HomeMy WebLinkAbout1060 AUTO CENTER CT; I | J; CB910038; Permit- BUILDING PERMIT Permit No: CB910038 05/07/91 13:54 Project No: A9100047 Page 1 of 1 Development No: Job Address: 1060 AUTO CENTER CT Str: ** F1: **A* Ste: 1 & J Permit Type: COMMERCIAL TENANT IMPROVEMENT Parcel No: 211-080-02-00 Construct,ion Type: VN Occupancy Group: B2,Bl Class Code: Status: ISSUED Description: 2400 SF RETAIL WINDSHELDS OF Applied: 01/08/91 : AMERICA SPR Apr/lssue: 05/07/91 ,?-?7 ,>c ,,,",? .. .-.. ,... ..II,, ,,./YL X>GI .:: :: I,..L* <....;.'..,&7 .L, \i : I,,?.,>.. ?.' &f l267 -6 4 2r5-y.. Valuation: 49,200 Validated Ry: CD Appl/Ownr : GEORGETTE COOPER 619-469-9022 5292 TUFTS ST LA MESA, CA 9194 OWNER CONTRACTOR : BYCOR 6867 NANC **A Fees Required Fees : Ad j us tment s : Total Fees: Plan Check Strong Motion Fee , Enter 'Y' t.o Autocal Traffic Impact Fee Enter Number of EDU's MF'F * BUILDING TOTAL Enter "Y" for Plumbing Iss Each Plumbinq Fixture or Trap 619-587-1901 Credit.s *** .OO 270.00 3,083.00 Ext fee Dat.a 415.00 270.00 7.00 1722.00 Y 90.00 291.00 2795.00 15.00 7.50 Y Each Building Sewer > 1.00 PLUMBING TOTAL Enter "Y" for Electric Issue Fee > * ELECTRICAL TOTAL ($10 Minimum) Enter 'Y' for Mechanical Issue Fee> Ins tall Fur-n/Duc t s > 1.00 * MECHANICAL TOTAL Three Phase Per AMP > 1000.00 n 6.50 6.50 29.00 .so 500.00 505.00 15.00 Y 9.00 9.00 24.00 5.00 Y CrrY OF CARLSBAD 2075 Las Palmas Dr., Carlsbad CA 92009 (619) 438-1161 PERMIT APPLICATION City of Carlsbad Building Department 2075 Las Palms Or., Carlsbad, CA 92009 I6191 438-1161 1. PERMIT TYPE A -p ERCIAL OUEU ~TENANl lMPROVEMCN1 8 - '0 INDUSTRIAL UNEU bfENAN1 IMPROVEMEN1 c . ORESlDENllAL OAPARlMENT OCWDO OSINGLE FAUILY DUELLING ~MDITIONIALTERATIDN ODUPLEX ODEWrLlllW ORELOCATIDN UMOBILE HDNE UELECTRICAL OPLrWBlNG SIGNAlURE 4. APPLICANT CONTRACTOR CITY ca 5. PROP1 ciiy G NAME c 6. AGENT FOR CONTRKTOR OWER ADORESSC-.\ - CITY STATE ZIP CWE DAY TELEPHDNE STATE LIC. Y LICENSE CLASS CllY BUSINESS LIC. X SIGNAlURE TITLE DAlE DESIGNER NAME ADDRESS CITY STATE LIP CWE DAY TELEPWONE STATE LIE. # 7. WORKERS' COMPENSATION Yorkem' Cnpmation Declaration: I hereby affirm that I have a certificate Of consent to self.insurc issued kv the Director of Ind~~tiial Relations, or m certificate of Yolkel$' Cnpmetion Insurance by an achitted insurer. 01 an exact cow or dwlicafe thereof certified bv the Director of the insulel thereof filed with the Building Inspection Deparfmnt (Section 3800, Lab. c). POLICY NO. EXPIRATION DAlE I certify that in the performnce of the ntk for uhich this permit is issued, I shall mt npLoy my prsm in my mmr INSURANCE CMPAYY Certificate of Exenption: so as to bec- slbject to the workers' Cnpnration LBW of California. SI GYATURE DATE 8. OWNER-BUILDER DECLARATION Owner-Builder DCClalafion: I hereby affirm that I am exapf frm the Confrscfar's License Law for the following reason: 0 I as owner Of the property 01 "/ aployees rith wages as their sole cnpenration, will da the work and the S~~YC~UIC is mt intended 01 offered for sale (Scc. m41. Business and Professions Code: The Contractor's License LaY does not apply to anomer of property Mho builds or inproves thereon,, and rho docs such wrk himself or through his om mploycer. provided that ILTh illpiovenrntr are not intended or offered for sale. If, however, the building or inprovmnt is hold within OM year of conplcfion. the owner-builder will have the burden of proving that he did not build 01 inprove for the p~igse of .ale.,. 0 I, as owner of the pvopeperfy. am exclusively Confmcting with licensed Contractors to Con6trU.t the project (Sec. 7011, Bu~incs~ and Professions cade: The ConfraCtOr's LiCFnOC Law does not apply to an owner of property who birds or illproves thereon, and contr8cC9 for such projects wifh COntcBef~?(s) licensed prrswnt to the Confracfor'n L~CC~PC Law). 0 I mm ex-t under Section Bu$IncII end Plofeslioni Code for this reason: (Scc. 7031.5 Buslnel~ end Profession6 Code: Any City or County which rewirer a permit to con~fruCt, alter, illprove, danlish, or repair my sfr~~fwe, prior to its ir*ulnce. also requires the applicant for su'h pmit to file a signed sfsfment that he is liccnred pYrsuanf to the provirions of the ConfraCfm's LicenDc Law (Chapter 9. cnmncing with Section 7000 of Division 3 Of the Burinear and Professions Code) 01 that he is exnpt thrrefrm. and the bslr for the alleged exaption. Any Violation of section 7031.5 by am applicant for a pmif subjects the tpplicmc to a civil pnalty of Mf mre than five hundred dollars If5001). SIGNATURE DATE CmPLElE THIS SECTION Fm YON-RESIDENTIAL 8UlLDlNG PERMITS ONLI: IS the applicant or future building occqmnf rewired fo shit a business plan, ac~tely hazsrdwr mterials registration form 07 rink mnagmf ad prevention progrm uxkr sccfion~ 21505, 25533 01 25534 Of the Preoley-lamer Hezardws Subpfance ACCW~ Act? DYES 0 NO IS the applicant 01 future tuilding occ-nt required to Obtain a pmlf frm the ai? pllufion cmfml district or ail qdalify mnagenmf diofiict? BYES D NO 16 the facility to te constructed within 1,000 feet of the outer DmJary of a school site? DYES 0 NO IF u* C+ TE USERS UE VES. A FIN CERTIFIUIE OF CCOQWCl U1 Wl E€ IS- AFlF3 MI 1. IW ULESS IHE MlUl WS ME1 01 IS MEEIIE 1E WIIOEllS OF THE (XFICE OF URENCY SERVlUS UO 1E AIR PoLLU7IC4 CUllRM DlSlRlCl. 9. CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY I hereby effirn that there is B con*truction lending agency for the prfoIIMncc of the work for which this permit is issued (Scc 3097(i) Civil Code). LENDER'S NWE LENDER'S ADDRESS 10. APPLICANT'S SIGNATURE I certify that I have read the application and state fhsf the abave informatlon is c~rrcct. I agree lo cnply rich ail City Ordlnsncee and State IWP relating to building ~on~fiu~fion. I ALSO AUEE 10 SAVE INDEWIF'I AYD KEEP HMLESP THE ClTI OF URLSB10 AGLlNSl ALL LIbBlLITIES. JIBQEMTS. WSTS Ua EXPLMSS WlCH UY IN AMI W1 ACCRUE 1wINSl SAID Cll1 IY CWSEWMEE OF THE GMNlIYG OF THIS PEs*IT. I hereby authorize representatives of the City of Carlsbad to enter upon the above mentioned property far inspection prpses. Expiration. Every permit issued by the Building Officlsl under the p~ovlBions of this Code shall expire by limitation and kcm null and void if the building o? work authorized by such permit is not c-nced rrthin 180 days frm the date of such pmif DI if the hrilding or work aurhorizrd by such prmit is surpended 01 abandoned sf any fire after the work is cmnced for a period of 180 days (Section 303(d) Uniform Building Code). WNER ~touTRACloR DSY PHONE APPROED 81: DAlE WHITE: File YELLOW: Applicant PINK: Finance DEPT: BUILDING ENGINEERING FIRE PLANNING U/M WATER PLAN CHECK# : 697d PROJECT NAME: 2400 SF RETAIL WINDSHELDS OF ADDRESS: 1060 AUTO CENTER CTG=- PERMIT#: CB910038 AMERICA SPR DATE: 06/18/91 PERMIT TYPE: CTI I . CITY OF CARLSBAD INSPECTION REQUEST PERMIT# CB910038 FOR 06/17/91 INSPECTOR AREA PK DESCRIPTION: 2400 SF RETAIL WINDSHELDS OF PUCK# CB910038 TYPE: CTI CONSTR. TYPE VN JOB ADDRESS: 1060 AUTO CENTER CT STR:** FL:**** STE: I & J APPLICANT: GEORGETTE COOPER PHONE: 619-469-9022 CONTRACTOR: BYCOR PHONE: 619-587-190 AMERICA SPR OCC GRP OWNER : CARLTAS DEVELOPMENT PHONE : REMARKS: MH/WILLIE/986-2205 PAGER SPECIAL INSTRUCT: INSPECTOR * TOTAL TIME: --RELATED PERMITS-- PERMIT$ TYPE STATUS SE910003 SWcI ISSUED CD LVL DESCRIPTION ACT COMMENTS 19 ST Final Structural 29 PL Final Plumbing 39 EL Final Electrical 49 ME Final Mechanical v ***** INSPECTION HISTORY ***** DATE DESCRIPTION 060791 Frame/Steel/Bolting/Welding 060791 ROUgh/TOpOUt 060791 Rough Electric 060791 Rough/Ducts/Dampers 060491 Rough/Ducts/Dampers 053191 Final Mechanical 053191 Frame/Steel/Bolting/Welding 053191 Rough/Topout 053191 Rough Electric 052091 Interior Lath/Drywall 051691 Rough Electric 051691 Frame/Steel/Bolting/Welding 051691 Rough/Topout 051491 Frame/Steel/Bolting/Welding 051491 Rough Electric 051091 Underground/Under Floor 043091 Ftg/Foundation/Piers 053191 Rough/Ducts/Dampers ACT INSP AP PK AP PK AP PK CO PK co PK co PK co PK AP PK AP PK AP PK AP PK AP PK AP PK AP PK NR PK NR PK AP PK AP PK COMMENTS CEILING CEILING CEILING ON JOB CARD CEILING WALLS 051491 ESGIL CORPORATION 9320 CHESAPEAKE DR.. SUITE 208 SAN DIEGO, CA 92123 (619) 560-1468 DATE : - A -91, JURISDICTION: PLAN cn FILE co PLAN CHECK NO: 91 r H SET: , --ups PY _. DESIGNER PROJECT ADDRESS: )oG 0 3-w PROJECT NAME: /II The plans transmitted herewith have been corrected where necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes. The plans transmitted herewith will substantially comply 0 with the jurisdiction's building codes when minor deficien- cies identified are resolved and checked by building department staff. The plans transmitted herewith have significant deficiencies and resubmitted for a complete recheck. The check list transmitted herewith is for your information. The plans are being held at Esgil Corp. until corrected plans are submitted for recheck. The applicant's copy of the check list is enclosed for the w identified on the enclosed check list and should be corrected 0 jurisdiction to return to the applicant contact person. 0 The applicant's copy of the check list has been sent to: Esgil staff did not advise the applicant contact person that check has been completed. 7 Esgil staff - did advise applicant that the plan check has '.' been completed. Person contacted: Date contacted: Telephone # 0 REMARKS : By: Enclosures: ESGIL CORPORA TI^ ESGIL CORPORATION 9320 CHESAPEAKE DR.. SUITE 208 SAN DlEGO. CA 92123 (619) 560-1468 - DATE: /- /q -90 - OFILE COPY JURISDICTION: ~(r L404 U d PLAN CHECK NO: 9 / - 003% SET: 1 OUPS GDESIGNER PROJECT ADDRESS: /0/,/3 .evl ar PROJECT NAME: The plans transmitted herewith have been corrected where building codes. The plans transmitted herewith will substantially comply cies identified are resolved and checked by building department staff. The plans transmitted herewith have significant deficiencies and resubmitted far a complete recheck. The check list transmitted herewith is for your information. @The plans are being held at Esgil Corp. until corrected plans are submitted for recheck. 0 The applicant's copy of the check list is enclosed for the jurisdiction to return to the applicant contact person. 0 necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction's 0 with the jurisdiction's building codes when minor deficien- 0 identified on the enclosed check list and should be corrected @ The applicant's copy of the check list has been sent to< XLbk /qq ry;S T n C; 8 -7.7 (3 14 fl I I IL, Ave 6( 9/ 94,/ Esgil staff did not advise the applicant contact person that plan check has been completed. 0 Esgil staff - did advise'applicant that the plan check has been completed. Person contacted: Date contacted: Telephone # 0 REMARKS : - - ,\5 c, *Enclosures : ESGIL CORPORATION_/ TmARIQwmvRmT Date plans received by jurisdiction: JURISDICITCX: 06- s /- 8-71 Date plans received by Esgil Corporation: m: nC * /-/0-9/ Date initial plan check completed: 1- 14-21 By:x IC J Applicant contact person: PIasERFm , Plan check is limited to technical requirements contained in the Uniform Building Code, Uniform Plumbing Code, Uniform Mechanical Code, National Electrical Code and state laws regulating energy conservation, noise attenuation and access for the handicapped. The plan check is based on regulations enforced by the Building Inspection Department. You may have other corrections based on laws and ordinances enforced by the Planning Departwmt. Engineering Department, Fire Department or other departments. Code sections cited are based on the 1988 UBC. The circled items listed need clarification. modification or change. All items must be satisfied before the plans will be in conformance with the cited codes and regulations. Per Sac. 303(c), 1988 Uniform Building Code,, the approval of the plans does not permit the violation of any state, county or city law. To meed UD the rerhec k ormess. no te on this list lor a sow) vh ere each correction ita has beq addressed. i.e.. Dlan 8heet. SW cification. etc. Be sure to enclose the marked UD 1 ist when YOU subit the revised D~~IIS. please make all corrections on the original tracings and submit two new sets of prints, and any original plan sets that may have been returned to you by the jurisdiction, to: Esgil Corporation, 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 1208, San Diego, CA 92123, (619) 560-1468. Please make all corrections on the original any original plan sets that may have been returned to you by the jurisdiction, to: f. tracings and submit two new sets of prints, and The jurisdiction's building department. $. Indicate on the Title Sheet of the plans, the name of the legal owner and name of person responsible for the preparation of the plans. Section 302(d). r/; Each sheet of the plans must be signed by the / person responsible for their preparation, even though there are no structural changes. Business and Professions Code. p. Plans and calculations shall be signed by the California state licensed engineer or architect where there are structural changes to existing buildings or structural additions. Please include the California license mnnk, seal, date of license axpiration and date plans are signed. Business and Professions Code. Provide the correct address and suite number of .d On the first sheet of the plans indicate: Type of construction of the existing building, present and proposed occupancy classifications of the remodel area and the occupant load of the remodel areas and the floor where the tenant improvement is located. Provide a note on the plans indicatin if any hazardous materials will be stored and$or used within the building which exceed the quantities listed in UBC Tables 9-A and 9-B. A complete descri tion of the activities and ,Y processes that wid occur in this tenant space should be provided. A listing of all hazardous materials should be included. The materials listing should be stated in a form that would make classification in Tables 9-A and 9-B possible. The building official may require a technical report to identify and develop methods of protection from hazardous materials. Section 901(f). control areas are used for exceeding tha exempt amounts of hazardous materials from Tables 9-A and 9-B, they shall be constructed of not less that required for a one-hour occupancy separation. Section 404. l# The number of control areas within a building used for retaillwholesale stores shall not exceed two; the number of control areas in buildings with other uses shall not exceed four. Footnote 1, Tables 9-A and 9-B. ,, ' tat space on the plans. Section 302(d). 16; The aggregate quantity of any hazardous materials "in use" and "in storage" shall not Provide a note on the site plan indicating the exceed the quantity listed in Tables 9-A and previous use of the tenant space or building 9-B for "storage". Footnotes 2 and 3, Tables being remodeled. Section 302. 9-A and 9-B. 0 A Whenthe character of the occupancy oruse Provide a statemnt on the Title Sheet of the / plans that this project shall comply with made to comply with current Building Code Title 24 and 1988 UBC, UMC and UPC and 1987 ld Provide a fully dimensioned floor plan showing the sire and use of all rooms or areas within a the Building Official the space being ioproved or altered. Draw the determine the total value of all plans to scale and indicate the scale on the construction work proposed under this permit. plan. Section 302(d). The value shall include all finish work, painting, roofing, electrical, plumbing, df @ Indicate the use of all spaces adjacent to the heating, air conditioning, elevator, fire area being remodeled or improved. extinguishing systems and any other pment equipment. Please provide a signed copy of the (@ Show any existing fire rated area separation designer's or contractor's construction cost walls, occupancy separation walls, demising estimate of all work proposed. walls, shafts or rated corridors. Identify and provide construction details for proposed Specify on the plans the fire ratings of assemblies to protect proposed openings in @ changes within a building, the building must be requiremnts for the new occupancy. Please NEC. show the building occ, . Provide a plot plan showing the distance from new fire rated walls. ? the building to the property lines and the location of tenant space (or remodel) within the building. .. 22. Identify existing walls to be removed, existing walls to remain and proposed new walls. Identify bearing walls, non-bearing walls, and shear walls. Provide a section view of all new. interior partitions. Show: (a) Type, size and spacing of studs. Indicate gauge for metal studs. Specify manufacturer and approval number or indicate "to be ICBO approved". In buildings having floors and roofs of wood frawr construction, other than dwelling or hotel occupancies, draft stop the area between the ceiline and floor above so that no concealed space exceeds 1,000 s.f. and no ' horizontal dimension exceeds 60 L.F. (if space has sprinklers, then 3,000 s.f. and 100 L.F.). Section 2516(f). ,48. In buildings having floors and roofs of wood fram construction, other than dwelling or hotel occuoancies. draft stoo the area between (b) Method of attaching top- and bottom plates the ceiliha ani roof above so that no to structure. (NOTE: Top of partition concealed space exceeds 3,000 s.f. and no must be secured to roof or floor framing, horizontal dimension exceeds 60 L.F. (if space unless suspended ceiling has been designed has sprinklers, then 9,000 s.f. and 100 L.F.). for partition lateral load). attachment $size and spacing of d Storage areas exceedina 1000 sa. ft. in Section 2516(f). (c) Wall sheathin material and details of fasteners). (d) Show height of partition and suspended ceiline. and heieht from floor to roof - framing-or floor framing. 2& Provide notes andlor details to show that the / floor and wall finish in toilet moms are surfaced with a smooth hard non-absorbent material extending five inches up the wall. Similar surfacing shall be provided on the walls from the floor to a height of 4 feet around urinals and within water closet compartments. Section 510(b). Note on the plans: "All interior finishes must comply with Chapter 42 of the mc". Specif "Class flame spread rating (minhy for Lateral bracing for suspended ceiling must be provided; (UBC Table 23-P) Where ceiling is not supporting interior partitions, ceiling bracing shall be provided by four No. 12 gauge wires secured to the main sunner within 2 inches of the cross mer intersection and splayed 90 degrees from each other at an angle not exceeding 45 degrees from the plane of the ceiling. A strut (adequate to resist the vertical component from lateral loads) fastened : to rhs main NMB~ shall be extended to and fastened to the structural mbrs of the roof or floor above. lhese horizontal restraint points shall be placed 12 feet O.C. in both directions with the first point within 6 feet of each wall. Attachment of restraint wires to the structure above shall be adequate for the load imposed. UBC Standard 47-18. ' conneEtion with wholesale or retail sales shall be separated from the public area by a one-hour occupancy separation. If the entire building has an automatic sprinkler system, then the occupancy separation need not be provided. +. ~n automatic sprinkler system shall be installed in rooms used by the occupants for the consumption of alcohol and in accessory uses where the total area of such unseparated moms and assembly uses exceeds 5000 square feet. Section 3802(c). The tenant space and new andlor existing facilities serving the remodeled area must be accessible to and functional for the physically disabled. -d 7 The width of the required level area on the side into which doors swing shall extend 24 inches past the strike edge for exterior doors and 18 inches past the strike edge for interior doors. 33. Spacify lever-type hardware for passage doors on floors accessible to the disabled. Section 2-3304, Title 24. 34; If both sexes will be employed and the number of employees exceeds four, provide separate toilet facilities for men and WODB~. If "both sexes will be employed and the total number of employees will not exceed four". and only one restroom is provided, note the words in quotation above on the floor plan. Section In areas where the occupant load exceeds -, two exits are required. See Title 24, Part 2. L.J Section 2-3304, Title 24. . 705. 35. . Table 33-A. 38. 3,9. 40. ,4i. 42; 45. 45. Provide an exit analysis plan (may be 8 112'' x 11'' or any convenient size). Exits should have a minimum separation of one- half the maximum overall diagonal dimension of the building or area served. The maximum number of required exits and their required separation mst be maintained until egress is provided from the structure. Section 3303(a). Rooms with more than 10 occupants may have exit through adjoining room. Revise exits to comply. Section 3303(e). Exit signs are required for exits serving M occupant load exceeding 49. Show all required exit sign locations. Section 3314(a). show that exits are lighted with at least one foot candle at floor level. show the locations of existing exits from the building and show the path of travel from the remodel area to the existing exits. Note on the plans: "All exits are to be openable from inside without the use of a key or special knowledge". In lieu of the above, in a Grwp B occupancy, you may note "Provide a sign on or near the exit doors reading WS WOR To RMArN UNLaCKED DURING BUSINESS HOURS". zhis si-e is only allowed at the gg& exit. Section 3304(c). Exit doors should be a minimum size of 3 feet by 6 feet 8 inches with a minimum door swing of 90 degrees. Haximum leaf width is 4 feet. Section 3304(f). Exit doors should swing in the direction of egress when serving an occupant load of 50 or more or when serving any hazardous area. Section 3303(b). Applies to door(s) Section 3303(c). Section 3313(a). y. 96. 4f. I >'48. Regardless of occupant load, A floor Or landing not more than 112 inch below the threshold is 'required on each side of an exit door used for disabled access (may be 1" maximum where not used for disabled access). Doors should not project more than 7 inches into the required corridor width when fully opened, nor more than one-half of the required corridor width when in any position. Section 3305(d). Revolving, sliding and overhead doors are not permitted as exit doors if the occupant load exceeds 9 or the exit door serves a hazardous area. Section 3304(h). Section 3304(i). i /;6. Exit doors from assembly rooms with 50 or more occupants shall not be provided with a latch or lock unless it is panic hardware. Section 3318. Double acting doors are not allowed when serving a tributary occupant load of more than 100, or when part of a fire assembly, or part of smoke and draft control assemblies or when equipped with panic hardware. Section 3304(b). Corridors mst provide continuous protection to the exterior of the building. Interruptions by an intervening room is not permitted. Foyers, lobbies or reception rooms constructed as required for corridors are not considered intervening rooms. Section 3305. Corridors and exterior exit balconies serving 10 or more occupants must be a rninh 44 inches wide and 7 feet high to the lowest projection. Corridors serving less than 10 occupants mst be a minimum of 36 inches in width. Section 3305(b). When two exits are reauired. dead end corridors and-exit balconie; are iimited to 20 feet. Section 3305(e). Corridors serving 30 or more occupants shall have walls and ceilings of one-hour construction except: a. Corridors greater than 30 feet wide when the occupants have an exit independent from the corridor. b. Exterior sides of exterior exit balconies. C. Corridor walls and ceilings need not be of fire-resistive construction within office spaces having an occupant load of 100 or less when the entire story in which the space is located is equipped with an automatic sprinkler system throughout and smoke detectors are installed within the Corridor in accordance with their listing. Section 3305 (g). Section 3305(g), Exception 5, mot be used for non-rated corridors in a fullv Sorinklered office space if the occupant load-in-the space exceeds 100. Section 3305(g). Exception 5 dws not apply to common corridors where the corridor serves as an exit for non-office areas (manufacturing, warehouse, etc.). Seition 330s(g), Exception 5 is applicable only 7 for corridors on one floor; the corridors on the lower level(s) must be rated if these lower corridors have openings into them from other levels. ff non-rated corridors are used per Section 3305(g), Exc. 5, provide a reference to the corridors on the floor plan, noting: 1. Corridors are non-rated per Section 3305(g), Exception 5. 2. Smoke detection system must be listed by the State Fire Marshall and be a supervised low voltage system. 3. smoke detectors shall be ma~irmpm 30’ on center. 4. Power supply shall be dedicated branch circuit. Circuit disconnecting means shall be accessible only to authorized personnel and shall be clearly marked AIAW CIRCUIT CONTROL, with a lock-on device. 5d If a tenant space utilizes Section 3305(g), Exception 5, then that tenant space shall be separated from adjacent spaces by a demising wall constructed as for a one-hour corridor wall. 6d Clearly show where the non-rated corridor system terminates and a rated corridor system comences . 61. One-hour fire-rated corridors shall have door openings protected by tight-fitting smoke and draft control assemblies rated 20 minutes, except openings in interior walls of exterior exit balconies. Doors shall be maintained self-closing or be automatic-closin by action of a smoke detector per Section 4306fb). Doors shall be gasketed to provide a smoke and draft seal where the door meets the stop on sides and top. Section 3305(h). 6d Show rated corridors, lobbies, reception or foyers cross-hatched on tha floor plans. $. ,d. Total area of all openings, except doors, in any portion of M interior corridor, shall not exceed 25 percent of the area of the corridor wall of the room which it is separating from the corridor. Such openings shall be protected by fixed, approved 114 inch thick wired glass installed in steel frames. Section 3305(h). 64. Provide a complete architectural section of the corridor, or exterior exit balcony, showing all fire-resistive materials and details of construction for all floors, walls, ceilin and all penetrations. Section 3305(gT. Provide ,, fire dampers at duct penetrations of fire- and corridor walls and ceilings. Section 4306(j). 66: If a room with an exhaust fan has a door opening into a rated corridor, show how make- up air will be provided to the room. The door cannot be undercut, nor CM a louver in the door he provided. Section 3305(h)l. 67. If building exceeds two stories and has an elevator opening into a rated corridor, show how the smoke and draft control provision of Section 3305(h) will be met. Either provide a separated elevator lobby or a second door at the elevator entry meeting the provision. 6l. If a second door is provided at the elevator entry, note that it will be readily openable from the car side without a key, tool or special knowledge or effort. 69. Provide evidence of Health Department approval (for restaurants or for tenants using X-ray equipment). When nonflamnable supply cylinders for medical gas systems are located inside buildings, they shall be in a separate room or enclosure separated from the rest of the building by not less tban one-hour fire-resistive construction. Doors to the room or enclosure shall be self-closing smoke- and draft-control assemblies having a fire-protection rating of not less than one hour. Rooms shall have at least one exterior wall in which there are not less than two vents of not less than 36 square inches in area. One vent shall be within 6 inches of the floor and one shall be within 6 inches of the ceiling. When an exterior wall cannot be provided for the room, automatic sprinklers shall be installed within the room and the room shall be vented to the exterior through ducting contained within a one-hnu- rated shaft enclosure. Approved mechanical ventilation shall provide six air changes per hour for the room. :5’.’ Show the location of fire dampers. , rated occupancy and area separations, shafts Section 5106. / 70. Section 702(b)4. mxclsixcM. Submit plan sharing location of all panels. Submit panels schedules. Submit electrical load calculations Indicate existing main service size. Indicate existing total main service load. Indicate new additional loads. Indicate wiring method, Le. M, metal flex. Shw exit signs on the electrical lighting plan(6). As per Section 3313 and 3314 of the 1988 UBC, provide two sources of power to exit signs and exit illumination. Provide receptacle(s) within 25' of the roof mounted AIC units. UMC Section 509. Provide multiple Title 24, 2-5319. switch lighting controls Provide an electrical plan for the alarm system showing compliance with criteria described under earlier correction number 54. - Provide mechanical ventilation in all rams capable of supplying a minimum of 5 cubic feet per mhte of outside air with a total circulation of not less than 15 cubic feet oar Provide Aical plans showing exisThg &d pryd :WAC equipment, ducts and access to equ pent. pi. I 85. Lktail access and working clearances to WAC equipment. Cooling coils or cooling units located in attic or furred space, where damege may result from condensate overflow, shall be provided with an additional water tight pan of corrosion resistant material to catch overflow if primary condensate drain becomes clogged. Section 1205, W. One-hour corridors shall not be used a8 an integral part of a duct system. !&is includes the spaceabwea dropped ceiling within the one-hour corridor. IMC Section 706(b). Provide drain, warte and vent plans. Provide water line sizing calculations. UPC Seotion 1009. DeLail how floor drain trap seal is to be maintained. UPC Section 707 (floor drain trap Show P h T valve on water heater and detail drain line route from P L T valve to the exterior. UPC Section 1007(e). Show 114" per 12" slope on drain and waste lines. UPC Section 407. Provide a drinking fountain at each floor level in assembly occupancies (except drinking and dining establishments). priming). UBC Section 605. Provide complete energy design calculations, including all existing design and new energy design for this building. See attached non- residential energy design checklist. For remodels in an existing conditioned space, show that the remodeled space will not use more energy than theexisting spaceor show the remodeled space will conform to latest energy design standards. . Please see additional corrections or remarks 96 that follow. 97. To speed up the recheck process, note on this / list (or a copy) whee each correction item has been addressed, i.e., plan sheet, note or detail numbar, calculation page, etc. @ Please indicate here if any dwges have been made to the plans that are not a result of corrections fmm this list. If there are other changes, please briefly describe them and where they are located in the plans. Have dwges been made to the plans not resulting fmm this correction list? Please check. Yes No 87. Provide gaa line plans and calculations, ' showing pipe length and gaa demands. UPC Section 1219. . A(w: The followillg provisions are contained in Title 24, Part 2, California Building Code, as adopted and enforced by the State Fire Marshall. They are provided here as a courtesy to assist designers in developing the project documents. All applicable provisions my not necessarily be included. Please direct any questions regarding interpretations of these provi$ions to the local Fire Departmnt. S-1. Walls of corridors and exterior exit balconies / in Groups A,E,I,R-l and C Occupancies having an occupant load of more than &c persons and in all other occupancies having an occupant load of 30 or more shall be not less than one-hour fire-resistive construction. Section 3305(g)1. . Where exit signs are- required by Section 3314(a). approved and listed internally, externally or self-illuminated low-level exit signs complying with Section 3314 shall be required. The bottom of the sign shall be not less than 6 inches nor more than 8 inches above the floor level. For exit way doors, the sign shall be on the door with the closest edge of the sign with 4 inches of the door frame or adjacent to the door. Such signs shall be of a type which is perce tible to the sense of touch. Section 3314(e?. mere exit signs are required by Section 3314(a), all exit corridors shall be provided with continuous low-level exit path marking. Approved and listed internally or self- illuminated marking shall be installed at floor level or no higher than 8 inches above the floor level. Such marking shall be of a type which is perc tible to the sense of touch. Section 3314(3. Area separation walls shall not be considered to crate separate buildings for the purpose of automatic fire-sprinkler system requirements as set forth in Cmpter 38. EUXFIIaI: Buildings separated by continuous area separation walls of four-hour fire- resistive construction without ymi?gs. Buildings required to have autmatic flce- sprinkler protection as set forth in Section 13113 of the Health and Safety Code (hornas for children or the aged) are prohibited from using area separation walls in lieu of automatic fire-sprinkler protection. Section 505(e)6. -5. In educational occupancies, storage and janitor closets shall be of one-hour fire-resistive construction with openings protected by assemblies having at least a three-fourths- hour fire-resistive rating. Section 802(c). #6. Section 1807 should be reviewed for all high- rise buildings. 4 9". Ihe exception in Section 3318 of the UBC has been revised so as to allow the omission of panic hardware at the main exit in churches (by using signage), only when the occupant load of the church is less than 300. -8. If emergency warning systems are required, they shall activate a means of warning the hearing impaired. Flashing visual warnings shall have a frequency of not mre than 60 flashes per minute. /B The jurisdiction has contracted with Esgil Corporation located at 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208, San Diego, California 92123; telephona number of 6191560-1468, to perform the plan check for your project. If you have any questions regarding these e L( at .Esgil Corporation lhank you. Enclosures: ~ 118190 7 Date I / #/4- ?/ Jurisdictio Prepar d by1 0 A VALUATION AND PLAN CHECK FEE 0 Bldg. Dept. Esgil - 38 PLAN CHECK NO. G/ BUILDING ADDRESS /D AP?LICANT/CONTACT PHONE NO. BUILDING OCCUPANCY DESIGNER PHONE TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION’ v-U s? CONTRACTOR PHONE .: . . :. . .. Total Va1u.e Plan Check Fee $ s 2G9, 43 COHHENTSi SHEET OF 1 12/87 - .a@ .2 Q BUILDING PLANCHECK ib ENGINEERING CHECKLIST .I 'rn B NEEDS YOUR ACTION i DATE: I i JQN 9 I PLANCHECX NO. 9 1 30 ITEM INCOMPLETE - TER (27- STEL~CJ- - ITEMSELECTED U 1 2 3 I060 AlTTO CFN SNR TDD QPa. 211-OW-07 ccc PROJECT ID: HHH E E E UGAL REQ UIREME NTS KKK rte Pla d-00 y. Pro:ide a fully dimensioned site plan drawn to scale. Show: north arrow, property lines, easements, existing and proposed structures, streets, existing street improvements, right-of-way width and dimension setbacks. doo 2. Show on site plan: Finish floor elevations, pad elevations, elevations of finish grade adjacent to building, existing topographical lines, existing and proposed slopes, driveway with percent (%) grade and drainage patterns. Provide legal description and Assessors Parcel Number. 0 3. do ~tsCr~iD~~~K~~~~la~~~~~ere required. ooo 5. Project complies with all Engineering Conditions of 6. Project does not comply with the following Engineering ~ Approval for Project No. Conditions of Approval for Project No. Conditions complied with by: Date: W 80 0 St""FE&'revieW completed. No issues raised. 8. Field review completed. The following issues or discrepancies with the site plan were found: Site lacks adequate public improvements B. Existing drainage improvements not shown or in conflict with site plan. Site is served by overhead power lines. A. ooO C. FRMOOlO . DH REV. 11/27/90 E. F. Grading is required to access site, create pad or provide for ultimate street improvement. Site access visibility problems exist. Provide onsite turnaround or engineered solution to problem. !&& dm 0 9. No dedication required. mom 10. Dedication required. Please have a registered Civil Engineer or Land Surveyor prepare the appropriate legal description together with an 8+*' x 1l1I plat map and submit with a title report and the required processing fee. All easement documents must be approved and signed by owner (s) prior to issuance of Building Permit. The description of the dedication is as follows: ~ ~ Dedication completed, Date By : V dd~l~~~o~~~~~~~~p~ovemen~s required. uildinu site must f ect ive imvrovem ents f ound adjacent to b be r evaired to the s :x 'e $0 occu- 12. Public improvements required. This project requires construction of public improvements pursuant to Section 18.40 of the City Code. Please have a registered Civil Engineer prepare appropriate improvement plans and submit for separate plancheck process through the Engineering Department. Improvement plans must be approved, appropriate securities posted and fees paid prior to issuance of permit. The required improvements are: Improvement plans signed, Date: by : FRMOOlO. DH REV. 11/27/90 Improvements are required. Construction of the public improvements may be deferred in accordance with Section 18.40 of the City Code. Please submit a letter requesting deferral of the required improvements together with a recent title report on the property and the appropriate processing fee so we may prepare the necessary Future Improvement Agreement. The Future Improvement Agreement must be signed, notarized and approved by the City prior to issuance of a Building Permit. Future Improvement Agreement completed, Date: - By : Oo0 13a. Inadequate information available on site plan to make a determination on grading requirements. Please provide more detailed proposed and existing elevations and contours. Include accurate estimates of the grading quantities (cut, fill, import, export) . 14. No grading required as determined by the information provided on the site plan. Grading Permit required. A separate grading plan prepared by a registered Civil Engineer must be submitted for separate plan check and approval through the Engineering Department. PIOTE: The Gradina Permi t must be issued and 0 0 0 15. g --a substantiallv comDlete and found acceDtable to the citv Inswector Dr ior to issuance of B uildina Permi ts L Grading Inspector sign off. Date: by : Misaellaneous Permits do 0 16. Right-of-way Permit not required. 17. Right-of-way Permit required. A separate Right-of-way Permit issued by the Engineering Department is required for the following: 18. Sewer Permit is not required. a 19. Sewer Permit is required. A sewer Permit is required The fee required concurrent with Building Permit issuance. is noted below in the fees section. Industrial Waste Permit is not required. Ooo 20. FRMOOlO. DH REV. 11/27/90 lwno 21. Industrial Waste Permit is required. Applicant must complete Industrial Waste Permit Application Form and submit for City approval prior to issuance of a Building Permits. Permits must be issued prior to occupancy. Industrial Waster Permit accepted - €a 23. 0 hl/A 24- o "/A 28. Park-in-Lieu Fee Quadrant: Fee per Unit: Traffic Impact Fee 9hDT Fee Per Unit: 16 Total Fee: % Bridge and Thorough fare Fee Fee Per Unit: Total Fee: Public Facilities Fee required. Facilities Management Fee Zone: 3 Fee: Total Fees: 0 29. REMARKS : ElOQINEEERIBIG AUTHORIZATION TO ISSUE PERMIT PLANNINGCHECKLISC Plan Check No. 91 - 0038 Address 1060 Ad+) (&+<f Gt. APN: 211- Qpu-OL Planner Don k R. Phone 438 -1161 (Name) Type of Project and Use 6 Zone L-1-9 Facilities Management Zone 3 Lenend a( Item Complete 0 Item Incomplete - Needs your action 1, 2, 3 Number in circle indicates plancheck number where deficiency was identified -td Review Required: YES - NO -/WE DATE OF COMPLETION: Compliance with conditions of approval? If not, state conditions which require action. Conditions of Approval Discretionary Action Required: YES - NO - J,, APPROVAWRESO. NO. DATE: PROJECT NO. OTHER RELATED CASES: Compliance with conditions of approval? If not, state conditions which require action. Conditions of Approval ~ ~~~ coastal: YES DATE OF APPROVAL. Compliance with conditions of approval? If not, state conditions which require action. Conditions of Approval LandscapePh- YES- NO - J/ See attached submittal requirements for landscape plans Site Plan: do0 do0 ~ 1. Provide a fuuy dimensioned site plan drawn to scale. Show: Nonh arrow, propeq lines, easements, existing and proposed structures, streets, existing street improvements, right-of-way width and dimensioned setbacks. 2. Show on Site Plan: Finish floor elevations, elevations of finish grade adjacent to building, existing topographical lines, existing and proposed slopes and driveway. 3. 4. Provide assessor's parcel number. Provide legal description of prom. 1. Setbacks: Front: Required Shown- Int. Side: Required Shown Street Side: Required Shown - Rear: Required Shown OOOd& 2. Lot coverage: Required Shown 0 0 3. Height: Required - Shown 4. parking: Spaces Required 0.e. Shown- Guest Spaces Required Shown - 0 [7 0 Additional Comments c: DataEntry PWCK.FRM 2!360 ORION WAY CARLSBAD, CA 92008 TELEPHONE (619) 931.2121 &itp of &srl$bab FIRE DEPARTMENT PLAN CHECK REPORT PAGE 1 OF- APPROW 1 DISAPPROVED - 1. II_ 4. - 2. - 3. - 5. PUNS, SPESCIFICATIONS, AND PERMPTS Provlde one copy of floor plan(s); slte plan; Sheets Provlde two slte plans showlng the locatlon of all exlstlng flre hydrants wlthln 200 feet of the project. Provide speclflcatlons for the followlng: ’ Permits are requlred for the lnstallatlon of all flre protectlon systems CO,, alarms, hydrants). Plan must be approved by the flre stand pipes, dry chemlcal, halon, The buslness owner shall complete a buildlng lnformatlon letter and return It to the flre department. FtRE PROTECTION SYSTEMS AND EQUIPMENT The foliowlnd flre protectlon systems are required: 0 Dry Chemical, Halon, COr (Location: 0 Stand Plpes (Type: dutomatlc flre sprlnklers (DesignCrlter!a: 45 A/ Ffl4 13 ~ ) ) ) 0 Flre Alarm (Typellocatlon: ) 7. Flr fxtfnguisher Requirements: , Qae2A rated ABC extlngursher for each e tlngulsher not to exceed ’15 feet of travel. SQ. ft. w portlon thereuf wlth a truvgl distance to the nearest -I Id 6 F L2 &extinguisher wlth a minimum rating of- to be located: 0 Other: Addltlonal flre hydrant(s) shall be provlded Exit doors shall be openable from the Inside wlthout the use of a key or any special knowledge or effort. A sign statlnp, ” This door to remain unlocked durlng buslness hours” shall be placed above the maln exlt and EXIT slgns (e” x %” letter&) shall be placed over all required exb and dlrectlonal slgns located as necessary to - 8. t EXITS 9. ZlO. -11. doors clearly indicate the locatlon of exlt doors. I I! OEWERAL x12. -13. StoraQe, dispensing or use of any flammable or cwnbustlble liquids, flammable Ilqulds, flammable gases and BuIldlng(5) not approved for hlgh piled combustlble stock. Storage In closely packed plles shall not exceed 15 feet end 6 feet for tlres, plastics and some flammable liqulds. If hloh stock pll- hazardous chemicals shall comply wlth Uniform Fire Code. In helght, 12 feet on pallets or I Ing is to be done, comply wit I Flre Code, Article 81. - 14. Addltlonal Requirements. tOA,,AF7-- - /L/i. I-If4l2lz5 ZUG LLA M&lJ L”A “7/44/ 8330 clu/Vt-fiir\l hk. 4b.5- a0 I I I I 4: -15. Comply wI . ..I -Attach to Plans - .,.. , (.A ,,,. ~ .., . .,. L? ab L mricare OT Lompiiance (Part 1 of 2) Pertormance Hequirements br- I D - __- P I&G5 bF AMW CA l/,/91 For Enforcement Agency Use Only Dats'ol ceroficats prolecrArdvtec1 elacr,vc. ngineer &ildng Perm11 Number Plan CheckedEy Dale Prqst Locaaan CryiTwn Field Checked By Date Telephone APP~V~ BY Date Documenmaon AuhoriFirm CAg coUrr~F7' f LAzA CA a5'13Ap ~ U41 64Pf rn/€hr€ef9\/ cm 7m 4(p5 4 Climate Zone . . . . . . . . 5 6 Uncondihoned F~~~~A~~. , , A-9 1- 7 8 Ail. Energy Budgel (WS1 A) . . - 9 Calc.Method CEC CoddDateZDC( 2?&&!- 10 Multiplier . . . . . . . . . . 11 Calculated Energy Use . . . I%?,% k8Wsfyr. Envelope Rqqulrunenls 12 Average RooVCeiling Ri . . . CF-2 lh1& hF-sflBW 13 Average Exlerior Floor RI . . . - h-F-sVBN 14 Average Opaque Wall RI . . . 15 Glazing Areain Wall . . . . . 16 Average SC (Wall glazing) . . C4a*p.a 92 OOA 18 Average SC (Roo1 glazing) . . Ughtfng Requfremonls 19 ~lbwd Whole Building LPD . Owner. The ens conservation fealures and performance spedhetiorn indicateyon his document and on the plans and spedhtions shall apply IO future alterations. unless complianm is demoosuated anew and a new Cenificate of Compliance is submiued. A y of his Certificate will be refained and transmined IO (ulure tenana. X-nt Owners or others wih responsibilily lor making improvemenu ormodifications to he building. If his certificate is lost. a new Certificate may be Wired belore a permit is issued for allerations. Unconditioned t-eas am indicated on the plans and, il these areas are conditioned in the lure. d?ey must be made lo comply with the applicable energy standards ConditionedFlwrArea. . . .a & sf Budget Table (fr. Stan&&) . kBNhf-yr 0 17 Glazing Areain Roof. . . . . SI tiry/StateiZtp ~nrorsmmt Ayncy. The proposed building, and future alterations win 1,4 wawf comply mth me alilornia Building Energy Eff&ccy SIandar&: prwided 20 Allowed Common Areas LPD . - - waWsl (uum alterations meel h requiremenE indcaled on h!s Gemkale and an appllcabfe mandato measures, as long as he building az~pan~y 21 Allowed Tenant Space LPD . . - - wamhf type mmam unchangea) 22 Package Lighting Reduction . - - waWsl Sgnalure Dale Randride Agmcy 26 Raled Coding Efficiency. . . -&& =(uhE) 28 Raled Heating Efficiency . . . AdcteSS c4rylSlale5p 29 RaldHeating Capady , , . 30 Economizer cooling? . . . .. 31 CF-lXAltached?. . . . . . . . . . . - 23 Lighting ConbolsRequired? . . - (YM) Mochanlul Requlremarls 24 SyslemType. . . . . . . 25 Unit Fan Power. , . . . . . 6,IG waWdm €ST FUM? '%%m d - 27 RaledCdingCapacily . . . 2EL !L!a&urda) Certificate of Compliance (Part 2 of 2) Performance Compliance Ct--1 t3 For Enlorcement Agency Uu plqea Dale ot Cembte Cond.nr Area Docwnentaaa, AumOrIFmn Tdo~hono CEC occ rypo Ph" chock Qd BY 0.a . Mole. Mom than one Pafl2 may be submitted. but all must relerenca he same Part 1. The person responsible lor design compliance lor e& mapr buildng syslem acknowledaes he tdbwing cornplianm sfalemen1 by sqnirq he appropriaw space below. Compbw Slalmenl. vemenb subsfantially comply wifh fhe r6quiremenLS indcated on he Cerrikare 01 tomplianca tor fhii building, daled I% plans and specilicatlons include fie significant energy conservation features yd me compliance dpcumentation s consisten1 wih he plans and spealrawns. The proposed building im Envelope 4uorn6w 15, I4 h-F-sWN d h-F-sWBN 5,e h-F-sWBm 4 Wazag Areain Wall. ... %I& SI ... ,9 ... SI 1 Avenge RooVCeiling RI . . 2 Avenge Extsror Floor RI . 3 Avenge opaque Wall RI . . 5 AverageSC (Wall). 6 Glazing Amain Roo1 7 Avenge sC (Roof). ... Wr wiremenb: c Eiiioroement Agency Date Lighting 9 WD.. ......... It6 mwt 8 bsiOIAlbwed LPD ... Cf-6 Allomd Proposed .IO PrlugeLightingRecbxbn waloht 11 ALWWLPD.. .... 12 Lighring Conbol Credts? ........ .Omsf whmeno: EnlommentAgency uate Mechanical 13 UnitFMPWr.. ... IS RaMcaOlingCapaci*l . 14 R.ndcoding EKiny . 16 Raw Heahg Effiaency . 17 RaWHesLingCspacily . 18 Economizacodmg? . . 19 Smult.nnxls kaffmd? . h ngl'hmnb: Rick PIarrs. Inc 8330 University Av La Mesa, Ca 92041 Plancheck 910038 1060 Auto Center Court You have asked that we waive the requirement for mechanical ventilation in the B-1 portion of WINDSHIELDS OF AMERICA. only work done is windshield repair and replacement and the materials used are silicone and rubber strips and a glass cutter. We will waive the requirement for this occupancy 0NLY.because there are two rollup doors on the south end of the building and one man door on the north. compared to those where gasoline and exhaust fumes are present. This waiver applies to Windshields of America, and it does not apply to any future occupant of the premises. You tell us that the Ventilation should be adequate for this specific occupancy MARTIN Om.=. DIRECTOR cd 2075 Las Palmas Drive-Carlsbad, California 92009-4859-(619) 438-1 161 1/30 Marty: CB 91-38 This is a garage where they do nothing but replace and repair windshields. All they use is a light silicone and rubber strips and a glass cutter. They want us to waive the mechanical system. Ye have done this before for/more active occupancies, but they all had great circulation. This has two large roll-up doors BOTE ON SOIlTB END and a man door on the north. The east and west walls are solid. am somewhat concerned with even I think we should approve, but I possible future occupancies. Carter RICK MARRS, INC. MU4lTEECTuRE DEW WNlW January 25,1991 CITY OF CARLSBAD C/O DIRECTOR OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 2075 Las Palmas Dr. Carlsbad, CA. 92009 Re: Tenant Improvement @ Car Country Plaza Dear Sir: We respectfully request an acceptance by the City of Carlsbad for not requiring a mechanical ventilation system to be installed in the B-1 occupancy service area. on the facts that Windshields of America do not use any hazardous chemicals or gas causing agents and do not use open flame weldinq in their business. Also note during business hours the two roll-up doors will be opened and will allow free flow of outside air to circulate through this space. Thank you for your consideration of this matter. Windshields of America This request is predicated /--\ kick Marrs, President RICK MARRS, INC. RM/aw cc: John White, Carltas Development 6JDO UNIVLRSITV AVRNUI * LA MR-A. CA OR041 I11161 41111-PO11 Suiteit I h .J CITY OF CAREBAD 2075 Las Palmas Dr., Carlsbad CA 92009 (619) 4381161 IC' ~ .- , r BUT LDI NG DEPARTMENT &' .' CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY 06/18/91 11:22 Cert of Occ#: C091U069 Page 1 of 1 Status : ISSUED Type: CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY Bldq Address: 1060 AUTO CENTER CT Suite# I & J Parcel NO: ~II=o&~-oT-~Y~ ~ Bldq Owner : CARLTAS DEVELOPMENT COMPANY 619-431-5600 5600 AVENIDA ENCINAS, #lo0 CARLSBAD, CA 92008 Related Bldg Permit# Occupant Name/Phone# : WIRDSHIELDS AMERICA Contact Name/Phone# RS/465-2011 Description of Use: 2400 Uniform Buil occupancy an classified. I make this Signature of Build1 Date Routed Use Zone Inspected By Inspected By - Approved __ Disapproved COMMENTS - Y CrrY OF CAALSBAD 2075 La Palmas Dr., Carlsbad CA 92009 (6191 438-1161 is and ClTy OF CAFlLSBAD 2075 Las Palmas Dr., Carlsbad CA 92009 (619) 438-1161 " til the C17y OF CARISBAD 2075 Las Palmas Dr., Carlsbad CA 92009 (619) 438-1161