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1063 CARLSBAD VILLAGE DR; ; 70-450; Permit
TYPE OF PERMIT SIGN 'S ELECTRICAL £, FOR SIGN 9\ s ^O Owner's Name Cr?O W ivp^f^j^' / w APPLICATION FOR SIGN PERMIT tMT*t fl ~7f\ J ••""-•- •"" 'tO^l^i A. ^. A- A- ^_ CITY OF CARLSBAD BUILDING DEPARTMENT 'Un-f/U - LC ''-j^^ 1200 ELM AVENUE FEE: /^ ' >^» CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 729-1181 4T •? /) . ^ < /> f^^7/) i-L > PFRMIT N^ / ^ -^-— ' ^ .^ • PLEASE PRINT) (LAST) (FIRST) [MIDDLE) NUMBER STREET CITY PHONE Contractor ^' ^ ' C? JC S ^f £> M^» Mailing AHrirP« X^5"2 Sl~fa. /VutT <S»( P, Z?4-.72o| (PLEASE PRINT) ~ NUMBER STREET CITY PHONE State Contractor's License No 2.3CH// Classification C_-r-^f-:=» Citv 1 icpnsp Nn ^-^ O -S Person or Firm n control of Property LEGAL DESCRIPTION JOB LOCATION 1_C ~7~7 WA& 4-77 //*& . Mailing AHHrPc;« / O & £- ^^-A? ^ 3^ NUMBER STREET CITY PHONE LOT BLOCK SUBDIVISION ' (£7^> o (Lvt'M ^'T """ i O/^-^^>t5 P"^^ fOrVt""/\ ~~ (—-^X'^-cl-S* cS^ViD NUMBER STREET Mear (CITY OR TOWN! . (NEAREST INTERSECTION OH LANDMARK) - Condit Use Permit or Signature \^ Q J /j) - ZONE CL~ "Z— VARIANCE NUMBER of Permittee 1 <^L^t VK^l/^31 r)O l^&y LOCATION eXM FRONT feet from center line of street to sinn SIDE 1 UcJ feet from center line of side street to sian Valuation of Sign $ Building Permit Fee $ Plan Check Fee $ "Pft^,*-, ©<5 *9 XL•ov— -*lLJ Arfia nf sign -^-" square feet^- -j / planning Dppt Approved hy ^^£s nate &y &/ ' ^ U iy 7 ^'^<X^^^-^ r. t //4?/*?Plane nnnrnv/pH hy y=^ t^^-<&-^— -""" Date^^/O/X-'„ PLEASE Pz H > Ul-1 Tl 5C/l-H S DO r r < .51 D gZ•nre ELECTRICAL PERMIT 1 THIS SPACE fsc/j Sign $5 00 / ~~~ First 2 Trans $3 00 each ' _ add'l @ 50 each 1 to 10 lampholders 4 — - 25 ^_ 11 to 25 ' 50 ^ 26 to 50 1 00 51 to 100 " 200 101 to 200 " 300 >~Z \ •' •-—b FOR LOCATION SKETCH SHOW NORTH /'.?•/ <^a ARROW I — — 1 ~ DIMENSIONS Hemht Lenoth Number and size of posts Number ^n^ <ti7(» nf hranR« Depth in grntirid Distance between panel and ground Material Panel Snow advertising copy below 1 Ipnghtc; Bracmq If npnn, show colors Rfiflfirfor material ? Itlnmmation? Cnpy on both sides?^^Lt^T-o £' CALL FOR ALL INSPECTIONS INCLUDING FINAL INSPECTION REQUIRED ON FOOTING EXCAVATIONS BEFORE SIGN IS ERECTED APPROVED PLANS SHALL BE KEPT ON JOB