t (. THIS CONCRETE MSONRY SHEAR HALL PROGRAM (SHYALL) WAS WRITTEN f f AS PART OF THE TCCMR WASONAY RESEARCH PROGRAH AND HAS FUNDED f * BY THE NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION AND THE CONCRETE WASONRY f € ASSOCIATION OF CALIFORNIA AND NEVADA. THE WORK HAS CONDUCTED * AS PART OF THE CATEGORY 2 RESEARCH WORK UNDER THE JOINT t RESEARCH EFFORTS OF EKEH (EHIM AND ASSOCIATES, XARIOTIS AND * * ASSOCIATES, AND ENGLKERIK AND HART INC.) AND WAS WRITTEN BY t f THE STAFF OF EIIGLEKIRK AND HART, INC. t € t € f * f 7 SHWALL IS WRITTEN AS A PART OF THE NATIONAL EARTHOUAKE * HAZARD REDUCTIDN PROGRAII (NEHRP) AND IS INTENDED TO BE BOTH A f * RESEARCH AID AND OESIW AID FOR CONCRETE MASONRY SHEAR HALLS. I * NEITHER THE YTlowll SCIulcE FOUNOATION, THE CONCRETE MASONRY f f ASSOCIATION OF CALIFORNIA AND MVEDA WR ENGLEKIRK AND HART, f * INC. ASSUWES ANY RESPONSIBILITY FOR ANY ERRORS, MISTAKES, OR f 5 HISREPRESENTATIONS THAT MAY RESULT FRDH THE USE OF SHYALL. f t SHYALL IS PROVIDED IN AN 'AS IS* CONDITION. NO HARRANTIES OF f * ANY KIND, WHETHER STATUTORY, WRITTEN, ORAL, EXPRESSED, OR * f IMPLIED (INCLUDING WARRAWTIES OF ANY FITNESS AND * * MERCHANTABILITY) SHALL APPLY. f f f t f f f THE COPY OF THIS PROGRAM MY BE OBTAINED FROM : f CONCRETE MASDNRV ASSOCIATION t f OF CALIFORNIA AND NEVADA 4 * 6060 SUNRISE VISTA DR. SUITE 1875 f * CITRUS HEIGHTS, EA 95610 f f TEL: (916) 722-1700 I + t ftfffiftftffif*t4iffffttftff*tfftttttft€fftffiffttftf*fifff€€fffff JOB t : 88-235 DATE : 2-89 SHEET : TITLE 1: PIER *2 TITLE 2: LINE B BLDG 1 1. NOHINAL DE$IGN LOADS .- DEAD LOAD. ................................. 14.5 KIPS LIVE LOAD...;... ........................... 0.0 KIPS LATERAL SHEAR FORCE (Vs). .................. 7.7 KIPS ROilENT(lk). ................................ 2. WALL PROPERTIES NOHINAL BLMK THICKNESS. (t)... ............. LENGTH OF WALL.(Lu)., ..................... SPECIFIED COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH. ............ NODULUS OF RUPIIIRE.. ....................... nAxinun USABLE MASONRY COMPRESSIVE STRAIN.. 3. LOAD FACTORS ENTER I FOR ANSI OR 2 FOR U.8.C LOAD FACTOR U 1.4 D t 1.7 L U * 1.4 D + 1.4 L + 1.4 E U 2 0.9 D - 1.4 E 4. FACTORED AXIAL DEAD AND LIVE LOAD Pur 1.4 D + 1.7 L..... ................... 5. NOMINAL AXIAL STREIIGTH (Pon : 0.85 f'dut).... 6. DESIGN AXIAL STRENGTH (Sou . 0.65 Pori)....... Pu = 5 I OF NOMINAL AXIAL STRENGTH (Pon) Pu : 8 2 OF DESIGN AXIAL STRENGTH (Pod 7. NOHINIL PURE BENDIN6 HOHENT CALCULATION SPECIFIED YIELD STRENGTH................... ESTIHATED NEUTRAL AXIS LOCATION ........... VERTICAL STEEL LOCATION 88.0 K-FT 8.0 IN. 3.3 FT 1.5 KSI 1.2 f'r9.5 0.003 4- 2 20 KIPS 389 KIPS 253 KIPS 0. K. O.K. 60.0 KSI 4.8 IN. AS1 : 0.88 INA2 DI = 4.00 IN. AS2 : 0.00 1NA2 02 : 12.00 IN. AS3 : 0.00 1NA2 D3 : 20.00 IN. AS4 = 0.00 1NA2 04 = 28.00 IN. AS5 = 0.00 INA2 D5 : 44.00 IN. AS6 : 0.00 INA2 D6 60.00 IN. AS7 = 0.00 IN*2 D7 : 76.00 IN. AS8 0.00 INA2 D8 : 92.00 IN. AS9 = 0.00 INa2 09 i 108.00 IN. AS10 0.00 1NA2 010: 124.00 IN. AS11 = 0.00 INA2 DII: -84.00 IN. AS12 = 0.00 lW2 012: -68.00 IN. AS13 : 0.00 1NA2 D13: -52.00 IN. AS14 = 0.00 IN? DII: -36.00 IN. nis. .m nn tu **a= - n *,l ,"A, AS17 : 0.00 INA2 017: 12.00 IN. AS18 : 0.00 1N*2 D18: 20.00 IN. AS19 : 0.00 INT 019; 28.00 IN. AS20 : 0.88 IN*2 D20: 36.00 IN. AREA OF STEEL = 1.8 INA2 SUM OF TENSION AND COMPRESSION FORCES.. .... 0 KIPS O.K. NEUTRAL AXIS musr BE O.K. ........... NEW NEUTRAL AXIS LOCATION.. ................ 4.80 IN. MOMINAL PURE BENDING MOMENT (Mod. ......... 147 K-FT 8. FACTORED REWIRED MOMENT Mu . 1.4 ns................................ 123 K-FT 9, NOMIMAL CRACKING I#I)1ENT CAPACITY OF SECTION (Mtrl DO YOU WANT TO INCLUDE AXIAL LOAD IN CRACKING MONENT CALCULATION? (YES4,NO:O). I PERCENTAGE OF LIVE LOAD TO BE USED TO CALCUTlATE NOtIINAL CRACKING MOMENT.. ....... 100 2 GROSS SECTION, MODULUS.. .................... 2033 IN9 MODULUS OF RUPTURE.. ....................... 46 PSI NOHINAL CRACKING MOMENT CAPACITY.. ......... 16 K-FT IO. EVALUATE NECESSITY OF VERTICAL STEEL CONFINEENT (BOUNDARY MEMBER) COMPRESSIVE STRESS ir 0.4 fir ........... 0.60 KSI ESTIMATED NEUTRAL AXIS LOCATION............ 15.40 IN. Pu . 1.4 D t 1.4 L ........................ 20 KIPS SUllMATION OF TENSION AND COMPRESSION FORCES 20 KIPS 0.1. MOMENT CORRESPONDING TO STRESS 0.4 fla... 114 K-FT THEREFORE : THE N.A. MUST BE O.K...... ................ ESTINATED NEUTRAL AXIS LOCATION..,......... 14.40 IN. Pu . 0.9 D....'.... ......................... 13 KIPS SUMMATION OF TENSION AND COMPRESSION FORCES 13 KIPS O.Y. MOMENT CORRESPONDING TO STRESS 0.4 f'a... 117 K-FT THEREFORE : BOUNDARY ELEMENT IS NEEDED BOUNDARY ELEMENT IS NEEDED THE N.A. iusr BE o.K... ................... 11. CALCUlATE DESIGN BALANCED AXIAL LOAD (Pbu) BALANCED NEUTRAL AXIS (Cb).. ............... 21.31 IN. NOMINAL BALANCED AXIAL LOAD (Pbn).......... 176 KIPS - DESIGN BALANCED AXIAL LOAD (Pbu:0.65 Pbn).. 114 KIPS 12. COMPARE ULTIMATE AXIAL LOAD AND BALANCED AXIAL LOAD Pu . 1.4 D + 1.4 1. ....................... 20 KIPS Pu : 12 I OF NOMINAL BALANCED LOAD (Pbn). Pu : IB I OF DESIGN BALANCED LOAD (Pbu).. El ~YIIQAI PHl FACTOR. ....................... 0.76 Pu = 0.9 D............ ..................... 13 KIPS Pu 2 7 Z OF NOHINAL BALANCED LOAD (Pbn). Pu 2 I1 Z OF DESIGN BALANCED LOAD (Pbu).. FLEXURAL PHI FACTOR.. ...................... 0.79 13. CALCULATE DESIGN BALANCED MOMENT CAPACITY (Hbu) NOHINAL BALANCED HOHENT (Hbn), , .. , , .. ,. , , . . 301 K-FT DESIGN BALANCED HOHENT (Hbu = 0.65 Hbn).. 196 K-FT 14. CALCULATE DESIW PURE BENDINE MOMENT CAPACITY (Hou) NOHINAL PURE BENDING IlOHENT(Hon) ........... DESIGN PURE BENDING HOHENT (Hou:O.85 Ifon) 15. CALCULATE DESIGN PURE AYIAL LOAD CAPACITY (Pod NOHINAL PURE AXIAL LOAD (Pori).............. DESIGN PURE AXIAL LOAD (POU : 0.65 Pon).. NAXItiUH USABLE AXIAL LOAD (Pnrx=O.BO Pou).. - 16. DESIGW IXINENT CAPACITY (HI nu . 1.4 Hr,............................... DESIGW HOHENT CAPACITY CORRESPONDING TO 1.4 D t 1.4 L........................ H/Htr.. ............................... 0.9 D..... ............................ H/Hrr. ................................ 17 SHEAR DEMAND Vu . 1.4 Vs .............................. REWIRED FLEYURAL DUCTILE SHEAR (Vdu). ..... la SHEAR CAPACITY HAXIHUH NONINAL SHEAR STREN6TH TABLE 24-K.. PLASTIC HIN6E REGION ENTER I OTHERWISE 2... VD . Cd A9 SQRT(f'd TABLE 24-L............ Av . 0.2 IN9 S . 24.0 IN............... vs ........................................ Vn -V# + Vs ................................ DUCTILE SHEAR RATIO (VnlVdu).... ........... SHEAR PHI FACTOR.. ......................... Vu <<< 0.80 Vn . 16 KIPS O.K. ...... - 147 K-FT 125 K-FT 492 KIPS 320 KIPS 256 KIPS 123 K-FT I29 K-FT O.K. a. 1 128 K-FT O.K. 8.0 11 KIPS IS KIPS 17 KIPS 1 0 KIPS 20 KIPS 20 KIPS 1.34 0.80 ;3%-L3iC 2-47 3333 W4LL WT. iii~iiiiiiiifiiiilffifffffffffffffifi4fffiffffifffiififffffiffi4if f i f THIS CONCRETE MASONRY SHEAR WALL PROGRAM (SHYALL) WAS WRITTEN i f AS PART OF THE TCCMAR MASONRY RESEARCH PROGRAN AND WAS FUNDED i f BY THE NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION AND THE CONCRETE HASONRY i f ASSOCIATION OF CALIFORNIA AND NEVADA. THE WORK WAS CONDUCTED i AS PART OF THE CATEGORY 2 RESEARCH WORK UNDER THE JOINT * RESEARCH EFFORTS OF EKEH (EYING AND ASSOCIATES, KARIOTIS AN0 i i ASSOCIATESt AND ENGLKERIK AND HART INC.) AND WAS WRITTEN BY i * f THE STAFF OF ENGLEYIRK AND HART, INC. f i f t SHYALL IS WRITTEN AS A PART OF THE NATIONAL EARTHQUAKE I i HAZARD REDUCTION PROGRAM (NEHRP) AND IS INTENDED TO BE BOTH A i i RESEARCH AID AND OESIGN AID FOR CONCRETE MASONRY SHEAR WALLS. i f NEITHER THE NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION, THE CONCRETE MASONRY * i ASSOCIATION OF CALIFORNIA AND NEVEDA NOR ENSLEKIRK AND HART, S i INC. ASSUMES ANY RESPONSl8lLIN FOR ANY ERRORS, MISTAKES, OR i flISREPRESENTATlONS THAT MAY RESULT FROM THE USE OF SHWALL. f SHWALL IS PROVIDED IN AN 'AS IS' CONDITION. NO YARRANTIES OF ANY KIND, YHETHER STATUTORY, WRITTEN, ORAL, EXPRESSED, OR i i IHPLIED (INCLUDING WARRANTIES OF ANY FITNESS AND f * HERCHANTABILITV) SHALL APPLY. i i f - f f i I THE COPY OF THIS PROGRAM MAY BE OBTAINED FROM : f CONCRETE MASONRY ASSOClllION i i OF CALIFORNIA AND NEVADA f i 6060 SUNRISE VISTA DR. SUITE 1875 i * CITRUS HEIGHTS, CA 95610 I i TEL: (916) 722-1700 f I f ~fiiiiffiiiiififfiiiffffffiffffffiffffffffiffifif~iifi4fifffifffif JOB t : 88-235 DATE : 2-83 SHEET : TITLE 1: PIER I1 TITLE 2: LINE 2 BLDG B ,-- 1. NOHINAL DESIGN LOADS DEAD LOAD... ............................... LIVE LOAD. ................................. LATERAL SHEAR FORCE (Vs). .................. HOHENT(Hs). ................................ 2. HALL PROPERTIES NOIIINAL BLOCK THICKNESS.(t) ................ LENGTH OF HALL. (Lv).. ..................... SPECIFIED COHPRESSIVE STRENGTH.. ........... HODULUS OF RUPTURE.. ....................... HAXIHUH USABLE HASONRY COMPRESSIVE STRAIN.. 3. LOAD FACTORS ENTER I FOR ANSI OR 2 FOR U.B.C LOAD FACTOR U : 1.4 D + 1.7 L U = 1.4 D + 1.4 L + 1.4 E U : 0.9 0 - 1.4 E 4, FACTORED AXIAL DEAD AND LIVE LOAD Pu: 1.4 D t 1.7 L... ..................... 5. NOHINAL AXIAL STRENGTH (Pon . 0.85 f'atvt).... 6. DESIGN AXIAL STRENHH (Pou . 0.65 Pon)....... Pu = 1 I OF NOHINAL AXIAL STRENBTH (Pod Pu = 2 I OF DESIM AXIAL STRENGTH (Pou) 7. NOHINAL PURE BENDING H0HE)iT CALCULATION SPECIFIED YIELD STRENGTH. .................. ESTIMTED NEUTRAL AXIS LOCATION ........... VERTICAL STEEL LOCATION AS1 = 0.40 INA2 D1 = AS2 * 0.00 INA2 02 = AS3 : 0.00 W2 D3 : AS4 : 0.00 1NA2 04 : AS5 a 0.00 1NA2 D5 : AS6 ' 0.00 1NA2 D6: 9.6 KIPS 0.0 KIPS 8.2 KIPS 94.0 K-FT 8.0 IN. 8.7 FT 1.5 KSI 1.2 f'm*0.5 0.003 -I- 2 13 KIPS 1011 KIPS 657 KIPS 0.K. O.K. 60.0 KSI 3.5 IN. 4.00 IN. 12.00 IN. 20.00 IN. 28.00 IN. 44.00 IN. 60.00 IN. AS7 : 0.00 1NA2 D7 * 76.00 IN. AS8 = 0.00 INA2 08 : 92.00 IN. AS9 : 0.00 INA2 D9 : 108.00 IN. AS10 : 0.00 INA2 010: 124.00 IN. AS11 0.00 IN"2 1111~ -20.00 IN. AS12 : 0.00 INA2 012: -4.00 IN. AS13 : 0.00 1NA2 013: 12.00 IN. AS14 : 0.00 1NA2 014: 28.00 IN. AS15 : 0.00 1NA2 1115; 44.00 IN. AS16 : 0.00 INA2 1116: 60.00 IN. ./- ,- AS17 = 0.00 IP2 D17- 76.00 IN. AS18 : 0.00 INA2 DIE= 84.00 IN. AS19 E 0.00 IW2 D19: 92.00 IN. AS20 0.40 1NA2 D20= 100.00 IN. AREA OF STEEL = 0.8 IN”2 SUM OF TENSION AND COMPRESSION FORCES.. .... 0 KIPS O.K. NEUTRAL AXIS MIST BE O.K. ........... REM NEUTRAL AXIS LOEATION......... ......... 3.50 IN. NOMINAL WRE BENDIN6 MMENT (Ilon).......... 198 K-FT 8. FACTORED REWIRED )oIENT Ha . 1.4 )h............ .................... 132 I-FT 9. HOHINAL CRACKIN6 llfJllfNT CAPACITY OF SECTION (Mtr) DO YOU WANT TO INCLUDE AXIAL LOAD IN CRACKID I(DIKNT CALCULATION? (YES4,NO:O). I PERCENTAGE OF LIVE LOAD TO BE USED TO CALCUTLATE MMAL CRACKING MMENT., ....... 100 I GROSS SECTION MWLUS..... ................. 13745 INA3 tU)DULUS OF RUPTURE.....,..... .............. 16 PSI NOMNAL CRACKING MHENT CAPACITY... ........ 67 K-FT 10. EVALUATE WECESSITV OF VERTICAL STEEL CDNFINEHENT (BOUNDARY MEHBER) CMPRESSIVE STRESS AT 0.4 Vi ........... 0.60 KSI ESTIMTED NEUTRAL AXIS LOCATION............ 12.80 IN. Pa . 1.4 D t 1.4 L ........................ 13 KIPS SUMNHIATION OF TENSION AND COHPRESSION FORCES 13 KIPS O.K. mUnnT CORRESPONDINS TO STRESS 0.4 fli... 244 K-FT THEREFORE : BOUNDARY ELMENT IS NOT NEEDED THE N.A. HUST BE 0.K ...................... ESTIMTED HNTffAL AXIS LOCATION... ......... 11.00 IN. Pu . 0.9 D........... ...................... 9 KIPS SumUTlON OF TENSION AND CMlPRESSION FORCES 9 KIPS 0.K. MOMEkT COIRESWIIDING TO STRESS 0.4 fli... 227 K-FT MEREFORE : BOUNDARY ELEMENT IS NOT NEEDED THE N.A. RUST BE O.K................. ..... 11. CALCULATE DESIsll BALMED AXIAL LOAD (Pbu) BALANCED NEUTRAL AXIS (Cb).. ............... 59.18 IN. NOMINAL BALANCED AXIAL LOAD (Pbn).......... 489 KIPS DESIGN BALANCED AXIAL LOAD (Pbu=0.65 Pbn).. 318 KIPS 12. COMPARE ULTIMATE AXIAL LOAD AND BALANCED AXIAL LOAD Pu . 1.4 D t 1.4 L... ..................... 13 KIPS Po : 3 I OF NOMINAL BALANCED LOAD (Pbn). Pu = 4 I OF DESIGN BALANCED LOAD (Pbu).. FLEXURAL PHI FACTOR. ....................... 0.83 Pu . 0.9 D........... ...................... 9 KIPS Pu 2 I OF NOMINAL BALANCED LOA0 (Pbn). Pu = 3 I OF DESIGN BALAWCED LOAD (Pbu).. FLEXURAL PHI FACTOR., ...................... 0.84 13. CALCULATE DESIGN BALANCED MDlENT CAPACITY (Mbu) NOMINAL BALANCED MOMENT (Mbnl,, ............ 1286 K-FT DESIGN BALANCED MlENT (Mbu : 0.65 Mbn).. E36 K-FT 14. CALCULATE DESIQN PURE BEND116 MJMENT CAPACITY (hu) NOMINAL PURE BENDING MOMENT(lon). .......... DESIGN PURE BENDING MOMENT (lou:O.85 Man) 15. CALCULATE DESIGN PURE AXIAL LOAD CAPACITY (Pod NOMINAL PURE AXIAL LOAD (Pon).............. DESIGN PURE AXIAL LOAD (Pou = 0.65 Pon).. MAXIMUM USABLE AXIAL LOAD (Paax4.80 Pau)., 16. DESIGN MOMENT CAPACITY (M) nu . 1.4 Hs....................... ......... DESIGN WORENT CAPACITY CORRESPONDING TO 1.4 D + 1.4 ......................... VHtr.. ............................... 0.9 D................................. H/Mcr.. ............................... I7 SHEAR DEMAND Vu . 1.4 Vs .............................. REQUIRED FLEXURAL DUCTILE SHEAR (Vdu). ..... 18 SHEAR CAPACITY RAXIllUl NDlINAL SHEAR STRENGTH TABLE 24-K.. PLASTIC HINGE REGION ENTER I OTHERYISE 2... VI . Cd A9 SORT(f'd TABLE 24-L............ Av 4.11 IN"2 v5 ........................................ Vn :VI +Vs............ .................... DUCTILE SHEAR RATIO (Vn/Vdu) ............... SHEAR PHI FACTOR. .......................... Vu ((( 0.80 Vn . 23 KIPS O.K. ...... S . 24.0 IN............... 198 K-FT 168 K-FT 1058 KIPS 688 KIPS 550 KIPS 132 K-FT 194 K-FT O.K. 2.9 185 K-FT O.K. 2.8 11 KIPS 20 KIPS 123 KIPS I 0 KIPS 29 KIPS 29 KIPS 1.40 0.80 fffiffffffitifffiiifffffffffffi f CONCRETE MASONRY SHEAR-HALL iiffffffififfffffffitffffffffff ffiif~iiiftfffifiiffftffffftffffffftfftffttffffffffffffffffffffff~ f f * THIS COWCRETE IASONRY SHEAR HALL PROGRM (SHYbLL) HAS YRITTEN f AS PART OF THE TCCNAR MASOWRY RESEARCH PROGRAI AND HAS FUNDED f i BY THE NATlONbL SCIENCE FOUNDATION AND THE CONCRETE MASONRY f t ASSOCIATIffl OF CALIFORNIA AND NEVADA. THE WORK HAS CONDUCTED f AS PbRT OF THE CATEGORY 2 RESEARCH WORK UNDER THE JOINT f RESEARCH EFFORTS OF EKEH (EYING AND ASSOCIATES, KARIOTIS AND f f ASSOCIATES, AND ENGLKERIK AND HART INC.) AND WAS WRITTEN BY t f i SHYALL IS YRITTEN AS A PART OF THE NATIONAL EARTHQUAKE t f HAZARD REDUCTION PROGRAI (NEHRP) AN0 IS INTENDED TO BE BOTH A i' RESEARCH AID AND DESIGN AID FOR CONCRETE NASONRY SHEAR HALLS. * f NEITHER THE NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION, THE CONCRETE IASONRY f f ASSOCIATION OF CALIFORNIA AND NEVFOI NOR ENREKIRK AND HART, f f IN. ASSUMES ANY RESWHSIBILITY FOR ANY ERRORS, NISTAKES, OR * * MISREPRESENTATIONS THAT MAY RESULT FROM THE USE OF SHYALL. f f SHYALL IS PROVIDED IN AN 'AS IS' CONDITION. NO YARRANTIES OF f ANY KIND, WETHER STATUTORY, YRITTEN, ORAL, EXPRESSED, OR f f IIPLIED (INCLUDING MRRANlIES OF ANY FITNESS AND f f MERCHANTABILITY) SHALL APPLY. f f f f THE STAFF OF EWGLEKIRK AND HART, INC. f ,-- t I f t f t THE COPY OF THIS PROGRAI NAY BE OBTAINED FROM : i CONCRETE IASfflRY ASSOCIATION I t OF CALIFORNIA AND NEVADA i f 6060 SUNRISE VISTA DR. SUITE 1875 f CITRUS HEIGHTS, CA 95610 I t TEL: (916) 722-1700 i t f ffftfiffffiitffifffffffttfffftffftfffffffffffffffftffftffitffffffi JOB 1 : 88-235 DATE : 2-E9 SHEET : TITLE I: PIER 42 TITLE 2: LINE 2 BLDG 8 1. NOMINAL DESIGN LOADS DEAD LOAD.............. .................... 10.3 KIPS LIVE LOAD... ............................... 0.0 KIPS LATERAL SHEAR FORCE (V5). .................. 9.6 KIPS MOMENT(M~). ................................ 103.5 K-FT 2. WALL PROPERTIES NOMINAL BLOCK THICKNESS.(t)......... ....... 8.0 IN. LENGTH OF WALL. (tu). ...................... 9.3 FT SPECIFIED COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH. ............ 1.5 KSI t4ODULUS OF RUPTURE.......... ............... 1.2 f'n*0.5 MAXItlUM USABLE MASONRY COMPRESSIVE STRAIN.. 0.003 -I- 3. LOAD FACTORS ENTER 1 FOR ANSI OR 2 FOR U.B.C LOAD FACTOR U = 1.4 D + 1.7 1 U : 1.4 D t 1.4 L t 1.4 E U : 0.9 D - 1.4 E 2 4. FACTORED AXIAL DEAD AND LIVE LOAD Pus 1.4 D + 1.7 L........................ I4 KIPS 5. NOMINAL AXIAL STRENGTH (Pon * 0.BS ftnLwt).... LOB9 KIPS 6. DESIGN AXIAL STRENGTH (Pou . 0.65 Pon)....... 708 KIPS Pu = 1 Z OF WOHINAL AXIAL STRENGTH (Pod O.K. Pu : 2 2 OF DESIGN AXIAL STREffiTH (Pod 0.K. 7. WINAL PURE BENDING MOHENT CALCULATION SPECIFIED YIELD STRENGTH., ................. 60.0 KSI ESTIMATED NEUTRAL AXIS LOCATION ........... 3.5 IN. VERTICAL STEEL LOCATION AS1 = 0.40 1NA2 D1 = 4.00 IN. AS2 : 0.00 INA2 02 = 12.00 IN. AS3 : 0.00 INA2 D3 = 20.00 IN. AS4 : 0.00 INA2 04 28.00 IN. AS5 : 0.00 IN*2 D5 = 44.00 IN. AS6 : 0.00 IN*2 06 = 60.00 IN. AS7 : 0.00 IN*2 D7 : 76.00 IN. AS8 : 0.00 INA2 DE : 92.00 IN. AS9 a 0.00 1N*2 D9 = 108.00 IN. AS10 a 0.00 INY 010: 124.00 IN. AS11 0.00 IN-2 D11: -12.00 IN. AS12 : 0.00 IN2 012: 4.00 IN. AS13 : 0.00 1NA2 013; 20.00 IN. AS14 : 0.00 IN*2 014: 36.00 IN. IC(= - n An ,"A, niq= ~7 nn IN ........ AS17 = 0.00 IN*2 D17= 84.00 IN. AS18 : 0.00 IN”2 DIE: 92.00 IN. AS19 : 0.00 INA2 D19- 100.00 IN. AS20 = 0.40 IN*2 D20: 108.00 IN. AREA OF STEEL i 0.8 INA2 SUI OF TENSION AND COHPRESSION FORCES.. .... 0 KIPS O.K. NEUTRAL AXIS MST BE O.K. ........... NEW NEUTRAL AXIS LOCATION.. ................ 3.50 IN. NOHINAL PURE BENDING HOHENT (Hen).......... 214 K-FT 8. FACTORED REQUIRED HOHENT nu . 1.4 Hs. ............................... 145 K-FT 9. NOHINAL CRACKING HOHENT CAPACITY OF SECTION (Htr) DO YOU WANT TO INCLUDE AXIAL LOAD IN CRACKING MHENT CALCULATION? (YES-l,NO:O). I PERCENTAGE OF LIVE LOAD TO BE USED TO CALCUTLATE NOHINAL CRACKING HOHENT.. ....... 100 I GROSS SECTION HODULUS., .................... 15941 IN‘3 HODULUS OF RUPTURE. ........................ 46 PSI NOMINAL CRACKING HOHENT CAPACITY......... .. 78 K-FT 10. EVALUATE NECESSITY OF VERTICAL STEEL CONFINEHENT (BOUNDARY HEHBER) COMPRESSIVE STRESS AT 0.4 f’i ........... 0.60 KSI ESTIHATED NEUTRAL AXIS LOCATION............ 13.00 IN. Pu . 1.4 D t 1.4 L....... ................. 14 KIPS SUHHATION OF TENSION AND COHPRESSION FORCES 14 KIPS O.K. MOHENT CORRESPONDING TO STRESS 0.4 f’a.. . 267 K-FT THEREFORE : BOUNDARY ELEHENT IS NOT NEEDED THE N.A. MUST BE 0.K ...................... ESTIHATED NEUTRAL AXIS LOCATION............ 11.10 IN. Pu . 0.9 D............ ..................... 9 KIPS, SUHHATION OF TENSION AND COHPRESSION FORCES 9 KIPS O.K. HOHENT CORRESPONDING TO STRESS 0.4 f’i... 247 K-FT THEREFORE : BOUNDbRY ELEHENT IS NOT NEEDED THE N.A. HUST BE 0.K ...................... If. CALCULATE DESIGN BALANCED AXIAL LOAD (Pbu) BALANCED NEUTRAL AXIS (Cb)... .............. 63.92 IN. NOHINAL BALANCED AXIAL LOAD (Pbn) .......... 528 KIPS DESIGN BALANCED AXIAL LOAD (Pbu‘0.65 Pbn).. 343 KIPS 12. COHPARE ULTIHATE AXIAL LOAD AND BALANCED AXIAL LOAD Pu . 1.4 D + 1.4 L ........................ 14 KIPS Pu : 3 I OF NOHINAL BALANCED LOAD (Pbn). Pu = 4 I OF DESIGN BALANCED LOAD (Pbu).. .................... n Q1 Pu . 0.9 D.... ............................. 9 KIPS Pu = 2 I OF NOHINAL BALANCED LOAD (Pbn). Pu = 3 I OF DESIGN BALANCED LOAD (Pbu).. FLEXURAL PHI FACTOR........................ 0.84 ,-- 13. CALCULATE DESIGN BALANCED HDHENT CAPACITY (Hbu) NOHINAL BALANCED mHENT (Ilbn). ............. 1477 K-FT DESIGN BALANCED HOHENT (Hbu : 0.65 Hbn).. 960 K-FT 14. CALCULATE DESIGN PURE BENDING HONENT CAPACITY (Hou) NOHINAL PURE BENDING MDllENT(Honf........... DESIGN PURE BENDING HOHENT (Ilou:O.85 Hon) 15. CALCULATE DESIGN PURE AXIAL LOAD CAPACITY (Pou) NONINAL PURE AXIAL LOAD (Pan). ............. DESIGN PURE AXIAL LOAD (Pou = 0.65 Pon).. NAXIMUH USABLE AXIAL LOAD (Pitx:0.80 Pou),, - 16. DESIGN HOHENT CAPACITY (H) Nu . 1.4 Hr................................ DESIGN HOMENT CAPACITY CORRESPONDING TO 1.4 D + 1.4 L................ ........ B/Htr......................... ........ 0.9 D.......... ....................... HIHrr..... ............................ 17 SHEAR DElVdlD Vu . 1.4 V5 .............................. REOUIRED FLEXURAL WCTIlE SHEAR (Vdr)...... IS SHEAR CAPACITY HAXINUM NOHINAL SHEAR STRENGTH TABLE 24-K.. PLASTIC HINGE REGION ENTER I OTHERWISE 2... VI . Cd A9 SORT(f'n1 TABLE 24-1.. .......... Av :0.11 IN"2 S . 24.0 IN...... ......... v5 ........................................ Vn :VI + V5 ................................ DUCTILE SHEAR RATIO (VnlVdu) ............... SHEAR PHI FACTOR., ......................... Vu ((( 0.80 Vn = 25 KIPS O.K. ...... 214 K-FT 182 K-FT 1136 KIPS 738 KIPS 591 KIPS 145 K-FT 212 K-FT O.K. 2.7 201 K-FT O.K. 2.6 13 KIPS 24 KIPS 132 KIPS I 0 KIPS 31 KIPS 31 KIPS 1.30 0.80 r iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~i€ifffiiiffiiif~if~fiiiiififiiHfffiiiiffiiifii I € i AS PART OF THE TCCNAR HASOWRY RESEARCH PROGRAM AND MAS FUNDED f * THIS CONCRETE NASONRY SHEAR UALL PRffiRAH (SHYILL) WAS WRITTEN i * BY THE NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUYOATION AND THE CONCRETE MASONRY i ASSOCIATION OF CALIFORNIA AND NEVADA. THE WORK YAS CONDUCTED € AS PART OF THE CATEGORY 2 RESEARCH WORK MER THE JOINT € RESEARCH EFFORTS OF EKEH (ENIN6 AND ASSOCIATES, KARIOTIS AND * i ASSOCIATES, AND ENGLKERIK AND HART INC.) AND HAS WRITTEN BY i THE STAFF OF ENGLEKIRK AND HART, INC. f I i f SHYALL IS YRITTEH AS A PART OF THE NATIONAL EARTHQUAKE i f HAZARD REDUCTION PROGRAM (NEHRP) AND IS INTENDED TO BE BOTH A i f RESEARCH AID AND DESIGN AID FOR CONCRETE HASOWRY SHEAR WALLS. i f f € NEITHER THE NATIONAL SCIENCE FGUMDATION, THE CONCRETE MASONRY f * ASSOCIATION OF CALIFORMIA AND NEVEDA NOR ENGLEKIRK AND HART, i i INC. ASSUMES ANY RESPONSIBILITY FOR ANY ERRORS, MISTAKES, OR i f HISREPRESENTATIONS THAT MAY RESULT FROM THE USE OF SHYALL. i f SHYALL IS PROVIDED IN AN 'AS IS' CfflDITION. NO WARRANTIES OF i i IMPLIED (INCLUDIWG WARRANTIES OF ANY FITNESS AND i * HERCHANTABILITY) SHALL APPLY. i f f /-I i ANY KINO, YHETHER sTATuroRv, WRITTEN, ORAL, EXPRESSED, OR i i f i I THE COPY OF THIS PROGRAM HAY BE OBTAINED FROM : CONCRETE MASONRY ASSOCIATlON f * OF CALIFORNIA AND NEVADA i i 6060 SUNRISE VISTA DR. SUITE IUS i i CITRUS HEIGHTS, CA 95610 € f TEL: (916) 722-1700 f f i fi*iiifiiitif*i€iiifiififiiiiiiiiifi~fiiffiff~iiffifff€ffiiiiffiii JOB I : am5 DATE : 2-89 SHEET : TITLE I: PIER 11 TITLE 2: LINE 1 BLOG B 1. NOHINAL DESIGN LOADS DEAD LOAD... ............................... 9.6 KIPS LIVE LOAD.... .............................. 0.0 KIPS LATERAL SHEAR FORCE (Vs)................... 7.7 KIPS fiOHENT(Hs)... .............................. 82.0 K-FT 2. WALL PROPERTIES NOHINAL BLOCK THICKNESS.(t). ............... 8.0 IN. LEN6TH OF YALL.(Lv).. ..................... 8.7 FT SPECIFIED COHPRESSIVE STRENGTH.. ........... 1.5 KSI HODULUS OF RUPTURE................ ......... 1.2 f’rA0.5 HAXIHUH USABLE HASONRY CDHPRESSIVE STRAIN.. 0.003 -I- 3. LOAD FACTORS ENTER 1 FOR INS1 OR 2 FOR U.B.C LOAD FACTOR U = 1.4 D + 1.7 L U : 1.4 D + 1.4 L t 1.4 E U : 0.9 D - 1.4 E 4. FACTORED AXIAL DEAD AND LIVE LOAD Pu: 1.4 D + 1.7 I............ ............ 5. NDHINAL AXIAL STRENGTH (Pon . 0.85 f’mtvt),... 6. DESIGN AXIAL STRENGTH (Por . 0.65 Pon)....... Pu = 1 I OF NOHINAL AXIAL STRENGTH (Pod Pu : 2 I OF DESIGN AXIAL STRENGTH (Pod 7. NOnINAL PURE BENDIN6 HOHENT CALCULATION SPECIFIED YIELD STRENGTH................... ESTIHATED NEUTRAL AXIS LOCATION ........... VERTICAL STEEL LOCATION AS1 5 0.40 1N*2 DI = AS2 = 0.00 IW2 02 = AS3 = 0.00 IN”2 03 = AS4 i 0.00 INA2 D4 AS5 0.00 INA2 D5 = ASS : 0.00 1n*2 D6 : AS7 5 0.00 INA2 07 : AS8 : 0.00 IN”2 AS9 = 0.00 INL2 AS10 : 0.00 IN”2 AS11 = 0.00 INA2 AS12 : 0.00 IN? AS13 0.00 lNA2 AS14 0.00 INA2 AS15 = 0.00 1NA2 .. 08 = D9 = 010: D11; D12- D13: D14: Dl52 2 13 KIPS 1011 KIPS 657 KIPS O.K. O.K. 60.0 KSI 3.5 IN. 4.00 IN. 12.00 IN. 20.00 IN. 28.00 IN. 44.00 IN. 60.00 IN. 76.00 IN. 92.00 IN. 108.00 IN. 124.00 IN. -20.00 IN. -4.00 IN. 12.00 IN. 28.00 IN. 44.00 IN. AS17 : 0.00 INA2 D17: 76.00 IN. AS18 : 0.00 INA2 018: 84.00 IN. AS19 = 0.00 IN?? D19: 92.00 IN. AS20 : 0.40 IN9 020: 100.00 IN. AREA OF STEEL : 0.8 IN”2 SUM OF TENSION AND COHPRESSION FORCES.. .... 0 KIPS O.K. NEUTRAL AXIS HUST BE O.K. ........... NEW NNTRAL AXIS LOCATION.................. 3.50 IN. NOHINAL PURE BENDING HOHENT (Hen).......... 198 K-FT 8. FACTORED REQUIRED MOMENT nu . 1.4 IIs ................................ 115 K-FT 9. NNINAL CRACKING NOHENT CAPACITY OF SECTION (Htr) DO YOU LMNT TO INCLUDE AXIAL LOAD IN CRACKING HOHENT CALCULATION? (YES4,NO:O). 1 PERCENTAGE OF LIVE LOAD TO BE USED TO CALCUTLATE NOHINAL CRACKING HOHENT.. ....... 100 2 GROSS SECTION HDDULUS.. .................... 13745 IN*3 HODULUS OF RUPTURE... ...................... 46 PSI NMINAL CRACKING MHENT CAPACITY.. ......... 67 K-FT 10. EVALUATE NECESSITY OF VERTICAL STEEL CONFINEHENT (BOUNDARY HEH8ER) COMPRESSIVE STRESS AT 0.4 1’1 ........... 0.60 KSI ESTIHAIED NNTRAL AXIS LOCATION............ 12.80 IN. PI . 1.4 D t 1.4 L... ..................... 13 KIPS SllltllATIOW OF TENSION AND COHPRESSION FORCES 13 KIPS O.K. HOHENT CORRESPONOING TO STRESS 0.4 fth.. 244 K-FT THEREFORE : BOUWDARV ELEHENT IS NOT NEEDED THE LA. MUST BE O.K........ .............. ESTIHATEO NEUTRAL AXIS LOCATION....... ..... 11. IO IN. Pu . 0.9 O... .............................. 9 KIPS SUI(IIATI0II OF TENSION AND COHPRESSION FORCES 9 KIPS O.K. HOIENT CORRESPONDING TO STRESS 0.4 fla... 228 K-FT THEREFORE : BOUNDARY ELEHENT IS NOT NEEDED THE N.A. HUST BE O.K................. ..... 11. CALCULATE DESIGN BALANCED AXIAL LOAD (Pbu) BALANCED NEUTRAL AXIS (Cb). ................ 59.18 IN. NONINAL BALANCED AXIAL LOAD (Pbn).......... 489 KIPS DESIGN BALANCED AXIAL LOAD (Pbu:0.65 Pbn).. 318 KIPS 12. COHPAAE ULTIHATE AXIAL LOAD AND BALANCED AXIAL LOAD Pu . 1.4 D t 1.4 L...... .................. 13 KIPS Pu : 3 I OF NONINAL BALANCED LOAD (Pbn). Pu : 4 2 OF DESIGN BALANCED LOAD (Pbu).. .. CVllDAl OUT EAPTnP ........................ 0.83 Pu . 0.9 D......... ........................ 9 KIPS Pu : 2 I OF NOHINAL BALANCED LOAD (Pbn). Pu = 3 I OF DESIGN BALANCE0 LOAD (Pbu).. FLEXURAL PHI FACTOR..........,............. 0.84 13. CALCULATE DESIGN BALANCED IDHENT CAPACITY (Hbu) ,-- NOHINAL BALANCED IDNENT (Ilbn) .............. 1286 K-FT DESIGN BALANCED IIOHENT (Hbu = 0.65 Ibn).. 836 K-FT 14. CALCULATE DESIGN PURE BENDING HOlENT CAPACITY (Hou) NOHINAL PURE BENDING HONENT(llon). .......... 198 K-FT DESlSN PURE BENDIM nOIIENT (Hou.O.85 Honf 168 K-FT 15. CALCULATE DESIGN PURE AXIAL LOAD CAPACITY (Paul NOAtNAL PURE AXIAL LOAD (Pori).............. DESIGN PURE AXIAL LOAD (Pou : 0.65 Pon).. RAXIIUH USABLE AXIAL LOAD (Pnax4.80 Pod.. ,-- 16. DESIGN IDHENT CAPACITY (I) Hu . 1.4 Hs................................ DESIGN HOHENT CAPACITY CORRESPONDING TO 1.4 D t 1.4 L......................,. HIHtr.... ............................. 0.9 D...................,.............. nintr ................................. I7 SHEAR DEMO Vu = 1.4 Vs .............................. REBUIRED FLEXURAL DUCTILE SHEAR (Vdu)...... I8 SHEAR CAPACITY nAxinun NOHINAL SHEAR STRENGTH TABLE 24-K.. PLASTIC HINGE REGION ENTER I OTHERWISE 2... VI . Cd Ag SORT(f'd TABLE 24-1. ........... Av 4.11 IN*2 S . 24.0 IN............... Vr = ....................................... Vn :VI t Vr.. .............................. DUCTILE SHEAR RATIO (Vn/Vdu).. ............. SHEAR PHI FACTOR.. ......................... Vu ((( 0.80 Vn : 23 KIPS D.K. ...... 1058 KIPS 688 KIPS 550 KIPS 115 K-FT 194 K-FT D.K. 2.9 185 K-FT D.K. 2.8 11 KIPS 22 KIPS 123 KIPS I 0 KIPS 29 KIPS 29 KIPS 1.30 0.80 .- iiiiititiiitiiiiiiiiii4fttiiiii t CONCRETE MASONRY SHEAR-WALL tiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiitiiiiiiiiiii SHYALL VERSION (1.01) SEPTEMBER, 1987 ftiiiiiiifiiiftiiitiftiiiittifiiiiiiiitfiiitiiiiiiiitiiiiittitiiii i i THIS CONCRETE MASONRY SHEAR WALL PROGRAM (SHWALL) WAS WRITTEN i AS PART OF THE TCCNAR NASONRY RESEARCH PROGRAM AND MAS FUNDED * i BY THE NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION AND THE CONCRETE MASONRY i i ASSOCIATION OF CALIFORNIA AND NEVADA. THE WORK WAS CONDUCTED * AS PART OF THE CATEGORY 2 RESEARCH WORK UNDER THE JOINT i RESEARCH EFFORTS OF EKEH (EWING AND ASSOCIATES, KAAIOTIS AND t i ASSOCIATES, AND ENGLKERIK AN0 HART INC.) AND WAS WRITTEN BY i 4 t THE STAFF OF ENGLEKIRK AND HART, INC. i - i i t SHWALL IS WRITTEN AS A PART OF THE NATIONAL EARTHOUAKE t i HAZARD REDUCTION PROGRAM (NEHRP) AND IS INTENDED TO BE BOTH A i i RESEARCH AID AND OESIGN AID FOR CONCRETE MASONRY SHEAR WALLS. * i i i NEITHER THE NATIONAL SCIENCE FWNDATION, THE CONCRETE MASONRY € 4 ASSOCIATION OF CALIFORNIA AND NEVEDA NOR ENGLEKIRK AND HART, i INC. ASSUMES ANY RESPONSIBILITY FOR ANY ERRORS, MISTAKES, OR * MISREPRESENTATIONS THAT MAY RESULT FROM THE USE OF SHWALL. * i SHWALL IS PROVIDED IN AN 'AS IS' CONDITION. NO WARRANTIES OF i ANY KIND, WHETHER STATUTORY, WRITTEN, ORAL, EXPRESSED, OR i IMPLIED (INCLUDING WARRANTIES OF ANY FITNESS AN0 f i MERCHANTABILITY) SHALL APPLY. i i i i I THE COPY OF THIS PROGRAM MAY BE OBTAINED FROM : i CONCRETE MASONRY ASSOCIATION i i OF CALIFORNIA AND NEVADA i i CITRUS HEIGHTS, CA 95610 f i TEL: (916) 722-1700 I 4' i €iiiifi*ii~iiiiitii44iiiiitt~i?f€€i~t~iiiiifiiiiiiiiii*iiiiiffiiii 6060 SUNRISE VISTA DR. SUITE 1875 i ,-- JOB t : 88-235 DATE : 2-89 SHEET : TITLE I: PIER 12 TITLE 2: LINE 1 BLDG B 1. NONINAL DESIGN LOADS DEAD LOAD.. ................................ LIVE LOAD.. ................................ LATERAL SHEAR FORCE (Vs)... ................ WONENT(Ns)... .............................. 2. WALL PROPERTIES NDHIML BLOCK THICKNESS. (t) ................ LENGTH OF YALL.(Lu).. ..................... SPECIFIED COHPRESSIVE STRENGTH. ............ NODULUS OF RUPTURE.. ....................... HAXIHUH USABLE HASONRY COHPRESSIVE STRAIN.. 3. LOAD FACTORS ENTER 1 FOR ANSI OR 2 FOR U.B.C LOAD FACTOR U : 1.4 D t 1.7 1 U = 1.4 D * 1.4 1 + 1.4 E U : 0.9 D - 1.4 E /- 4. FACTORED AXIAL DEAD AND LIVE LOAD Pus 1.1 D + 1.7 L........................ 5. NOHINAL AXIAL STRENGTH Won = 0.85 VnLut).... 6. DESIGN AXIAL STRENGTH (Pou . 0.65 Pon)....... Pu = 1 Z OF NOlIWAL AXIAL STRENGTH (Pon) Pu : 2 Z OF DESIGN AXIAL STRENGTH VOU) 7. NOIINAL PURE BENDING HOHENT CALCULATION SPECIFIED YIELD STRENGTH. .................. ESTIHATED NEUTRAL A1 IS LOCATIOW ........... VERTICAL STEEL LOCATION AS1 : 0.40 1NA2 AS2 = 0.00 IN*2 AS3 = 0.00 IN"2 AS4 : 0.00 1N*2 AS5 = 0.00 IN"2 AS6 : 0.00 INA2 AS7 = 0.00 IN"2 AS8 : 0.00 INA2 AS9 : 0.00 IW2 AS10 : 0.00 INA2 AS11 = 0.00 1NA2 AS12 : 0.00 IN*2 AS13 : 0.00 INA2 AS14 = 0.00 IN"2 .*IC - n nn I"*, DI = D2 : D3 = D4 D5 : 06 : D7 : 10.3 KIPS 0.0 KIPS 9.5 KIPS 103.0 K-FT 8.0 IN. 9.3 FT 1.5 KSI 1.2 f'r^O.S 0.003 -I- 2 I4 KIPS 1089 KIPS 708 KIPS 0. K. O.K. 60.0 KSI 3.5 IN. 4.00 IN. 12.00 IN. 20.00 IN. 28.00 IN. 44.00 IN. 60.00 IN. 76.00 IN. DE = 92.00 IN. D9 = 108.00 IN. DLO: 124.00 IN. Dll: -12.00 IN. 012: 4.00 IN. 013; 20.00 IN. D14: 36.00 IN. niq= w nn IN ,-- ,,"." ........ .._ .-. AS17 : 0.00 INY 017: 84.00 IN. AS18 * 0.00 INA2 018: 92.00 IN. AS19 = 0.00 INA2 D19= 100.00 IN. AS20 : 0.40 INA2 D20* 108.00 IN. AREA OF STEEL = 0.8 INA2 SUI! OF TENSION AND COHPRESSION FORCES.. .... 0 KIPS O.K. NEUTRAL AXIS MST BE 0.K. ........... NEW NEUTRAL AXIS LOCATION .................. 3.50 IN. NOMINAL PURE BENDING HOENT tbn). ......... 214 K-FT 8. FACTORED REQUIRED MMENT MU . 1.4 Mi... ............................. 144 1-FT 9. NOMINAL CRACKING HOHENT CAPACITY OF SECTION (Mtr) DO YOU WANT TO INCLUDE AXIAL LOAD IN PERCENTAGE OF LIVE LOAD TO BE USED TO CRACKING MNENT CALCULATION? (YES4,NO4). 1 CALCUTLATE NOMINAL CRACKIN6 HOHENT., ....... 100 I GROSS SECTION HODULUS.. .................... 15941 IN"3 HODULUS OF RUPTURE.... ..................... 46 PSI NOMINAL CRACKING lMllENT CAPACITY........... 78 K-FT 10. EVALUATE NECESSITY OF VERTICAL STEEL CONFINEMENT tBOUWDARY HEMBER) COMPRESSIVE STRESS AT 0.4 f'n ........... 0.60 KSI ESTIMATED NEUTRAL AXIS LOCATION............ 13.00 IN. Pu . 1.4 D + 1.4 L..... ................... 14 KIPS SUMMATION OF TENSION AND COMPRESSION FORCES I4 KIPS O.K. MMENT CORRESPONDINB TO STRESS 0.4 f'D,,. 267 K-FT MEREFORE : BOUllDARY ELEMENT IS NOT NEEDED THE N.A. MUST BE O.K............ .......... ESllHATED NEUTRAL AIIS LOCATIOII............ 11.10 IN. Pu . 0.9 D................................. 9 KIPS SMlUTIOII OF TENSION MD COHPRESSION FORCES 9 KIF'S O.K. MONENT CORRESPONDING TO STRESS 0.4 f*n,.. 247 K-FT THEREFORE : BOUNDARY ELElENT IS NOT NEEDED THE N.A. HUST BE O.K.. .................... 11. CALCULATE DESIGN BALANCED AXIAL LOAD (Pbu) BALANCED NEUTRAL AXIS (Cb) ................. 63.92 IN. NOHINAL BALANCED AXIAL LOAD (Pbn).......... 528 KIPS DESIGN BALANCED AXIAL LOAD (Pbu=0.65 Pbn).. 343 KIPS 12. COHPARE ULTIHATE AXIAL LOAD AND BALANCED AXIAL LOAD Pu . 1.4 D t 1.4 L....... ................. I4 KIPS Pn : 3 I OF NOHINAL BALAKED LOAD (Pbn). Pu = 4 I OF DESIGN BALANCED LOAD (Pbu).. n 01 ~ . . ____ *e-= 35 2-57 34 02 Pu . 0.9 D.................. ............... 9 KIPS Pu 3 2 I OF NOHINAL BALANCED LOAD (Pbn). Pu : 3 I OF DESIGN BALANCED LOAD (Pbu).. FLEXURAL PHI FACTOR. ....................... 0.84 ,- 13. CALCULATE DESIGN BALANCED NOMENT CAPACITY (Hbu) NOHINAL BALANCED MOIIENT (Hbn).............. 1477 K-FT DESIGN BALANCED HOMENT (Hbu : 0.65 Hbn).. 960 K-FT 14. CALCULATE DESIGN PURE BENDING MOHENT CAPACITY (Hou) NOHINAL PURE BENDING lHlHENT(Hon). .......... 214 K-FT DESIGN PURE BENDING HOHENT (Hou:0.83 hn) 182 K-FT 15. CALCULATE DESIGN PURE AXIAL LOAD CAPACITY (Pod NOMINAL PURE AXIAL LOAD (Pon).............. 1136 KIPS DESIGN PURE AXIAL LOAD (Pou : 0.65 Pon).. 738 KIPS HAXIHUH USABLE AXIAL LOAD (Pmax:0.80 Poul.. 591 KIPS 16. DESIGN HOHENT CAPACITY (H) - Nu . 1.4 115................................ DESIGN MOHENT CAPACITY CORRESPONDING TO 1.4 D * 1.4 L........................ H/Hcr..., ............................. 0.9 D...... ........................... HlHcr.., .............................. 17 SHEAR DENAND Vu . 1.4 Vs .............................. REOUIRED FLEXURAL DUCTILE SHEAR (Vdr). ..... I8 SHEAR CAPACITY MAXIMUH NOHINAL SHEAR STRENGTH TABLE 24-K.. PLASTIC HINGE REGION ENTER I OTHERWISE 2... VI : Cd Ag SQRT(f’m) TABLE 24-L............ Av -0.11 IN*2 S . 24.0 IN....,.......... v5 =*.........*I ........................... Vn :VI + vs.... ............................ DUCTILE SHEAR RATIO (VnlVdu).... ........... SHEAR PHI FACTOR, .......................... Vu ((( 0.80 Vn = 25 KIPS O.K. ...... 144 K-FT 212 K-FT O.K. 2.7 201 K-FT O.K. 2.6 13 KIPS 21 KIPS 132 KIPS I 0 KIPS 31 KIPS 31 KIPS 1.30 0.80 a9-23S 2-59 34 P3 tttttltt€ttt*ttttttttttttttttt* t CONCRETE HASONRY SHEAR-UALL t ttttttttttttttttilttttttiti*ti€ ttfttttitttttt*titttttft+tttttt€tt€ftt€tttttttt€tttt€fttttfttttttt € t t THIS CONCRETE MASONRY SHEAR WALL PROSRAH (SHYALL) WAS YRITTEN € AS PART OF THE TCCHAR MASONRY RESEARCH PROGRAW AND WAS FUNDED * t BY THE NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION AND THE CONCRETE MASONRY 4 € ASSOCIATION OF CALIFORNIA AND NEVAOA. THE WORK WAS CONOUCTED f AS PART OF THE CATEGORY 2 RESEARCH WORK UNDER THE JOiNT t RESEARCH EFFORTS OF EKEH (EWING AN0 ASSOCIATES, KARlOTlS AN0 t t ASSOCIATES, AND ENGLKERIK AN0 HART INC.) AND WAS WRITTEN BY € t € i THE STAFF OF ENGLEKIRK AND HART, INC. € t t € i SHWALL IS WRITTEN AS A PART OF THE NATIONAL EARTHQUAKE t HAZARD REDUCTION PROGRAM (NEHRP) AN0 IS INTENDED TO BE BOTH A t i RESEARCH AID AN0 DESIGN AI0 FOR CONCRETE HASOWRY SHEAR WALLS. t t t t NEITHER THE NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION, THE CONCRETE HASONRY t i ASSOCIATION OF CALIFORNIA MI0 NEVEDA NOR ENSLEKIRK AND HART, * f INC. MSUNES ANY RESPONSIBlLlTY FOR ANY ERRORS, MISTAKES, OR t t HISREPRESENTATIOIS THAT HAY RESULT FROM THE USE OF SHYALL. I € SHYALL IS PROVIDED IN AN 'As IS' CONDITION. NO WARRANTIES OF I t ANY KINO, WHETHER STATUTORY, WRITTEN, ORAL, EXPRESSED, OR 4 * IHPLIED (INCLUDING WARRANTIES OF ANY FITNESS AND I t HERCHANTABILITY) SHALL APPLY. € t f t € THE COPY OF THIS PROSRAH HAY BE OBTAINED FROH : t CONCRETE MASONRY ASSOCIATION t t OF CALIFORNIA AND NEVADA t t 6060 SUMISE VISTA OR. SUITE 1875 f CITRUS HEIGHTS, CA 95610 t t TEL: (916) 722-1700 t t t €€t~tttittttt€iltftttfttt€tttttttftttb+€4ttfttfttf€t€ttttt€€€ttttf JOB 1 : 88-235 OATE : 2-89 SHEET : TITLE 1: PIER 13 TITLE 2: LINE 1 EL06 B 1. NOMNAL DESIGN LOADS DEAD LOAD.. ................................ LIVE LOAD.... .............................. LATERAL SHEAR FORCE (Vs). .................. HOilENT(Hs)... .............................. - 2. WALL PROPERTIES NOHINAL BLOCK THICKNESS.(t)........ ........ LENGTH OF MAL flu). ...................... SPECIFIED COHPRESSIVE STRENGTH... .......... NODULUS OF RUPTURE.. ....................... HAXIllllH USABLE HASONRY COHPRESSIVE STRAIN.. 3. LOAD FACTORS ENTER I FOR ANSI OR 2 FOR U.B.C LOAD FACTOR U : 1.4 D + 1.7 L U : 1.4 D t 1.1 L t 1.4 E U 0.9 D - 1.4 E 4. FACTORED AXIAL DEAD AND LIVE LOAD 4.5 KIPS 0.0 KIPS 6.7 KIPS 25.2 K-FT 8.0 IN. 3.3 FT 1.5 KSI 1.2 f'i*0.5 0.003 -I- 2 Pu: 1.4 D + 1.7 L................,....... 6 KIPS 5. NOHINAL AXIAL STRENGTH Won = 0.85 f'ilwt).... 6. DESIGN AXIAL STRENGTH (Pou . 0.65 Pon)....... Pu : 2 2 OF NOHINAL AXIAL STRENGTH (Pod Pu : 2 2 OF DESIGN AXIAL STRENGTH (Pod 7. NOHINAL PURE BENDING HOHENT CALCULATION SPECIFIED YIELD STRENGTH.. ................. ESTIHATEO NEUTRAL AXIS LOCATION ........... VERTICAL STEEL LOCATION AS1 = 0.40 IN*2 D1 : AS2 : 0.00 INA2 D2 AS3 = 0.00 INA2 D3 = AS4 : 0.00 INA2 D4 : AS5 = 0.00 1NA2 05 = AS6 : 0.00 IN*2 06 : AS7 = 0.00 1NA2 07 = 389 KIPS 253 KIPS 0. K. O.K. 60.0 KSI 3.5 IN. 4.00 IN. 12.00 IN. 20.00 IN. 28.00 IN. 44.00 IN. 60.00 IN. 76.00 IN. AS8 : 0.00 1NA2 08 : 92.00 IN. AS9 = 0.00 1NA2 D9 : 108.00 IN. AS10 : 0.00 1NA2 010. 124.00 IN. AS11 : 0.00 1NA2 DII: -84.00 IN. AS12 = 0.00 1NA2 012: -68.00 IN. AS13 = 0.00 IF2 D13= -52.00 IN. AS14 : 0.00 INA2 D14: -36.00 IN. AS15 = 0.00 INA2 D15: -20.00 IN. AS17 = 0.00 IN*2 017: 12.00 IN. AS18 : 0.00 IN*2 018: 20.00 IN. AS19 a 0.00 1NA2 019: 28.00 IN. ' AS20 3 0.40 IN*2 020: 36.00 IN. AREA OF STEEL i: 0.8 IN*2 SUH OF TENSION AND COHPRESSION FORCES.. a. 0 KIPS O.K. NEUTRAL AXIS HUST BE O.K. ........... NEW NEUTRAL AXIS LOCATION. ................. 3.50 IN. NOHINAL PURE BENDING HOHENT (Hod. ......... 70 K-FT 8. FACTORED REQUIRED MOHENT nu . 1.4 n5 ................................ 35 K-FT 9. HOHIWAL CRACKIM MHENT CAPACITY OF SECTION (Htr) DO YOU WANT TO INCLUDE AXIAL LOAD IN CRACKING HOHENT CALCULATION? (YES-I,NO=O). I PERCENTAGE OF LIVE LOA0 TO BE USED TO CALCUTLATE NUHINAL CRACKING HOHENT. ........ 100 1 GROSS SECTION HODULUS.... .................. 2033 IN"3 MODULUS OF RUPTURE.. ....................... 46 PSI NOHINAL CRACKING MOHENT CAPACITY.. ......... 10 K-FT .- IO. EVALUATE NECESSITY OF VERTICAL STEEL CONFINEWENT (BOUNDARY HENBER) COHPRESSIVE STRESS AT 0.4 f'n ........... 0.60 KSI ESTIHATED NEUTRAL AIIS LOCATION............ 10.10 IN. Pu . 1.4 D t 1.4 1.. ...................... 6 KIPS SUHMTION OF TENSION AND COHPRESSION FORCES 6 KIPS O.K. MOHENT CORRESPONDING TO STRESS 0.4 fin... 73 K-FT THEREFORE : BOUNDARY ELEHENT IS NOT NEEDED THE N.A. HUST BE O.K........... ........... ESTIHATED NEUTRAL AXIS LOCATION............ 9.40 IN. Pu . 0.9 D................................. 4 KIPS SUHHATION OF TENSION AND COHPRESSION FORCES 4 KIPS O.K. MHENT CORRESPONDING TO STRESS 0.4 fin... 71 K-FT THEREFORE : BOUNDARY ELEMENT IS NUT NEEOED THE N.A. HUST BE. O.K...................... 11. CALCULATE DESIGN BALANCED AXIAL LOAD (Pbu) BALANCED NEUTRAL AXIS (Cb)... .............. 21.31 IN. NOHINAL BALANCEO AXIAL LOAD (Pbn) .......... 176 KIPS DESIGN BALANCEO AXIAL LOAD (Pbu4.65 Pbn).. 114 KIPS 12. COHPARE ULTIHATE AXIAL LOAD AND BALANCED AXIAL LOAD Pu . 1.4 D + 1.4 L........................ 6 KIPS Pu = 4 I OF NOHINAL BALANCED LOAD (Pbn). Pu = 6 I OF DESIGN BALANCED LOAD (Pbu).. ,-I r"tln.l O", ClPl"0 ............. 0.82 Pu . 0.9 D.... ............................. 4 KIPS Pu : 2 I OF NOHINAL BALANCED LOAD (Pbn). Pu : 4 I OF DESIGN BALANCED LOAD (Pbu).. FLEXURAL PHI FACTOR.. ...................... 0.83 13. CALCULATE DESIGN BALANCED HOHENT CAPACITY (Hbu) - NOMINAL BALANCED IIOHENT (Mbn).............. 225 K-FT DESIGN BALANCED HOMENT (Hbu : 0.65 Hbn).. 146 K-FT 14, CALCULATE DESIGN PURE BENDING HOHENT CAPACITY (Hou) NOHINAL PURE BENDING HDHENT(l(on). .......... OEStGN PURE BENDING HOHENT (Hou:0.85 Hod 15. CALCULATE DESIGN PURE AXIAL LOAD CAPACITY (Pou) NOHINAL PURE AXIAL LOAD (Pori).............. DESIGN PURE AXIAL LOAD (Pou = 0.65 Pon).. HAXIHUH USABLE AXIAL LOAD (P#ax=O.80 Pou).. 16. DESIGN HOHENT CAPACITY (B) Nu . 1.4 Hs................................ DESIGN llOHENT CAPACITY CORRESPONDING TO 1.4 D + 1.4 L........................ Hllltr...... ........................... 0.9 0.. ............................... HlMcr. ................................ 17 SHEAR DEHAND Vu . 1.4 Vs .............................. REWIRED FLEXURAL DUCTILE SHEAR (Vdu)...... 18 SHEAR CAPACITY HAXIHUH NOHINAL SHEAR STRENGTH TABLE 24-K.. PLASTIC HINGE REGION ENTER 1 OTHERWISE 2... VI . Cd Ag SORT(f'd TABLE 24-L...... ...... Av . 0.2 IN2 S . 24.0 IN............... vs ........................................ Vn aVI t VI, ............................... DUCTILE SHEAR RATIO (VnlVdu). .............. SHEAR PHI FACTOR.. ......................... Vu ((( 0.60 Vn = 12 KIPS O.K. ...... 70 K-FT 60 K-FT 436 KIPS 283 KIPS 227 KIPS 35 K-FT 63 K-FT 0.K. 6. I 62 K-FT O.K. 6.0 9 KIPS 20 KIPS 41 KIPS I 0 KIPS 20 KIPS 20 KIPS 0.98 0.60 r fffffff€fff€t€f€ff~€ffttftfffffffffftffffffff€ftftfft€tffffffftf€ i i t MIS CONCRETE HASONRY SHEAR WALL PRDGRAH (SHYALL) YAS WRITTEN i f AS PART OF ME TCCHAR HASONRY RESEARCH PROGRAH AND WAS FUNDED € * BY THE NATIONAL SCIEHCE FOUNDATION AND THE CONCRETE HASONRY i ASSOCIATIOW OF CALIFORNIA AND NEVADA. THE WORK WAS CONDUCTED € AS PART OF THE CATEGORY 2 RESEARCH WORK UNDER THE JOINT € RESEARCH EFFORTS OF EKEH (EWIIIG AND ASSOCIATES, KARIOTIS AND f i ASSOCIATES, AND ENGLKERIK AND HART It%.) AND YAS WRITTEN BY f i f € THE STAFF OF EIIGLEKIRK AND HART, INC. f f € t € WALL Is WRITTEN AS A PART OF THE NATIONAL EARTHQUAKE f HAZARD REWCTION PROGRAM (NEHRP) AND IS INTENDED TO BE BOTH A * f RESEARCH AID AND DESIM AID FOR CONCRETE HASONRY SHEAR HALLS. € i f f NEITHER THE NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUIIDATIOH, THE CONCRETE HASONRY f 5 ASSOCIATIOll OF CALIFORNIA AND NEVEDA NOR ENGLEKIRK AND HART, * f INC. ASSUHES ANY RESPONSIBILITY FOR ANY ERRORS, MISTAKES, OR t HISREPRESENTATIONS THAT HAY RESULT FRM THE USE OF SHYALL. f c f SMALL IS PROVIOED IN AN 'AS IS' CONDITION. NO WARRANTIES OF * i MY KIND, WHETHER STATUTORY, WRITTEN, ORAL, EXPRESSED, OR f IHPLIED (INCLUDING WARRANTIES OF ANY FITNESS AND f HERCHMITABILITY) SHALL APPLY. f THE COPY OF THIS PROGRAH MAY BE OBTAINED FRDH : € f i i € CONCRETE HASOWRV ASSOCIATION f i OF CALIFORNIA AND NEVADA t f 6060 SUNRISE VISTA OR. SUITE 1875 i I CITRUS HEIGHTS, CA 95610 f f TEL: (916) 722-1700 t i f ff€t€t€i€ftf€iiftiifffff€f€f€fff€€tf€ffff€fff~ffffffff€ffffftff€€€ JOB 1 : 88-235, DATE : 2-89 SHEET : TITLE 1: PIER I4 TITLE 2: LINE I BLDG B ,-- I. NOMINAL DESIGN LOADS DEAD LOAD.. ................................ 3.0 KIPS LIVE LOAD. ................................. 0.0 KIPS LATERAL SHEAR FORCE Nd.... ............... 2.2 KIPS NOMENT(k). ................................ 8.7 K-FT 2. HALL PROPERTIES NOMINAL BLDCK TNICKNESS. (t) ................ 8.0 IN. LENGTHOF WALL.(Lv).. ..................... 2.0 FT SPECIFIED COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH............. 1.5 KSI llOOULUS OF RUPTURE.... ..................... 1.2 f'rA0.5 MAXIRII USABLE MASONRY COMPRESSIVE STRAIN.. 0.003 -I- 3. LQAR FACTORS ENTER 1 FOR ANSI OR 2 FOR U.B.C LOAD FACTOR U : 1.4 0 t 1.7 L U : 1.4 D + 1.4 L + 1.4 E U 0.9 D - 1.4 E 2 4. FACTORED AXIAL DEAD AND LIVE LOAD Pu: 1.4 D + 1.7 L.......,................ 4 KIPS 5. NOMINAL AXIAL STRENGTH Won = 0.85 f'dvt).... 233 KIPS 6. DESIGN AXIAL STRENGTH (Por . 0.65 Pori),...... 152 KIPS Pu = 2 I OF I(MIIML AXIAL STRENGTH (Pod O.K. Fu : 3 2 OF DESIGN AXIAL STRENGTH (Pou) O.X. 7. NOMINAL PURE BENDIN6 MMENT CALCULATION SPECIFIED YIELD STRENGTH ................... 60.0 KSI &TIMATED NEUTRAL AXIS LOCATION ........... 3.5 IN, VERTICAL STEEL LOCATION AS1 : 0.40 IN"2 AS2 : 0.00 INA2 AS3 : 0.00 IN*2 AS4 : 0.00 INA2 AS5 0.00 INA2 AS6 : 0.00 1NA2 AS7 0.00 INY AS8 : 0.00 INA2 AS9 = 0.00 INA2 , AS10 : 0.00 1NA2 AS11 : 0.00 1NA2 As12 = 0.00 INA2 AS13 = 0.00 IN"2 AS14 = 0.00 INA2 .-.- ........ Dl = 4.00 IN. 02 12.00 IN. D3 = 20.00 IN. D4 2 28.00 IN. 05 : 44.00 IN. D6 : 60.00 IN. 07 = 76.00 IN. 08 : 92.00 IN. D9 : 108.00 IN. DlOa 124.00 IN. Dll= -100.00 IN. D12: -84.00 IN. 013: -68.00 IN. 014: -52.00 IN. ".e- -1 ..a ,r .._.- ........ .... AS17 = 0.00 INL2 017: -4.00 IN. AS18 : 0.00 IN^2 018: 4.00 IN. AS19 = 0.00 INA2 019; 12.00 IN. AS20 : 0.40 INA2 020: 20.00 IN. AREA OF STEEL i 0.8 INA2 SUM OF TENSION AND COHPRESSION FORCES...... 0 KIPS O.K. NEUTRAL AXIS MUST BE O.K. ... I....... NEW NEUTRAL AXIS LOCATION.................. 3.50 IN. NOMINAL PURE BENDING HOHENT (Hon).. ...... .. 38 K-FT 8. FACTORED REOUIRED MOMENT Mu . 1.4 Is................... ............. 12 K-FT 9. NOMINAL CRACKING HOMENT CAPACITY OF SECTION (Mer) DO YOU nANr rn IMCLUDE AXIAL LOAD IN CRACKING MOHENT CALCULATION? (YES.IlN04). I PERCENTAGE OF LIVE LOAD TU BE USED TO CALCUTLATE NOMINAL CRACKING MOMENT.. ....... 100 2 GROSS SECTION MODULUS. ..................... 732 IN*3 HODULUS OF RUPTURE....... .................. 46 PSI NDHINAL CRACKING MOHENT CAPACITY.. ......... 4 K-FT 10. EVALUATE NECESSITY OF VERTICAL STEEL CONFINEHENT (BOUNDARY HEMER) COMPRESSIVE STRESS AT 0.4 f'a ........... 0.60 KSI ESTIHATED NEUTRAL AXIS LOCATION............ 7.65 IN. Pu . 1.4 D 4 1.4 L............ ............ 4 KIPS SumUTloW OF TEMION MID COHPRESSION FORCES 4 KIPS 0.K- MOMENT CORRESPONDING TO STRESS 0.4 fla... 30 K-FT THEREFORE : WIDARY ELEMENT IS NOT NEEDED THE N.A. MUST BE O.K........ .............. ESTIMATED NEUTRAL AXIS LMATION.. .......... 7.42 IN. Pu . 0.9 D................... .............. 3 KIPS suMiAriOn OF rasion MD COMPRESSION FORCES 3 KIPS 0.K. HOHENT CORRESPONDING TO STRESS 0.4 f'a... 30 K-FT THEREFORE : BOUNDARY ELEMENT IS NOT NEEDED THE N.A. MUST BE O.K...................... 11. CALCULATE DESIGN BALANCED AXIAL LOAD (Pbu) BALANCED NEUTRAL AXIS (Cb).. ............... 11.84 IN. NOMINAL BALANCED AXIAL LOAD (Pbnf.......... 97 KIPS DESIGN BALANCED AXIAL LOAD (Pbu4.65 Pbn).. 63 KIPS 12. MlHPAAE ULTIMATE AXIAL LOAD AN0 BALANCED AXIAL LOA0 Pu . 1.4 D t 1.4 L....... ................. 4 KIPS Pu = 4 I OF NOMINAL BALANCED LOAD (Pbn). Pu : 7 I OF DESIGN BALANCED LOAD (Pbu).. ......... n "* Pu . 0.9 D................ ................. 3 KIPS Pu 2 3 I OF NOHINAL BALANCED LOAD (Pbn). Pu 2 4 I OF DESIGN BALANCED LOAD (Pbu).. FLEXURAL PHI FACTOR........................ 0.83 13. CALCULATE DESIGN BALANCED MOHENT CAPACITY Mbu) ,- NOHINAL BALANCED HOHENT (Hbn). ............. 88 K-FT DESIGN BALANCED MOHENT (Hbu = 0.65 Mbn).. 57 K-FT 14. CALCULATE DESIGN PURE BENDING KIHENT CAPACITY (Mau) NOHINAL PURE BENDING fflHENT(Hon). .......... DESIGN PURE SENDING HOHENT (Hou=O.85 Han) 15. CALCULATE DESIGM PURE AXIAL LOAD cApAcITr (POS) NOHINAL PURE AXIAL LOAD (Pan).............. DESIGN PURE AXIAL LOAD (Pau : 0.65 Pan).. HAXIHUH USABLE AXIAL LOAD (Paax=0.80 Paul., 16. DESIGN HOHENT CAPACITY (HI Hu . 1.4 Hs................................ DESIGN HDtlENT CAPACITY CORRESPONDIN6 TO 1.4 D E 1.4 L........................ HlHcr., ............................... 0.9 D.... ............................. HlHtr. ................................ 17 SHEAR DEHAND Vu . 1.4 V5 .............................. REWIRED FLEXURAL DUCTILE SHEAR (Vdd. ..... 18 SHEAR CAPACITY HAXIHUH NOMINAL SHEAR STRENGTH TABLE 24-K.. PLASTIC HINGE REGION ENTER I OTHERYISE 2... VI = Cd 4g SQRTIf’r) TABLE 24-L............ Av . 0.2 1N*2 S . 24.0 IN............... vs = ....................................... Vn :Vfl + Vs ................................ DUCTILE SHEAR RATIO (VnlVdu). .............. SHEAR PHI FACTOR., ......................... Vu ((( 0.80 Vn = IO KIPS O.K. ...... 38 K-FT 32 K-FT 280 KIPS 182 KIPS 146 KIPS 12 K-FT 33 K-FT O.K. 0.7 33 K-FT D.K. 8.6 3 KIPS IO KIPS 28 KIPS I 0 KIPS 12 KIPS 12 KIPS 1.19 0.80 -'I Y CONEER EHGiNEERINS J08 338-235 DATE : 1-89 WET :zk---- SLENDER 8ASONRY #ALL DESIGN Considering P-belta Effects Per ICE0 Report I 4189 ;EWiIPTION :NAS WALL 15.0 FT ALLO#ABLE SIR ESSES >. :'n : Masonry : 1,500 psi > Seismic Factor : 0.300 ? Fy : binf. : 50,000 psi ) Wind L03d 74.8 psf .:~ Phi: .3 or .5 : 0.80 > Type oi Nasonry: I=Light gt, 2:flediur Wt., 3 = Noreal Wt, --? 3 > Groiiting? I : Solid Grouted, 0 = At Cells U/ Steel Only --? ! > %!! Uniforn ILL 8e Used Uikh IiindlSeisnic Loadings'? Y=l N.0 --> I _______--______--- ___ __- _-- .__ DESIGN DATA ( Un-Factored Vertical, Actual Un-Factored Lateral 1 __--__---__ ? Clear Wall !It. : 15 ft > Total Wall Ht. = 15 ?t Ht / TBk Ratio = 22.5 > Wall Thickness = a in > Rebar Size : I 4 > Spacing @ 8' Div.: 16 in Eccentric Dead Load 0 plf Eccentric Live load = 0 plf Load Eccentricity = 7 in (default : t/2 + 3') Uniform Lateral Load: 0 pl? X-Dist. to Bottom : 3 it > 1-Dist. to Top : 0 ft ? Depth To Steel = 5-13 in > Seisaic:l, Uind.2 --> I <-- (default = t/?) 4 > Point Lateral Load : 01 > Axial Unifori DL : 3740 plf > 1-Dist. from 8ottOE : 0 ft > Axial Uniform LL = 0 plf > Seisaic4, Wind=? --> 1 <-- I_ DESIGN SUMIARY ....................... I il-n t Phi : HOHENT CAPACITY : n-u : APPLIED HOIENTS i OVERSTRESS I HkX. ALLO#APLE DEFL. : 0.00: h : I PALCULATED SEDVICE DEFLECTION = - I HEIGHT / SERVICE DEFLECTION = SEISMIC WIYD __---- --_ ---_-_-_ 41,077 in4 41,077 in4 I 11,913 in4 35,535 in4 I 0.0 1 0.0 ! I 1.26:) in 1.260 in I 0.04: in 0.544 in I 4,042 331 COHEER ENGINEERING JOB 899-235 DATE : 1-33 SHEET :-z+-<- LATERAL LOADINGS Hasonry Wall Wt. = 84.0 psf Wind Load t 1.275 : 95.4 psf Later31 Wall Wt = 25.2 psf tat Mall Wt * 1.42 : 34.3 psf ._______________ VERTICAL LOADINGS .-___-__--___---- P-Axial : Seismic -or- Hind : Eccentric + Axial = 3,740 ?If P-Mall : Seisric -oi- Nind : WdIl Above Hid-Height = 630 Pu-Axial: Seismic -or- Mind : !.OS0 +1.275L + = 3,327 plf Pa-k4all : Seisaic -or- Wind : !.275W -or- 1.4025E 66: " $11-Tatal: Seiimr -or- Wiod : Total Pu Frun Above : 4,591 plf RNALYSIS VALUES ._____._______. Equiiialent Solid Thickness (frofi table) = 7.60 in Gms Area : Equiv, Solid Thick € 12' Grnss Steel Ratio : As / Ag Gross Reinforcing Area : As As-eff : (Pu/Phi + A5rFy) / Fy 'a' : (AssFy t PulPhi) /(,854f7c€12) *cl: la, ! -85 Phi Reduction : 0.8 -or- 0.5 Mn i A5(eff! * Fy f ( d - a12 ) Mu : Mn 4 Phi En : 1,000 f'm <: 3,000,000 psi n : 29~10~6 I E# Fr : Hod. of Rupture : 2.5 *(frmA.51 Section nodulus : (Gross) Moment Capacity @ Cracking : S * Fr I-gross 12 € (Equiv Thck)*? I I? I-cracked = Ase n (d-c)*2 t bcW3 ACTUAL HDMENTS HI FACTORED LOADS Basic hwnt ulo P - Delta Excess over Cracking Momt Haxinun bid-Height Deflection MAXIMUM APPLIED MDHENT Basic Deflection vln P-Delta DEFLECTYON CHECK - SERVICE LOADS ---____..______--_______________ Basic Service Load Moment EXES Over Cracking Hoiaent Basic load Deflection Ttital anrent @ Defl. Canvergrnce SERVICE LOAD DEFL. e CONVERGENCE 91.20 inA? : 0.0016 OK 0.!47 inA?/ft 0.243 0.152 in 1.120 in 0.3 - = 51,347 in-# : 41,077 in-# = 1.SEt06 psi 13.33 36.9 psi 115.5 in*3 = 11,185 in-t 439.0 inA4 75.2 inA4 SEISIIC WINO -- _______ --- ____- : 11,576 in4 32,187 in4 391 in4 21,002 in4 = 0.08 in 0.79 in = 11,913 in-t 35,535 in4 : 6.07 in 0.6'3 in SE!SMIC WIND ____._.-- ___ .____ : 9,505 in-1 25,245 in4 0 in4 14,960 in-* : 0.04 in 0.48 in : 3,626 in-l :7,452 in-t : 0.04 in 0.54 in , CGNEER ENGINEERIHG JOB 188-235 DATE : 1-89 SHEET : -2f--- ,.-- SLENDER NASONRY WALL DESIGN Considering P-Delta Effects Per ICBO Report X 4189 ............................. DESCRIPTION :HAS WALL 16.5 Fl ALLOWABLE STRESSES >. :'E : konry : 1,500 psi > Seisnic Factor = 0.300 ___------___------ :. Fy : Rrinf. 60,000 psi > Wind Load = 74.3 p5f ,. .1 ' Ai: .8 or -5 : 0.90 __- > Type of hsonry: [=Light It, 24ediua Ut,, 3 : Nornal It. --> 3 > Grouting? I = Salid Frosted, 0 = At Cells wl Steel Only --> 1 > Shall Uniform Lt Be Used With IlindlSrisBic Loadings? Y=l N.0 --) 1 __- ___ .__ DESIGN DATA ! Clear Mall Ht. = 16.5 ft ) Eccentric Dead Load = 0 plf ) Total Wall Ht. = 16.5 ft > Eccentric Live Load 0 plf Ht I Thk Ratio : 24.8 > Load Eccentricity : 7 in ( Un-Factored Vertical, Actual Un-Factored Lateral 1 _______-___ (default tl2 t 3') > #all Thickness : 8 in > Rebar Size : R 5 ? Unifora Lateral Load= 0 plf > Spacing C 8' Div.: 16 in > X-Dist. to Bottom : 0 ft > X-Dist. to Top = 0 it ;. Depth To Steel = 5.13 in > Seis@ic:l, Wind.2 --> 1 (-- ;. Axial Uniform DL : 4160 plf ) X-Dist. from Bottna : 0 ft (default = tl2) 4 > Point Lateral Load = OP ? Axial Uni!orm LL : 0 plf > Seisaic;l, Yind.2 --) I <-- I_ DESIGN SUnflARY ________________________________________-------~------. SEISNIC MIND - - __ - - - - - ____---_ I li-n f Phi : NONENT CAPACITY : 53,920 in4 53,920 in4 R-u : APPLIED !lOtlENTS : !4,S4: in-cf 43,735 in-# P!ERSTRESS 0 , [I ! 0.9 ? I !AX. ALLOWARLE DEFL. : 0.007 h = 1.386 in 1.386 in I CALCULATED SERVICE DEFLECTION '= 0.066 in 0.733 in I I HEIGHT I SERVlCE DEFLECTION : 3,016 270 I ALLOIIAPLE AXIAL LOAD : .?4 f'm Ag = 60.0 psi 60.0 psi I i ACTUAL AXIAL LOAD = (Pu + PO! IAp 53.2 psi 53.2 psi I r I CONEER ENGINEERING JOB 188-235 DATE : 1-89 SHEET : -???-- ............................................................................... LATERAL LOADINGS ____-____.______ Masonry Wall Wt. : 84.0 psf Wind Load € 1.275 = 95.4 psf Lateral Mall Wt : 25.2 psf tat Wall Wt € 1.42 : 34.3 psf VERTICAL LOADINGS _____---_-______. P-Axial : Seismic -or- Mind : Eccentric t Axial = 4,160 plf P-Wall : Seisaic -or- Mind : Wall Abose Ilia-Height : 693 Pu-Axial: Seismic -or- Wind : 1.05D tl.2751 t = 4,368 plf Pi-Wall : Seismic -or- Mind : 1.27511 -or- 1.4025E : 723 " ?u-Total: Seismic -or- Wind : Total PII Fraa Above : 5,096 plf ANALYSIS VALUES Equivalent Solid Thickness (froa table! Gross Area : Equiv. Solid Thick * 12' Gross Steel Ratio : h5 / Ag Gross Reinforcing Area : As As-eff (PuIPhi t AsIFy) I Fy '3' : (AsiFy t ?u/Phi) /(,85*f'c*121 !if= 'a' I -85 Phi Reduction : 0.3 -or- 0.5 Mn : As(eff) * Fy * ( d - a12 ) flu = Hn € Phi Ea : 1,000 fro <: 3,000,000 psi n : 29~10~6 I En Fr : Hod. of Rupture : 2.5 r(f'nA.5) ____.-.-._.____ 7.60 in 91.20 in"2 0.0025 OK 4.230 inVft 0.336 1.319 in 1.551 in 0.8 67,399 in-# 53,'320 in-l I.SEt06 psi 19.33 96.8 psi Section Modulus : (Gross) bent Capacity @ Cracking = S * Fr [-gross 2 12 f (Equiv Thck1*3 I 12 I-cracked : Ase n (d-OA2 t bcA3/3 ACTUAL #&lENTS W/ FACTORED LOADS Basic Honent ulo P - Delta Excess over Cracking Monent Maxiilia Rid-Height Deflection HAXIllUH APPLIED HOMENT Basic Deflection u/,> P-Delta ................................ DEFLECTlON CHECK - SERVICE LOADS .______________._.______________ Basic Ser,rice !o3d lloaent Excess over Cracking Hoaeot Rasic Load Deflection Total Roment C lief!. Convergence SERVICE LOAD DEFL. @ COIIVERGENCE 115.5 in*3 : 11,185 in-1 439.0 inA4 92.9 inA4 SEISNIC MIND - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - : 14,007 in4 38,947 in4 = 2,822 in4 27,762 in-t : 14,842 in-R 43,795 in-t = 0.15 in 0.89 io SEISMC WIND 0.13 in 1.92 in .__ ___._. . - - -. . . . L 19,291 in-$ 30,546 in-$ 0 in-# 11,361 in-1 0.06 in 0.64 in = 10,587 in4 33,851 in-t = 0.07 in 10.73 in CONEER ENGINEERING JOE $88-235 OATE : 1-E9 * 2% SHEET _____--_ ............................................................................... SLENDEB IIASONRY WALL DESIGN Considering P-Delta Effects Per IC80 Report t 4189 .-____._____.-_.__.__________ DESCRIPTION :MAS WALL 17.5 iT ALLOWABLE STRESSES ) f'm : Masonry : 1,500 psi i Seismic Factor = 0.300 > Phi: .8 irr .5 : 0.80 ) Type nf Masonry: 1:Light Wt, 2:Uediiim Ut., 3 = Noraal Wt. --! 3 ! Gfootiag7 1 : Solid Groated, $1 : At Cells u/ Steel Only --> 1 i Shall Uniform LL Be IJsed With Wind/Seissic Loadings'? Y.1 N.9 --! 1 .__------_-__----- > Fy : aeinf. = 60,000 psi > Wind toad = 74.3 psf ___ ___ ___ ___ DESIGN DATA Un-Factored Vertical, Actual Un-Factored Lateral 1 ! Clear Wall Ht. : ! Total Wall Ht. = Ht ! Thk Ratio : ) Wall Thickness : > 9ebar Size : II ! Spacing C E" Div.: > Depth To Steel : (default = tl?! ! Axial Uniform DL ) Axial Uniform LL = 17.5 ft 17.5 ft 26.3 8 in 5 16 in 5.13 in 4 4440 plf 0 plf > Eccentric Dead load : > Eccentric Live Load : ! Load Eccentricity = (default t12 t 3'1 > Uniform Lateral Load: ) X-Qist. to Bottom = > X-Oist. to Top = > Seisnic:l, Wind.2 --) > Point Lateral Load : ) 1-Oist. fron Sottoa : ) Seismic:l, Wind? -->. 0 plf 0 plf 7 in 0 plf 0 ft 0 ft 1 <-- OR 0 ft 1 <-- I- DESIGN SUMMARY SEISUIC - - - - - - - - - I M-n I Phi : MOMENT CAPACITY : 54,321 in-# 1-u : APPLIED MOMENTS 2 17,130 in4 ?'JE?ST!EES 0 , 0 : I EAX. ALLOWABLE DER. : 0.007 h : 1.470 in I CALCULATED SERVICE @EFLECTIDN = 0.108 in : HEIGHT / SEAVICE @EFLECTI3N = 1 , *>Y r .-. CONEER ENGINEEEING Jon 133-235 DATE : !-e? SHEET : ??<-- ,-- ------------------------------------------------------------.------------------- LATERAL LOADINGS _-_-_----_-____- Rasonry Mall Wt. : 84.0 psf Mind Load i 1.275 95.4 psf Lateral Wall Wt = 25.2 psf tat Wall Wt f 1.42 : 34.3 psf VERTICAL LOllDINGS _______-______-__ ?-Axial : Seismic -or- Wind : Eccentric t Axial ~ : 4,440 plf P-Wall : Seisnic -or- Yind : Wall Above flid-Height = 735 ' Pu-Axial: Seismic -or- Mind : I,05D t1.275L t :: 4,662 plf Pu-Wall : Seiinic -or- 8ind : 1.2751 -or- 1.4025E : 7? ' Pr-Total: Seismic -or- Wind : Tatal ?a From Abuve = 5,434 plf _-_____ ANALYSIS VALUES .______-.-___-- Equivalent Solid Thickness (from table) Gross Area : Eqiiiv, Solid Thick * 12" fir055 Steel Ratio : As I Ag Gross Reinforcing Area : As As-eff = (Pulphi + As*Fy) I Fy 'a' = !AsfFy + PillPhil /!.8S*f'tf12) IC': la, 1 .85 Phi Reduction : 0.8 -or- 0.5 lln : As(eff) * Fy * ( d - a12 ) Nu = Mn f Phi Em : 1,000 f'o (: 3,000,000 psi n : 29x10A6 I Em Fr : Nod. of Rupture : 2.5 *(f'nA.5) Section Nodulus : (Gross) Molaent Capacity @ Cracking I-gross : 12 * (Equiv ThckI"3 I I2 I-tracked = Ase n (d-t)^2 t bcA3/3 S * Fr ACTIJAL HOMENTS W/ FACTORED LOADS Basic Roeent ,ulo P - Delta Excess over Cracking fiobent ilaxinum Nid-Height Oeflettion MAXIMUR APPLIED HOMENT Basic Deflectiun do P-Drlti DEFLECTION CHECK - SERVICE LOAlS %sic Service !oad finsent Excess Over Ciacking bent Basic Load Deflection Total Noment @ Pril. Converqent: EERYICE LOAD DEFL. ! CONVERGENCE ?.io in 31.20 in*? = 0.0075 0): 0.230 inA21ft 0.343 1.346 in 1.584 in 0.8 = 68,527 in-# : 54,821 in-l = 1.5Et06 psi 1'3.33 96.8 psi 115.5 in9 = 11,185 in-# 439.0 in*4 93.9 if4 - !1,5:6 in4 291 in-# : 0.09 in : 12,1!94 in-1 = 0.!1 in WIND - - - - - - - - 43,311 in4 22,625 in-% 1.37 in 50,716 in-# 1.14 in W 1 !ID .-...__. 24,361 in-# -ul176 in-# 0.32 in 39,113 in-! c.99 in ., 1 CONEER ENGINEERING JGB 189-235 DATE : 1-89 SHEET : -z5--- SLENDER MASONRY WALL DESIGN Considering P-Delta Effects Per ICBO Report I 4189 _____________--______________ DESCRIPTION :MS WALL 16 FT ALLOIIA9LE STRESSES > f'n : Masonry = 1,500 psi ! Seismic Factor = 0.300 > ?hi: ,9 ilr .5 : 0.80 :. Type of Nasonry: IzLight Wt, 2:Nediun Ut., 3 Normal Ut. --> 3 > $muting'? I = Solid Grouted, 0 = At Cells wl Steel Only --> I : Shi:l Uniform I1 Be Used With HindlSeisaic Loadings? Yzl N:? --> I __-_________------ > Fy : Reinf. : 60,000 psi > Yind Load i 74.9 psf ___ -_- ___ _-_ DESIGN DATA ( Un-Factored Vertical, Actual Un-Factored lateral ) > Clear Wall Ht. ) Total Mall Ht., : Ht I Thk Ratio = > Wall Thickness = >. Rebar Sire : t > Spacing @ 8' Div.: > Depth To Steel (default = tl2) > Axial Uniforn DL = > Axial Unifora LL : 16 ft ! Eccentric Dead load : 16 ft Eccentric Live Load : 24.0 > Load Eccentricity = (default : tl2 4 3') 8 in 4 > Unifors lateral Load: 16 in > X-Dist. tu Rutton = ) X-Dist. to Top : > SeisPic:l, Wind:2 --> > Point Lateral Load i > 1-Dist. from Bottom = ) Seisnrir:], Wind:? --> 5.13 in 4 4020 plf 0 plf 0 plf 0 plf 1 in 0 plf 0 ft 0 ft 1 <-- OR 0 ft I (-- I MAX. ALLOWASLE DEFL. : 0.007 h : 1.344 i;i 1.344 in I CALCULATED SERVICE DEFLECT!ON = 0.058 in 0.766 in I iiEIGHT 1 SEAVICE DEFLECTION = 3,316 25 1 - ! ALLWAB!E MIAL LOAD : .e4 i f'a i Ag : 60.0 psi 60.0 psi I I ACTUAL U!AL LOAD = (Pu t Po) !Ag = 51.4 psi 5184 psi I /- WEER ENGINEERI% Joa a39-235 DATE : 1-89 SHEET : -z?-t-- LATERAL LOADINGS \ .-__-----____--- Nasonry Mall Ut. : 84.0 psf Wind load 3 1.275 : 95.4 psf Lateral Wall Ut : 25.2 psf tat 3all #t € 1.42 = 34.3 psf VERTICAL LOADINGS _____-__-_______- P-Axial : Seismic -or- Nind : Eccentric t Axial = 4,020 plf P-Wall : Seismic -or- Wind : Hall Above Hid-Height : 672 ' Pu-Axial: Seismic -or- Wind : 1.05D t1.275L t = 1,221 plf Pu-Wall : Seisnic -or- Mind : 1.273 -or- I.4025E : 705 " Pii-Total: Seisnic -or- Wind : Total Pe From Above = 4,127 plf ---__-_ ANALYSIS VALUES Eqiuivalent Mid Thitkness (from table) Gross Afea : iquiv. Solid Thick * 12" Gross Steel aatio : As / Ag Gross Reinforcing Area : A5 As-eff i (Pulphi + AsrFy) I Fy 'a' : (AsfFy t Pulphi) /(.85if'til?) 'c': 'a' I -35 Phi Reduction : 0.3 -or- 0.5 fin : Meff) i Fy * ( d - a12 nu : Hn I Phi Em : 1,000 f'w (: 3,000,000 psi n : 29r103 / Ea Fr : nod. of Rupture : 2.5 i(f'nA.5) Section Hudulus : (Gross) nonent Capacity @ Crarking : S i FI I-gross 12 f (Eqoiv ThckfA3 / 12 I-tracked : A5e n (d-OA2 + brA3/3 ACTUAL HOMENTS MI FACTORED LOADS Basic nonent v/o P - Delta Excess over Cratting Iloaent ilaxiaun Hid-Height Deflection tAXIMUli APPLIED ilOEEXT Sasii Oeflectica ,i:o P-Oelta .___--_--____----___------------ DEFLECT!ON CHECC - EE4'11CE L3ADS 7.60 in 91.20 inY 0.0016 OK 0.147 inA2/ft 0.250 0.930 in 1.153 in 0.3 52,629 in4 42,103 in-l 1.5Et06 psi 19.33 96.3 psi 115.5 in9 11,135 in-# 439.0 inA4 76.3 inY SEISHIC = 13,171 in-1 : 1,986 in-4 : 0.16 in = 13,884 in4 : 0.13 in - - __ - - - - - CEISRIC WIND -__. ____ 36,622 in-! 25,437 in-# 1.09 in 41,588 in4 0.9: in N:ID L 26sir Sewire had Noaent Zscesj 3va Cracking iloient Easic Load Deilection Total Mcment C Defl. Convergence SERVICE LOAD DEFL. @ CONVERGENCE = 9,577 in4 0 in-1 : 0.86 in : 0.06 in = 9,329 in-# 23,723 in-1 17,523 in4 0.65 in 32,053 in-r 0.77 in r .l= ~. . . .. . . , .. - \ i k 1 i DESCRIPTION : COMP BH 111 GENERAL DATA F-Y = 36,000 p5i ) Beac Span 10 ft F-b 24,000 psi ) Beam Spacing : 9 ft f'c = 3,000 psi ) Beai Trib Width 4.5 ft Concrete Ut. : 145 pcf ) Tot. Slab Thick. = 6 in n : Strength -- 9.29 ) Deck Rib Height = 3 in n : Deflection: 9.19 ) Rib Spacing : 12 in ) Beai Location : ) Rib Opening Width; 4.5 in Centerzl, Edged : 0 ) Ribs: Parll. : I '. Shear Stud Cap. = 11.5 kips Action? Y=l, N:O : I CONSTRUCTION LOADS -__-----__-- _-- Perp. = 0 : 0 ) Use Partial Cosposite _-- ( Applied BEFORE 751 Curing 1 ______-_______--._ ) Slab Weight 55 psf D.L. x Trib ilidth = 0.270 klf ) Mist Dead Load = 5 ' Bean Weight = 0.010 ' Total Unit D.L. = 60 psf -_-___- Add'l Uniform Load = 0.09 ' Total Uniform 0.1. = 0.370 klf --- ____- II : Ok 1: 0 13 : Ok X= Oft $2 = Ok X= 0 14 2 Ok X= Oft LOADS ON COHPOSITE SECTION ( Applied AFTER 752 Curing 1 --__-___-______-_--_______ ) Unit Live load #I 100 psf 1.1. x Trib Width : 0.450 klf ) Unit Live Load 12 : 0 ' Add'l Uniform Load 0' -------- -____-_ Total Unit 1.1. : 100 p5f Total Uniform L.L. = 0.450 klf ) Point Loads : 11 Ok XI 0 ft 13 i 0k X: Oft 12 = Ok x= 0 ft #4 = Ok X= Oft li 0 !I EN T S _.____. Dead Load Moment : 4.6 ft-k S-REQUIRED = 5.125 in"3 Live Load iloeent : 5.6 ft-k Mar. Shear = 4 kips Total Moment = 10,3 ft-k AREA REQ'D : 0.28 in^2 -----_ _- EFFECTIVE FLANGE WIDTH ...................... Based on Lengtb : 13.9 in Based on Spating = 56.0 in > Effective Width : 14 in n.--> ~- El.!. ",.I,.- 7, I in ROLLED SECTION DATA --> DEPTH CLASS : ----------------___ SELECTED STEEL SECTION )) UBXlO -_---- __-----_-- Section Properties : Transformed Properties : I-steel 31 if4 I-tr : Effective : 118 in"4 S-steel 8 in"3 S-tr : Top : 33.6 in9 Section Area = 3.0 inA2 5-tr : Bottom = 18.0 ' Top Flange : 3.34 in 5-tr : Eff. e Bott.: 14.5 ' Depth 7.3 in n6tr : Eff. @ Top 230 ' Wt per foot : 10.0 I/ft X-X Axis Froa Bottoa: 9.0 in V-horiz @ 100 2 : 53.3 kips Cover Plate C Bottom Ftange : > Uidth 0 in 1-5 w/cover plate = 0 in*4 ) Thickness 0 in S-r : lop : 0.0 in"3 5-s : Bottoa = 0.0 ' BUILT-UP SECTION > Depth of Bear = 0 in 1-5 : Steel = NA if4 ) Tnp Flange Width : 0 in I-tr : Effective : NA ' ) Flange Thickness = 0 in S-5 : Top NA in*3 ) Flange Thickness = 0 in S-tr : NA ' ? neb Thickness 0 in 5-tr : Eff. C Bott.: NA ' Cross Section Area = 0.00 inA2 nrStr : Eff. @ Top NA ' Section Height : 0.0 tlft V-horiz @ 100 I 2 HA kips (Depth Entry Will Zero-Out Rolled Section Data) ______--__---___ ) Bnt Flange Width 0 in S-s : Bottom = NA ' 4- STRESS EVALUATlDN ___________________------.------------------------I : SHORED P UNSHORED : I Service load Stresses : I @ Bottoi of Beai : 8,476 psi : 24,000 p5i : Allowable I ; e Top of Concrete = 535 psi : 1,350 psi : Allowable : ; UNSHORED STRESS CHECK : I MAX. S-transforned : : (1.35 4-35 * MlllHdl)*S-s : 14 inA3 Design 5-tr : I4 I I Actual 5-tr Effective = 15 inA3 I Fb:Bottoa of Beai : 11,374 psi : 32,040 psi : Allowable : .89 Fy I (IldllSs 4 Hl1lStr:Design) I Fb:Top of Concrete : 234 psi : 1,350 psi : Allowable : .45 f'cl [RIl/(Str: toptn) 1 ; Unshored Dl Sress : 7,106 psi : 24,000 psi = Allouable : .66 Fy I : Actual Shear Stress- 3,057 psi : 14,400 psi : Allowable : -40 Fy I (_______________________________________----------------------~----~---: ULTINATE STRENGTH OF CONPOSITE SECTION Ultimate Moment Capacity of Conposite Settion : 62 ft-k Ultinate Roment I Max. Service Moment 6.02 SHEAR CONNECTION Partial Coaposite Action Being Used ________________ Nax Shear Forte : Oh : ":. r nc',..,.,-.**-r~,,-, ~ 5??l-inc ---) NUHREII OF CONNECTORS USED 1 2 PER 112 SPAN V'h: Actual Shear For Studs Used 2 Actual 1 Conposite Action = 43.17 23.0 kips ( Hin. : -25 i Vh 1 DEFLECTIONS ---?) I-tr:xx is Based on ' n : Deflection ' -__-_____-- I-tr:xx of Coaposite Section i 163 in"4 I-Eff. : Is t WhI Vh)A.5t(Itr-Is)l : 118 in9 ) LUCdTlUN --) X Distance fror Left Support 5 ft Default = 112 SHORED UNSNORED _______________-___- .................... DEAD LOAD = 0.024 in : L I 4929 0.093 in : I I 1287 LIVE LOAD : 0.030 in : L I 4053 0.030 in : L I 4053 TOTAL LOAD : 0.054 in : 1 I 2224 0.123 in : L I 977 _----- -_---- RIGHT ______ _______ DEAD LOAD : 1.85 kips 1.85 kips LIVE LOAD = 2.25 ' 2.25 ' TOTAL LOA0 : 4-10 tips 4.10 kips ______ -_____ DESCRIPTION : con~ Bn 12 GENERAL DATA __-______-__ ) F-y 36,000 psi ! Bean Span 10 ft F-b = 24,000 psi 'i Beam Spacing : 4 ft > f'c = 3,000 psi 'i Beam Trib Width : 0 ft 'i Concrete Wt. : 145 pcf > Tot. Slab Thick. = 6 in n : Strength 9.?3 ? Deck Rib Height : 3 in n : Deflection: 9.13 ? Rib Spacing = I? in > Bean location : 'i Rib Opening Width: 4.5 in Center:[, Edge4 : 0 > Ribs: Parll. = I --- 'i Shear Stud Cap. : 11.5 kips Action? V:1, N4 : 1 Perp. = 0 : I 'i Use Partial Composite --_ - CONSTRUCTION LOADS ( Applied BEFORE 752 Curing 1 > Slab Height 0 psf 0.1. x Trib Width = 0.000 klf > Risc Dead load = 0 ' Bear Weight = 0.010 ' ___----- Add'l Uniform Load : 0' _____-_ Total Unit 0.1. = 0 psf Total Uniform 0.1. : 0.010 tlf II : Ok I: 0 13 = Ok K: Oft 12 i Ok X: 0 14 = Ok K= Oft LOADS ON CONPOSITE SECTION ( Applied AFTER 752 Curing f .......................... > Unit live load 11 : 0 psf 1.1. x Trib Width : 0.000 klf ) Unit Live Load 12 : 0 ' Add'l Unifori Load : 0' ___----- - - - - -. Total Unit 1.1. = 0 psf Total Unifori 1.1. : 0.000 klf ) Point .toads : #I = Ok X= 0 ft t3 = Ok 1: Oft t2 0k 1: 0 ft 14 = 0 k 1,: 0 ft tlORENTS ---___- Dead load flonent = 5.0 ft-k S-REQUIRED : 5.725 in*3 live Load Moment : 6.5 ft-k /-- __ --_--- flax. Shear = 4 kips Total Uo8ent i 11.5 ft-k AREA AEQ'D : 0.27 in^: EFFECTIVE FLANGE WIDTH ___._____-_-____---_-- Based on length : 13.9 in Based on Spacing : 26.0 in ? Effective Width : I4 in R:=~,I ci>h nanttmZ nn in ROLLED SECTION DATA -->. DEPlIi CLASS : SELECTED STEEL SECTION )) P8X10 __-__- _________. Section Properties : Transformed Properties : - 1-steel 31 in*4 I-tr : Effective : 118 in'4 S-ateel 8 in9 S-tr : Top : 34.1 in9 Section Area : 3.0 in9 S-tr : Bottom : 17.9 ' Top Flange = 3.94 in S-tr : Eff. @ Bott.: 14.4 ' Depth 7.9 in ntStr : Eff. @ Top : 233 ' Wt per foot = 10.0 Wft X-X Axis From Bottom: 9.1 in V-horiz @ 100 I : 53.3 kips Cover Plate @ Botton Flange : > Width 0 in 1-5 dcover plate : 0 in*4 > Thickness 0 in S-s : Top : 0.0 inA3 S-s : Bottofl -- 0.0 ' (Depth Entry Mill Zero-Out Rolled Section Data) BUILT-UP SECTION > Depth of Beai = > Top Flange Yidth : > Flange Thickness : ) Bot Flange Width : ) Flange Thickness : Cross Section Area : Section Weight : - > Neb Thickness 0 in 0 in 0 in 0 in 0 in 0 in 0.00 inA2 0.0 #/ft 1-5 : Steel : NA in*4 I-tr : Effective : NA ' s-s : Top NA inA3 s-s : Botton : NA ' S-tr : NA ' S-tr : Eff. e 8ott.: NA nfStr : Eff. @ Top = NA V-horiz @ 100 Z : HA kips I- STRESS EVALUATION --______---___-_____------------------------------, I SHORED P UNSHORED : : Service Load Stresses : I e Bottom of Bean : 9,516 psi : 24,000 p5i : Allouable I : @ Top of Concrete i 590 psi : 1,350 psi = Allovable I UNSHORED STRESS CHECK : I MAX. S-transformed : I (1.35 (-35 t M1llItdl)tS-s 14 in*3 Oesign S-tr : 14 : I Actual S-tr Effective = 14 inA3 I : (MdllSs t MlI/Str:OesignI I Fb:Top of Concrete : 334 psi : 1,350 psi : Allowable : -45 f'cI Fb:Botton of Beai : 13,148 psi : 32,040 psi = Allowable = .B9 Fy I [flll/(Str: top*n)l I Unshored DL Sress : 7,636 psi : 24,000 psi = Allovable = .66 Fy I I Actual Shear Stress: 2,908 psi : 14,400 psi : i\lluuable : .40 Fy I ~-----------____________________________-~~~-*-~--~~~~----~--------~-~-I ULTIHATE STRENGTH OF COMPOSITE SEClION - ---_------____________________________ Ultiaate llonent Capacity of Composite Section : 6? ft-k Ultimate floment I Max. Service Nolent : 5.39 SHEAR CONNECTION Partial Composite Action Being Used Itax Shear Force : Vh : -________-______ Mi. I 95 frr br!? nr dcFv/? \ z 52.3 kin5 ---? tiUfl'dER OF CONNECTORS USED 1: 2 PER I/; SIIAW V'h: Actual Shear For Studs Used = Actual I Composite Action = 43.11 ___________--_______ 23.0 kips ( ilin. = .25 € Vh 1 DEFLECTIONS --->> I-tr:xx is Eased on ' n : Deflection ' ---___--_-- r I-tr:xx of Composite Section = 164 in*4 I-Eff. : Is t Wh/ Vh)*.Sr(Itr-Is)l : 118 in9 > LOCATION --) X Distance from Left Support : 5 ft Default : L12 SHORED UNSHORED _--___--____________ _-___._______.______ DEAD LOAD : 0.000 in : L 1 0 0.000 in : L 1 0 LIVE LOAD = 0.000 in : 1 / 0 :~.1100 in : 1 I 0 TOTAL LOAD 0.000 in : L 1 0 0.000 in : L / 0 --____ ____-_ REACTIONS LEFT RIGHT ~ - - - - - - - - --.-__ - - - - - - ~ DEAD LOAD = 0.05 kips 0.05 kips LIVE LOAD = 0.00 ' 0.00 ' TOTAL LOAD 0.05 tips 0.05 kips ---___ ______ ___----_--_---____ BY: _______ DATE :L:g9 - ........................................................................ CONPOSITE STEEL BEAN DESIGN ___________-._____------~-~--~-. DESCRIPTION : COBP RB 83 GENERAL DITA __-________- > F-y = 36,000 psi ) Beam Span 10 ft F-b = 24,000 psi ) Bean Sparing : 4 ft > f'c : 3,000 psi > Beaa Trib liidth : . 6.5 ft > Concrete Yt. : 145 pcf > Oeik Rib Height = 3 in n : Deflection: 9.19 ? Rib Spacing : 12 in > Bean Location : ? Rib Opening liidth: 1.5 in Center:l, Edged : I > Ribs: Parll. : 1 > Shear Stud Cap. = 11.5 kips Action? Y-1, N=O : I CONSTRUCTION LOADS > Tot. Slab Thick. = 6 in n : Strength = 9.23 --_ Perp. : 0 : 0 ) Use Partial Composite --_ ( Applied BEFORE 752 Curing 1 __--_____-_--_-___ ? Slab Weight : 55 psf 0.1. x Trib Width : 0.390 klf > Nisc Dead Load : 5 ' Beam Weight 2 0.010 ' Add'l Uniforn Load = 0.09 " Total Uniform D.L. : _------- __--_-_ Total Unit 0.1. : 60 psf 0.490 tlf _- 11 2 Ok 1: 0 x3 3 01: x= Oft 12 : Ok x: 0 14 = 01: x= Oft LOADS ON COMPOSITE SECTION ( Applied AFTER 75% Curing ) > Unit Live Load I1 = 100 psf 1.1. x Trib Width : 0.650 klf > Unit live Load 12 : 0 ' Add'] Uniform load : 0' . - - - - - - - ___---_ Total Unit 1.1. : 100 psf Total Unifori 1.1. : 0.650 klf > Point Loads : I1 2 Ok x; 0 ft 13 2 Ok 1: Oft 12 = Ok X; 0 ft #4 3 0k X= Oft BONENTS Dead Load Nment = 6.1 ft-k 5-REQUIRED = 7.125 in"3 Live tndd iiwent i 8.1 ft-k Max. Shear = 6 kips Total Ncaent : 14.3 ft-k AREA REP0 = 0.49 in9 ____-__- r EFFECTIVE FLANGE #IOTH _--___._----_-________ Based on Length = 30.0 in ked on Spacing : 48.0 in ) Effective Hidth = 30 in ~~ ~ ~ ROLLED SECTION DATA --? DEPTH CLASS : ___---____----__--- SELECTED STEEL SECTION >! WBXlO --_-_- Section Properties : I-steel 31 inA4 5-steel - 8 inA3 Section Area = 3.0 in*? Top Flange 3.94 in Qepth 7.3 in P Wt per foot : 10.0 #lft Cover Plate @ Botton Flange : : Width 0 in ) Thickness 9 in Transformed Properties : I-tr : Effective : I44 in*4 S-tr : Top : 58.3 inA3 S-tF : 8Ottol : 13.4 ' S-tr : Eff. @ Bott.; 15.5 n*Str : Eff. @ Top = 380 ' X-X Axis Fror Bottom: 10.4 in V-horiz @ 100 I : 53.3 kips 1-5 vlcover plate : 0 inA4 5-5 : Top : 0.0 inA3 S-s : Bottom = 0.0 ' BUILT-UP SECTION ! Depth of Beau : 0 in 1-5 : Steel i NA in"4 ) Top Flange Width : 0 in I-tr : Effective : NA ' ? Flange Thickness : 0 in S-5 : Top NA in"3 ? Rot Flange Width : 0 in S-s : Rotton : NA ' ? Flange Thickness : 0 in 5-tr : NA ? Web Thickness 0 in 5-tr : Eff. @ 8utt.Z NA Cross Section Area : 0.00 inA2 n*Str : Eff. @ Top = NA Section Weight : 9.0 #/ft V-horir @ 100 I NA kips (Depth Entry Will Zero-Out Rolled Section Data) __--__-_-------_ I_ STRESS [\)ALUATION ________________________________________----------l : SHORED & UNSHORED : - I Service Load Stresses : I @ Bottom of Beam : 11,065 psi : 24,000 psi : Allowable I : @ Top of Concrete : 450 psi : 1,350 psi : Allovable I I UNSHORED STRESS CHECK : I MAX. 5-transformed : : (1.35 (-35 * Hl1lMdl)iS-s : 14 inA3 Design 5-tr : 14 I I Actual 5-tr Effective = 15 inA3 I Fb:Bottor of Beam : 16,292 psi : 32,040 psi : Allovable = -89 Fy I (HdllSs 4 Mll/Str:Design) 1 Fb:Top of Concrete : 256 psi : 1,350 psi = Allowable = -45 f'cI I [Mll/(Str:topin)l I Unshored DL Sress : 9,411 psi : 24,000 psi = Allouable : .66 Fy I : Actual Shear Stress; 4,250 psi : 14,400 psi : Allowable : -40 Fy I I__--______---______~--------*---------------~-~-----~------------~----, ULTINATE STREllGTH OF CONPOSITE SECTION Ultimate iioment Capacity of Composite Section : 76 ft-k Ultimate Moment I Max. Service Noient : 5.33 SHEAR CONNECTION Partial Composite Action Being Used Max Shear Forte : Vh : ---> NUMBER OF CONNECTORS USED 2 PER 112 SPAN V'h- Actual Shear For Studs Used i Actual 2 Coaposite Action : 43.17 23.0 kips ( Hin. = -25 f Vh ) UEFLSCTIUNS --->) I-tr:xx is Bdsed on " n : Deflection ' F 1-tr:xx of Composite Section : 203 inA+ I-Eff. : Is + Wh/ Vh)*.Si(ltr-15)1 = 144 in*4 ) LOCATION --) X Distance from Left Support : 5 ft Default : 112 SHORED UNSHORED ________________-___ .................... DEAD LOAD : 0.026 in : L I 4544 0.123 in : L I 972 LIVE LOA0 = 0.035 in : L I 3425 0.035 in : L / 3425 TOTAL LOAD = 0.061 in : L I 1953 0.158 in : L I 757 ___--- _____- REACTlONS LEFT RlGHT ~ ---- -___ __-___ _____-_ DEAD LOAD f 2.45 kips 2.45 kips LIVE LOAD = 3.25 ' 3.25 ' TOTAL LOAD 5.70 kips 5.70 kips ______ __---- ) Concrete Pier Direntionsr 24 in x 30 in __ .. ~ ~ . ~ . . .~. . . - ~. ~ .. . . - .... ___. __________- ) SELECTED COLUMN SECTION : - - - - - ---) 3’ STD PIPE Oinnsion~Along VAris ~ (Depth)--- %@in Dimension Along ‘X‘ Axis (Width) = 0.00 in - kb lbickness = 0.216 in ~- . . ~. __~ - .. . UESCRIPTION :FOOTIN6 AT PIPE COtUmS AT COHfOSlTE DECK ARE4 _.__ __ ~ ~ ~ ~~ > Nature of Short Teri Lord --> 1:Seisric 2:Wind ? : ) Do 1.1. ilouent I Sbear Art During Short Ten? V4 N=O : . .~~ ~. ~ ... ~~ ~~ ~ .~ ~~.~ ~ ~~ ~ .. .~ .. 5 kips ) Equiv. Column Diu. : 6.6 ) Col Base above TOF : .~ ~~ o.~..- ~~~ ~ ~ ~ ) SHEARS I 0 ft-k Dead Lord : .~~ .. ~ tivs- . . 0 Short Term i 0 kips 0 0 LOCATION OF RESULTANT Service Factored .~~~ .. . -. . Distance of Res*Itant : Static 8 2.75 ft 2.75 ft From Left Edge Short Term a NA ft MA ft FACTORED UNIT SHBRS -----_______________ ONEjlAY SHEAR Y--- -~ --- Allowable : 2 t (f'cA.5) Applied : Vu I .63 left of Column 11 Right of Coluin 12 ~ THO-WAY SHEAR I Allowable : 4 t (fIP.5) Applied : At-CoIu~ #I------- At Column t2 -. STATIC 89.4 psi 6.7 psi 6.7 psi .---I___-_ 178.9 psi .---32.8 psi. 32.8 psi SHDRT TERN 89.4 psi MA psi MA psi -..----.--- 178.9 psi Nh p5i IA psi MOTE: Max. hnnt is checked at 1/17 points betvean columns. Mitt. As = .MI2 t Depth t-12'. ' ~ ' ~. .. .~ .. . . ... . . . . - BASEMENT RETAINING HA11 DESIGN ................................... ) DESCRIPTION :RETAlNlNG HALL AT COMPOSITE DECK AREA ) DESIGN OATA FOOTlN6 : _______-___ Soil Bearing Press : 2,500 psf Ftg/Soil Friction 0.35 Active Fluid Press : 65 pcf f'c - Concrete = 2,000 psi Passive Pressure : 300 pcf Fy - Reinforcement : 60,000 psi Soil Density = 128 pcf 2 Steel Minimui = 0.0012 MALL LOADING CONDlTlONS _______-_______-_______ ) Percent Fixity To Be Used e Bile of Hall 01 ) Surcharge over Toe = SO psf ) Surcharge over Heel = 163 psf ) Axial lord On Stei = 0 in 720 plf ) Axial Load Ecc, ) Soil Ht over Toe : 0 in ) UNIFORM LOAD (Added1 ) Bottor Above T.O,F. > Top Above T.O.F. WALL k FOOTIN6 GEOMETRY ) Retained Height : 8.5 ft ) Toe Width ) Height Above Soil 0 ft Stem Width ) Heel Width _______-_______-.___--- ______ Total Hall Height 8.5 ) Key Depth 0 in ) Key Width = 0 in ) Footing Thickness FOOTIN6 WIDTH ) Toe / Key Dirt. a 0 ft 0 plf 0 ft 0 ft 0.23 ft 1.00 ft 0.25 ft 1.50 ft 12 in __.___ SOIL PRESSURE SERVICE ULTIMTE _____________ -____-- ..______ Ecc. Fror CL : -0.095 ft Pressure e Toe = 955 1,336 psf (Nep. : Heel Side) Pressure B Heelx 2,129 2,980 psf Kern Distance = 0.250 ft SLIDING CHECK e BASE ) Ht. of Soil to Neglect : 0 in _____-__.___________ Max. Lateral Force 5 1,917 # Passive Pressure : 290 0 Hax. Resis. Forte : 1,099 # Friction Pressure = 809 # Addn'l Force Reqd : 818 F.S. : Sliding = 0.573 TOE DESIGN _____--___ Mu' =Upuard floient = 45 ft-1 Mu : DESIGN MOMENT 36 ft-# Muff 4ovnuard Mor. a 9 ft-# d : Thickness-3.5' = 8.50 in As : Required : 0.001 in"2 'if ~35.294 As : Provided = 0.122 in*2 R-u :0.5515 psi Fv : Zt(f'c*.S) = 89.44 psi Try: 14 @ 19.5 in 17 e 58.5 in Actual Shear I Phi : 4.25 psi 1s e 30.5 9 is e 77.5 9 16 @ 43.5 ' 19 @ 98.5 ' HEEL DES161 ____-_____- Huft=Dovnuard Iloi. : 61 ft-# Hu : DESIGN MOMENT = 29 ft-1 Mu' 'Upvard Morent : d Thk - 2' a 10.00 in As : Required = 0.001 in*2/ft 'I' = *35.294 As : Provided 0.144 inA2/ft R-u ~0.3220 psi One Way Shear: Try: 14 @ 16.5 in 17 C 48 in Actual Shear / Phi 26.53 psi 16 e 36.5 ' 19 B 4S ' 90 ft-1 Fv = 2t(ffcA.5) = 89.44 psi #5 e 25.5 9 18 e 48 MOMENTS AT BASE OF WALL __.____--______---_____ (Taken About Toe) Moment Due To Soil Pressure a Moient Due To Surcharge = bient Oue To Unifori Load : Soil Wt Over Heel Soil Wt Over Toe Surcharge e Toe i Sarthrage (I Heel Stei Weight - EFP B Toe Axial load on Stei Footing Weight Key Weight - - Total Vertical Load - Weight IIMent MOHENT Ibs Arm ft ft-# ______________-___________________ 0 0 0 272 1.38 = 314 0 0.00 0 13 0.13 2 41 1.38 = 56 1,042 0.75 = 782 33 1.00 : 33 720 0.75 = 540 225 0.75 : 169 0 0.00 0 2,313 1 Tot. Ilorent' 1955 __ __ __ __ -_ -_ - - - - - - - -__---- Bot. Ht. above TOF : 3.66 ft ) WALL THICKNESS Loaded Section Ht = 4.84 ft ) REBAR SIZE # : Shear e Section = 28 # REVD SPACING Hax Ns:Serrice : 3293 ft-l Actual Axial Stress: 9.4 psi 'd' for design Allow Axial Stress = 261.4 psi (Default @ Haax) Rebar Area Supplied Actual bent Cap. Hasonry : Actual Allou. PlFaAg * HslHcap f'D 2 320 450 psi fs = 20,m 24,006 psi Allow Unit Sbear - Bond Length Req'd : 1403.1 in Actual Unit Shear : 12 in # 5 = 16 in : 0.230 in? : 9.3 in = 3,908 : 40.0 psi = 0.2 psi = 0.1178 .. F'.., R, =/q.iCK ............................................................................... TI~BER BEAM DESIGN .......................................... Beam Marl ))> j-ll I --__-_____--_ -------------*.--I--------- __,_________ CENTER SPAN ft I 28.00 W-DL IlftI 36 w-LL tlftl 20 Wp-DL IIftI 0 wp-LL #/ftI 0 W-Left ft I 0.00 X-Right ft : 0.00 P-1 DL Ibs : 0 X-1 ft I 0.0 P-2 DL Ibs 0 P-2 11 Ibs : 0 w -2 ft I 0.0 P-3 DL lbs I 0 P-3 LL Ibs : 0 x-3 ft I 0.0 CANT. SPAN ft I 0.00 --__-- P-l LL Ibs ; a --._-- Up-DL IlftI 0 Yp-11 llftl 0 X-Left ft ! 0.00 1-Right ft I 0.00 P-I DL Ibs I 0 P-l LL Ibs I 0 Y-l ft I 0.0 P-2 DL Ibs I 0 P-2 LL Ibs : 0 1-2 ft I 0.0 ) Fb psi ; 1,450 )E psi I 1.7E+06 > L.D.F. : 1.25 ) BEAM WIDTH in I 1.5 ) BEAM DEPTH in I 13.25 POS. MOM. in+: 65.9 NE6. WUM. in-kl 0.0 ___--._____---___,_-------- 1--------- --___-----______- > Fv psi I 95 ________________.,_________ ! CDWEER ENGINEERING ------- .- -_------ ................................................................................ REACTIONS left : DL Ibs ; SO4 11 Ibs I 280 Right : DL Ibs : SO4 LL Ibs I 280 ________-._______I--------- _________________,_________ STRESSES : _____ Cf- Depth I o.9m Fb: Allow psi I 1,793 Fb: Actual psi I 1,500 Fv: Allov psi : 118.8 Fv: Actual psi I 54.50 DEFLECTIONS 1 __.-__ :_________ CENTER SPAN : I > X-Dist. ft I 14.0 DL Defl in I 1.007 L I Defl. I 334 LL Defl in r 0.560 L I Defl. I 600 LlTot Defl. I 214 CANT. SPAN : : ) X-Dist. ft : 0.00 DL Defl. in I 0.000 11 Defl. in 1 0.000 f:-:::ii:-:--ii::-:---li-ii .- .. TIHBEA BEAH OESIGN W-DL n-ti wp-01 Mp-LL X-Left X-Right P-1 DL P-1 11 X-1 P-2 DL P-2 LL x -2 P-3 01 P-3 LL x-3 IlftI 348 IlftI 192 IlftI 0 8lftI 0 ft I 0.00 ft I 0.00 Ibs I 0 Ibs I 0 ft I 0.0 Ibs ; 0 Ibs I 0 ft I 0.0 Ibs I 0 Ibs I 0 ft I 0.0 ! CANT. SPAN ft I 0.00 -__--- np-ot wft: 0 Yp-11 llftl 0 1-Left ft I 0.00 X-Right ft I 0.00 P-1 OL Ibs I 0 P-1 11 lbs I 0 x-I ft I 0.0 P-2 DL Ibs 0 P-2 LL Ibs I 0 x-2 ft ! 0.0 Fb psi I 1,300 )E psi I 1.6E106 > L.D.F. : 1.25 ) BEAH YIOTH in I 5.5 ) BEAM DEPTH in I 11.25 POS. #OH. in-k: 126.6 NEG. flat!. in+! 0.0 _____________----I--------- ,--------- --_______---_-_-- ) Fv psi I 85 _______________-_I.-_-_____ ..______________-,--~-~~--- ! ................................................................................ REACTIONS left : DL lbr : 2,175 It Ibs : 1,200 Right : DL Ibs : 2,175 LL Ibs : 1,200 _____.___._______I_________ --.____------____ I_----____ STRESSES : ___-- Ef- Depth I 1.000 Fb: Allow psi I 1,625 Fb: Actual psi : 1,091 Fv: Allow psi I 106.3 Fv: Actual psi I 69.55 DEFLECTIDNS I CENTER SPAN : ! ____.- I_----____ ) X-Oist. ft I 6.3 DL Defl in 1 0.183 I I Ilefl. : 819 LL Defl in I 0.101 L I Defl. I 1,485 LlTot Defl. I 528 CANT. SPAN : : > X-Did. ft I 0.00 DL Defl. in : 0.000 LL Defl. in I 0.000 --_______---_______________ ........................... CONEER ENGINEERING - ................................................................................ GLUED-LAMINATED BEAN DESIGN ......................................................... %.e DESCRIPTION : GLB AT LINE* (IIECH #I) ) ALLOWABLE STRESSES Prelim. Beam lidth = 5.125 in Lamination Thickness 1.5 in Fb - Bending : 2,400 psi Eff. length Factor = 1.92 _______________--_ Fv - Shear = 165 psi tu : Center Span = 2 ft Elastic flodiilus : 1.8Et06 psi tu : Left Cant. 0 ft L.D.F. = 1.25 tu : Right Cant. - 0 ft CENTER SPAN : 17.5 ft LEFT CANT. LENGTH = 0 ft RIGHT CANT. LENGTH = 0 ft > CENTER SPAN LOADING # 1 Uniform D.L. : 624 psf X-Left 0 ft Uniforn 1.1. : 312 psf 1-Right = 17.5 ft Trib. Width : 1 ft # 2 Uniform D.L. : 180 psf X-Left = 10.5 ft Uniform 1.1. : 80 psf X-Right = 17.5 ft Trib. Width : I ft Concentrated Load5 ( 1 : Dist. from Left Support ) 11: DL : 945 1 82: DL : 0 I 13: DL = 0 1 LL : 420 1 LL : 01 LL : 08 X-Dist : 7 ft X-Disk : 0 ft X-Dist : 0 ft I- DESIGN SUMMARY -- Suggested Size : 5.125 in X 15 in ------I ................................ I ) SELECTED BEAM SIZE --)) 5.125 in x 15 in I S : Actual : 192 in*3 A - Actual : 17 in*2 I S : N I !Fb+Cf) = 180 inA3 A - Required : 65 in*2 I F-b : Actual = 2,734 psi Fu : Actual 174 psi I F-b : Allowable : 2,927 psi Fv : Allowable: 206 psi I 1 of Max. 3 93.4 I I of Nax. : 84.3 I I_______________________________________---------------------.---------, ................................ DESIGN IIOIIENTS k SHEARS (Live Loads Skip Loaded For Hax. I+ ) Ck : (3 E I 5 Fb)*.5: ?1.21 Cf : (lZ/d)A.lll = 0.976 Cs : (Le d I bA:)*.5= 5.13 HAXlIUN IOilENT i 526 in-k Basic S:xx Req’d = 175 inA3 MX. SHEAR I. 1.5 = 13,365 I) Area Required = 64.8 inA2 ....................... CONEER ENGINEERING ................................................................................ Positive Moment I 526 in-k :> Allou. Fb': Center 2926.6 psi Left Neg. Horent : 0 ' :) Allou. Fb': Left = 0' Right Neg. Noient = 0 ' 3) Allou. Fb': Right = 0' Shear @ Left : 8,460 f Shear @ Right : 8,910 # REQUIRED DEPTHS SLENDERNESS GOVERNS ?? Yzl, N4 -e-)) 0 ((-- ____----___-_-- DUE TO BENDING : (Approx.) DUE TO SHEAR : (Approx.) Center Span : 14.4 in @ Left Support : 12.0 in Left Cant = 0-0 in @ Right Support 12.6 in Right Cant : 0.0 in ___ HA!. REACTIONS Skip Load Live Load ? Y4,N.O ---) I -_____--_-_-__ Left Support Right Support --- _-_-___-____ _______---_-_ Dead Load = 6,279 t 6,646 $ Live Load : 3,094 t 3,346 II Total toad : 9,373 t 10,192 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - __- - DEFLECTIONS Positive : Dounuard Left Center Right Cantilever Span Cantilever 1-Distance 0 ft 8.75 ft 0 ft --__----___ __________ - - - - - - - - - _--_______ (Default : Span/2 ) Dead Load Def 1. : NA in 0.63 in NA in LlDefl HA 335 MA Live Load Defl. = NA in 0.31 in NA in LlDef I NA 684 HA ___-_.____ _____ - - __-------_ Total load Def!. = HA in 0.93 in NA in LlDefl - NA 225 NA CAMBER : 1.5 + DL : NA in -1.00 in HA in BEARIN6 : - ___ - - - Fb - Bearing : 450 psi Bearing Length Required @ Left Support = 3.50 in Bearing Length Required @ Right Support : 3.75 in HEEL CUT HElGHTS ____----__------ tlinimur End Height @ Left End For Shear Stress : 12.00 in Hininur End Height @ Right End For Shear Stress 3 13.50 in ,- STEEL COLUHN DESIGN C5.s DESCRIPTION :COLUMN AT LINEMANO 6.3 sIn ALLOYABLE STRESSES > Fy : Yield : 46 ksi ) SIDESWAY RESTRAINED : Y=I N=O X - X Axis 0 > 1. D. F. 1 Y - V Axis 0 ) UNRRACED LENGTHS : > EFFECTIVE LENGTH FACTOR : - 1 : X - X Axis = 14.5 ft ' k ': X-X Axis : Y - Y Axis : 14.5 ft ' k I: Y-V Axis I DESIGN DATA ) HAL AXIAL FORCE : 29.5 kips ) Eccentricity 3 X-X = 0 in 0 in _-_________ > Eccentricity : V-V = ) ROHENT @ BOTTOH of COLUHN : X-X Axis : 2.13 ft-k X-X Axis 0 ft-k Y-Y Axi5 0 V-V Axis 0 ) ROHENT e TOP of COLUHN : - ) TRANSVERSE HOHENT : HAXIHUH DES16N HORENT : X-X Axis 0 ft-k X-X Axis : 2.1 ft-k Y-Y Axis 0 V-V Axis = 0.0 I_ DESIGN SUHHARV _____________-_-_-______________________-------------: Formula 1.6 - la 0.771 (: 1.00 Foriula 1.6 - Ib 0.474 (: 1.00 Forrula 1.6 - 2 NA <= 1.00 - I_______________________________________-------------------------------~ ROLLED SECTION DATA ___________________ SELECTED STEEL SECTION ) DEPTH CLASS = ----)) TS5~5~3/16 ___--_- Section Area : 3.52 in*2 5-XX : Section Hod. Weight per Foot : 11.97 I Radius of Gyration Overall Oepth : 5 in 5-YY : Section Hod. Web Thickness : 0.19 in Radius of Gyration Flange Width : bf 5 in r-1 Flange Thickness 4.1875 in bf I 2tf d I tu in : 5.4 in9 : 1.95 in : 5.4 in"3 = 1.95 in : 1.34 = 13.33 : 26.67 DETERHINE ALLOWABLE BENOIN6 STRESSES X-X AXIS : _______-___-_---____________________ : bf I 2 tf : Fb = 28.0 ksi : d I tu : Fb : 30,7 ksi : Lateral Buckling :.. Fb i 30.36 ksi ----- X-X AXIS - ALLOWABLE STRESS : F-bx i LOF : 28.02 ksi _-___ Y-V AXIS : : bf / 2 tf :Flanges : Fb : 30.4 ksi _____ Y-Y AXIS - ALLOWABLE STRESS : F-by t LOF 30.36 ksi ___-_ OETERHINE ALLOYABLE AXIAL STRESSES k:x f Lu:x I r:x : 89.2 Actual Axial Stress : 8.38 ksi k:y t Lu:y I r:y = 89.2 fa I Fa : 0.510 Cc: (2, pi"2 *E/Fy)^.5 : 111.55 Allowable Axial Stress : ___-- X-X Axis : 16.44 ksi ALLOYABLE : Fd * LOF = 16.44 ksi Y-Y Axis F'ex : 12 f pi*2 f E I (23 € (klux I rx) *2 1 € LDF : 19 ksi F'ey : 12 t piA2 t E I (23 i (kluy I ry) *2 ) * LDF : 19 ksi f -bx : 4.71 ksi F-bx : 28.02 ksi f -by = 0.00 ksi F-by : 30.36 ksi c -ax 0.85 C-ry : 0.85 = 16.44 ksi -__-- CONBINFD STRESS CHECK NA _______________-_____ Formula 1.6 - la 0.771 (= 1.00 Fornuld 1.6 - Ib 0.414 (: 1.00 Foraula 1.6 - 2 NA (: 1.00 - e \ .- CDNEER ENGINEERING DATE : -+---fi SHEET :h->-- JOB : -5-9535 ) ALLOWABLE STRESSES Fb - Bending = 2,400.psi Fv - Shear : 165 psi Elastic Modulus : 1.8E+06 psi L.D.F. : 1.25 CENTER SPAN : 25.5 ft > CENTER SPAN LOADlNG 8 1 Uniform D.L. 549 psf Uniform 1.1. = 244 psf Trib. Width : 1 ft t 2 Uniform 0.1. : 126 psf Uniform 1.1. : 56 p5f Trib. Width : 1 ft Prelia. Bear Width = 5.125 in Laiination Thickness : 1.5 in Eff. Length Factor 2 1.92 tu : Center Span = 2 ft tu : Left Cant. 0 ft tu : Right Cant. : 0 ft LEFT CANT. LENGTH : 0 ft RIGHT CANT. LENGTH 0 ft X-Left 0 ft 1-Right i 25.5 ft X-left 0 ft !-Right = 18 ft Concentrated Loads ( X 2 Dist. from Left Support 1 #I: DL 473 # 12: DL : 0 t 13: DL : 0 # LL = 210 1 LL = 01 LL = 01 X-Dist = 20.5 ft X-Dist = 0 ft X-Dist : 0 ft I- DESIGN SUHNARY -- Suggested Size : 5.125 in X 21 in -----: ................................ I ) SELECTED BEAH SIZE --)) 5.125 in x 21 in I S : Actual = 377 in"3 A - Actual 3 108 inA2 I S : M I (FbfCf) = 334 in*3 A - Required : 81 in"2 I F-b : Actual : 2,497 psi Fv : Actual : 155 psi I F-b : Allowable = 2,819 psi Fv : Allovablc~ 206 psi I I of Max. = 88.6 I I of Nax. : 74.9 1 I_______________________________________------------------------------ DESIGN MOnENTS & SHEARS (Live Loads Skip loaded For Max. M+ ) ____-_______________-~- Ck = (3 E I 5 Fb)*.5= 21.21 Cf : (121d1A.111 = 0.940 C5 : (Le d I b"2)A.5: 6.07 MAXIMUM MOMENT : 941 in-k Basic S:xx Req'd 2 314 in*3 MAX. SHEAR f 1.5 : 16,633 U Area Required = 80.6 in? ................................ CONEER ENGINEERING rc Positive nonent = 941 in-k => Allow. Fb': Center = 2819.3 psi Left Neg. Moment = 0 ' 2) Allow, Fb': Left = 0' Right Neg. tionent = 0 ' :> Allow. Fb': Right = 0' Shear @ left : 11,089 D Shear @ Right : 10,830 I REQUIRED DEPTHS SLENDERNESS GOVERNS ?? Y4, N:O --->) 0 ((-- DUE TO BENDING : (Approx.) __------__-_--- DUE TO SHEAR : (Approx.) Center Span : 19.5 in @ Left Support : 15.7 in left Cant i 0.0 in @ Right Support : 15.4 in Right Cant : 0.0 in -__ MAX. REACTIONS Skip Load live Load ? V:I,N=O ---) I -_____-----___ Left Support Right Support _-- -----___---- _---_-------- Dead toad = 8,560 4 8,180 # Live load : 3,804 I 3,636 I Total load = 12,364 t 11,816 I - - - -- _-_ -_------ - DEFLECTIONS Positive : Downward ______-____ Left Center Right Cantilever Span Cantilever X-Distance 0 ft 12.75 ft 0 tt __-_._____ __-_--___ ___--___._ (Default : Span/? 1 Dead Load Defl. : NA in 0.90 in NA in L/Defl NA 34 I NA live Load Defl. = NA in 0.40 in NA in L/Def 1 HA 768 MA _----_____ _-----__- __--__---- Total load Oefl. : NA in 1.29 in NA in L/Defl HA 236 NA CAMBER = 1.5 € Dl NA in -1.25 in NA in BEARING : - - - - - - Fb - Bearing : 450 psi Bearing Length Required @ Left Support : 4.50 in Bearing length Required e Right Support = 4.75 in HEEL CUT HElGHTS tliniiui End Height @ left End For Shear Stress : 16.50 in nininui End Height @ Right End For Shear Stress : 15.00 in r CENTER SPAN ft I W-DL IlftI w-11 UftI Wp-DL WftI wp-LL tlft: 1 -1ef t ft I X-Right ft I P-l DL Ibs I P-l 11 Ibs I x-I ft : P-2 DL Ibs I P-2 Lt Ibs I x -2 ft I P-3 DL lb5 I P-3 LL Ibs : x-3 ft I CANT. SPAN ft I Wp-DL Ilftl X-Left ft I W-Right ft I P-1 OL Ibs P-l LL lbs I 1-1 ft I P-2 DL lbs I P-2 tt Ibs I 1-2 ft I ___-__ ._____ Yp-LL Ilftl 12.00 36 20 0 0 0.00 0.00 0 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0.00 0 0 0.00 0.00 0 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 r TIMBER BEAN DESIGN CENTER SPAN ft __--_- U-DL w-11 Up41 X-Left X-Right P-1 DL P-1 LL P-2 DL P-2 LL x -2 P-3 DL P-3 11 wp-it X-1 x -3 dlft: WftI llftl Ilftl ft I ft I lbs I lbs I ft I lbs I lbs I ft ! lbs I Ibs I ft I CANT. SPAN tt I -_____ 9 up-DL VftI up-11 tlftI X-Left ft I 1-Right ft I P-1 01 lbs I P-I 11 Ibs I x-1 ft I P-2 DL Ibs I P-2 LL Ibs I x-2 ft I 9.00 455 160 0 0 0,00 0.00 0 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0.00 0 0 0.00 0.00 0 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 REACTIONS Left : DL lbs I 2,048 LL lbs I 720 Right : DL lhs I 2,048 LL lhs I 720 _________________I_________ _________________,__~------ STRESSES : _____ Cf- Depth I 1.000 Fb: Allow psi I 1,625 Fb: Actual psi I 1,551 Fv: Allow psi I 106.3 Fv: Actual psi I 90.13 DEFLECTIONS I ._____ ;___-----_ CENTER SPAN : I ) X-Dist. ft I 4.5 DL Defl in : 0.240 L I Defl. I 449 11 Oefl in I 0.085 L I DefI. I 1,278 LlTot DefI. : 332 CANT. SPAN : I ) X-Did. ft I 0.00 L g, CONEER ENGINEERING ................................................................................ GLUED-LAMINATED BEAN DESIGN ---_-.--___------__--~----------------------------------- DESCRIPTION : 618 AT DIAGONAL (MECH 12) ) ALLOWABLE STRESSES Prelin. Beam Width i 5.125 in Lamination Thickness = 1.5 in Fh - Bending : 2,400 psi Eff. Length Factor : 1.92 Fv - Shear = 165 psi tu : Center Span : 2 ft Elastic Nodulus : 1.8E406 psi tu : Left Cant. 0 ft L.D.F. = 1.25 tu : Right Cant. 0 ft CENTER SPAN 20 ft LEFT CANT. LENGTH : 0 ft RIGHT CANT. LENGTH = ’ 0 ft # 1 Uniform D.L. : 610 psf X-Left 0 ft Uniform 1.1. : 336 psf 1-Right = 20 ft 12 Uniform 0.L. : 55 psf X-Left = IO ft Uniform L.L. = 0 psf 1-Right 2 20 ft Trib. Width : I ft --------___-----__ ) CENTER SPAN LOAOIN6 Trih. Width : I ft Concentrated Loads ( X : Dist. from Left Support 1 #I: DL : 2048 1 12: DL : o t 13: DL : o I LL : 720 1 LL = 01 LL = 01 1-Oist : IO ft X-Dist : 0 ft X-Dist : 0 ft :- DESIGN SUMflARY -- Suggested Size : 5.125 in X 18 in ------I ________________________________ I > SELECTED BEAN SIZE --)> 5.125 in x 18 in I S : Actual : 277 in”3 A - Actual : 92 in*2 I S : M I (FbtCf) = 262 $3 A - Required : 73 in*2 I F-b : Actual : 2,711 psi Fv : Actual : 164 psi I F-b : Allovable : 2,868 psi Fv : Allowable: 206 psi 1 1 of Max. = 94.5 1 2 of Max. : 79.5 I [_______________________________________-------------------------------~ ................................ DESIGN HOHENTS k SHEARS (Live Loads Skip Loaded For Max. n+ ) Ck : (3 E I 5 Fb)*.5; 21.21 Cf = (12/d)A,111 = 0.356 Cs : (Le d I b“2)*.5- 5.62 NAXIHUN HOMENT = 750 in-k Basic 5:xx Aeq’d : 250 inA3 _____________-_.____--- MAX. SHEAR * 1.5 : 15,130 t Area Required = 73.4 in7 CONEER ENGINEERING Positive Hoaent : 750 in-k :> Allou. Fb': Center = 2867.9 psi Left Neg. Norent : 0 ' :> Allow. Fb': Left = 0' Right Neg. Horent : 0 ' :> Allou. Fb': Right = 0' Shear e Left : 9,907 I Shear @ Right : 10,087 # REQUIRED DEPTHS SLENDERNESS GOVERNS ?? Y-I, N4 --->) 0 ((-- ____----__----_ DUE TO BENDING : (Approx.) DUE TO SHEAR : (Approx.1 Center Span : 17,3 in @ Left Support : 14.1 in left Cant = 0.0 in @ Right Support : 14.3 in Right Cant : 0.0 in ___ NAX. REACTIONS Skip load live load ? Y=I,N=O ---> 1 ____-_--______ left Support Right Support ___ _----____--- ______-_--__- Dead Load : 7,262 # 7,537 I live load : 3,720 1 3,720 t Total Load : 10,982 # 11,257 # - - _----_ __ - - ---- DEFLECTIONS Positive : Dounuard _--_----__- left Center Right Cantilever Span Cantilever X-Distance 0 ft IO ft 0 ft __________ - __-_ _-__ ___--_-_-_ (Default : Spanl2 1 Dead load Defl. : NA in 0.65 in NA in L/DefI HA 371 NA Live load Defl. : NA in 0.32 in Nb in LlOefI NA 155 NA _--_____-_ ------___ ____--__-_ Total load Defl. : NA in 0.96 in NA in LlDef 1 NA 249 NA CAHBER : 1.5 * Dl : NA in -1.00 in NA in BEARING : - - - - - - - Fb - Bearing = 450 psi Bearing length Reqiiired @ left Support : 4.00 in Bearing length Required @ Right Support : 4.00 in HEEL CUT HEIGHTS --__------__-_-- Hinirui End Height @ left End For Shear Stress = 15.00 in niniaui End Height F Right End For Shear Stress 15.00 in DESCRIPTION : 6LB AT LINE 8.9 ( MECH I2 ) ) ALLOWABLE STRESSES Prelir. Bear Width : 5.125 in __________________ Lamination Thickness = 1.5 in Fb - Bending : 2,400 psi Eff. Length Factor : 1.92 Fv - Shear = 165 psi tu : Center Span : 5 ft Elastic Nodulus : 1.8Et06 psi Lu : Left Cant. 3 ft L.D.F. = 1.25 tu : Right Cant. : 3 ft CENTER SPAN 2s ft LEFT CANT. LENGTH = 3 ft RIM CANT. LENGTH 3 ft - 0 ft Uniform L.L. : 189 psf X-Right : 25 ft Trib. Width = I ft - ) CENTER SPAN LOADING I I Uniform 0.1. : 338 psf X-Left & 2 Uniform 0.1. : 0 psf X-Left 0 ft Uniforr 1.1. 0 psf X-Right 0 ft Trib. Widtb : 0 ft Concentrated Loads ( X : Dist. from Left Support ) II: DL = 0 I 12: DL = 0 I 13: DL a 0 I LL i OI LL 2 01 11 = OI X-Dist 0 ft X-Dist : 0 ft X-Dist : 0 ft ( X : Dist. Left of Left Support ) )LEFT CANTILEVER : Unif. DL : 338 psf 11: DL : 9870 t I21 DL : 0 I Trib Width : I ft I dist i 3 ft X dirt : 0 ft Unif. LL : 189 psf LL : 5027 I LL = 01 )RIGHT CANTILEVER : ( X = Dist. Right of Right Support 1 Unif. DL : 338 psf II: DL : 10370 I I2 DL : 0 I Trib Width : I ft X dist : 3 ft X dist : 0 ft Unif. LL = 189 psf LL : 6630 I LL = 01 )PRE-CALCULATED IDllENTS k SHEARS Nax. Iorent 0 in-k Max. Shear Force : 0) :- DESIGN SUNNARV -- Suggested Size : 5.125 in X 25.5 in ------I _____---_______--_______________ I ) SELECTED BEAN SIZE --)) 5.125 in x 25.5 in 1 s : hCtUdl : 555 $3 A - Actual = 131 in^2 _- I S : M I (FbfCf) = 221 in9 A - Required : 127 inA2 _______-_____--_-_______________ , I F-b : Actual = 1,153 psi Fv : Actual : 200 psi I F-b : Allowable : 2,896 psi Fv : Allouabb 206 psi I I of Mar. = 39.8 I I of Max. = 97.2 I :.__*_*---_________._.__________________----------------.--------------I CONEER ENGIWEERING - ................................................................................ DESIGN MOMENTS I SHEARS (Live LOad.5 Skip Loaded For Hax. tl+ I Ck : (3 E I 5 Fb)*.S: 21.21 Cf i (12/d)A.111 = 0.920 C5 : (Le d I b*2)*.5= 10.58 NAXIMUM HOHENT : 640 in-k Basic S:xx Req'd : 213 inA3 MAX. SHEAR t 1.5 = 26,200 I Area Required = 127.0 inA2 Positive Halent : 111 in-k :) Allow. Fb': Center : 2895.8 psi Left Neg. Noaent : 565 ' =) Allou. Fb,: Left = 2895.8 ' Right Ne9. Aoient : 640 ' :) Allow. Fb': Right : 2895.8 ' Shear e Left = 15,495 # Shear e Right : 17,467 # REQUIRED DEPTHS SLENDERNESS GOVERNS ?? V:I, N4 ---)) 0 ((-- ....................... -_____--___--__ DUE TO BENDING : (Approx.) DUE TO SHEAR : (Approx.) Center Span : 6.9 in e Left Support : 22.0 in Left Cant : 15.5 in e Right Support : 24.8 in Right Cant : 16.5 in ___ MAX. REACTIONS Skip Load Live Load ? V:l,N=O ---) 1 -____--------- Left Support Right Support -_- .___________ __________.__ Dead Load = 15,049 I 15,669 I Live Load : 8,594 # 10,389 I Total Load : 23,643 4 26,058 # - - - - - - - - __-__--- DEFLECTIONS Positive = Downward .-------.-- Left Center Right Cantilever spin Cantilever X-Distance 3 ft 12.5 ft 3 ft _-._----*- _____--_- _.________ - (Default = Span/2 ) Dead Load Defl. : 0.08 in -0.10 in 0.09 in LlDefl i 433 -2909 417 Live Load Defl. = 0.05 in -0.06 in 0.06 in LlDefI : 798 -1757 652 ---------- _____-__- -._------- Total Lord Defl. : 0.13 in -0.17 in 0.14 in LIDefl = 281 -1805 254 CAHBER : 1.5 I DL : 0.00 in 0.00 in -0.25 in BEARING : -----_- Fb - Bearing = 450 psi Bearing Length Required e Left Support : 8.25 in - Bearing Length Required e Right Support = 9.25 in HEEL CUT HEIGHTS ______________-- Hiniiui End Height e left End For Shear Stress : HA in Niniiui End Height e Right End for Shear Stress : MA in ,t '. i- I ..., J s= /9,5z PL q.r, LL 29-55 STEEL COLUMN DESIGN OESCRIPTION :COLUHN AT LINE 3.2 (BECH 12 ) ALLOYABLE STRESSES > Fy : Yield : 46 ksi 1 SIOESWAY RESTRAINED : Y.1 N4 X - X Axis 0 ) 1. D. F. I Y - 't Axis 0 > UNBRACEO LENGTHS : -----_____----_-__ > EFFECTIVE LENGTH FACTOR : : X - X Axis = 15.5 ft ' k ': X-X Axis 1 : Y - Y Axis : 14.5 ft ' k ': Y-Y Axis I DESIGN DATA > MAX. AXIAL FORCE = 37.3 tips ) Eccentricity : X-X i 0 in 0 in -_________- ) Eccentricity : Y-Y : > MOMNT ) NOHENT e TOP of COLUNN : BOTTON of COLUHN : X-X Axis 0 ft-k X-X Axis 0 ft-k Y-Y Axis = 2.5 Y-Y Axis 0 ) TRANSVERSE NONENT : NAXlllUH DESIGN MOMENT : X-X Axis 0 ft-k X-X Axis : 0.0 ft-k Y-V Axis 0 Y-Y Axis : 2.5 [- DESIGN SUnHARY __________-_________---------------------------------: - Foriula 1.6 - Id 0.766 (: 1.00 Foriula 1.6 - Ib 0.440 <: 1.00 Formula 1.6 - 2 NA <: 1.00 I_______________________________________-------------------------------~ ROLLFO SECTION DATA ----.______________ SELECTED STEEL SECTION ) DEPTH CLASS = ----)) TSSxSxlll -_----- Seclion Area : 4.59 in? S-XI : Section Nod. Weight per Foot = 15.62 8 Radius of Gyration (Iverall Oepth = 5 in S-YY : Section Mod. neb Thicknes5 0.25 in Radius of Gyration Flange Width : bf : 5 in r-T Flange Thickness = 0.25 in bf I 2tf d I tu in : 6.8 inA3 : 1.92 in i 6.8 inY = 1.92 in j 1.35 = 10.00 = 20.00 DETERRINE ALLOWABLE BENDING STRESSES K-X AKIS : : bf I2 tf : Fb : 30.1 ksi : d I tu : Fb : 30.7 ksi : Lateral Buckling : Fb 1 30.36 ksi ----- 1-X AXIS - ALLOWABLE STRESS : F-bx t LDF = 30.10 ksi _-__- Y-Y AXIS : : bf I2 tf :Flanges : Fb = 30.4 ki ___-_ Y-Y AKIS - ALLOWABLE STRESS : F-by * LDF 30.36 ksi __--- DETERMINE ALLOYABLE AKIAL STRESSES k:x t Lu:x I r:x 96.1 Actual Axial Stress : 8.13 ksi k:y t Lu:y I r:y = 90.6 fa I Fa = 0.542 Cc: (2€ piA2 (EIFyY.5 : 111.55 Allowable Axial Stress : _____ X-X Axis : 15.00 ksi ALLOWABLE : Fa * LDF = 15.00 ksi Y-Y Axis = 16.18 ksi F'ex = 12 * pi*? i E I (23 t (klux I rx) *2 ) * LDF : 16 ksi F'ey = 12 t piA2 t E I (23 t (thy I ry) "2 ) * LDF : 18 ksi f -bx : 0.00 ksi F-bx : 30.10 ksi f -by = 4.42 ksi F-by : 30.36 k5i ----- C-flx 0.85 C-ny i 0.85 COMBINED STRESS CHECK HA _---_____-___________ ' Formula 1.6 - la = 0.766 (: 1.00 Fornula 1.6 - Ib 0.440 (2 1.00 Formula 1.6 - 2 NA (: 1.00 .- STEEL BASE PLATE DESIGN ................................................... - Bearing on Concrete - DESCRIPTION :BASE PLATE AT TS5X5 COLUI(NS LOADING DATA > TOTAL COLUHN LOAD : 37.3 kips > ftc = 2,000 psi ) FY 36,000 psi _____---____ > Concrete Pier Dimensions: 42 in x 42 in Fp :.35 € f’c * (AZ/A1)*.5 (= 0.7 € f’c 1,400 psi COLUNN DATA ) SELECTED COLUMN SECTION : - - ~ - - ---) TS5~5~114 Dinension Along IV‘ Axis (Depth) : 5.00 in Dimension Along ‘X‘ Axis (Width) = 5.00 in Neb Thickness : 0.250 in ) IF THICKNESS ONLY IS DESIRED, ENTER PLATE DINENSIONS : (Optional !I Depth : tVr Axis : 11 in Width : ,Xt Axis = I1 in i- DESIGN SUnHARY ______---___-----------------------------------------, I BASE PLATE SIZE : 11 in Deep X I! in Wide THICKNESS : 0.688 in I___-------.____________________________-------------------------------, AISC DESIGN PROCEDURE ---------._____-___-- A1 Max : llAZi(P1.35 I) f’c )*2 or P I ( 0.7 f’c 1 = 21 inA2 Delta : .5 * ( .95fd - .Etbf ) i 0.37 in N :(Approx) : ( AI Y.S + Delta : 11.00 in B:Al 1 N 11,OO in Trial AI = 8 s N : 121.0 inA2 fp= P I (BtM) = 308 psi m:[N-(.95€d)1 12 = 3.13 in n =[ B - (.EO f bf) 1 I 2 : 3.50 in n’: .4 ( bf - tu ) : 1.93 in Plate Thickness : n1 f( fp 1 .25Fy P.5 = 0.6875 in STEEL BASE PLATE DESIGN ____________________----.-----.-------------------- - Bearing on Concrete - DESCRIPTION :BASE PLATE AT ~~414 cot AT LINE 3.4 LOADING DATA ) TOTAL COLUHN LOAD : 7.5 kips ) f'c 2,000 psi ) FY : 36,000 psi ) Concrete Pier Oinensions: 21 in x 24 in Fp z.35 i ftc i (A2/AI)*.5 (: 0.7 t ftc 2 1,400 psi COLUHN DATA ------_-_-- ) SELECTED COLUHN SECTION : - - - - - ---) TS4~4x3I16 Dirension Along 'Y' Axis (Depth) : 4.00 in Diiension Uong 'I1 Axis (Width) = 4.00 in Neb Thickness = 0.188 in ) IF THICKNESS ONLY IS DESIRED, ENTER PLATE DIHENSIONS : (Optional !I Depth : ,Yr Axis : I1 in Width : 'XI Axis : I1 in I- DESIGN SU"ARY --____-_____-____-______________________-------------; I BASE PLATE SIZE I I1 in Deep 1 11 in Hide THICKNESS : 0.375 in I___________*.__________________________--------------.-----.----.-----I AISC DESIGN PROCEDURE _____-____-._____-_-_ A1 Hax : l/A2i(P/.35 i f'c )*2 or P I ( 0.1 f'c 1 = 5 in*2 Delta = .S i ( .9%d - .8ibf ) : 0.30 in N :(Approx) : ( AI )*.5 t Delta : 11.00 in B:AI I N 11.00 in Trial AI : 8 i N = 121.0 in*2 fp: P I (BtN) 62 psi #;[N-(.95*d)1 I2 3.60 in n .[ B - (-80 * bf) 1 I 2 : 3.90 in n': .4 ( bf - tu ) = 1.55 in Plate Thickness : n' *( fp I .25Fy P.5 a 0.375 in DESCRIPTION : FOOTING AT LINE 3.4 ALLOWABLE STRESSES > A!louable Soil Pressure : 2,500 psf > Rebar Cover : 3.5 in \* , .hart !ern Sail Increase : 1.33 Allow. Shear: ?, Fy : Reinforcing i 60,000 psi One Hay = 99.4 psi : f'i: Concret? : 2,Ct:O pi ?,JO !Jay : 1??.1 psi 3ECiSN DATA _________-___-___- ,-- \. I nria! " Dead Load 4.06 k ? Nature of SHORT TERM : : Aria1 Live Load 3k Seisaic : 1 Iind 1 -A > Axial Short Term Load = 1) k -: 1 ;. FOOTING THICKNESS : 12 in ! Cui. Diren;ian= 4 in PRELIRIHARY DESIGN _______________--- Pearing Area Required = 2.82 ft'2 > Trial Dinension 2 ft x ? ft Basic Soil Pressure = 1,765 psf (z 2,500 psf Short Term Pressure 1,765 psf NA psf Factored tax. Pressure : 2,696 psf : ACI Equation 9-1 Governs Allowable Shear = 15.5 kips Allowable Shear 64.6 kips Applied Shear : 0.7 kips Applied Shear : 7.9 kips BENDING CAPACITY Req'd Reinforcing : Nininun Steel = 0.0018 iioment @ Cal. Face i 11.2 in-k 200 I Fy : 0.0033 Ru - Resis. Hod. : 14.4 psi Per Analysis = 0.0002 --! USE : 0.0?13 Area Req'd p?r foot = 0.18 in"2lft Reinfnrcing : Total Area Required : 0.3 in"? 2 - 14 1 - 27 2 - t: : - $9 : - $9 _______________- xc 1- 1- 1. CFS[Gl{ SUNflARY _._____...______..._____________________~~~.~~..~~...~ - FOCT!!IG SIZE : 2 it r 2 it THICKNESS 1: in RENFORCEMENT : USE 1: - # 1' jars Each Way I ,- CONEER ENGINEERING JOB ' I-&-@:Z'Tz ,- DESCRIPTION : FOOTING AT LINE 3.2 ALLOWABLE STRESSES > Allowable Soil Pressure = 2,500 psf ) Rebar Cover : 3.5 in > Short Term Soil Increase = 1.00 Allow. Shear: > Fy : Reinforcing = 60,000 psi One Yay : 89.4 psi > f'c: Concrete = 2,000 psi Two Way = 178.9 psi DESIGN RATA ) Axial Dead load : 24.85 k ) Nature of SHORT TERH : > Axial Live Load = 12.41 k Seissic : 1 ) Axial Short Tera Load = Ok Hind = 2 --) I > FOOTING THICKNESS = 12 in ) Col. Di~ension: 5 in PRELIMNARY DESIGN ___-----___----___ ______-.___ Bearing Area Required = 14.90 ft*Z ) Trial Dimension 4 ft x 4 ft Basic Soil Pressure : 2,329 psf <= 2,500 psf Short Tern Pressure : 2,329 psf NA psf Factored Hax. Pressure : 3,493 psf : ACI Equation 9-1 Governs CHECK ONE-WAY SHEAR CHECK Ttio-iw SHEAR __-____--______---_ -_--___--_---_-___- Allowable Shear : 31.0 kips Allouable Shear : 69.8 kips Applied Shear = 15.1 tips Applied Shear : 51.5 kips BENDING CAPACITY Reqld Reinforcing : ) Minil;um Steel : 0.001B Morent @ Col. Face 67.3 in-k 200 / Fy = 0.0033 Ru - Resis. Mod. = 86.2 psi Per Analysis = 0.0015 --) USE 0.0020 Area Req'd per foot : 0.20 inA2/ft Reinforcing : Total Area Required = 0.80 inA2 5 - 14 2 * 17 ________________ 3 - 1s 2 - 18 2 - 16 1 - 19 I_ DESIGN SUMNARY ________.______.________________________---------~---, FOOTING SIZE : 4 ft x 4 ft THICKNESS 12 in REINFORCEMENT : USE ?? - I ?? Bars Eath Way I I_______________--__---------------------------------------------------' SQUARE FOOTING DESIGN ___-_-______-__--___------------------.-------- DESCRIPTION : FOOTING AT LINE B.7 AND 6.3 ALLOWABLE STRESSES ) Allowable Soil Pressure = 2,500 psf ) Rebar Cover 3.5 in > Short Teri Soil Increase : 1.00 Allov. Shear: ) Fy : Reinforcing = 60,000 psi One May = 89.4 psi ) f'c: Concrete : 2,000 psi Two Way = 178.9 psi DESIGN DATA -_-_----______---- ) Axial Dead load = 19.92 k ) Nature of SHORT TERM : ) Axial Live Load = 9.57 I: Seismic : I ) Axial Short Tera Load Ok Hind : 2 --) 1 ) FOOTING THICKNESS : 12 in ) Col. Oinension: 5 in PRELININARY DESlGN Bearing Area Required = 11.80 ftA2 ) Trial Oiiension 3.5 ft x 3.5 it Basic Soil Pressure : 2,407 psf (: 2,500 psf Short Teri Pressure : 2,407 psf HA psf Factored Max. Pressure = 3,605 psf : ACI Equation 9-1 Governs CHECK ONE-WAY SHEAR CHECK TWO-WAY SHEAR _--______-_____--_- ----__-------__.--- Allowable Shear : 27.1 kips Allowable Shear : 69.8 kips Applied Shear = 10.5 kips Applied Shear : 39.6 kips BENOIN6 CAPACITY Req'd Reinforcing : ) Hiniiui Steel 0.0018 noient I! Col. Face : 51.4 in-k 200 I Fy = 0.0033 Ru - Resis. Nod. : 65.9 psi Per Analysis : 0.0011 --) USE = 0.0018 Area Req'd per foot : 0.18 inA2/ft Reinforcing : Total Area Required = 0.64 in"2 4 - 14 2 - 17 3 - 15 1 . 18 2 - 16 I - 19 _-_-__-___--_--- I_ DESIGN SUMMARY _______.________________________________-~---------~., FOOTING SIZE : 3.5 ft X 3.5 ft THICKNESS 12 in REINFORCENENT : USE ?? - 8 ?? Bars Each Way I )___________________------------------------------------------------.---~ /- - CENTER SPAN ft I v-nt %/ftl w-it llftl wp-OL #/+ti wp-Ll #/ftI X-aiglt +t ! __---_ X-left ft I P-1 DL !bs I P-1 LL !bs X-1 ft I P-? OL !bs I P-2 Ll lbs l x -2 ft I P-3 DL !bs I P-3 Lt Ibs I 1-3 ft I CANT. SPAN ft I __..-_ wp-DL tlftl wp-tt WftI X-Left ft l X-Right ft I P-I 01 Ibs I P-1 LL Ibs I 1-1 ft I P-2 DL lbs l P-2 It !bs I x -2 ft l REACTIONS Left : OL Ibs I !9 LL Ibs : 0 Right : 01 Ibs ; 18 LL lbs I 0 -________________I_________ /---*----- --__.-____-______ STRESSES : Cf- Depth I 1,000 j -__.- Fb: Allnu psi : 1,450 Fb: Actual psi I 294 Fv: Allow psi I 95.0 Fv: Actual psi I 4.11 OEFLECTIONS : CENTER SPAN : I > 1-Oist. ft ! 7.3 DL Defl in I 0.437 1 I Oef1. I 398 LL Defl in I 0.000 L I Defl. 0 Mot Defl. : 399 ______ ~_____--*_ CANT. SPAN : I > X-Oist. ft I 0.00 r TIH5ER BEAM DESIGN - i P-1 DL P-l LL P-2 QL P-2 LL x -2 P-3 DL P-3 LL I-! X-3 CANT. SPAN ____._ Wp-DL X-Left 1-Right Ilp-11 Ibs I Ibs I ft I Ibs I lbs I ft I lbs ! Ibs I ft I ft I tlft: IlftI ft ; ft : 0 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0.00 0 0 0.00 0. ao 0 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0.00 0 0 0.00 0.00 P-1 DL Ibs I 0 0 P-1 LL Ibs I 0 0 x -1 ft I 0.0 0.0 P-2 DL Ibs 1 0 0 P-2 LL Ibs I 0 0 X -2 ft : 0.0 0.0 ? Fb p5i I 1,500 1,500 > Fv psi I 35 95 )E psi : 1.8Et06 1.9Et06 ) L.D.F. ; 1.00 1.00 ) BEAN WlUTH in I 3.5 3.5 ? BEAN OEPTH in l 9.25 7.3 POS. KM. in-kl 41.5 25.4 NEG. FiOn. in-kI 0.0 0.0 ___----____-_____I __________t_______ _---~--_____-~.__,__--___-_-,____--- ______-__________,_________I________ ~__~~~._____~~__.,.~.~_____,~______. I REACTIONS Left : DL Ibs I 432 325 LL Ibs I 0 0 Right : 111 Ibs I 432 325 LL Ibs I 0 0 __------_________I__________I_______ I------- _________________,__________ STRESSES : _.__. Cf- Depth I 1.000 1.000 Fb: Allow psi I 1,500 1,500 Fb: Actoal psi I 331 E27 Fv: Allov psi I 95.0 95.9 Fv: Actual pai I 19.05 18.32 DEFLECTIONS I CENTER SPAN : I ) X-Oist. ft I 16.0 13.0 DL Defl in I 1.533 1.285 L I Defl. I 250 243 LL Defl in I 0.000 0.000 L I Defl. 1 0 0 LlTot Defl. I 250 243 _-____ I_______-__V_______ CANT. SPAN : I > X-Dist. ft I 0.00 0.00 DL Defl. in 1 0.000 0.000 11 Defl. in I 0.000 0.000 .................................... .................................... L , -. 8 6195658482 TRUTRUS "DRUE" 82.'22190 09: 12 P.@1 2-21 -90 Tri-Square Construction 10461 Austin Drive Suite A Spring Valley, CA 92078 RE: Car County Plaza ATTN: Rick W. Dear Rick, use for web bracing (2x4 is shown an our engineering calcs.) may arise, if not, please call me and I'll prbvide further explanation, Etc. As we discussed by phone, 1x4 is an acceptable material to We hope this letter will take care of any questions that Sincerely, Dave Roti 8388 Vickers St.. #221, San Diego, CA 921 11 (619) 565-6458 San Diego - (602) 252-1772 Phoenix CUSTOMER: -567 !Ml5rRucr4nl bR & on tr (1 PI= PROJECT: i MODEL: .- 8132 W. SHERMAN AVE. PHOENIX, ARIZONA 85043 DRAWN BY, aU (602) 884-9636 Tucson DATE: 4-s 90 . (619) (714) 565-8458 525-5586 San Fullerton. Dlego PHONE (602) 252-1772 PhDenix - SHEET 2 OF 2 0132 W. SHERMAN AVENUE EOTS PIiOENIX, ARIZONA 85043 PLEASE DELIVER TO: TOTAL NUMBER OF PAGES TNAT FOLLOW: 2 FROM: Du 17’3, a\ (b OUR FAX NUMBER (602) 936-1247 NOTES: - Gz , T72AJs5 01 X 16029361247 TRUTRU5 PHX (r6 _* c.v.l_l . _.C .. + + CUSTOMER: Sh?f c Slav&&-. PROJECT: OATE: ,.&e DRAWN BY i .j&! 8132 W. SHERMAN AVE. PHOENIX, ARIZONA 85043 MODEL: PHONE (602) 232-1772 Pnoenix (602) 8844838 Tucion 2 SHEET Of (618) 665-8458 Stn Dirgo 17141 5254586 Fullorton n t-g-d 3 "> .. e- l 1 '90 84/16 15:52 8132 W. SHERMAN AVE. PHOENIX. ARIZONA 85043 PHONE (802) 262-1772 Phoenix (802) eamw Tucson (619) Sd!J.B458 $an %go (714) 525-SSBS Cullerlon az TRUTRUS PHX '90 84/16 15:51 8 16829361247 .. .. -?4 n' i.1 t. /"ENHOEK MCKEOWN K-M~A ASSOCIATE? ~~~ ~ ARCHlTECTURi s ENGINEERING PLANNING Pcs! Otiice Box 208, San Diego. Calilornia92138 1515 Morena 60, yard. Sar 080go. California 92110 (619) 27i '710~FAX(619)276*7715 6 ;c. FAX COVER SHEET OUR FAX NUMBER: (619) 276-7715 / $wwr PCW TO FAX b 'MBER: FIRM NAI : c..GLL4~5 .cz.eum,. FROM: r3 l.&=x7PD A) SUBJECT : KM&A PRC ECT NUMBER: TOTAL NI [BER OF PAGES BEING TRANSMITTED (INCLUD: 'G COVER SHEET) : IF PROBI :MS OCCUR DURING TRANSMISSION, OR IF ALL PAGES WERE NO7 RECEIVED, PLEASE CALL SENDER IMMEDIATELY AT (619) 27 ,-7710. . . . ?.?/E, WILLIAM C. KROI JOHN M. MsKEOI All ideas. designs. cated on these dr; of Kromrnenhoek/ and are intended f< with this specific p, otherwise be used ever without the architects. There ! deviations from I accompanying spt written consent of . . , . , ... . . , ... . , . 04 '98 04/09 15:31 , .et 24? TRUTRUS PHX * December 16, 1988 51-1380-01 * Carltas Company 4401 Manchester Ave., Suite 206 Encinitas, California 92024 Attention: Christopher Calkins Subject: Report of Observation and Testing Regrading of Lots 23, and 10 Car Country Carlsbad Expansion Carlsbad, California Refcrencc: Kleinfelder, August 4, 13SS, Observation During Grading, Car Country Carlsbad Expansion, Carlsbad, California, Job NO. 51-1380-01 Dear Mr. Calkins: This letter presents the results of our observation and tests for Lots 2,3 and 10 at the Car Country Carlsbad Expansion in Carlsbad California. Services were provided in accordance with our contract of May 15, 1988. Lots 2,3 and 10 were regraded between October 24 and November 1, 1988 to provide building pads and parking areas for future tenants. In addition, cut portions of the building pads were overexcavated to a depth of 3 feet below final subgrade level for a distance of 5 feet outside of planned building perimeters. The overexcavated material was replaced with a compacted fill derived from on-site sources. Field services were performed by representatives of Kleinfelder on a near-continuous basis. Laboratory tests were performed on representatixfe samples of the on-site soils to evaluate their maximum densities and optimum moisture contents in accordance with ASTM D-1557. The results of our laboratory test program are presented in Table 1, "Laboratory Test Results". Periodic in-place density tests were performed in general accordance with ASTM D-1556, ASTM D-2922 and ASTM D-3017. The results of the density tests are presented in Table 2, "Compaction Test Summary". Based on our field observations and on our tests, it is our opinion that the fill soils placed during regrading operations have been plzced and compacted in general conformance with the project plans, specifications, and recommendations of the project geotechnical report. KLEINFEL.DER 9771 Clairernonl Mesa BIvd., Suite G, San Diego, CA 92124 (619) 541-1145 .: kq KLEINFELDER 6 1-1380-01 Page 2 liecommendations for foundation design and additional construction are presented in our August 4, 1988 report. Should any questions arise, please feel free to contact our office. Very truly yours, KLEINFELDER. INC. Eric J. Nelson Staff Engineer EJN/rk , Soil Tvne ,2 5 6 TABLE 1 - LABORATORY TEST RESULTS Optimum Moisture Dry Density Content (% of Snmnle Descrintion Ih/n3 Drv \Veightl Light Reddish Brown 128.0 9.3 Silty Sand Reddish Brown Clayey 134.0 1.5 Sand Reddish Brown Medium 122.5 8.3 Sand YIN N N N NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN.oNInrnNN.o N e. -0 YL -0 y= c Y). YO .. . 3 .. r N N ,cJ N N N N N N N N N ~. ' ,# .. . .. , . . .. - 0 z Y v) U c 01 V L D Y . .- a 0 c 0 -1 r E 0 -I - . " 19' Carltas Company 4401 Manchester, Suite 206 Encinitas, California 92024 Attention: h4r. Christopher Calkins August 4,1988 5 1-1380-01 SUBJECT: REPORT OF TE-S'ITNG AND OBSERVATION DURING GRADING CAR COUNTRY CARLSBAD EXPANSION CMUSBAD, ~ORNIA of May 15, 1988, we have performed soil INTRODUCT ION In accordance with our contra( sting and observation services during grading of the building pads at the subject project. This report presents the results of our observations and testing. - 2.0 PROJECT DESCRIPTION Grading consisting of both cut and fill operations was performed to create building areas for 1 to 2 story concrete "tiltup" structures and parking areas for additional car dealerships at Car Country Carlsbad. Twelve (12) lots were created during grading immediately east of the existing Car Country Carlsbad development. Prior to development, the site was primarily an agricultural area used for the cultivation of flowers. Total relief of the site was on the order of 75 feet from the low southwest corner of the higher north east corner of the site. The entire site had a moderate downward slope to the west prior to grading. Material from the higher !I KLEINFELDER 9771 Clairemont Mesa Bid., Suite G, San Diego, CA 92124 (619) 541-1145 1. KLEINFELDER 51-1350-01 Page 2 eastern portion of the site was cut and placed as fill over the western and southern portions of the site to make relatively level building areas. Grading fordhe building pads was performed between May 31 and July 11, 1958. Grading observation and testing of fill soils was performed by representatives from our firm who were on-site on a near-continuous basis during grading operations. Prior to grading, the site was stripped of debris and organic material. In the southern end and along the western edge of the site, several feet of fill, alluvium and slightly cemented terrace deposits were encountered. These materials were relatively loose and locally saturated and were removed down to the underlying Santiago Formation. The maximum depth of removal of these soils was on the order of 5 feet with an average depth of removal of approximately 5 feet. During removal of the loose soils, it was noted that a large amount of subsurface water was flowing westward onto the site within the more permeable terrace deposits. Prior to recompacting fill in these areas a drain system was installed along the toe of the western slope. This drainage system consisted of a perforated drainpipe wrapped in gravel and filter fabric. This drain flowed south where it was connected to a drain system previously installed under the western end of Car Country Drive. An additional drain system was installed below a portion of Car Country Drive from where it intersects Paseo Del Norte to 300 feet east. This drain system consists of gravel filled ditches cut in the less permeable Santiago Formation directed into a perforated drainpipe which empties into a sump. .. Fill soils which were placed on the western edge of the site were cut from the terrace deposits and bedrock materials on the eastern portion of the site. A large fill K1 KLEINFELOER 51-1380-01 Page 3 slope upto approximately 12 feet high was created along the western edge of the site. The eastern edge of the site is bounded by a 15 to 20 foot high slope cut into terrace deposits and bedrock. All fill soils placed on this site were observed by Kleinfelder, and periodic testing was performed. Extra fill materials which were cut from the site were transported off site and placed in a large canyon approximately 1 mile southeast of the site. The soils in this canyon were lightly compacted by wheel rolling, however, no testing was performed on these soils except on the slopeface. Fill was placed in nominal 8-inch loose lifts, moisture conditioned, and compacted by mechanical means to rough pad grade. Ic-place density tests taken in various locations indicate the soil was generally compacted to a minimum of 90 percent of the laboratory maximum d,y density as obtained by the ASTM D1557 test procedure. All in-place density tests and in-place moisture contents were performed in general accorda.nce with ASTM D2922 and ASTM 03C17, respectively. The maximum dry- density and optimum moisture content of the fill soils are presented on Table 1 included at the rear of this report. The results of in-place density tests are presented on Table 2. The locations of in-place density tests are shown on Plate 1 which is included in the pocket attached to this report. The results of a sieve analysis on the basecourse material is presented on Figure 1. The results of the Resistance Value (“R-value) tests of the soils found within the roadway are presented on Figures 2 through 5. I En KLEINFELDER 51-1380-01 Page 4 a !I a a a m I 3 9 a B a CONCLUSIONS Based on our observations, field densities, and laboratory test results, it is our opinion that the structural fill soils placed on this site have been placed and compacted ifi general accordance with the specifications and recommendations for this site. We recommend that the geotechnical and geologic conditions be reviewed or investigated for each lot once final building plans and locations have been determined. The fill soils placed in the stockpile canyon were not tested or observed other than on the slope face. The soils in this area should not be relied upon to provide support for any structures unless conipletely removed and recompacted. 5.0 RECOMMENDATIONS 5.1 The following sections present recommendations for foundations and concrete slab- on-grade floors. Foundations and slabs should be designed in accordance with the recommendations presented herein. These recommendations are presented from a geotechnical engineering standpoint and should not preclude any additional recommendations by the structural engineer. Foundation and Slab Desien Recommendations Included below are recommendations for foundation and slab design based on the proposed one and two-story structures. These recommendations discuss criteria for development related to the fill and native soil conditions which exist at the site. They are intended to mitigate the potential for cracking of slabs and foundations resulting from variable soil settlement. Structures founded on differential or deep fill soils may undergo minor cracking. Hi KLEINFELDER d 51-1380-01 Page 5 We recommend that spread or continuous footings which are placed entirely on compacted fill be designed for a maximum allowable bearing pressure of 2500 psf for dead and live loads. The bearing pressure may be increased by one-third for shortterm trahsient loads such as wind or seismic forces. This allowable pressure is based on a foundation with a minimum width of 12 inches and minimum depth of 18 inches below lowest adjacent finish grade. Continuous footings should be reinforced by placement of two No. 4 steel reinforcing bars. One bar should be placed near the top of the footing stemwall and one near the bottom of the footing. Structures founded in both cut and fiI1 areas should have the cut portion of the building excavated such that compacted fill will exist for a depth of at least 3 feet below a11 footing bottoms. Foundations for buildings placed entirely in cut areas may be designed for a maximum allowable bearing capacity of 3500 psf. These footings should also extend at least 18 inches below the lowest adjacent subgrade, and be a minimum of 12 inches wide. VJe recommend that slabs be constructed with 6 x 6 - 10/10 welded-wire mesh placed at mid-height of the slabs. If the reinforcing mesh is not placed at the mid-height of the slab proper performance of the slab may be inhibited. Slabs should be underlain by a &mil moisture barrier overlain by a minimum 2-inch layer of clean sand to facilitate concrete curing and to protect the moisture barrier. The moisture barrier should be underlain by a 1-inch layer of clean sand. .. 1 KLEINFELDER 51-1380-01 Page 6 22 Settlementss We expect settlements of footings will generally be within tolerable limits. Settlements’ are expected to be on the order of 1 inch and 1/2 inch for total and differential settlements, respectively. . 5-e d R zistanc Footings founded in compacted fill may be designed for a passive lateral bearing pressure of 300 pounds per square foot per foot of depth. A coefficient of friction against s!iding between concrete and soil of 0.35 may be used. The allowable lateral resistance can be taken as the sum of the frictional resistance and the passive resistance, provided the passive resistance does not exceed two-thirds of the total allowable resistance. These values may be increased by one-third when considering loads of short duration, including wind or seis-rnic loads. 5.4 Surficial Stabilh and SloDe Drainage Erosion potential and surficial instability of on-site soils exposed in slopes are cmsidered low to moderate. The potential for erosion and/or surficial failure of slopes can be reduced if the following measures are utilized during design and construction of slopes in conjunction with the recommendations of the design civil engineer and/or landscape architect. 60 Fill slopes should be provided with appropriate surface drainage systems and should be landscaped immediately after grading. Berms or drainage channels should be provided at the top of all slopes. .. 0 Lot drainage should be directed so that surface runoff over slope faces does not occur. Mm KLEINFELDEK 1 51-1380-01 Page 7 5.5 Surface Drainaw Surface drainage should be controlled at all times. Positive surface drainage should be provided to direct surface water away from the structure and toward the street or suitable drainhge facilities. Ponding of water should be avoided. Area drains should be provided in areas of decking and lawns. We recommend that drainage be directed away from the top of slopes. The need for drainage devices on the slopes shogld be determined by the design civil engineer. Seasonal seepage is expected within th- cut slope face on the east side of the site. An additional subdrain system may be necessary along the toe of this slope if seepage appears to be excessive. If such a subdrain is not installed, water related problems such as pavement distress and excess settlements may occur. 5.6 Trench Excavation and Backfill Excavation of trenches in locally cemented zones in the formational material may be difficult for conventional light-duty backhoes and may require the use of heavy-duty trenching equipment. The on-site soils may be used as trench backfill provided they are screened of cobbles over 6 inches in dimension and organic matter. Trench backfill should be compacted in uniform lifts with a thickness dependent on the type and size of compaction equipment used. In general, we,recommend a lift thickness not exceeding 8 inches in loose thickness to be compacted by mechanical means to at least 90 percent relative compaction in accordance with ASTM D1557. Mm KLEINFELDER 1- 51-1380-01 Page 8 a LIMITATIONS The services provided as described in this report include professional opinion and judgements based on the data collected and our field observations. These services have been performed according to generally accepted geotechnical engineering practices that exist in the greater Vista area at this time. No other warranty, express or implied, is provided. The conclusions and recommendations contained herein apply to our work with respect to grading, and represent conditions at the completion of rough grading of the site. Any subsequent grading should be done in conjunction with our observation and testing. The term "observation" implies that we observed the progress of the work which was within our scope of services. Our conclusions and opinions regarding compliance with the project geotechnical report are based on our observatiocs, experience, and testing. Subsurface conditions and the accuracy of tests used to measure such conditions can vary greatly at any time. If any subsurface conditions are encountered subsequent to grading which are different from those described in our report, our firm should be notified immediately in case any supplemental recommendations may be necessary. We will not accept responsibility for any subsequent changes made to the site by others, by the uncontrolled action of water, or by the failure of others to properly repair damages caused by the uncontrolled . action of water. KLEINFELOER 51-1380-01 Page 9 We trust this documentation meets you current needs. Should you have any questions regarding this report, please contact our office. We appreciate this opportunity to have been of service. Rick E. Larson, GE 2027 Chief Engineer, RCE 39226 Staff Engineer MTchael S. Chapin, &G 1149 Senior Consultant, RCE 40SS1 REL:EN:MSC/rb CAR.HO4 a. KLEINFELDER m- .- i 51-1380-01 Page 10 REFERENCES 1. KLEINFELDER, May 19, 1988. Subterranean Drainage Systems Car Country Carlsbad Expansion, Paseo Del Norte, Carlsbad, California, Job No. 51- 1380-01. SANDIEGO GEOTECHNICALCONSULTANTS,INC., A ri122,1988. Addendum R 2. to Geotechnical Investigation, Portions of Aqua California, Job No. 05-7379-002-00-00. edionda, Carlsbad, 3. WOODWARD-CLYDE CONSULTANTS, August 19, 1987. Geotechnical Investigation, Car Country Expansion, Carlsbad, California, Job No. 87512- SIOI. f TABLE 1 COMPACTION TEST SUMMARY Rel. Remarks Test test Test Moisture Density test Comp- & Soil No. Date of No Location Elevation % Drv Wt. P.C.F. b? NO action Type Re- Dry Re- 1 5/31 Middle of 66 10.2 117.3 S. side of lot 12 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 t SW corner of lot 12 NW corner of lot 12 3 NW corner of lot 12 E. side of lot 12 Middle of lot 12 NE corner of lot 12 SE corner of lot 12 Middle of lot 12 SW corner of lot 12 NW corner of lot 12 NE corner of lot 12 66 66 66 73 77 e5 80 78 68 68 87 11.5 12.5 12.1 10.1 11.3 12.3 12.5 10.7 10.7 11.2 20.7 114.1 109.5 113.6 119.5 114.1 114.3 114.9 114.6 113.4 116.2 111.9 92 2/PASS 93 4 a9 92 93 93 93 92 92 92 91 90 1/PASS 1/FAIL l/PASS 2/PASS 1/ PAS S l/PASS 3/PASS l/PASS l/PASS 2/PASS 3/PASS 13 6/1 ' SE corner a4 16.1 115.8 93 2/PASS of lot 12 14 6/1 NW corner 70 9.5 121.9 lot 12 .. 15 6/1 SW corner 70 10.1 116.9 91 2/PASS of lot 12 (SC) *(sc) denotes Sand Cone Density Test i KLEINFELDER Page 2 COMPACTION TEST SUMMARY - CONTINUED Re- Dry Re- Rel. Remarks Test test Test Moisture Density test Comp- & Soil No. Date of No Location Elevation % Dry Wt. P.C.F. by NO action Type 16 6/2 Middle of 79 8.7 114.8 93 l/PASS N. side of (SC) lot 12 17 6/2 18 6/2 19 6/2 20 6/2 21 6/2 22 6/2 23 6/2 W. end of lot 7 W. end of lot 5 Kiddle of W. side of lot 12 Middle of 'lot 12 W. side of lot 11 Middle of lot 11 Middle of W. side of lot 12 80 8.0 119.0 82 9.3 117.2 72 8.4 122.7 80 8.7 116.2 75 1.9 116.9 78 7.6 119.8 74 8.0 123.1 24 6/2 W. side 74 13.4 117.0 of lot 12 93 2/PASS 92 2/PASS 96 2jPASS 91 2/PASS 91 2/PASS 94 2/PASS (sc) 91 2/PASS 25 6/2 NW corner 76 8.8 119.8 94 2/PASS of lot 12 26 6/2 SW corner 78 8.1 117.5 of lot 8 92 2/PASS 27 6/2 SW corner 77 11.3 117.4 92 2/PASS of lot 11 (SC) 28 6/6 SW corner 76 7.0 115.2. , 90 2/PASS of lot 12 29 6/6 W. side 76 7.3 115.7 of lot 12 90 2/PASS *(sc) denotes Sand Cone Density Test KLEINFELDER Page 3 COMPACTION TEST SUMMARY - CONTINUED Re- Dry Re- Rel. Remzrk. Test test Test Moisture Density test Comp- & Soi: No. Date of No Location Elevation % Dry Wt. P.C.F.. by NO action TvDe 30 6/6 31 6/6 1 32 6/6 33 6/6 34 6/6 35 6/6 36 6/6 37 6/6 35 6/6 39 6/6 SW corner of lot 11 E. side of lot 12 Middle Of lot 11 W. side of lot 10 W. side of lot 10 KiCdle of S. side of lot 12 Middle of N. side of lot 12 Middle of W. side of lot 11 Middle cf lot 11 NW corner of lot 10 79 6.9 86 7.9 84 7.5 79 7.5 82 8.1 78 8.0 84 7.8 81 7.5 85 9.4 81 10.0 122.1 116.6 117.5 119.0 118.0 117.6 120.1 119.0 119.4. 120.1 95 91 92 93 92 92 94 93 93 94 2/PAS! 2/PAS! 2/PAS! 2/PAS: 2/PAS: 2/ PAS! 2/PASr 2/PAS,C 2/PASS (SC) (sc) 2/PASS 40 6/7 NW corner 66 6.9 118.5 43 92 2/FAIL of lot 11 moist. (toe key) W. end of lot 10 (toe key) .. of lot 9 moist. (toe key) 41 6/7 Middle of 66 6.6 113.6 44 89 2/FAIL 42 6/7 SW corner 66 6.4 116.6 45 91 Z/FAIL *(sc) denotes Sand Cone Density Test RH KLEINFELDER I Page 4 COMPACTION TEST SUMMARY - CONTINUED Re- Dry Re- Rel. Remark! Test test Test Moisture Density test Comp- & Soi: No. Date of No Location Elevation % Drv Wt. P.C.F. bv NO action Tvve 43 6/7 44 6/7 45 6/7 46 6/7 47 6/7 48 6/7 49 6/7 50 6/7 51 6/7 52 6/7 53 6/7 40 NW corner of lot 11 1 (toe key) 41 Middle of W. end of lot 10 (toe key) 42 SW corner of lot 9 (toe key) NE corner of lot 12 Middle of S. side of lot 11 Middle of S. side of lot 10 SW corner of lot 10 (toe key) NW corner of lot 10 (toe key) NW corner of lot 9 (toe key) SW corner of lot 9 (toe key) NW corner of lot 10 (toe key) 66 8.9 117.5 92 2/PAS! 66 8.3 119.0 93 2/PAS: 66 91 89 84 68 68 68 70 70 *(sc) Denotes Sand Cone Density Test 9.1 117.0 8.3 120.3 8.9 117.0 8.0 118.0 10.3 119.2 10.1 122.8 9.3 122.6 9.8 123.9 10.8 120.3 . . 91 2/PAS: 94 2/PAS: 91 2/PAS: 92 2/PAS: 93 2/PASC 96 2/PhSS 96 2/PASS 97 2/PASS 94 2/PASS HI KLEINFELDER Page 5 COMPACTION TEST SUMMARY - CONTINUED Re- Dry Re- Rel. Remarks Test test Test Moisture Density test Comp- & Soil No. Date of No Location Elevation % Drv Wt. P.C.F. bV NO action Tvue 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 SW corner of lot 10 (toe key) Middle of W. side of lot 9 (toe key) Middle of W. side of lot 10 (toe key) NW corner of lot 10 (toe key) W. side of lot 9 (toe key) W. side of lot 9 W. side of lot 10 N. side of middle of lot 11 Middle of lot 12 Middle of lot 10 SW corner of lot 9 72 10.4 119.7 72 10.2 119.4 74 74 74 80 86 90 8.4 119.6 7.2 122.3 6.4 118.1 7.3 122.5 6.1 127.4 6.9 125.2 86 6.8 127.8 90 9.7 118.3 82 9.2 119.8 94 2/PASS 93 2/PASS 94 2/PASS 93 2/PASS 92 2/PASS 93 4/PASS 97 4/PASS 95 4/PASS 97 4/PASS .. 65 6/8 SE corner 94 8.2 126.0 94 4/PASS of lot 11 *(sc) denotes Sand Cone Density Test ’_ ’ , RL-,. L i IN F E L D E R Page 6 COMPACTION TEST SUMMARY - CONTINUED - Re- Dry Re- Rel. Remarks Test test Test Moisture Density test Comp- & Soil NO. Date of No Location Elevation % Drv Wt. P.C.F. by NO action Tvve 66 6/8 SW corner 86 of lot 12 67 6/8 ,S. side of 92 middle of lot 10 68 6/8 W. side 76 of lot 10 (toe key) 69 6/8 SW corner 76 of lot 9 (toe key) 70 6/8 K. side 78 of lot 11 (fill slope) of lot 10 (fill slope) of lot 8 (fill slope) 71 6/8 NW corner 78 72 6/8 SW corner 80 73 6/8 SW corner Of lot 7 74 6/8 NW corner 75 6/13 NW corner 76 6/8 ’ Middle of of lot 8 Of lot 9 W. side of lot 8 W. side of lot 7 77 6/8 Middle of 82 a2 84 84 84 *(sc) denotes Sand Cone Density Tests 9.0 9.6 10.7 10.4 10.5 9.3 9.4 7.9 6.7 7.9 9.1 7.2 130.7 126.2 127.7 125.3 123.1 127.3 127.4 125.5 115.0 116.6 122.6 116.1 99 96 97 95 94 97 97 4/PASS 4/PASS 4JPASS 4/PASS 4/PASS 4/PASS 4/PASS 96 4/PASS 90 2/PASS 91 2/PASS 93 4/PASS 91 2/PASS I a 4 HB !.LEINFELDER Page 7 COMPACTION TEST SUMMARY - CONTINUED Re- Test test Test Moisture -- NO. Date of NO Location Elevation % Dry Wt. 78 6/8 W. side 84 11.0 of lot 6 (fill slope) 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 6/9 6/9 6/ 9 6/ 9 6/ 9 6/ 9 6/ 9 6/9 6/ 9 sw corner of lot 4 (fill slope) SW corner of lot 4 W. side of lot 5 W. side of lot 6 NW corner of lot 8 NW corner of lot 9 SW corner of lot 1 W. side Of lot 4 SW corner of lot 5 SW corner of lot 6 NW corner of lot 7 84 86 86 86 86 86 84 a8 88 88 88 10.3 8.8 9.2 9.1 8.6 8.2 7.9 11.0 11.0 10.0 12.3 Dry Re- Rel. Remarks Density test Comp- & Soil P.C.F. bv NO action TYDe 121.2 118.4 92 2/PASS (SC) 116.4 92 2/PASS 114.2 90 2/PASS 119.1 91 4/PASS 121.1 92 4/PASS 119.6 91 4/PASS 121.8 93 4/PASS 118.3 92 2/PASS 115.8 90 2/PASS 122.6 93 4/PASS 116.3 92 2/PASS 90 6/9 SW corner 88 8.8 126.0 of lot 8 91 6/9 W. side 88 11.7 117.0. of lot 9 92 6/9 W. side 90 9.0 116.1 of lot 8 (fill slope) *(sc) denotes Sand Cone Density Test 96 4/PASS 92 2/PASS Ml KLEINFELDER 1.. :: ' ~ $1 Page 8 COMPACTION TEST SUMMARY - CONTINUED Re- Dry Re- Rel. Remarks Test test Test Moisture Density test Comp- & soil No. Date of No Location Elevation % Dry Wt. P.C.F. by NO action Type 93 6/9 NW corner 90 10.8 120.4 92 4/PASS of lot 7 (sc) (fill slope) 94 6/13 NW corner 92 of lot 9 95 6/13 Middle of 92 lot 8 96 6/13 West side 92 of lot 7 97 6/13 Middle of 94 9a 6/13 N. side 94 99 6/13 W. side 94 100 6/13 NW corner 90 lot 9 of lot 8 of lot 7 of lot 6 101 6/13 S. side 96 of lot a 102 6/13 Middle of 96 lot 7 103 6/13 NW corner 92 of lot 7 (fill slope) 104 6/13 ' NW corner 92 of lot 6 (fill slope) of lot 4 (fill slope) of lot 1 105 6/13 SW corner 90 106 6/13 SW corner 86 *(SC) denotes Sand Cone Density Test 8.2 10.2 8.2 8.2 7.2 8.8 9.1 9.6 9.2 10.1 9.6 9.5 124.1 117.3 115.9 117.6 127.3 123.3 123.6 117.9 117.2 125.3 123.0 128.6 9.3 126.6 95 92 91 93 97 94 94 92 92 92 94 9a 96 4/PASS 2/PASS 2/PASS 2/PASS 4/PASS 4/PASS 4/PASS 2/PASS 2/PASS 4/PASS 4/PASS (SC) 4/PASS (SC) 4/PASS r. Ma KLEINFELDER 1: Page 9 COMPACTION TEST SUMMARY - CONTINUED Re- Dry Re- Rel. Remarks Test test Test Moisture Density test Comp- L Soil NO. Date of NO Location Elevation % Drv Wt. P.C.F. bv NO action Tvpe 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 6/13 6/13 6/ 13 6/13 6/13 6/13 6/13 6/13 6/13 NW corner of lot 4 NW corner , of lot 5 W. side of lot 6 N. side of lot 8 N. side of lot 7 W. side of lot 6 W. side of lot 5 W. side of lot 4 SW corner of lot 1 90 90 92 98 98 94 92 92 88 10.1 11.3 9.0 13.3 9.2 9.8 9.4 10.1 9.7 118.0 119.3 122.4 120.9 116.1 118.1 116.2 118.8 118.5 93 91 93 92 91 92 91 93 93 2/PASS 4/PASS 4/PASS 4/PASS 2/PASS 2/PASS 2/PASS 2/PASS (sc) (sc) 2/PASS 116 6/14 117 6/14 118 6/14 119 6/14 120 6/14 121 6/14 122 6/14 Middle of lot 8 Middle of lot 7 NW corner of lot 6 W. siee of lot 5 NW corner of lot 4 SW corner of lot 1 W. side of lot 6 100 8.6 100 9.7 96 9.1 94 9.9 94 8.9 90 9.2 94 10.2 129.0 122.9 128.5 120.8 118.0 120.8 123.0 96 94 96 92 92 92 94 5/FASS 4/PASS 5/PASS 4/PASS 2/PASS 4/PASS 4/PASS (fill slope) *(sc) denotes Sand Cone Density Test r. .. , KLEINFELDER Page 10 COMPACTION TEST SUMMARY - CONTINUED Re- Dry Re- Rel. Remarks Test test Test Moisture Density test Comp- & Soil No. Date of No Location Elevation % Drv Wt. P.C.F. bv NO action Tvwe 123 6/14 W. side 94 9.3 124.0 of lot 5 (fill slope) 124 6/14 W. side 92 9.1 122.9 of lot 4 (fill slope) 93 5/PASS 94 4/PASS 125 6/14 SW corner 90 9.4 121.1 92 4/PASS of lot 1 (fill slope) 126 6/14 Middle of lot 8 127 6/14 Middle of lot 7 128 6/14 Middle of lot 6 129 6/14 NW corner 130 6/14 S. side 131 6/14 SW corner of lot 5 of lot 4 of lot 1 102 9.7 122.1 102 10.0 124.7 98 9.0 122.6 96 9.1 119.4 96 8.2 118.9 92 7.9 122.5 93 4/PASS 93 5/PASS 93 4/PASS 91 4/PASS 132 6/15 S. side 104 8.6 119.4 91 4/PASS of lot 7 133 6/15 N. side 100 9.1 120.8 92 4/PASS Of lot 6 134 6/15 NW corner 98 8.3 124.7 93 5/PASS of lot 5 135 6/15 S. side 98 10.2 118.2 of lot 4 136 6/15 SW corner 94 9.7 122.2 of lot 1 *.(sc) denotes Sand Cone Density Tests 90 4/PASS 93 4/PASS r- Ha KLEINFELDER Page 11 COMPACTION TEST SUMMARY - CONTINUED Re- Dry Re- Rel. Remark Test test Test Moisture Density test Comp- & Soi NO. Date of No Location Elevation % Drv Wt. P.C.F. by NO action TVDC 137 6/15 NW corner 96 9.7 123.1 92 5/i;At of lot 6 (fill slope) 138 6/15 NW corner 96 6.6 121.1 of lot 5 (fill slope) 139 6/15 SW corner 94 9.5 118.9 of lot 4 (fill slope) 140 6/15 NW corner 94 8.0 121.9 of lot 4 (fill slope) 92 4/PA: 91 4/par 93 4/PAI 14 2 143 144 14 5 14 6 147 14 8 6/16 6/16 6/16 6/16 6/16 6/16 6/16 6/16 Middle of FG lot 8 100 Middle of FG lot 7 102 Middle of FG lot 6 104 Middle of FG lot 5 104 Middle of FG lot 4 100 SW Corner FG of lot 1 94 NW Corner 98 of lot 5 (fill slope) SW Corner 96 of lot 4 (fill slope) 8.1 10.0 9.4 10.4 7.8 8.2 9.3 8.6 126.1 119.4 118.1 121.3 124.1 116.4 130.3 121.2 94 5/PA: 91 4/PA: 92 2/PA! 92 4/PA: 93 5/Ph! 91 2/PA! 97 5/PA! 92 4/PA: 149 6/17 E.of lot 6 113 6.6 117.0 91 2/PA! 150 6/20 42+30 96 6.6 119.2 Cannon Rd 91 4/PA: El KLEINFELDER Page 12 COMPACTION TEST SUMMARY - CONTINUED Re- Dry Re - Rel. Remarks Test test Test Moisture Density test Comp- & Soil No. Date of No Location Elevation % D rv Wt. P.C.F. bv NO action Type 151 6/20 40+75 93 7.8 121.3 92 4/PASS Cannon Rd 152 6/20 I 41+100 94 7.0 123.9 91 5/PASS Cannon Rd 153 6/20 42+100 97 5.9 112.5 159 87 Z/FAIL Cannon Rd 154 6/21 Cut slope 104 7.7 109.9 Removel & Recompact E. Of 21+25 155 6/21 Cut slope 108 9.3 115.3 Removel & Recompact E. of 21+25 90 6/PASS 90 2/PAS5 155 6/21 Cut slope 112 11.9 116.1 91 2/PAS: Removal & Recompact E. Of 21+25 157 6/21 Cut slope 116 Removal & Recompact E. Of 21+25 10.1 113.2 92 6/PASC 158 6/21 Cut slope FG 8.9 112.5 92 6/PAS! Removal & 120 r ecompac t 2. of 21+25 159 6/21 153 42+00 97 8.8 111.2 91 6/PAS: Cannon Rd 160 6/21 41+50 99 9.3 112.7 92 6/PAS! Cannon Rd .. 151 6/23 41+95 102 10.3 113.9 93 6/PAS: Cannon Rd 162 6/23 42+45 104 10.1 113.2 Cannon Rd 92 6/PAS: I. '' Kg KLEISFELDER Page 13 COMPACTION TEST SUMMARY - CONTINUED Re- Dry Re- Rel. Remarks Test test Test Moisture Density test Comp- & Soil No. Date of No Location Elevation % Dry Wt. P.C.F. by NO action TVDe 163 6/24 Undercut & 92 7.8 110.5 90 6/PASS Reconpact Middle of I E. side of iot 1 164 6/24 Undercut & 98 8.4 111.6 ' 91 6/PASS Recompact Middle of lot 2 165 6/24 Undercut & FG 8.6 112.9 Recompact 98 SW corner of lot 2 92 6/PASS 166 6/27 Undercut & 88 6.8 114.1 93 6/PASS Recompact 38+50 Cannon Rd 167 6/27 Undercut & FG Recompact 90 37+80 Cannon Rd 7.9 112.9 92 6/PASS 168 7/5 Sidewalk FG 7.8 116.4 34+00 79 Cannon Rd 169 7/5 Sidewalk FG 8.3 116.1 36+00 85 Cannon Rd 170 7/5 Sidewalk FG 8.6 118.5 38+80 93 Cannon Rd 171 7/5 Sidewalk FG 8.0 117.6 1+30 Car 100 Country Dr. 95 95 97 96 6/PASS 6/PASS 6/PASS 6/PASS 172 ?/a Lot 4 FG 7.4 110.6 90 6/PASS Regrade 3 W. Side KLEINFELDER Page 14 COMPACTION TEST SUMMARY - CONTINUED Re- Dry Re- Rel. Remark: Test test Test Moisture Density test Comp- & Soi: No. Date of No Location Elevation % Dry Wt. P.C.F. bv NO action TVDe 173 7/8 Lot 4 FG 8.3 113.1 92 6/PAS: Regrade 2 W. Side - - 174 7/11 Lot 4 FG 8.4 111.8 Regrade 1 W. Side 175 7/11 Lot 4 FG 8.6 113.4 Regrade W. Side 176 7/11 31+50 Car FG Country Dr. 8.8 i18.1 91 6/PAS: 93 6/PASS 92 2/PASS .. ’ KLEINFELDER ‘1 I I 1 I 1 1 3 I I 1 I 1 1 1 I i i TABLE 2 I optimum Moisture I Content (% of I Maximum Dry Soil TvDe Sample DescriDtion Densitv PCF Drv Weiqhtl 1 Brown Silty Sand 123.3 7.2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Light Reddish Brown Silty Sand 128.0 Olive Silty Sand 124.9 Light Reddish Brown Clayey Sand 131.3 Reddish Brown Clayey Sand , 134.0 Reddish Brown Medium Sand 122.5 Gray Silty Clay 125.9 Gray Sandy Clay 116.8 Gray Fine Sand 112.3 Dark Brown Clayey Sand 129.0 9.3 9.8 8.5 7.5 8.3 9.8 15.5 11.2 9.1 Hl KLEINFELDER 6 . I TABLE 3 Initial Dry Final Expansion Expansion Classifi- Moisture Density Moisture Location Content f%) (PCF) Content (%) Swell f%) Index* cation** m I I I i?l 1 I M2 I PII a 3 4 I 5 I 6 8.5 ' 115.3 15.8 t 0 0 Very Low 13.8 138 Very High 22.4 86.2 43.1 6.6 112.2 15.2 0 0 Very Low 6.5 105.2 21.7 0 0 Very Low 6.6 113.7 14.6 0 0 Very Low 8.4 106.0 19.2 0 6 Very Low a * Per Test Nethod UBC 29-2 l ** Classification of Expansive Soils i- Expansion Index Potential Expansion 111 I 0 - 20 21- 50 51- 90 91-130 above 130 Very Low LOW Medium High Very High Y Y Y - - c L1 < c 2 a 6- Y ,L SAMPLE LOCATION: CANNON FNIAD SAMPLE OESCRI PT ION: LT. BROWN SANDY SILT DATE SAWLED: JULY 15,1988 EXUDATION PRESSURE - Ib/in2 800 600 400 200 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 20 2.2 2.4 26 2.8 3.0 32 3.4 16 SPEC IHEN I A I B C EXUDATION PRESSURE, lb/in2 EXPANSION DIAL (.OOOl") 100 180 480 0 10 22 EXPANS I ON PRESSURE, lb/ft2 RESISTANCE VALUE, R % HOISTURE AT TEST KLEINFELDER 0 43 96 46 50 61 16.2 15.3 14.0 RESISTANCE VALUE PROJECT NO. 51-1380-01 DRY DENSITY AT TEST,lb/ft3 FIGURE 2 ii2 114 115 R VALUE AT 300 lb/in2 EXUDATION PRESSURE 56 SAMPLE LOCATION: STA 29+50 CAR COUNTRY DRIVE DATE SAMPLED: JULY 15.1988 SAMPLE DESCRIPTION:REDDISH BROW!< CLAYEY SAND EXUDATION PRESSURE - lb/in2 800 600 400 200 0 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 ;D 20 I .= lo D 8- C Om 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 20 22 2.4 26 2.8 3.0 32 3.4 36 SPECIMEN EXUDATION PRESSURE, Ib/in2 EXPANSION DIAL (.OOOl") EXPANSION PRESSURE, lb/ft2 COVER THICKNESS BY EXPANSION PRESSURE - ft A B C 13 0 290 600 0 0 0 0 0 n RESISTANCE VALUE, R % MOISTURE AT TEST DRY DENSITY AT TEST, lb/ft3 52 73 82 13.7 12.1 10.3 122 124 124 R VALUE AT 300 Ib/in2 EXUDATION PRESSURE KLEINFELDER FIGURE 2 RESISTANCE VALUE PROJECT NO. 51-1380-01 -J 1 li SAMPLE LOCATION: STA 30+00 CAR COUNTRY DRIVE SAMPLE DESCRIPTION: BROWN CLAYEY SAND DATE SAMPLED: JULY 15.1988 EXUDATION PRESSURE - Ib/in2 800 600 400 200 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 20 22 2.4 26 2.8 3.0 32 3.4 16 COVER THICKNESS BY EXPANSION PRESSURE - ft SPECIMEN A B C EXUDATION PRESSURE, Ib/in2 13 9 167 4 54 I I I I .- . I 1 EXPANSION DIAL (.OOOI") lo 1 EXPANS I ON PRESSURE, lb/ft2 IOIOIO I I 1 64 I 7s I 51 I RESISTANCE VALUE, R ~~ ~ ~~~ ~ ~~ 11.8 10.6 8.9 '% HDISTURE AT TEST DRY DENSITY AT TEST, lb/ft3 R VALUE AT 300 Ib/in2 EXUDATION PRESSURE .73 KLEIN FELDER FIGURE 4 RESISTANCE VALUE I PROJECT NO. .5i-iqnn-nt CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE DEVELOPMENT PROCESSING SERVICES DIVISION 2075 LAS PALMAS CARLSBAD, CA 92009 (619) 438-1161 CITY OF CARLSBAD Plan Check No. 892 02 This form shall be used to determine the amount of school fees for a project and to verify that the project applicant has complied with the school fee requirements. No building permits for the projects shall be issued until the certification is signed by the appropriate school district and returned to the City of Carlsbad Building Department. SCHOOL DISTRICT: ZXCarlsbad Unified San Marcos Unified - 6350 Yarrow Drive Ste. A 270 West San Marcos Blvd. Carlsbad, CA 92009 (438-5710) San Marcos, CA 92069 (744-4776) - Encinitas Union Elementary __ San Dieguito Union High School 189 Union Street 710 Encinitas Boulevard Encinitas, CA 92024 (944-4306) Encinitas, CA 92024 (753-6491) Project Applicant: Carltas Development Company APN: 211 - 010 - 11 Project Address: RESIDENTIAL: SQ. FT. of living area Number of dwelling units 1050 - 1060 Auto Center Court SQ. FT. of covered area SQ. FT. of garage area COMMERCIAL/ INDUSTRIAL: SQ. FT. AREA 31,128 Prepared By Date October 18, 1989 SteveHarrison FEE CERTIFICATION (To be completed by the School District) J Applicant has complied with fee requirement under Government Code 53080 - Project is subject to an existing fee agreement Project is exempt from Government Code 53080 - Final Map approval and construction started before September 1, 1986. - (other school fees paid) Other Residential Fee Levied: $ based on sq. ft.@ Comm/Indust Fee Levied: $%,oq3.a8 - based on 3\, 1x8 sq. ft.@ To.& AB 2926 and SB 201 fees are capped at91.53 per square foot for residential. AB 2926 is capped at $.26 per square foot for commercial/industrial. Citv of Carlsbad Bruce Thomas 1515 $lorma Blve San Diego, CA 92110 RE: PLAN CHECK EXTENSION PC# 89-202 1050 and 1060 Auto Center Ct In answer to your request of J-+F:~ has been granted to 7!,q,,qn . Section 304 (d) of the 1985 Uniform Building Code prohibits any further extension of time. , an extension q MARTIN RENY qAeqW6- K -..- - Director Community Development M0:dc 2075 Las Palmas Drive- Carlsbad. California 92009-4859-(619) 438-1 161