HomeMy WebLinkAbout1145 CARLSBAD VILLAGE DR; ; CB880283; Permitr;DECLARATIONS LENDER WORKER S COMPENSATION OWNER/BUILDER CONTRACTOR ^!f t~Bg E|°™^°SS§S I"g-i°i = ~ = |§^? |\ * <» 5 s sij*5B§f P s§* * While — Inspector Green — (1) Finance (2) Data Process Yellow — Assessor Pink — Applicant Gold — Temporary Fite t SPECIAL CONDITIONS(/! 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Him St. UNIT NUMBER- TJ NUMBER OF UNITS PHASE NO 223-0568 , fire, plan, h2o BY BY INSPECTED BY DATE .^ INRPFCTTFrL ^> — ^^- DATE INSPECTED DATE INSPECTED APPROVED APPROVEP APPROVED DISAPPROVED DISAPPROVED DISAPPROVED Rev 1/36 WHITE Suspense BLUE Water District GREEN Engineering CANARY Utilities PINK Planning GOLD Rre FINAL BUILDING INSPECTION PLAN CHECK NUMBER PROJECT NAME ADDRESS PROJECT NO TYPE OF UNIT CONTACT PERSON CONTACT TELEPHONE INSPECTED BY V INSPECTED BY INSPECTED BY DATE UNIT NUMBER PHASE NO _1_ NUMBER OF UNITS DATE INSPECTED DATE INSPECTED DATE INSPECTED APPROVED APPROVED APPROVED DISAPPROVED DISAPPROVED DISAPPROVED COMMENTS / Rev 1/86 WHITE Suspense BLUE Water District GREEN Engineering CANARY Utilities PINK Planning GOLD Fire PLAN CHECK NUMBER PROJECT NAME ADDRESS PROJECT NO TYPE OF UNIT CONTACT PERSON CONTACT TELEPHONE FINAL BUILDING INSPECTION R7-UOR 5 SIQ9Z3 RECEIVED ,-„ .. 2 6 ,988 DATE co. 11 IS Him St. UNIT NUMBER It NUMBER OF UNITS PHASE NO . T . B , 223-OSSa , firo, INSPECTED /y BY INSPECTED BY INSPECTED BY DATE INSPECTED DATE INSPECTED DATE INSPECTED APPROVED APPROVED APPROVED DISAPPROVED DISAPPROVED DISAPPROVED COMMENTS Rev 1/86 WHITE Suspense BLUE Water District GREEN Engineering CANARY Utilities PINK Planning GOLD Fire PLAN CHECK NUMBER PROJECT NAME ADDRESS PROJECT NO TYPE OF UNIT CONTACT PERSON CONTACT TELEPHONE FINAL BUILDING INSPECTION , & 3aim: DATE ;-: 3-ja oil ce. 1145 ~ UNIT NUMBER NUMBER OF UNITS PHASE NO INSPECTED BY INSPECTED BY INSPECTED BY DATE INSPECTED DATE INSPECTED APPROVED APPROVED APPROVED DISAPPROVED DISAPPROVED DISAPPROVED COMMENTS Rev 1/86 WHITE Suspense BLUE Water District GREEN Engineering CANARY Utilities PINK Planning GOLD Fire PLAN CHECK NUMBER ' '"' * \<f ~'a . PROJECT NAME ADDRESS FINAL BUILDING INSPECTION\ 87-120R & 889283 shell oil co. 4-25-88 DATE 1U5 Elm St. PROJECT NO TYPE OF UNIT UNIT NUMBER TI comm NUMBER OF UNITS PHASE NO CONTACT PERSON Greg - G.T.B. CONTACT TELEPHONE 223-0568 blcJg, engin, fire, plan ,h2o INSPECTED BY J INSPECTED BY INSPECTED BY DATE INSPECTED DATE INSPECTED DATE INSPECTED APPROVED APPROVED APPROVED DISAPPROVED DISAPPROVED DISAPPROVED COMMENTS Costa Real Municipal Water District _ Engineering Department 1QOQ19BB (619)438-3367 , 1 f ' r^ \1 \\. U Ml in (3LJZi \^y r^ LI ! - U\"\/7VL/R"LHj - APR 2'r I98£liAA.1 LL-1 COSTA REAL NICIPAI WATFR DISTRICT Rev 1/86 WHITE Suspense BLUE Water District GREEN Engineering CANARY Utilities PINK Planning GOLD Fire County of San Diego R J Sommervtlle Air Pollution Control Officer February 23, 1988 Mr. Richard H. Meyers District Engineer Shell 011 Company P.O. Box 4848 Anaheim, CA 92803 Dear Meyers: After examination of your Application No. 870598 for an Amendment to the A1r Pollution Control District Authority to Construct Issued 1n response to Application No. 860722 and a revision to Permit to Operate No. 7578 for a gasoline dispensing facility (No. 1308) located at 1145 Elm Street, Carlsbad, CA., the District has decided on the following action pursuant to California Health and Safety Code Section 41960, and Rule 20 of the A1r Pollution Control District Rules and Regulations: Authority to Construct 1s granted to replace all the dispensers and add a total of ten (10) nozzles and replace the underground tanks at the above specified facility, The basic gasoline storage, dispensing, and vapor recovery equipment Is to consist of: one (1) 12,000 gallon storage tank (new) for Premium gasoline with eight (8) dispensing nozzles, one (1) 12,000 gallon storage tank (new) for Regular gasoline with eight (8) dispensing nozzles, one (1) 12,000 gallon storage tank (new) for Unleaded gasoline with eight (8) dispensing nozzles. a new two-point Phase I gasoline storage tank vapor control system and a new Emco Wheaton Balance Phase II vehicle fueling gasoline vapor control system. This Authority to Construct 1s Issued subject to the following conditions: 1. A copy of this Authority to Construct letter shall be posted or kept readily available at the above specified facility until the District Issues the Permit to Operate. 2. The applicant shall notify the District (Walt Geudtner, 694-3321) within ten working days following the vapor recovery installation that con- AIR POLLUTION CONTROL DISTRICT 9150 Chesapeake Drive. San Diego, California 92123-1095 (619)694-3307 Shell Oil Company February 23, 1988 Application #870598 -2- tructlon has been completed. Failure to notify the District automati- cally cancels the temporary authorization to operate that is Incorporated into this Authority to Construct letter. Continued operation after cancellation is a violation of District Rule 10(b) and can result In civil and criminal penalties. 3. The modification -to the existing gasoline vapor control system shall be in accordancVwIth CaTVforma Air Resources Board (ARB) Executive Order (E.O.)'j.G-70-lJ7-AB» afKigh hose arrangement Installed 1n accordance with'.E.O. G-70-52-Ai;^Exhib1t 8 1s required for each nozzle Installation! ,? \ <A '4. The .modifications shal^'be implemented as shown in Shell Oil Company drawing No.u E-;130§-04^-2 received by the District on February 18, I988,\;except as mod>fted by conditions herein. V V-, it#*Jjr,,. , x*. r^-^VJx^'5.' The Emco Wheaton-^asoline dispensing nozzles shall be the A4001 coaxial nozzle with an A220 series vapor valve. 6. Dispenser vapor pipe risers connected to receive vapor from two nozzles shall be one (1) Inch inside diameter (minimum). 7. The gasoline product and vapor return hoses shall all be coaxial. 8. Upon request of the District the applicant shall provide access, facili- ties, utilities, and any necessary safety equipment, for vapor control system testing and Inspection. 9. The applicant shall have the following tests performed 1n accordance with recommended District procedures and provide this office with the results: a. a liquid blockage test of all vapor piping from each dispenser to the underground tank to ensure adequate line slope and liquid drainage, including verification by listening or other means that the test liquid returns to the correct product tank (per Test Procedure TP-79-2-A) . b. a pressure drop vs. flow tesjt, from each nozzle to the_ underground^ _ tank. This test is to Include nozzle, hose, associated fittings, piping and storage tanks and shall be performed with only the same product's tank vapor dry break valve open and all vent pipes temporarily closed (per Test Procedure TP-79-3-B) . c. a pressure decay/leak test of the entire vapor control system Including check valves and underground tanks (per Test Procedure TP-88-1). If the tests listed above reveal system problems or inadequacies, corrective repairs shall be made. Repeat testing or additional diagnostic testing may be required by the District to assure that the system is functioning properly. Contact the District by telephone (Walt Geudtner, 694-3321) at least 24 hours prior to conducting these tests so that they may be witnessed by a District representative. Shell Oil Company February 23, 1988 Application No. 870598 -3- This Authority to Construct does not relieve the holder from obtaining permits or authorizations which may be required by other governmental agencies. Contact the appropriate building Inspection department (city or county) and fire district prior to Installation of the vapor control equipment* for permit and/or inspection requirements. Within ten days after receipt of this Authority to Construct* the applicant may petition the Hearing Board* in accordance with Rule 25» for a hearing on any conditions Imposed herein. This is not a Permit to Operate document. Operation of this equipment without written authority (District Permit to Operate* Startup Authorization, Authority to Construct* Hearing Board Variance* or the limited authority provided for in the next paragraph* etc.) will be 1n violation of Rule 10(b) and will be Vubject to civil and criminal penalties. t - • This Authority to Construct document authorizes temporary operation of the above specified facility* to commence upon receipt by the District of noti- fication of completion of construction. This authorization will remain 1n effect* unless cancelled* until the facility is Inspected by the District for a Permit to Operate. If the facility passes Inspection* written authorization will be given for continued operation and will be followed by Issuance of the Permit to Operate document. If during a Permit to Operate inspection there are obvious deficiencies such as torn nozzle bellows, flattened vapor return hoses* etc.* the District may deny the Permit to Operate or* depending on the extent of the deficiencies* require you to make repairs within a specified period of time. In the latter case* you will be charged a fee to pay for the relnspectlon. If the repairs are not made by the date of the reinspection, your Permit to Operate may be denied. Test, documentation shall be received by the District within thirty (30) days after completion of construction or the temporary authorization to operate may be cancelled. The test results shall demonstrate full compliance with the Authority to Construct requirements. This Authority to Construct mav not be transferable and will expire one year from date of issuance. If you have any questions regarding this action, please contact me at (619) 694-3321. v? u fff- t /J. ^EUDTNER JR. Assistant A1r Pollution/ Control Engineer WG/sf cc: Building Dept. F1re District