HomeMy WebLinkAbout1130 CAPE AIRE LN; ; CB141131; Permit05-22-2014 Job Address; Permit Type: Parcel No: Valuation: Occupancy Group: Project Title: City of Carlsbad 1635 Faraday Av Carlsbad.CA 92008 Cogeneration Permit Permit N0:CB141131 Building Inspection Request Line (760) 602-2725 1130 CAPE AIRE LN CBAD COGEN Sub Type: EVG 2061402300 Lot#: 0 $0.00 Constuction Type: NEW Reference #: GUNTER RES - ELECTRIC VEHICLE CHARGER IN GARAGE, OUTLET ONLY - NO PANEL UPGRADE Status: ISSUED Applied: 05/22/2014 Entered By: SKS Plan Approved: 05/22/2014 Issued: 05/22/2014 Inspect Area: Plan Check #: Applicant: AMPED ELECTRIC AND DEVELOPMENT STE 133 8280 CLAIRMONT MESA BL SAN DIEGO CA 92111 Owner: GUNTER DONNA L TRUST 02-14-06 1130 CAPE AIRE LN CARLSBAD CA 92008 858-480-1490 Building Permit $0.00 PLUMBING TOTAL $0.00 Add'l Building Permit Fee $156.00 ELECTRICAL TOTAL $0.00 Plan Check $0.00 MECHANICAL TOTAL $0.00 Add'l Plan Checl< Fee $0.00 Additional Fees $0.00 Plan Check Discount Strong Motion Fee Green Bldg Stands (SB1473) Fee $0.00 $1.00 $1.00 TOTAL PERMIT FEES $158.00 Total Fees: $158.00 Total Payments To Date: $158.00 Balance Due: $0.00 Inspector: FINAL APPROW^LI JjJlW^Clearance: Date: NOTICE: Please take NOTICE that approval of your project includes the "Imposition" of f^s, deiications, reservations, or other exactions hereafter collectively refen-ed to as "fees/exactions." You have 90 days from the date this permit was issued to protest imposition of these fees/exactions. If you protest them, you must follovi the protest procedures set forth in Government Code Section 66020(a), and file the protest and any other required information with the City Manager for processing in accondance with Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 3.32.030. Failure to timely follow that procedure will bar any subsequent legal action to attack, review, set aside, void, or annul their imposition. You are hereby FURTHER NOTIFIED that your right to protest the specified fees/exactions DOES NOT APPLY to water and sewer connection fees and capacity changes, nor planning, zoning, grading or other similar application processing or service fees in connection with this project. NOR DOES IT APPLY to any fees/exactions of which vou have previously been oiven a NOTICE similar to this, or as to which the statute of limitations has previously othenvise expired. THE FOLLOWING APPROVALS REQUIRED PRIOR TO PERMmSSUANCE: • PLANNING •ENGINEERING • BUILDING DFIRE • HEALTH • HAZMAT/APCD 1^ « CITY OF CARLSBAD Building Pemiit Application 1635 Faraday Ave., Carisbad, CA 92008 Ph: 760-602-2719 Fax: 760^2-8558 email: building@carlsbadca.gov W www.cai1sbadca.gov Plan Check No. CJ^ / ^ / / ^ ] Est. Value Plan Ck^Dei Date SWPPP JOBADDRESS 1130 Cape Aire Lane SUITEt/SPACEt IAPN - CT/PR0JECr# LOT# PHASE # # OF UNrrs #BEDROOMS fBATXROOMS IBMNT BUSINESS NAME «)NSTR.lYPt OCO GROUP DESCRIPnONOFWORK: /iKhHfe Square AM oTAffilcM/lrMfs; Install NEMA 14-50 receptacle in the garage EXISnNO USE PROPOSED USE GARAGE (SF) PATIOS (SF) DECKS (SF) FIREPLACE YESr~k AIR CONDITIONING YESFINOI 1 RRE SPRINKLERS YEs| INOI 1 APPUCANTNAME PriiMn CmttacC Dylan Williams PROPERTYOWNER *"*'^r^^^Q^,^,^}^f^Q^\^^^ ADORESS 8280 Clairemont Mesa Blvd Suite 133 ADDRESS 1130 Cape Aire Lane CITY San Dieao STATE CA ZIP 92111 aTY Carlsbad STATE ZIP CA 92008 PHONE 858-480-1490 FAX PHONE 760.729.4060 FAX EMAIL Dylan@Amped-Electric.com EIMAIL Radianthus@gmail.com DESMM PItOFESSIOttAL CONTRACTOR BUS. NAME Amped Electric ADDRESS ADDRESS 8280 Clairemont Mesa Blvd. Suite 133 CITV STATE ZIP CITY STATE San Dieao ZIP CA 92111 PHONE FAX PHONE 858-480-1490 FAX EIVIAIL EMAIL Dylan@Amped-Electric.com STATE U& # STATE UC.# 959956 CLASS |cnYBUs.ua# C-10 1 1238640 ir any structure, prior to its issuance, also requires the pter 9, commending with Section 7(KX) of Division 3 of ttie [.5 by any applicant fbr a penmit subjects the appiicantto a (Sea 7031.5 Business and Professions Code: Any City or County which requires a pennit to construct alter, improve, demolish or r applicant tbr such permit to file a siewd statement that he is licensed pursuant to the provisions of the Contractor's License l^w | Business and Professions Code) or Siat he is exempt therefrom, and the basis fbr the alleged exemption. Any violation of Section 7 civil penalty of not more than five hundred dollars {$500)). W ORKERS' COMP EN S A T I ON Wortwt'Coinpantaiton Dedartf on: / Aeraty alBrm undar penaAy of pei^ HI hn* and will malnUIn I cwtHhaU of consent to self-intut* fix workers'oompensatto 3700 of the Latior Code, kv the peifbmiance of the worii fix wliKh this perniit is Issued. I hma and wlH niabMn wortiers'coimMmation, as required by Sectkm 3700 of the Labor Code, k^ numtier are: Insurance Co. PolfcyNo. Expiratkin Date TJjs sectkin need not be completed if tie pennk is fcr one hundred dollais ($100) or less. whk^ this pemrit is issued, i shall not emptoy any person >i any manner so as to become subject to the VIkiriteis igetounlwlul, M shin ti4iact an employer to GrtnM pennies and CM nJJW of the Labor code, intereit and tflomy'*'***- ^ I Ail •AGENT DATE [7] Certfflcate of Exemption: I certily that in «ie CaUtornla. WARNING: Faihue to wcomciflm' addWon to the cost of compensallon/danMoes k I M£ CONTRACTOR SCNATURBJ—^ J( OWNER.BUilOE.-; DErLARA TIO M /Aeietqr affinn lAaf / arn exemfjf fom CMacto^^ I I I, as owner of Itie pioperty or my emptoyees m wages as thek soto compensafion, wH do the wori( and the stiuc^ Lfcense Law does not apply to an owner of property who buitos or improves thereon, and who does such «^ sato. If, hoiii«ver, the buitokig or improvement is soto wilhto one year of comptolton, the owner-buito I I I, as owner of the property, am exckisively contracting with Ifcensed contractors to constnict the pipi^ not apply to an owner of property who buikls or impioves Ihereon, and contracts tor such piojects with contiackif(s) ifcens^ r~l I am exempt undw Sectton Business and Professtons Code for this reason: 1.1 personally plan to pravkto the major labor and malerials tor ccnstniclkin of the proposed property Impro •Yes Oto 2.1 (have / have not) signed an appitoatton fbr a buikling pemiit for the proposed woik. 3.1 have contracted with the foltowing person (firm) to provkle the proposed constmctton (inckide name address / phone / contractors' lfcense number): 4.1 plan to provtoe portkins of the work, but I have hired the foltowing peison to coordkiate, supeivise and provtoe the makir wortt (kickide name / address / phone / contractors' license number): 5.1 will provkle some of the work, but I have contracted (hired) the folkiwing peisons to provkle the wortt Indfcated (inckide name / address / phone / type of woik): JSTPROPERTY OWNER SIGNATURE •AGENT DATE COMPtETE THIS SECTION FOR If O N . R E S 11} E if Tl A L » l| It O IN G P ER M IT S ONLT^ Is the applk»itf or fulm bulking occupant required to submit a business plan, acutely hazanlous matoiiato legisl^^ Prestoy-Tanner Hazardous Substance Account Act? OYes ONo Is Ihe applfcant or future bdUkig occupart required to oblato a pennit from the air polulton conirol dto^ I3Yes ONo Is the ^Hty to be constmcted witNn 1,000 feet of Ihe outer boundary of a school site? OYes ONo IF ANY OF THE ANSWERS ARE YES, A FIIML CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY MAY NOT BE ISSUED UNLESS THE APPLICANT HAS MET 0^ EMERGENCY SERVICES AND THE AIR POLLUTION CONTROL DISTRICT. CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCT I hereby affiim that there is a oonstrucflon lending agency fbr the perfbrmance of the mioik this pennit is issued (Sec. 3097 0) Civil CoiSe). Lender's Name Lender's Address A P P11 C A N T CERTIFICATION IcertiVthatlhaveieadtheapplcrilonandsMslhatlheabawinfcmialton Is oonect and that Ite I heieby authoiize represenialive of the Oly of Cailsbad toenterupon Ihe abo^ AGAINST AU LIABILITIES, JUDGMBfES^COSTS AND EXPBISES WHICW MAY IN ANY WAY ACCRUE AGAINST SAID CITY IN CONSEQUefCE OF THE GRANTING OF THIS PB^fT. OSHA An ()SHA pemit is requied ^i'ei(»^l(ons over fO'deep and defflcMi^ EXPIRATION: Eveiy pemiit issued, 180 days Iom 8ie dato of such >4!S'APPLICANT'S SIGNATUI of Ihis ()ode shal expie by imilalton and become nul and vokl I lhe buUIng or vn^ such ppmii is suspended or abandoned at any tiro ate lhe woik Is commenced for I peind of 180 da^ DATE Inspection List Permit*: CB141131 Type: COGEN EVG GUNTER RES - ELECTRIC VEHICLE CHARGER IN GARAGE, OUTLET ONLY Date Inspection Item Inspector Act Comments 11/07/2014 34 Rough Electric PY AP 11/07/2014 39 Final Electrical PY AP Tuesday, April 07, 2015 Page 1 of 1 vV Amped Eledriccd Contractors Ucmse #«S99S6 8S8.480.M90 wwwJVmpcd-Etectiic.com Dyian9Ainp«d-Electric.com Load Calculation for 1130 Cape Aire Lane Carlsbad Prepared 5/21/14 General Loads For Sin gfe Family Residential Calculated under 220.82B NEC 201 » Description Base Value Multiplier Extended Value Code Reference General Lighting and Receptacles 3 Watts/SF 1716 5148 220.82B1 Small Appliance and Laundry Circuits 1500 Watts Each 3 4500 220.82B2 Electric Cooktop Per Nameplate Rating 21.7 5208 220.82B3B Single Electric Oven Per Nameplate Rating 0 220.82B3B Double Electric Over Per Nameplate Rating 21.25 5100 220.82B3B Dishwasher Per Nameplate Rating 12 1440 220.82B3A Microwave Per Nameplate Rating 9.2 1104 220.82B3A Disposer Per Nameplate Rating 8 960 220.82B3A Electric Clothes Dryer Per Nameplate Rating 0 220.82B3C Forced Air Unit Per Nameplate Rating 0 220.82B4 Electric Water Heater Per Nameplate Rating 0 220.82B3D Pool Motor 74S.7W/HP or PNR 0 220.82B4 Pool Heater Per Nameplate Rating 0 220.82B4 Spa Motor and Heater Per Nameplate Rating 0 220.82B4 Refrigerator Per Nameplate Rating 6.5 780 220.82B3 Permanently Installed Appliance 2 Per Nameplate Rating 220.82B3 Permanently Installed Appliance 3 Per Nameplate Rating 220.82B3 Permanently Installed Appliance 4 Per Nameplate Rating 220.82B3 General Load Subtotal 24240 First lOKW @ 100% 10000 Remainder @ 4096 General Load Total 15696 RECEIVED MAY 2 2 2014 CITY OF CARLSBAD BUILDING DIViSION Amped Electric Amped Electric Electrical Contractors License #959956 858.480.1490 www.Amped-Electric.com Dylan9Amped-Electric.com Heating, Cooling and EV Charging Loads For Single Family Residential Calculated under 220.82C NEC 2008 Description Base Value Multiplier Extended Value Code inference Nameplate Ratings of AC Equipment 100% 0 220.82C1 Nameplate Ratings of Heat Pump NO Supplemental Heat 100% 0 220.82C2 Heat Pump NPR With Supplemental Electric Heating 100% of Heat Pump 0 220.82C3 Supplemental Electric Heating for Heat Pump 65% of Supplemental 0 220.82C3 Less Than Four Electric Space Heaters 65% 0 220.82C4 GreaterThan Three Electric Space Heaters 40% 0 220.82C5 Electric Vehicle Charger 30 100% 7200 Heating and Cooling Loads Total 7200 Combined Load Calculation and Expected System Demand General Load Total in Watts 15696 Heating, Cooling 8i EV Load Total in Watts 7200 Combined Total in Watts 22896 Total Service Amperage Necessary 95.4 Amped Electric Rmliabilify, integrity and dear eommimieatlon Amped Electric Electrical Contractors Ucense #959956 858.480.1490 wwwJbnped-Electric.com Dylan^Amped-Electriccom Panel Schedule For 1130 Cape Aire Lane Carlsbad Breaker Slot Description Amperage A 1 B A 3 B 30 A Cooktop 30 5 B A EV Charger SO 7 B Cooktop 30 A 9 B A 11 B •9- Breaker Slot Description Amperage 2 A Service Disconnect 100 2 B Service Disconnect 100 4 A Service Disconnect 100 4 B Service Disconnect 100 6 A 30 6 B 30 8 A 30 8 B 30 10 A 10 B W0li£xv^C^2--IT 12 A 12 B 0 RECEIVED MAY 22 2014 CITY OF CARLSBAD BUILDING DIViSION Amped Electric Reliabmty, integrity and dear eommurticaUon Amped ElecMc O v. g-r—r:-rrrr-rj... K RECEIVED MAY 2 2^01^ CITY OF CARLSBAD BUILDING DIVISION Amped Electric Amped Electric Electrical Contractors License #959956 8S8.480.M90 wwwJlmped-Electric.com Dylcm9Ampecl-Bectric.com Job Invoice Client Name Nick Galu2zi Invoice TesIa Receptacle Address 1130 Cape Aire Lane Carlsbad 92008 Date 5/21/14 Description of Work Performed Install receptacle for EV charging in the garage as detailed in proposal dated 4/25/14 titled "TesIa Receptacle" RECEIVED MAY 2 2 2014 CITY OF CARLSBAD BUILDING DIVISiON Grand Total $1,025 Paid 5/21/14 Amped Electric //MhMUty, iiOemftyf trnddeta" eonumadcaOon MOBILE CONNECTOR-NEMA 14-50 RECEIVED MAY 22 2014 CITY OF CARLSBAD BUILDING DiViSiON your Model S. ^° "^^ere you plan to park evening, or when convenient Wng in each Curren. 50 amp circuit breaker / 40 amp con«nuous draw v^re for fnstaliatior ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ — « AWa • Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter (GFCI,: Not r.<,u.>ed • Service disconnect; Not required over 16 feet long) and minimum 18 inches above the ground RECOMMENDED OUTLET LOCATIONS -jr\e Qf two vehicle garage I hree vehicle garage I Need help sourdng an electrician, or have questions about home charging instaflation' Email TesIa at: ^nsrgino.nKlaifalion Sr^signsca's.iQfri or 1-877-798-37S2