HomeMy WebLinkAbout1065 CARLSBAD VILLAGE DR; D; 68-515; PermitCITY OF BUILDING DETRIMENT 729-1181 -Ext 36 For Applicant to Fill In PERMIT TOTAL FEE $ Application for MECHANICAL Permit NO ITEM INSTALLATION AND/OH RELOCATION For the installation 01 relocation of each forced air or gravi ty type furnace or burner including ducts and vents attached to such appliance up to and including 100000 B t u 's For the installation or relocation of each forced air or gravi ly type furnace or burner including ducts and vents Tttached to sue)] .ippliance ovei 100,000 Bias For the installation or relocaiion of eicli floor furnace, in eluding vent For the installation or relocation of each suspended heater, recessed wall heater or floor mounted unit heater For the installation, relocation or rephcement of eich ap pliance vent Installed and nut included in an application For the repair of alteration of Or addition to eacli heating appliance refrigeration unit, comfort cooling unil absorption unit or evaporative cooling system including instillation of controls regulated by this Code For the mstallition or relocition of eacli boiler or compres sor to and including three horsepower or eich absorption system to and including 100,000 B t u 's For the installation or relocation of each Doiler or compres soi over three horsepower to and including 15 horsepower or eacrt absorption system, over 100,000 S t u s (o and inclu ding 500 000 S 1 u s For the installation or relocntion of each boiler or cornpres sor over 15 horsepower to and including 30 horsepower or each absorption system over 500,000 B t u s and including 1,000,000 B t u s For the installation or relocation of each boiler or compres sor over 30 horsepower to and including 50 horsepower, or for each absorption system over 1 000 000 Btu s to and in eluding 1,750000 B t u s For the installation or relocntmn of each ooiler or refngera tion compressor over 50 horsepower or each absorption system over 1 750,000 B t u s For each air handling unit to ana including 10 000 cubic feet per minute including ducts attached thereto For each air handling unit over 10,000 cubic feet per minute For eacti evaporative cooler ott=r than portable type For each vent inn connected to a single duct For eacli ventilition system which is not a portion of any heitmg or air conditioning system authorized by a permit For the install iiion of eich hood which is served by me- chnmcal exhaust including ttie ducts for each hood For the install ntion or relocation of each domestic type incinerator For the installation or relocation of eich commercial or industrial type incinerator For each appliance or piece of equipment reguhted by this Code but not classed in othe- appliance citegones or for which no other fee ts listed in this Code For the issuance of this permit EACH S 400 % 500 5 400 S 400 S 200 S 1 00 S 400 $ 7 50 $1000 $1500 $2500 S 300 S 500 S 300 S 200 I 300 5 300 S 500 $20 00 $ 300 S 300 ACKt,C(VUEDCE THAT 1 HAVE READ THE APPLICATION A THE AE3OVC IS CORRECT AND ATHEE TO COMPLY WIT1-1 Al L LAWS REGULATING THE MECHANICAL CODE^BT THE UNIFORM CERTIFY THAI 1 All P^OBERUY REG^HRED AND OR L OUIRCD BY THE CITY OF C AF^LSB A D J"V5 ST ATE OF CALIF AM THE LEGAL OrtN^R OF TH EAgSOy^mESCRI BED PRggJElW MC5NED BY PERMITTEE "^-"^ //) -— ~" "" f^~~ AMT L/u*. ^» *?&— 7*^ NO STATE THAT STATE AND CITY BUILDIMG CODE CENSED AS RF RNIA OF! "HAT 1 Y ^^_----^' / / / OCT -M-68 5~^r3286******ft/. Building Dept. Use Only //t /• t" 77 / — // /L ,BUILDING ADDRESS / (J f-~. J // / ^ / '**"! /7 C*1' f STREET NAME . ,-*\ -^ /"} P/ fTr^ ( tf «•-""" "\ f *v. "Y ^ A C'c^JLd-o-S^ CITY BUSINESS LICENSE NO CITY BUSINESS LICENSE NO GROUP INSPECTION RECORD DATE JOB F1NAUED i.OO