HomeMy WebLinkAbout1065 CARLSBAD VILLAGE DR; A; CBC2019-0361; Recycle9020-608 • • .. ESCONDIDO RESOURCE ECOVERY AND WAITt TRANSFER HltYICI "We'll Take Care of It" Construction & Demolition Diversion Certificate Received at :Escondido Resource Recovery Date: '2..." {'LO 8869 Processed At : SRR Lemon Grove, CA i=J COi San Marcos, CA <"j;:,<L Customer: ______ _ Ticket# ~\ '?-b • Project: Number/Description I Ob G CC\.('\:& ba.c. \l , \\o/C)c.... cl.~. Total Tons Received: /. '{, Tons [?iversion P~rc~ntage: ; '2 [ % Scale house Operators Signature: l, J Q.~ \.Jtif O This certifies that the company listed ebove has utilized a EDCO -facility to divert construction demolition materials In accordance with LEED requiremems. The diversion tonnage Is based on an overall tonnage percentage of the respective EDCO facility. ... Cl) C C Ill (J Cl) E Ill (.) .c .. "j "Cl Cl) C C Ill (J Cl) ~020-608 ' ,, ESCONDIDO RESOURCE ECOVERY AND WASTE TRANSFER SERVICE "We'll Take Care of It" Construction & Demolition Diversion Certificate Received at :Escondido Resource Recovery Date: 9111:J\q Processed At : SRR Lemon Grove, CA CJ CDI San Marcos, CA Customer: Ticket# 9249 [IiJ Project: Number/Description \DbS fun.,_£:.W \'ft\\~£ 1)Q. Total Tons Received: . \.·),\ Tons Di~on Percentage: ~ % ,_. Scale house Operators Signature: c; 7<"'. > This certifies that the company listed above has utilized a EDCO facility to divei'rconstruction demolition materials in accordance with LEED requirements. The diversion tonnage is based on an overall tonnage percentage of the respective EDCO facility. ... G> C C ftl u fl) E ftl (.) .r:. -'§: "C G> C C ftl u fl) 9020-608.., "' ESCONDIDO RESOURCE ECOVERY AND WASTE TRANSFER SERVICE "We'll Take Care of If' ..... ·: Construction & Demolition Diversion Certificate Received at :Escondido Resource Recovery Date: q 1171)4 9251 Processed At : SRR Lemon Grove, CA CJ COi San Marcos, CA OZ) Customer: ______ _ Ticket# Project: Number/Description \()bS (Jlf\S'ooo \)\\\~ 1)'Q. Total Tons Received: 2. \ q Tons Diversion Percentage: ~ % ----- Scale house Operators Signature: This certifies that the company listed above has utilized a EDCO fac1 1 divert construction demolition materials in accordance with LEED requirements. The diversion tonnage is based on an overall tonnage percentage of the respective EDCO facility. ... a, C C cu u U) E cu () .c .. 'i "C a, C C cu u U) ·-. . ' J UNIFORM HAZARDOUS 1. Genni, ID,..,._ ·WASTEIWIFEST . . C A C O Q. 3 o' l 4 2.Page1d 3.em.g.qflelpor-.l'la. G 2 5 1 (fS10)48Me11 · JJK . .EPAI>,.,,.._. , . 1 ./ ~ C ~ R ~ . !>r, O 2 ~ 3 2, !· e 2. . \.l'~ a~.• ' • . , ;;,--:; ~l-¾-, ··t' yi 1i ' v.:..!;,t·,11 f r;f'/ .,. ; .U,S.l!PAI>~ . . . ,'. . ' · ' C A R O O O 1· S 7 9 2 2·. A.ZROO ,, - Tl'l)CI . ' ''I ' .:f / 506980 13. Waste Codes ---....._. 1-1 I I l ,--I -_,_ -l ---...__ ___ .,_~--'-------·---'-.--,-.--......1 " ,l' ~ ., ' .• 2!: Tmnsponer sigralure ifor fll<poris orfy) --• ----Date leaving V,.S.;:' .. .. I ffi 17 Transp_ottnr ~ment of Ri!c.ell)t ol Materi•ls I-Tr:iospor!er 1 ?rn·· ., Han,e:-'. ' • ', • ·• : I• •. ·.,. ·•' • · • • • $lg• "•.. •" • ·. • ., ;;.' 1 • • , • • , Mbulh Day Ye•• o::O -,.,;,.~.;• ·•1;,,--1 •• 1• • ~.. ,·,•, ···~-~-·· 1 .), r'.. ;,i .. •:;:·,··~·, · .•,.·.·•·'·4,·• 1 ., ~ ' ~-: ·. './:; .. :·.-.t.J g; ~-:,-:'~·~~=~~:::---·---------"'-•'.c.'· ""'·-·--·-=~----'-----:-7"""::--~._,.,.---1 3 Tran porte, 2 rinled,IT t iJ amol , S ,«· '1/, f' ,, / , , Month Year ~ .·· _:.-,i., .. ,:·,,,;•/;r, -P..~~ ·. ,· ... • ·, . l ., f • f; ...•. , ... 1-. ·•• •• ·.·.·.-.:.._,., . .,.,: 1/_D .. • , 1,-~ 18 D ~--" ' • -• i:;,~~; --~-·:;;;:.Z.i• :::';:. \"'' .. ,. , . -. '·j 1~: Clsc"Cl)llllC'/ ~.dit..3lil¥'~-~ -O~b!'f'·'· : ' .. ' .. ,ul'ype: . -~.~: .... ,,,,, .. GI Res!<luo•f ·• • '.,: -:>::•f.ll'aitiat~¥c1!d,, •!..',·,.,,. ;n.0;··;~·<!!ecilon I' • ,•; ·1 ·7 •~ ,'.I ;,1.,1 " • ' • •,/ :;,'tit_.. 1o·~••/••••:.• .. : ,•r~.,·.,._:-.·~ ,.,...,l',. • t •••,111•!· J Ma ~est P,f, , ce Norn",, ~ 18b Al!e"1ate Fa r, 10 • e1'c· lo,J "· •. ' .. " -.--•.. -..,,..~-; . ...-, .:--:-,-,,-,,.,-,_,-_ -:-. --,_::--~ --:: .. o-. --=.s,..,. E..-·.A"'l""~ .,.,Nu,_,.lnbe,.,... -,..,-,.. -,-,--,-~ ::J •'.•,'•''• I 1, .,_·.,,,,,'.I~',•(,•➔.;.. ,..·S .. ,1.• •',iJf ,.:•·,;,,\_!;•t•'li•"'Y,t•;.1,),,,'\,,'.p','!0~1''•,• ~~,,!~• ~ u; Foci ,ty's Phor.e: fi:l 18c Sign_a.,..ru_ro....,ol""J.J""lll_mat_,e..,F.-ac.Ji!y {or Generator.I ~ z ~ 19 Hawdous Waste ReP<llt M~na9emenl !Atthod Codes (1 e, cedes for~ ~llrent. d•sposll, anc recycii,lg systems) ~ 1 ----12 --13 · -------.----.,.,◄--:~--------~·I ' ll 20. Des,gn3ted Fac.,tv 0....11crorOpe•ator· Ca'.'Jlicabon of r"<:Cipl ol h.uardous m~1eria:s covered by them.;,'· st cxce,t a,r~ed il Item 18a -'""-.--' 1 '""led yped Name S\,natuni Month D•.•. 1 /v(,.· L _,,(/"CL-I tV I • - FPA Fom, roo 22(Rev !~•1?') f"'vious edi!1~s ar11 ?bsolete -- l ! Month Day :-vear _._l~I_J'. TRANSPORTER COPY, --....... '