HomeMy WebLinkAbout1097 OAK AVE; ; CBR2017-0640; PermitAl (7cityof Cailsbad Lges~W"Peromi~_ Print Date: 06/20/2018 Permit No: CBR2017-0640 Job Acldres~: 1097 Oak Ave Permit Type: BLDG-Resident ial. Work Class: Second Dwelling Unit Status: Closed - Finaled Parcel No: 2050202900 Lot #: Applied: 03/30/2017 Valuation: $224,003.19 Reference #: Issued: 09/28/2017 dEcupancy Group: Construction Type: Permit Finaled: #Dwelling Units: 1" Bathrooms: Inspector: CRenf -Bedrooms: Orig. Plan Check #: Final Plan Check #: Inspection: 6/20/2018 3:38:18PM Project Title: Description: MAST: 1,199 SF 2ND DWELLING UNIT, 1,063 SF GARAGE ATTACHED TO 2DU Applicant: Owner: Contractor: BA WORTHING INC TRUST MAST POKEY FAMILY TRUST BA WORTHING INC BAOOKS WO'RTHING 346 Olive Ave - .640 Grand Ave, G CARLSBAD, CA 92008 640 Grand Ave, G Carlsbad, CA 92008-2365 Carlsbad, CA 92008-2365 760-729-3965 - 760-729-3965 BUILDING PERMIT FEE ($2000+) $1,069.75 BUILDING PLAN CHECK FEE (BLDG) $728.94 ELECTRICAL BLDG RESIDENTIAL NEW/ADDITION/REMODEL $66.00 GREEN BUILDING STANDARDS PLAN CHECK & INSPECTION $166.00, MECHANICAL BLDG RESIDENTIAL NEW/ ADDITION/REMODEL $92.00 PLUMBIN6 BLDG RESIDENTIAL NEW/ADDITION/REM'obEL $182.00 PUBLIC FACILITIES FEES - outside CFD $7,840.11 SB1473 GREEN BUILDING STATE STANDARD S FEE $9.00.. STRONG MOTION-RESIDENTIAL $29.12,, SWPPP INSPECTION FEE TIER 1 - Medium BLDG $232.00 SWPPP PLAN REVIEW FEE TIER I - MEDIUM $55.00 Total Fe6s: $10,469'.92 Total Payments To Date: $10,469.92 Balance Due: $0.00 Please tak& NOTICE that approval of your project includes the "Imposition" of fees, dedications, reservations, or other exactions hereafter collecti4y referred to as "fees/exaction." You have 90 days from the date this permit was issued to protest imposition of these fe6s/exactions. if you protest them, you must follow the protest procedures set forth in Government Code Section 66020(a), and file the protest and any other, required information ~tith the City Manager for processing in accordance with Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 3.32.030. Failure to timely follow that procedure will bar any subsequent legal action to attack, review, set aside, void, or annul their impositicoh. 'N to You are hereby FURT4ER NOTIFIED thk your right to protest the specified fees/exactions DOES NOT APPLY to water and sewer connection ,fees and capacity changes, nor planning, zoning, grading or other similar application processing or service fees in connection with this project. NOR DOES IT APhY to any fees/exactions of which you have previously been given a NOTICE similar to this, or as to which the statute of limitation has previously otherwise expired. 1635 Faraday Avenue, Carlsbad, CA 92008-7314 1760-602-2700 1760-602-8560 f www.carlsbadca.gov ITHE FOLLOW-I.NG APPROVALS REQUIRED PRIOR TO PERMIT ISSUANCE: El PLANNING ENGINEERING BUILDING FIRE HEALTH EJ H;;MAT/7APCD Building Permit Application Plan Check No. Qb9,2,0i;]-C)Co40 city 0 f 1635 Faraday Ave., Carlsbad, CA 92008 Est. Value Ph: 760-602-2719 Fax: 760-602-8558 sbad email: building@carlsbadca.gov ,'Ca Plan Ck. Deposit V Cq 7,- www.carlsbadca.gov Date lop zw:p JOB ADDRESS SLIITE4/SPACE#1 APN Owl -SCI 0o CT/PROIECT 11 LOT # PHASE 0 #OFUNITS BUSINESS NAME CONSTR. TYPE J#BEDROOMS # EIATHROiffi~iT-7ANT DESCRIPTION OF WORK: Include Square Feet ofAffected Al t ,4 ' ) IF k- -*p U 4 EXISTING USE GARAG (SF) PATIOS (SF) DECKS(SF) FIREPLACE AIRCONDITIONING P ROPOSED USE YESD NO[D YES r-1 No IFIRESPRINKLERS YES[:] NO[:] APPLI~ANT . Pl ry Cont :ME Ili a ROPERTY OWNER NAN)[,~ PI —Ipkw ADDRESS rAva iwe jl!~Iu Te C-1 [ADDRESS C/o Fox lo-,H CI IT STATE ZIP CITY. G~Irl STATE ZIP 6~71 9.112DCO PHONE ~',l —70!~ 25 FAX 0 PHONE,,,, PC) 1z --Iq( FAX EMAIL E AIL 0 DESIGN PROFESSIONAL I — bi;W W cc) (N4 CONTRACTOR BUS. NAME 5 A Wo A-ki N 0, Di e__ ADDRESS. 6 , eto 6~(A 0 A-Q~e— ADDRESS ke ( +0 U I q CITY STATE/ ZIP 04 1 r c4c qzzoob CITY STATE ZIP I PHONE - I '7a)Q -1ZI 5-qG~2 IFAX 76 0 --7 72 2193 FH—O-N—E 76 0 -7 ZIR '760 7V~U764- EMAIL SA WOV-Wlp4l,~rw e- P q4tv (-Om - EMAIL ft vi 04t, N 12 LIA00, (f 0 ni STATE LIC. # aq-z STATE LIC.# -rig -) ~ `S r F2 CITY BUS. UC.# ~3,P wnc; ny d~ permit to onstr alter, Imp,.o , ene c uct ilie Con t r ~L,,Lqem I SLh.O1 ri~structurl prior to its issuance, also requires the 't s iSplitcy pursuantto the provisions oft ' l e , commending with Section 7000 of Division 3 of the B usiness and Professions Code) or at he is exempt therefrom, and the basis for the alleged exemption. Any violation of Section Agili by any applicant for a permit subjects the applicant to a civil penalty of not more than five hundred dollars ($5001). Workers'Compensation Declaration: I hall affirm underpenally ofperjuiy one ofthe following declarations: I ha've and will maintain a certificate of consent to self-insure for workers'compensation as provided by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. I have and will maintain workers' ol N ofthe La bor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. My workers'compensation insurance carder and policy number are: Insurance Co.— Policy No. 9!5Q=*4=W;% Expiration Date III This section need not be completed if the permit is for one hundred dollars ($1 00A less. Ttil C40 . 0AVX80-q56 F, Certificate of.Exemption: I certify that in the performance of the work for which this permit is issued, I shall not employ any person in any manner so as tl.ecome subject to the Workers' Compensation Laws of California. WARNING: Failure to secure workers' compensation coverage Is unlawful, and shall subject an employer to criminal penalties and civil fines up to one hundred thousand dollars (&00,000), ln addition to the cost of compensation, damaw-P If,the Labor code, Interest and attorney's fees. CONTRACTORSIGNATURE-,~ []AGENT DATE g - IN r;4 r4 a IN hereby Ann that I am exempt from Corill Ucense Law for the lowing PI as6wner of the property or my employees with wages as their :S.-r'r . , 6-com tion, will do the work and the structure is not intended or offered for sale (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Code: The Contractor's License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon, and who does such work himself or through his own employees, provided that such improvements are not intended or offered for sale. If, however, the building or improvement is sold within one year of completion, the owner-builder will have the burden of proving that he did not build or improve for the purpose of sale). E-1 1, as owner of the properly, am exclusively contracting with licensed contractors to construct the project (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Code: The Contractor's License Law does not apply to an owner of properly who builds or improves thereon, and contracts for such projects with contractor(s) licensed pursuant to the Contractor's License Law). El I am'exem . pt under Section —Business and Professions Code for this reason: 1 personally plan to provide the major labor and materials for construction of the proposed property improvement. E]Yes ONo 1 (have I have not) signed an application for a building permit for the proposed work. 1 have contracted with the following person (Finn) to provide the proposed construction (include name address / phone I contractors' license number): 1 plan to provide portions of the work, but I have hired the following person to coordinate, supervise and provide the major work (include name I address I phone /contractors' license number): 1 will provide some of the work, but I have contracted (hired) the following persons to provide the work indicated (include name I address I phone I type ofwork): )25PRO~ERTY O`WNER SIGNATURE []AGENT DATE WEI Is the applicant or future building occupant required to submit a business plan, acutely hazardous materials registration form or risk management and prevention program under Sections 25505, 25533 or 25534 of the Presley-Tanner Hazardous Substance Account Act? 0 Yes N;V0 is the applicant or future building occupant required to obtain a permit from the air pollution control district or air quality management district? 0 Yes ko Is the facility to be constructed Wthin 1,000 feet of the outer boundary of a school site? 0 Yes X~o IF ANY OF THE ANSWERS ARE YES, A FINAL CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY MAY NOT BE ISSUED UNLESS THE APPLICANT HAS MET OR IS MEETING THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE OFFICE OF EMERGENCY SERVICES AND THE AIR POLLUTION CONTROL DISTRICT. I hereby affirm that there is a construction lending agency for the performance of the work this permit is issued (Sec. 3097 (i) Civil Code). Lenders Name Lencler's Address I cerfify that I have read the application and itate thatthe above information Is correct and that the Information on the plans is accurate. I agree to comply vAth all City ordinances and State laws relating tD building construction. I hereby authorize representative of the City of Calsbad to enter upon the above mentioned property for inspection purposes. I ALSO AGREE TO SAVE, INDEMNIFY AND KEEP HARMLESS THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AGAINST ALL LIABILITIES, JUDGMENTS, COSTS AND EXPENSES WHICH MAY IN ANY WAY ACCRUE AGAINST SAID CITY IN CONSEQUENCE OF THE GRANTING OF THIS PERMIT. OSHA- An OSHA permit is required for excavations over 60'deep and demolition or construction ofshuctures over 3 stories in height. EXPIRATION: Every permit issued by the Building Official under the provisions ofthis Code shall expire by limilation and become null and void if the building or mrk authorized by such permit is not commenced vAthin 180 days from the date of such permit or I ch i i d d bandoned at any time after the mrk is commenced for a period of 180 days (Section 106.4 A Uniform Building Code). ,eAPPLICANT'S SIGNATURE . 3;9= DATE ~/—~ / 1:7 1 U Permit Type: BLDG-Residential Application Date: 03/30/2017 Owner: TRUST MAST POKEY FAMILY TRUST Work-Class: Second Dwelling Unit Issue Date: 09/28/2017 Subdivision: CARLSBAD LANDS SUB TCTS 114 & 120 Status:' Closed - Finaled Expiration Date: 10129/2018 Address: 1097 Oak Ave Carlsbad, CA IVR Number: 2841 ,Scheduled Actual ~ . I - I 9tart Date Inspection Type Inspection No. Inspection Status Primary Inspector Reinspection Complete- Date , 06/01/2018" 05/01/20'18 BLDG-21 05660~-2018 Passed Chris Renfro Complete Underground/Underf loor Plumbing Checklist Item COMMENTS Passed BLDG-Building Deficiency Yes 06/16/2018- 06/18/2018 BLDG-Final 061126-2018 Cancelled Chris Renfro Reinspection Complete.~ 1 %, Inspection Checklist Item COMMENTS Passed BLDG-Building Deficiency No BLDG-Plumbing Final No BLDG-Mechanical Final No BLDG-Structural Final No BLDG-Electrical Final No 06/20/2018 06/20/2018 BLDG-Final 061607-2018 Passed Chris Renfro Complete Inspection., Checklist Item COMMENTS Passed 7" ~BLDG-Buildi ng Deficiency Yes BLDG-Plumbing Final Yes BLDG-Mechanical Final Yes BLDG-Structural Final Yes BLDG-Electrioal Final Yes June 20, 2018, Page 2 of 2 Permi,t Type: BLDG-Residential Application Date: 03/30/2017 Owner: TRUST MAST POKEY FAMILY TRUST Work Class: 'Second Dwelling Unit Issue Date: 09/28/2017 Subdivision: CARLSBAD LANDS SUB TCTS 114 & 120 Status: Closed - Finaled Expiration Date: 10/29/2018 Address: 1097 Oak Ave Carlsbad, CA IVR Number: 2841 Scheduled Actual Inspectio n Type Inspection No. Inspection Status Primary Inspector Reinspection Complete Date, Start Date 12/0712017 1210712017 BLDG-21 042729-2017 Passed Chris Renfro Complete Underground/Underf loor Plumbing Checklist Item COMMENTS Passed BLDG-Building Deficiency Yes 112/1312017 12/13/2017 BLDG-11 043242-2017 Cancelled Chris Renfro Reinspection Complete Foundation/Ftg/Pier s (Rebar) Checklist Item COMMENTS Passed 'BLDG-Building Deficiency No 12/14/2017 12/14/2017 BLDG-11 043482-2017 Passed Chris Renfro Complete Foundation/Ftg/Pier s (Rebar) Checklist Item COMMENTS Passed BLDG-Building Deficiency Yes 12/29/2017 12/2912017 BLDG-15 044604-2017 Passed Chris Renfro Complete Roof/ReRoof (Patio) Checklist Item COMMENTS Passed BLDG-Building Deficiency Yes 02/13/2018 02/13/2018 BLDG-84 Rough 048587-2018 Passed Chris Renfro Complete Combo(14,24,34,44) Checklist Item COMMENTS Passed BLDG-Building Deficiency Yes BLDG-14 Yes Frame-Steel-Bolting-Welding (Decks) BLDG-24 Rough-Topout Yes BLDG-34 Rough Electrical Yes BLDG-44 Yes Rough-Ducts-Dampers 02/2312018 02/23/2018 BLDG-17 Interior 049694-2018 Passed Chris Renfro Complete Lath/Dr~wall Checklist;ltem COMMENTS Passed BLDG-Building Deficiency Yes BLbG-18 Exterior 049695-2018 Passed Chris Renfro Complete Lath/Drywall Checklist Item COMMENTS Passed BLDG-Building D~eficiency Yes June 20, 2018 Pagel of2 ~J EsGil Corporation In Partnership with Governmentfor Bui[ding Safety DATE: 8/24/2017 L3 APPLICANT JURIS. -.JURISDICTION:'~~ARLS$AD E3 PLAN REVIEWER Q FILE PLAN CHECK NO.: CBR2017-0640 SET: III PROJECT ADDRESS: 1097 OAK AVE. PROJECT NAME: 2ND DWELLING UNIT 4 r the plans transmitted herewith have been corrected where necessary and Osubstantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes. The pl' ans transmitted herewith will substantially comply with the jurisdiction's codes when minor deficiencies identified below are resolved and checked by building department staff. F.7 The plans transmitted herewith have significant deficiencies identified on the enclosed check list and should be corrected and resubmitted for a complete recheck. r The check list transmitted herewith is for your information. The plans are being 'held at EsGil Corporation until corrected plans are submitted for recheck. % F-1 The applicant's copy of the check list is enclosed for the jurisdiction to forward to the applicant contact person. The applicant's Copy of the check list has been sent to: EsGil Corporation staff did not advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. EsGil Corporation staff did advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. Person contacted: Telephone #: Datd contacted: (by. Email: Mail -Telephone Fax In Person REMARKS:. A~ By: - Jason' Pasiut Enclosures: EsGil Corporation , Ej GA' 'El EJ Ej M B El PC 8/17/2017 # ~4, 'EsGil Corporation In (Partnership 'Tith Governmentfor (Bui[ding Safety DATE: 7/31./20.17' Q #PPLICANT ;eJURIS. jURISDICT . ION: CARLSBAD'- El PLAN REVIEWER t Ll FILE PLAN,CHECK NO.,:, CBR2017-0640 SET: II PROJECT AbDFkESS,: 1097'OAK -AVEJ. PROJECT NAME: 2ND.'DWELLING UNIT Eljhe,olaris tran'stiiitted he . tewith have beencorrected where necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction's codes. F-1 T la "1'ainsmitted he w will substantially comply with the jurisdiction's codes - . Oep . ns r' - . re itli. when Minor deficiencies identified. below are resolved and checked by building department,staff., 'The plan's transmitted herewith have significant deficiencies identified on the enclosed check'list and should be-c6rrected and resubmitted for a complete recheck. The chock li~t transmitted herewith is for your information. The plans are being held at EsGil -C oeporation:u nti I c k orrected plans a I re submitted . for recheck. Theapplican't's'co -' ~the cli-eck- list is enclosed for the jurisdiction to forward to the applicant PY 10 contact" person. The -appiiaaos "'copy of the check' list has been sent to: F] Es 'Gil Corporation staff did riot advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. EsGil-Corporation staff did ad vis6 the applicant that the plan check has been completed. 'Person contacted: ~ROOKS WORTHING Telephone #: 760 729 3965 Date -dor~tacted: k-,'(by:Y) C-~ Email: BAWorthinginc@yahoo.com ail - -VTele'ph6ne Fax, In Person, A -1 F REMARKS- By: Jason.Pasiut (fok BD) Enclosures: FsGil Cbrporation M13% F-1,PC 7/24/2017 El GA 0 EJ' El -,9320 Chesapeake. Drive, Suite 208 San Diego, California 92123 (858) 560-1468 Fax (858) 560-1576 NOTE: The items listed below are from the previous correction list. These ~,rem. aining items have not been adequately addressed. The numbers of the items are from the previous check list and may not necessarily be in sequence. The notes in bold font are current. Please make'all correctio'ns,'as requested in the correction list. Submit FOUR new ',complete sets of plans for commercial/industrial projects (THREE sets of plans for residbritial projects). For eipeditious processing, corrected sets can be submitted in one' of two,ways: Delive. r ali'correcteds6ts of plans and calculations/reports directly to the City of Carlsbad Building Department, 1635 Faraday Ave., Carlsbad, CA 92008, (760) 60272700' The City will route the plans to EsGil Corporation and the Carlsbad Plahninj, Engineering and-Fire Departments. Bring TWO corrected set of plans and calculations/reports to EsGil Corporatioh,.' 9320 Chesapeake Drive; Suite 208, San Diego, CA 92123, (858) 560-1468. Deliver all remaining seti of plans and calculations/reports directly to the City of .',darlsbad Bui'ldin'g Pepartiment for routing to their Planning, Engineering and Fire De Me' nts. rt NOTE: Plans that are submitted directly to EsGil Corporation only will not be reviewed by the City. Planning, Engineering and Fire Departments until review by , -~-EsGil~Corpor.ationisc6m'plete PLANS 'l.- All'she6t~ of plans must be signed by the person responsible for their 'lprepiration.' (California Business and Professions Code). Verify with next sluI316 ittal." el PLUMBING 20:,~ Show Wate'r heater size'(1 st hour rating), type, and location on plans. Note: For: '-both.new dwellings and. additions the Energy Standards (1 50.0(n)) requires a gas '-input rating of 200,000 Btu for both tank and instantaneous gas water heaters. (Also) Provide. a gas piping design for the gas system. This was not addressed Show the Tand P relief vblv6 'at the water heater and the discharge pipe size and r6uting*to the exterior. CPC Section 608.3. This was not addressed. IJ- RESIDENTIAL GREEN BUILDING STANDARDS 'te on the plans that prior to final inspection the licensed contractor, architect 36.-. No -,or,engineer in responsible charge of the overall construction must provide to the- building departrfient,offici6l written verification that all applicable provisions from the Green Building Standards'Code have been implemented as'part of the coristructidn. :CGItf162.3. Please note this on the plans. ENERGY CONSERVATION t45.. N.otte or pr6vide,the'*following design requirements for gas water heaters installed ES 150.0(n) Gas piping design not to serve individual dwelling units submitted.. a) Ga6 piping sizing based upon a minimum input of 2b0,000 btu/hr. 1,,~b) A condensate drain installed no higher than 2" above the base of.the heater' that also allows for gravity drainage. c):Fhe "B" vent installed.in a straight position from the room containing the water-..: heater to the roof termination. (For future possible sleeving for high efficiency -heater venting.) -f ~ ~' r " ~. A A 120 volt receptacle accessible to the heater installed within 3'. .'46.~ In'stantaneous water heaters shall haveisolation valves on both the cold and the hot water piping leaving the water heater complete with hose bibs or other fittings on each valve for flushing the water heater when the valves are closed. ES 11.0.13. Please note this on the plans. esiaential v*entilation requirements: ES 150.0(o)/ASHRAE 62.2 50? Kitchens require'exhaust fans with a minimum 100 cfm ducted to the exterior., Detail compliance by including a complying exhaust fan or a ducted range hood' to-the'exterior. This was not addressed. '52.:. R eis~idehtial bathroo m- exhaust fans shall be energy star rated and shall be control by a humidistat'capable of an adjustment between 50 and 80% humidity. CalGreen, 4.506. ' 1. - Exception: Control by a humidistat is not required if the bathro ' om exhaust i~n is also the dwelling whole house ventilation. Please note thii on *the Olans. 53 M66hanical whole house ventilation must be provided. Identify the fan providing the whole house ventilation (complete with CFM and Sone rating) on the flborplans'.'For additions 1,000 square feet or less, whole house ventilation is not r equieed, For additions over 1,000 square feet, the whole house ventilation CFM shall be based-upon the entire (existing and addition) square footage, not just' t'lthe'l addition. ~:.:'All:fansjnstalled to meet all of the preceding ventilation requirements must be -,pe6ifi6d at a noise rating of a MISCELLANEOUS 58. Alrnew res'idential units'shall include provisions specifically designed to allow the later installation of any system which utilizes solar energy as an alternative energy source. No building permit shall be issued unless the piping or conduit and ~oof ~enetration details required pursuant to this section are'indicated in th6 building,plks;, This was not addressed. .59. All new buildings that will use recycled water for irrigation require the following note on the plan check list:,Please note if this will or will not occur with this project. "The City of Carlsbad requires the installation of a "bypass tee and associated ball valves" be installed above grade on the main water supply line before it enters the- building.Please include the location and specifications for this fitting on the plumbing plans. (The City Engineer has a detail available, Standard drawing W35)." To speed up the review process, note on this list (or a copy) where each correction item has been addressed, i.e., plan sheet, note-or detail number, calculation page, etc. Plea~e indicate here if any changes have been made to the plans that are not a -result of corrections from this list. If there are other changes, please briefly 'describe them and where they are located in the plans. Have changes been made to the plans not resulting from this correction list? 'PI66S6 indicate: .,,,,Yes 1'Lli... - No LJ 7" The j u 6sd iction has contracted with Esg il Corporation located at 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208, San Diego, California 92123; telephone number of M. 858/560-1468, to perform the plan review for your project. If you have any questions regardin' these plan review items,.please contact Jason Pasiut (for 9 BD),~t EsGil 'Corporation. Thank you. k, EsGil Corporation in Tartnership with govemmentfor Bui(ding Safety DATE: 4/10/2017 L3_,6PPLICANT ,Z-JURIS. VJURISDICTION: CARLSBAD Q PLAN REVIEWER 0 FILE PLAN CHECK NO.:, CBR2017-0640 SET: I ~PROJECT ADDRESS: 1097 OAK AVE. PROJECT NAME: 2ND DWELLING UNIT 41 'The plans trainsmitted herewith have been corrected where necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction's codes. The plans transmitted herewith will substantially comply with the jurisdiction's codes when minor deficiencies identified below are resolved and checked by building department staff. T! 'T"h~e plans transmitted herewith have significant deficiencies identified on the enclosed check- list 'prid should, be corrected and resubmitted for a complete recheck. .The check list transmitted herewith is for your information. The plans are being held at EsGil Corporation until corrected plans are submitted for recheck. -the applicant's copy of the check list is enclosed for the jurisdiction to forward to the applicant contact person. -The applicant's copy of the check list has been sent to:. BROOKS EsGil Corporation staff did not advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. EsGil Corporation staff did advise the ap plicant that the plan check has been completed. Person contacted: BROOKS WORTHING Telephone #: 760 729 3965 d (byy)C) ,,Date,con acte __,Email: BAWorthinglnc@yahoo.com Ne lephone Fax In Person ,REMARKS: 'By: Bert Domingo Enclosures: EsGil Corporation 0 GA E] EJ MB F] PC 4/3/2017 9320 Che'~a'peake Drive, Suite 208 San Diego, California 92123 (858) 560-1468 Fax (858) 560-1576 PLAN REVIEW CORRECTION LIST SINGLE FAMILY DWELLINGS AND DUPLEXES PLAN CHECK NO.: CBR2017-0640 PROJECT ADDRESS: 1097 OAK AVE. FLOOR AREA: 861 sq ft IREMARKS: ~ I DATE PLANS RECEIVED BY JURISDICTION: DATE INITIAL PLAN REVIEW COMPLETED.: 4/10/2017 JURISDICTION: CARLSBAD STORIES: 1 HEIGHT: DATE PLANS RECEIVED BY ESGIL CORPORATION: 4/3/2017 PLAN REVIEWER: Bert Domingo I -FOREWORD (PLEASE READ): This plan review is limited to the technical requirements contained in the California version of th ' e International Residential Code, International Building Code, Uniform Plumbing Code, Uniform Mechanical Code, National Electrical Code and state laws regulating energy conservation, noise attenuation and access for the disabled. This plan review is based on -regulations enforced by the Building Department. You may have other corrections based on laws and ordinance by the.Planfling Department, Engineering Department, Fire Department or other departments. Clearance from those departments may be required prior to the issuance of t.- a building permit. Present California law mandates.that construction comply with the 2016 edition of the California Code of Regulations (Title 24), which adopts the following model codes: 2015 IRC, 2015 IBC, 201,5.UPC, 2015 UMC and 2014 NEC. The above regulations apply, regardless of the code editions adopted by ordinance. The following items listed need clarification, modification or change. All items must be satisfied 'before the plans will be in conformance with the cited codes and regulations. Per Sec. 105.4 of the 2015 International Building Code, the approval of the plans does not permit the violation of any state, county or city law. To speed up. the recheck process, please note on this list (or a copy) where each correction item has been addressed, i.e., plan sheet number, specification section, etc. Be sure to enclose the marked up list when you submit the revised pUlns. Please make all corrections, as requested in the correction list. Submit FOUR new complete sets of plans for commercial/industrial projects (THREE sets of plans for residential projects). For expeditious processing, corrected sets can be submitted in one of two ways: Deliver all corrected sets of plans and calculations/reports directly,to the City of Carlsbad Building Department, 1635 Faraday Ave., Carlsbad, CA 92008, (760) 602- 2700. The City will route the plans to EsGil Corporation and the Carlsbad Planning, Engineering and Fire Departments. Bring TWO corrected set of plans and calculations/reports to EsGil Corporation, 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208, San Diego, CA 92123, (858) 560-1468. Deliver all remaining sets of plans and calculations/reports directly to the City of Carlsbad Building Department for routing to their Planning, Engineering and Fire Departments. NOTE: Plans that are submitted directly to EsGil Corporation only will not be reviewed by the City'Planning, Engineering and Fire Departments until review by EsGil Corporation is _pomplete PLANS -71' All sheets of plans must be signed by the person responsible for their preparation. (California Business and Professions Code). 2 Plans deviating from conventional wood frame construction shall have the structural portions signed and sealed by the California state licensed engineer or architect responsible for their preparation, along with structural calculations. (California Business and Professions Code). Provide a statement on the Title Sheet of the plans stating that this project shall comply with the 2016 California Residential Code, which adopts the 2015 IRC, 2015 UMC, 2015 UPC and the 2014 NEC. Section R106.1. *4. If this project creates a new dwelling unit attached to or within an existi ing building, then the ENTIRE building must be provided with an automatic residential fire sprinkler system, per Section R313.2. Wall assemblies separating units in a duplex shall be of one-hour fire resistive construction. Provide details of the assemblies. Section R302.3. Such wall assemblies shall extend to the underside of the roof sheathing, where applicable. Exceptions: A fire-resistance rating of 1/2-hour shall be permitted in buildings equipped throughout with an automatic sprinkler system installed in accordance with NFPA 13. b) Wall assemblies need not extend through attic spaces when the ceiling is protected by not less than %-inch Type X gypsum board and an attic draft stop constructed as specified in Section R302.12.1 is provided above and along the wall assembly separating the dwellings. The structural framing supporting the ceiling shall also be protected by not less than 1/2 -inch gypsum board or equivalent. Provide a note on the plans stating: "Penetrations of fire-resistive walls, floor-- ceilings and roof-ceilings shall be protected as required ,in CRC Section R302.4." Show the required ventilation for attics (or enclosed rafter spaces formed where ceilings are applied directly to the underside of roof rafters). The minimum vent area is 1/150 of attic area (or 1/300 of attic area if at least 40% (but not more than 50%) of the required vent is located no more than 3' below the ridge). Show 9n the plans the area required and area provided. Section R806.2. a). When using a radiant barrier, California energy design affects the attic ventilation area requirement: If using the Prescriptive method for energy compliance, then the attic vent area must be at the 1/150 area: If using the Performance method, either the 150 or 300 areas may be used, as documented on the energy forms. Section RA4.2. 1. ti '8. Note on the plans: "Attic ventilation openings shall be covered with corrosion-resistant metal mesh with 1/16" minimum to 1/4" maximum openings. Section R806.1. Show location of attic access with a minimum size of 22"x3O"; unless the maximum vertical headroom height in the attic is less than 30". Access must be provided to each separated attic area (if over 30 sq. ft.), shall be located in a r I_r hallway or other readily accessible location and 30" headroom clearance is required above the opening. Section R807.1. GARAGE AND CARPORTS The garage shall be separated from the residence and its attic area by not less than 1/2" gypsum board applied to the garage side (at walls). Garages beneath habitable rooms shall be separated by not less than 5/8" Type X gypsum board. Section R302.6. MECHANICAL Show on the plans the location, type and size (Btu's) 9f all heating and cooling appliances or systems. Every dwelling unit shall be provided with heating facilities capable of ma - intaining a room temperature of 68 degrees F at a location 3 feet above the floor and 2 feet from exterior walls in all habitable rooms. Show basis for compliance. CRC 303.9. The access opening to attics must be large enough to remove the largest piece of mechanical equipment and be sized not less than 30" x 22". CIVIC Section 304.4. Note that passageway to the mechanical equipment in the attic shall be unobstructed, have continuous solid flooring not less than 24 inches wide, and be not more than 20 feet in len6th from the access opening to the appliance. CIVIC Section 304.41. Show a permanent electrical receptacle outlet and lighting fixture controlled by a switch located at the entrance for furnaces located -in an attic. CIVIC Section 304.4.4 Detail the dryer exhaust duct design from the dryer to the exterior. The maximum length is 14 feet with a maximum of two 90-degree elbows or provide the manufacturer's duct length specification description on the plans: Include the dryer specifications (manufacturer, model, and fuel type) as well as the duct description (size and type). CIVIC Section 504.4.2. Dryer?- ELECTRICAL Show on the plan the amperage of the electrical service, the location of the service panel and the location of any sub-panels. If the service is over 200 amperes, submit a single line diagram, panel schedules, and provide service load calculations. Note on the plans that receptacle outlet locations will comply with CEC Article 210.52. For a single-family dwelling unit (and for each unit of a duplex), show that at least one receptacle outlet accessible at grade level will be installed outdoors at the front and back of the dwelling. CEC Article 210.52(E). This receptacle must be" GFCI protected. PLUMBING Show water heater size (1st hour rating), type, and location on plans. Note: For both new dwellings and additions the Energy Standa~ds (1 50.0(n)) requires a ga s input rating of 200,000 Btu for both tank and instantaneous gas water heaters. (Also) Provide a'gas piping design for the gas system. Show the T and P relief valve at the water heater and the discharge pipe size and routing to the exterior. CPC Section 608.3. RESIDENTIAL GREEN BUILDING STANDARDS The California Building Standards Commission has adopted the Green Building Standards Code and must be enforced by the local building official. The following mandatory requirements for residential construction must be included on your plans. CGC Section 101.3. The Standards apply to newly constructed residential buildings, along with add itions/a Iterations that increase the building's conditioned area, volume or size,. CGC Section 301. 1. 1. Provide a sheet on thd plans labeled "Green Building Code Requirements" and include the following notes as applicable. Electric Vehicle Charging. Note on the plans that electrical vehicle supply equi pment (EVSE) is required in NEW one and two family dwellings and townhomes with attached garages. Include the following information on the plans: A minimum size 1" conduit originating from a panel or service having a spare 40 ampere 240 volt capacity terminating in a box located in close proximity to the location of the future EV charger. CGC 4.106.4. Storm water drainage/retention during construction. Note on the plans: Projects which disturb less than one acre of soil shall manage storm water drainage during construction by one of the following: A. Retention basins. B. Where storm water is conveyed to a public drainage system, water shall be filtered by use of 6 barrier system, wattle or other approved method. CGC Section 4.106.2. 24.' Grading and paving. Note on the plans that site grading or drainage system will manage all surface -water flows to keep water from entering buildings (swales, water collection, French drains, etc.). CGC Section 4.106.3. Exception: Additions not altering the drainage path. 25. Indoor water use. Show compliance with the following table, per CGC Section 4:303.1. Pollutant control. Note on the plans that during construction, ends of duct openings are to be sealed, and mechanical equipment is to be covered. CGC Section 4.504. 1. -32.- Polluta.nt control. Note on the plans that VOC's must comply with the limitations listed in Section 4.504.3 and Tables 4.504.1, 4.504.2, 4.504.3 and 4.504.5 for: Adhesives, Paints and Coatings, Carpet and Composition Wood Products. CGC Section 4.504.2. 33. Interior moisture control. Note on the plans that concrete slabs will be -1 provided with a capillary break. CGC Section 4.505.2.1. FIXTURE FLOW RATES FIXTURE TYPE MAXIMUM FLOW RATE Water closets 1.28 gallons/flush Urinals (wall-mounted) 0.125 gallon/flush Urinals (others) 0.5 gallon/flush Showerheads 2 gpm @ 80 psi Lavatory faucets 1.2 gpm @ 60 psi' Kitchen faucets 1.8 gpm @ 60 psi Imetering faucets 0.25 gallons per cycle Lavatory faucets shall not have a flow rate less than 0.8 gpm at 20 psi. Note' on the plans that when a shower is provided with multiple shower heads, the sum of flow to all the heads shall not exceed 2.0 gpm @ 80 psi, or the shower shall be designed so that only one head is on at a time. CGC Section 4.303.1.3.2. Note on the plans that landscape irrigation water use shall have weather or soil based controllers. CGC Section 4.304.1. Recycling. Note on the plans that a minimum of 65% of construction waste is to 28., be recycled. CGC Section 4.408.1. '29. 30. Recycling. Note on the plans that the contractor shall submit a Construction Waste Management Plan, per CGC Section 4.408.2. Operation and maintenance manual. Note on the plans that the builder is to provide an operation manual (containing information for maintaining appliances, etc.) for the owner at the time of final inspection. CGC Section 4.410. 1. r fDO NOTPA Y- THIS IS NOrANINVOIC47 VALUATION AND PLAN CHECK FEE JURISDICTION:'CARLSBAD PLAN CHECK NO.: CBR2017-0640 PREPARED BY:. Bert Domingo DATE: 4/10/2017 BUILDINP ADDRESS: 1.097 OAK AVE. BUILDINd OCCUPANCY: BUILDING PORTION AREA Sq. Ft.) Valuation Multiplier Reg. Mod. V LUE city valuation 216,533, Air.Conditioning Fire,Sprinklers TOTAL VALUE 216,533 Jurisdiction Code cb sy ordinance $1;041 .41] $676.921,: .46ce'. Complete Review Structural Only Type bf Review:' F1, Rep'etit!ve., Fee dther Hr. 'Ho rly @ u epeats Fee ~Cornm'ents: !l1n addition to the above fee, an additional fee of $43.00 is due ~86/h!r. for the CalGree ijeyie~W,,. Sheet 1 of 1, macvalue.doc + ntl. r PCSD Engineering Corp 3529 Coastview Court Carlsbid, CA 92010 Ph: 460-207-1885 Structural Design Calculations Residential Addition 16~ 0", 60 Client Dean Mast 1095 Oak Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 Project Mast Residence 1095 Oak Avenue Carlsb 008 ?'13FESSIOA/ 71e2 0 1v I Paul son RCE C57182, exp. 12/31/17 CBR2017-0640 1097 OAK AVE MAST: 1,199 SF 2ND DWELLING UNIT. 1.063 SF GARAGE July 7, 2 ATTACHED TO 2DU 2050202900 PCSD File #: 9/28/2017 CBR2017-0640 4 Paul Christenson San Diego Engineering 3529 Coastview Ct - Carlsbad, CA 92010 Telephone (760) 207-1885 - Email: paul.pcsd@gmaii.com t .1.0 Desion Criteria: Mast Residence 17-240 4 "Code: 2016 California Building Code - ASCE 7-10 Timber: Douglas Fir-Larch (DF-L), WWPA or WCLIB 2x Wall Framing: DF-L #2 (unless noted otherwise) 2x Rafters & Joists: DF-L #2 Posts & Beams: DF-L #1 Glue-Lam Beams: Simple Span': Grade 24F-V4 (DF/DF) Cantilevers: Grade 24F-V8 (DF/DF) Sheaiking: Min. APA-Rated Sheathing, Exposure 1, Plywood or OSB (U.N.O.) Engineered Fram ing Wood I-Joists: TJI 110,210,230,360,560 ?CC ESR- 1153 LVL, PSL 1.9E Microllam, 2.OE Parallam ICBO ER-4979 Concrbte-'. Compressive Strength @ 28 days per ASTM C39-96: Footings: f'c = 2500 psi Grade Beams: fc = 3000 psi Concrete Plock: Grade N-1 per ASTM C90-95, f'm 1500 psi per ASTM E447-92 Mortar: Type S Mortar Cement per ASTM C270-95, Min. Vrn = 1800 psi @ 28 days Grout. Coarse Grout w/ 3/8" Max. Aggregate per ASTM C476-91, Min.. f m 2000 psi @ 28 days. _,-Reinforcing Steel: #4 & Larger: ASTM A615-60 (Fy = 60 ksi) #3 & Smaller: ASTM A615-40 (Fy = 40 ksi) Stru~iural Steel"' 'W'Shapes: ASTM A992, Fy= 50-65 ksi Plates, Angles, Channels, ASTIVI A36, Fy = 36 ksi Tube Shapes: ASTM A500, Grade B, Fy= 46 ksi Pipe Shapes: ASTM A53, Grade B, Fy=35 ksi Weldiri6 Electrodes: Structural Steel: E70-T6 r A615-60 Rebar: E90 Series Bolts:, Sill Plate Anchor Botis & Threaded Rods: A307 Quality Minimum 4' p Steel Moment & Braced Frames: A325 (Bearing, U.N.O.) Soils:. 1500 psf Bearing Pressure '4eferences:,, I V aw 41 j7jvx w4w A~f 0 x5v "N 3529 Coastview Ct - Carlsbad, CA 92010 JOB 17-240 SHEET NO 2- OF CALCULATED BY PSC DATE 7/7/17. CHECK BY DATE SCALE 1 eiepnone (MU) ZU 1-1 U?Jb - Lmaw pau1.pcsa@_Dgmail.corn 2.0 WAb hIST 2.1 Roof (Vaulted) Roofin~ g 6.0 psf 15/32" Sheathing 2.0 psf Roof Framing 2.8 psf - 5/8" Gyp. Bd.' 2.8 psf Insulation and Misc, 1.4 ps ~IDL = 15-0 PSf % 11j, = 20.0 psf Total Load = 3.5.0 psf '. 2.2 R6of (w/ ceilik) ~00 l_uig 6.0 psf 15/32" Sheathing' 2.0 psf Roof Framing 2.8 psf Insulation and Mi's'c". 1.2 ps DL 12.0 psf 20.0 psf Tot~l Load 32.0 psT '2.3 Ceilin 7 ~eil.ingkists 1.3 psf -5,18" Gyp. Bid, 2.8 psf ln~ulation'and Misc... 1.9 psf Y~DL 6.0 psf .5; LL 10.0 Psf Total Load 16.0 psf *14'Walls'- P Exterior Wall i Interior Wall 'z 7/811 Stucco, t '9.0 psf 1,7' Gyp. Bd. (2 Sides) 4.6 psf 15/32" Sheathing' 1.5 psf 2x4 Studs @ 16" o.c. ].I psf 2x4 Studs @ 16" o.c... 1.1 psf Misc. 2.3 psf 15/8" Gypsum B& psf Y-DL 8.0 psf MISC.":., 0. 6 psf IDL 15-0 PSf vo-rrw~mjvyl w4w Aejo % itill I . 3529 Coastview Ct - Carlsbad, CA 92010 Sj%. 1Xw Telephone (760) 207-1885 - Email: paul.pcsO 4C JOB - 17-240 SHEET NO OF CALCULATED BY PSC DATE -7/7/17 CHECK BY DATE SCALE mall.com 2.0 LOAD LIST (CONTIN) 2.5 Floor Floor Cover 5.5 psf Sheathing 2.3 psf 2x F.J. 3.1 psf ~5/8" Gyp. j3d. 2. 8 psf Insulation and Misc. 1.3 psf Y~DL = 15-0 PSf YLL = 40.0 psf 7otal Load - 55.0 psf 2.6 Wind ~Ps AKzt*I*Ps3o - (ASCE 7 - Equation 6-1) Z 6 sf o P 16.0 psf (*0.6 ASD) "'2.7 Seismic Sms F.S, Sms 1.19 -,SDs (2/3) Sms., (11.4-3) SDs .0.793 'SDs' Cs. (R/1) Cs 0.122 USE:. V= CXDL Equation 12.9-1 Applies V= 0.122 WDL ASD BASE SHEAR VASD C,WDU' 1.4 VASD 0.087 WDL WIND PARAMETERS Basic Wind Speed 110 mph Exposure Cat A 1.00 (fig. 6-3) PS30 26.6 psf (fig, 6-3) KLt 1.00 (fig. 6-4) 1 1.0 (table 11115-1) USGS APPLICATI iL S, = 1.14 Sj= 0.437 F,, = 1.04 F, = 1.56 R = 6.5 1 = 1.00 hn = 15-00 Occupancy Category: 2 Site Class: D SEISMIC DESIGN CATEGORY St <0.75 (11.6 ASCE 7-05) S I > 0.04 (1 1.4.1 ASCE 7-05) SS>o.]3 T C, 0.152 Ta < (0.8)Ts. 0K. Ts SDI/SDS= 0.455 k 1.0 Ta<0.5 Seismic Design Category: D HUSM Design Maps Summary Report User7Speclfhlid Input Report Title Mast 'Mon July 10, 2017 17:26:38 UTC Building Code Reference Document ASCE 7-10 Standard (which utilizes USGS hazard data available in 2008) ..Site Coordinates 33.16240N, 117.34087OW Site Soil Classification Site Class D - "Stiff Soil" Risk Category I/II/III qWZ_1W1_1 " I., __ ...... ...... ............ ........ ... USGS-Orovided Output' S- A., i-40 9, S = 1. 190 g S,s 0.793 g S Hs F44 LOY SHI = 0 4 3? 1 g ~0.683 g SD1 0.456 g Fw i. s63 _14:Fbe,inf6~mation on how the'SS and 51 values above have been calculated from probabilistic (risk-targeted) and deterministic ground motions in the direction of maximum horlzontal response, please return to the application and sel6ct't6e "2009,NEHRP'~ building code reference document. 'JLW 4 1 "114 tA 4a con ask: n in IU~W '4—+- 5?W 3~,,J JQ U, W', Q, -5.1 ~..Yj !_Zrl 1. to S.6c. :.71-. ,..x,. a C::! C. :G CA2 !:UX Pee ccj r (sthc) FoIr PGA,, TL,_-C~,, a nd C~, values,,pl ease view the detailed repo '#',Although this'informa~io~ is a' p'roduct of the U.S. Geological Survey, we provide no warranty, expressed or implied, as to the accuracV of the data contained therein. This toot is not a substitute for technical subject-matter knowledge. PASSED MEMBER REPORT Roof Framing, (RB-1) Accessory Hdr "IF.0 R T E`- 1. piece(s) 5 1/4" x 117/8" 2.OE Parallam(& PSL Overall Length: 19'7" + ;K 4 J M. All-lo6tlofs are measured from the outside face of left support (or left cantilever end).All dimensions are horizontal. Member Reaction (lbs) 2198 @ 2" _ 11484 (330") Passed (19%) — 1.0 D + 1.0 Lr (All Spans) Shear (lbs) - 1570 @ 1' 3 3/8" 10848 Passed (14%) 0.90 1.0 D (All Spans) Moment (Ft-lbs) $546 @ 9' 9 1/2" 26868 ' Passed (32%) 0.90 1.0 D (All Spans) Live Load Deft. (In) 0.088 @ 9'9 1/2" 0.642 Passed (L/999+) -- 1.0 0 + 1.0 Lr (All Spans) spa s)— N, -'pis g . . . . . . . . . . 1 - Column - DF 3.SV 3,51)" 1.501, 1807 392 2199 Blocking 2 - Cdumn - DF 3.50" 3.50" Bloclang B"rwj Panels are assumed to carTy no loads applied directly above them and the full load Is applied to the member being designed. 0 - Self Weight (PLF) ' 0 to 19' 7- NIA 19.5 I - Uniform (PLF) T, - 10 to 19' 7" (Front) N/A 16S.O_ 40.0 Roof 0 Total Load Defl. (in) 0.493 @ 9- 9 1/2' 0.962 Passed (L/469) -- 1.0 D + 1.0 Lr (All Deflection criteria: U. (LJ360) and TL (L/240). Top Edge BraclM (Lu): Top compress'ary edge must be braced at 19' r o/c unless detaffed otherwise. Bottom Edge Bracing (W): gotbDm compression edge must be braced at 19'7" o/c unless detailed otherwise. system : Roof Member Type : Drop Beam Building Use: Residential Building Code : 18C 201S Design Methodology: Aso Member Pitch: 0/12 SUSTAINA811 FGREST~Y lN1-nATrVE Weyerhaeuser warrants that the sizing of its products will be In accordance with Weyerhaeuser product design criteria and published design values. % Weyertwouser expressly disclaims any other warranties related to the software. Loge of this software Is not intended to circumvent the need for a design professional as determined by the aumDrity having Jurisdiction. The designer of reoord, builder or framer Is responsible to assure that this calculation is compardble with the overafljorojecL Accessories IRJm BoarCl, Bioc)d)V Pands and 5wash Wo~) are rot 6estgned by ft software. Products manutcCured at Weyerhaeuser facilitles are thlrd-pvty cerlified to sustainaixie form" standards. Weyertaeuser &*wjed Lanber Products have been eval, atpd by jCC ES under tachnIcal reports ESR-1 153 and ESR-1387 and/or lested In accordance with appJlcable ASTM standards. For current code evaluation reports, Weyerhaeusm product literature and installation details refer to www.weyerhaeuser.com/woodproducts/docurmrft-libraTy. The product application, input design loads, dimensions and support Information have been provided by Forte Software operator 7,110/2017 11:17:28 ArV Paul Forte v5.3, Design Engine: V7.0.0.5 Ch~istcnson - PCSD Engineering Mest.4te (760) 207 -1885 paul.pcsd@gmail.com Page .1 of 1 .......... . 0 PASSED WFORTE. MEMBER REPORT Roof Framing, (RB-2) Hdr Bm 1 piece(s) 3 1/2" x 9 1/2" 2.OE Parallam@ PSL Overaft Length: 10'7" 4 t 2 All locations are measured from the outside face of left support (or left cantilever end)_N1 dimensions are horizontal. Wmber Reaction (lbs) 3847 @ 10, 51, 7656 (3.50") Passed (50%) 1.0 D + 1.0 Lr (All Spans) Shear (lb - s) . 4 3267 @ 9' 6" 8035 Passed (41%) 1.25 1.0 D + 1.0 Lr (All Spans) IvIlornent (Ft-lbs) - 12271 @ 5'3" 16321 Passed (75%) 1.25 1.0 D + 1.0 Lr (All Spans) Uve Load Defl. (in) . 0.251 @ TY' 0.342 Passed (L/490) -- 1.0 D + 1.0 Lr (All Spans) FTotal Load Defl. (in) 0.447 @ 573" 0.512 Passed (1.1275) 1.0 D + 1.0 Lr (All Spans) Deflection crlterla~ LL (L/360) and TL (V240). Top Edge Bracing (Lu): Top compression edge must be braced at 10'7" o/c unless detailed otherwise. Bottom Edge Bracing (LU)! Bottom compression edge must be braced at 10' 7" o/c unless detailed otherwise. Slocldng Panels are assumed to canry no loads applied directly above &*m and the full load is awlied to the member being designed. M 1A 0 - Self Weight (PLF) 0 to IGI r N/A 10.4 I -Uniform (PLF) 0 to 53" (Top) N/A 50.0 60.0 Residential - UvIng Areas 2 1 - UN orm (PLF) S' 3" In 10'7" N/A 225.0 300.0 Residential - UvIng rrop) Areas 1-3p-int (0) 5, 3" (Top) N/A 1330 1770 Weyerhaet warrants that the sWng of Its prod, w1IJ be In accordance wIth Wgfflftaigser prod-irk design cdbeda and puhfld~d design values. Weyerhaeuser e)presslly clisclairns arry other warranties related to the software. Lose of this software Is not lrlbffWed to circumvent the need for a design professional as determined by the authority having jurisdiction. The designer of record, builder or framer is responsible to assure that this calculation Is compatible with the overall project Accessories (Rim Board, Blocldng Panels and Squash Bloclks) are not designed by this software. Products manufactured at Weyefteuser facilities are thlrd-party certified to sustainable forestry standards. Weyerhaeuser Engineered Lumber Products have been evaluated by ICC ES under technical reports ESR-1 153 and ESR-1387 and/or tested In accordance with applicabie AS-rM standards. For current code evaluation reports, Weyerhaeuser Product literature and Installation details refer to www.weyerhaeuser.oDnVwoodproducts/doctiment-library. The product application, Input design loads, dimensions and support Information have been provided by Forte Software Operator 2~ aq, 0 ew_ . . W, =4114 I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -CM R-M . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~S 1 - Column - DF '-3.50" 3.50" 1.501, 1218 1522 2740 Blocidng 2'. Column - DF 3.50". 3.50" 1.76" 1685 2163 3848 Blocking System Floor Member Type: Drop Beam BuIldling Use: Residential Building Code: IBC 2015 Design Methodology: ASO SUSTAINABLE FORESTRY INMATIVE Y Paul Christenson PCSO EnUosering (760) 207-1855 PVu1.Pc5d@gmaiIWCGrn 0 .. .................. ... ...... 7112J2017 8:28:35 AM Forte v5.3, Design Engine: V7.0.0,5 MaA41e 0age 1 of V MEMBER REPORT Roof Framing, (RB-3) Hdr Sm ",a]FO RT E`,. I plece(s) 3 1/2" x 14" 2.OE Parallam@ PSL Overall Length: 20' 71 ~44V,-~ mwg g -17: 'A -mg, "'MPeet.., 2V All iocqatl'ons are measured from the outside face of left support (or left cantilever end).All dimensions are horizontal. PASSED is Member Reaction (Ibs) 2319 @ 2- 7656 (3.50") Passed (30%) — 1.0 D + 1.0 Lr (All Spans) Shear (Ibs) . I ' 1990, @ 1' 5 1/2" 11842 Passed (17%) 1.25 1.0 D + 1.0 Lr (All Spans) Moment (Ft-lbs) 11548 @ 10'3 1/2" 33952 Passed (34%) 1.25 1.0 D + 1.0 Lr (All Spans) Live Load Defl. (in) 0.273 @ 10'3 1/2" 0.675 Passed (L/889) I -- I. D D + 1.0 Lr (All Spans) Total Load Defl. (In) O.S60 @ IV 3 1/2" 1.013 Passed (V434).,I_-- 1.0 D + 1.0 Lr (All Spans) Lmnemon cntena: LL tL1 iwi) ano I L LW,!qu), Top Edge Bradng (Lu): Top compression edge must be braced at 20'7" o1c unless detailed otherwise. Bottom Edge gracing (Lu): Bottom compression edge must be braced at 2D'7" o1c unless detailed otherwise. A N Mg 2328 Blocking 1 - CafiuM - OF 3.501, 3.50" 1.50" ---- - 1332 3.50" 3.501 1.501, 1186 1132 2318 Blockl ''I " 0 - Self Weight (PLF) 0 to 20' 7" N/A 15.3 1 Uniform (PLF) 1 0 bD 20'7" (Top) N/A 100.0 110.0 Residenlial - Living Areas Weyerhaeuser warrants that the sizing of Its products will be in accordance with Weyerhaeuser product design criteria and published design values. Weyerhaeuser ap*ssly disclaims any other warranties related in the software. Use of thIs software Is not Intended to circumvent the need for a design professional as determined by the authority having jurisdiction. The designer of record, builder or framer Is responsible to assure that this calculation Is compatible with ft overall project. Accessories (Rim Board, Blocldng Panels and Squizh Blocks) are not designed by this software. Products manufactured at Weyer(meuser Ibcillres are Mi"rfy certried to sustaftble foresl)ry standarcls. Weyerfkaeuser ChgIneerecr Lumber ftducts have been eyaluated Dy ICC ES under technical reports ESR-1153 and ESR-1387 and/or tested in accordance with applicable ASTM standards. For current code evaluation reports, Weyerhaeuser product literature and Installation details refer to www.weyerhaeuser.com/woodproducts/docurrienH[brary. Fhe product application, input design bads, dimensions and support Inflormatlon have been provided by Forte Software Operator % 4 Ellociting Panels are assumed to carry no loads applied dli~ctly above them and the full load the member being designed. System : Floor Member Type: Drop Beam 8u4idIng Use: Residential Building Code : IBC 2015 Design Methrxiology ASID V SUSTAINABLE FORESTRY tNIT 7/12/2017 8:33:36 AM Paul Chrisie rlsor, Forte v5.3, Design Engine~. V7.0.0.5 PCSD Engmaering Mast.4te 760)207 psu!.pcsd@grnaiI.:*n I Page 1 of 1 .. . .......... . . .. ... . ......... . ... ... ....... J 00 or v a7" IIA 3529 C oastview Ct - Carlsbad, CA 92010 0M Telephone (760) 207-1885 - Email: paul.pcsd JOB 17-240 SHEET NO OF CALCULATED BY PSC DATE 7M1 7 CHECK BY DATE SCALE I.Corn 5.0 Lateraf Desfan & Ana(vsfs - Residence Wind:'P A ]Kzt I ps3o jAISC27-Equaiien6-1) A 1,00 Kzt 110 (fig. 64') PS30 26.6 psf &.1) P 16.0 PS17 Criteria 4:- Each Story Resists > 35% Base Shear: Wi d' n Loads Any Shear Wall w/ (h/l)>I.O is < 33% Story Force: P 16.0 psf x Trib Area P Roof ~evel Direction: N/S 16.0 psf x Directio E/W 16.0 psf x Roof Weight P~.00f Wt., 15.0 psf x 2716 sq. ft. Exterior, Waif Wt -15.0 psf x 757 sq. ft. hiterior Wall Wt 8.0 pSf X 618 sq. ft. Ceiling~Wt' 6.0.psf x 2264 sq. ft. Total Trib.WK j6tat Seismic bead Load: Wt = 70623 tbs. 'AS'D Base Shear,:, V = -0.087 Wt= 552 sq. ft = 8810 tbs. 423 sq. ft.= 6751 tbs. 40740 tbs. 11355 tbs. 4944 tbs. 13584 tbs. 70623 tbs. 6158 tbs. (TBC Equation 12.9-1), S, = 0.437 F,= 1.6 1 1.00 Redundancy) I st Story 2nd Story _ not satisfied satisfied satisfied satisfied I I SCiSMiC: V = CWDL S,= 1.14 F.= i.o R = 6.50 V = 0.087 * Wt * p 3529 Coestview Ct -Carlsbad, CA 92010 P-1 r4.i5ft._ S.- "~q-q Tetepmone (76u) 2w-18m - tman: paui.pmaggman-com 5.1 Lateral Design & AnaWs 2nd Story Shear WaM JOB 17-240 SHEET NO OF CALCULATED BY PSC DATE 717/17 CHECK BY DATE SCALE N .- " I N/S E/W Gridline 1 2 3 4 Length of ShearwaHs Total Wall I-It. 9 9 9 9 Type FA F F E FA E F E FAJE Gridline A B c D Length of SheaTwalls ITotal Wall Ht. 9 9 9 9 e Tf #D 10! #D '/0! # '/0! #131 /Of #13 /01 12 12 24.0 7 71 1 1 14 12 1210 4 3 4 616 ZIJ.5 9 20 20 10 28,5 2 2 3.66 .10 10 20.0 3 3 3' —5 3 15.5 0.0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0 .0 0.0 0 0.0 0 OH n4i T- _A -f- _f 4. L ... ...... . T- JOB 17-240 SHEET No OF CALCULATED BY PSC. DATE 7/7/17 - CHECKBY DATE i go HDU2 HDU2 -96 14D M ("dn 3529 Coastview Ct Carlsbad, CA 92010 --7 ------- i eiepnone (trju) zut-itin - LMaIl: paul.pcsciggmail.com -5.1 "ieral DesL an &Anal (cont) Gridline 15 % 8810 x 0.15 1321 #) 1321 tbs. 24 55 plf 0# 468 tbs. a Gridline 30 % 8810 x 0.30 2643 .2643 'tbs .12 ft. 220 plf O'ff fV2 Ms. Gridline 35 % 8810 x 0.35 3083 # 3083 1 Ibs 28.5 ft., 108 plf 9TIF 974 tbs. Gridline' 20 % 8810 x 0.20 1762 # 1762 tbs., IV, 20 fC 88 plf OTF 79j') tbs. 3529 Coastview Ct- Carlsbad, CA 92010 JOB 17-240 SHEET NO OF CALCULATED BY PSC DATE 7/7/17 CHECKBY DATE SCALE ieiepnone((fju)zut -idn - tmaii: pauipcsoUgmaii.com .5.iiateral Desip-n & Analysi (cont.) .'Gridline 21 % 6751 x 0.21 1418 # 1418' Ibs. V, pif OTF lbs. 40) V0 3V40 Gndline", 40 % 6751 x 0.40 2700 V-1 2700 Ibs. 2.Ll ft. If It is-t ?.f p 'K ~ms 11DUZ Gridline' 29 % 6751 x 0.29 1958 # -1958 'Ibs. .3.66 ft. 535 plf Gridline 28 % 6751 x 0.28 1890 1890 lbs.' V 15.5 ft. 122 pff A 210 tF ',)z OTF 1098 lbs. HDU2 4" 4 sfiwPs6N STRONG-TIE COMPANY INC. 9 999-5099 .(Boo) 5956 W. Las Positas Blvd! Pleasanton, CA 94588. ,~".strongtle.com ,Job Na rhe: Mast 'Wall Name: Well Ltn~ C Application; Garage Front Design Crite.ria: 2015 International Bldg Code Wind ~ - I .* 2500'psi concrete ASD Design Shear -i958 lbs Selected Strong-Will@ Panel Solution: --- -------- 1-7-.-,_-- End Model W H Sill Anchor Type T Total Axial Actual Load U lift 4 ...... . ...... Jin (in Anchor Bolts 16 90 4 2 SW16x8x4 Wood -5/8" 2 - 718" 2500 5307 lb SW16x8x4 W ood 16 90 4 2- 5/8" 2 - 718" 2500 5307 lb Actuil Shear & Drift Disbibutil on: .......... RR Actual Allowable Actual Actual Drift Model Relative Shear Shear Allow Drift Limit Rigidity Qbs) (lbs) Shear (in) n ........ .. SW16x8x4 0.50 979 .!5 1555 OK 0.63 0.38 0.60 SW16x8x4' 0.50 979 S 1555 OK 0.63 0.38 060 .2-SW16x8x4 are OK along the same wall line. Notes: 1. Wood Strong-Wall Shearwalls have been evaluated to the 2015 IBC/IRC. See www.strong0e.com for additional design and Installation Information. 2 Anc~hL or temp~fatesa're recommended for proper anchor bolt placement, and are required in some jurisdictions. 'See program too(bar for detaff under Tools f Anchor Soft Templates. I Ch~ck that'wall height "H* plus curb height (above slab) will attain rough header opening height (top of driveway slab to bottom of header). ,%overall 4.7he combined effect of the downward vertical axial load and overturning on the compression post of the Wood 'Strong-Wall shearwall shall be evaluated by the Specifier as not to exceed the "C4" Allowable Vertical Load. See Out of Plane and Axial CapaclUes In Tools dropdown menu. Garage portal walls listed above may be used with double 2x12 minimum or double 1 3/4" x 11718" minimum LVL headers. 1 Headers'shall be facelnilled'to each other with minimum 16d nails at 32" on center staggered along the top and bottom, Double 2x12 requirei 1/2" ply or OSB shim to make the header assembly flush with Wood Strong-Wall .7. panel. 'The shim shall match the header depth and Wood Strong-Well panel width minimum. It may be placed on either face of the header or between plies directly over the Wood Strong-Wall panel. Dls6lalmer - it is the Designees res'ponsibility to verify product suitability under applicable building codes. In order to verify code listed applications please referto the - k appropriate product c,ode reports at www.strongte.com or contact Simpson Strong-Tie Company Inc. at 1-800-999-5099. X Page 1 of 4 SIMPSON STRONG-TIE COMPANY INC. .,(800) 999-5099 5656 W.1 Las Positas 'Blvd., Pleasanton, CA94588. www.strongte.com Job Name: Mast .'Will Name: Wall Line C Avlication: Garage Front Design Criteria: Slab on grade - Garage curb 2015 International Bldg Code W ind 'conc'rete' 2500 psi Anchor Solution Details: - 14 3 1 1411- tv Step-down end 7f- ComOr 4. 77,77 Slab not 16" shown f laft max. 7. -.7 tj 4" min 'Sl6b 16' On -Garage, Curb..-," PerspectiVe View Plan View ... ....... .. ode, M i Anchor Dimensions (in.) Allowable Tension Loads (lbs.) Boft .. .... .... Curb Width !Diamete Length Min. Embed. (le) Step-down End Comer ............ .. .. ........ SW1 6x8x4 SSTB28 6 0.875 29.875, 24.875 10085 12375 .......... ..... .. Notes: !_1 'Anchor design based on ICC-ES ESR-261 1. 2. Wind includes Seismic Design Category A and B and detached one and two-family dwellings In SDC C. ;:3. Midwall loads apply when anchor Is 1.5 le or greater from the end. For bolts acting in tension simultaneously, the minimum bolt center-to-center spacing is 3)e. 4. Footing dimensions are for anchorage only. Foundation design (size and reinforcement) by Designer. Page, 2 of 4 v I -SIMPSON STRONG-TIE COMPANY INC. (800) 999-5099 '59516 W. LasPositas Blvd., Pleasanton, CA:94588. Www.strongtie.com Job Name: Mast- -'Wall Line C Wall Name. Application: Garage Front Design Criteria: * Sla - b'or;grade' Garage cuib * 2015 Intemational Bldg Code * Wi ind, 2500 psi concrete Anchor Solution Details: Curb/stemwall edge and PAB7 surrounding foundation -Wall not shown for clarity 37/s, Simpson Strong H 7. -~7j..777-? 7 71.:. 7 ............ r, Ih- W de.;7 ~5, min 1/2 W . . . . . . . . . ....... . 911E l=il 40 lop .4 S_ ~f Min, — w:-- -~IhWlOin. 1/2 W S Wall Length minus 73/4 112 W Curb/Sternwall Footing Plan A Anchor Soluion"Assium'ing Cricked Concrete Design: Anchor Solution Assuming Uncracked Concrete Design: ----------- ...... ..... Model W de Anchor Bolt Model W de Anchor Bolt -1 -7 --SW16x8x4., 6 PAB7 14 6 PAB7 Page 3 of4 4V r 6wwow elaw Aievo U 35~9 Coastview Ct - Carlsbad, CA 92010 Telephone (760) 207-1885 - Email: paui.pcsd JOB 17-240 SHEET NO Iq OF CALCULATED BY PSC DATE 7MI7 CHECKBY DATE SCALE 5.0 Lateral Design & Anal-ysis - Accessory Bldg WM'd: P A Kzt I PS30 fk 67-Equafion6-1) 1.00 Kzt 1.0 (fig. 6-4) PS30 26.6 psf ft 6-3) Seismic: V = C'~WDI. Ss= 1.14 F, = 1.0 R = 6.50 V = 0.087 * Wt P (IBC Equation 12.8-)) S, = 0.437 F,= 1.6 I = 1.00 (p - Redunda~cy) I st Story 2nd Story not satisfied satisfied satisfied satisfied I P 16 ps .0 f Criteria Each Story Resists > 35% Base Shear: Wind Loads Any Shear Wall w/ (h/l)>1.0 is < 33% Story Force: P 16.0 psf x Trib Area p Roof.Level Direction:! N/ - S 16.0 psf x Direction: E/W 16.0 psf x 'Ro6f Weizht koof Wt. 15.0 psf x 1780 sq. ft. Ext~rior Wall Wt 15.0 psf x 896 sq. ft. Interior Wall Wt .8.0 psf x 45.sq. ft. Ceiling Wt 6.0 psf x 1500 sq. ft. Total Trib. WR Total Seismic Dead Load: Wt 49500 lbs. 'AW Base Sheam V= 0.087 Wt 244 sq. ft. = 3894 lbs. 630 sq. ft. = 10055 lbs. 26700 lbs. 13440 lbs. 360 lbs. 9000 lbs. 49500 tbs. 4316 lbs. 3529 Coastview Ct - Carlsbad, CA 92010 ieiepnone(tbu)zut-itstib-tmaii:paui.pcsdggmaji.com 5.1 Lateral Desien & Analysi - 2nd Story Shear Walls 4 JOB 17-240 SHEET NO ji OF CALCULATED BY PSC DATE 7/7/17 CHECKSY DATE SCALE N /S E/W Gridlinc Length of ShearwaH ITotal I Wall I-It. .4 1 12 10, 22.0 14 .2 12 10 22.0 14 0.0 0.0 0.0-1 0.0 0,0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Type S S F F E F SE F FA E F SE S F SE Gridline A B c Length of S carwalls ITotal Wall Ht. 14 14 14 Type D R D /0! 41) /0! # /0! # /0! #D /10! 2 2 4 6 6 2 2 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 . .......... . ..... 4 ...... -.2 n' 3529 Coastview Ct - Carlsbad, CA 92010 JOB 17-240 SHEET NO OF CALCULATED BY PSC DATE 7/7/17. CHECK BY DATE SCALE ieiepnone ktw) ~eu(-iijtso - tman: paui.pesagogmaii.com .5.1 Lateral DesWn & Ann] (co"t.) Gridline 50 % 4316 x 0.50 2158 # 2158. Ibs. -V 2.2 fl. 98 plf OTF 1373 Ibs. No %A9 1113 41140P Gridline 50 % . 4316 x 0.50 2158 # 2158 Ibs v 22 ft. 98 plf OTF 1373 tbs. o JOB 17-240 SHEET NO OF CALCULATED BY PSC DATE W7117 CHECKBY DATE SCALE V40 4'Amw-v Aw A~oro a CA9 A"I 3529 Coastview Ct - Carlsb d 2010 P-L -4- Dik- Telephone (tr5u) wul-luub - Email: paupesciggmaii.com 11 Lkeral Desi2n & Analysi (cont.) Gridline 25 % 10055 x 0.25 2514 # 2514 Ibs. -4 ft. pIf Gridline 50 % 10055 x 0.50 5027 # 5027 Ibs. v. 6 -ft. 838 plf.. CF OTF 11731 ft. Grid] ine 25 % 10055 x 0.25 2514 # 251.4 -lbs'a V 4 628 pIf C'n SsIalt.13 116/ SIMPSON STRONG-TIE COMPANY INC. SIMPSON' (800) 999-5099 5956 W. Las Positas Blvd., Pleasanton, CA 94588. www.strongtia.com 'Job Name: Mast Wall Name: Wag Line A & C Application: Garage Front 1:Desijn Criteria: 2Oi5 ll~temational Bldg Code *Wind- psi concrete ASD Deslgn Shear 2514 lbs Selecte7d Strong-Wall@ Panel Solution: ------ ----- ----------- . ..... ....... ....... ... ........ .... ........ End Total Axiii. clua W H Model 4 Type T Sill Anchor Load Upoft (in) (in) i (in) 1 Anchor Bolts SSW18x13 Steel 18 153.25' 5.5 N/A 2 - V 1500 14796 lb .7 SSW18x13. Steel 18 153.25 5.5 N/A 2. 1" ............. . ... .... 1500 14796 lb Actual Sh"r & Drift Distribution: RR Actual Allowable 'Actual/' Actual Drift Model Relative Shear Shear I Allow Drift Li Rigidity (Ibs) (lbs) 1 Shear (in) i (in) SSW18x13 0.50 1257 :5 1675 OK 0.75 0.65 0.87 SSW1803 0.50 1257 15 1675 OK 075 0.65 0.87 .2-SSW1 8x1 3 are OK along the same wall llne. e Notes- Steel Strong-Wall Shearwalls ha~e been evaluated to the 2015 lBC11RC. See www.strongtie.com for additional design and installation information. ~nchor ternplates are recommended for proper anchor boft placement, and are required in some jurisdictions. See program toolbar for detail under Tools / Anchor Bolt Templates. Check that wall height "H" plus curb height (above slab) will attain overall rough header opening height (top of driveway slab to bottom of header). 7 Disclaimer: It is the Designees.responsibilfty to verify product suitability under applicable building codes. In order to verify code listed applications please refer to the ~pproprjale product code reports at www.strongbe.com or contact Simpson Strong-Tie Company Inc. at 1-800-999-5099. Y 4 % Page I of4 4 SIMPSON STRONG-TIE COMPANY INC. (8DO) 999-5099 5956 W. Las Positas Blvd., Pleasanton, CA 94588. wwmi.strongtie.conrt ob Name: Mast 'Wall Name: Wall Life A & C ;,..Application: Garage Front Des ign Criteria: * Stab on grade - Garage curb' * 2015 International Bldg Code Wind .*?500 psi concrete Anchor io'lultion De'tails: Minimum curb/stemwall SSWAB width per shear anchorage 6ble. Sea following pagi, Shear reinforcement when required r H r ---777-7, z:~ de. W w tir On. 3 ;h W 'A W 1h W Pernective View Curb-of Sternwall Uction View .(Slab not shown for cla*) Footing Plan Anchor S'olution'Assuming Cracked Concrete Design: Anchor Solution Assuming Uncracked Concrete Design: i~odo`L ;.W do S S i Anchor Bolt 1 Strength i Model W de i Anchortion Strongtimi" L .......... ~7' SS W 803 32 11 12,251 1 SSW18x13 28 10 12.25 SSWABI Standard SSWAB1 Standard Notes: 1. Anchor Design conform to ACI 318-11 Appendix D and ACI 318-14 with no supplementary reinforcement and cracked or uncracked concrete as noted. :2. Anchorage strength indicates required grade, of SSWAB anchor bolt. Standard (ASTM F1 554 Grade 36) or High Strength (HS)(ASTM A449). Wind includes Seismic Design Category A and B. -Footing dimensions are for anchorage only. Foundation design (size and reinforcement) by Designer. The registered design professional may specify alternate embedment, footing size or anchor bolt. 4 Page 2 of 4 1p/ SIMPSON STRONG-TIE COMPANY INC. "(800)999-5099 .5956 W. Las Positas Blvd., Pleasanton, CA 94588. ~www.strwgtle.corn STEEL STRONG-WALL@ SHEAR ANCHORAGE w C44M 1 ON. CU64, ASP 06k 1 QWAVLF V4EW LOAD V 0S.f OTEl"'11,L1 RE. *iw 57EUWAL~ VUNCUKat.qrn%~ALL m"mu 9 0 43 IfE a 40.E REMMU 1130 w iw I mw "WIS Q, J23W.C$ 0 NCK REMMED wo "ti fwAm -~REI 00RCEUWAC4MZ.MAVMUWALL0WAffi.V SW_ARKk~CARD OF TK STEEL WROIG-WALLPANEL ukp,N 10 (I)OHOWN 0 EE - 16 A- Page 3 of 4 ;1 . A4~V-0615totxjvo 47hymAtf 3529 Coastview Ct - Carlsbad, CA 92010 i eiepnone ((W) ZU-f-1 565 - Email: paul. pcsd@gmail.coi JOB 17-240 SHEET NO A OF CALCULATE15BY PSC DATE 7/7/17 CHECKBY DATE SCALE '-,'6.0 FOUNJUA TfQN DMGIN 6.1 CONTINUOUS FOOTrNQ w 1125 plf width =' 1125 pif 0.75 ft (MIN.) => 9 INCHES (MIN.) 1500 psf USE 12 "WIDE CONTIN. FTG W/ - 2 4 4 TOP AND BOTTOM & EMBED. 18 INTO UNDISTURBED SOIL (MIN.) 6.2 MAX POINT LOAD ON FOOTING ASBP = 1500 psf 1500 * 12 * 48 12 12 P&I 6000 lbs .1. This design prepared'from, computer input by Ramona.Lumber RT 1 0 i '-'SPECIFICATiONS LUMBER TRUSS SPAN 20- 0 CBC2013/1SC2012 MAX MEMBER FORCES 4WR/GDF/Cq.1.00 TC: 2x4 DF 01&BTR LOAD DURATION INCREASE 1.25 1- 2-( _' 0) 43 2-'8-(0) 1638 3- 8-(-366) 49 BC: -2x4 UP #1&BTR 24.0- SPACED D.C. 2 - 3-(-1787) 43 8- 9-(0) 1084 -8- 4-( 0) 465 WEBS: 2x4 DF STUD 4=(-1534) 49 9- 6=(0) 1638 4- 9=( 0) 465 LOADING 5=(-1534) 49 9- 5-(-366) 49- TC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 12"OC. DON. LL( 20.0)+DL( 14.0) ON TOP CHORD - 34.0 PSF 6-(-1787) 43 BC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 12"OC. UON. DL ON BOTTOM CHORD = 5.0 PSF 7-( 0) 43 TOTAL LOAD - 39.0 PSF OVERHANGS: 25.1" 25.1" LIMITED STORAGE DOES NOT APPLY DUE TO THE SPATIAL BEARING MAX VERT MAX HORZ BRG REQUIRED ERG AREA REQUIREMENTS OF CEC 2013 NOT BEING MET. LOCATIONS REACTIONS REACTIONS SIZE SQ.IN. .(SPECIES) 0'_ 0.0., -72/ 919V -43/ 43H 3.50" 1.47 DF j 625) BOTTOM CHORD CHECKED FOR 1OPSF LIVE LOAD. TOP 20'- 0.0" -72/ 919V 0/ ON 3.50" 1.47 DF 625) AND BOTTOM CHORD LIVE LOADS ACT NON-CONCURRENTLY. lWeictht: 70.22 lbl VERTICAL DEFLECTION LIMITS: LL=L/240, TL=L/180 MAX LL DEFL 0.022" @ -2'- 0.6" Allowed - 0.209" rRECEIVED MAX TL CREEP DEFL -0.032" -2:- 0.6" Allowed - 0.279" 0@ MAX LL DEFL -0.059" 6 - 1.311 Allowed - 0.971" MAX TL CREEP DEFL -0.142" @ 61- 11.3" Allowed - 1.294" MAX LL DEFL 0.02211 @ 221- 0.611 Allowed - 0.209" 3 0 2017 MAR MAX TL CREEP DEFL -0.03211 @ 221- 0.611 Allowed - 0.279"r-' MAX HORIZ. LL DEFL - 0.019" @ 19- 8.5" MAX HORIZ. TL DEFL - 0.036" @ 19- 8.5" CITY OF CARLSBAD Wind: 110 mph, h=15ft, TCDL=8.4,BCDL=3.0, ASCE 7-10, DIVISION (All Heights), Enclosed, Cat.2, Exp.C, 14WFRS(Dir), BUILDING load duration factor-1.6, Bottom chord at cantile~ered end(s) not exposed to wind, Truss designed for wind loads 10-00 10-00 in the plane of the truss only. I k4ax CSI: TC:0,29 BC:0.31 Web:0.14 5-04-14 4-07-02 4-07-02 5-04-14 12 12 4.00 M-4x5 -ZZ) 4 . 00 M-1.5x3 M-1. 5x3 5 3 0 un 2 6 M -2.5x5 -2 M .5x5 M-2.5x5 M-2.5x5 7 % 6 -11-04 -01-08 -11-04 6 6 L 2-00 20-00 2-00 t 4 SS ()f E 10/v NAME: VENTURI ..JOB NORM TINA A3 z H', 'Scale 0.3037 WARNINGS: Tj GENERAL NOTES, unton oftrvAw noted: C 70068,' Truss: A3 1. Builder and arection wrtrattor should be advised of all General Notes and Wirnings before construction onrans- s~ 1. This design 15 bond only upon tie porarywiters Sh~ and Is for an lrdheldual buVdigw~ntApplimblityofdeslgnp,m~~m,ndpm~r 2. Incorporation of-ponent Is the responsibility of Ill. building dintigne, Aw Design inhurnits the tap and bottom chords to be laterally braced at I 'E -2018 Additional temporary bracing to Insure .1ability during construedo, n 1. tha rosponsihifty, of the emftt. Additional pennartard bracing of 7 - and at 10' - raspouthnily unless braced throughout their long1l, by DATE: 12/16/2016- the -.1 abun,bas 1. the ..parebility of the buildirig designs, continuous sheathing -h as plr~d durathing(TC) and/or dry~IIBC). 3. blffgmctbddgingorta~mlbmdngtMWedwhemsh~++ 14. SEQ: K2679381 4. No load should be applied to any wrrqmmM until after all brIcing and 4. Innnabort of truss Is the respartsibIlity ofthe respect" cantractor, S. Design ~struMS2reMbe~dln.m~m~~..n*.nm.,.t t ".TRAA~S"'ID:- LINK -It fasteharsers oomplete and at he drine should any la.dii?raahnt~tan design loads be applied to ." component and ate for"dry condido,'ofuse. T O~ _3 S. CompuTm ties no control over and fussunnis no responsibility for the S. Design enuannes full b..Hhg at .11 1p~pprt, a.". Shin or ~dqe 11', C -11 fabrimllon, handling. shlisnard and installation of components. necenary. 7. Design assurnes adequate drainage Is p-Idd. DecemW 16,2016 1 6. This design 1. furnished bj..t to the Ilinitations set forlh by TPINVTCA(n SCSI. =;pleeofNch%WIba furnished upon requeec'r S. Plates shelf be Imted on both flion of it-. and pined se, their center litescoindde ftjol,twntor lines. 9. Olgits Indcato size of plate in Inches. MITek USA, lnc./CompuTrus Softent 7.6.7-SP3(1L)-E 10' For basic connt, clot plate design nkals we ESR -131I.ESR-1988(i,~rr.kr' ICU 40 This design prepared from computer input by Ramona Lumber RT LUMBER' SPECIFICATIONS TRUSS SPAN 201- 0. 0 6 ~BC2013/IBC2012 MAX MEMBER FORCEi 4WR/GDF'~Cq=1.00 TC: 2x4 DF ffl&BTR LOAD DURATION INCREASE - 1' ' 25' 2=( 0) 43 2- 8=(0) 1638 3- 8-(-366) 49 BC: 2x4 DF #1&BTR SPACED 24.0" O.C. 3-(-1'787) 43 8- 9=(0) 1084 8- 4-( . 0) 465 WEBS: 2x4 OF STUD 4-(-1534) 49 9- 6=(0) 1638 4- 9-( 0) 465 LOADING 5-(-1534) 49 9- 5-(-366) 49 TC LATERAL SUPPORT <- 12"OC. UON. LL( 20.0)+DL( 14.0) ON TOP CHORD - 34.0 PSF 6-(-1787) 43 BC LATERAL SUPPORT <- 12"OC. UON. DL ON BOTTOM CHORD - 5.0 PSF 7-( 0) 43 TOTAL LOAD - 39.0 PSF OVERHANGS: 25.111 25.111 LIMITED STORAGE DOES NOT APPLY DUE TO THE SPATIAL BEARING MAX VERT MAX HORZ BRG REQUIRED BRG AREA Staple or equal at non-structural REQUIRE24ENTS OF CBC 2013 NOT BEING MET. LOCATIONS REACTIONS REACTIONS SIZE SQ.IN. (SPECIES) ~ertical members (uon). or- 0.0" -72/ 919V -43/ 43H 3.5011 1.47 DF 1 625) BOTTOM CHORD CHECKED FOR 1OPSF LIVE LOAD. TOP 201- 0.011 -72/ 919V 0/ ON 3.5011 1.47 DF ( 625) AND BOTTOM CHORD LIVE LOADS ACT NON-CONCURRENTLY. keight: 112.46 lbi VERTICAL DEFLECTION LIMITS: LL-L/240, TL-L/180 MAX LL DEFL = 0.022" @ -21- 0.611 Allowed - 0.209" MAX TL CREEP DEFL - -0.032" @ -21- 0.6" Allowed - 0.279" MAX LL DEFL - -0.05911 @ 61- 11.2" Allowed - 0.971- MAX TL CREEP DEFL - -0.142" @ 61- 11.211 Allowed - 1.294" MAX LL DEFL - 0.022" @ 221- 0.6- Allowed - 0.209" MAX TL CREEP DEFL - -0.032" @ 221- 0.6" Allowed - 0.279" MAX HORIZ. LL DEFL - 0.019" 0 19- 8.5" MAX HORIZ. TL DEFL - 0.036" @ 19- 8.5" Wind: 110 elph, h-15ft, TCDL-8.4,BCDL=3.0, ASCE 7-10, (All Heights), Enclosed, Cat.2, Exp.C, KWFRS(Di0, load duration factor-1.6, Bottom chord at cantilevered end(s) not exposed to wind, Truss designed for wind loads in the plane of the truss only. 10-00 10-00 9;,C$-1 - - 0.29 BC,0.31 Web,0.14 -, TC~_ I Truss designed for 4x2 outlookers. 2x4 let-ins 5-04-14 4-07-02 4-07-02 7-06 of the same size and grade as structural top If chord. Insure tight fit at each end of let-in. 12 12 Outlookers must be cut with care and are 4.00 C--- M-4x5 -Z34.00 permissible at inlet board areas only. 4.0" M-2.5x54 (-e M-2.5x5 M-2.5x5 M-1.5x4 M-1.5x4 M-2.5x5 M-1.5x3 M-1.5x3 M-2.5x5 3 M-2.5x5 M-1.5x4 M-1.5x4 M-2.5x5 M-2.5x5 2 9 M-2.5x5 M-2.5x5 M-2.5x5 M-2.5x5 A 6-11- 04 6-01-08 6-11-04 ;e 2-00 20-00 2-00 ()f ESSIO/V ZHq JOB NAME:' VEN TURI 'T NORM.& INA, A4 0 Scale: 0.2787 WARNINGS: GENERAL NOTES. ,nIosatImsmJ. noted: 'C 70068 1. 13u!ldersrtdemcUonwMmctor~uldbeadlwdofaDGenomiNot3o 1. Thi~d..~gnib..d..Iyp.~th.p..-w..h-~ndi.fb,..hdMd.1 Truss: A4 building oomponent. Apialloatollity of design pararnsters and proper Incorporation Is fin, the building designer. of coreponent msponsibilitt, of o 2. 2s4 repression web tracing -t be Insefledwt;.re sh- 9-3 8 it Additional temporary bracing to Insure stability during consbuction 7 ICY -Is. braced domirghut their IngM by 1 a.. and at p..m.pocW.Iy lsftrespwtibflityofthaw~~Addi6omlpe~mMbmdr '0.1- KrvdnwwshentM~gwchosp4~wddvaiNng(TC)ancVordrymfl(BC). DATE: 12/16/2016 - fie mrall strixftere Is the responsibaity of the 1xilding designs,. '1 3. Impact bridging or talanal bracing required whom shown SEQ. ;K26 79382 No load stwuld be applied ft, any component unit aft., all bracing and 4 Installation of tnrss Is the responsibility of Its, morp.-M -".W, fasteners- complete and at mr Ifins shotdol any loads greater than. and are for *dty candilfr,6* .1 m. T TRAN9 ID' LINk. 4 da4nId.b..ppIIadtv.ny-.p-.t a Design amms kffl baarIrV at all supports shown. Shl. ar!.dg. it 't- S. CornpuT,,,s has no central - and -ines no responsibility for the nace.sary. tit-, labAcatick handling. sNpmnt and Installation ofoomponerds. S. TW, design 13 twntshnnal to the findblions fortli by subject set 7. Design a-- adequate rind. ra-ldd. gllaf December 16,2016 X Pa 4 1 S. Rates hall be 1-td . both I. buss. and placed so their center TPINVTCA[n SCSI. 7piesofvtdch ill be furnished u nmqasI.,. arms -fndd. ~lth)oint cents, [he.. M!Tek USA, IncJCompuTr s Software 7.6.7-SP3(i L)-E 2. ~u to. Dig] indicaft lu of plate In Inclum. t 0 8 W JUL 2 0 2017 Caimp u-Trus., I ICIT ~2F I' r, Al 01 hit, M r\~Esslo - bove plan provided for truss lacement only. Refer to truss co alculation and engineering LP — S 3 12 tructural drawings for all 5 0 in ie z 7 rther information. Building cc esigner/engineer ofrecord re responsible for all non ss to truss connections. 61~1 , C uilding designer/engineer frecord to review and pprove ofall designs prior o construction. Job #: 12559 For: MAST DEAN Name: MAST DEAN IS Address: 1095 OAK AVENUE CARLSBAD, CA 92208 Checked By: Revised Dates: 25'-0' 0 \IV rE 0~ Copyright CompuTrus. Inc. CampuTrus, Inc. AAl bove plan provided for truss placement only. Refer to truss calculation and engineering structural drawings for all further infori-nation. Building de i r/engineer ofrecord are responsible for all non truss to truss connections. Building designer/engineer ofrecord to review and approve ofal] designs phor to construction. Job #: 12559 r0F -. MAO Plan: 1 /20 Elev: B Name: MAST DEAN 1095 OAK AVENUE CARLSBAD,C A 92208 AA (29) Drawn By: Checked By: Revised Dates: 11-00 11-00 M-4x5 1 2 3. 00 r__ 'k- c> M-2.5x5 M-2.5x5 IA LUMBER SPECIFICATIONS TC: 2x4 DF 41&BTR BC: 2x4 OF ffl&BTR TC LATERAL SUPPORT <- 12"OC. DON. BC LATERAL SUPPORT <- 12"OC. DON. Unbalanced live loads have been considered for this design. TRUSS SPAN 22'- 0.0" LOAD DURATION INCREASE = 1.25 SPACED 24.0" O.C. LOADING LL( 20.0)+DL( 15.0) ON TOP CHORD - 35.0 PSF DL ON BOTTOM CHORD - 10.0 PSF TOTAL LOAD - 45.0 PSF LIMITED STORAGE DOES NOT APPLY DUE TO THE SPATIAL REOUIREMENTS OF CBC 2016 NOT BEING MET. BOTTOM CHORD CHECKED FOR 1OPSF LIVE LOAD. TOP AND BOTTOM CHORD LIVE LOADS ACT NON-CONCURRENTLY. Wind: 110 rnph, h=15ft, TCDL-9.0,BCDL=6.0, ASCE 7-10, (All Heights), Enclosed, Cat.2, Exp.C, MWFRS(Dir), load duration factor=1.6, Bottom chord at cantilevered end(s) not exposed to wind, Truss designed for wind loads in the plane of the truss only. Note: Outlooker truss. Upper top chords require same material as structural top chord. Connect with M-2.5x5 thin typical 36"oc (uon). ble end truss on continuous bearing wall UON. -lx2 or equal t ypical at stud verticals. efer to CompuTrus gable end detail for omplete specifications. .A 11-00 11-00 2-00 22-00 2-00 7 e9sift JOB NAME: MAST DEAN AA1 Scale: 0.3284 WARNINGS: I. Bull -nd an-arm caunacto, should W disad.f.ff General Notes GENERAL NOTES, urtless.thngwisenoted: This is G 068 Truss-: AA1 1. design based only upon the parameters shown and is for an Indi'mclual Wilding component Applicability design of parannefters.nd proper and Warning, Wtre construction canunances. 7,b4 compression wel, bracing must be installed where shown +. 2 ~ hoorpo, t~onofwmponentis&m,esponrJbility.fth.bildingd..ig~.,. Design =rnes, the top and bottom chords to W laterally lusced at EXR. 9:30~.-20181 20181 Additional temporary bracing W imarn, stability during cons-ed- Z Q.c. and! at ICY O.-aspactiwly unless braced throughout the& length by DATE: - 6/27/2017 is the responsibility of the erector. Additional pennarnent bracing of is building designer. the overall structure the responsibility of the continuous sheathing such as plywood sh-ding(TC) and/or dlywall(BC). r T No load be bracing should applied as any component until after all and 2x Impact bridging or lateral bmicing required where shown + + Installation is of Was the responsibility of Me respective contmclor~ SEQ. K3368233 foreamers are complete and at no time should any loads greater than a S. Designs mos~~samtDbo~dinew~"sivaenvlmnmnt Indy and am candition' of uw+ TRANS ID: LiNk design leads be applied to any compamant. S. C..PuTrus has no con"I — and assumes no responsibility for the 6. Design assurne. tug bearing at all supports shown, Shim a, wedg it z fabrication. hancilLng. shipment and installation of components. necessary. 6. This design is furnished subject ae the Untilations set forth by 7 Design .-Mo. adequate dral go 1. pnoAd.d. S' Plate, holl b, located both becas Was. rheU on of and placed so come, I . June 2i,2017 TPINVTCA I. BCSI. ceplas fwfth will be tu.ihad upon raquest lines caincid, with joint cerna, lines. of plot, "Ps' ""A., MiTek USA, IncJComiyuTrus Softmre 7.6.8-SPI(IL)-E Oigi" mi.. b. in ireluo. Far basic connecterplas, cleig-tuasse, ESR-1311, ES11-188II(MiTak) 16 LUMBER SPECIFICATIONS 30-00-00 HIP SETBACK 8-00-OD FROM END WALL CBC2016/IBC2D1S MAX MEMBER FORCES 4WR/GDF/t~q-1.00 TC; 2%4 DF OI&STR LOAD DURATION INCREASE 1.25 (Non-Rep) 1- 2=( 0) 34 2-12-( -64) 10812 3-12-( 0) 884 BC; 2%6 DF SS 2- 3=(-1119B).114 12-13-(-330) 14710 ~'12- 4-( 0) 1400 WEBS: 2%4 DF STUD LOADING 3- 4=(-11780) 116 13-14-(-368) 15816 12- 5-(-3592) 300 TC UNIF LL( 40.0).DL( 30.0)= 70.0 PLF 0'- 0.0" TO 8'- 0.0" V 4- 5=(-11416) 124 14-15-(-368) 15816 5-13-( 0) 604 TC LATERAL SUPPORT <- 12110C. DON. TC UNIF LL( 100.0)+DL( 75.0)= 175.0 PLF 8'- 0.0" TO 22'- 0.0" V 5- 6=(-14816) 382 15-16m(-330) 14710 13- 6-(-1096) 62 BIC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 12"OC. DOW. TC UNIF LL( 40.0)+DL( 30.0)= 70.0 PLF 22'- 0.0" TO 30'- 0.0" V 6- 7=(-14816) 382 16-10=( -64) 10812 14- 6-( 0) 308 BC UNIF LL( 0.0)+DL( 50.0)= 50.0 PLIF 0'- 0.0" TO 30'- 0.0" V 7- 8=(-11416) 124 6-15=(-1096) 62 8- 9=(-11780) 116 15- 7=( 0) 604 NOTE: 2.4 BRACING AT 20"OC LION. FOR TC CONC LL( 373.3)+DL( 280.0)= 653.3 LBS @ a- D.O" 9-10=(-11198) 114 7-16=(-3592) 300 ALL FLAT TOP CHORD AREAS NOT SHEATHED TC CONC LL( 373.3)+DL( 280.0)- 653.3 LES @ 22'- 0.0" 10-11=( 0) 34 B-16-( 0) 1400 16- 9=( 0) 884 LIMITED STORAGE DOES NOT APPLY DUE TO THE SPATIAL OVERHANGS: 24.8" 24.8" REQUIREMENTS OF CBC 2016 NOT BEING MET. BEARING MAX VERT MAX HORZ BRG REQUIRED BRG AREA LOCATIONS REACTIONS REACTIONS SIZE SQ.IN. (SPECIES) 2 ) Complete trusses required. BOTTOM CHORD CHECKED FOR 10PSF LIVE LOAD. TOP 0'_ D.0" -7/ 3331V -22/ 22H 3.50" 5.33 OF 625) A t tach 2 ply w , th 3"x. , 31 DIA GUN AND BOTTOM CHORD LIVE LOADS ACT NON-CONCURRENTLY. 301- 0.011 -7/ 3331V 0/ ON 3.50" 5.33 DF 625) nails staggered: 1 9" oc in 1 row(s) throughout 2x4 top chords, Peight: 282 9" oc in 2 row(s) throughout 2x6 bottom chords, 9" oc in 1 row(s) throughout 2x4 webs. VERTICAL DEFLECTION LIMITS: LL=L/240, TL=L/180 MAX LL DEFL = 0.005" @ -2'- 0.4" Allowed - 0.207" MAX TL CREEP DEFL = -0.008" @ -21 - 0.4" Allowed - 0.276" MAX LL DEFL = -0.493" @ 15- 0.0" Allowed - 1.471" MAX TL CREEP DEFL = -1.682" @ 15- 0.0" Allowed - 1.961" MAX LL DEFL = 0.005" @ 32- 0.4" Allowed - 0.207" MAX TL CREEP DEFL = -0.008" @ 32'- 0.4" Allowed = 0.276" MAX HORIZ. LL DEFL = 0.067" @ 29'- 8.5" MAX HORIZ. TL DEFL = 0.148" @ 29'- 8.5" Wind: 110 raph, h-15ft, TCDL-9.0,BCDL=6.0, ASCE 7-10, (All Heights), Enclosed, Cat.2, Exp.C, MWFRS(Dir), load duration factor=1.6, Bottom chord at cantilevered end(s) not exposed to wind, Truss designed for wind loads in the plane of the truss only. klax CSIm TC,0.93 BC,0.74 Web-O B-00 14-00 B-00 4-05-04 3-06-12 3-00-12 3-11-04 3-11-04 3-00-12 3-06-12 4-05-04 12 653. 30# 653. 30ff 12 3.00 C- ~ 3.00 M-5x14 M-5xl4 M-3x8 M-3xB M-3x8 0 7-03-04 4-01 2-00 JOB NAME: MAST DEAN -'AH-1 MHS-lOxl2(S) 3-07-12 3-07-12 4-01 7-03-04 -L 30-00 2-00 P Scale: 0.2558 WARNINGS: GENERAL NOTES, unless otherwise noted: G 7606, Truss: AH-1 1. BUR 0, and motion corms- should be advised of all General Notes This design Is based only upon Me pammeters shown and is for an individus and Warnings before canon.,ctio. .-.-a. 1(4wmp,assion~b~cingmstbeim=Hed~,mho~+. Wilding component Applicability of design pammetsm and Props, Incorporation of wmponent is the responsibility of the building designer. -8 ~9:3 3. Additional temporary Inacing to insure stability d,ring canstmoc- Design ft bottom be lacarally braced ammes top and chords a at Z o.c. and at 101 o.c. respectively unless braced throughout their length by is the respansibility 10,, emctor. Additional permanent bracing of 1 dlry~[!(BC). continuous sheathing such a plywood sheathing(TC) and/or A DATE: 6/27/2017 the -mll atmcma,e is the responsibilfty of the building desig- 2x Imlorct bridging a, IWaI bming required ,here ah~ + + SEQ. : K3368234 4.; No load should be applied W any component until after all bracing and Installation of truse 1, the -p-ibility, of th, majacti- -tractor. TRANS ID: LINK f.-..m .. complete . nd at - time abuld any [.ad. greater then design load. be applied W any component Design ~~,~~,a,abbe~di,,m~miveerimnm.nt, -:1 and are for 'dry condition" of use. 5. C,MwT= has no conool o,er and assurnes no -Ponsibility far the 'IS. Design assurnes tug bearing at all stippons shown. Shim orwedg. If ...-Y. a - fabrication. handling, shipment and installation of components. a 6+ Ind. design is f-jhcl subject to the limitations .1 farm by - 7. Design .-m.. daq.am drainage is x-id.d. 'June 27,201.7 I TPIAArrCA in BCSI. copies of which ill be hmlahrx! .;xn request S. Plate shall be I=tad an both faces of Was. and ptacad so their center line. coincide with joint center It .. I MiTek USA, IncJCompuTrus SoftWara 7.6.8-SP1(1L)-E Digits Indicate sice of plate In inches. co-m,pl.. d-19-1-see ESR -1311, ESR-1988 (M[T.k) This d~sign prepared from computer input by Type in your company name.here! CBC2016/IBC201 5 MAX MEMBER FORCES 4WR/GDF/Cq-1.00 2-( 0) 34 2-14=(-274) 4057 3-14=( -23) 255 3-(-4245) 331 14-15=(-545) 5215, 14- 4=( -20) 605 4-(-4250) 365 15-16-(-575) 5626. 14- 5=(-1229) 275 5=(-4096) 359 16-17=(-575) 5626 5-15=( 0) 256 4- 6-( 0) 0 17-18-(-545) 5215 IS- 7=( -411) 52 7=(-5255) 607 18-12-(-274) 4057 16- 7=( 0) 159 7- 9-(-5255) 607 7-17=( -411) 51 8-10=11 0) 0 17- 9=( 0) 256 9-10-(-4096) 359 9-18=(-1229) 275 10-11=(-4250) 365 10-18=( -20) 605 11-12-(-4245) 331 18-11=( -23) 255 12-13=( 0) 34 BEARING MAX VERT MAX HORZ BRG REQUIRED ERG AREA LOCATIONS REACTIONS REACTIONS SIZE SQ.IN. (SPECIES) 0- 0.0" -125/ 1492V -22/ 22H 3.5011 2.39 DF 625) 301 - 0.011 -125/ 1492V 0/ ON 3.5011- 2.39 DF 625) Weight: 133.9~61b VERTICAL DEFLECTION LIMITS: LL=L/240, TL=L/180 MAX LL DEFL = 0.02111 @ -21- 0.4" Allowed - 0.207" MAX TL CREEP DEFL = -0.033" @ -2'- 0.4" Allowed - 0.276" MAX LL DEFL = -0.423" @ 15'- 0.0" Allowed - 1.471" MAX TL CREEP DEFL = -1.476" @ 15- 0.0" Allowed - 1.961" MAX LL DEFL = 0.021" @ 32- 0.4" Allowed = 0.207" MAX TL CREEP DEFL = -0.033" @ 32'- 0.4" Allowed = 0.276" MAX HORIZ. LL DEFL = 0.080" @ 29'- 8.5" MAX HORIZ. TL DEFL = 0.178" @ 29'- 8.5" Wind: 110 mph, h-15ft, TCDL=9.0,BCDL-6.0, ASCE 7-10, (All Heights), Enclosed, Cat.2, Exp.C, MWFRS(Dir), load duration factor=1.6, Bottom chord at cantilevered end(s) not exposed to wind, Truss designed for wind loads in the plane of the truss only. ba. CSI: TC:O. 53 BC:0.75 Web,F7Tj 4-05-04 I B-00 12 ~ 3. 00 M-1 . 5x3 LUMBER SPECIFICATIONS TRUSS SPAN 30- 0.0" TC: 2.4 OF ffl&BTR q LOAD DURATION INCREASE = 1.25 BC: 2x4 DF #1&BTR SPACED 24.0" O.C. WEBS: 2Y.4 OF STUD LOADING TC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 12"OC. UON. LL( 20.0)+DL( 15.0) ON TOP CHORD = 35.0 PSF BC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 12"OC. UON. DL ON BOTTOM CHORD - 10.0 PSF TOTAL LOAD = 45.0 PSF NOTE: 2.4 BRACING AT 24"OC UON. FOR LIMITED STORAGE DOES NOT APPLY DUE TO THE SPATIAL ALL FLAT TOP CHORD AREAS NOT SHEATHED REQUIREMENTS OF CBC 2016 NOT BEING MET. BOTTOM CHORD CHECKED FOR 1OPSF LIVE LOAD. TOP OVERHANGS: 24.8" 24.8" AND BOTTOM CHORD LIVE LOADS ACT NON-CONCURRENTLY. 2)M-1.5x3 AT UPRIGHTS (TYP) 1-00 14-00 2-00 14-00 4-05-04 2-11-12 3-07-12 2-11-04 1-00 2-11-04 3-07-12 2-11-12 B-00 12 3.00 M- 6 8 M-4x12 M-~2.~5x6 M-2.5x6 M-4x12 M-3X8 M-1 . 5x3 4 5 7 9 0 3 2 r M M_ 14 is 16 17 is -3x10 n M_ 3x10 M-2.5x5 0.25" M-2.5.5 H-3x10 M18HS-5x12(S) 0 M-3x10 7-03-04 4-01 3-07-12 3-07-12 4-01 7703-04 2-00 30-00 2700 9SIPIV MAST DEAN AAH-4 JOB NAME: Scale: 0.1933 . Truss: AAH-4 DATE: ~,6/28/2017 SEQ.1: K3376559 , TRANS ID: LINK WARNINGS: GENERAL NOTES, urdenothe' hionoaad: Ok Build,, and emcd- contactor should be advised of all General News 1. This design is based only upon Me pammotam shown and 1, far an holMdual 0 and V~bnflngs before construction . . . . .. , building component. Applicability of design pammetsm and proper bol carnpmasion wel, bracing must be installed whem shown Incorporation of compam,nt I, th, ra,;x,albility of the building designer. 9;3 8 Additi,nal temporary bracing to insure stability during construction 2, Dosig tho top bottom to b, laterally braced n ,asurnes and chords at Z O.c. and at I(Y O.C. respectively unless, b,cad throughout their length by is the -pa-ibilily at th. m- Additional pannanam bracing of - continuous sheathing such as plywaod stmothingiTC) and/or thywal](BC). the overall structure I, th. msponsibility Of the building design.,. No load should be applied to any component until after all bracing and 2v Impact bridging a, lateral bracing required where shown + + Installation of truss is the msp-stellity of the m.pcf- convacior. , 4 fastanam am complete and at no time should ny!,,do greater dn design lead. be applied to any compon.m. Design - cuoses are to be used in a no-sive amironment. and am to, -dry condidon~' of use. S. Design mms full bearing at all supports hawn. Shim or "dip, if S. CompuTrus has m control owar and assumas no -ponsibility far fla, 4- 'fabrication. handling. shipment and installation of components. 4 necessary. r Design a-mas adequate drainage I. p-ld.d." ju64 28,2017.' This design is furnished subjct to the Ilmitstitum .1 forth by S. Platim shall be located on both Is- Of puSS. and placed so their cems, TPIANTCA in BCSI, copies of which will be lumishad upon faquest lines coincide with joint center lines. 9 . Digitaindi-to size offelate in inches. MiTek USA, lncJCompuTrus Softmr 7.6B-SP1(1L)-Z -1311. ESR-19 10. For basic cormectc, plate design wluos sea ESR 88 (Mi-ra k) 41) 91 WARNINGS: GENERAL NOTES, nl.. otherwise -.it: 1. Build,, and arection contractor should be advised of all General Notes 1. This design is based only upon the pamm,mm shown and is far an indlhildual and Warnings before construction commences. building component. Applimbility, of design p,mm,lare !'d prope, 2. 2,4 compression web bracing must be installed where shown Incorporation of component is the responsibility of the building designer. 3. Additional larriparary bracing to liarture stability during construction Design .==a the top and bottom chords 0 be balmily brand at is the responsibility of the arector. Additional permanent bracing of Z o.c. and at I OP o.c. respectively union braced throughout their length by 7'j the o,emll structure is the responsibility of the building designer. cardi . . . s sheathing such a. plywood sh-thirig(TC) and/., d,,,.R(BC). 2, Impact bridging or hitaral bracing required where shown + No load should be applied to any wrnponent until after all turacing and factoners am complete and at it, time should any loads greater than 4 ' Installation of truss is no msparnibility of the nespecathre co,"clar, Design socanmes trustees am to W used In it no-sive ernitronment,', design loads be applied to any component and are for"dry canditioe of use. S. CompuTrus has no central o,or and assumes no responsibility for the - 8. Design assurnes full bearing at an supports shown. Shim ii, wedg, if fabrication. handling, shipment ,it Installation of components. necessary. Design as-es adequam drainage Is pmidd.~ This design Is funnished subject to me limitations set forth by TPI1WTCA In SCSI, copies of "cli 411 be furnished pan nstilitist 8' Plain she [' be located on both faces of vuss. and placed so their cents, linn-incid. with joint conter lines. 9. Dists Indicate she of plate in incha& MITek USA, IncJCompuTrus Softvrare 7.6.&wSPI(1L)-E .Truss: AH7~ .DATE: 6/28/2017 SEQ K3376560 -TRANS ID: MiK 14 15 16 1 17 I jM-3x10 M_3x 10 M_ 2. 5x5 0. 25" M-2. 5x5 M18HS-5x12(S) 7-03-04 4-01 3-07-12 3-07-12 2-00 30-00 JOB NAME: MAST DEAN AH-2 This design prepared fro. computer input by Type in your company name here! CBC2016/IBC2015 MAX MEMBER FORCES - 4WR/GDF/Cq=1.00 I- 2=( 0) 34 2-14-(0) 4057 3-14-( 0) 255 3=(-4245) 0 14-15-0) 5215 14- 4=( ' 0) 605 4=(-4250) 0 15-16-0) 5626 14- 6=(-1229) 35 S=( 0) 0 16-17=(0) 5626 6-15-( 0) 256 4- 6-(-4096) 0 17-18=(0) 5215 IS- 7=( -411) 0 7-(-5255) 0 18-12-(0) 4057 16- 7-( 0) 159 7- 8-(-5255) 0 7-17=( -411) 0 8-10=(-4096) 0 17- 8=( 0) 256 9-10-( 0) 0 8-18-(-1229) 35 10-11=(-4250) 0 10-18=( 0) 605 11-12-(-4245) 0 18-11-( 0) 255 12-13=( 0) 34 BEARING MAX VERT MAX HORZ ERG REQUIRED BRG AREA LOCATIONS REACTIONS REACTIONS SIZE SQ.IN. (SPECIES) 0'- 0.0" -26/ 1492V -23/ 23H 3.50" 2.39 OF 625) 301- 0.011 -26/ 1492V 0/ OH 3.50" 2.39 OF 625) Peight: 124.3~41b VERTICAL DEFLECTION LIMITS: LL=L/240, TL=L/180 MAX LL DEFL = 0.02111 @ -21- 0.4" Allowed = 0.207" MAX TL CREEP DEFL - -0.03311 @ -2'- 0.4" Allowed = 0.27611 MAX LL DEFL - -0.42311 @ IS- 0.0" Allowed = 1.47111 MAX TL CREEP DEFL - -1.476" @ 15- 0.0" Allowed - 1.961" MAX LL DEFL = 0.021" @ 32- 0.4" Allowed = 0.207" MAX TL CREEP DEFL - -0.03311 @ 321- 0.4" Allowed = 0.276" MAX HORIZ. LL DEFL = 0.080" @ 29'- 8.5" MAX HORIZ. TL DEFL - 0.178" @ 29'- 8.5" Wind: 110 mph, h=15.4ft, TCDL-9.0,BCDL=6.0, ASCE 7-10, (All Heights), Enclosed, Cat.2, Exp.C, MWFRS(Dir), load duration factor=1.6, Bottom chord at cantile,rered end(s) not exposed to wind, Truss designed for wind loads 10-00 in the plane of the truss only. 6x CSI: TC:0.53 BC:0.75 Web:Q~.42 2-11-12 4-05-04 8-00 12 3. 00 M-4x12 M-1. 5x3 r. LUMBER SPECIFICATIONS' TRUSS SPAN 30'- 0.0" TC: 2.4 OF ftl&BTR LOAD DURATION INCREASE - 1.25 BC: 2.4 OF #I&BTR SPACED 24.0" D.C. WEBS: 2.4 DF STUD LOADING TC LATERAL SUPPORT <- 12"OC. LION. LL( 20.0)+DL( 15.0) ON TOP CHORD = 35.0 PSF BC LATERAL SUPPORT <- 12"OC. UON. DL ON BOTTOM CHORD = 10.0 PSF TOTAL LOAD = 45.0 PSF NOTE: 2x4 BRACING AT 24"OC UON. FOR LIMITED STORAGE DOES NOT APPLY DUE TO THE SPATIAL ALL FLAT TOP CHORD AREAS NOT SHEATHED REQUIREMENTS OF CBC 2016 NOT BEING MET. BOTTOM CHORD CHECKED FOR 10PSF LIVE LOAD. TOP OVERHANGS: 24.8" 24.8" AND BOTTOM CHORD LIVE LOADS ACT NON-CONCURRENTLY. 10-00 4-05-04 2-11-12 8-00 12 3. 00 C-- M-4x12 C, M-1.5x3 1~ I 'I ~_ 1 10-00 If If 2-07 1-00-12 3-11-04 3-11-04 1-00-12 2-07 M-2.5x6 M-2.5x6 M-3x8 6 7 8 12 is M_ 3x10 M-3x10 Of 4-01 7-03-04 2-00 9SION Scale; 0.2058 8-00 12 8-00 12 M18HS-5x12(S) 0 LUMBER SPECIFICATIONS TC: 2.4 DF #16BTR BC: 2Y.4 DF #1&BTR WEBS: 2.4 DF STUD TC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 12"OC. UON. BC LATERAL SUPPORT <- 12"OC. UON. NOTE: 2.4 BRACING AT 24"OC LION. FOR ALL FLAT TOP CHORD AREAS NOT SHEATHED OVERHANGS: 24.8" 1 24.8" 'TRUSS SPAN 30- 0. 0" LOAD DURATION INCREASE - 1.25 SPACED 24.0" D.C. LOADING LL( 20.0)+DL( 15.0) ON TOP CHORD - 35.0 PSF DL ON BOTTOM CHORD . 10.0 PSF TOTAL LOAD . 45.0 PSF LIMITED STORAGE DOES NOT APPLY DUE TO THE SPATIAL REQUIREMENTS OF CBC 2016 NOT BEING MET. BOTTOM CHORD CHECKED FOR 1OPSF LIVE LOAD. TOP AND BOTTOM CHORD LIVE LOADS ACT NON-CONCURRENTLY. CBC2016/IBC2015 -MAX MEMBER FORCES- 4WR/GDF/Cq-1.00 2-( 0) 34 2-13-(-265) 4071 3-13-( -24) 270 3=(-4260) 321 13-14=(-602) 5468 13- 4-( 0) 577 4-(-4275) 357 14-15=(-602) 5468 13- 5-(-1423) 330 5=(-4117) 354 15-11=(-265) 4071 5-14=( 0) 267 4- 6=( 0) 0 14- 8=( 0) 267 8-(-5578) 600 8-15-(-1423) 330 9=( 0) 0 9-15-( 0) 577 9-(-4117) 354 15-10-( -24) 270 9-10-(-42?5) 357 10-11-(-4260) 321 11-12-( 0) 34 BEARING MAX VERT MAX HORZ BRG REQUIRED ERG AREA LOCATIONS REACTIONS REACTIONS SIZE SQ.IN. (SPECIES) 0 - 0.0" -125/ 1492V -22/ 22H 3.50" 2.39 DF 625) 30- 0.0" -125/ 1492V 0/ OH 3.50" 2.39 DF 625) L4eight: 129. VERTICAL DEFLECTION LIMITS: LL=L/240, TL=L/180 MAX LL DEFL = 0.021" -2'- 0.4" Allowed = 0.207" MAX TL CREEP DEFL = -0.033" -2'- 0.4" Allowed - 0.276" MAX LL DEFL = -0.431" 15- 0.0" Allowed - 1.471" MAX TL CREEP DEFL = -1.502" 15- 0.0" Allowed - 1.961" MAX LL DEFL = 0.021" 32- 0.4" Allowed - 0.207" MAX TL CREEP DEFL = -0.033" 32- 0.4" Allowed - 0.276" MAX HORIZ. LL DEFL - 0.081" @ 29- 8.5" MAX HORIZ. TL DEFL = 0.180" @ 29- 8.5" Wind: 110 mph, h=15ft, TCDL-9.0,BCDL=6.0, ASCE 7-10, (All Heights), Enclosed, Cat.2, Exp.C, MWFRS(Dir), load duration factor=1.6, Bottom chord at cantilevered end(s) not exposed to wind, Truss designed for wind loads i th 1 f th t I 14-00 2-00 14-00 n e p ane o a russ on y. If If I I I k4ax CSI: TC:0.64 BC:0.78 Web: 4-01-04 3-03-12 5-00-11 1-06-05 2-00 1-06-05 5-00-11 3-03-12 4-01-04 7-03-04 7-08-12 7-08-12, 7-03-04 2-00 30-00-. /0 JOB NAME: MAST DEAN AH-4 Scale: 0.2058 2)M-1.5x3 AT UPRIGHTS (TYP) Truss: AH-4 DATE: 6/28/2017 SEQ,:~ K3,376561 71 TRANS ID: LINK v WARNINGS: -.GENERAL NOTES, rdess othervAss noted: - L - . . - . :70-068 . . _. I d, 1. Build,, and mfi,n contractor should be dA.d of all General Notes I . This design I. based ..Iy upon due pmmucc. shown -d 1. for an idmd.1 and Warnings before construction .-.-a. buildirg component Applicability .1 design parameters M pmp., 2. 2x4 compression wal, bracing must be Installed where sh- irtoorporation of component Is the responsibility of the building designer. 2. Design the top bell W be 12MMOY braced ars.mum and chords at 4 :30 8 3. Additional Wmpomy bracing to Imcum abbilay, during consamcdon Zo.~ardatiCro.c.mapect~~elyunlawbm~dthroughowthoUlargthby is~,,,spo,sibility,ift,,eMr.Addifi,mipman,ntbmeirgoI A continuous sheathing such as plywood sheathing(TC) and/or drywaff(BC). - '41 th, ...I[ structure 1. the respar-lbility of Ou, buildlg dsigruer. 4. No load should be applied to any component until after all bracing and Installation of truss is the responsibility of the respect- contractor. fasteners are complete and at no time should any loads greater man Design esurnes truccom am to be used in , nar,cormshe .. imnment, nd,mfo,"dycandi9o,otuaa. V design loads be applied to any componem. Design scumas fU bearing at .11 supports shown. Shim of wedge if 5. CompuTrus has no ==of over and asstmes nomefoorrsibility for the nacesseq. . - fabrication. handling. shipment ancl Installation of compon,raz~ V 7 Design a--. d.qu.. d.l.g. 1. pra,,~.d. June 28,20 7 .6. This design is furnished subject to the limitations set torch by TPIN'frCA In BCSI, copies a! which will be furnished upon request r , 2~ - a' Ptatas shot be located an both faces of truss. and placed so the Ir center lines coincide with joint cencer lines. f 4 M[Tek USA, 1ncJCompuTrus Software 7.6.8-?P1 0 *Z 9 Digics indicate In Inches. size of plate i ki 0.!or basic connector place design ~Iuoa~see ESR-1 311, ESR-1938 (M,-T, ft LUMBER SPECIFICATIONS TC: 2.4 OF 016BTR BC: 2.4 OF OI&BTR WEBS: 2.4 OF STUD TC LATERAL SUPPORT <- 12"OC. LION. BC LATERAL SUPPORT <- 12"OC. LION. NOTE: 2.4 BRACING AT 24"OC LION. FOR ALL FLAT TOP CHORD AREAS NOT SHEATHED OVERHANGS: 24.8" 24.8" 2)M-1.5.3 AT UPRIGHTS (TYP) 4-05-04 8-00 1 2 3.00 C- M-1. 5x3 This design prepared from computer input by Type in your company name here! TRUSS SPAN 301-1 0.0.. CBC2016/IBC2015 MAX MEMBER FORCES 4WR/GDF/Cq=1.00 LOAD DURATION INCREASE - 1.25 1- 2=( 0) 34 2-14=( -95) 4057 3-14=( 0) 255 SPACED 24.0" O.C. 2- 3=(-4245) 145 14-15=(-226) 5215 14- 4-( -0) 605 3- 4=(-4250) 154 15-16=(-191) 5626 14- 5-(-1229) 148 LOADING 4- 5-(-4096) 156 16-17=(-191) 5626 5-15-( 0) 256 LL( 20.0)+DL( 15.0) ON TOP CHORD - 35.0 PSF 4- 6=( 0) 0 17-18=(-226) 5215 15- 7-( -411) 0 DL ON BOTTOM CHORD = 10.0 PSF 5- 7-(-5255) 283 1B-12=( -95) 4057 7-( 0) 159 TOTAL LOAD - 45.0 PSF 7- 9-(-5255) 283 7-17-(.:-411) 0. 6-10=( 0) 0 9=( 0) 256 LIMITED STORAGE DOES NOT APPLY DUE TO THE SPATIAL 9-10=(-4096) 156 9-18=(-1229) 148 REQUIREMENTS OF CBC 2016 NOT BEING MET. 10-11=(-4250) 154 10-18-( 0) 605 11-12=(-4245) 145 18-11=( 0) 255 BOTTOM CHORD CHECKED FOR 1OPSF LIVE LOAD. TOP 12-13=( 0) 34 AND BOTTOM CHORD LIVE LOADS ACT NON-CONCURRENTLY. BEARING MAX VERT MAX HORZ ERG REQUIRED ERG AREA LOCATIONS REACTIONS REACTIONS SIZE SO.IN. (SPECIES) 0.- 0.0.. -74/ 1492V -22/ 22H 3.50" 2.39 OF 625) 30- 0.01' -74/ 1492V 0/ ON 3.5011 2.39 OF 625) P.iqht: 129.15--1bl VERTICAL DEFLECTION LIMITS: LL=L/240, TL=L/180 MAX LL OFFL - 0.021" @ -21- 0.4" Allowed = 0.207" MAX TL CREEP DE:FL - -0.033" @ -2'- 0.4" Allowed = 0.276" MAX LL DEFL = -0.423" @ 15- 0.0" Allowed - 1.471" MAX TL CREEP DEFL = -1.476" @ 15- 0.0" Allowed = 1.961" MAX LL DEFL - 0.021" @ 32- 0.4" Allowed = 0.207" MAX TL CREEP DEFL = -0.033" @ 32- 0.4" Allowed - 0.276" MAX HORIZ. LL DE FL 0.080:: @ 29:- 8.5:: MAX HORIZ. TL DEFL 0.178 @ 29 - 8.5 Wind: 110 mph, h=15ft, TCDL=9.0,BCDL-6.0, ASCE 7-10, (All Heights), Enclosed, Cat.2, Exp.C, MWFRS(Dir), load duration factor-1.6, Bottom chord at cantilevered end(s) not exposed to wind, Truss designed for wind loads 12-00 6-00 12-00 in the plane of the truss only. f 2-11-12 3-07 -12 0-11-04 3-00 3-00 0-11-04 3-07-12 2-11-12 4-05-04 ba. CSI: TCIO.53 SC:0.75 Web: B-00 M-2. 5x6 M-2. 5x6 12 B ~ 3.00 M-4x12 M-4x12 M18HS-5x12(S) 7-03 -04 4-01 3-07-12 3-07-12t 4-01 7-03-04 2-00 30-00 2 00 -7 JOB NAME: MAST DEAN AH-3 A. Scale: 0.2058 WARNINGS: GENERAL NOTES, unless otherwise noted: C 0, 7 Truss: AH-3 1. Builds, and are.,i- coneacts, should bo advised fall General No.. 1 . This design is based only upon the parameters shown and is for an individual and Warnings before construction conon-s. ? 2x4 compression vn,b bracing must be installed wtu,n, sh- Wilding co.pn.M. Applicability of design pammetbm and proper -'P. ban of cturnporm,rd is he ne.po-lbility of Me Wilding designer. - ormign ==a R. 9:30 2018 3. Additional mmpomry bracing to hozoe stability during co,structi- 7 the top and bottom chords to be laterally braced at c. and at O.C. respectively unless is the responsibility of Me amclor. Additional pemanent bracing of ICY braced throughout thei, length by a finuous sheathing such as plywood shoothing(TC) and/or drywall(BC). n DATE: 6/28/2017 4 the overall structure is the responsibility of Me building desig- 2, Impact bridging or lateral bracing required vhore shova, + + SEQ. K3376562 No load should be applied ta any carnpore,rd until also, all bracing and a 4. Installation of trues is the responsibility of the respective coneractor, sournes trusees am W used a non,cormahm onvironment, fastenem am connpl,te end at no lins, abould any leads gmaw, then Design be in IF d, 'TRANS "LINK ID: design loads be applied to any component S. CornpTrus has no contrel over and a-s no mepon,ibility, for th, S. Design full bearing Shim it assums at .11 supports sh- vedga -srutry. P fabrication. handling, shipment and installation of oomponients. This design I. firnialuad Urnhations forth by subject to the set Design assrurnes adequate drainage Is providad S. Plates shall be located on both faces of Was , and placed their n., 28,201 7 -.,,Jdne TPIAATCA in be ftndshd SCSI. copies of tdch vill pan mqueez lines coincide vAth jolm center lines, indicate If MITek USA, ~ncXompuTrus Softvvare 7.6.8-SPl(lL)-Z Digits size of plate in inchas. Fo,tsmi,ce-torpl,te designvalue, sea ESR-1311, ESR-1888 (MITek) M-~.Xlu (.1:i) C) C) LUMBER SPECIFICATIONS TC : 2x4 OF #lSBTR BC: 2z 4 OF 41&BTR WEBS: 2x4 DF STUD TC LATERAL SUPPORT <- 12"OC. UON. BC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 12"OC. UON. OVERHANGS: 24.8" 24.8" JT 2, 8: Heel to plate corner - 1.75" TRUSS SPAN 30- 0.01, LOAD DURATION INCREASE = 1.25 SPACED 24.0" O.C. LOADING LL( 20.0)+Dl;( 15.0) ON TOP CHORD - 35.0 PSF DL ON BOTTOM CHORD - 10.0 PSF TOTAL LOAD = 45.0 PSF LIMITED STORAGE DOES NOT APPLY DUE TO THE SPATIAL REQUIREMENTS OF C8C 2016 NOT BEING MET. BOTTOM CHORD CHECKED FOR 10PSF LIVE LOAD. TOP AND BOTTOM CHORD LIVE LOADS ACT NON-CONCURRENTLY. CBC2916/IBC2015, MA_X MEMBER-FORCES 4WR/GDF/Cq=1.00' 2-( 0) 34 2-10=(0) 3976 3-10=(-542) 67 3-(-4161) 0 10-11-0) 2560 4-10=(-372) 49 4=(-3602) 0 11- 8=(0) 3976 10- 5=( 0) 1151 5-(-3605) 0 5-11=( 0) 1151 6=(-3605) 0 11- 6=(-372) 49 7=(-3602) 0 11- 7=(-542) 67 8-(-4161) 0 a- 9-( 0) 34 BEARING MAX VERT MAX HORZ ERG REQUIRED BRG AREA LOCATIONS REACTIONS , REACTIONS SIZE SQ.IN. (SPECIES) D'_ 0.0" 0/ 1492V -32/ 32H 3.50" 2.39 DF 625) 30- 0.0" 0/ 1492V 0/ ON 3.50" 2.39 DF 625) Weight: 110.~18lb VERTICAL DEFLECTION LIMITS: LL-L/240, TL=L/180 MAX LL DEFL = 0.021" @ -2'- 0.4" Allowed - 0.207" MAX TL CREEP DEFL = -0.033" @ -2'- 0.4" Allowed - 0.276" MAX LL DEFL = -0.240" @ 15'- 0.0" Allowed - 1.471" MAX TL CREEP DEFL - -0.825" 13 19'- 8.1" Allowed - 1.961" MAX LL DEFL : 0.02111 @ 32'- 0.4" Allowed - 0.207" MAX TL CREEP DEFL -0.033" @ 321- 0.4" Allowed = 0.276" MAX HORIZ. LL DEFL - 0.060" 13 29- 8.5" MAX HORIZ. TL DEFL = 0.132" @ 29'- 8.5" Wind: 110 rnph, h-15ft, TCDL-9.0,BCDL=6.0, ASCE 7-10, (All Heights), Enclosed, Cat.2, Exp.C, MWFRS(Dir), load duration factor=1.6, Bottom chord at cantilevered end(s) not exposed to wind, Truss designed for wind loads in the plane of the truss only. Hex CSI: TC:0.55 BC:0.87 Web:0.357 5-08-11 12 ~ 3.00 5-08-11 12 3.00 C- 15-00 If 4-07-11 4-07-11 4-07-11 M-4x6 4 .0" 15-00 4-07-11 10-04-05 9-03-05 10-04-05 2-00 30-00 2-00 JOB NAME: MAST DEAN -,A,.-, Scale: 0.2309 Truss : A DATE: 6/27/2017' SEQ. K3368239. 'TRANS ID: LINK WARNINGS: GENERAL NOTES, unless otherMsa noted: 1. Builder and emcdc, mW=, shold be dAced of oil General Notes I . This design is based only pan the parameters shovm and Is for an Individual and Warnings before co-cdo, comm-, Wilding component Applicability of design parameters and proper ,2. IM compression web b..Ing ..., be installed where he- incorporation is Wilding of component the responsibility of the designer. Design ammes the top and bottom the do to be laterally Ixecad I 3. Additional temporary bming be ins- stability during con-d- is th-sponlbility of tha -cfar. Additional porman,re bracing of a 'b 7- and at I(ro.c. respectively unless cadth-ghoulth.irl-9thby the mmil sW=m Is the responsibility of the Wilding designer. ndnwm sheathing such as plywood sheathing(TC~ and/or dywa0BC). 2, Impact bridging or lateral Ixecing required #iere shown + + No load shmdd be applied to any component until after all bradng and 4. Installation at Was is the responsibility of the respective contractor. fastamm am complete and at no time h,Ad any leads grettatr than Deslgna~mos~~~.mWbuwdin.m~rmsiveam~o~..nt design lead. b. applied to any component and are for"dry candifion* of use. 5. C,mpuT= Me no =Met over and caumes no responsibility for the S. Design M lb..flng Stdrn it -mas at all wppft shown, or wedge, - I I I ' fbflmftn. he I nellIng, shipment and installation of components. --y. 7. Design dtxi..t. drainage 1. provided. '4 S. Tfds design is furnished subject to the fintUtdons set forth by TPIANTCA in SCSI. copies of v&jch will be famished upon request. lines coincid, whit joint center lines. MiTek USA. InCJCOMPUTrus Softvra I re, 7.6.8-SP1 (I Q-E OfIll. Indicate be of plate In inch- For basic connector plate design values we ESR-131 1. ESR-19aa (Mrr,k) Q. 8 -June 27,2017.;'-_ LUMBER SPECIFICATIONS 30-00-00 HIP SETBACK 8-00-00 FROM END WALL CBC2016/IBC2015 MAX MEMBER FORCES 4WR/GDF/Cq-1.00 TC: 2.4 DF ffl&BTR LOAD DURATION INCREASE - 1.25 (Non-Rep) 1- 2=( 0) 34 2-12=( -64) 1 0 812 3-12-( 0) B84 BC: 2.6 DF SS 2- 3=(-11198) 114 12-13=(-330) 14710 12- 4=( 0) 1400 WEBS: 2.4 DF STUD LOADING 3- 4=(-11780) 116 13-14=(-368) 15816 12- 5-(-3992) 300 TC UNIF LL( 40.0)+DL( 30.0)- 70.0 PLIF 0'- 0.0" TO 8'- 0.0" V 4- 5=(-11416) 124 14-15=(-368) 15816 5-13=( 0) 604 TC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 12"OC. LION. TC UNIF LL( 100.0)+DL( 75.0)- 175.0 PLIF 8'- 0.0" TO 22- 0.01, V 5- 6=(-14816) 382 15-16=(-330) 14710 13- 6=(-1096) 62 BC LATERA.L SUPPORT <- 12"OC. LION. TC UNIF LL( 40.0)+DL( 30.0)- 70.0 PLIF 22'- 0.0" TO 30'- 0.01, V 6- 7=(-14816) 382 16-10=( -64) 10812 14- 6-( 0) 308 BC UNIF LL( 0.0)+DL( 50.0)- 50.0 PLIF 0'- 0.0" TO 30'- 0.0" V 7- 8-(-11416) 124 6-15=(-1096) 62 8- 9=(-11780) 116 15- 7=( 0) 604 NOTE: 2.4 BRACING AT 20"CC UON. FOR TC CONC LL( 373.3)+DL( 280.0)- 653.3 LES @ B.- 0.01, 9-10=(-11198) 114 7-16-(-3592) 300 ALL FLAT TOP CHORD AREAS NOT SHEATHED TC CONC LL( 373.3)+DL( 280.0)- 653.3 LES @ 22- 0.0" 10-11=( 0) 34 8-16-( 0) 1400 16- 9-( 0) 884 LIMITED STORAGE DOES NOT APPLY DUE TO THE SPATIAL OVERHANGS: 24.8" 24.8" REQUIREMENTS OF CBC 2016 NOT BEING MET. BEARING MAX VERT MAX HORZ BRG REQUIRED BRG AREA LOCATIONS REACTIONS REACTIONS SIZE SQ.IN. (SPECIES) 2 ) complete trusses required. BOTTOM CHORD CHECKED FOR 1OPSF LIVE LOAD. TOP 0'_ 0.0" -7/ 3331V -22/ 22H 3.50" 5.33 DF 625) At tach 2 ply w , th 3"x. 1 31 DIA GUN AND BOTTOM CHORD LIVE LOADS ACT NON-CONCURRENTLY. 301- 0.011 -7/ 3331V 0/ ON 3.50" 5.33 DF 625) nails staggered: 9" oc in 1 row(s) throughout 2x4 top chords, Weiaht: 282.40 lb 9" oc in 2 row(s) throughout 2x6 bott6nn chords, 9" oc in I ro.(s) throughout 2x4 webs. VERTICAL DEFLECTION LIMITS: LL=L/240, TL-L/180 MAX LL DEFL - 0.005" @ -2'- 0. 4 Allowed 0. 207 " MAX TL CREEP DEFL - -0.008" @ -2'- 0. 4 Allowed 0.276" MAX LL DEFL - -0.493" @ 15- 0.0" Allowed 1.471" MAX TL CREEP DEFL - -1.682" @ 15- 0.0" Allowed 1.961" MAX LL DEFL - 0.005" 13 32'- 0.4" Allowed 0.207" MAX TL CREEP DEFL - -0.008" @ 32'- 0.4" Allowed 0.276" MAX HORIZ. LL DEFL 0.067" @ 29'- 8.5" MAX HORIZ. TL DEFL 0.148" @ 29'- 8.5" Wind; 110 mph, h-15ft, TCDL-9.0,SCDL-6.0, ASCE 7-10, (All Heights), Enclosed, Cat.2, Exp.C, MWFRS(Dir), load duration factor-1.6, Bottom chord at cantilevered end(s) not exposed to wind, Truss designed for wind loads in the plane of the truss only. IMax CSI , TC&Q.93 BC,0.74 Web, B-00 14-00 8-00 4-05-04 3-06-12 3-00-12 3-11-04 3-11-04 3-00-12 3-06-12 4-05-04 If 653. 30# ;653.30# 12 12 3.00 Ct- ~ 3. 00 M-5xl4 M-5xl4 M-3x8 M-3x8 M-3x8 4 __1 1 -_8 c I > MH5-lUxl2(5) 7-03-04 4-01 3-07-12 3-07-12 4-01 7-03-04 2-00 30-00 2-00 9S'10'v JOB NAME: MAST , DEAN AAH-,'1~'- Scale: 0.2559 WARNINGS: GENERAL NOTES, unlassoMarvAsonated: 70068 Truss AAH 1. Bull or and e,ecdo, contractor should be dwsed of all General Notes I . This design is baud only upon the paramoms sh- and Is far an Individual and Warnings before construction commenca.. building component Applicability of design parameters and proper Incorporation of component is th, responsibility of the building designer. 2. 2,4 compression wel, br.dng must be installed whare shown 2 Design .--a the top and be=. hand. to be learrally braced at 9.30.2018 3. Additional temporary bracirg to Insure stability during consanuction 7 I.c. Ind! 11 1171.c. respecthlely unless braced throughout their length by DATE: 6/28/2017 is the responsibility of the erector. Additional permanent bracing of the overall structur 9 is the responsibility of the building clasily- continuous sheathing such as ply-ol sh-thing(TC) andfor drywoll(BC). 3. 2x Impact bridging a, lateral Issolng required ~hera + + t SEQ. : K33765 63 4. No load should be applied to any component until after .11 bracing and . shonwn , 4 Indulginion of truss is the responsibility of the r-putr~ contractor. . (P L fastanersam complete and atnotinne should anyl-cisgreatarth2m Design scurnes busses am te be used in , no-ive amwironment, TRANS-ID: LI NK design loads be applied to any component ar and are tordry condidon'of use. B. Design ammes full baaflng at all supports showm. Shim or ~xlqo If I S. CompuTms has no conbcl out and 2saaams no responsibility for the necessary. 4 fabrication. handling. shipment and installation ofcomporents 7. Design assurries adequate drainage Is provided. k S. This design Is furnished subjectio the linthadons set forth by r S. Phaas shall be 1-ted on both faces of truss. and placed so their center .Jun~'2.8',201 TPINVT -A in BCSI. copies of which vAll be furnished upon request line. candd. with joint center line.. S. Dighe Indicate *a of plate in inches. MiTek USA, InCJCOMPUTrus Soft- 7.6.8-SP 1 (11 Q-E 10. For basic cormactor plate design ratues us ESR-1311. ESIR-1938(MITek) This design prep;red from computer input by Typ a in your company name here! TRUSS SPAN 301- 0.011 CBC2016/IBC2015 MAX MEMBER FORCES 4WR/GDF/C,-1.00 LOAD DURATION INCREASE - 1.25 1- 2-( 0) 34 2-14-( -95) 4057. 3-14-( 0) 255 SPACED 24.0" D.C. 2- 3-(-4245) 145 14-15-(-226) 5215 14- 4-( 0) 605 3- 4=(-4250) 154 15-16-(-191) 5626 14- 5-(-1229) 148 LOADING 4- 5=(-4096) 156 16-17-(-191) 5626 5-15=( 0) 256 LL( 20.0)+DL( 15.0) ON TOP CHORD = 35.0 PSF 4- 6=( 0) 0 17-18-(-226) 5215 15- 7-( -411) 0 DL ON BOTTOM CHORD = 10.0 PSF 5- 7=(-5255) 283 18-12-( -95) 4057 7-( 0) 159 TOTAL LOAD - 45.0 PSF 7- 9-(-5255) 283 7-17-( -411) 0 8-10-( 0) 0 9-( 0) 256 LIMITED STORAGE DOES NOT APPLY DUE TO THE SPATIAL 9-10-(-4096) 156 9-18=(-1229) 148 REQUIREMENTS OF CBC 2016 NOT BEING MET. 10-11-(-4250) 154 10-18=( 0) 605 11-12-(-4245) 145 18-11=( 0) 255 BOTTOM CHORD CHECKED FOR lOPSF LIVE LOAD. TOP 12-13-( 0) 34 AND BOTTOM CHORD LIVE LOADS ACT NON-CONCURRENTLY. BEARING MAX VERT MAX HORZ ERG REQUIRED BRG AREA LOCATIONS REACTIONS REACTIONS SIZE SO.IN. (SPECIES) 0'_ D.D" -74/ 1492V -22/ 22H 3.50" 2.39 DF 625) 301- 0.011 -74/ 1492V 0/ OH 3.50" 2.39 DF 625) )Weight: 129.15 lb VERTICAL DEFLECTION LIMITS: LL=L/240, TL=L/180 MAX LL DEFL - 0.021" @ -21 - 0.4" Allowed = 0.207" MAX TL CREEP DEFL - -0.033" @ -21 - 0.4" Allowed = 0.276" MAX LL DEFL - -0.423" @ 15- 0.0" Allowed - 1.471" MAX TL CREEP DEFL - -1.47611 @ IS'- 0.0" Allowed = 1.961" MAX LL DEFL = 0.02111 @ 321 - 0.4" Allowed - 0.207" MAX TL CREEP DEFL - -0.03311 @ 32'- 0.4" Allowed - 0.276" MAX HORIZ. LL DEF1 - 0.080" @ 291 - 8.511 MAX HORIZ. TL DEFL - 0.178" @ 29'- 8.5" Wind: 110 mph, h-15ft, TCDL-9.0,BCDL-6.0, ASCE 7-10, (All Heights), Enclosed, Cat.2, Exp.C, HWFRS(Dir), load duration factor-1.6, Bottom chord at cantilevered end(s) not exposed to wind, Truss desi,,ned for wind loads LUMBER SPECIFICATIONS TC: 2x4 DF #l&BTR BC: 2x4 DF #l&BTR WEBS: 2x4 DF STUD TC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 12"OC. UON. BC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 12"OC. UON. ............ NOTE: 2x4 BRACING AT 24"OC DON. FOR ALL FLAT TOP CHORD AREAS NOT SHEATHED OVERHANGS: 24.8" 24.8" 2)M-l.5x3 AT UPRIGHTS (TYP) I 12-00 6-00 If 12-00 in the plane of the truss only. 4-05-04 2-11-12 3-07 -12 0-11-04 3-00 3-00 0-11-04 3-07-12 2-11-12 4-05-04 Pa, -CSI -. TC-.0.53 BC:0.75 Web: If If --f 8-00 B-00 12 m-2. 5x6 M-2. 5x6 12 3.00 c- 6 8 ~ 3.00 M-4x12 M-3x8 M-4x12 ~ ~~4 ~~ 10 M-1. 5x3 5 9 1 5x3 3 P:;m L=n 11 12 15 14 16 18 0 M- 3x10 M-3x 10 M_ 2. 5x5 M-2 T7 5x5 M-3x10 0. 25" 1-3x710 C, n .1 M18HS-5x12(S) 7-03-04 4-01 3-07-12 3-07-12 4-01 71-03-04 2-00 30-00 2-00 F.esslojv JOB NAME: MAST AAH-3 DEAN Scale: 0.2058 WARNINGS: GENERAL NOTES, union otherwise noted: 0, 76068 -1. Budder and amctin contractor should be advised of all General Notes 1 . This design is based only upon the pammaters, shown.nd is for an individual Truss: AAH-3 andWanting, building component Applicability of design parameters and proper Incorporation of component is fine e,po,s' bility, of the building designer. bc4 compt-sb, wal, bracing must be Installed whom shown be Iste,ally b..d.t -S;30-2018 Additional temporary bracing to inturs, stability during construction 2. Design assu,nes the top,rd badann chord, M is the responsibility of the arector. Additional pemanant bracing of Z o.c. and! at ICY o.c. r-pacthnsly -lase brecad throughout their length by A DATE: 6/2 ca.finuous sheathing such.. ply-d h..thdng(TC)..d/., ftwell(BC). 8/2017 the -11 structure is than,spa,sibility of the budding deslq- 3. Ze Impact bridging 0, labral bracing raquiiad where shomn + + No bad should be applied to any componere until after all bracing and 4 Installation of truss Is the responsibility of the respective contracter. SEQ; K3376564, 5: Design assurnestruwasore to be usadin a non,corrosive anvironne'ra. (PI. - fastanarstue camplato and,t no time shouldtiny loads greater than design loads be applied to any componant. and am for *dry canlition' of use. O,signam~siuBbeaflng,t,llwpp,m,h,~Shi,?o,,Tdg,it.# TRANS ID: LINK CompuTrus has re, carroal,ver and.ssurnes ra, responalbUity, for the tabricatian, handling, 1hb,-M and Installation ofoomp .. not. 7. Z'sig7crouns. d.clusto drainage I. ixoWd.d. 6. TN~d.~ig~i.frH~h.d.bje~wthaliffdmtomwtfo~by 1 'June 28,2017 I S. Plauts, chall be located on both faces of truss. and placed 5~ tl~elr c nte' , I ir TPIANTCA in BCSI. capiasof which vd be furnished upon request lines coincid, with joint center lines. I I . . . il A 9. Digis, Indicate &Us of plate In Inches. t' j P -SPI(IL)-Z MiTekU~A,lne Corn uTrusSoftmre7.6.8 10. For basic connector plate design values we ESRA311, ESR-1988 (M.Te,k) This design prepared from computer input by Type in your company name here. LUMBER SPECIFICATIONS TRUSS SPAN 30'- 0.0" CBC2016/IBC2015 MAX MEMBER FORC'S 4WR/GDF/Cq=1.00 TC: 2.4 OF #1&BTR LOAD DURATION INCREASE = 1.25 1- 2=( 0) 34 2-14-(0) 4057 3-14-( 0) 255 BC: 2.4 DF fil&BTR SPACED _24.0" O.C. 2- 3=(-4245) 0 14-15=(0) 5215 14- 4-( 0) 605 WEBS: 2.4 DF STUD 3- 4=(-4250) 0 15-16=(0) 5626 14- 6=(-1229) 33 LOADING 4- 5=( 0) 0 16-17-(0) 5626 6-15-( 0) 256 TC LATERAL SUPPORT <- 12"OC. LION. LL( 20.0)+DL( 15.0) ON TOP CHORD = 35.0 PSF 4- 6=(-4096) 0 17-18-(0) 5215 is- 7-( -411) 0 BC LATERAL SUPPORT <- 12110C. LION. DL ON BOTTOM CHORD - 10.0 PSF 6- 7=(-5255) 0 18-12=(0) 4057 16- 7-( 0) 159 TOTAL LOAD - 45.0 PSF 7- 8=(-5255) 0 7-17=( -411) 0 8-10=(-4096) 0 17- 8-( 0) 256 NOTE: 2x4 BRACING AT 24"OC UON. FOR LIMITED STORAGE DOES NOT APPLY DUE TO THE SPATIAL 9-10=( 0) 0 8-18-(-1229) 33 ALL FLAT TOP CHORD AREAS NOT SHEATHED REQUIREMENTS OF CBC 2016 NOT BEING MET. 10-11=(-4250) 0 10-18-( 0) 605 11-12=(-4245) 0 18-11-( 0) 255 BOTTOM CHORD CHECKED FOR 1OPSF LIVE LOAD. TOP 12-13=( 0) 34 OVERHANGS: 24.8" 24.8" AND BOTTOM CHORD LIVE LOADS ACT NON-CONCURRENTLY. BEARING MAX VERT MAX HORZ BRG REQUIRED ERG AREA LOCATIONS REACTIONS REACTIONS SIZE SQ.IN. (SPECIES) or- 0.0" -24/ 1492V -22/ 22H 3.50" 2.39 DF 625) 30'- 0.0" -24/ 1492V 0/ OH 3.50" 2.39 DF 625) Weioht: 124.34 ----I lb VERTICAL DEFLECTION LIMITS: LL=L/240, TL=L/180 MAX LL DEFL - 0.021" @ -2'- 0.4" Allowed - 0.20711 MAX TL CREEP DEFL = -0.033" @ -2'- 0.4" Allowed - 0.276" MAX LL DEFL = -0.423" @ 15- 0.0" Allowed - 1.471" MAX TL CREEP DEFL = -1.476" @ 15- 0.0" Allowed - 1.961" MAX LL DEFL = 0.021" @ 32'- 0.4" Allowed - 0.207" MAX TL CREEP DEFL - -0.033" 32'- 0.4" Allowed - 0.276" MAX HORIZ. LL DEFL 0.080" 13 29'- 8.5" MAX HORIZ. TL DEFL 0.178" 13 29'- 8.5" Wind: 110 ph, h=15ft, TCDL-9.0,BCDL=6.0, ASCE 7-10, (All Heights), Enclosed, Cat.2, Exp.C, MWFRS(Dir), load duration factor=1.6, Bottom chord at cantilevered end(s) not exposed to wind, Truss designed for wind loads 10-00 10-00 10-00 in the plane of the truss only. 11 kax CSI: TC:0.53 BC~0.75 Web,0~.42 4-05-04 2-11-12 2-07 1-00-12 3-11-04 3-11-04 1-00-12 2-07 2-11-12 4-05-04 8-00 B-00 12 12 3.00 M-2.5x6 M-2. 5x6g --3 3. 0 0 M-4x12 M-4x12 M-3x8 4 M-1. 5x3 6 7 8 M-1.5x3 3 mn 2 12 3 M-~3x 10 16 17 9~_ 0 I is M_ M_31X10 2. 5x5 0. 25" - M-2. 5.5 M-3x10 M 3x10 M18HS-5x12(S) 7-03-04 4-01 3-07-12' 3-07-12 4-01 7-03-04 2-00 30-00 2-00 f CgS'0A1 JOB NAME: MAST DEAN AAH-2 6;, Scale: -0.2058 WARNINGS: GENERAL NOTES, -lassath-isenctod: Truss: AAH-2 1. Builder and erection wntractor should be advised of all General Notes 1. This design i based only upon the parameters shown and is for an Indlndual Wilding com~n,nt. Applicability of design parameters and proper and Warnings before construction comen-s. 2. b4 ecatputsi.n web tracing -at be installed he. I she- incorporation of component is the responsibility of me building designer. assurres and chords at EXR.9;30-2018 3. Additional temporary bracing tainsure stability during construction ? '~2. Design the lop bottom to be laternally imacad Z - and at 11Y o.c. respectively unless braced throughout mak length by is the responsibility of the arector. Additional permanent bracing of contimencs sheathing such as plywood shealhingfTC) and/or drywall(BC). DATE:- 6/28/2017 m are werall structure is the responsibility of the building designer. 4. No load be to should applied any component until after all bracing and 2, Intlutce bridging a, tateral bracing required where sho,wn + + Inscallati- - is d, SEQ.: K3376565 of the napansibility of the respective n.5ter." Design =~s~~s,,owbouwdinum~msivee~nment. C1 lesions. a. comptee, and at no time should any loads~mater than design loads be to applied any component and are fordry condhion"of use. TRANS,ID: LINK S. Design assurnas ful bearing at all supp-h- Shim,r wacige if 'd 5. CompuTrus hasno control - and ass,mas re, responsibility for the necessary. - fabrication. handling. shipment and inscallalion of components. 6. This design is furnished wbject to the linnicati- set forth by -a adequate drainage 1. provide I Design saw d. -8. Plaws shall be located on both faces of Was, and placed so their cantor lines coincide with ].I. me, lines. - , I June 28,2017 . . . TPINVTCA[n BCSI. coplasof,49cit,411 be tmmh,d,p,,mq,,sL ^1 - , - , 1 . 1 '5 '_ I . MiTekUSA, lncJCompuTrusSoftv;ate7.6.8-SPI(lL)-g ~9. Digitt indicate size of Oats In Inch- 4 10. For basic connector plat~ design values we ESR-1311. ESR-ISW (Mirsk) This design prepared fro. computer inpu t by Type in your company name here! -CBC2016/IBC2015 MA~ MEMBER FORCES.' 4WR/GDF/Cq=1.00 1- 2=(-3484) 254 1-12-(-206) 3325 2-12=( -39) 168 2- 3=(-3383) 238 12-13-(-329) 3891 12- 3=( 0) 445 3- 4=(-3291)- 236 13-14-(-325) 3887 12- 4=(-668) 177 3- 5=( 0) 0 14-10-(-148) 3324 4-13-( 0) 115 4- 7=(-3934) 368 13- 7=( 0) 122 6- 8-( 0) 0 7-14=(-713) 191 7- 8=(-3258) 217 B-14=( 0) 447 8- 9=(-3388) 218 14- 9-( -30) 168 9-10=(-3484) 200 10-11=( 0) 34 BEARING MAX VERT MAX HORZ BRG REQUIRED BRG AREA LOCATIONS REACTIONS REACTIONS SIZE SQ.IN. (SPECIES) 0 - O.D" -43/ 1140V -27/ 16H 3.50" 1.82 OF 625) 25'-. 4.0" -92/ 1290V 0/ OH 3.50" 2.06 DF 625) Weiqht: 104.67 lb VERTICAL DEFLECTION LIMITS: LL=L/240, TL-L/180 MAX LL DEFL = -0.236" @ 12- 8.0" Allowed - 1.238" MAX TL CREEP DEFL - -0.820" @ 12- 8.0" Allowed = 1.650" MAX LL DEFL = 0.021" @ 27 1- 4.4" Allowed = 0.207" MAX TL CREEP DEFL = -0.033" @ 27- 4.4" Allowed - 0.27611 MAX HORIZ. LL DEFL - 0.051" @ 25- 0.5" MAX HORIZ. TL DEFL - 0.112" @ 25- 0.5" Wind: 110 mph, h-15.7ft, TCDL=9.0,BCDL=6.0, ASCE 7-10, (All Heights), Enclosed, Cat.2, Exp.C, MWFRS(Dir), load duration facto-1.6, Bottom chord at cantil evered end(s) not exposed to wind, Truss designed for wind loads in the plane of the truss only. ~Iax CSI: TC:0.34 BC:0.58 Web:072_3_1 12-00 1-04 12-00 4-01-04 3-03-12 3-06 1-01 1-04 1-01 3-06 3-03-12 4-01-04 It If I , 8-00 B-00 12 12 3.00 3. 00 7-03-04 5-04-12 5-04-12 7-03-04 25-04 2-00 z JOB NAME: MAST DEAN BBH-3 Scale: 0.2508 WARNINGS: Builder and erection contractor should be advised of all General Notes GENERAL NOTES, unl- otherwise noted: '1. This design is based only upon the parameters shown and is for an Individual a 70068 Truss BBH* 3 Wilding Applicability design component of parameters and proper and Warnings before construction contmences. 2x4 compression wel, bracing must be installed where shown incorporation of component is the responsibility of Me building designer. 7 EXP-'r,9.'304018 Additional temporary bracing to Insure stability during construction I Design assumes the top and botern chords se be Iaar,lly braced at Z o.c. and at ICY ex. respectively unless braced throughout their length by is the responsibility of the wacter. Additional p,=n,,t bracing of continuous sheathing such as plywood shoathlng(TC~ and/or drwall(BC). DATE: 6/28/2017 the overall struccae Is the responsibility of Me building designer. 3. 2, Impact bridging or lateral bracing required where shown + + SEQ. K3376566 No load should be applied W any component until after all bracing and 4 Installed- of truss is the responsibility of the respective contractor. Design truseas be in aseem- are W used a no-sive emironment. v fastonersore complete and at na time sihouldanyl,adagrea-than design loads be applied se any component and at. tot'rhy condition' of use. TRANS I D' LINK .7 Design assurnes full bearing at all supports shown. Shle, or wedg. if S. CompuTrus has no control .... and assumn- ne responsibility fc!, the h.cassarry. fabrication. handling. shipment and installation of components. This design 1. furnished subj.. to the limilati ... set fore, by .6. s, 7; Design assumes adequate drainage [a p-lded. June 28,2017" TPINVTCAin BCSI..pi.~.f.Mh,~i0bt.~ih.d.m.,.q-a S. Rates shall be located on both faces of Was, and placed so th.ircante~ lines coincide with joint center lines. MiTek USA: lncJCompuTrus Software 7.6.8-SP I (I Q-Z Digits imfice plate In !-he. -,4 10. For basic cotatzer" .1a design hrl.a. se. ESR-131 I, ESR_19a8 (MIT. 1 LUMBER SPECIFICATIONS TRUSS SPAN 25- 4.01, TC: 2.4 OF #1&BTR LOAD DURATION INCREASE = 1.25 BC: 2%4 OF #1&BTR SPACED 24.0" O.C. WEBS: 2.4 OF STUD LOADING TC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 12"OC. UON. LL( 20.0)+DL( 15.0) ON TOP CHORD = 35.0 PSF BC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 12110C. LION. DL ON BOTTOM CHORD - 10.0 PSF TOTAL LOAD - 45.0 PSF NOTE: 2x4 BRACING AT 24"OC UON. FOR LIMITED STORAGE DOES NOT APPLY DUE TO THE SPATIAL ALL FLAT TOP CHORD AREAS NOT SHEATHED REQUIREMENTS OF CBC 2016 NOT BEING MET. BOTTOM CHORD CHECKED FOR 1OPSF LIVE LOAD. TOP OVERHANGS: 0.0" 24.8" AND BOTTOM CHORD LIVE LOADS ACT NON-CONCURRENTLY. 2)M-1.5x3 AT UPRIGHTS (TYP) 0 0 TRUSS SPAN 25- 4' 1 LOAD DURATION INCREASE - 1.25 SPACED 24.0" D.C. LOADING LL( 20.0)+DL( 15.0) ON TOP CHORD - 35.0 PSF DL ON BOTTOM CHORD = 10.0 PSF TOTAL LOAD - 45.0 PSF LIMITED STORAGE DOES NOT APPLY DUE TO THE SPATIAL REQUIREMENTS OF CBC 2016 NOT BEING MET. BOTTOM CHORD CHECKED FOP, 1OPSF LIVE LOAD. TOP AND BOTTOM CHORD LIVE LOADS ACT NON-CONCURRENTLY. 1-04 Ir f 3-06 1-01 1-04 1-01 3-06 M-2. 5x5 6 7 M-2. 5x5 LUMBER SPECIFICATIONS TC; 2x4 OF HI&STR BC; 2.4 OF ffl&BTR WEBS: 2.4 OF STUD TC LATERAL SUPPORT <- 12110C. DON. BC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 12"OC. DON. NOTE: 2x4 BRACING AT 24"OC UON. FOR ALL FLAT TOP CHORD AREAS NOT SHEATHED OVERHANGS: 24.8" 24.8" 2)M-1.5x3 AT UPRIGHTS (TYP) 12-00 4-01-04 3-03-12 If 8-00 12 3.00 C- CBC2016/IBC2015. MAX MEMBER FORCES 4WR/GDF/Cq-1.00 2-( 0) 34 2-13=(-142) 3319 3-13-( -31) 170 3=(-3478) 194 13-14-(-308) 3889 13- 4-( 0) 444 4-(-3381) 211 14-15=(-310) 3886 13- 5-(-669) 182 5-(-3289) 210 15-11-(-139) 3324 5-14-( 0) 115 4- 6-( 0) 0 14- 8-( 0) 122 8-(-3933) 350 B-15-(-696) 185 9-( 0) 0 9-15-( 0) 446 9=(-3257) 207 15-10=( -30) 168 9-10-(-3387) 207 10-11=(-3483) 191 11-12=( 0) 34 BEARING MAX VERT MAX HORZ ERG REQUIRED BRG AREA LOCATIONS REACTIONS REACTIONS SIZE SQ.IN. (SPECIES) 01- 0.0 _89/ 1282V -23/ 23H 3.50" 2.05 OF 625) 25- 4.0" -89/ 1282V 0/ OH 3.50" 2.05 OF 625) Weight: 107. VERTICAL DEFLECTION LIMITS: LL=L/240, TL-L/180 MAX LL DEFL - 0.021" @ -2'- 0.4" Allowed 0.207" MAX TL CREEP DEFL - -0.03311 @ -2'- 0.4" Allowed 0.2?611 MAX LL DEFL - -0.23611 @ 121- 8.0" Allowed 1.23811 MAX TL CREEP DEFL - -0.819" @ 12- 8.0" Allowed 1.650" MAX LL DEFL - 0.021" @ 27- 4.4" Allowed 0.207" MAX TL CREEP DEFL - -0.033" @ 27- 4.4" Allowed 0.276" MAX HORIZ. LL DEFL = 0.051" @ 251- 0.5" MAX HORIZ. TL DEFL = 0.11211 @ 25- 0.5" Wind: 110 mph, h=15.7ft, TCDL=9.0,BCDL=6.0, ASCE 7-10, (All Heights), Enclosed, Cat.2, Exp.C, MWFRS(Dix), load duration facto-1.6, Bottom chord at cantilevexed end(s) not exposed to wind, 12-00 Truss designed for wind loads in the plane of the truss only. 3-03-12 4-01-04 ~ax CSI: TC:0.33 BC:0.58 Web f B-00 12 -Zi 3. 00 M-:) X.L U 7-03-04 5-04-12 5-04-12 7:03-04 2-00 25-04 2-00 Sslo/v JOB NAME: MAST.DEAN BH-3 Scale: 0.2322 Truss: BH-3 DATE:. 6/28/2017 SEQ. K3376567,_~ TRANS ID:-LINK WARNINGS: GENERAIL NOTES, niess.n.rmse nated: 70068 guide, and areclion cantroctor should be advised of all General News and Warnings before construction commences. I . This design Is based andy upon the "mmlers shown and . for an indRidual building component Applicability of design parameters am Prop., 2,4 compression wob bracing =at be Installed where shown I=Tradd, of component is the responsibility of the building designer. asume and chords to at -30 6 I Additional temporary bracing to inaure stability during construction - 2. Design the wip bottom be laterally braced V 7 _ and at I (Y I.s. respectively unless braced thaoughout their length by A is due responsibility of the dector. Additional pernsanera bracing of continuous sheathing such as plywood shedhirri(TC) duffor dymg(BC). the -mll structure is the responsibility of the building designer. No be 3 ' 2v Impact bridging or lateral bracing required where shown + + ,4. load should applied to any component until after all bracing and Installaidon of truss is the responsibility of the respective conaractor. fteamers are complete and at no time should any loads greater than design load. a plallad to any component. Design mrsums trussen, are to be used In a no-sive environment and ... to, "dry -Miti.n'.f use. Ilk 6 Design assumnas tug bearing at all supports sh- Shim or wedge it 5. C,mpuT= has no comrol over and assumes no responsibility for the - tab tion. handling, shipment and Installation of componants. , --I, r" necessary. I . A .. I . 4- 7. Design .-m.. adeq-to drainage is provided. 'June 28,2017,-' a. This design is furnished sublect to the limitations set forth by S. Plimes shelf b. located an bod, I ... I truss so ftl, center amipl.sed a TPWJTCA In BCSI. copies of which will be furnished upon request. lines coincide with joint comor lines. Z MiTek USA, IncJCompuTrus Sofhvare 7.6.B-SPl(1L)-z Digits Indicate size of plate in Inches. For basic connector plate design val... we ESR-131 1, ESR-1988 (MiTak) 4-01-04 This design prepared from computer input by Type in your company name here!', TRUSS SPAN 25- 4.0" CBC2016/IBC2015 MAX MEMBER FORCES 4WR/GDF/Cq=1.00 LOAD DURATION INCREASE = 1.25 2-(-3484) 65 1-12=(-24) 3325 2-12=( -39) 168 SPACED 24.0" D.C.- 3-(-3383) 21 12-13=(-15) 3891 12- 3=( 0) 445 4=( 10) 0 13-14-(-Il) 3887 12- 5=(-668) 64 LOADING 3- 5-(-3291) 23 14-10-( 0) 3324 5-13=( 0) 115 LL( 20.0)+DL( 15.0) ON TOP CHORD = 35.0 PSF 5- 6-(-3934) 54 13- 6-( 0) 122 DL ON BOTTOM CHORD - 10.0 PSF 8-(-3258) 9 6-14-(-713) 74 TOTAL LOAD - 45.0 PSF 8-( 0) 0 8-14-( * 0) 447 9-(-3388) 0 14- 9-( -30) 168 LIMITED STORAGE DOES NOT APPLY DUE TO THE SPATIAL 9-10-(-3484) 11 REQUIREMENTS OF CBC 2016 NOT BEING MET. 10-11-( 0) 34 BOTTOM CHORD CHECKED FOR IOPSF LIVE LOAD. TOP AND BOTTOM CHORD LIVE LOADS ACT NON-CONCURRENTLY. BEARING MAX VERT MAX HORZ BRG REQUIRED BRG AREA LOCATIONS REACTIONS REACTIONS SIZE SQ.IN. (SPECIES) 0.- 0.0" 0/ 1140V -26/ 16H 3.50" 1.82 DF 625) 25- 4.0" -39/ 1290V 0/ OH 3.50" 2.06 DF 625) [Weight: 99.86 ~lb VERTICAL DEFLECTION LIMITS: LL=L/240, TL=L/180 MAX LL DEFL = -0.23611 @ 121- 8.0" Allowed - 1.23811 MAX TL CREEP DEFL - -0.820" @ 12- 8.0" Allowed - 1.65011 MAX LL DEFL - 0.02111 @ 27- 4.4" Allowed - 0.20711 MAX TL CREEP DEFL = -0.033" @ 27- 4.4" Allowed - 0.276" MAX HORIZ. LL DEFL - 0.051" @ 25- 0.5" MAX HORIZ. TL DEFL = 0.112" @ 25- 0.5" Wind: 110 mph, h=15.4ft, TCDL=9.0,BCDL=6.0, ASCE 7-10, (All Heights), Enclosed, Cat.2, Exp.C, MWFRS(Dir), load duration factor-1.6, Bottom chord at cantilevered end(s) not exposed to wind, 10-00 5-04 10-00 Tru as designed for wind loads in the plane of the tru S s 0 nly. 3-03-12 2-07 0-11 3-06 0-11 2-07 3-03-12 4-01-04 k4ax CSI: TC:0.34 BC:0.58 Web: .23 LUMBER SPECIFICATIONS TC: 2.4 DF 41&BTR BC: 2.4 DF ffl&BTR WEBS: 2x4 DF STUD TC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 12110C. UON. BC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 12110C. UON. NOTE: 2.4 BRACING AT 24"OC UON. FOR ALL FLAT TOP CHORD AREAS NOT SHEATHED OVERHANGS: 0.0" 24.8" 8-00 8-00 12 12 3.00 1- ~ 3. 00 C> M tc,> -,- I., 7-03-04 5-04-12 5-04-12 7-03-04 25-04 2-00 JOB NAME: MAST DEAN BBH-2 z Scale: 0.2649 WARNINGS: GENERAL NOTES, N...m.M. noted: 70068 Truss BBH-2 1. Suit or and afection contracta, should be advised of all Germ~l Notes 1. This design is based only pan am parameters shown and is for an inclMdual and Warnings before construction conanences. 2. 2,4 compression ~b bracing must be Installed shom building component Applicability of design ptrametars and proper Incorporation of component is me responsibility of the building designer. Design the top bottom to be laosrally braced XR-9:3 8 Additional temporary bracing to instre stability during construction Ir scurrum and theme at Zo.c. 8Z at 10ro.c.faspectively urtless braced Lihm,gluout their length by is the responsibility of the tracer. Additional P-nont bracing of DATE: 6/28/2017 the mrall struchue is the responsibility of Me building designer. 7,t1nuous sheathing such as ply~d moothlng(TC) and/,, dr/mff(SC). 3. pact bridging a, Isteral bracing required where shawn + + SEQ. K3376568 4. No load should be applied to any capo ... I until after all bracing and 4. Installation of ones 1. the responsibility of the respective contractor. to-.. am cauna- a nd at no time should any loads greater than S. Design tsearreas Inecum am so be used in a non,comosive environment, ..d.r. fa,"cfty candith...1 TRANS ID: LINk_ smsignteadolm.ppli.clociny-p-L a assurnes supports shown. or wedge 5.'CormxTrus has no central o,e, ancitmournes no responsibility forth. Design lufl~earingtrt,ll Shim if necessary. j 4 fabrication, handling,,hIpmentand installation ofoomportents. .. S. Tlus design Is furnished subject 0 the liffulatons set forth by . .7. Design assunumad.qu.s, d1ml golsprovided. June 26,2017, TPIANTCA In BCSI, capies IvItich WO be furnished upon request. . I .~ 8. Places shall be locasad on Ixth I ... I .. and placed se their cents, fines coincide with joint center lines. L_ Mitek USA, IncJCornpuTrus Solffivare 7.6.8~SP1(11.)-E Digits indicate size of plate in inches. For basic connector plate design ~Iuea we ESR-1311. ESR-16M (1,1178k) LUMBER -SPECIFICATIONS- TC: 2x4 OF #1&BTR BC: 2x4 OF 4l&BTR WEBS: 2.4 OF STUD TC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 12"OC. UON. BC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 12"OC. LION. NOTE: 2.4 BRACING AT 24"OC UON. FOR ALL FLAT TOP CHORD AREAS NOT SHEATHED OVERHANGS: . 24.8" 24.8" ( 2 ) complete trusses required. At tach 2 ply w i th 3"x. 1 31 DIA GUN nails staggered: 9" oc in 1 row(s) throughout 2x4 top chords, 9" oc in 1 row(s) throughout 2x4 bottom chords, 9" oc in I ro.(s) throughout 2x4 webs. 25-04-00 HIP SETBACK B-00-00 FROM END WALL* LOAD DURATION INCREASE = 1.25 (Non-Rep) C_ LOADING TC UNIF LL( 40.0)+DL( 30.0)= 70.0 PLF 0'- 0.0" TO 8'- 0.0" V TC UNIF LL( 100.0)+DL( 75.0)= 175.0 PLF 8'- 0.0" TO 17'- 4.0" V TC UNIF LL( 40.0)+DL( 30.0)= 70.0 PLF 17'-' 4.0" TO 25'-. 4.0" V BC UNIF LL( 0.0)+DL( 50.0)= 50.0 PLF 0'- 0.0" TO 25- 4.0" V TC CONC LL( 373.3)+DL( 280.0)= 653.3 LES @ 81- 0.0.. TC CONC LL( 373.3)+DL( 280.0)= 653.3 LES @ 17'- 4.0" LIMITED STORAGE DOES NOT APPLY DUE TO THE SPATIAL REQUIREMENTS OF CBC 2016 NOT BEING MET. BOTTOM CHORD CHECKED FOR IOPSF LIVE LOAD. TOP AND BOTTOM CHORD LIVE LOADS ACT NON-CONCURRENTLY. This design prepared from cognputeZ input by Type in your company name here!., CBC2016/IBC2015 MAX MEMBER FORCES '4WR/GDF/Cq-1.00 2-( 0) 34 2-11=11 0) 8312 3-11-( 0) 960 3-( -8668) .10 11-12=(-162) 10874' 11- 4=( 0) 958 4-( -9328) 0 12-13=(-166) 10868 11- 5=(-1952) 250 5=( -9122) 2 13- 9=( 0) 8324 5-12-( 0) 202 6-(-10982) 168 12- 6=( 0) 214 7=( -9034) 4 6-13-(-2028) 250 8=( -9320) 0 7-13-( 0) 960 9=( -8680) 0 13- 8-( 0) 942 9-10=( 0) 34 BEARING MAX VERT MAX HORZ ERG REQUIRED BRG AREA LOCATIONS REACTIONS REACTIONS SIZE SQ.IN. (SPECIES) 01- .0.. 0/ 2806V -23/ 23H 3.50" 4.49 OF 625) 25'- 4.0" 0/ 2806V 0/ OH 3.50" 4.49 OF 625) Weiaht: 198.23 lb VERTICAL DEFLECTION LIMITS: LL=L/240, TL-L/180 MAX LL DEFL - 0.00511 @ -2'- 0.4" Allowed = 0.207" MAX TL CREEP DEFL - -0.008" @ -2'- 0.4" Allowed = 0.27611 MAX LL DEFL - -0.325" @ 12'- 8.0" Allowed = 1.238" MAX TL CREEP DEFL -1.100" @ 12- 8.0" Allowed = 1.65011 MA.X LL DEFL - 0.005" @ 27'- 4.4" Allowed = 0.207" MAX TL CREEP DEFL = -0.008" @ 27'- 4.4" Allowed = 0.276" MAX HORIZ. LL DEFL = 0.068" @ 25'- 0.5" MAX HORIZ. TL DEFL = 0.148" @ 25'- 0.5" Wind: 110 Inph, h=15.2ft, TCDL=9.0,BCDL=6.0, ASCE 7-10, (All Heights), Enclosed, Cat.2, Exp.C, MWFRS(Dir), load duration factor-1.6, Bottom chord at cantilevered end(s) not exposed to wind, Truss designed for wind loads in the plane of the truss only. B-00 ~fax CSI, TC~0.71 BC:0.82 Web: 3-10-12 4-01-04 12 ~ 3.00 M-4x14 8-00 9-04 4-01-04 3-10-12 2-11 3-06 2-11 12 653. 30# 3. 00 M-4x14 M-2.5x5 M-2.5x5 7-03-04 5-04-12 5-04-12 7-03-04 2-00 25-04 2-00 OB NAME: MAST DEAN ~BH Scale: 0.2823 WARNINGS: GENERAL NOTES, uni-thowise noted: 7 1 - G. 70,*068 - Truss: BH-1 1. But er and erection contractor should be advised of all General Notes q 1. This design is based only upon the parameters sh- and is for an Indmdual and Warnings before construction commencas. : 2. 2x4 compression wel, bracing must be Installed whom sh- building component Applicability of design parameters and proper Incorporation of component Is the responsibility of the building designer. Design the top bottom be latemity braced astmus and chords to at ~30 8 Additional Wmpomry bracing to insure stability during construction , or -*ely braced throughout their length by unless is Me responsibility of the ametor. Additional parmanant bracing of oa,~,uaua chamthl,g such as plywood heatting(TC) and/or drywall(BC). DATE: 6/28/2017 the th,andl structure Is Me responsibility of the building dasig- 3 ' 2x Impact bridging or lateral bracing required where shown + + 5 SEQ.: K3376569 ~'j No load should be applied to any component until after all bracing and 4. Instigator, of truss is the m spansibility of the respective contractor. S. Design trusses to be in fastenors are complato and at no time should any loads greater than 4 assurrus am used a nor,corrosive -rim,ranant, to, *dry and a. condrimn~ .1 4 TRANS ID: LINK 4- design loads be applied to any component S. Cormp.TnIa has no control .., and assumes no responsibility for the S. D.dg.a-_a~91,,mdng.t.fl ppns.M-Shim.rwecig.If no.-ry. fabrication, handling, shipment and Installation of components. 6. This design Is furnished subject to the limitations set loran by 7. Design assumes adequate drainage is provided. June 28,2017 TPINVTCA in BCSI, copies of which ,ill be furnished pan request. S. Plaum shall be located on both tam, of truca. and placed to ffair center tines coincide with joint cents, gres, 9. Digits indicate ft. of plate In inches. C MITek USA, IncJ ompuTrus Softvmre 7.~.B-SP1(1L)-E w'10.!or basic comecto plaWdesign~luesweESR-1311,ESR.IgaB(Mi-rek) LUMBE~R"SPECIFICATIONS TC: 2.4 OF #ISBTR BC : 2.4 OF #ISBTR WEBS: 2.4 DF STUD TC LATERAL SUPPORT <- 12"OC. UON. BC LATERAL SUPPORT <- 12"OC. UON. NOTE: 2x4 BRACING AT 24"OC LION. FOP, ALL FLAT TOP CHORD AREAS NOT SHEATHED OVERHANGS: 24.8" 24.8" T SS SPAN 25- 4.0 RU LOAD DURAT I ON INCREASE = 1.25 SPACED 24.0" D.C. LOADING LL( 20.0)+DL( 15.0) ON TOP CHORD = 35.0 PSF DL ON BOTTOM CHORD = 10.0 PSF TOTAL LOAD = 45.0 PSF LIMITED STORAGE DOES NOT APPLY DUE TO THE SPATIAL REQUIREMENTS OF CBC 2016 NOT BEING MET. BOTTOM CHORD CHECKED FOP, IOPSF LIVE LOAD. TOP AND BOTTOM CHORD LIVE LOADS ACT NON-CONCURRENTLY. A I 0 IThis desi4n prepared f rom computer input by Type in your company name here. CBC2016/IBC2015 'MAX MEMBER FORCES ~4WR/GDF/Cci=1.00 2-( 0) 34 2-13=(0) 3319 3-13-( -31) 170 3-(-3478) 0 13-14=(0) 3889 13- 4-( 0) 444 4-(-3381) 0 14-15-(D) 3886 13- 6-(-669) 69 5-( 0) 0 15-11-0) 3324 6-14-( 0) 115 4- 6-(-3289) 0 14- 7-( 0) 122 7-(-3933) 36 7-15-(-696) 68 9-(-3257) 0 9-15-( 0) 446 9-( 0) 0 15-10=( -30) 168 9-10-(-3387) 0 10-11-(-3483) 0 11-12=( 0) 34 BEARING MAX VERT MAX HORZ ERG REQUIRED BRG AREA LOCATIONS REACTIONS REACTIONS SIZE SO.IN. (SPECIES) 0- O.D" -37/ 1282V -23/ 23H 3.50" 2.05 DF 625) 25- 4.0" -37/ 1282V 0/ OH 3.50" 2.05 DF 625) 10-00 5-04 10-00 f If f 4-01-04 3-03-12 2-07 0-11 3-06 0-11 2-07 3-03-12 4-01-04 If f B-00 B-00 12 12 'I nn - -i nn Peight: 102. VERTICAL DEFLECTION LIMITS: LL-L/240, TL=L/180 MAX LL DEFL = 0.021" @ -2- 0.4" Allowed = 0.207" MAX TL CREEP DEFL = -0.03311 @ -21- 0.4" Allowed = 0.276" MAX LL DEFL = -0.236" @ 12- 8.0" Allowed = 1.238" MAX TL CREEP DEFL = -0.819" @ 12- 8.0" Allowed = 1.650" MAX LL DEFL = 0.021" @ 27- 4.4" Allowed = 0.207" MAX TL CREEP DEFL = -0.033" @ 27- 4.4" Allowed = 0.276" MAX HORIZ. LL DEFL = 0.051" 13 25- 0.5" MAX HORIZ. TL DEFL = 0.112" @ 25- 0.5" Wind: 110 mph, h=15.4ft, TCI)L=9.0,BCDL-6.0, ASCE 7-10, (All Heights), Enclosed, Cat.2, Exp.C, MWFRS(Dir), load duration facto-1.6, Bottom chord at cantilevered end(s) not exposed to wind, Truss designed for wind loads in the plane of the truss only. ~,Iax CSI: TC:0.33 BC:0.58 Web:0.2-3--] M-:)x1U lz~) 7-03-04 5-04-12' 5-04-12 .7-03-04 2-00 25-04 2-00 JOB NAME: MAST DEAN BH-2 Scale: 0.2322 WARNINGS: GENERAL NOTES, union otherrise notad: 0 68 :70. Truss: BH-2 I . Build., and conea.to-h-ld be advised fall General New. 1 . This design is based only upon Me parameters sho-t and is for an Individual and Warnings bofore ca-b-tion canuee- 2. 1,4 compression ~b bracing must be Installed wh... sh- building componard. Applicability of design parameters and proper 7 '2. i-po ban of campanant is the respo-ibility of the building designer. Design = the top and bottom ch,ni, le lb~ laterally bracad,t P.M.-20 3. Additional temporary bracing te Insue, stability during cou,structi- Z o.~ and at to ox-spectivety, unl- braced thraghout dneir l,nglh by DATE: 6/28/2017 is thr-p-slibility of the -cwr. Additional p-amna bracing of the 1, the I the building designer. overall sInnorn, espansibility rUnu- sheathing suclh -, ptywood sheathing(TC) and/,, dry~[](BC). - - I=pactIvidging., lateral bracing required here shom + + lation of truss is the responsibility of the respective ccntracto~ SEQ. K3376570 4. No lead should be appli:d to any comp'nare until she, all bracing and are ce no f-tan- rnplete nd., unt.alfrould-yl-dogtonsarthan 5. Dasion ossumes inusses are to be used in a nar-omesive environment. j 7, F design leads be te applied any compone,d. and am for 'dry wndia,6* of use. TRANS ID: LINK' 5. Comp.T- I- - no.$ -,and .--. nonap.-ibility, for the S. Design assunras full be,dg at all suppons, shown. Shim a, wedge if V;~ lit nscescary. fabrication. handling, shipment and 1,selladon otcomponents. This design is furnished limitations forth by subjec,t W the set Design assumes adequate drainage is provid.d. June 28,2017 -A' i In TPINNT A S. Pt- lurIlbloosedonbatIff ... f suss. and p1bcod so their cs- ft c SCSI, copies of INch will be furnished upon request. I lines coicid. j.I. cents, lines. Dig!. indicate b. of plate 1. Inches. MiTek USA, Inc./CompuTrus Softvvar; 7.6.8-SP1(IL)-E 10. For basic connector plate design values we ESR-1311. ESR-1988 (Mrrok); r This design prepared from computer input by Type in your company name here! LUMBER' SPECIFICATIONS TRUSS SPAN 25'- 4.0" CBC2016/IBC2015 MAX MEMBER FORCES 4WR/GDF/Cq-1.00 TC: 2x4 DF #1&BTR LOAD DURATION INCREASE = 1.25 2-( 0) 34 2- 7-(0) 3214 3- 7-(-556) 70 BC: 2x4 DF #I&BTR SPACED 24.0" O.C. 3-(-3373) 0 7- 8-(0) 2141 7- 4-( 0) 850 WEBS: 2z4 DF STUD 4=(-2944) 0 8- 6-(0) 3216 4- 8-( 0) 852 LOADING 5=(-2945) 0 8- 5-(-558) 87 TC LATERAL SUPPORT <- 12"OC. LION. LL( 20.0)+DL( 15.0) ON TOP CHORD - 35.0 PSF 6-1-3375) 0 BC LATERAL SUPPORT <- 12"OC. LON. DL ON BOTTOM CHORD - 10.0 PSF TOTAL LOAD - 45.0 PSF OVERHANGS: 24.8" 0 .01, BEARING MAX VERT MAX HORZ BRG REQUIRED ERG AREA LIMITED STORAGE DOES NOT APPLY DUE TO THE SPATIAL LOCATIONS REACTIONS REACTIONS SIZE SO.IN. (SPECIES) REQUIREMENTS OF CBC 2016 NOT BEING MET. or- 0.0" 0/ 1290V -29/ 39H 3.50" 2.06 DF 625) 25- 4.0" 0/ 1140V 0/ OH 3.50" 1.82 UP 625) BOTTOM CHORD CHECKED FOR IOPSF LIVE LOAD. TOP AND BOTTOM CHORD LIVE LOADS ACT NON-CONCURRENTLY. Peight: 82.7 ~b VERTICAL DEFLECTION LIMITS: LL-L/240, TL-L/180 MAX LL DEFL - 0.021" -2'- 0.4" Allowed - 0.207" MAX TL CREEP DEFL = -0.033" -21- 0.4" Allowed = 0.27611 MAX LL DEFL - -0.166" @ 12- 8.0" Allowed - 1.23811 MAX TL CREEP DEFL = -0.574" 13 12- 8.0" Allowed - 1.650" MAX HORIZ. LL DEFL = 0.041" 25- 0.5" MAX HORIZ. TL DEFL - 0.091" 25- 0.5" Wind: 110 raph, h=15.7ft, TCOL-9.0,BCDL-6.0, ASCE 7-10, (All Heights), Enclosed, Cat.2, Exp.C, MWFRS(Dir), load duration factor=1.6, Bottom chord at cantilevered end(s) not exposed to wind, Truss designed for wind loads in the plane of the truss only. 12-08 12-08 ax CSI: TC:0.64 BC:0.66 Web:0.2-6 6-10-08 5-09-08 5-09-08 6-10-08 12 12 3.00 c- M-4x6 3. 00 4.0" 8-09-11 7-08-11. 8-09-11 2-00 25~04 JOB NAME: MAST DEAN B Scale: 0.2863 Truss: B DATE: 6/28/2017 SEQ.:,K3376571 TRANS, ID: LINK WARNINGS: GENERAL NOTES, iml-thewise noted: 8 7006' 1. Builds, and ar-tion commeau should be advised of all General News This design Is based only upon the pammaters shown and I, for an Individual and Warnings before consouctia. conunance.. building component Applicability of design parameters and proper a, 2 1,4 compresson wake bracing must be Installed where shown incarpt, tion ofcompohet is the responsibility of the building designer. Design=rnas the top and bottom chords to be laterally braced at 1 9: -30-2048 Additional temporen, bracing to inau,s stability during cametrumion 7 o.c. and at 101 o.c. respectively unless braced throughout their length by [a the ne,mnsibility of the -cuu. Additional p.-M bracing of contirtuous ho.tInng such a plywood harithft(lc) arug., ftwol)(SC). Me -[I amucarn, Is the raw nsibilily .1 ths, building designs, No lead should be applied to any conpon-t-W for .11 b-ing and! 2. Impact bridging or Warral bracing required where shown + + [Mediation of truss is tho MaMnsibility of the respective contractor. .1 fastanom are complete and at no time should any loads greater than 5+ Design asarnes busses am to be used In , no-sive environment design loads be applied to any component S. CompuTrus, has no coneel over and 2ssurnes no responsiblilry for the and are for"dry condition" of use. 6+ Design assumos tug bearing at all supports shown. Shim a, wedge It . . . . . . necessary. fabrication. handling. shipmant and installation of components. 6 This design is furnished subject to the limitations set forth by Design sournes adequate drainage, is provided. Platas shelf be located on both faces of buss, and placad so their center June 28,2017 TPIWTCA in SCSI. copias of which will be furnished upon request lines coincide with joint center lines, DIgits Indicate size of plate in incha& MiTak USA. lncJCompuTrus Softmre +!.6.8-SP2(lL)-E 10. Far beat. co-cle, plate design I.e. ses ESR-131 1. ESR-I 988 (MiTak) 'LUMBER SPECIFICATIONS TRUSS SPAN 25' 4.0 ~1362016/IBC2015 MAX MEMBER FORCES 4WR/GDF/C q TC: 2.4 OF #l&BTR LOAD DURATION INCREASE = 1.25 2=( 1 0) 34 2- 8=(0) 3213 3- 8=(-556) 70 BC : 2.4 WEB S: 2.4 OF HI&BTR SPACED 24.0" D.C. 3=(-3372) 0 8- 9=(0) 2141 8- 4=( 0) 850 OF STUD 4=(-2943) 0 9- 6=(0) 3213 4- 9=( 0) 850 LOADING 5=(-2943) 0 9- 5=(-556) 70 TC LATERAL SUPPORT <- 12"OC. LON. LL( 20.0)+DL( 15.0) ON TOP CHORD = 35.0 PSF 6=(-3372) 0 BC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 12"OC. DON. DL ON BOTTOM CHORD - 10.0 PSF 7=( 0) 34 TOTAL LOAD - 45.0 PSF OVERHANGS: 24.8" 24.8" LIMITED STORAGE DOES NOT APPLY DUE TO THE SPATIAL BEARING MAX VERT MAX HORZ BRG REQUIRED ERG AREA REQUIREMENTS OF CBC 2016 NOT BEING MET. LOCATIONS REACTIONS REACTIONS size SQ.IN. (SPECIES) O r- 0.0" 0/ 1282V -36/ 36H 3.50" 2.05 DF 625) BOTTOM CHORD CHECKED FOR IOPSF LIVE LOAD. TOP 25- 4.0" 0/ 1282V 0/ OH 3.50" 2.05 DF 625) AND BOTTOM CHORD LIVE LOADS ACT NON-CONCURRENTLY. lWeight: 85.13 lbj VERTICAL DEFLECTION LIMITS: LL=L/240, TL=L/180 MAX LL DEFL = 0.021" -2'- 0.4" Allowed = 0.20711 MAX TL CREEP DEFL = -0.033" -2'- 0.4" Allowed = 0.276" MAX LL DEFL = -0.166" 12- 8.0" Allowed = 1.238" MAX TL CREEP DEFL = -0.573" @ 12- 8.0" Allowed = 1.650" MAX LL DEFL = 0.021" @ 27- 4.4" Allowed = 0.207" MAX TL CREEP DEF~ = -0.033" @ 27- 4.4" Allowed = 0.276" MAX HORIZ. LL DEFL = 0.041" 25- 0.5" MAX HORIZ. TL DEFL = 0.090" 25- 0.5" Wind: 110 mph, h=15.7ft, TCDL-9.0,BCDL=6.0, ASCE 7-10, (All Heights), Enclosed, Cat.2, Exp.C, MWFRS(Dir), load duration factor=1.6, Bottom chord at cantilevered end(s) not exposed to wind, Truss designed for wind load 5 in the plane of the truss only. 12-08 12-08 0.63 BC:0.66 Web:0.26 I - 6-10-08 5-09-08 5-09-08 6-10-08 12 12 3.00 C- M-4x6 -z 3. 0 0 4 . 0" M-1.5x3 3 M-1.50 5 2 6 7 8 C', M -3x8 0 . 5 '5x5 M-2 M-3x8 M-X I (S) B-09-11 7-08-11 B-09-11 2-00 25-04 2-00 fr~ 9S/OAt JOB NAME: MAST DEAN.- Bl- CY Scale: 0.2823 WARNINGS: GENERAL NOTES, undess otherwise noted: :70*068 b B 1 ,.Truss Builder and arection contracts, should be advised of all General Notes 1. This design is based only upon the parameters sh- and is for an Indkidual building Applicability design component of parameters and proper and Warnings before construction commences. I . Incem-don of component I, the responsibility I Me building designer. 2x4 compression welf bracing must be installed w1nore, shown 7 D,sgn assurnes Me top and beftem, chords W be latanally bmeed at v EXR. 9--3 2018 I Additional comporary brocing to insum stability during construction 4 2,.c. and at 10' O.C. nespacti,mly unless bmwd thmuglout their length by r~ is the responsibility of ft emeser. Additional permanent bracing of wntinuomsheatNng~aspty~dshea&dng(rC~andio,dry~D(BC). DATE 6/28/2017 the onmrall structure Is the responsibility of ft building designer. 2. Impact bridging or lateral bracing required he,. h- - + K337 6572 No load should be applied as any component until after all bmang and 4. Installation of sure is the responsibility of the respective contractor. aSEQ. fastanom are complete and at no time shotdd any loads greater than S. Design ==a trusses are to be used in a no-sive environment. ' to,'drY and am condition* of TPANS ID: LINK', design lead. be applied to any component j, S. CompuTrus has no control o,mr and wumes no responsibility for a fabrication. handling. shipment and installation of components. -th" n.w-,y, Design .-mum d.q..lo oral go I. p-id., "Ju'*ne'2 8,2017 S'ThIscasign Isfurnichad subjeetto the limitationssetforpr by i TPI/WTCA in BCSI, copies of ~Ich WO be furnished upon.mq a. Plasm shall be located on both faces of truss, and placard so their center t , lines coincide vAth jobs center lines. mst . Digits indicate dze of plow in Incines. t MiTek USA, lnf;JC~mpuTrus Software 7.6.8~SPI(11L)-E 10. For basic connector plate design nlues we ESR-i 311, ESR-1_988 (M, rek) m Alp LUMBER SPECIFICATIONS TC: 2x4 DF 01&BTR BC: 2%4 DF 01&BTR WEBS: 2x4 DF STUD TC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 12"OC. LION. BC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 12"OC. UON. NOTE: 2x4 BRACING AT 24"OC UON. FOR ALL FLAT TOP CHORD AREAS NOT SHEATHED OVERHANGS: 0.01, 24.8" 2 ) complete trusses required. At tech 2 ply w , th 3"x. 1 31 DIA GUN nails staggered: 9" oc in 1 ro.(s) throughout 2x4 top chords, 9" oc in I row(s) throughout 2x4 bottom chords, 9" oc in 1 row(s) throughout 2x4 webs. 8-00 4-01-04 1 2 3.00 1- 25-04-00 HIP SETBACK 8-00-00 FROM END WALL LOAD DURATION INCREASE = 1.25 (Non-Rep). LOADING TC UNIF LL( 40.0)+DL( 30.0)- 70.0 PLF 0- 0.0" TO 81- 0.011 V TC UNIF LL( 100.0)+DL( 75.0)= 175.0 PLF 8- 0.0" TO 171- 4.01, V TC UNIF LL( 40.0)+DL( 30.0)= 70.0 PLF 17- 4.0" TO 251- 4.01, V BC UNIF LL( 0.0)+DL( 50.0)- 50.0 PLF 0- 0.0" TO 25- 4.0" V TC CONC LL( 373.3)+DL( 280.0)- 653.3 LEIS @ 81 - 0.01- TC CONC LL( 373.3)+DL( 280.0)= 653.3 LEIS @ 17- 4.0" LIMITED STORAGE DOES NOT APPLY DUE TO THE SPATIAL REQUIREMENTS OF CBC 2016 NOT BEING MET. BOTTOM CHORD CHECKED FOR IOPSF LIVE LOAD. TOP A,ND BOTTOM CHORD LIVE LOADS ACT NON-CONCURRENTLY. 9-04 If 3-10-12 2-11 3-06 2-11 i6653. 30# If This design prepared from computer input by 7 Type in your company name here! CBC20IG/IBC2015 MAX MEMBER FORCES 4WR/GDF/Cq-1,00 2-( -8674)' 68 1-10=( -28) 8318 2-10=( 0) 844 3=( -9330) 26 10-11=(-182) 10876 10- 3=( 0) 960 4=( -9124) 28 11-12=(-182) 10868 10- 4=(-1952) 248 5=(-10984) 186 12- 8=( 0) 8324 4-11=( 0) 202 6=( -9034) 14 11- 5-( 0) 214 7-( -9320) 0 5-12=(-2046) 256 8-( -8680) 10 6-12=( 0) 960 9=( 0) 34 12- 7-( 0) 946 BEARING MAX VERT MAX HORZ ERG . REQUIRED BRG AREA LOCATIONS REACTIONS REACTIONS SIZE SQ.IN. (SPECIES) 01- 0.01, 0/ 2663V -26/ 16H 3.50" 4.26 DF 625) 25- 4.0" 0/ 2814V 0/ OH 3.50" 4.50 DF 625) Weiaht: 193.~42lb VERTICAL DEFLECTION LIMITS: LL=L/240, TL=L/180 MAX LL DEFL -0.326" @ 121- 8.0" Allowed 1.23811 MAX TL CREEP DEFL -1.100:: @ 12:- 8.0:: Allowed 1.650:: MAX LL DEFL 0.005 @ 27 - 4.4 Allowed 0.207 MAX TL CRE EP DEFL 0.008 27 , - 4.4 " Allowed 0.27611 MAX HORIZ. LL DEFL 0.068" @ 251- 0.511 MAX HORIZ. TL DEFL 0.148" @ 251- 0.51, Wind; 110 mph, h-15.2ft, TCDL=9.0,BCDL-6.0, ASCE 7-10, (All Heights), Enclosed, Cat.2, Exp.C, MWFRS(Dir), load duration factor-1.6, Bott 0. chord at cantilevered end(s) not exposed to wind, Trus B designed for wind loads in the plane of the truss only. 8-00 ~,fax CSI: TC:0.71 BC:0.82 Web:0~.33 3-10-12 4-01-04 653. 30# 12 ~3.00 M-4x14 M-4x14 M-2.5x5 M-2.5x5 0 7-03-04 5-04-12 5-04-12 7-03-04 "25-04 2-00 -7 . VE9SIO/V JOB NAME: MAST DEAN BBH-1 Scale: 0.3149 _. . WARNINGS: GENERAL NOTES, union otherwise noted: - I I . G Truss: BBH-1 I . Builder and erection contracte, should be adisad of all General Notes I. This design is based only upon Me paramatens sh- and 1, to, an bedhidual and Warnings before commuction comenences. 2. 2x4 compression web bracing must to installed Wuum sh- +: building component Applicability of design parametans and proper incorporation of component is the responsibility of the building designer. , 2. Design the top and bottom holds to be laterelly tested ausurns. at z 940 018 3. Additional temporary bracing to insure stability during construction Z o.c. and I fly I.G. r1spectilety unless braced throughout their length by is Me responsibility of the erector. Additional permanent bracing of DATE: 6/28/2017 the 0-11 structure is the responsibility of the building designer. continuous sheathing wh a plywood sheathing(TC) andlo'd ZotmpambAdgingarla~mlbacirgrequked~.,..h-++ry"~"'C)~ SEQ. -K337657~ No load should be applied to any cormpanant until after all bracing and 4. Installation of enters is the responsibility of the respective consocear. TRANS 116 LINK' lastaners, am complete and at no time should any loads greater dran toads be to component clasign applied any 5. Design assurreas mmeas am to be used in a rarn,ccmosIv6 emelrommunt, 4 S. Design assumas full barring at all supports si- Shim or -do. if CompuTnm has no contal over and assumes no responsibility for the rmcossurry. fabrication. handing, shipment and Installation of components. Design roteumm adequate draineg. I. pwid.d. design is furnished subject to the limitations set forth by B. pleats sh.11 be located an both I a . . . I truse, and placed. their camer r 28 2017 ..June This TPIrWTCA in BCSI. WO be furnished copies of which upon request. lines coincide with joint camer lines. 9 Digies indicate size of plate in inches. v MIT k USA, InciCompuTrus Softwa re 7.6.8-SP 1 (11 Q-E ESR- 10. For basic connector plate design witurs we ESR-1311 IBM (Mi k 4t, % 09/01/201- . OF STANDARD OPEN END MIUSAC - 7 3/30/2-004 PAGE I SSURE BLOCKS MiTek Industries, Inc. Western Division Loading (PSF): - BCDL 10.0 PSF MAX 4 CAL HIP t buo GIRDER f CAL HIP-- GIRDER 24"TYP PARTIAL FRAMING PLAN OF t CALIFORNIA HIP SET WITH SUB GIRDER BC of carrier truss SUPPORT OF B.0 :-JACK V$[N:G PRE 2-(.13VX3.0" MIN) NAILS (typ) BOTTOM CHORD OF OPEN END JACK 2x4 block between jacks, nailed to carder BC w/ 6-(.131"X3.0" MIN) NAILS @ 3" o.c. W VVARMG- 1711ify d"I.9rip—arritem andlt.E,41) NOTES ON TMSANP INCLUDED AITTEK.REFFMENCE PAGE M-7473 DE"PE, USE. Design ~aiki for use any with A'Tbk conneclors. This design is based onty upon parameters shown, and Is for an IndMdual but1ding component. Appicabilly of design perormnion, and proper incorporation of component Is responsibilly of bul1cfing dosigner - not truss designer. Bracing shown Is for lateral support of Incititiduo1web members onty. Addiliond temporary bracing to Insure slabMly during Construction Is the responsIblilycif the 4~, ereCtor. Additional ponmn~f bracing of the iwerog sinicti.rre is the respombilly of the building des;gner. For generol guidance regarding lobrica llon' quo co m ge. de(iv~y. erection and bracing, consul ANSI/TPII Q%Jauty CrIferio. DSS-69 and BCSII GuUdinq Component Safety IntamatIo7ovalobtLe`10mram 7russ Plate Institute. SM DrOnofrici Drive. Madison. Vn 53719. 7777 Greenback Lane IS) Win 109 Qhus Heights. CA 9561 MiTek. Roof Sheathin 1'-3" Max. /(2) - 10d NAILS 1 .1 Diag. Brace at 1/3 pointE if needed ;./6 DIAGONAL BRACE SPACED 48"O.C. ATTACHED TO VERTICAL WITH (4) -16d COMMON WIRE NAILS AND ATTACHED TO BLOCKING WITH (5) - 10d COMMONS I FEBRUARY 14, 2012 1, Standard Gable End Detail UR Typical _x4 L-Brace Nailed To 2x- Verticals W/I Od Nails, 6" o.c. Vertical Stud MiTek USA, Inc. SECTION B-B 'DIAGONAL BRACE 4'--"0 C MAX TRUSSGEOMET RY AND CONDITIONS SHOWN ARE FOR ILLUSTRATION ONLY. 12 ST-GE1 00-001 MiTek USA, Inc. Page 1 of 2 1 01AGONAL 16d Common Wire Nails Spaced 6" o.c. ----2x6 Stud or 2x4 No.2 of better Typical Horizontal Br~ce Nailed To 2x— Verticals w/(4)-10d Common Nails Vertical Stud — (4) - 16d Common Wire Nails (2) - 10d Common Wire Nails into 2x6 vareSLO ommon russ SEE INDIVIDUAL MITEK ENGINEERING PROVIDE 2x4 BLOCKING BETWEEN THE FIRST DRAWINGS FOR DESIGN CRITERIA TWO TRUSSES AS NOTED. TOENAIL BLOCKING TO TRUSSES WITH (2) - 10d NAILS AT EACH END. A ATTACH DIAGONAL BRACE TO BLOCKING WITH (5) - I Od COMMON WIRE NAILS. 3x4 B (4) - 8d NAILS MINIMUM, PLYWOOD 77777_77 SHEATHING TO 2x4 STID SPF BLOCK, Diagonal Bracing -L-BracingRefer Refer to Section A-A to Section B-B NOTE: 1; MINIMUM GRADE OF #2 MATERIAL IN THE TOP AND BOTTOM CHORDS. 2. CONNECTION BETWEEN BOTTOM CHORD OF GABLE END TRUSS AND ,,,WALL TO BE PROVIDED BY PROJECT ENGINEER OR ARCHITECT. 3 ' BRACING SHOWN IS FOR INDIVIDUAL TRUSS ONLY. CONSULT BLDG. ARCHITECT OR ENGINEER FOR TEMPORARY AND PERMANENT -BRACING OF ROOF SYSTEM. "L", BRACES SPECIFIED ARE TO BE FULL LENGTH. GRADES: I x4 SRB ~ OR 2x4 STUD OR BETTER WITH ONE ROW OF 1 Od NAILS SPACED 6"O.C. DIAGONAL BRACE TO BE APPROXIMATELY 45 DEGREES TO ROOF DIAPHRAM AT 4'-O"O.C. CONSTRUCT HORIZONTAL BRACE CONNECTING A 2x6 STUD AND A 2x4 STUD AS SHOWN WITH 16d NAILS SPACED 6"O.C. HORIZONTAL BRACE TO BE LOCATED AT THE MIDSPAN OF THE LONGEST STUD. ATTACH TO VERTICAL STUDS WITH (4) 1 Od NAILS THROUGH 2x4. (REFER TO SECTION A-A) GABLE STUD DEFLECTION MEETS OR EXCEEDS U240. THIS DETAIL DOES NOT APPLY TO STRUCTURAL GABLES. ,9. DO NOT USE FLAT BOTTOM CHORD GABLES NEXT TO SCISSOR TYPE TRUSSES. 2 DIAGONAL ~inimurirt Stud With6ut~ - .1x4- - - 2x4._ DIAGONAL BRACESAT Stud Size Spacing _,.~!race L-Brace L-Brace BRACE 1/3 POINTS Species and Grade Maximum Stud Length 2x4 . SPF Std/Stud 1 12" 0. 4-9-12 5-6-7 7-10-0 9-7-7 14-5-3 .2x4 SPF Std/Stud 116" O.C. 4-4-7 4-9-8 6-9-6 B-8-14 13-1-5 2x4 SPF Std/Stud 124" O.C. 3-9-10 3-11-0 5-6-7 7-7-4 11-4-14 Dia6bnal brac6s ov er 6'-3" require a 2x4 T-Brace attached to one edge. Diagonal braces over 12'-6" require 2x4 I-braces attached to both edges. Fasten T and I braces to narrow edge of web with 1 Od common wire nails 8in o.c., with 3in minimum end distance. Brace must cover 90% of diagonal length. 6X MEAN ROOF HEIGHT 30 FEET CATEGORY 11 BUILDING EXPOSURE B or C ASCE 7-98, ASCE 7-02, ASCE 7-0 100 MPH ASGE7-10 125 MPH STUD DESIGN IS BASED ON COMPONENTS AND C DURATION OF LOAD INCREASE: 1.60 CONNECTION OF BRACING IS BASED ON MWFRS. End Wall-'\ HORIZONTAL BRACE (SEE SECTION A-A) ()FESS W S ~6 M EXP 6 0 2 18 ts, X UCT\3 09/01/2016, OF CAO~ 7r I FEBRUARY 14,2012 Standard Gable End Detail SHEET 2 MiTek USA, Inc. Page 2 of 2 ALTERNATE DIAGONAL BRACING TO THE B0170M CHORD Trusses @ 24" o.c. HORIZONTAL BRACE 2x6 DIAGONAL BRACE SPACED 48"O.C. U_u 1171 (SEE SECTION A-A) ATTACHED TO VERTICAL WITH (4) -16d COMMON WIRE NAILS AND ATTACHED TO BLOCKING WITH (5) - I Od COMMONS. 'MiTek USA, Inc. Roof Sheathing--] V-Y IT IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE BLDG DESIGNER OR THE PROJECT ENGINEER/ARCHTECT TO DESIGN THE NAIL DIAGONAL BRACE TO CEILING DIAPHRAGM AND ITS ATTACHMENT TO THE .-PURLIN WITH TWO 16d NAILS TRUSSES TO RESIST ALL OUT OF PLANE LOADS THAT MAYRESU FROM THE BRACING OF THE GABLE ENDS 2X 4 PURLIN FASTENED TO FOUR TRUSSES WITH TWO 16d NAILS EACH. FASTEN PURLIN TO BLOCKING W/ TWO 16d NAILS (MIN) Diag. Brace at 1/3 PROVIDE 2x4 BLOCKING BETWEEN THE TRUSSES SUPPORTING THE BRACE AND THE TWO TRUSSES points ifneeded ON EITHER SIDE AS NOTED. TOENAIL BLOCKING TO TRUSSES WITH (2) - I Od NAILS AT EACH END. ATTACH DIAGONAL BRACE TO BLOCKING WITH (5) - 10d COMMON WIRE NAILS. End Wall P-2 CEILING SHEATHING —BRACING REQUIREMENTS FOR STRUCTURAL GABLE TRUSSES STRUCTURAL GABLE TRUSSES MAY BE BRACED AS NOTED: STRUCTURAL METHOD I : ATTACH A MATCHING GABLE TRUSS TO THE INSIDE GABLE TRUSS FACE OF THE STRUCTURAL GABLE AND FASTEN PER THE P01 LOINING NAILING SCHEDULE METHOD 2: ATTACH 2X - SCABS TO THE FACE OF EACH VERTICAL SCAB ALONG -4 MEMBER OlSi THE STRUCTURAL GABLE PER THE FOLLOWING VERTICAL NAILING SCHEDULE. SCABS ARE TO BE OF THE SAME SIZE, GRADE AND SPECIES AS THE TRUSS VERTICALS ~NAILING SCHEDULE: FOR WIND SPEEDS 120 MPH (ASCE 7-98,02,05),150 MPH (ASCE 7-10) OR LESS, NAILALL MEMBERS WITH ONE ROW OF 10d (.131" X 3") NAILS SPACED 6- O.C. FOR WIND SPEEDS GREATER 120 MPH (ASCE 7-98,02,05),150 MPH (ASCE 7-10) NAIL ALL MEMBERS WITH TWO ROWSOF 10d (.131" XT) NAILS SPACED 6- O.C. (2X4 STUDS MINIMUM) MAXIMUM STUD LENGTHS ARE LISTED ON PAGE ALL BRACING METHODS SHOWN ON PAGE I ARE VALID AND ARE TO BE FASTENED TO THE SCABS OR INLAYED STUD VERTICAL STUDS OF THE STANDARD GABLE TRUSS ON THE INTERIOR SIDE OF THE STRUCTURE. [—Y 'AN ADEQUATE DIAPHRAGM OR OTHER METHOD OF BRACING MUST STRUCTURAL BEPRESENT TO PROVIDE FULL LATERAL SUPPORT OF THE BOTTOM GABLETRUSS ~CHORD TO RESIST ALUOUT OF PLANE LOADS:THE BRACING SHOWN IN THIS DETAIL IS FOR THE VERTICAUSTUDS ONLY. R A R NOTE: THIS DETAIL IS TO BE USED ONLY FOR STRUCTURAL GABLES WITH INLAYED STUDS. TRUSSES WITHOUT INLAYED STUDS ARE NOT ADDRESSED HERE. Air STANDARD S RI 4(7 R 1 10 06/28/2016 -b ETAIL FOR COMMON AND END JACKS MIUCOR - 8 -20psf 7/9/2015 PAGE 1' I MAX LOADING (ps!) TCLL 20 .0 ZSFAUINU 24~-o Plates Increase 1.25 Lumber Increase 1 .25 BRACING MiTek Industries, Inc. Corona Ca. I TCOL 16.0 TOP CHORD Sheathed. LL C L Rep Stress Incr YES BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied. ~MB B L 0.0 C COL. 10.0 It BC B INIMUM LUMBER SIZE AND GRADE TOP CHORD 2 x 4 DF-L No.1&BTR LENGTH OF EXTENSION BOTCHORD 2x4 DF-LNo.l&BTR AS DESIGN REQ'D 20'-0" MAX SPLICE CAN EITHER BE 3X6 MT20 PLATES OR 22" LONG 2X4 SCAB CENTERED AT SPLICE W/SAME LUMBER AS TOP CHORD ATTACH TO ONE FACE W/ (.131"X3.0" MIN) MAILS @ 3" D.C. 2 ROWS -2-M 8-0-0 NOf 17: JOP CHORD PITCH: 3/12-8/12 BOTTOM CHORD PITCH: 0/12-4/12 PITCH DIFFERENCE BETWEEN TOP AND CHORD TO BE "2" MIN. SPACING= 24" O.C. SUPPORT AND CONNECTI'O'N BY OTHERS OR 2-16d COMMON WIRE (0.162"DIA. X 3.5-) LGT TOE NAILS SUPPORTS SHALL BE PROVIDED @ 4'-0" D.C. ALONG THE EXTENSION OF TOP CHORD. 4, CONN. W/316d COMMON WIRE (0.162' 'DIA. X 3.5" LGT) TOE NAILS M -3x3 CONN. W/2 16d COMMON WIRE (0.1 "DIA. X 3.5- LGT) TOE NAILS 8-0-b 8-0-0 6-0-0 EXT. 2-0-0 4-6-0 2-0-0 EXT. EXT. 2-0-0 EXT. 2-0-0 CONN. W/316d COMMON WIRE (0.167'DIA. X3.5"LGT) TOE NAILS BOTTOM CHORD LENGTH MAY BE 2'-0" M-3x3 OR A BEARING BLOCK CONN. W/216d COMMON WIRE(0.16Z'DIA. X 3.5") LGT TOE NAILS OR SEE DETAIL MIIISAC-7 FOR 2-0-0 PRESSUREBLOCKING INFO. NOTE: NAILING SHALL BE SUCH THAT THE LUMBER DOES NOT SPLIT. .00-0 , ,,A - WARNIA10- Ver(fy rtealgnparanwters andREAD NOTES ONTHIS ANDINCLUDEDMITRKREFERENCE PAGEAW-7473 BEFORE USE~ 250 Mug Circle Design valid for use only with Milek connecfors. This design is based only upon parameters shown, and is for on Individual building component. Corona, Ca. 92879 Applicability of design poromenters, and proper Incorporation of component is responsibility of building designer - not truss designer. Bracing shown is for lateral support of Individual web members only. Additional temporary bracing to insure stability during construction is the responsibillity of the erector. Additional permanent bracing of the overall structure is [he responsibility of the building designer. For general guidance regarding fabrication qua rlty Contra . storage. delivery, erection and bracing, consult ANSI11PI1 Quality CrIteda, DSB-89 and BCS11 Building Component Solely Injor;nation OV01joble from Truss Plate Institute, 583 D'Onofdo Drive, Madison, Wl 53719. MiTek cl~_ t - r-city Of me CjaaSbad, Community & Economic Development CERTIFICATION OF SCHOOL FEES PAID A 7 . . . ~ CPF~ ;\0\4 This form must be completed by the City, the applicant, and the appropriate school distri6t9Snd FeAlu\rnecl to the City prior to issuing a building permit., The City will not issue any building permit without 6,\completed school fee .form. Profect.No. & Name: NuIcarlsbad Unified School District 1 . 6225 El Camino Real Plan Check No.:.. CBR2017-0640 Carlsbad CA 92009 Phone: (760) 331-5000 Pr9ject Address: "1097,OAK AVE, 0 Encinitas Union School District. :Assessor's Parcel No.: 2050202900 Fm 101 South Rancho Santa Fe Rd Project App Iicant: -TRUST MAST POKEY FAMILY TRUST Encinitas, CA 92024 (Owner Name) Phone: (760) 944-4300 x1166 f San Dieguito Union H.S. District Residential Square Feet: 5111M 684 Requeza Dr. New/Additions: Encinitas, CA 92024 I ' I I Phone: (760) 753-6491 Ext 5514 Second Dwelling Unit: 1,199 (By Appt. Only) - Coriimercial Square Feet: Fm—]San Marcos Unified Sch. District 'New/Additions: 255 PicoAve Ste. 100 San Marcos, CA 92069 _. City . C ert ifi . cat ion: City of Carlsbad Building Division Date: 09/22/2017 Phone: (760) 290-2649 Contact: Nancy Dolce (By Appt.only) certifi6fatioh of Applicant/Owners. The person executing this declaration ("Owner") certifies under penalty of perjury that (1) the information provided above is correct and true to the best of the lOwner's knowledge, and that the Owner will file an amended certification of Vista Unified School District payme,nt . and pay the additional fee if Owner requests an increase in the number of 1234 Arcadia Drive dwelling units or square footage after the building permit is issued or if the initial Vista CA 92083 determination of units or square footage is found to' be incorrect, and that (2) the Owner is Phone: (760) 726-2170 x2222 the owner/developer of the above described project(s), or that the person executing this declaration is authorized to sign on behalf of the Owner. SCHOOL DISTRICT SCHOOL FEE CERTIFICATION (To be completed by the school district(s)) THIS FORM INDICATES THAT THE SCHOOL DISTRICT REQUIREMENTS FOR THE PROJECT HAVE BEEN OR WILL BE SATISFIED. The undersigned, being duly authorized by the applicable School District, certifies that the developer, builder, or owner has satisfied the obligation for school facilities. This is to certify that the applicant listed on page 1 has paid all amount~ or complet . ed other I applicable school mitigation determined by the School District. The City may issue-. building permits for this project. 7 Signature of Authorized. School District Official *Title:, Lc—, c_~ ~,~V-\---L-~Vv\ck Y\ Date: E_~> ~A C1 —ALL —I Name of School' . District: - I CARLSBAD UNIMED SCHOOL DISTRICT Phone: 3 31 -,Q600 6225 EL CAMINO RAL CARLS97AD, CA 92\ '9 Building Divisi on 1635 Fuaclay Avenue Carlsbad,.CA 92008 760-602-2719 1 760-602-8558 fax building@carlsbadca.gov ... . ... ..... ... . STORM WATER COMPLIANCE- F%_1? TIERA CONSTRUCTION SWPPP STORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION NOTES ALL. NECESSARY EQUIPMENT AND MATERIALS SHALL BE AVAILABLE ON SITE TO FACILITATE RAPID INSTALLATION OF EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL BMPs WHEN RAIN IS EMINENT. THE OWN ER/CON TRACTOR SHALL RESTORE ALL EROSION CONTROL DEVICES TO WORKING ORDER TO THE SATISFACTION OF THE CITY INSPECTOR AFTER EACH RUN—OFF PRODUCING RAINFALL. THE OWNER/CONTRACTOR SHALL INSTALL ADDITIONAL EROSION CONTROL MEASURES AS MAY BE REQUIRED BY THE CITY INSPECTOR'DUE TO INCOMPLETE GRADING OPERATIONS OR UNFORESEEN CIRCUMSTANCES WHItH MAY ARISE. ALL REMOVABLE PROTECTIVE DEVICES SHALL BE IN PLACE AT THE END OF EACH WORKING-DAY WHEN THE FIVE-(5) DAY RAIN PROBABILITY FORECAST EXCEEDS FORTY PECENT (407.). SILT AND OTHER DEBRIS SHALL BE REMOVED AFTER EACH RAINFALL. ALL GRAVEL BAGS SHALL CONTAIN 3/4 INCH MINIMUM AGGREGATE. ADEQUATE EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL AND PERIMETER PROTECTION BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICE MEASURES MUST BE. INSTALLED AND MAINTAINED. -7. -THE CITY INSPECTOR SHALL HAVE THE AUTHORITY TO ALTER THIS PLAN DURING OR BEFORE CONSTRUCTION AS NEEDED TO ENSURE COMPLIANCE WITH CITY STORM WATER QUALITY REGULATIONS. BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES (BMP) SELECTION TABLE E . rosion . Contr~i BMPs Sediment Control BMPS Tracking Control BMPs Non-Storm Water. Management BMPs Waste Management and Materials Pollution Control BMPs Best Management Practice* (BMP) Description --> U) U) CD CD 0) .0 -0 0 0 -0 cn V) C, 0 C: 0 Cl uj c:) L0 a) 0. cn ID a W U- :t~ V) C W E -a (1) I En E 0 in V a) -C 0 -2 Elf , (U -0 - '!c E (D M 0 -a > 0 a CD 01 3! a V) n CD :3 0 0 V) — 0 C" -0 0 cn -E E! c: 0 C) 0 E CD 0 0 Cn 0- Q Cn U) 0 Q) ch U) rn -0 Q) 0 1 01 U) -S co 0 0 _0 >1 0 3. -0 0 0 Cn of 0 > 0 (n 0 U) o Q) 0 ~i:: a- _0 0 .2 C31— Cl 0 (D 0 CL 0_0 7,. Q) .1 ~0 0 0- E CL 0- W -0 CD 0 C: :E 0 0 -2 > L) CD 0 0 f :20 CD 0 -,j 0 :2 CD E CD 0 = 0 :~ CD CL C.) 0 Cn -0 0 0 :;:; C (1) > 0- C 01 V) C): CD C 41 a) 0 E cy) 0 C 0 V) M Q) En 0 -W C (1) 0 E N C 0 0 =:2 CD (n 0 3: Q) w E a) an r_ 0 0 CASQA Designation __> Construction Activity - G]rading/Soil Disturbance r- 0 bi 00 LU U W 7 0 W T UJ En Xi 1 UJ W 1 LU I U') 1 UJ co 1 W r- UJ 00 1 LJJ V) CD UJ V) T 0-1 F Of cn 7 U) (h co (n Z: 7 A I LO Tr6nch`ing/Exc'av'ation` Stockpiling Dritling/Roring 1 Concr6te/Aspholt Sawcutting Con.crete Flotwork. Paving JiE. . . 7 . . ............... . - Conduit/Pipe Installation' 'Sfu E&VM o*rtar * Work 1 Waste Disposal Staging/Lay Down Area Equipment Maintenance and Fueling. -- Hazardous Substance Use,/Storage_ Dewatering Site Access Across Dirt Instructions: 1 . Check the box to the Jeft of all applicable construction activity (first column) expected to occur. during construction. 2. Located alMon Pg the top of the BMP Table is a list of,BMP's with, it's corres onding California Stormwater Quality' Association (CASQA.) designation number. Choose one or more B s you intend to use during construction Jrorn the I st, Check the box where the chosen activity row intersects with the BMP column. 3 . Refer to the CASQA construction handbook for information and details of the -chosen BMPs and how to apply them to the project. OVINER'S CERTIECATE:. I UNDERSTAND AND ACKNOWLEDGE THAT I MUST. (1) IMPLEMENT BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES (BMPS) DURING CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES TO THE MAXIMUM EXTENT PRACTICABLE TO AVOID THE MOBILIZATION OF POLLUTANTS SUCH AS SEDIMENT AND TO-- AVOID THE EXPOSURE OF STORM WATER TO CONSTRUCTION RELATED POLLUTANTS; AND .(2) ADHERE TO, AND AT ALL TIMES, COMPLY WITH THIS CITY APPROVED TIER 1. CONSTRUCTION SWPPP - THROUGHOUT THE DURATION OF THE CONSTRUCTION A CTlVMES' UNTIL THE CONSTRUCTION WORK IS COMPLETE AN D APPROVED _0 BY THE CITY OF ~RLSBAD OWNER SVOWNER AGENT NAM P*R' A, W 6W—NER(S)/OWNER'S AGENT NAME(SIGNATURE DATE - E '29 Page 1 of 1 REV 02/1~j