HomeMy WebLinkAbout1175 HARBOR VIEW LN; ; CB890937; Permit"' z 0 " .. a: .. ~ u -.~ ~[ : .. z 0 u a: '" 0 = :, ~ '" z ! z 0 " .. "' z '" .. " 0 u "' ic '" " a: 0 ;J ,r O I hereby affirm that I am licensed under prOYlslons of Chapter 9 (commencing with S.Ctlon 7000) ol Division 3 of the Business and Proleaalons Code. and my license 1s in full force and effect I hereby at1Irm !hat I am e.<empt 1rom the Contrac tors License Law tor the lollow,ng reason !Sec 7031 5 Business and P•otessrons Code Any city or county wh,u, re quires a perm,, 10 construct alter improve. demol,sh or repa,r any structure pnor 10 ,1s issuance also requires 'heap p1Icant 1or such permit to 1,1e .i s1qned statement that he ,s I,censed pursuant to the prov1sIons of :he Loniractor s License Law :Chapter 9 commenc,ng wrlh Sert,on 7000 of Ow,s,on 3 of the Busmess and Pra1ess1ons Co<1ei or that ,s e, empt lherelrom and me basis !or the a'legea exemp1Ion Any ,iolatIon ot Section 7031 5 Oy an appl,cant tor a perm,r >ub Iecls the applicant to a civI, penalty of nol more 1han five hu~ ored dollars ($5001 1 as owner of lhe property, or my emptoyees w11h wages as !heir sole compensation. w1I1 do the work. a~d the struc- ture Is not 1nlended or oflerea for sale 1sec ?044 Business and Proless1ons Code The Contraclor's License Law does not apply lo an owner ol property who builds or ,mproves thereon and who does such work himself or through his own employees. provided !hat such Improvemen1s are nol intend- ed or ottered lor sale If however me buildmq or ,mprove- menl Is sold wIlhIn one year of completion the owner-builder wII1 have the burden at proving that he did not build or Im prove lor the purpose of sale) I I, as owner ot the property, am exclus,vely contracting w11h licensed contractors to construct the pro1ecl (Sec 7044 Bus,ness and Professions Code The Contractor s License law does not applv to an owner 01 properly who builds or Im proves thereon. and who conlracrs for each proIects with a contractor(s) license pursuant 10 the Contractor's License law\ As a homeowner I am ,mprovIng my home. and the follow Ing condItIons exIs1 1 The work ,s being per1ormed pnor 10 sale 2 I have loved ,n my home 1or twelve months prior to complehOn of lhrs work I have not claimed this exemp11on during lhe lasl three years ior 11h~:r~~~;t under Sec _____ _ B & PG =:J I hereby aff1<m that I have a cer\1f1cate o! consent to self-,nsure. or a cert1hcate ol Workers Compensation In- surance or a cert,he{J copy thereot 1Sec 3800. Labor Code I POLICY NO COMPANY Copy ,s !lied w,th the c,ty Cert,f,ecJ copy ,s hereby furnished CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION FROM WORKERS-COMPENSATION INSURANCE {This section need not be completed 11 lhe perm,t ,s tor one hundred dollars 1$100) or lf'SS) =:J I certily that ,n the performance of !he work for wh,ch th,s permit Is issued. I shall not employ any person ,n any manner so as to become sub1ecl to the Workers Com pen satIon Laws of Cal,forn1a NOTICE TO APPLICANT. It, af1er making lh1s Cert1hcate of Exemption you should become sub1ect to the Workers Compensation prov,s1ons of me Labor Code you must forthwith comply w,th such prov,s,ons or this permit shall be deemed revoked =-' I hereby affirm that there ,s a construct,on lendrng agency tor lhe pe,tormance of the work forwh1ch lh,s per m1t IS issued (Sec 309? c,v,1 Code) Lender's Name __ _ Lender's Address USE BALL POINT PEN ONLY & PRE~S HARD APPLICANT TO FILL IN INFORMATION WITHIN SHADED AREA AND DECLARATIONS. CARLSBAD BUILDING DEPARTMENT 2075 Las Palmas Dr., Carlsbad, CA 92009-1915 (619) 438-1161 APPLICATION & PERMIT BUSINESS LICENSE # VALUATION CONTRACTORS PHONE # ZONE OWNER'S PHONE I 7 ~ -5.5""'f CJ CONTRACTOR'S ADDRESS I . STATE I.JCENSE No. l OWNER'S MAILING ADDRESS • / : -~-'.'rf-EO VE-DESIGNER DESIGNER'S PHONE : DES7/lftf tr e:-e?v<J.517111(2; 6 +.s 121 s G'~ ~ESIGNER'SAOOAESS STAIE LICENSE.NO~ "'•_:,7 ~-. '...j•-··-·..c·-'! ~ : 3 FT : 7oa/ ,4tQ..l> :s712~ I ' ' FP FLRELEV NO I STORIES I YO ..... o --- 1 CENSUS TRACT PAF>K•NGSPAO-AESuN•TS GRADING PERMIT ISSUED REDEVELOPMENT TYPE AREA CONST 1 • ,-, • , 0 -....• PERMIT NUMBER f/~37 BUILDING SQ FOOTAGE 1 QTY PLUMBING PERMIT. ISSUE --=i--Sb QTY MECHANICAL PERMIT -ISSUE 1f--+----------------+-----'----,lf--+--=-,-,-,-,-=,---,,==="""'===c---+----'-'""--\i::,-,.i1~---,,m.==di",~'-=====,,,...,----------i EACH 1-IXTURE TRAP INSTALL FURN DUCTS UP TO 100.000 BTU 001 810-00-00-8UU --·-·-·-· ------EACH BUILlJING SEWER OVER 100.000 BTU .. ··---· 001-810-00-00-82? 1 I •., ~"r""'"-'-"" 1 EACH WATER HEATER ANU OR VENT BOILER/COMPRESSOR UP lO 3 HP 001-810-00-00-8891 EACH GAS SYSTEM 1104 OUTLETS SOILERiCOMPRESSOR 315 HP 001-810-00-00-8222 j /0 - : ( EACHGASSYSTEMJORMORE Mt.lALFIREPLACE I 1r--: • EACH INSTAL ALTER, REPAIR WATER PIPE VENT FAN SINGLE DUCT l 11 · ..... .,~u,,~,.,v~~ : EACH VACUUM BREAKER MECH EXHAUST HOO •·DUCTS i 7. ·.:::::,_: ::: .. _ 1 WATER SOFTr.JER RELOCATION OF EA f-URNACE,HEATER : :: UU~" 001-81 0-00-00-8223 801-810-00-00·8224 Mllf-111 ~HllM~ 001 ·81 0 ·00·00 ·8225 ,rn t,R 001-810-00-00-8226 I FA.CH ROOF []RAIN ' ~s,m I DRYER VENT : II 1 TOTI.L MECHANICAL I ~-.~'~"~~u~::·~,:·:~~ ' C:TRnw~ MnT,nN 880-519·92·33 t-lHt ::,t-'HINr\LtH::i 001-810-00-00-82 27 I TOI Al PllJMBINl. l _1r:-, , PUBLIC FACILITIES FEE 320-810-00-00-8 7 40 I 1fQTY I ELECTRICAL PERMIT· ISSUE 500 QTY. f MOBILE HOME SETUP BRIDGE FEE 360-810-00·00·8740 PARK-IN-LIEU \AREA NEW CONST f.A AMP SWT t!KR CAR PORT TIF 312-810-00·00·8835 ' :I ' I PH IPH AWNING - EXIST BLOG EA AMP.SW! BKR GARAGE 1 PH :l PH LA COSTA TIF 311-810-00-00-8835 FMF "Ci'c'E"Ns E TAX 001-8 T 0-00-00-8152 REMODEL Al ltR PER [IRCUII MFF 880-519-92-57 I TEMPP(]LE 200AMPS OVER ?UU AMPS TEMP (]CCLJPANCY '30 DAYSI CREDIT DEPOSIT T1JIAL flfLlRI( Al l Hl!Al TOTAL FEES PAYABLE l /C) I HAVE CAREFULL y EXAMINED THE COMPLETED ··APPUCAT!ON AN~ PEA,.uT'·. ANO DO HEREE!Y 'E,iptratiOn Every per_mittnuedbytrnt8utlfflngrOfflcial~nderlhepr0viSi0Molttiis * .ft.N O$H.ft. PERMIT IS REOUlftEO F0A EXCAVATIONS OVER ' R ~•AT ALL INFORMATION HEREON 1·NCLUDING THE Code shat! expire by hmrtatn,n an<! becomenuttand'-'void tt the buridmg or work • 5•0•• -•p ........ -.--na CONST-~~ CERTIFY UNDER PEN""l TY OF PERJU y 'n authori.ntd by such perrnil IS not commenced wrthm 180daysfrom e date of such ~ ......., ,_,__,._ .. ...,.....,., nv-.,, ....... .., .. DECLARATIONS ARE TRUE ANO CORRECT AND 1 FUATKEr:I CERTlfY ANO AGREE !F A PERMIT I& permrt. or if the-buikling or wort. authorized by such permi s suspended or STFIUCTIJAES OVER 3 STORIES IN HEIGHT ISSUED: TO COMPLY wtTH Ali.·QtTY_,GQUNlY AND STATE LAWS GOVERNING 81..ULOING CON· L~-~~do~ne6!!!!"L!!~•~"""!!!.!•11e,!!!!Jt~he-tWD~~•k~4~<20ffl!!!!!""""'!!!!28d!2_;'°'!!!!.!•~~-!!l!_~l~-~t l!l.Jda!!,L--:::-r':~~~~~----,,-,:,-----~~~-,,',;_-":"~ STRUCTJON. WHETHER SPECIFIED HEREIN OA NOT. I ALSO AGREE TO SAVE INDEMNIFY AND O D~E ~ KEEP HARMLESS THE _CITY OF OARLSB-AD AGAINST All UABIUTIES, JUDGMENTS. COSTS AND __;.°"'='-'---CONTRACTOR ,'--..a.._, ~ EXPENSES WHICH MAY lN ANY WAY ACCRUE AGAINST SAID CITY IN CONSEQUENCE OF TH 1,'\J-'!~~ ..... c.;~ .. l_f.'1-..Je-,jj~n_ ;' -J /; ~ GRANTING-OF THIS PEfUv11T {..,--jC,,t,:..,:~::;.il"(: L ----I ,'-P/ L_ ~ "' u: >-~ 0 0. E "' f- ! 2 0 C) c ro u 0. 0. <t: I ~ C ii 0 ~ ~ "' ~ ~ <t: ~ 2 .; >- "' u C ro C u. ,:. C "' ~ C) 0 u "' 0. ~ C E re ,: TYPE : DATE INSPECTOR BUILDING I FOUNDATION ' REINFORCED STEEL ' I MASONRY ' GUNITE OR GROUT ' SUB FRAME • FLOOR D CEILING SHEATHING • ROOF • SHEAl'I FRAME ' EXTERIOR LATH ' ' INSULATION ' INTERIOR LATH & DRYWALL ' ' PLUMBING ' • SEWER AND BUCO D PUCO UNDERGROUND • WASTE • WI\TER TOP OUT • WASTE • WAl'ER TUB AND SHOWER PAN I GAS TEST ' ' • WATER HEATER D SOLAR WATER ' ELECTRICAL ' ' • ELECTRIC UNDERGROUND • UFFER ROUGH ELECTRIC ' • ELECTRIC SERVICE • TEMPORfiRY • BONDING • POOL ' I MECHANICAL ' ' • DUCT & PLEM., • REF. PIPING HEAT -AIR COND. SYSTEMS I VENTILATING SYSTEMS I ' I CALL FOR FINAL INSPECTIO~ WHEN ALL APPROPRIATE ITEMS ABOVE HAVE 8EEN APPROVED FINAL I PLUMBING ' - ELECTRICAL ' 1"11 MECHANICAL ' ~ I (\ I • GAS ' \ . / r 'I v BUILDING ' ,. \\ t ~ SPECIAL CONDITIONS ' . \ \ ' . ' 81 ~ '137 FIELD INSPECTION RECORD REQUIRED SPECIAL INSPECTIONS INSPECTOR'S NOTES INSPECTION REQ IF INSPECTORS DATE CHECKED APPROVAL SOILS COMPLIANCE PRIOR TO FOUNDATION INSP STRUCTURAL CONCRETE OVER 2000 PSI PRES TRESSED CONCRETE POST TENSIONED CONCRETE FIELD WELDING HIGH STRENGTH BOLTS - SPECIAL MASONRY PILES CAISSONS ',·,-,· ". -. ' • •.· r . .! f'-.,.' ) . '~-·":. ' ·• .. •' ./ ----..