HomeMy WebLinkAbout110 PONTO DR; ; 85-91; PermitCity of Carlsbad 1200 ELM CARLSBAD, CA 92008 • TEL (619) 438-5525 MISCELLANEOUS RECEIPT Job Address MailingAddress Ciiy Zip Tel tsyr City Zip Tel COMPLETE FOR PLAN CHECK ONLY LEGAL DESCRIPTION TH6 ASSESSORS PARCEL NO DESCRIPTION OF WORK . A , PLAN ID NO U-<]/ DESIGNER ADDRESS PHONE CONTACT PERSON MISCELLANEOUS FEE RECEIPT D a a a a a n'V D D a a D- PLAN CHECK FEE. VALUATION 0100008806 DEMOLITION HOUSE MOVING PARKS AND RECREATION'FJEE l \ l'X'~SN PUBLIC FACILITIES FEE ^rsr vx SCHOOL*1 ,/ Carlsbad X U VX JftDI-^EE1. DISTRICT^ \\ Ran \\•» CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY. T n. D TOTAL FEE 'WARNING PLAN CHECK FEES WHERE NO ACTION IS TAKEN BY THE APPLICANT IN 180 DAYS AND NO BUILDING PERMIT IS ISSUED ARE FORFEITED TO THE CITY COMMENTS While — Applicant Yellow — File Pink — (1) Finance (2) Data Process Gold — Assessor DEVELOPMENTAL SERVICES Q Assistant City Manager (714) 438^596 JOT Building Department (714)438-5525 O Engineering Department (714) 43^5541 O Housing & Redevelopment Department (714)438'5611 D Planning Department 1200 ELM AVENUE CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 Citp of Carlrfbab Date: 4-11-86 To: pacific uiwiera Ltd. PC#: 2733 Shelter Island Dr. &299 San Diego, CA. 2«.10& Dated: 2-20-85 Subject: Plan Check Expiration Dear Sir: The plan check for your project at: Poaco Drive has become null and void due to limitation of time on: 2 •So The provisions of Section 304 (c) of the Uniform Building Code states: Sec. 304 (c) Expiration of Plan Check. Applications for which no permit is issued within 180 days following the date of application shall expire by limitation and plans submitted for checking may thereafter be returned to the applicant or destroyed by the Building Official. The Building Official may extend the time for action by the applicant for a period not exceeding 180 days upon written request by the applicant showing that circumstances beyond the control of the applicant have prevented action from being taken. In order to renew action on an application after expiration, the applicant shall resubmit plans and pay a new plan check fee. We will hold your plans for 10 days at our office for you to pick up, after which time they will be destroyed. If you have any questions please contact the Carlsbad Building Department at 438-5525. Very truly yours, Martin Orenyak Building Official M0:hh DEVELOPMENTAL SERVICES BUILDING DEPARTMENT City of Carlgbat) 8-20-85 Pacific Riviera Ltd. 2733 Shelter Island Drive #299 San Diego, CA. 92106 Dear Sir 1200 ELM AVENUE CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008-1989 (619) 438-5525 Re: PC# 85-9$ Hotel Ponto Drive In. answer Co your request of o~8-85 , an extension of 180 days has been granted to 2-2Q-86 Section 304(c) of the 1979 Uniform Building Code prohibits any further extension of time. MARTIN O Director Building and Planning MOrky SERVICES BUILDING DEPARTMENT Date: To: 8-6-85 1200 ELM AVENUE CARLSBAD. CALIFORNIA 92008-1939 (619) 43S-5525 CitpofCarlsbab PCtfPacific Rivera Ltd. 2733 Shelter Is. Dr. #299 San Diego, CA. 92106 85-91 Dated 2-20-85 Ponto Drive (Hotel) EXPIRES: 8-20-85 Subject: Plan Check Expiration 0!ir™Fecard's' indicate*"that "you have"noc~"6btained~'your~buiiding-pt±rmiL-*-foi-which™ you filed an application on the date shown above. The provisions of Section 304(c) of the Uniform Building Code state: Sec. 304(c) Expiration of Plan Check. Applications for which no permit is issued within 180 days following the date of application shall expire by limitation and plans submitted for checking may thereafter be returned to the applicant or destroyed by the Building Official. The Building Official may extend the time for action by the applicant for a period not exceeding 180 days upon written request by the applicant showing that circumstances beyond the control of the applicant have prevented action from being taken. In order to renew action on an application after expiration, the applicant shall resubmit plans and pay a new plan check fee. For your convenience, please check the appropriate box below indicating your intentions and return this letter Co the address above. Project abandoned. I will pick up plans in-10 days. Signature Date Project abandoned1; plans may be destroyed. Signature Date 7T Maximum 180-day time extension requested for the following reason: />^<**,*, ^vC ^, Signature Date If you have any questions, please contact the Carlsbad Building Department at 438-5525 MAJITIN Building Offici RECEIVED AUG1S1985 CITY OF CARLSBAD Building Department ESGIL CORPORATION 932O CHESAPEAKE DR.. Sl/ITE 2O8 SAN DIEGO, CA 92123 (619) 56O1468 DATE: ^//5V D APPLICANT 'JURISDICTION: I .&^/£L,&£/ D PLAN CHECKER D FILE COPY PLAN CHECK NO: $& — 7/ D UPS D DESIGNER PROJECT ADDRESS: /& rTfsQ The plans transmitted herewith have been corrected where necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes. || The plans transmitted herewith will substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes, when minor deficien- cies identified on the enclosed check list are resolved and checked by building department staff. f] The plans transmitted herewith have major deficiencies identified on the enclosed check list and should be corrected and resubmitted for a complete recheck. II The check list transmitted herewith is the jurisdiction's copy for your information. The plans are being held at Esgil Corp.'until corrected plans are submitted for recheck. The applicants copy of the check list is enclosed for the Jurisdiction to return to the applicant contact person. The applicant's copy of the check list has been sent to: PI Esgil staff did not advise the applicant contact person that plan check has been completed. Esgil staff did advise applicant thajL^t^e pla/i c^h-ejck has^ been completed. Person contacted: Date contacted: -///? J<§ &~~ Telephone * REMARKS BY: 'C- C= ft,> _ _ ENCL; ES5IL CORPORATIpfl ~ Form 31584 ESGIL CORPORATION 932O CHESAPEAKE DR.. SUITE 2O8 SAN DJEGO. CA 92123 (619)560-1463 DATE 3 TIJURISDICTION: PLAN CHECK NO: PROJECT ADDRESS: D JURISDICTION n FILE COPY D UPS D DESICNEH The plans transmitted herewith have been corrected where necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes. The plans transmitted herewith will substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes, when minor deficien- cies identified on the enclosed check list are resolved and checked by building department staff. The plans transmitted herewith have major deficiencies identified on the enclosed check list and should be corrected and resubmitted for a complete recheck. * The check list transmitted herewith is the jurisdiction's copy for your information. The plans are being held at Esgil Corp.'until corrected plans are submitted for recheck. |""| The applicants copy of the check list is enclosed for the Jurisdiction to return to the applicant contact person. L! The applicant's copy of the check list has been sent to: PI Esgil staff did not advise the applicant contact person that plan check has been completed. Esgil staff did advise applicant that the plan check has been completed. Person contacted: flOLW £1 y^W. Date contacted; REMARKS: J&/a Telephone * ESGIL erOyRPORATION ENCL Form 31584 City of Carlsbad Plan Check No. 85-91 (recheck) April 8, 1985 1. The sections A and B on sheet A-7 show a roof/ceiling assembly that does not qualify as one-hour. 2. The plans show R-ll insulation in the walls on plan sheets A-7 and 22. The energy tables on the M sheets require R-19 in the walls. 3. The calculations and plans are not signed. Have the responsible design engineers sign the calculations and the structural sheets of the plans. Mr. Sparling advised me that he had not even seen the plans. 4. Complete all reference bubbles for buildings A,B,C and D. 5. Provide a reference on the foundation plans to the anchor bolt spacing. 6. Note on buildings A and B structural framing plans to see the architectural floor plans for shear panel locations. 7. Provide details for the rear stairway on buildings A and B. It is not shown in the section. See foundation plan. 8. Clarify the balcony framing at the stairway on sheet S-3. 9. Detail and reference all critical structural connections on buildings C and D. 10. The exit balconies and corridors in all four buildings, should be designed for 100 p.s.f, live load. Both sets of calculations do not provide for this load. Building D and C balconies were designed for dexotex cover but plans show 1 1/2" light weight concrete. Check the dead loade used. 11. Note on the plans that the Truss plans shall be signed by the responsible design engineer and submitted for Building Department approval prior to erection. 12. Provide framing details of the rear balconies in buildings C and D. 13. Provide details of the critical shear transfer connections between the roof and floor diaphragms and the frames and shear walls in buildings C and D. 14. The stair calculation on page B-5 shows 4 2x12. stringers. The plans show 2. City of Carlsbad Plan Check No. 85-91 (recheck) April 8, 1985 15. Incorporate all critical connections from the calculations into the plans. 16. where is the beam table referenced on the framing plans for "' buildings C and D? 17. The calculations show W14x43 columns where the plans show W12x40 in building C. 18. Provide complete details of the structural frames in buildings C and D per the calculations. 19. Provide typical details of the grade beams in buildings C and D. 20. Where are strap ties located from page G-7 of the calculations? 21. Complete shear wall references on the framing plans for buildings D and C. 22. Show anchor bolt spacing on the foundation plans of buildings C and D based on the calculated lateral loads. If you have any questions, please contact Richard Esgate at Esgil Corporation (619) 560-1468. Thank you. ESGIL CORPORATION 932O CHESAPEAKE DR.. SUITE 2O8 SAN DIEGO, CA 92123 (619) 56O-1468 DATE: JURISDICTION: PLAN CHECK NO: PROJECT ADDRESS: D APPLICANTc±j"JURisp i D PLAN CHECKER D FILE COPY D UPS D DESIGNER D D D The plans transmitted herewith have been corrected where necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building' codes . The plans transmitted herewith will substantially comply with the jurisdiction ' s building codes, when minor deficien- cies identified on the enclosed check list are resolved and checked by building department staff. The plans transmitted herewith have major deficiencies identified on the enclosed check list and should be corrected and resubmitted for a complete recheck. The check list transmitted herewith is the jurisdiction's copy for your information. The plans are being held at Esgil Corp. until corrected plans are submitted for reche The applicants copy of the check list is enclosed for the jurisdiction to return to -the applicant contact person .- copy of the. check-list has been sent to: D // (^*K*~7*-~C*<J-*s^~ti*-*r^-', I -*•* ^ /^&-^i LS (s <3 Esgil staff did not advise the applicant contact person that plan check has been completed. Wn Esgil staff did advise applicant that^the^ plan ^-h^ck has been completed. Person contacted: Date contacted:Telephone # REMARKS: BY: / /jx7 ^-£S^& / ( ^2-*eUZ^Le^>ENCL ESGIL CORPORATI Form 31584 JURISDICTION OF CARLSBAD TO" Robert J. Rovce 2956 Roosevelt D APPLICANT COPY D JURISDICTION COPYSuite 3 DPLAN CHECKER COPY Carlsbad, CA 92008 Q FILE COPY "MULTIPLE RESIDENTIAL PLAN CORRECTION SHEET u A. Plan Check Number 85-91 B. Site Address Ponto Drive C. Owner Pacific Riviera Ltd. D. Building Code Applicable 1979 UBC . E. Stories A;2, B:2, C:3, D: 3 Height Not shown F. Occupancy R-l Use Motel None Shown G. Type of Construction V-N specified Sprinklers: Yes No XX A:6,900, B:5,580 H. Allowable Floor Area 6,000 Actual C:12,402, D:ll,732 I. Basis For Area Increase To be determined J. Remarks Sprinklers required per City Ordinance __^_ Date Plan Submitted 2/20/85 * Date Plans to Plan Checker 2/21/85 Date Initial Plan Check Completed 3/5/85 By Dick Esqate Applicant Contact Person Bob Royce Tel. 434-6259 FOREWORD: PLEASE READ 1. This plan check is limited to technical requirements contained in the Uniform Building Code, Uniform Plumbing Code, Uniform Mechanical Code, National Electrical Code and State Jaws regulating noise attenuation and access for the handicapped. The pJan> check is based on regulations enforced by the Building Inspection Division. 2. You may have other corrections based on laws and ordinances enforced by the Planning Department, Engineering Department or other departments. For information regarding those departments, please contact those departments. 3. The items listed below require plan clarification, modification or change. All items have to be satisfied before the plans will be in conformance with the cited codes and regulations. Per Section 303(c), 1979Umform Building Code, the approval of the plans does not permit the violation of any, State, County or City law. 4. PJease submit two sets of corrected pJans and enclose a copy of this list with your notes indicating where corrections were made i.e. sheet, detail, etc.. Return corrected plans and documents to Esgil Corporation at 9320 Chesapeake Dr., #208, San Diego, CA 92123, (Tel. (619) 560-1468) or to the Jurisdiction Building Permit Counter. 0 GENERAL Provide th« site address and a vicinity sketch on the Title sheet. Provide the names, addresses and telephone numbers of the owner and th* responsible design professionals on the Title Sheet. 7.) All sheets of the plans and the first sheet of the calculations ace requited to be signed by the California licensed Architect or Engineer responsible for the design Please include the California license number and the date the plans are signed. Indicate on the Title Sheet whether or not a grading permit i» required for this project Show on the Title Sheet all buildings, structures, pools, walls, etc. included under this application Any portion oC the project shown on the site plan that is not included with the building permit application filed should be clearly identified as "not included" on the site plan or Title Sheet. 10J Provide a Building Code Data Legend on the Title Sheet, include the following code information for each building proposed ^ f t *. •f ki^-C. X- 0 Lt/t £*" Occupancy Croup— j,/^/^ r Type of Construction *"""" Sprinx 1 ers i""' Stories Is Floor Area P Ves or No Justification to exceed allowable area in Table 5-c Justification to exceed allowable height or atonea in Table 5-D Provide a Building/Unit schedule on the Title Sheet. Include the following: a. Designation and area of each dwelling unit type. b. Number of each designated unit types in each building. (Including handicapped access units) c. List any other occupancies or uses included In each building, i.e. common laundry, common storage, g«ragci rental office, etc. SITE PLAH Provide a fully dimensioned site plan drawn to scale. Showi North arrow, property linas, easements, streets, existing and proposed buildings and structures, location of yards used for allowable increase of building area and dimensioned setbacks. Provide a statement on the site plan stating "All property lines, easements and buildings, both existing and proposed, are shown on this site plan". Clearly designate on the site plan existing buildings to remain, existing buildings to be demolished, buildings to be constructed under this permit; and any proposed future buildings. Show on the site plan all proposed walls, retaining walls and fences. Specify their heights on the plans. Clearly dimension building setbacks from property lines, street center- lines, and from all adjacent buildings and structures on the site plan Dimension distance from curb to property line. Show and dimension on the site plan all building projections including eaves, balconies, cornices and similar appendages extending beyond the exterior walls, jt Show on the site plan, or provide the grading plans, showing finish floor elevations, elevations of finish grade adjacent to buildings, drainage patterns and locations and gradients of cut or fill slopes. Show dimensioned parking layout including any required hand.cap access spaces. Show the location of any designated flood plains, open space easements, or other development restricted areas on the site plan. ix£'£ 2ZZ£r s LOCATION OH PROPERTY When two or more building* (including carports) are on the same property, the buildings shall have an assumed property line between them for the purpose of determining the required wall and opening protection and roof cover requirements, per Section 504(c). An exception is provided if the combined area of the buildings is within the limits specified in Section 505 for a single building 1C this exception is used, show how the building(s) will comply with Section 504(b) Buildings over one story and containing—- courts shall have an assumed property line for the purpose of determining required wall and opening protection of court walls, per Section 504(cl See possible exception. Please show how the court walls will be made to comply with Section 5Q4(c). The exterior walls of R-l occupancies (Type V Construction! less than 5 feet to a property line or an assumed property line, shall be one-hour fire-rated construction. The wall Shall have a 30 inch parapet (see exception. Section 17091 and the wall shall have no openings, including windows, door 3 ^ scuppers, vents, etc. Table 5-A The exterior wallsof a Group M occupancy (maximum 1,000 SF) carport or garage, ' less than 3 feet to a property line or an assumed property line, shall be one-hour fire-rated construction. The wall shall have no openings. Table 5-A The exterior wall of a Group M occupancy (maximum 3,000 sF) carport or garage, less than S feet to a property line or an assumed property line, shall be one-hour f ireTesistive construction. The wall shall have a 30 inch parapet and shall have no openings. Table 5-A, Section 1102 The exterior wall of a B-l occupancy carport or garage (Type V-N Construction)/ less than 20 feet to a property line or an assumed property line, shall be one-hour fire-rated construction. Hhen the exterior wall IB less than 10 feet, a 30 inch parapet and protected openings are required. When the exterior wall is less than 5 feet, no openings are permitted. Table S-A Eaves over required windows shall be not less than 30 inches from side and rear property lines. Section 504(a) Combustible projections located where openings are required to be protected shall be heavy timber or one-hour construction. Section 1710 Projections may not extend more than 12 inches into areas where openings are not allowed. Section 1710 Projections over public property must comply with Chapter 45. Projections may not extend more than one-third the distance from the exterior wall to the property line or one-third the distance from an assumed vertical plane located where fire-resistive protection of openings is first required, whichever is least restrictive Section 504 (b) Fire-resistive exterior wall construction shall be maintained through attic ^. , areas. Section 4304(c) 1*&L<J C?/" O2C T/O^f S When openings are required to be protected due to location on property, the sum of openings shall noc exceed 50 percent of the total area of the wall in each Story. Section S04(b] A covered passageway connecting separate buildings must conply with the requirements for an arcade. Section 509 Exterior exit balconies cannot be located in an area where openings are required to be protected. Section 3305(i) Exterior stairways shall not project into yards where protection of openings is required. Section 3306(n) Yards or courts serving as required exits for more than 10 occupants must be at least 10 feet wide or have walls of one-hour construction for a height of 10 feet abqve the court or yard grade. Openings shall be protected by fire- assemblies having a rating of not less than three-fourths-hour. Section 3302 definition and Section 3311(d) Structural elements exposed in walls required to be fire-resistive construction due to location on property must have the same fire- resistive rated protection as the wall, or as required for the structural frame for the type of construction, whichever is greater Table 17-A footnote I, and Section 1702 Openings for scuppers, mechanical equipment vents, foundation vents and similar openings are not permitted in walls located where openings are prohibited and would have to be protected where openings are required to be protected. Table 5-A BUILDING AREA, HEIGHT AMD STORIES TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION/ALLOWABLE AREA ANALYSIS * Building Designation Type Construction Shown Number of Stories and Height Basic Allowable Area Increases For Multi-Stories For Yards For Sprinklers Total Allowable Area Actual Area Total Area Separation Walls Area on First Story Area Above First Story Over Area Over Height Over Stories A *JJV 5A*w -2-&&*}? 6>OO& 12.000 -5 "QO Yes /No / ^. </«TT? i> u/£rC> ^Yes^ No Yes fnoj Yes flE^ & 2~ s^t'Xt'S SoC<$0 /J- 3'3O TT^^ Yes ' No , Z 7 ^0 2 7 <3 , 3 Yea ^ No ) Yea No s Yes ' No ' c. <Js~rt&n &O3O /stftf^ I&&&2- -*>. Yes '' Ho ) i^Yes^ No ('VVes!/' No Yes ' No n ^*\t 'jfr'-j 6 O00 / 2 0<?C) it "7.3 a~ \ Yes vNo > CVes ") ' No ^Yes) No /">«? No Yes NO Yes No Yes No Yes No "(See Attached If Over 5 Building Types) A v - BUILDING AREA X 1*. Provide on the Title Sheet of the plan* the code Justification for exceeding the basic allowable area in Table 5-C. Section 506 When a building has more than one occupancy, the area shall be such that the sum o£ the ratios of the actual area divided by the allowable area for each occupancy shall not exceed one Section 503 As shown, the bviilding(s) is/are over area for the Type of Construction , shown Table 5-C The total floor area of a multi-story building cannot exceed twice the basic area allowed by Table 5-C after increasing the basic area, per Section 506 No single story can exceed tha basic area allowed by Table 5-C plus the increases allowed by Section 506. Unless considered a separate story, the floor area of a mezzanine shall ba included in calculating the area of the story in which it is located. A basement need not be included in the total allowable area, provided such a basement does not qualify as a story nor exceed the area permitted for a one story building. AjtEA SEPARATIOH HALLS Area separation walls may separate portions of a building and allow each portion to be considered a separate building, however, the area separation wall must be four-hour in Type I, II-P.R , III and IV buildings, and two-hour in Type II-one- hour. Type II-N and Type V buildings. Section SQ5(e)l Openings in four-hour area separation walls are required to be protected with three-hour fire-resistive assemblies, and 1-1/2 hour fire- resistive assemblies in two-hour area separation walls. Section S05(e) Openings in area separation walls are limited to 25 percent of the length of the wall in each story. Section 505{e) If area separation walls do not extend to the outer edge of horizontal pro- jections, (balconies, roof overhangs, canopies, marquees and architectural projections! and the projecting element* contain concealed spaces, the wall shall extend through the concealed space to the outer edges of the projecting elements. The exterior walls, and projecting alementa above, must b« of one-hour con- struction on each aide of the area separation wall Cor a distance equal to the depth of the projecting elements Openings in the one-hour walls must be protected with three-fourth-hour assem- blies. Section 505(e)2 All area separation walls oust extend in a continuous straight vertical plane from the foundation to a point 30 inches above the roof, but may terminate at the underside of the roof sheathing if the roof/ceiling is two-hour construction. Two-hour area separation walla may ter- minate at the roof sheathing provided that. A. Where the roof/ceil ing framing elements are parallel to the walls, such framing and elements supporting such framing shall be of not less than one- hour fire-resistive construction for a width of not less than 5 feet on each side of the wall. B. Where roof/ceiling framing elements are perpendicular to the wall, the entire span oC auch framing and elements supporting such framing shall be of not less than one-hour fire-resistive construction. C. Openings in the roof shall not be located within S feet of the area separation wall. Section 505(3) No openings in the roof are permitted within 5 Ceet of a two-hour area separation wall if parapets are not provided. Section 505(e)3 rrJt u ,81 Area separation walls, which separate portions of buildings having different heights, may terminate 30 inches above the lower roof level, provided tha exterior wall for a height of 10 feet above the lower roof is of one-hour fire-resistive construc- tion with openings protected by tnree- fourths-houc assemblies As an alternate, the wall may terminate at tha sheathing of the lower roof, provided roof/ceiling elements, if parallel to the wall, are one-hour construction for a 10 foot width along the wall at the lower roofj where the lower roof/ceiling .- elements are perpendicular to the wall, the roof/ceiling elements shall be one- hour for the entire span. Section 505 (e)5. No openings in the lower roof are permitted within 10 feet of the area separation vail if parapets are not provided. Section 505(e)S Show the basis for the approved fire- resistive construction elements for the area separation wall, parapet, and celling assembly if used in lieu of parapet, i.e. Item number in Table 43-A, B, C or U I.. Directory, etc, (Note that trusses require two layers of 5/8 inch Type 'X', per Gypsum Fire Resistance Design Manual, Item FC 5406) See the attached article, "Area Separation Halls Revisited", and incorporate appropriate data and on your plans. Provide complete details of the area separation wall Is) to show compliance with Section 505(e)l-5. Provide a note on the plans stating: "Plumbing and conduit penetrations of the area separation wall shall be of copper or ferrous. No plastic pipe may penetrate the area separation wall". X- x- BUILPINCUBICHT/STORIES Clearly show tha maximum building height based on tha definition in Section 4Q9. Clearly show if tha lower level is a basement or story, b-ased on the definitions in Section 40] and 420. Plot the finish grade (adjacent ground level) on tha elevations and dimension tho distance to the floor above for story determination See definition of grade, Section 408. Th* height and number of'storiaa cannot exceed that shown in Table 5-0. Show the code basis for the height/ number of stories as shown. ^fc One additional story would be permitted beyond that shown in Table 5-D if the building is sprinklered throughout and the sprinkler system is not other- wise required by Section 506 (area) or Section 508 (substitute for one-hour). Section 507 Towers, spires and steeples shall comply with Section 507, exception 1. A 7r?e \J V FIBB-RESISTIVg CONSTRUCTION Group R, Division 1 occupancies moro than two stories in haight, or having mor« than 3,000 »q ft. of floor area above ths first story shall b« not lean than one-hour fire-resistive construction throughout except as provided in Section 1703(b) 2. Whera ona-hour f ir«-r«aiative con- struction ia required, _an approved ^automatic sprinkler system may be "subacitntea tor the one-hour construction , 1Q7J Detail water heater vents located Inside fire-resistive wall con- struction or within fire-resistiva shafts. Ijrf. shall not waive dr~~reduce fire-resistive requirements for: "occupancy separations, exterior walla due to location ~OQ property, area aepa ra tion _j*aU s , corridor protection, -— —typ~e~^r"coris"Er-UciTo~n' 'separation "p"er Section 1701 and atriums constructed in accordance with Section 1715. Section 508 Provide details of the one-hour fire- resistive construction. Include roof/ceiling assemblies, floor/ceiling assemblies, w«u assemblies, post and beam assemblies, etc. Maintain one-hour fire-resistive wall construction at built in wall fixtures and behind bathtub and shower enclosures, mailboxes, medicine cabinets, fire extinguisher cabinets, electric panels exceeding 16 sq.in. in area, etc. Section 4304(e) Detail and reference ICBO number or other approval for horizontal firs fire assembly using trusses. Section 4303(b)8 Detail how fife-resistive wall and celling protection will be maintained at all duct penetrations such as at bathroom and kitchen hood fans, laundry room Cans and dryer vents. Also detail recessed tight fixtures. Section 4303(b)6 Roof/ceiling and floor/ceiling assemblies must be of one-hour construction, detail fire assemblies on plans along with their ICBO number or other I.D. number from the Fire-Resistive Design Manual published by the Gypsum Assoc. or U.L. number or item number from Table 43-C. UBC yA. Detail pre-fabricated fireplace flues within individual fire-resistiva shafts and specify fire-stopping around fireplace box opening. Section 4304fa) Clearly identify location and hourly fire-resistive rating of vertical shafts on the plans. Provide construction details showing location of firs dampers and how fire resistivity will be maintained at floors and roofs. Section 1706 Note on plans that elevator doors must be constructed and installed in the same manner as a j - hour fire assembly, even though elevator doors are not identified with fire labels Detail column fire protection per Table 43-A in the UBC and specify column impact protection in garage areas per Section 4303(b)5. As a minimum, show a 22 ga. steel jacket around each column to a height of 3 feet above the ground for impact protection Structural members such as beams supporting more than one floor or root rnust be individually fire protected. (Section 4303(b)6) Detail required protection. Clearly specify minimum thickness of walls and slabs to provide - hour fire-resistive rating per Table 43-8 and C. Clearly specify minimum cover for bonded reinforcing at fire-rated floors. fire-rated columns, ^_ rated beams. Clearly specify minimum cover for prestressed concrete tendons ( per Section 4303(c)3. Detail all plumbing and electrical penetration at occupancy, area, corridor or other fire separation walls as specified in Section 4304(e). Detail all furred ceilings as required in Section 4203. Show fire-retardant treated wood where necessary. Provide cross-section of ona-hour corridors serving an occupant load of 10 or more Label corridors on plans 49 one-hour corridors, specify on the plans all doors as 20 -minute fire assemblies with self-closers or automatic closers with smoke detectors, and all windows as 1/4 inch w^re glass in steel frames and all duct penetrations to have fire dampers Section 3305(h) Clearly label and identify on the plans the fire-resistive corridors, »Us, shafts, occupancy separation walls and floors, exit courts leas than 10 feet wide and exit enclosures, along with their hourly ratings. Section 302(c) OCCUPANCY SEPARATION Storage or laundry rooms that are within Croup R, Division 1 occupancies, that ate used in common by tenants, shall l^e separated from the rest of the building by not less than one-hour fire-resistive occupancy separations. Section 1202(b) Provide a full one-hour occupancy separation between R-l and H-l or B-l (M-l up to 3,000 sq ft ) occupancies. Fire protection only on the garage side applies to R-3/M occupancy separations, not R-l/M occupancy separations Table 5-B and Section 503(d) Provide one-hour fire-resistive door assemblies in the one-hour occupancy separation. Section 503[c) The required three-hour rated occupancy separation between R-l and B-l occupancies may be reduced to a two-hour rating when the B-l is limited to the storage of passenger vehicles, and the provisions of Section 702 are not applicable. Table 5-B The two-hour occupancy separation may be further reduced to one-hour, if the aggregate area of a-1 occupancy within the building does not exceed 3,000 sq ft. Section 503td) A B-l occupancy in the basement or first story may be classed as a separate and distinct building for the purpose of area limitation, limitation of number of stories and type of construction ONLY if the following conditions are met a. B-l la Type I construction b. B-l/R-1 are separated by a three-hour occupancy separation c. B-l la restricted to passenger vehicle storage, laundry rooms and mechanical equipment rooma. (No storage, recreation room, etc ) d. The maximum building height does not exceed the limits in Table 5-D for the least type of construction The Type I construction 13'required to have protected exterior wall openings when located within 20 feet from a property line. Section I803(b) AH openings in floors forming a three-hour separation shall be protected by vertical enclosures above and below the opening. The walls of such enclosures snail be not less than two-hour tire-resistive construction, and openings therein shall be protected by a one and one- half-hour assembly. Section 503fc), Tables 43 -A, B, C and Chapter 43 A / -hour occupancy separation is required between A/1 — / occupancy and the__7^_-r'j' _ occupancy. Table T*-B, Section 503 (d), Tables 43-A, B, C and Chapter 43 Structural members supporting an occupancy separation must have the same fire-resistive rating as the separation. Table 5-B, Section 503td), Tables 43 - A, B, C and Chapter 43 No openings are allowed in a four- hour fire-resistive occupancy separation wall. Section 503(c) Openings in a three-hour fire- ' resistive separation shall be protected by a three-hour assembly, and openings may not exceed 25 percent of the _ length of wall in the story and no single opening shall exceed 120 sq ft. Section 503(d), Tables 43- A, B, C and Chapter 43 A two-hour fire-resistive separation shall be not less than two-hour fire- resistive construction. Openings shall be protected by a one and one- half-hour assembly. Section 503(c), Tables 43- A, B, C and Chapter 43 & 0 :48. A one-hour fir«-re«imtive separation •hall be not !••• than one-hour fire-ce«istive construction Openinga shall b« protected by a one-hour assembly Section SQj(c), Tables 43- A, B, C and Chapter 4] Occupancy separation wall penetrations must be either ferrous or copper and fire-stopped Steel electrical outlet boxes, not exceeding 16 square inches per 100 square Eeet of wall, may be installed and shall be separated by a horizontal distance of 24 inches when on opposite sides oE a wall. Section 4304(e) Fire-resistive floors used for occupancy separation shall have openings for mechanical and elec- trical equipment enclosed in shafts per Section 1706. Clarify that wiring vithin concealed spaces complies with Section 4305{e>. Ducts penetrating on« or two-hour occupancy separation walls must have fire dampers A fire door is required Cor three-hour separations. Section 4306(j) Usable space under the first story, vhen constructed of metal or wood, shall be separated from the non-usable Space, and the story above, as required Cor one-hour fire-resistive construction and the door to the usable space shall be self-closing, of non-cotnbustibte construction or solid wood core, not less than 1-3/4 inches in thickness. Section 1703 Show the basis for th« rating of the occupancy separation you propose, i.e., Item number in Table 43-A, 8, C; Gypsum Fire-Resistive Design Manual;U.L , etc SOUND TRANSHISSIOM ITitie 25, Chapter 1, Subchapter 1, Article 4, Section 26} UBC Standard No. 33 (1-3) UBC Appendix Chapter 33 Hall and floor/ceiling assemblies separating dwelling units from each other and from common space {such as corridors, laundry rooms, common garages, service areas, etcj must have a listed rating of STC 50 and IIC 50 Show the location of and provide details of the listed wall and floor/ceiling aaaembllea, and indicate the listing agency and listing number for the tesced ratings. Show how penetrations of assemblies for piping, electrical devices, re- cessed cabinets, bathtubs, soffits or heating, ventilating or exhaust ducts shall be sealed, lined or in' sulated or treated to maintain the required ratings Dwelling unit entrance doors from interior corridors together with their perimeter seals shall have a STC,rating of not ICSA than 30._g&J <L <*- §R-) 0 R-l occupajicy buildings, I oca-ted in noise critical areas (CNEL con- tours of 60 dS) as show/i on the City or County's General Plan, require an acoustical analysis showing that the proposed building has been designed to limit noise in habitable rooms to CNEL of 45 dB. Where windows must be closed to comply, it 13 necessary to provide mechanical ventilation capable of providing at least two air changes per hour. The Title Sheet or Site Plan should clearly indicate if any portion of the project is in a noise critical area (CNEL contours of 60 <38) as shown on the City or County's General Plan. IE no portion of the project is within a noise critical area, provide a note on the Title Sheet stating "This project is not within a noise critical area (CNEL contour oC 60 dB) as shown on the General Plan*. 2. IX. \jy. PITS In all occupancies, floors above the first story having more than 10 occupants, ahall have not less than two exits, except only one exit is required from a second floor area within an Individual dwelling unit Two or more dwelling units on the second story may have access to only one common exit when the occupant load tributary to the stairway does not exceed 10 Section 33031a) Exits should have a minimum separation of ona-half the maximum overall diagonal dimension of the building or area served Section 3303{c) The maximum number of required exits and their required separation must be maintained until egress is provided from the structure. Section 3303la) Where a required exit enters a yard, the yard must lead to a public way. Section 330l' Where required exits enter an exit court (see definition. Section 404 and 3301), the exit court must discharge into a public way or exit passageway The exits from the exit court shallcomply with Section 3311 requirements for width, number, and protection of walls and openings. Basements require two exits, except basements in an individual dwelling unit. Section 3302(a) Total width of exits in feet shall be not less than total occupant load served divided by 50. Tributary occupant load from basements and stories above shall be per Section 3302(b) and the maximum width required for any story shall be maintained. No point in the building shall be more than 150 feet (200 if spnnklered) from «n exterior exit, horizontal exit, enclosed stairway or exit passageway, measured along the path of travel. This My btt increased 100 feet if last 150 f«t is in a corridor. Section 3303(d)isee exceptions) Doubl« acting doors are not allowed when serving a tributary occupant load of more than 100, or when part of a fire assembly, or part of smoke and dfaft control or when equipped with panic hardware. Section 3304(b) 18J Exit doors from each unit should b« a minimum siza of 3 feet by 6 feet 8 inches with a minimum door awing of 90 degrees Maximum leaf width is 4 feet. Section 3304(e> Regardless of occupant load, a floor or landing not more than 1/2 inch below the threshold is required on each side of an exit door In R-J, and individual units in R-l, a max- imum 7-1/3 inch drop may occur provided the door does not swing over the drop. Section 3304(h) Doors should not project more than 7 inches into the required corridor width when fully opened, nor more than one-half of the required corridor width when in any position. Section 3305(d) Revolving, sliding and overhead doocs ara not permitted na exit doors Section 3304(g) A door may open over a stairway landing provided the door, in any position, does not reduce the clear area of the landing, in the direction of travel, to less than one-half the required width of the stairway. Section 3306(g) Minimum exit court width is 44 inches. Section 3311tb) Change in width in an exit court shall be effected gradually by a guardrail at least 36 inches high and making an angle of not more than 30 degrees with the axis of the court. Section 3311(b) Halls of exit passageways shall be without openings except exits and shall have walls, floors and ceilings of the same fire-resistance required for the building, with a minimum one-hour fire-resistive construction. Exit openings in the walls shall be protected by a three-fourths-hour . assembly. Section 3312(a) Ramps required by Table 33-A shall not exceed 1 12, other exit ramps l.B. Ramps steeper than 1.15 shall have handrails as required for stair- ways. Minimum size landings and landing clearances must be provided. Section 3307 Stairway width nu»t t>« at least 44 Inches whan serving more than 50 occu- pants, 36 inches vhan lass than SO, 30 inches when serving one unit only Section JjOfi(bJ and S«ction 33Qllb] Seventy «ight inch minimum headroom clearance for stairways should be indicated on the plans Section 33Q6lp) Note that this la from a plane tangent to the stairway tread nosings Stairway handrails ahould not pro- ject more than 3-1/2 inches into the required width Trim may not project more than 1-1/2 inches. Section 3306(b) Enclosed usable space under interior or exterior stairways should be protected On the enclosed side as required for one-hour fire-resistive construction. 1 x 9 16" Q C nailers. Section 3,306 (raMn I Landings should not be reduced in width more than 7 inches by a door when fully open. Where doors open over landings, the landing shall have a length of not less than 5 feet. Section 3306<g) and Section 3304th) Stairways from upper levels which extend below the level from which eqress from the building is provided, shall have an approved barrier to preclude exiting into auch lower levels Vertical distances between stairway landings are limited to 12 feet. Section 3306[i) All interior stairways, ramps and escalators shall be enclosed. An enclosure is not required if serving only one adjacent floor and not connected to stairs or corridors serving other floors Not required for R-3 or R-l Stairs within a dwelling unit. Section 3309(a) 196< Stairway riser must be 4 inches { minimum and 7-1/2 inches maximum and minimum run shall be 10 inches except in winding, circular or spiral stairways. Section 3306tc] Minding stairways are permitted only when serving R-3 or a single unit in R-l. Section 3306(d) 200' 02. 203. provide details of winding »t«irw«yt a. Minimum tread is S inches at any point and minimum 9 inches at a point 12 inches from the side of the stairway. b. Maximum rise is 9 inches C. Minimum width is 30 inches. Section 3306Cd) Spiral stairways are permitted only when serving R-3 or a single unit in 1-1. Section 3306(f) provide spiral stairway details- a Minimum run is 7-1/2 inches at point from where tha tread is tha narrowest b. Maximum rise is 9-1/2 inches. C. Minimum headroom is 6 feet 6 inches. Section 3306(f) Spiral stairways may not b« used for required exits when the area served is greater than 400 sq.ft. Section 3306(f> Spiral stairways muse have a clear walking space of 26 inches between the column and handrail. Section 3306(f) provide ICBO Research Report and Number for metal stairway, or submit plans and calculations and approved fabricator registered with the Building Department or note that the stairway fabrication shall be dona under special inspection per the approved fabrication plans Section 306(a) 4 B and Section 306U) Stairways should be enclosed as specified in Section 3309i a. Two-hour fire-resistive walls are required in buildings of Type I and II-F.R Construction, and in all buildings over four stories, and ona-hour elsewhere. b. Only exit doors are allowed to open into exit enclosures. c. Doors should be labeled one an one-half-hours or one-hour fire assemblies. Exit enclosure* should include a corridor on the ground floor extending to the exterior Fire-resistive construction should b« as required (or the exit enclosure, including protected openings Only exit doors are permitted to open into the corridor. An approved barrier is required at the ground floor to prevent people from occidentally con- tinuing to the lower level Usable space in not allowed under the stairs. i<T3. Occupied floors mora than 75 feet ,/ above the highest grade should have all exits from the building in smoxe- proof enclosures Section 33lO(b) In buildings four or more stories, one stairway must extend to the roof. Section 3306(o) it must be in a smokeproof enclosure in buildings over 75 feet in height . Section 3306(0) Handrails are required on each side of stairways. Stairways required to be more than 88 inches wide shall have intermed- iate handrails Stairways not over 44 inches wide or stairways serving one dwelling unit may hav«j one handrail if not open on both sides. Private stair- ways (1 tenant), 30 niches or less in height, may hnve one handrail, private stairways, not over 3 risers, serving a single dwelling unit (R-3, R-l) need not have a handrail. Handrails shall be 30 inches to 34 inches above nosing of treads and be continuous and, except for private stairways, at least one rail shall extend 6 inches beyond top and bottom risers. All stairs shall terminate in a newel or safety post. Section 33061J) The handgrip portion of all handrails shall be not less than 1-1/4 inches nor more than 2 inches in cross-sectional dimension Handrails projecting from walls shall have at l^ast 1-1/2 inches between the wall and the handrail Section 3306(j) Every stairway landing shall have a dimen- sion, measured in the direction of travel, at least equal to the stairway width. Section 3306{g) Openings in the exterior wall below or within 10 feet horizontally of an exterior exit stairway in buildings over two stories •hall be protected by a self-closing assembly having a three-fourths-hour rating, unless two separated exterior stairways serve an exterior exit balcony Section 3306(1) CORRIDORS Corridors, and exterior exit balconies, serving 10 or more occupants must be minimum 44 inches wide and 7 feet high to the lowest projection Corridors serving R-3 and individual R-l units may be 36 inches wide Section 3305(b) 7 When a corridor or exterior exit balcony is accessible to the handicapped, changes in elevation shal1 be made by means of a ramp Section 3305(f) Corridors serving 10 or morjaoccupants in R-L-Or 30 in other occupancies shall have walls and ceilings of one-hour constructionexcept: a Corridors greater than 30 feet wide wherr the occupants or areas served by the corridor have an exit independent from the corridor. b. Exterior sides of exterior exit balconies. Section 3305(g) One-hour fire-rated corridors shall have door openings protected by tight-fitting smoke and draft control assemblies rated 20 minutes, except openings in interior walls of exterior exit balconies. Doors shall be maintained self-closing or be automatic-closing by action of a smoke detector per Section 4306(b), doors shall be gasketed to provide a smoke and draft seal where the door meets the atop on sides and top. Section 3305th) Total area of all openings, except doors, in any portion of an interior corridor, shall not exceed 25 percent of the area ot the corridor wall of the room which it is separating from the corridor. Section 330S(h) Duct penetrations of fire-rated corridor walls and ceilings shall have fire dampers per Section 4306(;J). & 228. X 229. /23°' Viewports In 20 minute rated corridor doors cannot exceed I inch in diameter and must have \/\ inch thick glass and metal holder that will not melt at 1700'P Section 3305<h) Provide a complete architectural section of the corridor, and exterior exit balcony, showing an fire-resistive materials and details of construction for all floors, walls, roof and all penetrations. Section 3305<g) Ceilings of combustible materials cannot be suspended below the one-hour corridor - ceiling Section 33051g) Corridor walls may terminate at the ceiling only if the ceiling is an element of a one- hour fire-resistive floor or roof system. Section 3305(g) See attached details for approved methods of providing one-hour corridor construction. When two exits are required, dead end corridors and exit balconies are limited to 20 feet. Section 3305(«) Exterior exit balconies cannot be located in areas where protected op ings are re- quired. Section 3305(i) EXIT SIGNS Exit signs are required since the occupant load exceeds 50 Show all required exit sign locations. Section 3314 (a) Show that exits are lighted with at least one foot candle at floor level. Section 3313U) Show that the power supply for exit illumination and exit signs is provided by two separate cir- cuits. (Occupant load exceeds 100> Section 3313(b)l Show Separate sources of power for exit illumination and exit signs (Occupant load exceeds 100) Section 3313(b)2 The suit sign locations as shown are not adequate. R-l GENERAL OCCUPANCY REQUIREMENTS yA. Every apartment house three stories or more in height' or containing more than 15 dwelling units and every hotel three or more stories In height or containing 20 or more guest rooms aha 1 1 have an approved fire alarm system as specified in the Fire Code. Section 1202ta] (Sea exception) Draft stops above and in line with walls separating units shall be installed in the attics, mansards, overhangs, false fronts and similar concealed areas. The draft stops shall be above and in line with walls separating tenant spaces from each other and from other uses Section 25UU) Every sleeping room below the fourth story shall have at least one openable window or exterior door for emergency escape or rescue. The clear opening shall be at least 5 7 sq.ft. 24 inches high and 20 inches wide. The finish sill height shall not exceed 44 inche« above the One room must contain a minimum of 150 sq ft. of superficial floor area. Section 1207{b) Habitable rooms, other than kitchens, shall contain at least 70 sq.ft. of floor area. Section 1207(b) Window area must be a least 1/10 of the floor area (minimum 10 aq ft. ) in _ Section 1205U) Openable window area must be 1/20 of the floor area (minimum 1-1/2 sq.ft.) in bath- rooms, laundry rooms and similar rooms Section 1205(a) One-half of all required window area must be openable in Ho habitable room, other than .a kitchen shall be less than 7 feet in any dimension. Section 1207(c) /'• yf. V*- Show standpipe clan and outlet locations on the plans. Section 3806 Specify that hoses are required with the •tandpipea HANDICAPPED ACCESSIBILITY APARTMEHT5/CQNDOS (Not public Fundedi "Housing) Provide a note on the Title Sheet of the plans indicating if this project is or is not "Public Funded Housing* Public funded housing shall comply with Title 24, Chapter 12 requirements "Publicly funded" shall not include loans, grants, guarantees, or other financial assistance provided by a public agency to finance construction, rehabilitation or purchase of privately owned housing Title 24, 2-41711) For public funded housing see the enclosed Title 24 check list when applicable. Buildings containing more than 20 dwelling units or 20 guestrooms shall be accessible to the physically handicapped by a level entry, ramp, or elevator. Section 1213 UBC The number of dwelling units or guestrooms accessible to the handicapped shall be not less than: 21-99 - one unit 100 and over - one plus one for each additional 100 units or fraction there Of. Section 1213 More than one building on a site shall be considered one building for determining the number of accessible units required. Section 1213 Habitable rooms, bathrooms, toilet compartments, halls and utility rooms in handicap units are required to be accessible by level floors, ramps or elevators and doorways to such rooms shall have a clear unobstructed width of not less than 32 inches. Section 1213 Handicap onit toilet rooms shall have a clear space of not less than 44 inches on each side of the door. Section 511 Handicap unit toilet rooms shall have a 42 inch, wide by 48 inch long clear space in front of the water closet. The door shall not encroach into this space. Section 511 Common use laundrys, recreation rooms, facilities, rental offices and any common use restrooms shall be accessible to the handicapped unless it is clearly shown they are exclusively for the use of the tenants. (State Architects Interpretations) yt. HANDICAPPED ACCESSIBLILTYi HOTELS, MOTELS AND DORMITORIES TITLE 24, PART 2 The number of handicap access guestrooms shall be at least one for each 25 or fraction thereof up to 100 and one addition for each 40 or fraction thereof over 100. Section 2-1213 Every entry, opening or passage door opening into any area on accessible levels <not just handicap accessible guestrooms) shall have a minimum clear and unobstructed opening of 32 inches with the door open 90" . Section 2-1213 (*\o r r 4, C~]~ ~Q'C7OV <£ C. ll £ All public and common rooms and areas shall be handicap accessible. Section 2-1213 Recreation facilities shall be accessible Swimming pool decks shall be accessible and an assistive device shall be provided to assist handicapped persons in gaining entry into the pool. Section 2-1213 When accommodations are provided with kitchen units at least one and no less than one for every 25 of such accommodations shall comply with Section 2-1213(b). All bathroom entrance^doorways in all units '~Sn"aceessiOle fJ6ors~~«h*lI have a clear opening width of 32 inches and shall be either sliding doors or shall be hung to swing in the direction of egress from the bathroom Section 2-1213(d) Handicap access unit bathroom doors shall have an 18 inch clear space to the side of the strike edge on the swing .side of the door. Section 2-1213(d) C(*1»T C- / O Shower compartments shall conform to the provisions of Section 2-171KJ). Section 2-1213(d) In handicapaccess units there shall be a minimum clear space 48 inches parallel by 30 inches perpendicular to the side of bathtubs. Space may include maneurverable space under a lavatory In handicap access units the water closet shall conform to the provision of Section 5-1502 except £or the height requirement. Section 2-1213ld) In handicap accessible unit bathrooms, grab bars, lavatories and accessories shall conform to the provisions o£ subsection 2-1711(b)(i). Entrance doors to all units shall have lever type hardware, or when the unlatching operation is key operated, large bow keys shall be provided per Section 2-33Q3(c)3 See the enclosed general handicap check list for other requirements. ^CONSERVATION- PLEASE REAP New State Mandated Regulations (California Ad- ministration Code) became effective June 16, 1983 and requires that the design satisfy one of the alternative energy packages A, B, C, D, B, I, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 or AB 163 The law also requires that many mandatory conservation items be satisfied _{ & ir I <? i^ A C\ i_i__ __r ^^ is in Zone ~^7 ._~_._- • Copies of the Residential Energy Conservation Manual may be obtained from Publications Unit, California Energy Commission 111 Howe Avenue, MS-50, Sacramento, California 95825, (Tel. (916) 920-6216) California Building Officials also maintain a telephone "hotline" between 10-00 A.M. and Noon and 1 00 P.M. to 4.00 P M. at (916) 456-3823 Show on the title sheet of the plans, the alternative energy package that was selected i.e A, B, C, D, E, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 or AB 163 to show compliance, and provide calculations and other data, appropriate to that selected package. The responsible designer should sign a statement, on the plan title sheet, "The design submitted substantially conforms to the Energy Regulations for Residential Buildings." Show the "R" value for the walls, floors, ceiling and related areas Provide a schedule on the plans showing thermal mass requirement. Specify rooms, materials, required area and thickness of materials. Show double glazing as per Energy Design, on Glazing schedule. Show total glazing areas on the plans. Show on the plan how shading requirements will be satisfied. Show on the plans details of required movable insulation Show how the cur- tains or device will be sealed and gasketed to provide a dead air space. 0. The plans are not in compliance with the energy conservation compliance package selected or design calculations provided. Show on plans conformance>as follows Specify on the Building Plans all of the mandatory energy conservation requirements as listed on the enclosure titled, "Manda- tory Energy Conservation Requirements" Show the size, type and location of the space heating (or cooling) system and provide energy calculations if the out- put BTU/Hr. exceeds 45,000 BTO/Hr. out- put. Outdoor pools and spas with fossil fuel heaters require pool covers as well as other energy saving devices such as time clocles, etc. T20-1406. FOUNDATION Provide a copy of the project soil report prepared by a California licensed Civil Engineer. The report shall include foundation design recommendations based on the engineers findings and shall comply with UBC Section 2905. Specify on the foundation plan or structural specifications sheet the soil classification, the soil expansion index and the design bearing capacity of the foundation. Provide a letter from the soils engineer confirming that the foundation plan, grading plan and specifications have been reviewed and that it has been determined that the recommen- dations in the soil report are properly incorpor- ated intp the plans.-tWhen required-£y the ,391! report) The foundation plan doe7*not comply with / the following soil jreport^ recommendatipjjts) for»th4.s project. T*l ft ±L.f &k /**> A &l Provide notee on Cft« foundation plan lifting the soils report recoomtendation* for foundation slab and building pad preparation. Hote on the foundation plan that "Prior to the contractor requesting a Building Department foundation inspection, the •oils engineer shall advise the Building Official in writing thatt a. the building pad was prepared in accordance with cn« soilj report, b. the utility trenches have been properly backfilled and compacted,and, C. the foundation excavations. Corning and r^inforcement comply with the •oils report and approved plan* Provide spread footings for concentrated loads designed for 1,000 psf soil bear- ing or pet bearing value as determined by an engineer or architect. Chapter 29 Show height of all foundation wall*. Chapter 2j Show height of retained earth on all foundation walla. Chapter 23 Show distance from foundation to edge Of cut or fill slopes and show slope and height- of cuts and fills. Chapter 29 i i t*>wr\Y Note on the plans -Chat wood shall be 6 inches Above finish grade. Section 2S16(c)7 Note on plans that surface water will drain away from building and show drain- age pattern and key elevations. Section 2905(f) Dimension foundations per Table 29-A. tXFTN BtlOMf UMOUTUIBESCMXIM1 12 II 24 ©Note on the plan that hold down anchor* must b« tied in place prior to founda- tion inspection. Show adequate footings under all bearing " and shear walla. Section 29071(1) 4^W. Show stepped footings for slopes steeper than lilO. Section 2907IO 410. Show ninimun 13 inch clearance from grade / to bottom of floor joists and minimum 12 inch clearance to bottom of girders. Section 2SU(c)2 4.LI'. Show pier siie, spacing and depth into ' undisturbed soil. Table 29-A 4i*5- Show minimua under floor access of IB inches ' by 24 inches Section 25i6(c)2 i{3. Show ninimun under floor ventilation equal ' to 1 sq.ft. for each 150 sq.ft. of under floor area. Openings shall be as close to corners as practicable and shall provide cross ventilation on at least two approximately opposite sides. Section Specify that posts embedded in concrete shall be pressure treated per UBC Standard Ho. 25-12. Section 2516(cH Show foundation sills to b« pressure treated, or equal. Section 25l6(c)3 Show foundation bolt size and spacing. Section 2907(e). Specify size, ICBO number and manufac- turer of power driven pins. Show edge and end distance and spacing. Section Show size, embedment and location of hold down anchors on foundation plan. Section 2303(bH s.-^r/r'ticT^ cf g 7 a MECHANICAL All heating,ventilating, and cooling systems and appliances shall comply with the Uniform Mechanical Code Show che size, location and type of all heating and cpoling appJ.j,ances or systems. -^-'tj >- O / / w. ">. i 7~ ^, Show source oC combustion air for furnace will comply with Chapter 6, U M.C. Every dwelling unit shall be provided with heating facilities capable of maintaining a room temperature of 70° F at 3 feet above the floor in all habitable rooms. Show basis for compliance UBC Sec 1211 410. 417. 41B< 419.. Show minimum 30" deep unobstructed work- ing space in front of furnace. Note on plans, clearances to be per man- ufacturers listing Sec 704 UMC Furnace shall not be installed under any stairway. Sec. 704 UMC Furnace shall not be installed in any bedroom, bathroom, closet, or in confined space with access only through such room, unless specified as direct vent appliance, enclosed furnace or electric heating appliance Sec. 704 UMC Show ICBO approval for prefab fireplace and provide approved installation in- structions at ]ob site. Show access to the attic or under floor furnace to be minimum 30 inches by 30 inches. Sec 708 & 709 UMC Note that passageway to the attic furnace shall be unobstructed and have continuous solid flooring not less than 24 inches wide. Sec 70S UMC Show permanent electrical outlet and lighting fixture controlled by a switch for the attic furnace. Sec. 708 UMC Show details to comply with Section 709 for furnace under the floor. Section 708 for attic furnace, or Section 710 for roof or outside furnace. Note en plan, gas vents and non-combust- ible piping passing through three floors or less shall be effectively draft stopped at each floor or ceiling. UBC Sec. I706(a>6 .ELECTRICAL All wiring shall comply with the National Electrical Code Show the location of the electrical (service equipment as approved by the serving utility company) Dimension any cabinet encroachments into sida yards. 412. Show all panel and subpanel locations. Provide a single line diagram and load calculations including a. Hiring method employed. b. Sizes of all conductors, switches, circuit breakers, fuses, and conduits. c. Approximate length of service feeders Show location of all electrical recep- tacles &Electrical receptacle locations and/or. spacing is not adequate in Show minimum dwelling lighting (NEC Art. 210-26{a) and GFI's in garage, baths and outdoors. NEC Art. 210-8(a). Note "UFER" ground to be provided (NEC). Art. 250-81 PLUMBING All plumbing shall comply with the Uniform Plumbing Code. 8.Show the utility approved location of the gas meter (3) on the site plan. 429*; Show water heater size, type and location on plans. Show method of providing combustion air to fuel burning water heater Sec 1307 Fuel combustion water heater shall not be installed in bath or bedroom or in a closet opening into bath or bedroom Sec. 1309 Provide adequate barrier to protect water heater from vehicle damage. Sec. 1310 Show T and P valve on water heater and show route of discharge line to exterior Sec. 1007(e) f33 ^. Provide dryer vent to outside 1903 UMC Sec. Note on the plan that hose bibbs and lawn sprinkler systems shall have approved backflow prevention devices Sec. 1003 Shower stall shall accommodate 30" circle and have a minimum floor area of 900 sq. in. UPC 909(d) 0.Note Qn the plan the amperage of elec- trical service. i C fet a o - c* o £j a u u I*A-* /UU,~o. lavA^pe^ Mtt.iio-ti O.D, The following nates specifying mamljCory requirements should be Incorporated on plans sheets, or contained within Job specificationdocuments . CQVS ES V*T rnn t EQ UT n E H F i T 5 OF THE STATE OF CsLIFORNIA 111 All heating, ventilating, air conditioning, and water heating equipment shall meet all of the requirements of £h« Appliance Efficiency Standards and shall be certified to the California Energy Coan 1ss ion . (2) A two stage thermos tat. which controls the supplementary heat on Its second stage, shall be required for h«at pu»ps. (3) Thermostats shall be equipped with an kutomatlc setback, which the building occupant can progran to automatically set back the thermostat. Set points for at least 2 periods within 2k hours. {*) Equlpaent which requires preventive malntenanca to maintain efficient operation shall be furnished with coaplete necessary nalntenance Information. (5) All gas-fired fan type central furnaces, gas-fired fan type wall furnaces, and cooking appliances shall be equipped with an Intermittent ignition device. 16} ALl fan systens exhausting air to Che outside shall oe pro- vided with backdraft dampers. (7) All transverse duct, plenum, and fitting Joints shall be sealed with pressure sensitive tape or nastic to prevent air loss and shall tie Insulated to conform to the provisions of Section 1005 of the UMC, 1976 Edition. (81 A vapor barrier Is required In clinate zone 1, 14, and 16. (9J All manufactured windows and sliding glass doors shall meet the 1972 ANSI air infiltration standards and shall be certi- fied and labeled. (10) All swinging doors and windows leading to unconditioned areas shall be fully weather-stripped.- (11) Storage type water fceaters and storage and backup tanks for solar systeas shall be externally wrapped with R-12 insulation or greater. (12) The five feet of pipe closest to the water heater, If outside conditioned space, shall oe Insulated with a olnioun of R-3. Steaa and steam condensation return piping and recirculating hot water piping outside the building envelope shall be Insulated In accordance with T20-l$06(df. (13) Lanps used In lualnaries for general lighting in kitchens and bathrooms shall have an efficacy of not less than 25 lumens per watt. (1*) Showerheads and faucets shall be equipped with flow reatrlctors as outlined in the appliance efficiency standards and shall be certified to the Energy Cooiralas Ion. (15) Masonry and factory-built fireplaces on exterior walls, shall 6e equipped with tight fitting cloaeable jetal or glass doors covering the entire opening of the firebox; a conbustlon »lr Intake equipped with a readily accessible, operable, and tight fitting damper to draw air from the outside of the SuHtfing, and a tight fitting flue damper with a readily accessible control (16) Insulation used shall conply with California Quality Standards. (171 The Insulation Inatalltr shall post a signed certificate.... Section 276. (18) For Infiltration control all openings and penetrations Pust b« caulked and sealed, such »s around windows, at sole plates, and openings for utility pipes and wires. FORM ECU TITLE 24: DISABLED ACCESS REGULATIONS NON-RESIDENTIAL CHECK LIST AT EACH CIRCLED ITEM, NOTE THE PLAN SHEET THAT SHOWS THE CORRECTION. A)WALKS AND SIDEWALKS (SFC. 2 3S23) —J 1. Walks and sidewalk* shall have a continuous com- mon surface not interrupted by steps or by abrupt changes in le\el cxcecrtmR Vi inch, and shall be a minimum of 48 inthci in width 2. Surfaces with a slope of less than 6 percent gradient shall be at least as slip-resistant as that described as a medium salted fmuh 3 Surfaces with a ilopc of 6 percent gradient or greater snail be slip-resistant. 4. Surface cross slopes shall not exceed 'A inch per foot 5. Walks, sidewalks and pedestrian ways shall be free of gratings whenever possible For gratings located in the surface of any of these areas, grid opening! in gratings shall be limited 10 Vt inch in the directionof traffic flow 6. When the slope in the direction of travel of any walk exceeds 1 vertical to 20 horizontal it shall comply with the provisions for Pedestrian Ramps 7. Abrupt changes in Ic\el along any accessible route shall not exceed Vt inch When changes in level do occur, they shall be beveled with a slope no greater than 1 2 except thai level changes not exceeding M inch mav be vertical When changes in tcvels greater than Vi inch arc necessary they shall comply with the requirements for curb ramps 8. Walks shall be provided with a level area not lesi than 60 inches by 60 inches at a door or gate that swings toward the walk, and not less than 48 inches wide by 44 inches deep at a door or gate that swings away from the walk Such walk* shall extend 24 inches (O the side of the strike edge of a door or gate thai living! toward the vvaJk 9. All walks with continuous gradients shall have level areas at least 5 feet in length at intervals of at least every 400 feet AZARDS (SLC 2-3324) , Warning curbs. Abrupt changes in level, except between a walk or sidewalk and an adjacent street or dmeway, exceeding 4 inches in a vertical dimen- sion, such as at planters or fountains located in or adjacent to walks, sidewalks, or other pedestrian ways, shall be identified by curbs projecting at least 6 inches in height abotc the walk or sidewalk surface lo warn the blind of a potential drop off. When a guardrail or handrail is provided, no curb is required when a guide rail is provided centered 3 inches {plus or minus one inch) above the surface of the walk 01 sidewalk the walk is 5 percent or less gradient orno adjacent hazard exists , Overhanging Obstructions Any obstructions ihat overhangs a pedestrian's way shall be a minimum of 80 inches abo^e the walking surface as measured from the bottom of ihe obstruction IRKING {SEC 2-7102) 1 /The following table establishes the number of handi- capped parking spaces required Total Number of Parking Spaces 1- 40 41 - 80 81 120 121 • 160 161 -300 301 - 400 401 500 o\er 500 Number of Handicapped Parking Spaces Required 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I for each 200 additional spaces provided When less than 5 parking spaces are provided, one shall be 14 feet *ule and lined to provide a 9 foot parkins area and a 5 fool loading and unloading area 2) Physically handn.jppt.il parking spaces shall be lo- cated as ntur as practical to a primary entrance If onl\ oni SPJLC is providtd. it shall b«. 14 feet wide and Irnrd lo prom it a 9 foot parking area and a 5 foot loading jnrt unlojdmg ire a When more than one split is provided m lieu of providing a 14 foot wide space for iai_h parking spate, two spaces can be provided within a 23 fool wide area lined lo provide a 9 foot parking area on each side of a 5 fool loading and unloading area m the center The min- imum length of e*ch parking space shall be 1 8 feet © 0 In each parking area, 4 bumper or curb shall be pro* vided and located lo prevent encroachment of cars over the required width ol walkwrys Also, the space shall be so located that a handicapped person n not compelled Co wheel or waJk behind parked cars other than their own Pedestrian ways which are accessible to the physi- cally handicapped shall be provided from each such puking space to real ted facilities, including curb cuts or ramps as needed Ramps shall not encroach into any parking space. EXCEPTIONS 1 Ramps located at the front of phyjicaJly handicapped parking spaces may encroach into the length of such spaces when such encroachment does not limit a handicapped person's capability to leave or enter their vehicle thus providing equivalent facilitation. Surface slopes of parking spaces for the physically handicapped shall not exceed ML inch per foot in anyjlirection, -—"*•"—* """ En trances ^o and vertical clearances within puking structures shall have a minimum vertical clearance of 8 feet 2 inches where required for accessibility .jojiandicappcd parking spaces. Handicap parking identificationsigns shall be provided 33 required by Section 2-7102{e) in the following locations •. On the pavement »ithin e»ch required park- ing space b. *t the entrance to the parking facility. SANITARY FACILITIES (SEC. 2-1711) 1. Where separate facilities are provided for non-handi- capped persons of each sex, separate facilities shall be provided for handicapped persons of each sex also Where unisex facilities are provided for non- handicapped persons, such unisex facilities shall be provided for ihc handicapped. 2. Where sanitary facilities are located on accessible floors of a building, they shall be made accessible to the physically handicapped. 3. Passageways leading to sanitary facilities shall have a clear access width as specified in Chapter 33 Alldoorways leading to such sanitary facilities shall have. a) A clear unobstructed opening width of 32 inches. b) A level and clear area for a minimum depth of 60 inches in the direction of the door swing AS measured al nghl angles to the plane of the *>or in ill closed position, and 44 inches where he door swings away from the level and clear area. 4 Multiple accommodation todet facilities shall havethe following a) A clear space measured from the floor to a height of 27 inches above the floor, within the sanitary facility room, of sufficient size to inscribe a circle with a diameter not less than 60 inches, or a clear space 56 inches by €3 inches in size Doors other than ihe door to the handicapped toilet compartment in any position may encroach into this space by not more than 12 inches b) A water closet fixture located in a compartment shall provide a 28 inch wide clear space from a fixture or a 32 inch wide clear space from a wall at one side of the water closet and a 48 inch long clear space in front of the water closet if the compartment has an end opening door (faang the water closet) A 60 inch minimum length clear space shall be provided in a compartment with the door located at the side Crab bars shall not project more than 3 inches into the clear spaces as ipectfied above c) A water cloiet compartment shall be equipped with a door that has an automatic ctoting device, and shall have a cle.tr unobstructed opening width of 32 inches when located at the end and 54 inches when located at the side with the door positioned at an an^lc of 90 degrees from its closed position Except for door opening widiht and door swingi, a clear unobstructed access not less than 44 inches shall be provided lo water closet compartments designed for use by the handicapped and the space immediately in front 11/84 , of a water dosct compartment shall b« not leu that 48 inchci aa meaiured at nght angle* 10 com- partment door in it* doted position. 3. Single •ccawKXtetton toilat facilities shall have the following: Thar* shall b« sufficient space in tha toilet room Tor • urteelchair meas- uring 30 inches wide by 48 inches long to antnr tha roon and poo it the door to clove. The water closet shall be located in a spaco which provide* a 29 inch vide clear space from a fix- turo at a 31 inch wide clear space from a vail at ona side of tha water cloiet sod 49 inches of clear space in front or tha water cloaat. 6 In an existing building a single accommodation toilet - facility may have the water closet fixture located in a compartment which provide* a clear ipace of not leu than 36 inches wide by 48 inches long in front of the water closet 7. Grab ban located on each side, or one side of the back of the physically handicapped toilet stall or compartment shall be securely attached 33 inches above and parallel to the floor Grab ban at the side shall be at least 42 inches long with the front end positioned 24 inches in front of the water clo*et stool and grab bats at the back shall be not leu than 36 inches long The diameter or width of the gripping surfaces of a grab bar shall be l% inch to IV> inch or the shape shall provide an equivalent gripping surface If grab ban are mounted adjacent to a wall, the space be- tween the wall and. the grab bars shall be IVi inches 8. A dear floor spate 30 inches by 48 inches shall be provided in front of a lavatory to allow a forward approach. Such dear floor space shall adjoin or overlap an accesible route and shall extend into knee and toe space underneath the lavatory 9. Where urinals are provided, at least one shall have a clear floor space 30 inches by 48 inches in front of the urinal to aUow forward approach. 10. Where facilities for bathing are provided for tha public, clients or employees, including showers, bathtubs or lockers, at least orw such facility snail comply with the handi- cap access standards in Section 2-1711{j). 11. 1/4 inch thick identification aymbols shall be provided on doors to sanitary facilities. A II inch triangle far man and 12 inch dia- •eter circle for vomen is required. WATER CLOSETS {SEC P-1502) 1, The height of accessible water closed shall be a min- imum of 17 inches and a maximum of 19 indict measured to the top of the toilet seat Flush controlsshall be operable by an oscillating handle with a maximum operating force of 3 Ib or by a remote low voltage button. The handle or button shall be located so they are operable without requiring excessive body movement. URINALS (SECP-I503) 1 Where urinals are provided at least one elongated rim at a maximum of 17 inches above the floor urequired. 2. Flush controls shdl be hand operated, and shall be mounted no more than 44 inches above the floor. LAVATORIES (SEC P-1504) 1. Lavatories shall be mounted with a clearance of at least 29 inches from the floor to the bottom of the apron with knee dearancc under the front lip ex- tending a minimum of 30 inches in width with 8inches minimum depth at the lop Toe dearancc shall be the same width and shall be a minimum of 1 7 inches deep from ihc front of the lavatory 2. Hot water and drain pipes under lavatories shall be insulated or otherwise covered There shall be no sharp or abrasive surfaces under lavatonei 3 Faucet controls and operating mechanism! shall be operable with one hand and thai) not require tight grasping, pinching or twisting of tKc wnit The force required to activate control* shall be no greater than 5 Ib Lever operated, push typr artr! electronically controlled mechanisms are examples of acceptable designs Self-doiing valves ire allowed if the faucet remaiii open for at least 10 seconds. DRINKING FOUNTAINS (SEC, P-l 507) t. The drinking fountain shall be a minimum of 18 in die i in depth and there shall be clear and unob- structed spaces under the drinking fountain not less than 27 inches in height and 18 inches in depth, the depth measurements being taken from [he front edge of the fountain A side approach dnnkmg fountain u not acceptable 2. The bubbler shall be activated by a control which is easily operated by a handicapped person such as a hand-operated lever type control located within 6 inches of the front of the fountain, a push bar control along the front of the drinking fountain, etc The bubbler outlet orifice shall be located within 6 inches of the front of the drinking fountain and thai! be within 36 inches of the floor The water stream from the bubbler shall be substantially parallel to the front edge of the drinking fountain 3. Where water fountains are provided, they shall be loiand completely within alcoves, or otherwise positioned so as not to encroach into pedestrian ways LjDOORS k HARDWARE (SEC. 2-3301, 3303, 3306) 1. All primary entrances to buildings shall be made accessible to the handicapped 2. Hand activated door opening hardware shall be centered between 30 inches and 44 inches above the floor Latching and locking doors that are hand acti- vated and which are m a path of travel, shall be oper- able with a single effort by lever type hardware, by panic bars, push-pull activating bars, or other hard- ware designed to provide passage without requiring the ability to grasp the opening hardware Locked exit doors shall operate as above in egress direction. Doors to individual hotel or motel units shall oper- ate similarly, except that when bolt and unlatching operation is key operated from corridor or extenor side of unit door, large bow keys (2 inch) full bow or 1'A inch (half bow) shall be provided in lieu of lever type hardware on the corridor side Separate dead lock activation on room side of corridor doors in hotels or motels shall have lever handle or large thumb turn in an easily reached location. 3. Width and Heights. 1 Every required exit doorway shall be of a size as to permit the installation of a door not less than 3 feet m width and not less than 6 feet, 8 inches in height. When installed in exit doorways, exit doors shall be capable of opening at least 90 degrees and shall be so mounted that the clear width of the exitway is not less than 32 inches. 4. For hinged doors, the opening width shall be mea- sured with the door positioned at an angle of 90 degrees from its closed position. At leut one of a pair of doors shall meet this opening width require- ment. Revolving doors shall not be used as a required entrance for the physically handicapped 5. Maximum effort to operate doors shall not exceed 8 5 pounds for exterior doors and 5 pounds for interior doors, such pull or push effort being applied at right angles to hinged doors and at the center plane of sliding or folding doors Compensating devices or automatic door operators may be utilized to meet the above standards When fire doon are required, the maximum effort to operate the door may be increased not to exceed IS pounds. 6. Construction The bottom 10 inches of all doon except automatic and sliding shall have a smooth uninterrupted surface to allow the door to be opened by a wheelchair footrest without creating a trap or hazardous condition Where narrow frame doors are used, a 10 inih high smooth panel shall be installed on the push side of the door, which will atlow the door to be opened by a wheelchair footrcjt } without creating a trap or hazardous condition 1 7 Thresholds shall not exceed Vt inch in height 8. Where turnililci are used a door or gate that is accessible to the handicapped shall be provided within 10 Iff i. I 9. There shall be a level clear area on each slda ] of an exit or passage door. Provide 60 inches clear in tha direction of the door swirtg aod •4 inches on the sioe opposite the door swing direction, neaourenenta *r« to b« at right angles to the closed door. 11/84 10. The width of the required Uvel area on tn» aid* into which the door swings ahall extend 24 inches past the strike edge for exterior doors and 18 Inches past the strike edge for interior doors. 11. The space between two consecutive door openings in a vestibule serving othei- than a required exit stairway shall provide 3 minimum of 48 inches of clear space from any door opening into the vestibule when the door is open 90°. Doors into a vestibule shall swinq in the same direc- tion or they both shall swing away from the vestibule. CORRIDORS AND EXIT BALCONIES (SEC 2-3304) I. Corridors that exceed 200 fe«t in length shall a. Have a minimum clear »idth of 60 inches; b. Have at a central location, a 60 inch x 60 inch mninum wheelchair turning/passing space, or c. Have at a central location, an intervening cross corridor (minimum 44"), or d. Have at a central location, an openable door which provides complying access to an area adjacent to the corridor. K.) STAIRWAYS (SEC. 2-3305) 1. Handrails shall extend a minimum of 12 inches beyond the top nosing and 12 inches plus the tread width bevond the bottom nosing. 2. The handgrip portion of handrails shall be not less than 1-1/4 inches nor mofa than 2 inches in cross-sectional dimension or the shape shall provide an equivalent gripping surface and shall have a smooth surface with no sharp corners. 3. The upper approach and the lower tread of each interior stair and every tread of exterior stairs shall be marked by a strip of clearly con- trasting color, at least 2 inches wide, placed parallel to, and not more than 1 inch from the nose of the step or landing to alert the visually impaired. (Applies to stairs with 2 or more risers) 4. Open stairways ara not permitted. Risera shall be sufficiently solid to prevent the passage of objects larger than 1/4 inch. 5. Tread surfaces shall be slip-resistant and shall have smooth, rounded or chamfered exposed edges. The lower front edge shall be beveled or rounded. 6. Nosing shall not project more than 1-1/2 inch past the face of the riser below. L./RAMPS (SEC 2-3306) 1. The slope of a ramp shall not exceed 1 in 12 2 The top landings on a ramp muit be at least 60 inchci in depth 3 If a door swings onto a top landing the landing depth shall be not less than 42 inchci pluj the width of the door. 4. The top landing shall have a width not less than iti depth. 5. The top landing shall extend not leu than 24 mchet beyond the strike side of the door at exterior ramps and 18 inches at interior ramps 6 The bottom landing shall be not less than 72 inches deep 7 Intermediate landings shall be provided at turns and whenever the change in level exceeds 30 incnes. 8. Intermediate landings on straight ramps shall have a depth of not less than 5'0" Intermediate landing! on ramps that turn greater than 30 degree* shall be not less than 6 feet in depth 9. Ramps shall be not less than 4 feet wide. 10 Ramps serving a primary entrance for an occupant load of 300 or more shall be not less than 5 feet wide 11 Handrails shall be placed on rich side of each ramp and shall extend 12 inches beyond the top and . bottom of the ramp , 12 Surfaces of ram pi thai! be slip resistant. ELEVATORS (SEC. 2-J10J) At laaat on* «l*vator shall h*v« a «ini«ui in- ald4 car platTon* of 6 feet 8 inchea wide by 4 feet 3 inchea deep with a Minimum clear opening width of 42 inches in buildings more than three stories in height and in all buildings where elevatora are required. Passenger elevators in buildings other than those required in No. 1 above and serving an occupant load of more than 50 shall have a minimum maid* car platform of 5 feet S Inches wide by 4 feet 3 inches deep. Doors shall be 3 feet clear aide slide-type. Passenger elevators in buildings other than thoa* required in No. 1 above and serving an occupant load of less than SO shall have a minimum inside car platform of 4 feet 6 inches wide by 4 feet & inches deep. The door opening shall be at least 2 feet 8 inches clear width. All passenger elevators shall have handrail lo- cated 2 feet 6 inches to 2 feet 10 inches above the car platform. Elevator car operation buttons need to be with- in reach of wheelchair users and of a type that blind or partially sighted persona can identify as required by Section 2-5103(e) 2.0. and E. Wheelchair lifts shall comply with Sec. 2-5104. G Q. REFUGE AREAS (SEC. 2-3302(g)) (FIRE MARSHAL REGULATED XCUPANCIES) 1. Every multi-story building where access is pro- vided for the physically handicapped shall have designated (signed) rooma or areas on each floor to provide safe refuge Tor the handicapped. Refuge areas are not required on stories opening to grade or with ramps to grade or in stories used only as service basements or only for park- ing. TELEPHONES (SEC. 2-1713) 1. General. If public telephones are provided, they shall comply with Section 2-1713(a) through (g). CTRICAL Electrical receptacles (15, 20 and 30 amps) shall be at least 12 inches above the floor. Section 3-210-25 Switches and controls for lights, appliances, cooling, heating and ventilating equipment shall be not less than 3 feet nor more than 4 feet above the floor. Section 3-380-3 Fire alarm initiating devices shall be 48 inches above the floor, ground or sidewalk. Section 3-760-8.1 SPECIFIC OCCUPANCY REQUIREfCNrs s£tl£ ^ - ^* Chapters 2-6 through 2-14 have specific occupancy requirements for access in addition to the general requirements listed above. Provide notes and de- tails to comply with © 11/84 6-7 0 0 PLAN CHECK NUMBER PLANNING: TYPE OF STRUCTURED FEB201985ZONE: CtLLU 01 onzo•— aH- WO CK a: o*o ua<J ex SCHOOL FEES; SAN DIEGUITO CARLSBAD % COVERAGE ENCINITAgmr OR CARLSBAD SAN MARCOS BUILDING HEIGHT FENCES/WALLS TWO CAR GARAGE COMMENTS: REQUIRED SETBACKS, FRONT SIDE REAR o REDEVELOPMENT APPROVAL REQUIRED: LANDSCAPE PLAN COMMENTS: ENVIRONMENTAL REQUIRED: ADDITIONAL COMMENTS: OK TO ISSUE:DATE:OK TO FINAL:DATE; f***************** ENGINEERING / / 4 LEGAL DESCRIPTION VERIFIED? Lk^ , A.P.N. CHECKED?/ PARK IN LIEU *»—' IMPROVEMENTS: LATERAL: GRADING DRAINAGE: ADDITIONAL COMMENTS:EASEMENTS: OK TO ISSUE: ENGINEERING INSPECTION REQUIRED: PUBLIC VORKS INSPECTOR: FINAL OK:DATE: IF THIS ITEM IS NOT CHECKED, BUILDING DEPARTMENT WILL MAKE ALL INSPECTIONS (DRIVEWAYS, CURB CUT, DRAINAGE, ETC.) 1200 ELM AVENUE CARLSBAD, CA 92008-1989 TELEPHONE (619)438-5523 PROJECT ARCHITECT OWNER OCCUPANCY DSPRINKLERED Q TENANT IMP Citp of Cartebab FIRE DEPARTMENT PLAN CHECK REPORT ADDRESS ADDRESS ADDRESS // A/TOTALSO FT PAGE 1 OF APPROVED DISAPPROVED PLAN CHECKS PHONE _ PHONE STORIES "7 APPROVAL OF PLANS IS PREDICATED ON CONFORMING TO THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS AND/OR MAKING THE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: 1V2/ • 3 W 4 y Y V X PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS, AND PERMITS Provide one copy of floor plan(s), site plan, sheets Provide two site plans showing the location of all existing fire hydrants within 200 feet of the project Provide specifications for the following Permits,are required for the installation of all fire protection systems (sprinklers, stand pipes, dry chemical, halon, COvalarms) hydrants)"1 Plan must be approved by the fire department prior to installation The business owner shall complete a building information letter and return it to the fire department FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEMS AND EQUIPMENT The following fire protection systems are required D Automatic fire sprinklers (Design Criteria ) G Dry Chemical, Halon, CO* {Location ) 0 Stand Pipes (Type - /_),f "* ' " " /~t (^ y^ C.F- V" '^J sq ft or portion thereof with a travel distance to the nearest to be located (D Fire Alarm (Type/Location _ Fire Extinguisher Requirements C/One 2A rated ABC extinguisher for each extinguisher not to exceed 75 feet of travel D An extinguisher with a minimum rating of D Other 8 Additional fire hydrant(s) shall be provided EXITS . 9 Exit doors shall be openable from the inside without the use of a key or any special knowledge or effort .10 A sign stating, " This door to remain unlocked during business hours" shall be placed above the mam exit and doors v 11 EXIT signs (6" x 3/4" letters) shall be placed over all required exists and directional signs located as necessary to i clearly indicate the location of exit doors GENERAL .12 Storage, dispensing or use of any flammable or combustible liquids, flammable liquids, flammable gases and hazardous chemicals shall comply with Uniform Fire Code .13 Buildmg(s) not approved for high piled combustible stock Storage in closely packed piles shall not exceed 15 feet in height, 12 feet on pallets or in racks and 6 feet for tires, plastics and some flammable liquids If high stock pil- ing is to be done, comply with Uniform Fire Code, Article 81 .14 Additional Requirements £ & .15' Comply with regulations,on attached sheet(s) Plan Examiner. Report mailed to with Attach to Plans 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 n 12 13 14- 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 i 23 24 25 26 27 28 PLANNING ._COHM_TSSTQN RESOLUTION^ NO , 23^3 -» A RESOLUTION OF THL !?LANiUNG COfa-ilSSiOH OF THE CITY OF C*,RLSFAu{ CALIFORNIA, APPROVING A CONDITIONAL URE PLRMIT TO ALLOtf A 1 2 1 -ON) T SENIOR RESORT HOTLL ON PROPERTY G >-,!!>? t. RALLY LOCATED IMKr.'nJA'rnirv NOR1K Or 72(H PONru PRIVE. APPLIC AKT: PAC5 ETC NO : - 23? WHEREAS, a verified application h^.s been filed with the Cjty of Carlsbad and referred to ' the Planning Commission; and WHEREAS, said vcrj f ie<3 application constitutes a request as provided by Title 21 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code; and WHEREAS , pursuant to the provisions of the Municipal Code the Planning Commission <3idr on the I1ih flay of July, 1984 and on the 8th dr,v of August, 1984, hold a duly noticed public hearing to consider saic application on property described as: A portion cC th«- south two thirds of Lot 4 of Section 29, Townshi^ 12 South f R&ngc 4 Webtf San Bernardino Meridian in the City of Carlsbaup WHEREASe at said hearingr upon hearing and considering all testimony and arguments, if any, of all persons desiring to be heard, said Commission considered all factors relating to CUP-239. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED by the Planning ~ Commission of the City of Carlsbad as follows: (A) That the foregoing recitations are true and correct, (B) That based on the evidence presented at the public hearing, the Commission APPROVES CUP-239, based on the following findings and subject to the following conditions: Findings 1) The ^ite is physically suitable for the type and density of the Development since the site is adequate in size and shape to accommodate residential development at the density pro- posed. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) The project is consistent with all City public facility "pol- icies and ordinances since: a) The Planning Commission has, by inclusion of an appropriate condition to this project, insured that the building permits will not be spptoved unless the City Council finds that sewer service is available to serve the project. b) All necessary public improvements hsve been provided or will be required as conditions of approval. c) The applicant has agreed and is required by the inclusion of an appropriate condition to pay a public facilities fee. Performance of that contract and payment of the fee will enable this body to find that public facilities will be available concurrent with need as required by the general plan. The requested use is necessary or desirable for the development of the community, is essentially in harmony with the various elements and objectives of the general plan, and is not detrimental to existing uses or to uses specifically permitted in the zone in which the proposed use is to .be locatedc The site for the intended use is adequate in size and shape to accommodate the use. All of the yards, setbacks, walls, fences, landscaping, and other features necessary to adjust the requested use to existing or permitted future uses in the neighborhood will be provided and maintained. The street system serving the proposed use is adequate to properly handle all traffic generated by the proposed use. This project will not cause any significant environmental impacts and a Negative Declaration has been issued by the Land Use Planning Manager on June 18, 1984 and approved by the Planning Commission on July 11, 1984. PC RESO NO. 2323 -2- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Conditions; '1, * i + , 1) Approval is granted for CUP-239, as shown on "Exhibits "A" - "G", dated August 8f ]984, incorporated by reference and on file in the Land Use Plannins Officer Development shall occur substantially as shovn unless otherwise noted in these conditions* 2) This project is approved upon the express condition that building permits will not be issued for "development of the subject property unless the City Engineer determines that sewer facilities are available at the time of application for such sewer permits and will continue to be available until time of occupancy. 3) This project is approved upon the express condition that the applicant_shall pay a public facilities fee as required by City. Council PolTcy No. 17, dated April 2, 1982, on file with the City Clerk and incorporated herein by reference, and according to the agreement executed by the applicant for payment of said fee, a copy of that agreement, dated October 25, 1983, is on file with the City Clerk and incorporated herein by reference. If said fee is not paid as promised, this application will not be consistent with the General Plan and approval for this project shall be void. 4) Approval of this request shall not excuse compliance with all sections of the Zoning Ordinance and all other applicable City ordinances in effect at time of building permit issuance, Land Use Planning Conditions; 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) The applicant shall prepare a reproducible mylar of the final site plan incorporating the conditions contained herein. Said site plan shall be submitted to and approved by the Land Use Planning Manager prior to the issuance of building petmit.s. The applicant shall prepare a detailed landscape and irriga- tion plan which shall be submitted to and approved by the Land Use Planning Manager prior to the issuance of building permits. All parking lot trees shall be a minimum of 15 gallons in size. All landscaped areas shall be maintained in a healthy and thriving condition, free from weeds, trash, and debris. Any signs proposed for this development shall be designed in conformance with the City's Sign Ordinance and shall require review and approval of the Land Use Planning Manager prior to installation of such signs. PC RESO NO, 2323 -3- 1 2 3 4' 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 1? 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 10) Trash receptacle areas 'shall be*"enclosed 0y a txx-fopt high""" masonry wall with gate? pursuant to City standards. Location1 of said receptacles shall be approved by the Land Use Planning Manager. 11)All roof appurtenances, including air conditioners, shal'I be architecturally integrated and shielded from view s*-:l the sound buffered from adjacent properties and streets^ pursuan to Building Department Policy No. 80-6, to the satisfaction the Land Use Planning Manager and Building and Planning Director. the 12) This conditional use permit is granted for a period of years. This conditional use permit shall be reviewed by Land Use Planning Manager on a yearly basis to determine all conditions of this permit have been met and that the does not have a significant detrimental impact on ing properties or the public health and welfare. If Use Planning Manager determines that the use has such significant adverse impacts, the manager shall recommend the Planning Commission, after providing the permittee the opportunity to be heard, add additional conditions to mitigate the significant adverse impacts. This permit may be revoked at any time after a public hearing, if it is found that4the use .has a significant detrimental affect on surrounding land use's and the public's'health and welfare, or the conditions, imposed herein have'not been met. This permit may be extended for a reasonable period of time not to exceed five years upon written application of the permittee mede not less than SO days prior to the expiration date. In granting such • extension, the Planning Commission shall find that no substantial adverse affect on surrounding land uses or the public's health and welfare will result because of the continuation of the permitted use. If a substantial adverse* affect on surtounding land uses or the public's health and welfare is found, the extension shall be considered as an original application for a conditional use permit. There is no limit to the number of extensions the Planning Commission may grant. Engineering Conditions; 13) The developer shall obtain a grading permit prior to the commencement of any clearing or grading of the site, 14) / Thes^grading for this project is defined as "controlled grad- M~?ing" by Section 11.06.170(a) of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. 'v Grading shall be performed under the observation of a civil 't(* engineer whose responsibility it shall be to coordinate site/(4> inspection and testing to insure compliance of the work with ,(V the approved grading plan, submit required reports to the Citj A Engineer and verify compliance with Chapter 11.06 of theV Carlsbad Municipal Code. PC RESO NO. 2323 -4- 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 v*-* , *' ; <- ,15) No grading shall occur outside the limits"vof /the? .subdivision unless a letter of permission is obtained front the ""oVners of the affected properties. 16) Prior to the issuance of a grading permit, the hap 1 route shall be submitted for review and approved by the City Engineer. A separate grading plan shall be submitted and approved and a separate grading permit issued for the borrow or disposal site if located within the city limits. 17) All slopes within this project shall be no steeper than 2:1. T8) 19) 20) 21) 22) 23) The developer shall exercise special care during the construction phase of , this project to prevent any off-site siltation. The' developer shall provide erosion control measures and shall construct temporary desiltation/detention basins of type, size and location as approved1 by the City Engineer. The basins and erosion control measures shall be shown and specified on the grading plan and shall be constructed to the satisfaction of the City Engineer prior to the start of any other grading operations. Prior to the removal of any basins or facilities so constructed the area served shall be protected by additional drainage facilities, slope erosion control measures and other methods required or approved by the City Engineer. The developer shall maintain the temporary basins and erosion control measures for a pei io<5 of time satisfactory to the CJty Engineer and shall guarantee their maintenance and satisfactory performance through cash deposit and bonding in amounts and types suitable to the City Engineer. Additional drainage easements and drainage structures shall be provided or installed as may be required by the County Department of Sanitation and Flood Control or the City Engi- neer-. The developer shall pay the current local drainage area fee prior to approval of building permits or shall construct drain-age systems in conformance with the Master Drainage Plan and City of Carlsbad Standards, as required by the City Engi- neer. The owner of the subject property shall execute harmless agreement, regarding drainage across the adjacent property grior to approvel^of^^tuij.cUng^ permits. All land and/or easements required to satisfy the conditions of approval for this project shall be granted to the City, free and clear of all liens and encumbrances and without cost to the City. Improvements including, but not limited to, the following shall be installed by the developer and approved by the City Engineer. The developer shall obtain approval of the plans from the City Engineer and pay all associated fees and performance guarantees prior to issuance of any Building PC RESO NO. 2323 -5- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Permit. The deveJoper shall install said ii.iprc/emcnts to the satisfaction of ' t:he City 'Engineer prior to the issuance* of a Certificate of Occupancy or occupancy of any portion of the pro3ect for any purpose. To wit: a) PonV,o Dr.ive, including transition sections, to coJlector street standards for the full width along its frontage with the project as shown on Exhibit "G". The sidewalk and parkway may be omitted on the westerly side of Ponto Drive where it fronts on Carlsbad Boulevard. The portion of Ponto Drive laying to the north of the project shall be improved as shown on Exhibit "G" and as required herein. The developer shall offer to dedicate to the City sufficient right-of-way to construct Ponto Drive. b) The centerline of the temporary intersection with Carlsbad Boulevard, shall be no less than 1200 feet south of the centerline of Poinsettia Lane at the point where Poinsettia Lane will intersect Carlsbad Boulevard. c) The temporary intersection with Carlsbad Boulevard shall be so designed as to physically preclude left turns" from westbound to southbound, and U-turns from northbound to southbound. d) For conditions 23a and 23b above, detailed engineering plans which include traffic signing and striping must be submitted to the City Engineer for his approval. e) The temporary frontage road which para}lels' Carlsbad^ Boulevard north of the cul-de-sac shall be posted "Emergency Vehicles Only, Not For Public Use" in both directions, f) Sanitary sewer from the existing 27-inch diameter sanitary sewer that is east of and parallels the AT&SF Railroad to the intersection of the centerline of the existing 60-foot wide road easement and the southerly line of the project. The developer shall provide a 15- foot wide easement for the sewer. The developer shall obtain all required licenses, permits and/or approvals required by the AT&SF Railroad. g) Stor/, Drain Facilities h) Street Trees i) Street Lights 24) The developer shall comply with all the rules, regulations and design requirements of the respective sewer and water agencies regarding services to the project. 25) The design of all private streets and drainage systems shall be approved by the City Engineer prior to approval of building permits. The structural section of all private streets shall conform to City of Carlsbad Standards based on R-value tests. All private streets and drainage systems shall be inspected by the city, and the standard improvement plan check and inspection fees shall be paid prior to approval of the building permits. PC RESO NO. 2323 -6- 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 26) All private driveways shall be kept clear of parked vehicles at all timesr and shall have posted "No Parking/Fire Lane Tow Away Zone" pursuant to Section 17.04.0*0, Carlsbad Municipal Code. 27) Prior to issuance of building permits for any portion of this project the owner shall give written consent to the annexstJ.cm of the project site into the existing City of Catlsbad Street Lighting and Landscaping. District No. 1. 28) The developer shall offer the entire _60~foot wide public ^access easement that lays to the south of the main projet "!Tte~ for dedication as a public street. The developer shall enter into a 'future improvement agreement to improve said easement to localstreet standards. 29)All plans, specifications, and supporting documents for the - improvements of this project shall be signed and sealed by the Engineer in responsible charge of the work. Each sheet shall be signed and sealed, except that bound documents may be signed and sealed on their first page. Additionally the first sheet of each set of plans shall have the following certificate: "DECIARATION OF RESPONSIBLE CHARGE" I hereby declare that I am the Engineer of Work for this project, that I have exercised - responsible charge over the design of the project as defined in Section 6703 of the Business and Professions Code, and that the design is consistent with current standards. I understand that the check of project drawings and specifications by the City of Carlsbad is confined to a review only and does not relieve me, as Engineer of Work, of my responsibilities for project design. (Name, Address and Telephone of Engineering firm) Firm: Address: City, St.: Telephone: BY Date: (Name of Engineer) R.C.E. NO. | * Fire Conditions; 30) Additional public and/or on site fire hydrants shall be re- quired if deemed necessary by the Fire Marshal. PC RESO NO. 2323 -7- T^-—A ' 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 1A IS 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 31) The applicent shall submit two (2) copies of a site plan showing Joe-«tions of existing and proposed fire hydrants and on site roadt and drives subject to the approval of the Fire Marshal. 32) hn 2:13 weather access road shall be maintained throughout construction. 33) AllLrequired fire hydrants, water mains and appurtenances shall, be operational prior to combustible building materials being located on the project site. 34) Proposed security gate systems shall be provided with "Knox" key operated override switch, as specified by the Fire De- partment . 35) Tire jretardant roofs shall be required on all structures. 36) All fire alarm systems, fire hydrants, extinguishing systems, automatic sprinklers, and other systems pertinent to the project shall be submitted to the Hire Department for approval prior to construction,, 37) Building exceeding 10,000 sq.ft. aggregate floor area shall be sprinklered os' have four-hour fire walls with no openings therein which shall split the building into 10,000 sq.ft. (or" less) areas. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Planning Commission of the City of Carlsbad, California, held on the 8th day of August, 1984, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Chairman Rombotis, Commissioners McFadden, Rawlins, Schlehuber and Farrow. NOES: Commissioner Marcus. ABSENT: Commissioner Smith. ABSTAIN: None. /? 'WILLIS' RAWLINS, Vice-Chairman CARLSBAD PLANNING COMMISSION ATTEST: MlCHftfcL, J. LAND USE PLANNING PC RESO NO. 2323 AGER -8- TltUS JOIST CORPORATION Salesman's No.: XXIM Salesman's Name: Specifier: 6UY Estimate No.:-Scratch Pad Job Nmi PACIFIC RIVIERA Page Titlei TYPE A 13:20i38 Date 02-13-1985 NON RES RLDOR Stress: 1001 Live Load: 100.0 psf Dead Load: 23.0 psf Partition: 0.0 psf Slued Floor N Rep Pricing Hark Series Pro. Depth t TJ155 PARA 20 o.c. Nei 24.0 V Load 246 Unit Price Design flllo*. Control: V 2399 > 2360 961 LEFT end SPAN 1 under 1001 stress TOTAL load N 11693 < 19474 1671 HID SPAN 1 under 1001 stress TOTAL load D 0.398 < 0.400 L/587 SPAN 1 under LIVE Load Lu 19'- 6.00 75.2 LIVE LOAD DEaECTION D 0.398 TOTAL LQftQ QH ALL HEHBERS FOR STRESS = 1001 V 2399 -2379 R 2399 2399 H 11693 0 0 D 0.490 DEAD LOAD V 449 -449 R U9 449 H 2186 0 0 'These designs are in accordance with current TRUS JOI3T Corporation specifica- tions, materials and allowable design values for the loads and dimensions shown hereon" I Of 1 Salesman's Ho.i Estimate No.; Scratch Pad TRUS JOIST CORPORATION Salestan's Hatei Specifier: BUY Job Naeet PACIFIC RIVIERA Page Titlet TYPE B TIM 13:22ilO Date 02-13-1983 NON RES FLOOR Stress: 1001 Live Load: 100.0 psf Dead Load: 23.0 psf Partition: 0.0 psf Blued Floor N Hark Series Pro. Depth I TJI35X PARA 16 Hep Pricing o.c. Hei Load 24.0 Y 246 Unit Price Design All on. Control: V 1B45 > 1830 991 RIBHT end SPftH 1 under 1001 stress TQTftt H 4919 < 7790 1131 HID SPAN 1 under 1001 stress TOTAL load D 0.375 > 0.375 L/480 SPAN 1 under LIVE Load Lu 15'- 0.00 41.3 LIVE LOAD DEFLECTION D 0.375 TOTAL LOAD ON ALL MEMBERS FOR STRESS = 1001 V 1845 -1045 R 1845 1B45 « 6919 0 0 D 0.461 DEAD LOAD V 345 -345 R 345 345 H 1294 0 0 MO. ''These designs are m accordance with current TRUS JOIST Corporation specifica- tions, materials and allowable design values for the loads and dimensions shown hereon" Salesman's No.: xxxxi Estnate No.: Scratch Pad THUS JOIST CORPORATION Salesman's Nan: Job Naie: PACIFIC RIVIERA Tiie 13:39:14 Date 02-13-1985 Specifier: GUY Page TitUi TYPE D NGN RES FLOOR Stress: 100X Live Load: 100.0 psf Dead Load: 23.0 psf Partition: 0.0 pi* Slued Floor N Nark Series Pro, Depth 1 TOI55 PARA 20 Rep Pricing o.c. Nei Load 16.0 Y 164 Unit Price Design fillon. Control: V 1B72 < 2360 1261 LEFT end SPAN 1 under 1001 stress TOTAL load H 10688 < 19474 1821 HID SPAN 1 under 1001 stress TOTAL load D 0.456 < 0.457 L/601 SPAN 1 under LIVE Load U 22'-10.00 78.6 LIVE LOAD DEFLECTION D 0.456 TOTAL LOAD ON ALL HEflBERS FOR STRESS = 1001 V 1872 -1872 R 1872 1872 H 10688 0 0 D 0.561 i- DEAD LOAD V 350 -350 R 350 350 U 1999 0 0 "These designs are in accordance with current TPUS JOfST Corporation specifica- tions, materials and allowable design values for the loads and dimensions shown hereon"i TRUS JOIST CORPORATION Salesman's No.: mxj Salesman's Nan: Specifier: GUY EstiHte Ko.: Scratch Pad iJob Naiei PACIFIC RIVIERA Page Title: TYPE E TIK 13:36:21 Date 02-13-1985 RES FLOOR Stress: iOOZ Live Load: 40.0 psf Dead Load: 23.0 psf Partition: 0.0 psf Slued Floor H Type Live Load Stress Dead Load Width Starting Point WHF 60 psf iOOZ 23 psf x 5'- 0.00 « 25'- 1.09 frat RlfiHT End Rep Pricing Mark Series Pro. Depth o.c. Rei Load 1 TJI351 PARft 20 24.0 Y 133 Left overhang lay require bottoi chord bracing. Unit Price Besign AUw. Control: V 1663 < 2235 134Z LEFT end SPAN 1 under IOOZ stress TOTAL load H 9624 < 10114 105Z HID SPAN 1 under IOOZ stress ALT span loading D 0.535 < 0.627 L/562 SPAN 1 under LIVE Load 5'- 0.00 25'- 1.00 Lu B6.B 39.2 LIVE LOAD DEFLECTION D -0.252 0.535 TOTAL LOAD ON ALL MEHBERS FOR STRESS = IOOZ V -830 1663 -1498 R 2493 1498 II 8899 -2075 0 D -0.416 0,860 ALT SPAN LOAD INS ON ODD t HEftBERS FOR STRESS = IOOZ V -830 660 -494 R 1490 494 « 2655 -2075 0 D -0.068 0,237 ALT SPAN LOADIN6 ON EVEN f KEHBERS FDR STRESS = IOOZ V -230 1603 -1557 R 1B33 1557 H 9624 -575 0 D -0.511 0.949 DEAD LOAD V -230 600 -554 R B30 554 H 3336 -575 0 ''These designs are in accordance with current TRUS JOIST Corporation specifica- tions, materials and allowable design values for the loads and dimensions shown hereon". Salesman's No.: xxxxi Estnate No.: Scratch Pad RES FLOOR Stress: 1001 Type Live Load UNIF 60 psf THUS JOIST CORPORATION Salesman's Naiei Job Nate: PACIFIC RIVIERA TUB 13:32:20 Data 02-13-1985 Specifier: 6UY Page TitUi TYPE El Live Load: 40.0 psf Stress Dead Load 1001 23 psf dark Series Pro. Depth o.c. 1 TJI35X PARA 20 24,0 Left overhang lay require bottoi chord bracing. Rep Rei Y Dead Load: Midth 8'- 0.00 « Pricing Load 136 23.0 psf Partition: Starting Point 25'- 1.00 froi RI6HT End Unit Price 0.0 psf Glued Floor N Design All ox. Control: V 1741 < 2235 1282 LEFT end SPAN 1 under 100* stress TOTAL load II 9187 < 10114 lio: MID SPAN 1 under 1001 stress ALT span loading D 0.473 < 0.627 L/636 SPAN 1 under LIVE Load B'- 0.00 25'- 1.00 Lu 62.3 40.7 LIVE LDflD DEFLECTION D -0.276 0.473 TOTAL LOAD ON ALL HEHBERS FOR STRESS = 100I V -1008 1741 -1420 R 2749 1420 H 7996 -4032 0 D -0.434 0.745 ALT SPAN LOADING ON ODD I MEMBERS FOR STRESS = 1001 V -1008 738 -416 R 1746 416 H 1883 -4032 0 D 0.122 0.127 ALT SPAN LOADIN6 ON EVEN * MEMBERS FOR STRESS = 1001 V -368 1639 -1522 R 2007 1522 K 9187 -1472 0 D -0.715 0.896 DEAD LOAD V -368 636 -518 R 1004 518 H 2919 -1472 0 "These designs are in accordance with current TRUS JCIST Corporation specifica- tions, materials and allowable design values for the loads and dimensions shown hereon" c ,, -k * * * 4< * *(f * * 4- *- 4c + C 4: * K- * * + *+ LU * * • CC ** 2- ** —* cr * * C LU *4- N C CC •** c c c s * — + C N. LU' * ro 4= LO • O S •*< IT- 4= — CY LT LU 4= — 4c CY > -K * 1! II . 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OF AT&SF RAILWAY EASEMENT CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA "Grading Plan for Pacific Riviera (C.U.P.-239)", by Land Space Engineering Company, undated. In accordance with your request, we have performed a geotech- nical investigation of the subject property. Our investiga- tion consisted of a detailed site reconnaissance, subsurface exploration, laboratory testing, engineering and geologic analysis, and the preparation of this report. The purpose of this report was to evaluate the subsurface soil conditions and to provide preliminary grading and foundation recommendations relative to design and construction of the proposed hotel complex. SITE DESCRIPTION The subject property is located on the east side of Ponto Drive ^near the intersection of Ponto Drive and Carlsbad Boulevard. The easterly property line borders the easement of AT&SF-Railway (see following Location Map, Figure 1). The property is irregular in shape and -encompasses an area of approximately 3.9 acres. The site slopes gently to the east. Elevation across the site ranges from -approximately El. 60 feet (&SL) near Ponto Drive to the west to El. 44 feet at the southeast corner -of the property. The property includes an NORTH 2000 2000 SCALE BASE MAP U.S.G.S. ENCINITAS QUADRANGLE, 1975 4000 FEET LOCATION MAP 307.1.1 NO Pacific Riviera September 7, 1984 Project No. 307.1.1 Page 2 unpaved alley that enters the central portion of the site from Ponto Drive. The westerly portion of the property is presently utilized as an equipment parking yard. PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT It .is our understanding that the proposed development will consist of four three-story, wood-frame hotel buildings and associated parking areas and recreational facilities (swimming pool) in the westerly portion of the site and a four-story wood-frame and concrete structure (including subterranean garage) in the easterly portion of the site. The proposed grades are expected to remain the same as those shown on the attached Plot Plan, Plate 1. SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION Our subsurface exploration consisted of advancing five test borings to a depth of 16 feet with a truck -mounted bucket auger drill rig. The approximate locations of the test borings are shown on the Plot Plan, Plate 1. The subsurface exploration was supervised by an engineering geologist from this office who logged the soils and obtained bulk and -relatively undisturbed drive samples for laboratory testing. The soils were visually classified according to the Unified Soil Classification System. Classifications are* shown on the boring logs included in Appendix A. LABORATORY TESTING Laboratory testing was performed .on representative samples of the on-site materials. The following laboratory tests were performed: " ° ~Dry Density and Moisture Content - - '(ASTM: D -2937 and ASTM: D 2216)i • 0 " "Maximum Dry Density and Optimum Moisture Content '- " <ASTM: D 1557} * j Consolidation (ASTM: D 2435) OWiNEOECHNCAL Pacific Riviera September 7, 1984 Project No. 307.1.1 Page -3,, °_ Direct Shear "/ (ASTM: D 3080)—-} 0 Expansion Test (UBC Standard No. 29-2)i Results of dry density and moisture content determinations are shown .on the borings logs included in Appendix A. Results of the remaining laboratory tests are presented in Appendix B. SOIL AND GEOLOGIC. CONDITIONS The site is underlain by topsoil, alluvium, and terrace deposits. These materials are described as follows: ° .Terrace Deposits, Lindavista Formation (Qlv) Terrace deposits of the Pleistocene aged Lindavista Formation are present underlying the topsoil and alluvial materials throughout the site. These materials generally consist of fine to medium grained, medium dense to dense, brown silty sand- stone and g'ray, silty, clayey sandstone. In general, the terrace deposits were found to possess a non to very low expansion potential. The terrace deposits should' be rippable with normal earth moving equipment. The terrace deposits unconformably overlie the Eocene aged Santiago Formation. 0 Al-luvium (Qal) Recent alluvial deposits were encountered in Boring 5 ^underlying the topsoil to a depth of 5.5 feet. These materials appear -to have been deposited along the southerly drainage course in the low elevations ofl the eastern portion of the property.. ",The .approx- imate limits of the alluvial deposits are shown on the attached Plot Plan,. Plate 1. Thicker sections oirj alluvium are expected in the southeast .corner of f Pacific Riviera September 7, 1984 Project No. 307.1.1 Page 4 the property. Alluvium consists of loose to dense, moist, gray, clayey sands with a very low expansion potential. ° Topsoil Topsoil is present across much of the site transi- tioning into underlying alluvium and terrace depos- its. Topsoil depths vary from approximately 6 inches to 2,5 feet and consist of dry to slightly moist, loose, brown, silty sands and brown/ silty, clayey sands with a very low to low expansion potential. GROUK_D WATER Groundwater was encountered in Boring 5 at a depth of 15 feet (El. 31 +). Fluctuations in groundwater levels are possible, depending" on seasonal rainfall conditions. Therefore, it is recommended that a pressure relief valve be provided for the proposed swimming pool. SURFACE DRAINAGE Surface drainage comprises sheet flow runoff of incident rainfall derived primarily within the parcel boundaries and a drainage course adjacent to the AT&SF Railway easement which flows in a southerly direction. SEISMICITY There are no known active faults on or adjacent to the site. However, the site can be considered seismically active, as can all of southern California. Seismic risk is considered moderate ,as compared to other areas in southern California because of the dense terrace deposits underlying the site at shallow depths. Seismic hazards within the site can -be attributed to ground shaking resulting from events on .distant, active ' faults. Listed on Table 1 (following page) sare the active and poten- tially -active faults in the jarea which could significantly affect the -site. Figure 2 shows the geographic relationship -of the site to'these faults. OECHN GAL r »-* ^-1SBS E HO (J H U in•-H •o r- m "31 o o o ino o o y oP O HW K EHEH Q < HE-iW W n 3WUQ <N fN O r~t 4 O r- -VD r-o o o o o wS§ CM IX O w3 05 §o EH fc s3§^3 rn f"3s 9 cwH m a:x o E-* o r- m o in r-- r- r- UHSwH WW «B U H r f *£* yi oH o;P fa HE g w (U HE Oin w (U rHH E Oin w HS COU)in B Co r>1C R]O 0)>-rl 4-> O < ^ir~4tH Of •H Q> C OV C o C-H O(D -OO 0)i— t"tj» CHI -PMs? GOnJ 0) *os ^>, Co-H4JOVto £», i— 1 V) U 0) 4JC0) g 0)I-tU (OOW C 9 CO CO PJ iH (d <D (0 W 03K — W W Z W~ U) OJr^en 13(U QL < O2 CO LU CO _l <z O O LU DC Q K O O O i—.O s I Pacif £c= Riviera September 7, 1984 Projecjt No. 307.1.1 Page 5>_r. I f-3 EARTHQUAKE EFFECTS I A. Settlement I The materials underlying the site at relatively shallow depths consist of dense, sandy terrace deposits which are not subject to significant seismically induced settlement. Site grading and I building foundation design will reduce the potential for seismically induced settlement of near-surface soils. B. Liquefaction Due to the 'relatively moderate silt and clay content of_' the terrace deposits, alluvium, and depth of groundwater, the potential for seismically induced liquefaction of on-site soils is low. C. Lurching and Shallow Ground Rupture Ground rupture due to active faulting is not likely due to the absence of active faulting. Ground cracking due to lurching or shaking from distant events is not considered a significant hazard, although it is a possibility at any site. D. Earthquake Accelerations We--have analyzed the possible earthquake accelera- -tions at the site and in our opinion, for the ! intended use, the most significant event is a 7.0 Richter Magnitude event on the potentially active Rose Canyon Fault. The accelerations produced at I the site by such an^ event would exceed those of I events on any other known fault. Such an event .could produce ,a peak bedrock acceleration on the order of 0.22 g at the subject site with the dura-I -tion of -strong shaking exceeding 30 seconds. Peak acceleration is not, however, representative for the accelerations for -which structures are actually Riviera September 7, 1984 Project No. 307.1.1 Page ~6~ designed. Repeatable high bedrock accelerations, for this predominantly bedrock site, are estimated tb be on the order of 0.15 g. Design of structures should comply with the requirements of the governing jurisdictions and standard practices of the Associa- tion of Structural Engineers of California. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 1. General From a geotechnical standpoint, it is our opinion that the site can be developed as planned provided the recommendations contained in this report are incorporated into the design and construction of the project. "2. Site Earthwork ° Clearing and Stripping Prior to grading, the site should be cleared of surface and subsurface obstructions, including trash and debris, and stripped of vegetation. ° Removal of Loose, Surface Soils In general, all areas of loose topsoil, alluvium, and terrace deposits should be removed down to approved natural ground. Based on our field and laboratory data, we -" anticipate only minor removals in bedrock areas and deeper removals up to about 4 feet in depth in alluvial areas (easterly portion ^ of site). Localized deeper soil removals may be necessary, depending on building ^_ locations and soil conditions encountered jT during grading and should be determined by """ the Soils Engineer. OWfN^EOECHNICAL r Pacific Riviera September 7, 1984 Project No. 307.1.1 Page 7 ° Scarification of Surface Soils All areas to receive fill and/or other surface improvements should be scarified to a minimum depth of 6 inches, brought to near optimum moisture conditions, and compacted to at least 90 percent. ° Material for Fill The on-site materials are generally suitable for use as fill, provided they are free of organic materials, debris, and cobbles over 6 inches in dimension. ° Compaction and Method of Filling All structural fill placed at the site should be compacted to a minimum relative compaction of 90 percent based upon labora- tory standard ASTM: D 1557-78. Fills should be moistened or dried to near optimum conditions and compacted by mechan- ical means in lifts not exceeding 6 inches in compacted thickness. - General specifications for controlled fill are presented in Appendix C of this report. ° Volume Shrinkage Due to Compaction A volume shrinkage factor of 5 to 10 percent is estimated due to recompaction of the on-site soils. Foundations The following foundation recommendations are prelim- inary and should be 'confirmed at the completion of grading operations. r Pacific Riviera September 7, 1984 Project No. 307.1.1 Page-8 The proposed three-story buildings may be supported on shallow, continuous footings bearing in compacted fill at a minimum depth of^241£rinches below lowest, adjacent finished grade or building pad grade, whichever is deeper. -Footings may be designed for a dead plus live load bearing value of ^T^pjD^pounds per square foot with a one-third increase--of all loads, including wind or seismic. ' Footings should have a minimum width inches. Minimum foundation reinforcing should consist of two No. 4 bars placed one near the top and one near the bottom of the footings. Buildings may be designed for a passive lateral bearing pressure of 250 pounds per square foot per foot of depth. This value assumes that footings will be poured tight against undisturbed soils. A coefficient of friction against sliding between concrete and soil of 0.40 may be assumed. 4. Floor Slabs Floor slabs should be at least 4 inches thick (nominal) and reinforced with minimum 6x6-10/10 welded wire mesh. Slab reinforcing should be supported on chairs to ensure positioning at mid- height in the slab. In moisture-sensitive areas, slabs should be under- lain by a 4 inch layer of gravel or clean sand overlain with a 6-mil visgueen membrane and overlain in turn with an additional 1 inch of clean sand. Slab -soils should be thoroughly moistened prior to pouring concrete. OWiN;<3EOTECHNICAL r Pacific Riviera September 7, 1984 Project No. 307.1.1 Page 9 5. Retaining Walls Recommended equivalent fluid soil pressures for the design of cantilever walls retaining on-site granu- lar soils, or other approved granular materials are as follows: BACKFILL SLOPE EQUIVALENT FLUID PRESSURE (horizontal to vertical) (pounds per cubic foot) Level 4:1 35 '3:1 40 2:1 45 Permanent ^estrainedj^wa'lls .less than 10 feet in height may be designed for an equivalent fluid pressure of .j'50 "pounds per cubic foot and should be braced prior to backfilling. Walls should also be designed for any surcharge loading imposed by adj acent existing structures, sloping backfill, construction loads, or traffic. Retaining wall footings should be designed in accordance with the previous building foundation recommendations. Retaining walls should be provided with adequate drainage to prevent buildup of hydrostatic pres- sures. 'Adequate waterproofing should be provided behind all retaining walls. Trench and Retaining Wall Backfill All trench and retaining wall backfill should be compacted by mechanical means to at least 90 percent relative compaction and tested by the Soils Engin- eer. At least one test should "be taken for every 2 vertical feet of -wall or trench backfill. OWsN&EOECHNCAL Pacific Riviera September 7, 1984 Project No. 307.1.1 Page 10 7. P-avement Pavement subgrade soils should be scarified to a depth of 6 to 8 inches, moisture conditioned and compacted to at least 90 percent relative compac- tion. Design of pavements will depend largely on traffic loads and patterns and subgrade soil conditions exposed after grading and should be based -on R-Value testing. Approximate pavement sections can be provided prior to this time if appropriate. 8. Swimming Pool The proposed swimming pool should be provided with a pressure relief valve in case of an unusual rise in groundwater table. 9. Drainage Positive drainage should be provided away from buildings to minimize the potential for surface water infiltration beneath foundations. 0 * Plan Review and Inspection Final foundation plans, details, and grading speci- fications should be checked and approved by the Soils Engineer. All aspects of site grading and foundation construc- tion, including removal of surface soils, placement, and compaction of fill and backfill, footing excava- tion, etc. , should be inspected and/or tested as required by the Soils Engineer to verify conformance with our recommendations. OWJN^EOECHNCAL Pacific Riviera Septernber 7, 1984 Project No. 307.1.1 Page Tfl ~™~i This opportunity to be of service is appreciated. If you have any questions, please call. Very truly yours, OWEN GEOTECHNICAL SALAR DEHBOZORGI, RCE 34549 JAMES F. KNOWLTON, CEG 1045 Senior Project Engineer Principal Geologist MARTIN R. OWEN, RCE 23155 Principal Engineer SD/JFK/MRO:tap Copies: (4) Addressee Attachments DRILLING COMPANY BO-JAC RIG BUCKET AUGER DATE 8/23/i BORING DIAMETER 24" DRIVE WEIGHT 2,500 Ibs DROP 12"ELEVATION 5- 3 c- O 2 O< y- t- t/i LU t Q _Q SOIL DESCRIPTION BORING NO l 10 HC 7 103 5 6 4 sands-,: -= 20 25 30 rl BORIIMCB LOG PROJECT NO PACIFIC RIVIERA FIGURE NO A-l OWfN' GEOTECHNICAL CONSULTANTS, INC, DRILLING COMPANY BO-J-C RIG BUCKET AUGER BORING DIAMETER 24" DRIVE WEIGHT 2,50^ ibs DROP 12"' DEPTH (FEET)10 15 20 — 25 UJ-jo_ LO 03 - x DRIVE SAMPLEBLOWS/FOOTJ5 1 r L 1I - . 9 " s DRY DENSITY(n<010; ; 97 li- - LJJ o^cc r^ ti- *?• 5 Oo 1 8 3 2 2 1 * 3 CO „ ^ CO 52 SK S"i DATE 8/23/84 ELEVATION 58 5' SOIL DESCRIPTION BORING NO 2 TOL >0__ Bio. i1 silty s?"-, ai\, loose r.c.u ~-.ic<;is (LI ^ is: OR; iio @ 10 0' G-ay, salty, cla^e sandstone <? 11 5' Brov - silt/ s?nc3to-_, s^^c ^. _roj i cJl'-j sa-rsto^e, r_ss i ^c \ -r_Et , ocnse TG xer^ ce"s& C " - ~ " o c = _ , . BORING LOG PROJECT NO 307 1 l PACIFIC RIVIERA - - • FIGURE NO A~2 GEOTECHN/CAi CONSULTANTS, INC. DRILLING COMPANY BO-J^C RIG BUCKET AUGER ~ DATE 8 / 2 3 / 8 1 BORING DIAMETER 2-1" DRIVE WEIGHT 2,r>oo its , DROP 12" ELEVATION 49*> DEPTH (FEET)- 5 10 - 15 20 25 LU D. 5 t/i O 00 x1 DRIVE SAMPLEPLOWS/FOOT! roi i - - 6 ~-DRY DENSITYIprf)l.,7 Ijs 1 1CS 1 1"- 3 'MOISTURECONTENT C"0)- f - ? 5 8 to —5s to sc S' SOIL DESCRIPTION BORING NO 3 ^OPfGIL Bio^.-- , siJtj, da t, se-d, dij loose TERRACE DLOOSITS (LlJDA'l&TA FO^l/TIOln) Bro-n tl_. sa^ftc^e, drv _ to sliqiitlj rcist, dense - Daxf gray, si^ty, cla_ej sandstone , sl^ghtlj no^s^:, -eise — _ - - BORING LOG PROJECT WO OP 1 1 P/CI^JC RIVIEPA FfGURE WO A'3 OWEN GEO7ECHNICAL CONSULTANTS, INC. DRILLING COMPANY BC-J-C RIG BUCKET ?UGER DATE 8/23/84 BORING DIAMETER 24" DRIVE WEIGHT 2,500 Ibs DROP 12' ELEVATION1 59 5'> DEPTH (FE'ET)5 — 10 20 • — 25 LU -1a. S <in O<CD \/ • X IL £ 9< -LA -o>i fff _] £ ^ 'i -i i| 5 I 5 .DRY DENSITY<n< f)ic: .MOISTURECONTENT {%)5 0 2 0 C/} CO — 3Su °_( w 52(/} GP s*^ S" SOIL DESCRIPTION BORING NO 4 GRj- -L CCvCied par/^rg area TE-'F^CE DEPOSITS ILI'D/'VIET- FOP^'TIl | Bro«r Si.lt, £c-cistonc, — sl-ahcly mcist to noist, cc-se Gra_v , Sj.lty, cla\ey sandstc^e, slic'tl_ moist, dense -•=-- -^ 13 :' ' | "• 3 _--C! BORING LOG PROJECT NO 3°7 1 l PACIFIC RIVIERA F.GURENO A'" | OWEN GEOTECHNICAL CONSULTANTS. INC DRILLING COMPANY BO-JAC RIG BUCKET AUGER DATE 8/23/84 BORING DIAMETER 24" DRIVE WEIGHT 2,500 ]bs DROP 12" ELEVATION <&'3 DEPTH (FEET)5 10 15 • 20 25 BAG SAMPLEX E DRIVE SAMPLEBLOWS/FOOTi - Ii : i 7 -DRY DENSITY(pcf)105 1 121 8 115 7 111 8 MOISTURECONTENT [%}3 8 9 1 16 0 • V) _ < v> _J -° 52 sc sc sc SOIL DESCRIPTION BORING NO 5 TQFSOIL •'lov.-i cia'jsv sa-d, sliehtl "icist, 'cose to moderately loose ~ ALLb"v JUM GrayciajCysa-ic, slightly moist, loose 6 40' oist, derse ~~ Tr=R?CE DEPOSITS (LI" DAVIST^ FORMAT I Ol-,) " Gra_ claiev sandstone, noist - to very mcist, rrodeiately dcise . BORING LOG PROJECT NO 3P ! 1 PACIFIC RIVIERA FIGURE NO A'5 OWEN GEOTECHNICAL CONSULTANTS. INC I * SAMPLE LOCATION 3-1 @ 10-20' B-l & 13.0-14.0' B-5 @40- 5.0' MAXIMUM DENSITY SOIL DESCRIPTION Brown silty sand Gray, salty, clayey sand Gray cl ayey sand SAMPLE LOCATION B-l 0 1 0- 2.0' 3-5 @ 4 o- b.O' , MAXIMUM DRY DENSITY (pcf) EXPANSION INDEX INITIAL MOISTURE i%) r 9 5 8.7 COMPACTED DRY DENSITY (pcf) 109.0 114.3 FINAL MOISTURE (°;) 17 2 13.8 VOLUMETRIC SWELL (%) 0 •j 123.0 120.0 124.0 OPTIMUM MOISTURE CONTENT (%) 9.0 , 30.0 9.0 EXPANS'Or,1 INDEX 0 0 EXFANStv'E CLASS None Ijone • MAXIMUM DEMSITYfiEXPANBIOM INDEX TEST RESULTS PROJECTED 307.1.1 PACIFIC RIVIERA FIGURE NO B"1 OWEN GEOTECHNICAL CONSULTANTS, INC \ V NORMAL PRESSURE (KSF) 05 10 50 TOO 500 SYMBOL -• SAMPLE LOCATION B-2 @ 5 0-6.0' NORMAL PRESSUREAT SATURATION 1KSF) 0.560 _r CONSOLIDATION TEST RESULTS OVflrN PROJECT NO 307 1.1 FIGURE NO B-2 3OOO 2500 2000 u. ri- uj 150OCC CO CC UJ Xin 1000 500 0 1 , t / sf S / •• • / S & jr ^ / S ^ , s s * s -. / S S' S S S S - , 3 500 ,0-00 1500 20OO 2500 3000 NORMAL PRESSURE (PSF1 V SYMBOL SAMPLE LOCATION • B-2 @ 5 0-6.0' COHESION 'r;!l 100 FRICTION ANGLE |cl 34 REMARKS Samples soaJced , DIRECT SHEAR TEST RESULTS 207.1.1 RGl/fff wo V3 r«:,»'Af\ <V ^ ^ & ^ ^ o A \u i A — , -J , f..r v)o P' 1 ! r^ I' I *r j