HomeMy WebLinkAbout1166 CARLSBAD VILLAGE DR; ; CB891001; PermitDECLARATIONS LENDER WORKER S COMPENSATION OWNER/BUILDER CONTRACTOR DL1 n n TO COMPLY" WITHt!ON WHETHER bPECIARMLESS THE CITY OES WHICH MAY IN AfNG OF THIS PERMITCAREFUY UNDERATIONSAMIALTRUONACIL CltY CARWAFt COt/HEREINLSBAACDCOMURRECRHNTOGUERO? z!m S o ^^^tOTIF"SPERMITHEREONND AGR/effrVWv0^*3zi-n ifi •< ' ^ d m H » £ --,3n z z;9 ;:55 rn o a •"- o" m -<pieoritdermit isy limitaermit iildmarto~ 3 Q;:a 3 CT jc 5 * « 3io=P5 2 3 £S a. * S• f = 5o - c ic- ,!!!! filll^=it <o S O"D 3-E 5 ?£a?sh^°veenpirby suilrpirestholendf twO o o While — Inspector Green — (1) Finance Yellow — Assessor Pink — Applicant Gold — Temporary Ftle SPECIAL CONDITIONS' /BUILDING~> s?. D CO ' . A s~ f''(MECHANICAL•rc s **-ELECTRICAL> c PLUMBING— 5: 21 z r- • ^CALL FOR FINAL /WSP£(ITEMS ABOVE Hmo m^-rti ^«2^yrn ?*.3)i-o'- g| Jj- OTl- J3 £• s 'VENTILATING SYSTEMS- .^ 'J ^HEAT — AIR COND SYSTEMS•' a DC O m a JOm•n T) (7)MECHANICALD BONDING D POOLD ELECTRIC SERVICE D TEMOX -<ROUGH ELECTRICD ELECTRIC UNDERGROUNDa c ~nmJ)ELECTRICALD WATER HEATER D SOLAR> H O CO HmCO TUB AND SHOWER PANO OcH D | CO m n mij UNDERGROUND D WASTEU m3J PLUMBINGINTERIOR LATH & DRYWALLINSULATIONEXTERIOR LATHFRAMESHEATHING D ROOF Dto Xm Jo GUNITE OR GROUTMASONRYREINFORCED STEELFOUNDATIONBUILDINGT)m 5m w TJ O S3) \ i s~ / - r - *> 9 ^x;': - ^~ — ,. '.f ; i ' -- ii f .- "^ ~s s * *- -" r' *t* ^ , -" < ' i V ,. r1 ,; - "7 \ ^1 i ' s' r i ' 1 ..- f , IS rr '•) (PILES CAISSONSSPECIAL MASONRYHIGH STRENGTH .BOLTSFIELD WELDING .POST TENSIONEDCONCRETEPRESTRESSEDCONCRETESTRUCTURAL CONCRE"OVER 2000 PSI—1m SOILS COMPLIANCEPRIOR TOFOUNDATION INSPINSPECTIONO mm 00 m ^O ' INSPECTOR1 APPROVALC/) D > m 1 REQUIREaenTJmO >p- Z 5PECTIONS• I / -.* Z1/1 TDmO O Crt ZO men x' ^ ' r /FIELD INSPECTIONzomO O:na / X ^/ DEVELOPMENT PROCESSING SERVICES DIVISION 2075 LAS PALMAS DRIVE CARLSBAD, CA 92009-4859 {619)438-1161 MISCELLANEOUS FEE RECEIPT Applicant Please Print And Fill In Shaded Area Only 1 f"\d ADDRESS | (^ fjr^AVfrttJL? ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NO OWNER C^\\ (f Cj\f\^y$Q OWNER'S 1 MAILING ' . ADDRESS \^}£)£) £l fYX A?Vff\[ J €_ CITY C Ar\<£.r}As\ ZIP (OA TEL ^-i^^l - QP.DW^*—r 1 ' hi^l' '^T^'f V Jt /V^/ r f-^*M ^^ // CONTRACTOR /* _iy ; ,/T /^ ^ JrA yW I CONTRACTOR'S ^7 'MAILING ' ADDRESS s CITY ZIP TEL STATE , // BUSINESS , , ,. LICENSE NO /J//1 LICENSE NO A/XX? J//A AI/4RiipniuiQinM Af /S 1 \ nT/«\ /v/x/» ' / - ' . ^ • ; LEGAL DESCRIPTION A//S1 ' • DESCRIPTION OF WORK <Sx4^T3rt^_ /4OC7 ^/ Vl 0 / V Of**) ' CONTACT PERSON 2D^/Jf=? 7^/ //-)^>J/I<X)/O /£/3^)\ / ADDRESS ///p/e £Jft<^AL* tf/ t£^ CITY. (^4-r/<.hAu ZIP CV"T TEL *£*/ ~ 3-Jidr PLAN ID NO. <">gp I f\r\ VALIDATION AREA RQTMATFn VAIUATinM /t/t' C-^^Mf5" PIANCHFOKFFF 001-81000-00-8821 I &- IF THE APPLICANT TAKES NO ACTION WITHIN 180 DAYS, PLAN CHECK FEES WILL BE FORFEITED CHECK IF SUBMITTED , rj 2 ENERGY CALCS r-i 2 1987 ENERGY CALCS ^ FOR NON RESIDENTIAL BLDGS fj 2 STRUCTURAL CALCS D 2 SOILS REPORTS fj 2 SELF ADDRESSED ENVELOPES , DATE GIVEN/ nATFSENT TO APPLICANT LA COSTA LETTER ' SCHOOL FEE FORM P & E CORRECTIONS LIST CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY APPLICANT'S SIGNATURE DATE White File Yellow Applicant Pink - Finance Gold - Assessor ESGIL CORPORATION 932O CHESAPEAKE DR., SUITE 2O8 L/ SAN DIEGO, CA 92123 V* (619) 560-1468 \ h) " DATE: JURISDICTION: PLAN CHECK NO —MOO( SET: PROJECT ADDRESS: llCe.Ce PROJECT NAME:Ml".V3 JURISDICTION AN ECKERQFILE COPY Dups [JDESIGNER The plans transmitted herewith have been corrected where necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes. The plans transmitted herewith will substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes when minor deficien- cies identified __ are resolved and checked by building department staff. The plans transmitted herewith have significant deficiencies identified on the enclosed check list and should be corrected and resubmitted for a complete recheck. The check list transmitted herewith is for your information. The plans are being held at Esgil Corp. until corrected plans are submitted for recheck. The applicant's copy of the check list is enclosed for the jurisdiction to return to the applicant contact person. The applicant's copy of the check list has been sent to: Esgil staff did not advise the applicant contact person that plan check has been completed. Esgil staff did advise applicant that the plan check has been completed. Person contacted: Date contacted: REMARKS: Telephone #_ ESGIL CORPORATION D GA D AA D VW D DM Enclosures i(?) Datei Jurisdiction Prepared byi PLAN CHECK NO. VALUATION AND PLAN CHECK FEE Q Bldg. Dept. n Esgil ~ \OO\ BUILDING ADDRESS feL-YV\ oeAPPLICANT/CONTACT BUILDING OCCUPANCY TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION \X—KJ. PHONE NO. B -*£-DESIGNER PHONE CONTRACTOR PHONE BUILDING PORTION QfiO ,GrtAr:\2- ' £,\ v a o• ^--< ' - • •j. - Air Conditioning Commercial Residential Res. or Comm. Fire Sprinklers Total Value BUILDING AREA - ^r^O G • VALUATION MULTIPLIER s [ItOO ifA 1 Vfky @ ? @ VALUE £_ _ ' ( — \ \ A /f\*•— 1, ^_i f_J ^• ^_ ^ ^~t^.~&~ 1140 Building Permit Fee $ Plan Check Fee $ COM MEN TS: SHEET OF 12/87 2560 ORION WAY I LLtrnUiNt (619) 931-2121 PROJECT Citp of PLAN CHECK REPORT APPROVED DISAPPROVED PLAN CHECK* A? ARCHITECT Tv-.^ri OWNER £ / rv OCCUPANCY ^". n SPRINKLEREDNU' .1 ^^f?*r^ /->/- /*/i^sd/i£> I CONST -C7~A TENANTIMP H 7 <O ** ADDRESS (^/V/ ^ P ADDRESS -/ TOTAL SO FT Q, /<Mr");-n(1*j i./W» PHONE *-i^ — ^47^/ PHONE 5^ -* STORIES />£/V/fc~ APPROVAL OF PLANS IS PREDICATED ON CONFORMING TO THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS AND/OR MAKING THE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS, AND PERMITS Provide one copy of floor plan(s), site plan, sheets „ Provide two site plans showing the location of all existing fire hydrants within 200 feet of the project Provide specifications for the following Permits are required for the installation of all fire protection systems (sprinklers, stand pipes, dry chemical, halon, COi, alarms, hydrants) Plan must be approved by the fire department prior to installation The business owner shall complete a building information letter and return it to the fire department FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEMS AND EQUIPMENT The following fire protection systems are required D Automatic fire sprinklers (Design Criteria .) D Dry Chemical, Halon, CO2 (Location ) D Stand Pipes (Type D Fire Alarm (Type/Location Fire Extinguisher Requirements •Qt-One 2A rated ABC extinguisher for each /• ' extinguisher not to exceed 75 feet of travel D An extinguisher with a mini mum rating of ) ___) sq ft or portion thereof with a travel distance to the nearest *• to be located __ 0 Other 8 Additional fire hydrant(s) shall be provided EXITS 9 Exit doors shall be openable from the inside without the use of a key or any special knowledge or effort 10 A sign stating, " This door to remain unlocked during business hours" shall be placed above the mam exit and doors/ / if-fr?ft.i MTJ? - -» -j'- Ky^ ^/-^Vl^riy^N _T3\t iY / A~n^i i~. ~r y ^r /J^xi .1 A-_/7~[___ i ^__ l ~j =rJ ' T~, 11 EXIT signs (6" x 3A" letters) shall be placed over all required exirts and directional signs located as necessary to clearly indicate the location of exit doors GENERAL 12 Storage, dispensing or use of any flammable or combustible liquids, flammable liquids, flammable gases and hazardous chemicals shall comply with Uniform Fire Code 13 Building(s) not approved for high piled combustible stock Storage in closely packed piles shall not exceed 15 feet in height, 12 feet on pallets or in racks and 6 feet for tires, plastics and some flammable liquids If high stock pil- ing is to be done, comply with Uniform Fire Code, Article 81 14 Additional Requirements . f=7 A .15 Comply with regulations on attached sheet(s) P,antPlan Examiner _ Report mailed to architect Met with Attach to Plans ROBERT S. HARRIS ARCHITECT AND ENGINEER 160-4 Marquette Or Richardson, Texas 75081 KWIK-BILT, INC 3114 Bent on Si Garland, Texas 75042 Arteir Mr Warren Hi nsch Dear Mr H i nsch Re Kw ik-BiH StarwJaid 18' w i do bin Idmg 10' bay size, 3 bays 9' 9" eavc height 5 3/12 rool pi tcli T certify that the standard KWIK-BILT bin 3 di ng referenced above is designed to withstand the following loading a Sei smic zone 3 b. Roof live load 30 pM c Wind load 25 psf d A]] standard building dead loads Design is based on the following loading combinations, a Dead + LJve b Dead + Wi tid c Dead + Seismi c ASTM spcci J icati ons utilized in design are ASTM A-525 and ASTM A-446 Cold formed members comply with procedures under I he Specifications for the Design ol Cold Formed Steel Structural Members, 1968 edition, published by the American Iron and Steel Institute, and with good engineering practice Si ncerel y, '-J , -r \o i\ U 6\A. -,'•>. o to o V. O DtAO UoXD V- W & LoA.0 V j (^t3 i- o^v r D v.;i,J& O.OUD To &\ f-W1' it) 1.411^ V AY7" n V 5i -i- i :Li re.TAVI-S.1— 1 pi. V: A v i M '/- \ . •» / h-\ L.- t -Y " x =- r - r ^-- n—— yj^A - £ } - t ' t & ~) \ i^, ^ L \_> 1 ' \l hd "I/ ' t.C Ft, r* *a- a. *> Olfe o. I 4 TraM.AT TRY V'x I" X, !\ c Y -" '— 4- o.C •£7.11 4 4- 12.0 KSl > >C ,; -p OUT =- \£,4 -i-v '"-ofior-iz. ~ o c, i A- c-^-i MCP • f>. 2 Xl jlWjH _JE 1 .213 ~ I*. -2.4-1 k C X = "1-^ =. 4- 0.001^6- 4- -f~ Au\y rt tc - 1,0 uj Y K-1,,o ii» '> X F--- 33 ^-v U ,-C" C5 « t. o 4 \--111 L . o Uii O* J u-vi 8,1 z ^•UB \.e 4 o.a <T,. /z. ^ .. »-•rb f > l.o ok. i s-<, L.U o q- UA-£_ T A 6 x i.F FLAM 4 f-a " ^~ bof. ,:,-u « DEL, CU -«- \^.•^-w• ,4- X \^. . \i.-?.n (,.4 ci - Vi,M. T I r o. i.f C P <•''To -MAX r J o. - 1 - /V<i 1rD „ ~l X Qi j rb "A"-"A* v< °iT " °-1-0l*> - P-U-T i .£ s t DC v*o.o iZ '- V (o VI V X. O t \* f" p. ooo 7 X- X <"* •! ! 2 3 Y - Ax i o o K^Jtk- e^ur '71 ^,7554 AY O.S4-2-IS 4- 4- oooot o 0 cooOi, -t- c. o-Z-4 T ='|,0i4*; q? I| ^^ | <Yz oor '"11 r* :_ •t.- O.oto 1^ I.x Co*7-1 o.oooenl* A. ooC. * o otlLt- .', ,-114 a U • i t-. I J 5.11*- n. 4 ^ '^ PDC Li i;,7.T A. Vs) x I'.Y __X .8fc-H 4- = 3 O a i«)- -- -i i i L'."r-i/11 5 .^ — i - l.tj*. ^ .4-~ - Cr - /rr" v>vif; - , ? r--'. r - l« \ 'f , X "r o r --->!£- r r= ^ «: fc. to - i, o . o c,, c, 1 " L .O- A X. 1, o .. « «/Mr- o" o 4 x.l,A C VJC-P \ V- _U. r it—A^ OP'. 4-V- \uo . u •Hi u. 0 . . \ 5-c? a x. r COB.B.U^A.TCO w- tec- u- •s W e,err * r f . t| 4-0 I 5'-o* I u 5HCCT 5Ufi.& ^J '-,1 '-J 1- i pu>.- ',?- . >', 1 s-l oP 4, •»- -4 Tn / \i U z. x, ^ > _ - f- re/, s L-l V ,~X i'':7i')( o 7 a -».M , o ^C* /^ Uo 7*?.* / v \ . c? I"?1- A- K n*' * o.ise" '"(,;-' ??\ i (o., , . / ** PrAt> U^O ' C&A.bCO 00 1C UJ^t X~ l^ _? J-- in'V lo'V v^o Cf'-. /i o - -. & 7_ o \o' u -1 V- rl =• \ fbr f " C - \/ - :v.'v\fc, A ,) 0uj* cJ V—[Ji -->! o I0[ to I -1( -j 5-^" rJ ICWIVi- R.-'ii-r /p o « a _g' ur 3"~ 'x -8 jl.iooS, | .to^r ^ r 001 cr I / f M. c ^ .t/} \X^t-)Uj/y^/? ** " ~~ / HX - — • * y t U^. ,A L- 'L ?5 &!/__nej. ^ A. '",lf0l4|_ j- i — »• t -Y z- t- ^.^ NATIONAL 875 and 500 HI-STRENGTH GALVANIZED STEEL CORRUGATED PANELS STRENGTH NA'IIONAJ K75 and NA1IONAL 5(X> panels .m. tsfxcialh designed und produced tot maximum stieiiglh irul durability to eltect lovvei construction costs Hi Strength steel is processed through modern roli lormmg equipment to produce cuirugatcd pmel sheets with greater load capacity and structural sfrciigih Both the 875 ant/ SOO series of corrugated panels arc produced from I 25 ounce coaling class g<ilvam/ed Weirkotc" Hi-Sirength steel in coils nieaim: AS TM A-446-E specifications or exceeding ASrM A-3f>l, latest revision LOWER CONSTRUCTION COSTS Through the application ot Hi-Strentith steel panels lightei gauge sheets and/or lewei structural com- ponents can he used without sacntkin1; strength ot the structure. With length langc of S-ft through V>-lf (otbei lengths on application) end lap loss is eliminated, and a substantial savings can be ie.ih/ed Hi cause the steel is produced to obtain maximum Rockwell hardness, the corrugated sheets can better withstand abuse, overloading, and damage during construction National 87S and M)0 Hi-Strenpth Panels have lar superior resistance to damage than pioducts produced from conventional giades ot steel SUPERIOR RESISTANCE TO HAIL AND STORM DAMAGE The high KockuJI j.miv j>iu\ nK s i h ud Miiiace to muimii/e or prevent damage usually incurred during hail storm and high winds I hioiiL'ti HI i n^me\ nng innovation, the side lap of t he ,S7^ p nu K is sdgfufy over-lonned, assuring a light side edge when the panels aic secured to the framing I his leaturc mini- nn/es the possibility of watu leakage due to laulty side lap which is so frequently encountered with conventional coiruizated sheets ALLOWABLE LOADS FOR VARIOUS SUPPORT SPACINGS^^^^ * (^Roofin Configuration NATIONAL "875" (266"x V' Ga 26 24 22 20 3'~0 128 165 214 259 312 ^ourid 3'-6 83 107 139 169 204 m^r? 4'-6 55 72 93 in IV >q Ft) " 4'-6 .".©™ -- '••k.*^ 51 66 80 96 5'-0 28 37 48 58 70 ENGINEERING PROPERTIES ITEM UNJTS Galvanized Thickness In Steel Thickness In Moment of Inertia In ' Section Modulus In NATIONAL "500" (266 x ' •. 29ga 0172 0154 0057 0211 1 28gc 26ga 24ga 22ga 20ga 0187 0217 0276 0336 0396 0169 0198 0258 0318 0378 006' 0073 0095 0116 0140 0235 0280 0361 0436 051 9 N/ 29ga 0172 0154 0219 0491 «••• TIONAL "875" (2 66 x 7/a) 26ga 24ga 22ga 20ga 0217 0276 0336 0396 0198 0258 0320 0378 0284 0368 0447 0541 0635 0818 0990 1190 ALL WfclGHTS AND MEASURTS ARE NOMINAL "^ -£i > /-U'K'1^s^ utr, r^jG-