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1190 LAGUNA DR; ; CB063537; Permit
09-27-2007 Job Address Permit Type Parcel No Valuation Occupancy Group # Dwelling Units Bedrooms Project Title Applicant UMBERTO TRIPOLI City of Carlsbad 1635 Faraday Av Carlsbad, CA 92008 Residential Permit Permit No CB063537 Building Inspection Request Line (760) 602-2725 \>yV9232 LACUNA DR CBAD /RESDNTL 1561646100 $487,587 00 1 4 Sub Type SFD Lot# 0 Construction Type VN Reference # Structure Type SFD Bathrooms 3 DIMENTO RES- DEMO 980SF/250SF GAR NEW 4307 SF LIV.716 SF GAR.330 SF DECK Status Applied Entered By Plan Approved Issued Inspect Area Ong PC# Plan Check# ISSUED 12/18/2006 LSM 09/27/2007 09/27/2007 Owner UMBERTO TRIPOLI 2091 ALTA VISTA DR VISTA 92086 760 802 3252 1192 LACUNA DR CARLSBAD 92008 760 802 3252 Building Permit Add'l Building Permit Fee Plan Check Add'l Plan Check Fee Plan Check Discount Strong Motion Fee Park in Lieu Fee Park Fee LFM Fee Bridge Fee Other Bridge Fee BTD #2 Fee BTD #3 Fee Renewal Fee Add'l Renewal Fee Other Building Fee HMP Fee Pot Water Con Fee Meter Size Add'l Pot Water Con Fee Reel Water Con Fee $1,74160 Meter Size SO 00 Add'l Reel Water Con Fee $1,13204 Meter Fee $0 00 SDCWA Fee $0 00 CFD Payoff Fee $4876 PFF (3105540) $0 00 PFF (4305540) $000 License Tax (3104193) $000 License Tax (4304193) $000 Traffic Impact Fee (3105541) $0 00 Traffic I mpact Fee (4305541) $0 00 Sidewalk Fee $0 00 PLUMBING TOTAL $0 00 ELECTRICAL TOTAL $000 MECHANICAL TOTAL $0 00 Housing Impact Fee $0 00 Housing InLieu Fee $0 00 Housing Credit Fee Master Drainage Fee $0 00 Sewer Fee $0 00 Additional Fees TOTAL PERMIT FEES $000 $000 $000 $000 $000 $000 $000 $000 $000 $000 $000 $202 00 $6000 $8950 $000 $000 $000 $000 $000 $000 $3,273 90 Total Fees $3:273 90 Total Payments To Date $3,273 90 Balance Due $000 BUILDING PLANS \L_IN STORAGE ATTACHED Inspector Clearance NOTICE Please take NOTICE that approval of your project includes the "Imposition of fees, dedications, reservations or other exactions hereafter collectively referred to as fees/exactions You have 90 days from the date this permit was issued to protest imposition of these fees/exactions If you protest them, you must follow the protest procedures set forth in Government Code Section 66020(a), and file the protest and any other required information with the City Manager for processing in accordance with Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 3 32 030 Failure to timely follow that procedure will bar any subsequent legal action to attack, review set aside void or annul their imposition You are hereby FURTHER NOTIFIED that your right to protest the specified fees/exactions DOES NOT APPLY to water and sewer connection fees and capacity changes nor planning zoning grading or other similar application processing or service fees in connection with this project NOR DOES IT APPLY to any tees/exactions of which you have previously been given a NOTICE similar to this, or as to which the statute of limitations has previously otherwise expired PERMIT APPLICATION CITY OF CARLSBAD BUILDING DEPARTMENT 1635 Faraday Ave , Carlsbad, CA 92008 ............... „JECT INFORMATION FOR OFFICE USE ONLY PLAN CHECK NO Q& Ob "3 £3*7 EST VAL ^ Plan Ck Deposit Validated By Date I ^- / /.035.99 Address (include Bldg/Suite #)Business Name (at this address) Legal Description ,\,^—/ ". Assessor s Parcel tt Description of Work . i i , Lot No Subdivision Name/Number Existing Use A2mo CO£& 3&K) Ho SQ FT 7rt£4<3^^ #of Stories Unit No Phase No Proposed Use #*£. tt of Bedrooms Total it of units #^a?thrapn/s 2 CONTACT PERSON (if different fcorn applicant) >/57/ 7$ lame Address City :fs^APPliCANT rJO^pntfatjtor ; Q^Agent fpricpntractbri Q3*0wnef\ D Agent:ifor OwnerV , State/Zip Telephone # Fax tt Name ,5. CONTRACTOR COMPANY NAME (Sec 7031 5 Business and Professions Code Any City or County which requires a permit to construct, alter, improve, demolish or repair any structure, prior to its issuance, also requires the applicant for such permit to file a signed statement that he is licensed pursuant to the provisions of the Contractor s License Law [Chapter 9, commending with Section 7000 of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code] or that he is exempt therefrom, and the basis for the alleged exemption Any violation of Section 7031 5 by any applicant for a permit subjects the applicant to a civil penalty of not more than five hundred dollars [$500]) Name State License tt Address License Class City State/Zip City Business License # Telephone Designer Name Address City State/Zip Telephone State License # 6. WORKERS'COMPENSATION ^ ' '%„. """"" ' '• • ' "^:™%^:; '"i:-%^ •J;i":" :W: « '" ''. "f • '''% Workers' Compensation Declaration I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury one of the following declarations l~1 I have and will maintain a certificate of consent to self-insure for workers' compensation as provided by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued n I have and will maintain workers' compensation, as required by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued My worker's compensation insurance carrier and policy number are Insurance Company Policy No Expiration Date (THIS SECTION NEED NOT BE COMPLETED IF THE PERMIT IS FOR ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS [$100] OR LESS) l~1 CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION I certify that in the performance of the work for which this permit is issued, I shall not employ any person in any manner so as to become subject to the Workers' Compensation Laws of California WARNING Failure to secure workers' compensation coverage is unlawful, and shall subject an employer to criminal penalties and civil fines up to one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000), in addition to the cost of compensation, damages as provided for in Section 3706 of the Labor code, interest and attorney s fees SIGNATURE DATE 7 OWNER-BUILDER DECLARATION '"• I hereby affirm that I am exempt from the Contractor's License Law for the following reason Q I, as owner of the property or my employees with wages as their sole compensation, will do the work and the structure is not intended or offered for sale (Sec 7044, Business and Professions Code The Contractor's License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon, and who does such work himself or through his own employees, provided that such improvements are not intended or offered for sale If, however, the building or improvement is solcLwithm one year of completion, the owner-builder will have the burden of proving that he did not bjild or improve for the purpose of sale) VJf I, as owner of the property, am exclusively contracting with licensed contractors to construct "he project (Sec 7044, Business and Professions Code The Contractor's License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon and contracts for such projects with contractor(s) licensed pursuant to the Contractor's License Law) n I am exempt under Section Business and Professions Code for this reason 1 I personally plan to provide the major labor and materials for construction of the proposed properly improvement El YES £]NO 2 I (have / have not) signed an application for a building permit for the proposed work 3 I have contracted with the following person (firm) to provide the proposed construction (include name / address / phone number / contractors license number) 4 I plan to provide portions of the work, but I have hired the following person to coordinate, supervise and provide the major work (include name / address / phone number / contractors license number) 5 I will provide some of the work, but I have contracted (hired) thlrfollowing persons to provide the work indicated (include name / address / phone number / type i of work) ^7 x /^ ^ PROPERTY OWNER SIGNATURE DATE / If - NO -/ COMPLETE THIS SECTION FOR/VO/V-ff£S/D£/V7Wi BUILDING PERMITS ONLY V* u^ Is the applicant or future building occupant required to submit a business plan acutely hazardous materials registration form or risk management and prevention program under Sections 25505, 25533 or 25534 of the Presley-Tanner Hazardous Substance Account Act? Q YES d NO Is the applicant or future building occupant required to obtain a permit from the air pollution control district or air quality management district? (~l YES Is the facility to be constructed within 1,000 feet of the outer boundary of a school site? fj] YES O NO IF ANY OF THE ANSWERS ARE YES A FINAL CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY MAY NOT BE ISSUED UNLESS THE APPLICANT HAS MET OR IS MEETING THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE OFFICE OF EMERGENCY SERVICES AND THE AIR POLLUTION CONTROL DISTRICT 8.1 CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY - : X, ' "!""§<:' •• ":f - •••• - "V, I hereby affirm that there is a construction lending agency for the performance of the work for which ihis permit is issued (Sec 3097(i) Civil Code) LENDER'S NAME LENDER'S ADDRESS £ ^RPIJCANf CERTIFICATION • , ..... ' ' ''•"'-.,..:: ...... ' '' ••• ........ ' ":j ': ,,%,:' ..'"'" "**". ,A.. I certify that I have read the application and state that the above information is correct and that the information on the plans is accurate I agree to comply with all City ordinances and State laws relating to building construction I hereby authorize representatives of the City of Carlsbad to enter upon the above mentioned property for inspection purposes I ALSO AGREE TO SAVE, INDEMNIFY AND KEEP HARMLESS THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AGAINST ALL LIABILITIES, JUDGMENTS COSTS AND EXPENSES WHICH MAY IN ANY WAY ACCRUE AGAINST SAID CITY IN CONSEQUENCE OF THE GRANTING OF THIS PERMIT OSHA An OSHA permit is required for excavations over 5'0" deep and demolition or construction of structures over 3 stories in height EXPIRATION Every permit issued by the building Official under the provisions of this Code shall expire by limitation and become null and void if the building or work authorized by such permit is not commencecpMjtMfi 1$pda£?fromjhe'date of such permit or if the building or work authorized by such permit is suspended or abandoned at any time after the work is cMjftj^cedJ^jEf^em#ofl80dayB(Section 106 4 4 Uniform Building Code) fv-l_APPLIC ANT'S SIGNATURED ^^/^"^ ^T^^^^^ __ DATE WHITE File YELLOW Applicant PINK Finance City of Carlsbad Final Building Inspection Dept Building Engineering Plan Check # Planning CMWD St Lite Fire Date Permits CB063537 Permit Type Project Name DIMENTO RES- DEMO 980SF/250SF Sub Type GAR NEW 4307 SF LIV.716 SF GAR, 330 SF DECK Address 1190LAGUNADR Contact Person ALBERTO Sewer Dist CA Inspected • . Inspected Bv Inspected Bv Phone 7608023252 Water Dist CA Date . Inspected /O/^ I <jf Date Inspected Date Inspected Lot 0 Approved ^/ Approved Approved 10/23/2008 RESDNTL SFD Disapproved Disapproved Disapproved Comments City of Carlsbad r Final Building Inspection MAR 3 0 2009 Dept Building Engineering Planning CMWD St Lite Fire (/ •~i Plan Check# ', iNl^ Permits CB063537 ' Project Name DIMENTO RES- DEMO 980SF/250SF GAR NEW 4307 SF LIV.716 SF GAR.330 SF DECK Address 1190 LACUNA DR Lot Contact Person Phone Sewer Dist CA Water Dist CA .ii±i_—03/30/2009 Permit Type RESDNTL Sub Type SFD Inspected . Bv &66$L&> Inspected Bv Inspected Bv Comments Date / 1PA- Inspected <3/J/ Date Inspected Date Inspected I "/ Approved Approved Approved v Disapproved Disapproved Disapproved City of Carlsbad Final Building Inspection Dept- Building Engineering Planning CMWD St Lite Fire OCT 2 3 2008 Plan Check # Permit # Project Name Address CB063537 DIMENTO RES- DEMO 980SF/250SF GAR NEW 4307 SF LIV.716 SF GAR.330 SF DECK 1190 LACUNA DR Lot Date 10/23/2008 PermitType RESDNTL Sub Type SFD 0 Contact Person ALBERTO Sewer Dist CA Inspect^ By _ By Inspected By Comments Phone 7608023252 Water Dist CA Date Inspected Date Inspected Date Inspected Approved .Approved .Approved Disapproved ^ Disapproved Disapproved PC /ucrxxr 7b City of Carlsbad Bldg Inspection Request For 03/27/2009 Permit* CB063537 Title DIMENTO RES- DEMO 980SF/250SF Description GAR NEW 4307 SF LIV.716 SF GAR.330 SF DECK Inspector Assignment PC 1190 LACUNA DR Lot Type RESDNTL Sub Type SFD Job Address Suite Location APPLICANT UMBERTO TRIPOLI Owner Remarks Phone 7608023252 Inspector Total Time CD Description 19 Final Structural 29 Final Plumbing 39 Final Electrical 49 Final Mechanical Requested By ROBERTO Entered By CHRISTINE Act x-vComments Comments/Notices/Holds Associated PCRs/CVs Original PC# Inspection History Date Description Act Insp 11/26/2008 39 Final Electrical CO PC 10/23/2008 89 Final Combo CO PC 04/04/2008 34 Rough Electric WC PC 04/04/2008 39 Final Electrical PA PC 04/02/2008 17 Interior Lath/Drywall AP PC 04/02/2008 18 Exterior Lath/Drywall AP PC 03/14/2008 16 Insulation PA PC 02/21/2008 14 Frame/Steel/Bolting/Weldmg CO PC 02/21/2008 21 Underground/Under Floor WC PC 02/21/2008 23 Gas^est/Repairs AP PC 02/21/2008 44 Rough/Ducts/Dampers AP PC 02/11/2008 14 Frame/Steel/Bolting/Weldmg CO PC Comments SUB PANEL REQURES 30IM WIDE X 36IN DEEP CLEAR SPACE REMOVE COUNTER AND BASE COMPLETE ALL WORK EMR WALLS OK TO DW WILL BLOW IN ACCTIC SEE LIST OK TO INSULATE INSTALL WINDOWS, DROPS, ETC City of Carlsbad Bldg Inspection Request For 04/04/2008 Permit* CB063537 Title DIMENTO RES- DEMO 980SF/250SF Description GAR NEW 4307 SF LIV,716 SF GAR.330 SF DECK Inspector Assignment PC 1190 LACUNA DR Lot Type RESDNTL Sub Type SFD Job Address Suite Location APPLICANT UMBERTO TRIPOLI Owner Remarks Phone 7606721764 Inspector Total Time Requested By DOMINICO Entered By BARBARA CD Description 34 Rough Electric Act Comments Comments/Notices/Holds Associated PCRs/CVs Original PC# Inspection History Date 04/02/2008 04/02/2008 03/14/2008 02/21/2008 02/21/2008 02/21/2008 02/21/2008 02/11/2008 02/11/2008 02/11/2008 02/11/2008 01/10/2008 01/10/2008 11/09/2007 11/09/2007 11/02/2007 10/23/2007 Description 17 Interior Lath/Drywall 18 Exterior Lath/Drywall 16 Insulation 14 Frame/Steel/Boltmg/Weldmg 21 Underground/Under Floor 23 Gas/Test/Repairs 44 Rough/Ducts/Dampers 14 Frame/Steel/Bolting/Welding 24 Rough/Topout 34 Rough Electric 44 Rough/Ducts/Dampers 13 Shear Panels/HD's 15 Roof/Reroof 11 Ftg/Foundation/Piers 14 Frame/Steel/Boltmg/Weldmg 22 Sewer/Water Service 21 Underground/Under Floor Act AP AP PA CO we AP AP CO AP AP CO AP AP AP we AP AP Insp PC PC PC PC PC PC PC PC PC PC PC PC PC PC PC PC PC Comments WALLS OK TO DW WILL BLOW IN ACCTIC SEE LIST OK TO INSULATE INSTALL WINDOWS DROPS, ETC EXCEPT GAS LINES INSTALL LINE SETS AND UNITS HEIGHT = SOFT - 0" SET BACK AND COMPACTION LETTERS BEING PREPARED EsGil Corporation In (partnership with government for (Building Safety DATE 09/06/07 OAEEJJCANT JURISDICTION Carlsbad a PLAN REVIEWER a FILE PLAN CHECK NO 06-3537 SET VI PROJECT ADDRESS 1 192 Laguna Drive PROJECT NAME SFD/ Garage /Deck for Tripoli Residence XI The plans transmitted herewith have been corrected where necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes The plans transmitted herewith will substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes when minor deficiencies identified below are resolved and checked by building department staff The plans transmitted herewith have significant deficiencies identified on the enclosed check list and should be corrected and resubmitted for a complete recheck The check list transmitted herewith is for your information The plans are being held at Esgil Corporation until corrected plans are submitted for recheck The applicant's copy of the check list is enclosed for the jurisdiction to forward to the applicant contact person The applicant's copy of the check list has been sent to X3 Esgil Corporation staff did not advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed Esgil Corporation staff did advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed Person contacted Telephone # Date contacted (by ) Fax # Mail Telephone Fax In Person ] REMARKS By Ray Fuller Enclosures Esgil Corporation D GA D MB D EJ D PC (P) 08/29/07 tmsmtl dot 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208 4 San Diego, California 92123 * (858)560-1468 4 Fax (858) 560-1576 EsGil Corporation •i In Partnership with government for (Buifding Safety DATE 07/18/07 Q^APPI IQANT JURISDICTION Carlsbad a PLAN REVIEWER a FILE PLAN CHECK NO 06-3537 SETJV PROJECT ADDRESS 1192 Laguna Drive PROJECT NAME SFD/ Garage /Deck for Tripoli Residence The plans transmitted herewith have been corrected where necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes The plans transmitted herewith will substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes when minor deficiencies identified below are resolved and checked by building department staff The plans transmitted herewith have significant deficiencies identified on the enclosed check list and should be corrected and resubmitted for a complete recheck [Xj The check list transmitted herewith is for your information The plans are being held at Esgil Corporation until corrected plans are submitted for recheck The applicant's copy of the check list is enclosed for the jurisdiction to forward to the applicant contact person [XJ The applicant's copy of the check list has been sent to Umberto Tripoli 2091 Alta Vista Drive Vista, Ca 92084 Esgil Corporation staff did not advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed XI Esgil Corporation staff did advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed Person contacted Umberto Tripoli Telephone # (760) 802-3252 Date contacted ytf /G7(ty&&) Fax # (760) 630-0609 Mail ^Telephone \/Fax ./to Person ~^ REMARKS By Ray Fuller Enclosures Esgil Corporation D GA D MB D EJ LI PC 07/11/07 trnsmtldot 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208 + San Diego, California 92123 * (358)560-1468 + Fax (858) 560-1576 Carlsbad 06-3537 07/18/07 RECHECK PLAN CORRECTION LIST JURISDICTION Carlsbad PLAN CHECK NO 06-3537 PROJECT ADDRESS 1192 Laguna Drive SET V DATE PLAN RECEIVED BY DATE RECHECK COMPLETED ESGIL CORPORATION 07/11/07 07/18/O7 REVIEWED BY Ray Fuller FOREWORD (PLEASE READ): This plan review is limited to the technical requirements contained in the Uniform Building Code, Uniform Plumbing Code, Uniform Mechanical Code, National Electrical Code and state laws regulating energy conservation, noise attenuation and disabled access This plan review is based on regulations enforced by the Building Department You may have other corrections based on laws and ordinances enforced by the Planning Department, Engineering Department or other departments The following items listed need clarification, modification or change All items must be satisfied before the plans will be in conformance with the cited codes and regulations Per Sec 106 4 3, 1997 Uniform Building Code, the approval of the plans does not permit the violation of any state, county or city law A To facilitate rechecking, please identify, next to each item, the sheet of the plans upon which each correction on this sheet has been made and return this sheet with the revised plans B The following items have not been resolved from the previous plan reviews The original correction number has been given for your reference In case you did not keep a copy of the prior correction list, we have enclosed those pages containing the outstanding corrections Please contact me if you have any questions regarding these items C Please indicate here if any changes have been made to the plans that are not a result of corrections from this list If there are other changes, please briefly describe them and where they are located on the plans Have changes been made not resulting from this list? GYes QNo Carlsbad 06-3537 07/18/07 NOTE: The items listed below are from the previous correction list. These remaining items have not been adequately addressed. The numbers of the items are from the previous check list and may not necessarily be in sequence. The notes in bold and underlined are current. • There are too many areas that still need close review. One example is where referencing detail 23/D-3. The detail is noting 2 x 10's . wrong orientation of 2x10's. where is beam . noting existing etc. . Response was fixed- Still seems to apply. • The plans and calculations do not match. Structurally the plans still cannot be checked. The calculations and plans do not match and still missing a complete and accurate vertical and lateral load path from roof sheathing to foundation. • In order to try to resolve height to width ratio issues you are now showing Strong Walls in many places. You have Steel and wood Strong walls shown in same location in addition to conventional shear walls. The heights and type are critical. For example how is stacked Strong Walls going to work at entry as plate height is 24 ft and plans reflect a 10 ft and 9 ft stacked Strong Wall. Noting types of shear walls that are part of a portal system and no continuous header shown? Noting 15 ft high Steel Strong wall at line 3? Provide Hardy Frame detail which do not appear to apply to this project and no Steel Strong Wall details? Noting Strong Wall details i.e. 15/Provide Strong Wall details and reference to the plans. Verfiy width and height of any stem walls meet reguirements per Simpson. Verfiv deepen footings for minimum 25" embedment reguired for the SSTB28's with additional 3" clearance reguired below the bolts is provided.-1 and no detail provided? • Then plans have been reviewed by my supervisor Chuck Mendenhall ( Structural Engineer) and me and we have by just briefly reviewing the plans have determined that plans do match calculations and/or vice versa. Various beams are missing calculations and are not shown on plans. The lateral calculations do not match and are incorrect and or incomplete. No further plan check will be done until this is these plans have been reviewed by designer of record and plans stamped and signed or reviewed letter provided. These plans will then be reviewed by our staff for compliance. Carlsbad 06-3537 07/18/O7 • There are far too many items that need close review. Some examples are listed below: a) Still noting shear wall type A at line 2 on S-5. Not shown on foundation plan b) The foundation plan must reflect locations of all hold downs, spacing of anchor bolts for shear etc. c) No Steel Strong details provided and S5 and S4 to reflect details of floor to floor hold downs and connections of post to foundation. d) 4 ft panels for line 3 on S-6 do not meet height to width ratio and required HD2A's . Referencing details not provided i.e. 30/D2. e) Overturning load path to continue to foundation or show in calculations that dead loads from floor framing can resist these loads. f) Line A on S-6 is missing HDS's and the 6 ft shear panels occur thru window openings. Calculations do not address reductions for openings in the panels. g) The header above master bath tub does not address point loads from girder truss. See also above h) Line 1 is to have Strong Walls on either side of retreat door and overturning load path must be detailed to foundation below. Conventional shear panels are shown below. i) Line 1 requires HDS's and plans still reflect 2's on 84 & 85? j) Line B requires HDIO's and plans reflect 8's on S5? k) Detail and reference all shear to roof sheathing or provide drag trusses with required axial forces noted on both truss calculations and roof plan. See line 2 on S6 for example. I) There were various notes written on plan that may have been in ink. If so notes in ink and changes in ink to be on vellums or CAD drawings so as to be a permanent part of the plans. Where is detail 1/A5? How could detail 24/D-3 apply as referenced to section D/ A-7? m) Could not determine what the size of the spread footings are on S-4 below FB2? Where is structural support for floor joist on either side FB2? n) Verfiy correct location of girder trusses i.e. on S-6 and that adequate members shown below. o) Verfiy all beam to beam connections are shown. Carlsbad O6-3537 07/18/O7 p) Detail and reference all hold downs to beams below where they occur and verify Any beams used to resist shear walls need to be designed per Table 16-L item #4 and 1630.8.2 1. Please make all corrections on the original tracings, as requested in the correction list Submit three sets of plans for commercial/industrial projects (two sets of plans for residential projects) For expeditious processing, corrected sets can be submitted in one of two ways 1) Deliver all corrected sets of plans and calculations/reports directly to the City of Carlsbad Building Department, 1635 Faraday Ave , Carlsbad, CA 92009, (760) 602-2700 The City will route the plans to EsGil Corporation and the Carlsbad Planning, Engineering and Fire Departments 2) Bring one corrected set of plans and calculations/reports to EsGil Corporation, 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208, San Diego, CA 92123, (858) 560-1468 Deliver all remaining sets of plans and calculations/reports directly to the City of Carlsbad Building Department for routing to their Planning, Engineering and Fire Departments NOTE Plans that are submitted directly to EsGil Corporation only will not be reviewed by the City Planning, Engineering and Fire Departments until review by EsGil Corporation is complete 5 Verfiy that the final sets of plans and any new calculations will be stamped and signed by engineer and /or architect of record also. 26. Verfiy all decks/balconies are shown with ad.equate support The foyer /balconies need close review How was balcony off master bedroom addressed'? Response was this is to be decorative. The metal deck/railing needs to be detailed and /or manufacturer's specs provided to verify weight and connections to the house. As shown this is not a decorative railing as doors allow access. This must be designed to resist 60 #'s ft live load plus dead load of railing. Response was this is to be fixed doors now. If this the then there is no egress or ventilation provided. 29 Show support for all point loads i e size of members supporting girder trusses and beams with large spans Check that foundation is adequate to support point loads Missing in various areas Headers shown with point loads from girder truss and could not locate in the calculations. See 4 x8 at master bedroom for example, no header shown between retreat and master bedroom etc. Recheck all locations. 33 Lateral and vertical to be rechecked when calculations provided Calculations provided and do not match plans. The plans need to be reviewed by designer of record, stamp and signed showing that details and floor plans match calculations which in turn show a complete vertical and lateral load path to the foundation. Carlsbad O6-3537 07/18/O7 34 Please verify that all hold down locations reflect an appropriate detail i e from floor to floor, floor to beams, floor to rim joist where applicable Verfiy overturning load path to continue to foundation or show in calculations that dead loads from floor framing can resist these loads Please show how for example how resisting members i e post, beams , rim joist /joist are capable of resisting uplift forces Still applies. To speed up the review process provide a written response on this list (or a copy) where each correction item has been addressed, i.e., plan sheet, note or detail number, calculation page, etc. • Please indicate here if any changes have been made to the plans that are not a result of corrections from this list If there are other changes, please briefly describe them and where they are located in the plans • Have changes been made to the plans not resulting from this correction list? Please indicate Yes Q No Q • The jurisdiction has contracted with Esgil Corporation located at 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208, San Diego, California 92123, telephone number of 858/560-1468, to perform the plan review for your project If you have any questions regarding these plan review items, please contact Ray Fuller at Esgil Corporation Thank you EsGil Corporation I In (Partnership with government for (Buififing Safety DATE O5/24/07 JURISDICTION Carlsbad a PLAN REVIEWER -ILL a FILE PLAN CHECK NO 06-3537 SET"lV PROJECT ADDRESS 1192 Laguna Drive PROJECT NAME SFD/Garage/Deck for Tripoli Residence The plans transmitted herewith have been corrected where necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes I | The plans transmitted herewith will substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes when minor deficiencies identified below are resolved and checked by building department staff I | The plans transmitted herewith have significant deficiencies identified on the enclosed check list and should be corrected and resubmitted for a complete recheck XI The check list transmitted herewith is for your information The plans are being held at Esgil Corporation until corrected plans are submitted for recheck The applicant's copy of the check list is enclosed for the jurisdiction to forward to the applicant contact person XI The applicant's copy of the check list has been sent to Umberto Tripoli 2091 Alta Vista Drive Vista, Ca 92084 Esgil Corporation staff did not advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed XI Esgil Corporation staff did advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed Person contacted /UrnjDerto Tripoli Telephone # (760) 802-3252 Date contacted $£/<>/?(ty$& ) Fax # (760)630-0609 Mail Telephone Fax•/In Person REMARKS By Ray Fuller Enclosures Esgil Corporation D GA D MB D EJ D PC 05/17/07 trnsmtldot 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208 * San Diego, California 92123 + (858)560-1468 + Fax (858) 560-1576 Carlsbad 06-3537 05/24/07 RECHECK PLAN CORRECTION LIST JURISDICTION Carlsbad PLAN CHECK NO 06-3537 PROJECT ADDRESS 1192 Laguna Drive SET IV DATE PLAN RECEIVED BY DATE RECHECK COMPLETED ESGIL CORPORATION 05/17/07 O5/24/07 REVIEWED BY Ray Fuller FOREWORD (PLEASE READ): This plan review is limited to the technical requirements contained in the Uniform Building Code, Uniform Plumbing Code, Uniform Mechanical Code, National Electrical Code and state laws regulating energy conservation, noise attenuation and disabled access This plan review is based on regulations enforced by the Building Department You may have other corrections based on laws and ordinances enforced by the Planning Department, Engineering Department or other departments The following items listed need clarification, modification or change All items must be satisfied before the plans will be in conformance with the cited codes and regulations Per Sec 106 4 3, 1997 Uniform Building Code, the approval of the plans does not permit the violation of any state, county or city law A To facilitate rechecking, please identify, next to each item, the sheet of the plans upon which each correction on this sheet has been made and return this sheet with the revised plans B The following items have not been resolved from the previous plan reviews The original correction number has been given for your reference In case you did not keep a copy of the prior correction list, we have enclosed those pages containing the outstanding corrections Please contact me if you have any questions regarding these items C Please indicate here if any changes have been made to the plans that are not a result of corrections from this list If there are other changes, please briefly describe them and where they are located on the plans Have changes been made not resulting from this list? QYes QNo Carlsbad 06-3537 O5/24/07 NOTE: The items listed below are from the previous correction list. These remaining items have not been adequately addressed. The numbers of the items are from the previous check list and may not necessarily be in sequence. The notes in bold are current • There are too many areas that still need close review. One example is where referencing detail 23/D-3 at master deck/house area. The detail is noting 2 x 10's , wrong orientation of 2x10's, where is beam , noting existing etc. The plans and calculations do not match. Structurally the plans still cannot be checked. Why does the shear schedule on S-3 for items A thru D state under thickness " Per manufacturer's specs". The calculations and plans do not match and still missing a complete and accurate vertical and lateral load path from roof sheathing to foundation. • Then plans have been reviewed by my supervisor Chuck Mendenhall ( Structural Engineer) and me and we have by just briefly reviewing the plans have determined that plans do match calculations and/or vice versa. Taking example of a beam FB-2 you have 2 different designs, calculations/spans/sizes etc and neither match what is shown. Various beams are missing calculations and are not shown on plans. The lateral calculations do not match and are incorrect and or incomplete. No further plan check will be done until this is these plans have been reviewed by designer of record and plans stamped and signed or reviewed letter provided. These plans will then be reviewed by our staff for compliance. • We had a meeting in which many areas were discussed and they still are not addressed. Some examples are listed below: a) Front of garage requires Strong walls and plans still reflect type "A" shear b) The shear schedule still fails to note thickness of shear panels for A thru D. c) The foundation plan must reflect locations of all hold downs, spacing of anchor bolts for shear etc. d) No Steel Strong details provided and S5 and S4 to reflect details of floor to floor hold downs and connections of post to foundation. e) 4 ft panels for line 3 on S-6 do not meet height to width ratio and required HD2A's . Carlsbad O6-3537 O5/24/O7 f) Overturning load path to continue to foundation or show in calculations that dead loads from floor framing can resist these loads. g) Line A on S-6 is missing HDS's and the 6 ft shear panels occur thru window openings. Calculations do not address reductions for openings in the panels. h) The header above master bath tub does not address point loads from girder truss, i) Line 1 is to have Strong Walls on either side of retreat door and overturning load path must be detailed to foundation below. Conventional shear panels are shown below, j) Missing header for fireplace opening for line B. k) Please verify that foundation and soil bearing are adequate for tension and compression forces for the 15 .2 kip forces for line 2 on S-4. I) As noted on previous corrections the beams do not match the calculations . Again FB2 has 2 different calculations and neither seem to match lengths size shown on S-5? m) Line 1 requires HDS's and plans still reflect 2's on S4 & S5? n) Line B requires HDIO's and plans reflect *'s on 85? o) Detail and reference all shear to roof sheathing or provide drag trusses with required axial forces noted on both truss calculations and roof plan. See line 2 on S6 for example, p) There were various notes written on plan that may have been in ink. If so notes in ink and changes in ink to be on vellums or CAD drawings so as to be a permanent part of the plans. 1. Please make all corrections on the original tracings, as requested in the correction list Submit three sets of plans for commercial/industrial projects (two sets of plans for residential projects) For expeditious processing, corrected sets can be submitted in one of two ways 1) Deliver all corrected sets of plans and calculations/reports directly to the City of Carlsbad Building Department, 1635 Faraday Ave , Carlsbad, CA 92009, (760) 602-2700 The City will route the plans to EsGil Corporation and the Carlsbad Planning, Engineering and Fire Departments 2) Bring one corrected set of plans and calculations/reports to EsGil Corporation, 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208, San Diego, CA 92123, (858) 560-1468 Deliver all remaining sets of plans and calculations/reports directly to the City of Carlsbad Building Department for routing to their Planning, Engineering and Fire Departments NOTE Plans that are submitted directly to EsGil Corporation only will not be reviewed by the City Planning, Engineering and Fire Departments until review by EsGil Corporation is complete Carlsbad O6-3537 OS/24/07 5 Verfiy that the final sets of plans and any new calculations will be stamped and signed by engineer and /or architect of record also. 26. Verfiy all decks/balconies are shown with adequate support The foyer /balconies need close review How was balcony off master bedroom addressed'? Response was this is to be decorative. The metal deck/railing needs to be detailed and /or manufacturer's specs provided to verify weight and connections to the house. As shown this is not a decorative railing as doors allow access. This must be designed to resist 60 #'s ft live load plus dead load of railing. 29 Show support for all point loads i e size of members supporting girder trusses and beams with large spans Check that foundation is adequate to support point loads Missing in various areas Headers shown with point loads from girder truss and could not locate in the calculations. See 4 x8 at master bedroom for example, no header shown between retreat and master bedroom etc. Recheck all locations. 33 Lateral and vertical to be rechecked when calculations provided Calculations provided and do not match plans. The plans need to be reviewed by designer of record, stamp and signed showing that details and floor plans match calculations which in turn show a complete vertical and lateral load path to the foundation. The plans do not match the calculations. For example just started with line A at upper floor where noting 2 ft shear wall at line A.. Detail and reference how maximum aspect ratio of 2 to 1 for shear panels is meant i.e. size and number of blocks, strap type and size at window/door openings. Where are the hold downs and how is overturning path extended to foundation? 34 Please verify that all hold down locations reflect an appropriate detail i e from floor to floor, floor to beams, floor to rim joist where applicable Verfiy overturning load path to continue to foundation or show in calculations that dead loads from floor framing can resist these loads Please show how for example how resisting members i e post, beams , rim joist /joist are capable of resisting uplift forces Still applies. To speed up the review process provide a written response on this list (or a copy) where each correction item has been addressed, i.e., plan sheet, note or detail number, calculation page, etc. • Please indicate here if any changes have been made to the plans that are not a result of corrections from this list If there are other changes, please briefly describe them and where they are located in the plans • Have changes been made to the plans not resulting from this correction list? Please indicate Yes U No Q • The jurisdiction has contracted with Esgil Corporation located at 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208, San Diego, California 92123, telephone number of 858/560-1468, to perform the plan review for your project If you have any questions regarding these plan review items, please contact Ray Fuller at Esgil Corporation Thank you EsGil Corporation In (PartnersAip ivitH government for (Bmfifing Safety DATE 05/10/07 a JURIS, JURISDICTION Carlsbad ~EJTEAN REVIEWER •30' D FILE PLAN CHECK NO 06-3537 SET Hf- PROJECT ADDRESS 1192 Laguna Drive PROJECT NAME SFD/Garage/Deck for Tripoli Residence The plans transmitted herewith have been corrected where necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes The plans transmitted herewith will substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes when minor deficiencies identified below are resolved and checked by building department staff The plans transmitted herewith have significant deficiencies identified on the enclosed check list and should be corrected and resubmitted for a complete recheck Al The check list transmitted herewith is for your information The plans are being held at Esgil Corporation until corrected plans are submitted for recheck The applicant's copy of the check list is enclosed for the jurisdiction to forward to the applicant contact person XI The applicant's copy of the check list has been sent to Umberto Tripoli 2091 Alta Vista Drive Vista, Ca 92084 Esgil Corporation staff did not advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed Al Esgil Corporation staff did advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed Person contacted Umberto Tripoli Telephone # (760) 802-3252 Date contacted ^/K/O^^^f^ Fax # (760) 630-0609 Mail y Telephone Fax \/ In Person REMARKS By Ray Fuller Enclosures Esgil Corporation D GA D MB D EJ D PC 05/03/07 trnsmtldot 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208 * San Diego, California 92123 * (858)560-1468 + Fax (858) 560-1576 Carlsbad O6-3537 05/1O/07 RECHECK PLAN CORRECTION LIST JURISDICTION Carlsbad PLAN CHECK NO O6-3537 PROJECT ADDRESS 1192 Laguna Drive SET III DATE PLAN RECEIVED BY DATE RECHECK COMPLETED ESGIL CORPORATION 05/03/07 O5/1O/07 REVIEWED BY Ray Fuller FOREWORD (PLEASE READ): This plan review is limited to the technical requirements contained in the Uniform Building Code, Uniform Plumbing Code, Uniform Mechanical Code, National Electrical Code and state laws regulating energy conservation, noise attenuation and disabled access This plan review is based on regulations enforced by the Building Department You may have other corrections based on laws and ordinances enforced by the Planning Department, Engineering Department or other departments The following items listed need clarification, modification or change All items must be satisfied before the plans will be in conformance with the cited codes and regulations Per Sec 106 4 3, 1997 Uniform Building Code, the approval of the plans does not permit the violation of any state, county or city law A To facilitate rechecking, please identify, next to each item, the sheet of the plans upon which each correction on this sheet has been made and return this sheet with the revised plans B The following items have not been resolved from the previous plan reviews The original correction number has been given for your reference In case you did not keep a copy of the prior correction list, we have enclosed those pages containing the outstanding corrections Please contact me if you have any questions regarding these items C Please indicate here if any changes have been made to the plans that are not a result of corrections from this list If there are other changes, please briefly describe them and where they are located on the plans Have changes been made not resulting from this list? DYes QNo Carlsbad O6-3537 05/10/O7 NOTE- The items listed below are from the previous correction list. These remaining items have not been adequately addressed The numbers of the items are from the previous check list and may not necessarily be in sequence. The notes in bold are current • There are too many areas that still need close review. One example is where referencing detail 23/D-3 at master deck/house area. The detail is noting 2 x 8's , wrong orientation of 2x8's, where is beam , noting existing etc. The plans and calculations do not match. Structurally the plans still cannot be checked. Why does the shear schedule on S-3 for items A thru D state under thickness " Per manufacturer's specs". The calculations and plans do not match and still missing a complete and accurate vertical and lateral load path from roof sheathing to foundation. • Then plans have been reviewed by my supervisor Chuck Mendenhall ( Structural Engineer) and me and we have by just briefly reviewing the plans have determined that plans do match calculations and/or vice versa. Taking example of a beam FB-2 you have 2 different designs, calculations/spans/sizes etc and neither match what is shown. Various beams are missing got both calculations and not shown on plans. The lateral calculations do not match and are incorrect and or incomplete. No further plan check will be done until this is these plans have been reviewed by designer of record and plans stamped and signed or reviewed letter provided. These plans will then be reviewed by our staff for compliance. 1. Please make all corrections on the original tracings, as requested in the correction list Submit three sets of plans for commercial/industrial projects (two sets of plans for residential projects) For expeditious processing, corrected sets can be submitted in one of two ways 1) Deliver all corrected sets of plans and calculations/reports directly to the City of Carlsbad Building Department, 1635 Faraday Ave , Carlsbad, CA 92009, (760) 602-2700 The City will route the plans to EsGil Corporation and the Carlsbad Planning, Engineering and Fire Departments 2) Bring one corrected set of plans and calculations/reports to EsGil Corporation, 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208, San Diego, CA 92123, (858) 560-1468 Deliver all remaining sets of plans and calculations/reports directly to the City of Carlsbad Building Department for routing to their Planning, Engineering and Fire Departments NOTE Plans that are submitted directly to EsGil Corporation only will not be reviewed by the City Planning, Engineering and Fire Departments until review by EsGil Corporation is complete Carlsbad O6-3537 05/1O/O7 2 The plans do not match revised energy calculations. For example R-38 required in ceiling and R-19 in walls. The cross sections /structural to reflect 2 x6 framing at 16" oc for studs and on S-6 plans are reflecting 3 x8 rafters and this would generally require 12" deep framing in order to allow for air space etc. Owner/designer to sign the CF1-R forms. 5 Verfiy that the final sets of plans and any new calculations will be stamped and signed by engineer and /or architect of record also. 12 Only 1 zone (FAU) to be provided for 4300 sq ft house? Could not locate AC? Energy consultant and/or Mech engineer to show how 1-100,000 BTU furnace is capable of heating this house. 22 Please recheck window /door designators to verify correct See for example where noting MM at master bath on A-3? Still seems to apply. The schedule denotes MM to be a 6068 door- plans to not 3068 instead? 26. Verfiy all decks/balconies are shown with adequate support The foyer /balconies need close review How was balcony off master bedroom addressed? 28 Please verify that plans reflect details showing a complete vertical and lateral load transfer path from upper roof diagram thru lower roofs to foundation below How for example are tower roof loads transferred vertically and laterally to foundation below? Still seems to apply. 29 Show support for all point loads i e size of members supporting girder trusses and beams with large spans Check that foundation is adequate to support point loads Missing in various areas Headers shown with point loads from girder truss and could not locate in the calculations. See 4 x8 at master bedroom for example, no header shown between retreat and master bedroom etc. Recheck all locations. 31 Specify on the plans all beam to beam connections Still seems to apply See stair landing framing on S-5, B1 to B3 on S-6 etc. Recheck all locations. 32 Could not locate various spread footing sizes Still seems to apply. 33 Lateral and vertical to be rechecked when calculations provided Calculations provided and do not match plans. The plans need to be reviewed by designer of record, stamp and signed showing that details and floor plans match calculations which in turn show a complete vertical and lateral load path to the foundation. The plans do not match the calculations. For example just started with line A at upper floor where noting 2 ft shear wall at line A.. Detail and reference how maximum aspect ratio of 2 to 1 for shear panels is meant i.e. size and number of blocks, strap type and size at window/door openings. Where are the hold downs and how is overturning path extended to foundation? Carlsbad O6-3537 05/1O/O7 34 Please verify that all hold down locations reflect an appropriate detail i e from floor to floor, floor to beams, floor to rim joist where applicable Verfiy overturning load path to continue to foundation or show in calculations that dead loads from floor framing can resist these loads Please show how for example how resisting members i e post, beams , rim joist /joist are capable of resisting uplift forces Still applies. 35 If applies Any beams used to resist shear walls need to be designed per Table 16-L item #4 and 1630 8 2 Still seems to apply. To speed up the review process provide a written response on this list (or a copy) where each correction item has been addressed, i.e., plan sheet, note or detail number, calculation page, etc. • Please indicate here if any changes have been made to the plans that are not a result of corrections from this list If there are other changes, please briefly describe them and where they are located in the plans • Have changes been made to the plans not resulting from this correction list? Please indicate Yes Q No a The jurisdiction has contracted with Esgil Corporation located at 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208, San Diego, California 92123, telephone number of 858/560-1468, to perform the plan review for your project If you have any questions regarding these plan review items, please contact Ray Fuller at Esgil Corporation Thank you EsGil Corporation In (Partnership with government for (Buiftfmg Safety DATE O1/O3/07 a APPLICANT JURISDICTION Carlsbad 'a PLAN REVIEWER a FILE PLAN CHECK NO 06-3537 SET I PROJECT ADDRESS 1192 Laguna Drive PROJECT NAME SFD/ Garage /Deck for Tripoli Residence The plans transmitted herewith have been corrected where necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes The plans transmitted herewith will substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes when minor deficiencies identified below are resolved and checked by building department staff The plans transmitted herewith have significant deficiencies identified on the enclosed check list and should be corrected and resubmitted for a complete recheck XI The check list transmitted herewith is for your information The plans are being held at Esgil Corporation until corrected plans are submitted for recheck The applicant's copy of the check list is enclosed for the jurisdiction to forward to the applicant contact person XI The applicant's copy of the check list has been sent to Umberto Tripoli 2091 Alta Vista Drive Vista, Ca 92086 Esgil Corporation staff did not advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed X3 Esgil Corporation staff did advise the applicant that the plan check has been completedq \ Person contacted Umberto Tripoli (]/•*•] Telephone # (760) 802-3252 (by l^) Fax # / >/Maik/ Telephone _/ Fax In Person REMARKS By Ray Fuller Enclosures Esgil Corporation D GA D MB D EJ D PC 12/21/06 trnsmtldot 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208 4 San Diego, California 92123 *• (858)560-1468 + Fax (858) 560-1576 Carlsbad O6-3537 O1/03/O7 PLAN REVIEW CORRECTION LIST SINGLE FAMILY DWELLINGS AND DUPLEXES PLAN CHECK NO O6-3537 JURISDICTION Carlsbad PROJECT ADDRESS 1192 Laguna Drive FLOOR AREA STORIES 2 Dwelling 4307 Garage 716 Decks 330 HEIGHT 26 ft per UBC REMARKS DATE PLANS RECEIVED BY DATE PLANS RECEIVED BY JURISDICTION 12/18/06 ESGIL CORPORATION 12/21/06 DATE INITIAL PLAN REVIEW PLAN REVIEWER Ray Fuller COMPLETED 01/03/07 FOREWORD (PLEASE READ): This plan review is limited to the technical requirements contained in the Uniform Building Code, Uniform Plumbing Code, Uniform Mechanical Code, National Electrical Code and state laws regulating energy conservation, noise attenuation and access for the disabled This plan review is based on regulations enforced by the Building Department You may have other corrections based on laws and ordinance by the Planning Department, Engineering Department, Fire Department or other departments Clearance from those departments may be required prior to the issuance of a building permit Present California law mandates that residential construction comply with the 2001 edition of the California Building Code (Title 24), which adopts the following model codes 1997 UBC, 2000 UPC, 2000 UMC and 2002 NEC The above regulations apply to residential construction, regardless of the code editions adopted by ordinance The following items listed need clarification, modification or change All items must be satisfied before the plans will be in conformance with the cited codes and regulations Per Sec 106 4 3, 1997 Uniform Building Code, the approval of the plans does not permit the violation of any state, county or city law To speed up the recheck process, please note on this list (or a copy) where each correction item has been addressed, i.e., plan sheet number, specification section, etc. Be sure to enclose the marked up list when you submit the revised plans. Carlsbad O6-3537 O1/O3/07 1 Please make all corrections on the original tracings, as requested in the correction list • Submit three sets of plans for commercial/industrial projects (two sets of plans for residential projects) For expeditious processing, corrected sets can be submitted in one of two ways 1) Deliver all corrected sets of plans and calculations/reports directly to the City of Carlsbad Building Department, 1635 Faraday Ave , Carlsbad, CA 92009, (760) 602-2700 The City will route the plans to EsGil Corporation and the Carlsbad Planning, Engineering and Fire Departments 2) Bring one corrected set of plans and calculations/reports to EsGil Corporation, 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208, San Diego, CA 92123, (858) 560-1468 Deliver all remaining sets of plans and calculations/reports directly to the City of Carlsbad Building Department for routing to their Planning, Engineering and Fire Departments NOTE Plans that are submitted directly to EsGil Corporation only will not be reviewed by the City Planning, Engineering and Fire Departments until review by EsGil Corporation is complete 2 No lateral and vertical calculations were received The plans do not comply with conventional framing for vertical or lateral For example the 2x12 hips are overstressed at garage (do not match truss layout concerning large overhang at single car garage area) 3 The Conventional Light-Frame Construction provisions of Section 2320 may not be used in Seismic Zones 3 & 4 for "unusually shaped buildings," and thus design calculations must be provided, as per Section 2320 5 4 a) When exterior braced wall panels are not in one plane vertically from the foundation to the uppermost story b) UBC generally limits plate height to 10 for conventional framing for both vertical and lateral 4 The plans as shown do not meet conventional framing parameters for lateral Some examples of areas that were noticed are a) The maximum 25 ft without interior and exterior braced wall panels in both directions is exceeded b) The maximum offset of 4 ft for any braced wall line is exceeded c) Braced wall panels must start within 8 ft of the end of a braced wall line and not be more than 25 ft apart d) All braced wall lines must detailed and referenced extending to roof sheathing e) Minimum 2'8" panels required for 1st floor with hold downs (double sided shear and minimum 3000#'s uplift required for hold downs where supporting 2nd floor above f) Minimum 4 ft panels required on 2nd floor g) When exterior braced wall panels are not in one plane vertically from the foundation to the uppermost story Carlsbad O6-3537 01/O3/07 5 Verfiy that the final sets of plans and any new calculations will be stamped and signed by engineer and /or architect of record also 6 The energy calculations are for 3371 sq ft and plans reflect 4307 Please clarify 7 Owner/designer to sign the CF1 -R forms 8 Provide design for fascia at large unsupported area at overhang at single car garage for example Specify type, grade of lumber and minimum length 9 The soils report provided did not address items below a) In Seismic Zone 4, each site shall be assigned a near-source factor Identify this value in the soils report and on the plans Section 1629 4 2 b) Investigate the potential for seismically induced soil liquefaction and soil instability (required for Seismic Zone 4) 10 The soils engineer recommended that he/she review the foundation excavations Note on the foundation plan that "Prior to the contractor requesting a Building Department foundation inspection, Ihe soils engineer shall advise the building official in writing that a) The building pad was prepared in accordance with the soils report, b) The utility trenches have been properly backfilled and compacted, and c) The foundation excavations, the soils expansive characteristics and bearing capacity conform to the soils report" 11 Provide a letter from the soils engineer confirming that the foundation plan, grading plan and specifications have been reviewed and that it has been determined that the recommendations in the soils report are properly incorporated into the construction documents (when required by the soil report) 12 Only 1 zone (FAU) to be provided for 4300 sq ft house? Could not locate AC? 13 When garage ceiling is to be part of the fire envelope then please verify framing member spacing as if the roof/ceiling framing members exceed 16" oc then show or note that either 2 layers of 5/8X or for example resilient channel at 16" oc and verify plans note or show that all supporting walls in the garage to have 5/8x protection also Any penetrations of the ceiling would be required to be 1 hour protected i e attic accesses (required when ceiling height exceeds 30") would require a 1 3/8" solid self closing door 14 Show route of discharge line to exterior for the water heater (s) T& P UPC, Section 608 5 The T&P must dram by gravity and as shown it would need to cross doorway (s) in order to reach exterior How will this be accomplish as would need to be protected (i e behind step) in order not to be subject to damage and tripping hazard? Carlsbad 06-3537 O1/03/O7 15 Doors D and H to be weather tight at alcove area and how will flatwork for exterior remain a minimum of 2" above weep screen9 The foundation plan does not reflect a depress slab area at this exterior location Detail and reference stem walls to maintain required clearances 16 How is hi and low combustion air being provided to FAD water heater i e louvered doors to mechanical area7 17 Note on the plans that the FAD closet or alcove must be 12 inches wider than the furnace or furnaces being installed UMC Section 904 1 18 Plans did not address the exterior wall at stairwell and open area where required to be ballooned framed from sill to top plate (20 ft) Specify appropriate size of stud, grade and spacing and provide calculations as UBC conventional framing limits height of studs to 10 ft for bearing 19 Show or note that doors may open to the extenor only if the exterior landing is not than more than one inch lower than the door threshold Section 1003 3 1 6 Occurs in various places i e entry, family room, balconies etc 20 Show dryer vent to the exterior-maximum 14 ft with 2 elbows when 4" or 23 ft if 5" noted Termination to be a minimum of 3 ft from any opening Provide a dryer vent design that complies with the requirements of UMC 504 3 2 (14 feet maximum length w/ (2) 90°'s) If exceeding this limitations then submit a complying design, or provide an engineered solution, or provide the manufacturers installation instructions complete with Building Official approval for use of a specific brand of dryer UMC 504 322 21 Recheck plans for tempered window locations i e see window 9 at retreat area where appears to be within 18" of floor level 22 Please recheck window /door designators to verify correct See for example where noting MM at master bath on A-3? 23 Specify how obtaining the required minimum 1/4 inch per foot deck slope for drainage i e ripping, sleepers, slope framing etc If ripping, note maximum taper cut and calculations to reflect this and if sleepers detail attachment to floor joist 24 Plans to reflect sizes of all drains and required overflows Mm size is 2" if vertical, 3" if runs horizontal and mm scupper size is A" in height per UBC 1506 2 See 1/D-4? 25 Note 21 on A3-1 should state 3 ft above windows/openings. 26 Verfiy all decks/balconies are shown with adequate support The foyer /balconies need close review Carlsbad 06-3537 O1/03/07 27 Detail and reference how supporting curved stairs (details are reflecting 2 x14's)? 28 Please verify that plans reflect details showing a complete vertical and lateral load transfer path from upper roof diagram thru lower roofs to foundation below How for example are tower roof loads transferred vertically and laterally to foundation below'? 29 Show support for all point loads i e size of members supporting girder trusses and beams with large spans Check that foundation is adequate to support point loads Missing in various areas 30 Plans to detail reference how hips are supported where they intersect For example post to reflect positive connections from hip to ridge/ king post below, king post to beam with beam sized to be adequate of carry point load from above Plans to note if beams are to be dropped or flush If dropped then note minimum 7' head clearance and show required straps if held flush to top plates If beams are flush then calculations and plans to reflect any required taper cuts to support this intersection If king post to beam/wall not provided then provide design calculations for tension and compression members See garage for example 31 Specify on the plans all beam to beam connections 32 Could not locate various spread footing sizes 33 Lateral and vertical to be rechecked when calculations provided Verfiy plans reflect grid lines to reference calculations to 34 Please verify that all hold down locations reflect an appropriate detail i e from floor to floor, floor to beams, floor to rim joist where applicable Verfiy overturning load path to continue to foundation or show in calculations that dead loads from floor framing can resist these loads Please show how for example how resisting members i e post, beams , rim joist /joist are capable of resisting uplift forces 35 If applies Any beams used to resist shear walls need to be designed per Table 16-Litem#4and 163082 36 No electrical plan was provided 37 Show on the electrical plan to be provided how receptacle outlet locations will comply with NEC Art 210-52(a) 38 Per NEC Art 210-11(c)3, note on the plans that bathroom circuiting shall be either a) A 20 ampere circuit dedicated to each bathroom, or b) At least one 20 ampere circuit supplying only bathroom receptacle outlets Carlsbad 06-3537 O1/03/07 39 Show on the plans that countertop receptacle outlets comply with NEC Art 210-52(c), which reads as follows In kitchens and dining areas of dwelling units a receptacle outlet shall be installed at each counter space wider than 12 inches Receptacles shall be installed so that no point along the wall line is more than 24 inches measured horizontally from a receptacle outlet in that space Island and peninsular countertops 12 inches by 24" long (or greater) shall have at least one receptacle Countertop spaces separated by range tops, refrigerators, or sinks shall be considered as separate countertop spaces 40 Show on the plans a wall receptacle adjacent to each lavatory in the bathroom NEC Art 210-52(d) 41 Show on the plan that receptacle outlets in hallways comply with NEC Art 210-52(h), which reads as follows For hallways of 10 feet or more in length at least one receptacle outlet shall be required 42 Show at least one wall switch-controlled lighting outlet to be installed in every habitable room, in bathrooms, hallways, stairways, attached garages, and at the exterior side of outdoor entrances or exits NEC Art 210(a) 43 All bedroom branch circuits now require arc fault protection Note clearly on the plans that "Bedroom branch circuits will be arc fault circuit protected " NEC Art 210-12(b) 44 Show on the plan that ground-fault circuit-interrupter protection complies with NEC Art 210-8, which reads as follows All 125-volt, single-phase, 15- and 20- ampere receptacles installed in bathrooms, garages, outdoors, kitchen counters and at wet bar sinks 45 Plans to reflect a exterior GFCI at front and back of dwelling 46 Show locations of permanently wired smoke detectors with battery backup a) Inside each bedroom b) Centrally located in corridor or area giving access to sleeping rooms c) On each story d) When sleeping rooms are upstairs, at the upper level in close proximity to the stair e) In rooms adjacent to hallways serving bedrooms, when such rooms have a ceiling height 24 inches or more above the ceiling height in the hallway 47 Show on the plan the amperage of the electrical service, the location of the service panel and the location of any sub*panels If placed in a shear wall and flush mounted then detail opening in shear wall If service is over 200 amps, submit single line diagram, panel schedule and load calculations Sub panels if provided cannot be placed in fire wall, closets , bathrooms or in any area where that does not provide a minimum 30" clear width, 36" clearance in front and adequate head clearance Carlsbad O6-3537 O1/03/07 48 Electrical plan to reflect locations (not general notes) of new T-24 requirements for all rooms i e photo control motion detectors, occupancy sensors, dimmers, verify plans reflect locations of required fluorescents/ high efficacy lighting etc The interior and exterior lighting energy design shall be fully detailed on the floor plans Notes are not acceptable Floor plan description to include fixture types and control methods demonstrating compliance with the following requirements In the kitchen at least one-half of the wattage rating of the fixtures must be high efficacy with non-high efficacy fixtures switched separately Note Approximately % of the fixtures will be required to be of the high efficacy variety In bathrooms, garages, laundry rooms, and utility rooms all fixtures must be high efficacy style or be controlled by a manually-on occupancy sensor All other rooms require any installed fixtures to be high efficacy or be controlled by a manually-on occupancy sensor or dimmer (Closets under 70 square feet are exempt) Outdoor lighting fixtures are required to be high efficacy or controlled by a combination photocontrol/motion sensor Note Generally a high efficacy style of fixture is fluorescent complete with electronic ballasts Regular incandescent, quartz halogen and halogen MR lamps do not comply • CITY OF CARLSBAD REQUIREMENTS 49 Nails for shear transfer connection (using A35's, etc) may not be driven parallel to the flanges of TJI's (i e , along the sides), per city policy, unless specific written approval from Trus-Joist Macmillan is first obtained Details or notes on the plans should make this clear Nails may be driven perpendicular to TJI flanges 50 Overflow roof drams shall terminate in an area where they will be readily visible and will not cause damage to the building If the roof dram terminates through a wall, the overflow dram shall terminate 12" minimum above the roof drain Policy 84-35 51 New residential units must be pre-plumbed for future solar water heating Note "two roof jacks must be installed" where the water heater is in the one story garage and directly below the most south facing roof (City Ordinance No 8093) 52 Note "two 3/4" copper pipes must be installed to the most convenient future solar panel location when the water heater is not in a one story garage and is not directly below the most south facing roof (City Ordinance No 8093) 53 All piping for present or future solar water heating must be insulated when in areas that are not heated or cooled by mechanical means (City Policy) Carlsbad O6-3537 O1/O3/O7 • To speed up the review process, note on this list (or a copy) where each correction item has been addressed, i e , plan sheet, note or detail number, calculation page, etc • Please indicate here if any changes have been made to the plans that are not a result of corrections from this list If there are other changes, please briefly describe them and where they are located in the plans • Have changes been made to the plans not resulting from this correction list1? Please indicate Yes Q No a The jurisdiction has contracted with Esgil Corporation located at 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208, San Diego, California 92123, telephone number of 858/560-1468, to perform the plan review for your project If you have any questions regarding these plan review items, please contact Ray Fuller at Esgil Corporation Thank you Carlsbad 06-3537 01/03/07 VALUATION AND PLAN CHECK FEE JURISDICTION Carlsbad PREPARED BY Ray Fuller PLAN CHECK NO 06-3537 DATE O1/O3/O7 BUILDING ADDRESS 1192 Laguna Drive BUILDING OCCUPANCY R3 Ul TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION VN BUILDING PORTION Dwelling Garage Deck Fireplaces Air Conditioning Fire Sprinklers TOTAL VALUE Jurisdiction Code AREA ( Sq Ft ) 4307 716 330 3 4307 CB RlHn Pprmit1 FPP hu OrHmanro ' ^ Valuation Multiplier ' , 101 99 /, 2661 // 1441 ' 2,426 62 / ' 388 By Ordinance Reg Mod VALUE ($) 439,271 19,053 4,755 7,280 16,711 4$745S7 48*7070 $1,741.60 Plan Check Fee by Ordinance Type of Review D Repetitive FeeRepeats Complete Review D Other —Hourly Structural Only Hour* Esgil Plan Review Fee Comments $1,13204 $97530 Sheet 1 of 1 macvalue doc City of Carlsbad P u b I i c V Wo r ks; Jr E n g i n e e r i n g BUILDING PLANCHECK CHECKLIST DATE BUILDINGAoBRESi _ PROJECT DESCRIPTION ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUMBER PLANCHECK NO CB - /£ /- ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT APPROVAL The item you have submitted for review has been approved The approval is based on plans, information and/or specifications provided in your submittal, therefore any changes to these items after this date, including field modifications, must be reviewed by this office to insure continued conformance with applicable codes Please review carefully all comments attached, as failure to comply with instructions in this report can result in suspension of permit to build D A Right-of-Way permit is required prior to construction of the following improvements EST VALUE DENIAL Please see\thg^-attached report of deficiencies marked witjj^^Make necessary corrections to plans or specifications for compliance with applicable codes and standards Submit corrected plans and/or specifications to this office for review Date Date Date FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY "NGINEERING AUTHORIZATION TO ISSUE BUILDING PERMIT- Date D D D D D D D D Dedication Application Dedication Checklist Improvement Application Improvement Checklist Future Improvement Agreement Grading Permit Application Grading Submittal Checklist Right-of-Way Permit Application Right-of-Way Permit Submittal Checklist and Information Sheet Sewer Fee Information Sheet Name Address Phone ENGINEERING DEPT CONTACT PERSON JOANNE JUCHNIEWICZ City of Carlsbad 1635 Faraday Avenue, Carlsbad, CA 92008 (760) 602-2775 CFD INFORMATION Parcel Map No Lots Recordation Carlsbad Tract Carlsbad, CA 92O0817314 - (76O) 602-2720 • FAX (76O) 602-8^6!? ^°£^ ^^ 3 BUILDING PLANCHECK CHECKLIST SITE PLAN Provide a fully dimensioned site plan drawn to scale Show B C North Arrow Existing & Proposed Structures Existing Street Improvements property Lines Easements Show on site plan F Right-of-Way Width & Adjacent Streets G Driveway widths H Existing or proposed sewer lateral I Existing or proposed water service J Existing or proposed irrigation service Drainage Patterns ^o SI/VCK-O \^xy^ {~^f^^- f&Q-*5~c*- p « n 1 Building pad surface drainage must maintain a minimum slope of one CPoUj. rr&* percent towards an adjoining street or an approved drainage course \ 2 ADD THE FOLLOWING NOTE "Finish grade will provide a minimum positive drainage of 2% to swale 5' away from building " Existing & Proposed Slopes and Topography Size, type, location, alignment of existing or proposed sewer and water service* (s) that serves the project Each unit requires a separate service, however, second dwelling units and apartment complexes are an exception Sewer and water laterals should not be located within proposed driveways, per standards . , , IzZ? 3 Include on title sheet A Site address B Assessor's Parcel Number C Legal Description For commercial/industrial buildings and tenant improvement projects, include total building square footage with the square footage for each different use, existing sewer permits showing square footage of different uses (manufacturing, warehouse, office, etc) previously approved EXISTING PERMIT NUMBER DESCRIPTION F (BUILDING PLANCHECK CKLST FORM doc .BUILDING PLANCHECK CHECKLIST DISCRETIONARY APPROVAL COMPLIANCE s 4a Project doesjiot comply with ^he following Engineering Conditions _gf approval for Project No " Q D 4b All conditions are in compliance Date DEDICATION REQUIREMENTS 5 Dedication for all street Rights-of-Way adjacent to the building site and any storm dram or utility easements on the building site is required for all new buildings and for remodels with a value at or exceeding $ 17.000 . pursuant to Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 18 40 030 Dedication required as follows Dedication required Please have a registered Civil Engineer or Land Surveyor prepare the appropriate legal description together with an 8 V* x 11" plat map and submit with a title report All easement documents must be approved and signed by owner(s) prior to issuance of Building Permit Attached please find an application form and submittal checklist for the dedication process Submit the completed application form with the required checklist items and fees to the Engineering Department in person Applications will not be accept by mail or fax Dedication completed by Date IMPROVEMENT REQUIREMENTS 6a All needed public improvements upon and adjacent to the building site must be constructed at time of building construction whenever the value of the construction exceeds $ 82,000 . pursuant to Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 1840040 Public improvements required as follows Attached please find an application form and submittal checklist for the public improvement requirements A registered Civil Engineer must prepare the appropriate improvement plans and subm.it them together with the requirements on the attached checklist to the Engineering Department through a separate plan check process The completed application form and the requirements on the F (BUILDING PLANCHECK CKLST FORM doc BUILDING PLANCHECK CHECKLIST ,ST RD3 D D D D a a n 7d No Grading Permit required 7e If grading is not required, write "No Grading" on plot plan MISCELLANEOUS PERMITS 8 A RIGHT-OF-WAY PERMIT is required to do work in City Right-of-Way and/or private work adjacent to the public Right-of-Way Types of work include, but are not limited to street improvements, tree trimming, driveway construction, tying into public storm dram, sewer and water utilities Right-of-Way permit required for __ INDUSTRIAL WASTE PERMIT If your facility is located in the City of Carlsbad sewer service area, you need to contact the Carlsbad Municipal Water District, located at 5950 El Cammo Real, Carlsbad, CA 92008 District personnel can provide forms and assistance, and will check to see if your business enterprise is on the EWA Exempt List You may telephone (760) 438-2722, extension 7153, for assistance dustnal Waste permit accepted by Date 10 NPDES PERMIT Complies with the City's requirements of the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit The applicant shall provide best management practices to reduce surface pollutants to an acceptable level prior to discharge to sensitive areas Plans for such improvements shall be approved by the City Engineer prior to issuance of grading or building permit, whichever occurs first 11 Q ^gquired fees are attached o fees required WATER METER REVIEW 12a Domestic (potable) Use Ensure that the meter proposed by the owner/developer is not oversized Oversized meters are inaccurate during low-flow conditions If it is oversized, for the life of the meter, the City will not accurately bill the owner for the water used • All single family dwelling units received "standard" 1" service with 5/8" service F "BUILDING PLANCHECK CKLST FORM doc 0-DD Btl PLANNING DEPARTMENT BUILDING PLAN CHECK REVIEW CHECKLIST Plan Check No CBt Planner Chris Sexton Address / Phone (760) 602-4624 Ol. Type of Project & Use«3 Zoning ^~*/ General Plan CFD (in/out) #_Date of participation Net Project Density DU/AC Facilities Management Zone /• Remaining net dev acres Circle One (For non-residential development Type of land used created by this permit ) Legend' ^ Item Complete D Item Incomplete - Needs your action Environmental Review Required: YES NO_y^TYPE DATE OF COMPLETION Compliance with conditions of approval? If not, state conditions which require action Conditions of Approval Discretionary Action Required: APPROVAL/RESO NO PROJECT NO YES DATE NO OTHER RELATED CASES Compliance with conditions or approval' If not, state conditions which require action Conditions of Approval n s/nn D Coastal Zone Assessment/Compliance Project site located in Coastal Zone' YES_ CA Coastal Commission Authority' YES_NO If California Coastal Commission Authority Contact them at - 7575 Metropolitan Drive, Suite 103, San Diego CA 92108-4402, (619) 767-2370 Determine status (Coastal Permit Required or Exempt) Habitat Management Plan Data Entry Completed' YES.NO If property has Habitat Type identified in Table 1 1 of HMP, complete HMP Permit application and assess fees in Permits Plus (A/P/Ds, Activity Maintenance, enter CB#, toolbar, Screens, HMP Fees, Enter Acres of Habitat Type impacted/taken, UPDATE') Inclusionary Housing Fee required: YES _ NO (Effective date of Inclusionary Housing Ordinance - May 21, 1993 ) Data Entry Completed' YES _ NO _ (A/P/Ds, Activity Maintenance, enter CB#, toolbar, Screens, Housing Fees, Con Enter Fee, UPDATE i) ousmg Y/N, H \ADMIN\COUNTER\BldgPlnchkRevChklst Rev 3/06 D Site Plan: Provide a fully dimensional site plan drawn to scale Show North arrow, property lines, easements, existing and proposed structures, streets, existing street improvements, right-of-way width, dimensional setbacks and existing topographical lines (including all side and rear yard slopes) Provide legal description of property and assessor's parcel number D Policy 44 - Neighborhood Architectural Design Guidelines 1 Applicability YES NO 2 Project complies YES NO_ Zoning: 1 Setbacks Front Interior Side Street Side Rear Top of slope 2 Accessory structure setbacks Required ^5 Required to' Required Required IgL f Required Shown Shown Shown Shown Shown ^i«-r lo' to." F^f1 £a l' Front Interior Side Street Side Rear Structure separation 3 Lot Coverage 4 Height 5 Parking Required. Required. Required Required Required Required. Required 30' Shown Shown Shown Shown Shown Shown' Shown 3O Spaces Required Shown > (breakdown by uses for commercial and industrial projects required) Residential Guest Spaceg Required _ Shown I Additional Comment• • _ * OK TO ISSUE AND ENTERED APPROVAL INTO COMPUTER 6Jb/^S DATE H \ADMIN\COUNTER\BldgPlnchkRevChklst Rev 3/06 CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION AND TESTING INCORPORATED STRUCTURAL CALCULATIONS FOR TRIPOLI RESIDENCE CUSTOM TWO-STORY 1192 LACUNA DRIVE CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA CIT PROJECT NO C07007 (Architect: THOMAS PERRY) MARCH 21, 2007 TABLE OF CON TENTS ITEM DESIGN CRITERIA ROOF FRAMING SECOND FLOOR FRAMING LATERAL ANALYSIS FOUNDATION DESIGNS APPENDIX PAGE 1-2 3-5 6-10 11-16 17-20 21-39 261 S PACIFIC STREET • SAN MARCOS, CA 92078 • (760)752-1099 FAX a CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION . Tnpol. Res.dence C07007 AND TESTING INCORPORATED SHEETNO L 2! J2 CALCULATED BY HBH DATE 3/07 CHECKED BY DATE DESIGN CRITERIA CODE 2001 California Building Code SEISMIC Z = 0 4 (Zone 4) l= 1 <10 km from Type B Fault (Rose Canyon/Newport-lnglewood) SOIL TYPE = SD R = 5 5 (Light framed walls with struct wood shear panels) Na= 1 Nv= 1 2 Ca = 0 44 V= 25CalW/R V= 020 W LRFD V/1 4 = 0 143 W ASD WIND 70MPH EXPOSURE B WOOD 97 NDS (E) Members 2x No 1 >2x Select Structural (N) Members 2x & 3x No 2 >3x No 1 261 South Pacific Street San Marcos California CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION AND TESTING INCORPORATED JOB Tripoli Residence C07007 SHEET NO OF CALCULATED BY HBH DATE 3/07 CHECKED BY DATE DESKSN LOADS ROOF DEAD LOADS Tile 1/2" Plywood Trusses @ 24" Rafters Bart Insulation (0 2xThickness) 5/8" Gyp Ceiling ME&P Miscellaneous I Dead Load Live Load (psf) 100 1 5 21 - 1 1 28 1 0 1 5 200 160 FLOOR DEAD LOADS Flooring 3/4" Ply 14"TJI's@16"oc 5/8" Gyp Misc 2 Dead Load Live Load (psf) 1 5 23 40 28 1 4 120 400 WALLS DEAD LOADS Stucco 3/8" Plywd 1/2 Gyp 2x4@12"oc 2x4 @ 16"oc Batt Insulation (0 2xThickness) Miscellaneous Interior (psf) - - 44 - 1 1 - 05 n I Dead Loads | 60 DECKS/BALCONIES DEAD LOADS (psf) Flooring/Tile 4 5 3/4" Ply 2 3 14"TJI's@16"oc 40 Stucco 5 0 Misc 1 2 £ Dead Load 170 Live Load 40 0 RAILING DEAD LOADS (#/Lft) Steel Rail 40 0 £ Dead Load 40 0 Live Load 200 0 Exterior (psf) Stucco 80 1 1 28 - 1 1 08 1 2 150 261 South Pacific Street San Marcos California 5 CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION AND TESTING INCORPORATED SHEETNO. CALCULATED BY. CHECKED BY SCALE _ OF_ DATE. DATE. £ ^ > v/ / Z6J S PACIFJC ^TjLEET » gAN MARCOS, C^i 92078 (760)7521099 • FAX (760) 539 8101 (760) 752-H J-AX (76U) Si2i31 S TACiriC STREET CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION § ,R T*I?*I, AND TESTING INCORPORATED SHEET no. CALCULATED BY. CHECKED BY SCALE _ OF_ DATE. DATE. PB s I f ?r.i ^ pArTrir ^iU 1 O IT/"1 \_-ll It- O ^Ah7 MARLJiT.I1 i»liT.*VV ^ vl Jr ^ .1 5"'°*' f, A i Ann * ...IT A v •3 n o i A 1 4CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION .lnR 72,^, AND TESTING INCORPORATED OF_ CALCULATED BY_ CHECKED BY DATE. DATE. SCALE . Z t %></*/,*/< - 6"****"* 4- #''*' H, I- / >jy . /? 0.75 • ,.(760)^7^2-1 09?i 1 K. 1 1 1 • SAIN ,. • ,.^ -4 CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION JOB_z^_ AND TESTING INCORPORATED SHEETNO. CALCULATED BY CHECKED BY SCALE . OF_ DATE. DATE. /~~j. 00 si FJB-* 2.0e * r PS // $//f ','< -L J jvvX \7O'U)S PACiMC SIKbbi •13£ l\)yy • ,'<« \ 261 \MUl . i n\ i\xr>| -.jo\ N \ ' \ x < > < S PACIFIC DRIVE SAN MARCOS CALIFORNIA JOB Tripoli Residence Hr* SHEET NO M CALCULATED BY HBH CHECKED BY C07007 J9 DATE 3/07 DATE 8/07 SEISMIC ANALYSIS FORCE DISTRIBUTION (2-story) Low ROOF Area Roof Weight Ext Wall Weight Partition Weight W TOTAL " ROOF/2nd FLOOR Area Low Roof Weight Floor/Deck Weight Ext Wall Weight Partition Weight W TOTAL " 2820 sq ft 20 psf 6 psf 2 psf 79 kips 3330 sq ft 5 psf 3 psf 12 psf 4 psf 62 kips TOTALW= 141 kips UNFACTORED BASE SHEAR, V= 0 143 W = LEVEL 20 2 Kips ROOF 2nd FLOOR W, H, W,xH, F V total f (k) (ft) (k) (k) (psf) 79 62 19 10 1499 625 143 59 143 202 506 1 79 LEVEL Fir Ht (ft) 0 18 0 10 2-R 1-2 9 10 141 2124 202 DIAPHRAGM FORCES, Fpx LEVEL ROOF RF/2nd FLOOR IF, wpx Ew, Fpx f (k) (k) (ft) (k) (psf) 143 202 79 62 79 141 143 89 506 268 Tripoli Res-Seismic xls R\ C 1 10\ s •> - N N << ', ~- <. I ',1 ' O !< t. > 261 S PACIFIC DRIVE SAN MARCOS CALIFORNIA JOB Tripoli Residence SHEET NO I "2_ CALCULATED BY H B H CHECKED BY OF DATE DATE C07007 39 3/07 SEISMIC ANALYSIS GARAGE WALL ID LEVEL LENGTH (ft) TA (ft2) TRANSVERSE DIRECTION ft /"» r~» <-»*"» A A A r\i ^-K 1-9i t- 2 A 1-2 2 2-R 1-2 3 2-R 1-2 4 1-2~ 1 £_ 1.= ^o 1fi fii \j \j 12 7 8 20 22 6 1146 1 1 IU Q?n*j\j\j 500 1050 450 660 1010 440^^\J 6150 F F total v v total WALL0 ' SINGLE T, (k) (k) (plf) (plf) TYPE WALL 0 5 06 1 7i t 09 53 08 33 1 8 0 R\J U 143 5 C O A A O A A6 244 244 7 <3 inn <I?Q1 O 1 UU *TOi? 09 74 74 5 3 759 759 61 100 765 33 167 167 5 1 82 234 0 8 131 131 Use Strong 2 66 / 3 5 2 Use Strong O ^^ O &C^ "7 6 4 6 12 0 2* 7 8 C <-} DL/flr(2) C add (klf) (k) Tnet HD TYPE Walll SW32x9-RF, Greater than 2 1 5 7 u ^ou 0200 u ^ 02 O ^ 22 HD2A Walll SW32x10, Greater than 2 1 7 8 0 2* 8 167 6 42 6 114 Use Strong S1 ^ ° 0 6 0-410 0280 0380 0 140 0380 0235 0380 Walll SW24x8 p 0 380 6 A-*f 04 04 02 04 02 04 R °u O 37 -1 4 74 152 1 5 25 Greater than n 4 0 1 HD5A none HD8A HD15 HD2A HD2A 21 LONGITUDINAL DIRECTION A 2-R 1-2 A1 1-2 A3 1-2 B 2-R 1-2 1 = Note (*) (1) (2) 12 52 21 21 27 27 160 1410 1215 450 450 1410 1215 6150 71 22 08 08 7 1 22 181 Designates plywood Panel on both sides 3/8" Wood Structural I Panel with Total Dead Load at hold 7 1 595 595 93 42 179 08 38 38 08 38 38 7 1 264 264 93 80 345 of wall 2 66 6 72 6 70 6 70 6 43 4 47 4 1 4 4 2 8 0140 0480 0480 0480 0140 0480 02 04 04 04 02 04 59 04 -1 2 -1 2 28 68 HD8A HD2A none none HD2A HD10A 8d common nails down floor Tripoli Res-Seismic xls © 1 it-A II t-»i 1 i X £ Q § -»i y . ~ " To specify your title block on these five lines, use the SETTINGS selection on the main menu and enter your title block information will be printed on each page Title Dsgnr Description Scope Date Job# 358PM 21 MAR 07 Rev 510300 User KW 0602938 Ver513 22Jun-l998 Win32 (c) 1883-99 ENERCALC Plywood Shear Wall & Footing Page 1 c \ec\tnpoh res ecw Calculations Description Trans Dir Line 2 (Governing Condition) [ General Information Calculations are designed to 1997 NDS and 1997 UBC Requirements h # Plywood Layers Plywood Grade Nail Size Thickness Stud Spacing 2 Structural I 8d 1/2 1600 in Wall Length Wall Height Wall Weight Ht / Length 8000ft 10000 ft 480 000 psf 1 250 End Post Dimension Seismic Factor Nominal Sill Thick 3 50 m 0183 200 Loads Vertical Loads Point Load #1 7 300 00 Ibs Point Load #2 0 00 Ibs Point Load #3 0 00 Ibs Uniform Load # 1 765 00 #/ft Uniform Load #2 0 00 #/ft Lateral Loads Uniform Shear @ Top of Wall Uniform Shear @ Top of Wall Strut Force Applied @ Top of Wall Strut Force Applied @ Top of Wall Moment Applied @ Top of Wall Footing Past Left Edge of Wall Wall Length Past Right Edge of Wall Footing Length Footing Width Footing Thickness at at at 475 00 #/ft 0 00 #/ft 759 00 Ibs 0 00 Ibs 0 00 ft-# 0 500 ft 8000ft 0 500 ft 9 000 ft 1 00 ft 1200 in 050ft 000 ft ft 0 00 ft to 8 00 ft 0 00 ft to 0 00 ft 8000ft = 380000 Ibs SOOOtt = 000 Ibs Concrete Weight 145 00 pcf Rebar Cover 3 00 in f c 3 000 00 psi Fy 60 000 00 psi Mm Steel As % 000140 C Summary Design OK Wall Summary Using 1/2" Thick Structural I on 2 side/s, Nailing is 8d at 2 in @ Edges, 8d at 12 in @ Field Applied Shear = 1,448 3#/ft, Capacity = 1,460 000#/ft -> OK Wall Overturning = 80 726 Oft-# Resisting Moment = 181,730 Oft-#, End Uplift = 0 OOlbs Max Soil Pressures @ Left = 15,524 Opsf, @ Right = 10,848 1psf Sill Bolting 1/2" Bolts @ 7 00m, 5/8" Bolts @ 10 91m, 3/4" Bolts @ 15 43m Footing Summary Max Footing Shear = 0 OOpsi, Allowable = 109 54psi -> OK Bending Reinforcement Req'd @ Left = 0 15m2, @ Right = 0 15m2 Minimum Overturning Stability Ratio = 2 313 1 To specify your title block on these five lines, use the SETTINGS selection on the main menu and enter your title block information will be printed on each page Title Dsgnr Description Scope Job# Date 358PM 21 MAR 07 Rev 510300 User KW 0602938 Ver 5 1 3 22-Jun 1999 Win32 (c) 1933-99 ENSRCALC Plywood Shear Wall & Footing Page 2 c \ec\tnpoli res ecw Calculations Description Trans Dir Line 2 (Governing Condition) Footing Analysis BWrfiifcLMiQ.a. i.J.a •.Cuma.u^.vm.wAAiah.i^^j^jwa*iai^iyAtjaauieLAaViKJW«iii>di.Hiitf^eaag •j&!,.ii*»srjisai'^j,,iKta*iiv.,yu,:il Soil Pressures Ecc of Resultant @ Footing Centerhne Soil Pressure @ LEFT Side of Footing Soil Pressure @ RIGHT Side of Footing MomentsActual Mu @ Left Wall Edge Actual Mu @ Right Wall Edge Shears vu/ 85 @ 'd' from Left Wall Edge vu/ 85 @ d from Right Wall Edge Allowable Vn Overturning Overturning Moment Resisting Moment Overturning Stability Ratio Lateral Forces Acting in Direction To Left To Right 2219ft 1257ft 1552397psf 0 00 psf 2 022 68 ft # 1903ft-# 0 000 psi 0 000 psi 109545 psi 92 312 20 ft # 213 512 50 ft # 2313 1 957 43 psf 10848 13 psf 141863 ft-# 13472 ft-# 0 000 psi 0 000 psi 109545 psi 92 312 20 ft-# 264 612 50 ft-# 2866 1 To specify your title block on these five lines, use the SETTINGS selection on the mam menu and enter your title block information will be printed on each page Title Dsgnr Description Scope Date Job* 358PM 21 MAR 07 Rov 510300 User KW 0602938 Ver5 1 3 22-Jun-1B99 Win32 (C)1983-S9ENERCALC Square Footing Design Page 1 Description Pad Footing (Typical) General Information Dead Load Live Load Short Term Load Seismic Zone Overburden Weight Concrete Weight LL & ST Loads Combine Load Duration Factor Column Dimension Reinforcing Rebar Requirement Actual Rebar "d ' depth used 200/Fy As Req d by Analysis Mm Remf % to Req d 5000k 4000k 0000k 4 0 000 psf 14500pcf 1 330 000 in 14 500 in 00050 0 0002 m2 0 0014 % Calculations are designed to ACI 318-95 and 1997 DEC Requirements Footing Dimension Thickness # of Bars Bar Size Rebar C over fc Fy Allowable Soil Bearing As to USE per foot of Width Total As Req'd Mm Allow % Remf 2000ft 1800m 4 4 3250 2 000 0 psi 40 000 0 psi 2,500 00 psf 0 244 m2 0 487 m2 00014 | Summary ~| 2 00ft square x 18 Oin thick Max Static Soil Pressure Allow Static Soil Pressure Max Short Term Soil Pressure Allow Short Term Soil Pressure Mu Actual Mn * Phi Capacity with 4- #4 bars 2 467 50 psf 2 500 00 psf 2 467 50 psf 3 325 00 psf 1 88 k ft 1693 k-ft Vu Actual One-Way Vn*Phi Allow One Way Vu Actual Two-Way Vn*Phi Allow Two-Way Alternate Rebar Selections 3 #4s 2 #5's 1 #7s 1 #8s Footing 0 00 psi 76 03 psi 11 34 psi 152 05 psi OK 2 #6s 1 #9s 1 #10s To specify your title block on these five lines, use the SETTINGS selection on the mam menu and enter your title block information will be printed on each page Ker 510300 Use.- KW 0602938 VerS 1 3 22 Jun 1999 Win32(c) 1883-99 ENERCALC Title Dsgnr Description Scope Square Footing Design Date Job# 358PM 21 MAR 07 Page 1 c \ec\tripoli res ecw Calculations Description Pad Footing (Governing Condition) General Information Dead Load Live Load Short Term Load Seismic Zone Overburden Weight Concrete Weight LL & ST Loads Combine Load Duration Factor Column Dimension Reinforcing Rebar Requirement Actual Rebar d depth used 200/Fy As Req d by Analysis Mm Remf % to Req'd Calculations are designed to ACI 318-95 and 1997 UBC Requirements ^ 8100k 5700k 0000k 4 0 000 psf 145 00 pcf 1 330 000 in 14 500 in 00050 0 0004 m2 0 0014 % Footing Dimension Thickness # of Bdrs Bar Si 'e Rebar Cover fc Fy Allowable Soil Beanng As to USE per foot of Width Total As Req'd Mm Allow % Remf 3000ft 1800 in 4 4 3250 2 000 0 psi 40 000 0 psi 2 500 00 psf -J 0 244 m2 0 731 in2 00014 ;j Summary |i SsssrTaffiBESsasscsBiHiEesESsreassajtJ Footing OK 3 00ft square x 18 Oin thick with 4- #4 bars Max Static Soil Pressure Allow Static Soil Pressure Max Short Term Soil Pressure Allow Short Term Soil Pressure Mu Actual Mn * Phi Capacity 1 750 83 psf 2 500 00 psf 1 750 83 psf 3 325 00 psf 2 97 k ft 11 39k ft Vu Actual One Way Vn*Phi Allow One Way Vu Actual Two-Way Vn*Phi Allow Two Way Alternate Rebar Selections 4 #4's 3 #5s 2 #7's 1 #8s 4 43 psi 76 03 psi 23 68 psi 15205 psi 2 #6s 1 #9s 1 #10's To specify your title block on these five lines, use the SETTINGS selection on the main menu and enter your title block information will be printed on each page Rev 510300 User KW 0602938 Vcr 5 1 3 22-Jun-1999 Win32 (c) 1983-99 ENERCALC Title Dsgnr Description Scope Date Job# 3 58PM 21 MAR 07 General Timber Beam Page 1 c \ec\tnpoli res ecw Calculations Description RR-#1 General Information Section Name 3x8 Beam Width Beam Depth Member Type Bm Wt Added to Loads Load Dur Factor Beam End Fixity Wood Density Full Lengh Uniform Loads Center DL Left Cantilever DL Right Cantilever DL Calculations are designed to 1997 NDS and 1997 UBC Requirements 2 500 in 7 250 in Sawn 1 000 Pin Pin 40000pcf Center Span Left Cantilever Right Cantilever Truss Joist - MacMillan Fb Base Allow Fv Allow Fc Allow E 26 60 #/ft LL #/ft LL #/ft LL I400ft Lu 1400ft ft Lu 0 00 ft ft Lu 0 00 ft MicroLam 1 8E W 2 600 0 psi <!850psi 7 50 0 psi Repetitive Member 1 800 0 ksi 21 30 #/ft #/ft #/ft ^^i^rrirTi-f^'^^fiiTi^irrnSr11^3*^^'^"'^*^^^ Summary 1 a!?w--;r?.'^;!t?E!^',^psi!«ar-535S!;^5?s^S Span= 14 00ft Beam Width Max Stress Ratio Maximum Moment Allowable Max Positive Moment Max Negative Moment Max @ Left Support Max @ Right Support Max M allow fb 710 60 psi Fb 2 059 85 psi = 2 500m x Depth = 7 25in Ends are Pin Pin 0345 1 1 3k ft 3 8 k-ft 1 30 k-ft at 0 00 k ft at 000 k-ft 000 k-ft 376 fv 30 67 psi Fv 285 00 psi Maximum Shear * 1 Allowable 7 000 ft 14 000 ft Reactions LeftDL Right DL Shear Camber 0 '2 k 022k 5 ©Left @ Right @ Left @ Center @ Right Max Max Beam Design OK 06 k 52 k 037 k 037k 0000 in 0287 in 0000 m 037 k 037k Deflections fc-.-lf-1''*-'^ —* "**•• '"•- -V.-'.-il.'-t-^.-. ^i.^ ' •n,-J*~lq. fJJ. Center Span Deflection Location Length/Defl Stress Calcs Bending Analysis Ck 21 339 Le Cf 1 200 Rb @ Center @ Left Support @ Right Support Shear Analysis Design Shear Area Required Fv Allowable Bearing @ Supports Max Left Reaction Max Right Reaction Query Values M, V, & D @ Specified .•tof.iKf.L-a.tiMi^jifJj.rtj+A'i.a — »^i- Mt'ij.ijji Dead Load -0191 in 7000ft 8780 25 750 ft 18936 Max Moment 1 30 k ft 0 00 k ft 0 00 k ft @ Left Support 056 k 1 950 m2 285 00 psi 037k 037 k Locations @ Center Span Location = 0 00 @ Right Cant Location = 0 00 @ Left Cant Location 000 ,^) ^-<.*«iiii..v.^g.j.nj-T-1.»ytt.^ A..l---.--ty , tJ.-j^^^t-r^iiA-rJa^LVLsja., Total Load Left Cantilever -0 320 in Deflection 7 000 ft Length/Den 524 72 Right Cantilever Deflection Length/Defl Dead Load Total Load 0 000 in 0 000 in 00 00 0 000 in 0 000 in 00 00 Sxx 21 901 m3 Area 18 125 m2 Cl 0 574 Sxx Reg'd 7 56 m3 0 00 in3 0 00 m3 @ Right Support 056k 1 950 m2 285 00 psi Beanng Length Req'd Bearing Length Req d Moment ft 000 k-ft ft 0 00 k ft ft 000k ft Allowable fb 2,059 85 psi 3 588 00 psi 3 588 00 psi 0198m 0198 in Shear Deflection 0 37 k 0 0000 in 0 00 k 0 0000 in 0 00 k 0 0000 in To specify your title block on these five lines, use the SETTINGS selection on the main menu and enter your title block information will be printed on each page Title Dsgnr Description Scope Date Job* 358PM 21 MAR 07 Rev 510300 User KW 0602938 Vor513 22-Jun-1999 Win32 (c) 1983-99 ENERCALC General Timber Beam Description RB-#5 c \ec\tripoli res ecwCalculations ''••* 'l" > -1'' • -1 "*"•"" "' • •' • " " - '- ' Page 1 1 alculations [J^iJfavm.'^Jt^rja'-ri General Information Section Name 4x10 Beam Width Beam Depth Member Type Bm Wt Added to Loads Load Dur Factor Beam End Fixity Wood Density Calculations are designed to 1997 NDS and 1997 UBC Requirements fi 3 500 in 9 250 in Sawn 1 000 Pin Pm 40000pcf Center Span Left Cantilever Right Cantilever Douglas Fir - Larch Fb Base Allow Fv Allow Fc Allow E 1300ft Lu ft Lu ft Lu No1 1 000 0 psi 95 0 psi 625 0 psi 1 700 0 ksi 1300ft 000ft 000ft Full Lengh Uniform Loads [.] Center DL Left Cantilever DL Right Cantilever DL 11000#/ft LL #/ft LL #/ft LL 8800 #/ft #/ft #/ft :f_ Summary \ Span= 1300ft Beam Width Max Stress Ratio Maximum Moment Allowable Max Positive Moment Max Negative Moment Max @ Left Support Max @ Right Support Max M allow fb 1 051 32 psi Fb 11 69 80 psi = 3 500m x Depth = 9 25m Ends are Pin-Pin 0899 1 4 4 k-ft 49 kft 4 37 k ft at 0 00 k-ft at 000 kft 000 k-ft 487 fv 62 34 psi Fv 95 00 psi Maximum Shear * Allowable 6500ft 13000 ft Reactions LeftDL Right DL Shear Camber 077 k 077k 1 5 @Left @ Right @ Left @ Center @ Right Max Max Beam Design OK 20 k 31 k 1 35 k 1 35k 0 000 in 0292 in 0 000 m 135 k 135k Deflections I Center Span Deflection Location Length/Defl Stress Calcs Bending Analysis Ck 33 438 Le Cf 1 200 Rb @ Center @ Left Support @ Right Support Shear Analysis Design Shear Area Required Fv Allowable Bearing @ Supports Max Left Reaction Max Right Reaction Query Values M, V. & D @ Specified Dead Load -0195m 6500ft 8006 23910ft14722 Max Moment 4 37 k-ft 000 kft 0 00 k-ft @ Left Support 202k 21 244 m2 95 00 psi 1 35k 1 35 k Locations @ Center Span Location = 0 00 @ Right Cant Location = 0 00 @ Left Cant Location 000 Total Load Left Cantilevpr 0 339 in Deflection 6 500 ft Length/Den 460 24 Right Cantilever Deflection Length/Defl Dead Load Total Load 0 000 in 0 000 in 00 00 0 000 in 0 000 in 00 00 Sxx 49911m3 Area 32 375 m2 Cl 0 975 Sxx Req d 44 86 m3 0 00 in3 0 00 m3 @ Right Support 202k 21 244 m2 95 00 psi Beanng Length Req d Bearing Length Req d Moment ft 000k ft ft 0 00 k-ft ft 000k ft Allowable fb 1,16980 psi 1 200 00 psi 1 200 00 psi 0615 in 0615m j Shear Deflection 1 35 k 0 0000 in 0 00 k 0 0000 in 0 00 k 0 0000 in To specify your title block on these five lines, use the SETTINGS selection on the main menu and enter your title block information will be printed on each page Title Dsgnr Description Scope Date Job# 3 58PM 21 MAR 07 Rev 510300 User KW 0602936 Ver 5 1 3 22-Jun 1989 Win32 <c)1983-99 ENERCALC General Timber Beam Page 1 c \ec\lnpoli res ecw Calculations Description RB-#4 | General Information Section Name Prllm Beam Width Beam Depth Member Type Bm Wt Added to Loads Load Dur Factor Beam End Fixity Wood Density 7 0x14 0 7 000 in 14000m Sawn 1000 Pin-Pin 40000pcf Calculations are designed to 1997 NDS Center Span 1700ft Left Cantilever ft Right Cantilever ft Truss Joist - MacMillan Parallam 2 OE Fb Base Allow 2 900 0 psi Fv Allow .'90 0 psi Fc Allow 650 0 psi E 2 000 0 ksi Lu Lu Lu and 1997 UBC Requirements 1700 ft 000ft 000ft Full Lengh Uniform Loads Center DL Left Cantilever DL Right Cantilever DL 1 Summary fjj Span= 17 00ft Beam Width Max Stress Ratio Maximum Moment Allowable Max Positive Moment Max Negative Moment Max @ Left Support Max @ Right Support Max M allow to 671 52 psi Fb 2 852 18 psi 21500#/ft #/ft #/ft LL 11200 #/ft LL #/ft LL #/ft Beam Design OK = 7 000m x Depth = 14 in, Ends are Pin Pin 0235 1 128 k-ft 54 3 k ft 12 80 kft at 8 Maximum Shear Allowable 500 ft Shear 0 00 k-ft at 0 000 ft 000 kft 000 kft 5435 fv 46 09 psi Fv 290 00 psi Camber Reactions LeftDL ^06 k Right DL 2 06 k *1 5 ©Left @ Right ©Left © Center © Right Max Max 45k 284 k 301 k 301 k 0 000 in 0213 in 0 000 m 301 k 301k Deflections Center Span Dead Load Total Load Deflection Location Length/Defl Stress Calcs Bending Analysis Ck 21 298 Le Cf 1 000 Rb @ Center @ Left Support @ Right Support Shear Analysis Design Shear Area Required Fv Allowable -0 142 in -0 208 8 500 ft 8 500 1 4348 981 11 31 267 ft Sxx 10 356 Cl Max Moment 1280 kft 000 kft 0 00 k ft @ Left Support (£ 452 k 15574 m2 290 00 psi Left Cantilever in Deflection ft Length/Defl Right Cantilever Deflection Length/Defl 228 667 m3 Area 0984 Dead Load 0 000 in 00 0 000 in 00 98 000 m2 Total Load 0000 in 00 0000 in 00 Sxx Reg d Allowable fb 53 84 m3 2 0 00 in3 2 0 00 m3 2 j5 Right Support 452k 15574m2 290 00 psi 85218 psi 900 00 psi 900 00 psi Bearing @ Supports Max Left Reaction Max Right Reaction [Query Values 301 k 301 k Bearing Length Req d 0 662 in Bearing Length Req'd 0 662 in M, V, & D @ Specified Locations Moment @ Center Span Location = 0 00 ft 0 00 k ft @ Right Cant Location = 0 00 ft 0 00 k ft @ Left Cant Location = 0 00 ft 0 00 k ft Shear 301 k 000k 000k Deflection 0 0000 in 0 0000 in 0 0000 in To specify your title block on these five lines, use the SETTINGS selection on the mam menu and enter your title block information will be printed on each page Title Osgnr Description Scope Date Job# 3 58PM 21 MAR 07 Rev 510300 User KW 0602938 Ver 5 1 3 22-Jun 1999 Win32(c) 1983 99 ENERCALC Description RB-#3 General Timber Beam Page 1 P c \ec\tnpoii res ecw Calculations H.i-i^^.-,M-rf:j^^^s^fa^-^^^H^tite^-^^.it.-jLi.Ai'.SI^:3j General Information Calculations are designed to 1997 N[ Section Name Prllm 70x140 Center Span 1400ft Lu Beam Width 7 000 in Left Cantilever ft Lu Beam Depth 14 000 in Right Cantilever ft Lu Member Type Sawn Truss Joist MacMillan Parallam 2 OE Bm Wt Added to Loads Fb Base Allow 2 900 0 psi Load Dur Factor 1 000 Fv Allow 290 0 psi Beam End Fixity Pin Pin Fc Allow 650 0 psi Wood Density 40 000 pcf E 2 000 0 ksi Full Lengh Uniform Loads Center DL 80 00 #/ft LL 6400 #IK Left Cantilever DL #/ft LL #/ft Right Cantilever DL ft/ft LL #/ft Trapezoidal Loads #1 DL @ Left #/ft LL @ Left #/ft Start Loc DL@ Right 7500 #/ft LL @ Right #/ft End Loc Point Loads Dead Load 2 060 0 Ibs Ibs Ibs Ibs Ibs Live Load 960 0 Ibs Ibs Ibs Ibs Ibs distance 4000ft 0000ft 0000ft 0000ft 0000ft . ! DS and 1997 UBC Requirements ^ 1400ft 000ft 000ft ll Fj 4000 ft 14000 ft 5' Ibs Ibs Ibs Ibs 0000ft 0000ft jjj Summary 1| Span= 14 00ft Beam Width Max Stress Ratio Maximum Moment Allowable Max Positive Moment Max Negative Moment Max @ Left Support Max @ Right Support Max M allow fb 650 82 psi Fb 2 861 76 psi Deflections = 7 OOOin x Depth = 14 in 0227 1 124kft 545 kft 12 40 k-ft at 0 00 k-ft at 000 k-ft 000 k-ft 5453 fv 52 73 psi Fv 290 00 psi 3=S35E5=3SMa\J!iJ,i!«i.±iffi-,lil Ends are Pin-Pin Maximum Shear 4 032 ft 14000 ft Reactions Left DL Right DL ^•i1l!..l.'.l..-...V^U-g3.^«.M.J Allowable Shear Camber 231 k 1 62k .V.Y-'lW.v'rt.*." .'I,1. in-..1 *1 5 ©Left © Right ©Left @ Center @ Right Max Max i"J.,', =.,..;..',.,i.',JIU.i,WU,i,' Beam Design OK 52 k 284 k 344 k 235k 0 000 in 0 127 in 0 000 in 344 k 235k Pl.,.l.ili[a--J,,^.-.lil,lt^!.,'>:lJi!i..'a'i^Ju,,il.S Center Span Deflection Location Length/Defl Dead Load -0 084 in 6 608 ft 1 9905 Total Load -0 124 in 6 608 ft 1 349 61 Left Cantilever Deflection Length/Den Right Cantilever Deflection Lenglh/Defl Dead Load 0 000 in 00 0 000 in 00 Total Load 0000 in 00 0000 in 00 To specify your title block on these five lines, use the SETTINGS selection on the main menu and enter your title block information will be printed on each page Rev 510300 User KW 0602938 Ver 5 1 3 22 Jun-1999 Win32(c) 1983-99 ENERCALC Title Dsgnr Description Scope General Timber Beam Date Job# 3 58PM 21 MAR 07 Page 2 c tecUnpoli res ecw Calculations Description RB-#3 | Stress Calcs Bending Analysis Ck 21 298 Le Cf 1 000 Rb @ Center @ Left Support @ Right Support Shear Analysis Design Shear Area Required Fv Allowable Bearing @ Supports Max Left Reaction Max Right Reaction Query Values 26 170 ft 9474 Max Moment 12 40k ft 0 00 k-ft 0 00 k-ft @ Left Support 517 k 17819m2 290 00 psi 344 k 235 k M, V, & D @ Specified Locations @ Center Span Location = @ Right Cant Location = @ Left Cant Location = 000 ft 000 ft 000 ft Sxx 228 667 m3 Cl 0 987 Sxx Req'd 52 00 in3 0 00 m3 0 00 in3 @ Right Support 352k 12 140 m2 290 00 psi Bearing Length Req d Bearing Length Req d Moment 0 00 k ft 0 00 k-ft 0 00 k ft Area 98 000 m2 Allowable fb 2 861 76 psi 2 900 00 psi 2,900 00 psi 0 757 in 0516 in Shear 344k 000 k 000k ...J Deflection 0 0000 in 0 0000 in 0 0000 in To specify your title block on these five lines, use the SETTINGS selection on the main menu and enter your title block information will be printed on each page Title Dsgnr Description Scope Date Job* 3 58PM 21 MAR 07 Rev 510300 User KW 0602938 Ver 5 1 3 22.JUH-1989 Win32(c)1983-99 ENERCALC General Timber Beam Page 1 c \ec\tnpoli res ecw Calculations Description RB-#1 I General Information Section Name Prllm Beam Width Beam Depth Member Type Bm Wt Added to Loads Load Dur Factor Beam End Fixity Wood Density 7 0x22 0 7 000 in 22 000 in Sawn 1 000 Pin-Pin 40000pcf Calculations are designed to 1997 Center Span 25 00 ft Lu Left Cantilever ft Lu Right Cantilever ft Lu Truss Joist - MacMillan, Pawllam 2 OE Fb Base Allow 2 900 0 psi Fv Allow 290 0 psi Fc Allow 650 0 psi E 2 000 0 ksi NDS and 1997 UBC Requirements 2500ft 000ft 000ft Full Lengh Uniform Loads Center DL Left Cantilever DL Right Cantilever DL 480 00 #/ft#m #/ft LL LL LL 38400 #/ft #/ft #/ft Point Loads Dead Load 2 31 10 Ibs Live Load 1 134 Olbs distance 1600C | Summary | ft Span= 25 00ft Beam Width Max Stress Ratio Maximum Moment Allowable Max Positive Moment Max Negative Moment Max @ Left Support Max @ Right Support Max M allow fb 1 852 96 psi Fb 2 729 51 psi Ibs Ibs Ibs Ibs 0 000 ft 0 000 ft = 7 000m x Depth = 22 in 0679 1 87 2 kft 1284 kft 87 19 kft at 0 00 k ft at 000 kft 000 kft 12844 fv 131 88 psi Fv 290 00 psi Ends are Pin 13900ft 0000 ft Ibs Ibs Ibs Ibs 0 000 ft 0 000 ft 0 Pin Maximum Shear * Allowable Shear Camber Reactions Left DL 7 37 k Right DL 801k 1 5 ©Left © Right ©Left @ Center © Right Max Max Ibs Ibs Ibs Ibs 000ft 0000ft Beam Design OK 203 k 447 k 1257 k 1354k 0 000 in 0695 in 0000 in 1257 k 1354k Deflections Center Span Deflection Location Length/Defl Stress Calcs Bending Analysis Ck 21 298 Le Cf 1 000 Rb © Center @ Left Support @ Right Support Shear Analysis Design Shear Area Required Fv Allowable Bearing @ Supports Max Left Reaction Max Right Reaction Dead Load 0 463 in 12700ft 6473 45 982 ft 15743 Max Moment 8719 kft 000 kft 000 kft © Left Support 1886 k 65 043 in2 290 00 psi 1257 k 1354 k Total Load Left Cantilever 0 781 in Deflection 12700ft Length/Defl 384 08 Rlght Cantilever Deflection Length/Den Dead Load Total Load 0 000 in 0 000 in 00 00 0 000 in 0 000 in 00 00 S3SU h Sxx 564667m3 Area 154000in2 Cl 0 941 Sxx Req'd 383 33 in3 0 00 in3 0 00 in3 @ Right Support 2031 k 70 032 in2 290 00 psi Bearing Length Req d Bearing Length Req d Allowable fb 2 729 51 psi 2,900 00 psi 2 900 00 psi 2 764 in 2 976 in To specify your title block on Title Job # these five lines, use the SETTINGS Ds9"r , Date 358PM 21 MAR 07. *- x. . Descriptionselection on the main menu and enter your title block information Scope will be printed on each page ' S^E%lR^5'322™^2 ^General Timber Beam c^tnponresecwcSfat.on's ^V.^^gjR«^^^aiaiB-Tiiii--fe-ira»-si.^a^»..j-t'-.---j:i*^.jJ=3 Description RB-#1 Query Values M, V, & D @ Specified Locations @ Center Span Location = @ Right Cant Location = @ Left Cant Location = 000 ft 000 ft 000 ft Moment 000k ft 0 00 k-ft 000k ft Shear 1257k 000k 000k Deflection 0 0000 in 0 0000 in 0 0000 in fi To specify your title block on these five lines, use the SETTINGS selection on the main menu and enter your title block information will be printed on each page Title Dsgnr Description Scope Date Job# 3 58PM 21 MAR 07 & Rev 510300. '--sur KW 0602938 Vef 5 I 3 22 Jun-1999 Win32 1C.) 1663-99 ENERCALC General Timber Beam Page 1 c \ec\tnpoli res ecw Calculations Description RB-#6 General Information Section Name Prllm Beam Width Beam Depth Member Type Bm Wt Added to Loads Load Dur Factor Beam End Fixity Wood Density 35x11 875 3 500 in 11 875 in Sawn 1 000 Pin-Pin 40000pcf Calculations are designed to 1997 NDS Center Span 1050ft Lu Left Cantilever ft Lu Right Cantilever ft Lu Truss Joist - MacMillan Parallam 2 OE Fb Base Allow 2 900 0 psi Fv Allow 290 0 psi Fc Allow 650 0 psi E 2 000 0 ksi and 1997 UBC Requirements K 1050ft 000 ft 000ft Full Lengh Uniform Loads Cfaf-^.^-itAJ^.-^ji^.-^-U .*^:if\*uet liJtJ.l-c.L,--||t,,i.-,Tjtt«^a-f-'*1'-'J'-- Center DL Left Cantilever DL Right Cantilever DL | Summary f Span= 10 50ft Beam Width Max Stress Ratio Maximum MomentAllowable Max Positive Moment Max Negative Moment Max @ Left Support Max @ Right Support Max M allow fb 1 253 58 psi Fb 2 748 46 psi ft1' -"•g'V^-|---'J-----_iV*«~H'-i;i|. A_J>*.-i_'^.j-J.^VJ-i'-^'->.1 340 00 #/ft #/ft #/ft LL 27200 #/ft LL #/ft LL #/ft .,„ J Beam Design OK = 3 500m x Depth = 11 875in Ends are Pin Pin 0456 1 86kft 188 k-ft 8 59 k-ft at 5 Maximum Shear * 1 5 Allowable 250 ft Shear 0 00 k-ft at 0 000 ft 000 kft 000 kft 1884 fv 11815psi Fv 290 00 psi ©Left @ Right Camber @ Left Reactions Left DL I 85 k Right DL 1 85 k @ Center @ Right Max Max 49 k 121 k 327 k 327k 0000 in 0148 in 0000 m 327 k 327k Deflections f i-** .^.^.-. J^r- •*---*•) ~ ~. ^.^.^..•-^..v^.m*-.^!-; .!.-«. ~-.*J3 -at ^.-M-^,.- ^....A-.l^*.!^ ^. Center Span Dead Load Total Loac Deflection Location Length/Defl -0098 in -0175 5 250 ft 5 250 1 280 2 721 76 Left Cantilever in Deflection ft Length/Den Right Cantilever Deflection Length/Defl Dead Load 0 000 in 00 0 000 in 00 Total Load 0000 in 00 0000 in 00 Stress Calcs Bending Analysis Ck 21 298 Le Cf 1 000 Rb @ Center @ Left Support @ Right Support Shear Analysis Design Shear Area Required Fv Allowable Bearing @ Supports Max Left Reaction Max Right Reaction Query Values 19971ft Sxx 15245 Cl Max Moment 859 kft 0 00 k-ft 0 00 k ft @ Left Support (£ 491 k 16932 m2 290 00 psi 327 k 327 k 82 259 in3 Area 0948 41 563 in2 Sxx Req'd Allowable fb 37 52 m3 0 00 in3 0 00 in3 i> Right Support 491 k 16932 m2 290 00 psi Bearing Length Req d Bearing Length Req'd M, V, & D @ Specified Locations Moment @ Center Span Location = @ Right Cant Location = @ Left Cant Location = 000 ft 000 ft 000 ft 0 00 k-ft 000k ft 0 00 k ft 2 748 46 psi 2 900 00 psi 2 900 00 psi 1 439 in 1 439 in Shear 327k 000k 000k ] Deflection 0 0000 in 0 0000 in 0 0000 in To specify your title block on these five lines, use the SETTINGS selection on the main menu and enter your title block information will be printed on each page Title Dsgnr Description Scope Date Job# 3 58PM 21 MAR 07 I Rev 510300 - User KW 0602938 Ver 5 1 3 22 Ji;n 1939 Win32 | (c) 1683-99 ENERCALC General Timber Beam Page 1 c \ec\tripoli res ecw Calculations Description FB-#2 General Information Calculations are designed to 1997 NDS and 1997 UBC Requirements Section Name Prllm Beam Width Beam Depth Member Type Bm Wt Added to Loads Load Dur Factor Beam End Fixity Wood Density 35x11 875 3500m 1 1 875 in Sawn 1000 Pin Pin 40000pcf Center Span Left Cantilever Right Cantilever Truss Joist - MacMillan Fb Base Allow Fv Allow Fc Allow E 1050ft ft ft Pardllam 2 OE 2 900 0 psi 290 0 psi 650 0 psi 2 000 0 ksi Lu Lu Lu 1050ft 000ft 000ft Full Lengh Uniform Loads Center Left Cantilever Right Cantilever DL DL DL 340 00 #/ft #/ft #/ft LL LL LL 27200 #/ft #/ft#m Oi^iP^y/fe^rtffi^^^iffiftfe^i^a, immary '&?3!***£X?*a?!'t?'XJ!ft?*f Beam Design OK Span= 10 50ft Beam Width = 3 500m x Depth = 11 875in Ends are Pin Pin Max Stress Ratio o 456 1 Maximum Moment 8 6 k-ft Allowable 188 k-ft Max Positive Moment 8 59 k ft at 5 Max Negative Moment 0 00 k ft at 0 Max @ Left Support Max @ Right Support Max M allow 000 k-ft 000 k ft 1884 fb 1253 58 psi fv 118 15 psi Fb 2,748 46 psi Fv 290 00 psi Deflections Center Span Deflection Location Length/Defl Dead Load Total Load -0098m -0175 5 250 ft 5 250 1 280 2 721 76 Maximum Shear * Allowable 250 ft Shear 000 ft Camber Reactions Left DL 1 85 k Right DL 1 85 k Left Cantilever in Deflection ft Length/Defl Right Cantilever Deflection Length/Defl 1 5 ©Left @ Right @ Left @ Center @ Right Max Max Dead Load 0 000 in 00 0 000 in 00 49 k 121 k 327 k 327k 0 000 in 0148 in 0 000 m 327 k 327k Total Load 0 000 m 00 0000 in 00 Stress Calcs \Z-^jtaZZSZZ^-^*^^^X^^^4*~a»aLt Bending Analysis Ck 21 298 Le Cf 1 000 Rb @ Center @ Left Support @ Right Support Shear Analysis Design Shear Area Required Fv Allowable Bearing @ Supports Max Left Reaction Max Right Reaction Query Values 19 971 ft 15245 Max Moment 8 59 k-ft 0 00 k ft 0 00 k-ft @ Left Support 491 k 16932m2 290 00 psi 327 k 327 k M, V, & D @ Specified Locations @ Center Span Location @ Right Cant Location = @ Left Cant Location = 0 00 ft 000 ft 000 ft Sxx 82 259 m3 Cl 0 948 Sxx Req'd 37 52 m3 0 00 m3 0 00 in3 @ Right Support 491 k 16 932 m2 290 00 psi Bearing Length Req d Bearing Length Req'd Moment 000k ft 000k ft 000k ft ji/J-i..;i.A^.,.A^j.iij^.,a^>.ij.^^i-;^.^..j^,,,.".i^^a.-:-'jiv.^.^',1H^J^-.»l--'T»ri Area 41 563 m2 Allowable fb 2 748 46 psi 2,900 00 psi 2,900 00 psi 1 439 in 1 439 in Shear Deflection 3 27 k 0 0000 in 0 00 k 0 0000 in 0 00 k 0 0000 in To specify your title block on these five lines, use the SETTINGS selection on the mam menu and enter your title block information will be printed on each page Title Dsgnr Description Scope Date Job # 358PM 21 MAR 07 Rev 510300 User KW 0602938 Vef 5 1 3 22 Jun-1999 Win32 (c) 1983-99 ENERCALC General Timber Beam c«unp«*««w(2S!LI.Je^atfEfrS^H^f-a-igJ.y:*.".: Description FB-#1 1 1 General Information Section Name 4x10 Beam Width Beam Depth Member Type Bm Wt Added to Loads Load Dur Factor Beam End Fixity Wood Density Calculations are designed to 1997 NDS 3 500 in 9250m Sawn 1000 Pin Pin 40000pcf Center Span Left Cantilever Right Cantilever Douglas Fir - Larch No 1 Fb Base Allow Fv Allow Fc Allow E 500ft ft ft 1 000 0 psi 95 0 psi 6.'5 0 psi 1 700 0 ksi Lu Lu Lu and 1997 DEC Requirements Li 200 ft 000ft 000ft [Full Lengh Uniform Loads Center Left Cantilever Right Cantilever DL DL DL 90 00 #/ft #/ft #/ft LL LL LL 30000 #/ft #/ft #/ft |f Summary J Beam Design OK Span= 5 00ft Beam Width = 3 500m x Depth = 9 25m Ends are Pin Pin Max Stress Ratio 0 Maximum Moment Allowable Max Positive Moment 1 25 k-ft Max Negative Moment 0 00 k ft Max @ Left Support Max @ Right Support Max M allow 000 k ft 000 kft 498 fb 299 78 psi fv Fb 1,196 18 psi Fv Deflections Center Span Deflection Location Length/Defl Dead Load 0 004 in 2 500 ft 169144 486 1 1 2 kft 50 k-ft Maximum Shear * Allowable at 2 500 ft Shear at 5 000 ft 46 22 psi 95 00 psi Total Load 0014 2500 419658 Camber Reactions LeftDL 025 k Right DL 0 25 k Left Cantilever in Deflection ft Length/Den Right Cantilever Deflection Length/Defl 1 5 ©Left @ Right @ Left @ Center @ Right Max Max Dead Load 0 000 in 00 0 000 in 00 15 k 31 k 1 00 k 1 00k 0 000 in 0005 in 0 000 in 1 00 k 1 00k j 4} Total Load 0000 in 00 0 000 in 00 Stress Calcs 3El'-^tilStt^toa^Sl^vbi^il^i^a^lJ.*-^^.^..**^ Bending Analysis Ck 33 438 Le Cf 1 200 Rb @ Center @ Left Support @ Right Support Shear Analysis Design Shear Area Required Fv Allowable Bearing @ Supports Max Left Reaction Max Right Reaction 4118ft 6110 Max Moment 1 25 kft 0 00 k-ft 0 00 k-ft @ Left Support 1 50 k 15750 m2 95 00 psi 1 00 k 1 00k Sxx 49911in3 Cl 0 997 Sxx Reqd 1251 m3 0 00 m3 0 00 m3 @ Right Support 150k 15750m2 95 00 psi Bearing Length Bearing Length Area 32 375 m2 Allowable fb 1 196 18 psi 1 200 00 psi 1,20000 psi Req d 0 456 in Req d 0 456 in jaatttiua^JaJjtiK^aataa'a.ifa^l | Query Values M, V, & D @ Specified Locations @ Center Span Location = @ Right Cant Location = @ Left Cant Location = 000 ft 000 ft 000 ft Moment 000 k-ft 0 00 k ft 0 00 k-ft Shear 1 00k 000k 000k Deflection 0 0000 in 0 0000 in 0 0000 in To specify your title block on these five lines, use the SETTINGS selection on the main menu and enter your title block information will be printed on each page Title Dsgnr Description Scope Date Job# 358PM 21 MAR 07 Rev 510300 User KW-0602938 Ver 5 1 3 22-Jun 1999 Win32 tf.} 1953 99 ENERCALC General Timber Beam Page 1 c \ec\tripoli res ecw Calculations Description FB-#12 General Information Section Name 4x10 Beam Width Beam Depth Member Type Bm Wt Added to Loads Load Dur Factor Beam End Fixity Wood Density 3 500 in 9 250 in Sawn 1000 Pin Pin 40000pcf Calculations a Center Span Left Cantilever Right Cantilever Douglas Fir - Larch No 1 Fb Base Allow Fv Allow Fc Allow E re designed tc 800ft ft ft 1 000 0 psi 95 0 psi (325 0 psi 1 700 0 ksi > 1997 NDS Lu Lu Lu and 1997 UBC Requirements 200ft 000ft000ft [Full Lengh Uniform Loads Center Left Cantilever Right Cantilever DL DL DL 48 00 #/ft #/ft #/ft LL LL LL 16000 #/ft #/ft #/ft 1 Summary j Beam Design OK Span= 8 00ft Beam Width = 3 500in x Depth = 9 25m Ends are Pin-Pin Max Stress Ratio Maximum Moment Allowable Max Positive Moment Max Negative Moment Max @ Left Support Max @ Right Support Max M allow fb 41 7 37 psi Fb 1 196 18 psi Deflections Center Span Deflection Location Length/Defl 1 74k 000k 000 k 000 k 498 fv Fv Dead Load 0013 in 4000ft 7 1726 0423 1 1 7 kft 50 kft ft at 4 Maximum Shear * Allowable 000 ft Shear ft at 0 000 ft ft ft 40 21 psi 95 00 psi Total Loac -0051 4000 1 883 89 Camber Reactions LeftDL 023 k Right DL 0 23 k Left Cantilever in Deflection ft Lenqth/Defl Right Cantilever Deflection Length/Den 1 5 @ Left @ Right ©Left @ Center @ Right Max Max D_ead Load 0 000 in 00 0 000 in 00 13 k 31 k 087 k 087k 0 000 in 0020 in 0 000 m 087 k 087k Total Load 0000 in 00 0 000 in 00 Stress Calcs Bending Analysis Ck 33 438 Le Cf 1 200 Rb @ Center @ Left Support @ Right Support Shear Analysis Design Shear Area Required Fv Allowable Bearing @ Supports Max Left Reaction Max Right Reaction **x^*o*~~^a***au*^.^ 4118ft 6 110 Max Moment 1 74 k ft 000 kft 0 00 k ft @ Left Support 1 30 k 13705m2 95 00 psi 087 k 087k »-**u^u*»~i>i^l.,M^.-ti3**J^«aiaaa*~a, Sxx 49911in3 Cl 0 997 Sxx Reg d 1741 m3 0 00 in3 0 00 in3 @ Right Support 1 30k 13705in2 95 00 psi Bearing Length Req d Bearing Length Feq d -:^ai^ia^iwai£<a»uiji»^.»3ia^ >A». Area 32 375 in2 Allowable fb 1 196 18 psi 1 200 00 psi 1 200 00 psi 0 397 in 0 397 m Query Values M, V, & D @ Specified Locations @ Center Span Location = @ Right Cant Location = @ Left Cant Location = 000 ft 000 ft 000 ft Moment 000k ft 0 00 k-ft 000 kft Shear Deflection 0 87 k 0 0000 in 0 00 k 0 0000 in 0 00 k 0 0000 in To specify your title block on these five lines, use the SETTINGS selection on the mam menu and enter your title block information will be printed on each page Title Dsgnr Description Scope Date Job* 358PM 21 MAR 07 Rev 510300 UserKW0602938 Ver513 22Jun-1989 Win32 (c) 1683-99 ENERCALC General Timber Beam Page 1 c \ec\tnpoli res ecw Calculations Description FB-#4 {General Information Section Name Prllm Beam Width Beam Depth Member Type Bm Wt Added to Loads Load Dur Factor Beam End Fixity Wood Density 35x140 3 500 in 14000m Sawn 1 000 Pin-Pin 40000pcf Calculations are designed to 1997 NDS Center Span Left Cantilever Right Cantilever Truss Joist - MacMillan Fb Base Allow Fv Allow Fc Allow E 1500ft ft ft Parallam 2 OE 2 900 0 psi ,'90 0 psi 650 0 psi 2 000 0 ksi Lu Lu Lu and 1997 UBC Requirements 200ft 000ft 000ft Full Lengh Uniform Loads Center DL Left Cantilever DL Right Cantilever DL 72 00 #/ft #/ftm LL 24000 #/ft LL #/ft LL #/ft Point Loads Dead'toad 247 6 Ibs Live Load 750 0 Ibs distance 9 000 ft "¥Vi^V/.7irhi^lJ^^^M\i^^^'^rm*«rtr^SS^^il Summary 11 fezr ^f-^S^3KT^j!ff5«y'?!^S;^5«-5#,l Span= 15 00ft Beam Width = Max Stress Ratio Maximum MomentAllowable Max Positive Moment Max Negative Moment Max @ Left Support Max @ Right Support Max M allow fb 1 548 82 psi Fb 2,877 83 psi Deflections 228 0 Ibs Ibs 640 0 Ibs Ibs 6 000 ft 0 000 ft 3 500in x Depth = 14 in Ends 0538 1 14 8 k ft 27 4 k-ft Ibs Ibs Ibs Ibs Ibs Ibs Ibs Ibs 0000ft 0000ft 0000ft 0000ft are Pin-Pin Maximum Shear Allowable 14 76 k-ft at 7680ft Shear 0 00 k ft at 0 000 ft 000 kft 000 k-ft 2742 fv 103 70 psi Fv 290 00 psi Center Span Dead Load Total Load Deflection Location Lengtn/Defl 1 0 095 in -0 365 in 7 500 ft 7 500 ft 895 6 492 69 Camber Reactions LeftDL 088 k Right DL 0 88 k Left Cantilever Deflection Length/Defl Right Cantilever Deflection Length/Den *1 5 §Left Right @Left @ Center @ Right Max Max Dead Load 0 000 in 00 0 000 in 00 Beam Design OK 51 k 142 k 336 k 339k 0 000 in 0142 in 0 000 m 336 k 339k Total Load 0000 in 00 0000 in 00 tress Calcs Bending Analysis Ck 21 298 Le Cf 1 000 Rb @ Center @ Left Support @ Right Support Shear Analysis Design Shear Area Required Fv Allowable Bearing @ Supports Max Left Reaction Max Right Reaction 4118ft 7517 Max Moment 1476 kft 0 00 k-ft 0 00 k ft @ Left Support 504k 17 388 in2 290 00 psi 336 k 339 k Sxx 114333in3 Area Cl 0 992 Sxx Req'd 61 53 m3 0 00 ir>3 0 00 in3 @ Right Support 508k 17 521 m2 290 00 psi Bearing Length Req'd Bearing Length Req d 49 000 m2 Allowable fb 2 877 83 psi 2,900 00 psi 2,900 00 psi 1 478 in 1 489 in To specify your title block on these five lines, use the SETTINGS selection on the mam menu and enter your title block information will be printed on each page Rev 510300 User KW 0602938 Ver 5 1 3 22-Jun 1989 Win32 (c) 198399ENERCALC Description FB-#4 Query Values M, V, & D @ Specified Locations @ Center Span Location = @ Right Cant Location = @ Left Cant Location = Title Dsgnr Description Scope General Timber Beam Moment 000 ft OOOk-ft 000 ft OOOk-ft 000 ft OOOk-ft Job* Date 358PM 21 MAR 07 J Page 2 [J c VecUnpoli res ecw Calculations |*| Shear Deflection 3 36 k 0 0000 in 0 00 k 0 0000 in 0 00 k 0 0000 in fl To specify your title block on these five lines, use the SETTINGS selection on the main menu and enter your title block information will be printed on each page Title Dsgnr Description Scope Date Job* 3 58PM 21 MAR 07 Rev 510300 User KW 0802938 Vcr 5 1 3 22-Jun 19SB Win32 (0) 1883-99 ENERCALC Genera! Timber Beam Page 1 c \ec\tnpoli res ecw Calculations Description FB-#1 General Information Calculations are designed to 1997 NDS and 1997 UBC Requirements Section Name Prllm Beam Width Beam Depth Member Type Bm Wt Added to Loads Load Dur Factor Beam End Fixity Wood Density 7 0x14 0 7 000 in 14000m Sawn 1 000 Pin-Pin 40000pcf Center Span Left Cantilever Right Cantilever Truss Joist - MacMillan Fb Base Allow Fv Allow Fc Allow E atsi n.g.!gflfcw*v.afaHi , 1500ft ft ft Parallam 2 OE 2 900 0 psi 290 0 psi 6500 psi 2,000 Oksi mMwriwNvwwi Lu Lu Lu 200ft 000 ft 000ft Full Lengh Uniform Loads Center DL Left Cantilever DL Right Cantilever DL Point Loads Dead Load 247 0 Ibs Live Load 750 0 Ibs distance 9 000 ft 204 00 #/ft LL #/ft LL #/ft LL 8330 Ibs Ibs 2 374 0 Ibs Ibs 13000ft 0000ft 680 00 Ibs Ibs 0000ft #/ft #/ft #/ft Ibs Ibs 0 000 ft Ibs Ibs Ibs Ibs 0000ft 0000ft Summary J Span= 15 00ft Beam Width Max Stress Ratio Maximum Moment Allowable Max Positive Moment Max Negative Moment Max @ Left Support Max @ Right Support Max M allow fb 1 689 84 psi Fb 2 894 97 psi = 7 000m x Depth = 14 in 0584 1 32 2 k-ft 55 2 k ft 32 20 k ft at 0 00 k-ft at 000 k ft 000 k ft 5517 fv 1 56 30 psi Fv 290 00 psi Ends are Pin Pin Maximum Shear* 1 8 400 ft 0000 ft Reactions LeftDL Right DL Allowable Shear Camber 194 k 260k 5 @ Left @ Right ©Left @ Center @ Right Max Max Beam Design OK 153 k 284 k 766 k 1021 k 0 000 in 0155 in 0000 in 766 k 1021k Deflections Center Span Deflection Location Length/Defl Stress Calcs E.'g-— t ••-* -t^."'— -.i»g?-'.-.i-.^iiJ'^..f..:'J*^J[^*L. JT^;.Jf*rl,_if.<a..tjiL-.«g. Bending Analysis Ck 21 298 Le Cf 1 000 Rb @ Center @ Left Support @ Right Support Shear Analysis Design Shear Area Required Fv Allowable Bearing @ Supports Max Left Reaction Max Right Reaction Dead Load -0104m 7 680 ft 1 7388 4118ft 3758 Max Moment 32 20 k-ft 0 00 k ft 000k ft @ Left Support 11 49 k 39 624 in2 290 00 psi 766 k 1021 k Total Load Left Cantilever -0 408 in Deflection 7 680 ft Length/Den 44153 Right Cantilpver Deflection Length/Defl Sxx 228 667 m3 Area Cl 0 998 Dead Load Total Load 0 000 in 0 000 in 00 00 0 000 in 0 000 in 00 00 I 98 000 m2 Sxx Reg'd Allowable fb 13348m3 2 0 00 m3 2 0 00 m3 2 @ Right Support 1532k 52819m2 290 00 psi Bearing Length Req d Bearing Length Req d 894 97 psi 900 00 psi 900 00 psi 1 684 in 2 244 in To specify your title block on these five lines, use the SETTINGS selection on the mam menu and Title Dsgnr Description Job# Date 3 58PM 21 MAR 07 enter your line DIOCK imormauon will be printed on each page : Rev 510300 Use- KW 0602938 Ver 5 1 3 22 Jun 1909 Win32 (c) -..IS399ENERCALC General Scope Timber Beam Page 2 c \ec\tnpoli res ecw Calculations Description FB-#1 Query Values M, V, & D @ Specified Locations @ Center Span Location = @ Right Cant Location = @ Left Cant Location = Moment 0 00 ft 0 00 k ft 000 ft 000k ft 000 ft OOOk-ft Shear 766k 000k 000k Deflection 0 0000 in 0 0000 in 0 0000 in To specify your title block on these five lines, use the SETTINGS selection on the main menu and enter your title block information will be printed on each page Title Dsgnr Description Scope Date Job# 3 58PM 21 MAR 07 Rev 510300 User KW 0602938 Ver 5 1 3 22-Jun 1999 Win32 (c) 1983 99 ENERCALC General Timber Beam Page 1 c \ec\tripoli res ecw Calculations Description FJ-#1 [ General Information Section Name 4x12 Beam Width Beam Depth Member Type Bm Wt Added to Loads Load Dur Factor Beam End Fixity Wood Density 3500m 11 250 in Sawn 1 000 Pin-Pin 40000pcf Calculations are designed to 1997 Center Span Left Cantilever Right Cantilever Douglas Fir - Larch No 1 Fb Base Allow Fv Allow Fc Allow E 3 00 ft Lu 200ft Lu 400ft Lu 1,0000psi 95 0 psi 625 0 psi 1,7000ksi NDS and 1997 UBC Requirements 300ft 200 ft 400 ft Full Lengh Uniform Loads Center DL Left Cantilever DL Right Cantilever DL Point Loads Dead Load 80 0 Ibs Live Load 400 0 Ibs distance 9 000 ft ^saasssiiKssuiazsis^iiaT!] -} Summary $ Span= 3 00ft Left Cant= 2 00ft Max Stress Ratio Maximum Moment Allowable Max Positive Moment Max Negative Moment Max @ Left Support Max @ Right Support Max M allow fb 630 57 psi Fb 1 091 62 psi 34 00 #/ft 34 00 #/ft 34 00 #/ft Ibs Ibs LL LL LL Ibs Ibs 8000 #/ft 8000 #/ft 8000 #/ft Ibs Ibs Ibs Ibs 0000ft 0000ft 0000ft 0000ft 0 Right Cant= 4 00ft Beam Width = 3 500m 0582 1 39k-ft 67 kft 0 00 k-ft at 0 84 k ft at 025 kft -388 kft 672 fv 55 26 psi Fv 95 00 psi x Depth = 1 1 25in Maximum Shear * 0 000 ft 3000 ft Reactions LeftDL Right DL Allowable Shear Camber -009 k 058k ... _. .__J Ibs Ibs Ibs Ibs 000 ft 0 000ft Beam Design OK Ends are Pin-Pin 1 5 ©Left @ Right ©Left @ Center @ Right Max Max 22 k 37 k 1 14 k 145k 0 004 in 0002 in 0028 in 077 k 243k Deflections Bearing @ Supports Max Left Reaction Max Right Reaction J Center Span Deflection Location Length/Defl Stress Calcs Bending Analysis CK 33 438 Le Cf 1 100 Rb @ Center @ Left Support @ Right Support Shear Analysis Design Shear Area Required Fv Allowable Dead Load 0 001 in 1 699ft 30 294 2 8 237 ft 9529 Max Moment 084 kft 0 25 k-ft 3 88 k-ft @ Left Support 1 72 k 18065m2 95 00 psi Total Load 0001 1 771 36 435 84 Sxx Cl € Left Cantilever in Deflection ft Length/Den Right Cantilever Deflection Length/Defl 73 828 m3 Are 0994 Sxx Rea'd 9 21 in3 2 74 m3 42 65 m3 i> Right Support 218k 22 904 in2 95 00 psi Dead Load Total Load -0 002 in -0011 in 20,035 6 4,464 4 -0019 in -0091 in 5 127 6 1 058 1 _*^J a 39 375 m2 Allowable fb 1 093 92 psi 1 096 07 psi 1 091 62 psi 077 k 243 k Bearing Length Req d 0 353 in Bearing Length Req d 1 111 in To specify your title block on these five lines, use the SETTINGS selection on the mam menu and enter your title block information will be printed on each page ! Rev 510300 I User KW 0602938 Ver 5 t 3 22-Jun 1999 Win32| (0) 1983-99 ENERCALC Description FJ-#1 [ Query Values M, V, & D @ Specified Locations @ Center Span Location = 0 00 @ Right Cant Location = 0 00 @ Left Cant Location = 0 00 Title Dsgnr Description Scope General Timber Beam Moment Shear ft 0 25 k ft 1 02 k ft -025k ft -102k ft -025k ft -102k Job# * Date 3 58PM 21 MAR 07 Page 2 c \ec\tnpoli res ecw Calculations Deflection 0 0000 in 0 0000 in 0 0000 in To specify your title block on these five lines, use the SETTINGS selection on the mam menu and enter your title block information will be printed on each page Title Dsgnr Description Scope Date Job# 3 58PM 21 MAR 07 Rev 510300 User KW 0602938 Ver 5 1 3 22-Jun-1999 Win32(c) 1983-99 ENERCALC General Timber Beam Page 1 c \ec\tnpoli res ecw Calculations Description FB-#13 General Information Section Name Beam Width Beam Depth Member Type BmWt Added to Load Dur Factor Beam End Fixity Wood Density Prllm 35x11 875 3 500 in 11 875 in Sawn Loads 1 000 Pin-Pin 40000pcf Calculations are designed to 1997 NDS Center Span Left Cantilever Right Cantilever Truss Joist - MacMillan Fb Base Allow Fv Allow Fc Allow E 7 00 ft Lu ft Lu ft Lu Pardllam 2 OE 2,900 0 psi 290 0 psi 650 0 psi 2 000 0 ksi and 1997 UBC Requirements 200ft 000 ft 000 ft Full Lengh Uniform Loads Center Left Cantilever Right Cantilever ^T^A^^^agssr-rjsr^j^^gjw^ DL DL DL 10200#/ft LL #/ft LL #/ft LL 24000 #ffi #/ft #/ft Summary Beam Design OK Span= 7 00ft Beam Width Max Stress Ratio Maximum Moment Allowable Max Positive Moment Max Negative Moment Max @ Left Support Max @ Right Support Max M allow fb 31 5 90 psi Fb 2,881 57 psi Deflections = 3 500in x Depth = 1 1 875in 0154 1 22k-ft 198 k ft 2 17k ft at 3 Ends are Pin-Pin Maximum Shear * 1 5 Allowable 500 ft Shear 0 00 k-ft at 7 000 ft 0 00 k ft 000 k-ft 1975 fv 44 66 psi Fv 290 00 psi Center Span Dead Load Total Load Deflection Location Length/Den Stress Calcs Bending Analysis Ck 21 298 Le Cf 1 000 Rb @ Center @ Left Support @ Right Support Shear Analysis Design Shear Area Required Fv Allowable Bearing @ Supports Max Left Reaction Max Right Reaction Query Values -0 006 in -0 020 3 500 ft 3 500 13,3772 429624 4118ft Sxx 6 923 Cl Max Moment 2 17 k-ft 0 00 k-ft 0 00 k-ft @ Left Support (£ 1 86 k 6 400 m2 290 00 psi 1 24 k 124k @ Left @ Right Camber @ Left Reactions LeftDL 040 k Right DL 0 40 k Left Cantilever in Deflection ft LengtWDefl Right Cantilever Deflection Length/Den 82 259 in3 Area 0994 @ Center @ Right Max Max Dead Load 0 000 in 00 0 000 in 00 41 563 m2 1 9 k 121 k 1 24 k 1 24k 0 000 in 0 009 in 0 000 m 1 24 k 1 24k total Load 0 000 in 00 0 000 in 00 Sxx Read Allowable fb 9 02 m3 0 00 in3 0 00 m3 g Right Support 186k 6 400 m2 290 00 psi Bearing Length Req d Bearing Length Req'd M, V, & D @ Specified Locations Moment @ Center Span Location @ Right Cant Location = @ Left Cant Location = 000 ft 000 ft 000 ft 0 00 k ft 0 00 k-ft 000 k-ft 2 881 57 psi 2 900 00 psi 2,900 00 psi 0 544 in 0 544 in Shear 1 24k 000k 000k I Deflection 0 0000 in 0 0000 in 0 0000 in To specify your title block on these five lines, use the SETTINGS selection on the main menu and enter your title block information will be printed on each page Roy 510300User KW-0602938 Ver 5 1 3 22 Jun 1899 Win32 (0)1883-99 ENERCALC Title Dsgnr Description Scope General Timber Beam Date Job # 3 58PM 21 MAR 07 Page 1 c \ec\tnpoli res ecw Calculations Description FB-#14 General Information Section Name Prllm Beam Width Beam Depth Member Type Bm Wt Added to Loads Load Dur Factor Beam End Fixity Wood Density 35x11 875 3 500 in 11 875 in Sawn 1 000 Pin-Pin 40000pcf Calculations are designed to Center Span 1 2 00 ft Left Cantilever ft Right Cantilever ft Truss Joist - MacMillan Parallam 2 OE Fb Base Allow 2 900 0 psi Fv Allow 290 0 psi Fc Allow 650 0 psi E 2 000 0 ksi 1997 NDS Lu Lu Lu and 1997 UBC Requirements 400ft 000ft 000ft Full Lengh Uniform Loads Center DL Left Cantilever DL Right Cantilever DL I Summary 1 Span= 1200ft, Beam Width Max Stress Ratio Maximum MomentAllowable Max Positive Moment Max Negative Moment Max © Left Support Max @ Right Support Max M allow fb 928 36 psi Fb 2 858 52 psi Deflections 10200#/ft LL 240 03 #/ft #/ft LL #/ft #/ft LL #/ft = 3 500m x Depth = 11 875in Ends are Pin Pin 0325 1 64kft Maximum Shear 19 6k ft Allowable 6 36 k ft at 6 000 ft Shear 0 00 k ft at 0 000 ft 0 00 k ft Camber 000 k-ft 1959 Reactions fv 76 56 psi LeftDL 068 k Fv 290 00 psi Right DL 068k Center Span DeagLLoad Total Load Left Cantilever Deflection Location Length/Defl Stress Calcs Bending Analysis Ck 21 298 Le Cf 1 000 Rb 0054m -0169m Deflection 6 000 ft 6 000 ft Length/Defl 2 655 3 852 78 Right Cantilever Deflection Length/Defl 8237ft Sxx 82259m3 Area 9 790 Cl 0 986 *1 5 ©Left@ Right ©Left © Center © Right Max Max Dead Load 0 000 in 00 0 000 in 00 Beam Design OK 32 k 121 k 212 k 212k 0 000 in 0081 in 0000 m 212 k 212k Total Load 0000 in 00 0 000 in 00 41 563 m2 MaxJVIornent Sxx Reg d Allowable fb @ Center @ Left Support @ Right Support Shear Analysis Design Shear Area Required Fv Allowable Bearing @ Supports Max Left Reaction Max Right Reaction 6 36 k ft 26 72 m3 2 858 52 psi 0 00 k ft 0 00 m3 2 900 00 psi 0 00 k ft 0 00 m3 2 @ Left Support @ Right Support 318 k 318k 10972m2 10972m2 290 00 psi 290 00 psi 212k Bearing Length Req d 212k Bearing Length Req d 900 00 psi 0 932 in 0 932 in Query Values M, V, & D @ Specified Locations Moment Shear @ Center Span Location = @ Right Cant Location = @ Left Cant Location = 000 ft 000 k-ft 000 ft 000 k-ft 000 ft 000 k-ft 212k 000k 000k Deflection 0 0000 in 0 0000 in 0 0000 in JOB_ SHEET NO .OF CALCULATED BY_ CHECKED BY SCALE DATE. DATE. ') \ I I FT A___ -/ D PRODUCT 207 r< ~ io\ 261 S PACIFIC DRIVE SAN MARCOS CALIFORNIA JOB Tripoli Residence C07007 SHEET NO y"2_ OF 39 CALCULATED BY HBH DATE 3/07 CHECKED BY DATE SEISMIC ANALYSIS GARAGE WALL ID LEVEL LENGTH TA (ft) (ft2) TRANSVERSE DIRECTION 1 *1 P5 *~io A A A r\2-R 2 A 1-2 2 2-R 1-2 3 2-R 1-2 4 1-?T^ 1 fc- LONGITUDINAL A 2-R 1-2 A1 1-2 A3 1-2 B 2-R 1-2 S = Note ^o 1R R1 U \J 12 7 8 20 22 £» 1146 1 1 IU Q-anC7«JU 500 1050 450 660 1010 440frw 6150 F F total v v total WALL(1) SINGLE T, C (k) (k) (plf) (plf) TYPE WALL (k) 5 06 1 7i / 09 53 08 33 1 8 0 R\J w 143 if'5 C O A A O A A C6 244 244 6 ^7 ? 100 4TQ ?i O 1 UU HOv? O 09 74 74 6 53 759 759 2* 6 1 100 765 2* 33 167 167 6 5 1 82 234 6 ^-*0 R 1^1 1^1 *^1 , Use Strong 2 667 3 5 2 ,Use Strong 6 4 12 0 7 8 DL/flr(2) C add (klf) (k) Walll 5 0 7 0 Walll n nf\j— 7 8 0 8 167 4 2 11 4 ..Use Strong O O 0 6 tr 0 0 0 0 0 0 Walll p n Tnet (k) HD TYPE SW32x9-RF, Greater than 2 1 200 02 22 HD2A SW32x10, Greater than 2 1 280 380 140 380 235 380 SW24x8 1RD \J -T 04 04 02 04 02 04 37 -1 4 74 152 1 5 25 , Greater than n A 0 1 HD5A none HD8A HD15 HD2A HD2A 21 DIRECTION 12 52 21 21 27 27 160 1410 1215 450 450 1410 1215 6150 7 1 22 08 08 7 1 22 18 1 '*) Designates plywood Panel on both sides ;1) $8* Wood Structural I Panel with ;2) Total Dead Load at hold 1 1 595 595 2 93 42 179 6 08 38 38 6 08 38 38 6 7 1 264 264 6 93 80 345 4 / to Ac!*of wall *•£ // "" ' 6 6 7 2 7 0 7 0 4 3 4 7 4 1 4 4 2 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 140 480 480 480 140 480 02 04 04 04 02 04 59 04 -1 2 -1 2 28 68 HD8A HD2A none none HD2A HD10A 8d common nails 1/y down tloor v / > /•/ \ / , ~7"i - r ~~ ("Tf i "&• ^^(jPfaifL. *>ft* ~^l/2 ^Cfii> Tripoli Res-Seismic xls ION . x •> s N .. \< ' X t 'i k ' (I 3< 'V i » 261 S PACIFIC DRIVE SAN MARCOS CALIFORNIA JOB Tripoli Residence C07007 SHEET NO // OF 3J CALCULATED BY HBH DATE 3/07 CHECKED BY DATE SEISMIC ANALYSIS GARAGE FORCE DISTRIBUTION (2-story) ROOF Area Roof Weight Ext Wall Weight Partition Weight W TOTAL Low ROOF/2nd FLOOR Area Low Roof Weight Floor/Deck Weight Ext Wall Weight Partition Weight W TOTAL TOTALW= 141 kips UNFACTORED BASE SHEAR, V= 0143 W = 20 2 Kips LEVEL W, ROOF 2nd FLOOR H, W, x H, (ft) V total f (k) (psf) 79 62 19 10 1499 625 143 59 143 202 506 179 ;= 141 2124 202 DIAPHRAGM FORCES, Fpx LEVEL ROOF RF/2nd FLOOR IF,w,px Iw, (ft)M. f (psf) 143 202 79 62 79 141 143 89 506 268 LEVEL Fir Ht (ft) 018 010 2-R 1-2 9 10 Tripoli Res-Seismic xls ——I F™. o • 0* CARLSBAD VILLAS NEW CUSTOM TWO-STORY RESIDENCE LAGUNA DRIVE, CARLSBAD, CA --*,r:::yK^^.^^ D THOMAS PERRY ARCHITECT UInn 2496ES1TCCI Sludlo3A San Diego CA 12102 619 742 1010 F / "TFUS5H4 S \ 1. 1_ |. •'• — -~&r~. 1 1 , l-i I '•> CARLSBAD VILLAS NEW CUSTOM TWO-STORY RESIDENCE LACUNA DRIVE, CARLSBAD, CA THOMAS PERRY ARCHITECT Studio 3 A San Diego, CA 02 102 fi!9 742 9090 \ 0 G ....L.. CARLSBAD VILLAS NEW CUSTOM TWO-STORY RESIDENCE LACUNA DRIVE ~ CARLSBAD CA n,^ THOMAS PERRY ARCHITECT SanDicgn,CA WI02 619 742 WOO } ixieline Lumber Company•ivr" J1 ' \ • •Serving Southern California js/nce 1913 Division of LANOGA CORPORATION TRUSS DIVISION 2740 Tidelands Avenue National City, CA 91950 Ph. 619.263.6161 • Fax. 619.477.6891 1-800-DIXIELINE A Weyerhaeuser Business Shear Panel ClTJr Joist Client Floor. Oir I. ^iUlJISaf 355M S**!*^,8?fif!||!ikiMNflfl§*5,Sgi!|.sf*f s^ w-'gSslsig.-^ • » °lB*lo«lI!! I! . ii I ;El|rr, ro oID§(P 00 OJ -H -I -Hn n n o oa c D S5 E 8' oo 1 |§g '1IB ^ »n> R<flO3Bi£ Si^topmrg_ »5 5^po s*ftii ; SOOT K..3Mii §ii O m 1||| §°S5l""g ""S 6-1 6llpip >Ss|i SS sii§2 |sSliS ^ -HF» "" il?3l *l^i S2±S9gS8li|82gv99^|,,3| 3 Oo-zB)(D H W) oo O •£ :pip!iiif y |3||-||j||rn Ps h fiiiig GO=• OJ CD -H -t -Hg o O O O O O g —S 3 "~ a Q "" - °a> a : Q.^! 8§! 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A twou BU itk uauna HOU^ j wnuiu io «L>i». >.„ tatiuat UBSOL mi ujoo BWU «lu: fj»orr or oauf "^ _»n* >u «ui u< a KOUUD nwM wno RUUU CO D1XJELINE LUMBER ENGIQRED WOOD PRODUCTS 2740 TIDELANDS AVENUE (619J26W181 FAX(619H77-6891 GABLE END DETAILS 10o mewnmncm BO MOM taau K tu •*««!» cr nun uu> ~a«M M MU tn> *CO (O s o m•yo CO oz moo o CO DIXIELINE LUMBER ENONEERED WOOD PRODUCTS 2740 TIOELANOS AVENUE NMlOtWLCnY.CALFORMA 91950 GABLE END DETAILS roo oo T • MMA rat nw» uutaoH FUNKB OMY. IT c in-irr cun*t a Mom nm ttaui HJUB w mi -man or ncu uua eamur uo jwu >n « Hnnun • II! m ~D 10 N3 J~X X CZ*• -^ s:TI i mI "~Q~oCO -oZCO •vl -* tO tOO?1 XXI m m Sr*l g§< ^^oi °3oi co: o m 2 ^z mo -^ DDdELINE LUMBER BKMEBe WOOD PRODUCTS 2740 TIDELANDS AVENUE (619)28M161 FAX(619H77-6891 8CISS. GABLE END DETAIL M O NiX ro CDawI01mroaao•n >xoro •* AT M DIX1ELINE LUMBER BOILED WOOD PRODUCTS 2740 T1DELANDS AVENUE MDONALCnY.CMJFORMAMiSO (619)26^6161 FAX(619}4n-6891 STANDARD FURRING DETAIL a> roo COHJ I UCUOI MVOOS MJ tt 0 0 iwa OfCMN. IMi DMMMB KMU« WC SOU fMKm Of BOOOJMC Uwa CeuMMr A« MUi. H M MM • HMO m I t atom tmatt siu • urnm m M i t ouiwa u num. lu VUM. ma tta a> am nww. m MK-.I mwa w ni ROMBI M MffiH >. jt?«i JD wu w • MIUMD KXW nm>g g3xoo1091K3T3O uIU)IV)§roog ENGWEERED WOOD PRODUCTS 2740 TIDELANDS AVENUE NATOKALCnY.CWJFORMA 91950 (619J28M161 FAX(619H77-8891 TOP CHORD NOTCH PROCEDURE inns ran* w nun DKCim. MKMHMM muaiw aou nomnv or noocuc UMM COHMMT * t UKO& ten at ait* mo o CD I CD DIXIELINE LUMBER BWWEKED WOOD PRODUCTS 2740 T1DELANDS AVENUE NATIONAL CITY.CAUFORNtt 91950 HIP FRAMING DETAIL •a UHUI i must m aau atom Mnan ou a unw •» tk DIXIELINE LUMBER ENGMEERED WOOD PRODUCTS 2740 TIDELANDS AVENUE NATK)NM.CnY,CUJRXa«919SD HIP FRAMING DETAIL o 3 Oo §o O O TJ zo 01m m o zms o nttooomom os> *o m — i —z s -iz^ CD > O O O O•" O CDs m o DIXIELINE LUMBER BKMEBO WOOD PRODUCTS 2740 TIDELANDS AVENUE WUIONALCnY,CAURffiMA91950 HIP FRAMING DETAIL 01 ro I OMMHV4M WUMOI ion ncoi u ttuu ir******sot IUMC iuu K tat Kat-, a BOCK u^*a am<r 49 cuu *a u mitMO HUM tuna rz a o a—im3>m70?Sza^1 i_ 'i xmSx-^n-HTj"ZEtO^am 3> a Pz TOtj m h- "nox >n ia. nto •-; !"gz a "-» o a nH—I te)o a Z -H—I0 a1 2a70 IpoT)4x«r>-i n70IO c ti-0 /Dm 70moo CO (Z 70m be)(—an 7\ KMm><N 5 aSn"^e/>isi cj1 1s s2- Q.J.^iiX"| S m m<.n/oon 31t—t ~0 —I 70 m o to1 — 1am m DIXIELINE LUMBER ENGWSRED WOOD PRODUCTS 2740 T1DELANDS AVENUE WniONALCnY.CMJPQRtMSISSO HIP FRAMING DETAIL <n toO p rtm nun ucAimnaraaONLY n c MM 10 1M» C • n< MU hn««nv or HBUM IIJBH COMNV MB MIU. Mr KB »uu t» HUM (BanM.MB tt~tf» BUUC *. «U r*OKOI V HBUIt UUIC OWIM •» WU « U tW-JUItt nMU Bonu P-or:m c™CD piO QmZ]z o0>z^m o DIXIELINE LUMBER HGNffiED WOOD PRODUCTS 2740 TIDELANDS AVENUE fflONALHIPFI (O ieeta m MB atom MMB uu n arata n> at c SUE is ass etas1 &%!i s« *»! «" 3 ^yiisa «wss »WIB fssasa £2* o si n G] 00 ^3 rn >F fTJ5& liEz og 2° >S DIXIELINE LUMBER ENGMfflCD WOOD PRODUCTS 2740 T1DELANDS AVENUE NATIONAL CnY,CALFORMA91950 HIP BEAM DETAIL • nc MI Moranv or i t n BOB ucjoi Kisaa at. i UUB u* ac Homo emeu 12 m JLJI -ast a-" -at = as offiw r^- ^f 4M ^M ** f * 'SWItt MWOUI » o m > ~no O =d > CJo oi mo 10 — — Z "*: . x > Q 713 !>S 3BSo.< 2^ ~S z S a> o TO -705 B xa, S"1 . o «8 I DIXIELINE LUMBER B4GMEERED WOOD PRODUCTS 2740 TIDELANDS AVENUE NAHONM.CnY.CMJORMA91950 (619)26^161 FAX(619H77-6891 VALLEY FRAMING DETAIL a> ro I UCAMN fUMMX On a c iwmEft naaa ou. a U> Sw^.Ci KScS .i iU TKBn V "m-* uu»- ^Mail«. Ki. Sf 3 K-xSUB WM VWf* .tfiOBMOQ DIXIELINE LUMBER ENGNffifcD WOOD PRODUCTS 2740 T1DELANDS AVENUE NMnNM.CnY,CALfORMA919SO VALLEY TRUSS DETAIL T3 TO 2 TJ TOO o O O O(0 (0 —| (0 CO DIXIELINE LUMBER ENGKBtED WOOD PRODUCTS 2740 TIDELANDS AVENUE VALLEY FRAMING DETAIL Oo s-*[io> _.FifS||55 u»-o TRUSS # 1>i TRUSS # 2<s^°.\,TRUSS # 3CDTRUSS # 40 s.MTRUSS # 5 OJoX OJo 3 o«i> ooo rom<s>CO |5SWM.1>o!3Fpm TRUSS # 1 m o ^ 111£ </>Zo"1a°z |I^gC?5 |*3 HPJ<«*> **5 'Rr = ™ ""xl ro *' TRUSS # 2 i , ' ^ TRUSS # 3 f w ^^ ^ ^° >~ \^ "* S TRUSS # 4 ^ ,g^l TRUSS # 5 S|3 *: TRUSS OO OJ liii; i«ssgg o° Bi TRUSS f 2 =f—'« TRUSS # 3 V\X""^s^^OJO \TRUSS #4 COmm TRUSS, # 5 DIXIELINE LUMBER ENGMEERED WOOD PRODUCTS 2740 TIDELANDS AVENUE NKI10NM.CnY.CUJFORIU919SO ATTIC ACCES DETAIL NJO Oo TJOom>nooo Tl Cm crr,CDC TJmO o25o >j?jgm z73 U) DIXIELINE LUMBER ENGMEERED WOOD PRODUCTS 2740 TIDELANDS AVENUE (619)2634161 FAX(619H77-6691 30X30 ATTIC ACCESS i» uiwi * nnto m nun UCMM r I cwr n ctwnw urn t» ommn MOM «tacaa. BIB i » BMHI ma M KU mnr or muc UMO o»»«« AW wu m • taammt max 'ma tat muumtHmcnuutianamianatiii aatraa«n»UMOBI».»««uIMAA **-unai aro t* stem mm M »i fwisr ro DIXIELINE LUMBER BK3WERED WOOD PRODUCTS 2740 TIDELANDS AVENUE NfDOW. CfTY.CALJFORMA 91950 26M161 FAXI619H77-6891 PIGGYBACK DETAIL ox COcoomin o ~o cU)o15 o 73totoCI-Qr~nHCtomto: toan ofrO 70t—tTJPI73toto W ci\ ^1 'O^ ^5 |-g mto -i70totoa 73etcm v)-\v> m >73 73m C t-ioa m 70 a o a anci ^J -n 70 toto f zen 6d tomto _• Ol £<£ i4 aa 00 m 70 Mto w--< 3>t3am 70 -n70<r > I—I CI 70 toto a ui—m 70 toto Sci—i t—*r- -io x 8s O DIXIELINE LUMBER BKMERED WOOD PRODUCTS 2740 TIDELANDS AVENUE . UIMU E IOMO m HUE *aa* mraa MI z curua wa w nucuo OM MI MUU sjuts sc cu tacnm w tout «t MU IKI n BKIKMBI ir- m CD> x oCD o o o i- c DIXIELINE LUMBER ENGMEERED WOOD PRODUCTS 2740 T1DELANDS AVENUE NM10NM.CnY.CAUFORNK919SD FLOOR BRACING DETAIL a MMM na «au Nomn or & This safety alert symbol is used to attract your A attention! PERSONALSAFETYISINVOLVEDI When Jk^ you see this symbol -BECOME ALERT- HEED ITS — MESSAGE A CAUTION A CAUTION identifies safe operating practices or indicates unsafe conditions that could result In personal injury or damage to structures DANGER A DANGER designates a condition ^V where failure to follow instructions or heed warn- ^^ ing will most likely result in serious personal injury or death or damage to structures A WARNING A WARNING describes a condition where failure to follow instructions could result In severe personal injury or damage to structures HIB-91 Summary Sheet COMMENTARY and RECOMMENDATIONS for HANDLING, INSTALLING & BRACING METAL PLATE CONNECTED WOOD TRUSSES ® It is the responsibility of the installer (builder, building contractor, licensed contractor, erector or erection contractor) to property receive, unload, store, handle, install end brace metal plate connected wood trusses to protect life and property. The installer must exercise the same high degree of safety awareness as with any othpr structural material TPI does not intend these recommendations to be interpreted as superior to the project Architect s or Engineer's design specification for handling installing and bracing wood trusses for a particular roof or floor These recommendations are based upon the collective experience of leading technical personnel in the wood TRUSS PLATE INSTITUTE 583 D Onofrio Dr Suite 200 Madison, Wisconsin 53719 (608) 833-5900 truss industry but must due to the nature of responsibilities involved be presented as a guide for the use of a qualified building designer or installer Thus the Truss Plate Institute Inc expressly disclaims any responsibility for damages arising from the use application or reliance on the recommendations and information contained herein by building designers installers and others Copyright © by Truss Plate Institute Inc All nghts reserved This document or any part thereof must not be reproduced in any form without written permission of the publisher Printed in the United States of Amenca CAUTION The builder, building contractor, licensed contractor.erector or erection contractor is advised to obtain and read the entire booklet "Commentary and Recommendations for Handling, Installing & Bracing Metal Plate Connected Wood Trusses, HIB- 91" from the Truss Plate Institute A CAUTION Alltemporarybracingshouldbenoless than 2x4 grade marked lumber All connections should be made with minimum of 2-16d nails All trusses assumed 2* on-center or less All multi-ply trusses, should be connected together in accor- dance with design drawings prior to installation TRUSS STORAGE CAUTION Trussesshouldnotbe unloaded on rough terrain or un- even surfaces which could cause damage to the truss A CAUTION Trusses stored horizontally should be supported on blocking to prevent excessive lateral bending and lessen moisture gam A WARNING Do not break banding until Installation begins. Care should be exercised in banding re- moval to avoid shifting of Individual trusses A WARNING Do not lift bundled trusses by the bands Do not use damaged trusses A CAUTION Trusses stored vertically should be braced to prevent toppling or tapping A DANGER. Do not store bundles upright unless properly braced Do not break bands until bundles are placed In a stable horizontal position A DANGER Walking on trusses which are lying flat is extremely dangerous and should be stnctiy prohibited Frame 1 A WARNING Do not attach cables, chains, or hooks to the web members WARMING Do not lift single trusses with spans greater than 30' by the peak. Tag Line/ >60-\ or less\ ('rLTA3ZS\ Approximately '/, truss length MECHANICAL INSTALLATION Approximately^ Tag V4 truss length \Llne Truss spans less than 30 — Toe In ' Approximately "• V, tp_y, truss length |' Less than or equal to 60 Lifting devices should be connected to the truss top chord with a closed loop attachment utilizing materials such as slings chains cables nylon strapping etc of sufficient strength to carry the weight of the truss Each truss should be set in proper position per the building designer s framing plan and held with the lifting device until the ends of the truss are securely fastened and tempo rary bracing is installed Spreader Bar Sti ongback/ SpreaderBar • _ ____ Approximately V, to V, truss length Less than or equal to 60 Tag Line At or above mid height L Approximately j "^ •/> to V, truss length ' Greater than 60 CAUTION Temporary bracing shown In this summary sheet is adequate for the Installation of , ., , and In some cases determlne^that a wider spacing Is possible GROUND BRACING BUILDING INTERIOR GROUND BRACING BUILDING EXTERIOR 1rt Iruaaol braced group of bruruMrar' Hole 2nd Hoorayatamahaa have adequate capacity to rapport ground bracee. Typical horizontal tie member with multiple elakea(HT) CAUTION Ground brac Frame 2 OF - Douglas Fir LarchHF Hem-Fir \— All lateral braces lapped at least 2 trusses Top chorda lhal are laterally braced can buckle loyelher ami cause collapse II there lanodiago rial bracing Diagonal bracing ehould tie nailed In the undermdc of the lop chord when purline arc •Hiu.hed lo the topside ot tl e top chord SPAN Up to 32 Over 32 48 Over 48 60 Over 60 MINIMUM PITCH 4/12 4/tZ 4/12 TOP CHORD LATERAL BRACE SPACING(LBs) 8 6 5 TOP CHORD DIAGONAL BRACE SPACING (OBcj) [# trusses] SP/DF 2O 10 6 SPF/HF 15 7 4 See a registered professional engineer SP - Southern PineSPF - Spruce Pine Fir Continuous Top Chord Lateral Brace - Required 10 or Greater JL Attachment Required PITCHED TRUSS WARNING. Failure to follow these recommendations could result In A ^severe personal Injury or damage to trusses or buildings SPAN Up lo 28 Over 28 42 Over 42 60 Over 60 MINIMUM PITCH DIFFERENCE 25 30 30 TOP CHORD LATERAL BRACE SPACING(LBS> TOP CHORD DIAGONAL BRACE SPACING (DBs) [tf trusses) SP/DF SPF/HF 17 12 See a registered professional engineer 12 DF Douglas Fir LarchHF Hem Fir SP Southern PineSPF - Spruce Pine Fir Continuous Top Chord , Lateral Braco - - /i , Required '\S' 10 or Grcalcr 1 All ic h men. Required , i/ .-- •1 All lateral braces lapped at least 2 trusses TopchOid.* lhe.1 at a laiotAtly braced c»n buckle together and c«uMcollap..c if Iheieiftnodiago n«lbt«elng. Diagonal biaeing tvhould be nailed to the underaide ot Uie lop chotd v^hcn puilma ar» aHcchcd to the topside of the lop choid SCISSORS TRUSS Frame 3 4 or greater SPAN Up to 32 Over 32 48 Over 48 60 Over 60 MINIMUM PITCH 4/12 4/12 4/12 BOTTOM CHORD LATERAL BRACE SPACING(LBs) 15 15 15 BOTTOM CHORD DIAGONAL BRACE SPACING (DBS> l# trusses) SP/DF 20 10 6 SPF/HFts 7 4 See a registered professional engineer DF Douglas Fir LarchHF Hem Fir SP Southern Ping SPF Spruce Pine Fir All lateral braces lapped at least 2 trusses Bottom chord diagonal bracing repeated at each end of the building and at same spacing as top chord diagonal bracing •BOTTOM CHORD PLANE .Failure to follow these recommendations could result In; o Fy* Personal Injury or;damage,1p trusses or buildings^ ^atf Cross bracing repeated at each end of the building and at 20' Intervals Permanent continuous lateral bracing as specified by the truss engineering WEB MEMBER PLANE 2x4/2x6 PARALLEL CHORD TRUSS Top cliaute ttwl •>• Utaf »!ly bttcxl cut buckU together •ndc*u»eco)Up»e II llieieMnodugo- iul bracing. OUgoiul In King >lH>uld be nailedlo Un wul««lde <* the lop choid wlun puilm. «ie«IUched to (he lopeide ol lira lop choid. DF Douglas Fir Larch SP Southern Pine HF Hem Fir SPF Spruce Pine Fir All lateral brace*lapped •t least two „, The end diagonal brace for cantllevered trusses must be placed on vertical webs In line with the suppoit End diagonals are at stability and must ba duplicated phj both ends of the truss system 4x2 PARALLEL CHORD TRUSS TOP CHORD 1 op choid. Itul lit hlerilly bnccd cuibucMo logeltici«ndc»u««call*pMHthit«l«nodUgo- nolbiuing DI«goiulbl«clna>houMI»Mllr<l lo Iht und.i.ld. of lh« lop choid wlwn puitliw •>• •lUchod lo III! lop.ld, ol Iht lop ehofd. <-^ Continuous Top Chord Lateral Brace Required 1 10 or Greater 1 Attachment Required 1 I' \ \ All lateral braces lapped at least two Trusses must have lum bar oriented in the hori- zontal direction to use this brace spacing End diagonals are essential for V* , r ~j stability and must be dupllcated'on^i ' both ends of the truss system " J Frame 5 SPAN Up lo 24 Over 24 42 Over 42 54 Over 54 MINIMUM PITCH 3/12 3/12 3/12 TOP CHORD LATERAL BRACE SPACING(LBS) 8 7 6 TOP CHORD DIAGONAL BRACE SPACING (DBs) [# trusses] SP/OF 17 10 6 SPF/HF 12 6 4 See a registered professional engineer As DF HF Douglas Fir Larch Hem Fir SP Southern PineSPF - Spruce Pine Fir Diagonal brace also required on end verticals Inpclioi la thai ate Ijlerally braced cmbuckle I >gelhri«iidc3iiGccoltapa«if|| crelvnodiago iMlliitfc.ing Diagot olbtaemgultouid be nailed lu Die un Innitle of lite lop thoid when puitlna A c allacl ret lo Hie lopmde ol Ihe lop chord MONO TRUSS £ All lateral braces lapped al least 2 trusses Continuous Top Chord Lateral Brace Required - I 10 or Greater I Attachment Required A WARNING Failure to follow these recommendations couldresultln severe personal Injury or damage to trusses or buildings *-,*' INSTALLATION TOLERANCES BOW Length L(ln) - PLUMB Truss Depth D(ln) Maximum Misplacement ±V. D(in) \T 24" 36- 48* 60" 72" _|4"_ 96" 108"" D/50 1/4" 1/2" 3/4" 1" 1 1/4" 1 1/2" _i.3/41 2" 2" 0(«) r 2 3 4 S 6 7' 8 9 ±'/r ' 1 1 Lesser of L/200 or 2* f±y." L I <i-> -L i n-«I » 1 1 Lesser of U200or2* M Lesser of r D/50 or 2" Plumb Line L(ln) L/200 L(fl) 50" 150" 1/4" 3/4 125 L(ln) L/200 L(fl) 200" 250" 300 1" 1 1/4" 1 1/2" 167 208 250 OUT OF PLUMB INSTALLATION TOLERANCES OUT OF PLANE INSTALLATION TOLERANCES . »I rffj 1* tt -"•• •*•" " » •« ^WARNING DpVot cut trusses '} *' v* **'< ^ ' 'n 'no clrcumstancVa^shoud '' '(^construction loads of anyjdescrlptionSe plac on unbraced trusses. ^ •' Frame 6 09/29/2686 12 16 619443B933 SOIL TES1EPS PAGE 01 July 6,2005 PO Box 1195 Lakeside, California 92040 (619) 443-0060 Pasqual D'emente and Umberto Tripoli 2091 Alta Vista Dnve San Marcos, California 92078 SUBJECT File No 1106E4-05 SITE INSPECTION Proposed Residential Building Site 1192 Laguna Dnve City of Carlsbad Gentlemen SCOPE In accordance with your request, a Srte Inspection has been performed at the subject site The purpose of this investigation was to examme existing site conditions and provide engineering recommendations for the two proposed single-family residential structures FIELD INSPECTION In order to accomplish this purpose, a representative of thjs firm viated the site, reviewed the topography and site conditions and visually and textu&Qy classified the surface and near surface sods Representative samples of the on-site soils were obtained from a test exploration approximately 3 feet in depth and tested for density, shear strength and expansive characteristics An in-place field density test was taken tn accordance with AS TJVf DI556-82 in the bottom of the test exploration The test results indicate that the relative compaction of the native sod at that elevation is 94 9 percent SITE CONDITIONS The subject site is a relatively level residential property located on the north side of Laguna Dnve The property slopes from east to west at approximately 2 to 3 degrees The site is presentry occupied by two one-story smgje-fenuh/ residences that we understand wfll be removed to make way for the proposed new development. Nearby properties are also occupied by residential structures Man made fill soils were encountered to approximately one foot in depth during the course of this investigation and native sods were loose and compressible to approximately 3 feet in depth o 09/23/2886 12 16 6194430933 SOIL TESTERS PAGE 02 D'emente/Tripoli Me No 1106E4-05 July 6,2005 SOIL CONDITIONS The soils encountered ra the provided trench location were fill materials consisting of approximately four inches of loose topsoil and loose, brown, sflty, sands to approximately one foot ra depth These fill sods were underlain by native, firm but porous, brown, silly, sands to approximately two feet m depth where medium dense, hght brown to red sdty sands that became cemented, and more dense with depth were encountered to the bottom of the exploration, approximately 3 feet m depth. The sandy sods encountered m the test explorations were not considered to be detrimentally expansive with respect to change in vohime with change in moisture content and wdl not require special foundation design to resist expansive soils CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 1 In order to provide uniform support for the proposed structure, the existing fill materials and compressible native soils in proposed budding areas should be excavated to firm natural ground (approximately 3 feet in depth), replaced and recompacted to 90 percent compaction in accordance with the following Grading Specifications The recompacnon should extend at least 5 feet outside the proposed buddiog footprint Any organic or other deleterious material that may be encountered should be removed pnor to recompaction 2 Conventional spread footings founded a minimum of 12 inches below lowest adjacent grade and having a width determined by the allowable sod bearing value as detailed above are recommended for foundation support Footing widths should be at least 12 inches for continuous footings and 24 inches for square footings due to practical considerations as well as Building Code requirements This footing design is a minimum based upon the foundation soil type and does not take mto consideration structural requirements 3 Reinforcing in footings should consist of at least one #4 steel bar placed continuously in the top and bottom of continuous footings regardless of structural requirements Reinforcing for isolated footings are dictated by the structural requirements These recommendations are based upon on the sod type encountered and do not take into consideration the proposed bearing load 4 Concrete slabs-on-grade should be constructed to have a nominal thickness of 4" and underlain with a sand blanket of 3 inches m thickness. Provide minimum temperature reinforcement consisting of 6X6-10/10 welded wire mesh. The sand subbase (sand blanket) should have a sand equivalent exceeding 30 per ASTM D24I9 All slabs should either have a conventional thickened edge or be poured monolimjcally with continuous footings at the slabs perimeter Conventional tindkened edges should be 8" B9/29''2006 12 16 6194438933 SOIL TESTERS PAGE 0: D'ementeflTnpoh File No 1106E4-05 July 6, 2005 thick at slab edge, uniformly tapenng to 4" thick at 2' from slab edge The thickened edges or monolithic footings should extend completely around the slab's perimeter Construction and expansion joints should be considered slab edges. Maximum spacing of expansion joints is 50' for interior slabs and 30' for exterior slabs 5 A representative sample of the foundation soil was remolded to 90% of maximum dry density Based on the following test results, a safe allowable bearing value of at least 2500 pounds per square foot may be used in designing the foundations and slab for the proposed structure This value may be increased by one third for wind and/or seisimc loading Angle of Internal Friction 35° Cohesion 246 psf Unit weight 1198pcf Maximum Dry Density 132 0 pcf Optimum Moisture Content 8 7% Expansion Index 28 RECOMMENDED GRADING SPECIFICATIONS Proposed Residential Bufldiing Site 1192 Laguna Drive City of Carlsbad GENERAL,: Soil Testers and Soil Engineer1 are synonymous hereinafter and shall be employed to inspect and test earthwork MI accordance with these specifications, the accepted plans, and the requirements of any junsdtctive governmental .agencies. They are to be allowed adequate access so that the inspections and tests may be performed. The Soil Engineer shall be apprised of schedules and any unforeseen sod conditions Substandard conditions or workmanship., inadequate compaction, adverse weather, or deviation from the lines and grades shown on the plans, etc, shall be cause for the soil engineer to either stop construction until the conditions are corrected or recommend rejection of the work. Refusal to comply with these specifications or the recommendations and/or interpretations of the soil engineer will be cause for the soil engineer and/or his representative to immediately tenmnate his services Deviations from the recommendations of the Soil Report, from the plans, or from these Specifications must be approved in writing by the owner and the contractor and endorsed by the soil engineer 09/29/2096 12 16 619443B933 SOIL TESTERS D'emente/Tnooh File No 1106E4-0') July 6,2005 SOIL TEST METHODS: Maximum Density & Opt Moisture -ASTMD1557-70 Density of Soil fr-Place - ASTM D1 556, D2922 and D301 7 Soil Expansion - UBC STANDARD 29-2 Shear Strength - ASTM D3080-72 Gradation & Grain Size - ASTM D1140-71 CapiDary Moisture Tension -ASTMD2325-68 Organic Content -% Weight loss after heating for 24 hours at 300° F and after deducting soil moisture LIMITING SOIL CONDITIONS: Minimum Compaction 90% for disturbed' soils (Existing fill, newly placed fifl, plowed ground, etc ) 84% for natural, undisturbed soils 95% for pavement subgrade within 2' of finish grade and pavement base course Expansive Soils Expansion index exceeding 20 Insufficient fines Less than 40% passing the #4 sieve Oversized Parbcles Rocks over 10" m diameter PREPARATION OF AREAS TO RECEIVE FILL: Brush, trash, debns and detrimental soils shall be cleared from the areas to receive fiQ Detrimental soils shall be removed to firm competent soil Slopes exceeding 20% should be stepped uphfll with benches 10' or greater in width Scarify area to receive fill to 6" depth and compact FDLL MATERIAL shall not contain insufficient fines, oversized parades, or excessive organics Qn-srte disposition of oversized rock or expansive soils is to be at the -written direction of the Soil Engineer Select fill shall be as specified by the soil engineer All fills shall he. an<J tflgt ed SUBDRAJNS shall be installed if required by and as directed by and detailed by the soil engineer and shall be left operable and unobstructed. They shall consist of 3" plastic perforated pipe set in a mmnnum cover of 4" of filter rock m a 'vee' ditch to intercept and dram free ground from the mass fills Perforated pipe shall be schedule 40, Poly- Vinyl-Chloride or Acryiotwtrile Butadienne Styrene plastic Rock filter material shall conform to the following gradation. Sieve size 3/4" #4 #30 #200 %Passmg 90-100 25-50 5-20 0-7 Subdrains shall be set at a minimum gradient of 02% to drain by gravity and shall be tested by dye flushing before acceptance Drains found inoperable shall be excavated and replaced c-nTl TtTCTCDC; PAGE 0S09/23/28B& 12 1& 6194430933 SOIL TESlhRb File No 1106E4-05 July 6,2005 CAPPING EXPANSIVE SOILS: If capping expansive soils with non-expansive sod to mitigate the expansive potential is used, the cap should be contacted, non-expansive, select soil placed for a minimum thickness 3( over the expansive soil and for a minimum distance of 8' beyond the exterior perimeter of the structure Special precautions should be taken to ensure that the non-expansive soil remains uncontannnated and the minimum thickness and dimensions around the structure are maintained The expansive soils underlying the cap of non-expansive cap should be pre-saturated to a depth of 3' to obtain a degree saturation exceeding 90% before any construction supported by the compacted cap The non-expansive sod comprising tite cap should conform to die following Minimum Compaction 90 % Maximum Expansion Index 30 Minimum Angle of Internal Friction 33 Deg Cohesion Intercept 100 p-jf UNFORESEEN CONDITIONS: Soil Testers assume no responsibility for conditions that differ from those described in the applicable current reports and documents for this property Upon termination of the sovl engineer's services for any reason, his fees up to the time of termination become due and payable If ft is necessary for the sofl engineer to issue an unfavorable report concerning the work that he has been iboured to test and inspect, the soil engineer shall not be held liable for any damages that might result from his unfavorable report' If we can be of any further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact our office This opportunity to be of service is sincerely appreciated Respectfully submitted, :s/ss cc (3) submitted 61? CHRISTIAN WHEELEIli: N c, i N E r. n i N c, April 3, 2007 Soil Testers CWE 2070028 01 Post Office Box 1195 Lakeside CA 92040 SUBJECT SEISMIC DESIGN CRITERIA, PROPOSED RESIDENTIAL BUILDING SITE, 1192 LACUNA DRIVE, CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA REFERENCES 1) Site Inspection, Proposed Residential Building Site, 1192 Laguna Drive, City of Carlsbad, California by Soil Testers, File No 1106E4-05, dated July 6, 2005 2) Maps of Known Active Fault Near-Source Zones in California and Adjacent Portions of Nevada /^California Division of Mines and Geology, dated February 1998 3) Geologic Maps of the Northwestern Part of San Diego County, California, California Division of Mines and Geology Open-File Report 96-02 by Siang S Tan and Michael P Kennedy Dear Ladies and Gentlemen In accordance with your request, we have prepared this letter to present pertinent seismic/geotechrucal information regarding the project site The scope of our limited study consisted of a review of the referenced soils report, a review of other pertinent literature, and the preparation of this letter that includes our findings GENERAL GEOLOGIC SETTING The project site is located in the Coastal Plains Physiographic Province of San Diego County and is underlain by Quaternary-age sedimentary deposits and associated residual soils The near-surface materials at the site are described in the referenced report by Soil Testers SEISMIC DESIGN PARAMETERS Based on a maximum magnitude (Mmax) earthquake of 7 1 along the nearest portion of the Newport-Inglewood or a maximum magnitude (Mmax) earthquake of 7 2 along the 4925 Mercury Street 4- San Diego CA 92111 4- 858 496 9760 4- FAX 858 496 9758 CWE 2070028 01 April 3, 2007 nearest portion the Rose Canyon Fault Zone, the Maximum Bedrock Acceleration at the site would be approximately 0 42 g For structural design purposes, a damping ratio not greater than 5 percent of critical dampening, and Soil Profile Type So are recommended (UBC Table 16-J) Based upon die location of the site at approximately eight kilometers from the Newport-Inglewood Fault and approximately nine kilometers from the Rose Canyon Fault Zone (Type B Faults), Near Source Factors NT equal to 1 0 and N\ equal to 1 09 are also applicable These values, along with other seismically related design parameters from die Uniform Building Code (UBC), Volume II, Chapter 16, utili2ing a Seismic Zone 4 are presented in tabular form below UBC -CHAPTER 16 TABLE No 16-1 16-J 16-Q 16-R 16-S 16-T 16-U SEISMIC PARAMETER Seismic Zone Factor Z Soil Profile Type Seismic Coefficient Ca Seismic Coefficient Cv Near Source Factor Na Near Source Factor Nv Seismic Source Type RECOMMENDED VALUE 040 So 044Na 064N, 10 109 B LIQUEFACTION Liquefaction is the phenomenon that may result in large total and/or differential ground surface settlement and possible lateral ground spreading during an earthquake Liquefaction occurs when loose saturated, generally fine sands and silts are subject to strong ground shaking The soil loses all shear strength and becomes a viscous liquid for a short period of time, and then usually solidifies Settlement of the ground surface and failure of foundations caused by liquefaction is usually only affected by the soils that liquefy within the upper 30 feet, the effect of lique faction of soils below this depth is not usually manifested at the ground surface Four conditions usually must be present before liquefaction can occur 1) The soil is below the groundwater table, i e , saturated, 2) The soil is composed predominantly of fine sand and cilt, 3) The soil is in a loose to medium dense state, 4) The soil is subject to a sufficient magnitude and duration of strong ground shaking CWE 2070028 01 April 3, 2007 Based on the available information, it appears that not all of the conditions required for liquefaction are present at the subject site The level of anticipated groundshakmg from seismic activity is relatively high but the groundwatcr table is relatively deep and the native materials at the site appear to be medium dense to dense and are not considered subject to liquefaction If you have any questions after reviewing this letter, please do not hesitate to contact this office Respectfully submitted, CHRISTIAN WHEELER ENGINEERING Curtis R Burdett, CE G #109C CRB crb cc (4) Submitted ***************** * E Q F A U L T Version 3 00 * * ****** DETERMINISTIC ESTIMATION OF PEAK ACCELERATION FROM DIGITIZED FAULTS JOB NUMBER 2070028 DATE 04-03-2007 JOB NAME 1192 Laguna Drive, Carlsbad CALCULATION NAME Test Run Analysis FAULT-DATA-FILE NAME C \Program Flles\EQFAULTl\2002CGSFLTE DAT SITE COORDINATES SITE LATITUDE 33 1656 SITE LONGITUDE 117 3418 SEARCH RADIUS 100 ml ATTENUATION RELATION 3) Boore et al (1997) Horiz - NEHRP D (250) UNCERTAINTY (M=Median, S=Sigma) M Number of Sigmas 0 0 DISTANCE MEASURE cd_2drp SCOND 0 Basement Depth 5 00 km Campbell SSR Campbell SHR COMPUTE PEAK HORIZONTAL ACCELERATION FAULT-DATA FILE USED C \Program Flles\EQFAULTl\2002CGSFLTE DAT MINIMUM DEPTH VALUE (km) 0 0 EQFAULT SUMMARY DETERMINISTIC SITE PARAMETERS ABBREVIATED FAULT NAME NEWPORT-INGLEWOOD ROSE CANYON CORONADO BANK ELSINORE (TEMECULA) ELSINORE (JULIAN) ELSINORE (GLEN IVY) (Offshore) ESTIMATED MAX EARTHQUAKE EVENT f\c iri^w^i. JLi'irt. i EJ DISTANCE mi (km) 5 1( 82) 5 6( 90) 21 4( 34 4) 23 7( 38 1) 24 0( 38 6) 33 0( 53 1) MAXIMUM EARTHQUAKE MAG (Mw) 7 1 7 2 7 6 6 8 7 1 6 8 PEAK SITE ACCEL g 0 415 0 416 0 203 0 123 0 143 0 096 EST SITE INTENSITY MOD MERC X X VIII VII VIII VII SAN JOAQUIN HILLS 34 5 ( 55 5) PALOS VERDES 35 5 ( 57 2) EARTHQUAKE VALLEY NEWPORT -INGLEWOOD (L A Basin) SAN JACINTO-ANZA CHINO-CENTRAL AVE (Elsinore) SAN JACINTO-SAN JACINTO VALLEY WHITTIER SAN JACINTO -COYOTE CREEK ELSINORE (COYOTE MOUNTAIN) SAN JACINTO-SAN BERNARDINO PUENTE HILLS BLIND THRUST SAN ANDREAS - San Bernardino M-l SAN ANDREAS - Whole M-la SAN ANDREAS - SB-Coach M-lb-2 SAN ANDREAS - SB-Coach M-2b SAN JACINTO - BORREGO SAN JOSE CUCAMONGA SIERRA MADRE PINTO MOUNTAIN SAN ANDREAS - Coachella M-lc-5 NORTH FRONTAL FAULT ZONE (West) UPPER ELYS IAN PARK BLIND THRUST BURNT MTN CLEGHORN SAN ANDREAS - 1857 Rupture M-2a SAN ANDREAS - Cho-Moj M-lb-1 SAN ANDREAS - Mojave M-lc-3 RAYMOND NORTH FRONTAL FAULT ZONE (East) CLAMSHELL -SAWPIT EUREKA PEAK VERDUGO SUPERSTITION MTN (San Jacinto) HOLLYWOOD ELMORE RANCH LANDERS SUPERSTITION HILLS (San Jacinto) HELENDALE - S LOCKHARDT SANTA MONICA LACUNA SALADA MALIBU COAST LENWOOD-LOCKHART-OLD WOMAN SPRGS JOHNSON VALLEY (Northern) SIERRA MADRE (San Fernando) NORTHRIDGE (E Oak Ridge) BRAWLEY SEISMIC ZONE EMERSON So - COPPER MTN ANACAPA-DUME 44 0( 70 8) 45 4 ( 73 1) 46 2 ( 74 4) 46 3 ( 74 5) 46 7( 75 1) 50 5 ( 81 3) 52 3 ( 84 1) 58 3 ( 93 9) 59 2 ( 95 2) 60 8( 97 8) 65 1( 104 8) 65 1( 104 8) 65 1( 104 8) 65 1( 104 8) 66 4 ( 106 9) 67 4( 108 4) 69 7( 112 1) 70 0( 112 7) 71 2 ( 114 6) 72 6( 116 9) 73 8( 118 8) 76 2 ( 122 7) 76 5( 123 1) 76 7( 123 5) 78 2 ( 125 8) 78 2 ( 125 8) 78 2 ( 125 8) 78 5( 126 3) 79 1( 127 3) 79 4 ( 127 8) 79 8( 128 4) 81 6( 131 3) 83 0( 133 5) 83 6( 134 5) 86 6( 139 3) 86 7( 139 6) 87 6( 141 0) 87 6( 141 0) 87 8( 141 3) 89 7( 144 4) 91 2( 146 8) 91 7( 147 6) 94 3( 151 8) 94 6( 152 2) 94 8( 152 6) 95 4( 153 5) 95 7( 154 0) 96 6( 155 4) *********************************************** 6 6 7 3 6 5 7 1 7 2 6 7 6 9 6 8 6 6 6 8 6 7 7 1 7 5 8 0 7 7 7 7 6 6 6 4 6 9 7 2 7 2 7 2 7 2 6 4 6 5 6 5 7 8 7 8 7 4 6 5 6 7 6 5 6 4 6 9 6 6 6 4 6 6 7 3 6 6 7 3 6 6 7 0 6 7 7 5 6 7 6 7 7 0 6 4 7 0 7 5 0 101 0 117 0 065 0 087 0 091 0 085 0 077 0 069 0 060 0 062 0 058 0 085 0 082 0 106 0 091 0 091 0 050 0 054 0 069 0 080 0 065 0 064 0 077 0 049 0 043 0 042 0 083 0 083 0 067 0 051 0 056 0 050 0 039 0 061 0 042 0 046 0 041 0 059 0 040 0 058 0 049 0 049 0 050 0 063 0 040 0 049 0 057 0 034 0 047 0 073 VII VII VI VII VII VII VII VI VI VI VI VII VII VII VII VII VI VI VI VII VI VI VII VI VI VI VII VII VI VI VI VI V VI VI VI V VI V VI VI VI VI VI V VI VI V VI VII ******************************** -END OF SEARCH- 57 FAULTS FOUND WITHIN THE SPECIFIED SEARCH RADIUS THE NEWPORT-INGLEWOOD (Offshore) FAULT IS CLOSEST TO THE SITE IT IS ABOUT 5 1 MILES (8 2 km) AWAY LARGEST MAXIMUM-EARTHQUAKE SITE ACCELERATION 0 4156 g City of Carlsbad Building Department CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE PAYMENT OF SCHOOL FEES OR OTHER MITIGATION This form must be completed by the City, the applicant, and the appropriate school districts and returned to the City prior to issuing a building permit The City will not issue any building permit without a completed school fee form Project Name Building Permit Plan Check Number Project Address APN Project Applicant (Owner Name) Project Description Building Type Residential Second Dwelling Unit Residential Additions Commercial/Industrial City Certification of Applicant Information TRIPOLI RES CB 06 3537 1192 LACUNA DR 15616461 00 UMBERTO TRIPOLI DEMO 980 SF HOME- BUILD NEW SFD V-N 1 New Dwelling Units 4,307 Square Feet of Living Area in New Dwelling Square Feet of Living Area in SDU Net Square Feet New Area Square Feet Floor Area Date DISTRICTS WITHIN THE CITY OIF CARLSBAD Carlsbad Unified School District 6225 El Camino Real Carlsbad CA 92009 (331-5000) Vista Unified School District 1234 Arcadia Drive Vista CA 92083 (726-2170) San Marcos Unified School District 215MataWay San Marcos, CA 92069 (290-2649) Contact Nancy Dolce (By Appt Only) Encmitas Union School District 101 South Rancho Santa Fe Rd Encmitas CA 92024 (944 4300 ext 166) San Dieguito Union High School District 710 Encmitas Blvd Encmitas, CA 92024 (753-6491) Certification of Applicant/Owners The person executing this declaration ("Owner") certifies under penalty of perjury that (1) the information provided above is correct and true to the best of the Owner s knowledge and that the Owner will file an amended certification of payment and pay the additional fee if Owner requests an increase in the number of dwelling units or square footage after the building permit is issued or if the initial determination of units or square footage is found to be incorrect, and that (2) the Owner is the owner/developer of the above described project(s), or that the person executing this declaration is authorized to sign on behalf of the j Signature Revised 3/30/2006 Date SCHOOL DISTRICT SCHOOL FEE CERTIFICATION (To be completed by the school distnct(s))*************************************************************************** THIS FORM INDICATES THAT THE SCHOOL DISTRICT REQUIREMENTS FOR THE PROJECT HAVE BEEN OR WILL BE SATISFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT The undersigned, being duly authorized by the applicable School District, certifies that the developer, builder, or owner has satisfied the obligation for school facilities This is to certify that the applicant listed on page 1 has paid all amounts or completed other applicable school mitigation determined by the School District The City may issue building permits for this project SIGNATURE OF AUTHORIZED SCHOOL DISTRICT OFFICIAL TITI _ WALTER FREEMAN ASSISTANT SUIgRINTOPENT CARLSBAD UNIFIED SC NAME OF SCHOOL DISTRICT 6225 EL CAMINO REAL DATE PHONE NUMBER Revised 3/30/2006 ARLSBAD UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT \ \ JEFFERSON ELEMENTARY [ | AVIARA OAKS ELEMENTARY | | CARLSBAD HIGH SCHOOL | | MAGNOLIA ELEMENTARY | \AVIARA OAKS MIDDLE SCHOOL | \CARLSBADVILLAGEACADEMY \ \ CALAVERA HILLS SCHOOL \ | PACIFIC RIM | | VALLEY MIDDLE SCHOOL | | KELLEY SCHOOL \ \ < ALAVERA HILLS MIDDLE SCHOOL | | BUENA VISTA SCHOOL | | HOPE SCHOOL I ""] OTHER Receipt No 23024 RECEIVED FROM _\J (If Applicable) PARENT OF \ \^\ f^. 1 £<J. i DATE PAYMENT FOR -00 ACCOUNT NUMBER AMOUNT RECEIVED BY CASH CHECK #TOTAL $11.515. "33 £_^-£;^(tj"^>5"-<SisoJ-tv •-^^^^vj 1^$^(^^i.0J ^^?V*<b•j•&•^^ ^-^ ^^S\L ^ - -^*1 £* r1^<^r T^"^ <L?^o r ^ « ^^ ^ ^v-{ ^ n / _J O