HomeMy WebLinkAbout1065 CARLSBAD VILLAGE DR; ; CB121903; Permit09-24-2012 City of Carlsbad 1635 Faraday Av Carlsbad, CA 92008 Miscellaneous Permit Permit No CB121903 Building Inspection Request Line (760) 602-2725 Job AcJdress Permit Type Parcel No Valuation Reference # PC# Project Title 1065 CARLSBAD VILLAGE DR CBAD MISC Subtype 2033202900 Lot # $0 00 OTHER 0 POINSETTIA PL/\ZA- REMOVE AND REPLACE A 20 X 6' UTILITY ROOM W/ STORAGE Status Applied Entered By Plan Approved Issued Inspect Area ISSUED 09/24/2012 LSM 09/24/2012 09/24/2012 Applicant JOSEPH NATALE CONSTRUCTION Owner 615 CRESCENTLN VISTA CA 92084 Miscelaneous Fee #1 Miscelaneous Fee #2 Additional Fees TOTAL PERMIT FEES PERMIT FEE $118 00 $0 00 $0 00 $118 00 Total Fees $118 00 Total Payments To Date $118 00 Balance Due $0 00 Inspector FINAL APPROVAL Date ^ ' /3 Clearance NOTICE Please lake NOTICE Ifiat approval of your project includes the "Imposition" of fees, dedications reservations, or otfier exactions hereafter collectively referred to as lees/exactions" You Iiave 90 days from the date tfiis permit was issued lo protest imposition of these fees/exactions If you protest them, you must follow Ifie protest procedures set forth in Government Code Section 66020(a), and file tfie protest and any other required information witfi the City l^anager for processing in accordance with Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 3 32 030 Failure to timely follow that procedure will bar any subsequent legal action to attack, review, set aside, void, or annul their imposition You are hereby FURTHER NOTIFIED that your nghl to protest the specified fees/exactions DOES NOT APPLY to water and sewer connection fees and capacity ctianges nor planning zoning grading or olher similar application processing or service fees in connection with this project NOR DOES IT APPLY to any fees/exactions of which vou have previously been given a NOTICE similar lo this, or as lo Aihich the statute of limitations has previously olherwise expired TKE FOLLOWING APPROVALS REQUIRED PRIORTO PERiViiT ISSUANCE PLANNING • ENGINEERING • BUILDING • FIRE • HEALTH • HAZMAT/APCD CiTV OF Building Permit Application 1635 Faraday Ave , Carlsbad, CA 92008 Ph 760-602-2719 Fax 760-602-8558 email buidlmg(§icarlsbadca gov www carisbadca gov Plan Check No. Cfcia^j^Q^ Est. Value Sj^^ Plan Ck. Deposit Date SWPP JOB ADDRESS CT/PROJECT # I LOT # | PHASE # j S OF UNITS | # BEDR( SUITEH/SPACE#/UNITfl PHASE # S OF UNITS #BEDRO0ri1S # BATHROOr^lS TENANT BUSINESS NAME CONSTR TVPE OCC GROUP DESCRtPTION OF WORK include Square Feet of Affected Areafs) / EXISTING USE PROPOSED USE GARAGE (SF) PATIOS (SF) DECKS (SF) FIREPLACE YESD # NO • AIR CONDITIONING i-ES • NO • FIRE SPRINKLERS YES • NOD APPLICANT NAME (PilmaryCjintactl ^ ADDRESS APFLICANTNAME iSecondary Contact) ADDRESS CITY STATE L.\r CITY STATE ZIP PHONE mm FAX PHOr^E FAX EMAIL PROPERTY OWNER NAME ADDRESS CITY STATE CITY STATE ZIP PHONE FAX _ PHONE FAX EMAIL EMAIL ARCH/DESIGNER NAME & ADDRESS STATE Lie ff STATE LIC « CITY BUS Lies (Sec 7031 5 Business and Professions Cofle Any Cdy or County wtticfi requires a permit lo construci alter improve, demolish or repair any structure pnor to its issuance, also requires the applicant for such permitto file a signed statement that he is licensed pursuant to lhe provisions otthe Contractors License Law (Cnapter 9 commending with Section 7000 of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code) or that he is exempt therefrom and the basis for the alleged exemption Any violation of Section 70315 by any applicant for a permit subjects the applicant to a civil penalty of not more than five hundred dollars ($500)) Workers' Compensation Declaration I hereby affinv under penalty of perjury one of the following declarations a I have and will maintain a certificate of consent to self insure for workers compensation as provided by Section 3700ot Itie LaborCode, for lhe perfomancecf the work for whicli this permit is issued numberare InsuranceCo Policy No Expiration Dale ^ lhave and will maintain workers' compensation, as required by Section 37 DO ot the LaborCode, forthe performance of the work for which this permit is issued li^y workers' compensation insurance carrier and policy /^JP> Policy No '717-0^0 ^173 This section need not be compleled ifthe permit is for one hundred dollars (SIOO) orless n Certificate of Exemption I certify that in the performanceofthe work for which this permit is issued, I shall nol employ any person m any manner so aslo become subiect to the Workers' Compensation Laws of California WARNING Failureto secure workers' compensation coverage is unlawful, and shall subject an empioyerto criminal penalties and civil fines upto one hundred thousand dollars (&100,000), m addition to the cost of compensation, damaMS-as prwided for in Sactijn 3706 of the Laborcode, interest andatlorney's fees CONTRACTOR ^\mKt)},^~y^A.,y1f .^-i'^'^C^ DAGENT DATE 2^^-^ /' I hereby affirm that I am exempt from Contractor's Ucense Law for the totlowing reason I, as owner of the properly or my employees with wages as Iheir sole compensation, will do the work and the structure is not intended or oflered for sale (Sec 7044, Business and Professions Code The Contracior s License Lawdoes not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves Ihereon, and who does such work himself or Ihrough his own employees, provided lhal such improvements are not intended or offered for sale If however, the building or improvement is sold within one year of complelion, Ihe owner builder will have the burden of provrng lhal he did nol build or improve for the purpose of sale) I, as owner of the property am exclusively conlracting with licensed contractors to conslruct lhe pro|ecl(Sx 7044, Business and Professions Code The Contractors License Law does nol apply to an owner of properly who builds or improves Ihereon, and contracts for such projects with CDnlractor[s} licensed pursuant to Ihe Contractor s License Law) I am exempl under Section Business and Professions Code for this reason 1 I personally plan to provide the major labor and matenals for construction of the proposed properly improvement • Yes • No 2 I (have / have not) signed an application for a building permil for Ihe proposed work 3 I have contracled with the lollowing person (firm) lo provide the proposed conslruclion (include name address / phone / contractors license number) 4 1 plan to provide portions of the work, but I have hired the following person to coordinate, supervise and provide the majorwork (include name / address / phone / contractors license nuniber) 5 I will provide some of the work but 1 have contracled (hired) the following persons to provide the work indicated (include name / address / phone / type oi wori<) PROPERTY OWNER SIGNATURE •AGENT DATE Is lhe applicant or future building occupant required to submit a business plan, acutely hazardous malenals registration form or nsk management and prevention program under Sections 25505,25533 or 25534 of the Presley-Tanner Hazardous Substance Account Act? • Yes • No Is the applicant or future buildmg occupant required to obtain a permit from the air pollution control distnct or air quality managemeni dislncP • Yes • No Is the facility lo be construcfed Within I.OOOteet olthe outer boundary of a school site'' • Yes O No IF ANY OF THE ANSWERS ARE YES, A FINAL CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY MAY NOT BE ISSUED UNLESS THE APPLICANT HAS MET OR IS MEETING THE REQUIREMENTS OFTHE OFFICE OF EMERGENCY SERVICES AND THE AIR POLLUTION CONTROL DISTRICT I hereby affimi that there is a constmction lending agency for the performance of the work this permit is issued (Sec 3097 (i) Civil Code) lender's Name Lender's Address I ceitfythatt have read the application and state thataie above infomiaton IS conectandthatthemfomiation on the plans Is accural I agree to complywith all Ci^oidinances and State laws relating to building constmcbon I hereby aulhonze repiesentative of the City of Carlsbad lo enler upon the above mentioned properly for inspecAon purposes I ALSO AGREE TO SAVE, INDEMNIFY WO KEEP HARMLESS THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AGAINST ALL LIABIUTIES, JUDGMENTS, COSTS AND EXPENSES WHICH MAYIN ANY WAY ACCRUEAGAINST SAID CfTY IN CONSEQUENCE OF THEGRANTING OF THISPERMfT OSHA An OSHA pennif is reqLnred for excavations over S'O deep 3fid(temol(lon orconsffucfion alsinjctures over 3slones in heght EXPIRATION Every permit issued by the Building Ofticial under the provisions of this Code shall expire by limitation and become null and void if the building or v^irli authorized by such permit is not commenced withm ISOdaysfrom the date of such permit or if the buildin3;*rv«i1< autfionzed by such pennit is suspended or abandoned alany time afler tfie worK is commenced fora penod of 180 days (Section 1064 4 Uniform Building Code) ygf APPLICANT'S SIGNATURI DATE STOP- THIS SECTION NOT REQUIRED FOR BUILDING PERMIT ISSUANCE. Complete the foiiowing ONLY if a Certificate of Occupancy will be requested at final inspection CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY fCommercial IToJects On|y) Fax (760)602-8560, Email www buildina@carlsbadca gov or Mail the completed form to City of Carlsbad, Building Division 1635 Faraday Avenue Carlsbad, California 92008 C0# (Office Use Only) CONTACT NAME OCCUPANT NAME ADDRESS BUILDING ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP CITY STATE ZIP Carlsbad CA PHONE FAX EMAIL OCCUPANTS BUS LIC No DELIVERY OPTIONS • PICKUP • CONTACT (Listed above) o OCCUPANT (Listed above) • CONTRACTOR (On Pg 1) • IVIAlLTO • CONTACT (Listed above) • OCCUPANT (Usted above) • CONTRACTOR (On Pg 1) n MAIL / FAX TO OTHER • ASSOCIATED CB# • NO CHANGE IN USE/NO CONSTRUCTION D CHANGE OF USE / NO CONSTRUCTION • ASSOCIATED CB# • NO CHANGE IN USE/NO CONSTRUCTION D CHANGE OF USE / NO CONSTRUCTION APPLICANT'S SIGNATURE DATE Inspection List Permits CB121903 Type MISC OTHER POINSETTIA PLAZA- REMOVE AND REPLACE A 20 X 6" UTILITY ROOM W/ ST Date Inspection Item Inspector Act 03/05/2013 17 Interior Lath/Drywall -Rl 03/05/2013 19 Final Structural -Rl 03/05/2013 19 Final Structural PD AP 10/31/2012 14 Frame/Steel/Boltt ng/Weld tn PD AP 10/31/2012 34 Rough Electric PD AP 10/25/2012 15 Roof/Reroof PD AP 10/19/2012 11 Ftg/Foundation/Piers PD AP Comments AM PLS Thursday, March 07, 2013 Page 1 of 1 J l/nUTY STORAGE AOOmOH 1065 CWL£B» nUAGE OiaVE cm5Bw,GA neoe CONTICT: 30ENSTALE 619.961-6232 FLOORPIAN ROOF PLAN imiNDATION PLAN Lrmmr srafwGE wranoH 1065 OKISBM) VDJUGE OmiE'^ OUSSUaOt 93O0B aMTACT: 3QENKIMLE. 619.gSl-tiZ92 SIDE ELEVATION SECTION A BBB PAUI T. OtaOtl BB •ARCHITECT* ,0. ————— —. 1090 Rod SbMt Phom: nft-TSaJOl • • « jioBbnsofc. CAtaUB UTOITY STORAGE ADDITION CARLSBAD VIUAGE DRIVE CARlSBfitD^CA 92008 CXWTACT: JOENATAl£ 619. 981-6292 ARCHITECr: PAUL T.OLSON 10!^R£H>5TR^ FALLBROOK, CA 92028 760 728-9691 2. 3. 4. 5. NOTES AND SPEaFICATIOliS EXISTING OfU (SOLID a«XfO WALL 2X4 SUKJS @ 16" 0.C WHH 5/8* TYPE-X*DRYWALL FINKHOTTHT- HIDING. LINE Of EAVE OVeUiANG AgDVE. LINE OF WALL BQJOW. COMPCHmON SHINGLfS OVER OBL 30# FB.T OVm O.S-a OVER-ROW RAFTERS. PROVIDE FLASHING + COUNTER FUfiHING AT ROOF TO WALL TO FULLY WATBU>RO0F. 5/8" ^ANCHOR BOLTS @ 48* O.C 2X4 P;T. WALL STUD WHH %" © SIMPSON'TTTB^'SCREW ANOOIS @ 24" O.C ROOF DIAPHRAGM: Vi" APfii RATBD PLYWOC»> OR O.S.B. SHEATHING. UNLOCKED, INKX 24/0, W^ d NAOS @ 6" 0.C Bl., 6" O.C B.N. 12" O.C F.N. 2. 3. 4. 5. ELEVATION AND ACTION NOTES [E] COMPOSmON SHINGLK: ELK ICCER #5414. T-111 woe© SIDING. 2 X 8 WOOD FASCIA + 1 W FASCIA. GOMPOSmON SHINGLES OVER DBL. 30# FaJOVERO.S.B. ROOF 9«ATHING ova ROOF RAFTERS. 6. T-111 SIDING + 2X4 STUDS + 5/8" TYPE "X" DRYWALL+ t>BL FBUf g] CONCRETE FOQrnNG +SLAB (SEE FOUNDATION PLAN). 8. PRONaOE FLASHING + COUNTER / FLASHING AT ROOFTO WALL TO FULLY WATERPROOF. DOOR SCHEDULE "^^^^ (I) 3-0"X6'8"METAL MAN DOOR omjo_ a a P A Ut T 0L80H •AReHireoT* lOSDRodSbM FiiBmok.CAB202S ly^S/S" CDX PLYWOOT) W 8d NAILS @ 6" O.C AT eX3ES AND 12" O.C AT FIELD. Workspace Webmail Print 9/24/12 9 56 Al^ Print ] Close Wrndow Subject: Meter Room Specifications From- "Moran, Myrna" <MMoran@semprautilities.com> Date: Mon, Sep 24, 2012 9:10 am To: '"joseph@jnataleconstruction.com'" <joseph@jnataleconstruction.com> Cc: "Frakes, Susan" <SFrakes@semprautilities.com> Joseph, It was a pleasure talking to you this moming. I have attached the link that directs you to the meter room specifications for your job site location. Please refer to section 600, specifically refer to pages 604.2,604.3,604.4 and 604.5, Please do not hesitate to call myself or my assistant Sue Frakes at 760-480-7683 if you have any questions regarding these pages. http //infoweb2.sdge.com/departments/projmgmt/docs/sg/2003/60Q-70Q-INDEXModel.pdf Myrna Stahl Customer Project Planner San Diego Gas & Electric Ph (760)480-7781 mmoranfgsemprautilities com Copynght ©2003-2012 All rights reserved littp //emaill2 secureserver net/view print multi phD?uidArrav=6UNBOX Buzz%20Dawson&aEmlPart=0 Paqe 1 of 1 WORKING SPACE & CLEARANCE REQU^REME^frs:^^^-„e^X> VOLTS (TOP VIEW OF SERVICE EQUIPMENff)"""" " / REQUIRED WORKING SPACE FOR PANEL EQUIPMENT ^ASSOCIATED WITH ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT AND INSTALLED BELOW METER PANELS CAN EXTEND INTO WORKING a>ACE UP TO 6 INCHES 36" MIN DEPTW 6-6" M)N HEIGHT UNDERGROUND METER AND METERS AND METERS AND PULL SECTION CT SECTION SUBMAINS SUBMAINS (OR MAIN. IF MULTI-METERS) 3-0" Minimum See Note 6 6'-0" Minimum See Note 1 (FRONT) REQUIRED CLEAR AND LEVEL WORKING SPACE * (Not to exceed a 1/4 inch drop per foot sloping away from equipment) See page 604.1A for Barner Requirements 3'-0" MINIMUM OR LENGTH OF SERVICE EQUIPMENT WHICHEVER IS GREATER 1 A minimunn of 3 ieet clear and level work space is required for underground pull sections, CT or VT sections, and metenng equipment. Pull cans/sections requiring 5" conduits must allow • minimum of 6 feet clear and level working space in front of the pull can/section Venfy location of pull sections with SDGficE Planner pnor to installation 2 See page 604 for meter mounting height requirements. Meier height will be measured from the standing and work space to the centeriine of the meter socket 3 When non-raintight service equipment is installed with—in a building on an elevated portion of the floor, or "housekeeping pod", the pad must be flush with or extend a minimum of 3' in front of the service equipment, or 6' when 5" conduit is required. CAUTION IF A SWITCHBOARD IS INSTALLED ON A HOUSEKEEPING PAD OR SLAB GREATER THAN 2-1/2 INCHES THICK, A METER HEIGHT PROBLEM COULD RESULT, THE 6 FEET 3 INCHES MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE METER HEIGHT APPLIES TO ALL INSTALLATIONS. 4 When outdoor raintight service equipment is installed on a housekeeping pod. the housekeeping pad must be level and extend a minimum of 3' measured from the face of the meter panel, or 6' when 5" conduit is required If the enclosure doors ore wider than 3", the housekeeping pad shall extent to the outer edge of the equipment doors when opened at 90 degrees See page 627 for outdoor raintight enclosure requirements 5. To maintain a safe, clear, and level working area in front of new or existing non-residential meter and service equipment when a housekeeping pad has not been installed, a concrete slob, asphalt, or other „ non—rernovable ^suitable -....surfQ&a_JiccejitiibJaJ.Q„ih applies fo"^: ~ resldenffal livmg units exceeding two" Tn number "on fiie same premises, 6 For 480 volt service, consult the appropriate inspection authority. © 1998 - 2011 San Dtego Gas & Eteclrfc Company AH i^hJs reserved Removal of Ihis copyiighl notice without pennission Js nol permJIIed under jaw ^ Indicates Latest R«^on Complately Revised Nqw Page Information Removed SDG&E SERVICE STANDARDS & GUIDE 604 1 ELECTRIC SERVICE AND METERING EQUIPMENT REVISION DATE 2-15-2011 APPD BRB/ MJC BARRIERS Customer will provide and install "non—removoble" barriers to provide the cleoronces where working space is exposed to vehicle or hazardous conditions Service and metenng equipment located on public or private property must be installed a minimum of S'-O" bock from face of curb or is considered subject to vehiculor contact and requires barriers SDG&E's Inspector wil) determine if 0 barrier con be omitted when existing structures con protect personnel and equipment. Meters will not be set until the barriers are installed Barrier posts ore used to protect meter and service equipment and personnel from vehicular contoct and to prohibit encroachment into the working space For example* Loading zones, driveways, congested oreas. alleys, off street parking, etc PUa CAN/SECTION OR METERS CONCRETE RAGS HOLLOW PULL CAN/SECTION " OR METERS * (See note 1 on page 604 1) HNAL GRADE CONCRETE 6" OR 12" NON-REMOVABLE BARRIER POST DETAIL NOTE: Meters located on a wall adjacent to any parking area or area accessible to vehicular traffic, must be protected by non-removable barriers Wheel stops ond removable barners ore not acceptable substitutes Maintain a minimum of 3*—O" clear and level working space in front of the cabinets or enclosures Barriers must be so positioned to allow the doors to be opened 90 degrees INSTALLATION (A) Use 4 inch steel pipe, block or galvanized steel, with a minimum wall thickness of 0 188 inches (B) The concrete encasement shall be a minimum of 6 inches thick m stable soil and 12 inches thick in sandy or unstable soil (c) Barriers must be installed in line with each end of service equipment to prevent vehicle contact Distance between barriers may not exceed 4'—O" D Before you install barriers, coH Dig Alert at 1-800-227-2600 for markout service at least two working days prior to excovoting © 1^98 - 2007 San Diego Gas & Electric Company All rights reserved Removal of this copynght notice without pertrussbn Is not permitted under law Indicates Latest Revision Completely Reined New Page Infomiotlon Removed REVISION DATE 4-16-03 APR^fll/BRB SDG&E SERVICE STANDARDS & GUIDE ELECTRIC SERVICE AND METERING EQUIPMENT 6041A ELECTRIC METER ROOM An electric meter room is a weatherproof, illuminated room provided by the customer at his option and approved by SDG&E for the location of the eiectnc metenng equipment Cham link fence is not acceptable as o separating wall The following provisions will apply Access. Access must be through a door on the building extenor opening directly into the electnc meter room to provide immediate 24 hour a day access If the door is to be locked, the lock must be keyed to SDG&E's Schlage Quad Section key A lockbox for customer keys is not acceptable If a second door or opening in the electnc meter room permits access to the building interior, the building owner, and other parties as determined by the utility will be required to sign a Meter Access Easement which will releose SDG&E from any loss or injury arising from the access This door should swing out of the meter room whenever possible. If the door swings into the room, it is to be so located thot it will not open into the meters or working space Communicotion Eguipffrent Telephone, CATV, data processing equipment, and other types of communication equipment are not permitted in an electric meter room A single conduit containing communication winng or cables may be installed in a straight, continuous section, running verticolly through on electric meter room provided the conduit is not locoted m the dedicoted electrical space and it does not encroach mto the working spoce Conduit should not be run honzontally through an electnc meter room because it may encumber space needed for future expansion of the customer's electncal system Access to communication equipment rooms or spaces through an electnc meter room is not permitted. Exception. 1 Communication equipment is allowed in a meter room serving o single family residence 2 Communication conduit, winng and other related devices for outomolod meter reading are allowed m electnc meter rooms Dedicated Electricol Space. The space equal to the width and depth of the equipment and extending from the floor to o height of 6 ft (18 m) above the equipment or to the structural ceiling, whichever is tower, shall be dedicoted to the electrical installabon No piping ducts, leak protection opporotus, or other equipment foreign to the electrical installabon shall be located in this zone Exception Suspended ceilings with removable panels shall be permitted within tha 6-ft (t 8-m) zone See "Suspended Ceiling" definition on page 604 4 Door? The entrance to the electric meter room shall be through a vertical doorwoy not less than 3'-0" wide and 6'-6" high The door shall open out and shall utilize "lever operated" hardware. Lever operated hardware is o type that permits the door to be opened from inside the room without the use of hands. For electnc meter rooms contoining services rated 1200 amperes ormore, the door shall open out (in the direction of egress) and be equipped with pome bars, pressure plotes, or other devices that are normally latched but open under simple pressure If two doors are reqyjred-by CQde-fiJJ^gmergency. egrsss* - ^bQtb-.^Qgiffl-ffiyst -be. e^iripped^with-panjc. iiardwq^e-^ "On clouble, joor^ ossemblies b^t( dppr_§ >nyst"_Be eguip^ed with "panic iTardwarB .f^TirTOayTWUfft TsTt5»ats1S"li6e'^f1^bight'^fe -^-thePi^S" " Securtty"'alanvi'•^Sterrig mafhe asnrnxited to a meter room access door provided the alarm is deoctivated Monday through Saturday between ihe hours of 7 A M and 9 P.M, exciuding holidays This will enable SDG&E personnel to access utility owned equipment dunng our nomnal business hours without activating ihe alarm Should SDG&E employees, or their agents, ocbvate the alarm while performing their dubes, SDG&E will not be responsible for the cost of law enforcement or security company response colls Foreign Systems The areo above the dedicoted space shal) be permitted to contoin foreign systems, provided protection is installed to avoid damage to the electncal equipment from condensation, leaks, or breaks in such foreign systems. The following equipment is not permitted within the electncal equipment room. Such equipment includes, but is not limited to the following 1 Gas equipment, including customer gos piping 2 Water heoters, boilers and other mechanicoi equipment 3 Communicabons equipment See Communications Equipment section above 4 Storage of any matenals. liquids, paint, etc. © 1998 - 2011 San Diego Gas & Electric Company All rights reserved Removal of Ihls copyright notice without permisston Is not pemillted under law ^ Indicates Lolest Revision [ Completely Revtsad New Page Information Removed SDG&E SERVICE STANDARDS & GUIDE 604 2 ELECTRIC SERVICE AND METERING EQUIPMENT REVISION} DATE 1-6-2011 APPD BRB/MJC ELECTWC METER ROOM (Cont'd) 5 Fire and security olarm systems 6 Wet filled battenes and bottery charging equipment. Note Batteries that ore part of a UPS system that are a seoled type, non—gassmg and non—venting, ore allowed in an electnc meter room provided they do not encroach in the working space or the minimum 24" access and exit route access and exit route _y___ Irngation and sprinkler coritroljers " Di^esel and combi^tgble_fuef fqnks_^_ -9 Refngerant pipe lines "%^'=f^"-"^-=^"—^ NOTE - Lighting controllers are allowed in on electnc meter room when the branch circuit over current device for the lighting is located in the meter room Sprinkler Protection Spnnkler protection shall be permitted for the dedicated space where the piping is installed in compliance with the "Dedicated Electncal Space" and "Foreign Systems" requirements noted on page 604 2 Note Only spnnkler supply piping and heods required per Stote and local fire and buildmg codes to protect the room itself ore allowed. A "Main Fire Spnnkler" line is not allowed to pass through an electnc meter room unless a spnnkler head serving the room is connected directly to the mam line Placement of spnnkler heads and shielding requirements ore the responsibility of the Fire Marshall or Building Inspector, not SDG&E Headroom The minimum headroom in an electric meter room shall be 6'-6" high. Refer to Doprg listed on page 604 2. llluminotion, The light must be controlled by an on-off wall switch Timers or motion detectors are not allowed to control the light For the safety of electrical workers, SDG&E recommends 30 foot candles measured at the floor as the minimum lighbng level in on electric meter room Meter Cleorances. All meter installotions must provide minimum clearances as shown on page 604 4 Meter Heights. The minimum height of the meter may tie 3 feet and the maximum height may be 6 feet 3 inches as measured from the stonding surfoce to the centeriine of the meter Roof Access Lodders. Ladders used for roof access are allowed in a meter room provided they are located outside the required working space area SDG&E does not recommend roof access through on opening in on electnc room due to roof hatches being inadvertently left open allowing water entry dunng ram storms Ventilation. SDG&E does not have a requirement for ventilobon of electnc meter rooms The authority having jurisdiction is responsible for enforcement of ventilation in electrical meter rooms, when required, for compliance with the California Electric Code, Building Code or Mechanical Code. ldenbficotion/MQrl<ing Requirements' Each meter socket/base and its reloted metered service disconnect sholl be clearly and permanently marked by the contractor or customer to indicate the occupancy or lood served, i e unit or suite number, fire alarm, house meter, etc Exomples of permonent marking are. (1) on identificotion plate secured by screws, nvets. or equivalent secure adhesive, (2) weatherproof point applied with stencil or clear lettenng, or (3) commercially available decals Identification means a street, apartment, or suite number Felt pen or fingernail polish Is not acceptable At the option of the utility, marking moy be omitted or done in other manners for a single-family residence Exception: In a multi—metering section where the service disconnect is located immediotely adjacent to the meter socket (to the side, above or below) it is acceptable to mark only the service disconnect. ©1998-2011 San Oiego Gas & Electnc Company All nghts reserved Removal of Ihis copynght notice withoul peimissionts not permitletf under law ^ Indicates Latest Revision Completely Revised New Page Information Removed REVISION DATE 1-6-2011 APPD BRB/MJC SDG&E SERVICE STANDARDS & GUIDE ELECTRIC SERVICE AND METERING EQUIPMENT 604.3 ELECTRIC METER ROOM (Conf'd) Pull Sections. The position of a pull section in a meter room is subject fo approval by the utility 1 Pull secbons should be posiboned. (a) opposite the access door to ollow use of the doorwoy as addibonal working space for coble-pulling equipment — or — (b) on 0 wall perpendicular to the access door Note Do not locate on the same wall as the access door 2 Pull secbons thot require 2". 3" or 4" conduits must ollow o minimum of 3 feet cleor ond level working space in front of the secbon For high voltage pull section cleoronces, refer to poge 672. 3 Pull sections requinng 5" conduits must ollow a minimum of 6' clear and level working spoce in front of the section 4 Refer to page 305 for required conduit size. 5 Addibonol clearances may be required by the local authonty having junsdiction for 480 volt services Reodily Accessible Capable of being reached quickly and conveniently 24 hours o day for construction, operation, maintenance, inspection, testing or reading, without requinng those seeking access to climb over or remove obstacles, or to obtain special permission or security clearances A stairway of normal nse (4" to 7") ond run (11" minimum) conforming to Building Code requirements is acceptable Shipboard ladders are unocceptable Room A Suite Identificobon The meter room must be pgrrnpnently identified^ on the exterior of the door as shown in example below. Decals""5Q^Qrm~1^0-OOl30^„[l/0'7) nre available from SDG&E but must be installed by customer When a builamg has more than one meter room a ploque identifying the room and the suites served from the service in the room must besecured to the exterior of the door See page 017 and 017A for plaque requirements Structural Celling' Drop, suspended, and similar ceilings not intended to odd strength to the building structure are not structural ceilings Vehicle Access- Permanent vehicle access to the meter room is required for the installation and maintenance of the service lateral conductors and metenng equipment. Under some conditions, os determined by the utility, the vehicle access requirement may be waived. See page 016 and 016.1 for terminating enclosure access requirements ELECTRIC METER ROOM 1 His ROOM IS FOR LLrXTRIC \L & ME TERING EQUIPMENT ONLY STORAGE OF MATERIALS INSIDE IS PROHIBITED SEE SDG&E TERMS & CONDITIONS OF SERVICE - STANDARD 604 2 REFER^CE . STATE FIRE CODE §8509 1 • CAL OSHA CODE §2340 16 Work Space Aboul Electric Equipment FOR ROUTINE WORK, CONTACT THE PROPERTY MANAGER FOR ACCESS IN CASE OF AN EMERGENCY, CONTACT SDG&E AT I-80IMI1-7343 EXAMPLE OF IDENTlFlCATiON PLAQUE ©1998 - 2007 San Diego Gas fi, Electric Company All rights resen/ed Removal of Ihls copyright notice wllhout permission Is nol permltled under taw Indicotes Latest Rev^on Completely Revised New Page Infonnation Removed SDG&E SERVICE STANDARDS A GUIDE 604.4 ELECTRIC SERVICE AND METERING EOUIPMENT REVISION DATE 2-5-07 ELECTRIC METER ROOM (Cont'd) METER CONHGURATION SHOWING MINIMUM CLEARANCES See pages 604 2 & 804 3 for additional requirements NOTE- THE METER FROM ONE PANEL CANNOT BE IN THE WORKING SPACE OF ANOTHER METER IN A DIFFERENT PANEL. 10" MIN PLAN VIEW FIGURE 2 r i~ 211 MIN LJ MIN L 36" MIN 36" MIN CEIUNG OR OBSTRUCTION SIDE VIEW FIGURE 3 © 8" MIN FROMT VIEW FIGURE 4 6'-6' MIN 6'-3" MAX o o -10" MIN. FINAL GRADE FINAL GRADE Q 8" MINIMUM CLEARANCE EXTENDS FOR ENTIRE WIDTH AND DEPTH OF 3' WORKING SPACE (5) THE 3* MINIMUM MCTER HEIGHT SHOWN IS FOR METER ROOMS OR CABINETS ONLY ©1998-2007 San Olego Gas & Electric Con^sny All rights reserved Removal of Ihls copyright notice withoul permission Is notpermllted under law Indlcotes Lotest Revlalon ) Completely Revlsad" ^ Mew I^oge Information Removed REVISION DATE 9-8-06 APRa(4yt/ BRB SDG&E SERVICE STANDARDS & GUIDE ELECTKIC SERVICE AND METERING EQUIPMENT 604 5 GENERAL DiMEMSIONS-SINGLE OR MULTIPLE METER INSTALLATIONS - COMMERCIAL OR RESIDENTIAL APPLICATIONS HEIGHTS, CLEARANCES AND WORKING SPACE REQUIREMENTS "FOR HARDSCAPE WOTIKING SPACE REQUIREMENTS REFER TO NOTE 5 ON 604 1 ' NEAREST SfDEWAlL OR OTHER OBSTRUCTION' 6'-6" MIN WORKING SPACE HEIGHT ~T SEE NOTE ANY OBSTRUCnON ABOVE METER MULTIPLE METER INSTALLATION FOR EXTERIOR LOCATIONS COMMERCIAL OR RESIDENTIAL SEUl-FLUSH METER INSTALLATION FOR BARRIER REQUIREMENTS SEE PAGE 604 IA & © © © 75" MAX 6*-3" MAX TO 4'-0" MIN 36" MIN 3 FT OR MORE STANDING SURFACE FIGURE 2 RESIDENTTIAL EQUIPMENT SHOWN ALSO ACCEPTABLE FOR COMMERCIAL EQUIPMENT (NOT SHOWN) APPLIES TO WAU-MOUNTED AND FREE STANDING SWITCHBOAROS FIGURE 1 SEMI-FLUSH EXTERIOR METER INSTALUTION NOTE 1: THE 10- & 26' DIMENSIONS MAY VARY DEPENDING ON SITE CONDITIONS AND EQUIPIulENT CONFIGURATION BUT IN NO CASE SHALL THE LEFT OR RIGHT SIDE CLEARANCE FROM CENTERUNE OF METER TO AN OBSTRUCTION BE LESS THAN 10", AND THE OVERALL WIDTH OF WORKING SPACE MUST BE 36" MINIMUM FIGURE 3 RECESS SINGLE METER "RESIDENTIAL APPUCATION ONir SEE PAGE 606 FOR ADDfTIONAL REQUIREMENTS ^•Q.T^ 2 THE ICA 20" DIMENSIONS MAY VARY DEPENDING ON S\TE CONDmONS AND EQUIPMENT CONFIGURATION BUTIN NO CASE SHALL THE LEFT OR RIGHT SIDE CLEARANCE FROM CENTERUNE OF METER TO AN OBSTRUCTION BE LESS THAN 10". AND THE OVERALL WIDTH OF WORKING SPACE WITHIN THE RECESS MUST BE 30" MINIMUM ONCE OUTSIDE OF THE RECESS THE WIDTH OF WORKING SPACE MUST BE 36" MINIMUM 6'-6" MIN WORKING SPACE HEIGHT illN CLEAR & LEVEL WORKING SPACE ©1998 - 2011 San Diego Gas & Electnc Company All nghts reserved Removal of this copyright notice without permission is not permitted under law indlcotes Latest Revision Completely Re^4sBd New Page Information Removed REVISION DATE 2-16-2011 APPD BRB/MJC SDG&E SERVICE STANDARDS & GUIDE ELECTRIC SERVICE AND METERING EQUIPMENT 0 - 300 VOLTS 605