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1088 LAGUNA DR; ; 85-623; Permit
.. . I ' -c;ty ot ct1t1sbad ~. ' . • ~ ~ ""-~ ,_ " ._,-..-, , ' ,i I'"' ';.. ;:, ·-·, MISCELLANEOUS RECEIPT /200 EL~,l!fhS,,, CA 92008 • TEL. (619) 438-5525 ' l I.,• 31 /~ .. -__ 1 r Job { PUV; . _ . , . ' ~:·1 ': '11 c~· -MISCELLANEOUS FEE RECEIPT ' · Address 1 __ <.\ (-,· }-/~ 'I ' ' ~ ,--.i l . . i ,· r ./ :j7(,,)o·_'l , Owner . D 0.1-00-0J)-8806 ! / i · 7,~ tJ J' ··r \i ·,.:1. :1-~_, f)-: ,.,.,.. , f'/C BAO * PLAN CHECK FEE , !-,.:.!.-1 • o ~( r(_S· 1 ,.\-::::..:-> ,.l: ' ·-, ' Mailing Address /( {'~?() ,<lr:,,fi{f-1 ,i.\\j.,:,_ ~JJ-J'A '4d,'5, D VALUATION City OlcAO · 1 Zi9:J'2/0/ Tel.,~ /!-4. ·q "0. D DEMOLITION -_~/i.}/ . Vo-.~,.., Contractor --D HOUSE MOVING . ~ -~ Address D PARKS AND RECREATION FEE ·o City I Zip Tel. PUBLIC FACILITIES FEE D SCHOOL FEE -DISTRICT State Lie. City S. Classif. Lie. No. ,.D Carlsbad COMPLETE FOR PLAN CHECK ONLY D Encinitas . -0 San Diego LEGAL DESCRIPTION 0 San Marcos D CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY ASSESSORS PARCEL NO. l':55-~72-/7 n n DESCRIPTION OF WORK 2.:, ~ ~ ~:::,To/2:··( b..bc/:,) n I .,,.., IV"\ -~-::\ ~ bi>b I '?:) J;:::---;;: ·e,,,-- rJ2Af,1/:.0 Cot..J /4!2!:tG416 CAR6 n J .,... ~ -I . -·n. ,,,··;,,-,~.7/)1 Pl£)( , .n - D f5~ /&J-3 D PLAN ID NO. .. -D {J:y:::-_,ctl£ 67 ,, ' ',QESIGNER ADDRESS lcto7J 2(d D .. 45?:>~ 43?/> D PHONE $ &,, 7DD .. TOTAL FEE frj[) ~IH-il~ ' CONTACT PERSON *WARNING: PLAN CHECK FEES. WHERE NO ACTION IS TAKEN BY THE ' .. . = .. : APPLICANT IN 180 DAYS AND NO BUILDING PERMIT IS ISSUED, ARE FORFEITED TO THE CITY. i COMMENTS: ; s;'""''" ot Appllca//,e.w;}} ([)~"" /oJe#r.J ) I ~ \j'-)/ ,.,.~?/ I I ~ vftiite i..:_ Applicant Yellow -File Pink ~ (1) Finance (2) Data Process Gold -Assessor ,, '·,,•,''• ',' ,· .. · ,' '!•'.' ,' .,.. ' f ,' f ,.... ~ City of ·Carlsbad 1200 ELM·, CARLSBAD, CA 92008 • TEL. (619) 438-5525 Job . -'-' *' ffJ!f'I' , . l&t Address loW-t 'PJ l.M/Jk~·i'Jf<llfu 0vtner~ H · _lJD Ac-t\A~ ¢ir7iiA1J -· . ,::::J. . Mailing tca&q; ,em .:A\~ Address .. _,. . ~ -, ~ '")Jrft~ Cit~~ fJ/ferO . .I 'z~~J 10 ( 1'ffi~4~ iu, -Contractor t\Af<~tZ.. ()/)J...'Ctr:l.J£n()l \ Addres·s· · • ., I . \ I .Cit/ ·1 Zip' :rel. State Lie \ City s. Classif. Lie. No. LE~AL DESCRIPTION· . ' I , AS$1;SSOf:lS PARCEL NO. fsc;-111 .. :· r1 .. DESCRIPTION OF WORK 9trzl)CT/}{½ 'f<tUt01CtJS (PA1t5t) '4~-it-~) -±:t"\,.11 ~ ,,,,..,fo.. "' ':"t-1/) A A A I II \:,#"'I ,-b., . . t ti' ....... } '\i.J~t$ \', '(!.~ ... ,_ f:9{-;-;\ V\ 91 · 10 K.'tJ ft-:-0. .. " ... ' • I -ts-utl~ PLAN ID NO. ,,. .... C' '--/ a~11im1MS; . . ' ""'A- CONT.ACT PERSON 0tt tA~/L.CJlA~. : .· . /~1 i ~JC_J~tt:: · 01. -.. ADDRESS,·. '1 Al(f'Jt· ~.t'Y~ ... -....... '-".' l......,,' '""".'"'-\.....>/' ,. .. c:1-1 __ .;kJ__,, t ijHONE «-a..-41~i2C ZIP '/·1 . . -• . 1YY/." . . . /4 . -\...-)\ -,-~-(,..,.. •·. ' . ' . . ' ' . ·, ' ',. ', 'I ''(:' ' ', ~: Signature·of Applicant'' /.1-~ , . i ~ . )lrl:tf., /. · . .. fl tJ J · . · · / / r, \.. ~hite ~ A'·,. ·i,caAtV Yellow--,-Fil pp e, Pink- ' ' M ISCELLAN eo·us R'ECElPT MISCELLANEOUS FEE RECEIPT -· D * P~AN CHECK FEE ooi-s10-oo-oo,ss2.1 D VALUATION . D .'D ·o .. [} D 0 D . titW3 t: i:i.t ...... ~--. -. 0 t . .f";.-,l ~...::, / 0t~J D I D n n n n D n D D .. n - I D ' ·D -. •, T0TAL FEE . .. . " "?-t~/3o . . .. ~ :· ;r ::-t"': : ' -·- $ .t--:-.f-::>, ?-D ·. *WARNING: PLAN CHECK FEES. WHERE NO ACTION IS TAKEN BY THE APPLICANT IN 180 DAYS AND NO BUILDING PERMIT IS ISSUED. ARE FORFEITED·TO T.HE CITY. COMMENTS.: " ,• .. · i () Finance ·, ,, .. ,. 2 Data Process () Gold--Assessor ,· "'', , .. - . ... .. ,J ~I·., ... ,· ···:·. -· ·,· .... _ , .. . , ' •,,.I">,.,, ~ ,, ' " , '!·, •• · ..• , · Cit-y of Carl$ba_d ·M1:sc:ELLANEO·us . . . 1'200 H.M, CARLSBAD, CA 92008 • TEL. (619) 438-5525 _. RECEIPT r ... Job . ' · otO . f--::lc) , . 'i"""L Address Ouo -70.· .t-.AC::ivNt..i Wk't VB ·MISCE~·LANEOUS FEE RECEIPT D . ... . o · ~e ·,1) O~ rje ic·f 1:.-, 1 H ,..,,; I · .·· Add/es·s ' 1,. . o at pe;M-,·'t' \551_1'::thte I--Ci-ty~------,----,1,._Zi_p_""---...,...-"Te-'-l.---'-----I D--,--'---'--~---------1-----,......-1 l----~-~---'--''------1-----.,..-----1 0 ~--'-' -----'-----,--------'---1--------1 · ; · State Lice c;;,ty · ~ S. Cla1ssif. v ·uc. ·No. O .... ------------------------'-' ~-----'----~---~--....c..4---'-------1' o""'···-.,....,.--,-,'-------------1-----,---f LEGAL DESCRIPTION D ..... --,---'-----------'--c------'---1------1 I 0 '-' ------'---,,'--,-----,----..:.,_--+------1 I--',,----'----_..:..,.-----'----'---,---..,.,... D-----'----"· ___________ .. -1---------1 ,t>;~SESSORS PAR_CEL NO. I~~ z 7 Z , I 7 _., n , . nLJ:-----~---'-----------!--,-----,-'--f ~ESCRIPT:)ON QF .WOl'lK . 5 i1?i .J( nA?/JL R-1.E. 1 1/IS/nAI. n,..J-----"'--'--------....,.,_/ ---'--!--,---"-,---· -"-I . . l (PATcO. 9 /26 /flt') · 'Pe:rAli ~ · r ~-. · _ P~.xLi :5/iTS. :Jt, S-tA . .S ~79 _· s-f;> .. nl..J----;-'--.~~--'-----'----'l---,-~---1 F • ,r .. 'L.,.,.J_---'"---'------------'--'---l--,------f D-.,--------'c...:.._--------c...+---'-'------1 h.---'--..;,. .. --------------~---'-11 I . o· 0 ,0 ' . D .. ·_ /' fl?()O lfl6L-11Ns) ··: .. fl,.' . ·. · CONTACT 'i>ERS0,0/LLMAN /WMvl/JAJ / '· I---,,'----',------· ___ T-"O_TA_;_!=_F._EE-'-.,·_,__$ ------ · /06.71 Ro0...L€ sr. .. . ADDRESS ..,Sf/ IT'r ~C) ' '• ZIP .. qz12/ .~ PH;Nr:il45"'°3-4-sz.o: *W.ARNING: Pl:AN CHECK FEES. WHERE NO ACTION.IS TAKEN BY THE ·,APPLICANT IN· 180. DAYS AND NO BUit.DiNG PERMIT IS ISSUED, 'ARE 'FORFEITEb TO THE CITY . COMMENTS:. ____ -=-----------------1 ' . Signatur~ of·Ap,plic·an:il.::?U.OL.i Date '!.~L..::....79/'-'h1""-1"'--'-I-_ ------,-...--,--------~---;,,..______;.~ . ' y·· • . I • ',•' "- White· -App'licant Yellow·-: File Pink·;_ (1)· Finance (2) Data Proqess 'Golo -.Asses~or -. ; .. , APPLICATION FOR PERM.IT TO CONNECT TO CITY SEWER SYSTEM. F .i, " I CITY OF CARLSBAD jt,; t:, SE 2712 EN-GINEE·R'ING DEPARTM·ENT .J ~~"' / ; <,. ·~~ 1 ~ 438·5S41 I ' -.. ISSUED BY ' ,'.,. ; ' ~ FOR APPLICANT to FILL IN ~-? · ~/ I * j:: DATE ISSUEQ (~~- BUILD!NO · f_p.(~tJ('.J/)-.. ADDRESS -L-1:: VALIDATION -. f. OWNER \ • • '\ rs , \ )1_r..,;"-i";.,;::.:.' --i l hcp1y..., I Ctrl.vP ' .,.-.. H--· H.-{,_ . .' .-;:\ i t-. ·-Au::.,;n11r;;;; ~~ A,(r. l• f :,;..,.., MAILING · :.:. t··\\\tA f-:-{1 l · i A£ .. Jf/t2Mf.A. 17-, 11) l ADDRESS ' . ' LATERAL CHARGE COMPUTATi0N CONTRACTOR H2\r r-"'h'" (o l':...-\H .. chcn STANDARD 4" (Max. H. 30', V. 10') I OVER 30' H. @ FT. .. c~~frt:·-1\ c~,:\t .1 .·r.~" ~d @ '- CONTRACTOR'S OVER 10' V. FT. ADDRESS . ..---, \)1 o·,,· (..,.11 r'"lll 7 I STANDARD 6"1 (Max. ,~:,-l· •. ' ~ .; .. ,~ \ H. 30', V. 10') i , OVER 30' H. @ ' FT. NEW BUILDING }{ I EXISTING BUILDING I OVER 10'V. @ FT . . TOTAL.CONSTRUCTION COST LEGAL DESCRIPTION .. . ; 7 · .. ,, ,,... '•1t: ,_:, --< "j Hr' ' l -.,t : • ,' j 'l ~.,tr ,, :.. I { f <.!{ .--' • , , '. "' ~ • '·. .ti.,--~ , ~r ~, I · SERVICE CHARGE (REPAVING ETC.) -t. ! 1 ·,_\ ,~! l. ,, .t-~.: ~) 1 fi i-· I , ~ I l , ~ ,.t ,... t J , f J_ ._· 1 \ I fl '1 ' ':!."'ft) ' .. ',~ TOTAL LATERAL CHARGE ~-I..... -,,. .-.. \· Nl·t 1h I •. i'·'f" I'',.',,,' I, 'jl ,.,. . ' • .,. < /wJ'...," >!} .-· l . ti. • \ •' 1, ·-~ .r I '. · , .. ,, I J" ~ • • ,,.,. ,.~,; ~---r..t l J 1 , • , • " ,• ,. REMARKS: ., ... / ,A . . .. Ii ' -... !' .... .. .. ,,_, .. '·"'"t ,, ; '/ f' l LINE COST DATA '· ,q I ,, -I , ,... I ;.d . .-1'? i' ,, , <.,_,._ f';.: ... < ,_·; t. Ci:;: .. ~t ;':~,:_-(:_· i, ... ASSESSMENT DIST. NO. <, . -.. ·-. FRONTAGE COST PER FT. TOTAL OTHER LATERAL LOCATION CONNECTION FEE -- ~ I I t-? NO. UNITS 'lf. TOTAL'J:l en en COST PER UNIT I ' , .. -' I --- /t'\ ,-["\ PUMP STATION FEES \.. Lr '-V NO. UNITS COST PER UNIT TOTAL I ] . ST. r• -~ ~ .. I i.r~:; ·,:-.' TOTAL CHARGES (LATERAL ETC.) ' LATERAL NO. INSTALLATION DATE ' W-HITE: Engineeri,ng· GREEN: Finance YELLOW: Sanitation -PINK: Building GOLOENROD: Permltter --.Y ·:1 OW&~ NO, .. 260-s_,f .. ·,.··. Applicati(m for Grading Permit . J · CITY OF CARLSBAD ENGINEERING'DEPARTMENT.. 1200 Elm Avenue · , -PE NO. 2 .8S-: 4-S 438-5541 . FOR APPLICA"'T TO FILL IN Site Address · ,:. .. · ·, .. : .. ·-, . , ·· :, . ·:· . , ,. N. of Laguna pr.; ·w. of I-5 · • · Surety Company /I u/ -r!::-. Bond No. . S(~ETY ZNs.u,.d.Ctmrr.r1/3 Z7.S-5' Legal Descript.ion Map, No. Portion of W½,SW¼,NE¼,NW¼& E½,SE¼,NW¼,of Sec. 6, Surety Address Subdivision Name T12S R4W, .SBM. Owner .Villas De Carlsbad, Ltd. Phone 234-4316 Rec'd by Owner\· Address The following documents are required and sha beco e a part .__l_0_6_0_8_t_h_A_v_e_. _S_a_n_D_,_· e~g'---o_,_C_a_._9_2_1_0_1 _________ of the grading permit when they are approved. Plans by Civil Engineer Bruce H •. Wyman R.C.E. 23280 / G d' 1 Sillman W an n _1L ra mgpans Specifications Geologic Report Other Address 1 R.C.E. Phone Phone · Grading Contrai,tor ..S-72WE ~CKe 724-82.l!A- Address /?O . .Bf!JX 819 14.si'i'l C-4. ~2.08 Party responsible for overall supervision _L Soil report / Drainage structures Compaction report SPECIAL CONDITIONS WHICH ARE MADE A PART OF THIS PERMIT 1. Authorized hours of operation: 7:00 AM to Sunset, Monday -Friday. .._B_r_u_c_e_· '"'"H_._Wy-=-m_an _________ -------~--1· 2. Haul routes are to be approved by City Engineer. Proposed use of grade site senior hous in Number of cubic yards CL!t Fill Import Waste 7,400cy 7,400cy n/a n/a Proposed Schedule of Start Finish . Operations (dates). Set. rs5 Oct. I hereby acknowledge that I have read the application anq state that the information I have provided is correct and agree to comply with all City ordinances and State laws regulating excavating and grading, and the provisions and conditions of any per.mit issued pursuant to this application. Signature of Permittee EIA,LogNo. ff.2.~45 .. ~-"· "r>cu&E . Grading ·permit fee $ 550.~ r 5 3. Adequate provisions shall be made for erosion and siltation control. 4. All slopes shall be planted per City Code. 5. All fills to be compacted to at least 90% of optimum density unless noted otherwise. <tC.itp of <ttarlsbab REQUEST FOR INSPECTION RECORD , . f) . 3 TIME: /2-2L- INSPECTOR 'lA.)~ PERMIT NO, · __ 1S_5_-_-_k,_2---'· '---C..~-~DATE: ____ _ OWNEB ____ --'t-P't--Flt----£\-----J--f\-~~.---r-.-t--1'9--_:__--1----'-._..,:r--------- ADDRESS~~-1---+-..L...:::;_,l'-------'f'--1-+--===----------'--=---;:;.__.._--"'-----=--=-=---------------,,---- REQUESTEDBY-'-l"~~'f----1--1-+~~~=--=-- BUILDING D FOUNDATION D FOOTING D SLAB D REINFORCING STEEL D MASONRY D GROUT· GUNITE D FLOOR AND CEILING SUB FRAME D SHEATHING D ROOF tJ SHEAR D FRAME D EXTERIOR LATH D INSULATION D "INTERIOR LATH OR DRYWALL D FINAL PLUMBING D UNDERGROUND PLUMBING D SEWER AND PL/CO D TOP OUT PLUMBING D TUB OR SHOWER PAN D GAS TEST D WATER HEATER D SOLAR WATER D FINAL ELECTRICAL D TEMPORARY SERVICE D UFFER GROUND D ELECTRIC UNDERGROUND D ROUGH ELECTRIC D POOL BONDING D ELECTRIC SERVICE D FINAL MISCELLANEOUS D CONDITIONED AIR SYSTEMS D SOLAR HEAT -D PATIO D POOL D SPA ~ :~:DING Jt); D DRIVEWAY j D FINAL SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS~---~----------------------- tion: D Monday D Wednesday . D Thursday D Friday <ttitp of <ttarl.sbab REQUEST FOR INSPECTION RECORD ~~ ,,_.;.t::, ;;J3 A TIME: __ _ __..~'"""'-'..)'---. _____ rt ___ DATE: /.2 -,;)3-lf:~ INSPECTOR _ _.,./4)'-""'-'~=-"7'-£-=......._ ___ PERMIT NO. OWNER _____ ...,._ __ ~--------~--------------- ADDRESS -L~~G~~~~~:..l,;,~~---..----------'T,...,,-,-~--=~,-;-;,,,---- ---,~f,,!C/.--1-../QJ..-=-~~~:i!lo!!~-PHONE NO. -~~-_-_7_5_L/__.,.-t---- BUILDING D FOUNDATION D FOOTING D SLAB D REINFORCING STEEL D MASONRY D GROUT -GUNITE D FLOOR AND CEILING SUB FRAME D SHEATHING D ROOF D SHEAR D FRAME D EXTERIOR LATH D INSULATION D INTERIOR LATH OR DRYWALL . )gi'FI_NAL PLUMBING D UNDERGROlJNO PLUMBING D SEWER AND PL/CO D TOP OUT PLUMBING D TUB OR SHQWER PAN D GASTEST D WATE:R HEATER D SOLAR WATER D FINAL ELECTRICAL D TEMPORARY SERVICE D UFFER GROUND D ELECTRIC UNDERGROUND D ROUGH ELECTRIC D POOL BONDING D ELECTRIC SERVICE D FINAL MI SC ELLAN EOUS D CONDITIONED AIR SYSTEMS D SOLAR HEAT D PATIO D POOL D SPA D SIGN D GRADING D DRIVEWAY D FINAL SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS ___________________________ _ Ready For Inspection: D Monday \( A.M. D P.M. D Tuesday Xwednesday " ,tThursday D Friday <ttitp of <ttarlsbab REQUEST FOR INSPECTION RECORD ~--b;i-3~ A TIME:---------= ---=8°~£~r.....;;/,--....:)~3--=---=-~. DATE: /.)-2 -;.--f?I, INSPECTOR --'5~ill!a.·,-.. __,._!,J=-"~-,....,-----PERMIT NO. OWNER __ _:r-'--'-______ _.,__ ____ _,.,. ______________ ~ ADDRESS_J_b~'....,J!..~~~~~~~~;&~!!!C._.M~~~------:-::::.--.=-ru..,--- REQUESTEDBY-'-~~Ul.~'-A:t:3!~~_!.,;:AIII!:!!~~ BUILDING D FOUNDATION D FOOTING D SLAB .D REINFORCING STEEL D MASONRY D GROUT -GUNITE D FLOOR AND CEILING SUB FRAME D SHEATHING D ROOF D SHEAR D~ FRAME D EXTERIOR LATH D INSULATION D INTERIOR LATH OR DRYWALL FINAL > /OfJ. -/of'((- PLUMBING D UNDERGROUND PLUMBING D SEWER AND PL/CO D TOP OUT PLUMBING D TUB OR SHQWER PAN D GAS TEST D WATER HEATER D SOLAR WATER D FINAL ELECTRICAL D TEMPORARY SERVICE D UFFER GROUND D ELECTRIC UNDERGROUND D ROUGH ELECTRIC .0 POOL BONDING D ELECTRIC SERVICE D FINAL MISCELLANEOUS D CONDITIONED AIR SYSTEMS D SOLAR HEAT D PATIO D POOL D SPA "' D SIGN o"". ~ ~:::~y ?~ . D FINAL (~ )( SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS_~~---~~----~-------------- Ready For lnspectio~nday ~A.M. D P,M. . )(_Tuesday D Wednesday D Thursday D Friday (:itp of (:arl.~bab V ~ k Q,~ REQUEST FOR INSPECTION RECORD INSPECTOR µ ~ PERMITNO. [s':J -/J/,, •;; . ._5 ts ~~~:' I-)(, OWNER _____ ~ 7/_---_-_ --~---~---c--c--=--i,,.._---;--r,__ ____________ _ ADDRESS /t)ll ~~ REQUESTED BYS) ="'""""'~:,,..<M-11'_"-A---------'--• __ PHONE No. 43 lf--1 SB;z,_ n PERSON TAKING REPORT_j-0 ____ _ BUILDING D FOUNDATION D FOOTING D SLAB D REINFORCING STEEL D MASONRY D GROUT -GUNlfE D FLOOR AND CEILING SUB FRAME -. D SHEATHING ti ROOF D SHEAR D FRAME D EXT-ERIOR LATH D INSULATION -~(INTERIOR LATH OR DRYWALL 7*._~INAL PLUMBING D UNDERGROUND PLUMBING D SEWER AND PL/CO D TOP OUT PLUMBING D TUB OR SHQWER PAN · D GAS TEST D WATER HEATER D SOLAR WATER D FINAL ELECTRICAL D TEMPORARY SERVICE D UFFER GROUND D ELECTRIC UNDERGROUND IJ ROUGH ELECTRIC D POOL BONDING D ELECTRIC SERVICE D FINAL MISCELLANEOUS D CONDITIONED AIR SYSTEMS D SOLAR HEAT D PATIO D POOL D SPA D SIGN D GRADING D DRIVEWAY D FINAL SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS_----~-~/))~-~-------~------------ Ready For lnspectio · DAM. D P.M. FINAL BUILDING INSPECTION PLAN CHECK NUMBER: 85-623B DATE: 1-20-87 PROJECT NAME: ----'----'----'-V-=i=l=la~D:c.::e::__::C=ac=-r=ls:::cb~a=-==· d!--________________ _ ADDRE$S: ---,---~--=-10"-'8::..:8"--"L=a=g=un=a=---------------------- PROJECT NO.: _______ UNIT NUMBER: ~-----~ PHASE NO.: ______ _ TYPE OF UNIT: ------=-A=P-=T _____ NUMBER OF UNITS: 41 CONTACT PERSON: _____________________________ _ CONTACT TELEPHONE: ____________________________ _ all d-ept + Health INSPECTED -BY: _________ _ INSPECTED BY:---~',------- DATE INSPECTED: DATE INSPECTED: ____ _ APPROVED DISAPPROVED __ APPROVED __ DISAPPROVED __ _ APPROVED __ DISAPPROVED __ •· ., ,: . . ' '. ' "' ,.; ,, FINAL BUILDING INSPECTION PLAN CHECK NUMBER: t.\S-:i=!3t'! DATE: l~•,:l.0-~H -~-----~~ \_,.,/ PROJECT NAME: ______ 11_1_,_J._l_~_·-'-01..:...-:, _•..:....~!,.__;_c.,_1"-·!_, ,-.;:_,b ___ .-'-'tt'f;;__ ____________ ,,,..,/:'-'1'-/ ____ ~ ' ,..,, "~ ~ ;J'\1' o1• l-\., t ·\'; ADDRESS: --------'·~v_J_o ___ l.._: ·)='.t~l\...:.:r_ .. , --------------'="-' ---~~---- PROJECT NO.: ________ UNIT NUMBER: ________ PHASE NO.: ~------- TYPE OF UNIT: ______ /...:.>;,_·"'.r;;__ __ ~--NUMBER OF UNITS: 41. CONTACT PERSON: ______________________ ~---~~---- CONTACT TELEPHONE~·---~--------------------~-~-- r.1.1. ei·ut + Pn 11.th INSPECTED . DATE ,/47/f? / DISAPPROVED BY: INSPECTED: APPROVED INSPECTED DATE BY: INSPECTED: APPROVED DISAPPROVED INSPECTED DATE BY: INSPECTED: APPROVED DISAPPROVED COMMENTS: --------------------~----~-------- Rev. 1/86 WHITE: Suspense BLUE: Water District GRl:EN: Engineering CANARY: Utilities PINK: Planning GOLD: Fire .,,, kJ-', , FINAL BUiLDING INSPECTION PL,AN CHECK NUMBER: 85-623:B DATE: 1-:l0-87 PROJECT NAME: --~---V-il~.l~.a~D"'-"e;;.._;;C'-"a=r=l=s=-b=ad-','--,-___ ---'----~-~--~----:::..----=---'" ADDRESS: --~----,---~l~0~$8~t-'--;:1=i.;:=u=n=a_· ~----'--'~-------~----;'!:~---'+----"--"'\?'----'----"' PROJECT NO.: ~-----~-·· UNIT NUM~ER: --~----- TYPE OF. UNIT: -~----'----=A;=l?=l' _____ NUIVIBER OF 'UNITS: e.11 dent INSPECTED BY:_·----~----- INSPECTED ·BY:' . INSPECTED BY=--~-~---~- DATE 4 -2 07 INSPECTED.:,;,,,.;... Q -o . DA,:E INSPECTED: DATE INSPECTED: -~--- ./· APPROVED ___ .DISAPPRQVED· __ _ APPROVED -------'~ DISAPPROVED ~-- APPROVED ~--, DISAPPROVl;D __ _ •, COMMENTS: ----,-,-~--~--,---'--------'--~---'------------~. ·='··""" .. -----'--'-- ... •) ·.· .A-LuJ~ .. e,.<.)a't1Lu \. .\ Rev. 1/86 VJHITE: Suspense· BL:UE.: Water District GREEN:.Engineerir,g CANAFj'(:1Utilities PINK: Plann'ing GOLD: Fire {;, FINAL BUILDl~G-.INSPECTION PLAN CHECK NUMBER: PROJECT NAME: ______ 1J_1i-'l_J-'.,:;1_'S_:::_C_a~--'-.;"'-lG-"'-'»=A-'d"-----~---,-----------,----- ADDRESS: _______ __;;1=0.c...sa-"--.....,_t,.=1-t=~--'-ns--'-"'=·~--------------------~ PROJECT NO.: ________ UNIT NUMBER: ________ PHASE NO.: TYPE OF UNIT: ______ P.'--.F'.i".e...e.. _____ NUMBER OF UNITS: 41 CONTACTPERSON~·-----------------------,--'---------- CONTACTTELEPHONE: ______ ~------------------------ o.11 ,.k~J}t -1< He . .1Jth INSPECTED ~ DATE o2/d-/t7 v> BISAPPROVED BY: INSPECTED: APPROVED ~ . ,J INSPECTED DATE DISAPJ>ROVED ! BY: INSPECTED: APPROVED • i INSPECTED DATE ' .1., .. . BY: INSPECTED: APPROVED DISAPPROVED i • COMMENTS:-------------=-----------~------~----- ~rl~ Rev. 1/86 WHITE: Suspense BLUE: Water District GREEN: Engineering CANARY: Utilities PINK: Planning GOLD: Fire ,~\-';:'_ -----; i t, I" ·,,. ,•' FINAL BUILDING INSPECTION • • PLAN CHECK NUMBER: 3.5-·623B PROJECT NAME: ______ \_7i_1_1_0_. _D_s_• _C_2.~.:r~1_a_b_: ... _.c~1 ________ -,--,-________ _,__,._ ADDRESS: PROJECT NO.; TYPE OF UNIT: ________ UNIT NUMBER: --'-------PHASE NO.: ______ p,,~J'~T~-----NUMBER OF UNITS: _ '. · 1.i:1. CONTACT PERSON~·--------------~---~-~~~--~-,.-~---\ '·~ CONTACTTELEPHONE: ______________________ ~----~~~-,-c,- INSPECTED BY: __________ _ INSPECTED BY:-~-_________ _ DATE 'INSPECTED: DATE INSPECTED: DATE INSPECTED: .' 1·1 APPROVED DISAPPROVED-~-~ APPROVED DISAPPROVED ----~- APPROVED DISAPPROVEIJ -~- --',t COMMENiS: ---------------~-~--------"---'-,-------~-- ' Rev. 1/86 WHITE: Suspense BLUE: Water District GREEN: Engineering CANARY: Utilities. PINK: Planning GOLD: Fire "-' • • • FINAL BUiLDING INSPECTJON PLAN CHECK NUMBER: 85-:623B PATE:. 1-20-87 PROJECT NAME: ______ V"--'i=l=l=a=-=D=e'---=C=a.::;,r=1 s=b=a=d"----------~-~------ ADDRESS: 1088 Laguna PROJECT NO.: _______ UNIT NUMBER: -----~-.PHAS!: NO.: -~----~ TYPE OF \JNIT: ______ &=P~T~~----NUMBER OF UNI.TS: :41 CONTACT PERSON·~~---------~--~-------~------'-----~ CONTACT TELEPHONE: _______________ ___,.---~~~------,-,'-'--- all <1c-mt INSPECTED BY: ___ ~------ INSPECTED BY: _________ _ INSPECTED BY: _________ _ DA1'E: ·. INSPECTED: DATE INSPECTED: DATE INSPECTED:. ____ _ Costa Real Municipal Water Di31:· ,..:t COMMENTS: Engineering Department (619) 438-3367 1 APPROVED DISAPPROVED __ _ APPROVED ~'.--DISAPPROVl;D __ _ APPROVED --~ .DfSAPPROVED --~ FEB. 0 3 1981 .~·. • .. ,· FEB-21981 Rev. 1/86 WHITE: Suspense BLUE: Water District GREEN: Engineering CANARY: Utilities COSTA REAL ; PIN ·FYvrufflel~W~R DISTRICT - .J ·_TO L YO~S, WARREN & ASSOCIATES, INC. ·"" .... Consulting Structural Engineers 10731 Treena Street Suite 100 SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 92t31 (619) 578-8380 Income Property Group 1060 8th Avenue, Suite 405 San Diego, Ca. 92101 THE FOLLOWING WAS NOTED: DATE 1Q/..!9_f-A·~--- . PROJECT Villas. D,e· ., LOCATION Car 1 s ba·d CONTRACTOR Hrirp.Pr WEAl'HER PRESENT AT SFrE JOB NO. , 1,1.$,.8.5 Cl~ . Ca:r ls bad ' -· OWNER TD~ TEMP. 0 at AM 0 at PM .. >. Ha s e d o n v i s u a l s...tr:J.t:ciu..r_u_oJLs e r v a t i 0JL...0__f_J:~Cc.o.r.e_:_a_~a_o_f_J3__uj_J_ct_;_r.Lg II Bil.- .. ' _ ___;_ __ ,.,_· t.,__a"'-'p p e a r s t h at t h e s tr u_c..:t_u..r a l fr aJIUJ'.Lg_is j n --·g:..e:riat.a l c 0 nLo..:r:m.a:r.1-ce-___ _ w i t h t h e s t r u ct u r a l. P-]_a.n_s_a_n_d_s_t_r._u_c_t..:.u:.r_a l II f i x..e:.s~as-;.ap_p.r._o_v.:.e..d_b ___ .._ ___ ~ t h e B u i l d i n g_J)_e_p_ar.tJILe_o_t.._S_e_y_e..r:aJ_a_r_e_a_s.....J-=-n _ UJ ~ c_o.r..e_w_e:.r-e_p_r-e..v-to_u:.5J_y. __ _ s i g-n e d off by t h e B u i 1 d , n g-11.e_p art men t a oLc:.ole.r:.ed • I Ii e..s...e_ar-e..a:£......:.w.:e..~ .,;;..e __ not observed b.y_o_LI_L_0_ffj_c_e_ptlo_r__tJL ... W..r ... a:p_pj_n_g,....___ ____________ _ > Al . -£C£' ,_,,r, ---------~-... -o ~---------,----==_D_CT--=l"--'-'-01986.----~--_· ------~- C/7Y OF C"-----__:__ _________ Bu..,--='1""~1n-w .. rwRts137-1·--=o-. ~------ -g Department --· __ COPIES TO ___ _,__f~i...,;l....::;e:...__~---------S ill man/ Wyn, an ·_ ,~·· LYONS, WARREN & ASSOCIATES, fNC. TO Consulting Structur~I Engineers 10731 Treena Street Suite 100 SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 92131 _C]_,_ry 2-075 (619j' 578-8380 . -n~bttd .'.\ ·/ i ....---------------,r.-=~c------r--·J DATE JOI! NO • . 10/8/86 ATTEN1'.ION RE, '-J :i ., J 'l _.._ Wt ARE SENDING YOU · ~ Attached o Under separate cover ~la· Lions ·Messenger the following items: ·i ·; ·1 COPIES 2 D Shop drawings . D Copy-of _letter DATE NO, 10/9/86 1 . -. [] Prints D Plans. . D Samples D Specifications D Change order d Field R~port dated 10/9/86 for delivery requested by Allard Jansen DESCRIPTION Fi-eld Report . ' -.. ·- · iHESE ARE TRANSMiTTED as checked below: D For approval -0 For your use D As requested D Approved as submittad D Approved as noted 0 Returned for corrections D Resubmit copies for approval D Submit __ . _copies for distribution D Return __ corrected prints o For review and eomment D ________ .:....-; _____ -----____________ _ ... A j ·ij .,, I ! j I I I 1 I I I ·j l ' ' ., ,I i l l l ' i : l ... 1 ., ·i ·l :l '1 :, ·, ! D FOR BIDS DUE.:..-_____________ 19 __ ..... D PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US ,1 -~-EM.,..A_R_K_S~=====================================================================i ', . -' ~~~~------"'--____..;._....· 1 ...... --........;.-'---__ ........._ ____________ ......._ ______ ~-----"---'-'-----------------,---~j COPY TO,_'--f_i_,l_e _________ __,, __ -_......._ _____ .,._ . ' SIGNED: . John Sthmi t ' -~ 'i-· tlfflOUCT 240:2 tMJDi , .... -. -01471. · If encla.u,.• .,. not ••·nl!fed, klnd!Y not1ty·ua at once. ' /pg .-:f -' . ~~ '. . .;11 <,: :~ : ~<·~~ . ' ,,·~4-!'' ~~~f1~:·-· - ;···,,:_:_:· /LYONS, WARREN.& ASSOCIATES; INC. ~·.: . :.' · · · . Consulting Structural Engineers ··· · · · 107Jl Treena Steet Suite 100 SAN DIEGO, CALIFQRNIA 92131 ~ '' =--. -,, : ; ... ,:~---'·,-, -:~ ... /\-~. -~~· ., ·-· . . (619), 578-8380 • · . ·:7~0 -i · .fotnme-Pio,.µp.t:!err.:.t1.,,yJJ:·G1ti:l.l.OLUtl.µP---'-'--------'-------,---=-'-'-.,..+- . ~:,·,,:·:;·. ,: ,: 1060' 8th Avenu~~ Sl1ite 405 .. : •,J';;,,.·t._ ,'':, ;,. : . ~ ,) i/:··i·:.· ·· · · San Diego.~ Ca •. 92101· ... ·,...;· ___ __:: ___ -'-~----''------'----'-'-"---"-'-'-~'--"'---=- :t··, ;.!. I -~~·~. ::~, .. ' DI.ITE ,10/9/86 PROJECT' Villas De LOCATION Carlsbad CONTRACTOR Harper WEATHER .. PRESENT AT SITE ' ,·; JOB NO. :,j SWSW8508 I . !t ,y '\ Garisbad .,, .I J '1 ·.~{ }i: r .:t OWNER .,. IPG ! TEMP. 0 at AM 0 at prv,l ., . ; ;!1 " ,1' ,, ·' :f ;- :i ';·, Depar-tment-f-0r-the--t0r-e4 \'u 9 ... · ·=-::: .. · .::~Regarding the-f:f-xes as submtlted:.:..to the Bu-Ud:fn ).<:·-::::·>_'.: Buildfng· 11 B11 , basecf on ·our field obse~vat1'cih, these fixes were completed in ~ :J ') ::?{,::''. :· acc~rdahc~ with~_sk~tchl!s' giv~~--t~ "the C6htt·a~tor. A.final frame in~pectfo_n_~---·--·i ·:'.(~ · ~'.;_ ," is· requ.ifed by fhe:'Sui'1<Hng Depar.tm~nt ·prior. ~o Con.tractor c-~~~rin~-;~-e=----------.. ;·i ·; ',, :-·--· :. . ---------------... ..., ------· .. ----. --.---------q . :i -~ ··'--'}'-'-_____ b_· u~!]~~"-~:_· ---~---"---------:..--'--~---'----'--'-'-'~---------'-,---.. ·----------1:i ' .. ::../~·d, .... 'i ..:_..'--'---__ . -·----~. -· . '·--.:....· .._,:.__c...;._..,_:"-"-------·~---'-----------~------·---~q Jl ; /t;. . ·4 ------. -----~~---....--,. ·. 1 ,:·· - ,• ."-.. -. _,__t .. __ .· ;;....::-· _______ .. ____ -··----.,.----,~--·---·----------~---------. ---_::' ' .-:-... "'·-:.: . ~-_ _j . ' -. . 'l-. i· ' .... .._ .. _..._.,. __ , ___ : .... -., . -· __ .. ...., .................. --.--_._.....__ ... __ .. ------. -~------------.. . 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' \ L VONS, WARREN & ASSOCIATES, INC. --Consulting Structural Engineers · 107.31 Treena Street Suite 100 SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 92131 (619) 578-8380 ~----.. ,-,,-·~..----- TO JI VILLAS De WE ARE SENDING YOU D Attached D Under separate cover via ____________ the following items: O Print'$ D S_h9p drawings D Copy of letter D Change o.rder D---------,---------------- NO. 2 .. . ~ , , ~' -~ - . ~' --,-: ,, ,.; .-,{ ' ', ~· . THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: D For approval D Appro'ied. as submitted D Resubmit copies for approval . ·_. . . J( For your use D Approved as noted O Submit __ copies for distrib~ti·6~\-,:·?~\:ri~-: :,:, -X As requested D Returned for corrections D · Return __ corrected prints ' .. D F r rev·ew and corhmenf'....,~:b~~~~~~..,.,-::~~~~~~T-~~"~':fl):/:~:c<~ ,:-,·-'f'-.,' ... D F:R e:os DUE . . . . . .19 --. . , ~ PRINT;··~E~URN~D ~FTER LO~N--T~ ~~-'r-~ ··~,;-~~,,~~~/!~~-:,\ REMARKS. PC-fl. OUL PJ-JdAJt; .cavl/M'seno.o (:7/u -¼let: '1'1#e FaLµ:Jt,J,~,g; . . ! S"TE'EL /?IMICA ICll.. . JIJSrRtL~D STtlllPS Fl!..Oln. Bt:Al?'l t:JAJ • c.ou,ooe. SJtx JAJ 1.1eu OF-on-Elt... SJDe. /AJFoe,MIH) C04>11'2.lte:B?&-. 2'? l.,,,USZ,,LL DE'eee,t.. yl)l&r (3 .S711!/V (<::.Ot:JttJDolt.. SIOc;) 70 PQt.:r 70 AND t:AJ FLOOL Stll:A71-JlltJq ro q,::)lsv:, COPY TO OifFICE: PJLe- PROOUCT2l0-2 /NBm/ loc., lllM, -Olm. -SIGNED: ~ __Jdi,~ If enclo•ure• are not •• noted, ltlndly notify u• •~ V (,-"--~--.------. ---------.... -·-· ·--------~------·------·----~v~~----~----------·--------- www "'"'"' ~;t~ 000 V)v)V) • §§ffi :r:z::r ""'"" o,-;o U,00 -N, .,..t'cO,.'ltl (OIJ)C:,:J ("H''lM•~ ~~~.j I ,./ 'Pt-ftk) @ L\XG FOs.r:- BG U:) tA VIE-~ ffo-c }l-a-tpowJ..> · , I r 1 l I 1; o I I I I 13LO 'c;. ,~. ,, is '\_ ~MmµJ. GXI G, HIP Bsn.m, zx4 .sroo ul~ pJ•,.)W f(oY.0: ........ ~,::,::, 000 """'V> .,.,-r;..I) ·~EE u1ww·, ::c:i::i: U)U)U) ,000 V,00 -.... _.NO.JI 0,(00):, MMM~ NNN: ..,""..,) J --HrP ~rrts ®-® E Pc Posv- CA-P CTYP) ~ ~"'" ,-a H \'P ' { ,. -.. , . . ) ., ,:.._ .. '• ' . ,_ OUALIFIEO LICl:NSl:I! • ' T. ( • ;' ; ~ --·-· \~().A,,'\ w~ _ u, UA'.1 utl. ~WJ :· -:• 'HE UNDERSIGNED MANUfi~/C:TURER HEREBY CERTIFIES that the products identified below ·and on attached sheets Nos. · are marked with the Collective Mark of the AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF TIMBER CONSTRUCTION (AITC) and were manufa~_tur;ed;,in ._,c~nfox~an~e with applicable provisions of American National Standard ANSI/AITC A190.1...:.1_983;· SJr,1.;1c,-tµ_raL_Glue~ Laminated Timber, .and that such manufacture h~~ been at our plant in Salmon: ·raaho· 8346 7 -. -. ; which plant has a quality control system approved by the Inspection Bureau of the AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF TIMBER CONSTRUCTION and insoected oerioc;licallv bv such Bureau. _ .. . _ _ _ : _ _ _ . .. ______ . .. JOB NAME: )Harner Develooment Villas De Ca·rlsbad . ' ,. -... . JOB LOCATION: __ #;.;_3.;...2_· .,...a_O_l_R_e_l __ .i_a_b_l_e_...;.__....,...,,,,,...,._-,.,-.,...,,...--,,.,---------------.. ::;~ ·.--... -·. CUSTOMER'S ORDER NO. 1 ~ 4 3-C ·. . DA.TE ~ /10 / 8 6MFGR_'S ORDER NQ, __ o_u_r_N_o_._7_2_1_O __ _ Industrial appearance, Exterior glue,. Sealed, Bundlewrap, Standard' 210'00°·1 R_ camber AITC stamp. s1GNATUFiE ~u~~~~~;,__::~2'.'.;U~~!!:::\...--cc;,MPANv __ ....,Q=B__;:;C=o=rc,,:pc..::o=rc..::a::..:t=-=i::..;o=n==----- TmE Quality control ADDRESS __ ...:;;B;.,;:oc,=x.;;...._l:;...6;;;...4,;c..7 _______ . DATE April 10, 1986 AITC ·HEREBY CERTIFIES that the.said company at its said plant is licensed by the AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF TIMBE~ CONSTRUCTION to use the AITC Collective Mark in respect · of products which comply with applicable provisions of said Standard, that the adequacy of the quality control system in effect at said plant is periodically inspected and verified by the Inspection Bureau of the AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF TIMBER .CONSTRUCTION, and that, in the judgment of AITC, said company is capable of complying with applicable .manufacturing and testing provi~ions· of said Standard in respect of products manufactured at said plant. Conformance with the Standard in respect of any specific or partic4lar product is the sole responsibility of the manufacturer; AITC's guarantee hereunder being that the said company is qualified to produ~e a product meeting the said Standard and that its plant is periodically inspected and verified by the AITC Inspection Bureau. · AITC Cert,ficate No. 0 6 3 3 8 B AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF TIMBER CONSTRUCTION . . @ 1983 AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF TIMBER CONSTRUCTION _., ... ········-··---·----- I. ~ I. ' i' [: l· J· ~- I . ' I: .,, ' I I ,' t 111/ I ,•!" \ l' 1,' ,,tflllf)•,'.J \~'ldl (~fl:. Ul lhr! f1ol!11•,I, •:1:1 r•, '. I 1,.H'lit'/ m:1d,::. t.:i::h (jlJ,diill,'tJ J.tl:1tJI it,J:,• <fll in<.!l'Jid1Ja'I quulilll'(J,li()fl ,' .. ,: . · ,. ,,. ,··,:1n.,1·,11-1 i' 1:13" •lww11 ori lhn typ,t'cll qu..ilily n1:trks bulow i~ IH;I_ ;,, .,,,, .<! 1 i 11, 1,,·:;;'. i;,d 1 ,.: ·,d 01dy !01 the pwposn 9f illuiti-ation, p. '143 · ··--·--~--------ll AITC tlm,i,J11<1tiori\r ·11w1lifi<•d l~~unt A.190:1-1983 _}j!r .,, .. \J_,-,'••J tn~t.jlt'..;-8 l.?kl.1 .. d-----. .... ,, .},,:. -..... l:'. •. .c.,'~------ licn11·,(:d .. ··1 .,, ... ·. '"l. frll' · •!'1;1!,fi, ,t1un · .-.. ·\ '. :\ <.,'.<\.;. .'· '". ,"If, 11 •,,,,\l.j)i.ti1JI' Cjl1,Jlll'j ,1,1i 0il•\il' ,', .., ~\,. ~ ' .. l l1,d1, dtl •••. u:1ln1n1r111Cl· itJ 1\N!·jl,'/\I I(: .... i• ,, \ ·, /\1(1()_) l•lfl'l, i;11t1<"1\1i;1I C:ilL11•(1 L.irun· ;~(!;d I 111 1i11:, ldwtliftt: 111,;1• tJ! 'i!IIJl'ILll'ill l.r',f·, tl1:t,;p ,·,,irnd hy. ,,y111l,t;I:;, ... D ~,n,p!P ~p,,'1 b1!r11ln;!J ll1i·111h, 1, _r>, 1 -----__________ .,:, ,---... · · · ····-----·------·cufllfJ1,)''1ion r_llernlJ1H, T-IW\$i,111 11: :111 f ,(•J. Cf! C<'•lltflll.JCJll~ ()l' r·,,1nt1ii:Vl.!I' '·[i:11 ! I tn.1,1111,u ,;1: ,1;ti", lJSE l. .. P r-143 . _____ ,:.._"'. · ... ,. ····-1· Du·,1gn,,1,_; .i.>_i•fl•JiJ1<1111;u tJ1d1ln. Ji,.10 · lndw,tn.il. i\HC!-1 A1r;hit1.:ctr.11,,I. PRL:ivl -i>1r,rnium I ,f I '· . SPECIES ... !. ------·------ DesiiJiiatei; applicable AITC laminuti11n ~pr,r.ificalion · and combi,wtinn ~ymb(il; for example: ·'.'117-82 24F or 117-82 3" i1dicarns that the designated licensed plant HIS IT1()t all requirements for qualification ir1d maintains an accciptable quality control yswrn which is periodically inspected by \ITC Indicate~ co_nforrnance. to ANSI/AITC A19Q.1,...1983, Structural Glued Lamin- ated Timber . .. ,· ··' ._ For custom products, the details covering the product are included in applicable dopuments, .., For non-custom products, essential details arc included on the stamp. · . ---.. --~·---, .... , . -~ '-~ . ' ., 1• , l . 'f .. .. ··'.'.· '-, . • ... ··, .. i ' ! l ' ! M• ® ~. 1b ft?<)U, oe. , fl6t.:) UM-5. ffif2.. . ~oevz... ~ eai lu<.J'/ni.?: · , . • l ~ : • i ~ . . ' 'l • .. •• ~ • lo, I ~ ,.-\., : \ ' ·, S"'Prt.-'1 A/rt-·, ·\ ~ '. /"' r=-~-r . ! ' 4, ~ • I I -i,,r;ct# ~ w~ w/ / .{ -rvre-"it" ~· e. Y P. ;~! l ... ; ' /: I! ,, /j ; ' I I' T~~11 -~.i --=~ ~P~ro w.Jlo : ,; , l ' ' i ' ' i Jj:; :-· ~~. "1~ ,. • 11 -• • .t. ~ • I l I, i' I ~ 1i/l~ tH-/}T #AS /Je-p} . ' PLeX ~ IV {17:I _ ... r!8'W4~ lt.!'fAP ' . .f:An/ll61?.. I i ; \. , . . ' '\ jl ,1 II ~~Mo~ f"o) CONSULTING MECHANICAL ~LSD LSl.ru. ENGINEERS ~~@D~~~ffilD~@?J D~©a October 23, 1986 Harper Construction 5186 Carrol Canyon Rd. San Diego, California 9_2126 Attn: Re: Jeff Harper· Villas De Carlsbad Our File #2063 Dear Jeff: Sparky, the plumbing subcontractor, has proposed running a separate 2" gas line from the meter to serve the appliances listed below as opposed to bringing a branch line from the roof as shown on the plumbing plans. The reason for proposing a separate line is spatial limitation and economics. Qty. (4) Commercial Clothes Dryers Qty. (2) Residential Dryers 100· MBH/EA 40 .MBH/EA lS-0 MBH/EA 400 MBH 80 MBH 180 MBH Qty. Cl) Gas Fired Boiler Sevier Engineering, Inc. approves the proposed 2" gas line. The decision was based on the 1979 uniform plumbing code which allows 690 CFH of gas on a 2" line with .a 250 ft. developed .length. The proposed line has approximately 625 CFH. If you, or the plumbing inspector, have any · question concerning this topic, don't hesitate to. cal-1. Sincerely, ~{µ-- Paul McParlane Sevier Engineering, Inc. PM:pr RECEIVED ocr 2 7 1988 Harper Construction -Co., Inc. 7777 ALVARADO RD., SUITE 513 • LA MESA, CA 92041 • (619) 464-1549 DEVEl:OPMENT • CONSTRUCTION ~ SYNDICATING • LEASING • MANAGEMENT . WE DEVELOP AND CONSTRUCT BUILDINGS THAT WORK FOR A LIVING 1060 EIGHTH AVENUE SUITE 405 SAN DIEGO, CA 92101 (619) 234-4316 83 INCOME PROPERTY GROUP -_ VILLAS DE CARLSBAD, LTD. City of Carlsbad Building Department 2075 Las Palmas Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 Attn: Mr. Wayne Morgan Re: Concrete Roof iile January 16, 1987 Las Villas de Carlsbad, Carlsbad Dear Mr. Morgan: This is a request to be exempted from the requirement of applying cement mortar to the ridges and hips of the roof at the Las Villas de Carlsbad· project located at 1088 Laguna Drive. The concrete tile roof being used on the project is specifically designed so as not to require the use of cement mortar. In support of this statement, please see the attached Report Number 3769 of the International Conference of Buflding Officials and the letter from A & R Roofing, the roofing contractor for_the Las Villas.de Carlsbad project. Thank you for_your cooperation on this matter. RJM/1 c Enclosures Very truly yours, ... .,) " -.. <, J -, . _,. ~. International Co·nference of Building Officials EVALUATION REPORT Report No. 3769 September, 1985 Filing Category: ROOF COVERING AND ROOF DECK CONSTRUCTION-Roof Covering INTERLOCKING CONCRETE ROOF TILE CELOTEX-MARLEY, INC. 1990 EAST RIVERVIEW DRIVE SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA 9Z408 I. Subject: Interlockin$ Concrete Roof Tile. II. Description: A. General: The Interlocking Roof Tiles are extrud~d under pressure and cured under controlled humidity conditions. The con- crete mix consists of one part cement to approximately three and one-half parts-sand or two parts lightweight aggregate by weight. 1. Mission Tile: The tiles are manufactured in two types, either with . coloring oxides mixed integrally with the concrete or with cementitious materiat colored with synthetic oxide, applied to the exposed surface. Various accessory tile units are provided for ridges, hips and gables. The interlocking tiles are of contour design and are 165/s iqches long, 131/s inches wide and 11/6 inch thick at ends of center crown and have a crown· height of 23/32 inches. The tiles have head lugs that engage wood battens. Side laps between adjacent tiles consist of 15/iG-inch-wide inter- locking ridges and grooves that provide a water channel at the vertical joints and aid in the tile alignment. A nail hole is provided at the top center of each tile. The tile weighs approximately 9 pounds per square footwhen installed with a.3-inch head lap. See Figure No. 1 for additional details. 2. Flat Tjle: The flat tile is produced in the same manner and size as the Mission Tile. The tile is flat in shape and is available with smooth or textured.surfaces. The tile is generally manufactured with coloring oxides mixed integrally. The tile has three nail holes along the top. The weight of the tile is approximately 11 pounds per square foot when installed with a 3- inch head lap. See Figure No. 2 for additional details. 3. Duralife Tile: The tiles are manufactured in the same manner and size as the Mission and Flat Tiles. Lightweight aggregate, secondary crushing of concrete sand, is used in lieu of sand in the concrete mix. The Duralite MissionTile werghs approximately 6 pounds per square foot when installed with a 3-inch headlap. The Dµralite Flat Tile, when installed with a 3-inch headlap, weighs approximately 7 pounds per square foot when installed. B. Installation: New Construction: 1. General: The tiles are installed with a midimum 3-inch head lap and a layer of Type 30 aspha).t-saturated felt underlayment in accordance with the code for all slopes from 3:q and above. Tile fastening must comply with Table No. I. On roof slopes 2:12 to 3:12, a minimum Type 30 asphalt-saturated felt is nailed to the solid sheathing in accordance with the code and a layer of Type· 45 asphalt- saturated felt is mopped in place over it. Nominal 3/s-incn redwood laths are nailed to the deck vertically at 24 inches on center. The entire deck is then top mopped. Horizontal I-inch by 2-inch battens. are then installed ahd fastened through the lath s_trips using 8-periny corrosion-resistant nails at 24 inches on center. Tile fastening mustcomply with Table No. I. Duralite tijes are installed in accordance with Chapter 32 of the Uniform Building Code. For roof slopes less than 2:12; the tile may be used only as a decorative material over a complying roof covering with the building official's ap- proval. Care should be taken during field tile installation to ensure that the horizontal joints are kept parallel with the eave tile to ensure uniform contact between the tiles. Foreign materials must be removed from the interlocking grooves to ensure uniform contact between tiles. All cracked or broken tiles must be replaced. 2. Sheathi.ng: Solid sheathing consists of nominal 1-inc;:h lumber or minimum 1'2-inch-thick plywood. Spaced sheathing used is nominal I 0inch by 6-inch boards with a maximum span of 24 inches. Sheathing must be structurally adequate to support the loads involved. Wherespacec! sheaths ing is used, the-rafters must be parallel with the slope of the roof. Sheathing must qe nailed in accordance with the code. A fascia board or ca!!( strip should be installed to·ele:vate the eave course tiles. Alternatively, art eave filler can be·used to provide support for the first row of tiles. 3. Battens: Where specified for solid sheathed roofs with slopes greater than 3:12, battens should be nominal I-inch by 2-inch lumber, spaced as required and nailed with 6-penny corrosion-resistant nails at 16 inches on center. The end joints should be separated 1 '2 inch every 4 feet to provide for drainage. Minimum ¼cinch-thick spacers cut from asphalt shingles placed between the battens and the decking may be used in lieu of providing the 1 '2- inch space between the battens. 4. Tile Fastening: See Table No. I for Mission Tile nailing schedule. Duralite tiles must be installed in accordance with Chapter 32 of the code. Tiles are fastened where required with minimum No. 11 gauge corrosion- resistant steel nails of sufficient length to penetrate ¼ inch into the solid sheathing or through the thickness of the sheathing, whichever is less . 5. Hips, Ridges and Rakes: Hip and ridge tiles can be installed with or without ridge boards. Each ridge and hip tile is to be nailed with a No. 11 gauge corrosion-resistant nail driven into the ridge and hip framing mem- bers. A bead of roofer's mastic must be spread across the nail head so that the butt end of each succeeding tile is securely fixed~e-ass"iiojet:t"to ~!~ing-~q, snow or filgh.rainfii!l;lli.etwolong~l ec!ge_l..oi.bip.._wd (ltlge tiles-should·be-matle-weatheftigh1Jff.l)ea!liPg in portlliffil c.ement l'!lbftar$."by-an·alternat1ve mellii:Jclacceptable to the local building official. Th'"Ffile is cut to match the angle of the hip or valley in a manner that will maintain the integrity of each unit. Rake and coping tiles are fastened with two nails. 6. Flashing: All valleys are provided with a No. 28 gauge corrosion- resistant metal flashing extending a minimum of 12 inches from the valley center line each way with a splash diverter rib as part of the flashing. Each longitudinal edge of the flashing should be turned inward·approximately 30 degrees past the vertical to give a ½-inch return. Th,e flashing is lapped at ends a minimum of 6 inches .... Fllishing around vents, pipes, flues, chimneys, etc., consists of jacket fabricated from a minimum 3-pound-p.er-square-foot lead, copper or .021- inch-thick aluminum. A bead of mastic is applied at the front face between the flashing and tile below and dressed down to match the tile profile. Long lengths of flashing at parapet walls, copings, etc., where roof tiles abut can be of a ri'gid material such ·as galvanized sheet metal formed to make the· tile profile. A flexible flashing material such as lead is dressed over the roll and into the pan of tiles adjacent to the abutment. See figures for further details. 7. Mortar: Mortar should be used sparingly and only to provide proper bedding for hip and ridge tiles. The interlqc!qng joints between field tiles and joints between ridge, hip and rake tiles snould never be mortared. These are designed to be self-draining, and mortar can cause a blockage resulting in water penetration under the tiles. C. Installation: Reroofiilg Applications: 'I. General: Structural data indicating that the existing or modified roof-framing system is adequate to support the additi_onal tile roof covering must be furnished to the building official for approval. Details for the reroofing installation not covered under this section are to be as specified above for New Construction. Wood battens may require predrilling to prt:vent splitting. 2. Deck Preparation: a. Asphalt Shingle:. Wood battens must be pro- vided for roof slopes over 7: 12. ~ :/\,. Th b. ~dood Sdhhi~gles and Shbakes (up tdo ~ndd in~I1:1ding :Y:f4-inch _t , ~§cJ'_K': en ge an 1p caps must e remove an ex1stmg roo covenng irci flush with the fascia or barge cover. All cupped or curled shingle or shake ends must be sawed off or nailed down. Nominal 1-inch by 2-inch battens must be installed on a flat plane for all roof slopes. Removal of shingles or shakes t?r cutting back of butt ends 111ay be required to achieve a level plane. The battens should be fastened to the framing members with corrosion- resistant nails long enough to penetrate¾ inch into the rafters. ICBO evaluatioii reports are issued solely to provide information to Class A members of the organization utilizing the code upon which the report is based. Evaluation reports are not to be construed as representing aesthetics or any other attributes not specifically addressed nor as an endorsement or recommendation Jot use of the subject report. c._ This report is based upon independent tests or-other technical data submitted by the applicant. The ICBO technical staff has reviewed the test r<!si.:t.: and/or other data, but does not possess testfacilitie:. to make an independent verification. There is 110 warranty by ICBO, expressed or implied, as to any ''Finding" or other matter in the report or as to any product covered by the report. This disclaimer includes, but is not limited to, merchantability. Page 1 of8 ... • ! '"'Page 2 of 8 Report No. 3769 c. Wood Shakes (butt thickness over ¾ inch): All cupped or curled shake ends must be sawed off or nailed down. Ridge and hip caps must be removed and the existing roof covering cut back flush with the fascia or barge cover. Wood batten strips and cotinterbattens must be installt:d for all slopes. Minimum I-inch by 4-inch wood counterbattens shall be mstalled parallel to the rafters at a maximum of24-inch spacing. The counterbattens must be securely fastened to framing members using corrosion-resistant steel nails long enough to penetrate ¾ inch into the rafters. To avoid splitting battens, nails must not be located immediately below the battens. Nail spacing for coun_terbattens shall be a maximum 16 inches on center. Minimum I-inch by 2-inch battens are then installed parallel to the eaves. The battens are fastened to each counterbatten using 8-penny corrosion- resistant steel nail. flashing must be installed over existing flashing. Existing chimney and wall flashing may be used if in good condition and sufficient height exists to insert new tile flashing. Flexible flashing must be used with Mission Tiles. D. Identification: The manufacturer's name is embossed on the under- side of each tile. Additionally, the tiles are identified with the manufac- turer's name painted on each shipping pallet. ill. Evidence Submitted: Physical test data and detailed drawings have been submitted. Findings 3. Eave Preparation: Existing roof material must be cut back to allow for installation of a raised fascia board, cant strip or Celotex-Marley Eave Closure Strip, flush with the.end of the roof sheathing. N. Findings: That-the concrete roof tiles comply with Chapter 32 of the 1982 Uniform Building Code as fire-retardant roof coverings, provided they are manufactured, identified and installed in accordance with this report and the manufacturer's instructions. 4~ Flashing: New pipe flashing and minimum 24-inch-wide metal valley This report is subject to re-examination in two years. -· ~ TABLE NO.I INSTALLATION PROCEDURES FOR INTERLOCKING CONCRETE TILE MAXIMUM WIND VELOCITY UP TO 80 MPH1,3 ROOF HEIGHTS NOT EXCEEDING 40 FEET FIELD TILE .NAILING NAILING FOR PERIMETER SPACED OR SOLID SOLID SHEATHING TILE AND TILE ON ROOF SLOPE SHEATHING WITH BATTENS WITHOUT BATTENS2 CANTILEVERED AREAS4 3:12 and including Not required Every tile Every tile 5:12 , Above 5:12 Every tile every Every tile Every tile to Jess other row than 12:12 · 12:12 atid Every tile Every tile Every tile over 1Jn areas designated by the building official as being subject to repeated wind velocities in excess of 80 mph or where roof height exceeds 40 feet above grade, all tiles shall be attached in accordance with Chapter 32 of the Unifonn Building Code or as set (orth below, ~hlchever is more restrictive: (a) The heads of all tiles shall be nailed. (b) The noses of all eave course tiles ~hall be fastened with a special "Grip Clip." (c) All rake tiles shall be nailed with two nails. (d) The nos~s of all ridge, hip and rake tiles shalfbe set in a bead of approved roofer's mastic. 2For slopes exceeding 7:12, battens are mandatory. 3Structures or portions thereof with large, unglazed openings and without solid roof sheathing or solid ceilings, such as garages, shall have all tile in alternate rows within the field of the roof, attached in accordance with the code when wind velocities are·between 70 and 80 mph. 4Perimeternailing areas include three tile courses but not less than 36 inches from either side of hips and ridges or edges of gable rakes 3J1d eaves. In special wind areas as designated by the building official, additional fastenings may be required. 'l • • • ~~~~L~~-~g,,;:"ur, t::.....'"V,,_,<..~ :tt.;;,..."-~;...c-~'"J HARPER CONSTRUCTION COMPANY, INC. January 20 1 1987 City of Carlsbad Building Department 2075 Las Palmas Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 Attn: Mr. Wayne Morgan Re: Concrete Roof. Tile Las Villas. de Carlsbad; Carlsbad Dear Mr. Morgan: It is our understanding that the concrete roof tile being used on the Villas. de Carlsbad project is not designed ·for cement mortar installation. Therefore we ·feel we should be exempt from any requirement to install mortar at ridges and hips. Thank you for you consideration. yours, Ronald D. Harper President RDH:ss 5186 Carroll Canyon Road, San Diego, CA 92121 • (619) 455-9600 .. JUN 51986 ©fK'w ®'fi ©£~U...~@fi1Q--:<·: ~UUR..UllU~j~ @~~'f. ::>" t--. _ _: ~:!r~~\~L-a!:1' . . ~ i ~ • 1-Yl \S) a: 5f~1~W ::-1"0 MA-r~H .. W ~ILDl.i...lr,. COi.OR : t'F'\ Te.~--, . ~ -· z . -:-J.-1 t tJ·t -bg1L.k, ---. C, -=-(J) lo Q~ ·W > 0, fi ~ ~- 5 I I i ! a i __ _;_ __ _J:-=.~-~ -~ C::: 11Y c,F '?./4 U · .--~L-?l'e;,,6,..D $jANDAA.~. __ 5E,.C,1JO ~-. -~ t-*f2.H UP -rO-=;,lqN. I I Retirement _, ' ~. C$\GllJ L..~TTE.lt$ {NI~) e~otl e'1 e" Community .. . " . ( ·• ' I I ·w I I l . ( ' J.-.--·----... ---· --.. ·--. ·--.---------.-------4 . . ' . .. : . . -. ~R~e. . ' . --·-·=· ======··e-=====1.,====~==-v==· ===:=~='=1 o=_ =N==·· ====::;::::::;::=====~=~::l:::. 11 ~,, " 'I,· r f L----t \ r t. ~ i ; .... ----'-- ~ -1 L • __ i· : ...... -~--- : <-~·-· ; .. · ,.:~ -. - .. ·--. . ........ ·----~ ......... --. ·--··-···· --.--.-- '"·, ,, Rely on Reliance tor Metal/Service 2100 Cleveland Avenue, National City, California 92050 D 619/263-214 RELIANCE METALCENTEA 1. SOLD TO: 2. CUSTOMER 3. RELIANCE 4. DATE: M I L L T t S T R E P o R r ·s., ------··-' ' : 'i \: ; 'i 30 X1-1J. v 5 +r; €'5 /:(·: ! "' ' ~' f I j:;: f,~,1i· , P.O.#: 1573 -1/8SCJ i' I ' l:1,i·· i NO.#: .SD 't?b 1/0 l i : : ' ' ~ ',, I I 11,.2.1-n . I('.. ! ·, j· ,:,1- 1 1. (,..! • "\. ;,rj! ,; I . , , AJ~i Test Report pept. i j ' ,, : ' ' ! 11 ! I, I, ,, I'' I I,,\ I i' •(j I'. ) ,ii I I .. · ( I· i' -, ' ' ! ~' ! 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UC1541 I 32' 2,02~ 9191 _V4J5~11 4,052 1,838 ...... 3!;~~ UC542d',tl 1 40,600! 6.3,eOoj 3! -r; ., vc261ct,..t11 50,90 2£: CAST No. Y4.3554 V422,90 UI G \.l'll!'li' XIOO LL2.l Ll'l.3 21 1 - CJ!}MICAL COMPOSITION SI f MN I P I S X!OOOI XllillG x:otl': x100 I <1ooolx1oool x100 x100 .1r a41 2o1 10 7J.C lOQI lJI l.2 -:; .'1'' p:· I i I [ l I ..,._:: :. ; .. ,!.: .. (•9 L:LADLE ANALYSIS P:PRODUCT ANALYSIS) o,;, . I 1 .. 11 x1oee 1x10001x10001x10001x10001x1ooolx10001 I ><1000 I xJOOO j •IO I x111 x1001 x100 x100 xioo. x100 I x100 ~1000 x10000 x10000 I x100 WE H(RfBy CERT I FY THAT-rHr~A'TE'ffl AL DE'SC,RTlfED JN AC~OROAN'E W[TH TH~ ~U~~~ Of THE CONTRA~T~· H~EIN ~ HAS. BE(N MAPfr.. '~·-: ·.· ..... \ .. :. ' .. ,: . . . . . . , . . jt Jk, -;;,, ~-~,- TO B; CDtH J NU/; D MANAGQ, INSP£CTIOl!I SA~ WORKS --f::;:_ ~' ~'/ .I;'¥, ,;,:,1 1l:c_:(• ::: ;.., \ :_:t'. .~ d ., -.1-~:~:~ ;..i, I ~ . ; -t ~ PAGi. ooa f'!.~~.$1~~''<"'"--'fti,~"1~*~·,.:-i"~-~~ ... ~ .... ,_:+'l...:...,.."l>-....... ,!C--..... ,:~..>:.-'-!..,,,_, ........ .., .... -:.~.,-............... .,.;_.,_ ... ~ ~·. -~ ~ .,, • -., -.. -t ,_ ..d., ' -;:.~ -» ~ -~e• . .:·. -,: ;~~ ~ • ·" ...... ,., .. :_. '>I> ~~I~',-~-~<·£~£~'.--:· .•. -_.···.···· ~,/,'.• ·.··¼~~11-,~~,-,,Lr )\'.·2cZc1-:;·~~h<<~~;;:teaii~;;,;~~1 ----. . . ,.,.sPECTION CE~IFICATE HEAD OFFic~: M. 'OTEMACHl 2-CHOME. CHJYODA-~-p. ·~~} REFERENCE lia.: 03·2-R35701J ,.,. • . ·.. . ·J~ . . . . . . .. 'fOlq'O 100! JAPAN . "!'.i ----·----·--···----------·· •.·•. ,. ? • SAKAI WORKS: l, CHIKKOYAWATA-CHO, SAIC..U-SHI .:. :., ~ ~2u2~~j REMARKS: !i I ;'_T;~~;LE TES'.f· ' BEND ···-~-P-~CT ;~;~·-.-:-.. -: ·-· --\~:· .,.,. • · ~' , · · • : • '. \ • . TEST " ·. , · • • , . : _\;:3- •:i. : . l ~ ~-~ • 8 f NCH -·· .. -:. ··· --ff . ,., . ' . . . .._._ ti f-; INQPlIDOAL ·1 . I i-: ' ,f.c . i' ·:.~ -------.. -~· ii§ Y. i;°--·.-. T. S. ·EL. 1 1J, AVE l . cuSToMER•SCoNTRoL. "'l2l-"""' ·-)VEIG~T~ . d ~--· % •• • ., i~i ~~ ; . ,, SIZE oF LBS CAST No. TEST No. ~6 ~6 -: .. ----... '-· .. - .. ci'NCH)-:-:--:-::~.:::---:;::-.-:----P~'Cl' ·,<.1<.G ' . . _-· __ .. ---g ; _if-~ ~---~-:.:_ ,P,,· -~ .. ·-__ · --··rs·--- r, ---~-. 1 ··-. "' . .. ---------·--· l:6xu;·9v " -·=.-.·~:·t ~~-:-=-·:;::..:~:--;"'J/-.-::-::-i;: ~-:--;-,-~ ~=;~_ -·----,. -" ···--------------,. . ----------------:-.:_-.,_ ";'~c . .'-j···:·c:•.,."I.'"" ... :·1:-:cc· :•.•• '·" ----·•-· ,.~ ' ·-VC262 _-, .. J--1', - . TCJTAL ... , . i-~ ·:;~7---::--··1 --~-~ 11 f:I le -. ··t·: .. .:: __ j:_·. ·.t.-·:~·:--1. ..... ... .. I ::11;':'_' . .. .. w· , I I . 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TOTAi.. •1 LOCATION------W:WEB •2 DRJE~TAT!ON ---L:LONGITUDfNA~ 2 4,052 1,8.38 ~'""' i::';;l L:LADLE ANALYSIS P:PRODUCT ANALYSIS> % 1 f-} f ! •n f: .. 1,,000 21 VC262CM_l11 51, W.( ~ ~.,.....~ CfiltMICAL COMPOSITION CAST No. • (• 9 UI C SI f MN I P I S XIOO xi~: XJOO XIOOO X 1000 X 100 XlOO XIOO x1ooo!x1oooix1000 x1000 x:1000 x1000. x1000 x1000 «10 tf. x1oolx1ooj Xllill ,<JOO -<100 XIOO XIOOO XIOOOO XIOOOO XJOO •F" . -.,.-J.~ I I · _Jf:~ . _,..,. __ ·-·-. dt 1x10001 x1oee I XIIIIII Y4.3554 ··.,. Y42290 w WE Ht.Rf 8 y CERT I FY fHAT THE HA f ER fAL tfESClfl B;lf H'1JlN'~HAS 13"ElN· MADf'.~= IN ACCOJ(OANCE W l TH THE RU~E~ Of THE CONTRA~T., l-· . . \ ~,-. ¢;''. -~i- .'.'t, ro Bl;'. ·CONTINUED II/IANA~EJJ, INSP~.TlqB SAKAI WORKS ~--~:~l~; ,. .... ,-t,·····~'l-"lt-~\l'i,o:,~ .. =--.--"""-'-.................... ,-...: ... .,+., ... ~.,i:,,.~.1:::,.:i-v ............... .,., ... '-""' .... •.Mi,;,.J--.-: ... _ .... .., ••• --1',..-""'.,..· ,...... •,., •. ..i:.,, • .,,:., • ..:;. •• ~-.. :..-..7l.-~ _,.,,.,.,.....,_,r.,.,..:J;...,.,,,-..... i ~~ ~ .. ~-.,·. -~_._,. .. ;, ..... ~ "'-· ...... .....; .... ..4:', • .....,-.,..._.,. "'. J--..=.-... ~ --.-: ... x •.. :..· •• -;· ."f.., •• .:.. ..... ,. r.~"A'fj~..-:; ~Q~ __ .:. .ti .~:,,;;!:J.tl" .~..;..§>, .,,~~ -:i;•:Q:d "°A ~' i¥f ~ ' ................. i ~· -P.1-. -. ~ .... , 3c, .. '{,, LIN HAl:INOUSTAIAL OISTRICl' N0.11 CHUNG•LIN RO. HSII\O KANG, KAOHSIUNG TAIWAN n.o.c . · INSP CERT . .:_~_ · MtrLJNStrEl:TfOllxxGffl1rFlCJ\TE . -INVOICE No.AMS-85062 . •. Date . -JAN. i 7 1 ,;.,. :\ 1l· ,,i. Description : •... · .... ERW .. A1.20 .. PIPES .. S0f .40 .. AND .. srn.1.0 .. IN. LENGTH·.OF .. 21 ... F'I' .. AND .. 24 ... F'I' ... • ............................ -......... ~ ............................. . _.;;·11 Customer HAMIL'Irn CDPPER AND STEEL CDRP ···-·-····--·· .. ·····-··-······· .. · .. ·····-········ ............................................................................ -........................................................................... __ .............................. .._ . ._ . .__ ........................................... _ ................................................... _, , r -Order No. P.O. NO. LA-82885-DS-1 Shipper: ......... ~ ... ~Y. ... §.~ ... 9.?..~J. ... ~'!.P. ............................................... . ·-~ ~''l ~ I Order Size Delivery Quanti1 y 1· I I I 11 ·' _ ·--------Flattening ~} Nominal. ThlckneH Length No. of Net Welght(kg) , Bore ---~: :\ I (Inch) . iG'lLW (Feet) Pieces _ Actual j Calculated Te9t "'~,~ BTC : 1 /2 so--:~~a 21 I 41 ,sad -· -· 339;s11 ~ 1 . - j II I 3/4 2.9 II 33,18~ ~' 357,475 - 'f,.J ," I 1 3.4 If -.17,58 -281,280 -"J " l 1-1/4 3.6 . II I 6,09 -131,660 I - :_j II 1 -1 /2 3 • 7 II 5 I 18~ -134 t 928 t\ " I 2 3.9 II 11 3,53E --. ,. 124,032, ·-pi 11 2-1/2 5.2 --II~ -2H -.... _ 11,976 i3 11 3 -11 -11 a·-221· I (~ . 5. 5 . . ~ =---,,=-,c--~-1 '.( --.--c::_ -~'--:---13; -.~-_ t;I--·1L--4 ---"'? 6·0-::::::::: --11--!1-:-=---=--r2c--·:=-·--: ---·12 4·44 ---I si:~ i ~~! c: f: -:: t, 6~~~f ::~ 4;::~z -. : ~ 11 '! 1 3.4 -11 ,11s,oog -240,000 -~ II ! 1-1 / 4 , 3. 6 , " 1· 7, 770., -167,980 I -~~ " · : 1-112 3. 1 .. " I 1 o, aoct -219, ooo -~:~ 11 1 2 3.9 ,, 'I 4,03d---140,430 I -ti'' -" ! 2-1/2 5.2 " I 1,35d -" .74,550 I -- ¾k ". 3 s.s ." ·12,109 -, 1151,650j -8-It 4 / 6 • 0 If 1 I 000 .:. , I 1 102 f 700 -\''\,{ I , I . I I ~1 , . I . I, I , :-, ! t"'.. ·. I -• I -~y Bend I Pratlcal I Hydro1Jtatic I Chemical Analysis (%) 7.i -·--Cua I Cl N I C I Mn I p I S \_ Si T~ _ Test, !I use Teat.I Test. (PSI) I 1arg.e o. -, . XlOO XlOO XlOOO >eloool XIOO (07.t ----, -·· --·-. .. . .. .. , --700 : · 1 38 40 48 : " 38 40 48 ----" 8 38 39 48 --1.,000 8 38 ~9 48 --" 7-37 39 47 -. ..... II -7· 37 39 48 ·II' ::::.~:7 ::-:: :-:c:~37~ -"38 --47.--:--~· - -.--.,_;. ·;;_4--~~-::::._~-~~~'.'~:~:-£ ~-=-.-:..-=----~=---::.::.:6~-=-37 38 :46 :... ~~f': ~;~ ~ 1,200 . :"6-------. '37· 38 ---46 . ... -.'.'.~-;'-;...;;,.~------~-.. -___ ::;,. -----, ._ -----700 8 38 38 47 --II 8 38 38 47 ---· " 7 37 39 46 --II -·, '6 36 38 47 I II . 6 36 37 46 -·,-I I II 6 36 37 46 ,-_ --, ...... -II 6 36 36 45 l \' -·-I II ,1 6 ,36 36 45 --1,200 I Ii 5 .36 36 44 -------1---1. 1---1---,,----1 ·----- Standard Thi, il4 Io certify that the adove go'Jds have lJeen duly iuspected and rire up to the specification or· ASTM-A-t20-SCH40 1AND SCH.10 ~ ); ·" ... .;,. A~ MAU;~ CO., ~TD. - ;f ( ( ~ --: <::::::__s:o Chier of Inspection ~:.._ l ·1 "ti LIN HAI' INDUSTRIAL OISTRIC·r NO.I I CHUNG-LIN RO, -~ ... fjnriNSPre'lltmxx~lflCA'.TE '.~:--.~ ·.:. J ~.~ .:" :~{~~; - -~·l "~ ··-\ ' -~· -~' r . ·: "'"·r--+:{:::~:·-:,.,_ ... ., ,w P.1 •. .. INVOICE No.n"IS-8506? ~:..., .. ~ .. . .;:' :;i. ·~ -·a -.~. HSIAO KANO, KAOHSIUNG T AIW r,N R.o.c. Date. ---JAN .... ,., 7 ... t .. 0-1. Description : " ... : .. , ... ~~ .. A1.~9. .. g.g~~---~~-~-~9. ... ~ ... ?.9i.~J.9 .... ~~ ... ~~~:.9f.. .. ~.! .... IT. .. ~ ... ?..1 ... IT. ... ~ .................................................................... . :-: , Customer I-IAMIL'IW CDPPER AND STEEL CDRP ···-·-·····-····-···••h••• .. ··· .. ····· ...... -... -...................................................................................................................... _ .......................................................................................................................... . Order No, : ......... t~?..~ ... ~?.-LA-82885-DS-1 .. Shipper: ......... ~ .... ~Y ... ~'...f.!::.t.''.½ ... ~ ... , ... LTD .......................... .. ·: ~ I Order Sh:e . --, Delivery Quan Iii y I Ch . I A I . ("/_) . . ··---·---Fla.ttening Bend Prntlcal Hydroatntic emica na ys,s ,.,, ____ z, n -;I Nominal Thlckne111 Length No. ol Net Welght(kg) I C,,111, · Bore · C Mn P S SI ,~., { I . I) •fmm'\ I (Feet) Pleces Actu I I C lculated Test Tei.t. ruse Teat. Test. (PSI) Charge No. I . I I I I' ,(07./f -(Inc I l:11ClY 8 8 '· ·---''----_.,. _____ Xl00 · XlOO Xl000 XlOOO XlOO ~ so ;40 I\ ---·-· · 11 r-.--1 ... ·-.---·-----.-· ·---.··---·- :~1 BTC l 1 /2 2.8 21 I 41,88d . ..., · 339,577 1 --I 1, _, :i If l 3/4 2,9 II 33,18~ -357,4751 --1 -=-1. 11 ' 1 3 4 11 1 7 58 -281 280 -I ·d . • -. . , . , . \ " j 1 -1 / 4 3 • 6 · " I 6 , 09 -1 31 , 660 --I I ~ , : ~J " 1-1/2 3.7 " S,18~ -· 134,928. --' -I 11)0 -I -I ., -I -I :, -. i -000 -I -I :r ~1} " I 2 '3.9 ", I 3,53E -. 124,032 j --I I •• i,_;'. " I 2-112 s.2 -" 21E -· 11,976 --. -. .c, __ _j__ ----,:...;~.:.-~-.--::::::1.~-,:;.-.-.j.1-s:;:~-j~ 4/-~ " I 3 ____ _s • .s: · . .c..=...'.11 -~~-=.IL,~'7. 1-a;=·~::~i~_>--=:-=c-.-1-3,221..:. ,:·_=---'-__.,---==· ---=· . ..,.-:::c.~~ 7:·.-::'f.:-~-:=-;;;~J.!':::~ _ _,, -~-:.._ _______ :.~-:.6': · :-.'37 ~-·3a 46 -I T ~"::-' '' -1-4 --=---= --6-~Q":-:-"--.-I ----_: 12C -;;.;-:.~. 12 ,4':44 -.... -1 ,200 ~"----~ ---6·· · · 37 38 46 ~-BPE : 112· 2.8· ·_ ''.··-6,ooi -48,659 --,_ 700 . 8 38 38 47 ~,· If : 3/ 4 2. 9 11 ., j 33 -· 3,620 -I -I -I ' ~ " • ! 1 3. 4 . II ! 15, 00 -240,000 11 -I -I _, I I : " !11 -1 / 4 3. 6 " II 7, 770.. -167, 980 1, -I -I -: .. ~ "·.: 1-1/2 3.7 _, 11 I 10,ao~d. -219·,oo·o 1. -1 -1. ,.. 0 " 2 . 3.9 II 'I 4,03 -140,43011 -I -I -f 1t. ". ! 2-1/2 5.2 " I 1,35,:.J -. ,74,550 . -_.,.;. -.-1 I -, ., II II II ., l 11 . 3 5. 5. . " 2, 1 o'j -1 51 , 650 j ---' ~,-. " 4 6.0 "· I 1,0001 .;. ·, 1,'102, 700 ---1,~ ------,--I l ·· .! · / .-' -i · . ~ Standard t· I. !----,--,--···-··· r- !00 ~' ~. ~: ~ I ''."- Thi9 i111 lo certiry that the adove go,,ds have l>een duly iuspected and nre up to the speci(icntion or· ASTM-A -120-SCII 40 tll\ND SOI. 10 'ii·''.)'-~: ~-·);,,~ ,, ""~ . ~~ ·-:·;,/ .\,;- ~l :~_:; ,l, '. :·:!~~~~:!~~lltN¼ff#;:if~4'-'l~SW?M {,4.f&!JA. ti. .. :~ . , .-·;, A~ MAU;~ CO., L~D .. ;f Ir ~· :: ~ Chic! of Inspection ~ -----I ' . \Y-.,,j...l "ii l ,· '·1•1•111. £4-51!19(3)'-10103 u ... ,,.,. 1-1 ~J;JJ:! ' ,..I_' ;..• ,:a.II"._' ---7-1 . -c-A· t zs. ··a~~ -1..J t o _0• • r c, o _. A I . i\ ~ CJI ~ -~ ~ ~ ~I A~ ,o '11 "1 : J·Atl. ·21, 1986 ...... ·~--~"!!:" _______________ ......; ___ _,___, ' il~ "· ~ ~ HYUNDAI PIPE CO.,t.:.TD ;;1 ·;ir-~ .. 1 NSPECTION CERTlFICA TE -i1-t--11:1t· ... , ¾.t.-=?-"'1·i-1w1 2 '\l,1\l.lf!Oi:ru :.# !-ttl·2. Kye-Dm1,:,l;loo11,:ro·Ku, St'<Ju~ Korf!& 1'F.t.: ?H-•UH-:iO TLX:IIDPIPI~ K21fi:.,; l!!U.ctJf~'~ll!..J..!N!l!a.-----------------1:f • ,!.A~ . !lead ofllce mmu•1it • E. ll. W, STF.EL I'll'!-: · -·':. -i-~.FB-i .. ~ ,, ,, ,·~•fica1mn ASTH A5J Oril/APt 5L Ot.D ,;-...1. :4 ~-ec,,.,nm•r ll'YUllt>At ,COl\POUTION • · U.S. A Uluu Plant ., : :,J'.}· ·J:1!-"I i--i'· 'lf.'l..-~ 21i59l !i'\~"' !Gl9.l0J·D ! # 21i5·5, Yumpo·Doui;, Uls&1~ Kori!• ---, 1(• , .. "' + IJlo,eMkooo .4\lrt> Uua111lr1 ll'cal ·M1tl1 '\\'rlxl11 1t.1fl') -· •.! 2 :/ 4 5 Ii i ,K ... S.••1•1\1 ·HI •I \l -~ E ~ ! -l•c ... ,~ ~':: t· 1--y:1,~ ll,Jr111111lr .~ en "' ! -JI! \' 1 if,li =i -·= C: I-t -~ r • 1 Ill 1·u1, . .:. ~ !I d t · t-~ nl 1. P . ·1: i:, '• • ' ; :,.1c., •• , --, ! ~ 31 i ] E ;;: G'}/;t-1-__,1--l ~ r;: ~ :i ::."l :.. u :x: ~~-ii -#" • -">Jit!J. llu1 Na. TEL: !J:J-2101---!l TLX: !IDl'll'E K5.1771i . ,,,, .. , 1t'~.ren•lle Toal ~-r·-------- ~Jl':IJ. j '""11~ \'lrld 1·.,,.11., Stm,ic1h S1ri,cll, j . II I W I ., ., 'J-tc, ... a,lcal c-,-.. itinnl'ltl .,.,~u .:;,;~. C SI I Mn I P I S Clio,, ·,, 11 ·•I ~! t .. par1 1 nt ~ I-;4-~•l~I J' .. ,,,1 ·,.,., ~, j! Enrra! ·,1.J H ... ,i., p1I ...._, __ ~·: )( lllll XIIUI 1 Joul, I % -~~\ OD 2-3/6"x.154"x401211 1955 130.3541·2500,GI 01 GIG ·,...,.~.,-1~.,..,....j--~--l-l . . ~~:-;;; .. ;l-i-J-l-I-I--i-1Y24911 I ·---d --l-l--i-l 1---+-----1-1--i-•-•· Y25257 . 5030tl 71.000 42 17 14 65 l,5 10 ~~~500.0_ -r~ 17 13 66-19·. I! I i OD 3-1/2"x.216"x401 211 1464 ·on 4-l./2"x.23711x4O'2" -777 -·- Of} 5-9/H,"~."25811x4O 1 21 · 196 · --, OIJ 6-5/0"x.2BO"x4011" l 822 I 1-1 I -~-~ ~-~-1--e-:: _·1-}-:-:: .... ·:-:11.,..:_:-:-::---:-~··-~ ::··-:: ·:.: -~< . ~~:·: :~::~~2 1~...,..--_--+-·--·---·- 1--t---1---------'----1---1----1---1---1- 2n4 .609 1nob,o 11 " 11 . •. J25396 . ---.. . -.. 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CUSTOMER. ?P-Y~~::l'f' METAL f:0C?p-· ~ ~ A-J ~ ~ .:,;.:.;,_]'., 5-"26-..;_007 ·• . l' ·f . , camF<AlE "°' "0 • '. " • ••• • , • ; :' c I .·i ;;c~ . . ;· l Xii * Tf. ~ SPECIFICATION:· /.!:TM A"?.6/At-. = = ;;;s.- SUPPLIER .~l.1-l c:=J"i•:;r. ~ A~ il. -;q .. DATE OF INSPECTION ·osc.04.1985. ·! ( ·f ...-G:GOOD Xii * ~ .,._ '?~ " "' I """'" l "'""'" ~ -. DIMENSIONS CllM WEIGi-fl ~HAAGE PRODUCT. ~ TITY . -· NO. • · • · NO ... .•..... ·.:· ·<--: ..... MM ---·-KG .... · . •. -... · ~ '2.! §-Al ~ ~~~ 0 ~~j I · I . ~ "': .. ~ ~ . ~ I ~ ~ I I f, TENSILE TEST: "'f,1CT gf £ ~~ ·· · .. · ,· ,,.· CHEMICAL COMPOSITION(%) ' f -'-'-: , .. : .. ~ y p T S ·. 'R.fy,:, __ ;_ t: GRAUi ] -J I I I I _ . I I I I I I ti_ .. ,1 _ -7 "'<C.' KG/MM=--c 'Ji ".~"' >c 100. • ~ ,~ I·* IOOC ~ 100 . ~=:~~ · : ~;J; X ... . '·· .• . 1~Q69_ ----. -~~-=~ --·-· .... · 1--.'="~l~"c;_T 13069-· 41 !:' ,?·2~ . 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W:: Hi:<;:Ee-f ACCC!ROANCc FOR !lY TH!: Jj, I 1:j C~KTIFY-tl-·fAT TH:' MAEqif,L HE'l:'J~ Hr.S !H'::N 1-'t,:E t..NL' T!::STE~l IN ""~ l:~1··Jt/; -, . . •. ~-·. SURVEYOR.TO:··--"-",,'"~_;. - : .,_:·_. ·,·~~ •. '-·;~:. P~:<;:~77;N-!!IJ8IH80.S.8,l i!ilif.fy,f,.-':&-; -~_E~~f~~~T~~~M .. ~;~ . ~. ~~ ,.T".~ .. ~--..At-·r,.1J.1::::;--;:~.:~:r:·-· WITH THI: AenVE SPEC!FJCATlClN A1~'ALSO W!TH Tf-40: ~ECU!"e.llE>H5 C"LL!::: A!OVE ORDER:. 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I· . e •• , ·.•,1 7-1 ···A:; L ·: J~:_· o=t 1.J. ·.-:'-" .®····· ·: · _· ~--*L ~ i;L x.J1 ;;;J ·{· ~1· *'" 1.t · 1 .. -~·JJ;::..:·/_ c::J r . :. c::, 0 A I ' = a O El ·I a T ., ""I " r . -h '. '. . " .. f ' " . " " . . POHANG IRON & STEEL co ... LTD. . i. . l * .· 51!1 --:-. -~~-• ·:,_,;,- COMMODITY : . t j-· " MILL' TE~_\CERTIFICAI.f:. . . • -~ :\. 5·J:oN~-~~~~-~G i>~HANG c,:.' KY~ONG s,.;~~.:u~:~ K~R~ · . .'.~ -~:~ -:~ t~TO~ J;;,~~ ,~;~; c~o , ,Cf::~,; 'J;i~!'';~,:-:?'f ·~1,Co~c:~~:~ :\ / ~\F, j Xii ¾ Tf-~ .. . : ·(1 SPECIFICATION: /:~TH A?.6/Ab .z;;.·· ~ ·SUPPLIER XJ · . .,, ·:" · • ·, .. · . _.· . . . · ·:: .. ·. ~ . ,q 'ii. Ji:~ ••.. DEC~04.1985 . . . .. -~ ·· i. "''· !' ;;-l.M _;J,t,._.,. ,. ' ·. DATEOFINSl'ECTION . .-· · . ' .• , ·: : ,.·"-!'_< IT+" G:GOOO" . " . ·. . " " " ··> ·I •,. ' . ·~ . ;!;if ?,i ~ . "? T 8 i;J AilY'i!i~ DIMENSIONS . . i: W8Gl-fi CHARG!=_ . ' NO.-· "'"' ., . 'k_c;-_ --"" Xiff§'i!i~ I! '. 11 ' "• "·: '!· ..... I\ l'?J ~-A!-~ ~~ ~1r-1~ ~-· .. · ~-~ ~--1:1 .-;, '··' :·; •• ·,. I~ TENSILE TEST. l~ilCT Ge ~,; . CHEMICAL G~MPO~_moN (%) . --!Tota I ..u ·.: ~-; • _. ± If YP ~S-ElJy:>''Jt! Sill: ~r·'f!T"-<U C Si Mn ·p Sicu 5:i' Nr Cr T1 NbVMo N !'°'' CEO R8.IARK '. :.';_.; __ .-;' KG/MM· 'J, <E; "I iLo:, -r (?.) •100 ,· <1000 xa,qocx -"x100 xtOOQ~."•"ixxxl .. 1<1000 •100 (U3S)· .. "',-·· ;. ·i .· , PRoouc:r· ~ NO.·- . . ...... ___ 4_s,,92~. . 2301_!;Q_ ~--2s~2 _43.~:i.11; • ..;. ____ · ·-· . ·,·-· -· _-13069 ,-h\·•·!· .g: . '1-6 23,712 GL; ~C'll /'!~~ _·,,, .·--.. ·:.·. i;{:; ** SU!:! .TOTAL *"* 1/ 2"X96"X?.·6('., .,, " .. ., ""* ~us TDTAL ** 5/8"X4B~~-:;6,. ,, ** ~ue TOTAL .. ,. S/8"X4S"X120" ** ::CUB TOTAL ** 5/8.;X72'":<240" ** SUS TnTAL ** ~ /."~~~~ :: 4,445 X43599 .· 2?0673 ~ :>-2."1 47. dz~! · ·! ·l!ht> ~4 i4 ·~ 41 c;ao2 f . b 2 4,Hs Ma59-!; 230574 -~ :n.c 46~::!l3i:i<7 1c,9 ,;5 H: f ?,1 c;sof '-... i .. '.ti ;, 4,44!, " 2?-0!>75 [ " "· " " ... " " " ,. 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TenoiJ.Str""'!~/m)_ a.fa~/.! . .· . 10•7. r;;f1::;;?~::~-::. ~7-~~;fLi)~.;~~~!~~:t:;;:_~_. -~~;. ...-_ ~ r~,,,,:; ·: ~:.~~ 1-! ~;-;"':· '7=~-~---• ·· .;:: . , '-~~~--. ---· :...,,., ___ .:..:....~ :---.~·--j----....,_ .. ,.._:..,-,_-:.,,.,._'7,.,. "j'.,.::.,,.7· ,~:<t.~· . .;.,._:-:.-:-~.,;::..:~:,;~;,~-:----~-"-" ~ '~ '•'j :~i ~""' ~,, ", [.-5.· 1c:J ~fj '~4 J ::,,; --------. -. ~ • ·.,~ ~--, 1 '. ·.· ' ,~ ---,;;;-:---~-~___._., " ' '-_ ., ;: .,; ~ ___ --,-, ~~ : /tc-'': .c ~i ~--; _:.:;:_ :_ _ ;,: ] • • 0 • ~ • ~--_§. ruE f1)3L·· ----,-'. ~} Ji:1~ Jlllii~int\1--· *w± . -: :t;}B ~-11n * t1; "Fi _ V -'1'-J . · ~ . -V' ~ :, · . . . . , -· :~,r- cERTIFrcATE No..-· -INSPECTION·_ CERT -.ICATE ~---:· · --··-: · ,k, "1. _R · _·Pff · .· · ,·· · ">---:ti·:-] ~~ffi:-7'} •. _ _ ~·i:· \fl· . · ·.. ·:· · KAWASA_KI STEEL_CO~PORATIONMIZUSHIMAWORI<l$·-,.:~"~ CONTRACT_ No. . 6l.04-B22:7 C3"2020lH6 · ~ _._.__ .: . ._. _ _-, . . ._. T712 :ft'fkrfi";,JcSJJfliirii!i 1 TJI. . . · ,_ _ :3:,;_~-j l1~E!:;·· _ _: . . , ·,_·:··_ . ,-_ ·:._ ·ft:·.·:-.·: \~-~ --):· : l,~I_z_us~IM~ ~~~ASA_~I-:D?~\-~URA~~~fI,_'JAPA~ ~-. -, )(-' -_ ~y~ '.:··_: · _·_ -,_:., -~-~~-=;-::. ~--·-,:.\-':jt~ =} ~ . <--~-~-. · .. -j:.}. -_·_ :·~-~-_., ~•j:·:t-.:~:. ·--/(-. _"'.:'~--_··~: .·,_. ·:-~---~--~-::-\~]-~-~-?~i~·;:~::~t::. :-~~:. ,_._·:~··::· ... :·':'.::··.'.~:_-_ ?' ---. NAME QF ARTICLE:WIDE-'FL.4NGE'._8EAM ASTM A.36· (LOT •. 2>-,e·. --_.: __ ~-.·-:-::·.,,, .· .--/:'.>·· ·:~_ ".-.-~-; ·:.-.-~::_:-:/::~--. . _---;·_.---. -.... ,.r:F .. · ... -: . . . -";.: -*~ -! -· . -. -,--.. ~ ---.. -. ..,!..-: '::-. -i. • ..::-•. ..:: .• __ ,,·-::· ,_H·* ~-' ···::'!IIJ-t jlj!j\!ili\'.,tt .. :-.·.-:--"'. ,,. ·-·"· --~-:ffl:-* tl~3=* ~--Cl "" -,t ... 7* & ft a-1:1-TENSILE·f .. ,· l;tk IMPACT~. : • ft< ~ · ~---· ' * ::'· ~--. · .. :·: · BEND -,.,oc1, -;-, • • CHEMICAL . COMPOSITION . · .. : : .-% -· -· 1EST ·IOX -· -· · • ( Ceq ·• : · ·j :tj . :·· -.·!· CHARGE No. L_OT No. . . DIMENSIONS-. ' I * tt _ .. ~/-;:;:~bt~-~-~~-~f :-~L~~~~~ ~~-,-- ::_ :---··: ---~--, .. _~, __ 1so· ~--·: _'-__ · ·:'.: C-_ Si Mn P. S Cu Ni Cr Mo . V ..... ·' ... r~ -·· -,, · x 100 x1000-x· 100 · ,x1000 ,a --_ -t; , r~.~~~~=!:~t~P~:~~~!~~~~~~~~~-fJ>:-·t~ • +·.1.j,;,;/ J ,, I ,, I<~~ --1 1,:-~1 ·;: 1, 4::1 :f;, 1 •· 1 ->:F-: m~3:h -:._·~-~::·=-:-S::_ __ -n•2 88335 . -36697; 88202 -.37~48 68199. -.30151 8'3200 --~ ------~-----~ _,,, __ . .,,.. - O"X -s··---·· .. x,·~,.-LB~ .: 51 4-j49 X60• -I . . . -. : ~': -~ . . O"X 8~-.X J.3-~ L6Sj _ 71 5\236 '. X50'. . . f, ~O"X 5•J/4~X )0. LB X60' · • I .. II 2 2 l 1/>32 11632 :a1 5·1 .11 43. 55. s,., SJ.~ 50.~ 50.J I 7J • lt, 2 '1:!-: 69 .i;-~,-;;;_ f 713. ~: -r..y.·'1 .J;.. . ~ ]:: -I~. ,j, I • ittf 72 :si' iilt i 72,41-~ w. 71. 71 2J:.· 4P: 66. al ..,.~~ .,, ,. I :;%', I g ,. ~~; -· I••.•-•I•. 1 1712<:! 7· 171 1 i;,.,. '6 231 1 65 181 Hc'i!Utl.H.l/.ii!l7)f~~~l.?P .:tit:~J'al,t.:.::t a:ruE8JlT-5o /l -... ~ "1 ·.::: ,.. . r,:-~·-6E ":f.~ i~, -· ·11 "' r-,._,t _ ...... --i 11 .s;e:i _i-··--~~ Lt,., I WE kEREBY CERTIFY THAT THt_,MA"~:RIAL DESCRIBED HEREIN HA~ B_EEN· . <;; !£._·~.:....:___ .-.··,·:0.f;'j~,>::f,;~;;t ,_':. :·,: ,.-;;"..:"::;; :-'[· ... · ~r)'sFACTORl"LY TESTEo··_·f ~_ A~tort~f;ICE ;WI r~ THE SPECIF ICATi.oN.;·: . : . MANAGER OF INSPECTION_S_E_C_T_IO_N_ --~-. ·:._:-r/--Ji;;rx-,\~'-'.\ . .-:::=-r<::::.'.--· .. : :_---~ ::_ -:-. --· .·:.:.:/:_: 'i~-----~ . __ .. ---, ~:;::No~. Qo'!'::·Q~~'a!i,i-r..;;i>ered.llUn~L ..• ·-~::·:Norm~~ , •· :-Q.T.---Q~ Temp /l!A;"M:('t:) T.T,;.:~perirwl~p--Ut.h('l,l· N.T.·--Normalizi1111 Temp" · QU(t:) R.1:··-ROOJD Temp. i!a j1{ • , : • RA;,:·R_!'"!C_tioo; .'1! ~ tt?,, YR--·Yield.R&lio ~ HB·:·~rinell H...-dness 7''J +11,:0-f.:1! HR--·Rockwell Har~, ti-, 7£1',,,o,f.: t!, HV--·Vicker'• Hardness t!>, -/J-;,.t,,f.:I! EV--·Erichsen Val"" .z.•J 7-t: :,a G--·Good PAGE . • ·,. _.,· . A,···~!>5·~~ C~ ~~ NL M&~!lit · ·. •AL.~BtTI;Z~···XlOOO, B,N--·XlOOOO ITS·--!nterlcc~ T~sir. Streng . _t/m) IH-~1.! . 107 ~~~~1~i~i~tf.i~th~~,~S~?-,:::;, :~~;~~·i~:,~~'1-·,:~i:_~;-~. ~~7:r...:_ ~ ,. -~-,. --__ :, ____ ~--';]::.:.:._! __ · ,::-~---""'·;-.~·--:-----=--:..___~ --..., -.-----· ---------.--·-'--<;--::-:;--~ .-• -----~--'··------ 4 ~-"f:' •• • ..,...., _,,... ,, ~ 23665 Cajalco Road [At I -15E] Greg Ricker Harper Construction 3186 Carroll Canyon Rd. San Diego, Ca. 92126 Dear Greg: • Perris, .California 92370 •• [714) 657-7491 October 3, i986 I Please find ,enclosed 2 copies of ICBQ report on P_~eumatic driven staples. Also,attatched is table for allowable;½" CDX in shear, wind or seismic forces us~~g 14-guage staple which is equivalent to 8d common nail calle.d out per plan on the ''Villas De Carlsbad" job. Inclusiye of.that table; table#XII footnotes are also enclosed for further refe~ences. If I can be of further service pleas~ feel free to ~~11. ' ' .RECEIVED ·onr 1 o 1986 Harper Construction Co., Inc. . .. -·: ·:-;.·_ ··-: ····--... ·. ··:: :-·· _ .... Council of American Building Officials SECRETARIAT INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF BUILDING OFFICIALS BUILDING OFFICIALS ANO CODE ADMINISTRATORS INTERNATIONAL, INC. SOUTHERN BUILDING CODE CONGRESS INTERNATIONAL, INC. 6360 South Workman MIii Road Whittier, California 90601 4051·West Flossmoor Road Country Club Hills, Illinois 60477 900 Montclair Road Birmingham, Alabama 35213 NATIONAL EVALUATION SERVICE COMMITTEE Report No. NER-272 f Jctobf'I /'JS5 P.'-El'MATIC OR MECIIA:-;ICAI.L\ DR1n:, ST·\PI.ES. NAILS, P-:S:AILS AND AI.I.IEIJ FASTE'-ERS H)R llSE IN Al.I. TYPES OF Bl'll.lll:-.G CONSTRl'CTIO:-.: 1.'-TER:-.:ATIOI\AL STAPLE. XAIL A:'sll TOOL ASSOCIA'I 10:-S ~JS .'\ORTH M:ClllGA:S ·\ \'l•;"i!,I·: SI ITE 1717 CIIICA(;o, 11.LINOIS 60611 BeA -Brand Name BeA Fasteners, Inc • Easl Hanonr, Ne" Jeroey 07936 Bostitch • Brand Name lloolitch Divi>ion of Textron, Inc. East Greenwich, Rhode Island oi818 Duo-Fast • Brand Name DU<,-Fasl Corporalion Franklin Park, Illinois 60131 ATRO-lnternational -llrand Name., lnlernational Staple & Machine Compan) Post Office Box 629 llutler, Pennsyh·ania 16001 Paslode • Brand Name Pu~lode Corporalion A Signode Company Lincolnshire, Illinois 60015 S~nco • Brand Name Senco Product'i, Inc. Cincinnati, Ohio 45244 Spotnail< -llrand :'same Spolnaib, Inc. Rolling Meadows, Illinois 60008 I. Suhject: Pneumatic llr .\1c1.·han1call\ D1 \\'L'll Staple,, Nail,, P-Nail, and Allil•d J-,1,tcner, for l :.,,'-. 111 1\II r YPL'' tll Buildin~ Construction. II. lle,cription: A. Manufal·turrr<ri: Fa"lcncr<-, dct.crihctl in thb report an.• rnanufaclured hy the ahoH' Ji,;tcd nll'mbcr t.·nmpanic, of the ln1t.-rnat1onal St,tpk. Nail and I (Hll A,,oi.::iath"ll. B. Stapll's: riH.' ,1apk, arc mauula .. :ture<l lrom No. u-., No. 16, :",.o. 15. No. 1-4, So 13 or No. 12 gauge. round 1,cm11lat1cn1.•d or tlancned, plain or £inc-...:oatcd ,tcel ,,ire and an: drhcn \\ilh pneumatic or mc-chanh.:al dt.·,·k·C', The ,taplc, arc-a,ailabk with our,idc crown ,,idth'> varying from ·; .. inch to I inch. Leg lcngth~ \'Hr) from·. inch to 31 '2 inchc, in ',-inch increments. The i;taplc~ arc cohered in dip,;: llr ~trips. Staple crown width~ and leg length~ spcc1f1cd in thb report arc overall dimensions. The 'itaplcs arc designed for a variety of u~C'i as indicated in the tables in this report. Staples arc also manufacrurcd from nonfcrrou~ wire for attachment,;: as ,er forth in TJbk No. X\'111 and Tabk No. XIX. C. Coatings: The coatings used con,;:ist of certain polymer<. in contrast 10 resin,;. Coated fastener., rnay be identified on 1hc fas1encr carton or other packaging material by the v.ord "coated" or a irade name implying a coa1ing. Coa1ed fasteners meet-or exceed the holdmg power of the uncoated fastener and hence may be used in place of any uncoated fasiener lis1ed in 1his report. D. P-Nails, Round-head :-.:ails and Modified Round-head i'iaib: The-nails are formed from plain steel wire, 1inc-..:omcd ,;:tee! wire, stainless steel wire or nonferrous wire with T~shaped heads. standard~diametcr roundhead nails or modified round-head nails. Nails arc supplied wuh smoo1h. coa1ed or mechanically deformed shanks and arc assembl- ed or cohered in clip'>, ,;:trips or coils. The various uses arc a, SCI forth in tables in 1his report. Nails arc driven wi1h pneumatic or mech;mical device~ and are referred to as "!'-Nails" (Power Nails) in 1hc tables. E. Hardened Steel Sere" ,'l;ails: The collaled hardened ~crew shank nails shall ha,·e a minimum shank diameter of . I 20 inch wi1h diamond poi ms. The screw shank flulcs of 1hc nail shall begin '/2-inch maximum dis1ancc from 1hc underside of the nail head and con1111uc to the lop of the Tiu.~ rrport i.~ limirt'd 10 thr ,pf'C'ifir: produrt and data •nd IMI rrpon~ ,ubm1llt-d hJ lh<" appliomr ,nits 11ppliarion t'f'QU~tinl( thi~ report. \'11 u,deprndrnt lr.,J\ ~ ptrformttl bJ the 'V11tipn•I f;w.Juariun .'cni« Commilltt. and the commilltt ,Pft.,rH:»J/J d,~· not m.11.l.r am Mllmlnl_t, dthrre111rc,\ell or impllrd. a~ to aitt.llndm,t Q; Dfhcr mau.:-.· iu th,".,,rrpi>ti c,,· .iu· lO :Jll) produ~1 cn,.,nv by th1\ n-pf1rt. I hi, di-.c/11imt'r uulutir.. hut;, no1 lm11tt"1I lo, mel'('h,m!:1hiht~. Thi, rrpmt ;., i:ho fUbJN.'t '" the limitat"'m IMt'd hurin Page 1 of 27 ~ 1 ! ,, '' L --· Page 2 of 27 nail point. The nails are driven with· a.pneumatic device-for the attachment of subflooring directly to 0.0747-inch (No. 14 gauge) steel floor joists, providing a minimum penetra- ·tion through the steel floor joist of ½ inch. Nail spacing for plywood is 6 inches on center at panel edges and boun- dary members-and I 2 inches on center at intermediat~ sup- ports. Two nails per board are required for tongue-and- groove sheathing. F. Corrugated Fasteners: The corrugated fasteners are manufactured from .020-inch-thick AISI CIOIO steer, have a I-inch width wiih ½-inch-long tapered legs and arc cohered in clips, strips and coils. The fasteners are driven with a pneumatic tool and are intended for use in fabricating woodframe wall construction or end-gable framing members as follows: I. Two corrugated fasteners installed on each side of stud to plate connections are eq11ivalent io the two 16-penny box nails as set forth in Table No. XIV. 2. Top plates connected with corrugated fasteners spaced 16 inches on center located on each side of the plate are equivalent to the I 6-penny box nails spaced I 6 inches on center as set forth in Table No. XIV. 3. Top plate splices connected with two fasteners located on each side of the plate l~p are equivalent to the two 16-penny box nails as set forth in Table No. XIV. 4. End-gable framing of roof jack connections has two fasteners on each side. G. Fastener·Tolerances: All staples and nails shall con- form to the tolerances specified in FF-N-105B, March 'I 7, 1971, federal specification entitled "Nails, Brads, Stapies and Spikes: Wire, Cut and Wrought" and its amendments. H. Identification: Fasteners are identified by labels attach- ed:to the containers that indicate the manufacturer's name and NER report number. Labels for staples also indicate the gauge and leg length. Labels for P-Nails indicate the diameter and length. Labels for other nails indicate the pen- ny designation and style. Report No. NER-272 Ill. Evidence Submitted: I. Shear resistance calculations for staples and nails in horizontal and vertical diaphragms. 2. Withdrawal-resistance and lateral-resistance comparison calculations for staples versus nails. 3. Withdrawal-resistance and lateral-resistance load tests for staples-in wood-to-wood, wood-to-concrete, mctal- to-concrete and lath-to-wood applicators. Findings IV. Findings: The National Evaluation Service Commit- tee finds that fasteners listed in this report are alternate methods of attachments to those specified in the 1984 Basic/National Building Code and the 1985 Supplement, the 1985 Standard Building Code, and the 1985 Uniform Bullding Code, subject lo the following conditions: I. The crown width and gauge of staples, and the leg length ,md diameter of P-Na!ls, modified round-head or round-head nails, specified in tables in this report are minimum. Larger fasteners than specified, may be us- ed for all applications. 2. Diaphragm and other construction noted in this report shall conform to all applicable provisions of the code. J. All staples attaching diaphragm and nondiaphragm plywood or I-inch nominal sheathing shall be installed with the crowns of the staple parallel to the long dlmen· sions of the framing members and are driven flush wilh the surface of the sheathing. The spacing, wire gauge and leg lenglhs of the fasteners shall be installed as set forth in this report. 4. P-Nails are installed with heads perpendicular to the face grain, set flush with the surface of the plywood. This report is subject to re-examination in one year. -. ""• ~ . -.. ··"'·. ,._,,:.: -......... ,·.:·-· ·,, .. ~:• .··.: ··:_ ... - i ·,:,:' . :. -·:.::·· . . . ·.:.: : ~ -: . ; Report No. NER-272 .. TABLE NO. XI, ALLOWABLE SHEAR FOR WIND OR SEISMIC FORCES IN POUNDS PER FOOT FOR PLYWOOD SHEAR WALLS t, '· 7 No, ~Gaoge laplc I¾ / '--/ 14f -Nail -/ '-"' 2½ 260 )~O 4'1J 1zsc\,h· P-"' -/ I/ ._ / No, I 5'f:;aug Staple I >;/ / -..... 180 260 135 !--N_o_l6~,~~;,~"g+-S_1a~pl_e ___ +-~-~1}~<1;...../_---4 ___ -_4-~~L "IO 097 G,\1\-, P-I.lad ~I: ~" No. 13 Glut S1apJe ~ ("" /- No. J.4 Gab Staple / V - No 15 Gauge Staple /' - 260 380 "" \ 205 JOO 145 220 -.. 485 280 No. 16 Gauge s,a,.,(e" -I¼ V .097 Gaf.,rlia,f -· 2 145 210 270 , l 2Q!f"P-Na1I 2!o 190 280 360 l't.YWOOO GRADE-CC, CD, STRUCTURAL II ANO OTHER GRADES COVERED 1\1 l'ROOUCT STAHOARO PS 1-74 MNEL SIOING 11 .. MIIUM HOtnilAL PlYWOOO ntlCKNESS (~ JOdCommon - IOd Short Common - JOd Ring Shank Nail m - ICkf Screw Shank Nail - .148P-Nail -310 460 600' l~Galv. Bo~ - .128 Galv. P-~ail 2 - No 13 Gauge Staple I½ - ,~~!!Pl., ~; t~,.. 370 475 No. IS Gallgc: Staple I½ -210 310 405 No. 16 Gauge.,Staplc~ 170 255 330 r:. ~<·'-/" - ~ §_d Rmg Shanl N,ul ., - 8,d Screw Shank !\all 2 -j~ .. 385 490 131 P·Nd1I - JOd Coo/er - 1205 P-N,ul I¼ 230 340· 430 6d Common - 113 P-Nad I¼ 210 310 390 097 P-N1ul I¼ -170 255 325 h,r Footnucc,-'tt T.,Mc .._o XII Page 15 of 27 MO 350 MO 510 370 470 I"-. 770 615 525 425 640 565 515 425 I 'l ,, . I' ''i '. ''" 'j: I' 1 · ::,l( ,,. Ii,: I,! ' ,,.: !;! 1:· i!,;, I I,· 11:, 1,':, ~ 'l'OW@G-'4<J10,.'""'~~~~-~-..,.~,.,.,_ • .._ ____ , ____ ..._...,...,~..,---.-,........, ... _ •• __ .._ _____ • ...,_..,..., -~" .·· .. ...... ·-· I !. f '\'.::·:~ >:'._':::,;;:::.-:·;::.'.·::/'."~ :·=;,;.\;-/ :.;,.;'.;-; :::::-.. } ;" ·;1· ' Page 16 of 27 Report No. NER-272 :!""> 11,0 240 'Ali panel edges backed wuh 2-inch nominal or wider framing. Pl)"Aood 1ns1alkd hori1.on1ally or u~nically. Space rastcnen al 6 inches on ccn1cr along intermcdialc framm1 members for ½-inch plywood ln\lalkd with race grain parallel to studs spaced 24 inches on center, and 12 me hes on ccn1cr for other condilions and-plywood thicknesses. These values arc £or shon-ume loads due to ...,,nd or utthquakc and must be reduced 25 pcrccm for normal loading. 'Where fas1cncr lcng1ta are not 1abulatcd, the allowable ...,all \hear ,alues do nol appl)' 10 1hat wall construction. 'Framing s'ball be 3-inch nominal or wider and fasteners shall~ nau.ercd where nails arc spaced 2 mchc~ on center, and where na1h (0 J4S-inch ~hank d1amCtcr} havmg penetration into fram;ng or more than 1-1/, md-ei arc sp.ccd 3 inches on cen1cr. •Fa,1cncn exposed to weather shall be zinc coated by hot-dip galvanltcd zinc, mechanically dcposi1ed 11nc or elcctrodeposucd zmc. 'The value for ¾-mch-1hick-plywond applied dncct 10 framing ma) be increased by 20 pcrc-cn1, pro~ided studs arc spaced a maximum of 16 mches on center or plywood 1s apphcd wuh face grain aero" s1uds, or 1f the plywood 1h1ckness is increased to ½ mch or more. 'llle tabulated Val!JC' arc for fasteners muallcd in Douglas Fir-Larch or Southern Pinc (Group II species). To dctctminc the allowable values Car Groups Ill and IV species, as shown in the Appendix, muluply 1he value tabulated for the Group II species by the following factors: 1-1.00, 111-.82, lV-.6S. • 'Plywood not cxcecdm1 I¼ inch in thickness may be connected, proV1dcd lhe fas1Cncr penetration compliei with Table No. I. 'Staples ,hall have a minimum crown width of ½,-mch 0.D, ~tabulated J)C!lctrabonS&re for fa.stencrsinstalled in Group I or II spcdcs. Penetration lhalJ bc1n~ to 13 diameters: for Group IIJ and U diameters for Group IV species. '-The tabulated values: are for fasteners uutallcd in Dou,ta.s Fir-Larch or Southern Pinc (Group II species). To determine the allowable values for Group& I, Ill and JV spcaes, as described In the Appcndll, refer to the values hsted In Table No. Viti and multiply those values by the followins factors: 1-1.00, 111·.82. IV-.6S ''The tabulated values arc for fasteners itl5tall¢ in Douglas Fir-Larch or Southern Pine (Group II species). To determine the allowable, alues for Groups I. Ill and IV species, 15 described in the Appcndu., refer 10 the values listed in Table No. IX and multiply those values by the following factors: 1-1.00, 111-.82, 1V-.6SS ''The tabulated values arc for fasteners instdkd in Douglas Fir-Larch or Southern Pine {Group II species), To dctc:muoe the allowable values for Groups 1. 111 &lld (V.spcctes, 15 dcscnbed in the Appendix, refer to the values listed in the top portion of Table No. X and multiply those values by the following factors: 1-1.00, m-.82, IV-.65 ··::. .ti~ 'J •: --:- ..... +···.·. ' ,· '-:. "• ·, _, ···-·--~~----·-' ' ' MECHANiCAL; INC. SANTEE (619) 287-3383 VISTA (619) 727-4220 December 15, 1986 City of Carlsbad Bui;l.ding Department 2075 Las Palmas ~arlsbad, CA 92008 · Attn: ·Tony Mata Re: Villas De.Carlsbad .: -1088 Laguna Drive Carlshad, CK .92008 Building Permit# ~ -· -.-. -· .... 8ubject: ~frigerant Piping Insulation Dear Tony; Per 9ur phone conversations on 12-~0-86 and 12-16-86 I am enclosing a_. specifications sheet on the "Bondtex" closed cell polyethylene tubing insulation. The flame spread and smoke ratings are well within the 25/50 standard for this type of mater,ial. · We will isolate the tubing insuiation (Now exposed in the space above the corridor dropped c~iling~).from potential exposure to fire by wrapping the refrigerantion line sets with reinforced foil and taping and stapling it into place. · It .is my ·.understanding ·that this modification will bring the installatit>m· _into compliance with the City of Carlsbad standards. Please call me if this procedure does not meet with your approval. If · I don't hear from you,we will proceed immediately so as not to slow production on-:theproject. Sincerely, STRANG MECHANICAL, IN ~/. Daniel L. Gonlag Major Residential Construction Superinten • PHYSICAL PROPERTIES BONPTEX® CLOSED CELL POLYETHYLENE TUBING INSULATION -B-1000A Average Physical Properties+ Cell Structure Density Water Absorption . Water Vapor Permeability Test Method ASTM D-3575 Methoc:IB ASTMC-,272 ASTMC-355 .Dry Cup ·Thermal Conductivity :,;.._ · ·: .. · ·.:· :.-· ASTM C-518 .. :. ::: ___ .. , · (K Factor) _ . . Insulation ..... · (R Value per inch·.: flat sheet) Temperature Range++ Flame Spread• Smoke Density* Tensile · Elongation Compression Deflection · Solvent Resistance Chemical Resistance Ozone Resistance Odor -Weatherability 1 .K Fdctor -@ 50°F · ASTM E-84 ASTM E,.84 ASTM D-412 ASTM D-412 ASTM D-1056 Bondtex® Polyethylene 100% Closed Cell Avg. 2 lbs. per cu. ft. Less than 1% .01 perm Inches ·· ··@ 75°F .25 @50°F.24 ·4.166 -100°F (-73°C) to +212°F (100°C) 15 25 48 p.s.i. 90% 7 p.s.l. Excellent Excellent Excellent Negligible Excellent . + These physical properties are average and should not be used for specification purposes. ++180°F Is a continuous service temperature estimate. High Intermittent temperatures of up to 212°F can be sustained. • Bondtex B-1000A(Tublng Insulation) has been specially compounded to meetthe indicated flame spread and smoke density ratings. Samples up to ½0 thickness were tested by an Independent laboratory to ASTM E-84 method entitled: "Surface Burning Characteristics of Building Materials." This 25 foot Steiner Tunnel test ls a measure of a material's surface .. flammability and smoke evolution while burning. CAUTION: These ratings alone do not define the hazards presented by the materials under actual fire condltl~ns. BONDTEX® INC. • P.O. BOX 908 • .. BEDFORD, ~23 . • · PHONE: (703) 586-2611 or (800) 782-2839 • TLX: 50-9666/ESL: 6277-1135 . REGIONAL SALES OFFICES/WAREHOUSES , .... Distributed by: : MIDWESTERN STATES TEXAS-LOUISIANA . · -· - ST. LOUIS, MO 63132 , , HOUSTON, 1X 77055 . 1456AshbyRood 4011West11thSt. < -, . ·.;_ · · · · 314 426--5809 ~--· 713 880-0'.J49 . ·, .. ;. .:. ' . . • ;_ . SOUTHEASTERN STATES . :: .-MOUNTAIN STATES . . . · •. " : : : HA~ SIM.ON ASSOCIATES IN Cl · •. . DECAlUR, GA 30035 • , -DENVER. COLORADO 80239 · :· .. ~: :·5330Dlvldend0rive_' ' ," 5475JOLIETST.UNIT1 .. ~,,.-, ., ·: ,,;__; • 8610 PRODUCTION AVE. ,-~ •• :, C. : •• • •• 404 981-9070· . -:.;-' '303 373-5258 : : -~.' ,)\:.'; . . > ·_:·\:. . )·..:,: -SAN DIEGO, CA. 92121-2284 · --,., ,, ·-WESTERN STATES SANTA FE SPRINGS, CA 90670 _" -·--·.·: ·.'°'~,:.·-.,·:>': ·-, ·: ;.~: : .,_:~ . :' ·,.-,. 14715AnsonAve.P.O .. Box3126213921-8593 . :.;, . .-:. ~--:,.-' .. ,-~·'°· ·., · ··-: -·.::, . ;iit1/i {if i> ;;~0/~:)': f (ti{f i~:i;:~;:.A7t~; J \ : ' .. --L---__ ···_ .. _ ....... _. Printed in U.S.A. @~, x.~ ., .. r .. · ,:: -40• .. , .,_ ••• • -....... • -·••••l 4 ••• ~ ...... , ...... , ,._,, ... , .• •••H-•••·--••~•-....... , .. ,--•••• .. ••-_.O,,.,_,..,,. ....... -........ ,l>a. e:,U)LD\~~ C f<.E.CLA~\f\CA1\0~\ ' ------- F-1 9.,lbB POOR QUALITY ORIGINAL S r. ( •••,. ... ~It, ... •,..·•-•,. ......... ,.,._•~~.,, ...... ~ ... ~••""> .... ••••"•"•\.:'..,,_..,,,-••~·•.• -~ (, . .. .. ' TITLE 22 COMMUNITY CARE FACILITIES (fleglater a. No. 10--:f.N21 § 87600 (p. 2454.22.29) (I) The licensee shall be responsible for storing active and inactive records and for safeguarding the confidentiality of their contents. The licensee and all employees shall reveal or make available confidential information only upon the rcsirlml ·.s writt~n consent c,r that of his designat(•d representative. (d) Original records or photographic reproductions shall be retained for a minimum of three (3) years following termination of service to the resident. (e) All resident records shall be open to inspection and audit, by the licens- ing agency or Department and shall be subject to reproduction upon demand, at a reasonable cost, during normal business hours. NOTE: Authority cited: Section 1530, Health and Safety Code. Reference: Sections 1501. 11507, 1521, 1530, 1531. 1533, 1534, i538, and 1560, Health and Safety Code, and Section 11006.9, Welfare and Institutions Code. 87600. Basic Services. .~ 7. Basic Se~ (a) The services pro\•ided by the facility shall be conducted so as to continuP and promote, to the extent possible, independence and self-direction for all persons accepted for care. Such persons snall be encouraged to participate as fully as their conditions permit in daily living activities both in the facility and in the community. (b) As used in this chapter, basic services are those services required to be provided in order to obtain and maintain a license. (c) The admission agreement shall specify which of the basic services are desired and/or needed by, and will be provided for, each resident. . (<i) A facility need not accept a particular resident for care. However, if a facility chooses to accept a particular resident for care, the facility shall be responsible for meeting the resident's needs as identified in the pre-admission appraisal specified in Section 87704 and providing the other basic services specified below, either directlr or througn outside resources. (e) If the resident is an SSI/SSP recipient, then the basic services shall be provided and/-or made available at the basic rate at no additional charge to thP resident. ( I ) An extra charge shall be allowed for a private room if a double room is made available but the resident prefers a private room, provided the arrange- me_nt is documented in the admissions agreement and the charge is limited to 10% of the Board and Room portion of the SSI/SSP grant. (2) An extra charge shall be allowed for provision of special food services or prodµcts beyond that specified in .(0 (2) below, when the resident wishes to purchase the servict>s and agrees to the extra charge in the admission agree- ment. ..--.tf1_]3filc~set\'.i.c_~1..$[~[at a_ m1mmum_mclu.de:.:.:;· (1) Safe and healthfuldiving,accomm--:®Ati..Oris) and services, as specified in ,,,Section 87602. (2) (Tlir.e_e_nufrifionally:::"~II;6alaiiceclniealsJrn1tsnitkrtnade available daily, .,--including low salt ot other modified diets prescribed by a doctor as a medical necessity, as specified in Section 87604. (3) ,P-ersoria[assistance.'.aruLca"re:'as needed by the resident and as indicated !~ thE!_PJ~:adJ?is_~!~n~~P!~~~__at wi.t.h:~hqs.~::-~cfiliifiern~-c!_~i!r:liti~g-~~~:Jis.:dre:s-~-ctng,.eahng. bath1ng,.anctass1stance_w1t}Halcmg.prescnoea.m:e:.d.1.cabons,.a:s;spec1- fled in Section 87606. (4) <Re-gular-:o6seria.tionJ5f the resident's physical and mental condition, as specified in Section 87608. '. ' ., ~ .,, J i' l' t, 1 :, ,., " -~ .. ,•.. .. ": ... _ ,. ,.., •, ,..,,.,~ • ~ '• ~ -• fl.,,_., ... ,,,._ • _..,,,,. •• ..... • •<-'I ~. • • • • • ... ,•, ',: ... .,.,A •,I .. , • • ...... •:•, .. · ...... "·-....... ··-··-······ ............ ,,, ...... _~,.-~ •. ..':i .J COMMUNITY CARE FACILITIES TITLE 22 f 876&l (p; MM.22.30) (lleglater a. No. 1o,....u.a) (. (5) CAirqements.to.meef.healtKneeds,.includmg.anaiigmg.ttansportahon, cu:· ---ified--in Section 87610. ~-plannea::icfiv.ifies program which includes social and recreational ac- tivities appropriate to the interests and capabilities of the resident, as specified in Section 87612. N<;>TE: Authority cited: Section 1530, Health and Safety Code. Reference: Sections 1501, 1507, 15:)Q, 1531, and 1S60, Health and Safety Code; and Section 11006.9, Welfare and Institutions Code. 876&l. Penonal Accommodations and Services. (a) Living accommodations and grounds shall be related to the facility's function. The facility shall be large enough to provide comfortable living ac- . commodations ~d privacy for the residents, staffi and others who may reside ~ ·n e facility. The following provisions shall app y: ( 1) There shall be common rooms such as living rooms, dining rooms, dens r other recreation/activity rooms. They shall be of sufficient space and/or \ separation to promote and facilitate the program of activities and to prevent wch activities from interfering with other functions. (2) Resident bedrooms shall be provided which meet, at a minimum, the following requirements; · (A) Bedrooms shall be large enough to allow for easy passage between and , · comfortable usage of beds and other required items of furniture specified be- low, and any resident assistant devices such as wheelchairs or walkers. ( · (B) No room commonly used for other J;?Urposes shall be used as a sleeping room for any resident. This includes any hallt_stairway, unfinished attic, garage, ( storage area, shed or similar detached builaing. (C) No bedroom of a resident shall be used as a passageway to another room, bath or toilet. (D) Not more than two residents shall sleep in a bedroom. (3) Equipment and supplies necessary for personal care and maintenance of adequate hygiene practice shall be readily available to each resident. The resi- dent may provide the following items; however, if the resident is unable or chooses not to provide them, tlie licensee shall assure provision of: (A) A bed for each resident, except that married couples may be provided with one appropriate sized bed. Each bed shall be equipped with good springs, a clean and comf~rtable mattress, available pillow(s) and lightweight warm bedding. Fillings and covers for-mattresses and pillows shall be flame retardant. Rubber sheeting shall be provided when necessary. (B). Bedroom ~iture, w~ch shall incl!-lde, for each resident, a chair, night stand, a lamp, or lights sufficient for readmg, and a chest of drawers. (C) Clean linen, including blankets, bedspreads, top bed sheets, bottom bed sheets, pillow cases, rµattress pads, bath towels, hand towels and wash cloths. The quantity shall .be sufficient to permit changing at least once per week or more often when indi~ated to ensure that clean linen is in use by residents at all times. The linen shall be in good repair. The use of common wash cloths and towels shall be prohibited. __ (D) Hygiene items of general use such as soap and toilet paper. · (E) Portable or permanent closets and drawer space in the bedrooms for · clothing arid personal belongings. A minimum of eight (8) square feet (.743 sq. meters) of drawer space per resident shall be provided. (F) Basic laundry service (.washing, drying, and ironing of personal cloth-ing). · i I I _l i· 1 ~ .;. t ' ~~-1· ~ :i ; ':] • ,1 •, _c,q RL ~ BP D ~ 1-HJ - Qftk' ftvENv~. (ONO 0/IIJN lV.H5 CHRI:S AIR MECHANICAL, INC. STATE LICENSE NO. 478JJ4 p-._.'-' .. \"-~ _,J._; ~~ ; ' : i J I ! l ! ; ! . ' I ; ' ~ . . . I ' i . , : '>!" ~.:,i) l y.,." ·N\ }" . '/,..r.!..,.J/1 . 1Vr,,,,& ' I' _:;1( ' · i f : I ! • ; ! ; ~ ' : I : ! ! J~t .. , {_; . ~ '-7' ... 'I ... -I /,0, .. {111 2075 LAS PALMAS DRIVE CARLSBAD, CA 92009-4859 April. 28, 1987 <ttitp of <ttarlsbab BUil.DiNG DEPARTMENT Harper Construction Company, Inc. 5186 Carroll Canyon Road San Diego, CA 92121 TELEPHONE (619) 438-1161 REFERENCE TO ELECTRICAL PANELBOARDS: .LAS VILLAS DE CARLSBAD · The installation of the electrical system, including the panels and circuit breakers, are to elecrical plans,d ated 3/5/86, and a letter, dated 2/27 /86. These have been inspected anc;I accepted by the Building Department of the City of Carlsbad. EMILE PLUDE Senior Inspector EP:hmj .: :-. .. ,(·· .... -·· .. .. :· ~::. ,-· . . .. :·._· .... .. _._ .,:::~ /-/.: .':!--::_:_;~:-·;-'._-_:·.~:/:it:-;:~_:···:/f····t ·;>t,·:_)···._._:-:./:; .. .· ,·-:; . Helix"Electric" . ,,. 15 48 Fayette Stre~t-· .. El Cajon, CA-···92020 ~ ..... -_. ·-------.. .... ~:: -: ,•', ,/"' · : Attn·£ Gary.Shekhter .. ··> ~ ... · Dear· Gary: Enclosed is a copy of the ·letter. ·from I. P. G. that r.· spoke to you about ~his :morning. Ple.as.e take immediate action to resolve th.is issue. Gre.g Ricker Project M~nager GR:tm ~-a..v..,.~--.r-.,._•f~~r-_,.,.._\.U~~~=,:-::r.:.i;,::e..--;~~,~=-lo.•~~..,;-11~-i,t:,.~..o,,qd\:l'-'C"'l:11!'~~·~:-a.."",;,,:.N,..~,.c;r-~~~t,,--......~----...:,,au_"'l'tA.,,..._:r= --...-i.u-.,,c-..-r,c,:,.....r'"<'* ___ .:.,v.~2-=.,,,.a.s-.v~~~--~t.l>f-'lff,•.:.:.-t-.~-~~,U":11."'-2:lo~\-...i=.T~--=n"l::;.~-:,u.-·~~ .. r.:r.r~~ ....... -,-.-wi:~~~-..c.~~1h'._..:,.-... ~, ... -..:r.::-z;~ .... -. .. .,..,_ • ...,_. 5186 Carroll Canyon Road, San Diego, CA 92121 • (619) 455-9600 / .. ___ .,.-·· I r. . . J _, ,,, I ! I . I I I ! i I I I i I ! DEVELOPMENT • CONSTRUCTION SYNDICATING • LEASING • MANAGEMENT WE DEVELOP AND CONSTRUCT BUILDINGS THAT WORK FOR A LIVING 1060 EIGHTH AVENUE SUITE 405 SAN DIEGO, CA 92101 • (619) 234-4316 sw-I; II' 87J'NCOME PROPERTY GROUP VILLAS DE CARLSBAD, LTD. Mr. Gregory J. Ricker Harper Construction Company, 5186 Carroll Canyon Road San Di ego, CA 92121. Re: Electrical Panelboards Las Villas de Carlsbad Dear Greg: April 17, 1987 ... ,,: , Inc. I have your 3-17-87 letter to Allard Jansen. _ . ...,...-,~ ,-:;::1 --.. :: ~· -=-~' '\ ·i Please be advised that your assumption that the City of Carlsbad has accepted the existing panelboards based upon the jobsite meeting on 1-20-87 is·not valid. Further action by Harper Construction Company is required. As stated in my 2-17-87 letter to Ron Harper, I again request that the panelboards be corrected or Harper obtain a letter from the City of Carlsbad accepting the panels as installed and approve the circuit breaker · do1A1nsizing. This issue must be resolved before final payment to Harper Construction Company is made. Very truly yours, RJM/lc 11/ ~~IN ~ATTAN ENGINEERING, INC. CONSU.llNG ELECTRICAL ENGYNEERS February 27, 1986 Mr. Tony Mata Mr. Emile Plude City o:f Carlsbad Building Department 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad,CA 92008 Subject: Villa de Carlsbad Dear Mr. Mata Plude: This is to confirm our conversation on February 26, 1986 regarding the electrical system requirements discussed on the above mentioned project. The :following items were agreed too and were deemed acceptable by all parties. 1. The use o:f "Romex" will be permitted in the individual living units located in the "R" ocupancy. "Romex" will be permitted as a wiring system :for branch circuits severed :from the unit panels. 2. Low voltage cable :for the £ire alarm system will be permitted to be installed above the ceiling, without coduit, provided the cabling is U.L. approved £or such applicatidn. Exposed cabling will not be permitted in return air or supply air plenums above ceilings. 3., Conduit raceway system will be required :for all other areas of this :facility. 4. Emergency power will be required :for the HVAC system in·the "I" occupancy area only. Meeting the requirements o:f NEC Section 517-40. BRANCH OFFICE: We/ls Fargo Bank Building, 101 W Broadway, Suite 525, San Diego, CA 92101-8201 • [619) 235-43.33 MAIN OFFICE: Pasadena, CA• [213] 684-3044 • [818] 795-0432 ... lURPIN ~ATTAN ENGINEERING, INC. CONSU17NG ELECTRICAL ENGYNEERS Villas de Carlsbad February 27, 1986 Page 2 The plans currently approved comply with the above items. I£ there are any items which you do not agree on, or i£ there is any misunderstanding on my part, please contact my o££ice at your earliest convenience. Sincerely, TURPIN & RATTAN ENGINEERING, INC. W. R. Rattan Vice President WRR/bl cc: Sillman/Wyman & Associates Income Property Group ' f· "·.: . ,· -' ':-.,,'·. . i. ,t.,_ ... ' ··· t f• ' ! '. I j I l'. 90800 ' ' .,,.,. -i· .. '. .. ,,· ·~,uc:t.F.~M '4'. · . .-, ·: . ·m::»· "''"f.\.:A.~-··11...~·· ~ . -.:: ~i ,.-,,:.::_ __ .,,~-~ -~~~~ : j . ( . : -~ ' ,{, ............... ~........... .. . ... .. . .,. ' f ' ....... ,,,, •' ,~ . r I '\ 1 · ··,:·-.. ,· •• 1' ,,:-.~:.-· .. ' ·,; ·--.:;,;:','. J •• ', ... ,', •• f I" h f I·/' .: .. I •• t ' ' ' 'l ·.+ '~ I~ <•:, 'I ,f,M.••, •• ;r_ t: . ,1·; ·.-•· :· l .,:· • •• '• '1 ' -~ ' ,, • • ' •j . ' ·, i {!. ·.·.· ~ .:,i ', ,, t ''.·:lt J, :• ,,J '~ :,•~,. ".~d r/ I , \ ;1 "'i l '' ' " .. ' ! . 1111111111111111111111111111111111 1111111111111111111111111111111111' SILLMAN/ WYMAN & ASSOCIATES ARCHITECTS & ENGINEERS / 10671 ROSELLE ST., SUITE 200 SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 92121, TELEPHONE (619) 453-4320 July 30, 1985 City of Carlsbad Building Dept. 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad CA. 92008 Attn: Mr. Martin Ornack We are beginning working drawings for a 91 unit Congregate Care Complex known as Villas de Carlsbad and are planning to submit for plan check around Sept. 15th. Because of this submittal falling well beyond the compliance date set by the State, we felt it important to verify our interpretations of the new regulations and how they affect this projects standard unit plan. There has been a considerable amount of time spent researehing the best direction to take for complying with these regu;l.ations and I have recently met with Mr. Dick, Es gate from ESGIL to predetermine acceptability of our solution ( see copy enlosed). Because he feels this solution meets these regulations we are proceeding with working drawings under the assumption that the City Building Department will be in agreement with his determination. Should you not be in agreement with Mr. Esgate's position we would appreciate your immediate response. Sincerely, SILLMAN/WYMAN & ASSOCIATES "' . REgEIVEO JUL:311985 cc. Income Propert. Grqup (Major Chance) CITY OF CARLSBAD Bulldlna D~partment -· l •• .: .... , :/-. 1111111111111111111111111111111111 ]111111111111111111111111111111111' .SILLMAN/ WYMAN & ASSOCIATES ARCHITECTS & ENGINEERS / 10671 ROSELLE ST., SUITE 200 SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 92121, TELEPHONE (619) 453-4320 GENTLEMEN: ··, . ', LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL ·wE ARE SENDING YOU ~ttached o Under separate cover via----------'------'-ti-le following'items: C.0PIES DATE NO. THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: D For approval IP(ror your use. o As requested a Appro:ved as su·bmitted D Approved as no.ted D Returned for corrections D.ESCRIP:J'.IO'N . 0 Resubrni.t_· -.·-· copies for.approva·1 ' . ' D. Submit_"·-._· copie_s for distr.ibution . · :o Return_._·~. ·correcte_d prints· o For review and comment D -------~~"-,,-~~~~-;-=------~--c-;.-,-- RECEIVED COPY TO------------~--._·-. ~ . '• ~ ~ ~ = ~ t ___ _._ ------~!::J-.!l"I!"' -------- 0 b'~ f-=: .... IIL-tt . £ v ~ IQ \Y~ --C :,f I I ~ I. -~~ ,.- ~ g if~-~', -,~--=--={~!LI ~-'-_!::1 rz_t ~~-~=--:--==-= ___ f.-.~ _____ ~ _____ =---------------· -,r- ci:j -! ,. '2..7I( . I I, I ·. ' . . ) ' -t· .~ +1 -. --------1~ 1 1111111'"'" 1111111111111111111111111111111111 1111111111111111111111111111111111• . ., SILLMAN/ WYMAN & ASSOCIATES ARCHITECTS & ENGINEERS / 10671 ROSELLE ST., SUITE 200 SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 92121, TELEPHONE (619) 453-4320 February 19, 1986 Mr. Orenyak City of Carlsbad Building Department 1200 Elm Avenue Re: Villas de Carlsbad, #85-263 (Job No. 1504) Dear Mr. Orenyak: We respectfully request a deferred approval on the roof trusses for the above referenced job. We understand that prior to fabrication and erection of the roof trusses, approval of shop drawings and calculations will be necessary from your building department. Thank you for your attention to this matter. Sincerely, SILLMAN/WYMAN & ASSOCIATES INC. --_____ ,___ ---------------·-ol ------·--···· ---------'7;-':,··"" ... -.;,..............._--, ---·-------- ... ; ... -.... ···1 .•· I • :~ ,(· = --9 1{)_ -~- --..::~ ~1-; &J:..,,·,ll 1 ., ~ t ' "' I :::..Ao-ii l .. --··=::j."01·LE' .. , . ~ ~ i..-.c;./ . i, i • · · I ( ,-, -! I nA' , I l . ---'"-,7""'""'1""-?'&Z$T·--• . i.,;£.."'T .. ---V:•"-<•.JL ~--·· .-· I • ••• l T . : ::c;i:;.. ·e::,, ., . . ·,i.. .I · --·-.-r---_·-~ ... ,~\:~-t- ....... I ' . l ......,,..._a.., ••. ~a. • -_ _, I ~J"· •• -.:.-•' I , ........ . : .. 1:; .r ~~- : ... ·~ ., ,, J i-::~. + 'BE.DfZOOM . CAF.,FET, .. 6° : . -CLG,,. ___ ::.-: ........ . . -- NOTE:-.. _ .. -: ---t-- .. ~ E.1-E,r.T IL . 1 LAYOIJT,.'5.EE . -_ . . .. E.LECT'L-.--5H~o "'IN5tJL.. PE.Fi _· __ eor:=a:.lo,1 As .. 9±-!0WN.~- -·· -·.- 1·. 1@· • r ·t i . ·. ···'f, i~, :: ·: '"'t ·I ,a 'j _,. --.:·;,... f {i .I '; ........... -."!··." i ·1 >j 1. I -. 0. 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I ' ' I~. ... ·ESGlL CORPORATION 9320 CHESAPEAKE DR., SUITE 208 SAN DIEGO, CA 92123 (619) 560-1468 DATE: ,4ptz1r_ 30 JURISDICTTON: C,!';j QF= C-4t2..t..-S'd4.Q · PLAN CHECK NO: ;?7 -1 7 ?' (Rev, S/J..,.; ~ 3'S-6 2..s PROJECT ADDRESS: /0 ?3 ------------------ PROJECT NAME: l/l '-'-4 s --'--------------------- D The plans transmit;.ted herewith have been corrected where necessary and substantially comply with the .juris~iction's bui],.ding codes. w;,a The pla~s transmitted herewith will substantially comply !'({{A-with the jurisdiction's building codes when minor deficien- cies identified (;)~ A7TAcJIG'.CJ . S'#€JI!:-,-are resolved and D D D checked by building department staff. The plans transmitted.herewith have significant deficiencies identified on the enclosed check list and should be corrected and resubmitted for a complete recheck. The check list transmitted herewith is for your information. The plans are being held at Esgil Corp. until corrected plans are submitted for recheck. The a,pplicant' s -copy of the check list is enclosed for the jurisdiction to return to the applicant contact person. ~ The applicant's copy oi ·the check list has been sent to: pea-,~ ~pe.12...,--f (z/2. . .;;,vP /0~ o 6'-rJJ A t1e. S;,11-rc:. ..!/oS- ~A.I Dt9 D C4-92-1 0 I O Esgil.staff did not advise the appJ,.icant contact person that plan check has been completed. , ~ Esgil staff did advise applicant that the plan check has been ·completed. Person contacted: ------------- Date contacted: ---------Telephone # .2:3'1-4316 RE MARKS: ----------------------------- BY, /a.,1£ I& L ESGIL CORPORATION L/--:3°-37 Enclosures: ----------- 5. 6. 7. CITY OF CARLSBAD PLAN CHECK NO. 87-178 APRIL 30, 1987 REMAINING ITEMS FROM ORIGINAL CHECK LIST special inspection list atta'ched for requirements. ide approval for epoxy grout to be used for hold down rocedure to be shown and approved by the building work being done for anchor bolt proof calculations to show code loads in pull out ADDITIONAL CORRECTION The calculations for the changes must be signed by the Engineer. --If you have any questions, please contact Robert C. Hoglen of Esgil Corporation at (619) 560-146B. Thank you. ESGIL CORPORATION 9320 CHESAPEAKE DR., SUITE 208 SAN DIEGO, CA 92123 (6 I 9) 5(>0· I 468 DATE: /I-7 -8 JURISDICTION: _t,-A ____ t? __ t.._s ......... .d._A---'--.o _ __._ ________ _ PLAN CHECK NO: QUPS D DESIGNER PROJECT ADDRESS: PROJECT NAME: D D .o D ~- D .. . ·• The plans transmitted herewith have been corrected where necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction's ·building codes •. The plans transmitted herewith will substantially comply with. the jurisdiction's building codes when minor deficien-cies identified ________________ are resolved and checked by building department staff. The plans tra~smitted herewith have significant deficiencies· ide~tified on the enclosed check list and should be corrected and resubmitted for a complete recheck. ·.The check list transmitted herewith is for your,'. information . . The p~ans are being held at E~gil CO~p. u~til corrected·. ~ians are submitted ·fot recheck. ·· -~ The applicant's copy of the check list is enclosed for the jurisdiction to return to the applicant contact person. The applicant's copy of the check list has been sent to: I Esgil staff did not advise the applicant contact person that plan check has been completed.· Esgil staff did advise applicant that the plan check has been completed. Person contacted: Date contacted: Telephone# -----------------D . REMARKS=---,---------------------------- By: {Ji., c;,;... J .A~,4-,.,,,, ¢/<" Enc 1 osures : ___________ _ ESGIL CORPORATION /t;/zg/S 7 I I· I j . l ; : /· r ESGIL CORPORATION 9320 CHESAPEAKE DR., SUITE 208 SAN DIEGO, CA 92123 (619) 560· 1468 DATE: /0--/{J-80 JuRrsoicTioN: Cerv-1'-'S. bcrA. ' OAPPLICANT ~RISDICTi.Q1P []PLAN .CHECKER D FILE COPY QUPS PLAN CHECK NO: 0 DESIGNER PROJECT PROJECT D .o D D D 0 The plans transmitted herewith have been corrected where necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction's ·building codes. The plans transmitted herewith will substantially comply with the jurisdiction/'s building codes when minor deficien-. cies identified /2..;, ow -are resolved and checked by building department staff •. The plans tra~smitted herewith have significant deficiencies identified on the enclosed check list and should be corrected and resubmitted for a comple~e recheck. ·The check list tiansmitted herewith is for your inforfuation. . The p:lans are being held at Esgil Corp. unt.il corrected plans are submitted f,or recheck. . . The applicant's copy of the check list is enclosed for the jurisdiction to return to the applicant contact person. The applicant's copy of.the check list has. been sent to: Esgil staff did not advise the applicant contact person that plan check has been completed. rtr' Esgil staff did advise applicant that ,th~ plan check has !t4J been completed. Person contacted: --VI c le... WorV'Y"'e.. //1 Date contacted: 1_C}-/0-8(; Telephone # F78f§\.}BO rt or-'-to . t.-t.. .e..,~;f...; .,..,_~ q C , - 1Enclosures: 11 JI ii ,, f I ,:: u. (, - Date, /0-/CJ--ff ~ Jurisdiction Ll,x, L<s Lew( .Prep'5ed by_d_ ,e ?1JiJ!::v VALUATION AN~ PLAN ~HECK FEE PLAN CHECK No.[Jf;T-(a f_3. -p-e,u tSt~ ,_ BUILDING ADDRESS LOB8 -9LL~0--:!:::Y? Jlr, v ..f._, CJ Bldg. Dept. 0 Esgil ·APPLICANT/CONTACT-------'-----{/ __ PHONE NO. _______ _ BUILDING OCCUPANCY f_-/ DESIGNER PHONE ------ TYPE 0F CONSTRUCTION (/ -CONTRACTOR PHONE BUILDING PORTION - 7.Jwwt.-c.:; tM - .. Air Conditionint! Commercial ' Residential Res. or Comm. Fire Sprinklers Total Value Fee Adju9~ed To Reflect ----- BUILDING AREA -VALUATION· VALUE MULTIPLIER b~,.88/kw1 3 98,/C, p _. @ ca @ 0 Energy Regulations (Fee x 1,1) OHandicapped Reg~lations (Fee x 1,065) Building Permit Fee.$ _________________ ..,.__ _____ _ Plan Check Fee $ C3 58, 1 h /4o 7 $ :i2Z 70 COM MEN TS._:--------------------------------- 8/4/82 ·i . . . , .. i · .. ... ESGIL CORPORATION1f &1,,---1J . 9320 CHESAPEAKE DR., SUITE 208 '~?J" L., f,J-ff{--f::::___ SAN DIEGO, CA 92123 Co/Y11 /\I~ (619) 560-1468 4- DATE: / ?' ;J> r!: 'O APPLICANT ~J-URISDICTION 0 PLAN CHECKER D FILE COPY OUPS JURISDICTION: OF PLAN CHECK NO: PROJECT ADDRESS: /O?J'-/09!l L,4qC/,v.,,.1 D DESIGNER . PROJECT NAME; Y/L,t;,1$ VE:' CA~,'..:i'/2'!,./4.0, D D D D D The plans transmitted herewith have been corrected where necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes. The plans transmitted herewith will substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes when minor deficien- cies identified _______________ are resolved and checked by building department staff.· The plans transmitted herewith have significant deficiencies identified on the enclos·ed .check list and should be corrected and resubmitted for a complete recheck. 1he check list transmittad herewith is for your information. The pians are being held at E~gil Corp. u~til corrected plans are submitted for recheck. The applicant's copy of the check list is enclosed for the jurisdiction to return to the licant contact person. Esgil sta plan check Esgil staff did been completed. list has been sent to: /Ot:f7/ Rq,$"6'"-LG. 5'-r .5~Jr'G' Zoo ~.J 0/E°~o applicant contact person that Date Telephone # /r./ Pe-,~!;., ~.1. REMARKS:_:_.:,._., _____ -1-=--,-:arJ2._.~e~(/s.._s._J_~~_.1_._0_F_r,_A_h~~-.::,..,_T-_~_&_lw_·_7~_·_4_~_~_-~_ s -31 /s-s2. µ: ;;0'!2'" , r ------------- ES GIL CORPORATION "' _Prepared by 1 /2t,AJ /../-o-7 rf_..__ VALUATION AND PLAN CHECK .FEE PLAN CHECK NO. ? 5 -6 ,2_:g o Bldg. Dept. tJ Esgil BUILDING ADDRESS IO"rJ'?-1°'1-r L'-44vN{') _P.-cv/E.-----a.-------------------------------APPLICANT/CONTACT ,i?.-.,c. !-l1c,,4. u-,I Ci PHONE NO, c.;_s-'3, ---------BU IL DING OCCUPANCY JZ-1 DESIGNER PHONE S'A--.fJ---f---'------------ TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION . Y-I /ftZ.-. -CONTRACTOR PHONE ------ BUlLDING PORTION ft,1-.,.J C1-rA.·-'"} ~ ·: ff JV/'Jl;j .. Air Conditionin.e: Commercial Residential Res. or Comm. fire Sprinklers I Total Value Fee Adjusted To Reflect BUILDING AREA VALUATION VALUE MULTIPLIER ;J 1./.;.r.•,' s ct :ff' /70 it.... r·, , .. ~,.:-~ -(?\;1 ~,,_,.,,- @ . ca @ 0 triergy Regulations (Fea x 1.1) OHandicapped Regulations (Fee x 1,065) Building Permit Fee$ ______ ...;_. ___ ~------- £;, y 2. JS. 3o Plan Check Fee....;·-.;..,.$ __ --'-----~----~-------$~------- t o M MEN rs~: -----,.-------------~-:,,.._:;;_"'7_· _1"_A_-1?.-"~-_e-_·· ___ 4_1_7_0 __ 6 _'"-I __ _ 8/4/82 A ;:::, ~ 0 -i p.. s.. 0 -~ 0 (lj s..i ~ f::: 0 t) Plan Check Nos. Plans Picked Up T_l:}is Date 7 )J~ lo..,_~ V , . -- Plan Check Nos. Plans Delivered This Date -. ·- ESGIL C-0RP0RATI0N PLAN PICK UP AND PLJIJ'l RETURN For Initial Plan /) ·Check 'r-.r:-,, 1 Number of Plans Picked Up This Date Num~er of Plans Delivered This Date -----t,J . ,¥check, ~ Comments ~"'~' D u~ '~-""'·- ( f>u6 Ltj-A ' ,~~ 'Li> tJS-rt2 tJ.~-n O J b~O = ~ ..... : .. ,.,.--· \...._ ____ Plan co·rrections Remarks Appr0veq Required ·. . ~ . Cor.cur~ence Jurisdiction Official by1 ___________ ~Date _____ _ ' . ' . . ; I , . City of Carlsbad 1200 ELM. CARLSBAD, CA 92008 • TE;L. (619) 438-5525 MISCELLANEOUS RECEIPT MISCELLANEOUS FEE RECEIPT 0 • PLAN CHECK FEE __ 00_1_·8_10_·_00_·0_0_·8_82_1 __________ -t D VALUATION _____________ -t---------t 0----~,------------+--------t 0-----------------------t 0-----------------------t 1-C-il-y ---'-,-----'------,-Z-ip------r-Te_l. _________ --t 0-------------------+-------t i--------~'-----'--'----,---+---'-----'----1D ___ -'-___ --' ____________ 1--------1 State Lie. City s. Class,f. Lie. No. o _____________________ --. 0--"'--~~------------+-------t LEGAL DESCRIPTION o _____________________ _ 11--------------------'--'---------1 D~--'-~-----------------1-------1 ASSESSORS PARCEL NO o _____________________ _ PLAN ID NO. ~::;._--~,-c.=--_.,:::>,<_~-----------10 ___________________ --+-------1 t----,-------------,,.,-....-,,__ ___ ,....,... __ __,..._~O--'-___ ....._ _____________________ _ ZIP b -------------------------- TOTAL FEE $ 'WARNING: PLAN CHECK FEES. WHERE NO ACTION. IS TAKEN BY THE APPLICANT IN 180 DAY$ ANO NO BUILDING PERMIT IS ISSUED. ARE FORFEITED TO THE CITY. COMMENTS: ______________________ --1 Pink -(1) Finance (2) Data Pro<;ess Gold -Assessor ------------~ ·----·------··-·-· l 1200 ELM AVENt:JE CARLSBAD, GA 92008-1989 C!Citp of <tearl~bab BUILDING DEPARTMENT February 19 ~ l986 Rod Higgins, AIA Sillman/Wyman and Associates 10671 Roselle St, Suite 200· San Diego, California 92121 VILLAS DE CARLSBAD~ 85-623, Your No. 1504 I have examined your request of February 17, 1986. The conditi_on as shown on yot,1r -deta:i ls 1 and -2 A4 does constitute a one-hour shaft_ and fire dampers are required. Further resea-rch of the Uni form Bui 1 ding C.09e may reveal an altered method of construction that could result in eliminating the fire dampers. · Perhaps you might want to con_sult wi"th your plan . . checker, Kurt Culver, at 560 1468. · xc: Kurt Culver .... . ;-. TELEPHONE (619) 438-5525 1 111111111"" 1111111111111111111111111111111111 11111111111111111111111111111!1111' ·' SILLMAN/ WYMAN & ASSOCIATES ARCHITECTS & ENGINEERS / 10671 ROSELLE ST., SUITE 200 SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 92121, TELEPHONE (619) 453-4320 February 17, 1986 Mr. Orniack City of Carlsbad Building Department 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, California 92008 Re: Villas de Carlsbad, #85-263 (Job No. 1504) Dear Mr. Orniack: We are presently finalizing our plan checking and permit processing for the Villas de Carlsbad project and have come upon an area we feel needs your review and comment. As part of our design, we have provided an area in each residential unit to be used for the purpose of concealing mechanical and plumbing pipes and vents are running each independently to the roof. As shown on our attached detai 1 of this space, we feel we have provided the proper condition, as required by UBC Section 2615(f). It should also be noted that this same detail has already proven to be acceptable for use in two other projects of similar nature, being constructed in the City of Escondido and the City of San Marcos. The Esgil Corporation has informed U$ that this detail comprises a "shaft" cond.ition, and therefore, would be required to be of one hour fire resistive construction and have fire dampering at every penetration. In my discussion of this surprising situation with Fire Marshall Mike Smith, it was felt that the best course of action was to write you for your interpretation. Our hope is that this letter will help to clear up any further misunderstanding and we may proceed. RECEIVED FEB181986 CITY OF CARLSBAD Buildin1 Department Mr. Orniak February 17, 1986 Page two Should you have any further questions at all concerning this area, please do not hesitate to call. RH/sc Attachment cc: Villas de Carlsbad, Ltd./Mr •. Ron McElliott Harper Construction/Mr. Andy Smith ,,. ESGlL CORPORATION 9320 CilESAPEAKE DR .• SUITE 208 SAN DIEGO, C.-\ 92123 (619) 5(i(>-l 4(j8 DATE: fie 12 U-4/Z. Y 20 QAPPLICANT CfjJURISDICTIOll) D PLAN CHECKER OFILE COPY QUPS ODESIGNER JURISDICTION: PLAN CHECK NO: PROJECT ADDRESS: PROjECT NAME: ),f L~4 s; Pe:- D D 0 D 0 --------------------- The plans transmitted herewith have been corrected where necessary·and substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes. The plans transmitted herewith ··w-ill substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes when minor deficien- cies identified 0,111 //rmc#c.O . S'P-EG"r are resolved and checked by building department staff. The plans transmitted her~with have significant deficiencies identified on the enclosed check list and should be corrected and resubmitted for a complete recheck. The check list transmitted herewith is the jurisdiction's copy for your information. The plans are being held at Esgil Corp. until corrected plans are submitted for recheck. The applicant's copy of the check list is enclosed for the j1,1risdiction to.return to the applicant contact person. The ap~licant's copy of the check list has been sent to: .5i~ ,1Vf4N / W'(fr1'9 N £" ,4ss:-o<::./ATrS ·/A./ P.&-,,Z!:"a --V Esg~l staff did not advise the applicant contact person tha~ plan check has been completed. Esgii staff did advise applicant tnat the plan check has been completed. Person contacted: .2..o /~<Gc;,//1/S -1-v PE",,Z.fo,,/ Date contacted: ________ Telephone#--------- REMARKS: /-1,,a/.7/Zol/.A'-Pc....4---vs-,4,e._,1; M4/c.1«G"Q C6 71L 4,-vD P1:t2.FO€A7EI> ,2-;:20-76. ENCL: -------- ,,, CITY OF CARLSBAD PLAN CHECK NO. 85-633, RECHECK #2 FEBRUARY 20, 1986 .. ·. ::-. -::- REMAINING ITEMS FROM ORIGINAL CHECK LIST 7. The specification book and the noise study must be signed by an engineer or architect. 263., 295., 296. Fire Department clearance is required for fire- extinguishers and sprinklers system plans. 525. Provide trl.:!,ss drawing 'plans and a roof framing plan to cross reference the trusses to plans. EJ.!iECTRICAL 5. Verify use of romex cabl~ with local burulding official. 6. Verify subfeed size with local .. building official. Policy requires minimum 60A. If you have any questions, please contact Robert C. Hoglen of Esgil Corporation at (619) 560-1468. Thank you. ~-::-~!,~~ _;;.,-i~ --.. -_. -. ~ .. -'-i:-~~ .. : . . . ESGIL CORPORATION 9320 CHESAPEAKE DR .• SUITE 208 SAN DIEGO, CA 92123 (619) 560-1468 DATE: 0APPLICANT JURISDICTION: ~ JURISDICTION D PLAN CHECKER OFILE COPY QUPS ODESIGNER PLAN CHECK NO: ?'S"-£2 3 PROJECT ADDRESS: D12.1ue:.. · PROJECT NAME: 0it..t..4S De CA4-.::.s f3;CJD ----'--"---'----------'=--------- D D D D D The plans transmitted herewith have been corrected where necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes. The plans transmitted herewith will substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes when minor deficien- cies identified --------------'------are resolved and checke.d by building department staff. Theplans transmitted herewith have significant deficiencies identified on the enclosed check iist and should be corrected and resubmitted for a complete recheck. The check list transmitted herewith is the jurisdiction's copy for your information. The plans are being held at Esgil Corp. until corrected plans are submitted for recheck. The applicant's copy of the check list is enclosed for the jurisdiction to return to the applicant contact person. The applicant's copy of the check list has been sent to: -5'(.e.M"IN/?uyl'YIAN ?-/.lssoc1A%-"S /c:>67) Po:SE:L.t:..E. Sr s-uir.£2::J~ /-J,rµ Roo 1-1, <E;,9 ;;vs s;)J,..J Die Go CA-9 Z. I Z/ Esgii staff did not advise the applicant contact person that plan check has been completed. Esgil staff did advise applicant that the plan check has (,) rn beeq completed. Person contacted: !2oo /./1C79/N s. Bo :coc(I· ( Date contacted: . I k~a)1.z6 Teiephone # ,IJ5$-L../3"20 REMARKS: __ -'-------------,---------------- ESGit CORPORATI6N ENCL: -------- ........ CITY OF CARLSBAD PLAN CHECK NO. 85-623 RECHECK NO. 1 JANUARY 17, 1986 REMAINING ITEMS FROM 01:,UGINAL C.ORRECTION LIST. 2. You may have other corrections based on laws and ordinances enforced by the Planning, Engineering and Fire Departments. For information regarding those departments, please· contact Mr. Carter Darnell at {619)438-5525. 3. The items below need clarification, modification or \ change. All items have to be satisfied before the plans will be in conformance with the cited codes and regulations. Per Section 3U3{c),1982 Uniform Building code, the appr6val of the plans does not permit the violation of any state, county or city law. 4. Please submit twq sets of corrected pla:ns and show on this list where corrections were.made i.e. sheet, detail, etc. Return any original plans and documents that were returned to you by the city. The above items may be retu~ned to the City Building Department or to Esgil Corporation at 9320 Chesapeake Dr., Suite 208, San Diego, CA 92123, telephone{619)560-1468. 7. All sheets of the plans must be signed. Structural sheets specifications, noise study mechanical sheets. 43. No opening into arcades except doors -Building A, B, and Call have windows opening to the arcades. Full one hour construction must be detailed. See Detail 19 & 20 on Sheet A-33. 102.Floor ceiling occupancy separations and roof assemblies in the core area of Building B must be detailed and fir·e rating shown. Carlsbad Plan Check No. 85-623 January 17, 1986 105. Vent fans and hood exhaust in Building B core where living units are on second level must have shafts with fire dampers. All duct penetrating floors/ceilings must be in one-hour rated shafts with fire dampers at shaft penetrations. This applies to exhaust fans and outside air ducts~ Table 17~A. of U.B.C. 108. Fireplace flues for fireplaces on separate floors must be in separate fire-rated shafts. Table 17-B. of U.B.C. 110. Note on plans that elevator doors must be installed and constructed as one-hour assemblies even though elevator doors are not identified with a fire label. Section 1706 (b). 142-145. 1-63. Provide notes and details on plans to· clearly indicate the required protection of the elements of the occupancy separations. a. Have the noise study reviewed and approved by the planning department for acceptance. b. Put all requirements from the report on the drawing. Windows must be laminated for sound control and sliding glass doors must .be 3/16" glass on second and third floors. c. Clearly show which units_have required mechanical ventilation. 186. In all buildings an exit passageway is formed where the exit stairs end within the building_ line on the first floor. All walls and ceilings must be one-hour protected and only exit doors may open into them. Windows are not allowed as sidelights. 262. Sh.ow independent smoke <;letector in personal care uni ts. Carlsbad Plan Check No. 85-623 January 17, 1986 263.Show location of fire extinguishers per T-25 of the CAC have locations approved by locai Fire Depart- ments. 295-296. Have sprinkler plans approved by local Fire Department. 320-322. Data not provided ·this recheck. 370.Show on the title sheet of the plans, the alter- native energy package that was selectec;I. i.e. A, B, C, D, E, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 of AB i63 to show compliance, and provide calculations and other date, appropriate to that selected package. 375.Show total glazing areas on the plans. 376. Show on the plan how shading requirements will be satisfied. 3T7. Show on the plans details of required movable in- sulation. Show how the curtains or device will be sealed and gasketed to provide a dead air space. 378.The plans are not in compliance with the energy con- servation compliance package selected or design calcualtions provided. Show on plans conformance as follows: B. Flo.or areas used in calculations do not match areas shown on plans. C. Energy design and specifications show R-30 ceiling insulation. Plans on Detail 3 Sheet A.,..2 show R-11, Please clarify. D. Glazing areas do not matc_h floor plans,floor plans do not match elevations, energy calculations do not match either of above. Please justify and make consistant. 378.New Pro~ide input data in micropas run in "Format" not "Table" Form. =j ' f l ·! l I Carlsbad Plan Check No. 85-623 January 17, 1986 3 78. Con' t . In micropas input the heating and cooling units are under sized (peak heating and cooling load exceeded sizes of systems in calculation) See note: at end of performance summary. 379.Specify on the Building Plans all of the mandatory energy consrevation requirements as listed on the enclosure titled, "Mandatory Energy Conservation Requirements". 517.Elevator snafts must have vents as required in 1706(d) of the code. The shaft extends through 3 stories. 520.Occupancy separations must be shown and the basis for ~eparation approval must be shown. 524.All buildings where corridor and exit enclosures exit the building, this forms and exit passage. Doors must be one-hour rated and no windows are permitted. STRUCTUR.l;\L 525.Provide truss drawings and a roof framing plan that cross reference the trusses. PLUMBING 533.Provide manufacturers data on hook up to water closet flush value for floor drain trap primer shown in Detail 5 on Sheet P-21. MECHANTCAL 535.Detail fire rated shafts for ducts penetrations of f loor/ceiling•s and show fire dampers at shaft pene- trations. Section 1706 and 4306(j) of UBC. 536.Show fire dampers at all duct penetrations of ceil- in~s forming protective membrane for fire resistive assemblies, a1nd the openings .areas are not more than 100 square inches in any 100 square feet of ceiling area. Section 4303(b)6 of UBC. In Building B the core area and storage rooms and personal care area (I occupancy). Carlsbad Plan Check No. 85-623 January 17, 1986 538.Show full one-hour rated enclosures for grease hood exhaust duct Section 2002(d) of UMC and Chapter 43. of UBC (Table 43B) ADD.ITIONAL CORRECTJONS DUE T.O CHANGES PLUMBING 1. Provide P & T value on water storage tank. 2. Show location of 115 gallon water storage tanks. ELECTRICAL 3. Indica.te size of subfeed breakers to be used in panel SBl-6. 4. Provide protection for panel bussing in typical unit panels fed from SDC-1. NEC 384-16 5. Verify use of romex cable with local building official. 6. Verify subfeed size with local building official. Policy requires minimum GOA. STRUCTURAL 7~ Show structural support for 115 gallon water heaters as shown on revised plans. If you have any questions, please contact Robert C. Hoglen of Esgil Corporation at (619)560-1468. Thank you. ,,.. r~---- 1 l ~ .. -i : ~ ' ... -=· :; .• -.• -·~ ·;.:·-:: .... . . . ~ ESGIL CORPORATION 9320 CHESAPEAKE DR .• SUITE 208 SAN DIEGO. CA 92123 ((jl9) 560-1468 DATE: NOVEMBER 8, 1985 JURISDICTION: CARLSB~D _________ ..,..... ____ ...,.....-a.. ___ _ QAPPLICANT .lURISDICTION 0 PLAN CHECKER D F;LE COPY QUPS PLAN CHECK NO: 85-623 D DESIGNER PROJECT ADDRESS: LAGUNA DRIVE ------------------------ .PROJECT NAME: VILL~S DE CARLSBAD D ·D D .0 D The plans trartsmitted herewith have been corrected where necessary and_ substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes. · The plans transmitted herewith will $Ubstantially comply with the j~risdiction's building codes when minor deficien- cies identified---~~---~---------are resolved and checked by building department staff. The plans transmitted herewith have significant deficiencies j,dentified on the enclosed check list and should be corrected and resul;>mitted for a compl.ete recheck. The check list transmitted herewith is the jurisdiction's copy for your information. The plans are being held at Esgtl Corp. until co+rected plans are submitted for recheck. The applicant's copy of the check list is enclosed for the jurisd.iction to return to the applicant contact person. The appl:Lcant',s copy of the check list has been sent to: Sillman/Wyman & Assoc, 10671 Roselle st. Suite 200 Attn: . _Roq. Higgins _ San Die_go, CA 92121 Esgil staff did not advl$e the applicant contact person that plan check has been completed, Esgil staff did advise applicant that the plan check has been completed. Person contacted: Date cont9-cted: 11/8/85 Telephone #453-4320 --=.:....;.."--,.;..___ --------- REMARKS: ------------------------------- BY: Robert c. Hoglen ESGIL.CORPORATION ENCL: Handicapped Multi-Res. Handicapped Commercial :: .. TO: i ~ S~llman/Wyman & Assoc. 10671 Roselle St. Citp of f:arlsfJab Suite 200 1200 ELM AVENUE San Diego·, CA 92121 CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 MULTIPLE RESmENTIAL PLAN CORRECTION SHEET A. Plan Check Number 85-623 ----------------------- B. Site address Laguna Drive C. Owner Villas De Carlsbad 0 PPPLICANT COPY QCITY COPY 0 PLAN CHECKER COPY ENCLOSURES: 1. Handicapped Multi-Res. 2. Handicapped Commercial 3. ---------4. --------- D. Building Code Applicable _1976_ U\C,. 1979 LR:, 1982 LEC,. 1984 N:.C 3 E. Occupant Load Stories ------------------------------ F. Occupancy R-1, B-2, A-3, I-2 Use Congregate care complex No G. TypeofConstruction V-1.hr (sprinklers Sprinklers: xxxYes · in 1 ieu) ------------ H. Allowable Floor Area Actual ----------,------------------ I. Basis for Area Increase --,---------------------------- J. Rema.rks · _____________ ...._ _____ -____________ _ Date. Plans Submitted 10 /17 /85 Date Plans to Plan Checker 10 /18 /85 Date Initial Plan Che.ck Completed 11/1/85 By Robert c. Hoglen Applicant Contact Person Rod Higgins Tel. __ 4_5_3_-_4_3_2_0 ______ _ FOR,EWORD: PLEASE READ 1. This plan check is limited to techrtkal requirements contained in the Uniform Building Code, Uniform Plumbing Code, Uniform Mechanical Code, National I Electrical Code and state laws regulating energy conservation, noise attenuation \'!-and access for the handicapped. The plan check is based on regulations enforced by the Bt,lilding Inspectlon Department. :: ··:' ._f ··! -:i · l '···/ 2. You may have other corrections based on lc;tws and ordinances enforced by the Planning, Engirt~ering and Fire Departments. For information regarding those departments, please contact Mr. Carter Darnell at (619) 438-5525. 3. The items below need clarification~ modification or change. All items have to be satisfied before the plans will be in conformance with the cited codes and regulations. Per Sec. 303 (c), 1982 Uniform !3uilding Code, the approval of the plans does not permit the violation of any state, county or city law. 4. Please submit ·two sets of corrected plans and show on this list where corrections were made i.e. sheet, detail, etc. Return any original plans and documents that were returned to you by the city. The above items may be returned to the City Building Department or to Esgil Corporation at 9320 Chesapeake Dr., Suite 208, San Diego, CA 92123, telephone (619) .560-1468. I ... i ·j :30 .· .•.: ··J ,: l - '! < =j - l l - j - c«ATtOM OM l'ltOPf:IITT ...,_ t-.o or -re b<alldlnqa (lnc:ludln• Ul'J)Ortal er• 011 the .. _ prop.rty, t.11• hUdlncra sh.all have ali uatuoed property 11,.. between th•• Jor tlle purpoae ot det•r•lninq the required wall and op.nlng prot.ec:tlon and root cover tttquLte-nta, par Secuon 5041el. An uc:eptlon l~ provided Lt the coaolned atea ot th• bulldinq• l• wlthln· the llaits ;,pec:ithd ln Section 505 tot• 1lnqle bulldlnq, Ir this e>rcilpt ion la uud, sh°"' h°"' t.lle buildlng(al will coaply vith Section so,(bl, $. l111ldlnqa over one ato_ry and co11cainlng co.arts shall have an aaawHd property line lot the purpoae ot detenoininq required wall and op.nlnq· protect.ion oi ·eourc· wall-•, p.ir Seccion so,·(cl. See po_ssible e,ccapcion. Phase ahow how the eou rt wa Us vi. 11 be, ,..4. to coeply vi.ch Seet.i·on 504(cJ. Th• e>Ctedor walls at· ll-1 occupancl·ea· (type V Conatrucclonl leu than 5 ·teat to• property line or an aaswned property line, sha·ll be one-hour tire-raced construction. The wall shall have a JO inch P•rapec· lsee exception, Section l 70~ I and Ch,: wall 1hall have no openings, including windows, d9ors, scuppers, venta, etc. 'table S-A The exterior val ts ct a C,roup H occupancy (Nxi"'""' l,000 SF) carport or garage, lua than 3 !eec. to a property ·lina or an asswaed property line, shell be one-hour tire-rated construction. The vdl sh.:U have no openings. · Tabl• S-A The' exterior waH of & Croup '11 occupancy (Nxbu:,i ·3,0·00 S1") ~.arpo..-t or garage, lesa than S feet to a property lin• or an assumed property line, s~ell be one-hour !ire-resistive construction. The wall ;hall have a 30 inch parapet and shall h.ave no openings. T.abl• S-A, Section 1102 'the exterior vall of a 1-1 occup.ncy c:.arpoct or gerage {Type V-H Construction), less then 20 feet co· a property line or an asaw,,ed property line, ahall b• one-hour fire-rated conatruction. When tha exterior wail is lesa than 10 feet, a 30 inch parapet and protected openings are required. When the exterior Vall is leu than 5 !act, 1\0 openings are pexmit;ed. Table S-A Eaves over required windows ah.all be not less than 30 inch•• fra. side and rear property linea. Section S04(e) S11or..v Se7{3Ac. J< S FRO/VI Al...t... Coab\aetible pro,actlone located wllera op.nin~• are required to be protected allall be heavy tl•b•r or on•-hour conatruction. Section 1710 Pro,•ctiona .. y not extend acre than ll inch•• i'nco •r•a• wh•c• opening• ate not •llow•d. Section l 710 Pro,ec:tiona over public property •u•t c:oaply wi-th Chapter tS. % Proj•ctions """Y not ext•nd aor• than on•-third th• diatanc• {ro,a tha e,cterlor wall to th• property line or one-third the distance fro• an a, .. u,,..d vertical , plane located where lire-reaiativa protection of openinqa ia first required, whichaver is least restrictive, Section so•(bl 1"ire-reaiative e>Cterior wall construction aha·U b• :11&int.ained through att1c ereaa. Section 4304(c) When o_peninqs are required to be protact•d due to location on property, the su.:a of openings shall not e,cceed 50 percent of tha total area of the wall in each story. Section SOtlbl A covered passageway connecting 1aparate buildings =ust co::,ply with the requirement& tor .an ercade. Section S09 Exterior exit balconies cannot be located in an &re& where openings are required to be protected. Section 330S(i) .,ltY. Exterior st&il""&ys shall not project into yards where protection of opening& is required. Section JJOS(nl .Irr Yards or courts serving as required exits for :nore than 10 occupants "'ust be at least 10 feet wide or have walls of one-hour construction for a height of lo t~et abQve the court or yard grade, Openings shall be protected by fira- aaaCJDblies having a rating of not less than three-fourths-hour, Section 3302 definition and Section llll(dl ..A:r: Structural ele111enta exposed in walls· required to be fi;e-resistive construction due to loc~ti~n on property must have th• same fira-reaiative rated protection aa the wall, or •• required for the atructural frame for the type of construction, whichever is greater. 'tebl• 17-A footnote l, and Section 1702 Ar. Openings for scuppers, aechanical equipcoent venca, foundation venta1nd ainilar openings are not pa....,,itted in valla loceted where opaninga ar• prohibited and would have to be prot•cted wh•r• opening• •r• required to be protected, 'table S-A PROPERTY Llr-11:s.. D1sr/JNC1= - /0 ,4t-L 8vn .... D/rv G-,:;; AND /7/,<;7'ANCE FROIV'i OTl-/cl< EJu11..0/NGS._ 51-1ovv Otsr41Y CE: FRo,-.,, K.E=c.121:A rioN B(.)J~O//Vy 70 Buu .. 01 ''B // To hoP1=t2.Ty L1NE'. 0t.S7A A/CE F/2.0---1 /vJJ4tN7,<) /IV 4 tJcG: Buu .. P~ AND Tc) -P12oPl?fi-Ty L//\1£. 0;,r.,fi=NS/ON FIZtJ"-1 Bu1<-01.v9 4 To B, ,4rvD UN1G'NS10,J 1=""'120"-1 B -r-, ~A-Z.!=!30. - ~-~ . ·;, .._:,--~~-~~~-·--·. ,) . -_,. .... ~.-: .. ·~ l'2 S!!m!: Prowld•. th• alte addrua end • vlclnity alr.•tcll ori th• rttl• Sh••t.. Pr.,.,ld• the na-1, addr••••• and telephon• n-c• oC the ovnet and th• re1pona•bl• deai1n proC••••onala on th• Tltl• sti .. t. All 1h .. ta of th•· plane and th• f lrat ah•CC. of 'th• calculai:lona ar• requu·ed to 11<1 aiqned by th• Californla l1c•n••d Architect or tn1in••C r••ponaible . for th• duiqn. PlcaH lnclud• th• California license nuiaber and th• dau the, ·plans. ar• s11n•d. Indicate on the Title Sheet. whether or not a 9r.idin9 perait ia. requl,red tor this project. Shov on the Tltle sh .. t all build'inga, structures, pools, valla, etc. included under this applicadon. Any portion of th• project sho .. n on th• sit:e pl.an that is not included v1th the building per,,iit ~pplic.stion flied should be clearly identi!,ied as •noc: included• on the site plan or Ti'tl• Sheet.. Provide a Building Code D.ata Legend on ~~e Title Sheet. Include the following code infor1L1tion for HCh building · proposed: · Occupancy Croup Type of Construction Sprinklers: Yes or No Stories Floor Are.ii Justitication to exceed allo-,able area in Table S-C Jus~ification to exceed allo-,able hei<Jht or in:.ories in Table s-o · Provide a Building/Unit schedule on the Title Sheet. Include the following.: A- NorE . Desi<Jnation and are~ of each dwelling unit type. Mt=ber of each designated unit types in each building. (Including handicapped access uni~sl List any other occup.ancies ~r uses included in each building, i.e. cQnlll<ln laundry, convnon storage, gara<Je, rental office, Ir Poo~ / s. PART etc. o;:::--r111s Jtff l't.A1t Provld• a ,utty dl-naloned •lte plan 4ra~n to scale. ShOlf1 North arr<N, pcope1r"ty lin••. ••••••nt1. acr••t.•. exiating and propoaed bu1ldlnga and atructurea, location ot yarda uaed for a·llo,.abl• lncr•••• o( bu1lJinq ar•• and d1~•naLon•d s•tbacka. Provlde a stat•ment on the slte plan atatinq: "All property linas, ea••-nt• and bu1ldinqs, both •xiating and propoa•d, ar~ sho,.n on this aite plan• • Clearly designate on the ait• plan existing buildings to re ... in, existlnq buildings to b. de..olishcd, building• to b• conatructed und•r this P•r•it and any proposed future buildinga. Show on th• site plan att propoaed walls, ret.iininq walls and fences. Sp•cify their heights on the plans. Cloarty dimension building setbacks fro~ property lines, street center- lines, and from •ll adjacent buildings and scruceures on ~he si:~ plan. Oi~ansion distance troo, curb to property line. . .l-'r. Show and dimension on th• site plan .al 1 buitding projections .i'ncluding eaves, balconies, cornices and similar appendages extending beyond the exterior v.iills. ,H'. Show on the site plan, or provide the grading plans, showing finish floor elevations, elevations of finish grade adjacent to buildings, drainage patterns and locations and <Jradients of cut or fill slopes. Show dimensioned parkinq layout includiQg any required handicap access spaces. Show tho location of any designated f·loo4 plains, open spa,ce easements, or other development restricted areas on the site plan. A PPLICA170/'I; I;: -rr , s !> p12e,v1 . CQ,.._,,, P4Ere PLANS A/YO t'""A.~ C.c.J.L-"111 ON!;• /b Se,::-/yqr~ 30 86/-o.v. ·i----. -::·- ·) •. ;·.·-:= ·:: .. ·. 6'.0 ' . :i: - @ @ ® IUttDt!IC. AIIP'.A -PrcwlJ• oft tll• 'rltl• SIIHt ot th• plan• the· cod• Juatlttcatlon tor ••C•..Si~cr the baalc aU011abl• acu ln l'abl• ,-c. Section ,o,- Jfll•n a bulldlncr .haa -r• than on• occupancy, Ch• area 1h• U l>4 auch tllat CII• ,..,. ot Ch• uc1oa o( tli• actual •r•• ,llvld«d by th• al l~abl• ar•• for ••ch occupancy ,hall not axcc•d en•. Saction 50J A• •h-n, th• buildinq(al 1•/•r• over area (or th• Type ot Conacruction •h-n. Table S-C Th• total floor area ot • aulti-story bu.Ltdinq cannot: uc .. d tvic• th• ?:>.aa'i:c: area allc,,,ed by Table 5-C atc«c increasing the baaic area, per Section so, Ho ainql• story can e•ceed Ch• beaic: .ire.ii allo.,,ed by Table 5-C plus th• increases allo--ed by Section S06. Unle1s considered a 1«parsc« story, the Uoor acc:a ot a ...,,zanins ah.a l.l l>e incl~ded in CAle>~lacinq the area oft.~• atory in .,,hich it i• located. A basemen: need not be included in the tot.a-1 allowable aru·, provided auch· .a b.tsement does not qualify as a story noc excsed :h• area · _per:aitt<td 'for a one .story building. 10. Area se;,.ration walls :uy separste portions o! a building and allow ••ch pardon-to be considered a aeparate buildinq, however, t.~d area separation wall auat be four-hour in Type I, II-r.R., III and IV buildings: and two-hour in -::YP, II-one- hour, Type II-N and Type V buildings. • Section S(fSl•ll Openings in four-hour area separation vaU:s are rec;ui:ed to l>a protected vith three-hour !ire-reaistiv• laseablies, and l-t/2 hour fir•~· resistive assemblies in two-hour 1re,11 separ&tion w&ll:a. Section SOS Ce) '· Openi::c;s in °area separation ,._. tls . are lia1tad to 25 percent ot th• lenqth of t,11• wall in uc:h 1tory. Sec:t'ion SOS·(•) ,, Bi· '\ B . UU: .. D/N(;: v,/1:ST IS A MIXED AtvO ,4-3 occ:. r.J P4Nc.1e--s. A~ASl!f P-01< BCJ1£..D//V~. IVoTs-. . -rJ.115 . If area aeparation wall• do not e•tand ta th• outer edqe oC hoci1ont.al pro- ject1o·na, lbalconlca, rooC -ovarhanq•, canopl••, aacqu••• and archit•ctural projcctlon•I anJ th• pcojcct.lnq •t•-nta contain concealed apace•, the wall 1hall extend throuqh th• concaal•J •pace to th• outer edq4a .o! th• proJectlnq •l-nts. Th• extertor vall•, and proJcctinq •1•.,.nta above. auac be o( one-houc con• atruction on ••ch •ld~ o! the area ••paratlon warr-1"oradiatance oqual to the depth·O( t.~• projectlnq cl•••nts. Openinqs Ln th• one-hour well• ~u•t boo protected with thrca-Courth-hour as•-- bllaa. Saction 50S(el2 All area separation walls •u1t axtcnd in a continuoua straiqht vertical plane tr-the foundation to a point JO inch•• above th• roof, but ~ay ter~inat~ at th• undecslds at tha roof aheathinq if th• roc;,!/cailinq is two-hour construction. T,,o-hour &Cea sep4r3tion walls ~ay tar- minate at the roof sheathing provided that: A. Where the roof/csiling framing clements are p4rallel to the walls, such !raminq and ale~ents supporting such !raminq shall be o! not less than one- hou: !ire-resi5Cive consc:Uccion for a width of not less than 5 !eet on each side of the wall. a. Where roof/ceiling framing elements are perpendicular to the wall, the entire span of such f~aming ~nd elements supporting such framing 1hAll bs of not las~ than one-hour fir~-resi5tive co~struc:ion. C. Openings i~ the roof shall not be located vi:hin S feet of the area separation wall. Section 50S(Jl No openinqs in the roo~ are per::,itted vi::hin 5 feet of a tvo-hou: area acparation'vall if parapet.s arc not provided. Section S05(c)J -Occ.o,PANCY, W/TN R-1 , 8-2... pR01/(0E: A/V ,4RcA AN,<'JL. YSI s 7'#1s VV/IV'o/ 1-/,1 s 0/VLY z ~ ?o Qc.lA'-1-.C-Y F01"?: A .:eGA /N.C JZL='-1 SE. 'BcJu_o '"'<;. \IC I/ ,4 M1'1<EO Occ..c.JPANC.Y BUILD//\-/{$ WITH /S ~.t S0 JZ-1 Atv.O z-2 U5'E5. ~ F-4 s..it' pf?ov1{)E ,4NA~ YS/S. FOR.. 7:i/1.s Be,) I~.~ 1 -v 9 ATZE"A-4Lso. - ., -M ....--. ,'" ~ ... ~ .. ---··"""·"'·--· ~ 0 Ac•• 1ep,oratlon watts, vhlch 1ep.rat• l)C!rtiona ot llulldlnq• havln9 dlttec•nt h•iqhta, .. y t•r•ln•t• )0 inch•• above the lover root tevel, provldotd th• ••t.•rlor "•1-1 Coe a · helqht oC to t••t •bov• th• lower coo: 1• ot one•houc Cir••r••l•tlve conatcuc• Uon .. 1th openin'f• pr<1t•cted by ·the••· Coucth1•11ouc aau..ali••· A• an al tecnat•·, the vell .. y t•c•inaca at th• eheetl\lnq o{ th• 10 .... c roof. provided-coot/c•itlnq •1'-nt•, it pacaH•l to th• watt, ac• on•·houc conetcuction tor a 10 :oot vtdtl\ alonq th• .,alt ,c th• 1.,...., root: wh•c• th• lower rooC/ceillnq cleacnt:11 ace p•rpendiculac to th• wa-11, the· rooC/cailinq elcMcnta 1hatl be one- hour tor th• antic• sp.n. S•ction SOS ,.is. Ho openinq• in the lower roof are pc.r-.itted-Yithin 10 teat of th• are.a_ acp.cacion .,all it paca~•t• ara nqt provided. Section SOS(e)S Show t~• basis for the sppcoved !ire• re,i~civc cons~tuccion ele.Jll~nc, !or t~• Are4 tep~c~ticn watt. p,:~pec. ~~d cailin9 &sse:nbly i! used in lieu o! parapet. .i:.e. Iec11 "'!Al'"r in T.abl• •J-A,_ IJ, c "" u.~. Oi:,sccory, ,sec: •. (Noto ch.a:: truss,.s rei.uira two :.l"yers of-S/8 inch Type 'X', per Cypsu. tir• Ra3i~tanc:• Do•i~n X&nual, !:e~ l'C ~(06) See the attached article, "Area Separ;acion 1'41-!s aevisiced", and incorporate sppropri~t• dat.a and details on your pians. Provide completes details o! th• are.a separsticn wall(•) to sh~~ coapli&:tce vith Section SOS(a)l-5. Provide a noto on tho pl.ans statingi "?lu:obfog. and c;o:,du'i:: penetrstions ,o, c?i,s area sep .. r.s:.ion v.all sh.all , b~ of copper oc f•rrous. No pt.astic pipe NY penec,aca th• are.a separation v•Ll •. lf1ttDt!IC KetCln'/1TCRT'f1 Clearly lhcY the aaxlaua bultdlng h•1qht ba1cd on tll• d•(1n1t1on 1n Sect.ion ,o,. Cl'urly aha,, l! t/1• lo-,•r l«vel le • b.a••••nt or atory, !Ms•d on the d•(lnlcion• in S•cclon 40] and 420. Plot th• tinleh grad• (ad•acent qcound l•v•ll on the alevationa ~nd d!-nalon th• diatance to Cha !toor,above Cor story determination. S•• definition of qr.ada, S•ction ,os. Th• h•iqht and nuab•r of atori•• cannot exceed th.at ah<Nn in, Tabl• ,-o. Show t,,. co<h bads for th• hdqhc/ nuabcr of 1tories •• ahown. One addltionct story \tOuld ~• peri"l!Cted b<tyond that ahn~n in Ta~l• 5-o l{ tha buUdin'! is •Prink-li>red throuqhouc and tho sprin~ler syst~~ is not other• wiao rei.uir1G by Section 506 (areal or Sect!on SOS (substitute for one-houri. Section 507 To-.ers, spires and steeples shalt comply with Soct:ion 507, ~en 1. V•J-R!srntve COIIST.llUC"l"tOM 0. Croup II, Dlvlola11 l acc:'llpe11cL-ea 110l'e Q -tllall tvo atacle• ill h•iqht, or hevln• 110n -tll•n l.aoo •q.Ct. at ttaor are• aba•• th• tlrat. •tacy 11\•U 1M not l••• than one-hour tic•-c•al1tlve con•~ruc~lon throuqhouc ~-~•p~ •• pcavld•d ln ,ect1011 110,(bl l. 8 W!l•r• one-hour tlr•-c••l•tive c:an-acructlan ia required, an approv•d aut.,...ttc: 1prl11lcl•r •r•t•• -r b• aubatituted !or the one-hour canatruction, however, ,th• tire aprinlcler-•y•t-- •hdl nae: veive or reduce tire-reahcive requireNnta (or·: accup•ncy ••p•r•tiona, exterior va!ls du• to·lac:atian an property, area saperation valla, shaft.enclosures, corridor protaction, atair enclosures, exit paaaaq ... ays, type a( conatructian separation per Section 1701 •nd atriwas constructed- in ac:cordanca vi tll Section l 7t, .'- Section soa - Q ,Provida details o( the one-hour fire-V r~si,Scive c:on~t:ruction. · Include root/ceiling assenoblies, floor/ceiling asseMblies, vall asseJllbties, post and be4lll assemblies, ate. e Maintain one-hour firs-resistivs wall construction at ~uilt in vell fixtures and behind batll~ub and shov~r enclosures, Milboxes, llledicine cabinets, fire extinguisher cabinets, electric panels· exceeding 1' sq.in. in area, etc. Section 4l04'(e) Detail and reference ICBO nwnber or othec,approval !or hori:ontal fir• fire_assembly uaing trusses. Section 4J0llb)a Detail hew !i:e-.reaistive val l and ceiling protection will b<t maint~ined at all duct penetrations su~h as at bathroom and kitchen hood fans, laundry-roo,. fans and dryer vents. Also detail recess~ ~iqht fixtures. Section 4JOJ(bl6 Roof/csiling and floor/ceiling asseniblie• ·aust be o! one-hour construction, detdl tire usembl-ies on plans along -vitlt their ICBO nwaber or· other :i;.D. _ nwab~r fr0111 the ~ire-Resistive Qesign K.nual published-by tha Cypsua Assoc. or 1,1.r.. n4111ber or itui nWllber f.ro,. Table 43-<:. use · --tn. O.t;aU. vater heater vents located 1nalde '1re-c,eal1tive vall c:on- ·•truction or vi thln f ir•-reaistiv• ahatta. Q_ Detail pre-fabricated fireplace !luea V vltl\ln Individual (.lr•-r•shtive •h•!ta ~nd sp•ci(y fire-stopping around flr•place box opening. Section O 0. 4( el e Claar.ty identiCy location and hourly !l.re-resiativ• rating of vertic:at sha!ta on the plans. Provide construction· detaLla ahovlng toc&tion ~>f fi'te da111pers and hov '1ce reaiativf.ty vill ~e ""'intained at floors and roof•. Sec,tion 1706 .e !lot• on plans that elevator doors auat b<t constructed and installed i~ the same nt.anner as• e hour fire assembly, aven tnouqn elevator doors ars not id•nti!ied vith Ure .t.sbels. Detail column firs protection per Table 41-A in the use and specify colu..n impact protection in garage areas per Section ·430.l(b)S. As a ainim11111, shov ,a 22 ga. steel jacket around each column to a height of l feet above the qround for impact protection. Structu;-a·l '!'embers-such as bearos auppocting acre than one floor or roof must be individually fire protected. (Section 4l0l(bl6J Detail required protection. .,H-1. Claa.rly spe~ify ainimw. thicknss; of 11,alls and slabs to provids houc fire-resistivs rating per- Tab~e 4l-B and e. Clearly specify -•in.awa cover for bonded reinforcing at _____ firs-rated floors, f~ra-nted colt;--ms, ..,..--....,,.. ,1:re=- rated beams. Clearly spec1fy minim\lnl cover for prestressed concrete tendons • per Section 4l0J'(c)J. f.':":\ Detail a~I pllllllbing and electtical V penetrat.on at occupancy, area, corridor or other fire separation valls as specified in Section 4l04(e). .1w. Petail d-l furred ceilings u required in Scc;ion 4203. Show fire-retardant treated vood where necessery. ·--.-.,_.. .. ,-~·--· ... ~ #. . . - e Prowld• cro••-••ctlon o( on•-hour cocrldor• ••rvln• an occupant lo•d of lei oc ..,r.. wbel corridor• on pia11• •• one-ho"r c:orrldora, •peel ty "" the plans •l-1 Joor• •• ZO-•&nute tlr• ••u•blie•, ,.lth ••H·c:lo••r• 8 e or auto-atic clo••r• ,.,th ~-k• detectors, •nd all' ,.lndo,.• •• 1/4 inch ,.,re <Jla•s in 1te"1 (ru,ea· and all duct 1)4'netrationa to· have !Lre da•p•r•. ·section llO~(h) Cl•arly tab<tl and idcntiCy on the plana the Clre-resistive corddor•.• area separation ,.•Ila, shaCts, occupancy separation valls and floors, exit courts leas than lo feet vide and exit enctoaurea, atonq ,.ith their hourly ratinqa. S•ction l02(cl OCCUPANCY S~PARATfCN Stor:icje or hundry rooias that ar-e vi.thin Croup R, Oivbion l occupanciea, th.it .srs used in c:o,.,.on by tenants, ahal-1 be separated from the: rest of the building ?Y not less than one-hour fire-resistive occupancy separations.· S~ction l20Z(b) ·...ttt: Provide a !u l l one-hour occupancy separation betveen R-1 and H-1 or 8-l (H-1 up to 3,000 sq.ft.) occupancies. Fire protection oniy on the garage side applies to R-3/H occupancy separations, not R-l/11 occupancy separations. Table S-8. and Section 503 (d l Q Provide orie-hour fire-resistive door V asseilblies in the one-hour occupancy separation, Section SOJ(c) . The required three-hour rated occup.ancy separation bet¥een R-1 and B-l occupancies 111ay be reduced to a two-hour rating -when the a-1 is limi'ted to the storage· of passen~er vehicles, and the provisions o! Section 702 are not applicable, Tables-a The two-hour'occupancy separation may be further reduced to one-hour, i! the aggregate area of a-1 occupancy vithin the buildin<1 does ·not exceed J,000 sq • .ft. Section SOJ(·dl A a-1 occupancy in -th• basement or first story 111ay be classed as a separate and distinct ·building !pr the purpose of area liaitation, liaitation of nwaber of stories and type of construction CNL~ if the following conditions are met: •• •-1 1• Typ<1 t conatruction b. i•t/K-1 •r• ••parated by a three-hour occupancy ••p.aratJon c. 1-t ia reatricted to P..••enqer vehicl• •toraqe, l•undry roe.a and ••ch•nic.al ,equip,Hnt roe.a. (.Ho ,atocaqe,. recreo1t1on roo.,. ,41cc.J d. The -.xlmuN bultdlnq he!qht doea ,not exceed the liMita in Tabla s-0 for the l••ac type o( conatiuction The Type t construction ls required to. have protected· •liter!or "all openings "hen located vichin 20 feet fr-a property line. Section l80J(bl .1-M'. All openings in floors for111lng a three-hour separation sh.all be protected by vertical enclosure• above and belov the opening. Tha valls of such enclosur~s shall be -Hf' • ~- ..ut. not less than t"o-hour fir<!-resistive · construction, and openings therein Shall be prot<!Cted by a one &nd one- half-hour assembly. Section SQJ(c), Tables 43-A, 8, C and Ch•pter 43 A ONE -hour occupancy separatio,n_ is .requued between A -'3 ANO .L 2... occupancy and the R-/ occupancy. Tab l e•5--'::B~,-::S:-::e:-::c:-::t:-::J.:-::o:-::n:-,S~O"J;-:(,-d;-l;-,- Ta bl es 4J -A, a, C and Chapter 0 Structural members supporting an occupancy separation must have the same fire-resistive rating as the separation. Tables-a, Section SOJ(d), Tables 43 -A, a, C anc1 Chapter 43 No openings are· al loved in a four- hour fire-resistive occupancy separation wall. Section SOJ(c) Openings in a three-hour fire- resistive separation shall be protected by a ·three-hour assembly, and openings Ny not exceed 25 percent of the length of vall iri the story and no single opening shall exceed l20 sq.ft. Section S03 (d I, Tables 4J -A, 8, C and Chapter 4J A tvo-hour· fire-resistive separation ahall be. not less th·an two-hour fire- resistive construction. Cpenin9s ah&ll be protected by & one and one- h&l!-hour assembly. Section SOJ(cl, Ta'bles 43-A, 8, C and Chapter 43 . :. -~ :-i-~ .. :: l'~i:~~"-:'~t0~!~_:: _· ! ·:,'.. /62. . ... - 8 0 ·a 011e-heNr (1r••r••1•t1•• ••paretion allall be not I••• than one-hour U.'re-red1tl.Ye C'Oftatruction. Operi1n9• ahalt be· protactad by a one-hour .aeae,o1>ly. Sactt·on ,ol(cJ, Table•-4l- A, I, C ·and Chapter 4) Occupancr·!•P.ratlon vatt penetration• auat be 1ith1r farrou~ or copp,ar anJ fi're-stopped. st .. t alec:trical outlet bo•••, not: 1xc1edin9 1' 1quare inch•• per 100 ,qu•r• feet of wall, -r be lnetal·lad and •hall be Hparatad by a hor1:ontat dl1tanca of 24 inch•• when on oppoalca 1id11 -o(·a val 1. Section 4JOH·•I rir1-re1i1civ1 !toora uaed (or o~c:upo1ncy sepantion ahall have openings· for -chanical and elec- trical equip,oent 1nclo1ed in 1haft1 per Section 1706. Clarify Cho1t vlring vithln conceo1led apace• complies vith Section 4~0S(e). Ouci;~ penacr~tfog onir or cv.o-hour occupancy sepcracion valls :suat have fire dampers. A fire door is required for three-hour separation•. Section 006 ( j I .,..1-t'r. Usable space under the Hrsc story, .1-W. when c:cinsttuc.ted of :sent or wood, ahall be separated froM the non-uaable space, and the Jtory above, as required for one~hour fire-resistive conscruccion and the door to the uaable space shall be self-closing, of non-combuscible construction or solid "'lod·core, not less than l-J/4 inch•• in thickness. Section 110·3 · Shcv the ·basis for the rating of the occupancy separation you propose, .f..~ •• Item number in Table U -A, is, C: Gyps""' Fire-Resistive-Design Manual; u.r._ •• etc.- Nore ON pooR. sc ~e:.o utH-. ~, ... 8 ,OUMO TltAMS"tssroM lTltie l~. Chapter l, Subchapter 1, :ArUcl• •• se·cc1on 21 I . Vic Standard No. lS (t-ll VIC APP4~d1a Chapter JS Ital t and ttoor/e.t Unq auelllbl iu . aeparacing d"•lUnq unica froa ••ch other ·and Cr°"' cc:w-on apace ( 1ueh •• co.r.r ldors, t.i,und'ry roo,oa, c°""""n 9ar•1••• aecvlce er•••• etc) ~u•c have a listed rating o( STC SO and 1IC 50. Shov the location o( and provide details o( th• listed veil and floor/ceiling ••••abll••, and indic~t• th• listing aq•ncy and li•ting nuaber (or the teated rating•. Shov hov penetrations of aaaalllblie• for· piping, •lectrical device,, r•- ceaaed cabinets, bathtubs, so!Cit• or h~at-ing. · van ti la ting or eahauat ducts shall be •••led, lined or in- aulaced or treated to aaintain th• requir.ed ratings. Owellinq unit entrance doors fro• interior corridor3 togc~Hcr with their perimeter seals shall have • STC rating of noc less than JO. K-1 occupancy buildings, located in noise critical areas (CllEL con- tours of 60, dBi as ·shcvn on the City or County's General ?Ian, require an acouscical analysis shoving that the proposed building has been designed to limit noise in habitable rooms to CllEL of 4S dB. Where windovs· ~u•t be closed to ccmply, it is necessary to provide mechanical ventilation capable of providing At.least tvo air changes per hou~. The Title Sheet or Site P-lan should clearly indicate if any portion of the project is in a noise crit:ic.d area (CllEL concours of 60 dB') as shovn on the Ci-ty or Councy' s General Plan. If no portion of t~e project is vithin a noise critical area, provide a note on the Title Sheet stating: "This-project is not within a noise critical area (CNEL contour of 60 dal as shovn on the General Pt·an". J I - - - J I t ' ' Ift al I occupanc:iea, n-r• aboYe tile tlr•t •tory "••lncr -('e tllan 10 oc:cui,.ni:a, ·•11•1-l have noc I••• than t-••Lt•, ••c:apt only on• ••it l• raqulrad (rc. a 1ec:ond n-r ., •.• "ltllin an lndlvldu•l dvalllnq unlt. -r-.c, or...,,. dweltlncr unic1 on the ••coftd atory ••Y h•v• ,1cce5a to only· one COfMIOn ••it ~hen tlla. occupanc load crlbucary to tile acalrvay does noc axc:a•d 10. S•ccion llOJ(aJ ~-?xlcs should hav• a •Lni•u• separation ' o( ona-halt tile .,.d,..u• overall diaqona t dl-naion o( the building or area served, Section llOl(cl · ..m. Th• ..,.xl'aua nu11ber-of r-equir-«d e,cJ. ta a11d their r.equired separ.ation •use be 11alntained until egtasa is provided !ro. th• ,truccura. Section llOJ(a) · ~ Whitre • required edt e~tars s yard, Cl!• yard-muse ·lead co .a public way. Section ll0l ..l,.14': Where required exits enter an exit c:ourt (s·ee definition, Sect-ion 404 .snd llOll, the exit court aust discharge 'into .s public ·-..ay· or exit passageway. The exits from the exit court sh~ll COfflply with Section llll requirements tor width, nwnber, .snd protection of valls and openings. . --l-fr. 8asea1ents require .t..,o exits, except basements Jn an individual dwel Ung unit. Section JJ02(·aJ · Total width of exits in feet shall be not less than ·cot.al occupant load served divided by SO. Tributary occup.ant load fr0a1 basements and stories above shall be per Section l302(b) and the 111.1xim~, width reql/ired for any story shall ·be· Nintained. Ho point in 'the building shall be .@ Jl!)re than 150 feet (200 if sp~inltlered) !roa an, axterior exit, hori:z:ont.a-l exit, enc:loa·ed st&i""'.-Y _or exit pass.a9evay, •••sured .alon9 the path of travel, This 11.ay be inc:reased 100 feet if last 150 fe•t is in a corridor. Section llOlld) (See exceptions) Double acting doors are not allowed vhen serving a tributary oc:cupant load of -r• than LOO, or when part ot • tire ••sembly, oc: par.t of s11101te and draft control or vhen equipped with p«nic: hardware. Section ll04(b) 178 51=1.: Ooorz.. 13-4 //V Bv 11.-0 JN<:i '. ' - - '" 13 " : bit d-r-• er-each unit ahould be a ainl..,. al1e oC l !ecc by , feet I lnchea wlt/1 a •lni..,• d-r awlnq of ,o de<Jr•••· ICA•i- leat wldth la 4 (eec. Section ll04(e) Reqardl••• o! occuP41nt load, a Cloor-oc landlnq not 1110ra than 1/2 lnch bel.,.. the threahold I• requi,•d an each aide o( an ••lt door, tn R-l, and individual unlts ln R-t, a aax- i•u• 7-l/2 lnch drop .. y occur provided the door"doea not svin9 over tl'le drop. Section ll04(hl .,l,ff. Ooors 1hould not project •ore than 7 inches into the r«quired corridor .vidth ·vhen Cully opened, nor aore Chan one-half of the raquired c:orridor vidth when in any position. Section ll0$(d) Revolvln9, slidin9 and overhead door• are not permitted as exit doors. Section l l0• ( 9 l ,.l,H". A door NY open over a scaiNay landing provided the door, in any position, does not reduce the clear area o! .;lff. e the landin9, in the direction o( travel, to less than one-ha~( the required width of the ~tairway. Section 3J05(gl MinimWli exit court width is 44 inches. Section 3Jll(b) Change in width in an exit court shall be effected gradually by• guardrail at lea•t 36 inches high and malting an angle of not more th4n 30 degrees vith the axis of the court. Section llll(bl Walls of exit passageways'shall be vl.thout openin9s except exits and -shall hava walls, floors and ceilin9s of the same fi:e-resistanca required for the building, with 4 mini~um one-hour !ire-resistive constrl/ction • ?xit openings in the walls shall be protected by a three-fourths-hour assembly, Section 3312(~) Ramps required by Table 33-A shall not exeeed 1:12; other exit ramps 1:8. Ramps steeper than l:15 shall have handrails as required for stair- ways. Minimum size landings and landing clearances must be provided. ·section 3:107 - - :.: ·!, /89 - Stalr,,ay "idtll llilat be •t l•••t U !nch•• vllen •ervlnq -,re tll•n SO ocC'\l- p,ant•1 1, incll•• vllan l••• th•n so, JO inch••""•" ••rvlnq on• unlt only. Section 110,tbJ and Sactlon llOllbl 8 S•v•nty elqllt lnch aini-• haadroc,,a charanc• foc_1t•lr,,ay1 should b• !ridlcatad on.the plana. Section llO,tpl. Hot• that thl• la (r0111 a plan•· tangent to th• atairvey tra•d noainqs. · Stairway handrails ahoutd not pro- ject •or• than J-l/2 incnes into th• required .vldth. Tri10 -r not project -=-than. t-1/2 inc:hH. Saction JJOG(b) .l,H-. Enclosed usable 1pace under intarior ...\-ff". ~- ...D5'. -H'S'. or utador .1tair,,ays 1ho11ld be protected on tll• enclosed sida a-1 required' for· one-hour fire-reaistive construction. 2 x f lG" O.C. nailers. Section JJO"ml (n) Landings should not b• reduced in width :nore th.sn 7 inches by a ·door when fully open. Where doors open over landings, the landing shalt have a length of noC' "'lass than S (eat. Section· ll06Cgl and Section Jl04(hl S~aixways from upper levals which extend belo,, the level fr0~-which aqress fro,a the building is provided, •hall have an approved barrier to precl~de exiting into such lover levels. Vertical distances between stairway ,bndinqs .srit limited to 12 feet. Section 3JOG(il All interior st.sirvays, _ra11ps and escal'.itol:s shall be e11cloaed. An enclosure is not required if serving only one adjacent floor and nee connected to suirs or corridors 1ervinq other ,f·loors. ~ot required for K-3 or R-1 stairs within .s dwelling unit. Section jJQ9(al Stairvay riser mu~t be-4 inc~es aini1111111 and 7-1/2 inchell .,..XUIWII and minimua run shall be 10 inches except in winding, circular-or apir•l atairways •. Section 330,tcJ -l-t'r. Winding staJ:rways are permitted only when serving K-l or a •inqla unit in A-,t.. Section ll06Cdl ON P£-//NS. ..ltr. Pro¥ld• datalla ot vlndt,.. etatr,,ayr a. Hint•..,. tread la C inchaa at any point and •int • ..,. , inch•• at • point ll inch·•• tr~ the aide of the atairvay. b, llaxi•u• rise la, inches. c. Hini•um viJth l• JO inch••• Section ll06(dl -I-tr. Spiral stairvaya are po,naitted only ¥hen serving R-J or a sin9le unit ·in •·l. Sect.I.on lJOG( 0 e --20,t'. Provide spiral atairv•y detailar a. Hini10u• l:un ia 7-1/2 inch•• at point i-rOffl where the, tread ia the narrowest • _b. llaxi11um rise is 9-1/2 inch••· c. Minimum headroea, i• & feat , inches. Section llOG(fl Spiral stairvays may not be used for required exits ~hen Cha araa served is greater than 400 sq.ft. Section ll06(f) Spiral stairvays must have a clear vatking space of 26 inches between the colwnn and handrail. Section 3306(.f) Provide ICBC Research Report and NUJ!lber for Jl!eta:l stairvay, or subaH:. plans and calculations and ~pproved fabdcator registered with the Building Department or note that the stairway fabrica~ion shall be done under special inspection per the approved fabrication plans. Section, 306( a J' 4 a and ·section l06(fl Stairways should be enclosed as ipecified in Section 3309: •• Two-hour fire-resistive walls are required in buildings of Type ·x and II~~.R. Construction, and in all.buildings over four stories, and •• ?!:!e-hour elsewhere. b. Only_ exit doors are ;11.;.;ed to open into exit enclosures:. c. boors should be labeied one an one-half-hours or one-hour fire &ssembliea. ... ...2tt'. - •• .. t. Edt enctoeur•• ·•llould lnclude a carrldor on Clle 9round floor ••t•ndinq to tll• ••t•rlor. Fl"r•-r••l•tive conatrucclon •"""Id be aa required tor the-••lt enclosure, lncludlnq protected openlnq•. Only ••it doors are per~itted to open into th• corridor. An approved barrier 1• required at tlle qround t\oor· to prevent people tr°"' accidentally con- tinuln9 tot~ lower level. U1abl• 1pace i• not alloved under th• etairs. Occupied floor~ aara than 75 feet above the highest grade •hould have all exits .!ro~ the building in smoK•- proof· .enclosures-. Section llla ( bl In buitdinqs !our or o,ore stories, one stafr"•Y ;oust: excend co the -root. Section llO& (o). It aust . be, in a saoJ,eproof enclosure in buildi.ngs over 1S het. in height , Section JJ06!ol, 114ndrails are, required on each si4• o! st&il:"'ays. StaiNays regui red ·to be ·1110re than 88 i'nches wida sh.all hava inta,:i,,ed- iate h•n4rails. StaiNays not ovar 44 inches'vids or staiNays serving one CNelHng unit may have one handrail ~! not open on both sides. Private stai.r- vays 1.1 tenant), JI) inches• or le,,s in height, 'flll.Y h,.ve one handrail: .pr.ivat~ ataiNays, not ·over l riser•, serving a single dwelling unit (R-J, R-11 need not have a handrail. Handrail• shall be 30 inches to j4 inches above nosing of treads and be continuous and, e~cep: tor private staiNays, at least one rai.l shall extend S inches beyond top and botto• risers. All stairs shall terminate in a newel or satety post:, Section JJ06'(j) The h&ndgrip por.tion of &ll handrails_ shall be not less than l-1/4 inches ~or acre than 2 inches in cross-sectional di111ension. H&ndr&ils projecting fr0111 valls sh&ll ·ho1ve at le&st 1-1/2 inche• betveen the vall &nd th• h&ndrail. Section 3306(jl ?very· stdNay landing 1hal1 have a di111cn- aion, .111easured.in the direction of tr:avel, &t least equal to the staitv•y vidth. Section 3306(g l ~- ~- Open1n9• ln the ••t•rlor vall bel.,. or ·within 10 '••t horiiontally of •n exterior exlt 1talr--ay ln buildinqe overt-•tori•• ahall b• protected by• ••lf-cloaing a•seably havlnq a thr••-fourthe-hour ratlnq, unl••• two ••P4l'•t•d exterior •talN•y• serve an exterior exit balcony. Section JJO~( ll C:ORRfOORS Corridors, and exterior exit b&lconie1, serving ta or 1110re occup•nts •u•t be •in1aw. 44 inches vid• and 7 feet high to th• lov••t projection. Corridors 1ervlng R-l •nd individual R-1 units ..y be l& inchea wide. Section llOSlbl When a corridor or exterior exit balcony is accessible to the· l\andicapped, changes 1n elavation shall be ~•de by means of & raap. Section JJ05(fl Corridors serving 10 or more occupants in R-1 or 30 in other occupanciss shall have val'ls anc;I cailings of one-hour construct.ion exi:ept: &, Cor;-idors greater than 30 feet vide vherr the"occupants.or·&reas served by the corridor have an axit independent fr0111 the.corridor. b. Exterior sides of exterior exit b.alconiea. Section-3305 lgl One-hour fire-rated corridors shall h&ve door openings protected by tight-fitting smoke and draft control assembliea rated 20 ainutes, except openings in interior Valls of. exterior exit balconies, Doors sh&ll be Nintained self-closing or be auto111&tic-closing by action of a s:noke detector per Section 4J061bl, doors sh&ll be· gasketed to provide a smoke and draft se&l where the· door meets the stop on aides and top. Section 330S(hl Total area o! all openings, except doors, in any portion of an interior corridor, shall not exceed 2, ~ercent. of the area ot the corridor wall of the rooti which it is separating fro• the corridor. Section JJOS(hl Q Duct penetr&tions o! !ire-rated corridor V walls and ceilings sh•ll l)ave fire damper• pe~ Section 4306(jl, , ..... , Vl.-,ports ln 20 •lnute r•ted eorrldor door• cannot exce..t l lnch ln dl•..,.t•r •lki -at have 1/4. lnch thlcllt 9laaa aJld • -tal' llold•r that vUl not -1c. at 1700 r. S•ction ll051hl Provld• a, c°"'plat• architectural ••ctlon ot the corrldor, and exterior ex!.t balcony,, allowing alt t-lre•rHl1tive a.iterial• and dee.ans ot construction tor all tloor1, valls, rO<!t ~nd ali p,1netr•t~on•. Section JJOSl9I C•itinga of c""'bust!.bl• -t•rlala 'Cannot be auapended belov th• on••hour corridor ce!.Un9. Section llOS(9,J Corridor valls """Y tarioinata •t th• ceiling only if th~ cailin9 1• an elcaent of a one- hour fira-reaistive floor or roof ayst-. Section llOSigJ , ..lW-' See attached details for approved aethods of p,oviding one-hour corridor construction'. Q Wh•n ,tvo •xits are required, dead end V corridors and exit balconie• are l~~ited to 20 feet. Section llOSl•J ~ ,Exterior exit balconies cannot be located in areas where protected opunings ara ,re- quired. Section 33.05( ii Z:XIT SICIIS !xit signs are. required si~ce the_ occupant load exceeds 50.. · Show all required exi:C sign locations: Section lll41al Shov that exits ar• lighted vith at least one foot candle at floor level. Section llllCal ShOll that the power supply tor exit illwaination and exit signs is-provided ·by two separate cir- cuits. (Occupant load exceeds 100) Section lllllbll ~ Shov separate sourcas ct pover for exit illwaination and exit siqna. (Occupant load axcaeds 100) Section 3313(bl2 t;;) '?he exit sign locations as ,ahovn · V Are not ~dequate. Ar AL..L. CoRR. 1001< 0 F=FS,E'7'S. a•t CtHt~A~ OCCUPANCY ~tQUr~tNtHT3 ,Q IY•ry apart-nt hou•• thr•• atorl•• or '-.J 110r• ln h•iqht or containlnq 1110r• th•n 1$ dwellinq units and •very hotel thr•• ,r 1110r• •tori.ea in heiqht or containlnq 20 or MOr• quest c00111• 1hall have an approved Cir• alarM ayateM •• apeclfied in the Flre-Code,. Section 1202( a I IS•• ucept~onJ Dra(t &tops above and in line vlth watts ••parating unlt• shall be inatatled ln th• attics, JUnsards, overhanqa, Cal•• 'front• and si•itac concealed areas. The dra(t Stopa shall b• above and in tine vith valls aeparating Canant space& Crea each other and (roa othac uaea. Section 2S 16 (!I ~ Every slaeplng roe• betov th• Courth story &hall have at least oneopenabls wlndov or exterior door for •~ergency escape·or rescue. The clear opening· shall b. at l•••t 5.7 sq.ft •• 2'4 inches high and 20 inches wide. The finlsh sill height ,shall not exceed' H inches above the floor. ~. One roo~ mu~t contain & minimWI o{ 150 aq.(t, of superficial floor area. Section l207(b) ,lS-4': Habitable rooMs, other than kitchens, shall contain at lea,st 70 sq.ft. of floor area. Section l207(b) ~. Windov area ~ust be 4 least 1/10 of the ~- ~- .,.2t". !loot area (min!.Jnuizl lO sq.ft.I in __ _ SeCCl.On llOS(a) Ope~able vindov area must be 1/20 of the floor area Ciaini111W11 l-1/2 sq.ft.) in bath• i;:oo,ns, laundry r00111s and similar rooas., Section l20S(aJ One-half of all required vindov area must be openable in. ___________ _ No habitable rocM, other than~ kitchen shall be less than 7 feet in any dimension. Section l207(cl ·--t-:------------------------~----------------------- .. ·-.-._- :·:·): :26:Z.. - ,- ).ff'. Show • 1 f-t -, ll'Cll •1111-·eel HntJ llel9llt tor llabltabl• r-1 otl'ler thaft tlle •1tc:llens. Section 12011•1 ~11-• 7 t-t •i11l•.,.. c:ellin4 hel4hi: (or tlle lrltcll•n•, 11•11•, corridor.•. l.011.-dry ,_ and batllr-•, Sactlon 1207(•1 lf1'. Provlde JO lnch•• clur Yldth ln ... car clo1et co•partMenC• and H ·inch•• c:iea·ranc• in tront ot Clle "•t•r c:loHt. Section H11a·) Q Provide 1aolr1 detectors which .. u l 1011nd an V alani .. 11.n ac:t11at1d. ·cetec:tor• ,..,.t be persanencly .. tred in ne,. c:onatruction but NY be b.tctery op.rated in existin9 conatruc:tion. S•c:tion lllO .Q Sh°" location ot: fir• 1xtln9u'i•h•r•, V Titl• 25 CAC "'-Sp.c:'l!y uhcy gluing f'or glazing in hazardous location, such•• glass door•, gla:ing adjacent to such d-rs and glazing adjacent to ,.alking surfac:as. Section 540, U,-. Cta:ing in •h=er and tub enclosures (including vinda...sl shall be tempered, la•inated or approved plastic. Section l7lllfllgl ~ .:.0-. Plra-retardanc roof cover ls required !or K-L occup,,ncios which are 100ra than tvo atori:es, or have J110re th.on l,000 sq.ft. ot: projected r-! area,, or wher~ t·ess than 10· feet fro= the extremity of the roof to a property line or an asswned property lin•. Se~tibh lZOil~l and J203(e} ~. A Class-.---...,.. fire-retardant roof covering is required. · .ltr. SP,ec:ify roof pitch. ~ Roof pitch is not adequate fer roof covering spec:Hied. Specify :aini:alflll pitch of __ _ ,2t,r. Specify reef ucerial and application. ~ Specify ICl!O apprcvd number for roof Nt•rials not covered in u;c. .Jtr. Specify roof slcp,e fer drainage or design to aupport accW1ulatad vat•r •. Section 3207(&) ...atr. ·shov roof drains and averft°"'•• Si:• drain• per Appendix· D of ~PC. Section 3207(a·) - ~ Prcwlde akyti4ht datalta to •!low c:..pllance vlth Sectlon• l40l and 5207 .or prcwid• tcao &Pl)rovat n-lMr. ,.lw. PrOYlde pla,tlc roo( panel detail• to allcN co,oplianc• Ylth Section· s2a, or provld• ICIO approval nUMber. Q Shov attic: ventllatlon. Mlnl-vent V area ls l/150 of attic area or 1/)00 of attic are• lf at leaat 50 perc•nt of tlle required vent i• a leaat l feet above •ave or cornice vents. S•c:tion l205[cl ~. Provlde a ainiaw. 22• x.Jo• (or Jo• x 10• if aquipnent is in acticl attic ace••• opening. Section l20S(cl PtKe tXTtNCUISHt~C ~-Fir• •pr-inklers are required on any atory or_baseMent vhen the floor ar•a exceed• 1,,00 sq.ft. and there la not provided at leaat 20 ,q.!t. of opening entirely above Che adjoining ground in each· 50 lineal !eat or fraction thereof of exterior vall on at tease one side, or when ope!'ing:s .tro provided en c.nly one side .tnd tho opposite side is :aoro than 7S ·feet sway. Section l802(bl ~ Pire aprinklers are required in a basewient if any po~tion of a basement is 1100re than 75 feet !rem openings in an exterior vall. Section 3802(bl Pir• sprinklers are required at the tcp of rubbish and linen chutes and in their t•rminal rccms. Chutes extending through three er J110re floors shall hav• additional sprinkler heads installed within such chutes at alternate ·floor~. Sprinkler heads shall be sccessiblo fer servicing • Section l802(bl Q Provide fi:::a sprinkle:::s fo4NS. A.PP,'e<>J/IE:::> V B'v b:,cA.:.. Fi~!:! /)EP4R.:r-MENr- e When se~ing more than 100 sprinkler head•, aut011at~c sprinkler srstems shall be supervised by an approved centra, propri•tary or re1110ta, station service, or shall b<I provided vith a local alarm ~hich vill give an audible aignal At A C:Cns;antly attended location • a-1 occupancies over three stories ahall have standpipes as required by Table 31-A • A rirst story as allcved by Section ·102 •hall be incluced in daterioining the numller cf stories ~hen d•teniinlng if standpipes are required. Section 3106 S11ow .$,s.-,c:,/,CE O.e:-c, 7°t?R /N .P.e-~ SoN,q'-C.;412.e UNrrs. ,,.,, -· .•. ',• Shoot 1tandglpe c:lau and °"tlet SocatiOftS , .. tll• plana. S•c:CiM l106 Spec:lfy.thac ho••• are requlred vlth ch• acandplpe•. DEPARTMENT Of' HOUSING ANO COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT HANDICAPPED ACCESSIB·ILITY/ ADAPTABILITY REGULATIONS FOR PR·!VATELY FUNDED APART~ENT BUILDINGS TOTALING 5 OR HORE LIVING UN!TS IN THE APARTMJ,NT BUILDING( s )·. • e FOREWORD: •Apartment buUding is one containing J or 1110re dwe 11-ing uni t·s: townhouse.s ·not having all living elements on the acces.sible floor i.e. bath, kitchen, living, sleepi:ng, are exempt, as are condominiums and co-operatives.-All non exempt units must be acce.ssible unless they qua l Hy for the foll¢w- ing exceptions: EXCE?'!' ION ~JO. l I.hen pub 1 ic side- wa·tks, easements or other paths of travel fronting a, buildj.ng, in which is located a •primary en- trance", as defined under subsec- tion 2-417·(k), has a ·slope of greater ·than rs, gradient ( l in ~.67) the provisions of this sec~ tion ·need not apply. ~CEPTION N0.2 When a primary en- ·tr.ance is abov.e or below grade and the first dw.elling unit near,- est to grade of living acconvn- odations consisting of Sor more units per .building, is effect- iveiy a story 6' above or 4' below grade, the provisions of this section need not apply unless such dwelling unit is accessible ,by means of an elevator, ramp or lift to and from a primary en- trance. EXCEPTION NO.J If at least $740.00 per accessible unit has been ex- pended to make certaln units fully or partially comply with the requirements, no additional expenditure is required. Provide graphic or tabular data on ·the Title Sheet of the plans,iden- tifying all dwelling units within the apartment· buildings, the accessible units that will ful-ly co111ply: those accessible units ·that will partially comply and the ·-access features comprising the partial compliance, those accessible units that will have ·no complying features, and those units con- sidered to be exempt or excluded by ·the exceptions, -and the basis 'for the exemption or exi::lusion. If all accessible units. do not fulJy comply with the Title 24 access re- quirements complete the endo11ed for~ labeled. "Documentation of Adaptability/Accessibility Compliance for Apartment Buildings,• including the itemized breakdown of those additional project costs incurred ·to provide those items requi-red to satisfy mandated Title 24 access- ibility requirements. Provide ·notes, or details as appro- priate, to· show that access features bei-n9 provided comply with t~e ~echnical requirements described on the enclosed "Title 24: Disabled Access Regulations-Apartment Check Lin·. N/A l40. l41 .• IIAIIOIC:.Ul"ED ACCUSt1St.tt.TT1 ~t.S, l'OTEL.S ANO OORN!TOR!e.5 TtTLZ 2t, l"ART? ·Th• n..-.ber of handicap ace••• <Ju••troc.• •II• I 1 be at l•••t one for each ZS or tractlon ther-C up to 100 and one addition for each CO or traction thereof ov•r 100. Section Z•IZll Every entry, openln<J or P'•••qe door openlnq lnto any area on acceaaibl• level• Cnot Ju•t handicap acceealbl• queatrooaal ah.ell -have a •ini•u• clear and unobatructed openlnq ,o( 32 inch•• wlth the door open ,o·. Section 2-llll l42. A·lt public and co""""n r00t11s and areas JU. 345. 34,. 347. 348. JC,. lSO. lSl. lS2. ahall be handicap accesaible. Section l•llll Recreation (acilitiea shall be ac:cesalble. Svi-ing pool de~k• ahall be acceaaibl• an~ an assistiv• device shall be provided to assis~ handicapped persons in gaining entry into 'the pool. Section 2•llll .When acco·nvnod .. tions ara. provided with kitchen uni:t:s .it l<t4:St on<1 and no less than one !or evary 25 of such ·4ccormKX1.itions shat 1 COOlply with Soction l-12ll(b). All bathro0111 entrancs doorways in all units on acca:ssible floor:s shall have a clear opening width of 32 inches and shall be aither sliding doors or shall be hung to sving in the dir•ction of egress Cron, the bathroo=. Seccion 2·12ll(dl Handicap access unit bathroo= doors shall have an 18 inch clear space to th• side of the ~trika.edge on the s~ing sida of the door. Section 2-l2ll(dl Shower ccmpart.~ents shall confor:a to the provisions of Section 2-l7U(j). Section 2-l2lJ(d) In handica·paccess units there shall be a •inimum clear sp4ce 48 inches parallel by JO inches perpendicular to the side of b.lthtubs. Space may include maneurverable spaca under a lavatory. In handicap access units tha water closet shall conforlll to the provision of Section 5•1502 except for the height requiruient. Section 2-l21J(dl ?n handicap accessible unit bathr0011S, grab bars, lavatories and accessories shall confot'III to the provisions of subsection 2-l7ll(bl(il. Entrance doors to all units shall have 1·ev.r type hardware, or when the unlatching operation ia key operated, large bov ~eys shall be p~ovided per·Section 2-JJOJ(c)l. See the enclosed general handicap check list for other require111ents. -p,!;IICY CONSE!IVllT.TOlf: Pt~S'e 11~0 ~ 5tate K«nd•t•d Aequlation• IC.alifornl.a Ad-aini•cration Codel bee•-effective June 16, 1,11 and requires th.at Che desiqn s.at1~(y.one of the ·altern.ative cnerqy p.dc.aqes A, a, C,, O, e, 1, 2, l, 4, 5,·6 or AS 10. Th• 1 .... also r..:iuir•• th.at 111.any 1Und.ator it••• i,. Hti'sfied. is in %on•----l''---------- eopies of the Residential £netqy Conservation !Canu.al -y be 9btained tr0111: Publicacians Onie, C.alifarni.& Enerqy Canaissian 111. H0"'e Avenue, ·11S-SO,, Sac:ra-nta, C.al.i.fornia 9512S, (Tat. H 161 ,20-621' I. California Building Offlc:ials &lso ao.aintain a telephone •hotline• between 10:00 A.H. and ·Neon .and 1:00.P.M. ta 4:00 P.H. ·,.c 19161 456-Jl2J. · fJW Slr0'1 an the title sheet cf the pl.ans, \::7 Cha Alternative ·energy package that Jri.. vas se.lected i.e. A, a, C, D, £, l. 2, l; 4, S, 6 0~ AB l6J ta sh0'1 compli.ance, and provide c.alc:ul.acions .1nd ocher d.a·tA, appropri~te ta that selected pidcage. The responsible designer should sign a statement, an the plan title sheet, ·Tho design sublllitted subs.:antially conforn,s to t.~e Energy Regulations far-"Residential Buildin9s.• Sho., the •a• value far the vans, floors, ceiling and related· areas. · Provide a schedule on the plans sha..ing t.~er.:ial ::iass requi:eatent. Specify rooms, materials, required area and thic:lcness of uterial.s. Shaw double gla:ing as per Energy Design, on Cla:ing schedule. Sh0'1 totai gla:ing areas on the plans. Sho., on t.~e plan how shading requ~rements ,will be satisfied. Sh0'1 on the plans detail-s of required movable insulation. Sh0'1 how the cur- t.tins or device will be sealed and gasketed to provide a dead air space. J"· The plans are not ln c011pliance ~ith the •n•rqy conservation c:011pli.ance p.ctaqe ••l•c:ced or:-des iqn calcutati·ons-provided. ~11.o~.,on plans, confor1Mnce •• fol l<Ns: _ If l e:,u::,, ',,,(,:, ,4 t/ e,q c, ,., , /l ,A .. v ,cl,, -,~ _.· ,4 ~;J·; c·.,A ,3 p,,r,c,,.;,,,,lAA..J r §u~'--o"AJt; TV,11.'(4"~,;:• -_. , (j] ,t::',1..,,-:s,: /..f1,~·p~ ,q,. .yo.,. µA 7"f!' '-f &t:,"->c:t ... ; S ~"";...i~t o AJ µ6 ,.aA., 't Specify on the Building Pl.ans .aH of the .. nd.ator:-y energy con•erv.ation requirement• as listed on the enctoeure titled, "H.and.a- tary Energy Conservation.Reguiremen~ Show tha she-, type ·and loc-1tion of the space heacinq (or coolinql syste~ •nd provide energy calculations if tha out- put BTU/Kr. exceeds 45,000 BTU/Hr. out- put. outdoor pools and spas with fossil fuel he.aters require pool covers as well .as other energy saving devices such as time cloc:ks, etc:. T2O-l~O6. POU?IOATION .JH. Provide a copy of the project soil report prep.1red by a California licensed Civil engineer. The report shall include foundatio~ design recocmendations based on the engineers findings .and •h.&ll comply .,ith uac Section 2905. Specify on the foundation plan or st::uc;ural specifications sheet t.~e .soil classification, the soil expansion index and .t.~e design bearing capacity of the foundation. Provide a letter from the soils engineer. c:onfir.nJ.nq that the foundation plan, grading plan·and specifications have been reviewed and trutt it has been determined that the rec0111men- da.ti0ns in t.~e soil report are properly incorpor- ated into the pl~ns.(Wtten-required by the soil repc~tJ 'rhe foundation plan does not comply .. 1th the following soil report reconaendation(s) for this project: ___________ _ _.Jtf. fro,,ld• wte• -tlM fo,111d•tl0f'I pt.11 U•C.l"'f ell• 10.U• re,ort r•c-nd•·d-• for touftd•cio11 al•• Md boaU41119 P""d ~~rnJ.011·. )H". ,.m. ,JH. '~- _m. llote ~ th• tound•tlo~ plan th•t,•Prlor to tll• concractor feq,ieat1ncr 4 1uild1n~ Oep.,,cc.enc: tound•tion in•pooctlon. th• aoU• •n'fln••r •h•ll adY\•• th• luildlncr Othchl ln wrltin<r th•t, a. the 'bu i1 d l·ncr· p.d "" • prep• c"d 1n accordance .. ;.u, tll• •o L 1·• report: b. tile utility tr•nc:hes ,1>.ve !Men proper'ly b.aclttilled and c...p,u::t•d, and:, c:. the ,tound.ac:ion excavation•. toC"Min'J • and r•inCorc~ .. nc: c:o•pl,y wich ,th• 10Hs report Md •pprov•d plan•. , Provide •Pr••d footincr• for c:onc•ntrated la.d• deuqncd for l,000 pat •oil ':'4•r- in1 or per l>e•rin'f v•lue •• detet:lll~ncd br' ail •nqi.nceL' or arclliCaCto Cll•pt•r 2,, Show heiqhc of .all found.don w•ll•- Cllapcar 2.l' Sllow he~qhc of. raulnad aari;h ,on &l l tound•cion ... -11... C.'1.ptar ll Show distance fro. foundation to edq• of c::iit or fill slopes arid ,shO># dope .and heights of c::uu .ltld fill•. Ch.apter 2' Note on t.'1c pl.tns tha,: "ood shalt be ,, inches .ilxlve !ill'isll grade. Section :ZSUi'cJ7 - Note on plans th•t sur!ace veter vill dJ:ain away !roa building· and show 4rain- a9e p&::er~ and ker •lavacions. Section 2905 I!) Att. Dlaension !oundacions p.er T•ble 29-A. --_,,..,, n<•l'fU,SOflll ccJ"T'!f•~ -r0UJriCAJ"IC)lllll'WoilU. -,,.c, n,,c:,c•ns ~·•m -= 1~, _,._ OI' ~ ' C:,.OU,<I ffl'M! _,. -p:.;..., _....,. ~ a:,,,o,= l&A.o-T ,_, I ' ' IZ 6. 12 2 ,, ' IS 1 u l ra 10 II I l~ Note on the pl.an th.at. hold da..n .anchors 1111st. be tied in pl.ace prior to found.a- tion lnllpec,tion. Show •dequate footinqs under •ll bearinq valls,and shoar wall:1. Section 2907(dl Show stepped footinq:1 (or slop~s steeper Chan 1:1~. Sect,on 29071cl .H'C". Show minimum 18 inch clearance from qrade to b9ttom o( Cloor joists and minimum 12 inch cle,ir.,ncP. to bottom of 9irders. Section 2SH(cl2 .Mt1r. ""'". .AW. >tr. ...t-11. .A-};{. Show pier size, spacinq ~nd depth into undist~rbed soil. Table 29-A Show minimum under floor access of 18 inches by 2~ inches. Section 2Sl6(cl2 Show minimum under floor ventilation equal t9 1 sq. ft. for each 150 sq. ft. of under (loor area. Openings shall be as close to corners as .practicable and shall provide cross venti.lation on at least two appro,c.imatcly opposite sides. Section 251'6Ccl6 Specify that posts embedded in conc,retc shalt ·b'e pressure treated per one Standard No. 25-12. Section 2516(cll Show foundation sills to be pressure treated, or equal. Section 2Sl6(c)l Show foundat'ion bolt size and spacing. Sec,:ion 290i(e). Spe~ify si:e, ICBO number and manufacturer of .power driven pins. Sho~ edge and end distance and _spacing. Section J06 ( f) Show si:e, embedment and location of hold down anchors on foundation plan. Section .2lOJ(bl4 -,.,r--------------·--,_,...;------------------- ! :::;::~_-:·:;~ ;"';;~_-:\ : : .. :. : .. . : .: ,:; : t' ••• t ; ··:!-~~ ... ,,, r ' l ~ j l I .. . l CITY OF CARLSBAD: SUPPLEMENTAL CORRECTIONS ..s-61J. Later-al load design should be based on Seismic Zone 4. -5-Q-r. All buildings, except "M" occupancies, require a fire retardant roof. Note on plan that roof is to be fire retardant per Section 3203(e). @· Show locat,i..on of electr:i,.cal subpanel, it cannot be in a concealed locati.on. 503. P & T drain lines must drain to a floor sink, floor drain or to the ~xterior, they cannot discharge into an upright sink. -5-8'<. Townhouses, on "Postage Stamp" lots, must have walls and utilities in accordance with· attached City Policy 80-13~ -a-e-5. Individual SFD's, or duplexes, that are on in- dividual lots but are connected at the zero lot lines, must be sprinklered if the aggregate area of the connected units exceeds 10,000 S.F. contact the Carlsbad Fire Depart- ment for requirements • 506. Floor drains must have auto-prime (City Policy). @}). ~ote exha,ust fans shall not be ductless type (City Policy). New r,es.idential units must be pre-plumbed for !uture so l.:tr water heating. Show two roof jacks where tne wate·rheater is in the one story ·garage and directly b~low the most south facing roof. (City Ord. 8093); or Two 3/4" copper pipes must be installed.from th:e most convenient future solar panel loca- tion when the waterheater is not in a one story garage and is not directly below the most south facing roof. (City Ord. 8093) . All piping for presertt ot future solar water heatirtg must be insulated when in areas that are no~ heated or cooled by mechanical means (City Policy). • :·,;::,,.,._____,-~:;,:;;_./:---···-·,· --;··.c. . :.: .. ·1 I 1 .. . . :: :: ~..:i~--~~:~,t" ..... . -. :· .\ .. l.' .\ I %-Incorporate the ·water proofing details, on the attached Policy ao-a, where interior living -space occurs below grade at the masonry wall(s). 1 . t ; ; · . , .... ~ Show on the title sheet of the plans, the in- formation required by the attached Developmental Services Sheet 102683. ~ Show amperage of electric service. Minimum 100 amps required fo·r SFD' and Duplex uni ts. CITY OF CARLSB~D PLAN CHECK NO. 'a£-623 NOVEMBER. 8, 19 85. LL OF THE FOLLOWING ITEMS.APPLY 514. With the type of construction Shown an ~A" occupancy use . is rtot permitted on the third f'loo;r:... The dining use in building Bis not permitted. Section 503 & Table 5-D. 515. Cor~iqor 207 & 307 in building C must be limited to 20' at dead end. Please dimension ort plans. Section 3305(e). 516. All stair, elevato:r;-, vent or plumbing shafts must be enclosed iii a shaft of the proper rating. Section 1706 and Table 17-A. 517. Elevator shafts must have vents as required in Section 1706(d). 518. · Door to the exercise room in building C must swing out. Use care not to block corridor with door swing. Section 3305. Two exits are required from the r~2 occupancy. See door swing at corridor. U$e care not to create a "dead end" corridor frOin'the R-1 side. 520. Occupancies must be sepcirated ,from one another as required in 503; R-1 to A-3 one-·hour; B-2 to R-1 one-hour; I-2 to R-1 one-hour. Note:a horizontal separation is required at the I-2 R-1 portion and at living quarters B-20 & B-21. 521. Door 319 in building B doe,s not swing in the direction of exit travel'. 522. Door 301 in building B must be rated. 523. Detail water heater vents meet clearance of the mechanical code for distance to windows, etc. 524. Building C where corridor and exit enclosure exit building, (.door 10.3 & 104) .forms and exit passage. Doors must be rated and no windows are permitted. STRUCTURAL 525. Provide truss drawings and a roof framing plan that cross reference the trusses. 526. Reference the soils report:: on sheet S-1 by company, job number and date. l CITY OF CARLSBAD PLAN CHECK NO. 85-62J NOVEMBER 8, 1985 527. All recommendations from soils report to be on plans. 528 .. ·c-:toss reference all beam designs to the plans or provide a ke:y plan. I am unable to coordinate the calculations to framing plans. 529. Verify all recommendations from the calculations are placed on plans. 1. Corridor jo-ists shown on plans not per calculations. 2. Floor framing .is not called out of framing plans. 530 •. Cross reference your lateral design·grid to the drawings or provide a key to the grid system. 531. The design of the braced frames and their connections shall be designed in accordance with the provisions of Section 2312(j)lG. Please show loads to the frame. 53;2. A comp.lete structural rev.iew wi11 · be made wh~n plans and calculations are ~rosa referenced. PLUMBING 513 .. Provide data shdwing approval of method and fitting for trap primei;-hoo·kup to flush value of water closet. Detail 5 sheet P-21. MECHANICAL 534. Show on mechanical pl,ans kitchen exhaust fans shown on I interior elevations~ ·535_ Show exhaust fan duct within fire rated shafts at floor/ceiling and required fire dampers at shaft penetrations. Section 1706 and 4l0~(j) of UBC. (also outside· air ducts) 536. Show fire dampers at a.11 duct -(and exhaust fan) penetrations of ceilings forming protective membrane for fire resistive ·assemblies and the openings areas are not more than 100 square inches in any 100 square feet of ceiling area. Section 4303(b)6 of UBC. 537. Fire rated corridor cannot. be used as a duct or plenum per Sections 706(b) and 12O6(b) of UMC. (at hall Cl02, office Bl23) ;.·-·: -: .. ,. ·' :: ::: ::: :'.•. _ _., CITY OF CARLSBAD PLAN CHECK NQ. 85-623 NOVEMBER 8, 1985 538. ' 539. 540. :541. 542. Provide details of kitchen grease hoods and due~ systems Chapter 20 of UMC. (duct enclosure full one-hour rating) ELECTRICAL . One 25 Hp elevator in building B is overf.used. (200a) Non-electrical equipment is not allowed in swithboard rooms. NEC 384-2. Please reference the floor plan indicated in note 1 sheet E-35. Provide an emergency system in the 'I' occupancy area to comply with NEC 517-40. If you have any questions, please contact Robert C. Hoglen of .Esgil Corporation at (619) 560...,1468. Thank you. :,;~_:-..; _ ___.:,_ ·-:. ... ~ .... ;· .. ·, t TITLE 24: DISABLED ACCESS REGULATIONS APARTMENT CHECK LIST AT EACI:l CIECLEb ITEM, NOTE _THE !;>LAN SJIEET THAT SHOWS THE CORRECTION. ' -0.ENERAL (SEC. 2-121:1 &: 2,105(b)9 A<n•ssihili1,y-ailap1ahilil)' n•quin·mt·nts for tll!' ph~ s1- rally hamlic-:_1ppt•d ,hall apply I<> all apannwnt houst's containing (5) or 111<111• units. Exu•p1ion~ an• coiulo- miuiums. co-op~. townhomcs, and uni1s with :j-J>ath ol tr:n·!'I to th,· primary t'ntr:mn· cxret'ding a-15".\ slopt'. 2. Rt·gtilatiom n·quin• a1u~xpt'ndi1ur!' of S ----,--- . pt·r unit for _____ uni1s for 1his project. 3. R1•gula1ions an• applicable whl'n 1lw primary t·nir:mn• is kss than·(6) ft·t·t ahow gradt· or less 1han (·I) feet llt'low g1~ult•. f:'\.,ALKS AND SIDF.WALKS (SEC. 2-332'.I) vi~ \\'alks and si,kwalb ,hall l\:tvt• a con1i1111ous common -surfan·. 1101 i111crrup1ed hy s1t•ps qr by aln'upt changt>s in lt>\'t•I ,•xn·,·ding-',-·inch. and-shall b,· a-1t1ini1t1um ,>f ·18 inches in wid1h. 2. S'u1faces with a slope of le.s 1han -(i pt•ffent .gradient shall be at least as slip-resistant :is that drscribed as a medium salted fini,h. 3. Surfaces ,with a slope of ti percent gradit,'lll or greater shall be slip-resistalll. 4. Surfan• cmss slopes sh;dl not exceed', inch. per foot. !l. Walks, sidewalks and pedestrian ways shall 'be free of gratings whenever pcissible. For gratings located in-the surf:,ce of any of these areas. grid openings in gra\ings shall be limited-w !-i inch in the direction of traffic flow. 6. When the slope in the direction of travel o( any walk exceeds 6% it shall-comply with the provisions for Pedestrian Ramps. '7. Abrupt changes in level along any accessible-route shall not exceed !iinch. Wiren changes in level do occur. they shall be beveled with a slope no greater tj1an I :2 except th~t level changes not exceeding li inch may-be-vertical. When changes in levels greater than h inch are necessary -ther shall comply with the requirements for· curb t.mips. _ 8. Walks shall be provided with a level area not less than 60 inches by 60 inches at a door or gate that swings toward· the walk, and not less than 60 inches by 60 inches when the-door swings onto the landing, and not lesS-than -18 inches wide by -14 inches deep at a door or g'Jte that swings away fr9m the walk. Such walks shall extend 2-1 inches to the side of the strike edge of a door or gate-that swings toward the wa\k. 9. All walks with cominuous gradients shall have level areas at least 5 feet in length at intervals of-at least every 400 feet. Ir\;, AZARDS (SEC. 2-332•0 VI~ \\'.u ningcurbs. Abrupt i:hangt•s in kn·!. exct'pt betW('Ctl a walk or sidewalk and an adjacent s11,·et or driveway, exteeding ·I inches in a vertical dimension_, such as at plan1ers or fot111rnim located in or adja5:eni to walks, ~idewalks,.or otht'r pedestrian way~. shall be identified by cqrbs proje<·ting al lt>ast 6 inches in height above the walkors-idt'walk smface to warn tlwbli'n(I of a potential drop off. When a guardrail or handrail is provided, no curb is rt'quin•d wlit'n a guiderail is providt•d centered 3 indws / plus or minus 011e inch) abovt' tlw surface of the walk or s_idewalk; tlw .walk is 5 pt•1n·n1 or less·gradient · or no_,1djad·nr ha,anl t·xists. 2. OvtThanging Oh,1runions; Auy ob;tructions chat m•t•rhangs a 1wde>1rian 'sway ;hal I-Ii,· a rniniinum o! 80 indH·; ahm·t· 1he walking Mirian· a; m,·a;itrt'd from the G bo11orn ol 1ht• obsmH 1ion. RAMPS (SEC. 2-3306) - I. Tlw ,lop,· of a ramp ,hall not t'X< t•ed I in 12. 2. The1oplandi11gsona1ampmuMbt•a1 ka,rti0inrhesin d1•p1h. 3. If a doorswi1igs 01110 a lop landing thl' landing c.lt·p1h ,hall he not less than ·12 inches plu, the width of tht· door. 4. The lop· landing ,hall have a 'width not lt'sS than ib <lt-p1h. :1. Tlw cop -landing sh:111 extl'nd 1101 ll'ss ll_1a11 2·1 indws llt'yond dw strik1· ,id,· ot tilt' door al ,·x11•nor ramps and 18 indw, at i111t•rior ramps. Ii. 'i'lw bouom landing shall b,· not lt-ss 1han 72 indws dt·t·p. . 7. I111l'rnwdi:11c landing, ,hall h,· prov1cl1·d. al turn, and wh1•m•vt•r llw d1ang,· in lt•\'t•I ,·xc-i-t·ds :IO 111ch1•s . 8. In1t•rnwdia1t• lamling on ~,raight ramps shall haw a dt•pth of not less th:in 5'-0". lii1rrnwdia1t• landings on famps 1ha11urn grea1t·r 1han :IO d,:gn•t•, shall h<' not lt-ss 1han {i f1•1•1 in depth. !}. Ramps ,hall I)(' nOI kss 1han ·I ft't'I wid,•. IO. Ramps s,·rving a pl imary 1•n11ann· for an ocn1p:1111 load of :lOO or mon· shall ht· noi lt-,s 1han :, k1•1 w1d1·. -11. Handrails shall h,• pla, ,·don ,·ach side of ,·a\-h 1a111pand shall extl'nd 12 inches bt'yond tlw top and houom of tlw ramp and :io -:l-1 inch,·s high. 12. Surfaces of ramps shall be slip resistant. ,::-\;TAIRWAYS (SEC. 2-3305) \.JI. Stairway treads must be slip-resistant with smooth, rounded or beveled edges, and no abrupt edges at the nose. The upper approach toa stairway and all stairway treads outside a building are to be marked by a strip of clearly comrasting color, at least 2 inches wide (a painted strip is acceptable/. The strip is to be placed parallel to and not more than one inch from the nose of the step or landing. The strip material must be at least as slip-resistalll as the other stair treads. 2-3305(r)(s) 2. The nosing should not project more than I½ inches past the face of the riser below, and the risers should be solid enough to prevent objects larger than \i inch from passing through them. 2-3305(s) 3. Stairways mu,t have handrails on both sides. Private stairways 30 inches or less in height may have handrails on one side only. 2-3305(j) · 4. Stairways serving one dwelling unit in an apart~ent house are allowed to have onlv one handrail; but 1f the stairway is open on one or both sides. handrails are to be provided ()n the open side(s). 2-3305(j) 5. Other stairways must have handrails on both sides. A stairway more than 88 inches wide must have at least one intermediate handrail for each 88 inches of required width. Intermediate handrails shall be spaced at approximately equal intervals along the entire length of the stairway. 2-3305(j) 6. Handrails must becolllinuous for the full length of the stairway. The handrail' must be 30 to 3-1 inches above the nosing of the treads, and extend at least 12 inches beyond -1J1e top nosing and 12 inches plus the tread width beyond the bottom nosing. The handrail must be returned or end in_ newel posts or safety terminals. If th\! extension of the handrail in the direction o[ the stair run neat,•; a hazard, the extension must be mac.le at right angles to the face of 1he returning wall. Where the stairs arc continuous from landing to landing, the inner rail must be continuous, but need not extend into the landing. Handrails projecting from a wall are to be at least I\, inches trnm tlw wall. The rail's handgrip must he -be1wt·1·n l'i 10 2 indws wide, or the shape must supply an t'quivalt·nt smooth gripping surfa<-e with no sharp COl"lll'rS. 2-330:i(j) (:\ENTRY WAYS VI. A:pp-lirahlc p1 ima1 y cmran«·s to building, are to be an essih It· to I ht· ph ysica II y h:rnd ica ppcd. If till' primary em1,1111 ,., are not llt'ing u,ed by 1hc di;ahkd or tlwir use is n·s1ri, 1,·d, the ~ntrann·s which arc lwing sub,tituted mu,1 ht• made affe~;ihlt· to and mablc hy the physically 0,iamli,appt"cl. 2-3:l0l(m) :vny primary t·n1rann• and individual living acrnm- no,fation ,hall have a door bu,.1.er, bell, chime or t•quivalent. 2-1213(b) 102285 . . . ---:~'::4' ... ~ ... --~..i-,. ·--~-... APARTMENT CHECK LIST DISABLED ACCESS REGULAT.IONS ©Rt~t~~;JI,111~~;~11st( S.~1~~1:1~~~~-Lrl'd 10 pn•venl i111t•1r1·11·m't' with wlwdd\air tralfic. 2-:1:lffl(m) ·I. En·ry n·quin·d t'XII IIIIISI Ill' l,ll"!l(' ('lltlllgh IO 1x-rmi1 a door at ll'a,1 1hn·,· ft,'!'( wit!,· aud ,ix ·r1·1·1. l'ight indl<', high. Exit door, ,hall opt'n at ll'ast !)0 dt•gn•t•s, and proviil,· a rlt-ar widrh.ol at l,·ast :12 indl<'s. 2-:1:l0:1(1•) !",. Thr floor m landing shall b,· llll lllon• than·~ inch lowt'r than 1h1•donrwa~ thrl'shold. Chang1·s in lt•wl bt•twt·en '1 inch ,1111I '• ind1 must ht' b1•v1·l1•d. wi1h a slope no great,·r than 50"~-A-ramp must b,· provid1·tl if the rhangt• in -le\·t·I .is gr!'at,·r 1han ', inch. 2-:l:IOfi(i) ti. ,\ kvd. clt-aran•a is IO llt'crt'atl'd on t•ach sid,•of an-t'xit door. Tht• ari·a should ht· at 1 .. a,1 liO ind1t's in tlw dirl'r· ticm or th,• door swing. and +I inches in th!' opposill' dirt'ction of tlH'·d,lor swing. as lllt'asured at right angles. _to till' door-in i1s dos<"d posi1ion. 2-:l:l03(i) 7. The·width or this l<"vl'i ,m·a must extend 2·1. inc-hes past ·the strik,• edgt' or tli.e do.or for llw exterior door. and 18 -inches past, dw ,11,ik,· <·dg,• for in11•rior doors. 2,:l!lO:lti) 8. In individual apanm,·nt hm1s1• units, the kvl'I art'a must he +I incll<'s long. ho1h in the diiection. and opposi11• thl' din-ct inn. of 1ht' dllllr swing. as m,•asun•d at right angles to thl' plane of tlw door in its dosed position. 2-,130/ll i) . 9. 'In ap:1nmt·nts. priva11• garages and sheds, wht're a door qpcns over a landing, tht· landing should be as long as the door width. Screen doors and storm doors -mav swing owr stairs: The landing doesn't have tt> be as long as thtt,crccn doors and swrm doors, but should bt' as long-as tht• door width. 2-33033(i) 10. The SJ)\iCe bt'twt'en two·con><·cutive door openings in a vestibule., st:rdng other than a required· exit stairway, must have at lt',ist ·18 ii1d1cs t>f dear space from any door opt'!ling into tilt' vestihuk wht'n the door is positioned at 90 degret's from its dosed position. Doors in a·scri<', must sw.ing either in the same direction. or away from the-space·between the doors. 2-:l.30l(i) IL Exit door~ must open from the .inside withourn key, or any special knowledge or effort. Exit doors from buildings-or rooms 5ervj_11g 10 or fewer occupants may have a night latch, dead b(?lt, or security-chain, as long as the doors can still be opened from the inside without a key, special knowledge or effort. In additicm, these devices_ are not to be mounted more than 48 inches ;ibove the floor. Manually operated edge bolts, surface- rµounted flush bolts and surface bolts are prohibi'ted·. ·When exit-doors are used in pairs and automatic flush bolts are used, the door leaf with the flush bolt must have no doorknob or surface-mounted hardware. The unlatching of any leaf must not require more than one operation. 2-3303(c) ' 12. Hand activated do.or opening har\f ware is to be between 30 and·44 inches above the floor. Latching and locking doors that are ha_nd activated. and in a path of travel should have lever type hardware, panic bars, push-pull ac_tivating bars, or other hardware that provides passage w11hout grasping the hardw.ire. Doors to individual units must-operate similarly, except that when the bolt and unlatching operation is performed with a key from the corridor or exterior side of the door, large bow keys (2 inch full bow or rn irich half bow) must be provided lllstead of lever type hardware on the corridor side. Separate dead lock acrivation on the room side of cor- ridor doors must have a lever handle or large thumb turn in an easily reached locatfon. 2·3303(c) 13, fXit door hardware needs to be an approved type tested 1~ accordance with th<' procedures est;iblished by State Fn:e-~larshal Standards 33,2 and 3:l.3. 2-3303(1) 14. Maximum effort lO 01krate doors must not excct'd 8,5 P<ilmd~ for cxt,·rior doors and 5 pounds for interior doors. Thb maximum effort is measured as the amount of push or pull applied at right angles to hinged <)oors, and at the <'entt·r plane of· ;liding or folding doors. Compcmating ckvin:s or automatic do()r openers may be used to meet these standards. When -fire doors a"' re<juircd, the maxmum effort to operate the door m.1v be increased up to 15 vounds. 2-3303(1) · 15. The bottom IO inches of all doors, except automatic and sliding d<x>rs, must have a smooth, uninterrupred surf:11=e to allow the door to he operwd by a wlwekhair foo~rest without ratd1ing on or trapping the whcrl- chair. 2-3303(m) PAGE 2 ;I. CORRIDORS . I. i;:Vl'ry corridor st•rving JO or more occupants must bl' at least H ind1t's wide. All rnrridors w11hin apartmt•111 houw units.are 10 beat least :!6 inche~ wide; 2-:l:lO·l(h) 2. C,orrido1s owr 200 ft•et long require: 2-:l:l(' !;!.; (a) A minimum dt•ar width of 60 indws; or (b) At a, cntral location, a wheelchair turning or pass- ing alcove that is at least tiO inches hy ti() inches; or (c:) At a n·mral Im·,11ion. an imervening crn.s or It'!' rorridor, at least +I inches widt'; or 0 (cl),\ door at a cemral location. NSIDE THE APARTMENT UNIT-GENERAL • Every entry, t>p<'ning or passage door of the ap.irtment must have a minimum dearopeningof :l2 inches when the door is in a fully open position.' 2-1213(a) 2. Switd1e;: The center of the grip of till' operating l\an- dle of switches used 10 comrol lighting and ren•ptablt• outlets, appliances, or cooling, heating, and \'entilat· ing equipment miist ·be between three and four ft'et .ibovt'· the -floor. 3-380-i 3. Electrical Outlets: The center of 15-, 20-, and 30- ampen• electrical outlets must bt' installed at least 12 inchesa~nYe the il<-m!"-This requiremmt does not apply !O electncal outlets mstalled as a pan of permanently mstalled baseboard heaters, outlets required in areas adjacent to sliding panels or walls, or other electrical- convenience floor outlets. The requirt'mcnt al,., ,!ol's· not apply to baseboard electrical outl<'ts used in mn, -_0. able partitions, or in walls with windows. :1-210-:!.'i I. TCHENS (2-1212(b) . :I. The design and construction of all U-shaped kudwns must provi1e a minimum clear space of 60 indws between cab met fronts, coumers.-or walls. A minimum clear space of -!8 inches is required for all other kitchen designs. · 2. Counter tops at least 30 inches need to be provi~Jed for the kitchen sink. At least 30 inches shall be provided for a work space. Both the sink and work space counter ar~a~ shall b~ designe~ to enable repositioning to a m1111mum height of 28 mches. The sink and work sur- face co4nter areas may be a single imegral unit or separate components. ,- 3. Cabinets located dir.ectly under sink and work area counters designed for repositioning must be removable to accommodate wheelchair clearance. 4, The sides and back of adjacent cabinets, which may become exposed to moisture or food handling when a countertop is lowered. are to be constructed of durable nonabsorbent materials appropriate for such uses. Install finished flooring on ;he floor beneath such coumertop . . 5. Stone,. cultured s~one, and tile~ _countertops may be used wuhout meeung thesereposiuoning requirt'ments. 6. Lower shelving and/or drawer space must be provid1:d 0 at a height of no more th;m 48 inches. ATHROOMS (2-1213, 2-1711, a'nd 5-1504) . Bathroom entrance doorways need an 18 inch clear space from the side of the door's latch edge on the swing side. 2. At least 48 inches along the side of a bathtub or bathtub- shower i~ needed for maneuvering a wheelchair and for ~ransferrmg_ to and from the bathing facilities. This space may 111clude the maneuverable area under the lavatory. 3. T~e toilet can be located in a space 36 inches in clear width, a; long as '18 inche~ of cl<'ar space is provided in front of the toilet. Spa1:e may include maneuvt'rable space und<'r a sink designed so as not to impede anTss. Doors muM not infringe on these clearances. 4. Walls within shower areas require a smooth, hard, nonahsorllC'r_n s_urface such as Portland cement, <:on- ~rete, ceramu: ule or other ;ipproved material, extt'ml- . mg up the walls at least 70 inches above the drain. Materi_als other than structural elements used in such walls should be impervious to moisture. · 5. D1x1rs and pan<"ls of shower and bathtub enclosures are to be constructed from approved shattt·r-resi;tant matt'rial~. Glaling used in doors and panels of showers _ and bathtubs mu~t be fully tempered', laminated safety glass or apprnv<"d plastic. ·!. -.;, ·:) .-! l ! • J I / '. APARTMENT CHECK LIST DISABLED ACCESS .REGULA'rIONS 0 BATHROOMS. (CONTINUED) 6. When glass is used, it is to be at least !i· inch thick when·fully tt'mpered, or'' inch when faminate·d. and . must pass the' test r<'quirements of UBC .Standard No. 54~2. Plastic used in doors and panels -of showers :uul bathtub enclosures sha"II be shatter-resistant. Hinged shower doors musr open outward. 7. Comparnnent showers n\ust be •12 inches wide and ·18 inches det>p with aH t•ntrance opening of 36 i11ches. When-a threshol.d·/a reasst'd drop) is used, it shall bt• a. ma)!.imum of !'i jnch in height and have a beveled or sloped angle not exceeding ·15 degrees from horiwntal. 8. The shower floor needs to slope toward the rear t<> a drain located within 6 inches of the rear wall. 9. A clear floor space 30 inches by ·18 inches must b,~ provided in from of a lavatory.111isspace is to adjoin or overlap an accessible mutt• and shall exteml into knee and·toe space underneath the lavatory. 10. Tlw .lavatorv must be mou111ed with a clearance of at least 29 inches from.the floor to the bouom of the apron with knee clearance under the from lip extending a minimum of 30 inches in width with 8 inches min- imum depth at the top. Toe clearance is the same width and must be a minirnum of9 inches from the Hooranda minimum of 17 inches deep from the front of the lavatory. ADDITIONAL COMMENTS: PAGE 3 11. Faucet controls are to be operable with one hand and require no more than 5 lbs. of force to activate. Exam· pies of acceptable designs are lever-operated and ·push· type controlled mechanisms. 12. Grab bars do not net'd to be provided. However, sup· port backing must be built in accordance with grab bar height and length requirements to allow for future installation of grab bars. 13. Support backing needs to be placed on each side, or on one·side and the back of the toilet, 33 inches above and parallel to the floor. Support bac!dng at the sidt' shall be at least 42 inches long, with the front end 2·1 inches in from of the toilet. Support backing at the back must be at least 36 inches long. 14. Should the builder install grab bars. the diameter or width of the-gripping surface is to be !!1 to !½inches, or the shape must provide an equivalent gripping surface. Wlwn grab bars are mounted adjacem to a wall. the space between the wall and the gr.ib bars is to be I½ in<'he,. · 15. The structural strength of grab bars, tub and shower ·seats, fasteners and mounting devices must withstand at least 250 pounds of lateral load. 16. Grab bars can not ro(ate within their fittings. 17. A grab bar and any wall or surface adjacent to it must be free of any sharp or abrasive elemems. Edges must have a minimum radius of!, inch. .. . ; .. -:.:•.: : : : ·= ·' ·--· .•'i •• TITLE 24: DISABLED ACCESS REGULATIONS [NON-RESIDENTIAL CHECK LISTI AT EACH CIRCLED ITEM, NOTE THE PLAN' SHEET THAT SHOWS THE CORRECTION. ~WALKS AND SIDEWALKS (SEC. 2-3 32,5) V 1. Walks and sidew,.lks shall have a conlinuoua com• mon surface, not interrupted by steps or ·by abrupt changes in levc:1 exceeding ½ inch, and shall be a minimum of 48 inches in width. 2. Surfaces with a slope of less than 6 percent gradient shall be at least as slip-resistant as that described as a medium salted finish. ' 3. Surfacrs with a slope of 6 percent gndient or greater shall be slip-resistant. 4. Surface cross slopes shall not exceed \4 inch per foot. 5. Walks, sidewalks and pedestrian, ways shall be free of gratings whenever possible. For grati_ngs loc~ted in, the surface of any of these areas, grad openings in gratings shall be limited to ½ inch in the direction of traffic flow. , 6. When the slope in the direction of traycl of any walk exceeds l vertical to 20 horizontal 1t shall· comply with the provisions for Pedestrian Ramps. 7; Abrupt changes in lc:.,-el .ilong any acces~iblc route shall not exceed ½ inch. When changes in level do· occur, they· shall be beveled with a slope no grea.ter than 1 :2 except that level changes not exceed111g ¼ inch mav be vertical. When changes in l_evels gr.cater than'½ inch are necessary they shall comply with the requirements for curb ramps. 8, Walks shall be prqvidcd with a level area not less than 60 inches by 60 inches at a door or gate that swings toward the walk, and not less than 48 in~hes wide by 44 inches deep at a door or gate that swings .away from the walk. Such walks shall extend 24 inches to· the side of the strike edge of a door or gate that swings to,vard the walk. 9. All walks with, continuous gradients shall have· level ards at least 5 feet in length at intervals. of at least .every 400 feet. (1/HAZARDS (SEC. 2-33:26) 1. Warning curbs. Abrupt changes in level, except between a· walk or sidewalk and an adjacent street or driveway exceeding 4 inches in a vertical dimcn• sion, such ;s at planters or fountains located in_ or adjacent to walks, sidewalks, or other pedestrian ways, shall be identified b.y curbs projecting at least 6 inches in height above the walk or sidewalk surface to warri the blin.d of a potential drop off. Wh~n a guardrail or handrail is provided, no curb is required· when a guiderail is provided centered 3 inches (plus QC minus one inch) above the surface of the ~lk 01· sidewalk: the walk is 5 percent or less gradient qr no adjacent ha7.ard exists. 2. Overhanging Obstructions: ,Any obstructions .that overhangs a pedestrian\ way shall be a minimum of 80 inches above the walking surface as measured from the bottom of the obstruction. /,ARKING (SEC. 2-7102) . . I. The following table ·establishes the number of hand1· capped parking spaces required: Total Number of Parking Spaces l • 40. 41 • 80 •••• , •• 81 • 120 .... 121 · 160 ••••••• 161·300 .••• 301-400 ••.• 401 • 500 •• over 500 •••• Number of Handicapped Parking Spaces Required 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I for each 200 additional spaces provided When lc:ss than 5 parking spaces arc provided, one shall be 1-l feet wide and lined to provide a 9 foot p.irkin~ area and a 5 foot loading and unloading area. , 2, Physically handicapped parking spaces shall be lo- cated as nc;ir as practical to .a-primary entr~nce. If only one sp.1ce is provided, it shall b~ 14 feet wide · and lined to provide :i 9 fool parkmg area and a 5 foot loading ;ind unloading area. When more than one space is pro..-ided in lieu of providing a 14 foot wide: space for each parking spac~, two spa~es can be provided within a 23 foot wide _area hnc:d to pro..-idc a 9 foot parking area _on-each side o~ a 5 ,f<!ot load_ing and unloading arca an the: center. fhc mm• imum.length of ~i~h earkin11 spa~c !~all be 18 fi:~t, 3. In each parking ;uea, a humpc:r or curb shall be pro• \·idcd and located to prevent encroachment of cars over the required width of walkways. Also, the space shall be so localed thal a handicapped person is not compelled to whcd or walk behind parked cars other than their own. Pedestrian ways which arc accessible to the physi• caliy h~dicappcd shall be provided from each such parking space . to realted facilities, including curb ·cuts or ramps as needed. R:imps shall not encroach into any parking space. EXCEPTIONS: l. Ramps located at the front of physically handicapped parking spaces may encroach in to the length of such spaces when such encroachment docs not limit a handicapped pcrso~ 's capability to leave or enter their vehicle thus providing equivalent facilitation. 4. Surface slopes of parking spaces for the physically handicapped shall not exceed ¼ inch. per foot in any direction • 5. Entrances to and vertical clearances within parking structures shall have a minimum vertical clearance of 8 feet 2 inches where required for accessibility to handicapped parking spaces. 6. Handicap parking identification signs shall be provided as required by Section 2-7102(e) in the following locations: a. On the pavement within each required park- ing spac,o ,b. At the entrance to the parking facility. (9/;ANITARY FACILITIES (SEC. 2-5,P) 1. Where separate facilities are provid\:d for non-handi- . capped persons of each sex, separate facilities shall be provided for handicapped persons of each sex also. Where unisex facilities arc provided for non• handicapped persons, such unisex facilities shall be provided for the handicapp::d, • 2. Where sanitary facilities are located on accessible floors of·a building, they shall be made accessible to the physically handicapped. 5. Passageways leading to sanitary facilities shall have a clear access width as specified in Chapter 33. All doorways leading to such sanitary facilities shall have: a) A dear unobstructed opening width of 32 inches, b) A level and clear area for a minimum depth of 60 inches in the direction of the door swinR ,u measured at right angles to the plane of the 1oor in its closed position, and 44 inches where :he door swings away from the level and clear area. 4. Multiple accommodation toilet facilities shall have the following: a) A clear space measured from the floor to a height of 27 inches above the floor, within the sanitary facility room, of sufficient size to inscribe a circle wi'th a diameter not less than 60 inches, or a clear space 56 inches by 63 inches in size. Doors other than the door to the handicapped toilet compartment in any position may encroach into this space by not more than 12 inches. b) A water closet fixture located in a compartment shall provide a 28 inch wide clear space from a fixture or a 32-inch wide clear space from a .wall at one side of the water closet and a 48 inch long clear space in front of the w.1tcr closet if the compartment has an end opening door ( facing the water closet). A 60 inch minimum length clear space shall be provided in a compartment with the door located at the side, Grab bars sh,lll not project more than 3 inches into the clear G spaces as specified above, A water closet compartment shall be equipped with a door that has an automatic closing device, and shall have a clear unobstructed opening width of 32 inches when located at the end and 3'i inches when located at the side with the door positioned at an an~lc of 90 degree, from iu closed position. Except for door opening width, and door swings, a clear unobatructcd acccu·not lcsa than 44 inchea shall be provided to water closet compartments designed for use by the handicapped and the space immediately in front ~ ..... of a water closet compartment shall be not lcu that -18 inches aa measured at right an11le1 to com- partmcnrdoor fn its dosed position. . s. Single· acc.-detion toilet recilitiea shall have the following: There Shell be surficient space in the toilet i:00111 for • wt,eelcheir mellS- uring JO inches wide by 48 inches long to enter the ro0111 and pen11it the door to cloee. The water closet shall be located in a space which provides a 28 inch wide clear space from a fix- ture or a J2 inch wide clear space fr0111.a wall at one side of the water closet and 48 inc:hea or clear space in front of the water closet. 6. In an existing building a single ~ccommodation toilet facility may have the wa.ter closet fix turc locat~d in a compartment which provides a clear· space of not less than 36· inches wide by 48 inches long in front !>f the water closet. 7. Grab bars l<Jcated on each ·side, or one side of the back of the physically handicapped toilet stall or comP,.artment shall be securely ittached 33 inches above and parallel to· the floor. Grab bars at the side shall be at least 42 inches long with the front end positioned 24 inches in front of the water closet stool and grab bars at the back shall be not less than 36 inches long. The diameter or width of the gripping surfaces of a grab· bat shall be 1',4 inch to 1 ~ inch or the shape shall provide an equivalent gripping surface. If grab bars arc mounted adjacent to a wall, the space be· tween the wall and the grab,bars shall be l~ inches, 8. A clear floor space 30 inches b.y 48 inches shall be provided in front of a lavatory to allow a forward approach. Such clear floor space shall adjoin or overlap an acccsiblc route and shall.extend into knee and toe space underneath the lavatory. 9. Where urinals arc P.rovidcd, at least one shall have a clear floor space 30 inches by 48 inches in front of 0 the urinal to allow forward approach. loherc facilities for bathing are provided for the-public, clients or e,nployees, including showers, bathtubs or lockers, at lea.st one such facility shall comply with the handi- @ cap access standards in Section 2-511 ( a ) 9 • 1/4 inch thick identification symbols shall 'be provided on doors f(! sanitary facilities. A 12 inch triangle for 111en and 12 inch dia- 111eter circle for women is required. (1/ WATER CLOSETS (SEC. 5-1502) 1, The height of accessible water closets shall be a min• 'imum of 17 inches and a maximum of 19 inches measured to the top of ~he toilet scat. Flush ·controls shall be operable ·by an oscillating handle with a maximum operating force of 3 lb or by a remote low voltage button. The handle or button shall be located so they arc operable without .requiring excessive body inovcmcnt. /URINALS (SEC •. 5-15.03) 1. Where urina~ arc provided at least one elongated ri!tl at a maximum of 1 7 inches above the floor is required. 2. Flush controls shall be hand operated, and shall be mounted,no more than 44 inches above the floor. _A LAVATORIES(SE<;. 5-1504) 1. Lavatories shall be mounted with a clearance of at least 29 inches from the floor to the bottom of the aprlln with knee ,clearance under the front lip ex- tending a minimum of 30 inches in width with 8 inches minimum depth at the top. Toe clearance shall be the same width and shall be a minimum of 17 inches deep fro!"(! the front of the lavatory. 2. Hot water and drain pipes under lavatories shall be insulated or otherwise covered, There shall be no sharp or abrasive: surface, under lavatories. 3. Faucet controls ·and operating mechanisms shall be operable with one .hand and shall not require tight ~sping, pinching or twisting of tl!c wrist. The force r,.riuired to activate controls shall l;>e no grcatcr·th•n 5 lb. Lever-operated, push-type and electronically controlled mechanisms arc examples of acceptable designs. Self-closinll' valves are allowed if the faucet remains open for at least IO ,c:conds. PAGE 2 H. DRINKJNG FOUNTAINS(SEC. 5-1507, 2-511) 1. The drinking fountain shall be a minimum of 11 indic1 in depth and there shall be clear and unob• structed spaces under the drinking faun tain not !cu than 27 inches in height and 18 inches in depth, the depth measurements being taken from the front edge of. the fountain. A side approach drinking fountain i.1 not accc,ptablc. 2. The bubbler shall be activated by a control which is easily operated by a handicapped person such as a hand-operated lever type control located within 6 inches of the front of the fountain. a push bar con·trol along the front of the drinking fountain, etc. The bubbler outlc:t orifice shall be located within 6 inches of the front of the drinking fountain and shall be within 36 inches.of the floor. The water stream from the bubbler shall be substantially parallel t1> the 'front edge of the drinking faun.lain. 3. Where water fountains arc provided, they shall .be io~·atcd completely within alco,·cs, or otherwise positioned so as not to encroach into pedestrian ways. G)>ooRS &: HA&DWARE (S~C. 2-3301, 3304) l. All primary entrances to buildings shall be made ·accessible to the hai1dicappcd. 2. Hand activated d!)or opening hardware shall be centered between 30 inches and 44 inches above the floor. Latching and l.ocking doors that arc hand acti• vatcd and which arc in a path of travel, shall be oper- able with a single effort by lever type hardware, by panic bars, push-pull activating bars, or other hard· ware designed to provide passage withou~ requiring the a,bility to grasp the opening hardware. Locked exit doors shall operate as above in c:grcss direction. Doors to individual ·hotel ,pr motel units shall aper· ate sin:ularly, except that when bolt and unlatching operation is key operated from corridor or exterior side of unit door, large: bow keys (2 inch) full bow or 1\4 inch (half bow) sh;tll be providc:d in lieu of lever type hardware on the corridor side. Separate dead lock activation on room side of corridor doors in hotels or motels shall have lever handle or large thumb turn in an easily reached lo_cation. 3. Width and Heights. l·. Every required exit doorway shall be of a size as to permit the installation of a door not less than 3 feet in width and not less than 6 feet, 8 inches in height. When installed in exit doorways, exit doors shall be capable of opening at least 90 degrees and shall be so· mounted that the clear width of the exitway is not less than 32 inches. 4:. For hinged doors, the opening width shall be mca- .sured with· the door positioned at an angle of 90 degrees from its closed position. At least one of a pair of doors shall meet this opening width require• mcnt. Revolving doors shall not be used as a required entrance for the physically handicapped. 5. Maximum effort to operate doors shall not exceed 8.5 pounds for exterior doors and 5 pounds for interior doors, such pull or push effort being applied at right angles to hinged doors and at the ccn tcr plane of sliding or folding doors. Col)'lpensating devices or automatic door operators may be utilized to meet the above standards. When fire doors arc required, the maxfmum effort to operate the door may be increased not to exceed 15 pounds. 6, Construction. The bottom 10 inches of all doon except automatic and sliding shall have a smooth uninterrupted surface to allow the <!oar to be opened by a wheelchair fo·otrest without creating a ·trap or hazardous condition. Where oarrow frame doors arc used, a 10 inch high smooth panel shall be installed on the push side of the door, which will allow the door to be opcned·by a wheelchair footrest without creating a trap or hazardous condition. 7. Thresholds shall' not cxa:cd ½ inch in height. 8. Where turnstiles arc used a door or gate that is accessi!>lc to the handicapped shall be provided within ,o fr.ct. ,; There shell be a level clear area on each side of ..n exit or paaaage door. Provide 60 inchea clear in the direction of the door awing and U inc:hea on the aide opposite the door swing direct-ion. l'leesur-nta era to be et right angles to the cloeed door. 102385 ~-ib'J':tf"-,, ,,:..,, ,,,. 10. The width of the required level area on the side into which the \laor swings shall extend 24 inches past the strike edge for exterior doors and 18· inches past the strike edge for interior doors. 11. The space between two consecutive door openings in a vestibule serving other than a required· exit stairway shall provide a minimum of 48 inches of clear space from any door opening into. the vestibule when the door is open 90°. Doors. into a vestibule shall swing in the same direc- tion or they both shall swing away ,from the vestibule. /cORRIOOftS MO EXIT BALCONIES c:SEC. 2-3305) 1. Corridors that exceed 200 feet in length shall: •• Have a •ini-clear width of 60 inches; b. Have ,at a.central location, a 60 inch x 60 inch minimum wheelchair turning/passing space; or ~· Have at a central location, an intervening cross corridor {minifflUfll 44"); or d. Have at a central location, an apenable door which provides complying access ta.an area ~djacent to the corridor. K. STAI!lWAYS (SEC. 2-3306) 1 •. Handrails s!Jall extend a minimum of 12 inches beyond the top nosing and-12 inches plus the tread width beyond the bottom.nosing. z. The handgrip portion of handrails shall be not less than 1-1/4 inches nor more than Z inches in cross-sectional dimension or the shape shall . provide an equivalent gripping surface and shall have a smooth surf.ace with no ·sharp earners·. 3. The upper approach and the lower tread of each interior stair and every tread of exterior stairs shall be marked by a strip of clearly con- trasting color, at least 2 inches wide, placed parallel to, and not more than l inch from the nose of the step or landing to alert the visually impaired. (Applies to stairs with Z or more risers) 4. Open stairways are not pet111itted. Riaera shall. ·be l!(lfficiently solid to prevent the passage or objects larger than 1/4 inch. s. Tread surfaces· shall be ·slip-resistant and shall have smooth, roun.ded or chaalfered exposed edges. The lower front edge shall be beveled or rounded. 6. Nosing·shali not projec~(IIOre than 1-1/2 inch past the race or the riser below. L. RAMPS (SEC •. 2-3~07) 1. The slope of a ramp shall not exa:ed 1 in 12. 2. The top landings on a ramp must be at least 60 inches in depth. !. If a door swings onto a top·landing ,the landing depth shall be ilot less than 42 inches plus the width· of the door. 4. The: top lallding shall have a width not less than its depth. . 5. The top landing shall extend not less than 24 inches bey9nd the strike side of the door at exterior ram111 and 18 inches.at interior ramps. 6. The bottom landing shall be not less than 72 inches dc«fp. 7. Intermediate landings shall be provided at turns and whenever the change in level exceeds 30 .inches. · 8. Intermediate landings on straight ramps shall have a depth of not less ·than 5'·0". Int_ermediate landings on ramps that turn greater than 30 degrees shall be not less than 6 feet in depth. 9. Ramps shall be riot less than 4 feet wide. 10. Ramps serving a primary entrance for an occupant load of 300 or more shall be not less than 5 feet wide. 1 J. Handrails shzll be placed on each side of each ramp and shzll extend 12 inches beyond the top and bottom of the ramp. . 12. Surfaces of ramps shall be slip resistant. PAGE J "· ELEVATORS (SEC. 2-SlOJ) 1. At l•••t one elevator shall have a Mini-In- side car platfol'ftl of 6 feet 8 Inches wide by •· reet J 1nches deep with a mini'"'-"' clear opening width of 42 inches in buildings more than three stories in height and 1n all buildings where elevators are required. z. Passenger elevators in buildings other than those required in No. 1 above and serving an occupant load or more than 50 shall have a minimuni inside car platform or 5 feet 8 inches wide by 4 feet J inches deep. Doors shall be J feet clear side slide-type. ). Passenger elevators in buildings other than thosa required in No. l above and serving an occupant load of less than 50 shall have a minimum inside car platform or 4 feet 6 inches wide by 4 feet 6 inches deep. The door opening shall be at least 2 feet 8 inches clear width. 4• All passenger elevators shall have handrail lo- cated 2 feet 6 inches to 2 feet 10 inches above ,the car platform. 5. Elevator car operation buttons need to be with- in reach or wheelchair users and of a type that blind or partially sighted persons can ident1fy as required by Section 2-510 3 ( m ) · 6. Wheelchair lifts shall comply with Sec.2-5106 N. REf"UCE AREA$ (SEC. 2-3303 )(f"IRE MARSHAL RECUI.ATED OCCUPANCIES) ,: l. Every multi-story building where access is pro- vided for the physically handicapped shall have designated (signed)· rooms or areas on each floor to provide safe refuge for the handicapped. Refuge areas are not required on stories opening to grade or with ramps to grade or in stories used only as service basements or only for park- ing. O. TELEPt!()t£S (SEC. 2-51 1 ) 1. General. If public telephones are provided, they shall comply with Section 2-511 ( d) P. ELECTR ICAI. 1. Electrical receptacles (15, 20 and JO amps) shall be at least 12 inches above the floor. Section 3-210-50 ( e) z. Switches and controls for lights, appliances, cooling, heating and ventilating equipment shell be not less than 3 reet nor more than 4 feet above the floor. Section 3-380-8 ( c) J. f'ire a_larm initiating devices shall be 48 inches above the floor, ground or sidewalk. Section 3-760-8.l Q. SPECIFIC OCCUPANCY REQUIRElt'.NTS ~apters Z-6 through 2-14 have specific occupancy requirements for access in addition to the general requirements listed above. Provide notes and de-tails ta coa,ply with ____________ _ 102385 .. :: .. ~ ..... _ .. _¥. ·-~~--~:~---:-*~(-?-t/:~~:-~-,,.~ ·~-:<-=•:. ,i DOCUMENTATION. OF UNREASONABLE HARDSHIP Job Address -----------------------Plan File No. --------------- O w n er Date ------------------------------------- It is requested that the above nam~d project be granted an exception from the requirements of the State of California Title 24 accessibility, as specificaJly noted below: 1. EXCEPTIONS REQUESTED ESTIMATED COST OF ITEMS TO BE EXCEPTED 2. The cost of all construction without excepted items, is --------,---~----------,. 3. The impact on financial feasibility of the project, if the requested exception is not approved is -----,-------------------------------,,-------------4 •. The facility is used by the general public for th~ purpose of~------....,.,-.,.,.,..---~---,----- 5. The exceptions being requested will not penalize handicapped accessibility as equivalent facilities are available as follows: (Complete if over $62,000· value in No. 2 above) ___ _ 6. Exceptions requested, and data provided, by:_-------------------------------- NAME ADDRESS . SIGNATURE TELEPHONE Department Use Only Findings and Decision of the Enfordng Official: Signa-ture of Enforcing Official Date HA-1 102385 / ; ·_ r-~~, ~~~~;~~ ~ --~ ':-.... :,: - --_:··~-... The ralltlvl11" 11,Hes Jpeclryl111( "'.ind.itory l'e'1"-1M:"'entJ Jho.,ld be tncorpor.it~d on p1.ins sne~ts, or cont.itned ~Ltl'lln Job speclrtc.itlon docu•ents. · . · NAIIOHOH £1'£,•cr COIIS£~VAr'tOH 11£our11£HE:fTS or '(If£ ST.\T!: or Clt.tfOll~tA (ll ,11 heatlng, ventllat1ng, a1r cond1t1on1ng, and water heat1n& equlp•ent shall •cct all or the requlre•ents or the Appliance Errtclencr Standards and shall be certLrled to th~ Call(ornia Energy Comctsstan. · (2) A two.stage cner•ostat, which controls the supple•entary heat on tcs second stal(e, shall be requtrcd (or heat pu•ps • • (J) Ther~ascats shall b• cqu1ppco w1th an auto~attc s•tba~k, Which the building occupant can progra• to auto•atically set back the tncraosta:. Set paincj ror at least 2 periods within 2, hours. . ( 0 Equtpaen.t vh'ich requires prevent 1 v.e 11a1:n tenanc:c to aain tain erricient aper.ition snall be rurnishe~ with d~mplete necessary ma1nten.ince inror=atlon. tSJ All g.1:s-rtred ran type ~entral rurnaces, gas-rired ran type Vall rui-nace:s, and coolc1n6 app.l..!.ances shall be equipped w1th an 1ntei-:1ttcnt ign1:ion device. (6) AP ran .1y:sec::ss cxhausctng a11' to the out':slde .shall l>e p!'o- Y1ded with backdi-art da::spel's. (7) All ti-an:sversc duct, plcnu::s, and r1tting Joint: sh3ll l>e scaled with pre.1sure sensitive tape or ma~t1c t~ prevent all' loss and shall be insulated to conrorra to the provi:don:s or Section lOOS or the UHC, 1976 Edition. · (SJ A vapo!' ·barri_er 1s reqi.l!!'ed in climate :cone l, 14, and 16. (9) All ::sanutactured wibdow:s an~ sliding glas:s doors :sh~ll 111e•t the 1'972 ANSI ail' 1nt1l tl'at1on :s tanda!'d:s and .shall be Cel't.1- Clcd and labeled, · (lOJ All :swinging door:s and' 11ind0w:s leading to unc:cnd1t1oned area:s :shall -be rully weathel'-:s tl'ippcd •• (lll Storage type vat.er heate!':s and .stol'age and backup tank: ror :solar syste::ss shall_l>e exte~nally wrapped vith R-12 insul~t!on or greater, • • (l2l The five feet or pipe clo:scst to the vater heater, 1r cut:slde conditioned :space,shall l>e insulated vlth a 111n1111u111 or R-J. St.ea::i and :ste.a11 condcnsatiOI\ r-etul'n piping and rec:ir-culat1ng hot vat.er piping outside the building envelope .shall l>e 1n:sulated in accordance with, T2O-l4O6(dJ. (lJJ Laaps used in luainar1es (Cl' general lighting in kitchen:s and bathroo~s shall have an erfic:ac:y or not le:s:s than 25 luaens per vHt. Cl4J Shoverneads and rauc:ets :shall be equipped vith r1ov restric:tor.s as outlined 1n the appiiance ert1c:iency standards and sh.all be cert1f1ed to the Energy Co•~is:slon. (151 Ha.1onry and fac:tory-bullt r1replaces on exterior valls, :shall be equipped v,Lth t1ght r1tt1rt·& closeatlle ·,1ctal er glus doors covertnc the entire opening or the r1rcbox; a co•bustton a1r lntalce eq.utpped vlth a readily acces:sible, operable, and tight r1cttnc da•per to dr•v air fro• the outslde or th• bulldtng: and .a tl.gh.t r1tt1n& nue d.aa·per vi.th a rud1ly ac:c,sJlDle control. Cl&) lnsulitlon uJfd shall co•~ly v1th Ca11fornta 0ual1ty Standards. (17) The lnsulitlon lnJtill,r snall post a slgned ~~rt1flcate., •• Section 27.b. (141 for lnflltratlon control all gpcnlngs and ·penetrations •~st be caulked and sealed, swch as aro.,nd vlndovs, at sole, plar.u, and· openlngs tor u&.11 U.y plpes and vlres. roiK. ic11111a4 l ·, ' r -! t I ' j .. -,..... --~ .. Jurisdiction 6 12~stYJc:,· Dates fl-J·?~ Prepared bys ?./" I' ' >'/..-~ .... _ • _..., I 4 -·,. -._,_r,, VALUATION AN-D PLAN CHECK FEE o Bldg. Dept. O Esgil PLAN CHECX: NO. ,?s-ef:23 BUILDING ADDRESS --::-----:---L_A_~_?V-~_~A __ D_~_1~_'G _____________ _ APPLICANT/CONTACT ____ i2_0_0 _!-/_,1r_:;_1_"'_s ____ PHONE NO. 45"3--'I 3 z:.,;, BUILDING OCCUPANCY K-1 DESIGNER PHONE 5,,,.,~,,;.. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION )/ ilia [SPrt '"' L~<V CONTRACTOR PHONE -----,..---------- BUIU)I~G ~ION BUILDING AREA VALUATION VALUE MULTIPLIER 6VI ... C1"-'/. A .. ~\ .7-/ /J-i .-:r---• ?c.t.J. 1..rbfJ 7-z--./ ,.,....~ -I~ .. ,J ;v-r£t210,, ~e . ,.v--n 4'6, oO -Ii:/-'!"G, 5 ;f Z ;vv - Oe.c-,ts i' P,:; 'i?.J~. /605" 't ou 14 /~45:"" ,. , Air Conditionin£ Commercial ,rt.Jf1 @ ,. ~.., to'-4- Residential ~ @ 7:, C/0. 71 l l §ta.~ Res. or Comm. ...µ? 377--~'Z--Z-- I. ~-o . ,., --~ ~ Fire Snrinklers Total Value Fee Adjusted To Refle~t Li-I-~/. @ , .,, I I -• , -- ..:f..+~)G=-6~ 7q t:-4-z-. 7 , 0 Energy Regulations (Fee x 1.1) "J' 7 '7 t]Handicapped Regulations (Fee x 1.065) i,,/7b • ..a z·? a S:<:h Building Permit Fee $ ---------------.......... -'---------..._ _____ _ ---p oe/ S".!.r'7 3 3 Ian ,Check Fee $ $ ".....J_ -=--------.........a..--.....___~_....ltf-+-,. 7..-.-1-q...:,___ ,- c OMMEN TS'-•--------------------------------- • 8/4/82 .. Dates ;/-/ -.>-?_;- Prepared bys J?c ,, ,'/~, :.. . -A. ,•" ~ r_c- Jurisdiction & a1-.s.f!Ac,· VALUATION AND PLAN CHECK FEE PLAN CHECK NO. ff~-6:23 ,'' r, • .,:,,•• ,.:• a Bldg. Dept. ·a Esgil BUil.,DING ADDRESS LA <?u,./A "!/121vlf= . ---------------------------APPLICANT/CONTACT l2oo J../,~t;.,,./s PHONE NO. 4 5'3 ---------BU I LD ING OCCUPANCY k-/ B-2 -1. -:::PESIGNER PHONE --------TYPE' oF coNsTRucTroN v i ~12 c5P-'2 ,,., 1.~<£1 coNTRAcToR PHONE - BUILDING PORTION BUILDING AREA ,,.,,,,;,_ . B/ Air Conditionin~ Commercial J/' 5"t D I ,., --} ,._4 t, · VALU.ATION MULTIPLIER A . t:/, c) 0 '1 · 00 ----- VALUE x, = ,_ r d ...,_ I I ,, :2-os- Residential Res. or Comm. ~~~~@ ~.4D ~..tf,il-@ 1.0J q '.3 u "o/"!" ~" ,! "9 ?-f? Ft-oJ5, 5'3 .., Fire Snrinklers Total Value fee Adjusted To Reflect Buildih'g Permit fee $ O~nergy Regulations (Fee x 1.1) OHandicapped R~~ulations (Fee x 67b -,r,; I :3~ 00 'f 1.065) s -~~ t, 710 .£.:0 g ,g 4 2 4-'3 /&, .,,_ Plan Check Fee $ $ __;:;.._ ____________________________ ..:;._ ______ _ COMMENTS._•---------------------------------- .. 8/4/82 ""~-~---·:•: ... :· .-....... Date, fl-J -]-.;- Prepared by, 0 t"' h~, ' ' -I\ : .t:'. -. , _,,._.,_~~ Jurisdiction & r2"se,,40· VALUATION AND PLAN CHECK FEE PLAN CHECK NO. <t.:;""-&:.?3 BUILDING ADDRESS LAG<.,,r/A //4'.''./€ c Bldg. Dept. 0 Esgil APPLICANT/CONTACT l2ot) ,:../,~.:;,.,-.is PHONE NO. 4£3-~1'3 Z--' BUILDING OCCUPANCY l<-j ;I. DESIGNER PHONE =-,,,_,.,.;:. TYPE. OF CONSTRUCTION )/ i~a (5Pl2 1"' ir:"-' CONTRACTOR PHONE ------ BUILDING PORTIOy >BUILDING AREA V,ALUATJ;ON VALUE / · MULTIPLIER 6~h-C;;I\I'-? C/ . . ' . ~ Ir -?~ lob"1 IJ...A ' ,,...:.:::...(~ 1-z-, vi Z.........--- 'K1EE"5 !0r-,,..J"'fi4 '--/· ~ ¥ ~-{ -J./6,00 -l, ;;i G:J _, 1~a. t ~ --- Dz .. c.,.'i,c.s c P-~11..:> /-le ,4-r.,1}f C'*,u. . , Air Co.ndi tionin2: .Comm~rc1al Residenti~l · Res. or Comm. fire Snrinklers To·ta.l Value Fee Adjusted To Re-fleet Building Permit f'ee $ Plan Ctieck f'ee $ .. ~oit-q. o__g 3 I , Io Cf -,_-,,-, l<7J _r'LL . ,-b6 , ... ~ . OD . . ;-;j~ 6"~ .. ' ~ . I ' -:z.-7-&io? @ ,. t,ht/.-()1 ~v (cl :;, 4 O .. ;z ~ I J2,2 ~ ~.., .li.'-tl 00 @ / .. :::,-0 ~.,, ~ 't Q. ' -r/ef4,r,?P .) .) D Energ_y Regula-tions (fee x 1.1) )_,762 O Ha.ndicapped Regu 11,11:ions ( f' ee x 1. 06 5) . ~ ·t/-llo! $· ~-~ -z..7o9 COM MEN TSa..• ---------------------------------------- 8/4/82 d Date, il-J ~ ]-;- Prepared byr . ?. ('. Al::)..:,~.-"'"" . .···-: Jurisdiction LA r2.t..s.1t,.11c,· VALUATION AND PLAN CHECK FEE o Bldg. Dept. O Esgil PLAN CHECK NO. :?:s'-tf !!3 BUILDING A RESS L AC?u;oP! .A .//2 .tve APPLICANT/CO CT l2oLJ j:./, ~,:; /I'/ s PHONE NO. 45"3-q3z.:..,:, BUILDING OCCUPA CY /V1 DESIGNER PHONE.----5_,,, .. ,,. · TYPE OF CONSTRUCT N )/ tJ -. C~ONE- . . BUILDING PORTION BUI~G AR1/ ~LUATION VALUE MULTIPLIER 8u1c..e,1"'~ X- 04 2/F/30 /(2_/0~ /0 z100 V ""-· / "' / "' / '- / -~ :.,-~ --~----\ '\ 1~_/""'-, - -' \_}_~/~ r/ ,. Air Conditionin~ I Commercial @ ,. _Residential (a Res. or Comm. Fire Snrinklers @ Total Value 2/oO Fee Adjusted To Reflect d Energy Re~ulations (Fee x 1.1) 3 q Handicapped Regulations (Fee x 1.065) 37·~ Building Perm it Fee $...;.·--------------'-------------"-------- Plan c·heck Fee $ $ _..;:__ ______________________ -,--__ ;:;..._ ______ _ ;2. 5' o.3 CO H MEN TS_,• -------------------------------------- • 8/4/82 <., Jurisdiction ~ r2.1.-.se;,1c;,· Date s //-/ -.Y~ Prepared by, ?c. Jl:::,c,._:,r"A I VALUATION AND PLAN CHECK FEE CJ Bldg. Dept. [J Esgil PLAN CHECK NO • :-P-~ -6 ,::13 BUILDING ADDRESS LA C?uMA _ ______ .;;;.,_ ___________ .....,.. ________ _ APPLICANT/CONTACT /2jt,;, '~'~t;.:,-.1s PHONE NO. 45"3-4 3 Z'-' BUILDING OCCUPANCY M ------,,-----DESIGNER PHONE ::::,.,,,,, .. ,;;. · TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION )/ -;,.1· CONTRACTOR PHONE - BUILDING PORTION 3d1::-c1tv~ f< /Ee tZGA T7 <.J .,.J /31)~ -5 Tl2u.c1'Jl'Ji I R.,G LC.../ s. ; Air Condi_tionin2: Commercial Residential .Res. or Comm. Fire Snr.inklers Total Value Fee Adjusted To Reflect ----- BUILDING AREA VALUATION VALUE I MULT.IPLIER 300 /_/../ -,o 3';).. c.; 9 '!.:.. ,@ ' @ @ f· 0 Energy Regulations (Fee x 1.1) OHandicapped Regulations (Fee x 1.065) ~ ;z_ C) 0 '7-1 /.6 7 I I(. 6 y' ?3l. Building Permit fee $---------------------------- Plan Check Fee· $ $ __;=-------------------------'--------- CO HM EN TS._•,._.----------------------------- • 8/4/82 ·:··.. ::,··--.·' Jurisdiction ~ 121-s.t!!,,4c,· Date 1 i/-J-Y~ Prepared byr ?. ,, c, ,,.,/":),. -,.._ ~-A 1 VALUATION AND PLAN CHECK FEE Cl Bldg. Dept. 0 Esgil PLAN CHECK NO. Y5""-t5.::-3 BUILDING ADDRESS LA G{./NA ________ ...,;;_ ________________ _ APPLICANT/CONTACT !2av ,: . ./,,~.:;.;NS PHONE NO. 45"3 -"/ 3 :z....) BUILDING OCCUPANCY _M _____ _ DESIGNER PliONE 5,,,,~,, ... · TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION V IV· CONTRACTOR PHONE--:--------- . BUI,LDING PORTION BUILDING AREA VALUATION VALUE MULTIPLIER .. 6Ui-C1A1$ /VJ/1 JNT" J4,1J CJ$ 73wo/ :2-70 /~ o-:-; "3?;?0 C:?vtil?.S'D 'ii.lli.s ;:2 :.3 3 y&d ;2.0 17 , Air Conditionine: , Commercial @ ,. Residential (cl .. Res. or Comm. Fir~ Snrinklers .. @ .. Total Value 5?77 fee Adjusted To Reflect 0 Energy Regulations (Fee x 1.1) 0Handicapped Regulations (Fee x 1.065) ~ .. ,S-0 Buildiri.g Permit fee$--------~---~-----------' __ -___ _ 36 ~ Plan Check fee_:_$ ________________ ..;.... ________ ...;:$'--------- COM MEN TS._•-------------------------------------- • 8/4/82 ,: . ' 1--...... '· PLAN CHECK NUMBER ZS~cl3 -::::.---- .ADDRESS TYPE OF STRUCTURE 3 -3 4efii,,.7 Cfye· f,/Af ZONE: ----- SCHOOL FEES: SAN DIEGUITO -------ENCINITAS -------- " CARLSBAD_ht,_,_/_'J>( ___ . __ _ ~ % . COVERAGE t>'V ~ BUILDING HE--IG_H_T --0~~------- tl . -f FENCES/WALLS ___ ...:;;J+i1:ft~ ........ -_________ _ SAN MARCOS ----.------ REQUIRED SETBACKS ----- FRONT <€:>J:;. <!!>K., TWO CAR GARAGE-~ -___,:,...,....~,_;;;;;.--.:-~~---~ ~ Q D REDEVELOPMENT A?PROVAL REQUIRED:~ff"_· -----. ________ ..:_,. __ ~~ ~- L&J-----. . ' I C::::::, -. ,n .. ,_.-, ________ , __ '··----------,---+---'---- 8 ~-@ LANDSCAPE PLAN COMMENTS: _,.J~ 1$)t,}l_~ ___ '&O __ ID...,)_Ql-+\ ci-_!7_~6 ... ~.....-.!l~---l\J--~_n\ ___ t_t __ * · IF THIS ITEM IS NO't CMi:CKED~ BU.-Ih;i;i-!N~L-OEPARJMENT-~nLL. l~ifi~t: ALL INSPECTIONS ( --. -- ' _,, ·:"··;'·',iSi,: .:' ,ft. .,~ -~ .!' 1200 ELM AVENUE CARLSBAD, CA 92008-1989 · · "';· .:: · Qtitp of QCarl~bab FIRE DEPARTMENT I-.,;;:;._• PAGE 1 OF-5._ ----------/11.A,C..-'-l/ b APPROVED XJ ,,/ / TELEPHONE (619) 438-5523 __ 1. ,,·r,.f 1.,V 2• ,r,:/ __ 3, T-114. PLAN CH ECK REPORT APPROVAL OF PLANS IS PREDICATED ON CONFORMING TO THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS AND/OR MAKING THE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: PLANS; SPECIFICATIONS, AND PERMITS DISAPPROVED X PLAN CHECK# <15-Z&,3 Provide pne copy of: floor plan(s); site plan; sheets ____________________ _ Provide two site plans showing the locat1011. of all existing fire hydrants within 200 feet of the project. Provide specifications for the following: -6~1=tt~1R~rl:~l .... --5 .... 'l_..-,._.7E"'""""41..__~--------------'--- Permlts are required for the Installation of all fire protection systems (sprinklers, &tand pipes, dry chemical, halon, CO2, _alarms, hydrants). ~Ian _must be approved by the fire department prior to ln'stallatlon. · The business owner shall complete a building Information letter and return It to the fire department. 1;rt;~;t-5· ·f:.ift-· FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEMS AND EQUIPMENT _K_ 6 .. The following fire protection systems are required:· m' A~tomatl<;;Jlr.e sprinklers (Design Crlterl~: lllr·o·l 13 . _l 1&,-1 r t-lA Z/l .e b ) f~ ~ Qry Chemical} Halon, CO2 (Location: C QOt ,oJt:. t'.1 ,e,,,:A ) E~N D staiicri5i'pes (Type: , . ) 9 : \'tl'FlreAlarm(TypelLocatlon: Uuk,,,,qtt,,_' / Z<X'&t INAAII/AL /1te.ez:u.jc-'8'.'24-'6:¾ ) ij ,...,. ~17· ~e Extinguisher Requirements: · '-''N-' ~ One 2A rated ABC extinguisher for each (r,c,cc sq. ft. or portion thereof with a travel distance to the nearest extinguisher not to exceed 75 feet of travel. · ~~ r;1 An extinguisher with a minimum rating of 2-0 EL to be located: __,_l,_,N'---"'l(,._., ..... r,,.......,.1:1""E""~ .... I_· _______ _ l~,s1,2...,Z.. · D Qther: ________________ --'-----------------A l l 8. Additional fire hydrant(s) shall be provided_. _____________________ _ ~-X-9, __ 10. EXITS Exit doors shall be openable from the inside without the use of a key or a:ny special knowledge or effort. A sign stating, " This door to remain unlocked during business hours" shall be placed above the main exit and doors -----------------.a..-----'--------------- EXIT signs (6" x ¾" letters) sti~II be placed over all required exists and directional signs located as necessary to clearly indicate the location of exit doors. GENERAL __ 12. Storage, dispensing or use of any flammable or combustible liquids, flammable liquids, flammable gases and hazardous chemicals shall comply with Uniform Fire Code. __ 13. Bulldlng(s) not approved for high piled combustible stock. Storage in closely packed piles shall not exceed 15 feet in height, 12 feet on pallets or in racks and 6 feet for tires, plastics and some flammable liquids. If high stock pil- ing is to be done, comply with Uniform Fire Code, Article 81. l 14 .. A qltlonal Requirements. ----------------------------- ,._; j 2?t:sce1Pnoo) tJ/: Nl?N ·Ar>2ouc.J<1r:o~,'T z.4-. ~ ){. Comply with regulations on attached sheet(s). Plan Examiner--------------------Date---------- Report mailed to architect ___ Met with ... -_____________ _ _ Attach to Plans . ' '. • • ~·; t '; • eritp of (arl.s'bab .. , . · · .. ,AVENUE . · • . :: . ,JAD, CA 92008-1989 FIRE DEPARTMENT ~- ··' :'.,.,HONE ·'. ,.j 438-5523 \ PLAN CHECK REPORT ,. APPROV~ -It/- DISAPPROVED X PROJECT __________________ ADDRESS __________________ _ ARCHITECT ADDRESS --------'-----PHONE _____ _ OWNER ADDRESS _________ PHONE OCCUPANCY ______ CONST. TOTAL SQ. FT. ------STORIES _____ _ D SPRINKLERED D !ENANT IMP. _____ ,_ 4 ___ -.,-----t----. _1 -----.-. --,;\\,....;--.... ---. ,-.. --.-d+ . _ l. APPROVAL OF PLANS IS PREDICATED ON CONFORMING TO THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS AND/OR MAKING THE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS, AND PERMITS Provide one copy of: floor plan(s); site plan; sheets ____________________ _ Provide two site plans showing the locatlo,!1 of all existing fire hydrants within 200 feet of the project. Provide specifications for the following: Permits are required for the fr\stallatlon of all fire protection systems (sprinklers, stand pipes, dry chemical, halon, CO2, alarms, hydrants). Plan must be approved by the fire department prior to Installation. The business owner shall complete a building Information letter and return It to the fire department. FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEMS AND EQUIPMENT 6. The following fire ·protection systems are required: D Automatic fire sprinklers (Design Criteria: _______________________ ) 0 Dry Chemical, Halon, CO2 (Location: ) D Stand Pipes (Type: ) 0 Fire Alarm (Type/Location: ) 7. Fire Extinguisher Requirements: D One 2A rated ABC extinguisher' for each ---.--sq: ft. or portion thereof with a trav~! distance to the neare~t extinguisher not to exceed 75 feet of travel. D An extinguisher with a minimum rating of ___ to be located: D Othet: ______________ ---'-~------------------ 8. Additional fire hydrant(s) shall be provided _______________________ _ EXITS 9. Exit doors shall be openable from the Inside without the use of a key or any special knowledge or effqrt. 10. A sign stating, " This door to remain unlocked during business hours" shall be placed above the main exit and doors ' EXIT signs (6" x ¾" letters) shall be placed over all required exists and directional signs located as necessary to clearly Indicate the location of exit doors. GENERAL 712 .. t-13. Storage, dlsp~nslng or use of any flammable or combustible liquids, flammable liquids, flammable gases and hazardous chemicals shall comply with Uniform Fire Code. · . ~14. Bulldlng(s) not approved for high piled combustible stock: Storage In closely packed piles shall not exceed 15 feet In ·height, 12 feet on pallets or In. racks and 6 feet for tires, plastics and some flammable If quids. If high stock pil- ing Is to be done, comply with Uniform Fire Code, Article_ 81 . .\ I q C / {ti: ; ; (.. · '.{;..I[, -<Al·\ . J ,(, l ,.,,._,t,. • a- c/ . 0 -15. Comply with r~~ulatlons ~attached sheet(s). rJ 1 1___.....-,A'.,,.. f...-;t~· Plan Examiner ·.· 1 • ·::S~ ~ ._..... <'.7y -· Date--'/_:J_. _f_\ ____ ,__ Report malled to.architect ___ Met with _______________ _ _Attach to Plans ---------------~~..--------------~------- . ; £9-llJC, -.. , .. CARLSBAD FI RE DEPARTMENT· .· . ·.· .'/ OF. 6 PLAN CHECK REPORT fYJtJL-77-PdePtJt;£ ;?oolYJ ~ 5.J-1-&Gr A PROJECT V1LL1Js uG &9£<..,spA-1> PLAN CHECK# _______ _ '/... !11. ~A~ ,~15. ~16. iO __ 17. 18. _19. ~20. ?ftr}(_21. M.1 ~ '· ;-.. 22. 24. __ 25. f=:1 ::t.._ 26. Drap.cs and other decorative materials shall be fh1mc· retard·nnt. ·Cert·ific.ition thereof shall be provided. Exits, exit lights, frre alarm stations, hose · cabinets and extinguisher locations shall fc be concealed by decorative material. Interior finish shall conform with Title2 California Administra~ive Code regulations. Fir~places and other appliances employing open flames.shall have rn~~al I ic guards. Loose chairs exceeding 299 shall be bonded tog~ther in groups of 3 or more. Storage and janitor closets shall be of one~hour construction with al 1 openings · protected with 3/4 hour self closfng and latching assemblies. An approved fire alarm or two-way communication system shall be provided per Title 24, California Administ~~ra~t~iu.,; ................ =-----~ ·An occupant capacit ·· n, with minimum one· inch letters an posted near main e 'C 1. square feet per person). Exit doors shall be openable from the inside without the special knowledge or effort. A "THIS DOOR MUST REMAIN UNLOCKED WHENEVER THE PUBLIC IS PRESENT" sign, with minimum one inch letters, shall be provided adjacent to main exit door ---- :"EXIT" signs shall be in block letters minimu·m 6 inches high. Luminance on face of sign shall be 50 lux. "EXIT" signs shall be efectrically illuminated and energized from separate circuits. Show on electrical plan(s). One of the above circuits shall be part of the emergency lighting sy_st'em. An "EXIT" sign shall be posted over exit qoor5 __________ .;.;._ ___ _ and directional signs located -------------------------Show locations on floor plan(s) .. ~ k 27, Approved panic hardware shall be provided on exit doors _________ _ Show on door schedule. ridor ______ ~ ___ shall be of one-hour conitru~tion with door open- s protected with 20 minute self closing and latching ass mbl ies. additional exit door shall be provided ffl 'i>tn!nt-2-tJ 33. __ 30. Plan Examiner ·Date : . _)-~e)e-f --'':· 1 ~ .... · ./OF ::J CARLSBAD FIRE DEPARTMENT ~ PLAN CHECK REPORT u { ~-\/'J b ,-l~-- ~15. · 16. __ 17. 18. _19. g _k20, A;t ~ 21. '1 t. •. • ' ,, 22. ~, _1f_23, 2 4. . · 25. e.eX.26. A'~1~27. . ,,,,--,- PLAN CHECK tt f~ -2!:3 -------"~- \ Drapes and other decorative materials ihall be flame retardant. Certificgtion ' thereof shall be ptovJded, Exits, exit lights, fire alarm stations, hose cabinets and extinguisher locations shall not be concealed by decorative material. f Interior finish shall conform with Titlel California Administrative Code regulations. · Fireplaces and other appliances empl6yfng open flames.shall have metal I ic guards. Loose chairs exceeding 299 shall be bonded together in groups of 3 or more. Storage and janitor closets shall be of one-hour construction with al I openings protected with 3/4 hour self closing and latching assemblies. An approved fire alarm or two-way communication system shal 1 be provided per Title 24, Calrfornia Administrative Code. · _·An occupant capacity si I imum one in~h. lette'r·s and numbe.rs,. slial 1 be ·po~ted near main exit ~~~~~~~square fe~t per p~rson). Exit doors· shal 1 be openab: e,.:.rom the inside 'Without the use of a key or any special knowledge or effor( •.. :-, . A "THIS DOOR MUST REMAIN UNLoi:kED WHENEVER THE PUBLIC IS PRESENT" sign, with minimum one inch letters, shall be_·provided adjacent to main exit door ___ _ "EXIT" signs shall be in block letters minimum 6 inches high. Luminance on face of sign shall be 50 lux. "EXIT" signs shall be ei'ectrically ilhiminat'~d and energized from separate circuits. Show on electrical plan(s). On~ of the above circuits shall be part of the emergency I ighting system. An "EX-IT11 sign shall be posted over exit doorS .... , and directional signs located -----------------------Show locations on floor plan(s). Approved panic hardware shall be provided .on exit doors--------'---- Show on door schedule. 28. Corridor __________ shall be· of one-hour construction with door open- ings protected with 20 minute self closing and latching assemblies. 29. An additional exit door shall be provided in -----____________________ ___, er .Un iforrn Building Code, Chapter 33. _30. P Ian Examiner ·oatc ; ' .. ' '·""' • ,· .. ·.. •. .· · · CARLSBAD FI RE DEPARTMENT : ' />:;OF . .s y_;_AN CH5),.,,:;.:iRTA~1 • PROJECT _____ Vi _____ . l_l_l_~_S_...:;;J....,..L_._a _______ ~·-5-~------------p LAN CHECK tt_f'_<--_2-_&1_3 __ 16. ___ 17. 18. __ 19. 20. £1~23. 24. _25 .. 2-6. Drapes and other decorative materials shall be flame r~tardant. Certification thereof shall be provided. Exits, exit lights, fire alarm stations, hose cabinets and extinguisher locations shall not be concealed by decorative ma t er i a 1 • • { · Interior finish shall conform with Title),7california Administ~·ative Code regulations. \ ' Fireplaces and other applian~ei employing open fl~mes, shall have metal I ic guards. Loose ~hairs exceeding 29~ shall be bonded together in groups of 3 or more. · Storage an~ janitor closets shall be of one-hour construction with al 1 openings protected with 3/4 hour self closing and latching assembl ics. An approved fire alarm or two-way communication system shat 1 be provided per Titl~ 24, California Administrative Code. ·An occupant capacity sign, with m1nimum on~ inch letters and numbers, shall be posted near main exit (. _______ square feet per person). - Exi.t -doors shall be openable from the inside with6ut the use of a key or any special knowledge or effort. A "THIS DOOR MUST ·REMAIN UNLOCKED WHENEVER THE PUBLIC IS PRESENT" sign, \•Ii.th minimum one inch letters, shall be provided adjacent to main exit door ---- UEXIT" signs shall be in block letters minimum 6--i.nohes high. Luminance on face of sign shall be 50 lux. "EXIT" signs shall be electrically illuminated and energized from separate circuits. Show on electrical plan(s). One of the above circuits shall be part of the emergency 1 ighting system. An "EXIT" sign sh:111 be posted over f?Xit door and directional signs located ----a.. ___ __,,, _________________ _ . • --------------,...--------Show locations on floor plan(s} . _27. Approved panic hardware shall be provided on exit doors _________ _ 28. 29. -· , . .K._30.· ,k-31 ~ t; !· Show on door schedule. Corridor __ ~-~~~~--shall be of one-hour conitrurition with door open- fngs protected with 20 minute self closing and latching assemblies. An additional exit doqr shall be provided Jn per Uniform Building Code, Chapter 33, -?=-llcv--,~-e--4-~-.;;-s:--~-?7¥::l---,.-;>071---:::(-.__, fl~s (/ lk-M-z~~ · Plan Examiner Dc1te .• rlllili!lillll!llllilllllllllllill '111111111111111111111111111111111" SILLMAN/ WYMAN & A550CIATE5 ARCHITECTS & ENGINEERS / 10671 ROSELLE ST., SUITE 200 SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 92121, TELEPHONE (619) 453-4320 ·December 23, 1985 Villas De Carlsbad, Ltd. 1060 Eighth Avenue, Suite 405 San Diego, California 92101 Attn: Mr. Ron McElliott Re: Villas De Carlsbad Dear Ron: It is our understanding that the personal care area located on the 1st floor of Building 'C' will only be used to temporarily house ambulatory residents as defined for use under the definition of I-2 Occupancy per 1982 U.B.C •• It is our further understan'.ding this area will prohibit residents who require the permanent use of applicances (i.e. wheelchairs, walkers, ~ ,, :, · etc.·) for mobili:-ty · or otherwise fit description of non-ambulatory persons per CAC Title 24. Should you agree with this please sign below and return to our office in order that we may route back to the Carlsbad Fire Department for their files. Thank you. & ASSOCIATES • • • ROH/do Partner ,. : .· . .-· .. , December 24, 1985 Date: .•'i.'t ..... , ·· t ;~ . · VP1'f~;c -~ COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO (/Jc~¼-. PLAN CHECK #: t '3(pff9'~ DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES ,JU~ / , - Divi.sion of Environmental Health Protection -.: ,-_PAGE __ OF / ,L~~:~) 1700 Pacific Hwy., San Diego, CA. 92101 1 . ., '1 .. . :,'n · (619) 236-2243,n, : -.J: · · ,; ,_ ., · -J\\J lT /~,uv '-~\ £cff)oJ. . PLAN CORRECTION SHEET / OWNER: VI LUl:5 Dt: (!~"5AD DATE: 7 (J,,i I 8 ?J , \. ADDREss, Io w D i fl.I 4vi;: 1 :tl/o':.:.; s D C/ d t rY . PHONE, 'i2oa1c ttr , . ~~ j\J'NTRACTOR: -'" --• PHONE: ,l._/s::3 -l.f •32£) i ,1:\.-iW}fD · J~dress of Proposed. or. Remop~~d \ J ..i /~ / / <:-1 "'_.-, ··_:;it1/ "lY /. 'ealth Regulated Bu1ldrng:.N(W (.....-rt(b'.JIJ4 1 .... )tZ/ I-~I ... . t f!_) CrclCh;;....1.r D.,. A..,_ I _; ¥,. t/ TYPE OF .BUSINESS.: /'-'! Vlf _ {{)._3 .. ~,L'\l-<-,RECHECK REQUIRED A/_,.. APPROVED /1 ~i Vlf"ti··c;J},il.CC"""-'I /)--• . -..--, CHEcrotw: /J ~-_.,.,...,..~ ... ~./ ·~---. J - ITEMS' ' / .,..-1' ) t·-- .I ,· / DHS:EHP-886 (4/84) • L )'ONS-, WARREN & ASSOCIATES C9nsulting·S.tructural Engineers· STRUCTURAL CALCULATIONS PROJECT,NAME: Vilas de Carlsbad_Bldg. C Conversion ARCHITECT OF WORK: · SiJ lll]an/Wyman . JOB No, ___ s __ w ___ ss __ os __ ·----------- ENGINEER OF WORK: P.Keyin Lyons (It TABLE OF CONTENTS ' ' ~-10731 Treena Street -#100 _ San Diego, CA 92131 . ( 6i9)· 578-8380 ---- •. 'LYONS, WARREN &.ASSOCIATES· ProjeGt . U/'LLll.5 DE CAPLStY'tO · Consulting Structural and Civil Engineers San Diego; California (619) 578-8380 By q-__ $. DatY~le1 Sheet No.:!:._ Of _.3 __ . ' ,, ,, . Subject BLD C: C. Job No. ___ _ Col..l\y'/2$1 C>~ ' . . • ; _! ~&i~~ -'.) b -· ..... ~ . u . "-· '-' .A.0.S. ' ,. -. :-:-~--' 'I 89o/t .lb.~~· (<i!..U1J1T-S) ·o, l,· ::: ,ZS/'¥ LL =-.: f9&:·· _T,. L ·,::-·· ~S , OpsJ ·-_ -1,;';-·.: .. · t'-_,,.,;;_~--titn· IN ,-l .,..,Al wn,; .. L .. ,v.,;\J..l,.,j ... J~c_ .... 1 ••••• ·, _. ;·· •• -r--X. .. S.rt. _C.,., -CT~·! ' ---- -l~ • • I . :-i--: l ---,~-.... , _ -~-: .. :_.: .. :s·~·: 1o~(L/,$)z.a-'s)/1.soo· =. /32.251vi..3 , I, • 1 ( e C Ottfl.1~ O,L,~ Z..SpJ L, l, ::,' .loop/ r.. L-=-/25 p.sJ: - ( (!S't>llll< 0, L:. Z.5p, LL"-•2.5f 7-c=-1.so, ·'; : __ :--·_-J_' .. , . , ; · !{~ /s( li'-12 (1000)~ ·,~·3/J2.-C1~) )/,sc:.. 16.-1,~"a: It ~ N,<o, • 1 1 \ ' . .• . ·, 1 • : · __ · _:·~_::.c~ .1>.·· ' . . ;s -~-:. "iiz: Z:5 (l?t13)e 1.52, a. ,~-1- , ' . <oX l4 -• • ~-. • • . -~: ,t -~ -:· ! 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A:PO 6/5'' '71-UL. fe. t::1', S1Dc l..;)j z-5/t=f' ~ rt\ .. ~ ' ' < WWW "'"'"' <<< ' ::,::,::, 000 ""'"" "'"'"' """"' ......... WWW WWW :c:c:c "'"'"' 000 "'00 -r., _.(',10,."' c:ococo:i ~~~! 'ltf;'"4'i t;-x.'tsn~c.. ~m ·., f'os'r) t. CO\.. C.F\:P r . ) , ~ A.3et_ CUP 7... .i:t-~tG,J 1'1:::) ~P\.- , ,, L )'ONS, WARREN & ASSOCIATES C~n,ultlng StructurafEnglneera . ·sTRUCTURAL CA-LCULATIONS DATE: 9/5/86 PROJECT NAME: VILLAS DE CARLSBAD -ARCH 1 TECT OF WORK: SILLMAN/WYMAN JOB NO, _ __._SW,;.;.85__,0_.8 ________ _ ENC1JNEER OF WORK: I YQNS, WARREN & ASSOCIATES .___..... 10731 Treena Street #100 Safi Diego, CA 92131 ( 619) 578-8380 ·,-,,_,~ ~ -L)'!ONS, WARREN & ASSOCIATES • Consillting Structural Engineers San Diego, CA (619) 578-8380 $e1P _-·Ckcs, FH-ff lo<:: / • • • •••• •· s••• I " ' l • •• -~~ s-=-'1'·na 02.)/Jsoo.::. ,1., -~-,,....3, ·r, ::_ 1'510 o.s') /es Z! et>.~-,.,_~. rn--~(o ,s).½()~oo)c:. ,950*'"1 . s ~ ,Bsei(12J/23oo c:: ~0.:7,,,!::. . 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I .3oo 11-I. lo DL-c 40::,-lf. /. -·. __ ,_ ____ ... -·-----___ :,__ --------------·---... ----------. --·-... ---- / / LYONS, WARREN & ASSOCIATES Consulting Structural Engineers San Diego, CA (619) 578-8380 Project By Subject fJ.>'Tt.-w:. I o,o 111. \JJ PU=· @oOfl-f. VILLf1S ;:r;.s. . Date· e1.:::v1e-w- m-z:. 7 82.8(3s,,)-1-1090(3.5)1/z. + 3'76B(s.s)+42CC,s.s)/2. + 1010(1.z,o)'le. 3,5' 5,5' -:: 0-4 '7 3>5 +1----1 ; s == ~4'.3>35-0z)/z16o ~ 3 2t, '7,hii A-:,../,$( 1'2~6 2.-7'b-S) /la..$ e /oe, ltn,'L A 7L ~: C),<b I;, --~ ¥.3t;.o~o.M" -' ,! 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Wrt:, 31 oc ~ ~--roo"'t 'f<_c;;V IG-W DE: CA t2 LS.t3 A:P · Sheet No. Of Job No. rn .. -= !'11c.4{t;.),1 --3to6Cc);lz. f.3/oo·0-7i)7z.: t:===~~=~~======:;;======:;i-,-.., -:::. l ~ 5-toD ~,, ~ 1 · LI' S-=-/G5"f-0002)/~.::. · f!f Z1. 0111 .:J. A-..,.,. l, s(3eoo~1 -7'lsc,) lit:.:5 =-zsr. 4 ,~ 2.. I . rff # 2.(o I ,. . .-' • • • •••• • • • •• •• ••• • ••• ·• .. •• ••• • •• • •• • • • • . ' ~ ~ .. , ' . • •• 3·~40-011-1 17?, o,,,.3. ,e,~·------.,· 1' 5,5': ~::,-----~ 1Z..,;,_ tzs~o* 'ft-~ l-1 '7f1r;., -~---~---+----~~~---------------------- L Y.ONS, WARREN & ASSOCIATES Consulting Structural f;ngineers San Diego, CA (619) 578-8380 rn.--lr;'f'lS(z)e . .33SSO~·-' s C 33SS0Cri>lz100:: l~7-Bwt3 ADD, 1~<:TG-ll~t~ P~c:t- , ' ' ' ' VS€ ske ":x :2.411 L'7L~ .' I •••• • . -... •••••• • •• • •• . . .. . , . -.. • •• • • • • • . ' . . ... ' ••• ••• • • • • ·-··. • • f •• : ••.•. FM -~, :-. 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(rt..... 2, 5 5G:.5:f · Project __ V_,,__,_/-=LL=A-'-'~=---"D"""--"'6'---'·L=--'c.....,w'-'-'-'....,L:!:::13=:::c...A.=·D'--__ By qf:,S>. Date ___ Sheet No. ___ Of __ Subject _...:.R.,..E~V.:...:I E-,,,_l.P=-__ Job No. _____ _ re:= eeo ""I. Ot...-=-I 00°*'1. J . Tl-'= 1000+1. OL-21X>"t $-=. ,3SS~..S:.()2J /z_4ooc /'71,$,l'l'-k---...:...-11' -----¥ A = I, -s C 1110'1 .t--.ZZ-5$) ./,~s::. $at~"-._, fl..= ~ c,5c:, 'f-TL.-:z. 1 ! I O'I 1' F-H-__ ~_ 1)4-'. -· - · '..r _ 5V~x1G.Yt-_ ·'-, ·i._~ ,· ~2. ,:2sot-1. WDL -2 E;,o 4-f. s= 12.soC~)Y, . .s;,/~= , t-~.e~I'\.~ -P: ,.,_ /. S ( S'Gl.$ _-t4DG) / 0 S :: 7',4: 1 •~ 'l. ' I USG G.Xt4 DF/'-* :i .. Wr,L-:::4oot I . ••• t •· . . ..... c:;;.3, c:'.'. 1>,-~ -4 X 11 -~ • •• ••• .. ··~ •••• • • • •• • •• . -• • •• • • • ••• " . .. ' • • • •••• ' - -Fl-=:-/. 5 ( -151-S -11lq.) /'JS= • ·,= rl -# ~-~ ,~ • • • • • WTt.-~ . . . . . . -.. ... -' /.'\"' -· Z · ~v~ rYl=-(g4tbt3)h_(ZB~) ~ /O'Zf7.5ff.-1 I s = 102..1rr5(!i)/zl£00~ 512_.4,"'-s. P--=:. 1-S (2-4 ld:,,e -s1do)/1t;.$ -:: J~1.9m' ~3/4,xz.~- ArL =---D, 2o:St _o.e,7:5 .._, O,ZS ·~ -· ___ J ----------------------·----~--'-_;_:,_..:,__ ____ --·---------- ~ t!3 J!3 )~ USS GX 14 ffc-::/. w'fl----2es;.o~/. Wtx... ... 1:>SO~/. ~.s' us~ •• •• • • • • • • • • •• L\'.'ONS, WA~REN & ASSOCIATES Com;ulting Structural Engin{!ers Project . 1/1 LLJ!l;;;, OS CAl2L$80P By -0:.;::. Date ___ SheetNo ___ Qf __ San Diego, CA {619) 578-8380 .. •• • .. • .... : • • • •• ••• • • • • •• ••• • •• ••• • • • • ••• • •• •• • :• •••• • • • • • •• • ••• Subject 1f2. GU I eW Job No ______ _ DL, Sf1)(:C.o '-\ Wn.,± ISP!:>.)-t-lopsi + GbpaA .:::: 1-5 ps) t . . S =-·1-.5(28.7.5) c,.s.)/M.SOC,.Z.~).r-20.e JY\3, ~ ,X 1.3.3:. 4). OH'\ A ~ /. S (647) /9s. {I. 2!::.)::. 8.2,.-.~ . .I~= (),327,.,0-!,) (~-''t-S)j.(2s)(.3,~ ... 2.3!5,.3," t I , I\ ~ 3 13' 7111 1 . 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Wbt_a Z~o/. .( m.:=-23fxi,"C'b -t G,2!:)('2.') /l. + 2~o(~~0)4.+ -~ L~)·:: · 10.-62:>o-:,...r s -=· 106·60{1v /1scp = 8.Sd:':l 1"'-Y .s-=-. 8.5(13/,~) z. 98· .. l:1"\?:, ~x,z. n-~ ·t~s· C 3-e.,~ -· 2!:J~ 7~ /<9s =-~3--.1.2,,., l.. ••• ~K.:~· o, 2G" . . . ' ... •• ••••• I • • • ••• •• ••• •••• : ••• :m~•.-Jo,0(.3,s)+ 520{3.S))Z 1-zzo(z.:5)1/t.. =-77 50·,,._ ../ f+:-. J. s C i,1s,.. i,1 )/., s"" 2>e.1i~ t;_ -1 Xtz.. A rL=-6. 3 t" ~·.)/3~o =· 0. 4-o~ ---. ---·-----· ....... -. ···---·------·· z.' c;.' I ,e,' 2 .s' A'--------12.' ------Ir ib== 3 S '?<o * .3.s' 5' 3,S' Wn."' -530'Y, bJoL:z. 2$01/. .US€ 4X I 2-OF/,_ II 1. -----·· .. LYONS, WARREN & ASSOCIATES Consulting Structural Engineers San Diegq, CA (619) 578-8380 Fl+ -tt 17: .Project VILLA.~ DG C.flRLS.'C?.,P::0 By J-~. Date ___ $heet No. ___ Of· __ _ Subject . /cG tJ) f; W Job No. _____ _ . W'lT...,,.. 2.C 1-C) o/, la, l)t., 0:.. ,1-0 3/. Wn =:. Z:(:)4o3/. Wou::.. J4C 'o/, I rn_-:::. 5510(~j+ 2.01-o(~ 1/L r 2~0C.:s)¼.: 2..c;, Beofl-' ' S = ?~e:380(/2)/z~c /34,4iri.3 A: ::, /. s (I'!, 30 ...: ie:d;o) /JG'!:.=-B?, 2 "'7.. 5,~xii½. L.. l/2e;·o ~ o,..:to'' P-H-·*-/2 ~ I S: 15'1..CC,ol (J.S)/4400 ~ -::J 8 .~fr"".:J. ff'-==: /, 5 (7'sso · -I~) /t~s..:::. 51, l;,"-'2.. • ¥ •• ¥ :r . . . : ~~~ 588,9)>\ 4 .•• ... . . . ••• •• •·•• ~-OL "-: 0 1 / 2., 14 • ••• . .. • •• • • •• • • • ... •· : .. FM • l+t • :::;:========--.... ' • • •• • • 1 .. : rn =-··{?:,·5'79-5) ½ CC.:'fo) e lo 125*4 ' S = /o f-2...$(/i) /2..400 i::. SO, G111,.3 14,.,. ). 5 (72€:,CJ,S -l.570)/!t;.S ... .5,J.7111 .,_ • < ' • i re.:., ----- 7Lc I Jr;,.30-+ . USG .... shl x.1.3~" yU3 · Z1F-V1 1J C CF\.t'YL-C,. Qf:'Q ID . W7t.-:: 1570*7; WDL., 'i,.3o*t I.JSG: 5Ye,''~ 1.e'' C,LB. 2+ F-Vt No CAm.t3 EJ;©.'D . 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Date Sheet No. / • • •• ••• •• • •• . . ., .. • • .. -~ ••• • • . . . • • • • ••••• Subject FH "' -l}O 2-~. m_::: 8GC.Cs):,.. <:;;oc(.s:.)1/2.--.I.I c,..30 ~ S-=; JI ~o(lz..)/t3oo ~ ,o,.z,~ A ::: -t ,5(1154.-:-S:1-0)/e.s ... 71--4,"'-~ ~XI+ f11.:=-IOc1t (5,5):e:. 5 C. S0'7 :iH · .:S-:t: .5CqE:iD'1Cra.~ht('.X) =-zai;s,~ A -= I, 5 (12~ ~c . .'): /Jr.':> ~ JI 1-., ,-.. ~ ~..3/i XI 8 • • •• . ,. . •••• • •• .. . . ••• . ' .. • • • •••• • ••• • • • •• • • __ ._ _______ --....C....C.~---... ·------- J2E-VIEW Job No. U..$~ (;,_x 14 'DP/._,. :f_ t Of I LYONS, WARR EN & ASSOC IA TES Consulting Structural Engineers . San Diego, CA (619) 578-8380. • · FH ~-.t ~- s=-~oa:1soz)/21ooc goo,11113 A =) 5 (106 t:3'7 -:-·2~)/IG$:: J4, (311,/· sYa ·:x , ~ Yz .. ,e,Il. & ¾ x , e 1 0 I , 7" FH If-%2-2. , s-==-7/64.$02.) /zto.o C. 35·5, 2,~~ ft ==-/, '5 (/~31Z-:-i'7b) /;-c;s a .. }1'5,~1.,.2.. ~ 3/4-X 2Z7e. 11 ,-....r -~ A"\.I ·:;,·/'IC .' ~'T;~. ;• '..J C.-Y' • • •• .. . . . ... . . ••• •• ••• . .. , • ••!t • • . • . . ' .. ., .. . • .. • Project . :V / LU-\,,S Ds By q ... S,., Date ___ Sheet No, ___ Of __ '. . ' Subject Q.et.J 18..0 Job No. _____ _ 1-3' z.· 5' ------20' _____ _.,. TL= Jo r;,(39'* USE sle''x JCJY.2.1 ' qLB z4 ,=., v1- No cAVY\B, '2.SGl.1.0 f IZS' ~----11'-----~ USE ~3,4'' X ZZ.~1 ' GU3 Z1F-V'J f\JO CfH"Y'l6 12.GQ.1.C . . 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'·, \ ., \ Job No. 7 13 I 14 F I #####4#.############11##### MEMBER PROPERTIES AND LOADS ########################### ,::o 'MEMBER PROPERTIES IN I NCH I IN IT~; ANO FRAME DIMENSIONS IN F~~T - g = 29000 SECTIO.M NO I 1 :32 2 -,OC' f ·-· 7 ·-· ..... .:.1 4 2 MEMBER T'-lF'E A LENGTH= 10.5 SECTION NO. i A ;3 7 3 6 29 4 ?1 7 ·-· L>::= 0 L:>"·= 11-:1 _ 5 l3E: 16 1 ·=· ·-· 3E: I = E:2. 8 A = 7. 0:3 : MEMBER TYPE 8 LEMGTH= 11.85 Lx= 5.5 L:,··= 1~3.5 ::;ECT I OH NO. 3 I= 3.29 A= 4 1R HINGED END(S)--BOTH . - Of LY.ONS, WARREN & ASSOCIATES Consulting Structural Engineers San Diego, CA (619) 578-8380 MEMBER TYPE C LENGTH= 11.:35 L>~= 5. 5 L:,.··=-10. 5 SECT IO~~ NO. 3 I= 3.29 A~ 4.18 HINGED ENO(S>--BOTH MEMBER TYPED LENGTH= 5.5 Lx= 5.5 UNIFORM LOADS: DL LL. .35 .56 SEC:TiOM·NO. 2 U--= 0 Xl 0 I= 75.3 R = 6.16 HINGED Et·m ( S )--LEFT FIXED-ENO FORCES: MOMENTS: LEFT bl 6.00 LL 0. 00 REACTIONS: LEFT DL . 72 LL 1. 16 M'EMBER TYPE E .· LENGTH= 5. 5 Uf-H FORM LOAD8: . DL LL .. .35 C' ,.. .. _,t;, SECT I ON t·W. 2 L::<= L,.--•.. -5.5 0 RIGHT 1 7·';) . .,;;,._ 2. 12 RIGHT 1. 2~3 1. 93 5.5 I= 75.3 A= 6.16 HINGED E~m ( S ~~--RIGHT FIXED-ENO FORCES: MOMENTS: LEFT·· DL -f. 32 LL ! .••. -2.12 REACTiLIHS= LEFT •••••bl •••••• , 1.20 LL • •• 1 . 93 ..... •· : $~(: T ION NO . 1 U<= 0 L>·= 9 F.: I GHT ~3. 00 0.00 fUGHT ~72 1. 15 • • 1 = 82. ,:: A = 7. 0::: •••• • • • • • llil'ali:tR T'ff•E• G LEt·~GTH= 10. 54 SECTIOH NO. 4 I= 2.71 LENGTH;= 10.54 . SECTION NO. 4 L::<:= 5 .5 L v= q .. -· A :::: 3._. 38 L,<= 5. 5 L::--·= 9 I= 2.71 A= 3.38 .1_ HINGED _Et,ID~ 8)_--:~_80~~ ___ ··--------- . Project VI LLP ':::, OG CPf!.1.SBPY' By V'-~ Date ___ Sheet No. 63B Qf __ Subject -'-______ .Job No. _____ _ MEMBEF.: TYPE H LENG TH= 1 €1. 54 L~-::= 5. 5 L:,-=-9 SECTION NO. 4 I= 2.71 A= 3.38 HINGED ENO(S)--BOTH MEMBER TYPE I LENGTH= 9 · Lx= ft L:>'= 9 SECT I OH NO. 1 I = 82. ::: A= 7.(1:3 MEMBER TYPE ._I LEt·H:;TH= 1 ~3. 54 L::-::= 5. 5 L:,..,.= 9 SECT I OH t40. 4 I= 2 71 A -7 30 HINGED ENCl(S)--BOTH·-· .. ,_, MEMBER TYPE K LENGTH= 10.54 L>(= 5. 5 L>··=-9 SECTIOM NO. 4 I= 2.71 A= 3.38 HINGED END ( S )·--BOTH MEMBER TYPE L LENGTH= 5.5 l::<:= 5. 5 L::-··= 0- Ut-~ I FORM LOADS: DL LL .4 .4 :::ECTIOM·NO. 2 ..... ~ ,·,.::.. 5.5 I.~ 75.3 ~ = 6.16 HINGED ENOCS)--LEFT FIXED-ENO FORCES= MOMENTS: LEFT DL 0.00 LL 0. 00 REACTIONS: LEFT DL .83 LL . :33 MEMBER TYPE M LENGTH= 5.5 UNIFORM LOADS: DL LL .4 .4 SEC:TIOH NO. 2 Lx= 5.5 L:,,= 0 RIGHT 1.51 1.51 RIGHT 5.5 I= 75.3 A= 6.16 HINGED END(S)--RIGHT FIXED-ENO FORCES• MOMENTS: LEFT DL -1.51 LL -1 . ·51 REACTIONS= LEFT DL 1.38 LL . 1. 38 .. ----. ~-----------. F.:IGHT (1. 0(1 i3. 00 F.: I GHT r,.-• . o.::. -. -· . --- -----·-------. ---------..... ------···---. -·-·-·--------· -· -. LYON_S, WARREN & ASSOCIATES Consulting Strqctural Engineers San Diego,_CA (619) 578-8380 ######## L(tAO I t·~GS ######## LOAt1 DEAD LD. LIVE LO. COMB. FACTOR FACTOR 1 1 1 .-. 1 SELECTIVE .::. -1 0 -!· 4 1 SELECT I 1,}E TYPE D 'LL' FACTO~: 1 --LD. COMB 1 LL 1 FACTOR 1 --LO. COMB E 1 LL 1 FACTOR 1 --LO. C:OMB 'LL' FACTOR 1 --LD. COMB L 'LL' FACTOR 0 --LO. COMB 'LL 1 FACTOR f1 --LO. COMB M ''LL I FACTOR 0 --LO. COMB 'LL' FACTOR 0 --LD. COMB .JOINT P(K) . P('r') MOMENT 0.00 €1. [10 0.00 0.00 0. 0(1 0. [10 LOAD COMBINATION 2 3 6,.02 8.01Z1 5 0.00 2.80 6 11.35 0.00 ·8 0.00 6.50 9 14.25 4.00 11 0.00 3.20 JOINT P(X) P(Y) LOAn COMBINATION 3 3 ~-. ~i 1. 60 5 :.,. *j • 1 ·;,0 -···:t . ~ -6 : 5_.. bi: 0 .·00 ···~:-~. I::: l·~ 1 ...... ~ Cf ;-··1~ '..!i'::.I ··1·1·. .I • l .... 4 . 00 7. 13 . 3. 20 ••• •• • ••• • • • • .JO i +TT • V ( }: ) p ( V ) 1,-0~J) COMBIMATIOH 4 . • •.;!, • -3, 01 :3. 00 • e• ~ . ~ -~.01 2.80 • 6 • -ii·.·.;~.-0. 00 :.:2-: -::j_.6:'?. 6. 50 9 -7.13 4.00 11 , ·-7 . 13 3 . 20 Mt1MEMT 0.00 0. 0~3 0 .-0~3 0. ~30 0.00 0.00 MOMENT 0.00 0. €113 0. l:H3 0.00 0.00 0.00 ,-, c.. 4 •') "- 4 2 4 2 4 -------·---·------------------- Project V l \_\._f=IS, DG Cfl'Q.1....3,1'3'Fl:P By ;f..S. · Date ___ Sheet No. G3 e, Qf __ Subject _______ Job No. _____ _ ############# DISPLACEMENTS -############ti: LOAD COMBINATION 1 JT. X(--)) YCOOWN) ROT.CCW) 1 0.0000 0.0000-0.000007 2 0.0000 0.0000 0.000007 3 -0.0001 0-.0006-0.000003 4 -0.0000 0.0004 0.000000 5 0.0001 0.0006 0.000003 6 -0.0000 0.0009 0.000004 7 -0.0000 0.0011 0.000000 8 · 0.0000 0.0009-0.000004 9 -0.0000 0.0009 0.000006 10 -0.0000 0.0013-0.000000 ·11 0.0000 0.0009-0.000006 LOAD COMBINATIOM 2 JT. X(--)i Y(DOWN) ROT.CCW) 1 0.0000 0.0000 0.000673 2 0.0000 0.0000 0.000673 3 0.0077 -0.0006 04000861 4 0.0072 0.0004 0.000305 5 0.0077 0.0028 0.000843 6 0,0160 -0.0008 0.000871 7 0.0155 0.0015 0.000421 8 0.0157 0.0039 0.000847 9 0.02?9 -0.0005 0.000719 10 0.0225 0.0017 0.000418 11 ~.0225 0.0041 0.000707 LOAD .Ji:. 1 ' 2 .... .;!, 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 LOAD .JT. 1 ,-, .:. -.:., 4 ~ 6 7 8 9 10 11 COMBINATION 3 X(--i) YCOOWN) ROT.(CW) 0.0000 0.0000 0.000670 0.0000 0:0000 0.000675 0.0077 -0.0011 0.000852 0.0072 0.0002 0.000303 0.0077 0.0022 0.000855 0.0158 -0.0013 0~000848 0.0154 0.0007 0.000398 0.0158 0.0030 0.000846 0.0225 -0.0011 0.000689 0.0223 0.0011 0.000395 0.0225 0.0032 0.000682 COMBINATION 4 X<-->) Y(DOWN) ROT.(CW> 0.0000 0.0000-0.000680 -0.0000 0.0000-0.000663 -0.0078 0.0027-0.000855 -0.0072 0.0004-0.000300 -0.0076 -0.0006-0.000855 -0.0158 0.0036-0.000828 -0.0154 0.0016-0.000371 -0.0158 -0.0005-0.000837 -0.0222 0.0038-0.000650 -0.0220 0.0018-0.000374 -0.0222 -0.0003-0.000654 L VONS. WAR REN & ASSOCIATES Consulting Structural Engineers San Diego, CA (619) 578-8380 ############# MEt1BER FORCES ############fl: ,JOI HT AXIAL T'T'PE A MEMBER NO.· LOAD CO-MB. i -11.233 3 -11.233 LQAD COMB. 1 11.602 ... .:, 11.602 LOAD COMB. 1 22. 154 3' 22 .154 LOAD COMB. 1 -53.398 3 -53.398 MEMBER NO. LOAD 'COM.B. 2 -11.233 5 -11. 23:3 l.OAD C()MB . 2 -53.900 .5 -53.900 LOAD COMB. 2 --42. 946 5 --42.946 LOAD COMB. 2 11 . 100 5 11. 1'00 i"'T'PE 8 MEMBEft ~~ LDAD tj~_. ;. .... c---••. ••• -}!"~~ 4 -.... 156b .. •-1!.(IAO COMB'. 1 7_ 0> 4-6 ·::• .... --·---. ,.,_ • 4 • 31,:h45~ ···toAD i:::oMB. • -le• 3_2. 719 • • 4 •• 32.719 LOAD ti.(liNB. ·• .. .... ta-," • •1 • -3.( ,-9-.!, ··-.r·· '7... -.. --._. t , ~-.;;,El rtPE C MEMBER NO. LOAD COMB. 4 -3.586 2 -3.586 LOAD COMB. 4 -37.927 2 -37.S,27 LOAD COMB. 4 ... ~ .-.--"I -.j;;;. bb~· 2 :-35.663 LIJAD COMB. 4 30.455 2 30.455 SHEAR 1 1 -.001 -.001 .-, C -.057 -.057 3 -.055 -.055 4 .053 .053 2 1 .001 .001 2 -.051 -.051 3 -.054 -.054 4 .058 .058 7_ ~·. 1 ~.000 0.000 ~ 0.000 0.000 3 0.000 0.000 4 ·0.000 0.000 4 1 0.000 0.000 2 0.000 0.000 3 0.000 0 .. 000 4 0.000 (1. 000. MOM~NT 0. 000, .014 0.000 .597 -'-.000 .578 .000 -.557 0.000 -.014 0.000 .539 0.000 . ~ 572 0.000 -.608 0. 00(1 0.000 0. 0,30 0. ,:;00 0.000 ,:; . 00(1 0.000 0. 0~30 0.000 0.000 0.000 ~.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 · 0. ,300 By V::' S... Date ___ Sheet No. 0_3 D Qf __ . · · SubjeGt _. ______ --,Job No. _____ _ TYPED MEMBER NO. 5 LOAD COMB. 1 3 i . E~74 4 1.:374 LOACI c:OMB. c~ 3 -16.965 4 -16.965 LOAD COMB. 3 3 -15.110- 4 -15.11~3 LOAD COMB. 4 ... ~. 1. E:28 -3. 177 MA>::. 1.694 -:-3. 311 MAX. .621 -1.304 MA;<. 1.694 -3.311 0. 0fl0 3.709 1. 836 0.000 4.447 1.577 0.000 1. e:79 .551 0. €H30 4.447 4 17.768 17.768 MAX. 1.577 MEMBER NO . 11 . LOA Ct COMB . 1 6 1.622 7 1.622 1.935 ... 3_070 MA>~. LOAD COMB. 2 6 -17.491 1.867 7 -17.491 -3.138 LOAD COMB. 3 6 -11~835 7 -11.835 LDAD COMB. 4 6 13. 502 7 13. 502 T'-r'PE E MEMBER NO. 6 LOAD COMB. 1 4 1.874 C' ... , 1 .874 LOAD COME:. 2 4 14.763 c:-·-' 14.763 LOAD COMB. .. ·-· 4 16.620 5 16.620 .6'.;,10 -1. 235 MA~<. 1.882 -3. 123 MA~-<. 3. 177 -1 .. 82E~ MA::<. 3.311 -1 .694 MA~<. 1.304 -.621 MAX. LOAD COMB. 4 4 -13.963 3.311 5 --13. 963 -1~694 MA::<. 0.000 3. 123 2.057 0. 0,30 3.494 1.916 0.000 1.498 .680 0.000 3.414 1.946 -3.709 0.000 1.836 -4.447 0.000 1.577 -1 . 879 0.000 .551 -4.447 0.000 1.577 L \'ONS, WARREN & ASSOCIATES Co;,sulting Structµral Engineers· San Diego, CA (61.9) 578-8380 MEMBER NO. 12 LOAD COMB. 1 7 -1 . 622 -3 . 07.0 8 1.62i--1 ~35 MAX~ 7 -:3 LOAD COMB. 2 7.863 7.B63 LOAD COMB. 3 7 13. 5i34 8 13.504 LOAD COMB. 4 7 .a. f 1 . 82~3 8 --11.820 TYPE F MEMBER N-0. 7 LOAD C-OMB. 1 3 --6. 335 6 --6.335 LOAD COMB. Z 3 3.690 6 3 .. 690 LOAD COMB. 3 3 4.878 6 4.878 LO.AD .COMB. 4 3 -19.862 6 -19.862 'MEMBER NO. 8 3 .138 -1. 867 M.AX. 1. 235 -.690 MAX, 3 .123 -1. 882 MA>!.. .001 ,001 .. 129 12.9 . 130 130 -.13-5 -i35 l-,OAD COMB. 1 5 --6.335 -.001 8 ~ --~ ~n1 -:--q . .:!it·~·;;• -. •,;.,i;:.t LOAD, ~CMB. 2 ·. c-• .... 5 c-:;:,c-1·1s -.., • -0::. • • :-~::,-;;) • -••-a•• -2::; -6~6 . 11-8 ' t • •.•.•• i_.pAD l:Q ~--3 c --1Q 1~8 ~131 ,;J ~. •.1 r;;.o .g .. -1::,.•1::>8 131 .• ••·•l!.{lft[I ·~:t,~8. 4 · ~ -2.001 --.143 • ..,. --.-:1 ·14-•. et::.· . -:::: •' ~j,zl -. ~ • TYf'E c;••.:•. :.~i~t1BER •f.io~ ·U)At1 COMB . 3, -3. 598 7 -3.598 LCIAP C:Ot-18. 3 2i~. 633 7-2J3. 633 LOAD COMB·. 3~ 22. :349 7 22·. 849 L,OAD.COMB. 3 -27.941 7 -27.941 9 1 0.000 0.000 2 0.000 0.000 3 0.000 0.000 4 0.000 0.000 -_.......,, ' --- _·3. 1.23 (1. 00(1 2.057 -3.~ 494 0. 0.00 1,916 -'1 .. 498 0.000 . .680' -3.414 0.0.00 i.946 -. 014' .009 -.597 -. 5'62 ..... 578 -. 59·-1 .557 .J6}5.9 .014 -.009· -.539 -.521 -.572 -.607 .608 .676 ~3. 0.00· 0. 00€1 0. ~300 0.000 0.000· 0. 00(i 0.000 0.000 ··- . ---· ·-····· -_ ... Project __ VIL· .L!' L~t.A=· :::,&~_JOG~-~c=!...Ft~P..:::.:::-L'::.:.:::::C.'::::,,~~p=------ By · .;::J"'-S:.. Date ___ Sheet No. 03 -E Qf __ Subject _______ Job No. _____ _ TYPE H MEMBER t40. LOAD COMB. 7 ~3. ~9E: i::i -3. 59:3 ·-LOAD COMB: 7 -:Z7.988 ·5 _;27. 98:3 LOAD COMB. 7 -25.744 5 -25.744 LOAD COMB. 7 2f1. 620 .5. 2(1. 620 TYPE I MEMBER NO·. LOAD' COMB. 6 -1. 745 9 --1. 745 LOAD COMB. 6 -4.804 9 . -4. ::104 LOAD COMB. 6 -4.831 9 -4.831 LOAD COMB . 6 --4.832 9 -4.832 MEMBER NO. -LOAD COMB. 8 -1.745 11 -1.745 'LOAD COMB. 8 -4.004 11 -4.004 LOAD COMB. 8 -4.(131 11 --4. 031 . LOAD ·COMB . 8 -4.032 11 -·4. 032 TYPE ._I 10 1 2 3~ 4 13 1 •-::) .:.. 7 ,., 4 14 1 2 7 ·-· 4 MEMBER NO. 15 LOAD COMB. 1 6 -3.112 10 -3.112 LOAD COMB. 2 · 6 12. 143 10 12. 143 LOAE1 COMB . 3 6 12. 1 :38 1(1. 12.188 LOAD COMB. 4 6 -15.410 10 ...:.15.410 .-----·---. . ---· --· ... €1. 000, 0. 0~~10 0.000 0. 0£10 0. 0(10 0.000 0. 0i!H~ 0.000 .001 .001 -.062 -;062 """.066 -.066 .073 .073 -. 001. -.001 -.058 :... .058 -.067 -.067 .075 .075 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 t1. 0f10 ~3. 00(1 0.000 0.000 0. (H)0 0. 0(10 0.000 0.000 0. i:300 -.009 -.000 .562 -.000 .591 -.. 000 -.659 -. 0~30 .009 -. (100 .521 -.000 .607 -.000 -.676 .000 0.000 0.000 0. i:,00 0.000 0.000 0.000 0. 00€1 0.000 LV-ONS, WARREN & ASSOCIATES Coritulting Structural Engineers San Diego, CA (619) '578-8380. T\'PE I< MEMBER NO. 16 LOAD COMB. 1 10 -3.i12 0.000 ,-. C• -3 . .112 0.000 LOAD -CO.MB. 2 10 -:-15.415 0.000 e: .,..15.415 0.000 LOAD COMB. 3 10 -15.395 0.000 8 -15.395 0.000 LOAD COMB. 4 10 12.202· 0.000 8 12.202 0.000 TYPE L MEMBER NO~ 1 7 LOAD COMB. 1 9 . 001 10 .001 LOAD COMB. 2 1.745 -2.655 MAX.· 9 -14.312. .804 10 -14.312 -1.396 ·MA}<. LOAD COMB. 3 9 -7.191 .831 10 -7.191 -1.369 0.000 0. 00t1 0 .. 000 0 .000· 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 2.504 1.903 0.000 1.629 . E:08 · 0.000 1.477 MAX. .864 .LDAP COMB. 4 ,9 10 7. 198 7 .198 TYF'E M .832 -1.368 MA~<. MEMBER t~O . 18 LOAt1 COMB. 1 10 : .t!t'Jli 11. ·~'-1'31 • • ••• •••••• • •• LOAD -COMB . 2 ••1,g• . 058' .1.1.. . ! .~8 • •••• • •••• . LOAD C.OMB . 3 : J\;J • 7 . 19 2 • 1 t 7. 192 • • ••• :.: •• i.oAct •io~B. 4 10 . -7, 200 11 -7.200 2.655 -1-. 745 MAX. 1.396 -.804 MAX. 1.36~ -.831 MA>-;. 1.368 -.832 MA~<. 0.000. 1.477 .864. -2.504 0.000 1.903 -1. 629 0.000 .808 -1.477 0.000 -1. 477 0.000 . :;:64 I' Project . VI LLA.s [)s' l (At?tsf!::AD By ~ S, Date ___ Sheet No. 6 SF Qf __ Subject --~----Job No. ____ _ =It######## REACTIONS ######### ·.JT. X ((--) V (UP) MOM. (+CCU) LOAD COMB. 1 1 -1.665 14.410 0.000 2 1.665 14.410 0.000 .JT. >=: ( <--) 'f LOAD COMB. 2 1 14.073 2 17.547 (IJP) ~38.577 87.497 MOM. (+CC~~) 0.000 ~3. 000 JT. X ('{--) • .,_.. (UP) MOM. (+ct:i,n LOAD COMB. 3 1 15.127 -51.137 0.000 2 16.493 74.537 0.000 JT. X ( <--) 'l1 (UP) MOM. (+CCl,D LOAD COMB. 4 1 -17.547 86.997 0.000 2 -14.073 -38.077 0.000 --··-----~ ,-~~~ <"<< :,:,:, 000 """"' .,.,., "'"'"' ......... WWW ~~~, "'"'"' 000 "100 -N _No,..i Q)Cl)<XJ:, '"?<'l'"?! ~.~~J ,._ ·.. . • ,,f, . / 0 I o C, I . o _J ____ .. t-~ r ·-..... o I o I ----( fl.DD · 4:X 6· OFIL ff t. PC>ST eA· SIP€ (_TIC,!-!T FIT) ,:307-T 70G , . uJ / '½.,11 <.p · ff),(s.,@... I 8 11 le.. I ) ® ~-'' J 4:X ~D Blk..'c_ 8'F\e.tc..... 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''1 ~ I.~ SPECIFICATIONS AND DESIGN CRITERIA FOR COOKSON ROLLING DOORS• TYPE: F'Plc;:> ~ l.O GENERAL ... l,l Work Included: Deers•~ shewn on Caokacn Dvgs, complete vith Curtain, Barrel, Footpiec~. Cuides, Operating Mechanin and Hoed, .. 1.2 Work Not Included: Preparation of or aupplying jamb•, lintel• or other atructural support, metal trim, acce-as panels, hatche• or Field Paintings. Where motora and/or other electrical de- vices are furniahed by Cookson ca., all conduit, vire, fittings and disconnect avitches are by others. Whare doors aount on lill,,.. irresular surfaces, all caulking of gap• i• by othera. IIJI"" 2,0 CU&TAINS Ill-2.1. Interlocking Slat: To be of the cont'!guration, lll3.:erial and thickness shown on Cook~on Co. drawings. In addition• Iii-b Fire door curtains to be furnished in strict accordance with Fire door specifications for ratillg s~ecified. liJ!ii, 3,0 FOOTPIECES for doors to be aa shollll on Coobon Co. dravinge. ~ 4. 0 LOCl:ING DEVICES: UnleH apec:lf 1eci· ·or no tell otherviae on Cookson Co. dravtn'ga are·to be aa follows: .4.2 COIJNTE!l SEttV-tCE 01 FIRE DOOR -(A:l:i: Qper. 'other than aocor) Non- lockable aliding bolt ~liiaced vithin tubular footp1ece, operabl~· fro• oDe aide of opening only .... 7. 0 fil!!!ll! . .. 7.1 Service and Fire Door Guides: To be fabricated to the configuration sho,m on Cookson Co. drawings .and connected to the Jamb with 3/8" diameter (min) steel fasteners at not greater then 36" for Service Doors or 18" t'or Fire Doors. Guides tor Fire Doors to confo:r111 in size, configuration and thickness, as required by Fire door specifications. 1)1,-8,0 !IDODS-FU.SHI?lGS-SbFFITS .AND DUST CCV'E!'.S: VJhen cui;plied r:y Coukson Co. \:'i:!.l c~ manufactured to the cor.i'iiU,1'ation, material a:nd gauge as shor.n on Cook:a:on Co. ...._ drawings. Hoods tor F!n Doors are tabricatcd to Fire r,oor spoc1ficat!ons. IIJI"" 9.0 Operation .. 9,1 General: ••· Push-Up: .ay mean• of handles or fiaaer lifts. ~-Crank Operation: By mean• of a crank handle &Del a turning effort liaited to 100 in, lbs. .... 9.2 Fire Doors: Are to be operated. by one of the aforETJentior.Qd ~~ens end, 1n addition,. close automat~call.y upo1l rel!)e.ce of,~ approved beat-ser.:.!,.ng device,. , ... 10.,0 '!.Il!!!!!. , •10.1 Ferrous Metals are to receive.a factory-applied coat of pri&er anll if · :tine cir ca<lmi'Ua-c:oated, a pre-pa,'illt treatment 1a 'to be applied prior to primiag. · , 10,2 Corrosion-Resistant Steel: To be, finished as notell on Cookson Co. dra'winga. 10.3 Non-Ferrous Ke5als:· to be~ finiah •• aoted on CooksoQ Co. drawings. NOTE SHOP DRAWING REVIEW ARRots .I -_ --. NOT.CATE SPECIFI ,a . , ,_ "" CATION .. • ~ELS <,fl.,Uoa """" <., • o ,1 ,,,,..;,..S!o'1iaV ! ~olia>OF ::t, Tl!~ TO ROLLING DOOR (SI "ORl(ilNAL. OAAW I N6 A,E,VISION .,:j., '° •• ..,..__, ,. ,._,u l· par·n, « ~ --. JOB. . ltaliSbtlUle&llit lly VIIHl IIOUnted on a f ,i,:~~~i!f.!!~'1,.~;,9.~c;yt'ta:tftt,:4 i~g· 4-,, llli,,. r nga , .,.ouraa in~n · ~ · .... 6.0 IIRACXETS • ,xi>l<lfli~l''Q "'~ gi-u••., C: ed . -_. 6.1 Servi t,ier.:1-&:.!G · ~stt.\lm,t ce, Flre and Crill · . . · . . apeciUed or ~oced, to :e ~~&'~~,s~ r~ .•• l.fo!~z:lif.-~.· . .a\ c.onformance v tth the design \. · cofff~~t ~W.! ~J,f~£0!1:i:,C:t,'raf'i$. Mar-l:ings or comments shn!l not be constwed as .elie11i11g the Contractor from compliance with tile projGct plani and specifications, nor departures tbere- _frlll!'L-ThP. Contractor remains responsible for details and --------~--------_!_,~ll ""112n+itiP~ and· accuracy, tor contrrmmg ,rnu · ·1,;on ,., ... = . .,--....--.--. __ dimensions, for selectin-g fabrication processes, for techniques \- of assem 1• , ;in f performi!lli his work in a safe manner. <·-El·-> .co""""''-lt}~ MJS&,o ..a _064R. ~WIN6 N9. I e t>t: • 2. N I ti !i H ~ E< Sillm I ··.,, -•• • sociates,....inc.' /)~ In, 9, ... -__ ..,, .... .----· '"'ati.2(JJUY~ By -~ i ..... ' . I~ ~ . ' ·--·· .. ·, .... •. . . -• --------------·--·--------, \\ i 0 m "II () 5l .1 ,n Ii) -~ . -i £! .r }l t~ 1: ~ . c .. 'll l\. .. z: . 3 C) -•• Vi "' 0 z. 0 ~ t I ,. • 0 !) • N .. I ! I ~- i I. ~-11 " Tl 0 ii • .. ~ r I C l u (11. ~ -r ~ 3 () ~- ~ Q+ ~f >rp ~ (\ r ~ ~ i n (,> I• -: S\ C 11 m ~ ,a z: & r ;. '\J ~ -w ~G ~1': ~t-1 -c;n u• >· :IL.I 1~ d ], I'-.) ~ Ill T \) :r ij l> ) -~ C '~ r. ::; l a· .J!.. -(\ ----I> 1J JI {\ ~~ ;t . I' ~ ~ t, ,a 11\ ,. I!. --~ r. li L • r 8 . ii l: .J • 1.\1 '!'. Iii -~tt~ t *' .. j .. · ·c m~ ~ ... _ _,,..ml I;~ vr -~ i Ill Q -: o C "TI I r. z: -o r il C m~ g ~ lJ (J) ,. o_ \ t.. .. l I) ~ J l. r " I: ~ • :r 11 .(\ n ( I l) !\ C £. 0 . ;ii 0 () ] ~ fll Q· In ~ n z fl1 l •r--.. ~ ~ .. J> • C\ ~~ i; -f i In i ~ (II r .. ~ .. JI .. ~ !< ---t ,. f.) r N . -~ at 0~ a~ O; I> . . !" JI· ........ I -, .. ROLL RIGHT STE l ROLLI G CU I Roll-Up Doors for Commercial and Industrial App-lications • High quality and economical price due to state-of-the-art design and manufacturing methods • Door curtain material is 26 gauge hot dip galvanized steel with high temperature baked enamel finish ____ :::_·:=:::=---==: ' -·--· ----·----..' . "'I ,. ,---------~------- [ • Owt three step finish is i applied by a continuous I~ reverse roll coating ptocess . and includes: B'onderizing, ._ epoxy base coat, and a I polyester top coat, baked at 650 degrees -I • Doors may t1ie field painted i after proper cleaning (oil base I f£ paint is recomme_nded and a ~ ti check for adhesion should be ~ ~ made) · · ,~ f: • Bottom edge is 2" x 2" x 1/a" f structur~I steel angl~ bolted to . I an alurn1m,1m face trim, with a (over) ~oll~ight Industries A Roll-a-Flex Inc. Company \, { , " Jamb Oetail: Concrete, Wood or Masonry Construction Section tnru,Jamb '5"~ Special Details for Mounting to Metal Buildings Special track for metal b1,1ilding$ continuous tubular weather seal whidh extends into vertical tracks for weather al'.'ld rodent pr9tection • Vertical tracks are e~truded '., aluminum with continuous self- llJbricating plastic alloy inserts that prevent metal to metal contact and eliminate · maintenace lubrication • Low cost draft stop for sealing the door to the lintel \ · is available l\ • Live axle system never allows \ spring to lose adjustment or tension thru axle slippage \ I • Barrel assl;lmbly Is con- . ) structed of 111 /,s" diameter Typical Section Thru Head and Sill r • •• b. ~--~ / / adjustment plate ~ Clearances Required \ \ \ $ize .Headroom Sideroom Operation Upto 10' 18" 10'to 11' 19" 12'to 14' 21" heavy wall steel tube axle welded to galvanized steel drums • Steel torsion springs, formed and stress relieved in Roll Right's own plant from best qualit,y oil-tempered class II : spring wire . • Slidebolt locks mounted to bottom edge ori each interior corner made .from 3/15" x 1½" steel bar • Engineering staff available to provide specific details to meet your requirements For furtherinformation call your local· distributor. 5" 7" '7" ~oll~ight Industries A Ro/I-a-Flex Inc Company Distributed by: HAND CHAIN CHAIN l I I I " :i ,- . ' ,. ,, -----~·-···· ----~-----------. ·-· -----·-·· ---- -. ••• •• • • • • • • . • • • • • • • • • • • • • ••• • •• • ••• L )'ONS, W A..:R~~~ & ASSOCIAT·ts. • •• • • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • Consulting Structural Engineers ·srRUCTURALr)CAL(ULATIONS . .,,,, PROJECT NAME: VILLAS DE CARI SBAP DATE: 12/23/85 ;2,-J-cA S"&r ARCHITECT OF WORK: SILLMAN/WYMAN & ASSOCIATES JOB NO, 52108 TABLE OF CONTENTS / VERTICAL ROOF ............... 1 -12 VERTICAL FLOOR ............. 13 42 VERTICAL WALLS ............. 43 -45 VERTICAL POSTS ............. 46 -47 LATERAL ANALYSIS ...•....... 48 -61 SHEARWALL SCHfDULE •............. 62 BRACED FRAMES .........•..... 63 -91 FOUNDATION ................. 92 -96 KEY ....................... APPENDIX 107-31 Treena Street. #100 San Diego, CA 92131 ( 619) 578-8380 Project di LL-½ W U\f{.,.06.AD ••• •• JI-. ~ • LYONS, WAR REN & ASSOC IA TES Consulting Structural Engineers San Diego, CA (619) 578°8380 ' • • • • • A. I 1:>(' : • By • /-2-f!z • ! C>ate 1$ t:1~ S2Sheet No.__,:__ Of • ,. • • • • • )I'? . . ... ~ . . •••Subject 1 §2:flc.Ak -fOQ:'F Job No. _____ _ L-<,ADS ~kPP\'*9 .. fl-r. TN~r=:-s /~t.-- C,!S./L..IN:f:i TIL--E. ~?-IN~ Ml-SC. .::: /,·&& '4,6 I, t> ~.o ft> IO. '?"•6 /,'$ '24 P?F. I Ct, Psr {4:12.) • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• . •· .. ••• • ••• . Bult.-T-l}P PL:( j~ l~t.. C-ElUt--16, ~I~ ?ff r tJ!L 1£!2$ ·r-11~. • • • ••• • • • • • (t • • • • 1,6 ?;,.~ /,c::J .. '3,0 ?•? ~,D ;, C> D,L, --tt,o ~'F ~ .. ZC,,C> f½.F --·--. -· ·~-~ l ' ! .J .• --· :::: ·..qo rse l-' (._, (IL.,:. ... 4'2,0 f;F: w,ve:-Jr 'D,L,:: 1.0 ~ '\..-1L,-=-Zb?$'F- ·r, L. = 41() ~F Jo~T6, .O'{'?J<.. Go6f2:IDOp.6 (~)-. }_ = -~,S' 0-n._::: 4Z ?SF ~,;:. 2'2-?SF -S-= ~z.(t,,,,sf~,1:,)(-i.) /14?0(1,ttS) ~ ,z.4 t.:13 A ... :LS(«i·?X-47..)/~5(1,z~Y · .;. ;.s ,tJz. Iot:= (!. ~2 x 1o~s)(&.~)fz2.)(2 )(;o) = ~. 8 i~+ __ .rn ... ~ (i. ~ x !~~'=J(~.,~)?42)(-2.)(1 c;) -= 1· &:> ,,-_r4· I 'J ' . ' : ..... ~;:· - •.,. I ,'< I , ~ '2.x~ :t?r/L.+z_ 4@ 24 110,ie., ,,.., ] ,· > 1 •• ; ... l -4 . :i·r. ... ,· ,. / l · • , 11 f LYONS. WARREN & ASSOCIATES Consulting Structural .Engineers ••• •• • • • I /1. :. By•;p-B: • ; !:Sate l2M~Sheet No._1-__ Qf =r(p San Diego, CA (619) 578-8380 • • • • • • . . . ', . . . u-subj~ct YE-itJ7a,;..L--..-Pa:2P Job No. _____ _ l i ·Jo'.r~r@ ~E-z.E:~-t.: ·:. -···--··1·-~--~---- L ~ or '-c>'' WTL: ~,o ?11=-0vt.,1-2b rsv:: . . . ·i ~-Lp(q){f,S)/ /4~,2~) =< ·'2.711-1 3 x t -= ~-,4 1~-3. _ A::i A6(4)(1 .t;)/-z(qiSX!, 2.~) ::: 2 ,-3 1 IJ2. x z_ ·--= 4, (p 1f...!Z. · :·· .. · · 1Pt,.c(/,;z" 10-'f,q.t(zo)(30>· ·;:;:: i;,e,, ,~ 2< 2 == 1 l. ~ ,~ 2.. . i ! ,/ .::fi·. II . i :~ -'2.,)f 4:; DFLL... Z @ vt ~JC..,-·; ..b1.-ST$ ci ]?8-1 \It-WP: -. . . .e. r: ?;c) 1 u.J,-'--= LbP?F uJr:n. ~. 'to ~- ' -s= -4C>(qo)1J,t:.)/J-10(t,:vs) = · t4,8 · tt-l?> ><' /,;~ == -;q,c:;,: · A= 4o(30)(t,t5)/z(1i:";,)(l,Z:c;). =. :-]'1.Co .•.. 1N~. .x. /,.;~ ::= . 10, ,._ · :!DL= (!, ~Zy/D--4)(3c:>l(tb)(B>O) = '2. /77_1B ~ I ,-3'.s .:: 2t:f114 'I,.;.., " tl 0o)(z..c,) ;::'28'?, I -; . . : It..: use:·· . Zx '14 'Dr/L :#z. e. /2:.''.o~c:; .JzG"Ak'.1 e. WIVE'~uP_· f2H:ffl$. . . _ . . f.,~";;L>' luTt.. .:;0(ft;,').= -'¾1-oPL-f-·WOL-"' ff.{15): 240 ·.:=5 ... 91o(~J:(1,~)/~(!1ii;,)-= ZA~-·i~~ ;z A=-~{30)(1,~y-2-(1~(1,2.i;J = ~t,1 11-J · l;L~(1.~z,,-rci-~ ,(~);(uto)(~o) = 21¼~. f t..,J +-· lr-c.. ,;.(t,;z.;e t6$,Y;D')~(~)(20) = . 386o. 1tJ4- j f l?H:Jr,,~ . . • .e.::. I (p /"Tl VI -0-= 0-46(1f.t>)Yt,c;)/twco{{,2is) = /t>~.7 ,\Ji ~ = ~ (Jc, )(1 i 0) /z_f e,e~/(r, '4-7J) = . (b I irJ-z.. :J.:;-(t,~2x/O-<$Xl~);('?-10):zo') ::: £587,.41.J4- VX fby: rz·Vr/L. ?61..ce-cr ~Tl2c.?4.:'. LYONS. WARREN & ASSOCIATES Consulting Structural Engineers . San Diego, CA (619) 578-8380 ••• •• • •• : • By•• ¥:fl • : datP. l'.> -k½&Ssheet No. 3 Of 10 • • • • • • • • • \ t • • • .. •subj~ct y'~£16.L--._.~ Job No. _____ _ • • • • •• • • • • • • • • • . . . . . .. ' . . . . . . . . ; .-• • • • • • • l : ··~ _ ••• • _ • • 4w PLF l~-r · . I , . ~.:Z 2'526.c#, . . i .. --... AA?f2-HIP~-= .... -·--j------- 1,=-/t' ft!:: ,/'Z-83('25tt>;(i2.). =-~"880 I~ . ; t:5-,?~BO(,~)/t~(t,it;) 4 ilZ-'·hb ,~~ . · l · A= 26"1£J(%,){i,5)/ B'={i,2.5) .:::_ 1-~•7 JN2-,. -.-f f_~(q110~5)(11.·l-'(15'2.b)(~oyn)t:_ ,::,"i JN 4 ._i ·. _ .· )t --·-_--· .. U?~ ~ x 8. Pt=/ ~-#t: L (/ ! . : _d:=;, !lo.'?-' (A.h-L-""' -42 Woe..=-t:z. . (.I\ ~~4,z_(l(p.~f(t.c;)/145C(i,zs)"'" tf,.? J~ 3 A::,47{1fR,t;,'}jn)/-z.As)j;?!?) = 4f!-/Nz.. c\-.~-;> - ?17 1r-1> ;,:; , 2 \N '!. :(0,81~4 (rZ")· -) . 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( ~)(i•tf (u.) :a. 11//r-f 1N4 1 II II . sYe, x IS §I 1/-½M :M: E -v'4- LYONS, WARREN & ASSOCIATES' Consulting Structural Engineers San Diego, CA (619) 518-8380 ... .. K?la. . . i :. B/, r:12• : ~atP. 22-tJi,v' 85:sheet No __ f_Z-__ Of q(t) • • • • • • . . . ,, . . ' . .. •subj~ct ve,...TttAt!..-P:ooE Job No. _______ _ -•• • • • t ••• . '.'' ' . . --. . ~ . ---=···· '.-: .. to~t.; zar-. ' ... :-1 __ 10_· ,_..ij,'"'--:· ::'::;;;e.::i.tf" ____ -:..~kr...::.1L...' : • • • • • • • .. • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 1 i,• ·.1'·~· ----..• 1-. to'f_-1 ' ~Yl ' ! j i '! l,. • -• f -.• --· •• • ~ ' ' j ..... , .. ,. · dsfi · t,,d ~ ~ = 2210 ·)(ii)/121;,o-= '41_;.7 11.J 3 :A=-1.?..1tr,(,.~) /1? , ::: :¼ : /IU~ , i , :1=(,ooo41X:iz1~1(t'X~·G,-t._4(i.iJ-t~-::=·• --a~-,~+j-·,·::.,:-· · .. ·-· · · · · 41= · --··· ; . , .. , , :~ 4~12.. flF/1-2.. ! • ,/ " --i ·. ,,...,_ -.... ., ..... -~ ,..., -· ·,· .I, ---_, .. _. ....... ~------·· ---t : LYONS. WARREN & ASSOCIATES. Consulting ·structural Engineers . San Diego, CA (619) 578-8380 • • • . . ' . . . . • • • • • • •• • • • • • • • ••• • • ~ 'E?At...C?Nl~S e < lrJJT"==' 'PLf . .. f'tt-((z.), '3, 0 . JOf<';,T {tJ'$c.JL CBL-1 iJc:!ri L."t-, \,...)'[" COl,.l<'..' ~ftZlt--ift.LE/2"5 Ml0C::. "D,L-, = L..t-, =- LL, : 1 .• 0 ~.o /4.0 '2..o /,0 21$ ~F -10:f5F (e,'? pSf=, Jol""::>T :Z,'? ~dFF-IT /(>.,O !tx-~-iE,X .c::;,o M~-'/11;:> · 'Dt-,· .:: Z2. fs.F . 1.;e,,: . e;,c:r ?,$F ;T1l..,' = Bt. :P=,F . j ' ' . . ' , I. ' fla?f2-Jo~,-(/\~ -Sfl= .. SHEi:rr fb ... .' (5) . .. . .. . . . 4= I 1 ' Lui!-~ ~ 'PSf" l.JDi.. = '2--~ 'P=F-r . . O') ?:=: 0£3(14-) (/,c;) / }4f;;,O :: i,;, 2-IN~ A::= &£,{i4)(t,r;) I '2..(t::ts:s.) . :i 1, ~ ,u-z. ·.1iLe./t..~'2.1 /t>-'?)(t+?(~s)(z.o) = .t'.17 ,-1·,;:lr (h-3;) i71 ~ ltJ~ I 4,te> IIJ'l. (o'Z.,-~-1µ4- • •• • • • ••• • • • • • • • • . . . l C;? cPRF-\VOb -~-~ -.. , __ . } . ' . 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Ye (Api...,Sf?J\D ••• •A7 • • • _J ,f q/ : • By • .:1=£:, • : elate \:S, ~ ~heet No. _'1 -Of l(,l • • • • • • • • • \,. • • • '="-' u t6ubjoct /~k urrtLOfZ-Job No. _____ _ • • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• . . . . . ... ' · =·· =·· • • • ,·ro\o· WDc..-~'26~ ,~, ~ j'/J '?- ,~ (2.. .rt-lf- . u~ ~.12 __ tr/1.-i,1:1 ___ e_}2 11 &',(..,_ ~ '2.;c 14 Vf /1-l'fl I ~ /~4 e>,t:.., ,/::t:!f' Wtt..--/2..'?' I · Cl') (I,~~) : "?-/2~ )fii;)/"1'~ :::. :/(>, S t; ,111-l~ A~ r2~(1 )(1, t=.i >/)J{1'? > :=_ B. ·r · · 11. b iN 2.. :r"'(f,,z,,16~';(1)7'-vs)~);. 2.'1cl · · ~~~·q ,tfr · 1.lL(1.~z..,fo1 Y~~( /t-o)(~o):: 29·~ . 3 l.hE .z)( 10 p;::£ 41--z e llP" Che.. _ -~ c,p. ()$~ -1...,-2J Dt=/L±f2 (2 /~ J\ t::>.~. '2.~00" . -- f'H,#1, I -' , ' t~~f~Pt-P /Z-,"' ~ . . . 0 = t~@6 •'):. '2o<to(8 .c:;).::. <d?Ob '*-. -6. 4, /--=: r,,,:;08(1.,)· 1: ~'.) . '--~ c..--;r-/'?C\::> , '?t:. I~. . A=.teto(t,~)/~J;> ~ 31,~ ,w~ , _ .'.I-=(i,~z>'~..i;ye,.~)¾~o)~o)+ .tb:?6(~.~)L.~41) =-Cf 8 .~ 11.,4 y ~::: /lb IN 4" · ~8(/,1!/-'ocoo) . . lJ'?E" ~~ 12. 'DF/L--#: I 1,np.v:=z 241. WiL ~(z. 5')(~2) • 20S PLF ''?-=-105(14 ')Zf.'$)/ /:';)CJO = · · Jf-t A :::::.100(24) t, s;; 4~.4 1>42.. .~Z,lbs»1-f(;zos){20):: 74f3>,2. 1µ+ O:,E: rox 14-w,/4_ ~ I I LYONS; WARREN & ASSOCIATES Consulting Structural Engineers San Diego, CA (619) 578-8380 Project Vr 1-LA-S 'DE' 0:f2-l..6BAD ... ·~· ... :. By • .:N;S • : c:ite /4~8::sheet No. jS Of 1fo • • • • • • • • • 11• • • • .. ~ubjE!t:t Y~k .. 'ft.a:2'R--Job No, ____ _ .. • • • . . \ .... • • ••• • • ·• • fi . ' . . .. ... , ... . f:H~4 . ~1:,..y.::::C:, I ·uJr-1.-= ':2; (ti'?);,.· :2}1&:, Pt..'F • •• • • • ., .. ••••• . .. . . • • ~ 19-fitt~ . I #. I':: ~ V"t O vs e:; ,4 >: 8 OF')-z. tH -»e t' e:e: uu,o:, Jv 'r/lt, VOii? u)~==-·4(4c) )-= lea:::> 'Pu=-/b,t,-.y :::z (p,IS I ~ flHM=-1 . · (ftE" 4x fa ?F /t-. -+z.._ ,. i:tr=~1 i~y-:;(t,,$1 ()J-ri, = 4(42-).r:-/t.oB> .fL-F ,$6'°£ JZtt~ \ (};E. 4Y8 PF/1--i#z I 'fH¼ 8 ,a_.,,M,c:'l :::: ~ 16 I _fH::ll:-4: ' ·1.~ a,,c.:,' W.·ri..:::-. .a (1~') = t;t,.3 'Pt.F 0.:. %s,~.,::;J'i,e;) /l2'?C> =-1-e,,? . /t--1 ~ A,;.C¼ ~c;,-;){r ,r;)/ i (~t:;)-= i;, r,,t, ft/- .:r-1==0,'32)1 [5~~6t~b? )(10)= 40.8 jtJ'c\-)' (,2. ~ 441 u'?e: -4)(8 v>r/L.: :#=z FH"'-ts> . f;:; t; 1 UJn. .. T ,!, (/'ZS) ~ I {)00 Pl-F Cj:. ltitJo(i;) '(i ,<,) / / '1J5 ~ :::. '70 1,. A;::./ ()1'o (-4'( I 1,) = ':)t. ~ 11-J - " t . ~ /6"?)(6)~(t~(zo)= 1'3 ttJ 4 VS€"' 4~ lO 'PF-/1,.. :# l LYONS, WARREN & ASSOCIATES Consulting Structural Engineers San Diego, CA (619) 578-8380 r+l:ifo • • • • •· • ••• ~-::-(; 1 . Wil.·,.. IS{t'$")(i.) +'t::;c> = ~'56 ~t..~ m-= ;., r:,o(h;'2· , 1 zi=$ :,:. e 3 .4+ '~ ~O\ Q '5.::: ~.,44(1z) = A~,c 1,-i; · -i-i. ~r ( ? . I~{t.?S -:\ ?o";(r':l.>)~ ~ /3? ,~+· , ~>-ro·~)(330--0)(1\)3 .. ·= I ~q ii.l4 ·Jz rE' uJ ID X 41$ · -· ·: · t=:c. # l ~()\0 /'I' • f •II , ' ' • ' , ' '.'i TL.? l'J/ (tJ:5o )( 1--) 4--'?°c(i-;) :::. t:; I, ':3'?0 '*" o~e. c;" 4' . ~~ PtPE C:~6- '},....,, ~'1' Wr< = "-,1>,,;ojz_ L 1.,;")00 , . lJ'$ f€ . ? t1 cp "":>Te£\... \?lf'e ~II /mAy:: -it 1 {).),,_:: /;t.'~? P.;F)(z )+ ~"~/, = /6:J I rt.-F . Ma. l,&>10(2-1/(t · ~\~8.8>1 -~ L:..:;:. 8B, b >< ('2-:_:: _ I"~ · -,/ ';2'2..~' , I N I:::. _ , ?X /6?)(1~10ti.1); ::. t~I it-3 4 :: rz.;?,)! Jo-S 'ft0ro )(i,1)3 ::-t/tJ (};£ uJ \O x-4-$ rt.~2. /CPI.O (z1) /z :! ~~~p • f ! · Project 0Ll-:f6 ~ UPU'";;,~D LYONS, WARREN & ASSOCIATES Consulting Structural Engineers San Diego, CA (619) 578-8380 ••• •• • •• ...,.,_ • • ~"". ~ • \-1 dr, -By x-f? :• Dat~114r;ei.8'"'{sh:et No.-'---'-r 1_Qf_JJ.t2_ • I' ·'e e e e e e e Subject V?F-U!:&-j==LWP.. • • ~ob 1--To. ____ _ T:H~ 12- ky =-/0.~ I "u.>r"«-::;:. /0/0 PLF tvf;;, I~ !c(tO,~ )2-(,.IZC;>) i:= ~-i. i ,,_._,_-'TT' c:;.= '2'2-/~e,(tz) n.a:z>-,::!£' /'2,-l 11--1 3 -.:r:;.~ . e, (/cPIO)(Jo.,;j i = Z8.~' 11-14 c_'l,..1>~>-/tf·?)(w10)(1a,~f::-!1 1Ht:t USE- > -rH# 14 . ~f:E -ft{~ /Z fH:#,-15 _ J~A't.: ~f/' W;-1-: lG/f,ztS)c -. ,,:;~ f'tF .;;~ 7e;;o~. 5)'?-(!.-:;;) /tV?o = :S8,o IN; A== :"0 (:;) (t ,t:5 ) / 2(1,s) _ = 2-1, t.:, J~ 'Z.. :1ria :12 )( /o~(,.t;)r1$o {a:,) =-151, 4 11-.:14 x l,l::: ~t:;. 3 1t-l.d • • • • • • ••• we,x 18 U:>E: _ 1,., /0 . :re~ ?=-20 }t/P$ '/=L~4 . 'P= {_{,if O? :#- ., .. • • • ••• • • • • • • • • • , . . .. ' . LYONS, WARREN.& ASSOCIATES Consulting Structural Engineers San Diego, CA (619) 578-8380 Project ~Lt.,ff_. · 12E (p..12-l.t:,RAD ••• •• • •• '12!12 • • • • • • , . By p:;,;, : • Dateif~lf';>:,heCt No. t8 .Of q~ • • • • • • • 1/ ••• +-_c: ~" •••• Subject vif/t-Tf Mk-cl.Ot:?r<::-Job No. ____ _ t=H #:1t;q ~A'f.::: {';, I ) . -kiJo~u~l -7 ".,c:5 ----= . - 1'~.~/ t t,,.5 't- fYf=-7t;,c,(i,,)7'1'2-<:;) + !~;~,· = 2 :-- 5 = 2'72,~ J /1~)/tr;'fJO -. . '2-lfN~ A-= &7 24,,(!, 9'~) = I ?8,1 ,,.;z ... -z~.-z_~ t (i'i.)/tz.ct:>:::> -\'l;,~ffJJ . 1::(11?~1'(0~)(7~0)(1,)~(i7 ::: · 7~ ,b 1µ4-, : • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •·•. . .. . • • • • .. . . • • • • .l ... • • i t "'"' -.. ---·!--......... . tJsE· wex 18 rt:1:U1i7 . .I= /Zf . CVrc... ~ &>~ · ~~ 8?0(i 2;(1,? )/130:?: =- A= 830(10) I, 0 . = .. ,~., Z fN z. -132,,. 10,s)(,z.) 3(~;:.ot'~) =-'37.8, rt,: n--t1 · \ ' . ' -__ ; .• :. ~..-1-.,-- . uSE' (ox 14-PP /i_ # I . _ FH:~ JB. . t; q I ·u.J·n.:: B([z_t:;, )-~ . {0()0 pi;= ~::: /~(1 )rt,c;) /;?CO ~ .'1';,? .IIJ :S . Ac /ax,(7 ')(!6)/ t(er-5).:.:. ~L-8 HJ '2. l~(l,32-, l(r-;Yeti(tPOo)(zc:,)::. 1'1Z.t·S 11-14 · }(-l1 2_ =. 'l>'Z. . lJ5E" . G~ /'2. '.D~/1-=#-1 ... ' Ff:1s1t-ff .t,:::-1;' r»n-;-82.{Z6) ~1-0'? c:S=-2o~(t~)"-(t,t::;) /12.e;o ; A·:::-W6 ,_" ,,__..-= tii::s ;; ?-f. o n-1 "'." :-(112;'2.~ l~){l;~oc.,)pt>) :=: /l 4 lf.J',t u'SE; ~x ID~t, LYONS. WARREN & ASSOCIATES Consulting Structural Engineers San Diego, CA (619) 578-8380 l(t,3Cft> ,t;1~ l;ot~e; I -n~1i;ru:_j L ~.i;. • k ~.c;/ t 1 1 (l.,~(8 • • • • • • • • • • • • ••• ••• • • • • • • • • • • • . ' . • • • • • .. f1:::: /';!~~(1,;;•)/4 -t "?1?0(17:;JI~ +(1-1-~1?°/i("it?) ::. 1Z., 'fcJ~ I#-. __ ' t5.: {jz ti:'·,., 1 ~~o] 1 2. =-~~. 1 , ~ ~ )\ i o =: i~., ""'lo 'WY Wlz~ 30 CS=-;e,. ee, · a~ vJ to)! ~'1 : -$= AZ ii ::t-= '2.?~ . -I== to"J. -. •• • •• • • • • • A-= (7, 7:r~ x to 1)(7~o)(i:,,;¼,& + 1 i-ff 6t;(l?,T((i-)3/~ecz,:;-aoo)(z;e)-+-(1,1u, H6'7)(~ rr;)(,;)4/z-z,,e = , tt 7 " ( w 1 '1..ir ; "') "fl... , -'? :2,;,';, ,, r ().S, o ~ ~c:='( > )i-~ .!" , t.f?, . . -: . \ ;(, '2. )/24G? -=-/~ '=>" t ~i.y~Q,: I 4~ ' . , ,',\;: /J./61;~.;)/fb6 = 1;; 1H?-, iue:;~--w \o Y 774 ~~ ... 1.&(4.x lb §t....B ... __ t:H#6 · s1?~~ lrn~ .-:: f {/ · r-----___ . · · L__-=:J~1~o/;:r . ~-- ·Mr:: ··tR1?2.(1 (p /-/e, p zo 1--11 11 b : 4?.:= -un-1\.(i-i})/~ ~i --,1-1; . A=-r:;;t.:t?O ~ ~I ::: 94-.1 114 i. :i;~ (Ii~~) 10')(1r,l'(~1/z. )( U>) = :<ti€>:~ t:=-.11 /1 .. · ~1 (,'7ao~(~t>-):·,8Z.( ·;· .. , ',,, -~ ,· 11 ,, i ();,e: <t,¾11 ·.,. IZ. 4 0,w~LAM U? F-'14- /I ' tH ~ b. · · tffl,;...,y -G,,r;' ·u.J-ri._.., .· 8?, 1.1':) v~~ . ~-=~,.~.i;)'r,'i~)!/27() .::. tl'l.~-5 1,-.l 5 · , · t:· A ~~31,5(~){!,C;; )/-z(or~) = --,t..f ,1 ,.,~2. 1,.'-~(1,i;z,.1t,ic;X~,??~1.?)fto) =-1~n 1,04-· . ' ;,d /l ~ 1, l tJ 4 (,)$(: 4)( 12-. 12e/1.-a# 1- _ · LYONS, WARREN & A_SSOCIATES Consulting Structural Engineers Project l}!Lt-A7 Y€ ~£2-L,<;za,AD San Diego, CA (619) 578-8380 By 1<f:? :·-Oate~::½::-tfiG.the:t No. 11> Of q'2 .. . ~ .. V. • -HA_._.:"': •• Subject c>2;Tl~k: ·~ J~b flh------- ~ft14.,C ,= Z."11 I 7~ p ,-111-1 = 'l!2.~S 11/1 E/l(t:;)1/t = Z${x);z. :· -wi = azr?)rz ... (C>2&5, /J:, t A' + +"fr'/ =-(14'i,1?);z<'4,e,) = ,e,1 1u/ '?= 102.s(ti)(l,;?)/14~ ~ 11,; 1..i; A= 1,,(-12.7,z;y,;;;)/115 :::. q.o ,~z A /'\ z.l!!!. '' ~ ~ '?.'2._ ,, . ...... " A;,. /-"" • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ••• • ••• ·• .. a1 • • . ,.. .. • • • • •: ... • • -. ' ' ~.,t-1 :: VI -.,, ... .I ;'9c>:::: ' ;,,-::;, ,..,... . ~ ...... t.Jse ... 'Z>c (Z PF/L '!'_2 .€ JG, •~.c .. ,,_. No N:'T~Ar t:t.a ·12-1P 'lb"/1=-r MAX, t=H-:#U) . .tm;..r i:a lz' Wn, = _?.:>Ob W'>'-• NG C;;=,;~o(M,,)"-(1,~) /t1no ;s ··J:5 I ,e, ,;./5 ,A• 1/Jo(1a)-(;,t;)/2~0).:::. ·25 ,~2.. . 300(2 ): ~' I Ef.>(;-).z ~ 'lcf(/;52.,x/o~)r1:i)1/'~)(~)'-= ;~7,~4--?<·1,·z. ... ',,·cr,~4 524s;-1, 5z~1' VS'E . 4>< /l'2. PE/t.. . ?11-l> "-'7'U; -- -1;.s' J, .J., ;."?' r /2-, 148! Plf : r}'t:. ~1zo(,',c,)..;(,z 0 8't/z(i'1Bei)::. ti !2J4-1#-Vr-P--"E == 81tS 41= Yl{z. ~12-o(?.e;)~ i.1es~.1;,) .. -Z.t>G::>G>8' #- '$ .:::-Z ~I -;+(12.)/:i.4--= I 1,0 (e;1 r::: 31 -;~,;)(~ 144) -4(iz.z-.)) 1?3-+--7(f./88) -S(l7.)4 (Z4i:,)(i2,.)L..:: A'.3,41tJ4 >r l.i.c ?'31tJ4, . -t.4 2-rC0<.1 d'C'b) 11.)(Y~') . 12.· °384{zq;s1c.">(r2) USE Lt.J~ LYONS. WARREN& ASSOCIATES Consulting Structural Engineers San Diego, CA (619) 578-8380 Project J/2 WM 17£ L'Af2tsMD ••• •• • • • /J By ffi: • De1e ~ ~~heet No. 2 / Of ~, {p I l • • • ' • • // • '' • Subject v~c:-&rt, a Joil~o. _____ _ • • • • • • ... , • • .. . . . • • • . . . . • • • •••• • • • • • • • • •• . . ' .. • • • • • • -LYONS. WARREN & ASSOCIATES · Conwlting Structural Engineers San.Diego, CA (619) 578-8380 Project 'y1u,..,A$ Th &a.-sMD A,.-, ••• .,, A ..... ~ • By rrz :. Dait~k8 ~-qsh~t No. t~ • • .,t_'. • • Subject 1/4::e--nU,--~'-% 'Ji': ,ob t.Jo, ______ _ • : i . ' ' • i . ' i -~ . _..__ ;_, _____ ~----·-·"· ------·- < :. •• ' • ' -f •--1~ ~~-~ ~ ---~li-·:·; -~--~--. • ~ t -i • j ~ , : ~: ... , - . l ... . ! l i . ... . ~I \ j ; ' 1 l j I • . '' I . ----~---~---------------~·-- LYONS. WARREN & ASSOCIATES Consulting Structural Engineers San Diego, CA (619) 578-8380 r . -;-. ' ' i' ; i · 1 -· J i ! Project ½Ll& t?E OR:L"E:>:i!,>--.D ••• •• • •• ·sy :fB · : • Dat9f8 ~ ~9.Shoot No. ,Z.:~ Of q(p • • • • • • Al • • • ' .,, • • Subject y~P..T/0. \' 8t-D#{ '1!, Job ~~~------- ''" ' i • • • • .. . : ••• • • • • .. • ••• • • • • • • • • • • .i "' .J, f •• j ' ' ., ... _. -··-.. , I l ' '.; ' .. ' . : . ! ' l ; . . ' : . . t-. : ' ~ .. . ! ;_ ' ' . .. . ; : ,. . --~ : > -! : ". . . . . ' t-,·. ,._ ---~~ ........... ~---~----· -.· ... ~.--!_· ___ ..:j_ ___ ,. ; +~ ~--.. ! . · .... ---~-·-'--;. . ·.·.~-·.·:.·. _:~·.: ·_ .. 41 .... · .: .. _-·-. · .· 1 ·· -·-r:· · · · · i: -· -· . : ; , ! ! ..... ! • • ' ' I -.. :·. ::·:_ ·. r -. . ' I LYONS. WARREN & ASSOCIATES Consulting Structural ·Engineers San Diego, CA (619) 578-8380 Project Y\1.LA,-=:, Tu ~'B,6-'D ••• •• • •• By 1?B :· D~t.j3~~~eet No. 2'--f Of qra • • • • 'I • • . . \'~,f>-,._,.,,._ • .....l!fii, ,.. • •• Subject ll=-ruw·~l.. qb/...\:'.""'7 -o Job No.------ LYONS, WAR REN & ASSOCIATES Copsulting Structural Engineers San Diego, CA (619) 578-838Q ' ' • ' i •• ! : I -\ ! --:·~ .... --· 1 . ··-< ~ , ' ' .• t .. ' -· i ' ' -•• ---· ~· --~ --· ... LYONS, WARREN & ASSOCIATES Consulting Structural Engineers San· Diego, CA (619) 578-8380 . ' . I , I • ••• •• • •• By ~ : • Oat~~ t1!:t"~6~he:t No. 1,.(9 Of qfo ~ . . . ~ . . 1/ • • • •11,JI • • Subject VC:ffi~ -BW¥3 V: J~b r--rcr. ·------- . -, ' 1 ' t l i .: ___ · .. -... -: : . : --i.---... : .... : i .'. j .. '. I ·· I ' LYONS. WARREN & ASSOCIATES Consulting Structural Engineers San Diego, CA (619) 578-8380 l I • . '. . -1fft41='.11t· ..... Project °VI. u..A"'S 'De ~'3,bQ ~· •• ~ • • ,,., /l/ By ~ • .om(4 ~~heet No._1.-;;_.,;,_.._ Qf -,<IJ • • 0 • • \ , ~ . e, , •-f «1,.. 1ie Subject~rJr;....vv ~qt> -Jt>b No. _____ _ • •• • • • ••• . . •· . • • •• • . ~· . ' . ' -·. ,J_. -~· t_ .. , --· - ' ; 1 ------------------------------------- Project · Y1 klA-2 D ~e,.A..p LYONS. WARREN&, ASSOCIATES . Consulting Structural Engineers San Diego, CA (619) 578-8380 By '.f€> : : • • p·ate~4'f-a;.ter:J,sheet No. lb Of q/ti • • • • • • Subject \/e8f.~!_pZc.\1:z 0k11 .WNo. _____ _ ' . ' ,· ' --:--~ ' , I . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ••• • • • •• • • • ••• • • • • • • • • • • . ! ' . . . ... . l ... . . . . . : .• ; . l_ I'!'_~ • ,._ •• .., ...... ' 'r"'J..l :t:\:-\ . . ; · •. lJ-J..;, -,'P 'I '-'-': . .vr L __ ; .•. l -. 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WARREN & ASSOCIATES Consulting Structural Engineers San Diego, CA (619) 578-8380 j • ! .. ' .. f ' -~ -1. .• • • -_,. '-·· ,-•.. ! j -------t.~·---~-----------:..:J ~r ---........ z.-' ·-... , ... ._., ...._ ... : . : ! ~ .f. . ', ' -• -.• i -•• , .. l .. ... , ... ,.' •, ·-)... ·-· ......... .. '.,, . ; .. i I ' '~ < • I $ • . • I ., '... .. . .. By JZE:,:, 11a.e 2.1'~ e5 s,eet No. ~ • • • • • • ,, . . . .,,. . . . Subject 1@:1p,lt1--B'.P¢=! ''01\ • Job' M.i. ______ _ . ). -i -_I_ ' . ····-·.-· .... -1 ____ ., .. , .. ' . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ••• • •: .. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • . . l .. LYONS, WARREN & ASSOCIATES Consulting Structural Engineers San Diego, CA (619) 578-8380 , , . I ! ! ' Project ½ u..AS YE LA&.,s:BAP <'.Vd • • • • ,.,. • • I 111 By _ ~-• J)atP.z,'~ ~ ~heet No._J~-Of =(CP tA • • • • • • ,,.,,_ • • ,129, .... •.-. ,,,, " • SubjectE;r'Te{CACt.-S::'.'::":!"' tD -'<'i, No. _____ _ • • • :• • • ••• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ••• • • •• • • • ••• • • • • • • • • . -. ' l )'ti ~ f?8 ivYklt1~ 7 ' , : -• . ·t1n1 ·1'1111 :~; U'2.Cl!./' : I:,:; {OZ. 1~3: ' · · · : iA~ ~t:t.01(,,;))i£~-.ii,~ ·s·. ·: . : .:r-= ! "l.7'? 7 ( (J, 22c, -z. )'.3/z8~ ' : : l ' 480&z> "~) ' i • -1(1,:p,1,. ,~"?,t"~)1(:w.i){~) ' l ' ... ; ~-~---~-·),+_=t.;~ \1-1~·-: . ····'-··· ____ :use $~A11¥ 18'' gLJ-LAt-1 ZAE-V4 _·, :-·:·.~ · _ _. ~-l§e1tff:1z10-' : . ·\ ! Po lP I Wn..:= '2.k/-f ' /t-= '21,-/(ro'f:'ll5)/,e;co c-~;':> ;,t-.1 t · 1A=:1.~~~x1;s)/1.(qs):: 9>.~~ 1.it. \_ -~(i.;z·l'/tfr~)~(U':I )('l/J)&-J5 ,~4 -........ :· ' . .... . -, .·. ! ' ... r. -... I ..• • l i . ; • iffi 14-1· . . L. '"' l).J. . 1~...N") _ _; ____ . ___ .: --:-T"<.;.,:= .-~ ,. . .. 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'v/1.,,U¥; 1)~ GA~,e~:;i&AD • • ~ ::· •• • By • J)ate:~t'Et Sheet No. Subject . , • • ~Ef~TICAt: • • • • • • . . . . • . , • • • • ••• • • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • l«'t, No. • . .. • • • • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • . . i •. f. ~ ,,.. .i , •-+•,,.I . ' ' -. -t ., f ' :-' -·-. ~ ••. ~. . ~ ! ! ' ---· I ·! . t . I ' : 1_:_·-~ . ! · · 1 : ' ' ' . ···------. : ' --~----·-··· ·-( : ·r i · . ·' ' ' i ! --,_:. T . . . --i.: J. ' •• ---·· ...... ---.... ·t i 1 ; ' ~-.. ' -......... ,-,-·,. •• --~ • --j I f ~ I i i : --·-! · . ! 2~ Of 1~ ·LYONS. WARREN & ASSOCIATES <;onsuiting Structural Engineers San Diego, CA (619) 578-8380 Project Yt t-tA6 Pe: ~A-Q ••• •• • •• By ¥f6 :• -[)elP.Z¼~'t'~~heet No. % Of.!ik_ • • • • • • • Subject V~l'.A\-!:,,!g • J~bF.Jo. _______ _ -· ~ --··--·. --· .. -·,---- ' ! i i I , I ____ I -~-• .;..,'._, ___ ---·-· I j / . ! _· -;-· I· ... -··. . . .. -! ~ ' . --.. , ... . ...... ., -1 ' I , . -··-. ~ -. 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' • ' I • I • -, .{-~.----: 'I • • • • h_}\ • Subject YEf,1JC.At • e 'BL.e:d Ci JoCi-No. _____ _ l . : ' ,a-t~la -. . ,_ " ~' :f: /2 .'? I t_µf:L. ,::. '2.l~/] 5 -:::. Z~lii::i, . . :_ t§E" .• l .. • • • • • • ' . . . • • • • • • . . . ·• ~-~ _2s1~(i2:s?u.~)/i~ -~ /-27.. ~-~J~~-.) _c ... ,. . ;~(2.~;'1<10·-S)(fftfo_)(J7.~5'->_::'. ~~-'=>: it-14 =· j=t.)$=· =i;;-==w=l=D=;t=Z~==-- ~: 1~ :.; . . . i.t.~ 16 .s ... ·tvh .. 1!J .. l<PJo. :.P~r._ .. ,,. ,---, ........ . /rf,.: /fl/O(/~.S)2{,-f'2t;):. ,i,,Z,/(3b1 ... k~ · :2· · · r,.z.),l~.,(a::> j:'::,, .,,,·-, •• /3 : · .:.,1 Z.f881.1 '/~' ... , ••••• • , • ~~ fG>f({'b.':>)(f,t;)/~(,li;).:: _:~-z.i_ 1,14,'Z : • •• • • • ••• • • • • . .... • • tr=(f.;.ix-1~rcr.):10.5ry1"10 :(w)-. 4~2. ,J4- .. ······-·· . . ·-·· , ..... ·····---. ·-'· .... -~-----U;e: t. ~¾ }C l:Z.. 6r~-----. • f • I . 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X 14.50 19.50 X DEAD LOAD LIVE LOAD o.·oo 8. ~50 14 .. !.50 14. ~50 1.9 .. :so 19.50 ~2:2" ()(~) MAIN SPAN. REACTIONS: ·-··-.... , ............ _ .. ___ .. __ DEAD LCIAD ·FUl-L LOAD MAIN SPAN i:.ND MOMENTS: -·-··-·-·-, ......... , -... -.......... DEAD LOAD FULL LOAD MAIN SPAN .. _ ............... _ .. _,, ___ _ DEAD LOAD FULL LOAD $HEAf~ +5.60 +2 .. 94 -·2. 06 ..... 3 11 :3c, -4. 1i3 ·-611 :23 -8.31 LEFT +5.60 +~i. 60 1...EF'T +0 .. 00 +0.00 MAX. INT. MOMENT +41. 44 +41..4-4- SHEAR +O .00 +O. (H) +(I. (Ii) +0.00 +().00 +(>. 0.0 +O • .00 1::-.:IGHT +B.31 +8. ;;;.1 HIGHT +0.00 +0.00 LCJCATED AT +12.03 +12.03 ••• •• • • • • • • • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ••• • •• • ••• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ••• ••• • • • ~ "' .. ;::i 1.1. r 1-1\tc:.bb 1-f-}iC ·1 Ur-:b': AT AT Al" (.H AT ·AT AT (.H' AT (.ff AT {:ff E ..... 1.600 I· --5941.:! X ::::: MOMENT - DEFLECTION SHEAR ::::: X ... MOMEN'.r .... DEFLECl"ION SHEAR = X _ .. 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C/52 .. +.108 --6. 64:3 +22.000 ...... 000 +(l.000 -·8. 309 ###################### ·# BEAM SPAN ANALYSIS# ###################### % ••• •• • • • • • • • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ••• • •• • ••• • • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ••• ••• • • • .. _ .MAIN SPAN: ,.I ····-···-···-·-···-·- SPAN LENGTH= 22 FT. LOADS (KlP AND FT. UNITS>: UNIFORM: DL LL Xi X2 .1.5 o.oo .25 o.oo .. ~~5 (). ()() o.oo 22.00 8.50 14.50 1.9.50 2'2.00 COI\ICl=:NTF(ATED: DL LL -. 6() ,1.85 0.00 0.60 o.oo X 8.50 1.4.50 19.50 MA I t-i SPAN SHEAR: __ ,., .... · -·--' ·-·------ X -, DEAD LJJAD SHEAR o.oo +3.1.7 e.·50 ··+1.90 13. 50 · +O. 6$ 14. 50 -1. 75 14.50 ·-1.15 19.50 -1.90 19.50 -3.75 . 22.00 -4.75 M"AIN SPf-)N F~l:.ACT IONS: --·-------. - DEAD L..CJAD FULL LOAD MAIN SPAN END MOMENTS: ',_,_ .. _ 'H, .. _____ , ......... , .... DEAD LOAD FULL LO{~D MAIi\! 'SPAN DEAD I..CJAt) FULL LOAD LEFT +3. 17 +~5. 1. 7 LEFT +0.00 +0-.00 Mf-)X. INT. 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'7-ch r"?; ~:a &:;,:f.8:/ tb-= --ios . 1 'Fh::: .::rz.s : ~~~·.,-r ~ ::: ,q4-~.~ = Project . VILLA:;> W {Mc._,.:;:E:,,6..0 •• • • • • • • • By ::f2b2i • • Da~21 t¢.§~heet No. 4iz Of_:_CJh.__ • • • • • • ,t-... ~·. •.l!f •• Subject ~c.AC--epfltf!!.B~Jt:ib No. _______ _ • • • • •.• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • . .. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ••• • •• • • • '-' " 1,·17 < I, 3:;, ~ , -us·~ :t>< 4 ~os &ro-D ~p!.t,.oe)-e I~/\,, c I LYONS~ WAR.REN & ASSOCIATES Consulting Structural Engineers San Diego, CA (619) 578-8380 13,r:E"AM !=I-lb~ \..O~P f?rt:l!-1 ~ 1·~c, - ft-{<1\:-2-3 lc::f'45 flH=*-3 ·3 ·l.t<:>o i2-H-#4 3 1i; 12. P-H½ 3 J~q~ fH:14. I ' 2 '/.ol)O FH-:11:I I . Ae>oo PH~i. 2. ~o fri=*-2. t CPtU> ffJ:ffc 3 z 1.0% M.--f:l!-zs J 40qt. rf-1~4 2 '2-tf?~ -lif* .4-r '?8!10 I .. fH-*i;, 2 o/.P~TO fH~ I tr~ . fH#~ \ t;'l.6 rH~::J .. ~ . -~ ' l . S4G:!. - fH4l~ 1. . 4412 t:=H~8 I ·_7 I~ 4-·-fH4tq ' '2.. ~'¼2- t=t-P' 1 I ::j !1'2.. 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' ·L I . ----_,_ ----___ ; __ ---·---.. -- l. i ' 't-• • , I ' ,. ; I ' I I ... l • • • ..,.. ~ • LYONS. WARREN & ASSOCIATES Consulting Structural Engineers San Diego, CA (619) 578-8380 P~. A-r 'P.a-,vc¥ ue f-= 8,/oo use: 4)tte, fosi-e. · 'P==-· 4~2.0 l.l$E 4;c,4 'P~-r (£ 'Pt*-rs IE t::t-t../1--:zo . ?~ 3/>0('(., ).= '· /ei>o )( 2 C ;t;,01),~ l~-+ ,~~'? =.1j/~'J5t :;.¾L . . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ••• • •• ~W-LAY1 ~ J< /'2.. PF/,_ 4&,, X '2.::. '12.~0 x z :.: !Po?,,o. • • • • • • • •i• . .. ' . .. : . .. ·• • • • te • • (B .-SIF-l:S]L-6 \l;,E;AM IJ'> ft ,. ·· z_.,. "T/2-tM M~ 1..j.Jt;;, Fu::T0(2 ~L$~ /~-r. F~ €.. WlJP;,1.--e: P.-EAf>'I 1.J<;,e; ''Dl?l--~u'D ·t,.iJP· t=!PO@... (.)""!:,/5 "h 4· r~ 1-sr ~F- , . ~ .J.. ~~A.M"?=' us~ ·'2:-, 2..,, 1-P-tl-41'1G~ ,ziJ" f'~ )) ?-4 p~.,-r . ( ~-r ~12,.. ~-----···--·--····---·-·----· -----. --~------ LYONS, WARREN & ASSOCIATES Consulting Structural Engineers Project .~lu.t? • ~ {,):fl..J;,flz6Q • • • • • • Al'> A,. By ~ •. DJtP./G-i~~?Sheet No._#".O~_Of 7t.o San Di~go, CA (619) 578-8380 • • • • • • • ••• • A •• • ••• Subject I ,,t{T tE:P,,-, t.:.:. Job No. _____ _ • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• ~El$M IC:. Zc>NE ~ /. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ... ... . •· . ~ '1-;l'P ~-~ = I I tr;:, w Ll>r ~:::::. 24~ 01'" t:;,r!) P";:,F . -t'i,o -P$F vJ-r 'r!...c'Of2.-=" "2:'$f5f..;-/o,O fl;,F .::: ~.t:> 8f: w-r tl.A':>P.::: ll t 1 ;:-%. " fle.p 4<9,0 P5F 1-4 f-4uJt ofe . ~.==· /4, v~ME= 7,.7'· ,63 ,4;. t3.~ !B, ~-;o ..I~~ ~,~ z1-10 4'' ~,-s ,11 ~.,i? ... ~ASE:'. 172.8 1,00 !9,4 }2<:oF .' ''R;J1,JO = (f ,~)(h:S(/2., f'Sr-}1 ,0) = '2,'2.:0 '?S'F- -:;~r:> ~: Fu..J =-(r, z )(r. ~ )(13 r~~ )( 1. o) ::::.-~,e; Fsr 1,..1-JO FlA')f2.! i=w.:= '1 lt '1 t1 = W,S P'sF ~ = -~ ( ~,..t>~"(" ==. 2.&f(il!¼)~ &£,4 f$F- 1--. • _J LYONS, WARREN & ASSOCIATES Consulting Structural Engineers Project Vn,L-A? ~ ~:LJ:,B>~D ••• •• • • • I A1° b,. By -:.ZP, • • ~t~J8;6,.~ Sheet No.-~ oL·rrp_ San Diego, CA (619) ~7-8-8380 ~ . . . . . • • • • • • • Subject•f:A ff:!t\L.-.. • .. • Job No. _____ _ ' • • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ••• • •• • • • lt-"7tP.1.::,g. Ut--.11 T WAL.l.6 t="otrGE: ~ ½ ~\=-Wlt>'frf SP~ /I ~-= 8-~ x(1:zfq,o).= --Z1b81t:. ~ qOI/ ,, · fw:= 7;2(rz.){t1.,) /z .:::: 1084:li! '?,(le, ~ F:.,-= /4."f (,2)(~).:: "'?3'=>4 :f! +--I( \I ~6V f'w = 1~64-1-u,,15(1 i)f,);t .:: 1-ts, 1 I :ti 2"1P F~ ' ' (I )( ) ' 44( ~ tr " t; = 16. 4 12. ~ =: .~fRc , · ~v Fw:a-Uffl-4-za.s(tJ.)~J/4.=?;7~8:ti . ' .. Ht? WAi..t.. 11L ,, ~~.¥-UfJf'r ,==~-· PLP <6H~ WA\...\.-Pt.:( )JAIi-i~ C. . /4 I Pt>o,=. 4482. "?20 j. ':>/B" 8Je4'~-c.. C I• ,;P.P 80% 075 L ?>/e!' Be\ e.1-11,1' o. ~, -~-----¥• G ,, 2,JP ,qcr ;Ce, .. 710 p 'lj,z/' 1 D.J e 1 Vi." o,L. ... ~-1, ~F-. -:z'1 e~ "2, I :i:, ':t" 3/et ~ ,, ~c, ~.t... e, ,, '?F-0 '7;~4-. '383 J 3k-" B,J ~4,1•0,c. 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LYONS~ WARREN & ASSOCIATES Consulting Structural Engineers San Diego, CA (619) 578-8380 Project j\ kk87 Th C'AfZL6E2AD MIL, •• • • • ,/ C.;:\ By b.t:2 •. ~at~1G:A<kJ 8,2Sheet No. 7V' • • • • • • • oc%_ • 1 .A • • • • • • Subject-~tQ-hk u • u•Job No. ____ _ • • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ••• • •• • • • LIN~@ (wA-~t,.c ~fit,.b'): ~{p(,l'') ~Ft-r == l I t>b ')(le;· t $, ~) -==. 1 ~4-(p4l-3'13 .. Fi-,. "$'U2 ~, ~ (!!?_ {p tle:,.c., 1 q,44~/tl'~. = .204 PL.r ~~o~ f·-=-l08(1~)(t"f."') ::: 241 -;,e,-:tt- z.41 ;~/u~· :::. ";~~ PU:: 2"'0 •1 t=.:: ,~~'!;)~ei,tf).::. 21eoe::ti:. 1..1ec;~/"' '= 4-;2. 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I '?It/ Pt.., "Tl2-,jl.. l _ Me 4" c::,.~. © Q) 0 Q) LYONS, WARREN & ASSOCIATES Consulting Structural Engineers San Diegq, CA {619) 578-8380 llNE @ {L:: Ii) -z,io ; f==' [14)'./2.+ 11(;)](,A.1).::, ,4 fo 3~ + l'!;i(~){i,.c..f) ::. 1.81_ ' 47~~ i;--l'2..' ;tt. 3et,~ PLr ••• •• • • • • By ::f:e •. C)ate ~ Sheet No __ SI_ ot...%_ __ • • • • • • Subject •UTeH>-L.•: : : .. Job No. ____ _ • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ••• • ••• • •• • • • ••• • • • • • • • • • • 3/e/ \?L--i' ?f"IZ 5d~ .-4 t' iP,t.. F ~ [14(, 2-)-+ II~ )fl 4.f) ::e '3; z. ~ ti I ;/h ~: rt. -r ~ I + l'l' :: t77 Ptr--+--~-~-~-It_~_.,_. ___ __:_(f)..:::..· Ptor--:~~ ;t-·· b1Nt®(1>cr·) -1.IJO : f" -=-/4(,12. ';(i£i. L/ ):::. '3C>1 I#- ?t)el/ /'f~ ~ . ~3 p L.f ?;12-1') I F :: l 4 (,12: ;~ 4. 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L.lfJE" CD LINE@ Project Vt LL½ R LA'fl.the,A-0 ~~ .. -~·. ~ q~ By .¥-• • [l3t~=-::::.,..,w-_Sheet No._'7~_Qf __ • • • • • Subject!.1.-A,-.(i"AAt..! ! !uJob No. ______ _ • • . . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ,~f. ••• • •• • • • ~1~·· f'\:( ~!2-1 gJ e,~~ o,t-. /:;;,nJC.C.O OIL 'B 'f !l.l-S'.P~C..'\1b-H -~ LYONS, WARREN & ASSOCIATES Consulting Structural Engineers San Diego, CA (619) 578-8380 c:\DL.-Di:, WtJ~ LI.Ne tEVE-L. I..E;~nj M6T AiG fZoOP "L, i; 4qe,o Al~ -".,~Cl~ 1.6 IIAcJo At Gi i~0 1=woJJ-'J..,? t~'1~0 · As! Gr f2.&;>F tp' q1qz_ /I ,Q ~" FL· ~/ _i1~t,o II 1,..io ft' (:, I 4q(),s~. .. f tJT.:-12-1~ (c.) ~~F' 14 1 ~bS~ II ( C·) -~1LO ,~,. qutJo. ,, (c.) i"'~ 1-1 I 11~ '7/Z.. \\ (B"') /JobF It "2 '3&ft,4 II {P.>) ~fZ..D Ir 6,t.-~ IG, I) (t,) 2.r-'D JI ~-Jl ~ ~(J-~ I' . JZ-oo1= 1c) I '2';1~4. .II t rL-ZC> I ·(oc,, e,rCp : It ·,z_ ~l..-'2.,iP ( . ·' t '1566 ~l 12,o-o f=" ~,,' ~i;e,c; (, l\ ; Ft .. H tfZ.8&> II t fL-It 11'1112.. h (o: .. ) ~t>~F io.i:,·' . 111ceoe tr (a-) '2 Pt-II l ;, ~;z.. ·II (tc...) '2...Ft... I/ 2.1,1 ~ '" C4D !2<Xi\-=-1' . ·t1e:>12.. /I '2;,~l..-.1'· 1.. '5 ~ I "t- It ,z..t==,t,.... 7' ,4 '3"'/7 z_. .. ' ... , . .. . ; l . Project YI LL.A:$ ~ Uf:L'$f3AD ~ •• • • • ~ I")/_ By cw,<' • • [%at~11:A..lj;et5 Sheet No.-7~-Of ~-(I) _ e e e e e ,· I Subject: yt\!EfA\....-• • :?>~!'.§ ).: • Job No. _____ _ • • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ••• • •• • • • \-10!-POi..>~ MP-LJPl..lt=-1 0, L,&fl~ uFWfZ-i-tJ0 mr p.,,?-r ·:f_~B 12$1 ~,z_,; 4?2. l--\0-'Z HO-:Z 1111 '181...~ --{44'5 -~;1 HO-(o H0-2 1.4-eb 71SJ Jp&(S~ 01/<L> HD-1 HD-& . ---·-·-i;t....Jo-:z., J3_Z.. 8t6, -HD-2.. - qEn5 '2.117 l'1'-f'5~' l'1"'12. H0-6 H 17-2. -~"- 14~3/ c;7B8 1,.1)(.cf:; .nz; l:lO·l Hl7-~ qeoo ·. lc¾>I -l~l Hll-2. l-10-'Z l1C:,oD 1:72 '3_.j_ ~ 'S>23'i )-\\7-G, t--\\?-l -'2/fi.f~O Jo ,7:?, ..... t,2.0 101:,, HD-1 HD-.::; _q5_00 {607 -10-07 HO-t. HP··Z lq€:>eo ~31~ ,_. -;;1~ liP-'S HD·: 2-1'-fOO <P<-\? e, -&i'S8 i--10·7 1-117-- --_,, ____ i~, t>t!>'(? lt:fS -HD-2. 1-ro croo·· •• I f:7;4f -Ho--z. CPDOC>O z1q1 --HO-S ,;-z.;1~ '!7/ -·t\P-'Z. lo.q~'-'/o ----- 1lt-;o~~ \li?8> -t\C'~i.. 1i·v,1~ 000 -1-19-Z.. {l-1 ~b?? ----- t'?; _i:;1 e ----- ,~~:;:; ----- · /~b'Z-1i;30 ·HI?,.z. ·.1~i;1i:::i ';~Z-/l HO-Co ' LYONS, WARREN & ASSOCIATES Consulting Structural Engineers • San Diego, CA (619) 578-8380 .. l..11'£ @{tz -4-,~-' zt :::. -41 ) i"'.v f~ i($z.:Vr.i:;){88\ = tZ.t$7z.."'- -f 47 = -4b ( PI...F-1-/0 .f tffi¥L ! 2>2(1,;) (/a.I ~) == I B~"ti ti 7 ~7 ... ?.'(O Pet= JZitop-(B"2:(1<S)(~.;) ,._ toto11!- f i..(7 ::: '2-17 Pt..F L1tJE: @( 2-1') · 1t-Jo 3h(i'7 )(re. lf) =-'1 "f '3G. ; t2' = ~IPc..p ,,E~ l,...l~e @· l..,ltJE:@ ~@(z<~)-t~7,'5')-1 8~ /~1) 1,1Jo ' · {:JZ(;o ){r/!) .~)::::. A'?U,1./ fc6F : 2tJP + IOI • 4fh Pu= . J:i~e. l..\;..l~ @ '\.\JJ~ ·® ,t ®_@(i·p;) :: ~) ,;~;oy:18 •·f) =-I~ 612.. ~ ½ ;;. "3ic, I 'Pt..F' ~€.£ l..ltJ~ @ . . 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WARREN & ASSOCIATES Consulting Structural Engineers $an Diego, CA (619) 578-8380 ••• •• • •• By :E~ • • ~ate:%:~e.6 Sheet No,_~? ot!J.L • • • • • • • I. A e • e • • • ,• fl SubjecPc:::cT~fAl! ... IY-.-WJ"::!-Job No. _____ _ • • • • • • • • • • • • • . . . . . • • • • ••• • ••• JINE: @ .. • •• • • • ••• • • • • • • • • • • ~: r= 8,~(U,.'.(e/4)= ,e,t:Sro~1P-$-r«f'~)<e.,?J)=1,~--f~ T ;e1.::: .. Seol Pt:.F ' ' ' ~": 'f"' IL-t .1(u)(~)-1 ll-k~1({6X"o).:: ;b ,~B '; ';Jo I :. 11'1 \?t.r- 1.~D} f--/a,1.,eu..)(i;.)+~(~~~ '17,77~ ·f SO'= qi:n Pl.-F ~F.' ?/2-1?: 1.l'-19.' :LiNe:G2 ·f-~8>.~z.)(<¾):: ~ofi' . - 'f~ l'-tt!f(42.)(M,) ~ ?~·~"'(z.;, 2,), f.::·1a.~(-1i)(t¼>) .:= . G,~,-?K(tin) t1tJ!@ ~T'""r 8.;(te.';(s~) = 12.1~: '?f20 t /i-/ ,1(/f/{~).: 'Z~ ,! 1"-(io, ,) WD ~ ff>, 4(/8 _t.eh) -=-26/7~,q) . -·:u,_i~-@ ~! 1-1,½~ ·+ ?O I =" ~?Q PL.F ~-:-i·~-~b,i 'f 60' -= 77 ":/ P<-F · ,z,,,.u,: ;,t.n I 11 7 L,/1 I .,:: . ,~ {4, f't.F ·u~c ® 0E."E: L.lt··l E. (i} Aet,VE. ;~l·N.~@ ~ t-1/.-l.E @ /••-'B~e •.•• 1 '3/8" ?1...-r <S'l'lt .JL r 8Je.-t11"·~- 1/.z," PL-"( ~~-.i: / 10J e -i1i." ~. c . Q) @ ®® LYONS. WARREN & ASSOCIATES <;:onsulting Structural Engineers San Diego, CA (619) 578-8380 L:lrJ€ 10 ~ u;,•· ~ J-19'5 -z.; I ~~ > 1-117? II n' IH{lt. . : H!)';'i i-\l'Jfi Project V ( UA-S Ve U-C2c:S~AD ••• •• • •• By ~'Q • • • ~a~firrfP Sheet No.~_ ot.E_fa __ • • • • • • • • • •ie. -r-l'i A • .., ,Ai,-·~. SubJect kt'!, 1::w·e,L-pl-yC,-J v Job No. _____ _ • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• • • • • ••• • ••• 'l.<C;?' !\l)'? \W', '2"7' tlV'? t-1~ • •• • • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • 1r... 12. I I I I I 11-ll?L. .. -~or= 4?6(z~Xtt>')= /07f:1CJo MP--" / c~.:,(.is>2J = . '; \ i.c; 0 7~7-$0 ~zc:., :::-~470 ½E -I-IPS -r-rc::ic...D~uJi-1 :M6-r-:=-114{'.2-S.(to) := l<l??c,6_ . ___ ...... '~ti-=-~(t~)"(s) = ~ !SGz~ '5"'1~ '1r,,fi>?,C, -:-_zr-~2-,::,D 1.1ntt1.. 7 -. , iJ'?:E m t-\OL06uJH ~ . . ~,110 . Mar==q¼(,-z.)(fo) c: 11 Ywo M rz ==-11'1J(1z..)ii == ·7 8 Gz.i-J · -sS47~ ~ 12 = · zqcrt> . ~ ~;;B LYONS, WARREN & ASSOCIATES Consulting Strur:tural Engineers San Diego, CA (619) 578-8380 . . -'.L1NE" (l) {;,) . 1-1-lo ,• -4 b(/; )a~.4) ~. }'?'2-'ib --.' z.~ -= lS 10-PL.F ?12D ~ :..ta(i~(,4t.<t) ::! 10 1i-~ -f 2-Co = 413 f'c..F- /Z@r=i ! 4e(l? )(a. ~}:r 9ft ~- --: 2~ .:: ,i~ P(.F LI NE" @(~f!>) 11-10 : 4f{t~'ft8,~ )I! I 3i.4B ~ ,3 ~ = ?;?O .Pt.F ~P-f>! t 072.f, ~ ~~ :::. 1.8Z. Pt..F LIJJE @(31) -~o; :t;B(4Y,i.~):: 1~<.?; ~ ";;7 = z~o per tlNE@CJt-,') 2MO! '½(e;)({~,11) := ¥fl~ 1 /(o = '21~ PLf= · L1t-1e @(i~ ·) . __ Lit-Jc ®("f· / I) M(°j'S)(7e,.Lf).+(1:a.Y,s~. ~) = 17" f ~ ~ Al 1-= -4-~0 fL,,f' M.{,.;; )(11.VI) = /~"1 /;o .;"*'= ~3 PUZ -~~x-~,';).: 1"/70 ~ ,s.:: Z-1'?> Pu= LttJE' (@ _ . , ~~£ Ut-lE @· . ~D6, "A"' ,, ···~· • • • ~t:, d1. B1. LE. : • D4t4f'T 8'5 Sheet No.~_Of...=.!<O._ • • • • • • -e /t A Ill-: ..!'a e • D, ,-._. ti ll Stbjl!ct 1..-M 1 6,...,...i.. -• ,:;,1,...---, C.. 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Ii 66G, .· " ~lt),,S I~ (t,2$ ~ .. t,t;ni© 1-µo 1 1Aftt>1(t8 . .., )-+ t.,t;;(-;i.)'5.'1 ~ :,~;t.j 7 ?h ::: /~ q::>LF- L!rJE. (8) 2iJP ;_ 1.6(?2){.Srl): 4--!$'2. -f &f ~ 4~ r'-i..P Project Y1 LLA? De GAPl..c:;S~D Bv::~fi:• : • •Daje ~E"f'r"bSsheet No._54' _ Of_q~ _ • • • • • • Suei,e.:t ~Job No. _____ _ • • • . ·• .... • • • • • • • • • • • • • ••• • ••• • •• • • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • 3/B''fd c_112-~ I Bel '8 ~ /it>,. C. ~le,~ Pt.:( "?'f'/4 ~ I 6d ce ~f'o,t., "lei" Pt.( "?i/2--i!.../ 8d ~ 4 11 o.t.. :1/e, ·~ .Pc.:( 0.~'"' I Me 3"o.c I '3/8" Pt.-( "!:>"f'TZ-,ti. t . Sd~ 4''a.c, I ;/~" P1..'( "? W-:tt I . 8.::l e (p 1 ~ 0 • C • ::3~". pi.:( -?T(Z¾[ BJ <fd £o II O, C • © Q) Q) ®. Q) © ~ LYONS, WARREN & ASSOCIATES Consulting Structural Engineers • San Diego, CA (619) 578-8380 : Uf4E (j) (/4 ' ) tfJO !_ .. : 1<ufi8."I)~ ~l-{(2-)(i.~> :::.· 1t~o ~ (1·(= 13 I Pt..F · . 'LINE" @/,•): . -t.A(~";(r;, '-/):. ~ 7 7 1 .:=:. J:5 Z. 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Y.: ~~ /4 , sv·:, ='T -:--oa~ 7w""<1 a2 Sheet No.~_ Of • • • • • • Su!lje~t tJ..-•n:;;J,,(i-: :.. Job No. _______ _ ... --... • ··.----.. -· .... • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ••• ••• • • • SHEAR WALL SCHEDULE ' 113) (8) MATERIAL NAiLING ALLOW -SHEAR TRAN, SILL ANCHOR BOLT SHOT PIN SHOT PIN 0 IN o,c; SHEAR NAIL NAILING SPACING @ DIA, '·01A, 3/16' 7/32" @ l/211 GYP so a 711 100# i J.60 a 12" <D i6o fi: l/2" DIA@ 36" o.c. IONE SIDE o.c. FT, -0,C, 16"o,c. ~2" o.c. -·-© II So 6l 4" 125# 16D 6l 8" (%) 16D 6l II 24" o.c. . O,C, FT, o.c, 12"0,C, @ 1/2" GYP II 150# II <%) 160 a " " BLOCKED FT I 10"0,C. ® 5/8" GY.P '6D@ 411 175# f 160 a 6'' <%) 160 9 1/211 DIA@ ,, BLOCKED ·o.c. FT. o.c. 9"0,C. 48" o.c. IE' 1/2" GYP 5D 6l 711 200# 16D ~ 8" Q) ·16D 6l II 16" o.c.. BD BOTH o.c. F,T, o.c·. 8" o.c. \.:./ C:Tn~C: • 0 II 5D 6l 4" 250# 16D 61 6" (3) 16::, cil 5/8" DIA@ II ·O,C, FT o.c. 6" c,. c. 48" o.c, © 1/2" GYP ., 3001# 160 Q 4" (3) 16D 8 It BLK 2-FT o.c. -4" O,f., -IC::Tn~C:: -. .. ® 5/8" GYP 60 614" 350# II 0) " 5/8" DIA@ l~D Bl.K o.c. FT 32" o.c. --c:rnec, 1i' 3/8" PLY 8D 1~ 6" 280ff 160 a 6'' Q) .16D m 5/8" DIA 6l 1611 o.c. \.!..I STR 1 o.c •. .FT. -o.c. . 611 o.c. 48" o.c. -430#. 1 160 a 4"o.lf. 0 3/811 PLY 8D 6'14" · .16D @ 5/8'' DIA @ STR 1 o.c •. FT -_A35@ 16"0,C 3t"o.i:. 32'' .o.c. -©. " 8D@ 3" ~70# T1so· a 3"o.~ 16D a 5/8" DIA 6l o.c. · .. FT" ·A35 6l 12"0,C 3" o,c. 24" o.c. -- (D ® ® @) 0 ® ® " 80 a 640# 160 a 2t"o'* -~ Q) " --2t"o,.c. F'r(I) A35 a ll"o.c ,, 8D@ 2" '730# 160 a 2"o.'t'. -~ 5/8" DIA lifZ.J o.c • FT (l) A35 a 9t"o,c 16" o.c. -. '. ll/2" PLY 10D 6l 340" 160 a 5"o.c. 16D Iii r: '8" DIA @ ISTR 1 6" o,c .• ·s" JI~--FT I o.c, :'t8 · o.c, ·-r . It 10D al 510# 160 a 3"o.c. 16P, al ':i/8" DIA 8 4" o.c. FT--A35 Iii 10"0,C 3½ O,C, 32" O,C, -- " 10D ~ 770#. 160 a 2"o.~ @ 5/8" DIA afh. 2½"o,c. FT (D A35 a 9"o,c:· 16" o.c. -- " · 10D .Ii 870# 160 a 2"o.~. · {~ ,, (J) 2" o.c. FT(i) A35@ 8"o.c. -- ~~ . I~!, ~\e.e," t?C, ft,J~ I 4''o.e. (I:, EDGE AND BOUNDARY NAILING ARE Ri:QUIRE!> TO BE IN MINIMUM 3" SILL, BLK AND POST, STAGGER NA1!.S OR PREDRILL TO PREVENT SPLITTING, I TOF. NAILING SHEAR TRANSFE!i BLK 2 X 4 MINIMUI>'., PREDRILL NAIL HOLES SEE SHEAR TRANSFER DETAILS, BEARING BASED ON A #2 D,F, SILL PLATE REDUCE SPACING 20% FOR HEM-FIR PLATES, ALL ANCHOR BOLTS MUHMIM 10" IN LENGTH, (/) 3X SILL PLATES . (8) l,C,B.0, APPROVED POWDER-ACTUATED FASTENERS, 36" o.c. " 24" o.c. ,, ,, 16" o.c. II 16" o.c. '. -- - - - - - - LYONS. WAR REN & ASSOCIATES Consulting Structural Engineers San Diego, CA (619) 578-8380 !·. l ' ! ' I l __ ,.._.,_ --•-.--·--... ,-•• oM•••~ • ..,,.--. I ,.j • -~- ! ,. 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LENG"tl··I:::• :1.0. Tl SECT I'CJN NO. :2 I ... )·: ::::: !::i • b ci I= 5.45 A= 4.59 HINGED END<S>~-BOTH MEl"IBEF: TYPE ,J . Ll::.NGTl·-1::::: :I. 0 ,, n:1 SECTI'IJN ND .. 2 I= 5.45 A= 4.59 .HINGED END<S>--BOTH MEMBEH TYPE I< U:]\I GT 1-·I :,::: 1. :I .• ~::-~::. SECTION NO.. :!. I= 82.8 A= 7.08 HINGED END<S>--BOTH ••• • •• • • ••• •• • •• • • • • • q • F'l-·11=-E~.l-. Nf ... 'i. ~--, ()F-" 1-• • • i --. • -... ~ .... I .. _ ,._ JO, .... - ••• • .1'f~(.}CEli.FPP1ME :!H vILLAS DE CARLSBAD • • • • • • • • • ••• • • • • • • • • • • • • •• • • • • ••• • ••• • • • • • • • • • • Ly::::: 9 .. 17 Ly::::: 0 LENGTH= 11 .. 33 Lx= i:1..33 Ly::::: 0 UNIFORM LOADS: DL LL X1 X2 0 I= 82.8 A -7.08 HINGED END(S)--BOTH FI XED~·END FCJRCES :: MOMENTSJ LEFT DL 0.00 LL . 0.00. 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LENGTH=: 9. 5 t3ECT I ON ND. 2 I == b1.9 A ::., 5. 2b Ly•:= 10 .. !5 Ly== 1. 0. !.::i Ly:::• 0 Ly~= 0 ---. --·· --· LYONS WARREN & ASSOCIATES INC. 12/11/8fi F'~1GE :l=f:4 ••• • •• • • . ... •• • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ~ /Jr ... • SHl:!l!.T •NC:Je .. • • _r.1. .. _ ClF -'1-'EL. BF~{.:1CED Ff-~{.:iME =r-1=2 • '• I u .. r-~s DE CAHLSBAD • • • • • • • • • • ..... -------·-·-· ... · .. ·---·-···--. ···-··-·-··-.. -·-·-·····-·-·---···········-··-··-·--··'" ·-·-···-············· .. ···-.. -.····-·---·-··-··-·---···--·--- ' . . . . . . . . . HINGED END<B>--RIGHT MEMBEF< TYPE F LENGTH=•= 9. 25 SECTION ND. :I. J -82. El MEMBEF< TYPE G ·---............ _ ... ,.t" ... __ ..................... _ .. L:·:= 0 LENGTH= 13.25 Lx= 9.5 . SECTION NO., 4 I= 7.93 A= 4.97 HiNGED END(S1--BOTH MEMBl=:FI'. TYPE H. LENGTH= i3.25 Lx= 9.5 ElECT I rn,1 NO., 4 ,I ::::: 7. 9~; A = 4-. 97 HINGED END(S)~-eoT~ 1..,.ENGTH::::: 10. 2~5 SECTION ND. 1 I === (.32.El l"IEMBEF< TYPE ~1 SECTION NO. 2 L .. 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LENGTH= 13;09 Lx= 9.5 SECTION NO .. 2 I= 61.9 A= 5.16 HINGED END(Sl--BOTH MEMBEH TYF"E N ·-......................... -............. , .................... .. LENGTH= 1J.08 Lx= 9.5 SECTION NO'. 2 I= 61.9 A= 5~26 HINGED END<S>--BOTH · fl::N::l=f:##:!t-:lt-:J:I: LDr'..:iDINGS :t-t-tt-*t-fl: ff, #:I* :f:I: LOAD COMBINATION 1 JOINT. P(Xl 3 13.65 5 0,00 6 25~74 8 OwDO 9 15.02 11 o. oo· 14 20.38 UJ?"~D COMB. i DE{"H) LD. F?iCTOI~: LIVE LD. FACTOn · :t-t-*~ t~ :t-!::H: ,11: ,Jt, ~4= :I*# *t. ~* *~ D ISPLACEMENTl:l =I* :J:!,,t4= ~*~*:It-:l:t-:!Ht-*~ =M: ,Jt, :M: :I. LOAD COMBINATION 1 4 5 6 7 8 X ( ---.. >) 0.0000 {). 0000 o. 001:32 0.0054 O. OOT5 0.019l 0. O:l64 o. ()j_ 75 :r • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ••• ••• • • • Ly=-·9 P(Y) o.oo 0.00 o.oo th !.=.Ft 0 .. 00 Y (DOli.JI\!). 0.0000 0.0000 -··o. oo:~:o o. 0000· o. oo:~::6 --0. 0043 ···O. 0001 () .. ()(>5::-::: MOMENT (). ()(l 0.00 0 .. 00 o .. oo 0.00 o.oo 0.00 HOT. (ClAJ) 0.000652 0 .. 000578 o. 0010~;4 0 .. 000346 o .. 0009:39 o. 001.134 0 .. 000505 0.001:1.00 LYONS WARREN & ASSOCIATES INC. 12/:ll/E!~5 PPiGE: :!:!:6 ••• • •• • . . .. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • : • • • • ~; I-ii! ~:!r t.l D : • '! .. 1 J_ OF q(R. __ ·-· BRACE~D Fl::.:Al"IE :t-r-2 vILLAS DE CARLSBAD • • • • •• ..... ..... .. -·-·-.. _,. ............ _ .... , ................................... --............. ·-..... -.......... ·-· ..... ·-· -·· ............... -............. •· ...................................... , .. ..._ ............................. -·-, .. -..... -·· ......... . 9 10 :I. :I. 1.2 1::::: 14 ''* :j:j: :j:j: :l=t-:t-1: ''* i:J: :f:l, :t-t-:j:f: :t,I: :t-1: :j:[: MEMBER FORCES :M: ,14: •11::1:t-:/:t-~:J: # ,t-1, :!* *I' :M, •l:r: :M: JOINT TYPE-(.}, 0.0271..:i () It ()~:;if. t? 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' :I. 8 L.Cl(rn COMB. 1 10 :t:t MEMBEF< NCl. 24 :LC>. ~2S)3 j_ () U' ~~9::::, !,...D(1D COMB,. j_ TYPE F MEMBEFi: NO.. 7 LD?\D CClMB.. :I. 3 6 MEMBEF: l\!!J. :t. 0 LOAD COMB. 1 C, ,.I 8 TYPE G MEMBEH NO. Ei , ... ,::~:(::!. 21.9 ~~)€3,, ~~let UJr-~D COMB. :I. ..• ., ••• J 7 TYP!:. H MEMBEn NO .. '? UJC::)I). CCiMB.. :l ..... l.f. ~? .. 1.1. ~~::;~ . TYPE I MEMBEI:,: I\ID. :I.:::- • • • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ••• ••• • • • ...... ()~~·::1. ..... a () :;~: :I, • 01. ~~; • 01:3 .. 02El II ()~:,.::y " ():;:;<~/ ":I.E!!:.5 • lf:3!:5 0.000 o. ()00 0 .. 000 0.000 0.000 • ::,X>1. 0.000 ...... 266 0 .. 000 0.000 .••• 20:1. 0 .. 000 ·-1.'..?t::~; -·-.. B'..:54 '"":I.. 1.46 0 .. 000 0.000 r). 000 0.000 l2/ll/85 Pf.:~GE t-~B ••• • •• • • ••• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Sl··!Et~r r,10 -~. ~.]1 .... CiF ,_,_q0._ .... 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WAR REN & ASSOCIATES Consulting Structural Engineers San Diego, CA (619) 578-8380 -•' ·--. . -L-.• ' - ' - Project V1u.P(~ PE; ~BAQ ••• •• • •• ~ • • • • • ti( a1 By +P • I o=t~ ~ Sheet No. _,o~-ot--=.i_g> __ _ • • • • • • • Subject • f&\1"1:f. ~·3 • ••·Job No. ______ _ • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ••• • ••• ¥--------:i.-~ rgoti 1:- .i;--15'B7b ~ it----......,-----+--~>'2..'?'?i-l'O' J.f.. r-~71:7?#; • • • ••• • • • • • • • • • • 1l---------'a...-~---.> f;f.i~O -t=· . . ·,r--1.;YrL{lfi=- :~~ ~.A~-f2AL.. . ro~ 1~P-Gfi6~0, 1,2.,s pe,z u~ 'Z-?1'2.(J) ~ Vtt2-f/CAr.. LO~ APE: ,orAL, 'l.A1',.'DS LYONS WARREN & ASSOCIATES INC. :I. 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"? =-\ ";. £3? -...... ·· · ·· <)SI£ · °"'3 "':>1?#<lP!>. e -B"cJ.C. ~12-7' • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ••• ••• • • • 0 GEOTECHN ICAL INVESTIGATION VILLAS DE CARLSBAD NORTHWESTERN INTERSECTION OF LAGUNA DRIVE AND INTERSTATE 5 CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA SUBMITTED TO: · 1 ncome _ Property Group 1060 8th Avenue, Suite 405 San Diego, California 92101 SUBMITTED BY: Southern California Soil & Testing, Inc. -Post Office Box 20627 6280 Riverdale Street San Diego, California 92120 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA SOIL AND TESTING, INC. 62B0 RIVERDALE ST. SAN DIEGO, CALIF. 92120 • TELE 280-4321 • P.O. BOX 20627 SAN DIEGO, CALIF. 92120 74-B31 VELIE WAY PALM DESERT, CALIF. 92260 • TELE 346-107B G 7 B E N T E R P R I S E S T. E S C C N O I '0 C, C A L I F. 9 2 O 2 S • T E L E 7 4 G -4 s 4 4 December 7, 1984 Income Property Group 1060 8th Avenue, Suite 405 San Diego, California 92101 Attention: Mr. Ronald J. McElliott SCS&T 25222 Report No. 1 SUBJECT: Report of Geotechnical Investigation, Villas de Carlsbad, Northwestern Intersection of Laguna Drive and Interstate 5, Carlsbad,·· California. Gentlemen: In accordance with your request, we have performed a geotechnical investigation for the subject project. The findings and recommendations of our study are presented herewith. · In general, we found the site suitable for the proposed development provided the recommendations presented in the attached report are followed. If you have any questions regarding this report, or if we may be of further service, please do not hesitate to· contact our office. Respectfully submitted, SOUTHERN CALIFORNfA SOIL & TESTING, INC. 36037 -psA:C-RB:ep cc: ( 6) Submitted ( l) SCS&T, Escondido S O LI T .H E R N CALIFORNIA Curtis R. Burdett, C.E.G. #1090 SOIL AND TESTING, INC. 0 INDEX Introduction and Project Description Scope of Service Figure 1 ••...... Findings •......... ................................................. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , ................... . Site Preparation General Geology and Subsurface Conditions Geologic Setting and Soil Description Tecto·nic· Setting Geologic Hazards Table ........................................... Groundwater Conclusions and Recommendations General Grading •.•.•.... Site Preparation Drainage ..................................... Earthwork Slope Stability . ~ ................................ . Foundations General Reinforcement. •.......... Concrete Slabs-On-Grade Settlement Characteristics Expansive Characteristics Earth Retaining Structures Passive Pressure Active Pressure Backfill ••.•...•.• Factor of Safety .....•.. Field Explorations . ~ ....... . Laboratory Testing ...........•...•.•........ Moisture-Density ...... '• ............................. . Classification ........ . Grain Size Distribution Di·rect Shear Tests Compaction Test Consolidation Test PAGE 1 1 2 2 3 3 3 3 4 4 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 7 7 7 8 8 8 8 9 9 9 9 10 10 10 )'. PLATES No. 1 Plot Pl·an No. 2 Unified Soil Classification Chart No. 3 Trench Number 1 No. 4 Trench Number 2 No. 5 Trench Number 3 No. 6 Trench Number q No. 7 Trench Number 5 No. 8 Grain· Size· Distribution No.· 9 · Direct Shear· Summary No. 10 Single· Point Consolidation Test Results ATTACHMENT Recommended Grading Specifications G •• . GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION VILLAS DE CARLSBAD NORTHWESTERN INTERSECTION OF LAGUNA DRIVE AND INTERSTATE 5 CARLSBAD, CALIFORN I_~-}~~\/::_:-_/ .. .. '7'.:_:~{'.}·_?-/'"'.~·=·-/:5_"'.· --& ,w •• - 1NTRODUCTION AND PROJECT DESCRIPTION This report presents the results of· our geotechnical investigation for the Villas de Carlsbad apartment complex to be located at the northwestern intersection of Laguna Drive and Interstate 5, in the City of Carlsbad, California. The site location is shown on the vicinity map provi-ded ·as Figure 1. It is our understanding that the subject site will be developed by the construction of an apartment complex consisting of two, three-story and one, single story structures and, associated paved parking. The structures will be of wood-frame construction. Shallow foundations and conventional slab-on-grade floor systems as well as masonry retaining walls are anticipated. Grading will be minor and consist of cuts and fills less than five feet deep. -to assist in this investigation, we were provided with a preliminary grading and drainage plan prepared by Si:llman/Wyman and Associates, dated Ju~e 6, 1984. The site configuration, topography and approximate location of our subsurface .explorations are $hown as Plate Number 1 of this report. SCOPE OF SERVICE This investigation consisted of: surface reconnaissance; subsurface SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA SOIL ANO TESTING, INC. )' !/ ~ SOUTHERN CAL.IFORNIA 'W' SOIL & TESTING,INC. VILLAS DE CARLSBAD BY: OBA JOB NUMBER: 25222 ,. ··-'j ...... : •.. ·~ -·--•:_ DATE: 12-4-84 Figure No. 1 sc·s&T 2s222 December 7, 1984 Page 2 explorations; obtaining representative disturbed and undisturbed samples; laboratory testing; analysis of the field and laboratory data; research of available geological literature pertaining to the site; and preparation of this report. Specifically, the intent of this analysis was to: a) .Explore the subsurface conditions to the depths influenced by the anticipated construction. b) Evaluate, by laboratory tests, the pertinent engineering properties of the various strata· which will influence the development, ·including their bearing capacities, expansive characteristics and settlement patential. c) Define the general geology at the site including possible geologic hazards which could have an effect on the site development. d) Develop soil engineering criteria for site grading. e) Determine potential construction difficulties and provide recommendations concerning these problems. f) Recommend an appropriate-foundation system for the type of structures and soil conditions anticipated and develop soil engineering design criteria for the recommended foundation design. FINDINGS SITE f'REPARATION The proj~ct site is a trapezoidal shaped parcel, approximately 4. 7 acres in size that is located adjacent to and west of Interstate 5 in the City of Carlsbad. The site is bounded on the south by Laguna Drive, on the north by Knowles. Avenue, and on the west by residential propl;!rty and land being used for a garden. The lot is relatively level with differences in eleyation amounting to approximately 14 feet. Drainage is accomplished by SOUTHERN [;ALIF"ORNIA SOIL AN'D TESTING, INC. ; SCS&T 25222 December 7, -1984 Page 3 sheetflow to the west. No structures currently occupy the site but the remains of a former structure and some debris are present in the east-central portion of the site. The site was r~cently used for agriculture but nearly all the associated .vegetation had been removed. A few trees are present near the remai-ns of the former structure. GENERAL GEOLOGY AND SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS Geologic· Setting · and · Soil Description: The subj~ct site is located in the Coastal Plains Physiographic Provi1ce of ~an Diego County and is underlain by Quaternary aged marine terrace deposits and associated topsoil. Specific soil conditions as encountered. in our· exploratory trenches consisted of up to two feet of brown, loose, silty sand topsoil underlain by reddish-brown, and yellowish-brown to greenis-h-brown, humid to saturated, slightly silty, poorly graded sands and, silty sands .. Tectonic Setting: A review of available geologic .maps indicates the subject site to be located approximately 5 miles east of the Rose Canyon Fault Zone. The Rose Canyon Fault Zone is a series of northwest trending faults of Quaternary age that is currently classified as potentially active, rather than -·~ctive according to the criteria of the California Division of Mines and Geology. This classification is based on the lack of conclusive evidence to verify Holocene movement along this fault zone. No fault traces have been mapped through, or immediately adjacent to, the subject site and a surface reconnaissance yielded no evidence of faulting. at the site. It should be recognized that much of Southern California is characterized by major, active fault zones that c9uld possibly affect the subject site. The nearest of these are the Coronado Banks Fault Zone, located approximately_ 20 miles to the _southwest, and the Elsinore Fault Zone, located approximately 25 miles to the northeast. Geologic Hazards: The subject site can be considered to be relatively free of geologic haiards. Potential hazards such as tsunamis, seiches, liquefaction, or landsliding . should be considered to be negligible or nonexistent. SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA SOIL AND TESTING. INC. SCS&T 25222 December 7, 1984 Page 4 The most Hkely major geologic hazard to affect t~e site is groundshaking as a result of movement along one of the major active fault zones mentioned previously. The maximum bedrock accelerations that would be attributed to a maximum probable earthquake occurring along the nearest portion of selected fault zones that could affect the site are summarized in the following table. ": .· . ., ... ~: ._,_ Fault Zon.e Classification Distance Maximum Probable Earthquake . Rose Canyon Potentially Active Elsinore Active .,. Coronado Banks Active 5 miles 6. 0 magnitude 25 miles .. :· 7· .. 3 magnftude 20 miles 6. 0 magnitude · Maximum Bedrock Acceleration 0.38 g 0.21 g 0.12 g Based on the current fault zone classification and the maximum bedrock accelerations capable of developing, ·it is recomme.nded that the Elsinore Fault Zone be considered the design earthquake source for the subject development. Construction in accordance with the minimum standards of the Uniform Building Code· and the governing agency should minimize potential damage due to seismic activity. Groundwater: Ground water was encountered at a depth of 7. 5± feet and 9. 5± feet below. existing grade in· trenches. Number 2 and 3, respectively. These trenches are located at the southwestern corner of the site, whic~ is the lowest area of the property. We do not anticipate any major groundwater related problems, either .during or after construction. However, it should be recognized that minor groundwater seepage problems may occur after development of a site even where none were present before development. Those are usually minor phenomena and are often the result of an alteration of the permeability characteristics of .the soil, an alteration in SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA SOIL AND TESTING, INC. SC'S&T 25222 December 7, 1984 Page 5 drainage patterns and an .increase in irrigation water. Based on the permeability characteristics of the soi-I and the anticipated usage of the development, it· is our opinion that any seepage problems which may occur wi-11 be minor in extent. It is further our opinion that these problems can be most effectively corrected on an i·ndividual basis if and when they develop. ,CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS GENERAL In general, no geotechnical conditions were encountered which would preclude the developme.nt of the site to receive the proposed development provided the recommendations presented herein are implemented. The subject site was found to be covered with a thin mantle of compressible topsoil extendi_ng to a maximum depth of approximately two feet below , existing grade. · This material , in its present co.ndition, is considered unsuitable for the support of settlement sensitive improvements and will require remedial grading as described herein. The prevailing foundation soi-ls were found to be nondetrimentally expansive. GRADING Site Preparation: Site _ preparation should begin with the removal from the site of all vegetation and deleterious matter. Existing loose topsoils and weathered formational soils underlying areas to receive settlement sensitive improvements (structur~·s, drivew·ays, structural. fills, etc.), should _be removed to firm natural ground. It is anticipated that the maximum removal clepth will be approximately 1. 5 feet. Firm natural ground is defined as soil having an in-place minimum density of 85% of maximum dry density as determined in accordance with A.S.T.M. Test Procedure D-1557-78, Method A. The exposed natural ground should then be scarified to a depth of 12 inches, moisture conditioned and recompac~ed to ·at least-90% at a minimum SOUTHERN CALIF'O.RNIA SOIL AND TESTING. INC. L SOS&T 25222 December 7, 1984 Page 6 moisture content equal to optimum or slightly above it. The overexcavated soils as well as other materials derived from cuts throughout the site should then be placed in compacted layers until desired elevations are reached. Drainage: The site should be graded and maintained such that surface drainage is directed away from structures into swales or other controlled drainage devices. Earthwork: All earthwork and grading contemplated for site preparation should be· accomplished in accordance with the attached Recommended Grading Specifications and Special Provisions. All special site preparation recommendations presented in the sections above will supersede those in the standard Recommended Grading· Specifications. All embankments, structural fill and fill should be comi:;acted to a minimum of 90% at slightly over optimum moisture content. Utility trench backfill within 5 feet of the proposed structures and beneath asphalt pavements should be compacted to a· minimum of 90% of i.ts maximum. dry density. The maximum dry density of each soil type should be determined in accordance with A.S. T .M. Test Method 1557-78, Method A or C. Slope Stability: Although no significant slopes are anticipated, it is our opinion that cut and fill slopes constrt:Icted at an inclination of 2: 1 (horizontal to vertical), will posess an adequate factor of safety with respect to deep-seated rotational failure to a height of at least ten feet. FOUNDATIONS General: Conventional shallow foundations are recommended for the support of the p-roposed structure. Footings should be founded at least 12-inches and 18 inches · below lowest adjacent finished grade for· single and three story structures, respectively. This depth does not include concrete slab thickness and base. Said footings should have a minimum width of 12 inches and 24 inches, for continuous and isolated footings, respectively. The footings may be designed for an allowable soil bearing pressure of 2000 SOUTHERN CALIF"ORNIA SOIL ANO TESTING. INC. L SCS&T 25222 December 7, -1984 Page 7 pounds per square foot. The bearing pressure may be increased by one-third when considering wind and /or seismic loading. .. •.• Reinforcement: It is recommended that minimum reinforcement consist of at least two continuous No. 4 reinforcing bars, one located near the top of the ! footing and one nea,r the . bottom. This reinforcement is based on soil characteristics and is· not intended to be in lieu of .reinforcement necessary to satisfy structural considerations. Concrete Slabs-On-Grade: Concrete slabs--on-grade should. have a minimum thickness of .four inches and be reinforced with 611x611-W1. 4xW1. 4 ·(611x611-10/10) welded wire -mesh -throughout. Proper care should be exercised during concrete placement so that the mesh is placed at the middle of the slab. A three-inch-thick layer of clean, poorly· graded, coarse sand should be placed under the slab. Where moisture-sensitive floor . coverings are planned, the slab should also be underlain by a visqueen moisture barrier· and a one-inch-thick layer of _clran sand should be provided above the visqueen to allow proper concrete curing. Settlement Characteristics; The anticipated total and/or differential settlements for structures may be considered to be within tolerable limits provided the recommendations presented in this report are followed. Expansive Characteristics: The expansive potential of the soi.ls throughout the site was found to .be nondetrimental. The recommendations provided in this report assurr,e this condition. EARTH ~ETAINING STRUCTURES Passive Pressure: The passive pressure for prevai"ling soil conditions may be cor.sidered to be 400 pounds per square foot per foot of depth. This pressure may be increased one-,-third for seismic _loading. The coefficient of friction for concrete to soil may be assumed to be 0. 43 for the resistance to S O U T H E R N C A L I f" 0 R N I A S O I L A N D _T E S T I N c; • I N C • L SCS&T 25222 December 7, 1984 Page 8 lateral movement. When combining frictional and passive resistance, the latter should be reduced by one-third. For exterior wall the upper 12 inches of soil should not be considered when calculating passive pressures. Active Pressure: The active soil pressure for the design of earth retaining structures with level backfills may be assumed to be equivalent to the pressure of a fluid weighing 33 pounds per cubic foot· for walls free to yield at the top' (unrestrained walls). An additional 1. 5 feet of wall may be added to account for loads due to parking vehicles. If any other surcharge loadings are anticipated, this office should b~ contacted for the necessary change in soil pressure.. All earth retaining structures should have adequate weep holes or a subdrain system to prevent the buildup of hydrostatic pressure behind the wall. Backfill: All backfill soils should be compacted to at least 90% relative compaction. Expansive or cl~yey soils. should not be used for backfill material within a distance of five feet from the back of the wall. The . / retaining structure should not be backfilled until the material in the wall has reached an adequate strength. Factor of Safety: The above values, with the exception of the soil to concrete friction coefficient, do not include a factor of safety. Appropriate factors of safety should be incorporated into the design of all earth retaining structures to reduce the possibility of overturning and sliding. FIELD EXPLORATIONS Five subsurface explorations were made at the locations indicated on the attached Plate Number 1 on November 15, 1984. These explorations consisted of trenches dug utilizing a backhoe: The 'field work was conducted under the observation of our engineering geology personnel. The explorations were carefully logged when made. These logs are presented on the following Plate Numbers 3 through 7. The soils are SOUTHERN CAL.IF'ORNIA SOIL. AND TESTING, INC. SC,S&T 25222 December 7, ·1984 Page 9 described in accordance with the Unified Soils Classification System as illustrated on the attached simplified chart on Plate Number 2. In addition, a verbal textural description, the wet color, the apparent moisture, and the density or consistency are presented. The density of granular material is given as either very loose, loose, medium dense, dense, or very dense. The consistency of sil~s or clays is given as either very soft, soft, medium stiff, stiff, very stiff,, or ha.rd. Disturbed. and !'undisturbed',' -samples of typical and. representative soils were obtained and returned to thl;l laboratory for testing. LABORATORY TESTING. Laboratory tests were performed in accordance· with the generally accepted ·American Society for Testing and Materials (A.S.T.M.) test methods or suggested procedures. A brief description of the tests performed are presented be low : a)-Moisture-Density: Field moisture content and dry density were determined for representative undisturbed samples obtained. This information was . an qid to classification and permitted recognition of variations in material consistency with depth. The dry unit weight is determined in pounds per cubic foot, and the field moisture content is determined as a percentage of the soil's dry weight. The results are summarized in the trench logs. b) Classification: Field classifications were verified in the laboratory by visual examination. The final soil classi-fications are in accordance with the unified Soil Classification System. c) Grain Size Distribution: The grain size distribution was determined for representative sample$ of the native soils in accordance with A.S.T .M. Standard Test D-422. The results of these tests are presented on Plate Number 8. SOUTHERN CAL.IF'ORNIA SOIL AND TESTING. INC. SC;5&T 25222 December 7, 198!¼ Page 10 d) Direct Shear Tests: Direct shear tests were performed to determine the failure envelope based on yield shea.r strength. The shear box was designed to accomodate a sample having a diameter of 2. 375 inches or 2. 50 inches and a height of 1. 0 inch. Samples were tested at different vertical loads and at saturated moisture content. The shear stress was applied at a constant rate of strain of approximately o.·05 inches per minute. The results of these tests are pres~nted on· th~ attached Plate Number 9. e) Compaction Test: The ·maximum dry density and optimum moisture content of typical soils were determined_ in the laboratory in accordance with A.S.T.M. Standard Test D'-1557-7~,-Method A. The results of these tests are presented herein. Sample Description Maximum Dry Density Optimum Moisture Cecf) content ( %) . T-1 @ Red---brown, slightly 127.9 8.7 i'-3' silty, poorly graded sand f} Consolidation Test: Single point consolidation tests were performed on selected "undisturbed" samples. The consolidation apparatus was designed to accomodate a 1...,inch-high by 1. 375 inch or 2. 500-inch-diameter soil sample laterally confined by a brass ring. Porous stones were placed in contact with the top and bottom of the sample to permit the addition or release of pore fluid during testing. Selected loads were applied to the samples and the resulting deformations were recorded. The percent consolidation for each load cycle is reported as the ratio of the arrot..mt of vertical' compression to the original one-_inch sample height. The -test samples were inundated to determine their behavior under the anticipated footing load· as . soil. moisture increases. The results of these tests are presented on Plate Number 10. S O U T H 'e: R N C A L I F O R N I A S O I L A N O T E S T I N G. I N C. ........ , :_. = · . .. ·~:-:.-;~<-=i~--~-: ._: :/.·~ . -.... -:J .... ': :~-~ j~=- . . \ \ ~ SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA W" SOIL & TESTING, I NC. ,, , SCALE 1~80 VILLAS DE CARL BA BY: OBA DATE: 12-4-84 JOB NUMBER: 25222 Plate No. 1 . J SUBSUAFACE EXPLORATION LEGEND UNIFIED SOIL CL\SSIFICATION CHART SOIL DESCRIPTION l. COARSE GRAINED, More than half of material is larger than No. 200 sieve size. GRAVELS CLEA..'! GRAVELS More than half of coarse fraction is larger than No. 4 sieve size but smaller than 3". GRAVELS WITH FINES . (Appreciable amount of fines) SANOS CLEAN SANOS More than half of coarse fraction is s~aller than No. 4 sieve size. SANOS WITH FINES (Appreciable amount of fines) ll. · Fim: GRAINED, More than half of material is smaller than No. 200 sieve size. SILTS AND CLAYS Liquid Lir.li t less than 50 SILTS .A."10 CLAYS Liquid Limit greater than. 50 HIGrtLY ORGA!1IC sorr.s GROUP SYXBOL GW G.i? G!-1 ,GC SW SP SM SC ML CL OL MH CH OH PT TYPICAL NA.'IES 'well graded gravels, gravel- sand mixtures, little or no fines. Poorly graded gravels, gravel sand mixtures, little or no fines. . Silty gravels, poorly graded gravel-sand-silt mixtures. Clayey gravels, poorly ·graded gravel-sand, clay mixture_s. _ · Well graded sand;:gravelly sands, little or·no fines. Poorly graded sands,gravelly sands, little or no fines. Silty sands, poorly graded sand and silt mixtures. Clayey sands, poorly graded sand and clay mixtures. Inorganic silts and ver:-1 fine sands, rock flour, sandy silt or clayey-silt-sand mixtures with slight plast- icity Inorganic clays of le-,., to mediu..~ plasticity.gravelly clays, sandy clays,silty clays, lean clays. organic silts and organic silty clays of lo,. plasticity Inorganic silts, micaceous or diatomaceous fine sandy or silty soils, elastic silts. Inorganic clays of high plasticity, fat clays. Organic clays of medium to high plasticity. Peat and other highly organic soils • ~ -Water 1 evel at time of ex:avation or as indicated us -Undisturbed, driven ring CK -Undisturbed chunk sampl~ BG ·-Bulk samole I SCJUTHE'RN CALIFOl=iNIA SOIL & TESTING I INC. l!IRBO RIVERCALE STREET l!IAN Ct~ao, CALIFORNIA 51R1RO sample or tube sample VILLAS OF rllRI '-R, ,n BY OBA DATE 12-4-84 JOB NO. 25222 Plr1ti:> Nn ? z •. w ) 0 TRENCH NUMBER > -ae.. C. I-. 1 I-w () > > - > z I-I-I--ae.. z -I-c( a: z z --w w -(.) w u, -0 -..J ::J w w. u, a: > J: w 0 u, ELEVATION a: I-a: I-z z -::J I--I- I-..J Cl) - < (/) < (/) w w -I-z I-() C. C. Cl) C. C. Q Q (J "' w c( < :E Cl) C. 0 "' 0. w C. I-..J 0. Q c( c( < 2 c( z a: > 0 z w :E Cl) ..J 0 0 a: ~ 0 a: (.) DESCRIPTION (.) Q (.) 0 (.) 0 -SM Brown Si1ty Sand, Humid To Loose To ,, Moist Medium - 1-Cultivated (Topsoil) Dense - 2~ CK SM& Red Brown Silty Sands & Humid To Medium SM/ S1ightly Silty Poorly Moist Dense - -BAG SP 117 .0 6.3 - · Graded Sand 3 ... - (Terrace Deposits) . -- 4-CK -106.3 4.2 -- 5-- -- 6 - Yellow Brown & Red Brown -- 7_ CK 105.1 14.6 - -- 8-- -- g_ - --' -10.----11--- 12 --TRENCH ENDED AT 12 1 --· ------- ~ S(;>UTHERN CALIFORNIA .SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION LOG SOIL & TESTING.,INC. LOGGED BY: CRB DATE LOGGED:il-15-84 l JOB NUMBER: 25222 Plate No. 3 ' , -z ·~ w 1 0 TRENCH NUMBER 2 > * ll. I- I-w (.) > > -- > z· I-I-I-* z ... I-< a: z z --w -w 0 -µ w Cl) -..J ::::, w w Cl) a: > w --ELEVATION a: I-I-z ::::, I-I- J: 0 LL. a: z -- ..J < Cl) < Cl) w w -I-z I-(.) I-ll. Cl) -0. Q u w < Cl) 0. 0 Cl) < ll. ':::E Cl) 0. 0 Cl) Q. I-..J w < :::E 0. z > 0 0. 0 < < < a: z w :::E Cf') ..J 0 0 a: :::E 0 a: (.) DESCRIPTION O· 0 0 0 0 0 SM Brown Silty Sand, Moist Loose To - _ BAG Cultivated (Topsoil) Medium 1 Dense - -~ 2 ' .. CK SM& Light Green Brown Sitly-SM/ Moist 'Medium - 3 -BAG SP Sand & Slightly Poorly Dense -. ... Graded Sand · 120.4 7.8 - 4-(Terrace Deposits) - -- 5_ CK 117.4 14.8 ------6""' --~ Wet -7-y: -Water Table --- CK -8--: . Saturated - 117 .1 15.6 -..,. -g----10-- -' 11 -- TRENCH ENDED AT 11' ------------- ~ SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA .SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION LOG SOIL & TESTING,l·NC. LOGGED BY: CRB DATE LOGGED: 11-15-84 JOB NUMBER: · 25222 Plate No. 4 . -z . w ) 0 > * Cl. I-TRENCH NUMBER 3 I-w 0 > > -- > I-I-I-. * z -I-< z a: z z -w -(.) w en -w 0 -_J ::, w w en a: > :c w LL ELEVATION a: I-a: I-z z -::, I--I- I-..J 0 -< en < en w w ... I-z I-(.) Cl. en Cl. 0 (.) Cl. en 0 Cl. en 0 0, en w < < w· :::E en Cl. Cl. I-..J Cl. 0 < < < :::E < z a: > 0 z w :::E Cl) _J 0 0 a: :I: 0 a: .(.) DESCRIPTION 0 0 (.) 0 (.) a -SM Brown Silty Sand, Cultiva Loqse To M'oi st ted (Topsoil) Medium - 1-Dense - -- 2 .. .. SM & Red Brown Silty Sand & -·Moist To SM/ Medium •, . - 3-CK Slightly Silty ~oorly .Very Dense 105.8 18.1 SP Moist - -Graded Sand - 4_ - -- 5 - -Yellow Brown, Red Brown & - 6_ tK Green Brown - 112.8 9.7 -- 7_ - -- 8_ - --- .9_ Wet - y Water Table ----.. 10-. Saturated - ---11--- 12 TRENCH ENDED AT 12 1 -------.. --- ~ SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA . SUBS UR F-A CE EXPLORATION LOG SOIL & TESTING,INC. LOGGED av: CRB DATE LOGGED: 11-15-84 JOB NUMBER: 25222 . Plate No . 5 ' z w , 0 TRENCH NUMBER 4 > ~- a. > > ... I-w I-CJ I-- > z I-* z -... ,c( ex: z z --w -w 0 = ..J ~ w ::> w w UJ UJ ex: > :c w 0 u.. ELEVATION a: I-a: I-z z -::> I-I- ... ..J ,c( UJ ,c( UJ w w -I-z I-CJ a. Cl) -0. Q CJ w ,c( 0. UJ 0. Q UJ ,c( == Cl) 0. 0 UJ 0. ... ..J w 0. 0. 0 ,c( ,c( ,c( == ,c( z a: > 0 z w == Cl) ..J 0 0 ex: == 0 ex: CJ DESCRIPTION (.) Q (.) 0 (.) 0 -SM Brown Silty Sand, Cul tiva-Moist Loose To - ted (Topsoi 1) 1-Medium Dense - 2 SM&· Red Brown Silty Sand & Moist To Medium CK SM/ . . Slightly Silty_ PoorlY. Very Dense - . BAG SP ·-Moist - Graded Sand' - 3 .. 118.0 8.5 . -· (Terrace· Depos,ts) -- 4-CK --117 .0 7.7 -- 5--.. -- 6 - Yellow Brown & Green -- 7_ Brown - -· - 8-CK - 111.0 9.2 -- g_ - ---10----11----12--- ·13 --TRENCH ENDED AT 13 1 ----· ~ SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA . _SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION LOG SOIL & TESTING,INC. LOGGED-BY: CRB DATE LOGGED: 11-15-Ril JOB NUMBER: 25222 Plate No. 6 ? . z ·t w •. 0 TRENCH NUMBER 5 > * a. I-UJ 0 > > - > I-·. I-I-I-* z -< z a: z -w I- z -w 0 -...J (.) w ::, w w (/) (/) a: - > :I: w --ELEVATION a:. I-a: I-z z -:::, I--I- 0 LL I-...J (/) -< (/) < (/) w w -I-z I-(.) a. a. Q u w < a. en a. (/) 0 a. en < UJ ~ en a. 0 a. -I-..J a. < < < ~ < z a: > 0 z w ~ 0 ..J 0 0 a: ~ er: (/) 0 0 (.) DESCRIPTION (.) 0 (.) (.) 0 -SM Brown Silty Sand, Cultiva Humid Loose To ted (Topsoi 1) Medium - 1-' Dense - 2-CK SM& Red Brown Silty Sand & SM/ Moist Medium - -SP Slightly Silty Poorly Dense 112. 3. 5.0 - 3-Graded Sand - -(Terrace Depos·its) - -4-- 5-CK Yellow Brown & Red Brown 110.1 7.1 - ---6----7----a----g----10----11--- 12 --TRENCH ENDED AT 12' -------- ~ SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA .SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION LOG SOIL & TESTING,INC. , LOGGED BY: CRB DATE LOGGED: 11-15-ALl JOB NUMBER: 25222 Plate No. 7 G> I~ ::0 l> z UJ CJ) I· mD N aC --t m r J: ta-m 0 -I D CJ) mZ -i UJ ::0 -tn CD -i, C z. -i Ii] - 6 -11 z -0 z ]] pz -)> I c::, < OJ 't-t ~ I" r r ::i::,, (./) ~ ;o r (./) OJ -a ~,~ ~ __, m Ill c+ m "' T4 @ 21 -3 1 Tl@ 21-31 " 36" 18" IOmffr ·-· -· 90 80 7C ..__ ' ~ ,, S.. Standard Sieves/ Hydrometer ¼ •10 •20 1140.,?50 (Minutes) ___ l-2" ~· . t.r :It<\ *'> #u:. lt-3n /lt-50 #1nn 11 n I 2 5 30 leo 14~8o {SO 0111,} f r.-r.-1:-I • • J : : 'I-..: I . i,; : : t : I : : I":--.. : ,~ : : t : -. -. 90 I: ; ~: : : : I I I 1-I-111,111 1 I I I . . .~. . . . r:-. : ,_ : : : · 1 1 d-t-f-J .I I . I oo 111 I l 1 · I I I l 11 J:-1-1--l 1· 1 • I· . . . . . i : : : l : : . : : . 10 2· I• Y2" -3• . 11-2· JTT,1:1:1 . . q, SC ~ 1-H-l-l--l" I l I 1 I 11'1 I I 1• 1 • : : : : ; I : ~ --· : : : : : ~: ~ ~ ·:o ~o : 11tb·-J100GM./ ~ 50 ..... : : : : : ! : : : : : • ; : !: -! ! i j f -~ I J I I I ,-I l I l 111+1--I I· 1 . . . . . . i • • : : ' • • .1 • ! _i . . . ! . so~-.. t 40 . . ·, . . . ! . . . . • . . _. _. . . ' . l+-1-1-1--1 ' I 1 I 1 111· I+1-J: 1 · : : i : : : I : : : \: : : .-: i : _f : ! : . . : _i 40 ~ ._ S (.) ..__ it 30 • . -' • \ 1 1 I ! : , ·, ~ -J, U •• l-J , 111 1 i-1 1 1 1 11 n-1--1 r 1 · 1· 1 · t:i-1--1-4-1:.....\-I • I : 114-1--f..... : : 1'-: t :f :!1 lt :_! :J 20 --. I: '.~ 1 : · :l i ! :f :! ~ l r-·1 i . -i -i I . : '-: IO -g i ' . 0 196 7 6 5 4 ., " 1000 I • • • • : ' . . i, <i> 111111·1 1 I 1 l'J'III ,. ,. I· j• 1·111-11-1 I ;I I :11:I : :· I : [ ! t : . ii . ·--9676543 2 9876543 2 9676543 2 91178543 2 9876543 2 0 100 10 I. .I .01 .001 I I BOULDER I COBBLES : (12 in.) PARTICLE GRAVEL Coorte l Fine 3in. 3/4in. u. s. Groin Size (mm) SIZE LIMITS SANO I CLAY. Coone j I SILT OR Medium Fine - No.4 No.10 No.40 No.200 STANDARD SIEVE SIZE .-j. ) ~ w I ·vi SAMPLE DIRECT SHEAR SUMMARY 5r--~--r~--,----~--,.---r--------r-------------- ---~-~-~I~ ~r; :~-;-~,• ~ 1 1 -.:~--~,'.---:-f ·-~-~./_--'-,,·-. ::, 1 ~~------::~ : .. ~~~I:~~;; ~~;it±t=_1T ~t=~; -~ -: ; • • : ; I ' I .• i • I I ._l_ I I I I . 'I; I. I I I : ! 1111 ! 1·: I! ti Ii! : l l~r,--;--1-t-rt-,-.--~-::-· I I ·1 I I . I I I , I +-' I I 1 ' ! I I I i ! I I I I I I : -· : ; I. I I l I I I' ·-:-T, l l I I ; I I I I I I I I:'· i : • 1 ! i 1 , i 1 . 1 1 i 1 ! 1 LL , : 1 : , 1 • ·, .. LLL ---7-4 . -7TT 1 , , 1 1 ! 1 : 1 i I I I , 1 1 1 , , 1 • , 1 , 1 T!T"i-;----- . • 1 : ! ' I 1 1 I I ·1 I I , I ! I , I I I 1 , , i ! I i I I I I· I I ·J I i I I I I I l I t; f. ,· ! I I ' !· I I I I I I I .1 1 ! . , 1 : ! I I I If I I I I' I I' I I I Ii If- I I , I. I , / I ·1 I I I 1 ' I·• ' I I I I I I I I I I I i I I I I I I I l i I : ,_, ! ) l I I I I 'I I I ! t I 1..-. f" I ! I I ! I I I It I I ·J 1.-17 f i Ii I I , 1 i I I I I .1 I I .-1 i i I I I I i t I I ! I ' : I ' I I ; I I J I I '. ! I I I I ... , I I If J ,1-_-;..-.,.7,:.;..•\-i'i.:,~t,:-++, --;--1:--;-t1:t-·t,--++1 --t\t--t+-1 -~t,j1:f::j~:j:;t 1:t1.t:tj1~.t,:tj:t, J1:t 1:1-1"" .++1: ... ,!--!-L--:,.+-, :i:.t:;,_,...\.:i _-.j.~ -1:.:1i:± 1~ti,:t,jj ; I i I , 1 f • I I I I , , ,--! I I ; I I I I I •, t f I ' ' I I I I I • I I ! I I : I I I : !.a, I ! I I I I I I I I' ! : ' ,. I: Ii. I i: r; r I I I I I I ' I t I I I I ! I I I I I I I 1 ! JI. I I j I I ! I I ,I I ! I l : : :.,,,,,.,,,.,-i I I I I ! I ---I : ! I I ! I i I I I I ' I I ! I I •...11111 ·1 i I 2t-----t-:~-t-..;_+.,.;.~--,--t--.;..' "'"'-;....;. __ ~~-1-.,...;.....:....;...,....:........:~+-!.-=-I I i I : I :. ! : ~. I I I I : I ' ·--~+-~-'i-l-~·--!_-'-~--1~ . ..;-~1~--·-L..i...-.:...J-L..i...~~_.!,._;_~w_;_' ...:'_.:..-','--'-,-' I I I i I ,...,. } I ' I • I ~ I I I I I ; I ,_ I I I I I I ---'..;.·;...' ..._..,,_1 ....... _ _;_;~;....;.----~-L-:....;....l-.-L-:....;.....:..! _,_· ~ -- ---~~~-~ ----· ~:~-,~ --~~--r,--~~~·_;'~~~~:,_.:,-~~~~~~1_.i.,i~,~~~~·~-• I I : ...... I I I I I ' I ' I ! • I I I ' i I 1 t----+--;.-:--r..-,_--::a~,~----i-..;....:.., ..;,:_.:.~..,1-· ..;,~..:....,...-:,~,-,a...;.,..:.., ..:...4---~i-;...al_;__~:....;.-1 I ' ; I t I : I I :_Jar , 1, I I i : ! ,__., I l I·, I ! i I I I I I t ! : ! I : ! I ! 1 --,--~__.iq..,_,~-,-+--'4'-i..1..:....;._l-:--J.-~:....:.....:....:........,;_..!-+_.:....;..;.;.;_,!....!.;+IJl-l..!..J_,;____:_;_ ____ _ ' _., ' j I I ! l · I.: I I • I , ! i ! I I , ! ~· I ;•! : I i I I I , I I I 0-------------------------~--i -·-· _i_, __ _. ______ _, 1 2 3 4 2M L 2L DESCRIPTION NORMAL STRESS, KSF ANGLE OF INTERNAL FRICTION ( 0 ) COHESION INTERCEPT · (psf) Tl@ 2'-3' Remolded To 90% 34 100 ~ SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA 'W' SOIL & TESTING,INC. VILLAS DE CARLSBAD BY: OBA JOB NUMBER: 252 DATE: 12-4-84 Plate No. 9 -1. , i SINGLE eoINT CONSOLIDATION IEST RESULTS : SAMPLE NO. Tl @ 2• Tl @ 4' T3@ 2 !=i 1 T:!@ 0 1 : -INITIAL MOISTURE, % h ~ 4.2 18.1 9.7 -PCF : .··· INITIAL DENSITY,_ 112.8 ;:::"\ -117.0 106.3 105.8 ; ~. -::-:-. : _ % CONSOLIDATION BEFORE WATER ADDED 2.1 2.2 1.5 2.2 i i '· . ·, ' ·-. -% CONSOLIDATION AFTER WATER ADDED 2. 2 -·. ·.': .· 3.'2 ·-,·. :-1. 7 .. 2.2 ! :, : I ......... I ··:-.. ~ -·. FINAL MOISTURE, .. % .=-. .. ·-. . . 22.9 14.6 I I .-; ... ~ 1? R ·7,1,1:. , ; ·- -AXIAL LOAD, KSF 2.58 2;53 2.58 2.58 ' SAMPLE NO. T4 @ 2· T4@ 41 T4@ 8' INITIAL MOISTURE, 0/ -/0 8.5 7 7 9.2 -INITIAL DENSITY, PCF 11 R n 117 .n 111 n ' "·:: % CONSOLIDATION BEFORE WATER ADDED 1.6 -::-.• -1.4 1.4 .. -% CONSOLIDATION AFTER WATER ADDED 1. 7 1.5 1.4 FINAL MO.ISTURE, Of -lo 11.6 12.3 15.4 KSF --AXIAL LOAD, 2.58 2.58 2.58 I i _ ... -.. ---.. .. . . .. . . . . -. . --.... ~----·---.. ··--· .. ... ... . --·· ~ SOUTHERN CALIFOr:;NIA BOIL & TESTING I INC. 8118.C RI.VERCALE. STREET aAN CIEQO, CALIFORNIA 811111C VILLAS DE CARLSBAD , BY CRB OATE 12-10-84 JOB NO. 25222 Plate No. 10 ,. SCS&1 25222 December 7, 1984 Appendix, Page 1 VILLAS DE CARLSBAD RECOMMENDED GRADING SPECIFICATIONS -GENERAL PROVISIONS GENERAL INTENT The intent of these specifications is to establish procedure.s for clear- ing, compacting natural. ground, preparing areas to be filled, and placing and compacting fi 11 soi 1 s· to the lines and grades shown on the accepted pl ans. The recoimle.ndati ans contained in the preliminary soi 1 investi ga- ti on report and/or the attached Special Provisions are a part of the Recommended Grading Specifications an~ shall supersede the provisions contained hereinafter in the case of conflict. These specifications shall only be used in conjunction with the soil report for which they are a part. No deviation from these specifications will be allowed, except where specified in the soil report or in other written communication signed by the Soil Engineer. OBSERVATION AND TESTING Southern California Soil & Testing, Inc. shal 1 be retained as the Soil Engineer to observe and test the earthwork in accordance with these speci- fications. It will be necessary that the Soil Engineer or his representa- tive provide adequate observation so that he may _provide an opinion that the work was or was not accomplished as specified. It shall be the re- sponsibility of the contractor to assist the soil engineer and to keep him apprised of work schedules, changes and new information and data so that he may provide these opinions. In the event that any unusual conditions not covered by the special provision-s or preliminary soil report are encountered during the grading operations, the Soil Engineer sha11 be contacted for further recommendations. SCS&T 25222 December 7. 1984 Appendix, Page 2 If, in the opinion of the Soil Engineer, substandard conditions are en- countered, such as; questionable or unsuitable soil, unacceptable moisture content, inadequate compaction, adverse weather, etc., he wi 11 be empower- ed to either stop construction until the conditions are remedied or cor- rected or recommend rej ect·i on of this work. Test methods used to determi he· the degree of compaction should be per- formed in accordance with the following American Society for Testing and Materi~ls'test methods: Maximum Density & Optimum Moisture Content -A.S.T.M. D-1557-78; Density of Soil In-Place -·A.S.T .M. D-1556-64 or A.S.T .M. D-2922. Al 1 den$ities sh-all be expressed i·n terms of Relative Compaction as deter- mined by the foregoing A.S.T.M. te-sting procedures. PREPARATION OF AREAS TO RECEIVE FILL All vegetation, brush and debris der-ived frQm clearing operations shall be remov·ed, and legally disposed of. Al1 areas disturbed by site grading should be· left in a neat and finished apperance, free from unsightly debris. Any abandoned buried structures encountered during grading operations must be totally removed. All underground utilities to be abandoned beneath any proposed structure should be removed from within 10 feet of the structure and properly capped off. The resulting depressions from the above des- cri be_d procedures should be backfi 11 ed with acceptable soil that is com- pacted to the requirements of the Soil Engineer. This includes, but is not limited to, septic tanks, fuel tanks, sewer lines or leach lines, SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA SOIL AND TESTING. INC. I t ! SCS&T 25222 December 7, 1984 Appendix, Page 3 storm drains and water lines. Any buried structures or utilities not to be abandoned should be investigated by the Soil Engineer to determine if any special recommendation will be necessary. All water wells which will be abandoned should Qe backfilled and capped in accordance to the requirement~ set forth in the Geotechnical _Report. The top of the cap should be at least 4 feet below finish grade or_ 3 feet below the bottom of footing whichever is greater. The type of cap.will depend on the. diameter of the well and should be determined by the Soil Engineer and/or a qualified Structural Engineer. When the slope of the natural ground receiving fill exceeds 20~~ (5 hori- zontal units to 1 vertical unit), the ori.ginal ground shall be stepped or benched. Benches shall be cut to a firm competent soil condition. The lower bench shal 1 be at least 10 feet wide or 1 1/2 times the equipment width which ever is greater and shall be sloped back into the hillside at a gradient of not less than two (2) percent. All other benches should be at. least 6 feet wide. The horizontal portion of each bench shall be compacted prior to receiving fi 11 as specified. herei nbef ore for compacted natural· ground. Ground slopes flatter than 20% shall be benched when considered necessary by the Soil Engineer. After clearing or benching, the natural ground in areas to be filled shall be scarified to a depth of 6 inches, brought to the proper moisture con- tent, compacted and tested for -the minimum degree of compaction in the Special Provisions or the recommendation contained in the preliminary soil investigation report. All loose soils in exc<;ss of 6 inches thick should be removed to firm natural ground which is defined as natural soil which possesses an in-situ density of at 1 east 85% of its maximum dry density. SOUTHERN CAL.IF"CJRNIA SOI!--AND TESTING. INC. ' ,Q ,. SCS&T 25222 December 7, 1984 ' Appendix, Page 4 FILL MATERIAL Materials placed in the fill shall be approved by the soil engineer and shall be free of vegetable matter and other deleterious substances. Gran- ular soil shall contain sufficient .fine material to fill the voids •. The definition and disp.osition of oversized rocks, expansive and/or detrimen-. . . tal soils are covered in the soils report or Speci.al Provisions. Exp.an- . - sive soils, soils of poor gradation, or soil~ with low strength character- ist,ics may be thoroughly mixed with other soils to provide satisfactory fill material, but only ·with the explicit consent of the soil engineer. Any import material shall be approved by the Soil Engineer before being brought to the site. PLACING AND COMPACTION OF FILL Approved fill material shall be placed in areas prepared to receive fill in layers not to exceed 6 inches in compacted thickness. Each layer shall. have a uniform moisture content in the range that will allow the compac- tion effort to be efficiently applied to achieve the specified degree of compaction. Each layer shall be uniformly compacted to the minimum speci- fied degree of compaction with equipment of adequate size to economically compact the layer. Compaction equipment should either be specifically designed for soil compaction or of proven reliability. The minimum degree of compaction to be achieved ts spec1fi~d in either the Special Provisions or the recommendations ~ontained in the preliminary soil investigation report. When the structural fill material includes rocks, no rocks will be allm-Jed to nest and all voids must be carefully filled with soil such that the min,imum degree of compaction recommended in the Special Provisions is SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA E?OIL AND TESTING. INC. SCS&T 25222 December 7, 1984 Appendix, Page 5 achieved. The maximum size and spacing of. rock permitted in structural fills and in non-structural fills is discussed in the soil report, when applicable. Field observation and compaction tests to estimate the degree of compac- tion of the fill· will be taken by the Soil Engfoeer-·or hi_s representativ-e. The location· and frequency of. the tests shall _·be-: a·(-1:h~-Soil -Engi_nee~'-s . -. . . ---. . . -~-. -. ·-- discretion. When the compaction test indicates that a pa~ticu~_ar.:lay_er is · less than the required degree.of compact-ion, the layer shall be· .reworked to the satisfaction of the Soil Engineer and· until the desired relative compaction has been obtained. Fill slopes shall be compacted by means of sheepsfoot rollers or other suitable equipmen't. Compaction by sheepsfoot rollers shall be at vertical fntervals of not greater th.an _four feet. In addition, fill slopes at ratios of two horizontal to one vertical or flatter,_ should be track- rol1ed. Steeper fill slopes shall be over-built and cut-back to finish contours. Slope compaction operations shall result in all fill material stx or more inches inward from the finished face of the slope having a relative _.compactfon of at 1 east 90% of maximum dry density or that speci- fied in the Special Provisions section of this specification. The compac- tion operation on the slopes shall be continued until the S'oil Engineer is satisfied that the slopes will be stable in regards to surficial stabil- ity •. Slope tests will be made by the Soils Engineer during construction of the slopes to determine if the required compaction is being achieved. Where failing tests occur or other field: problems arise, the Contractor will be notified that day of such conditions by written communication from the Soil Engineer in the form of a daily field report. SOUTHERN CALlrORNIA SOIL AND TESTING, INC. • ,t,, !' SCS&T 25222 December 7, 1984 Appendix, Page 6 If the method of achieving the required s1ope compaction selected by the Contractor fai1 s to produce the necessary results, the Contractor sha11 rework or rebuild such slop·es until the required degree of compaction is obtained, at no additional cost to the Owrier or Soils Engineer. CUT SLOPES The Engineering Geologist shall inspect all cut slopes excavated in rock or l ithifi.ed formational material during the g(~ding operations at inter- vals determined at his discretion. If any conditions· not anticipated in the preliminary report such as perched water, seepage, lenticular or confined strata of a potentially adverse nature, unfavorably inclined bedding, joints or fault planes are encountered during grading, these conditions shall be analyzed by the Engineering Geologist and Soi1 Engi- neer to determine if mitigati'ng measures are necessary. Unless otherwise specified in the soil and geological report, no cut slopes shall be excavated higher or steeper than that allowed by the ordinances of the controlling governmental agency. ENGINEERING OBSERVATION Field observation by the Soil Engin~er or his representative shall be made ·during the filling and compacting operations so that he can express his opinion regarding the co~form<tnce of the grading with acceptable standards of practice. The presence of the Soil Engi'neer or his representative or the observation.and testing shall not release the Grading Contractor from his duty to compact all fill material to the specified degree of compac- tion. SOUTHERN CALIF'ORNIA SCJIL AND TESTING. INC. SCS&T 25222 December 1; 1984 Appendix, Page 7 SEASON LIMITS Fi.11 shall not be placed during unfavorable weather conditions. When work is interrupted by heavy rain, filling operations shall not be resumed until the proper moisture content and density of the fill materials can be achieved. Damaged site conditions resulting from weather or acts of. G.od shall be repaired before acceptance of work. RECOMf1ENDED GRADING SPECIFICATIONS-SPECIAL PROVISIONS The minimum degree· of compaction to be obtained in compacting natural ground, in the compacted fi 11, and in the compacted back f i 11 sha 11 be at least 90 percent. Detrimentally expansive soil is defined as soil which will swell more than 3 p·ercent against a pressure of 150 pounds per square foot from a condi- tion of 90 percent of maximum dry density and air dried moisture content to saturation. Oversized fill material is defined as rocks or lumps over 6 inches in diameter. At least 40 percent of the fill soils shall pass through a No. 4 U.S. Standard Sieve. Transition Lots: Where transitions between cut and fill ·occur within the I proposed building pad, the cut portion should be undercut a minimum of one foot be 1 ow the base of the propos-ed footings and recompacted as structu ra 1 backfill. SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA SOIL AND TESTING. INC. • • • • • • • • • , . • ENERGY CONSERVATION COMPLIANCE CALCULATIONS FOR VILLAS DE CARLSBAD CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA CLIMATE ZONE #7 BY STRANG HEATING & AIR CONDITIONING, INC . 9424-B ABRAHAM WAY SANTEE, CA 92071 METHOD OF COMPLIANCE AB-163 POINT SYSTEM ------.. -.. -·-··--... ~ -----. ------~ ----------.... ~----.------------........... · . -· -------· - ; • • • • • • • • ) PROJECT COMPLIANCE WITH ENERGY CONSERVATION STANDARDS FOR NEW RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS ACHIEVED WITH AB-163 POINT SYSTEM PROJECT AVERAGE, FOR (.3) BUILDINGS: BUILDING "A" BUILDING 11 B11 BUILDING 11 C11 PROJECT AVERAGE = POINT SYSTEM TOTALS (-15) ( -1) ( +4) (-15) + (-1) + (+4) 3 (-4) CLIMATE ZONE 7 -AB-163 POINT SYSTEM COMPLIANCE GOAL FOR (3) STORY BUILDINGS IS (-8) (-4) > (-8) THE PROJECT COMPLIES WITH C.E.C. ENERGY CONSERVATION STANDARDS FOR NEW RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS . •---" -· -·----·---, ... .-1 e,r •-_. -·:.·. · ; ' . ' • • • • • • • • • COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO DEPARTMENT Of'= PLANNING AND LAND USE CODES DIVISION San Diego Office 5201 Ruffin Road, Suite 83 San Diego, CA 92123 565-5920 North County Office 334 Via Vera Cruz San Marcos, CA 92069 741-4236 STATE RESIDENTIAL ENERGY. CONSERVATION STANDARDS (EFFECTIVE JUNE 16, .1983 -S.F.D.'s) CLIMATE ZONE. 7 ---i-:-OA:-:::IC-:G:".'.'RO:'.".'.V:=-E-o-----r--------. o PALOMAR MOUNTAIN KARNER SPRINGS o o HENSHAii DAM 0 .. RAHO!IA-SPAULO ING 1.0· "-) 14 o CUY~CA ~L CAPITA.'! DAM o ALPINE o EL CAJO.'f o BARRE1T DA.'1 o CAMPO BONITA CARDIFF CARLSBAD CHULA VISTA CORONADO DEL ~R ENCINITAS IMPERIAL BEACH LA MESA LEMON GROVE CANYON LEUCADIA MIRAMAR N.A.S. NATIONAL CITY OCEAN BEACH OCEANSIDE OTAY PARADISE HILLS RANCHO SANTA FE SAN DIEGO SAN LUIS REY SOLANA BEACH VISTA STANDARDS APPLICABLE TO SINGLE FAMILY DWELLINGS, DUPLEXES, LODGHlG HOUSES, APARTMENTS, CONDOMINIUMS. { ,¥//1 'fO PV/7Uf.XS /JII, (DO N01 APPLY TO 4-:>TORY M HIGHER DWELLINGS tlOR to HOTELs/MbfELs OF ANY HEIGHT.) ,e-1 J1J.~. V,'1,1'iJ. -t"Ak'· ~ l'll''r) VERIFY METHOD OF COMPLIANCE ON PAGE 2 BY ONE OF THE FOLLOWING METHODS: METHOD 1: SPECIFIED COMPONENT PACKAGES { USE ANY OF THE STATE APPROVED PACKAGES -SOI-£ OF THESE ARE SHOl-t'N uN PAGE 2. A BLANK IS ALSO PROVIDED TO LIST A PACKAGE NOT SHOWN Qrl THIS FORM.) MEiHOl' 2: "POINT SYSTEM" TRADE-OFF CALCULATION METHOD 3: CERiIFIED COMPUTER ANALYSIS OF ANNUAL ENERGY USAGE ADDITIONS: PORTIONS OF OPTION .A OF METHOD 1 PLUS SPECIAL RULES Fffi GLAZING AREA. {ALTERNATIVE ON ADDITIONS: MAY USE POINT SYSTEM (METHOD 2) ON ENTIRE BUILDING.) MANDATORY FEATURES/DEVICES APPLICABLE TO ALL METHODS --(SUMMARY OF CAC TITLE 24. PART 2, SECTION 2-5352): a) CEILING INSULATION: As required per method chosen. design loss OR output less than 45,000 BTUH; (2) Minimum :t-19 (for framing penetrating the insulation). Heating and cooling units sized per building demand b) LOOSE FILL ItlSIJLATION: Installed with minimum weights . using calculations per A.S.H.R.A.E. for each per manuracturer1s label. · building. c) WALL INSULAHON: As required for method chosen. h) SETBACK THERMOSTATS: Automatic setback capability for M1n1mum R-il {for framing penetrating the insulation). two periods during 24 hours (N/A for heat pumps excapt d) INF IL TRAT!ON. CONTROL: ( 1) doors/..,; ndows fully in some component packages.) weatherstr1ppect; ( 2) openings caulked and sealed, i.e. around joints in windows/wall sole plates/openings for utility piping and wiring/etc.; (3) manufactured doors/ wi 'ldows silall meet applicable ANSI/MMA/NWMA/FHDA/ASTM standards; (4) back draft dampers on exhaust, fans; (5) masonry/factory-built fireplaces must have tight fitting, closeable doors covering firebox opening as well as combustion air intake ducts (6 sq. in. minimum) with tight fitting dampers and tight fitting flue dampers. e} VAPOR BARRIERS: :l/A for Climate Zone 7. i) WATER HEATING SYSTEM INSULATION: (1) ~-12 or greate~ insulation wrapping on storage type water heaters; (2i R-3insulation wrapping on first 5 feet of piping in ·unconditioned space. j) PIPE INSULATION: Recirculating and steam pipes --50 BICA per foot maxim1JT1 loss 2" diameter ar.d less; iOO BTUH per foot maximum loss for larger sizes. k) SWI:,!MING POOL HEATING: See DPL Form No. 462. 1) GAS COOKING APPLIANCES: No continuously burning ;iilots. f) JOCTS: au1lt per Chapter 10, u.~.C. g) m CONDITIONING EQUIPMENT SIZING: { l) gas furnaces m) sized to 1.3, x design loss + IO SWH per square foot OR S.E.E.R. exceeds 71% + 1% for each 7,000 8TUH over Exceptions: {l) L?G Models and (2) Single Pilot (l.:ss than bo BTUH) Models 0111th no electrical line voltage. LIGHTING: General lighting in kitchens/bathrooms must provide 25 lumens per watt or less (e.g., flourescent) OPL NO. 409A (6.16.83) Exce tions: Kitchen Counter/Sink; Dining iable; athroom , i rror. PAGE 1 OF 2 : ... / •••• . .... ·""'·""""""·-----.....;.;, ________ . CLlMA1E ZOl'JE 7 • RESIDENTIAL ENERGY STANDARDS --STATEMENT OF DESIGN COMPLIANCE THE NEW RESIDENTIAL BUILDING rR AOUIIION LOCAIEU Al PLM CHECK NO. __ _ CONFORMS TO C.A.C. TITLE 24, PART 2, CHAPTER 2-53 s·v-1 .,.,O,..NE:-,,,lf~.l""'HE~F'"'OL'""L.,.,O""Wl"""r«i..,...,M""E.,.lfl""O.,.,O~s:.---------------- D METHOD l: ALTERNATIVE COMPONENT PACKAGES --CHOOSE a>TION /i,.,"-Z.c,,-OTHER a>TION (SPECIFY). DO NOT TRADE OFF COMPONENTS BETWEEN PACKAGE OPTIONS. .-, • DA --·PASSIVE D 1 --· ·SLAB FLOOR" oz --"SLAB FLOOR" D OTHER (]>TION COMPONENT SOLAR" (SPECIFY) • • g ATTIC: ~3/4 of Ceiling). Required (Attic Vented) Ta'iSTJLA TI N MIN I MUMS : cl 1.1:!l lHlg Rl9 R30 Rl9 b Wall Rll (R2.5 Masonry) Rl9 (R2 .5 Masonry) Rll (R2.5 Masonry) C Slab Floor Perimeter No Requirement No Requirement No Requirement ·d Raised Floor Rll N/A Rll 3) GAZING ~Total Including Sky I 19hts : 1.10 {Single) 0.65 {Dual) 1.10 (Single) a} Maximum U-Value b Maximum Total Area No Requirement 2oi 24% c Maximum Total Non-9.6% , No -Requirement No Requirement South Facini Area · d) Minimum Sou h Facing 6.4% No Requirement No Requirement Area 4)* SHADING: a) South Facing Glazinff Not Required Not Required Not Required (Within 45• of Sout) b) West Facin9 Glazin¥ Not Required Not Required Not Required (Within 45 of Wes ) SJ* THERMAL MASS: Required {DPL #407A) 1/4 Floor Area 1/4 Floor Area 6 * car, I rnaoas INFILTAAH8N Not Required Not Required Not Required BARRIER: 7)* ELECIRICAL OUTLET GASKETS: Not Required Not Required Not Required • 8) HEATING SYSTEM TYPE: Gas or Heat P1J11p Gas or Heat Pump Gas or Heat Pump (HP Requires Set-(HP Requires Set-Dack Thermostat) back Thermostat) 9l* AIR-TO-AIR.HEAT EXCHANGER: Not Required Not Required Not Required 10 OOJl'IE:SIIC ;;~IER ,9E~IHIG Gas, Heat Pump, or Gas, Heat Pump, or Solar So 1 ar with Gas Backup !.rSIEM IYPE: Solar lolith An( Type With any Type of Backup of Backup Hea e * Refer to the C.E.C. ENERGY CONSERVATION MANUAL for Climate Zone 7 for a complete description of requirements for these items (i.e., shading coeffic1ent, thermal mass, air~to-air heat exchanger, etc.) Method l compliance includes: (1) Completion of one of the package options noted above; and (2) the mandatory features/devices listed on ~age l including sizing computations for heating and cooling equipment • .. SIGNATURE: DATE: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ...... •' • Ta ltI, METHOD 2: "POINT SYSTEM" CALCULATION (TRADE-OFF TECHNIQUES ALLOWED FOR ALL COMPONENTS) A!?JL!"1:>1E:.0 !;'•,(~E;;,-1~'? The Point System Computation Form (DPL tt,. 408A) shall be included in the compliance documentation as well as pl!ns shewing the mandatory features/dev~listed on Page 1 including sizing computations for heating and cooling equipment. _ SIGNATURE: fjiJ,~ ~Jo~ DATE: f>eP-r "l4-11t>5 . ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------. D METHOD 3: PUBLIC DOMAIN COMPUTER PROGRAM DESIGN MALYSIS (ANNUAL ENERGY BUDGET) The computer calculation printout, includirig input ("Controi") data, shall be provided in the compliance documentation as well as plans showing the mandatory features/devices listed o~ Page 1 including sizing computations for heating and cooling equipment. (CALPAS or MICROPAS programs are approved.) SIGNATURE: DATE: ~ -------------------------------------------------------------------~------------------------------------~------------------ > D ADDITION_: COMPLIANCE SHALL BE ACHIEVED BY SHOWING ALL OF THE FOLLOWING CRITERIA: (1) Compliance with the ceiling/wall/floor insulat,ion, glazing U-va1ue, and shading requirements of Component ?ackag, A of Method l; (2) all mandatory features/devices as listed on Pagel; and (3) glazing area limited to 16% of the addition's floor area plus the exterior glazing area that was removed as a result ~f the addition. ALTERNATE: May use "P,P,int System" analysis for ent_jr.enhQ!Jse wit]l}h~ new addition included, Oil 11st '/)();,vr s> '11! m " o /ti 7""5 /f llv n;DN 1,.,/1.)'. DPL r«J. 409A (6/16/83) SIGNATURE: ______________ DATE: i5AGE 2 OF 2 • 0%A:02 RS 4/03/84 VH/dr • • • • •• • • • Attactvnent A Point System Compl 1ance Goal fOr Assembly 8111 163 AB 163 Compliance Goal AB 163 Compliance Goal ---~!£~~~-Q_i~la~~fl22r2 ___ ___ Package_E (Raised Elo2rl ___ Gl imate For 1-Story For 2-or 3-story For 1-Story For 2-or 3-story Zone Buildi_!!_g~-__ J!!!il~i.!!~----~!!.ildl.!!~---~!!ildl.!!~--- 1 O* -1 O* O* 2 -7 -13 -16 -16 3 -6 -lo -3 -3 4 -9 -13 -10 -10 5 -3 -9 -10 -10 6 -5 -9 -11 -11 0 -2 0 -9 -9 8 -7 -13 -12 -12 9 -2 -10 -9 -11 10 -8 -14 -15 -15 l1 -7 -11 -12 -12 · 12 O* -1 0 -2 13 -5 -11 -9 -11 14 -9 -13 -17 -17 15 -4 -8 -6 -8 16 -6 -8 -4 -4 ---~~,,__,,_, __ ~---~--~-~---~---.-a-.--:i,,,..~---~---------------- *The AB 163 compliance goals for climate zones 1 and 12 calculated to positive scores, but the standards require no greater than a zero score (a zero point system score equals the energy budget for the particular climate zone),. • • -• • • • ) 058:08 R2 3/28/84 Vll/dr At tactrnent C fonn 2 (Revised 3/84) Climate Zones 1, 3, 5, 7, and 16 COMPLIANCE CHECKLIST For Low-Rise Residential Buildings (except hotels and motels) Step 1: Enter on the form the values for each measure from your building plan and specifications sheet. Step 2: Enter points on this page while working through the point system Building Shel 1 Measure Points *Total Floor Area ••• _ •••••••••••••• • • ~ • • • 1. Slab-on-Ground; Perimeter ft., Depth o in •••••• • 2. Ra tsed, Floor R-V.a l ue. • • -=-:--:-• • • • • .-;-;-• • • • • • • • 3. ~eflfng Insulation or Construction Assembly •••••• • • • • Attic, Percent of Roof Over Conditioned Space ::J..!],,J-•• • • • • 4. Wall Insulation or Construttion Assembly •••••••• • • • • Glazing; Total S Floor Area Single Double Triple 5. North-Facing ••• .!...i.Z.t 6. East-Facing ••• ~s 7. South-Facing ••• ~I 8. West-Facing ••• ~i 9. Skylight. • • • • I - ~oft~ ft2 ft2 ft2 ft2 . JQ.Q ft2 ft2 ft2 I oo ft2 ft2 ft2 7ooft2 ft2 ft2 ft 10. Shading Coefficient {excluding overhang) 1-2,1 ;21ft2 R• a R• Jie-:, R-IQ' t~B&ft2 R• lj a. East • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • -21 SC •••••• • • • • • • • b. South ••••••••••••••• "t;,ti.SC •••• • • • • • • • • • c. We!i·t • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • , 5 '2. SC • • • • • • • • • • • • • d. Skylight ••• ~ • • • • • • • • • 1-.l/t,.SC ••••• • • • • • • • • 11. Horizontal South Overhang Length •••• /4.+ ft ••••• • • • • • • • • 12. Movable Insulation, S floor Area. • • • ~ ••• • • • • • • • • • • 13. Infiltration (indicate Standard, Medium o"'rlTgilt) $7'p...~PP--~P 14. Thermal Hass · --Eilterier Wall Th...-mal Miss Area, lleat Capacity, R hlue ••••••• Interior Thermal Hass 2 _ft , _HC, R-_ Area, Heat Capacity, R-Value ••••••• ~ft2, 32,_HC, R-Q{J__ HVAC System** 15. Gas Furnace (Seasonal Efficiency) •••••••••••••• • *Heat Pump (Energy Efficiency Ratio) •••••••••••• • • *Refrigeration Cooling {Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio) ~ •••••••••••••••••••• • 16. Active Solar (Net Solar Fraction, S) ••••••••••.• • 17. Zonally Controlled Electric Resistance Space Heating ••••••••••••• (Yes/No) Domestic Water Heating"'* r$:d#E EER 't-J/J.__SEER Jd7b)NSF i-lo 18. Solar With Gas Backup (Net Solar Fraction, i) • • • • • • • • • 1--l/¢,- 19. Other Water Heating (Describe type) t8li--:2¥~Qt1P.?ti..l\dSP Wl:TH ~e;..; 11-l Gi 4'<.t;..-ret-t %NSF Po 1 nt Sys tern Comp 1 hnce To ta 1 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 0 -e, 0 :::re -IG *Checklist items; not a poin,t system measure. t I;}<(_-~} • CLIMATE ZONE7 THERMAL -MASS POINTS FOR ,POtNt SYSTEM COMPLIANCE t?L-06' • Use this form to c0111p1 le Thermal Mass Points for exterior wall .and interior thermal mass in 1 ine 14 of DPL Form 408A • • . DO NOT use this computation method for Ther.mal Mass Analysis for ~uth Glazing Determination in component package OPTION "A" {passive solar option). -Use the method shown on opposite!!!!!. Qf this form. "·.· • -If more information is needed, refer to C.E.C. Publication P400-82-007. • • • • • • • ) STEP I. Find values for HC (HEAT Capacity) and R-VALUE of exterior and interior walls of massive construction using the '6ii'owtables or calculation method: ---- Masonry or Concrete Wa 11 /S: \ocr- Wall Weight, lb/ft2 HC R-Value 10 • 13 2 Multiply Average Thick- 14 • 18 3 0.2 .ness, 19' • 23 4 Times inches 24 -28 5 Wall 29 -32 6' Thickness 33 -37 7 In 38 • 47 s. Inches 3 48 • 66 10 4 67 • 94 14 5 95 up 20 6 Sia:!. S \ab l= \oo.-e ------,v/'T, ,.., (<?~:Z 7 8 • 9 10 -n 12 up So 1 id Wood Wall Wood Density, lb/ft3 21 -26 27 • 31 3~ -37 Cedar Pine D9. Fir Hem-Fir Hemlk. So.Pine HC/R HC/R HC/R 2/4.3 3/3.6 3/3.1 3/5.7 4/4.8 4/4.2 3/7 .1 4/6.0 5/5.2 4/8.6 · 5/7 .2 6/6.3 5/10.0 6/8.4 7/7 .3 6/11.4 7/9.6 8/8,.3 7/14.3 9/11.9 11/10.4 8/17.1 11/14.3 13/12.5 ~: Optional Calculations For RC and R-Vaiue: X -sp_e_c ..... A""EA ... , .... de_n_s 1 ... t-y.,.,( i..,..b~lf .... t~3) X .,.,th .... 1-c k,..n_e-ss-..-(f"""t-..) • -Y- ~: X -re-s~i...,st-a-nc_e_pe_r_f,....t. .,.,th .... i-,ck-n-es""'s-1 ... t"'"t') • ---,,R....,·V"""a.,.,1 u""'e--.lli!!.Jl -Determine~ Capacity F~ using HC and R-Values from STEP I. A. EXTERIOR ~ALLS R-Value of Exterior Wall Excluding Air Films Heat Capacity, 2.0-2.5-3.0-3.5-4.0-4.5-5.0-5.5-6.0-7.0-a.o-10.0-15.0-20.0 Btu/ft2.•F ,_a.4 .. ,, '"}:2.9 3.4 3.9 4.4 4.9 5.4 5-9 6.9 7.9 9.9 14.9 19.9 up 1.5 -1.9 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.5 1.4 1.3 2.0 • 2.4 1.3 1.7 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 1.8 1.8 1.9 2.0 2.1 2.0 l.9 2.5 -2.9 1.8 1.9 2.0 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2,3 2.4 2.4 2.4 2.4 2.3 2.1 3.0 • 3.4 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.7 2.7 2.8 2.8 2.8 2.5 2.4 3.5 -3.9 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 2.9 3.0 3.0 3.1 3.1 3.1 3.1 3.0 2.7 2.4 4.0 -4.4 3.0 ;J.l 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.4 3.4 3.4 3.4 3.4 3.4 3.2 2.9 2.5 4.5 -4.9 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 3.8 3.8 3.8 3.8 3.8 3.6 3.4 2.9 2.5 5.0 -5.4 3.9 3.9 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.2 4.2 4.2 4.2 4.0 3.9 3.5 3.l 2.6 5.5 • 5.9 4.3 .4.4 4.5 4.5 4.6 4.6 4.6 4.6 4.5 4.3 3.9 3.7 3.2 2.7 6.0 -6.9 4.7 ;4,9 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5,0 5.0 4.9 4,5 4.1 3.8 3.3 2.7 7.0 • 7.9 5.5 .. 5.7 5.8 5.9 5.9 5.9 5.7 5.5 5.3 4.7 4.3 3.9 3.4-2.8 8.0 -8.9 6.4 ,-6.6 6.6 6.7 6.6 6.5 6.2 5.8 5.5 4.9 4.5 4.1 3.5 2.9 9.0 • 9.9 7.2 : 7 .5 7.6 7.6 7.4 6.9 6.4 6.0 5.6 5,0 4.6 4.3 3.6 2.9 10.0 -11.9 8.o , 8.1 8.l 8.l 7.8 7.2 6.7 6.3 5.9 5.3 4.8 4.4 .3.7 3.1 12.0 -13.9 9.6 9.5 9.2 8.7 8.1 7.5 7.0 6.6 6.1 5.5 5.0 4.5 3.9 3.3 14.0 -19.9 11.2---·10.7 9.7 9.0 8.2 7.7 7.1 6.7 6.3 5.6 5.2 4.7 4.l 3.5 20.0 -29.9 --lZ...L. 11.3 10.2 9.4 8.7 s.o 7.5 7.0 6.6 6.0 5.5 5.2 4.6 4.1 S. INTERIOR WALLS A.Mo Fl.CC~ - R-Value of Inter1or Mass Element Excluding Air Films STEP III -Calculate Total Mass Capacity Us1ng this equation: Heat Capacity, 0.3 0.4-o.8-1.3-Btu/ft2.•F Down 0.7 1.2 1.7 1.5 -!.7 3.1 3,1 3.1 3.0 1.8 -2.2 3.6 3.6 3.6 "3.4 2,3 • 2.7 4.1 4.1 4.0 3.9 2.8 -3.2 4.7 4.7 4.5 4.3 3.3 • 3.7 5.3 5.2 4.S 4.5 , 3.8 • 4.2 5.7 5.5 5.2 4.8 4.3 • 4.7 6.2 5.9 5.5 5.1 4.8 -5.5 6.6 6.·2 5.7 5.3 5.6 • 7 .'.) 7.2 0.SV 6.1 5.5 i.l -9.0, e.o 7".l 5.6 5.9 9.1 -12.c a.6 7 .5-6.8 6.2 12.1 • 17.0 9.1 7.8 7.1 6.4 17.1 • 22.5 9.4 a.4 7.6 7.1 1.8-2.6-4.1- 2.5 4.0 7.5 2.9 2.6 2.5 3.3 3,2 2.9 3.7 3.3 3.1 4.0 3.7 3.3 4.3 3.8 3.4 4.5 4.0 3.6 4.7 4.1 3.7 4.8 4 .• 3 3.9 5.2 4.5 4.0 5.S 4.8 4.4 5.7 5.2 4.7 6.1 5.6 5.2 6.8 6.3 5.9 7.6 Up 2.1 . 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.8 2.9 2.9 3.1 3.4 3.8 4.4 5.2 fA)e~ o? ex1ased x facJ~(~J + Hass(l) ... Ar.,...,e.,..a '""'o"""t '""'e""xp""o..,,.se""'d,... x _t __ a __ c t_o...,r (_2.,..) -+ Hass (2) ow=,,_...,,,,_-,:=-==-X _....,..__,....,.....-1 Area of exposea factor\J} Mass (3) NOIE.~ Mas'!. Capacl t, t="~c:-.+or F'" o r-• -;tab /Ti le. I=' I co.-i ,s, 1. 1 ~ -Read~~~ using table below. Enter ;,ofnts on OPL No. 408A. Total ~ass Capacity Points Total Mass Capacity Points 0 -0.1 0.2 -0.4 0.5 -o.s 0.9 j 1.2 -,:, 1.5 -l.9- 2,0 • 2.3 2.4 -2.7 2.s -3.2 OPL407~ (6/16/8?} -18 +20 +22 +24 +26 +28 Total Mass Capacity Points 6.4 -6.9 7.0 -i.6 7;7 -S.5 S.6 -9,3 9.4 -10.2 10.3 -11.2 11.3 • 12.3 12.4 • 13.5 13.6 • 14.8 14.9 -15.2 15.3 • 17.6 17.7 -19.0 19.1 -20.4 20.5 • 21.8 21.9 -23.J 23.4 up Points +42 +44 +46 +48 +50. •52 +54 +56 +58 +60 . ' __ ,, . .... ... ··-·· .. '~----, ... ---.· • • • • ·- • • • ) 05B:08 RZ 3/28/84 VII/di" At tacllllent C Fonn 2 {Revised 3/84) Climate Zones 1, 3, s; 7, and 16 COMPLIANCE CHECKLIST For Low-R1se Residential Buildings (except hotels and motels) Step 1: Enter on the form the values for each measure from your building plan and specifications sheet. Step 2: Enter po1nts on this page while working through the point system Bufldf ng Shell *Total Floor Area • • ••••••••••••••• • • -. • • • 1. Slab-on-Ground; Perimeter ft., Depth o in.-••• • • • 2. Rahed Floor R-Value ••• -:-;-;-•••••• -;-:-••• • • • • • l. Ceiling Insulation or Construction Assembly •••• • • • • • • Attic, Percent of Roof Over Conditioned Space S. • • • • • 4. Wall Insul atf on or Construction Assembly ••• :-:-•••• • • • Glazing; Total S Floor Area S. North-Facing ••• ~S 6. East-Facing ••• ,z.0 i 7. South-Fac1 ng ••• {'4 S 8. West-Fact ng • • • • i 9. Skylight ••••• _I 10. Single 2 $rtz ~ ft ~00't~ 7 4Cft2 0 ft Double Trfele ft2 ft2 ft2 ft2 ft2 ft2 ft2 ft2 ft2 ft2 Measure Points ~C'~OGft2 R-o -\ R-===mE }m:: . R-~ 2 ..=1-__,...,_-ft ..:LL R-\\ _..D... Shading Coefficient (excluding overhang) a. East • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 6'2SC •••• • • • • • • • • • 11. 12. 13. 14. b. South. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ,5"2.SC ••• • • • • • • • • • • c. West ••••••••• ,• • • • • • .S"Z. SC •••• • • • • • • • • • d. Skyli9ht ••• ~ ••••••••• 11/1-.. SC •••••••• ••••• Horizontal South Overhang Length. • • • '2-+ ft •••• • • • • • • • • • Movable Insulation, i Floor Area •••• -~ •• • • • • • • • • • • • Infiltration (indicate Standard, Medium orlTgfi"t) :z1k::.HD,b...\Z.D Thermal Mus Exterior Wall The,mal Hass Area, lleat Capaeity, R-Value ••••••• Interior T~ennal Hass Area~ Heat Capacity, R-Value ~ •••••• 2 ft , HC, R-_ -- 4..zlift2, ...fl_HC, R-~ 'HVAC System** 15. Gas Furnace (Seasonal Efficiency) ••••••••••• • • • • *Heat Pump (Energy Efficiency Ratto) •••••••••• • • • • *Refrigeration Coolfng (Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratto) ••••••••••••••••• • • • • • 16. Active Solar (Net Solar Fraction, I) •••••••••• • • • 17. Zonally Controlled Electdc Resistance Space Heating ••••••••••••• (Yes/No) Domestic Water Heating** 18. Solar With Gas Backup (Net Solar Fraction, 1) ••••.•• • • ~~SE 1---1/f::, EER 1 t-,l/k:: SEER fJ/4, %NSF I L,)o 19. Other Water Heating (Describe type) Nib SNSF ~ ..::<%:..ifi..:.;;&'-'L~a:~9~\:::;.id~f;,~4,~li::\e,~....,1?~½/~11....,_.H___ ..::::-L-- HeA-t lf-lor 7'7"'71E:.M, Point System. Compliance Total ••••••••••• • • • • .::J_ *Checkl is t items; not a point sys tern measure. (-1)'7(-~) -------·----,---------~-·-,-------·---,--.. -· --. • CLIMATE ZONE 7 THERMAL HASS POINTS FOR POINT S.YSTEM cOAPLIANCE • Use this form to c0111plle Thermal Mass Points for exterior ·wall and interior thermal mass in line 14 of OPL Form 408A • • . DO NOT use thts computation method for Thermal Miss Analysts for South Glazing Oetermtnat1on tn component package OPT[ON "A" (passive solar option) •• Use the method shown on opposite~ Qf this form, e -If more information ts needed, refer to C.E.C. Publtcatton P400-82-007, • ... • • • • • • • , STEP 1 -Ftnd values for HC (HEAT Capacity) and R-VALUE of exterior and interior walls of massive construction using the Di'lowtables or calculation method: -- Masonry or Concrete Wall/F\ocr- Wall Weight, lb/ft2 HC R-Value 10 • 13 2 Muittply Average Thick- 14 • 18 3 0.2 ness, 19 • 23 4 Times inches 24 • 28 5 Wall 29 • 32 6 Thickness 33 • 37 7 in 38 • 47 8. Inches 3 48 • 66 10 4 67 • 94 14 5 95 up 20 6 Sitl S \a.b ~ \oo.--- ~/'Ti, .. e "-~~, 7 8 • 9 10 • 11 12 up Solid Wood Wall Wood Density, lb/ft3 21 -26 27 -31 lit • 37 Cedar Pine Og, Fir Hem .. Ftr Hemlk. So.Pine HC/R HC/R. HC/R 2/4.3 3/3.6 3/3.1 3/5.7 4/4.8 4/4.2 3/7.1 4/6.0 5/5,2 4/8.6 · 5/7 .2 6/6.3 5/10.0 6/8,4 7/7.3 6/11.4 7/9,6 8/8.3 7/14.3 9/11,9 11/10.4 8/17.1 11/14.3 13/12.5 !!f_: ~tional Calculations or RC and R-Value: X -s p-e-c .... A..,EA""'1 ""'de""'n""s 1'""'£"'y{,.,i""'6Tl/t"'t-t~-I X '!"'lth""l""ck,...n-es.,..s-.{f""t-..) • ~ !:1!l!!!.: ll -r-es-i""s t-a-nc_e_pe_r_f,.,..t. ...,th""'i~ck""'n""es""'s-l'"'t=t) . __ ,_,,.. ...... -- R-Value · §.!Q.Jl • Determine!!!!!, Capacity~ using HC and R-Values from STEP 1. A. EXTERIOR ~ALLS R-Value of Exterior Wall Excluding Air Films Hut Capacity, 2.0-2.5-3.0-3.5-4.0-4.5-5.0-5,5• 6.0-7 .o-8.0-10.0-15.0-20.0 Btu/ft2.•F -2.4 ·,,· "r2,9 3.4 3.9 4.4 4.9 5.4 5-9 6.9 7.9 9.9 14.9 19.9 up 1.5 -1.9 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.6 1.6 l.6 1.5 l.4 1.3 2.0 • 2.4 1.3 1.7 1.5 1.6 l,7 1.8 1.9 1.8 1.8 1.9 2.0 2.1 2.0 1.9 2.5 _. 2.9 1.8 1.9 2.0 2.0 Z,1 2.2 2.3 2.3 2.4 2.4 Z,4 2,4 2.3 2.1 3.0 -3.4 2.2 2,3 2.4 2.4 2.5 2,6 2.7 Z.7 2.7 2.8 2.8 2,8 z.s 2.4 3.5 • 3.9 Z.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 2.9 3,0 3.0 3.1 3.1 3.1 3.1 3.0 2.7 2,4 4.0 -4.4 3.0 ·'3 .1 3,2 3.3 3.4 3,4 3,4 3,4 3.4 3.4 3,4 3.2 2.9 2.5 4.5 • 4.9 3.4 3,5 3.6 3.7 3.8 3.8 3.8 3.8 3.8 3.8 3.6 3.4 2.9 2.5 s.o. 5,4 3.9 3.9 4,0 4.1 4·,2 4.2 4.Z 4.2 4.2 4.0 3.9 3,5 3.1 2.6 5.5 • 5.9 4.3 .4.4 4,5 4,5 4,6 4.6 4.6 4.6 4,5 4.3 3.9 3.7 3.2 2.7 6.0 -6.9 4.7 ;4.9 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5,0 5.0 4,9 4.5 4.1 3,8 3.3 2.7 1.0 • 7.9 5.5 '5.7 5.8 5.9 5,9 5.9 5.7 S.5 5.3 4.7 4.3 3.9 3.4· 2.8 8.0 -8,9 6.4 ,•6.6 6.6 6.7 6.6 6,5 6,2 5.8 5.5 4.9 4.5 4.1 3.5 2.9 9.0 • 9.9 7.2 : 7,5 7.6 7.6 7.4 6.9 6,4 6.0 5.6 5.0 4.6 4.3 3.6 2.9 10.0 -11.9 8.0 . 8.1 8.1 8.1 7.8 7.2 6.7 6.3 5.9 5.3 4.8 4.4 .3.7 3,1 12.0 -13,9 9.6 9,5 9,2 8.7 8.1 7.5 7.0 6,6 6.1 5.5 5.0 4.5 3.9 3.3 14.0 -19.9 11.~--·10.1 9.7 9.0 8.2 7.7 7.1 6.7 6.3 5.6 5.2 4.7 4.1 3.5 20.0 -29.9. 12.,.L. 11.3 10.2 9.4 8.7 8.0 7.5 7.0 6.6 6.0 5,5 5.2 4.6 4.1 9. INTERIOR WALLS A.Mo FL.00&$ R-value of Interior Mass Element Excluding Atr Films STEP III • Calculate TotAl Mass Capacity Using this equation: l:::JO"TE.~ Mas.,; CapacH F.ac.-\-c,r-~or- c; Lab /Ti I&. Heat Capacity, 0.3 0.4-0.8-Btu/ft2.•f Down 0.7 l.2 1.5 • !.7 3.1 3.1 3.1 l.8 -2.2 3.6 3.6 3.6 2,3 • 2.7 4.1 4,1 4,0 2.8 • 3.2 4.7 4.7 4.5 3.3 • 3.7 5.3 5.2 4.9 3.8 -4.2 5.7 5,5 5.2 4.3 -4.7 6.2 5.9 5.5 4.8 -5.5 6.6 6.2 5.7 5.6 -7.'.l 7.2 6,SV 6.1 i.l -9.0, e.o 7'.l 5.6 9.1 • 12.!l 8.6 7 .s. 6.8 12 .• l • 17 .o 9.1 7.8 7.1 11.1 -22.5 9.4 8.4 7.6 1.3-1.8-2.6-l.7 2.5 4.0 3,0 2.9 2.6 ·3,4 3,3 3.2 3.9 3.7 3.3 4.3 4.0 3.7 4.5 4.3 3.8 4,8 4,5 4.0 5.1 4.7 4.1 5.3 4.8 4.3 s.s 5.2 4.5 5.9 5.S 4,8 5.2 5,7 5.2 6.4 6.1 5.6 7.1 6.8 6.3 4.1-7.6 7.5 Up 2.5 2.1 2.9 . 2.3 3.1 2.4 3.3 2.5 3.4 2.6 3.6 2.8 3.7 2.9 3.9 2.9 4.0 3.1 4,4 3.4 4.7 3.8 5.2 4.4 5.9 5.2 i 4~1B X 7, l Area o exposed factor l) Mass(l) + -Ar_e_a_o_f_e_xp_o_se-a-x _r_a_d_o_r(-2 .... ) -+ Mass (2) --------~-X _,,.,.,,.,,.,,,.,.,......~ Area of exposed factorlJJ Mass (3) ~ -Read !!!!!:!!!.!. ~ Points using tab le below. Enter points on OPL No. 408A. T~tal :-lass Capacity Points. 0 • 0.1 0.2 • 0,4 0,5 .8 0.9 • • J 1.2 • l.S 1.5 • l,9· 2.0 • 2.3 2,4 • 2.7 2.8 • 3.2 OPL407A (6/15/8?) Total Mass Capacity .Points . •18 +ZO +22 +24 +26 +28 Total Mass Capacity Points 6.4 • 6.9 +30 7.0 • i.6 +32 7 ,7 • S.5 +34 S.6. 9.3 +36 9.4 -10.2 +38 10.3 -11.2 +40 11.3' -12.3 12.4 • 13,5 13.6 • 14.8 14.9 -15.2 15,3 -17 .6 17.7 • 19.0 19.l -20.4 20.5 -21.8 21.9 -23.3 23.4 up J:" I eo.-. i 'lo IV 1.1 Points +42 +44 +46 +48 +5£). +52 +54 +56 +58 +150 CLIMb.TE ZONE 7 • THERMAL MASS POINTS FOR POINT sYsfER CoAPLIANCE -Use this fona to c0111plle Thermal Mass Points for exterior wall and Interior thermal mass In lfne 14 of OPL Form 408A. -.00 NOT use this computation method for Thermal Mass Analysis for South Glazing Determination in component package OPTlON "A" (passive solar option). -Use the method shown on opposite~ of this form. • -lf more Information Is needed, refer to C,E,C. Publication P40D-82-007. • • • • •• • ·- • STEP 1 -Find values for HC (HEAT Capacity) and R-VALUE of exterior and interior walls of massive construction using the oelowtables or calculation method: -- Masonry or Concrete Wall/F\ocr" Wall Weight, lb/ft2 HC R-Value Average 10 • 13 2 Multiply Thick• 14 • 18 3 0.2 ness, 19· • 23 4 Times inches 24 • 28 s Wall 29 .: 32 6 Thickness 33 • 37 7 In 38 • 47 8. Inches 3 48 • 66 10 4 67 • 94 14 5 llS up 20 Sia:l Slab t= \oer 25 ---.... ,v/,i l._ ~<?.~,. 6 7 8 • 9 10 • 11 12 up Solid Wood Wall Wood Density, lb/ft3 21 -26 27 -31 3Z -37 Cedar Pine Og. Fir Hem-Fir Hemlk. So.Pine HC/R HC/R. HC/R 2/4.3 3/3.6 3/3.l 3/5.7 4/4.8 4/4.2 3/7.1 4/6.0 5/5.2 4/8.6 · 5/7 .2 6/6.3 5/10.0 6/8.4 7/7 .3 6/11.4 7/9.6 8/8.3 7/14.3 9/11.9 11/10.4 8/17.1 11/14.3 13/12.S .!!£: Optional Calculations For AC and R-value: X ..,.spe="'"c"" .A"'"EA"'t -ae_n_s_it,_y,...( 1-6..-/f..,t,..3 l X ...,th""'i_c,...kn_e_ss-"T'(f...,t-,' l • ~ ~: X -re-s""'i-s t-a-nc-e-pe_r_f.,.,.t. -eh...,1_ck_n_e_s s-, f...,.t ) • --R'""-v..,..a ... lu_e __ .llQ...ll • Determine .!:!!ll Capacity~ using HC and R-Values from STEP I. A. EXTERIOR ~ALLS R-Value of Exterior Wall Excluding Air Films Heat Capacity, 2.0-2.5-3.0-3.5-4.0-4.5-5.0-. 5.5-6.0-7.0-8.0-10.0-15.0-20.0 Btu/ft2. "F -2.4 ·., ··1·2.9 3.4 3.9 4.4 4.9 5.4 5.9 6,9 7.9 9.9 14.9 19.9 up 1.5 • 1.9 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.5 1.4 1.3 2.0 -2.4 1.3 1.7 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 1.8 1,8 1.9 2.0 2.1 2.0 1.9 2.5 • 2.9 1.8 1.9 2.0 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 Z.3 2.4 Z.4 2.4 2.4 2.3 2.1 3.0 -3.4 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.7 2.7 2.8 2.8 2.8 2.5 2.4 3.5 • 3.9 2 .• 6 2.7 2.8 2.9 2.9 3.0 3.0 3.1 3.1 3.1 3.1 3.0 2.7 2,4 4.0 -4.4 3.0 ·'3 .1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.4 3.4 3.4 3.4 3.4 3.4 3.2 2.9 2.5 4.5 • 4.9 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 3.8 3.8 3.8 3.8 3.8 3.6 3.4 2.9 2.5 5.0 • 5.4 '3.9 3.9 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.2 4.2 4.2 4.2 4.0 3.9 3.5 3.1 2.6 s.s • 5.9 4.3 .4.4 4,5 4.5 4.6 4.6 4.6 4.6 4,5 4.3 3.9 3.7 3.2 2,7 6.0 • 6.9 4.7 ;4.9 5.0 s.o s.o s.o s.o 5.0 4.9 4,5 4.1 3.8 3.3 Z.7 7.0 • 7.9 5.5 '5.7 5.8 5.9 5.9 5.9 5.7 5.5 5,3 4.7 4.3 3.9 3.4· 2.8 a.a -a.9 6.4 .-6.6 6.6 6.7 6.6 6.5 6.2 5.8 5.5 4.9 4.5 4.1 3.5 2,9 9.0 • 9.9 7.2 . 7.5 7.6 7.6 7.4 6.9 6.4 6.0 5.6 5.0 4.6 4.3 3.6 2.9 10.0 -11.9 a.a · 8.1 8.1 8.1 7.8 7.2 6.7 6.3 5.9 5.3 4.8 4.4 .3.7 3.l 12.0 -13.9 9.6 9.5 9.2 8.7 8.1 7.5 7.0 6.6 6.1 s.s 5.0 4.S 3.9 3.3 14.0 -19.9 11.2·-10.7 9.7 9.0 8.2 7.7 7.1 6.7 6.3 5.6 5.2 4.7 4.1 3.5 20.0 -29.9 lZ.,.L. 11.3 10.2 9.4 8.7 8.0 7.5 7.0 6.6 6.0 5.5 5.2 4.6 4.l S. INTERIOR WALLS ti.Mo 'Fl.00&$ R-Value of Inter1or Mass Element Excluding Air Films STEP 111 • Calculate Total Mass Capacity Using this equation: Heat Capacfty, 0.3 0.4-a.a-1.3-Btu/ft2.•F Down 0.7 1.2 1.7 LS• :.1 3.1 3.1 3.1 3.0 1.8. 2.2 3.6 3.6 3.6 ·3,4 2,3 • 2.7 4.1 4.1 4.0 3.9 2,8 • 3.2 4,7 4.7 4,5 4.3 3.3 • 3.7 5.3 !.2 4.9 4.5 3.8 • 4.2 5.7 5.5 5.2 4.8 4.3 • 4,7 6.2 5.9 5.5 5.1 4.8 • 5.5 6.6 6.2 5.7 5.3 5.6 • 1., 7.2 6.9" 6.1 5.5 7.1 • 9.0, e.o 7·.l 5.~ -5.9 9.1 • 12.0 8.6 7 .5-6.8 6.2 112.1 -17.0 9.1 7.8 7.1 6.4 11.1 -22.s 9.4 8.4 7.6 7.1 1.8-2.6-4.1-2.5 4.0 7.5 2.9 2.6 2.5 3.3 3.2 2,9 3.7 3.3 3.1 4.0 3.7 3.3 4.3 3.8 3.4 4,5 4.0 3.6 4.7 4.1 3.7 4.8 4.3 3.9 5.2 4.5 , 4.0 s.s 4.8 4.4 5.7 S.2 4.7 6.1 5.6 5.2 6.8 6.3 5.9 7.6 Up 2.1 . 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.8 2.9 2.9 3.1 3.4 3.8 4.4 5.2 t41~4-? X J«l Area o exposed factor II Mass(l) + ... Ar__,e.,,.1...,0,pt ...,e""xp""o""'se""'d,... x -t ... a._d,_o..,r('""2-) -+ Mass (2) """"""""..,....,=,,,.,,.,,,-X ____ ..( Area of exposed factor\J) Mass (3) + iet? F?oJ ~rea NOIE.~ Mas.,, CapacH t='.ac:.ter-i=' o,.. · <;Lab /T't 1._ l='lool""' i-s, 1.1 ,lliL!! • Read Then!'al !!!!, ~ using table below. Ent'er points on OPL No. 408A. Total ~ass Capacfty Points Total Mass Capacitt Points DPL407A (6/16/8?) Total Mass Capacity 6.4 • 6.9 7.0. i.6 7,1 • s.s 8.6 • 9.3 9.4 -10.2 10.3 -11.2_ Total Mass Capacity Points ll.3 • 12.3 +42 12,4 • 13.5 +44 13.6 • 14.8 +46 14.9 • 15.2 +48 15,3 • 17 .6 +Jjp, 17.7 • 19,0 +52 19.l • 20,4 +Jj4 20.5 -21.8 +56 21,9 • 23,3 ~8 23.4 up +'50 • • • • • • • • • • ) 05B:08 RZ 3/28/84 Vll/dr Attact.nent C , P.;>L~~ uC u Fonn 2 {Revised 3/84) Climate Zones 1. 3. s. 7. and 16 COMPLIANCE CHECKLIST For Low-Rise Residential Buildings (except hotels and motels) Step 1: Enter on the form the values for each measure from your building plan and specifications sheet. Step 2: Enter points on· this page while working through the point system Building Shel 1 Measure Points *Total Floor Area •••••••••••••••• • • •--. • • • 1. Slab-on-Ground; Perimeter_ ft •• Depth _in ••••• • • 2. Raised Floor R-Value ••••••••••••••• • • • • • • • 3. Celling Insulation or Construction Assembly ••• • • • • • • • Attic. Percent of Roof Over Conditioned Space 1 •• • • • • 4. Wall Insulation or Construction Assembly ••• :-:-•• • • • • • Glazing; Total 1 Floor Area North-Facing ••• '2.G~ l East-Facing ••• -z, s i South-Facing ••• ~.G I \tlest-Faci ng ••• ~i Skylight. • • • • 1 s. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Shading Coefficient (excluding overhang) Single Double Triple ~ft~ ft2 ft2 ft2 f't2 ft ft2 ft2 ft2 ft2 0woft~ ft2 ft2 ft2 Q ft tz.4--. G\ \ft2 R-~ R-1-.!/t,,. R-le? ft2 R-\ \ a. East • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • *SC ••• . . . . . . . . . . b. South. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • , ~ SC •••••• • . . . • • • c. West • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ~ SC • • • . . . • • • • • • • . . . . . . . . . . 11. 12. 13. 14. d. Skylight ••• ~ • • • • • • • • • \d/b SC • • • Horizontal South Overhang Length. • • • a,'-t ft ••• • • • • • • • • • • Movable Insulation. 1 Floor Area •••• _[,Q __ ~I •• • • • • • • • • • • • Infiltration (indicate Standard. Medium o'rTfgli'"t) -S1k-HDb!2.12 Thermal Mass Exterior Wall Thermal Mass Area, lleat Capacity, R Vilc,e •••••• 2 ft • HC, R-_ --Interior Thehnal Mass Area. Heat Capacity. R-Value •••••• . 4;L.1.Jzft2, _i2_HC, R•...e.1 HVAC Sys tern** 15. Gas Furnace (Seasonal Efficiency) •••••••••••• • • • *Heat Pump (Energy Efficiency Ratio) ••••••• , • • • • • • *Refrigeration Cooling (Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio) ••••••••••••••••••• • • • 16. Active Solar (Net Solar Fraction, I) ••••••••••• • • 17. Zonally Controlled Electric Resistance Space Heating ••••••••••••• (Yes/No) Domestic Water ~eating** .iz£l.9 SE HI /4., -E ER I !::VA:: SEER 1:::1/b %NSF i \do 18. 19. Solar With Gas Backup (Net Solar Fraction.~) • • • • • • • • • 1-l)b %NSF *Checklist items; not a point system measure. Other Water Heating (Describe type) '66-S c;oH I?~\ HE;,P Wl1H: . HE::/:>-1 H--lot ~'1'?1E:--H · Point System Compliance Total ••••••••••• • • • • (+ 4J 7 -I NIA°. ---z._ 77""" -0 ' - -I --\ -0 --'2.. 0 0 - • • • • • • • •• > CLIMATE. ZONE 7 POINT-SYSTEM DATA choose oata from each m.rnbered section ~!ch corresponds to the bufldfng shell/HVAC system/domestic water heating elements on the compHance checklist of the opposite page. NOTE: These tables contain the most conmen values encountered -some have been reduced fn sfze to save space. Refer to 'ttl:7 Publication P400-82-007 If more infonnation fs needed • (1) Slab.Floor Points (2) Raised Floor Points (3) Ceiling Points (4) Wall Points Insl. R-Val of Insulation R-Value of Points R-Val of Pts R-Val Assby R-Val ues Pts Depth (in) 0-2 3-4 5-6 7+ Insulat (NoAirFilms) Ins.ulation Frame Uninsulated -12 0-ll -1 -1./ -1 -1 ---4 15-19 19 -2 up to 18 -2 • R-11 0 • R-19 +l 12-15 -1 O· 0 0 22 -2 20-31 " R-24 +2 16-19 -1 0 0 0 19+ 0 30 0 32-53 • R-30 +2 20+ -1 0, 0 0 38 0 Masonry Insulated -4 +2 +54 Masonry Uninsulated -16 (5) North-Facing Glazing Points (6) East-Facing Gta_zing Points (7) South-Facing Glazing Points Gluing Type Total Glazing Type Total Glazing Type Total s; of Single, Double, Triple. s; of Single, Double, Triple, s; of Single, Doub le, Triple, Floor u • u • u • Floor u • u. u • Floor u ,. Area 0.66 0.42-0.41 Area 0.66-0.42-0.41 Area 0.66-1.10 0.65 down 1.10 0.65 down 1.10 flo North Glas ••••••• --+l ----------up to 1.0 .0 +l +l No East G 1 1ss-------+2-----------up to 3.0 :1 0 +l No South Gl ss----· up to 3.0 0 l.l -3.0 -1 0 0 3.l • 6.0 -4 -2 -1 3.1 • 5.2 -4 -2 -1 5.3 • 7.1 -8 -4 -2 3.1 • 5.8 -3 5.9 ;/ 7.4 -6 6.1 • 7.5 -8 -4 -3 1.2 • a.a -11 -6 -4 7 .5 -8.9 -8 7.6 • 10.6 -11 -6 -4 8.9 -10.6 -14 -8 -5 9.0 • 10.4 -11 10.7 • 12.7 -14 -8 -6 10.7-12.2 -17 -10 -7 10.5 • 11.d -14 12.8 • 14.7 -17 -10 -7 12.3-13.8 -21 -12 -8 11.9 -13.3 -17 14.8 • 17.0 -21 -12 -9 13.9-15.5 -24 -14 -10 13.4 -14.8 -20 14.9 -16.3 -24 (8) West-Facfng Glazing Points (9) Skylight Points (10} Shading Coefffcient Pts. Glazing Type Glazing Type East s; Floor Area Total Total SC 0-1.5 l.6-3.l 3.2-6.J 6.4+ s; of Single, Double. Triple, % of Sfngle. Oouble. Triple Floor u • . u. u • Floor u. u • u • 0 -.66 0 0 0 0 Area 0.66-0.42-0.41 Area 0.66-0.42-0.41 .67+ 0 -1 -2·. -4 1.10 0.65 down 1.10 0.65 down West % Flo1r Are No I/est G ass -----+j •• -------tlo Skylights--------o--------SC .1-1.6-3.2-6.4-up to 1.0 +2 +2 +2 UP to 1.0 -1 -1 -1 l.S 3.1 6.3 7.9 1.1-J.O -2 0 0 l.l • 3.0 -5 -3 -3 3.1-4.2 -5 -2 -1 3.1 -4.2 -8 -5 -4 0-.22 0 0 +2 +4 4.3-5.2 -8 -4 -3 4.3 -5.2 -11 _, -6 · .23-.66 0 0 0 0 S.J. 6.1 -11 -6 -4 5.3 • 6.1 -13 -9 -7 .67+ 0 0 -2 -3 6.2-7 .o -15 -8 -6 6.2 -7.0 -18 -11 -9 7.1-7.8 -17 -10 -7 7~1 -7.8 -20 -13 -10 Skyllgh % Fla< r Pre, 7.9-8.5 -20 -12 -8 1.9 • 8.5 -23 -15 -11 SC 0-.8-1.6-3.2-. 8.6-9.2 -24 -14 -10 8.6 -9.2 -27 -17 -13 .7 1.5 3.1 4.0 9.3-9.9 -27 -16 -11 9.3 • 9.9 -30 -19 -17 I0.0-10.6 -30 -18 -13 0 -.22 0 0 +2 +4 10.7-11.6 -35 -21 -14 .23-.66 0 0 0 0 ll.7-12.4 -40 -24 -16 .67+ 0 -1 -2 -3 12.5-13.4 -45 -27 -19 13 •. 5-14.4 -50 -30 -21 South % Flo r Are 14.5-15.4 -55 -33 -22 SC 0-3.2-6.4-a.o- 3.1 6.3 7.9 9.5 0 -.66 O· 0 0 0 .67+ 0 -1 -2 -3 u • u • 0.42-0.42 0.65 down ---+1------------' 0 0 -2 -1 -4 -3 -6 -4 -8 -6 -10 -7 -12 -8 -14 -10 -16 -11 (ll)Hortzontal South Overhang Points Soutt, Length Glazing out ( Xfl oor) frcrn Wall 6. 3 More (ft) OR /Than LESS16.3' 0-1.0 1.1-1.9 -2.0+ (12) Mov·able Insul. Points Movable Pts. :nsulation (Xof Floor) 0-8.7 8.8-24.0 24+ 0 +2 +3 (13) Infiltration Contra l Pts·. (14} Thermal Mass Pts. (Calculate as shown on OPL Forl!I 4078) (15) Gas Furnace w/o (16) Heat Pump Pts. (17) Gas Furnace with Standard O ;'Tight" 0 (18) Active Solar Space (19) Zonal Elect. Heating w/Gas Resistance !let So I ar( %) Pts. .Space Htg. 0-52 Q. WA) 53+ +2 OPL ~o. 408A (6/16/83) Refrig.Coolfng ?ts. Seasonal Eff.(%) Pts. 71-89 SE 0 90+ SE +l (20) Solar Water Heating w/Gas Backup Points (S'iiigle Fannly Dwellin using S.D.County Sizfn 70+ S: NSF Energy Eff. Ratio Pts. 7.5 -7.6 EER -1 7.7 -7.9 EER 0 a.o -8.l EER +3 8.2 -8.7 EER +6 8.8 -9.3 EER +9 9.4 -10.4 EER +12 g (21) Ottier Water g) Heating POl'ltS .---------,.------. Gas/Heat Pump/ 0 Floor Area · 1.000 • 1.199 l .200 -1,499 1.soo -1,999 2.000 -2.999 3.000+ Points +25 +20 +16 +ll +9 Solar w/Elec. Electric only -40 R f i C 1 · Pt e r g. oo ,ng s. Refrig. Gas Furnace SE Cooling ("' ,o/ (SEER) 65-70 71-85 86+ 8.0-6.3 -1 0 +2 8.4-8.8 +l +2 ... 4 8.9-9.2 +3 +4 +6 9.3-9.8 +5 +<5 +8 9.9-10.4 +7 +8 +10 10.5-11.l +9 +10 +12 ·-.................... --~ .... ~. ·- I JI • • • • • • • • • > THERMAL MASS SCHEDULES THERMAL MASS OF 1-ST FLOOR -VINYL OR CERAMIC TILE ON 4" CONCRETE THERMAL MASS OF 2ND &· 3RD.FLOORS VINYL OR CERAMIC TILE-ON 1½" CONCRETE ROOM NO. A-102 A-2O2 A-302 BUILDING "A" THERMAL MASS ROOM NAME ELEV. -VESTIBULE ELEV. VESTIBULE ELEV. VESTIBULE AREA 55 SQ.FT. 55 SQ.FT. 55 SQ.FT. (33) BATH OF (TYP~ UNIT)39 x 33 = 1287 TOTAL 1452 SQ.FT . I i, ,. • I ;- THERMAL MASS SCHEDULES ~ ~ • THERMAL MASS OF 1-ST FLOOR -VINYL OR CERAMIC TILE ON 4" CONCRETE THERMAL MASS OF 2ND & 3RD FLOORS VINYL OR CERAMIC -TILE ON 1½11 CONCRETE • BUILDING "B" THERMAL MASS ROOM NO. ROOM NAME AREA -------- • B-101 STORAGE 24 SQ.FT . B-!6i HOUSEKEEPING 62 II B-104 RESIDENTS STORAGE 293 II B-106 RESIDENTS LAUNDRY 122 II B-120 WOMEN'S VESTIBULE 241 II B-122 MEN'S VES'J::'IBULE 110 II B-129 HOUSE-KEEPING 61 II • B-201 HOUSEKEEPING 61 II B-212 VESTIBULE 32 B-213 WOMEN 86 B-214 MEN 86 B-215 STORAGE 138 • B-216 VESTIBULE 76 B-218 HOUSEKEEPING 61 B-301 HOUSEKEEPING 61 B-315 MEN 98 B-316 WOMEN 98 B-317 VESTIBULE 156 • B-319 HOUSE KEEPING 61 ( 68) BATH OF TYP UNIT 39 X 69 =2652 II TOTAL 4579 SQ.FT. ) 1 • THERMAL MASS SCHEDULES , I I , I • THERMAL MASS OF 1-ST FLOOR -VINYL OR CERAMIC TILE ON 4 11 CONCRETE THERMAL MASS OF 2ND & 3RD FLOORS VINYL OR CERAMIC TILE-ON 1½11 CONCRETE • BUILDING 11 C11 THERMAL MASS ROOM NO • ROOM NAME AREA • C-103 STORAGE ROOM C-104 EXAM 63 SQ.'FT. C-108 SHOWERS 144 C-111 EXERCISE 897 C-117 ELEVATOR VESTIBULE 60 • C-202 RES . STORAGE 300 C-203 RES. STORAGE 300 C-205 HOUSE KEEPING 108 C-206 ELEV. VESTIBULE 60 C-302 RES. STORAGE 300 C-303 RES. STORAGE 300 II • C-305 HOUSEKEEPING 108 II C-306 ELEV. VESTIBULE 60 II (52) BATH OF TYP. UNIT 39 x 52 = 2028 II TOTAL 4728 SQ.FT. • • • ) • • • • • • • • • ) 1 MANDATORY FEATURES/DEVICES .( ZONE #7) FOR VILLAS DE CARLSBAD 1. Ceiling Insulation: R-19 2. Wall Insulation: R-11 3. Glazing: Single 4. Doors and Windows Weather-stripped 5. All Joints and Penetrations Caulked and Sealed 6. Doors and Windows Certified and Labeled 7. Masonry and Factory Built Fireplaces: -Tight Fitting Closeable Metal or Glass Door -Outside Air Intake with Damper -Flue·Damper -No Continuous Gas Pilot 8. Ducts Built per SH.10 U.M.C. 9. Exhaust Fans with Dampers 10~ Gas Furnace S.E.E.R. 71%, Output Less Than 45,000 BTUH 11. Heating Calculations 12. Setback Thermostat 13. Water Heating System: -Tank Insulation R-12 (External) -F:i,.rst 5'-0 11 of Inlet and Outlet to have R-3 Insulation 14. Gas Cooking Appliances to Have Intermittent Ignition Device. 15. General Lighting for Kitchens and Bathrooms 25 Lumens Watt or Less . • CA F~Lf.~BAD -*·CAL.I 1=-0 f?~,I If-, CONST= 70W/40R/ 708 WALL. COLOR~ MEDIUM 1.... IV ING F<M r: W J·*· r-\ lJ q :29 ~ 1. <;>i3:\ LAT• 33 ALT• 44 ID:00 7G/5Ql ~ 7(:?l ROOF COLOR~ MEDIUM SER:f.f· 2{2)206831.6 • D .. [! ... TEMP TOTAL. TONt--'3 PFJH TON!:; C.F.M. l. . .. nm AT 9 A. M .. 7'1+ • 1 (?.). :1.7 fZl. 1 l. b:~2 ~;~ u ,JUL. AT 9 t-\. M .. 75. (Zl 0 .. 17 0. :1.:2 6Li- 3 .. OCT P,T U!.) A .. M .. 72 .. '+ 0 .. :I. ~:i fL j,il) r.:a-~).) .-'.1-.. DEC r;T :;~ P. M .. 73u9 (2). 19 (1.J. 1.2 63 511 SEP AT 3 P.M. Bl .• 2 0.3t 0. 2:;;;: j, j, 9 • b. AUG r\T '-I· P.M. B::~; .. 0 ~)" '+(1 (2)" ::m 1. 6L1. . ..,. I • ,JUN /.~ T L1, P. M .. El:!. . j_ (i.1, 3B (ll" 28 :I. :1 l: ZONE HE,t\ TI Nei-···"· > ::::: :t ' <;;' Lj. (?.) t-J/ I NF IL.=-0 :t '/ 9 l;. {2) C .. F .. i"I ..... INPUTS CEILING PARTITION FLOOR SKYLIGHT • TRANSMISSION FACT.. 0.00 0 .. 00 0.00 0 .. 80 TEMP DIFF HEATING 0 0 0 32 TEMP bIFF COO~ING 0 0 0 4 FL.OURESCE:l,]T L'H:iHTB N SOL.Al~ Ff-,CTOF~ Sl·<YL IGHT ·-· -0. 45 OVERHANGS AND/OR REVEALS PRESENT <FT) • HEIGHT OF OVERHANG DEPTH o,:::· OVEF<H/,,NG HEIGHT OF WINDOW DEPTH OF F~EVEAL. NUMl3EI~ FLOORS TYPE: 1 0. 00 ~5. 00 f:, .. 70 0. 0(Z) 1. 0(2) TYl::iE 2 l~. -0~J 0. fZl(Z) 0. 00 (2'J. 012) .:I,. (2)(2) TYPE ;3 0.00 111 .. 00 0. 0{.] 0" (2)'{2) 1 .. ·00 4'1· • EFFECTIVE AV~RAGES FOR ZONE LOADS OR OP-COST • ) ) EXPOSURE: N. NE E. SE S. SW W.. NW WALL T~ANS. FACTORS 0.m0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.07 0.00 GLASS TRANS FACTORS 0.00 ~.00 0.00 0.~0 0.00 0 .. 00 1.13 0.00 GLASS SOLAR FACTORS 0 .. 00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.65 0.00 FWOF' Tl~ANi:3. F/.>,CTOI~ :::: 0.0:5 Sf·<YLIGHT TF{P,NS.· F/.1,CTOI~ =·0.80 NUMBER OF PEOPLE TOTAL. LJ.GiHT!::; OTHER ELEc·tr~TC/.>,L W. TYPE l GLASS AREA~ W. fYPE 1SHADE AREA - TOTAL.. Gl...c~SS /"iFH:~!-1 TOTAL GL/:>,BE; Al~EA E;!-·~VL. I GHT r\f~l:::I"\ EH·<VL I GHT AREi>, W .. TYPE l WALL AREA - TOT AL L,Jl;L..L /.>,RE:t-'"< Pf~HTITIOI\I AliEf., CEIL.ING cr:,,HEP, FLOOF~ r\REf., .~!~EA OF ROOF OUTPUTS 3 SENSIBLE PEOPLE L6AD = 200 LIGHTING LOAD 0 OTHER ELECTRICAL ::::: W. TYPE 1 GLASS SOLAR - W .. TYPE 1 SHADE SOLAR - TOTAL GLASS SOLAR TOTf~,i... GL.ABS TRANE3" TOTAL SKYLIGHT SOLAR TOTAL SKYLIGHT TRANS 5? W. TYPE 1. WALL LOAD 52 TOTAL WAL.I.... TRANS .. 0 TOTAL. PART. TRANS 0 TOTAL CETLiNG TRANS 0 TOTAL. FLOOR TRANS 236 F/OOF I...Ocr:i,n 6'9(2) 683 0 l, 971. 1 L~f.:; ~?,1.t7 :1.8:1. 0 (Z) t,-... .,. .) -~ 31.7 'I I • I • • • • • • •• • • , ) !.=31~FETY F"ACTOFl f:::.Vf.1P F"AN H.P. MI f:1 C !.=JEN~"l I E~,L..E VENTILATION CFM - i'·IIBC. L..ATENT .... NUMBER OF PEOPLE= VENTILATION CFM = TOTAL CFM-STD AIR= :fa: 0:~ 0. v..H (?.) 0 3 30 1.61.t· S/1FETY r. .• T. U. S FAN HEAT GAIN -BT MI!:3C. SENE3IBL..E:: O. A.SENSIBLE LOAD MH3C. LATENT PEOPLE LATENT LOAD O.A. LATENT LOAD TOTAL LATENT LOAD FWOM LAT. l...OAD ****************«***************************** Pl...ENUM F~CTUF~I\I EXI-IAUS3T Cf~CD-I T --·7B ~:) 13:? :for, 3El:-1 743 --> GRAND TOTAL LOAD -4,859 BTU'S OR 0.40 TONS<-- LOAD RUN FOR # 6. AUG AT 4 P.M . I~ Rl:::A ( SGl FT ) TOTAL'CFM-STD AIR - PARTITION LOAD VENTILATION LOAD FLOOR HEATING LOAD= Gl..P,SS HEf.>,T ING l..0{1D:== SLAB.HEATING LOAD - WARM UP LOAD - 236 SQ. FT PER TON 164 CFM ~ER SQ FT HEATING U)AD 0 CEILING L0/1D 1.,0~j,i, ROOF HEATING LO,t:i,D (2) tSl·<YL. I EiH"r LOAD :I., 4 '+6 W,t,,L_I.... HE,t:i.TING LOAD 0 J:NFJ:L._ HEAT LOt-1D 0 H L()AD WITH ',.,JENT COIL SELECTION PARAMETERS DB TEMF' ENT/LVG -80. 8 / 58. 17.1 TOT SENSIBLE LOAD WB TEMP ENT/LVG -66.8 / 57.4 TOTAL COIL LOAD --..... ·--- ORH SPECIFIED ~OOM RH TERM AIR ~EMP - -.. 51?.lo/.: 58.C?.)!7.) / l1(2) T. ST. EVAP FAN= ~.15 BLDG. ~u·1 FACTOF{0•= 0. l.8 RESULTING ROOM RH DEGREES ROTATED= 0 CEILING RETURN ! ! ! STF~ANG DEFf.>,UL.TS 0. 7~:J 0 37E) (2) 1 :L6 (2) 1;-~:L1.6 l;.' 8~39 ~'J v..~?~ !~~s%&' C)*+,-./012345678~:;<=>?8ABC~EFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZC\Jt+'abcdefghiJk1mnc • • • • • • • • • , I ) CARLSBA~ *CALIFORNIA LAT= 33 ALT= 44 CONST: 70W/40R/ 708 ID::::: 7fJ/50 7v.j WALL COLOR: MEDIUM ROOF COLOR: MEDIUM F:lt::: R# :~20::;":06831 • 6 D.8.TEMP TOTAL TONS RF3H TONS 0. 0'-, (?.). ~'?)4, 0.03 IZl. l2lEl 12). 1 B C.F.M. 1 " .TUN AT 9 A. M. 71., .• t 0. v:J6 ~7:: u cTUL.. t.lT ? A.M. 75.0 0.07 24· 20 '-1.Li• <:;7 :::L OCT Li,• DEC 5. SEP A"'" I I . /:>,T AT :I. v:l ;::: 3 r.~. M. FJ. M • P.M. 6. AUG AT 4 P.M. 7. Jlm AT 4 P.M. ZONE HEATING-->• TRANSMISSION FACT. TEMP DI~F HEATING TEMP DIFF COOLING FLOURESCENT LIGHTS 72, /.1, (2) • Q.\Li, 7~.3. <7 !Zl. 1 2 81..2 0.21.1- 82.0 tzl.29 f:-31. • 1. ~:). 2El 1~571 t,J/INl:::'IL=-0 INPUTS CEILING PARTITION 0u 2:2 (Z). 21. 1¥571 C.F.M ··- FL.OOF~ (7J. 00 0 .l?J Sl<YLIGHT 0.80 i;, N SOLAR FACTi)F~ 81,YL.IGHT = :0.-45 121 1.:1.7 ::?iti EFFECT I VE AVEr.:u,,GE::E3 FCH~ ZONE LOADS OR OP-.. COST EXPOSURE I N. NE E. SE ~3 u Hl,J l,J. NW WALL TRANS. FACTORS GLASS TRANS FACTORS GLASS SOLAR FACTORS ROOF TRANS. FACTOR NUMBEf"=< OF PEOPLE TOT{:..!... I... I(:il-lTS OTHER ELECTRICAL -- W. TYPE l GL.AFJS AHl~1':>i:::.0 TOTAL GLASS AREA TOT/.>il... GL/:i,ElE; ARE::./:>, E31·<YL. I 6HT Al~E,t.i. 'S~{VL I GHT A!~EA N. TYPE 1 WALL ARFA - S. TYPE 1 WALL AREA~ W, TYPE 1 WALL ARFA - TOT AL L,,/AI....L i\F\E/:1, PARTITIOI\I Al~F:(.1 CEII....IN(::i AF<E~l:'i FLOOR M~E:l,, /:i,F~Er.,, OF ROOF 0. t?.l7 0 .{l)0 ·0. 12)0 (]. @?) 0.·l?.)7 (2). t?.)t?.) C:.1. ~?l7 0. {2)(2) 0. t?.Jl~ 0. i.?.H1.1 0. {2)(2) Ith 00 0. fZlG~ L l.3 0. 00 0.00 0. 0121 0. t?.Jt?.l 0. {2)(?.) 0.00 0.65 lZl. 05 S~{YL I <:ii-IT THANG. Fct.~CTOR ::;:: OUTPUTS 2 SENSIBLE PEOPLE LOAD ~ LIGHTlNG LOAD 0 OTHER ELEGTHI.CAL 20 W. TYPE 1. GLASS SOLAR - :20 . TOT/:>,L GLASS SOL,o.R 20 TOTAL GLASS TRANS. 0 TOTAL SKYLtGHT SO~AR 0 TOTAL SKYLIGHT TR~NS 32 N. TYPE 1. ¼ALL LOAD 40 S. TYPE 1 WALL LOAD 92 W. TYPE :l. WALL .LOAD 164 TOTAL WALL TRANS. 0 TOTAL PART. TRANS 0 TOTAL CEILING TRANS 0 TOTAL FLOOR T~ANS 300 ROOF 1..0,6,D . :::: t?.l. (2H2) G,. 00 l?). 00 0.80 '-l·C'J0 -c?J 0 1 ~ !:'33t:l t~83B 90 (2) !ZJ B 4~.i 9:3' 14-6 i,;.~ 0 (2) '-1-tZJ,~1- ' ,,, --'--..._ ..... ,_. '~~-~r-t;@j~_-1-kn! ~ ~~~~3/~~ ' • • • • • • • • • • 1 f, ,, ) E?.,. Fl." :1:J: j_ [ J..-J ]·*· S/:1,FE:TY F/.•1CTOn EVAP F/.\N H.P. ::::: MI BC SE::N!:1 I BL.E VENTILATION CFM - MH3C. LATENT NUMBER OF PEOPLE= VENTILATION CFM = TOTAL CFM-STD AIR• 0'1/. 0 .. l2l :L 20 :L2:I. S,t,,FETY B,, T. U. S FAN HEAT GAIN -BT MI ElC. El ENS I l?.,L.E 0. A .. SENSIBLE LOAD MISC. LATEl',IT PEOPLE LATENT LOAD O.A. LATENT LOAD TOTAL LATENT LOAD ROOM L/.,T.. LOr\D ********************************************** PLENUM RETURN EXHAUST CREDIT -47 === 17.) 16 0 80 t() 24-(~] 499 2'-1-0 --> GRAND TOTAL LOAD -3~494 BTU'S OR 0.29 TONS<-- LOAD RUN FOR # 6. AUG AT 4 P.M • AREA (SQ FT> = TOT AL CFM·-.STD A I I~ --· PAl~TITION L..0/:1D VEt\lT I Lt~ TI ON LO/:l,D FLOOR HEATING LOAD= GLASS HEATING LOAD= SLAI?., HE/:>,T I NG LOAD -- WARM UP LOAD - 238 SQ. FT PER TON 121 · CFM PER SQ ~T HE/~,T I NG LOA,D 0 CEILING LOAD ~ 704- £2) '723 ROOF HEATING LOAD - Sl-<YL I ~:iHT LOAD WALL HEATING LOAD - 0 INFIL HEAT LOAD 0 H LOAD ~ITH VENT COIL SELECTION PARAMETERS DB TtMP ENT/LVG = 80.6 / 58.0 TOT SENSIBLE LOAD ~ we. TEMP ENT/LVG --66.6 ·/ 57.'-1· TOT(-,,L con. l..OAD -- SPECIFIED ROOM RH -50% RESULTING ROOM RH - TERM AIR TEMP -58.00 / 110 DEGREtS ROTATED• 0 T. ST. EVP,P FAN "'" 0. 1~5 CEILING RETl.Jl~N ! ! ! BLDG~ •u• FACTOR= 0.10 STRANG DEFAULTS 817 ·0. 51 t7.) t:~8(2) l<l 367 (?) 2, 27~5 2, 99~j 3 ~ l;.<::Jt:,. S°ei~-:: ,1 I I, II ! I' I I I' • • • • • • • • • ) -. ,;J)·· 1-1,uq CARLSBAD *CALIFORNIA L.AT :::: 33 AI...T :::, 11.Li- CONST= 70W/40R/ 708 WALL COLOR: MEDIUM !.:~ER~:!: 212l2l:l6i:1:.'.':\'l.. 6 D .. 8.TEMP TOTAL TONS L cTUN AT 9 r.,,. M. 7 .t, ... :i ei. u:JL, ;;:: " cTUL. ~) ft <)CT "1·. DEC ~3 II SEP· t-~T A,T l..,,T /.\ T 9 H:l ~-'::'. 3 /'.,. M. A. M .. P .. M. P.M .. 6. AUG AT 4 P.M .. 7. JUN AT 4 P.M. ZONE HEATING-->= TRANSMISSION FACT. TEMP DIFF HEATING TEMP DitF COOLING 7~5. 0 0.05 (2). :l. :3 7~'3.9 0.:l.7 EH.~? l?).:l.<-7 82 .. (~ ti .. :l.9 8:l..1. 0 .. 1.5 2 i 232 W/ I NF'IL::::: INPUTS CEILING PARTITION Q). 00 t?l 0 (?.). 00 0 . ,0 ID= 7B/50., 70 ROOF COL.OR: MEDIUM RSH TONS Ci'.). 03 (i , 0 L; 0. 12 !i.'l. :l. 5 0. :l.6 0. 16 (Z).:1.2 C .. F. M. 2•, 232 C,. F .. M -- FLOc~)R -0. 00 .0 Sl·{VLIGHT 0. Bli.'i 3~2 .(2) 'i' H:l 2Lr 66 83 8t=l 1::17 c:)Lr i::i :I. FLOURESCENT LIGHTS N l'30J..,.AR FAG'.f0l1 AND/01~ l~EVEALS Sl··(YL J. GHT --· ,0.-45 PRESENT <FT) Ov'El~HANfjS HEIGHT OF OVERHANG DEPTH OF OVERHANG HE~ I GHT OF l,J1 NDOlrJ DEPTH OF 111:'::.VEAL.. NUM8Ef-:~ FLOORE TYPE :l. 0. ti%:) 5. (?.)(2) 6.70- :e.m:l 1.00 TYPE 2 0.00 , A. 00 L;" (2)12) 0. l,i%) :l..00 EFFECTIVE AVERAGES FOR ZONE LOADS OR OP-COST TYPE :3 0. (2)(?.) l?.l. 00 0. 0C~ 0.0(2) 1. 0(2) EXPOSUREll N, NE E. SE S. SW W. NW WALL TRANS. FACTORS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.07 0 .. 00 0.07 0.00 GLASS TRANS FACTORS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.13 Ql.00 1.13 0.00 GLASS SOLAR FACTORS 0.00 0.00 0~00 0.Ql0 0.65 0.00 ROOF TRANS. FACTOR = 0.05 SKYLIGH~ TRANS. FACTOR -0 .. 80 I\IUMBEF~ OF PEO.PLE TOTAL. L. I GHTS OTl-11:~l=< ELECT Ii I CAL :::: S. TYPE :l. GLASS AREA= W. TYPE 2 GLASS AREA= W. TYPE 2SHADE AREA - TCiT,t.,,I... C-:il..ASE.1 /'-'tl~Et'\ TOT/::,L GLASS t~F~Et'\ Sl·<VL. I GHT t->,REI->, Eil-\Yl... i GHT ARE/:¾ S. TYPE 1 WALL AREA - W. TYPE 1 WALL AR~; - TOTt-~I.... l,Jt,\l....L AliEA F·',,;, F~T IT I 01,1 ,r.1 f-~E1!,, CFJL.INEi AF~Et-, FLO(lF{ AliEA P.liE:A OF ~OOF ::::• ::::: ::::: -:::: OUTPUTS 1 SENSIBLE PEOPLE LOAD 0 L I<::iHT Il'Ki L'0/.1D 0 OTHER ELECTRICAL 2t?l S. TYPE j_ GLASS SOLAH -- 20 W. TYPE 2 GLASS SOLAR - 12 W. TYPE 2 SHADE SOL.AR - 40 TOTAL GLASS SOLAR 40 TOTAL. GLASS TRANS. 0 TOTAL SKYLIGHT SOLAR 0 TOTAL. SKYLIGHT TRANS H10. · 72 1.72 S. TYPE 1 WALL LOAD W. TYPt 1 WALL LOAD TOTAL WALL TRANS. c.'J TOTt'\I.... Pt,:,,l~T. TFxP,l'.!S 0 TOTAL CEILING TRANS 0 TOTAL FLOOR TRANS ~";::!:'JCl -':fWOF t,.(iAb 230 ,0 (?) A-:l. 6 696 9!:'3 :L ~ 2(19 18:1 0 0 1.1.3 73 :!.Flt, (i'J 0 0 336 \ E 11 I .I r B. F~. ~:1:2 CW ]·lt ' SAFETY FACTOF/ • E::vr.,,p Ff\N H. P .. MIBC f:':JEI\ISIBLE: ::;:: VENTILATION CFM - MISC. U\TENT NUMBER OF PEOPLE• VENTIL..ATION CFM • • TOTAL CFM-STD AIR= Q)o/., (2). 0(1 ~1 ~~ 0 1. (2) 8'"' { SAFETY B. T. l.). f.) F,t,!\I HE(.i,T GAIN _,., BT MI!i3C .. SEI\IS:J:DL..E o. ~;. SENSIBLE LOAD MISlC .. LATENT PEOl'·'L.E L.ATEI\IT LOAD o. A. LATENT LOAD TOTP,L. LATENT LOi~D 1,907 FWOM LAT. l...OAD nooM SENE1IBL.E ********************************************** --· ..... ... --... """' ::: ... ::::: I?.) 11 (i'.) (?) 0 1. 2v..~ v.l :L :?el --> GRAI\ID TOTAL LOAD -2,274 BTU'S on 0.19 TONS {-- • LOAD RUN FOR # 6. AUG AT 4 P.M. • • • • • ) AREA (SQ FT> = .··TOTAL 'CFM-STD AIR• PARTITION LOAD VENTILATION LOAD ::: FLOOR HEATING LOAD= GLASS HEATING LOAD~ SLAB HEATING LOAD - WARM UP LOAD - 138 SQ. FT PER TON 87 CFM PER SQ FT 1-·IEU\TII\IG LOAD 0 . CEIL..IN(5 LOAD 0 0 1 , '+"~6 0 0 ROOF::-HEAT I NG LOAD -- SKYLIGHT LOAD - WALL 1-IEr.:.,-nNG LOAD ··· I NF IL. HEAT l..Oit~D H 1..0/:1,D J.,J I TH VENT COIL SELEC1ION PARAMETERS DB tEMP ENT/LVG m 80.6 / 58.0 TOT SENSIBLE LOAD WB TEMP ENT/LVG ~ 6~.B / 57.4 TOTAL COJL LOAD SPECIFIED ROOM RH TERM AIR TEMP - .T .. ST. EVAP FAN= BLDG • ~5 !:-'3 • 0C1 / 1 H?l Ql. :L ~.i RESULTING ROOM RH DEGREES ROTATED= 0 CEILING RETURN ! ! ! STHAN(=:i DEFAULTS; 72f~ !?.).63 (?.) 40!i' I?.) 3f:=JS 12) ~"2" i 5l1, ~~'. 'J ~2 7· L1. .. .. , ... _-........ "···-·· ... ·· .......... -...... .._ ................ -, ................. -.· ,_,, .. ,._., ...... --... , ... ,_ --·' ....... -.. , ... ,_, ........... -.......... -....... , ...................................... ,_,, ___ ............... ___ .... , .... . • ~3LDG A < E ;, '*· P,u Fl 2c;, :L 98~5 CARLSBAD *CALIFORNIA LAT~ 33 ALT= 44 CONST:ca 7'(?.)l,-J/i1i]R/ 70B ID:::: 78/~'50 70 WALL COLOR~ MEDIUM ROOF COLOR: MEDIUM • L J'UN AT •'""1 .. ::." SUL.. AT 3 .. OCT AT ,:~. DEC AT ~:.l II SEP AT • 6 .. AUG AT .. ? n JUN AT 9 9 10 2 3 ,:~ .:,. s1::::r-xt-1, 2020t.,r::131 .. 6 D.8.TEMP TOTAL TONS A.M. 74.1 3.63 t,,,. M" A. M. P.M. P.M. P. M. P.M. 7~3. fZl ~:I. 7 6 72. t1, 2. L1, j, 73 . <;, ::.:-~ " t ~""::: 81..2 3.35' B2. 0 3. 1.,.0 1:)1.1 :3.~:H RSH TONS c .. 1-::-.. M. 3. t?l2 1, f.:>Lf~'J 3. 13 1, 70'-l 1. • B5 f, lt) J. j_ 1.39 7,Sft:l ~t:" L~b j, 'I ~'3 L1, 2 ~2. t+t~ 1., 3-4-1 ~·;;:. 38 l, :;;::13>6 ZONE HEATING-->~ 3th 111.+ . l,J/ I NF:U .• ••= 3f::l, :t 14 c;., F. i"I --· !366 INPUTS CEILING PARTITION FLOOR • TRANSMISSION FACT. 0.00 0.00 0.00 TEMP DIFF HEATING 0 0 0 TEMP DIFF COOLING ·0 0 0 FL..<)lJHE~1CE-l\rr l...IG~·rrs l'J soL'AR FAC1 .. <)R ·s~\VL.IGHT = Sl·<VLIGHT 0. ·8t?l 32 ···:3 0 • .:~s OVERl .. ·1,~NGS t~ND/01~ RE:Vt:~ALS PRESENT -(FT) • HEIGHT OF OVERHANG N:.PTH OF'--'01..lEFH-IAN<::i HEIGHT or-· t,J I NDOvJ DEPTH OF REVEAL NUM8EI~ F'LCH)RS TYPE 1. 0.00 5. (2)(2) 6.70 .0. 0(2) .1. ;iZJ!Zl TYPE 2 0.00 4. (i.')(2) 4" (2)0 0. 0 0 1 .. 00 • EFFECTIVE AVERAGES FOR ZONE LOADS .OR OP-COST EXPOSURE: N. NE ~-'SE S. st,J !2). 07 IZ) • l?l (i) WALL TRANS. FACTORS 0.07 ~.m0 0~07 0.m, 1. 13 .0. (2)0 GLASS TRANS FACTORS 1.13 0.00 0.00 0.·00 0. 65 0. 00 <::il.A!:-1!3 SOLA!~ F,t.,,CTO-f~S. (?,). b'.':} 0. 12)[') :·!Zl·. ft10 {?.) ~ t,?)(2) -- f,,J. TYPE 3 (2). 00 5. !2)0 6 .. 7(?) k1. (2)(2) L00 N\,J (Z.l. 00 (?J. (?.)0 {<.'). 00 0.00 t.~. (;.%'.) (Z)" (t:)v,;) • ROOF TRANS. FACTOR SKYLIGHT TRANS. FACTOR~ ~.80 !2l. 0:i • • • NUMBER OF PEOPLE TOTAL LIGHTS - OtHtR ELECTRICAL - N. TYPE 1 GLASS AREA= .~ .. TYPE 1 GLASS AREA= ~. TYPE 2 GLASS AREA= E. TYPE 2SHADE AREA= C. TYPE 3 GLASS AREA= E. TYPE 3SHADE AREA - T(iT/;L. GL..AE;s; AREt'.>, TOT,t...l... Gi....t,:,,SB AREA !:n·,YI. .. IGHT AF~Et~ f:,l<YI.. .. I GHT ARE:A 1,111 ·rvPF~ l W/.\L.I ... f;F~E4/.:, "- E. TYPE 1 WALL AREA - S .. TYPE 1 ~ALL AREA - ·r<)TAI.. .. WA.L:,L f\REP, ..... PMHITION AREA CEIL.ING ARl::~P, OUTPUTS ·27 :I. , 8ft10 Q'J 6V.l 1.1+(.i' ;{.l.+(2) 36v.:J 30'.."1i 18(1.') 7f::'WJ .fZ) 0 6~'36 1,872 2.:'.~(Z) :2,'74-8 0 ::0 SENS I l=!,LE PEOPLE U)AD LIGHT I NG L.Or\D OTHEl~ EL.~=::CTI~ I CAL N. TYPE 1 l:lLASS E. i"YPE 1 GLASf) L TYPE:: :;;:: (:iL/.>,SF; S<)LAf( === SOL.AF/ - SOL..r\F/ ··· E. TYPE E:... TYPE 2 :3 SHADE GL.t,:,,!:3f; SOLAR .... SOL.AR --· r· TVPE 3 SHAD.I::: HOL.t'\R .... TOTAL GLASS SOL.AR TOTAL GLASS TRANS. TOTAi.... SKYLIGHT SOLAR TOTAL SKYLIGHT TRANS N. TYPE 1 WALL LOAD ~. TYPE 1 WALL 1....0AD S. TYPE 1 WALL LOAD TOTAL WALL TRANS. TOTAL PART. TRANS TOTAL. CEILING TRANS ::::: 6~ :2lt2i CH :1.1.+3 • i:?J 558 19, lt69 0 1, :m::=:: ~3 ~ f.i:1::-5,(,; 2~020 2'7'•, lBS ··<? ~ 61.+t'.J· (.-."') t?) :I. 'I (?j<:;)i+ .... 1 :I. El 6:i,!t, \ 0 i:?J '. l) : ('LO<)f"~ Al~Et; • ,ti.Rf:U\ or:· ROOF • • • • • • • • • • (2) /,•·. TOTAL FLOOR TRANS FxOOF LOt\D (2) _ ... ;::~bE) • BLDG A (EHi- SAFETY F-"ACTOf~ SAFE;TY B.T.U.S • EVAP F,-''>.N H.P .. MIE;C SENGIBL.E VENTILATION CFM - Ii~% 0.07 (2l FAN HEAT GAIN -BT MIBC,, EEl'JSIBLE • MISC. LATENT - NUMBER OF PEOPLE= VENTILATION CFM = TOTt-\1.... CFM--STD A Ir~= ROOM SENSIBLE 27C1 0 1 ~ 7ti:J9 37, 59L, 0. A.SENSIBLE LOAD MISC. LATENT PEOPLE LATENT LOAD O.A. LATENT LOAD TOTAL LATENT LOAD l~OOM Lt~T. -L..0/-,D ********************************************** PLENUM RETURN EXHAUST CREDI~ ···251 (Zl ···1:.19 :I. 0 3, ::-,::-'+f' 3,, :5T1 6,81.7 --> GRAND TOTAL LOAD -45,~81 BTU'S OR • LOAD RUN FOR # 2. JUL AT :31176 TCJI\IE) < .. -...... 9 A.M . AREA < SG1 FT) TO~AL CFM-STD AIR - 7,038 S0. FT PER TON 1t709 ·CFM PER SQ F~ HE1ti.TING LOAD 0 CEILING LOAD PARTITION U)AD - VENTILATION LOAD ::::: • ~LOOR HEATING LOAD• GLASS HEATING LOAD= SLAB HEATING LOAD - WARM UP LOAD - 9,504 ~OOF HEATING LOAD - 0 · Sl·<YL I <::iHT L.01>,D 28,205 WALL HEATING LOAD - 0 .INF~L HEAT L.QAD 0 H LOAD WITH VENT • • DB TEMP ENT/LVG l-Jf-:, TEMP ENT /L V(::i SPECIFIED ROOM HH TERM AIR TEMP - COIL SELECTION PARAMETERS 78.4 / 58.0 TOT SENSIBLE LOAD 65.9 / 57,4 TOTAL. COIL LOAD 50% 5 8. 12)~1 / 110 ::::: T. ST. EVAP FAN= 0~15 BLDG. 'U' FACTOR= 0.20 RESULTING ROOM RH = DEGREES ROTATED= 0 CEILI~G RETURN ! ! ! STRAI\IG DEFAULTB 1,873 0.24 el 3, 75'+ 0 6•, 156 (?) L1-7, 63.8 3B•,263 '+5, 081. ~:i 0~;;, ------------------------------------------------------------ • • • ,. j • :{ •• ' ·-::~·':·~'!-' :_.~'~, -~: ,r'~· ,, ~ -• '.-.. , ·- • • • (i/J),l(, t 98~j CAl~U.=JE:',,:.\D BLDG A A1,.1g 29•, ·*·CAL I F'OF~N I A LAT= 33 ALT= 44 CONST= 70W/40R/ 708 WALL COLOR: MEDIUM SEfHI: 20:2~,,sa:.:11 ,. 6 D .• B .. TEMP TOT/>,!.. TONS L ,JUN AT C:y ,:\. M" 7Li,. 1. 1. • ~:i El ~;~" .JUL. AT 9 ('o .. M .. 75.1?.'.1 1. 73 "'l' -~. OCT t,,T :I. (,:) f'o" M .. 72. Lf 1.. B4 L1, • DEC AT 2 P.M. 7311 <.j •""1 .. ::. .. 74 5. SEI::, Ai 3 P.M. Bi .. 2 Lf. 90 6. AU(:i AT L, P. M. 82 .. c;, tJ. :.? 1. 7. ~JUN AT Li· P. M. BL :l. 5 11 7::~: ZONE Hl::~AT I 1,1G .. ···-· > :::: :.m, 61.3 1-J/ INFif.. .. :::-, ID•:• 7f:'.3/50 7!1l ROOF COLOR: MEDIUM r"f3H TON~":: C.F. M. 1 . :1.2 t,,(i)•';) 1 . 25 679 1 . 36 7L ··x f-, ~~: SI 0:2: :I. ? :I. 0~? '+. 0(2) 2, 18L, :i M ::-::::~ :? 11 t~~5 ~:: '"·. 75 ~;~, 5 El El 3B, 61. :3 C .. F .. M ..... B7E1 • TRANSMISSION FACT. INPUTS CEILING PARTITION 0.00 (2).00 FLOOR fj. (2)0 ~'.) (Z) E;!··~YI.. .. I GHT 0.80 • • • • • • • TEMP DIFt HEATING TEMP DIFF ·:COOLING FLOURESCENT LI~HTS N OVEF~Hr\NGS HEIGHT OF OVERHANG. DEPTH OF OVERHANG HEIGHT OF WINDOW DEPTH OF REVE,t.,,l... NUMBER FLOOHS .{.;' t?.) SOLAR FACTOR SKYLIGHT - AND/OR REVE~LS PRESENT (FT> TYPE 1 TYPE 2 0.00 0.00 5. 0C1 6.70 12).00 1.00 · L,. 00 4.00 0.00 :1 .• rcM EFFECTIVE AVERAGES FOR ZONE LOADS QR OP-COST 32 t+ (2). '-f5 TYPE 3 (?). 00 5" (,:){?) 6.70 t~. 00 l.QM EXPOSUREn N. NE E. SE S. SW W.. NW WALL TRANS. FACTORS 0.07 0.00 0.00 0.0~ 0.07 0.00 0.07 0.00 GLASS TRANS FACTORS 0.·00 0.00 0.0~ 0.00 1.13 0.00 1.13 0.00 GL.A!:1fJ !:10LAF~ FACTORf:l 0.0(Zl 0.00 0.00 f:.l.!t":!0 0.6:.1. !Zl.0(2)·0.1~>~5 0.00 ·~oOF TRANS. FACTOR = 0.05 BKYLl~H~ TRANS. FACTOR= 0.80 NUMBEH OF PEOF>LE TOTAL LIGHTS on-IEE'. ELECT!-"~ I CAL. (:' ,,.":) n t,J,, hi. t,J" t,J. w .. TYPE 1 GLASS AREA= TYPE 1 GLASS AREA= TYPE 2 GLASS AREA= TYPE 2SHADE AREA= TYPE 3 GLASS AREA= TYPE 3SHADE AREA - TOTt\L.. (:'jl. .. M:lS, P,l~EA TOTr,:,,L. Gl..t':!iSB r~REt-\ Sl·<YL.. I GI .. IT A l~EA \'::il-<YL IG:iHT AF~E,l\ N. TYPE 1 WA~L. AREA - S. TYPE 1 WALL. AREA - W. TYPE 1 WALL AREA= TOTAL i,,.J/.,1.~I... />,REP, PMffITION AREA CEil~ING AREA OUTPUTS ·:2'-1· SENSIBLE Pl::~OPLE LOAD 1 , 8(2)(2) LIGHTING L..OAD (i'J OTHER EI....ECTF{I Ct1-L 1(,:)v:J 811 TYPE 1 GL.,l\f~S SOL.AR 2:~~{<j l,,!,. TYPE l G:il...l•.S.S SOLA!~ '.l.21i' w. TYPE •":°1 .. ::. GL/.>o~:ls; E;OL...AI:~ 7~5 l,J. TYPE ,., ... ::. SHADE S01....t-:i.f-:/ ;36(.-:.l w. TYPE: 3 GL..ASSl SOL.P,R 167 ·.w. TYPE "7: ~, BHADE: SOL../11~ 8(2)0 TOTr.1L. GLASS SOLAR 8J2)fj TOT/"11... GLAt=-:fJ TRf~,NS. ~:) TOTAL. Sl·<YL. I GHT SOL./.1 Fl (?.') TOTr\L. Sl·<VI... I GHT TF,'.At-m 3t~s ~-1. TYPE 1 t,JAL.L L0/.1D 276 C'' ._.j" TYPE :L v-Ji!>,LL. I...OAD j_, 6Lf.!f t,J. TYPE :t W/.1LL LOP,D 2.,28f::l ··TOT.Al., .. l,,J(,,,L.L. TRP,NS. (i~ TOTAL PM~T. TF<r\NS .• l2) TOT/1L CEILING TRANS ... r ,.:, ... : •,..,..,.~ ... ~ .. J .. -,, I"' 52li.'l ·-.:>' -, .. 6, 1Lr-3 _,. (Z) --· :;;:: '} k179 "'" 20, 21t:,. ""' £,,, 1. 7~5 ..... Sf:3:> --· 17•, 7L1-0 ,-.. 1,:'3:lCl --L1,6, 1. t?.)3 ..... 3, 6:lh _,,. (,":) ·-(?) --· 9(:"') oHH 3:L::::: •.. 1. 'J 66(:.') •.. 2, ('.)63 ··-· ~:) ·-· 0 \ \ FLOOR AREA • AREA OF ROOF • • • • • • • • • • .: ' :::: . ,· (1.) 2, 850 ,.:,· ,. -~~--~ ' " '_;,,.'; '. ';,. ,, TOTAL FLOOR TRANS ROOF L.Ot'~D ... ·, • E?.LD<::i A ( w) ·M· SAFETY FACTOR SAFETY B.T .. U.S • E'-../,':\P FAI\I H., P., MH3C SENSIBLE VENTILATION CFM - C1% Cj" 1. :;;~ eJ FAN HEAT GAIN -BT Mif;C .. SEl',lf.1Il31...F ~~ 37b 0 • • • • • • • • • NUMBER OF PEOPLE= VENTILATION CFM = TOTAL CFM-STD AIR= ROOM !SENSIBLE ~7~t:1. ~!Lt-0 :2'J 135~·? 62,753 O. A.SENSIBLE LOAD MISC. L. .. AT[::l\l'l" PEOPLE LATENT LOAD 0.A. LATENT LOAD TOTAL LATENT LOAD FWOM l. .. AT. LOAD ********************************************** PLENUM RETURN EXHAUST CREDIT ·--381 ::::: j , DI:\/:, ~J 2, Dl:30 ~'3, 32.!1, 6' 20 t'.1, --> GRAND TOTAL LOAD -74,535 BTU'S OR LOAD RUN FOR # 6. AUG AT 6. 21 TONS <·-.. -· "I· P. M .. AREA (SG! FT) 6,159 SQ. FT PER TON ~OTAL. CFM-STD AIR -.:.'2:, l:J52 CFM PEJ~ "l:-1Gl F'T r-JEATING LOAD PARTITION LOAD 0 'CEILING LOAD VENT I LAT I 01\f LClt\D FLOOR HEATING LOAD= GLASS HEATING LOAD= SLAB HEATING LOAD - WARM UP LOAD - 8,448 ROOF HEATING LOAD - B~<VL... TGHT LOAD 0 2fJ, 9:28 ',0 WALL HEATING LOAD - J.NFIL. HE::AT LOAD :::: ~ H LOAD WITH VENT COIL SELECTION PARAMETERS DB tEMP "ENT/LVG = 79.8 / 58.0 TOT SENSIBLE LOAD ft-![::, TE~M~':> ENT/L.VG =;: 65. 8 / 57. 1.,. TOTA!.... COIL .. I.. .. Ot:>,D SPECIFIED ROOM RH -50% RESULTING ROOM RH TERM AIR TEMP ~ 58.00 / 110 DEGREES ROTA~ED ~ 0 t. ST. EVAP FAN= 0.15 CEILING RETURN ! ! ! E?.,LD<::i • •·u, FACTOR= 0,20 ::::: 992 ~:) 5, 1:25 (ZJ 4.7, (,61 6 B , 3 :-H;, 7L1,, :i3~5 t.1-''n~ • l~,L.DG 13 < N) ·¾· A 1..1 Fl 29? l. <=;,'fJ!S CARLSBAD *CALIFORNIA LAT~ 33 ALT• 44 CONST= 70W/40R/ 708 ID= 78/50: 70 WALL COLOR: MEDIUM ROOF COLOR~ MEDIUM • SE::F~q* 2C-1~-;;:1216B:31. t:) D .. EL TEMP TOTAL TONt=J f\f."il-·I TOl\li:"; c .. r·· M. " L. '"TUI\! /:>,T 9 A. M .. 74.,. 1 1. 1:;,,3 l .. 37 7.l1-r.:, ~~~" JUL. AT 9 A. M .. 75.el j_ .. El7 1 p :~:2~ 7U::l 3. OCT AT 10 ·A .. M .. 7~";::. L1, L :1.3 0. 73 3qq L~ • DEC AT .... , ,.;:. P.M. 73. 9 1. 1-F::i el. El2 L1.,'.f.'.;'j r· SEP AT ~3 P. M .. 8:1 .• 2 2. 6/-.:, L 76 q1..-··:, • .. 'J II ~ C.1.,: .. 6. AUG AT Li-P. M. 82. 0 2. <77 :2" tiH 1 ? ~'.l96 -, { . JUN AT 4. P.M. t:1:1.. 1 3.33 :~: a ~3Lt 1, ::?7L1- ZONE HEAT I Nr:i--·--> ·--Id,'! 12)6<7' W/INFIL.•"' t.1, :l? 069 C.F. M == 9:3:3 INPUH3 • CEILING PARTITION FLOOR SKYLIGHT T~ANSMISS~ON FACT. 0.00 0.00 0 .. 00 0.80 fEMP DIFF HEATING 0 0 0 32 .~TEMP DIFP COOLLNG 0 0 m 3 FLOURESCENT LIGHTS N SOLAR tACTOR SKYLIGHT -0.45 OVERHANGS AND/OR REVEALS PRESENT <FT> • HEIGHT OF OVERHANG ···DEPTH OF <)VERHAN<:.i TYPE 1 TYPE 2 (?.).00 0.00 5. l?.)(2) t.~. 70 ~~. 00 :t ",(2)(i.') "~-0(ij '+. 0(2) (2).12)0 TYPE 3 0 .. 0(J 5. 00 • • • • • •• 'fiEIGHT OF ~INDOW _l;)EPTH OF REVf;:AL. Nt)lvlBER FL()ORS 1.00 EFFECTJV~ AVERAGES FOR ZONE LOADS OR OP-COST ("' ;::i. BW hi. EXPOSURE1 N. NE E. SE "WALL TtiANS. FACTORS ~:1.07 0 .. 0(2) 0.l?l7 0.G)0 GLASS TRANS ~ACTORS 1.13 m.00 0.00 0.00 GLASS SOLAR FACTORS 0.65 0.00 0.00-0.00 0. lZ)~j (L (ZJO 11-:l. 0(2) il:l. 00 (;-,. 00 [?)" 012) 12). -00 0. 12)(2) (2) " (2) (2) liOOF Tl::.:ANS .. FACTOR :::: 0. 05 :sl-~·YL.;fGl-/r TRAf\18. FACTO!~ ·- 'NUMBER . OF PEc)f>LE:: = TOTAL. LIGHTS ::;:: OTHEI~ E:LEGTRI CPcL. -- N. TYPE 1 GLASS AREA= N.. TY PE 2 G.iL./.•,f.:lE.; A'RFA•:• N. TYPE 3 GLASS AAEA= TOT/.>,L GLAS!::l t\RE/.>, TOTAL. GLAS!:l /.>.!~EA 81·\YL.. J: (:iHT ARE,~ Sl<YL I GHT Al~EA N. TYPE l. l,Jt-,U.. AREA --· E. -· TYPE 1 vJi\l...L l~l~E,~ ·-- TOTAL. l,J/.\L.L.. t-,Rl::::A == Pl',J~T IT I 01\I /.>,RE:A ·-- CEILING AfxE:A ··- F!-.OOR 1\REA ::::: -AHE:::A {)F····t~O°ClF~ ::;:: .. -r OUTPUTS 28 2,200 .-, .,::.';I :2, ·0 160 :t.El0 -s::;::11-:i 86(;~ E:16Cl.l Q) !2) :;;~0:::r 1i-32 c.:,3£:, 0 i?.) i2) ,2, !:;)ii-~;:~ SEf\lSIBLE PEOPLE LOAD . LIGHTIN0i L..OAD OTHE='.F~ ELECTRI CAI.... == N. TYPE 1 GLASS SOL.AR - N. TYPE 2 GLASS SOLAR - N. TYPE 3 GLASS SOLAR - TOTAL GLASS SOLAR TOTAL GLASS TRANS. tOTAL. SKYLIGHT SO~AR TOTAL SKYLIGHT TRANS N. TYPE 1 WALL LOAD E~ TYPE 1 WALL LOAD TOTAL WALL TRANS. TOTAL PART. TRAf\18 TOTAL CEILING TRANS TOTAL FLOOR TRANS ROOF LOAD ,,,; • ul' • _,,..,_ •• ' ~· ... _;, -•-,' 6. 7(1 (2). 0 (2) 1. l?.lCJ 1\11,,J 0 .. (i.%:) 12) n f.?.)[~~ 0. (ZJ0 (2).80 6~ 4.4.(2) ·7~509 l1 2•1 l. 7L1. 2~ /.; L~:°) :l :I. '! t-, c:i li- 3? ~H3 It'.) fl,) :I. t;J~S ~5 (.;'~:) (/1 C Vi 3 ~ 'i·9El ' • SAFETY FACTOH Slf\FE:'.TY B .. T. U. El • EV~P l~:~1\1 ~:·1 .. P : .. MI b·C bE::.l\lb .[ B!...L ::::: ~:)i'; 0. G,~5 (2) 2i3(?) el 2El 2B!Zl FAN HEAT GAIN -BT MIEiC .. E,EI\ISIBl..E VENTILATION CFM - MISC. L.ATENT NUMBER OF PEOPLE= VENTILATION CFM = 0. A.SENSIBLE LOAD MIGG .. LATENT PEOPLE LATENT LOAD O.A. LATENT LOAD • TOTAL CFM-·FJTD A I R0--= 1 •1 27L~ TOTAL LATENT LOAD FWOM SENS I BL..E 2B•i 03f0 FW01'1 LA"r'. LOAD ·M· •Y.· -:>H!· -*· -:>l· ·?>HI• 3/c· -;>:c7f· ~!· ¾· ·,H!· •l>Hl· -:>l· ¾· ·,Hi· ·¼H!· ·M· ·)H(· ·l>(· -*· ¾· -*· -:>!· ·M· -M-·M· ·lHHI· ·!!· ¾· ·M· ·M· ·li· ·:>!-·M .,;. ·:>l· PLENUM RETURN EXHAUST CREDIT. -1?033 --> GRAND TOTAL LOAD= ::~9·i93El D"fU''f:; OF,~ • LOAD RUN FOR VENTILATION LOAD • 9,856 # 7. JUN AT 4 P.M .. ROOF HEATING LOAD - SKYLIGHT LOAD - WALL HEATING LOAD= • FLOOR l· .. IEf\'r°I NG L.OAD== 0 GLASS HEATING LOAD== SLAB HEAtiNG LOAD - WARM UP LOAD - 31,098 0 0 INFIL HEAT LOAD H LOAD WITH VENT COIL SELECTION PARAMETERS DB TEMP E~NT /LVG ..... f.-3:L .. t.1. / 5B. l?J TOT SF.:.Ni:HBL.E LOAD W8 TEMP ENT/LVG - SPECIFIED ROOM RH TERM AIR ~EMP = 67.2 I 57.3 ••. 5Ql;,; ::::: 58.00 / 1.H'.l (2).:L5 • T. ST. EVAP FAN= BLDG. 'U' FACTOR= 0.21. TOTAL COIL LOAD RESULTING ROOM RH DEGREES ROTATED= 0 CEIL.ING RETURI\I ! ! ! SH~ANG DEFAULTG (l) 16!:) 0 9::i::i t,;l 3? :36W 3•i 7~%1 7, 110 3?360 f.i., 067 {2J 5 '! 90:'5 0 5Cl, 9:2'.5 3:?? B:2El 39,93El 50% ------------------------------------------------------------- • • • • • • BLDG D ( l::1 ) ·l!· 19B~5 • A l .. t ~ ... f :~::: C? 'J CARLSBAD *CALIFORNIA LAT= 33 ALT= 44 CONST= 70W/40R/ 708 ID=::: 70/5(2) 7(2) WALL COLOR: MEDIUM ROOF COLOR: MEDIUM 1. J·uN :-;;: SI ,JUL 3. OCT L, • I)EC AT AT AT t ... T 9 9 :!.t2l •""'1 .::. SE F'.*I 20:206!::13 :l • 6 D. B. TEMP TOTAL... TONtJ RSH TOl\lf3 /.>,,. M. 74.1 1.88 1.39 A .. M. 75 .. 0 1.91 1.41 r .... M .. 72.4 2.48 1.97 P. M,, 73.9 4.23 3.46 5. SEP AT 3 P,M. 81.2 2.99 2.15 82.0 2,86 1.98 C.F.M. 7~5 El 76Ei 1.,076 1 •, 889 j_ , 1 7:;;-~ 1, ft:)79 • 6. AUG AT Lf. P.M. 7. JUN AT 4 P.M. ZONE HEATING-->= 81.1 2,62 1.75 34,882 W/INFIL= 34,882 C.F.M - 9:53 793 INPUTS CEILING Pf\RTITIOI\I· F"LOOF·~ 0. (2H?i 0 Q) Sf\YL.IGHT 0.80 • TRANSMISSION FACT. 0. r:!)0 (2). 00 TEMP DIFF ~EATING ~~ ·i2l ·. -~EMP DIFF COOLING 0 0 *LOURESCENT LIGHTS N SOLAR FACTOR OVERHANGS AND/OR REVEALS. • ~EIGHT OF OVERHANG bEPTH OF OVERHANG ~EIGHT OF WINDOW DEPTH OF l~EVEAL. NUMBER F.LOORS TYPE j_ 0.00 5. 0ft:l 6.70 0.00 '.l. 00 ..... f.f· !:-11·('lL .. I (-jl-lT .. -0. -'r5 PRE:TlENT <FT) TYPE 2 TYPE 3 0 • m~ 111 .. !ZH?J i.1, .. 0(2) /.;., 00 0. 012) 1. " [.!.HJ :'i. (Z)k:t 6. 7v.:l 0. 0v.:l :l • 0(~ • EFFECTIVE AVERAGES FOR ZONE LOADS OR 0P~C0ST • • • • EXPOSURE: N. NE E. SE S. SW W.. NW l,,JALL Tr~ANS. FACTOl~F3 0.12.17 m.00 0,07 0.lim f.i:) .. 07 {.?).(?.)~, 0.07 0.00 GLASS TRANS FACTORS 0.00 0.00 1.13 0.00 1.13 0 .. 00 0.00 0 .. 00 GLASS SOLAR FACTORS 0.00 0.00 0.65 0 .. 00 0.00 0.00 .ROOF Tf·MNS. Ft'~CTOR ::::: 0, 0:.i. : · f::ll·,YLH::iHT TRt~N.S. FACTOR :::: 0 .. 8C1 OUTPUTS :NUMe:ER OF :PE<)PLE --2Lt· SENSIBLE PEOPLE LOAD ... .5, 520 TOTAL LI6HTt3 ... 1,800 LIGHTING L...OAD . .. b, 1 L,3 OTHER ELECTRI Ct~I.. .. ::::: Q) OTHER EU:'.CTRI C,~,L.. ... 0 E. TYPE 1 GL..ASS AREA= L;(?.) E. TYPE :1. GLASB SOLM~ ... ~;iL,7 SJ II TYPE :L G L. ,t.i, f:1 !:; ,.\ REA::: 12!2) s. TYPE 1 GLASS SOL.AR ... 9, 38/+ (~ ... ~) . TYPE .... , ..::. <::iLASEi ARE:,.\:::: :I.E30 Su TYPE ~~: GL.t,:,,sf:-; SOLAR MOH ~:, ,, E:l2CJ C' ,:'J n TYPE 2SH/.>,DE /.>,REtt:., ..... 106 C' o, TYPE ~;:: SHADE r::; 0 L. ,&... F~ . .. l1-Ql7 C' '\::>11 TYPE; 3 GL.A~lt'3 ARE/.i,::: ~'36(,;J C' ._:j II TYPE 3 GLAS!::i SOLAI\ ... l :5 ~ 1::129 E311 TYPC 3S1·-l,-~,PE /.\REA -· 158 f:) u TYPE 3 s;HADE ,S:lOL,ti,R ..... 60·7 TOTl.,,L.. GLAs;s AREA -· 701i'J TOT ,--;L. GL./.,El!:l SOL.AF/ --32,~'59:i TOT,-:i.L GLASf:.l ,--:.REA -·· 7012) TOT,.'!.,L. (:il....ASS TRf.,,I\IS. ··-· ·-·3 ~ :21.1.;3 S!·{YL..IGHT A l~l::i; -· {1.) TOT,-'\L.. Sl·<YL. I (iHT SOL.AF~ ..... ~) f.:ll·,YL I (:iH1. />,fiEi!\ ·-· 12) TOTti,l_ S1·,YI... I GI-IT TRAI\IS ..... ti N. TYPE l WAL.l.. AF~E,t.,, ... 2L;(,:) N .. TYPE 1 W,ti,L.L.. L..OAD ..... ····1.36 E .. TYPE 1 J.,Jf.,,LI... AREA . .. 176 E. TYPE 1. 11,JALL LOAD -· -<n ("' 011 TYPE 3, WALL P, F~E:l, ·-1. ,, t::,,4.1.1, C' ~, h TYPE 1 t,J,t..,L.L. L.0/.,D ..... ~~'. '} .-:,.73 ·-t,J" TY.PE 1 ·WALL 'AREA :::: 120 w. TYPE :I. l,,J ,.'), L. L. LOAD -· .. , .. :jl~ ·-roTAL vJf\l.L AREA -::;:: 2,-1.B0 TOTAL. vJAL.L.. TRt>,NG. ::::: ~~: IJ :";;: !:\ Lr Pl-'iRT :r T t Oi'~ A-REP, -· 0 TOT,t.i.L. PAFff. TRANS ... (?.) • .... "*'~ ,..; t.,;--. ' ,'' '\,. ,;_·...:. \ ~ -.. -., -.. ~ ..... ,_ ... - CEILING t,:,,F~EP, FL.OOR AREA • Al"'':-A · .. F" R. "F'" ·,c::. <..) -(.)0 •. • • • • • • • • • • 12) (?.) TOTAL CEILING TRANS TOTAL FLOOR TRANS nooF L...OAD ::::: (?.) el 1.,.0·;;;: • BLD<::i E?.. ( B) ·*· SAFETY FACTOF{ ::-.:: • [:.\.,J/:1,i=> F,.\N H.P .. MISC SEN!:HE?.L.E VENTILATION CF~ - • MISC. LATENT - NUMBER OF PEOPLE= VENTILATION CFM·= TOTAL CFM-STD AIR= ROOM BENS I E,LE -0:{ Ill. 0G · 0 24-C?J (2) 21.,. 24(2) l~i,547 SAFETY P,. T. U. S FAN HEAT GAIN -BT MJ:!::1C. SEl\lf3Il3LE O. A.SENSIBLE LOAD MISC .. LATENT PEOPLE LATENT LOAD O.A. LATENT LOAD TOTAL LATENT LOAD ROOM L.1->,T. L.OAD ******************~************~**~*********** PLENUM RETURN EXHAUST CREDIT ···27ti~ 0 (2) •·· j 'I tim2 (?) 2,88{?) ~:i,3<'+EJ B, 22f:l --> GRAND TOTAL LOAD -50,796 BTU'S OR • LOAD RON FOR # 4. DEC AT '1 • :;;~:3 TONS <-··· 2 P.M . • • • • • • AREi>, <SG! 'FT) -· -8, 933 Sc~1.t FT PER TON ·TOTAL -<.~F-M·--~JTD AH~ -j_, ElB9 ·CFM PER t=JG1 FT -HEATING LOAD PARTITION-LOAD :::: 0 CEILING L.OAD VEI\IT I LAT I ON LOAD ·-· 8, ,!f.4B ROOF HEf.1,TING 1...0,6,D FLOOR HEATING L.OAD=• (?.) Sl··~YL I GHT L.Ot\D l:il....ASS HEATING LOAD::::: 25 'J 31~! t,.JALL HE:.t.•,TING LOAD BLAB HE:ATING LOAD -· 12) INFIL HE:t~T LOAD 'WARM UP LOAD ::::: 0 H LO/.,,D UITH VEl'JT COIL. SELECTION PARAMETERS DB T~MP ENT/LVG -78.5 / 58.0 TOT SENSIBLE LOAD WB TEMP ENT/LV6 = 66.0 / 57.4 TOTAL COIL LOAD SPECIFIED ROOM RH = 50% RESULTING ROOM RH -· -- ·--..• ·-... --- TERM AIR TEM~ =·ss.00 / 110 DEGREES ROTATED= 0 T. ST. EV/:>,P F.AN ::::: 0.15 GEIL.ING FxETURN ! ! ! BLDG. 'U' FACTOR= 0.19.· STRANG DEFAULTS . . ,, ..... 2, 110 0.21 ,!j. 'I 68{) 0 4., 883 0 L1.;3' 33Cl ii-:?, !561=3 50?796 L1-9'i:: • P.I .... DG B <E)·ll· f-HJ fl :::.::9, :L 98~5 CARLSBAD *CALIFORNIA LAT= 33 ALT= 44 CONST= 70W/40R/ 708 ID= 78/50 70 WALL COLORn MEDIUM ROOF COLOR: MEDIUM SFf~:f:i' 202C16B:3 :I • 6 • D .. E~ ... TEMP TOTt\L. TOt,tE; t"{SH TONB C.F.M .. :! ... JUN t-1T 9 /1. M" 7 Lj .• 1 3 II ~~:~5 :::~ JI 6~5 1. ' L1,4L; ~'2 u ~TUL.. AT 9 A .. M .. 7"'' .J " ('.) 3. :36 ~-;;:" 7'~5 :!. ' 5t;'.'H :3. OCT AT 10 />,.,.M .. 7'2 .. Lt, 2 .. 0c:; l" :33 83L1- L;" DEC AT 2 P.M. 7:3. <-;? .... , .~:. II 13 1 • L1-~i 76::i 5 .. SEP AT 3 P. M. 81.2 3. .!1-8 :;2u ~59 1. 'L; 1. (i') • 6. AUG AT .f+ P .. M .. El2 .. !Zl 3. 51.,. ::;;: 0 ~5 9 :!. ''+ 1. 5 7. JUN AT L; P. M. 81 j_ -x 1:1,El :2 .. ~53 :!. , 301 . -..J• ZONE HE::f.>,T :t Nt:i·-.. ···> ::::: l.1 :I.' 59i. t,J / I ~~FIL::::: 1.,11~591 C .. F. l"I ::::: 9::,5 INPUTS CEILING PARTITION • TRANSMISSION FACT. 0.00 0.00 TEMP DIFF ~EATING 0 0 ~TEMP DIF~ COOLING 0 0 . . FL.OOH 0. {ZH?.l (2) S~{Yl. .. IGHT 0.Bf2l 32 FLOUREEiCENT LIGHTS N f.lOL.AR FACTO!~ S1·,YLIGHT --· 0. t+~".i . OVERHANGS AND/OR REVEALS PRESENT (FT) • HEIGHT OF OVERHANG bEPTH OF OVERHANG HEIGHT OF ~INDOW 'DEPTH OF l~EVE:f'.i,L.. · NUMBEFl FLOORS TYPE 1 i?.l.t?10 5. l"l0 6. 7(?1 (?.) .. (%j :I. .. (.?.)(?.i • EFFECTIVE AVERAGES FOR ZONE LOADE.; Of~ EXPOSURE: N. NE WALL TRANS. FACTORS 0.07 0.00 GLASS ~RANS FACTORS 1.13 0.00 GLASS SOLAR FACTORS 0.65 0.00 [:"' -" 12). !i.i7 1." i3 0. 6~:i SI:~ c~. i;m m .. 0(~ 0. (?.)(i'J TYPE 2 t?J. tmzi Li·. m, 4.00 0. Gj0 1 .• 0~, OP--COST s. Sl.-J 0. 0\?J el. l.-:HZl 0 .. (2)0 (ZJ. (7.)i?.l 0. 0!i.i (2). 00 w. TYPE ::; C1. 01tJ 5.00 6. 70 0. 0(2) 1 .. 0(] l.-1.(i,e) ti~. 00 0.00 ROOF TRANS. FACTOR ::::: 0.05 Sl-<YLIGHT TRANS. FACTO!~ - f\11,,,1 0 n {2)(2) 0 .. 0ti~ 0. 12)~:) 0.80 • OUTPUTf.:. NUMBER OF PEOPLE: ·-:;.::7 SENE; I Bl..E PEOPL_E LOAD --6, 210 TO't'r-:>.L LIGHTS --:!. , 80~:l L..I GHT I NG L.OAD --6, 1. L,3 OTHEH ELECTl~I Cl.i,L .. --t?J OTl·IE:R ELE CTR I C/.>,L.. ·-0 1\1. TYPE 1 Gl.../.>,ElB ARE/:,,:..,, 60 N .. TYPE:: 1 GLASEl fJOL..t-:i, fx --· L,71 • N. TYPF.:: "l' (:i!....ASEl 1:\ F~Et,\::s /.4.(?l N. TYPE 3 GLASf3 f30L .. 1f'.i,R ·-31.4 ~J E. TYPE: l Gl...t'\B!::; r-,, F~ E />, """ :f. L,~., E' -.. TYPE~ l Gl..ASS !::"lOL/.,F~ --· 2, L,61 L. TYPE:: ::~~ (:iLASS Al~Et-1::c.: 2@Zl F ". TYPE ::? C:iL..Af::iS SOL.AF<'. ·-· 3,:iit, E. TYPL7~ 3 6Lf'.;Sfl Al1E,\:::, t, L; (j E. TYF'E "7 ~., GLt-:i,fJEl f;()L./.•, F~ NHO 7, 735 TOTf.i.L (:iL.(.;SS ARE/\ -8Bl?.l TOT,~L GLASS !301.. .. i'\f~ -:L 4., t:1-96 TOT/>,L GLASS M~EA ·-8812\ TOTf.,,L. (i:il./>,SS TRANE;. --· 3,978 • Sl·<YLIGHT AREA -!?.J TOTt,,,I.. .. Sl·<YLIGHT SOL.AF~ OM .. fZ) S!·<YL I 6HT Ar~EA ··-(?J TOT/.il. .. Eil·<YL.. I GHT Tf~MJ!:-3 -· fZ) 1\1. TYPF~ j_ Wf.~Ll... rt.,, FxEf.,, ""' 6!::li::-. [\I .. TYl?l:: :I. i,J .~. I.. .. I... l...0/.,D MO" j_f.)[l E' -u TYPE: :1. Wl1f....L. f.>,F~f::(.\ _,. 2, C1f}Cl E .. TYF>E: l l,,J1f.1.I....I.. .. l...OAD _ .. :I., 036 TOT/>,L. l,,Jf.1L.L.. M~EA .... 2, 6t=J6 TOTf.;l .. l.-JALL.. TR/.11\1~3, --j, 0121?.l.-'.1, ,. PARTITION ARE/>, ..... 0 TOT1t>,J... Pf.1,FlT, TF~/;i",IS . .... m CEILlNG AREA ::::: Ii~ TOT/.i,L .. CEIL.ING TRANS --· l?l FLOOR AF~l:::'./1 ·--0 TOTt~,L... FLOOR TF!Al\!S ::::: (Z) AREA OF HOOi·-=-.... :2:' 3/.1,t':, r~oor:· L...OAD ::: ~1 ·i j,56 • \ ' I ·1 I ! I . i I I ',~ . .. .·-.... " • BAFETY F P,CTO!·~ • EV/,Fl FAN H.P. MI SC SENS I P.,L..E VENJILATION CFM = MISC. LATENT - NUMBER OF PEOPLE= VENTILATION CFM = • TOTAL.. CFM-STD AIR= FWOM SENSIBLE = t?l:< . ~~. 06 (.,) 27(?) (.,) 27 2712) 1,.!,1.~3 31.,136 BP,FETY B. T .. U. S FAN HEAT GAIN -BT MIElC. SEN!::1IC.L..Ei: O. A.SENSIBLE LOAD Mif:iC. L.l.,,TENT PEOPLE LATENT LOAD O.A ... L..f,,TENT L.0/,D TOTAL LATENT LOAD FWOM LAT. LOAD ********************************************** ~LENUM RETURN EXHAUS~ CREDIT -773 el 1Ek, 0 1, :I.BB tZl 3 'J ~-;;:,!1Ql 3 , L1, :~:: ,S --> GRAND TOTAL LOAD= 42,455 BTU'S OR 3.54 TONS<-- • LOAD RUN ~OR # 6. AUG AT 4 P.M. AREA (SQ FT) 6,941 80. FT PER TON .TOTAL CFM~STD AIR= j,, 4-15 CF'M PER SG! FT HE,~TIN(::-i U)AD i=>ARTITION LOAD 0 CEILING l...OAD • VENTILATION LOAD 9,501.1, 0 31, B21 e) ROOF HEATING LOAD - ·Sf<YL I <::i!·ff LOAf) FLOOR HEATING LOAD= GLASS HEATING LOAD= SLAB HEATING LOAD - WARM UP LOAD -0 WALL HEATING LOAD - INF:"J:L. .. HEAT LOAD H LOAD WITH VENT • COIL SELECTION PARAMETERS .DB Tf::MP ENT/L..VG OJ'O 81.0 / 5EJ.0 TOT SENBIBLE LOAD WB TEMP ENT/L..VG = 66.9 / 57.4 TOTAL COIL LOAD • SPECIFIED ROOM RH TERM AIR TEMP - T. ST. EVAP FAN= 50'1/., ::iB. 00 / l.10 0. 1:i BLDG. 'U' FACiOR~ 0. :;,~2 RESULTING ROOM RH - DEGREES ROTATED= 0 CEILING HETUl~N ! ! ! STRANG DEFAULTS 1 •1962 0.20 .0 3, 751.,. (2) f..>,017 el 51•109:':> 35, 78SJ '+2' 1+5:j 5v'.l% ----.. ·------------------.. ------------------------------------- • • • • • • CARU3BAD ·*·CAL I FORNI/:>, CONST= 70W/41?.lR/ 70B WALL. COL.OR~ MEDIUM L ,JUN (.!iT ~~'. a JUL.. AT 311 OCT P.,T 4 .• DE:C AT .. 9 9 H:l :7~ D. E!,,, TEl·iP A .. M.. 71.,,, :I. /1, .. M. A.M. P.M. 75. (?l 72. LJ. • .. Y;;."1 ("'"\ '-..J" 7 E.L.DG B ( ltJ) ·* t,:,,1.1 q 2'7 ~ 19!.:35 LAT= 33 ALT= 44 ID:::: 78/50 7C-:1 ROOF COLOR: MEDIUM TOT,ti,L. TON!::l RF3H TON~'3 · l. :1.7 l .• 77 l .. 26 l .• 2B 0 .. 86 2.00 1.28 C.F.M. tJ38 68:i ...:,.t,G 699 1,87l SEP t-\T 3 .:> " • 6. AUG t'\T 1.,. P. M·. 7. JUN At 4 P.M. ZONE HEATtNG--> = P. 1'1 .. B1. 2 8:,'.. (2) 81. 1. 4.38 3.43 6.05 5.(2)(2) 5.64 4.60 W/INFIL= 39~670 C.F.M - 2 ~ 5 j j 902 • • • • TRANSMISSION FACT. TEMP DJFF HEATING TEMP DIFF COOLING I NPUTf:l CEILING PARTITION I?.),. (2)(?.) t?.l. (i't?.) (t:) (2) 0 ·0 F'l...OOFl 0.00 0 1,;, 81-·~YL.IGHT 0. 81i'~ FLOURESCENT LIGHTS N SOLAR FACTOR SKYLIGHT -0.45 AND/OR REVEALS PRESENT (FT) OVERHt-:i.NGS HEIGHT OF OVERf--U!,N~:i DEPTH OF ·ovERHANG HEIGHT OF l..J I NDOW DEl::,TH OF l~E1,!EAL. NUMBEI~ FL.OOl~S TYPE 1 TYPE 2 TYPE 3 0.00 0.00 0.00 5.00 6.70 er. 00 :L. 00 1.,." (2)0 4.00 0. (2)(2) 1.(2){2) ~:i. ~:')(Z) 6 .. 7(2) 0 .. 0~, 1 .. m, EFFECTIVE AVERAGES FOR ZONE L..OADS OFI OP--COfff EXPOSURE~ N; NE [' -. SE r.-• ~fl SL-.J \.,J. NW 0.00 WALL TRANS. FACTORS 0.07 0.00 0. '1%~ 0. 00 (2).(2)7 l2l • 0 (2) 0 .. 07 GLASS TRANS FACTORS GLASS SOLAR FACTORS ROOF 1RANS. FACTOR 0 .. 0(?.) ti,. 12)!2) ti1.00 l2J. 00 1. 13 1.13 0.00 12),.(2)0 (Z). (t:)Q) 0.00 (Z). 0'1). (2J. 0fZl 0.65 0.65 0.0(2) 0.00 • 0.05 SKYLIGHT TRANS .. FACTOR·= 0.80 OUTPUTS ·NUMBER OF PEOPLE :;;-~7 SEl\lt:iIBLE PEOPLE LOAD -6,210 TOTAL LIGHTS -j, ; t3&]0 L. I ~~HT ING LOAD ::::: 6? j_ .c,3 OTHER ELECTRICAL -(2) OTHER EL.ECTRI ct,,L. --!2) • N. TYPE 1. GLASS AREA= N. TYPE 2 GLASS AREA~ L,(2) N. TYPE j_ GLAS!:> SOL.AR -· 314 :37 1\1. TVPE: ~'2 <:iL~.ss SOL.AR ::::: 2<rm • l,.J., l-.J. ~L \.,J" \.,J. TYPE TYF"E TYPE TYPE TYPE 1 GLf.\E3G />,F~Ef.,,,::, 2 GiU!\SB A REi:\:e:· 2SHADE:: AHEt\ ""' ;3 GLAS!3 t,,, RE'::,~,,.,, 3SHADE Af~Ef.1 ... TOTf.\L. GLh,!::iS AREA T<lTt\L GLi·-\Sf3 f.,RE:A Ell·, Y L. I (:i HT /:Ii 1=x E:~ (.1, fJl,(YL. I GHT f.1REi-1 1. tH:, :20G:l 1.21.,. l;.e)(i~ H3::i 817 F" '7 ",).L • tt.i (?J vJ.. TYr~1E:. 1. GLAEH::l SOL..l>,F~ w. TYPE~ .-. ,1::.. GLASf:i -SOLA!~ w. TYPE:: ~~~ SHADE t:30Ll>,R w. TYi::>£:: -; ,_, GLA£=3S SOLA!~ l;J. TYPE::: ~1 SHADE f:iOL.AR TOTt'>.L.. <::iL.i¢>,SS SOLMx TOTf-\L GL.M-38 TR/.1NS. TOT/>,L. .Ell·<YL I (:iHT SOLAR TOTi\L. Sl<YL.. I CiHT TFIANE -·· 12•, !:-]63 MOH 6~ 959 --9'7"'' ' .) --19, 711 --l. '/ 1.,,56 ... 42, 568 --· 3~693 ---m --· k:\ i• N. TYPE 1 vJAl..L .. ARE:P, ..... c·• TYPE 1 ·\.,JAL.I... ,f.>,REf-,, :-.::: • ;::i ~ 5:52 N. TYPE j, WALL. LOAD --l.3':.'i :I. 2(;j c~ TYF-'t::: :l t,J,!\Ll ... LOAD ,_ .. 1.3b ... .1,1 Ji • ~Ju TYPE 1. WAL.L TOTAL WALL Al~EA PARTITION AREA AREi>, ... 1 'I 8LrLr 2~5l.6 ::::: '11 -w. TYPE j, ltJAL..L. L.OAD "'" t •i.862 \ TOTAL WALL THANS. ::::: 2•, 133 TOTAL. P/~RT. TRANS = 0 . . ' -·,~~~~-~~~['"., j 'l I ; i. CEIL...If\lG AHEA ·-0 TOTAL CE:t:1._r1,1G TFMl\lf.:; ··-{2) • FLOOR f'.l~EA ..... 0 TOTAL. F"l_OOF{ Tl~ANS -· t?.l A F{E/.\ OF F{OOF" ··-:2~' 807 ROOF U)AD -· :3~ 7'76 • • • • • • • • • • • SAFETY FACTOF~ SAFETY I?.,. T. U. S • EVAP FAI\I H.P .. MH/C SENSIBLE VENTILATION CFM - 0"1. 0 .. :12 ~:l ~'270 FAN HEAT GAIN -BT M IElC.. SENS I BL.E (2) :'359 (2) • • • • • • • • • MISC. LATENT - NUMBER OF PEOPLE= VENTILATION CFM =· TOTAL CFM-STD AIR= ROOM SENSIP,L.E (2) ~~?(2) :2, 729 O. A.SENSIBLE LOAD MH3C. LATENT PEOPLE LATENT LOAD O.A. LATENT LOAD TOTAL LATENT LOAD ROOM LAT. LOAD *****************************~**************** PLENUM ~xETURN EXHAUE;T c~~ED IT --·-L1AL1- :I., H=Jf:3 (2) 3, 24(j ::i;, 69.lf 6~ 93.!.1. --> GRAND TOTAL LOAD -72,562 STU'S OR 6.05 TONS,-- LOAD RUN FOR # 6. AUG AT 4 P.M . AREA < SG! FT) TOT t~L. CFM·-·STD ·A I 1:;i =-.:: PARTITION LOAD \/ENT IL./.~ T I ON L. 0 I\ I). FLOOR HEATING LOAD= GLASS HEATING LOAD= SLA~ HEATING LOAD - WARM UP L.Oi<\D -- 7,695 SQ. FT PER TON 2,729 CGM PER SQ FT HEi:\TINEi LOAD l~ CEIL.ING LOAD 9, :if2)L1, ROOF HEATING LOAD - 81·,YI_ I GHT LOAD == WALL HEATING·LOAD - lNF::IL. HEAT LOAD H LOAD WITH VENT COIL SELECTION PARAMETERS DB TEMI::> ENT IL.VG WI::?, TEMP ENT/L.VG = 79.9 / 58.0 TOT SENSIBLE LOAD -65.9 / 57.4 ~OTAL COIL LOAD SPECIFIED ROOM RH -50% RESULTING ROOM RH TERM AIR TEMP -58,00 / T. ST. EVAP FAN= 0.15 BLDG. 'U' FACTOR= 0.20 1H'.l DEGREES ROTATED= 0 CEILING RETURN ! ! ! STHANG DEFAULTS :l.•1:273 0. 3~'5 (2) L1-•1 L1,91 (2) 5,636 t2) ·65, 628 7:2,562 -··----------------------------------------------------------- .. ·-~ -... ... .. -' .. ~, --~ ~- • • e' • • • • • • • • . . BLDG C < l',I) ·:>!· A 1.is:1 ~~~ S' •i :I. <=;> :3 '.:i LAT= 33 ALT= 44 CONST= 70W/40R/ 708 WALL COLOR: MEDIUM I D :::, 7 El / '.~.it?l 7 (1.i ROciF COLOR~ MEDJUM D. B. j_ . JUN r,,,T <7 t':>i" M .. :~~ n J'UL r,,,T s> ,.~(11 M .. 3. OCT t'\ T H~ A .. M .. 1., .• DEC ('.,,T :~·: p " M .. Su EJE:P AT 3 P. M. t.,. f>,UG AT l.1-p " M .. 7. JUN AT 1.,. P. M .. 53EFi.:l:1: TE:MF' 7'+. :l. 7~5 .. (?) ·7~2 ~ 1.,. ·;,:~ .. 9 f-H " ~;:: El2 .. (2) !::"!1 " 1 20:?ii.'i683 :I. " TOTt':>,l... TONE .... , .,:;. u 6li.' .... , Sc:; .a::.n •"'1 .i::. .. :l,2 ··-, .,::, n :.30 ":!' ~,-:l.2 3. 33 3 .. 55 f.:; FIGH TONG :I.. 56 1. 5;3 1. 1. 8 1 • i:Jl1 1. 95 2 .. 15 8~'i? s::;:.3 6l.1-L1- f.:,t:) 1 <:y(-33 1, l.?)6~".:: :l. ~ 1. 71 ZONI:::: HEP,TIN6····-.. > ..... , -~~::L1, '> :~~ (:; ~j l,J/INF~"IL:::::. 24~265 C .. F .. M -551 TRANSMISSION FACT .. TEMP DIFF ~EATING TEMP DIF'F :t:OOLlNGi INF>UTE3 CEILING PARTITION t?) .. 00 I?.),, 00 (2) .{2) 0 ·q.i FLOUF~EE;CE-:NT LIGHTS N SOL.t~R Fl>,CTOR FLOOFl 0 .. 0(2) (2) {1.J S1-,YL I GHT :::: Eif<YL IGHT v.'.J. BQl :3 0 .. ,~.s OVERHANGS AND/OR REVEALS TYPE :I. PREBENT <FT) HEIGHT OF OVERHANG DEPTH OF OVERHANG HEIGHT OF WINDOW· DEPTH OF REVEAL NUMBER FLOORS (?.). fl)(.?.) 5. m., 6.70 0.00 :l. 00 EFFECTIVE AVERAGES FOR ZONE LOADS OR EXPOSURE: N. NE Ea SE WALL TRANS. FACTORS 0.07 0.00 0,00 0.00 GLASS TRANS FACTORS 1. .. 13 0.00 0.00 0,,00 GU\t3S SOL.AR ~-::-t-'-'tCTOF~!3 0.6~5 l?l"0~) 0.li_m f2l,,~'l~:l TYPE 2 0.00 4-. 0(;.1 I+• (.!)(,I) 0 .. m1 1.00 OP-·COST s .. BL,J 0.00 (2)" 01:::, (2).-Q)l?.) (.?.)" {?.JP.) 0:, {7.)(2) (ZJ n (?) (2) w. TYPE ;3 (.?.),, 0t?l ~:;. tzm 6. 71?.l (2). ~10 1. "0Q) NW (1. (;.%'.) 12). l;>)()) {?.),, 00 0 .. 0(J (?.)" l.?)(2) Q.l" (?.')(2) ROOF TRANS. FACTOR = 0 .. 05 SKYLIGHT TRt~NEi .. F'f-\,CTOI~ -0. f1C1 OUTPUT!:-3 NUM.BEF\ OF PEOF>L.E ::::: 13 SEl\!SIBLE PEOPL.E !._Ot':>,D ..• .2, 99(?) TOTAL L. I GH"ff:; -.. 3'J 1.,.~2!5 LJ6HTING L.OAD -·· l.1,690 OTHER ELEGTri I Cl>,L -.. (,I) OT!-IER ELEGTR I Cr-\1.. .. --(.?) N. TYPE 1 GLASS /.\RE/.~== 157 N. TYPE 1. GLAE-3Ei SOLAR --~2 'J :!..33 N. TY i:~E ::~ GI... I~, i:; f::1 AREt\:a:. 120 N .. TVPF:: ~""2 GL./.>,Sf:i S01._(->,F,~ .. ... 1., /:i30 N. TYPE 3 -~:it. .. ;11!:3E; r,,,f~EA'"" ~'2Lrt?.J N. TYPE 3 GLASS !301....AFI -·· :3, 261. TOTt\L C:iL.ASB t,,, l"<Ef..\ _., 5 :l 7 TOT16il... CiL.{),f~S 1::;01....AF;: ..... 7, li2,f.1, TOTt':>,I... GL./:11t:\S A F~E::t~ ..... 51.7 TOTAL. Gl...ASEl TRt'\I\IB. .. ... j_ ' El 1. 1. Sl·<YI... I (::iHT (.:i,f~E/:•, ·-.. (2) TOTAi.... 81·,YL. I GHT SOLAR . .. v., St<YL. I GiHT ARI:::./:', --(2) l"OTAL. Sl·Wl...IGHT TF?/,.NS ..• (2) N,,· TYPE~: j, ·Wr\L.l... AREt\ ::::: 1. , 0:5 1 N. TYPE 1 wr.~1.. .. L. L.OAD ..... :l.91 TOT/.\L ~ML.L. AREt\ ..... 1.? (?.)5 :I. T0Tf'>il.. Wt"-'iLL TRANS .. '"" 19:1. PAnTITIOI\I AHE/:~ __ ,. (?J TOTAL PAFH. TFV\N!:3 -·· f2) CC IL. I l\l(~i r~,l~Et,, ..... ,~ TOTAL CEIL.ING TnP,r-.!Ei ::::: (2) FL.OOF< t'\l=/Ef.,, -·· 12) TOT r\L. FL.OC1F{ Tr~!-•,Nfl ..... l?.) Am::t-, OF rxOOF ..... 2,D10 l~OOF L..0/.\D .. ... 2, 766 1-• I' •) • ._ • .,,M _•,••,,_, • BLDC:i C < N) ·li· SAFETY Ftt:,,CTOF~ EI.J/:~P Fl>iN H .. P .. 0'1/. SAFETY B.T.U.B • Mif.iC SENSIBLE VENTII_/.\TION CFM ····· Qj. 0:.:i Lt·•i 72~:i 2:?!ZJ 8, 32~'5 1:3 ~::20 :l, :l 71 FAN HEAT GAIN -BT MI!3C. Sl:::I\IEiIE?,LE O. A .. SENSIBLE LOAD MISC. L.ATE~I\IT PEOPLE LATENT LOAD O.A. LATENT LOAD MiflC .. L..P,TEI\IT NUMBER OF PEOPLE= VENTILATION CFM = TOTAL CFM-STD AIR= TOTAL LATENT LOAD . -· FWOM SEt-,IB I Bl...E ,-,,::· ·-11.-L ..:: .•. ) I I .J + l~OOM LAT.. LOAD ********************~********•**************** PLENUM RETURN EXHAUST CREDIT ··-1., 023 --> GRAND TOTAL LOAD -42,647 BTU'S OR 3.55 LOAD RUN FOR # 7. JUN AT 4 P.M. • N VENTILATION LOAD -7,744 ROOF HEATI G LOAD - • • • • • • • FLOOR HEATING LOAD= 0 SKYLIGHT LOAD - GLASS HEA1ING LOAD• 18,695 WALL HEATING LOAD - SLAB HEATING LOAD -0 INFIL HEAT LOAD - t,J,:\RM UF·' 1...0AD :.-:: 0 H LOAD . t,JI TH VENT ·- COIL SELECTION PARAMETERS DB TFt-1P E::NT/L.VC:i •.• t:-12. 1 / 51:3. 0 TOT SENf:;Jl:-.?,U:=~ LOAD WB TEMP ENT/LVG -68.6 / 57.3 TOTAL COIL LOAD SPECIFIED ROOM RH -50% RESULTING ROOM AH TERM AIR TEMP -58.00 / 110 DEGREES ROTATED= 0 T. ST. EVAP FAN= 0.15 CEIL.ING RE~URN ! ! ! BLDG .. · 'U' FACTOR= 0.21 lZ) 1511 i~, 72:.:i 750 8' :,~;~~:i 1 ') ~:i 60 l, 68.!1- 11., !569 9, 88~'5 TOI\IS <·-·- ~~ 2, 35,!1- 0 3::;~, (~(2)9 31, !Zl78 4-2, 6Lf7 :i6'1/. ': ' • BL.DC:~ C ( s ) -¾· 1'?8:::i A1..1s1 29? CARLSBAD *CALIFORNIA LAT= 33 ALT= 44 CONST= 7mW/40R/ 708 ID==:c 7C/5(~ 7t?l WALL 0)LOR: MEDIUM ROOF COLOR: MEDIUM •••• EER~:f: 2m2C.-16l33 :I ,, 6 D.B.TEMP TOTAL TONS F<f~H TONS 1. :1.6 1.. 21 C.F.M . 63:5 66::;~ :I., 2l?.l8 2,062 :I., 395 1,255 1,086 L • TUN AT 9 A.M.. 74.1 1.63 .JUL. AT <1 /:>,. M,, 7:5. t?l 1 • 69 OCT AT 10 /:>,. M .. DEC AT • 5 .. SEP f~ T ~'3 P • M • 6. AU(i AT . '-1· P. M. 72. '-I· 73.9 81.. 2 82. 0 81 .. l 3.21 2. Ell:l t,J/ I NF I l...se: 3.78 2.56 2.30 :l ... 9C:,.' • • • • • • • 7. JUN AT 4 P.M. ZONE HEATING-->= 38, 8;:i6 3EJ.if.3::i6 C .. F.M ..... 0 tl83 TRANSMISSION FACT. TEMP DIFF HEATING TEMP DIFF COOLING INPUTS CEILING PARTITION ~,.00 0.li.'H?.l 12) 0 (2) FLOOR ~," Q](?j (Z) 0 Sl-<YL. I GHT 0 .. f:30 32 --/;, FU)URESCENT LIGHTS 1\1 SOLAl:i FAG.TOR m<YL...IGHT 0. t~~5 OVE:Rl·l/.1,NGS liND/OR RE 1./EAL.S PRESENT (FT) TYPE 1 TY~E 2 TYPE 3 HEI@iT OF OVERHANG 0.(2)0 0.00 0.00 DEPTH OF OVERHANG HEIGHT OF L,J I NDOW DEPTH OF HE1,>Ef~L. NUMl:::,ER Ff..(H)RB :5 • !2){i;) 6. 70 :0. 00 :L. 00 EFFECTIVE AV~RAGES FOR ZONE LOADS OR t~. 00 'i· .. {2){2) 0. 00 1.00 OP-.. COST s. 0e1 6.70 0.00 :I. n (2)C) EXPOSURE: N. NE C. SE NW 8,1 SW l,J u WALL TRANS. FACTORB 0.07 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 (2)., t?l7 (ZI. (2)~'.) k'l. 07 GLASS TRANS FACTORS 1.13 0.00 0~00 0.00 0.00 1. 13 (;j. {2)(?.) 1. 13 GLASS SOLAR FACTORS 0.65 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 (?J. 6~.i 0. (2)17) 0.65 ROOF TRANS .. FACTOR = 0.05 SKYLIGHT TRANS. FACTbR = 0.80 NUMBER OF PEOPLE TOTAL LISHTS = OTHER ELECTRICAL - N .. TYPE 3 GLASS AREA= S .. TYPE 1 GLASS AREA~ 9. TYPE 2 GLASS AREA= S .. TY~~ 2SHADE AREA= S .. TYPE 3 GLASS AREA= E. TYPE 3GHADE ,t..REA :::, W. TYPE 3 GLASS AREA~ W. TYPE 3SHADE AREA - TOTAL GL.AE:lf:: ARE/:>, TOTAL GLASf:;; ARE::/., !:11,YL. J. GHT MH::,t>i f:H·-~YLIGHT Al~E:A N. TYPE :!. WALL. Al~Ei=\ s .. TYPE 1 vJ1':>,L.I... Ar~Et':\ lJ" TYPE 1. vJAL.L. ARE/.>, TOTAL ltJALL AREA -· ·-· - OUTPUTS 1, 80(2) 0 7L1, 20(?i 1.20 70 361i.'.l :l::i!::l '-,0 :;;;:9 361?.l 1 , 6f:lLJ, 4~%:l SENSIBLE PEOPLE LOAD LIGHTING LOAD OTHER EI...ECTRICf~,I... N .. TYPE 3 GLASS SOLAR - S .. TYPE 1 GLASS SOLAR - S .. TYPE 2 GLASS SOL.AR - S .. TYPE 2 SHADE SOLAR - S. TYPE 3 GLASS SOL.AR - S. TYPE 3 SHADE SOLAR - W. TYPE 3 GLASS SOLAR - W. TYPE 3 SHADE SOLAR - TOTAL. GLASS SOLAR fOTAL GLASS TRANS. TOTt\!. ·El<YL..J:(=:iHT SOL.t':>,F< TOTAL. SKYLIGHT TRANS N. TYPE 1 WALL.. LOAD S .. TYPE 1 WALL LOAD W. TYPE 1 WALL LOAD TOTAL WALL TRANS. ::::: :::: 5,52(?.) 6,,1L,3 (Zl 28~'5 15 ~ 6/d 3•1 BB() 271 :I. 5 '! 829 6k'j7 3UZJ 1. 1.3 36·, 937 .... ;-:;;,, 679 "··2elL1, 2,533 \ ···:I. 71 2, 159 • i. ' f,1 ,, . :: \, . . , PAFffl'lIO!\! ~;REt,, • CE:. IL. .. I NG c::O. Rl:::A FLOO F< /1 i:~E:A /.\Rl::::r->, OF' ROOF' • • • • • • • • • • -·-0 ::::: (?.) ::::: el --2i90B TOT/,L. TOTAL.. TOTt.;L. ROOF Pl1~n. TRANS CEILING TF(ANS FL..OOF~ Tl~ANS L..OAD ::::: - :::: ·-· 0 0 0 399 ,, ··-. ..:..: .. .J.~~ .. ·,, . . ... ,,.,..,,...._ "I' I.I'\>..-__,. ~-~~~~~~i~,n .. ~.t®' .. ~~-:;l:At~~..,(~~J ... ~ , I i ., I • BLDG C (El)-*· f:lAFETY FACTO!'~ E::V,t.i,p F1t.i,N H. P. • MI<"'(' 1~E1-.11.~ I E>J E'" ••• ::) , .. :-.> ":.1-,. ... ::i :., .... ::. VE]\ITILP,TI0!-.1 cr::·M .... MISC. !.../,TENT NUMBER OF PEOPLE: VENTILATION CFM = TOTAL CFM-STD AIRm . -- FWOM SENSIEH .. E t?J .. 09 ~1 24-0 0 2Lr~?) ' 2, ~)62 '-1-5, 3~:i 7 SAFETY B" T" l,I,, 13 FAN HEAT GAIN -BT MI!:3C .. f.iE;NSI8L...E:. O. A .. SENSIBLE LOAD MISC .. L.f!,,TENT PEOPLE LATENT LOAD O.A .. LATENT LOAD TOTAL LATENT LOAD ~~OOM Lt-~ T. LOAD ********************~**************~*********~ PLENUM RETURN EXHAUST CREDIT ~1 272 lZl ··· 1 , f~82 0 2,B80 5,379 8•; 21:i'-? --> GRAND TOTAL LOAD -54,680 BTU'S OR • LOAD RUN FOR # 4. DEC AT t.,. 56 TONS 2 P. M .. ·:..·-· .. - I, REA < f:lG! 1::·T) TOTAL CFM-STD AIR - PARTITION LOAD • VENTILATION LOAD - FLOOR HEATING LOAD= GLASS HEATING LOAD= SLAB HEATING LOAD - Wi!\RM UP LOAD 8~868 80. FT PER TON 2,062 CFM PER SQ FT HEATII\IG LOAD ::::: 0 Cl;::ILING I....OAD 0 2B, 71. 1. 0 '0 ROOF HEATING LOAD - SKYLIGHT LOAD ~ WALL ~EATING LOAD - INFIL HEAT LOAD H LOAD WITH VENT • COIL SELECTION PARAMETERS DB TE:J1P ~l'ff/LVG .... 78. 5 / '.Sf:l. 0 TOT SEJ\li:.nBL.E L .. OAD WB TEMP ENT/1....VG -65.9 / 57.4 TOTAL COIL LOAD • • • • • SPECIFIED ROOM RH TERM AIR TEMP = T. ST. EVAP FAN~ r.::: 50o/., 58. 00 / t U2l 0. 1.5 BLDG • 'U' FACTOR= 0.20 RESULTING ROOM RH DEGREES ROTATED• 0 CEILING RETURN ! ! ! ·sTRtc1,l\fG DEFAULTS 1. 'I l'-,l+f.:i 0.23 eJ 1.,., 65:-:1 !Zl (i.1 t.1,7 ~ 30l1 l.1,6 ~ 1.4.:;;~ 1 ~5 '-I· ? 6 El\?) 4<:y?~ • BLD6 C < E) ·*· i6,ug 29, 1.985 CARLSBAD *CALIFORNIA LAT~ 33 ALT= 44 CONST• 70W/40R/ 708 ID~ 78/50 70 WALL COLOR: MEDIUM ROOF COLOR: MEDIUM • L ,JUI\I J'UL /:~T AT 9 9 ElER44-20:206831. 6 D.8.TEMP TOTAL TONS r:,, .. M • 7 4 .• ·1, 2 • Tl r.,,. M,, t-~T U2J 3. OCT A.M. i6,T ~"2 4 .. DEC P.M. (',;T 3 t-:>.T l-1, .5. E;FP P.M .. 6 .. AUG P.M. 75. e.1 72. 1., 73.9 S l .• 2 82.0 8 l. l 2.f39 2. :1.3 2. :iB 3.68 311~5<-';'> 3. 1.,.::3 l .• 6{Zl 1.. El7 2.83 2.70 .-. i.::· r:· .. ::. ... :> _) C.F.M. j_,j_<=yC;t 1,261. EJ7:l 1. ., 02eJ 1, SL,!:, 1,471.,. 1,388 7. JUN A~ 4 P.M. ZONE HEATING-->= 4-0, 68l?) 1,,J/ I NF IL= t,.Ql, 680 C. F. M ·--S-'2~5 INPUTS CEIL.ING Pt-•,RTITION Fl..OOR !:1f{YL I <::iHT • TRANSMISSION FACT .. 0. 00 0. 00 l?l. l10 TEMP DIFF HEATIN~ TEMP~DIFF COOLING FLOURESCENT LIGHTS N OVEHHt,,NG!3 • HEIGHT OF OVERHANG DEPTH OF OVERHANG HEIGHT OF ltHNDOL,J DEPTH OF REVEAL 1,1UMBER Fl...001~8 0 0 0 0 ~ .e) SOLAR FACTOR SKYLIG~T - AND/OR REVEALS PRESENT <FT) TYPE 1 tYPE 2 0.00 0.00 5. 00 6.70 ~,. 00 1 n {7.J~, 4. !2)(2) 4-. 00 0.00 1. "0v'l Q). 80 32 3 TYPE :3 li'.l. 00 5.00 t.). 70 0.0(2) '.L. 0(?) • EFFECTIVE AVERAGES FOR ZONE LOADS OR OP-COST • • • • • ~XPOSURE~ N. NE E. SE S. SW W. NW WALL TRANS. FACTORS 0.07 0.00 0.07 0.00 0.07 0.00 0.07 0.00 (iil...,~EH::1 TfMNS; Ft,,CTORS 1. 1:3 0. @Zl 1.. 13 0. l'.Wl 1. l.:3 0. 0(1 0. 00 0 .. illrJ GLASS SOLAR FACTORS 0.65 0.e0 0.65 0.00 0.b5 0.00 0.00 0.00 ROOF TRANS .. FACTOR = 0.05 SKVLIGHT TRANS .. FACTOR= 0.80 NUMBER OF PEOPLE TOTAL LIGHTS - OTHER ELECTRICAL - N. TYPE 1 GLASS AREA= E. TYPE 1 GLASS AREA= S. TYPE 2 GLASS AREA= E .. TYPE 3 GLASa AREA: 13. TY PE 1 GL.ABS TOTAL ~:iLA~:l!3 ,f.\l~EA TOTf\L. GL.t\fJS t-1F~Et-1 f:~l·<VI.... I (:iHT t,:,, r-~E::P, Sl·'\YL I CHT 1,,F~El>, AREA=·0 1\1. TYF.,E j, t,J(->,1....1.... Al,E:A ..... ,.. .. TYf':>E 1 Wt-\1...1.... l>iF{E::f:,, •NII -- (""' '\.-:) u TYPE 1 l,,J/.1L.L. Al~EA -- l,,J. TYPE 1. Wi"<LL r~REA -- TOTf>,L WALL i6,F~EA---- PAF~TITIOI\I AREA ..... CEIU:N(:':i AHEA -- OUTPUTS 20 SENSIBLE ?~OPLE LOAD = 3,000 LIGHTING LOAD = 0 OTHER ELECTRICAL = 60 N. TYPE 1. GLASS SOLAR= 64 E. TYPE 1 GLASS SOLAR= 220 E. TYPE 2 GLASS SOLAR= 424 E. TYPE 3 GLASS SOLAR= 60 82\::l 82!:l 6[)L~ S. TYPE 1 GLASS SOLAR - TOTAL GLASS SOLAR • TOTAL GLASS TRANS. TOTAL SKYLIGHT SOLAR TOTAL SKYLIGHT TRANS N. TYPE 1. 1,,J,6.L.l... LOAD :::: ::::: :I., 82({) F ... TYPE 1 J..JAL.L L..OAD 42W t·• ...:) a TYPE: j_ vJrt>il..l. .. LO/.~D ::::: 26L1, ·l·J" TYPE 1 .l,Jt-,,L..L.. LOAD 3, 1. fJFJ TOTf-,,L 1,,JALL TRANB. (2) TOTAL. PARL Tl~ANS ::::: 0 'TOTAL CEIL.ING TRANS ~. ~ ) . . ',: .;. . . .. ~ ·~ ' i.;,6@0 j_e),, 239 t?J 3tl2 1 •i 2L1-8 I.~,, 290 8•i268 2, 9L,,,S 17, 13i1 .. ... ~2 7 1i·(':", {~(2)3 :l.3t) j,, 4-83 , (Z) 0 FLOOR AREA •l~Eit~ OF ROOF • • • • • • • • • • TOTAL FLOOR TRANS HOOF LOI-\D !Zl ., :- ':~} . • ·:/ ;.,}.\\~ _". ~ . 'BLDG G ' ~ ·~ . ·~ l f ,, ~_ •• ' .j,~-~-;~;;-,~.~.h .. ~ .. , .. ~::~. ':,:->:~:,.:··t.J~---~-·~.-- SAFl=:::TY FACT.Of~ = ::-:.'.-'•:.·, :'.0% .::\':::§.~F·E-;J:,;y·~:£?,.'".f:,.,";~f;iS ;:' .EVAP FAN H •. P:. --;,qJ.J2l7 . :;;_,-FAN flE·AT ·GA'tN . j8T MISC t::.i.ENS!BLE -· 0 ; >,t:rq;):9.cf·: 'SENErJ~,LE · VENTILATION C-F;M ·-t00 .:{;~ .• · A·. SENS I BJ.~E 'J..,J)AD 'JYIISC .• p L..(.1trt.=;NT === -. f .-0 .... iJ~rec,~·~ .. ~~·ATENT· ~ ~ .. NUMBJ;:l~.-OF ·,PEO'P.LE;= .'/·:t:~i':.7';!21 ~ ;-1;~fE_ci~.l;.'E:,:t/(TENT ).,;:.qAD .. _,. VEN.:r:tfi..ATION CF".M = .:.::);';t00_ ·:}t~,k._A~·~)')~'.!,·. N1\~~~D • To-r,~L. :oFM-STD Ar R== · .'· ·,.~,1..,546.,,:--,1c:·:,r,ot:EAL ;~ .. --.~ E;I\Jr , .. ;,;p,c,.o ::: (2) 704· 0 -, :.:'.,/2, 400 ',', : .. t,·/--~,, ,l:\6'":!• ··:".···· '•.,·.,,":''':(.'.) ·- == .. ,.· .•='(\';h 262 . . . :\~·/:':":;· /3,,~-~.?:.:;t(:~:/f\::'·;;:·:1~ RObJ1 ·sENBI.E.U; .--~4-,'014 ::C¼t~O.OM'.;UAT'!--/L'i~:A'D · '.•: }° = · '*·'*·'*·-*·'*·~·'*'~·1!·:W"*il·'*·'*·'*·-*·-*'-*·-*·'*·'*·'*·,lil,~j*i,*~":M'1·~·)!·:*J'M:-11.;,~:*.'~·**:'*·-*;if··* , , •• _, •'' ,,f ', ;! ... ,, ',., . ,,~..;i;t...,,;.1 ~ 'r.·'·r'• .. '. ·,:•.; :,;pf,iE::I\IUM RETLJRN ~EX!f.i~t'JST·\,t-REI'Yi;T-/ ·\;,: , . .':·S'i.,if9' ·· .. '-'i;l;,\.: . . ;' .: . . ·-:,::. ',:. .:.:• -··->''GRAND T-:CJ>rt~L,-_i..:OAD :i. ·.·'4~·ft~1 }iJ_:~\s;:~~-·~ _··:.;\~tf~~\p8 l"t!iNS -<---'·: •. . ~ .. _ ... ,.,t_qAD ~,R~t,I F.<:;>R .J.:;f:t-. ~--._:· .. :/~1'~fJ~1,~T: .. '.,:3'iRJ}.M~: '::':_;:-(:;;-: , .... ·,,_ '*::!~;~::~~i$~J:{:~i~,~!,::~!:!~::::::::~:~;;i:,~,!::::t:~7:, :_,"i •. 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' '' }:}t,i~%i. i r-> ··~ -· -~ ,_; .. .. . . , ~~ '•' </{·'I: ,.;.. . ~: .. ,,,•,t· '' [1:(~~t~~~."";.*.___.,..4.,:· .. ~-~-~------'---'----~~ -~ . ~i:·: ... -. ,,. . .-.;·) ·: · .. --. ... • . ' ~"~ ··::: .. -,: : . i :: ! -.... ' • I l · .. i : I -·· 1 '~,~ I . i .; :·:;. ····~ . . . . . ~ ~ ' .•, ~ • . . : -~-• .--.: .... _ -: .. , .... ~· . • ~-;~;\:. -.:\ :: : . '-':·;j-,_;_,~.::~ _,., ···1 ~. -· ''': ' ~;if ,~1?r;:~1~~~j}j;~;:~~,~~;r~::tL:,::t1~ .. : ;,y~/4;~~~,--, ·i!i -~ · .. _::,:<:-·· .. .,:-1;_,,./ • --.ti/}?~ .,• ' I • • ,• ~ •. ~ ' . \\f .#,;?tit --;,:.'". "' . .:.-. .-.~ . -·-~ •"' •• '.:.· • ._ ~-· . ,, .. ' '• ' ·nt. -~~ .. ,-_: --:.' . .,. . -:·.,--·: :·';~} \ • !,,• 1 ....... ·, ~. ·;~-. ,:,_ . --- '~• . ' ._, /. :_. ·;.' .:~ . :, . ~ 1 •• (2) 3,525 _\ ~~ .. " .: ! ':' • BLD<::i C ( (,J) ·* SAFETY Ft-1CTOf~ '!)% SAFETY P,11 T. u. ("\ ,:, • ElJ,~,p FAI'·~ H .. P. 0 .. 1 :l r,::·AI\I HE'/.),T G,:\ Ir.,! ..... CT MIBC BEl',lf:3H3L.E VENTILATION CFM - MISC. LATENT - NUMBER OF PEOPLE= VENTILATION CFM = • TOTAL CFM-STD AIR• 0 312M 0 3(?J ~300 ::;-~ 'J C) ~;~ ::;~ M H:';C,, BE:NSIE'.LE o. A .. Sl:::'I\IS IBLE LO,:\D MISC. !.../,TENT PEOPLE:: LATENT LOAD o. A. L/>,TENT L..OAD TOTt->,L. I...ATENT LOAD 57, 6i::l7 ROOM L.t-1"1"" L.·0/:•,D ROOM SENSIBLE = ****************~***************************** PLENUM RETURN EXHAUST CREDIT •.. (?) . .... 31.j,lj ... (i'j ..... J. ' :3:?Gi .•. 0 ..... 31J 6r-:'iQ) -· L~ '1 0'.'i~:: ..... 7,, 1:·.,=J ~~: -3,, 6!i.~(?) --> GRAND TOTAL LOAD -71,002 BTU'S OR 5.92 TONS<-- • LOAD RUN FOR # 6. AUG AT 4 P.M. ARE1ti. ( Ge:~ FT) TOTAL CFM-STD AIR - Pt\RTITION LOAD • VENTILATION LOAD FLOOR HEATING LOAD= GLASS HEATING LOAD= SLAB HEATING LOAD - WARM UP L.Or'\D 7,517 S0. FT PER TON 2,622 CFM PER SQ FT . HEr'\ TI N(:':i I....Ol:,,D 0 CEIL.ING LOAD U2h ~561?.l 0 26, 03:i ROOF HEATING LOAD - Bl·<YL. I GHT LOt->,D WALL HEATING LOAD - 0 INFIL HEAT LOAD 0 H LOAD WITH VENT • COIL SELECTION PARAMETERS • • • • • DB TEMP ENT/LVG -80.0 / 58.0 TOT SENSIBLE LOAD WB TEMP ENT/LVG -66.1 / 57.4 TOTAL COIL LOAD SPECIFIED ROOM RH TERM AIR TEMP -'.:il::l.f2H7.l / 110 T. ST. EVAP FAN= 0.15 BLDG.. ''U' F/:•,CTOR:.:: 0.1.9 RESULTING ROOM RH DEGREES ROTATED= 0 CEILING RETURN ! ! ! STF~AN~~ DEFt-)UL TE 1., ~7::7r1 (2.1. 3'.'5 Q) 6? t!J7:i (Zl t16, 86.~.' 63:1 :]".i:I. 7 1. , (?\Cl:;~'. ·-., ,,. POOR QUALITY ORIGINAL S • Horizontal Fan Coll DX Cooling/Hot Water Heating • • • • ·- • I . I .......... • REFERENCE SERIES HBC FAN COIL UNIT FOR CONSTRUCTION FEATURES. THESE SPECIAL UNITS INCORPORATE DX COOLING COILS AND 2 ROW HOT WATER HEATING COILS. COOLING CAPACITY/BLOWER PERFORMANCE ·12,000 1050 I • I 490 430 360 290 18,000 1550 I. 9 720 690 665 635 600 • 24,000 1550 3.0 860 840 825 810 785 30,000 1550 3.6 1050 1025 1000 970 930 36,000 1550 4.6 1340 1300 1250 1200 1135 C I > MOTORS ARE 12OV-3 SPEED, HOWEVER STANDARD SYSTEM IS SINGLE SPEED OPERATION • (2) CFM VS. STATIC AT -HIGH MOTOR SPEED. ( 3) UNITS INCLUDE CAP TUBE AND STRAINER ASSEMBLIES, SWEAT FITTINGS. HEATING CAPACITY CI000 BTUH> I. 0 o.a 10.4 15.5 18.9 22.3 2.0 2.5 12.0 17.9 21. 8 25.7 3. 5.0 12.5 18.7 22.8 26.9 18HBC-HW I .o 0.9 12. I 18.O 22.0 26.O 2.0 2.7 14.9 22. I 27.O 31. 9 3.0 5.5 15.8 23.6 28.8 34.O 24HBC-HW 2.0 3.2 18.4 27.5 33.5 39.5 3.0 6.4 t9.8 29.5 36.O 42.5 4.o 10.5 20.6 30.7 37 .4. 44. I 3OHBC-HW 2.0 3.5 21. 8 2.5 .6 . 3.0 7.0 23.4 34.9 42. 6· 50.3 4.0 I I. 7 24.6 36.7 44.7 52.7 36HBC-HW· 2.0 4.0 24.4 36.3 44.3 52.3 3.o 8. I 27. I 40.4 49.3 58.2 4.0 13.5 28.4 42.4 5 I. 7 61. 0 11r·,~ .,, , ' ~·r fr~ ~ • • • • • • • • • • Pri ,1,,r1 in U '3 A 18HBC-HW 401/e 31'1• 301/a 24HBC-HW 461/a 431/• 361/1 30HBC-HW 521/1 491/• 421/a 36HBC-HW 591/a 561/• 491/a 351/• 471/• Prlm,uy Drain ¼"MPT Secondary Drain _ Elect. Wiring 7/a O.D. Swt Box Flex. Metal -conduit 5/a" Slots Top View Model :J6HBC·HW has foor blowers and /wo molars 5''• r-73/a _., i-1--- ,--'-r-,-,----,.,, j _[ 3/. ---~--B -----~•! Healing Coil Conn. Opp. End 5/10.D. : -r I 63/• : ·J_ Cooling Coil Suet. 5/1 O.D. Liq. 3/a O.D. This End f' loolr-_-----A -------.. 8273 Moberly Lane Dallas, Texas 75227 {214) 388-3481 2111,. u ) ---- 'hysica ata and dimensions ND FAN Air Discharge Air Oty (cfm) Motor Rpm {60 Hz) COND COIL (fin/in.) Rows Face Ar11a (sq ft) .MENSIONS (ft-in.) Diameter A Depth B Height C CONNECTIONS (in. ODF) Suction liquid REFRIG LINES (in. ODF) • Suction . liquid Propeller Type, Direct Drive Vertical 1950 1650 20 7.32 1-5½ 1-10¼ 2-1 5/a 2000 I 4000 1100 16 1 11.29 15.58 1-9½ I 2-5¼ 2-2¼ 2-10 2-7 ¾ 1/a 19.75 3-1½ v • ¾ 3/• 1-11/•t 1/a •38EN units contain correct operating charge for complete system when connected to Carrier-approved evaporators.having the !lame capacity as condensing units with 25 ft or less of tubing. See Installation, Start-Up and Service Instructions for details. tThe 38EN048,060 require 11/•·in. suction line for optimum performance. For 11/• in. suction line. a ¾ x 1 %-in. connection adapter (Carrier Part No. 2BV0900011) is .ailable as an accessory. CONTROL BOX If DIAM KO FOR ~' POWER l '-F', WIRING ,'.;, .f;~,; rDIAM ,~'rJi. HOLE FOR :;..i CONTROL , _ · .. WIRING SUCTION VALVE SERVICE PORT t-O------A-----~ 4'-0" OVERHEAD SPACE REQUIRED FOR SERVICE AND AIRFLOW ·-------.:.-,"- NOTE: For physical data and dimensions of 28 Series coils and 40 Series fan coils see 28 and 40 Series Product Data Digests ~CONDENSER ~AIRFLOW f'erformance data COMBINATION RATING DATA (Single Phase) COMBINATION RATINGS COND Temp Air Ent Cond ~ db (f.l UNIT • 38EW' 75 .85 'k:'"' 100 105 · 1·1·5 · Total Net Capacity (1000 Btuh) 16 15 14 14 13 16 15 . 14 13 12 15 14 13 13 12 ~015pr: 16 16 14 14 13 16 15 14 14 13 16 15 14 13 12 • 16 15 14 14 13 16 16 14 14 13 20 19 18 17 16 19 19 18 17 16 20 19 17 17 16 21 20 18 18 16 20 20 18 17 16 018 pr: 20 20 18 · 18 16 • 21 20 19 18 17 21 20 19 18 17 21 20 19 18 17 21 20 19 18 17 21 21 19 18 17 25 24 22 21 20 25 24 22 21 20 • 25 24 22 21 20 25 24 22 22 20 26 25 23 22 20 024pr: 25 24 22 22 20 26 25 23 22 20 26 25 23 '1.2 21 26 25 23 22 21 26 25 23 22 21 • 26 25 23 22 21 26 25 23 22 21 4 C 18" AIRFLOW AND SERVICE CLEARANCE r'-,, r' l \ l ( ............. ,,,~ ........ ., e BUIL-DINU ENVELOPE SUMMARY BUILDING ENVELOPE COMPLIANc:e Form 1 (NR-8/81) • • • • • • • • • ~ • Project Designer: SILLMAIJ/W':t'.MAW S<M~~o . Project Title: VILLAS DI!-CAF<.L.5eAD Project Address: LA4,Uf....l A. pg. A.T I· :i CA-RL.5~~.c/:>-, Thi• form pro.,ld•• •P•c• to Insert summary data on th• building •n.,•lope. Form 1 la uaed In con/unction with Form 2 and Form 3 worksheets to pro . .,ld• th• necessary Information on building heating (U·V•lue} and cooling (OTTVJ d••lgn criteria compllanc11. . . S·ITE DESCRIPTION (from Building Location Data) Location C<>'f• Number 1 .. l~::Z Latitude 2 •. ~i.2 Degree Daya-heating. 3. 2032. Solar Factor, S.F. •• l'Z-Z., 1 Cooling. AT, A$HRAE 5. te (d••lg11 temp. • 7af'F) HEATING DESIGN CRITERION Standard Uow~10. u0 ,_.11. u01.:_ 12. Maximum Allowable Uoveran-13. • -42'9 • IQ Proposed Uow-14• . ~~ Uor 15. ,OS Uof· 18. Propoaed Uoverall -17 • ' -z 2 Ll11e 17 mu•t not e,cceed Line 13 Note: lllaJClmum Allowbl• Uo'l/erall and Propo••d U0 .,•r•II are ca/cu/ated on l'age. 4 of r-o,m 2 • Note: For heated only buildings, Uor I• calculated for th• propo••d building from Form 2 (Heated Only •ulldlng) using the ,alu• from LJ,re 38 for th• are• of skylight• and th• ta/ue from LI•• 3 7 for th• o~•r•ll roof area • BUILDING DESCRIPTION (from plans) Occupancy Type Code Number (from Occupant Ratings for Bulldlnga and Rooma) Gross CondJtloneQ Floor Area, ft2 Number of Floora Average Gross Condltloned Area per Floor, tt.2 Average Wall Height per Floor,ft. (facing conditioned space) e. as:, 7. 10,.2"5 e. .:5 aa. 3 4'2.0 a. e COOLING DESIGN CRITERION Standard OTTV w·-·-18. '3 \, {p or.rv · 1a. 4, I r·- Proposed OTTVw·-·-21. 2.1,48 OTTV r-·-22. o,18' Standard 1 c, ~ PropoHd 12.,~Z. oTTv .• _, 20. ! , _ OTTv ..... _. 23. ==== Line 23 must not e,cceed Line 20 Note: Stand•rd OTTV and Propo•ed OTTV are c•lculated on Page 4 of Form 2. Note: For heated and cooled buildings, OTTVr Is calculated for th• prop~s•d building from Form 2 (Heated 1nd Cooled Bulldlnr,} uainr, th• value from Line 25 for th• area of skylights 1nd th• value from Line 27 tor th• o.,era/1 roof area. The 5 p•rcent •••nu,tlon does not apply to any cooled buildings. t~ .. ,...., ...... , •• MATERIALS DATA FORM BUILDING ENVELOPE COMPLIANCE ProJect TIiie: V\L..L.AS pe C.A-1<.t...Sa,A~ HEATING DESIGN CRITERION Wall TJp_e Surface Winier MCF Ar••• tt.2 U-Value 3S80 • Lo8 • \, o .. ----· ·---·· TJpe 1 Type I Type a Type 4 ·------~-- T . ---·· Jl ,,.. ---~---· Total __ ...._ • A 1 • ... , . . ,..-------· Door Type Tr_P• 1 TrP• .. 'l'rpe a Total . Adoor a.- Ol•ilni Type ,,.,. 1 TrP• I 1-w°P•. ,., .. 'wtftdel· Surtao• Winter MCF Ar••~ fl 1-u-vatu• ----·----·-----" ----· ··-----· ----·----·-----·N-/A lCt;L.A ~~ ) lilrlaoe Winier Ar••~ fl I U~Valuo qqg I I, I • 3J:,$ .• _w • -----··-----· .1387 Total Btu11r-:-°F :?$<,e.:1;: Total 2. .:;>/;IP, 4- Tot•• Btu/,._«tf: ,.,a, -~. NM Tota, Btu/fir-Pt: T•t•f ... 1oj1.-z... 434;.S. 15.:>5. 7 Telal. Aow J4 4'J<e7 tt• Tota• I Heatlno ·e. Z) '2-, I II•• H3U' u ••• IS1,z.., I ""·. 44'11 • +. n ... , .,,,,. 24.ff-. ,. o.s~ Blu/hr-ral.o,: r Form 2 (NA-8/81) Date: '1-lft-8S COOLING DESIGN CRITERION ""Ii Wall Type Type 1 Typo t Type 3 Type 4 Type I Surface Summer Area, fl 2 U-Valu• TQeq 3$80. -08 • 4:4 • -----·-----·-----· -----·-----·-----· -----·-----·----~· ----··-----·-----· Total . A·~all 1 O. 3~.80 boot Surface 8u•••r Type Area. flt U-Value Tl>.eq Type 1 ----•---•---• Type 2 ---•---• • Typo 3 ---•-----•---• Tolal Btu/hr· 1-34,c,Z. < Total 11. I~ C,0:5 Total Btu/hr · I:!:~-12 •. N(,+ (~LASS) T•••• 1s. uJA Olulng Surface IF ac Summer AT Total Type Area, nt · U-Valu• Btu/ hf Trp• 1 Ci~;:; ·•[(~x&)+(• 1,0 •~)]-850bj 'rrp• tfS"H/11~9,S •[(.le.•~)+( l,Q •k-)]• )Q O 13 Typo I ---~[(-•-)+(---•-)]•---- total AwlndoJ 4• ----'- · Total 4j4r 7 .2. Toi al 11. 9 S14,-? Total dodllni.11. lc;_7,zft: Aow 18. =~=" 1111• ,ou~.._,. lln• f fH3H• ~TTYw• /o774f: + 4jb7 • #110 ,, ... ,. 11. ;?/, '=>2 I --Blu/hr-f12 I,., ... -• • • • •• . ·-- r, ,, H n ;-; i·i ij ,·· !, ,, ., E t~ i{, [., f~ f; "; f ~ ~ t i ( ~~-----. -·-~~ --. -- MATERIALS DATA FORM (Heated and Cooled Building) ProJect Title: YI kLA£ RE c..,6..6,1...S~t-.D HEATING DESIGN CRITERION Root Surlac,z Winter Total Type Area, ti u-valu• Btu/hr-°F Type 1 ~ ~~S'. JC .. os • l~,f5 Type 2 ·x • Type 3 X • Type 4 X • Total 11 3 ?~J Totai . 20. 193 -15 ~opa,ue • roo 8kylliht Surface Winier Total lype Area,. tt.2 U-Value Btulhr-°F Type 1 X • Type 2 • • Type 3 X • Total Total NM A 21. N~ 22., akyUghl Totat 2a.j<i?~2 112 Total Ao, Heating 24.1 J'tf,, 4.,5 llne f9fZf h ZOt2Z Uor• L'J2., f..S · 3?~2 ·-21 .. ,es .. + • llne2.f ..,.z~ Btu/hr-ft~ • I • Page 2 of Form 2 Date: 1-1?-?'S COOLING DESIGN CRITERION Roof 8url~ce2 Summer Ac Mc Totai Type Area, ft U-Value Btu/hr· Type 1 3$?(e°J x.il X .o~ X ,62x~• :i.t1~ Type 2 xilx ·---· Type 3 xilx X-•-• Type 4 x.!.1.x x __ x-~ Total 28_ 3 ?'~! Total 121. 37i:4; Aqpa?ue roo 8kyllght Surface SC Summer AT Total Type Area;· 1t"2 U-Value Btu/hr Type 1 X [(!..!!:° 11'...,..._ )+( •--Jt Type 2 x [(U!x_)+{ x_)-=- Type 3 x·[l118x_) +( ·-II! Total ~ Total IV@ A 2a. ~ fll. ekyllght Total ao. 38'6i, 01 Total 37'7~ Aor .coollna 31. .,.. ze-t-2, ... 27+-29 I OTTV,• 3,j+"-,+ 3?b'1 -32,, <$'~9${' ,,,,. 3' llne 30 Btu/hr-tt2 • • • ·• • z :IJ I CD ...... CD .... ....... ,, f. l: ... )~ \ MATERIALS DATA FORM (Heated Only Bulldlng) Page 3 of Form 2 \ ~ ~ i Project Title: Date: t ' ' HEATING DESIGN CRITERION F'' r Note: Slcrlloht •re•• up to 5 percent ot th• r,,o .. celling or root ), ~ •r•• are eJrempt from the u0 , caloulatlon tor lt••t•d onlr Uor• +--.C3. ~. bulldlno•. line 42 In• .. , Btu/hr-~ '' !.\{ 1 Roof Surface Winier Total' :, Area, u 2 u~value Btu/lW'-°F ,. Type· !,; ;, Type 1 JC f!' • t~ Type 2 fj 1C • r.~ , Type 3 JC • r·; .. Total f " 33. Total 84. ., OP8!1U• .', roof i Skylght Surface Winter Total ~ Area. ti~ Btu/bf-PF e Type U-Value I • ) Type 1 1C • Type 2 JC • Total A. 35. Total ae. ekyllght Tota• ,,2 Aor a1 .. .,,_ 33+36 N ·skyllaht /I I A Exempt-,.2 Ion. 38. ... 35 • .o• ./ Total Btu/lW'..Pf A 38. tt2 II . /.40 akyllahi ... ' 5 • ""8 38 adlueted In•. 36-38. · or zero, whlch•w•r ,. r,,e.,e,. Total Total " 41. Heating 42. opaque ... lfle34HO Ii roof I I adJu1teci t CD ..... 01> -' .... • • • • • • • • ~ ..... ~ ~ •. ., ..... ,..,..! .. ;. :'41 MATERIALS DATA FORM ProJecl TIiie: Y\L\...A,S De CAg~AD -------..... HEATING .DESIGN CRl'fERION Floor Type 8urlaae Winter Total ArH, ft 2 U-Yalue Btultw-Pf Type t ----·-----Type 2 -----·------Type a ----. ------Type 4 -----·-----· ·· Total Total Auoor44··==== n2 · Heatlnt41. ==== uo,. -----+ ------· .... ,f,S ... 44 .,.. . -.... Btu/hr-fl{:°F ' ~ . 11 A 'I', A I..L.. o W IJ OYE: f2..~LL •, ( 4'1¢? 7 2 (,+-<Vt: (J '(~f) C, Io) 1 =-o, 28 S8:SG t:7 11 II I 1Z.-0Po7E:\;7 LI oye12, ~LL (4-Jr, 7 )(,3~)f(;Jf(b<:; )(,,OS) _ o,-2:"l..,, " 88 $/1:,-- /_ 11 \j II 7-rt:..WPA.!2--0 011 (4%7)(3/d,Jf ($?'21)(4;,I) =-\'l s, BSs~ ' II II ·----. P 12..0 Po"?' e o () 1 1' V . _(4j~7)(Rl,~'t)f(3g:e;,7)(a,'t8) ~ 1-Z,G?Z. 88$e, • • • • •· ,.: . .,.,.-,~--.-...... ... _ • ·• ;, . • Page 4 of Form 2 Dale: 't-la':-8.5 "' ·~·,??, .. • .... z :u I 0, .... CJ» ~ ..... r ,-: t e ------RM ~ ; ·::..,- e PROPOSED· CONSTRUCT~ON ASS·EMBL Y BUILDING ENVELOPE COMPLIAN-C& Form 3- e Checlr on• •nd write ,,, eon•tr.uotlo• •ss•mbly number beto111 (•.g. W•ll-1. /foof·Z. eteJ IJ:t"'w all-~ 0 Roof-_ e O Floor-_ • Ll•t of Con1trucUon Component• '>4'----"t'""-1• ~S 11STu ~~ X~--.,--2. ~-fl J, .. u""·" tu::::;z!!iU------1r-3• 5/e, 11 ~'i P, 1~0. ... . -t .. • • Sketc:h o,f Conatruc:tlon Anembly ., Framing type: V>iaoQ - It wood complete the lotiowtn• •ad adfust eonstructlo• ••••mblr · for fr•mln~ e Sfz•: 2, • X _1:._• .Spacing· Ir, • O.C. l11dle•t• ., ... welgllt ol • t:olfatru.ctlOII ••••mlllp• ••ti approprlat• f•11tor• b•1ow1 s. 9 . 7 •. a. ; .. ' l Outside Surface Arr FUm Inside Surface Afr f'llin Total Thermal Resistance C~T) ,~~ Coo/In• • r,~ Cooling 12.~7 Coolln9 ~'2a Coo/In• (NR-a,a,1 A-Value .,, , 17 He•tlng -~~ He•tlnr, 1-2, s:z H••~ln• '2,6'1 H••tln• Wall: Area ___ tt2 Wefght ll,o lb/ft#Z. lloter Tatel "T ~nd U·V•lu• must II• •dfust•d for th• effect et fr••tn• wll•• •pproprlat•- MCF l,P TDeq ,f4 • Root: Area _______ ft2 Wefght 'l.S < fb/ft3 Mc Ac Floor: Area • (r•I••d only} ____ ,t2 • Cc:, 12, (2..EG it Dt..J F~c.-c,-,e.: l,4'S 1•0 ~ ~ ,,,, ~-: ta, oS -- .. :.. ·,=··· . . . . Q .. ,. :-: ~- - -- ., 'PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION ASSEMBLY e BUILDING ENVELOPE COMPLIANCE Form 3 (NR-8/81) Check on• and writ• In construction e ss:;emoly number below (e.g. Wa/1•1, Roof-2, etc.) • • • 0 Wall-_ (8"""Roof-~ t\ 0 Floor-_ Sketch of Construction Assembly • Framing type: Woo D If wood complete th• foliowlng and ad[ust constructfon ass•mbly for framing: Size;.1:._• X . ~ • • .Spacing· l <P • O.C. lndfcate ar••, weight of construction assembly, and appropriate factors below: • Wall: Area ft 2 Weight ___ lb/ft3 MCF TDeq • Roof: Area Weight Mc Ac Floor: Area • (raised only) • ______ ft2 I~ lb/ft3 • ' z.. .52. ____ tt 2 List of Construction Components 1. ASP~lAL..1 SH IN~L.£S 2 • .Y-i.'' PL 'iWO . ...;;; l..\ €.P... Tt-+ 1 1-vl--{ 3. A t fl S PA.c 1:- 4 .. Q._ -lB I iu 'E:. UL-~ 1\ o,J . 5 •. ·\{IL" ~~I~"> 'BO ~'\2-.D ., 6 • 7. 8. Outside Surface Air Film Inside Surface Air fllm Total Thermal Resistance CR.T) U-Value (1/RT) I 2:;, Coo/Ing ,ita Cooling -~QI :12 Cool/rig a .. o~? Coo/Ing R-Value .21 -':?0 \'~.oo , . ~ S'2 ,, I Z Heating -~2 Heating :J.~:12 Heating .o,O~~ Heating Note: Total Rr and CJ•Valu• must be ad[usted for the effect of framing when appropriate. · tt> '212 E c., t c,,v FA.~ "C' "/2..~. I, r; S 1.oe><0.044~O.05' ~ --• ii ,,, • • • • • • • • • • DOCUMENTATION FORM HV AC SYSTEMS COMPLIANCE (Comp..,_ for udl ,v,1am) Form 4 ( .. ..,., 5/71) eLoG. 1 e ' 0oc:umer,-s trv pµ Location CAj2..LSBA,D CA I ' -=;.;;;;;,:::ii,=:;.c:::a.1.o'-,, ..... .Z::::i...t.-----Co MMD N AJ2. =-~ HEATING ANO AIR CONDITIONING, ·INC ~ STATE LIC. U66CM7 DESIGN CONDITIONS HEATING LOAD DOCUMENTATION (Amch calculations) Ouidoor Design Temperature, Winter ................ __,j'3i:;....:B;....._ °F Indoor O•i~ Temperature. . • • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70 °F Outdoor Air. . . . . . . . . • . • . . • • • . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . -CFM Heat Loa From Outdoor Air ...•.•.......•........ ____ Btu/Hr. Ttmc:,erat\lre of Kljactnt unhHted spaca .............. ----,--°F Transmission Heating l.oaes • . • • • • • • . • • • . • . . . . . . . . 4?7,4;&-o BtuiHr. j Infiltration Air ........•...•.•.....•.......... ____ CFM Htat Loa From Infiltration •.••.•..•... ·. . . . . . . . . . . Btu/Hr . Ventilation Air. . . . . • . . . . • • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 246G;, CFM Hut Loa From Ventilation . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~1:44 C,? Stu/Hr. Outdoor Air for SPteial Processes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CFM Htat Loa From Process Air.·. . • • . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Stu/Hr. Other Heat Loms (describe) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bt1.1/Hr. Total Htat Lo-... ,,........................ I ~4/}4(f Stu/Hr . COOLING LOAD DOCUMENTATION (Attach calc:u~ Ou1door Design Tempermn, summer, dry bulb. . • . • • . . . e, 4 °F Oumoor Otsicar, Temperature, summer, wat bulb •...•.•.. _;::to:...7 __ °F Indoor Oesi~ Ttrnc:,erature, summer, dry bulb.......... 78 °F Indoor Oesiw, TtfflC*'ature, summer, wat bulb. . . . . • . . . . bS °F Tr-,smiuion Hut Gain . • • • • • • • • • . • • • • • . • . . . • • • . es ex::, Btu/Hr. Infiltration Air . • . . • . • • • • • • • • • . . • • . • • . • • . . . . • • CFM Heat Gain From Infiltration • . • • • • .. . • • • • . . . . . . . . . . Stu/Hr. Outdoor Air for Special Proceaa. . • • . • . . • . . . . . . . . . . CFM Htat Gain for Proc;:im Air . • • • • . . . • . . . • . . . . . • . . . . . Btu/Hr . Solar Htat Gain Through Windows, -'C.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4'.43 J 5 Stu/Hr. Htat Gain From Lights, Equipment, People, -'C. ......... '2.J0,334-Btu/Hr. Htlt Gain From Other Sour"CIII • • • • • • • . • • • . • • • . • . . . __. Btu/Hr. OumoorAir: Fixed Minimum Type Sysiam CFM Per Person (Not to Exettd Tabulattd Minimum Ventilation Raws) . . . . . _....1.,I o ____ CFM/flwrlon Hen Gain From Outdoor Air ............•... ,34.,,$4-0 Stu/Hr . • • • • • • • • • • • ,...2ofit..• COOLING LOAD DOCUMENTATION (Continued) System Utilizing Ouuide Air For Cooling CFM Per Person (Not to Exceed 33% of Tabula't9d Recommended Ventilation Rates) . H11t Gain From Outdoor ·Air •...•.•••.•..•.. ____ CFM/Penon _____ BtwHr . Total Cooling Load •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 4o \ ,0$'2. BN/Hr. TEMPERATURE CONTROL Anach m,· . .ifactum's data or oiher, gi'II speciflcaoon or drawing raf9ntnc:a which shows in detail the following inform1tion: REFERENCE (page or sh11t No.I • capabilitY to sequence hating and cooling. , • • . • • . • • • • • • • . • • • • . • • • • • • • • • • . . . • . . M-\ • temperature control device set point limits ••••••• , ••• -•••••••••••••••••••••••. • ttmpemure m.point range t.tw..., full heating and full cooling •• · •••.••••.•.•••••.• • 1111:bac:lc: 111d stlUtl:rff eotttrols . . . • • . . • . • . . . • . • • . • . . • . . . . . • . . . • . . • . . . . . . . . . • capability to twrminaw heating at 7rraF and cooling It 7~F .•••.•.••••.•••••...••. lndiCltl drawing or IPICiflCltion reference ~lt"f th• temperature control dwica rec;µiremants given below are documented . An automatic temperature control device shall bl provided for: • ·•ach separate HVAC svmm . . . . . • . . . . . • • • . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . • . . . . . . . • . M ·4+bY'LJ M-(o • tech zone. • • • • • • . • • • • • • • • . • • • • . • • . • . • . . . . • • . • • . • . . • . . . . . • • • . . • . . . . II \ I SIMULTANEOUS HEATING AND COOLING The following requiranents apply to iht use ~f nN energy and need not bl c:omplitd with whan rwccvered energy is used to ccntrol tempemuN. . In nch C811, when l'elltting hot and cold dtdc ttmper.i:urm, one r-i>ttsentative zone may bl chosen to represent no more than ten zones wiih similar heating or cooling requiremenu • Concurrent operation of indlf;,endent heating a1d cooling SVS1ltffll serving common spaces must provide either or both of the controls given below. Ust refertn~ sPICification page or drawing number where control requiremenu can be verified. REFERENCE • Sequential temperatUre contrOI of hating and cooling svsmns •••••••••••.•••.•..••. • Automatic rtlft of huting tamperatUre, to limit energy input only to that levelto offwt hNt loss due to tranamission and inflltraion •.••••.••..••••..•...... NIA I Reheat systems -give reffflnce specifications pa;e or drawing number which will show compliance with the following when reheating 20% or rnQre of the total air in 1hl svmm . • When serving multiple zon•, controls must automatically r1111t the cold air supply to the highest tamperature level of tht zone requiring the most cooling ...•••..... ...IIA I • Single zone reh,at svmms shall bl controlled to stQUence heating and cooling • . . . • . . . . . . _ _.b-4.....,/A ....... _ • • • • Oual-<b:t or rnultiZDn;e svlbtt'ns -give mer.net specificaUOf11 pega or drawing number which will show c:omS>lianc:t wnti 1tle following: REFERENCE • Hot deck ~l"I -m!,alt be auiomaticalty ~ to it. lowest 111mpemu,. nmry to smstv 1t1• zone r9qUiring n most hating. . • . . . . • . .. • . . . . . . . b( /A • Cold deck. templratul"I -must bt automatically ~ tD die highal tlmperatUrt nec:emry to satisfy n zo .. ,.quiring lhl most cooling. • • • • . • • • . • • • • • • • • _Ni...o:L-114:a..-) Rec:oo(ing SVst9fflS -give rtfarlnca specifications PIiat or dr..,;ng number which 1'l0M mmc,lianc:11 wi1tl the following if rwcooling 2°" or more of the 1DUII air in the syfllffl. · • Controf1 must automlticauv IWNt 1he anc,emuN of heallld supply air tD 1he 1c,..r t1mperat\U't """••rv to utistv 1he zone ,-quiring the most henina. . . . . . • • . • • • • • . • • . N /4 • HVAC SYSTEM RESTRICTIONS & SP£CIAL REQUIREMENTS Several HV AC System rypes havt special rwquil"lffleffll o.. ••b ica:icn11. In 1tlis action. chi type of systi,n used in the design must be limd and •w sc,ecial maic:tions giYSI ,_. ,.,_ad ti) show camplianc:a. Supply l'ffl*'C11$ u, prop« specifi. cations .page or drawing numbers. • Type HVAC Svu.ns UIICI· -List fVpe of symm to bt used hefe (includ41 all svstams for hating or cooling in tht building) include reference for specifications for MCh miam • • • • • • Constant volume rwh•t system -when .mng both in111rior and exterior %01* --,-ate coolift9 coils lr9 requirwd if the exterior zone exceeds 2°" of '!ht total air quantity ihroud'1 me cooling coil. REFERENCE ~----· ·-~-· U.·--· . . . .. -·--~ . -~----• DUAL DUCT AND MULTIZONE SYSTEMS • Constant volume duct or -multizone svmms which utilize new energy to simultaneously hut and cool air strHms which ar. subseQuently mixed for ttmi-nrtur:-control n prohibittd for buildi~ larger than 20,000 square fNt o~ conditioned sPaQt. If used, the air luk.age for damperi utiliad for the mixing of heating and cooling air shall be limited to a maximum leakage of 3" of the total air Qu.-ttity h.,dltd by the dampen when operating It the maximum svmm prmurt to which tht dampers will be subjtc:itd. Manufacturw's label or nameplate shall state leakage ratas. • REFERENCE---N;:i,.1'-'A;;;.... ___ _ • • • • ... ·-I . . Economizer Cvcte -For uch cooling fw, svsten,, for 01htr than dual-d_uct or multizone systems. which •rw zoMS having total cooling capacity gre1111r ma, 134,000 Btu/hr or ffl(H"t than 5,000 CFM must have an emnomizer cycle unless one of the txcaptions allowed is ctaifflld. - REFERENCE_ ..... tJ~/'-'A ___ -__ _ Electric Rtsisunca HIiting svmm, -That svmms shall not bl uatd unlnl the 10t11 inmlled efecaic resistn:e nee c1oe1 not txCNd 1°" <• perQnt) of the a,nual histing energy requirement or .a Ufa cycle cart .M.llv•. Fonn I (IN Section 4.2 of this manual) shows an llttmatt system lit. cvct• COit eXCHds that of 1ht electric rnistanc:e l\'fflffl. Give refttlnce If I• than 10% or inducle Form a if Cllcwatin; lit. eve!• cost. ~EFERENCE----N~L-'A;.;...,. __ _ MECHANICAL AND GRAVITY VENTiLATION i REFERENC£ __ t:Ji..1p,4 .. &:a------ t Gravity Ventilators -Either automatic: or r1adily ac:cnsiblt manually operated dampers must_bl provided for all openings tc the outside with 'the exct1)tion of com~on air openings. REFERENCE t:J.oTE-0 sttr, M ·) POWER CONSUMPTION IN FANS REFERENCE •.,, c:on.c.tvolume,vmm Taut 5&.spptv Air Ouantitv ••••••.•.•.•••••••••••••.••••.•.•• ·• • • • • • • . • • . t:4:570 CFM • • Tbtal Pressure of Supply Fa, .. _ ............ · .......... ; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _.,,.I,r..;5.___ tnchel w.. Total Supply Air Ouantity AdlUS1ad for-Procm Loads. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . HIA CFM Total G,oa Floor Area. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I Q,2."'5 SQ. Ft. Net Fan Perfarm,nct Index (FPI) ........•....... _ .... _ ......................... 2. ... ,_1 __ Varilbla volume sysmm Total Su0p1y Air Ouantity at Maximum Flow. • • • • . • • • • • • • • . . • • • • • • • • . . • . • • . . . bl IA Tout Pressure of Supoly Fan It Maximum Flow .•.••.•• _ •••.•• _-:· .••••..••••... --+--lnc:nn Wacwr Toul Gross Floor Area. . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SQ. Ft. Fan Perlormance lndtx at Maximum Flow {FPln,1 .•..•.•••...•••..••..•........ --+--CFM Variable Volume Adjustrnern: Constant •.••••..•.•••••••• , • • • • • • • • • • • • • • . • . . --+--, I Adjustld Fan Ptrformanca Index, FPla •••.••• , •••••••••••••.•.••••.••••.••. ----- , ___ _,,__,.._,,.. __ ...,,. _ __.." -._ .... , ....... , -... ~ .... ~ I II ····.s ·--'"---·--~-----......_ ......... __ >, ____ _ • .111"' .... PIPING ANO cucr INSULATION AND OlJCT CONSTRUCTION • • .• • • • • • REFERENCE 91vet-1 BeL-o~ (a) Insulation of air hMnd lini duet •)11 l.:1D11 •Ii• 11 cunfurm to th~ pr~- vi1ion1 ~f Section 1005 of the Uuifotlll K~c~anic•l Cude, 1970 ~dition • ' \ (b) All duct,, ple11ua1, and enclo1u~•• in,tall~d in or on buildin~a •hall be in1ulated •• follow,: ·All duct ayateaa, or portion, ther~of, 1hall be theraally in1ulated (uterually or internally) in accordance with th~ ainiaua requirea~nt• io MINI.HUM DUCT INSULATION Temp. Difference Between Delign Air Duct Temp. :-and Temp. of Air Surroundin& nuct1 -. •r 0 -14.9 15.0 -29.9 30.0 -5.5.O Above 5.5 •• -. , -: _ _,_ ' ·- • Minimum Insulation Thenual le1i1_tance Exclu,ive of Fila ie1i1tance -a Ho lequireaent . 4.0 6.0 6.0 plua l for each •' 2S •p diff~reotial al>ove SS •1 EXCEPTION. Duct inaulation i• not required vben the lwat aaic or 101• of the ducu. without h1ulatioo. will not increaae the eoer&J scquirucDta of tbe builcliua • t>klCT co~~Ifc?UCfl~N ~--A_ll duct work •hall be conatructed, e~ected. and te1ted iu accordance ~ith the aoat reatrictive of local re1ulatiooa. procedure• 4etailed in tbe AS!iil! ltandbook -of Fundamentah or tbe applicable atandarda adopted by the Sbeet tktal and .t.ir Conditionin& Cootracton lioitioDal Al1ociatioc. Tranaverae jointa on all air aupply ducta, installed in location• where air leakage throµgh the jointa would be nonbenefictal to th'e occupied area temperature require11enta. ah.tll _be Haled with aaat1c or tape. Longitudinal joint• on low preuure aupply duct work with internal atatic preuurea in exceaa of O. 75 tnchea of water pre11ur• ahall be aealed vith u1tic or tape • · .... -. -_.,___ -·. I• ", • ,i \ ............ ~-~~ ~,--. "'?. -~------ • • • • • lf...,.J< JC 1 ....... : IL .•. d'~"' ~:::l: 1--~ ·71·-G •• • • • •• -' :-ri:'~~:~~;:' -.Jr: : 1: ~-· :-~ -~. '·'~' •• • • • • • • • • • i :• 't 1 RM P, 1 9 23 2"1·-*· ,!l,JJ q ;-'_5(2) I 19fJ5 CAl:~L.812,AD ·li· CAL. I F·:-ORN I/•, P, I... T ::: I+ L1, CONST= 70W/40ij/ 708 I[):::: 7C/'~\~'; 7l?.J WALL COLOR: MEDIUM ROOF COLOR~ MEDIUM 81::T~=l:J: :2020bB~31 • b D. 8 .. TEMP TOTi6,l.. TONfJ H!3H TOl'~E C. F. M. L cTUN t".>,T 9 A .. M. 74.1 1.04 0 .. 86 470 ..... .. ::,11 cTUI .... :3" 11 OCT ,:~" DEC 5. SEP 6. AUG ·-, { . cTUN AT t".>,T AT t~T AT AT cp lel ~: 3 Li- 4. ,~. M .. f1. M .. P.M. P. M .. P. M .. P .. M. ZO~E HEATING-->= .TRANSMISSION FACT .. ,.:EMP DIFF HEit;TING TEMP DtFF COOLING r-=LOUF~ESCENT LJ\:iHTFJ 75. 0 1.. (2'),!1, 7~-;;:" .i'.1-:l.. 0£1, 73. 9 1. ff7 81 .. 2 1.07 82. 0 1. ff7 B 1 .. 1 1 .. t<l7 0 1-J/.INFIL.=•• INPUTf.l CEIL. ING v.:i .. m~ (?J 0 P.6,HTITION Cl.00 , 0 0 0.86 470 0.86 470 0.86 470 0.86 470 0.86 470 0.86 470 0 c .. r.M = o F:~1... 00 f~ 0.00 t<l 0 m<YL.IGHT (il .. El0 y SO~AR FACTOR SKYLIGHT - -·l1- fZ). 1.,.~:) EFFECTIVE AVERAGES FOR ZONE LOADS OR OP-COST EX P-OSURE ~ N. NE E. f.,E . S.. El~J hi. WALL TRANS. FACTO~S 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 .. 00 0 .. 00 GLASS TRANS FACTORS 0.00 0:~~ 0.00 0.00 0.~0 0.00 0.00 GLASS SOLAR FACTORS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 .. 00 0 .. 00 fxOOF TRANfl. FACTOR :::: (,:). 05 13l·(YL.I<5HT n~ANS. Ft->,C"TOFI :o: OUTPUTD NUMBER OF PF.:OP! .... E -· 6 BENFJIBLE PE:.OPI....E I....OAD --- TOTi6,I.. .. LIGHT!:·3 -·· :I. ' l:i.(?)0 LIGHTING l...O,\D .... OTHEF~ EI... .. ECTRI Cr;L.. ..... (1.) OTHEI~ ELECT!~ I Ct':>,L. . .• TOTAi .... Ei L l,f:l 1~3 ,t.>iREt->, ..• v.1 TOTAL (::iLASEl £:;;OLAF< . ... TOTr~L GL __ A!::lti /.>,FIEA ~ .... !2l TOTr\L.. GL..(1,bE\ TRt•,N!:-3 .. -- 81·'-.'.YL. I GHT !->,REP, -0 TOTAL. Sl·<YL...IGHT i.:Ji)LAn - Sll-<YLIGHT Af\l:~r\ ..... .0 TOTAL S!·<YI... I GHT TFU1NG -- TOTi,\L.. i-JALL. M~Ef.,, ... e) TOTl·iL. t,JAL..L.. . TF~t->,l'-IS. -· P/:>,F<TITION AREi6, --(2) TOTAL.. Pl"iF,'.T .. TF<,6.J'-.18 ..... CEIL.ING t,,,FIEP, ... 0 TOTAL. CEIL.ING TF<t•,NEl ::::: F'L.OOF{ r,,Rl::'.iti, ··-,:;1 TOT(1,L. FI....OOF~ Tf~r\Nt:l ..... r,t~E,t.,, OF HOOF -·-ft.1 F<OOF LOt>,D -- ' -~~-, N!,J 0 .. 0Q) C!L (?.)C) 0.0ll 0 .. El(i.'l 1., 372 ~:) 'J '-?"?::5 /Z! (.) 0 0 0 l?l "' VJ (i' (i' 0. / • F~M Bj. 9 '2'5 24--¥· Sr\FETY Fit1CTOR t'.ll'"/ "·',. !::iAFETY B. T. U. S • f:::."V/.\P F/->,N H .. F-1 • MISC SE~~EiIBl...E VENTILATION CFM - 0 .. j_3 3~ ~:)(7.)Q) Sh FAN HEAT G,6.IN ···· En MI sic" sa~Nf: I BL..E (Z) t., 1:3 3, l::lC'lVi ·····2~j3 MISC. LATENT - NUMBER .OF PEOPLE• VENTILATION tFM = O. A.SENSIBLE LOAD MIBC .. LATENT PEOPLE LATENT LOAD O.A. LATENT LOAD • TOT,~L. CF·M··· .. STD AIR=• TOTAL LATENT L.OM) 1,1Lt-D J.' l. 9t., 2~ ::.V;A • • • • •• • • •• ROOM SE'NSIBLE 1=xooM Lit•,T. LOAD *********************~*******~***************~ F~M B 19 :2.?5 2L,.-~- --> GRAND TOTAL LOAD -12~849 BTU'S OR LOAD RUN FOR # 4. DEC AT 1 .. !i.n TOl\lfi <·····'"· 2 F>. M • AREA ( !:Jc~ FT) ·TOTAL CFM-STD A~R - PARTITION LOAD VENTIL..t-:..TION LOAD FLOOR HEATING LOAD= SLABS HEATtNG LOAD= SLAB ~EATING LOAD= WARM UP LOAD = 560 SQ. FT PER TON 470 CFM PER SQ FT HEP,T I f\lG LOAD 0 CEIL.IN<:., LOAD 1,971 ROOF HEAT1NG LOAD - 0 Sl<YL.-I GHT LOAD 0 WALJ_ HEATING LOAD - 0 INFIL HEAT LOAD 0 H LOAD WITH VENT COIL SELECTION PARAMETERS DB TEMP ENT/LVG -78.3 / 58.0 TOT SENSIBLE LOAD WB TEMP EN1/LVG = 66.2 / 57.5 TOTAL COIL LOAD SPECIFIEP ROOM RH 5(2)~1. TERM AIR TEMP -58.00 / 110 T. BT~ ~VAP FAN= 1.00 BLDG • zu• FACTOR= 0.00 ., . -_•;•, ,,, ,•;. :"!,·-.:~'~,t ., ~, .. · ' . ,' ~ ' •' .... , ·,..,-,'.,,, RESULTING ROOM RH DEGREES· ROTATED= 0 NON-CEILING RETURN . !3Tl~AN<::i Dr£FAULTS ·~ . t ' ti' 0 (2) 0 0 :f., 971 10, ::J0'.5 12' 8.l1.('.;' ::rn;{ • CARLSBAD *CALIFORNIA CONST= 70W/40R/ 70B l~M E::.22.. 25 ::?~l,* P,U<;.T 3fi)~ :t985 ID= 78/:iC,'.J ROOF COL.Of~ 1 7(2) MEDIUM WALL COLOR1 MEDIUM ...... !:lER:1:1: 202068:H .. 6 • • • • • • • • • D.B.TEMP TOTAL TONS 1. ~TUN AT 17 A .. M. 71.~. l C1 .. 99 ~;: R ~TUL. AT 9 A.M. 75 .. 0 l.03 3 .. OCT AT l.0 A.M. 72.4 l.32 ,:~. DEC AT ~~; P. M.. 73. CJ l.. Li-6 ,-SEP AT 3 .':l • 6. AUCi AT '-I· P. M. P. M .. 7 .. JUN AT 4 P.M .. ZONE HEATING-->= 81. .2 1. .. l.1,2 82.0 l.30 81 .• 1. l .• 2lt.") 3,73"1· 1,,J/J.NFIL..::::. INPUTS f{SH TONEl (Z) .. 79 (2). 83 1. U?.J j_. :?0 j_. l.6 1.. 015 0.95 3, 73l:,. C. F. M .... C.F.M. I. ·7-, ·~-...1 .... 1 L1,'.:i2 6~~:;:-~ 65"/ 634 :i70 ~:i20 s::; TRANSMISSION FACT. TEMP DIFF HEAT.ING ~EMP TIIFF COOL1NG FLOURESCENT LIGHTS CEILING PARTITION 0. (2)12) 0. 00 FLOOF~ l-:l. (ZWl !:n<YI....IGHT 0.80 y . ·0 ,(2) li1 0 t'.l 0 32 .... 1.,. SOLAR FACTOR SKYLIGHT -0.45 EFFECfIVE AVERAGES FOR ZONE LOADS OR OP-COST EX~OSURE1 ·N. NE E. SE S. SW 1\11,,J 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.07 0.00 0.07 0.00 0:00 0.00 0.00 m.00 1.1.3 0.00 1..13 0.00 0.00 0.00·0.00 0.00 0,65 0.00 0~65 0.00 WALL TRANS. FACTORS GLASS TRANS FACTORS GLASS SOLAR FACTORS ROOF TRANS. FACTOR = 0.05 SKYLIGHT TRANS. FACTOR~ 0.80 NUMBEf."~ OF PEOPLE TOT/.•,l... . L. IGHTS OTHER ELECTRICAL. B. TYPE l. GL/.1SB ArlE/.>,,:, W. TYPE 1. GLASS AREA= TOTiC1L. G!...J>,S~'3 Al1EA TOTAL Gl..it>,SS AREA SI-\Yl... I <::iHT Af\Et'\ Sl<Yl... IGI .. IT AREf.>, :::: S. TYPE 1 WALL AREA - W. TYPE l. WALL A~EA - TOT,:\L l·Jt,,LL /.;l~E/., P1'\RTITION ARE(:i, CEIL.ING /.,REA FLOOR ARE,:\ /.1RE/., OF ROOF ·, ., ' I • ~ ' ,• + •••• •• ,._ ' r .~ ... , ·,,,.,,.· ../ J..I' -~ ', ••• ' .. '.t•,' OUTPUTE3 7 SENSIBLE ~EOPLE LOAD 1~678 LIGHTING LOAD 0 OTHER ELECTRICAL 60 l.t.1 76 76 t. TYPE 1·-~LASS SOLAR= W. TYPE l. GLASS SOLAR - lUTAL GLASS SOLAR (;.~ tr~ :l.l.6 L~L~(?.) l?.) (i.'l {l/ 0 TOTAL GLASS TRANS. TOTAL SKYLIGHT SOLAR .TOTAL SKYLIGHT TRANS S. TYPE l WALL LOAD W, TYPE 1 WALL LOAD TOTAL WALL TRANS. TOTAL PART. TRANS TOTAL CEILING TRANS TOTAL FLOOR TRANS FWOF LOAD ::::: l., 64A 7, :1.57 (l.) 5, 0:3(2) ~j, 557 -352 (?.) c~ '+87 ..... f+ri> :I j ! • • F~M B22. 25 26·~· SAFETY FACTOf':1 EVAP FAN H.P. MH:lC SlENSIP.LE VENTILATION CFM - MIBC. LATENT NUMBER OF PEOPLE• VENTILATION CFM • 0% t?l .. :L 9 l7.l 67 0 7 SAFE::TY B .. T .. U .. S FAN HEAT GAIN -BT MISiC .. SENSJBL.E O. A.SENSIBLE LOAD MI SC. LP,TEI\IT PEOPLE LATENT LOAD O.A. LATENT LOAD (2) .... ,:]f2)3 (?.) :I ~ ::-~7 i; :1. •1 L1,5t, • TOTAL CFM-STD AIR• TOTAL LATENT LOAD :2, £33::2 ROOM SENSIBL..E :::-.: *******************************************~** l~M B22 2:3 ::Z:t;-¾· ----> GRAND TOTAL LO/.>,D = 1. 7~ 550 BTU' S OR 1 .. t.1-6 TOhlf; <-·-- • LOAD RUN FOR # 4 .. DEC AT 2 P.M • • • • • • • .' AREA tpG1 :t=-1·) ::-.: TOTl"<L. CFM'-:':STD AH~ "'" PAFlTITION. _LOAD VENTILATION LOAD FLOOR HEAtrNG LOAD= GLASS HEAtING LOAD= SLAB HEATDNG LOAD= WARM UP U)c!'.>,D ·-- 671 SQ. FT PER TON 657 CFM PER SQ FT HEt, TI NG L..<)AD 0 CEIL.ING LOAD 12) :2 ~ 74,8 0 !2l ROOF HE::f.:>,TING LOAD .... Sf(YL I GHT LOAD WALL HEATING LOAD - I NF IL.. HEl'lT LOAD H LOAD WITH VENT COIL SELECTION PARAMETERS DB TEMP ENT/LVG -78~4 I 58 .. 0 TOT SENSIBLE LOAD 66.0 / 57.4 TOTAL COIL LOAD WB TEMP ,ENT /l.'J~:i -·- SPEC It I ED ROOM RH TERM AIR TEMP -~5B.m~ I 11.f~ T. s;L l::.VAP F,::i,N r.,: :l.. 00 BU)<::i • •o• FACTOR= e.23 RESU~TING ROOM RH - DEGREES ROTATED= 0 NON-CEILING RETURN '+59 ~1. 98 (Z) 0 0 98{.:, (2) <'°:.n t]96 1LH '71El 1.7~'.55~:J ::if.?J'i~ .......... _, ...... ·-·· ...... , .. .,_.4 __________ ,_, ...... -.................... ._, ,, .. ,_, · ............. _,._.,, _______ ,., ____ ,, ______ ,, ______ , .......... ,-...... _ ................................................. ---· -.. -- . :'l, i · _:; :<_::-(:nil~i.i&\ <;!ii~.~~:~ .. :~_ .. f0123i~ii.67B9: ; {::::::> ?~Ae,~-;r.>EFGl-·!I\:'f}(LMNOPG1FlflTUVWXYZ[ \ H<i·· ···ab,:: i:.k~ f sih i ,j k ·1 mn • ~</',,~ ..,_~_.. • .._,::,.i •-'''-'"l'l':.....,..i;?,,;'."i,.-~· I •_.~,!.,,'-::. -,;;,_,J,.'", ,,<._,i.'"•,;''...;,1,.,_,;J: ,,•,, q;;;.,~i• ;f;;;;~,,-,.,,,;.,_..,;::..,,....1~:(.i,,~~'-•.,._~, _.,' • :: ~-.......:..... __ -i,._>l'/T'l.,~~•:t,13.t',..J'~'!!'!~~~{f,~.'."ffl:?V'g~~!~Th""P~.;:7~~w:?.J..'ti' •. .. , ........ ._ ·--· . --... .. . ----. ' .... -~ • • • • HM BU2!'.5 6 781.1.4*· /:>,USI ~:rn, 198:.i CARU:H::?,AD ·!E·CALIFOHNI/~ L_.t,,T :a, :33 AI..T ::: 1.,.i:,. CONST= 70W/40R/ 708 ID= 78/50 70 WALL COLOR: MEDIUM ROOF COLORn MEDIUM ..... SER:t-1· 202Cl6B31 . 6 D. 12. .. TEMP TOT(.l,L. ·roNi:=; !=~SH TONF c. r· M. "II :1. . JUI\! AT 9 f~. M. 71., . ., 1 ~;::" ~"25 j_ " q1:, :l. ' 0E)8 ' I ~~: u J'Ul... AT 9 A. M .. -re:· C?.i ::;:'.n ::;:~5 j_ 99 :l. (2) 8 f: ' _) . " ') ,..:, ti OCT AT tel A. M. 7~~~ p I., :;~ 11 25 1 . t;>t;,' j_ ' 08El Lr" DEC AT ::::: P. M .. _, ... -z_ 9 ... ,I :rn 1 99 j 08€:1 , ..... ,-J::.,. . ' ~5 " SEP ,t,,T 3 P. M .. 81. . :;;: ~~: ti 3(ij 1 . (~)9 j_ ' 088 6. AUG /;T 1.,. P. M. El2. (2) ::2 n :·~t?) :l. . <=f<;) :l. ' 08!:'3 -r JUN AT '-r P. t1 .. (:-') j, j_ ~7-.:. 30 l c,9 :I. ii')f:l{:?, •' . . " 'I ZONE HE:~0.T I 1,15 .... -.. > l?i t,J/ INF IL=:: ~:i c. r·· M ..... " =~ INPUTS! CEIL.ING PARTITION FL.OOR til. QH?.! 0 0 Sl·<YLIGHT 0.80 TRANSMISSION FACT. TEMP DIFF HEAYtNG ~~MP DIFF COOL~NG FLOURESCENT L.IdHTS Y SOL.AR FACTOR SKYLIGHT - 32 --/.1 0. 1.,.5 r.J • EFFECTIVE AVE~AGES FOR ZONE LOADS OR EXPOSUREll N. NE E. SE OP· .. ·COST !:1 p t:.3hf (,J. NltJ 0 .. 0(Zl • • • • •• • r • WALL TRANS. FACTORS GLASS TRANS FACTORS GLASS SOLAR FACTORS ROOF TRANS. FACTOR NUMBEI~ OF PEOPLE TOTAL LIGHTEl OTHEH El...l:.::CTF~ I CAL TOTf:,,L GLASS r'!l,REl-1 TOT/.,L Gl.../.,SS AF'~E/.>, s;1--;:v1_ I GHT AHEr-\ E>l·WI....IGHT AF~EA TOTAL. t,Jt,L..L ARE/, Pr-\1:'.{TITION ARE(, CEIL. I t\lG t~HEi-, FL.OOF~ it•,RE0,. t-,HE~P, OF F~OOF -. . ~" ' ~· .. 0 .. 12)0 0. (Z)f;'.I iZl. 00 0. !.-1l.?J 0 .. tiW.\ (Z). 00 0 .. 00 Cl. IZWl 0 .. (2)0 0.00 0.00 0.~0 0.00 0.00 0.00-0.00 (Z).00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 = 0. ms TRANS. i::·r-,,CTOR -- OUTPUT!:3 -·-:.i SEN!:'3:CP..LE PEOPL.E LOAD - :::: 2~ (100 LIGHTING LOi\D -- "'" t~ OTHEF~ EL.ECTR I C/.,1.. .. -·· ..... 0 TOT,!':,.L (:iLAfJ\:3 801....P•, F~ ..... ::: il) TOTAL.. GLASE; TF~;\N!:'3. ·- _., iZ) TOT1!':>,L Sl·<VL.. I (:iHT EJOLA 1:~ -- ::: (2) TOT/.;L Sl·{Yl.: I GHT T F<l;Nf.'l "'" --· 0 TOTAL.. W(.,!....1... TRANG. _ ... ..... Q) TO'TAL pr-,,i::rr • TRANS ··- --0 TOTAL CE I I.... IN<::i T F1r!,,N~~1 --- -·· 0 TOTAL. F=·1..oc, r~ TRAf',1!3 ... ~ _, .. ~:I F~OOF' LOP,D --· 0. !Z)(i) ~".) .. 00 tiLEl0 1. ~ 1.j.(Z)~;) f::¾?532 0 {Zj (?) 0 0 0 v::i 0 0 (.,:) • BAFETY FACTOF~ • EVAP 1=r~N l·L P. MISC EH:~NB I BL.E VENTILATION CFM - MH3C. Lt-,TENT NUM8ER OF PEOPLE= VENTILATION CFM = • TOTAL CFM-STD AIR= FWOM BENS I BL.I::: 0.:.:n j, 4., 00(.::1 7:::i tij ~5 7:'i 1, 08f3 flAF'ETY B .. T .. U. E; FAN HEAT GAIN -BT MIEtC. t=3FNSIBL.E 0. A.SENSIBLE LOAD MISC. L.J>iTENT PEOPLE LATENT LOAD O.A. LATENT LOAD TOTAL LATENT LOAD ROOM l../., T. LOAD ********************************************** RM l:?..10'.'5 ci 7& 1 "1··*· (Z) j_ '+·i li.%,(2) .... :3:31:: (Zl 1., 693 3•i (V+:.3 ....... -:;:. GRAND TOTAL LOAD -27,~92 BTU'S OR • LOAD RUN FOR # 4. DEC AT 2. ~'3(?J TON!3 ~~: PvM" · .. ·-· .. ·· AREA (S0_.FT> - TOTAL ·CFl"k-:-STD A IR ..... PARTITION LOAD ~ • VENTILATION ~DAD - FLOOR HEATING LOADm r:iLA!::1f:l HEAT I N<::i 1..0<6,D=-.:: SLAB HEATlNG LOAD - WARM UP LOAD m 800 80. FT PER TON 1,088 CFM PER SQ FT .}·!EATING LOAD Ii.' CEIL.ING LOAD ROOF HEATING LOAD - Sl·O::YL I GHT U)AD WALL HEATING LOAD - INFIL HEl>iT LO/,D H LOAD WITH VENT • COIL SELECTION PARAMETERS DB TEMP ENT/1..VG ~ 78.5 / 58.0 TOT SENSIBLE LOAD - WB TEMP ENT/1.,.VG = 65.6 / ~37.lr TOTAL.. COIL. LOAD .... SPECIFIED ROOM ~H 1ERM AIR TEMP -58.li.%1 / l.H:'\ "J'" Ell". EYAP FAN "" l. d2)0 • BLDG. 'l:P FACTOl1::: 0. !Zl0 RESULTING ROOM RH - DEGREES ROTATED= 0 NON-CEILING REfURN STRAW::i ·DEFAULTS 34B l.. 36 :?,!l·t,J 54.r.; .. ' ~2"7 'J 5 <7~~~ .......... 0,0M OH'I _,, .......... _ .. ,, .. ,._,,_,.,OHO ......................... ,_, .............. ·-·-·• ,,._, ,., .. ,_,,. ............ .-, .... ·-,_. _.. , .... 0.,,,0 ....... ,,o_Ol:'"'O-N ' o 0,,.00-0 '"" , .... ,_,, .... --,_,,_,,., .. _., •oN••-.... ,,_, ,_,,_, ·- • • • • ,, ~ . .. .. • _, ' ". _, . • • • • • • • • • • • RM B j_ 1 j, -~- Au t::r 3k:h CARLSBAD *CALIFORNIA Lt-•,T ••. -:r-:i· --· -..J-..,1 t->, L. T ::, Li-4 70 CONST= 70W/40R/ 708 WALL COLOR: MEDIUM ..... SEF~fl: 20:?0bf:B1. b I I):::, 7f:3/50 FWOF COL.OR:: MEDIUM D. P. .. TEMF> TOT/.~L... TONE, F~S H TO I\I!=; o. ?:I. 0 .. 22 (2)" :l. 9 !iL ~~·1.,. 0.33 fi,, 37 0.36 C .. F. M. L J'UN t-;T 9 A. M. ~2" JUL t-ff 9 ti;,, .. M, 7 .... , . OCT /.~T H~J A. M. .:, . DE:.G l,T ~2 P. M .. s. SEP AT 3 P.M. 6. /.;U(:"j AT i.1, p u !'1" '7. JUN AT L1, P. M .. ZONE HEATING·· ..... ::, ... TRANSMISSION FACT. TEM~ DIFF HEATING TSMP DIFF dOOL1NG FLOURESCENT LIGHTS 7'-1-.. :I. Q). 22 75. Q) (Zl. ~?~3 72. '-1, '-':l .. 2~, 73 .. 9 '-':l" 21., BL 0'N1 ..:::. (~. 31.1, El2. (2) k:l. ~39 B 1 . j, ~). 37 2,811. vJ/INFII....== INPUTB CEILING PARTITION 0. 00 (Zl. 00 !Z) !?) 0 :~::d:lj 1 C. F. M -- FL.OOF~ 0.00 (?) ~1 f;;l-<YL. :i: <::iHT ~'.). 8C!'l 32 I.~- y SOLAR FACTOR SKYLIGHT -0.45 :1. 11::> 1 j_ C;' j_ {21.,:, 1 :~:b :l. 78 :;':::l~2 19c; 6'+ ~FFECTIVE AVERAGES FOR ZONE LOADS OR OP-COST EX PO!BLJHE:: N. NE E. Bl~: S. Sl,J (,J. Nl,,J J;JALL TRANS. FACTOF{!;l f:!iLASS TF~ANS FAGTOl~B ·0iLASS BOL.t,:,,R FACTOF~f.:;'; ROOF TRANB. FACTO!~ NUMBEI~ OF -PEOPLE TOTAL.. LIGHTS OTHEF~ EL.ECTFH Ct->,!... TOTAL GLASS /.1,f"([:j~ TOT/11... GI....ASS AF~EA Sl-<YLIC'::iHT AREA Sr<VL. IGHT P,REit1 !'' ..::r,. TYPE j_ W1~,I.. .. I.... t.J. TYPE: :L Wt-,,1..1.... l.-L TYPE .-, .i:.:. l.-JAl..l... TOTP,I.... \,J(.,,L..I... P,l~E(->, P/1 F<T IT I ON l;l:~E~f1 CEIL.Ihl(::i AREt-\ FL.OO'f-?. (.;!~~EA P,REir.>i OF FWOF t~F~EA ARE/1, Al:::Er-\ == •.. ... -· ... .. ... -- -· '?). 00 Ii.'),. 00 0. li1i.ij 0 .. 12)0 (ZJ. 00 0.00 0.00 (Z). (?.)0 0 .. 00 (?J .. IZ)(.?.) 0.00 el. i?Wl o .• 07 ti.i. 0~1 ~1. 24 (Z). IZJ[?J 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0. 0'.5 St<YL. I GHT TRANS. FACTOR= 0.80 OUTPUTS ~ SENSIBLE PEOPLE LOAD 702 LIGHTING LOAD 0 OTHER ELECTRICAL 0 JOTAL GLASS SOLAR .0 TOTAL GLASS TRANS • 0 TOTAL SKYLIGHT SOLAR 0 TOTAL SKYLIGHT TRANS 120 S. TYPE 1 WALL LOAD 192 W. TYPE 1 WALL LOAD 80 W. TYPE 2 WALL LOAD 392 TOTAL WAl.L TRANS,, iii TOl"l1L.. FVd~T.. Tl~it.,NS 0 TOTAL CEILING TRANS 0 TOTAL FL00R TRANS 280 ROOF U),t.>,D (2) 136 :l 9•~,. 75W :t. ~ 1?i>:H?.i (?.) 0 0 ' .. , . .,,•,.. , ;• I· I ' • •?M B111-lli· SAFETY FACTOR = • EVAP FAN H.P. MH3C SENSIBLE·: V8~TILATION CFM - MISC. LATENT - NUMBER OF PEOPLE• VENT!LATION CFM = • TOTAL CFM-STD AIR= ROOM "SENSIBI ... E ::::: n.•1 1/J,. fZl (2) ~) t?.i t~ 202 t=JAF'ETY B. T. U. !:73 FAN HEAT GAiN -BT M IE3C. F.lENS I BL..E O. A.SENSIBLE LOAD MISC. L.it~TENT PEOPLE LATENT LOAD O.A. LATENT LOAD TOTf'•,L LATENT LOAD ROOM L.AT. LOAD · ********************************************** RM E:?.1. l l* 0 :l 78 L,) t?) 0 0 0 {2l ::::: (2) --> GRAND TOTAL LOAD• 4?629 BTU'S OR • LOAD RUN FOR # 6. AUG AT 0 .. :39 TONS <--·-· '-I· P.M • • • • • • • • AREt->, CSG! FT> ::::. 70.2 ~JG1. FT PER TON ::::: TJ;lTAL ·cFM·-ST.D AIi~ -· ·:.7~0~2 CFM PER SG1 FT -· HEATING L.Ot"-'.D PAF{TITION L.OAD -· 0 CEIL.. I N(i LOAD •.. VENTILATION LOAD -· t?.) l~OOF HE::/.•, TI 1,1G L.Ot~D - 1:::-u)OR HEP,TING -l,...OAD::a: l2) 81·,YL. I 6HT LOAD ·- (::iL..ASS HEATIN(::i LOAD= t?.) !,,JAL..L HEt-\TIN<::i !...OAD ..... SLt'\8 HEit>,TIN~:i L<)AD -· (?.) INF IL. HEit~T LOAD ... WAl~M UP LOr~D -Q) H LOAD HITH VENT ·- COIL. SELE CT I ON PAHAMETE F~E> DB TEMP ENT/1...VG ··· 78 .. 8. / 58. 0 TOT f:lENSIBU:: L.Ot-1D 64.9 / 57.4 TOTAL COIL LOAD -50%' RESULTING ROOM RH W8 TEMP ENT/LVG - SPECIFIED l~OOM RH TERM AIR T~MP = SB. 00 / 1.10 .T •. ST. EVAP FAN= 1.00 BL.bG. "U' FACTOR= ~.13 DEGREES ROTATED= 0 NON-CEILING RETURN ST RANG DEF't"-'.UL. TE1 ~ ' ' . ' . ' ~--:; : .:·----JS)~·u .. ;&,!t::.:::~i-,\>·-.. ,· ..,__,. •• , ,,,•!,,, ;. lv820 12). 29 0 '-1.f.i.B ,,.,) .2,363 t?.) 4,629 4,629 .!1-8:t.: / . : .... ·~-.-.. _ ................ ~.,,, .. -~ • • A r.J S1 3C.i ~ CARLSBAD *CALIFORNIA 1...(.'a,T :::: 3:3 CONST= 70W/40R/ 708 WALL COLOR~ MEDIUM L ,TUN r\T 2 .. ,TUL... AT 3. OCT AT L~ • DEG AT i::· 9 9 :1.0 ~"2 !:3EFrn, 2v.12(16f.::l31 "6 D.B.TEMP TOTAL TONS A.M. 74.1 !ZJ.60 A.M. 75.0 0.60 72. -4. 0. 6G~J 73"'~' 0.C.)3 I I)c-::: 7>3/150 7f.?'1 ROOF COLOR: MEDIUM C.F--.M. 2'.i9 259 SEP AT :3 .) . A. M. P. M. 1::i. M. • 6. AUG AT 4 P.M. 7. JUN AT 4 P.M. ZONE HEATING-->• 81.2 0.63 81 .. 1 0 .. 63 0 J.,J/INFIL..::, !~SH TOl\lf3 (Z). '-1-8 fZ). /.1,8 0. -4-8 (Z). '+8 (Z). '+8 (i.1. L1,8 f.?J. L1,B t?i C.F.1-'1 -.. 2~-5c:7 ~~5 <;,\ 25(.? ~~~:; <-/ 259 (Zi • • • • • • • • TRANSMISSION FACT. TEMP DIFF HEATING ,.TEMP DIFF COOLING ·FLOURESCENT LIGHTS INPUTS CE'£ILING 0.00 0 (2) PAl~TITION t>J. 00 (?.) (2) FL...OOr~ 0.00 (.,:) eJ f;l<YL. I GHT 0.80 3 .-, J:;. V SOLAR ~ACtOR SKYL...IGHT -0.45 EFFECTIVE AVE:JV=,GEEl FOFx ZONE L.Ol.iiDE1 on OP·-.. COST EXPOSURE: N. NE E. SE S. SW W.. NW WALL TRANS. FACTORS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 GLASS TRANS FACTORS 0.00 ~.em 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 "GLASS SOLAR FACTORS 0.00 0.~0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ROOF TRANS, FACTOR = 0.05 SKYLIGHT TRANS, FACTOR= 0.80 NUMBEF~ OF PEOF:iL.E ... TOTAL L.IGHTS ... OTHEH ELECTRI Ct->,L -.. TOTAL GLASS t-i,RE1/\ !".:!: TOT~1L GLASS Al~EA -· Sl·<YL.. I GHT ARE,:\ :::: Sl·<VL IGH"r . f~ l~~::t-1 . -- TOTAL. WALL AREl~ -· PAR"l":CTION t-1RE/>, ::::: CEILING ARE:!'-\ ..... FLOOR ,\f·<EA -.. Al~EA OF ROOF ..... '_,_, ,; OUTPUTS .£1, SENH I l~,L.E PEOPL .. E L...Ol'-',D 1 V 0t=Jfl LIGHTING L.OAD 0 OTHER ELECTRICAL.. 0 TOTt-'il.... GL.A!3f:.1 GOL.Al=x (.?). TOTP,L. GL..A't=JB TRAN~L 0 TOTAL SJ.<YLI(::iHT SOLAR 0 TOT/1t..· Gl,YLIGHT TRANS 0 TOTAL. vJt-,L.L.. TRANS. 0 TOTAL. Ft-\ F~T .. TR,:\NS 0 TOTAL. CEIL.ING TRt-1NEI (i) TOTP,I.... FLOOF\ TRM,!S 0 l~OOF I...OAD MOO . .. -- -- -- ... ::::: -· -- . .. ·-. .. 1. ~ 066 L1., 64-{?) 0 0 (2) {Zl 0 • Sf.1,FETY FACTOR EV/.,.F> F/.>,N H, P, , • MISC SEN!:HBL.E -· VENTILATION CFM - MISC. LATENT - NUMBER OF PEOPLE= VENTILATION CFM = TOTAL. CFM-·STD A IF~::: . ·-· ROOM SENSIBLE ~ 0"' In 0. 07 l?J /.~,:,. (?.) Li- l1,l.1. :2~7' 5,, 7~)~5 Elf.1FETY B, T .. u. s Fr.>,t,1 HEAT Gl1IN ... BT MISC .. SENeIBI...E:: () h -A. SENf3 I BL..E' 1...0/,D !'1JElC. l .•• /:1TENT PEOPLE L.ATEI\I-T LO/"iD o. A. L..ATENT L01~D TOT,t,,,I.. .. L.t->,TEt-,!T LOAD ROOM L.1'\T. l...OAD ********************************************«~ ~~M I:!, 1 1 ::Hi· •.. 0 ··-:?::~r-:3 ... (;1 .. ... . ... 196 :::: 0 ... p1-:l··:, J F _,:_ •.. B85 ... 1 ~ 77·~~.:, ... 892 -·--> GRAND TOTAL LOAD -7~513 STU'S OR LOAD RUN FOR # 4. DEC AT 0. t',:7, TOI\!!;:; :2 P.M • •' ·· ...... • • • ,!>iREA < SG1 FT> :~OTAL CFM~STD AIR - PARTITION LOAD VENTILATION LOAD FLOOR HEATING LOAD= ~LASS HEATING LOAD= SLAB HEATING LOAD - WARM UP LOAD - 435 SQ. FT PER TON 259 CFM PER SQ FT iHl_:::ATIN<.::i LO,~D i1 CEIL .. ING I..OAD 1~s31 I?.) .(2) (2) 0 ROOF 1 .. IE,!\TING L.OAD ··- Elf<YL. I GHT L..OAD WALL HEATING LOAD - INFIL.. HE/.>,T LO/.>,D H L.OM) vJITH VE'NT COIL SELECTION PARAMETERS 08 n:::M1:> ENT/LVG WB TEMP ENT/L.VG = 78.1 / 58.0 TOT SENSIBLE LOAD -66.6 / 57.5 TOTAL COIL LOAD SPECIFIED ROOM RH -50% RESULTING ROOM RH TERM AIR TEMP -58.00 / ~10 T. ST. EVAP FAN• 1.00 DEGREES ROTATED= 8 NON-CEILING RETURN -ST,Rt-1,NG DEF(.l,UL..TS BLDG. 1 U1 FACTOR= 0.00 695 ei. 60 0 0 t?J (2) 0 11531 ~5 i 737 7,, 51:3 51. 1'., • ---------~------------,·-------------------------------------- • • • • ,··· i } • I '" :: ~ -:' : ' ~ ' " • ' :: L:rt:~;..~1.v,: .. ,:;,J.~.:-:::.-"~-,:::,:,~l ~-;:-.,. >.: ,:;:,; · ~ -.. .-· ... :.,,_-.,~.,_, .. ,r;~ ..... .. ... ---·. -· .... :... --. • • • RM Bl 15-~- P, 1 .. 1 r:i 30, 1 9H~i CARLSBAD *CALIFORNIA LAT= 33 ALT= 44 CONST= 70W/40R/ 70B ID= 78/50 70 • WALL COLOR: MEDIUM ROOF COLOR: MEDIUM SEF~=M= 2t?.l2t?.lf:,f:f?i1 .• 6 D.B.TEMP TOTAL TONS RSH TONS C.F .. M. L JUN A.M. 74.1 1.60 1.28 701 />iT 9 ~2 n_ JUL A.M. 75.0 1,61 1.30 707 ,c~T 9 3,, OCT A.M. 72.4 1.~8 0.99 539 AT l.!Zl • 4 .• DEC P.M. 73.9 1.04 0.69 374 /:.,T ~: 5. SEP P.M. 81.2 1.25 0.87 476 AT 3 <!':). AUG P.M. 82.0 1.27 0.89 485 AT l, 7. JUN AT 4 P.M. 81.1 1.29 0.91 498 ZONE HEATING-->= 6,70~ W/INFIL= 6,700 C.F.M -152 • INPUTS • CEILING 0. 00 {2) 0 PAffTITION 0.00 0 0 F'L.OOR 0. mi 0 l?.) EH-~YL I GHT 0.Bt?.l -·3 TRANSMISSlON FACT. ·TEMP DIFF HEATJNG TEMP DIFF COOLING FLOURESCENT LIGHTS N SOLAR FACTOR SKYLIGHT -0.45 EFFECTIVE AVERAGES FOR ZONE LOADS OR £XPOSURE: N. NE E. SE WALL TRANS. FACTORS 0.07 0.00 0.07 0.00 ~LASS _TRANS FACTORS 1.13 0.00 1. 13 0.00 GLASS SOLAR FACTORS 0.65 0.00 0.65 0.00 OP···COffT' s. SW 0. 0(21 12). 0~1 (2).00 (2). ti%.') 0. 01i'J 0. em l,J. NvJ 0.00 0.00 0 .. 00 0. 0(1 e'J. (;,(2) 0. !ZWl • ROOF TRANS. FACTOR = 0.05 SKYLIGHT THANS. Fl.,,CTOf~ --(2). 8(?.) OUTPUTB Nl.JMBEI~ OF PEOF;;U:. --1 ~'5 SENSIBLE PEOPLE L.0/o.l) -3, li-5 ~;) TOT/i.,L I.... I GHTB .•. l, :~::00 LI (:iHT I I\IG LO/:>,D --4.' 096 OTHER EL.ECTFx I C.t,L -··· !Zl OTHEF1 El.ECTI~ I CAL -· 0. • N .. TYPE 1 GI....ASf.l t,,,i~EA:::= 80 N .. TYPE :l GLASS SOL.AF~ -959 f::.. TYPE 1 GLAS[~; AF1El'.,,::r, 80 E" ... TYPE j, GL./.>,SS SOL.Al~ :::: 7,572 TOTAL,. (::iL.ASS1 AF<E/-', -160 TOTAi.. .. GLASG SOLAR --8,531 TOTAL GL.r~'S!:1 AHEt-~ --·160 TOTAL .. GL..ASB TRF\NS. --·--5 l,:2 !31-<YL I GHT AREA :-.::: 0 TOT(-,L. EJl·<YL I GHT EiOL_/.>,R :::;: 0 8l·<YLIGHT AHEt\ --· .0 TOTAL. S~<YL..IGHT TRANS -·-{2) • N. TYPE j_ WF1,LL /.>,flE/:, .... 200 N .. TYPE 1 WALL LOAD .. ... -·102 E. TY Pt~: :l Wt>,I.. .. L. t->,f~Ef~, ..... 20/3 E. TYPE j_ !,J(-,,LL. L.Ot'>,D ,._ 1 ~2:;? TOT,t.H .• \,JAL.I.... ,t.•,F~EP, --· ,Hm TOT/:,!.... t,J1\L .. I.. .. TF·U,I\IE1. --2k~) Pt--,f'~T IT 1: Or·,l AREA ..... r., TOTt~L F't=,rrr. TR1':>,l\lf> ·-· 1?) CEIL.:t:N<:.i t,F~EP, ::::: 0 TOTP,L.. CEILING TFU>iNEi ..... 0 • FLOOR /:,1:~l::j-', --0 TOTt->.I. .• Ft....onr;: TRt"'il,!1:3 ... 0 F~RE:,t1 OF HOOF ... 0 F~OOF l..:0(-,D -·-li°J • • .; ; J,. ..... ,, ... • RM B115'*· •. SAFETY FACTOR EVP,P FAN H .. P .. • MISC SENSIBLE - VENTILATION CFM - MISC. LATENT - NUMl~,r::R !)F~' PEOPLE::::, VENTILATION CFM = TOTAL CFM-STD AIR= ROOM SENSIBLE 0~1. 0 .. :20 (ij 150 ~:J 1 .,. .. ) 1 sc, 707 15,:5:5-4· SAFETY E3" T. u. f3 FAN HEAT GP,IN ..... BT MH3C .. SENSJE?.L.E o. r,,.,, SE':J\IS I BL.E LOAD MISC .. LATENT PE:OPL.E L./1 TE':.'l'~T LOAD 0. /1" L...ATENT L.OAD TOTAL !...t\TEt·-l'T' L.Ot,D ROOM LAT. LOP,D ********************************************** F~M B1 l5·*· --~:J . .. c:,:;~ 1 --r, -···A9::i . .. 0 = 1 ~ /3{?./(.?i ... 1, B87 .,_, 3, 687 _,, l. ' 8(7.WJ • --> GRAND TOTAL LOAD -19,367 BTU'S OR 1 n l..'j 1 T'()l\1~3 < -.... _ • • • • • • • LOAD RUN FOR # 2. JUL AT ,A'REA CSG! FT) ;, -· TOTAL CFM·-·STD :A IR -· PARTITION LOAD = VENTLLATION LOAD = FLOOR HEATING LOAD= GLASS HEATING LOAD= 'SL.AB HEATING LOAD - WARM UP LOAD - 1,200 SQ. FT PtR TON · -~'07 CFM PEH SG! FT HE/:1,T I N(::i LOi6,D 0 CEIL.Il\l<::i LOAD 5,280 ROOF HEATING LOAD - 0 (?J {ZJ F3l·\YI:. I GHT I....OAD WALL HEATING LOAD - INFIL. HEAT LOAD H LO-AD (,JITH iv'ENT COIL SEL~CTION PARAMETERS DE?. TEMP ENT/U/G -78.2 / 58.0 TOT SENSIBLE LOAD - · t-JB TEMP ENT /L',/~":i -66.2 / 57.5 TOTAL COIL LOAD -,0% RESULTING ROOM RH -SPECD~IED ROOM RH TERM AIR TEMP - l' .. ST. EV.AP FAN = 58.00 / 110 DEGREES ROTATED= 0 1.00 NON-CEIL.ING RETURN BLDG. 'U' FACTOR= 0.37 STRANG DEFAULTS .. • r, ,J·•' ,, , 7l1,,'.1, 0.59 ii'J (1 ~, 9 l. l1, 0 :1. :l ' (7'fli2) 1 :i ~ 680 l.9,367 ~:i!Zl'½. I' I I l 1 11 • • RM Bl 1.6* f.>,JJ ti 30 'I 198:J CAF{LSBAD ·*CAL..IFOl~NIA L.AT •·· 33 AI...T :::: 4'+ CONST= 70W/40R/ 708 WALL COLOR~ MEDIUM BEl:'.l:1:1: 2l?.J2~il:.)!:331 .• 6 D., P, .. TEMP TOT,c.,1... TONS L cTUN AT cTUL. AT 3. OCT r'\T L1, • DEG AT <:;> t,,,., M .. 9 r.,,. M .. 10 r.,.. M. :2 P.M. 7'-1·. l t?J .. Ell:, 7~5 • ~, Q). t:37 7:?. '-1· 73.9 0.76 (Z). 6~'5 ID::::: 78/5(2) 70 ROOF COLOR: MEDIUM C.F .. M. :371.,. 302 3 P. M .. 5. SEP r'\T • 6. AUG AT 4 P.M .. 7. JUN AT 4 P.M., ZONE HEt\TINC::i··-· .. ··> ::: B1.2 0.T1 82. '11 (2). 79 81 .• 1. (?.I., 81., -!1-~ 068 l,J/ INF IL::::: l~SH TONS (2). 69 0.,70 0.60 0. i.~6 (2). 56 0. :i9 C?.). e:,L1, '+ ~ 06£:3 C .. F. M ·•• 9 ... , .i::. • • • • • • TRANSMISSION FACT. TEMP DitF HEATING TEMP DIFF COOL.ING INPUT!:l CEILING PARTITION 0.00 0.00 FL..OOR (1. 00 0 EH·<YL. I GHT ~'.). 80 32 0 ·-3 FLOURESCENT LIGHTS N SOL.t-~11 Fr'\CTCrl~ ANI) / 0 I~ REVE~/i.LS TYP[: 1 Sl·...:VL I GHT -0. 4~'5 P R.ESENT (FT) OVE:::HHANGS HEIGHT OF OVERHANG bE?TH OF OVERHANG HEIGi-iT OF WINDOl,J DEPTH OF l~EVE/1,L NUl''ll:?.r::::R FLOOl~f:3 0 n (i1~1 1.2. 5(2) 6.7(2) 0 .. v.:l0 1 • 0v'J TYPE 2 TYPE 3 0. 00 (?.). 00 0. 00 0. (?.){2) 0. 00 I?.). 00 1. ma l2l. 0t~ 0.00 j, • t2)(2) EFFECTIVE AVERAGES FOR ZONE LOADS OR OP···C0[3T EX?OSUREn N. NE L., SE; (2). !Zl0 (2).00 ~, .. CJQ) t]. 00 i~;.. Sh! ft.'). fli0 0 .. 0~, 0. 0C!i ©. 00 w .. NW 1c-.1.04 0.eJ0 1. 13 0. f.Z)(Z) WALL TRANS. FACTORS 0.00 0.00 GLASS TRANS FACTORS 0~00 0.,00 GLASS SOLAR FACTORS 0.00 ~.00 ROOF TRANS .. FACTOR -0.05 (i:) " lc-:l (2) !i1. l~~) 0.0(2) 0.00 0.65 0.(2)(2) SKYLI~HT TRANS. FACTOR• 0.80 NUML~,ER OF PEOPLE TOTAL. LIGHTS OTHl:~l:'.l ELECTRICAL = W. TYPE 1 GLASS AREA= TOTAL.. GL.ASB -ARE:,\ TOTAL. <::iL./.>,!:3S Al=<E:.t-, Hl·(YL. I GiHT AREA !:"ll·<YL.. I (::iHT /.>,F~l::J>i W. TYPE 1 WALL AREA= TOTP,I... !,.J/.>,l..l ..• (.>,!~EA PAl1TITION AREt-1, CEIL.ING /.1,l~Ef.\ 1::·LOOf? ,t.,FFt-1 AREA OF !~OOF OUTPUTE3 6 1., 2H?J 0 107 1(17 :1.fi~7 0 0 89 g<;.' 'j 0 (?.) t?J SENSIBLE PEOPLE LOAD LIGHTING LOAD OTHEF~ ELECT RI CP,L. W. TYPE 1. GLASS SOLAR - TOTAL GLASS SOLAR TOTAL SL.ASS TRANS .. TOTAi.... Erl-(Yl.. I GHT f:iOL..r'\i=/ TOTAL. SKYLIGHT TRANS l,J" TYPE 1. hlALL LOAD TOT!-1,L. ~,J/.>.1....1... Tl=<,~NS. TOTt-1 1 .... Pt-,FxT. l"l~ANS TOT,t->,I ... CEILJ:NGi TF)AhlE.l TOTt-,L. Fl...OOF<: THf:i.NEl POOF 1...0,,:,,D •.. ..... ..... ..... -· ..... l,4f3:Z t.1,011.30 12) 3,1.76 3•1 :l76 --3t:i:-::l (,'.) t?.\ -27 . .... :27 0 Q) 0 0 • 't· .. ,, ~"-.. t • ....... ·---~ ~-------~~ • RM Bt16* SAFETY FACTOR • Et!~;t=~ F~~t-~ ~I~~-t=>. Mlb(. SEN61BL..E :::: VENTILATION CFM - MISC. LATENT - NUMBER 0~ PEOPLE= VENTILATION CFM = • TOTAL CFM-STD AIR= 0i:, 0. 11 l<l 61 C?J 6. 6l 3f:l2 !:JAFETY B .. T. U. !:l FAN HEAT GAIN -BT Ml SC. !:>l:~N!::1 I E?,l....E O. A.SENSIBLE LOAD MH3C. L/.~TEI\IT PEOPLE LATENT LOAD O.A .. LATENT LOAD TOTAL LATENT LOAD ROOM LP,T. LOAD R06M SENSIBLE *********************************••*********** t;, -x-rc:· .... )._J_) ('.l -.. :20W (Z) 1., :21.1Cl 720 1, 9t,v., RM B t 1. 6-*· -->•GRAND TOTAL LOAD= 10,493 BTU'S OR LOAD RUN FOR # 2. JUL AT C1" E.l7. TON:~.; 9 /.,. M • <-·--·" • • • • • • • • AREA (80 FT> = TOTAL.CFM-STD AIR - PARi"ITION LOAD VENT I LAT I 01\l LOAD ::::: FLOOR HEATING LOAD• GLASS HEATING LOAD= SLAB HEATtNG LOAD= WARM UP LOAD - 1,210 S0. FT PER TON '.,382 CFM PEH !:3Gl FT ~,!EATING LOP,D 0 CEIL.ING LOAD 2•1 130 0 ROOF HEATING LOAD - Sl·.ZYI.. .. I GHT LOF>,D 3•iB6C,,' WALL HEATING LOAD - 0· INFIL HEAT LOAD 0 H LOAD J,,JIT~d VENT COIL SELECTION PARAMETERS -78.3 / Sf:l.0 TOT SENSIBLE LOAD = = 66.2 / 57.4 TOTAL. COIi.... LOAD 'DB .TEMP ENT/1..VG ~JB TEMP ENT /L.V6 SPECIFIED ROOM RH TEF~M A It\ TEMP T. ST. EVAP FAN= -50% RESULTING ROOM RH - = 58.00 / 110 DEGREES hOTATED = 0 1.~0 NON-CEILING RETURN STRr.,NG DEFP,UL.TS 1 ~ 391,. l?J. ::1:2 .(?.) c;, f) 199 ~:) 6•1 :l.'7'f3 r:l i 533 1.01493 51 i~ l::?,L.D(::i • 'U' FACTOR= 0.65 ---------------------------------···-------------------------- ' . -~•7IT"~~·:t-n:r~~~··"i.~~r~~~-7":~ : I -~·--..,_ ... "----...__ -~ • • ·- • • • • • • • • Auf1 3(.?h 19f3'.:'i CARLSBAD *CALIFORNIA LAT= 33 ALT= 44 a)NST= 70W/40R/ 708 I [):::a 78/50 7t~ WALL COLOR: MEDIUM ROOF COLOR: MEDIUM ,._ SER-ti: ::2ti1:?r~6fJ31 .. 6 D.B.TEMP TOTAL TONS !~ElH T()N~3 (2) .. 78 0.7H el. 7G G~. 7(::1 (.,1 .. 7El ~1. 7B C.F.M. 1 • cTl,11'-I AT <:y A.M. 7L1-.1 (Li~);:"!; Li-27 i:,.~27 '+~"2-'l '-1-27 427 lt-27 "i-~27 ~2 II ,JUL ._:). OCT Li-• DEC Su SEP t) .. /.>,UG ~\T t,,,T AT AT /.ff <7 H?l ~2 3 L1- (->i .. M .. A. M .. P .. M. P. M .. P. M. 7. JUN AT 4 P.M. ZONE HEATING-->= TRANSMISSION FACT .. TEMP DIFF HEATING TEMP.DIFF COOLING FLOU~ESCENT LIGHTS 7~S. 0 72. Li- 73. C";I 81 .. ::;;: t=-32.(2) 0 .. s>3 (2),, 9;:; 0.96 0.96 0,96 (-31.:1. 0 .. 96 t) vJ/ I NF I!.._::::: I I\IPUTS CEILING PARTITION (?.). 00 Q). (2)0 {1 (2) 0 ei .. 7t:l 0 C .. F .. M - Fl..OOf~ 0 .. cm 0 Sl·<YLIGHT 0.80 :3:;:: -l1. y BOLAR FACTOR SKYLIGHT -(Z). 4-~'5 EFFECTIVE AVERAGES FOF~ ZONE LOADS OFl OP···COST EX POt=JLmE::: N. NE E:. EE:'. C' ...:)11 ~-:;t,J l,J,. NvJ J,,,J/.1,U •• Tl·(ANS. FACTORS 0.00 0. (?)Qi 0.00 Q). 00 12). 0t~ 0. !Zl(?i 0. (2)0 0,. 0(i.'.) GLASEl TFIANS FACTORS (2). !1.)'j 0 .. l?.)(.,:J 0. 0(Zl ei. li'.l0 !Zl. 00 (2). 00 Ii~. 12)(2) (2). (2)0 (::iLAS!:~ !:.lOLAI~ FACTOr~s t?l. QJC1 {i~. 0(2) 0. 0(?i ('. 12}0 (?.)., 0t, t?l. 0(?.) 0.00 0.00 ·ROOF TRi--'\NE,. FACTOR --l2l • 0 ~s S~<YL...IGHT TRANS. FACTOf~ == 0.B0 OUTF)UTS NUMB E Ft! OF PEOPLE ·-~:i SENSIBLE PEOPLE L.OAD ... 1 ' 178 TOTAL. L.IGl-li"S =:: :l , 921.,. L-I GHT I NG 1...0(.:,,I) ... 8•1208 OTHER EL..E-:GTR I CAL... :::: 0 OTHEF{ E::L...ECTI::.: I Cl\l .... --t:l TOTAL Gl....,!\SS P,RE:.f>, --0 TOTP,L. Gl...f.>,SS f30L_AR --t?) TOTt-\L. GLASS AF~E:t,,, ... (2) TOTl:,,L .. GL../.,BE; TFU,NG. :.•:; (2) Sl·<YLIGHT AREA :::;: 0 TOTt-:i,L.. !:31-<YL_ IGHT 1:301..AR --0 Sl·<YL.. I GHT AREP, --0 TOTi,L.. EH{YL.I GHT TRAN!:} ::::: 0 i"OTAL. hlf\LL.. f·\FIEA ... (2) TOT/.>,L. 1,,JALL. Tf~AN!:'.J. _, .. (i.1 PARTITION AREA -(Z) TOT,!\L.. F'l~,RT. TRANS ··-(2) CEIL..Il'JG t->iRE/.>, -·· (2) TOTf.,L.. GEIL.ING Tf;V\l\lfl ... ~:) FL..OOF-1 l1l~EA ... 0 TOTt·,L.. FL...OOF~ Tf~t->,NB -· 0 AREf., OF ROOF •.. f.i., POOF LOAD . .. 0 t?) -:~' t: ' -~· ,, ·-'.· , " • • • • • • • • • • • SAFETY FACTOR EVAP FAI\I H.P. MI E:3C SENS I BL.E VENTILATION CFM - MISC. L.I, TENT NUMBER QF PEOPLE= VENTILATION CFM = TOT AL. CFM·-STD A IF~::::: l~OOM SENG I Bl..E 0i~I 0 .. :l ~~:: (2) 4-E) l) ~) lf8 L1-27 9, 3El7 !::lAFETV B.T.U .. S i:::·P,I\I l··IEr!:i,T Gt-\IN __ ,, BT MH:;c. SlE:I\IS, I BL.E o. A .. EJEt-,1!:HBU:: l..Ot,D MISC. LATENT PEOPLE L .. ATEI\IT L.0(-'.D o. A. LATENT L.OAD TOTr6.L LATENT LOM) ROOM Lr-, T. LOP,D . ********************************************** F!M B202* .•. 0 ·-:37~:i --~1 ::::. -217 -· Vi ·-91:lf.:, ::=: 1,033 ·-;~' 01 '? _.,_ 9EU:, --> GRAND TOTAL LOAD -11,564 BTU'S OR 0.96 TUNS<-- LOAD RUN FOR # 4. DEC AT 2 P.M . /\·REA ( SG! l='T) TOT r6,L cr-=-M-:-·STD AIR - PAF~TIT-ION LOAD VENTILATION LOAD FLOOR HEATING LOAD= GLASS HEATING LOAD= SLAB HEATING LOAD - I..-JARt1 UP LOAD 962 SQ .. FT PER TON 427 CFM PER SQ FT :HEATJNG L.Ot,,,D == 0 CEIL.II\~ LOAD = ROOF HEATING LOAD - S~<YL I GHT LOAD WALL. HEATING LOAD• e !NFIL. HEAT LOAD 0 H LOAD WITH VENT COIL SELECTION PARAMETERS DB TEMP ENT/LVG -78.3 / SB.0 TOT SENSIBLE LOAD - .WB TEMP ENT/LVG -66.1 / 57 .. 4 TCTTAL. COIL LOAD tPECIFIED ROOM RH = 50% RESULTING ROOM RH - TERM AIR TEMP -58.00 / 110 DEGREES RO~ATED = 0 T. ST. EVAP FAN= 1.00 NON-CEILING RETURN BL.I)<::i. 1 U 1 FACTOR= ·(2).(2)(2) STRANG DEFAULTS <:;>9!:J 0.-'iA (2) II) Cl (2) (2) 1,693 l.1., 5c:A ~5 0';/,, ------0------------------------------------------------------ -'.I , \ ~-/rf{}-~. ,:}}[\.. .:\\~ ~ I • ,._;.: _:~ ., '* ·: • , • .. ~-'~·. ·..-~--~~, ... .,.~1,,~.,.,,...:....,..,-~~-~~~~~~~~~.0?'~.V~~7~~~~;:t~7.2,.t~;;~1~---=:~:--~--:- • CARLSBAD *CALIFORNIA COl\ll:37":::-0 7(2)L,J/ L1,-ii~R/ 708 WALL COLOR: MEDIUM P,I..ISI 1 C,'El'.;;\ L.AT . ·-SEFHI· 2020l:,ff31 • 6 D.B.TEMP TOTAL TONS L t':>.T 9 A. M. 7.c, .• 1 0. 90 2. ~ruL AT 3. OCT AT L,. DEC AT 9 1 (?j :2 A. M. A .. M .. P .. M. AT 3 8:i. Sl;:P P .. M. AT 4 6. AUG P. M. 7. JUN AT. 4 P.M. ZONE HEATING-->= 7~5. ti.~ 0. 9~:J 72.4 0.90 7;:,~.9 0.9L1, 81.2 t?l .. 9'-, 82.0 0.94 81 . 1 0. 9.!1, 0 W/INFlL::::: = 33 ALT= 44 ID:::. n~1 I :::i (Zl 7flJ ROOF COL.OF~:: MEDIUM FrnH TONB k"J. 69 0. t~<:y 0.69 (.,:J. 69 0.69 12). {:,9 0.69 0 C" F." r'l ..... C .. F.M. 379 ~379 379 379 37<? 379 379 • INPUTS CEILINt PARTITION FL.OOF~ 0. 0li5 t?l (tj Gl<YLIGHT (1. 80 TRANSMISSION FACT. TEMP DIFF HEATING ~~~MP bIFF COOLING FLOURES~ENT LIGHTS 0. 00 0 .. {2)0 0 0 0 0 Y SOLAR FACTOR SKYLIGHT - 32 -t;. 0. Lf5 • EFFECTIVE AVERAGES FOR ZONE LOADS OR OP-COST • • • • • • EXPOSUR~: N. NE E. SE S.. SW W. NW WAL.L TRi6,NS. FACTORS <::il_AS!:/ TF~AI\IS FACTORS Gl-ASS !30L.l-1F< FP,CTOm:l ROOF TR.t1NB. FACTOn -·- NUMBER OF PEOPL.E -· TOTAi... LIGHTS ··- OTHEF-1 EU~CTR I CAL.. -- TOTAL (:iLASS P,REA r:. TOTP,L GLASS ARE/.1 -· Ei!-{YI...IGHT ARE/.1 ..... Sl·<Yl-I GHT -AREA _,, TOT/:-,L .Wi-:..LI .•. ARC/•, •.. PARTITION AREP, ... CEIL.ING />,REA ... FL.001:~ AF~E(.,, ..... P,RFt, OF F'<OOF --· 0.00 0. (i.%.'l 0. 0(?.l 0 .. 05 (ij. 0v.~ 0. (?.)(2) 0. !?)(ij 0. k'lk") 0. 00 0. e)(,') 0 .. 0e'J 0 .. (?.)(i:') (i'.) .. f/)0 Sl·<YL. I GI-IT OUTPUT!:/ 0.00 0 .. 00 0 .. 00 0.00 0 .. 00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 .. 00 0.(2)0 0.00 0.00 TRANS. FACTOR= 0.80 l:, SENSIBLE PEOPL. E LOAD ..... j, ') 4.7(?.) 123 I_IGHTING LOAD ... 52::J 1. '} 200 OTHEFx 0 TOTi!>,L 0 TOTt\L 0 TOTAL 0 TOT/1L. t?J TOTAL 0 TOT(,l.. 0 TOTAL. (ZI TOT/0,L fi.1 l~OOF' El...ECTI·~ I CAL .. (:iLASS SOL,\R GLAElB TFU1!\lf.>. Sl·<YL. I GHT SOL.AF~ fJl·<YL. I <.::iHT TnANf; t,JAL.L TF-lANEl .. Pt,:,,RT. TRt-'.,,I\IE; CEIL.ING TF~l-1Nf.; FL.OOH TRt\l\lS L..Ot\D -· - ·- ·- ·- ..... -· ..... ... -· if, 096 v., (Z) (i~ 0 0 Q) {?.) (2) t~ c, • SAFETY Ft, CTOR ~11/. S/.>,FETY B. T. U .. S -· • EVAP FAN H.P. MIBC SENSIBLE VENTILATION CFM - . ·MISC. LATENT 0 .. u :~: " ~~~ l1, ~~) Fl':.,I\I HE/.•,T Gt,IN MI.SC. SENSIBLE .... BT ·-· Qi :333 'NUMBER OF PEOPLE= VENTILATION CFM = 6[1 l;.t.,.5 6 l1!r."J o,. /.>, .. GENSil:JL.E MISC .. LATENT PEOPL..E 1.../.>,TENT O. A .. LATENT --· L01t>,D ··- -· LOAD ..... L.OAD _ .. • TOTAL CFM-STD AIR= 379 TOTAL LATENT LO/.>,D ... ··<27:l 4L~~j :I., 23~2) 1, 16 j_ 2, c:~/-:, • • • • • • • .. • =· 8~335 ROOM LAT. LOAD •.. :l. ~ 67:i *******************•************************•* --> GRAND TOTAL LOAD -11,234 BTU'S OR 0. '"'l'-1· TOI\IE; < ....... . LOAD RUN FOR # 4. DEC AT 2 P. M • AREA (SQ FT> = :TOTf\L , ·CFM .. ···STP A I 11 -·· Pt,RTITION LOAD VENTILATION L.Ot-:i,D Fl...0011 HEATING L0/1,D:::: GLASS HEATING LOAD= ~LAB HEATING LOAD - WARM UP LOAD - 246 SQ. FT PER TON = 379 CFM .. :PEI~ BG! FT HEAT IN<:i LOAD , .0 CEII....II\IG L.c)AD 2, 11;~ 0 0 ROOF HEATING LOAD - Sf<YL. I GHT L. 0/.>, D WALL.HEATING LOAD - 0 INtIL HEAT LOAD ~ H LOAD WITH VENT COIL SELECTION PARAMETERS l~J Q) m el w 2~ 112 DB TEMP ENT/LVG = 78 .. 1 I 5Bam TOT SENSIBLE LOAD -8,397 . WB TEMP ENT/LVG =.66.8 I 57 .. 5 TOTAL COIi.... LOAD = 11,234 <SPECIFIED ROOM 1;;1-1 :::: 50.% RESUL..TIN.G ROOM RH -5Z~ . TERM f\I R ·rEMP ::., 58. 0!i~ I 1 H., DEGF/EES; FWT~,TED :::: 0 T. ST. EVAP FAN= 1.m0 NON-CEILING RETURN BLDG. ·u· FACTOR= e.00 STRANG bEFAULTS I .-< • ~•(.. .... ~ 4.-. _ .... _ ......... ,.._ ~-... '. .. -.~• • • F<M B2li)I+ 2~fi-¾· /.1ug 30, 19El5 CARLSBAD . *CALIFORNIA LAT CONST= 70W/40R/ 708 WALL COLOR: MEDIUM •···· D.B .. 1. JUN AT 9 /.>, .. M. ~~!. SUL. AT 9 A .. M .. 3. OCT AT H,1 A .. M .. L1." DEC t-ff .-. o1::. P. M .. s1::::1~~i: 20217.Jf.:,[131 .. 6 TEMP "TOT/.1l... To1,1s (Lr .• j_ o. ~i /.~ 7~3. 0 0 .. 51.1- -1 .. •"t ( .,::,ti L1-0, i:·· /. •. :> + 73. 9 0. :it, : 33 ALT= 44 ID=::: 7f:3/'.::>C1 70 ROOF COLOR: MEDIUM RElH TOl\!!3 c .. r· .. . M . ltl. t+S 2L1-6 (2). 1.,.5 ~"24b !i;) .. 4.5 2L~l;, 0. Li-~'5 ~2/.1,6 • 5ii Sl:~P AT 3 P .. M. 1:-11. .... , .a:: 0. ~'5 c ..... 0. 4.5 21.1,6 • 6. AU<::i AT /.1, 1::i .. M. 7. ~TUN AT 4 p M .. ZONE HEATING··-···> •.. TRANSl''.IISBION FACT .. TEMP.DIFF HEATING JEMP PIFF COOLING FLOUR~SCENT LIGHTS !:i2 .. l2l .(2)" 1:56 I?.). 4.5 21.1,6 F31 .. 1. (i;). 56 (?.). '+~'5 246 0 l,J/INFIL=•, 0 C.F.M -· Il\tr:iuTS CEILIN<::i Pr-:i,r:,'.TITIOt-,1 FL.OOF~ !:-"3~{YL..I(:il·IT 0.00 0.00 0 .. 00 0 .. 80 0 0 0 ~~;~ 0 0 0 -4 Y SOLAR FACTOR SKYLIGHT -0 .. 45 • EFFECTIVE AVERAGES FOR ZONE L..0/.,DS OF~ OP···C0!3T • • • • • • EXP0!:3UREi N. .WALL TRANS. FACTORS 0.00 GLASS TRANS FACTORS 0.00 SLABS SOLAR FACTORS 0 .. 00 ROOF TRANS. FACTOR = 0,05 NUMBEF~ OF PEOPL..f?. --· NE E. FJE:: !::L. 0. 12){2) {2) • 0 (?} 12) n (2){?J 0. 00 (Z) • l7.H,) 0.00 (.,;). 00 0. (2)0 0. Q)Q) C?.J .. t?.H?.l 0 .. Cl0 0.·00 Br'i'.YL..IGHT Tl~ANB. OUTPUT/:; ;-:3 [·:H:.Nt=.; IBLE PEOPLE Sl;J w. 0 .. m?.J 0.00 (i:J. 00 0.00 0. v.,v.1 0 .. 00 FACTOR ::: LOAD -·· TOTAL. LIGHTS .. , 625 LIGHTIN<:i LOAD :::: OTHEI~ E'.LECTRI CAL.. -(?.) OTHEF~ EL.E::CTRI C/.,1.... _,. TOTt'~,L. GLASS iC>,REP, -0 TOTt'.1,1. .. GLASS SOL.Af'\ == TOTAL. GU\SS AREA = 0 TOTAL .. GLASS TRANE. -· Sl·<YLit:iHT Al~EA --0 TOTAL. Sl·'i'.YLIGHT SOLAF{ -· Sl·<YLIGHT ARE/.1 ·-0 TOT/"iL 131-<YL I GHT TRANG - TOTAL. Wt>,L.L. ARE/., ... (2) TOTAL .. l1J/.1 l.. I... TRANf:1. _., PARTJTION ,~l~fa; -·-0 TOTr-\L. PP.!~T. Tl~ANB - CEIL.ING /.,F/Et-:i, --· 0 TOTAL. CE::I I... ING TR/.,NS -·- FLOOn ARF~,t,, _,. 0 TOT/.\L.. FL..OOF~ lT{ANf:; ..... AF!Et; OF ROOF' -· {2) HOOF LOAD ... .:·1, Nl,J 0 .. 00 12). (,10 0.00 (i.'). El~:\ -;,-·71·· I ..,.,,.::i 2,666 0 0 ~;) 0 0 C' I • S/>,FETY FACTO!~ BAFETY B. T. U" !:3 • Ev~-:.,p F/.>,N H.P. ·m~ Q)., 07 2~ 0QWl 3(?.l Ft-,,N l·IE~t-1T GA I l\l ··· E?,T Mrr:c .. SENSIBLE • MI El C SEI\IE-i HH . .E VENTILATION CFM = MH3C. LATENT NUMBER OF PEOPLE= VENTILATION CFM = TOTAL CFM-STD AIR= ROOM SE::N$ I BL.E (?.) ~3 3(2) :;;::1.1,6 0. A .. SENSIBLE LOAD MISC. LATENT PEOPLE LATENT LOAD O.A. LATENT LOAD TOTAL LATENT LOAD ROCWI L.f, T. LOAD ***************************•****************** Fm E?..2eJL1, 20~'5-*· t.?) 216 2 ~ 0(%'1 .. ,. :L 3~j (2) 61.5 639 61. ~:i --> GRAND TOTAL LOAD -6,735 BTU'S OR 0.56 TONS~-- • LOAD RUN FOR # 4. DEC AT 2 P.M .. • • • . , AF{EA ( SQ F.T) : .. TOTAL C}7 M·-'STD A IR = PARTITION LOAD VENTil....l,TION LOAD == FLOOR HEATING LOAD= ~LASS HEATING LOAD~ SLAB HEATING LOAD - WARM UP LOAD = 250 SQ. Ft PER TON "246 CFM PER SQ FT HEATINC::i LOAD 0 Cl;:ILING LOAD :::: 1,056 0 12) :0 0 R()()F' 1-fE:t-~TI'·N(i l._(>P1f) ·- Sl·<VL I <.:iHT LOAD WALL HEATING LOAD - INFH .. HE~AT LOAD H LOAD WITH VENT COIL SELECTION PARAMETERS DB TEMP ENT/LVG -78.3 / 58.!?.l TOT SENSIBLE LOAD - -WB TEMP ENT/L.VC:i .... 66.2 / 57.:S TOTAL COIL. U)AD ,.,_, SPECIFIED ROOM RH -50% RESULTING ROOM RH - TERM AIR TEMP -58.00 / 110 DEGREES ROTAtED = 0 T. ST. EVAP FAN= 1.00 NON-CEILING RETURN BLDG. 'U' FACTOR= 0.00 StRANG DEFAULTS l.1, ,,.~5 (7.). 98 1,056 5, t.+82 CH735 ---,_, ......................... _., ________ ,, ............... ___ ,.,, ............ _,, ................ -..... _ .. .,, .. -.. ,' .......... .._,-........... ·-· _,. ,-........... ·-··-· , ................................ -..... ·-·-·-·-__ ,, ........................... .. • • • · . .t·· . • -:._ ,,: ' • • • • • • • • •· • ··-::·: ~ :,,,,: 1,:· ("i 1.rr-4 CARLSBAD *CALIFORNIA CONST= 70W/40R/ 708 rm B2e16-)j· 3ti,, :l 98~5 L/.'iT :::: 33 :[[)::::: 78/5(?.j 70 WALL COLOR: ~CDIUM ROOF COLOR~ MEDIUM SERfl: 202ti.l6ff3 :I. .. 6 D.B.TEMP TOTti'-'iL TON!:-J 1.· ·,JUN ,t.,,T 9 /.it" M. 7'-1-. 1. 1.. 8Fl :"2: ti JUL. AT 9 A. M. 7~.3" (2) :l . E:l9 ;3. OCT ·AT H.":l ,t.,, .. M. 7~~ .. I;. 1. ., . ..., •• J ' .l'.1. • DEC AT :~: P .. M. 73 .. 9 1.31 i::• SEP AT ::3 P .. M. 8:1.. ~7:: j_ '.:i 1. -1 • . 6. ,t.,,UG /.\T .I'.(. p " M .. l:12. (?) j_ • ~J~? 7. ,TUN AT '-I· P.M. !:":31.. j_ 1 5i::· • . .J ZOI\IE: HEATINC::i········> ..... 6~ 3::i9 W/INFIL=::: F~BH TONt3 1.. 57 1 .• ~rn 1.. 2E\ l?l. 9B 1 ... 1. 6 j_" 1.7 :l. • 1. <-7 6 •i 3·5 9 C. r~. M -- C.F.1'1. f~!57 fl6:3 696 53:?; 631. 6:'."~9 6:.\2 1 L,!::i TRANSMISSION FACT. TEMP DIF~ HEATING fEMP DIFF 1COOLING tLOURESCtNT LIGHTS I Nr:,un; CEILING PARTITION 0.00 0.00 FI...OOF~ 0. 0P.) Sl<YL..IGHT 0.B0 {2) Qj (?) 0 Y SOL.AR F /.\ CTOH Sl·<YL.. I GHT ··· EFFECTIVE AVERAGES FOR ZONE LOADS OR OP···COElT EXPOSURE: N. NE E. SE !:1. mJ w. ~ALL TRANS. FACTORS 0.07 0.00 0.07 0.00 GLASS ~RANS FACTORS 1.:l.3 0.00 1.1.3 0.00 GLASS SOLAR FACTORS 0.65 0.00 0.65 0.00 0 .. 00 0. m~ (2)., 00 0. !2)(2) 0. t?Je) 0 .. [2)(2) 0. (2)0 ei. 00 0. l-10 .FWOF TR/.,NS .. FACTOF{ :::: 0. t?E'5 Sf·~YLIGHT TRANS .. F="ACTOR ::-.: NUME?,ER OF PEOPLE TOTAL LIGHTS • OTHER ELECTRICAL - N. TYPE 1 GLASS AREA= E. TYPE 1 GLASS AREA= TOTt'!I.I... GLASS ARE,~ TOT/.,L GL../.,HS Al~Er\ Sf--;:VL.IGHT Al~EA Sl<YL.IGHT Al~EA N. TYPE :l. WALL AREA - r:.=::. T'l Pt:: l Wt\l_L.. A FiE~,; ..... TOTAL WALL AREA a Pf\RT IT ION AFxE:~l, GEIL I NG !'•,RE/., FL..001~ Al~E=~A AREt, OF 1=xoor--=- OUTPUT!:; 1.0 SENSIBLE PEOPLE LOAD 2,000 LIGHTING LOAD 0 OTHEP ELtCTFU CAL... :::: 80 N .. TYPE 1 GLASS SOLAR - t=.l0 1.60 j_~(') E. TYPE l GLASS SOLAR - TOTAL GLASS SOLAR TciTAL GLASS TRANS. TOTAL SKYLIGHT SOLAR TOT/.,L.. !:.1l·<YL I GHT TF~ANS :l.28 N. TYPE 1 WALL LOAD 128 E. TYPE 1 WALL LOAD 2:>6 TOT/.>,L.. Wt'\1...1.... TRANE:l. 0 l?.I 0 0 TOTAL PART .. TRANS TOTAL CEILING TRANS TOTAL FLOOR TRANS l~OOF L..OAD ::;:: NW 12). 0c;, Ii.'). li'J0 0. 00 0. 8(2) 2, l.1-'.'50 B•i ~i32 0 9'.39 ---~51.,2 ····(.:)~) 7~j H1 (;'.) 0 0 l2l ' • SAFETY Fi6,CT0f~ • EVAP FAI\I H .. P. MISC SENSIBLE - VENTILATION CFM - MISC. LATENT - NUMBER OF PEOPLE= VENTILATION CFM = • TOTAL CFM-STTI AIR= ROOM BENE; I BI....E == m~ 0.25 0 1 l2)t?i f2) 10 1.12)0 86~"3 :I.B•i9B1. SAFETY B.T.U.S FAN HEAT GAIN -BT M'I 1::; C. SENt3 I BL..E O. A.SENSIBLE LOAD MH3C. L..ATENT PEOPLE LATENT LOAD O.A. L..ATENT LOAD TOTAL LATENT LOAD ROOM l...AT. L0/1D -ll· ·*· ¾··l>i· -l!· -M· ·W· -l!· * ·*· -*· -l(· -l!· -l!· -l!· -l(· -:o!• -M· ·M· -M· ¾· ¾· ·l!· -!.· ·}!• ·l!· ·>!· ·*· ~-·*· -ll· -l!· -l!· ·M· ·*· ·l!· '?t· ·l!· -:>I•-:>/·¾· ·l!· ·M· -:>!· -!>i· ,)!, HM E>,~~:06-*· l2) '7'"'"}' ' .. J ' (I:) -...::n0 2~ t2l5i.:'.) :I , 27E) :::.~, 3:?El --> GRAND TOTAL LOAD -22,736 BTU'S OR 1.89 TONS<-- • LOAD RUN FOR # 2. JUL AT 9 A.M. • • • • • Af'{Et>, .. ( SG1 j::-T) VOTAL CFM-STD AIR - .PARTITION LOAD VENTILATI(ll\l I...Of-\,D FLOOR HEATING LOAD= GLASS HEATING LOAD= SLAB HEATING LOAD - ·t,J,; RM U F) L()AD -- 800 SQ. FT PER TbN 863 C~M PER SQ FT .HEATING l.. .. OAD 0 CEIL.ING LOAD :::: 3? ~-:i20 ~~ ~5, 786 l1 (2) ROOF HEATING LOAD - SH<YL..J.GHT LOAD WALL. HEATING LOAD - INFIL.. HEAT LOAD H LOAD WITH VENT ::-.:: COIL SELECTION PARAMETERS DB lEMP ENT/LVG - WB TEMP ENT/LVG - SPECIFIED ROOM RH .TERM AIR TEMP - 78.5 / 58.0 TOT SENSIBLE LOAD - 65.9 / 57.4 TOTAL COIL LOAD = .50% RESULTtNG ROOM RH - 58.00 / 110 DEGREES ROTATED= 0 T. ST. EVAP FAN= 1.mm NON-CEILING RETURN BLDG. 'U' FACTOR= 0.49 STRAN<.::i DEF/>,Ul...Tf; :I .• (?)fl (Z) r't? 87<;;> 19~ l-1-08 22,736 5!2io/.: ----------------··------------~------------------------------- • 1 .,. I'•\'"'/ -.·., • • i:m· B:;::09~· /.•, u S! 3~1 •i 198~:i CARLSBAD *CALIFORNIA CONST• 70~/40R/ 708 WALL COLOR: MEDIUM ··--- 1,, ~ruN 1-~ T ~TUL. t\T 3. OCT r.~T 9 c; 10 SE:::R=I:!· :20206i::l3:I.. 6 D.B.TEMP TOTAL TONS A.M. 7::,,,1 :1 .• :1.17 A. M. A. M. 7~5. (?.) j,. 2 :l. j,. 10 DEC AT :J~ .r.,.. P. M .. 73. 9 :I .• 31. ID==-.:: 7f:l/512l : 70 ROOF COLOR: MEDIUM lxF.lH TONt'3 0 .. 93 (?.). c:9::,. 0.BL,. 0. 96 C:.F.M. 506 su,. e;r:P AT -:r ~J • 5. P.M. 81.2 1.78 :I. • L,.iJ 1. 5<;,' 1. :'i6 L,~59 522 765 867 8~53' • /:•,UG AT, Lt, 6. P.M. 7. JUN AT 4 P.M .. ZONE HEATING-->= TRANSMISSION FACT,, ~EMP DIFF HEATING h'E::11p ;DitF c6oL .. ING FLOURESCENT LIGHTS 82.0 1.98 B:1 ... 1 1..9::i 1.,., :376 W/ INF IL;::: INPUTB GEIL.ING PARTITION fZJ. 00 Ql. 0(~ 0 (21 ·OJ . 0 t,., 37 6 C .. F. M - FL OOH S~<YL J GHT 0.07 0.80 ~'JL, . 32 6 _I;. y SOLAR FACTOR SKYLIGHT• 0.45 • EFFECTIVE AVERAGES FOR ZONf:'::: LOADS 0-F~ OP-··C0!:3T • • • • • • EX POBUF~E: N. NE F" ·-. ~'3E ~,. E;t,J hi,, t? .. m;_., V.:J. 00 0.00 0. '(2)Q'j 0.00 ~,. 05 0. 0(i.'.I 0.00 0.00 (2). 00 Ill. 00 1. 13 0.00 !i.'l. 00 (j. 017.l (i,. !im 0. (?.)(~ 0.65 WALL TRANS. FACTORS 0.00 GLASS TRANS FACTilRS 0.00 GLASS SOLAR FACTORS 0.00 ~OOF TRANS. FACTOR = 0.05 S~<YLIGHT TRAN::;. FACT0~1 ::: NUMBER OF PEOPLE TOTAL LI(:iHTS OTHER EL-ECTF<I C/.>,L... ::::: W. TYPE 1 GLASS AREA= TOTAL GLASS AREA = TOT t;L. GL.A~3E; A l=<Et,:,, Sl·<YL. I GHT /.>,f~EA S!·<VL. I GHT AREA W. TYPE 1 WALL AREA - TOTcf.l,L.. l·Jt,U .. ,t.i,FZEA PAF<TITJON AREA Cf::. IL I NG AFH::.A FL.OOt~ />,F1Eti AtiE:::r-:i. OF f~OOF OUTPUTS 13 SENSIBLE PEOPLE LOAD 1,324 LIGHTING LOAD ·0 OTHER ELECTRICAL ::::: = 1~3ra :l.0C?! 1. 0~) W. TYPE 1 GLASS SOLAR - 0 .QI TOTAL GLASS SOLAR TOTAL GLASS TRANS. TOfAL SKYLIGHT SOLAR TOTAL SKYLIGHT TRANS 204 W. TYPE 1 WALL LOAD 204 TOTAL WALL TRANS. 0 TOTAL PART. TRANS 0 TOTAL CEILING TR~NS 137 TOTAL FLOOR TRANS 0 ROOF 1...0AD ::::: NvJ 0.00 121 •. 12)0 f2). fZ)Q) 0. 8(2) 3 9 (Z)L1-~S 5, 6 1+9 {Z) 9~678 996713 l. I:"•-, ~:J ,::. 0 (2) 206 206 (2) 0 53 (1 .. ----..... ~~---...-~4P""~~~,,.~W~~_,,~;~~·ff.!li!J1~[~ BAFETY FACTOR • EVAP Fl\N H .. Fl,, MISC SENSIBLE - VENTLl_ATION CFM - MISC. LATENT - NUMBER OF PEOPLE• VENTILATION CFM • • TOTAL CFM-STD A I R=0 ROOl·1 SENS IBLE 0:~: 0.25 (?.) :1.32 (?.) 1 -x ~, 13~~~ B67 l. <7 ') C:-.183 SAFETY B. T.U. t.~ 0 Ft->,t>,J HE~AT GAIN ·-BT MH3C .. SEI\IE\ I. BL.E:: o. p,. SENE; :re.L.E LO(.>,D MISC. LATENT PEOPLE LATENT LOAD o. A .. L.ATEl,IT LOAD TOTt,:,,L LAlT:::I\IT L.Or~D ROOM LAT. L.OAD -*· -l!· ·1>:· ·lH(, ·)l· -l<· ·*· -)(-~--l!· -l!· -l!· -l!· -~-·X--l!--*· ·l!· -~--*· ~H(· ,)(, •M· -:>!·-;>(•-)!· ·)(· ·lH/· ·)l· 7(--:>(·-)(--*· ·M· -l>!· -l!· -M· -l!· -l!· ·M· -M· ·1>:· -)(· F~M E:\209* .•. 0 ·-76:? ·-0 , .. w ~:i8::5 ... (21 --· :!. 'I '.~j8c;,' --l ' 72(i) --::~ ~ 3l19 _ .. , 1 ' ~'389 ······-> GH,t.>il\lD. TOTAL. LOAD".::: 2:::,~7:36 BTU"'!~1 OR 1.9El TOl\tS <·-···· • LOAD RUN FOR # 6 .. AUG AT 4 P4M. • • AREA (SGl FT) :::: 66::;:: 8<~1. FT PE.R TON ::::: TOTAL CFM·-,$TD f.>,IR -· 867 CFM PER H<;i FT -· ·HEt.•,TING LOAD PARTITION LOAD ·-0 CEILING LOAD -- VENTILATI·ON LO/.>.D ..• Lj,9 6c-)ZJ ROOF HE/.>,TING L.OAD . .. FLOOR HEATING LOAD=: 303 S~(YL.IGHT LOAD ..... GLASS Hl:~A·1;t:NG LO,c,D0.::, 3·1616 WAL.L 1-IEATING LOAD ... SL.AB I-IEA-f"ING LO/-'iD -(?.) INF"IL HEt\T LOAD ..... Wt->,F~M UP LOAD :::: 0 H LOAD WITH VENT ·- COf.L !:-JELECTION PAF~AMETEF!S DB TE:MP l:;l\lT/L_V<:i -· 79.Lt, / 58.t?J TOT SENSIBLE LOAD WB TEMP ENT/LVG -66.2 / 57.4 SPECIFIED ROOM RH -50% TERM AIR TEMP -58.00· I 110 T. ST. EVAP FAN== 1.00 TOTAL.. COIL LOAD RESULTING ROOM RH DEGREES ROTATED= 0 • l;=.?,LDG~ 'U' FACTOR= 0.42 NON-CEILING RETURN .t:lTR/1,NG l)EF(.>,UI... nJ ~335 l .• 31 0 (i~ (2) 4.57 (2) 9, (;)36 20, •4-:?7 23,736 5 l!J'.'.;: ------------------------------------------------------------ • • • •• . \ . ~ . *·, ,· #,,•:...-,, ,••,•,I.';•'/: ..... 't-~ ';.-°'.,.,'w ~·~.,~:' i I 'II I I • P,l..fct CARLSBAD *CALIFORNIA CONST= 70W/40R/ 708 WALL COLOR: MEDIUM L./.\T ""' 33 I I)::: 7f::l / ~J 0 (,>,\._ T :::: t+Lf 7t.?) ROOF COL.OR: MEDIUM •-··· SEf-H!: 202068:::31. 6 L -:r ~,- ~JUI\! /.~T 9 ,JUL f\ T C';) OCT AT 10 DEC AT 2 D. B. TEMP TOT/.,,L.. TONS A.M. 71., ... 1 1 .. 21 A.M. 75.0 1.27 A.M. 72 .. 4 1.78 P. M .. f~E3H TONt-3 "j_. 0:3 1.08 1. 57 • 1. 6L1 . • 5. SEP AT 3 P.M. 73.9 81.~~: 8::~:. l~ Bi. 1 t.1-•1376 1. 90 1. 7(?.) 1. • '+~5 1. :'.":H l. Li-5 C. F. M .. 563 59k1 BSl:-3 894 789 b59 ~5B9 • • • • • • • • 6. AUG AT 4 P.M. 7. JUN AT 4 P.M. ZONE HEATING-->= TRANSMISSION FACT. TEMP DIFF HEATING TEMP DIFF COOLING FLOURESCENT LIGHTS W/INFJ:l...:::: INPUTS CEILING PARTITION (.,:). 00 0. (%,"') (2) (2) 0 (2) 1 .• :: j_ j_,, 00 I+~ 376 C. i::.·. M :::: FLOOR 0. (2)7 34 6 Sl-<YLIGHT 0,, 8fl) Y SOL.AR FACTI)R SKYLIGHT= Ci,'(;) EFFECTIVE AVERAGES FOR ZONE LOADS OR OP--C0[-31" EXPOSURE: N. NE E. BE EL1 ~3~J t.,J. NW WALL TRANS. FACTORS GL.ASS TRANS FACTORS GLASS SO~AR FACTORS ROOF TRANS. FACTOR NUMBEf~ OF PEOPLE TOT,6,1.... LIGHT!::i OTHER EL..ECTf\I CAL --· --· = -· f."' -::>. TYPE: 1. fil.0 AFJS1 t'11-~ E /; ::::: TOT/:>,l... GI....ASf1 AF~E~A -·- TOTl\L GLt,SG AF~EP, -- Sf<YL.IGHT Al=<EA -- Sl·<YL I CiHT ARE::t\ -- t'3" TYPE l wt-,,1....1 .... Al::ZE',t.,, -·- hi. T'..-'PI?~ 1. W(->,LJ.._ 16,!~E/:>, ..... TOTAL L-JALL P,l·\Et~ -·· P/.; RT IT I 01'~ AH!::./:., ·-- CE I l... I I\ICi. t->,REl·\ --· Fl...OOR /:>,REf-\ -·· AFlEi-\ oi::· F~OOF' ... 0 .. fllEl 0.00 0. (i'J(Z) 0. t~0 v.~. 0(1 (2). 00 (.,:). 0~'5 0.00 I?.). elf:'.) (.,:) • 12) (2) (2). (.,:)(2) t?.). 00 Ql,,(2)9,l Sl·<YL. I EiHT {?.),, !ij7 0. I.Z)l~ 1 • 13 0. !Zlv.1 ei. en c-,,, 00 0. !ZHZl 0. !?J0 0.65 0.00 0.00 0.00 TRANS. FACTOR= 0.80 OUTPUTS 8 SEI\IS I £:!,LE PEOPLE L.OAD --1, 7:Wl :2,:283 LIGHTING LOAD --9 9 7'1.f(2) e.i OTHEH El.ECTl::Z I C/.;L. . :::: 12l H:)0 t=:>1t TYPE 1. GL.AE3E; SOL.AR --89 381+ 1012) TOTi!>,L GLASS SOL.Al\ -f:1, 3FJ,:,. 1 ~)(:, TOTAi ... GLASS TRANS. == --L~6:3 0 TOTAL S!·,YLIGHT SOLP,H -(?.) t2) TOTAL Sf,YLIGHT TRANS -· !Z) :I. t.1.(.=J f:L, TYPE j_ L•J,;L.t... LOAD :::: :;~!:,";"~3 56) t.,J" TYl::iE :l. L.Jl>,LL.. LO,".\D ., ... .. ... :2:5 211:J!.1-TOT/.1,L L-JA!...L. Tl·\ANS. --· j_ 9<:_-,1 0 TOT/.,,L PI\RT. TRANS ::: (2) 0 TOT/.;l... CEIL.. I I\IG TfV1Nf.l -· (?.) :1.::n-TOTAL F"LOOI=< THANEl -5:.3 l~\ F{001-::· L.0/~l) --· 17.) , !' • • SAFETY FACTO!~ • E:Vt'\P FAN H .. P. MISC t:3ENSIBU::. VENTILATION CF~ - Mis;.c_ LATENT NUMBER OF PEOPLE= VENTILATION CFM = • TOTAL CFM-STD AIR= ROOM SENSIBLE (ijo/., r:,. 26 (I:) 76 (I:) 8 76 89/~. sM:'E~TY B. T" u. s; FAN HEAT GAIN -ET MIS G. SEN!:H B.u.::~ O. A.SENSIBLE LOAD MIElC,, Lf:\TENT PEOPLE LATENT LOAD O.A. LATENT LOAD TOTAL LATENT ~OAD FWOM L/.>,T. l..OAD ********************************•************* RM B2l. k:l·:i!· k:1 78~:; (2) Ii) 9:l3 913 --> GRAND TOTAL LOAD -22~752 8TU'S OR 1.90 TONS<-- • LOAD RUN FOR # 4. DEC AT 2 P.M. AREt~ (SG! FT) --76:d. SG1a ·FT PER TON ..... TOTAL.. CFM--STD AIR -89Lr CFM PER S<~ FT -- HEATINEi LOAD PARTITION LOAD --~:) CEIL I I\IG LOAD -· • 1./El'n I 1.. .. f\T I ON LOAD --:2 1J679 ROOF HEr.,,TIN<:i 1...0,6,D ::::: FU)OF? HEATING LOAD:::., :503 Sl·<YL. I GHT LOAD -· GL.ASS HE/.~T I l\lG 1..0/.\1):::, 3,6:t.6 l,.JALL HEATING I...OAD - !::"lLt'\B HEf:,TIN<::i LOf:1D ::::: (?.) II\IFIL HEAT LOAD _, .. !,,JARM l!f~ LQAD ..... {Z) H LOAD !,,JITH VEI\IT . .. • con. SELECTION PAl~f\METER.£1 DB tEMP ENT/LVG -78.4 / 58.0 TOT S~NSIBLE LOAD WB TEMP ~NT/LVG -65.6 / 57.4 TOTAL COIL LOAD SPECIFIED ROOM RH -50% TERM AIR TEMP = 58.00 / 110 T. ST. EVAP FAN= 1.00 • BLDG. '·U'' .F'ACTOR:::= (Z) .. l{,2 RESULTING ROOM RH DEGREES ROTATED= 0 NON-CEILING RETURN STRANGi DEFAUI....Tt=3 • • • '·, . I,,• 4~:?l1 1. 1. 7 Q) 0 0 457 12) :20, 1.05 ,Y . . . . ··.: . ~ ---~.,,-.. ..,..~~~~~~a~~~~-)'-:-~r-:r.;;0~·· .. I: f i • 9,, 1.985 CARLSBAD *CALIFORNIA LAT :::: 33 ALT =::: 4t~ CONST= 70W/40R/ 708 I D:::0 7B/5-el l: 70 WALL COLORn MEDIUM ROOF COLOR: MEDIUM • 1. cTUN AT :;;-~ II ,JUL. f:~T 3 •. OCT AT L1, • DEC AT <7 9 1 (2) :;~ !,:;E::i=rn· 2Ql206El31 • 6 D.B.TEMP TOTAL TONS A. M. 71., .• 1. 1 l. 47· A. M. 11. 66 RBH TONB 7.20 7.36 A.M. 72.4 12.22 7.82 P.M. 73.9 l4.01 8.54 • 5. SEP AT 3 P.M. Bl.2 lS.08 9.44 6. AUG AT 4 P.M. 82.0 14.98 9.36 '?. . cTUN l, T z,. F'. M. 81 • l :!. 4. 51. 8. 96 C.F-.M. 3? C;)3(i:) ti., 0:I.3 LH 26:'i 9·? 659 5, 15(;:) 5' 1 liJ/.1. L(. 'J 813:i ZONE HEATING-->= 26,672 W/INFIL= 26,672 C.F.M -606 • ·n=<AhlbM ISSI ON FACT. tEMP DIFF HEATING TEMP DIFF COOLING ·FLOURESCENT LIGHTS I I\IPUT!~! CEILING PARTITION ~j • tim v.1 , 00 12) 0 :0 Fl..<:JOR .(2)., {i%j (?.] (2) S~<YL_ I GHT 0. Bf?.l 32 3 N SOLAR FACTOR SKYLIGHT= ~-4~ • EFFECTIVE /.>,'v'ER/.,,G.iES FOF~ ZONE L.OADB OR OP···COST : EXPOSURE: N. NE E. SE S. SW W. 'Nl,,J WALi.... Tl~/.>,Nt3,, FACTOm::: G:iLASiS Tl~/:>,N!:; Fi--'\CTOl~S <::iLAf:1~1 f:10L(.:>,R F,'"',CTORS ROOF Tl~ANS. FACTOR •.. • NUMBER OF PEOPLE -- TOTAL L.IGHTE3 -· OTHER E:L.ECTR I CAL.. - N .. TYPE 1 C::iL.ASf::1 AREA==: E TYPE 1. <::iL.~'\SG f.,,m=:::A,'-' • . c:~ TYPE :L GLM:>S /:>,REA::::: .... ," St,J TYPE~ 1. GLM3!:3 AFiEA= w. TYPE :L GI....ASfJ ARE,'\~ TOTr'\L <::il-AElS r'\REA ... TOT,\L C-il.ASS f.,RE,\ ·-• Sl<YL IGHT Al~EA . .. Sl·{YI... I EiHT AREt, .... N. TYPE 1 lt.l,'\L.. L... (-'ir<Et\ ..... f::,. TVPE 1 ~-J,\L..L t,\PE:l•, .... ~)" TYPE: 1 L,J/>,L. L.. f.,,l~E:r-~ ..... • f:>W TYPE: 1 l,,J/\1....1.... ARE/.1, ... w. TYPE j_ l,,J r~\l... L... f\l~E.r-,, ..... TOTt~,L L,Jf'.,,L.L. ,t>,F([: (\ ... Pr'\RT IT I 01\1 P, l~F:/.1 .•. CE:ILINC-:i rt.i,F{[~f-., -· 1::·L...OOR f\l~Et'\ ... • ,!:;!~EA OF HOOF" ::;~ • 0. (2)7 fl.). 00 0.07 0.00 -0.e7 m.07 0.07 0.00 :l • :I. .3 0. 00 t . 13 1 • :I. 3 j_ • 13 0,, t?.)0 0.65 0.00 0.65 0.65 0 .. 65~.00 SKYLIGHT TRANS. FACTOR~ 0.80 L 1.3 ~:l •. i.;,111 {.?.). ~) ~5 0~00 (Z),, 0~:i OUTPUTS :1.50 .SENSIBLE PEOPLE LOAD ... L1-2, t?.)(?J(2) 7,400 LIGHTING LOAD ..... :~~ ~j 'J ~"2 5 t.> j_ ' L1-Bk~ OTHER ELECTRICAL :::: 5,051 11-8 N. -TYPE j_ (:il..ASS SOLAR 32S' '-1-8 E .. TYPE: 1 -<:'":il.:.ASS SOL.AF? . .. ·l. , 03'.5 16,'.:'.i ,s·II TYPE 1 t::iLASS f:lOLAFI ·-'f:h 606 7L1. SH TYPE :I. GLASS! BOL.f:~I~ ""' 7, l8EJ 165 w .. TYPE 1 GLASS SQI...AR -12, SM?! .500 TOTf.>,L f.iLASS tSOLAR ·-~"29 'J 7H3 ~500 TOTi~iL GLJ\SS TRANS. --:I.? ·00D (?) .TOTP,L Sr<YL.IGHT !:JOL.AR -·· (?.) 0 TOTAL Sr<YLIGHT TR~'\N.S . .. 0 312 1,1 .. TYPE 1 hlAL.L LOAD -••. :I. :3 :l ::2 E ... TYFl[:. 1 l,,,Jf.,,1..1... LOAD ·-· :l :2E3 36~5 811 TYF:iE. j_ WAL.L. LOAD ... 5 ~~:t.,, 9,:S SW TYPE 1. 1,,JAI_L.. L.Of.>,D ·-9:2 ~'3 ~:l:~i f,,J. TYPE :I. WALL.. L..OAD -· i<;)8 :l j ';-70 TOTf.>,L.. Wf.>.t .• l.. Tl~/.1Nf1. .. , s>Lt-1 {?.) TOT1;L ·Pt,Fn. TRt-'1,1\1!3 ·-0 8 TOTAL. Cl::· TL. I NG TFxr~1,1s; ... C-'.l t?' .t TOTAL. FL..001~ TF~ANB ·-l~ :3 '! 3 1 :~:: l~OOF L.Ol'iD = 3•, 1 :~i:2 ~ . ; :. ' : ~ ~,.. : . _:., ~. ~. : ' ~ ~). ~ 4 ... :_..~,~~!!l'~·~:."·,~._~ :t~~-~~-~'~1.i-~~~~~J'~~--;::i~::. • t?r\FETY i::·AcTOf~ • EW\P FAN H.P. MISC ElENSIBL.E VENTILATION CFM - MIElC. LATENT NUMBER OF PEOPLE~ VENTILATION CFM = • TOTt,,,I.... ci:=·M··· .. STD A I I~""" F<OOM SENS I DI .... E:'. lZl 1 •1 ~rn~i l7\ 1. ~':iQ'; 1.•i'S00 ~::i i :1.50 SAFETY B .. T. U. ("' ..::) FAN HCAT GP,IN ..... DT MH:lC. ElENi.~ I BL.E o. /;. SEl\lSIBLE LC1/"<D MH:lC .. L.l'->iTF.:::1,1T PEOPLE LATENT LOAD o. /;. LATENT LOAD TOTAL. L/.1,TENT l. .. (ll;D ROOt-··1 L.AT .. LOAD *******¾************************************** 11M t?.,3Q)L,. ·-~j, 39!:5 .. ... 61 7f3:? --t~ ..~, 5, 2!:.Wl --~') .. -11-el '! ::i00 ..... l ~3 ,, 09~'5 -· ~'5~:i ., 595 .. ... 4-l7.1 , :"H?l (i.1) --> GRAND TOTAL LOAD -1.80,949 BTU'S OR 15.~8 TONS<-- • I_OAD RUN FOR # 5 .. SEP AT 3 P.M. • • AREA (SG1 FT) TOTAL CFM-STD AIR - PARTITION L...0/>,D VEI\IT I I....A TI ON L.O,t.., D FLOOR HEATING LOAD= GLASS HEATING LOAD= SLAB HEATING LOAD - HARM UP U)t-,D 2,960 SQ. FT PER TON 5,150 ~FM PER 80 FT . t-lEP,TINEi L..Op./p (-:1 CEIL ING LOAD ::i2, EWHZJ ll.l :L f:l , )Z) !::HZ'J ROOF HEATING LOAD= Bl·(YL.. I GHT LOAD WAL..L HEATING LOAD - INFIL. HEt~T LOAD H LOAD WITH VENT COIL. SELECTION PARAMETEF~S ' DB TEMP ENT/LVG -78.9 / 56.8 TOT SENSiBLE LOAD WB TEMP ENT/LVG = 67.4 / 56.2 TOTAL COIL LOAD SPECIFIED ROOM RH TERM AIR TEMP = T, ST. EVAP FAN= 1.50 • BLDG. "U" FACTOR~ 0. 1.6 RESULTING ROOM RH DEGREES ROTATgD = 0 NON-CEILING RETURN STr-lt-,N<.:i DEFAUL .. TEl • • •• • :L 96 1. 74. (2) ~:) 3,29:3 li'J 7'7'? 'i·7:? 1 :.?~:i, 3::i:.3 U:'=J(Zh 94-9 53•;,~ ..• • RM 83(1.J5¥ 9~ 198~3 CARLSBAD *CALIFORNIA L/.>iT ::::: 33 AL. T ==: '1· lt· 70 CONf3T::::: 70~,J / -t+0 I~ I 7l1E:, WALL COLOR: MEDIUM •···· SLFNf: 2C12r.i683 :t .. 6 D.B.T~MP TOTAL TONS L J"Ul\l AT 9 r\ n M" 7 4. 1 0. 66 2. JUL AT 9 A .. M. 3. OCT AT 10 A.M .. 4. DEC AT 2 P .. M. 7~.," {?.) 72 .. /.1, ID::::: 7fl/.50 ROOF COLORn MEDIUM F~E3H TONE_:; 0. 4-8 (.,.'J. t+B 0. l.1,1 es.. SEP AT 3 P.M. 73 .. ri' 81 ... 2 82. ~1 B 1. 1 0. 66 0. :.i7 0.51 (2).~\b 0. 57 0. ~'i6 0.36 {i). 37 0.36 C .. F. M .. 26l 26::i ~'22 j 173 l 9F3 20(ij • 6. AUG AT 4 P.M .. 7. JUN AT 4 P.M .. ZONE HEATING-->= TRANSMISSION FACT .. TEMP DIFF HEATING TEMP DIFF COOLING FLOURESCENT LIGHTS ~JI INFIL.•.::: INPUTS CEILING PARTITION 0 .. 00 ei-. 00 (i, 0 1 •i :27~.i C.F.M - FLOOf1 {7.j n {?,)Q) (7.) (?.) Sl·<YL1GHT 0.BC?i 32 ............. , y SOLAR FACTOR SKYLIGHT -·0.45 199 • EFFECTIVE AVERAGES FOR ZONE LOADS ~R OP-COST • • • • • • EXPOSURE• N.. NE E. SE S. SW W. NW WALL TRANS. FACTORS 0.00 0.00 ~ .. e7 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.~0 0.00 GLASS TRANS FACTORS 0.00 0.00 1.13 0.00 0.00 0.0~0.00 0.00 GLASS SOLAR FACTORS 0.00 0.00 0.65 0.00 0.~0 0.00 0.~0 0.00 ROOF TRANS. FACTOR ~ 0.05 SKYL1GHT T~ANS. FACTOR= 0.80 OUTPUTS J\IUMBEF~ oi,::· PEOF>l..E ::: 6 SENSIBL.E PEOPLE LOAD -·· 1., L1-7CJ TOTl•,l... LHiHTS --41.,.(Z) L_ J:GHT I NC:.i LOAD ::::: :I., 877 OTHEf~ El...ECTI~ I CP,l.. --· {?.) OTHl:::.f{ ELECTRICAL. ::::: l'l E:." TYPE l. GI._ASS AREA::-,, 2Lt, E. TYPE~ :l GL.ASS sou~,R -:::~' ::;::7:? TOT /:,L. EiLASB /., l~E/.>, _ .. ~-;::t.~ TOTt"<I.. .. GLt~S$ SOL/.>,r1 == ~"2 1/ :i7~7~2 TOT/.>.f .... GI.../.>, S t=:l Af{E(->, -21,. TOTr~I... GLASS l"F<ANS. ::::: ···Bi Sr,YLIGHT AREA -(?J 'T'OTAL. Sr<YLfGHT SOL./.>,R ::::: 0 Sl·{YL..1 GHT AF{E/.>, ... Ii' "fOTAL.. ,Sl·<YL 1 GHT T!~ANS --0 I:::.. TYPE:'. 1. WAL.L.-t,r1Et-i, .. -, ;J6 F.~:. TYPE 1. W;..'\L..l... LOAD ::: 33 TOTP,I.... L-ll\LL .. AHE/.,, ::::: 5,S TOTAL WALL TF~/.>,N!:.1. -:~f.3 PAnT IT I Oi'~ AHl:~l~ -· (Z) TOT,.-\L.. PAl~T. THr':irNS --(1.) Cl~'.[l .. 11\IG /.>,HEJ\ _ .. 0 TOTAL CEIL-ING TRl,NS _ .. 0 Ft..oon r0,PEl, ... (?.) TOTAL FLOOR TRANS; --· (?) P,F~E,f.\ OF F~OoF· ·-· :I. 76 f~OOF L0f\D ::-.:: ""·2FJ -·-• ·---•' •6-' • .. .. ... •• • ,-..1 ... -~-·· • SAFETY FACTOR • 1::::VAP Fi\l\l H. 1:1 • MISC SENSIBLE V~NTIL..ATION CFM - M H3C,. L.(.1TENT NUMBER OF PEOPLE= VENTILATION CFM = • TOTAL CFM-sro AIR= a: .. ll/ .) "' f.j. :l :r. 0 60 t2) f.:) C.>0 Sit1FT::·r Y B. T. U. El FAN HEAT GAIN -DT MIF3C .. SENF3IBL .. E 0. A.SENSIBLE LOAD MIE3C. L..f.,,TENT PEOPLE LATENT LOAD O.A. LATENT LOAD TOTP,I.. LATENT 1...or.:i,[) FWOM L...AT.. L.:0/.>,D **************************************~******* F~M 1330~':i·~!· ~~:77 ;31;,p l~ ····19i.3 (l) :I. j :23(2) 759 --> GRAND TOTAL LOAD -71959 BTU'S OR 0 .. 66 TONS<-- • LOAD RUN FOR·# 2 .. JUL AT 9 A.M. AF~Et; ( !~JG! FT) TOTAL CFM-STD AIR - 1·7)/.>,nTITION LOAD ::::: 176 80. FT_ PER TON 265 CFM PER SQ FT HEATING LOAD el CEIL.ING LOAD • VENTILATION LOAD 2,112 ROOF HEATING LOAD= • • FLOOR HEATING LOAD• GLASS HEATING LOAD= SLAB HEATING LOAb - WARM UP LOAD • 0 SKYLIGHT LOAD m 868 WALL HEATING LOAD - 0 INFIL HEAT .LOAD 0 H LOAD WITH VENT COIL SELECTION PARAMETERS :::: -77.3 I 56.8 TOT SENSIBLE LOAD DB Tl:::MF·' -ENT IL.VG WB TEMP ENT/LVG -66.0 / ~56 .. 2 SPECIFIED ROOM RH :,.: 50i~ TOT/.>,L COIL LO,~D RESULTING ROOM RH ::::: ---58. 00 / 1 H?I T. ST. EVAP FAN= 1.50 E::',U)Gi. 'U' 1:::·ACTCH~::= 0. j,6 DEGREES ROTATED= 0 NON-CEILING R~TURN STFU,,I\IG DEFAULTS :26:i 1 .• 512) 0 :28:? (?.) 121:i (?.) 3,3B7 ~.i, 97Q.i ·7 it 9!;:\ (~) ~5 t?J ~.~ -....... _... ................ _,_ .................... -, .... ,..-.-................ -......................................... " ..................... _, ............................ + .. ••• ................................................... , ... _ •• , ........ , .... -........... -.......... .. • • • • . i • F~M £:>.:.S l t1.·!>-'· r:; <E• p '-? 'J j !?fl '.::i L/.>,T ·-· ;33 /.~l .. T ==: t+.!.:. CONST~ 70W/40R/ 708 ID::::: 7El/50 71/i ,,,,, I "'c .. ,f ··,1--·, .. l'l!-·1·1·[1)'"1 •1/•,"'II, .... I,,,.,•,,,{_.'·" ,• '. .• ,.,\, ,1 ROOF COl....(117< ~ MED I \.11·1 • • • • • • • • :l .. cT l.)J ,I ,t.,, T 2.. cTUL. /0, T t, 11 ... ;. i' II OCT (.,,T D[J: /·,T SCP t-,,T AU(:5 (..iT ,JUN ,t.,"1 (;'\ 1 (~) :f.O .... , .,::. ;3 Lr .-:i, t\ u /.JI II A .. F' j::l r· " r· .. \/ r, n ·1--1·-M , ... ,)11 ,:::, 11 ;::. ,, •• TOTAL TO!\IS :I ... :l. (?J M" M .. M .. 1·1 .• 1'1 .. t-1" ti ... , '7L1," :f. 7'.5 .. (_;j :f. .. :1.2 "?:,:,, t,. tZ) .. 79 7:~;. 9 IZ). 5:? 8:1." 2 (2),. '7L1, f.i? .. 0 (?). 77 Cl " :l. (2) .. 8t?l F'lf3H TOJ\lf::; 1. " CJ(:) l?l. 69 El,'+ l {ll,, {<::, ~~" c:>6 (::)., 6E) C .. i:::· .. Jvl,, ::) ,'.j.C] t:,. I •• ._, ~) "+ l ... t, l t :,3.::1.::::· ":,'1:"Q .... , .. ) . ? 0 hlE: HI:::: ,t.,, T 1 l-J <::i .... ... :··. r.::: 7~C7.JDG:i L~/II\IF'IL..::r.· 7 •1 (2!0~1 C. F. M ... ,:) ,: :-.: :I.(., ·1 TRANSMISSION FACT. TEMP DIFF HEATING TEMP DJFF COOLING FL..1)UFi'FYlC[]\IT L. I Cil,-n f:3 INPUT!:3 CEILING PARTITION (,,. 0!2J (Zl 0 i/J,. ~;)(?.) 0 fZJ FL.001:,'. (2)" QJO (2) IZJ ~~~ECTJVE AVERAGES FOR ZONE LOADS OR OP-COST EXF'OBUFIF:': N.. NE I::... SlE:. C' ... ,,., Eil•J WALL TRANS .. FACTORS 0.07 0 .. 00 0 .. 07 0 .. 00 ~~. (?.)(?.) Qi. QH?) (:il...(•,E;:; TRM,IG FACTOl~S 1. .. 13 f1 .. QJ(i:J 1 .. 13 0 .. eir.:i ~:l .. ii:')(:] (?)" (?,){;~ El-<Vl .. J (';: .. JT rJ • i;3 e1 .... , -.. ~, t,_!,. 0" CJC.'.) 0 .. OfZl N~J (?.)" ('.lG.'.J (:'.). O·? GLASS SOLAR FACTORS 0 .. 65 0.00 0.65 8 .. 00 0.G0 tii .. 00 (1. (?.)[i lJ. CJ0 F'O<)F TF~t•,l\l~L f7ACTOF~ ..... (~. (2)'5 Sl-<YLIGHT TFY1,Nfl ... r=·r-,CT\H~ :::: t?J .. f:l&'J 1\:1...ll"IE: r·,~ oi::· PEOPLE TC•T,~•,L L. I GHT\3 GT! .. lEF~ EL .. ECTF~ICr\L .... N .. TYPE 1 GLASS AREA= E .. TYPE 1 GLASS AREA= TOTAL GLASS AREA - TC•TAi .... GL.ASB /.,F?Et-1 t:,t :·y1.,. I (:iHT t, FxE/1, i::)1<YL.I6HT f:;p[:,-:i, r .. TVPF 1 WALL AREA - --1·c1·rt,,L. 1,.Ji\'. ... i ... t-,PI:'.:/:,, P,.\F)T I ·r l Ohl P,FC:'?•, CF: I l. H.IC t•, nE,-:\ OUTPtrrs 3 SENSIBLE PEOPLE L.OAD 810 LIGHTING LOAD 0 OTHER ELECTRICAL 80 N .. TYPE 1 GLASS SOLAR - 1::l(i.1 1 c:·,~:J E, TYPE · 1. GL.t0,E1F3 ElOL.t,.F~ •·• TbTAL GLASS SOL.AR 160 TOTAL GLASS TRANS. 0 TOTAL SKYLIGHT SOLAR 0 TOTAL SKYLIGHT TRANS 96 N. lYPE 1 WALL LOAD 9t. I::::., l"YPF:: :f t,,Jc.\L.L. LOf\D jS~ TOTAL WALL TRANG .. 0 TOTAL PART. TRANS (i:, TOT,!.\L.. CEIL. I l\lG Tl~f.,,N•: G TOTAL FLOOR TRANS :5'-1-t1 nooF L.0,1\n 6(,,·;~: ~3 '} 1.:, ~:5 f.'J '"i' :·) '·~ 7•1 :57~? Fl·• '.:.>3:1 ··--:5 i;.;? () ri:1 ..... f.1.<:i :56 ...~. { ··, ~ , .. • • ci ~1:::·1·:: .. 1 .. ._ .. •:: .. ,:ic· .. 1 .. n1:-, ·~,lfl .,.. I J 1 .. 1 ,.• ••" • 1:::: \} .t.,, F' F. f\f',I f .. ·f .. P .. t-11S,C EEN~::IPL.f:: \)t:::·l\1·r:rl.f\TlOI·./ ci::·1'1 ... MIEC. L.f:,,TF:!·,1T NI .,ll·'iF:' E'F: 1) i-:-· F· E::: 0 J'.' LI::::, .. • \IEHT I !..J;•,T J 01\! CF~M :::= T0TAL. CFM-Sln AIR= 0'1/., D. :L (:i it' -, ,_, Elf.,!'".ETY E'-.. T. \.,I .. E1 Fi'.',J,I HE"t,,T Gt,, I l\l .... DT 1'1 Ji.:::, C.. i:;;ri'-1!:, I l:?l .. E O. A .. SENSIDLE LOAD l'i J 1:3 C. L. ATt:?:NT PEOPLE LAT[Nl LOAD 0 .. /.,.. 1.. .. 1~,TE!··,I T' 1.. .. C1t':i,D TOTAL LATLNT LOAD F,'.M [?. ::·1 :I. '-Hi· ~:) ... f>, Cl 1::i~j ,!:, ........... > GRAND TOTAL LOAD -!3,39~ BTU'S OR LOi~,D FHJN F'OR ~:!: ::~:. ,JUL. 11:,,T :l. 12 TONE 9 /.,. l"I. ... t-\ RE~ l, < !:l t:-·i FT > TOTAL. CF"l'l·-.. FffD P, I I~ .... ~:i t\.~:l GG:. FT PE F~ TOI·~ 547 CFM PER SQ F"T HEP,Tll\lG LOAD ":,u,!.,. :t "f2) !. • PAF<TITIOl',I L.,OAD VENTlLATION LOAD - F"L.001'{ l··ILATIN<::i L.0/:..D::::: 0 c,;-~:i (?) ROOF HEAlING L.OAD • Bl·<YL I GH·r· L.01~,D , .. ,, .,_. (3.L~,.i:,. • • • • • (:jl....{:;f:::B 1 .. IEP, TI l'J(:i L .. OAD::::. SLAB H~ATING LOAD - WARM UP LOAD - ~:i I 7f;3/..:-, (l) 0 ~·.J,.\I. .. L.. 1-lF(·,T I I\IC L.Ot-1D ..... INFIL HEAT LOAD - H LOAD WJTH VENT.~ COIL SELECTION PARAMETERS DC~ TEhP EI\IT/L\16 "'" WB TEMP ENT/L.VG - SPECIFIED ROOM ~H ?"?. <:;> / ::i ."/ ,. 2 1.:11., ... '? / ':St~," h E'.-1 .•. DG .. 'U' FACTOR= 0 .. 25 TOT SENSIBLE L..OAD TOT,\l.. COIL. L...01\D F./ESl.11 .. TI l'·~G F\OOM l~H DE::Gl?EE/:::, 1·10Tt\TTT) ::::· 0 :::. NON-CEILING RFlURN CJ j. :? I l1. :I. 9 j.:3•i 39:1. ..... ..... ..... ..... ........... ..... ... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... .......... ..... .,_, .... ~ .......... _.,, .... ~ .................................. ·-· ................. , ........................... " ..... , ...... _, ....................... , ................. _ ....... -· ........................ . ,-, .,,.._ __,_.., ,, --~ v---=---. ..,~,__-_,,_..,. ________ ~--------~---i • • ·-r • ••• • ·• • • • • Documentation.Form &·HVAC . Equipment Compliance Form& References giving the specification page or drawing sheet number or manufacturer's data must be submitted to demonstrate compliance with Division 6 of the standards. Electrically Operated , Standard rating capacity, "5:t:1!1 t:1 -J Cooling System Btuthr Equipment Minimum EER (COP) i Reference Absorption Water Chilling Heat source (check one) t:J. IL:.. VJ. C~oling System Direct fired. (gas·olQ Equipment Indirect fired (steam-hot water, Minimum EER (COP) Reference .~ Combustion Heating Minimum combustion Equipment (Oil and gas-efficiency at maximum s u ,-. "'1 -I fired comfort heating rated output -equipment-Reference Electrically .Operated Minimum EER (COP) Heating Heat Pumps Reference Supplementary Heater Control Reference ' Electrical Resistance Space Reference for Full-Load Heating Equipm~nt Energy Input and Output f.J/A Requirement for Refer~nce ~fg, P6l4 Manufacturer's Maintenance Procedure, Full and Partial Capacity and Stand-By lnput(s) and Output(s) Specification Reference Statement that the Building Reference =: !d't t-1-1 Design Substantially Complies with the California Energy Commission Regulations for New Nonresidential Buildings ~ i ' ' l .. f I 1 l I !. \ "] l i :_ i .,__ ! ('_, 1~ v1 ('. r .._ ;,-G. \ I I l' N \""" .. -t-r " 1 \ G t ,;- f\ vJ \\ 0\ f . 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I .J!: 4~t.. ) l ; ( \ \ (' .. \ J.....-.----~~ l o\Z\w 0 11.\ I \ I } l .z.. t {/'- c (: • I 'I 2. -/./ (i-3) t ,/ Cl c-.., r-s . 2 '3 7:.J -:--.: -. --. --~---______ .. _ L . ,., r Ld 2_ Y;;,) "'~'-"-"(-\·~ \, ':I.. '.f\t'2. ~ I cl y .,, :,, v"'-., s_.,,...u .4--J,}~ ( Id l-·~~ 2;:, o--s,,.-,o ;,, '.2.. .:.. ~ Q-· 0 0 ....,"'-..... . -·-~ ~ c-· ·-.. "---'-;. ?2 ~c-..,.. -G-~~o ,/<? ) - ,, ,.. ., ( _, ( \....Q----~ "t 2.~70 y. ? ::.. ~,.. :.;,"-Lo: {? ,v " /.J..-~ ., ... • 17:,-I ~ \ \ lo.,._ I ( I l·:o ... ._., 1~ r '70 /..J I . J v-"'-f'...-0"'--...-,. 2-e:,, }~O .... z_ :::. I ~-{:!:.08 ;G!. -...;., J •• ...,. ,.;;!I' ; .,.;_,, • .~ V ,• = / "'2-$ 75 7 V-<' ~ -z-og._, =-C 2 A' . . ' I S,.t'·~ •,.·. ·: # . -. :~--~ c..-,.... "> f-- 1 - • J { /\/ -,:. ,- .. ,- (: 3;;;_/ / I { ·~ ,_ ,... ; : .. -------- ~o~o vq._ 517 v<. 17 b O Vo! 2,z,7C> V<:_, .--, q .::::, •J ., </. /L/7 _;_.). 5::, Z Y1.,.-. .., I CA ' ? u ~; t r/ ... ~.#_., .. r: ~" ... - t;; Cl yy' 0-F CARLSBAD ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT APPLICATION AND COST ~STIMATE OF SANtTARY SEWER LATERAL CONNECTION PART 1 -TO BE COMPLETtD BY APPLICANT WORK ORDER NO. (Sewer -3) __ _ SEWER LOCATION: /08&-J()Cjf; _ -BUILDING PERMIT PLAN CHECK NO.: C):S-623 ADDRESS: l_AGU_~~ ""b ~ -ASS. PARCEL NO.: LEGAL DESCRIPTION =--t-~-=UA~_ ---~-"..ze-=·~--;.._·....;;a=----"'--'-~K:.-=='.L=--rLC~~~=-~-------~~~-~----_ -_ -_- OWNER, ~~ e:je,,(/r" PHONE NO.: ______ _ ADDRESS: CONTRACT-OR-: -~---:-.J,--,.~-'---_----a----:~'---_ ..,..._ -_ -----,-----'-----,---PH-0-NE-NO----'. :.___ 4,.-_-;_s:;-::r----'----~-~-tX)-- AD ESS: ··. -_-_ -Cr=--:--o,'t-~--c-.:-.:..-~----~-'----,-----· c::r-~----~--,-r----,---~----,---_ . PART 2 -TO BE COMPLETEU BY ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT ------'-----'-------------------'--. : . -,~ MINH1UM _£_ "INCH CLAY srnER PIP-E IN-PLACE -NOT TO EXCEED . ~ 10 FEET DEEP ANO 30 LINEAL FEET HORIZONTAL DISTANCE. -ADDITIONAL CHARGES FOR ANY DISTANCE EXCEEDING-30 LINEAL -l=:J _FEET HORIZONTALLY -. FEET AT _ PER FOOT. • . . • . • . . . . ...... $ .-1=:J D ADDITIONAL CHARGES FOR ANY DEPTH EXCEEDJNG 10 FEET ___ FEET DEEP AT ____ PER FOOT •.•... ADDITIONAL CHARGES FOR PLUGGING EXISTING SEWER ~ATERAL. TOTAL CHARGES FOR CONSTRUCTION. • • • . • .• . . . • . . . . ADDITIONAL CHARGES FOR CITY OF CARLSBAD SERVICES AT 50~b OF ABOVE CHARGES. • • . . • . . . . . $ ,.. :1 $ TOTAL C8ARGES . . . • • • . • . . . . . . _. . . . . . $ • f ' ----- -~--- 1911 ACT A.O. NO.: ____ DHG.NO.: ____ RECT. N0:~;2~.Z, BY:__,,_~-"'---- _ PART 3 --IO BE COMPLETED BY UTILITIES/MA!NTENANCE DEPARTMENT FOR-StWER LOCATION LATERAL LOCATIO~: __ ~EEt FROM -~NORTHERLY OR __ WESTERLY MANHOLE FEET FROM . ·soUTHERLY OR EASTERLY MANHOLE ----- ATTENTION OF PUBLIC WORKS ADMINISTRATOR: ----------------- SIGNATURES: P"""OB ..... L--.--1.,...C ~w-oR...,.,K ...... S __ A,.,...DM=I ...... N.....,Is-r-RA ...... tOlr PUBLIC WORKS GEN 1 L FOREMAN SM:ITA TION FOREMAN I -I DATE SET: SIZE: WORK DONE BY: - AMOUNT MATERIAL TOTAL . Joints Pipe - Joints Pipe ,, , '. ,. • Joints Pipe Joints Pipe . •. ' ' Saddle . .-Bushing ' .. Stopper Couplers Tees I, Ells !, Boxes Skiploader Hrs. @ $ per hour Truck Hrs. @ $ per hour Backhoe Hrs. @ $ per hour Compressor Hrs. @ $ per hour Labor Hrs. for Mechanic, @ $ per hour Labor Hrs. for Helper, @ $ per hour SUBTOTAL --. % Overhead Expense - '. TOTAL Engineering Data: "\ - ,,.,.., IY~tlNQ • 1.Ult!Kt • .. A1~-aUtlNt Wl DtVILOf' AND C0NS,.,-VG1 ·IUILDINOS ""4't WOfllll FOR A LIVING ao IIOHTH AVINut IU!Tt• IAN 01£00. CA w,o, 1111) b4-0l6 Date: To: Attention: From: Subject: Forwarding: Transmitted: Remarks Dear Helen: TRANSMITTAL January 7, 1987 City of Carlsbad 2075 las Palmas Drive Carl sb.a.d, .CA · 920. .8. Helen-Erzak A 11 ard Jansen Las Villas Carlsbad Bui 1 di n.g Permit #85-62~ . :4 v-3, _O Enclosed r..r-ro ~ By Mail n By Blue Printer !J For Approval 1KJ As Requested t'~ For Review & Corrment W For Your Use I:l su·bmi t Specified Item Destri tion - -1:1 By Messenger D Picked-up jj Other: ----- tJ No Exception Taken tJ Rejected t:r Make Correction Noted n Revise & Resubmit t:l Other: ----- Per your request the. buildi-ng addressing is as follows: Building A Building B Buildfog C 1096 Laguna Drive 1088 Laquna Drive (R, H, K) 1092 La~una ·Drive (R, H) This is the exact information given to Michelle Jones at San Diego Gas & Electric. Copies to: 1200 ELM AVENUE CARLSBAD, CA 92008-1989 July 28, 1986 S.D.G.& E. Charlyne Smith 8th Floor P. O~ Box 1831 San Diego, CA 92112 CHANGE OF ADDRESSES <titp of <tarlsbab BUILDING DEPARTMENT TELEPHONE (619) 438-5525 This is to notify you that the following change of addresses have been made: FROM: 4830 Argosy ) 1850 Outrigger) 749 Raintree (comm.pool) 6528 Corintia 4103 Park Drive Jass Laguna Drive 1092 Laguna Drive 2600 La Golondrina ( Elec. Pedestal) TO: 1851 Outrigger 751 Rain tree 2752 Unicornio 3981 Gloria Lane 1092. Laguna Drive 1088 Laguna Drive 2538 La Golondrina 2380 Faraday, Suite 130 ( Uniglobe) 2386 Faraday, Suite 130 2380 Faraday, Suite 200 ( Dean Witter) 1386 Faraday, Suite 200 6836 Avenida Encinas (Garton) 6830 Avenida Encinas (Garton) 1319 Tamarack 3934 Syme This notification shall be forwarded to the following: Pacific Bell Carlsbad Post Office Carlsbad Police Department Carlsbad Finance Department HELENE M. JOHNSON Registrar of Voters County Assessor1s Office Carlsbad Fire Department = PROFILE OF RESIDENT AT LAS-VILLAS DE CARLSBAD RESIDENTIAL FACILITY FOR THE ELDERLY 1. The resident will not be physically ill. There will be_!!£ licensed medical personnel. The license by the Department of Social Services does not allow for provision of any medical care. 2. The resident will be able to 11 functfon 11 by himself. He will be able to get in and out of bed and move about, including exit the building, without any assistance. 3. The resident will be elderly. Seventy-five percent of the residents will be 62 years of age or older. 4. The resident might use a crutch, walker or wheelchair. Such residents should not be considered as nonambulatory patients, but nonambulatory persons or handicapped persons, since they are not ill and receive no medical care. 5 .. Resident will be lucid and in control of his faculties. The resident will be able to respond physically and mentally to oral instructions relating to fire and danger. MINUTES OF MEETING ON NOVEMBER 26, 1986 ~EGARD1NG LAS VILLAS DE CARLSBAD RESIDENTIAL FACILITY FOR THE ELDERLY OCCUPANCY TYPE Present: Mike Smith -Carlsbad Fire Marshal tony Mata -Carlsbad Building Department Director Wayne Morgan -Project Bui1ding Inspector Larry Sillman -Project Architect Allard Jansen -Project Coordinator Steven Grady -Project Attorney The purpose of the meeting was to determine the occupancy type and the consequential building standards required for a Residential Facility for the Elderly, as licensed by the Department of Social Services under Title 22, Division 6, of the California Administrative Code. The emphasis of the meeting was on detennining whether the Residential Facility for the Elderly more closely resembles a Nursing Home (I occupancy} or Residential Facility (R occupancy}. The parties present at the meeting examined excerpts from the CaHforni a Heal th and Safety Code; the California Administrative Code; the Unifonn Building Code; and the Uniform Building Code Application/Interpretation Manual. The parties examined the services which are allowed to be provided by a licensed Residential Facility for the Elderly under section 87600 of Title 22, Division 6, of the California Administrative Code. These services include the following: 1. Providing healthful living accommodations; 2. Providing three nutritionally well-bal~nced meals; 3. Regular observation of resident's physical and mental condition; 4. Arranging for transportation for the residents; 5. Planning social and recreational activities for the residents; 6. Providing personal assistance as needed with some of the activities of daily living, such as dressing and hygiene. It was clearly noted that people living in a Residential Facility for the Elderly are not_ ill and, therefore, should not be considered patients. The parties then examined the extensive medical services which are provided in a Nursing Home as provided under Title 22, Division 5, section 72303 et. seq. After more clearly understanding the residential and nonmedical nature of a Residential Facility for the Elderly, the parties examined section 1001 of the U.B.C. Application/Interpretation Manual, _which states in part, ''It is our opinion that such I supervisory care homes 1 more nearly approximate a residential (Group R, Division 1) rather than an institutional (Group I, Division 2) occupancy." Based on the materials examined and discussions with the developer's representatives about the type of individuals that will be inhabiting the Resi den ti al Facility for the Elderly, the parties of the meeting unanimously agreed that a Residential Facility for the Elderly, as shown in Exhibit 11A11 attached hereto, should be a Group R, Division 1 occupancy. Based upon that conclusion, the fire and building officials stated they would approve the use of a· Residential Facility for the Elderly on the first floor of Building C, as outlined on Exhibit "A." The fire and building officials also .stated that the entire three stories of Building C at the Las Villas de Carlsbad development could be used, at a later date, as a Residential Facility for the Elderly (categorized as an R occupancy} if the Fire Marshal finds no problems such use on the first floor. ,.,. J EXHIBIT 11 A11 I i ........... . 11111111111•1 ', im•11n1m1 •••• i ••• ,,: :)!:d_~~ .. ~ ~- u ·tD !~ -. r{ ;,f~ A ;t,ea-eJ '1 Io o/'~ £.J_,"_ 7"e.s I-/1( e.. "k..r -£ /.c . .,_f 4~~,/" /o r II ~--(7 . .,_,.~ <"1'~-1-<::a ·/./·I<) 7e 5/.-A"e. ~ ,. -€ .e..c -1- {!;a.A. fol-~ ·/o 9;;:, ~......,,._.., (Mc..k.,.s ;t"-Af) -r... sl--""{.c,..~,,.. $' ke.f.. ' '-p ;,_ l'P . ~ Si :c I \ - 2 :z m :£ :z G> I -I i J; :z :z 2 G> .. c:: C: ? 0 z G') 0 ==i m (/) m z -I ~ 0\) fsvz\ rt ~ r 2:J> /0 -a 7 .1".s-. ~,2..3 8 0 m !I /Z-,-S-S- \ ~ ?s-f 0 g l q-::,, s:: $. -0 ?; <- 0<) \. - --_ ~- .' .. : ',_,-,- f~ ~ . ~ t t r I I ! I l I I t 1. t F ,' .·, .. , -,:-., , ... , :, --\ ·, '.i • _, • C •• ' . -: . ', ', ' "' .. ' :.;. ".' . " ~ -- ,~:--:,-; _-.;.:; -: ' ~./ . t -\ '~ - ., r;_, ,' u, z 0 ~ IC ~ u w C I -('·· f II:;. < : -t g.[ "Q I hereby affirm that I am licensed under l U I provisions of Chapter 9 (commenclr1g with /. ~-" ' Section 7000) of Division 3 of the Business 1 1-· and Professions Code, and my license Is In I ~ full force and effect. ur '' . r · I hereby· alfirm that I am exempt from the Contrac· ••• tor's License Law for the followmg reason (Sec. 7031.5 Business and Professions Code: Any city or county which re-quires a permiHo· construct, alter, improve, demolish, or repair any stru·cture, prior to its issua.nce also requires the ap· phc~nflor such permit to file~ signed ~tatem~nt.J~~t he is _ licensed pursuant to the pr_o~1s1ons of the contractor" s I License Law (Chapter 9 ,CO!llniencing with Section 7000 of 01vis1on 3 of the Business and Professmns Code) orthalis ex-· 1 empt therefrom and the basis for the·allegea,exempiiop. Any·· violation of Section 7031.5 by an applicant for a permit sub-·jects the applicant 10 a civil penalty of no\ more thah l1ve,hfoi~ ; dred dollars ($500). • · • , r I I, as owner of the property. or my employees wiih wages ffi , ·as·their sole c_qmpe~salion,,will·do the work, and,the struc- 0 •fure Is not intended or offered fonate (Sec. 7044, Busmess _,. ••• and ,Prolessions-.Code: The Contractor's License. Law does I 5 not apply to ari owner of property ·wno builds or improves ·• · thereon-and who does such wor.k,hi,nself o/ through·h1s own I ii: ' enip[oyee~,.provjd~d that sue~ improvenients_ar9,nb_t i,n.tend-• w ;ed or·.offered'for !"!l'l.: lf;howev,er. the bu1!dmg 9r !!TIProve, · ' Z•, ment 1s sold w1thm one,year of complet,on,the ownwbuilder 3: w\11 have the burden of proving that he did not build° orim- 0 ·prove for the purpose 61 sale)~ ~--_' · z 0 j:: ,c u, z w A. :IE 0 u II) ii: w :,c IC 0 3: :·l' D I, as owner of thaproperty, am.exclusively contracting . with ticensed'contractors to construct the project (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Code: The Contractor's License taw does-not apply to'an ow/ler· 01 property who builds or im-proves 'th~reon_, and who-contracts, f~r each projects Vfil~ a contractor(s) license pursuant to th~ Contractor's License L~w)., · D ·Asa homeowner t·am improving my home, and the follow-ing cond1t10ns exist: ·, · · ' . • ,' · 1·. 'The work is being performed prior to sale. 2 .• I, have lived in my home ·,or twelve months J rrior to.completjon·of this .work. · . 3. have ·not claimed this exemption during the I last three years. D I am exempt under.Sec. ----~--,,B &·P.C. I for.this reason ' ' r f l I 0 I hereby'affirm that I have. "a certif1cat~ Of cbnsent to f self-Insure. or a certificate of Worker$' Col}1Pensatlon In· ·I surance. or·a certified copy thereof (Sec. 3800. L3.bor Code)· . I .POLICY"NO. 'l- COMPAN•Y D Copy•is•flted with ·the city D Certified copy is hereby furnished · ( l r CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION FROM j WORKERS' COMPENSATION INSURANCE. ( {This.section need not be completed if the permit f ,. is for one 11_undred dollars 1s100> '?r 1ess> · T D •I certify. thal'ln the performance of the work for which I this permit is ls~u89, 'I shall not employ any persql) in any, J ;a~ronnerl~~:s~r ~~~:r:i:~bject to the Workers' Com pen• ) NOTICE TO APP.LtCANT; lf,,after making this Certlflcat; 1 9f Ex._eO'lption, you ShQl;Jld bec9me su~ject to tt,e Workers· J Colllpensatlon provlsloi;1s of the Labor Cod~, yqu must l forthwlth Corriply with sllch·provfslons or this permit shall f be deemed revoked. ··-· ~ , . , I .. ·1 -. . t ; t cf t11,hefeby atflrm tti~t there• ls a construction lending r ffi ;.. ·,geftp;:_ for the P7r:formanC8 6f the work for which this per-i c '·' mlt Is Issued (Sec. 3097, civil Code) f z ---. ' ·--.~ l&J Lender's Name 1 • • • • •"'-f -' --.• I ....... Lender's Address· • ...... . ·,.. .....,... .. -" ..... • ·' l . ". I J I USE BALL P_OINJ PEN. ONLY & !!RESS IIARD ,, . APPLICANT T.O FILL IN INFORMATION WITHIN SHADED AREA AND DECLARATIONS. '; . · .CARLSBAD BUILDING ·DEPARTMENT . APPLICATION & PeR,.,IT ., ; .l --: ,' 2075 L.as Palmas Dr., Carlsbad, CA 92009-4859 (619) 438-1161 '' I < . ·-Jba ADDRESS·, • -.., , . ·, _-.-;,, A. . .... ·· .. Mt. ST."AD. NEAREST CROSS ST. . ffi:J;tJ~IONI ·. BUSINESS LiCENSE'#. VAL~Ocet?, V PERMIT NUMBER _-tees ·t..a$una. _· ··· -_ . . ·· · · , . · .. . ~,/>1 ·Yi / VYMll- , __ LOT eL~cK l suao1vis1or.i •. ·. 1. Ai~5 :A~~~ •17-. ~r~1$ - CONTRA9TQRS PHONE# • .. ZONE ',OWNEA'S.NA~E , , 1 · OWNER'S PHONE V\LLAS Pt· ~$BAr> ciO iU·4~Lh CONTAACTo'R'S ADDRESS STATE-LICENSE NO. 'BUILDING SQ. FOOTAGE I "'Z ~2.. e_. \([tt I tl\~ ~t.UottJ. OWNER'S MAILING.ADDR~SS ., . , • -. . • ---'°'° . 5+;.,' ,ke._ OEStQNEA DESIGNER'.$ PHciN'E . ' 06S~PTION·oF WO'Rl< ' .l_ .. ....., ·-riAr~-_,. ... , :f'l"'J,,\ l.P:VC;:,. DESI.GNER•s. AODRE·~ . STATE LICENSE NO. '. , I . -- F/P ,F LR ELEV. NO ace GP STORIES EDU iHHl frul l2/23i86F·RMT 64.5 -·. ·• vO ·No -- l .··1 PARKIN'G 0 ~PACE RES UN.ITS -j GRADlr,/G PERMIT ISSUED RED.EVE LOPMENT .. TYPE OCC LOAd !;IRE SPA ., AREA , CONST .. YO ND' ·vO NO vO NO Not· Valid Unl(!Ss Machine .Certified '. . -. ' . - · QTY. PLUMBING PERMIT· ISSUE r"J.50 · QTY. MECHANICAL PERMIT-ISSUE -:?1ctll). ,SUMMARY/ACCOUNT NUMBER .. • • J '' .~ ' . .. '· EACH FllHUflE Tf!AP _ .. . _, . INSTALL, FURN. DUCTS UP TD 100,000 BTU BUILDING PERMIT 001-810-00-00-8220 ~q- ' EAJ;H BUILDING SEWEf! DliER )00,000 BTU· SIGNP~RMIT-• .. 001-810,00-00-8221 .. ·- _EA~H WATER HE/q'~R AND/OR VENT ' BOILER/COMPRESSOR UP TO 3 HP PLAN GHECK 001-810-00-00·8821 ~~- . ' EACH.GAS SYSTEM 1 TO 4 dqTLETS 801_L~R/COMPRESSOR 3-15 .HP . ' TOl'AL PLUMBING 001-81 Q-00-00-8222 ,-EACH GAS SVST-EM 5 OR MORE METAL FIREPLACE EtECTRICAL 001-810-00-00-822~ EAGH INSTAI,. .. ALTER. REPAIRWATER,PIPE , VENT FAN"SINGLE DUCT MECHANICAL 001-810-00-00-8224 -· EA.CH VACUUM BREAKER MECH E/(HAU~T -HOOD/DUCTS MOBILEHOME 001-810-00-00-8225 WATER S0FTNER RELOCATION OF EA FUBNACE/HEAIER SOLAR .. 001-810-00·0Q-82~6-C EAyH ROOF DRAIN (INSIDE) DRYER VENT ,STRONG MOTION 880-519-.92-33 • .5 v--. -.. TOT.t;L MECHANICAL FIRE SPRINKLERS 001-810-00-00-8227 TOTAL PLUl\lBING L ., PUBLIC FACILITIES FEE 320-81Q-00-00-8740 ·- BRIDG,E FEE 360·810-00-00-87 40 'QTY. ELECTRICAL PERMIT -ISSUE Lc;:~o QTY. MOBILE HOME SETUP PARK-IN-LIEU (AREA .. -. ) • , NEW CONST EA M.jP/SWT tBKR . CAR PORT TIF 134·81_0-00-00:8835 - 1 PH ! 3 PH AWNING LA COSTA TIF 133·810-00-00-?835 -· EXIST BLDG EA A~P/SWT/BKR , GARAGE -FMF -. 1 PH 3 PH '' LICENSE TAX 001-810-00-00-8162 REMODEL!ALTER PER CIRCUIT MFF 88,0-519-92-57 TEMP P.OU -209 AMPS ·- OVER 200·AMPS -,• TEMP OCCUPANCY (30 DA.YS) .. -. . . -. : .. : ',, ' -. a ' C::REDl:r .DEPOSIT --. ·-·· TOTAL HECTRICA,L [.,. 'FOTAL TOTAL, FEES PAYABLE I (pc(~ ; . ---· . -', . ...., ·-" ,. , "'" CMO'UU. Y '"""N" '"' COMe(,rre, .. ,,,,uc,-ncN AND ees•,r· SNC 00 Hffim ,~, .. ,00• ~""' ...... .,. .... ,,,., c .... ,,,, ... ,~ •• <>'l,,,,,. . * "'.;.... ,,._, ..__ roo i;;;,..,,.,.., CV£A -CERTIFY 'l,JNDEe._ f'EN~Y QF PER,JURY T~T A(.L INFORMATION ..HEREON INCLUDING THE Code '!hall e by hm_1t~mn and become 01.!11 ~nd void ff the building or work. 5' O" DEEP AND Df:MOllTION OR CONSTRUCTION OF . · • , , ' . R r • , . ' · .. auth<?nzed h permit 1s not commenced within 180-days from the date of such . DECLARA:)"K1Jl(S 'l'/AE TR E ~IIID.COR ECT AND J FURTHER eERT-IFY AND AGREE IF A PERMIT IS pe(m,t, or bulldinff or worl< authorized by such permit 15 suspended or STRUCTURES OVER 3 STORIES IN HEIGHT ISSUED:· Tcr-tOMPLY WITH ALL,CIJY, COUNTY ·AND STATE LAWS GOVERNING BUILDING CON· , .abandona.l ny time a ter the work ,s commenced for a oeriod of 180 davs. • ' .. · . •· STRUCTION. WHETHER SPECIFleD HEREIN OR NOT. , l ALSO AGREE TO SAVE INDEMNIFY AND -~ 1~ APPR BY · ·, _ KEEP HARMLESS THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AGAINST ALL LIABILITIES. 4UDGMENTS. COSTS ANQ APPLIC w~IGNATURE * AOWNERD CONTRACTO OVED . ~ EXPEt-jSES WHICH MAY IN ANY WAY ACCRUE AGAINST SAID CITY IN CONSEQUENCE OF THE ~ · ~ -{1.._ 'Z ~ BY PHONE O ;; . -.. . ~ , ·; .· - GRANTING OF THIS PERMIT. -./7 ~"-' ".}) ." .. ~--~\ "•?·-' ;; ~:.. · . ~ . . ~-· • ' <..: ' ' 'J. ' ._ I _<!1' u:: >.· ro 0 a., E Q) 1- j", lb 0 (!) c ro -~ a. a. <( -I -" C i:i: 0 rn rn Q) rn rn <( I :::·, .9. Q) >- Q) 0 • C ·ro C u:: s I· C Q) ~ (!) 0 0, Q) • a. ·rn, ,C -. . I 2. __ , ·i:::. 3 \ TYPE BUILDING ! 1 i T DA~ J INSPECTOR l j_ I I L- ' ""· -., ·--. ' ,--0 ',... ' ·-._\" --' t~, , , ~ cJ ~ -f:J-~-A ' \ ''-':,~ ' . \. . .\ ·,. ' .. ,\ / ~ -· ' .. -l \ FOUNDATION . c=:..:==~=:..:..:.:::~=---~~~' -,~-'-~----r-r-----:-------~-___,.-.,._.--------~--, R~INFORCED STEEL REQUIRED ,SPECIAL INSPECTIONS \ INSPECTOR'S NOTES MASONRY J GUNLTE OR GROUT ! SUB FRAME O FLOOR D CEILING SHEATHING D ROOF D S~EAR FRAME EXTERIOR LATl:I INSULATION INTER,IOR LATH & DRYWALL PLUMBING ! I I l l ' l D SEWER AND BUCO D FJU~Q UNDERGROUND D WASTE d WATER TOP OUT Q WASTE D f'IATER TUB AND SHOWER PAN i GAS TEST 1 O WATER HEATER o SOLAR WATER ELECTRICAL l D ELECTRIC UNDERGROUND di UFFER ROUGH ELECTRIC c:J_§LECTRIC SERVICE _ D IE:MPPRARY D BONDING D POOL MECHANICAL Q DUCT & PL.EM., . _ D REF. PIRING HEAT -AIR COND. SYSTEMS I VENTILATING SYSTEMS .-,. _) I • • t-,1. • = -~ CALL FOR FINAL INSPECTION WHEN ALL APPROPRIATE ITEMS ABOVE HAWE BEEf!l::APPROVE{). \ ····:- INSPECTION SOILS COMPLIANCE PRIOR TO FOUNDATION INSP STRUCTlcJRAL CONCRETE OVER 2000 PSI PRESTRESSED CONCRETE POST TENSIONED CONCRETE FIELD WELDING HIGH STRENGTH. BOLTS SPECIAL MASONRY PILES CAISSONS _ REQ. IF I INSPECTOR'S CHECKED APPROVAL DATE PLUMBING FINAL [ ; '+ ·_· '-I : ' . ·. 'I ·I·.. . .' / ' ' . · ..... 1_ ._ i ; I :. --, :1:,--y .• ;1-~ . , "· «---1.:, ;~: l 01 :".TT .,.,, . . . 'L~ 1 ' -.;_-, r\ ~------'· . \ -Z..:;:-; ---..... .. • <~,-:- ~>.-.: 1 '".--..·.-· ~ .. ~\ ~--- ... ,, ~= ·~::··:.:t!~-,: ~-:~" =EL:-:E::c=T=R:-:IC:--:A-:-L------~lb----,_,.:._!.·.L· 4 ·-~_.,;..-, _,_:. __:_j..__:___:_i__, ~--=!·. , -· ,. --l :-. ' · . . MECHANICAL J .GAS I I"' •. .-, ·.t ;·, -~ • .... \ .., ,i: \ --I •. -,.,_,...,v c.1 ·· o..'-'i} ·1 , c, ~. , • '\ \. ·1 ;>,.-:.:~. ~-:· _. ~···-( :.r~. :~-> ... ,.; ~. ·-: \.,?-. ',', . -~ \ ~ ~- BUILDING I ' ·-·~ii.£?~ 11 J I I I I SPECIAL CONDITIONS l 1-~---~~+----+-----r---i . ' l f t 1' t .,,, z 0 ~ a: j (J, w Q ~[ C ... a:' .... z, 0 , (J 1 ' ' ·f -USE BALL POINT.,PEN ONLY & PRESS .HARD APPLICANTTO FILL IN INFORMATION WITHIN SHAD~D AREA.AND DECLARATION~, .r ',' • } '• ft I I I r I I l 1 I I CARLSBA'D BUILDING DEPARTM'ENT . 2075 L!i~ Palrpas Dr., Carlsbad, CA 92909,4859 ·(6,19) 438-116:1 _ APPLICATION & PERMIT JOS_ADORE~" ~\--,---.. --... : -_\,.,._~·.-• ....,.,~-. "J._ ~V.ST.RD. l~ :~11\'a.. e NEAREST CROSS ST. O _I hereby·afflrm·,that ,I am llcl!n.sed under provisions of Chapter 9 (commencl11g with Sect!on 7000) of ·Division ~· ·of the Business and Professions Code, and my license is in full forceianihffect. , -I hereby,.affirm that I am -exempt from the' Contrac-tor's License 'Law for the following reason (Sec, 7031.5 Business and Professions Code: Any city or county which re: quires a permit to 'construct, alter, ·improve, demolish, or repaiJ aqy structure, prior to its iss4ance also requires the, al)· LOT raLOCK • 'lsua:01y1s10N 0 l~~,~~~Ci~2• /f_ OWNER'S NAME -• OWl)IER'.S Pi'.iONE. l \JllltS tsCAra..-4,e.N>. - J OWNER'S MAILING ADDRESS , e!11pt therefrom an_d the'basls'for°liieaiegedex~m'piii,-,;:·-Any 't : ' \ ~ ·&..~ A.ve. ,P.llca~t,for, su,h --' "· '" · · · · .. · · 2-¾;4~l/o '",, < I ~ .. A .. T,, E 07APPL,ATIONI . Jlt.. 11:~/~. : ~~t$~~s.,We.tfuti r~~ ·'=>Ys1c11S '-·-·'·'··'········'····""_±_ _____ .,_, ___ • ____ ··········!. ,,C .... , .. c _____ , -... •CONTRACTOR'S ADDRESS · ' 1b2.~1.'=·v.1,t¼v--·~ -.n oesi'aNER v1olat1on,of,Se~t1on 7031.5 by ar applicant for,a perl)lit sub, . , .' .. , c;;., _ · · . I Iects\heapphcanttoaciy1ipenattyotnoJmoreJhanfive·hun-f DESCIJ)PTION OF WORK J_ / ~ · 7·· l dreddoliars($SOO). , f ~ ~-• ··--1 ·~ f:L' _ -· .I DESI.GNER'S·ADDRESS BUSINESS LICENSE # VALUATION / f '1 t' (Cllf,fl-:) CONTRACTORS 'PHONE # ZONE STATE LICENSE: ,NO. bESIGNER'.S PHONE STATE LICENSE NO. •PERMIT NUMBER /~/,~- BUILDING SQ, FOOTAGE Ql u:: ...-.,C::-· ~l 0 o.· E • I I I, ,as owner otthe prop~rtY, or my employees with wages f ' ' ' , f · 'I, • f'~/ '• ' , ffi ·. , as'their sole.compensation, wJII do,the work, and the struc-1. \..,, 0 ture is not intended or-offered·for sate (Sec, 7044, Business r ::! and Professions Code: The Contractor's ~,cense l~w·does ,[ • ·---/ -----F/P FLA ELEV.', NO STORIES OCC'GP EDU uull uul 1Zi23iB6f·K!'!1 ~L ~:.. 54.l)ui. ::, not ap~ly to ~n ow_~er of. properly who builds or_ ill)proyes · 1 Ill , thereon and.who does such work himself or through:his own, ! · ~ ~mployees', proviqed that su~h improvements are no,t,intend· '· : · • I . YD NO -~-, I W, ed or-offered for sale. If, however, the buIidmg or improve-, -------· --..... _ " ,. • · · .. -, , , , --.. ---• z mentissold'w1thin6ne'yeai'ofcomplet1ori,theowner-builder ,, I l PARKING,S,PACE .. I· RE~ UNlTS I GRApIr-iG PEF!MIT ISSUED --i REQEVE:LQPM_EJ\jT : • _ _ TYPE ... '. occ LOAD EIRE SPA · :I': ., w1il,have thfbu'rd~n of pr§vi,ng·that he did,not:bu1td or im-.. _, . . _. _ ., • .. _,. · • -· AREA · · , CONS·T 0 prove for the purpose of sale), r -1 . , , : _ _y O N D: ,YO •!\ID , vO NO 0 ·t, as owner of the property, ·am exclusively contracting -: • '.. --• · · ... · · •• • · ----· · ,with lice_nsed contractors to copstru'cHheproject (Sec, 7044, , , . · ' . ' · , Not Valid Unless l,fachine Certified Business and .. Professlons code: The·contractor·s License _ ( ,QTY. : P_LUMBJNG J:lERMIT -ISSUE I"? __.. ,QTY. MECHANICAL PERMIT· ISSUE .., A.A SUMM,ARY/ACCOUNT NUMBER ·_,Lawdoesnotapplytoan_ow.n,er-ofpropertywho~uiidsoii!"· .. ;-• -, ' ,-, • -l• "j(.,/. · · .iJf."""" .... • ----' ' .. '· · · ·• .l P,roves thereon,. and who contrac,ts (or,each proIects !"IWa I · EACH FIXJURE JAAP INSTALi: cu RN ouc'Ts UP r.o' 100' oo·o·B' TU · BUILDING ; PERMIT- ··•· contractor(s) license pursuant to !tie Contractor's License -, • , • , .· . • : • , , ", , · --, , :.La.w). • , ' ' • EACH B·u1LOING SEWER : · • · · , '· --O''i/ER 100-,000 BTU · ··· • . D :>1u1n D As a homeowner I ani improving my home and the follow---r . , . , · . ... . n,M,-nERMIT . ~~EC_K ing conditions exist:' _ ' • I · 'EACH·WATER HEATER AND/OR VEN;T • BOILER/COMPRESSOR UP.TO 3,HP PLAN• ·t ;h~~~t~;i~r1~g!~rfro'::i"tri:0r;:~1~~einonth; r -' -EA.CH GAS SYSTEM 1· r.d 4' OUTLETS ;-. -'. -:80~~ER1C0MPR~SSO R 3: 15 HP, ,. -1' • n" TOTAL Pl prior' to completion··of this·work. · I , . , · · , , , · , ' · .LIMBING '3. ·1 ijave not claimed 'this, exemption during tlie • T · EACH GAS SYSTEM 5 'OR MORE -· • • METAL FIREPLi!\CE . · 1· · • ·n_ ~L~v• last three years. . ' · · · ------· ---- n c, Cf'TRICAL D l~mexempt u~derSec, ;:B'&P.c. ·1 EACHINSTAt.ALTER;REPAIRWATERPIPE .• VENTFAN,SINGLEOUCT, ___ I, '_ ___ . _ _JI_ MECH/ ,NICAL __ i!iP ME for 1hIs reaso~ ', 1 · I I EACH VACUUM BREAKER _::____J11..._ _ _I MECH EXHAUST • HOOD/DUCTS ,I II MOBIL! I I WAT~R S0FTNER I II I RELOCATION OF-EA·F-URNACE/HEATE·R I II SOI .AR -I .. I EACH R90F DRAIN (INSIDE)-. -. . I . I DRYER I/ENT --I u ,STRONG MOTION ,D lhereby,affirmthati'hav~_acertiflcateofconsentl\)] I ' I· TOT/iLMECHANICAL I I FIRESPF self-insure. or a certificate df Wbrkers"•Gompensatlon·ln-' ~. . ' I INKLERS ILITIES FEE E.FEE surance.oracertUie9_gopythere?f'(Sec.3800.L~borCod~)' I _, JOT-AL PLUMBING j . --======-___J_ , JI PUBLIC FAC ' POLICY NO. 'f ' I II BRIDE ~AREA g COM_PANY. _ • _ , _.) O"!:V,. ELECTRICAL PERMIT -_ISSUE QTY. MOBILE HONIE SETUP PARK-IN-L !c D Copy 1s filed with .t~e c,t~ , f F ,I D Certified.copy Is hereby furnished l ,NEW C0NST-E·A AMP/SWT !BK R CAR PORT I II T. ~ I 1 PH 3 PH AWNING I II LA cm :IE -• I O '· GERTIFICATE OF',EXEMPTION,FROM EX 1ST BLOG EA AMP/SWT/BK R r.•o•r.~ U WORKERS' COMPENSATION INSURANCE I · -· · !!" (This ~~tfon-r;ieed not be completed if the permit l ffi , ls,'for one hundred dollars ($:00) or less) . _ l ~ D I certify,,that in the p~rformance Qf the work for which l a: this permit is issued, I shall not employ any person in-any ~ · :manner so as to become subject to the Workers' ComPen-l :>-satlon·Laws of California. l ,NOTIC~ 'TO AP,PLICANT: If, after ma~fng this Certiiicate, ·I, of Exemption. you sho\Jld become subject to the Workers· f ;Compensation Provisions of,1th~ Labor"Code, you _rnuSJ · ' fOrtfiwJtt).complyjyitli s_uch' Rrpvi~i'qm; or'this penllit ShaJI l -1 PH 3 PH ,-- REM00EL.'.AL TER PER CIRCUIT TEMP PO LE 209 AMPS OVER 200 A'MPS 1 TE.MP OCCUPANCY (-30 DAYS) .. iTA TIF FMF J,.iCENSE TAX MFF :-it-,-- ,; --CREDIT DEPOSIT .:2."L~·, • 5:7) 001 ·81 0·Q0·.00·?162 880-519-92-57 I •···I 'C,; 0 e, c ctl tl ' 0. 0. <( I .>:: C a: 0 CJ) CJ) Ql CJ) CJ) <( I ~ .2 ai >-' Ql tl C ctl C u:: ,- I C Ql Ql (5 o, , ·t· , , ~ f~wer~ed'~revOked. ~ J ._ -----I ': :,~' •; ' I ) ". .-I '",;_. < ;.... :~ • ,. -...-l 1 ... TOTAL_FEJ=$ PAYABLE I S-L/'~-..,--1 ---l-t: TOTA L_E LE CT fl ICAL , 'T.OTAL ' r· ·_ P, ,I ~ereb:i"~itirm th~l'th~le is a _construglion l~Qdlng I, ffi ";. agenry; fqr the performance of the work for which thjs per• l Q ':,\l)ll)s.l§~U~d'(Sec. 3097.,. Civil Cqdel , _ -~ _ • . I z , . •'. ·.-'r. lo!'" w Lender's Name . t ' j .:.J • L~nd;r~s.Addre.ss • ...; • ' ....... -i -• I I I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED THE COMPLf;TEI!) "APPLICATION AND PERMIT" ANO DO HEREBY CERTIFY UNDER ..PENAL];'{, OF PERJURY"{"4A'f AtL INFORMATION HEREON INCLUDING THE DECLARATIQ.fllS A'.f.l'E. TR'q_if ,I\ND,G,ORRE'CT AND l FURTHER CERTIFY AND AGREE iF·A PERMIT!$ ISSUED: TO COMPLY WITH ALL CITY. COUNTY AND STATE LAWS GOVERNING BUllOfNG CON· STRUCTIO'N, WHETHER SPECIFIED HEREIN OR NOT. I ALSO AGREE TO SAVE INDEMNIFY AND KEEP HARMLESS THE CITY 'OF-CARLSBAD AGAINST ALL LIABILITIES, JtJDGMENTS, COSTS ANO. EXPENSES WHICH MA·Y IN ANY WAY ACCRUE AGAINST SAID CITY IN CONSEQUENCE OF THE GRANTING OF THIS PERMIT. 7-.. 7 issued by·the Bulidmg Officiatund!!r the provisions olthis itation and become null and vo,id ff the building or work h pe it is not commenced within 180 days from the dateof such e ·bif Ing or work .. authorized by such permit 1s suspended or an t e after the work 1s commenced for a eriod of 180 da s. SI. ATURE Jf. 1.: . .-i_ _ QWNER tJ . CONTRACTqA0 l~/;.,'J>/(!6 BY PHONE 0 * AN OSHA PERMlT IS REQUIRED FOR EXCAVATIONS·O\IER 5' 0" DEEP·AND OEMOllTION OR CONSTRUCTION OF STRUCTURES OVER 3 STORIES IN HEIGHT APPRQVl;D BY ·ir~:~ \ "'7-'::; .>: ~ ; ...... ~ ... ~ , DATE-,/ ·::; ·p-L / 1 r3°/J 6 . I .. ~· .c 3 ~ ~ ' d I f t r, TYPE BUILDING .J. l T ~· l DATE ...., t.--.. \ \\~. INSPECTOR ,\' \ -1, -,.-.:.-.. ,-,,- -:'::. _L ~---{~ 8 ' \ \ "; . -~ .... ~, ,:-., \ ~1 ·. ··} \; .. "'' ___ !__ --., FOUNDATION j _g. ar .... --..---....--FIELD INSPECTION ~ECORD ) ·, REINFORCED STEEL t==:::::..=~R=E.::_o.:_:u..=_1R_E_o_.s_P~E~c-1A-.L-1~N-s-PE_c_:r--:i-o~~'.J;;,,.\.--,---.,_,rr----'----::------:----:-----,-__,------------,--7 ~ASONRY 1 GUNITE OR GROUT 1 . SUB FRAMED FLOOR D CEIJJNG SHEATHiN(2 ti ROOF [] SIHEAR ~RA~E EXTERIOR LA TH INSULATiON lNTERi0R LATH ~ DRYWAl,,L -',: l -. l l 1, PLUMBING J 0 SEWER AND BUCO D RL/CO UNDERGROUND O WASTE d WATER TOP OUT-D WASTE O-WATER. TUB AND SHOWER PAN GAS TEST I D WATER HEATER D SOLA_RWATER ELECTRICAL "l" j D ELECTRIC UNDERGROUND Ol UFFER ROUGH ELECTRIC T D ELECTRIC SERVICE D TEMPbRARY D BONDING D POOL MECH,ANICAL ! tJ DUCT & PLEM., o· REF. PIPING INSPECTION SOILS COMPLIANCE PRIOR TO FOUNDATION INSP STRUCTURAL CONCRETE OVER 2000 PSI PRESTRESSED CONCRETE POST TENSIONED . CONCRETE FIELD WELDING HIGH STRENGTH BOLTS SPECIAL MASONRY PILES CAISSONS HEAT -AIR COND. SYSTEMS 1 . \ VENTILATING SYSTEMS !' . (' 1~ CA_ LL FOR FINAL I_NSPEC~ION ;tE~:-;~~:~;~~~Bl~IE \ '·.J \. _ ITEMS ABO VE HA)!_E BEE_N'APPRO t/.ECJ:.1 -1 '/ 1; .. REQ. ,IF I INSP_ECTOR'S CHECKED APPROVAL DATE INSj>_E:CTOR'S NOTES ~s-~,-:;:.iS---- .. ---~ c_-:;, ~ .:i ,.;- r~ :;:~ .... _ 1~TT l~T -~;-~.~?~~· _ :: ~ :: fj FINAL -. ~-\r--r~rl~-: i~ ~~ ·;·'qfl\r ~~::--~ \"* f:l -:--l. .. ,J,, j::· t ~:. ~ __ -~,-.--1 .•,..-o:i r ·I ~. -·.···, , , ~ -.·-' .. ·. 11-'-'--r't· ·,.· ~+--:..:+' +-------------------------------------1 I ii I io:r ~ t PLUMBING l ELECTRICAL 1 I MECHANICAL l ! GAS l BUILDING t t $PECIAL CONDITIONS ! 1 t: 1 I;;~ -. . '·":.• --I ----~ . . . .. -' • I , -k'-.. ,:--.~--~ '7-ZJ· Y?I /'C.,,·~ -x -v _, _, -' 1 -· ' -I I I~ ,::-!i~ ;~ f < ':".lF '. :~,,~ '· ,. . ~ \cc. 'C I rr-,_ . ~ . : " .. _. ":-.: ~ ~ .• ;::-:\ \ . ; .1··. :_.:' ) 1, ---,... '-.-.. ' «:--~ ~ <9 ._ . ~--. ' ' ,. ~ >· . r-:--..... ifr, ~ ) . ~ <I) z 0 ~ a: j u w 0 .:I. l -. I c· . .. ., .,, I e[· '£], I hereby ·aff!r~ ih~t I a~ ·llpansad under f _u , : Rrovlal9na ot Chapter 9 (commencing with / ~ · Section· 7000)' of.-Dlvlslon .3 of the ·Business I 1-and Professions Coda, and. my license Is in ~ · .. full f~rc,e and·effact. 11. 0 'i " , ,I I hereby affirm that I am exempt from the Contrac· f · ' I: . tor's License law for the following reason (Sec. 7031 5 , ' Bu_sin~ss ~ng Profession.s Code: Any cjty or county whicr,re· ! qmres a perm1I, to construct, alter, improve, demolish, ·br _ ·-1 rep~ir any~tructure, prior to its issuance also requires !he ap-f • plicant for such ·permit to file a signed statement· that· he 1s . licensed pursuant to the provisions of the Contractor's License Law (Chapter 9' commencing with Section 7000 of Division 3 of"lhe Business aiid Professions Code) or that is ex-empt therefrom·and the basis for the allegeil exemption. -Any· I violation of Section 7031.5,by iin'applicant for,a,perm1t sub· , feels the applicant to a civil penalty of riot more:than "!1ve.hun• l dred dollars ($500), -j f I I,. _as· ow~er of the property, or·my employees with wage·s )'. ffi:" "as.their·so)e compensation, will·do the work, and the struc-J-o . ·1ure ls.not intended or offered for sale (Sec. 7044, -Business f -': • and Professiops Code., The·Contractor's·h1cense ~aw does . USE. BAll POINT PEN ONLY & PRESS HARD// APPLICAN'T'TO FILL IN INFORMATION WIJHIN SHADED AREA ANDcDECLARATIONS. CARL~G DEPARTM.ENT ~075•l:~s ~~h;ria:s Dr., qarl!>bad, CA 929q9-4859 (619) 438-1161 APPl,.ICATION & PERMIT Jb8 Ao0AE$·~~-~--.~\ <\ y -:· -~;. ~ -~-~~-•• loee, La9\una AV.ST.Rei. C. NEAREST CROSS ST. , I ,~;;;~NI BUSINESS LICENSE # VALUATH?1£ ,;_p-yj. LOT Bl.OCK 1 S~BOIVIS!Qt-;. . ~ ~ ..stec.:c,... :.::>, >re· t OWNER'S NAME I AsreJGR:~~t-._ Jj L~!s&~~]~~ CONT_RAC):ORS PHONE II ·zoNE' -/ PERMIT NUMBER pyc. OWNER'S PHONE · ~tu.AS t:e . CA{2L~l;!>,-,,J> . clo4• 4;>ib 1l ,~~~u~CT~~R'SJ;;~~DRCt./i~ESS:!_f1:]1JQ~V-~.a~u:-1~·~-.1,~~SPHONe-1--~--'---,--~7 o'wNER'S M'AILJNG AODRESS . '-ies1GNER . . . DESIGNER'.$ PHONE 16'0. ~ke_ STATE LICENSE NQ. BUILDING SQ. FOOTAGE rE}i'>__!ilPTION~oFWO~ '-~II .. . I DES!GNER-'S ADDR0ESS . cc,c:ev:p. --_·. -' . $TATE LICENSE NO. ·F/P F'LR E~EV .. '' EDU .!!:? u:: >-~ 0 a. E ~ I :S . , not apply to an owner 01 property who' buitils or improves T ,m the(eon and,\Yho_ does such-Wo(k himself oi through.his own i ii: employees, proy1ded,fhat such 1mprovements·are.not intend· vO NO • NO" I occ GP -STORIES , ... · uiHl uul .t..-::/~.!</tH:;i"'.K!''ll 64.$u~· w • ed or offered-for sale. 11,·however; the building•or-1mprove· ·I ~ ment is sold within one year pfcomplet,on, t~e owner-builder j ~, --rARKING S_PACE __ RES UNITS I GRADING PERMIT ISSUED I ·REDE-V'e:LOPMENT AREA , .. ~ .... I TYPE 1.0cc 1"6Ao ·FIRE SPA ,.. will ~ave the burden:of' provfrig that he d1d,not·build or ill\·,; 0 ,prove for the'purpose of sale), . --1 y D N D _ _ _ ___"_Q N Q CONST vq_ NO Not Valid Unless Machine Certified z· 0 ~ z w a. :ll 0 u in «,~ ~ a: ~ -D I, as-owner ~I-the property, am ,~elusively contracting I, wit.~11censedcoritractorstocons_tructth.e.Jir9ject(Sec. 7044, 1 QTY PLUMBING PEBM-IT ISSUE-QTY ·MECHANICAL PERMIT ISSUE ''"l t)/!) Business and Professions Code: The. Contractor:s License f · . . , • -,..., --· . --. · ---, -:.r, · · --SUMMARY/ACC0Uh!T fl.JUMBER - Law does not apply to an owner of property who bmlds or Jm·. 1 , . .. · · -' · --, • -, L/ · · 'proves-thereon.and,whoi:o~tr~ctsloreachprojectswitlia· ·-· · EACHFIXT-URET-RAP . " · INSTALLFURN ciUCTSUPTOlOO.OOOBTU , . BUILDINGPERMIT. 001-810'00·00·8220. :,,q.;_. 1 . -.contractor(s) · l1cense pursuant ·to the• Contract~,·~·,ucens,e f." .. . .. . , , . · .. . , -· . , , .' .. .. : • . .. . ·.. _ .. . .. . , . . , .J .. . L~w). . . : . . l EAGH BUILDING SEWER -" . '. OVER 100,000 BTU • SIGN PERMIT 001-810-00-00-8221 . ~g-~~ntri~~:0:.1:ta~impro~ingmy~onie,a•dth010110w· t :-, E~~H~A;·ERHE~.TERANO/ORVENT . ·•. • . BOILER/COMPRESS.ORUPT03HP. ' __ . •.• .'PLAN CHECK • 001·810·00·00-8821 ys- .. 1. Ttie'work ,s being performed-prior to sale. I · · · · · --· ' · · ·· ' · • · · · · · · · · .. · · 2. ~ri~~~~~~v~~i~\~onmJt~j~~oiC'. twelve ~onths 1 .. EAC_H GASSY:STr'il 1 T0,4 OUT_LET~ . BOILER/COMPRESSOR 3-15 HP • _ • TOTALPLUMB[NG 001-810-00-00·8?22 3. ·:a~ailiere~o~ef):imed thJS exemption during the /, EACH GAS SYSJEr., 5 OR MORE . . METAL FIREPLACE • ELECTRICAL 001·810·00-Q0·82~3 o lam~xemj)tuoder,Sec. ____ ~, B&'P:c. I EACH INSTAl.! Jl;L'TER, REPAIR WATER PIPE • VENT FAN SING LE DUCT , . • MEC~ANICAL. , Q01.·?-10·0Q·00·8224 lor this·reason . --! . E·ACH VAC-UUM BflEAKER . . ME.CH'EXHAUST -HOOD/DUCTS_ , • MOBILE~OME 001;810·00-0Q·.8225 --I WATER SOFTNER, . RELOCATION OF E-A FURNACE/HEATER, • SOLAR . 001-810·00-00·8226. _ f EACH ROOF DRAIN (INSIDE) . DRYER VENT • ,STRONG Mo:noN 880-519·~2-33 , S-0 _ . 0 lherebyaffirm)hatlhay,acertif!cateofconse~t)o l . TOT,l;L MECHANICAL ,I FIRE SPRINKLERS 001·810·00·00-8227 self-insure. or a certificate of Workers Compensation,ln· · • -, -, surance.oracertilied'copy th•r~olt~c.35oo.~aborcodet ll , . l'OTAL PLUMBING. :I . , • PUBLIC FACILITIES 'FEE 320'810·00'00·8740 POLlCY NO.' • :I · c·OMPANY ·l, ' ,_ : • J_ BRIDGE FEE 360·810-00-00·8740 El. _. _ _ + -): QTY. . ELECT81G'AL PERMIT· ISSUE r-A-71 QTY. MOBll,.E HOM_E SETUP · PARK·IN-LIEU (AREA. ) Copy1sflledw1ththe.c1ty,, J ,,V.V , _________ _,_ _ ___ _ · Ocertiliedcopy,sherebyJurnlshed l .. NEWCONSTEAAMP/SWTtBKR · . CARPORT • TIF . , CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION FROM WORKERS' COMPENSATION INSURANCE ('this-section need not be completed if the permit ls for. one hundred (!ollars ($100) or less) 0 I certify. th,at'jn the performance of the work for which this permit 1s issued, I shall not employ any person in any -manner so as to become subject to ihe Workers· Compen- s'atlon Law.s of California. NPTICE TO APPLICANT: ti, after making this CerJiflcate of Exemption,,you should become subject to the Workers· ·comperisatlon PcoviSions of the· Labor Code, you must · .. fQi-ihwlth comply with such provlsjon~ or this permit shall be deemed-revoked., I . .1 PH 3 PH · , . AWNING . LA COSTA TIF l El<ISTBLDGEAAMP/SWT/BKR . . GARAGE • 'FMF I I l 1 I 1 PH 3 PH REMOOEUALTER PER CIRCUIT TEMP PQ L_E 200 "Al'i1PS O,VE R 200 AMPS TEMP OCCUPAN€Y (30·DAYS) l:.ICENSE TAX MFF CREDIT'DEPOSIT 134·810-00·00·8835 133-810-00-00-8835 001·810·00-00·8162 880·519·92·57 J I il i I I TOTAL E'LECTF!JCAL l JOJAL TOTAL FEES_ PAYABLE t ·-lof~ '. . I . . ffi -ag~ncy tortheperforman~e ~f the war!\ for which this per.' 1.. CERTIFY"UNDER' PE~At,TY QF .PERJURY. Thl.A'r ·ALL-INFORMATION HEREON INCLUDING THE coie ~ha~I pi by II tation and become null and void ff the building or work * AN OSH,t. PERMIT IS ReQUIREO FOR EXCAVATIONS OVER 5' O" DEEP AND DEMOLITION OR CONSTRUCTION-Of' STRUCTVRES OVER 3 STOf.llES IN HEIGHT f O !'hereby affirm tha~ tnere is a construction lendmg I I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED THE COMPLETED "APPLICA TtON AND PERMIT" AND DO HEREBY -Expiration. ve perm· -issue<! by the Building Olhciat under the prov1s1ons of this o 'm11 ls ls~ued (Se~: 3097 Cfvit code) 'j DE_CLARA1:J_ONS· ARE l'Rl:JE AND CORRECT AND I FURTHER CERTIFY AND AGREE 1F A PERMIT!& . aut ~iize ch"!'' 1t Is not commence_d within l!jO days from the date of suet, Z . .' -. . . . '. ·· ; . '. tSSl:JED: TO COMPLY WITH ALL CITY, QOUNTY A~Q STATE LAWS GOVERNING BUILDING CON·· perm,• or e b~i ing Or work authonz!)d by such permit -1s suspended or ~ Lenders Name c . ' .. ' f STRUCTION, WHETHER SPECIFIED HEREIN OR NQT. I ALSO AGREE TO SAVE INDEMNIFY AND abandon , an 11 e altar .the w_ork is commenced lot_ a nod of 180 da s. . . . , ' L~nder'; Add;e,; . • " ·:··;·· • -· ·t KEEP'HARMLESS THE CfTY OF.CARLSBAD ,O,GAINST ALL LIABILITIES, JUDGMENTS, COSTS ANO APPLIC S SI ATURE ,,._ WNER O CONTRACTOR O APPRQVgD B'i\, ':;:i'"{: J (~ DATE ' . I EXPENSES WHICH MAY IN ANY WAY ACCRUE AGAINST SAID CITY IN CONSEQUENCE OF THE . . ,. L C~. .} l , "GRANTING OF THIS PERMIT. BY ·PHONE O _ -' /~ ,.L:~~~:.:~~~---~----~ ..... ~~~===::.:~:..~~~~~:...~-.13.~~~t---...:===-=~l ______ j_~:_ _ _(l'J/ ~ , -.- CJ c <U 0 a. a. <t: I, .,x:'. C, a: -I ..... o· rn rn Q) rn rn <t:· I ;: ..Q Q) >- Q) O· C <U C· u:: :c.. ,· C • Q) Q) t5, ..... o· B Q) 0. rn E I, ~ :a -~ ' ,,, \ '1"'-k ,.. . \~ ·.;:-·-.r.~. TYPE i DATE INSPECTOR \ \ <\ .. fi'lt, -( d4 .., '-'.:.. BUILDING ., \\_ 1 :s_.3·r-K1 ' /l.-" · • .;.. -,., FOUNDATION FIELD INSPECTION RECORD \ . \ REINFORCED STEEL ~ /) ' REQUIRED SPECIAL INSPECTIONS ' INSPECTOR'S NOTES r-.:--. \ . -~ MASONRY REQ. IF INSPECTOR'S bATE ., ?_9· ·~. GUNITE OR GROUT ·J INSPECTION CHECKED APPROVAL I SUB FRAMED FLOOR D CEIIUNG SOILS COMPLIANCE SHEA.THING D ROOF D SHEAR PRIOR TO FRAME f FOUNDATION INSP l STRUCTURAL CONCRETE EXTERIOR LA TH .. ~ OVER 2000 P$1 INSULATION ! PRESTRESSED INTl;RIOR LATH.& DRYWALL CONCRETE POST TENSIONED -CONCRET-E PLUMBiNG FIELD WE-1:DING t) SEWER AND BUCO o Pl/co HIGH·STRENGTH. UNDERGROUND BOLTS D WASTE 0 WATER I \ TOP OUT D WASTE D' VATER SPECIAL MASONRY TUB AND SHOWER PAN , ... !..,\ l GAS TEST PILES CAISSbNS D WATER HEATER p SOLAR VI ATER I -/ ELECTRICAL --D ELECTRIC UNDERGROUND [J UFFER ... _ ---I . . ROUGH ELECTRIC l, i '7.,_ .. \ ..• D ELECTRIC SERVICE . D TEMPORARY ' ... --. .. D BONDING D POOi-• 'I f I·. MECHANICAL -P DUCT & Pl-EM., 0 REF. Pl~ING ~1t·~·r7 ~r!T T·:\ :_;.,; ·:·---~ _ ... ! ' :· {1 HEAT -AIR COND. SYSTEMS l I VENTILATING SYSTEMS ' -· -t. ~~ _·, :~~,• ~ ';.: ~ ,/~~ /'~ .>. I --,. ,\ CALL FOR FINAL INSPEC ~ION ,WHEN ALL APRROeRJATE . ITEMS ABOVE HAVE BEEN~APPROMED/.':~, FINAL -. '~---,: ~ ... -.. ... : ;-1, ~-: ~-\ -~ * ':1, -~-' ~ ~-........ , -~"i '._:,. -: -.. + ·~··; • -. ., • < I·-:-/:• r ..__,. ' I \--. ' --~ ,t : -,._ . ..,. PLUMBING l ,, ~-"" ..,4 t ~-· ~ . '' . t ~~ r -1 .-.~ ,.~ .. ·,,;..·I -__ , __ ....,;_, ,., \ ELECTRICAL "'. =--.. ....,~ . ,..-,, ., .. --. t ; \ 7. • • " t-... ~ . -,.,. '!..,.;. - t" ) -~. (~t.-~ \ \ ~ l -~ •• ~t :,,_-._~-: :-' ..... : .. ;.,., .. . ~~ :~~... ·... , ... -.... ~ ... __. ~ -; • .... -' ' < .. MECHANICAL j, .. \ ·. -t--:_ --.-:·. ·-' .. _ .. , ..... ~ . ..___ ... :. ·-> I -.. --~ . l (_.,.;; ... :~:~ .~~ ;.,:~~ ,-(. , j :-, ..,,.-.. . '-~ "', \~ -.... --\..:.-a;;-~,~ ... _~ GAS " l BUILDING l?·U Jt7't. -,~ SPECIAL CONDITIONS i I' u -.... , ......... _ . ' .. --l "-'-. . j ,:. MECHANICAL, INC. Lie. #481961 December 15, 1986 City of Carlsbad Building Department 2075 Las Palmas Carlsbad, CA 92008 Attn: Tony Mata Re: Villas De Carlsbad 108-8 Laguna Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 Building Permit# Subject: Refrigerant Piping Insulation Dear Tony; SANTEE (619) 287-3383 VISTA (619) 727-4220 RECEIVED DEC181986 CITY OF CARLSBAD Building Department Per our phone conversations on 12-10-86 and 12-16-86 I am enclosing a specifications sheet on the "Bondtex" closed cell polyethylene tubing insulation. The flame spread and smoke ratings are well within the 25/50 standar4 for this type of material. We will isolate the tubing insulation (Now exposed in the space abov.e the corridor dropped ceilings) from potential exposure to fire by wrapping the refrigerantion line sets with reinforced foii and taping and stapling it into place. It is mr.miderstanding that this modification will bring the installatft.bn,;. into compliance with the City of Carlsbad standards. Please call me if this procedure does not meet with your approval. If I don't hear from you,we will proceed immediately so as not to slow production on-:the project. Sincerely, STRANG MECHANICAL, lbw// Daniel L. Gonlag Major Residential Construction Superinten D 9424-B Abraham Way o Santee, California 92071 D 2517 So. Santa Fe Ayenue, Suite 5 ° Vista, California 92083 PHYSICAL PROPERTIES BONDTEX® CLOSED CELL POLYETHYLENE TUBING INSULATION -B-1 OOOA Average Physical Properties+ Celi Struct1,.1re Densiiy Water Absorption Water Vapor Permeability Thermal Conductivity (KFactor) · Insulation .(R Value per inch -flat sheet) Test Method ASTM D-3575 Method B AStM C-272 ASTMC-355 Dry Cup ASTM C-518 1 K Factor @ 50°F .. Bondtex® Polyethylene 100% Closed Cell Avg. 2 lbs. per cu. ft. Less than 1% .01 perm inches @75°F .25 @50°F.24 4.166 Temperature Range++ -100°F (-73°C) to +212°F (100°C) Flame Spread• Smoke Density"' Tensile Elongation Compression Deflection Solvent Resistance Chemical Resistance Ozone ·Resistance Odor Weatherability- ASTM E-84 ASTM E-84 ASTM D-412 ASTM D-412 ASTM D-1056 15 25 48 p.s.i. 90% 7 p.s.i. Excellent Excellent Excellent Negligible Excellent +These physical properties are average and.should not be used.for specification purposes. ++180°F ls·a continuous service temperature estimate. High intermittent temperatures of up to 212° F can be sustained. • Bondtex B-1000A(Tublhg Insulation) has been specially compounded to meetthe Indicated flame spread and smoke density ratings. Samples up to ½" thickness were tested by an indepenqent laboratory to ASTM E-84 method entitled: "Surface Burning Characteristics of Building Materials." This 25 foot-Steiner Tunnel test is a measure of a material's surface flammability and smoke ev~lution while burning. CAUTION: These ratings alone do not define the hazards presented by the materials under actual fire conditions. BONDTEX® INC. • P.O. BOX 908 • BEDFORD, 24523 • PHONE: (703) 586-2611 or (800) 782-2839 • TLX: 50-9666/ESL: 6277-1135 .REGIONAL SALES OFFICES/.WAREHOUSES MIDWESTERN STATES TEXAS-LOUISIANA ST. LOUIS, MO 63132 HOUSTON, TX 77055 1456Ashby Road 4011 West 11th St. 314 426-5800 713 880-0049 SOUTHEASTERN STATES MOUNTAIN STATES DECATUR, GA 30035 DENVER. COLORADO 80239 5330 Dividend Drive . 5475 JOLIET ST. UNIT 1 404 981-9070 303 373-5258 WESTERN STATES SANTA FE SPRINGS, CA 90670 • Distributed by: HAHi( SIMON ASSOCIATES INC\ 8610 PRODUCTION AVE. SAN DIEGO, CA. 92121-2284 -.... C.; , 14715AnsonAve.P.O.Box3126213921-8593 ·,. _ • "-:;: . ";:: , , ,,-,s, .. · ···• · ···"'~;t{:, ~:Yf,if i{:i~f:i·1{{t1;1.1l ~~:_'.'c;, ,:__ ____ ._::3 _'.i :Lyf ·=2. ·~-~~-:,,_. __ :,._. -~· r -... .. '_ )-: , DEVELOPMENT PROCESSING SERVICES DIVISION 2075 LAS PALMA$ DRIVE CARLSBAD, CA 92009-4859 (619) 438-1161 MISCELLAN.EOUS FEE RECEIP-T Applicant Please Print And FIii In Shaded Area Only ; JOB- )l,.:.ADDRESS ! ASSESSOR'S , PARCEL NO. i . OWNER :owNER'S ; MAILING :ADDRESS \e>e>6> Lk.ittfJA JS3---o1.)J--I - PLAN ID NO. VALIDATION AREA : coNTRAcToR CA""=>1-rAs t;€;VS.Of'f1ts'f..l7 _ 1:srMA:rEo vAL~Atl~N /-~ L/c/() '. CMOANIL'flNRAGCTOR'S _,_/\/ ~ t--::14, ~ .. XI 11-":1_ I -ur. (....,fµ(_/ c;l M \Tl TtVDN C •. PLAN CHECK FEE -001-8'10-00-00-8821 ;A _D_D_R_Es_s _________________ ~ IF THE APPLICANT TAKES NO ACTION • STATE BUSINESS . LICENSE NO. LICENSE NO • WITHIN 180 DAYS, PLAN CHECK FEES WJL-1::EiE FbRFEITED . . SUBDIVISION---------LOT(S),---------------+------------------'----------'-...__,. DESCRIPTION OF WORK CONT ACT PERSON ->DPRESS /0(£) 81"' ': C_ITY ~"t I),~'' (\_APPLICANT'S SIGNATUf:tE White -File e. D TEL. 2?,4•43/~ DATE Yellow -Applicant CHECK IF SUBMITTED: 0 2 ENERGY CALCS : 0 2 1987 ENERGY CALCS FOR NON RESIDENTIAL BLDGS -' D -2· STRUCTURAL CALCS D 2 SOILS REPo'RT-S · .Q__. 2 SELF ADDRESSED ENVELOPES DATE GIVEN/ SENT TO, APPLICANT DATE LA COSTA LETTER SCHOOL FEE FORM P & E CORRECTIONS LIST CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY Pink -Fin~nce Gold -Assessor • ESGIL CORPORATION 9320 CHESAPEAKE DR., SUITE 208 SANUIEGO, CA 92123 (619) 560-1468 DATE: . As0n...1<.. JURISDICTION: 2o ~1!;1 oF /9~7 OAPPLIC N RISDICTIO PLAN CHECKER QFILE COPY QUPS QDESIGNER PLAN CHECK NO: ?7 -I? 2f (!Zf5vts1~,.J TV PROJECT ADDRESS: /0 ?'3 L,4 ~ UA/-4 PROJECT NAME: }1t-L.4 s Oe CAal-.s.t:t4a 0 . The plans ·transmitted herewith have been corrected where necessary and substantially comply with the .juris~iction's building codes. D D The plans transmitted herewith will substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes when minor deficien- cies identified-:----=-----------=-,::----are resolved and checked by building department staff. The plans transmitted herewith have significant deficiencies identified on the enclosed check list and should be corrected and resubmitted for a complete recheck. WZt The checlc lfist--trahsmitted herewit:h is for yo~r i·n'formation~. · ~ The plans are being held at Esgil Corp. until corrected plans are submitted for recheck. D The applicant's copy of the check list is enclosed for the jurisdiction to return to the applicant contact person. WJ The applicant's X rcom-e Pr0pu-1.v copy 10&0 of -the check list has peen sent to: ::z--P(\ Aue., S+L lf o s Gr~. S.O~ O Esgil staff did not advise the applicant contact person that plan check has been completed. ~ Esgil staff did been completed. Date contacted: REMARKS: advise applicant that the plan check has· Person contacted: S:U re+e, .,., L/ -~ -77 Telephone -;:z 3'-/ -q .31-t:. ---------------,---------------- ESGIL CORPORATION 4-10-17 Enclosures: ----------- CITY OF CARLSBAD PLAN CHECK NO. 87-178 REVISION TO 85-623 APRIL 20, 1987 1. Please make a11· corrections on the original tracings and submit two new sets of prints, and any original plan sets that may have been returned to you by the jurisdiction, to: Esgil Corporation, 9320 Chesapeake Drive·, Suite #208, San Diego, California, 92123, (619) 560-1468. To speed up the recheck process, note on this list (or a copy) where each correction item has been addressed i.e., plan-sheet, specification, etc. Be sure to enclose the marked up lis~ when you submit the revised plans. 2. The footing design on page 1 ·of calculations should also provide design for the spread footing where the existing post footing is within a foot of the additional 5700 pound load. The new load is not centered on the footing, piovide·design. 3. P~ovide lateral design for shortened shear wall, check lateral capacity, shear transfer and overturning. 4. Show the proper size ·for glu-lam beam on the plans. Show grade of glu-lam beam on plans. 5. See special inspection list attached for requirements. 6. Provide approval for epoxy grout to be used for hold down anchors. 7. The test procedure to be shown and approved by the building official prior to work being done for anchor bolt proof loading. Provide calculations to show code loads in pull out and shear. 8. A complete structural recheck will be required when items above are covered. If you have any questions, please contact Robert c. Hoglen of Esgil Corporation at (619) 560-1468. Thank you. .• V, SUPPI.ElfENIAL PI.AN CORRF..CTIOH SHEET FOR SPECIAL INSPECTION The following must be identified on the plan title sheet or the structural specification sheet per UBC Sections 302, 305 (f), and 306 -(a) through (f): (D Note that continuous inspection sh~ll be performed· by qualified special inspectors retained by the owner and approved by the Building Official to act as a special inspector for the following types of construction: 2. 3. A. B. @ D. CONCRETE. __________________________________ _ REINFORCING STEEL AND PRESTRESSED STEEL FOR PRESTRESSED CONCRETE. ___ ,,,..,... _____ _ WELDING h lit': t., 0 W E'-'OirJ<; f-¾J -g HIGH-STRENGTH BOLTING ___ ......,. ____ ..,.....,.----,.-------------'------E. STRUC;rtJRAL MASONRY _____________________________ _ F. PILING, DRILLED PIERS, AND CAISSONS. ____________________ _ G. SPRAYED-ON FIREPROOFING . ...,.. ________________________ _ @ OTHER SPECIAL CASES: l. FIELD FABRICATED TRUSSES (i) /N:5i"4t..~417~,,J _ Oi,e- 3. ____________________________________ _ Provide the following statements on the plans: A. The permit applicant shall retain the design engineer or architect of record or other responsible engineer approved by the Building Official to ensure that: 1. all elements of construction which require special inspection are inspected by qualified deputy inspectors approved by the Building Official; and 2. all code deficiencies detected and deviations from the approved plans are brought to the attention of the contractor for correction, and if not corrected, revised designs to overcome the deficiency shall be prepared by the design engineer or architect of record for approval by the Building Official; and 3. all corrective work required is.completed in"accordance with the approved plans, specifications, and City adopted codes. B. A final inspection report, signed by the special inspector~ the responsible engineer, is submitted to the Building Official upon the completion of each element requiring special inspection. The report must.certify that the work was in compliance with the approved plans, specifications and applicable City codes including any authorized changes to the plans. Note that evidence will be provided to the Building Official that the following items were fabricated in an approved manner (Certificate of Compliance, approved fabricator certification, mill reports, etc.): G GLU-LAM BEAMS. ___________________________ _ B. PRECAS'I CONCRETE ________________________________ _ C. REINFORCING STEEL. ___________________________ _ D. STRUCTURAL STEEL. __________________________ _ E. TRUSSES. __________ -,-___________________ _ F. INSULATION ____________________________ _ G. OTHER ___ ,,__ _______________________________ _ 4. Note on the plan that it is the responsibility of the design engineer to review and approve structural shop drawings, truss details and specifications and provide documented approval for same to the Building Official for his approval. S. Note on the plans that the owner shal~arrange for performance tests to be conducted to the satisfaction of the Building Official of the following: A. FIRE EXTINGUISHING SYSl'.El-1S B. SMOKE CONTROL ASSEMBLIES C. EMERGENCY EXIT LIGHTING D. EMERGENCY POWER SUPPLY E. AUTOMATIC CLOSERS F. OTHER _________ _ SI123085 12/30/85 :; . ) " .,. Jurisdiction C'A~'-:s /.$,1.D Dates L/~2.v-37 . Pre.pared bys '?, C', Ho<:i t.e-"1 VALUATION AND PLAN CHECK FEE a Bldg. Dept • 0 Esgil PLAN CHECK NO. '3"7-l?E -/Zc...1,SioA.1 70 '3.S--,6"2,-3,. BUILDING ADDRESS /0'8"3 L,44-u,v,4 APPLICANT/CONTACT _________ PHONE NO. 23<.f -C/3 /~ ¥- BUILDING OCCUPANCY /2-1 .8--z_ I DESIGNER PHONE 45 3 -~32.~ TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION V I 11'12.. 'CONTRACTOR PHONE ~ A&<.fl..ft BUILDING PORTION f2€i1, ';.JrJ"' ~ A;& L./ j-/;LJ e. --.,_ --· ~·----¥-----·· - Air Condi:tionine: Commercial Residential Res. or Comm. Fire Snrin}clers Total Value fee Adjusted To Reflect BUILDING AREA VALUATION VALUE MULTIPLIER i-0.ri..t!I G' .£> RA~ ~s,~ ~ ~'33" !l... ' . ,. .. - @ @ .. @ D Energy Regulations (fee x 1.1) OHandicapped Regulations (fee x 1.065) ' Building Permit fee. $------~--,--------'------"'--------- Plan Check fee $ $ ----------------~-------'--------- c O M MEN TS ... : _______________ E_-_5_li_ic.._H'_~_::;.. ___ 2._~_'3_,_7_1 __ 8/4/82 / ,. (·. ~4 GA c:1 1/v\LINE TRIN\ .:it 14 __ ,TEK. 5(:REWS .2!D_ o._c. .t. · -- PAT. W 371 ROOF DECK ~/:. -hc-G-WOOD FASC~A -· 1 . / \\1ct ~u- = -. ~r ~~, BACK Off 34·==-fr . ~J 0::f-. WOOD FASCIA DETAIL 'V" 3x3 STEEL C0LUAIIN IOx2 PURLIN ?' .i ;"' I x 6. RUFF WOOO CLADIN~ SELF TAPING SCREWS (TYPl~L) ,, . . !z .: ~kltEF '.• :i. 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