HomeMy WebLinkAbout1092 LOCUST; ; CB881496; Permit/ ( __,, "' z 0 ~ "' .. ., :.: 0 .. I[ 8 "' ~ ., 3 ~ "' z 3 0 z 0 ;:: ~ z "' .. ,. 0 0 "' "' "' " "' 0 3 i[ O I hereby affirm that I am l!censed under provisions of Chapter 9 (commencing with Section 7000) of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code, and my license 1s in lull force and effect ,, C:'-"------~ I hereby all1rm 1na1 1 am exempl lrom me Conlrd<: lor s License Law 'or lhe t~llow,ng ·eason 1Sec 703'· ~ Business aM Pro1ess,ons Cooe Any crty or counl~ whrcr re quires a perm,1 to construct a11er ,mprove demol,sh ar rep,l'r any structure pr,or to ,ts issuance also requ,res !heap plrcanl lor such permrT TO Irle a s,~ned statemen• lhat he ,s l•censed pursuant TO the provisions ol t~e Conirao~r:, L,cense Law iChapre1 9 commenc,ng with Sert,on 7000 of O,v,s,on J ol The Bus,ness and Prolessrons CMe,, or I hat 1s e, empl theretrom and the basis tor the allegeo e,empl,or Any ·1101a11on o1 Section :'031 5 oy an aopl1can1 lor a perm,t ,uo 1ects t~e appl•cant to a c,v,1 pena•ty of no: mO'e !~ant1ve hu~ drec dol'a,s -:tsoo1 1 as owner of lhe property ~r my emplo1ees ,,,,,h wages a~ their sole compersalion w111 ao !he wo,, ord The \!rue ture 1s nor intended or offered lor sa·e !Sec 70~4 Bus1~eo> and Pro1ess1ons Code The Com~ac1or's L1cec,se Law does not apply 10 an owne< ol properly who bu11as o, ,moroves thereon and who does such work h1nself o, Through h,s own employees. orcv1ded !hal such ,mprovemenls are ~01 1nlend ed or olle,ed to• sale If, however. lhe ou1ld1ng or ,mprove mMI 11 sold w1Th,n one year o1 comple11on. the owner-Owlder w,11 have the burden of provmg t~at he clld nol build or 1m prove lor the pJrpose ot sale1 I, as owner of lhe property, am exclus,vely contracting with 1,censed contractors to cons1ruct 1he pro1ec1 !Sec 7044 Business and Pro1ess,ons Cooe The Contractor's License Law does nol apply to an owner of properly who bu1ids or 1m proves thereon. and who contracts !or each pro1ec1s with a contraclor(sl license pursuant to the Contractor's License Law) I As a homeowner I am 1mprovmg my hOrne. ana the tollow mg conditions exist 1 The work ,s being perlormed prior to sa1e 2 I have loved rn my home for lwel~ montlos prior to completion of this work 1 have not claimed 1111s exempl'on aur1n~ 1he last three years ~Dr tlh~~ r~~~:t under Sec _____ _ B&PC __ I loereby aft.rm ti.at I ham a cert1hcate of consenl to self ,nsure. or a cert,f1cate or Worlsers Compe~sat,on In su,ance or a cert,hed copy thereol !Sec 3800 Labor Code) POLICY NO COMPANY Copy 1s filed w1th tM c,ty 1 Cert1\ied copy 1s ~ereby furnished CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION FROM WORKERS COMPENSATION INSURANCE (HHS sect.on need not be completed If the pe,m11 1s fo, one hundred dolla~ !$100\ or less) _ I certify that ,n the performance of the work lor which this pe,m,t 1s issued. I shal, nol employ any person 1n any manner so as lo become subJec1 to the Workers Com pen sat1on Laws ot Callfornoa NOTICE TO APPLICANT. If, after making lh,s Cer11hcate of Exemption you should become subject to me Workers Compensation pro,ismns of the Labor Code, you must forthwith comply w1!h such p•ov,s1011s o, t!>1s perm11 shall be deemed revoked __ I hereby atfirm \hat there 1s a construct•on ,end•~g agency for the perfO<r'7aoce ol the wor~ to· ;,·h1ch this cer m•\ ,s issued !Sec 309? Civil Codel Lenders Name Lender s Address USE BALL POINT PEN ONLY & PRE~S HARD APPLICANT TO FILL IN INFORMATION WITHIN SHADED AREA AND DECLARATIONS ----- CARLSBAD BUILDING OEPARTMENT APPLICATION & PERMIT 2075 Las Palmas Dr., Carlsbad, CA 92009-1915 (619) 438-1161 JOB AO,OFIESS ::-J. AV.ST.RO. THOMAS BROS NO. o~T( o:~L~~~I BUSINESS LICENSE # /LUA Tl ON PERMIT NUMBER JI") Ci "] 1_ -·,, ' ; :.,,.\ -io76l 14 ,i/4 ~ LO' BLOCK I s~eo1v1s10~ ···~A PARCEL NO:· _,{)-j [} (( 7uJT°0,. t:Z ,t;Z._ CONTRACTORS PHONt # ZONE Cb . ' . ' 1 ""3-0 . ,,, OWNER'S NAME ' I ()trlff,IER'SPHONE~ ::, . Mi",.•-.\.c..o IJ I • --,,. ·""' . LJ'24-3"'f:,fi.k:) '• CONTRACTOR"S A.DOR: ~:9 STATE LICENSE NO. BUILDING SQ FOOTAGE . -~ ' OWNER'S,MA!UNG ADDRESS - "" J<:Jt \ <5.t.: t,·~ ... DES<GNERJ 'v-i~"> .().<o<:o' . DESIG"fE~'S PHONE 2977 11/09/88 0001 01. Q-ESCRt¥'T} FIK 1 ~ :~ ·---~ . . 02 I r.,,,1(7) , ·c.. --OESIGNo~ORESS () \J '11\,fb~• .._(,).V' ST A TE LICENSE NO, f!ldPw,t 161-• t A· : , .,i /::l ,, J . ---41} -. "' ~ ,., -~,, ,,, . . C: GI:,. ;, ~ .. (,_' . .. . . 'i7 ' ' '-fLR ELl~ ,.-_ , ..:,-· NO OCC GP EDU -#' ,.. _,-' STORIES . . y[_J •'<□ ~ .... ,.,. '< l CENSUS TRACT ! PAPl<:ING SPACt RES UNITS I GRADING PERMIT ISSUED l REDEvO'O~M..EJ..~-TYPE DCC LOAD FIRE SPP ARE A · , ' CONST ,□ N 0 ... ,vl:J "□ vO ND Nor Valid Un/et! fhchine Cert1f1ed •. , QTY. PLUMBING PERMIT· ISSUE 7.6ZJ QTY MECHANICAL PERMIT. ISSUE 10-oO SUMMARY/ACCOUNT NUMBER EACH FIXTURE TRAP INSTALL FURN DUCTS iJP TO 100 000 BTU BLJII_UIN~ rLn" 11 uu1-o1u·UU UU·/lULJ ;,o EACH BUILlJING SEWER OVER 100.000 BTU SIGN PERMIT 00 1-810-00-00-82 21 EACH WATER HEATER AND OR VENT BOILER1CQMPRESSOR UP TO 3 HP PLAN CHECK DO 1-810-00-00-8891 --5~ EACH GAS SYSTEM I ru 4 OUT LE TS BOILERiCOMPRESSOR 3 15 HP TOTAL PLUMBING 00 '. -810-00·00·8222 EACH GAS SYSTEM J OR MORE METAL FIREPLACE: ELECTRICAL JC 1-810-00·00 ·8223 // EACH INST AL . ALT ER. RE PAIR WA TE.R PIPE VENT FAN SINGLE DUCT MECHANICAL 001-810-00-00-82 24 , EACH VACUUM BREAKER MECH EXHAUST HODO DUCTS MOBILEHOME 001-810-00-00-82 25 WATER SOFTNER RELOCATION OF EA FURNACE,HEATER SOLAR DO 1-810-00-00·8226 EACH ~001 :lRAI~ 1 :N'.:i:lll: DRYER VENT STRONG MOTION 880-519-92-33 I TOT kl MECHANICAL FIRE SPRINKLERS 00 ', -810-00· 00· 82 27 TU I Al Pl UMfllNL I PUBLIC FACILITIES FEE 320-810-00-00-87 40 BRIDGE FEE 360-810-00-00-87 40 QTY. ELECTRICAL PERMIT · ISSUE ;:,. o'V QTY. MOBILE HOME SETUP PARK-IN-LIEU {AREA NEW CONST EA AMP SWT 8KR CAR PORT TIF 312-810-00-00-8835 I PH J PH AWNING LA COSTA TIF 3"11-810-00-00-8835 EXIST !:llOG EA AMP·SWT BKR GARAGE FMF I PH 3 PH LICENSE TAX 001-810-00-0D-8162 / REMODEL Al HR PER CIRCUIT C: c:;; MFF 880-519-92·57 TEMPPOLf !00 A MPS , OVER 200 AMPS .,,,.-7 TEMP OCCUPANCY 130 DAYSI .// . CREDIT DEPOSIT ' / Till Al t.l!:.LTRILAI I /G (Z> TOI Al TOTAL FEES / -l/?11~ ··~ I HAVE CAREFULLY EXA,MINEO THE COMPLETED •'APPUCATION'AND PERMIT"' ANO DO HEREBY Expiration. Evety permit tSS'Ued by ttwt Buitoing Ofhc1at und81' the prov1s.11)M ofthl'S * AN OSflA PERMIT IS REQUIAEO FOFI EXCAVATIONS OVEA CERTIFY UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY THAT All INFORMATlON H-EAEON-'INqt._UDING THE Cocle shall expire by hm1tat1oro and become null and void It the building or work 5· O" DEEP ANO OEMOUTION OR CONSTRUCTION OJ DECLARA;JIQNS ARE TRUE AND CORRl;CT AND! FURTHER CEATJFY AND AGREE IF A, PERMIT I~ author1zed by such permit tS root commenced w1thm 180days from the dateol such STflUCJ\JAf$ OVER 3 STORtES tN HUGHT permit, Of if .'!.'! .• ~.uldi:ff Of wort. "iWt~~!uch permit ,s suspended or ISSUED: !f'O COMPLY WITH All CITY. COUNTY ANO STATE LAWS GOVERNING BUILDING CON· abandOned at me a er !he wNk is co tor 4 --1od of 180 davs, • • '. ,"• 'j • • • STRUCTIQN. WHETH!CR SllfGIFIEO HE~EIN o.e NOT i ALSO AGREE TO SAVE INDEMNIFY 1~ll~GNATU~ .,.,..< 0 coNfRACTOR 0 APPR~~ 1°~~1/1kr KEEP HARMLESS THE CHY OF ~RJ:.S~Al.NST L UASIUTIES; JU,OGM€NTS. COST&·A . • ·• -OWNEQ EX:P§N;i~)YtiJt;Ji .MAY J,t'i,At-f. 'IJA.Y.,)., . ,,,. E:,AGAI T SAID Ct!Y 1!".f CONS~OUENCE OF THE· , ev,P+foNE o GflANTING Of,THIS PERMIT. • . . ll . ·., . . . --·-~ f . . ~ U: >, ~ 0 0. E w f- l TI 0 CJ C ro 0 0. 0. <! ~ C a: 0 w w w w w <! I ~ .2 w >- w 0 C ro C u. ,:; C w ~ "' 0 u w 0. w C w "' ;;: TYPE DATE INSPECTOR BUILDING ' . FOUNDATION I REINFORCED STEEL ' MASONRY ' GUNITE OR GROUT ' SUB FRAME □ FLOOR D CEILING SHEATHING □ ROOF D SHEAR FRAME EXTERIOR LATH i INSULATION ' INTERIOR LATH & DRYWALL I I PLUMBING ' □ SEWER AND BUCO D PUCO UNDERGROUND □ WASTE □,WATER TOP OUT □ WASTE □ \YATER TUB AND SHOWER PAN ' GAS TEST I □ WATER HEATER D SOLAR WhTER I ELECTRICAL " □ ELECTRIC UNDERGROUND □: UFFER ROUGH ELECTRIC ' □ ELECTRIC SERVICE □ TEMPORARY □ BONDING □ POOL ' ' I MECHANICAL I □ DUCT & PLEM., D REF. PIPING HEAT -AIR COND. SYSTEMS VENTILATING SYSTEMS CALL FOR FINAL INSPECTION WHEN ALL APPROPRIATE ITEMS ABOVE HA \JE BEEN APPROVED. FINAL I . PLUMBING I ~ I ELECTRICAL I Lo , 1 Vi MECHANICAL ' \-... ~I GAS I ~-. '' BUILDING I\ I N..,~ SPECIAL CONDITIONS ' '\. ~ ' fl A. <i$% l'f O I A FIELD INSPECTION RECORD REQUIRED SPECIAL INSPECTIONS INSPECTOR'S NOTES INSPECTION REQ IF INSPECTOR·S DATE CHECKED APPROVAL SOILS COMPLIANCE PRIOR TO FOUNDATION INSP STRUCTURAL CONCRETE OVER 2000 PS! PRES TRESSED CONCRETE POST TENSIONED CONCRETE FIELD WELDING HIGH STRENGTH BOLTS SPECIAL MASONRY PILES CAISSONS • .. . -.~' -. '" - Nov. 07, 91988 To the City of Carlsbad Dear .Sirs: We the undersigned wish to construct a Poly-Structure Greenhouse, utilizing the private property on Adams and Locust in Carlsbad. The structure is of galvanized pipe and polyurethane and encompasses 1800 sq. feet. No grading of leveling is required. Maximum height attained is not more than 10 feet. The purpose of said structure is for ~he propagation of seedlings and the proliferation of ornamentals. No pesticides or herbicides will be used without the prior consent, permits and proper notification of authorities. No employees will live on property, very few if any will be present other than in the construction of said poly-structure. All written and verbal instructions from The City of Carlsbad have been followed to the letter. All labor after construction will be accomplished by the owners. If you have any further questions or need to get in contact with me for any reasons, please feel free to call me. Stev._ Mandoki 1092 Locust Carlsbad, Ca. 92008 Sincerely, , \ .. , ··~ .,,,,,, . I ' . -~ ·,-•.· ·-:· - , V'. ' ' l ~ ·~ I '? 'i J . 0) -~ (Q'i; '\ "' ~ wt ~ • ,LZ N :t.r ' ... , ... ,L ::-••• • I • ·,: \jt{ -::t~Ij . -:,;• ..,, .. :-.t._-:,' ,' "''.,,,. •-, ,.' _;_:::;:·;~~\: I i , l1, I -- \ - c;;-. °" 0 ... < ,st ) ~ ,_,,,..,_., -½' • . ~-.. ~. ,. ,-• ;._. .. ··· ' ",,l.' .;, ', .,. ,c},, :,,'~i ;-__ ... /t·'.;:}~:':~~i-~: :,\)< /. /~~;t. ·:::/it ,f~;~_r:;f:!cJ!: ··.k;/,;f/'1,l'.:;'Jt . ~.\;'?}sf '~-•,~~~I~ l~~'A,~ '•~ .' ,,.r, •' '1~•~,.-~ -1. ' ~~ /'::. :,t·:,i~~ .. ,:; .i:li~f j ·-•: .. -' ,.,.~·},;<f' .. \'.'.."•>:. .. :': t!i I ' 0\ \f) () .. ~. --·-~-- '' ' . 7J ···-"'.""'-,-f-:::=.:.....--1 ,]) z. ' ,, ' <:_· '--- ·~-- . . ··-, .. . ( ( ( ' ' ' // ,, ,;i. '.o'' I pc ,.. ,~,~•,~,I' "~,,.. i '7--o' . "-._ / ' I/ '-/ "'"---/ / "'Cl "" ' I c> -, I I I .z 1/J . 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