HomeMy WebLinkAbout1125 CHINQUAPIN AVE; ; CB050230; Permit02 21 2006 Job Address Permit Type Parcel No Valuation Occupancy Group # Dwelling Units Bedrooms Project Title City of Carlsbad 1635 Faraday Av Carlsbad CA 92008 Residential Permit Permit No CB050230 Building Inspection Request Line (760) 602 2725 1125 CHINQUAPIN AV CBAD RESDNTL Sub Type 2061401800 $13981000 0 0 Lot# Construction Type Reference # Structure Type Bathrooms RAD 0 VN RACHMAN RES 1271 SF 1ST AND 2ND STORY ADDITION Applicant RACHMAN ELIOT D&BELINDA 1125 CHINQUAPIN AVE CARLSBAD CA 92008 Statuf EXPIRED Applied 01/24/2005 Entered By KG Plan Approved Issued Inspect Area Ong PC# Plan Check* Owner RACHMAN ELIOT D&BELINDA 1125 CHINQUAPIN AVE CARLSBAD CA 92008 Building Permit Add I Building Permit Fee Plan Check Add I Plan Check Fee Plan Check Discount Strong Motion Fee Park in Lieu Fee Park Fee LFM Fee Bridge Fee Other Bridge Fee BTD #2 Fee BTD #3 Fee Renewal Fee Add I Renewal Fee Other Building Fee Pot Water Con Fee Meter Size Add I Pot Water Con Fee Reel Water Con Fee $669 76 Meter Size $0 00 Add I Reel Water Con Fee $435 34 Meter Fee $0 00 SDCWA Fee $0 00 CFD Payoff Fee $1398 PFF (3105540) $0 00 PFF (4305540) $0 00 License Tax (3104193) $0 00 License Tax (4304193) $0 00 Traffic Impact Fee (3105541) $0 00 Traffic Impact Fee (4305541) $0 00 Sidewalk Fee $0 00 PLUMBING TOTAL $0 00 ELECTRICAL TOTAL $0 00 MECHANICAL TOTAL $0 00 Housing Impact Fee $0 00 Housing InLieu Fee Housing Credit Fee $0 00 Master Drainage Fee $0 00 Sewer Fee Additional Fees TOTAL PERMIT FEES $000 $000 $000 $000 $000 $000 $000 $000 $000 $000 $000 $000 $000 $000 $000 $000 $000 $000 $000 $000 $1 11908 Total Fees $1 119 08 Total Payments To Date $436 00 Balance Due $683 08 Inspector FINAL APPROVAL Date Clearance NOTICE Please take NOTICE that approval of your project includes the Imposition of fees dedications reservations or other exactions hereafter collectively referred to as lees/exactions You have 90 days from the date this permit was issued to protest imposition of these fees/exactions If you protest them you must follow the protest procedures set forth in Government Code Section 66020(a) and file the protest and any other required information with the City Manager for processing in accordance with Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 3 32 030 Failure to timely follow that procedure will bar any subsequent legal action to attack review set aside void or annul their imposition You are hereby FURTHER NOTIFIED that your right to protest the specified fees/exactions DOES NOT APPLY to water and sewer connection fees and capacity changes nor planning zoning grading or other similar application processing or service fees in connection with this proiect NOR DOES IT APPLY to any fees/exactions of which you have previously been given a NOTICE similar to this, or as to which the statute of limitations has previously otherwise expired PERMIT APPLICATION CITY OF CARLSBAD BUILDING DEPARTMENT 1635 Faraday Ave Carlsbad CA 92008 J10N p FOR OFFICE USE ONLY PLAN CHECK NO C 605 O 2? ^)O 10EST VAL Plan Ck Deposit Validated By Date /->? f/-Q V Address (include Bldg/Suite #)Business Name (at this address) Legal Description / LOT R IS A Assessor s Parcel # * Description of Work ^ —7 Lot No i p • Subdivision Name/Number MP76&/ 1-? CAfU4>g>£> TRACr Existing Use . V ,. __ •__. SQ FT *^ #of Stories Unit No Phase No Total tt of units 72. 32. 0265 01/24/05 0002 01 02 Proposed Use LTGI" 436 # of Bedrooms # of Bathrooms |2 ;:; CONTACT PERSON (if different from applicant) Name Address City f** CTcontractor Q Agent for Contractor O Owner S] Agent for 0-wneiT "" PE^L- ' 3035 STATr ^F r"^-A State/Zip Telephone # Fax - Cft Name 4 PROPERTY OWNER Address City State/Zip Telephone tt Name Address City State/Zip Telephone # CONTRACTOR _ COMPANY NAME (Sec 7031 5 Business and Professions Code Any City or County which requires a permit to construct alter improve demolish or repair any structure prior to its issuance also requires the applicant for such permit to file a signed statement that he is licensed pursuant to the provisions of the Contractor s License Law [Chapter 9 commending with Section 7000 of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code) or that he is exempt therefrom and the basis for the alleged exemption Any violation of Section 7031 5 by any applicant for a permit subjects the applicant to a civil penalty of not more than five hundred dollars [$500]) Name State License tt Address License Class City State/Zip City Business License # Telephone tt Designer Name State License # Address City State/Zip Telephone 6jsitWORKERS COMPENSATION „*• i •* Workers Compensation Declaration I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury one of the following declarations l~l I have and will maintain a certificate of consent to self insure for workers compensation as provided by Section 3700 of the Labor Code for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued n ' have and will maintain workers compensation as required by Section 3700 of the Labor Code for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued My worker s compensation insurance carrier and policy number are Insurance Company Policy No Expiration Date (THIS SECTION NEED NOT BE COMPLETED IF THE PERMIT IS FOR ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS [$100] OR LESS) n CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION I certify that in the performance of the work for which this permit is issued I shall not employ any person in any manner so as to become subject to the Workers Compensation Laws of California WARNING Failure to secure workers compensation coverage is unlawful and shall subject an employer to criminal penalties and civil fines up to one hundred thousand dollars ($100 000) in addition to the cost of compensation damages as provided for in Section 3706 of the Labor code interest and attorney s fees SIGNATURE DATE T OWNER BUILDER DECLARATION*1 ^ **f _^ _ i ""„** I hereby affirm that I am exempt from the Contractor s License Law for the following reason l~1 I as owner of the property or my employees with wages as their sole compensation will do the work and the structure is not intended or offered for sale (Sec 7044 Business and Professions Code The Contractor s License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon and who does such work himself or through his own employees provided that such improvements are not intended or offered for sale If however the building or improvement is sold within one year of completion the owner builder will have the burden of proving that he did not build or improve for the purpose of sale) n I as owner of the property am exclusively contracting with licensed contractors to construct the project (Sec 7044 Business and Professions Code The Contractor s License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon and contracts for such projects with contractor(s) licensed pursuant to the Contractor s License Law) 0 I am exempt under Section Business and Professions Code for this reason 1 I personally plan to provide the major labor and materials for construction of the proposed property improvement l~l YES l~lNO 2 I (have / have not) signed an application for a building permit for the proposed work 3 I have contracted with the following person (firm) to provide the proposed construction (include name / address / phone number / contractors license number) 4 I plan to provide portions of the work but I have hired the following person to coordinate supervise and provide the major work (include name / address / phone number / contractors license number) 5 I will provide some of the work but I have contracted (hired) the following persons to provide the work indicated (include name / address / phone number / type of work) DATEPROPERTY OWNER SIGNATURE _ _ !CgMPLETE%THiS*SECTl6NJFgR NOWniSIDENTIAL BUTCDING"PERMITS ONLY~ m „......,= £- ^. ^ „. Is the applicant or future building occupant required to submit a business plan acutely hazardous materials registrat on form or r sk management and preve t on program under Sections 25505 25533 or 25534 of the Presley Tanner Hazardous Substance Account Act' l~l YES O NO Is the applicant or future building occupant required to obtain a permit from the air pollution control district or air quality management district' l~l YES l~l Is the facility to be constructed within 1 000 feet of the outer boundary of a school site' [~1 YES l~1 NO IF ANY OF THE ANSWERS ARE YES A FINAL CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY MAY NOT BE ISSUED UNLESS THE APPLICANT HAS MET OR IS MEETING THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE OFFICE OF EMERGENCY SERVICES AND THE AIR POLLUTION CONTROL DISTRICT NO I hereby affirm that there is a construction lending agency for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued (Sec 30970) Civil Code) LENDER S NAME LENDER S ADDRESS L9 AP_PLICANtiCERTIFICATION _ ,_ „ „ _ ^^, £ _l " "<"->vr j ^ "^ ^ ^^ I certify that I have read the application and state that the above information is correct and that the information on the plans is accurate I agree to comply with all City ordinances and State laws relating to building construction I hereby authorize representatives of the City of Carlsbad to enter upon the above mentioned property for inspection purposes I ALSO AGREE TO SAVE INDEMNIFY AND KEEP HARMLESS THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AGAINST ALL LIABILITIES JUDGMENTS COSTS AND EXPENSES WHICH MAY IN ANY WAY ACCRUE AGAINST SAID CITY IN CONSEQUENCE OF THE GRANTING OF THIS PERMIT OSHA An OSHA permit is required forexcSvatipns over 5 0 deep and demolition or construction of structures over 3 stories in height EXPIRATION Every permit issuegVkfythe burtding Official under the provisions of this Code shalk expire by limitation and become null and void if the building or work authorized by such permit is notjB^rnmenpeawithin 180 days from the date of sucrujErrrnt or rf they6uilding^p>york authorized by such permit is suspended or abandoned at any time after the work is commejje^a for a period of 180 days (Section 106 4/4 Uniforrp/Buildfng ( ramAPPLICANT S SIGNATURE WHITE File YELLOW Applicant PINK Finance City of Carlsbad Building Department October 18, 2005 ELIOT AND BELINDA RACHMAN 1125 CHINQUAPIN AV CARLSBAD CA 92008 RE APPLICATION DATE 01/24/2005 PLAN CHECK # CB050230 ADDRESS 1125 CHINQUAPIN AV EXPIRATION DATE 01/24/2006 PERMIT TYPE RESDNTL DESCRIPTION RACHMAN ES - 1271 SF 1ST AND 2ND STORY ADDITION You applied to have your plans checked on the date noted above To date, the related building permit has not been obtained The original plan review application will expire as no building permit has been issued Plans submitted and not retrieved from the building department prior to the plan check expiration date noted above will be destroyed The provisions of sections 304 (d) of the Uniform Building Code state "Section 304 9d) Expiration of Plan Review Applications for which no permit is issued within one year following the date of application shall expire by limitation, and plans and other data submitted for review may thereafter be returned to the applicant or destroyed by the Building Official In order to renew action on an application after expiration, the applicant shall resubmit plans and pay a new plan review fee " In order to provide better service, please indicate your handling choice for the plans originally submitted and return this letter to the Building Department Project Abandoned -1 will pick up the plans within 10 days Project Abandoned — Plans may be destroyed If you have any questions please contact the Building Department at (760) 602-2719 Building Department 1635 Faraday Avenue • Carlsbad CA 92O08 7314 • (760) 602 2700 • FAX (760) 602 8560 EsGil Corporation In (Partners Hip witfi government for <Smftfing Safety DATE 2/3/O5 JURISDICTION City of Carlsbad PLAN CHECK NO 05-0230 SET I PROJECT ADDRESS 1 125 Chinquapin Ave PROJECT NAME Rachman Residence Remodel & Addition a PLAN REVIEWER a FILE The plans transmitted herewith have been corrected where necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction s building codes The plans transmitted herewith will substantially comply with the jurisdiction s building codes when minor deficiencies identified below are resolved and checked by building department staff The plans transmitted herewith have significant deficiencies identified on the enclosed check list and should be corrected and resubmitted for a complete recheck X] The check list transmitted herewith is for your information The plans are being held at Esgil Corporation until corrected plans are submitted for recheck The applicant s copy of the check list is enclosed for the jurisdiction to forward to the applicant contact person The applicant s copy of the check list has been sent to Travis Deal 3095 State Street Suite F Carlsbad CA 92008 Esgil Corporation staff did not advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed Z\J Esgil Corporation staff did advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed M) Telephone # (760)458-8750Person contacted Travis Deal Date contacted z/^R5(by _^ ) Mail telephone ^ Fax In Person REMARKS By David Yao Esgil Corporation D GA D MB D EJ PC Fax # Enclosures 1/25 trnsmtldot 9320 Chesapeake Drive Suite 208 + San Diego California 92123 + (858)560 1468 + Fax (858) 560 1576 City of Carlsbad 05-0230 2/3/O5 PLAN REVIEW CORRECTION LIST SINGLE FAMILY DWELLINGS AND DUPLEXES PLAN CHECK NO 05-0230 JURISDICTION City of Carlsbad PROJECT ADDRESS 1125 Chinquapin Ave STORIES 2 HEIGHT FLOOR AREA Addition 1271 sf REMARKS DATE PLANS RECEIVED BY JURISDICTION DATE INITIAL PLAN REVIEW COMPLETED 2/3/O5 DATE PLANS RECEIVED BY ESGIL CORPORATION 1/25 PLAN REVIEWER David Yao FOREWORD (PLEASE READ) This plan review is limited to the technical requirements contained in the Uniform Building Code Uniform Plumbing Code Uniform Mechanical Code National Electrical Code and state laws regulating energy conservation noise attenuation and access for the disabled This plan review is based on regulations enforced by the Building Department You may have other corrections based on laws and ordinance by the Planning Department Engineering Department Fire Department or other departments Clearance from those departments may be required prior to the issuance of a building permit Present California law mandates that residential construction comply with the 2001 edition of the California Building Code (Title 24) which adopts the following model codes 1997 UBC 2000 UPC 2000 UMC and 1999 NEC (all effective 11/1/02) The above regulations apply to residential construction regardless of the code editions adopted by ordinance The following items listed need clarification modification or change All items must be satisfied before the plans will be in conformance with the cited codes and regulations Per Sec 106 4 3 1997 Uniform Building Code the approval of the plans does not permit the violation of any state county or city law To speed up the recheck process, please note on this list (or a copy) where each correction item has been addressed, i e , plan sheet number, specification section, etc Be sure to enclose the marked up list when you submit the revised plans City of Carlsbad 05-O230 2/3/05 • PLANS 1 Please make all corrections on the original tracings as requested in the correction list Submit three sets of plans for commercial/industrial projects (two sets of plans for residential projects) For expeditious processing corrected sets can be submitted in one of two ways 1 Deliver all corrected sets of plans and calculations/reports directly to the City of Carlsbad Building Department 1635 Faraday Ave Carlsbad CA 92008 (760) 602-2700 The City will route the plans to EsGil Corporation and the Carlsbad Planning Engineering and Fire Departments 2 Bring one corrected set of plans and calculations/reports to EsGil Corporation 9320 Chesapeake Drive Suite 208 San Diego CA 92123 (858)560-1468 Deliver all remaining sets of plans and calculations/reports directly to the City of Carlsbad Building Department for routing to their Planning Engineering and Fire Departments NOTE Plans that are submitted directly to EsGil Corporation only will not be reviewed by the City Planning Engineering and Fire Departments until review by EsGil Corporation is complete 2 All sheets of plans must be signed by the person responsible for their preparation (California Business and Professions Code) 3 Plans specifications and calculations shall be signed and sealed by the California state licensed engineer or architect responsible for their preparation for plans deviating from conventional wood frame construction Specify expiration date of license (California Business and Professions Code) 4 Provide a statement on the Title Sheet of the plans stating that this project shall comply with the 2001 edition of the California Building Code (Title 24) which adopts the 1997 UBC 2000 UMC 2000 UPC and the 1999 NEC 5 On the cover sheet of the plans specify any items requiring special inspection in a format similar to that shown below Section 106 3 2 • REQUIRED SPECIAL INSPECTIONS In addition to the regular inspections the following checked items will also require Special Inspection in accordance with Sec 1701 of the Uniform Building Code ITEM REQUIRED? REMARKS SOILS COMPLIANCE PRIOR TO FOUNDATION INSPECTION STRUCTURAL CONCRETE OVER 2500 PSI FIELD WELDING HIGH-STRENGTH BOLTS EXPANSION/EPOXY ANCHORS PILES/CAISSONS City of Carlsbad O5-O230 2/3/05 DESIGNER-SPECIFIED OTHER 6 When special inspection is required the architect or engineer of record shall prepare an inspection program which shall be submitted to the building official for approval prior to issuance of the building permit Please review Section 106 3 5 Please complete the attached form • FIRE PROTECTION 7 Show locations of permanently wired smoke detectors with battery backup a) Centrally located in corridor or area giving access to existing sleeping rooms at first floor 8 When the valuation of a room addition or repair exceeds $1 000 or when sleeping rooms are created smoke detectors shall be provided per the above except that smoke detectors added at existing construction need only be battery powered Section 310 9 1 2 • GENERAL RESIDENTIAL REQUIREMENTS 9 Window area must be at least 1/10 of the floor area and a minimum of 10 square feet per Section 1203 3 (Does the existing family+kitchen+livmg has adequate nature light and ventilation? Show all existing window size and type on the plan ) 10 Openable window area in habitable rooms must be 1/20 of the floor area and a minimum of 5 square feet In bathrooms and water closet compartments 1/20 of area is required and minimum is 1 5 sq ft Section 1203 3 11 Dimension on the plans 30 clear width for water closet compartments and 24' clearance in front of water closet Section 2904 • EXITS, STAIRWAYS, AND RAILINGS 12 Guardrails (Section 509 1) a) Shall have a height of 36 b) Openings between railings shall be less than 4 The triangular openings formed by the riser tread and bottom element of a guardrail at a stair shall be less than 6 13 Provide stairway and landing details Sections 1003 3 3 a) Maximum rise is 7 and minimum run is 11 When the stairs serves less than 10 occupants or serves an unoccupied roof rise may be 8 maximum and run 9' minimum b) Minimum headroom is 6'-8 c) Minimum width is 36 City of Carlsbad O5-O23O 2/3/05 14 Handrails (Section 1003336) a) Handrails are required on each side of stairways Stairways less than 44 wide or stairways serving one dwelling unit may have one handrail (if not open on both sides) b) Handrails and extensions shall be 34 to 38 above nosing of treads and be continuous c) The handgrip portion of all handrails shall be not less than 1-1/4 inches nor more than 2 inches in cross-sectional dimension Handrails projecting from walls shall have at least 1-1/2 inches between the wall and the handrail d) Except for private stairways at least one rail shall extend 12 beyond top and bottom risers e) Ends of handrails shall be returned or shall have rounded terminations or bends 15 Provide details of winding stairway complying with Section 1003 3382 (where the stairway turn the direction) a) Minimum tread is 6 inches at any point and minimum 9 inches at a point 12 inches from where the treads are narrowest b) Maximum rise is 8 inches • ROOFING 16 Provide skylight details to show compliance with Sections 2409 and 2603 or specify on the plans the following information for the skylight(s) per Section 10633 a) Manufacturers name b) Model name/number c) ICBO approval number or equal 17 Specify minimum % inch per foot roof slope for drainage or design to support accumulated water Section 1506 1 « GARAGE AND CARPORTS 18 Doors may open into the garage only if the floor or landing in the garage is not more than one inch lower than the door threshold Section 1003 316 • FOUNDATION REQUIREMENTS 19 Provide a copy of the project soil report prepared by a California licensed architect or civil engineer The report shall include foundation design recommendations based on the engineers findings and shall comply with UBC Section 1804 (Hethenngton Engineering) City of Carlsbad 05-O23O 2/3/OS 20 In Seismic Zone 4 each site shall be assigned a near-source factor Identify this value in the soils report and on the plans Section 1629 4 2 21 Investigate the potential for seismically induced soil liquefaction and soil instability in Seismic Zones 3 and 4 This does not apply to detached single- story dwellings Section 1804 5 22 Note on the plan the soils classification whether or not the soil is expansive and note the allowable bearing value Section 106 3 3 23 The soils engineer recommended that he/she review the foundation excavations Note on the foundation plan that Prior to the contractor requesting a Building Department foundation inspection the soils engineer shall advise the building official in writing that a) The building pad was prepared in accordance with the soils report b) The utility trenches have been properly backfilled and compacted and c) The foundation excavations the soils expansive characteristics and bearing capacity conform to the soils report 24 Provide a letter from the soils engineer confirming that the foundation plan grading plan and specifications have been reviewed and that it has been determined that the recommendations in the soils report are properly incorporated into the construction documents (when required by the soil report) 25 Note on plans that surface water will dram away from building and show drainage pattern Section 1804 7 • FRAMING 26 Show nailing will be in compliance with Table 23-II-B-1 27 The deck joist size and spacing outside master bedroom is not clearly shown on the framing plan Please check 28 The roof rafter size and spacing above portion of the garage is not clearly shown on the framing plan Please check 29 Sheet 10 of the calculation shows deck beam 1 -312/x117/8 para The framing plan did not show it Please check 30 Sheet 26 of the calculation shows the shear wall line A is 13 5 feet and 15 5 feet panels Sheet 7 of the plan shows 155 feet wall only Please check 31 Sheet 26 of the calculation shows MST37 for shear walls along line A and C The location of the MST37 on the floor framing plan appears to not quite match the wall location shown on the roof framing plan Please check City of Carlsbad O5-O23O 2/3/05 32 Sheet 27 of the calculation shows MST37 for shear walls along line 1 The floor framing plan appears to not show it Please check 33 Sheet 28 30 of the calculation shows PHD2 for shear wall along line C 3 The foundation plan appears to show hold down at one end of the wall only Please check 34 Sheet 38 of the calculation shows moment frame along line 2 The floor framing plan appears to not show the beam size and connection details were not referenced Please check 35 Does the moment frame connection comply with UBC 2213 6? (omega factor?) • MECHANICAL (UNIFORM MECHANICAL CODE) 36 Detail the dryer exhaust duct design from the dryer to the exterior The maximum length is 14 feet with (two) 90° elbows UMC Section 504 2 2 • ELECTRICAL (NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE) 37 Note on the plans that receptacle outlet locations will comply with NEC Art 210-52(a) 38 Per NEC Art 210-11(c)3 note on the plans that bathroom circuiting shall be either a) A 20 ampere circuit dedicated to each bathroom or b) At least one 20 ampere circuit supplying only bathroom receptacle outlets 39 All bedroom branch circuits now require arc fault protection Note clearly on the plans that Bedroom branch circuits will be arc fault circuit protected NEC Art 210-12(b) • PLUMBING (UNIFORM PLUMBING CODE) 40 Provide a note on the plans In showers and tub-shower combinations control valves must be pressure balanced or thermostatic mixing valves UPC Section 4200 41 New water closets and associated flushometer valves if any shall use no more than 1 6 gallons per flush and shall meet performance standards established by the American National Standards Institute Standard A112 19 2 H & S Code Section 17921 3(b) • ENERGY CONSERVATION 42 Cloth backed duct tape is no longer permitted to be used as the sole connection for mechanical ducting Note on the plans that duct tape as a minimum meeting the requirements of UL181 181A or181B shall be used or additional duct City of Carlsbad 05-O23O 2/3/O5 attachment devices such as tie wraps or mastic will be required for installing mechanical ducting 43 Detail or note on the plans The return air plenum serving the mechanical equipment must be fully ducted from the equipment to the conditioned space Drop ceilings wall cavities and equipment platforms may not be used as plenums 44 The owner or designer shall sign form CF-1R 45 The energy calculation model the entire house All glazing area (new and existing) shall be identified on the plan 46 Note on the plans The manufactured windows shall have a label attached certified by the National Fenestration Rating Council (NFRC) and showing compliance with the energy calculations • MISCELLANEOUS 47 To speed up the review process note on this list (or a copy) where each correction item has been addressed i e plan sheet note or detail number calculation page etc 48 Please indicate here if any changes have been made to the plans that are not a result of corrections from this list If there are other changes please briefly describe them and where they are located in the plans • Have changes been made to the plans not resulting from this correction list? Please indicate Yes Q No a 49 The jurisdiction has contracted with Esgil Corporation located at 9320 Chesapeake Drive Suite 208 San Diego California 92123 telephone number of 858/560 1468 to perform the plan review for your project If you have any questions regarding these plan review items please contact David Yao at Esgil Corporation Thank you City of Carlsbad 05-O23O 2/3/05 City of Carlsbad Building Department BUILDING DEPARTMENT NOTICE OF REQUIREMENT FOR SPECIAL INSPECTION Do Not Remove From Plans Plan Check No 05 0230 Job Address or Legal Description 1125 Chinquapin Ave Owner Address You are hereby notified that in addition to the inspection of construction provided by the Building Department an approved Registered Special Inspector is required to provide continuous inspection during the performance of the phases of construction indicated on the reverse side of this sheet The Registered Special Inspector shall be approved by the City of Carlsbad Building Department poor to the issuance of the building permit Special Inspectors having a current certification from the City of San Diego Los Angeles or ICBO are approved as Special Inspectors for the type of construction for which they are certified The inspections by a Special Inspector do not change the requirements for inspections by personnel of the City of Carlsbad building department The inspections by a Special Inspector are in addition to the inspections normally required by the County Building Code The Special Inspector is not authorized to inspect and approve any work other than that for which he/she is specifically assigned to inspect The Special Inspector is not authonzed to accept alternate materials structural changes or any requests for plan changes The Special Inspector is required to submit written reports to the City of Carlsbad building department of all work that he/she inspected and approved The final inspection approval will not be given until all Special Inspection reports have been received and approved by the City of Carlsbad building department Please submit the names of the inspectors who will perform the special inspections on each of the items indicated on the reverse side of this sheet (over) City of Carlsbad O5-0230 2/3/05 SPECIAL INSPECTION PROGRAM ADDRESS OR LEGAL DESCRIPTION PLAN CHECK NUMBER OWNER S NAME I as the owner or agent of the owner (contractors may not employ the special inspector) certify that I or the architect/engineer of record will be responsible for employing the special mspector(s) as required by Uniform Building Code (UBC) Section 1701 1 for the construction project located at the site listed above UBC Section 106 3 5 Signed I as the engineer/architect of record certify that I have prepared the following special inspection program as required by UBC Section 106 3 5 for the construction project located at the site listed above E gl r's/Ar hit ct S I & Slg lure H re Signed 1 List of work requiring special inspection n Soils Compliance Prior to Foundation Inspection Q Field Welding D Structural Concrete Over 2500 PSI Q High Strength Bolting n Prestressed Concrete CD Expansion/Epoxy Anchors n Structural Masonry D Sprayed On Fireproofmg CH Designer Specified Q Other 2 Name(s) of mdividual(s) or firm(s) responsible for the special inspections listed above A B C 3 Duties of the special inspectors for the work listed above A B Special inspectors shall check in with the City and present their credentials for approval prior to beginning work on the job site City of Carlsbad 05-0230 2/3/05 VALUATION AND PLAN CHECK FEE PLAN CHECK NO 05 0230 DATE 2/3/05 JURISDICTION City of Carlsbad PREPARED BY David Yao BUILDING ADDRESS 1125 Chinquapin Ave BUILDING OCCUPANCY R-3/U-1 TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION V-N BUILDING PORTION living addition Air Conditioning Fire Sprinklers TOTAL VALUE Jurisdiction Code AREA (Sq Ft) 1271 cb Valuation Multiplier By Ordinance Reg Mod per city VALUE ($) 139810 139,810 Bldg Permit Fee by Ordinance Plan Check Fee by Ordinance Type of Review CH Repetitive Fee Repeats 0 Complete Review D Other •—I Hourly Structural Only Hour Esgil Plan Review Fee $669 76 $435 34 $375 07 Comments Sheet 1 of 1 macvalue doc BUILDING PLANCHECK CHECKLIST DATE BUILDING ADDRESS PROJECT DESCRIPTION ASSESSOR S PARCEL NUMBER PLANCHECK NO WO- (& EST VALUE D ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT APPROVAL The item you have submitted for review has been approved The approval is based on plans information and/or specifications provided in your submittal therefore any changes to these items after this date including field modifications must be reviewed by this office to insure continued conformance with applicable codes Please review carefully all comments attached as failure to comply with instructions in this report can result in suspension of permit to build A Right of Way permit is required prior to construction of the following improvements DENIAL Please seei the,,* attached report of deficiencies marked with^Make necessary corrections to plans or specifications for compliance with applicable codes and standards Submit corrected plans and/or specifications to this office for review By Date Date Date A/7/QS By FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ENGINEERING AUTHORIZATION TO ISSUE BUILDING PERMIT Date ATTACHMENTS Dedication Application Dedication Checklist Improvement Application Improvement Checklist Future Improvement Agreement Grading Permit Application Grading Submittal Checklist Right of Way Permit Application Right of Way Permit Submittal Checklist and Information Sheet Sewer Fee Information Sheet ENGINEERING DEPT CONTACT PERSON Name JOANNE JUCHNIEWICZ City of Carlsbad Address 1635 Faraday Avenue Carlsbad CA 92008 Phone (760) 602 2775 CFD INFORMATION Parcel Map No Lots Recordation Carlsbad Tract A4 HVWORD\DOCS\CHKLST\B MngPla checkCkl IF rm(G e c)d c BUILDING PLANCHECK CHECKLIST SITE PLAN 1 Provide a fully dimensioned site plan drawn to scale Show **&?lo1 A North Arrow B Existing & Proposed Structures Existing Street Improvements Property Lines Right-of Way Width & Adjacent Streets Driveway widths Existing or proposed sewer lateral Existing or proposed water service A Drainage Patterns 1 Building pad surface drainage must maintain a minimum slope of one percent towards an adjoining street or an approved drainage course 2 ADD THE FOLLOWING NOTE Finish grade will provide a minimum positive drainage of 2% to swale 5 away from building B Existing & Proposed Slopes and Topography C Size type location alignment of existing or proposed sewer and water service (s) that serves the project Each unit requires a separate service however second dwelling units and apartment complexes are an exception D Sewer and water laterals should not be located within proposed driveways per standards 3 Include on title sheet Site address Assessors Parcel Number .egal Description ,S For commercial/industrial buildings and tenant improvement projects include total building square footage with the square footage for each different use existing sewer permits showing square footage of different uses (manufacturing warehouse office etc) previously approved EXISTING PERMIT NUMBER DESCRIPTION H \WORD\DOCS\CHKLST\B IWingPI check CklsIF rm(Ge en )d BUILDING PLANCHECK CHECKLIST 3rd DISCRETIONARY APPROVAL COMPLIANCE n 4a Project does not comply with the following Engineering Conditions of approval for Project No IH D 4b All conditions are in compliance Date DEDICATION REQUIREMENTS ED 5 Dedication for all street Rights-of-Way adjacent to the building site and any storm dram or utility easements on the building site is required for all new buildings and for remodels with a value at or exceeding $15.000 pursuant to Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 18 40 030 Dedication required as follows Dedication required Please have a registered Civil Engineer or Land Surveyor prepare the appropriate legal description together with an 8 Vz x 11 plat map and submit with a title report All easement documents must be approved and signed by owner(s) prior to issuance of Building Permit Attached please find an application form and submittal checklist for the dedication process Submit the completed application form with the required checklist items and fees to the Engineering Department in person Applications will not be accept by mail or fax Dedication completed by Date IMPROVEMENT REQUIREMENTS 6a All needed public improvements upon and adjacent to the building site must be constructed at time of building construction whenever the value of the construction exceeds $75.000 pursuant to Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 1840040 Public improvements required as follows Attached please find an application form and submittal checklist for the public improvement requirements A registered Civil Engineer must prepare the appropriate improvement plans and submit them together with the requirements on the attached checklist to the Engineering Department through a separate plan check process The completed application form and the requirements on the H WVORD\DOCS\CHKIST\B iWngPI check Cklsl Form (RIDDLE HARVEY 7 12 00) d ST BUILDING PLANCHECK CHECKLIST checklist must be submitted in person Applications by mail or fax are not accepted Improvement plans must be approved appropriate securities posted and fees paid prior to issuance of building permit Improvement Plans signed by Date D D D 6b Construction of the public improvements may be deferred pursuant to Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 18 40 Please submit a recent property title report or current grant deed on the property and processing fee of $310 so we may prepare the necessary Future Improvement Agreement This agreement must be signed notarized and approved by the City prior to issuance of a Building permit i Future public improvements required as follows fj D 6c Enclosed please find your Future Improvement Agreement Please return agreement signed and notarized to the Engineering Department Future Improvement Agreement completed by Date fj] Q 6d No Public Improvements required SPECIAL NOTE Damaged or defective improvements found adiacent to building site must be repaired to the satisfaction of the City Inspector prior to occupancy GRADING PERMIT REQUIREMENTS The conditions that invoke the need for a grading permit are found in Section 11 06 030 of the Municipal Code fj O O 7a Inadequate information available on Site Plan to make a determination on grading requirements Include accurate grading quantities (cut fill import export) D D D 7b Grading Permit required A separate grading plan prepared by a registered Civil Engineer must be submitted together with the completed application form attached NOTE The Grading Permit must be issued and rough grading approval obtained prior to issuance of a Building Permit Grading Inspector sign off by Date CD CH 7c Graded Pad Certification required (Note Pad certification may be required even if a grading permit is not required ) H \WORD\DOC \CHKLST\B Id g PI ncheckCW I F rm (G 7 14 00) d BUILDING PLANCHECK CHECKLIST fST oND x oRDI Z ^/ O ] n 7d No Grading Permit required ] Q 7e If grading is not required write No Grading on plot plan MISCELLANEOUS PERMITS D D 8 A RIGHT OF WAY PERMIT is required to do work in City Right-of-Way and/or private work adjacent to the public Right of Way Types of work include but are not limited to street improvements tree trimming driveway construction tying into public storm dram sewer and water utilities Right-of-Way permit required for 9 INDUSTRIAL WASTE PERMIT If your facility is located in the City of Carlsbad sewer service area you need to contact the Carlsbad Municipal Water District located at 5950 El Cammo Real Carlsbad CA 92008 District personnel can provide forms and assistance and will check to see if your business enterprise is on the EWA Exempt List You may telephone (760) 438 2722 extension 7153 for assistance Industrial Waste permit accepted by Date D 10 NPDES PERMIT Complies with the Citys requirements of the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit The applicant shall provide best management practices to reduce surface pollutants to an acceptable level prior to discharge to sensitive areas Plans for such improvements shall be approved by the City Engineer prior to issuance of grading or building permit whichever occurs first 11 Q .Required fees are attached lj No fees required WATER METER REVIEW 12a Domestic (potable) Use Ensure that the meter proposed by the owner/developer is not oversized Oversized meters are inaccurate during low-flow conditions If it is oversized for the life of the meter the City will not accurately bill the owner for the water used • All single family dwelling units received standard 1 service with 5/8 service H\WORD\DOCS\CHKLST« iBinoPI ch (* Cklst Form (G eric)d 1ST •>ND 3RD D D 12b BUILDING PLANCHECK CHECKLIST • If owner/developer proposes a size other than the standard then owner/developer must provide potable water demand calculations, which include total fixture counts and maximum water demand in gallons per minute (gpm) A typical fixture count and water demand worksheet is attached Once the gpm is provided check against the meter sizing schedule to verify the anticipated meter size for the unit • Maximum service and meter size is a 2 service with a 2 meter • If a developer is proposing a meter greater than 2 suggest the installation of multiple 2 services as needed to provide the anticipated demand (manifolds are considered on case by case basis to limit multiple trenching into the street) Irrigation Use (where recycled water is not available) All irrigation meters must be sized via irrigation calculations (in gpm) prior to approval The developer must provide these calculations Please follow these guidelines 1 If the project is a newer development (newer than 1998) check the recent improvement plans and observe if the new irrigation service is reflected on the improvement sheets If so at the water meter station the demand in gpm may be listed there Irrigation services are listed with a circled I and potable water is typically a circled W The irrigation service should look like STA 1+00 Install 2 service and 5 meter (estimated 100 gpm) If the improvement plans do not list the irrigation meter and the service/meter will be installed via another instrument such as the building plans or grading plans (w/ a right of way permit of course) then the applicant must provide irrigation calculations for estimated worst-case irrigation demand (largest zone with the farthest reach) Typically Larry Black has already reviewed this if landscape plans have been prepared but the applicant must provide the calculations to you for your use Once you have received a good example of irrigation calculations keep a set for your reference In general the calculations will include • Hydraulic grade line • Elevation at point of connection (POC) • Pressure at POC in pounds per square inch (PSI) • Worse case zone (largest farthest away from valve • Total Sprinkler heads listed (with gpm use per head) • Include a 10% residual pressure at point of connection In general all major sloped areas of a subdivision/project are to be irrigated via separate irrigation meters (unless the project is only SFD with no HOA) As long as the project is located within the City recycled water HWVORD\DOCS\CHKLST\B ilding Plancheck Ckl t F rm(Ge enc)d BUILDING PLANCHECK CHECKLIST I ST oND 3RD service boundary the City intends on switching these irrigation services/meters to a new recycled water line in the future Q Q 12c Irrigation Use (where recycled water is available) 1 Recycled water meters are sized the same as the irrigation meter above 2 If a project fronts a street with recycled water then they should be connecting to this line to irrigate slopes within the development For subdivisions this should have been identified and implemented on the improvement plans Installing recycled water meters is a benefit for the applicant since they are exempt from paying the San Diego County Water Capacity fees However if they front a street which the recycled water is there but is not live (sometimes they are charged with potable water until recycled water is available) then the applicant must pay the San Diego Water Capacity Charge If within three years the recycled water line is charged with recycled water by CMWD then the applicant can apply for a refund to the San Diego County Water Authority (SDCWA) for a refund However let the applicant know that we cannot guarantee the refund and they must deal with the SDCWA for this D D D 13 Additional Comments H \WORD\DOCS\CHKLST\B Ming PI check CkJsl F rm (G nerte) d c Microsoft li lnt«rnet Expiwtr provided by City ofy of Carlsbad Refresh Map Facilities Drainage Basins SD Outfalls Storm Drain Structure Storm Dtairt Pipe Sewer Manhole Boundaries Slope Water Bodies Major Roads f^ A $f$jji\ji;-'$%i'^--OontouPIInes> 2031 CT Index Flood^Hlzard ZonesMaa««^fid l>yC3th!»ii <5!S Department, fc PLANNING DEPARTMENT BUILDING PLAN CHECK REVIEW CHECKLIST jO-1 <iiO In cPlan Check No. CB U J L / ^ Address 11 *O Planner MlM iSjlWl^ „ Phone (760) 602- APN Type of Projeeti& Use Gr Zoning ^Lu^General Plan 10 Net Project Density CFD (in/out) #_Date of participation Facilities Management Zone Remaining net dev acres Circle One (For non residential development Type of land used created by this permit _) Legend_ Kl Item Complete Q Item Incomplete • Needs your action Environmental Review Required YES NO ?\ TYPE DATE OF COMPLETION Compliance with conditions of approval9 If not state conditions which require action Conditions of Approval Discretionary Action Required APPROVAL/RESO NO PROJECT NO YES DATE NO -V-TYPE OTHER RELATED CASES Compliance with conditions or approval7 If not state conditions which require action Conditions of Approval DD DD NO Coastal Zone Assessment/Compliance Project site located in Coastal Zone7 YESj(r_ CA Coastal Commission Authority7 YES _ NO Y If California Coastal Commission Authority Contact them at - 7575 Metropolitan Drive Suite 103, San Diego CA 92108-4402 (619)7672370 /f^\ Determine status (Coastal Permit Required or /Exempt) _ Coastal Permit Determination Form already cojnpteled7 YES _ NO _ If NO complete Coastal Permit Determination Form now Coastal Permit Determination Log # _ Follow-Up Actions 1) Stamp Building Plans as Exempt" or "Coastal Permit Required (at minimum Floor Plans) 2) Complete Coastal Permit Determination Log as neededvInclusionary Housing Fee required YES NO _£ (Effective date of Inclusionary Housing Ordinance May 21 1993) Data Entry Completed7 YES NO (A/P/Ds Activity Maintenance enter CB# toolbar Screens Housing Fees, Construct Housing Y/N, Enter Fee UPDATE!) Site Plan Rev 9/01 1 Provide a fully dimensional site plan drawn to scale Show North arrow property lines easements existing and proposed structures streets existing street improvements nght-of way width dimensional setbacks and existing topographical lines (including all side and rear yard slopes) 2 Provide legal description of property and assessor's parcel number Policy 44 - Neighborhood Architectural Design Guidelines NO A D n PI 2 Project complies YES NO Zoning $A Q n 1 Setbacks / Front Required [D Interior Side Required >• ^ Street Side Required & fa" Rear Required ^j^l^oj^e Required ( ] \ odd 2 Accessory structure setbacks Frlnnt / Required lnte/|/r Side Required Street Side Required Re'arX Required Structure separation Required / f Lf] °•T0 Q JH 3 Lot Coverage Required 'C. l^-l/ / ]2^ Q n 4 Height Required /O /*) M D D 5 Parking Spaces Required / Shown i^O Shown . Shown T / Shown ?^f7 Shown Shown Shown Shown Shown Shown / A / '° Shown 7^7 A Shown *7s { Shown (breakdown by uses for commercial and industrial projects required) Residential Guest Spaces Required Shown D n I"! Additional Comments OK TO ISSUE AND ENTERED APPROVAL INTO COMPUTER H \ADMIN\COUNTER\BldgPlnchkRevChklst DATE Rev 9/01 ENGINEERING SUN Structural Engineering, Inc Consulting Structural Engineers 2525 Pio Pico Dr Suite 102 Carlsbad CA 92008 Tel/Fax (760)434 7928 Structural Calculations Rachman Residence Addition ENGINEERING SUN Structural Engineering, Inc Consulting Structural Engineers Rachman Residence Date 11/2004 By CSun Sht 2 LOADING ROOF ROOFING + RE ROOFING 1/2' PLYWOOD - 2x12 ROOF RAFTERS @ 16 O C J/2"GYP BOARD - - INSULATION - - - MECHANICAL & MISC - - - 50PSF 1 5 PSF - 4 5 PSF 2 5 PSF - 10 PSF - -- 2 5 PSF SECOND FLOOR FLOORING - - - 3/4 PLYWOOD - - - 117/8' TJ1/PRO250 @ 16" O C >/2 GYP BOARD - - - - INSULATION - MECHANICAL & MISC DL=170PSF LL = 200PSF FOR SEISMIC DESIGN D L =20 0 PSF 50 PSF 2 5 PSF - - 35PSF --- - - - 2 5 PSF - - - - 10 PSF 1 5 PSF DECK DEXOTEC - - - 3/4 PLYWOOD 2x8 @ 16 OC - '/2 GYP BOARD - - INSULATION MECHANICAL & MISC DL-160PSF LL = 400PSF -- 50 PSF - - 2 0 PSF - - 3 0 PSF 2 5 PSF -- - 10 PSF - - - 2 5 PSF DL=160PSF LL = 600PSF ENGINEERING SUN Structural Engineering, Inc Consulting Structural Engineers Rachman Residence Date 11/2004 By M Alula Sht L *.. 12. u = *£-*Wu_ S S -, Title Rachman Residence Osgnr M Alula Description Job# Date 943AM 4 NOV 04 Scope nRev 560100 User KW 0503118 Ver 5 6 1 25 Oct 2002 jc)1883 2002 ENERCALC Eng neertng Software General Timber Beam c \projects\resldential\rachrran resldence\ver Description Roof Rafter 2 Query Values M V & D @ Specified Locations Moment @ Center Span Location = 0 00 ft 0 00 k ft @ Right Cant Location = 000ft 000k ft @ Left Cant Location = 0 00 ft 0 00 k ft Shear 052k 000k 000k Deflection 0 0000 in 0 0000 in 0 0000 in Sketch & Dragram Dmax g 7681 210 Rmax 0 5k Vmax @ I ft 0 5k Rmax Vmax 210 -is so 2 o Location fftl Title Rachman Residence Dsgnr M Alula Description Job# Date 943AM 4 NOV 04 Scope n: Rev 560100 User KW 0603118 Ver 5 6 1 25 Oct 2002 (c)1983 2002 ENERCAlC Engineeringi Software General Timber Beam c \projects\ esidential\rachman residence\ver Description Roof Rafter 2 General Information Section Name 2x12 Beam Width Beam Depth Member Type Load Dur Factor Beam End Fixity 1 500 In 11 250 in Sawn 1250 Pin Pin Calculations are designed to Center Span 21 00ft Left Cantilever ft Right Cantilever ft Douglas Fir Larch No 2 Fb Base Allow 875 0 psi Fv Allow 95 0 psi Fc Allow 625 0 psi E 1 600 0 ksi 1997 NDS and 1997 UBC Requirements | Lu 0 00 ft Lu 0 00 ft Lu 0 00 ft Repetitive Member Full Length Uniform Loads 1 Center DL Left Cantilever DL Right Cantilever DL 23 00 #/ft LLm LL #/ft LL 2700 ft/ft #/ft •m L^^^?QiL™_J Span= 21 00ft Beam Width = 1 Max Stress Ratio Maximum Moment Allowable Max Positive Moment Max Negative Moment Max @ Left Support Max @ Right Support Max M allow fb 1 045 33 psi Fb 1 257 81 psi 500m x 276k 000k Depth = 1 1 25m Ends are Pin Pin 0831 1 28kft 33 kft ft at ft at Maximum Shear * 1 10 500 ft 21 000 ft 000 k ft 000 k 332 fv Fv ft 46 67 psi 118 75 psi Reactions LeftDL Right DL Allowable Shear Camber 024 k 024k 5 ©Left @ Right ©Left @ Center @ Right Max Max Beam Design OK 08 k 20 k 052k 052k 0000 in 0530m 0000m 052k 052k Deflections J Center Span Deflection Location Length/Defl Camber ( using 1 5 @ Center ©Left @ Right Dead Load 0 353 in 10500ft 7130 D L Defl ) 0 530 in 0 000 in 0 000 in Total Load Left Cantilever 0 768 in Deflection 10 500 ft Length/Den 328 00 Rlght cantilever Deflection Length/Defl Dead Load Total Load 0 000 in 0 000 in 00 00 0 000 in 0 000 in 00 00 Stress Calcs |j Bending Analysis Ck 31 019 Cf 1 000 @ Center @ Left Support @ Right Support Shear Analysis Design Shear Area Required Fv Allowable Bearing @ Supports Max Left Reaction Max Right Reaction Le 0 000 ft Rb 0 000 Max Moment 2 76 k ft 000 kft 000 kft @ Left Support 079k 6 632 m2 118 75 psi 052 k 052k Sxx 31 641 in3 Area 16875in2 Cl 0 000 Sxx Reg d 26 30 in 3 0 00 m3 0 00 in3 @ Right Support 079k 6 632 In2 118 75 psi Bearing Length Req d Bearing Length Req d Allowable fb 1 257 81 psi 1 257 81 psi 1 257 81 psi 0 560 in 0560 in Title Rachman Residence Dsgnr M Alula Description Job* Date 1020AM 29 NOV 04 Scope Rev S60100 User KW 0603118 Ver561 250ct2002 Jc)1983 2002 ENERCALC Engineering Software General Timber Beam c \projecls\residentialVachman resldenceWer Description Roof header 1 Query Values M V & D @ Specified Locations Moment @ Center Span Location = 0 00 ft 0 00 k ft @ Right Cant Location = 0 00 ft 0 00 k ft ©Left Cant Location = 000 ft 000k ft Shear 243k 000k 000k Deflection 0 0000 in 0 0000 in 0 0000 in Sketch & Diagram Dmax 006Bln Rniax 2 4k Vmax@l It 24k Rmax 24k Vmax®,1 24k L* Location mi Title Rachman Residence Dsgnr M Alula Description Job# Date 1020AM 29 NOV 04 Scope : Rev 560100 User KW 0603118 Ver561 2SOct2002 (c)1983 2002 ENERCALC Engineering'Software General Timber Beam c \projects\resictentlal\ra hman resldenceWer Description Roof header 1 General Information Section Name 4x12 Beam Width Beam Depth Member Type Bm Wt Added to Loads Load Dur Factor Beam End Fixjty Wood Density Calculations are designed to 1997 3 500 in 11250m Sawn 1250 Pin Pin 35000pcf Center Span Left Cantilever Right Cantilever Douglas Fir Larch Fb Base Allow Fv Allow Fc Allow E 750ft Lu ft Lu ft Lu No 2 875 0 psi 95 0 psi 625 0 psi 1 600 0 ksi NDS and 1997 UBC Requirements 000ft 000ft 000ft Full Length Uniform Loads j Center Left Cantilever Right Cantilever DL DL DL 294 00 #/ft LL #/ft LL m LL 34500 #/ft #fft m 1 stfmmajy___j Span=750ft Beam Width Max Stress Ratio Maximum Moment Allowable Max Positive Moment Max Negative Moment Max @ Left Support Max @ Right Support Max M allow fb 741 22 psi Fb 1203 13 psi = 3 500in x Depth = 1 1 25m 0780 1 46kft 74 kft 4 56k ft at 000k ft at 000 kft 000 kft 740 fv 92 65 psi Fv 118 75 psi Ends are Pm Pin Maximum Shear* 1 3750ft 7500 ft Reactions LeftDL Right DL Allowable Shear Camber 1 14 k 1 14k 5 §Left Right ©Left @ Center @ Right Max Max Beam Design OK 36 k 47 k 243k 243k 0000 in 0049m 0000 in 243k 243k Deflections \ Center Span Deflection Location Length/Defl Camber ( using 1 5 @ Center @ Left @ Right Stress Calcs Bending Analysis Ck 31 019 Cf 1 100 @ Center @ Left Support @ Right Support Shear Analysis Design Shear Area Required Fv Allowable Bearing @ Supports Max Left Reaction Max Right Reaction Dead Load 0 033 in 3750ft 27671 0 L Defl ) 0 049 in 0 000 m 0 000 m Le 0 000 ft Rb 0 000 Max Moment 456 k ft 000 kft 000 kft @ Left Support 365k 30 722 m2 118 75 psi 243 k 243 k Total Load Left Cantilever 0 069 in Deflection 3 750 ft Length/Defl 129519 Right Cantilever Deflection Length/Defl Dead Load Total Load 0 000 In 0 000 in 00 00 0 000 in 0 000 in 00 00 .™_-__»^^ Sxx 73 828 m3 Area 39 375 m2 Cl 0 000 Sxx Reg d 45 48 m3 0 00 m3 0 00 in3 @ Right Support 365k 30 722 m2 118 75 psi Bearing Length Req d Bearing Length Reqd Allowable fb 1 203 13 psi 1 203 13 psi 1 203 13 psi 1 112 in 1 112 In Title Rachman Residence Dsgnr M Alula Description Job# Date 9 49AM 4 NOV 04 Scope Rev 560)00 User KW 0603118 Ver 5 6 1 25 Oct 2002 (c)1983 2002 ENERCALC Eng neenng Software General Timber Beam c \projects\resldenliahrachrnan residenceVver Description Deck Joist 1 Query Values M V & D @ Specified Locations Moment @ Center Span Location = 0 00 ft 0 00 k ft @ Right Cant Location = 0 00 ft 0 00 k ft @ Left Cant Location = 0 00 ft 0 00 k ft Shear 031 k 000k 000k Deflection 0 0000 in 0 0000 in 0 0000 in Sketch & Diagram 05k ft Dmax 0039I Rm 03k Vmax @ I ft 0 3k L-J Rmax 0 3k Vmax @ rt 0 3k 40 80 Locertion fftl Title Rachman Residence Dsgnr M Alula Description Job# Date 9 49AM 4 NOV 04 Scope Rev 560100 User KW 0803118 Ver 5 6 1 25 Oct 2002 (c)19831 2002 ENERCALC Eng neer ng Software General Timber Beam c \p ojects\resldential\rachma esida ceWer Description Deck Joist 1 General Information Calculations are designed to 1997 NDS and 1997 UBC Requirements jjj Full mssm Section Name 2x8 Beam Width Beam Depth Member Type Load Dur Factor Beam End Fixity Le^t^mfwwLo Center Left Cantilever Right Cantilever wmamafimKsmBBsaia&i 1 500 in 7250m Sawn 1000 Pin Pin ads DL DL DL Center Span Left Cantilever Right Cantilever Douglas Fir Larch Fb Base Allow Fv Allow Fc Allow E 22 00 m LL #/ft LL #/ft LL 600ft ft ft No 2 875 0 psi 95 0 psi 625 0 psi 1 6000ksi 8000 #/ft #/ft m. Lu 0 00 ft Lu 0 00 ft Lu 0 00 ft Repetitive Member _J Summary Beam Design OK Span= 6 00ft Beam Width = 1 Max Stress Ratio Maximum Moment Allowable Max Positive Moment Max Negative Moment Max @ Left Support Max @ Right Support Max M allow fb 419 16 psi Fb 1 207 50 psi 500m x Depth = 7 25m 0444 1 OSkft 1 3 kft 0 46 k ft at 0 00 k ft at 000 kft 000 k ft 1 32 fv 42 21 psi Fv 95 00 psi Ends are Pin Pin Maximum Shear * 1 3 000 ft 0 000 ft Reactions LeftDL Right DL Allowable Shear Camber 007 k 007k 5 @ Left @ Right ©Left @ Center @ Right Max Max 05 k 10 k 031k 031k 0000 in 0013m 0000 m 031k 031k Deflections | Center Span Deflection Location Length/Defl Camber ( using 1 5 @ Center ©Left @ Right Dead Load 0 008 in 3000ft 85542 DL Defl) 0013m 0 000 in 0 000 in Total Load Left Cantilever 0 039 m Deflection 3 000 ft Length/Defl 1 845 02 Right cantilever Deflection Length/Defl Dead Load Total Load 0 000 in 0 000 in 00 00 0 000 m 0 000 m 00 00 Stress Calcs jf Bending Analysis Ck 34 680 Cf 1 200 @ Center @ Left Support @ Right Support Shear Analysis Design Shear Area Required Fv Allowable Bearing @ Supports Max Left Reaction Max Right Reaction Le 0 000 ft Rb 0 000 Max Moment 046 kft 000 kft 000 kft @ Left Support 046k 4 832 m2 95 00 psi 031 k 031 k Sxx 13141m3 Area 10875m2 Cl 0 000 Sxx Reg d 4 56 in3 0 00 in3 0 00 m3 @ Right Support 046k 4 832 In2 95 00 psi Bearing Length Req d Bearing Length Req d Allowable fb 1 207 50 psi 1 207 50 psi 1 207 50 psi 0 326 in 0 326 in Title Rachman Residence Dsgnr M Alula Description Scope Job# Date 950AM 4 NOV 04 10 Rev 560100 User KW0603118 Ver561 260ct2002 (c)1S83 2002 ENERCALC Engineering Software General Timber Beam c\p ojectsVesldentiaKrachman resldenceXver Description Deck Beam 1 Query Values M V &D©Specified Locations Moment @ Center Span Location = 0 00 ft 0 00 k ft @ Right Cant Location = 0 00 ft 0 00 k ft @ Left Cant Location = 0 00 ft 0 00 k ft Shear 489k 000k 000k Deflection 0 0000 in 0 0000 in 0 0000 in Sketch & Diagram 2 16 3 27 4 37 5 *9 6 56 Location fftl Title Rachman Residence Dsgnr M Alula Description Job# Date 9 50AM 4 NOV 04 Scope lev 550100 User KW 0603118 Ver 5 6 1 25 Oct 2002 (c)1983 2002 ENERCALC Engineer! g Soflwa e General Timber Beam c \prolects\resldential\ achman resJd ce\ i Description Deck Beam 1 General Information Calculations are designed to 1997 NDS and 1997 UBC Requirements Section Name Prllm Beam Width Beam Depth Member Type Bm Wt Added to Loads Load Dur Factor Beam End Fixity Wood Density 35x11875 3 500 in 11 875 in Sawn 1 000 Pin Pin SOOOOpcf Center Span 1 1 00 ft Left Cantilever ft Right Cantilever ft Truss Joist MacMilian Parallam 2 OE Fb Base Allow 2 900 0 psi Fv Allow 290 0 psi Fc Allow 650 0 psi E 2 000 0 ksr Lu Lu Lu 000ft 000 ft 000ft Full Length Uniform Loads Center Left Cantilever Right Cantilever r^^^mm^y""^J DL 41400#/ft LL 46000 #/ft DL ft/ft LL m DL #/ft LL m Beam Design OK Span= 1 1 00ft Beam Width = 3 500in x Depth = 1 1 875m Ends are Pin Pin Max Stress Ratio Maximum Moment Allowable Max Positive Moment Max Negative Moment Max @ Left Support Max @ Right Support Max M allow fb 1 960 27 psi Fb 2 900 00 psi 0676 1 134k ft Maximum Shear * 1 5 73k 19 9k ft Allowable 13 44k ft at 5500ft Shear 000k ft at 11000ft 121 k @Left 489k @ Right 489k 000 k ft Camber ©Left 0000 in 000 k ft 1988 Reactions fv 176 35 psi LeftDL 236 k Fv 290 00 psi Right DL 2 36 k ©Center 021 7 in ©Right 0000 in Max 489k Max 4 89 k Deflections _____! Center Span Deflection Location Length/Defl Camber ( using 15 D L @ Center ©Left @ Right Dead Load Total Load Left Cantilever 0 144 in 0 300 in Deflection 5 500 ft 5 500 ft Length/Defl 9136 44058 Right Cantilever Defl ) Deflection 0 217 in Length/Defl 0 000 in 0 000 in Dead Load Total Load 0 000 in 0 000 in 00 00 0 000 in 0 000 in 00 00 Stress Gales | Bending Analysis Ck 21 298 Le Cf 1 000 Rb 0000ft Sxx 82259m3 Area 0 000 Cl 0 000 41 563 In2 Max Moment SxxRead Allowable fb @ Center @ Left Support @ Right Support Shear Analysis Design Shear Area Required Fv Allowable Bearing @ Supports Max Left Reaction Max Right Reaction 13 44 k ft 55 60 in3 0 00 k ft 0 00 m3 0 00 k ft 0 00 in3 @ Left Support @ Right Support 7 33 k 7 33 k 25 274 in2 25 274 in2 290 00 psi 290 00 psi 4 89 k Bearing Length Req d 4 89 k Bearing Length Req d 2 900 00 psi 2 900 00 psi 2 900 00 psi 2 148 in 2 148 In SUN Structural Engineering Inc Consulting Structural Engineers6 By M Alula Sht / JTT ' / '/ y"77 A .1 J, i i i J> 4- / / / • / > V )7- o Title Rachman Residence Dsgnr M Alula Description Job# Date 9 50AM 4 NOV 04 Scope 5HT Rev 560100 User KW 0603118 Ver 5 6 1 25 Oct 2002 (c)1983:2002 ENERCALC Engineering Software General Timber Beam c \project3\resident alVachman residence\ver Description Floor Beam 1 Query Values M V &D ©Specified Locations @ Center Span Location = @ Right Cant Location = @ Left Cant Location = 000 ft 000 ft 000 ft Moment 000k ft 000k ft 000k ft Shear 400k 000k 000k ™™™™J Deflection 0 0000 in 0 0000 in 0 0000 in [Sketch & Diagram 308Wfl Dmax 0 688ln Rmax 4 Ok Vn @l ft 40k Rmax 3 3k Vmax @ rt 3 3k \\e-ila ti re 636 Location fftl 180 Title Rachman Residence Dsgnr M Alula Description Job# Date 9 50AM 4 NOV 04 Scope 5HT Rev 560100 User KW 0603118 Ver 5 6 1 25 Oct 2002 (c)1983 2002 ENERCALC Engineering Software General Timber Beam c \projects\residentlsl\rachman residencelver Description Floor Beam 1 General Information Section Name Prllm Beam Width Beam Depth Member Type Bm Wt Added to Loads Load Dur Factor Beam End Fixity Wood Density 35x11875 3500m 11 875 in Sawn 1000 Pin Pin 50 000 pcf Calculations are designed to 1997 Center Span 1600ft Lu Left Cantilever ft Lu Right Cantilever ft Lu Truss Joist MacMillan Parallam 2 OE Fb Base Allow 2 900 0 psi Fv Allow 290 0 psi Fc Allow 650 0 psi E 2 000 0 ksl NDS and 1997 UBC Requirements \ 000ft 000 ft 000 ft Trapezoidal Loads | #1 DL @ Left DL @ Right 16400 #/ft 8800 #/ft LL@Left 41000 #/ft Start Loc LL@ Right 22000 #/ft End Loc 0000 ft 16000 ft l_ Summaiy^^ii, \^!^li^^9^^^^SfS^i^^SK^SKK^m Span= 1600ft Beam Width Max Stress Ratio Maximum Moment Allowable Max Positive Moment Max Negative Moment Max @ Left Support Max @ Right Support Max M allow fb 2 131 05 psi Fb 2 900 00 psi = 3 500m x Depth = 1 1 875m 0735 1 14 6k ft 199 kft 14 61 k ft at 7 0 00 k ft at 0 000 kft 000 kft 1988 fv 144 29 psi Fv 290 00 psi Ends are Pin Pin Maximum Shear 616ft 000ft Reactions LeflDL Right DL Allowable Shear Camber 122 k 1 02k 1 5 ©Left @ Right ©Left @ Center @ Right Max Max Beam Design OK 60 k 121 k 400k 329k 0000 in 0318m 0000 m 400k 329k Deflections \ Center Span Deflection Location Length/Defl Camber ( using 15 D L @ Center @ Left @ Right Dead Load Total Load Left Cantilever 0212m 7936ft 9056 Defl) 0318 in 0 000 in 0 000 in 0 688 in Deflection 7 936 ft Length/Defl 279 24 Right cantilever Deflection Length/Defl Dead Load Total Load 0 000 in 0 000 in 00 00 0 000 in 0 000 in 00 00 Stress Gates | Bending Analysis Ck 21 298 Le Cf 1 000 Rb @ Center @ Left Support @ Right Support Shear Analysis Design Shear Area Required Fv Allowable Bearing @ Supports Max Left Reaction Max Right Reaction 0000ft 0000 Max Moment 1461 kft 000 kft 000 kft @ Left Support 600 k 20 680 m2 290 00 psi 400k 329k Sxx 82 259 m3 Area 41 563 m2 Cl 0 000 Sxx Reo d 60 45 m3 0 00 m3 0 00 m3 @ Right Support 493k 17011 in2 290 00 psi Bearing Length Req d Bearing Length Req d Allowable fb 2 900 00 psi 2 900 00 psi 2 900 00 psi 1 757 In 1 446 in Title Rachman Residence Dsgnr M Alula Description Job# Date 254PM 9NOV04 Scope SffT Rev 560100 User KW 0603118 Ver 5 6 1 25 Oct 2002 (c)1983 2002 ENERCALC Engineering Software General Timber Beam c \prolects\residential\rachman res denceVver Description Floor Beam 2 Stress Calcs Bending Analysis Ck 21 298 Le Cf 1 000 Rb @ Center @ Left Support @ Right Support Shear Analysis Design Shear Area Required Fv Allowable Bearing @ Supports Max Left Reaction Max Right Reaction 0000ft 0000 Max Moment 3410 k ft 000 k ft 000 k ft @ Left Support 776k 26 747 ir>2 290 00 psi 568k 897 k Sxx 171500in3 Cl 0 000 Sxx Reg d 141 09 in3 0 00 in3 0 00 m3 @ Right Support 1269k 43 750 in2 290 00 psi Bearing Length Req d Bearing Length Req d Area 73 500 m2 Allowable fb 2 900 00 psi 2 900 00 psi 2 900 00 psi 1 665 in 2 628 in Query Values M V & D @ Specified Locations Moment @ Center Span Location = 0 00 ft 0 00 k ft ©Right Cant Location = 000 ft 000k ft @ Left Cant Location = 000ft 000k ft Shear 568k 000k 000k Deflection 0 0000 In 0 0000 in 0 0000 in Sketch & Diagram Mm Dmax 1318 Rmax 5 7k Vmax @ left 5 7k Rmax 9 OX Vmax @ rt 9 Ok - 16 L- -5-x Ho - 'LL 17 98 2 2* 22 5 Location ftfi Title Rachman Residence Dsgnr M Alula Description Job* Date 254PM 9 NOV 04 Scope 5M I Rev 560100 User KW 0603118 Ver 5 6 1 25 dot 2002 (c)1983 2002 ENERCALC Engineering Software General Timber Beam c \projects\residenlial\rachman residenceWer Description Floor Beam 2 General Information Calculations are designed to 1997 NDS and 1997 UBC Requirements Section Name Prllm 5 25x14 0 Beam Width Beam Depth Member Type Bm Wt Added to Loads Load Dur Factor Beam End Fixity Wood Density 5 250 in 14000m 1 000 Pin Pin 50 000 pcf Center Span 2250ft Lu Left Cantilever ft Lu Right Cantilever ft Lu Truss Joist MacMillan Parallam 2 OE Fb Base Allow 2 900 0 psi Fv Allow 290 0 psi Fc Allow 650 0 psi E 20000ksi 000ft 000 ft 000ft Full Length Uniform Loads Center DL Left Cantilever DL Right Cantilever DL 12800#/ft m.m LL LL LL 32000 m m m Point Loads Dead Load 1 225 0 Ibs Live Load 2 773 0 Ibs distance 20 500 ft Ibs Ibs 0000ft Ibs Ibs 0000ft Ibs Ibs 0000ft Ibs Ibs 0000ft Ibs Ibs 0000ft Ibs Ibs 0000ft I SwmmarK^i Span=2250ft Beam Width Max Stress Ratio Maximum Moment Allowable Max Positive Moment Max Negative Moment Max @ Left Support Max @ Right Support Max M allow fb 2 385 73 psi Fb 2 900 00 psi = 5250mx Depth = 14 in 0823 1 341 kft 414 kft 34 10 k ft at 0 00 k ft at 000 kft 000 kft 4145 fv 172 62 psi Fv 290 00 psi Ends are Pin Pin Maximum Shear * 1 11970ft 22 500 ft Reactions LeftDL Right DL Allowable Shear Camber 1 84 k 284k 5 t Left Right @Left @ Center @ Right Max Max Beam Design OK 127 k 21 3 k 568k 897k 0000 in 0636m 0000 m 568k 897k Deflections | Center Span Dead Load Deflection 0 424 in Location 11 430 ft Length/Defi 636 7 Camber ( using 1 5 D L Defl) @ Center 0 636 in @ Left 0 000 in @ Right 0 000 m Total Load 1 318 in 11 430 ft 20487 Left Cantilever Deflection Length/Defi Right Cantilever Deflection Length/Defi Dead Load 0 000 in 00 0 000 in 00 i otai Loaa 0 000 in 00 0 000 In 00 Title Rachman Residence Dsgnr M Alula Description Job* Date 228PM 9 NOV 04 Rev 560100 User KW 0603118 Ver 5 6 1 25 Oct 2002 (0)1983 2002 ENERCALC Eng eering Soflwa e Scope Steel Beam Design c \projectsVesldentisi\rachman res dence\ver Description Floor beam 3 Section Properties Depth Width Web Thick Flange Thickness Area W14X53 13 920 in 8 060m 0370 In 0 660 in 1560in2 Weight I XX lyy S xx Syy 52 99 #/ft 541 00 m4 57 70 m4 77 730 m3 14318ln3 rxx ryy Rt 5 889 in 1 923 in 2150 in Sketch & Diagram Rmax 13270k Vmax @ I ft 13 270k Urns* 77 2k ft Dmax 0 4881 Rmax Vmax @rt B9 230 Location fftl /6= / t.- O L= Title Rachman Residence Dsgnr M Alula Description Job* Date 228PM 9NOV04 Scope 5rfT IS Rev 560100 User KW 0603118 Ver5 6 1 25 Oct 2002 (c)1983 20Q2 ENERCALC Eng eer ng Software Description Floor beam 3 Steel Beam Design c \projecte\residenlialVachman residence^ General Information Steel Section W14X53 Center Span Left Cant Right Cant Lu Unbraced Length 2300ft 000ft 000ft 000ft Calculations are designed to AISC 9th Edition ASD and Fy Pinned Pinned Load Duration Factor Bm Wt Added to Loads Elastic Modulus LL & ST Act Together 1997 UBC Requirements 36 OOksi 1 00 290000ksi * Distributed Loads \ #1 DL 0 349 LL 0 260 ST Start Location End Location 23 000 Trapezoidal Loads #1 DL @ Left DL @ Righl 0 086 #2 DL @ Left 0 128 DL @ Righl #2 0128 0320 15000 LL @ Left LL @ Right LL @ Left LL @ Right #3 #4 #5 ST @ Left 0100 ST@R!gh1 0 320 ST @ Left ST @ Righl #6 k/ft k/ft k/ft k/ft #7 k/ft k/ft k/ft ft ft Start ft End 2T 000 ft Start 15000ft End 23 000 ft \ Summary I Using W 14X53 section Span = 23 00ft Fy = 360ksi End Fixity = Pinned Pinned Lu = 0 00ft LDF = 1 000 Actual Moment fb Bending Stress fb/Fb Shear fv Shear Stres fv/Fv 77 158k ft 11912ksi 0501 1 13270k 2 577 ksi 0179 1 Allowable 153 905k ft 23 760 ksl 74166k 14 400 ksi Beam OK Static Load Case Governs Stress Max Deflection 0 466 in Length/DL Defl 12255 1 Length/(DL+LL Defl) 5920 1 Force & Stress Summary , k « These columns are Dead •*• Live Load placed as noted » Max M + Max M Max M @ Left Max M @ Right Shear @ Left Shear @ Right Center Defl Left Cant Defl Right Cant Defl Query Defl @ Reaction @ Left Reaction @ Rt Maximum 77 16 kft 1327k 1261k 0 466 m 0000 in 0 000 m 0000ft 1327 1261 DL Only 3721 637 630 0225 0000 0000 0000 637 630 LL @. Center 7716 1327 1261 0466 0000 0000 0000 1327 1261 LL+ST (ffi Center 0466 0000 0000 0000 1327 1261 LL @ Cants 0000 0000 0000 0000 LL+ST @. Cants kft kft kft kft k k 0 000 in 0 000 in 0 000 in 0 000 In k k FacalcdperEq E21 KL/r<Cc I Beam Passes Table B51 Fb per Eq F11 Fb = 0 66 Fy Title Rachman Residence Dsgnr M Alula Description Job* Date 218PM 9NOV04 Scope Rev 560100 User KW 0603118 Ver561 25Oct2002 (c)1983 2002 ENERCALC Engineering Software Steel Column c \prgJectsVesidenlial\rachnnan resldenceWer Description Column 1 Sketch & Diagram Axl IDL 63k Ax! ILL 631k A I 1ST Ok s Title Rachman Residence Dsgnr M Alula Description Scope Job# Date 218PM 9 NOV 04 StfT Rev 560100 User KW 0603118 Ver 5 6 1 25 Oct 2002 (c)19832002 ENERCALC Engineer ng Software Steel Column c \projects\resldentlsl\rachman residenceWer Description Column 1 General Information Steel Section P3STD Column Height 10000ft End Fixity Pin Pin Live & Short Term Loads Combined Calculations are designed to AISC 9th Edition ASD and 1997 UBC Requirements bj Fy Duration Factor Elastic Modulus X X Unbraced Y Y Unbraced 46 00 kst 1000 29 000 00 ksi 10000ft 10000ft X X Sidesway Y Y Sidesway Kxx Kyy Restrained Restrained 1000 1000 Loads h Axial Load Dead Load Live Load Short Term Load 630k 631 k k Ecc for X X Axis Moments Ecc for Y Y Axis Moments 0 000 in 0 000 in ) > Sowmary^^i Section P3STD Height = 1000ft Axial Unbraced Lengths XX = 1000ft YY Combined Stress Ratios AISC Formula H1 1 AISC Formula H1 2 AISC Formula H1 3 (XAxis FacalcdperEa E21 fYAxis FacaledoerEa E2 1 Stresses K*L/r<Cc .KUr<Cc Column Design OK Loads DL = 6 30 LL = 6 31 ST = 0 00k Ecc = 0 OOOin = 1000ft Dead Live DL + LL DL + ST + (LL if Chosen) 02053 02056 04109 04109 01024 01025 02049 02049 | Allowable & Actual Stresses Fa Allowable fa Actual Dead 13 76 ksi 2 83 ksi Live 13 76 ksi 2 83 ksi DL + LL DL + Short 13 76 ksi 5 65 ksi 1376 ksi 5 65 ksi Fbxx Allow [F31] fb xx Actual 30 36 ksi 0 00 ksi 30 36 ksi 0 00 ksi 30 36 ksi 0 00 ksi 30 36 ksi 0 00 ksi Fbyy Allow [F31] fb yy Actual 30 36 ksi 30 36 ksi 30 36 ksi 0 00 ksi 0 00 ksi 000 ksi 30 36 ksi 0 00 ksi Analysis Values | Fex DL+LL Fey DL+LL Fex DL+LL+ST Fey DL+LL+ST 14 044 psi 14 044 psi 14044 psi 14 044 psi Max X X Axis Deflection 0 000 in Section Properties Diameter Thickness P3STD 3 50 in 0216 in Cm x DL+LL 0 60 Cm y DL+LL 0 60 Cm x DL+LL+ST 0 60 Cmy DL+LL+ST 060 at 0 000 ft Max Y Y Axis Deflection Weight 7 57 #/ft Area 2 23 in2 Cbx DL+LL Cby DL+LL Cbx DL+LL+ST Cby DL+LL+ST 0 000 in at Ixx lyy Sxx Syy rxx ryy 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 0000ft 3 02 in4 302m4 1 726 in3 1 726 m3 1 164m 1 164m 1 Title Rachman Residence Dsgnr M Alula Description Scope Job* Date 203PM 9NOV04 Rev 5601 00 User KW 0603118 Ve 5 6 1 25 Oct 2002 (c)1 983 2002 ENERCALC Engineer ng Software Square Footing Design c \projects\resident aUracliman res!dence\ e Description Pad Footig 1 General Information Calculations are designed to ACI318-95 and 1997 UBC Requirements | Dead Load Live Load Short Term Load Seismic Zone Overburden Weight Concrete Weight LL & ST Loads Combine Load Duration Factor Column Dimension 6300k 6310k 0000k 4 0 000 psf 145 00 pcf 1 000 3 00 in Footing Dimension Thickness # of Bars Bar Size Rebar Cover fc Fy Allowable Soil Bearing 3000ft 18 00 in 4 5 3250 2 500 0 psi 60 000 0 psi 2 000 00 psf Reinforcing Rebar Requirement Actual Rebar d depth used 200/Fy As Req d by Analysis Mm Remf /o to Req d 14 438 in 00033 0 0002 m2 0 0014 /„ As to USE per foot of Width Total As Req d Mln Allow / Remf 0 243 m2 0 728 m2 00014 Footing OK 3 00ft square x 1 8 Om thick with 4 #5 bars Max Static Soil Pressure Allow Static Soil Pressure Max Short Term Soil Pressure Allow Short Term Soil Pressure Mu Actual Mn Phi Capacity 1 61861 psf 2 000 00 psf 1 61861 psf 2 000 00 psf 2 34k ft/ft 25 95 k ft / ft Vu Actual One Way Vn Phi Allow One Way Vu Actual Two Way Vn Phi Allow Two Way Alternate Rebar Selections 4 #4s 3 #5s 2 #7s 1 #8s 2 46 psi 85 00 psi 16 94 psi 170 00 psi 2 #6s 1 #9s 1 #10s &A wA SUN Structural Engmeerrng, Inc Consulting Structural Engineers8 - 6 - . f g - o TV Pt -|JL-.. - I ,...L_ = Q By M Alula Sht T- D P^^ C 2. s oo: V - fo ENGINEERING SUN Structural Engineering Inc Consulting Structural Engineers r - 50' X 2_o - &OQ "2 (fa. -^£— f /x^--Ax /6 "^ >^' ^v ^^ "** Vsl Reef W 7 Rachman Residence Date 11/2004 By M Alula Sht 73 - 6 A 4 x ^s - o ENGINEERING SUN Structural Engineering Inc Consulting Structural Engineers Rachman Residence Date 11/2004 By M Alula Sht S'ECTIOA;-X 2-0 ExT v = o "i3 ^ "iX x /^ c « - X x/ ^^ H- - II ENGINEERING SUN Structural Engineering, Inc Consulting Structural Engineers Rachman Residence Date 11/2004 By M Alula Sht Zb n- H- _ _ ENGINEERING SUN Structural Engmeermg, Inc Consulting Structural Engineers B M AM Sh x) -^'\l/ 0 2ft LJ5t _ _ ENGINEERING SUN Structural Engineering, Inc Consulting Structural Engineers BM Alula Sh !.=»• - |6 \J - c> o-T V 0 T fT-LB> _ 32.24> _ _ ENSINEERING oi ».. 0* L • r- •SUN Structural Engineering Inc Consulting Structural Engineers Rachman Residence Date 11/2004 g M AJula sh SHEA*- 22. -f- T R M6- U3 TV ft Al ENGINEERING «, .... tvi x . _ .SUN Structural Engineering Inc Consulting Structural Engineers Rachman Residence Date n/2004 g ,., . i ^ s< t ^a ^* 1 3 53 T LJA/C-f) V = x C M gcfc i At 6-,0 O P. ENGINElBNG SUN Structural Engineering, Inc Consulting Structural Engineers Rachman Residence Date 11/2004 By M Alula Sht 30 \/ =. <»« ^ C H£IK QW£ gJU ^.A'Ntr AloM £A/T P^O. IEERINQ SUN Structural Engineering, Inc Consulting Structural Engineers op Air kfs<s>tiAlG- Rachman Residence Date 11/2004 By M Alula Sht 3 ( > ^777 -^ p? r>[ vj £*- / U/j i I ^ t at at — s« a« st JK j.< i *> ( J* S r .'.'^..... i , I 1 f.r. j j: i j. If \/ =Lfi 2_ K Title Rachman Res Job # Dsgnr Description M Alula Date 9 54AM 8 NOV 04 Nodes Node Label 1 2 3 4 Member Member Label A B C Node Coordinates X Y ft ft 0000 0000 31000 31000 0000 11 000 11000 0000 Property Label TS8x8x1/2 W14x53 TS8x8x1/2 FastFrame 2-D Frame Analysis v509 Page 1 X Restraint Fixed Fixed Endpomt Nodes 1 Node j Node 1 2 2 3 3 4 Node Y Restraint Z Restraint Temp deg F Fixed Fixed 0 0 0 Fixed Fixed 0 Member , End Re|eases j End ReleasesLengthft X Y Z X Y Z 11 000 31 000 11 000 Member Stress Check Data Member Unbraced Lengths Label Lu Z ft Lu XY A B C 11 000 16000 11 000 11000 16000 11 000 Slenderness Factors Alsc Bending & stability Factors K Z K XY Cm Cb 1 00 1 00 Internal Internal 1 00 1 00 Internal Internal 1 00 1 00 Internal Internal Materials Member Label Beam Default Steel Youngs Density Thermal Yield ksi kef rn/100d ksi 2900000 0490 0000650 3600 1 00 0 000 0 000000 1 00 2900000 0490 0000650 4600 Section Sections Prop Label Group Tag TS8x8x1/2 W14x53 ~~ W14x61 ~ Material Steel Beam Beam Area 14 400 m2 "~ 15600m2 ~~ 17900m2 Depth Tf Ixx Width Tw lyy 8 000 in 0 500 in 131 00 ifi4 8000 in 0500m 131 00 in4 13920m 0660m 541 00 m4 8 060 in 0 370 in 57 70 m4 13 890 in 0 645 in 640 00 in4 9995m 0375 in 10700 in4 Member Point Loads Member Label A A B B B B Magnitude Distance from 1 Node 7 545 k 11 000 ft 9150k 11000ft 1836k 16000ft 3 846 k 16 000 ft 3 034 k 29 500 ft 3 330 k 29 500 ft Load Direction Global Y Global Y Global Y Global Y Global Y Global Y Load Case Factors #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 1 000 1000 1000 1 000 1 000 1000 Member Distributed Loads Member Label B B B B Load Magnitudes Start Finish 0128 0128 k/ft 0 164 0 164 km 0410 0410 k/ft 0 243 0 243 k/ft Load Extents Start Finish ft ft 0 000 31 000 16 000 31 000 16000 31000 0 000 31 000 Load Direction Global Y Global Y Global Y Global X Load Case Factors #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 1000 1000 1000 1000 (C) 1988 2001 ENERCALC 3ROJECTS\RESIDENTIAL\RACHMAN RESIDENCES V509 Title Rachman Res Job* Dsgnr Description M Alula Date 954AM 8Novo4 FastFrame 2-D Frame Analysis vaos Page 2 Load Combinations Load Combination Description COLUMN* COLUMN CONNECTION* CONNECTION DL+LL DL*LL+SEISM1C DRIFT Stress Increase 1000 1 700 1000 1000 1000 1 330 1 000 Gravity Load Factors X Y 1000 0850 1 000 1 000 1 000 1000 1 000 #1 1 000 0850 1 000 1000 1 000 1000 1000 Load Combination Factors #2 #3 *4 #5 0700 1 000 1 000 1000 1000 1000 4500 4500 4500 -4500 1000 1400 L 4 L 4 u 33 -4--f -+LL 4- LL L, (c) 1988 2001 ENERCALC 3ROJECTS\RESIDENTIAL\RACHMANRESIDENCE\S V509 Title Rachman Res Job* Dsgnr Description M Alula Date 949AM 8NOV04 FastFrame 2-D Frame Analysis vso9 Page 1 Node Displacements & Reactions Node Label 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 Load Combination DL+LL DL+LL+SEISMIC DL-i-LL DL+LL+SEISMIC DL+LL DL+LL+SEISMIC DL+LL DL+LL+SEISMIC Node Displacements X Y Z in in Radians 4 928 E 014 0 0 1 162 E-014 0 0 0 03598 0 00785 0 00322 021238 000747 000411 0 04003 0 00590 0 00437 0 20833 0 00628 0 00349 4 928 E 014 0 0 8 695 E 014 0 0 Steel Stress Checks Member Label A A B B C C Load Combination DL+LL DL+LL+SEISMIC DL+LL DL+LL+SEISMIC DL+LL DL+LL+SEISMIC Overall Maximum 0484 0193 0547 0408 0500 0547 Node Reactions X Y k k 4 92831 25 09205 116181 2389232 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 92831 18 95053 869481 2015026 @ Left End 1/4 Span 1/2 Span 3/4 Span @ Right Enc 0297 0139 0145 0303 048 0077 0105 0133 0161 019 0264 0160 0504 0449 010 0090 0168 0382 0296 018 0500 0342 0184 0067 024 0547 0338 0128 0156 039 Z kft 19 37780 3 45783 0 0 0 0 1661585 3945148 Shear 0033 0006 0226 0182 0033 0044 (c) 1988-2001 ENERCALC 3ROJECTS\RESIDENTIAL\RACHMAN RESIDENCES V509 Title Rachman Res Job* Dsgnr M Alula Date Description SHT 35" 950AM 8NOV04 FastFrame 2-D Frame Analysis vaos Page 1 Member End Forces Member Label A A B B C C Load Combination COLUMN* COLUMN COLUMN* COLUMN COLUMN* COLUMN Node Axial k 1591268 1601543 12 79384 1894843 20 84810 1 85801 1 End Forces Shear k 12 79384 1894843 1 42368 9 14403 21 10466 14 95007 Moment ftk 8647514 11046908 54 25714 97 96364 11532726 68 58261 Node Axial k 1 42368 9 14403 21 10466 14 95007 21 38710 231616 J End Forces Shear Moment k ftk 1279384 1894843 20 84810 1 85801 21 10466 14 95007 54 25714 97 96364 11532726 68 58261 11682395 9586817 k. (c) 1988 2001 ENERCALC 3ROJECTS\RESIDENTIAL\RACHMAN RESIDENCES V509 Title Rachman Res Job* Dsgnr Description M Alula Date 9 52AM 8 NOV 04 FastFrame 2-D Frame Analysis vao g Page 1 Node Displacements & Reactions Node Label 1 2 3 4 Load Combination DRIFT DRIFT DRIFT DRIFT Node Displacements X Y Z m in Radians 0 031173 0 30768 1 020 E 013 0 0 00732 0 00644 0 0 0 00446 0 00314 0 Node Reactions X Y k k 034479 0 0 1020141 2341242 0 0 20 63016 Z kft 1259208 0 0 48 58573 = D'V.I **>= D ~~ o (c) 1988 2001 ENERCALC 3ROJECTS\RESIDENTIAL\RACHMANRESIDENCE\S V509 Title Rachman Res Job # Dsgnr Description M Alula Date 1018AM 8NOV04 FastFrame 2-D Frame Analysis vso9 Page 1 Member End Forces Member Label A A B B C C Load Combination CONNECTION* CONNECTION CONNECTION* CONNECTION CONNECTION* CONNECTION Node Axial k 1969325 30 49085 12 02094 21 87756 2381033 13 01273 I End Forces Shear k 12 02094 21 87756 2 45925 13 25685 21 87756 12 02094 Moment ftk 83 38254 122 13813 48 84785 11851498 121 27693 -46 08590 Node Axial k 245925 1325685 21 87756 12 02094 24 34933 13 55173 J End Forces Shear Moment k ftk 12 02094 21 87756 23 81033 1301273 21 87756 12 02094 48 84785 11851498 121 27693 4o 08590 11937618 86 14449 U<>fa K (c) 1988 2001 ENERCALC 3ROJECTS\RESIDENTIAL\RACHMAN RESIDENCES V509 ENGINEERING SUN Structural Engineering, Inc Consulting Structural Engineers AJr Rachman Residence Date 11/2004 By M Alula Sht V Z-P > V - 3o x!i. — V\L =r A xJ>u -> - -^ ' - 3 Title RACHMAN RES Job* Dsgnr Description M Alula Date 251PM 8Novo4 FastFrame 2-D Frame Analysis vsos Page 1 Nodes Node Node Coordinates Label X Y XRe ft ft 1 0000 2 0000 3 30 000 4 30 000 0000 F 11 000 11 000 0000 F Member Member Endpomt N< Label Property Label |Node j A TS8x8x1/2 1 B W14x53 2 C TS8x8x1/2 3 Member Stress Check Data Member Unbraced Lengths Label Lu Z ft Lu XY A 11000 11000 B 1 000 1 000 c 11000 11000 Node straint Y Restraint Z Restraint Temp degF xed Fixed Fixed 0 0 0 xed Fixed Fixed 0 jdes Member (End Releases J End Releases Node LT'h X Y Z X Y Z 2 11000 3 30 000 4 11 000 Slenderness Factors MSC Benenrtg & stability Factors K Z K XY Cm Cb 1 00 1 00 Internal Internal 1 00 1 00 Internal Internal 1 00 1 00 Internal Internal Materials Member Label Column Default Steel Youngs ksi 29 000 00 100 29 000 00 Section Sections Prop Label Group Tag Default TS8x8x1/2 ~ W14x53 ~ AreaMaterial Default 1 °°° "column y 1440° ~ Steel y 1560° Density Thermal Yield kef in/100d ksi 0 490 0 000650 46 00 0 000 0 000000 1 00 0 490 0 000650 36 00 Depth Tf Ixx Width Tw lyy m2 0 000 in 0 000 In 1 00 m4 0 000 In 0 000 in 0 00 in4 m2 8 000 In 0500m 131 00 m4 8000m 0500m 131 00 m4 m2 13920m 0660 In 541 00 m4 8 060 in 0 370 in 57 70 In4 Member Point Loads Member Label A A C C Magnitude Distance from 1 Node 4020k 11000ft 2950k 11000ft 3 830 k 0 000 ft 9 580 k 0 000 ft Load Direction Global Y Global Y Global Y Global Y Load Case Factors #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 1 000 1000 1 000 1 000 Member Distributed Loads Member Label B B B Load Magnitudes Start Finish 0 503 0 503 k/ft 0610 0610 k/ft 0 242 0 242 k/ft Load Extents Start Finish ft ft 0 000 30 000 0 000 30 000 0 000 30 000 Load Direction Global Y Global Y Global X Load Case Factors #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 1000 1 000 1000 (c) 1988 2001 ENERCALC 3ROJECTS\RESIDENTIAL\RACHMAN RESIDENCES V509 Title RACHMAN RES J°t># Dsgnr M Alula Date Description 251PM 8NOV04 FastFrame 2-D Frame Analysis V509 Page 2 Load Combinations Load Combination Description COLUMN* COLUMN CONNECTION* CONNECTION DEFLECTION DL+LL DL+LL+SEISMIC Stress Increase 1000 1700 1 000 1000 1 000 1000 1330 Gravity Load Factors X Y 1 000 0850 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 #1 1000 0850 1000 1000 1 000 1000 1 000 Load #2 0700 1 000 1000 1000 1000 1000 Combination Factors #3 #4 #5 4500 -4500 4500 4500 1400 1 000 L- L L i> c - U L -f ' (c) 1988 2001 ENERCALC 3ROJECTS\RESIDENTIAL\RACHMANRESIDENCE\S V509 Title RACHMAN RES Job # Dsgnr Description M Alula Date SHT 318PM 8NOV04 FastFrame 2-D Frame Analysis v6o9 Page 1 Node Displacements & Reactions Node Label 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 Load Combination DL+LL DL+LL+SEISMIC DL+LL DL+LL+SEISMIC DL+LL DL+LL+SEISMIC DL+LL DL+LL+SEISMIC Node Displacements X Y Z in in Radians 6 757 E 014 0 0 3 127 E 014 0 0 0 00302 0 00782 0 00521 0 24076 0 00744 0 00604 0 00235 0 00985 0 00520 023539 001023 000437 6 757 E 014 0 0 1 039 E 013 0 0 Node Reactions X Y k k 675660 2500106 3 12660 23 80234 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 75660 31 43944 10 38660 32 63816 Z kft 24 66429 271517 0 0 0 0 24 68872 46 63784 Steel Stress Checks Member Label A A B B C C Load Combination DL+LL DL+LL+SEISMIC DL+LL DL+LL+SEISMIC DL+LL DL+LL+SEISMIC Overall Maximum 0662 0333 0590 0443 0677 0674 @ Left End 1/4 Span 1/2 Span 3/4 Span @ Right Enc 0361 0144 0198 0415 066 0070 0096 0171 0247 033 0343 0331 0585 0460 018 0162 0290 0443 0310 023 0677 0460 0244 0128 037 0674 0424 0174 0198 048 Shear 0046 0016 0236 0173 0046 0053 (C) 1988 2001 ENERCALC 3ROJECTS\RESIDENTIAL\RACHMAN RESIDENCES V509 Title RACHMAN RES Job* Dsgnr Description M Alula Date 318PM 8NOV04 FastFrame 2-D Frame Analysis VBOS Page 1 Member End Forces Member Label A A B B C C Load Combination COLUMN* COLUMN COLUMN* COLUMN COLUMN* COLUMN Node Axial k 1597655 16 35946 1063875 1907378 2013995 1 69582 1 End Forces Shear k 1063875 1907378 9 35255 1248431 22 03125 1359622 Moment ftk 77 97561 10877396 39 05066 101 03764 12276035 60 78964 Node Axial k 9 35255 12 48431 22 03125 1359622 31 21495 5 40947 J End Forces Shear Moment k ftk 1063875 1907378 20 13995 1 69582 22 03125 1359622 39 05066 101 03764 122 76035 60 73964 11958338 88 76876 (c) 1988 2001 ENERCALC 3ROJECTS\RESIDENTIAL\RACHMAN RESIDENCES V509 Title RACHMAN RES Job# Dsgnr M Alula Date Description 5MT-S3 319PM 8Novo4 FastFrame 2-D Frame Analysis vso 9 Page 1 Node Displacements & Reactions Node Label 1 2 3 4 Load Combination DEFLECTION DEFLECTION DEFLECTION DEFLECTION Node Displacements X Y Z in m Radians 1 675 E 014 0 33586 0 33048 1 184 E 013 0 0 00729 001038 0 0 0 00637 0 00404 0 Node Reactions X Y k k 1 67460 0 0 1183860 23 32285 0 0 3311765 Z kft 6 06448 0 0 5541750 D "&' (c}19882001 ENERCALC 3ROJECTS\RESIDENT)AL\RACHMAN RESIDENCES V509 Title RACHMAN RES Job # Dsgnr Description M Alula Date 319PM 8Novo4 FastFrame 2-D Frame Analysis V5o9 Page 1 Member End Forces Member Label A A B B C C Load Combination CONNECTION* CONNECTION CONNECTION* CONNECTION CONNECTION* CONNECTION Node Axial k 1960680 30 39533 9 57840 23 09160 22 88470 12 09617 1 End Forces Shear k 9 57840 23 09160 12 09780 22 88633 2309160 9 57840 Moment ftk 74 10676 12343535 31 25565 13057225 13054782 31 28007 Node Axial k 12 09780 22 88633 23 09160 9 57840 36 83370 2604517 J End Forces Shear Moment k ftk 9 57840 2309160 22 88470 12 09617 2309160 9 57840 31 25565 130 57225 13054782 31 28007 123 45978 74 08234 = i*fc. o x 3t> (c) 1988 2001 ENERCALC ^ROJECTSVRESIDENTIALVRACHMAN RESIDENCES V509 Title Rachman Residence Dsgnr M Alula Description Job* Date 11 17AM 29NOV04 Scope ^HT ng Rev 560100 User KW 06031 18 Ver561 2SOct2002 (c)1983 2002 ENERCALC Engineering Software Description Circular pole General Information Allow Passive Max Passive Load duration factor Pole is Circular Diameter Restrained @ Surface Moments @ Surface Point load Distributed load With Surface Restraint Req d Depth Pressure @ Base Actual Allowable Surface Restraint Force _ Pole Em with Point & Uniform 250 00 pcf 1 500 00 Psf 1 330 30 000 in 4644200 ft# 000 6291 ft 1 995 00 psf 1 995 00 psf 13 696 19 Ibs ^^^Loads mmsem^^Applied Loads Point Load 4 222 00 Ibs distance from base 1 1 000 ft Distributed Load 0 00 #/ft distance to top 0 000 ft distance to bottom 0 000 ft Total Moment 46 442 00 ft-# Total Lateral 4 222 00 Ibs - f 422 u TITLE 24 REPORT Title 24 Report for Rochman Residence w/Addition Chinquapin Ave Carlsbad, Ca 92008 Project Designer Travis Deal Design 3095 State St Carlsbad, Ca Report Prepared By Michael Dell DELL CO 1629 York Drive Vista, CA 92084 (760) 940-0064 Job Number M2-11e Date 12/17/2004 The EnergyPro computer program has been used to perform the calculations summarized in this compliance report This program has approval and is authorized by the California Energy Commission for use with both the Residential and Nonresidential 2001 Building Energy Efficiency Standards This program developed by EnergySoft LLC (415) 883 5900 EnergyPro 3 1 By EnergySoft Job Number r12 11 e User Number 1712