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1075 PALM AVE; ; CB133232; Permit
City of Carlsbad 1635 Faraday Av Carlsbad, CA 92008 02-21-2014 Residential Permit Permit No: CB133232 Building Inspection Request Line (760) 602-2725 Job Address: . 1075 PALM AV CBAD Permit Type: RESDNTL Sub Type: SF0 Status: ISSUED Parcel No: 2051910500 Lot #: 0 Applied: 12/30/2013 Valuation: $467,362.00 Constuction Type: 5B Entered By: LSM Occupancy Group: Reference #: Plan Approved: 02/21/2014 # Dwelling Units: I StructUre Type: SFD Issued: 02/21/2014 Bedrooms: 4 Bathrooms: 4 Inspect Area: Orig PC #: Plan Check #: Project Title: COBB RES- DEMO EXISTING 920 SF HOME WITH 280 SF GARAGE AND BUILD NEW 3,850 SF LIVING/523 SF GARAGE Applicant: Owner: DON EDSON COBB DAVID & SHELLY 1276 SAXONY RD 1276 SAXONY RD ENCINITAS CA 92024 ENCINITAS CA 92024 619-981-3822 Building Permit $2,138.18 Meter Size AddI Building Permit Fee $0.00 Addl Red. Water Con. Fee $0.00 Plan Check $1,496.73 Meter Fee $0.00 AddI Plan Check Fee $0.00 SDCWA Fee $0.00 Plan Check Discount $0.00 CFD Payoff Fee $0.00 Strong Motion Fee $46.74 PFF (3105540) $0.00 Park in Lieu Fee $0.00 PFF (4305540) $0.00 Park Fee $0.00 License Tax (3104193) $0.00 LFM Fee $0.00 License Tax (4304193) $0.00 Bridge Fee $0.00 Traffic Impact Fee (3105541) $0.00 Other Bridge Fee $0.00 Traffic Impact Fee (4305541) $0.00 BTD #2 Fee $0.00 Sidewalk Fee $0.00 BTD #3 Fee $0.00 PLUMBING TOTAL $246.00 Renewal Fee $0.00 ELECTRICAL TOTAL $69.40 AddI Renewal Fee $0.00 MECHANICAL TOTAL $131.76 Other Building Fee $0.00 Housing Impact Fee $0.00 HMP Fee $0.00 Housing lnLieu Fee $0.00 Pot. Water Con. Fee $0.00 Housing Credit Fee $0.00 Meter Size Master Drainage Fee $520.56 Add'I Pot. Water Con. Fee $0.00 Sewer Fee $0.00 Red. Water Con. Fee $0.00 Additional Fees $1,717.00 Green Bldg Stands (5B1473) Fee $16.00 Fire Sprinkler Fees $0.00 Green Bldg Stands Plan Chk Fee $0.00 TOTAL PERMIT FEES $6,382.37 Total Fees: $6,382.37 Total Payments to Date: $6,382.37 Balance Due: $0.00 FINAL APPROVAL Insoector: I Date: Clearance: I NOTICE: Please take NOTICE that approval of your project includes the imposition of fees, dedications, reservations, or other exactions hereafter collectively referred to as fees/exactions. You have 90 days from the date this permit was issued to protest imposition of these fees/exactions. If you protest them, you must follow the protest procedures set forth in Government Code Section 66020(a), and file the protest and any other required information with the City Manager for processing in accordance with Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 3.32.030. Failure to timely follow that procedure will bar any subsequent legal action to attack, review, set aside, void, or annul their imposition. You are hereby FURTHER NOTIFIED that your right to protest the specified fees/exactions DOES NOT APPLY to water and sewer connection fees and capacity changes, nor planning, zoning, grading or other similar application processing or service fees in connection with this project. NOR DOES IT APPLY to any City of Carlsbad 1635 Faraday Av Carlsbad, CA 92008 Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) Permit 02-21-2014 Permit No:SW130427 Job Address: 1075 PALM AV CBAD Permit Type: SWPPP Status: ISSUED Parcel No: 2051910500 Lot #: 0 Applied: 12/30/2013 Reference #: Entered By: LSM CB#: CB133232 Issued: 02/21/2014 Inspect Area:, Project Title: COBB RES-DEMO EXISTING 980 SF Tier: 2 HOME W/280 SF GARAGE AND BUILD NEW 3,850 SF Priority: M Applicant: Owner: DON EDSON COBB DAVID & SHELLY 1276 SAXONY RD ENCINITAS CA 92024 619-981-3822 Emergency Contact: DON EDSON 619-981-3822 SWPPP Plan Check $344.00 SWPPP Inspections $839.00 Additional Fees $0.00 TOTAL PERMIT FEES $1,183.00 Total Fees: $1,183.00 . Total Payments To Date: $1,183.00 Balance Due: $0.00 FINAL APPROVAL DATE N C EE~ TmE FOLLOWING APPROVALS REQUIRED PRIOR TO PERMIT ISSUANCE: 0 PLANNING 0 ENGINEERING DBUILDING DnRE 0 HEALTh 0 HAZMAT/APCD Plan Check No. (16 13 a Building Permit Application 1635 Faraday Ave., Carlsbad, CA 92008 a V I j,'7 '3bCIA Est Value C I T Y 0 F Ph: 760-602-2719 Fax: 760-602-8558 1,''' ' 3 CARLSBAD email: buildlng@carlsbadca.gov Plan Ck. Deposit Date 3 SWPP5,j www.carlsbadca.gov JOB ADDRESS /a7 P4n gvAwe - c,qec6,p qooq sulvu#isPAcE#/uNIT# APN - - 2OS - 1W - 405 CT/PROJECT # LOT # H- PHASE # a OF UNITS li U BEDROOMS U BATHROOMS TENANT BUSINESS NAME CONSTR.0CC. IV TYPE GROUP IR-3 DESCRIPTION OF WORK: Include Square Feet o?Afltected Area(s) Demo ExisT/v) c',vz.e ,'nvy c,zvc6(9s w,, zoi c 61,vD 49,VS77z CICT N6?#V, 7/D —S77 SiU.6 fl*flZ7 &7VC fJ,go f/F L/u/,v, S2-3 £? 69iz,qçe) ev,ri frSC,',-/zP $fl /4p,fa V67/75,v7S EXISTING USE - ' ' ''. PROPOSED USE S• '• ' GARAGE (SF) I $2S PATIOS (SF) 5'° DECKS (SF) ' FIREPLACE NOD AIR CONDITIONING YES/NOD IFIRESPRINKLERS YES1 NOD APPLICANT NAME (Primary Contact) i'0A EAcOAJ APPLICANT NAME (Secondary Contact) ADDRESS /276 £9xovp A'49' ADDRESS /Z7 S*XOAJk I0/4O CITY STATE ZIP (9u'/vmcz.c CITY STATE ZIP C4-92021 PHONE 61q '9/ — 3B 2.2 FAX '7ô - 3e — Sf 3/ PHONE 760-439 - SZ7 FAX 760 3B EMAIL do,i Q dcwedso,t . coni EMAIL arcd' /ect& doli eolrao. co'i-i PROPERTY OWNER NAME 4i'O f iAY Co CONTRACTOR BUS. NAME ADDRESS ADDRESS /2-76 CITY STATE ZIP c;9- V2024 CITY ISTATE ZIP PHONE 760-13B -f82.7 FAX 760-428 -S3/. PHONE FAX EMAIL . . edsM'CI) 9fnQf I corn EMAIL ARCIVDESIGNEH NAME DDRESS /p4,/ $J4/ '*A 27 SI9XOAJ5d R we/A,/Mc 2o29 STATE LIC. U C-772.ô JTATE LIC.# CUSS UTY BUS. LIC.# (Sec. 7031.5 Business'and Professions Code: Any City or County which requires a permit to construct, alter, Improve, demolish or repair any structure, prior to its issuance, also requires the applicant for such permit to file a signed statement that he Is licensed pursuant to the provisions of the Contractor's License Law (Chapter 9, commendingwith Section 7000 of Division 3 of the BusIness and Professions Code) or that he IS exempt therefrom, and the basis for the alleged exemption. My violation of Section 7031.5 by any applicant for a permit subjects the applicant to a civil penalty of not more than five hundred dollars ($500)). wa&° s 1o< Workers' Compensation Declaration: I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury one of the following declarations: - 0 I have and will maintain a certificate of consent to self-Insure for workers' compensation as provided by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. O I have and will maintain workers' compensation, as required by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. My workers' compensation insurance carrier and policy number are: Insurance Co. - Policy No. Expiration Date This section need not be completed tithe permit is for one hundred dollars ($100) or less. O Certificate of Exemption: I certify that in the performance of the work for which this permit is issued, I shall not employ any person in any manner so as to become subject to the Workers' Compensation Laws of California. WARNING: Failure to secure workers' compensation coverage Is unlawful, and shall subject an employer to criminal penalties and civil fines up to one hundred thousand dollars (9100 000), in addition to the cost of compensation, damages as provided for in Section 3706 of the Labor code, Interest and attorney's fees. CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE - OAGENT DATE i hereby affirm that lam exempt from Contractor's License Law for the following reason: O I, as owner of the property or my employees with wages as their sole compensation, will do the work and the structure is not Intended or offered for sale (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Code: The Contractor's License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon, and who does such work himself or through his own employees, provided that such improvements are not intended or offered for sale. If, however, the building or improvement is sold within one year of completion, the owner-builder will have the burden of proving that he did not build or improve for the purpose of sale). I, as owner of the property, am exclusively contracting with licensed contractors to construct the project (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Code: The Contractor's License Law does not apply to an owner of - property who builds or improves thereon, and contracts for such projects with contractor(s) licensed pursuant to the Contractor's License Law). - 0 I am exempt under Section _____________Business and Professions Code for this reason: 1. I personally plan to provide the major labor and materials for construction of the proposed property improvement. 0 Yes 0 No 2.l(have I have not) signed an application for a building permit for the proposed work. I have contracted with the following person (firm) to provide the proposed construction (include name address! phone/contractors' license number): I plan to provide portions of the work, but I have hired the following person to coordinate, supervise and provide the major work (include name/address! phone / contractors' license number): Iwill provide some of indicated (include name ! address / phone !type of work): 'PR0PERTY OWNER SIGNATURE - AGENT DATE /.. Is the applicant or future building occupant required to submit a business plan, acutely hazardous materials registration form or risk management and prevention program under Sections 25505, 25533 or 25534 of the Presley-Tanner Hazardous Substance Account Act? 0 Yes 0 No Is the applicant or future building occupant required to obtain a permit from the air pollution control district or air quality management district? 0 Yes 0 No Is the facility to be constructed within 1,000 feet of the outer boundary of a school site? 0 Yes 0 No IF ANY OF THE ANSWERS ARE YES, A FINAL CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY MAY NOT BE ISSUED UNLESS THE APPLICANT HAS MET OR IS MEETING THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE OFFICE OF EMERGENCY SERVICES AND THE AIR POLLUTION CONTROL DISTRICT. JJIi NrI I hereby affirm that there is a construction lending agency for the performance of the work this permit is issued (Sec. 3097 (i) Civil Code). - Lender's Name Lender's Address I certify that I haveieadtheapplicatlonandstatethattheaboveln*rnnatlonlscorrectandthatthelnformatlononthep!anslsaocurate. l agree to comply withall City ordinances and State Ias relating to building cens1nrctlon. I hereby authorize representative of the City of Carlsbad to enter upon the above mentioned property forInspection purposes. I ALSO AGREE TO SAVE, INDEMNIFY AND KEEP HARMLESS THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AGAINST ALL LIABILITIES, JUDGMENTS, COSTS AND EXPENSES WHICH MAY IN ANY WAY ACCRUE AGAINST SAID CITY IN CONSEQUENCE OF THE GRANTING OF THIS PERMIT. 0311k An OSHA permit is required for excavations over 50' deep and demolition or construction of structures over 3stories in height. EXPIRATION: Every permit issued by the Building Ofliolal under the provisions of this Code shall expüe by limitation and become null and void if the building or work authorized by such permit is not commenced within 180 days from the date of such permit or if the building or work authorized by such permit is suspended or abandoned at anytime after the work is commenced fora period of 180 days (Section 106.4.4 Uniform Building Code). ..APPLICANT'S SIGNATURE 4 jj(g,j 67 f)1f.T c DATE Inspection List Permit#: CB133232 Type: RESDNTL SFD COBB RES- DEMO EXISTING 920 SF HOME WITH 280 SF GARAGE AND BUILD Date Inspection Item 10/15/2014 19 Final Structural 10/15/2014 89 Final Combo 10/09/201419 Final Structural 10/09/2014 89 Final Combo 10/03/2014 89 Final Combo 09/19/2014 29 Final Plumbing 09/19/2014 39 Final Electrical 07/03/2014 82 Drywall/Ext Lath/Gas Test 06/20/2014 14 Frame/Steel/BoltingiWeldin 06/20/2014 34 Rough Electric 06/20/2014 44 Rough/Ducts/Dampers 05/28/2014 13 Shear Panels/HD's 05/16/2014 15 Roof/Reroof 05/02/2014 14 Frame/Steel/Bolting/Weldin 03/18/2014 11 Ftg/Foundation/Piers 03/14/2014 21 Underground/Under Floor 03/13/2014 11 Ftg/Foundation/Piers 03/13/2014 11 Ftg/Foundation/Piers Inspector PB PB PB PB PB PB PY PY Py PB PB PB PB PB PA PB Act Comments RI AP RI COBB RES NR NR AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP PA AP AP AP PA Friday, October 17, 2014 Page 1 of 1 DAN HUFF INSPECTIONS 2064 Meadowlark Ranch Circle (858) 583-3959 ______________________________________________________ San Marcos, CA 92078 I JOB NO.DATE CERTIFIED INSPECTOR'S DAILY REPORT I COVERING WORK PERFORMED WHICH REQUIRED APPROVAL BY THE SPECIAL INSPECTOR OF 0 REINFORCED CONCRETE 0 STRUCT STEEL ASSEMBLY 0 SPRAY-APPLIED FIREPROOFING 0 PRE-STRESSED CONCRETE 0 EPDXY 0 OTHER 0 REINFORCED MASONRY ;EJwoOD FRAME JOB ADDRESS 107-r I BUILDING PERMIT NUMBER I PLAN FILE NUMBER OWNER OR PROJECT NAME ,If1., el ARCHITECT f £i.j,1 CONSTR. MAlt. (TYPE. GRADE. EFC) - DESIGN JSTRENGTh I SOURCE OF MFGR I - ENGINEER .V fJo.i ?T9foA1 DESCRIBE MAIL (MIX DESIGN. RE-BAR GRADE& MFGR, WELD-ROD, ETC) GENERAL CONTRACTOR CONTRDOINGREPORIEDWORK /1 /1 LAB. RECEIVING & TESTING CONSM INSPECTION DATE . I f//9/11 DETAILED REPORT OF WORK INSPECTED LOCATION OF WORK INSPECTED,TESTSAMPLESTAWL WORK REiECTEDJOB PROBtEMS, PROORESS. REMARKS. ETC CORNECI1RIWELOSMAOI. tt8OLYSTOIKRJERICHEONOEtC Zffl(c 7/~ i2' 6IAW w ,(/A/t'ft 9 . c- 1 1 _2'rflIcr,, _ac ,,Io,t t9 r.r, / A16 A V /L/fr &ii'O 00zF4 Ah4a4,,4,'é ALL IM"AX is Cvti PIJ.'?i3 4& zi Rc /2 1z7 2/21/l.a/V. I 11 / INTORTYPE). 1,40" /1 " INSPECTOR (PR SIGNATURE: _4t/h67' - .4 ,- 77/ / 44q,t/i/ DATE SIGNED:f ///,tCERTIFICATE NO .< /'t6'S2 Y CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE: to the best of our knowledge, all of the reported work, unless otherwise noted, substantially complies with approved-plans. 41 Specifications and applicable sections of the building codes. This report covers the locations of the work inspected only and does not constitute engineering pin Ion or project control. BRIAN POLLEY LAND SURVEYINq INC. LICENSED LAND SURVEYOR NO. 4670 LAND SURVEYOR & CIVIL ENGINEERS 5515 EL ARBOL DRIVE, CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 TELEPHONE: (760) 438-5146 EMAIL: BPLSI@SBCGLOBAL.NET March 11, 2014 Don Edson, Architect 1276 Saxony Road Encinitas, CA 92024 RE: New Residence @ 1075 Palm Avenue, Carlsbad, CA 92009, APN 205-191-05 Dear Don, The proposed residence at the above referenced property was surveyed on March 7, 2014. A building envelope of 48.25 feet by 63.83 feet was calculated from your Project Information/Site Plan dated 1-30-14 and was staked parallel with Palm Avenue and distant thereon 20.00 feet at right angles from the Northwesterly property line thereof. The side yard setback at the NW Corner is 8.08 feet and the side yard setback at the NE Corner is 8.09 feet. The side yard setback at the SE Corner is 8.11 feet and the side yard setback at the SW Corner is 8.06 feet. The four envelope corners of the graded building pad have been graded to an elevation of 83.56 feet at the NW Corner, 83.51 feet at the NE Corner, 83.74 feet at the SE Corner and 83.60 feet at the SW Corner. The basis of elevations for this survey is the invert elevation of 72.72 feet at Sewer Man Hole Station 4+36.50 per City of Carlsbad Drawing No. 129-3 dated 6-13-68 on Palm Avenue Sewer Line Plan. The basis of horizontal control for this survey is Record of Survey Map No. 20968 recorded in the office of the County Recorder of San Diego County on May 6, 2011. Three of the four property corners of this map were recovered on this survey and the NE Corner was re-established by setting a new monument on an offset of North 28 degrees 08 minutes 04 seconds West 0.15 hundredths of a foot from the true corner position. The new monument is flush against the existing stucco wall. The stucco wall along the northeasterly property line of your property slightly encroaches onto the subject property. 2Brian;Pof1ley,L4670 President I LAND & SURVEYING PROPERTY DEVELOPMENT ENGINEERING CONSTRUCTION STAKING & US 930 Armorlite Dr., San Marcos, CA Phone (760) 7364115—Fax (760) 7364670 Certificate of Insulation Contractor: KAUN LYONS Job Name: LYONS CUSTOM Job Number: 33428 Customer ID: LYONIOO Address: 1075 PALM AVE Contractors Telephone: (760)275-6945 Proposal Number: BD-33428 City: CARLSBAD State: CA Permit Number: Product Location R-1 I unlaced fiberglass baits @ interior wails R-I3 unlaced fiberglass baits @ Exterior Walls R-13 unlaced fiberglass baits @ Garage Exterior Walls R-19 unlaced eco baits between floors R-13 unlaced fiberglass baits @ Knee Walls R-19 unlaced fiberglass baits @ Exterior Walls R-19 cotton baits between floors R-19 unlaced eco baits @ Garage Ceiling R-19 unlaced eco baits @ Garage Ceiling With Living Above R-19 unlaced eco baits lB Outside Overhangs R-30 unlaced fiberglass baits © Attic Area R-l9unfacedeooballs @ Attic Area, foam sealant doors, windows and base plates THE FOLLOWING PRODUCTS HAVE BEEN INSTALLED AS SPECIFIED ABOVE ULOSE R-Value Thickness Bags Footage IF JETSTREAM ATTIC OF HOUSE IS-CORNING PINKPRO ATTIC OF GARAGE AINTEED INSULSAFE Authorized Agent:e, 42 Date: CA - *The higher the R-Value the greater the Insulating Power. Loose fill insulations vary In thermal performance due to factors such as aging, mean temperature, conviction, moisture absorption and Insulation variation. Page 1 of I GEOTECHNICAL EXPLORATION, INC. SOIL & FOUNDATION ENGINEERING GROUNDWATER • ENGINEERING GEOLOGY FIELD REPORT ON OBSERVATION OF FOUNDATIONS DATE: TIME: A1'- JOB NO. t3 44 PROJECT NAME: City of Carlsbad PROJECT ADDRESS: 'S -Ave.MAR 17 2014 BUILDING DIVISION /The footing excavations listed below were bottomed on material for which the bearing values recommended in the foundation report are applicable. The cast-in-place drilled friction piles listed below penetrated material for which the allowable supporting capacities recommended in the foundation report are applicable. The piles were excavated to diameters at least as large as specified and the excavations extended at least to the depths indicated on the Foundation Plans. The excavations for the cast-in-place belled piers listed below were bottomed on material for which the bearing values recommended in the foundation report are applicable. Tile excavations were at least as large as specified on the Foundation Plans. Tl~e driven piles listed below were observect' to be driven to the specified lengths and/or i El driving resistances to obtain the supporting capacities recommended in the foundation - - report. Based upon observations, it is our opinion that the foundation recommendations presented in the report of the foundation investigation, Job No.V t '04 , dated '1it ai)/(are not) applicable to the conditions observed. Foundation Plans by ')1 ¼< dated____________________ were used as a reference for our observations. - \hs cD( 1fU4 o5ccj,cJ. t'U1S 4 JVh v4i/tç( 1J L c&c- c - • • v p- 71. NOTE: The observations reported above do not constitute an approval of foundation location, footing size or depth, reinforcement, or foundation design. Loose, soft, or disturbed soils must be removed prior to placement of reinforcement or concrete. The opinions and recommendations presented in this report were based upon our observa- tions and are presented in accordance with generally accepted professional engineering practice. We make no other warranty, either express or implied. ~~Wr BY: 7420 Trade St. San Diego, Ca. 92121 • (858) 549-7222• FAX: (858) 549-1604 Maarnnh1 AlflQ CLIENT: tAttt 6JGL fi4Lvii kV / 3 •3 23 2.. Development Services CIRCUIT CARD Building Division CITY OF B-36 1635 Faraday Avenue 760-602-2719 CARLSBAD www.carisbadca.gov rut f'APfl .IT IPT PP PIt I ft IT A)JI AUAIT API P AT TWP D'JU'P PfI 11PM IT Pfl1I TIIP PATIfI4 IMPPP('TIflN Address: /7 c 4P), I Permit Number: ''3 i'3 2 - Owner I Phone: Area in Sq. Ft •5b Contractor: Phone: ( PANEL: WIN I.C. 11.0740 VOLTS 0 WIRE LOCATION CKT BKR SIZE WIRE MISC REC REC LTG MISC WIRE BKR SIZE SIZE TYPE, SIZE TYPE r 1497 14 6, Xm 7 i CKTkLOCATION % ( f ___ ___ 2 ___ I _ (9O 5. __ 20 , / - - - ___ 2. i C' I < 7 2.0 __ jj1 __ / It 20 / 10 01 _____ c.t c.B 13 ILO ___ /t , 12 4to /0 14 012) C)/ so SoL& - ___ ___ 1,2 - j— 16 &Qj&11A;0 17 iCD - ___ ' --- S' N J /Q C', __ 20 ILA Kv. VI'll' 21 2J' C l42 22 23 ' 6. V. 220 (&2 !L O / ç , to i*1TI 27 I - - ___ ( -- 28 çG "6 Ut' (ç I - - I ___ C 490 30 r4 R31 7040 17-j C? I CZ 6V '10 32 '4_ Rh g,r.je 33 l JK iILL L to jz 'ID 36 o%'' C)V60 37 2 piv6psA (JJ*Qh 39 I j J_ 40 41 42 MAIN 0 BRKJFUSE 0 MLO Computed Load t _AMPS See n Worksheet on back BUS: ___________AMP Branch circuits required: orfe Service entrance eder conductors: A) Size: No. B) Type: U 0 AI A) Lighting Circuits 220- 3(b), 4(d) Circuits 210- 11(e) C) Insulation: bill.) D) Conduit Size: 01 Two Small Appliance Laundry Circuit 220- 16(b) Service ground/bond: '2 I&CU Central Heating Equipment 422-12 A) Size: No. B) Type: AL ___ Bathroom 210- 52(d) C) Clamp location(s): 0 UFER 250 - 50(c) Remarks: r ater Pipe 250-104 round Rod Y6 7. 250-52 GFC1 ioctns 210-8. 680-70: Bathroom(s) 'Kitchen I certify that all terminations have been torqued in accordance with manufacturer's instructions and that the work shown on this circuit card represents the full extent of &l Garage(s) 'OHydromassage Tub Garage(s) the work performed under this permit. Outdoors ---- 0 Owner____________________________ AFprotected Clrc. 210 - 12 pin gned Date -/q — 4 B-36 Page 1 of 2 Rev. 03/09 r. 51)13 7,L- F//c 4 CIRCUIT CARD Development Services Building Division CITY OF B-36 1635 Faraday Avenue CARLSBAD 760-602-2719 www.carlsbadca.gov THIS CARD MUST BE FILLED OUT AND AVAILABLE AT THE SERVICE EQUIPMENT FOR THE ROUGH INSPECTION Address: Permit Number: Owner. --F Phone: I Area in Sq. Ft. Contractor: I Phone: I PANEL: At.PSTh A.I.C. W/2i4OVOLTS - 0 — WIRE LOCATION CKT BKR SIZE WIRE MISC REC REC LTG MISC WIRE BKR SIZE cicr LOCATION SIZE TYPE SIZE TYPE i L,IS f :3 ZQ L21. t) ' , he !_ '70 M '60 I - J I'! , / co US . 1 9AU1I 7 2 J2. I - JQ. IL! , 1< RbTt zi; IP 11 c'.) v3 - ___ __ ___ __ I L( c " ) IL WSW Div 11 ___ __ Ii_ ___ 12 13 __ __ __ __ ___ 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 _ _ _ 29 . 30 31 32 33 34 35 _28 36 37 _ _ _ 39 _38 40 41 _ _ _ _42 MAIN: 0 AMP BRK/FUSE 0 MLO Computed Load AMPS BUS: AMP See Calculation Worksheet on back Service entrance or feeder conductors: Branch circuits required: Lighting Circuits 220 — 3(b), 4(d) A) Size: No. ____ B) Type: 0 CU 0 Al Two Small Appliance Circuits 210-11(e) Insulation: 7Ize: Service ground/bond: B A) Size: No. pe , d AL I I CU C) Laundry Circuit 220— 16(b) 0) Central Heating Equipment 422-12 E) Bathroom 210- 52(d) C) Clamp location(s): LIFER FER 250 — 50(c) Water Pipe 250-104 0 Ground Rod 250-52 0 GFCI locations 210-8.880-70: I certify that all terminations have been torqued in accordance with manufacturer's Bathroom(s) 0 Kitche instructions and that the work shown on this circuit card represents the full extent of Garage(s) DHydrorssage Tub the work performed under this permit. Outdoors 0 . DOwner____________________________ AFCI Protected Circ. 210-12 0 Contractor__________________________________ Bedroom(s) 0 Signed Date B-36 Page 1 of 2 Rev. 03/09 >> CIRCUIT CARD Development Services Building Division CITY OF B-36 1635 Faraday Avenue 760-602-2719 CARLSP- AD THIS CARD MUST BE FILLED OUT AND AVAILABLE AT THE SERVICE EQUIPMENT FOR THE ROUGH INSPECTION Address: I Permit Number: Owner: Phone: Area in Sq. Ft. Contractor: I Phone: I PANEL:_C O A.I.C. VOLTS 0 _LPIJ 'j WIRE LOCATION CKT BKR SIZE _WIRE MISC REC REC LTG MISC WIRE BKR SIZE CKT LOCATION SIZE TYPE SIZE 'TYPE 5 ReQ ZQ j (U 1. 14 c / g 2 S H6P 3 . . 4 5 6 7 ' 8 9. 10 11 . . 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 . 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 . 36 37 38 39 _ _ .4Q 41 _ _ . 42 1 MAIN: D AMP BRKIFUSE D MLO Computed Load • AMPS BUS: AMP See Calculation Worksheet on back Branch circuits required: Service entrance or feeder conductors: A) Size: No. B) Type: 0 CU 0 AL 'A) Lighting Circuits 220- 3(b), 4(d) Two Small Appliance Circuits 210- 11(e) C) Insulation: 0) Conduit Size: Laundry Circuit 220- 16(b) Service ground/bond: 0) Central Heating Equipment 422- 12 A) Size: No. B) Type: AL E) Bathroom 210 - 52(d) - C) Clamp location(s): LIFER 250- 50(c) Remarks: O Water Pipe 250-104 0 Ground Rod 250-52 GFCI locations 210-8. 680 70 that all terminations have been torqued In accordance with manufacturer's - O Bathroom(s) 0 hen ions and that the work shown on This circuit ca represents the full extent of O Garage(s) OHydromassa Tub the performed under this permit. Outdoors 0 ____ _______ Owner AFCI Protected Circ. 210 - 12 0 Contractor______________________________________ O Bedroom(s) 0 Signed Date B-36 Page 1 of 2 Rev. 03/09 SINGLE FAMILY DWELLING ELECTRICAL SERVICE LOAD CALCULATION As an alternative method, the STANDARD METHOD found in ARTICLE 220 of the National Electric Code, may be used GENERAL LIGHTING LOADS Dwelling sq. ft. x 3 VA = 220-3(a) VA Small appliance loads - 220-16(a) 1500 VA x circuits = VA Laundry load - 220-16(b) 1500 VA x J circuits = / General Lighting Total_________ VA 2., COOKING EQUIPME LO, DS —Nameplate Value , 'Range '' j' / VA Cooktop = I __________ VA Oven (s) VA= / VA I Cooking Equipment Total VA ELECTRIC DRYER 220-18 (NampIat 1 00 VA minimum) Dryer VA = DryerTotal VA FIXED APPLIANCE LOADS 230-30 (b) (3) Dishwasher = ' __________ VA Disposal = __________ VA Compactor = __________ VA Water Heater = __________ VA Hydromassage Bathtub = __________ VA Microwave Oven = ' __________ VA Built-in Vacuum = __________ VA VA Fixed Appliance Total VA OPTIONAL SUBTOTAL (Add all of the above totals) VA APPLYING DEMAND FACTORS - TABLE 220-30 First 10,000 VA 100% = 10,000 VA Optional Subtotal (from line 5) { Remi4ng ( I VA x 40%= VA HEATING OR AC LOAD - TABLE 22030 I Larger of the Heating or AC Load = / Aes VA OPTIONAL LOADS TOTAL (Add totals from Iand 7)= VA MINIMUM SERVICE SIZE = Optional Loads Total = ' Ampere 240 Volt (Please put total on front of cad under Computed Load) EsGil Corporation In (Partnership wit/i government for Builiing Safety DATE: FEB. 20, 2014 JURISDICTION: CARLSBAD PLAN CHECK NO.: 13-3232 PROJECT ADDRESS: 1075 PALM AVENUE PROJECT NAME: SFR FOR COBB O APPLICANT U PLAN REVIEWER U FILE SET: III The plans transmitted herewith have been corrected where necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction's codes. The plans transmitted herewith will substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes when minor deficiencies, identified below are resolved and checked by building department staff. The plans transmitted herewith have significant deficiencies identified on the enclosed check list and should be corrected and resubmitted for a complete recheck. The check list transmitted herewith is for your information. The plans are being held at Esgil Corporation until corrected plans are submitted for recheck. The applicant's copy of the check list is enclosed for the jurisdiction to forward to the applicant contact person. The applicant's copy of the check list has been sent to: DON EDSON AlA 1276 SAXONY ROAD, ENCINITAS,CA 92024 EsGil Corporation staff didnot advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. EsGil Corporation staff did advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. Person contacted: DON Telephone #: 619-981-3822 Date contacted (by: ) Email: Fax #: 760-438-5831 Mail Telephone Fax In Person REMARKS: On Sheet A-6, please revise the details referenced to Sheet &-5 to say & those referenced to Sheet 94 to say S-i. [The attached set has been modified for your reference]. By: ALl SADRE, S.E. Enclosures: EsGil Corporation 0 GA 0 EJ 0 MB 0 PC 2/13 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208 • San Diego, California 92123 • (858) 560-1468 • Fax (858) 560-1576 Site Development Mandatory 4.106.2 A plan is developed and implemented to manage storm water drainage during (x) construction. . . (x) 4.106.3 The site shall be planned and developed to keep surface water away from buildings. Construction plans shall indicate how site grading or a drainage system will manage all surface water flows. Energy. Efficiency 4,201.1 Low-rise residential buildings shall meet or exceed the minimum standard design (X) required by the California Energy Standards. Water Efficiency and Conservation 111-11, Indoor Water Use 4.303.1 Indoor water use shall be reduced by at least 20 percent using one of the following (X) methods: 7/01/2011 Water saving fixtures or flow restrictors shall be used. A 20 percent reduction in baseline water use shall be demonstrated. (x) 4.303.2 When using the calculation method specified in Section 4.303.1, multiple showerheads 7/01/2011 shall not exceed maximum flow, rates. (x) 4.303.3 Plumbing fixtures (water closets and urinals) and fittings (faucets and shower heads) 7/01/2011 shall comply with _specified _performance _requirements. Outdoor Water Use 4.304.1 Automatic irrigation systems controllers installed at the time of final inspection shall be (X) weather-based. Enhanced Durability and Reduc Ma ed intenance 4.406.1 Joints and openings. Annular spaces around pipes, electric cables, conduits or other openings in plates at exterior walls shall be protected against the passage of rodents by closing (x) such openings with cement mortar, concrete masonry or similar method acceptable to the enforcing agency. construction Waste Reduction, Disposal and Recycling 4.408.1 A minimum of 50 percent of the construction waste generated at the sitel is diverted to (X) recycle of salvage. 4.408.2 Where a local jurisdiction does not have a construction and demolition waste (x) management ordinance, construction waste management plan shall be submitted for approval to the enforcina aaencv. As CITY OF CARLSBAD RESIDENTIALIGREEN BUILDING CODE STANDARDS MANDATORY MEASURES CERTIFICATION CHECKLIST B-51 Develooment Services Building Division 1635 Faraday Avenue 760-602-2719 www.carlsbadca.gov Rev. 04/11 Pollutant Control 4.504.1 Duct openings and other related air distribution component openings shall be covered (X) during construction. 4.504.2.1 Adhesive, sealants and caulks shall be compliant with VOC and other toxic compound (x) limits. (X) 4.504.2.2 Paints, stains and other coatings shall be compliant with VOC limits. (x) 4.504.2.3 Aerosol paints and coatings shall be compliant with product weighted MIR limits for ROC and other toxic compounds. (X) 4.504.2.4 Documentation shall be provided to verify that compliant VOC limit finish materials have been used. (X) 4.504.3 Carpet and carpet systems shall be compliant with VOC limits. 4.504.4 50 percent of floor area receiving resilient flooring shall comply with VOC-emission limits (x) defined in the Collaborative for High Performance Schools (CHPS) Low-emitting Materials List or be certified under the Resilient Floor Covering Institute (RFCI) FloorScore program. (x) 4.504.5 Particleboard, medium density fiberboard (MDF) and hardwood plywood used in interior finish systems shall comply with low formaldehyde emission standards. Interior Moisture Control 4.505.2 Vapor retarder and capillary break is installed at slab on grade foundations. (X) 4.505.3 Moisture content of building materials used in wall and floor framing is checked before (x) enclosure. Indoor Air Quality and Exhaust 4.506.1 Exhaust fans which terminate outside the building are provided in every bathroom. (x) Environmental Comfort 4.507.1 Whole house exhaust fans shall have insulated louvers or covers which close when the (X) fan is off. Covers or louvers shall have a minimum insulation value of R-4.2. 4.507.2 Duct systems are sized, designed, and equipment is selected using the following methods: (x) Establish heat loss and heat gain values according to ACCA Manual J or equivalent. Size duct systems according to ACCA 29-D (Manual 0) or equivalent Select heating and cooling equipment according to ACCA 36-S (Manual S) or equivalent. Installer and Special Inspector Qualifications 702.1 HVAC system installers are trained and certified in the proper installation of HVAC (x) systems. 702.2 Special inspectors employed by the owner must be qualified and able to demonstrate (x) competence in the discipline they are inspecting. as the professional responsible for this project, certify that, to the best of my knowledge, the mandatory items listed on this form have been incorporated into the project in order to comply with Title 24, Part 11 of the 2010 California Green Building Standards. Project Address: 49 7. fli47 /4'06 Plan Check Number: Print Name: 061 6-,OSOAI Signed:________________________ License Number: C 7 7&Date: /2. '2-7 , 43 S., B-51 Page 2 of 2 Rev. 04/11 EsGil Corporation In Partners/lip wit/i government for tBuilding Safety DATE: FEB. 109 2014 JURISDICTION: CARLSBAD PLAN CHECK NO.: 13-3232 PROJECT ADDRESS: 1075 PALM AVENUE PROJECT NAME: SFR FOR COBB SET: II O AAPPLICANT fiJURIS. U PLAN REVIEWER U FILE LI The plans transmitted herewith have been corrected where necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction's codes. 11111 The plans transmitted herewith will substantially comply with the jurisdiction's codes when minor deficiencies identified below are resolved and checked by building department staff. The plans transmitted herewith have significant deficiencies identified on the enclosed check list and should be corrected and resubmitted for a complete recheck. The check list transmitted herewith is for your information. The plans are being held at Esgil Corporation until corrected plans are submitted for recheck. PLEASE SEE BELOW The applicant's copy of the check list is enclosed for the jurisdiction to forward to the applicant contact person. The applicant's copy of the check list has been sent to: DON EDSON AlA 1276 SAXONY ROAD, ENCINITAS, CA 92024 EsGil Corporation staff did not advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. EsGil Corporation staff did advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. Person contacted: DON Telephone #: 619-981-3822 9ate contacted: 2'l ,9 (by Email: Fax #: 760-438-5831 / Mail Telephone Fax In Person REMARKS: Please see attached for remaining items from previous list. These items could not be located on plans. By: ALl SADRE, S.E. Enclosures: EsGil Corporation D GA i: EJ 0 MB 0 Pc 1/03 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208 • San Diego, California 92123 • (858) 560-1468 • Fax(858)560-1576 CARLSBAD 13-3232 FEB. 10, 2014 . PLANS Please submit (3) revised, stamped & signed sets of plans to the city for review & approval. . GUARDRAILS 2. Guards (Sec. R312): Detail 5/S5, as referenced on B/A-6 for guards is incorrect: Shall have a height of 4" (may be 34" along the sides of stairs). Openings between railings shall be less than 4". C) Shall be detailed to show capability to resist a concentrated toad of 200 pounds in any direction along the top rail. Table R301.5. . STRUCTURAL 3. on Sheet S-4, show a TS column-to-footing connection details & references with base-plate size, thickness, bolts size & number, A.B. embedment, weld size & type to the base-plate, etc., for the TS columns © porch front. 4. Label all pads and specify their reinforcement size and number on Sheet S-3. 5. RB2, RROI, RR02 & RR03, as per calc's., do not match what is shown on Sheet S-5. . PLUMBING 6. Provide on the title sheet of plans the name of the purveyor, the name of the person at the purveyor that provided the static psi, date that the information was provided & the water meter size. City Policy. Note not found on Cl. as per response. . GREEN BUILDING STANDARDS (The following items could not be located on Sheet Ml, as per response): 7. Note on site plans that the site shall be planned and developed to keep surface water away from buildings. Plans shall be provided and approved by the City Engineer that show site grading and provide for storm water retention and drainage during construction. BMP's that are currently enforced by the city engineer must be implemented prior to initial inspection by the building department. CGC 4.106.3. Note on plans that heating and AC shall be sized and selected by ACCA Manual J or ASH RAE handbook or equivalent. The duct sizing shall be sized in accordance with one of the ACCA methods listed in CGC Section 4.507.2. 9. Note on plans that prior to final approval of the building the licensed contractor, architect or engineer in responsible charge of the overall construction must complete and sign the Green Building Standards Certification form and given to the building department official to be filed with the approved plans. MISCELLANEOUS 10. To speed up the review process, note on this list where each item is addressed on plans. The jurisdiction has contracted with EsGil Corporation located at 9320 Chesapeake Dr., #208, S.D., CA 92123; Tel: 858/560-1468, to perform the plan review for your project. If you have any questions regarding these plan review items, please contact ALl SADRE, S.E. at EsGil Corporation. Thank you. EsGil Corporation In cPartnersliip wit/i government for tBuilding Safety DATE: JAN. 139 2014 JURISDICTION: CARLSBAD PLAN CHECK NO.: 13-3232 PROJECT ADDRESS: 1075 PALM AVENUE PROJECT NAME: SFR FOR COBB SET: I U APPLICANT 'JURIS. U PLAN REVIEWER U FILE The plans transmitted herewith have been corrected where necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction's codes. The plans transmitted herewith will substantially comply with the jurisdiction's codes when minor deficiencies identified below are resolved and checked by building department staff. LII The plans transmitted herewith have significant deficiencies identified on the enclosed check list and should be corrected and resubmitted for a complete recheck. The check list transmitted herewith is for your information. The plans are being held at Esgil Corporation until corrected plans are submitted for recheck. Lii The applicant's copy of the check list is enclosed for the jurisdiction to forward to the applicant contact person. The applicant's copy of the check list has been sent to: DON EDSON AlA 1276 SAXONY ROAD, ENCINITAS, CA 92024 LI EsGil Corporation staff did not advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. EsGil Corporation staff did advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. Person contacted: DON Date contacted: t ()L_1 (by.y-)' Email: Mail Telephone Fax In Person 'r'w'tu LI REMARKS: Telephone #: 619-981-3822 Fax #: 760-438-5831 By: ALl SADRE, S.E. Enclosures: EsGil Corporation D GA 0 EJ El MB 0 PC 1/03 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208 • San Diego, California 92123 • (858) 560-1468 • Fax (858) 560-1576 CARLSBAD 13-3232 JAN. 13, 2014 PLAN REVIEW CORRECTION LIST SINGLE FAMILY DWELLINGS AND DUPLEXES PLAN CHECK NO.: 13-3232 JURISDICTION: CARLSBAD PROJECT ADDRESS: 1075 PALM AVENUE FLOOR AREA: LIVING = 3,850 GARAGE = 535; PATIO COVER = 535 REMARKS: DATE PLANS RECEIVED BY JURISDICTION: 12/30 DATE INITIAL PLAN REVIEW COMPLETED: JAN. 139 2014 FOREWORD (PLEASE READ): STORIES: TWO HEIGHT: 24' DATE PLANS RECEIVED BY ESGIL CORPORATION: 1/03 PLAN REVIEWER: ALl SADRE, S.E. This plan review is limited to the technical requirements contained in the California version of the International Residential Code, International Building Code, Uniform Plumbing Code, Uniform Mechanical Code, National Electrical Code and state laws regulating energy conservation, noise attenuation and access for the disabled. This plan review is based on regulations enforced by the Building Department. You may have other corrections based on laws and ordinance by the Planning Department, Engineering Department, Fire Department or other departments. Clearance from those departments may be required prior to the issuance of a building permit. Present California law mandates that construction comply with the 2010 edition of the California Code of Regulations (Title 24), which adopts the following model codes: 2009 IRC, 2009 IBC, 2009 UPC, 2009 UMC and 2008 NEC. The above regulations apply, regardless of the code editions adopted by ordinance. The following items listed need clarification, modification or change. All items must be satisfied before the plans will be in conformance with the cited codes and regulations. Per Sec. 105.4 of the 2009 International Building Code, the approval of the plans does not permit the violation of any state, county or city law. To speed up the recheck process, please note on this list (or a copy) where each correction item has been addressed, i.e., plan sheet number, specification section, etc. Be sure to enclose the marked up list when you submit the revised plans. CARLSBAD 13-3232 JAN. 13, 2014 . PLANS Please make all corrections, as requested in the correction list. Submit FOUR new complete sets of plans for commercial/industrial projects (THREE sets of plans for residential projects). For expeditious processing, corrected sets can be submitted in one of two ways: 1. Deliver all corrected sets of plans and calculations/reports directly to the City of Carlsbad Building Department, 1635 Faraday Ave., Carlsbad, CA 92008, (760) 602-2700. The City will route the plans to EsGil Corporation and the Carlsbad Planning, Engineering and Fire Departments. 2. Bring one corrected set of plans and calculations/reports to EsGil Corporation, 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208, San Diego, CA 92123, (858) 560-1468. Deliver all remaining sets of plans and calculations/reports directly to the City of Carlsbad Building Department for routing to their Planning, Engineering and Fire Departments. NOTE: Plans that are submitted directly to EsGil Corporation only will not be reviewed by the City Planning, Engineering and Fire Departments until review by EsGil Corporation is complete. 2. A reminder that all sheets of revised plans & 1st page of the calculations need to be stamped & signed by the California state licensed engineer or architect responsible for their preparation. (California Business and Professions Code). 3. On the cover sheet of plans, specify any items that will have a deferred submittal (trusses, fire sprinklers/alarms, etc.). Additionally, provide the following note on plans: "Submittal documents for deferred submittal items shall be submitted to the registered design professional in responsible charge, who shall review them and forward them to the building official with a notation indicating that the deferred documents have been reviewed and that they have been found to be in general conformance with the design of the building. The deferred items shall NOT be installed until their design and documents have been approved by the building official." . GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 4. Please label all doors & windows on floor plans matching those on door & window schedules. 5. Glazing in the following locations should be shown on the plans as safety glazing material in accordance with Section R308.4 (see exceptions): Glazing in doors. Glazing in the walls/doors surrounding bathtubs and showers where the bottom exposed edge of the glazing is less than 60" above the standing surface. C) Glazing adjacent to a door where the nearest exposed edge of the glazing is within a 24" of either vertical edge of the door in a closed position and where the bottom exposed edge of the glazing is less than 60" above the walking surface. . STAIRWAYS AND RAILINGS 6. A nosing (between %" and 1-%") shall be provided on stairways with solid risers. Exception: No nosing is required if the tread depth is min. 11". Sec. R311.7.4.3. CARLSBAD 13-3232 JAN. 13, 2014 7. Open risers are only permitted if the opening between treads does not permit the passage of a 4" diameter sphere. Section R311.7.4.3. 8. Provide stairway and landing details. Section R311.7: Minimum width is 36"; Minimum headroom is 6-8". The greatest riser height within any flight of stairs shall not exceed the smallest by more than 3/8'. The greatest tread depth within any flight of stairs shall not exceed the smallest by more than 3/8". 9. Handrails (Section R311.7.7): Shall be provided on at least one side of each stairway with four or more risers. Handrails and extensions shall be 34" to 38" above nosing of treads and be continuous. C) The handgrip portion of all handrails shall be not less than 1-W nor more than 2" in cross-sectional dimension. See Section R311.7.7.3 for alternatives. Handrails projecting from walls shall have at least 1-W between the wall and the handrail. Ends of handrails shall be returned or shall have rounded terminations or bends. 10. Guards (Section R312): Shall have a height of 4." (may be 34" along the sides of stairs). Openings between railings shall be less than 4". C) Shall be detailed to show capability to resist a concentrated load of 200 pounds in any direction along the top rail. Table R301.5. . ROOFING 11. Note on plans: "Attic ventilation openings shall be covered with corrosion- resistant metal mesh with 1/8" min to %" maximum openings. Section R806.1. 12. Show location of attic access with a minimum size of 22"x30", unless the maximum vertical headroom height in the attic is less than 30". Access must be provided to each separated attic area (if over 30 sq. ft.), shall be located in a hallway or other readily accessible location and 30" headroom clearance is required above the opening. Section R807.1. 13. Show the required ventilation for attics (or enclosed rafter spaces formed where ceilings are applied directly to the underside of roof rafters). The minimum vent area is 1/150 of attic area. Show on plans the area required and area provided. Section R806.2. . GARAGE 14. Show a self-closing door, either 1-3/8" solid core or a listed 20 minute assembly, for openings between garage and dwelling. Section R302.5.1. . STRUCTURAL 15. Provide a letter from the soils engineer confirming that the foundation plan, grading plan and specifications have been reviewed and that it has been determined that the recommendations in the soils report are properly incorporated into the construction documents. CARLSBAD 13-3232 JAN. 13, 2014 16. Note on the foundation plan that "Prior to the contractor requesting a Building Department foundation inspection, the soils engineer shall advise the building official in writing that: The building pad was prepared in accordance with the soils report, The utility trenches have been properly backfilled and compacted, and C) The foundation excavations, the soils expansive characteristics and bearing capacity conform to the soils report." 17. Note on plans that surface water will drain away from building and show drainage pattern. The grade shall fall a min of 6" within the first 10 feet. Section R401.3. 18. Specify floor & roof sheathing thickness with nail size and spacing on plans. Table R602.3(1). Table R503.2.1(1) 19. Provide vertical & lateral load calculations for this project. 20. Nails for shear transfer connection (using A35's, etc.) may not be driven parallel to the flanges of TJl's (i.e., along the sides), per city policy, unless specific written approval from Trus-Joist Macmillan is first obtained. Details or notes on the plans should make this clear. Nails may be driven perpendicular to TJI flanges. 21. Please specify the width of all footings on Sheet S-2. 22. Please indicate the size of the pad footing on Sheet S-2. 23. Please specify the slab thickness, reinforcement size & spacing and underlayment on plans. . MECHANICAL 24. Show the minimum 30" deep unobstructed working space in front of the attic installed furnace. Section CIVIC Section 904.11.4. 25. Note that passageway to the mechanical equipment in attic shall be un- obstructed, have continuous solid flooring not less than 24" wide & not more than 20' in length from the access opening to the appliance. CIVIC Section 904.11. 26. Show a permanent electrical receptacle outlet and lighting fixture controlled by a switch located at the entrance for Fau located in attic. CMC Section 904.11.5. 27. Detail the dryer exhaust duct design from the dryer to exterior. CIVIC Sec. 504.3. 28. Roof mounted equipment must be screened and roof penetrations should be minimized (City Policy 80-6). . ELECTRICAL 29. Show on the plan the amperage of the electrical service. CARLSBAD 13-3232 JAN. 13, 2014 30. Note on the plans that receptacle outlet locations will comply with CEC Article 210.52(A). 31. Per CEC Article 210.11(C)3, note on the plans that bathroom circuiting shall be either: A 20 ampere circuit dedicated to each bathroom, or At least one 20 ampere circuit supplying only bathroom receptacle outlets. 32. Show at least one wall switch-controlled lighting outlet to be installed in every habitable room; in bathrooms, hallways, stairways, attached garages, and detached garages with electric power; and at the exterior side of outdoor entrances or exits. At interior stairways show 3-way switching for lighting outlets at each floor level where there are six or more steps. CEC Article 210.70(A). 33. Include the following electrical notes on plans: Weather resistant type for receptacles installed in damp or wet locations (outside). Arc-fault protection for all outlets (not just receptacles) located in rooms described in NEC 210.12(B): Family, living, bedrooms, dining, halls, etc. C) Tamper resistant receptacles for all locations described in 210.52 (i.e., all receptacles in a dwelling). . PLUMBING 34. Show the I and P relief valve at the water heater and the discharge pipe size and routing to the exterior. CPC Section 608.3. 35. If an instantaneous water heater is shown on plans, please include a gas pipe sizing design (isometric or pipe layout) for all gas loads. 36. Dimension on plans the 30" clear width required for the water closet compartment. CPC 407.5. See bath #2. 37. Provide a note on the plans: The control valves in bathtubs, whirlpool bathtubs, showers and tub-shower combinations must be pressure balanced or thermostatic mixing valves. CPC Section 414.5 and 418.0. 38. Provide on the title sheet of the plans the name of the purveyor, the name of the person at the purveyor that provided the static psi, date that the information was provided and the water meter size. 39. New residential units must be pre-plumbed for future solar water heating. Note "two roof jacks must be installed" where the water heater is in the one story garage and directly below the most south facing roof (City Ordinance No. 8093). 40. . Note "two 3/4" copper pipes must be installed to the most convenient future solar panel location when the water heater is not in a one story garage and is not directly below the most south facing roof. (City Ordinance No. 8093). 41. All piping for present or future solar water heating must be insulated when in areas that are not heated or cooled by mechanical means. (City Policy). CARLSBAD 13-3232 JAN. 13, 2014 . GREEN BUILDING STANDARDS The California Building Standards Commission (BSC) has adopted the Green Building Standards Code which became effective January 1, 2011 and must be enforced by the local building official. The following mandatory requirements for residential construction must be included on your plans. The Green Building Standards apply only to newly constructed buildings throughout California. CGC 101.3 Note on site plans that the site shall be planned and developed to keep surface water away from buildings. Plans shall be provided and approved by the City Engineer that show site grading and provide for storm water retention and drainage during construction. BMP's that are currently enforced by the city engineer must be implemented prior to initial inspection by the building department. CGC 4.106.3. Note on plans that a minimum of 50% of construction waste is to be recycled. CGC 4.408.1. Note on plans that the builder is to provide an operation manual (containing information for maintaining appliances, etc.) for the owner at the time of final inspection. CGC 4.410.1. Note on plans that during construction, ends of duct openings are to be sealed, and mechanical equipment is to be covered. CGC 4.504.1. Note on plans that VOC's must comply with the limitations listed in Section 4504.3 and Tables 4.504.1, 4.504.2, 4.504.3 and 4504.5 for: Adhesives, Paints and Coatings, Carpet and Composition Wood Products. CGC 4.504.2. Note on plans that interior moisture control at slab on grade floors shall be provided by the soil engineer responsible for the project soil report per CGC Section 4.505.2.1, item 3. If a soil engineer has not prepared a soil report for this project, the following is required: A 4" thick base of Vz" or larger clean aggregate shall be provided with a vapor barrier in direct contact with concrete, with a concrete mix design which will address bleeding, shrinkage and curling shall be used. Note on plans that the moisture content of wood shall not exceed 19% before it is enclosed in construction. The moisture content needs to be certified by one of 3 methods specified. Building materials with visible signs of water damage should not be used in construction. The moisture content must be determined by the contractor by one of the methods listed in CGC Section 4.505.3. Note on plans that bathroom fans shall be Energy Star rated, vented directly to the outside and controlled by a humidistat. CGC 4.506.1. Note on plans that if provided, whole house exhaust fans shall have insulated covers or louvers which close when the fan is off. The covers or louvers shall have minimum R4.2 insulation. CGC 5.507.1. Note on plans that heating and AC shall be sized and selected by ACCA Manual J or ASHRAE handbook or equivalent. The duct sizing shall be sized in accordance with one of the ACCA methods listed in CGC Section 4.507.2. Note on plans that prior to final approval of the building the licensed contractor, architect or engineer in responsible charge of the overall construction must complete and sign the Green Building Standards Certification form and given to the building department official to be filed with the approved plans. CARLSBAD 13-3232 JAN. 13, 2014 53. Provide calculations prepared by a licensed engineer that will show water consumption reduction of 20% below the baseline water consumption listed in Table 4.303.1. In lieu of providing the calculations, imprint on the plans the attached Table 4.303.2 listing fixtures that meet the 20% reduction. CGC 4.303.1. TABLE 4.303.2 FIXTURE FLOW RATES FIXTURE TYPE MAXIMUM FLOW RATE AT 2! 20 % REDUCTION Showerheads 2 gpm @ 80 psi Lavatory faucets, residential 1.5 gpm @ 60 psi2 Kitchen faucets 1.8 gpm @ 60 psi Water closets 1.28 gallons/flush' Includes single and dual flush water closets with an effective flush of 1.28 gallons or less. Single flush toilets—The effective flush volume shall not exceed 1.28 gallons (4.8 liters). The effective flush volume is the average flush volume when tested in accordance with ASME Al Dual flush toilets—The effective flush volume shall not exceed 1.28 gallons (4.8 liters). The effective flush volume is defined as the composite, average flush volume of two reduced flushes and one full flush. Flush volumes will be tested in accordance with ASME A112.19.2 and ASME A112.19.14. Lavatory faucets shall not have a flow rate less than 0.8 gpm at 20 psi. Note on the plans that when a shower is provided with multiple shower heads, the sum of flow to all the heads shall not exceed the 20% reduced limit, or the shower shall be designed so that only one head is on at a time. CGC 4.303.2. Note on the plans that landscape Irrigation water use shall have weather based controllers. CGC 4.304.1. . MISCELLANEOUS To speed up the review process, note on this list (or a copy) where each correction item has been addressed, i.e., plan sheet, note or detail number, calculation page, etc. Please indicate here if any changes have been made to the plans that are not a result of corrections from this list. If there are other changes, please briefly describe them and where they are located in the plans. Have changes been made to the plans not resulting from this correction list? Please indicate: Yes No L3 The jurisdiction has contracted with EsGil Corporation located at 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208, San Diego, California 92123; telephone number of 858/560-1468, to perform the plan review for your project. If you have any questions regarding these plan review items, please contact ALl SADRE, S.E. at EsGil Corporation. Thank you. CARLSBAD 13-3232 JAN. 13, 2014 [DO NOT PAY— THIS IS NOT ANINVOICE] VALUATION AND PLAN CHECK FEE JURISDICTION: CARLSBAD PLAN CHECK NO.: 13-3232 PREPARED BY: ALl SADRE, S.E. DATE: JAN. 139 2014 BUILDING ADDRESS: 1075 PALM AVENUE BUILDING OCCUPANCY: R3/U TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: V-B/SPR. BUILDING PORTION AREA (Sq. Ft.) Valuation Multiplier Reg. Mod. VALUE ($) LIVING 3850 GARAGE 535 PORCH 535 Air Conditioning Fire Sprinklers TOTAL VALUE 467,362 Jurisdiction Code J CB IBY Ordinance Bldg. Permit Fee by Ordinance Plan Check Fee by Ordinance Type of Review: P Complete Review F Structural Only I $2,138.18] I $1,389.82] r Repetitive Fee Repeats re Other r Hourly EsGil Fee I $1,1 97.381 Comments: Sheet I of I macvalue.doc + CITY OF CARLSBAD PLAN-CHECK REVIEW TRANSMITTAL Community & Economic Development Department 1635 Faraday Avenue Carlsbad CA 92008 www.carlsbadca.gov DATE:02/14/14 PROJECT NAME: COBB RESIDENCE PROJECT ID: C813-3232 PLAN CHECK NO: 3 SET#: 1 ADDRESS: 1075 PALM APN: 205-191-05 VALUATION: $467,362 NEWSFR This plan check review is complete and has been APPROVED by the ENGINEERING Division. By: A Final Inspection by the Division is required EYes 12LNo - This plan check review is NOT COMPLETE. Items missing or incorrect are listed on the attached checklist. Please resubmit amended plans as required. ONLY ITEMS MARKED 'X' NEED CORRECTION/CLARIFICATION Plan Check Comments have been sent to: don@donedson.com You may also have corrections from one or more of the divisions listed below. Approval from these divisions may be required prior to the issuance of a building permit; Resubmitted plans should include corrections from all divisions. For questions or clarifications on the attached checklist please contact the following reviewer as marked: PLANNING ENGINEERING FIRE PREVENTION 760-602-4610 760-602-2750 760-602-4665 - Chris Sexton Kathleen Lawrence r Greg Ryan - - - 760-602-4624 i— - 760-602-2741 760-602-4663 Chris.Sexton@carIsbadca.gov KathIeen.Lawrence@carIsbadca.gov Greorv.Ryan@carIsbadca.ov Gina Ruiz Linda Ontiveros Cindy Wong 760-602-4675 • 760-602-2773 760-602-4662 Gina.Ruiz@carIsbadca.gov LindaP0ntiveros@carlsbadca.gov Cynthia.Won@carIsbadca.ov - Dominic Fieri -- - 760-602-4664 Dominic.Fieri@carlsbadca.gov Remarks: Set# 22 1 Any outstanding issues will be marked with L'X . Make the necessary corrections for - compliance with applicable codes and standards. Submit corrected plans and/or specifications to the Building division for re-submittal to the Engineering division. 00 Itemsthat conform to permit requirements are marked with7 U 1. SITEPLAN Provide a fully dimensioned site plan drawn to scale. Show: EZJ North arrow IJ Driveway widths LJ EZJ Existing & proposed structures EJ F-71 Existing or proposed sewer lateral i:i 121 Existing street improvements . E1 EJ Existing or proposed water service EJ E7 Property lines (show all dimensions) LJ E1 Submit on signed approved plans: Easements DWG No. £21 Right-of-way width & adjacent streets Show on site plan: fJ IJ Drainage patterns i Building pad surface drainage must maintain a minimum Slope of one percent towards an adjoining street or an approved drainage course. ADD THE FOLLOWING NOTE: Finish grade will provide a minimum positive drainage of 2% to swale 5 away from building. t LZJ Existing & proposed slopes and topography E1 Size, location, alignment of existing or proposed sewer and water service(s) that serves the project. Each unit requires a separate service; however, second dwelling units and apartment complexes are an exception. EJ EI Sewer and water laterals should not be located within proposed driveways, per standards. Include on title sheet: Site address J Assessor's parcel number 121 Legal description/lot number For commercial/industrial buildings and tenant improvement projects, include: total building square footage with the square footage for each different use, existing sewer permits showing square footage of different uses (manufacturing, warehouse, office, etc.) previously approved. Show all existing use of SF and new proposed use of SF. Example: Tenant improvement for 3500 SF of warehouse to 3500 SF of office. Lot/Map No.: LOT 92 Subdivision/Tract: 2037 Reference No(s): E-36 Page 2of6 REV 6/01/12 Set # DISCRETIONARY APPROVAL COMPLIANCE [..II1 ii:i Project does not comply with the following engineering conditions of approval for project no.: DEDICATION REQUIREMENTS EXISTING 60' RIGHT OF WAY Dedication for all street rights-of-way adjacent to the building site and any storm drain or utility easements on the building site is required for all new buildings and for remodels with a value at or exceeding $ 20,000.00 , pursuant to Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 18.40.030. For single family residence, easement dedication will be completed by the City of Carlsbad, cost$605.00. -J Dedication required as follows: IMPROVEMENT REQUIREMENTS WAITING FOR RETURN OF SIGNED NOTARIZED NIA (WITH APPLICANT) FEE ON CB133232 EXJ J All needed public improvements upon and adjacent to the building site must be constructed at time of building construction whenever the value of the construction exceeds $100,000.00, pursuant to Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 18.40.040. I EJ Public improvements required as follows: CURB, GUTTER, SIDEWALK, UNDERGROUND UTILITIES, FIRE HYDRANT, WATERISEWER IMPROVEMENTS Construction of the public improvements must be deferred pursuant to Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 18.40. Please submit a recent property title report or current grant deed on the property and processing fee of $ .4.4-IO-so we.may prepare the necessary. Neighborhood Improvement Agreement. This âgréement must be signed, notarized a-rid apprOved by the city prior to issuance of a building permit. Processing fee $157.00. EJ Future public improvements required as follows: CURB, GUTTER, SIDEWALK, UNDERGROUND UTILITIES, FIRE HYDRANT, WATERISEWER IMPROVEMENTS E-36 . Page 3 of 6 REV 6130110 Set# 1. 3 GRADING PERMIT REQUIREMENTS The conditions that require a grading permit are found in Section 15.16 of the Municipal Code. EJ=Inadequate information available on site plan to make a determination on grading requirements. Include accurate grading quantities in cubic yards (cut, fill, import, export and remedial). This information must be included on the plans. If no grading is proposed write: "NO GRADING" Grading Permit required. NOTE: The grading permit must be issued and rough grading approval obtained prior to issuance of a building permit. Graded Pad Certification required. (Note: Pad certification may be required even if a grading permit is not required.) All required documentation must be provided to your Engineering Construction Inspector . The inspector will then provide the engineering counter with a release for the building permit. No grading permit required. EJ EJ Minor Grading Permit required. See attached marked-up submittal checklist for project- specific requirements. MISCELLANEOUS PERMITS RIGHT-OF-WAY PERMIT is required to do work in city right-of-way and/or private work NOTE ONLY: adjacent to the public right-of-way. Types of work include, but are not limited to: street ALL WORK IN improvements, tree trimming, driveway construction, tying into public storm drain, sewer and PUBLIC ROW water utilities. REQUIRES A ROW PERMIT . r_71 Right-of-way permit required for: Driveway E-36 Page 4of6 REV 6/01/12 '3 Set# 1 7. STORM WATER TIER 2 SUBMITTED SW13-427 Construction Compliance Project Threat Assessment Form complete. J Enclosed Project Threat Assessment Form incomplete. J Requires Tier I Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan. Please complete attached form and return (SW J Requires Tier 2 Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan. Requires submittal of Tier 2 SWPPP, payment of processing fee and review by city. Post-Development (SUSMP) Compliance Storm Water Standards Questionnaire complete. EJ Storm Water Standards Questionnaire incomplete. Please make the corrections, re-sign the questionnaire and resubmit with next submittal. Project is subject to Standard Storm Water Requirements. See city Standard Urban Storm Water Management Plan (SUSMP) for reference. http://www.carlsbadca.Qov/business/building/Documents/EnQStandsw-stds-v014-ch2.Ødf Project needs to incorporate low impact development strategies throughout in one or more of the following ways: J Rainwater harvesting (rain barrels or cistern) J Vegetated Roof EJ Bio-retentions cell/rain garden E2J Pervious pavement/payers EJ Flow-through planter/vegetated or rock drip line J Vegetated swales or rock infiltration swales J Downspouts disconnect and discharge over landscape EJ Other: E-36 Page 5of6 REV 6/01/12 8. FEES El I- El IM- Required fees have been entered in building permit. Drainage fee applicable Added square feet Added square footage in last two years? EJ yes no Permit No. Permit No. Project built after 1980 yes EJno Impervious surface >50% Jyes Ejno Impact unconstructed facility yes Mno Fire sprinklers required Jyes cjno (is addition over 150' from center line) Upgrade Dyes Elno No fees required Set# 1 9. WATER METER REVIEW Domestic (potable) Use EJI 1 What size meter is required? c:j Efl Where a residential unit is required to have an automatic fire extinguishing system, the minimum meter size shall be a 1' meter. NOTE: the connection fee, SDCWA system capacity charge and the water treatment capacity charge will be based on the size of the meter necessary to meet the water use requirements. For residential units the minimum size meter shall be 5/8", except where the residential unit is larger than 3,500 square feet or on a lot larger than one quarter (1/4) acre where the meter size shall be W. 10. Additional Comments JUST WAITING FOR NIA TO BE RETURNED SIGNED AND NOTARIZED Attachments: Engineering Application Storm Water Form Right-of-Way Application/ Info. Reference Documents E-36 - Page 6of6 REV 6/01/12 Fee Calculation Worksheet ENGINEERING DIVISION Prepared by:02/14/14 Date: 02/14114 GEO DATA: LFMZ: / B&T: Address: 1075 PALM Bldg. Permit #: CBI3-3232 Fees Update by: KML Date: 02/14/14 Fees Update by: Date: EDU CALCULATIONS: List types and square footages for all uses. Types of Use: NEW SFD Sq.Ft./Units 3850 SF EDU's: 0 Types of Use: DEMO OLD SFD Sq.Ft./Units EDU's: CREDIT FOR Types of Use: Sq.Ft./Units EDU's: EXISTING Types of Use: Sq.Ft./Units EDU's: ADT CALCULATIONS: List types and square footages for all uses. Types of Use: NEW SFD Sq.Ft./Units 3850 SF ADT's: 0 Types of Use: DEMO OLD SFD Sq.Ft./Units ADT's: CREDIT FOR Types of Use: Sq.Ft./Units ADT's: EXISTING Types of Use: Sq.Ft./Units ADT's: FEES REQUIRED: Within CFD:E]YES (no bridge & thoroughfare fee in District #1, reduces Trffic Impact Fee) ONO 1. PARK-IN-LIEU FEE:DNW QUADRANT ONE QUADRANT OSE QUADARANT DSW QUADRANT ADT'S/UNITS: X FEE/ADT: $ N/A D 23RAFFIC IMPACT FEE: ADT'S/UNIT X FEE/ADT: - $ CREDIT FOR EXTG LI BRIDGE & THOROUGHFARE FEE:' D DIST. #1 EJDIST.#2 DDIST43 ADT'S/UNITS: FEE/ADT: N/A FACILITIES MANAGEMENT FEE ZONE: I ADT'S/UNITS: X FEE/SQ.FT./UNIT: $ NIA fl SEWER FEE EDU's X FEE/EDU: $ CREDIT FOR EXTG BENEFIT AREA: EDU's I X FEE/EDU: 1 =$ N/A DRAINAGE FEES: PLDA: EJIIIGH F7MEDIUM[Z]LOW ACRES: .11 1 X FEE/AC: 2169 1 =$ 520.56 POTABLE WATER FEES: UPGRADE FROM 5/8" TO 3/4" WITH 1" FS UNITS I CODE I CONN. FEE I METER FEE I SDCWA FEE I TOTAL 01 +1511 +49 I CITY OF CARLSBAD PLAN CHECK REVIEW TRANSMITTAL Community & Economic Development Department 1635 Faraday Avenue Carlsbad CA 92008 www.carlsbadca.gov DATE:01/14/14 PROJECT NAME: COBB RESIDENCE PROJECT ID: CB13-3232 PLAN CHECK NO: -' SET#: 1 ADDRESS: 1075 PALM APN: 205-191-05 VALUATION: $467,362 NEWSFR -. This plan check review is complete and has been APPROVED by the ENGINEERING Division. By: A Final Inspection by the Division is required EYes 1JNo >< This plan check review is NOT COMPLETE. Items missing or incorrect are listed on the attached checklist. Please resubmit amended plans as required. ONLY ITEMS MARKED 'X' NEED CORRECTION/CLARIFICATION Plan Check Comments have been sent to: don@donedson.com You may also have corrections from one or more 'of the divisions listed below. Approval from these divisions may be required prior to the issuance of a building permit. Resubmitted plans should include corrections from all divisions. For questions or clarifications on the attached checklist please contact the following reviewer as marked: PLANNING ENGINEERING FIRE PREVENTION 760-602-4610 760-602-2750 760-602-4665 - - Chris Sexton ' Kathleen Lawrence Greg Ryan Ll 760-602-4624 -'--j 760-602-2741 760-602-4663 Chris.Sexton@carIsbadca.gov Kathleen.Lawrence@carlsbadca.gov Greorv.Rvan@carlsbadca.ov Gina Ruiz Linda Ontiveros Cindy Wong 760-602-4675 i-- - 760-602-2773 760-602-4662 Gina.Ruiz@carlsbadca.gov Linda.ontiveros@carlsbadca.gov Cynthia.Won@carIsbadca.ov Dominic Fieri 760-602-4664 Dominic.Fieri@carlsbadca.gov Remarks: 1 Set# F ..Any outstanding issues will be marked with . Make the necessary corrections for compliance with applicable codes and standards. Submit corrected plans and/or specifications to the Building division for re-submittal to the Engineering division. - items that conform to permit requirements are marked with7 1. SITE PLAN Provide a fully dimensioned site plan drawn to scale. /ME IONS Show:' Ei North arrow j Driveway widths Exting &proposed structures i:i L:i Existing or proposed sewer lateral IM jI ,Østing street improvements i:i EJ Existing or proposed water service L. Property lines (show all dimensions) c:EJ Submit on signed approved plans: L Easements . DWG No. EJ EZJ Right-of-way width & adjacent streets Show on site plan:. EJ i:zi Drainage patterns EZJ Building pad surface drainage must maintain a minimum slope of one percent towards an adjoining or an approved drainage course. 1T1 L1ADD THE FOLLOWING NOTE: 'Finish grade will provide a minimum positive drainage of 2% to swale 5' away from building". EJ Existing & proposed slopes and topography E1 =Size, location, alignment of existing or proposed sewer and water service(s) that serves the project. Each unit requires a separate service; however, second dwelling units and apartment complexes are an exception. EJ EJ Sewer and water laterals should not be located within proposed driveways, per standards. Include on title sheet: LZJ Site address Assessor's parcel number 21 Legal description/lot number For commercial/industrial buildings and tenant improvement projects, include: total building square footage with the square footage for each different use, existing sewer permits showing square footage of different uses (manufacturing, warehouse, office, etc.) previously approved. J Show all existing use of SF and new proposed use of SF. Example: Tenant improvement for 3500 SF of warehouse to 3500 SF of office. Lot/Map No:: LOT 92 Subdivision/Tract: 2037 Reference No(s): E-36 Page 2 of 6 REV 6/01/12 EXISTING 60' RIGHT OF WAY Set # DISCRETIONARY APPROVAL COMPLIANCE [........] 1= Project does not comply with the following engineering conditions of approval for project no.: DEDICATION REQUIREMENTS - Dedication for all street rights-of-way adjacent to the building site and any storm drain or utility easements on the building site is required for all new buildings and for remodels with a value at or exceeding $ 20,000.00 , pursuant to Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 18.40.030. For single family residence, easement dedication will be completed by the City of Carlsbad, cost$605.00. I-I EJ Dedication required as follows: IMPROVEMENT REQUIREMENTS EJ i::: All needed public improvements upon and adjacent to the building site must be constructed at time of building construction whenever the value of the construction exceeds $100,000.00, pursuant to Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 18.40.040. I iJ Public improvements required as follows: CURB, GUTTER, SIDEWALK, UNDERGROUND UTILITIES, FIRE HYDRANT, WATER!SEWER IMPROVEMENTS LJJ Construction of the public improvements must be deferred pursuant to Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 18.40. Please submit a recent property title report or current grant deed on the property and processing fee of $ 44A-G-so we may prepare the necessary Neighborhood lmproveñierit Agreement. This agreement must be signed, notarized and approved by the city prior to issuance of a bUilding permit. Processing fee $157.00. J Future public improvements required as follows: CURB, GUTTER, SIDEWALK, UNDERGROUND UTILITIES, FIRE HYDRANT, WATERISEWER IMPROVEMENTS E-36 Page 3 of 6 REV 6130110 Set# 1 GRADING PERMIT REQUIREMENTS The conditions that require a grading permit are found in Section 15.16 of the Municipal Code. =Inadequate information available on site plan to make a determination on grading SHOW CUT, requirements. Include accurate grading quantities in cubic yards (cut, fill, import, export and FILL, IMPORT, remedial). This information must be included on the plans. If no grading is proposed EXPORT AND write: "NO GRADING" REMEDIAL CV'S ON PLANS =1 = Grading Permit required. NOTE: The grading permit must be issued and rough grading approval obtained prior to issuance of a building permit. Graded Pad Certification required. (Note: Pad certification may be required even if a grading permit is not required.) All required documentation must be provided to your Engineering Construction Inspector . The inspector will then provide the engineering counter with a release for the building permit. No grading permit required. Minor Grading Permit required. See attached marked-up submittal checklist for project- specific requirements. MISCELLANEOUS PERMITS RIGHT-OF-WAY PERMIT is required to do work in city right-of-way and/or private work adjacent to the public right-of-way. Types of work include, but are not limited to: street improvements, tree trimming, driveway construction, tying into public storm drain, sewer and water utilities. I2J Right-of-way permit required for: Driveway NOTE ONLY: - ALL WORK IN PUBLIC ROW REQUIRES A ROW PERMIT E-36 Page 4of 6 REV 6/01/12 Set# 1 7. STORM WATER PLEASE SHOW Construction Compliance CALCULATIONS FOR FOR STORM WATER REQUIREMENTS SEE ATTACHED PROJECT THREAT ASSESSMENT WORKSHEET PROPOSED PROJECT THREAT LEVEL TIER 1 OR TIER 2? Project Threat Assessment Form complete. Enclosed Project Threat Assessment Form incomplete. Requires Tier 1 Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan. Please complete attached form and return (SW 13- Requires Tier 2 Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan. Requires submittal of Tier 2 SWPPP, payment of processing fee and review by city. Post-Development (SUSMP) Compliance Storm Water Standards Questionnaire complete. Storm Water Standards Questionnaire incomplete. Please make the corrections, re-sign the questionnaire and resubmit with next submittal. Project is subject to Standard Storm Water Requirements. See city Standard Urban Storm Water Management Plan (SUSMP) for reference. http://www.carlsbadca.Qov/business/buildinQ/Documents/EngStandsw-stds-vol4-ch2.Ddf Project needs to incorporate 16w impact development strategies throughout in one or more of the following ways: Rainwater harvesting (rain barrels or cistern) Vegetated Roof D Bio-retentions cell/rain garden Pervious pavement/payers Flow-through planter/vegetated or rock drip line Vegetated swales or rock infiltration swales Downspouts disconnect and discharge over landscape Other: E-36 Page 50f6 REV 6/01/12 Set# 1 9. WATER METER REVIEW Domestic (potable) Use 1:J I EJ What size meter is required? 3fl Where a residential unit •is required to have an automatic fire extinguishing system, the is meter size shall be a 1" meter. NOTE: the connection fee, SDCWA system capacity charge and the water treatment capacity charge will be based on the size of the meter necessary to meet the water use requirements. fl For residential units the minimum size meter shall be 5/8", except where the residential unit is larger than 3,500 square feet or on a lot larger than one quarter (1/4) acre where the meter size shall be W. 8. FEES I EJ Required fees have been entered in building permit. i J Drainage fee applicable Added square feet Added square footage in last two years? i: yes no Permit No Permit No. Project built after 1980 yes J no Impervious surface >50% yes jno Impact unconstructed facility M yes D no EZJ Fire sprinklers required yes [:3 no (is addition Upgrade J yes Dno No fees required over 150' from center line) EJ 10. Additional Comments WILL THE DRIVEWAY REMAIN GRAVEL? SHOW EXISTING ELEVATIONS AND NEW PROPOSED FF ELEVATIONS. NEED COPY OF GRANT DEED FOR NEIGHBORHOOD IMPROVEMENT AGMT. Attachments: Engineering Application Storm Water Form Right•of-WayAppllcatlon/Into. Reference Documents E-36 Page 6of 6 REV 6/01/12 Fee Calculation Worksheet ENGINEERING DIVISION Prepared by: 01/14/14 Date: 01/14/14 GEO DATA: LFMZ: / B&T: Address: 1075 PALM Bldg. Perrnit#: CBI 3-3232 Fees Update by: KML Date: 01/14114 - Fees Update by: Date: EDU CALCULATIONS: List types and square footages for all uses. Types of Use: NEW SFD Sq.Ft./Units 3850 SF . EDU's: 0 Types of Use: DEMO OLD SFD Sq.Ft./Units EDU's: CREDIT FOR. Types of Use: Sq.Ft./Units EDU's: EXISTING Types of Use: Sq.Ft./Units EDU's: ADT CALCULATIONS: List types and square footages for all uses. Types of Use: NEW SFD Sq.Ft./Units 3850 SF. ADT's: 0 Types of Use: DEMO OLD SFD Sq.Ft./Units ADT's: CREDIT FOR Types of Use: Sq.Ft./Units ADT's: EXISTING Types of Use: Sq.Ft./Units ADT's: FEES REQUIRED: Within CFD: DYES (no bridge & thoroughfare fee in District #1, reduces Traffic Impact Fee) ONO 1. PARK-IN-LIEU FEE: DNW QUADRANT ONE QUADRANT OSE QUADARANT DSW QUADRANT ADT'S/UNITS: X FEE/ADT: $ N/A 23RAFFIC IMPACT FEE: 'ADTS/UNIT X FEE/ADT: $ CREDIT FOR EXTG BRIDGE & THOROUGHFARE FEE:' D DIST. #1 DIST.#2 EDIST.#3 ADT'S/UNITS: FEE/ADT: N/A E FACILITIES MANAGEMENT FEE ZONE: I $ NIA SEWER FEE EDU's X FEE/EDU: $ CREDIT FOR EXTG BENEFIT AREA: EDU's X FEE/EDU: $ N/A LI DRAINAGE FEES: PLDA: []HIGH EMEDIUM ]LOW ACRES: .11 1 X .FEE/AC: 2169 1 :$ 520.56 . POTABLE WATER FEES: UPGRADE FROM 5/8" TO 3/4" WITH 1" FS UNITS I CODE I CONN. FEE I METER FEE I SDCWA FEE I TOTAL +1511 1 +49 a 45&-P> CITY OF CARLSID/AD PLAN CHECK REVIEW TRANSMITTAL Community & Economic Development Department 1635 Faraday Avenue Carlsbad CA 92008 www.carlsbadca.gov DATE:01/14/14 PROJECT NAME: COBB RESIDENCE PROJECT ID: C013-3232 PLAN CHECK NO: 1 SEI#: 1 ADDRESS: 1075 PALM APN: 205-191-05 VALUATION: $467,362 NEW SFR This plan check review is complete and has been APPROVED by the ENGINEERING Division. By: A Final Inspection by the Division is required Yes 1 No )< This plan check review is NOT COMPLETE. Items missing or incorrect are listed on the attached checklist. Please resubmit amended plans as required. ONLY ITEMS MARKED 'X' NEED CORRECTION/CLARIFICATION Plan Check Comments have been sent to: don@donedson.com (YOu my also have corrections from one or more of the divisions ffsted below. App rOiaI) (from ffiese dh&ons may _reqjredriofto the issuance of a bufIdUnpermit Resubmifë?fpjns shouldr inclü?Je corrections from all divisions.) For questions or clarifications on the attached checklist please contact the following reviewer as marked: PLANNING ENGINEERING FIRE PREVENTION 760-602-4610 760-602-2750 760-6024665 -. Chris Sexton Kathleen Lawrence Greg Ryan 760-602-4624 760-602-2741 760-602-4663 Chris.Sexton@carlsbadca.gov Kathleen.Lawrence@carIsbadca.gov Greporv.Rvan@carlsbadca.gov Gina Ruiz Linda Ontiveros Cindy Wong 760-602-4675 - 760-602-2773 760-602-4662 Gina.Ruiz@carlsbadca.gov Linda.Ontiveros@carIsbadca.gov Cvnthia.Won@carlsbadca.ov Dominic Fieri 760-602-4664 Dominic.Fieri@carlsbadca.gov Remarks: V Set# E Any outstanding issues will be marked with x . Make the necessary corrections for compliance with applicable codes and standards. Submit corrected plans and/or specifications to the Building division for re-submittal to the Engineering division. Items that conform to permit requirements are marked with / 1. SITE PLAN Provide a fully dimensioned site plan drawn to scale. Show: /North arrow / Existing & proposed structures I Existing street improvements J Property lines (show all dimensions), I Easements I; Right-of-way width & adjacent streets rmnvoj RECHECK SIDE PROPERTY DIMENSIONS. SHOW EXISTING SEWER LATERAL1 iJ Driveway widths Existing or proposed sewer lateral Existing or proposed water service U Submit on signed approved plans: DWG No. Show on site plan: I Drainage patterns Building pad surface drainage must maintain a minimum slope of one percent towards an adjoining street or an approved drainage course. ADD THE FOLLOWING NOTE Finish grade will provide a minimum positive drainage of 2% to swale 5' away from building". 1/ Existing & proposed slopes and topography Size location alignment of existing or proposed sewer and water service(s) that serves the project Each unit requires a separate service; however, second dwelling units and apartment complexes are an exception. Sewer and water laterals should not be located within proposed driveways per standards s#r c-/ ri:ii 61flc1ude on title sheet: Site address / Assessor's parcel number /I Legal description/lot number For commercial/industrial buildings and tenant improvement projects, include: total building - - square footage with the square footage for each different use, existing sewer permits showing square footage of different uses (manufacturing, warehouse, office, etc.) previously approved. [HU Show all existing use of SF and new proposed use of SF. Example: Tenant improvement for 3500 SF of warehouse to 3500 SF of office. Lot/Map No.: LOT 92 Subdivision/Tract: 2037 Reference No(s): E-36 Page 2 of 6 REV 6101/12 Set # 2? DISCRETIONARY APPROVAL COMPLIANCE i i u:j Project does not comply with the following engineering conditions of approval for project no.: . DEDICATION REQUIREMENTS EXISTING 60' RIGHT OF WAY -I -I Dedication for all street rights-of-way adjacent to the building site and any storm drain or utility easements on the building site is required for all new buildings and for remodels with a value at or exceeding $ 20000.00 , pursuant to Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 18.40.030. For single family residence, easement dedication will be completed by the City of Carlsbad, cost, QQ0. Dedication required as follows: fP4U1OL!7 4. IMPROVEMENT REQUIREMENTS J r:i All needed public improvements upon and adjacent to the building site must be constructed at time of building construction whenever the value of the construction exceeds $1.00000.00, pursuant to Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 18.40.040. EJ I = Public improvements required as follows: CURB, GUTTER, SIDEWALK, UNDERGROUND UTILITIES, FIRE HYDRANT, WATER!SEWER IMPROVEMENTS EJ Construction of the public improvements must be deferred pursuant to Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 18.40. ([easesUbiit a recent propertititIe report or currentfä?it hbhôlmprovemenFAgreemeflt) tThjs Fe—ht -must7b-e—sidn--ed—,n6ta—ri Processing fee $157.00. I-I Future public improvements required as follows: CURB, GUTTER, SIDEWALK, UNDERGROUND UTILITIES, FIRE HYDRANT, WATERISEWER IMPROVEMENTS E-36 Page 3of6 REV6I3OII0 Set# 1 5. GRADING PERMIT REQUIREMENTS The conditions that require a grading permit are found in Section 15.16 of the Municipal Code. I SHOW CUT, EK FILL, IMPORT, EXPORT AND REMEDIAL CY'S ON PLANS [i =Inadequate information available on site plan to make a determination on grading requirements. Include accurate grading quantities in cubic yards (cut, fill, import, export and remedial). This information must be included on the plans. If no grading is proposed write: "NO GRADING" c - i Grading Permit required. NOTE: The grading permit must be issued and rough grading approval obtained prior to issuance of a building permit. -I J Graded Pad Certification required. (Note: Pad certification may be required even if a grading permit is not required.) All required documentation must be provided to your Engineering Construction Inspector . The inspector will then provide the engineering counter with a release for the building permit. UI No grading permit required. c:i L:J Minor Grading Permit required. See attached marked-up submittal checklist for project- specific requirements. 6' MISCELLANEOUS PERMITS RIGHT-OF-WAY PERMIT is required to do work in city right-of-way and/or private work adjacent to the public right-of-way. Types of work include, but are not limited to: street improvements, tree trimming, driveway construction, tying into public storm drain, sewer and water utilities. IJ Right-of-way permit required for: Driveway 0 NOTE ONLY: ALL WORK IN PUBLIC ROW REQUIRES A ROW PERMIT E-36 Page 4 of 6 REV 6/01/12 I Set# 1 7. STORM WATER PLEASE SHOW Construction Compliance CALCULATIONS FOR FOR STORM WATER REQUIREMENTS SEE ATTACHED PROJECT THREAT ASSESSMENT WORKSHEET PROPOSED PROJECT THREAT LEVEL TIER 1 OR TIER 2? Project Threat Assessment Form complete. Enclosed Project Threat Assessment Form incomplete. Requires Tier I Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan. Please complete attached form and return (SW 13.. ) Requires Tier 2 Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan. Requires submittal of Tier 2 SWPPP, payment of processing fee and review by city. Post-Development (SUSMP) Compliance pfJUID 60 Storm Water Standards Questionnaire complete. Storm Water Standards Questionnaire incomplete. Please make the corrections, re-sign the questionnaire and resubmit with next submittal. Project is subject to Standard Storm Water Requirements. See city Standard Urban Storm Water Management Plan (SUSMP) for reference. http:llwww.carlsbadca.gov/business/building/Documents/EnpStandsw-stds-vol4-ch2.df Project needs to incorporate low impact development strategies throughout in one or more of the following ways: Rainwater harvesting (rain barrels or cistern) Vegetated Roof Bio-retentions cell/rain garden Pervious pavement/payers Flow-through planter/vegetated or rock drip line Vegetated swales or rock infiltration swales Downspouts disconnect and discharge over landscape Other: E-36 Page 5of6 REV 6101/12 ' , ' Set# 1 E WATER METER REVIEW Domestic (potable) Use =1= What size meter is required? o IC' Where a residential unit is required to have an automatic fire extinguishing system, the minimum meter size shall be a 1" meter. NOTE: the connection fee, SDCWA system capacity charge and the water treatment capacity charge will be based on the size of the meter necessary to meet the water use requirements. For residential units the minimum size meter shall be 5/8", except where the residential unit is larger than 3,500 square feet or on a lot larger than one quarter (1/4) acre where the meter size shall be W. FEES I = Required fees have been entered in building permit. Drainage fee applicable Added square feet Added square footage in last two years? 0 yes 0 no Permit No. Permit No. Project built after 1980 ayes no Impervious surface >50% ayes no Impact unconstructed facility Dyes Ono Fire sprinklers required yes Ono (is addition over 150' from centerline) Upgrade Dyes Ono No fees required 10. Additional Comments 4 WILL THE DRIVEWAY REMAIN GRAVEL? 2. SHOW EXISTING ELEVATIONS AND NEW PROPOSED FF ELEVATIONS. NEED COPY OF GRANT DEED FOR NEIGHBORHOOD IMPROVEMENT AGMT. Attachments EngineeringAppllcatlon Storm Water Form J Right of Way ApplIcation/Info Reference Documents E-36 Page 6of6 REV 6101/12 4 ^AL 04~1_p> CITY OF CARLSDD1) A STORM WATER COMPLIANCE FORM - TIER 2 CONSTRUCTION SWPPP E-30 Development Services Land Development Engineering 1635 Faraday Avenue 760-602-2750 www.carlsbadca.gov I am applying to the City of Carlsbad for one or more of the following type of construction permit(s): 0 Grading Permit )'Building Permit 0 Right-of-Way Permit My project does not meet any of the following criteria for a project that poses a significant threat to storm water quality: I My project does not include clearing, grading or other ground disturbances resulting in soil disturbance totaling one or more acres including any associated construction staging, equipment storage, stockpiling, pavement removal, refueling and maintenance areas; and, I My project is not part of a phased development plan that will cumulatively result in soil disturbance totaling one or more acres including any associated construction staging, equipment storage, stockpiling, pavement removal, refueling and maintenance areas; and, I My project is not located inside or within 200 feet of an environmentally sensitive area and will not have a significant potential for contributing pollutants to nearby receiving waters by way of storm water runoff or non-storm water discharge(s). My project requires preparation and approval of a Tier 2 Construction Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) because my project meets one or more of the following criteria demonstrating that the project potentially poses a moderate threat to storm water quality: U My project requires a grading plan pursuant to the Carlsbad Grading Ordinance (Chapter 15.16 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code); and/or, J( My Project will result in 2,500 square feet or more of soils disturbance including any associated construction staging, stockpiling, pavement removal, equipment storage, refueling and maintenance areas and, my project meets one or more of the following additional criteria: Project is located within 200 feet of an environmentally sensitive area or the Pacific Ocean; Project's disturbed area is located on a slope with a grade at or exceeding 5 horizontal to I vertical; Project's disturbed area is located along or within 30 feet of a storm drain inlet, an open drainage channel or watercourse; and/or Project will be initiated during the rainy season or will extend into the rainy season (Oct. 1 through April 30). I CERTIFY TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE THAT THE ABOVE CHECKED STATEMENTS ARE TRUE AND CORRECT. I AM SUBMITTING FOR CITY APPROVAL A TIER 2 CONSTRUCTION SWPPP PREPARED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF CITY STANDARDS. I UNDERSTAND AND ACKNOWLEDGE THAT I MUST ADHERE TO, AND AT ALL TIMES, COMPLY WITH THE CITY APPROVED TIER 2 CONSTRUCTION SWPPP THROUGHOUT THE DURATION OF THE CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES UNTIL THE CONSTRUCTION WORK IS COMPLETE AND APPROVED BY THE CITY OF CARLSBAD. inrormarion ana Address: Assessor's Parcel Numbers: /07SP.ft1 Zoo- ,'11 -05 Applicant Name: Applicant Title: sh'ez-te}' BVSOAI cogs AJ Applicant Signature: Date: kdL4( t4 This Box for City Use Only Yes -I--- No EDate:' 13 i323.> E-30 Page 1 of I REV 4130/10 JI3 - %0---7 ciAW - Uo M,.iJqMo) OT3U1T2WX 3T nqIa!I bnJ G iticdUii.. ,w Y - • . .•- 1 ,t .•J ,• -- S.. ••a -- .,a *e•e"t... *_-w .. S q SeS1i._-_-____Li. N p r %iL.S. Thr;;90 rc;i r'tnc' lo ec4 rwc}o rI o tno ot d2IF' ki iO 31 ylqqE; sui I tir:ieq y --iri5 0 It me-! n;bIi8 i7 it -r4( 1tICT.) rj 'f.ip i.tiw rrno 0 Wfl tr .rt ri '€iq io rni rr;wo!k o 'i hi3r So tob t.cq M ri dluc3i asarv,%ialzib 'dJc, o t.sriibBi .r? ob ¶'dnI 'or 2Sb M ' ,Iwn1 ir.jrievq tnrnqiu iD&i nct,-Jojj1.-no3 cslainoepr, yris gthui,ri ems 9,orr io bnu ri bclt5 no pndsjot 335chL.k !4c, fli kv!Lr. 1hV 'svq ttol5v %A, h C:i ' to J,aq 1,na V uI" 'M '- TWWAVI ncsluvc.% Prli t $:)WA, agovola tr-rvqwpj 1b ~911q T020 bri ,su3 oraerotimmen Nis qmtaulm ovcVor !hw bria rq lu L ODS tiIiju )on at iq VIA ' isLw m-hn ew rnic1t Ai jcl 13iw 'diifl C' P1r. tjIc 1.flXLd9J .0 iifA 4.~c q8) rv'Ii nc flv3 imlk,tIcC4 ;!1V rnio2 fl ( r-. 10 I biL' fltr' q&1q teoq ' & EflPtx t(3oq CMI JFti cr.ocrb ivri griNiul,3i I! 11b ¶-J( -0 ,ne cn Jii.o;q rn oeuv ."lIP 19bW TTlOJ Ot JtIt1J iEriD) ihfthiO i!;&) bsthhD r" ol nm'1t.Iq ri'q h.poi i3spq L ,ct,nt' iruM 4flifl&t tfl.flO3 td!sc. gnhu,ii fli1it 3lio i' -om o.t4 sx'.' CsOELI YIj L. i•j irn !o1qr1 hn cTQ 'r2fl:rfl s;o kfl'U! iNi,nrn rr'Th6c tU4tX3 tIWO'L? t1'J àlO(U oo :!siiv t ot ImIncviod gnthe5& iv Is ah.np r tJ;w f q3fa a . o cr.Go flti .ki1 tro rnoza u t O io ',k ;iI i a:j1 - UO1t t'v; (os' :•-.; c!ti '/ (f ih t 16j,Ilfw JY'1 - 1Va\3W11 3T.'1I13TAT2 3ñ )I 3i3 VC) A '9 f4i TA, iT dJWCti Y 90 T3"3 8 13 t iroiy9rr3t 0TUW8.103 ' 'T A jAvO;j -jq A Y T 10 5(OR -OW tlfl:t'I9U8 MM 80Ci4':Th Vifu 10 RPT HTlV' EiACq 000 - YT!"JHT HTIW Y.103 ,P3M!T JJ. TA 1A .01 Eit(JA TUM I TAIl r iCW)sM CJW uVATJLU LHT 0 40;TAP HT U0.U0IHT q1`C13 'oc:WT{OO93iT VQA .(18,JF4AZ O Y'UO iH 1, YI c\Jocq A 'lIlA 3TU .CD 2' NRC.' ' t10ITAThil03 I 1 JIT4U eJITMTzA ••j 4110 ,41 x6ia aUTV . - ) - - -- - -. - •. -- -- v-v- -- _.. -. . - - --- -.-,----- - '3I'iJl iq a,'aA I . ro L _ qqA rct. t1kM 8 4 f.. . . - . 'I-.. . . .-. . • - •'••.•.''. .-. ... -- - •_ .......! ._.._. .• - .... . _.. ~_. - .... 6U t !..rCj Irtclifamr . - * . \ \ -... •1 . - •• . — *-"_.• - I _..-_-_----- ict :1 Tier 2 Construction SWPPP Site Assessment Form Project ID:_________ Project Information: ptJ' I c) 7 Project Name: ,4'EW RSiD&rNCE - .Pgd71 'Project Address/Location;/°7S P4.in V/V1 / :C4 92-009 RespOnsible Parties/Contact Information: Name of Preparer: LN/L V4L62- / 0'G-,,t c S Qualification of Preparcr (Registration/Certification): P&> QS 0 Address:/0 6 1) Sci(/45 ,*N C/7' 61-VA ' /1 'ô 2.. CIty/State/Zip Code:. S*A' 0/6 c) / c14- 172-131 Phone Number: Cc s) 9-31-0/// Name of Owner/Owner's Agent:.oN Address: /2.7(, J.4w.. o,v7 City/State/Zip Code: E,V,w/ r*c , e,,,9- -.o, 9 2.O - Phone Number: 619 - Name of Emergency Contact: A4I,,V i.YwS (during construction) Address 27°c 4L4ZS' City/State/Zip Code:£*v D/ 0,, , C9 . 92/03 Phone Number: '760 7 9- - -4 14 5 Page! of 10 Tier 2 Site Assessment Form 3/24108 Where is it located? Any existing site (yes/no)? NO 40 Site and Construction Activity Description: Construction Start Date: End Date: ,'/, //' If work begins in rainy season or extends into rainy season, explain how project work can be scheduled can be altered to avoid rainy season impacts or to lessen exposure of site during rainy season:P4aiT 7o 15!6 *V 1el9ilvy *So'J #4iv UOA/ 14,'i'Ch' CA61/-761 TtI993 , 96 i74/a,&7j , rnvy Al Grading Quantities: Cut: /) CY; Fll: IC) CY; Import: C) CY; Export: C CY Any Stockpile Proposed? tS If yes, then estimate quantity.......- _cy Estimated duration of stockpile: ... ____/ _Months Soils types: HyaLO6VC_ciWi° Does site contain a preponderance of soils with USDA-NRCS erosion factor kf greater than or equal to 0.4? ,v Is a staging area proposed (yes/no)? NO If yes, then where is it located? Is concrete washout required (yes/no)? YES Where is it located? Any vehicle storage, maintenance or fueling area proposed (yes/no)? MO Where is it located? . Any de-watering operation proposed (yes/no)? NO Where is it located? . . Any other special operations proposed that may impair water quality (yes/no)? NO What and where? Page2 of 10 Tier 2 Site Assessment Form 3124/08 cktJ'3 -97r Watershed Bairn project drains to: A'-Buena Vista Lagoon 0 Agua Hedionda Lagoon 0 Encinas Creek 0 Batiquitos Lagoon 0 Pacific Ocean Is project drainage tributaryto a CWA Section 303(d) listed wate.! body impaired for sediment (includes Buena Vista and Agua Hedionda Lagoons) (yes/no): •-- -YES If yes, describe additional controls that will be used on project site to mitigate for sediment impairments (if any): 771 v9L 7i2 ,aA/7M* DRI,Vc €41-.& 1ekv7. S 77 Sj'6'1N c, Al &-E-046-0 Is project inside or within 200 feet of an Environmentally Sensitiye Area (yes/no): NO If yes, describe additional controls that will be used on project site to mitigate for potential storm water impacts (if any): Are any agency permits required (yes/no)? MO Check off permit types required: 0 Army Corps 404 permit 0 Regional Board Water Quality 401 Certification .O Coastal Commission Certification 0 'U.S. Fish and Wildlife Section 7 0 Fish and GameStream Alteration Agreement 0 Other list: Page3 of 10 Tier 2 Site Assessmen Z07 3/24/08 List materials that will be used on construction site and their handling and storage requirements Material Characteristics/Toxicity Handling requirements Ca/c.ie7E WOOD A Cr,Zn / , i, IVft2 LVm flEa Wm6jWm—S,Wm If any toxic or hazardous materials are proposed, then a spill prevention plan is required. Is a spill prevention plan required (yes/no)? If yes, attach spill prevention plan. PX sV#fl-4, Perceived Threat to Storm Water Quality rating: Using the Construction Threat Assessment Worksheet (attached as Appendix C to Section 3 (Construction SWPPP Standards and Requirements) of the City Storm Water Standards Manual, determine the projects Perceived Threat to Storm Water Quality rating. The Construction Threat to Storm Water Quality rating for this project is:'High .0 Medium Signature of Plan Preparer: Signature: Date:_____ Print Name: b,&-Z,'(49 62. Thle:Ci w. &)V& '6 Attachments: ' Storm Water Compliance Form - Tier 2 Spill Prevention Plan 0 Hydrology and/or hydraulic study 0 Solis and/or geotechnical report(s) ,0 Other. List: Page4 of 10 Tier 2 Site Assessment Form 3/24/08 BMP Selection: The following tables are provided to help identify and select approprfate site specific BMPs for the proposed project Review the list of potential site construction activities and site conditions described along the left hand column of each sheet. Then, for each activity or site condition that is included in the proposed.project, tick one Or more of the BMPs described at the top of the form and place an X(s) in the box(es) that form(s) an intersection between the activity/site con ition row and BMP column(s). All structural (physical.facility) BMP's should- be Shown on the site plan in the Construction SWPPP drawing set. Any proposed no-structural BMP should be noted in the Special Notes On the Construction SWPPP drawing set. çf.8JV Page5 of 10 Tier 2 Site Assessment Form 3/24/08 g 9 w • 10 CD (2 -. - CD . 0. C) Cl . - CD - CD CD 0 • et W CD 00 R cn• a CL 0 0 C,) EC-1 Scheduling EC-2 Preservation of Existing Vegetation EC-3 Hydraulic Mulch EC-4 Hydroseeding m EC-5 Soil Binders EC-6 Straw Mulch C•) - - - - - - - - - - - EC-7 Geotextiles & Mats - EC-8 Wood Mulching 2. - EC9Eah Dikes and Drainage Swales 10 EC-10 Velocity Dissipation EC-1 I Slope Drains EC 12 Streambank Stabilization EC-13 Polyacrylamide m • I WE-I Wind Erosion Control 0 CO oa oo m w -u CO) oDo)--'oo C) C) w c Ca. !.CD(D(Do> Ca Ca (0 2 iD = -. a.0. to • -' IA 43 :3 WCO CD 21 M 0 D a CL a to 4'. 4' SE-I Silt Fence SE-2 Sediment Basin SE-3 Sediment Trap SE-4 Check Dam SE-5 Fiber Rolls SE-6 Gravel Bag Berm --- SE-7 Street Sweeping and 2.. Vacuuming w SE-8 Sandbag Barrier -U ----------- SE-9 Straw Bale Barrier In SEW Storm Drain Inlet - Protection SE-Il I Chemical Treatment C,) 10 • OøJ 0 C) !' • •• w CO Cflø<0 W• 0 •• cn CD Cl) 0 U • c 4- c% TR-1 Stabilized Construction -. . - - - Ingress/Egress IMP - TR-2 Stabilized Construcion Zia Roadway .0 0 to • ____ TR-3 Ingress/Egress Tire Wash J I1 0 Non-Storm Water Management BMPs - 2 0 r- 0) . o = (5 a) C) C) BMP Description 3 IL 2 cL • • D E ! o . . . . CO I ._ E IL CL 0 o r-.? — C) a- W w C) °- . a- is u cc g (5 15 (5 C) C) - .2 tu 0 ) 0 C) C) ZZ CASQA Designation 4 ConStruction Activity & Site Conditions — — Landscaping &Irrigation V - Drilling/Boring — — Concrete/Asphalt Sawcutting -- Concrete tiatwork — —V — — Paving Wire, Cable & Connector Installation Site Housekeeping — — — - Staging Area Equipment Maintenance and Fueling Hazardous Substance Management Dewatering — Material delivery Solid waste handling including trash and Steam crossing -- • debris removal Concrete or stucco work Other (list): 4-H Page9of10 cW / 3 c7 Tier 2 Site Assessment Form 3/24108 CL Z 03 LA ff 9 03 U I I: 03 CL 0 03 0 CD; 4' CD a 4, I WM-1 Material Delivery and Storage WM-2 Material Use WM-3 Stockpile Management ç ç WM-4 Spill Prevention and Control. WM-5 Solid Waste Management . . WM-6 Hazardous Waste Management in CL 4 ---- WM-7 Contaminated Soil Management ----- WM-8 Concrete Waste Management WM-9 Sanitary! Septic Waste Management g. WM-10 Liquid Waste Management 1 74~> CITY OF CARLSBAD PLANNING DIVISION Development Services BUILDING PLAN CHECK Planning Division REVIEW CHECKLIST 1635 Faraday Avenue (760) 602-4610 P28 www.carlsbadca.20v 2/3(1 If DATE: 42-344 PROJECT NAME: PROJECT ID: PLAN CHECK NO: CB 13-3232 SET#: 2 ADDRESS: 1075 Palm Avenue APN: 205-191-05-00 This plan check review is complete and has been APPROVED by the Planning Division. By: Chris Sexton A Final Inspection by the Planning Division is required E Yes Z No You may also have corrections from one or more of the divisions listed below. Approval from these divisions may be required prior to the issuance of a building permit. Resubmitted plans should include corrections from all divisions. This plan check review is NOT COMPLETE. Items missing or incorrect are listed on the attached checklist. Please resubmit amended plans as required. Plan Check Comments have been sent to: don@donedson.com For questions or clarifications on the attached checklist please contact the following reviewer as marked: PLANNING ENGINEERING FIRE PREVENTION 760-602-4610 760-602-2750 760-602-4665 Chris Sexton Kathleen Lawrence Greg Ryan 760-602-4624 760-602-2741 760-602-4663 Chris.Sexton@carlsbadca.gov Kathleen.Lawrence@carlsbadca.gov Greeorv.Ryan@carlsbadca.gov Gina Ruiz Linda Ontiveros Cindy Wong 760-602-4675 760-602-2773 760-602-4662 Gina.Ruiz@carlsbadca.gov LindaOntiveros@carlsbadca.ov Cynthia.Won@carIsbadca.ov Dominic Fier! 760-602-4664 Dominic.Fieri@carlsbadca.gov Remarks: REVIEW #: 123 101111511111 II.I. Plan Check No. CB 13-3232 Address 1075 Palm Av Date 2-3-14 Review # Planner Chris Sexton Phone (760) 602-4624 APN: 205-191-05 Type of Project & Use: demo existing and construct new sfr Net Project Density:1 .0DU/AC Zoning: j General Plan: ELM Facilities Management Zone: 1 CFD (in/out) #_Date of participation: Remaining net dev acres:_____ (For non-residential development: Type of land use created by this permit: Legend: Z Item Complete E Item Incomplete - Needs your action Environmental Review Required: YES 0 NO Li TYPE DATE OF COMPLETION: Compliance with conditions of approval? If not, state conditions which require action. Conditions of Approval: Discretionary Action Required: YES Li NO Li TYPE APPROVAL/RESO. NO. DATE PROJECT NO. OTHER RELATED CASES: Compliance with conditions or approval? If not, state conditions which require action. Conditions of Approval: Coastal Zone Assessment/Compliance Project site located in Coastal Zone? YES 0 NO 0 CA Coastal Commission Authority? YES 0 NO 0 If California Coastal Commission Authority: Contact them at 7575 Metropolitan Drive, Suite 103, San Diego, CA 92108-4402; (619) 767-2370 Determine status (Coastal Permit Required or Exempt): Li Li Habitat Management Plan Data Entry Completed? YES Li NO Li If property has Habitat Type identified in Table 11 of HMP, complete HMP Permit application and assess fees in Permits Plus (AIP/Ds, Activity Maintenance, enter CB#, toolbar, Screens, HMP Fees, Enter Acres of Habitat Type impacted/taken, UPDATE!) Inclusionary Housing Fee required: YES Li NO 0 (Effective date of Inclusionary Housing Ordinance - May 21, 1993.) Data Entry Completed? YES 0 NO Li (NP/Ds, Activity Maintenance, enter CB#, toolbar, Screens, Housing Fees, Construct Housing Y/N, Enter Fee, UPDATE!) Housing Tracking Form (form P-20) completed: YES Li NO 0 N/A Li P-28 Page 2 of 3 07/11 Site Plan: Z El El Provide a fully dimensional site plan drawn to scale. Show: North arrow, property lines, easements, existing and proposed structures, streets, existing street improvements, right-of- way width, dimensional setbacks and existing topographical lines (including all side and rear yard slopes). Provide legal description of property and assessor's parcel number. City-Council Policy 44— Neighborhood Architectural Design Guidelines Z El El 1. Applicability: YES El NO El 0 0 2. Project complies: YES 0 NOD Zoning: El Z 0 1. Setbacks: Front: Required 20 Shown 20 Interior Side: Required Shown Street Side: . Required Shown Rear: Required 16'Shown iL Top of slope: Required Shown El D El 2. Accessory structure setbacks: N/A Front: Required Shown Interior Side: Required Shown Street Side: Required Shown Rear: Required Shown Structure separation: Required Shown El Z El •Lot Coverage: Required >40% Shown Z El El Height: Required >30' with mm. 3:12 roof pitch Shown 0 Z El Parking: Spaces Required 2 Shown Z (breakdown by uses for commercial and industrial projects required) Residential Guest Spaces Required Shown El Z El Additional Comments 1) Garage needs to have minimum interior dimensions of 20'x20' free and clear of items. 2) Please provide the lot coverage on sheet "C-i" as a percentage. 3) On the site plan, what does the hatched area represent? Are they eaves that are extending into the easterly side yard setback? 2-3-14 - Applicant/Owner indicates hatôhed area is at- grade hardscape. OK TO ISSUE AND ENTERED APPROVAL INTO COMPUTER Chris Sexton DATE 2-3-14 P-28 Page 3 of 3 07/11 GRAVES ENGINEERING INC. A California Corporation DATE: February 12, 2014 TO: Structural Plan Check FROM: TIM GRAVES [619.778.30591 SUBJECT: New Residence 1075 Palm Ave Carlsbad, CA Response to Structural Comments Structural-2 See new guard rail detail and attached calculation. Structural -3 Re TS column specs and details. The "construction leveling pad", base plate and double nutted A.B.'s are NOT part of the structural assembly. Rather, these elements are to facilitate plumbing the column, fine adjustment of height, and stabilizing the assembly during placement of the concrete. The design moment in the column is accommodated by embedment in the reinforced grade beam. Structural —4 One new pad footing has been added to the plan @ the intersection Building Lines BI & 4 (24x24x12 wl(2) #5 © bottom). All pad footings shown on plans are also 24x24x12 wl(2) #5 © bottom. The design supports the various post on the continuous footings. The worst case point load on the footing is the 10x10 post supporting FB03 & FBO4 (4725 + 4882 = 9607#). The continuous footing is the small footing section per plan. See attached calculation demonstrating the adequacy of this footing. Structural —5 See revised calcs for R132 & RR's - attached. Structural - Misc See new detail for the connection of FB03 & FBO4 to the 10x10 post. ASCE-7 § (5% of D+L) 5663 Balboa Ave, #453, San Diego, CA 92111 6191778.3069; Email: TlmGraves@SBCGlobal.net Civil & Public Wovks EngineerInq Lend Planning & Environmental Analysis C:UsersTimDesktopR2Com-Palm.wpd (Ij Response to Comments 1075 Palm Ave Carlsbad, CA 2.12.14 For: Don Edson, AlA By: Timothy J. Graves, P. E. California - Civil 27003 Expires 3/31/15 Phone 619.778.3059 Email TimGraves@SBCGlobal.net Structural 2 - Guardrail P:= 200 lbs - lateral force h:= 42 in - height of guard rail 5.25 in - lever arm distance to strap X2 '= XI - 1 in - lever arm distance to lag bolt I := = 1600 lbs - use MST27 xl T2 = 1976 lbs - use 5/8" L.B. w/ 5" peneration into 6x12 Structural 4 - Footings New pad footing @ Building Lines BI & 4 P:=7100 lbs Sb := 2000 lbs/ft2 - Soils Report Tb [iJ.12 = 23 SB= = 1775 i2 M:= SB•j- = 888 fs: =4241 (0.31).0.9.(.j) Use 24x24x12 w. (2) #5 @ Bottom lbs/ft2 ft-lbs <24000 ......Okay Check Continuous Footing @ F1303 & FBO4 P:=9607 lbs I p 15 = 3.8 ft -Length of Bearing Sb - i r,M:= Sb.jj.()j = 4615 ft-lbs fs:= M = 22054 <24000 ......Okay (0.31).0.9.— L:= 16 Span - ft Uniform Loads: wl:=[ VRVI x 0 F 0 WI = 671.1 Point Loads: XhuWtr "p" "E" 0 WI 0 0 0 D:= L+2 w1 0 0 0 1 0000 x distance from Re ft w uniform load lbslft t triangular toad lbslftlft P Point load lbs E Seismic load lbs - lxl0 Moment (ft-lbs) ---.4 04 8 12 1 U 4 a 12 16 RBO2.xmcd Shear (lbs) RL = 5368.9 XL = 8.00 RR = 5368.9 RBO2.xmcd CD:= 1.25 member = "8x14#1 180x(Mmaxx )xi2 ti El. 106 Mm 2l.47Sx 103 Rm 5.369x 10 5 = 0.3 Max CD21.877x 10 3 Va XCDlS.21x 103 Lx 12 RROI.xmcd R1 = 819.5 1 X1 = 10.10 RR = 819.5 5.05 10.1 20.2 15.15 Shear (lbs) lx --3 lu —lxiv 0 Moment (ft-lbs) ---3 500 500 0 5.05 10.1 15.15 20.2 L:=20.2 Span - ft Uniform Loads: R 1.33 wl:= 1w, x 0 0 WI = 81.1 Point Loads: "x'°w""f'°P' °E" 0 Wi 0 0 0 D:= L+2 w1 0 0 0 1 0000 x distance from Ra t w uniform load IbsIft triangular load lbs/ft/ft P Point load lbs E Seismic load lbs RROI .xmcd CD:= 1.25 member= 1.88TJ[23011 40 l8ox(Mmax ( i2 EIx i06 Mm4.l39x 103 Rm8l9.S4lx 100 5=0.8 Max CD= 5.019x 10 3 Vax CD2.07x 10 Lx 12 ~:3 Moment (ft-lbs) 1.375x1( 7 1 CI 50, /// T JSN N\\ RRO2a.xmcd L:=14 Span - ft Uniform Loads: Point Loads: 14 R 1.33 wl:= WI x 0 F 0 WI = 81.1 "x""w"'t •P1• "E' 0 WI 0 0 0 D:= L+2 w1 0 0 0 L 0000 Shear (lbs) x distance from Re ft w uniform load lbs/ft triangular load lbs/ft/ft P Point Idad lbs E Seismic load lbs - 3.5 7 10.5 14 RL = 568 XL = 7.00 RR= 568 RRO2a.xmcd 1.25 Mm 1.988x 10, Max CD2.145x 103 member = "2x10#2" Rmax = 568.003 x 100 VaX CD2.2X 1o3 180x(M max x ±9)x L2 Lx 12 =0.4 EIx 106 -600 Moment (ft-lbs) 1.5x 1.I25x buu 2.5 5 7.5 10 RRO3a.xmcd L:= 10 Span - ft Uniform Loads: 1.33 wl:=[ VR VI x 0 F 0 W1 81.1 IIII uI II 11 p "E" 0 WI 0 0 0 D := L+2 WI 0 0 0 L 0000 Shear (lbs) Point Loads: x distance from Re t w uniform load lbs/ft triangular load . lbs/ft/ft P Point load lbs E Seismic load lbs U 10 RL = 405.7 XL = 5.00 RR = 405.7 RRO3a.xmcd CD:= 1.25 member = "2x8#2° 180 x ( M Mmax x x EIx 10 Mm 1.014x 10 3 Rm4O5.7l6x 100 Max CD= 1.438x 10 3 Vex CD= 1.72x 10 Lx 12 :=- 240 =0.5 Structural Analysis and Design Residential Addition 1075 Palm Ave Carlsbad, CA 12.26.13 For: Don Edson, AlA By: Timothy J. Graves, P.E. California - Civil 27003 Expires 3/31/15 Phone 619.778.3059 Email TimGraves@SBCGlobal.net This analysis is based upon the standards and requirements of the California Building Code - 2010 Edition Table of Contents Section 1 Notes and Specifications 1.2 Method of Calculation 1.3 Section 2 Dead Loads 2.1 Live Loads 2.2 Section 3 Lateral Analysis 3.1 Shear Wall Analysis Section 4 Beams/Joists/Headers 4.1 Section 5 Posts 5.1 Section 6 6.1 Footing Loads Footing OT © HD's Appendix Shear Wall Specifications Cantilevered Columns Notes and Specifications: General: 1 This analysis/design conforms to the California Building Code - 2013 Edition. 2 The material sizes and strengths recommended by these calculations are MINIMUMS based upon UBC requirements and may be, therefore, smaller than those selected to satisfy architectural or construction/fabrication requirements. Accordingly, where the architectural drawings indicate larger material sizes the drawings shall govern. If the architectural drawings specify smaller sizes or lesser material strengths than recommended in these calculations, the matter should be brought to the immediate attention of the engineer 3 Where proprietary connections and/or structural systems are recommended, equivalent alternative products are permissible provided the alternative product meets or exceeds the specified product with respect to allowable loading [in all directions], material strength and minimum dimensions. Material: All material shall conform to the following specifications unless otherwise specified within these calculations 1. Wood: Joist and Rafters [2" to 4" thickness] ....................................Douglas Fir #2 Posts, Beams and Headers [greater than 4" thickness]...........Douglas Fir #1 2 Concrete: Plain Concrete and Footings ..................................fc = 2500 psi [@28 days] Reinforced Concrete ..............................................f'c = 2500 psi [@28 days] 3 Steel: Beams and Columns .............................................................Fy = 36,000 psi Reinforcement Steel #3 & #4..............................Grade 40 [ASTM 615 & A305] #5 and larger ..................Grade 60 [ASTM 615 & A305] 4 Masonry: CMU .......................................................................................f'm = 1500 psi f'g = 2000 psi Method of Calculation This structural analysis employs Mathcad 15 Software. Mathcad is sometimes referred to as a "scientific" word processor. This software combines word processing, symbolic logic, spread sheets, plotting functions, graphics functions and solving functions to implement the desired mathematical calculations just as they appear in the document. By changing a single value in the beginning of the calculation all results involving that value automatically change throughout the document. Once a the value of a variable has been determined it can be used repeatedly in the subsequent analysis by merely identifying the variable name. For example, once f'c had been defined as 2,000 psi, all subsequent references to f'c maintain the value of 2,000 until the variable has been redefined. This greatly simplifies repetitious calculations and helps ensure consistency throughout the analysis. In Mathcad x:= 5 means that the variable x is being defined or assigned the value of 5. On the other hand, x = 5 means that Mathcad has evaluated a previously defined expression and calculated the result to be 5. Variables can be defined as either a constant, an expression of previously defined variables, or a string of constants and variables for use in iterative calculations. The Mathcad program, itself, contains none of the structural expressions found in this structural analysis. Rather, all expression and values have been obtained either from the Uniform Building Code or widely recognized engineering reference books. Many of the calculations in this analysis are iterative, that is the same calculation, using different values for the relevant variables, is performed numerous times. An example is the analysis of various roof and floor joist, each with different a different combination of span, spacing, loading, etc. This analysis simplifies these repetitive calculations by inputting the variables for each joist in a matrix. Each row in the matrix represents the input data for a specific joist. Each column represents a relevant parameter in the analysis of the joist. Preceding each matrix in this analysis is a separate explanation of the data columns. Dead Loads Determine the unit weights of major structural elements Roof: w_r11 := Spanish Tile w/ Mortar............................ 29 Sheathing 5/8" 1T67 2x10 @24° ....................................... Insulation (9" thick) ............................................. .1.54 6.3 Total w_rf:=w_rf w_rf= 38.51 psf Ceiling: w_clg := Insulation ............................. Joist..................................... 5/8" Gypboard 0 2.5 0 Total w_cl9:=w_clg w_clg=2.5 w fir. := Floor: - Flooring (Allowance) .............................................................. .4 Sheathing - 3/4" 3 Trusses 3 0 Total w_fir:= 7w_fir w_fir= 10 psf w_rf + w_clg = 41.01 psf w_fir+w_clg= 12.5 Exterior Wall: 7/8" Stucco ....................... Studs 2x6 @ 16" 0/c ................................... Insulation (4" thick) ................................................... 5/8" Gypboard w_ew. := 10 1.4 2.0 2.8 Total w_ew:= w_ewi w_ew= 16.2 psf Interior Walls: W iW.I := 5/8" Gypboard............. 2.8 Studs 2x4 @ 16" o/c 0.88 5/8" Gypboard 2.8 0 Total w_iw := wJw. wiw = 6.48 psf Stone_Veneer := 40 psf Live Loads: rf_Il := 20 Roof Live Load - psf cl_Il := 0 Calling Live Load - psf fl_Il := 40 Floor Live Load - psf Residential 03 Lateral.xmcd.1 Lateral Analysis roof 8.5 Following are the unit \ weights for each surface used ceiling = 2.5 lbs/ft2 in the determination of structural floor 10 weight at each level: ext_wall 16.2 AREAS A_rf:= 2250 A_rf= 2250 Area of Roof - SF LF_walls_2 := 227 H2:= 9.5 Length and Average Height of Exterior Walls supporting roof A_fir_2 := 2760 A_flr_2 = 2760 Area of 2nd Floor Diaphragm -SF LF_walls_1 := 227 Hi := 9.5 Length and Average Height of Exterior Walls supporting Floor A_fir_i := 2480 A_fir_I = 2480 Area of Floor Slab -SF Stone_Veneer := 40 50 psf - 10 psf (stucco) - 490 SF Partitions := 10 psf perASCE 7 Weight at Level 2 -Roof W2:= A_rf.(roof + ceiling + Partitions) ... W2 = 149708 lbs + (LF_walls_2).(H2).(ext_wall) Weight at Level 1 - 2nd FIr Diaphragm Wi := A_flr_2(floor + ceiling + Partitions) ... WI = 116635 lbs + (LF_walls_i ).(HI ).(ext_wall) + Stone_Veneer. 490 Weight at Level 0 - 1St FIr Diaphragm (Slab on Grade) WO:=A_flr_1.(0) WO=0 lbs Total Seismic Weight at Base Level W:= W2 + Wi + WO W = 266343 lbs 03 Lateral .xmcd.2 Equivalent Lateral Force Procedure 12.8 ASCE-7 Latitude 33.1571010 Longitude -117.3370600 Ss := 1.50 CBC figure 1613.5(3) Si := 0.60 CBC figure 1613.5(4) Site Class - D Fa: 1.0 Table 1613.5.3(l) Fv: 1.5 Table 1613.5.3(2) SMS:= Fa-SS SMS= 1.50 CBC Eq 16-37 SMi := FvSi SMi = 0.90 CBC Eq 16-38 SDS (2 + 3)SMS SOS = 1.00 CBC Eq 16-39 Si (2 + 3)•SM1 SDi = 0.60 CBC Eq 16-40 Seismic Design Category "D" per 1613.5.6 (1) & (2) Occupancy Category II per Table 1604.5 Table 12.2-1 (A. 13) ASCE-7 Table 11.5-1 ASCE-7 Eq 12.8-2 ASCE-7 R:= 6.5 l:= 1.0 SDS c:= — -- cs=0.154 v := CS•W Vs= 40976 lbs Sesimic Force distributed to 2nd floor shear walls - ASD E2:= 0.7•W2•c5 = 16122.4 lbs Sesimic Force distributed to 1st floor shear walls -ASD El := 0.7.(W2 + W1).c5 = 28683 lbs Eq 12.8-1 ASCE-7 03 Lateral.xmcd.3 Wind Load: Method I ASCE-7 6.4 Proiect Data Roof Angle Pitch := Roof slope 12 Roof Height h:= 23.75 feet mean height per § 6.3 ASCE-7 Basic Wind Speed v 85 mph Importance Factor I 1.0 Table 6-1 ASCE-7 Category II Topographic Effects Topographic Factor - Figure 6.4 elevhlll := 323 elevation of top of hill elevs,te := 100 elevation of site elevbase := 0 elevation of base of hil H elevhill - elevbase H = 323 height of hill above base elevbase + H -. 2 = 161.5 elevation of half height point Lh := 3168 distance from top of hill to half height point x 4752 distance from top of hill to site elevsjte - elevbase height of site above base 1.5 figure 6-4 ASCE-7 - 2.5 figure 6-4 ASCE-7 Ki := 0.95I--) Ki = 0.097 Topograhic Shape Factor I, Lh) xl K2=0 p,Lh Speed-Up Reduction Factor - Distance (- -z\ K2 = 0.000 K3:= e K3 = 0.924 Speed-Up Reduction Factor - Height Kzt := (i + K1K2K3)2 Kzt = 1.000 Terrain Factor Kz 0.70 Table 6-3 Case 1 - ASCE-7 Exposure B Kd := 0.85 Table 6-4 Buildings - ASCE-7 q7:= 0.00256•K7•Kzt•Kd.V2.I q = 11.01 PSF 03 Lateral.xmcd.4 Check Wind Loads - Method I ASCE-7 6.4 L:= 64 feet - Length of Structure Wd := 48 feet - Width of Structure hi := 20 feet - Height to Eaves h2:= 4.33 feet - Height from Eaves to Ridge Determine "a" H:= hi + h2 H = 24.33 feet Surface Roughness - B al 0.10•Wd al = 4.80 feet "Urban/Suburban" Exposure "B" ASCE-7 6.5.6 a2:= 0.40•H a2 = 9.73 feet a3 0.04•Wd a3 = 1.92 feet a = 4.800 feet Design Wind Pressures - Figure 6-2 (ASCE-7) "Pitch" "A" "B" 'c" -D-- 5 11.5 -5.9 7.6 -3.5 10 12.9 -5.4 8.6 -3.1 Ps3D = 15 14.4 -4.8 9.6 -2.7 20 15.9 -4.2 10.6 -2.3 25 14.4 2.3 10.4 2.4 30 12.9 8.8 10.2 7 X:= 1.00 Adjustment Factor for Exposure "B" & Height = 23' I = 1.000 Importance Factor - see above Kzt = 1.000 Terrain Factor - see above 03 Lateral.xmcd.5 WindAgainst Length of Structure Areas - ft2 Pressures - lbs/ft3 Eq (6-3) ,-I 192 A 15.43 A' A B' 41.6 B —4.39 B' IBI = = Fperp := X1Kzt C. 1088 C 10.29 C C D' 235.6 D —2.43 D' IDI Fperp := if(Fperp> Min—Pressure, Fperp, Min—Pressure) Fperp= 15571 lbs Wind Against Width of Structure Areas - ft2 Pressures - lbs/ft3 Eq (6-3) ~C'1'1) (2oo.3 (A (1s.43 (A"\(A =IIII=I Fnara:= XlK.I II 863.6) IC) 110.29) c") IC Mm —Pressure' = 10639.2 Fpara := if(Fpara > Mm_Pressure', Fpara, Mm_Pressure') Fperp = 14909 Mm —Pressure := (A'+ B'+ C'+ D').lO Min—Pressure = 15571.2 Fparall97S lbs Min _Pressure' := (A"+ C").lO Mm —Pressure' = 10639.2 Fpara = 11975 lbs Determine Design Lateral Force Seismic Base Shear • Vs= 40976 lbs Design Wind Forces Fperp = 15571 lbs Fpara = 11974.8 lbs Seismic Forces Control Lateral Design in Both Directions 03 Lateral.xmcd.6 Determine E - Roof Diaphragm - E/W Direction Level 2 - 2nd Floor Shear Walls E_Level := E2 = 16122 ("SWL" "Trib Area" "SW Length" "Bi" 253 4+8 422 4.0 input := 1011 20.5 "G" 842 27.5. Distribute lateral load to each line of resistance proportional to their respective tributary areas. EEl RIZ 11 IAII A.." "Tnt I nn1k" "thl.." check I UM ft U fl t_I IIhU VA 1B1 253 12 1613.5 output = 422 4 2691.3 1011 20.5 6447.7 "G" 842 27.5 5369.9 lbs E_Level= 16122.4 lbs Determine E - Roof Diaphragm - N/S Direction Level 2 - 2nd Floor Shear Wal (SWL" "Trib Area" "SW Length" 257 16 731 5 input := 1006 11 II4 533 27.5 E_Level:= E2= 16122 Distribute lateral load to each line of resistan proportional to their respective tributary areas "SWL "Trib Area" "Tot Length" "Wx" check ........ "1" 257 16 1639.7 output = "2" 731 5 4663.8 lbs E_Level = 16122 lbs "3" 1006 11 6418.3 -4- 533 27.5 3400.6 EEl "A" 386 14 4097.6 "BA" 310 4.7 3290.8 "B.2" 241 3.8 2558.3 "C" 276 7 2929.9 output = "0" 358 23.5 3800.4 441 9.5 4681.4 331 2.5 3513.7 "C" 248 5 2632.6 "H" 111 2 1178.3 lbs E_Level= 28683 lbs check ........ 03 Lateral.xmcd.7 Determine E - 2nd Floor Diaphragm - EIW Direction Level I - 1St Floor Shear Walls ("SWL" "Trib Area" "SW Length" "A" 386 14 310 4.67 241 3.82 276 7.0 input := 358 23.5 441 9.5 331 2.5 248 5.0 111 2 LEI HDR = ("SWL" "Trib Area" "Tot Length" "Wx" E_Level El = 28683 Distribute lateral load to each line of resistance proportional to their respective tributary areas. Determine E - 2nd Floor Diaphragm - N/S Direction Level I - 1st Floor Shear Walls ("SWL" "Trib Area" "SW Length ) E -Level:=El=28683 274 15 781 5 Distribute lateral load to each line of resistance inpu t"3" 1077 8.17 proportional to their respective tributary areas. "4" 570 13 EEl ......check check "SWL" "Trib Area" "Tot Length" "Wx" 274 15 2908.6 lbs E_Level = 28683 lbs output = 781 5 8290.7 1077 8.2 11432.9 570 13 6050.8 03 [1st Floor SW] - SWL 1.xmcd.1 W 2908 Seismic load on this line of Resistance - (see Lateral Analysis) W, = 2908 No := 1 Number of Shear Walls on this line of resistance L:=(20.33 0 0 0 0 ) T Length of Shear Walls on this Line- ft L=20.33, ft Lo:=(5.33 0 0 0 0 ) T Length of openings in Shear Panels (Perforated SW) (L— Lo) =15.00 ft H:=(9.5 0 0 0 Height of Shear Walls on this Line- ft Wx V:= (L— Lo) Determine the Uplifting Force on each Shear Wall I roof ' 15 w_rf ' ( roof '\ I ceiling I 6 I w_ci II ceiling I I floor 0.67 w.:=lwfl I I 1.1 floor I wallsext [wallsintj I H I ..2 I W_eW II wallsX. I i0 LwJwJ wallsintJ H. (O.gO.w. HD Load. := v.(L. - Lo.• — - - I -I 'IL. 2 ' v= 194 p11 Unit Shear in Shear Panels W. = Dead Load resisting overturning of Piers - p11 L5221 Magnitude of Net Uplift Force on Pier allow 90% of DL to resist overturning Shear Panel & Hold Down Summary output = I (ID" "L(net)" "Wind" "v actual" "SW Type" "v allow" "%" Uplift" "HD Type" "allow" "%" "Down" 1 15 2908 193.9 "SW1" 280 69.2 —3417.1 "No HD" 0 "NA" 1841.7 03 [1st Floor SW] - SWL 2.xmcd.1 W := 11432 Seismic load on this line of Resistance - (see Lateral Analysis) W,= 11432 No := 1 Number of Shear Walls on this line of resistance L:= (8.17.(2) 0 0 0 ojT Length of Shear Walls on this Line- ft 16.34 ft Lo:=(0 0 0 0 0 ) T Length of openings in Shear Panels (Perforated SW) (L— Lo) =16.34 ft H:=(9.5 0 0 0 0)T Height of Shear Walls on this Line- ft Wx V:= Lo) Determine the Uplifting Force on each Shear Wall I roof \ ( 3 '\ 1w_rf \ ( roof ceiling I 13+1 _ lwcl II ceiling I I floor := 0.67 I w.:=lwfl I I 1.1 floor I wallsext [waiisintj I H 2 . I I I - I il I w_ew Wallsext. H10 J wJw) wallsjntJ H. (0.90.w. HD Load. := v.(L. Lo.•— - ! - I I 'I L. 2 v = 700 plf Unit Shear in Shear Panels W. = Dead Load resisting I overturning of Piers - plf 14401 Magnitude of Net Uplift Force on Pier allow 90% of DL to resist overturning Shear Panel & Hold Down Summary output = I ("ID" "L(net)" "E (LBS) "v actual" "SW Type" "v allow" "%" "Uplift" "HD Type" "allow" '%" "Down" 1 16.3 11432 699.6 "SW4" 730 95.8 3411 °HDU4-SDS2.5" 4190 0.8 6646.5 Note: Use double sided Type 4 with HDU14 03 [1St Floor SW] - SWL 3.xmcd.1 W, := 11432 Seismic load on this line of Resistance - (see Lateral Analysis) W,= 11432 No := 1 Number of Shear Walls on this line of resistance L:= (8.17.(2) 0 0 0 0 1 Length of Shear Walls on this Line- ft L=16.34 . ft Lo := (0 0 0 0 0 )T Length of openings in Shear Panels (Perforated SW) - Lo) = 16.34 ft H (9.5 0 0 0 0) T Height of Shear Walls on this Line- ft Wx V:= Lo) Determine the Uplifting Force on each Shear Wall ( roof ' 3 w_rf ( roof ' Iceiling I 13+11 I w_cl II ceiling I I floor := 0.67 I w. := w fl 1.1 floor I wallsex [wallsjntj I H. I 2 J I I I wallsext. kH i 0 I I WJW) wallsint) H (0.90.w HD_Load := v. (L1 - Lo .).j % - 2 ' (Li) v = 700 plf Unit Shear in Shear Panels W. = Dead Load resisting I overturning of Piers - plf 14401 Magnitude of Net Uplift Force on Pier allow 90% of DL to resist overturning Shear Panel & Hold Down Summary output = ("ID" "L(net)" "E (LBS) "v actual" "SW Type" "v allow" "%" "Uplift" "HD Type" "allow" '%" "Down' 1 16.3 11432 699.6 "SW4' 730 95.8 3411 "HDU4-SDS2.5" 4190 0.8 6646.5 Note: Use double sided Type 4 with HDU14 03 [1st Floor SW] - SWL 4.xmcd.1 Wx:= 6050 Seismic load on this line of Resistance - (see Lateral Analysis) W, = 6050 No := 1 Number of Shear Walls on this line of resistance L:=(13 0 0 0 0)T Length of Shear Walls on this Line- ft L=13.00 ft Lo:=(0 0 0 0 0 ) T Length of openings in Shear Panels (Perforated SW) (L— LO) =13.00 ft H:=(9.5 0 0 0 0 ) T Height of Shear Walls on this Line- ft Wx V:= (L — Lo) Determine the Uplifting Force on each Shear Wall ( roof '\ ( 4 (w_rf ( roof ' ceiling I 4 I I w_cl I ceiling I floor := 0.67 I I fl 1.1 floor I wallsexti. I [waiisintJ H.2 I I I Ii wallsext. H10J WJWJ wallsjntJ H. (0.90.w.) HD_Load1:= v. (L. - Lo).j - 2 (L) L. v= 465 plf Unit Shear in Shear Panels W. = Dead Load resisting I overturning of Piers - plf I 4791 Magnitude of Net Uplift Force on Pier allow 90% of DL to resist overturning Shear Panel & Hold Down Summary output = I (lD0 "L(net)" °E (LBS) "v actual" "SW Type" "v allow "%" "Uplift" "HD Type" "allow" "%" "Down" 1 13 6050 465.4 "SW3" 550 84.6 1621.7 "HDU2-SDS2.5" 2625 0.6 4421.2 03 [1st Floor SW] - SWL A.xmcd.1 Wx := 4097 Seismic load on this line of Resistance - (see Lateral Analysis) W, = 4097 No 2 Number of Shear Walls on this line of resistance L:=(8.5 8.50 0 0 0 ) T Length of Shear Walls on this Line- ft L=17.00 ft Lo:=(0 0 0 0 0)T Length of openings in Shear Panels (Perforated SW) (L— Lo) =17.00 ft H:=(9.5 9.5 0 0 0 ) T Height of Shear Walls on this Line- ft WX V:= (L — Lo) Determine the Uplifting Force on each Shear Wall ( roof '\ ( 5 ' 1w_rf ( roof I ceiling I I 5 I I w_cl II ceiling floor := 0 w.:=lwfl l•i floor wa11sext1 I H.1 I I I .1 - I II w_ew II wallsint) Hi.0J _1J wallsjnt H. (0.90.w. ' ) HD_Load v.(L. - Lo1)..[. - 2 v = 241 plf Unit Shear in Shear Panels W. = Dead Load resisting overturning of Piers - pif 359 359 Magnitude of Net Uplift Force on Pier allow 90% of DL to resist overturning Shear Panel & Hold Down Summary "ID" "L(net)" "E (LBS) "v actual" "SW Type" "v allow" "%" "Uplift" "HD Type" "allow" "%" "Down" output= 1 8.5 2048.5 241 "SW1" 280 86.1 916.5 "HDU2-SDS2.5" 2625 0.3 2289.5 2 8.5 2048.5 241 "SW1" 280 86.1 916.5 "HDU2-SDS2.5" 2625 0.3 2289.5 03 [1St Floor SW] - SWL BI.xmcd.1 W 3290 Seismic load on this line of Resistance - (see Lateral Analysis) Wx= 3290 No := 1 Number of Shear Walls on this line of resistance L:= (4.58 0 0 0 0) T Length of Shear Walls on this Line- ft L = 4.58 ft Lo (0 0 0 0 0)'T Length of openings in Shear Panels (Perforated SW) (L - Lo) = 4.58 ft H:= (9.5 0 0 0 0 )T Height of Shear Walls on this Line- ft v:= Wx v= 718 p11 Unit Shear in Shear Panels (L — Lo) Determine the Uplifting Force on each Shear Wall roof W—r roof ceiling 6 w_cl ceiling floor := w. w_fl . floor W. = Dead Load resisting wallsext. H..2 w - ew wallsext. I overturning of Piers - plf . I 4681 wallsint HO W_IW wallsint H. (0.90.w. HD Load. := v. (L. - Lo.•— - ' IL - I I IlL1 2 ' Magnitude of Net Uplift Force on Pier allow 90% of DL to resist overturning Shear Panel & Hold Down Summary ('ID" °L(net)° "E (LBS)° "v actual" "SW Type" v allow' "%" "Uplift" "HD Type" "allow" fl% "Down" output = I l, 1 4.6 3290 718.3 "SW4" 730 98.4 5859 "HDU8-SDS2.5" 8350 0.7 6824.2 03 [1st Floor SW] - SWL B2.xmcd.1 W 2558 Seismic load on this line of Resistance -(see Lateral Analysis) W, = 2558 No := 1 Number of Shear Walls on this line of resistance L:=(3.82 0 0 0 Length of Shear Walls on this Line- ft = 3.82 ft Lo:=(0 0 0 0 Length of openings in Shear Panels (Perforated SW) (L— Lo) =3.82 ft H:=(9.5 0 0 0 Height of Shear Walls on this Line- ft Wx v:= Lo) Determine the Uplifting Force on each Shear Wall ( roof \ ( 8 W—rf \ ( roof ceiling 8 I I w_cl I I ceiling I floor I w.:=Iwfl I I 1.1 floor I wallsex wallsintJ I 067J I H I ..2 w_ew II wallsext. H.O W_iWJ wallslnt) H. (0.90.w. HD Load. := v.(L. - Lo,).— - - I I L. 2 I v = 670 plf Unit Shear in Shear Panels W. = Dead Load resisting I overturning of Piers - plf I 6431 Magnitude of Net Uplift Force on Pier allow 90% of DL to resist overturning Shear Panel & Hold Down Summary output = (ID" "L(net)" "E (LBS) "v actualSW Type" "v allow" "%" Uplift" "HD Type" "allow" '%' "Down" 1 3.8 2558 669.6 "SW4" 730 91.7 5256.9 "HDU5-SDS2.5 5430 1 6361.5 03 [1St Floor SW] - SWL C.xmcd.1 2930 Seismic load on this line of Resistance -(see Lateral Analysis) W, = 2930 No := 1 Number of Shear Walls on this line of resistance L:= (7.0 0 0 0 0) T Length of Shear Walls on this Line- ft L = 7.00 ft Lo:= (0 0 0 0 Length of openings in Shear Panels (Perforated SW) (L - Lo) = 7.00 ft H (9.5 0 0 0 0) T Height of Shear Walls on this Line- ft Wx v= 419 plf Unit Shear in Shear Panels Lo) Determine the Uplifting Force on each Shear Wall roof 6 w_rf roof ceiling 6 +21 w_cl ceiling floor 21 w. := w_fl . floor w. = Dead Load resisting wallsext1 H.2 w_ew Wallsext overturning of Piers - plf I 8161 wallsint H.0 w_Iw j wallsint H. (O.9O.w. HD Load. v.(L. - Lo.•— - ! - I I 'I L1 2 Magnitude of Net Uplift Force on Pier allow 90% of DL to resist overturning Shear Panel & Hold Down Summary output = (°ID" "L(net) "E (LBS)" "v actual" "SW Type "v allow" "%" "Uplift" "HD Type" "allow" "%" "Down" 1 7 2930 418.6 "SW2" 430 97.3 1404.9 "HDU2-SDS2.5" 2625 0.5 3976.4 03 [1st Floor SW] - SWL D.xmcd.1 W := 3800 Seismic load on this line of Resistance - (see Lateral Analysis) W, = 3800 No =1 Number of Shear Walls on this line of resistance L:=(23.5 0 0 0 Length of Shear Walls on this Line- ft = 23.50 ft Lo:=(0 0 0 0 0 ) T Length of openings in Shear Panels (Perforated SW) - Lo) = 23.50 ft H:=(9.5 0 0 0 Height of Shear Walls on this Line- ft Wx V:= (L — Lo) Determine the Uplifting Force on each Shear Wall roof " ( 16 w_rf ( roof \ ceiling I 116 + 16 I w_cl II ceiling I floor =1 16 w.:= I w fi 1.1 floor I wa115ext1 J H I .2 J I w_ew I 11 wallsext. wallsint H I .0 W- 1W) lwallsint) . HD _Load H. 1:= v.(L - Lo.).. - (0.90.w'). L.2(L1) v= 162 plf Unit Shear in Shear Panels W. = Dead Load resisting overturning of Piers - plf I 11641 Magnitude of Net Uplift Force on Pier allow 90% of DL to resist overturning Shear Panel & Hold Down Summary output = ("ID" "L(net)' "E (LBS) "v actual' "SW Type" "v allow" "%" "Uplift" "HD Type" "allow" "%" "Down" 1 23.5 3800 161.7 "SWO" 180 89.8 —10772.7 "No HD" 0 "NA" 1536.2 Note: Sheathe per Type 1 Shear Wall specifications (280 plf allowable) 03 [1st Floor SW] - SWL E.xmcd.1 Wx:= 4681 Seismic load on this line of Resistance -(see Lateral Analysis) Wx= 4681 No := 1 Number of Shear Walls on this line of resistance L := (9.5 0 0 0 0 )T Length of Shear Walls on this Line- ft L = 9.50 ft Lo := (0 0 0 0 0 )T Length of openings in Shear Panels (Perforated SW) (L - Lo) = 9.50 ft H:= (9.5 0 0 0 0 )T Height of Shear Walls on this Line- ft Wx v:= v = 493 plf Unit Shear in Shear Panels (L — Lo) Determine the Uplifting Force on each Shear Wall roof 0 w_rf roof ceiling 0 +11.33 w_cl ceiling floor 1.33 w_fl . floor w. = Dead Load resisting wallsext. H.l w—ew walls. ________ overturning of Piers - plf 11711 wallsint H10 w_w wallsint H. (O.gO.w. HD—Load . := v.(L. - Lo.\— - ' ' I I 'I L 2 l I 1 Magnitude of Net Uplift Force on Pier allow 90% of DL to resist overturning Shear Panel & Hold Down Summary output = ('ID" 'L(net)" 'E (LBS)° v actual" "SW Type" "v allow" "%" "Uplift" "HD Type" 'allow" "%" "Down' t, 1 9.5 4681 492.7 "SW3" 550 89.6 3952 "HDU4-SDS2.5" 4190 0.9 4681 03 [1st Floor SW] - SWL F.xmcd.1 := 3514 Seismic load on this line of Resistance -(see Lateral Analysis) W,= 3514 No := 1 Number of Shear Walls on this line of resistance L := [2.5(2) 0 0 0 0 Length of Shear Walls on this Line- ft L = 506 ft Lo := (0 0 0 0 0) T Length of openings in Shear Panels (Perforated SW) (L - Lo) = 5.00 ft H 0 0 0 0 )T Height of Shear Walls on this Line- ft Wx v= 703 plf Unit Shear in Shear Panels (L — Lo) Determine the Uplifting Force on each Shear Wall roof 0 roof ceiling 0 +1.33 w_cl ceiling floor 1.33 w1 := w_fl floor w. = Dead Load resisting wallsexti. H.1 w_ew wallsext. ________ overturning of Piers - plf 11711 wailsint HO W_IW Wailsint H. (o.go.w.) HD Load. := v• (L. - - .(L. - I 'I L1 2 I Magnitude of Net Uplift Force on Pier allow 90% of DL to resist overturning Shear Panel & Hold Down Summary output = (ID" °L(net)" E (LBS) "v actual" "SW Type" "v allow" '%" "Uplift" "HD Type" "allow" "%" "Down" 1 5 3514 702.8 "SW4" 730 96.3 6292.9 "HDU8-SDS2.5" 8350 0.8 6676.6 Note: Use double sided Type 4 with HDU14 03 [1st Floor SW] - SWL G.xmcd.1 Wx:= 2633 Seismic load on this line of Resistance - (see Lateral Analysis) W, = 2633 No := I Number of Shear Walls on this line of resistance L:=(5.0 0 0 0 Length of Shear Walls on this Line- ft L=5.00 ft Lo:=(O 0 0 0 Length of openings in Shear Panels (Perforated SW) (L— LO) =5.00 ft H:=(9.5 0 0 0 0)T Height of Shear Walls on this Line- ft Wx V:= (L — Lo) Determine the Uplifting Force on each Shear Wall ( roof \ 1' 7 •\ w_rf ( roof '\ ceiling I 7 +13 I W—cl ceiling I floor 13 I w.:=lwfl I 1.1 floor I wallsex; I H.2 I I I w_ew II wallsext. wallsint) HçO J ..w_iw J lwallsint J H. (0.90.w. HD Load. := v•(L. - Lo./•— - " ' ' - I 'L 2 v = 527 plf Unit Shear in Shear Panels W. = Dead Load resisting overturning of Piers - plf I 7571 Magnitude of Net Uplift Force on Pier allow 90% of DL to resist overturning Shear Panel & Hold Down Summary output = I ("ID" "L(net)" 'E (LBS)" "v actual "SW Type" "v allow' "%' "Uplift" "HD Type" "allow" "%" "Down' 1 5 2633 526.6 "SW3" 550 95.7 3298.6 "HDU4-SDS2.5" 4190 0.8 5002.7 Note: Use double sided Type 4 with HDU14 03 (1st Floor SW] - SWL H.xmcd.1 W := 1178 Seismic load on this line of Resistance -(see Lateral Analysis) W, = 1178 No := 2 Number of Shear Walls on this line of resistance L:=(1 1 0 0.0)T Length of Shear Walls on this Line- ft L=2.00 ft Lo:=(0 0 0 0 0 ) T Length of openings in Shear Panels (Perforated SW) (L— LO) =2.00 ft H:=(9.5 9.5 0 0 0 ) T Height of Shear Walls on this Line- ft Wx V:= (L — Lo) Determine the Uplifting Force on each Shear Wall roof '\ ( 6 ' tw_rf" ( roof '\ ceiling 6 +0.67 j w_cl II ceiling I floor := 0.67 I w. =1 w fi 1.1 - II floor I wallsex i.H. J I 2 I i I i w_ew wallsext. wallsint I H I .0 \. ) I t,W - 1W) 1.wallsintJ H. (0.90.w.) HO_Load1 := v. (L. - Lo). j-' -L. 2 .(L) V= 589 plf Unit Shear in Shear Panels W. = Dead Load resisting I overturning of Piers - plf 562 562 Magnitude of Net Uplift Force on Pier allow 90% of DL to resist overturning Shear Panel & Hold Down Summary "ID" "L(net)" "E (LBS)" "v actual" "SW Type" "v allow" "%" "Uplift" "HD Type" "allow" "%" "Down" output = 1 1 589 589 SW4" 730 80.7 5342.5 "HOU5-SDS2.5" 5430 1 5595.5 2 1 589 589 11SW4" 730 80.7 5342.5 "HOU5-SDS2.5" 5430 1 5595.5 Note: These elements are cantilevered columns - See appendix for analysis Dead Loads Determine the unit weights of major structural elements Roof: W_rf Spanish Tile w/ Mortar 29 Sheathing 5/8° 1.67 2x10 @24° ....................................... Insulation (9° thick) ..............................................1.54 6.3 Total w_rf:=w_rI w_rf= 38.51 psf Ceiling: w_c1g1 := Insulation ............................. Joist..................................... 5/8° Gypboard 0 2.5 Total w_clg:=w_clg1 w_clg=2.5 psf w_rf + w_clg = 41.01 w fir. := Floor: - I Flooring (Allowance).............................................................. Sheathing - 3/4fl 3 Trusses 3 0 Total w_fir:= w_ fir 1 w_fir= 10 psf w_fir+w_clg = 12.5 Exterior Wall: w_ew1 := 7/8" Stucco ....................... Studs 2x6 @16° 0/c .....................................10 Insulation (4° thick) ....................................................1.4 5/8° Gypboard ..........................................2.0 2.8 Total w_ew := w_ew1 w_ew = 16.2 psf W iW. := Interior Walls: I 5/8° Gypboard LII Studs 2x4 @ 16" o/c .......... 0.88 5/8" Gypboard 2.8 0 Total wiw := wjw. wiw = 6.48 Stone_Veneer := 40 psf Live Loads: rf_ll 20 Roof Live Load - psf cl_Il := 0 Ceiling Live Load - psf fl_Il := 40 Floor Live Load - psf Residential psf 03 Lateral .xmcd.1 Lateral Analysis Following are the unit weights for each surface used in the determination of structural weight at each level: AREAS A_rf:= 2250 LF_walls_2 := 227 A_flr_2 := 2760 LF_walls_i := 227 A_fir_i := 2480 roof 38.5 ceiling 2.5 lbs/ft2 floor 10 ext_wall 16.2 A_rf= 2250 Area of Roof - SF H2:= 9.5 Length and Average Height of Exterior Walls supporting roof A_fir_2 = 2760 Area of 2nd Floor Diaphragm -SF Hi := 9.5 Length and Average Height of Exterior Walls supporting Floor A_fir_i = 2480 Area of Floor Slab -SF Stone_Veneer := 40 50 psf - 10 psf (stucco) - 490 SF Partitions := 10 psf perASCE 712.14.8.1 Weight at Level 2 -Roof W2:= A_rf.(roof + ceiling + Partitions) ... W2 = 149708 lbs + (LF_walls_2).(H2).(ext_wall) Weight at Level 1 - 2nd Fir Diaphragm Wi := A_flr_2.(floor + ceiling + Partitions) ... Wi = 116635 lbs + (LF_walls_i ).(Hi ).(ext_wall) + Stone_Veneer. 490 Weight at Level 0 - 1St Fir Diaphragm (Slab on Grade) WO:=A_fir_i.(0) W00 lbs Total Seismic Weight at Base Level W:=W2+W1+WO W=266343 lbs 03 Lateral.xmcd.2 Equivalent Lateral Force Procedure 12.8 ASCE-7 Latitude 33.1571010 Longitude -117.337060° Ss:= 1.50 CBC figure 1613.5(3) Si 0.60 CBC figure 1613.5(4) Site Class - D Fa: 1.0 Table 1613.5.3(1) Fv:= 1.5 Table 1613.5.3(2) SMS:= Fa•SS SMS= 1.50 CBC Eq 16-37 SMi : FSi SM1 = 0.90 CBC Eq 16-38 SOS := (2 -- 3)•SMS SDS = 1.00 CBC Eq 16-39 SW := (2- 3)•SM1 SW = 0.60 CBC Eq 16-40 Seismic Design Category "0' per 1613.5.6 (1) & (2) Occupancy Category II per Table 1604.5 R:= 6.5 Table 12.2-1 (A. 13)ASCE-7 1:= 1.0 Table 11.5-1 ASCE-7 Cs:= - SDS cs=o.154 Eq 12.8-2ASCE-7 j— Vs: C•W v5 = 40976 lbs Eq 12.8-1 ASCE-7 Sesimic Force distributed to 2nd floor shear walls -ASD E2:= 0.7W2C5 = 16122.4 lbs Sesimic Force distributed to 1St floor shear walls - ASD El := 0.7.(W2 + W1)-CS = 28683 lbs 03 Lateral.xmcd.3 Wind Load: Method I ASCE-7 4 6.4 Project Data Roof Angle Pitch ± Roof slope 12 Roof Height h 23.75 feet mean height per § 6.3 ASCE-7 Basic Wind Speed V:= 85 mph Importance Factor i 1.0 Table 6-1 ASCE-7 Category Il Topographic Effects Topographic Factor - Figure 6.4 eleThill := 323 elevation of top of hill elevsite := 100 elevation of site elevbase := 0 elevation of base of hil H:= elevhjll - elevbase H = 323 height of hill above base elevbase + H + 2 = 161.5 elevation of half height point Lh := 3168 distance from top of hill to half height point x:= 4752 distance from top of hill to site z:= elevsite - elevbase height of site above base L:= 1.5 figure 6-4ASCE-7 2.5 figure 6-4 ASCE-7 (H\ Ki := 0.95.1 - I Ki = 0.097 Topograhic Shape Factor Lh) K2:=1_1i K2=0 Lh Speed-Up Reduction Factor - Distance (-Lhz) K2 = 0.000 K3 := e 1(3 = 0.924 Speed-Up Reduction Factor - Height Kzt := (i + Ki .1(2.1(3)2 Kzt = 1.000 Terrain Factor Kz:= 0.70 Table 6-3 Case 1 -ASCE-7 Exposure B Kd := 0.85 Table 6-4 Buildings - ASCE-7 qz:= 0.00256Kz•Kzt•KdV24 q= 11.01 PSF 03 Lateral.xmcd.4 Check Wind Loads - Method I AS CE-7 6.4 L 64 feet - Length of Structure Wd := 48 feet - Width of Structure hi := 20 feet - Height to Eaves h2:= 4.33 feet - Height from Eaves to Ridge Determine "a" H:= hi + h2 H = 24.33 feet Surface Roughness - B al := 0.10•Wd al = 4.80 feet "Urban/Suburban" Exposure "B" ASCE-7 6.5.6 a2:= 0.40•11 a2 = 9.73 feet a3:= 0.04•Wd a3 = 1.92 feet a = 4.800 feet Design Wind Pressures - Figure 6-2 (ASCE-7) "Pitch" "A" "B" "c° M- 5 11.5 -5.9 7.6 -3.5 10 12.9 -5.4 8.6 -3.1 Ps30 = 15 14.4 -4.8 9.6 -2.7 20 15.9 -4.2 10.6 -2.3 25 14.4 2.3 10.4 2.4 30 12.9 8.8 10.2 7 X:= 1.00 Adjustment Factor for Exposure "B" & Height = 23' = 1.000 Importance Factor - see above = 1.000 Terrain Factor - see above 03 Lateral .xmcd.5 Wind Against Length of Structure Areas - ft2 Pressures - lbs/ft3 A' 192 A 15.43 B' - 41.6 B - —4.39 C. - 1088 C - 10.29 0 235.6 D 72.43 Eq (6-3) I Fperp:= XlKzt B 1. IIIBII 1 I IC'll C I 1,.13'J tJD1J Fperp= 14909 Mm —Pressure := (A'+ B'+ V+ D').iO Min—Pressure = 15571.2 Fperp := if(Fperp> Min—Pressure, Fperp, MinPressure) Fperp= 15571 lbs Wind Against Width of Structure Areas - ft2 Pressures - lbs/ft3 Eq (6-3) ( (A0) ( 863.6 200.3) (A) = (15.43) Fpara := X.IKzt A"JjAj lSc = C 10.29) 1 Mm —Pressure' = 10639.2 Fpara := if(Fpara > MinPressure', Fpara , Mm_Pressure') Fpara= 11975 lbs Mm —Pressure' := (A" + C"). 10 Mm —Pressure' = 10639.2 Fpara=11975 lbs Determine Design Lateral Force Seismic Base Shear Vs= 40976. lbs Design Wind Forces Fperp = 15571 lbs Fpara = 11974.8 lbs Seismic Forces Control Lateral Design in Both Directions 03 Lateral.xmcd.6 Determine E - Roof Diaphragm - E/W Direction Level 2 - 2nd Floor Shear Walls E_Level:= E2= 16122 ('SWL" "Trib Area" "SW Length' "Bi" 253 4+8 "C" 422 4.0 input := "0" 1011 20.5 "G" 842 27.5 Distribute lateral load to each line of resistance proportional to their respective tributary areas. IB I"wi" "T4h Ar" "Tnt I nnfk check ........ "Bi" 253 12 1613.5 output = "co 422 4 2691.3 "D" 1011 20.5 6447.7 "G" 842 27.5 5369.9 lbs E_Level = 16122.4 lbs Determine E - Roof Diaphragm - N/S Direction Level 2 - 2nd Floor Shear Wal ('SWL" "Trib Area" "SW Length" 257 16 7311 5 input := 1005 11 533 27.5 E_Level := E2 = 16122 Distribute lateral load to each line of resistan proportional to their respective tributary areas "SWL" "Trib Area" "Tot Length" "Wx" check ........ 257 16 1639.7 output = 731 5 4663.8 lbs E_Level = 16122 lbs 1006 11 6418.3 533 27.5 3400.6 03 Lateral.xmcd.7 Determine E - 2nd Floor Diaphragm - E/W Direction Level I - 1st Floor Shear Walls ("SWL" "Trib Area" "SW Length" "A" 386 14 "13.1" 310 4.67 "B.2" 241 3.82 276 7.0 input 358 23.5 °E" 441 9.5 331 2.5 248 5.0 "H 111 2 E_Level := El = 28683 Distribute lateral load to each line of resistance proportional to their respective tributary areas. HDR = ("SWL" "Trib Area" "Tot Length" "Wx" output = I "A" 386 14 4097.6 "13.1" 310 4.7 3290.8 "13.2" 241 3.8 2558.3 276 7 2929.9 358 23.5 3800.4 441 9.5 4681.4 331 2.5 3513.7 248 5 2632.6 111 2 1178.3 check ........ lbs ELevel = 28683 lbs Determine E - 2nd Floor Diaphragm - N/S Direction Level I - 1st Floor Shear Walls (SWL" "Trib Area" "SW Length" ) E_Level El = 28683 274 15 781 s Distribute lateral load to each line of resistance input "3" 1077 8.17 proportional to their respective tributary areas. "4" 570 13 LJ ......check "SWL" 'Trib Area" "Tot Length" "Wx" In 274 15 2908.6 lbs E_Level = 28683 lbs output = 781 5 8290.7 1077 8.2 11432.9 -4- 570 13 6050.8)- 03 [1St Floor SW] - SWL I .xmcd.I W := 2908 Seismic load on this line of Resistance - (see Lateral Analysis) W, = 2908 No := 1 Number of Shear Walls on this line of resistance L:= (20.33 0 0 0 0 ) T Length of Shear Walls on this Line- ft =20.33 ft Lo:=(5.33 0 0 0 0)T Length of openings in Shear Panels (Perforated SW) (L— Lo) =15.00 ft H:=(9.5 0 0 0 0)T Height of Shear Walls on this Line- ft Wx V:= Lo) Determine the Uplifting Force on each Shear Wall ( roof \ ( 5 •\ 1w_rf ' ( roof I ceiling I I 6 I w_cl I I ceiling I floor 10.67 I w. =1 w 1.1 I floor wallsext [wallsint) I H.2 I I I I w_ew wallsext. Hi0) W_iW) wallsintJ H. (0.90w.) - I HD Load. := v.(L1_ Lo ).j L. - IL' i) 2 v= 194 plf Unit Shear in Shear Panels W. = Dead Load resisting I overturning of Piers - plf I 5221 Magnitude of Net Uplift Force on Pier allow 90% of DL to resist overturning Shear Panel & Hold Down Summary output = I ("ID" "L(net)" "Wind" "v actual" "SW Type" "v allow" "%" "Uplift" "HD Type" "allow' "%' "Down" 1 15 2908 193.9 "SW1" 280 69.2 —3417.1 'No HD" 0 'NA" 1841.7 03 [1st Floor SW] - SWL 4.xmcd.1 Wx:= 6050 Seismic load on this line of Resistance -(see Lateral Analysis) W, = 6050 No := 1 Number of Shear Walls on this line of resistance L:=(13 0 0 0 0)T Length of Shear Walls on this Line- ft 1-=13.00 . ft Lo:=(0 0 0 0 0 ) T Length of openings in Shear Panels (Perforated SW) (L— LO) =13.00 ft H:=(9.5 0 0 0 0)T Height of Shear Walls on this Line- ft Wx V:= Lo) Determine the Uplifting Force on each Shear Wall ( roof '\ ( 4 •'t w_rf ( roof '\ ceiling I I4 'w_cl II ceiling I floor I I 0.67 i I w.:=lwfl I I 1.1 floor I wallsex [ j I H.2 I w_ew I wallsext. w ailsint H .0 L I ) I L5W lWJ - lwallsint ) H. (O.9O.w. HD Load. := v. (L. - Lo'.I•— - I, I IL. - I I L. 2 v = 465 plf Unit Shear in Shear Panels W. = Dead Load resisting 1 overturning of Piers - plf I 4791 Magnitude of Net Uplift Force on Pier allow 90% of DL to resist overturning Shear Panel & Hold Down Summary output = ("io" "L(net)" "E (LBS) "v actual" "SW Type" "v allow" "%" "Uplift" "HD Type" "allow" "%" "Down" 1 13 6050 465.4 "SW3" 550 84.6 1621.7 "HDU2-SDS2.5 2625 0.6 4421.2 03 [1st Floor SW] - SWL 2.xmcd.1 Wx:= 11432 Seismic load on this line of Resistance - (see Lateral Analysis) W,= 11432 No := 1 Number of Shear Walls on this line of resistance L:=[8.17.(2) 00 0 0]T Length of Shear Walls on this Line- ft L=16.34 ft Lo:=(0 0 0 0 0 ) T Length of openings in Shear Panels (Perforated SW) (L— LO) =16.34 ft H:=(9.5 0 0 0 0)T Height of Shear Walls on this Line- ft Wx V:= Lo) Determine the Uplifting Force on each Shear Wall ( roof ' 3 tw_r(' ( roof I ceiling 13+1 I lw_cl II ceiling I floor := 0.67 I w.:= w ft floor I wallsext j Lwallsint H. 2 I I j I I I w_ew I I Wallsext. I H.0 _WJ wallsjnt J H. (0.90.w.) HD_Load1:= v. (L_ Lo.). — L. 2 v= 700 plf Unit Shear in Shear Panels W. = Dead Load resisting I overturning of Piers - plf 14401 Magnitude of Net Uplift Force on Pier allow 90% of DL to resist overturning Shear Panel & Hold Down Summary output = I ("ID" "L(net)" "E (LBS)' "v actual" "SW Type" "v allow" "%" "Uplift" "HD Type" allow" "%" "Down" 1 16.3 11432 699.6 "SW4" 730 95.8 3411 "HDU4-SDS2.5" 4190 0.8 6646.5 Note: Use double sided Type 4 with HDU14 03 [1st Floor SW] - SWL 3.xmcd.1 Wx:= 11432 Seismic load on this line of Resistance -(see Lateral Analysis) W,= 11432 No := 1 Number of Shear Walls on this line of resistance L:=[8.17.(2) 0 0 0 0T Length of Shear Walls on this Line- ft L=16.34 ft Lo:=(0 0 0 0 Length of openings in Shear Panels (Perforated SW) (L— LO) =16.34 ft H:=(9.5 0 0 0 0)T Height of Shear Walls on this Line- ft Wx V:= Lo) Determine the Uplifting Force on each Shear Wall ( roof " 1' 3 1 tw_rf \ ( roof SI ceiling I 13+11 'w_cl II ceiling I floor I:=l 0.67 I w.:=lwfl I I 1.1 floor I wallsext, [wallsintJ I H u .•2 I I I w_ew II wallsext. Hj0J WJWJ wallsint) H. (O.9O.w. HID—Load . := v.(L. - Lo .\•— - "_".(L. I I 'I L1 2 I v = 700 plf Unit Shear in Shear Panels W. = Dead Load resisting I overturning of Piers - plf 14401 Magnitude of Net Uplift Force on Pier allow 90% of DL to resist overturning Shear Panel & Hold Down Summary output = ("ID "L(net)" "E (LBS) "v actual" "SW Type" "v allow" °%° "Uplift" "HD Type" "allow" "%" Down" 1 16.3 11432 699.6 "SW4" 730 95.8 3411 "HDU4-SDS2.5" 4190 0.8 6646.5 Note: Use double sided Type 4 with HDU14 03 [1St Floor SW] - SWL A.xmcd.1 W := 4097 Seismic load on this tine of Resistance -(see Lateral Analysis) W, = 4097 No := 2 Number of Shear Watts on this line of resistance L=(8.5 8.50 0 0 0 ) T Length of Shear Walls on this Line- ft L=17.00 ft Lo:=(0 0 0 0 Length of openings in Shear Panels (Perforated SW) (L— LO) =17.O0 ft H:=(9.5 9.5 0 0 0 ) T Height of Shear Walls on this Line- ft Wx V:= (L — Lo) Determine the Uplifting Force on each Shear Wall roof ' ( 5 •\ "w_rf ( roof '\ ceiling 5 I I w_cl II ceiling floor := 0 II floor wallsex; wallsintj H..1 [H10 J I I I w_ew wallsext. WallSint) H (0.90.w.) HD Load. := vL - Lo.).— - ' - I i I L 2 'J v= 241 plf Unit Shear in Shear Panels W. = Dead Load resisting I overturning of Piers - plf 359 359 Magnitude of Net Uplift Force on Pier allow 90% of DL to resist overturning Shear Panel & Hold Down Summary "ID" "L(net) "E(LBS)" "vactual" "SWType" "vallow" "%" "Uplift" "HD Type" 'allow" "%" Down" output= 1 8.5 2048.5 241 "SW1" 280 86.1 916.5 "HDU2-SDS2.5" 2625 0.3 2289.5 2 8.5 2048.5 241 "SW1" 280 86.1 916.5 "HDU2-SDS2.5" 2625 0.3 2289.5 03[1st Floor SW] - SWL B1.xmcd.1 W, := 3290 Seismic load on this line of Resistance -(see Lateral Analysis) W, = 3290 No := 1 Number of Shear Walls on this line of resistance L:=(4.58 0 0 0 Length of Shear Walls on this Line- ft = 4.58 ft Lo:=(0 0 0 0 Length of openings in Shear Panels (Perforated SW) (L— Lo) =4.58 ft H:=(9.5 0 0 0 Q)T Height of Shear Walls on this Line- ft Wx v:= (L — Lo) Determine the Uplifting Force on each Shear Wall ( roof ' 1'3 w_rf I( roof ceiling I 6 I w_cl II ceiling floor I 3 I I w. := I w fl 1.1 - II floor wallsext [ j I H.2 I I wew wallsext. I wallsint I 'HI.•0) I w- iwJ wallsj,t J H (0.90.w.) HD- Load. := v. (L. - Lo).- I L. - 2 v = 718 plf Unit Shear in Shear Panels W. = Dead Load resisting overturning of Piers - plf I 4681 Magnitude of Net Uplift Force on Pier allow 90% of DL to resist overturning Shear Panel & Hold Down Summary output = (ID" "L(net)" "E (LBS)" v actual'SW Type" "v allow" "%" "Uplift" "HD Type" "allow" "%" "Down" 1 4.6 3290 718.3 "SW4" 730 98.4 5859 "HDU8-SDS2.5" 8350 0.7 6824.2 03 [1st Floor SW] - SWL B2.xmcd.1 W := 2558 Seismic load on this line of Resistance -(see Lateral Analysis) Wx= 2558 No := 1 Number of Shear Walls on this line of resistance L:=(3.82 0 0 Length of Shear Walls on this Line- ft L=3.82 ft Lo:=(0 0 0 0 Length of openings in Shear Panels (Perforated SW) - Lo) = 3.82 ft H:=(9.5 0 0 0 Height of Shear Walls on this Line- ft Wx V:= (L — Lo) Determine the Uplifting Force on each Shear Wall I roof ' ( 8 ' \( roof '\ ceiling I 8 I I w_ci ceiling floor I 0.67 I I s.,. I ii floor wallsext waflsintJ Hi0J I H.2 I i I I w_ew wallsext. WiWJ wallsint) H (0.90.w.1) HD- Load. := v. (L - Lo.— - I L 2 v = 670 plf Unit Shear in Shear Panels W. = Dead Load resisting overturning of Piers - pif I 6431 Magnitude of Net Uplift Force on Pier allow 90% of DL to resist overturning Shear Panel & Hold Down Summary output = I ("ID" "L(net)°E (LBS)v actual" "SW Type" "v allow" "%" "Uplift" "HD Type" "allow" "%" "Down" 1 3.8 2558 669.6 "SW4" 730 91.7 5256.9 "HDU5-SDS2.5" 5430 1 6361.5 03 [1st Floor SW] - SWL C.xmcd.1 := 2930 Seismic load on this line of Resistance -(see Lateral Analysis) W, = 2930 No := 1 Number of Shear Walls on this line of resistance L:=(7.0 0 0 0 Q)T Length of Shear Walls on this Line- ft L=7.00 ft Lo:=(0 0 0 0 Length of openings in Shear Panels (Perforated SW) (L— Lo) =7.00 ft H:=(9.5 0 0 0 0 ) T Height of Shear Walls on this Line- ft Wx V:= Lo) Determine the Uplifting Force on each Shear Wall ( roof ' ( 6 W—rf\ ( roof ' ceiling I 6+211 'w_cl ceiling floor I 21 I ,. I 1.1 floor wa11sext1 [wallsint) I J H. I .2 W_eW I I wallsext. HO I I WJWJ wailsint) H. (O.90.w1) HD Load. := v. (L - Lot.— - L.) - I I) I L 2 v = 419 p11 Unit Shear in Shear Panels W. = Dead Load resisting I overturning of Piers - pIt I 8161 Magnitude of Net Uplift Force on Pier allow 90% of DL to resist overturning Shear Panel & Hold Down Summary ("b' "L(net)" "E (LBS) "v actual "SW Type" "v allow" "%" "Uplift" "HO Type" "allow" "%" "Down" output = 1 7 2930 418.6 "5W2" 430 97.3 1404.9 "HDU2-SDS2.5" 2625 0.5 3976.4 03 [1st Floor SW] - SWL D.xmcd.1 W := 3800 Seismic load on this line of Resistance - (see Lateral Analysis) W, = 3800 No := 1 Number of Shear Walls on this line of resistance L:=(23.5 0 0 0 0 ) T Length of Shear Walls on this Line- ft = 23.50 ft Lo:=(0 0 0 0 0 ) T Length of openings in Shear Panels (Perforated SW) (L— Lo) =23.50 ft H:=(9.5 0 0 0 0)T Height of Shear Walls on this Line- ft Wx V:= (L — Lo) Determine the Uplifting Force on each Shear Wall - roof \ ( 16 'i w_rf ( roof ceiling I 16 +16 I w_cl II ceiling floor I 16 j . I 1.1 w fl floor wallsext I H u .2 I I I I w_ew, wallsext. wallsintj H.0 wJw) waIlsint H (O.9D.w. HD Load. := vtL - Lo '•— - ' (ii'1 - I i) L 2 v= 162 plf Unit Shear in Shear Panels W. = Dead Load resisting I overturning of Piers - plf I 11641 Magnitude of Net Uplift Force on Pier allow 90% of DL to resist overturning Shear Panel & Hold Down Summary output = ("ID" "L(net)" "E (LBS) "v actual" "SW Type" "v allow "%" "Uplift" "HD Type "allow" "%" Down" 1 23.5 3800 161.7 "SWO" 180 89.8 —10772.7 "No HD" 0 "NA" 1536.2 Note: Sheathe per Type 1 Shear Wall specifications (280 pIt allowable) 03 [1st Floor SW] - SWL E.xmcd.1 W := 4681 Seismic load on this line of Resistance - (see Lateral Analysis) Wx = 4681 No := 1 Number of Shear Walls on this line of resistance L:= (9.5 0 0 0 0 )T Length of Shear Walls on this Line-ft L = 9.50 ft Lo := (0 0 0 0 0 )T Length of openings in Shear Panels (Perforated SW) (L - Lo) = 9.50 ft H:= (9.5 0 0 0 0 )T Height of Shear Walls on this Line- ft WX V:= v= 493 plf Unit Shear in Shear Panels (L — Lo) Determine the Uliftinp Force on each Shear Wall roof 0 roof ceiling 0+1.33 w_cl ceiling floor 1.33 w.:= w_fl . floor W. = Dead Load resisting H1•l w ew wallsext. overturning of Piers - plf wallsex'I. - 11711 walisint H.0 W_IW walisint H. (o.90.w.l HD Load. := v.(L. - Lo.I —' - ' ' ' - I I- 'L. 2 Magnitude of Net Uplift Force on Pier allow 90% of DL to resist overturning Shear Panel & Hold Down Summary (ID" L(net)" "E (LBS)'v actual 'SW Type °v allow" "%" 'Uplift" "HD Type" "allow" "%" "Down" output = I l 1 9.5 4681 492.7 "SW3" 550 89.6 3952 "HDU4-SDS2.5" 4190 0.9 4681 03 [1st Floor SW] - SWL F.xmcd.1 Wx:= 3514 Seismic load on this line of Resistance -(see Lateral Analysis) Wx= 3514 No := 1 Number of Shear Walls on this line of resistance L= [2.5(2) 0 0 0 Length of Shear Walls on this Line- ft = 5.00 ft Lo:=(0 0 0 0 Q)T Length of openings in Shear Panels (Perforated SW) (L— Lo) =5.00 ft H:=(9.5 0 0 0 Height of Shear Walls on this Line- ft Wx V:= (L — Lo) Determine the Uplifting Force on each Shear Wall roof \ ( 0 \ ( roof ceiling 0 +11.33 w_cl II ceiling I floor 1.33 w f,1.1 floor I wallsext J H.. 1 [ I i i w_ew, i wallsext. wallsint H. I .0 ) I lw- iw) twallsint) H. (0.90.w. '' HD Load. := v(L. - Lo.•— - .(L. - I I '1 I1 2 k v= 703 plf Unit Shear in Shear Panels W. = Dead Load resisting overturning of Piers - plf 11711 Magnitude of Net Uplift Force on Pier allow 90% of DL to resist overturning Shear Panel & Hold Down Summary output = (ID" "L(net)° °E (LBS)v actual SW Type" v allow" "%" "Uplift" "HD Type" "allow" "%" "Down" 1 5 3514 702.8 "SW4" 730 96.3 6292.9 "HDU8-SDS2.5" 8350 0.8 6676.6 Note: Use double sided Type 4 with HDU14 03 [1st Floor SW] - SWL G.xmcd.1 W := 2633 . Seismic load on this line of Resistance (see Lateral Analysis) W, = 2633 No := 1 Number of Shear Walls on this line of resistance L:= (5.0 0 0 0 0) T Length of Shear Walls on this Line- ft L = 5.00 ft Lo:= (0 0 0 0 0 )T Length of openings in Shear Panels (Perforated SW) (L - Lo) = 5.00 ft H:= (9.5 0 0 0 0 )T Height of Shear Walls on this Line- ft Wx V:= v = 527 plf Unit Shear in Shear Panels Lo) Determine the Uplifting Force on each Shear Wall roof r 7 r w_rf roof ceiling 7+13 w_cl ceiling floor 13 w. := w_fl floor w. = Dead Load resisting wallsex H.2 ' w ew wallsext. ________ overturning of Piers - plf I 7571 wallsint H10 w_w wallsint H. (0.90.w. HD Load. := v. (L. - Lo.\•— — - - I I 'I L. 2 Magnitude of Net Uplift Force on Pier allow 90% of DL to resist overturning Shear Panel & Hold Down Summary output = I ("ID "L(net)° "E (LBS)" "v actual" "SW Type" "v allow" "%' "Uplift" "HD Type" "allow" "%" "Down" 1 5 2633 526.6 "SW3" 550 95.7 3298.6 "HDU4-SDS2.5" 4190 0.8 5002.7 Note: Use double sided Type 4 with HDU14 03 [1st Floor SW] - SWL H.xmcd.1 W := 1178 - Seismic load on this line of Resistance - (see Lateral Analysis) W,= 1178 No := 2 Number of Shear Walls on this line of resistance L:= (1 1 0 0 0) T Length of Shear Walls on this Line- ft L = 2.00 ft Lo := (0 0 0 0 0) T Length of openings in Shear Panels (Perforated SW) (L - Lo) = 2.00 ft H:= (9.5 9.5 0 0 0 )T Height of Shear Walls on this Line- ft Wx v:= (L — Lo) Determine the Uplifting Force on each Shear Wall ( roof '\ ( 6 1w_rf \ ( roof ' ceiling I I 6+0.67 I I w_cl II ceiling I floor := 0.67 w.:= Lw fl 1.1 floor I wa11sext1 [ j H I ..2 [ j I I I w_ew I I wallsext. wallsint H I .0 1W- IWJ Iwallsint) H. (0.9O.w. HD Load. := v. (L. - Lo'.I-- - ' .(Li) - I I L. 2 v = 589 plf Unit Shear in Shear Panels W. = Dead Load resisting I overturning of Piers - plf 562 562 Magnitude of Net Uplift Force on Pier allow 90% of DL to resist overturning Shear Panel & Hold Down Summary "ID" "L(net)" "E (LBS) "v actual" "SW Type" "v allow" "%" "Uplift" "HD Type" "allow" "%" "Down" output = 1 1 589 589 "SW4" 730 80.7 5342.5 "HDU5-SDS2.5" 5430 1 5595.5 2 1 589 589 "5W4" 730 80.7 5342.5 "HDU5-SDS2.5" 5430 1 5595.5 Note: These elements are cantilevered columns - See appendix for analysis 03 [2nd Floor SW] - SWL 1.xmcd.1 W := 1640 Seismic load on this line of Resistance -(see Lateral Analysis) Wx= 1640 No := 1 Number of Shear Walls on this line of resistance L:= (21 0 0 0 0 )T Length of Shear Walls on this Line- ft L = 21.00 ft Lo := (5 0 0 0 0) T Length of openings in Shear Panels (Perforated SW) (L - Lo) = 16.00 ft H:= (9.5 0 0 0 0) T Height of Shear Walls on this Line- ft Wx v:= v= 103 plf Unit Shear in Shear Panels Lo) Determine the Uplifting Force on each Shear Wall roof r 5 w_rf roof ceiling 6 w_cl ceiling floor := 0 w.:= w_fl floor W. = Dead Load resisting wallsext. H1.1 wallsext. I overturning of Piers - plf w - ew I 3611 wallsint H.0 . ww wallsint H. (0.90.w.) HD_Load := v. (L. - Lo.).— - .(L.) Magnitude of Net Uplift Force on Pier 1 L 2 I allow 90% of DL to resist overturning Shear Panel & Hold Down Summary output = I (lD "L(net)' "Wind" "v actual" "SW Type" "v allow" %° "Uplift"HD Type" "allow" "%" "Down" 1 16 1640 102.5 "SWO" 180 56.9 —2673.8 "No HD" 0 "NA" 973.8 Note: Sheathe per Type 1 Shear Wall specifications (280 pIE allowable) 03 [2nd Floor SW] - SWL 2.xmcd.1 := 4664 Seismic load on this line of Resistance - (see Lateral Analysis) WX = 4664 No := I Number of Shear Walls on this line of resistance L:= (5 0 0 0 0 )T Length of Shear Walls on this Line- ft L = 5.00 ft Lo := (0 0 0 0 0 )T Length of openings in Shear Panels (Perforated SW) (L - Lo) = 5.00 ft H := (9.5 0 0 0 0 )T Height of Shear Walls on this Line- ft Wx V:= v = 933 plf Unit Shear in Shear Panels (L — Lo) Determine the Uplifting Force on each Shear Wall roof 2 w_rf roof ceiling 1.33 w_cl ceiling floor 0 w.:= w_fl . floor W. = Dead Load resisting wallsex i. H..l wallsext. I overturning of Piers - plf w - ew ' I 2341 wallsint k. H.O . W_IW wallsint H. (0.90.w.) HD_Load := v. (L - Lo —L. - 2 (L.) Magnitude of Net Uplift Force on Pier allow 90% of DL to resist overturning Shear Panel & Hold Down Summary output = ("ID' "L(net)" Wind" "v actual" "SW Type" "v allow" "%" "Uplift" "HD Type" "allow" "%" "Down" 1 5 4664 932.8 "2xSW3" 1100 84.8 8334.5 "HDU8-SDS2.5" 8350 1 8861.6 03 [2nd Floor SW] - SWL 3.xmcd.1 Wx:= 6418 Seismic load on this line of Resistance - (see Lateral Analysis). Wx= 6418 No := 1 Number of Shear Walls on this line of resistance L:=(11 0 0 0 Length of Shear Walls on this Line- ft 11.00 ft Lo:=(0 0 0 0 Length of openings in Shear Panels (Perforated SW) (L— Lo) =11.0O ft H:=(9.5 0 0 Q Height of Shear Walls on this Line- ft Wx V:= (L — Lo) Determine the Uplifting Force on each Shear Wall ( roof \ ( 2 w_rf ( roof Iceiling 1 I 1w_cl Ii ceiling I I floor i:=I o w.:=Iwfl I I 1.1 floor I wallsext [ wallsintj I H.1 I I i0 j I w_ew II Wallsext. I W_iWJ wallsintJ H. (0.9O.w. HD—Load . := v.(L. - Lo.— lL - ' 2 k' .(L. ' I 1 v= 583 plf Unit Shear in Shear Panels W. = Dead Load resisting I overturning of Piers - pif I 2331 Magnitude of Net Uplift Force on Pier allow 90% of DL to resist overturning Shear Panel & Hold Down Summary output = I (ID" "L(net)" "Wind" v actual" "SW Type" "v allow" "%" "Uplift" 'HD Type" "allow" "%" Down" t 1 11 6418 583.5 "SW4" 730 79.9 4387.4 "HDU5-SDS2.5" 5430 0.8 5542.8 03 [2nd Floor SW] - SWL 4.xmcd.1 W := 3400 Seismic load on this line of Resistance - (see Lateral Analysis) W, = 3400 No := 1 Number of Shear Walls on this line of resistance L:=(34 0 0 0 Length of Shear Walls on this Line- ft = 34.00 ft Lo:=(0 6.5 0 0 0 ) T Length of openings in Shear Panels (Perforated SW) (L— Lo) =27.50 ft H:=(9.5 0 0 0 0 ) T Height of Shear Walls on this Line- ft Wx V:= (L — Lo) Determine the Uplifting Force on each Shear Wall ( roof ' ' (w Jf ( roof I ceiling I I 5 I I w_cl II ceiling I floor :=I I I lwfl 1.1 floor I walIsex O I H.1 j I w_ew wallse,d. I wallsint) w_iw) waIIsnt J H. (0.90w.) Lo —HD_Load := v. (L. - - 2 .(L.) L. v= 124 plf. Unit Shear in Shear Panels W. = Dead Load resisting I overturning of Piers - plf I 3591 Magnitude of Net Uplift Force on Pier allow 90% of DL to resist overturning Shear Panel & Hold Down Summary output = I ("ID" "L(net)" "Wind" "v actual" "SW Type "v allow" "%" "Uplift" "HD Type" "allow" "%" "Down" 1 34 4203.6 123.6 "SWO" 180 68.7 —4317.4 "NoHD" 0 "NA" 1174.5 Note: Sheathe per Type 1 Shear Wall specifications (280 plf allowable) 03 [2nd Floor SW] - SWL BI.xmcd.1 Wx:r 1613 Seismic load on this line of Resistance - (see Lateral Analysis) W,= 1613 No := 2 Number of Shear Walls on this line of resistance L:=(4 8 0 0 Length of Shear Walls on this Line- ft = 12.00 ft Lo:=(O 0 0 0 Length of openings in Shear Panels (Perforated SW) (L— Lo) =12.00 ft H:=(9.5 9.5 0 0 Height of Shear Walls on this Line- ft Wx V:= (L — Lo) Determine the Uplifting Force on each Shear Wall roof ' ( 6 " w_rf 1' roof " ceiling 6 I w_cl II ceiling I floor I:1 w.:=lwfl I I 1.1 floor I wallsex i. wallsjntj O H I .1 J I w_ew, I wallsexti wjw) wallsint) H. (O.90.w.) HD_Load1:= v. (L - Lo.).j -L. 2 v= 134 plf Unit Shear in Shear Panels W. = Dead Load resisting overturning of Piers - plf 400 400 Magnitude of Net Uplift Force on Pier allow 90% of DL to resist overturning Shear Panel & Hold Down Summary "ID" "L(net)" "Wind" "v actual" "SW Type" "v allow" °%" "Uplift" "HD Type" "allow" "%" "Down" output = 1 4 537.7 134.4 "SWO" 180 74.7 557 "HDU2-SDS2.5" 2625 0.2 1277 2 8 1075.3 134.4 "SWO" 180 74.7 —162.9 "No HD" 0 "NA" 1277 Note: Sheathe per Type 1 Shear Wall specifications (280 plf allowable) 03 [2nd Floor SW] - SWL C.xmcd.1 Wx:= 2691 Seismic load on this line of Resistance - (see Lateral Analysis) Wx269l No := 1 Number of Shear Walls on this line of resistance L:=(4 0 0 0 Length of Shear Walls on this Line- ft L=4.00 ft Lo:=(0 0 0 0 Length of openings in Shear Panels (Perforated SW) (L— Lo) =4.O0 ft H:=(9.5 0 0 0 Q)T Height of Shear Walls on this Line- ft Wx V Lo) Determine the UDlifting Force on each Shear Wall ( roof ' ( 6 W—rf \ ( roof " ceiling 6 I w_cl II ceiling I floor :=I w.:lwfl I I 1.1 floor I I wallsex [ wallsint J o I H I .1 I J= I w_ew wallsext . I H I " - .0 (sW iw) t,wallsintJ H. (0.90w.) HD_Load1:= v. (L. - Lo).j -L. 2 v = 673 plf Unit Shear in Shear Panels W. = Dead Load resisting I overturning of Piers - plf I 4001 Magnitude of Net Uplift Force on Pier allow 90% of DL to resist overturning Shear Panel & Hold Down Summary (ID" "L(net)" "Wind" "v actual" "SW Type" "v allow" "%" "Uplift" "HD Type" "allow" "%" "Down" output = t 1 4 2691 672.8 "5W4" 730 92.2 5671.2 "HDU8-SDS2.5" 8350 0.7 6391.1 03 [2nd Floor SW] - SWL D.xmcd.1 W := 6447 Seismic load on this line of Resistance - (see Lateral Analysis) W, = 6447 No := 2 Number of Shear Walls on this line of resistance L:=(9 11.5 0 0 Length of Shear Walls on this Line- ft EL = 20.50 ft Lo:=(0 0 0 0 Length of openings in Shear Panels (Perforated SW) (L— Lo) =20.50 ft H:=(9.5 9.5 0 0 Height of Shear Walls on this Line- ft Wx V Lo) Determine the Uplifting Force on each Shear Wall ( roof ' (6 ( roof ' ceiling I 6 I w_cl II ceiling I floor I 0 I I 1.1 - II floor I wallsext, [waiisintj 'H I .l I I I I I w_ew I I Wallsext. I i0J WJWJ wallsintJ H. (0.90.w) HD—Load. := v. (L. - Lo .\.— I L. - .(L) 2 v= 314 plf Unit Shear in Shear Panels W. = Dead Load resisting overturning of Piers - pif 400 400 Magnitude of Net Uplift Force on Pier allow 90% of DL to resist overturning Shear Panel & Hold Down Summary °ID 'L(net) Wind" "v actual" "SW Type" "v allow" "%" "Uplift" "HD Type" "allow" "%" "Down" output = 1 9 2830.4 314.5 "SW2" 430 73.1 1367.8 "HDU2-SDS2.5" 2625 0.5 2987.6 2 11.5 3616.6 314.5 "SW2" 430 73.1 917.8 "HDU2-SDS2.5" 2625 0.3 2987.6 03 [2nd Floor SW] - SWL G.xmcd.1 W := 5670 Seismic load on this line of Resistance - (see Lateral Analysis) W, = 5670 No 1 Number of Shear Walls on this line of resistance L:=(47 0 0 0 0)T Length of Shear Walls on 'this Line- ft = 47.00 ft Lo:= (19.5 0 0 0 0 ) T Length of openings in Shear Panels (Perforated SW) - Lo) = 27.50 ft H:=(9.5 0 0 0 0)T Height of Shear Walls on this Line- ft Wx V:= (L — Lo) Determine the Uplifting Force on each Shear Wall ( roof \ (12 W—rf\ ( roof ' ceiling I 12 I w_cl II ceiling I I floor I1 0 I w.:=Iwfl I I 1.1 floor I wallsext1 [wansintJ I H I .1 I I I w_ew, wallsext. I kHi.0J wallsjntJ H. (O.9O.w. HD Load. := v. (L. - Lo — - ' ' .(L. — I I 'I L 2 v = 206 plf Unit Shear in Shear Panels W. = Dead Load resisting overturning of Piers - plf I 6461 Magnitude of Net Uplift Force on Pier allow 90% of DL to resist overturning Shear Panel & Hold Down Summary output = ("ID" "L(net)" "Wind" "v actual" "SW Type" "v allow" "%" "Uplift" "HD Type "allow" "%" "Down" 1 27.5 5670 206.2 "SW1" 280 73.6 —12517.3 "No HD" 0 "NA" 1958.7 "X° "w° t" 'P° °E" 0 Wi 0 0 0 D:= L2wi 0 P 0 L 0000 Shear (Ibs) 3 4x 10 200 3 x distance from Ra ft w uniform load lbs/ft triangular load lbs/ft/ft P Point loadibs E Seismic load lbs CBOI .xmcd L:=12 Span-ft Uniform Loads: Point Loads: R 1.33 wi:=[w,'J x 0 0 Wi = 81.1 P:= 5612 _2x10 I_ - 410 — 3 6 9 Moment (ft-Ibs) - 12 0 3 6 9 12 RL = 3292.9 XL = 6.00 RR = 3292.9 CBOI .xmcd C0 := 1.25 member = °5.25x9.25 PSL ( 180 x IMmax x 40' x L 2 50 EIx i06 Mmax = 18.297 x Rmax = 3.293 x 1 6=0.5 Ma x CD = 23.281 X 10 Va x CD= 11.74x 10 3 Lx 12 240 FBO1 .xmcd L:=24 Span - ft Uniform Loads: R 1.33 wl:= [w"I x 9 6 Wi = 541.9 °x" "w" otu OPO 'E" 0 wi 0 0 0 0= 4 Wi 0 P a L 0000 Shear (lbs) lxl0 4r- -500- L - Moment (ft-lbs) 5x104 3.5x 10 200 4 5x1 / - 1A 04 Point Loads: P:= 1277x fl= 3575.6 x distance from Ra It w uniform load lbs/ft triangular load lbs/ft/ft P Point load lbs E Seismic load lbs 6 12 18 24 0 6 12 18 24 RL = 9483 XL = 10.90 RR = 7099.3 FBOI .xmcd CD 1.25 Mmax 46.499x 10 3 Max C0 67.906 X 10 member = "7.0x14 PSL 180x(Mmax x 40)L2 50 6 := EIx 10 Rmax = 9.483 X 10 3 6=1.2 Va x CD23.68x 10 3 Lx 12 240 0 5.125 10.25 15.375 Moment (ft-Ibs) 6x14 40 20 - 20 20.5 FBO2.xmcd L:= 20.5 Span - ft Uniform Loads: R 1.33 wl:= WI x 9 F 6 wi = 541.9 "x" "w° "t" "P° "E° 0 wi 0 0 0 D:= 9 wi 0 P 0 15 wi 0 —P 0 L 0000 Shear (lbs) Point Loads: P:= 2987 x fl = 8363.6 x distance from Re ft w uniform load lbs/ft triangular load lbs/ft/ft P Point load lbs E Seismic load lbs U OAZO iu.zo 1313 20.5 RL = 8002.8 XL = 9.00 RR= 3107 FBO2.xmcd CD:= 1.25 member = 7.0x14 PSL' 8•— 180x(Mmaxx)xL2 50 EIx 106 Mmax = 50.077 X 10 3 Rmax = 8.003 x 10 3 6 = 0.9 Ma x CD = 67.906 X 10 3 VaX CD=23.68x 10 3 Lx 12 240 'Y' °w" "t° P° °E" 0 wi 0 0 0 D:= L-2 Wi 0 0 0 L 0000 Shear (lbs) 600 3 :::h-. x distance from Ra ft w uniform load lbs/ft triangular load lbs/ft/ft P Point load lbs E Seismic load lbs FBO3.xmcd L:=15 Span - ft Uniform Loads: R 0 wi:= 1w" x 0 12 wi = 630 Point Loads: - 3x10 1 —610 Moment (ft-lbs) 200 1.5i0 lxi 0 510 15 U 15 RL = 4725 XL = 7.50 RR = 4725 FBO3.xmcd Mmax 17.719x103 < Rmax = 4.725 x 1 = 0.8 6=0.2 Ma x CD22.329x 10 3 Va x CD= 15.52x 10 3 Lx 12 240 CD:= 1.0 member = °10x14#1° 40) ã:= 180x(Mmax x L2 50 EIx 10 "x" "w° "t" "P' "E° 0 Wi 0 0 0 D:= L2w1 0 0 0 L 0000 Shear (Ibs) x distance from R. ft w uniform load lbs/ft triangular load lbs/ft/ft P Point load lbs E Seismic load lbs FBO4.xmcd L:=15.5 Span - ft Uniform Loads: R 0 wl:= WI x 0 F 12 Wi = 630 Point Loads: 0 Moment (ft-Ibs) -4 2x 1 1.5x1 lxi 5x 1 3.875 7.75 11.625 15.5 / U ;3.75 7.75 11.625 15.5 RL = 4882.5 XL=7.75 RR = 4882.5 FBO4.xmcd CD:= 1.0 Mmax = 18.920 x 10 3 Ma X CD = 22.329 X 10 member = °10x14#1" Rmax = 4.883 X 10 3 VaX C0 = 15.52 x 1O3 (180 40)2 Lx 12 X Mmax x - x L = 0.2 := = 0.8 EIx 106 3.75 7.5 11.25 - idA I U 4L Moment (ft-lbs) 2x14 1.5x1 lxi 50 ////Z V N\\\\ 1 FBO5.xmcd L:=15. Span-ft Uniform Loads: Point Loads: 15 °x" °w" "t" "P" "E" 0 wi 0 0 0 D:= L+2w1 0 0 0 L 0000 Shear (lbs) x distance from Ra ft w uniform load lbs/ft triangular load lbs/ft/ft P Point load lbs E Seismic load lbs U ;1.10 I;1 RL= 5182.5 XL=l.SO RR= 5182.5 FBO5.xmcd CD:= 1.0 member = "10x14#1° ( 40' 2 180 x(Mmax x __Jx L 6 50 EIx 10 Mmax = 19.434 x 10 3 Rmax 5.182x 10 3 6=0.2 Ma x CD = 22.329 X 10 VaX CD= 15.52x 10 3 Lx 12 240 "x" °w' 't" "P" "E" 0 Wi 0 0 0 D L+2w1 0 0 0 L 0000 x distance from Ra ft w uniform load lbs/ft triangular load lbs/ft/ft P Point load lbs E Seismic load lbs FBO6.xmcd L:=14.5 Span - ft Uniform Loads: R 4 wl:=1wl] x 9 F 8 wi = 809.8 Point Loads: Shear (lbs) 0 Moment (ft-lbs) -4 3x 1 2.25x1 11.50 7.5x 1 U 3.b25 725 10.675 14.5 RL = 5871.3 XL = 7.25 RR= 5871.3 3.625 7.25 10.875 14.5 FBO6.xmcd CD:= 1.0 member = 10x14#1° a. — 18Ox(Mmaxx2)xL2 EIx 106 Mmax 2l.284x 10 3 Rmax 5.871 x 10 3 8=0.2 MaxCD22.329x 10 3 Vex CD= 15.52x 10 3 Lx 12 240 L:=14.5 Span - ft Uniform Loads: R 5 wl:= WI] I x 9 F 0.67 Wi = 486 Point Loads: '1x° 'w"t' -P""E 0 Wi 0 0 0 D L—.2w1 0 0 0 L 0000 Shear (lbs) x distance from Ra ft w uniform load lbs/ft triangular load lbs/ft/ft P Point load lbs E Seismic load lbs FBO7.xmcd 0 3.625 7.25 10.875 14.5 Moment (ft-lbs) 1.5x10 4i 1.12500 - 7.5x1 0 3.7510 0 LIO 3.625 7.25 10.875 14.5 RL = 3523.7 XL = 7.25 RR = 3523.7 FBO7.xmcd CD:= 1.0 Mmax = 12.773x 10 3 Ma x C0 = 22.329 X 10 member = 10x14#1 40 6.= 18Ox(Mmaxx)xL2 EIx 106 Rmax = 3.524 x 10 3 6=0.1 VaX C0 15.52x 10 3 Lx 12 240 uxo owo ou HEP 0 Wi 0 0 0 D L--2 Wi 0 0 0 L 0000 Shear (lbs) WO 3 3r200 x distance from Ra It w uniform load lbs/ft triangular load lbs/ft/ft P Point load lbs E Seismic load lbs FBO8.xmcd L:= 14.5 Span -ft Uniform Loads: R 5 wl:= WI x 9 F 1.33 Wi = 520.7 Point Loads: - 2xi0 I - 410 Moment (ft-lbs) 1.5x10 1.i25x10 7.5x10 3.75x 10 .7 ..,.,,,., 14.5 U 3.b2 7.25 10.675 14.5 RL = 3774.9 XL = 7.25 RR = 3774.9 FBO8.xmcd CD:= 1.0 Mmax 13.684x 1O3 Ma x CD27.16x IO member = °3.5x14 PSL I " 180xMmaxx 40 Jx L2 50 a := EIx 10 Rmax 3.775x 10 3 6=0.3 Vax CD= 9.47x 1O3 Lx 12 240 "x" "w° 0 wi 0 0 0 D:= L--2w1 0 0 0 L 0000 Shear (lbs) 200 3r:: _~ x distance from Ra ft w uniform load lbs/ft triangular load lbs/ft/ft P Point load lbs E Seismic load lbs HDOI .xmcd L:=19 Span-ft Uniform Loads: R 5.75 wl:= WI x 2 F 0 wl= 383.2 Point Loads: -200- - 4x IO 0 Moment (ft-lbs) 210 - 1.5x104 100 510 4. lb 14.25 19 U 4JO W. 0 14.Zb 9 RL = 3640.5 XL = 9.50 RR = 3640.5 HDO1 .xmcd CD:= 1.0 Mmax = 17.292 x 10 3 Ma x CD = 22.329 X 10 member = °10x14#1" 40 180x(Mmax x L2 EIx 10 Rmax = 3.640x 10 6=0.3 Va x CD= 15.52x 10 3 Lx12 240 Y' °W° °E' P E° 0 Wi 0 0 0 D L-2 Wi 0 0 0 L 0000 x distance from Ra ft w uniform load lbs/ft triangular load lbs/ft/ft P Point load lbs E Seismic load lbs RBOI .xmcd L:=16 Span - ft Uniform Loads: R 9 wi:=[WI] x 0 F 0 Wi = 549.1 Point Loads: Shear (Ibs) 600 3i0 3[ - 3x1 0 - L - 6x1 0 Moment (ft-Ibs) 2x1 04 1.5x 104 F- 0 4 8 12 16 RL = 4392.7 XL = 8.00 RR = 4392.7 4 8 12 16 RBO1 .xmcd CD := 1.25 member = "3.5x11-7!8 PSL 6.= 180,x(Mmaxx)xL2 so EIx 106 Mmax = 17.571 x 10 3 Rmax = 4.393 x 10 8=0.7 Ma x CD = 24.983 X 10 3 Va x CD= 10.04x 10 3 Lx 12 240 °x" "w° °t° "P' "E° 0 Wi 0 0 0 D:= L+2 Wi 0 0 0 L 0000 Shear (lbs) lxi 5x 1 x distance from Ra t w uniform load lbs/ft triangular load lbs/ft/ft P Point load lbs E Seismic load lbs RBO2.xmcd L:=16 Span - ft Uniform Loads: R 11 W1 := WI x 0 F 0 wl = 671.1 Point Loads: - 0 4 8 12 16 Moment (ft-lbs) 3x1 2.25x1 1.5x1 7.5x 1 OZ: 0 4 8 12 16 RL = 5368.9 XL = 8.00 RR = 5368.9 RBO2.xmcd CD:= 1.25 member = 10x14#1 ( \ 18 Ox 40 IMmaxx __Jx L2 50 6 := EIx 106 Mmax 2l.476x 10 3 Rmax = 5.369 x 10 3 6 = 0.3 Ma x CD27.912x 10 3 Va xCDl9.41X 10 3 Lx 12 240 7.75 wl:= [RI] W x 0 F 0 wi = 472.8 0 wi 0 0 0 D:= L--2 Wi 0 0 0 L 0000 x distance from Ra ft w uniform load lbs/ft triangular load lbs/ft/ft P Point loadibs E Seismic load lbs 0 3 6 9 12 RBO3.xmcd L:=12 Span - ft Uniform Loads: Point Loads: Shear (Ibs) 4x 10 3 210 0 —2xi01 - 4i0 0 2 Moment (ft-Ibs) RL = 2837 XL = 6.00 RR = 2837 RBO3.xmcd CD:= 1.25 Mmax = 8.511 X 10 < Ma x C0= 15.519 x 10 3 member = '3.5x9.25 PSI." Rmax = 2.837 x 10 3 < V. x CD = 7.83 x 10 180 x (Mmax 40'\ 2 -) x L 50 EIx 106 = 8 04 Lx12 240 3 4.5 - 1x10.. - 200 0 Moment (ft-Ibs) -3 3x 1 2x1 lxi RBO5.xmcd L:=6 Span - ft Uniform Loads: R 9 wl:= WI] I x 0 F 0 wi = 549.1. Point Loads: 6 htxu UWO t 'P" "E" 0 Wi 0 0 0 D:= L--2 wi 0 0 0 L 0000 Shear (Ibs) x distance from Ra ft w uniform load lbs/ft triangular load lbs/ftlft P Point load lbs E Seismic load lbs 0 1.5 3 4.5 6 RL = 1647.3 XL = 3.00 RR = 1647.3 RBO5.xmcd CD:= 1.25 Mmax2.471 x 10 3 < Ma x CD=4.152x 10 member = °4x8#1" Rmax = 1.647 x 10 3 < Va x CD = 4.02 X 10 180 x (Mmax x -J 400 \ 2 x L 5 EIx 106 = 8 01 Lx 12 240 X W °t" uupn "E" 0 Wi 0 0 0 D:= L—.2w1 0 0 0 L 0000 Shear (lbs) x distance from Ra ft w uniform load lbs/ft triangular load lbs/ft/ft P Point load lbs E Seismic load lbs RRO1 .xmcd L:=8 Span - ft Uniform Loads: R 1.33 wi:= WI x 0 F 0 Wi = 81.1 Point Loads: 4UU AAI - _tv,0 4 6 8 Moment (ft-lbs) 800 600 :: ) 2 4 6 8 RL = 324.6 XL = 4.00 RR = 324.6 RRO1 .xmcd CD:= 1.25 Mmax649.146x 10 Ma xCol.438x 10 member = °2x8#2" ( 40 2 180 xMmax x __)x L 50 EIx 106 Rmax = 324.573x 10 6=0.1 VaX C0= 1.72x 10 3 Lx 12 240 RRO2.xmcd L:=11 Span - ft Uniform Loads: Point Loads: R 1.33 wl:= WI x 0 F 0 wi = 81.1 x distance from Ra ft 1 "X° 'W" "t°"P""E'\ w uniform load lbs/ft I 0 Wi 0 0 0 I t triangular load lbs/ft/ft D:= P Point load lbs IL~2 wi 0 0 0 E Seismic load lbs L 0 0 0 0) Shear (Ibs) 0 2.75 8.25 11 Moment (ft-lbs) i.5x i.125x 2.75 5.5 8.25 ii RL = 446.3 XL = 5.50 RR = 446.3 RRO2.xmcd CD:= 1.25 member = "11-7/8xTJI11O 40 o.= 180x(Mmaxx ±500 )xL2 EIx 106 Mmax = 1.227x 10 3 Rmax446.288x 100 8=0.0 Ma x C0 = 11.875 x 10 3 VaX CD= 1.58x 10 3 Lx 12 240 "x° °w" "t""P°"E" 0 wi 0 0 0 D:= L-2w1 0 0 0 L 0000 Shear (Ibs) 3 100 x distance from Ra ft w uniform load lbs/ft triangular load lbs/ft/ft P Point load lbs E Seismic load lbs RRO3.xmcd L:=9 Span - ft Uniform Loads: R 2.67 wl:= WI x 0 F 0 wi = 162.9 Point Loads: -~'3L Moment (ft-lbs) 2x 1.5x lx 9 4. lu . ............ 10 500 "0 2.25 4.5 6.75 9 RL = 733 XL = 4.50 RR = 733 RRO3.xmcd CD := 1.25 Mmax 1.649x 10 3 Max CD4.152x 10 3 member = 4x8#1 Rmax = 733.035 x 100 vex CD= 4.02x 10 180x( 40) 2 Mmax x - x L = 0.1 Lx 12 = 0.5 EIx 106 R 1.33 wl:= WI x 0 F 0 Wi = 81.1 °x °W t, °P' 'E° 0 wi 0 0 0 D:= L--2 Wi 0 0 0 L 0000 Shear (Ibs) x distance from Ra ft w uniform load lbs/ft triangular load lbs/ft/ft P Point load lbs E Seismic load lbs 0 Moment (ft-Ibs) 2x 1.5x lx 3.125 6.25 9.375 12.5 RRO4.xmcd L:=12.5 Span-ft Uniform Loads: Point Loads: Li 0.20 U.Jfb [P1 RL = 507.1 XL = 6.25 RR = 507.1 RRO4.xmcd CD := 1.25 member = "2x10#2 180x(Mmaxx 2 - x 50 EIx 10 Mmax = 1.585x 10 3 RmaxSO7.146x 100 6 = 0.2 Ma x CD2.145x 10 3 Va x CD2.2x 10 Lx 12 240 RRO5.xmcd L:=17.5 Span-ft Uniform Loads: R 1 wl:= wil x 0 0 wi = 61 hlxu 0w "to' OPO °E0 0 wl 0 0 0 D L-2w1 0 0 0 L 0000 Shear (lbs) Point Loads: x distance from Ra ft w uniform load lbs/ft triangular load lbs/ft/ft P Point load lbs E Seismic load lbs 10 3 500 10 3 0 4.(b Moment (ft-lbs) 3x103 225:l0 31 U O.I 17.5 RL = 533.8 XL = 8.75 RR = 533.8 RRO5.xmcd CD := 1.25 Mmax 2.336x 10 3 Ma x CD = 2.451 X 10 member = "2x10#2° I 40" 2 l8oxls..Mmaxx 50 —)xL 6 := EIx 10 Rmax = 533.837 x 100 6 = 0.7 Va x CD2.2x 10 3 Lx 12 240 0 Moment (ft-Ibs) 1.5x i.125x 3 6 9 12 RRO6.xmcd L:=12 Span-ft Uniform Loads: R 1.33 wi:= WI] I x 0 F 0 Wi = 81.1 Point Loads: °x" "w° lit" "P" E° 0 wl 0 0 0 D:= L-2w1 0 0 0 L 0000 Shear (Ibs) x distance from Ra ft w uniform load lbs/ft t triangular load lbs/ft/ft P Point load lbs E Seismic load lbs U 3 b 12 RL = 486.9 XL = 6.00 RR = 486.9 RRO6.xmcd CD:= 1.25 member = "2x8#2° I 4O 2 180 X Mmax x x L 50 6 := EIx 10 Mmax = 1.461 x 10 3 Rmax = 486.860 6 = 0.4 Ma x C0= 1.438x 1O3 Va x CD= 1.72x 10 3 Lx 12 240 0 Moment (ft-Ibs) 8x1 60 411 2x1 4.75 9.5 14.25 19 RRO7.xmcd L:=19 Span - ft Uniform Loads: R 2.5 wl:= [w"I x 0 0 wl = 152.5 Point Loads: °x" °w" 0 wi 0 0 0 D:= L—.2w1 0 0 0 L 0000 Shear (lbs) x distance from Ra ft w uniform load lbs/ft triangular load lbs/ft/ft P Point load lbs E Seismic load lbs U 4.( 14.Zb 19 RL=1449 XL=9.50 RR=1449 RRO7.xmcd C0 := 1.25 Mmax = 6.883 x 10 < Ma x CD = 12.69 x 10 member = 6x12#1° Rmax = 1.449x 10 3 < Va X CD = 9.35 x 10 3 180,x(Mmax x)x L2 50 Lx 12 6=0.3 EIx 106 240 0 Moment (ft-lbs) lx 500 250 01 2 4 6 8 RRO8.xmcd L:=8 Span - ft Uniform Loads: R 2 wl:=[WI] x 0 F 0 Wi = 122 Point Loads: °x" "w° °t°°P""E" 0 wl 0 0 0 D L-2w1 0 0 0 L 0000 Shear (Ibs) x distance from Ra ft w uniform load lbs/ft triangular load lbs/ft/ft P Point load lbs E Seismic load lbs U 4 b RL = 488.1 XL = 4.00 RR = 488.1 RRO8.xmcd C0:= 1.25 member = 2x8#2" 180 x (Mmaxx 2 - x40 L 6= EIx 10 Mmax976.160x 10 Rmax = 488.080 x 100 6 = 0.1 Ma x CD= 1.438x 10 3 Vex CD= 1.72x 10 3 Lx 12 05 Posts.1.xmcd.1 Posts This analysis determines the maximum allowable long term load for each of 4 standard posts. The it checks the actual loading on each of the specified posts in the plan. btLKe B Grade CF 3.0 3.5 9 1.0 N df_2_L 1.5 (2) 2x4' 3.5 3.5 9 1 N df- 2- L 1.5 '4x4° PC1:= 3.5 5.25 9 1 N df_2_L 1.6 1144° 5.5 5.5 9 1 N df_ss_P 1 "64 CD:= 0.9 = thickness of Post/Col [inches] b = depth of Post/Col [inches] L = Unbraced Length of Post/Col [feet] Ke = End Condition B = Braced in Nominal Direction (YIN) CF = Size Factor Permanent Load F"C. := Fcrcj•CF.•CD Adjustment Factors Fcrcj = 1755 1755 K 0.671.F E rcj , le .:= Ke ..Length ..12 1872 rcj rcj rcj rcj 1035 rcj := Maximum Allowable Load 3702 for Standard 9'-0" Posts 5754 8677 23500 Check for allowable compressive stress per provisions of UBC 2307: 1 rcj— E .-= Fc - rcjE6 rcj 1.61 I 13001 121 II I I 1.6i I 13001 131 i I I I 1.61 I 13001 141 I I 1.61 I 11501 K.= Ke.= le rcj rcj rcj 23.54 1 108 23.54 1 108 23.54 1 108 25.03 1 108 370.37 fcrcj b . rcl KcE:= 0.3 C':= 0.8 FcE KcE.E FcE = 504.12 rcj rcj (b )le 2 504.12 1244.86 05 Posts.1.xmcd.2 CE) 2 RE F"c _) c ( LF Fc:= Pc- 2•c' 2•c FC . 352.64 469.77 472.25 776.96 Pc fc.= %C.= rcj rcj rcj - rcj 3702 352.57 1.00 5754 469.77 469.71 1.00 8677 472.25 472.22 1.00 23500 776.96 776.86 1.00 =1.0 ......Okay 06 Footings.xmcd.1 Footings Allowable Sail Bearing: Unit weights used in footing analysis roof w_rf 38.51 if_Il 20 ceiling w_clg 2.5 cl_Il 0 floor w_flr = 10 fl_lI = 40 exterior—walls w_ew 16.2 lI_I 0 it—walls w_iw 6.48 1I_2 0 Sb := 2000 Soils Report Total Load if 58.51 cl 2.5 fl = 60 PSF ew 16.2 1w 6.48 Continuous Footing @ Line I b:= 12 d:= 15 WTL : rf.(7) + [fl(0.67 + 0)] + ew.(20) Continuous Footing @ Line 4 b:=12 d:= 15 %VTL rf.(5.5) + [fl•(0.67 + 0)] +ew•(20) WTL774 zTh. =774 < S2000 b 12 WTL686 _!Th.=686 5b2000 b 12 Continuous Footing @ Line D b:=12 d:=15 WTL:= rf.(16) +[fl.(13+0)] + ew.(9) "FL wTL= 1862 b = 1862 < Sb=2000 12 06 Footings.xmcd.2 Check footing on Line BI for Sliding & OT Footing Supporting Shear Wall W, := 3290 HI =9 L:= 36 SWL 4.67 b:= 15 Slideresistance := 130 v1 := 4.(w_rf) +[(4).(w_clg)] + [0.(w_flr)] + 9.(w_ew) w2:= [b.d(2)1,50 '44 J W:= wl.(SWL) + w2.(L) Line BI Hd Load - see last page of lateral analysis Htofshearwall -to Garage Hdr ftg Length - ft Shear Wall Length -ft width & depth of ftg & slab- inches PSF v1 = 309.84 . pif w2 = 375 plf W= 14947 lbs d:= 12 Mot := MIX. Ht + d ) 12 (SWL2 w2 -L wil I + L2 t.2) 2 Mit - Mot x:= W e:= L--x 2 Mot = 32900 ft-lbs Mit = 246379 x=14.28 ft e=3.72 < 6 W We s:= + --L 12 12 6 Check sliding SbLat := 350 [Slideresistance.(....).L + SbLat.!)_ .(1.75)]. 2 = 4299 5b538 < Sb= 2000 Okay > Wx329O ...........Okay 06 Footings.xmcd.3 Check Reinforcement (Existing) As: O.44(3) (3)#6 As 1.32 r(swL 3290 )]2 M = 14594 M := - •Ht - 2 2 2 Assume j := 0.9 4 j.(d — 3)As 24000 Mallow 28512 Mallow: 12 M = 0.51 < 1.0 .......Okay Mallow .2 In ftlbs apx Cantilevered Columns.xmcd.1 Check Antilevered Columns and Grade Beams Line H P := 589 lbs - see See Wall Analysis h 9 feet - height of column M := P.h = 5301 M. 12 Sreqd := = 2.64 (0.67) 36000 Check Grade Beam ft/lbs - Design Moment in3 Use 12X8X1/4 TS 36 KSI - S = 24.7 A5 := 0.601.(3) d 24 F5 := 20000 Ma := A5.F5.(d - 3). 0.9 - = 56794.5 12 (3) #6 Top & Bottom of Supplemental Footing depth of grade beam psi- Grade 40 M ~ Ma = 0.09 <1.0 ......Okay "GHNI Geotechnical Exploration, Inc. SOIL AND FOUNDATION ENGINEERING S GROUNDWATER S ENGINEERING GEOLOGY 12 December 2013 Don Edson Architect, Inc Job No. 13-10434 1276 Saxony Road Encinitas, CA 92024 Attn: Mr. Don Edson Subject: ReDort of Preliminary Geoteclinical Investigation - Edson Residence /CôIB 1975 Palm Avenue Carlsbad, California Dear Mr. Edson: In, accordance with your request, a representative of Geotechnical Exploration, Inc. has visited the subject site and performed an evaluation of the soil conditions in the' area of the proposed new residence. It is our understanding that the existing structure will be removed, and the site is being developed to receive a new two- story structure with an attached garage and will utilize conventional continuous footings with a concrete slab on-grade. As part of our investigation, we observed and evaluated the shallow soil conditions at two locations within the proposed new building area per the requirements of the City of Carlsbad. The field work, conducted on November 5, 2013, consisted of observing two hand- excavated test pits in the location of the proposed new residence. The excavations revealed that the building site is underlain by approximately 2 feet of loose to medium dense, silty sand fill/topsoil over medium dense to dense, natural ground materials. The on-site soils are considered to have a low expansion potential with a UBC expansion index of less than 50. 7420 TRADE STREETS SAN DIEGO, CA. 921210 (858) 549-7222 5 FAX: (858) 549-1604 5 EMAIL: geotech@gekd.com o.e %As go 3asa" Edson Residence Job No. 13-10434 Carlsbad, California Page 2 Based upon our observation, probing of the fill soil, it is our opinion that the new foundations for the residence should be founded in the underlying medium dense to dense natural ground materials or in properly compacted fill soils. The upper 2 feet of loose surface soils in the proposed building pad area should be removed and properly compacted as part of site preparation under the new slab and foundations. The existing fill should be compacted to at least 90 percent of Maximum Dry Density. The Maximum Dry Density of the soil has been determined per ASTM D1157-09. 1. It is our opinion that the existing medium dense to dense natural ground materials will provide an allowable soil bearing capacity of 3,000 psf for the proposed structure and any retaining wall foundations. New footings placed in properly compacted fill soils can be designed for an allowable soil bearing capacity of 2,000 pounds per square foot (psf) for combined dead and live loads or 2,600 psf for all loads including wind or seismic. Isolated pad/spread footings should be embedded in the underlying dense natural ground or properly compacted soils. Footings near slopes should be deepened to provide a minimum of 7 feet to daylight measured from the top of the foundation. In addition, we recommend that the proposed footings and slabs contain at least a nominal amount of reinforcing steel to reduce the separation of cracks should they occur. 2. The proposed continuous footings should have a minimum depth of 18 inches and a width of at least 15 inches, founded in the dense formational material or in properly compacted fills. A minimum of steel for continuous footings should include at least four No. 4 bars continuous, with two bars 3 inches from the bottom of the footing and two bars near the top. Edson Residence Job No. 13-10434 Carlsbad, California Page 3 Site-specific seismic design criteria to calculate the base shear needed for the design of the residence are presented in the following table. The design criteria was obtained from the California Building Code (2010 edition) and is based on the distance to the closest active fault and soil profile classification. The proposed residence should be designed in accordance with Section 1613 of the 2010 CBC, which incorporates by reference the ASCE 7-05 for seismic design and the following parameters should be utilized. We have determined the mapped spectral acceleration values for the site based on a latitude of 33.1571 degrees and longitude of 117.3371 degrees, utilizing a program titled "Seismic Hazard Curves, Response Parameters and Design Parameters- v5.0.8," provided by the USGS, which provides a solution for ASCE 7-05 (Section 1613 of the 2010 CBC) utilizing digitized files for the Spectral Acceleration maps. In addition, we have assigned a Site Classification of D. The response parameters for design are presented in the following table. The design spectrum acceleration vs. Period T is attached. TABLE I MaDDed Spectral Acceleration Values and Design Parameters Fa I FV Sms I Smi I Sds I Sd1 1.29 10.485 1 1.0 11.515 1.290 10.735 10.860 1 0.490 The liquefaction of saturated sands during earthquakes can be a major cause of damage to buildings. Liquefaction is the process by which soils are transformed into a viscous fluid that will flow as a liquid when unconfined. It Edson Residence Job No. 13-10434 Carlsbad, California Page 4 occurs primarily in loose, saturated sands and silts when they are sufficiently shaken by an earthquake. On this site, the risk of liquefaction of foundation materials due to seismic shaking is considered to be remote due to the relatively shallow fill soils, medium dense to dense nature of the natural-ground material and the lack of a shallow static groundwater surface under the site. No soil liquefaction or soil strength loss is anticipated to occur due to a seismic event. Concrete slabs on-grade (on properly compacted fill or medium dense formational soils) should be a minimum of 4 inches actual thickness and be reinforced with at least No. 3 steel bars on 18-inch centers, in both directions, placed at mid-height in the slab. The interior slab should be underlain by a 2-inch-thick layer of clean sand overlying a 15-mil vapor barrier over 2 inches of sand. We recommend that isolation joints and sawcuts be incorporated to at least one-fourth the thickness of the slab in any slab designs. The joints and cuts, if properly placed, should reduce the potential for and help control floor slab cracking. In no case, however, should control joints be spaced farther than 20 feet apart; or the width of the slab. Control joints should be placed within 12 hours after concrete placement as soon as concrete sets and. no raveling of aggregate occurs. Slabs spanning any existing loose soils and supported by perimeter and interior deepened foundations should be designed as structural slabs by the structural designer. Edson Residence Job No. 13-10434 Carlsbad, California Page 5 The active earth pressure (to be utilized in the design of cantilever, non- restrained walls) should be based on an Equivalent Fluid Weight of 38 pounds per cubic foot (for level backfill only) for on-site compacted soils. Additional loads applied within the potential failure block should be added to the active soil earth pressure by multiplying the vertical surcharge load by a 0.31 lateral earth pressure coefficient. For restrained wall conditions, we recommend an equivalent fluid weight of 56 pcf. Surcharge loads may be converted to lateral pressures by multiplying by a factor of 0.47. Should seismic soil increment be required, the unrestrained walls with level backfill should be designed for an additional triangular pressure of 10 pcf in addition to the regular static loading. In addition, we have included a Kh value of 0.18. The passive earth pressure of the encountered fill soils (to be used for design of shallow foundations and footings to resist the lateral forces) should be based on an Equivalent Fluid Weight of 275 pounds per cubic foot. This passive earth pressure should only be considered valid for design if the ground adjacent to the foundation structure is essentially level for a distance of at least three times the total depth of the foundation and is properly compacted or dense natural soil. An allowable Coefficient of Friction of 0.40 times the dead load may be used between the bearing soils and concrete foundations, walls or floor slabs. For foundations embedded at least 1 foot into formational soils, the allowable passive resistance is 300 pcf. Adequate measures should be taken to properly finish-grade the site after the new structure and other improvements are in place. Drainage waters from this site and adjacent properties are to be directed away from perimeter Edson Residence Job No. 13-10434 Carlsbad, California Page 6 foundations, floor slabs, and footings, onto the natural drainage direction for this area or into properly designed and approved drainage facilities. Proper subsurface and surface drainage will help minimize the potential for waters to seek the level of the bearing soils under the foundations, footings, and floor slabs. Failure to observe this recommendation could result in undermining, differential settlement of the building foundation or other improvements on the site, or moisture-related problems. It 1shot within-'th&scopeofourservices to provide quality control oversight for surface or subsurface drainage construction or retaining wall sealing and base of wall drain construction. It is the responsibility of the contractor to provide proper surface and subsurface drainage. 10. Due to the possible build-up of groundwater (derived primarily from rainfall and irrigation), excess moisture is a common problem in below-grade structures or behind retaining walls that may be planned. These problems are generally in the form of water seepage through walls, mineral staining, mildew growth and high humidity. In order to minimize the potential for moisture-related problems to develop, proper cross ventilation and waterproofing must be provided for below-ground areas, in crawl spaces, and the backfill side of all structure retaining walls must be adequately waterproofed and drained. . Proper subdrains and free-draining backwall material (such as gravel or geocomposite drains such as Miradrain 6000 or equivalent) should be installed behind all retaining walls on the subject project in addition to wall waterproofing. Geotechnical Exploration, Inc. will assume no liability for damage to structures that is attributable to poor drainage. Edson Residence Job No. 13-10434 Carlsbad, California Page 7 11. Planter areas and planter boxes should be sloped to drain away from the foundations, footings, and floor slabs. Planter boxes should be constructed with a closed bottom and a subsurface drain, installed in gravel, with the direction of subsurface and surface flow away from the foundations, footings, and floor stabs, to an adequate drainage facility. Exterior slabs or rigid improvements should also be built on properly compacted soils and be provided with concrete shrinkage reinforcement and adeqUatel pced jOints; fill or-backfill supporting foundations or structures is 90 percent of the soil's maximum dry density determined by ASTM D1557. Geotechnical Exploration, Inc. recommends that we be asked to verify the actual soil conditions revealed during the grading and footing excavations to be anticipated in this report. Should you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact our office. Reference to our Job No. 13-10434 will help to expedite a response to your inquiries. Respectfully submitted, GE ECHNICAL EXPLORATION, INC. W~~_ Jay . Heiser SeniOr Project Geologist Jaime A. Cerros, P.E. R.C.E. 34422/G.E. 2007 Senior Geotechnical Engineer COD CD UJ No-00200 )) ' Exp9/3°t'5 * Design Spectrum. SaVs T 0.90 0.85 0.80 . . . . ,.. .. . ,. . . ....... 0.75 - - 0.70 0.65 . .. .. . -. 0.60 . . - ... - .. - 0.55 .. . - - .. ........ -., . ..... ............,.. .. ....................... . . _ 0.50 . 0) 0.45 ................. :".. CO) 0.40 . .-. - :------------------- ---. .. 0.35 .. ... -.. - .. . 0.30 ... ------- 0.25 00.20 .20 .: .... . ................................. ............... 0.15 -- .--- - .... p... .......,, ... . ......- 0.10 0.05 "-..- ....,,..------,: ........... 0.00 ..-- 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 :0.6 0.7 0:8 0.9 1 :1.1 1.2 13;i4 1';'5 1.6, 1:7 1.8 1.'9 2 21 T(Se) . <oeo% CITY OF CARLSBAD CERTIFICATION OF SCHOOL FEES PAID B-34 Development Services Building Department 1635 Faraday Avenue 760-602-2719 www.carisbadca.gov This form must be completed by the City, the applicant, and the appropriate school districts and returned to the City prior to issuing a building permit. The City will not issue any building permit without a completed school fee form. Project Name COBB RESIDENCE Project ID: CT/MS: Building Permit Plan Check Number: C8133232 Project Address: 1075 PALM AV A.P.N 205-191-05-00 Project Applicant (Owner Name): DAVID & SHELLY COBB Project Description: DEMO EXIST 920 SF HOME (BUILT 1963) BUILD NEW HOME Building Type Residential: I NEW DWELLING UNIT(S) 3,850 Square Feet of Living Area in New Dwelling/s Second Dwelling Unit: Square Feet of Living Area in SDU Residential Additions: Net Square Feet New Area Commercial/Industrial: Net Square Feet New Area City Certification of Applicant Information: Carlsbad Unified School District I [J Vista Unified School DIstrict 6225 El Camino Real 1234 Arcadia Drive Carlsbad CA 92009 (760-331-5000) Vista CA 92083 (760-726-2170) U San Marcos Unified School District 255 Pica Ave Ste. 100 San Marcos, CA 92069 (780-290-2649) Contact: Nancy Dolce (By Appt. Only) Encinitas Union School District 1J San Dlegulto Union High School District-By Appointment Only 101 South Rancho Santa Fe Rd 684 Requeza Dr. Encinitas, CA 92024 Encinitas, CA 92024 (760-944-4300 x1166) (760-753-6491 x 5514) Certification of Applicant/Owners. The person executing this declaration ("Owne?) certifies under penalty of perjury that (1) the information provided above Is correct and true to the best of the Owner's knowledge, and that the Owner will file an amended certification of payment and pay the additional fee if Owner requests an increase in the number of dwelling units or square footage after the building permit is issued or if the Initial determination of units or square footage is found to be Incorrect, and that (2) the Owner is the owner/developer of the above described project(s), or that the person executing this declaration is authorized to sign on behalf of the Owner. Signature: Date: 8-34 Page 1 of 2 Rev. 03/09 - - * .. - .- • - :ui1tr i Lic r eti& 'p Ft_a nt_t -4bfl*.fl. anas ,saflaau-, an n. IO 1.401TANNIT3133 O!A9JOOH3 •o vi ' C m I I fl1.5*iP&,1tV'*#.-. .Ida._a:.n%st.s.e.a..1 .__._t. ac ..,.. St.tI..aIIpstuSsu.luiae.ml '(LO ii borroi brie ziab ftrza ei rr b'i 1iflwq& eU .3 trfl Xd eti ujin rm. 61 &tdi jm cw nr.! 'i'J yG 9uI tnVi oiT imi LribDv '- c c'iq :04 1:)soid1 3mimmean_3t3()3 c.-~mnlli j31flq Jaiwq nbhu W1 A iniqA Jc31q :(&m.i4 in'O) :raO 1 01q ____________• _- cTibZi 0 JJYY1L• y Q!J10 104-9 sieupe R8,63 * - - U rn jn!vlJtc e £ir.up8 iirU riiUswG w,114,ts ! gncibt 1itc cnA w iI nooze to rtc;sa:ins3 ji tocrnorI 1riIqqA QjftHTIW STOIR,rva Qçi.H bP'a1Q locrIaZ bflInt4 tomIA n'B 0 h!C tccdobeU EV[J i,ifl oi fr91iiJ bdpi Li OOF .? 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SCHOOL DISTRICT: The undersigned, being duly authorized by the applicable School District, certifies that the developer, builder, or owner has satisfied the obligation for school facilities. This is to certify that the applicant listed on page 1 has paid all amounts or completed other applicable school' mitigation determined by the School District. The City may issue building permits for this project. SIGNATURE OF AUTHORIZED SCHOOL DISTRICT OFFICIAL TITLE NAME OF SCHOOL DISTRICT 6225 EL CAMINO REAl. CARLCDAD, CA 92009 DATE oz/o-r// q PHONE NUMBER (!) 53/-fx 0 0 8-34 Page 2 of 2 Rev, 03/09 OrAIRrr53 33R J00H33 T3'ci.!O %)IP f()tti ooi' edi id b3lqln 3Fi or) 4+4,I**t,.*4 I. &P *e. _***&)4** t4*I*..P * 4 I Jhf PQR r4t RlUø31 T3l$1T: JOOHJ&. 'HT TAHT a]iAOIcfr1 MYi UHT J.VI SO L1E-1-:11i -JVA TJJQ1 3'P 11CI JiOH3 Will .dWQ 1.thiO 'ccrb-3 stdmil~qs osfi yJ btshorfiar, %lub gnifed ,b 19br.i r$T ;r toci i!o 9rU biiita i1 'nwt., io 1 bt.'id io' b out lot ;,'0 bt&qm 1i fluC3 ItE iGq F 9fl tn!qc Zi1 eiii Otso 'It tia 13 ecT .uiia1G toor' arT; yiinimit eb no 6Lit(i IOis2 fd'IaqE &iii ioi :rniea iihIiud It I F I T3!RT2CJOOH32 C3PJU CA22JRA3 JA3ROWLA3J3 —tG•A31CACaJiA3--- JDoH33 Cl 'SlOHT'i1 'O 3JT'/'.)12 10 TIFITO ?JTiT TUI;T•U! JOO-t RO 3MLI jt 3iOt19 c City of Carlsbad VALUATION WORKSHEET Building Division Permit No: Address Assessor Parcel No. Date By Type of Work Area of Work Multiplier VALUE SF0 and Duplexes 3,850 $110.17 $424,154.50 Residential Additions $131.73 $0.00 Remodels / Lofts $57.48 $0.00 Apartments & Multi-family $98.20 $0.00 Garages/Sunrooms/Solariums 523 $28.74 $15,031.02 Patio/Porch/Carport $9.58 $0.00 Enclosed Patio $15.51 $0.00 Decks/Balconies/Stairs $15.57 $0.00 Retaining Walls, concrete,masonry $19.16 $0.00 Pools/Spas-Gurilte $40.72 $0.00 TI/Stores, Offices $37.12 $0.00 TI/Medical, restaurant, H occupancies $50.30 $0.00 Photovoltaic Systems/ # of panels $400.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Fire Sprinkler System 3,873 $3.11 $12,045.03 Air Conditioning - commercial $5.03 $0.00 Air Conditioning - residential 3,850 $4.19 $16,131.50 Fireplace/ concrete, masonry $3,855.98 $0.00 Fireplace/ prefabricated Metal $2,621.34 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Valuation: Comm/Res (CIR): Building Fee Plan Check Fee Strong Motion Fee Green Bldg. Stand. Fee Green Bldg PC Fee License Tax/PFF License Tax/PFF (in CFD) CFD 1st hour of Plan CheckFire Expedite Plumbing Mechanical Electrical $467,362 C $2,138.18 $1,496.73 $98.00 $16.00 $150.00 $16,357.67 $8,505.99 TOTAL 5467,362.05 CFD 91 Yes (PFF=1.82%) Ed No (PFF = Land Use: Density: Improve. Area: Fiscal Year: Annex. Year: Factor: CREDITS PFF and/or CFD Explanation: £ PLUMBING, ELECTRICAL, MECHANICAL WORKSHEET B-18 Develonment Services CITY OF CARLSBAD Building Division 1635 Faraday Avenue 760-602-2719 www.carlsbadca.gov Building@carlsbadca.gov Project Address: Permit No.: Information provided below refers to work being done on the above mentioned permit only. This form must be completed and returned to the Building Division before the permit can be issued. - Building Dept. Fax: (760) 602-8558 Number of new or relocated fixtures, traps, or floor drains ....................................................... New building sewer line? .........................................................................................Yes_____ No Numberof new roof drains? ........................... . ................................................................................... 2 Install/after water line? .......................................................................................................................... Numberof new water heaters? ......................................................................................................... Numberof new, relocated or replaced gas outlets? .................................................................... ( Numberof new hose bibs? .................................................................................................................. 5 Residential Permits: New/expanded service: Number of new amps: /1-0 N6W14n,j0S (7oofrft,ofe-deAi/cff) Minor Remodel only: Yes No / Commercial/Industrial: Tenant Improvement: Number of existing amps involved/n this Number of new amps involved/n this New Construction: Amps per Panel: Single Phase ...............................................................Number of new amperes________________ Three Phase.................................................................Number of new amperes________________ Three Phase 480........................................................Number of new amperes________________ Number of new furnaces, A/C, or heat pumps? ............................................................................ 2... Newor relocated duct work? .......................................................................... Yes No Number of new fireplaces? .................................................................................................................. Numberof new exhaust fans? ............................................................................................................ Relocate/install vent?............................................................................................................................ Number of new exhaust hoods? ........................................................................................................ Number of new boilers or compressors? ........................................................... Number of HP B-18 Page 1 of 1 Rev. 03/09 5 CB133232 107 PALM AV I .................. SOt3 TO P" !&- / eo-fL W/SOLLS f- O'Iiel3y I ' tit ')I '24-t 2A €C I I 4 ic— it- &4JA i••• /tP 9P 1 ofr/ L r& i q OYO la-umo- W1 CA-N p i-p4 Ism 6p Final Inspection required by L] Plan L3 CM&I L3 Flre U SWfDf7 UISSUED lucy. Approved Date By BUILDIN G W ENGINEERING .2..J/ /';'- I p FIRE Expedite? V N / AFS Checked by: HazMat APCD Health Forms/Fees Sent Recd Due? By Encina V N Fire V N HazHeaIthAPCD V N PE&M f.,OJ( V N School 1A• IIts/i'-f -//'-/'V' V N Sewer V N Stormwater V N Special Inspection V N CFD: V N LandUse: Density: ImpArea: FY: Annex: Factor: PFF: V N Comments Date Date Date Date Building i/i/s a-!toI.f Planning Engineering Fire Need? ne PAPPIC r4 2.- -.-O d.jnp pone ()j .. Done 6 Done