HomeMy WebLinkAbout1060 AUTO CENTER CT; I | J; CB982494; Permitc 08/09/1999 City of Carlsbad Building Permit Permit No:CB982494 Building Inspection Request Line (760) 438-3101 Job Address: Permit Type: SIGN Sub Type: Parcel No: Lot #: Status: ISSUED Valuation: $9,100.00 Construction Type: NEW Applied: 08/06/1996 Occupancy Group: Reference #: Entered By: JM Appr/lssued: 08/06/1998 Project Title: ILUMINATED WALL SIGN Inspect Area: RB 1060 AUTO CENTER CT CBAD St: I & J Applicant: ACME WILEY CORP 9359 FERON BLVDS 91730 909 969-4900 Owner: COPV Total Fees: $208.00 Total Payments To Date: $208.00 Balance Due: $0.00 Building Permit Other Plan Check 114.00 20.00 74.00 FINAL APPROVAL Inspector: Date: Clearance: NOTICE Please lake NOTICE that approval of your project includes me ‘Impmition” of fees, dedications, reservations. or other exactions hereafter mlkcOvely referred to as “feesiexactins.‘ You have 90 days from the date mis perm# was issued to protest imposition of these feaslexactions. If you protest them, you must follow the protest procedures set fodh in Government Code Section 66020(a). and file the protest and any omer requirec information with the City Manager for processing in accordance with Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 3.32.030. Failure to timely follow that pmcedure will bar any subsequent legal action to attack, review, setasiae, void. or annul heir imposition. You are hereby FURTHER NOTIFIED that your ight to protest the specifmd feeslexactmm DOES NOT APPLY towater and sewer mnnection fees and Capady changes. nor planning, zoning, grading or other similar applicalbn processirg Or SBrvica fees in mnnection with this pro& NOR DOES IT APPLY to any feedexactions of which you have previously been Riven a NOTICE similar to this, or as to which me statute of limitations has previously othelwise expired. Legal Description Lot No. Subdivirion Nem.Mumber Unit No. Phw No. Total #of units &> am isec. 7031.5 Business and Pmfeaaions Code: Any Cm, or Coumy which -rea e pamn IO COIU~NR, anu, impmve. drmoltsh or repair any S~NC~UI~, prior to its issuance, also requires tha applicant for sueh permit to file a signed atetunem that he is licansed pursuant lo the povisions of the Contractor's License Law [Chapter 9, commending With Section 7000 of Oiviaion 3 of the BusiMIs and Rof-om Code1 OT thet h is exempt therefrom, and the basis for the allwed e emption. Any vi0 ation of Section 7031.5 by any applicant for 8 pwmit rubjam &cc\P- L;\C!/ cl)Qe 9-33? CRno 61 ~.hNP\O?Crt'. Ch. 9 7ab. Name Stat. LiCeMe # 40 7 0 L3 ticens. c~asr C Y .r Designer Name Addrrr CiV State/Zip T e 1 e ph o n s Stm License I e applicant to a civil pe Address Ciw SUteIZip Telephone # of not m e tha five hundred dollan 1*5001l. I 909-989 4 ooa c Civ Businass ticenw x 7 . .~ , .. F&iMm "_ n Declaration: I 0 of the work tor which this permit le issued. 0 I have and will maintain a oertitime of consem to adf-lnwre for work-' compcnMtion as provided by Sectlm 3700 of the Labor Cod.. for the performance I have and will maimaln worken' compensation, ss requimd by Section 3700 of the Labor Coda, for the performance of the won for which this permit is 4 PolieyNo.q74 1<'839(rq> *cJ\ Expiration Date 3 - 3 f - 9 (THIS SECTION NEED NOT BE COMPLETED IF THE PERMIT IS FOR ONE HUNDRED DOUARS 1$1001 OR LESS) 0 CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION: I cutlfy that in the pntormancll of the wort for which thi. prmll is issued, I shall not employ any person in any mmmr 10 as to become subpct to the Worken' Comp.nution Laws of California. WARNINO: Fdlun u) UEV. woIkm'mnvmntbn SOVUaW b -. nd Ihl *#.st m mWWWt0 CrhnN pmSnlSa Md drll fh.S up to o(w hcndnd lh.xmMd do SIGNATURE DATE I hereby affirm that I am exempt f I. as owner of tha propmy or my employees with wages as th.11 soh compmsatim, will do th. work end the mYCtw is nm imended or &end for sale (Sac. 7044, Business and Rofnsiona Code: The COmraCtOr's Licwa Law doea not apply to an Ownu of PIOPMV Who builds 01 improves thereon. and who 6ar such work himsaif or through his own employees. provided that such improvement. are not imendsd or offered fw de. If. howsvsr, the bvilding w lmpmvmat is sold within one yew of completion, the owner-buildar will have the burden of pmving that h did not build or impmvs for the puwon of sale). 0 I, as owner of the propaw. em eXcIYsiVeIy mntrmcting with licansnd conuacton to matruct th. pmjm (Sn. 7044. Bminsss and Rofrsims Code: Tha Contractor's Lieem Law doas not apply to an owner of pwew who builds or Improves theon. and commcts fw such pioj~~. with comractwlsl licensed pursuant to the COmr.CtOr'e Licente Lawl. 3706 o( h. L.ba sod.. kmnn .MI mommy'. h... -- - . ,,, ,. , ., ., .. ..,' 0 1. 2. 3. 4. I am exempt mdar Section I personally plan to provida lh major Iaba and matuials for cmnrunion Of the prwossd properm impTDwmMn. 0 YES ON0 I (have I ham not1 signed an application fw a building permit for the p10Ws.d work. I have comractd with the foliowing pemon iflrml to provid. the pro& sonnNction iimluda name I .ddnu I Phone number I Contracton 1icM.e wmberl: I plan to provide portions of the work, but I have hired tha following penon to cwrdime, wpsviee and provide the major work lincluds name I addms I phone Busin- and Rofesaim Code for this rrson: number I contractors licwe numbul: 5. I will povide nome of tha wwk, but I have contractad (hired) the following pno~ to provide the work indiwted iincluda name I addtass I phone wmber I tvw PROPERTY OWNER SIGNATURE DATE Is the applicant or futun building occupant required to submit a bwinau plan, acmely hawrdOYI matariala ragistrotion form or risk mansgemant and PnVMtim program under Sections 25505. 25633 or 25534 of the Reslay-Tamr Hazardous Substance Account Act? 0 YES 0 NO 1s the applicam or futwe building omtpam reqyirad to obtain a permit fmm the air pollmion mtml district or air quality managemem district7 0 YES 0 NO 1s the facility to be constructed within 1 .ooO feat of the outer boundary of a schml sit07 IF ANY OF THE ANSWERS ARE YES, A FINAL CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY MAY NOT BE ISSUED UNLESS THE APPLICANT HAS MET OR IS MEETING THE 0 YES 0 NO I henby affirm that thue is a COnStruction lending agency for the performance of tha wwk for which this permit ir issued ISsc. 3097iil Civil Code). LENDER'S NAME '.,.., . ' I certify that I have read thm application and state that the abovo information Is correct and tht tho information on the plans 11 eccumte. I agree to comply with all Cnv ordmenms and State Iawt ,almmg to building EOnmYCtiOn pro pert^ for mspection p~rposes JUDGMENTS. COSTS AND EXPENSES WHICH MAY IN ANY WAY ACCRUE AGAINST SAID CIM IN CONSEOUENCE OF THE QRANTINQ OF THIS PERMIT I hereby amhoru. rammatives of th CW of Catisbad 10 enter upon the above m.ntion.d I ALSO AGREE TO SAVE. INCJEMNIFV AND KEEP HARMLESS THE CIM OF CARLSBAD AGAINST AU UAULITIES. OSW An OSHA permit Is requimd for eXoaVatiOm over 5'0' deep end demolition or COMtNdWI of structures over 3 stories in height. EXPIfLATION: Every permit issued by the Building Ottlcial unda the PmVlaiOM of this Coda shall expin bv limitation and become null and void if the building or work authorized by such or abandonsd at any time APPLICANT'S SIGNATURE or If the building 01 work authorized by such permit is suspended Uniform Building Cod.). DATE WHIT : Flla Y LLOW Applicam PINK Finance ~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~~~ .. City of Carlsbad Inspection Request For: 7/15/99 Permit# CB882494 Inspector Assignment: Title: ILUMINATED WALL SIGN Description: Type: SIGN Sub Type: 1060 AUTO CENTER CT Job Address: Location: Suite: I&J Lot APPLICANT ACME WILEY CORP Owner: CARLPLAZ Remarks: Total Time: Phone: 7608040352 Inspector: eo Requested By: BRAD Entered By: CHRISTINE CD Description Act Comments 13 Shear PanelslHD's Inspection History Date Deswption Act lnsp Comments WchP97U841311L98 APD DX8'DcrXBLXS: $250 Cow. .$so0 COLL. 3101198 3/01/99 -I- I* 8mLV - I Ikrc*Lo I -- - LICKMSX BD. -...