HomeMy WebLinkAbout1065 CHINQUAPIN AVE; ; 76-195; PermitINTERDEPARTMENTAL INFORMATION SHEET ILDING DEPARTMENT *~ JILDING ADDRESS PLANNING DEPARTMENT LOT SIZE c J_OT WIDTH UNITS PROVIDED % OF COVERAGE FRONT SFTRACK ALLOWED._PRKG SPACES PROVIDED /ALLOWED. .SIDE YARD. ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION REQTS ADDITIONAL COMMENTS LANDSCAPE PLAN _BLDG HFI & tfK ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT ROW AJ££b Mr JTQX INDUSTRIAI WASTF SFWFR DRIVEWAY LOCATIONS FASFMFMTS Stir S°//OW &T& /S-&6 PiRAniNfi PFRMIT _ . _ DRAIMAPiF LEGAL DESCRIPTION. ADDITIONAL COMMFNT.q >i ISSUE PERMIT..DATE..OCCUPANCY..DATE. FIRE DEPARTMENT SPRINKLING SYSTEM. \IRE PROTECTION EQUIPMENT. bXITS .FIRE ALARMS. FIRE HYDRANTS. ADDITIONAL COMMENTS. LOCATION. ISSUE PERMIT, ISSUE PERM SENT TO RETURNED TO BLDG .DATE..OCCUPANCY..DATE. SENT TO ENG DEPT RETURNED TO BLDG DEPT Of Con tiuc1ion Moor J. - cuccj, Conr-n Lc, cu I,- -.onry wi i_h ] Icnr- nl r'cm.j SIccJ or Conrrol<_ I j^o-u n-ilU7 Wood HOOT^, and JulX-j to1- Wilj (P u<_pL L i float (..ould ha A. <•1 jb) - - Wood Jrrnc.rVLP/ BULTDTPC S A c"y\k4Jj PH D1 °CR[Pj JO rioor 7\rca c on \7ilc~cejit IJ<~ rs fire _r)c_l pl ! 2J ' 21 G Add 60C 1X21 ^a foot of Area Sm nklcd uqm._> ui g ConmiciciQl Add $2 00 Sq ft Residential ' $1 Jri Sq Ft ftn -Condi tiom nq Cast in Place M 00 LF Stool & Pre-(nsl-$8 00 Lf RIDG TOIAI PI RM1T I LC STATE OF CALIFORNIA-CALIFORNIA COASTAL ZONE CONSERVATION COMMISSION EDMUND G BROWN JR Governor SAN DIEGO COAST REGIONAL COMMISSION MALCOLM A LOVE 6154 MISSION GORGE ROAD SUITE 220 Chairman SAN DIEGO CALIFORNIA 92120-TEL (714)2806992 ROBERT C FRAZEE Vice Chairman January 5, 1977 JEFFERY D FRAUTSCHY Representative to the California Coastal Zone Conservation Commission THOMAS A CRANDALL Executive Director Mr Harold Shivers 1050 Chinquapin Ave Apt #11 Carlsbad, CA 92008 Dear Sir This letter will inform you that our file F4301 has been updated to include your revised plans which show minor changes in the original floor plans The addition of 219 sq ft of living space (a bedroom, bath and closet) to your proposed single-family residence has been judged to be an immaterial change to the original project The enlarged single-family residence will still be compatible in scale with the existing development in the neighborhood f? Your request and revised house plans have been made a part of the permanent file for your project ' Sincerely, Thomas A Crandall Executive Director TAG JB bjs April 14, 1977 Mr Harold N Shivers f+ * , 1060 Chinquapin Ave s $11 v , „ , - Carlsbad, California 92008 ^ „ „ ^ , Re Building Permit No 76-195 - Public Improvements * - ~ , „ Dear Mr, Shivers „ ,k « Attached fs a revised estimate for the cost of,publjc improvements associated with your proposed construction You will note that they are substantially the , same, the only significant changes are the inclusion of transition berms and ~ reflector paddles and a revised cost of engineering Tha latter reflects an es- timate of engineering costs should your project proceed independent of adjacent projects This interpretation is necessary to properly estimate the cost of your Improvements in accordance with an*opin1on given, by our City Attorney «. ^» We will be forwarding, under ^separate cover, a revised future improvement agree-, ment 1 am sorry for the delay in getting this Information to you I will take personal responsibility for 1t I appreciate your desire to get the situation.resolved as quickly as possible «-,^, , . _ i Very truly yours, ,-> ^ * * v -»! f *K Ronald A Backman, P E , .,,,.». Public Works Administrator . ^ RAB /eb v CC Cfty Manager City Engineer , , 3 Attachment „**,„„ MEMORANDUM Date November 1, 1976 TO FROM SUBJECT Building Department City Engineer Public Improvement Report for Building Permit Application No 76-195 Address 1065 Chinquapin Avenue Assessor's Parcel Number 206-120-03 We have reviewed the subject application and have found, accordjng to Chapter 18 40 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code, that the following dedications and improvements are applicable to the building permit, and that the following items need to be processed 1 DEDICATIONS 2 IMPROVEMENTS Full 1/2 street, curb, gutter, and sidewalk ITEMS TO BE PROCESSED a) Grant Deed of dedication, to be prepared by the Engineering Department upon receipt of an approved Title Report containing a legal description of the property to enable Engineering to prepare a legal description of the easement b) Offer of dedication to be prepared by the Engineering Department upon receipt of an approved Title Report containing a legal description of the property to enable Engineering to prepare a legal description of the easement c) Lien contract agreement for future improvement, to be prepared by the Engineering Department upon receipt of an approved Title Report, including a legal description of the property and engineer's estimate of the work to be done d) Improvement plans, to be prepared under the super- vision of a registered civil engineer and approved by the City Engineer e) Improvement Agreement, Faithful Performance Bond, and Labor and Material Bond, to be prepared by the Engineering Department upon receipt of an approved engineer's estimate f) Evidence that arrangements have been made with Public Utility Companies for necessary relocation or modification of their facilities Please contact the Engineering Department for processana assistance City Engineer cc Applicant- Harold H Shivers 3252 Carlsbad Blvd Carlsbac1 ,,P AS _Q /o XX < r sr ~\ I , 9 8 7) / 9 -38 / 9 3 8 COST ESTIMATE OF PUBl 1C IMPROVEMENTS , , r Harold Shivers, 729-734?, A P N 206-120-03, „ , ~. 1065 Chinquapin Ave BJdg Pnt ,No,»76-195 « „ 97 60 L F^of Frontage, Pel 3 Blk A, Tct 238, . , Itetn ^' n**~ Quant?ty ^ , ^ Unit Price f Cost Curb & Gutter \, „ w 98 L F _ $ 4 50 ^ - $ 441 00 Sidewalk t,, 490 S;F 1 05 . „ 515 00 Street Trees , , 2 ea, 25 00 50 00 Paving ^ 9J x 97 64 « 878 4 S-F 0,65 ^, . .„ 571 00 Transition Berra ^ ^^^,. 50 L'E t . , ^ 2*50 v 12500 •p * Reflector Paddles (M-7) ^H^/^2 ea*. ^ 7 50 . , 15 00 Street Light "?»,.« '~^5TotF~ 22° °° " 22° °° »-* Engineering* , „ ^ „ ,. , t t 700 00 City Fees * i Plan Check „ 4% r 19 00 19 00 iInspection < . , „ «,?/S 38 00, 38 00 -* * ' City Deposit, ^^*»*-» w- - Street Light Energy % , , W_J8 Ho, , . s'Tots * ^~^ TOTAL „.,„_ , ,*, - $2711 18 ^Engineering - includes surveying,-improvement pUnss construction staking«(via Brian Smith to Bill Allen March 30,^1977),- . __._ __, , „.«* „ <• ' ' i C ' \ 1: i' i co JL I (CO t^ ' , ! L TO I t ; 01 CcJ I 1 200 L i m Avenue Co i ) bad CA 9^008 Space above tnic line for Pccoider's use Documentary tiansfer tax $No fee Signature of declaiant Determining tax f i t m name City of Cai1sbad Parcel No 206-120-03 CONTRACT FO? FUTUPE PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS THIS AGREEMENT is nade by the City of Cailsbad a municipal corpoiation heieiraster referred to as "City", and , heieinaftei referred to as "Prooe ty Owner" REC I TALS WHEREAS Propei ty O^ner has applied t o 'C i t y for a Builoing Permit Number 76-195 fo uie real oroperty hereinaftei desciibed, now under Diopeity Owner"b o\ Tie i sh i p a nd \^HEPEAS, it has been found that said property is not suitable for development in its piesent condition, however said Diopeity would be suitable for Development if ceitain public improvements heieinafte- desci ibed are constiuct^d and certain irrevocable ofteis of dedication a r e made to C i ty and ___ WHEREAS, the Funj_cipal Coae of City, Chapter 18 40 leouires cer-cain xrrpioverrents and dedications as a condition of approval of tl is Bu^lamg Peririt and I"TiERE?S, Piope^-ty 0\«-ner has xeq^o^ied saia Bailaing Permit be granted by City in advance of the tine said improvements are to oe , and ^ M-iEREAS, Property 0\mer, in considei ation of the apoioval of Section 10 The reauired improvements to be constructed and the mated costs thereof are as follows Improvements 1 Curb and gutter 2 Sidewalk 3 Street Trees 4 Paving 5 Transition Berm 6 Reflector Paddles 7 Street Light 8 Engineering 9 Plan Check 10 Inspection 11 Street Light Energy Dated Estimated Costs TOTAL COST $442 516 50 572 125 15 220 700 19 38 18 52,715 Property Owner O COUMTi Or CITY OF CA^LS3£D, a Manicioal Corporatio- of the State of Calif oinia By . ____ _ Paul D Bussey, Cit> 1 anager ) SS DIEGO ) On _ __ , before me toe undeisigned, a tootaiy Public in ana for saia State, pei sonally aopeaied pa_l D Busse_> , 1 nown to me to be the Cit\ Ijanarei of the Citv of Cc^lsno, a ? unicipal Coxpoiation of tne State of Califoinia, } nov n to me to oe tie r-ison x no executed tne within instrur^it on behalf of said Municipal Coipora^ior , a 10 acknowledged to me uhat such Citv of Carlsbad, Catifo nia, e>ecut3Q the same V ITixCSS my bane and official s~>al APPROVED Public TO Vincent F Biondo, Jr City Atto)n^y (L ot i lal uf1 nowlcagci ent of e>ecui,ion of o mci t> JIIUSL. be attacned) -G- ,'FCOPUN'G t EQUESTED BY AND ) WHEN PtCORDCD I AIL TO ) ) City of CaiIsbad ) 1200 E1m Avenue ) Carlsbad, CA 92008 ) Space above this line for Recoider's use Docunjenta ry transfer lax $No fee_ __ Signature of declarant determining tax- f i rm name City of Ca r 1 sbad Parcel No 206-120-03 CONTRACT FOR FUTURE PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS x THIS AGREEMENT is made by the City of Carlsbad, a municipal coiporation hereinafter referred to as "City", and Harold Shivers , hereinafter referred to as "Proper ty Ovvner" RECITALS WHEREAS, Property Owner has applied to City for a Building Permit Number 76-195 foi the real property hereinafter described, no^ under Property Owner's ownership and WHEREAS, it has been found that said property is not suitable for development in its present condition, however said property would be suitable for development if certain public improvements hereinafter described are constructed and certain irrevocable offers of dedication are made to City, and WHEREAS, the Municipal Code of City, Chapter 18 40 requires certain improvements and dedications as a condition of approval of this Building Permit, and VvHEREAS, Property Owner has requested said Building Permit be granted by City j.n advance of the time said improvements are to be made, and WHEREAS, Property Owner, in consideration of the approval of Section 10 The required improvements to be constructed and the estimated costs thereof aie as follows Ijiipr o ve me n t s Estimated Costs 1 Curb & Gutter $ ^41 00 2 Sidewalk 515 00 3 Paving % 1,180.00 4 2 Street Trees 50 00 c Engineering, 10% ?S0 00- - Contingencies, 10% 220 00b TOTAL COST $ 2,626 00 SQ93 Dated Property Owner CITY OF CARLSBAD, a Municipal Corporation of the State of California By Paul D Bussey, City Manager STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) ) ss COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO ) On , before me the undersigned, a Notaiy Public in and for said State, personally appealed Paul D Bussey, }nown to me to be the City Manager of the City of Carlsbad, a Municipal Corporation of the State of Califoinia, >nown to me to be the person who executed the within instrument on behalf of said Municipal Corporation, and acknowledged to me that such City of Carlsbad, California, executed the same WITNESS my hand and official seal Notary Public APPROVED AS TO FORM Vincent F Biondo, Jr City Attorney (Notanal acknowledgement of execution of owners must be attached) -6- r- D 559 N±ber 740376-8 §£& 30-56406 RECORDING REQUESTED BY Home Federal Savings and Loan AND WHEN RECORDED MAIL THIS DEED AND UNLESS OTHERWISE SHOWN BELOW MAIL TAX STATEMENTS TO Mr Harold N Shivers 3252 Carlsbad Blvd Carlsbad, Ca 92058 76-328668 FILE/PAGE NO . BOOK 1976 RECORDED REQUEST OF FIRST AMERICAN TITLE CO OCT6 8 00 AM 76 OFFICIAL RECORDS SAN DIEGO COUNTY, CALIF HARLEY F BLOOM RECORDER $300 SPACE ABOVE THIS LINE FOR RECORDER S USE Parcel No 9000 206-120-03 City of Carlsbad GRANT DEED (City or Unincorporated ) H3CJH003H wooia ; QlVd XVI HBdSNVHl THE UNDERSIGNED GRANTOR DECLARES DOCUMENTARY TRANSFER TAX is $ ^ 80 computed on full value of property conveyed or computed on full value less value of hens or encumbrances remaining at time of sale and L E LIDDLE and DARLENE MOEN LIDDLE, Husband and Wife For a Valuable Consideration the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged hereby GRANTS To HAROLD N SHIVERS, a widower all that real property situated in the County of_ descnbed as follows San Diego State of California Lot 3, Block "A", Resubdivision of Portions of Tracts 238 and 243 Thum Lands, in the City of Carlsbad, according to Map thereof No 2103, filed in the Office of the County Recorder of San Diego County, April 3, 1928 Dated September 27, 1976 STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF s s On before me the undersigned a Notar> T _DJIC in and for « n County and State personally appear •-, '•U E Lidd IjL 1 oen Lic<l-> \own to me to be the personJ-*_v scribed to the within instrument a - execute-1 - r hand and official r >S~-l reS&lA !_^-__J V^-T i/J'iS^iVia4xix_ _ Vow \ Public n and" for aid County and Sta e SnC O~ Darlene Moen Liddie " DA f V •ICL^'R r >[, ' nmsi,! i u u(. \^ 9' % f WV oVWUUVWUW (T* are for offcia! notar 1 seai !c NC PARTY SHOWN MAI. AS DIRECTED ABOVE S ^ J9 ^ "*™ ^BB»« t u oo <^ N •«"• • . \JJ o ©•>• CD W 0) T * 5ii .+„„ °3 \J N \ ^^( \ I fy 10 r ***IM;UI J < T n 0 - >ll ff^ M 0 <fi i\ «0 •*». ij r>^ 0 O O \^ ./"I/ >T Nl 3dlV 3dV3 > !?// oO /P>- o X^ t^ \ >. T3 -s-r/ t?s f) ^/-/ <\j <f<s"^-_r/' OS/bf . J /?„/?*>•isnoon Q (O © CO 0 (M 0°) /G 0 cc Cc. ^ri^^6A 3AV NldVnbNiHO