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1145 CARLSBAD VILLAGE DR; ; CO970011; Certificate of Occupancy
/••^ CERTIKTCATE O F OCCUPANCY FUILLJWO DEPARTMENT 1 of 1 C?rt of Dec**: COy7001t Type: CEf TIF3CATE OF (XCI'PAWCY Bldy Address: 1145 CARLSBAD VILLAGE D, Suited PdrceJ t!o* 35o-loU-^6-0(j Bldy Oilier: SHELL OIL CO 619-5^1-5841 3550 CAMINO DEL RIO W , STE101 SAM DIEGO Ci* 92108 Delated Bldy Permit* : uccupaut Name/Phono* : SHELL OIL CO Description of Use: SERVICE S that tfcic buildihg c>i ©orHioli <;onipl3.f-^«v»ith the Uniform Buildinci Cc\de f<xc thf group *an;1 d|^i^ipn of occupdrxcy and the wa? for whidh the proposscj occ^u^ancy is classifiea. The above information ia true and correct, and 1 make this sfi&^teT*—ucy*?r penalty Jrtf' p£»r:iur$» " *< * Signature of Buildinq O£fic*al v ' ~~~r' ^ TT't.^, FOR 0 E £? A R t M E, W T A L' U V E' * O IN fi V Date Routed « .. * r . , , ?!'-»»• Use Zone OccUttaac y Group- U* S4 ^Ccrit^tfcfiion Type- VN—~^ —-• - — _. 1-. -. . - • i-ic 4 „' aS^'^^m^*' i*. ^ J r. .1 rt-*—< VS-M^L ' V. » * CJff ^^7 V ! * ^ V^inspectsd H»y Vl^\—^^T^J^qp c^^— D^tf P o *..,/. Apptovad y^__ Disapproved ^^^^ ""„ -li-^'^ i1 s; ^^ Inspected By . *t)Ate ; . T . . 1 - - ? - * Approved Disapproved Inspected By Date . Approved Disapproved COMMENTS CITY OF CARLSBAD 2075 Las Palmas Dr , Carlsbad, CA 92009 (619) 438-1161 Paqe 1 of CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY 6UILD/WG DEPARTMENT Cert of Ocrfr: CO9"7ooil Tvpe: CEPTJP1CATE OF OCCUPANCY Blag Address: 1145 CARLSBAD VILLAGE DR Parcel Wo: 1^6-^180-26-00 Suite** Bldq Owner; SHELL OIL CO 613-521-5841 3550 CAMINO DEL RIO N , 5TE101 SAW DIEGO CA 92108 Related Blclg Permit* Occupant- Name/Phone^ Description of Use: SERVICE CB961262 SHELL OIL CO CAR t- iouI certify that- thij UtiOUI Uniform Buildlnq' Co&? foe __.... yT _.( ...,f occupancy and th'.-,-uce t j'r whi<f-h'th« pro classified. Th«» ;at»o^^ Informationv io t I make this stJ3T^ns^trt-4jjig^i* penalty ^^.^ Xdth the LC cct, and Signature of Building = c-i cf = cs»aEie:w ss-ftt« is » cj =jr. - > - j i/ ~ i ; Da(te Routed Usa Zone Inspected By Inspected Bv _ Inspected By Type- VN/v / Approved Disapproved Date Approved Approved Disapproved Disapproved COMMENTS. CITY OF CARLSBAD 2075 Las Palmas Dr , Carlsbad, CA 92009 (619) 438-1161