HomeMy WebLinkAbout1199 MAGNOLIA AVE; ; CB950174; Permit8 U I L D I N b P E R M I T Permit No: CBYS0174 ProJect Nu: A92UIJ34b Development Ne: tl2./U.3/~15 l)9: 42 Page 1 of 1 Job k1dress: 1199 MAGNOLIA AV Permit Type: RESIDENTAL ADD/ALT Pa.cc-el No: 2.U5-2ts0-07-0U Valuation: d ,4uO Construction Type: VN Suite: :ut#: Occupancy Group: [>escriptiOll: 420 SF STORAGE Reft>rence#: SHEfJ Appl/Ownr : SHIRLEY , KATHLEEN 1199 MAGNOLIA AVENUE CARLwBAD, CA 92008 * -~ * Fees Required Fees: AdJLtstments: Total Fees : Fee (1escription Buildiny Permit Plan Check. Strung Motion Fee * BUILDING TOTAL bl9 ... - CITY OF CARLSBAD 0570 02/03/95 0001 01 C-PRHT 02 109-00 Status : ISSUED Applied: Apr/Issue: Entered By: 7t9-5175 01 I 3 () / :J 5 02/03/'35 DC .OU 7U.UO 109.0U A k k Ext fee fla ta 1 08 .0U 70.0U 1 . CJ fl 179.0U 2075 Las Palmas Dr., Carlsbad, CA 92009 (619) 438-1161 -··~----·---------ausis-c)-,1 PHRMIT ,APPLICATION e . . . PLAN CHECK NO. q r: -I I L{ City of Caclsbed Building D-ctaent Z075 Las PalES Do., Caclsbed, CA 92D09 (619) 438·1161 EST. VAL PLAN CK Dl!POSIT I. PERMI I l"YPE VALID.BY ____ ~.qr:•Ar.;..<.11.-4-J•-..,_ __ DATE I I ~OJ 4'5 From Llst 1 (see back) give code of Pennit•Type: ___________ _ For Residential Projects Only: From Llst 2 (see back) give Code of Structure•Type: ____________________ _ Net Loss/Gain of Dwelling Units 0484 01/30/95 0001 01 C-PRMT 02 2. PRCllECT INFORMATION FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Address /)9Pj /JJ'/611..£>li;z.J yi,~Butldmg or Suite No. Nearest Cross Street S mt o. CHECK B£WW If S0BMII 1£0: □ 2 Energy Cales □ 2 Structural Cales □ 2 Soils Report □ 1 Addressed Envelope SQ. Ff. # OF STORIES # OF BEDROOMS # OF BATIIROOMS 3. WN IACI PERSON (U dlIIereni from apphcanf) NAME (last name first) ADDRESS CI1Y 4. AP¥UCAN1 UWNIRACIOR NAME (last name first) STATE ZIP CODE □AGENI FOR WN IRACIOR ADDRESS DAY TELEPHONE DOWNER DAGEN I FOROWNHR CI1Y STATE ZIP CODE DAY TELEPHONE NAME (last name fi~t~ CI1Y t3(.b/ r-,-~r-STATE STATE IJC. # DESIGNER NAME (last name hrst) CI1Y STATE 7. WORJMts' WMPP.NSAIION ZIP CODE IJCENSE CLASS ZIP CODE ADDRESS DAY TELEPHONE CI1Y BUSINESS IJC. # ADDRESS DAY TELEPHONE STATE IJC. # Workers• Compensation Oeclaranon: I hereby affirm that I have a cernftcate of consent to self.insure issued by the Director of lndustnal Relations, or a certificate of Workers' Compensation Insurance by an admitted insurer, or an exact copy or duplicate thereof certified by the Director of the insurer thereof filed with the Building Inspection Department (Section 3800, Lab. C). INSURANCE COMPANY POIJCY NO. EXPIRATION DATE 70-00 cert:1t1cate ot Exempt10n: I certify that m the performance of the work for which this permit 1s issued, I shall not employ any person many manner □ □ so as to become subject to the Workers' Compen ·on Laws of California. DATE Uwner•Budder Declaration: I hereby afhrm that I am exempt from the Confradofs Llcense Law for the foliowmg reason: I, as owner of the property or my employees with wages as their sole compensation, will do the work and the structure is not intended or offered for sale (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Code: The Contractor's Llcense Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon, and who does such work himself or through his own employees, provided that such improvements are not intended or offered for sale. If, however, the building or improvement is sold within one year of completion, the owner•builder will have the burden of proving that he did not build or improve for the purpose of sale.). I, as owner of the property, am exclusively contracting with licensed contractors to construct the project (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Code: The Contractor's Llcense Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon, and contracts for such projects with contractor(s) licensed pursuant to the Contractor's Llcense Law). I am exempt under Section ________ Business and Professions Code for this reason: (Sec. 7031.5 Business and Professions Code: Any City or County which requires a permit to construct, alter, improve, demolish, or repair any structure, prior to its issuance, also requires the applicant for such permit to file a signed statement that he is licensed pursuant to the provisions of the Contractor's Llcense Law (Chapter 9, commencing with Section 7000 of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code) or that he is exempt therefrom, and the basis for the alleged exemption. Any violation of Section 7031.5 by any applicant for a permit subjects th ap · . t to a civil penal of ot m than fi hundred dollars [$500]). SIGNATURE DATE /, ''JI t!!)_ ~f. - Is the applicant or future building occupant required to submit a business plan, acutely hazardous materials registration form or risk management and prevention program under Sections 25505, 25533 or 25534 of the Presley•Tanner Hazardous Substance Account Act? □ YES □ NO Is the applicant or future building occupant required to obtain a permit from the air pollution control district or air quality management district? □YES □NO Is the facility to be constructed within 1,000 feet of the outer boundary of a school site? □YES □NO IF ANY OF TIIEANSWERS ARE YES, A FINAL CERTIFICATI!OF oa:tJPANCYMAYNITT BEI!iSllED AFTER JULY 1, 1989 UNIJlSS TIIEAPPUCANT HAS MET OR IS MEIITING TIIE REQ\JlRl!MENTS OF TIIE OFFICE OF EMERGENCY SERVICES AND TIIE AIR POI.UmON ffiNTII.OL DISllUCT. 9. WNSIRUCIION LRNDlNG AGENCY I hereby afhrm that there 1s a construction lendmg agency for the performance of the work for which this permit 1s ISSued (Sec 3097 (tJ CivU Code). LENDER'S NAME LENDER'S ADDRESS 10. APPDCANI CERIIFJCAIJUN I certJfy that I have read the apphcauon and state that the a&5ve mformat10n 1s correct. I agree to comply with all City ordmances and State laws relating to building construction. I hereby authorize representatives of the City of Carlsbad to enter upon the above mentioned property for inspection purposes. I ALSO AGREE TO SAVE INDEMNIFY AND KEEP HARMLESS TIIE CflY OF CARlSBAD AGAINST AIL LIABILITIES, JUDGMENTS, <XlSTS AND EXPENSES WlllCH MAY IN ANY WAY ACCRUE AGAINST SAID CflY IN ffiNSEQIJENCE OF TIIE GRANTING OF nDS PERMIT. OSHA: An OSHA permit is required for excavations over 5'0" deep and demolition or construction of structures over 3 stories in height. Expiration. Every permit issued by the Building Official under the provisions of this Code shall expire by limitation and become null and void if the building or work authorized by such permit is not commenced within 365 days from the date of such permit or if the building or work authorized by such permit is suspended or abandon d ·~or is~o enced for period of 180 days (Section 303(d) Uniform Build~~)-,,- APPIJCANTS SIGNATURE ,-J' · _.., A DATE: / ~~ '2 .>- 4Z-~ ---~ I WHITE: File YELLOW: App icant INK: Finance CITY OF CARLSBAD INSPECTION REQUEST PERMIT# CB950174 FOR 03/28/95 DESCRIPTION: 420 SF STORAGE SHED TYPE: RAD JOB ADDRESS: 1199 MAGNOLIA AV APPLICANT: SHIRLEY, KATHLEEN CONTRACTOR: OWNER: PHONE: PHONE: PHONE: INSPECTOR AREA PLANCK# CB950174 OCC GRP CONSTR. TYPE VN STE: LOT: 619 729-5175 REMARKS: BJN/KATHLEEN/729-5175 SPECIAL INSTRUCT: INSPECTOR _f"--_o/..,_ ______ _ I TOTAL TIME: LVL DESCRIPTION ACT COMMENTS CD 19 29 39 49 ST Final Structural PL Final Plumbing EL Final Electrical ME Final Mechanical jj~~2 ______ _ ------------------ ------------------------------------ ***** INSPECTION HISTORY***** DATE 032395 030295 DESCRIPTION Frame/Steel/Bolting/Welding Ftg/Foundation/Piers ACT INSP AP PY AP PY COMMENTS J4i~ ,tv,/ J,1 [~ lo k ufe,.cf {u(L s,/d!Ll/s ~ ~ry /'1,A cl~ /3 d"c,1~ ~I I I ~;;; ~ ~ ~ li ii i ...... ~00 PLANNING CHECKUSf Plan Check N°::11:!7i!' Address //1t:/ fYlf!4t1t'/f~ Planner .....,_,_@.LC,-1,l~=~..,_:::.._ ______ Phon~ fu;161 ext. _tt....::8:::.=...~.....:.....--- _ Wame) APN: ~ 4-JO _, 07 Type of Project and Use ~~ ~ Zone ~( Facilities Maru\Jment Zone _ __,_ ___ _ CFO (iIJ& ut # - c (If property m, complete SPECIAL TAX CALCUIATION WORKSHEET provided by Building Department.) Legend [21 Item Complete D Item Incomplete -Needs your action 1, 2, 3 Number in circle indicates plancheck number where deficiency was identified Environmental Review Required: YES DATE OF COMPLETION: NO 1YPE ___ _ Compliance with conditions of approval? If not, state conditions which require action. Conditions of Approval _______________________ _ cyCJ O Discretionary Action Required: YES NO 1YPE ___ _ loo APPROVAl/RESO. NO. __ _ DATE: -------PROJECT NO. ___ _ OTHER REIATED CASES: ____________________ _ Compliance with conditions of approval? If not, state conditions which require action. Conditions of Approval _______________________ _ California Coastal Commission Permit Required: YES _ NO _ DATE OF APPROVAL: San Diego Coast District, 3111 Camino Del Rio North, Suite 200, San Diego, CA. 92108-1725 (619) 521-8036 Compliance with conditions of approval? If not, state conditions which require action. Conditions of Approval _______________________ _ ef □ 0 Inclusionary Housing Fee required: YES _ NO _ est'□□ CS'□□ OtO □ d'□□ Q1:Jo BOD ✓□□ (Effective date of Inclusionary Housing Ordinance -May 21, 1993.) Site Plan: 1. 2. Zoning: 1. 2. 3. 4. Additional Comments Provide a fully dimensioned site plan drawn to scale. Show: North arrow, property lines, easements, existing and proposed structures, streets, existing street improvements, right-of-way width, dimensioned setbacks and existin$ topographical lines. Provide legal description of property, and assessor's parcel number. Setbacks: Front: Required Shown Int. Side: Required Shown Street Side: Required Shown Rear: Required Shown Lot coverage: Required Shown Height: Required Shown Parking: Spaces Required Shown Guest Spaces Required Shown OK TO ISSUE AND ENTERED APPROVAL INTO COMP PLNCK.FRM