HomeMy WebLinkAbout1100 LAS FLORES DR; ; PC050005; Permit03-14-2008 City of Carlsbad 1635 Faraday Av Carlsbad, CA 92008 Plan Check Permit No PC050005 Building Inspection Request Line (760) 602-2725 Job Address Permit Type Parcel No Valuation Reference # Project Title 1100 LAS FLORES DR CBAD PLANCK 1551803100 $000 Lot# Construction Type BUENA VISTA VILLAGE 3 CONDO BUILDINGS & UNDERGROUND PARKING GARAGE Status Applied Entered By Plan Approved Issued Inspect Area Applicant HEBER HURD E186 40335 W(CHESTER RD 92591 951 926 1000 Owner FARBER FAMILY LTD PTNSHP C/O STEPHANIE SPAULDING P O BOX 752 RANCHO SANTA FE CA 92067 PENDING 01/19/2005 RMA Plan Check Fee Additional Fees $000 $000 Total Fees $0 00 Total Payments To Date $0 00 Balance Due $000 BUILDING PLANS _V_ IN STORAGE ATTACHED Inspector FINAL APPROVAL Date Clearance NOTICE Please take NOTICE that approval of your project includes the Imposition of fees dedications reservations or other exactions hereafter collectively referred to as fees/exactions You have 90 days from the date this permit was issued to protest imposition of these fees/exactions If you protest them you must follow the protest procedures set forth in Government Code Section 66020(a) and file the protest and any other required information with the City Manager for processing in accordance with Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 3 32 030 Failure to timely follow that procedure will bar any subsequent legal action to attack review set aside void or annul their imposition You are hereby FURTHER NOTIFIED that your right to protest the specified fees/exactions DOES NOT APPLY to water and sewer connection fees and capacity changes nor planning zoning grading or other similar application processing or service fees in connection with this project NOR DOES IT APPLY to any fees/exactions of which you have previously been given a NOTICE similar to this, or as to which the statute of limitations has previously otherwise expired 03-12-2008 City of Carlsbad 1635 Faraday Av Carlsbad, CA 92008 Residential Permit Permit No CB050639 Building Inspection Request Line (760) 602-2725 Job Address Permit Type Parcel No Valuation Occupancy Group 01/30/2006 # Dwelling Units Bedrooms Project Title Applicant HEBERHURD 1100 LAS FLORES DR CBAD RESDNTL 1551803100 $2 042 609 00 11 24 Sub Type CONDO Lot# 0 Construction Type VN Reference # CT02 13 Structure Type Bathrooms BUENA VISTA VILLAGE 11 UNIT MF5+ 32 Status ISSUED Applied 01/19/2005 Entered By SB Plan Approved Issued Inspect Area Orig PC# 01/05/2006 TP PC05 05 CONDO BLDG 20858 SF LIV 14305 SF GAR 7171 SF DECK Plan Check# Owner PACIFIC LIBERTY INC SUITE #E 186 40335 WINCHESTER RD 92591 951 926 1000 991 C LOMAS SANTA FE DR #441 SOLANA BEACH CA 92075 Building Permit Add I Building Permit Fee Plan Check Add I Plan Check Fee Plan Check Discount Strong Motion Fee Park in Lieu Fee Park Fee LFM Fee Bridge Fee Other Bridge Fee BTD #2 Fee BTD #3 Fee Renewal Fee Add I Renewal Fee Other Building Fee HMP Fee Pot Water Con Fee Meter Size Add I Pot Water Con Fee Reel Water Con Fee $518124 Meter Size $0 00 Add I Reel Water Con Fee $3 367 81 Meter Fee $0 00 SDCWA Fee $0 00 CFD Payoff Fee $20426 PFF (3105540) $61 900 00 PFF (4305540) $0 00 License Tax (3104193) $0 00 License Tax (4304193) $000 Traffic Impact Fee (3105541) $0 00 Traffic Impact Fee (4305541) $0 00 Sidewalk Fee $0 00 PLUMBING TOTAL $0 00 ELECTRICAL TOTAL $0 00 MECHANICAL TOTAL $0 00 Housing Impact Fee ?7 Housing InLieu Fee $29 990 00 Housing Credit Fee D5/8 Master Drainage Fee $0 00 Sewer Fee $0 00 Additional Fees TOTAL PERMIT FEES $000 $1 600 00 $2461000 $000 $3717548 $3431583 $000 $000 $4 023 20 $4 536 80 $000 $973 00 $31000 $458 50 $000 $000 $000 $000 $9 850 00 $2041000 $23890612 Total Fees $238 906 12 Total Payments To Date $238 906 12 Balance Due $000 Inspector -/ FINAL APPROVAL Date Clearance NOTICE Please take NOTICE that approval of your project includes the Imposition of fees dedications reservations or other exactions hereafter collectively referred to as fees/exactions You have 90 days from the date this permit was issued to protest imposition of these fees/exactions If you protest them you must follow the protest procedures set forth in Government Code Section 66020(a) and file the protest and any other required information with the City Manager for processing in accordance with Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 3 32 030 Failure to timely follow that procedure will bar any subsequent legal action to attack review set aside void or annul their imposition You are hereby FURTHER NOTIFIED that your right to protest the specified fees/exactions DOES NOT APPLY to water and sewer connection fees and capacity changes nor planning zoning grading or other similar application processing or service fees in connection with this project NOR DOES IT APPLY to any fees/exactions of which you have previously been given a NOTICE similar to this, or as to which the statute of limitations has previously otherwise expired MCity of Carlsbad Final Building Inspection Dept Building Engmeefing Planning CMWD St Lite Fire Plan Check # Permits Project Name Address Contact Person Sewer Dist Inspected _^_ Bv <S Inspected Bv Inspected Bv Comments RECEIVE!]) i j JAN 2 3 2008 c7r\ OI ( AKl SbAD tNCINttRlNC. DtPARIMtNF CM&I DIVISION Date 01/22/2008 CB050639 Permit Type RESDNTL BUENA VISTA VILLAGE 11 UNIT Sub Type CONDO CONDO BLDG 20858 SF LIV 14305 SF GAR 7171 SF DE 1100LASFLORESDR Lot ^^^i Phone ^£>^L.-^C>>TJ5> CA ^ Water Dist CA Date / / X? Inspected tfdf , £- e * V Approved Date Inspected Approved , Date Inspected Approved 0 £*^ Disapproved Disapproved Disapproved City of Carlsbad Final Building Inspection Dept Building Engineering Planning CMWD St Lite (Fire? Plan Check # Permit* Project Name Address Contact Person Sewer Dist Inspected BY Inspected Bv Inspected Bv Comments CB050639 BUENA VISTA CONDO BLDG VILLAGE 11 UNIT 20858 SF LIV 14305 SF GAR 1100LASFLORESDR t-Txir^W o^ \jK-tj _^» CA ^ k<£n*si / Phone *SC>^L.-*~lO^ Water Dist CA Date / / Inspected 'u^fa^ Date Inspected Date Inspected Date Permit Type Sub Type 7171 SFDE Lot 0 J*> Approved £>^ Approved Approved 01/22/2008 RESDNTL CONDO Disapproved Disapproved Disapproved From "Michael Elliott' <mikeelhott2@cox net> To 'Chris Sexton <csexton@ci carlsbad ca us> "Janean Hawney" <Jhawn@ci ca Date 02/26/2008 1 28 PM Subject Farber Jefferson Street Condominiums Attachments 292 - Farber Jefferson Street Condominiums - Insp2 doc Farber Jefferson Street Condominiums Project Number CT02-13 Drawing Number 412-5L 1100 Las Flores Drive - CB050639 Landscape inspection comments are attached Approved - Permit card was signed on February 26 2008 City of Carlsbad Bldg Inspection Request For 03/10/2008 Permit* CB050639 Title BUENA VISTA VILLAGE 11 UNIT Inspector Assignment TP Description CONDO BLDG 20858 SF LIV.14305 SF GAR, 7171 SF DECK 1104,1108,1112,1116,1120,1124,1128,1132,1136,1140 LAS 1100 LASFLORESDR Lot 0 Type RESDNTL Job Address Suite Location OWNER PACIFIC LIBERTY INC Owner PACIFIC LIBERTY INC Remarks Sub Type CONDO Phone 7608027073 Inspector ~t Total Time Requested By ENRIQUE Entered By CW CD Description 19 Final Structural 29 Final Plumbing 39 Final Electrical 49 Final Mechanical Act Comments Comments/Notices/Holds Comment CREATED WORK ORDERS FOR 1104 1140 LAS FLORES 1100 LAS FLORES HAD AN EXISTING METER/UTILITY BILLING ACCT Associated PCRs/CVs PCR06038 PCR06109 PCR06188 PCR07085 PCR07086 ISSUED BUhNA VIS I A VII I WITHDRAW Bin NA VIS IA VI! I ISSUED BUI NA VIS I A VI] I ISSUED BUFNA VISTA VII I ISSUED BUhNA VIS I A VII I Inspection History Date Description Act 02/26/2008 89 Final Combo CO 02/14/2008 89 Final Combo NR 02/12/2008 89 Final Combo PA TP 01/31/2008 89 Final Combo PI TP 01/30/2008 89 Final Combo CO TP 01/25/2008 89 Final Combo CO TP 01/24/2008 89 Final Combo NR TP 01/10/2008 61 Footing AP TP Original PC# PC05-05 AOh Dl I Til D STAIR #4 DI 1 JOIST SUBMH IA1 AOI TRUSSCIIANGLOUT AGI RhVISl SIIOPCAICS IO MATCH FNGINCbR S/2&3 II R IO ACT Rl VISh PARKING GARAGF FXIIAUSI SYSTI M Insp Comments TP STEPS & HANDRAILS FOR SITE TP EXT N/COMP NO PLANNING FINAL FINAL WALK THRU FOR UNITS FINAL WALK THRU (PARTIAL) START WALK THRU PLANTER WALLS City of Carlsbad Bldg Inspection Request For 03/10/2008 Permit* CB050639 Inspector Assignment TP 01/07/2008 01/02/2008 01/02/2008 12/27/2007 12/27/2007 12/20/2007 12/20/2007 12/18/2007 12/14/2007 12/11/2007 12/11/2007 12/11/2007 12/10/2007 12/10/2007 12/07/2007 12/07/2007 12/03/2007 11/26/2007 11/21/2007 11/20/2007 11/16/2007 11/08/2007 10/25/2007 10/22/2007 10/22/2007 10/19/2007 10/19/2007 10/17/2007 10/12/2007 10/09/2007 10/02/2007 10/02/2007 10/02/2007 10/01/2007 09/21/2007 09/21/2007 09/20/2007 09/17/2007 09/17/2007 09/10/2007 08/30/2007 08/30/2007 08/29/2007 08/20/2007 08/20/2007 08/14/2007 08/09/2007 08/08/2007 08/02/2007 07/30/2007 34 34 61 34 39 34 66 63 61 34 39 65 34 39 34 39 63 63 61 66 61 22 18 17 22 17 22 17 16 17 14 34 84 14 17 18 17 17 17 16 84 84 84 17 18 17 16 16 84 14 Rough Electric Rough Electric Footing Rough Electric Final Electrical Rough Electric Grout Walls Footing Rough Electric Final Electrical Retaining Walls Rough Electric Final Electrical Rough Electric Final Electrical Walls Walls Footing Grout Footing Sewer/Water Service Exterior Lath/Drywall Interior Lath/Drywall Sewer/Water Service Interior Lath/Drywall Sewer/Water Service Interior Lath/Drywall Insulation Interior Lath/Drywall Frame/Steel/Bolting/Weldmg Rough Electric Rough Combo Frame/Steel/Boltmg/Welding Interior Lath/Drywall Exterior Lath/Drywall Interior Lath/Drywall Interior Lath/Drywall Interior Lath/Drywall Insulation Rough Combo Rough Combo Rough Combo Interior Lath/Drywall Exterior Lath/Drywall Interior Lath/Drywall Insulation Insulation Rough Combo Frame/Steel/Bolting/Weldmg AP AP AP AP we AP AP PA AP PA we we CO we NR NR PA PA AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP we AP AP PA AP AP AP CO AP PA NR PA PA AP AP AP AP PA PA AP AP AP PA CO TP TP TP TP TP TP TP PC TP TP TP TP TP TP RB RB PC PC TP TP TP PC TP TP TP TP TP JM RB TP TP TP TP TP TP TP TP TP TP TP TP TP TP TP TP TP TP TP MC TP SUB PNLS I J K SUBPNLSH&G PLANTER RET WALLS SUB PNLS FOR E & F SUB PNLS UNITS C& D T/OUT LIFT GAR ENTY RET WALL GROUT RET WALL @ GAR ENTY SITE STAIRS SUB PNL A& B HOUSE GROUNDS MISSING COMPLETE SUB PANELS MISSING UFER COLD WATER & SPRINKLER BONDING STOP TOP OUT WALL @ GAR ENTER FTG @ SO SITE WALL GROUT @ SO WALL @ GAR ENTERANCE SEE CARD LOC SEE JOB CARD LOC N END 2ND LAYER UNITS J & K MAINS TO BLDG UNITS J & K LAYER I COMP 2ND LAYER @ (2) STAIRS ONLY UNITS NOT READY UNITS I J AND K 1ST LAYER STAIR ENCL STAIR ENCLS UNITS I & J UNITS E H MID SECT 1ST LAYER UNITF&G 1ST LAYER UNITS F & G UNITS A D 1ST LAYER EXT WALLS UNIT A UNITS A BCD UNIT A CORR REMAIN UNITS A B C & D City of Carlsbad Bldg Inspection Request For 03/10/2008 Permit* CB050639 07/06/2007 14 Frame/Steel/Bolting/Weldmg 07/06/2007 66 Grout 07/02/2007 13 Shear Panels/HDs 07/02/2007 17 Interior Lath/Drywall 06/28/2007 16 Insulation OB/27/2007 16 Insulation 06/27/2007 66 Grout 06/25/2007 16 Insulation 06/25/2007 66 Grout 06/20/2007 14 Frame/Steel/Bolting/Welding 06/20/2007 62 Steel/Bond Beam 06/19/2007 14 Frame/Steel/Bolting/Welding 06/18/2007 13 Shear Panels/HD s 06/18/2007 14 Frame/Steel/Bolting/Weldmg 06/15/2007 14 Frame/Steel/Bolting/Welding 06/14/2007 14 Frame/Steel/Bolting/Welding 06/13/2007 14 Frame/Steel/Bolting/Welding 06/12/2007 14 Frame/Steel/Bolting/Welding 06/12/2007 61 Footing 06/11/2007 14 Frame/Steel/Bolting/Welding 06/11/2007 61 Footing 06/08/2007 14 Frame/Steel/Bolting/Welding 06/07/2007 24 Rough/Topout 06/06/2007 14 Frame/Steel/Bolting/Welding 06/06/2007 14 Frame/Steel/Bolting/Welding 06/06/2007 18 Exterior Lath/Drywall 06/06/2007 34 Rough Electric 04/05/2007 16 Insulation 03/27/2007 16 Insulation 03/14/2007 14 Frame/Steel/Bolting/Welding 03/14/2007 14 Frame/Steel/Bolting/Weldmg 03/14/2007 24 Rough/Topout 03/14/2007 34 Rough Electric 03/14/2007 44 Rough/Ducts/Dampers 02/15/2007 14 Frame/Steel/Bolting/Welding 02/14/2007 14 Frame/Steel/Bolting/Welding 01/23/2007 14 Frame/Steel/Bolting/Welding 12/12/2006 13 Shear Panels/HD s 12/12/2006 14 Frame/Steel/Bolting/Welding 12/04/2006 13 Shear Panels/HDs 11/30/2006 13 Shear Panels/HDs 11/08/2006 11 Ftg/Foundation/Piers 11/08/2006 15 Roof/Reroof 10/17/2006 14 Frame/Steel/Bolting/Weldmg 10/17/2006 15 Roof/Reroof 10/16/2006 14 Frame/Steel/Bolting/Welding 10/16/2006 15 Roof/Reroof 09/19/2006 66 Grout 09/18/2006 66 Grout 09/08/2006 66 Grout Inspector Assignment TP AP AP AP AP AP we AP PA PA AP AP PI AP AP AP NS PA PA AP CO CO CA PA PA CO we PA PA PA PA PA PI PI PI PA PA CO CO CO PA PA we AP NR PA NR NR AP PA AP TP TP TP TP TP TP TP PC PC TP TP TP TP TP TP TP TP TP TP TP TP TP TP TP TP TP TP TP TP TP TP TP TP TP TP TP TP TP TP TP MC TP TP TP TP TP TP TP TP TP ELEV WING WALL LIFT (3RD FLR 1ST) INT SHR PNLS ALL UNITS 1ST LAYER DROP CEIL AREAS DROPS @ A D & H SITE WALL TOPOUT ELEV ENCL WING WALL DROPS @ K J I G F UNITS 2ND LIFT @ ELEV FJ & CEIL TRUSS OK TOD W UNITS G K J 1ST LIFT CMU SITE WALL CONF INT SHR UNITS A H FJ & CEIL TRUSS OK TO DW UNITS H I FJ & CEIL TRUSS TO DW UNITS C D F F J & CEIL TRUSS UNIT E OK TO D W 1 & 2 FLR TJI & TRUSS TO COVER CEIL UNIT A TJI UNIT B FTG FOR 6FT FREE STAND WALL SITE WALL FTG RE SHED FOR MON 6 11 WATER TEST WASTE ONLY 1HR PARTY & DBL SHR WALLS OK TO INSUL CONF 1ST FLR EXT @ INT SHR PANELS BEHIND TUBS DBL SHR WALL @ E EXT WALLS @ TUB CONF FRM @ F P ' FRM @ F P 2ND& 3RD FLR 1ST FLOOR A K & BOTH EXTERIOR STAIRWELLS TO DRY IN ONLY PNDING NEW ROOF TRUSS APPROVAL TOP OUT LIFT CMU ELEV ENCL ELEV ENCL CMU 6TH LIFT ELEV CMU ENCL City of Carlsbad Bldg Inspection Request For 03/10/2008 Permit* CB050639 08/30/2006 66 Grout 08/24/2006 66 Grout 08/10/2006 12 Steel/Bond Beam 08/10/2006 17 Interior Lath/Drywall 08/10/2006 61 Footing 08/08/2006 14 Frame/Steel/Bolting/Welding 08/08/2006 61 Footing 08/03/2006 14 Frame/Steel/Bolting/Welding 07/28/2006 66 Grout 07/26/2006 14 Frame/Steel/Bolting/Welding 07/26/2006 66 Grout 07/25/2006 11 Ftg/Foundation/Piers 07/25/2006 12 Steel/Bond Beam 07/25/2006 14 Frame/Steel/Bolting/Welding 07/25/2006 15 Roof/Reroof 07/25/2006 21 Underground/Under Floor 07/25/2006 31 Underground/Conduit Wiring 07/20/2006 14 Frame/Steel/Bolting/Welding 07/20/2006 66 Grout 07/18/2006 14 Frame/Steel/Bolting/Welding 07/18/2006 66 Grout 07/17/2006 14 Frame/Steel/Bolting/Welding 07/17/2006 66 Grout 07/14/2006 14 Frame/Steel/Bolting/Welding 06/07/2006 11 Ftg/Foundation/Piers 06/07/2006 12 Steel/Bond Beam 04/14/2006 11 Ftg/Foundation/Piers 04/13/2006 12 Steel/Bond Beam 03/27/2006 21 Underground/Under Floor 03/20/2006 21 Underground/Under Floor 03/17/2006 21 Underground/Under Floor 03/09/2006 11 Ftg/Foundation/Piers 03/09/2006 12 Steel/Bond Beam 02/23/2006 11 Ftg/Foundation/Piers 02/23/2006 12 Steel/Bond Beam 02/23/2006 22 Sewer/Water Service 02/22/2006 11 Ftg/Foundation/Piers 02/22/2006 12 Steel/Bond Beam 02/22/2006 22 Sewer/Water Service 02/21/2006 12 Steel/Bond Beam 02/21/2006 22 Sewer/Water Service 02/03/2006 12 Steel/Bond Beam 01/30/2006 11 Ftg/Foundation/Piers Inspector Assignment TP AP AP AP AP we we NR AP AP AP NR NR NR AP we we we AP PA PA we NR NR AP we PA PA PA AP CO CA AP AP CO CO we CO CO CO NR we AP NR TP TP TP TP TP TP TP TP TP TP TP TP TP TP TP TP TP TP TP TP TP TP TP TP TP TP PC PC TP TP RB TP TP TP TP TP TP TP TP TP TP PD TP ELEV ENCL CMU WALL 5TH LIFT 4TH LIFT ELEV CMU ENCL DECK A & B CLMN FTGS 3RD FLRSHTINGGF UNITS ELEV ENCL CMU 2ND LIFT 2ND FLR STILL NAILING @ SHR WALLS 2NDFLRSHTINGA D C UNITS SUB FLR PLATE NAIL (SEE CARD) 1ST FLR LIFT @ ELEV ENCL CMU 2ND FLR STILL NAILING @ SHR WALLS 2ND FLR DECK NAILING RE LOG PIP WALL @ ELEV PER REV (ATTCH ) PNDING SI REP FOR EPOXY BARS UTILITY RM PRELABS X 7 AND STAIR #3 RISERS unit A I K per rev dtl waste size NPP @ 8 10am GRADE LEVEL G BS CONT FTG SPRD FTGS GRADE BEAMS SPRDS /" V CAISSONS CONF LOOK @ CAGES City of Carlsbad Bldg Inspection Request For 06/07/2006 Permit# CB050639 Title BUENA VISTA VILLAGE 11 UNIT Inspector Assignment TP Description CONDO BLDG 20858 SF LIV.14305 SF GAR, 7171 SF DECK 1104,1108,1112,1116,1120,1124,1128,1132,1136,1140 LAS 1100 LASFLORESDR Lot 0 Type RESDNTL Job Address Suite Location OWNER PACIFIC LIBERTY INC Owner PACIFIC LIBERTY INC Remarks REBAR INSP Sub Type CONDO Phone 6192792597 Inspector, Total Time Requested By NA Entered By KAREN CD Description 11 Ftg/Foundation/Piers Act Comment Comments/Notices/Hold Comment CREATED WORK ORDERS FOR 1104 1140 LAS FLORES BILLING ACCT 1100 LAS FLORES HAD AN EXISTING METER/UTILITY Associated PCRs/CVs Original PC# PCR06038 ISSUED BUENA VISTA VILLAGE DELETED STAIR #4 Inspection History Date Description Act Insp 04/14/2006 11 Ftg/Foundation/Piers PA PC 04/13/2006 12 Steel/Bond Beam PA PC 03/27/2006 21 Underground/Under Floor AP TP 03/20/2006 21 Underground/Under Floor CO TP 03/17/2006 21 Underground/Under Floor CA RB 03/09/2006 11 Ftg/Foundation/Piers AP TP 03/09/2006 12 Steel/Bond Beam AP TP 02/23/2006 11 Ftg/Foundation/Piers CO TP 02/23/2006 12 Steel/Bond Beam CO TP 02/23/2006 22 Sewer/Water Service WC TP 02/22/2006 11 Ftg/Foundation/Piers CO TP 02/22/2006 12 Steel/Bond Beam CO TP 02/22/2006 22 Sewer/Water Service CO TP 02/21/2006 12 Steel/Bond Beam NR TP 02/21/2006 22 Sewer/Water Service WC TP 02/03/2006 12 Steel/Bond Beam AP PD 01/30/2006 11 Ftg/Foundation/Piers NR TP Comments UTILITY RM PRELABS X 7 AND STAIR #3 RISERS unit A I K per rev dtl waste size NPP @ 8 10am GRADE LEVEL G BS CONT FTG SPRD FTGS GRADE BEAMS SPRDS CAISSONS CONF LOOK ©CAGES FLC FLORES LUND CONSULTANTS PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS 7220 TRADE STREET SUITE 120 SAN DIEGO CALIFORNIA 92121 (858) 566-0626 FAX (858)566-06^7 PROJECT BUENA VISTA VILLAGE SHEET No J CHECKED BY <F/RF CFN - OF 2 DATE FLC PROJECT NO <Z>4}38> SCALE NTS i ^r •&aS&"" >, .»<>"" ^ 2=*5 « 24" o/c-n Q_ / / / / / 2)/4 "W" BARS *b ® \b«o/c -"X" BARS -12" CMU OR C I P CONC C2&00 PSI MINI; -FT6 PER AS-BUILT CONDITION AT ELEVATOR CMU WALL - MODIFIED 3/62 1 4 14/62 0 5-10-06 REV 6-1-06; <nOQg0 <t |o > <t UJ CM in LU U- < O Q UJ OCO Ik CD Q UJO Z UJ H •*• -> LU OO LU LUcr I x ca PROJECTUL CL CO O O U_ CO J—z ^h D COz 0 0 O Z D_J (/) S LI en m < is. HI Z. CM 7 tr co Z £ °^ <s 2 "« LU 3 °oO 1CUJ CO _J Q < 5 x Z ^2 0 §«> w tffS/n =; n COUJoc 3 IL O ^MJLi. U I — ' ^-*CO ' [U ^gLL uj^o 0 £s IT °° ^ A ^^Q. Q — cri — o CM f — (P aLU Q O Z3 U LY O a: 2 £ vS> City of Carlsbad Bldg Inspection Request For 03/27/2006 Permit* CB050639 Title BUENA VISTA VILLAGE 11 UNIT Inspector Assignment TP Description CONDO BLDG 20858 SF LIV.14305 SF GAR, 7171 SF DECK 1104,1108,1112,1116,1120,1124,1128,1132,1136,1140 LAS 1100 LAS FLORES DR Lot 0 Type RESDNTL Job Address Suite Location OWNER PACIFIC LIBERTY INC Owner PACIFIC LIBERTY INC Remarks Sub Type CONDO Phone 6192077397 Inspector " Total Time Requested By CATHRYN Entered By JANEAN CD Description 21 Underground/Under Floor Act Comment A . Comments/Notices/Hold Comment CREATED WORK ORDERS FOR 1104 1140 LAS FLORES BILLING ACCT 1100 LAS FLORES HAD AN EXISTING METER/UTILITY Associated PCRs/CVs Original PC# PCR06038 PENDING BUENA VISTA VILLAGE DELETED STAIR #4 Inspection History Date 03/20/2006 03/17/2006 03/09/2006 03/09/2006 02/23/2006 02/23/2006 02/23/2006 02/22/2006 02/22/2006 02/22/2006 02/21/2006 02/21/2006 02/03/2006 01/30/2006 Description 21 21 11 12 11 12 22 11 12 22 12 22 12 11 Underground/Under Floor Underground/Under Floor Ftg/Foundation/Piers Steel/Bond Beam Ftg/Foundation/Piers Steel/Bond Beam Sewer/Water Service Ftg/Foundation/Piers Steel/Bond Beam Sewer/Water Service Steel/Bond Beam Sewer/Water Service Steel/Bond Beam Ftg/Foundation/Piers Act CO CA AP AP CO CO we CO CO CO NR we AP NR Insp TP RB TP TP TP TP TP TP TP TP TP TP PD TP Comments waste size NPP @ 8 10am GRADE LEVEL G BS CONT FTG SPRD FTGS GRADE BEAMS SPRDS CAISSONS CONF LOOK @ CAGES Mar 23 2006 7 40PM HP LflSERJET FRX a "•» AZTEKConsulting Engineers 9241? Dowdy Dr Suite 215 San Diego CA 92126 Tel (8S8) 547-7S94 Fax (858)->47 7595 TO FAX PHONE REMARKS FROM _A_Z1Z PAGES DATE J CC D r Urgent D For Review Please Comment CD Please Reply D Please Recycle Q COMMENTS Mar 23 2006 7 40PM HP LHSERJET FRX P 2if g I Mar 23 2006 7 40PM HP LHSERJET FRXr - H Mar 23 2006 7 40PM HP LRSERJET FflX SPECIAL INSPECTOR'S REPORT AMERICAN INTERNATIONAL INSPECTIONS AND TESTING Inspections Office (626) 795-0770 Inspection Fax (626) 432 1717 Email kbalcom626@charter net '[/REINFORCED CONCRETE Q POST TENSION CONCRETE D REINFORCED MASONRY D OTHER D HI TEN BOLTING d STRUCTURAL STEEL ASSEMBLY D WELDING D SHOP D FIELD JOB ADDRESS JOB PHONE MAP BOOK DIRECTIONS PROJECT PERMIT * BILLING _/ PHONE ADDRESS CITY INSPECTOR PHONE MIX DESIGN # READY MIX CO PLACEMENT CHECK BY CU YDS PLACED SPEC STRENGTH ® 28 DAYS * OF CYLINDERS SLUMP WELDING OPERATORS CERT * DATE WORK INSPECTED / / (f ' A/04 6*6 £~ ^^X' ,"^> /, / *,,/r **,. DATES OWNER DEPUTY INSPECTOR ENGINEER /-/ , / J /• / Jf /-) /AS I ,jAJa ( OAiSLS ' S - 5 CONTRACTOR ,p / C! ^ /%y / A/ SUB-CONTRACTOR SUPERINTENDENT CELL pHQNE FOREMAN 1ft fit LAB TESTING DATE CALLED EXPIRATION ELECTRODES r&f ~/n £ S '- / 0/*s**s*s^t~ ~3<\ /« ^ / f^ •* S~l jtuSr >1 />x ^^~f ICHIBAN PERCENTAGE OF COMPLETION y Depulyjlnspector CONTRACTOR S REPRESENTATIVE MON"TUES WED THURS 3- .1 o& </SAT SUN ALL INSPECTIONS BASE ON A 4 HOUR MINIMUM, OVER 4 HOURS = 8 HOURS Rev 0705 -^?5^!iP--*E^>SY « — ™ -tf *-•y~ -•* •— *r -«"-/«** 'DESIGN GROUP GEOTECHNICAL CIVIL STRUCTURAL 6 ARCHITECTURAL CONSULTANTS FOfi RESIDENTIAL 8 COMMERCIAL CONSTRUCTION 5 C. \ 2121 Montiel Road San Marcos CA 92069 « Office (760) 839 7302 FAX (760) 480 7477 E mail ENGDG@aol com DAILY FIELD REPORTUMILT TICL.U HCrUn 1 PROJECT. ADDRESS EQUIPMENT- NAME/COMPANY CONTACTS DESCRIPTION OF FIELD OPERATIONS DATE 2 " PROJECT NO A * I' ), ^ 2- ' FIELD DENSITY TESTS TAKEN .FAILURES -RETESTS Arrive Depart A D A D A D A D TOTAL DAILY HRS FEB-13-2008 WED 04'07 PM ALLIED PACIFIC FAX NO, 7607838888 P 01 FAKBER FAMILY LIMITED PARTNERSHIP 991C Lomas Santa Fe Dr, #441 Solana Beach, CA 92075 X Phi 760-783-3333 Fax- 760-783-0183 Date: Company. Attn* Fax # From: Curt Father Ref. Page 1 of: Comments: SPECIAL INSPECTOR'S REPORT CITY OF CARLSBAD DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS BUILDING AND SAFETY DIVISION EACH INSPECTOR MUST COMPLETE THIS REPORT AND MAIL IT TO THE DISTRICT OFFICE OF THE BUILDING AND SAFETY DIVISION WEEKLY FINAL X BUILDING PERMIT NO CB050639 JOB ADDRESS CONTRACTOR Curtus Farber 1106 Los Flores Carlsbad TYPE OF WORK CONCRETE X MASONRY X REBAR FIREPROOFING WELDING X EPOXY X DESCRIPTION AND LOCATION OF WORK INSPECTED Final Report All of the special inspections for this project are now complete Final inspector's report per 1701 3 uniform building code Work requiring special inspection, was to the best of my knowledge, in conformance to the approved plans and specifications and the applicable workmanship provisions of the code All work on this job to date has been satisfactorily completed and conforms to t) of the Carlsbad City Building Code ved plans and requirements \D# 1026192 ID# 836 Date 02/13/2008 spector peffery Winter leta Rd Fajflbrook, CA 92028 ID# 0849653-49 Deputy Inspector KENNETH L BALCOM 118 PATRICIAN WAY, PASADENA, CA 91105-1024 (626) 795-0770 Inspections Office (626)795-0770 Inspecton Fax (626) 432-1717 Email khalcomg2g@ehartef.nst oa&HPORiceoeowcHeTe o«5STT6«aoHcowc«ETE 'wunMe usww aammUFIEUS JOEUDDHSSS OtHHSK~ MAP BOOK DEPUTY EMBIWEEBPROJECT BILLING ADDRESS SU&COWVBACTOH MIS DESIGNS SUP6RWiTEHDSWT cat. PHONE cu YDS PLACED SPEC STfENGTWSZBJMVS OF CWLWDEBS SLUMP CERT 0WELDING OPERATORS EKPISATION ELE6TROQE9 DATE j&B.tl'.JKlPi. & 6d^£*te&35^—& 7^7 jit ^t£_AJnfl f SPECIAL INSPECTOR'S REPORT INSPECTIONS AND TESTING Inspections Office (626) 795-0770 Inspection Fax (626) 432-1717 Email kbalcom626@ charter net D REINFORCED CONCRETE D POST TENSION CONCRETE O REINFORCED MASONRY O OTHER O HI TEN BOLTING D STRUCTURAL STEEL ASSEMBLY D WELDING O SHOP D FIELD OWNERJOB ADDRESS JOB PHONE MAP BOOK DIRECTIONS DEPUTY INSPECTOR PROJECT PERMIT #ENGINEER BILLING ADDRESS PHONE CONTRACTOR CITY INSPECTOR PHONE SUB-CONTRACTOR , //' ^ MIX DESIGN *READY MIX CO PLACEMENT CHECK BY SUPERINTENDENT FOREMAN /" CELLPHONE ,£? >{/CD YDS PLACED SPEC STRENGTH @ 28 DAYS * OF CYLINDERS SLUMP LAB TESTING ?"DATE CALLED WELDING OPERATORS CERT *EXPIRATION ELECTRODES DATE WORK INSPECTED - /7 >, /„/x *£fy }S // ICHIBAN PERCENTAGE OF / J Oeputy^nspec^or CONTRACTOR S.REPRESENTATIVE MOM 4/ -, XL/-//,' 7 ^ TUES / 3-^47 V WED<y/^ ,^"THURS fe.'-^c? V Ff" //SSXf^f SAT SUN ALL KSSPECTIONS BASE ON A 4 HOUR MINIMUM OVER 4 HOURS = 8 HOURS TESTING Inspections Office (626) 795-0770 Inspection Fax (626) 432-1717 Email kbalcom626@charter net 0 REINFORCED CONCRETE D POST TENSION CONCRETE ^REINFORCED MASONRY D OTHER D HI TEN BOLTING D STRUCTURAL STEEL ASSEMBLY D WELDING d SHOP D FIELD WNER -/S rf7 JOB ADDRESS JOB PHONE t/S MAP BOOK DIRECTIONS DEPUTY INSPECTOR y 7 7 3 ENGINEER"PROJECT PERMIT » BILLING PHONE ADDRESS CONTRACTOR £W,- CITY INSPECTOR PHONE SUB-CONTRACTOR MIX DESIGN #READY MIX CO PLACEMENT CHECK BY SUPERINTENDENT FOREMAN CELLPHONE CU YDS PLACED SPEC STRENGTH ® 28 DAYS * OF CYLINDERS SLUMP LAB TESTING DATE CALLED WELDING OPERATORS CERT *EXPIRATION ELECTRODES DATE WORK INSPECTED -7 7 <-J~ C //V" (^L^*" J '/•S4,&*Js.// 7 7* ICHIBAN j f PERCENTAGE OF COMPLETION"7 /deputy Inspe/fST' ' — ^ CONTRACTOR'S REPRESENTATIVE MON ' iS TUES WED THURS ™/^-/y Y *f£-S> f SUN 4LL INSPECTIONS BASE ON A 4 HOUR MINIMUM, OVER 4 HOURS = 8 HOURS SPECIAL INSPECTOR'S REPORT j\M™CAN^^TOTICgmm INSPECTIONS AND TESTING Inspections Office (626) 795-0770 Inspection Fax (626) 432 1717 Email kbalcom626@charter net 3 REINFORCED CONCRETE d POST TENSION CONCRETE ^S^fiEINFORCED MASONRY d OTHER 3 HI TEN BOLTING D STRUCTURAL STEEL ASSEMBLY D WELDING D SHOP D FIELD IOB ADDRESS JOB PHONE 7 C.<Jf f, .r BOOK DIRECTIONS DEPUTY INSPECTOR y 7 'ROJECTd PERMIT *ENGINEER A/9/vu- 3ILLINC ADDRESS PHONE CONTRACTOR ITY INSPECTOR PHONE SUB-CONTRACTOR «1IX DESIGN*READY MIX CO PLACEMENT CHECK BY SUPERINTENDENT FOREMAN CELL PHONE £?3U YDS PLACED SPEC STRENGTH ® 28 DAYS * OF CYLINDERS SLUMP LAB TESTING DATE CALLED WELDING OPERATORS CERT #EXPIRATION ELECTRODES 3ATE WORK INSPECTED CHIBAN PERCENTAGE Of O !ETION */»,, CONf RACTOR S REPRESENTATIVE-^ ' WED THURS SAT ALL LNSPECTIONS BASE ON A 4 HOUR MINIMUM OVER 4 HOURS = 8 HOURS SPECIAL INSPECTOR'S REPORT Inspections Office (626) 795-0770 Inspection Fax (626) 432-1717 Email kba|com626@ charter net O REINFORCED CONCRETE O POST TENSION CONCRETE S»'ReiNFOfiCED MASONRY DCTHER D HI TEN BOLTING D STRUCTURAL STEEL ASSEMBLY (JWELDING d SHOP D "IELD OWNER -7 JOB ADDRESS JOB PHOME MAP BOOK DIRECTIONS DEPUTY INSPECTOR PROJECT BILLING PHONE CONTRACTOR ADDRESS ;iTY INSPECTOR PHONE SUB-CONTRACTOR HIX DESIGN *READY MIX CO PLACEMENT CHECK BY SUPERINTENDENT FOREMAN />"", CELL PHONE 3U YDS PLACED SPEC STRENGTH ® 28 DAY£* OF CYLINDERS SLUM >LAB TESTING DATE CALLED A/ELDIN3 OPERATORS CERT #EXPIRATION ELECTRODES >ATE WORK INSPECTED HIBAN RCENTAGE OF COMPLETIONs>* / paly insjj££jaf " ' CONtRASTbR^REPHESENTATIve' ON 44t>7 ¥ TUES -WED jz.THJRS FRI'SAT SUN Al L INSPECTIONS BASE ON A 4 HOUR MINIMUM OVER 4 HOURS => 8 HOURS INSPECTIONS AND TESTING Inspections Office (626) 795-077C Inspection Fax (626) 432-1717 Email kbalcom626©charter ne D REINFORCED CONCRETE D POST TENSION CONCRETE D HI TEN BOLTING D STRUCTURAL STEEL ASSEMBLY D REINFORCED MASONRY O WELDING O SHOP D OTHER D FIELD DATES - -?/-/) 7 . //clJOB ADDRESS JOB PHONE OWNER MAP BOOK DIRECTIONS DEPUTY INSPECTOR PROJECT PERMIT *ENGINEER i> f BILLINC PHONE CONTRACTOR ADDRESS CITY INSPECTOR PHONE SUB-CONTRACTOR MIX DESIGN ;READY MIX CO PLACEMENT CHECK BY SUPERINTENDENT FOREMAN / CELLPHONE ^- ?£?-VCU YDS PLACED SPEC STRENGTH @ 28 DAYS * OF CYLINDERS SLUMP LAB TESTING DATE CALLED WELDING OPERATORS CERT *EXPIRATION ELECTRODES DATE // WORK INSPECTED 3 <?-> tr, j*j t / < ?/. // S_'& J*: Ji xxv/>^ ^w /x ICHIBAN PERCENTAG£t3F COMPLETION Deputy Inspector CONTRACTOFPS" REPRESENTATIVE FTRT^MOM TUES THUHS SUN ALL LNSPECTIONS BASE ON A 4 HOUR MINIMUM O\ ER 4 HOURS = 8 HOURS SPECIAL INSPECTOR'S REPORT AMERICAN INTERNATIONAL INSPECTIONS AND TESTING Inspections Office (626) 795-0770 Inspection Fax (626) 432-1717 Email kbalcom626@charter net D REINFORCED CONCRETE D POST TENSION CONCRETE ^REINFORCED MASONRY D OTHER Q HI TEN BOLTING a STRUCTURAL STEEL ASSEMBLY CTWELDING a SHOP D FIELD OWNERJOB ADDRESS JOB PHONE 7 /-. r /"/>//,; MAP BOOK DIRECTIONS DEPUTY INSPECTOR PROJECT PERMIT «ENGINEER , r BILLING ADDRESS /"PHONE CONTRACTOR CITY INSPECTOR PHONE SUB-CONTRACTOR MIX DESIGN #READY MIX CO PLACEMENT CHECK BY SUPERINTENDENT FOREMAN CELL PHONE 7, ? CU YDS PLACED SPEC STRENGTH @ 28 DAYS r? # OF CYLINDERS SLUMP LAB TESTING DATE CALLED WELDING OPERATORS CERT *EXPIRATION ELECTRODES DATE WORK INSPECTED *" / /tits f i /~~"V/'/ 7-S ^£ ' /ffi,j'T~~ X? 5kV5 ^ / 7 $•-* 7 •</" sZ 7 / x__ -/ ICHIBAN PERCENTAGE'OF C MPLETION/ ^ /y/ / Deputy Inspector^CONTRACTOR S REPRESENTATIVE"" WED THURS 7 < FBI 'SAT 7- 7 SUN ALL INSPECTIONS BASE ON A 4 HOUR MINIMUM OVER 4 HOURS = 8 HOURS Rev 0705 SPECIAL INSPECTOR'S REPORT Inspections Office. Inspectton Email 705-0770 ' D REINFORCED CONCRETE D POST-TENMON CONCRETE jfcrfEINTORCEO MASONRY D OTHER 0 HI TEN BOLTING Q STRUCTURAL fftJH ASSEMBLY TftWELDING OSHOP D FIELD, JOB ADDRESS JOB PHONE MAP BOOK DATES DEPUTY INSPECTOR PERMIT *ENGINEER ^ i£t/'S S fjT BILLING CONTRACTOR ADDRESS CITY INSPECTOR PHONE SUB-CONTRACTOR MIX DESIGN *READY MIX CO PLACEMENT CHECK BY SUPERINTENDENT FOREMAN ^ CELL pHQNE CU YDS PLACED SPEC STRENGTH 9 28 DAYS * OF CYLINDERS SLUMP LAB TESTING 4P>DATE CALLED i.WELDING OPERATORS CERT *EXPIRATION ELECTRODES DATE £. ? WORK INSPECTED **XI* L^L * M/* •//* /* /"/*/* , y*v> CONTRACTOR'S RllEfRESEIINTATIVE [WON If' | TUES X xl* */ WEDLf *?,? V THURS FHI JF SAT SUN ALL INSPECTIONS BASE ON A 4 HOUR MINIMUM, OVER 4 HOURS = 8 HOURS Rev 0705 SPECIAL INSPECTOR'S REPORT AMERICAN INTERNATIONAL INSPECTIONS AND TESTING Inspections Office (626) 795-0770 Inspection Fax (626) 432-1717 Email kbalcom626@charter net 3 REINFORCED CONCRETE O POST TENSION CONCRETE .efJEINFORCED MASONRY D OTHER 3 HI TEN BOLTING d STRUCTURAL STEEL ASSEMBLY a WELDING d SHOP D FIELD A -<& rA*> X 7 OWNER 7 OB ADDRESS JOB PHONE ///) 7 Of. S. * BOOK DIRECTIONS DEPUTY INSPECTOR ROJECT PERMIT «ENGINEER PHONE CONTRACTOR ADDRESS ITY INSPECTOR PHONE SUB-CONTRACTOR 4IX DESIGN »READY MIX CO PLACEMENT CHECK BY SUPERINTENDENT FOREMAN CELLPHONE U YDS PLACED SPEC STRENGTH ® 28 DAYS * OF CYLINDERS SLUMP LAB TESTING DATE CALLED VELDING OPERATORS CERT *EXPIRATION ELECTRODES IATE WORK INSPECTED r </&i/~<J CONTRACTOR'S REBRESENTATWE TUES 8-THUflS ALL INSPECTIONS BASE ON A 4 HOUR MINIMUM, OVER 4 HOURS = 8 HOURS .i-f U9|sww i 7-10-451 -9021 Office 760-451 -9020 Fax DAILY REPORT Type of Inspection Date: Permit #? s~ ^Issued By Project Phone Job Address Contacts Owner Engineer •* / / / Contractor £ ~ /"/, /I/" Jv-v^^x- Sub-Contractor Phone Phone City Inspector Deputy Inspector Phone Superintendent Phone Forman Phone Phone ~s$<& Phone Phone Work Inspected '' SY, CER FIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE INSPECTED TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE ALL OF THE ABOVE REPORTED WORK UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED I HAVE FOUND THIS WORK TO COMPLY WITH THE APPROVED PLANS SPECIFICATIONS AND APPLICABLE SECTIONS OF THJTGOVERNING BUILDING LAWS Continued, on Next Page REG HOURS <^ o r HOURS _ __ D T HOURS — TT HOURS • — TRAVH • XSminliture of Registered Inspector'/L^ Page of All Inspections based on a minimum of 4 hours and over 4 hours - 8 hour minimum Alsoany Inspection that extends past noon will be an 8 hour minimum Approved by AMERICAN INTERNATIONAL INSPECTIONS AND TESTING Inspections Office (626) 795-0770 Inspection Fax (626) 432-1717 Email kbalcom626@ charter net ] REINFORCED CONCRETE O POST TENSION CONCRETE .^REINFORCED MASONRY BOTHER J HI TEN BOLTING D STRUCTURAL STEEL ASSEMBLY Cf WELDING DSHOP D FIELD 'OWNERDB ADDRESS ft JOB PHONE t , ^ —^IAP BOOK DIRECTIONS DEPUTY INSPECTOR I**. ROJECT PERMIT *ENGINEER ILLING PHONE CONTRACTOR DORESS /*J ITY INSPECTOR PHONE SUB-CONTRACTOR IIX DESIGN *READY MIX CO PLACEMENT CHECK BY SPEC STRENGTH 9 28 DAYS SUPERINTENDENT FOREMAN CELL PHONE U YDS PLACED * OF CYLINDERS SLUMP LAB TESTING DATE CALLED WELDING OPERATORS CERT *EXPIRATION ELECTRODES ATE WORK INSPECTED T 3<' Sf"t // 3HIBAN ERCENTAGE O Jeputylnspector /*^CONTHACTOirS"REPRESfeNTATlV6 MON TUES ___^WED THURS FRI . ^?,^.^7 9 ^^^'^SUN Inspections Office (626)795-0770 Inspection Fax (6^6) 432-1717 Email kfaalcoiTi62BOchartBr.not O REINFORCED CONCRETE O POST-TENSION CONCRETE jMEtNFORCED MASONRY O OTHER OKI-TEN BOLTING D STRUCTURAL STKL ASSEMBLY D WELDING OSHOP D FIELD JOB ADDRESS JOB PHONE '' y ^ * ~ f S~ / y* MAP BOOK DIRECTIONS PROJECT PERMIT* .. .-t- ''As*- ! 'IT **• s ' if <?V f^'- &iT'*t£t\^ f BILLING PHONE ADDRESS CITY INSPECTOR PHONE MIX DESIGN * READY MIX CO. PLACEMENT CHECK BY CU YDS PLACED SPfcu.aitcriGTHB28DAYS * OF CYUNt>faH& SLUMP <— « *""7 OWNER DEPUTY INSPECTOR ENGINEER " CONIHACTOR ^— - \.r /^ / ~s "* "**• Xi_/ SUBCONTRACTOR SUPERINTENDENT CELLPHONE FOREMAN LAB TESTING DATE CALLED WELDING OPERATORS CERT * EXPIRATION ELECTRODES DATE WORK INSPECTED ICHI8AN PERCENTASE OF COMPLETION ' ' V ._Jii_-_.-',CONTRACTCNTS REPRESENTATIVE HON.TUES.WED THURS. SPECIAL INSPECTOR'S REPORT AMERICAN INT INSPECTIONS G Inspections Office. (626) 795-0770 Inspection Fax (626) 432-1717 Email 0 REINFORCED CONCRETE D POST TENSION CONCRETE JgffEINFORCED MASONRY D OTHER 0 HI TEN BOLTING D STRUCTURAL STEEL ASSEMBLY CTWELtMNQ DSHOP D FIELD 42.2. JOB ADDRESS JOB PHONE MAP BOOK DIRECTIONS DEPUTY INSPECTOR PROJECT ENGINEER BILLING NE CONTRACTOR ADDRESS CITY INSPECTOR PHONE SUB-CONTRACTOR ' f f*l NT . (Jt MIX DESIGN *READY MIX CO PLACEMENT CHECK BV SUPERINTENDE FOREMAN CELLPHONE CU YDS PLACED SPEC STRENGTH 9 28 DAYS * O CYLINDERS SLUMP LAB TESTING DATE CALLED WELDING OPERATORS CERT *EXPIRATION ELECTRODES DATE WORK INSPECTED ICHIBAN PERCENTAGE T * * "X,>ffr>. . \ H ^ i7^/y>/ ^WED 1 THUR8 1 FW SAT •, 1-1 ALL INSPECTIONS BASE Of A 4 HOUR MINIMUM, OVER 4 HOURS - 8 HOURS Rev 0705 SPECIAL INSPECTOR'S REPORT INSPECTIONS AND TESTING Inspections Office (626) 795 0770 Inspection Fax (626) 432-1717 Email kbalcom626@charter net Q REINFORCED CONCRETE D POST TENSION CONCRETE .J^REINFORCED MASONRY D OTHER D HI TEN BOLTING D STRUCTURAL STEEL ASSEMBLY D WELDING d SHOP D FIELD JOB ADDRESS JOB PHONE OWNER MAP BOOK DIRECTIONS DEPUTY INSPECTOR PROJECT PERMIT «ENGINEER BILLING ADDRESS PHONE CONTRACTOR CITY INSPECTOR PHONE SUB-CONTRACTOR !MIX DESIGN #READY MIX CO PLACEMENT CHECK BY SUPERINTENDENT FOREMAN CELLPHONE CU YDS PLACED SPEC STRENGTH @ 28 DAYS * OF CYLINDERS SLUMP LAB TESTING DATE CALLED WELDING OPERATORS CERT EXPIRATION ELECTRODES DATE WORK INSPECTED At1- ,^si if ICHIBAN PERCENTAGEJ3F CQMlggETION O^nwfy \y$Rf!<&r CONTRACTOR'S REPRESENTATIVE N ~~\^ •litON ^T/S-5- ^ WED .THUHS FRI SAT \SUN\y __ ™__ ALL INSPECTIONS BASE ON A 4 HOUR MINIMUM OVER 4 HOURS = 8 HOURS Feb 16 08 08 O6p p 25 v SPECIAL INSPECTOR'S REPORT AMERICAN INTERNATIONAL INSPECTIONS AND TESTING Inspections Office (626) 795-0770 Inspection Fax (626) 432-1717 Email kbalcom626©charter net D REINFORCED CONCRETE Q POST TENSION CONCRETE B REINFORCED MASONRY O OTHER D HI TEN BOLTING d STRUCTURAL STEEL ASSEMBLY D WELDING O SHOP O FIELD DATES //-.^7-.-/ - JOB ADDRESS JOB PHONE /'Sfjf •}Af /V MAP BOOK DIRECTIONS DEPUTY INSPECTOR PROJECT PERMIT *ENGINEER BILLING PHONE CONTBACTOR ADDRESS CITY INSPECTOR PHONE SUB-CONTHACTOR MIX DESIGN v READY MIX CO PLACEMENT CHECK BY SUPERINTENDENT FOREMAN CELL PHONE CU YDS PLACED SPEC STRENGTH ® 28 DAYS * OF CYLINDERS SLUMP LAS TESTING DATE CALLED WELDING OPERATORS EXPIRATION ELECTRODES DATE WORK INSPECTED ///-x x^yy/y C /A<>s/«gv c.^/., t/«^ y /SjJStrTf^' £ ICHIBAN PERCENTAGE OFCQWPLETION CONTHACTOR-S REPRESEHTATIVE WED THURS „ , I FBI V \ /<?>- SAT ALL INSPECTIONS BASE ON A 4 HOUR MINIMUM, OVER 4 HOURS = 8 HOURS 07 HK SPECIAL INSPECTOR'S REPORT CITY OF CARLSBAD DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS BUILDING AND SAFETY DIVISION EACH INSPECTOR MUST COMPLETE THIS REPORT AND MAIL IT TO THE DISTRICT OFFICE OF THE BUILDING AND SAFETY DIVISION WEEKLY X FINAL BUILDING PERMIT NO JOB ADDRESS 1107 Los Flores Carlsbad CONTRACTOR LJ Nmtemen TYPE OF WORK CONCRETE X MASONRY REBAR FIREPROOFING WELDING EPOXY X DESCRIPTION AND LOCATION OF WORK INSPECTED 10/31/2006 Observed preparation & application of epoxy for #5 rebar dowels for added lift at elevator shaft 11/1/2006 Observed placement of masonry blocks for top and final lift the elevator shaft 11/2/2006 Inspected grout space & placement of grout for top & final lift of the elevator shaft 11/8/2006 Observed preparation & application of epoxy for 5/8" A B at unit A C D 11/9/2006 Observed preparation & appJjcation of epoxy for 5/8" A B at unit E & F and common area S of units E 11/10/2006 Observed preparation & application of epoxy for 5/8" A B at units G and common area Belween G 11/13/2006 Observed preparation & application of epoxy for 5/8" A B at units I 11/14/2006 Observed preparation 7 application of epoxy 5/8" units J & K and common area 11/15/2006 Observed preparation & application of epoxy for 3/4" & 7/8' all thread Hold downs appox 15 units A thru K 1W/2006 Observed placement & consolidation 1 set 3 cylinders cast All work on this job to date has been satisfactory completed and conforms to the approved plans and requirements of the Carlsbad City Building Code Date 11/17/2006 Deputy Inspector Jeffery Winter 118 Patrician Way Pasadena CA 91105 (626) 795-0770 SPECIAL INSPECTOR'S REPORT Inspections Office (626) 795-0770 Inspection Fax (626) 432-1717 Email kbalcom626@ charter net D REINFORCED CONCRETE D POST TENSION CONCRETE D REINFORCED MASONRY D OTHER D HI TEN BOLTING O STRUCTURAL STEEL ASSEMBLY D WELDING D SHOP d FIELD OWNEIJOB ADDRESS JOB PHONE WNER // MAP BOOK DIRECTIONS DEPUTY INSPECTOR PROJECT PERMIT «ENGINEER BILLING I ADDRESS PHONE CONTRACTOR T f/tt*. ^J CITY INSPECTOR PHONE SUB-CONTRACTOR MIX DESIGN *READY MIX CO PLACEMENT CHECK BY SUPERINTENDENT FOREMAN CELL PHONE CU YDS PLACED SPEC STRENGTH @ 28 DAYS # OF CYLINDERS SLUMP LAB TESTING DATE CALLED WELDING OPERATORS CERT *EXPIRATION ELECTRODES DATE WORK INSPECTED K <* j&_ TitatJ <*•** ^O-t rZi. A f ^ V fSAl,A ATT INSPECTIONS BASE ON A 4 HOUR MINIMUM OVER 4 HOURS = 8 HOURS SPECIAL INSPECTOR'S REPORT AMERICAN INTERNATIONAL INSPECTIONS AND TESTING Inspections Office (626) 795-0770 Inspection Fax (626) 432-1717 Email kbalcom626@ charter net D REINFORCED CONCRETE D POST TENSION CONCRETE D REINFORCED MASONRY d OTHER D HI TEN BOLTING D STRUCTURAL STEEL ASSEMBLY O WELDING D SHOP D FIELD JOB ADDRESS JOB PHONE OWNER ^U//xC MAP BOOK DIRECTIONS DEPUTY INSPECTOR PROJECT PERMIT *ENGINEER BILLING ADDRESS <X"PHONE CONTRACTOR CITY INSPECTOR PHONE SUB-CONTRACTOR MIX DESIGN*READY MIX CO PLACEMENT CHECK BY SUPERINTENDENT^ FOREMAN CELL PHONE cu YDS PLACED SPEC STRENGTH ® 28 DAYS * OF CYLINDERS SLUMP LAB TESTING DATE CALLED WELDING OPERATORS CERT *EXPIRATION ELECTRODES DATE WORK INSPECTED TV^xiJ ' 'A, /?//**./• %. /V> /T /?/ PERCENTAJS£OF GCMPLETION CdNTRACTdR-S REPRESENTATW6" \ MON TUES WED //-/ ^1A xK THURS ^.//~f^f£> ^ FRI //-//5 -/ik£» ^SV ^ SUN T» o«^/-r-T/-kMc D »ci? r»iv * ^ ur>in> n/UMTMTTlvt r»VPR 4 HOURS = 8 HOURS SPECIAL INSPECTOR'S REPORT _AMEg_C/WJMg]^M1gf^ "S^C11ONS^ND~TEST^Inspections Office (626) 795-0770 Inspection Fax (626) 432-1717 Email kbalcom626@ charter net ] REINFORCED CONCRETE D POST TENSION CONCRETE D REINFORCED MASONRY D OTHER D HI TEN BOLTING D STRUCTURAL STEEL ASSEMBLY D WELDING D SHOP D FIELD OB ADDRESS JOB PHONE (AP BOOK DIRECTIONS ROJECT PERMIT « ILLING / PHONE DDRESS ITY INSPECTOR PHONE IIX DESIGN* READY MIX CO PLACEMENT CHECK BY U YDS PLACED SPEC STRENGTH ® 28 DAYS * OF CYLINDERS SLUMP DATES /» L?/ f/xrJ /f~sJ OWNER DEPUTY INSPECTOR ENGINEER f/OfidZ £~<J<Aj<y CONTRACTOR £ • , T /1/<sJS7t*i* ^J SUB-CONTRACTOR / y /\s/ rfAAJ Ss> 'i/f 7/cj <r7*& *O STJPtRINTENDENT CELL PHONE FOREMAN LAB TESTING DATE CALLED WELDING OPERATORS EXPIRATION ELECTRODES ATE WORK INSPECTED tSr <3? <£- Inspections 760*-~45 1 -902 1 Office 760-45 1 -9020 Fax SPECIAL DAILY REPORT O ^ Type of Inspection ,/_Pate Permit #Issued By Project //,Phone Job Address y Contacts Owner f ij / - ^ /-*? / Engineer Contractor l' "7 ^ s Is'**- f" Sub-Contractor Phone Phone ^/ City Inspector Deputy Inspector v~7"?VX /^J ^J 7*"^ Phone Superintendent Phone Forman S Phone Phone ?t Phone Phone $? 9 3 Work Inspected >j • /• r^^r x->y »r J 7 A ^ r CLR riFICATION OF tOMPL IANCL I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE INSPECTED TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE ALL OF THE ABOVE REPORTED WORK UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED \ HAVE FOUND THIS WORK TO COMPLY WITH THE APPROVED PLANS SPECIFICATIONS A{JD APPLICABLE SECTIONS OPTHE GOVERNING BUILDING LAV "S ' Continued on Next Page Page / of f ,/Signature of Registered Inspector ICC Certification Number City / County RFC HOURS f O F HOURS _ Dl HOURS __ n HOURS — TRA.VI 1 ~— All Inspections based on a minimum of 4 hours and over 4 hours - 8 hour minimum Also any Inspection that extends past noon will be an 8 hour minimum \ \ ^ \ \ ^ \, ^ "^ t wf { s*\~*%1' ™*^xApproved by Y~ \ \\^ij h \L< ) 1* \ j) ' * \ Proiect Superintendent / Conlrdctor\b Rtprcsenlative SPECIAL INSPECTOR'S REPORT Inspections Ofhee, $®8> 795-0770 Inspection Fax {^8) 432-1717 Email O REINFOACf OGO O HI TEN BOtTWG E 0 POST'TENStON CONCRETE STRUCTURAL STEEL ASSEMBLY D OTHER 0 SHOP D FIELD JOB PHONE DATES JOB ADDRESS DIRECTIONSMAP BOOK DEPUTY INSPECTOR PROJECT ENGINEER BILLING PHONE CONTRACTOR ADDRESS CITY INSPECTOR SUB-CONTRACTOR MIX DESIGN *READY MIX CO PLACEMENT CHECK BY SUPERINTBNDfNT / FOREMAN PHONE CU YDS PLACED SPEC. STRENGTH • 28 DAYS # OF CYLINDERS SLUMP LAB TESTING DATE CALLED WELDING OPERATORS EXPIRATION ELECTRODES DATE WORK INSPECTED * ICHIBAN PERCENTAGE vV \u :v'\kJ-\t si 0«aff(n<x*c\V'-^!r CONTRACTOR'S REPRESENTATIVE _ IMDN C/1 iTUEs. 1 • hWEfr 1 THUR8 \J^}^ </rT . ,:-T , , ' 1' ALL INSPECTIONS BASE ON A 4 HOUR MINIMUM, OVER 4 HOURS -8 HOURS ' "' | '.OS SPECIAL INSPECTOR'S REPORT CITY OF CARLSBAD DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS BUILDING AND SAFETY DIVISION EACH INSPECTOR MUST COMPLETE THIS REPORT AND MAIL IT TO THE DISTRICT OFFICE OF THE BUILDING AND SAFETY DIVISION WEEKLY X FINAL BUILDING PERMIT NO CB051399 JOB ADDRESS 1106 Los Flores Carlsbad CONTRACTOR LJ Nmtenan TYPE OF WORK CONCRETE X MASONRY X RE-BAR FIREPROOFING WELDING EPOXY DESCRIPTION AND LOCATION OF WORK INSPECTED 9/11/2006 Inspected grout space & placement of grout for the 6th lift of the elevator shaft 9/14/2006 Inspected lay-up of masonry for the 7th lift of the elevator shaft - not complete 9/15/2006 Inspected lay-up of masonry for the completion of the 7th lift elevator shaft Also in spected grout space & rebar placement for the 7th lift ready to grout after city approval 9-22-2006 Inspected grout space & placement of grout for the 7th lift of the elevator shaft Note Elevator shaft complete except for the front wall All work on this job to date has been satisfactory completed and conforms to the approved plans and requirements of the Carlsbad City Building Code ID# Date 9/22/2006 Deputy Inspector Jeffery Winter 118 Patrician Way, Pasadena, CA 91105 (626) 795-0770 SPECIAL INSPECTOR'S REPORT AMERICAN INTERNATIONAL INSPECTIONS AND TESTING 0 Inspections Office (626) 795-0770 Inspection Fax (626) 432-1717 Email kbalcom626@charter net D REINFORCED CONCRETE D POST TENSION CONCRETE JD'REINFORCEO MASONRY D OTHER D HI TEN BOLTING d STRUCTURAL STEEL ASSEMBLY ^O WELDING D SHOP D FIELD JOB ADDRESS JOB PHONE OWNER MAP BOOK DIRECTIONS DEPUTY INSPECTOR PROJECT PERMIT *ENGINEER BILLING PHONE CONTRACTOR ADDRESS CITY INSPECTOR PHONE SUB-CONTRACTOR MIX DESIGN READY MIX CO PLACEMENT CHECK BY #% >xy j' SUPERINTENDENT FOREMAN CELL PHONE CU YDS PLACED SPEC STRENGTH ® 28 DAYS » OF CYLINDERS SLUMP LAB TESTING DATE CALLED WELDING OPERATORS CERT *EXPIRATION ELECTRODES DATE WORK INSPECTED ?7 9-///• / / Depuly'lnspecto^X'*CONTRACTOR'S REPRESENTATIVE TUES WED THURS SUN ALL INSPECTIONS BASE ON A 4 HOUR MINIMUM OVER 4 HOURS = 8 HOURS Rev 0705 SPECIAL INSPECTOR'S REPORT AMERICAN INTERNATIONAL INSPECTIONS AND TESTING Inspections Office (626) 795-0770 Inspection Fax (626) 432-1717 Email kbalcom626@charter net D REINFORCED CONCRETE D POST TENSION CONCRETE fd REINFORCED MASONRY O OTHER O HI TEN BOLTING O STRUCTURAL STEEL ASSEMBLY Q WELDING D SHOP D FIELD OWNERJOB ADDRESS JOB PHONE DIRECTIONS / sf MAP BOOK DEPUTY INSPECTOR PROJECT \/, PERMIT * C /? <i ENGINEER f /"/ BILLING PHONE CONTRACTOR ADDRESS / ' CITY INSPECTOR PHONE SUB-CONTRACTOR MIX DESIGN *READY MIX CO PLACEMENT CHECK BY SUPERINTENDENT FOREMAN ^ CELL PHONE CU YDS PLACED SPEC STRENGTH ® 28 DAYS * OF CYLINDERS SLUMP LAB TESTING DATE CALLED WELDING OPERATORS CERT *EXPIRATION ELECTRODES DATE WORK INSPECTED S *e is- ~£ //V - 7 ^X ICHIBAN PERCENTAGE OF COMPLETION CONTRACTOR'S REPRESENTATIVE MON TUES WED THUHS , /^-,•7 v FRI SAT SUN ALL INSPECTIONS BASE ON A 4 HOUR MINIMUM OVER 4 HOURS = 8 HOURS Rev 0705 3-i. IUK'd rscrun i ^J™^^.|g!^^JQ^L~^^cn^^mr^mG Inspections Office (626) 795-077C Inspection Fax (626) 432-1717 Email kbalcom626@ charter ne 0 REINFORCED CONCRETE Q POST TENSION CONCRETE ^REINFORCED MASONRY O OTHER O HI TEN BOLTING D STRUCTURAL STEEL ASSEMBLY TI WELDING D SHOP O FIELD DATES &/./ JOB ADDRESS JOB PHONE OWNER MAP BOOK DIRECTIONS DEPUTY INSPECTOR PROJECT PERMIT *ENGINEER 3^BILLING PHONE CONTRACTOR ADDRESS /..r /fa™ &,*,*• CITY INSPECTOR PHONE SUB-CONTRACTOR MIX DESIGN »READY MIX CO PLACEMENT CHECK BY SUPERINTENDENT FOREMAN CELL PHONE CU YDS PLACED SPEC STRENGTH @ 28 DAYS » OF CYLINDERS SLUMP LAB TESTING DATE CALLED WELDING OPERATORS CERT *EXPIRATION ELECTRODES DATE WORK INSPECTED ft. ICHIBAN PERCENTAGE CONTRACTOBreREPRESENTATI -VLL INSPECTIONS BASE ON A 4 HOUR MINIMUM, OVER 4 HOURS = 8 HOURS ?l ^EmCMjNTOIgWIOML^ INSPECTIONS^STTESTING'Inspections Office (626) 795 077C Inspection Fax (626) 432-1711 Email kbalcom626@ charter ne O REINFORCED CONCRETE D POST TENSION CONCRETE O REINFORCED MASONRY D OTHER D HI TEN BOLTING D STRUCTURAL STEEL ASSEMBLY D WELDING O SHOP D FIELD DATES V)B ADDRESS JOB PHONE OWNER MAP BOOK DIRECTIONS DEPUTY INSPECTOR PROJECT J& PERMIT*ENGINEER BiCClNG PHONE CONTRACTOR ADDRESS CITY INSPECTOR PHONE SUB-CONTRACTOR MIX DESIGN *READY MIX CO PLACEMENT CHECK BY SUPERINTENDENT FOREMAN CELLPHONE CU YDS PLACED SPEC STRENGTH ® 28 DAYS * OF CYLINDERS SLUMP LAB TESTING DATE CALLED WELDING OPERATORS CERT *EXPIRATION ELECTRODES DATE WORK INSPECTED 4AL PERCENTAGE OF COMPLETION ALL INSPECTIONS BASE ON A 4 HOUR MINIMUM, OVER 4 HOURS = 8 HOURS 0705 SPECIAL INSPECTOR'S REPORT AMERICAN INTERNATIONAL INSPECTIONS AND TESTING Inspections Office (626) 795-0770 Inspection Fax (626) 432-1717 Email kbalcom626@charter net O REINFORCED CONCRETE D POST TENSION CONCRETE .JTfiilNFORCED MASONRY D OTHER D HI TEN BOLTING Q STRUCTURAL STEEL ASSEMBLY TT WELDING D SHOP D FIELD JOB ADDRESS JOB PHONE MAP BOOK DIRECTIONS DEPUTY INSPECTOR PROJECT PERMIT »ENGINEER BILLING PHONE CONTRACTOR ADDRESS CITY INSPECTOR PHONE SUB-CONTRACTOR MIX DESIGN *READY MIX CO PLACEMENT CHECK BY SUPERINTENDENT FOREMAN CELL PHONE CU YDS PLACED SPEC STRENGTH ® 28 DAYS * OF CYLINDERS SLUMP LAB TESTING DATE CALLED WELDING OPERATORS CERT *EXPIRATION ELECTRODES DATE WORK INSPECTED S ^-$ &:< >i/ sjA- CONT <r THURS SUN ALL INSPECTIONS BASE ON A 4 HOUR MINIMUM OVER 4 HOURS = 8 HOURS SPECIAL INSPECTOR'S REPORT AMERICAN INTERNATIONAL INSPECTIONS AND TESTING Inspections Office (626) 795-0770 Inspection Fax (626) 432-1717 Email kbalcom626@ charter net <bf»EINFORCED CONCRETE D POST TENSION CONCRETE D REINFORCED MASONRY D OTHER O*HI TEN BOLTING D STRUCTURAL STEEL ASSEMBLY D WELDING D SHOP D FIELD JOB ADDRESS JOB PHONE OWNER MAP BOOK DIRECTIONS DEPUTY INSPECTOR PROJECT PERMIT *ENGINEER L/ BILLING PHONE CONTRACTOR ADDRESS 1.« ^ J CITY INSPECTOR PHONE SUB-CONTRACTOR MIX DESIGN *READY MIX CO PLACEMENT CHECK BY SUPERINTENDENT FOREMAN CELLPHONE CU YDS PLACED SPEC STRENGTH ® 28 DAYS # OF CYLINDERS SLUMP LAB TESTING DATE CALLED WELDING OPERATORS CERT *EXPIRATION ELECTRODES DATE fs WORK INSPECTED /'/ ICHIBAN PERCENTAGE OF COMPLETION Deputy Inspector/^"CONTRACTOR S REPRESENTATIVE V Ti-*£T ^TUES WED //$4 n£ y THURS FRI SAT ^-, ^^ SUN ALL INSPECTIONS BASE ON A 4 HOUR MINIMUM OVER 4 HOURS = 8 HOURS Rev 0705 Inspections Office (626) 795-0770 Inspection Fax (626) 432-1717 Email kbalcom626 ©charter net O REINFORCED CONCRETE D POST TENSION CONCRETE ^-REINFORCED MASONRY a OTHER D HI TEN BOLTING Jf&TRUCTURAL STEEL ASSEMBLY Tl WELDING D SHOP O FIELD JOB ADDRESS JOB PHONE OWNER MAP BOOK DIRECTIONS'DEPUTY INSPECTOR PROJECT PERMIT e ENGINEER BILLING PHONE CONTRACTOR ADDRESS CITY INSPECTOR PHONE SUB-CONTRACTOR SUPERINTENDENT FOREMAN MIX DESIGN *READY MIX CO PLACEMENT CHECK BY CELL PHONE &/£ CU YDS PLACED SPEC STRENGTH ® 28 DAYS * OF CYLINDERS SLUMP LAB TEST/NG DATE CALLED WELDING OPERATORS CERT * /-5-J EXPIRATION ELECTRODES DATE WORK INSPECTED v~~ SPECIAL INSPECTOR'S REPORT 0 Q o AMERICAN INTERNATIONAL INSPECTIONS AND TESTING »< "" Q'Inspections Office (626) 795-0770 Inspection Fax (626) 432 1717 Email kbalcom626@charter net D REINFORCED CONCRETE D POST TENSION CONCRETE -g REINFORCED MASONRY D OTHER D HI TEN BOLTING D STRUCTURAL STEEL ASSEMBLY ^WELDING D SHOP D FIELD JOB ADDRESS JOB PHONE OWNER MAP BOOK DIRECTIONS DEPUTY INSPECTOR PROJECT PERMIT *ENGINEER BILLING ADDRESS PHONE CONTRACTOR <<C vT Mt CITY INSPECTOR PHONE SUB-CONTRACTOR MIX DESIGN *READY MIX CO PLACEMENT CHECK BY SUPERINTENDENT FOREMAN CELL PHONE CU YDS PLACED SPEC STRENGTH ® 28 DAYS * OF CYLINDERS SLUMP LAB TESTING DATE CALLED WELDING OPERATORS CERT *EXPIRATION ELECTRODES DATE WORK INSPECTED A rar /^.1 A, _£>///<>' Sjfox re /JS'Aj<3> ICHIBAN * PERCENTAGE OFsCOMfiL^ETION Deputy Inspector*/^CONTRACTOR S REPRESENTATIVE TUES THURS FRI SUN ALL INSPECTIONS BASE ON A 4 HOUR MINIMUM OVER 4 HOURS = 8 HOURS Rev 0705 SPECIAL INSPECTOR'S REPORT AMERICAN INTERNATIONAL INSPECTIONS AND TESTING Inspections Office (626) 795-0770 Inspection Fax (626) 432-1717 Email kbalcom626@ charter net O REINFORCED CONCRETE d POST TENSION CONCRETE O REINFORCED MASONRY D OTHER O HI TEN BOLTING .^STRUCTURAL STEEL ASSEMBLY DWELOINQ a SHOP D FIELD IR-JOB ADDRESS JOB PHONE , £ MAP BOOK DIRECTIONS DEPUTY INSPECTOR PROJECT PERMIT * * As f ENGINEER /f L BILLING PHONE CONTRACTOR ADDRESS CITY INSPECTOR PHONE SUB-CONTRACTOR MIX DESIGN *READY MIX CO PLACEMENT CHECK BY -•SUPERINTENDENTt FOREMAN LLPHONE CU YDS PLACED SPEC STnENQTH • 28 DAYS « OF CYLINDERS SLUMP LAB TESTING DATE CALLED WELDING OPERATORS / /f*t,+ r CERT *EXPIRATION ELECTRODES DATE WORK INSPECTED A 7- A f". TS'S /f"f Xi /i\ t *• iff H /• * »!" ICHIBAN PERCENTAGE OF COMPLETION Deputy CONTRACTOR'S REPRESENTATIVE I MON "ITWES. 1 w ' ED _ ITHUHS ^1 FRI A I8*1 / 1 SUN. ALL INSPECTIONS BASE ON , OVER 4 HOURS = 8 HOURS SPECIAL INSPECTOR'S REPORT * ! * « ^ AMERICAN INTERNATIONAL m * INSPECTIONS AND TESTING Inspections Office (626) 795-0770 Inspection Fax (626) 432-1717 Email kbalcom626@ charter net 0 REINFORCED CONCRETE Q POST TENSION CONCRETE JjHEINFORCEO MASONRY Q OTHER D HI TEN BOLTING D STRUCTURAL STEEL ASSEMBLY D WELDING O SHOP D FIELD OWNERJOB ADDRESS JOB PHONE MAP BOOK DIRECTIONS DEPUTY INSPECTOR PROJECT PERMIT *ENGINEER BILLING PHONE ADDRESS CITY INSPECTOR SUB-CONTRACTOR MIX DESIGN *READY MIX CO PLACEMENT CHECK BY SUPERINTENDENT FOREMAN CELL PHONE CU YDS PLACED SPEC STRENGTH 9 28 DAYS « OF CYLINDERS SLUMP LAB TESTING DATE CALLED WELDING OPERATORS EXPIRATION ELECTRODES DATE 7 WORK INSPECTED ICHIBAN PERCENTAGE OF CO 'CONTRACTOR'S REPRESENTATIVE THUR8 FHI SAT " ALL INSPECTIONS BASE ON jV 4 HOUR MINIMUM, OVER 4 HOURS = 8 HOURS Rev 0705 SPECIAL INSPECTOR'S REPORT » \mt j i "%«5i AMERICAN INTERNATIONAL V ' ^ A INSPECTIONS AND TESTING Inspections Office (626) 795-0770 Inspection Fax (626) 432-1717 ^ Email kbalcom626 @ chaffeTnet D REINFORCED CONCRETE D POST TENSION CONCRETE REINFORCED MASONRY D OTHER D HI TEN BOLTING D STRUCTURAL STEEL ASSEMBLY 3wELtflNG D SHP a FIELD JOB PHONE 'W# rti \ I "JOB ADDRESS rJL MAP BOOK DIRECTIONS DEPUTY INSPECTOR PROJECT "' I/ JT "'* ENGINEER f-/ BILLING PHONE CONTRACTOR ADDRESS ft CITY INSPECTOR PHONE SUB-CONTRACTOR ''" READY MIX CO ^/^ MIX DESIGN *PLACEMENT CHECK BY SUPERINTENDENT FOREMAN CELL PHONE CU YDS PLACED SPEC STRENGTH • 28 DAYS > # OF CYLINDERS SLUMP LAB TESTING DATE CALLED WELDING OPERATORS CERT *EXPIRATION ELECTRODES DATE WORK INSPECTED >tH< <£-f>6/fv ICHIBAN PERCENTAGE !»C TUES WED THUflS FHT SAT SUN ALL INSPECTIONS BASE ON A 4 HOUR MINIMUM, OVER 4 HOURS = 8 HOURS Rev 0705 16 SPECIAL INSPEUIUK'S HtfUMI AMERICAN INTERNATIONAL INSPECTIONS AND TEStING Inspections Office (626) 795-0770 Inspection Fax $86) 432-1717 Email kbalcom626 ©charter nel 0 REINFORCED CONCRETE D POST-TENSION CONCRETE O REINFORCED MASONRY D OTHER D HI TEN BOLTING D STRUCTURAL STEEL ASSEMBLY D WELDING d SHOP D FIELD OWNER" f f. JOB ADDRESS JOB PHONE MAP BOOK DIRECTIONS DEPUTY INSPECTOR r i PROJECT PERMIT *ENGINEER BILLING CONTRACTOR ADDRESS CITY INSPECTOR PHONE SUB-CONTRACTOR READY MIX COMIX DESIGN * 3c//5t>o PLACEMENT CHECK BY » 28 RA»5( ^"^ jUtOF CYLINDERS SLUMP SUPERINTENDENT FOREMAN CELLPHONE CU VDS PLACED Tcy LAB TESTING '/" DATE CALLED WELDING OPERATORS CEflt *EXPIRATION ELECTRODES DATE WORK INSPBO^O &L.&t.<->f,t PC ICHIBAN PERCENTAG _ _ CONTRACj.TdR'S MON *^ I TUE8 1 6-/3-&>WED THURS FRI SAT _ _ 1 SUN. ALL INSPECTIONS BASE ON A 4 HOUR MINIMUM, OVER 4 HOURS = 8 HOURS Rev 0705 Tjf SPECIAL INSPECTOR'S REPORT ^jmg^^T^MlOML^ INSPECTIONS AND TESTING Inspections Office (626) 795-0770 Inspection Fax (626) 432-1717 Email kbalcom626@charter net D REINFORCED CONCRETE O POST TENSION CONCRETE a REINFORCED MASONRY .BOTHER D HI TEN BOLTING _,jtySTRUCTURAL STEEL ASSEMBLY D WELDING D SHOP D FIELD DATES JOB ADDRESS JOB PHONE NER /)f, MAP BOOK DIRECTIONS DEPUTY INSPECTOR PROJECT PERMIT «ENGINEER BILLING PHONE CONTRACTOR ADDRESS CITY INSPECTOR PHONE 'SUB-CONTRACTORy/^fMIX DESIGN *HEADY MIX CO PLACEMENT CHECK BY SUPERINTENDENT ^ .f/,J CELL PHONE FOREMAN CU YDS PLACED SPEC STRENGTH ® 28 DAYS * OF CYLINDERS SLUMP LAB TESTING DATE CALLED WELDING OPERATORS CERT »EXPIRATION ELECTRODES DATE (S WORK/NSPECTED A-/ A/ <?/yA /r"y 'n' f-rSsten --**U*3r St 1 ro // ICHIBAN PERCENTAGE OF 'LETION CONTRACTOR'S REPRESENTATIVE WON ^ <<> f 2-k </r? ^THURS ., .f.-ff y FRI SAT SUN ALL INSPECTIONS BASE ON A 4 HOUR MINIMUM OVER 4 HOURS = 8 HOURS Eqtfpinesftfigotiel/Sii: KrautKzsmsrUSK?Cajfeajaoo jggeeic HWType2 /Ryan g.UT SPECIAL INSPECTOR'S REPORT _AjMEgiCjjj^g^^TOWi- INSPECTIONS AND TESTING Inspections Office (626) 795-0770 Inspection Fax (626) 432-1717 Email kbalcom626@charter net D REINFORCED CONCRETE D POST TENSION CONCRETE D REINFORCED MASONRY D OTHER Q HI TEN BOLTING ^STRUCTURAL STEEL ASSEMBLY D WELDING D SHOP D FIELD7\ JOB ADDRESS JOB PHONE OWNER ZU.j /)/: MAP BOOK DIRECTIONS DEPUTY INSPECTOR PROJECT PERMIT »ENGINEER BILLING ADDRESS PHONE CONTRACTOR CITY INSPECTOR PHONE SUB-CONTRACTOR MIX DESIGN *READY MIX CO PLACEMENT CHECK BY SUPERINTENDENT FOREMAN CELLPHONE CU YDS PLACED/ ]( /"SPBC-STOENGTH @ 28 DAYS * OF CYLINDERS SLUMP LAB TESTING DATE CALLED WELDING OPERATORS CERT »EXPIRATION DATE WORK INSPECTED ELECTRODES ^?^ sis-r T<5 7~ - A /I A " ' f/ "" " n "<=?</f. -b\ A f- THURS.•4-X ALL INSPECTIONS BASE ON A 4 HOUR MINIMUM OVER 4 HOURS = 8 HOURS hKUH KYHN "Or U-flNH Ultrasonic Examination Field Report Job No Page 1ofi Jo&Name. Buens Vsste Village Gate; szzffle Location: 110S Us FEcses, {^fefeatf, C& g^p p^ x Equipment Mode! / SN. Kraut Kramer USK 7 Test Method Standard- AWS D1 1 ( 2000 }, Secton 6, Part F Acceptance Standard AWS D1 1 { 2000 ) Section 6, Table 6 2 i- 1 1 1 Locaton/PCt OMF?F2/UnrtD{N) a*yJRF2AimD(S} OMRF2flJnrtK^E)I WScation Mumber-Transducer Angle70 70 70 Deobefe i«ssI A - 1- B 40 40 40 :AttenuationFactorC 1*P D Cafittsssen Btoe&c IlWType2 Freqiseney: 2.K MHz. ^ateriafc ASTM A36, AS92 Discontinu!^ s.§»5 Angular Distance08pthFram"AuSurfaoa- Indication D&L SDR) X Dst ftwn Y 1 X X X - I REMARKS Column Spfce CdumnSpfee BeamtocoJumnMF(2) Noiafe any wekl repairs as REPAIR m the Remarks area ahove- 5/22/2006 Signatoe / Pnnt of Inspector Spsogfty Level SPECIAL INSPECTOR'S REPORT INSPECTIONS AND TESTING Inspections Office (626) 795-0770 Inspection Fax (626) 432 1717 Email kbalcom626@charter net 3 REINFORCED CONCRETE Q POST TENSION CONCRETE D REINFORCED MASONRY d OTHER I HI TEN BOLTING D STRUCTURAL STEEL ASSEMBLY D WELDING O SHOP D FIELD OWNEROB ADDRESS JOB PHONE DIRECTIONS DEPUTY INSPECTOR ROJECT PERMIT *ENGINEER ilLLING \DDRESS PHONE CONTRACTOR J ITY INSPECTOR PHONE SUB-CONTRACTOR ^IX DESIGN #READY MIX CO PLACEMENT CHECK BY SUPERINTENDENT FOREMAN CELL PHONE U YDS PLACED SPEC STRENGTH @ 28 DAYS * OF CYLINDERS SLUMP LAB TESTING DATE CALLED /VELDING OPERATORS CERT #EXPIRATION ELECTRODES IATE WORK INSPECTED fJAt/i A/- \ CONTRACTOR S REPRESENTATIVE MON " 5-// $- TUES S-v£ &~ WED </<>-/? Y THURS S-sif* FBI <-/•? SATs~~0?a SUN ALL INSPECTIONS BASE ON A 4 HOUR MDSIMUM, OVER4 HOURS = 8 HOURS SPECIAL iINSPECTOR'S REPORT AMERICAN INTERNATIONAL INSPECTIONS AND TESTING Inspections Office (626) 795-0770 Inspection Fax (626) 432-1717 Email kbalcom626@charter net Q REINFORCED CONCRETE D POST TENSION CONCRETE D REINFORCED MASONRY Q OTHER D HI TEN BOLTING D STRUCTURAL STEEL ASSEMBLY D WELDING a SHOP D FIELD JOB ADDRESS MAP BOOK JOB PHONE OWNER DIRECTIONS DEPUTY INSPECTOR PROJECT PERMIT *ENGINEER BILLING PHONE CONTRACTOR ADDRESS ;*J /L, CITY INSPECTOR PHONE SUB-CONTRACTOR ' MIX DESIGN*READY MIX CO PLACEMENT CHECK BY SUPERINTENDENT FOREMAN CELL PHONE CU YDS PLACED SPEC STRENGTH ® 28 DAYS # OF CYLINDERS SLUMP LAB TESTING DATE CALLED WELDING OPERATORS CERT *EXPIRATION ELECTRODES DATE WORK INSPECTED / V / & ^ 7/7£ ICHIBAN PERCENTAGE TION CONTRACTOR'S REPRESENTATIVE—•—' TUES SAT SUN ALL INSPECTIONS BASE ON A 4 HOUR MINIMUM, OVER 4 HOURS = 8 HOURS SPECIAL INSPECTOR'S REPORT AMERICAN INTERNATIONAL Inspections Office (626) 795-0770 Inspection Fax (626) 432-1717 Email kbalcom626@charter net 1 I REINFORCED CONCRETE D POST TENSION CONCRETE D REINFORCED MASONRY D OTHER I HI TEN BOLTING D STRUCTURAL STEEL ASSEMBLY D WELDING D SHOP D FIELD DATES 1-7 38 ADDRESS JOB PHONE OWNER IAP BOOK DIRECTIONS DEPUTY INSPECTOR 3OJECT PERMIT »ENGINE! PHONE CONTRACTOR ITY INSPECTOR PHONE SUB-CONTRA,CT x DESIGN READY MIX co PLACEMEN C ( ENT CHECK BY SUPERINTENDENT <s FOREMA CELL PHONE YDS PLACED SPEC STRENGTH ® 28 DAYS # OF CYLINDERS SLUMP LAB TESTING DATE CALLED /ELDING OPERATORS CERT #EXPIRATION ELECTRODES WORK INSPHloJKINSP :CTED purrs VPS DepU/,nspect0r CONTRACTOR S REP^SENTAlME Tti rii>4V— ' fUES WED THURS FRI SAT SUN SPECIAL I INSPECTOR'S REPORT AMERICAN INTERNATIONAL INSPECTIONS AND TESTING Inspections Office (626) 795-077C Inspection Fax (626) 432-1717 Email kbalcom626@ charter ne1 O REINFORCED CONCRETE D POST TENSION CONCRETE D REINFORCED MASONRY D OTHER D HI TEN BOLTING D STRUCTURAL STEEL ASSEMBLY d WELDING D SHOP D FIELD OWNER f (&. JOB ADDRESSHOG JOB PHONE MAP BOOK DIRECTIONS DEPUTY INSPECTOR PROJECT v/iy-nl PERMIT »ENGINEER BILLING ADDRESS PHONE CONTRAC O CITY INSPECTOR PHONE SUB-CONTRACTOR MIX DESIGN *READY MIX CO PLACEMENT CHECK BY SUPERIMIEUDENT CELLPHONE C(9,20f CU YDS PLACED SPEC STRENGTH ® 28 DAYS # OF CYLINDERS SLUMP LAB TESTING DATE CALLED WELDING OPERATORS CERT »EXPIRATION ELECTRODES _ _ I ^^ ,„ JL. -J ^^,^-IL HJEZELT— I - ___^^______J_^^^^^^__——__^__________________^^_^^—________ -_ .„, ^.-11-.- .-jj.:. J .TV.. . i. ini.ijnji.rv. WORK INSPECTED ». Hm>/QG x/O^-Pgn^B &•-&&£ PLkiMwr V L^^^-QKji G->^^9 v 5^0u T"H £.<Qjb d) £•- fB>(J\c r iX v S t-KB O\/^ 12. H lt OF SA^S^ CjJ<rg_ \/(SOv DATE y Utorrs y<c T VA v OT=- Deputy Injector / CONTRACTORS REPRESENTATIVE MON TUES WEO ^TTil'V FHI I SAT SUN M ' T> A ei? r>w A /( ur»OViru 4 wr»TIB<! = 8 BOTTOM SPECIAL INSPECTOR'S REPORT INSPECTIONS AND TESTING Inspections Office (626) 795-0770 Inspection Fax (626) 432-1717 Email kbalcom626@charter net 3 REINFORCED CONCRETE D POST TENSION CONCRETE D REINFORCED MASONRY D OTHER 3 HI TEN BOLTING O STRUCTURAL STEEL ASSEMBLY D WELDING D SHOP D FIELD OB ADDRESS JOB PHOHE OWNER Dr. «AP BOOK DIRECTIONS DEPUTY INSPECTOR ENGINEE CONTRACTOR ROJECT PERMIT t U //^ HWLINC PHONE ADDRESS ITY INSPECTOR PHONE SUB-CONTRACTOR /(IX DESIGN *READY MIX CO PLACEMENT CHECK BY SUPERINTENDENT FOREMAN * OF CYL NDERS SLUMP CELL PHONE M YDS PLACED SPEC STRENGTH ® 28 DAYS LAB TESTING DATE CALLED WELDING OPERATORS CERT *EXPIRATION ELECTRODES )ATE WORK INSPECTED f"*— f'"" tfj S /< £ ~ - ICHIBAN PERCENTAGE OFCOMPLETION MON -sV-/6 Y TUES *4-// y WED THURS FBI SAT SUN ALL INSPECTIONS BASE ON A 4 HOUR MINIMUM, OVER 4 HOURS = 8 HOURS KEN BALCOM Managing General Partner SPECIAL INSPECTOR'S DAILY REPORT 118 PATRICIAN WAY • PASADENA, CA 91105 Office (626) 795-0770 • Fax (626)4321717 Cell (626)3900896 Email kbalcom626@charternet Project FArJ>sr t?f^id Job Address _2 ^ &&/ Date .^- ^- O£ Permit # O^-~ A?/ Issued By /^/YV Project Info / ^n&<2^ Phone^, p^y /&/- Contacts Owner Phone City Inspector Phone Engineer Phone Deputy Inspector Phone Contractor Phone Superintendent Phone Sub-Contractor x>L Phone Forman Phone Work Inspected r £^ f J'f CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIAINCE 1 HEREBY CERT1P' THAT I HAVE INSPECTED TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE ALL OF THE ABOVE REPORTED WORK UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED I HAVE FOUND THIS WORK TO COMPLY wrfH-THe A^PPOVED PLANS SPECIFICATIONS AND APPLICABLE SECTIONS HE GOVERNINCSBUiLDiNQ LAWS Signatufe of Registered Inspector ICC Certification Number City/County Continued on Next Page D Page / of/ REG HOURS <J All InspectKminimum Also Approved b OT HOURS DT HOURS TT HOURS TRAVEL .— )ns based on a minimum of 4 hours and over 4 hours - 8 hour any Inspection that extends past noon will be an 8 hour minimum ^\\~s \^A^T~~^>v "Project Superintendent / Contractor s Representative Feb 16 08 Q7 49p p 15 SPECIAL INSPECTOR'S REPORT AMERICAN INTERNATIONAL^ INSPECTIONS AND TESTING Inspections Office (626) 795-0770 Inspection Fax (626) 432 m7 FOBCEO CONCRETE P POST TENSION CONCRETE D PSINFWCEO MASOHBY a OTHER OHI TEW BCt-Hf** USlKUurUKALSIttL At>SeM«M.r ^IQKKLUIMti a fcHOP D FIELD a A~" 'JOO ADDRESS JOB PHONE ffNER y TIOMAP BOOK ERECTIONS DEPUTY INSPECTOR Pflfl-ECT PERMIT i ADDRESS CITY INSPECTOR SUB-CONTBACTOfl Ml X DESIGN i PWC6MSNT CHECK VI • Of CYLINDERS SLUMP SUPERINTENDENT FOREMAN CELL PHONE CU YDS PLACEQ LASt^STlki WEiOWG OPERATORS exw RATION ELECTRODES DATE WOW INSPECTED WED.SAT ALL INSPECTIONS BASE ON A 4 HOUR MIMMGM. OVJER 4 HOURS=8 MOUHS Rev 0705 TRU-TEST LABORATORIES ULTRASONIC WELD EXAMINATION TEST REPORT 10699 Hickson Street Unit 1 El Monte CA91731 Office (626)442-2031 Fax (626)442-3920 Page _1_of_1_ Job No 06-030 Project Buena Vista Village Contract No Client GCI Jobsite 1106 Las Flores Dr Carlsbad, CA Date 02/17/06 Bldg Permit No PSA / OSHPD / App File # N/A ID No Moment Frame connections Specification AWS D1 1-2004 Procedure TTL-UT-100 Rev 0 Acceptance AWS D1 1 Table 6 2 Scope of Inspection Perform Ultrasonic examination on CJP welds on top & bottom flanges of moment frames Wefid Type Process Other Information Groove CJP Double V SMAW Material C/S Groove PJP Comer J Groove FCAW Thickness 3/8 Butt Square U Groove GMAW Length Full Plug Single Bevel Dihedral SAW Surface Condition Satisfactory Seam Double Bevel Other GTAW Limitations if any None Spot Single V Other Technique Equipment Transducer Manufacturer Krautkramer S/N Frequency Angle Size Model USN50L 011VPF 2 25 MHz 10 Dia S/N 008DMJ 213572 2 25 MHz 70"625 X 75 Cat Std Type & S/N IIW S/N 0026 MHz Couplant UT-X Cellulose MHz Results •o I 3 i O)c Decibels i : u. s Discontinuity IS. 1 Distance From X From Y Remarks See below 70 590 N/A Accept I certify that the statements in this record are correct and that the welds were tested in accordance with the requirements of the applicable sections in the codes, specifications and standards that are identified on this report f \ /J /" Inspector Jim DeCosta «SS=L^ Level III / Date 02/17/06 / All Inspection Based on a Minimum of 4 Hours & Over 4 Hours 8 Hours Minimum In Addition any Inspection extended Past Moon mil be an 8 hour Minimum Date 02/17/06 Time In 0700 Time Out 1000 Travel Time Charge N/A ST 8 OT DT Mm Charge8 nr RT Mileage Charge N/A Client / Time Verification Date Sketch/Comments (Note This form is not applicable for Tubular Structures) = Connection tested Form TO- UT-F01 Rev 1 SPECIAL INSPECTOR'S REPORT INSPECTIONS AND TESTING Inspections Office (626) 795-0770 Inspection Fax (626) 432-1717 Email kbalcom626@ charter net D REINFORCED CONCRETE O POST TENSION CONCRETE D REINFORCED MASONRY D OTHER D HI TEN BOLTING D STRUCTURAL STEEL ASSEMBLY ^WELDING D SHOP D FIELD JOB ADDRESS JOB PHONE OWNER MAP BOOK DIRECTIONS DEPUTY INSPECTOR PROJECT PERMIT »ENGINEER BILLING PHONE CONTRACTOR ADDRESS //A) CITY INSPECTOR PHONE SUB-CONTRACTOR //IV? MIX DESIGN *READY MIX CO PLACEMENT CHECK BY SPEC STRENGTH ® 28 DAYS SUPERINTENDENT FOREMAN CELL PHONE CU YDS PLACED * OF CYLINDERS SLUMP LAB TESTING DATE CALLED WELDING OPERATORS CERT #EXPIRATION ELECTRODES DATE WORK INSPECTED / r r -7—7 WWs/ CHIBAN •ERCENTAGE OE COMPLETION A ^ CbNTRACTOffS REPRESENTATIVE MON*^TUES WED SAT SUN AT T TNWVrTinNS RASF ON 4 4 TTOtlR MTNTMTIM OVFK 4 HOTIRS = R HOTFRS SPECIAL 8NSRECTOR'S REPORT Inspection Office (626) 795-0770 Inspection Fax (626)432-1717 REINFORCED CONCRETE D POST TENSION CONCRETE D HI TEN BOLTING D STRUCTURAL STEEL ASSEMBLY (OB ADDRESS MAP BOOK 'ROJECT 3ILLING ry f\ f , \ //Clft-Z IM. *--f1fl DIRECTIONS h^fe Y///^#s</ JKREINFORCED MASONRY D OTHER D WELDING D SHOP D FIELD JOB PHONE /-/ / 5l?££( PERMIT * PHONE ADDRESS ITY INSPECTOR dIX DESIGN » ^SttOO 3U YDS PLACED WELDING OPERATORS READY MIX CO SPEC STRENGTH ® 28 DAYS 3,vnnp*i PHONE PLACEMENT CHECK BY * OF CYLINDERS SLUMP DATES OWNER DEPUTY INSPECTOR C7£// te\/ v£! 6*J/*J7?'/ ENGINEER / CONTRACTOR * SUB-CONTRACTOR SUPERINTENDENT j^ CELL PHONE FOREMAN LAB TESTING DATE CALLED CERT * EXPIRATION ELECTRODES 3ATE WORK INSPECTED /* frVx/'' tJUfc/f <fyf*J A fa -t- O/*4e>f // CHI BAN PERCENTAGE OF COMPLETION CONTRACTOR'S REPRESENTATIVE/ // 3-6-6\"/-/ A& TUES WED SAT SUN • 4W R HOUR MINIMUM SPECIAL INSPECTOR'S REPORT Inspection Office (626) 795-0770 Inspection Fax (626) 432-1717 ^REINFORCED CONCRETE Q POST TENSION CONCRETE D REINFORCED MASONRY O OTHER O HI TEN BOLTING D STRUCTURAL STEEL ASSEMBLY D WELDING D SHOP D FIELD A to -A4 JOB ADDRESS JOB PHONE OWNER blRECTIONSMAP BOOK DEPUTY INSPECTOR PROJECT PERMIT *ENGINEER -. SILLING PHONE ADDRESS CONTRACTOR XwX CITY INSPECTOR PHONE SUB-CONTRACTOR MIX DESIGN*READY MIX CO PLACEMENT CHECK BY SUPERINTENDENT FOREMAN SltfAi £ CELL PHONE CU YDS PLACED SPEC STRENGTH @ 28 DAYS # OF CYLINDERS SLUMP LAB TESTING DATE CALLED WELDING OPERATORS CERT *EXPIRATION ELECTRODES DATE WORK INSPECTED -*£/£./ /f/33.0 ICHIBAN PERCENTAGEpf } *-^ TAGEO^CO^miON / I / CONTRACTOR'S REPRESENTATIVE jtfoN / .£/TUES WED THURS Ff" ^X SAT SUN 1 ALL INSPECTIONS BASED ON A 4 HOUR MINIMUM OVER 4 HOURS=8 HOURS ALSO ANY INSPECTION THAT EXTENDS PAST NOON WILL BE AN 8 HOUR MINIMUM J 35 13 13 858885S127 PLCB3ES LUND PAGE 82 (628) 7$fi~o770 bttpssfen ftnc: («2i) 438-1717 I, ^.SSiS SPECIAL INSPECTOR'S REPORT Inspectoon Office (626) 795-0770 Inspection Fax (626) 432-1717 Email kbalcom626@chartef netTESTING 0 tiE'NTOSTED CONCRETE jbST TENSION CONCRETE Q REINFORCED MASONRY a OTHER D 41 TEN BOLTING Q STRUCTURAL STEEL ASSEMBLY OXVELDING D SHOP O =I£LD es (I AteJOB ADDRESS JOBPHNE MAP BOOK DIRECTIONS ^ DEPUTY INSPECTOR C-- PROJECT PERMIT #ENGINEER BILLING PHONE CONTRACTO CITY INSPECTOR PHONE SUB CONTRACTOR MIX DESIGN PtACEMENT CHECK BY CU YDS PLACED^SPEC STRENGTH « 28 DAYS _#OF,CYUI) WELDINiaWERATORS . 7^7 SUPERINTENDENT LAB TESTINGS SLUMP DATE CALLED CERT *EXPIRATION ELECTRODES pU ^^avVarsrau- . 1 . M u— J?T-:-<2^>-Kwc2. L ^X^Q,L^-\-L£^J^\<; ICHIBAN Deputy ln§j»ctor \^M MON TUES y^£ ! WED T v\r^ i THURS £7 <C?ho FRI SAT SUN I ALL INSPECTION BASED ON A 4 HOUR MINIMUM; OVER 4 HOURS=B HOURS ALSO ANY INSPECTION THAT EXTENDS PAST NOON I 9MMoaaa«HBBBBflHBHH«aii^MMa»^HaBBaw«a««anMn^ DEPUTY SfSSSPECTION REPORT Office 323-255-7368 Pgr 626-402-2784 Ric H Phiegh 4848 EMred Street Los Angeies CA 90042 "p RilNKOBctO CONCP£™C Q POSTTENSION CONCfieifc U MKIWUHUCU M«3unw )f orn D Hi T£N feOLTING D S-BUCTUn^L3TEfcL ASSEMBLY U WELDING D SHOP D F 610 JOB ADDRESS OWNER JOB PHONE ARCHITECT PflOJtCT PERMIT »ENGINEER CONTflACTOR CITY INSPECTOR PHONE PHONE bUB CON1HACTOR B54 MIX OES e^ « \ P1.ACED B Or CYLINDEPS SLUMP WELDWG OPERATORS EXP DATS ELECTRODtb WORK INEPSCTCD CBRTI'ICATC KJON i/TOES 'WSO , / *^/ ¥ THURS FRI SAT SUN | ALL INSPECTIONS BASED ON A 4 HOUR MINIMUM OVER 4 HOURS ALSO ANY INSPECTION TH AT EXTENDS PAST NOON V.IU.BS AN 8 HOUR MINIMUM Feb 16 08 07 47p P 7 )ffice DEPUTY INSPECTION REPORT SPECTION SERVICE ^REINFORCEDCONCRETE D POSTTENSIONCONCRETE p REINFORCEDMASONRY Q OTHEH H HI TEN BOLTING D STRUCTURAL STEEL ASSEMBLY D WELDING O SHOP D FIELD DATE 9-r IOB ADDRESS OWNER JOB PHONE ARCHITECT 'ROJECT PEHMIT*ENGINEER ELJL3ILLINGCONTRACTOR PHONE SUB CONTRACTOR 3ITY INSPECTOR PHONE B-94 MIX DESIGN «REAW MIX CO SPEC STRENGTH ® 28 DAYS CU YRDS PLACED * OF CYLINDERS SLUMP WELDING OPERATORS CERTIFICATE*EXP DATE ELECTRODES WORK INSPECTED At- i S/t T 'EPUTY INSPECTOR CERTIFICATE NUMBER (ON TUES WED THURS FBI .SAT /SUN. ALL INSPECTIONS BASED ON A 4 HOUR MINIMUM OVER 4 HOURS ALSO ANY INSPECTION THAT EXTENDS PAST NOON WILL BE AN 6 HOUR MINIMUM | Feb 16 08 07 47p P 6 SPECIAL INSPECTOR'S REPORT AMERICAN INTERNATIONAL INSPECTIONS AND TESTING Inspection Office (626) 795-0770 Inspection Fax (626) 432-1717 /REINFORCED CONCRETE d POST TENSION CONCRETE j^REINFOHCED MASONRY POTHER D HI TEN BOLTING O STRUCTURAL STEEL ASSEMBLY O WELDING OSHOP D FIELD DATES JOB ADDRESS JOB PHONE OWNER MAP BOOK DIRECTIONS DEPUTY INSPECTOR PROJECT PERMIT *ENGINEER BILLING PHONE CONTRACTOR ADDRESS CITY INSPECTOR PHONE SUB-CONTRACTOR MIX DESIGN *READY MIX CO PLACEMENT CHECK BY SPEC STRENGTH 9 26 DAYS * OF CYLINDERS SLUMP SUPERINTENDENT FOREMAN X;^ //, CELL PHONE CU YDS PLACED LAB TESTING DATE CALLED WELDING OPERATORS CERT *EXPIRATION ELECTRODES WORK INSPECTEO ICHIBAN PERCENTAGE OF COi CON fkifr Tugs WED THURS.xdLs& f- TBT —\^f SAT '-SUN ALL INSPECTIONS BASED ON A 4 HOUR MINIMUM OVER 4 HOURS=8 HOURS. ALSO ANY INSPECTION THAT EXTENDS PAST NOON WILL 8E AN B HOUR MINIMUM | Feb 16 08 07 4Bp P 5 SPECIAL INSPECTOR'S REPORT AMERICAN INTERNATIONAL INSPECTIONS AND TESTING Inspection Office (626) 795-0770 Inspection Fax (626) 432-1717 D REINFORCED CONCRETE D POST TENSION CONCRETE ^REINFORCED MASONRY O OTHER d HI TEN BOLTING O STRUCTURAL STEEL ASSEMBLY a WELDING a SHOP D FIELD JOB ADDRESS JOB PHONE ///K 7 OWNER MAP BOOK DIRECTIONS DEPUTY INSPECTOR PROJECT PERMIT*ENGINEER BILLING PHONE CONTRACTOR ADDRESS INSPECTOR PHONE SUB-CONTRACTOR A EADYMIX DESIGN *READY MIX CO PLACEMENT CHECK BY SUPERINTENDENT FOREMAN CELL PHONE cu YDS PLACED SPEC STRENGTH 9 28 DAYS * OF CYLINDERS SLUMP LAB TESTING DATE CALLED WELDING OPERATORS CERT #EXPIRATION ELECTRODES DATE WORK INSPECTED -r '~lLi<£l fti is*./A ICHIBAN PERCENTAGE OF COMPLETION ^jfty^^^fMO THUHS ALL INSPECTIONS BASED ON A 4 HOUR MINIMUM OVER 4 HOURS=8 HOURS ALSO ANY INSPECTION THAT EXTENDS PAST NOON WILL BE AN 8 HOUR MINIMUM Feb 16 08 07 46p P 4 SPECIAL INSPECTOR'S REPORT AMERICAN INTERNATIONAL INSPECTIONS AND TESTING Inspection Office (626) 795-0770 Inspection Fax (626) 432-1717 if REINFORCED CONCRETE D POST TENSION CONCRETE Q REINFORCED MASONRY D OTHER D HI TEN BOLTING O STRUCTURAL STEEL ASSEMBLY Q WELDING D SHOP D FIELD DATES JOB ADDRESS JOB PHONE MAP BOOK DIRECTIONS DEPUTY INSPECTOR PROJECT PERMIT *ENGINEER JX BILLING PHONE CONTRACTOR ADDRESS CITY INSPECTOR PHONE SUB-CONTRACTOR MIX DESIGN *READY MIX CO PLACEMENT CHECK BY SUPERINTENDENT FOREMAN CELL PHONE CU YDS PLACED SPEC STRENGTH 19 28 DAYS * OF CYLINDERS SLUMP LAB TESTING DATE CALLED WELDINS OPERATORS CERT *EXPIRATION ELECTRODES DATE WORK INSPECTED . r - ICHIBAN PERCENTAGE OF COMPLETION Oeputy/>«6eay /y CONTRACTOR'S REPRESENTATIVE MOM 1 TUES WED I THUHS FHI 841 &SUN ALL INSPECTIONS BASED ON A4 HOUR MINIMUM OVER 4 HOURS=8 HOURS, ALSO ANY INSPECTION THAT EXTENDS PAST NOON WILL BE AN 6 HOUR MINIMUM Feb 16 08 07 46p P 3 SPECIAL INSPECTOR'S REPORT AMERICAN INTERNATIONAL INSPECTIONS AND TESTING inspection Office (626) 795-0770 Inspection Fax (626)432-1717 O REINFORCED CONCRETE D POST TENSION CONCRETE O REINFORCED MASONRY a OTHER D HI TEN BOLTING O STRUCTURAL STEEL ASSEMBLY O WELDING O SHOP O FIELD JOB ADDRESS JOB PHONE OWNE MAP BOOK DIRECTIONS DEPUTY INSPECTOR PROJECT PERMIT *ENGINEER BILLING PHONE CONTRACTOR ADDRESS CITY INSPECTOR PHONE SUB-CONTBACTOR MIX DESIGN*READY MIX CO PLACEMENT CHECK BY SUPERINTENDENT FOREMAN CELL PHONE CU YDS PLACED SPEC STRENGTH 6 28 DAYS * OF CYLINDERS SLUMP LAB TESTING DATE CALLED WELDING OPERATORS CERT *EXPIRATION ELECTRODES DATE WORK INSPECTED *{/<:<></,<'«/ ICH1BAN PERCENTAGE OF COMPLETION CONTRACTOR-S"REPHES£NTATIV6- Mopr ;>1^~TUES 1 WED _THUH&7*23- ^/SAT 1 SUN ALL INSPECTIONS BASED ON A d HOUR MINIMUM OVER 4 HOURS=8 HOURS ALSO ANY INSPECTION THAT EXTENDS PAST NOON WILL BE AN 8 HOUR MINIMUM SPECIAL INSPECTOR'S REPORT INSPECTIONS AND TESTING Inspection Office (626) 795-0770 Inspection Fax (626)432-1717 <kfREINFORCED CONCRETE D POST TENSION CONCRETE D REINFORCED MASONRY D OTHER ti'HI TEN BOLTING D STRUCTURAL STEEL ASSEMBLY D WELDING O SHOP D FIELD JOB ADDRESS MAP BOOK JOB PHONE DIRECTIONS OWNER DEPUTY INSPECTOR PROJECT PERMIT *ENGINEER '«/£ BILLING PHONE CONTRACTOR ADDRESS CITY INSPECTOR PHONE SUB-CONTRACTOR MIX DESIGN *HEADY MIX CO PLACEMENT CHECK BY SUPERINTENDENT FOREMAN CELL PHONE CU YDS PLACED SPEC STRENGTH ® 28 DAYS « OF CYLINDERS SLUMP LAB TESTING DATE CALLED WELDING OPERATORS CERT *EXPIRATION ELECTRODES DATE WORK INSPECTED ^ ll-2L ICH1BAN PERCENTAGE OF COMPLETION Degufy" Irjatf^^r^x^ WON "^ isr TUES CONTRACTOR'S REPRESENTl^Vl \ WED THUHS AJ1 ¥ FRI<-_>/ y SAT SUN * ALL INSPECTIONS BASED ON A 4 HOUR MINIMUM OVER 4 HOURS=8 HOURS ALSO ANY INSPECTION THAT EXTENDS PAST NOON WILL BE AN 8 HOUR MINIMUM INSPECTIONS AND TESTING Inspection Office (626) 795-0770 Inspection Fax (626) 432-1717 H REINFORCED CONCRETE D POST TENSION CONCRETE Q REINFORCED MASONRY D OTHER D HI TEN BOLTING D STRUCTURAL STEEL ASSEMBLY D WELDING d SHOP D FIELD IOB ADDRESS /4M_ JOB PHONE OWNER y vfAP BOOK DIRECTIONS DEPUTY INSPECTOR 'ROJECT PERMIT *ENGINEER 3ILLING PHONE ADDRESS CONTRACTOR // ITY INSPECTOR PHONE SUB-CONTRACTOR v(IX DESIGN *READY MIX CO PLACEMENT CHECK BY SUPERINTENDENT FOREMAN CELLPHONE ;u YDS PLACED SPEC STRENGTH ® 28 DAYS * OF CYLINDERS SLUMP LAB TESTING DATE CALLED WELDING OPERATORS CERT #EXPIRATION ELECTRODES 3 ATE WORK INSPECTED *S?%7 /AJ j /•4f>,.>* J"±J& CHIBAN 'ERCENTAGE OF COMPLEPON CONTR'SC'TOR s'REPRESENT/ WON i / "•'TUES WED THUHS ,,0/6 v? FRI SAT SUN ALL INSPECTIONS BASED ON A 4 HOUR MINIMUM OVER 4 HOURS=8 HOURS ALSO ANY INSPECTION THAT EXTENDS PAST NOON WILL BE AN 8 HOUR MINIMUM INSPECTIONS Office (760)451-9021 Office Fax (760)451-9020 Field Manager Cell (760) 468-4773 (24 hours) Office Cell (760) 468-4772 Email winkoinspections@yahoo com REGISTERED INSPECTOR 's DAILY REPORT DATE iI I Job Name Job Address f Map Book Pg | Directions Permit No Issued By City Ins ^ 1 ! Type Of &C06crete Q shofa '•if * ^- D Masonrj „ _^% Inspection nstructaisteel 0 Post ^ 1 Requested n Epoxy n Fu-ei ^^^ D Other D HI T CONCRETE INFO Cement Type / SK Aggregate / Adnux Ready Mix Plant # V4ix Design # PSI @ 28 Days Job Phone # y<f City Zip f & t /^^£<f /'•ZxfS^ & >ector Phone # L>/ :rete D Curate Epoxy & Drypack InfoType Pensioned Concrete iroofing Batch # Exp Date en Bolting WELDING INFO Certification #/ Exp Date Electrodes Owner ^ J - jfr ry / £ / s- Architect ' Engineer Contractor r-\ £ /Is /f <fJ f i?A/.S '/l^(^ r£?S\J Sub-Contractor Supenntendent ' >Forman Inspector s Name / Phone rt — !> WORK INSPECTED TEST PERFORMED _yTy^fr TYPE OF SAMPLE Quantity in Set Slump (in) Concrete Temp Air Temp THE TEST SRMPIES REKRESESIAHYE LOCATION M TOE STRUCTUHE CERTIFICATION OF COMPOANCE CERTIFY THAT 1 HAVE INSPECTED TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE ALL OF THE ABOVE REPORTED WORK UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED I HAVE FOUND THIS WORK TO COMPLY WTTHJHE APPROVED PLANS SPECIFICATIONS AND APPLICABLE SECTIONS OF THE GO VERGING BUJCDINej LAWS CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE D PAGE / OF REG HOURS //^.^ OT HOURS '<? S>S* DT HOURS TRAVEL - '- SAMPLES SIC3N)rflfRE OF R^5lSTMED%SPECTOR All inspections based on/a minimum of 4 hours and over 4 hours 8 hour minimum Also any inspection that extends past noon will be an 8 hour minimum. Approved 1 Project SupenntetfiJent Contractor s Kbpreseotative SPECIAL INSPECTOR'S REPORT AMERICAN INTERNATIONAL INSPECTIONS AND TESTING inspection Office (626) 795-077C Inspection Fax (626) 432-171 / D REINFORCED CONCRETE D POST TENStON CONCRETE O REINFORCED MASONRY D OTHER O HI-TEN BOLTING D STRUCTURAL STEEL ASSEMBLY D WELDING OSHOP a FIELD OWNER G 7- JOB ADDRESS1 ADDRESS -f11OO "*'* JOB PHONE MAP BOOK DIRECTIONS *•„ DEPUTY II PROJECT PERMIT *ENGINEER^ BILLING PHONE CONTRACTOR ADDRESS HACTOK ClTYJNSPECTOR PHONE SUB-CONTRACTOR READY MIX COMIX DESIGN *PLACEMENT CHECK BY SUPERINTENDENT SPEC STRENGTH • 28 DAYS OF CYLINDERS SLUMPCU YDS PLACED LAB TESTING DATE CALLED WELDING OPERATORS CERT *EXPIRATION ELECTRODES DATE IZ. UVh OAJ Ml I* tiT Id T A.-2TT S ( bv 4 QJ-1 •> > ICHIBAN PERCENTAGE OF COMPLETION Deputy Inspector CONTRACTORS REPRESENTATIVE MON ™^/-? vr ^/A^ ITHU88 FRI 1 SAT 1 SUN Inspection Office (626) 795-0770 Inspection Fax (626)432-1717 C REINFORCED CONCRETE D POST TENSION CONCRETE D REINFORCED MASONRY Q OTHER D HI TEN BOLTING D STRUCTURAL STEEL ASSEMBLY D WELDING d SHOP D FIELD O - JOB ADDRESS JOB PHONE OWNER MAP BOOK DIRECTIONS DEPUTY INSPECTOR S, PROJECT PERMIT *ENGINEER / BILLING ADDRESS PHONE CONTRACTOR CITY INSPECTOR PHONE SUB-CONTRACTOR MIX DESIGN *READY MIX CO PLACEMENT CHECK BY J 7 SUPERINTENDENT^^ FOREMAN / CELLPHONE CU YDS PLACED SPEC STRENGTH® 28 DAYS * OF CYLINDERS SLUMP * LAB TESTING ? DATE CALLED WELDING OPERATORS CERT *EXPIRATION ELECTRODES DATE WORK INSPECTED As /S //A 6 A- 5V7 A/30 ^ / THURS ALL INSPECTIONS BASED ON A 4 HOUR MINIMUM OVER 4 HOURS=8 HOURS ALSO ANY INSPECTION THAT EXTENDS PAST NOON WILL BE AN 8 HOUR MINIMUM Inspection Office (626) 795-0770 Inspection Fax (626)432-1717 $ REINFORCED CONCRETE D POST TENSION CONCRETE M REINFORCED MASONRY D OTHER 3 HI TEN BOLTING D STRUCTURAL STEEL ASSEMBLY a WELDING D SHOP D FIELD DATES OB ADDRESS JOB PHONE OWNER BOOK DIRECTIONS DEPUTY INSPECTOR -5 BOJECT PERMIT e ENGINEER c /v l/s SILLING PHONE CONTRACTOR XDDRESS /rk /u1 /W c &A, ITY INSPECTOR PHONE SUB-CONTRACTOR *ix DESIGN 3 READY MIX CO PLACEMENT CHECK BY SUPERINTENDENT FOREMAN CELLPHONE YDS PLACED SPEC STRENGTH ® 28 DAYS * OF CYLINDERS SLUMP LAB TESTING DATE CALLED WELDING OPERATORS CERT *EXPIRATION ELECTRODES )ATE WORK INSPECTED {_,'*/* A /- ? X' f -7 7-//7 . 5 ' / CHIBAN 'ERCENTAGE, OF COMPLETION ? /-£>'•a£ j*' j-»~~*^ ~*J dONTRACTOfrS REPRESENTATIVE THUHSMON /o? TUES WED <r SAT SUN INSPECTIONS AND TESTING Inspection Office (626) 795-0770 Inspection Fax (626) 432-1717 D REINFORCED CONCRETE d POST TENSION CONCRETE i}fREINFOHCED MASONRY D OTHER n HI TEN BOLTING O STRUCTURAL STEEL ASSEMBLY D WELDING O SHOP D FIELD JOB ADDRESS JOB PHONE OWNER MAP BOOK DIRECTIONS DEPUTY INSPECTOR PROJECT PERMIT *ENGINEER BILLING ADDRESS PHONE CONTRACTOR CITY INSPECTOR PHONE SUB-CONTRACTOR MIX DESIGN *READY MIX CO PLACEMENT CHECK BY SUPERINTENDENT FOREMAN CELL PHONE CU YDS PLACED SPEC STRENGTH @ 28 DAYS * OF CYLINDERS SLUMP LAB TESTING DATE CALLED WELDING OPERATORS CERT *EXPIRATION ELECTRODES DATE WORK INSPECTED A ~ A 5- 3V//•' <f A/ / _.-,. ONTRACTbR'S REPRESENTATIVE WON / X5-? e TUES S-f0 ?T-// r ?uw r Tffl ~ 1 r« /^ SAT __5/y ^SUN ALL INSPECTIONS BASED ON A 4 HOUR MINIMUM OVER 4 HOURS=8 HOURS ALSO ANY INSPECTION THAT EXTENDS PAST NOON WILL BE AN 8 HOUR MINIMUM SPECIAL 1 INSPECTOR'S! H^PUHI Inspection Office (626) 795-0770 Inspection Fax (626)432-1717 .^REINFORCED CONCRETE n POST TENSION CONCRETE D HI TEN BOLTING d STRUCTURAL STEEL ASSEMBLY JOB ADDRESS ^fREINFORCEO MASONRY Q OTHERa WELDING a SHOP a FIELD JOB PHONE MAP BOOK DIRECTIONS PROJECT BILClNC {/ PERMIT* •"//;/ PHONE ADDRESS CITY INSPECTOR MIX DESIGN * READY MIX CO S£ 7 P ^cufff/jft/' ^<3c2 CU YDS PLACED /SPEC STRENGTH @ 28 DAYS WELDING OPKflATORS ' PHONE PLACEMENT CHECK BY * OF CYLINDERS' /SLUtfP J" <f" DATES OWNER * DEPUTY INSPECTOR ENGINEER CONTRACTOR /f <afJ// Aj do Af/rtsM d, e? r SUB-CONTRACTOR // ^T sJ /Y & /} /"^JJsJf i/ SUPERINTENDENT / CELL PHONE YOAJ 7^v_ 5- jj^ $y />£> FOREMAN LAB TESTING DATE CALLED CERT * EXPIRATION ELECTRODES |DATE WORK INSPECTED 5-c£As ' CtAjr A /-^<-/ /-A? A 5- ^/,,~ (T *? ^ A ~~ ,-*, x / A A- // £ ////O ', //" y CONTRACTORS REPRESENTATIVE - /AX SUN ALL INSPECTIONS BASED ON A i. HOUR MINIMUM OVER 4 HOURS=S HOURS ALSO ANY INSPECTION THAT EXTENDS PAST NOON WILL BE AN 8 HOUR MINIMUM AND TESTING Inspection Office (626) 795-0770 Inspection Fax (626)432-1717 D REINFORCED CONCRETE D POST TENSION CONCRETE ^^REINFOHCED MASONRY a OTHER D HI TEN BOLTING O STRUCTURAL STEEL ASSEMBLY D WELDING D SHOP D FIELD JOB ADDRESS JOB PHONE OWNER MAP BOOK DIRECTIONS DEPUTY INSPECTOR PROJECT PERMIT* ^ ENGINEER <? BILLING ADDRESS S PHONE CONTRACTOR CITY INSPECTOR PHONE SUB-CONTRACTOR MIX DESIGN *HEADY MIX CO PLACEMENT CHECK BY SUPERINTENDENT FOREMAN /CELL PHONE CU YDS PLACED SPEC STRENGTH @ 28 DAYS * OF CYLINDERS SLUMP LAB TESTING DATE CALLED WELDING OPERATORS CERT #EXPIRATION ELECTRODES DATE WORK INSPECTED As f A-f Ser& PERCENTAGE OF COMPLETION /i CONTRACTOR'S REPRESENTATIVE ALL INSPECTIONS BASED ON A 4 HOUR MINIMUM OVER 4 HOURS=8 HOURS ALSO ANY INSPECTION THAT EXTENDS PAST NOON WILL BE AN 8 HOUR MINIMUM SPECIAL INSPECTOR'S REPORT TESTING Inspection Office (626) 795-0770 Inspection Fax (626)432-1717 D REINFORCED CONCRETE D POST TENSION CONCRETE a REINFORCED MASONRY a OTHER D HI TEN BOLTING D STRUCTURAL STEEL ASSEMBLY D WELDING D SHOP D FIELD JOB ADDRESS ! I uG JOB PHONE OWNER * MAP BOOK DIRECTIONS DEPUTY INSPECTOR 3ROJECT SOrVr^JC^iJ1* u PERMIT * - A ENGINEER BILL.NG «T_J< I,,III V-PHONE CONTRACTOR ADDRESS 3ITY INSPECTOR PHONE SUB-CONTRACTOR WIX DESIGN*READY MIX CO PLACEMENT CHECK BY SUPERINTENDENT, s,, FOREMAN CU YDS PLACED SPEC STRENGTH @ 28 DAYS # OF CYLINDERS SLUMP LAB TESTING DATE CALLED WELDING OPERATORS CERT *EXPIRATION ELECTRODES DATE WORK INSPECTED Mr;nr«* ICHIBAN =ERCENTAGE OF COMPLETION 'tJ'V^*^- Deputy Inspector CONTRACTOR S REPRESENTATIVE MON TUES WED THURS | . . W /-9Ll il FHI SAT SUN uniiDO-n unilOQ Al qn nay IM^PFPTION THAT PXTFNDS PAST NOON WILL BE AN 8 HOUR MINIMUM 1 FLORES LUIMD C O N S U LTANTS To Esgil 9320 Chesapeake Drive San Diego, CA 92123 ATTN Sergio SUBJECT PLAN ADDENDA COORDINATION TRANSMITTING I I Original Drawing(s) I I Prints of Drawings I I Copies of Calculations £3 See Below DATE PROJECT FLCNo 7/19/2005 Buena Vista Esgil PC#050005 04138 fop YOUR I I Review & Comment IXI Information 1X1 As Requested I I Returning TRANSMITTING BY \ I Courier EU US Mail / Overnight Mail IEI FAX No 8585601576 Total Pages 6 Sergio Please see attached sheets revised per your request Thanks and please contact me with any questions or concerns cc By Kevin Pagan, P E CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE The information contained in this transmittal is legally privileged and confidential information intended only for the use of the individual or entity named If you are not the intended recipient you are hereby notified that you should not further disseminate distribute or copy this message In addition if items transmitted are not noted or legible please notify us at once Rev 2/04 7220 Trade Street Suite 120 • San Diego California 92121 • (858) 566 0626 • FAX (858) 566-0627 Civil an«J Structural Engineering wuuvu flope^lund com ESGIL DETAL REVISION NEORMATON DETAIL NUMBER PARTIAL PLAN PARTIAL PLAN 3 SHEET REFERENCE S3 0 S3 1 S2 1 DESCRIPTION REVISED WALL LOCATION TO TO PROVIDE EOR IN-SET DOOR AND ADDED SPAN OE OF SLAB AS UTILITY ROOM LID REVISED WALL LOCATION TO TO PROVIDE EOR IN-SET DOOR AND ADDED SPAN OE OE SLAB AS UTILITY ROOM LID SLAB OVER DOOR ENTRANCE AND TYP CMU LINTEL MODIFIED AS REQUIRED BY ESGIL NOTE CALCULATIONS ARE INCLUDED FOR ADDED P T DECK SPAN AS UTILITY ROOM LID AS SHOWN ON PARTIAL PLAN SHEETS NO 04138-4 SHEET No 04138-1 FLORES LUND CONSULTANTS PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS 7220 TRADE STREET SUITE 120 SAN DIEGO CALIFORNIA 92121 (858) 566-0626 FAX (858) 566-0627 DATE 06-22-05 FLC PROJECT NO 04138 DESIGN BY KF DRAWN BY KF REVIEWED BY RF PARTIAL PLAN S3 0 SHEET No 04138-2 FLORES LUND CONSULTANTS PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS 7220 TRADE STREET SUITE 120 SAN DIEGO CALIFORNIA 92121 (858) 566-0626 FAX (858) 566-0627 DATE 06-22-05 FLC PROJECT NO 04138 DESIGN BY KF DRAWN BY KF REVIEWED BY RF STRUCTURAL '' V^ -^ ^~ X ^ CA\A^> '"""niiiiMinU1^ UTILITY ROOM LID 3'/2" CONC SLAB ui/ *5> fl 18"o/c EA WAT I" CLEAR OF BOTT IN ADDITION TO PO5T- TENSIONING TENDONS 4 OTHER MILD REINF SHOWN PARTIAL PLAN S3 SHEET No. 04138-3 FLORES LUND CONSULTANTS PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS 7220 TRADE STREET SUITE 120 SAN DIEGO CALIFORNIA 92121 (858) 566-0626 FAX (858) 566-0627 DATE 06-22-05 FLC PROJECT NO DESIGN BY KF DRAWN BY KF REVIEWED BY RF SLAB REINF PER PLAN CONT SLAB < ALT WALL DOWELS f\ AT ~ ^ 30" 30' SLAB REINF PER PLAN PT TENDONS NHERE OCCUR PER PLAN 2=*4 CONT UTILITY ROOM ENTRANCE T|_||C)<NES6 PER PLAN 3 SHEET No 04138-4 FLORES LUND CONSULTANTS PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS 7220 TRADE STREET SUITE 120 SAN DIEGO CALIFORNIA 92121 (858) 566-0626 FAX (858) 566-0627 DATE 06-22-05 FLC PROJECT NO 04138 DESIGN BY KF DRAWN BY KF REVIEWED BY RF PER PLAN 4 PER PLAN 4 SLAB REINF PER PL/IN CONT SLAB < ALT WALL DOWELS AT 30 •5 I « 16 OC30 SLAB REINF PER PLAN 8" CMUSOLID GROUT 1 ozrs (L<_i D T3 (0. t DOWELS MATCH- VERT REINF IN DIAM 4 SPACING ALTERNATE BENDS *5 « 16" EA WAT PT TENDONS WHERE OCCUR PER PLAN TYP SLAB THICKNESS PER PLAN 2-*4 CONT «5 « 16" VERT « WALL *C UNO ON PLAN HORIZ 2-*4 a 16" UNO ON PLAN 48 do LAP TTP HOOK BARS AT WALL ENDS -*5 CONT ADD'L 0" ® 24" O C SOG WHERE OCCURS PER PLAN A 11=11 r *4 CONT EA SIDE *5 CONT T 4 B sr PER PLAN o «A INT 8" CMU WALLS AT UTILITY ROOM SHEET No 04138-5 FLORES LUND CONSULTANTS PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS 7220 TRADE STREET SUITE 120 SAN DIEGO CALIFORNIA 92121 (858) 566-0626 FAX (858) 566-0627 DATE 06-22-05 FLC PROJECT NO Q,, -70 DESIGN BY KF DRAWN BY KF REVIEWED BY RF EsGii Corporation In Partnership with government for <Bui fifing Safety DATE December 27, 20O5 Q APPLICANT JURISDICTION Carlsbad a PLAN REVIEWER a FILE PLAN CHECK NO PC05-0005 SET VI PROJECT ADDRESS 1 100 Las Flores Dr PROJECT NAME Buena Vista Village Apartments - 11 Unit w/ Parking Garage X) The plans transmitted herewith have been corrected where necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes The plans transmitted herewith will substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes when minor deficiencies identified below are resolved and checked by building department staff The plans transmitted herewith have significant deficiencies identified on the enclosed check list and should be corrected and resubmitted for a complete recheck The check list transmitted herewith is for your information The plans are being held at Esgil Corporation until corrected plans are submitted for recheck The applicant's copy of the check list is enclosed for the jurisdiction to forward to the applicant contact person The applicant's copy of the check list has been sent to AJ Esgil Corporation staff did not advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed Esgil Corporation staff did advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed Person contacted Telephone # Date contacted - (by ) Fax # Mail Telephone Fax In Person REMARKS By Sergio Azuela Enclosures Esgil Corporation D GA D MB D EJ D PC 12/20 trnsmtldot 9320 Chesapeake Drive Suite 208 + San Diego, California 92123 * (858)560-1468 * Fax (858) 560-1576 EsGil Corporation In (Partnership -with government for (BuiCtfing Safety DATE December 8, 2005 a APPLICANT JURISDICTION Carlsbad a PLAN REVIEWER a FILE PLAN CHECK NO PC05-0005 SET V PROJECT ADDRESS 1100 Las Flores Dr PROJECT NAME Buena Vista Village Apartments - 11 Unit w/Parkmg Garage The plans transmitted herewith have been corrected where necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes The plans transmitted herewith have significant deficiencies identified on the enclosed check list and should be corrected and resubmitted for a complete recheck X3 The check list transmitted herewith is for your information The plans are being held at Esgil Corporation until corrected plans are submitted for recheck The applicant's copy of the check list is enclosed for the jurisdiction to forward to the applicant contact person X] The applicant's copy of the check list has been sent to HeberJ Hurd 40335 Winchester Road, Suite E, Temecula, CA 92591 Esgil Corporation staff did not advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed X] Esgil Corporation staff did advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed Person contacted HeberJ Hurd Telephone # (951) 926-1000 Date contacted |T,l^(cS (by V^ ) Fax # (951)926-1413 Mail Telephone i/ Fax Xln Person REMARKS By Sergio Azuela Enclosures Esgil Corporation D GA D MB D EJ D PC 12/1 trnsmtldot 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208 + San Diego, California 92123 * (858)560-1468 + Fax (858) 560 1576 Carlsbad PCO5-0005 December 8, 2O05 RECHECK PLAN CORRECTION LIST JURISDICTION Carlsbad PROJECT ADDRESS 1100 Las Flores Dr DATE PLAN RECEIVED BY ESGIL CORPORATION 12/1 REVIEWED BY Sergio Azuela PLAN CHECK NO PC05-0005 SET V DATE RECHECK COMPLETED December 8, 2005 FOREWORD (PLEASE READ) This plan review is limited to the technical requirements contained in the Uniform Building Code, Uniform Plumbing Code, Uniform Mechanical Code, National Electrical Code and state laws regulating energy conservation, noise attenuation and disabled access This plan review is based on regulations enforced by the Building Department You may have other corrections based on laws and ordinances enforced by the Planning Department, Engineering Department or other departments The following items listed need clarification, modification or change All items must be satisfied before the plans will be in conformance with the cited codes and regulations Per Sec 106 4 3, 1997 Uniform Building Code, the approval of the plans does not permit the violation of any state, county or city law A To facilitate rechecking, please identify, next to each item, the sheet of the plans upon which each correction on this sheet has been made and return this sheet with the revised plans B The following items have not been resolved from the previous plan reviews The original correction number has been given for your reference In case you did not keep a copy of the prior correction list, we have enclosed those pages containing the outstanding corrections Please contact me if you have any questions regarding these items C Please indicate here if any changes have been made to the plans that are not a result of corrections from this list If there are other changes, please briefly describe them and where they are located on the plans Have changes been made not resulting from this list? QYes QNo \ I Carlsbad PCO5-OOO5 December 8, 20O5 1 Please make all corrections on the original tracings, as requested in the correction list Submit three sets of plans for commercial/industrial projects (two sets of plans for residential projects) For expeditious processing, corrected sets can be submitted in one of two ways 1 Deliver all corrected sets of plans and calculations/reports directly to the City of Carlsbad Building Department, 1635 Faraday Ave , Carlsbad, CA 92008, (760) 602-2700 The City will route the plans to EsGil Corporation and the Carlsbad Planning, Engineering and Fire Departments 2 Bring one corrected set of plans and calculations/reports to EsGil Corporation, 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208, San Diego, CA 92123, (858) 560-1468 Deliver all remaining sets of plans and calculations/reports directly to the City of Carlsbad Building Department for routing to their Planning, Engineering and Fire Departments NOTE Plans that are submitted directly to EsGil Corporation only will not be reviewed by the City Planning, Engineering and Fire Departments until review by EsGil Corporation is complete 38 Exits should have a minimum separation of one-half the maximum overall diagonal dimension of the building or area served Section 1004 2 4 • Two exits shall be provided from the third floor at Units C, D, F and G, also from the occupied roof deck Original correction is still applicable • The required separation is still not provided The dimensions are shown a minimum required of 78' feet and the provided distance between exits is 70' • Please provide the revised structural design calculations which are applicable for the new location of the stairway shaft 46 Winding stairways are permitted only when serving R-3 or a single unit in R-1 Section 1003338 Stairway at common areas shall not be "Winding Stairways" • No response was provided for this correction Original correction is still applicable Please note that re-writing all corrections in the form of "GENERAL NOTES" on the plans will not be adequate to resolve the corrections Provide a different stairway design for the winding stairway at the basement • The Section in question is not exclusive of any stairway, apply to all winding stairs Please show compliance on the plans Original correction is still applicable • Structural plans are still showing a stairway at the location of the previous winding stairway at the basement Please clarify and revise the structural plans to show consistency with the architectural plans Carlsbad PC05-O005 December 8, 2OO5 48 All interior stairways shall be enclosed In other than H and I occupancies, an enclosure is not required if serving only one adjacent floor and not connected to stairs or corridors serving other floors Section 1005 331, Exception 1 • No response was provided for this correction Original correction is still applicable Please note that re-writing all corrections in the form of "GENERAL NOTES" on the plans will not be adequate to resolve the corrections Provide details, for the stairway enclosure at the stairway in front of unit E • Architectural plans are showing CMU walls at the stairway enclosure, however, the structural plans are showing wood stud walls Please provide construction drawings and details which are consistent through the entire set of plans Original correction is still applicable • Please clearly show on plans at sheet A-7 1 the wall assemblies and the source of approval, as well as. the approval number Also the roof to ceiling assembly 49 Stairways should be enclosed as specified in Section 1005 3 3 a) Two-hour fire-resistive walls are required in buildings of Type I and II-F R construction and in all buildings four or more stories in height, and one-hour elsewhere • Architectural plans are showing CMU walls at the stairway enclosure, however, the structural plans are showing wood stud walls Please provide construction drawings and details which are consistent through the entire set of plans Original correction is still applicable o Please clearly show on plans at sheet A-7 1 the wall assemblies and the source of approval, as well as, the approval number Also the roof to ceiling assembly If you have any questions regarding these plan review items, please contact Sergio Azuela at Esgil Corporation Thank you EsGil Corporation In (Partnership with government for (Rui(d"ing Safety DATE October 31, 2005 a APPLICANT JURISDICTION Carlsbad - a PLAN REVIEWER a FILE PLAN CHECK NO PC05-0005 SET IV PROJECT ADDRESS 1 100 Las Flores Dr PROJECT NAME Buena Vista Village Apartments - 11 Unit w/Parking Garage The plans transmitted herewith have been corrected where necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes The plans transmitted herewith have significant deficiencies identified on the enclosed check list and should be corrected and resubmitted for a complete recheck XI The check list transmitted herewith is for your information The plans are being held at Esgil Corporation until corrected plans are submitted for recheck The applicant's copy of the check list is enclosed for the jurisdiction to forward to the applicant contact person AJ The applicant's copy of the check list has been sent to HeberJ Hurd 40335 Winchester Road, Suite E, Temecula, CA 92591 Esgil Corporation staff did not advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed XI Esgil Corporation staff did advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed Person contacted, Heber J Hurd (i/**) Telephone # (951) 926-1000 Date cdtMaS^T^ uLp (by jfp) Fax # (951) 926-1413 Mail -—Telephone— Fax—•" In Person REMARKS By Sergio Azuela Enclosures Esgil Corporation D GA D MB E EJ D PC 10/24 tmsmtldot 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208 4 San Diego, California 92123 * (858)560-1468 * Fax (858) 560 H76 Carlsbad PCO5-O005 October 31, 2O05 RECHECK PLAN CORRECTION LIST JURISDICTION Carlsbad PROJECT ADDRESS 1100 Las Flores Dr DATE PLAN RECEIVED BY ESGIL CORPORATION 10/24 REVIEWED BY Sergio Azuela PLAN CHECK NO PC05-0005 SET IV DATE RECHECK COMPLETED October 31, 2O05 FOREWORD (PLEASE READ) This plan review is limited to the technical requirements contained in the Uniform Building Code, Uniform Plumbing Code, Uniform Mechanical Code, National Electrical Code and state laws regulating energy conservation, noise attenuation and disabled access This plan review is based on regulations enforced by the Building Department You may have other corrections based on laws and ordinances enforced by the Planning Department, Engineering Department or other departments The following items listed need clarification, modification or change All items must be satisfied before the plans will be in conformance with the cited codes and regulations Per Sec 106 4 3, 1997 Uniform Building Code, the approval of the plans does not permit the violation of any state, county or city law A To facilitate recheckmg, please identify, next to each item, the sheet of the plans upon which each correction on this sheet has been made and return this sheet with the revised plans B The following items have not been resolved from the previous plan reviews The original correction number has been given for your reference In case you did not keep a copy of the prior correction list, we have enclosed those pages containing the outstanding corrections Please contact me if you have any questions regarding these items C Please indicate here if any changes have been made to the plans that are not a result of corrections from this list If there are other changes, please briefly describe them and where they are located on the plans Have changes been made not resulting from this list? QYes QNo Carlsbad PC05-O005 October 31, 2O05 1 Please make all corrections on the original tracings, as requested in the correction list Submit three sets of plans for commercial/industrial projects (two sets of plans for residential projects) For expeditious processing, corrected sets can be submitted in one of two ways 1 Deliver all corrected sets of plans and calculations/reports directly to the City of Carlsbad Building Department, 1635 Faraday Ave , Carlsbad, CA 92008, (760) 602-2700 The City will route the plans to EsGil Corporation and the Carlsbad Planning, Engineering and Fire Departments 2 Bring one corrected set of plans and calculations/reports to EsGil Corporation, 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208, San Diego, CA 92123, (858) 560-1468 Deliver all remaining sets of plans and calculations/reports directly to the City of Carlsbad Building Department for routing to their Planning, Engineering and Fire Departments NOTE Plans that are submitted directly to EsGil Corporation only will not be reviewed by the City Planning, Engineering and Fire Departments until review by EsGil Corporation is complete 4 Provide a Building Code Data Legend on the Title Sheet Include the following code information for each building proposed Justification to exceed allowable area in Table 5-B Please revise the plans to show that the Fire Sprinkler System is not the Residential Type Since Residential Type of Sprinklers Systems may not be used to increase the allowable floor areas Also please clearly show on the Site plan the yards used to increase the allowable areas (provide hatching over the area covered around the building) 19 Fire-resistive exterior wall construction shall be maintained through attic areas or other areas containing concealed spaces Section 709 3 1 • Please provide construction details for the exterior walls being continuous at the floor-to-ceiling and roof-to-ceilmg spaces and cross-reference from details to building sections • The required detail for the 1hr assembly continuous installation at the concealed spaces was not provided Original correction is still applicable 31 Wall and floor/ceiling assemblies separating dwelling units from each other and from common space (such as corridors, laundry rooms, common garages, service areas, etc ) must have a listed rating of STC 50 and 11C 50 • Please include the source of approval and the approved number for the STC and IIC assemblies at walls and floor-to-celling 32 Show how penetrations of assemblies for piping, electrical devices, recessed cabinets, bathtubs, soffits or heating, ventilating or exhaust ducts shall be sealed, lined or insulated or treated to maintain the required sound ratmgs= • Please see the attached sheets as an example Carlsbad PC05-0005 October 31, 20O5 33 If the project is located in noise critical areas (CNEL contours of 60 dB) as shown on the City or County's General Plan, then an acoustical analysis showing that the proposed building has been designed to limit noise in habitable rooms to CNEL of forty-five dB is required Where windows must be closed to comply, it is necessary to provide mechanical ventilation capable of providing at least two air changes per hour Provide design PLEASE HAVE THE CONSULTANT REVIEW AND APPROVE THE PLANS TO VERIFY COMPATIBILITY WITH THE RECOMMENDATIONS 38 Exits should have a minimum separation of one-half the maximum overall diagonal dimension of the building or area served Section 1004 2 4 • Two exits shall be provided from the third floor at Units C, D, F and G, also from the occupied roof deck Original correction is still applicable • The required separation is still not provided The dimensions are shown a minimum required of 78' feet and the provided distance between exits is 70' 46 Winding stairways are permitted only when serving R-3 or a single unit in R-1 Section 1003338 Stairway at common areas shall not be "Winding Stairways" • No response was provided for this correction Original correction is still applicable Please note that re-writmg all corrections in the form of "GENERAL NOTES" on the plans will not be adequate to resolve the corrections Provide a different stairway design for the winding stairway at the basement • The Section in question is not exclusive of any stairway, apply to all winding stairs Please show compliance on the plans Original correction is still applicable 48 All interior stairways shall be enclosed In other than H and I occupancies, an enclosure is not required if serving only one adjacent floor and not connected to stairs or corridors serving other floors Section 1005 331, Exception 1 • No response was provided for this correction Original correction is still applicable Please note that re-writmg all corrections in the form of "GENERAL NOTES" on the plans will not be adequate to resolve the corrections Provide details, for the stairway enclosure at the stairway in front of unit E • Architectural plans are showing CMU walls at the stairway enclosure, however, the structural plans are showing wood stud walls Please provide construction drawings and details which are consistent through the entire set of plans Original correction is still applicable 49 Stairways should be enclosed as specified in Section 1005 3 3 a) Two-hour fire-resistive walls are required in buildings of Type I and II-F R construction and in all buildings four or more stories in height, and one-hour elsewhere • Architectural plans are showing CMU walls at the stairway enclosure, however, the structural plans are showing wood stud walls Please provide construction drawings and details which are consistent through the entire set of plans Original correction is still applicable Carlsbad PCO5-O005 October 31, 2005 d) Exit enclosures should include a corridor on the ground floor extending to the exterior (see exception) Fire-resistive construction should be as required for the exit enclosure, including protected openings Only exit doors are permitted to open into the corridor 65 Window area must be at least 1/10 of the floor area and a minimum of 10 square feet per Section 12033 • The provided window areas at Great Room of Unit F is not adequate to provide the minimum required 10% at Great Room Kitchen and Entry areas The window are provided is still not adequate Original correction is still applicable • DISABLED ACCESS Provide notes and details on the plans to show compliance with the enclosed Disabled Access Review List KITCHENS • A 48" clear width shall be provided for kitchens with cabinets or fixtures on only two sides Section 1112A o PLEASE CLEARLY SHOW THE APPLICABLE DIMENSIONS ON PLANS BATHROOMS • Bathroom entrance doorways shall have an 18-inch clear space to the side of the strike edge of the door on the swing side of the door Table 1109A 2-2 o PLEASE SHOW IT ON PLANS FOR UNIT B End If you have any questions regarding these plan review items, please contact Sergio Azuela at Esgil Corporation Thank you ELECTRICAL, ENERGY, PLUMBING, and MECHANICAL CORRECTIONS PLAN REVIEWER Eric Jensen MECHANICAL (2000 UNIFORM MECHANICAL CODE) 1 Review the mechanical design for all mechanical items Bathroom exhaust fans, range hoods, dryer ducting, dryer make-up air, outside air (See acoustical report), etc and include on the next submittal Include all 1 hour separation details The acoustical report requires closed windows as well as baffling for exhaust ducts Both will need detailing Note If you have any questions regarding this Electrical, Plumbing, Mechanical, and Energy plan review list please contact Eric Jensen at (858) 560-1468 To speed the review process, note on this list (or a copy) where the corrected items have been addressed on the plans SOUND TRANSMISSION CONTROL PLUMBING AND ELECTRICAL DETAILS Acot/s Kaf sealant (laf&t rubber csnpourxjj bafora pfafa is rstat Cjf /)* j/ openings(M'xmum optn /•Gjpsjn board ELECTRICAL OUTLETS See! betas or ttght wft) ccoustico/ s&otant (lot** rjbbtf CEILING FI/TU1ES Acous fa! sea!" it ~ fE/ec r c~l bet pcds) 24 M/i ^_ /sofafor gcs*ets WALL FIXTURES - Structural ceiling: slat Furnoc a/a air c&dituct - \\ £> erj require^ *3ll covering t,6hnd tub BATHTUBS Flooring ftesj/tcnf pods ihsnt ptpe "•si'ent pad P/P£ SUPPrtPT Set na-e"// -Acoustical stalant *™^J3Qr *>!>&— ,j,J -, isolator} (apo-ffr tl spnnys nfcfrant tracts ercjgfx;' Fleub/s toof PIPE PENETRA T1ONS yfeS— S&QSG., 3T 2 Lcjrers pt]n*a<xi janfs stoygtftd Slots woe/ blantit CaiSng jasf ffmlitnt ctps of efionnafs Coiling 2 lo/trs fffs ATTIC INSTALLATION I board or fffpsum laltiand plater EsGil Corporation In Partnership -with government for Quitting Safety DATE October 13, 2005 3. APPLICANT JURISDICTION Carlsbad a PLAN REVIEWER a FILE PLAN CHECK NO PC05-0005 SET II-S PROJECT ADDRESS 1100 Las Flores Dr PROJECT NAME Buena Vista Village Apartments - 11 Units w/Parkmg Garage The plans transmitted herewith have been corrected where necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes The plans transmitted herewith have significant deficiencies identified on the enclosed check list and should be corrected and resubmitted for a complete recheck XI The check list transmitted herewith is for your information Ths plans are being held at Esgil Corporation until corrected plans are submitted for recheck The applicant's copy of the check list is enclosed for the jurisdiction to forward to the applicant contact person 2Sl The applicant's copy of the check list has been sent to HeberJ Hurd 40335 Winchester Rd , Suite E 186, Temecula, CA 92591 Esgil Corporation staff did not advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed XI Esgil Corporation staff did advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed Person contacted HeberJ Hurd (* ^ Telephone # (951)926-1000 (by £&u) Fax # (951) 926-1413 Mail Telephone"' Fax^ In Person REMARKS The applicant did not provide revised plans All corrections previously listed are still applicable By Sergio Azuela Enclosures Esgil Corporation D GA D MB E3 EJ D PC 10/6 trnsmtldot 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208 + San Diego, California 92123 * (858)560-1468 + Fax (858) 560-1576 Carlsbad PCO5-0005 October 13, 2005 RECHECK PLAN CORRECTION LIST JURISDICTION Carlsbad PROJECT ADDRESS 1100 Las Flores Dr DATE PLAN RECEIVED BY ESGIL CORPORATION 10/6 REVIEWED BY Sergio Azuela PLAN CHECK NO PC05-0005 SET II-S DATE RECHECK COMPLETED October 13, 2005 FOREWORD (PLEASE READ) This plan review is limited to the technical requirements contained in the Uniform Building Code, Uniform Plumbing Code, Uniform Mechanical Code, National Electrical Code and state laws regulating energy conservation, noise attenuation and disabled access This plan review is based on regulations enforced by the Building Department You may have other corrections based on laws and ordinances enforced by the Planning Department, Engineering Department or other departments The following items listed need clarification, modification or change All items must be satisfied before the plans will be in conformance with the cited codes and regulations Per Sec 106 4 3, 1997 Uniform Building Code, the approval of the plans does not permit the violation of any state, county or city law A To facilitate recheckmg, please identify, next to each item, the sheet of the plans upon which each correction on this sheet has been made and return this sheet with the revised plans B The following items have not been resolved from the previous plan reviews The original correction number has been given for your reference In case you did not keep a copy of the prior correction list, we have enclosed those pages containing the outstanding corrections Please contact me if you have any questions regarding these items C Please indicate here if any changes have been made to the plans that are not a result of corrections from this list If there are other changes, please briefly describe them and where they are located on the plans Have changes been made not resulting from this list? QYes QNo Carlsbad PCO5-OO05 October 13, 20O5 1 Please make all corrections on the original tracings, as requested in the correction list Submit three sets of plans for commercial/industrial projects (two sets of plans for residential projects) For expeditious processing, corrected sets can be submitted in one of two ways 1 Deliver all corrected sets of plans and calculations/reports directly to the City of Carlsbad Building Department, 1635 Faraday Ave , Carlsbad, CA 92008, (760) 602-2700 The City will route the plans to EsGil Corporation and the Carlsbad Planning, Engineering and Fire Departments 2 Bring one corrected set of plans and calculations/reports to EsGil Corporation, 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208, San Diego, CA 92123, (858) 560-1468 Deliver all remaining sets of plans and calculations/reports directly to the City of Carlsbad Building Department for routing to their Planning, Engineering and Fire Departments NOTE Plans that are submitted directly to EsGil Corporation only will not be reviewed by the City Planning, Engineering and Fire Departments until review by EsGil Corporation is complete 3 All sheets of the plans and the first sheet of the calculations are required to be signed by the California licensed architect or engineer responsible for the plan preparation Please include the California license number, seal, date of license expiration and the date the plans are signed Business and Professions Code 4 Provide a Building Code Data Legend on the Title Sheet Include the following code information for each building proposed Justification to exceed allowable area in Table 5-B THE BUILDINGS SHOWN ON THE PLANS CAN NOT BE SEPARATED BUILDINGS AS PROPOSED IF ONE BUILDING THE DECK AREAS SHOULD BE INCLUDED 10 Provide on the Title Sheet of the plans the code justification for exceeding the basic allowable area in Table 5-B Section 504 PLEASE SEE ITEM 4 ABOVE 12 No single story can exceed the basic area allowed by Table 5-B plus the increases allowed by Section 505 PLEASE SEE ITEM 4 ABOVE 17 Provide details of the one-hour fire-resistive construction Include roof/ceiling assemblies, floor/ceiling assemblies, wall assemblies, column and beam assemblies, etc • Please provide cross-reference from details to plans 18 Detail and reference I C B O number or other approval for horizontal fire assembly using trusses Item 21-1 1 in Table 7-C requires 2 layers of 5/8" Type X gypsum wallboard at the bottom chords of trusses Section 704 2 8 • Please provide cross-reference from details to building sections EsGil Corporation In (Partnership witH government for Quitting Safety DATE October 13, 2005 a APPLICANT JURISDICTION Carlsbad a PLAN REVIEWER a FILE PLAN CHECK NO PC05-0005 SET II-S PROJECT ADDRESS 1 100 Las Flores Dr PROJECT NAME Buena Vista Village Apartments - 11 Units w/Parkmg Garage The plans transmitted herewith have been corrected where necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes The plans transmitted herewith have significant deficiencies identified on the enclosed check list and should be corrected and resubmitted for a complete recheck XI The check list transmitted herewith is for your information The plans are being held at Esgil Corporation until corrected plans are submitted for recheck The applicant's copy of the check list is enclosed for the jurisdiction to forward to the applicant contact person The applicant's copy of the check list has been sent to HeberJ Hurd 40335 Winchester Rd , Suite E 186, Temecula, CA 92591 Esgil Corporation staff did not advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed XI Esgil Corporation staff did advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed Person contacted HeberJ Hurd Telephone # (951)926-1000 Date contacted /0/tf/°^(byd£#) Fax # (951)926-1413 Mail v Telephone * Fax ^ In Person I REMARKS The applicant did not provide revised plans All corrections previously listed are still applicable By Sergio Azuela Enclosures Esgil Corporation D GA D MB El EJ D PC 10/6 trnsmtldot 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208 4 San Diego, California 92123 + (858)560-1468 + Fax (858) 560 1576 Carlsbad PC05-0005 October 13, 2005 RECHECK PLAN CORRECTION LIST JURISDICTION Carlsbad PROJECT ADDRESS 1100 Las Flores Dr DATE PLAN RECEIVED BY ESGIL CORPORATION 10/6 REVIEWED BY Sergio Azuela PLAN CHECK NO PCO5-OO05 SET II-S DATE RECHECK COMPLETED October 13, 2O05 FOREWORD (PLEASE READ) This plan review is limited to the technical requirements contained in the Uniform Building Code, Uniform Plumbing Code, Uniform Mechanical Code, National Electrical Code and state laws regulating energy conservation, noise attenuation and disabled access This plan review is based on regulations enforced by the Building Department You may have other corrections based on laws and ordinances enforced by the Planning Department, Engineering Department or other departments The following items listed need clarification, modification or change All items must be satisfied before the plans will be in conformance with the cited codes and regulations Per Sec 106 4 3, 1997 Uniform Building Code, the approval of the plans does not permit the violation of any state, county or city law A To facilitate recheckmg, please identify, next to each item, the sheet of the plans upon which each correction on this sheet has been made and return this sheet with the revised plans B The following items have not been resolved from the previous plan reviews The original correction number has been given for your reference In case you did not keep a copy of the prior correction list, we have enclosed those pages containing the outstanding corrections Please contact me if you have any questions regarding these items C Please indicate here if any changes have been made to the plans that are not a result of corrections from this list If there are other changes, please briefly describe them and where they are located on the plans Have changes been made not resulting from this list? QYes Q No Carlsbad PC05-0005 October 13, 2005 1 Please make all corrections on the original tracings, as requested in the correction list Submit three sets of plans for commercial/industrial projects (two sets of plans for residential projects) For expeditious processing, corrected sets can be submitted in one of two ways 1 Deliver all corrected sets of plans and calculations/reports directly to the City of Carlsbad Building Department, 1635 Faraday Ave , Carlsbad, CA 92008, (760) 602-2700 The City will route the plans to EsGil Corporation and the Carlsbad Planning, Engineering and Fire Departments 2 Bring one corrected set of plans and calculations/reports to EsGil Corporation, 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208, San Diego, CA 92123, (858) 560-1468 Deliver all remaining sets of plans and calculations/reports directly to the City of Carlsbad Building Department for routing to their Planning, Engineering and Fire Departments NOTE Plans that are submitted directly to EsGil Corporation only will not be reviewed by the City Planning, Engineering and Fire Departments until review by EsGil Corporation is complete 3 All sheets of the plans and the first sheet of the calculations are required to be signed by the California licensed architect or engineer responsible for the plan preparation Please include the California license number, seal, date of license expiration and the date the plans are signed Business and Professions Code 4 Provide a Building Code Data Legend on the Title Sheet Include the following code information for each building proposed Justification to exceed allowable area in Table 5-B THE BUILDINGS SHOWN ON THE PLANS CAN NOT BE SEPARATED BUILDINGS AS PROPOSED IF ONE BUILDING THE DECK AREAS SHOULD BE INCLUDED 10 Provide on the Title Sheet of the plans the code justification for exceeding the basic allowable area in Table 5-B Section 504 PLEASE SEE ITEM 4 ABOVE 12 No single story can exceed the basic area allowed by Table 5-B plus the increases allowed by Section 505 PLEASE SEE ITEM 4 ABOVE 17 Provide details of the one-hour fire-resistive construction Include roof/ceiling assemblies, floor/ceiling assemblies, wall assemblies, column and beam assemblies, etc • Please provide cross-reference from details to plans 18 Detail and reference I C B O number or other approval for horizontal fire assembly using trusses Item 21-1 1 m Table 7-C requires 2 layers of 5/8" Type X gypsum wallboard at the bottom chords of trusses Section 704 2 8 • Please provide cross-reference from details to building sections Carlsbad PC05-OOO5 October 13, 2005 19 Fire-resistive exterior wall construction shall be maintained through attic areas or other areas containing concealed spaces Section 709 3 1 • Please provide construction details for the exterior walls being continuous at the floor-to-ceiling and roof-to-ceilmg spaces and cross-reference from details to building sections 26 Clearly identify location and hourly fire-resistive rating of vertical shafts on the plans Provide construction details showing location of fire dampers and how fire resistivity will be maintained at floors and roofs Section 711 • Clearly identify on all floor plans the shaft of the elevator and the shaft of the stairway in front of the Unit E as a protected 1hr shaft enclosure on the plans Also identify any mechanical shaft Include hatching over the applicable areas for clear identification 31 Wall and floor/ceiling assemblies separating dwelling units from each other and from common space (such as corridors, laundry rooms, common garages, service areas, etc ) must have a listed rating of STC 50 and 11C 50 • Please include the source of approval and the approved number for the STC and IIC assemblies at walls and floor-to-celling Also provide cross-reference from details to plans and also to building sections 32 Show how penetrations of assemblies for piping, electrical devices, recessed cabinets, bathtubs, soffits or heating, ventilating or exhaust ducts shall be sealed, lined or insulated or treated to maintain the required sound ratmgs= • The addressed detail 3/A-6 5 is not related to the original correction Original correction is still applicable 33 If the project is located in noise critical areas (CNEL contours of 60 dB) as shown on the City or County's General Plan, then an acoustical analysis showing that the proposed building has been designed to limit noise in habitable rooms to CNEL of forty-five dB is required Where windows must be closed to comply, it is necessary to provide mechanical ventilation capable of providing at least two air changes per hour Provide design PLEASE HAVE THE CONSULTANT REVIEW AND APPROVE THE PLANS TO VERIFY COMPATIBILITY WITH THE RECOMMENDATIONS. 37 Occupants on floors above the second story and in basements shall have access to not less than two separate exits Section 1004 232 Exceptions d) Two exits shall be provided from the third floor at Units C, D, F and G, also from the occupied roof deck Original correction is still applicable 38 Exits should have a minimum separation of one-half the maximum overall diagonal dimension of the building or area served Section 1004 2 4 • Two exits shall be provided from the third floor at Units C, D, F and G, also from the occupied roof deck Original correction is still applicable Carlsbad PCO5-OOO5 October 13, 2005 40 Regardless of occupant load, a floor or landing not more than 1 inch (1/2-mch if disabled access is required) below the threshold is required on each side of an exit door Section 100331 6 • No response was provided for this correction Original correction is still applicable 44 A minimum headroom clearance of 6'-8" for stairways should be indicated on the plans Section 1003 334 Note that this is from a plane tangent to the stairway tread nosing • No response was provided for this correction Original correction is still applicable Please note that re-writmg all corrections in the form of "GENERAL NOTES" on the plans will not be adequate to resolve the corrections Provide details, including all applicable dimensions 45 Stairways from upper levels which extend below the level from which egress from the building is provided, shall have an approved barrier to preclude exiting into such lower levels Section 1005334 • No response was provided for this correction Original correction is still applicable Please note that re-writmg all corrections in the form of "GENERAL NOTES" on the plans will not be adequate to resolve the corrections Provide details, including all applicable dimensions 46 Winding stairways are permitted only when serving R-3 or a single unit in R-1 Section 1003 338 Stairway at common areas shall not be "Winding Stairways" • No response was provided for this correction Original correction is still applicable Please note that re-writing all corrections in the form of "GENERAL NOTES" on the plans will not be adequate to resolve the corrections Provide a different stairway design for the winding stairway at the basement 47 Provide details of winding stairway Minimum tread is six inches at any point and a minimum nine inches at a point twelve inches from where the treads are narrowest Maximum rise is eight inches Minimum width is thirty-six inches Section 1003 3382 • No response was provided for this correction Original correction is still applicable Please note that re-writing all corrections in the form of "GENERAL NOTES" on the plans will not be adequate to resolve the corrections Provide details, including all applicable dimensions 48 All interior stairways and ramps shall be enclosed In other than H and I occupancies, an enclosure is not required if serving only one adjacent floor and not connected to stairs or corridors serving other floors Section 1005 331, Exception 1 • No response was provided for this correction Original correction is still applicable Please note that re-writing all corrections in the form of "GENERAL NOTES" on the plans will not be adequate to resolve the corrections Provide details, for the stairway enclosure at the stairway in front of unit E Carlsbad PCO5-0005 October 13, 20O5 49 Stairways should be enclosed as specified in Section 1005 3 3 a) Two-hour fire-resistive walls are required in buildings of Type I and II-F R construction and in all buildings four or more stories in height, and one-hour elsewhere * b) Only exit doors are allowed to open into exit enclosures c) Doors should be labeled one and one-half hours or one-hour fire assemblies, and noted that the maximum transmitted temperature end point shall not exceed 450 degrees (F) above ambient at the end of 30 minutes of the fire exposure specified in UBC Standard 7-2 d) Exit enclosures should include a corridor on the ground floor extending to the exterior (see exception) Fire-resistive construction should be as required for the exit enclosure, including protected openings Only exit doors are permitted to open into the corridor e) An approved barrier is required at the ground floor to prevent people from accidentally continuing to the lower level • No response was provided for this correction Original correction is still applicable Please note that re-writing all corrections m the form of "GENERAL NOTES" on the plans will not be adequate to resolve the corrections Provide details, for the stairway enclosure at the stairway m front of unit E 53 Every opening into an elevator shaft enclosure shall be protected by a self-closing fire assembly having a one-hour fire rating in one-hour shafts and one and one-half hours in two hour shafts Section 711 4 • No response was provided for this correction Original correction is still applicable Please note that re-writing all corrections m the form of "GENERAL NOTES" on the plans will not be adequate to resolve the corrections Clearly show it on plans for each one of the elevator doors 55 When the elevator vertical travel is 25' or more, the elevator lobby or entrance area shall be provided with an approved smoke detector as required by Section 3003 2 • No response was provided for this correction Original correction is still applicable Please note that re-wntmg all corrections m the form of "GENERAL NOTES" on the plans will not be adequate to resolve the corrections Please clearly show on plans the required smoke detector and the elevator lobby 56 Provide clear inside elevator car dimensions as required by Title 24 In high-rise buildings, A/E/I occupancies, State-owned buildings, residential care homes, hotels, motels, apartments and condominiums 80" by 54," with a 42-inch side slide door Elevator in buildings more than two stones or buildings where disabled access is required to upper level(s) 68" by 54", with a minimum clear door width of 36 " Elevators other than in (b) above serving less than 50 occupants shall have a minimum inside platform of 4 feet 6 inches by 4 feet 6 inches and a minimum clear door width of 36 inches • No response was provided for this correction Original correction is still applicable Please note that re-wntmg all corrections m the form of "GENERAL NOTES" on the plans will not be adequate to resolve the corrections Provide the applicable floor plan layout, including the required dimensions Carlsbad PCO5-OOO5 October 13, 2OO5 63 Every apartment house three stories or more in height or containing 16 or more dwelling units (and every hotel three or more stories in height or containing 20 or more guest rooms and in congregate residences three or more stories in height or having an occupant load of 20 or more) shall have an approved manual and automatic fire alarm system as specified in the Fire Code Section 310 10 (see exceptions) • Clearly specify on the cover sheet that the building will be provided with the required "APPROVED MANUAL AND AUTOMATIC FIRE ALARM" 65 Window area must be at least 1/10 of the floor area and a minimum of 10 square feet per Section 12033 • The provided window areas at Great Room of Unit F is not adequate to provide the minimum required 10% at Great Room Kitchen and Entry areas 70 Glazing in the following locations should be of safety glazing material in accordance with Section 2406 4 (see exceptions) c) Walls enclosing stairway landings or within 5 feet of the bottom and top of stairways where the bottom edge of the glass is less than 60 inches above a walking surface • Window C at all Units shall be safety glass 75 Specify minimum 1/4 inch per foot slope for decks and balconies Section 1402 3 • Please clearly show it on plans as 1/4 inch per foot At sheets A-3 2, A-3 3 and A-40 • DISABLED ACCESS Provide notes and details on the plans to show compliance with the enclosed Disabled Access Review List IPRIVATELY'FUNDED MULTI-FAMILY DISABLED ACCESS CORRECTION CHECKLIST Note All Sections referenced are from Title 24 (2001 CBC) SITE DEVELOPMENT/ACCESSIBLE ROUTE OF TRAVEL PARKING • A vertical clearance of 8 feet 2 inches shall be maintained to each required accessible parking space Private garages are exempt from the 8 feet 2 inches minimum height requirements Section 1118A 2 o PLEASE SHOW IT ON PLANS • The words NO PARKING" shall be painted on the ground within each loading/unloading access aisle Section 1118A 41 o PLEASE SHOW IT ON PLANS • Surface slopes of parking spaces for physically disabled shall not exceed 1/4 inch per foot (2 percent gradient) in any direction Section 1118A 4 3 o PLEASE SHOW IT ON PLANS Carlsbad PC05-0005 October 13, 2005 DOORWAYS • Latching and locking doors that are hand activated and in a path of travel shall be operable with a single effort by lever type hardware panic bars, push-pull activating bars, or other hardware that provides passage without grasping the hardware Section 1120A 251 o PLEASE SHOW IT ON PLANS FOR EACH ONE OF THE APPLICABLE DOORS at Units B, E andH • The bottom 10 inches of all doors, except automatic and sliding doors, must have a smooth, uninterrupted surface to allow the door to be opened by a wheelchair footrest Section 1120A 2 6 o PLEASE SHOW IT ON PLANS FOR EACH ONE OF THE APPLICABLE DOORS at Units B, E andH • At primary entry door to a dwelling unit with direct exterior access, outside landing surfaces constructed of impervious materials such as concrete brick or flagstone, shall be no more than 1/2 inch below the floor level of the interior of the dwelling unit Section 1120A 2 4 o PLEASE SHOW IT ON PLANS FOR EACH ONE OF THE APPLICABLE DOORS at Units B, E andH • Thresholds at exterior doors other than primary entrances shall be no higher than 3/4 inch Such thresholds shall be beveled at a slope no greater than 1 2 Section 1120A 2 4 o PLEASE SHOW IT ON PLANS FOR EACH ONE OF THE APPLICABLE DOORS at Units B, E andH • Exterior deck, patio or balcony surfaces shall be no more than 4 inches below the floor level of the interior of the dwelling unit Changes in level greater than Vz-mch shall be accomplished by means of a ramp Section 1120A 2 4 o PLEASE SHOW IT ON PLANS FOR EACH ONE OF THE APPLICABLE DOORS at Units B, E andH INSIDE THE UNITS INTERIOR PATHS OF TRAVEL • Every interior opening or passage door in a covered dwelling unit must provide a minimum of 32" nominal clear space between the face of the door and the door stop, when the door is in the 90 degree open position Section 1003 3 1 3a A 34" door is acceptable and a standard 6 ft sliding glass door is acceptable o PLEASE SHOW FOR THE DOOR 5 at Unit E • All interior doors shall have a level area on the swing side of the door that extends 18' past the strike edge of the door Section 1120A 243 o PLEASE SHOW FOR THE DOOR 10 at Unit E • Interior passage doors shall have hardware centered between 30" and 44" above the floor and be openable with a single effort by lever type hardware Section 1120A 251 o PLEASE SHOW FOR ALL DOORS KITCHENS • A 48" clear width shall be provided for kitchens with cabinets or fixtures on only two sides Section 1112A o PLEASE CLEARLY SHOW THE APPLICABLE DIMENSIONS ON PLANS Carlsbad PC05-OOO5 October 13, 2OO5 • Base cabinets directly under the kitchen sink counter area, including toe board and shelving shall be removable without special knowledge or tools Finish flooring shall be provided on the floor beneath the counter top There is no exception to this requirement Section 1112A 4 o PLEASE SHOW IT ON PLANS FOR UNITS B, E AND H • A minimum linear length of 30" of countertop shall be provided for the kitchen sink and a minimum linear length of 30 of countertop shall be provided for a work surface, both of which shall be designed to enable repositioning to a minimum height of 28 inches Section 1112A 2 o PLEASE SHOW IT ON PLANS FOR UNITS B, E AND H Exceptions Only 5% of privately funded apartment house dwelling units are required to comply with the repositionable countertop requirements Stone cultured stone and tiled countertops may be used without meeting the repositioning requirements In privately funded apartment houses, two 15-inch minimum width breadboards may be provided in lieu of the required 30 inches of countertop work surface • The following additional provisions shall be met if repositioning of countertops is required (Section 1112A2) Base cabinets, directly under sink and work surface counter areas shall be removable to provide clearance for a wheelchair Finished flooring shall be installed on the floor beneath such countertop The side and back of adjacent cabinets which may become exposed to moisture or food handling when a countertop is lowered, shall be constructed of durable, nonabsorbent material, appropriate for such uses BATHROOMS • Only one bathroom need comply Section 1109A 2 2 • As a minimum, all bathrooms shall conform to the following general accessibility requirements per Section 1109A2 41 o Light switches outlets and thermostats shall be at the required height per the California Electrical Code o Minimum 36 wide accessible route within each bathroom o General door widths and strike side clearance consistent with Sections 1109A1 and 1120A o Wall reinforcement for future grab bar installations o PLEASE SHOW IT ON PLANS FOR UNIT B • Bathroom entrance doorways shall have an 18-inch clear space to the side of the strike edge of the door on the swing side of the door Table 1109A 2-2 o PLEASE SHOW IT ON PLANS FOR UNIT B • Sufficient maneuvering space must be provided for a person using a wheelchair to enter and close the door, use the fixture reopen the door and exit Table 1109A 2-2 o PLEASE SHOW IT ON PLANS FOR UNITS B, E AND H • Where the door swings into the bathroom there must be a clear space 30 inch x 48 inch within the room to position a wheelchair clear of the path of the door as it is closed Table 1109A 2-2 o PLEASE SHOW IT ON PLANS FOR UNIT B Carlsbad PCO5-OOO5 October 13, 2005 • There shall be a minimum clear space 48-inches parallel by 30-mches perpendicular to the side of a bathtub or bathtub-shower combination measured from the foot of the bathtub (where the controls are located) which may include maneuverable area under the lavatory Table 1109A 2-2 o PLEASE SHOW IT ON PLANS FOR UNITS B, E AND H • The water closet shall be located in a space 36 inches in width with 48 inches of clear space in front )or 48 inches in clear width with 36 inches of clear space in front) This space may include maneuverable space under a lavatory arranged so as not to impede access Section 1109A 3 o PLEASE SHOW IT ON PLANS FOR UNITS B, E AND H • Vanities and lavatories shall be installed with the centerlme of the fixture a minimum of 1'6" horizontally from an adjoining wall or fixture The top of the fixture rim shall be a maximum of 2'10 above the finished floor See Table 1109A 2-1 for knee space requirements Table 1109A 2-1 o PLEASE SHOW IT ON PLANS FOR UNITS B, E AND H • If only one complying bathroom is provided, then comply with the following per Section 1109A 2 2 Toilets shall be located in a manner that permit a grab bar to be installed on one side of the fixture In locations where toilets are adjacent to walls or bathtubs, the center line of the fixture must be a minimum of 1'6" from the obstacle The other (non-grab bar) side of the toilet fixture must be a minimum of 1'6" from the finished surface of adjoining walls, vanities or from the edge of a lavatory Additionally, see Table 1109A 2-2 for lavatory requirements, etc o PLEASE SHOW IT ON PLANS FOR UNITS B, E AND H End 90 Detail shear transfer connections, including roof and floor diaphragms, to shear walls Section 2315 • Please complete the bubbles (-/S5 0) of the shear transfer details callouts at the 2nd level framing plan (sheet S3 2) and at the 3rd level framing plan (sheet S3 3) • No response was provided for this correction Original correction is still applicable 95 Show on the plans all structural requirements developed in the structural calculations a) Beam B1 at the roof framing shall be 5 %" X 14" as per sheet R7 of structural calculations, instead on 4X10 as shown on sheet S3 4 b) Please show on plans the same identification number for all beams, headers and framing members, than the one used on the calculations For example beam B1 in the calculations is shown as P9 on the plans c) Please clarify where were included the structural design calculations for RJ2 Also show on plans where these joist to be installed are d) Please revise the seismic force calculation to use Ca factor of 44, instead of 4 Also please clarify where the redundancy factor included was • No response was provided for this correction Original correction is still applicable If you have any questions regarding these plan review items, please contact Sergio Azuela at Esgil Corporation Thank you Carlsbad PCO5-OOO5 October 13, 2005 ELECTRICAL, ENERGY, PLUMBING, and MECHANICAL CORRECTIONS PLAN REVIEWER Eric Jensen 1 The licensed designer must sign the approved set of the plans 2 The following items remain A respond list was included with the resubmittal however the PME sheets did not change Will plan check after a complete design has been submitted Note A small roll of slip sheeted plans in the bundle, however they are only architectural sheets ELECTRICAL (1999 NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE) 3 Clarify the location of the electrical service Architectural shows a separate room, missing from the structural and electrical design A room labeled "Electrical panel room is shown on the electrical garage drawings but I believe is too narrow to house much 4 The cold water supply system is inconsistent between the Civils and architectural design If multiple water entries are made into the building (Civil), show a water bond to all of the different piping systems 5 Include either a "typical" floorplan circuiting layout or a "typical" panel schedule for the dwelling units PLUMBING (2000 UNIFORM PLUMBING CODE) 6 Please show the upstream sewer manhole rim and finished floor elevations Provide backwater valves on all building drains which serve plumbing fixtures with flood rim elevations below the upstream manhole rim elevations (Only fixtures with flood rim levels below the upstream manhole rim elevation may flow through a backwater valve ) UPC 7101 7 Civil plans have (11)1" water supplies at the street, the plumbing plans have a single 2 1/z installed to the building Please review and resolve Water pipe sizing to be checked after the final design is apparent 8 Provide a plumbing material schedule on the plans describing the following systems Potable water piping, the dram, waste, and vent piping, gas piping, and the roof drains 9 Include the height clearances required interior of the Parking garage at both the accessible and non-accessible areas 10 Clarify what style of water heater is to be installed High efficiency closed combustion chamber as shown on the floorplans or standard "B" vent as shown on sheet P4 Carlsbad PCO5-O005 October 13, 2005 11 Each apartment of dwelling of more than one family shall have the water supply capable of being shut-off from the remainder of the building Detail how this is accomplished Unit full way valves or individual fixture shut-offs Note If individual fixture shut-offs are specified, detail the valve styles for the bath/showers fixtures UPC 605 3 12 Specify the control valves for the showers and tub-shower combinations as pressure balance or as thermostatic mixing valve style UPC 420 0 13 In the S-3 garage floors shall drain to an approved oil separator or trap discharging to sewers in accordance with the Plumbing code UBC Section 311231 14 Include the overflow roof drainage design Roof area, rainfall rate, pipe sizing, and dram locations on the plans (Deck areas) UBC1506, UPC 1105 1 MECHANICAL (2000 UNIFORM MECHANICAL CODE) 15 Complete the design for the garage exhaust fans Detail the duct installation (Underground and at the S3 penetration) and show how the exhaust is not directly aimed at the framing above for EF2 16 Review the mechanical design for all mechanical items Bathroom exhaust fans, range hoods, dryer ducting, dryer make-up air, outside air (See acoustical report), etc and include on the next submittal Include all 1 hour separation details 17 Include the occupancy and shaft penetration protection design for the flues and combustion air ducts fro the water heater and space heating equipment 18 Include the supply/return air duct rating protection where it penetrates through rated floor/ceiling or roof/ceiling assemblies 19 Correct the efficiency (BTU In VS Output) specification on the e mechanical schedule ENERGY CONSERVATION 20 Provide plans, calculations and worksheets to show compliance with current energy standards The energy packets for Buildings 1 & 2 are missing Note If you have any questions regarding this Electrical, Plumbing, Mechanical, and Energy plan review list please contact Eric Jensen at (858) 560-1468 To speed the review process, note on this list (or a copy) where the corrected items have been addressed on the plans EsGil Corporation In Partnership with government for (Buiftfing Safety DATE August 19, 2OO5 JURISDICTION Carlsbad u i .— PLAN CHECK NO PC05-O005 SET II-S PROJECT ADDRESS 1100 Las Flores Dr PROJECT NAME Buena Vista Village Apartments - 11 Unit w/Parkmg Garage The plans transmitted herewith have been corrected where necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes The plans transmitted herewith have significant deficiencies identified on the enclosed check list and should be corrected and resubmitted for a complete recheck X] The check list transmitted herewith is for your information The plans are being held at Esgil Corporation until corrected plans are submitted for recheck The applicant's copy of the check list is enclosed for the jurisdiction to forward to the applicant contact person The applicant's copy of the check list has been sent to HeberJ Hurd 40335 Winchester Road, Suite E 186, Temecula, CA 92591 Esgil Corporation staff did not advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed XI Esgil Corporation staff did advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed Person contacted HeberJ Hurd Telephone # (951)926-1000 Date contacted skfeT (bvj^) Fax # (951)926-1413 Mail -^ Telephone Fax "in Person REMARKS By Sergio Azuela Enclosures Esgil Corporation D GA D MB IS EJ D PC 8/11 tmsmtldot 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208 *• San Diego, California 92123 + (858)560-1468 + Fax (858) 560-1576 Carlsbad PC05-0005 August 19, 2O05 RECHECK PLAN CORRECTION LIST JURISDICTION Carlsbad PLAN CHECK NO PCO5-O005 PROJECT ADDRESS 1100 Las Flores Dr SET II-S DATE PLAN RECEIVED BY DATE RECHECK COMPLETED ESGIL CORPORATION 8/11 August 19, 2005 REVIEWED BY Sergio Azuela FOREWORD (PLEASE READ) This plan review is limited to the technical requirements contained in the Uniform Building Code, Uniform Plumbing Code, Uniform Mechanical Code, National Electrical Code and state laws regulating energy conservation, noise attenuation and disabled access This plan review is based on regulations enforced by the Building Department You may have other corrections based on laws and ordinances enforced by the Planning Department, Engineering Department or other departments The following items listed need clarification, modification or change All items must be satisfied before the plans will be in conformance with the cited codes and regulations Per Sec 106 4 3, 1997 Uniform Building Code, the approval of the plans does not permit the violation of any state, county or city law A To facilitate recheckmg, please identify, next to each item, the sheet of the plans upon which each correction on this sheet has been made and return this sheet with the revised plans B The following items have not been resolved from the previous plan reviews The original correction number has been given for your reference In case you did not keep a copy of the prior correction list, we have enclosed those pages containing the outstanding corrections Please contact me if you have any questions regarding these items C Please indicate here if any changes have been made to the plans that are not a result of corrections from this list If there are other changes, please briefly describe them and where they are located on the plans Have changes been made not resulting from this list? QYes QNo Carlsbad PCO5-OOO5 August 19, 2005 1 Please make all corrections on the original tracings, as requested in the correction list Submit three sets of plans for commercial/industrial projects (two sets of plans for residential projects) For expeditious processing, corrected sets can be submitted in one of two ways 1 Deliver all corrected sets of plans and calculations/reports directly to the City of Carlsbad Building Department, 1635 Faraday Ave , Carlsbad, CA 92008, (760) 602-2700 The City will route the plans to EsGil Corporation and the Carlsbad Planning, Engineering and Fire Departments 2 Bring one corrected set of plans and calculations/reports to EsGil Corporation, 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208, San Diego, CA 92123, (858) 560-1468 Deliver all remaining sets of plans and calculations/reports directly to the City of Carlsbad Building Department for routing to their Planning, Engineering and Fire Departments NOTE Plans that are submitted directly to EsGil Corporation only will not be reviewed by the City Planning, Engineering and Fire Departments until review by EsGil Corporation is complete 3 All sheets of the plans and the first sheet of the calculations are required to be signed by the California licensed architect or engineer responsible for the plan preparation Please include the California license number, seal, date of license expiration and the date the plans are signed Business and Professions Code 4 Provide a Building Code Data Legend on the Title Sheet Include the following code information for each building proposed Justification to exceed allowable area in Table 5-B THE BUILDINGS SHOWN ON THE PLANS CAN NOT BE SEPARATED BUILDINGS AS PROPOSED IF ONE BUILDING THE DECK AREAS SHOULD BE INCLUDED 10 Provide on the Title Sheet of the plans the code justification for exceeding the basic allowable area in Table 5-B Section 504 PLEASE SEE ITEM 4 ABOVE 12 No single story can exceed the basic area allowed by Table 5-B plus the increases allowed by Section 505 PLEASE SEE ITEM 4 ABOVE 17 Provide details of the one-hour fire-resistive construction Include roof/ceiling assemblies, floor/ceiling assemblies, wall assemblies, column and beam assemblies, etc • Please provide cross-reference from details to plans 18 Detail and reference I C B O number or other approval for horizontal fire assembly using trusses Item 21-1 1 in Table 7-C requires 2 layers of 5/8" Type X gypsum wallboard at the bottom chords of trusses Section 704 2 8 • Please provide cross-reference from details to building sections Carlsbad PCO5-OO05 August 19, 2005 19 Fire-resistive exterior wall construction shall be maintained through attic areas or other areas containing concealed spaces Section 709 3 1 • Please provide construction details for the exterior walls being continuous at the floor-to-ceiling and roof-to-ceiling spaces and cross-reference from details to building sections 26 Clearly identify location and hourly fire-resistive rating of vertical shafts on the plans Provide construction details showing location of fire dampers and how fire resistivity will be maintained at floors and roofs Section 711 • Clearly identify on all floor plans the shaft of the elevator and the shaft of the stairway in front of the Unit E as a protected 1hr shaft enclosure on the plans Also identify any mechanical shaft Include hatching over the applicable areas for clear identification 31 Wall and floor/ceiling assemblies separating dwelling units from each other and from common space (such as corridors, laundry rooms, common garages, service areas, etc ) must have a listed rating of STC 50 and 11C 50 • Please include the source of approval and the approved number for the STC and IIC assemblies at walls and floor-to-ceilmg Also provide cross-reference from details to plans and also to building sections 32 Show how penetrations of assemblies for piping, electrical devices, recessed cabinets, bathtubs, soffits or heating, ventilating or exhaust ducts shall be sealed, lined or insulated or treated to maintain the required sound ratmgs= • The addressed detail 3/A-6 5 is not related to the original correction Original correction is still applicable 33 If the project is located in noise critical areas (CNEL contours of 60 dB) as shown on the City or County's General Plan, then an acoustical analysis showing that the proposed building has been designed to limit noise in habitable rooms to CNEL of forty-five dB is required Where windows must be closed to comply, it is necessary to provide mechanical ventilation capable of providing at least two air changes per hour Provide design PLEASE HAVE THE CONSULTANT REVIEW AND APPROVE THE PLANS TO VERIFY COMPATIBILITY WITH THE RECOMMENDATIONS 37 Occupants on floors above the second story and in basements shall have access to not less than two separate exits Section 1004 232 Exceptions d) Two exits shall be provided from the third floor at Units C, D, F and G, also from the occupied roof deck Original correction is still applicable 38 Exits should have a minimum separation of one-half the maximum overall diagonal dimension of the building or area served Section 1004 2 4 • Two exits shall be provided from the third floor at Units C, D, F and G, also from the occupied roof deck Original correction is still applicable Carlsbad PCO5-OOO5 August 19, 2005 40 Regardless of occupant load, a floor or landing not more than 1 inch (1/2-mch if disabled access is required) below the threshold is required on each side of an exit door Section 100331 6 • No response was provided for this correction Original correction is still applicable 44 A minimum headroom clearance of 6'-8" for stairways should be indicated on the plans Section 1003 334 Note that this is from a plane tangent to the stairway tread nosing • No response was provided for this correction Original correction is still applicable Please note that re-writing all corrections in the form of "GENERAL NOTES" on the plans will not be adequate to resolve the corrections Provide details, including all applicable dimensions 45 Stairways from upper levels which extend below the level from which egress from the building is provided, shall have an approved barrier to preclude exiting into such lower levels Section 1005 334 • No response was provided for this correction Original correction is still applicable Please note that re-writing all corrections in the form of "GENERAL NOTES" on the plans will not be adequate to resolve the corrections Provide details, including all applicable dimensions 46 Winding stairways are permitted only when serving R-3 or a single unit in R-1 Section 1003338 Stairway at common areas shall not be "Winding Stairways" • No response was provided for this correction Original correction is still applicable Please note that re-wntmg all corrections m the form of "GENERAL NOTES" on the plans will not be adequate to resolve the corrections Provide a different stairway design for the winding stairway at the basement 47 Provide details of winding stairway Minimum tread is six inches at any point and a minimum nine inches at a point twelve inches from where the treads are narrowest Maximum rise is eight inches Minimum width is thirty-six inches Section 1003 3382 • No response was provided for this correction Original correction is still applicable Please note that re-writing all corrections in the form of "GENERAL NOTES" on the plans will not be adequate to resolve the corrections Provide details, including all applicable dimensions 48 All interior stairways and ramps shall be enclosed In other than H and I occupancies, an enclosure is not required if serving only one adjacent floor and not connected to stairs or corridors serving other floors Section 1005 331, Exception 1 • No response was provided for this correction Original correction is still applicable Please note that re-writmg all corrections m the form of "GENERAL NOTES" on the plans will not be adequate to resolve the corrections Provide details, for the stairway enclosure at the stairway m front of unit E Carlsbad PCO5-O005 August 19, 2O05 4Q Stairways should be enclosed as specified in Section 1005 3 3 a) Two-hour fire-resistive walls are required in buildings of Type I and II-F R construction and in all buildings four or more stories m height, and one-hour elsewhere = b) Only exit doors are allowed to open into exit enclosures c) Doors should be labeled one and one-half hours or one-hour fire assemblies, and noted that the maximum transmitted temperature end point shall not exceed 450 degrees (F) above ambient at the end of 30 minutes of the fire exposure specified in UBC Standard 7-2 d) Exit enclosures should include a corridor on the ground floor extending to the exterior (see exception) Fire-resistive construction should be as required for the exit enclosure, including protected openings Only exit doors are permitted to open into the corridor e) An approved barrier is required at the ground floor to prevent people from accidentally continuing to the lower level • No response was provided for this correction Original correction is still applicable Please note that re-wntmg all corrections m the form of "GENERAL NOTES" on the plans will not be adequate to resolve the corrections Provide details, for the stairway enclosure at the stairway m front of unit E 53 Every opening into an elevator shaft enclosure shall be protected by a self-closing fire assembly having a one-hour fire rating in one-hour shafts and one and one-half hours in two hour shafts Section 7114 • No response was provided for this correction Original correction is still applicable Please note that re-wntmg all corrections in the form of "GENERAL NOTES" on the plans will not be adequate to resolve the corrections Clearly show it on plans for each one of the elevator doors 55 When the elevator vertical travel is 25' or more, the elevator lobby or entrance area shall be provided with an approved smoke detector as required by Section 3003 2 • No response was provided for this correction Original correction is still applicable Please note that re-writing all corrections m the form of "GENERAL NOTES" on the plans will not be adequate to resolve the corrections Please clearly show on plans the required smoke detector and the elevator lobby 56 Provide clear inside elevator car dimensions as required by Title 24 In high-rise buildings, A/E/I occupancies, State-owned buildings, residential care homes, hotels, motels, apartments and condominiums 80" by 54," with a 42-inch side slide door Elevator in buildings more than two stories or buildings where disabled access is required to upper level(s) 68" by 54", with a minimum clear door width of 36 " Elevators other than in (b) above serving less than 50 occupants shall have a minimum inside platform of 4 feet 6 inches by 4 feet 6 inches and a minimum clear door width of 36 inches • No response was provided for this correction Original correction is still applicable Please note that re-writing all corrections m the form of "GENERAL NOTES" on the plans will not be adequate to resolve the corrections Provide the applicable floor plan layout, including the required dimensions Carlsbad PC05-OO05 August 19, 2O05 63 Every apartment house three stories or more in height or containing 16 or more dwelling units (and every hotel three or more stories m height or containing 20 or more guest rooms and in congregate residences three or more stories in height or having an occupant load of 20 or more) shall have an approved manual and automatic fire alarm system as specified in the Fire Code Section 310 10 (see exceptions) • Clearly specify on the cover sheet that the building will be provided with the required "APPROVED MANUAL AND AUTOMATIC FIRE ALARM" 65 Window area must be at least 1/10 of the floor area and a minimum of 10 square feet per Section 12033 • The provided window areas at Great Room of Unit F is not adequate to provide the minimum required 10% at Great Room Kitchen and Entry areas 70 Glazing in the following locations should be of safety glazing material in accordance with Section 2406 4 (see exceptions) c) Walls enclosing stairway landings or within 5 feet of the bottom and top of stairways where the bottom edge of the glass is less than 60 inches above a walking surface • Window C at all Units shall be safety glass 75 Specify minimum 1/4 inch per foot slope for decks and balconies Section 1402 3 • Please clearly show it on plans as 1/4 inch per foot At sheets A-3 2, A-3 3 and A-40 • DISABLED ACCESS Provide notes and details on the plans to show compliance with the enclosed Disabled Access Review List PRIVATELY FUNDED MULTI-FAMILY DISABLED ACCESS CORRECTION CHECKLIST Note All Sections referenced are from Title 24 (2001 CBC) SITE DEVELOPMENT/ACCESSIBLE ROUTE OF TRAVEL PARKING A vertical clearance of 8 feet 2 inches shall be maintained to each required accessible parking space Private garages are exempt from the 8 feet 2 inches minimum height requirements Section 1118A 2 o PLEASE SHOW IT ON PLANS The words, NO PARKING' shall be painted on the ground within each loading/unloading access aisle Section 1118A4 1 o PLEASE SHOW IT ON PLANS Surface slopes of parking spaces for physically disabled shall not exceed 1/4 inch per foot (2 percent gradient) in any direction Section 1118A 4 3 o PLEASE SHOW IT ON PLANS Carlsbad PC05-0005 August 19, 2005 DOORWAYS • Latching and locking doors that are hand activated and in a path of travel shall be operable with a single effort by lever type hardware panic bars push pull activating bars or other hardware that provides passage without grasping the hardware Section 1120A 251 o PLEASE SHOW IT ON PLANS FOR EACH ONE OF THE APPLICABLE DOORS at Units B, E andH • The bottom 10 inches of all doors except automatic and sliding doors, must have a smooth uninterrupted surface to allow the door to be opened by a wheelchair footrest Section 1120A 2 6 o PLEASE SHOW IT ON PLANS FOR EACH ONE OF THE APPLICABLE DOORS at Units B, E andH • At primary entry door to a dwelling unit with direct exterior access outside landing surfaces constructed of impervious materials such as concrete brick or flagstone shall be no more than 1/2 inch below the floor level of the interior of the dwelling unit Section 1120A 2 4 o PLEASE SHOW IT ON PLANS FOR EACH ONE OF THE APPLICABLE DOORS at Units B, E andH • Thresholds at exterior doors other than primary entrances shall be no higher than 3/4 inch Such thresholds shall be beveled at a slope no greater than 1 2 Section 1120A 2 4 o PLEASE SHOW IT ON PLANS FOR EACH ONE OF THE APPLICABLE DOORS at Units B, E andH • Exterior deck patio or balcony surfaces shall be no more than 4 inches below the floor level of the interior of the dwelling unit Changes in level greater than 1/2-mch shall be accomplished by means of a ramp Section 1120A 2 4 o PLEASE SHOW IT ON PLANS FOR EACH ONE OF THE APPLICABLE DOORS at Units B, E andH INSIDE THE UNITS INTERIOR PATHS OF TRAVEL • Every interior opening or passage door in a covered dwelling unit must provide a minimum of 32" nominal clear space between the face of the door and the door stop, when the door is in the 90 degree open position Section 1003 3 1 3a A 34' door is acceptable, and a standard 6 ft sliding glass door is acceptable o PLEASE SHOW FOR THE DOOR 5 at Unit E • All interior doors shall have a level area on the swing side of the door that extends 18" past the strike edge of the door Section 1120A 243 o PLEASE SHOW FOR THE DOOR 10 at Unit E • Interior passage doors shall have hardware centered between 30" and 44" above the floor, and be openable with a single effort by lever type hardware Section 1120A 251 o PLEASE SHOW FOR ALL DOORS KITCHENS • A 48" clear width shall be provided for kitchens with cabinets or fixtures on only two sides Section 1112A o PLEASE CLEARLY SHOW THE APPLICABLE DIMENSIONS ON PLANS Carlsbad PCO5-OOO5 August 19, 20O5 • Base cabinets directly under the kitchen sink counter area including toe board and shelving shall be removable without special knowledge or tools Finish flooring shall be provided on the floor beneath the counter top There is no exception to this requirement Section 1112A 4 o PLEASE SHOW IT ON PLANS FOR UNITS B, E AND H • A minimum linear length of 30 of countertop shall be provided for the kitchen sink, and a minimum linear length of 30' of countertop shall be provided for a work surface, both of which shall be designed to enable repositioning to a minimum height of 28 inches Section 1112A 2 o PLEASE SHOW IT ON PLANS FOR UNITS B, E AND H Exceptions Only 5% of privately funded apartment house dwelling units are required to comply with the repositionable countertop requirements Stone cultured stone and tiled countertops may be used without meeting the repositioning requirements In privately funded apartment houses two 15-inch minimum width breadboards may be provided in lieu of the required 30 inches of countertop work surface • The following additional provisions shall be met if repositioning of countertops is required (Section 1112A2) Base cabinets directly under sink and work surface counter areas shall be removable to provide clearance for a wheelchair Finished flooring shall be installed on the floor beneath such countertop The side and back of adjacent cabinets which may become exposed to moisture or food handling when a countertop is lowered, shall be constructed of durable nonabsorbent material appropriate for such uses BATHROOMS • Only one bathroom need comply Section 1109A 2 2 • As a minimum all bathrooms shall conform to the following general accessibility requirements per Section 1109A241 o Light switches outlets and thermostats shall be at the required height per the California Electrical Code o Minimum 36 wide accessible route within each bathroom o General door widths and strike side clearance consistent with Sections 1109A1 and 1120A o Wall reinforcement for future grab bar installations o PLEASE SHOW IT ON PLANS FOR UNIT B • Bathroom entrance doorways shall have an 18-inch clear space to the side of the strike edge of the door on the swing side of the door Table 1109A 2-2 o PLEASE SHOW IT ON PLANS FOR UNIT B • Sufficient maneuvering space must be provided for a person using a wheelchair to enter and close the door, use the fixture reopen the door and exit Table 1109A 2-2 o PLEASE SHOW IT ON PLANS FOR UNITS B, E AND H • Where the door swings into the bathroom, there must be a clear space 30 inch x 48 inch within the room to position a wheelchair clear of the path of the door as it is closed Table 1109A 2-2 o PLEASE SHOW IT ON PLANS FOR UNIT B Carlsbad PCO5-OOO5 August 19, 2005 • There shall be a minimum clear space 48-inches parallel by 30-inches perpendicular to the side of a bathtub or bathtub-shower combination measured from the foot of the bathtub (where the controls are located) which may include maneuverable area under the lavatory Table 1109A 2-2 o PLEASE SHOW IT ON PLANS FOR UNITS B, E AND H • The water closet shall be located in a space 36 inches in width with 48 inches of clear space in front )or 48 inches in clear width with 36 inches of clear space in front) This space may include maneuverable space under a lavatory, arranged so as not to impede access Section 1109A 3 o PLEASE SHOW IT ON PLANS FOR UNITS B, E AND H • Vanities and lavatories shall be installed with the centerhne of the fixture a minimum of 1'6" horizontally from an adjoining wall or fixture The top of the fixture rim shall be a maximum of 2 10' above the finished floor See Table 1109A 2-1 for knee space requirements Table 1109A 2-1 o PLEASE SHOW IT ON PLANS FOR UNITS B, E AND H • If only one complying bathroom is provided, then comply with the following per Section 1109A 2 2 Toilets shall be located in a manner that permit a grab bar to be installed on one side of the fixture In locations where toilets are adjacent to walls or bathtubs, the center line of the fixture must be a minimum of 1 "6" from the obstacle The other (non-grab bar) side of the toilet fixture must be a minimum of 1'6" from the finished surface of adjoining walls vanities or from the edge of a lavatory Additionally see Table 1109A 2-2 for lavatory requirements, etc o PLEASE SHOW IT ON PLANS FOR UNITS B, E AND H End 90 Detail shear transfer connections, including roof and floor diaphragms, to shear walls Section 2315 • Please complete the bubbles (-/S5 0) of the shear transfer details callouts at the 2nd level framing plan (sheet S3 2) and at the 3rd level framing plan (sheet S3 3) • No response was provided for this correction Original correction is still applicable 95 Show on the plans all structural requirements developed in the structural calculations a) Beam B1 at the roof framing shall be 5 %" X 14" as per sheet R7 of structural calculations, instead on 4X10 as shown on sheet S3 4 b) Please show on plans the same identification number for all beams, headers and framing members, than the one used on the calculations For example beam B1 in the calculations is shown as P9 on the plans c) Please clarify where were included the structural design calculations for RJ2 Also show on plans where these joist to be installed are d) Please revise the seismic force calculation to use Ca factor of 44, instead of 4 Also please clarify where the redundancy factor included was • No response was provided for this correction Original correction is still applicable If you have any questions regarding these plan review items, please contact Sergio Azuela at Esgil Corporation Thank you Carlsbad PC05-0005 August 19, 2005 ELECTRICAL, ENERGY, PLUMBING, and MECHANICAL CORRECTIONS PLAN REVIEWER Eric Jensen 1 The licensed designer must sign the approved set of the plans 2 The following items remain A respond list was included with the resubmittal however the PME sheets did not change Will plan check after a complete design has been submitted Note A small roll of slip sheeted plans in the bundle, however they are only architectural sheets ELECTRICAL (1999 NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE) 3 Clarify the location of the electrical service Architectural shows a separate room, missing from the structural and electrical design A room labeled "Electrical panel room is shown on the electrical garage drawings but I believe is too narrow to house much 4 The cold water supply system is inconsistent between the Civils and architectural design If multiple water entries are made into the building (Civil), show a water bond to all of the different piping systems 5 Include either a "typical" floorplan circuiting layout or a "typical" panel schedule for the dwelling units PLUMBING (2000 UNIFORM PLUMBING CODE) 6 Please show the upstream sewer manhole rim and finished floor elevations Provide backwater valves on all building drains which serve plumbing fixtures with flood rim elevations below the upstream manhole rim elevations (Only fixtures with flood rim levels below the upstream manhole rim elevation may flow through a backwater valve ) UPC 7101 7 Civil plans have (11)1" water supplies at the street, the plumbing plans have a single 2 Vz" installed to the building Please review and resolve Water pipe sizing to be checked after the final design is apparent 8 Provide a plumbing material schedule on the plans describing the following systems Potable water piping, the dram, waste, and vent piping, gas piping, and the roof drains 9 Include the height clearances required interior of the Parking garage at both the accessible and non-accessible areas 10 Clarify what style of water heater is to be installed High efficiency closed combustion chamber as shown on the floorplans or standard "B" vent as shown on sheet P4 Carlsbad PC05-0005 August 19, 2005 11 Each apartment of dwelling of more than one family shall have the water supply capable of being shut-off from the remainder of the building Detail how this is accomplished Unit full way valves or individual fixture shut-offs Note If individual fixture shut-offs are specified, detail the valve styles for the bath/showers fixtures UPC 605 3 12 Specify the control valves for the showers and tub-shower combinations as pressure balance or as thermostatic mixing valve style UPC 420 0 13 In the S-3 garage floors shall dram to an approved oil separator or trap discharging to sewers in accordance with the Plumbing code UBC Section 311231 14 Include the overflow roof drainage design Roof area, rainfall rate, pipe sizing, and dram locations on the plans (Deck areas) UBC1506, UPC 1105 1 MECHANICAL (2000 UNIFORM MECHANICAL CODE) 15 Complete the design for the garage exhaust fans Detail the duct installation (Underground and at the S3 penetration) and show how the exhaust is not directly aimed at the framing above for EF2 16 Review the mechanical design for all mechanical items Bathroom exhaust fans, range hoods, dryer ducting, dryer make-up air, outside air (See acoustical report), etc and include on the next submittal Include all 1 hour separation details 17 Include the occupancy and shaft penetration protection design for the flues and combustion air ducts fro the water heater and space heating equipment 18 Include the supply/return air duct rating protection where it penetrates through rated floor/ceiling or roof/ceiling assemblies 19 Correct the efficiency (BTU In VS Output) specification on the e mechanical schedule ENERGY CONSERVATION 20 Provide plans, calculations and worksheets to show compliance with current energy standards The energy packets for Buildings 1 & 2 are missing Note If you have any questions regarding this Electncal, Plumbing, Mechanical, and Energy plan review list please contact Eric Jensen at (858) 560-1468 To speed the review process, note on this list (or a copy) where the corrected items have been addressed on the plans EsGil Corporation In (Partnership with government for <BuiCding Safety DATE July 21,2005 O^AP-P-UCANT JURISDICTION Carlsbad a PLAN REVIEWER a FILE PLAN CHECK NO PC05-0005 SET III (FND only REV) PROJECT ADDRESS 1100 Las Flores Dr PROJECT NAME Buena Vista Village Apartments - Foundation Only/Plan Change IXI The plans transmitted herewith have been corrected where necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes The plans transmitted herewith will substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes when minor deficiencies identified below are resolved and checked by building department staff The plans transmitted herewith have significant deficiencies identified on the enclosed check list and should be corrected and resubmitted for a complete recheck The check list transmitted herewith is for your information The plans are being held at Esgil Corporation until corrected plans are submitted for recheck The applicant's copy of the check list is enclosed for the jurisdiction to forward to the applicant contact person The applicant's copy of the check list has been sent to Esgil Corporation staff did not advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed XI Esgil Corporation staff did advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed Person contacted Linda Hana Telephone # (760)420-1158 Date contacted (by ) Fax # Mail Telephone Fax In Person REMARKS By Sergio Azuela Enclosures Esgil Corporation D GA D MB D EJ D PC LOG trnsmtldot 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208 + San Diego, California 92123 + (858)560-1468 4 Fax (858) 560-1576 EsGil Corporation In Partnership witfi government for <BuiG£mg Safety DATE June 6, 2005 OAEPJJCANT CTJURIS ) JURISDICTION Carlsbad a PLAN REVIEWERa FILE PLAN CHECK NO PC05-0005 SET II PROJECT ADDRESS 1100 Las Floras Dr PROJECT NAME Buena Vista Village Apartments - 11 Unit w/Parking Garage The plans transmitted herewith have been corrected where necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes The plans transmitted herewith have significant deficiencies identified on the enclosed check list and should be corrected and resubmitted for a complete recheck XI The check list transmitted herewith is for your information The plans are being held at Esgil Corporation until corrected plans are submitted for recheck The applicant's copy of the check list is enclosed for the jurisdiction to forward to the applicant contact person XI The applicant's copy of the check list has been sent to HeberJ Hurd 40335 Winchester Road, Suite E 186, Temecula, CA 92591 Esgil Corporation staff did not advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed XI Esgil Corporation staff did advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed Person contacted HeberJ Hurd Telephone # (951) 926-1000 Date contacted (^h>o$~~(by fr*) Fax # (951)926-1413 Mail^^Teiephone Fax-'' In Person I REMARKS 1) MOST OF THE RESPONSES WERE NOTES(HARD TO READ NOTES) FOR THE SAKE OF CLARITY AND TO AVOID CONFUSION IN THE CONSTRUCTION SITE, DETAILS ARE CRITICAL FOR THE EASE OF EXECUTION OF THE PROCESS OF BUILDING ESPECIALLY TO THE FIRE PROTECTION REQUIREMENTS 2) A LOT OF THE ITEMS BELOW WERE NOT RESPONDED TO 3) THERE ARE SECTION CUTS SHOWN ON THE PLANS BUT NOT SHOWN 4) THE ITEM 4 BELOW IS VERY CRITICAL TO THE OVERALL DESIGN OF THE BUILDING 5) A COMPLETE PLAN CHECK WILL BE MADE By Bert Domingo Enclosures Esgil Corporation D GA D MB D EJ D PC 5/23/05 trnsmtldot 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208 + San Diego, California 92123 * (858)560-1468 + Fax (858) 560-1576 Carlsbad PCO5-OOO5 June 6, 2O05 RECHECK PLAN CORRECTION LIST JURISDICTION Carlsbad PLAN CHECK NO PC05-0005 PROJECT ADDRESS 1100 Las Floras Dr SET II DATE PLAN RECEIVED BY DATE RECHECK COMPLETED ESGIL CORPORATION 5/23/05 June 6, 2005 REVIEWED BY Bert Domingo FOREWORD (PLEASE READ) This plan review is limited to the technical requirements contained in the Uniform Building Code, Uniform Plumbing Code, Uniform Mechanical Code, National Electrical Code and state laws regulating energy conservation, noise attenuation and disabled access This plan review is based on regulations enforced by the Building Department You may have other corrections based on laws and ordinances enforced by the Planning Department, Engineering Department or other departments The following items listed need clarification, modification or change All items must be satisfied before the plans will be in conformance with the cited codes and regulations Per Sec 106 4 3, 1997 Uniform Building Code, the approval of the plans does not permit the violation of any state, county or city law A Please make all corrections on the original tracings and submit two new complete sets of prints to B To facilitate recheckmg, please identify, next to each item, the sheet of the plans upon which each correction on this sheet has been made and return this sheet with the revised plans C The following items have not been resolved from the previous plan reviews The original correction number has been given for your reference In case you did not keep a copy of the prior correction list, we have enclosed those pages containing the outstanding corrections Please contact me if you have any questions regarding these items D Please indicate here if any changes have been made to the plans that are not a result of corrections from this list If there are other changes, please briefly describe them and where they are located on the plans Have changes been made not resulting from this list? QYes QNo Carlsbad PCO5-OOOS June 6, 20O5 • GENERAL 1 Please make all corrections on the original tracings, as requested in the correction list Submit three sets of plans for commercial/industrial projects (two sets of plans for residential projects) For expeditious processing, corrected sets can be submitted in one of two ways 1 Deliver all corrected sets of plans and calculations/reports directly to the City of Carlsbad Building Department, 1635 Faraday Ave , Carlsbad, CA 92008, (760) 602-2700 The City will route the plans to EsGil Corporation and the Carlsbad Planning, Engineering and Fire Departments 2 Bring one corrected set of plans and calculations/reports to EsGil Corporation, 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208, San Diego, CA 92123, (858) 560-1468 Deliver all remaining sets of plans and calculations/reports directly to the City of Carlsbad Building Department for routing to their Planning, Engineering and Fire Departments NOTE Plans that are submitted directly to EsGil Corporation only will not be reviewed by the City Planning, Engineering and Fire Departments until review by EsGil Corporation is complete • PLANS 3 All sheets of the plans and the first sheet of the calculations are required to be signed by the California licensed architect or engineer responsible for the plan preparation Please include the California license number, seal, date of license expiration and the date the plans are signed Business and Professions Code 4 Provide a Building Code Data Legend on the Title Sheet Include the following code information for each building proposed Type of Construction I-FR for the Parking Garage, and the apartment buildings shall be V-1hr as minimum PLEASE SEE ITEM 28 BELOW Sprinklers Yes or No PLEASE SEE ITEM 28 BELOW Justification to exceed allowable area in Table 5-B THE BUILDINGS SHOWN ON THE PLANS CAN NOT BE SEPARATED BUILDINGS AS PROPOSED IF ONE BUILDING THE DECK AREAS SHOULD BE INCLUDED Justification to exceed allowable height or stones in Table 5-B PLEASE SEE ITEM 80 BELOW • SITE PLAN 9 Show on the site plan all proposed walls, retaining walls and fences Specify their heights on the plans Provide construction details if a part of this permit THE SITE PLAN IS NOT CLEAR AS TO WHETHER THE OTHER STRUCTURES ARE A PART OF THIS PERMIT SITE RETAINING WALLS'? Carlsbad PCO5-O005 June 6, 2005 • BUILDING AREA 10 Provide on the Title Sheet of the plans the code justification for exceeding the basic allowable area in Table 5-B Section 504 PLEASE SEE ITEM 4 ABOVE 11 As shown, the building(s) is/are over area for the Type of Construction shown Table 5-B PLEASE SEE ITEM 4 ABOVE 12 No single story can exceed the basic area allowed by Table 5-B plus the increases allowed by Section 505 PLEASE SEE ITEM 4 ABOVE • BUILDING HEIGHT/STORIES 13 The number of stories cannot exceed that shown in Table 5-B Show the code basis for the number of stories as shown PLEASE SEE ITEM 80 ABOVE a) The building is a three story and the maximum allowable number of stories for a V-N is two stories • FIRE-RESISTIVE CONSTRUCTION 14 Walls and floors separating dwelling units in the same building, or guest rooms in hotels, shall be of not less than one-hour fire-resistive construction Section 310 2 2 PLEASE SEE ITEM 17 & 18 BELOW 15 Group R, Division 1 occupancies more than two stories in height, or having more than 3,000 sq ft of floor area above the first story shall be not less than one-hour fire-resistive construction throughout except as provided in Section 601 522 Section 310 2 2 PLEASE SEE ITEM 17 BELOW 17 Provide details of the one-hour fire-resistive construction Include roof/ceiling assemblies, floor/ceiling assemblies, wall assemblies, column and beam assemblies, etc 18 Detail and reference I C B O number or other approval for horizontal fire assembly using trusses Item 21-1 1 in Table 7-C requires 2 layers of 5/8" Type X gypsum wallboard at the bottom chords of trusses Section 704 2 8 NOTES ARE OK BUT DETAIL IS A MUST FOR THIS CRITICAL DETAILS 19 Fire-resistive exterior wall construction shall be maintained through attic areas or other areas containing concealed spaces Section 709 3 1 NOTES ARE OK BUT DETAIL IS A MUST FOR THIS CRITICAL DETAILS 20 Detail how one-hour fire-resistive wall construction is maintained at built-in wall fixtures and behind mailboxes, fire extinguisher cabinets, electric panels exceeding 16 square inches in area, etc Section 709 7 21 Detail how fire-resistive wall and ceiling protection will be maintained at all duct penetrations such as at bathroom and kitchen hood fans, laundry room fans and dryer vents Also detail recessed light fixtures Sections 709, 710 Carlsbad PCO5-OOO5 June 6, 2005 26 Clearly identify location and hourly fire-resistive rating of vertical shafts on the plans Provide construction details showing location of fire dampers and how fire resistivity will be maintained at floors and roofs Section 711 THE DETAIL SHOULD INCLUDE THE LISTING AGENCY OF THE TESTED RATING 27 Detail column fire protection and specify column impact protection in garage areas per Section 704 2 5 As a minimum, show a 22 ga steel jacket around each column to a height of 3 feet above the ground for impact protection NOTES ARE OK BUT DETAIL IS A MUST FOR THIS CRITICAL DETAILS OCCUPANCY SEPARATION 28 An S-3 occupancy in the basement or first story of a building housing a Group B, Group A, Division 3, Group M or Group R, Division 1 occupancy may be classed as a separate building The building above may also be considered a separate and distinct building for the purpose of area limitation, limitation of number of stories and type of construction ONLY if the conditions of Section 311 2 2 1 are met a) S-3 is Type I construction PLEASE INDICATE TYPE I CONSTRUCTION ON THE PLANS TO QUALIFY FOR THE OCCUPANCY REQUIREMENT 29 All openings in floors forming a three-hour separation shall be protected by vertical enclosures above and below the opening The walls of such enclosures shall be not less than two-hour fire-resistive construction, and openings therein shall be protected by a one and one-half-hour assembly Section 302 3 (see the exception therein) Provide a door (3 hr) to separate the stairway shaft enclosure adjacent to the elevator at the Garage level THE RESPONDED SHEETS A7 0. A7 1 DID NOT SHOW ANY INFORMATION FOR THE REQUIREMENTS 30 Openings in a three-hour fire-resistive separation shall be protected by a three-hour assembly, and openings may not exceed 25 percent of the length of wall in the story and no single opening shall exceed 120 sq ft Section 302 2 THE RESPONDED SHEETS A7 0. A7 1 DID NOT SHOW ANY INFORMATION FOR THE REQUIREMENTS • SOUND TRANSMISSION 31 Wall and floor/ceiling assemblies separating dwelling units from each other and from common space (such as corridors, laundry rooms, common garages, service areas, etc ) must have a listed rating of STC 50 and IIC 50 Show the location of and provide details of the listed wall and floor/ceiling assemblies, and indicate the listing aaencv and listing number for the tested ratings THE BUILDING NOTES/NUMBERS CROSS REFERENCED ON THE PLAN SHOWN ON THE REFERENCED SHEETS 6. 7 & A6 5 ARE NOT CLEAR TO READ. TO VERIFY THE REQUIREMENTS HOWEVER. AGAIN THE REQUESTED DETAILS SHOULD BE mowr Carlsbad PC05-0005 June 6, 2005 32 Show how penetrations of assemblies for piping, electrical devices, recessed cabinets, bathtubs, soffits or heating, ventilating or exhaust ducts shall be sealed, lined or insulated or treated to maintain the required sound ratings PLEASE SEE ITEM 31 ABOVE FOR THE REQUIRED DETAILS 33 If the project is located in noise critical areas (CNEL contours of 60 dB) as shown on the City or County's General Plan, then an acoustical analysis showing that the proposed building has been designed to limit noise in habitable rooms to CNEL of forty-five dB is required Where windows must be closed to comply, it is necessary to provide mechanical ventilation capable of providing at least two air changes per hour Provide design PLEASE HAVE THE CONSULTANT REVIEW AND APPROVE THE PLANS TO VERIFY COMPATIBILITY WITH THE RECOMMENDATIONS EXITS 36 In all occupancies, floors above the first story having ten or more occupants, shall have not less than two exits Two or more dwelling units on the second story may have access to only one common exit when the occupant load tributary to the stairway does not exceed ten Section 1004 2 3 2 PLEASE SEE ITEM 38 BELOW a) Two exits shall be provided from the second floor deck 37 Occupants on floors above the second story and in basements shall have access to not less than two separate exits Section 1004 232 Exceptions a) Except per Table 10-A, only one exit need be provided from the second level or a basement within an individual unit c) When the third floor within an individual unit does not exceed 500 sq ft, only one exit need be provided from that floor d) Two exits shall be provided from the third floor at Units C, D, F and G, also from the occupied roof deck 38 Exits should have a minimum separation of one-half the maximum overall diagonal dimension of the building or area served Section 1004 2 4 THE SEPARATION OF THE EXITS SEEMS NOT COMPLYING 40 Regardless of occupant load, a floor or landing not more than 1 inch (1/2-inch if disabled access is required) below the threshold is required on each side of an exit door Section 1003316 THE REFERENCED SHEET A3 2 AS A RESPONSE IS NOT SHOWING THE REQUESTED INFORMATION AND THE NOTES ARE HARD TO READ Carlsbad PCO5-0005 June 6, 2005 • STAIRWAYS AND ELEVATORS 44 A minimum headroom clearance of 6'-8" for stairways should be indicated on the plans Section 1003 334 Note that this is from a plane tangent to the stairway tread nosing NO RESPONSE 45 Stairways from upper levels which extend below the level from which egress from the building is provided, shall have an approved barrier to preclude exiting into such lower levels Section 1005 3 3 4 NO RESPONSE 46 Winding stairways are permitted only when serving R-3 or a single unit in R-1 Section 1003338 Stairway at common areas shall not be "Winding Stairways" THE REFERENCED SHEETS AS RESPONDED DO NOT SEEM TO SHOW THE REQUESTED INFORMATION 47 Provide details of winding stairway NO RESPONSE Minimum tread is six inches at any point and a minimum nine inches at a point twelve inches from where the treads are narrowest Maximum rise is eight inches Minimum width is thirty-six inches Section 1003 3382 48 All interior stairways and ramps shall be enclosed In other than H and I occupancies, an enclosure is not required if serving only one adjacent floor and not connected to stairs or corridors serving other floors Section 1005 331, Exception 1 NO RESPONSE 49 Stairways should be enclosed as specified in Section 1005 3 3 PLEASE SHOW A COMPLETE RESPONSE FOR EACH ITEM a) Two-hour fire-resistive walls are required in buildings of Type I and II-F R construction and in all buildings four or more stories in height, and one-hour elsewhere PLEASE SHOW DETAILS AND CROSS REFERENCE b) Only exit doors are allowed to open into exit enclosures c) Doors should be labeled one and one-half hours or one-hour fire assemblies, and noted that the maximum transmitted temperature end point shall not exceed 450 degrees (F) above ambient at the end of 30 minutes of the fire exposure specified in UBC Standard 7-2 d) Exit enclosures should include a corridor on the ground floor extending to the exterior (see exception) Fire-resistive construction should be as required for the exit enclosure, including protected openings Only exit doors are permitted to open into the corridor e) An approved barrier is required at the ground floor to prevent people from accidentally continuing to the lower level 52 Elevators shall be enclosed in a one-hour shaft except in Type I and Type II F R construction where the elevator shall be in a two hour shaft Section 711 PLEASE SHOW ON THE SHAFT SECTIONS THE REQUIRED FIRE PROTECTION TO INCLUDE THE LISTING AGENCY OF THE TESTED RATINGS Carlsbad PC05-0005 June 6, 2O05 53 Every opening into an elevator shaft enclosure shall be protected by a self-closing fire assembly having a one-hour fire rating in one-hour shafts and one and one-half hours in two hour shafts Section 71 1 4 NONE SHOWN IN THE REFERENCED SHEET A7 0 55 When the elevator vertical travel is 25' or more, the elevator lobby or entrance area shall be provided with an approved smoke detector as required by Section 3003 2 NO 56 Provide clear inside elevator car dimensions as required by Title 24 In high-rise buildings, A/E/I occupancies, State-owned buildings, residential care homes, hotels, motels, apartments and condominiums 80" by 54," with a 42-mch side slide door Elevator in buildings more than two stories or buildings where disabled access is required to upper level(s) 68" by 54", with a minimum clear door width of 36 " Elevators other than in (b) above serving less than 50 occupants shall have a minimum inside platform of 4 feet 6 inches by 4 feet 6 inches and a minimum clear door width of 36 inches 57 Provide notes, details or specifications to show the elevator will comply with UBC Sections 3002-3007 and Title 24 R-1 GENERAL OCCUPANCY REQUIREMENTS 63 Every apartment house three stories or more in height or containing 16 or more dwelling units (and every hotel three or more stories in height or containing 20 or more guest rooms and in congregate residences three or more stories in height or having an occupant load of 20 or more) shall have an approved manual and automatic fire alarm system as specified in the Fire Code Section 310 10 (see exceptions) NO 64 Draft stops shall be installed in floor-ceilings, attics, mansards and similar concealed spaces and shall be above and in line with walls separating units from each other and from other uses Section 708 3 1 1 2 1 NO RESPONSE 65 Openable window area in habitable rooms must be 1/20 of the floor area and a minimum of 5 square feet In bathrooms, laundry rooms and similar rooms, 1/20 of area is required and minimum is 1 5 sq ft Section 1203 3 Please clearly show on plans the type of windows for all windows (casement, sliding, fixed, etc ) ) NO RESPONSE 70 Glazing in the following locations should be of safety glazing material in accordance with Section 2406 4 (see exceptions) c) Walls enclosing stairway landings or within 5 feet of the bottom and top of stairways where the bottom edge of the glass is less than 60 inches above a walking surface Carlsbad PC05-0005 June 6, 2005 71 Guardrails (Section 509 1) a) Shall have a height of 42" Within individual dwelling units and guest rooms, guardrails may be 36" high Therefore, guardrails outside of units must be at least 42" high (and guardrails within units may be 36" high) b) Shall be detailed showing adequacy of connections to resist the horizontal force prescribed m Table 16-B c) Openings between railings shall be less than 4" The triangular openings formed by the riser, tread and bottom element of a guardrail at a stair shall be less than 6" 72 Parking garages in connection with R-l occupancies shall have an unobstructed headroom clearance of not less than 7 feet above the finish floor to any ceiling, beam, pipe or similar construction except for wall-mounted shelves, storage surfaces, racks or cabinets Section 311233 PLEASE SHOW ON THE SECTIONS FOR THE SAKE . ROOFS 73 Specify on the plans the following information for the roof assembly, per Section 106 3 3 ANY CONSTRUCTION MATERIAL THAT IS NOT PRESCRIBED BY THE CODE SHOULD BE APPROVED BY THE ICBO OR EQUAL Manufacturer's name Product name/number ICBO approval number, or equal 74 Specify on the plans the following information for the decks assembly, per Section 10633 NO RESPONSE Manufacturer's name Product name/number ICBO approval number, or equal 75 Specify minimum 1/4 inch per foot slope for decks and balconies Section 1402 3 PLEASE THE OTHER DECK LEVELS 76 Show decks drains and overflows Size drains per Appendix D of UPC Section 1506 PLEASE THE OTHER DECK LEVELS 77 Show attic ventilation Minimum vent area is 1/150 of attic area or 1/300 of attic area if at least 50 percent of the required vent is at least 3 feet above eave or cornice vents Section 1505 3 THE RESPONSE WAS A4 0 BUT SEEMS NONE SHOWN PLEASE SHOW THE AREA REQUIRED AND AREA PROVIDED ANY RECOMMENDATIONS SHOULD BE REFLECTED ON THE ROOF PLANS AS FAR AS ITS RELATIVE LOCATION 78 Show location of attic access with a minimum size of 22"x30", unless the maximum vertical headroom height in the attic is less than 30 " Access must be provided to each separated attic area, shall be located in a hallway or other readily accessible location and 30" headroom clearance is required above the opening Section 1505 1 RESPONSE WAS A3 1 & A3 3 BUT SEEMS NONE SHOWN Carlsbad PCO5-OO05 June 6, 2005 • FIRE EXTINGUISHING 79 Fire sprinklers are required in R-1 occupancies three or more stories in height or containing 16 or more dwelling units (20 guest rooms in hotels, 20 or more occupants in congregate residences) Section 904 2 9 80 Indicate on the plans whether the sprinkler system is the residential type (13-R) If so, exceptions to, or reductions in code requirements allowed because of the installation of an automatic fire-extinguishing system are NOT permitted Section 904 1 3 SHEET A-1 SEEMS TO SHOW THE R13 • DISABLED ACCESS Provide notes and details on the plans to show compliance with the enclosed Disabled Access Review List THIS BUILDING SHOULD COMPLY TO THE HANDICAPPED REQUIREMENTS CONDOS ARE CONSIDERED MULTI FAMILY DWELLINGS IF THE NUMBER OF UNITS IS THREE OR MORE PLEASE RECONSIDER [PRIVATELY FUNDED MULTI-FAMILY DISABLED ACCESS CORRECTION CHECKLIST Note All Sections referenced are from Title 24 (2001 CBC) APPLICABILITY Scoping The California Multi-Family Disabled Access Regulations apply to newly constructed, privately funded, multi-family dwelling units, per Title 24 Section 101 179 and 1102A 4-D, as follows Apartment buildings of 3 or more dwelling units The following are the general accessibility requirements Per Section 1119A, all ground-floor units in nonelevator buildings must be adaptable and accessible Exception In multistory dwelling units i e townhouse-type construction accessibility is not required In elevator buildings ajl units on all floors must be adaptable and accessible Section 1107A 5 Exception In multistory dwelling units, i e townhouse-type construction, accessibility is not required, except for certain restroom features at the ground floor Per Section 1107A 6, when the first floor containing dwelling units is a floor above grade, i e units over a large common parking area) all units at the first floor containing the dwelling units must be adaptable and accessible This may require elevator access to reach the first floor containing the dwelling units Exception In multistory dwelling units i e , townhouse-type construction, accessibility is not required SITE DEVELOPMENT/ACCESSIBLE ROUTE OF TRAVEL ACCESSIBLE ROUTE OF TRAVEL Clearly show on plans all accessible routes of travel by lines of arrows, including the slope of the route Carlsbad PCO5-OOO5 June 6, 2005 Grade and develop the site so that accessible routes of travel are provided from public transportation stops accessible parking and accessible passenger loading zones and public streets or sidewalks to the accessible entrance they serve The accessible route shall to the extent feasible coincide with the route for the general public Section 1107A 2 1 At least one accessible route shall connect accessible buildings facilities elements and spaces that are on the same site Section 110TA 2 1 Where more than one route of travel is provided, all routes shall be accessible Section 11 OTA 3 If an accessible route has changes in level greater than Yz inch then a curb ramp, ramp elevator or platform lift shall be provided Stairs shall not be part of an accessible route Section 1107A 9 PARKING Each lot or parking structure where parking is provided for clients guests, employees or residents shall provide accessible parking Section 1118A 1 If assigned parking is provided at privately funded multifamily building sites accessible parking on an accessible route shall be provided for at least 2 percent of the covered dwelling units, but not less than one Signage is not required Section 1118A 8 When visitor parking is provided a minimum of 5 percent, but not less than one, of visitor parking shall be accessible Visitor parking shall be provided with signage Section 1118A 2 Accessible parking shall be located on the shortest possible accessible route of travel to an accessible building entrance In facilities with multiple accessible building entrances with adjacent parking accessible parking spaces shall be dispersed and located near the accessible entrances Section 1118A 1 A vertical clearance of 8 feet 2 inches shall be maintained to each required accessible parking space Private garages are exempt from the 8 feet 2 inches minimum height requirements Section 1118A 2 Each accessible space shall be 14 feet wide and outlined to provide a 9 foot parking area and a 5 foot loading and unloading area Where a single disabled parking stall is provided the loading and unloading area shall be located on the passenger side of the vehicle The words, NO PARKING shall be painted on the ground within each loading/unloading access aisle Section 1118A 4 1 One in every eight accessible spaces, but not less than one shall be served by an access aisle 96 inches side minimum and shall be designated van accessible with a sign "Van Accessible" mounted below the symbol of accessibility Section 1118A 4 2 The minimum length of each parking space shall be 18 feet Section 1118A 4 1 Surface slopes of parking spaces for physically disabled shall not exceed 1/4 inch per foot (2 percent gradient) in any direction Section 1118A 4 3 Each accessible visitor parking space shall be identified by a sign, centered between 3 feet and 5 feet above the parking surface, at the head of the parking space The sign shall include the international symbol of accessibility and state RESERVED, or equivalent language Section 1118A 5 An additional sign shall be posted in a conspicuous place at each entrance to off-street parking facilities or immediately adjacent to and visible from each stall or space The sign shall not be less than 17 inches by 22 inches in size with lettering not less than 1 inch in height, which states the following "Unauthorized vehicles parked in designated handicapped spaces not displaying distinguishing placards or license plates issued for physically disabled persons may be towed away at owner's expense Towed vehicles may be reclaimed at or by telephoning " Section 1118A5 Carlsbad PC05-OOO5 June 6, 2005 The surface of each accessible parking space or stall shall have a surface identification duplicating either of the following schemes By outlining or painting the stall or space in blue and outlining on the ground in the stall or space in white or suitable contrasting color a profile view depicting a wheelchair with occupant, or, By outlining a profile view of a wheelchair with occupant in white on blue background The profile view shall be located so that it is visible to a traffic enforcement officer when a vehicle is properly parked in the space and shall be 36 inches high by 36 inches side Section 1118A 5 CURB RAMPS Show on plans full compliance for all curb ramps included within the accessible routes of travel Full compliance will be rechecked WALKS AND SIDEWALKS Show on plans full compliance for all walks and sidewalks included within the accessible routes of travel Full compliance will be rechecked RAMPS Show on plans full compliance for all ramps included within the accessible routes of travel Full compliance will be rechecked STAIRWAYS The following requirements apply to stairs along an accessible path of travel only Stairways shall have handrails on each side Section 1003 3361 The handrails must be 34 to 38 inches above the nosing of the treads and must extend in the direction of the stair run for at least 12 inches beyond the top nosing and 12 inches plus the tread width beyond the bottom nosing Section 1120A 4 2 1 The handrail must be returned or end in newel posts or safety terminals Section 1120A 423 If the extension of the handrail in the direction of the stair run creates a hazard the extension must be made at right angles to the face of the returning wall Where the stairs are continuous from landing to landing, the inner rail must be continuous but need not extend into the landing Section 1120A 424 Handrails projecting from a wall are to be 1-1/2 inches from the wall Handrails may be located in a recess if the recess is no more than 3 inches deep and extends at least 18 inches above the top of the rail Section 1120A425 The handgrip must be between 1-1/4 to 1-1/2 inches wide or the shape must provide an equivalent smooth gripping surface Surface of handrails and walls adjacent to the handrails must be free of any sharp or abrasive elements Edges must have a minimum radius of 1/8-inch Section 1120A42 6 The nosing should not project more than 1-1/2 inches past the face of the riser below Section 1120A 432 The upper approach and lower tread to each stair and all stairway treads outside a building are to be marked by a strip of clearly contrasting color at least 2 inches wide (a painted strip is acceptable) Section 1120A 4 3 In covered multi-family buildings, open risers are not permitted Section 1120A 433 DOORWAYS Latching and locking doors that are hand activated and in a path of travel shall be operable with a single effort by lever type hardware panic bars, push-pull activating bars, or other hardware that provides passage without grasping the hardware Section 1120A 251 Carlsbad PC05-0005 June 6, 2005 The bottom 10 inches of all doors except automatic and sliding doors, must have a smooth, uninterrupted surface to allow the door to be opened by a wheelchair footrest Section 1120A 2 6 A level, clear area is to be created on each side of an exit door The level area must be 44 inches long minimum both in the direction and opposite the direction of door swing Section 1120A 242 At primary entry door to a dwelling unit with direct exterior access outside landing surfaces constructed of impervious materials such as concrete, brick or flagstone, shall be no more than 1/2 inch below the floor level of the interior of the dwelling unit Section 1120A 2 4 Thresholds at exterior doors other than primary entrances shall be no higher than 3/4 inch Such thresholds shall be beveled at a slope no greater than 1 2 Section 1120A 2 4 Exterior deck, patio or balcony surfaces shall be no more than 4 inches below the floor level of the interior of the dwelling unit Changes in level greater than 1/2-mch shall be accomplished by means of a ramp Section 1120A24 INSIDE THE UNITS INTERIOR PATHS OF TRAVEL Hallways within dwelling units shall not be less than 36" wide Section 1120A 3 Every interior opening or passage door in a covered dwelling unit must provide a minimum of 32" nominal clear space between the face of the door and the door stop, when the door is in the 90 degree open position Section 1003 3 1 3a A 34" door is acceptable and a standard 6 ft sliding glass door is acceptable All interior doors shall have a level area on the swing side of the door that extends 18" past the strike edge of the door Section 1120A243 Interior passage doors shall have landings on each side not less than 44" in the direction of travel Section 1120A242 Interior passage doors shall have hardware centered between 30" and 44" above the floor, and be openable with a single effort by lever type hardware Section 1120A 251 KITCHENS A 48" clear width shall be provided for kitchens with cabinets or fixtures on only two sides Section 1112A Base cabinets directly under the kitchen sink counter area, including toe board and shelving shall be removable without special knowledge or tools Finish flooring shall be provided on the floor beneath the counter top There is no exception to this requirement Section 1112A 4 A minimum linear length of 30 of countertop shall be provided for the kitchen sink and a minimum linear length of 30" of countertop shall be provided for a work surface both of which shall be designed to enable repositioning to a minimum height of 28 inches Section 1112A 2 Exceptions Only 5% of privately funded apartment house dwelling units are required to comply with the repositionable countertop requirements Stone cultured stone and tiled countertops may be used without meeting the repositioning requirements In privately funded apartment houses, two 15-inch minimum width breadboards maybe provided in lieu of the required 30 inches of countertop work surface Carlsbad PCO5-OOO5 June 6, 2005 The following additional provisions shall be met if repositioning of countertops is required (Section 1112A 2) Base cabinets directly under sink and work surface counter areas shall be removable to provide clearance for a wheelchair Finished flooring shall be installed on the floor beneath such countertop The side and back of adjacent cabinets, which may become exposed to moisture or food handling when a countertop is lowered, shall be constructed of durable, nonabsorbent material appropriate for such uses BATHROOMS Only one bathroom need comply Section 1109A 2 2 As a minimum all bathrooms shall conform to the following general accessibility requirements, per Section 1109A241 Light switches, outlets and thermostats shall be at the required height per the California Electrical Code Minimum 36 wide accessible route within each bathroom General door widths and strike side clearance consistent with Sections 1109A1 and 1120A Wall reinforcement for future grab bar installations Bathroom entrance doorways shall have an 18-inch clear space to the side of the strike edge of the door on the swing side of the door Table 1109A 2-2 Sufficient maneuvering space must be provided for a person using a wheelchair to enter and close the door use the fixture reopen the door and exit Table 1109A 2-2 Where the door swings into the bathroom, there must be a clear space 30 inch x 48 inch within the room to position a wheelchair clear of the path of the door as it is closed Table 1109A 2-2 There shall be a minimum clear space 48-mches parallel by 30-mches perpendicular to the side of a bathtub or bathtub-shower combination measured from the foot of the bathtub (where the controls are located) which may include maneuverable area under the lavatory Table 1109A 2-2 The water closet shall be located in a space 36 inches in width with 48 inches of clear space in front )or 48 inches in clear width with 36 inches of clear space in front) This space may include maneuverable space under a lavatory, arranged so as not to impede access Section 1109A 3 Water closet seats must be at least 15 inches above the floor Section 1109A 3 Walls must be reinforced to support grab bars Table 1109A 2-2 Vanities and lavatories shall be installed with the centerhne of the fixture a minimum of 1'6" horizontally from an adjoining wall or fixture The top of the fixture rim shall be a maximum of 2'10 above the finished floor See Table 1109A 2-1 for knee space requirements Table 1109A 2-1 If only one complying bathroom is provided then comply with the following per Section 1109A 2 2 Toilets shall be located in a manner that permit a grab bar to be installed on one side of the fixture In locations where toilets are adjacent to walls or bathtubs, the center line of the fixture must be a minimum of 1'6" from the obstacle The other (non-grab bar) side of the toilet fixture must be a minimum of 1 '6" from the finished surface of adjoining walls vanities or from the edge of a lavatory Additionally, see Table 1109A 2-2 for lavatory requirements, etc COMMON FACILITIES General All common use areas that serve adaptable dwelling units shall be accessible This includes recreation buildings, pools trails walks playgrounds, parking areas, etc Section 1105A 1 End Carlsbad PC05-OO05 June 6, 2005 • FOUNDATION 84 Provide a letter from the soils engineer confirming that the foundation plan, grading plan and specifications have been reviewed and that it has been determined that the recommendations in the soil report are properly incorporated into the plans (required by the soil report - page 11) THE RESPONSE WAS TO SEE ATTACHED BUT WHAT IS SUBMITTED IS THE UPDATED REPORT 85 Show distance from foundation to edge of cut or fill slopes ("distance-to-daylight") and show slope and heights of cuts and fills Chapter 18 86 Note on plans that surface water will dram away from building and show drainage pattern Section 1804 7 87 Show the minimum fire protection (3 hrs) for all hold-downs installed over th§ structural slab above the Parking Garage Section 106 3 3 • STRUCTURAL 89 Please provide evidence that the engmeer-of-record (or architect) has reviewed the truss calculation package prepared by others (i e , a "review" stamp on the truss calculations or a letter) Section 106 3 4 1 NO RESPONSE 90 Detail shear transfer connections, including roof and floor diaphragms, to shear walls Section 2315 Please complete the bubbles (-/S5 0) of the shear transfer details callouts at the 2nd level framing plan (sheet S3 2) and at the 3rd level framing plan (sheet S3 3) CARLSBAD SPECIAL CODE REQUIREMENTS 92 If sprinklers are required by city ordinance, then they can't be used in lieu of one-hour construction (Section 508}_ a In buildings two or more stories in height, provide an automatic sprinkler system in those areas which lie below the lowest elevation of Fire Department vehicular access, as determined by the Fire Chief Exception Detached R-3's b Automatic sprinklers are required for buildings having an aggregate floor area of 10,000 sq ft or more Area separation walls shall not be considered to create separate buildings for the purpose of automatic sprinkler system requirements c Automatic fire sprinklers required for buildings of 10.000 sq ft or more may be also used for other purposes and benefits as required or permitted bv the Uniform Building Code Exception sprinkler systems installed in one and two story residential buildings containing fewer than 16 attached dwelling units in accordance with the Carlsbad Fire Department Standards for Residential Sprinkler Systems may not be used for area increases allowed bv Chapter 5 or for exemption from any other UBCreauirement Carlsbad PC05-0005 June 6, 2005 • ADDITIONAL 95 Show on the plans all structural requirements developed in the structural calculations a) Beam B1 at the roof framing shall be 5 %" X 14" as per sheet R7 of structural calculations, instead on 4X10 as shown on sheet S3 4 NO RESPONSE b) Please show on plans the same identification number for all beams, headers and framing members, than the one used on the calculations For example beam B1 in the calculations is shown as P9 on the plans c) Please clarify where were included the structural design calculations for RJ2 Also show on plans where these joist to be installed are d) Please revise the seismic force calculation to use Ca factor of 44, instead of 4 Also please clarify where the redundancy factor included was ELECTRICAL, ENERGY, PLUMBING, and MECHANICAL CORRECTIONS PLAN REVIEWER Eric Jensen 1 The licensed designer must sign the approved set of the plans 2 This is the initial PME/ELEC plan check The previous editions of plan submittals were "Foundation Only" or did not contain the necessary PME design ELECTRICAL (1999 NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE) 3 Clarify the location of the electrical service Architectural shows a separate room, missing from the structural and electrical design A room labeled "Electrical panel room is shown on the electrical garage drawings but I believe is too narrow to house much 4 The cold water supply system is inconsistent between the Civils and architectural design If multiple water entries are made into the building (Civil), show a water bond to all of the different piping systems 5 Include either a "typical" floorplan circuiting layout or a "typical" panel schedule for the dwelling units PLUMBING (2000 UNIFORM PLUMBING CODE) 6 Please show the upstream sewer manhole rim and finished floor elevations Provide backwater valves on all building drains which serve plumbing fixtures with flood rim elevations below the upstream manhole rim elevations (Only fixtures with flood rim levels below the upstream manhole rim elevation may flow through a backwater valve ) UPC 7101 7 Civil plans have (11)1" water supplies at the street, the plumbing plans have a single 2 Vz installed to the building Please review and resolve Water pipe sizing to be checked after the final design is apparent Carlsbad PC05-0005 June 6, 2005 8 Provide a plumbing material schedule on the plans describing the following systems Potable water piping, the dram, waste, and vent piping, gas piping, and the roof drains 9 Include the height clearances required interior of the Parking garage at both the accessible and non-accessible areas 10 Clarify what style of water heater is to be installed High efficiency closed combustion chamber as shown on the floorplans or standard "B" vent as shown on sheet P4 11 Each apartment of dwelling of more than one family shall have the water supply capable of being shut-off from the remainder of the building Detail how this is accomplished Unit full way.valves or individual fixture shut-offs Note If individual fixture shut-offs are specified, detail the valve styles for the bath/showers fixtures UPC 605 3 12 Specify the control valves for the showers and tub-shower combinations as pressure balance or as thermostatic mixing valve style UPC 420 0 13 In the S-3 garage floors shall dram to an approved oil separator or trap discharging to sewers in accordance with the Plumbing code UBC Section 311231 14 Include the overflow roof drainage design Roof area, rainfall rate, pipe sizing, and drain locations on the plans (Deck areas) UBC1506, UPC 1105 1 MECHANICAL (2000 UNIFORM MECHANICAL CODE) 15 Complete the design for the garage exhaust fans Detail the duct installation (Underground and at the S3 penetration) and show how the exhaust is not directly aimed at the framing above for EF2 16 Review the mechanical design for all mechanical items Bathroom exhaust fans, range hoods, dryer ducting, dryer make-up air, outside air (See acoustical report), etc and include on the next submittal Include all 1 hour separation details 17 Include the occupancy and shaft penetration protection design for the flues and combustion air ducts fro the water heater and space heating equipment 18 Include the supply/return air duct rating protection where it penetrates through rated floor/ceiling or roof/ceiling assemblies 19 Correct the efficiency (BTU In VS Output) specification on the e mechanical schedule Carlsbad PC05-OOO5 June 6, 2005 ENERGY CONSERVATION 20 Provide plans, calculations and worksheets to show compliance with current energy standards The energy packets for Buildings 1 & 2 are missing Note If you have any questions regarding this Electrical, Plumbing, Mechanical, and Energy plan review list please contact Eric Jensen at (858) 560-1468 To speed the review process, note on this list (or a copy) where the corrected items have been addressed on the plans To speed up the review process, note on this list (or a copy) where each correction item has been addressed, i.e., plan sheet, note or detail number, calculation page, etc. Please indicate here if any changes have been made to the plans that are not a result of corrections from this list If there are other changes, please briefly describe them and where they are located in the plans Have changes been made to the plans not resulting from this correction list7 Please indicate Yes a No LJ The jurisdiction has contracted with Esgil Corporation located at 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208, San Diego, California 92123, telephone number of 858/560-1468, to perform the plan review for your project If you have any questions regarding these plan review items, please contact Bert Domingo at Esgil Corporation Thank you 1635 Faraday Ave Carlsbad CA 92008 760 602 2717 Ph 760 602 8558 Fax City Of Carlsbad Fax TO From Scott Bums Fax Pages Phone-Date Re.CC D Urgent D For Review D Please Comment D Please Reply D Please Recycle Comments To (L l**r- - 0 OS - 607^ EsGil Corporation In Partnership witfr government for (Buibfmg Safety DATE February 2, 2005 a APPLICANT JURISDICTION Carlsbad a AN-REVIEWER a FILE PLAN CHECK NO PCO5-OOO5 SET I PROJECT ADDRESS 1 1OO Las Flores Dr ^ --- . PROJECT NAME Buena Vista Village Apartmenjts^l 1 Unit w/Parking Garage The plans transmitted herewith have been corrected where necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes The plans transmitted herewith will substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes when minor deficiencies identified below are resolved and checked by building department staff The plans transmitted herewith have significant deficiencies identified on the enclosed check list and should be corrected and resubmitted for a complete recheck Aj The check list transmitted herewith is for your information The plans are being held at Esgil Corporation until corrected plans are submitted for recheck The applicant's copy of the check list is enclosed for the jurisdiction to forward to the applicant contact person A] The applicant's copy of the check list has been sent to HeberJ Hurd 40335 Winchester Road, Suite E 186, Temecula, CA 92591 Esgii Corporation staff did not advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed Xj Esgil Corporation staff did advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed Person contacted HeberJ Hurd (N|,M) Telephone # (951)926-1000 Date contacted Z-l 3.1 o5 (by C°~) Fax # Mail —'Telephone ^ Fax In Person REMARKS By Sergio Azuela Enclosures Esgtl Corporation D GA D MB D EJ D PC 1/21 trnsmtldot 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208 4 San Diego, California 92123 + (858)560-1468 + Fax (858) 560-1576 Carlsbad PCO5-OO05 February 2, 2005 JURISDICTION Carlsbad VALUATION AND PLAN CHECK FEE PLAN CHECK NO PC05-0005 PREPARED BY Sergio Azuela DATE February 2, 2005 BUILDING ADDRESS 110O Las Plores Dr Buena Vista Apartments BUILDING OCCUPANCY R-1&S-3 TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION I-FR/V-N BUILDING PORTION Apartment Bldg Parking Garage Decks/Patios Air Conditioning Fire Sprinklers TOTAL VALUE Jurisdiction Code AREA (Sq Ft) 20858 14305 7171 21588 cb Valuation Multiplier 7200 2400 1200 300 By Ordinance Reg Mod VALUE ($) 1,501,776 343,320 86,052 64,764 1,995,912 1991 UBC Building Permit Fee 1991 UBC Plan Check Fee Type of Review (U Repetitive Fee Repeats Complete Review D Other i—I Hourly Structural Only Hour* Esgil Plan Review Fee $5,086 77 $3,306 40 $2,848 59 Comments Sheet 1 of 1 macvalue doc IBLE FOR COMPLYING IONS AND SOILS REPORTS DESIGN GROUP DECEMBER 22 !A 92069 j|S!BLE FOR FIELD VERIFYING *JO ORDERING THE TRUSSES g^JFOR THE ARCHITECTS IHOULD NOT BE RELIED UPON FOR 11 UNIT CONDOMINIUM WITH BELOW GRADE — CARS PARK 2001 CALIFORNIA BUILDING CODE OCCUPANCY GROUP R DIVISION 1 GROUP U, DIVISION 1 OCCUPANCY SEPARATION R 3 / U 1 1 HOUR TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION TYPE V, NOT RATED VERTICAL LOADS ROOF LIVE LOADS FLAT ROOFS ( < 4/12) 20 PSF SLOPED ROOF (> 4/12) 16 PSF ROOF DEAD LOAD 20 PSF FLOOR LIVE LOAD 40 PSF FLOOR DEAD LOAD 12 PSF BALCONY LIVE LOAD 60 PSF LATERAL LOADS SEISMIC ZONE 4 WIND Vw2=11 8 PSF WIND Vw1=110PSF REDUNDANCY FACTOR 10 BASIS OF DESIGN EsGil Corporation In (PartnersKip witH government for Quitting Safety DATE February 2, 2005 a APPLICANT a xfljRilr^ JURISDICTION Carlsbad a PtAN~REVlEWER a FILE PLAN CHECK NO PC05-0005 SET I PROJECT ADDRESS 1100 Las Flores Dr PROJECT NAME Buena Vista Village Apartments - 11 Unit w/Parking Garage The plans transmitted herewith have been corrected where necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes The plans transmitted herewith will substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes when minor deficiencies identified below are resolved and checked by building department staff [ | The plans transmitted herewith have significant deficiencies identified on the enclosed check list and should be corrected and resubmitted for a complete recheck IXI The check list transmitted herewith is for your information The plans are being held at Esgil Corporation until corrected plans are submitted for recheck The applicant's copy of the check list is enclosed for the jurisdiction to forward to the applicant contact person XI The applicant's copy of the check list has been sent to HeberJ Hurd 40335 Winchester Road, Suite E 186, Temecula, CA 92591 Esgil Corporation staff did not advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed Esgil Corporation staff did advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed Person contacted HeberJ Hurd (>I«M) Telephone # (951) 926-1000 Date contacted 2_13>(o5 (by (<=•—) Fax # Mail -^Telephone ^ Fax In Person REMARKS By Sergio Azuela Enclosures Esgil Corporation D GA D MB D EJ D PC 1/21 trnsmtldot 9320 Chesapeake Dnve, Suite 208 + San Diego, California 92123 + (858)560-1468 * Fax (858) 560-1576 Carlsbad PC05-0005 February 2, 20O5 PLAN REVIEW CORRECTION LIST MULTI-FAMILY PLAN CHECK NO PC05-OOO5 JURISDICTION Carlsbad OCCUPANCY R-l 85S-3 USE Apartments & Parking G TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION I-FR/V-N ACTUAL AREA 20,858 SF/R-1 14,305 SF/S-3 ALLOWABLE FLOOR AREA 12K STORIES 3/Parking G The buildings above the Parking G shall be V-lhr HEIGHT SPRINKLERS'? Not shown OCCUPANT LOAD REMARKS DATE PLANS RECEIVED BY DATE PLANS RECEIVED BY JURISDICTION ESGIL CORPORATION 1/21 DATE INITIAL PLAN REVIEW PLAN REVIEWER Sergio Azuela COMPLETED February 2, 2005 FOREWORD (PLEASE READ) This plan review is limited to the technical requirements contained in the Uniform Building Code, Uniform Plumbing Code, Uniform Mechanical Code, National Electrical Code and state laws regulating energy conservation, noise attenuation and access for the disabled This plan review is based on regulations enforced by the Building Department You may have other corrections based on laws and ordinance by the Planning Department, Engineering Department, Fire Department or other departments Clearance from those departments may be required prior to the issuance of a building permit Present California law mandates that residential construction comply with Title 24 and the following model codes 1997 UBC, 2000 UPC, 2000 UMC and 1999 NEC (all effective 11/1/02) The above regulations apply to residential construction, regardless of the code editions adopted by ordinance The following items listed need clarification, modification or change All items must be satisfied before the plans will be in conformance with the cited codes and regulations Per Sec 106 4 3, 1997 Uniform Building Code, the approval of the plans does not permit the violation of any state, county or city law To speed up the recheck process, please note on this list (or a copy) where each correction item has been addressed, i e. plan sheet number, specification section, etc Be sure to enclose the marked up list when you submit the revised plans LIST NO 16 R 1 GENERAL WITHOUT ENERGY OR POLICY SUPPLEMENTS (1997 UBC ) rlforw dot Carlsbad PC05-0005 February 2, 2005 • GENERAL 1 Please make all corrections on the original tracings, as requested in the correction list Submit three sets of plans for commercial/industrial projects (two sets of plans for residential projects) For expeditious processing, corrected sets can be submitted in one of two ways 1 Deliver all corrected sets of plans and calculations/reports directly to the City of Carlsbad Building Department, 1635 Faraday Ave , Carlsbad, CA 92008, (760) 602-2700 The City will route the plans to EsGil Corporation and the Carlsbad Planning, Engineering and Fire Departments 2 Bring one corrected set of plans and calculations/reports to EsGil Corporation, 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208, San Diego, CA 92123, (858) 560-1468 Deliver all remaining sets of plans and calculations/reports directly to the City of Carlsbad Building Department for routing to their Planning, Engineering and Fire Departments NOTE Plans that are submitted directly to EsGil Corporation only will not be reviewed by the City Planning, Engineering and Fire Departments until review by EsGil Corporation is complete • PLANS 2 Provide a statement on the Title Sheet of the plans stating that this project shall comply with the 2001 edition of the California Building Code (Title 24), which adopts the 1997 UBC, 2000 UMC, 2000 UPC and the 1999 NEC 3 All sheets of the plans and the first sheet of the calculations are required to be signed by the California licensed architect or engineer responsible for the plan preparation Please include the California license number, seal, date of license expiration and the date the plans are signed Business and Professions Code 4 Provide a Building Code Data Legend on the Title Sheet Include the following code information for each building proposed 4 Occupancy Group R-1 and S-3 * Type of Construction I-FR for the Parking Garage, and the apartment buildings shall be V-1hr as minimum * Sprinklers Yes or No * Stories 3 over the Parking Garage * Height + Justification to exceed allowable area in Table 5-B * Justification to exceed allowable height or stories in Table 5-B Carlsbad PCO5-0005 February 2, 2O05 5 On the cover sheet of the plans, specify any items requiring special inspection, in a format similar to that shown below Section 106 3 3 • REQUIRED SPECIAL INSPECTIONS In addition to the regular inspections, the following checked items will also require Special Inspection in accordance with Sec 1701 of the Uniform Building Code ITEM REQUIRED? REMARKS SOILS COMPLIANCE PRIOR TO YES SOILS REPORT FOUNDATION INSPECTION 6 When special inspection is required, the designer shall complete the attached Special Inspection Notice 7 On the cover sheet of the plans, specify any items that will have a deferred submittal (trusses, etc ) Additionally, provide the following note on the plans, per Sec 106 3 4 2 "Submittal documents for deferred submittal items shall be submitted to the architect or engineer of record, who shall review them and forward them to the building official with a notation indicating that the deferred submittal documents have been reviewed and that they have been found to be in general conformance with the design of the building The deferred submittal items shall NOT be installed until their design and submittal documents have been approved by the building official" • SITE PLAN 8 Provide a statement on the site plan stating "All property lines, easements and buildings, both existing and proposed, are shown on this site plan " 9 Show on the site plan all proposed walls, retaining walls and fences Specify their heights on the plans Provide construction details if a part of this permit • BUILDING AREA 10 Provide on the Title Sheet of the plans the code justification for exceeding the basic allowable area in Table 5-B Section 504 11 As shown, the buildmg(s) is/are over area for the Type of Construction shown Table 5-B 12 No single story can exceed the basic area allowed by Table 5-B plus the increases allowed by Section 505 Carlsbad PCO5-OO05 February 2, 20O5 • BUILDING HEIGHT/STORIES 13 The number of stories cannot exceed that shown in Table 5-B Show the code basts for the number of stories as shown a) The building is a three story and the maximum allowable number of stories for a V-N is two stories • FIRE-RESISTIVE CONSTRUCTION 14 Walls and floors separating dwelling units in the same building, or guest rooms in hotels, shall be of not less than one-hour fire-resistive construction Section 31022 15 Group R, Division 1 occupancies more than two stories in height, or having more than 3,000 sq ft of floor area above the first story shall be not less than one-hour fire-resistive construction throughout except as provided in Section 601 522 Section 310 2 2 16 Where one-hour fire-resistive construction is required, an approved automatic sprinkler system, when not otherwise required, may be substituted for the one-hour construction However, the fire sprinkler system shall not waive or reduce fire-resistive requirements for occupancy separation, exterior walls due to location on property, area separation walls, dwelling unit separations, shaft enclosures, corridor protection, stair enclosures, corridor protection, stair enclosures, exit passageways, type of construction separation per Section 601 1 and enclosures for boilers and heating plants Section 508 17 Provide details of the one-hour fire-resistive construction Include roof/ceiling assemblies, floor/ceiling assemblies, wall assemblies, column and beam assemblies, etc 18 Detail and reference I C B O number or other approval for horizontal fire assembly using trusses Item 21-1 1 in Table 7-C requires 2 layers of 5/8" Type X gypsum wallboard at the bottom chords of trusses Section 704 2 8 19 Fire-resistive exterior wall construction shall be maintained through attic areas or other areas containing concealed spaces Section 709 3 1 20 Detail how one-hour fire-resistive wall construction is maintained at built-in wall fixtures and behind mailboxes, fire extinguisher cabinets, electric panels exceeding 16 square inches in area, etc Section 709 7 21 Detail how fire-resistive wall and ceiling protection will be maintained at all duct penetrations such as at bathroom and kitchen hood fans, laundry room fans and dryer vents Also detail recessed light fixtures Sections 709, 710 Carlsbad PCO5-OOO5 February 2, 2OO5 22 Fire dampers shall be installed per Section 713 11 at all ducted or unducted air openings at penetrations of a) Ceilings of fire-resistive floor-ceiling assemblies or roof-ceiling assemblies b) Shaft enclosures 23 Smoke dampers shall be installed per Section 713 10 at all ducted or unducted air openings at penetrations of a) Shaft enclosures b) Elevator lobbies required by Section 3002 24 If smoke dampers are required, the plans shall show the locations of the smoke detectors (installed in accordance with the Fire Code) listed in the options of Section 713 10oftheUBC 25 Provide a note on the plans stating "Penetrations of fire-resistive walls, floor- ceilings and roof-ceilings shall be protected as required in UBC Sections 709 and 710" 26 Clearly identify location and hourly fire-resistive rating of vertical shafts on the plans Provide construction details showing location of fire dampers and how fire resistivity will be maintained at floors and roofs Section 711 27 Detail column fire protection and specify column impact protection in garage areas per Section 704 2 5 As a minimum, show a 22 ga steel jacket around each column to a height of 3 feet above the ground for impact protection • OCCUPANCY SEPARATION 28 An S-3 occupancy in the basement or first story of a building housing a Group B, Group A, Division 3, Group M or Group R, Division 1 occupancy may be classed as a separate building The building above may also be considered a separate and distinct building for the purpose of area limitation, limitation of number of stories and type of construction ONLY if the conditions of Section 311221 are met a) S-3 is Type I construction b) S-3 is separated from the uses above by a three-hour occupancy separation c) S-3 is restricted to passenger vehicle storage, entry lobbies and mechanical equipment rooms (no storage, recreation room, etc ) Exception Group A, Division 3, Group B (office and drinking/dining) and Group M (retail) occupancies may be below the 3-hour separation, provided the entire area below the 3-hour separation is protected throughout by an automatic sprinkler system d) The maximum building height does not exceed the limits in Table 5-B for the least type of construction Carlsbad PCO5-OOO5 February 2, 2OO5 29 All openings in floors forming a three-hour separation shall be protected by vertical enclosures above and below the opening The walls of such enclosures shall be not less than two-hour fire-resistive construction, and openings therein shall be protected by a one and one-half-hour assembly Section 302 3 (see the exception therein) Provide a door (3 hr) to separate the stairway shaft enclosure adjacent to the elevator at the Garage level 30 Openings in a three-hour fire-resistive separation shall be protected by a three-hour assembly, and openings may not exceed 25 percent of the length of wall in the story and no single opening shall exceed 120 sq ft Section 302 2 • SOUND TRANSMISSION 31 Wall and floor/ceiling assemblies separating dwelling units from each other and from common space (such as corridors, laundry rooms, common garages, service areas, etc ) must have a listed rating of STC 50 and 11C 50 Show the location of and provide details of the listed wall and floor/ceiling assemblies, and indicate the listing agency and listing number for the tested ratings 32 Show how penetrations of assemblies for piping, electrical devices, recessed cabinets, bathtubs, soffits or heating, ventilating or exhaust ducts shall be sealed, lined or insulated or treated to maintain the required sound ratings 33 Dwelling unit entrance doors from interior corridors together with their perimeter seals shall have a STC rating of not less than 26 34 The Title Sheet or Site Plan should clearly indicate if any portion of the project is in a noise critical area (CNEL contours of 60 dB) as shown on the City or County's General Plan If no portion of the project is within a noise critical area, provide a note on the Title Sheet stating "This project is not within a noise critical area (CNEL contour of 60 dB) as shown on the General Plan" 35 If the project is located in noise critical areas (CNEL contours of 60 dB) as shown on the City or County's General Plan, then an acoustical analysis showing that the proposed building has been designed to limit noise in habitable rooms to CNEL of forty-five dB is required Where windows must be closed to comply, it is necessary to provide mechanical ventilation capable of providing at least two air changes per hour Provide design • EXITS 36 In all occupancies, floors above the first story having ten or more occupants, shall have not less than two exits Two or more dwelling units on the second story may have access to only one common exit when the occupant load tributary to the stairway does not exceed ten Section 1004 232 a) Two exits shall be provided from the second floor deck Carlsbad PC05-OOO5 February 2, 2O05 37 Occupants on floors above the second story and in basements shall have access to not less than two separate exits Section 1004 232 Exceptions a) Except per Table 10-A, only one exit need be provided from the second level or a basement within an individual unit b) When the third floor within an individual unit does not exceed 500 sq ft, only one exit need be provided from that floor c) Two exits shall be provided from the third floor at Units C, D, F and G, also from the occupied roof deck 38 Exits should have a minimum separation of one-half the maximum overall diagonal dimension of the building or area served Section 1004 2 4 39 The maximum number of required exits and their required separation must be maintained until egress is provided from the structure Section 1004 231 40 Regardless of occupant load, a floor or landing not more than 1 inch (1/2-inch if disabled access is required) below the threshold is required on each side of an exit door Section 1003 3 1 6 • STAIRWAYS AND ELEVATORS 41 Stairway width must be at least 44 inches when serving 50 or more occupants, 36 inches when less than 50 Section 1003 3 2 42 Stairway handrails should not project more than 3-1/2 inches into the required width Trim and stringers may not project more than 1-1/2 inches Section 1003332 43 Stairway riser must be four inches minimum and seven inches maximum and minimum run shall be eleven inches except in winding, circular or spiral stairways, or private stairways serving less than 10 which may have an eight inch rise and nine inch run Section 1003 333 44 A minimum headroom clearance of 6'-8" for stairways should be indicated on the plans Section 1003 334 Note that this is from a plane tangent to the stairway tread nosing 45 Stairways from upper levels which extend below the level from which egress from the building is provided, shall have an approved barrier to preclude exiting into such lower levels Section 1005 334 46 Winding stairways are permitted only when serving R-3 or a single unit in R-1 Section 1003338 a) Stairway at common areas shall not be "Winding Stairways" Carlsbad PC05-0005 February 2, 2OO5 47 Provide details of winding stairway a) Minimum tread is six inches at any point and a minimum nine inches at a point twelve inches from where the treads are narrowest b) Maximum rise is eight inches c) Minimum width is thirty-six inches Section 1003 3382 48 All interior stairways and ramps shall be enclosed In other than H and I occupancies, an enclosure is not required if serving only one adjacent floor and not connected to stairs or corridors serving other floors Section 1005 331, Exception 1 49 Stairways should be enclosed as specified in Section 1005 3 3 a) Two-hour fire-resistive walls are required in buildings of Type I and II-F R construction and in all buildings four or more stories in height, and one-hour elsewhere b) Only exit doors are allowed to open into exit enclosures c) Doors should be labeled one and one-half hours or one-hour fire assemblies, and noted that the maximum transmitted temperature end point shall not exceed 450 degrees (F) above ambient at the end of 30 minutes of the fire exposure specified in UBC Standard 7-2 d) Exit enclosures should include a corridor on the ground floor extending to the exterior (see exception) Fire-resistive construction should be as required for the exit enclosure, including protected openings Only exit doors are permitted to open into the corridor e) An approved barrier is required at the ground floor to prevent people from accidentally continuing to the lower level f) Usable space is not allowed under the stairs g) Clearly show it on plans for the stairways adjacent to the elevator 50 Handrails (Section 1003 3 3 6) a) Handrails are required on each side of stairways Stairways less than 44" wide or stairways serving one dwelling unit may have one handrail (if not open on both sides) b) Private stairways (1 tenant) need only have a handrail on one side if 30" or less in height c) Handrails and handrail extensions shall be 34" to 38" above nosing of treads and be continuous d) Except for private stairways, at least one rail shall extend 12" beyond the top and bottom risers e) Ends of handrails shall be returned or shall have rounded terminations or bends f) The handgrip portion of all handrails shall be not less than 1-1/4 inches nor more than 2 inches in cross-sectional dimension Handrails projecting from walls shall have at least 1-1/2 inches between the wall and the handrail g) Clearly show it on plans for all stairways 51 Buildings four or more stories in height shall have a stairway numbering system complying with Section 1003 3 3 13 Carlsbad PCO5-OOO5 February 2, 2OO5 52 Elevators shall be enclosed in a one-hour shaft except in Type I and Type II F R construction where the elevator shall be in a two hour shaft Section 711 53 Every opening into an elevator shaft enclosure shall be protected by a self-closing fire assembly having a one-hour fire rating in one-hour shafts and one and one-half hours in two hour shafts Section 7114 54 Elevator shafts extending through more than two floor levels shall be vented to the outside The area of vent shall be not less than 3 1/2% of the shaft area and a minimum of 3 square feet per elevator Section 3004 55 When the elevator vertical travel is 25' or more, the elevator lobby or entrance area shall be provided with an approved smoke detector as required by Section 30032 56 Provide clear inside elevator car dimensions as required by Title 24 a) In high-rise buildings, A/E/I occupancies, State-owned buildings, residential care homes, hotels, motels, apartments and condominiums 80" by 54," with a 42-inch side slide door b) Elevator in buildings more than two stories or buildings where disabled access is required to upper level(s) 68" by 54", with a minimum clear door width of 36" c) Elevators other than in (b) above serving less than 50 occupants shall have a minimum inside platform of 4 feet 6 inches by 4 feet 6 inches and a minimum clear door width of 36 inches 57 Provide notes, details or specifications to show the elevator will comply with UBC Sections 3002-3007 and Title 24 . EXIT SIGNS 58 Exit signs are required whenever two exits are required Show all required exit sign locations Section 1003 282 59 When exit signs are required, additional approved low-level exit signs which are internally or externally illuminated, or self-luminous, shall be provided in all exit corridors serving guest rooms of hotels Section 1007 6 2 60 If exit signs are required, provide the following notes on the plans, per Section 1003282 d) Exit signs shall be located as necessary to clearly indicate the direction of egress travel No point shall be more than 100 feet from the nearest visible sign e) Exit signs shall be readily visible from any direction of approach 61 Show two sources of power for the lamps at exit signs Section 1003 285 Carlsbad PC05-OOO5 February 2, 2OO5 62 Show that exits are lighted with at least one foot candle at floor level Section 1003292 • R-1 GENERAL OCCUPANCY REQUIREMENTS 63 Every apartment house three stories or more in height or containing 16 or more dwelling units (and every hotel three or more stories in height or containing 20 or more guest rooms and in congregate residences three or more stories in height or having an occupant load of 20 or more) shall have an approved manual and automatic fire alarm system as specified in the Fire Code Section 310 10 (see exceptions) 64 Draft stops shall be installed in floor-ceilings, attics, mansards and similar concealed spaces and shall be above and in line with walls separating units from each other and from other uses Section 708 3112 65 Openable window area in habitable rooms must be 1/20 of the floor area and a minimum of 5 square feet In bathrooms, laundry rooms and similar rooms, 1/20 of area is required and minimum is 1 5 sq ft Section 1203 3 Please clearly show on plans the type of windows for all windows (casement, sliding, fixed, etc) 66 Provide mechanical ventilation capable of providing five air changes per hour in bathrooms, water closet compartments, laundry rooms and similar rooms if required openable windows are not provided Section 1203 3 67 Note that the discharge point for exhaust air will be at least 3 feet from any opening which allows air entry into occupied portions of the building Section 12033 68 Within units, show that corridors/hallways have a minimum width of 36 inches Sections 1004 3 4 2 and 1004 3 3 2 a) Clearly show it on plans at Units B and H 69 Show locations of permanently wired smoke detectors with battery backup a) Inside each bedroom b) Centrally located in corridor or area giving access to sleeping rooms c) On each story d) When sleeping rooms are upstairs, at the upper level in close proximity to the stair e) In rooms adjacent to hallways serving bedrooms, when such rooms have a ceiling height 24 inches or more above the ceiling height in the hallway NOTE Detectors shall sound an alarm audible in all sleeping areas of the unit Section 3109 1 Carlsbad PC05-O005 February 2, 2OO5 70 Glazing in the following locations should be of safety glazing material in accordance with Section 2406 4 (see exceptions) a) Fixed and sliding panels of sliding door assemblies and panels in swinging doors other than wardrobe doors b) Fixed or operable panels adjacent to a door where the nearest exposed edge of the glazing is within a 24-inch arc of either vertical edge of the door in a closed position and where the bottom exposed edge of the glazing is less than 60 inches above the walking surface • Windows E, F, K and L of Units C, D, J & K • Windows E, F, K and L of Units A, E, I & F • Windows E, F, K and L of Units B & H c) Walls enclosing stairway landings or within 5 feet of the bottom and top of stairways where the bottom edge of the glass is less than 60 inches above a walking surface 71 Guardrails (Section 509 1) a) Shall have a height of 42" Within individual dwelling units and guest rooms, guardrails may be 36" high Therefore, guardrails outside of units must be at least 42" high (and guardrails within units may be 36" high) b) Shall be detailed showing adequacy of connections to resist the horizontal force prescribed in Table 16-B c) Openings between railings shall be less than 4" The triangular openings formed by the riser, tread and bottom element of a guardrail at a stair shall be less than 6" 72 Parking garages m connection with R-l occupancies shall have an unobstructed headroom clearance of not less than 7 feet above the finish floor to any ceiling, beam, pipe or similar construction except for wall-mounted shelves, storage surfaces, racks or cabinets Section 311 233 • ROOFS 73 Specify on the plans the following information for the roof assembly, per Section 10633 a) Manufacturer's name b) Product name/number c) ICBO approval number, or equal 74 Specify on the plans the following information for the decks assembly, per Section 1063 3 a) Manufacturer's name b) Product name/number c) ICBO approval number, or equal 75 Specify minimum 1/4 inch per foot slope for decks and balconies Section 14023 Carlsbad PC05-OO05 February 2, 2OO5 76 Show decks drains and overflows Size drains per Appendix D of UPC Section 1506 77 Show attic ventilation Minimum vent area is 1/150 of attic area or 1/300 of attic area if at least 50 percent of the required vent is at least 3 feet above eave or cornice vents Section 1505 3 78 Show location of attic access with a minimum size of 22"x30", unless the maximum vertical headroom height in the attic is less than 30 " Access must be provided to each separated attic area, shall be located in a hallway or other readily accessible location and 30" headroom clearance is required above the opening Section 15051 • FIRE EXTINGUISHING 79 Fire sprinklers are required in R-1 occupancies three or more stories in height or containing 16 or more dwelling units (20 guest rooms in hotels, 20 or more occupants in congregate residences) Section 904 2 9 80 Indicate on the plans whether the sprinkler system is the residential type (13-R) If so, exceptions to, or reductions in code requirements allowed because of the installation of an automatic fire-extinguishing system are NOT permitted Section 9041 3 81 Note on the plans "When serving more than 100 sprinkler heads, automatic sprinkler systems shall be supervised by an approved central, proprietary or remote, station service, or shall be provided with a local alarm which will give an audible signal at a constantly attended location " Section 904 3 • DISABLED ACCESS Provide notes and details on the plans to show compliance with the enclosed Disabled Access Review List PRIVATELY FUNDED MULTI-FAMILY DISABLED ACCESS CORRECTION CHECKLIST Note All Sections referenced are from Title 24 (2001 CBC) • APPLICABILITY Scoping 1 The California Multi-Family Disabled Access Regulations apply to newly constructed privately funded multi-family dwelling units, per Title 24 Section 101 179 and 1102A 4-D as follows a) Apartment buildings of 3 or more dwelling units Carlsbad PCO5-OOO5 February 2, 20O5 2 The following are the general accessibility requirements a) Per Section 1119A, all ground-floor units in nonelevator buildings must be adaptable and accessible Exception In multistory dwelling units i e townhouse-type construction, accessibility is not required b) In elevator buildings, all units on all floors must be adaptable and accessible Section 1107A 5 Exception In multistory dwelling units, i e townhouse-type construction accessibility is not required, except for certain restroom features at the ground floor c) Per Section 11 OTA 6 when the first floor containing dwelling units is a floor above grade i e units over a large common parking area) all units at the first floor containing the dwelling units must be adaptable and accessible This may require elevator access to reach the first floor containing the dwelling units Exception In multistory dwelling units, i e , townhouse-type construction accessibility is not required • SITE DEVELOPMENT/ACCESSIBLE ROUTE OF TRAVEL • ACCESSIBLE ROUTE OF TRAVEL • Clearly show on plans all accessible routes of travel by lines of arrows, including the slope of the route (-> -> -> X%^ -» -») 3 Grade and develop the site so that accessible routes of travel are provided from public transportation stops accessible parking and accessible passenger loading zones and public streets or sidewalks to the accessible entrance they serve The accessible route shall to the extent feasible coincide with the route for the general public Section 1107A21 4 At least one accessible route shall connect accessible buildings facilities elements and spaces that are on the same site Section 1107A 2 1 5 Where more than one route of travel is provided all routes shall be accessible Section 1107A3 6 If an accessible route has changes in level greater than 1/2 inch then a curb ramp ramp elevator or platform lift shall be provided Stairs shall not be part of an accessible route Section 1107A9 • PARKING 7 Each lot or parking structure where parking is provided for clients guests employees or residents shall provide accessible parking Section 1118A 1 8 If assigned parking is provided at privately funded multifamily building sites accessible parking on an accessible route shall be provided for at least 2 percent of the covered dwelling units, but not less than one Signage is not required Section 1118A 8 9 When visitor parking is provided a minimum of 5 percent but not less than one of visitor parking shall be accessible Visitor parking shall be provided with signage Section 1118A2 10 Accessible parking shall be located on the shortest possible accessible route of travel to an accessible building entrance In facilities with multiple accessible building entrances with adjacent parking accessible parking spaces shall be dispersed and located near the accessible entrances Section 1118A 1 Carlsbad PC05-OOO5 February 2, 2OO5 11 A vertical clearance of 8 feet 2 inches shall be maintained to each required accessible parking space Private garages are exempt from the 8 feet 2 inches minimum height requirements Section 1118A 2 12 Each accessible space shall be 14 feet wide and outlined to provide a 9 foot parking area and a 5 foot loading and unloading area Where a single disabled parking stall is provided, the loading and unloading area shall be located on the passenger side of the vehicle The words, NO PARKING" shall be painted on the ground within each loading/unloading access aisle Section 1118A 4 1 13 One in every eight accessible spaces, but not less than one shall be served by an access aisle 96 inches side minimum and shall be designated van accessible with a sign "Van Accessible" mounted below the symbol of accessibility Section 1118A 4 2 14 The minimum length of each parking space shall be 18 feet Section 1118A 4 1 15 Surface slopes of parking spaces for physically disabled shall not exceed 1/4 inch per foot (2 percent gradient) in any direction Section 1118A 4 3 16 Each accessible visitor parking space shall be identified by a sign centered between 3 feet and 5 feet above the parking surface at the head of the parking space The sign shall include the international symbol of accessibility and state RESERVED, or equivalent language Section 1118A 5 17 An additional sign shall be posted in a conspicuous place at each entrance to off-street parking facilities or immediately adjacent to and visible from each stall or space The sign shall not be less than 17 inches by 22 inches in size with lettering not less than 1 inch in height, which states the following 'Unauthorized vehicles parked in designated handicapped spaces not displaying distinguishing placards or license plates issued for physically disabled persons may be towed away at owner's expense Towed vehicles may be reclaimed at or by telephoning " Section 1118A 5 18 The surface of each accessible parking space or stall shall have a surface identification duplicating either of the following schemes a) By outlining or painting the stall or space in blue and outlining on the ground in the stall or space in white or suitable contrasting color a profile view depicting a wheelchair with occupant or b) By outlining a profile view of a wheelchair with occupant in white on blue background The profile view shall be located so that it is visible to a traffic enforcement officer when a vehicle is properly parked in the space and shall be 36 inches high by 36 inches side Section 1118A 5 • CURB RAMPS • Show on plans full compliance for all curb ramps included within the accessible routes of travel Full compliance will be rechecked • WALKS AND SIDEWALKS • Show on plans full compliance for all walks and sidewalks included within the accessible routes of travel Full compliance will be rechecked • RAMPS • Show on plans full compliance for all ramps included within the accessible routes of travel Full compliance will be rechecked Carlsbad PC05-O005 February 2, 2005 • STAIRWAYS The following requirements apply to stairs along an accessible path of travel only 19 Stairways shall have handrails on each side Section 1003 3361 20 The handrails must be 34 to 38 inches above the nosing of the treads and must extend in the direction of the stair run for at least 12 inches beyond the top nosing and 12 inches plus the tread width beyond the bottom nosing Section 1120A 4 2 1 21 The handrail must be returned or end in newel posts or safety terminals Section 1120A423 22 If the extension of the handrail in the direction of the stair run creates a hazard, the extension must be made at right angles to the face of the returning wall Where the stairs are continuous from landing to landing the inner rail must be continuous but need not extend into the landing Section 1120A 424 23 Handrails projecting from a wall are to be 1-1/2 inches from the wall Handrails may be located in a recess if the recess is no more than 3 inches deep and extends at least 18 inches above the top of the rail Section 1120A 425 24 The handgrip must be between 1-1/4 to 1-1/2 inches wide or the shape must provide an equivalent smooth gripping surface Surface of handrails and walls adjacent to the handrails must be free of any sharp or abrasive elements Edges must have a minimum radius of 1/8-inch Section 1120A 426 25 The nosing should not project more than 1-1/2 inches past the face of the riser below Section1120A432 26 The upper approach and lower tread to each stair and all stairway treads outside a building are to be marked by a strip of clearly contrasting color at least 2 inches wide (a painted strip is acceptable) Section 1120A 4 3 27 In covered multi-family buildings, open risers are not permitted Section 1120A 433 • DOORWAYS 28 Latching and locking doors that are hand activated and in a path of travel shall be operable with a single effort by lever type hardware panic bars push-pull activating bars or other hardware that provides passage without grasping the hardware Section 1120A251 29 The bottom 10 inches of all doors except automatic and sliding doors must have a smooth, uninterrupted surface to allow the door to be opened by a wheelchair footrest Section 1120A26 30 A level clear area is to be created on each side of an exit door The level area must be 44 inches long minimum both in the direction and opposite the direction of door swing Section 1120A242 31 At primary entry door to a dwelling unit with direct exterior access, outside landing surfaces constructed of impervious materials such as concrete, brick or flagstone, shall be no more than 1/2 inch below the floor level of the interior of the dwelling unit Section 1120A24 Carlsbad PCO5-OOO5 February 2, 2OO5 32 Thresholds at exterior doors other than primary entrances shall be no higher than 3/4 inch Such thresholds shall be beveled at a slope no greater than 1 2 Section 1120A24 33 Exterior deck, patio, or balcony surfaces shall be no more than 4 inches below the floor level of the interior of the dwelling unit Changes in level greater than Vz-mch shall be accomplished by means of a ramp Section 1120A 2 4 • INSIDE THE UNITS • INTERIOR PATHS OF TRAVEL 34 Hallways within dwelling units shall not be less than 36" wide Section 1120A 3 35 Every interior opening or passage door in a covered dwelling unit must provide a minimum of 32" nominal clear space between the face of the door and the door stop when the door is in the 90 degree open position Section 1003 3 1 3a A 34" door is acceptable, and a standard 6 ft sliding glass door is acceptable 36 All interior doors shall have a level area on the swing side of the door that extends 18" past the strike edge of the door Section 1120A 243 37 Interior passage doors shall have landings on each side not less than 44" in the direction of travel Section 1120A 242 38 Interior passage doors shall have hardware centered between 30" and 44" above the floor, and be openable with a single effort by lever type hardware Section 1120A 2 5 1 • KITCHENS 39 A 48" clear width shall be provided for kitchens with cabinets or fixtures on only two sides Section 1112A 40 Base cabinets directly under the kitchen sink counter area including toe board and shelving shall be removable without special knowledge or tools Finish flooring shall be provided on the floor beneath the counter top There is no exception to this requirement Section 1112A4 41 A minimum linear length of 30 of countertop shall be provided for the kitchen sink, and a minimum linear length of 30 of countertop shall be provided for a work surface both of which shall be designed to enable repositioning to a minimum height of 28 inches Section 1112A2 Exceptions 1) Only 5% of privately funded apartment house dwelling units are required to comply with the repositionable countertop requirements 2) Stone cultured stone and tiled countertops may be used without meeting the repositioning requirements 3) In privately funded apartment houses two 15-inch minimum width breadboards may be provided in lieu of the required 30 inches of countertop work surface Carlsbad PC05-O005 February 2, 2O05 42 The following additional provisions shall be met if repositioning of countertops is required (Section 1112A 2) 1) Base cabinets directly under sink and work surface counter areas, shall be removable to provide clearance for a wheelchair 2) Finished flooring shall be installed on the floor beneath such countertop 3) The side and back of adjacent cabinets which may become exposed to moisture or food handling when a countertop is lowered shall be constructed of durable, nonabsorbent material appropriate for such uses • BATHROOMS 43 Only one bathroom need comply Section 1109A 2 2 44 As a minimum, all bathrooms shall conform to the following general accessibility requirements per Section 1109A 2 4 1 a) Light switches outlets and thermostats shall be at the required height per the California Electrical Code b) Minimum 36 wide accessible route within each bathroom c) General door widths and strike side clearance consistent with Sections 1109A1 and1120A d) Wall reinforcement for future grab bar installations 45 Bathroom entrance doorways shall have an 18-inch clear space to the side of the strike edge of the door on the swing side of the door Table 1109A 2-2 46 Sufficient maneuvering space must be provided for a person using a wheelchair to enter and close the door use the fixture, reopen the door and exit Table 1109A 2-2 47 Where the door swings into the bathroom there must be a clear space 30 inch x 48 inch within the room to position a wheelchair clear of the path of the door as it is closed Table 1109A2-2 48 There shall be a minimum clear space 48-mches parallel by 30-mches perpendicular to the side of a bathtub or bathtub-shower combination measured from the foot of the bathtub (where the controls are located) which may include maneuverable area under the lavatory Table 1109A 2-2 49 The water closet shall be located in a space 36 inches in width with 48 inches of clear space in front )or 48 inches in clear width with 36 inches of clear space in front) This space may include maneuverable space under a lavatory arranged so as not to impede access Section 1109A 3 50 Water closet seats must be at least 15 inches above the floor Section 1109A 3 51 Walls must be reinforced to support grab bars Table 1109A 2-2 52 Vanities and lavatories shall be installed with the centerlme of the fixture a minimum of 1'6" horizontally from an adjoining wall or fixture The top of the fixture rim shall be a maximum of 2'10 above the finished floor See Table 1109A 2-1 for knee space requirements Table 1109A 2-1 Carlsbad PCO5-OOO5 February 2, 20O5 53 If only one complying bathroom is provided, then comply with the following per Section 1109A 2 2 Toilets shall be located in a manner that permit a grab bar to be installed on one side of the fixture In locations where toilets are adjacent to walls or bathtubs, the center line of the fixture must be a minimum of 1 "6" from the obstacle The other (non- grab bar) side of the toilet fixture must be a minimum of 1 6" from the finished surface of adjoining walls vanities or from the edge of a lavatory Additionally see Table 1109A 2-2 for lavatory requirements, etc • COMMON FACILITIES 54 General All common use areas that serve adaptable dwelling units shall be accessible This includes recreation buildings pools, trails walks, playgrounds parking areas, etc Section 1105A1 End • MISCELLANEOUS LIFE/SAFETY 82 Provide complete PME plans and calculations Additional corrections may follow • FOUNDATION 83 Provide a copy of the project soil report prepared by a California licensed architect or civil engineer The report shall include foundation design recommendations based on the engineer's findings and shall comply with UBC Section 1804 a) The soils report was expired on December 22, 2001 Please provide a letter from the soils engineer updating the findings and conclusions of the soils report 84 Provide a letter from the soils engineer confirming that the foundation plan, grading plan and specifications have been reviewed and that it has been determined that the recommendations in the soil report are properly incorporated into the plans (required by the soil report - page 11) 85 Show distance from foundation to edge of cut or fill slopes ("distance-to- daylight") and show slope and heights of cuts and fills Chapter 18 86 Note on plans that surface water will dram away from building and show drainage pattern Section 1804 7 87 Show the minimum fire protection (3 hrs) for all hold-downs installed over the structural slab above the Parking Garage Section 106 3 3 • STRUCTURAL 88 Provide truss details and truss calculations for this project Specify on the plans the truss identification numbers Carlsbad PCO5-0005 February 2, 2OO5 89 Please provide evidence that the engmeer-of-record (or architect) has reviewed the truss calculation package prepared by others (i e , a "review" stamp on the truss calculations or a letter) Section 106 3 4 1 90 Detail shear transfer connections, including roof and floor diaphragms, to shear walls Section 2315 a) Please complete the bubbles (-/S5 0) of the shear transfer details callouts at the 2nd level framing plan (sheet S3 2) and at the 3rd level framing plan (sheet S3 3) • CARLSBAD SPECIAL CODE REQUIREMENTS 91 Roof coverings, other than wood shakes and shingles, shall be Class A 92 If sprinklers are required by city ordinance, then they can't be used in lieu of one-hour construction (Section 508) 93 a In buildings two or more stories in height, provide an automatic sprinkler system in those areas which he below the lowest elevation of Fire Department vehicular access, as determined by the Fire Chief Exception Detached R-3's b Automatic sprinklers are required for buildings having an aggregate floor area of 10,000 sq ft or more Area separation walls shall not be considered to create separate buildings for the purpose of automatic sprinkler system requirements c Automatic fire sprinklers required for buildings of 10,000 sq ft or more may be also used for other purposes and benefits as required or permitted by the Uniform Building Code Exception sprinkler systems installed in one and two story residential buildings containing fewer than 16 attached dwelling units in accordance with the Carlsbad Fire Department Standards for Residential Sprinkler Systems may not be used for area increases allowed by Chapter 5 or for exemption from any other UBC requirement • ADDITIONAL 94 Please clarify how the cars will access the Parking Garage a) Architectural Site Plan shows a fountain above the Parking Garage entry b) Detail 13/S2 0 is callout at the entry driveway and is indicating the access in the opposite direction, towards the structural slab above the Garage 95 Show on the plans all structural requirements developed in the structural calculations a) Beam B1 at the roof framing shall be 5 %" X 14" as per sheet R7 of structural calculations, instead on 4X10 as shown on sheet S3 4 Carlsbad PC05-0005 February 2, 2OO5 b) Please show on plans the same identification number for all beams, headers and framing members, than the one used on the calculations For example beam B1 in the calculations is shown as P9 on the plans c) Please clarify where were included the structural design calculations for RJ2 Also show on plans where these joist to be installed are d) Please revise the seismic force calculation to use Ca factor of 44, instead of 4 Also please clarify where the redundancy factor included was To speed up the review process, note on this list (or a copy) where each correction item has been addressed, i e, plan sheet, note or detail number, calculation page, etc Please indicate here if any changes have been made to the plans that are not a result of corrections from this list If there are other changes, please briefly describe them and where they are located in the plans Have changes been made to the plans not resulting from this correction list7 Please indicate Yes a No a The jurisdiction has contracted with Esgil Corporation located at 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208, San Diego, California 92123, telephone number of 858/560-1468, to perform the plan review for your project If you have any questions regarding these plan review items, please contact Sergio Azuela at Esgil Corporation Thank you Carlsbad PCO5-0005 February 2, 2OO5 City of Carlsbad Building Department BUILDING DEPARTMENT NOTICE OF REQUIREMENT FOR SPECIAL INSPECTION Do Not Remove From Plans Plan Check No PC05-0005 Job Address or Legal Description 1100 Las Flores Dr. Address You are hereby notified that in addition to the inspection of construction provided by the Building Department, an approved Registered Special Inspector is required to provide continuous inspection dunng the performance of the phases of construction indicated on the reverse side of this sheet The Registered Special Inspector shall be approved by the City of Carlsbad Building Department pnor to the issuance of the building permit Special Inspectors having a current certification from the City of San Diego, Los Angeles, or ICBO are approved as Special Inspectors for the type of construction for which they are certified The inspections by a Special Inspector do not change the requirements for inspections by personnel of the City of Carlsbad building department The inspections by a Special Inspector are in addition to the inspections normally required by the County Building Code The Special Inspector is not authorized to inspect and approve any work other than that for which he/she is specifically assigned to inspect The Special Inspector is not authorized to accept alternate materials, structural changes, or any requests for plan changes The Special Inspector is required to submit written reports to the City of Carlsbad building department of all work that he/she inspected and approved The final inspection approval will not be given until all Special Inspection reports have been received and approved by the City of Carlsbad building department Please submit the names of the inspectors who will perform the special inspections on each of the items indicated on the reverse side of this sheet (over) APR 14,2005 08 33 8587200149 Page 1 Carlsbad PC05 0005 February 2, 2005 SPECIAL INSPECTION PROGRAM ADDRESS OR LEGAL DESCRIPTION PLAN CHECK NUMBER f S^C7 OWNER'S NAMt I as tKe owner or agent of the owner (contractors may not employ the special inspector) certify that I, or the architect/engineer of record will be responsible for employing the special inspector(s) as required by Uniform Building Code (UBC) Section 1701 1 for the construction project located at the site listeo above UBC Section 106 3 5 Signed I, .is the enginiuVarchitect of recoid certify that I have prepared the following spoudl mbpection program as required by UBC Section 106 3 5 foi th<_ construction proju.i locjtul at the site listed above t D <« »"k cMiaci a I A sijnttvn HI * Signed 1 List of work requiring specMWr^Hspection Soils Compliance Prior to Foundation Inspection _ Structural Concrete Over 2500 PSI I] Prestressed Concrete Structural Masonry Designer Specified 2 Name(s) of mdividual(s) or firm(s) responsible for the special inspections listed above Field Welding High Strength Bolting Expansion/Epoxy Anchors Q Sprayed;; Other 3 Duties of the special inspectors for the work listed above A s* B Special inspec'ors sha'i check in w h na C ty i/^d present (hf n credent ait 'cr approval prior lo work on Ine jol) siie Carlsbad PCO5-0005 February 2, 20O5 JURISDICTION Carlsbad VALUATION AND PLAN CHECK FEE PLAN CHECK NO PC05-0005 PREPARED BY Sergio Azuela DATE February 2, 2005 BUILDING ADDRESS 110O Las Flores Dr Buena Vista Apartments BUILDING OCCUPANCY R-l & S-3 TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION I-FR/V-N BUILDING PORTION Apartment BIdg Parking Garage Decks/Patios Air Conditioning Fire Sprinklers TOTAL VALUE Jurisdiction Code AREA (Sq Ft) 20858 14305 7171 21588 cb Valuation Multiplier 7200 2400 1200 300 By Ordinance Reg Mod VALUE ($) 1,501,776 343,320 86,052 64,764 1,995,912 1991 UBC Building Permit Fee 1991 UBC Plan Check Fee Type of Review EH Repetitive Fee Repeats GD Complete Review D Other r-1 Hourly Structural Only Hour* Esgil Plan Review Fee $5,086 77 $3,306 40 $2,848 59 Comments Sheet 1 of 1 macvalue doc DATE BUILDING ADDRESS PROJECT DESCRIPTION ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUMBER City of Carlsbad Public Works — Engineering BUILDING PLANCHECK CHECKLIST CV 650 PLANCHECK NO fife 0^ * 0 feV/frft EST VALUE ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT APPROVAL The item you have submitted for review has been approved The approval is based on plans information and/or specifications provided in your submittal therefore any changes to these items after this date including field modifications, must be reviewed by this office to insure continued conformance with applicable codes Please review carefully all comments attached, as failure to comply with instructions in this report can result in suspension of permit to build D A Right of Way permit is required prior to construction of the following improvements DENIAL u D D D U G f] Please marked or specr codes and lached report of deficiencies ke necessary corrections to plans for compliance with applicable ndards Submit corrected plans and/or specifications to this office for review Date Date Date FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ENGINEERING AUTHORIZATION TO ISSUE BUILDING PERMIT Date ATTACHMENTS Dedication Application Dedication Checklist Improvement Application Improvement Checklist Neighborhood Improvement Agreement Grading Permit Application Grading Submittal Checklist Right of Way Permit Application Right of Way Permit Submittal Checklist and Information Sheet ENGINEERING DEPT CONTACT PERSON Name KATHLEEN M FARMER City of Carlsbad Address 1635 Faraday Avenue Carlsbad CA 92008 Phone (760) 602-2741 CFD INFORMATION Parcel Map No Lots Recordation Carlsbad Tract CA 9200^-7314 • (760) 6O2-272O - FAX (760) BUILDING PLANCHECK CHECKLIST D D SITE PLAN Provide a fully dimensioned site plan drawn to scale Show North Arrow Existing & Proposed Structures Existing Street Improvements Property Lines (show all dimensions) E Easements 2 Show on site plan F Right-of-Way Width & Adjacent Streets G Driveway widths H Existing or proposed sewer lateral I Existing or proposed water service J Existing or proposed irrigation service A Drainage Patterns 1 Building pad surface drainage must maintain a minimum slope of one percent towards an adjoining street or an approved drainage course 2 ADD THE FOLLOWING NOTE "Finish grade will provide a minimum positive drainage of 2% to swale 5' away from building " B Existing & Proposed Slopes and Topography C Size, type, location, alignment of existing or proposed sewer and water service (s) that serves the project Each unit requires a separate service, however, second dwelling units and apartment complexes are an exception D Sewer and water laterals should not be located within proposed driveways, per standards 3 Include on title sheet A Site address B Assessor's Parcel Number C Legal Description For commercial/industrial buildings and tenant improvement projects, include total building square footage with the square footage for each different use, existing sewer permits showing square footage of different uses (manufacturing, warehouse, office, etc ) previously approved EXISTING PERMIT NUMBER DESCRIPTION Show all existing use of SF and new proposed use of SF Example Tenant Improvement for 3500 SF of warehouse to 3500 SF of office f \FarmertKalhy\MASTERS\Buildmg Plancheck Cklst Form (Qenenc) doc BUILDING PLANCHECK CHECKLIST 1ST 2ND 3RD DISCRETIONARY APPROVAL COMPLIANCE D D D 4a Project does not comply with the following Engineering Conditions of approval for Project No 4b All conditions are in compliance Date DEDICATION REQUIREMENTS 5 Dedication for all street Rights-of-Way adjacent to the building site and any storm dram or utility easements on the building site is required for all new buildings and for remodels with a value at or exceeding $ 15.000 . pursuant to Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 18 40 030 Dedication required as follows Dedication required Please have a registered Civil Engineer or Land Surveyor prepare the appropriate legal description together with an 8 W x 11" plat map and submit with a title report All easement documents must be approved and signed by owner(s) prior to issuance of Building Permit Attached please find an application form and submittal checklist for the dedication process Submit the completed application form with the required checklist items and fees to the Engineering Department in person Applications will not be accept by mail or fax Dedication completed by Date IMPROVEMENT REQUIREMENTS \ xEj CD L"H 6a All needed public improvements upon and adjacent to the building site must be ' constructed at time of building construction whenever the value of the / construction exceeds $ 75.000 . pursuant to Carlsbad Municipal Code Section r 18 40 040 Public improvements required as follows Attached please find an application form and submittal checklist for the public improvement requirements A registered Civil Engineer must prepare the appropriate improvement plans and submit them together with the requirements on the attached checklist to the Engineering Department through a separate plan check process The completed application form and the requirements on the F \Farmer\Kathy\MASTERS\Building Plancheck Cklst Form (Ganenc) doc BUILDING PLANCHECK CHECKLIST 1ST 2ND 3F D D n n n checklist must be submitted in person Applications by mail or fax are not accepted Improvement plans must be approved, appropriate securities posted and fees paid prior to issuance of building permit Improvement Plans signed by Date 6b Construction of the public improvements may be deferred pursuant to Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 1840 Please submit a recent property title report or current grant deed on the property and processing fee of $ 360 00 so we may prepare the necessary Neighborhood Improvement Agreement This agreement must be signed, notarized and approved by the City prior to issuance of a Building permit D D nan Future public improvements required as follows 6c Enclosed please find your Neighborhood Improvement Agreement Please return agreement signed and notarized to the Engineering Department Neighborhood Improvement Agreement completed by Date 6d No Public Improvements required SPECIAL NOTE Damaged or defective improvements found adiacent to building site must be repaired to the satisfaction of the City Inspector prior to occupancy GRADING PERMIT REQUIREMENTS The conditions that invoke the need for a grading permit are found in Section 11 06 030 of the Municipal Code 7a Inadequate information available on Site Plan to make a determination on grading requirements Include accurate grading quantities in cubic yards (cut, fill import, export and remedial) This information must be included on the plans 7b Grading Permit required A separate grading plan prepared by a registered Civil Engineer must be submitted together with the completed application form attached NOTE The Grading Permit must be issued and rough grading approval obtained prior to issuance of a Building Permit Grading Inspector sign off by Date 7c Graded Pad Certification required (Note Pad certification may be required even if a grading permit is not required ) F \Farmer\Kathy\MASTERS\Building Plancheck Cklsl Form (Generic) doc BUILDING PLANCHECK CHECKLIST QRD Q D D 7d No Grading Permit required CD CD CD 7e If grading is not required, write "No Grading" on plot plan MISCELLANEOUS PERMITS D D D 8 A RIGHT-OF-WAY PERMIT is required to do work in City Right-of-Way and/or private work adjacent to the public Right-of-Way Types of work include, but are not limited to street improvements, tree trimming, driveway construction, tying into public storm dram, sewer and water utilities Right-of-Way permit required for _ D D 9 INDUSTRIAL WASTE PERMIT If your facility is located in the City of Carlsbad sewer service area, you need to contact the Carlsbad Municipal Water District, located at 5950 El Cammo Real, Carlsbad, CA 92008 District personnel can provide forms and assistance, and will check to see if your business enterprise is on the EWA Exempt List You may telephone (760) 438-2722, extension 7153, for assistance Industrial Waste permit accepted by Date D D D 10 NPDES PERMIT Complies with the City's requirements of the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit The applicant shall provide best management practices to reduce surface pollutants to an acceptable level prior to discharge to sensitive areas Plans for such improvements shall be approved by the City Engineer prior to issuance of grading or building permit, whichever occurs CD C] 11 ta Required fees are attached Q No fees required WATER METER REVIEW D D D 12a Domestic (potable) Use Ensure that the meter proposed by the owner/developer is not oversized Oversized meters are inaccurate during low-flow conditions If it is oversized, for the life of the meter, the City will not accurately bill the owner for the water used • All single family dwelling units received "standard" 1" service with 5/8" service F \Farmer\Kalhy\MASTERS\Buildmg Plancheck Cklst Form (Generic) doc .ST D D 12b BUILDING PLANCHECK CHECKLIST • If owner/developer proposes a size other than the "standard", then owner/developer must provide potable water demand calculations, which include total fixture counts and maximum water demand in gallons per minute (gpm) A typical fixture count and water demand worksheet is attached Once the gpm is provided, check against the "meter sizing schedule" to verify the anticipated meter size for the unit • Maximum service and meter size is a 2" service with a 2" meter • If a developer is proposing a meter greater than 2", suggest the installation of multiple 2" services as needed to provide the anticipated demand (manifolds are considered on case by case basis to limit multiple trenching into the street) Irrigation Use (where recycled water is not available) All irrigation meters must be sized via irrigation calculations (in gpm) prior to approval The developer must provide these calculations Please follow these guidelines 1 If the project is a newer development (newer than 1998), check the recent improvement plans and observe if the new irrigation service is reflected on the improvement sheets If so, at the water meter station, the demand in gpm may be listed there Irrigation services are listed with a circled "I", and potable water is typically a circled "W" The irrigation service should look like STA 1+00 Install 2" service and 5 meter (estimated 100 gpm) If the improvement plans do not list the irrigation meter and the service/meter will be installed via another instrument such as the building plans or grading plans (w/ a right of way permit of course), then the applicant must provide irrigation calculations for estimated worst-case irrigation demand (largest zone with the farthest reach) Typically, Larry Black has already reviewed this if landscape plans have been prepared, but the applicant must provide the calculations to you for your use Once you have received a good example of irrigation calculations, keep a set for your reference In general the calculations will include • Hydraulic grade line • Elevation at point of connection (POC) • Pressure at POC in pounds per square inch (PSI) • Worse case zone (largest, farthest away from valve • Total Sprinkler heads listed (with gpm use per head) • Include a 10% residual pressure at point of connection In general, all major sloped areas of a subdivision/project are to be irrigated via separate irrigation meters (unless the project is only SFD with no HOA) As long as the project is located within the City recycled water F \Farmer\Kathy\MASTEHS\Building Plancheck CkJst Form (Generic) doc ..ST BUILDING PLANCHECK CHECKLIST pND oRD service boundary, the City intends on switching these irrigation services/meters to a new recycled water line in the future D D 12c Irrigation Use (where recycled water is available) 1 Recycled water meters are sized the same as the irrigation meter above 2 If a project fronts a street with recycled water, then they should be connecting to this line to irrigate slopes within the development For subdivisions, this should have been identified, and implemented on the improvement plans Installing recycled water meters is a benefit for the applicant since they are exempt from paying the San Diego County Water Capacity fees However, if they front a street which the recycled water is there, but is not live (sometimes they are charged with potable water until recycled water is available), then the applicant must pay the San Diego Water Capacity Charge If within three years, the recycled water line is charged with recycled water by CMWD, then the applicant can apply for a refund to the San Diego County Water Authority (SDCWA) for a refund However, let the applicant know that we cannot guarantee the refund, and they must deal with the SDCWA for this Q D D 13 Additional Comments F \FarmertKathy\MASTEHS\Buildmg Plancheck Cklsl Form (Generic) doc ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT FEE CALCULATION WORKSHEET D Estimate based on unconfirmed information from applicant D Calculation based on building plancheck plan submittal c Address Bldg Permit No// Prepa-Ferrby (_ r\<<— _ U EDU CALCULATIONS List Types of Use ( .0~xdLtf-» Types of Use ADT CALCULATIONS List Types of Use C 0^-6^ Types of Use "1 /_ At^ «JOcJ^O3o/ r~r~Date is* //P-l Gh^Hted-byi UC types and square footages for all uses i Sq Ft /Units // - / £<**•**' Sq Ft /Units types and square footages for all uses N Sq Ft /Units /I- ' ^^eL^ Sq Ft /Units 5" Date X/H/^-T' EDU s /° Ajj^~ EDU's ADT <; /^ AJ -&-£~r^ \-J 1 O ADT's FEES REQUIRED WITHIN CFD D YES (no bridge & thoroughfare fee in District #1 reduced Traffic Impact Fee)NO D 1 PARK IN LIEU FEE FEE/UNIT _ 'ARK AREA & # ff X NO UNITS = $ D 2 TRAFFIC IMPACT FEE D D D ADT s/UNITS t^ 3 BRIDGE AND THOROUGHFARE FEE ADT s/UNITS 4 FACILITIES MANAGEMENT FEE UNIT/SO FT 5 SEWER FEE EDU s / ^ BENEFIT AREA EDU s X (DIST X ZONE X X X FEE/ADT &*& = $ (bS^ ' #1 DIST #2 DIST #3 ) FEE/ADT = $ ^^^ FEE/SO FT /UNIT =$ <^^ FEE/EDU Ve^? =$ J=^~4 FEE/EDU =$ ^^^ D 6 SEWER LATERAL ($2 500) D 7 DRAINAGE FEES PLDA ACRES D 8 POTABLE WATER FEES UNITS CODE CONNECTION FEE HIGH /LOW FEE/AC = $ 1 of 2 n H\nnr-e\Mic«n mc\Paa Pair la» nn Worksheet Rev 7/14/00 Mar 24 05 07 OOa CITY OF CARLSBAD GRADING INSPECTION CHECKLIST FOR PARTIAL SITE RELEASE PROJECT INSPECTOR DATE 3 ~ ^~ PROJECT IDC-.TV&-/.7 GRADING PERMIT LOTS REQUESTED FOR RELEASE. N/A = NOT APPLICABLE j •J = COMPLETE - | 0 = Incomplete or unacceptable 1st I/ •s >•/ ^ i/ - V /^>f I iI/ 2nd •"' i i t 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 i i 8 9 Site access to requested lots adequate and logically grouped Site erosion control measures adequate Overall site adequate for health, safety and welfare of public Letter from Owner/Dev requesting partial release of specific lots, pads or bldg 8%" x 11" site plan (attachment) showing requested lots submitted Compaction report from soils engineer submitted (If soils report has been submitted with a previous partial release, a letter from soils engineer referencing the soils report and identifying specific lots for release shall accompany subsequent partial releases) EOW certification of work done with finish pad elevations of specific lots to be released Letter must state lot (s) is graded to within a tenth (1) of the approved grading plani ' i Geologic engineer's letter if unusual geologic or subsurface conditions exist 1 i 'Fully functional fire hydrants within 500 feet of building combustibles and an all weather roads access to site is required '' Partial release of grading for the above stated lots is approved for the purpose of building permit issuance Issuance of building permits is still subject to all normal City requirements required pursuant to the building permrtprocess , i ' iPartial release of the site is denied for the following reasons : ' Project Inspector Date Construction Manager J -ILEMASTER. FCRMS F~P~SITE FRM Date PLANNING DEPARTMENT BUILDING PLAN CHECK REVIEW CHECKLIST Check No CB lanner U%- - ^-APN /S&-WO-3 Facilities Management Zone DD D [CFD (in/out) ff^uate or participation ""Remaining net dev acres1 Circle One (For non residential development Type of land used created by this permit ) Legend Item Complete Environmental Review Required DATE OF COMPLETION Item Incomplete - Needs your action YES _ NO _ TYPE _ Compliance with conditions of approval7 If not, state conditions which require action Conditions of Approval Discretionary Action Required APPROVAL/RESO NO PROJECT NO YES DATE NO TYPE _ "- 0-3 OTHER RELATED CASES Compliance with cond Conditions of Approv |f not, state conditions which require actionuire actio -^t-6^1 Coastal Zone Assessment/Compliance Project site located in Coastal Zone? YES CA Coastal Commission Authority? YES _ _ If California Coastal Commission Authority Contact them at - 7575 Metropolitan Drive Suite 103, San Diego CA 92108-4402, (619) 767-2370 Determine status (Coastal Permit Required or Exempt) _ NO NO Coastal Permit Determination Form already completed? YES If NO, complete Coastal Permit Determination Form now Coastal Permit Determination Log # _ NO cnfin Follow-Up Actions 1) Stamp Building Plans as "Exempt" or "Coastal Permit Required" (at minimum Floor Plans) 2) Complete Coastal Permit Determination Log as needed Inclusionary Housing Fee required YES NO (Effective date of Inclusionary Housing Ordinance - May 21, 1993 ) Data Entry Completed? YES NO (A/P/Ds, Activity Maintenance, enter CB#, toolbar, Screens, Housing Fees, Construct Housing Y/N, Enter Fee, UPDATE') Site Plan H \ADMIN\COUNTER\BldgPlnchkRevChklst Rev 9/01 / t> on 1 Provide a fully dimensional site plan drawn to scale Show North arrow, property lines, easements, existing and proposed structures, streets, existing street improvements, right-of-way width, dimensional setbacks and existing topographical lines (including all side and rear yard slopes) 2 Provide legal description of property and assessor's parcel number Policy 44 - Neighborhood Architectural Design Guidelines D-DD jzfan 2 Project complies YES Zoning 1 Setbacks Front Interior Side Street Side Rear Top of slope 2 Accessory structure setb Front Interior Side Street Side Rear Structure separation NO Required Required Required Required Required >acks Required Required Required Required Required Shown Shown Shown Shown Shown Shown Shown Shown Shown Shown pan fin a 3 Lot Coverage 4 Height 5 Parking Required . Required . Spaces Required Shown Shown Shown (breakdown by uses for commercial and industrial projects required) 3sidential Guest Spaces Required Shown OK TO ISSUE AND ENTERED APPROVAL INTO COMPUTER H \ADMIN\COUNTER\BldgPlnchkRevChklst A-Co I 9/01 Sent by JORDAN PACIFIC MOHlfaAbt JUH9-200S TUE 12'15 Pfl C(TV OF CARSL8AO FAX NO 780 602 8558 P 05 City of Carlsbad B u i I d i r» y ADDENDUM TO BUILDING PERMIT Tiro will serve as a reminder to the applicant. By signature, the applicant agrees to comply with these requirement* as part of the building permit process* an all weather access road will be provided and maintained during the construction phase, and fire hydrant* sfrjtfl fee tested and operational pnor to combustibles being brought on site If you need ittrtner cianticatton, please contact tne »ire Prevennoa Pivuioa Department at (760) 602-4666. Thank you. Iryn Vaudrenil Fare Marshal I of ApplicantiiuV Company Name Phone Number 1S3S Faraday Avenue • Carlsbad, CA 92OO8 7314 • (7BO) 6O2 27OO - FAX <760) 602-8SSO JUL 19,200S 12 48 760 60^ S558 Page Carlsbad Fire Department Plan Review Requirements Category PLANCK , Date of Report 06- 1 6-2005 HEBER KURD Reviewed by Name Address E186 40335 WICHESTER RD TEMECULA CA 92591 Permit # PC050005 Job Name BUENA VISTA VILLAGE-3 CONDO Job Address 1 1 00 LAS FLORES DR CB AD EVCOMRLEXJL compliaHce*with4he»applicablecodes=and/or*standards-^^ carcMly-aH-eemmerrts-attaehed— Please-festtbrmt-fee-Reeessary-plans"and/or-'Specificatiorrsrwith°changes'!'clotided'', Conditions X3ATOIOV-ED} THIS PROJECT HAS BEEN REVIEWED AND APPROVED FOR THE PURPOSES OF ISSUANCE OF BUILDING PERMIT THIS APPROVAL IS SUBJECT TO FIELD INSPECTION AND REQUIRED TEST, NOTATIONS HEREON, CONDITIONS IN CORRESPONDENCE AND CONFORMANCE WITH ALL APPLICABLE REGULATIONS THIS APPROVAL SHALL NOT BE HELD TO PERMIT OR APPROVE THE VIOLATION OF ANY LAW Carlsbad Fire Department 050005 1635 Faraday Ave Carlsbad, CA 92008 Plan Review Requirements Category Date of Report 0^/11/2005 Building Plan Reviewed by Fire Prevention (760) 602-4660 fl Name Address Hurd Architecture 40336 Winchester Rd Suite E 186 City, State Temecula CA 92591 Plan Checker Job Name Buena Vista Village Job # 050005 Job Address 1100 Las Flores Dr Bldg# PC050005 Ste orBldg No Approved The item you have submitted for review has been approved The approval is based on plans, information and / or specifications provided in your submittal, therefore any changes to these items after this date, including field modifications, must be reviewed by this office to insure continued conformance with applicable codes and standards Please review carefully all comments attached as failure to comply with instructions in this report can result in suspension of permit to construct or install improvements D Approved Subject to The item you have submitted for review has been approved subject to the attached conditions The approval is based on plans, information and/or specifications provided in your submittal Please review carefully all comments attached, as failure to comply with instructions in this report can result in suspension of permit to construct or install improvements Please resubmit to this office the necessary plans and / or specifications required to indicate compliance with applicable codes and standards Incomplete The item you have submitted for review is incomplete At this time, this office cannot adequately conduct a review to determine compliance with the applicable codes and / or standards Please review carefully all comments attached Please resubmit the necessary plans and / or specifications to this office for review and approval Review FDJob# 1st ?nd 3rd 050005 FD File # Other Agency ID Requirements Category Building Plan Requirement Pending 05 02 Site Plan Site plan must indicate the location of roads, gates, driveways buildings and all existing and proposed fire hydrants within 200 feet of the project tY^G^^li?i^igNTO-THE-BUILDING-NOR:DOES_THE:BUii:DING:P-P\NS'ZEi:EASE:P_BO_VIDE~A> Requirement Pending 05 03 Floor Plan Provide a complete floor plan of building or suite Show exiting from all areas Indicate use or occupancy of each room including adjacent suite if applicable ^ECOORIErANISHAIiaNClIUDE-A-RRQPQSEB-be&A-TIQN-FQR-THE-FIRE-SPRINKbER-RtSER' ^ARESBADlF-IREIDEBARTMENT-REQUIRES-THATJHISlOCCURllN-TrROOMrORllQGATrON THAT4S~ACCE-SSIBUi-DIRECTLY-PROM4"HE:EXTERIOR-BY-MEANSrOF-~A:F-Ui:CHEIGHJ-lVlAN> UOCATIONllSrAVJJ tABTE Requirement Pending 0516 A/S Design Sprinkler system design shall be in accordance with standards set forth by the National Fire Protection Association and UBC Standards 38-1 and 38-2 Permits are required prior to installation Plans, specifications and calculations shall be certified by a licensed fire protection engineer or other person deemed competent by the Chief, and submitted in the name of a licensed sprinkler contractor Warehouse buildings for which no specific use, occupant, product activity or storage array has been identified shall be protected by sprinkler system designed to deliver water at the rate of 45 gallons per square foot throughout a 3000 square foot design area 1THE-F1RE-SPRINKL-ER-SYSTEM-SHALT~INCOTD'E1THE-INSTACI!ATION^FFIRE:SPRINKL'ERSJ IN~ACrATTIC"SPAl3ES:WHERE:GA'STIRED'MECJHANICArEQUIPMENT-OC^URS''Pi:EA'SE3 INDICATETON'BUIL'DINGTL^NS'WHERE:EORNACESlOR:HEAT?NgEQUIPMENTIS'TO"BEl 'INSTAQTED' Requirement Pending 05 33 Plan Revisions Please submit 3 sets of corrected plans directly to the Building Department for routing to the appropriate departments " PL"EASE-REVISE-PLrANS'Q_R:iNDI'CATE.BY_CET_TER'JHAT-THE ABOVE-STATED) REQl!j|REMENTS-ARE-UNDERST00D-ANDSHAl:lrBE-|NCORPORATED-|NTOTHIS'DESIGN? Requirement Pending 05 35 Elevators All buildings and structures with one or more passenger service elevators shall be provided with not less than one medical emergency service to all landings meeting the provisions of Section 3003 5 Page 1 04/11/05 I./Carlsbad Fire Department 050005 1635 Faraday Ave Carlsbad CA 92008 Plan Review Requirements Category Date of Report 02/08/2005 Fire Prevention (760) 602-4660 Building Plan Reviewed by rf{^ Name Address Hurd Architecture 40336 Winchester Rd Suite E 186 City, State Temecula CA 92591 Plan Checker Job Name Buena Vista Village Job # 050005 Job Address 1100 Las Flores Dr Bldg# PC050005 Ste orBldg No Approved The item you have submitted for review has been approved The approval is based on plans, information and / or specifications provided in your submittal, therefore any changes to these items after this date, including field modifications, must be reviewed by this office to insure continued conformance with applicable codes and standards Please review carefully all comments attached as failure to comply with instructions in this report can result in suspension of permit to construct or install improvements Approved The item you have submitted for review has been approved subject to the Subject to attached conditions The approval is based on plans, information and/or specifications provided in your submittal Please review carefully all comments attached, as failure to comply with instructions in this report can result in suspension of permit to construct or install improvements Please resubmit to this office the necessary plans and / or specifications required to indicate compliance with applicable codes and standards Incomplete The item you have submitted for review is incomplete At this time, this office cannot adequately conduct a review to determine compliance with the applicable codes and / or standards Please review carefully all comments attached Please resubmit the necessary plans and / or specifications to this office for review and approval Review FD Job # 1st 2nd 3rd 050005 FD File # Other Agency ID Requirements Category Building Plan Requirement Pending 0501 Project Data Provide complete address and suite designation Provide building construction information indicating occupancy classification, type of construction, number of stories, aggregate square footage occupant load, and description of intended uses PROJECT DATA DOES NOT INDICATE THE REQUIREMENT OF FIRE SPRINKLERS AND FIRE ALARMS Requirement Pending 05 02 Site Plan Site plan must indicate the location of roads gates driveways buildings and all existing and proposed fire hydrants within 200 feet of the project SITE PLAN SHOULD INDICATE THE PRESENCE OF EXISTING AND PROPOSED FIRE HYDRANTS SITE PLAN SHOULD ALSO INDICATE DESIRED LOCATION OF BACKFLOW ASSEMBLY Requirement Pending 0511 Knox Box Knox Box required when access to or within a structure or an area is unduly difficult because of secured openings or where immediate access is necessary for life saving or fire-fighting purposes The Fire Department will determine the location for the key box and provide an authorized order form KNOX ENTRY PRODUCTS SHALL BE REQUIRED TO ALL COMMUNITY OR SHARED AREAS E G GARAGE UTILITY ROOMS ETC Requirement Pending 0512 Security Gate Systems All security gate systems controlling vehicular access shall be equipped with a "Knox" key operated emergency entry device Applicant shall contact the Fire Prevention Bureau for specifications and approvals prior to installation IF ANY GATES ARE PROPOSED THEY SHALL PROVIDE EITHER A KNOX KEY BOX OR KEY SWITCH Requirement Pending 0515 Automatic Fire Sprinkler System Required A fire sprinkler system is required for this building If the building is a spec building (no tenant known) the sprinkler system must be designed to 45/3000 Provide notes on the plans that fire sprinkler plans will be submitted to the fire department for approval prior to installation PLAN DO NOT INDICATE THE INTENT OR REQUIREMENT TO INSTALL AN AUTOMATIC FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM PLANS SHOULD INDICATE THAT A NFPA 13/13R SYSTEM IS REQUIRED AND THAT THIS IS A DEFFERED SUBMITTAL Pagel 02/08/05 Requirements Category Building Plan Requirement Pending 0516 A/S Design Sprinkler system design shall be in accordance with standards set forth by the National Fire Protection Association and UBC Standards 38-1 and 38-2 Permits are required prior to installation Plans, specifications and calculations shall be certified by a licensed fire protection engineer or other person deemed competent by the Chief, and submitted in the name of a licensed sprinkler contractor Warehouse buildings for which no specific use, occupant product, activity or storage array has been identified shall be protected by sprinkler system designed to deliver water at the rate of 45 gallons per square foot, throughout a 3000 square foot design area THE AUTOMATIC FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM SHALL BE DESIGNED AS FOLLOWS NFPA 13 SYSTEM IN THE GARAGE AND UTILITY AREAS, NFPA 13-R IN ALL RESIDENTIAL OR INHABITED AREAS INCLUDING UTILITY AND APPLIANCE ENCLOSURES Requirement Pending 0519 Fire Alarm System Required A fire alarm system is required Permits are required for the installation of all fire alarm systems Plans must be approved by the Fire Department prior to installation Provide a note on the plans that the fire alarm plans must be approved by the Fire Department prior to installation AN ADDRESSABLE FIRE ALARM SYSTEM (NFPA 72) SHALL BE REQUIRED IN ADDITION TO THE REQUIRED WATERFLOW MONITORING Requirement Pending 05 35 Elevators All buildings and structures with one or more passenger service elevators shall be provided with not less than one medical emergency service to all landings meeting the provisions of Section 3003 5 ELEVATOR SHALL COMPLY WITH CBC 3005 5 AND 3003 5a Page 2 02/08/05 ENGINEERINGI DESIGN GROUP GE0TECHNICAL CIVIL & STRUCTURAL CONSULTANTS FOR RESIDENTIAL 4 COMMERCIAL CONSTRUCTION 2121 Montiel Road San Marcos California 92069 • (760) 839 7302 • Fax (760) 480 7477 • E mail ENGDG@aol com ite July 7, 2005 To Re Subject References FARBER FAMILY LIMITED PARTNERSHIP Attention Curt Farber 991C Lomas Santa Fe Drive, #441 Solana Beach, CA 92075 Proposed Multi-Family Development to be Located at 1100 Las Flores Drive, Carlsbad California Wall Backdram Installation 1 "Updated Soils Report" Dated September 10,2003, Prepared by the Engineering Design Group 2 "Geotechmcal Investigation and Foundation Recommendations, for Proposed Multi-Family Development, to be Located at 1100 Las Flores Drive, City of Carlsbad, California" Dated December 22, 2000, Project No 002486-1, Prepared by the Engineering Design Group We have prepared this letter, per the request of the City of Carlsbad inspector, to address the configuration of building retaining wall backdrams at the above referenced lot As referenced in our soils report for the site, a wall backdram system is required specifically to reduce "hydrostatic pressure" behind the wall We provide a minimum retaining wall backdram detail in Appendix C of our report The intent of the backdram system is dram off subsurface water, collecting behind the wall, to a suitable outlet point Unlike "closed" pipe systems, backdrams are "open" and influenced by the level of hydrostatic rise behind the wall Because of fact, a minimum 2% slope is not necessary for a backdram pipe to function, since there is a pressure gradient created by the rise of water above the pipe, which drives the water through the pipe It is our opinion maintaining a nearly flat configuration (minimal rise - typically no more than 8") to the backdram is preferable to trying to create a minimum 2% slope in the pipe, particularly where the pipe runs are long Specifically, if a minimum 2% slope is applied to a 200 ft long section of pipe the pipe will have to be raised 4' above stem level before water even enters the pipe If the pipe is laid flat, the pressure gradient caused by the water rise above the pipe will cause the pipe to function, well before it reaches a 4' height It is important to recognize^ the backdram recommended in our soil report is for hydrostatic buildup only, and should not be rehedupon at a waterproofing component The design by the Architect should assume the wall may be subjecHo the shq/i term accumulation of water behind the wall, and be waterproofed as determined by the project architect In summary representatives of Engineering Design Group observed the configuration of retaining wall backdrams for the aoove referenced, and found the pipe configurations meet the intent of the project soils rec you have any questions regarding this letter, or if we can be of further service, please do not hesitate to antact oujX3ffice Sincerely, ENGINEERING DESIGN GROUP vSteve Norris alifornia RGE #2590rffCE #47672, CEG # 22' cc Linda Hanna, Ranlm Construction E \LETTER\LETTER 1\2000\002486 1 FARBER MULTI FAMILY DEV 1100 LAS FLORES DR CARLSBAD FRENCH DRAIN LETTER wpd . ENGINEERING I DESIGN GROUP GEOIECHNICAl, CIVIl STRUCTURAL t ARCHITECTURAL CONSULTANTS FOR RESIDENTIAL I COMMERCIAL CONSTRUCTION 2121 Montiel Road San Marcos California 92069 • (760) 839 7302 • Fax (760) 480 7477 www designgroupca com Date March 22, 2005 To Curtis Farber c/o Farber Family Limited Partnership 991C Lomas Santa Fe Drive #441 Solana Beach, CA 92075 Re Proposed Multi-Family Development to be Located at 1100 Las Flores Drive, City of Carlsbad, California Subject Certification Letter Ref 1) "Updated Soils Report" Prepared by Engineering Design Group Dated September 10 2003 2) "Geotechnical Investigation and Foundation Recommendations for the Proposed Multi-Family Development, to be Located at 1100 Las Flores Drive, City of Carlsbad, California " Prepared by Engineering Design Group, EDG Project No 002486-1 We have observed garage pad subgrade in areas of the proposed buildings Competent formational sandstone at subgrade is consistent with those identified in the project geotechnical report referenced above Soils subgrade exposed are suitable to support foundation and improvements provided recommendations in the above referenced report are followed Based upon our understanding of the building foundation plan and observation of onsite conditions all new building foundations should extend to competent formational sandstone material This requirement may require localized deepening of foundations through retaining wall backfill wedges Embedment of footings into cut formational soil shall be confirmed during footing excavation, preferably while footings are being excavated, so necessary deepening may be accomplished without re-mobilization of equipment A local removal and recompaction of the upper 2-3 feet was conducted for support of the proposed slab on grade floors beyond the basement retaining walls Onsite soil was utilized as graded fill Prior to recompaction, fill soils were cleaned of vegetative and other debris and moisture conditioned, where necessary Onsite soil consisted of rust brown slightly silty sands Grading operations were conducted with the used of and placed utilizing a CAT D6 Dozer and a large wheel roller AS-GRADED SUPPLEMENTAL RECOMMENDATIONS 1 The detailing of basement subgrade is critical, and can play an important role in controlling water collection around the basement Strong consideration should be given to installing Project No 002486 1 F \LETTER\LETTER 4\2000\002486 1 FARBER DEV 1100 LAS FLORES DR CARLSBAD CERT LTR & COMP RPT wpd basement slab underdrains and sloping the formational soil subgrade, to collect subsurface water The basement slab underdram system should flow (via gravity if possible) to a suitable outlet point on the rear slope 2 The concrete contractor should thoroughly review the Concrete Slabs section of the project soils The recommendations call for use of concrete with a water to cement ratio of 0 5 or less in all moisture sensitive areas In addition an additive should be considered to minimize the threat of water intrusion through the concrete The concrete mix design ultimately chosen should be reviewed by Engineering Design Group prior to pouring 3 Consideration should be given to utilizing cast in place concrete walls at lower basement areas Our experience indicates cast in place walls are generally less susceptible to water intrusion than masonry wall systems 4 As stated in prior reports, subsurface french dram systems shall be independent of surface area drain systems These systems, in general, should not connect 5 All additional fill placement, including utility trenches, shall be tested by Engineering Design Group per the recommendations of the project soils report and specification package We anticipate compaction testing to include, but not limited to, fill placed behind building retaining walls and utility trenches 6 All retaining wall backfill shall have expansion potential in the very low range (El<20) FIELD AND LABORATORY TESTING Field density tests were performed in accordance with D2922-96 (Nuclear Gauge Method) Our test results indicate that the fill placed, under our observation and testing, in the areas indicated has been compacted to at least 90 percent relative compaction, as determined by ASTM D1557-91 (Procedure A) The reported test results are representative of the soil conditions at the locations tested Our observation and field density testing methods are in accordance with normally accepted procedures The accuracy of the relative compaction values are subject to the precision limitations of the ASTM test methods The accuracy of the maximum dry density determination (ASTM D1557-91) is discussed in the 1998 Annual Book of ASTM Standards Section 4, Volume 04 08 entitled, Soil and Rock. Building Stones Variations of relative compaction values should be expected, laterally and vertically, from the actual test locations SUMMARY It is our opinion the soils graded onsite (as depicted herein) were compacted to a minimum of 90 percent relative compaction and suitable for the support of proposed structures (based on ASTM D1557-91, Procedure A) If you have any questions regarding the recpj; Sincerely ENGINEERING DESIGN GROUP CERTIFIED ENGINEERING GEOLOGISTteven Norns RGE #2590 , CEG #2263 our office Project No 002486 1 F \LETTER\LETTER 4\2000\002486 1 FARBER DEV 1100 LAS FLORES DR CARLSBAD CERT LTR & COMP RPT wpd LABORATORY AND FIELD TEST RESULTS TABLE NO 1 Laboratory Test Results SOIL TYPE (#) 1 SOIL TYPE Rust Brown slightly Silty Sand MAXIMUM DENSITY (PCF) 130 OPTIMUM MOISTURE 11 uses CLASSIFICATI ON sw TABLE NO 2 Field Test Results TEST NO CF-1 CF-2 CF-3 CF-4 CF-5 DATE 10-6-04 10-6-04 10-7-04 10-8-04 10-8-04 FINISHED GRADE MINUS (-) 1 1 1 1 1 SOIL TYPE (#) 1 1 1 1 1 DRY DENSITY (PCF) 118 1192 1171 1184 1196 FIELD MOISTURE (PERCENT) 11 2 10 11 11 5 108 RELATIVE COMPACTI ON (PERCENT^ 90 91 90 91 92 Project No 002486 1 F \LETTER\LETTER 4\2000\002486 1 FARBER DEV 1100 LAS FLORES DR CARLSBAD CERT LTR & COMP RPT wpd ENGINEERING I DESIGN GROUP GEOTECHNIML CIVIL STBUCTURAl S ABCHITECTUFML CONSULTANTS FOB RESIDENTIAL t. COMMERCIAL COHSTBUCTION 2121 MontielRoad San Marcos California 92069 (760)8397302 Fax (760)4807477 www designgroupca com Date March 21, 2005 To FARBER FAMILY LIMITED PARTNERSHIP Attention Curt Farber 991C Lomas Santa Fe Drive, #441 Solana Beach, CA 92075 Re Proposed Multi-Family Development to be Located at 1100 Las Flores Drive, Carlsbad, California Subject Foundation/Structural Plan Review References 1) 2) 3) "Plans and Drawings" (Sheets S1 0-S1 8, S2 0,521, S3 0-S3 4, 84 0, S5 0, S6 0) Prepared by Flores Lund Consultants, Dated 1/11/05 "Updated Soils Report" Dated September 10,2003, Prepared by the Engineering Design Group "Geotechnical Investigation and Foundation Recommendations, for Proposed Multi- Family Development, to be Located at 1100 Las Flores Drive, City of Carlsbad, California" Dated December 22,2000, Project No 002486-1, Prepared by the Engineering Design Group In accordance with your request, we have reviewed the above referenced plans (Reference No 1) (Sheets S1 0-S1 8, S2 0, S2 1, S3 0-S3 4, S4 0, S5 0, S6 0) prepared by Flores Lund Consultants In general, the project structural plans incorporate the recommendations of the above referenced project soils report with the exception of the following comments 1 2 3 The slab depicted in the garage area of the building is 4 inches, per the project soils report it should be 5 inches Detail 10 on sheet S2 1 identifies an 8 foot minimum distance to daylight per footings constructed adjacent to slopes Per the project soils report, the minimum distance should be 12 feet to daylight Consideration should be given to adding a control zone in the lower level slab on grade floor at the stairway entry along the north portion of the site Particularly 2 small rectangular areas of concrete exist in this area, 1 partially beneath the stairs, an east/west trending control joint should be considered isolating these smaller mass areas from more square areas in the field of the slab Details 9 and 10 identify dowlmg to the building slab at 24 inches on center In general, we recommend that the dowlmg schedule meet and be lapped with the general reinforcement schedule of the concrete slab, 18 inches on center iy questions regarding this letter, or if we can be of further service, Ice EERING DESIGN GROUP not hesitate to o Steve Norris California RGB #2590, RCE #47672, CEG # 22t CERTIFIED NEERING OLOGISTE \LETTER\L£TTER 1\2000\002486 1 FARBER MULTI FAMILY DEV 1100 LAS FLORES DR CARLSBAD PLAN Rl ENGINEERING I DESIGN GROUPmGEOTECHNICAl CIVIl SIRUCTURAl 4 ARCHITECTURAL CONSULTANTS •OB BtSIDENTIAL i, COMMERCIAL COHSTRIOON 2121 Montiel Road San Marcos California 92069 (760)8397302 Fax (760) 480 7477 www designgroupca com Date September 10, 2003 To Re Farber Family Partnership Attention Curtis Farber 140 Marine View Avenue #220 Solana Beach, CA 92075 Proposed Multi-family Development to Be Located at 1100 Las Flores Drive, City of Carlsbad, California Subject Updated Soils Report Reference "GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION AND FOUNDATION RECOMMENDATIONS, FOR PROPOSED MULTI-FAMILY DEVELOPMENT, TO BE LOCATED AT 1100 LAS FLORES DRIVE, CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA", Project No 002486-1 dated December 22, 2000, by Engineering Design Group V GENERAL In accordance with your request, we have reviewed the above referenced Geotechnical Investigation report and provided the following updated recommendations for the proposed development Our update is based on our review of the above referenced report and site reconnaissances of the property Based on our conversations with the project developer it is anticipated that the proposed new improvements will consist of the following >• Design and construction of new multi unit condominium complex >• Partially subterranean parking garage >• Miscellaneous walkway and common area improvements UPDATE RECONNAISSANCE Representatives of Engineering Design Group visited the subject property on September 9, 2003 and found the condition of the residential property to be generally similar to that described in our above referenced geotechnical report Based on our site reconnaissance, Page No 1 of 8 Project No 002486 1 E \JOBS\1JOBS\2000\0024861 FARBER-MULTI FAMILY DEV F1100 LAS FLORES DRIVE CARLSBAD UPDATE wpd the recommendations of our above referenced report for the property remain pertinent and applicable to the property, with the following amended updates I) The building Architect, or waterproofing subcontractor, shall design a retaining wall and slab waterproofing system to adequately prevent water intrusion into the subterranean garage per the design expectations of the developer The details provided in our referenced report are minimum guidelines only, intended to address hydrostatic buildup issues behind the retaining elements Upgraded waterproofing elements may include Firestone EPM liner in lieu of visqueen, pea gravel underlayment in lieu of sand, water retarding admixtures, slab underdram systems, surface sealants, etc The design of the subterranean water proofing system for this development is beyond the scope of this report II) The foundation section of our report is updated as follows FOUNDATIONS 1 Footings bearing in competent formational materials or compacted and certified fill may be designed utilizing maximum allowable soils pressure of 2,000 psf 2 Seismic Design Parameters Seismic Zone Factor Soil Prof ife Type (Table 16-J) Near Source Distance (Distance to Closest Active Fault) Seismic Source Type (Table 16-U) 4 S« 75km Rose Canyon B Bearing values may be increased by 33% when considering wind, seismic, or other short duration loadings 3 The following parameters should be used as a minimum, for designing footing width and depth below lowest adjacent grade Page No 2 of 8 Project No 002486 1 E \JOBS\1 JOBS\2000\002486 1 FARBER MULTI FAMILY DEV F1100 LAS FLORES DRIVE CARLSBAD UPDATE wpd No of Floors Supported « * , 1 2 - 3 Minimum Footing Width 18 inches 18 inches 18 inches *Mimmum Footing Depth Below Lowest Adjacent Grade 18 inches 18 inches 24 inches 4 All footings should be reinforced with a minimum of two #5 bars at the top and two #5 bars at the bottom (3 inches above the ground) For footings over 30 inches in depth, additional reinforcement, and possibly a stemwall system will be necessary This detail should be reviewed on a case by case basis by our office prior to construction 5 All isolated spread footings should be designed utilizing the above given bearing values and footing depths, and be reinforced with a minimum of #5 bars at 12 inches o c in each direction (3 inches above the ground) Isolated spread footings should have a minimum width of 24 inches 6 For footings (including site Vetammg wall footings) and all other cosmetically sensitive improvements adjacent to slopes, a minimum 12 feet horizontal setback in formational or certified fill material should be maintained A setback measurement should be taken at the horizontal distance from the bottom of the footing or improvement to slope daylight Where this condition can not be met it should be brought to the attention of the Engineering Design Group for review 7 All excavations should be performed in general accordance with the contents of this report, applicable codes, OSHA requirements and applicable city and/or county standards 8 All foundation subgrade soils and footings shall be pre-moistened a minimum of 18 inches in depth prior to the pouring of concrete 9 Concrete for building foundations should have a minimum compressive strength of 2,500 psi in 28 days Page No 3 of 8 Project No 002486 1 E \JOBS\1 JOBS\2000\002486 1 FARBER MULTI FAMILY DEV F1100 LAS FLORES DRIVE CARLSBAD UPDATE wpd II) The concrete slabs section of our report is updated as follows CONCRETE SLABS ON GRADE 1 Concrete slabs on grade of the garage should have a minimum thickness of 5 inches (6 inches at garage and driveway locations) and should be reinforced with #4 bars at 18 inches o c placed at the midpoint of the slab All concrete shall be poured per the following • Slump Between 3 and 4 inches maximum • Aggregate Size 3/4 -1 inch • Air Content 5 to 8 percent • Moisture retarding additive in concrete at moisture sensitive areas • Water to cement Ratio -05 maximum 2 All required fills used to support slabs, should be placed in accordance with the grading section of this report and the attached Appendix B, and compacted to 90 percent Modified Proctor Density, ASTM D-1557 3 A uniform layer of 4 inches of clean sand is recommended under the slab in order to more uniformly support the slab, help distribute loads to the soils beneath the slab, and act as a capillary break In addition, a visqueen layer (10 mil) should be placed mid-height in the sand bed to act as a vapor retarder As an upgrade, an Firestone EPM liner may be used instead of visqueen 4 Adequate control joints should be installed to control the unavoidable cracking of concrete that takes place when undergoing its natural shrinkage during curing The control joints should be well located to direct unavoidable slab cracking to areas that are desirable by the designer 5 All subgrade soils to receive concrete flatwork are to be pre-soaked to 2 percent over optimum moisture content to a depth of 18 inches 6 Brittle floor finishes placed directly on slab on grade floors may crack if concrete is not adequately cured prior to installing the finish or if there is minor slab movement To minimize potential damage to movement sensitive flooring, we recommend the use of slip sheeting techniques (linoleum type) which allows for foundation and slab movement without transmitting this movement to the floor finishes Page No 4 of 8 Project No 002486 1 E \JOBS\1 JOBS\2000\002486 1 FARBER MULTI FAMILY DEV F1100 LAS FLORES DRIVE CARLSBAD UPDATE wpd Prior to placement of any moisture sensitive floor finishes, the flooring contractor shall conduct vapor emission testing, per ASTM standards, to determine the suitability of the concrete for the proposed flooring type Where emission rates exceed the manufactures specifications, a concrete sealant product shall be utilized Exterior concrete flatwork and driveway slabs, due to the nature of concrete hydration and minor subgrade soil movement, are subject to normal minor concrete cracking To minimize expected concrete cracking, the following may be implemented • Concrete slump should not exceed 4 inches • Concrete should be poured during "cool" (40 - 65 degrees) weather if possible If concrete is poured in hotter weather, a set retarding additive should be included in the mix, and the slump kept to a minimum • Concrete subgrade should be pre-soaked prior to the pouring of concrete The level of pre-soakmg should be a minimum of 2% over optimum moisture to a depth of 18 inches • Concrete may be poured with a 10 inch deep thickened edge • Concrete should be constructed with tooled joints or sawcuts (1 inch deep) creating concrete sections no larger than 225 square feet For sidewalks, the maximum run between joints should not exceed 5 feet For rectangular shapes of concrete, the ratio of length to width should generally not exceed 0 6 (i e, 5 ft long by 3 ft wide) Joints should be cut at expected points of concrete shrinkage (such as male corners), with diagonal reinforcement placed in accordance with industry standards • Drainage adjacent to concrete flatwork should direct water away from the improvement Concrete subgrade should be sloped and directed to the collective drainage system, such that water is not trapped below the flatwork • The recommendations set forth herein are intended to reduce cosmetic nuisance cracking but will not prevent concrete cracking The owner should be aware all concrete, because of it's cementitious nature, will to some degree shrink and crack The amount, location and impact on the cosmetic finish, of cracking can be reduced by design philosophy and construction The project concrete contractor is ultimately responsible for concrete quality and performance, and should pursue a cost-benefit analysis of these recommendations with the owner & general contractor, and other options available in the industry, prior to the pouring of concrete Page No 5 of 8 Project No 002486-1 E \JOBS\1JOBS\2000\0024861 FARBER MULTI FAMILY DEV F1100 LAS FLORES DRIVE CARLSBAD UPDATE wpd Additionally, the project owner should be made fully aware of expected performance of concrete finishes, so as to avoid follow up calls regarding minor concrete cracking II) The retaining wall section of our report is updated as follows RETAINING WALLS Retaining walls up to 8 feet may be designed and constructed in accordance with the following recommendations and minimum design parameters 1 Retaining wall footings should be designed in accordance with the allowable bearing criteria given in the "Foundations" section of this report, and should maintain minimum footing depths outlined in "Foundation" section of this report 2 Unrestrained cantilever retaining walls should be designed using an active equivalent fluid pressure of35pcf This assumes that granular, free draining material will be used for backfill, and that the backfill surface will be level For sloping backfill, the following parameters may be utilized Backfill Sloping Condition Active Fluid Pressure 2 1 Slope 50pcf 151 Slope 65pcf Any other surcharge loadings shall be analyzed in addition to the above values 3 If the tops of retaining walls are restrained from movement, they should be designed for a uniform soil pressure of 65 psf 4 Passive soil resistance may be calculated using an equivalent fluid pressure of 300 pcf This value assumes that the soil being utilized to resist passive pressures, extends horizontally 2 5 times the height of the passive pressure wedge of the soil Where the horizontal distance of the available passive pressure wedge is less than 2 5 times the height of the soil, the passive pressure value must be reduced by the percent reduction in available horizontal length 5 A coefficient of friction of 0 35 between the soil and concrete footings may be utilized to resist lateral loads in addition to the passive earth pressures above Page No 6 of 8 Project No 002486-1 E \JOBS\1JOBS\2000\0024861 FARBER MULT1 FAMILY DEV F1100 LAS FLORES DRIVE CARLSBAD UPDATE wpd 6 Retaining walls should be braced and monitored during compaction If this cannot be accomplished, the compactive effort should be included as a surcharge load when designing the wall 7 All walls shall be provided with adequate back drainage to relieve hydrostatic pressure, and be designed in accordance with the minimum standards contained in the "Retaining Wall Drainage Detail", Appendix D Area drains should not be connected to French Dram System behind retaining wall Wall waterproofing systems shall be designed by the building Architect 8 Retaining wall backfill should be placed and compacted in accordance with the "Earthwork" section of this report Backfill shall consist of a non- expansive granular, free draining material IV) The construction observation and testing section of our report is updated as follows CONSTRUCTION OBSERVATION AND TESTING The recommendations provided in this report are based on subsurface conditions, our review of the site and knowledge of the area Interpolated subsurface conditions must be verified in the field during construction The following items shall be conducted prior/during construction by a representative of Engineering Design Group (under separate contract) in order to verify compliance with the geotechmcal and civil engineering recommendations provided herein, as applicable 1 Review of final project grading and foundation plans prior to construction 2 Attendance of a pre-grade/pre-construction meeting prior to the start of construction 3 Observation of removal bottom (parking garage subgrade) 4 Observation and testing of any fill placement, including utility trenches and retaining wall backfill 5 Final review of onsite drainage systems The project soils engineer may at their discretion deepen footings or locally recommend additional steel reinforcement to upgrade any condition as deemed necessary during site observations The field inspection protocol, as outlined above, is a requirement of this report Engineering Design Group assumes no liability for structures constructed utilizing this report not meeting this protocol In the event field inspection work is conducted by others, they shall assume sole responsibility for work conducted and certify the suitability of soils for building support Page No 7 of 8 Project No 002486 1 E \JOBS\1JOBS\2000\0024861 FARBER MULTI FAMILY DEV F1100 LAS FLORES DRIVE CARLSBAD UPDATE wpd If you have any questions regarding this report, or if we can be of further service, please do not hesitate to contact us We hope the report provides you with necessary information to continue with the development of the project Sincere INEERING DESIGN GROU CERTIFIED ENGINEERING Steven Norns fE #47672 California RGE #2590 Cahfonna CEG #2263 Page No 8 of 8 Project No 002486 1 E \JOBS\1 JOBS\2000\002486 1 FARBER MULTI FAMILY DEV F1100 LAS FLORES DRIVE CARLSBAD UPDATE wpd ENGINEERING [DESIGN GROUP GEOTECHNICAl CIVIL STRUCTURAL « ARCHITECTURAL CONSULTANTS FOB BESIOiUllAL 8 COMME«CIAl COMSTRUCTIOH 2121 Montiel Road San Marcos California 92069 (760)8397302 Fax (760) 480 7477 www designgroupca com GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION AND FOUNDATION RECOMMENDATIONS FOR PROPOSED MULTI-FAMILY DEVELOPMENT, TO BE LOCATED AT 1100 LAS FLORES DRIVE, CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA Project No 002486-1 December 22, 2000 PREPARED FOR Curtis Farber c/o FARBER FAMILY PARTNERSHIP 140 Marine View Avenue, #220 Solana Beach, CA 92075 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page SCOPE 1 SITE AND PROJECT DESCRIPTION 1 FIELD INVESTIGATION 1 SUBSOIL CONDITIONS 2 GROUND WATER 2 LIQUEFACTION 3 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 4 GENERAL 4 EARTHWORK 4 FOUNDATIONS 6 CONCRETE SLABS ON GRADE 8 RETAINING WALLS 9 SURFACE DRAINAGE 11 CONSTRUCTION OBSERVATION AND TESTING 11 MISCELLANEOUS 12 ATTACHMENTS Site Vicinity Map Figure No 1 Site Location Map Figure No 2 Site Plan/Location of Exploratory Test Pits Figure No 3 Logs of Exploratory Test Pits Figures No 4-5 References Appendix A General Earthwork and Grading Specifications Appendix B Testing Procedures Appendix C SCOPE This report gives the results of ourgeotechnical investigation for the property located at the end of Las Flores Drive in the City of Carlsbad, California (See Figure No 1, "Site Vicinity Map", and Figure No 2, "Site Location Map") The scope of our work, conducted on-site to date, has included a visual reconnaissance of the property and neighboring properties, a limited subsurface investigation of the property, field analysis and preparation of this report presenting our findings, conclusions, and recommendations SITE AND PROJECT DESCRIPTION The subject property consists of an generally irregularly shaped lot located north of Las Flores Drive, in the City of Carlsbad, California The site is bordered to the north by a custom developed residence, to1 the east by the Interstate 5 freeway, to the west by a descending slope onto neighboring driveway and Jefferson Street, and to the south by Las Flores Drive The overall topography of the site area consists of gentle hillside coastal terrain The subject site consists of a developed lot with an existing one story single family home Based on our conversations with the project architect, and our review of the preliminary site plan, it is anticipated that the proposed new improvements will consist of the following, >• Design and construction of eleven new multi-family units >• Design and construction of subterranean garages FIELD INVESTIGATION Our field investigation of the property, conducted December 18, 2000, consisted of a site reconnaissance, site field measurements, observation of existing conditions on-site and on adjacent sites, and a limited subsurface investigation of soil conditions Our subsurface investigation consisted of visual observation of two exploratory test pits, logging of soil types encountered, and sampling of soils for laboratory testing The locations of the test pits are given in Figure No 3, "Site Plan/Location of Exploratory Test Pits" Logs of the exploratory Test Pit excavations are presented in Figures No 4-5, "Test Pit Excavations" FARBER DEVELOPMENT Job No 002486 1100 LAS FLORES DRIVE CARLSBAD CALIFORNIA Page 1 ENGINEERING DESIGN GROUP GEOTECHNICAL CIVIL STRUCTURAL & ARCHITECTURAL CONSULTANTS SUBSOIL CONDITIONS Materials consisting of topsoil and weathered slightly silty sandy fill material underlain by sandstone, was encountered during our subsurface investigation of the site Soil types within our test pit excavations are described as follows Topsoil/Fill Topsoil/fill materials extended to depths ranging between 35-36 inches below adjacent grade Toposil/fill materials consist of dark brown, moist, medium dense, slightly silty sand with small rootlets Topsoil/fill materials are not considered suitable for the support of structures, but may be used as compacted fill during grading Slightly silty sand materials classify as SW-SM according to the Unified Classification System, and based on visual observation and our experience, possess expansion potentials in the low range Sandstone Sandstone material was found to underlie the fill material within our the test pit excavations Sandstone materials consisted of brown to rust brown, slightly moist, dense, sandstone Sandstone materials are considered suitable for the support of structures and structural improvements, provided the recommendations of this report are followed Sandstone materials classify as SW according to the Unified Classification System, and based on visual observation and our experience, possess expansion potentials in the low range For detailed logs of soil types encountered in our test pit excavations, as well as a depiction of our test pit locations, please see Figure No 3, "Site Plan/Location of Exploratory Test Pits", and Figures No 4-5, "Test Pits Excavations" GROUND WATER Ground water was not encountered during our subsurface investigation of the site Ground water is not anticipated to be a significant concern to the project provided the recommendations of this report are followed FARBER DEVELOPMENT Job No 002486 1100 LAS FLORES DRIVE CARLSBAD CALIFORNIA Page 2 ENGINEERING DESIGN GROUP GEOTECHNICAL CIVIL STRUCTURAL & ARCHITECTURAL CONSULTANTS LIQUEFACTION It is our opinion that the site could be subjected to moderate to severe ground shaking in the event of a major earthquake along any of the faults in the Southern California region However, the seismic risk at this site is not significantly greater than that of the surrounding developed area Liquefaction of cohesionless soils can be caused by strong vibratory motion due to earthquakes Research and historical data indicate that loose, granular soils underlain by a near-surface ground water table are most susceptible to liquefaction, while the stability of most silty clays and clays is not adversely affected by vibratory motion Because of the dense nature of the soil materials underlying the site and the lack of near surface water, the potential for liquefaction or seismically-mduced dynamic settlement at the site is considered low The effects of seismic shaking can be reduced by adhering to the most recent edition of the Uniform Building Code and current design parameters of the Structural Engineers Association of California FARBER DEVELOPMENT Job No 002486 1100 LAS FLORES DRIVE CARLSBAD CALIFORNIA Page 3 ENGINEERING DESIGN GROUP GEOTECHNICAL CIVIL STRUCTURAL & ARCHITECTURAL CONSULTANTS CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS GENERAL In general, it is our opinion that the proposed construction, as described herein, is feasible from a geotechnical standpoint, provided that the recommendations of this report and generally accepted construction practices are followed The following recommendations should be considered as minimum design parameters, and shall be incorporated within the project plans and utilized during construction, as applicable EARTHWORK Where slab on grade flooring systems are proposed for the new improvements, fill material found to mantle the site will require removal and re-compaction during grading within the areas of improvement Based on our investigation, as a minimum required removals should extend through fill profiles, anticipated to be approximately 3 feet deep, and to a minimum distance of 5 feet outside the footprint of the proposed structure (where possible) Based upon our understanding of the proposed subterranean garages, it is anticipated that garage floors will be founded into competent formational material Where any cut/fill transitions occur entire building pad should be undercut to create a uniform compacted fill pad Special structural consideration should be made for foundations that may span into retaining wall backfill wedges, especially in the area of subterranean garage walls Such conditions should be reviewed by our office prior to construction Where removals can not be made as described above, the non conforming condition should be brought to the attention of the Engineering Design Group in writing so modified recommendations may be provided In order to confirm soil conditions observed during the field investigation, all undercuts should be observed by Engineering Design Group prior to recompaction of any fill soils 1 Site Preparation Prior to any grading, areas of proposed improvement should be cleared of surface and subsurface organic debris (including topsoil) Removed FARBER DEVELOPMENT Job No 002486 1100 LAS FLORES DRIVE, CARLSBAD CALIFORNIA Page 4 ENGINEERING DESIGN GROUP GEOTECHNICAL CIVIL STRUCTURAL & ARCHITECTURAL CONSULTANTS debris should be properly disposed of off-site prior to the commencement of any fill operations Holes resulting from the removal of debris, existing structures, or other improvements which extend below the undercut depths noted, should be filled and compacted using on-site material or a non-expansive import material 2 Removals Fill soils found to mantle the site in our exploratory test pits (i e , upper approximately 3 feet), are not suitable for the structural support of buildings or improvements in their present state, and will require removal and re-compaction in areas of proposed slab on grade floors or other settlement sensitive locations In general, grading should consist of the excavation of a keyway at the base of any proposed fill slopes, keyway cambered into slope to a minimum depth of 18 inches into competent formational soil profiles, scarification of keyway bottom, benching, and re- compaction of fill materials to 90 percent relative compaction per ASTM 1557-91 (See Appendix B for grading detailing) Excavated fill materials are suitable for re-use as fill material during grading, provided they are cleaned of debris and oversize material in excess of 6 inches in diameter (oversized material is not anticipated to be of significant concern) and are free of contamination Improvements should be constructed on uniform building pad Where a cut/fill transition occurs, the building pad should be undercut to a minimum of 3 feet, to a distance of 5 feet outside building perimeter, where possible Removals and undercuts should extend a minimum of 5 feet beyond the footprint of the proposed structures and settlement sensitive improvements Where this condition cannot be met it should be reviewed by the Engineering Design Group on a case by case basis Removal depths should be visually verified by a representative of our firm prior to the placement of fill 3 Fills Areas to receive fill and/or structural improvements should be scarified to FARBER DEVELOPMENT Job No 002486 1100 LAS FLORES DRIVE CARLSBAD CALIFORNIA Page 5 ENGINEERING DESIGN GROUP GEOTECHNICAL CIVIL STRUCTURAL & ARCHITECTURAL CONSULTANTS a minimum depth of 12 inches, brought to near optimum moisture content, and re-compacted to at least 90 percent relative compaction (based on ASTM D1557-91) Compacted fills should be cleaned of loose debris, oversize material in excess of 6 inches in diameter, brought to near optimum moisture content, and re-compacted to at least 90% relative compaction (based on ASTM D1557-91) Surficial, loose or soft soils exposed orencountered during grading (such as any undocumented or loose fill materials) should be removed to competent formational material and properly compacted prior to additional fill placement Fills should generally be placed in lifts not exceeding 8 inches in thickness If the import of soil is planned, soils should be non-expansive and free of debris and organic matter Prior to importing, soils should be visually observed, sampled and tested at the borrow pit area to evaluate soil suitability as fill FOUNDATIONS We anticipate that the proposed foundation system for the structures will slab on grade and perimeter footing foundation system 1 Footings bearing in competent formational materials or compacted fill may be designed utilizing maximum allowable soils pressure of 2,000 psf 3 Seismic Design Parameters Seismic Zone*Factor Soil Profile Type ^ t (Table 16-J) / £' ,. Near Source Distance i (Distance to Closest «> ys f, v t *„ * Active Fault)f* *4- t ' /$e|smic Sourcja "pype^ (table 16-U) 'f •• , , \ 4 Sd *? **, * t * &%y? if •/ v <- ^' -~. J' t W15 km , v ~$ Rose Canyon |s . * r '"«•*! " 41 Tf? ^"» i! tS / ^ ^r^cp^ f^j^ ^ & PARSER DEVELOPMENT 1100LASFLORESDRIVE CARLSBAD CALIFORNIA ENGINEERING DESIGN GROUP Job No 002486 Page 6 GEOTECHNICAL CIVIL STRUCTURAL 8, ARCHITECTURAL CONSULTANTS Bearing values may be increased by 33% when considering wind, seismic, or other short duration loadings The following parameters should be used as a minimum, for designing footing width and depth below lowest adjacent grade No of Floors Supported - 1 I 2 3 Minimum Footing Width , 15 inches. 15 inches 18 inches -*. *Minimum Footing Depth + Below llowest AdjacentGrade A~*. ,J8 inches, < , » •- * '""1 8 inches i 24 inches 5 All footings should be reinforced with a minimum of two #4 bars at the top and two #4 bars at the bottom (3 inches above the ground) For footings over 30 inches in depth, additional reinforcement, and possibly a stemwall system will be necessary This detail should be reviewed on a case by case basis by our office prior to construction 6 All isolated spread footings should be designed utilizing the above given bearing values and footing depths, and be reinforced with a minimum of #4 bars at 12 inches o c in each direction (3 inches above the ground) Isolated spread footings should have a minimum width of 24 inches 7 Forfootmgs adjacent to slopes, a minimum 15 feet horizontal setback in formational material or properly compacted fill should be maintained A setback measurement should be taken at the horizontal distance from the bottom of the footing to slope daylight Where this condition can not be met it should be brought to the attention of the Engineering Design Group for review 8 All excavations should be performed in general accordance with the contents of this report, applicable codes, OSHA requirements and applicable city and/or county standards 7 All foundation subgrade soils and footings shall be pre-moistened a minimum of 18 inches in depth prior to the pouring of concrete FARBER DEVELOPMENT 1100 LAS FLORES DRIVE CARLSBAD CALIFORNIA ENGINEERING DESIGN GROUP Job No 002486 Page 7 GEOTECHNICAL CIVIL STRUCTURAL S, ARCHITECTURAL CONSULTANTS CONCRETE SLABS ON GRADE Concrete slabs on grade should use the following as the minimum design parameters 1 Concrete slabs on grade of the building slabs should have a minimum thickness of 4 inches (5 inches at garage and driveway locations) and should be reinforced with #4 bars at 24 inches o c placed at the midpoint of the slab All concrete shall be poured per the following • Slump Between 3 and 4 inches maximum Aggregate Size 3/4 -1 inch Air Content 5 to 8 percent Moisture retarding additive in concrete at moisture sensitive areas • Water to cement Ratio - 0 5 maximum 2 All required fills used to support slabs, should be placed in accordance with the grading section of this report and the attached Appendix B, and compacted to 90 percent Modified Proctor Density, ASTM D-1557 3 A uniform layer of 4 inches of clean sand is recommended under the slab in order to more uniformly support the slab, help distribute loads to the soils beneath the slab, and act as a capillary break In addition, a visqueen layer (10 mil) should be placed mid-height in the sand bed to act as a vapor retarder 4 Adequate control joints should be installed to control the unavoidable cracking of concrete that takes place when undergoing its natural shrinkage during curing The control joints should be well located to direct unavoidable slab cracking to areas that are desirable by the designer 5 All subgrade soils to receive concrete flatwork are to be pre-soaked to 2 percent over optimum moisture content to a depth of 18 inches 6 Brittle floor finishes placed directly on slab on grade floors may crack if concrete is not adequately cured prior to installing the finish or if there is minor slab movement To minimize potential damage to movement sensitive flooring, we recommend the use of slip sheeting techniques (linoleum type) which allows for foundation and slab FARBER DEVELOPMENT Job No 002486 1100LASFLORESDRIVE CARLSBAD CALIFORNIA Page 8 ENGINEERING DESIGN GROUP GEOTECHNICAL CIVIL STRUCTURAL & ARCHITECTURAL CONSULTANTS movement without transmitting this movement to the floor finishes Exterior concrete flatwork and driveway slabs, due to the nature of concrete hydration and minor subgrade soil movement, are subject to normal minor concrete cracking To minimize expected concrete cracking, the following may be implemented • Concrete slump should not exceed 4 inches • Concrete should be poured during "cool" (40 - 65 degrees) weather if possible If concrete is poured in hotter weather, a set retarding additive should be included in the mix, and the slump kept to a minimum • Concrete subgrade should be pre-soaked prior to the pouring of concrete The level of pre-soakmg should be a minimum of 2% over optimum moisture to a depth of 18 inches • Concrete may be poured with a 10 inch deep thickened edge • Concrete should be constructed with tooled joints or sawcuts (1 inch deep) creating concrete sections no larger than 225 square feet For sidewalks, the maximum run between joints should not exceed 5 feet For rectangular shapes of concrete, the ratio of length to width should generally not exceed 0 6 (i e , 5 ft long by 3 ft wide) Joints should be cut at expected points of concrete shrinkage (such as male corners), with diagonal reinforcement placed in accordance with industry standards • Drainage adjacent to concrete flatwork should direct water away from the improvement Concrete subgrade should be sloped and directed to the collective drainage system, such that water is nottrapped below the flatwork • The recommendations set forth herein are intended to reduce cosmetic nuisance cracking The project concrete contractor is ultimately responsible for concrete quality and performance, and should pursue a cost-benefit analysis of these recommendations, and other options available in the industry, prior to the pouring of concrete RETAINING WALLS Retaining walls are not anticipated for construction of the additions, but retaining walls up to 6 feet may be designed and constructed in accordance with the following recommendations and minimum design parameters 1 Retaining wall footings should be designed in accordance with the allowable bearing FARBER DEVELOPMENT Job No 002486 1100 LAS FLORES DRIVE CARLSBAD CALIFORNIA Page 9 ENGINEERING DESIGN GROUP GEOTECHNICAL CIVIL STRUCTURAL & ARCHITECTURAL CONSULTAffTS criteria given in the "Foundations" section of this report, and should maintain minimum footing depths outlined in "Foundation" section of this report 2 Unrestrained cantilever retaining walls should be designed using an active equivalent fluid pressure of 35 pcf This assumes that granular, free draining material will be used for backfill, and that the backfill surface will be level For sloping backfill, the following parameters may be utilized Condition 2 1 Slope 1 51 Slope Active 50 65 Any other surcharge loadings shall be analyzed in addition to the above values 3 If the tops of retaining walls are restrained from movement, they should be designed for an additional uniform soil pressure of 7XH psf, where H is the height of the wall in feet 4 Passive soil resistance may be calculated using an equivalent fluid pressure of 300 pcf This value assumes thatthe soil being utilized to resist passive pressures, extends horizontally 2 5 times the height of the passive pressure wedge of the soil Where the horizontal distance of the available passive pressure wedge is less than 2 5 times the height of the soil, the passive pressure value must be reduced by the percent reduction in available horizontal length 5 A coefficient of friction of 0 35 between the soil and concrete footings may be utilized to resist lateral loads in addition to the passive earth pressures above 6 Retaining walls should be braced and monitored during compaction If this cannot be accomplished, the compactive effort should be included as a surcharge load when designing the wall 7 All walls shall be provided with adequate back drainage to relieve hydrostatic pressure, and be designed in accordance with the minimum standards contained in the "Retaining Wall Drainage Detail", Appendix B Surface area drains and other drainage systems should not be tied to retaining wall back dram systems 8 Retaining wall backfill should be placed and compacted in accordance with the "Earthwork" section of this report Backfill shall consist of a non-expansive FARBER DEVELOPMENT Job No 002486 1100 LAS FLORES DRIVE CARLSBAD CALIFORNIA Page 10 ENGINEERING DESIGN GROUP GEOTECHNICAL CIVIL STRUCTURAL & ARCHITECTURAL CONSULTANTS granular, free draining material SURFACE DRAINAGE Adequate drainage precautions at this site are imperative and will play a critical role on the future performance of the dwelling and improvements Under no circumstances should water be allowed to pond against or adjacent to foundation walls, or tops of slopes The ground surface surrounding proposed improvements should be relatively impervious in nature, and slope to dram away from the structure in all directions, with a minimum slope of 2% for a horizontal distance of 7 feet (where possible) Area drains or surface swales should then be provided to accommodate runoff and avoid any ponding of water Roof gutters and downspouts shall be installed on the new and existing structures and tightlmed to the area dram system All drains should be kept clean and unclogged, including gutters and downspouts Area drains should be kept free of debris to allow for proper drainage During periods of heavy ram, the performance of all drainage systems should be inspected Problems such as gullying or ponding should be corrected as soon as possible Any leakage from sources such as water lines should also be repaired as soon as possible In addition, irrigation of planter areas, lawns, or other vegetation, located adjacent to the foundation or exterior flat work improvements, should be strictly controlled or avoided CONSTRUCTION OBSERVATION AND TESTING The recommendations provided in this report are based on subsurface conditions disclosed by our investigation of the project area Interpolated subsurface conditions should be verified in the field during construction The following items shall be conducted prior/during construction by a representative of Engineering Design Group in order to verify compliance with the geotechnical and civil engineering recommendations provided herein, as applicable The project structural and geotechnical engineers may upgrade any condition as deemed necessary during the development of the proposed improvement(s) 1 Attendance of a pre-construction meeting prior to the start of work 2 Review of final approved structural plans prior to the start of work, for compliance with geotechnical recommendations 3 Observation of keyway bottom prior to scarification PARSER DEVELOPMENT Job No 002486 1100LASFLORESDRIVE CARLSBAD CALIFORNIA Page 11 ENGINEERING DESIGN GROUP GEOTECHNICAL CIVIL STRUCTURAL & ARCHITECTURAL CONSULTANTS warranties of the accuracy of these recommendations, beyond the limits of the obtained data, is herein expressed or implied This report is based on the investigation at the described site and on the specific anticipated construction as stated herein If either of these conditions is changed, the results would also most likely change Man-made or natural changes in the conditions of a property can occur over a period of time In addition, changes in requirements due to state of the art knowledge and/or legislation, are rapidly occurring As a result, the findings of this report may become invalid due to these changes Therefore, this report for the specific site, is subject to review and not considered valid after a period of one year, or if conditions as stated above are altered It is the responsibility of the owner or his representative to ensure that the information in this report be incorporated into the plans and/or specifications and construction of the project It is advisable that a contractor familiar with construction details typically used to deal with the local subsoil and seismic conditions, be retained to build the structure If you have any questions regarding this report, or if we can be of further service, please do not hesitate to contact us We hope the report provides you with necessary information to continue with the development of the project Since RING DESIGN GROU Steven Norns California RCE #47672 FARBER DEVELOPMENT 1100LASFLORESDRIVE CARLSBAD CALIFORNIA ENGINEERING DESIGN GROUP Job No 002486 Page 13 GEOTECHNICAL CIVIL STRUCTURAL & ARCHITECTURAL CONSULTANTS SITE VICINITY MAP PROJECT NAME FARBER DEVELOPMENT PROJECT ADDRESS 1100LASFLORESDRIVE CITY OF CARLSBAD CALIFORNIA PROJECT NUMBER 002486-1 ENGINEERING DESIGN GROUP GEOTECHNICAL CIVIL STRUCTURAL S ARCHITECTURAL CONSULTANTS 810 W Los Vallecitos Blvd Suite A San Marcos CA 92069 Phone (760)752 7010 Fax (760)752 7092 FIGURE 1 \\Mam\file\Forms\1 FRM\FARBER LAS FLORES LOCATION OF TEST PITS wpd SITE LOCATION MAP PROJECT NAME FARBER DEVELOPMENT PROJECT ADDRESS 1100LASFLORESDRIVE CITY OF CARLSBAD CALIFORNIA PROJECT NUMBER 002486-1 ENGINEERING DESIGN GROUP GEOTECHNICAL CIVIL STRUCTURAL & ARCHITECTURAL CONSULTANTS 810 W Los Vallecitos Blvd Suite A San Marcos CA 92069 Phone (760)7527010 Fax (760)7527092 FIGURE \\Mam\file\Forms\1 FRIWFARBER LAS FLORES LOCATION OF TEST PITS wpd SITE PLAN - LOCATION OF EXPLORATORY TEST PITS #1 - APPROXIMATE LOCATION OF EXPLORATORY TEST PITS PROJECT NAME FARBER DEVELOPMENT PROJECT ADDRESS 1100 LAS FLORES DRIVE CITY OF CARLSBAD CALIFORNIA PROJECT NUMBER 002486-1 ENGINEERING DESIGN GROUP GEOTECHNICAL CIVIL STRUCTURAL & ARCHITECTURAL CONSULTANTS810 W LosVallecitosBlvd Suite A San Marcos CA 92069Phone (760)752 7010 Fax (760)752 7092 FIGURE \\Mam\file\Forms\1 FRMVFARBER LAS FLORES LOCATION OF TEST PITS wpd COUJHQLUJaoa:CL0zcaLULULU ""^ n o2 «r ^ 1ul S1- u- ^^^MHM O O II uO ^<IS _ 0< [TJ Z U-I LU ^ ff\tn \JJ LOGGED BYDATUM EXI5ELEVATION-z. LU Q. O LU LU Q COLU OL O | [ CO 1 IAME FARBER10 002486T HAND DUGz1- 1- Ul(_) o 5£ oo50:0:0a. o. LU a:LUIf-oCOLU[a.;><£COoCOo13 ' ! UJ UJ CO o 1-DESCRIPoo oo 0Ul 0O O_i Ul a CO COCO CO "5£ 1 | ^ -i-; 1 1JO CD(0 (fl S "^ £ 5 5> ra "> To CD CD« CO •S | E ~3 CO -o oCD £ E ^-55 1 o 2 £ -Q I 1J3-S -a *l -CO g 3Q 2 a: "i=1 LUu. z ^S ^*" CO = DOfeJ? 53h- O C/J co r" r~ ^ OUJC3 Ula. 0CO ^.J.c^ Z Q Z LUa: o UJa.O CO LU O u. CO Zo REPRESENTAT0 Xa. 0 ft zO CO 5 UJ QZ O ^ uirf ^z 0 SN z^ §w I- Hg SllP if S.SiS£B ^"J *\ / ^~ r , ' j'/— ^j\^ o \ \— '\ ^ t Q, i *. _____^-—i i ' / J1-^^***^ i CVJ •x.\> ) ^~ CO I\ 1 1 IO CD - ULO LU "* 1—i!h-Q LLi| ~^^> — . -jo:<CDo oi-z -' Ia.oI5 onLUoCOLUCOOCOO COCO O2 C CO<0 COCO CD<0CCDX> E2 T3CD 1.a -SCD Q 03"O TO OT to >. cCD-a "55o I .a S c S o: LUcc LU LU CO O a.EuCOUJa u. 6COD. (O • CO W LUa.g CO LU OL13CO oUJo QUJooo UJi UJa. (O o zUJCOUJu.a.UJCtL u Xa. O ^°u "O <o 00 a: Csj CD aa:o 4PPEND/X -A- APPENDIX A REFERENCES 1 California Department of Conservation, Division of Mines and Geology, Fault-Rupture Zones in California, Special Publication 42, Revised 1990 Greensfelder, R W, 1974, Maximum Credible Rock Acceleration from Earthquakes in California California Division of Mines and Geology, Map Sheet 23 Hart, Michael, June 17,1994, Geologic Investigation, 7505 Hillside Drive, La Jolla, CA, File No 153-94 Engineering Design Group, Unpublished In-House Data Ploessel, M R , and Slosson, J E , 1974, Repeatable High Ground Acceleration from Earthquakes California Geology, Vol 27, No 9, P 195-199 State of California, Fault Map of California, Map No 1, Dated 1975 State of California, Geologic Map of California, Map No 2, Dated 1977 APPENDIX -B- GENERAL EARTHWORK AND GRADING SPECIFICATIONS 1 0 General Intent These specifications are presented as general procedures and recommendations for grading and earthwork to be utilized in conjunction with the approved grading plans These general earthwork and grading specifications are a part of the recommendations contained in the geotechnical report and shall be superseded by the recommendations in the geotechnical report in the case of conflict Evaluations performed by the consultant during the course of grading may result in new recommendations which could supersede these specifications or the recommendations of the geotechnical report It shall be the responsibility of the contractor to read and understand these specifications, as well as the geotechnical report and approved grading plans 2 0 Earthwork Observation and Testing Prior to the commencement of grading, a qualified geotechnical consultant should be employed for the purpose of observing earthwork procedures and testing the fills for conformance with the recommendations of the geotechnical report and these specifications It shall be the responsibility of the contractor to assist the consultant and keep him apprised of work schedules and changes, at least 24 hours in advance, so that he may schedule his personnel accordingly No grading operations should be performed without the knowledge of the geotechnical consultant The contractor shall not assume that the geotechnical consultant is aware of all grading operations It shall be the sole responsibility of the contractor to provide adequate equipment and methods to accomplish the work in accordance with applicable grading codes and agency ordinances, recommendations in the geotechnical report, and the approved grading plans not withstanding the testing and observation of the geotechnical consultant If, in the opinion of the consultant, unsatisfactory conditions, such as unsuitable soil poor moisture condition, inadequate compaction, adverse weather, etc are resulting in a quality of work less than recommended in the geotechnical report and the specifications, the consultant will be empowered to reject the work and recommend that construction be stopped until the conditions are rectified Maximum dry density tests used to evaluate the degree of compaction should be performed in general accordance with the latest version of the American Society for Testing and Materials test method ASTM D1557 -1- 3 0 Preparation of Areas to be Filled 3 1 Clearing and Grubbing Sufficient brush, vegetation, roots and all other deleterious material should be removed or properly disposed of in a method acceptable to the owner, design engineer, governing agencies and the geotechnical consultant The geotechnical consultant should evaluate the extent of these removals depending on specific site conditions In general, no more than 1 percent (by volume) of the fill material should consist of these materials and nesting of these materials should not be allowed 3 2 Processing The existing ground which has been evaluated by the geotechnical consultant to be satisfactory for support of fill, should be scarified to a minimum depth of 6 inches Existing ground which is not satisfactory should be overexcavated as specified in the following section Scarification should continue until the soils are broken down and free of large clay lumps or clods and until the working surface is reasonably uniform, flat, and free of uneven features which would inhibit uniform compaction 3 3 Qverexcavation Soft, dry, organic-rich, spongy, highly fractured, or otherwise unsuitable ground, extending to such a depth that surface processing cannot adequately improve the condition, should be overexcavated down to competent ground, as evaluated by the geotechnical consultant For purposes of determining quantities of materials overexcavated, a licensed land surveyor/civil engineer should be utilized 3 4 Moisture Conditioning Overexcavated and processed soils should be watered, dried-back, blended, and/or mixed, as necessary to attain a uniform moisture content near optimum 3 5 Recompaction Overexcavated and processed soils which have been properly mixed, screened of deleterious material, and moisture-conditioned should be recompacted to a minimum relative compaction of 90 percent or as otherwise recommended by the geotechnical consultant -2- 3 6 Benching Where fills are to be placed on ground with slopes steeper than 5 1 (horizontal to vertical), the ground should be stepped or benched The lowest bench should be a minimum of 15 feet wide, at least 2 feet into competent material as evaluated by the geotechnical consultant Other benches should be excavated into competent material as evaluated by the geotechnical consultant Ground sloping flatter than 5 1 should be benched or otherwise overexcavated when recommended by the geotechnical consultant 3 7 Evaluation of Fill Areas All areas to receive fill, including processed areas, removal areas, and toe-of-fill benches, should be evaluated by the geotechnical consultant prior to fill placement 40 Fill Material 4 1 General Material to be placed as fill should be sufficiently free of organic matter and other deleterious substances, and should be evaluated by the geotechnical consultant prior too placement Soils of poor gradation, expansion, or strength characteristics should be placed as recommended by the geotechnical consultant or mixed with other soils to achieve satisfactory fill material 4 2 Oversize Oversize material, defined as rock or other irreducible material with a maximum dimension greater than 6 inches, should not be buned or placed in fills, unless the location, materials, and disposal methods are specifically recommended by the geotechnical consultant Oversize disposal operations should be such that nesting of oversize material does not occur, and such that the oversize material is completely surrounded by compacted or densified fill Oversize material should not be placed within 10 feet vertically of finish grade, within 2 feet of future utilities or underground construction, or within 15 feet horizontally of slope faces, in accordance with the attached detail -3- 4 3 Import If importing of fill material is required for grading, the import material should meet the requirements of Section 4 1 Sufficient time should be given to allow the geotecnnical consultant to observe (and test, if necessary) the proposed import materials 5 0 Fill Placement and Compaction 5 1 Fill Lifts Fill material should be placed in areas prepared and previously evaluated to receive fill, in near-horizontal layers approximately 6 inches in compacted thickness Each layer should be spread evenly and thoroughly mixed to attain uniformity of material and moisture throughout 5 2 Moisture Conditioning Fill soils should be watered, dried-back, blended, and/or mixed, as necessary to attain a uniform moisture content near optimum 5 3 Compaction of Fill After each layer has been evenly spread, moisture- conditioned, and mixed, it should be uniformly compacted to not less than 90 percent of maximum dry density (unless otherwise specified) Compaction equipment should be adequately sized and be either specifically designed for soil compaction or of proven reliability, to efficiently achieve the specified degree and uniformity of compaction 5 4 Fill Slopes Compacting of slopes should be accomplished, in addition to normal compacting procedures, by backrollmg of slopes with sheepsfoot rollers at increments of 3 to 4 feet in fill elevation gam, or by other methods producing satisfactory results At the completion of grading, the relative compaction of the fill out to the slope face would be at least 90 percent -4- 5 5 Compaction Testing Field tests of the moisture content and degree of compaction of the fill soils should be performed at the consultant's discretion based on field conditions encountered In general, the tests should be taken at approximate intervals of 2 feet in vertical rise and/or 1,000 cubic yards of compacted fill soils In addition, on slope faces, as a guideline approximately one test should be taken for each 5,000 square feet of slope face and/or each 10 feet of vertical height of slope 6 0 Subdram Installation Subdram systems, if recommended, should be installed in areas previously evaluated for suitability by the geotechnical consultant, to conform to the approximate alignment and details shown on the plans or herein The subdram location or materials should not be changed or modified unless recommended by the geotechnical consultant The consultant, however, may recommend changes in subdram line or grade depending on conditions encountered All subdrams should be surveyed by a licensed land surveyor/civil engineer for line and grade after installation Sufficient time shall be allowed for the survey, prior to commencement of filling over the subdrams 7 0 Excavation Excavations and cut slopes should be evaluated by a representative of the geotechnical consultant (as necessary) during grading If directed by the geotechnical consultant, further excavation, overexcavation, and refilling of cut areas and/or remedial grading of cut slopes (i e , stability fills or slope buttresses) may be recommended 8 0 Quantity Determination For purposes of determining quantities of materials excavated during grading and/or determining the limits of overexcavation, a licensed land surveyor/civil engineer should be utilized -5- MINIMUM RETAINING WALL WATERPROOFING & DRAINAGE DETAIL FINAL WATERPROOFING SPECIFICATIONS & DETAILS TO BE PROVIDED BY PROJECT ARCHITECT TOP OF RETAINING WALL MASTIC TO BE APPLIED TO TOP Of WALL MASTIC TYPE WATER PROOFING (HLM 5000 OR EQUIV) INSTALLED PER MANUFACTURES SPECIFICATIONS i PROTECTED WITH BACKER BOARD (ABOVE MIRADRAIN) MASTIC NOT TO BE EXPOSED TO SUNLIGHT SOIL BACKFILL COMPACTED TO 90% RELATIVE COMPACTION PER REFERENCE END MIRADRAIN (top) RETAINING WALL MIRADRAIN MEMBRANE INSTALLED PER MANUFACTURES SPECIFICATIONS OVER MASTIC WATERPROOFING - HLM 5000 OR EQUIVALENT 1 PROPOSED SLOPE BACKCUT PER OSHA STANDARDS OR PER ALTERNATIVE SLOPING PLAN OR PER APPROVED SHORING PLAN COMPACTED FILL OR BEDROCK FILTER FABRIC ENVELOPE (MIRAFI 140N OR APPROVED EQUIVALENT) 12" MIN LAP 3/4" - 1 1/2" CLEAN GRAVEL 4"X4" (45d) CONCRETE CANT O FOOTING/WALL CONNECTION (UNDER WATER PROOFING) 4' (MIN ) DIAMETER PERFORATED PVC PIPE (SCHEDULE 40 OR EQ) WITH PERFORATIONS ORIENTED DOWN AS DEPICTED MIN 2% GRADIENT TO SUITABLE OUTLET END MIRADRAIN (bottom) 'COMPETENT BEDROCK OR FILL MATERIAL AS EVALUATED BY THE GEOTECHNICAL CONSULTANT =ROJECT NUMBER =ROJECT NAME =ROJECT ADDRESS DRAWN BY 5CAL.E 1"=1 -0 ENGINEERING DESIGN GROUP 810 WEST LOS VALLECITOS BLVD SUITE "A SAN MARCOS CA 92069 (760) 752-7010 FAX (760) 752-7092 DETAIL/FIGURE NUMBER DATE No surcharge loads within Jits area for leva! backfill design • Filter Material ) nax crushed aggregate 4 cu ft par 4 dia dram or 1 cu ft per ft of open head joints 4 dia dram with 1/4 galv wire- mesh screen 8 0 on centers or one row horizontally of open head joints Line of undisturbed natural soil TYPICAL SECTION Mortar or cast in place concrete Finished ground (me ^ Vertical remf Grout filled block cells 12" block wall Horizontal remf thru bond beam block Vertical remf Top of footing CAP DETAIL 2" x 4" (nominal) key KEY DETAIL NOTES 1 All masonry retaining walls shall be constructed with cap key and drainage details as shown hereon 2 4 diameter dram may be formed by placing a block on it s side THE ENGINEERING DESIGN GROUP RETAINING WALL DETAIL T T FIGUtf MOt DESIGN CONDITIONS Walls art to be used for tht loading conditions shown for lach typ* w»" Design H shall not be exceeded Footing key is required except as shown otherwise or when found unnecessary by the Engineer Special footing design is required where foundation material ii uncapable of supporting toe pressure listed m table DESIGN DATA Reinforced Concrete Fc Fs 1200 psi 20 000 psi Fc 3000 psito Reinforced Masonry F m = 600 psi Fm = 200 psi Fs = 20 000 psi n =• 50 Earth - 120 pcf and Equivalent Fluid Pressure » 36 psf per foot of height Walls shown for 114 1 unlimited sloping surcharge are designed in accordance with Ranklme s formula for unlimited sloping surcharge with a 6 ' 33' 42 REINFORCEMENT Intermediate grade, hard grade or rail steel deformation shall conform to ASTM A615 A616 A617 Bars shall lap 40 diameters where spliced, unless otherwise shown on the plans Bends shall conform to the Manual of Standard Practice A C I Backing for hooks is four diameters All bar embedments are clear distances to outside of bar Spacing for parallel bars is center to center of bars MASONRY All reinforced masonry retaining walls shall be constructed of regular or light weight standard units conforming to the Standard Specifications for Public Works Construction JOINTS Vertical control joints shall be placed n 32 foot intervals maximum. Joints shell be designed to resist shear and other lateral forces while permitting longttudal movement. Virnuf expansion joints shall be placed at 96 foot inter vals maximum. CONCRETE Footing concrete shall be 560-C-3250 using B aggregate when placing conditions permit BACKFILL No backfill material shall be placed against masonry retaining walls until grout has reached design strength or until grout has cured for a minimum of 28 days Compaction of backfill material by jetting or ponding with water will not be permitted Each layer of backfill shall be moistened as directed by the Engineer and thoroughly tamped rolled or otherwise compacted until the relative compaction is not less than 90% FENCING Safety fencing shall be installed at the top of the wall as required by the agency INSPECTIONS Call for inspections as follows A When the footing has been formed with the steel tied securely in final position and is ready for the concrete to be placed B Where cleanout holes are not provided (1) After the blocks have been laid up to a height of 4 or full height for walls up to 5 with steel in place but before the grout is poured and (2) After the first lift is properly grouted the blocks have been laid up to the top of the wall with the steel tied securely in place but before the upper lift is grouted Where cleanout holes are provided After the blocks have been laid up to the top of the wall with the steel tied securely in place but before grouting C After grouting is complete and after rock or rubble wall drams are m place but before earth backfill is placed 0 Final inspection when all work has been completed CONCRETE GROUT AND MORTAR MIXES Concrete grout shall attain a minimum compressive strength of 2 000 psi in 28 days and mortar shall attain 1,800 psi m 28 days. All cells shall be filled with grout Rod or vibrate grout within 10 minutes of pouring to insure consolidation Bring grout to a point 2 from the top of masonry units when grouting of second lift is to be continued at another time MORTAR KEY To insure proper bonding between the footing and the first course of block a mortar key shall be formed by embedding a flat 2X4 flush with and at the top of the freshly poured footing The 2X4 should be removed after the concrete has started to harden (approximately 1 hour) A mortar key may be omitted if the first course of block is set into the fresh concrete when the footing is poured and a good bond is obtained WALL DRAINS Wall drains shall be provided in accordance with Standard Drawing C 8 SOIL All footings shall extend at least 12 inches into undisturbed natural soil or approved compacted fill Soil should be dampened pnor to placing concrete in footings. THE ENGINEERING DESIGN GROUP RETAINING WALL DETAIL :rw L < ^ 1 1/2 1 sloping backfill or .s 250 psf live load surcharge /v. / — mortar cap X-,. ^L1 T — pLl.jfe^-jff 4 total 2"1 7^-^ ° S >*— v ^^-"""^| So -° $ T^- (A) bars -" £ 00 J .. csl * «f "-*• f7~3^# 4 total 2 r » 1 "1 • 4/ff-\ /Oi .z = _o |«/ ( B i (jars __ b - /^ K, - • / ,#410131 5 " "* r2" 1 ( . -;! Jfc.. /. 1 - Jx :";"~ i Key-^'^ " „ W/2 ^ I ^- ' t "^ 1 0" o - w » TYPICAL SECTION over 3 8 NOTES 1 See Standard Drawings C 7 and C 8 fo additional notes and details 2 Fill all block cells with grout .f — Edg« of Footing '//////////////////. "> <^ PLAN H= 5 4 H= 3 8 I'll IIJ^-HtH i I I I < I I I I I rj^.^L _|fp-' --I — i--! — i ,- ,lj i« K ^J (layout line i> /- 1 1/2 / 250 [ =Vi X , -z I CO 00 ^ II 1 sloping backfill or isf live load surcharge . — mortar cap er=^r~~ % * w^l 2 :3 -® bars •p — j-2 ^^-#4 total 3 H: Key+hi.^ . Ji i«/rt r \ \\ ^ rf 12 x 12' key - 1 1 L, Jj\# 40@ 12'W ,° f 1_PJ U_^-#4@12 ^n Horizontal remf not shown TYPICAL SECTION 3 8' max ELEVATION DIMENSIONS AND REINFORCING STEEL H (max) 5 4 T (mm) 0 Iff W (mm) 5 0 r (A) bars t 4 @ 16 (T) bars f 6 @ 16* max toe prea. (p»f) 70° 3 8 0' 10 3 9 #4€> 16 550 THE ENGINEERING DESIGN GROUP RETAINING WALL DETAIL IOB NOt 8T tN FIGURE NOt SIDE HILL STABILITY FILL DETAIL EXISTING GROUND SURFACE. FINISHED SLOPE FACE PROJECT 1 TO 1 LINE FROM TOP OF SLOPE TO OUTSIDE EDGE OF KEY FINISHED CUT PAD OVERBURDEN OR UNSUITABLE MATERIAL PAD OVEREXCAVATION DEPTH AND RECOMPACTION MAY BE RECOMMENDED BY THE GEOTECHNICAL CONSULTANT BASED ON ACTUAL FIELD CONDITIONS ENCOUNTERED ' MIN LOWEST BENCHDEPTH <KEY) OMPETENT BEDROCK OR MATERIAL AS EVALUATED BY THE GEOTECHNICAL CONSULTANT NOTE Subdram details and key width recommendations to be provided based on exposed subsurface conditions CANYON SUBDRAIN DETAILS GROUND SURFACE BENCHING REMOVE UNSUITABLE MATERIAL SUBORAIN TRENCH SEE BELOW 8* MIN OVERLAP SUBDRAIN TRENCH DETAILS FILTER FABRIC ENVELOPE (MIRAFI 140N OR APPROVED EQUIVALENT)* 6* MIN OVERLAP 4* MIN BEDDING 3/4'-1-1/2' CLEAN GRAVEL (9«3/« MIN ) 8' tf MIN 3/4'-1-1/2' CLEAN QRAVEL (9ft3/ft MIN) PERFORATED PIPE *IF CALTRANS CLASS 2 PERMEABLE MATERIAL IS USED JN PLACE OF 3/4'-1-1/2' QRAVEL FILTER FABRIC MAr BE DELETED DETAIL OF CANYON SUBDRAIN TERMINAL DESIGN FINISH GRADE SUBDRAIN TRENCH SEE ABOVE NONPEHFORATED 8' 0 MIN PERFORATED 8* 0 MIN PIPE SPECIFICATIONS FOR CALTRANS CLASS 2 PERMEABLE MATERIAL U S Standard Sieve Size 1" 3/4" 3/8" No 4 No 8 No 30 No 50 No 200 Passing 100 90-100 40-100 25-40 18-33 5-15 0-7 0-3 Sand Equivalent >75 Subdrain should be constructed only on competent material as evaluated by the geotechnical consultant SUBORAIN INSTALLATION Subdrain pipe should be installed with perforations down as depicted At locations recommended by the geotechnical consultant nonperforated pipe should be Installed SUBORAIN TYPE-Subdrain type should be Acrylonltrlle Butadiene Styrene (A B S ) Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) or approved equivalent Class 125, SDR 32 5 should be used for maximum fill depths of 35 feet Class 2OO, SDR 21 should be used for maximum fill depths of 100 leet STABILITY FILL / BUTTRESS DETAIL OUTLET PIPE3 4' 0 NONPERFORATED PIPE. 100' MAX OC HORIZONTALLY. 30' MAX. O C VERTICALLY-'BACK CUT 1 1 OR FLATTER SEE 3UBDRAIN TRENCH DETAIL MIN ~-Jp-?^'-^-?^.nrtr^:r*" "^"-'"' — •"• — — ^ — LOWEST SU8ORAIN SHOULD BE SITUATED A3 LOW AS POSSIBLE TO ALLOW SUITABLE OUTLET KEY DEPTH KEY WIDTH AS NOTEO ON GRADING PLANS 15' MIN PERFORATED PIPE 10' MIN EACH SIDE NON-PERFORATED OUTLET PIPE T-CONNECTION DETAIL 6' MIN OVERLAP 3/4'-1-1/2" CLEAN GRAVEL <3ft3/ft MIN 4' 0NON-PERFORATED PIPEv FILTER FABRIC ENVELOPE (MIRAFI 140N OR APPROVED EQUIVALENT)* SEE T-CONNECTION DETAIL 6' MIN COVER 4" 0 PERFORATED PIPE 4* MIN BEDDING SUBDRAIN TRENCH DETAIL *IF CALTRANS CLASS 2 PERMEABLE MATERIAL IS USED IN PLACE OF 3/4'-1-1/2* GRAVEL. FILTER FABRIC MAY BE DELETED SPECIFICATIONS FOR CALTRANS CLASS 2 PERMEABLE MATERIAL U S Standard _$Teve Size 1" 3/4' 3/8" No 4 No 8 No 30 No 50 No 200 % Passing 100 90-100 40-100 25-40 18-33 5-15 0-7 0-3 Sand Equi va1ent>75 °' buttress and subdra.nNOTES For buttres. dimension,, see geotechnioal report/plans Actual may be changed by the aeotechnical consultant based on field conditions 3UBORA.N iNSTALLATION-Subdraln pipe should be Installed w.th perforation, down " At location* recommended by the geotechnlcal consultant nonperforated p.p. should be 3UBORAIN TYPE-Subdra.n type should be Acry.on tr.le Butadiene Styrene (A 8 S ) Polyvmyl (PVC) or approved equivalent Class 125.SOR 32 9 should be used for maximum fill depths Class 200, SDR 21 should be used for maximum fill depths of 100 feet KEY AND BENCHING DETAILS FILL SLOPE I TO 1 I IMPII >* I b I f^ C FROM TOE OF SLOPE TO COMPETENT MATERIAL EXISTING GROUND SURFACE- REMOVE UNSUITABLE MATERIAL BENCH 2' MIN KEY DEPTH -15' MIN LOWEST BENCH (KEY) FILL-OVER-CUT SLOPE EXISTING GROUND SURFACE 15' MIN—H LOWEST ' BENCH (KEY) CUT SLOPE (TO BE EXCAVATED PRIOR TO FILL PLACEMENT) EXISTING GROUND SURFACE- REMOVE UNSUITABLE MATERIAL CUT-OVER-FILL SLOPE PROJECT 1 TO 1 LINE FROM TOE OF SLOPE TO COMPETENT MATERIAL '=•11 r=TT' CUT SLOPE (TO BE EXCAVATED PRIOR TO FILL PLACEMENT) REMOVE UNSUITABLE MATERIAL BENCH 2' MIN KEY DEPTH 5' MIN H LOWEST I BENCH (KEY) NOTE Back drain may be recommended by the geotechnical consultant based on actual field conditions encountered Bench dimension recommendations may also be altered based on field conditions encountered. ROCK DISPOSAL DETAIL PINU9H OAAOE SLOPE FACE -"15' MtN -=>>--z->>>>>5' MIN HerrwKri OVERSIZE WINDROW GRANULAR 3OIL (3 E.2 30) TO BE DENSIFJED >N PLACE BY FLOODING DETAIL TYPICAL PROFILE ALONG WINDROW „„ ,, j%^x^^^^ &.WM.W. and 15 feet horizontally of slope faces. 2) Rooks w,th max,mum d.mens.ons greater than 4 fee. should no, be ut.hz.d .n f.ll. 3) Rock pl.eM.nt. floodmg of granu.ar so,., and f,ll placemen, should be observed by .he geotechnical consultant vertically (as depicted) 5) Rock should be placed m excavated trenches to 30) should be flooded in the windrow to completely rocks APPENDIX -C- LABORATORY TESTING PROCEDURES Direct Shear Test Direct shear tests are performed on remolded and/or relatively undisturbed samples which are soaked for a minimum of 24 hours prior to testing After transferring the sample to the shearbox, and reloading, pore pressures are allowed to dissipated for a period of approximately 1 hour prior to application of shearing force The samples are sheared in a motor- driven, strain controlled, direct-shear testing apparatus After a travel of approximately 1/4 inch, the motor is stopped and the sample is allowed to "relax" for approximately 15 minutes Where applicable, the "relaxed" and "peak" shear values are recorded It is anticipated that, in a majority of samples tested, the 15 minutes relaxing of the sample is sufficient to allow dissipation of pore pressures set up due to application of the shearing force The relaxed values are therefore judged to be good estimations of effective strength parameters Expansion Index Tests The expansion potential of representative samples is evaluated by the Expansion Index Test, U B C Standard No 29-2 Specimens are molded under a given compactive energy to approximately the optimum moisture content and approximately 50 percent saturation The prepared 1 -inch thick by 4-inch diameter specimens are loaded to an equivalent 144 psf surcharge and are inundated with tap water for 24 hours or until volumetric equilibrium is reached Classification Tests Typical materials were subjected to mechanical grain-size analysis by wet sieving from U S Standard brass screens (ASTM D422-65) Hydrometer analyses were performed where appreciable quantities of fines were encountered The data was evaluated in determining the classification of the materials The grain-size distribution curves are presented in the test data and the Unified Soil Classification is presented in both the test data and the boring logs HV w . feirax.—aooo^ 7 , Oiroux & Associates Environmental Consultants S X S JEFFERSON STREET PROJECT CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA Prepared for Allied Pacific Financial Attn Curt Farber 991-C Loaas Santa Fe Drive, #441 Solana Beach, CA 92075 Date: February 14, 2001 Prepared by: \ eft Hans D Giroux ' Acoustical Consultant Giroux & Associates 1^744 Sky Kirk Circle Su.te 210 California 92614 Phone {V4>J) 85! 8609 fax {949} H51 8f>t2 NOISE Sounc is mechanical energy transmitted bv pressure wa\es in a compressible aedium sucn as air Noise is generally defined as unwanted sourd Soard is characterized b> various oarareters that describe the rate of oscillation of sound v^aves, the distance between successive troughs or crests, the speed of propagation, and the pressure level or energy content of a given sound wave In particular, the sound pressure level l^as become the most comiron descriptor used to cnaracterize the loudness of ambient sound. The unit of sound pressure level rataoed to the faintest sound detectable by the human ear is called a decibel (dB) Because sound or noise can vary in intensity by over one million times within the range of human hearing, a logarithmic loudness scale is used to keep souna intensity numbers at a convenient and manageable level Sirce the human ear is not ecually sensitive to all sound frequencies within the entire audibJe spectrun, noise levels at raaxiwura hunan sensitivity (auddle A and its higher harmonics) are factored more heavily into sound descriptions ir a process called "A-weighting," written a& d3(A) Any further reference to decibels written as "dB" should be understood to r>e A- weighted Time variations in noise exposure are typically expressed in terns of a steady-state energy level equal to the energy content of the time varying period (called Leq), or, alternatively, as a statistical description of the sound level that is exceeded over some fraction of a given observation period Finally, because cosanmiiti receptors &re more sensitive to unwanted noise intrusion during the evening and at night, State law requires that, for planning purposes, an artificial dB increment be added to quiet time noise levels in a 24-hour noise descriptor called the Community Noise Equivalent Level (CNEL) An interior CNEL of 45 dB(A) is mandated by the State of California Noise Insulation Standards (CCR, Title 24, Part 6, Section T25-28) for multiple family dwellings and frotel and motel rooms The Code requires that any multiple family unit exposed to an exterior noise loading in excess of 60 d3 CNEL raus,t be certified that the interior meets the 45 dB CNEL standard. The Code similarly requires an acoustical analysis for project proximity to airports or operating railroads If the 45 dB CNEL standard can only be met in the window closed position, supplemental ventilation to allow such window closure must be provided In 1988, the State Building Standards Comraissj.on recommended that this standard be expanded to include all habitable rooas of all dwelling units. The City of Carlsbad has adopted that recommendation and requires structural noise reduction to be capaole of achieving an interior le/el of 45 dB CNEL in all residential occupancies Structural noise attenuation with closed windows for standard construction design is around 20 dB A level of 65 dB CNEL thus can be attenuated to 45 dB as long as windows can be closed to shut out roadway noise. The ability to close the window requires that supplemental ventilation be proviced to compensate for the Imitations on opening windows for fresh air If noise levels exceed 65 dB CNEL at the building facade, upgraded noise reduction features are generally necessary to achieve the interior standard Because windows are the acoustically "weakest" structural coitponent in a dwelling, acoustically rated windows are the first upgrade usually applied to attain the 45 dB CMEL interior standard The City of Carlsbad has also established a noise ordinance that is designed to protect, citizens from excessive noise exposure from those sources over which the City may exercise legal control- However, traffic noise is preempted from local control by state and/or federal agencies. The City of Carlsbad only has the authority to enforce vehicle noise standards in the notor vehicle code, but not to establish unique performance standards for vehicles operating within the city Since noise can not be controlled at the source, the City regulates the levels to which a receiver nsay be exposed through its land use decision authority- The City has thus adopted roise standards for various types of land uses as shown in Figure 1 which must be achieved before a project aay be approved. Unless there are compelling overriding considerations, the following noise exposure standards must be attained at residential uses. Usable outdoor space {patio, spa, dec*, etc ) 60 dB CNEL Habitable interior space (bedrooms, etc ) - 45 dB CNEL The "Noise Guidelines Manual" states that the exterior-to-interior attenuation of traffic or other roise IP residential structures j.s 12 dB if windows are open, and 20 dB if single-pane windov-s are closed To achieve structural atteruation exceeding 20 CB, upgraded features such as closed dual-paned windows are necessary The hierarchy of residential structural noise reduction is as follows: oei i' L/y w *. CITY OF CARLSBAD Noise Guidelines Marian! FIGURE 1 LAND USE COMPATIBILITY FOR COMMUNITY NOISE ENVIRONMENTS MATFIX os Community Noise Exposure CNEL d8' Dup'sv Mobilahomo Multi F«nllv ate Tf«r»j«(V! Mo lot Hol.l buildlnga ir>volu«d tit <st noimal conventional contuuctior School Church Hospital Horn* w eoftvtiucuon or d«v«loprnan n ««\ly dolaitod analyst* of (ha notvg <«duct>on and na*d«d nclit 'naulaiion Auditorium Conc«ri H«lt Arnphith«9<» Cof\v«nti«r«j conalfu^tion faut with cloaad mindowx «rxl on •vpply tvvlovTi* or aif wnlSpout A/ona Outdoor Spoctatat Sport* : >, , , J Now oonvtructior or d«v«Jopm»nl n4 does proc«od • do tail ad «nely«U o( ttta noi«a Golf Caou« St«bf» Wolur fvaturvi Included in lh« Land U<« OUoooragad ot aKould o*n<'*n not b» undaitakan Ofltc* Building CommxcldJ Planned A vi NOTE McClolIcn PoJomar Airpoit fa f«Q^I«tad by 1>vv A'tpa t Comprah«r»lv* La»>dj Ui* Man (CUUP) S.» lha CUIP or . nous compatibility Project Processing procedures 25 Exterior @ Facade: Attenuation Requirements: 57 dB CNEL None 57-65 d3 CN2I Close windows facing street, provide supplemental ventilation to affected rooms per building code > 65 dB CNEL Upgrade windows, possibly double wall boards on resilient fasteners, ado. duct/vent lining and provide supplemental ventilation Attainment of a 60 dB CNEL exterior level at any usaole outdoor space, plus the indicated structural noise reduction as a function of exterior loading, are therefore the analysis criteria for the proposed Jefferson Street deve_opment In oraer to cnaracterize the existing on-site noise environment, and as a basis for projecting future on-site exposure, short-terra noise measurements were made at three locations on the project s^te Because the site is elevated relative to the adjacent freeway, the top of the bluff closest to the freeway creates a noise attenuation barrier except in very close proximity to the bluff edge. The freeway noise is thus a constant "hum," but much lower in magnitude taan it would be for a direct line-of-sight relationship The results of the noise measurements along the freeway offramp, the Jefferson Street and the Las Flores Drive frontages are shown in Table 1 Noise levels along all three frontages were in the mid-60 dB range Although these are short-term readings, monitoring experience shows that the weighted 24-hour CNEL normally exceeds the roid- to late-afternoon CNEL by perhaps 2 dB Existing CNELs across rauch of the project site are thus in the upper 60 dB range CNELs in the upper 60s wou}d exceed the City of Carlsbad 6O dB CNEL standard for locating any usable outdoor space by a substantial margin. Outdoor recreational areas would require additioral shielding. Building facade exposures exceeding 65 dB would also trigger requirements for upgraded acoustical fea-ures (dual-paned windows, etc ) Because the second story facing the freeway would more readily have a direct line of sight of traffic, it would be less noise protected than the ground floor, the neeced structural protection for livable upstairs areas on the side of the building facing 1-5 would be more stringent than for downstairs areas, or for that portion of the building facing general_y westward x CN-SITE KOISE HONITORJNG SUMMARY (dB[A]) Facing SB 45' to 40' to Parameter. Off-Ramp Las Flores* Jefferson* Energy Equiv Average (LEQ) 65 67 66 1-Second Maximum fLraax) 70 80 72 l-second Minimum (Lsi^n) 60 58 54 Exceeded on 10* of Da~a (L10) 66 70 70 Exceeded on 5O% of Data fL50) 64 64 64 Exceeded on 90% of Data (L90) 63 6D 56 * - from roaduay centerline Source LDL Model 700B Integrating Noise Dosimeter, 05/23/00 IMPACT ANALYSIS The project site noise levels will derive almost exclusively fron traffic on the freeway, Jefferson, and/or Las Flores Despite project proximity to the freeway, noise levels are only moderately elevated because of the grade separation between the freeway and the proposed project except near the slope edge icself The top of the slope at the edge of the site pad acts as a noise attenuating berm that reduces noise levels by 10 dB or more from a direct line- of-sight condition for receivers located back awa/ from the eastern site bourdary Noise issues related to a multiple-fanuly dwelling in proximity to a freeway and arterial roadways include the following (a) Achieving an acceptable 45 dB CNEL interior level in all "livable" interior space (bedrooms, living rooms, dens, etc ) (b) Providing at least 130 square feet of private reereatioral space per uric that achieves a 60 dB CNEL exterior le«/el, and providing at least 1000 square feet (10 units X 100 square feet) of comsion space with the saire 60 dB CNEL of noise protection (c) Meeting building code standards about roise propagation through shared wall assemblies, "party walls, ard through floor/ceiling assemblies in any stacked units. The interior noise constraint is likely to be created on the freeway facade, especially for those units near the southeastern property corner closest to the freeway The exterior space requirement is planned to be met along the western facade of the project with the most scenic views On the west side, the building itself will block freeway noise Roadway noise from Jefferson ard/ or Las Flores will thus create a constraint for achieving the 50 dB CNEL outdoor standard in usable outdoor space Freeway Noise Future project site noise levels along the freeway facade were calculated using the Caltrans SOUN1J32 computer model Calculations were made based on Caltrans protocols for free-flow traffic (LOS=C) at 65 jnph with an auto/medium truck/heavy truck mix of 9i%/3%/6% The calculation took into account precise elevations and setbacks, and also considered the possible additional noise attenuation achievable with a noise wall along the eastern lot perimeter Calculations were made at five (5) locations along the eastern building facade facing the freeway The results of these calculations are snown in Tajple_2_for no additional perimeter wall, and for a 6- 8-, or 10-foot wall near the eastern property lire Without a wall, upstairs levels are as high as 78 dB, and downstairs receivers have noise levels ranging from 64-7j. dB CNEL A 6-foot v.all does not reasurably nenefit any locations Increasing the wall to 8-feet does change the level of noise reduction at Point D by a measurable amount, and also slightly benefits Points C and E A 10-foot walx does not add any substantial benefit 2k wail across the northern property line was initially evaluated With a more refined topographical map, the northern wall segment was not shown to substantially contribute to any freeway noise attenuation The 8-foot wall along the eastern property line, to a top-of-wall height of 83 feet m s.l plus acoustical upgrades of the anits to meet the 45 dB CNEL interior Standard, are tnerefore tha requisite freeway noise mitigation measures Use of an 3-foot "rear" perimeter wall is recoiwended < Arterial Moase Analysis " Front yard noise exposure was similarly evaluated based upon traffic from Jefferson or Las Flores, with only minor "leakage" from the freeway A detailed mut-by-unit analysis was conducted for usable outdoor space with sufficient area to meet City of Carlsbaa standards. The currertly proposed site plan was reviewed in detail to establish the precise level of mitigation neeoed to achieve the requisite noise exposure at both private and common outdoor use A list of the identified target outdoor environments is shown in Table 3 for whicn a mitigation analysis was performed The conclusions of that analysis are shown on the attached graphics, and also summarized in Table_3, Because the grade separation between the building pad and the adjacent roadways enhances the noise reduction effectiveness of an> barriers, the barrier height is not overly high compared to the height needed for at-grade geometries that achieve the same noise reduction effectiveness The exterior noise mitigation plan consists of patio walls for units A, B, E, h-K, deck railings on Level 3 decks at Un^ts C, D, F, G, a short wall on the conversation pit/fireplace/barbecue ground floor couuaon recreation area, and walls on the "C" deck to shut out both freewa/ and street noise. By meeting the noise requirements on the facade facing Las Flores and Jefferson, the noisier eastern decks, etc facing 1-5 do not require additional treatment Barriers may b« Transparent or opaque, but must be solid and continuous to be effective If a portion of the barrier(s) are transparent, the *aininmm mass should be 4 pounds per square foot for the combined assembly in order to insure adequate stiffness to prevent rattle/reradiation ^ ^ f-f- FREEWAY FACADE NOISE MITIGATION ANALYSIS Point £ D B Location Down Up Down Up Down Up Down Lp Down Up ILL 67 70 64 69 73 70 7J. 78 WALL HEIGHT 6i 67 -0 64 66 68 75 70 78 71 78 81 67 70 64 66 67 74 68 75 68 78 IS. 66 "0 64 66 66 7, 66 "•4 66 77 Interior mitigation requirement = outdoor noise -45 dB Source SOUND32 Computer Moasl, Points A-E shown in Figure 2 Model printout in Appendix . vj C' ' U,\ \ \ \ \ \ v-. LAS ^ FIGURE 2 - DFTATLED FREEWAY NOIS^ ANALYSTS IXJCA'IIOMS A - EXTERIOR NOISE MITIGATION PLAN Private uut A B C D E IT4. G H I J K Cogunon Areas. Location Patio Patio Level 3 Deck Level 3 Deck Patio Level 3 Deck Level 3 Deck Patio Patio Patio Patio Areas Fireplace Pit Level 3 common deck Area fsq ft> 250 520 200 166 285 196 100 650 300 300 IbO - 700 650 Heeded Reduct «, (aBA) 8 7 7 7 5 2 2 2 2 2 4 6 2 W 10 S Mitigation Measure 6' patio perimeter barrier* 5' patio perimeter barrier* 5 5' deck railing barrier*" 5 5' deck railing barrier* 5' patio perimeter barrier* 5' deck railing barrier"* 5' deck railing barrier" 5' patio perimeter barrier' 5' patio perimeter barrier" 5' patio oenmeter barrier' 5' patio perimeter barrier* 2' pit perimeter barrier 5' deck railing (west) 8' deck railing (east) 5' deck railing (8 elevator) = top of wal] above patio grade = top of railing barrier above deck elevation Calculation detail in Aopenaix tjy _ ^nL SUMMARY Noise protection requirements needed to meet City of Carlsbad standards _nclude the following. (1) & sound wall along the eastern site boundary with the top-of wall at 83 feet m.s 1 (2) A deck railing *>all on the eastern side of Deck "C" facing the freeway to a height of 8 feet above the deck surface for the portion parallel to the freeway, and 6 feet for the sections perpendicular to 1-5. The wall may be solid wood, or stucco, or a combinatior of an opaque base and a transparent upper section using 3/8-inch tempered glass, or 5/8-irch thermoplastic { "Plexi-cjlas" , etc.) (3) Patio railing barriers on the west building facads to the heights shown in Table 3 using opaque or transparent Materials noted in Ttam 2 (4) A 2-foot perimeter wall on the west side of the coToaunity conversation/baroecue pit (5) Acoustical upgrades on the entire easterr/southeastern buildirg frontage to meet a variable structural attenuation requirement Banging from 33 dB on parts of the upstairs of Unit A to 19 dB on the least affected downstairs areas farthest from the freeway A 33 dB requirement will entail use of premium dual-paned windows, possibly double layered wallboard mounted on resilient channels, and duct insulation and vent baffles on any openings facing the freeway Lesser attenuation needs wall be met by "standard" dual-paned windows and central air conditioning to allow for window closure (6} Code compliant "party walls" between dwelling units 11 u y SOUND32 Model Input/Output Patio, Deck and Pirepit Moise Attenuation Calculation Detail Jeff/LasFlores f-Freeway, 1 16016 , 65 , ;28 , 65 , 1056 , fc5 L-Ccmbined, 1 N,-10Q ,1810,25 N,900.,250,70, B-Bluff, 1 1 , 0 ,C 350 ,710,25,75, 20 ,1200,25 )5, -20 ,1020,25,75 B-Wall, 2,2,0 0 285 ,780,75,85, 210 ,900,75,85, B-BlUlding, 3 , 2 , 0 ,0 275 ,780,75,100, 110 ,870,75,100, R, 1 , 67 ,500 130,360,30 , R, 2 , 67 ,50C 130,860,90 ,Up R, 3 , 67 ,50C 160,840,80 , R, 4 , 67 ,500 160,840,90 ,Jp R, 5 , 67 ,500 195,825,80 , R, 6 , 67 ,500 195,825,90 Up R, 7 , 67 ,500 225,810,80 , R, 8 , 67 ,500 225,810,90,,Up R, 9 , 67 ,500 260,790,80 , R, 1C , 6"? ,500 260,790,90. Up C,C jeff/LasFlores T-Freeway, 1 16016 , 65 , 528 , 65 , 1056 , 65 L-Ccmbjned, 1 J»,-100 ,1810,25, N,900 ,250,70, B-Bluff, 1 1 , 0 ,0 350 ,710,25,75, 20 ,1200,25,75, -20 ,1020,25,75, B-Wall, 2 , 2 , 0 ,0 285 ,730,75,85, 210 ,900,75,85, B-Building, 3 , 2 , o ,o 275 ,780,75,100, 110 ,870,75,100, R, 1 , 67 ,500 130,860,30 , R, 2 , 67 ,500 130,860,90 ,Up R, 3 , 67 ,500 160,840,80 , R, 4 , 67 ,500 160,840,90 ,Up R, 5 , 67 ,500 195,825,30 , R, 6 , 67 ,500 195,825,90 ,Up R, 7 , 67 ,500 225,810,80 , R, 8 , 67 ,500 225,810,90.,Up R, 9 , 67 ,500 260,790,80 , R, 10 , 67 ,500 260,790,90. ,U£f " c,c \jti yetrsx ;? SOUND32 - RELEASE 07/30/91 TITLE. Jeff/LasFlores EFFECTIVENESS / COST RATIOS BAR ELE 0 1 1 - 0 * 2 0 * 3 - 0 * 4 0 * 0 1 1 BARRIER ******** BAR ELE 0 1 1 - 50 * 2 - 50 * 3 0 * 4 - 25 * 0 1 1 REC REC ID DNL 1 R-l 67 2 Up 67. 3 R-3 67 4 Up 67 5 R-5 67 6 Up 67 7 R-7 67 8 Up 67 . 9 R-9 67 10 Up 67 BARRIER TYPE BERM HASONRY MASONRY/JERSEY CONCRETE 234567 81 PI Bl P2 B2 PI B3 PI 234567 DATA **** BARPIER HEIGHTS BAR 2 3 4 5 6 7 ID Bl PI Bl P2 B2 PI B3 PI 234567 PEOPLE LEQ ( CAL ) 500 67 3 500 70 5 500 64 1 500 65 8 500 69 0 500 77 7 500 69 9 500 78 1 500 71 4 500 ''S 5 COST 0. 46799. 0. 0 LENGTH TYPE 590 8 BSRM 184 4 BERM 141 5 MASONRY 137 9 MASONRY TOTAL COST = $47COO SQUND32 - RELEASE 07/30/91 TITLE Jeff/LasFlorss EFFECTI\E^ESb / COST RATIOS ****-*•«**•**•*****•**********•** BAR BLE 0 j. 1 - 0 * 2 0 * 3 0 * 4 - 0 * 0 i 1 BARRIER ******** BAR ELE 0 I 1 - 50 * 2 - 50 * 3 6 * 4 - 25 * 0 1 I REC REC ID DNL 1 R-l 67 2 Up 67 3 R-3 67 4 Up 67 5 R-5 67 6 Up 67 7 R-7 67 8 Up 67 9 R-9 67 10 Up 67 BARRIER TYPE BERM HASONRY MASONRY/JERSEY CONCRETE 234567 Bl Pi 31 P2 B2 PI B3 PI 234567 DATA **** BAKRIEP HEIGHTS 3AR 2 3 4 5 6 7 ID Bl PI Bl P2 B2 PI B3 PI 2 3 4 5 o 7 PEOPLE LSQ(CAL) 500 67 I 500 70.5 500 64 1 500 65.8 500 63.5 500 74.8 300 69.6 500 78.1 50C 71 4 500 78 5 COST 0 54243 0 O LENGTH TYPE 590 8 BERM 134 4 BERM 141 5 MASONRY 187 9 MASONRY TOTAL COST = $54000 SOUND32 - RELEASE 07/30/91 TITLE Jeff/LasFiores EFFECTIVENESS / COST RATIOS *************************** BAR ELE 0 1 1 0 * 2 - 0 * 3 0 * 4 - 0 * 0 1 1 BARRIER ******** BAR ELE 0 1 1 - 50.* 2 - 50 * 3 - 8 * 4 - 25 * 0 1 1 REC REC ID DNL 1 R-l 67 2 Up 67 . 3 R-3 67 4 Up 67 5 R-5 67 6 Up 67 7 R-7 67 8 Up 67 9 R-9 67 10 Up 67 BARRIER TYPE BERM MASONRY MASONRY/ JERSEY CONCRETE 2 3 4 5 S 7 Bl PI Bi P2 B2 PI B3 PI 234567 DATA **x* BARRIER HEIGHTS BAR 2 3 A 5 6 7 ID Bl PI Bl P2 B2 PI B3 PI 234567 PEOPLE LFQ(CAL) 50C 66 6 500 70.5 500 64 1 503 65 8 500 67 4 500 74 3 500 67.8 500 74.7 500 68 4 500 78.5 COST 0. 56677. 0. c. LENGTH TYPE 590 8 BERM 184 4 BERM Ul 5 MASONRY 137 9 MASONRY TOTAL COST = $570OO SOUND32 - RELEASE 07/30/&1 TITLE Jeff/LasFlores EFFECTIVENESS / COST RATIOS BAR ELC 0 1 1 0 * 2 0 * 3 - o * 4 0 * 0 1 BARRIER ***** *** BAR SLE 0 1 j - « - 2 - 50 * 3 - 10 * 0 1 1 REC REC ID DNL 1 R-l 67 2 Up 67. 3 R-3 67 4 Up 67 5 R-5 67 6 Up 67 7 R-7 67 8 Up 67 9 R-9 67 10 Up 67 BARRIER TYPE BERM MASONRY MASONRY/JERSEY CONCRETE 234567 Bl PI SI P2 B2 ?1 B3 PI 234567 DATA **** BARRIER HEIGHTS BAR 2 3 4 5 6 7 ID LENGTH TYPE «, ~ -*n -. «,. ~n Bl P2 184 4 BERK B2 PI 141 5 MASONRY 234557 PEOPLE LEQ(CAL) 500 66 3 500 70 2 500 64 1 500 65-8 500. 66 4 500 73 9 500. 66.3 500 73,7 500. 66.5 500. 76.9 COST 0 59111. 0 0 TOTAL COST =59000, ~ ' V " " Indiv. Location : A - Patio B C D E F G H I J K - Patic - Deck 3 - Deck 3' - Patio - Deck 3 - Deck 3 - Patio - Patio - Patio - Patio A 250 520 200 166 285 196 100 650 300 300 100 D 84' 100' 95' 9U' 160' 160' 150' 160' 160' 140' 100' ELEV Src. Rec. 73' 83' 71' 69' 67' 64' 64' 62' 62' 63' 63' 63' 83' 103' 103' 83' 103' 103' 83' 83' 83' 81' Ht 5 5' 5' 5 5' 5 5' 5' 5' 5' 5' 5' 5' 5' CNSL ,dBA) to Hit w/Mit. 68 67 67 67 65 62 62 62 62 62 64 60 60 60 60 60 57 57 57 57 57 58 Common Location „ Firepit Deck 3 - W — £ -700 650 650 105' 123' 300' 63' 66' 50' 77' 103' 103' 2' 5' 6-8' 65 62 70 60 56 60 A = Area of usable outdoor space (square feet) Mm -= 100 sq ft/irdiv unir + 100 X 11 units conmon area D = Distance fron roadway centerline to receiver Elev - Src = Source sle/ation (roadway grade) - Rec = Receptor elevatior (cad/deck grade ->- 5 feet) Ht = Barrier Height CNEL - No Hit = Noise level {d8 CNEL), no mitigation - w/Mit = Koise level (dB CNEL), witn mitigation IDcx CQ en lH OZ sssi Z O M uu a 3 §O O*v3 CO § &H BM Z OH H Oa; t ^ *Giroux & As&xxCiates Environmental Consultants March 15, 2002 Piro Engineering Attn- Ken Hoiitor 930 Boardwalk, Suite "Dn San Marcos, CA 92069 via PAX 760/744-3750 - 2 Pna Re: Farber Carlsbad Project Caltrans Noise Issues Dear Ken: I have reviewed the Caltrans comments, and I have contacted staff for further clarification My evaluation/response is as follows: The City of Carlsbad noiee mitigation requirement is to provide a minimum of 200 square feet of noise protected space per dwelling unit (at least 100 sq. feet individual, and at least 100 sq. ft. common space). Such space will be provided as required on west- facing exposures away froa the freeway. There is no legal requirement to eliminate the freeway side patio because it does not count toward the noise-protected space requirement. However/ reaoval of the designation "patio* froa the development plans would perhaps accommodate Caltrans concerns. A statement from the City of Carlsbad that Caltrans will not be responsible for noise mitigation on this parcel should be provided" as requested. This statement should acknowledge that the proposed" project will be built within a noise environment that exceeds local, stats and federal noise exposure guidelines. The project will provide a minimum of 200 square feet of usable exterior space where City of Carlsbad exterior noise standards will be met. The statement should further acknowledge that there is additional landscaped outdoor space whose noise exposure may not be mitigated to below guideline levels due to freeway proximity. It is City policy, however, to consider such space as open space not requiring noise mitigation. City approval of this project as proposed will absolve Caltrane of any noise attenuation responsibility for this property for any future 1-5 projects that may have a noise impact. The completed noise study should be submitted to Caltrans, Attn: Vann Hurst, at the earliest opportunity. / 7744 Sty Park Circle Suite 210, Irvine, California 92614 Phone (949) 851 8(09 Fax 1949) 851 9612 -2- I spoke with Ms. Dowda at Environmental Engineering. She reiterated the Caltrans position that it is Caltrans policy for new residential development within noise impacted areas to incorporate noise mitigation that meets the Caltrans/federal noise abatement criterion (NAG) for "Class B" land uses. She also stated that a statement absolving Caltrans of responsibility for future noise mitigation is necessary, and that Caltrans staff wishes to review the full noise study for the project I suggested that the outdoor space on the freeway side be designated as "undeveloped lands," a Class "D" NAC use for which there are no established noise standards. She acknowledged that this would meet Caltrans guidelines, but suggested that it would be difficult to interpret the presence of patio hardscape on the freeway side of the building as "undeveloped lands." I suggest that the area be landscaped and have a turf surface, but not any fixed improvements if we want to try to satisfy Caltrans. Absolving Caltrans of future noise mitigation requirements is the key issue, however, regardless of how the freeway side of the project is improved. Please call roe with any questions Sincerely, Hans D Giroux Senior Scientist Giroux & Associates HDG:ai cc. Curt Tarber, FAX 760/783-6666 fiPP-13-2005 14 47 FROM PPlNLIN LOH5TPUCTION 760744(3753 TO 3587E00143 P 2 E APR 13,2005 07 21 8587200149 Page 2 H April 2005 Curb!! FarberI.ARMER FAMILY i IMITED PARTNFRSHIP 2235 Encirutas Boulevard Suite #104 Encimtas, CA 92024 760 783 3333 Lmd4 Fillerup / Randy Milkman RANUNCONS1RUCIION 1010 Linda Vista Avenue Suite 203 San Marcos, CA 92078 Telephone 760 744 6700 Facsimile 760 744 6759 RL AUTHORIZATION TO BUILD 1100 LAS FLORES CARLSBAD To Whom it May Concern, Please be advteed thai I hereby gram my permission to RANLIN CONSTRUCTION or Randy Hickman or Luuia Fillcrup to coo&tfuu an 11 uml Condominium Project located at 1100 Las 1 totes in Carlsbad California and to obtain any and all permits necessary for the project If you have any questions please call me Sincerely, FARBER FAMILY LIMITED PARTNERSHIP Curtis Farber APR 13,2005 15 01 7607446759 Page 2 Page 1 of 1 Mike Peterson - Heber Grading Permit From Clyde Wickham To Mike Peterson Date 03/24/2005 11 43 AM Subject Heber Grading Permit Per our previous discussion the Foundation Only Permit can be issued to support the backfill of the parking structure Thanks for your cooperation on this issue Clyde Wickham Associate Engineer Development Services file IIC \Documents and Settmgs\mpete\Local Settmgs\Temp\GW} 00001 HTM 04/19/2005 ENGINEERING [DESIGN GROUP GEOTECHNICAl. CIVIL & STRUCTURAL CONSULTANTSFOR RESIDENTIAL S COMMERCIAL CONSTRUCTION 2121 Montiel Road San Marcos California 92069 • (760) 839 7302 • Fax (760) 480 7477 • E mail ENGDG@aol com Date July 6, 2005 To Hurd Architecture Attention HeberHurd 40335 Winchester Road, Suite E-186 Temecula, CA 92591 Re Proposed Multi-Family Development to be Located at 1100 Las Flores Drive, Carlsbad, California Subject Plan Review Letter - Revision Delta 1 Dated June 28, 2005 References 1) "Plans and Drawings" (Sheets A3 0, A6 01, A6 2, S3 0, S3 1) Prepared by Hurd Architecture, Dated May 10, 2005 2) "Updated Soils Report" Dated September 10,2003, Prepared bythe Engineering Design Group 3) "Geotechnical Investigation and Foundation Recommendations, for Proposed Multi- Family Development, to be Located at 1100 Las Flores Drive, City of Carlsbad, California" Dated December 22,2000, Project No 002486-1, Prepared bythe Engineering Design Group In accordance with your request, Engineering Design Group has reviewed the above referenced sheets (Reference No 1) specifically for the proposed change to the Electric Room Based upon our review, the proposed changes to the electnc room facility are in general conformance with the soil engineering recommendations of Reference 2 and 3 above If you have any questions regarding this letter, or if we can be of further se not hesitate to contact our office Sincerely, ENGINEERING DES, Steve Norns California RGE #2590 edo U E \LETTER\LETTER1 \2000\0024861 FARBER MULTI FAMILY DEV 1100 LAS FLORES DR CARLSBAD PLAN REVIEW LTR HURD ELEC RMwpd 14 44 949H51bbl2 LU Ouroux & Associates Environmental Consultants INTERIOR NOISE ANALYSIS BUENA VISTA VILLAGE CARLSBAD, CA1IFORNJ A Fippaied by Hans D Giroux Semoi Analyst Giroux & Associates Prepared for Ranlin Commumtn.s Attn Linda Hana 1QIQ Linda Vista Suite 722 San Marcos, CA 92078 Datf November 15,2005 Project No P05-118 i! Rushtngwmd Irvine Coltfointa 92614 Phone ('>*?) 397 W7? !-a*<94<)) 38/ 5478 NOV 15 2005 16 46 9498538612 Page 1 U JO 2005 14 44 =l49Bbl5bi^ G PrfC (V ANALYSIS BACKGROUND An acoustical report was prepared for the proposed project which prescribed preliminary exterior noise barrier*; and probable structural noise reduction features The project will be exposed to freeway nois.e on its eastern facade, and arterial traffic noise along the other project orientations The none study concluded that maximum freeway and ramp noise would be 78 dB CNFL at the southeastern corner of the building but that nois.e levels would vary substantially as a function of location and elevation above the pad giade Ihe City of Caih»bad noise exposuie requirement is 60 dB CNEL for usable outdoor space (100 equate feet private apace and 100 square feet common space per unit), and Citv and State codes require that interior space in habitable rooms thieves 45 dB CNEI through adequate structural noise attenuation With receipt of a detailed site plan and floor plans with specific dimensions for walls windows, dooxs, and other structural features, sound transmission specifications* (STc rating;*) tor each feature cm be calculated A detailed site plan with accurate elevations also allows for verification of previous preliminary specification of any required extenoi noise burners In particular, the extenoi deck penmetei bamer on the Level 3 common deck was re- evaluated for needed height to meet the City's exterior standard INTERIOR NOISE COMPLIANCE City and State mtenor noise standaid is 45 dB CNEL I ypical noise attenuation with single paned windows in modern frame and stucco construction is generally found to be 20 dB with closed single-pane windows Noise loadings of up to 65 dB CNEL at building facades simply requirt that windows be closed in order to meet the mtenor standard Units requiring window closure to meet the mtenor standard are required to provide supplemental ventilation such as* an conditioning as a standard feature If the fa$ade loading exceeds 65 dB CNEL, upgraded structuial components are needed The lear facade noise loading will range from 64 dB to 78 dB CNEL, depending upon building story and unit type The other artenal facade noise loadings will range from 62-67 dB CNEL Structural attenuation of 17-22 dB is needed ior non-freeway frontages As a worst-case, all non- freeway exposures were <&:»umed to experience a 67 dB CNEL level Freeway exposures will range from 78 dB CNEL at the upstair* of Units A or C to near 70 dB CNBL at Units G or 1 farthest from the freeway better screened by terrain and the rear lot perimeter barrier Because of this variability five separate locations were analyzed for mtenoi exposure rather than developing \ "one size fits dll" acoustic package along the rear of the building The INM 2 (Interior Noise Analysis, Veision 3 2) computei model was u;>ed to calculate interior levels at the five rear facade and the worst-case non-freeway frontage locations The structural feature? evaluated included the windows French doors extenor walls, and the roof/ceiling The minimum structural ratings or construction features for each analysis location are as follows r wokh,-R.t?ORT" OOi\NOfitW4 HBBtENA VIVIA N UOC I NOV xb 2005 16 4/ 9498i>1861- Page 2 11 '15/^OU1-. 14 44 c)4S«51dbl2 F -,<-,£ Unjf^Deygnata2n____ Freeway Facade Unit A Unit C Unit D UnitF Umt G UmtJ bmtK Non-Freeway Sides \11 units Window STC 40 40„____ ___ __^ 36 31 ^ ^53 33 1 JO , French Door STC 40 40 38 36 Standard Standard Standard Standard Ceiling Type Dual layer Dual layer Single layer Single layer Single layer Single layer Single layer Single layer Source INA# 2 Computer Mode], Input/Output in Appendix 111 ordei to allow for window closure supplemental ventilation is required m any tear bediooms The assumed rear bedroom occupancy is two persons, at 15 CFM per person, or a 30 CFM supplemental ventilation rate for each rear bedroom Because front rooms must close windows for arterial noise protection, a whole-house supplement \l ventilation rate of 60 CFM is recommended EXTERIOR COMMON DECK MITIGATION Ai part of the final noise analysis, the previous recommendation for an 8-foot high wall on the eastern penmetet of the Lcvel 3 Common Deck was re-vssited The required level of noi&e (eduction on this deck was pre\iously calculated to be 10 dB in order to meet the C»ty oi ( arlsbad exterior noise standard for usable outdoor space Based upon piehrninary building lay- outs, set-backs and topography a tout wall height of 8 feet above the deck grade was calculated Based upon the cross-s-ections that were prepared by Hurd Architecture the degree of grade separation enhances the noi&e reduction effectiveness of the perimeter barrier somewhat more than previously assumed The calculated noise reduction for a 6-foot barrier (combination solid opaque base and transparent upper section) is as follows 10 feet from deck tailing 20 feet inside deck railing -109dB A 6-foot high barrier, in conjunction with the very substantial grade separation between the deck and the freeway and ramp to the eau is adequate to achieve the target attenuation We would support the replacement of an 8-foot barrier height to a 6-foot height at this location Any other private deck perimeter noise protection roeasuies outlined in our acoustical report of February 22 2001 remain unchanged by the updated analysis C »ORK REKMITS VWSJsOKRWi lie BUENA VIS.TA M DOC NOV lo 20U"5 16 47 9498bl8612 Page 3 11 15 2005 14 44 94se518612 b Pr-,6E U4 SUMMARY 1 To attenuate noise at the bedrooms with 1-5 Fteeway frontage, a matnx of strongly up graded sound-rated assemblies must be used as shown the previous noise attenuation table 2 To attenuate noise for non-ficcwaj cvposuie's, standard construction practice and windows with an STC rating of 30 will suffice, xvith closed windows 3 Supplemental ventilation of 60 CFM is required for all units requiring window closure If a make-up air duct is included, the <ur intake should be on the side of the structure away from the fieeway 4 Jhe bin form/Call forma Building Code (UBOCBC) requires, use of sound protection m all shared wall or floor/ceiling assemblies m multi-tamily units The code requires, that tated assemblies not be compromised by unprotected penetrations Tht list of sound protection requirements and piotection measures is included in the appendix r WORK R&MtUS w^NOJSbJOV 11« Bl <S**A VT^TA N DOC NOV 15,2005 16 48 9498518612 Page 4 11 1C'2005 14 44 <3498blbbl_ G f-AiE U5 APPENDIX INTERIOR NOISE ANALYSIS (!NA VERSION 3 2) COMPUTER MODEL INPUT/OUTPUT SOUND-RATED ASSEMBLY REQUIREMENTS FOR MULTI-FAMILY RESIDENCES NOv lj ^OOb 16 48 9498518612 Paqe 5 n is lOBb 14 44 yaye^idfu (•> P«(£ INA3 2 ModtJ Input/Output C NV k R p^rtc (*0%\s< tacVPO^ 11S Bitnft v»tn NOV 15,^005 16 48 9498518bl2 Page 6 2t)05 14 44 9438518bl2 STRUCTURAL NOISE ATTENUATION COMPLIANCE Construction of multiple family dwelling units requires compliance with all noise insulation lequirements of the California Building Code The code requires the folio-wing noise insulation features tor sucb units is stated m CBC Appendix 1208 A 1 Wall and floor-ceiling assemblies separating dwelling units from each other and from, public, spates such as interior corridors and service areas shall provide airborne sound insulation lor walls and both airborne and impact sound insulation for floor-ceiling assemblies Wall assemblies shall have a minimum STC rating of 50 T loor-ceilmg assemblies shall have an 1IC rating of 50 2 Construction details, for all wund- and impact-rated assemblies shall be provided on architectural plans Laboiatory test reports, governing the STC and I1C ratings of thtse assemblies shall be specified } Entrance doors from interior corridors 1o dwelling units together with their perimeter seals shall have a minimum STC rating of 26 The 1-3/8-mch (35mm) solid core wood or 18-gauge insulated steel slab doors with resilient stop and compression seals all around, including threshold, are acceptable without other substantiating data 4 Ml penetrations or openings in Construction assemblies for piping, electrical devicts, recessed cabinets, bathtubs soifits or heating ventilating or exhaust ducts shall be sealed lined insulated or otherwise treated to maintain the required ratings ^ All rigid conduit, ducts p lumbmg p ipes and appliance vents located in sound assemblies shall be sealed lined, insulated or otherwise tjeated to maintain the required ratings 6 Mineral fiber insulation shall he installed in joint spaces whenever a plumbing pipe or duct penetiates a floor-ceiling assembly or where such pipe or duct passes through the plane oi the floor-ceiling assembly from within a wall The insulation shall be installed to a point 12 inches (305mm) beyond the pipe or duct 7 Combustion ajr and kitchen and bathroom exhaust ducts within sound separation assemblies shall be wrapped with Type "C insulation as shown in Table No 6-D, Uniform Mechanical Code NOV 15,200b 16 49 9498518612 Page 11/15/^005 14 44 949£5lHbl2 S Electoral penfctrations in soumi-iated wall And flooi-ceiling assemblies shall conform to the following (outlet box used herein is defined as A box used lor receptacles s-witrhes surface- mounted lighting fixtures junction points,, telephones, thermostats, television uses, etc) A Outlet box dimensions shill not exceed 6 inches (152mm) in length oc width b Oul> outlet boxes and ceiling exhaust fans in the bathrooms shall be permitted in walH and ceilings All other equipment and devices including icccssed fixtures, panel boards heaters, kitchen exhaust tans, sound producing equipment (bells, intercoms etc ) shall not be installed m these sound-rated assemblies i. Light switches outlet boxes, and surface-mounted fixtures shall not be installed back-to- back Plugs and switches shall be separated by "56 inches (914mm) minimum d Surface-mounted fixtures shall be separated by 24 inches ((ilOmrn) minimum All openings shall be caulked to eus>urt. integrity c Outlet boxes shall not exceed 1-1/2 (38mrn) m depth so as to allow the required 2-inch (11mm) uncompressed insulation to be installed in a standard 2-inch X 4-inch (51mm by 104mm) wall On walls ot deeper dimensions boxes of greatei depths may be permitted f Conduits or raceways Otubouts) may penetrate the sound-rated assemblies provided the conduit is covered at the penetration point svith permanently resilient sealant g Floor-ceiling assemblies between residential areas and equipment penthouses (a/c units etc ) shall be installed in accordance w»tb the bound separation requirements 9 Floor toveimgs such as carpet and pad which are required as part of a sound- and impact- rated assembly shall be installed pnor to final inspection and that such coverings must be retained as a permanent part of the assembly and may be leplaced only by other floor coverings which provide the required ratings 10 Wall-mounted lavatories and toilets aie not permitted on sound-rited walls OQl\NHac P03 I NOV 15,2005 16 49 9498518612 Page Sent by J Q05TUE I?114 PNCITY OF CARSLBAD FAX NO 760 802 9558 P 03 City of Carlsbad ii -i •^••^•a i^jj^gy ^^^^^^^Bi^B^^BB^B^WBB^PB^^^^^^^BJI^^^^^^^E^^^^^^^^^r^^^^^B t nn CEHTIFICATP Qy CpMOMJAJSCt PAYMENT OF SCHOOL FEES OR fYTHEa MITIGATION Trw »roi must be completed by ma City the appltcant and the appropriate school *sjrets and returned tothe.C«ypnor to issuing a burtflngiwrmil The City wrtnotifittie any t»«Wlr«PWTO«wrjtwwta^on^ted$criool fee form Project Name Building Permit Plan Check Number Project Address APN Project Applicant (Owner Name) protect Description Budding Type Residential Murnbef of New Lfptts Square Feet of In/ing Area in New Dwelling Second Dwelling Unit Square Feet of Living Area in SOU Residential Additions Net Square Feet New Area Commercial/Industrial Square Feet Floor Area City Certification of Appficant Information Date I Unified School Dismci Cai>uaoRca] Cartsbsd CA 92<W*(3|>Sel>0) San Marpas Unified Sthool Disnici 215 Maw Way San Matra, CA 92069 (2 W-2649) Contact Nancy Dolce {By Appt. Only) encuiicas Union School District 10] South Rancho Santa ft M Encmius, CA 92024 (944-4300 ext 166) Sum Otegwto Union High School District 7)OEncuniasBlvd EttCWitas.CA 92034 (753-649)) Cwtificaaon of AppteanVOwmra The peison «xRcutirt(i this declaration f Qwn«O certftas unctar p€TO«y of perjwv that (1) th« mftmraban provided «bov» « correct and trua to th» best of rtw Ownefs knowto<lg« and that lh» Owner wiH fite an amendatf e«Wic«lon of paynwnt end pay me ad«QOnat tee il Owner mqimte an mtaeaw m me number erf tiweHH* uwts or Hjuare foouge aflw *e buldmg penrnt is «sw*d or rf the tnrtal dstermmatton of uwfc or «^u»re footage « found to h« mcorrnS. and "foe atMve Ooacnbed proj«rt(*) or tnat ttw pe«on e«*euKmg this declarator,« JUL 19,20/05 12 41 Sent byj^Hf))AN PACIFIC MUHlfaAbt /QU/OJUOUU, u, t.,w~ ^ -,- ,,««=_ — |[2005 TUF 12 14 HI CIT* OF CARSLBAD FAX NO 760 602 85fc8 P 04 SCHOOL DISTRICT SCHOOL FEE CERTIFICATION (To be completed by the school districts)) lr«****»»*»»»»*1i •»*»••*»»•«»•»»»»•••»•*•»» THIS FORM INDICATES THAT THE SCHOOL DISTRICT REQUIREMENTS FOR THE PROJECT HAVE BEEN OR WILL BE SATISFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT The undersigned, being duly authorized by die applicable School District, certifies that the developer, builder or owner has satisfied the obligation for school facilities This is to certify that the applicant listed on page 1 has paid alt amounts or completed other applicable school mitigation determined by the School District The City may issue building permits for this project SIGNATURE OF AUTHORIZED SCHOOL DISTRICT OFFICIAL TITLE u GAYLEN FREEMAN DEPUTY SUPERINTENDENT NAME OF SCHOOL DISTRICT DATE PHONE NUMBER JUL 19 2005 12 41 760 6C2 8558 Page 4 o 11-03-2006 City of Carlsbad 1635 Faraday Av Carlsbad, CA 92008 Plan Check Revision Permit No PCR06188 Building Inspection Request Line (760) 602-2725 Job Address Permit Type Parcel No Valuation Reference # Project Title Applicant PEABODY MIKE 6197262545 1100 LAS FLORES DR CBAD PCR 1551803100 Lot# 0 $0 00 Construction Type NEW BUENA VISTA VILLAGE TRUSS CHANGE OUT Status Applied Entered By Plan Approved Issued Inspect Area Owner PACIFIC LIBERTY INC 991 C LOMAS SANTA FE DR #441 SOLANA BEACH CA 92075 ISSUED 10/20/2006 MDP 11/03/2006 11/03/2006 Plan Check Revision Fee Additional Fees $18000 $000 Total Fees $18000 Total Payments To Date $18000 Balance Due $000 Inspector FINAL APPROVAL Date Clearance NOTICE Please take NOTICE that approval of your project includes the Imposition of fees dedications reservations or other exactions hereafter collectively referred to as fees/exactions You have 90 days from the date this permit was issued to protest imposition of these fees/exactions If you protest them you mu >t follow the protest procedures set forth in Government Code Section 66020(a) and file the protest and any other required information with the City Manager for processing in accordance with Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 3 32 030 Failure to timely follow that procedure will bar any subsequent legal action to attack review set aside void or annul their imposition You are hereby FURTHER NOTIFIED that your right to protest the specified fees/exactions DOES NOT APPLY to water and sewer connection fees and capacity changes nor planning zoning grading or other similar application processing or service fees in connection with this project NOR DOES IT APPLY to any fees/exactions of which you have previously been given a NOTICE similar to this, or as to which the statute of limitations has previously otherwise expired PERMIT APPLICATION CITY OF CARLSBAD BUILDING DEPARTMENT 1635 Faraday Ave-Carlsbad, FOR OFFICE USE PLAN CHECK NO EST VAL Plan Ck Deposit Validated By Date 1 Business Name (at this address) Subdivision Name/Number Description cjLWork State/Zip Telephone tt Fax ttCity Agent for Owner Address City State/Zip Telephone # (Sec 7031 5 Business and Professions Code Any City or County which requires a permit to construct alter improve demolish or repair any structure prior to its issuance also requires the applicant for such permit to file a signed statement that he is licensed pursuant to the provisions of the Contractoi s License Law [Chapter 9 commending with Section 7000 of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code! or that he is exempt therefrom and the basis for the alleged exemption Any violation of Section 7031 5 by any applicant for a permit subjects the applicant to a qiuil QBBalty of not more than five hundred doll<irs [$500))subjects tor: Name State License tt Address License Class City 1 I State/Zip City Business License tt Telephone # Designer Name State License tt Address City State/Zip Telephone . Workers Compensation Declaration I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury one of the following declarations f~] I have and will maintain a certificate of consent to self insure for workers compensation as provided by Section 3700 of the Labor Code for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued Q I have and will maintain workers compensation as required by Section 3700 of the Labor Code for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued My worker s compensation insurance carrier and policy number are Insurance Company Policy No Expiration Date (THIS SECTION NEED NOT BE COMPLETED IF THE PERMIT IS FOR ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS [$100) OR LESS) Q CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION I certify that in the performance of the work for which this permit is issued I shall not employ any person in any manner so as to become subject to the Workers Compensation Laws of California WARNING Failure to secure workers compensation coverage is unlawful and shall subject an employer to criminal penalties and civil fines up to one hundred thousand dollars ($100 000) in addition to the cost of compensation damages as provided for in Section 3706 of the Labor code interest and attorney s fees SIGNATURE DATE I hereby affirm that I am exempt from the Contractor s License Law for the following reason Q I as owner of the property or my employees with wages as their sole compensation will do the work and the structure is not intended or offered for sale (Sec 7044 Business and Professions Code The Contractor s License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon and who does such work himself or through his own employees provided that such improvements are not intended or offered for sale If however the building or improvement is sold within one year of completion the owner builder will have the burden of proving that he did not build or improve for the purpose of sale) l~l I as owner of the property am exclusively contracting with licensed contractors to construct the project (Sec 7044 Business and Professions Code The Contractor s License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon and contracts for such projects with contrai tor(s) licensed pursuant to the Contractor s License Law) f~| I am exempt under Section Business and Professions Code for this reason 1 I personally plan to provide the major labor and materials for construction of the proposed property improvement D YES QNO 2 I (have / have not) signed an application for a building permit for the proposed work 3 I have contracted with the following person (firm) to provide the proposed construction (include name / address / phone number / contractors license number) 4 I plan to provide portions of the work but I have hired the following person to coordinate supervise and provide the major work (include name / address / phone number / contractors license number) __ 5 I will provide some of the work but I have contracted (hired) the following persons to provide the work indicated (include name / address / phone number / type of work) PROPERTY OWNER SIGNATURE DATE ,^BUIllDlQ>ERMIT5<ONLf^tJ€C;iM^ .'<*-**• L*. Til Ml. Tiki ..* *%J -*tft -tS£ Is the applicant or future building occupant required to submit a business plan acutely hazardous materials registration form or risk management and prevention program under Sections 25505 25533 or 25534 of the Presley Tanner Hazardous Substance Account Act? Q YES O NO Is the applicant or future building occupant required to obtain a permit from the air pollution control district or air quality management district? CD YES CD NO Is the facility to be constructed within 1 000 feet of the outer boundary of a school site? Q YES d NO IF ANY OF THE ANSWERS ARE YES A FINAL CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY MAY NOT BE ISSUED UNLESS THE APPLICANT HAS MET OR IS MEE TING THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE OFFICE OF EMERGENCY SERVICES AND THE AIR POLLUTION CONTROL DISTRICT I hereby affirm that there is a construction lending agency for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued (Sec 3097(i) Civil Code) LENDER S NAME LENDER S ADDRESS I certify that I have read the application and state that the above information is correct and that the information on the plans is accurate I agree to comply with all City ordinances and State laws relating to building construction I hereby authorize representatives of the CitV of Carlsbad to enter upon the above mentioned property for inspection purposes I ALSO AGREE TO SAVE INDEMNIFY AND KEEP HARMLESS THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AGAINST ALI LIABILITIES JUDGMENTS COSTS AND EXPENSES WHICH MAY IN ANY WAY ACCRUE AGAINST SAID CITY IN CONSEQUENCE OF THE GRANTING Of THIS PERMIT OSHA An OSHA permit is required for excavations over 5 0" deep and demolition or construction of structures over 3 stones in height EXPIRATION Every permit issued by the building Official under the provisions of this Code shall expire by limitation and become null and void if the building or work authorized by such permit is not commenced within 180 days froi»4be date of such permit or if the building or work authorized by such permit is suspended or abandoned at any time after the work is cornajenced for^penod of/T§tXflaps (SjictipAjOj^ Uniform Building Code) APPLICANT S SIGNATURE DATE WHITE File YELLO licant PINK Finance EsGil Corporation 4 In Partners/tip -with government for <Bui[<fing Safety DATE 1O/30/O6 O/A^PLICANT JURISDICTION City of Carlsbad a PLAN REVIEWER a FILE PLAN CHECK NO pc05-O005 Rev 3(PCR06-188) _ SET I PROJECT ADDRESS 1 10O Las Floras PROJECT NAME Buena Vista Village Roof Truss Revisions The plans transmitted herewith have been corrected where necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes XI The plans transmitted herewith will substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes when minor deficiencies identified below are resolved and checked by building department staff The plans transmitted herewith have significant deficiencies identified on the enclosed check list and should be corrected and resubmitted for a complete recheck The check list transmitted herewith is for your information The plans are being held at Esgil Corporation until corrected plans are submitted for recheck The applicant's copy of the check list is enclosed for the jurisdiction to forward to the applicant contact person The applicant s copy of the check list has been sent to XI Esgil Corporation staff did not advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed Esgil Corporation staff did advise the applicant that the plan check has been compleled Person contacted Telephone # Date contacted (by ) Fax # Mail Telephone Fax In Person XI REMARKS Provide evidence that the engmeer-of-record has reviewed the revised truss calculation package By David Yao Enclosures approved plan Esgil Corporation D GA D MB D EJ D PC 10/23 tmsmtldot 9320 Chesapeake Dnve Suite 208 *• San Diego California 92123 * (838)560-1468 *• Fax (858) 560 1576 City of Carlsbad pc05-OO05 Rev 3(PCRO6-188) 10#30/06 VALUATION AND PLAN CHECK FEE JURISDICTION City of Carlsbad 3(PCRO6-188) PREPARED BY David Yao BUILDING ADDRESS 11OO Las Flores BUILDING OCCUPANCY PLAN CHECK NO pc05-OOO5 Rev DATE 10/30/06 TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION BUILDING PORTION truss revision Air Conditioning Fire Sprinklers TOTAL VALUE Jurisdiction Code RIHn Pprmit FOP h\/ CVrlma AREA ( Sq Ft ) cb Valuation Multiplier By Ordinance Reg Mod VALUE ($) Plan Check Fee by Ordinance ^ | Type of Review D Complete Review $18000 D Structural Only ] Repetitive Fee ^Tj Repeats Based on hourly rate Comments D Other r—i Hourly 1 5 Hours * Esgil Plan Review Fee $14400 Sheet 1 of 1 macvalue doc U O H{» P < Z 23i a- N cq s•a N<X)Mp M -TT o is ?N ^^ fO&•• ^"^ 3 cO B N r/j «o Q I u. N N N O /• GO H O H FARBER FAMILY LP-BUENA VISTA 16-6 A 312 8 20-0 B 312 65 16-5 1/2 C 612 1 20-0 D 612 62 16-6 F 612 JL o 140 -TRUSSES aPQhJ^ nPQ B Hco ?: UI-HH H-l W Q >^ II 00 coO9 l<n W 1 § r-11 VO - ^H i— 1 VO /-- ^^" •^3^ (X)O p 1 <— t •~«_ % co»— i S CM S i O u <L>00O PQo o i 1 J2^H-> cs cs co p p <uCOOa PQ CD •> 1 ^ CO CO T— 1 co l'— PH PH UCOf^i^3 PQ o o VO VO i JO T— i CO CO CM ~- o o 0 PQ 1 VO •••ww CO1 r— ( a CO a f t-H ( | <L>Oa p og vo •• •• rt T-H VO — 1 S c(c ~s 1— > 1—, o P I PH VO 2 i— » CO CM VO M W o>o ao - 1 1 LOOSE PKG FARBER FAMILY LP-BUENA VISTA VILLAGE UNIT A 20-0 D SPAN 3 HIP 2X8 1 HIP 2X8 SetBk (OH) 0-0 (18) 18W 3l/2 "7 15-0 3l/2 S-l y/70: 83/8__ 15-0 3l/2 6SJ 2W 705 (612) 1 RIDGE BOARD 2X6 SQ/RK 9'WILD 1 CALIF RFT SET 6-1 h/s 16-5 1/2 SPAN (STEP 2-27/s) 34-0 SPAN 1 RIDGE BOARD 2X6 SQ/RK(6 12) 10' WILD 1 CALIF RFT SET 16-57/8 140 7760 (STEP4-11/2) N6 12 BEVEL (612) LOT-A #PCS = 26 LOOSE PKG FARBER FAMILY LP-BUENA VISTA VILLAGE UNIT I 2 HIP 2X8 2 HIP 2X8 83/1 18W \yWDG6 83/8. 3m 15-0 X/WDG6 20-0 D SPAN (6 12) 3l/2 3l/2 7 15-0 /X 3-1 //70 5 705 SetBk (OH) 0-0 (18) 4 SJ 2W 1 RIDGE BOARD 2X6 SQ/RK 9' WILD 1 CALIF RFT SET 6-117/8 16-6 SPAN (6 12) (STEP 2-27/8) LOT-I (126) #PCS = LOOSE PKG FARBER FAMILY LP-BUENA VISTA VILLAGE UNTTJ 3 HIP 2X8 1 HIP 2X8 SetBk (OH) 0-0 (18) 83/8.18W 3l/2 •7 15-0 8s/8 15-0 <\/WDG 4SJ 2W 3l/2 3l/2 20-0 D SPAN A (6 12) 1 HIP 2X6 1 HIP 2X6 83/8.15W ~7 12-4i/2 <X/WDG1 45/8__ 13-33/4 Ay 3-73/4 SetBk (OH) 0-0 (18) 2 SJ 2W 1 RIDGE BOARD 2X6 SQ/RK 6' WILD 1 CALIF RFT SET 4-9 16-6 F2 SPAN 3-13/4 //705 705 (STEP 2-27/s) 2 HIP TO CALIF 6-4i/2 (6 12) LOT-J (158) #PCS = 19 LOOSE PKG FARBER FAMILY LP-BUENA VISTA VILLAGE UNITK 20-0 D SPAN (6 12) 83/8_^__ 18W 1 fflP 2X8 3l/2 3l/2 // ?-l y/70. 83/8 1 HIP 2X8 / ,*„ 3l/2. , //15-0 /X 3-1 //70 5 SetBk (OH) 0-0 (18) 2 SJ 2W 1 RIDGE BOARD 2X6 RK/RK 9' WILD 1 CALIF RFT SET 6-81/2 (STEP 2-27/s) LOT -K (77) #PCS = 11 LOOSE PKG FARBER FAMILY LP-BUENA VISTA VILLAGE UNIT C-G 20-0 B SPAN (312) 8s/8_ 17W 1 HEP 2X8 3l/2 3l/2 "7 14-43/8 /y 2-lli/2 //800 83/8. 1 HE? 2X8 3l/2 14-43/8 ^ 2-111/2 SetBk (OH) 0-0 (18) X/WDG3 2SJ 2W 1 RIDGE BOARD 2X6 SQ/RK 9' WILD 1 CALIF RFT SET 6-5i/4 16-6 SPAN (3 12) (STEP 2-03/4) LOT -C, G (77) #PCS = 11 LOOSE PKG FARBER FAMILY LP-BUENA VISTA VILLAGE UNTTD 20-0 B SPAN (312) 1 HIP 2X8 1 HIP 2X8 SetBk 0-0 (18) 8s/8 17W 3l/2 3l/2 7 14-43/8 ^ 2-lli/2 //800 3l/2 14-43/8 2SJ 2W 800 1 RIDGE BOARD 2X6 RK/RK 14' WILD 2 CALIF RFT SET 6-2i/4 (STEP 2-03/4) LOT-D (103) #PCS = 17 LOOSE PKG FARBER FAMILY LP-BUENA VISTA VILLAGE UNITF 20-0 B SPAN (312) 1 HIP 2X8 #B1 1 HIP 2X8 #B1 8s/i 17W 3l/2 3l/2 "7 14-43/8 /V2-111/2 7/800 G3 3l/2 14-43/s 7\ 2-lli/2 7/800 1 HIP 2X6 #B6 1 HIP 2X6 #B6 SetBk (OH) 0-0 (18) 8s/8_ 17W 83/8__ 4SJ 2W ~7 14-43/8 7X 5-9i/4 7/800 <s/WDG2 14-43/8 7\ 5-9i/4 //80 0 1 RIDGE BOARD 2X6 SQ/RK 9'WILD 1 CALIF RFT SET 6-5i/4 16-6 SPAN (3 12) (STEP 2-03/4) LOT-F (114) #PCS = 15 JOB FARBER FAMILY LP-BUENA VISTA VILLAGE UNIT A ELEV SPAN 20-0 D PITCH 6 12 89/16 OAHS QTY CODE LEFT / RIGHT DESCRIPTION 16 Dl Dl D2 D2 D2 D2 D2 Dl (18 / 0)- DBLR (0 / 0) 18/0 80 SB 0/18 0/0 0/0 PTCUTFILL 0/0 (0 / 0)DBLR 8-0 SB LOTS C \iobs\Farber Fannlv Limited Partnershm Buena Vista Villaee\workinE\CTTG\MakeLists\UNIT AfELEV (20-0 D 6 MLT KYU JOB PARSER FAMILY LP-BUENA VISTA VILLAGE UNIT A ELEV SPAN 16-51/2 C PITCH 6 12 89/16 OAHS QTY CODE LEFT / RIGHT DESCRIPTION Cl 0/0 LOTS C \iobs\Farber Family Limited Partnershro Buena Vista ViUaEe\worbne\CTTG\MakeLists\UNIT AfELEV H6-5 D2 C 6 MLT KYU JOB FARBER FAMILY LP-BUENA VISTA VILLAGE UNIT C ELEV SPAN 20-0 B PITCH 3 12 89/16 OAHS QTY 1 1 j& f 2 ^4 1 1 13 CODE E4 E4 B2 B2 B2 Bl Bl LEFT / RIGHT / / H i18 / 18) 0/0 0/18 0/18 •4 0 / 18 (0 / 0) -, (0 / 18) F&UJT I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 DESCRIPTION \ CUTFILL ^-<~~r~^ - DBLR -^*f!ir(:C[I.^PPFaF^^ 2X6 TCJ -^=[<rD>i^ ^ ^-<CD>^ PT CFUTFILL ^^^^llTlPf^^^.^^<x>^^ [- DBLR ^-^^lX\r^^^. 8-0 SB J six v/ LOTS C \iobs\Farber Family Limited Partnershio - Buena Vista ViUaee\workme\CTTG\MakeLists\UNIT CfELEV (20-0 B 3 MLT KYU JOB FARBER FAMILY LP-BUENA VISTA VILLAGE UNIT C ELEV SPAN 16-6 A PITCH 3 12 89/16 OAHS QTY 1 1 2 CODE Al Al fT LEFT / RIGHT / / 0/18 18 / 18 tfstif 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 DESCRIPTION ^•<O^ xj/ LOTS C \iobs\Farber Family Limited Partnershro Buena Vista ViUaee\wortane\CITG\MakeLists\UNH CfELEV (16-6 A 3 MLT KYU JOB FARBER FAMILY LP-BUENA VISTA VILLAGE UNIT D ELEV SPAN 20-0 B PITCH 3 12 89/16 OAHS QTY CODE LEFT / RIGHT DESCRIPTION 8 22 B5 B3 B3 B2 B2 B2 B2 Bl 26 / ST10-0 18 / 18 - DBLR 0/0 18 / 18 0/18 0/0 PTCFUTFILL 0/0 (0 / 0)DBLR 8 0 SB LOTS D C \iobs\Farber Familv Limited Partnershio Buena Vista VillaEe\workinE\CTTG\MakeLists\UNIT IXELEV f20-0 B 3 MLT KYU 'JOB JFARBER FAMILY LP-BUENA VISTA VILLAGE UNIT F ELEV SPAN 20-0 B PITCH 3 12 89/16 OAHS QTY 1 1 3 6 2 1 1 1 1 17 CODE Bl Bl B2 B2 B2 B2 B6 B6 B6 LEFT / RIGHT / / (0 / 18) (0 / 0) 0/18 0/0 0/0 0/0 (0 / 0) (0 / 0) (0 / 18) / / / / / / / / / DESCRIPTION \ - DBLR ^^^/\^^. 8-0 SB J \1/ \ ^*<X>-^ / \l/ PTCFUTFILL ^--^flllEPF^^. ^-<^>^-^_ ^^ U--T^J ^=^ s-ui/2 V - DBLR ^^ l^^^l^t ^*. b Ui/2 J \U x SB SB / LOTS C \iobs\Farber Family Limited Parmershio Buena Vista ViUaee\workms\CTTG\MakeLists\UNIT FfELEV (20-0 B 3 MLT KYU JOB FARBER FAMILY LP-BUENA VISTA VILLAGE UNIT F ELEV SPAN 16-6 A PITCH 3 12 89/16 OAHS QTY 1 2 3 CODE Al Al LEFT / RIGHT / / 18/0 18 / 18 / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / DESCRIPTION <=--<X>^ \/ LOTS F C \iobs\Farber Familv Limited Partnershio Buena Vista ViUaee\workme\CTTG\MakeLists\UNIT HELEV (16-6 A 3 MLT KYU JOB FARBER FAMILY LP-BUENA VISTA VILLAGE UNIT G ELEV SPAN 20-0 B PITCH 3 12 89/16 OAHS QTY | CODE | LEFT / RIGHT DESCRIFHON 13 B4 B4 B2 B2 B2 Bl [18 / 0 CUTFILL \- DBLR 0/0 2X6 TC 0/0 0/0 PT CRJTFILL 0/0 (0 / 0)DBLR 8-0 SB LOTS G C \iobs\Farber Family Limited Partnershio Buena Vista Villaee\workine\CTTG\MakeLists\UNlT GfELEV (20-0 B 3 MLT KYU JOB FARBER FAMILY LP-BUENA VISTA VILLAGE UNIT G ELEV SPAN 16-6 A PITCH 3 12 89/16 OAHS QTY 1 2 3 CODE A2 A2 LEFT / RIGHT / / 0 /7i/2 EXT 18 /7i/2 EXT / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / DESCRIPTION ^=^~<rD>~-^ ^ 611/16 OAHS \ix \/ LOTS G C \iobs\Farber Familv Limited PartnershiD Buena Vista ViUaee\workme\CTTG\MakeLists\UNIT GffiLEV (16-6 A 3 MLT KYU JOB FARBER FAMILY LP-BUENA VISTA VILLAGE UNIT I ELEV SPAN 20-0 D PITCH 6 12 89/16 OAHS QTY CODE LEFT / RIGHT DESCRIPTION 17 Dl Dl D2 D2 D2 D2 Dl Dl (0 / 18)- DBLR (0 / 0) 0/18 0/0 0/0 PTCUTFILL 0/0 (0 / 0)- DBLR (18 / 0) 8-0 SB 8-0 SB LOTS I C \iobs\Farber Fanulv Lumted Partnershm Buena Vista ViUaEe\workinE\CTTG\MakeLists\UNIT MELEV f20-0 D 6 MLT KYU f JOB FARBER FAMILY LP-BUENA VISTA VILLAGE UNIT I ELEV SPAN 16-6 F PITCH 6 12 89/16 OAHS QTY 1 2 3 CODE Fl Fl LEFT / RIGHT / / 18/0 18 / 18 / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / DESCRIPTION ^^d^^ \/ LOTS I C \iobs\Farber Familv Limited Partnershro Buena Vista Villaee\workine\CTTG\MakeLists\UNIT IfELEV f 16-6 F 6 MLT KYU 10B FARBER FAMILY LP-BUENA VISTA VILLAGE UNIT J ELEV SPAN 20-0 D PITCH 6 12 89/16 OAHS QTY CODE LEFT / RIGHT DESCRIPTION 16 Dl Dl D2 D2 D2 D2 D2 Dl (18 / 18)- DBLR (0 / 0) 18 / 18 8-0 SB 0/18 0/0 0/0 FT CUTFILL 0/0 xx (0 / 0)DBLR 8-0 SB LOTS J C \iobs\Farber Family Limited PartnershiD Buena Vista Villaee\workine\CTTG\MakeLists\UNIT JfELEV (20-0 D 6 MLT KYU JOB FARBER FAMILY LP-BUENA VISTA VILLAGE UNIT J ELEV SPAN 16-6 F PITCH 6 12 89/16 OAHS QTY 1 CODE F2 LEFT / RIGHT / / (0 /7ia EXT) / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / DESCRIPTION ^ /\ \^ 4i3/ie OAHS 5-10i/2 SB ^ / \ ^\ 6-6 SB LOTS C \iobs\Farber Familv Limited Partnershio Buena Vista Villaee\workine\CnTG\MakeListsYUNH KELEV < 16-6 F 6 MLT KYU JOB FARBER FAMILY LP-BUENA VISTA VILLAGE UNIT K ELEV SPAN 20-0 D PITCH 6 12 89/16 OAHS QTY CODE LEFT / RIGHT DESCRIPTION 13 D3 D3 D2 D2 D2 Dl (18 / 18) 0/0 CUTFILL - DBLR 0/18 0/0 FT CUTFILL 0/0 2X6 TC (0 / 0)DBLR 8-0 SB LOTS K C \iobs\Farber Fanulv Limited Partnershm Buena Vista Villa2e\workme\CTTG\MakeLists\UNrr KffiLEV (20-0 D 6 MLT KYU JACKS W/BC FARBER FAMILY LP-BUENA VISTA VILLAGE UNITA-J 20-0 D (FRONT) SPAN Setfik (OK) 10-0 (18) 8-0 (18) 6-0 (18) 4-0 (18) 4-0 (0) 2-0 (18) 2-0 (0) 6-0 (18) 4-0 (18) 2-0 (18) 1COM 2SJ 2SJ 1SJ 1SJ 1ST 1SJ 2SJ 2SJ 2SJ 11W (8-113/8 P/P) 9W (6-81/2 P/P) 7W (4-55/s P/P) 4-55/8 OPLM 5W (2-27/8 P/P) 2-27/8 OPLM 9W (6-81/2 P/P) 7W (4-55/8 P/P) 5W (2-27/s P/P) W/80BC+J1 W/8-OBC+J1 W/8-OBC+J1 W/8-OBC+J1 W/8-OBC+J1 W/ 8-0 BC+J1 W/8-OBC+J1 W/2-OBC+J1 W/2-OBC+J1 W/2-OBC+J1 (612) 0 8s/8 1 i I LOT -A,J (78) tfPCS = 15 JACKS W/BC FARBER FAMILY LP-BUENA VISTA VILLAGE UNTTI SetBk Com 10-0 (18) 8-0 (18) 6-0 (18) 4-0 (18) 4-0 (0) 2-0 (18) 2-0 (0) 6-0 (18) 4-0 (18) 2-0 (18) 6-0 (0) 4-0(0) 2-0(0) 1COM 2SJ 2SJ 1SJ 1SJ 1SJ 1SJ 1SJ 1SJ 1SJ 1SJ 1SJ 1SJ 20-0 D 11W (8-11 3/8 P/P) 9W (6-81/2 P/P) 7W (4-55/s P/P) 4-55/8 OPLM 5W (2-27/8 P/P) 2-27/8 OPLM 9W (6-81/2 P/P) 7W (4-55/8 P/P) 5W (2-27/s P/P) 6-81/2 OPLM 4-55/s OPLM 2-27/8 OPLM (FRONT) SPAN (6 12) .***™^ W/8-OBC+J1 ^&& W/8-OBC+J1 W/8-OBC+J1 \1/ W/8-OBC+J1 \|/ W/8-OBC+J1 \l/ W/8-OBC+J1 v|/ W/ 8-0 BC+J1 \l/ W/2-OBC+J1 \|/ W/2-OBC+J1 \|/ W/2-OBC+J1 \1/ W/2-OBC+J1 \U W/2-OBC+J1 4' W/2-OBC+J1 \]/ LOT-I (74) #PCS = JACKS W/BC FARBER FAMILY LP-BUENA VISTA VILLAGE UNIT A-J 20-0 D (REAR) SPAN SetBk (OH) (612) 0 8 5/8 10-0 (0) 8-0(0) 6-0 (0) 4-0 (0) 2-0 (18) 2-0 (0) 6-0 (18) 4-0 (18) 2-0 (18) 6-0 (0) 4-0 (0) 2-0 (0) 1COM 2SJ 2SJ 2SJ 1SJ 1SJ 1SJ 1SJ 1SJ 1SJ 1SJ 1SJ 11-1 OPLM 8-113/8 OPLM 6-81/2 OPLM 4-55/8 OPLM 5W (2-27/s P/P) 2-27/8 OPLM 9W (6 81/2 P/P) 7W (4-55/s P/P) 5W (2-27/s P/P) 6-81/2 OPLM 4-55/s OPLM 2-27/8 OPLM W/8-OBC+J1 ^fy* W/8-OBC+J1 W/8-OBC+J1 \]/ W/ 8-0 BC+J1 \)/ W/8-OBC+J1 ^ W/ 8-0 BC+J1 \]/ W/2-OBC+J1 vj/ W/2-OBC+J1 \|/ W/2-OBC+J1 \J/ W/2-OBC+J1 \|/ W/2-OBC+J1 \1/ W/ 2-0 BC+J1 J/ LOT -A, J (67) #PCS = 15 JACKS W/BC FARBER FAMILY LP-BUENA VISTA VILLAGE UNIT I SetBk (OH) 10-0 (0) 8-0(0) 6-0 (0) 4-0(0) 2-0 (18) 2-0 (0) 6-0 (18) 4-0 (18) 2-0 (18) 1COM 2SJ 2SJ 2SJ 1ST 1SJ 2SJ 2SJ 2SJ 11-1 OPLM 8-1 b/8 OPLM 6-81/2 OPLM 4-55/s OPLM 5W (2-27/s P/P) 2-27/s OPLM 9W (6-81/2 P/P) 7W (4-55/s P/P) 5W (2-27/8 P/P) 20-0 D (REAR) SPAN W/ 8-0 BC+J1 W/8-OBC+J1 W/8-OBC+J1 W/8-OBC+J1 W/8-OBC+J1 W/8-OBC+J1 W/2-OBC+J1 W/2-OBC+J1 W/2-OBC+J1 (612) 0' 85/8 J, i LOT-I (71) #PCS = 15 JACKS W/BC FARBER FAMILY LP-BUENA VISTA VILLAGE UNITK SetBk (OH) 10-0 (18) 8-0 (18) 6-0 (18) 4-0 (18) 2-0 (18) 6-0 (18) 4-0(18) 2-0(18) 60(0) 4-0 (0) 2-0(0) 1COM 2SJ 2SJ 2SJ 2SJ 1SJ 1SJ 1SJ 1SJ 1SJ 1SJ 20-0 11W (8-11 3/8 P/P) 9W (6-81/2 P/P) 7W (4-55/8 P/P) 5W (2-27/8 P/P) 9W (6-81/2 P/P) 7W (4-55/s P/P) 5W (2-27/8 P/P) 6-81/2 OPLM 4-55/8 OPLM 2-27/8 OPLM D (REAR) SPAN W/8-OBC+J1 W/8-OBC+J1 W/8-OBC+J1 W/ 8-0 BC+J1 W/ 8-0 BC+J1 W/ 2-0 BC+J1 W/2-OBC+J1 W/2-OBC+J1 W/ 2-0 BC+J1 W/2-OBC+J1 W/2-OBC+J1 (612) ^^ 0 85/8,^^ ^^n i •I i 1 1 1 \j/ N!/ xl LOT-K (77) #PCS = 15 JACKS W/BC FARBER FAMILY LP-BUENA VISTA VILLAGE UNITJ SetBk (OH) 16-6 F2 SPAN (612) 8-0 (18) 6-0 (18) 4-0 (18) 2-0 (18) 4-0 (18) 2-0 (18) 4-7i/2 (0) 2-7i/2 (0) 2SJ 2SJ 2SJ 2SJ 1ST 1SJ 1ST 1SJ 11W (8-11 3/8 P/P) 9W (6-81/2 P/P) 7W (4-55/s P/P) 5W(2-27/&P/P) 7W (4-55/8 P/P) 5W (2-27/8 P/P) 5-2 OPLM 2-lli/4 OPLM W/8-OBC+J1 x-ffl W/8-OBC+J1 W/ 8-0 BC+J1 W/ 8-0 BC+J1 W/2-OBC+J1 W/2-OBC+J1 047/8 W/27WBC \<^ W/27i/2BC r i4, '"' 4, \J/ \j/ v*' ^\ ^i LOT-J (58) #PCS = 12 JACKS W/BC FARBER FAMILY LP-BUENA VISTA VILLAGE UNTTC 20-0 B (REAR) SPAN Setfik (OH) 10-0 (0) 8-0(0) 6-0(0) 4-0(0) 2-0 (18) 2-0 (0) 6-0 (18) 4-0 (18) 2-0 (18) 1COM 2SJ 2SJ 2SJ 1SJ 1SJ 2SJ 2SJ 2SJ 10-25/8 OPLM 8-3 OPLM 6-2i/4 OPLM 4-li/2 OPLM 4W (2-03/4 P/P) 2-03/4 OPLM 8W (6-2i/4 P/P) 6W (4-h/2 P/P) 4W (2-03/4 P/P) W/8-OBC+J2 W/8-OBC+J2 W/8-OBC+J2 W/8-OBC+J2 W/8-OBC+J2 W/ 8-0 BC+J2 W/ 2-0 BC+J2 W/2-OBC+J2 W/ 2-0 BC+J2 (312) 0 8s/s i J, LOT-C (65) #PCS = 15 JACKS W/BC FARBER FAMILY LP-BUENA VISTA VILLAGE UNITD 20-0 B (REAR) SPAN SetBk (OED (312) 0 85/8" 10-0 (18) 8-0 (18) 6-0 (18) 4-0 (18) 2-0 (18) 6-0 (18) 4-0 (18) 2-0 (18) 6-0 (0) 4-0 (0) 2-0(0) SetBk ( OH) 2-0 (18) 4-0 (18) 6-0 (18) 1COM 2SJ 2SJ 2SJ 2SJ 1SJ 1SJ 1SJ 1SJ 1SJ 1SJ 4SJ 4SJ 4SJ 12W (10-25/8 P/P) 10W (8-3 P/P) 8W (6-2i/4 P/P) 6W (4-h/2 P/P) 4W (2-03/4 P/P) 8W (6-2i/4 P/P) 6W (4-h/2 P/P) 4W (2-03/4 P/P) 6-2i/4 OPLM 4-h/2 OPLM 2-03/4 OPLM 20-0 4W (2-03/4 P/P) 6W (4-h/2 P/P) 8W (6-2i/4 P/P) W/8-OBC+J2 W/8-OBC+J2 W/ 8-0 BC+J2 W/8-OBC+J2 W/8-OBC+J2 W/ 2-0 BC+J2 W/ 2-0 BC+J2 W/2-OBC+J2 W/ 2-0 BC+J2 W/2-OBC+J2 W/ 2-0 BC+J2 (FRONT) SPAN W/ 2-0 BC*SJ+J2 W/ 4-0 BC*SJ+J2 W/ 6-0 BC*SJ+J2 -^^ 4 4 4 I "**s \y 4 I (312) 0 85/8 ^^.^ xl LOT-D (116) #PCS =27 JACKS W/BC FARBER FAMILY LP-BUENA VISTA VILLAGE UNITF 20-0 B (REAR) SPAN SetBk (OH) (312) 0 8s/g 10-0 (0) 8-0 (0) 6-0(0) 4-0(0) 2-0 (18) 2-0(0) 4-0 (18) 2-0 (18) 4-0 (0) 2-0(0) 1COM 2SJ 2SJ 2SJ 1SJ 1SJ 1SJ 1SJ 1SJ 1SJ 10-25/8 OPLM 8-3 OPLM 6-2i/4 OPLM 4-h/2 OPLM 4W (2-03/4 P/P) 2-03/4 OPLM 6W (4-h/2 P/P) 4W (2-03/4 P/P) 4-h/2 OPLM 2-03/4 OPLM W/ 6-0 m BC4-J2 ---kGr^ W/6-01/2BC+J2 W/6-01/2BC+J2 \|/ W/6-01/2BC+J2 \|/ W/6-OiaBC+J2 si/ W/6-Oi/2BC+J2 \U W/ 2-0 BC+J2 si/ W/ 2-0 BC+J2 \1/ W/ 2-0 BC+J2 sb W/ 2-0 BC+J2 sb LOT-F (53) #PCS = 13 10 JACKS W/BC FARBER FAMILY LP-BUENA VISTA VILLAGE UNITG 20-0 B (REAR) SPAN SetBk (OH) (312) 0 85/8 10-0 (0) 8-0 (0) 6-0 (0) 4-0 (0) 2-0 (18) 2-0 (0) 6-0 (18) 4-0 (18) 2-0 (18) 6-0(0) 4-0 (0) 2-0 (0) 1COM 2SJ 2SJ 2SJ 1SJ 1SJ 1SJ 1SJ 1ST 1SJ 1SJ 1SJ 10-25/s OPLM 8-3 OPLM 6-2i/4 OPLM 4-li/2 OPLM 4W (2-03/4 P/P) 2-03/4 OPLM 8W (6-2i/4 P/P) 6W (4-li/2 P/P) 4W (2-03/4 P/P) 6-2i/4 OPLM 4-h/2 OPLM 2-03/4 OPLM W/8-OBC+J2 -^fr^^ W/8-OBC+J2 W/8-OBC+J2 \|/ W/8-OBC+J2 \J/ W/8-OBC+J2 \U W/ 8-0 BC+J2 \l W/2-OBC+J2 vl' W/ 2-0 BC+J2 \1/ W/2-OBC+J2 \|/ W/ 2-0 BC+J2 \l/ W/2-OBC+J2 vj/ W/ 2-0 BC+J2 \l/ LOT-G (63) #PCS = 15 11 JACKS W/BC FARBER FAMILY LP-BUENA VISTA VILLAGE UNITF 20-0 B (FRONT) SPAN SetBk (OH) (312) O-85/g1 10-0 (18) 8-0 (18) 6-0 (18) 4-0 (18) 4-0 (0) 2-0 (18) 2-0 (0) 6-0 (18) 4-0 (18) 2-0 (18) 6-0 (0) 4-0 (0) 2-0 (0) 1COM 2SJ 2SJ 1SJ 1SJ 1SJ 1SJ 1SJ 1ST 1ST 1SJ 1SJ 1SJ 12W (10-25/s P/P) 10W (8-3 P/P) 8W (6-2i/4 P/P) 6W (4-h/2 P/P) 4-li/2 OPLM 4W (2-03/4 P/P) 2-03/4 OPLM 8W (6-2i/4 P/P) 6W (4-h/2 P/P) 4W (2-03/4 P/P) 6-2i/4 OPLM 4-li/2 OPLM 2-03/4 OPLM W/8-OBC+J2 W/8-OBC+J2 W/8-OBC+J2 W/8-OBC+J2 W/ 8-0 BC+J2 W/8-OBC+J2 W/8-OBC+J2 W/2-OBC+J2 W/ 2-0 BC+J2 W/2-OBC+J2 W/2-OBC+J2 W/2-OBC+J2 W/2-OBC+J2 .-.k*^ . •I 4 4 i i 4 i \y \^ \j/ 4 LOT-F (66) #PCS = 15 -n co o ?5ts lco 01i^CD CD!g K~° <=> ="-n go oED O ID OX C£l =] COg 2o toafto- B-to I n t .\ y<n TI -*j rn oo o Slim IfjSlf COOJ fS £2 O (I?K a co O Oo TJm en rnmi—OT)m•yom3J ^< 13 n §ii CO?r (/> 3 .» » "•« « K ~-T **S_ JJ; 5* Ts .-.^A CD *^ ^** Vt 3 -i a> nj 3-C* t/> 3 3 O=• 5- d «0 -O J> s «: Q. 5 »illic <« o.<a *§Sf i § «cT * S. Q. ».11^.^1 ^J 55 sm O om CO CD V) o nnTI>89/16"moTI>ZlmDinI—IXICOCOoCD> Ss? _J ON S3K-*-R- H"iMO—'S.-z^2,gg>£To o %* ^£9 £3cro. |pgg^J^^&Co ^OO U)G2 vOM n00C3S—j i—*21RfS5II II<_/> K2^>-t-noo*«:n n^tjoo o!—a oj00§6~?00s~^O i—*. I t_« (_« H-> . «tt«b o o •*>•O oo I 8W 5 o 5*1 "*^ - I oo \ 8 t-1 P b=i O NULL AND VOID IF NOT FABRICATED BY HANSON TRUSS, INC 89/16"•>— fe00 o52I2 1100~J«^82200oo *^j (O _ _ ,_> Oh2 fttt -I- t_i71 *> ^ J!^ x go fc 8or B g 8 z S Pg S B NULL AND VOID IF NOT FABRICATED BY HANSON TRUSS, INC C/) ^nng M XS\ FJit «B °P8 nPtoFB IB 5 89/16"X X _L 8W 2 ISo |||i oo ea H«> noS =s ^to K-oo S S£^B8B s ibdHionN>'52gi"££to tOH-> C7\ to-'So'«*> ~-°°/v °^<*<-*<:•»OJ tO *•to D!vo^lto£OJ^£gOJ 00 RfoIvo&--J•is:ii ^to I!to ojI?00 :s^S| s rt rti>>u> tooo 00 K 0^«3Z Qj to 63 C» i-nn -p- 2 enCT\ I § ^•4^ x M I «a NULL AND VOID IF NOT F/yBRICATED BY HANSON TRUSS, INC ; o o I OO OO S*;; + K 8 = o -4 g I Wto o I vo oo 8 8? P P P 05 NULL AND VOID IF NO1/FABRICATED BY HANSON TRUSS, INC CDm N3aII 89/16"00&£<-£~S 21£?0000S^-110 td L»J1-0 £ a ° E £ -JO P ^ -a to 22 88 g n ^ § isOJ§ w *0? H-*x x Otd |W o I ! wSh a HRh 3 R bd S NULL AND VOID IF NOTyFABRICATED BY HANSON TRUSS, INC 89/16 II Bis!Ki OO ^~0<=0ro ^2 n iii*> o e> SB ° & bto o oa OO bJ,_. oo i_> o ys •-* ^*g ° w. ° « + M NULL AND VOID IF NOT FABRICATED BY HANSON TRUSS, INC 89/16 w a 3 vo-J sOJs o 8 HH!> C/3 ^H ~ 00 a8n n n r P P P COI 25 NULL AND VOID IF NOT FABRICATED BY HANSON TRUSS, INC 89/16" w 8 <_h too\ oo i—> 5 to-fc. £ > <J< *•O oo »- n S to s u «^s-u I I ss:' 8 B 3 1I OQ B NULL AND VOID IF NOT FABRICATED BY HANSON TRUSS, INC TI>n03m 89/16"to .-n'-^ "-1 H- Vs >-39/"3 3°2~ QooOOof SS s«lx o^0 §00001 VO- OO o i Iwo ^ U)OO§w n I VO 00 o tsog «M CO g o NULL AND VOID IF NOT FABRICATED BY HANSON TRUSS, INC 89/16"ssggH-tog-S-&\ l*> Hrt =.SgSe»N> tO £0 §C3 C3 5* ^^£5 t^. f*>^ x-^Ha™ p^^^1n n §^^ S Lk> W< to N> ^J *- ^ KJ O 03O s;»—*.^+ ^ ji^ x CD >«/ 01 I iI i wn 8 t-J 3 1 9 NULL AND VOID IF NOT I/ABRICATED BY HANSON TRUSS, INC AND VOID IF NOT FABRICATED BY HANSON TRUSS vo 1 *a&aBBfi g*< » „, _.sJ*S|P Foq O OX i _. TiWffl?Si?M 1 to NULL AND VOID IF NOT FABRICATED BY HANSON TRUSS, INC 89/16"iSo3^ V *—* ^-*£*«—j im5lsy, oo _to ON oog.tKK-£(>>4^uivo oo Ioo e5Svf^toooO H^~j SII II00 to o>(Jl 10 o oto to + 5: S ^•fl *»—*^w fl'i !»MH«P P P P K ^ &o to 8 td I o S NULL AND VOID IF NOT FABRICATED BY HANSON TRUSS, INC 89/16" -1 to N>-4 N>3|g«3fs-j <>i»§sw~ -«H- ooey\II 11bSJi^2 °^O oo»-3n00 <-n2 *S5ONOJtoOSoo00II II00 w w 53 toOO tO H- n oo•^ w + § 3*w NULL AND VOID IF NOT FABRICATED BY HANSON TRUSS, INC HANSON TRUSS, INCGENERAL NOTES1 No splices except as noted on truss drawings2 Panel point locations shall be equal divisions unless noted or dimensionedotherwise3 Gusset plates shall be installed on each side of all joints and shall not beinstalled where knots or wane are greater than 10% of plate area4 Gusset plates shall be centered on joints unless noted or dimensioned otherwise5 Truss designs shall comply with ANSI/T P I - 1-2002 unless noted otherwise6 All gusset plates are 20 gauge and stamped TP Unless noted otherwise7 All hangers specified are Simpson strong tie or equal and are provided by othersunless noted otherwise8 All trusses are spaced at 24 on center unless dimensioned otherwise9 Moisture content in the lumber used may exceed 19% at the time of fabricationA 20% reduction in plate values has been used10 The Hanson Truss Inc engineering program is in compliance with section 2321of the U B C All heel joint connections are designed using an analysis consideringthe vector sum of concentric and eccentric loads11 All nails specified are to be box nails or betterABBREVIATIONSB C Bottom ChordBIO By Others BKG Backing BLK Blocking BM Beam BRG Bearing CBO Conventional framing by others DBL Double member DR BM Drop Beam FILL Vertical® 16 oc FL BM Flush Beam GET Gable end truss GIR Girder truss GOV Gable over HGR Hanger(s) INV GOV Inverted gable over JKS Jacks MBKG Mono BackingMGET Mono gable end truss MGOV Mono gable over O A H S Overall heel stand S B Setback Sc Scissor (sloped or vaulted) ScBKG Scissor Backing ScGET Scissor gable end truss SOF Soffit (Non structural) SPL Splice STB Stub T C Top chord UNO Unless noted otherwise w/ With w/o With out BASE DESIGN VALUES FOR VISUALLY GRADED LUMBER SPECIES & COMMERCIAL GRADES SIZE CLASSIFICATION X25 4 for mm bending Ft Tension Parallel To gram Ft Shear Parallel to grain F Compression Perpendicular to grain F Compression Parallel to gram Fc Modulus of Elasticity E GRADING RULES AGENCY DOUGLAS FIR LARCH Select Struct Not & Better No1 No2 Stud Construction Standard 2 to 4 thick 2 and wider 2 to 4 thicker 1,500 1200 1 000 900 700 1 000 575 1000 800 675 575 450 650 375 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 625 625 625 625 625 625 625 1.700 1550 1500 1350 850 1650 1400 1,900,000 1,800000 1,700000 1 600,000 1,400000 1 500,000 1,400.000 WCLIB WWPA AR/NOTESroctober2005 :DOCO I Ioccomwto it" * 2oJ _TjXT^ TI -A, m O OX FIRE SPRINKLERDETAIL DRAWN BY JRR FILENAME MS-FSPR DATE 05-13-03 HANSONTRUSS, INC NULL AND VOID IF NOT FABRICATED BY HANSON TRUSS N TRUSS INC AND ANTHONY A RUBALCAVA ACCEPT NO RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE ACCURACY STRUCTURAL ADEQUACY OR ANY OTHER FEATURE OF THIS DESIGN UNLESS SPECIFICALLY INC FABRICATED BY HANSON TRUSS INC DDOOO Dm H WIND LOAD BRACING DETAIL DRAWN BY JB FILENAME WLBRACING DWG DATE 04-13-06 HANSONTRUSS, INC NULL AND VOID IF NOT FABRICATED BY HANSON TRUSS HANSON TRUSS INC AND ANTHONY A RUBALCA/ ACCEPT NO RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE ACCURACY STRUCTURAL ADEQUACY OR ANY OTHER FEATURE OF THIS'DESIGN UNLESS SPECIFICALLY INC FABRICATED BY HANSON TRUSS INC re oa.(A O2.-o--* -tO) Oooj3™c x 01 W £CDQO3iQopQO3KDcpNCD mOomzDmoCDOOOIoo§mDOZ0 XICD33OZOmzoi crCD O !3o 2.0,0 |? °S3 * 3e-ilo _ w w (D ° o cr3 L? 3 CDQ- D Q.iQ cr* _ q oy. (n o sr< oQ- CD 0^ 3 n ^ W Q- 5^2-0 ^O CD »< CD X °-Q CL o „ o ^i"S•-<• | lO Q. rt- U1 w o cn' X -i S§os. ° CD O O Xo § m r~ 03 O Z O OCDo ~D O—\ CD O Z O 33 CO -< m 33 "1 o -1 —8§S|—«. -r <-» V &« is CD33 > O o m 33 v> CD1/1 Q 5 elf i"1 <Q CD CT ' 3 r £,§• S 9.3•g 8 8 •a"!CD ^<™ a =r o o o §5 3 H. 'cjo-1 3 a. S ° o CD Q M CD Q. —Q CO Hon ra ^ *"" cr 5 D- CD <n3- Q o g: -( a. o "> xi >a3g.Ias.f ^^o5-5 =•- </> *- r-- C O E _ CO Wg- 3. CO CO cr cr O ?! _ E !2- CD I Z O lO .CD iQ. JSisff^'O O o3 3 OiQ o ^ U ' QO =p"C> 2|S5 io -« 8- =•{?* W o^vi3" -i . _3 Q <CD QOCD0. FLAT TRUSSBRACING DETAILS DRAWN BY PETE ROBERTS FILENAMEMS-FLATTRSS DATE 11-27-96 HANSON TRUSS, INC NULL. AND VOID IF NOT FABRICATED BY HANSON TRUSS HANSON TRUSS INC AND ANTHONY A RUBALCAVA ACCEPT NO RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE ACCURACY STRUCTURAL ADEQUACY OR ANY OTHER FEATURE OF THIS DESIGN UNLESS SPECIFICALLY INC FABRICATED BY HANSON TRUSS INC DETAIL 'A* DRAWN BY PETE ROBERTS FILENAMEMS-DET_A1 DATE 11-25-96 HANSONTRUSS, INC NULL AND VOID IF NOT FABRICATED BY HANSON TRUSS HANSON TRUSS INC AND ANTHONY RUBACCAVA ACCEPT NO RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE ACCURACY STRUCTURAL ADEQUACY OR ANY OTHER FEATURE OF THIS DESIGN UNLESS SPECIFICALLY INO FABRICATED BY HANSON TRUSS INC FIREPLACE STACK DETAIL DRAWN BY PETE ROBERTS FILENAMEMS-FP-STACK DATE t1-27-96 HANSON TRUSS, INC NULL AND VOID IF NOT FABRICATED BY HANSON TRUSS HANSON TRUSS INC AND ANTHONY A RUBALCAVA ACCEPT NO RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE ACCURACY STRUCTURAL ADEQUACY OR ANY OTHER FEATURE OF THIS DESIGN UNLESS SPECIFICALLY INC FABRICATED BY HANSON TRUSS INC CALIFORNIA DETAIL DRAWN BY P DAVID FILENAME MS-CAUILL DATE 2-2-99 HANSON TRUSS, INC NULL AND VOID IF NOT FABRICATED BY HANSON TRUSS HANbUN IKUSb INt ANU ANIHONY RUBALCAVA ACCEPT NO RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE ACCURACY STRUCTURAL ADEQUACY OR ANY OTHER FEATURE OF THIS DESIGN UNLESS SPECIFICALLY INC FABRICATED BY HANSON TRUSS INC ALL BRACING MATERIAL & HARDWARE BY OTHERSz -*o c CO CO 5O>I—O>DOr~mmzocCO CO UNBRACED STUD HEIGHT O O moH o om GABLE TRUSS END & DETAIL FILL DRAWN BY PETE ROBERTS FILENAMEMS-END-FILL DATE 11-27-96 5-9 MAX HANSONTRUSS, INC NULL. AND VOID IF NOT FABRICATED BY HANSON TRUSS HANSON TRUSS INC AND ANTHONY A RUBALCAVA ACCEPT NO RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE ACCURACY STRUCTURAL ADEQUACY OR ANY OTHER FEATURE OF - THIS DESIGN UNLESS SPECIFICALLY INC FABRICATED BY HANSON TRUSS INC CALIFORNIA HIP DETAIL DRAWN BY PETE ROBERTS FILENAME MS-CALHIP DATE 11-21-96 HANSONTRUSS, INC NULL AND VOID IF NOT FABRICATED BY HANSON TRUSS HANSON TRUSS INC AND ANTHONY A RUBALCAVA ACCEPT NO RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE ACCURACY STRUCTURAL ADEQUACY OR ANY OTHER FEATURE OF ._ THIS DESIGN UNLESS SPECIFICALLY INC FABRICATED BY HANSON TRUSS INC 8 SET BACK STACK 2X4 HIP RAFTEROver-All Length 11 3 Rets at 0 113Applied Loads (Down +)128 AT 28 Cone Load #256 AT 57 Cone Load #384 AT 8 5 Cone Load #Reactions (Up +)Left 318 Right 450Use 2 -N02 DFL 2X4 Stocked *A= 105 S= 1225 1= 42875Fv= 95 E= 1600000 Df= 1 25Cnt Shear V= 450 ©107 1 5*V/(Fv*A*Df)= 54Span Max Mom= 17317 # @ 57Fb= 1313 M/(Fb*S*Df)= 86Defl=- 46 ® 581 L/120= 1 134X44X44X44X4-B--B-8 -0 SETBACK MAX , 6 -0 UNSUPPORTEDSETBACK MAX BUILT-UP HIP RAFTER Rets at 8 10 P1 Load at 2 Set Bock Over-All Length 10 Applied Loads (Down +) 32 FROM 0 TO 8 64 FORM 8 TO 10 Reactions (Up +) Left 102 Mid 324 Right -42 ****** Use 1&B DFL 2X4 S= 3063 l= 5359 E= 1800000 Df= 1 25 V= 151 ©829 1 5*V/(Fv*A*Df)= 36 Max Mom= 2534 # @ 8 M/(Fb*S*Df)= 38 @ 357 L/240= 4 Max Mom= 2534 # @ 8 M/(Fb*S*Df)= 38 8 77 L/240= 1 Ptl Load jjl/lf Ptl Load #/lf A PI A A PI A= 525 Fv= 95 Cnt Shear Lft Span Fb= 1725 Defl=- 16 0 Rgt Span Fb= 1725 Defl= 01 @ P2 Load at 4 Set Back Over-All Length 12 Rets at 0 8 12 Applied Loads (Down +) 32 FROM 0 TO 8 64 FROM 8 TO 10 Reactions (Up +) Left 101 Mid 336 Right 75 * Use 1&B DFL 2X4 A= 5 25 S= 3 063 1= 5 359 Fv= 95 E= 1800000 Df= 1 25 Cnt Shear V= 163 @ 829 1 5*V/(Fv*A*Df)= 39 Lft Span Max Mom= 2560 # @ 8 ^ Fb= 1725 M/(Fb*S*Df)= 39 Defl=- 16 9 357 L/240= 4 Rgt Span Max Mom= 2560 # @ 8 Ptl Load #/lf Ptl Load #/lf L A A P2=75 * 2 = ISOIbs A P2 Fb= 1725 Defl= 01 M/(Fb*S*Df)= 39 9 2 L/240= 2 RUN CANTILEVER 2X4 HIP RFTR Over-All Length 8 49 Rets at 0 8 49 Applied Loads (Down +) 12 150 AT 5 66 Reactions (Up +) Left 101 Right 151 ****** Use N02 DFL 2X4 * S= 3063 l= 5359 E= 1600000 Df= 1 25 V= 147 @ 82 1 5*V/(Fv*A*Df)= 35 Max Mom= 4549 # © 5 66 M/(Fb*S*Df)= 9 9 446 L/120= 85 Umf Load #/lf Cone Load j A= 525 Fv= 95 Cnt Shear Span Fb= 1313 Defl=- 49 CALCULATIONS FOR STACKED 2X4 HIP RAFTER DRAWN BY PD FILENAME MS-HIPCALC OWG DATE11-11-99 HANSON TRUSS, INC HANSON TRUSS INC AND ANTHONY A RUBALCAVA ACCEPT NO RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE ACCURACY STRUCTURAL ADEQUACY OR ANY OTHER FEATURE OF THIS DESIGN UNLESS SPECIFICALLY FABRICATED BY HANSON TRUSS INC NUL.L. AND VOIP >R NOT RABRIOATED BY HANSON TRUSS INO REFER TO INSIDE COVER OF TRUSS BOOKLET FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION & RECOMMENDATIONSFOR BRACING WOOD TRUSSESoz:lCOz:CDT)Om-HO DO<&*)<^3 OzIDOT)OT)m;oT)mgoO CLO C/) or;"DOC^j^J mOH O O I O mo oz: m m 70 C.(/)to CD 1 O o70D BRACING DETAIL DRAWN BY P DAVID FILENAME MS-BRCG-BLK DATE 11-20-96 HANSONTRUSS, INC NULL AND VOID IF NOT FABRICATED BY HANSON TRUSS HANSON TRUSS INC AND ANTHONY A RUBALCAVA ACCEPT NO RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE ACCURACY STRUCTURAL ADEQUACY OR ANY OTHER FEATURE OF THIS DESIGN UNLESS SPECIFICALLYINC FABRICATED BY HANSON TRUSS INC ©oos:-V73m^mCDCD70O totom2O2nm13o m XI. \ITI X-> -NO)Q. mOcos: 13^3mto<st o 3? NJ I OlQ.§§:DSi I? CD70 > O Z O LOC/) O O COMPRESSION WEB BRACING DRAWN BY P DAVID FILENAME MS-COMP-BRAC Dwg r11-15-OC HANSON ,INC HANSON TRUSS INC AND ANTHONY A RUBALCAVA ACCEPT NO RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE ACCURACY STRUCTURAL ADEQUACY OR ANY OTHER FEATURE OF THIS DESIGN UNLESS SPECIFICALLY FABRICATED BY HANSON TRUSS INC NULL. ANP VOIP IF NOT FABRICATED BY HANSON TRUSS INO tZo0TJGOrrn0Z3JmocrncoH 2.aa*o•0oamnTJo•otnTJ.f»»-»•(tm 00en••*•mCntoro00enL[S,COOJ00CO roOen-Pkenenenooen-f*enroenen^o mOO11 COIrnenCOmmO§COmoH iZ.cnmooca0)•oo•0n>•5.P 00 moHOzTl9 H3}mmoHHO <>rcmco Sr2<C ;* CS S«]cr 5 t(gS.oo E.§a 5" ao t» mw =? Aw n cP>-*• 09P> 2-n a(a OoSmoH co(St~0"Hro00CO00en•^jO 00it•noCO0e-Jvjen00 ooo~n•^roen00enotO ro0£_i00CO01«»Me-J-£•MO(/)"D~nrooC-JCOooCOoo roore-nro-xj00•vjoo•vl roOo~nUiOJen— &CO— J.000(SI"Dmomin gmOOzO37 fnnmm cra mTJmoo rn o 0m HU"Ien00C *03^WlSiCOmw *COcs:oTlOCDOrnmOHrn Olo CO (O OQ CD H 0 * # 01 0G) 10 * is) CO (0 (D 0) ICBO REPORT DRAWN BY AAR FILENAME IBCO DWG DATE 7-31-02 HANSON TRUSS, INC NULL AND VOID IF NOT FABRICATED BY HANSON TRUSS HANSON TRUSS INC AND ANTHONY RUBALCAVA ACCEPT NO RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE ACCURACY STRUCTURAL ADEQUACY OR ANY OTHER FEATURE OF THIS DESIGN UNLESS SPECIFICALLY INC FABRICATED BY HANSON TRUSS INC 06-07 2007 City of Carlsbad 1635 Faraday Av Carlsbad CA 92008 Plan Check Revision Permit No PCR07085 Building Inspection Request Line (760) 602-2725 Job Address Permit Type Parcel No Valuation Reference # Project Title 1100 LAS FLORES DR CBAD PCR 1551803100 Lot# 0 $0 00 Construction Type NEW BUENA VISTA VILLAGE REVISE SHOP CALCS TO MATCH ENGINEER S/2&3 FLR JOISTS Status Applied Entered By Plan Approved Issued Inspect Area Applicant HURD HEBER 40335 WINCHESTER RD TEMECULA CA 92591 951 926 1000 Owner PACIFIC LIBERTY INC 991 C LOMAS SANTA FE DR #441 SOLANA BEACH CA 92075 ISSUED 04/27/2007 KG 06/07/2007 06/07/2007 Plan Check Revision Fee Additional Fees $18000 $000 Total Fees $180 00 Total Payments To Date $18000 Balance Due $000 Inspector FINAL APPROVAL Date Clearance NOTICE Please take NOTICE that approval of your project includes the Imposition of fees dedications reservations or other exactions hereafter collectively referred to as fees/exactions You have 90 days from the date this permit was issued to protest imposition of these fees/exactions If you protest them you must follow the protest procedures set forth in Government Code Section 66020(a) and file the protest and any other required information with the City Manager for processing in accordance with Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 3 32 030 Failure to timely follow that procedure will bar any subsequent legal action to attack review set aside void or annul their imposition You are hereby FURTHER NOTIFIED that your right to protest the specified fees/exactions DOES NOT APPLY to water and sewer connection fees and capacity changes nor planning zoning grading or other similar application processing or service fees in connection with this project NOR DOES IT APPLY to any fees/exactions of which you have previously been given a NOTICE similar to this, or as to which the statute of limitations has previously otherwise expired City of Carlsbad 1635 Faraday Ave Carlsbad CA 92008 760 602 2717 / 2718 / 2719 Fax 760 602 8558 Building Permit Application Plan Check No Est Value Plan Ck Deposit ARCH/DESIGNER NAME & ADDRESS [Sec 70315 Business and Professions Code Any City or County which requires a permit to construct, alter; improve demolish or repair any structure, prior to its issuance also requires the applicant for such permit to file a signed statement that he islicensed pursuant to the provisions of the Contractors License Law (Chapter 9 commending with Section 7000 of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code} or that he is exempt therefrom and the basis for the alleged exemption Any violation ofSection 7l)3l S by any applicant for a permit subjects the applicant to a civil penalty of not more than five hundred dollars {'r"ml Workers Compensation Declaration / hereby affirm under penalty of perjury one of the following declarations n I have and will maintain a certificate of consent to self insure for workers compensation as provided by Section 3700 of the Labor Code for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued O I have and will maintain workers compensation as required by Section 3700 of the Labor Code for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued My workers compensation insurance carrier and policy number are Insurance Co Policy No Expiration Date This section need not be completed if the permit is for one hundred dollars ($100) or less D Certificate of Exemption I certify that in the performance of the work for which this permit is issued I shall not employ any person in any manner so as to become subject to the Workers Compensation Laws of California WARNING Failure to secure workers compensation coverage is unlawful and shall subject an employer to criminal penalties and civil fines up to one hundred thousand dollars (&100 000) in addition to the cost of compensation damages as provided for in Section 3706 of the Labor code interest and attorney s fees & CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE DATE / hereby affirm that I am exempt from Contractor s License Law for the following reason 0 I as owner of the property or my employees with wages as their sole compensation will do the work and the structure is not intended or offered for sale (Sec 7044 Business and Professions Code The Contractor s License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon and who does such work himself or through his own employees provided that such improvements are not intended or offered for sale If however the building or improvement is sold within one year of completion the owner builder will have the burden of proving that he did not build or improve for the purpose of sale) 01 as owner of the property am exclusively contracting with licensed contractors to construct the project (Sec 7044 Business and Professions Code The Contractors License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon and contracts for such projects with contractor(s) licensed pursuant to the Contractor s License Law) O I am exempt under Section Business and Professions Code for this reason 1 I personally plan to provide the major labor and materials for construction of the proposed property improvement O Yes O No 2 I (have / have not) signed an application for a building permit for the proposed work 3 I have contracted with the following person (firm) to provide the proposed construction (include name address / phone / contractors license number) 4 I plan to provide portions of the work but I have hired the following person to coordinate supervise and provide the major work (include name / address / phone / contractors license number) 5 I will provide some of the work but I have contracted (hired) the following persons to provide the work indicated (include name / address / phone / type of work) ^PROPERTY OWNER SIGNATURE DATE Is the applicant or future building occupant required to submit a business plan acutely hazardous materials registration form or risk management and prevention program under Sections 25505 25533 or 25534 of the Presley Tanner Hazardous Substance Account Act' O Yes CJ No Is the applicant or future building occupant required to obtain a permit from the air pollution control district or air quality management district' O Yes O No Is the facility to be constructed within 1 000 feet of the outer boundary of a school site' n Yes Q No IF ANY OF THE ANSWERS ARE YES EMERGENCY SERVICES AND THE AIR POLLUTION CONTROL DISTRICT I hereby affirm that there is a construction lending agency for the performance of the work this permit is issued (Sec 3097 (i) Civil Code) Lender's Name Lender's Address I certify that I have read the application and state that the above information is correct and that the information on the plans is accurate I agree to comply with all City ordinances and State laws relating to building construction I hereby authorize representative of the Cityjaf Carlsbad to enter upon the above mentioned property for inspection purposes I ALSO AGREE TO SAVE INDEMNIFY AND KEEP HARMLESS THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AGAINST ALL LIABILITIES JUDGMENTS COSTS AND EXPENSES WHICH MAY IN ANY WAY ACCRUE AGAINST SAID CITY IN CONSEQUENCE OF THE GRANTING OF THIS PERMIT OSHA An OSHA permit is required for^xcavations over 5 0 deep and demolition or construction of sfcuctures over 3 stories m-height EXPIRATION Every permit issued bythe Building Official under the provisionsof-fei^ixte^hall^iCpire by limitation and beowie null and void if the building or work authorized by such permit is not commenced within 180 days from the date of such ^^i^^A^^r^^a^onze^iar^&^'fnA isjujfjiended or abandoned at ^fy time after the work is commenced for a period of 180 days (Section 106 4 4 Uniform Building f APPLICANT S SIGNATUR DATE EsGil Corporation In PartnersHip witfi government for (BuiCtfing Safety DATE 6/7/07 JURISDICTION City of Carlsbad a FILE PLAN CHECK NO pcOS-0005 rev#4 (PCR07O85) SET II PROJECT ADDRESS 1100 Las Flores PROJECT NAME Buena Vista Village Apartments 11 Units w/Parking Garage Revision XI The plans transmitted herewith have been corrected where necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction s building codes The plans transmitted herewith will substantially comply with the jurisdiction s building codes when minor deficiencies identified below are resolved and checked by building department staff | | The plans transmitted herewith have significant deficiencies identified on the enclosed check list and should be corrected and resubmitted for a complete recheck I | The check list transmitted herewith is for your information The plans are being held at Esgil Corporation until corrected plans are submitted for recheck The applicant s copy of the check list is enclosed for the jurisdiction to forward to the applicant contact person I | The applicant s copy of the check list has been sent to Esgil Corporation staff did not advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed XI Esgil Corporation staff did advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed Person contacted Mr Hurd Telephone # Date contacted 6/7/07 (by DY) Fax # Mail Telephone Fax In Person XI REMARKS The applicant hand carried the approved plan back to the city By David Yao Enclosures Esgil Corporation D GA D MB D EJ D PC log 9320 Chesapeake Drive Suite 208 + San Diego California 92123 + (858)^60 1468 +• Fax (858) 560 1576 EsGil Corporation In (Partnership with government for (BuiCifing Safety DATE 5/9/07 a APPLICANT JURISDICTION City of Carlsbad /a PLAN REVIEWER a FILE PLAN CHECK NO pco5-0005 rev#4(PCRO7O85) _ SET I PROJECT ADDRESS 1 100 Las Flores PROJECT NAME Buena Vista Village Apartments- 11 Units w/Parkmg Garage Revision The plans transmitted herewith have been corrected where necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction s building codes The plans transmitted herewith will substantially comply with the jurisdiction s building codes when minor deficiencies identified below are resolved and checked by building department staff The plans transmitted herewith have significant deficiencies identified on the enclosed check list and should be corrected and resubmitted for a complete recheck IXI The check list transmitted herewith is for your information The plans are being held at Esgil Corporation until corrected plans are submitted for recheck The applicant s copy of the check list is enclosed for the jurisdiction to forward to the applicant contact person XI The applicant s copy of the check list has been sent to Heberj Hurd 40335 Winchester Road E 186 Temecula CA 92591 Esgil Corporation staff did not advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed XI Esgil Corporation staff did advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed Person contacted JHeber J Hurd /^ ) Telephone # 951-926-1000 Date contacted d/Ty (by W ) Fax # Mail ^XTelephonex' Fax In Person REMARKS By David Yao Enclosures Esgil Corporation D GA D MB D EJ D PC 5/1 9320 Chesapeake Drive Suite 208 + San Diego California 92123 + (858)560 1468 * Fax (858) 560 1576 City of Carlsbad pcoS OOO5 rev#4(PCR07085) 5/9/O7 GENERAL PLAN CORRECTION LIST JURISDICTION City of Carlsbad rev#4(PCRO7085) PROJECT ADDRESS 11OO Las Floras DATE PLAN RECEIVED BY ESGIL CORPORATION 5/1 REVIEWED BY David Yao PLAN CHECK NO pco5-OOO5 DATE REVIEW COMPLETED 5/9/O7 FOREWORD (PLEASE READ) This plan review is limited to the technical requirements contained in the Uniform Building Code Uniform Plumbing Code Uniform Mechanical Code National Electrical Code and state laws regulating energy conservation noise attenuation and disabled access This plan review is based on regulations enforced by the Building Department You may have other corrections based on laws and ordinances enforced by the Planning Department Engineering Department or other departments The following items listed need clarification modification or change All items must be satisfied before the plans will be in conformance with the cited codes and regulations Per Sec 106 4 3 1997 Uniform Building Code the approval of the plans does not permit the violation of any state county or city law • Please make all corrections and submit two new complete sets of prints to ESGIL CORPORATION • To facilitate recheckmg, please identify, next to each item, the sheet of the plans upon which each correction on this sheet has been made and return this sheet with the revised plans • Please indicate here if any changes have been made to the plans that are not a result of corrections from this list If there are other changes please briefly describe them and where they are located on the plans Have changes been made not resulting from this list? Yes a No City of Carlsbad pco5-OOO5 rev#4(PCRO7O85) 5/9/07 1 The revised floor joists shall be reviewed by the engineer of record (or architect) (i e a review stamp on the truss calculations or letter) 2 What is the ICC approval number for the RFPI floor joist? Load table? 3 The jurisdiction has contracted with Esgil Corporation located at 9320 Chesapeake Drive Suite 208 San Diego California 92123 telephone number of 858/560-1468 to perform the plan review for your project If you have any questions regarding these plan review items please contact David Yao at Esgil Corporation Thank you END City of Carlsbad pco5-OOO5 rev#4(PCR07O85) 5/9/07 VALUATION AND PLAN CHECK FEE JURISDICTION City of Carlsbad rev#4(PCR07085) PREPARED BY David Yao PLAN CHECK NO pco5-OO05 DATE 5/9/07 BUILDING ADDRESS 11OO Las Flores BUILDING OCCUPANCY TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION BUILDING PORTION AREA ( Sq Ft ) floor trusses revisions Air Conditioning Fire Sprinklers TOTAL VALUE Jurisdiction Code cb RIHn Pprmif FPP hv Orrimanrp ^ Valuation Multiplier By Ordinance Reg Mod VALUE ($) Plan Check Fee by Ordinance Type of Review D Complete Review $18000 Structural Only I 1 Repetitive FeeRepeats Based on hourly rate Comments D Other m Hourly 1 5 Hours * Esgil Plan Review Fee $14400 Sheet 1 of 1 macvalue doc TOTAL L0AP0)**TJU>Tl LIVE LOAPPEAP LOAPIB O*0* *TJ TJy» o»Tl Tl DESIGN 1i0>g^OOO^sxo-*tt.IPr*ffiOQ)£XU>H0H otn>> 0pl-05 O>O_L_o> k)nr^j-0>q4>.0>piO*TJ(S>-n *TJU>-n *TJ%OTO«>frr0>riV/W PIO«B«LUMPCONSULTANTS 7220 Trad* St. Ste 120San Oleflo, CA 92121Review t» cnfy tor general oontbrmance of the submtttal with Mbnnaflon givenand the design concept a»pressed m the Contract Documents. Comments madeduring this revtaw da net relieve the Contractor from compaanca wtth therequirements of thosa Contract Documents TheConMceytonaponsttitoforconfirming and eertalatlng all quantities, dimensions, aKa conditions,construction means, methods, sequences, procedures and tfw coordination ofall trades.O^-^L ^O. "fr%*£^ ^g„ 8II:*;!Sa ?;:1 1H*^!"Q%z S t11 KJI* ;!-i_If is«1Ss^1Ssa„s z <5ifllS!„k,if585K1So Ut ^1S»^,vt Is?S£3- <£ is?Sa wSS38 53Sa 33S0-£is0S<n >bf>-1is 3j -j til SeeNotsttoRIO Relecfed •S So Jl "SSS^^SSS3 an wr ^I C Q."< _....--____ Ill e» i s"s"»g"ift ... * § QaessaeseS'i^ Ea. o, &a a aQ.p.&ia. E£o» e a a • 3 « _|8s i s ' 3= s „ ., ^ ^ ^ - , ^---SUSligEJSg e " ^^|^^^^ 1 . .|>| -. J - - -. - a &ss a% KOSEBURG FOREST PRODUCTS KeyBeun® 4413] kmBeamEngin 4417 M tenal D tabase 622 Member Data Descnption J1 3rd floor Incl J3-J5 Standard Load Live Load 40 PSF Dead Load 26 PSF DOL 100% l.^ _r// Bearings and Reactions Input Minimum Location Type Length Length 1 O1 0 00- Wad 3 75- 1 75" 2 19-625 Wan 375° 1 75" Design spans 19 625 Buena Vista Village 4- 6-07 1 106 Las Floras Dnve 9 28ani Carfsbad,CA lofl Member Type Joist Application Floor Lateral Bracing Continuous Moisture Condition Dry Building Code IBC / IRC Deflection Criteria U480hve L/360 total Deck Connection Glued & Nailed Filename 3rd J1 J5 I 120 o o / 20 o o ' Worst Case Total 100% Dead Total 859ft 859* 391PLF 254PLF 645PLF ••• 859# 859* 391PLF 254PLF 645PLF * . . • ,. , • •• •• •• • • * «•I . ; ; Product 14 RFPI-60 160 OC !...*•.•• Component Member Design has Passed Design Checks.** • • • • • Allowable Stress Design Actual Moment 4192* Shear 859 # End Reaction 859 # LL Deflection 03314 TL Deflection 05468" * . ' .Allowable Capacity Location . . Loading • 5860* 71% 9761 Total load 100% * • 1710* 50% 1952 •••n>telload100«f 1443# 59% O1 Deadloao*... .. 04880" L/706 9 761 Total load 100% • 0650r U428 9761 Total load 1(5)% ' *mt i Control TL Deflection .* ABproduct names are bademaite of tneu- respective outers Kenl^wless ^^B|^HHPB^BIS^m> CopyngM (0)1989-2005 by K ym rtl E t ro LLC ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 602 697 6277 T si gi de« d v* th m mb flo i 1st b m gfrd h wn thlfravw g meet ppllbtdegnnt foLdLdigCdrti dSp sted ontti h tThdegmstbe ewed by g 68 d d signer designrofessto 1 requ red fc ppro 1 Tli de gn sum produ t installation iccordingt th m fact re pe ifi t ROSEBURG FOREbT PRODUCTS KeyBeam® 4410h kmB amEngin 4413 M tenal D tabase 516 Member Data Description Tie Beam Standard Load Live Load 40 PSF Dead Load 26 PSF DDL 100% 1 _ 1" / Bearings and Reactions Input Minimum Location Type Length Length 1 ffOOO" WaD 375- 175" 2 19-625 Wan 375" 1 75" Design spans 19 625 Buoia Vista Village 530-06 1106 Las FloresDnve 541pm Carisbad, CA 1 of 1 Member Type Joist Application Floor Lateral Bracing Continuous Moisture Condition Dry Building Code IBC / IRC Deflection Criteria L/480live L/360 total Deck Connection Glued & Nailed Filename 3rd J2 20 o o / 20 o o Worst Case Total 100% Dead Total 859* 859SS 391PL5 254PLF 645PLF •. 8S9ff 8S9» 391PLF 254PLF 645PLF . * •• • : :• • • • . Product OBL14 RFPI-60 160"OC *.** • • Component Member Design has Passed Design Checks." • * » Allowable Stress Design Actual Moment 4192 1 Shear 859J* End Reaction 859 f LL Deflection 0 1657" TL Deflection 0 2734" • • • • ., Allowable Capacity Location Loading* * * ••• • 11720 "# 35% 976* Total load«80% . . .* 342OS 25% 19521 Total toad 100SS . ° 31009 27% 0" Dead toad 04880* U999+ 9761 Total load 100% 0650y U856 9761 Total load 100% Control TL Deflection jk AH rffiKtifrt rrapv? rtrp tntrhTnaFlPi *Pa $ g 1 deli d tjt\ ft m mb fl ] 1st be m gird h wn on th!travM g m t ppl cabt dg t for L d L d g Condit on d Sp tsted th h t Tfi de g m st b ewed by q alifi d desig er destgnirofession 1 req redfo pp 1 Th design sum produ t mstaltabon i onSngt tti m ufact re sp ifl ti aftttetrrespectw owwrs KenLavriess KSRDeagi LLCPhoom AZ r* Enteip LLC ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 602 697 6277 UOSEBURG FOREbT PRODUCTSKcyBram® 44I3j kmBeamEngin 4417 M tenal D tabase 622 Member Data Description J6 3rd floor Standard Load Live Load 100 PSF Dead Load 34 PSF DOL 100% •5— t /f "" Bearings and Reactions Input Minimum Location Type Length Length 1 ffOOO" WaD 250T 175" 2 15775- WaD 250* 175" Design spans 15 775 Buciia Vista Village 1106 Las Floras Drive Carlsbad, CA Member Type Joist Application Floor Lateral Bracing Continuous Moisture Condition Dry Budding Code IBC / IRC Deflection Criteria L/480hve L/360 total Deck Connection Glued & Nailed Filename 3rd J6 1 11511 O t 1511 0 Worst Case Total 100% Dead Total 1398? 13983 783PLF 266PLF 1049PLF • 1398# 1398* 783PLF 266PLF 1049PLF . ..• • ••• •• •• • •• • 4 6-07 932am lof 1 • • ••• • • • • •••• • • Product 11 7/ff RFPI-90 1601 OC ... .** • ••* Component Member Design has Passed Design Checks.** • • , , * • • • • J Allowable Stress Design Actual Moment 5467 1* Shear 1398# End Reaction 1398# LL Deflection 0 3235" TL Deflection 0 4335" • • ••• ••Allowable Capacity Location Loading 8770 # 62% 7 82 * * * 'Total load 1 0OS? 1925 # 72% a ••"Wai load 1UCBS.. 1575# 88% O1 Dead toad" ....* 03911 L/580 782 Total load 100% 05215" L/433 78? Total load KJtffc * • • • • • ••• • • Control Max End React ° ^ AJ product names are tradanaita of their respectxeowiers KenUnriess ^j||gfrm||S^8BaillBH||L CopynghUC)19B»-2ll05byK ym rllBit ip LLC ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 6026976277 *P igldfi d w*i thm mbe Tlo j 1st b m gird hown o twIraw gm t ppl bl d g nt f L d L d gC dil d Sp istedonth! heel Th d g m stbe ew dby q Uedd 9 er design trofession 1 q redfo ppro 1 T>i d gn sum produ t tallatun icconfingt tti m fact re sp ifi tio ROSEBURG FOREbT PRODUCTSKeyBcam* 4413] kmBeamE gin 4417 M tenol D tabase 622 Member Data Description J7 3rd floor Tie Beam Standard Load Live Load 100 PSF Dead Load 34 PSF DOL 100% f- — - ^ _rX * Bearings and Reactions Input Minimum Location Type Length Length 1 ffOOO" Wafl 250T 175" 2 181175" WaD 250" 175" Design spans 1811 75 Buena Vista Village 1106LasFloresDnve Carisbad,CA 4 6-07 945am lofl Member Type Joist Application Floor Lateral Bracing Continuous Moisture Condition Dry Building Code IBC / IRC Deflection Criteria L/480live L/360 total Deck Connection Glued & Nailed Filename 3rd J7 __ 19 3 O 19 3 O Worst Case Total 100% 1272S 1272* 949PLF 1272# 1272* 949PLF Product DBL 11 7/8 RFP1-90 12.0 OC Component Member Design has Passed Design Checks.** Allowable Stress Design Actual Moment 6033 # Shear 1272* End Reaction 1272# LL Deflection 0 2522 TL Deflection 0 3379" Control TL Deflection Allowable Capacity 17540 # 34% 3850# 33% 3150 # 40% 0 4745 L/903 06326" U673 ^- AH product names are trademaite of Uiafrespetdveovmtrs _^ffii|f^T^K^^3B^^. Copynght (0)1989-2005 by K ym rk E t rp LLC ALL RIGHTS RESERVED •Psig iJfftJaitfi ihmmb fl jlstbrnrgtrd hown thiJrav« gm 1 ppl b( de g nt f L d L d flC dil dSp tetd th htthdigmstbe evtewedby q lifiedde gner d signirofe to 1 qu red to pp ! Th de gn ssum pnxluct mstattetnn iccordingt th in fact re spe ificat J 1 / / Dead Total 323PLF 1272PLF .... 323PLF 1272PLF ••• • ••«•« •••• . .. .• •••• .. ......J • • .~ ~ » . • • • • •••• ...*•• • • . .• •••« ..... "•• ••• • .....* • . • Location Loading * * . * * 949 ••••Tdlal load 100% •• . 0 . ..ItfalloadigOft. .. O1 Dead load • 9491 Total toad iflrK* .****!9491 Total load 189% •••• . o Ken Lawless K&ROesgn LLCPhoenn.AZ 6026976277 ROSEBURG FOREbT PRODUCTb K vRram® 4413 kmBomiEngme 4 417 Matenals Database 622 Member Data Descnptoon J38 3rd floor Incl J8-J37 Standard Load Live Load 100 PSF Dead Load 34 PSF DDL 100% i — —, / / Bearings and Reactions Input Minimum Location Type Length Length 1 0 0 00 Wall 5 501 1 75 2 18 5 75 Wall 5 50" 1 75 Design spans 18 575 Buena Vista Village 1 106 Las Flores Dnve Carisbad, CA Member Type joist Appiicanon Floor Lateral Bracing Continuous Moisture Condition Dry Building Code IBC/IRC Deflection Criteria L/480 live L/360 total Deck Connection Glued & Nailed Filename 3rdJ8-J38 - | "119 3 0 / 19 3 O Worst Case Total 100V Dead Total 1239# 1239# 924PLF 315PLF 1239PLF 12393 1239# 924PLF 315PLF 1239PLF • *.... .... .•««••• .» .• . • Product 11 7/8" RFP1-90 120"OC « • .... Component Member Design has Passed Design Checks ** *•*! *....* Allowable Stress Design Actual Moment 5720 *# Shear 12385 End Reaction 1238* LL Deflection 0 4567" TL Deflection 0 6120" •••• ... .« . . . Allowable Capacity Location ** * Loading ** 8770 V 65% 924 ••• 'Total load 100% 1925£ 64% ff ..«.t<$illoadigqft. 1885$ 65% 0* Dead load • 04620* L/485 924' Total toad lftf»» 06160" L/362 924 Total load ¥ §9% • 4-6-07 917am lofl • ....• •.. .. . . . fc • .• • ^_ " ' ^*>..«1•• .«|...... .. ...V. • ....... •.... Control TL Deflection •• ^- AD produ t am are tradem rks •Passing is del ed as v*enm member floor lola. beam or girder summon lite trawng meets appOcabl design cnteri for Load Loadmg Condbon and Spans stcd on Bus street Th design must b reviewedby ituaMed designer or design icconfiig to the manufacturer speaScanons fttiei respectlv cmners K Lavtt K I K 0 sign LLCPhoenix AZ rt. Entapnses LLC ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 602-697 6277 ROSEBURG FOREST PRODUCTS KeyBeam® 4413] kmBeamE gin 4417 M tenal D tabase 622 Member Data Descnpton J39 3rd floor Standard Load Live Load 100 PSF Dead Load 34 PSF DOL 100% Ut" — -f^fa^*-, "_.-• ,«™H- -t-rA / Bearings and Reactions Input Minimum Location Type Length Length 1 ffOOO" Wafl 550T 175" 2 1ff975" Wall 550" 175" Design spans 19 975 Buena Vista Village 1 106 Las Flores Dnve Carlsbad, CA 4-607 925am lofl Member Type Joist Application Floor Lateral Bracing Continuous Moisture Condition Dry Building Code IBC / IRC Deflection Criteria L/480hve L/360 total Deck Connection Glued & Nailed Filename 3rd J39 _3_J^fi ^tsft _^_ f^^ ^ ^^ _= 2O 7 O 2O 7 O Worst Case Total 100% 1328# 1328# 991PLF 1328# 132m 991PLF Product DBL117/8 RFPI-80 120 OC Component Member Design has Passed Design Checks ** Allowable Stress Design Actual Moment 6575 # Shear 1327# End Reaction 1327# LL Deflection 0 2961 TL Deflection 03967" Allowable Capacity 17540 # 37% 3850* 34% 3770 # 35% 04953" L/803 06604 U599 j, »„, ._, _, -^-^r-^-^^^,. __3_ ^ j, „ J 1 Dead Total 337PLF 1328PLF .... 337PLF 1328PLF • ••u*. ...... •••« DO .. • • • ** I"*.*! • .*. ***** ••••<• • •••» ••*.< Location * * Loading ** .** 991 ••••Tofelload100%« •*•»• 0 ••» »"fcialload 1QO#»» .. 0' Dead k>ad> * 991 TotalloadloW* !****S 991 Total load <tOO% • •»•• Control TL Deflection •• ^ Afl product names are baitoimte *P ss g d fi d wti 8t m mb fl Joist be m gird h wn tMIravrt gmetpptbidgcnt fldLdgCdtt dSp sted th heetthd igm tb viwedby q bfidd g dsigirofes lol qtcdlbppovl'Rideg m produ t tnst ttatton cftherrespecbve ouners rk Ent ip se LLC ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Ken Unless KSRDeagn LLC 6026976277 3313 313 3;3!a8!S;!5S RCSEBURG Buena Vista Village 1106 Las Flores Drive Carlsbad CA 530-06 442pm lofl KeyBeam® 4410h kmBeam£ngin 4413 Materials Database 516 Member Data Description Standard Load Live Load 40 PSF Dead Load 26 PSF DOL 100% Member Type Joist Lateral Bracing Continuous Moisture Condition Dry Deflection Criteria L/480 live L/360 total Deck Connection Glued & Nailed Filename 2ndJ1 Application Floor Building Code IBC / IRC 19 9 8 19 9 8 Bearings and Reactions Location Input Minimum Type Length Length Worst Case Total 100/o Dead Total 1 0-000 2 1ff375" Design spans Iff 3 75 Wall Wall 375" 375" 1 75 175" 850# 850* 850* 850* 387PLF 387PLF 252PLF 252PLF 638PLF 638PLF Product 14 RFPI-50 160 OC Component Member Design has Passed Design Checks.** Allowable Stress Design Moment Shear End Reaction LL Deflection TL Deflection Actual 41031* 850 # 850 # 03181 05249" Allowable 5860 # 17100 1443 # 04828 06438" Capacity 70% 49% 58% L/728 L/441 Location 9661 1931 1931 gee- gee1 Loading Total load 100% Total load 100% Dead load Total load 100% Total toad 100% Control TL Deflection AQ produ t m re tradem rtts f th respectiv own rs CowWtt (0)1989-2005 by PteynarttEmapnses UC All RIGHTS RESERVED K L wl K&RDeig I Phoena AZ 602.697^277 'Passing defined whenth member floor joist beam or gmte shown on this fraw g meets appficafal design criten fb L ds Loading ContSbon and Spanfeted on Ifas sheet Tn design must be reviewed by quafified designer design yofe^tttfu) miuircdft) jpprnul Thsdeo^i ssumeEpnduetnstzIbtian ROSEBURG F 0 R E t> T PRODUCTS Kejffieam® 44IOH kmB amEngine4413 M tenal D tabase 516 Member Data Descnpton Tie Beam Standard Load Live Load 40 PSF Dead Load 26 PSF DOL 100% | 5-rX Bearings and Reactions Input Minimum Location Type Length Length 1 0-000" Wan 375" 175" 2 191 3 75" WaD 3 75" 1 75" Design spans 19 375 Buena Vista Village 1106 Las Flores Drive Carisba4CA 530-06 445pm lofl Member Type Joist Application Floor Lateral Bracing Continuous Moisture Condition Dry Building Code IBC / IRC Deflection Criteria L/480lrve U360 total Deck Connection Glued & Nailed Filename 2nd J2 ^ A- 19 9 8 19 9 8 Worst Case Total 100% 850ff 850* 387PLF 850ff 850» 387PLF I 1 / Dead Total 252PLF 638PLF 252PLF 638PLF Product DBL14 RFPI-50 160"OC Component Member Design has Passed Design Checks.** Allowable Stress Design Actual Moment 4103 •» Shear 850.* End Reacbon 850.* LL Deflection 0 1591 TL Deflection 0 2625" Allowable Capacity 11720 •# 35% 3420 # 24% 3100* 27% 04828" U999+ 06438" L/882 Location Loading 9661 Total load 100% 1931 Total load 100% 1931 Dead load 966* Total load 100% 966T Total load 100% Control TL Deflection ^m Afl product names are tradenwk^ of fteo- respective owiere ^W$lKujjj[!g3$lt&i!j$lL Copynghl(C)1 989-2005 by* ym rk Ent ip LLC ALL RIGHTS RESERVED fslgldta v* ft memb t> I 1st b m grt tiown ffifclrav» g m t ppl bl d g t f L d L d g C dit d Sprstedontn h t Th de g m stbe ew dby q Ifl dd g erorde tgn )rofe sto 1 qu red fo pp 1 Th de gn sum pmdu t tnst llatKHiiccortingt tti man fact re p meat KaiUrfcss KSRDeagn LLCPlmeraj AZ 6026976277 ROSEBURG FOREST PRODUCTS Ke>ieam» 44lOh kmB amEngin 4413 MatenalsD tabas 516 Member Data Description Standard Load Live Load 40 PSF Dead Load 26 PSF DDL 100% L- ^ -rA t Beanngs and Reactions Input Minimum Location Type Length Length 1 ffOOO" WaD 200- 175" 2 18 9 75° Wall 2 (XT 1 7ST Design spans 18 975 Bueiia Vista Village 1106 Las FloresDnve Carisbad,CA , 5 30-06 447pm lof 1 Member Type Joist Application Floor Lateral Bracing Continuous Moisture Condition Dry Building Code IBC / IRC Deflection Criteria L/480live U360 total Deck Connection Glued & Nailed Filename 2nd J3 19 O O 19 O O Worst Case Total 100% 828» 828* 377PLF 8288 828# 377PLF ~ '~ \ 1 / Dead Total 245PLF 621 PLF 245PLF 621PLF Product 14 RFPI-50 160"OC Component Member Design has Passed Design Checks.** Allowable Stress Design Actual Moment 3893 •# Shear 828.* End Reaction 828.* LL Deflection 02880° TL Deflection 0 4753" Allowable Capacity 5860 •# 66% 17100 48% 1068 # 77% 04703- L/783 06271 L/474 Location Loading 941 Total load 100% 18 81 Total load 100% 18 81 Dead load 941 Total load 100% 941 Total load 100% Control Max End React ^A Afl product names am trademaite of then- respecter owierc /^SJPSS^ipSPiBiplk. C Py"9h> <C>1989-2005 by K ym rk E teip LLC ALL RIGHTS RESERVED •Passi g Qefl d wftt th m mb fl I 1st be m girde hown on thisfravni gmetpplbldesgncnt fLdLdgCditon dSp istedonthl h tThd igmstbre wdby g lifidd gner d igirote stoU quredfopp IThdeg sum produ t installationicconfingt tti m ufact re spe ifi att Ken Lawless KfROeagn LLCRioenn.AZ 602 697 6277 ROSEBURG FOREhT PRODUCTS KeyBtam® 4413j kmB amEngffl 4417 M tenal D tabase 622 Member Data Description Joist J4 2nd Level Floor Standard Load Live Load 100 PSF Dead Load 34 PSF DOL 100% 1 — * —r/ // Beanngs and Reactions Input Minimum Location Type Length Length 1 ffOOO" WaH 375" 261 2 13125 Wan 375" 261 Design spans 13 1 25 Buena Vista Village 4 6 07 1 106 Las Flores Dn ve 7 59am Carlsba4 CA 1 of 1 Member Type Joist Application Floor Lateral Bracing Continuous Moisture Condition Dry Building Code IBC / IRC Deflection Criteria L/480live L/360 total Deck Connection Glued & Nailed Filename 2nd J4 1 113 7 O / 13 7 O Worst Case Total 100% Dead Total 1171* 1171# 656PLF 223PLF 878PLF 1171* 1171* 656PLF 223PLF 878PLF Product 11 7/8" RFPI-60 16 0" O C Component Member Design has Passed Design Checks.** Allowable Stress Design Actual Moment 3835 * Shear 1171* End Reaction 1171S LL Deflection 0 2678" TL Deflection 03589" Allowable Capacity Location Loading 4915* 78% 655 Total load 100% 1420# 82% O1 Total load 100% 1375# 85% 131 Dead load 03276" L/587 6551 Total load 100% 04368" L/438 655 Total load 100% Control Max End React i ^m Aflpnxkict names are trademaite of Ihran^p«ti«emjier5 KenLntess jj^aHJri§iB»li8ii8HHiik. CopyngM |C)1 9a9-2005 by K yn At E I rp LLC ALL RIGHTS RESERVED £026976277 •P si Bi aet a <MI thmmb fl jllbm girde h wn IW train gm I pplcabl d g 1 fo L d L d gC dit dSpistedonttil hetThd gmstb viewed by q tifi dd gn design )ro1e ston 1 req red fo pp 1 Th d g sum produ t installationicconfingt th man fact re spe tftcatio ROSEBURG FOREbT PRODUCTSKcyfeam® 4413] hnB amEngin 4417 M tenal D tabase 622 Member Data Description Joist J5 2nd Fl Incl J6 J13 Standard Load Live Load 40 PSF Dead Load 26 PSF DDL 100% Buena Vista Village 1106 Las FloresDnve Carisbad,CA Member Type Joist Applicaton Floor Lateral Bracing Continuous Moisture Condition Dry Budding Code IBC / IRC Deflection Crrtena L/480lrve U360 total Deck Connecton Glued & Nailed Filename 2nd J5 J1 3 [r // Bearings and Reactions Input Minimum Location Type Length Length 1 ff 0 00" Wan 3 50- 1 75" 2 13 1 75" Wan 350" 1 75" Design spans 13 1 75 ^ ^^ _Z- ^ 4^' ar fT 13 7 O / 13 7 0 Worst Case Total 100% Dead Total 579ff 579# 263PLF 171PLF 434PLF 579* 579» 263PLF 171PLF 434PLF Product 14 RFPI-60 16.0 OC Component Member Design has Passed Design Checks.** Allowable Stress Design Actual Moment 1901 # Shear 578 * End Reaction 578 # LL Deflection 0 0765 TL Deflection 0 1261 Allowable Capacity Location Loading 5860 # 32% 6 57" Total load 100% 1710# 33% 0 Total load 100% 1389S 41% 0' Dead load 03286" L/999* 6571 Total load 100% 04382" U999+ 6 57" Total load 100% 4-6-07 808am lofl > Control Max End React *P ssi a defi d wh m m mb fl ] I t b m gird hown thl tra\M gmt ppl bid gcrit fbLdLdgCdltion dSp teted onth hetThd gnmstb viewed by q titled de gner d signtfofessu 1 eq redfo pp 1 Th d gn sum product mst llation tcconfiigt th m ufact re spe if) at! ofthen-iespecteetMners KenUvtess KiRDesgn UCPhoemz AZ rkEntip 9 LLC ALL RK3HTS RESERVED 6026976277 ROSEBURG FOREST PRODUCTS KeyBsam® 4413] kmB amEngin 4417 M tenai D tabase 622 Member Data Description J14 2nd floor Incl J15J20 Standard Load Live Load 100 PSF Dead Load 34 PSF DDL 100% \rA // Bearings and Reactions Input Minimum Location Type Length Length 1 O1 0 OCT Wall 2 50- 1 75" 2 91 8 75 WaD 2 50T 1 75" Design spans 9 875 Buena Vista Village 4- 6-07 1 1 06 Las Floras Dn ve 8 37am Carisbad, CA 1 of 1 Member Type Joist Application Floor Lateral Bracing Continuous Moisture Condition Dry Building Code IBC / IRC Deflection Criteria L/480lrve U360 total Deck Connection Glued & Nailed Filename 2nd J1 4 J20 I 110 o o / 10 0 0 Worst Case Total 100% Dead Total 652ff 652# 487PLF 166PIF 652PLF 652* 652* 487PLF 166PLF 652PLF Product 14 RFPI70 120 OC Component Member Design has Passed Design Checks ** Allowable Stress Design Actual Moment 1585 # Shear 652 # End Reaction 652 M LL Deflection 0 0444 TL Deflection 0 0594 Allowable Capacity Location Loading 7865 # 20% 486 Total load 100% 1710# 38% O Total load 100% 1343* 48% 973 Dead load 02432" U999+ 4861 Total load 100% 03243* L/9S9+ 486* Total load 100% Control Max End React A «1 product names are trademate of tner respecter OH»S KenUniess ^jSSJHP^SjS^^BBBB^. C WOW (C)1989-2005 by K ym n< E t Tp LLC ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 602 697 6277 *P sslngi defi ed \irfi Bi m mh fl J 1st b m grd h wn thl^41 g m t ppl bl d g t fo L d L di g C diti d Sp isted onth hetTh d g mstberevtwdby q Ifidd signer designirofe sio 1 req imdfb ppro 1 Th de gn m produ t stallatnniccttrtSngt th m ufttcture sp rfic t ROSEBURG FOREST PRODUCTS KejSeant® 44I3J kmB amEngm 4417 M tenal Database 622 Member Data Description J21 2nd floor Incl J22-J25 Standard Load Live Load 100 PSF Dead Load 34 PSF DOL 100% L _ _r 8 6 O // Bearings and Reactions Input Minimum Location Type Length Length 1 ff 0 00- Wall 5 50" 1 75" 2 8-138- WaO 7OT 330" 3 24 9 75" Wafl 2 50" 1 75" Design spans 8 1 36 16 8 38 Buena Vista Village 1106 Las Flores Drive Carlsbad, CA 4 W)7 8 13am lofl Member Type Joist Application Floor Lateral Bracing Continuous Moisture Condition Dry Building Code IBC / IRC Deflection Criteria L/480hve L/360 total Deck Connection Glued & Nailed Filename 2nd J21 J26 o- — T 25 4 O Worst Case Total 100% 112ff 401ff 373PLF 2305* 2305* 1720PLF 909S 926ff 695PLF . __ _ J 116 1O O / Dead Total 29PLF 401 PLF 585PLF 2305PLF 231PLF 926PLF Product OBL 1 1 7/8 RFPI-90 1 2.0" O C Component Member Design has Passed Design Checks ** Allowable Stress Design Actual Moment 3504 # Shear 1329# End Reaction 925 # Int Reaction 2304 # LLDeflecton 00946" TL Deflection 0 1244" Allowable Capacity 17540 # 19% 3850J» 34% 3150 # 29% 671 0# 34% 04174 L/999+ 05566" L/999+ Location Loading 811 Total load 100% 811 Total load 100% 24 81 Dead load 811 Dead load 1731 Even Spans 100% 17? Even Spans 100% Control Shear ^* M product names are trataimhs of then- respective omiere /{^HEsSlii»;pSi»(SB?|fk ° Pyght(C)1 989-2005 by PC ym rk Enlerp LLC Ail RIGHTS RESERVED *r \\ Bntni^ Tslg dud v* thmmb fl joist bm gW ftown this Iraw gm el ppl bl d o rn f Load L d gC dit d Sp isted th htThdegnmstb wedbyqltiddeg detgn irofe on I requ red fb pp I Thl d g sum predu t mstattatxm icconjingt tti m fact rer sp ificati Ken Unless KSRDeagn LLCRtoom.AZ 602 697 6277 RCSEBURG FOREbT PRODUCT^ KeySram® 4413J ianB amEngtn 4417 M tenals D lab se 622 Member Data Description J26 2nd floor Incl J28 J29 J31 J34 J38 Standard Load Live Load 100 PSF Dead Load 34 PSF DDL 100% Buena Vista Village 1106 Las Floras Drive Carisbad,CA Member Type Joist Application Floor Lateral Bracing Continuous Moisture Condition Dry Building Code IBC / IRC Deflection Criteria LMSOhve L/360 total Deck Connection Glued & Nailed Filename 2nd J26 J28 frA / / Bearings and Reactions Input Minimum Location Type Length Length 1 ffOOO" Wall 550- 175" 2 19-1075 WaD 550- 175" Design spans 191075 ^_ ^PKt a_ -a- IT 2O 8 O / 2O 8 O Worst Case Total 100% Dead Total 1334# 1334* 995PLF 339PLF 1334PLF 1334* 1334* 995PLF 339PLF 1334PLF Product DEL 11 7/8' RFPI-80 12.0 OC Component Member Design has Passed Design Checks.** Allowable Stress Design Actual Moment 6630 # Shear 1333# End Reaction 1333# LL Deflection 0 3008 TL Deflection 04030" Allowable Capacity Location Loading 17540* 37% 995 Total load 100% 3850 # 34% 0 Total load 100% 3770 * 35% 199 Dead load 04974 L/793 9951 Total load 100% 06632" L/592 995' Total load 100% 4-6-07 824am lof 1 Control TL Deflection ^^ M product names are tiadaimto of ttiar respecnire CTMMIS KenUwAess jtfjlPffS^pfljW^pBillt, C WOK (0)1989-2005 by K ym r* Enteip LLC ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 602 697 6277 Tassi gl deli t wti »i m mb fl jolfl b m sire hovm miIra™ urn ct ppli bl d g t f L d L tf gConditl dSptsted onth htThd gmstbe view d by q f fi d d signer designkrofe sio ( req redlb app I Th d gn sum pnidu tmst llattonicconfingt ft m fact re spe ifi t UOSEBURC FOREST PRODUCTSKejeeam® 4413] kmB amE gin 4417 M tenal D tabase 622 Member Data Description J27 2nd floor J30 J32 J33 J35-J37 J39 Standard Load LrveLoad 100PSF Dead Load 34 PSF DOL 100% (rf_ IT- n" / / Bearings and Reactions Input Minimum Location Type Length Length 1 ffOOO" WaB 55<r 175" 2 161 7 75 Wall 2 50° 1 75" Design spans 16 775 Buena Vista Village 4- 6-07 1106 Las FJoresDnve 829am Carii*ad,CA lofl / Member Type Joist Application Floor Lateral Bracing Continuous Moisture Condition Dry Building Code IBC/IRC Deflection Criteria U480lrve L/360 total Deck Connection Glued & Nailed Filename 2nd J27 17 2 O / 17 2 O Worst Case Total 100% Dead Total 1116S 1116# 833PLF 283PLF 1116PLF v- 1116* 11169 833PLF 283PLF 1116PLF Product 11 7/ff RFPI-90 120 OC Component Member Design has Passed Design Checks ** Allowable Stress Design Actual Moment 4641 # Shear 11153 End Reaction 1115# LL Deflection 0 3109" TL Deflection 0 4166" Allowable Capacity Location Loading 8770 # 52% 832 Total load 100% 1925# 57% Of Total load 100% 1575# 70% 1665 Dead load 04161 L/642 832' Total load 100% 05549" U479 8321 Total load 100% Control TL Deflection ^_ M product names are trademajfcs of Huff respective muteis Ken Lartess jfjS$ifitaS$jS$$El!ilj^. C Py^9ll'(C)t 989-2005 by K ym rk Ent ip LLC ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 6026976277 *PQss£ g i d fi d v^ the m mb fl j 1st b m gird h wn HitIraw g m t ppl bl de ign nt f L d L d g C dltl d Sp isled th h et Th d ig m stb 1 w dby q III dd sign desig>rofe$ 1 q red fb pp 1 Th d gn sum produ t installationicconfingt tti m facturer specifi t . RGSEBURG FOREST PRODUCTS KeySeam® 4413] kmB amEngin 4417 M tenal D tabase 622 Member Data Description J1 3rd floor Incl J3-J5 Standard Load Live Load 40 PSF Dead Load 26 PSF DOL 100% [ _ X /f Bearings and Reactions Input Minimum Location Type Length Length 1 O1 000- WaD 37? 175" 2 19-625- WaD 375" 175" Design spans 19 625 Buena Vista Village 1106 Las FloresDnve CaristxuLCA 4 6-07 928am lofl Member Type Joist Application Floor Lateral Bracing Continuous Moisture Condition Dry Building Code IBC / IRC Deflection Criteria L/480ln/e L/360 total Deck Connection Glued & Nailed Filename 3rd J1 J5 20 o o 20 o o Worst Case Total 100% 859* 859ff 391PLF 859? 859S 391PLF - - I 1/ / / Dead Total 254PLF 645PLF 254PLF 645PLF Product 14 RFPI-50 160 OC Component Member Design has Passed Design Checks.** Allowable Stress Design Actual Moment 4192 # Shear 859 # End Reaction 859.8 LL Deflection 03314 TL Deflection 0 5468 Allowable Capacity 5860 # 71% 1710# 50% 1443 # 59% 0 488CT L/706 0 6507" L/428 Location Loading 9761 Total load 100% 1952 Total load 100% O1 Dead load 9761 Total load 100% 976* Total toad 100% Control TL Deflection ^ AH product names are tiaUaiuifcs *P ssl g d 15 d iftti irr m mb ft o j i t be m gird sn wn twfrawi gmet ppl bid g t forL d LoadigC drt on dSp isted till h tThd gnmstb viewed by qu hfi d designer design trofe si 1 q red (6 pp 1 TTi d g sum produ t installationicconfingt th m fact re p ificat Ik E t ip es LLC ALL RIGHTS RESERVED KenLavtess K&RDesgn LLCPhoenn AZ 6026976277 ROSEBURG FOREST PRODUCTS Keytkam® 44lOh kmBeamEngin 4413 M tenal D tab 516 Member Data Description Tie Beam Standard Load Live Load 40 PSF Dead Load 26 PSF DOL 100% Buena Vista Village 1106 Las FloresDnve Caiisbad,CA Member Type Joist Application Floor Lateral Bracing Continuous Moisture Condition Dry Building Code IBC/IRC Deflection Cntena L/480live L/360 total Deck Connection Glued & Nailed Filename 3rd J2 I ~r/ t/ Bearings and Reactions Input Minimum Location Type Length Length 1 a o oo- wan 3 7sr 1 75- 2 19-625 WaH 375" 1 75- Design spans 19625 ^. _ 1T 20 o o / 20 o o Worst Case Total 100% Dead Total 859ff 6^9# 391PLF 254PLF 645PLF 859# 859# 391PLF 254PLF 645PLF Product OBL14 RFPI-50 16CTOC Component Member Design has Passed Design Checks.** Allowable Stress Design ActualMoment 41921* Shear 859.8 End Reaction BS9& LL Deflection 01657" TL Deflection 0 2734 Allowable Capacity Location Loading 11720 •» 35% 97ff Total load 100% 3420J? 25% 195? Total load 100% 3100 * 27% 0* Dead toad 04880* L/999+ 9761 Total load 100% 06507" L/856 9761 Total toad 100% 530-06 541pm lofl Control TL Deflection _ AB product names are tiadHimto •P ssl g a « 0 wn DI m mb fl Joist b m gird n wn mis Ins™ gm t ppl! bl d g rtt f L d L d gC dl dSp isted th h t Th cte g tn tb ewedby q Ifi dd g er design irofe sran 1 req redtb ppr 1 Tti de gn sum pradu thst nation iccordinflt th m fecture specif} If KSR Design LLC Phono, AZ rk Ent rp se LLC ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 602 697 6277 RGSEBURG FOREbT PRODUCTS KejBeam® 4413j bnB amEngln 4417 M tenal D tabase 622 Member Data Descnption J6 3rd floor Standard Load Live Load 100 PSF Dead Load 34 PSF DOL 100% | - •*• *~ „ Z f Bearings and Reactions Input Minimum Location Type Length Length 1 ffOOO" Wan 250T 175" 2 15775" WaD 250" 175" Design spans 15 775 Buena Vista Village 1 106 Las Flores Dnve Carlsbad, C A 4 6-07 932am lof 1 Member Type Joist Application Floor Lateral Bracing Continuous Moisture Condition Dry Building Code IBC / IRC Deflection Criteria L/480ltve L/360 total Deck Connection Glued & Nailed Filename 3rd J6 ™ 1511 O 1511 O Worst Case Total 100% 13989 13983 783PLF 1398$ 1398$ 783PLF Dead Total 266PLF 1049PLF 266PLF 1049PLF Product 11 7/ff RFPI-30 160 OC Component Member Design has Passed Design Checks ** Allowable Stress Design Actual Moment 5467 # Shear 1398* End Reaction 1398# U. Deflection 0 3235° TL Deflection 0 4335- Allowable Capacity 8770 « 62% 1925# 72% 1575# 88% 03911 U580 0 5215" L/433 Location Loading 782 Total load 100% 0 Total load 100% 0 Dead load 782 Total load 100% 7821 Total load 100% Control Max End React ^_ AB product names are trademarks of then- respective owierc (fflB!&yfyjSS&jjj9liijjf^_ Copyngtrt (0)1989-2005 by* ym rk E t rp es LLC ALL RIGHTS RESERVED "Psslgldefld v* thmmb fl jlstbm gfMe h wn on IW ln«« gm t ppl bl deslg t f L d L t gC dit dSpisted th tietThd gmstb wedbyqlifidd gner de gn>rofe 1 q redfo pp 1 Th de g sum produ t installation tcconfingt th m factute sp ifi at KenLaatessK4R Design LLC Phosin.AZ602 697 6277 ROSEBURG FOREST PRODUCTS Buena Vista Village 1106 Las Flores Dnve Carisbad,CA 4 6-07 945am lofl kmBeamEngtri 4417 M tenal D tab se 622 Member Data Description J7 3rd floor Tie Beam Standard Load Live Load 100 PSF Dead Load 34 PSF DOL 100% Member Type Joist Lateral Bracing Continuous Moisture Condition Dry Deflection Criteria L/480lrve L/360 total Deck Connection Glued & Nailed Filename 3rd J7 Application Floor Building Code IBC/IRC 19 3 O 19 3 O Bearings and Reactions Location Type Input Minimum Length Length Worst Case 100%Dead Total ffOOO" 181175 Wall Wall 250" 250" 175* 175" 1272* 1272* 1272* 1272S 949PLF 949PLF 323PLF 323PLF 1272PLF 1272PLF Design spans 1811 75 Product DBU117/8 RFPI-80 12.0 OC Component Member Design has Passed Design Checks.** Allowable Stress Design Moment Shear End Reaction LL Deflection TL Deflection Actual 6033 » 1272# 1272* 02522 03379" Allowable 17540 # 3850* 3150 # 04745 06326" Capacity 34% 33% 40% L/903 U673 Location 949 0O1 949' 949* Loading Total load 100% Total load 100% Dead toad Total load 100% Total load 100% Control TL Deflection AH product names am trademarks oftfteir respective owners CopyngtiljC)!989-2005byK ym rttE t rp LLC ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Ken UnlessKSRDeayi LLC Phoenix AZ6026976277 KtVSi •Passi g defl 6 v* fti m mb I! j st be m gi d r h wn th Irawi gm el ppt bl d g cm f L d L d gC dlon dSp isted th ti et Th d g m tb ewedby q Ifi dd an design irofe I req Iredfb pp I Th d gn sum prod ttast llation ROSEBURG F 0 R E b T PRODUCTS Keyfieam* 4413] km& amE gin 4417 Matenal D tab se 622 Member Data Description J38 3rd floor Incl J8^J37 Standard Load Live Load 100 PSF Dead Load 34 PSF DOL 100% Buena Vista Village 1106 Las Floras Dnve Carisba4CA Member Type Joist Application Floor Lateral Bracing Continuous Moisture Condition Dry Building Code I6C / IRC Deflection Criteria LAJSOIive L/360 total Deck Connection Glued & Nailed Filename 3rd J8 J38 | " F ~ „, " _„ r/ // Bearings and Reactions Input Minimum Location Type Length Length 1 ffOOO" Watt 550* 175" 2 18 5 re- Wad 550" 175" Design spans 18 575 *»*, - „, ji*^!—"^^ ^,*~i, -»,«»„;« -*-*•» r ' »"-«» >A_ j. *™^;-iMt __i,___ ff1 19 3 O t 19 3 O Worst Case Total 100% Dead Total 1239* 12339 924PLF 315PLF 1239PLF 1239* 1239» 924PLF 315PLF 1239PLF Product 11 7/ff RFPI-80 12 ff OC Component Member Design has Passed Design Checks.** Allowable Stress Design Actual Moment 5720 # Shear 1238# End Reaction 1238# LL Deflection 04567- TL Deflection 0 6120" Allowable Capacity Location Loading 8770 # 65% 924 Total load 100% 19250 64% 0 Total load 100% 1885# 65% 0' Dead load 04620* L/485 924 Total load 100% 06160" L/362 924 Total load 100% 4-6-07 9 17am lofl Control TL Deflection ^. flfl product names are oadaimks, of tfagricspecinreCTmere Ken Unriess C pynghl (0)1989-2005 by K ym rk EntHpri LLC ALL RK3HTS RESERVED 602 687 6277 Tssigidefid nrfi ihmmb n orjost b amorg de ?iownonl?iis iraw gmtppjbldegrlt fLdLdg CondA d Spistdotith h tthdegnmstbere wed by q [iti d de gner de girofessra 1 q Iredfo pp I Tti de g ssum produ t installation recording t tti m fitct re spe ificat ROSEBURG FOREbT PRODUCTS KeySeam® 4413] kraB amEnguie 4417 M tenal D tabase 622 Member Data Description J39 3rd floor Standard Load Live Load 100 PSF Dead Load 34 PSF DDL 100% Buena Vista Village 4 6-07 1 106 Las Flores Dnve 9 25am Cartsbad, CA 1 of 1 Member Type Joist Application Floor Lateral Bracing Contnuous Moisture Condition Dry Building Code IBC / IRC Deflection Criteria L/480lrve L/360 total Deck Connection Glued & Nailed Filename 3rd J39 2O 7 O Bearings and Reactions Input Minimum Location Type Length Length 1 a o oo" wan 5 sor 1 75- 2 19-975" WaB 550" 175" Design spans 19 975 20 7 0 ' Worst Case Total 100% Dead Total 1328* 1328* 991PLF 337PLF 1328PLF 1328* 1328* 991PLF 337PLF 1328PLF Product DBL 11 7/8 RFPI-80 120 OC Component Member Design has Passed Design Checks ** Allowable Stress Design Actual Moment 6575 * Shear 1327* End Reaction 1327* LL Deflection 0 2961 TL Deflection 0 3967" Allowable Capacity Location Loading 17540* 37% 991 Total load 1 00% 3850* 34% Of Total load 100% 3770* 35% Of Dead toad 04953 L/803 991 Total load 100% 06604 L/599 991 Total load 100% Control TL Deflection A AJ product names are trademartt "Pass! g 1 d It d Mi 01 m mb fl ] 1st b m gld nown thlIrawi g m t ppl bid g cnten fLdLdigCdit dSp isted thl hetThd gmstbe vi wed by q nfi dd signer d sign trofe sio 1 req redfo pp 1 Th de gn sum produ t installation icconfingt th tn tact re specificat K&RDeagn LLCPhoenix. AZ I* Ent rp es LLC ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 602 697 6277 ocA0> x 33 D Imcom~ "0 CO 00 -D;o o m joT323 O^'g> < a o^CO > -^ o m173m mz< O CO^ m mm s O l\ 3- :st 5 13 J"^ I/, ^8 |3 i? >-n ?8is > c5 S ISSSSm^g'"»SO$H2o5 o :S Qi: ' fcT ^ m 21 04-26-2006 City of Carlsbad 1635 Faraday Av Carlsbad CA 92008 Plan Check Revision Permit No PCR06038 Building Inspection Request Line (760) 602-2725 Job Address Permit Type Parcel No Valuation Reference # Project Title 1100 LAS FLORES DR CBAD PCR 1551803100 Lot# 0 $0 00 Construction Type NEW BUENA VISTA VILLAGE DELETED STAIR #4 Applicant HEBERJ HURD 43460 RIDGE PARK DR TEMECULA CA 92590 Status Applied Entered By Plan Approved Issued Inspect Area Owner PACIFIC LIBERTY INC 991 C LOMAS SANTA FE DR #441 SOLANA BEACH CA 92075 ISSUED 03/17/2006 JMA 04/26/2006 04/26/2006 Plan Check Revision Fee Additional Fees $360 00 $000 Total Fees $360 00 Total Payments To Date $360 00 Balance Due $000 Inspector FINAL APPROVAL Date Clearance NOTICE Please take NOTICE that approval of your project includes the Imposition of fees dedications reservations or other exactions hereafter collectively referred to as fees/exactions You have 90 days from the date this permit was issued to protest imposition of these fees/exactions If you protest them you must follow the protest procedures set forth in Government Code Section 66020(a) and file the protest and any other required information with the City Manager for processing in accordance with Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 3 32 030 Failure to timely follow that procedure will bar any subsequent legal action to attack review set aside void or annul their imposition You are hereby FURTHER NOTIFIED thai your right to protest the specified fees/exactions DOES NOT APPLY to water and sewer connection fees and capacity changes nor planning zoning grading or other similar application processing or service fees in connection with this project NOR DOES IT APPLY to any fees/exactions of which you have previously been given a NOTICE similar to this, or as to which the statute of limitations has previously otherwise exoired IS) PERMIT APPLICATION CITY OF CARLSBAD BUILDING DEPARTMENT 1635 Faraday Ave Carlsbad CA 92008 FOR OFFICE USE OYLY PLAN CHECK NO EST VAL Plan Ck Deposit Validated B Date • OL6 Address (include Bldg/Sujte m Description of Work SQ FT #of Stones # of Bedrooms tt of Bathrooms NTAfil PER (if diHawirtfrom&r\applicant) Name ' Address APPJ.ICANT_ Q Contractor D AgenFfor Contract! City IjPwner .fif Agent for Owner \(^£ ^*^ City' Name State/Zip Telephone #Fax* CONTRACTOR COMPANY NAME (Sec 7031 5 Business and Professions Code Any City or County which requires a permit to construct alter improve demolish or repair any structure prior to its issuance also requires the applicant for such permit to file a signed statement that he is licensed pursuant to the provisions of the Contractor s License Law [Chapter 9 commending with Section 7000 of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Codel or that he is exempt therefrom and the basis for the alleged exemption Any violation of Section 7031 5 by any apolicant for a permit subjects the applicant to a civil penalty of not more than five hundred dollars [$500]) Name State License # Address License Class City State/Zip City Business License tt Telephone tt Designer Name Address City State/Zip Telephone State License # 6 WORKERS COMPENSATION ^ ~~~ •' "~ Workers Compensation Declaration I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury one of the following declarations C] I have and will maintain a certificate of consent to self insure for workers compensation as provided by Section 3700 of the Labor Code for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued l~l I have and will maintain workers compensation as required by Section 3700 of the Labor Code for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued My worker s compensation insurance carrier and policy number are Insurance Company Policy No Expiration Date (THIS SECTION NEED NOT BE COMPLETED IF THE PERMIT IS FOR ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS [$100] OR LESS) CD CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION I certify that in the performance of the work for which this permit is issued I shall not employ any person in any manner so as to become subject to the Workers Compensation Laws of California WARNING Failure to secure workers compensation coverage is unlawful and shall subject an employer to criminal penalties and civil fines up to one hundred thousand dollars ($100 000) in addition to the cost of compensation damages as provided for in Section 3706 of the Labor code interest and attorney s fees SIGNATURE DATE 7 OWNER BUILDER DECLARATION ^ « I hereby affirm that I am exempt from the Contractor s License Law for the following reason CD I as owner of the property or my employees with wages as their sole compensation will do the work and the structure is not intended or offered for sale (Sec 7044 Business and Professions Code The Contractor s License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon and who does such work himself or through his own employees provided that such improvements are not intended or offered for sale If however the building or improvement is sold within one year of completion the owner builder will have the burden of proving that he did not build or improve for the purpose of sale) D I as owner of the property am exclusively contracting with licensed contractors to construct the project (Sec 7044 Business and Professions Code The Contractor s License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon and contracts for such projects with contractor(s) licensed pursuant to the Contractor s License Law) CD I am exempt under Section Business and Professions Code for this reason 1 I personally plan to provide the major labor and materials for construction of the proposed property improvement l~l YES CDNO 2 I (have / have not) signed an application for a building permit for the proposed work 3 I have contracted with the following person (firm) to provide the proposed construction (include name / address / phone number / contractors license number) 4 I plan to provide portions of the work but I have hired the following person to coordinate supervise and provide the major work (include name / address / phone number / contractors license number) 5 I will provide some of the work but I have contracted (hired) the following persons to provide the work indicated (include name / address / phone number / type of work) PROPERTY OWNER SIGNATURE DATE fi V.COMPJ.ETE THIS SECTION FOR NON RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS ONLY ^ •• < ../„,. Is the applicant or future building occupant required to submit a business plan acutely hazardous materials registration form or risk management and prevention program under Sections 25505 25533 or 25534 of the Presley Tanner Hazardous Substance Account Act? d YES Q NO Is the applicant or future building occupant required to obtain a permit from the air pollution control district or air quality management district? CD YES CD NO Is the facility to be constructed within 1 000 feet of the outer boundary of a school site? CD YES CD NO IF ANY OF THE ANSWERS ARE YES A FINAL CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY MAY NOT BE ISSUED UNLESS THE APPLICANT HAS MET OR IS MEETING THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE OFFICE OF EMERGENCY SERVICES AND THE AIR POLLUTION CONTROL DISTRICT 8* CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY _ ^ „ I hereby affirm that there is a construction lending agency for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued (Sec 30970) Civil Code) LENDER S NAME LENDER S ADDRESS 9 APPLICANT™ClRTIFICATIONm T ""«"»'* I certify that I have read the application and state that the above information is correct and that the information on the plans is accurate I agree to comply with all City ordinances and State laws relating to building construction I hereby authorize representatives of the CitV of Carlsbad to enter upon the above mentioned property for inspection purposes I ALSO AGREE TO SAVE INDEMNIFY AND KEEP HARMLESS THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AGAINST ALL LIABILITIES JUDGMENTS COSTS AND EXPENSES WHICH MAY IN ANY WAY ACCRUE AGAINST SAID CITY IN CONSEQUENCE OF THE GRANTING OF THIS PERMIT OSHA An OSHA permit is required for excavations over 5 0 Heep and demolition or construction of structures over 3 stories in height EXPIRATION Every permit issued by Vn6 build™ OfticjijKin^erthepro«sions of thlb Code shall expire by limitation and become null and void if the building or work authorized by such permit is not comm^eiwa&inJ^aaye-fi^fhe^ of sucb. nermit or if the building or work authorized by such permit is suspended or abandoned at any time after the work is comme^t^fflKOlot 180 d/ys (Sj^/abfjJanform Building Code) APPLICANT S SIGNATURE / ^^DATE VHITE File YELLOW Applicant PINK Finance FLOSSES LUND CONSULTANTS Apnl 4 2006 Attention Mr Heber Hurd F 951 926 1413 Project Buena Vista Condominiums FLC#04138 To Whom It May Concern Calculations for the revisions on stair #4 for the Buena Vista Condominiums made in March of 2006 were not needed Only detail changes were required If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me Very truly yours HMD .4 o ' Kevin Fagan P E Structural Project Engineer 'lit/ * Raymond H Flores, S E CEO Director of Structural Engineering cc Ranlm Construction F 760 744 6759 RHF/lf 722O Trade Street Suite 12O San Diego California 92121 • (858) 566 _ Civil and Structural Engineering / 566 EsGii Corporation In (Partnership with government for (BmUing Safety DATE 4/21/06 a APPLICANT a JURIS JURISDICTION City of Carlsbad a PLAN REVIEWER a FILE PLAN CHECK NO pcOS 0005 rev(PCR06038) SET II PROJECT ADDRESS 1100 Las Flores Dr PROJECT NAME Buena Vista Village Condominiums Revisions XI The plans transmitted herewith have been corrected where necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction s building codes The plans transmitted herewith will substantially comply with the jurisdiction s building codes when minor deficiencies identified below are resolved and checked by building department staff The plans transmitted herewith have significant deficiencies identified on the enclosed check list and should be corrected and resubmitted for a complete recheck The check list transmitted herewith is for your information The plans are being held at Esgil Corporation until corrected plans are submitted for recheck The applicant s copy of the check list is enclosed for the jurisdiction to forward to the applicant contact person I I The applicant s copy of the check list has been sent to Esgil Corporation staff did not advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed Esgil Corporation staff did advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed Person contacted Telephone # Date contacted (by ) Fax # Mail Telephone Fax In Person REMARKS By David Yao Enclosures approved plan Esgil Corporation D GA D MB D EJ D PC 4/13 trnsmtldot 9320 Chesapeake Drive Suite 208 * San Diego California 92123 * (858)560 1468 * Fax (858) 560 1576 EsGil Corporation In Partnership witH government for Quitting Safety DATE March 27, 2006 JURISDICTION Carlsbad a PLAN REVIEWERa FILE PLAN CHECK NO pc05 0005 SET I (REV) PROJECT ADDRESS 1100 Las Flores Dr PROJECT NAME Buena Vista Village - Plan Changes The plans transmitted herewith have been corrected where necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction s building codes The plans transmitted herewith will substantially comply with the jurisdiction s building codes when minor deficiencies identified below are resolved and checked by building department staff The plans transmitted herewith have significant deficiencies identified on the enclosed check list and should be corrected and resubmitted for a complete recheck 2<] The check list transmitted herewith is for your information The plans are being held at Esgil Corporation until corrected plans are submitted for recheck The applicant s copy of the check list is enclosed for the jurisdiction to forward to the applicant contact person X3 The applicant s copy of the check list has been sent to HeberJ Hurd 43460 Ridge Park Dr Temecula CA 92590 Esgil Corporation staff did not advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed Esgil Corporation staff did advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed Person contacted/HeberJ Hurd Telephone # (951)926-1000 Date contacted3/^W&(b)^0) Fax # Mail v Telephone v Fax In Person REMARKS ( By Sergio Azuela Enclosures Esgil Corporation D GA D MB D EJ D PC 3/20 trnsmtldot 9320 Chesapeake Drive Suite 208 + San Diego California 92123 * (858)560 1468 4 Fax (858) 560 1576 Carlsbad pcO5-0005 March 27, 2006 GENERAL PLAN CORRECTION LIST JURISDICTION Carlsbad PLAN CHECK NO pc05 0005 PROJECT ADDRESS 1100 Las Flores Dr DATE PLAN RECEIVED BY DATE REVIEW COMPLETED ESG1L CORPORATION 3/20 March 27, 2006 REVIEWED BY Sergio Azuela FOREWORD (PLEASE READ) This plan review is limited to the technical requirements contained in the Uniform Building Code Uniform Plumbing Code Uniform Mechanical Code National Electrical Code and state laws regulating energy conservation noise attenuation and disabled access This plan review is based on regulations enforced by the Building Department You may have other corrections based on laws and ordinances enforced by the Planning Department Engineering Department or other departments The following items listed need clarification modification or change All items must be satisfied before the plans will be in conformance with the cited codes and regulations Per Sec 106 4 3 1997 Uniform Building Code the approval of the plans does not permit the violation of any state county or city law • To facilitate recheckmg, please identify, next to each item, the sheet of the plans upon which each correction on this sheet has been made and return this sheet with the revised plans • Please indicate here if any changes have been made to the plans that are not a result of corrections from this list If there are other changes please briefly describe them and where they are located on the plans Have changes been made not resulting from this list? Q Yes a No Carlsbad pc05 0005 March 27, 2006 1 Please make all corrections on the original tracings as requested in the correction list Submit three sets of plans for commercial/industrial projects (two sets of plans for residential projects) For expeditious processing corrected sets can be submitted in one of two ways 1 Deliver all corrected sets of plans and calculations/reports directly to the City of Carlsbad Building Department 1635 Faraday Ave Carlsbad CA 92008 (760)602-2700 The City will route the plans to EsGil Corporation and the Carlsbad Planning Engineering and Fire Departments 2 Bring one corrected set of plans and calculations/reports to EsGil Corporation 9320 Chesapeake Drive Suite 208 San Diego CA 92123 (858)560-1468 Deliver all remaining sets of plans and calculations/reports directly to the City of Carlsbad Building Department for routing to their Planning Engineering and Fire Departments NOTE Plans that are submitted directly to EsGil Corporation only will not be reviewed by the City Planning Engineering and Fire Departments until review by EsGil Corporation is complete 2 Provide a complete list of all proposed plan changes including the following information a) A brief description of each one of the proposed plan changes b) The sheet or sheets of plans which have been changed because each one of the proposed plan changes c) The identification symbol and number used to identify each one of the proposed plan changes on the plans 3 Provide the correct number of sets of plans (see correction 1 above) including only the sheets of plans which have plan changes included (not complete sets of plans) 4 For all structural changes proposed please include the corresponding structural design calculations 5 All sheets of the plans and the first sheet of the calculations are required to be signed by the California licensed architect or engineer responsible for the plan preparation Please include the California license number seal date of license expiration and the date the plans are signed Business and Professions Code Structural plans are missing the required signature 6 If the proposed changes included any change on the Foundations a) Provide a letter from the soils engineer confirming that the foundation plan grading plan and specifications have been reviewed and that it has been determined that the recommendations in the soil report are properly incorporated into the plans (required by the soil report - page 11) 7 Additional corrections may follow Carlsbad pcO5 0005 March 27, 2006 The jurisdiction has contracted with Esgil Corporation located at 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208, San Diego, California 92123, telephone number of 858/560-1468, to perform the plan review for your project If you have any questions regarding these plan review items, please contact Sergio Azuela at Esgil Corporation Thank you Carlsbad pcO5 0005 March 27, 2006 VALUATION AND PLAN CHECK FEE JURISDICTION Carlsbad PLAN CHECK NO pcOS-0005 PREPARED BY Sergio Azuela DATE March 27, 2006 BUILDING ADDRESS 1100 Las Flores Dr Buena Vista Village/Plan Changes BUILDING OCCUPANCY R-l & S-3 TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION I FR/V-lhr BUILDING PORTION Time Air Conditioning Fire Sprinklers TOTAL VALUE Jurisdiction Code AREA (Sq Ft) cb 3 RIHn Pprmih Fpo hw fVHinanro ^ Valuation Multiplier By Ordinance Reg Mod VALUE ($) Plan Check Fee by Ordinance $360 00 Type of Review Repetitive FeeRepeats D Complete Review D Other Hour|v D Structural Only Hours * Esgil Plan Review Fee $288 00 Based on hourly rate Comments Sheet 1 of 1 macvalue doc off \T o/fc) i—D in CD 2a o H c oS ;o>mg •^ ? "**t ^, w4^ < 00 mrom c_ I O So mw oCD>o 05-31 2007 City of Carlsbad 1635 Faraday Av Carlsbad, CA 92008 Plan Check Revision Permit No PCR07086 Building Inspection Request Line (760) 602-2725 Job Address Permit Type Parcel No Valuation Reference # Project Title Applicant MARK RICHARDS 619778 1185 1100 LAS FLORES DR CBAD PCR 1551803100 Lot# $0 00 Construction Type BUENA VISTA VILLAGE REVISE PARKING GARAGE EXHAUST SYSTEM 0 NEW Status Applied Entered By Plan Approved Issued Inspect Area Owner PACIFIC LIBERTY INC 991 C LOMAS SANTA FE DR #441 SOLANA BEACH CA 92075 ISSUED 04/30/2007 RMA 05/31/2007 05/31/2007 Plan Check Revision Fee Additional Fees $18000 $000 Total Fees $ 180 00 Total Payments To Date $18000 Balance Due $000 Inspector FINAL APPROVAL Date Clearance NOTICE Please take NOTICE that approval of your project includes the Imposition of fees dedications reservations or other exactions hereafter collectively referred to as fees/exactions You have 90 days from the date this permit was issued to protest imposition of these fees/exactions If you protest them you must follow the protest procedures set forth in Government Code Section 66020(a) and file the protest and any other required information with the City Manager for processing in accordance with Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 3 32 030 Failure to timely follow that procedure will bar any subsequent legal action to attack review set aside void or annul their imposition You are hereby FURTHER NOTIFIED that your right to protest the specified fees/exactions DOES NOT APPLY to water and sewer connection fees and capacity changes nor planning zoning grading or other similar application processing or service fees in connection with this project NOR DOES IT APPLY to any fees/exactions of which you have previously been given a NOTICE similar to this, or as to which the statute of limitations has previously otherwise expired City of Carlsbad 1635 Faraday Ave Carlsbad CA 92008 760 602 2717 / 2718/2719 Fax 7606028558 Building Permit Application JOB ADDRESS CT/PROJECT*LOT*PHASE ## OF UNITS #BEDROOMS OCC GROUP t DESCRIPTION OF WORK (Please describe present use and proposed use) BUILDING AREA (SF)ADDITION AREA (SF)GARAGE (SF)PATIOS (SF)DECKS (SF)FIREPLACE YES D # NO D AIR CONDITIONING YES D NO D FIRE SPRINKLERS YES D NOD CONTACT NAME f PLICANT NAME ADDRE:ADDRESS CITY STATE CITY STATE ZIP 777-•"//;-PHONE FAX EMAIL EMAIL OWNER NAME CONTRACTOR BUS NAME ADDRESS ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP CITY STATE ZIP PHONE FAX PHONE FAX EMAIL EMAIL ARCH/DESIGNER NAME & ADDRESS STATE LIC #STATE LIC #CITY BUS LIC# (Sec 70315 Business and Professions Code Any City or County which requires a permit to construct, alien improve demolish or repair any structure, prior to its issuance also requires the applicant for such permit to file a signed statement that he islicensed pursuant to the provisions of the Contractor s License Law {Chapter 9 commending with Section 7000 of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code} or that he is exempt therefrom and the basis for the alleged exemption Any violation ofSection 70315 by any applicant for a permit subjects the applicant to a civil penalty of not more than five hundred dollars {$500}) Workers Compensation Declaration / hereby affirm under penalty of perju/y one of the following declarations C3 I have and will maintain a certificate of consent to self insure for workers compensation as provided by Section 3700 of the Labor Code for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued d I have and will maintain workers compensation as required by Section 3700 of the Labor Code for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued My workers compensation insurance carrier and policy number are Insurance Co Policy No Expiration Date This section need not be completed if the permit is for one hundred dollars ($100) or less O Certificate of Exemption I certify that in the performance of the work for which this permit is issued I shall not employ any person in any manner so as to become subject to the Workers Compensation Laws of California WARNING Failure to secure workers compensation coverage is unlawful and shall subject an employer to criminal penalties and civil fines up to one hundred thousand dollars (&100 000) in addition to the cost of compensation damages as provided for in Section 3706 of the Labor code interest and attorney s fees ^CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE DATE / hereby affirm that I am exempt from Contractors License Law for the following reason O I as owner of the property or my employees with wages as their sole compensation will do the work and the structure is not intended or offered for sale (Sec 7044 Business and Professions Code The Contractor s License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon and who does such work himself or through his own employees provided that such improvements are not intended or offered for sale If however the building or improvement is sold within one year of completion the owner builder will have the burden of proving that he did not build or improve for the purpose of sale) O I as owner of the property am exclusively contracting with licensed contractors to construct the project (Sec 7044 Business and Professions Code The Contractors License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon and contracts for such projects with contractor(s) licensed pursuant to the Contractor's License Law) Q I am exempt under Section Business and Professions Code for this reason 1 I personally plan to provide the major labor and materials for construction of the proposed property improvement D Yes O No 2 I (have / have not) signed an application for a building permit for the proposed work 3 I have contracted with the following person (firm) to provide the proposed construction (include name address / phone / contractors license number) 4 I plan to provide portions of the work but I have hired the following person to coordinate supervise and provide the major work (include name / address / phone / contractors license number) 5 I will provide some of the work but I have contracted (hired) the following persons to provide the work indicated (include name / address / phone / type of work) ^PROPERTY OWNER SIGNATURE DATE Is the applicant or future building occupant required to submit a business plan acutely hazardous materials registration form or risk management and prevention program under Sections 25505 25533 or 25534 of the Presley Tanner Hazardous Substance Account Act' O Yes D No Is the applicant or future building occupant required to obtain a permit from the air pollution control district or air quality management district7 D Yes O No Is the facility to be constructed within 1 000 feet of the outer boundary of a school site9 n Yes n No IF ANY OF THE ANSWERS ARE YES , EMERGENCY SERVICES AND THE AIR POLLUTION CONTROL DISTRICT I hereby affirm that there is a construction lending agency for the performance of the work this permit is issued (Sec 3097 (i) Civil Code) Lender's Name Lender's Address I certify that I have read the application and state that the above information is correct and that the information on the plans is accurate I agree to comply with all City ordinances and State laws relating to building construction I hereby authorize representative of the City of Carlsbad to enter upon the above mentioned property for inspection purposes I ALSO AGREE TO SAVE INDEMNIFY AND KEEP HARMLESS THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AGAINST ALL LIABILITIES JUDGMENTS COSTS AND EXPENSES WHICH MAY IN ANY WAY ACCRUE AGAINST SAID CITY IN CONSEQUENCE OF THE GRANTING OF THIS PERMIT OSHA An OSHA permit is required for excavations over 5 0 deep and demolition or construction of structures over 3 stories in height EXPIRATION Every permit issued by the Bniflj3j QffieSI under the provisions of this Code shall expire by limitation and become null and void if the building or work authorized by such permit is not commenced within 180 days from the date of such permity^he^^jiJMino/or work authorized by such permit is suspended or abandoned at any time after the work is commenced for a period of 180 days (Section 106 4 4 Uniform Building /^APPLICANT S SIGNATURE ^K DATE EsGil Corporation In (Partners Kip wit ft government for (Buifding Safety DATE 5/17/07 JURISDICTION City of Carlsbad D PLAFTREVIEWER a FILE PLAN CHECK NO pc05 0005 rev#5(PCR07086) _ SET I PROJECT ADDRESS 1 10O Las Flores PROJECT NAME Buena Vista Village Apartment 11 Units w/Parking Garage Revision X3 The plans transmitted herewith have been corrected where necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction s building codes The plans transmitted herewith will substantially comply with the jurisdiction s building codes when minor deficiencies identified below are resolved and checked by building department staff The plans transmitted herewith have significant deficiencies identified on the enclosed check list and should be corrected and resubmitted for a complete recheck The check list transmitted herewith is for your information The plans are being held at Esgil Corporation until corrected plans are submitted for recheck The applicant s copy of the check list is enclosed for the jurisdiction to forward to the applicant contact person The applicant s copy of the check list has been sent to XI Esgil Corporation staff did not advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed Esgil Corporation staff did advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed Person contacted Telephone # Date contacted (by ) Fax # Mail Telephone Fax In Person REMARKS By David Yao Enclosures Esgil Corporation D GA D MB D EJ D PC 5/10 9320 Chesapeake Dnve Suite 208 + San Diego California 92123 + (858)560 1468 + Fax (858) 560 1576 EsGii Corporation In (Partnership with government for (Building Safety DATE 5/9/07 a J<pLlCANT JURISDICTION City of Carlsbad 'a PLAN REVIEWER a FILE PLAN CHECK NO pcO5-OOO5 rev#5(PCR07O86) _ SET I PROJECT ADDRESS 1 1OO Las Flores Dr PROJECT NAME Buena Vista Village Apartments- 11 Units w/Parking Garage Revision The plans transmitted herewith have been corrected where necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction s building codes The plans transmitted herewith will substantially comply with the jurisdiction s building codes when minor deficiencies identified below are resolved and checked by building department staff The plans transmitted herewith have significant deficiencies identified on the enclosed check list and should be corrected and resubmitted for a complete recheck The check list transmitted herewith is for your information The plans are being held at Esgil Corporation until corrected plans are submitted for recheck The applicant s copy of the check list is enclosed for the jurisdiction to forward to the applicant contact person The applicant s copy of the check list has been sent to Mark E Richards 6653 Cowles Mountain Blvd San Diego CA 92119 Esgil Corporation staff did not advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed Esgil Corporation staff did advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed Person contacted .Mark E Richards Telephone # 619-778-11851 LSI J/Date contacted Qlpi (by P) Fax # 619-464-5384 Telephone Fax In Person REMARKS By David Yao Enclosures Esgil Corporation D GA D MB D EJ D PC 5/1 9320 Chesapeake Drive Suite 208 4 San Diego California 92123 * (858)560 1468 * Fax (858) 560 1576 "fCity of Carlsbad pcOS 0005 rev#5(PCRO7O86) 5/9/07 GENERAL PLAN CORRECTION LIST JURISDICTION City of Carlsbad rev#5(PCRO7O86) PROJECT ADDRESS 1100 Las Flores Dr DATE PLAN RECEIVED BY ESGIL CORPORATION 5/1 REVIEWED BY David Yao PLAN CHECK NO pcOS 0005 DATE REVIEW COMPLETED 5/9/07 FOREWORD (PLEASE READ) This plan review is limited to the technical requirements contained in the Uniform Building Code Uniform Plumbing Code Uniform Mechanical Code National Electrical Code and state laws regulating energy conservation noise attenuation and disabled access This plan review is based on regulations enforced by the Building Department You may have other corrections based on laws and ordinances enforced by the Planning Department Engineering Department or other departments The following items listed need clarification modification or change All items must be satisfied before the plans will be in conformance with the cited codes and regulations Per Sec 106 4 3 1997 Uniform Building Code the approval of the plans does not permit the violation of any state county or city law • Please make all corrections and submit two new complete sets of prints to ESGIL CORPORATION • To facilitate recheckmg, please identify, next to each item, the sheet of the plans upon which each correction on this sheet has been made and return this sheet with the revised plans • Please indicate here if any changes have been made to the plans that are not a result of corrections from this list If there are other changes please briefly describe them and where they are located on the plans Have changes been made not resulting from this list? a Yes a NO -/City of Carlsbad pc05-OOO5 rev#5(PCRO7086) 5/9/O7 1 All vertical entrances to and vertical clearances within parking structures have a vertical clearance of >8 2 where required for access to accessible parking spaces per Section 11 SOB The note on sheet M-2 shows 8 -0 clear Please revise the note 2 The revised mechanical duct can not be underneath the stairway Provide detail location of the revised duct location relative to the stairway Clearly show the duct on section and elevation 3 The jurisdiction has contracted with Esgil Corporation located at 9320 Chesapeake Drive Suite 208 San Diego California 92123 telephone number of 858/560-1468 to perform the plan review for your project If you have any questions regarding these plan review items please contact David Yao at Esgil Corporation Thank you END City of Carlsbad pc05 OO05 rev#5(PCR07086) 5/9/07 VALUATION AND PLAN CHECK FEE JURISDICTION City of Carlsbad rev#5(PCRO7O86) PREPARED BY David Yao BUILDING ADDRESS 1100 Las Flores Dr PLAN CHECK NO pc05-0005 DATE 5/9/07 BUILDING OCCUPANCY TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION BUILDING PORTION revised exhaust garage duct Air Conditioning Fire Sprinklers TOTAL VALUE Jurisdiction Code AREA (Sq Ft) cb Rlrtn Pprmit FPP hv Ordmanrp ^ Valuation Multiplier By Ordinance Reg Mod VALUE ($) Plan Check Fee by Ordinance $18000 Type of Review Repetitive FeeRepeats D Complete Review D Other m Hourly 1 5 Structural Only Hours Esgil Plan Review Fee $144 00 Based on hourly rate Comments Sheet 1 of 1 macvalue doc Carlsbad Fire Department DEPT Plan Review Requirements Category PCR Date of Report 05 09 2007 Name Address Reviewed by Permit # PCR07086 Job Name BUENA VISTA VILLAGE REVISE Job Address 1100 LAS FLORES DR CBAD u have submitted for review is incomplete At this time this office cannot adequately conduct a review to determine compliance with the applicable codes and/or standards Please review carefully all comments attached Please resubmit the necessary plans and/or specifications with changes "clouded to this office for review and approval Conditions Cond CON0002066 [MET] THIS PROJECT HAS BEEN REVIEWED AND APPROVED FOR THE PURPOSES OF ISSUANCE OF BUILDING PERMIT THIS APPROVAL IS SUBJECT TO FIELD INSPECTION AND REQUIRED TEST NOTATIONS HEREON CONDITIONS IN CORRESPONDENCE AND CONFORMANCE WITH ALL APPLICABLE REGULATIONS THIS APPROVAL SHALL NOT BE HELD TO PERMIT OR APPROVE THE VIOLATION OF ANY LAW Entry 05/09/2007 By GR Action AP 09-17-2007 City of Carlsbad 1635 Faraday Av Carlsbad, CA 92008 Plan Check Revision Permit No PCR06109 Building Inspection Request Line (760) 602-2725 Job Address 1100 LAS FLORES DR CBAD Permit Type PCR Parcel No 1551803100 Lot* Valuation $0 00 Construction Type Reference # CB050639 Project Title BUENA VISTA VILL DEF JOIST SUBMITTAL 0 NEW Applicant HEBERJ HURD 43460 RIDGE PARK DR SUITE 200 TEMECULA CA 92590 951 926 1000 Statics Apphei Entered By Plan Approved Issued Inspect Area Owner PACIFIC LIBERTY INC 991 C LOMAS SANTA FE DR #441 SOLANA BEACH CA 92075 JMA Plan Check Revision Fee Additional Fees $12000 $000 Total Fees $120 00 Total Payments To Date $0 00 Balance Due $12000 Inspector FINAL APPROVAL Date Clearance NOTICE Please take NOTICE that approval of your project includes the Imposition of fees dedications reservations or other exactions hereafter collectively referred to as fees/exactions You have 90 days from the dafe this permit was issued to protest imposition of these fees/exactions If you protest them you must follow the protest procedures set forth in Government Code Section 66020(a) and file the protest and any other required information with the City Manager for processing in accordance with Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 3 32 030 Failure to timely follow that procedure will bar any subsequent legal action to attack review set aside void or annul their imposition You are hereby FURTHER NOTIFIED that your right to protest the specified fees/exactions DOES NOT APPLY to water and sewer connection fees and capacity changes nor planning zoning grading or other similar application processing or service fees in connection with this project NOR DOES IT APPLY to any fees/exactions of which you have previously been given a NOTICE similar to this, or as to which the statute of limitations has previously otherwise expired PERMIT APPLICATION CITY OF CARLSBAD BUILDING DEPARTMENT 1635 Faraday Ave vCarisbad CA 92008 FOR OFFICE USE ONLY PLAN CHECK Plan Ck Deposit Validated By Date Addftss (include Bldg/Surte #)Business Name (at this address) Legal Description Description of W< Namev ' v Address City State/Zip Telephone # 5 CONTRACTOR „ COMPANY NAMf^* - w * (Sec 7031 5 Business and Professions Code Any City or County which requires a permit to construct alter improve demolish or repair any structure prior to its issuance also requires the applicant for such permit to file a signed statement that he is licensed pursuant to the provisions of the Contractor s License Law [Chapter 9 commending with Section 7000 of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code) or that he is exempt therefrom and the basis for the alleged exemption Any violation of Section 7031 5 by any applicant for a permit subjects the applicant to a civil penalty of not more than five hundred dollars [$500]) Name State License # Address License Class City State/Zip City Business License tt Telephone # Designer Name Address City State/Zip Telephone State License # _ e WORKERS COMPENSATION ^ „ -~^ — ,. - » Workers Compensation Declaration I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury one of the following declarations ("I I have and will maintain a certificate of consent to self insure for workers compensation as provided by Section 3700 of the Labor Code for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued (~1 I have and will maintain workers compensation as required by Section 3700 of the Labor Code for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued My worker s compensation insurance carrier and policy number are Insurance Company _ Policy No _ Expiration Date _ (THIS SECTION NEED NOT BE COMPLETED IF THE PERMIT IS FOR ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS [$1001 OR LESS) n CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION I certify that in the performance of the work for which this permit is issued I shall not employ any person in any manner so as to become subject to the Workers Compensation Laws of California WARNING Failure to secure workers compensation coverage is unlawful and shall subject an employer to criminal penalties and civil fines up to one hundred thousand dollars ($100 000) in addition to the cost of compensation damages as provided for in Section 3706 of the Labor code interest and attorney s fees SIGNATURE _ ________ DATE _ 7^_OWNEB BUILDER DECLARATION ' '• I hereby affirm that I am exempt from the Contractor s License Law for the following reason D I as owner of the property or my employees with wages as their sole compensation will do the work and the structure is not intended or offered for sale (Sec 7044 Business and Professions Code The Contractor s License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon and who does such work himself or through his own employees provided that such improvements are not intended or offered for sale If however the building or improvement is sold within one year of completion the owner builder will have the burden of proving that he did not build or improve for the purpose of sale) O I as owner of the property am exclusively contracting with licensed contractors to construct the project (Sec 7044 Business and Professions Code The Contractor s License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon and contracts for such projects with contractor(s) licensed pursuant to the Contractor s License Law) Q I am exempt under Section _ Business and Professions Code for this reason 1 I personally plan to provide the major labor and materials for construction of the proposed property improvement Q YES 2 I (have / have not) signed an application for a building permit for the proposed work 3 I have contracted with the following person (firm) to provide the proposed construction (include name / address / phone number / contractors license number) 4 I plan to provide portions of the work but I have hired the following person to coordinate supervise and provide the major work (include name / address / phone number / contractors license number) ___ _ __^ _ 5 I will provide some of the work but I have contracted (hired) the following persons to provide the work indicated (include name / address / phone number / type of work) PROPERTY OWNER SIGNATURE DATE COMPLfTETHIS SECTION FQR NOfi"H£SID£NTIAL BUILDING PERMITS QNIY" Is the applicant or future building occupant required to submit a business plan acutely hazardous materials registration form or risk management and prevention program under Sections 25505 25533 or 25534 of the Presley Tanner Hazardous Substance Account Act? O YES Q NO Is the applicant or future building occupant required to obtain a permit from the air pollution control district or air quality management district? Q YES O NO Is the facility to be constructed within 1 000 feet of the outer boundary of a school site? Q YES O N° \F ANY OF THE ANSWERS ARE YES A FINAL CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY MAY NOT BE ISSUED UNLESS THE APPLICANT HAS MET OR IS MEETING THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE OFFICE OF EMERGENCY SERVICES AND THE AIR POLLUTION CONTROL DISTRICT 8 CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY * "** I hereby affirm that there is a construction lending agency for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued (Sec 30970) Civil Code) LENDER S NAME LENDER S ADDRESS I certify that I have read the application and state that the above information is correct and that the information on the plans is accurate I agree to comply with all City ordinances and State laws relating to building construction I hereby authorize representatives of the CitV of Carlsbad to enter upon the above mentioned property for inspection purposes I ALSO AGREE TO SAVE INDEMNIFY AND KEEP HARMLESS THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AGAINST ALL LIABILITIES JUDGMENTS COSTS AND EXPENSES WHICH MAY IN ANY WAY ACCRUE AGAINST SAID CITY IN CONSEQUENCE OF THE GRANTING OF THIS PERMIT OSHA An OSHA permit is required for excavations over 5 p deep and demolition or construction of structures over 3 stories in height EXPIRATION Every permit issued bwtfie building OacwKundepto^ovision&of this Code shall expire by limitation and become null and void if the building or work authorized by such permit is not con^^^m^Mxe^nm^ date ofs/eh permit or if the building or work authorized by such permit is suspended or abandoned at any time after the work is comm^fg^flfefjfriod of 18/da^^ejfe^B 4 4 Uniform Building Code) APPLICANT S SIGNATURE DATE YELLOW Applicant PINK Finance City of Carlsbad Building Department APRIL 2, 2007 HEBERJHURD STE200 43460 RIDGE PARK DR TEMECULA CA 92590 RE APPLICATION DATE 06/27/2006 PLAN CHECK # PCR 06109J ADDRESS 1100 LAS FLORES DR EXPIRATION DATE 06/27/2007 PERMIT TYPE RESDNTL DESCRIPTION BUENA VISTA VILL DEFERRED JOIST SUBMITAL You applied to have your plans checked on the date noted above To date, the related building permit has not been obtained The ongmal plan review application will expire as no building permit has been issued Plans submitted and not retrieved from the building department prior to the plan check expiration date noted above will be destroyed The provisions of sections 304 (d) of the Uniform Building Code state "Section 304 9d) Expiration of Plan Review Applications for which no permit is issued within one year following the date of application shall expire by limitation and plans and other data submitted for review may thereafter be returned to the applicant or destroyed by the Building Official In order to renew action on an application after expiration the applicant shall resubmit plans and pay a new plan review fee' In order to provide better service, please indicate your handling choice for the plans originally submitted and return this letter to the Building Department Project Abandoned -1 will pick up the plans within 10 days Project Abandoned - Plans may be destroyed If you have any questions, please contact the Building Department at (760) 602 2719 Building Department 1635 Faraday Avenue • Carlsbad CA 92008 7314 • (760) 602 2700 Building Counter • (760) 602 2719 • FAX (760) 6O2 eO O(P00rcr>T^*3—^.O^_>-1 Q;"J v/ r\^o(/Iu&w v5 i — D en on TOa o c c oS •%) p m 2 I ImI DOi m i.c;o D > ^ (A VI-* o 09-17-2007 City of Carlsbad 1635 Faraday Av Carlsbad, CA 92008 Plan Check Revision Permit No PCR06109 Building Inspection Request Line (760) 602-2725 Job Address 1100 LAS FLORES DR CBAD Permit Type PCR Parcel No 1551803100 Lot* Valuation $0 00 Construction Type Reference # CB050639 Project Title BUENA VISTA VILL DEF JOIST SUBMITTAL 0 NEW Applicant HEBERJ HURD 43460 RIDGE PARK DR SUITE 200 TEMECULA CA 92590 951 926 1000 Statics Apphei Entered By Plan Approved Issued Inspect Area Owner PACIFIC LIBERTY INC 991 C LOMAS SANTA FE DR #441 SOLANA BEACH CA 92075 JMA Plan Check Revision Fee Additional Fees $12000 $000 Total Fees $120 00 Total Payments To Date $0 00 Balance Due $12000 Inspector FINAL APPROVAL Date Clearance NOTICE Please take NOTICE that approval of your project includes the Imposition of fees dedications reservations or other exactions hereafter collectively referred to as fees/exactions You have 90 days from the dafe this permit was issued to protest imposition of these fees/exactions If you protest them you must follow the protest procedures set forth in Government Code Section 66020(a) and file the protest and any other required information with the City Manager for processing in accordance with Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 3 32 030 Failure to timely follow that procedure will bar any subsequent legal action to attack review set aside void or annul their imposition You are hereby FURTHER NOTIFIED that your right to protest the specified fees/exactions DOES NOT APPLY to water and sewer connection fees and capacity changes nor planning zoning grading or other similar application processing or service fees in connection with this project NOR DOES IT APPLY to any fees/exactions of which you have previously been given a NOTICE similar to this, or as to which the statute of limitations has previously otherwise expired PERMIT APPLICATION CITY OF CARLSBAD BUILDING DEPARTMENT 1635 Faraday Ave vCarisbad CA 92008 FOR OFFICE USE ONLY PLAN CHECK Plan Ck Deposit Validated By Date Addftss (include Bldg/Surte #)Business Name (at this address) Legal Description Description of W< Namev ' v Address City State/Zip Telephone # 5 CONTRACTOR „ COMPANY NAMf^* - w * (Sec 7031 5 Business and Professions Code Any City or County which requires a permit to construct alter improve demolish or repair any structure prior to its issuance also requires the applicant for such permit to file a signed statement that he is licensed pursuant to the provisions of the Contractor s License Law [Chapter 9 commending with Section 7000 of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code) or that he is exempt therefrom and the basis for the alleged exemption Any violation of Section 7031 5 by any applicant for a permit subjects the applicant to a civil penalty of not more than five hundred dollars [$500]) Name State License # Address License Class City State/Zip City Business License tt Telephone # Designer Name Address City State/Zip Telephone State License # _ e WORKERS COMPENSATION ^ „ -~^ — ,. - » Workers Compensation Declaration I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury one of the following declarations ("I I have and will maintain a certificate of consent to self insure for workers compensation as provided by Section 3700 of the Labor Code for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued (~1 I have and will maintain workers compensation as required by Section 3700 of the Labor Code for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued My worker s compensation insurance carrier and policy number are Insurance Company _ Policy No _ Expiration Date _ (THIS SECTION NEED NOT BE COMPLETED IF THE PERMIT IS FOR ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS [$1001 OR LESS) n CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION I certify that in the performance of the work for which this permit is issued I shall not employ any person in any manner so as to become subject to the Workers Compensation Laws of California WARNING Failure to secure workers compensation coverage is unlawful and shall subject an employer to criminal penalties and civil fines up to one hundred thousand dollars ($100 000) in addition to the cost of compensation damages as provided for in Section 3706 of the Labor code interest and attorney s fees SIGNATURE _ ________ DATE _ 7^_OWNEB BUILDER DECLARATION ' '• I hereby affirm that I am exempt from the Contractor s License Law for the following reason D I as owner of the property or my employees with wages as their sole compensation will do the work and the structure is not intended or offered for sale (Sec 7044 Business and Professions Code The Contractor s License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon and who does such work himself or through his own employees provided that such improvements are not intended or offered for sale If however the building or improvement is sold within one year of completion the owner builder will have the burden of proving that he did not build or improve for the purpose of sale) O I as owner of the property am exclusively contracting with licensed contractors to construct the project (Sec 7044 Business and Professions Code The Contractor s License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon and contracts for such projects with contractor(s) licensed pursuant to the Contractor s License Law) Q I am exempt under Section _ Business and Professions Code for this reason 1 I personally plan to provide the major labor and materials for construction of the proposed property improvement Q YES 2 I (have / have not) signed an application for a building permit for the proposed work 3 I have contracted with the following person (firm) to provide the proposed construction (include name / address / phone number / contractors license number) 4 I plan to provide portions of the work but I have hired the following person to coordinate supervise and provide the major work (include name / address / phone number / contractors license number) ___ _ __^ _ 5 I will provide some of the work but I have contracted (hired) the following persons to provide the work indicated (include name / address / phone number / type of work) PROPERTY OWNER SIGNATURE DATE COMPLfTETHIS SECTION FQR NOfi"H£SID£NTIAL BUILDING PERMITS QNIY" Is the applicant or future building occupant required to submit a business plan acutely hazardous materials registration form or risk management and prevention program under Sections 25505 25533 or 25534 of the Presley Tanner Hazardous Substance Account Act? O YES Q NO Is the applicant or future building occupant required to obtain a permit from the air pollution control district or air quality management district? Q YES O NO Is the facility to be constructed within 1 000 feet of the outer boundary of a school site? Q YES O N° \F ANY OF THE ANSWERS ARE YES A FINAL CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY MAY NOT BE ISSUED UNLESS THE APPLICANT HAS MET OR IS MEETING THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE OFFICE OF EMERGENCY SERVICES AND THE AIR POLLUTION CONTROL DISTRICT 8 CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY * "** I hereby affirm that there is a construction lending agency for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued (Sec 30970) Civil Code) LENDER S NAME LENDER S ADDRESS I certify that I have read the application and state that the above information is correct and that the information on the plans is accurate I agree to comply with all City ordinances and State laws relating to building construction I hereby authorize representatives of the CitV of Carlsbad to enter upon the above mentioned property for inspection purposes I ALSO AGREE TO SAVE INDEMNIFY AND KEEP HARMLESS THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AGAINST ALL LIABILITIES JUDGMENTS COSTS AND EXPENSES WHICH MAY IN ANY WAY ACCRUE AGAINST SAID CITY IN CONSEQUENCE OF THE GRANTING OF THIS PERMIT OSHA An OSHA permit is required for excavations over 5 p deep and demolition or construction of structures over 3 stories in height EXPIRATION Every permit issued bwtfie building OacwKundepto^ovision&of this Code shall expire by limitation and become null and void if the building or work authorized by such permit is not con^^^m^Mxe^nm^ date ofs/eh permit or if the building or work authorized by such permit is suspended or abandoned at any time after the work is comm^fg^flfefjfriod of 18/da^^ejfe^B 4 4 Uniform Building Code) APPLICANT S SIGNATURE DATE YELLOW Applicant PINK Finance City of Carlsbad Building Department APRIL 2, 2007 HEBERJHURD STE200 43460 RIDGE PARK DR TEMECULA CA 92590 RE APPLICATION DATE 06/27/2006 PLAN CHECK # PCR 06109J ADDRESS 1100 LAS FLORES DR EXPIRATION DATE 06/27/2007 PERMIT TYPE RESDNTL DESCRIPTION BUENA VISTA VILL DEFERRED JOIST SUBMITAL You applied to have your plans checked on the date noted above To date, the related building permit has not been obtained The ongmal plan review application will expire as no building permit has been issued Plans submitted and not retrieved from the building department prior to the plan check expiration date noted above will be destroyed The provisions of sections 304 (d) of the Uniform Building Code state "Section 304 9d) Expiration of Plan Review Applications for which no permit is issued within one year following the date of application shall expire by limitation and plans and other data submitted for review may thereafter be returned to the applicant or destroyed by the Building Official In order to renew action on an application after expiration the applicant shall resubmit plans and pay a new plan review fee' In order to provide better service, please indicate your handling choice for the plans originally submitted and return this letter to the Building Department Project Abandoned -1 will pick up the plans within 10 days Project Abandoned - Plans may be destroyed If you have any questions, please contact the Building Department at (760) 602 2719 Building Department 1635 Faraday Avenue • Carlsbad CA 92008 7314 • (760) 602 2700 Building Counter • (760) 602 2719 • FAX (760) 6O2 EsGil Corporation In (Partnership with government for <&mtding Safety DATE 5/23/O7 O,APPI ICANT JURISDICTION City of Carlsbad OTFCAFTREVIEWER a FILE PLAN CHECK NO pcOS 0005 rev2(PCR06 109) _ SET II PROJECT ADDRESS 1 100 Las Flores PROJECT NAME Buena Vista Village Floor Joists |X] The plans transmitted herewith have been corrected where necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction s building codes The plans transmitted herewith will substantially comply with the jurisdiction s building codes when minor deficiencies identified below are resolved and checked by building department staff The plans transmitted herewith have significant deficiencies identified on the enclosed check list and should be corrected and resubmitted for a complete recheck The check list transmitted herewith is for your information The plans are being held at Esgil Corporation until corrected plans are submitted for recheck The applicant s copy of the check list is enclosed for the jurisdiction to forward to the applicant contact person The applicant s copy of the check list has been sent to Esgil Corporation staff did not advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed Esgil Corporation staff did advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed Person contacted Telephone # Date contacted (by ) Fax # Mail Telephone Fax In Person REMARKS By David Yao Enclosures approved plan Esgil Corporation D GA D MB D EJ CD PC 5/17 9320 Chesapeake Drive Suite 208 4 San Diego California 92123 + (858)560 1468 * Fax (858) 560 1576 EsGil Corporation In (Partners Kip wit A government for (BuiCding Safety DATE 7/7/O6 Q APPLJCANT 'JURIST JURISDICTION City of Carlsbad Q^CATTREVIEWER a FILE PLAN CHECK NO pcOS-0005 rev2(PCR06 109) SET I PROJECT ADDRESS 1100 Las Flores PROJECT NAME Buena Vista Village Floor Joists The plans transmitted herewith have been corrected where necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction s building codes The plans transmitted herewith will substantially comply with the jurisdiction s building codes when minor deficiencies identified below are resolved and checked by building department staff The plans transmitted herewith have significant deficiencies identified on the enclosed check list and should be corrected and resubmitted for a complete recheck X3 The check list transmitted herewith is for your information The plans are being held at Esgil Corporation until corrected plans are submitted for recheck The applicant s copy of the check list is enclosed for the jurisdiction to forward to the applicant contact person The applicant s copy of the check list has been sent to Heber J Hurd 43460 Ridge Park Dr Suite 200 Temecula CA 92590 | Esgil Corporation staff did not advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed XI Esgil Corporation staff did advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed Person contacted Heber J Hurd (v M) Telephones 951-926-1000 Date contacted ~7//o/Wj(by (c_ ) Fax # (°{5)\ "7 i 7 £"-/53 Mail -Telephone^ Fax •/ In Person REMARKS By David Yao Enclosures Esgil Corporation D GA D MB D EJ D PC 6/29 tmsmtldot 9320 Chesapeake Drive Suite 208 + San Diego California 92123 *• (858)560 1468 * Fax (858) 560 1576 City of Carlsbad pc05-OO05 rev2(PCR06-lO9) 7/7/O6 GENERAL PLAN CORRECTION LIST JURISDICTION City of Carlsbad rev2(PCR06 109) PROJECT ADDRESS 1100 Las Flores DATE PLAN RECEIVED BY ESGIL CORPORATION 6/29 REVIEWED BY David Yao PLAN CHECK NO pc05 OO05 DATE REVIEW COMPLETED 7/7/06 FOREWORD (PLEASE READ) This plan review is limited to the technical requirements contained in the Uniform Building Code Uniform Plumbing Code Uniform Mechanical Code National Electrical Code and state laws regulating energy conservation noise attenuation and disabled access This plan review is based on regulations enforced by the Building Department You may have other corrections based on laws and ordinances enforced by the Planning Department Engineering Department or other departments The following items listed need clarification modification or change All items must be satisfied before the plans will be in conformance with the cited codes and regulations Per Sec 106 4 3 1997 Uniform Building Code the approval of the plans does not permit the violation of any state county or city law • To facilitate recheckmg, please identify, next to each item, the sheet of the plans upon which each correction on this sheet has been made and return this sheet with the revised plans • Please indicate here if any changes have been made to the plans that are not a result of corrections from this list If there are other changes please briefly describe them and where they are located on the plans Have changes been made not resulting from this list? Q Yes a No City of Carlsbad pcO5 OOO5 rev2(PCRO6-lO9) 7/7/06 1 Please make all corrections on the original tracings as requested in the correction list Submit three sets of plans for commercial/industrial projects (two sets of plans for residential projects) For expeditious processing corrected sets can be submitted in one of two ways 1 Deliver all corrected sets of plans and calculations/reports directly to the City of Carlsbad Building Department 1635 Faraday Ave Carlsbad CA 92008 (760)602-2700 The City will route the plans to EsGil Corporation and the Carlsbad Planning Engineering and Fire Departments 2 Bring one corrected set of plans and calculations/reports to EsGil Corporation 9320 Chesapeake Drive Suite 208 San Diego CA 92123 (858) 560-1468 Deliver all remaining sets of plans and calculations/reports directly to the City of Carlsbad Building Department for routing to their Planning Engineering and Fire Departments NOTE Plans that are submitted directly to EsGil Corporation only will not be reviewed by the City Planning Engineering and Fire Departments until review by EsGil Corporation is complete 2 The engineer record shows dead load at deck terraces shall be 34psf (not 26 psf shown on the plan) Please revise the floor joists accordingly and reviewed by the engineer record 3 The jurisdiction has contracted with Esgil Corporation located at 9320 Chesapeake Drive Suite 208 San Diego California 92123 telephone number of 858/560-1468 to perform the plan review for your project If you have any questions regarding these plan review items please contact David Yao at Esgil Corporation Thank you City of Carlsbad pc05 0005 rev2(PCR06 109) 7/7/06 VALUATION AND PLAN CHECK FEE JURISDICTION City of Carlsbad rev2(PCR06-109) PREPARED BY David Yao BUILDING ADDRESS 110O Las Floras BUILDING OCCUPANCY PLAN CHECK NO pcOS OO05 DATE 7/7/O6 TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION BUILDING PORTION floor joists Air Conditioning Fire Sprinklers TOTAL VALUE Jurisdiction Code AREA (Sq Ft) cb Rlrln Pprmif FPP hv/ Orrlinanrp ^ Valuation Multiplier By Ordinance Reg Mod VALUE ($) Plan Check Fee by Ordinance $120 00 Type of Review I I Repetitive Fee Repeats D Complete Review D Other m Hourly Structural Only Hour Esgil Plan Review Fee $9600 Based on hourly rate Comments Sheet 1 of 1 macvalue doc eO O(P00rcr>T^*3—^.O^_>-1 Q;"J v/ r\^o(/Iu&w v5 i — D en on TOa o c c oS •%) p m 2 I ImI DOi m i.c;o D > ^ (A VI-* o