HomeMy WebLinkAbout1143 CAMINO DEL SOL CIR; ; CB152752; Recycle(cicyof Carlsbad WASTE MANAGEMENT PLAN e .. sg Development Services Building QMsion 1635 Faraday Avenue 760-602·2719 www.carlsbadca.gov For resldenti;I additions and p~/vofuotion greater than or equal to $75,000 o.nd all Demo permits Owner: ... fJ,,d:\.... .. £..~ .. \-:::G:.J. Contractor: -Estimated Cost of Project $ r-:;._c,_.• ··~,j. ... 0 .... •-00 ..... · ._. ·-· ---·---- Type of Project: O New Construction {Q1(emodel or T.I. ~Sidential OCommerciat ODemolition (check alt that apply} O Other Non-hazardous construction waste generated during the course of this project shall be recycled and/or salvaged for re-use at a rnit1imum of 50% per CALGreen Sec. 5.408.1. Fatlure to comply may result in a penalty. fee up to $1,000. For projects which consist of mainly equipment and/or racking, that have a combined weight of new construction disposal that does not exceed 2 lbs per square foot of building area affected by thls permlt, may be deemed to meet the 50% minimum requi.rement upon approval of Building Department. ALTERNATIVE FORMS OF COMPLIANCE: (If selected, do not complete Tables 1 & 2 below) D Construction waste Shall not exceed 2 lbs. per sf. of area. All receipts shall be provided to the Builcling.Official prior to final. (This option not applicable for most construction projects.) Square feet of construction area X 2 lbs, "' lbs. of allowable waste. 0 t plan on using a WASTE MANAGEMENT roll.off bin. All receipts shall be provided to the Building Official prior to final. Table 1 -Estimated Waste (To be filled out prior to permit Issuance. refer to example on Page 2.) MATf.RlALS lbs. of waste to be taken to !bs. of \'f'aste to be LANDFILL RE·USEO:or RECYCLED Waste Hauling Company or Re,Use MethOd Asphalt/ Concrete •"'2--. Mixed Waste 1Sc.,.o Trash Garba e Other: TOTAL lbs: ~\'2.,,0 ·~ rsz__ Estimated Percentage to be Re*Used or Recycled ~'4 % l certi~m,~El~~~in: to the best of~~ knowledge, is true and correct. Contractoror ner{priotnaJ!)il ~ ~.. '2$Jl:.J,..J..J -----Contractor {signature) Official Use Only 0 Plan Approved O Plan Dented 0Project Valuation Approved Reviewed/ Approveo by: ____________________ _ Table 2 -Actual Waste (To be completed after construction.) MATERIALS Asphalt/ fk,ocrete Landscape Debris ~ Lumber/ ~ood Metals Mixed Waste Trash Garba e Other: TOTAL tbs.; lbs. of was1e taken to LAMOFlLL Actual F1ercentage Re-Used or Recycled Official Ose Only lbs. of waste RE·USEO or RECYCLED , 1 ... _ p--~-wt Waste. Hauling Company or Re-Use Method (complet-e only if different than Table 1l _µ .--_( ~ O 50% Goal Achieved 050% Goal Not Achieved OAUernative Compliance Achieved Penalty Paid $ ______ _ Reviewtid( Approved by:. __ ,__-----~---------- EXAMPLE! Use the foUowmg example as a guide to completing this form. MATERIALS lb•, of wente 10 be !Ok<i><l lo lb,.. of wn.i., in be 1.ANDFlLl RE-USED or RECYCLfD ' Asphalt I Cm:icn:te .. 0 2000 Brick I Masonry WO +sc Cardboard 0 150 Drywali 0 50 Landscape Debris 0 120 Lumber f Wood 500 0 Metals ::::oo :wo Mixed Waste 1500 0 Trash f Garbage 300 0 Other: PcsoL c;.._v,ite 0 c}OO TOTAL lbs.; :::ty~oo 3'Ft;-f0 PercentaJe to be Re-Used or Recycled 59 °/,:i formula: IQtal Re-um1g or Recycf@Q {Tota! Compined Waste) x 100 = % Re.used or Recycled Wtnie Havllng Company or Re·U-;e Method ABC f-tauLi.v..C1 Go. WM I Re"u.se.i ls.t·ick o.~,,,-s[te AB,C rtt:luli.v...c\ en. A-SC Hciutt!A,C\ C!l. MvJched .IS; Re.-1 .. csed Qi,,..sU:e vvaste Mav;,ac;ec,;,1,ev.t Wtv·, I ABC HCl:.{Uv .. 0 W/V1 WM V..SeCl as Crusned 'g;.i;ise ov.-;;tte JS}Q X 1.00 = 59% Re-Used or Recycled {2700 + 3870) Since 59% exceeds the minimum requirement of 50%, this plan complies. Page2 ol 2 Ticket I: 1384028 PALOMAR TRANSFER 5960 EL CAMINO REAL CARLSBl~D, CA 92C08 Weighmaster: IN.,.. perryda OUT -ARANGLO (760)603-0153 000999 -CASH AND CHECK CUSTOMER APDRESS carlsbad, CA 92008 Contract: RESIDENTIAL-Yr. 2 GROSS 20,280 TARE 12,400 NST ·1, 8;:10 Tracking Qty: 0.00 Qty 3.94 Unit Description TN MSW Origin: CARLSBAD Scale In Scale Out 100% In: January 15, 2016 Out: January 15, 2016 W:hicle: CD Ref: 20280/300a BOL: INBOUND CASH Rate Extension $64.95 $255-.90 Tax S0.00 Total Paid Change EDIT CARD-SCALE 12: 27 pm 12:43 pm Total $255.90 $255.90 $255.90 $0.00 a PALOMAR TRANS FER 5960 EL CAMINO REAL CARLSBAD, CA 92008 (760) 603-0153 000999 -CASH AND CHECK CUSTOMER ADDRESS carlsbad, CA 92008 Contract: RESI -GATE Yr. 2 GROSS 15,960 Scale In TARE 12,400 Tart:: Out NET 3,560 Tracking Qty: o.oo Qty Unit Description 1. 78 TN MSW 54 Ticket I: 1386669 Weighmaster: ARANGLO In: January 2016 Out: Jam.1.ary 22, 2016 Vehicle: A777 Ref: BOL: INBOUND CASH Rate Extension Tax $64. 95 $115. 61 $0.00 Origin: CARLSBAD 100% Signature: Total Paid Change EDIT CARD-SCJU:,E 11:55 am 11:55 am Total $115.61 $115. 61 $11$.61 $0.00 V PALOMAR TRANSFER 5960 EL CAMINO REAL CARLSBAD, CA 92008 (760) 603-0153 000999 -CASH AND CHECK CUSTOMER ADDRESS carlsbad, CA 92008 Contract: RESJ -GA'l'E Yr. 2 GROSS 16,520 Scale tn TARE 12,400 Tare Out J:•lET 4, 120 Tracking Qty: o.oo Qty Unit Description 2.06 TN MSW Ticket #: 1407361 We.ighmaster: RAMOSAL In: March 11, 2016 Out: March 11, 2016 Vehicle: A666 Ref: SOL: INBOUND CASH Rate Extension $64.95 $133.80 Tax SO.GO Origin: CARLSBAD 1ooi Total Paid Change .EDIT CARD-SCALE 11:10 am 11:10 am Total $133.80 $133.80 $133.80 $0.00 J\F: PALO~a\R TRANSFER S960 EL CAfUNO RJ<J\.L CARLSBAD, CA 92008 (760)603-0153 000999 -CASH AND CHECK CUSTOMER ADDRESS carlsbact, CA 92008 contract: RESI -GATE Yr. 2 GROSS 15,840 Scale In TARE NET Tracking Qty: 12,400 Tare Out 3,440 0.00 (Jty Unit Description 1. 72 TN MSW 1J Ticket #: 1409966 v1eighmaster: loprear In: March 17, 2016 Out: March 17, 2016 Vehicle: A 777 Ref: BOL: INBOUND CASH Rate Extension S 64 . 9 5 $111 . 71 Tax $0.00 Origin: CARLSBAD 1ooi Total Paid Change EDIT CARD-SCALE ture: 12:13 pm 12:13 pm Total s111.n $111.71 Slll.71 $0.00 AM PALOMAR TRANSFER 5960.EL CAMINO REAL CARLSBAD, CA 92008 {760) 603-0153 000999 -CASH AND CHECK CUSTOMER ADDRESS carlsbad, CA 92008 Contract: RE.SIDENTIAL-Yr. 2 GROSS TARE NET Tracking Qty: 17,540 12,420 5,120 0.00 Unit Description 2.56 TN :MSW Scale In Tare Out : Ticket I: 1492566 Weighmaster: LOPREAR In: September 19, 2016 Out: September 19, 2016 Vehicle: A44419 Ref: BOL: INBOUND CASH Rate Extension $66.00 $168 .96 Tax $0.00 Oriqin: CARLSBAD 100% Total Paid Change EDIT CARD-SCALE Sigriature: 7:29 am 7:29 am Total $168.96 $168.96 $168.96 $0.00 DISC MOOl>'t"S El.< "OIU/.ON 1rnn.AMATI( l~ PO BOX %9 BONSAI.I..<",\ IJ}(KH , 1,,0, .n ,. 1 Ju,• FAX 17Clm .1\J-M<11 ··---··--rr ·--·--··· ........ _ ... __ ---·-·---· ,/'"'1 ,'. 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WIii.fi r·,." iH,J.11' 1 , -\ , 1.'Al(IIIAI ,..,t" ·r __ IOAOCOIINl 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 I-.. ,_. ___ ~ .:i< 10 ----······--... ---"-·. ·--. ---· -····-·----·-------··- . /r'l · · •LOADS X l'AICL ---------------SIGNMURF All bills. duu lll)(lll fllllt.tlflllll1t11• unlollb 011111,w,w ,manQ(ld "' ,ldvo'IIICll Op,m ,1cc:ou11~ ~•ll!ll'!I 10 I If.?% monll•. ChllfQtl alto, 30 dAV!l Ul•lllltd blllonc11 OTHCA CHARO(: S / "'ii'"· ,,., $ ,• (. {./. lOTAI -:-1'!-/1 · .. /. / fo'., _ ... !HUCK I MOODY'S ... no, f05jl(lltSlhftl lo, ll1111~'11JII Ill Vl!hw:hl wh1l11 l1o1111g kl.l'Wl ot 1J1~0.111 .. ,11t1 v,11d ·- • I.OAOS ::t!ilJA!Ultf. MOODY'S I ·.I I '( >R ,\/.C lN Kl~< 'tAM,\ rt ON PO BOX IJhCJ H<)NSAI.J.. C'A t>~rnn 1 lf10J -tH .HH1 • f;AX 17<1111 ·0.\,f,hl)I ;;:·) / {/ _9..!!Jj:H CIIARfj[ S /.. \ ,s' (_.,' TIH Al. ---.J ----7· ... j/:~t?~ __ L_ __ HtUCI( • -...._ AU fullis ctll•~ .,,w.10 pu,•,4•11!,,t.uo ut11••*1h ,•1tltnw1 .. ,• u,~UHJdd Ill :•·•~.u·.-0 C ):14)1\ ,f.1Tlltt11f1<, ·,4.t111•J ttt t 11:1"., ,t,oftth 1·h1v~1,•:1Jh11 1n ,,t~tv!i utt1ut111 h.tl•tt1101 Mnnu·,·s •• , !tlfl tt•!.Sat'JW",•bl,• to, ,t.tmd~,., tu •••t-•·l•• "tul•• t,llflthJ lils,1ttmt 4tl ,,,,11,.t1f,11f m ,.,nt l8Bt1S i" i i [ __ --·:--~-~_--.----~~ -~ ---.-~.------_------;-~--_,_.,._._ LQAO.J;; ~J __ 1 2 _L ii LOADS MOODY'S EL CORAZON RECLAMATlON POB0X969 BONSALL, CA 92003 (760) 433-3316 • FAX (760) 433-6691 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 X PRICE OTHER CHARGES $7'7 ' ------···---------SIGNATURE 10 All bills due upon presentation unless otherwise ar1anged tn advance. Open accounts subject to 1 1/2% month, charge after 30 days unpaid balance. MOODY'S is not responsible for damage to vehicle while being loaded or unloaded in yard. LOAD COUNT 1 2 SIGNATURE MOODY'S EL CORAZON RECLAMATION POB0X969 BONSALL, CA 92003 (760) 433-3316 • FAX (760) 433-669 J RESIOENCE 3 4 5 6 1 8 9 10 OTH~HARGEe,,(J $J TOTAL Al! bills due upon presentation unless otherwise arranged in advance Open accounts subject to 1 1/2"k month, charge after 30 days unpaid batam,'et MOODY'S is not responsible for damage to vehicle while being loaded or unloaded in yard. CITY OF ORIGIN LOAD COUNT 1 2 l #LOADS SIGNATURE MOODY'S EL CORAZON RECLAMATION PO BOX969 BONSALL, CA 92003 (760) 433-3316 • FAX (760) 433·6691 JOB# PATE RESIDENCE TIME FLATBED ENO DUMP T& T 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 /cf) X PRICE OTHER CHARGES TOTAL 10 All bills due upon presentation unless otheiwise arranged in advance. Open accounts subJect to 1 1t2% month, charge after 30 days unpaid balance. TRUCK# MOODY'S is not responsible tor damage lo vehicle while being loaded or unloaded in yard. / . ltlOAOS MOODY'S EL CORAZON RECLAMATION PO BOX 969 BONSALL, CA 92003 (760) 433,3316 • FAX (760) 433-·6691 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 X ,~CHARG~ .,I-, \ A"U All bills doe upon presentation unless otherwise ,manged in advance. Open accounts subjilct to 1 1/2% month, charge after 30 days unpaid balance. MOODY'S Is not responsible !or damage to vehicle while being loaded or unloaded in yard. CASH AME CITY OF ORIGIN JOB LOCATION PU l T~~::::_ -- LOADCCUNT 1 2 .\, #LOADS SIGNATURE MOODY'S EL CORAZON RECLAMATION POB0X969 BONSALL, CA 92003 (760) 433-3316 • FAX (760) 433-6691 DATE RESIDENCE TtME ' ':,,,· } ~. rLATBED BOBTAIL 110-WHEEL 1 ENDDUMP r&T MATERIAL •'' 3 4 5 6 1 8 9 X PRICE OTHEi:l.CHARGES TOTAL 10 All bills due upon presentation unless otherwise arranged in advance. Open accounts subject to 1 1 /2% month, charge after 30 days unpaid balance. TRUCK# MOODY'S is not responsible for damage to vehicle while being loaded or unloaded in yard. JOB COPY -I CHECK IE 'OF ORIGIN LOCATION fi TRAlhEA ,f ," \DCOUNT 1 2 GNATURE MOODY'S EL CORAZON RECLAMATION POBOX969 BONSALL, CA 92003 (760) 433-3316 • fAX (760) 433-6691 JOB# DATE COMMERCIAL j .,,fl" /. , .. ,,: RESIDENCE TIME l ".-:,' lFLATl3EO-BOBTAIL ,10-WHEEL \ENDDUMP IT&T __ .. , .... ··:; MATERIAL/ .-,· ', ..... -""·'' ' ,~re· . ,:' 3 4 5 6 1 8 9 X OTHER CHARGES TOTAL 10 H b11s due upon presentation unless oth~rwise rranged in advance. Open accounts subJect to 112"/o month, charge after 30 days unpaid alance. TRUCK# MOODY'S is not responsible for damage to vehicle while being loaded or unloaded in yard. P .. CASH CHECK NAM CITY OF ORIGIN JOB LOCATION MOODY'S EL CORAZON RECLAMATION POBOX969 BONSALL, CA 92003 (760) 433-33l6 • FAX (760) 433-6691 JOB# Ci'l~RGE RESIDENCE TIME f,,,,· "''')~,,_..,,.,.,.y ... · PU . , TRA.IL~~,// I FLATBED BOBTAIL 110-WHEEL 'END DUMP r & T " / . LOAD COUNT MA TERI~ :' / ./:'' 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 8 9 I\/ #LOADS X PRICE OTH!;R CHARGES ,,/''---' ... ,.;,0 TOTAL 10 SIGNATURE All bills doe upon presentation unless otherwise arranged in advance. Open accounts subject to 11/2% month, charge after 30 days unpaid balance. TRUCK# MOODY'S is not responsible for damage to vehicle while being loaded or unloaded in yard. NAME CITY OF ORIGIN JOB LOCATION PU ITR~IL!~ ~,. LOAD COUNT 1 2 1"'( J ; #LOADS SIGNATURE MOODY'S . EL CORAZON RECLAMATION · -.-po BOX 969 BONSALL, CA 92003 , (760) 433-3316 • FAX (760) 433-6691 .JOB# CHARGE / " COMMERCIAL ·<~" \,~:)ii ) / r:. ._,), ( . /' DATE RESIDENCE TIME ' .. ,' //~/ vjlc· .\:. .... ~,,,.) rLATBED BOBTAIL 110-WHEEL 'END DUMP r & T MATERIAL 'J )ll .t··•' 3 4 5 6 1 8 9 X PRICE OTHER CHARGES $ 10 All bills due upon presentation unless otherwise arranged in advance. Open accounts subject to 1 1/2% month, charge after 30 days unpaid balance. MOODY'S is not responsible for damage to vehicle while being loaded or unloaded in yard. JOB COPY