HomeMy WebLinkAbout1070 BUENA VISTA WAY; ; 87-25; PermitDECLARATIONS CONTRACTOR LENDER WORKER'S COMPENSATION OWNEWBUILDER -1 I1 1- ro z IC D I V I l - - m D 0 I C D n c c I m D m m D n I D 5 - m W I m D - m n D 2 c C n < z m i . ml - -dh-u f I - .. I -+- \ \ --A - i V r- D z n I m n x 0 2 0 0 0 + 0 0 m m N - - .r, m r - D I + i R i I rr j I I .I 6. White - Inspector Green - (1) Finance Yellow - Assessor Pink - Applicant Gold - Temporary File rn rn n I- 2 0 c Z 0 rn n 0 n 0 c Z 0 0 c n n rn n - C z 0 rn n t) c Z 0 d D v, -I rn s 1; rn n - - 1 i .1 ,i . J City of Carlsbad . MISCELLANEOUS 1200 ELM, CARL~EMD, CA.92008 TEL. (619) 438-5525 RECEIPT Address State Lic. S. Classif. MISCELLANEOUS FEE RECEIPT . ;:AITY(2K FEE rw 1 4’/’ 0 0 n U n I 0 0 n n I n I 0 TOTALFEE $ *WARNING: PLAN CHFCK FEES. WHERE NO ACTION IS TAKEN BY THE APPLICANT IN 180 DAYS AND NO BUILDING PERMIT IS ISSUED. ARE FORFEITED TO THE CITY COMMENTS: White - Applicant Yellow - File Pink - (1) Finance (2) Data Process Gold - Assessor ESGIL CORPORATION 9320 CHESAPEAKE DR., SUITE 208 SAN DIEGO. CA 92123 (6 IO) 560- 1468 DATE : I- 23-87 0 APPLICANT 0 JURISDICTION JURISDICTION: e 177 OF CAeLSAnD 0 PLAN CHECKER nFILE COPY /=j UPS II DESIGNER PLAN CHECK NO: g7- 2s U PROJECT ADDRESS: /070 &AEMe i//S7h- PROJECT NAME: /-fZJ#BY ShWP lm D 0 0 0 0 The plans transmitted herewith have been corrected where necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes. The plans transmitted herewith will substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes when minor deficien- cies identified are resolved and checked by building department staff. identified on the enclosed check list and should be corrected and resubmitted for a complete recheck. The check list transmitted herewith is for your: information. The plans are being held at Esgil Corp. until corrected plans are submitted for recheck. The applicant's copy of the check list is enclosed for the jurisdiction to return to the applicant contact person. The applicant's copy of the check list has been sent to: The plans transmitted herewith have significant deficiencies .. .. . .L - Esgil .staff did not advise the applicant contact person that plan check has been completed. Esgil staff ais advise applicant that the plan check has been completed. Person contacted: NlTCff DqU/S Date contacted: / -23- 87 Telephone # ApPvwm-p &+a13 . % 4- WT4 REMARKS : Bppff C4@7 /s I By: 46 em L leu E Enclosures: ESGIL CORPORATION I / zol g7 ,Prepared by t @B€ BUILDING AREA VALUATION , VALUE MULTTPLIER VALUATION AND PLAN CHECK FEE . CJ Bldg. Dept. 0 Esgil PLAN CHECK NO, 87- 2s BUILDING ADDRESS I070 @L4 (//STt4 IX)AY J APPLICANT/CONTACT MtTCH D8 VI5 PHONE NO.&IY) 7cC-3 - S78d BUILDING OCCUPANCY M DESTCNER PHONE TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION 1/- A/ CONTRACTOR PHONE 1 t- Air Conditioning Commercial . Residential Fire Sprinklers Total Value Res. or Corn. @ @ I I I I I@ I I I 7 ?tW I . .. .. Fee Adjusted To Reflect OEriergy Regulations (Fee x 1.1) OHandicapped Regulations (Fee x 1.065) Building Permit Fee $- s 68,sb. Plan Check Fee $ $ Wd53 COMMENTS; PLAN CHECK NO. ADDRESS ./070 &// & Y hw DATE L *$ Q > Q p! .- c Q) c, 2 PLANNING ZONE: T-3, , SCHOOL DISTRICT: SAN DIEGUITO SETBACKS: FRONT Q!C SIDE /qc REAR =< DISCRETIONARY ACTIONS: Ufi+ LANDSCAPE PLAN COMMENTS: AJ/& ENVIRONMENTAL REQUIRED: TYPE OF PROJECT AND USE: ENC I N - REDEVELOPMENT PERMIT REQUIREd: &e ADDITIONAL COMMENTS: 3iw?w \rr)lktTrn 5u MI 1 I/*/ 87- 3fc G- &xr*b uk- (C/klU rsse ENGINEERING LEGAL REQUIREMENTS LEGAL DESCRIPTION VERIFIED? A A 4=----- APN CHECKED? EASEMENTS: 9t4Pf2 db-2~~~ RIGHT-OF-WAY: & CI - EDU'S: I It DRAINAGE: d/A /- IMPROVEMENTS: d/& - FIELD CHECK DATE & INITIALS: PERMITS REQUIRED GRADING : GRADING COMPLETION CERTIFIED: FEES REQUIRED I PARK-IN-LIEU QUADRANT: I :/,, , FEE PER UNIT: TOTAL FEE: d/& I I P.F.F.,: TRAFFIC IMPACT FEE PER UNIT: FACILITIES MGMT. FEE: SEWER LATERAL: ADDITIONAL COMMENTS: ~ OK TO IS DATE: / -&-37 I DPD2 : DPD6 : 1 0/24/87 State of California. George Deukme j ian , Governor Y b California Coastid Commission 1333 Camino Del Eo S., Suite 125 San Diego, Ca 92108 (619) 297-9740 LOCATION: \3 a, -k!! c This is to certify that this 1 d/or proposed projec>has been reviewed by the * staff on the San Diego Coast District Commission. A coastal necessary because of the item(=,) checked below. Appropriate obtained. The site is not located within the coastal permit area Coastal Act of 1976 and effective January 1, 1977, and 1980. development permit is not local permits may now be as adopted in the California modified effective January 1, The proposed development is included in Catagorical Exclusion No. adopted by the California Coastal Commission. The proposed development is judged to be repair or maintenance activity not resulting in an addition to. or enlargement or expansion of the object Of such activities (Section 30610(d) of Coastal Act). The proposed development is an improvement to an existing single family residence (Section 30610(c) of the Coastal Act) and not located in the area between the sea and first coastal road or 300 feet (whichever is greater) (Section 13250 (b) (4) of Administrative Regulations) . -7 The proposed development is an improvement to an existing single family residence and is located in the area between the sea and the first coastal road or 300 feet (whichever is greater) but is not a) an increase of 10% or more of internal floor area, b) the construction of an additional story, or c) a significant non-attached structure (Sections 30610(a) of Coastal Act and Section 13250(b) (4) of Administrative Regulations). The proposed development is an interior modification to an existing use with no change in the density or intensity of use (Section 30106 of Coastal Act). The proposed development is an improvement to a structure other than a single family residence or public works facility and is not included in excluded catagories of development (Section 13253 of Administrative Regulations). The proposed development is the rebuilding of a structure, other than a public works facility, destroyed by natural disaster. The replacement conforms to all of the requirements o€ Coastal Act Section 30610(g). The proposed development is exempt under Section Commission's "Interpretive Guideline on Exclusions from Permit Requirements." of the Other : This certification is based on information provided by the recipient of this letter. If, at a later date, this information is found to be incorrect, this letter will become invalid, and any development occuring must cease until a coastal development permit is obtained. District Director Phone Address Contractors Llcenre No, CI -- ty 4, 1 plan to provlde portions of the work, but f have htred the followtng person to cootdlnrte. supervfse and provide the major work. Phone Address . Contrrctorr License No . - N-a city 5. I will provlde some of the work but I hive contracted (hfred) the followlng persc to provide the work lndlcated: Name Address Phone Type of Work I Date: +EACH SUBCONTRACTOR WILL BE INSTRUCTED to OBTAIN A CITY OF CARLSEAO BUSINESS LICENSE AND FURNISH A CERTIFICATE OF WORKMAN'S COMPENSATION TO THE CITV OF CAALSBAD. In1 tial s Signature