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1200 CARLSBAD VILLAGE DR; ; 86-490; Permit
DECLARATIONSLENDERWORKER'S COMPENSATION OWNER/BUILDER CONTRACTORcms 3 SIDconstord tor15 £5c -O O »x -SOeg1 pil B! 8|SB _S " £ aS-s^ af S^ggS ^*-° | oSS^S™ °»" = Gold — Temporary File =i=;~^^SPECIAL CONDITIONSrs"^•"=*.r—V BUILDING>i^!s, |^;CO^^^^1-— •«V\A MECHANICAL:=-*•^-^*S^>\ • ^ELECTRICALi*.,(^N,-X,I\PLUMBING._>*^^Lr •nZ•^—\ITEMS ABOVE HAVE BEE2TJf.\3]Q<mo\CALL FOR FINAL INSPECfiOH W3;m*^Ar-t~~1>T)-DOv"Q•5rn\\s VENTILATING SYSTEMS ,r33CC1.C1ICrn>H>D•)Dr3fl<n-{n••n nacOHmSa3)m~nTJz 2nCDJ2CJri15»•)»D BONDING D POOLD ELECTRIC SERVICE D TEMPOR RYCcCrrnC:cD)^Lnn•>05 D ELECTRIC UNDERGROUND D U'TE3)ELECTRICALC*5nDDnjn^C0Cr:<jnj:>HnDCn>Hn030?>3>HTJ OCO-1mwH2Tln o-O ^TUB AND SHOWER PANTOP OUT D WASTE D WATERTIT inQ ZTJ C2cnaC3Cc2CC<J0nC<Jn^'5nD•30)•3]>DH1]»H13dCK-t/amm33ZO03OOaT)r-OOz.-,u>I STRENGTHPLUMBINGmr~D WfcLDINGOO^OJ3m m ZHm33O3]r~-Ia3]STJOJl-iH•n 5z•nD C INSULATION ,n TJn^rRESSED:RETE•EXTERIOR LATHo w< -*m TJ33 Co -io C°TJTJ >t/i !~ Oozn33mHrn H" -i." .;- ' **" '!is - ^ t FRAMETC2CI C2 2 C/T •^ \ -*11 SHEATHING D ROOF D SHEARTJ20Tl H0 1 . ,'-.*1 ,SUB FRAME D FLOOR Q CEILINGo/>COMPLIANCm s.1" ' „• ,GUNITE OR GROUT [INSPECTIOZ o m roc m^O i> ; TI ° 5pol >c?3 C/ D Hm . ' §Z3 2 1 ) 1 03n 1^)D 1 REINFORCED STEEL [DmOC5m O w mO r — Z TDmO— ( O Ztrt mO O Zo mw FOUNDATIONTlm D INSPECTIO Z Dfn O 3JO BUILDING- TJmO^mz01T)m3oD City of Carlsbad 1200 ELM CARLSBAD CA 92008 » TEL (619)4385525 MISCELLANEOUS RECEIPT Address // °W"t^tr y- <$P Mailing Address City Zip Contractor City Zip State Lie S ClJSsif Cily Lie No LEGAL DESCRIPTION ASSESSORS PARCEL NO DESCRIPTION OF WORK Y^iO DF<- PLAN ID NO (^ / /^/ CONTACT PERSON ADDRESS PHONE #4S7-?7 7o icanl MISCELLANEOUS FEE RECEIPT D PLAN CHECK PEE 001 81000008821 D D n D n n TOTAL FEE "WARNING PLAN CHECK FEES WHERE NO ACTION IS TAKEN BY THE APPLICANT IN 180 DAYS AND NO BUILDING PERMIT IS ISSUED ARE FORFEITED TO THE CITY COMMENTS White — Applicant Yellow — File Pink — (1) Finance (2) Data Process Gold — Assessor FINAL BUILDING INSPECTION PLAN CHECK NUMBER PROJECT NAME ADDRESS PROJECT NO TYPE OF UNIT CONTACT PERSON ___ CONTACT TELEPHONE DATE 11-15-88 City Hall 1200 Elm Tl UNIT NUMBER Tl NUMBER OF UNITS PHASE NO unk unk , plan, firn, h2o JNSPECTED INSPECTED BY . INSPECTED BY . DATE ; , INSPECTED LL DATE INSPECTED DATE INSPECTED APPROVED APPROVED APPROVED DISAPPROVED DISAPPROVED DISAPPROVED COMMENTS Rev 1/86 WHITE Suspense BLUE Water District GREEN Engineering CANARY Utilities PINK Planning GOLD Fire FINAL BUBLDING INSPECTION PLAN CHECK NUMBER _ 86-490 PROJECT NAME ADDRESS PROJECT NO TYPE OF UNIT CONTACT PERSON CONTACT TELEPHONE DATE City Hall 1200 Elm Tl UNIT NUMBER Tl NUMBER OF UNITS PHASE NO unk bldq. ena in. olan. f i re. h2o 11-15-88 INSPECTED BY . DATE NOV 1 6 1988 INSPECTED APPROVED INSPECTED BY INSPECTED BY ____ DATE INSPECTED DATE INSPECTED APPROVED APPROVED DISAPPROVED f DISAPPROVED DISAPPROVED COMMENTS Costa ReaTMunicipal Water Engineering Department (619)438-3367 jr'-w~"u =-=i f NOV 1 6 1988 |j i i Rev 1/86 WHITE Suspense BLUE Water District GREEN Engineering CANARY Utilities PINK Planning GOLD Fire FINAL BUILDING INSPECTION PLAN CHECK NUMBER 86-^90 PROJECT NAME ADDRESS PROJECT NO TYPE OF UNIT CONTACT PERSON __ CONTACT TELEPHONE DATE City Hall 1200 Elm Tl UNIT NUMBER Tl NUMBER OF UNITS PHASE NO unk unk . plan, fire. h2o 11-15-88 INSPECTED BY INSPECTED BY INSPECTED BY 7T DATE INSPECTED DATE INSPECTED DATE INSPECTED APPROVED APPROVED APPROVED DISAPPROVED DISAPPROVED DISAPPROVED COMMENTS Rev 1/86 WHITE Suspense BLUE Water District GREEN Engineering CANARY Utilities PINK Planning GOLD Fire FINAL BUILDING INSPECTION PLAN CHECK NUMBER 86-490 PROJECT NAME ADDRESS PROJECT NO TYPE OF UNIT CONTACT PERSON CONTACT TELEPHONE DATE City Hall 1200 Elm TI UNIT NUMBER NUMBER OF UHITSE: PHASE NO unk unk bla'n,enqin, plan.fi re. h2o INSPECTED BY DATE NOV 1 6 1988 INSPECTED APPROVED 11-15-83 INSPECTED BY INSPECTED BY DATE INSPECTED DATE INSPECTED APPROVED APPROVED DISAPPROVED DISAPPROVED DISAPPROVED COMMENTS "Costa Real Municipal Water Engineering Department (619)438-3367 |\\ ! NOV 1 6 1988 |1 l - Rev 1/86 WHITE Suspense BLUE Water District GREEN Engineering CANARY Utilities PINK Planning GOLD Fire ESGIL CORPORATION 932O CHESAPEAKE DR.. SUITE 208 SAN DICGO. CA 92123 (619) 560-14(58 DATE:APPLICANT JURISDICTION: PLAN CHECK NO: As h& d P) Q> ~ PROJECT ADDRESS: PROJECT NAME: H JURIS PICT QPLAN CHECKER QFILE COPY QUPS DESIGNER D D D D D The plans transmitted herewith have been corrected where necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes. The plans transmitted herewith will substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes when minor deficien- cies identified h-S^/OK? are resolved and checked by building department staff. The plans transmitted herewith have significant deficiencies identified on the enclosed check list and should be corrected and resubmitted for a complete recheck. The check list transmitted herewith is for your information. The plans are being held at Esgil Corp. until corrected plans are submitted for recheck. The applicant's copy of the check list is enclosed for the jurisdiction to return to the applicant contact person. The applicant's copy of the check list has been sent to: D Esgil staff did not advise the applicant contact person that plan check has been completed. Esgil staff did advise applicant that the plan check has been completed. Person contacted: //} /1('^ Date contacted: 9 ~/7~~$G REMARKS: £. Telephone 7 ESGIL CORPORATION By: 2075 LAS PALMAS DRIVE • AflfiB TFI FPHOWP CARLSBAD, CA 92009-4859 *&£& (619) 438-1161 Cttp of Cartebab DEVELOPMENT PROCESSING SERVICES DIVISION September 19, 1986 Richard Esgate Esgil Corporation 9320 Chesapeake #208 San Diego, Calif 92123 REMODEL OF CITY HALL 1200 ELM PC 86-490 In connection with corrections 17A and 32, the following applies: The building meets the intent of the building and fire codes. The corrections regarding fire resistive construction and exit corridors have been waived providing the total occupant load of the north wing will not exceed 30 occupants and will be so posted in a manner satisfactory to the Fire Department, The south wing is a legal non conforming existing use. No corridor requirements are necessary. Correction No. 20 is a decorative detail only and is approved the Building and Fire Departments. — ? j^f MARTIN ORENYAK, DIRECTOR MIKE SMITH, FIRE MARSHALL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT xc: Michael Golino 2075 LAS PALMAS DRIVE •^T\H/ „£ • TELEPHONF CARLSBAD, CA 92009-4859 W^UM (619) 438-?161 Citp of Cartebab DEVELOPMENT PROCESSING SERVICES DIVISION September 19, 1986 Richard Esgate Esgil Corporation 9320 Chesapeake #208 San Diego, Calif 92123 REMODEL OF CITY HALL 1200 ELM PC 86-490 In connection with corrections 17A and 32, the following applies: The building meets the intent of the building and fire codes. The corrections regarding fire resistive construction and exit corridors have been waived providing the total occupant load of the north wing will not exceed 30 occupants and will be so posted in a manner satisfactory to the Fire Department. The south wing is a legal non conforming existing use. No corridor requirements are necessary. Correction No. 20 is a decorative detail only and is approved the Building and Fire Departments. MARTIN ORENYAK, DIRECTOR MIKE SMITH, FIRE MARSHALL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ^X xc: Michael Golino ESGIL CORPORATION 9320 CHESAPEAKE DR.. SUITE 208 SAN DIEGO, CA 92123 (619) 560-1408 DATE:PI APPLICANT ' JURISDICTION: PLAN CHECK NO:(36 PROJECT ADDRESS: ll/Ty /-/=( // PROJECT NAME: ^__^ -PLAN CHECKER QFILE COPY QUPS DESIGNER D D D D D The plans transmitted herewith have been corrected where necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes. The plans transmitted herewith will substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes when minor deficien- cies identified -_ are resolved and checked by building department staff. The plans transmitted herewith have significant deficiencies identified on the enclosed check list and should be corrected and resubmitted for a complete recheck. The check list transmitted herewith is for your information. The plans are being held at Esgil Corp. until corrected plans are submitted for recheck. The applicant" s copy of the check list is enclosed for the jurisdiction to return to the applicant contact person. The applicant's copy of the check list has been sent to/ ^17 . Esgil staff did not advise the applicant contact person that plan check has been completed. __. Esgil staff did advise applicant that tHe plan check has JXI been completed. Person contacted: /V) t I<^L. Date contacte, REMARKS: JURISDICTION OFA -z? I r\ * / A , A C~-<HV~ As Lsou^j r ,TO: Ar>fo CV'XI o, /e X] M - X - I ] APPLICANT COPY / / 5~~75~ r 4-rr-y /4to , [ ] JURISDICTION £. \ "7 _ Y E ] PLAN CHECKER COPY C*Jt, V) &l 2-/ f ^ ESGIL FILE COPY TENANT IMPROVEMENT & INTERIOR ALTERATION CORRECTION SHEET A. Plan Check Number B. Site Address C. Owner ( ^ D. Building Code7 Applicable 1982 U.B.C. E. Occupant Load\5^jA/A ^~^ Stories / Previous Propose/d/} F. Proposed Occupancy E~^~ Occupancy. £-2— Use 6 ~r ! / -/• IIG. Type of Construction to fa-g- otesTz^wt^ Sprinklers: Yes Allowable Floor Area P3Q.X2 ? Actual To fc?H. T7— / d~~9~ ' /I. Basis for Area Increase {& <? #~ cLx. AJL\**i rtrt-€0\ J. Remarks **&** Date Plan Submitted :to Jurisdiction ?- /-^ to Ssgil 9 Date Initial Plan Check Completed 9 " ^7 By Applicant Contact Person /V] i /OIL- _ Tel . ^ 5~7 $^-7 / & FOREWORD: PLEASE READ 1. This plan check is limited to technical requirements contained in the Uniform Building Code, Uniform Plumbing Code, Uniform Mechanical Code, National Electrical Code and State laws regulating energy conservation, noise attenuation and access for the handicapped. The plan check is based on regulations enforced by the Building Inspection Department. 2. You may have other corrections based on laws and ordinances enforced by the Planning Department, Engineering Department or other departments. For information regarding those departments, please contact those departments. 3. The items listed below require plan clarification, modification or change. All items have to be satisfied before the plans will be in conformance with the cited codes and regulations. Per Section 303(c), 1982 Uniform Building Code, the approval of the plans does not permit the violation of any State, County or City law. 4. Please submit two sets of corrected plans and enclose a copy of this list with your notes indicating where corrections were made i.e., sheet, detail, etc.. .return corrected plans and documents ONLY to the locations checked below: Esgil Corporation at 9320 Chesapeake Dr., Suite 20S, San Diego, CA, 92123 Telephone (619) 560-1*68 Jurisdiction Building Department 10/22/85 © The responsible designer is required to sign each sheet of the plans. A State-licensed Architect or Engineer is required where there are structural changes to an existing building or a structural addition. (Business and Professions Code) provide the correct address and suite number of tenant space on the plans. Section 302 provide a note on the plan indicating the previous use of the tenant space or building being remodeled. Section 302 When the character of the occupancy or use changes within a building,the building must be made to comply with current Building Code requirements for the new occupancy. Please provide complete details to show the building will comply. Section 502 UBC Section 304 requires the Building Official to determine the total value of all construction work proposed under this permit. The value shall in- clude all finish work, painting, roofing, electrical, plumbing, heating, air conditioning, elevator, fire extinguishing systems and any other permanent equipment. Please provide a signed copy of the designer's or contractor's construction cost estimate of all work proposed. 'Q. provide a plot plan showing the distances from the building to the property lines and the location of tenant space (or remodel} within the building. Or the first sheet of the plans indicate: Type of construction of the existing building, present and proposed occupancy classifications of the remodel area and the occupant load of the remodel areas and total building area. Specify on the plan title sheet the Building Code Edition used for the design of the proposed work. Provide a fully dimensioned floor plan showing the size and use of all rooms or areas within the space being improved or altered. Draw the plan to scale and indicate the scale on the plan. 15 Indicate the use of all spaces adjacent to the area being remodeled or improved. Show any existing fire rated area separation walls, occupancy separation walls, shafts or rated corridors. Identify and provide con- struction details for proposed new fire rated walls. Specify on the plans the fire ratings of assemblies to protect proposed.openings existing or new fire walls . IT ^ ' Identify existing walls to be removed, existing walls to remain and proposed new walls. Identify bearing walls, non-bearing walls, and shear walls . Provide a section view of all new interior partitions. Show: (a) Type, size and spacing of studs. Indicate gauge for metal studs. Specify manufacturer and approval number or indicate "to be ICBO approved". (b) Method of attaching top and bottom plates to structure. (NOTE: Top or partition must be secured to roof or floor framing, unless suspended ceiling has been designed for partition lateral load.) (c) Wall sheathing material and details of attachment. (Size and spacing of fasteners). (d) Height of partition and suspended ceiling. Provide notes and/or details to show that the floor and wall finish in toilet rooms are surfaced with a smooth hard non-absorbent material extending five inches up the wall. Similar surfacing shall be provided on the walls from the floor to a height of 4 feet around urinals and within water closet compartments. Note on the plan: "All interior finishes must comply with Chapter 42 of the UBC". Specify "class ^3T flame spread rating (minimum) for /I fi g 21) Lateral bracing for suspended ceiling must be provided. (UBC Table 23-J Where ceiling loads are less than 5 PSF and not supporting interior partitions, ceiling bracing shall be provided by four No. 12 gauge wires secured to the main runner within 2 inches of the cross runner intersection and splayed 90° from each other at an angle not exceeding 45° from the plane of the ceiling. These horizontal restraint points shall be placed 12 feet o.c. in both directions with the first point within 4 feet of each wall. Attach- ment of restraint wires to the structure above shall be adequate for the load imposed. Draft stop and suspended ceiling in wood frame floor construction every 1,000 sq. ft. and in attics of combustible construction every 3,000 sq. ft. The maximum distance allowed between draft stops is 60 feet. Section 2516(f) 23.1 The tenant space and new and/or existing facilities serving the remodeled area must be accessible to and functional for the physically handicapped. See the attached correction sheet. Title 24, Part 2 24. Show the exit sign locations; show any required ' directional exit signs. Section 3314 Rooms with more than 10 occupants may have one exit through one adjoining room. Revise exits to comply. Section 3303(e) Two complying exits are required from Exits must be, and maintain, a distance apart of at least 1/2 the maximum diagonal dimension of the area served by the exits. Section 3303 Assembly rooms with more than 50 occupants shall not have a lock or latch on exit doors unless they are equipped with panic hardware. Section 3318. Note on the plans: "All exits are to be openable from inside without use of a key or special know- ledge". Section 3304(c). Or NOTE: "Provide a sign on or near the exit doors reading: THIS DOOR TO REMAIN UNLOCKED DURING BUSINESS HOURS", and meet all other criteria of Section 3304(c) 1. 2^. Required exit doorways shall be not less than 36 / inches in width and not less than 6 feet - 8 inches in height. Section 3304{e) 3-tf". Exit doors shall swing in the direction of exit travel (occupant load exceeds 50). Section 3304(b). Show the locations of existing exits from the build- ing and show the path of travel from the remodel area to the existing exits. Corridors must provide continuous protection to the exterior of the building. Interruptions by inter- vening room is not permitted. Foyers, lobbies or reception rooms constructed as required for corridors are not considered intervening "-corns. <30 e,* IT co^^f^fff-. 7f v<s^-£txW ^^ nnc -r*~& / j>*~& r-L>£fC0i /<v-> /^^^~.«g P^ / d* V 1 T. "I " •/ /' , -f/[T'O (J( C\.jt *fj^C I I &^*^ <3 I 1/-S ( 5 p^,^' f) & IS- / t^_ UJ l ti_ J/? r or *'ofrtt-< del H oi~~ fa ,33. Show exit corridors as 44 inches wide minimum. Dead- end corridors are limited to 20 feet when more than one exit is required from the corridor. Section 3305 Provide one-hour construction details for all corridor walls and ceilings serving an occupant load of 30 or more. Identify all rated corridors. Walls of reception rooms and lobbies which are included within pro- tected corridors must have walls and ceil- ings constructed as required.for co/rridors. *S •&><- / 1~~e^ \3 :z_ -/^ / « /' < r~ Protect all interior openings in corridor walls and ceilings. Door and frame must be labeled 20-minute smoke and draft control assembly with self-closers or automatic closers with smoke detectors. Section 3305(h). Glazing must be 1/4 inch-thick wired glass installed in steel frames and cannot exceed 25 percent of the common wall area. Section 3305(h}2. Show the location of fire dampers. Provide fire dampers at duct penetrations of fire-rated occupancy and area separations, shafts and corridor walls -^ and ceilings ./i Section ,,4306 (j }A I fi C^fa ^' ry &*-£ f **> / r 13 i r^-G-f***-*^ •**( Provide mechanical ventilation in all rooms capable of supplying a minimum of 5 cubic feet per minute of outside air with a total circulation of not less than 15 cubic feet per minute per occupant. Section 605 and 705 1*T. If the tenant improvement area will not have a i comfort heating or cooling system consuming more than 5 BTU per hour per square foot, note on the plan "Tenant Improvement area is not heated or cooled more than 5 BTU per hour per square foot and is exempt from Energy Conservation Regulations". If the tenant improvement area will have a comfort heating or cooling system consuming more than 5 BTU per hour per square foot, note on the plan "Tenant Improvement must comply with Energy Conservation Regulations". If the tenant improvement area must comply with the energy conservation regulations and the exist- ing building was originally constructed in com- pliance with the energy conservation regulations, provide two copies of the original Energy Com- pliance Documentation forms. If the tenant improvement area must comply with the Energy Conservation Regulations and the exist- ing building was not originally constructed in compliance with the Energy Conservation Regulations, address the appropriate items that will follow. /3"9. If HVAC is to be installed, provide two sets of energy conservation compliance forms 1, 2, 3, 4/ 5 and 6. Title 24 Section 2-5312. A^. If HVAC is to be installed, provide two sets of HVAC plans. Title 24 Section 2-5306. 4^f. ' If lighting is to be installed, provide two sets of energy conservation compliance form 5 . Title 24 Sections 2-5343 & 2-5344. If HVAC is to be installed, incorporate in the plans or specifications , the attached "Title 24 Mandatory Requirements". 43. If HVAC is to be installed, the required energy documentation required to show compliance with the energy conservation requirements, is required to be signed by the California licensed person responsible for its preparation. Title 20 Section 1403(a)l. 44. If HVAC is to be installed, recent charges in the regulations required specific signed construction compliance statements be filed with the Building Department prior to use or occupancy of the im- proved area. Incorporate in the plans or specifications the attached "Title 24-Construction Compliance Statement Requirements". Structural design calculations are required to show code compliance if any of the following conditions exist. Section 302(b): (a) Alteration of existing vertical or horizontal load carrying structure . (b) Increase in live or dead loads on floors or roof. (c) Other ELECTRICAL Submit complete one-line diagram of service and feeders; show conduit and wire sizes; specify aluminum or copper conductors and type of insulation. Indicate sizes of fuses and/or circuit breakers. 49. Submit electrical load calculations and/or panel ' schedules. 50^ Indicate ampere interrupting capacities (AIC) of ' service and subservice equipment. NEC 230-98/110-9. Add note to plans indicating: a. All package A/C units shall be labeled by a recognized electrical testing agency. b. All light fixtures installed in suspended ceil- ings shall be secured to the main and/or cross runners with seismic clips unless installed in accordance with other approved engineering. c. All circuit breaker switched 120 VAC light circuits, must use only type "SWD" circuit breakers NEC-110-3b \ 5X- Indicate (a) existing building load, {b) added building load per item 49, and (c) size of existing service when new service is not required. C Co ~ £.< 0 Plan File No.^ Jurisdiction_ Project Address Date REMODEL OR TENANT IMPROVEMENT BUILDING CODE INFORMATION In order to complete a plan review of a remodel or tenant improvement within an existing building it is necessary that the information in Items 1-9 be provided or the approved plans be provided for the exist- ing building. ft********************************************************************** 1. Circle the existing type o£ construction for this building I, II-FR., II-lhr., II-N, III-lhr., III-N, IV, v-lhr., V-N 2. Does this building have fire sprinklers throughout? Yes No , 3. Does the proposed project create a change in use or occupancy classification? Yes No Describe the previous use of the project area Describe the proposed use of the project area 4. Existing Building Area Improvement Area_ 5. How many stories are in this building'' What story is the improvement on? Does this project involve alterations to: Existing fire walls Yes No Existing floor or roof loads Yes No Existing building structure Yes No Existing HVAC equipment Yes No Existing electrical service loads Yes No What is the approximate date that construction of the existing building was completed? 8. ENERGY CONSERVATION Which of the following were checked and approved for Title 24 Energy Conservation at the time the original building was approved: Building envelope Yes No HVAC equipment Yes No Area lighting Yes No Water heating Yes No Will the proposed project significantly alter any element that was approved?^ Yes, No 9. HANDICAPPED ACCESS FACILITIES Which of the following has been approved for compliance with the handicapped access standards of Title 24, CAC: Parking fi access to the building Yes No Building entrance doors Yes No Building stairs & elevators Yes No Existing public restrooms Yes No __ Date_ Information provided by Bldg. Dept. verification of information by: 102385 TITLE 24: DISABLED ACCESS REGULATIONS NON-RESIDENTIAL CHECK LISTI AT EACH CIRCLED ITEM, NOTE THE PLAN SHEET THAT SHOWS THE CORRECTION. WALKS AND SIDEWALKS (SFC. 2-3325)1. Walk* and iidcwalk* shall have a lominuou* com- mon surface, not interrupted by steps or by abrupt changes m level exceeding Vt inch, and jhall be a minimum of 48 mchei in width 2. Surfaces with a slope of less than 6 percent gradient shall be at least as slip resistant is [hat described u a medium salted finish 3. Surfaces with a slope of 6 percent gradient or greater shall be slip-resistant. 4. Surface cross slopes shall not exceed W inch per foot. 5. Walks, sidewalks and pedestrian ways shall be free of graungs whenever possible, for grating! located in the surface of any of these areas, grid openings in gratings shall be limited to Vi inch ui the direction of traffic flow 6. When the slope in the direction of travel of any walk exceeds I vertical to 20 horizontal it shall comply with the provisions for Pedestrian Ramps7. Abrupt changes in level along any accessible route shall not exceed rt inch When changes in level do occur, they shall be beveled with a slope no greater than 1 2 except that level changes noc exceeding 'A inch mav be vertical. When changes in levels greater than ¥] inch are necessary they shall comply with the requirements for curb ramps. 8. Walki shall be provided with a level area not less than 60 mchei by 60 inches at a door or gate that swings toward the walk, and not less than 43 inches wide by 44 inches deep at a door or gace that swings away from the walk. Such wallu shall extend 24 inches to the side of the strike edge of a door or gate chat swings coward the walk 9. All walks with continuous gradients shall have level areas at Icut 5 feet in length at intervals of at least every 400 feet. HAZARDS (SLC. 2-3326} 1. Warning curbs. Abrupt changes in level, except between a walk or sidewalk and an adjacent street or dnvcway, exceeding 4 inches in a vertical dimen-sion, such as at planters or fountains located in or adjacent to walCs, sidewalks, or other pedestrian ways, shall be identified by curbs projecting ac Icut 6 inches m height above the walk or sidewalk surface to warn the blind of a potential drop off When a guardrail or handrail is provided, no curb a required when a gutderatl is provided centered 3 inches (plus or minus one inch) above the surface of the walk or Sidewalk the walk is 5 percent or less gradient or no adjaLent hazard exists 2. Overhanging Obstructions Any obstructions that overhangs a pedestrian's way shall be a minimum of SO inches above the walking surface as measured from the bottom of the obstruction. PARKING (SEC. 2-7102) 1. The following table establishes the number of handi- capped parking spaces required Total Number of Parking Spa-.es I- 40 . 41 - SO , 81 120 121- 160 . 161 -300 301-400 401-500over 500 Number of Handicapped Parking Spaces Required 1 2 3 4 5 671 for each 200 additional spaces provided When less than 5 parking spaces are provided, one ihall be 14 feet »idc and lined co provide a 9 foot parking area and a 5 foot loading and unloading area 2 Physically handiuppid parking suaccs shall be li>- catcd 11 ncjr as urjttical to a primary entrance. If unl\ one spate is provided, it shall bt 14 feet wide and luted to pruvitk a 9 foot parking area and a 5 foot loading ind unlojdmR area When mure than one spate is prmidfil in lieu of providing a 14 fool wide space for each parking spate, two spaces can be provided within a 23 foot wide area lined to provide a 9 foot parking area on each side of a 5 foot loading and unloading area in the center The min- imum length of each parking space shall be 1 8 feet 3 In each parking area, a bumper or mrb shall be pro- vided and located in prevent encroachment of cars over che required wijih of walkwrys. Also, the space shall be so located that a handicapped person is not compelled to whtel or walk behind parked cars other than their own Pedestrian ways which are accessible to the physi- cally handicapped shall be provided from each such parking space to realted facilities, including curb cuts or ramps as needed Ramps shall not encroach into any parking space. EXCEPTIONS 1 Rampi located at the front of physically handicapped parking spaces may encroach into the length of such spaces when such encroachment does not limit a handicapped person's capability co leave or enter their vehicle thus providing equivalent facilitation. 4. Surface slopes of parking spaces for the physically handicapped shall not exceed '/* inch per foot inany direction. 5 Entrances to and vertical clearances within parking structures shaJl have a minimum vertical clearance of 8 feet 2 inches where required for accessibility to handicapped parking spaces. 6. Handicap parking identification signs shall be provided as required by Section 2-7102{e) in the following locations *. On tn« pavement vittun e«cfi required park- ing spmce b. At the entrance to trie parking facility. i D. SANITARY FAQLJTIES (SEC. 2-511) X. Where separate facilities are provided for n on-hand i- ' capped persons of each sex, separate facilities shallbe provided for handicapped persons of each sex also. Where unisex facilities arc provided for non- handicapped persons, such unisex faalic.es shall be provided for the handicapped. £?. Where sanitary facilities are located on accessible ' floors: of a building, (hey shall be made accessible to .^-Tvihc physically handicapped ( 3.passageways leading to sanitary facilities shall have a ^—clear access width ai specified in Chapter 33 All doorways leading to such sanitary facilities shall % clear unobstructed opening width of 32 inches. &P£C*1 A level and clear area for a minimum depth^? \_L>C> I 60 inches in the direction of the door swing *i Q A.-mcaiured at right angles to the plane of the 1oor ' in its closed position, and 44 inches where he door swings away from Che Icvet and clear area. 4. Multiple accommodation toilet facilities shall have the following *f A clear space measured from the floor to a height / of 27 inches above the floor, within the sanitary facility room, of sufficient size to inscribe a circle with a diameter not less Chan 60 inches, or a clear space 56 inches by 63 inches in size Doors other than the door to the handicapped toilet compartment in any position may encroach into this space by not more than 12 inches f) A water closet fixture located in a compartment shall provide a 28 inch wide clear space from a fixture or a 32-inch wide clear space from a wall at one side of the water closet and a 48 inch long clear space in front of the water closet if the compartment has an end opening door (faang the water closet). A 60 men minimum length clear space shall be provided in a compartment with the door located at the side Crab oars shall noi project more than 3 inches into the clear spaces at specified above ~A water closet compartment shall be equipped with a door that has an automatic closing device,and shall have a clear unobstructed opening width of 32 inches when located at (he end and 34 inches when located at che side with the door positioned at an angle of 90 degrees from its closed position Except for door opening widths and door swmgi. a clear unobstructed acceis not * less than 44 inches shall be provided co water closet compartments designed for uie by (hehandicapped and the space immediately in front 102385 . M'- / of a wiier doict compmrimem shall tje not leu that 48 mchei at menu red at right angles to com- partment door m iti doted position, Slnql« accommodation tailat raciUtiaa snail nava th« fallowing th«r« snail b« sufTlcient sp>c» in th« toil«t room for • »r*««lchair ™«a- unnq }0 inches wide Dy 48 inches lanq to enter ttw roan and parnit th« door to cloaa. Th« •ater closet snail b» located in a spaco »hich prow id«» a 28 men *id« clsir *p«co from a Fix- ture or • 32 incfi »U« clear jpaco r>oia • »•!! • t onq sida of tn« vatar clo*et and 43 incnws of clear spaca in front of turn vattr cloaat. ,6. In an exiitmg building a single accommodation toilet facility may have (he water closet fixture located in a compartment which provide! a dear ipace of not !e« th»n 36 inchei w>d( by 48 inches long in front of the water cloiet Crab b*ri located on each side, or one tide of the back of the physically handicapped toilet stall or compartment ihall be securely attached 33 inchei above and parallel to the floor. Crab ban at the ude ihall be at least 42 inches long with the front end positioned 24 inches in franc of the water closet stool and #rab bari at the back ihall be not leu than 36 inchei long. The diameter or width of the supping surfaces of a grab bar shall be 114 inch to IVi inch, or the shape tha.ll provide an equivalent gripping surface. If grab ban arc mounted adjacent to a wall, the space be- tween the waJI and the grab ban shall be 1 Vt inchei. 8. A dear floor ipace 30 inches by 48 inchei ihall be provided in front of i lavatory to allow a forward approach. Such dear floor ipace shall adjoin or overlap an acceiible route and shall extend into It nee toe space underneath ihe lavatory Where urinali arc provided, at leait one shall have a clear floor space 30 inchei by 48 inchei in front of the urinal to allow forward approach W>are facilities fas bathing ar« provided far Ih* public, clients or enpLayees, ir.clutJir.cj showers, bathtubs or lockers, at least one such facility shall comply with the handi- cap access standards in Section 2-5U(a)9. 1/4 inch thick identification symbols shall b* provided on doors to sanitary facilities. A II inert triangle fat nwn and 12 inert dia- •tter circla for lonon is required. / -9. E. WATER CLOSETS {SEC. 5-1502) K The height of accetiible water cloiett *hall be a min- / tmum of 17 inches and a maximum of 19 inchei measured to the top of the toilet seat Flush control! shall be operable by an oscillating handle with a maximum operating force of 3 !b or by a remote low voltage button. The handle or button jhaJJ be located «> they arc operable without requiring excessive body movement. INALS(SEC. 5-1503) Where unnali are provided at least one elongated ;im at a maximum of 17 inches above the floor u t quired controls ihall be hand operated, and ihall be •"mounted no more than 44 inchei above the floor. 'ATORIES (SEC. 5-1504) ivatories shall be mounted with a clearance of at least 29 inches from the floor to the bottom of the apron with knee dearance under the front lip ex- tend 015 a minimum of 30 mchej in width with S inchei minimum depth at the top Toe dearance thai! be the same width and ihall be i minimum of vl 7 inchei deep from the front of the lavatory / JS/Hot water and drain pipes under lavatories ihall be *• — * insulated or otherwise covered There ihall be no -^^Niharp or abrasive surface* under Uvatonei / i/Faucei control a/id openting mecharuimi ihall be ^ — operable with one hand and ihall not require tight frraipinic, pinching or twisting of the wn«t The force required in activate control* shall be no greater than 5 Ib Lever-open ted, push lypr and electronically controlled mechanumi ire examplei of acceptable desiimi Self doling vajvei ue allowed if the Faucet remaiij open tot it leaji 10 tecondt PAGE 2 rty-ORINWNC FOUNTAINS (SEC. 5-1507, 2-511) ( 1,/rh* ilrmlung fountain shall be a mintmum of IS ^—-^ inches in depth and there shall be clear and unob- structed spaces under the drinking fountain not leu than 27 inches in height and 18 inches in depth, the depth measurements being taken from the front edge ^ of the fountain A side approach onnWmg fountain •— u not acceptable 2. l"he bubbler ihall be activated by a control which u 'easily operated by a handicapped person tuch as a hand-operated lever type control located within 6 inches of the front of the fountain, a push bar control along the front of the drinking fountain, etc. The bubbler outlet orifice shall be located within 6 inchei of the front of the drinking fountain and shall be within 36 indies of the floor. The water itream from the bubbler ihall be nibitantially sparallel to the front edge of the drinking fountain ; water fountains are provided, they shall be lo-.Jt'-d completely within alcoves, or othcrwue positioned 10 as not to encroach into pedestrian ways I, DOORS fc HARDWARE (SEC 2-3301, 33Q4) X. All primary entrances to buildings shall be made / accessible to the handicapped. 2,^Hand activated door opening hardware ihall be / centered between 30 inchei and 44 inchei above the • floor Latching and locking doori that are hand acti- vated and which are in a path of travel, shall be oper- able with a single effort by lever type hardware, by panic bars, push-pull activating bars, or other hard- ware designed to provide passage without requiring the ability to grasp the opening hardware Locked exit doors shall operate as above in egress direction. Doors to individual hotel or motel unit? shall oper- ate similarly, except that when bolt and unlatching operation is key operated from corridor or extenor side of unit door, large bow keys (2 inch) full bow or IM inch (half bow) shall fae provided in lieu of lever type hardware on the corridor side. Separate dead lock activation on room side of corridor doors in hotels or motels shall hive lever handle, or large thumb turn in an easily reached location ( 3. Vidth and Heights. 1. Every required exit doorway *» ''shall be of a size as to permit the installation of a door not less than 3 feet in width and not leis than 6 feet, $ inches m heignL When installed in exit doorways, exit doori ihall be capable of opening at least 90 degrees and ihaU be so mounted that the / clear width of the exilway is no* less than 32 inches. For hinged doors, the opening width shall be mea- sured with the door positioned at an angle of 90 degrees from its closed position. At least one of a pair of doors shall meet this opening width rcquire- -<-.. ment. Revolving doori ihall not be used as a required f Vntrancc for the physically handicapped / 5 Maximum effort to operate doors ihall not exceed \^_^X8.5 pounds For exterior doors and 5 pounds for interior doors, such pull or push effort being applied at right angles to hinged doors and at the center plane of sliding or Folding doors. Compensating devices or automatic door operators may be utilized to meet the above standards. When fire doors are required, the maximum effort to operate the door jf—\ may be increased not to exceed 15 pounds. / 6. /Conitruction. The bottom 10 inches of all doon V_^ except automatic and ilidmg shall have a imooth IL uninterrupted surface to allow the door to be 'l*^t/^ £-, opened by a wheelchair Footreit without creating a trap or hazardous condition. Where narrow frame doors are uicd, a 10 inch high smooth panel shall be installed on the push tide of the door, which will low the door to be opened by a wheelchair footrest ithout creating a trap or hazardous condition, hreiholtfi shall not exceed Vi inch in height turnitiles arc uied a door or gite that it accessible to the handicapped ihzJl be provided wiihm 50 fret. Ih«r« s»>«ll 6« a l*v«l clear area on each now of an en u or p«sa*o« door. Provide 60 inch** clear in the direction of th* door s*inq and 44 [ncttea on trw aid* opoosita th« door s*inq direction, FVaaurementa ire to b« «t right anqlea to th« cloacd door. 1Q2385 PAGE 3 10.1 The width of the required level area on the side p into which the door swings shall extend 24 inches r?' past the strike edge for exterior doors and 18 '^ inches past the strike edge for interior doors. The space between two consecutive door openings in a vestibule serving other than a required exit stairway shall provide a minimum of 48 inches of clear space from any door opening into the vestibule when th« door is open 90°. Doors Into a vestibule shall swing in the same direc- tion or tfley both shall awing away fro* the vestibule. /. COflRlDORS AM) EXIT BAtCONlCS ('SEC. 2-33Q5 ) 1. Corridors that »»ce«d ZOO fe»t in length shall. a. Haw* * •iniiMjn clear width of 60 inches. b. Hav« at a central location, a 60 inch * 60 inch minimum wheelchair turning/passing space, or C. Hau« at a central location, an intervening cross corridor (minimum 44"). or d. Ka<j* at a central location, an openabla door which provides complying access to an area adjacent to the corridor. */ STAIRWAYS (SEC. 2-3306} I. Handrails shall extend a minimum of 12 inches beyond the top nosing and 12 inches plus the tread width beyond the bottom nosing. Z* The handgrip portion of handrails snail be not less than 1-1/4 inches nor more than 2 inches in etc as-sectional dimension or the shape shall provide an equivalent gripping surface and shall have a smooth surface with no sharp corners. 3. The upper approach and the lower tread of each interior stair and every tread of exterior stairs shall be marked t>y a strip of clearly con- trasting color, at least 2 inchea wide, placed parallel to, and not more than 1 inch from the nose of the step or landing to alert the visually impaired. {Applies to stairs with 2 or nwre risers) 4. Open stairway a are not permitted. Risers shall b* sufficiently solid to prevent the passage of objects larger than 1/4 inch. 5. Tread surfaces shall be slip-resistant and shall h*v« smooth, rounded or chamfered exposed edges* Tha> lower front edge shall be beveled or rounded. 6. Nosing, shall not project mare than 1-1/2 inch p»at the face of the riser below. RAMPS (SEC. 2-3307) 1. The dope of a ramp shall not exceed 1 in 12. 2. The top landings on a ramp must be at least 60 inchei m depth.3. If a door swings onto a top landing the landing depth ihaJl be not leu than 42 inches plus the width of thedoor. 4. The top landing thill have a. width not lea than itjdepth 5. The top landing shall extend not lew than 24 inches beyond the rtnke side of ihc door ai exterior ramptand 18 inches at interior ramps 6. The bottom landing shall be not lew than 72 inchei deep 7. Intermediate landings shall be provided at turns and whenever the change in level exceeds 30 inches.8. Intermediate landings on straight ramps shall have adepth Q[ not lest than J'O" Intermediate landings on rampi that turn greater than 30 degrees shall be not less than 6 feel in depth9 Rampj jhall be r.ot less than 4 Feet wide10. Ramps serving a primary entrance for an occupant load of 300 or more jhall be not less than 5 feetwide 11. Handrails shall be placed on each tide of each rampand shall extend 12 inches beyond the top and bottom of the ramp 12. Surface* of camp* shall b« slip resistant. »/ ELEVATORS (SEC. :-iioj) o / 4. At laaat on* elevator shall have a i*im*ua In- side car pi »i form of 6 fe*t fl inches wide by 4 feet 3 inches deep with a mininuia clear opening width of 32 inches in buildings more than three scones in height and in all buildings vnare elevators are required* 2. Passenger elevators in buildings other than those required in NO. 1 above and serving an occupant load of more than SO shall have a minimu* inside car platform of 5 feet 3 inches wide by 4 feet 3 Inctas deep- Qoars. snail b« ] feet clear sLdd slide-type. 3. Passenger elevators in buildings other than tnos« required in Mo. 1 above and serving an occupant load of less than 50 shall have a minimum inside car plat form af 4 feet & Inches wide by 4 feet & Inches deep. The door opening shall be at leaat 2 feet 3 inches clear width. All passenger elevators shall have handrail Id- eated 2 feet & inches to 2 feet 10 inches above the car platform Zlevatac car operation buttons need to be with- in reach of wheelchair users and of a type that blind or partially sighted persona can identify aa requited by Section 2-5103(m) &. Wheelchair lifts shall comply with Sac. 2-5106 REFUGE AREAS (SEC. 2-3303 }(FIRE MARSHAL RECULAtED OCCUPANCIES) 1. Every multi-story building where access is pro- vided far the ph^sical-Iy handicapped af>*ll have designated (signed) rooms or areas on each floor to provide safe refuge for the handicapped. Refuge areas are not required on stories opening to grade ar with canes to grade at in a to ties used only as service basements or only for park- ing. (SEC. 2-511 ) General. If puoiic telephones are provided, tn*r shall comply with Section 2 - 5 1 1 ( d ) |TRICAL Iv/Clectrical receptacles (15, 20 and 30 a*ps) shell be at least 12 inches abav« tna floor. on 3-210-50(e) ( 2. ySwitcnes and controls for lights, appliances, cooling, heating and ventilating equipment shall be not less than 3 feet nor more than 4 feet the floor. Section 3-JBD-3 (c) ire alara initiating devices shall be 43 inches above the floor, ground or sidewalk. Section J-760-3.1 SKCinc OCCUPANCY REQUIRE«:NTS Chapters Z-6 through 2-14 have specific occupancy reouirements for access in addition to th* general requirements listed above. Provide -lotea and de- tails to comply with 102385 Datet <?-/7~Jurisdiction VALUATION AND PLAN CHECK Eldg. Dept Esgil PLAN CHECK NO. BUILDING ADDRESS (\r/ APPLICANT/CONTACT PHONE NO. BUILDING OCCUPANCY 7JT--DESIGNER PHONE TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTOR PHONE BUILDING PORTION "7 — -3— ~ Air Conditionins: Commercial Residential Res. or Comm. Fire Sprinklers Total Value BUILDING AREA VALUATION MULTIPLIER v VALUE > 1 ! i e 1 0 @1 <$o&,&tyo fee Adjusted To Reflect Dytnergy Restrictions Building Permit Fee $__ Plan Check Fee $ 1.1) 0 C? COM HC N TS 8/4/82 r PLAN CHECK NO?ADDRESS DATE •v:<frf<70 PLANNING TYPE OF PROJECT AND USE SCHOOL DISTRICT: SAN DltGUITO SETBACKS: FRONT DISCRETIONARY ACTIONS :*J\fr REDEVELOPMENT PERMIT REQUIRED LANDSCAPE PLAN COMMENTS:A ENVIRONMENTAL REQUIRED: ADDITIONAL COMMENTS: ENCINITAS SIDE CARLSBAD WIA SAN MARCOSI_TI_ REAR QK TO ISSUE:DATE: ENGINEERING LEGAL DESCRIPTION VERIFIED-?APN CHECKED? PARK-IN-LIEU QUADRANT: ///A" __. FEE PER UNIT: — TOTAl FEE: P.F.F.: ////Q- TRAFFIC IMPACT FEE PER UNIT: fiJ/fo~ TOTAL FEE:^t^it FACILITIES MGMT. FEE: IMPROVEMENTS: BRIDGE & THOROUGHFARE FEE FIELD CHECK DATE & INITIALS: DRIVEWAY:_ E.D.U.: RIGHT-OF-WAY:_ EASEMENTS: SEWER: INDUSTRIAL WASTE PERMIT: /I/ GRADING PERMIT: A*/£h LATERAL: DRAINAGE GRADING COMPLETION CERTIFIED:~r ADDITIONAL COMMENTS: 1200 ELM AVENUECARLSBAD, CA 92008-1989 TELEPHONE (619)438-5523 PROJECT . ^/ry ARCHITECT OWNER ___<r-f Lrb/M> OCCUPANCY CONST D SPRINKLERED D TENANT IMP Citp of Carltfbafe FIRE DEPARTMENT PAGE 1 PLAN ADDRESS JV/^A ADDRESS IIT?f .&Mv»*/>-n |/*».^ PHONF 9*T7- 3 7 7n ADDRESS ?/V*f Dc'g«A PHONE 9 TOTAL SO FT STORIES APPROVAL OF PLANS IS PREDICATED ON CONFORMING TO THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS AND/OR MAKING THE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: *111 .12 .13 PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS, AND PERMITS Provide one copy of floor plan(s), site plan, sheets Provide two site plans showing the location of all existing fire hydrants within 200 feet of the project Provide specifications for the following Permits are required for the installation of all fire protection systems (sprinklers, stand pipes, dry chemical, halon, CO2, alarms, hydrants) Plan must be approved by the fire department prior to installation The business owner shall complete a building information letter and return it to the fire department FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEMS AND EQUIPMENT The following fire protection systems are required D Automatic fire sprinklers (Design Criteria ) D Dry Chemical, Halon, CO* (Location ) D Stand Pipes (Type * ) D Fire Alarm (Type/Location ~ : ) Fire Extinguisher Requirements JS'One 2A rated ABC extinguisher for each extinguisher not to exceed 75 feet of travel D An extinguisher with a minimum rating of sq ft or portion thereof with a travel distance to the nearest * to be located .. D Other 8 Additional fire hydrant(s) shall be provided ^ EXITS Exit doors shall be openable from the inside without the use of a key or any special knowledge or effort A sign stating, " This door to remain unlocked during business hours" shall be placed above the mam exit and doors Qjl.*f.. .JA r> L »•» .^a ,AV IM/^.C^TJ^/O •»-• /!>_ Q.g.^ftA* Af— __- ^_^, __ ..j _, _ EXIT signs (6" x 3/4" letters) shall be placed over all required exits and directional signs located as necessary to clearly indicate the location of exit doors GENERAL Storage, dispensing or use of any flammable or combustible liquids, flammable liquids, flammable gases and hazardous chemicals shall comply with Uniform Fire Code Buildmg(s) not approved for high piled combustible stock Storage in closely packed piles shall not exceed 15 feet in height, 12 feet on pallets or in racks and 6 feet for tires, plastics and some flammable liquids If high stock pil- ing is to be done, comply with Uniform Fire Code, Article 81 14 Additional Requirements Of^if <Q<:It, tGV .15 Comply with regulations'on attached sheet(s) Plan Examiner.Date--30-8 C. Report mailed to architect Met with Attach to Plans CARLSBAD FIRE DEPARTMENT PAGE 2 OF jg PLAN CHECK REPORT * IPROJECT O/^ 1/0H*0* I PLAN CHECK ft 8(0-^90 y 1 **• Drapes and other decorative materials shall be flame retardant. Certification thereof shall be provided. Exits, exit lights, fire alarm stations, hose cabinets and extinguisher locations shall not be concealed by decorative material. - y 1 5. Interior finish shall conform with Ti116*2*4 California Administrative Code ' regulations. / 16. Fireplaces and other appliances employing open flames shall have metallic guards . 17. Loose chairs exceeding 299 shall be bonded together in groups of 3 or more. 18- Storage and janitor closets shall be of one-hour construction with all openings protected with 3/4 hour self closing and latching assemblies. 19- An approved fire alarm or two-way communication system shall be provided per Title 24, California Administrative Code. X 20. An occupant capacity sign, with minimum one inch letters and numbers, shall be posted near main exit ( /£ square feet per person), _X__2l. Exit doors shall be openable from the inside without the use of a key or any special knowledge or effort. A 22. A "THIS DOOR MUST REMAIN UNLOCKED WHENEVER THE PUBLIC IS PRESENT" sign, with minimum one inch letters, shall be provided adjacent to main exit door . "EXIT" signs shall be in block letters minimum 6 inches high. Luminance on face of sign shall be 50 lux. 24. "EXIT" signs shall be electrically illuminated and energized from separate circuits. Show on electrical plan(s). 25. One of the above circuits shall be part of the emergency lighting system. 26. An "EXIT" sign shall be posted over exit door &$ and directional signs located /3S . Show locations on floor plan(s). X 27. Approved panic hardware shall be provided on exit doors rff* 7~~°- /&**~si,sJ _ . Show on door schedule. 28. Corr idor feT _ shall be of one-hour construction with door open- ings protected with 20 minute self closing and latching assemblies. 29. An additional exit door shall be provided in _ _____ per Uniform Building Code, Chapter 33. 30. Plan Examiner Date May 14, 1986 TO: MARTY ORENYAK, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR VIA: LYNN CHASE, RECREATION SUPERINTENDENT FROM: TOM COLEMAN, BUILDING MAINTENANCE SUPERVISOR CITY HALL HVAC PROBLEMS AND RECOMMENDED SOLUTIONS The following recommendations and costs were provided verbally by Randy Kurie, San Marcos Sheet Metal and his written report will follow by the end of this week. The total cost to correct the 2 problems previously identified is $4,100. Problem #1: Improper Air Distribution to Office Areas. Cause: Existing duct was used; duct size too small and the new design did not address or solve the problem that was identified in the pre-design survey by Ante11me, Solution recommended: Add "Heat Strip" in the existing duct and introduce more heat to the area. Cost estimate: $1,257. Problem #2: Air Conditioning Cycling Time Insufficient To Provide Cooling On Demand. Cause: Insufficiently cooled water being supplied to coils because the water is not routed properly. Solution recommended: Replumb and add two, three-way valves to introduce full volume of cooled water over the cooling coils in air handlers # 1 & 2. Cost estimate: $2,843. It is noted that San Marcos Sheet Metal, who installed the system, has followed the design provided by Daniels & Associates. Daniel & Associates was contacted by myself who requested their help in identifying the problems and recommending solutions. Shelton Daniel referred the City back to San Marcos Sheet Metal to handle the problem as he feels the system design is correct. Funds can be made available in the Building Maintenance account # 5320-2490 "Miscellaneous Outside Services" to pay for the proposed modifications if so directed. Memo Comm.Devp. Dir* City Hall HVAC Problems & Sheet 2 Solutions Your analysis of the cause and solution is requested what action you wish me to take. TC:hl;j c: Dave Bradstreet, Parks & Recreation Director Ray Patchett, Assistant City Manager Please advise SAN MARCOS SHEET METAL & MECHANICAL INC. STATE LICENSE #449671 FINAL SUBM1TTALS TOR: Carlsbad City Administration Center Air Conditioning Replacement 1200 n;im Avenue Carlsbad, Ca. 9200o C01W±{ACTUH: Sari Ilarcos Sneet iletal fcc Hechanica; 410 Crihba^e lane ban Ilarcos, Ca. 920G9 Cl'19) 744-2^21 ^S^I-S-A Konson Court San Die[,o, Ca. 92111 (<yi9) 292-oObO ELECTRICAL GUiJ'lU^VGTOk I'-etic 4Q46-A Konson Court; ban Diego, Ca. 92111 0 19) 2S2-UCXO Papiro Construction 2J79 houncain View Dr. do, Ca. 9202? ilone,/well 57 Gcnvo.) Ct. uie^o, Ca. 92 11 '1 Jan j39l arice 420 W . ^L'!I Ave . liscondido , Ca . ^202? Y*1y« <5 - 5 o 4V v- >r *-r «fl •} ^C ^^^"3. i 1 w • Q t H S |S •^ (S) (S> £< t£ o °3 UJ ,--, I— I o °1 X UJ^ 1"0- ~ ^sfSu 1i Q1 UJ PPROVEDISAPPPOV< o ^•a* O ^V•v)ap^.*-G: TCKJ«5•.i T-S IL -> 0 4sa .1 "—i w "cOJ 1- ^o ^ < r £ rr1— c1; ^^ H-f 8s LoSen (^ 0 0 "— ' n -i ' i. -»-§ sip oo-L_ O-~ >• 5- 0Hc _j *~ ^^ H- " > P,fi O - ' k-ci '^ 9 &• «"*> ^-<, co i^-«— •— • CO Ulj < o0 cr O") UJ \r~t 1< 5 rJrf (''OJ . J ll1 ^ ^-2 0 *?* r^o ^ ~r* -J OLI' ^ ^Oh-_1llJ~ir.ji. CO D O D ° v»i •AI* i ^ 410 CRIBBAGE LANE • SAN MARCOS, CA 92069 • 619-744-2521 General Offices POBox131O • 49O9 Puffnen Sc. San Diego California 32 112 Telephone [6 1 9] 279-93DQ TWX 91O32S-1 "727 October 8, 1985 City of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, Ca. 92008 OCT 111385 CITY OF CARLSBAD Building Department Re: Stop Notice Claim $2,807.61 dated 8/13/85 Gentlemen: As a result of payment by Metic, Inc. on their check #3130 dated 9/24/85 in the amount of $2,807.61 and after clear- ance thereof, ESD Co. releases all claims it may or may not have for monies due for materials shipped to Metic Co. sub-contractor, and San Marcos Sheet Metal, general contractor and City of Carlsbad, owner, for use on the project known as the Carlsbad City Hall job. Sincerely, B.J. Burrell Area Credit Manager GENERAL ACKNOWLEDGMENT NO 201 ^personally known to me Q proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidenceAT/ "ueLtc c \j~ofiv •.»to be the personfelwhose name(&X subscribed to the executed itConn Eipue, JUll_ 27 within instrument, and acknowledged that WITNESS my hand and official seal , Nofary s Signature NATIONAL NOTARY ASSOCIATION • 23012 Ventu a Bhd • PO Box 4625 • Woodlaid Hills CA 91364 1200 ELM AVENUE • ^§g^ • TELEPHONE CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 •WtW rJfl (714)4385621 Cttp of CarUftab November 26, 1984 CONTRACT #002-84 HEATING AND AIR CONDITIONING SYSTEM IN CITY HALL Addendum #2 The following items are to be included in the contract for the removal and installation of the heating and air conditioning system in the City Hall Complex: 1. Contract #002-84 will commence on December 15, 1984 and must be completed by May 15, 1985. 2. Notification must be given by the Contractor 3 days in advance prior to doing any work in the computer room, and the work must be done only on week ends. David Bradstreet Parks and Recreation Director Marty Orenyak^ ^ t / \/ P" **• c: Ruth Fletcher Marsha Backlund-Payne November 13, 1984 TO: Marty Orenyak, Director of Building and Planning FROM: Lee Rautenkranz, Central Services Director AIR CONDITIONER FOR COMPUTER ROOM There has been a great deal of confusion over the size of the existing air conditioner for the computer room. Opinions on the size have ranged from 2 1/2 ton to 5 ton. Since that air conditioner is being replaced, and the specs call for a 3 1/2 ton unit, I was concerned and wanted to be sure a unit of proper size is installed. I called a firm who specializes in computer rooms and requested an evaluation of the air conditioning. A copy of their report is attached. They recommed the unit be replaced with a 5 ton unit (assuming we remain with the comfort cooling unit) . I concur and hereby request that a 5 ton unit be installed rather than the 3 1/2 ton currently called for in the specs. One additional concern needs to be noted. When they are working on that unit, or in the vicinity of the computer room, and dust and dirt is likely to be generated, such work should take place after hours or on weekends. We will also need advance notice because the computer system will need to be shut down and hardware covered. Thanks for your assistance with the above and let me know if you have any questions. n Central Services Director RECEIVED NOVI41934 \ <-« CITY OF CARLSBAD *°^x T Building Department ! ' - ! ^ W.L.B. ASSOCIATES COMPUTER ROOM POWER CONDITIONING AND ENVIRONMENTAL CONTROL SYSTEMS October 18, 1984 P84-136B Mr. Carl Shutte City of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, California 92008 EVALUATION REPORT COMPUTER ROOM AIR CONDITIONING DATA PROCESSING CENTER Dear Mr. Shutte: Mr. William Barker of W.L.B. Associates visited your facility on October 5, 1984 to evaluate the computer room air conditioning to determine the size and adequacy of your present system. Upon examination of the unit we found that the information tag (plate) had been removed for reasons unknown. The physical size and related mechanical equipment indicated very strongly that the conditioning unit was a three (3) ton nominal unit without reheat or humidification controls. This type of unit is normally referred to as a comfort cooling unit and is not designed to maintain a computer room environment. A comfort cooling unit is designed for people cooling and has a latent to sensible cooling ratio of about 70 percent whichindicates a true cooling capacity of 2.1 tons. A packed computer room air conditioner has a latent to sensible ratio of approximately 90 percent. The reason for the difference is the heat load of a computer room is about 96 percent machine (dry) load. For example, a computer (dry load) requirement of three (3) tons or 36,000BTU/Hour would require a comfort unit of 46,800 BTUL/H or 3.9 tons nominal. The closest standard unit size is 5 tons. A computer room uunit for the same load is 39,600 BTU/H units or 3.3 tons. Most installations allow 25 to 30 percent extra capacity for room load (latent heat) and growth. If we apply 25 percent to the above examples we get 46,800 BTU/H plus 25 percent or 58,500 BTU/H (4.875 tons) and 49,500 BTU/H (4.125 tons). In both cases a 5 ton unit would fulfill the requirement, but the computer room unit will be far more efficient. We also must remember that a computer room air conditioner must have at least a 60 percent heat load to work properly. Most computers require a temperature control of 70 degrees plus or minus 5 degrees and humidity of 50 percent plus or minus 5 percent. 1045 LINDA VISTA DRIVE, SUITE 101, SAN MARCOS, CA 92069 • (714) 744-1122 October 18, 1984 P84-136B The above figure assumes an airtight room which is vapor sealed to keep outside temperatures and humidity from migrating into the computer room. Your existing computer room does not meet the the above criteria, therefore we recommend the following: 1. Repaint all walls with enamal paint. 2. Install new vapor sealed acoustical ceiling tile and lower T-Bar to no more than nine (9) feet from floor. 3. Install airtight weather stripping around door'frame to seal the door. 4. Treat windows with heat reflecting vinal or to be more effective, close them off with insulation. 5. Add an emergency shunt trip with emergency power off (EPO) button at exit. This circuit is to kill power to the entire room except for the lights. 6. Add a rapid detecting smoke detector and monitor off site or to the fire department. 7. Add high temperature thermostat set for 85 degrees Fahrenheit with contact closure to EPO circuit. ~8. Add 10 inch by 10 inch wire mesh window to exit door for viewing. 9. Have at least one (1) 9 pound Halon 1211 entinguisher in the computer room next to the exit. 10. Add one (1) 3 ton sensible computer room air conditiner with hot gas reheat and humidity control. It is our opinion that the current facility is inadequate for your installation, and you will continue to have untraceable problems until the room is corrected. If you suspect power related problems, I recommend an A.C. power line conditioner also be installed along with the shunt trip for added protection. W.L.B. Associates would be pleased to work with you in preparing specifications, installation instructions, and project management on any or all of the above items. Our fee would be 8 percent of the job costs which is estimated to be $30,000 or $80.00 an hour. We estimate this project will take 25 to 30 hours. Thank you for contacting W.L.B. Associates. If we can be of further assistance please contact us. Very truly yours, William L. Barker President WLB/am MODEL- 4" Deep Formed Metal| EL.1QQ s~ Stationary Louver • SPECIFICATIONS- 1. All welded construction. 2. Frame and 'blades of formed sheet metal. (mill finish, |8 ga. galvanized steel standard) 3. Blades have a 15/l6"(2.38cm) Up with a turnback at the top and bottom. 1*. Blade spans over 70"(178cm) employ a mull ion. 5. 1/2"(1.27cm) mesh, 19 ga. woven, galvanized steel screen standard; rear mounted. 6. **5° blades not available in heights under 22"(56cm) Blade Styles STYLE SHOWN: MODEL EL-102-R "R" frame shown. Be certain to specify frame style "p", "R" or "T" when ordering. Frame Styles LOUVER MODEL NO. D EL-101-P, R or T DESCRIPTION straight blade EL-103-P, R or T D EL-lO^t-P, R or T D EL-106-P, R or T (style # 30° straight blade (style #3) 30° offset blade (style #M 45° chevron blade (style #6) ITEM NOi SEE ShEET U3-A72-LD FOR FULL SCHEDULE OF SIZES ARCHITECT ENGINEER CONTRACTOR "17 LOUVERS & DAMPERS INC. CUSTOMER PO SO DATE.DWG,12-19-75 " Q41-A75-1 0 f-v lr:|;^r ^Insuidted*' *~*s ' '-^Double'AirSeal j, Medium Pressure Systems^ Thenmaflex JhermafiexG-KM Duct Assembly is thermaliyjn^l ( -s'ulated; fully jmed UlrlSljClass/flexible Air'Duct; ^Materiaj^esigned'fofefjrcient^installatio/'and/^ '•"{operation imlqw>an&merdfum pressure coo]ing - -^ Jand'heating/ystems'JhermaftexG-KM Duct As;< '- •sembly m p/eassembleilf7;fpotjength, having^ ^1fastjacting"adju*stablelin*etarconnectofsat'each'>' 'end.js'especially suited.for.jjsejn modular,buildy ing and a ^distribution systernvThermaflexe-V" *' G-KM Duct Assembly is%conomical,and especially ^convenient for jobs requiring'large quantities of si-, Juplicated'standardized preassembled air system, ''connectors ;Thi assembly bffers'flexibility of in-"jr'stallatiorffor handling misalignment between „ " ccrfiponents^nd ducting arourid'obstacles It can' be.usedjin supplyor return sections, for branch^, .ducts and cluct connections-between mixing^, [ s.'units, control ontermtnal units arid diffusions f,,; devices*^ 7-' .'-,/•'. is i ^ "' *1 *'' \ FEATURES and BENEFITS Reduced total installed cost —fast, economical installation A duct assembly with Underwriters' Laboratories UL 181 Class I Air Duct Material Also complies with NFPA Standards 90A and 90B and most local, state and federal standards or codes1 Factory applied thermal insulation complies with HUD/FHA minimum property standard Maintenance free under normal conditions - resistant to rust, corrosion or fungus Strict quality control over all rawmatenalsand completed duct assemblies i Will not balloon at recommended maximum positive pressure i Will not collapse at recommended maximum negative pressure Assists absorbing system vibration transmitted through ductwork i Fully lined for efficient air delivery i Packaged compactly for efficient transporting, storing and handling i Available through broad national distribution NUAW SMACNA MEMBER AIR DIFFUSION COUNCIL [mil crl •VIVI INSULATED FLEXIBLE AIR DUCT ASSEMBLY FOR LOW AND MEDIUM PRESSURE SYSTEMS Applications and Engineering Data „. \ Vt INSIDE DIAMETER (inches) ^~tf |> 5^ ; "# <<&COUTSIDEDIAMETERlOnch_es)l *,#>:*»**•"*' . ; ,,",rf -iWEIGHT PER FOOT (pounds) f ^ ^wt ' !-- , A INSIDE BEND RAOIUS'dnch'es)^'^^ - ; -^ OPERATING PRESSURE^^£lj;<y;^'; ;, V, u" s IENGTH tf, > ?«• ; t ^'"U ^l^t^¥,!t^ t/4 ^OPERATING TEMPERATURE RANGED! X7, ,. bi VELOCITY „ ;t ;r^,f teZ^jft; - •, >r^vTHERMAL CONDUCTANCE ^;(f^V* w f » s - ,- 1 THERMAL TRANSMISSION^!^ ||77 ^; • 'f -, r. R FACTORS |^: f f ^^,:^t ^ ^ .^" * *' 1 ^u=^(^VAPOR'TRANSMlSSlON^^^^<f ,,? ' *' "* R ATI MR fnprtn y^*-"*^** W> jg\¥ *S ',3s8" i^i^S--5 v,* " li v* «••; • l*"»»"'^. JsJ'aifSfe^^^SJ^IS^Kfl!,!*?^**; ^ ^ i4t I "tevi'j f s^ 38 f !^ > 91A"m Jf£*l* * * >"1 '-~^ ^ ,71/2 - C43W v;3\ ^ 61 » 8'/2 '"49 ^ *3' ^ Positive 6 in , * * ~ " , 9V2 I' 55" S13V2> * 8- MQ1/2 62 -,?*£ ^ Negative 2 in -" a,-. 11V2 ^! . 76 ", ,4Vzl ;.io> 1 12Va ^, .86 v ^•J5> kj2. :ii4». fhi6^;:,^;t-rt^:i „,. 141/2 fr16Vav 'iB'/ar *,'? ^- , 4, { >ioi ! ;i 17^;J'32!H( :;'4* --X } 5X6?'^rfVl *f 8|^s,<^t^li>; ; • ! Pos 4m ,2 in Standard is 7 feet for all diameters -20° to +200°F continuous internal 2500 FPM, suggested maximum all diameters Cfactorof 23 BTU/hr /sq ft /°F @75°Fmean Ufactorof 22 BTU/hr /sq ft /°@75DF differential R=4347 10 Notes. 1 Actual diameter is nominal 1 D plus 1/16 inch, tolerances are plus 1/32 inch or minus 0 inch ;4iCdnstructiqn and Materials Sr'^'ji'i ^i^-'j-^^'^, "f"-l rt^^^fV ~* "^.'"^l*^?' ^* X1 *•""' '.* t*i " tkfff, Duct-hher(is a polymeqc nlaterial attached! J | ^ '• r^.secqrely-at each end. to' g metaradjustabte^ ;• f itting Inne^liner^is bonded rjermanently'tb a*^ rfiber/glassjnsulation blanltetfwith fiberglass: b **scriml Vapor'barne>isanVuter jacket'otTJ^51 > polyolefin.matef lai ^Jf^;^f ;^4 $&V ^ V ^- Suggested Specification Flexible duct assemblies for connections between..and..shallbeThermaflex G-KM rated for 6 inches WG positive and 2 inches WG negative and 2500 FPM maximum velocity, listed by Underwriters' Laboratories under UL 181 standards as Class I flexible Air Duct Material, and complying with NFPA Standards 90A and 90B Shall be a factory fabricated assembly composed of a polymeric inner duct bonded permanently to a coated spring steel wire helix and supporting a thick fiber glass insulating blanket with fiberglass scrim Factory installed ends shall be galvanized steei adjustable male/female fittings securely attached to inner duct Low permeability outer vapor barrier of polyolefin material shall complete the assembly WARRANTY EXCLUSION AND DISCLAIMER Seller specifically excludes and hereby disclaims any express representation or express warranty of anykind with respect to the goods ordered hereurder All implied warranties including without limitation merchantability or fitness for a particular rjurpose or arising from a course ot deal ing or usage of trade shall e>pire and cease 45 days after date of delivery Seller shall not be liable to buyer oranytrnrdpartyforanyspecial secondary incidental or consequential damages however arising Nothing in this provision shall invalidate or restrict any right or remedy otherwise available under state or federal law Offices DISTRIBUTED BY GREENVILLE SC 29606 (National Sdlea Headquarters) PO Box 5698 Phone 803/288 7175 ABBEVILLE SC 29620 (Customer Services Department] Box888(CarwellynRd )Phone 803/459-5441Telex 57-0351 • LA MIRADA, CA 90E3B(Customer Services Department) 14657 Industry Circle Phone 714/523 1804Telex 65-5488 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660co Western States Rep Suite 104 1100Quail Street Phone 714/752 1471 BRANFORD CT06405 230E MamStreet Phone 203/488-8396 WINTER PARK FL 32792Aloma Executive Center 3001 E Atoms Ave Suite 225BPhone 305'678 3313 ITASCA IL 60143 1245 W Norwood Avenue Phone 312/773-3500 i For order entry expediting and product information contact the Abbeville SC La Mirada CA, or Mississauga Ontario, CustomerServices Department COLUMBUS OH 43214700 Morse Road Suite 205 Phone 614/846-7787 HOUSTON TX 17031 5757BellaireBlvd Suite 101-6Phone 713'664 7962 GREENVILLE SC 29606 c/o Slakey& Associates PO Box 5459 Phone 803/223 4150 . CANADA (Customer Services Department) Automation Industries ( (Canada)Ltd 6860 Rexwood Road Mississauga Ontario L4V1L8Phone 416/678-9215 >l • We're Flexible. AUTOMATION INDUSTRIES, INC FLEXIBLE TUBING DIVISION Manville Insulation Systems R-Series Microlite® Fiber Glass Duct Insulation Type: Flexible Blanket Temp. Limit- 250°F(121°C) Description R-Senes Microlite is a lightweight highly resilient blanket-type thermal and acoustical insulation made of long, extremely fine, flame-attenuated glass fibers, bonded with a thermosettmg resin Available Forms R-Series Microlite is available m/11/2,/2, 2Vz and 3 inch thicknesses R-Senes Microlite is su'pplied in roll form and with any of two factory applied'vapor barrier facings Refer to the facing and packaging section for specific information Additional thicknesses are available on request Uses R-Senes Microlite is recommended as a thermal insulation for the exterior of rectangular and round sheet metal ducts in heating or cooling systems It is also ideal for exteriors of plenums or other spaces or surfaces where temperatures must be controlled Advantages High Thermal Performance R-Series Microlite offers excellent thermal performance For warm air ducts, it reduces heat loss, increases system efficiency and cuts down fuel costs For air conditioning systems, it permits more accurate control of cooled air during distribution, conserves power and helps prevent condensation Fire Safety R-Series Microlite, with certain facings, meets the requirements of NFPA 90A and 90B Standards and FHA on a composite basis (insulation, adhesive and facing) The kraft paper used in the FSKL laminate is chemically treated to assure fire safety and minimize possible corrosion of the soil by salt The UL fire hazard ratings are shown on the reverse side of this page Resilient and Flexible. The resilience of Microlite minimizes the insulation's packing down and losing its effectiveness The performance of any duct wrap is dependent upon installation Care should be taken to minimize compression during installation The flexibility of R-Senes Microlite makes itveasy to apply, more manageable in difficult working areas, and conformable to curved surfaces Strong, and easy to apply The long glass fibers in R-Series Microlite give it high tensile strength It won't pull apart during normal handling It can easily be pulled over duct corners, past hangers, through narrow openings, and formed around elbows, tees, etc R-Senes Microlite is lightweight and easy to cut with an ordinary knife, and is readily attached to duct surfaces with adhesive or mechanical fasteners Specification Data R-Series Microlite® Fiber Glass Duct Insulation Genera] Properties Temperature (maximum) Moisture Absorption Alkalinity Corrosivity (with steel, copper or aluminum) Less than 0 2% by volume Less than 0 6% expressed as Na2<D Does not accelerate Capillarity (after 24 hours) Negligible Odor None Shrinkage^ None Resistance to fungi and bacteria Does not promote Underwriters' Laboratories Fire Hazard Classification The following products meet the Fire Hazard Classification requirements of NFPA 90A and 90B Standards and FHA, as tested by UL Per ASTM E84 as a composite product (insulation, adhesive and facing) UL Guide Card No 40 U8 3 File R3711 R-Senes Microlite with FSKL R-Series Microlite with Class I Vinyl FHC25/50' Facing Information FSKL Aluminum Foil Reinforced with fiber glass scrim laminated to UL rated kraft Class I Vinyl Gray and white Meets NFPA 90A and 90B UL rated U L Labeled upon request only District Offices Midwest 2222 Kensington Court Oak Brook, IL 60521 (312) 887-7400 Northeastern PO Box 1544 600 Sylvan Avenue Englewood Cliffs, NJ 07632 (201) 894-1111 Southeast PO Box 4487 Atlanta, GA 30302 (404) 449-3300 South Central PO Box1355(77251) 10900 Northwest Freeway Houston, TX 77092 (713) 681-7624 Permeance FSKL (Facing) Class I Vinyl 04 perms 00035" Foil Thickness 1 3 perms 0032" Thickness (Per ASTM E-96, Procedure A for facing material prior to lamination After lamination, permeance values may be higher) Thermal Conductivity k = 31 Btu in persq ft per °F per hr ASTM C518 75°F Mean Temperature Packaging Information Roll Width Thickness Inches _J WLJ 48 2" 48 2V2" 48 3" 48 Roll Length Feet 100 75 50 50 Compliance with Government Specs HH-I-558B Form B Type I, Class 6 When ordering material to comply with Government Specifications, a statement of that fact must appear on the purchase order Government regulations prohibit the certification of compliance after shipment has been made Pacific Southwest 3701 Long Beach Blvd Suite C-11 Long Beach, CA 90807 (213) 428-7515 Pacific Northwest 2600 Campus Dr San Mateo, CA 94403 (415) 349-9500 Manville Canada Inc 295 The West Mall Etobicoke, Ontario M9C 4Z7 (416) 626-5200 Telex 06-984559 For Export (303) 978-2000 Telex Johnmanvil DVR 454404 Produced by Manville Building Materials Corporation Marketed by Manville Products Corporation Manville Manville Products Corporation Ken-Caryl Ranch PO Box 5108 Denver, Colorado 80217 The physical and chemical properties of Manville R-Senes Microlite * represent typical average values obtained in accordance with accepted test methods and are subject to normal manufacturing variations They are supplied as a technical service and are subject to change without notice Numerical (lame spread rating is not intended to reflect hazards presented by this or any other materials under actual fire conditions Check the nearest Manville district office to assure current information For information on other Thermal Insulations and Systems, write Manville Products Corporation, PO Box 5108, Denver, Colorado 80217 Manville Air Handling Systems Linacoustic® Fiber Glass Duct Liner Type. Flexible Duct Liner Temperature Limit: 250°F Description Linacoustic is a flexible duct liner insulation made from long, flame- attenuated glass fibers bonded with a thermosetting resin The air stream surface is faced with a black coated mat Available Forms Linacoustic is available m'roll form, in four thicknesses (1/2"/-1"/, 1W' and 2") to meet service requirements Complete size data is shown on the reverse side Uses Linacoustic is specifically designed as a liner for sheet metal ducts in air conditioning, heating and ventilating systems It offers outstanding durability in exposure to air velocity and superior acoustical and thermal performance in systems operating at velocities up to 5,000 fpm and temperatures up to 250DF Advantages Withstands High Velocity Linacoustic has been tested at velocities as high as 12,500 fpm which is 2Vz times the recommended maximum velocity of 5,000 fpm Resists Damage The specially- designed, strong, smooth mat, integrally laminated to the insulation, insures extraordinary resistance to damage It easily resists scuffing and abrasion from mechanical fasteners, and from shop tools and normal handling Low Air Flow Resistance The smooth fiber glass mat surface on Linacoustic offers minimum resistance to air flow Absorbs Disturbing Sound. Linacoustic has excellent sound- absorbing properties Duct-transmitted noise, such as cross talk and sound energy from air movement and mechanical equipment is noticeably reduced Fire Resistance Meets the requirements of NFPA 90A and 90B Standards Easy to Fabricate Linacoustic is light in weight and easy to handle Clean, even edges can be accurately cut with regular shop tools Resiliency and high tensile strength resist undue shop abuse Presents a soft, nonabrasive feel to the hands High Insulating Value The glass fibers in Linacoustic are made by the flame-attenuation method, producing a fme-fibered insulation having exceptional thermal properties AHS 18 2 84 (Cancels FG 555 12 82) Specification Data Linacoustic1 Fiber Glass Duct Liner Thermal Conductance Thickness Mean Temperature (Inches) 50 75 1/2 45 48 1 23 24 V/2 15 16 2 12 13 Conductance Btu per Sq Ft per " per Hr Surface Burning Characteristics (•F) 100 52 26 17 14 F Sound Absorption Coefficients Flame Spread not over 25 Fuel Contributed not over 50 Smoke Developed not over 50 Per UL 723 test method If UL labels are requited they may be requested at time at order Standard Sizes and Packaging Thickness (Inches) 1/2 35 1 36 1V2 — 2 — Width' (Inches) 48 60 48 60 48 — 48 — Roll Length (Feet) 100 100" 50 50 •Widths Irom 34" to 36", 46' to 48', and 58" to 60' are available in MT increments with minimum release Check with plant for minimum ordering quantity "50' rolls available upon request Density Thick- Sound Absorption Coefficient at Frequency (Lbs / ness • (Cycles per Second) of Cu Ft) (Inches) 125 250 500 1000 2000 20 % 1 5 1 1 5 1'/2 1 5 2 11 16 22 33 51 54 73 90 48 67 81 96 70 85 97 1 07 88 97 1 03 1 07 4000 98 1 01 1 04 1 09 NRC 65 75 90 1 00 Coefficients were tested in accordance with Test Method ASTM C-423 81 and ASTM E-795 F-25 mounting with 24 gauge sheet metal backing Air Friction Correction Factor 1 5 B 1 4 « 13 § 12 § 1 1 J 10 9 fl ••- *. —*— — •-•— '^ a Velocity—FPM Air Friction Correction Factor to be applied to ASHRA6 Guide fnction loss for straight galvanized metal ducts Compliance with Government Specs and Other Standards HH-I-545B, Type I SMACNA Standards for Duct Liners Manville Ken-Caryl Ranch PO Box 5108 Denver, Colorado 80217 For information on other thermal insulations and systems, write Manville, Product Information Center, Ken-Caryl Ranch, PO Box 5108, Denver, Colorado 80217, or call (303) 978-4900 The physical and chemical properties of Linacoustic duct liner represent typical average values obtained in accordance with accepted test methods and are subject to normal manufacturing variations They are supplied as a technical service and are subject to change without notice Numerical flame spread and smoke developed ratings are not intended to reflect hazards presented by this or any other materials under actual fire conditions Check the Manville district office to assure current information AHS 18 2 8-1 Printed in USA Submittal Data The Trane Company 3600 Pammel Creek Road La Crosse Wl 54601 -7599 K Customer Order Number Date Trane Order Number 01-25-85 Sold To SAN MARCOS SHEET METAL **10 CR1BBAGE LANE SAN MARCOS, CA 92069 Architect Project CARLSBAD CITY ADMINISTRATION CENTER Engineer SHELTON L. DANIEL Total QtyPer Order Model Specifications and Jagging TAG: HP-1 Trane SPHE-B503 Packaged Heat PUmp Including - Curb Downflow duct hood Manual outside air damper Thermostat - Filters (Farr 30/30) PLEASE SEE ATTACHED DATA AND SPECIFICATION SHEETS. Trane Sales Office/Sales Engineer SAN DIEGO/RIESENBERGER Approved By Drawings in this submittal ptckage describe the - equipment we propose to furnish for this project and are submitted for approval to manufacture 1 30195 3—1984) Submittal Data The Trane Company 3600 Pammel Creek Road La Crosse Wl 54601 -7599 Customer Order Number Sold To SAN BARCOS SHEET METAL 410 CRIBBAGE LANE SAN MARCOS, CA 92069 Architect Date 01-25-85 Trane Order Number Project CARLSBAD CITY ADMINISTRATION CENTER Engineer SHELTON L. DANIEL Total UtyPer Order Model Specifications and Tagging TAG. MODEL CFM CAPACITY COOLING TOTAL COOLING SENSIBLE AMBIENT HEATING OUTPUT ESP EDB/EWB EER VOLT/PH/HZ COMPRESSOR LRA FLA SUPPLY FAN NO/HP FLA COND. FAN NO/HP FLA WEIGHT HP-1 SPHE-B503 2000 56 MBH 38 MBH 85° F 59 MBH @ 47° OUTDOOR 0.5" 72° F / 63° F 8,nn 208/3/60 125 AMPS 19-5 AMPS 1 / 3/4 5.5 2 / 4 ea. 1.2 ea. 580 LBS. Trane Sales Office/Sales Engineer SAN DIEGO/RIESENBERGER rDrawings in this submittal package describe the equipment we propose to furnish for this project and are submitted for approval to manufacture 1 30 195 3—19841 _, DISAPPROVED n CORRECT & RESUBMlT 3 APPROVAL. WITHHELD SUBJECT TO CONOmONS Of CONTRACT Contractor to Ver.fy QiwnM.es & Space Requirements SHELTON L DANIEL & ASSOCIATES MECHANICAL E Bv TAG K're 9s4 NO'PL-UN-PKGP-SPHE-SQ-101 01 HEPLACES SPHE-SQ-101 00 SPHE-SQ-101 01 TRANE Self Contained Heat Pump 3*/t to 5 font SPHE-B35toB50 Moool YotteQt 230*0/1- 200-230/603 460*03 230/60/1 200-230/603 460*03 230/60/1 200-230/603 SPHE-B351 SPHE-B353 SPHE-B354 SPHE-B401 SPHE-B403 SPHE-B404 SPHE-B501 SPHE-B503 SPHE-B504 460/60/3 SUBMIT! AL/SELECTION V 4t INCHES CLEARANCE TOP DrSCMttot AftEA SMoyU> MUNRESTRICTED ffSTiiSfiCNtS MINIMUM ECONOMIZE)) POLARIZED PLUG ACCESS 9SINCHES CLEARAMCl (EACH &DE) REAR —•• — RIGHT SIDE "l I 0 K.OWER r «w rp-t_i Appro* Corner Wt (Ib) Model Number SPHE-B35 SPHE-840 SPHE-B50 #1 166 166 170 *2 160 160 160 #23 114 114 125 #4 111 111 110 >—jDIA NOl-E FOR LOW VOLTAOE CONTROL WlRlNB lot* HOLE n"CO"DUlT CONNECTlON>1 I CONNECTION)_J FIELD WIRING Thermostat J— — — Fused Disconnect Swi tch --, ©_ Fused Disconnect SwUch SPHE-B35 to B50 Optional Accessory Electric Heat - Outdoor Tnermostst ] Note All customer supplied wiring to be copper only and must conform to NEC and local electrical codes ^ 1C/2H auto or manual changeover (24 VAC) no heat or single stage electric heat—7 wires two stage electric heat — 8 wires B Field power supply wiring single phase — 2-wire three phase — 3-wire C Electric heat control wiring all heat- ers installed in unit — polarized plug outdoor thermostat included with two-stage electric heaters — polar- ized plug Note Additional field power supply wiring is required when electric heat- ers are used • THE TRANE COMPANY 1BM D*ta Model N« Cooling Capacity (MBh) Power input (Kw) EERSEER Net Heating Capacity @47 F(MBh) Power Input (Kw)/COP @ 17 F (MBh) Power input (Kw)'COP HSPF Indoor Coil Face ARea (Sq Ft ) Outdoor Coil Face Area (Sq Ft ) Operating Weight (Ib) Shipping Weight (Ib) Refrigerant Charge (R-22) ARI Sound Rating (Bels) SPHE-B35 440 538 8 JOB GO 465 494775 250 40*1.80 605 549 837 551 563 11 Ib 12 oz. 86 SPHE-B40 SCO 619 805875 610 B.43/275 294 4.45/195 640 549 837 551 563 11 Ib 4 oz 86 SPHE-e&O 560 700 8 DOS 70 590 6327275 310 500/160 630 549 B37 580 592 13 Ib 6 oz 88 c Notes 1 Rated in accordance with ARI Standard 240 All capacrbesira net and include the effect of indoor fan motor heat 2 HSPF is Heating Season Performance Factor at Region V conditions Gross Cooling Model (Airflow) SPHE-B35 1400 (rfm SPHE-040 1600 cfm SPHE-B50 2000 cfm Ambient Temp (F) 85 95 105 115 85 95 105 115 85 95 105 115 Entering Wet Bulb (F) 57 62 67 72 57 62 67 72 57 62 67 72 57 62 67 72 57 62 67 ' 72 57 62 67 72 57 62 67 72 57 62 67 72 57 62 67 72 57 62 67 72 B7 62 67 72 57 62 67 72 Entering Dry Bulb CAP 39 43 48 53 37 41 46 51 35 39 43 47 33 37 40 44 46 50 55 60 43 48 52 57 41 45 49 54 38 42 46 50 51 56 62 68 48 54 59 64 46 51 55 61 43 47 52 57 68 SHR CAP 77 55 36 19 78 56 36 IB 81 57 36 18 83 58 35 16 77 55 36 20 79 56 36 19 81 57 36 18 83 58 36 17 78 55 35 18 30 - 56 35 17 82 57 35 16 84 58 35 15 39 43 48 53 37 41 46 51 36 39 43 47 34 37 40 44 46 50 55 60 43 48 52 57 41 45 49 54 39 42 46 50 51 56 62 68 49 54 59 64 47 51 55 61 44 47 52 57 (FJ 74 80 SKR 97 73 52 34 99 75 53 34 10 77 54 34 1 0 79 55 34 97 74 53 35 10 75 54 35 10 77 55 35 10 BO 56 35 99 74 53 34 1 0 76 53 34 10 7B 55 34 1 0 81 56 34 CAP 42 43 48 53 40 41 46 51 39 39 43 47 37 37 40 44 49 50 55 60 47 48 52 57 45 45 49 54 42 42 46 50 55 56 62 68 53 54 59 64 50 5: 55 61 48 48 52 57 SHR 10 92 69 .49 10 94 70 50 10 97 72 51 10 10 75 52 10 91 69 50 10 94 71 50 10 98 73 53 iD 10 76 53 10 93 70 49 10 96 72 50 10 99 74 51 10 10 76 S3 CAP 45 45 « S3 44 44 « SI 42 C 43 47 39 39 *44 52 52 *0 51 S3 S2 57 « « 49 54 « 45 46 50 9 » C 0 3 3 3 « 54 » S6 51 52 2 52 57 86 SHR 10 10 .85 64 10 10 sn 65 10 10 80 67 10 10 94 70 10 10 86 65 1 0 10 SB 68 1 0 10 91 68 10 10 95 71 10 10 87 65 10 10 90 67 10 10 93 69 10 1 0 97 72 Notes 1 Gross cooling capacities shown do not include the effect of indoor fan motor heat To obtain net cooling capacities subtract indoor fan motor heat wans x 3 414 1000 2 CAP = Total Gross Cooling Capacity SHR = Sensible Heat Ratio fan heat = o •yatam Haatlng Capacltiaa WHhout Elactrlc Haat Entering Indoor Ambient SPHE-B35 SPHE-ft*0 SPHE-850 Dry Bulb Ttmp 1400 cfm 1600dm 2000 cfm (F) (F) MBh 70 60 60 47 40 60 30 20 17 10 0 -10 70 60 50 47 40 70 30 20 17 10 0 -10 70 60 50 47 40 80 30 20 17 10 0 -10 64 57 50 47 34 30 27 25 22 18 13 63 56 49 46 33 29 26 25 22 17 13 62 55 48 45 32 29 25 24 21 17 12 Kw MBh 53 60 48 47 43 41 39 39 37 34 31 56 53 50 49 46 44 41 41 39 36 32 59 56 53 52 48 46 43 43 40 37 32 69 82 54 52 40 36 31 30 26 20 15 68 60 53 51 39 35 31 29 25 20 14 66 59 52 49 38 34 30 28 25 19 14 Kw MBh 59 56 53 57 49 4.6 44 43 41 37 34 6.2 6.9 5.5 5.4 51 43 45 44 4.2 33 36 65 61 53 57 64 50 4.7 46 44 40 37 82 73 63(60~- 49' 42 34 31 28 22 16 80 71 62 59 48 41 33 31 27 21 16 79 70 61 57 47 40 33 30 26 21 15 Kw 71 66 6.2 61 5.8 54 5.0 48 48 43 40 73 69 65 63 60 56 51 5.0 43 44 41 76 71 67 66 62 53 - 6.3 52 43 46 42 tndoot Fan Power {Kw)54 70 65 Notes 1 HBating capacities are net and include the effect of indoor fan motor heat Kw «total unit power and includes indoor fan power mput 2 Healing performance data includes the effect of outdoor cot) frosting and timed defrost cycles between 17 and 47 degrees 3 For conditions other then shown interpolate between nearest conditions shown in table Auxiliary EUctrlc Haatar Capacities; Supply Unit Model(s) Voltae SPHE-B351, B401 B501 208-240/60/1 SPHE-B353 B403, B503 208-240*0/3 SPHE-B354, B404 B504 480«0/3 Model Number BAY96X1706 BAY96X1712 BAY96X1717 BAY96X1723 BAY96X331 BAY96X332 BAY96X333 BAY96X334 BAY96X336 BAY96X337 BAY96X338 BAY96X339 Rated Kw (208-240 V) 433-576 865-1152 12 98-17 .28 1730-23JX 745-996 11 25-1436 14 96-1932 22 44-2938 996 1496 1992 2988 He«t Output (MBh) 148-196 29 5-39 3 443-590 590-786 254-340 384-51 1 51 1-680 765-1020 340 51 1 880 1020 Stages 1 1 2" r* ii1 2" 1 1 1 1 Circuit Amps @ 240 Or 480 V 24 48 (1)48,0124 (2)48 24 36 48 (1)48, (1)24 12 18 24 36 "Outdoor Thermostat included with heater Note Electrical data calculated in accordance with NEC Installation must conform to local codes Capacity Correction Factor* for Airflow Othar Than Nominal — All »PHE Modate Airflow — % Variation Total Cooling Capacity Sensible Cooling Cepecrty Net Heating Capacity -20% 0972 0901 0976 -10% 0987 0952 0988 0 100 1.00 1.00 + 10% 1010 1046 1 Oil +20% 1017 1091 1020 Static Pr«Mur« Drop Through Acc«s«oriM Electric Heat (Kw) Model SPHE-B35 SPHE-B40 SPHE-B50 cfm 1100 1400 1700 1300 1600 1900 1600 2000 2400 56 01 02 03 02 03 04 03 04 05 10 0-11 S 03 04 06 04 05 07 05 07 09 173 04 07 09 06 08 10 08 11 14 IS, 20, 23 06 09 12 08 11 14 11 15 19 300 09 14 16 12 16 .21 16 ,22 2B S/R Dtffusev 03 04 05 04 05 06 05 07 11 Downflow Duct Hood 13 20 28 18 25 33 25 35 45 Downflow Duct Hood/ Economizer .20 29 38 .26 35 M 35 49 64 Indoor Fan Model Performance SPHE-B35 High Speed 200 230 & 460 V Med Speed 200V Med Speed 230&460V(1) Low Speed 230 & 460 V High Speed 200. 230 & 460 V SPHE B40 Med Speed 200V Med Speed 230&460V(1) Low Speed 230&460V Airflow cfm (3) 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 2000 2100 (2) ESP Power In Wans 106 530 1 03 550 099 575 094 600 088 620 0 80 650 071 675 060 705 048 735 0 36 770 021 610 0 05 855 ESP Power In Warts 096 420 091 445 084 475 072 510 054 550 024 605 000 690 _ _ _ _ „ _ — — — _ ESP Powet In Watts 098 440 092 465 085 490 076 520 064 540 047 585 020 640 000 700 — — — — -_ __ — — ESP Power In Wans 074 395 054 430 000 480 — — — — _ _ — _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ — ESP Power In Watts 146 660 142 680 \ 37 705 1 32 730 126 750 1.20 775 1 14 800 1 07 830 099 855 090 885 080 915 066 950 ESP Pow«r In Watts 128 530 122 550 1 16 575 108 600 100 625 090 650 074 675 052 710 025 740 _ — _ _ — — ESP Power In Watts 131 530 126 550 1 19 575 1 13 600 106 625 097 650 086 675 070 710 050 740 0 28 775 000 810 — — ESP Power In Wans 106 460 100 480 090 500 076 525 060 550 040 575 012 600 — — _ _ — —_ _ — — Model High Speed SPHE-B501 B503 Med Speed Low Speed High Speed SPHE-B504 Med Speed Low Speed Airflow cfm (3) 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 2000 2100 2200 2400 2500 ESP Power (in ) Warts 1 42 710 1 37 740 1 30 775 1 23 810 1 14 B45 1 03 880 092 915 080 950 066 985 051 1020 0 18 V J 001 1UO ESP Power (in ) Wats 1 28 640 •i 21 665 1 12 690 1 01 715 088 740 0 72 770 054 800 034 830 0 12 860 _ _ _ _ — — ESP Power (m } Wans 1 13 600 1 05 620 094 640 082 665 067 690 047 715 026 740 000 765 _ _ — _ _ __ _ __ ESP Power On ) Wans 150 730 143 765 1 35 800 1 29 835 1 21 870 1 12 905 102 940 0 92 975 080 1010 066 1045 031 1120 006 1160 ESP Power (in ) Watts 132 660 1 23 690 1 14 720 105 750 0 93 780 080 610 065 840 0 49 870 028 900 000 930 _ — — — ESP Power (rn ) Watts 1 17 610 108 640 098 670 0 87 695 071 725 051 755 027 785 000 810 _ _ _ _ _ _ - — Notes 1 Factory-made connections are medium speed 230 or 460 volts Reconnect indoor fan motor wiring for 200 volts and/or other speeds. 2 Weter carryover limit is 2100 cfm for SPHE-B35, 2600 cfm for SPHE-B40 Limit is at worst condition of 100% o A 70% R H 3 Wet coil, two 1x 16 x 25 Tt5 throwaway filters Electrical Characteristics Unrt Modal SPHE-B351 SPHE-B3S3 SPHE-B354 SPHE-8401 SPHE-B403 SPHE-B404 SPHE-B501 SPHE-0503 SPHE-B504 Modal SPHE-B351 SPHE-B353 SPHE-B354 SPHE-B401 SPHE-B403 SPHE-B404 SPHE-B501 k— SPHE-B503 SPHE-B504 Electrical Characteristics 230*0/1 200-23QB03' 460*03 230*0/1 200-230*0/3' 460*0/3 230*0/1 200-230/60/3' 460*0/3 Indoor Fan Hp Voltage V» 230/60/1 Vi 200-230/60/T '/r 460/60/1 »/4 230/60/1 »/4 200-23Q/60n* */4 460/60/1 */4 230*0/1 J/4 200-230/60/T »/4 460/60/1 Allowibte Voltage Range 207-263 106-253- 414-606 207-253" 180-253- 414-506 207-253" 180-253- 414-506 Motor FLA 30 34 20 47 65 25 44 55 25 ClimatufT" Comprasaor MCA 330 240 120 370 300 140 440 320 150 MOP SO 35 15 60 45 20 70 50 20 Voltage 230*0/1 200-230/60/3 230*0/1 200-230*0/3 460*0/3 230*0/7 200-230/603 Kw 434 434 434 601 501 SOI 667 567 567 RLA 200 143 64 240 162 60 270 195 85 LftA VS 100 47 143 117 51 146 125 51 Outdoor Fan Motor LRA — I 83 83 43 Hp (2) V4 C2P/4 (2) V« (2) '/4 (2) V4 (2) '/4 (2) V4 (2) ','4 Voltage 230/60/1 200-230*0/1 460/60/1 230*0/1 200-230*0/1 460*0/1 230/60/1 200-230*0/1 460/60/1 FLA 1 2 tea) 1 2 (ea) 06 lea) 1 2 («at 1 2 tea) 06(ea) 1.2 (ea) 1 2 (ea) 0 6 (ea) LRA 3 2 (ea) 3 2 (aa) 1 7 lea] 3 2 {ea) 3 2 (ea) 17(08) 3 5 (oo) 3 5 (ee) 1 9 (ea) 'Snipe wired for 230 volt operation 200 volt operation requires indoor fart motor rewiring at the terminal block. "196 to 206 volt operation limits maximum cooling ambient to 105 f wrthindoor airflow between 400 and450cfm per ton 187 to 195 volt operation limits maximum cooling ambient to 100 F and maximum heating ambient to 65 F, with indoor airflow between 400 and 450 cfm per ton Notes 1 MCA is Minimum Circuit Ampacity 2 MOP is Maximum Overcurrem ProtecDon and is alao the receommand*d ovarcurrent protection 3 Electrical data calculated in accordance with NEC -Roof Mounting Curb The roofcurb is designed to mate with the unit and provide support and complete weathertight installation when property installed Curb ships knocked down for field assembly, and includes factory-installed wood nailer strips Adhesive back pofy- urethane sealing strips are provided to ensure an airtight seal between supply and return openings of the curb and unit The roofcurb design allows field fabricated ductwork or accessory concentric supply/return ductwork to be connected directly to the curb Curb design complies with NRCA requirements •Downflow Duct Hood The duct hood is designed to mate with the unit and curb to provide a weatherttght installation when prop- erly installed Completely factory as- sembled and lined with one inch glass fiber insulation, with baked — enamel finish to match unit Duct hood includes filter racks, gaskettng, and provision for installation of out- side air damper kits Downflow Duct Hood With Fac- tory Installed Economizer Duct hood includes factory installed 0-100% outside air/return air damper, actuator motor and controls En- thalpy-controlled economizer is oper- ated through the room thermostat to automatically use outdoor air for free Accessories cooling when outdoor air tem- perature and humidity are at accept- able levels Modulating damper - maintains proper discharge air tem- perature into the conditioned space Adjustable minimum position control is standard Upon Indoor fan shut- down, damper is driven to the mini- mum position Polarized plug pro- vides connection to unit high and low voltage wiring Economizer ram hood with screen is shipped inside the duct hood discharge opening for field in- stallation Barometric relief is a sepa- rate accessory Permanent filters included Barometric Relief Damper Will provide for up to 75% pressure relief when used in conjunction with the economizer Damper, screen and ram hood are field installed on the duct hood with the economizer Manual Outside Air Dampers Manually-set outside air dampers will provide a fixed outside air quantity from 0 to 25% of total supply air flow Damper, screen and rain hood are — field installed on the duct hood Motorized Outside Air Dampers Motorized damper assembly pro- vides up to 25% outside air on demand from afield installed control Polarized plug provides connection to unit high and low voltage wiring Motorized damper, screen and ram hood are field installed on the duct hood Concentric Supply/Return Duct And Dlffuser Ductwork mates with unit roof curb supply/return openings and concen- tric diffuser to provide supply and return through a single roof opening Ductwork is constructed of 1 inch rigid insulation board, which may be cut to desired length Diffuser at- taches directly to ductwork, Electric Supplemental Heater Heater module mounts in unit dis- charge air passage Each heater as- sembly includes automatically re- setting heat limit switches for thermal protection A polarized plug provides connection to unit low voltage con- trol wiring Iransrtion Duct Converts unit side-by-side supply/ return air to over-and-under config- uration Attaches directly to unit • Indoor Thermostat Two stage heating, one stage cooling thermostat is available in either manual or automatic changeover Thermostat provides automatic or continuous fan operation and in- cludes outdoor thermister, emer- gency heat switch with indicator light, and auxiliary heat indicator light o MCTHNOMLT H MCTNOn General AM units are factory assembled, piped, internally wired and fully charged with R-22 Units are UL listed and carry a UL label All units are fac- tory run-tested to check cooling and heating operation, defrost operation, fan and blower rotation and control sequence Units are designed to operate at ambient temperatures be- tween 115 F and 20 F in cooling mode and between 75 F and -20 F in heat- ing mode Cooling and heating per- formance are rated in accordance with ARI standards Units are de- signed for either rooftop or ground level installation Unit Casing Alt components are mounted in a weather-resistant steel cabinet with a baked-on ename! finish Access panels are provide-1 for unit controls and compresso .nduor coil and supply air fan, »d outdoor coil and fans Indoor at , tion and com- pressor compart \ - ^ it are completely insulated with firep'oof, permanent, odorless glass fiber material Knock- outs are provided for utility and con- trol connections Dram connections are provided to accommodate indoor and outdoor coil water runoff Mechanical Specifications Compressor Hermetically seated, high efficiency ClimatufP" compressor designed for heat pump duty Internal line break over current and over temperature protection, high and low pressure protection, and crankcase heaters are standard Refrigerant Circuit All units have thermostatic expan- sion valve refrigerant control for both heating and cooling operation Ser- vice pressure tap ports, check valves, solenoid operated reversing valve, and refrigerant line filter/driers are standard Indoor And Outdoor Coil Indoor and outdoor coils are con- structed of aluminum plate fins me- chanically bonded to 3/» inch seam- less copper tubing Outdoor Fan Two direct drive, statically and dy- namically balanced 16 inch propeller fans are used m a draw-through verti- cal discharge configuration Per- manently lubricated weatherproof motors have built-m thermal over- load protection Outdoor thermostat cycles one fan off for low ambient cooling Indoor Fan Forward curved, centrifugal type fan and three-speed, direct drive motor Motor is permanently lubricated and has built-in overload protection Defrost Control Time initiated, temperature termi- nated defrost system with choice of 45 or 90 minute cycle Timedovernde limits defrost cycle to 10 minutes c o EFFECTIVE DATE 5/74 FORM AP-30 ENVIRONMtNTiL ENVIRONMENTAL AIR PRODUCTS INC.T ~< -i i ~ '" •' " '- * '; > TUCSON, ARIZONA 85719 "L , JOB : Carlsbad Administration Bldg. ARCHITECT MECHANICAL ENGINEER CONTRACTOR • San Marcos Sheet Metal LOCATION C/3-omn Tl O>H O m H IVIODELTDa-OB P E R FO R ATE D CEILING DIF FU S E R '£?'$&, aor4,WAY DEFLECTION; h 1 ?A ^ f" B i^lSfa.^.. SEE PERFORATED DETAIL \ K HI/ \ OB ACTUATOR \ x asj , ^^^.v^^Ss A*^s SQUARE RECTANGULAR - <\S <\ 1/2' X. DUCT SIZE MINUS 1/B ' SPECIFY DEFLECTION ON ORDERS 101 - 1 WAY DEFLECTION 1O3 - 2 WAY DEFLECTION103 - 3 WAY DEFLECTION 104 -4 WAY DEFLECTION AIR PATTERN DEVICE NOT SHOWN -' [—17/32 \ 102LL 102LRJ FACE RETENTION SPRING 7/32 SECTION B-B 1/4' 1/8 7/16) PERFORATED FACE DRAWING NO 1030 mates mstaHatfoii^simple. Standard FinisK--^Whrte>Perrorat®rf1RetuHiAR'Grilles EFFECTIVE DATE 5/74 FORM AP-38 ENVIRONMENTAL ENVIRONMENTAL ; ARIZONA^?! 9 Vs ' JOB ' Carlsbad Administration Bldg. ! •. f ~ ARCHITECT 1 *"< { - MECHANICAL ENGINEER f '* CONTRACTOR : San Marcos Sheet Metal ; ., • LOCATION m' ' • IV10OEL 19 0-0 B - TEE-BAR f SERIES 190 - PERFORATED RETURN AIR - FRAME-'3! 2'"-1- 22 x 22f -NECK SIZE I- DUCT SIZE MINUS 1/8"- ( *^f ^i--i i' SEE PERFORATED DETAIL | ^/ B IW, OB ACTUATOR \ 5faPz £ UJN _JUlZ n. 1 B 1/2" -H- 17/3 13/32" 3/16" DIA HOLES , 7/32" 7/161 PERFORATED DETAIL FACE RETENTION SPRING —| j*-17/32" 7/8" 1-1/2" SECTION A-A SECTION B-B DRAWING NO 1038 "• 1 , x^ *- -'( ^^ -; j*.* ~p.i-S^ »". -j**J "__ \ ' --* v * *" , ''j ^ l "" C >a ._ _-is designed for Tee-Bar Ceilings andfhasJConcealedtHingeslfPer-" forated panels are interchangeable on supply and return mpdejs Standard f:"nisht V" J^ ''"^ * „ „.„ , 3 ^— White Opposea Blade Damperr {OB)ldistnbutesjif"evehly"ovVa"*!"Miffi^"-"J^r?t^^'^"^ ^-^^^"•.-'face. Damper is!ever^operated.s» SUBMITTAL DATA ^J SAN DIEGO AIR BALANCE CO., INC. 478 W. VERMONT AVE-, STE. #203, ESCONDIDO, CA 92025 • PHONE (619) 741-5401 (213) 863-3433 DATE FEB. 13, 1985 JOB NAME/ CARLSBAD ADMINISTRATION BLDG LOCATION: CARLSBAD, CA CONTRACTOR:SAN MARCOS SHEET METAL 410 CRIBBAGE LANE SAN MARCOS, CA 92069 ENGINEER: SHELTON DANIELS WORK TO BE PERFORMED:TEST AMI BALANCE AIR CONDITIONING SYSTEMS PER PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS. AIR BALANCE •DAB 1Z/84 878-1 Airjjfadance (douncil ANNUAL CERTIFICATE Don Eilmes Sun Vieqc ^r Balance GP., Jne. <Jfa/reco&H#fi0n/ s^^At^ - /MM /tvuefa /rwudaJuwd/, /and /#&4<*>H0e> J&wuil&r^ AABC samt sx& /a, ,<me#H4vr sC&jJfetfawcudMM^ 1984 $2- 04- 46 , Jvwfo /Mwww/vw^stffo Executive, Sheet Metal and Air Conditioning Industry Irwraii VUanaaemtnt Institute of on behalf of the National Energy Management Institute which is sponsored by the Sheet Metal Workers' International Association, AFL-CIO and the Sheet Metal & Air Conditioning Contractors' National Association and their jointly supported National Training Fund, Hereby Certifies That San ^DiegoAir ^IBafknce Co.. Inc. on this 3/yr day nf OcW&er, has satisfactorily completed a course of study and training and meets the Industry's standards to be qualified for the forthcoming year as an EMI-CA fEnergy 'Management Services Cmtract0i~^ Certificate No. OCA-«203 fxecul/vtt DlfoCtot Slate tnorgY M*tmQ*tn»t\l tntlltafon National Energy Umn»gem*nt Institute o w PQ S AIR BALANCE PROCEDURES SAN DIEGO AIR BALANCE CO., INC. 476 W. VERMONT AVE., STE. #203, ESCONDIDO, CA 92025 • PHONE (619) 741-5401 (213) 863-3433 AIR TESTING AND BALANCING PROCEDURES San Diego Air Balance Co., Inc. will perform the following tests in addition to tests outlined in the job specifications: 1. Test and adjust blower RPM to design requirements. 2. Test and record motor full-load amperes. 3. Take pi tot-tube traverse of main supply ducts and obtain design CFM at fans. 4. Test and record system static pressures, suction and discharge. 5. Test and adjust system for design CEM recirculated air. 6. Test and adjust system for design CEM outside air. 7. Test and record entering air temperatures - D.B. heating and cooling coils. 8. Test and record entering air temperatures - W.B. cooling coils. 9. Test and record leaving air temperatures - D.B. heating and cooling coils. 10. Test and record leaving air temperatures - W.B. cooling coils. 11. Adjust all main supply and return air ducts to proper design CFM. 12. Adjust all zones to proper design CFM, supply, return and exhaust. 13. Test and adjust each variable air volume box, diffuser, grille and register to within 10% of design requirements. 14. Adjust all diffusers, grilles and registers to minimize drafts in all areas. 15. Readings and tests of diffusers, grilles and registers shall include required FPM velocity and test resultant velocity, required CFM and test resultant CEM after adjustments. 16. Record inlet static pressure of each variable air volume box. 17. Identify each variable air volume box, diffuser, grille and register as to location and area. 18. Identify and list the size, type and manufacture of variable air volume boxes, diffusers, grilles, registers and all tested equipment. Use manufacturer's ratings on all equipment to make required calculations. Suttiut manufacturer's multiplier (K-factor) for devices installed. over AIR TESTING/BALANCING PROCEDURES CONT'D " * -^ GENERAL AIR BALANCING PROCEDURES (SUPPLY FANS) 1. Set fan RPM to provide design total CTM within acceptable limits or required static pressure to operate the system. 2. Fan speed shall not exceed manufactures maximum allowable RPM. 3. Fan RPM shall not overload motor in any mode of operation. Amperes shall be measured in cooling, heating, and economizer modes. 4. When conditions permit, static pressure shall be taken as follows: a) Static pressure leaving fan shall be taken as far downstream as practical, but upstream of any restrictions in the duct. b) Static pressure entering a single inlet fan shall be measured in the inlet duct upstream of any flexible connection and downstream of any duct restrictions. c) Static pressure entering a double inlet fan shall be measured through the wall of the plenum which houses the fan. 5. Manual balancing dampers in return, outside, and/or relief air connections shall be restricted as necessary so the system supplies and returns essentially the same CFM in any mode of operation. 6. San Diego Air Balance Co., Inc. shall set the minimum outside air quantity to the required value, if airflow quantity cannot be properly measured, the tanperature method, as specified in the AABC National Standards, 1982, shall be used. (] REPORTED DATA V J San Diego Air Balance Co., Inc. will report on each air handling system using the following outline: EQUIPMENT Installation Data: -Mf g. /Model/Size -Arrangement & Discharge -Motor H.P., Voltage, Phase and Full-load AMPS. -Location & Local - Design Data: As listed in schedules on drawings and specs. Fan Recorded Test Data: -CFM, Static Pressure, RPM -Motor Cper. AMPS/BHP DUCT SYSTEMS Duct Air Quantities (Max & Min) -Size(s) -Number of Pitot-tube (Press.) Measurements -Velocity Measurements (Excluding Press. Meas.) -Avg. Velocity -Recorded (Test) CFM/Design CFM Individual Air Terminals: -Terminal Identification -**. -Type, Size, Mfg. & Cat. Identification -Design/Recorded Quantities - CFM -Deflector Vane or Diffusion Cone Settings End 12/ft 4 ENGINEERING DATA FOR Job Name CARLSBAD CITY HALL Architect. Engineer. Contractor. San Marcos Sheet Metal SUBMITTED BY HONEYWELL INC. 7837 Convoy Court San Diego, California 92111 For information regarding this job contact Larry Navran Refer to job number 964-85004 Honeywell Together, we can find the answers. 81-3353-127 Rev 11/83 Honeywell Comfort Control Systems GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS FOR PNEUMATIC TEMPERATURE CONTROLS Specification Data Subject TABLE OF CONTENTS THERMOSTATS AND HUMIDISTATS HP970A, B Pneumatic Humidistats LP9I6 Unit Mounted Return An Thermostat TP938 Submaster Room Thermostat TP940A, B Pneumatic Subnuster Unit Thermostats TP970-973'Pneumatic Thermostats - TP975 Difluser Thermostat TP978 Dual Pneumatic Thermostat TP979 Dual Zero Energy Band Thermostat TEMPERATURE CONTROLLERS LP906 Insertion Safety Grad U-Stat Controller LP907 Pneumatic Air-Stream Insertion Thermostat LP9 10 Air-Stream Averaging Thermostat LP91 I Liquid Filled Insertion Thcimostat LP920 Remote Bulb Temperature Controller PRESSURE CONTROLLERS PP904 Static Pressure Regulator and Velocity Pressure Tiansmitter SENSORS AND CONTROLLERS HP971 Pneumatic Humidity Sensor HP973 Pneumatic Enthalpy Controller LP914 Pneumatic Temperature Sensor "LP915 Pneumatic Temperature Sensor PP905 Static or Velocity Pressure Sensor RP908 Pneumatic Controller "* RP914 Pneumatic Controller RP7509 Electronic-Pneumatic Temperature Controller TP925 Air-Light Trofter and Dewpomt Sensor TP974 Room Temperature Sensor WPS 1 Optimum Start Programmer RELAYS AND SWITCHES P457 Aquastat 1'ressuretrol Switch P638 Dual Pneumatic-Electric Switch P643 Pressuretrol Controller iP658 Pneumatic-Electric Switch ' RP418f RP818 Electric-Pneumatic Relay ' RP470"Pneumatic Relay RP471 Pneumatic Snap Acting Relay RP670 Pneumatic Switching Relay RP913 Optimatic Load Analyzer RP970 Capacity and Lower of Two Pressures Relay RP97I Pneumatic Ratio Relay Page Rev 5-82 Copyright © 1984 Honeywell Inc 9 9 9 9 10 10 77-9815 ummercial Bldg Group MLFTAB II C 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS (Continued). Subject RELAYS AND SWITCHES (Continued) RP972 Pneumatic Reversing Relay RP973 Pneumatic Averaging Relay RP975 Pneumatic Hesitation SP470 Pneumatic Switch SP955 Electric-Heat Step Controller SP970 Manual and Minimum Position Pressure Regulator ACTUATORS MP516A Unit Ventilator Motor MP5 16B, C Pneumatic Operators 'MP909 Pneumatic Damper Operator 7- MP913 Pneumatic Damper Operator \ MP918 Pneumatic Damper Operator " "MP953 Pneumatic Valve Operator f VALVES VPS 11 Pneumatic Bus Valve VPS 12 Unit Ventilator Valve VP513A Normally Opened Two-Way Water Valve VP513B Normally Closed Two-Way Water Valve VPS 14, VP5 16 Pneumatic Valve Assemblies VPS17, Three-Way Water Valve VP522 Sequencing Water Valve VP525 Pneumatic Two-Way Radiator Valve VP526 Pneumatic Three-Way Water Valve VP527 Pneumatic Two-Way Water Valve VP53 1 Pneumatic Two-Way Water Valve DAMPERS D640, D641 Moduflow Dampers ,7 D642, D643 Moduflow Dampers D644, D645 Moduflow Dampers AIR COMPRESSORS AND AUXILIARY EQUIPMENT HKN8010B Refrigeration Dryer for Compressed Air PP901 PRV and PP902 PRV Station with Submicron Filter VF519 Two-Position, Three-Way Air Valve WP231 Air Compressor WP241 Dual Air Compressor WP260 Oil-Less Air Compressor AIR FLOW CONTROL CP980 Velocitrot Velocity Controller CP981 Velocitrol Velocity Controller CP982 Velocitrol Velocity Controller PP905 Static or Velocity Pressure Sensor MISCELLANEOUS ACCESSORIES Duct Sampling Clumber Pneumatic Gages ' Universal Cabinet Assemblies \ S659 Timers W655 Dial Thermometers WP51 Optimum Start Programmer Page 10 10 11 11 II 11 12 12 12 13 13 13 13 14 14 14 15 15 15 16 16 16 16 17 17 17 17 18 18 18 19 19 o 20 20 20 see SENSORS AND CONTROLLERS 20 21 21 21 21 see SENSORS AND CONTROLLERS o o 77-9815 HP970 SERIES PNEUMATIC HUMIDISTATS & SENSOR Two-pipe proportioning humidistats used to control valves in humidifying and dehumid- ifying equipment in air conditioning systems A variety of (.overs and finishes available SETPO1NT INCREMENTS 5% TEMPERATURE LIMITS 45 to 125 F (7 to 52 C) MAXIMUM SAFE AIR PRESSURE 25 psi (172 kPa) SUPPLY AIR PRESSURE 18 psi (124 kPa) nominal MODELS HP970A Direct-acting (BLP increases with an rh increase) 15 to 75% rh HP970I3 Reverse-acting (BLP decreases wilh an rh increase) 15 to 75% rh or 65 to95%rh HP971A Direct-acting (BLP increases with Sensor an increase in percent rh) 15 to 75% rh, 65 to 95% rh. or 15 to 85% rh HP972B Reverse-acting (BLP decreases with an rh increase) 15 lo 759ft rh, wide throttling range LP916A-C UNIT MOUNTED RETURN AIR THERMOSTAT Unit mounted, two-pipe temperature control- ler for proportional control of induction units, fan coil units and unit ventilators MODELS LP916A Direct-acting, single temp May be changed to reverse-acting in field LP916B Reverse-acting (summer), direct- acting (winter) LP9I6C Reverse-acting, single temp May be changed to direct-acting in field SENSING RANGE 40 to 80 F (4 to 27 C), 55 (o 95 T (13 to 35 C), 60 to 80 E (16 to 27 C), 65to85F(18to30C) ELEMENT Liquid - bulb with Capillary MAXIMUM SAFE AIR PRESSURE 25 psi (172kPa) MAXIMUM SAFE TEMPERATURE Duct mounted 190 E(88 C), others 135 F (57 C) TP938A, BSUBMASTER ROOM THERMOSTAT For proportional control of pneumatic valves and damper operators in heating and air con- ditioning systems, particularly applicable lo control systems designed to conserve heating and cooling energy Integral setpomt adjust- ment MODELS TP938A Direct-acting (BLP increases on temperature rise) TP938B Reverse-acting (BLP decreases on temperature rise) SETPOINT RANGE 60 to 85 F (16 to 30 C) THROTTLING RANGE 2 to 10 F (1 to 6 C) MAXIMUM SAFE AIR PRESSURE 25 psi (172 kPa) MAXIMUM SAFE TEMPERATURE 150F (66 C) SUBMASTER SET UP RANGE Fixed at 9 or 25 F (5 or 14 C), when line pressure increases from 3 to 13 psi (21 to 90kPa) TP940A, B PNEUMATIC SUBMASTER UNIT THERMOSTAT Provide proportional control of pneumatic valve and damper actuators in heating and air conditioning systems, primarily induction units, fan coil units, and unit ventilators, for individual room temperature control Control point can be automatically changed at the command of a master controller Liquid-filled bulb thermal element MODELS TP940A Direct-acting (BLP increases on temperature rise) TP940B Reverse-acting (BLP decreases on temperature rise) SETPOINTRANGE 60 to 80 F(16 to 27 C) NORMAL MAINLINE PRESSURE 20 psi (138 kPa) THROTTLING RANGE 55F(3C)fixed SUBMASTER SET UP RANGE Fixed at 9 F (5 C), when Submaster line pressure increases from 3 to 13 psi (21 to 90 kPa) MAXIMUM SAFE AIR PRESSURE 25 psi (172kPa) MAXIMUM SAFE TEMPERATURE 150F (66 C) 77-9815 TP970 SERIES THERMOSTATS These thermostats include single temperature, dual temperature, heating-cooling, and room temperature sensors to meet every need in wall- mounted thermostats and all have inte- gral thermometers A variety of covers and finishes is available MAXIMUM SAFE AIR PRESSURE 25 psi (172 kPa) BRANCH LINE INDICATION Self-sealing gage tap aLLessible from front under sm's cover (except TP973) MAXIMUM SAFE TEMPERA! URE 150 F (66 C)o Model TP970A TP970B TP970A* TP970B* TP970C TP970D TP971A TP971B TP972A TP972A* TP972A* TP973A TP973B Sel point 60-90 F 40-70 F 15-30C 60-90 F 15-30F 60-90 F DAY 60-90 f 15-30 C NITE 50-75 T 10-24C 60-90 r, 16-32 C Heat 55-75 T (13-22C) Cool 60-90 F (16-32C) Heat 60-72 r (16-22C) Cool 78-90 F (24-32 C) 60-90 F (15-30 C) Action DA RA RA DA RA DA RA DA (Heat)/ RA (Cool) DA (Heat)/ RA (Cool) DA or DA (Heat)/ RA (Cool) DA RA Throttling Range 2-10F (1-5 C) (1-5 C) 5-20 F (3-1 1C) 2-lOF (1-5C) Spctial Fealures High Capacity, Single Temperature Stlpoint Limited to Maximum 75 F (24C) Setpoint Limited to Minimum 75 F (24 C) Zero Energy Band, Single Setpoint DAY-NITE, Two-Temperature Summer/ Winter, Two-Temperature, Single Setpoint Summer/Winter, Two-Temperature, Dual Setpomts Summer/ Winter, Two-Temperature, Limited Control Range Low Capacity, Single Temperature O "Special Energy Conservation Models TP975A&BDIFFUSER THERMOSTAT Used for proportional control of pneumatic valves and mixing boxes m heating or air con- ditioning systems Use this slat for one-pipe installation Mounting is m one end of a slot or light troffcr diffuser, or in reiurn air grilles A model is direct acting, B model reverse acting SETPOINT RANGE 67 to 83 F(20 to 28 C) NORMAL MAIN LINE PRESSURE 18 psi (124kPa) THROTTLING RANGE Adjustable 2 to 10 F (1 to 6C) marks on sliding indicator MAXIMUM SAFE AIR PRESSURE 150 F (66 C) AIR CONSUMPTION Oil SCFM (311 SCCM) O 77-9815 TP978 DUAL PNEUMATIC THERMOSTAT The TP978 is a pneumatic, proportional ther- mostat used to control valves and damper operators m HVAC systems It provides two energy conserving teatures, an adjustable zero energy band between the heating and cooling cycles, and a set point limiting adjustment STEPOINT RANGE Heating 60to 75 F(16to 24 C) Cooling 75 to 90 F (24 to 12 C) THROTTLING RANGE Adjustable from 2 to 10F(1 to5C) MAXIMUM SAFE AIR PRESSURE 30 psi {207 kPa) MODELS TP978A Direct-act ing, heating, di red- acting, cooling TP978B Reverse-acting, heating, direct- acting, cooling TP978C Direct-acting, heating, reverse- acting, cooling TP978D Reverse-acting, heating, reverse- acting, cooling TP979 DUAL ZERO ENERGY BAND PNEUMATIC THERMOSTAT The TP979A-E are dual, Iv/o-lemperature, two-pipe, proportioning pneumatic thermos- tats TP979 thermostat provides independent setpomts and control for heating and cooling This enables Zero Energy Band operation without selected actuator springs or ratio relays TEMPERATURE RANGE Day operation 60 to 90 F (15 to 30 C), night operation withsetdown 50 to 75 F{10 to 24 Q, night operation with setup 75 to 100 F (24 to 36 C) THROTTLING RANGE Adjustable irom 2 to 10F(1 to 5 C), factory set to 4 F (2 C) MAXIMUM SAFE AIR PRESSURE 24 psi (172kPa) Mudd TP979A 1P979U TP979C 1 P979U TP979P Healing /l\/2^ O\ RA DA /\ DA/night setback RA/nik,hl sdhaLk tooling DA KA R<\ D^'ni^ht setup RA/mght setup LP906A INSERTION SAFETY GRAD-U-STAT CONTROLLER This controller senses temperature below the critical point and may be used to close pneumatically-operated outdoor air dampers or to open pneumatically operated valves It is a two-pipe, nonbleed controller with single or multiple element Guards against freezing ol heating or cooling coils Direct or reverse act- ing, field adjustable SETPOINT RANGE 35 to 65 F (2 to 18 C), factory set at 50F(10C) MAXIMUM SAFE AIR PRESSURE 20 psi (138 kPa) MAXIMUM SAFE TEMPERATURE 200 F (93 C) LP907A PNEUMATIC AIR- STREAM INSERTION THERMOSTAT Direct-acting, one-pipe, bleed-type controller commonly used as discharge controller in unit ventilator applications Provides for "sub- master action" control of valves and damper operators Gage tee and tank valve facilitate checking line pressure Invar rod and seamless brass tube insertion-type sensing element TEMPERATURE LIMITS 20 to 250 F (-7 to 121 C) RANGE 40 to90 F(4to 32C) and90to 140F (32 to 60 C) MAXIMUM SAFE AIR PRESSURE 20 psi (138kPa) 77-9815 LP910AAIRSTREAM AVERAGING THERMOSTAT Direct-acting, one-pipe, bleed-type controller used as a discharge controller in unit ventilator application SETPOINT RANGE (Nominal) 40 to 250 F (4tol21C) ADJUSTABLE THROTTLING RANGE 10 to 70 F (-12 to 21 C) Liquid-filled 7 5 ft (2 3 m) averaging sensor with 3 ft (1 m) armored capillary MAXIMUM SAFE AIR PRESSURE 25 psi (172kPa) MAXIMUM SAFE TEMPERATURE 265 F (130 C) o LP911A LIQUID-FILLED INSERTION THERMOSTAT Direct-acting, one-pipe, remote bulb type used in air or water systems Averaging ele- ment type also available Used as discharge controller in cenlral fan systems REMOTE BULB RANGE 40to 140F(4to60 Q, 130 to 230 F (54 to 110 C), 0 to 60 C (32 to!40F) ADIUSTABLE THROTTLING RANGE 10 to"70 F (-12 to 21 C) Liquid-filled, flex averaging sensor with armored capillary MAXIMUM SAFE AIR PRESSURE 25 psi (112 kPa) MAXIMUM SAFE TEMPERATURE 250 F (121 C) OLP920 REMOTE BULB TEMPERATURE CONTROLLER Direct- or reverse-acting, single temperature, pneumatic controller With a high capacity valve unit, it proportionally controls pneumatic dampers and valves which regulate air and water temperatures Features hand moveable setpomt and throttling range adjust- ments with Fahrenheit and Celsius scales for both Bold type raised numeric scales are highly visible in even poorly lit equipment rooms Contains easily replaceable filter cartridge MODELS LP920A Direct Acting LP920B Reverse Acting SETPOINT RANGE 35 to 150F (2 to 66C) THROTTLING RANGE 5 to 25 F (3 to 15 C) Factory set aMOF (6 C) Liquid-filled elements with 5 ft (1 5 m) element and 8 ft (2 4 m) averaging capillary also available MAXIMUM SAFE AIR PRESSURE 30 psi (210 kPa) MAXIMUM SAFE TEMPERATURE 230 F (iioc) SUPPLY AIR PRESSURE (Nominal) 18 psi (124 kPa) BRANCH LINE PRESSURE OUTPUT 3 to 13 psi (21 to 90 kPa) PP904A & B STATIC PRESSURE REGULATOR AND VELOCITY PRESSURE TRANSMITTER MODELS PP904A Two-pipe, valve unit type PP904B One-pipe, bleed type transmitter "B" Model available for adjustable span velocity pressure transmitter RANGE Adjustable 0 01 to 8 in water col- umn (0 0025 lo 2 0 kPa) THROTTLING RANGE Adjustable, 0 02to 05 m water column (0005 to 0 012 kPa) NORMAL AIR SUPPLY 18 psi (124kPa) MAXIMUM SAFE A1K PRESSURE 25 psi (172 kPa) SAFE STATIC PRESSURE 28 in \vater col- umn (6 96 kPa) AMBIENT TEMPERATURE LIMITS 4(Ho 120 F (4(0 49 C)O 77-9815 HP973A PNEUMATIC ENTHALPY CONTROLLER Helps optimize energy conservation and minimize operating costs in central air condi- tioning systems With LP914 and HP971A sensors, it measures the :oial heal content (enthalpy) by combining the temperaiure and relative humidity of outdoor and return air Then it inmates damper operation to utili/e the air source which puts the least strain on the cooling system Provides for dry bulb cutoff option SAFE AIR PRESSURE 25 psi (172 kPa) REQUIRED ACCESSORIES Temperature Sensors (2) LP9144A -40 to 160 F (-40 to 70 Q, Humidity Sensors (2) HP97IA -15 to 85% rh, Honeywell No 14002914-002 0007m (0 2 mm) restrictions (4) ENTHALPY RANGE Return Air 19to40Btu/lb Temperature 65 to 85 F (18 to 29 C) dry bulb limits Relative Humidity 20 to 75% Outdoor Air 8 to 50 Btu/lb Temperature 32 to 110 F (0 to 43 C) dry bulb limits Relative Humidity 15 to 85% AIR CONSUMPTION 0 02 SCFM (566 SCCM) nominal SUPPLY AIR PRESSURE 18 psi (124 kPa) maximum LP914A PNEUMATIC TEMPERATURE SENSOR Direct-acting, proportional type sensor used with RP908 Controller for controlling pneumalic valves, damper operators in fan room applications Duct, wall, or through- the-wall mounting ELEMENT Rod and tube, 6m (152mm)and 15 in (381 mm) lengths for water and air Separate immersion wells w/heat conduc- tive compound SENSING RANGE (Nonadjustable) -40 to 160F(-40to71C),40to240r(4toll6C), -20 to 80 F (-2910 27 C), 25 to 125 F (-4 to 52 C) MAXIMUM SAFE TEMPERATURE AT ELEMENT 265 F (130 C) SUPPLY AIR PRESSURE 18 psi (124 kPa) MAXIMUM SAFE AIR PRESSURE 25 psi (!72kPa) PRESSURE OUTPUT 3 to 15 psi (21 to 103 kPa) LP915A PNEUMATIC TEMPERATURE SENSORS Direct-aamg, proportional type sensor used with RP908 Controller for controlling pneumatic valves and damper operators in fan room applications For duct mounting SENSING RANGE (!Non adjust able) 0 to 200 F (-18 10 93 C) 8 75 ft (27 in) or 20 ft (6 m) liquid-filled averaging element MAXIMUM SAFE TEMPERATURE AT ELEMENT 225F(107C) SUPPLY AIR PRESSURE 18 psi (124 kPa) MAXIMUM SAFE AIR PRESSURE 25 psi (172kPa) PRESSURE OUTPUT 3 to 15 psi (21 to 103 kPa) PP905B STATIC OR VELOCITY PRESSURE SENSOR One-pipe proportional pressure sensor with fixed 2 in (51 mm) span used with RP908 Controller to control static or differential pressure in central tan installations Ma\ be used with calibrated gage ior continuous pres- sure indication Direct- or reverse-acting CONTROL RANGE 0 to 7 in water column (0 to 1 74 kl\i) (positive, negative or dit- fcrential) MAXIMUM SAFE AIR PRESSURE 25 psi (172kPa) SAFE STATIC PRESSURE 28 in water col- umn (696 kPa) AIR CONSUMPTION 0019 SCFM (53K SCCM) AMBIENT TEMPERATURE LIMIT 40 lo 125 F (4 to 52 C) 77-9815 RP908A & B PNEUMATIC CONTROLLER Used v,uh remote sensors to provide propor- tional control ol air condihonmg systems CPA models use an additional compensating sign.il to change seipomi of Lonlrollcr Depending on suisor, controller-sensor com- binahon maybe used for com rolling tcmpcia- lurc humidity pressure or dew point Corrosion resistant construction for high humidity or sail air atmosphere installation MODELS RP908A Single-input with or without remote CPA RP908B Dual-input with or without remote CPA SUPPLY AIR PRESSURE 18 psi (124 kPa) nominal MAXIMUM SAFE PRESSURE 25 psi (172 kPa) AMBIENT TEMPERATURE LIMITS 40to 120F(4to49C) O RP914C PNEUMATIC CONTROLLER Works in conjunction with remote sensors to provide proportional-integral (PI) control of air conditioning systems The RP914C is a force balance controller with nonbleed ampli- fier, modular diaphragm capsules used for sensor input and remote control point adjust- ment Model with or without CPA OUTPUT ^ to 13 psi (21 to90 kPa) over field- adjustable proportional band, for direct or reverse action MAXIMUM SAFE AIR PRESSURE 30 psi (207 kPa) AMBIENT TEMPERATURE LIMITS 40 to I20F(4to49C) RESETTIML" Field adjustable from 0 Ito20 minutes RP7509A & B ELECTRONIC- PNEUMATIC TEMPERATURE CONTROLLERS Combine electronic temperature sensing and pneumatic actual ion of valves and dampers in temperature control systems Designed for use with Halco type sensors with nominal resist- ance of 500 ohms at 74 F (23 C) Pneumatic output varies with temperature changes at sen- sor Director reverse acting Integral insertion sensor supplied with RP7509B models SUPPLYVOLTAGE 120V ac, 60H?,0 05A, 50H7.025A OUTPUT 3 to I3psi(21 to90kPa) AMBIENT OPERATING LIMITS 32loHO F(Oto60C),5to95%rh PROPORTIONAL BAND 2 to 36 F(l to 22 C) COMPENSATION RATIO 0 25 to 20 SETPOINTRANGE 35 to 250F(2to 120C) TP925A AIR-LIGHT TROFFER AND DEWPOINT SENSOR Direct-act ing, proportional type sensors used with RP908 Controller to control pneumatic valves and damper operators May be used with calibrated gage for continuous tempera- ture indication SENSING RANGE Nonadjustable, 50to 100 F (10 to 38 C) When used with the SSP129A DewProbe, senses 103 to 153 F (40 to 68 C) cavity temperature range DEWPOINT TEMPERATURE RANGE 40 to 75 F (4 to 24 C) O 77-9815 TP974AROOM TEMPERATURE SENSOR Proportioning (>pe temperature sensor usi_d with RP908 and IU'973 Controllers lor eon- tro! of pneumatic valves and damper opera- tors on one- or two-pipe installations Ii features a bimetal clement, plug-m air connec- tions and a built-m filter With direct action, it has a h\ed sensing range of 50 to 100 F (10 to 38 C) MAXIMUM SAFE AIR PRESSURE 25 psi (172k I'a) SUPPLY AIR PRESSURE (Nominal) 18 psi (124k Pa) PRESSURE OUTPUT 3 to 15 psi (21 to 101 kPa) MAXIMUM SAFE TEMPERATURE 150 F (66 C) WP51A&BOPTIMUM START PROGRAMMER In central HVAC fan s\stems varies the heat- ing plant start to achieve building warm up as a funetion of actual and design outdoor tem- perature and building construction It is capa- ble ol weekend warm up cjelc omission and late occupancy manual o\crude and uses a standard pneumatic outdooi temperature sen- sor input It features a choice of three delay cams which follow the mathematical time/ temperature warm up relationship for dif- ferent tvpes ot construction, an adjustable selection of minimum outdoor design tem- peratutes from -2010 30 F (-29 to -1 C} and an adjustable daily timing with weekend skip options Heating plant ON-OIT status is indi- cated by lights at a glance POWER REQUIREMENTS 125V ac, 50 or 60 Hz I IMECLOCK 3 VA SWITCH RATINGS 490 VA per pole (two spst contacts) STORAGE TEMPERATURE -20 to 150 f (-29 to 66 C) OPERAMNGTEMPERATURE 50lo 120F (10lo49Q P457AAQUASTAT PRESSURETROL SWITCH The P457A Aquastat Pressuretrol is used with a direct-acting pneumatic room thermostat to provide control ol fan motor operation in unit heater applications where hot water or steam is supplied continuously to the heal exchanger A built-in switch slops the fan w hen heat is not ax ailable Full I o id Locked Rotor 120\ AC HO 4H 0 21INV At 5 I 1() 6 240V AC 5 1 11) f> SETPOINT RANGE P-E Relay 2to 16psi (I4to I lOkPa) Fac- tor} set at 8 psi (55 kPa) Aquastat Non- adjustable Makes on temperature rise, 120 ± 10 F(49 ±5C> Breaks on temperature fall, 95 ± 10 F (35 ±5C) AMBIENT TEMPERATURE 125 F (52 C)maximum PIPE TEMPERATURE 250 F (121 C) max- imum, 15 F (2 C) minimum MAXIMUM SYSTEM PRESSURE 25 psi (172 kPa) ELECTRICAL RATING (In Amperes) P638A DUAL PNEUMATIC- ELECTRIC SWITCH Provides dual pressure-actuated electrical switching Used with TP971A, C in day-mte unit ventilator installations or other general applications FACTORY SETTINGS (Limited Field Adjustment) Low Range-Right Switch (H) (spst) makes at 2 5 psi (17 kPa) High Range-Left Switch (K) (dpdt) makes at not less than 13 5 psi (93 kPa) and not more than 16 5psi(114kPa) ELECTRICAL RATING (Full Load) 5 OA at 120V ac, 4 OA at 208, 240 and 277V ac MAXIMUM SAFE AIR PRESSURE 25 psi (172k Pa) MAXIMUM AMBIENT TEMPERATURE 125F(52C) ULUsted 77-9815 P643A PRESSURETROL CONTROLLER The P643A uses a pneumatic signal to start and stop HVAC fans Setpomt and switching differential are field adjustable CONTACT RATING I20\'dc 20K\ at 240V JC 277V ac 480V ac Full load 80 5 1 3 5 1 ncked Ri.ror 48 0 30 6 21 0 Resistance load 17 0 SETPOINT RANGE 0 to 22 5 psi (0 to 155 kPa) DIFFERENTIAL Adjustable, 3 to 13 psi (20 to 90kPa) MAXIMUM SAFE AIR PRESSURE 25 psi (175kPa)O P658A, B & C PNEUMATIC- ELECTRIC SWITCH Converts a pneumatic signal from a controller or other pneumatic device to a two-position electric switch action, providing on/olf con- trol of fans, pump;, and elecmc heaters, interlock functions and alarm initiations ELECTRIC RATING P658A and B, 25A at 125, 250 or 480V ac, 1 hp at l25Vac, 2 hp at 250V ac PILOT DUTY 750 \olt/A at 125, 250, or 277V ac P658C, 5 volts at 5 mA/dc SWITCHING ACTION spdt PRESSURE RANGE 2 to 24 psi (14 to 165 kPa) MAXIMUM SAfC AIR PRESSURE 30 psi (207 kPa) DIFFERENTIAL P658A and B, fixed ai 2psi (HkPa), P658C, fixed at 1 Spsi(lOkPa) ADJUSTABLE SETPOINT P658A and B factory set at 4, 10, or 14 psi (28, 69, or 97 kPa), P658C, 10 psi (69k Pa) ULListcd ORP418A, B, C, RP818A, B ELECTRIC-PNEUMATIC RELAYS Electrically-operated pneumatic switches used for interlock between an electrical svsiem and a pneumatic control s>stem Ma> be used as slop and bleed relays or as diverting or selector relays Wall or panel mounted in any position AIR CAPACITY At 20psi (!38kPa) supply, I psi (7 kPa) pressure drop -0 42 SCFM (12000SCCM) POWER CONSUMPTION 4 walls max- AVAILABLE VOLTAGE/FREQUENCY RP4I8A 110/50 or 120/60, 120/50, 220/50 or 240/60, 240/50, 208/60,575/60, 277/60, 277/50, 440/50 or 480/60, 480/50, 100/50, 200 or 208/50 RP418B 110/150 or 120/60, 120/50,220/50 or 240/60,240/50,208/60, 575/60, 440/50 or 480/60, 480/50, 200 or 208/50 RP418C 110/50, or 120/60 RP818A 24/50 or 60 RP818B 24/50or60 KF418A RP4I8B RIM 1 8C RP818A RP8 1 8B Line Voltage X X X Low Voltage X X Wall Mount X X X Panel Mount X X Device Mount \ X X Splice Box X X X Open Coil X X Cord& Hug X O 77-9815 RP470A & B PNEUMATIC RELAYS Designed for use in HVAC systems to either transmit the higher of two input signals or shut off one pressure signal when a second signal is higher In-line mounled or panel mounted with clip B model is lockout relay used on summer-winter applications keeping air- stream thermostat inoperative during cooling operation RANGE Oto 18psi(0to 124 kPa) MAXIMUM SAFE AIR PRESSURE 30 psi (207 kPa) AMBIENT OPERATING LIMITS 32 to 125 F(Oto52C),5to95°/orh AIR HANDLING CAPACITY 0039SCFM (1104SCCM)at 1 psi (7 kPa) differential RP471A PNEUMATIC SNAP- ACTING RELAY Four-port, snap-acting diverting pneumatic relay (spdt plus pilot) designed for use in HVAC s>stems to transform a gradual air pressure change from a controller to a positive (Iwo-posilion) pressure change at a pneumatic valve or damper Pilot pressure is modulated Designed for surface or panel mounting with clip, or may be in-line mounted SETPOINT ADJUSTABLE 3 to 15 psi (21 to 103 kPa) DIFFERENTIAL 01 to 0 8 psi (1 4 to 5 5 kPa), nonadju stable MAXIMUM SAFE AIR PRESSURE 30 psi (207 kPa) RANGE 3 to 15 psi (21 to 103 kPa) on scale AMBIENT OPERATING LIMITS Oto 140 1 (1 to 60 C), 5 to 95% rh RP670A & B PNEUMATIC SWITCHING RELAYS Two-position pneumatic relays with either spdt or dpdt switching action lor use in pneumatic heating and cooling control sys- tems where a vahe or damper operdtor must be switched trom one circuit to another Switchover pilot pressure must be two- position, no! modulated Designed tor in-line mounting but ma> be wall or panel mounted with clip Second switch on dpdt B models molded in black for identification A models are spdt PILOT RANGE 3 to 7, 13 to 18, or 19 to 21 psi (21 to 48, 90 to 124, or 131 to 145 kPa) OPERATING AIR PRESSURES Oto 21 psi (Oto 145 kPa) MAXIMUM SAFE AIR PRESSURE 25 psi <!72kPa) AMBIENT OPERATING LIMITS 20tol40 I'(-7 to 60 C), 5 to 95% rh RP913A OPTIMATIC * LOAD ANALYZER A diaphragm logic pressure selector used in pneumatic control applications to select the highest and/or lowest bianch pressure input from zone thermostats It will select the highest pressure demand (cooling) and/or lowest pressure demand (heating) to operate Imal control elements I wo analy/crs can be connected together to increase inputs to 12 OPERATING TEMPERATURE RANGE 40to 140 F (4 to 60 C) AIR CONSUMPTION 0 04 SCFM (1133 SCCM) SUPPLY AIR PRESSURE 18 psi (124 kPa) MAXIMUM SAFE AIR PRESSURE 25 psi (!72kPa) 77-9815 RP970ACAPACITY AND LOWER OF TWO PRESSURES RELAY Direct-acting, proportional relay suitable for use m HVAC systems to increase ihe capautv of the branch line signal 10 a pneumatic \alve or damper operator It can also be used as a lower of two pressures relay, selecting and transmitting (without increasing capaciu) Ihe lower of two input signals OPERATING RANGE 0 to 18 psi {0 to 124 kPa) MAXIMUM SAFE AIR PRESSURE 30 psi (207 kPa) AMBIENT OPERATING LIMITS 0 to 140 F(-l8lo60C),5to95<7orh OPERATING AIR PRESSURES Pilot-0 to 15 psi (0 to 103 kPa), Mam - 18 psi (124 kPa) AIR HANDLING CAPACITY 0 039 SCPM (1104 SCCM)at 1 psi (7 kPa) differential O R743 RP971A PNEUMATIC RATIO RELAY Four-port nonblecd direct-acting pneumatic relay which produces a modulating pressure output proportional to pilot pressure changes It is used for controlling pneumatic valve or damper motors in sequence from a single ther- mostat PILOT PRESSURE RANGES 3 to 5 psi (21 to 34 kPa), nonadjustable START POINT ADJUSTMENT 0 to 10 psi (0 to 69k Pa) MAXIMUM SAFE AIR PRESSURE 30 psi (207 kPa) NORMAL OPERATING PRESSURES Mam - 18 psi (124 kPa), Pilot - 3 to 15 psi (21 to 107 kPa) AIR HANDLING CAPACITY 0 039 SCFM (1104 SCCM) at I psi (7 kPa) differential AMBIENT OPERATING LIMITS 0 to 140 F(-l8to60C), 5lo95% rh O RP972A PNEUMATIC REVERSING RELAY Modulating relay suitable for all types of heat- ing and air conditioning control systems It is used as a reversing relay to reverse and increase the capacity of the branch line pres- sure to the final control element FACTORYSET 16 psi (110 kPa) but can be field set for 13 to 18 psi (90 to 124 kPa) OPERATING RANGE 0 to 13 psi (0 to 124 kPa) MAXIMUM SAFE AIR PRESSURE 30 psi (207k Pa) OPERATING PRESSURES Pilot - 3 to 15 psi (21 to 103 kPa), Mam - 18 psi (124 kPa) AMBIENT TEMPERATURE LIMITS 0 to 340F(-18to60C) AIR HANDLING CAPACITY 0 039 SCFM (1104 SCCM) at 1 psi (7 kPa) differentia! AIR CONSUMPTION 00017 SCFM (48 SCCM) RP973A PNEUMATIC AVERAGING RELAY Direct-acting, three-port pneumatic rela> suit- able for use in control systems where the average of two input pressures is required to operate a valve or damper motor, or as a con- troller input OPERATING AIR PRESSURE 3 to 15 psi (21 to 103 kPa) input and output MAXIMUM SAFE AIR PRESSURE 30 psi (207k Pa) AMBIENT OPERATING LIMITS 32 to 125 F(Oto52C), 5to95<7orh AIR CONSUMPTION 0 005 SCFM (142 SCCM) maximum O R753 77-9815 10 RP975A PNEUMATIC HESITATION RELAY Special ihrce-pori pneumanc hesitdtion relay designed to control an MP904 or MP909 damper operator on outside air dampers in large volume unil ventilator applications Manually adjustable minimum position OUTPUT Factory calibrated for 7 to 12 psi (48 to S3 kPa), manually adjustable may be recalibrated for anj 5 psi {34 kPa) span in the 0 to 18 psi (Oto 124 kPa) range NORMAL OPERATING PRESSURES Main -18 p*,) (]24 kPa), Branch Outpui - 0 lo 18 psi (Oto 124kPa), Pilot Input -Oto 18 psi (Oto 124kPa) MAXIMUM SAFE AIR PRESSURE 30 psi (207 kPa) AIR CONSUMPTION 0022SCFM(51 SCCM) maximum AMBIENT OPERATING LIMITS 32 to 125 F (0 to 52 C), 5 to 95% rh SP470A & B PNEUMATIC SWITCH Honeywell Two- or three-position, four-pipe swathes used in pneumatic control systems tor manu- ally diverting air between system components such as valves, thermostats, or damper motors MODELS SP470A Switch only SP470B Switch on panel NORMAL OPERATING PRESSURE RANGE Oto 18 psi (Oto 124kPa) MAXIMUM OPERATING PRESSURE 30 psi(207kPa) OPERAIING AMBIENT LIMITS 0 to 140 F(-18to60C),5to95%ih AIR CAPACITY 0 005 SCI M (142 SCCM) at 1 psi (7 kPa) difterenti.il SP955A ELECTRIC-HEAT STEP CONTROLLER Used in pneumatic control systems to control electric-heating elements, the fan motor, and mixed air dampers in unit ventilators on ASHRAE Cycle 1, 2, or 3 operational sequences Fail-safe Icature provides opening of all heating element switches and the tan switch in event of air pressure failure POWER CONSUMPTION (E-P Relay) 10 watts each (20 watts total per controller) AIR PRESSURE RANGE 0 to 18 psi (0 to 124 kPa) MAXIMUM SAFE AIR PRESSURE 25 psi (172 kPa) MAXIMUM AMBIENT TEMPERATURE I25F(52C) UL Listed SWITCH RATING 1 'Mil Tipl Risismc Indinmc I iwAed Rotor 120V :IA NA 48A 208/Z40 or Z77V 21 A <i 1A 10 fiA 480\ 21 A SP970A-D MANUAL & MINIMUM POSITION PRESSURE REGULATOR Designed for use in HVAC control svstems where it is desirable to manually regulate pres- sure to an otilput device such as a pneumatic damper operator Port 4 may be piped to an input device to provide external override of the manual setting OPERATING PRESSURES Mam - 18 psi (124 kPa), Branch Outpui - 3 to 15 psi (21 to 103 kPa), Pilot Input - 3 to 15 psi (21 to 103 kPa) MAXIMUM SAFE AIR PRESSURE 30 pii (207 kPa) AIR CONSUMPTION 0 022 SCFM (623 SCCM) MODELS SP970A Three-port manual ormmimum for panel mounting, with pilot bleed and 5 or 10 psi (34 or 69 kPa) spans available (convertible to 8 or 16 psi [55or HOkPa) spans) SP970B Same as SP970A but with wall- mounting bracket SP970C Four-port with isolated pilot cham- ber for use with bleed-type pilot devices 5 or 10 psi (34 or 69 kPa) span SP970D Same as SP970C but with wan- mounting bracket 11 77-9815 MP516 A UNIT VENTILATOR MOTOR Sturdy, Compact pneumatic damper operator used primarily on unit veniilator control sys- tems Hesitation feature available for use with cycles requiring minimum percentage outdoor OPERATING RANGE, Hesitation Motor Mm OA Range, fac- tory set for 25% mm stroke at 3 psi (21 kPa) Field Adjustable 0 to 100%, Hesita- tion Range, 3 to 8 psi (21 to 55 kPa), Max- imum OA Range 810 12psi(55to83KPa) OPERATING RANGE, Single Range Motor Full stroke 4 to 8 psi (28 to 55 kPa) or 5 to 12 psi (34 to 83 kPa) DAMPER LOAD RATING 2 7 It2 (0 25 m2) MAXIMUM SAFE AIR PRESSURE 25 psi (172 kPa) AMBIENT TEMPERATURE 160 F (71 C) maximum, -20 F (-29 C) minimum o MP516B & C PNEUMATIC OPERATOR Sturdy compact pneumatic damper operators used primarily on unit ventilator control sys- lems, and ma\ be adapted to various individ- ual unii ventilator sysiems Available with and without hesitation leature with integral air motion relay requiring minimum percent out- door air C model has auxiliary day/night switch for use \vith two-pressure systems OPERATING RANGE Mm OA Range, adjustable 0 to 100%, factory set for 25% mm stroke at 3 psi (21 kPa) HESITATION RANGE 3 to 8 psi (21 to 55 kPa) MAX OA RANGE 8 to 12 psi (55 to 83 kPa) STROKE 2-1/2 in (63 5 mm) maximum at outer limit of slot MAXIMUM SAFE AIR PRESSURE 25 psi (172kPa) AMBIENT TEMPERATURE 140 F (60 C) maximum, 0 F(-18 C) minimum MP909D, E, H PNEUMATIC DAMPER OPERATORS Used for proportional conlrol ol standard dampers, and valves and shutters m variable volume and high velocily mixing boxes Rolling-diaphragm opera led piston-type operator with a rugged aluminum body MODELS MP909D EFFECTIVE AREA 3m1(1935mm2) DAMPER LOAD RATING 2-1/2 ft2 (0 23 m2)(D640/D641) 2fi2{0 19rn2)(D642/ D643) KANGL 310 8, 5to 10, 8to 13 psi (21 to 55, 34 to 69, or 55 lo 90 kPa) STROKE 23m (58mm) MAXIMUM SAFE AIR PRESSURE 30 psi (207 kPa} AMB1CNTTCMPERATURE RANGE 50to 140 F (-46 to 60 C) MP909E Operator without positive posi- tioner MP909H Operator \vith positive positioner E1PECIIVEAREA 6 6 in2 (4200mm2) NET FORCE Up to 89 Ib (396 N) OPERATING RANGES MP909E 3 to 13 5 to 10, 2 5 to 6 5 or 9 to 13 psi (20 to 90, 35 to 70, 17 to 45, 60 to 90 kPa) MP909H Start point, adjustable from 1 5 to 13 psi (10 3 to 90 kPa), opeialmg range 3,5,or 10psi(20.35,or70KPa) AMBIENT TEMPERATURE RANGE -20 to 160F(-28to70C) MAXIMUM SAFE AIR PRLSSURh 29 psi (200k Pa) S1ROKE 3 Ior40m (SOorlOOmm) O 77-9815 12 MP913A PNEUMATIC DAMPER OPERATOR Piston type pneumatic operator for propor- tional control of air valves and dampers in air terminal units and fan coil units EFFECTIVE AREA 2 2 in2 (1420 mm2) RANGE 3 to 8, 3 to 13, 5 to 10, and 10 to 15 psi (21 to 55, 21 to 90, 34 to 69, and 69 to 103 kPa) STROKE 1 in (25 mm) MAXIMUM SAFE AIR PRESSURE 30 psi (207 kPa) AMBIENTTEMPERATURE RANGE 50to 140 F (10 to 60 C) MP918 PNEUMATIC DAMPER OPERATOR MP 918 The MP918A and B Damper Operators posi- tion damper blades, controlling the airflow through a particular portion of an HVAC sys- tem These damper operators are air pressure activated by proportional or two-position pneumatic control devices MODELS MP918A Standard operator with positive positioner MP918B Standard operator without positive positioner MAXIMUM SAFE AIR PRESSURE 29 psi (200 kPa) STROKE 3-1/2 in (90mm) START POINT PRESSURE MP918A - Adjustable from I S to 13 psi (10to90kPa) OPERATING PRESSURES MP918A- 3,5, or lOpsi (20, 35, or 70 kPa) span MP918B-3 to 7, 3 to 13, 5 to 10, or 8 to 13 psi (21 to 50, 20 to 90, 35 to 70, or 55 to 90 kPa) spring range EFFECTIVE AREA 23 8 in2 (153 cm2) AMBIENT TEMPERATURE RANGE -40 to 158F(-40to70C) MP953C^F PNEUMATIC VALVE OPERATORS For direct- or reverse-acting proportional con- trol of V5011 or V5013 Valve Bodies Mayor may not be supplied with positive positioner DIAPHRAGM SIZES DA - 5, 8, or 13 in (127, 203, or 330 mm), R A - 7 in (178 mm) TEMPERATURE LIMITS -20 to 160 F (-29 to 71 C) (neoprene diaphragm), -20 to 250 F(-29lo 121 C) (Silicone or Ethylene Pro- pylene diaphragm) MODELS MP953C Direct-acting 2 to 7, 4 to 11, or 8 to 12psi (14 to 48, 28 to 76, or 55 10 83 kPa) without positioner MP953D Reverse-acting 3 to 7, 4 to 11, or 8 to 13 psi (21 to 38, 28 to 76, or 55 to 90 kPa) without positioner MP953E Direct-acting 3, 5, or lOpsi (21, 34, or 69 kPa) span with adjustable stan 1-1/2 to 13 psi (10 to 90 kPa) with positioner MP953F Same as MP953A except reverse acting VP511A PNEUMATIC BUS VALVE Single-seated, normally-open, straight- through pneumatic valve provides modulating control of flow from a bus engine cooling cir- culation system to the heating coil o! the air handling system Alternate model available with spdt micro switch to simultaneously activate the coolant circulation pump and space heater blower when valve opens Cast brass body with oval flanged end connections, 1-1/4 NPT Rolling type neoprene diaphragm actuator BODY PRESSURE RATING 150 psi (1034 kPa) CLOSE-OFFRATING 12 5psi(86kPa)with 3 to 8 psi (21 to 55 kPa) spring range or 16 5psi(114kPa)withlto 12psi(21to83 kPa) spring range MAXIMUM CONTROL AIR PRESSURE 25psi(172kPa) MAXIMUM S^FE DIAPHRAGM TEM- PERATURE 160FI71C) 13 77-9815 VP512A UNIT VENTILATOR VALVE Normally-open, single-seated, straight- Ihrough or angle globe valve for proportional control of either steam or hot v.ater in unit ventilators Bronze body m 1/2 to 1-1/4 NPT sizes NOMINAL BODY RATING 150 psi (1034 kPa) Molded neoprene diaphragm opera- tor CONTROL AIR PRESSURE 25 psi (172 kPa) OPERATING RANGE 3 to 8 or 6 to 11 psi (21 to 55 or 41 to 76 kPa), taciory set, with Cv Ratings trom 63 to 16 AMBIENT TEMPERATURE LIMIT 160 F (71 C) VP51 3A NORMALLY OPEN TWO-WAY WATER VALVE Pneumatically-operated, high-pressure, single-seated, normally open valve for propor- tional control of unit air conditioners using hot and/or cold water as the control agent Small physical size with flare tube connec- tions Available in straight-through patterns for 5/8 or 7/8 in (16 or 22 mm) OD copper tubing Operator can be rotated 360 degrees on bonnet to align with air piping connectors NOMINAL BODY RATING 250 psi (1724 kPa), 250 F (121 C) maximum tempera- ture MAXIMUM PRESSURE OF CONTROL AGENT 250 psi (1724 kPa) OPERATING RANGE 3 to 7 or 3 to 10 psi (21 to 41 or 21 to 69 kPa) MAXIMUM PRESSURE DIFFERENTIAL FOR CLOSE-OFF WITH 13 PSI (90 KPA) IN OPERATOR 79psi (545 kPa) MAXIMUM SAFE AIR PRESSURE 25 psi (172 kPa) CV 2 5 OT 4 0 oVPS 13B NORMALLY CLOSED.TWO-WAY WATER VALVE A pneumatically operated, high-pressure, single-seated, normally-closed, reverse-acting valve used for proportional control of unit air conditioners using hot and/or cold water as the control agent Small physical size Offset straight-through body pattern for 5/8 in (16 mm) O D copper tubing 45-degree angle SAE flare connections Operator can be rotated 360 degrees on bonnet to align with air-piping connections CAPACITY INDEX (Cv) 1 0, 1 6, or 2 5 MAXIMUM PRESSURE OF CONTROL AGENT 250psi(1724kPa) MAXIMUM TEMPERATURE OF CON- TROL AGENT 250 F (121 C) MAXIMUM PRESSURE FOR CLOSE- OFF 50psi(345kPa) OPERATING RANGE 9 to 13 psi (62 to 90 kPa), nonadjustable, molded neoprene, rolling type diaphragm with II in2 (71 cm ) affect;ve area MAXIMUM SAFE AIR PRESSURE 25 psi (124kPa) MAXIMUM SAFE DIAPHRAGM TEM- PERATURE 160 F (71C) O 77-9815 14 VP514,VP516 PNEUMATIC VALVE ASSEMBLIES The VP514 consists of an MP953 Pneumatic Valve Actuator, and a V5011 normally open (N O ) or normally dosed (N C ) valve The i VP516 consists of an MP953 actuator, and a 'V5013 three-way mixing or three-way divert- ing valve OS No VP514A VP514B VP514C VP514D VP514E VP514F VP516A VP516C VP516E VP516F VP516G VP516H Positive Positioner YES YES NO NO YES NO YES NO YES YES NO NO Valve Action NO NC NO N C NC NC MIX MIX MIX DIV MIX DIV Nominal Size in Inthes Small Body A YES YES YES YES NO NO Large Body ^ YES NO YES NO YES YES 1/2,3/4, 1, 1-1/4, 1-1/2, or2lnch Body with Screw Connections 2-1/2, 3,4, 5, or 6 Inch Body with Flanged Connections Small body 1/2, 3/4, 1, 1-1/4, 1-1/2, 2, 2-1/2, or 3 inch body with screw connections (2-1/2 and 3 inch bodies have optional flanged connections) Large body 4, 5, or 6 inch with flanged connections VP517 A THREE-WAY MIXING VALVE A pneumatically operated, three-way, high- pressure water valve for proportional control of unit air conditioners and fan coil units, using hot and/or cold water Forged brass body in small physical size with 7/8 in (22 mm) O D copper tubing Flare connections Operator can be rotated 360 degrees on valve bonnet, to align with air piping | NOMINAL BODY RATING 250 psi (1724 ! kPa) , CAPACITY INDEX (Cv) 4 0, 6 3, and 3 0 ! CONTROL MEDIUM TEMPERATURE 35 I to 250 F (1 to 121 C) Molded neoprene, rolling type diaphragm OPERATING RANGE 3 to 10 or 8 to 12 psi (21 to 69 or 55 to 83 kPa) CLOSE-OFF RATING 50 psi (345 kPa) between maximum inlet and minimum downstream pressure with 2 0 psi (14 kPa) or more air pressure in operator MAXIMUM SAFE AIR PRESSURE 25 psi (124kPa) MAXIMUM SAFE DIAPHRAGM TEM- PERATURE 160F(71C) VP522A & B SEQUENCING WATER VALVE Three-pipe, sequencing, pneumatically opera- ted water valve The VP522A is proportiomng-sequencing, used to control the flow of both hot and cold water to fan-coil \nduct\on units The VP522B is divernng- sequencmg, return-water, used in conjunction with the VP522A on four-pipe systems NOMINAL VALVE SIZE 1/2, 5/8, and 7/8 in (13, 16, and 22 mm) O D copper tub- ing Brass flared connection NOMINAL BODY RATING 250 psi (1724 kPa) CLOSE-OFF RATING 45 or 50 psi (310 or 345 kPa) B models maintain closure against 15 psi (103 kPa) difference in return line pressure when used with the VP522A CONTROL MEDIUM TEMPERATURE 35 to250F(l to 121 C) MAXIMUM SAFE AIR PRESSURE 25 psi (124kPa) 15 77-9815 VP525A PNEUMATIC RADIATOR VALVE Normally-open, single-seated, straight- through and angle pneumatic valve provides two-position or proportional control of two- pipe hot water or steam systems Small size permits installation where space is limited 1/2 and 3/4 in (13 and 19 mm) cast bronze bodies with screwed and union ends BODY PRESSURE RATING 150 psi (1034 kPa) maximum CONTROLLED MEDIUM LIMITS Tem- perature 240 F (116 C), Pressure 150 psi (1034k Pa) MAXIMUM SAFE AIR PRESSURE 30 psi (207 kPa) MAXIMUM DIAPHRAGM TEMPERA- TURE 230F(110C) SPRING RANGES 2 to 5, 3 to 10, and 8 to 11 psi (14 to 34, 21 to 69, and 55 to 76 kPa) CV AVAILABLE 1 6, 3 0, and 2 5 or 5 o VP526A PNEUMATIC THREE-WAY HIGH PRESSURE WATER VALVE Used for high-pressure proportional control of unit air conditioning and fan coil units using hot and/or cold water Small size per- mits installation where space is limited Pipe connections are for 45-degree SAE flared fit- tings Action Three-way with lower port B normally-open to port AB NONADJUSTABLE RANGE Full range, 3 to 10 psi (21 to 69 kPa), Sequencing Range, 2 to 5 or 8 to 11 psi (14 to 34 or 55 to 76 kPa) VALVE SIZES 3/8 in (10 mm) (1/2 in [13 mm] O D tube) and 1/2 in (13 mm) (5/8 in [16mm]O D tube) NOMINAL BODY PRESSURE RATING 250 psi (1724 kPa) CONTROLLED MEDIUM TEMPERA- TURE 35to250F(lto 121 C) MAXIMUM SAFE AIR PRESSURE 30 psi (207 kPa) MAXIMUM DIAPHRAGM TEMPERA- TURE 239F(110C) CAPACITY INDEX 3/8 in (10 mm) valve, 1 Oorl 6Cv, 1/2in (13mm)valve, ] 6or 25Cv OVP527A PNEUMATIC TWO-WAY WATER VALVE This normally-open, single-seated, high- pressure valve provides proportional control of hot and/or cold water in unit air condi- tioners and fan coil units Small size permits installation where space is limited Forged brass body with end connections threaded for 45-degree SAE flare fitting nuts BODY SIZE 3/8 in (IOmm) nominal on 1/2 in (13mm)O D tubing BODY PRESSURE RATING 250 psi (1724 kPa) CONTROLLED MEDIUM TEMPERA- TURE 35to250F(l to 121 C) OPERATING RANGE 2 to 5 or 3 to 10 psi (14 to 34 or 21 to 69 kPa) MAXIMUM SAFE AIR PRESSURE 30 psi (207 kPa) Capacity Index 0 4, 0 63, 1 0, or I 6 Cv VP531A PNEUMATIC TWO-WAY WATER VALVE This single-seated, normally-open, straight- through pneumatic valve provides direct- acting proportional control of hot or cold water in terminal units It is available with screwed NPT or soldered end connections Rolling diaphragm actuator with integral air connecnon for 1/4 in (6 mm) O D plastic tubing Bronze body, 1/2 or 3/4 m NPT, 5/8 or7/8m (16or22mm)OD copper tubing BODY AND PACKING PRESSURE LIMITS 150psi(1034kPa) MAXIMUM SAFE AIR PRESSURE 30 psi (207 kPa) AMBIENT TEMPERATURE LIMITS 43 to 150 F (6 to 66 C) DIAPHRAGM TEMPERATURE LIMITS 230F(110C) Spring Range 2 to 5 or 3 to 10 psi (14 to 34 or 21 to 69 kPa) FLOWCAPACITY(Cv) 1/2 in NPT, 1 6 or 2 3, 3/4 in NPT or solder, 2 6 or 3 3, 1/2 in solder, 1 6 only 77-9815 16 D640, D641 MODUFLOW DAMPERS Standard dampers with options of parallel and opposed action, horizontal or vertical blades, for controlling airflow in HVAC ducts Dampers are controlled by internally or externally mounted, pneumatic, or electric operators MODELS D640 Parallel action D641 Opposed action AMBIENT TEMPERATURES -40 to 200 F (-40 to 93 C) or 400 F (203 C) with optional Oihte bearings SIZES 8to48m (203to 1220mm)m2-m (51 mm) increments—both dimensions Dampers bolt together for larger require- ments MAXIMUM PRESSURE DIFFERENTIAL 3 in we (0 75 kPa) MAXIMUM APPROACH VELOCITY 1500 ft/mm (7 6 m/s) 0642, D643 MODUFLOW DAMPERS Low leakage dampers \vith the option of parallel and opposed action, honzonatal or vertical blades, for controlling airflow in HVAC ducts Dampers are controlled by internally or externally mounted, pneumatic or electric operators MODELS D642 Parallel action D643 Opposed action AMBIENT TEMPERATURES -40 to 200 F (-40 to 93 C) SIZES 8to48m (203 to 1220 mm) in 2-in (51 mm) increments—both dimensions Dampers bolt together for larger require- ments MAXIMUM PRESSURE DIFFERENTIAL D642 and D643 6 in we (1 5 kPa), D642LSand D643LS 3m wc(075kPa) MAXIMUM APPROACH VELOCITY 4000 ft/mm (20 m/s) D644, D645 MODUFLOW DAMPERS High temperature, low leakage dampers with the option of parallel and opposed action, horizontal or vertical blades, for controlling airflow m HVAC ducts Dampers are con- trolled by internally or externally mounted, pneumatic or electric operators MODELS D644 Parallel action D645 Opposed action AMBIENT TEMPERATURES -40 Io 400 F (-40 to 204 C) |S1ZES 8 to 48m (203 to 1220 mm) in 2-m (51 mm) increments — both dimensions Dampers bolt together for larger require- ments MAXIMUM PRESSURE DIFFERENTIAL 6m wc(l 5kPa) MAXIMUM APPROACH VELOCITY 4000 ft/mm (20 m/s) HKN COMPRESSED AIR REFRIGERATION DRYERS Condition air supply systems lor pneumatic controls b> cooling control air and condensing and remov ing oil, \\ dier vapor, and other con- taminants from the system Designed to dehy- drate lo a 35 to 39 I7 (2 to 4 C) dew point ai normal operating tank pressures MODELS HKNS010 HKN8015 HKN8025 HKN8035 HKN8055 HKN8070 HKN80100 IOSCFM(4 72 g/s) 15SOM(708fi/s) 25SCFM(11 82A) 35SCFM(165C/s) 55SCFM(30g/s) 70SCFM038A) 100SCFM(478/s) 17 77-9815 PP901A&BPRV AND PP902C & D PRV STATION WITH SUBMICRON FILTER Provide control of high-pressure air and adjustable air pressure reduction suitable for main air supph for pneumatic control s\s- tems INLET PRESSURE RANGE 45 to 150 psi (UOto 1034 kPa) REGULATED OUTLET PRESSURE Adjustable, 0 to 25 psi (0 to 172 kPa), PP901B and PP902D secondary prtssure adjustable 0 to 5 psi (0 to 34 kPd) abo\e base setting SAFETY PRESSURE RELIEF- Faciory set at 23 5psi(162kPa) MODELS PP901A Used in single-pressure system PRVonl> PP901B Used in two-pressure system (Higher pressure maintained when mam pressure applied to switch- over port ) PRV on\> PP902C Same as PP901A except with sub- micron filter element and pressure gages PP902D Same as PP901B except with sub- micron filter element and pressure gages O VP519C TWO-POSITION, THREE-WAY AIR VALVE Two-position, ihree-wa>, normalh opui to bottom inlet air valve operates as an air switch in large Day-Nile or Summer-Winter switch- over systems Operator may be rotated on bonnet to permit alignment of air connection with air piping or rela> piping Right-angle mounting bracket permits mounting on \vall or panel Bron/c body in l/2or 3/4 NPT NOMINAL BODY RATING 150 psi (1034 kPa) Molded neoprene diaphragm opera- tor MAXIMUM SAFE AIR PRESSURE 25 psi (124 kPa) MAXIMUM AMBIENT TEMPERA1 URE 160F(71C) OPERATING RANGE 6 to 9 psi (41 to 62 kPa), nonadjustable CLOSE-OFT RATINGS 0to 120 psi (0 to 827 kPa) at various air pressures OWP231 AIR COMPRESSORS Used to provide and maintain an air pressure source for pneumatic temperaiure control sys- lems The storage tank meets ASME stan- dards If a remote tank is required, the compressor is attached to a mounting base MAXIMUM OPERATING AMBIENT 104 F (40 C) PRESSURE RANGE Cui-ln Pressure, 1/3 to 5 hp (0 25 to 3 73 kW), 70 psi (483 kPa). 7-1/2 to 20 hp (5 6 to 14 92 kW), 60 psi (414 kPa) CUT-OUT PRESSURE 1/3 to 5 hp (0 25 to 3 73 kW), 90 psi (621 kPa), 7-1/2 to 20 hp (5 6 to 14 92 kW), 100 psi (689 kPa) Compressor Model WP231Y WP23IB WP231C WP231D WP231E WP231F WP231G WP231H WP231J WP231K WP231L WP231M Motor HP(kW) 1/3(025) 1/2(037) 3/4 (0 56) 1 (0 75) 1-1/2(1 12) 2 (1 49) 3 (2 24) 5 (3 73) 7-1/2(560) 10 (7 46) 15 (11 19) 20 (14 92) Output* SCt Mat 80 PSI <£/;, al 552 kPa) I 1 (0 52) 1 7 (0 80) 3 3(1 56) 38(1 79) 5 9(278) 8 6 (4 06) 126(5 95) 19 3(9 11) 366(17 27) 470(22 18) 725(3421) 890(4200) Voltage/Frequents / Phase 115/230V.60H?, 1, 208V, 60 Hz, 3, 230V, 60 Hz, 3 or 460V, 60 Hz, 3 208V, 60 Hz, 3, 230V, 60 Hz, 3 or 460V, 60 Hz, 3 * 100 percent operation of each pump O 77-9815 18 WP241 DUAL AIR COMPRESSORS iProvides and'tnaintaitiSian air/pressure source ffoopneumatiu temperaturei com rob systems -Automaiic alternation that equalizeSjWeantor -longslife Second-jp_umprac(s^asjautomatic standbv to maintain s>slem pressure should primary unit be shut down The storage lank, which mcels ASME standards, is available^ various capacities 9(io 10! MAXIMUM-'AMBlENiTiTEMPER'AitURE PRESSURE RANGE Cut-in Pressure, 70 psi (483 kPa) Cm-Out Pressure, 90 psi (621" Compressor•sno iO' i tiiyiinjj amiModel ,WR241Y WP241C WP241D -WP241E- ?Ifi"° WP241G lo /d 1/2(037) 3"/4K(0 56) 1 (0 75) 1-1/2(1-12)- .Oulpul* ij, SCfMjtSOPSI (C/sat552kPa) I 1 (0 52) I 9 (0 90) 33(1 56) 3 8 (1 79) -5 9 (2-78) - 8 6 (4 06) 126(5 95) 193(9 11) 300(14 16) Voltage/I1 rcquency / Phase 115/230V,60Hz, 208V, 60 H/, 3, 230V, 60 Hz, 3 or 460V, 60 H/, 3 -208V760H773,- JG^M^.'^OO.BV s (iguoidl ''fi\\* WP260 OIL-LESS AIR COMPRESSORS jprovide andimaintam an air pressure pneumalicaljyjoperated tempera- ture Control, equipment'-iprovidedjwitri 12tto 60,gallons (45jto^227_5 )(ASME-rated,storage MAXIMUM OPERATING)AMBIENT F (38 C)/]CompjeS'iorjRPM /]j725 3J3 V PRESSURE RANGE 'c'uMn'Pressure, 70 psi (483 kPa), Cut-Out Pressure, 90 psi (621 tanks jivo'lfi ,noi!ijf q sniiioqo \\?&i \HB 10) YILV o' bs)?i,iiii/-i in, 1o /tr'iifiup Compressor Model WP260T WP260A WP260B WP260C WP260D Motor HP (kW) 1/6(0 12) 1/4(0 19) 1/2(037) 3/4(056) 1 (0 75) 1-1/2(1 12) SCF (C/s 0 0 1 t kPa) :>utput* M at 90 Pfel al621kPa) 55 (0 26) 80(0 38);^ 8 (0 85) ^ ^ 6(lf23)" ' ' 4(1 97) " " 3 ("* ^0) 1 / |mj _^ /VollageTJFrequencj/ ^ / «MPhast \t I ftKBHn> • * - 'l20V^66Hzyl " 120V, 60 Hz, 1, 208V, 60 H?, 3, 460V, 60 Hz, 3 ' 'nio'«ioo percenttop'era'tion of'each pump H38MAHO roo-£8esoo*.rj I 77=9815 CP980C-F VELOCITROL VELOCITY CONTROLLER Combines an ultrasensitive air velocity sensor with a direct- or reverse-acting controller lo accurately delect and effectively control air- flow in duel systems, regardless of static pres- MODELS CP980C Direct-acting controller for one- pipe thermostats CP980D Reverse-acting controller for one- pipe thermostats CP980E Direct-acting controller for two- pipe thermostats CP980F Reverse-acting controller for Iwo- pipe thermostats VELOCITY SETTING 10 to 100% of max- imum MAXIMUM VELOCITY 500, 750, 1250, 1500, 2000, 2500, or 3000 ft/mm (2 5,3 7, 63,76,10 1, 126,17 7 /sec) AIR CONSUMPTION 004SCFM(I130 SCCM) AMBIENT TEMPERATURE LIMITS 40to 130 F (4 to 54 C) MAXIMUM SAFE AIR PRESSURE 30 psi (207k Pa) O CP981 VELOCITROL VELOCITY CONTROLLER The CP981 Veloutrol Velocity Controller, used in space pressunzation applications, senses and controls static pressure differen- tials between areas by controlling velocity through a sampling tube The controller mounts in the wall between the room to be controlled and an adjacent space MODELS CP981A Direct-acting controller CP98IB Reverse-acting controller CONTROL RANGE Minimum 0 004 in wc(lPa) Maximum 0040m wc(IOPa) AIR CONSUMPTION 0 029 Standard ft3/ mm (820 Standard cm-Vrmii) AMBIENT OPERATING LIMITS Temperature 40 to 130 F (5 to 55 C) Humidity 5 to 95% rh MAXIMUM SAFE AIR PRESSURE 30 psi (207k Pa) OCP982 VELOCITROL VELOCITY CONTROLLER CP982 Velocilrol Velocity Controller is installed m laboratory hoods for energy sav- ings and control The Veloutrol controller systems maintain an adequate sash velocit> for any sash opening position, allowing the quantity of air exhausted to vary ADJUST MENT RANGE MAXscale 200to 500 ft/mm (I to 2 5 m/ sec) MIN scale 0 to 250 ft/sec (0 to 1 25 m/ sec) AMBIENT OPERATING LIMITS Temperature 40 to 130 F (5 to 55 C) Humidity 5to95tr/orh MAXIMUM SAFE AIR PRESSURE 30 psi (207k Pa) DUCT SAMPLING CHAMBER (14002362-001) Ma> be used wiih the HP970 Series Humidi- siats or TP970 Scries Thermostats, providing an easy means for sampling air within a duel to provide humidiiy or temperature control by circulating air through the chamber around the controller INSERTION DEPTH 12 in (305mm) O RI472 77-9815 20 PNEUMATIC GAGES Honeywell gages are accurate instruments which provide continuous indication of vari- ous conditions in a pneumatic control system Gages are factory, field, or Supervisory Data- Center panel mounted or back mounted INDICATION GAGES Use indication gages wherever system pressure indication is required on 3 to 15 psi (21 to 103 kPa) or 0 to 30 psi (0 to 207 kPa) signals RECEIVER GAGES Receiver gages provide indication of the sensor line equivalent analog value in a sensor/controller system TARGET GAGES Target gages provide 2- or 3-position digital indication of a status change in a pneumatic control system LOW DIFFERENTIAL PRESSURE GAGES Low differential pressure gages are used in factory fabrication of SDC (Supervisory DataCenter) and custom panels or may be field mounted; These gages have a high- and low-pressure tap and are used for measuring velocity, static, and differential pressures, either positive or negative UNIVERSAL CABINET ASSEMBLIES Honeywell's Universal Cabinet Assemblies provide a central control or display location for control devices They function as enclo- sures for control devices used in conventional control systems or automation systems They can also be used as junction boxes UL Listed under "Listed Signal System Equipment Enclosures" S659A-E TIMERS Provides automatic electrical switch program- ming of occupancy operation in Control sys- tems Models with 1 -day or 24-hour programming are available Models available with spring carry-over Available with or without cover ELECTRICAL RATING (per Pole) Full load, 16A at 120V ac, 8A at 208/240V Locked rotor, 96A at 120V and 48A at 208/240V Resistor, 40A, Pilot duty, 690 VA MODELS S659A 7-day program Switch action Four pole, two pole-N O two- pole-N C S659B Same as A model except with spring carry-over S659C 24-hour program Switch action spdt IS659E Same as D model except with spring carry-over W655A-FDIAL THERMOMETERS 3-1/2 in (89 mm) dial thermometers used for direct readings of temperatures in air ducts (A, C and E models) and liquids in storage tanks or pipes (B, D, and F models) W655A through D have liquid-filled bulb with Bour- don tube sensing elements The case may be swiveled or tilted on its mount E and F models have rigid, bimetal sensing elements MODELS W655A Element 10 ft (3m) cap, 10 in (254 mm) elemenl Range 20 to 180 F (-7 to 82 C), -40 to 120 F (-40 to 49 C), -5 to 85 C (23 to 185 F), -40 to 50 C(-40tol22F) W655B 2-1/4x1/2 in (57 x 13 mm) bulb Range 30 to 250 F (-1 to 121 C), 0 to 120 C (32 to 248 F) W655C 7-1/2x7/16 in (191 x 11 mm) ele- ment Range SameasW655A W655D 10ft(3m)cap,2-l/4xl/2m (57x 13 mm) bulb Range Same as W655B W655E 9 in (229 mm) bimetal Range -40 to 140 F (-40 to 60 C), 30 to 240 C (86 to 464 F) W655F 4 in (102 mm) bimetal Range Same as W655E ACCURACY W655A-D, ± Wa at center 2/3 ] of scale, W655EandF, ± 1-1/2% at center 2/3 of scale 21 77-9815 Xlfe lo noiissncfj.l YIO.L si ni b3t'j molriUD bnc visinsOei^Q ( 3'Srfi" tf)3](ujoi!' blsi"* jcf '^sin 10 - qu 5ifj<V3iq wo! bnfi -dgfri B jvt.il ioi bosu s o totuioj -*.} IdOM rteJi*2 <3ni>qijjjo1o gn TFJOj-|i^ T; Vfib " fill// f\ jbotl L. "ift/B/IB 'B iL'boIv' siMfi'lBVJj 1 IB "jfiiffimS^iO 10 rllif/ gjrijilijjvA 11/0 ;ITJ giinq? ii UvOJ lIJ'Xl llii O t)0( A-r o - t or- T-HONEYWEl_L»Minneapolis, Minnesota 55d08»Scartiorough, Ontano'Subsidianes and Affiliates Around the World 'Printed in U S ACl oV'-\ \ si Honeywell Single Seated Valves MODEL NUMBER V5011A-E GENERAL These single-seated, two-way, straight-through valves provide proportional control of steam, liquids, air, or other noncombustible gases in HVAC systems requiring tight shutoff They are available in bronze bodies with screwed NPT end connections or cast iron bodies with flanged end connections FEATURES • Direct or reverse acting • Stainless steel stem with removable composition disc and self-adjusting, spring loaded Teflon packing • Bronze, brass, or stainless steel plugs provide equal percentage or linear flow characteristics • High pressure models available (V501 ID or E) • Stainless steel, metal-to-metal seating available in smaller valve sizes • Suitable for pneumatic (1/2- to 6-mch valve) or elec- tric (1/2- to 4-mch valve) actuation with proper link- Rev 3-81 F<irm NO 77-5315 Commercial Bldg Gioup MLF TAB II D 2 o SPECIFICATIONS Models See Table 1 Flow Characteristics Equal Percentage or Linear Refer to Table 1 and Fie 4 Dimensions Refer to Table 2 and Fig 1,2, and 3 Close-off Ratings Refer to Fig 5A through 5G and Table 3 Valve Ratings Refer to Table 4 Controlled Mediums and Temperatures Refer to Table 5 Valve Actuator Selection Refer to Table 6 Stem Travel 1/2-to 3-mch valves 3/4-mch (19 mm) 4-, 5-, and 6-mch valves 1-12-mch (38 mm) Trim Materials Packing Teflon cone for 125 lb/m2 (860 kPa) flanged and 150 lb/m2 (1035 kPa) screwed valves, all sizes Teflon "V" ring for 250 lb/m2 (1725 kPa) valves, 1-1/2- to 6-inch size Disc Removable composition Disc Holder Screwed bodies—brass Flanged bodies—cast iron Plug Screwed bodies with composition disc—contoured brass Screwed bodies with metal-to-metal seating—con- toured stainless steel Flanged bodies—V-ported, skirt guided bronze Seat Screwed bodies—brass (replaceable, screwed into body) Screwed bodies, metal-to-metal-stainless steel (rec- ommend replacing valve) Flanged bodies—bronze (replaceable, screwed into body) Accessories Packing Conversion Kits (for converting to high pres- sure applications) 14002920-001 Rubber "V" ring for 1/2- to 1-1/4- mch valves (1/4-inch diameter stem) 14002920-002 Teflon "V" ring for 1-1/2-to 3-mch valves (3/8-mch diameter stem) When Ordering Specify 1 Model number, size, and direct or reverse acting 2 Accessories 3 Actuator and linkage (refer to Valve/Actuator Selection, Table 8) O 77-5315 Table 1 V5011 Model Discretions and Body Specifications Model Number and Plug Characteristic VSOHAEqual Percentage and V5011C Linear V50 HA Equal Percentage V501 ID Equal Percentage V5011A Equal Percentage V5011B Equal Percentage V501ID Equal Percentage V501 IE Equal Percentage Action £^ Direct Direct Direct Reverse Direct Reverse End Connections Screwed Elanged Flanged Body Size in Inches 1/2 3/4 1 1-1/4 1-1/2 2 2-1/2 3 2-1/2, or 3 4, 5, or 6 Capacity Index (Cv) 04,063, 10, 1 6,25,40 63 100 16 25 40 63 100 63, 2-1/2 in 100, 3 in 160,4m 250, 5 in 360,6m Nominal Body Pressure Rating lb/m2 (kPa) 150(1035) 125 (860) 250(1725) 125 (860) 250(1725) Direct stem down to close Reverse stem up to close 77-5315 o FIG 1 V5011A AND C SCREWED, DIRECT ACTING BODY FIGS V5011B AND E FLANGED BODY DIMENSIONS DIMENSIONS (REFER TO TABLE 2) (REFER TO TABLE 2) 100 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 FLOW-PERCENT OF MAXIMUM 5630 O FIG 2 V5011A AND D FLANGED BODY DIMENSIONS (REFER TO TABLE 2)FIG 4 V5011 AVERAGE FLOW CHARACTERISTICS 77-5315 <1 77-5315 A A SPHING RANGE LB/IN2 [KPA) O I3O(70) I2O5) (345) 1460) (6201 1760) (895) CLOSE OFF PRESSURE RATINGS LB/IN2 (KPA) 5A A USE 4 11 LB/IN2 (30 75 KPA) RANGE FOR *—i DETERMINING CLOSE OFF OF VALVES USED WITH MP953A A DUE TO DIFFERENCES IN VALVE BODY '—i CONSTRUCTION SCREWED AND FLANGED PATTERNS HAVE DIFFERENT CLOSE OFF RATINGS THIS APPLIES TO VALVES IN THE 2 1/2 AND 3 IN SIZES SEE 4A AND 4B A USE B 13 L6/IN2 (55 90 KPA) RANGE FOR '—i DETERMINING CLOSE OFF OR VALVES USED WITH MP953B o 10) 10 1140) Jol2'5)50(4l5)70l550)9of690}IIO(BZ5)l30»65>l50<IIOO) (70) EOS) (345) WO) (6EO) (76O) (895) (IO35) (0) (70) ' (I4O) (2O5I 1275) ' (345) (41515 15 ZS IS, 45 55 (35) (105) (170) 1340) 1310] (380) CLOSE OFF PRESSURE HATINi^S LB/IN2 (KPA 5D o FIG 5 CLOSE OFF PRESSURES AT VARIOUS CONTROL AIR PRESSURES FOR V5011A E SINGLE-SEATED VALVES AND MP953 PNEUMATIC OPERATORS O 77-5315 Table 3 Close-Off Ratings for V5011A-E with Electric Operators Model Number V5011A&C Screwed Con- nections V5011A&D Flanged V5011B&E Flanged Close-Off Ratings lb/m2 (kPa) Linkage Seal-Off Force 160 lbA (711PO/1\ 150(1034) 150(1034) 150(1034) 141 (970) 91 (627) 55 (379) 32 (221) 20 (138) 26 (179) 20 (138) 10 (69) 6 (41) 4 (28) 10 (69) 6 (41) 4 (28) 80 Ib (356N)/2\ 150(1034) 122(840) 106(731) 60(414) 39 (269) 22(152) 12 (83) 8 (55) 10 (69) 7 (48) cv 040 063 10 1 6 25 40 63 100 160 250 400 630 1000 630 1000 1600 2500 3600 1600 2500 3600 160 lb-Q618A (160 Ib model), Q455B,C,D Q601D, E, J, K, 80 lb-Q618A (80 Ib model), Q601F, G, H, L, M, Q455A,E, F,G 77-5315 Body o Table 4 Valve Body Ratings Screwed, cast-bronze 150 lb/m2 at 366 F max steam (1035 kPa at 185 C) 250 lb/m2 at 250 F max water (1725 kPa at 121 C) Flanged, cast iron 125 lb/m2 at 353 F max (860 kPa at 179 C) 250 lb/m2 at 400 F max (1725 kPa at 204 C) Max Pressure Differential for Normal Life of Trim Max Pressure Differential for Quiet Water Service Max Pressure Differential for Close-Off Teflon Cone Packing (V5011A&C) Teflon "V" Ring Packing (V5011D&Band 14002920-002 Kit) Rubber "V" Ring Packing (14002920-001 Composition Discs Metal-to- Metal Seats Water Steam (A, B, & C only) Steam only 20 lb/m2 Refer Water /2\ Steam Water /2\ Water Proportional, 25 lb/m2 (170 kPa) 2-Position, 50 lb/m2 (345 kPa) Proportional, 35 lb/m2 (240 kPa) 2-Position, 70 lb/m2 (480 kPa) 1001b/m2(690kPa) (140kPa) to Fig 4 1501b/m2at250Fmax (1035kPaat 121 C),40 mm (4C) F 100 lb/m2 at 337 F max (680 kPa at 169 C) 250 lb/m2 at 250 F max (1725 kPa at 121 C) 40 (4C) F O atures i y fj*. •, the valvt and/or piping should be insulated to prevent ambient temper- >, >_ i,; iitmgs at the aLtwtor location Maximum temperature differential in alternate hot-cold water use, 140 F (60 C) 77-5315 Table 5 Recommended Controlled Mediums and Temperatures Model Number V5011A&D V5011B V5011C* V5011D V5011E End Connections Screwed Flanged Flanged Screwed Flanged Flanged Recommended Controlled Medium Water Water Water Water Steam Water Water Temperature Range F(C) (Composition Disc) 35 to 200 (2 to 99) 115 to 275 (46 to 135) 35 to 275 (2 to 135) 35 to 275 (2 to 135) 115 to 275 (46 to 135) 275lo425(135 to 218) 35 to 275 (2 to 135) 35 to 275 *Metal-to-metal seats available m 1/2 to 1-1/2 in valve sizes Valve Actuators The V5011 valves require either MP953 actuators or electric/electronic modutrol motors as listed in Table 6 Refer to Fig 6, 7, and 8 for actuator dimensions 77-5315 O ^ i c a Q< < < < <r -T Q Q C u ° 1 1 OT -C *Use MolorSimilar loc 3 &J B TO"<~l O fo o o < Li] < O1 C- O < ^ 32 ** -t -*T -sf ~ E £ ^ [_ L- O r i 0 T 0 O 0 w » » O O C- < -u t T T T E 2 ^ = - ~ O rj r-i o o o u. < •<— 00 -if) fl >O O0 O O o < «sT T "-T -" T» Cr- CT- *! _] ? '-I q- rl O O O < < <cc 00 CO O O O C2i-L. ^t ^riu- -*• -g-TOO S S S ^ O a. rJ T ^' O o o < < < o \o \cO O O «r -* i^ -* *tr- r~ !-~E E E O1 K £^ T ri o o < < \c j;O O ^r ui 2 ^ f- 3 O k-• o 2 <• UJ ^ril<!] = ?? E O Od uI"3 «£ 1 t £ ll1 1 0B 5 S & in o£Oi£ 1 gg = 0- 3 II" IM- Q, aj a. rt K = c e „ S o. c 7 O 1/1 2 £ E § K« a Z li g i OH — <cT u c^ C > X- w a- o- C£ Q; 0 O O 0 S 3 ^ •! h- F- J -1 ~ — K I C c; UJ -LJ u i_i ca ca _> o < < ^ o 5 < >o _ oTf O "- '• ^lOO^^Oi-^O 1- H S Z- Cl ^ S. ^-i C.1 < o > t^J c/^ i, c_ « a£ O O O C 5 5 f ^ s ^ O 3 S ~ 0 0 U- — 33 05 0 G 0 w < < < < r^ O O CJ OO O O H- o j_ -L, O 0 t"\ r" f < O O O CO o {/) I^/ ai K 5 S O 0- C 0 2 S 5 B S ^ - - ^ -J _ — J O L- U 33 CD 0 0 i < •< < CS_ C Tfr' Ofl- O f^ — -SO^O^'Or O i- [__ ^ X Ci 3L 3" Ci C. o o > IS) V> - - XL & a o- C 0 3 ^> ^ 3 * E ^ 1- r- 5 o := ~ 0 0 1_ U, « » O U O _ t < < < " O O O O^C O -C J- O 1_ -J-l r] r~ ^f n ^o a o o u < < O O C li l_ u, C o o 77-5315 10 NEAREST OBSTRUCTION POSITIONER ON MP953A ONLY MP953A, C 7-1/8 D (181) POSITIONER ON MP953BONLY <L - 4-1/4 MP953B (107) NEAREST OBSTRUCTION 4-3/8 (111) t MP953B, D 8-3/4 MP953B (222) OPERATOR SIZE NOMINAL DIA 5-INCH 8-INCH 13-INCH A 5-1/8 (130) 8-1/4 (210) 13-1/2 (343) A 6-7/8 (175) 8-3/4 (222) 12-1/2 (311) A 4-5/8 (117) 6-1/2 (165) 10 (254) A 4-3/8 (111) 5-3/8 (137) 7-11/16 (195) 15256 FIG 6 MP953 APPROXIMATE DIMENSIONS IN INCHES (MILLIMETERS) REFER TO TABLE 7 FOR A, B, C AND D DIMEN- SIONS 11 77-5315 8-9/16 (218) . o o O 15234 FIG 7 APPROXIMATE DIMENSIONS IN INCHES (MILLIMETERS) OF TYPICAL ELECTRIC/ELECTRONIC OPERATOR WITH 0618 LINKAGE (M945 SHOWN) iMINIMUM CLEARANCE 4 (100) 0 0 15 1/16 (397) 5 5/8 (143) KNOCKOUTS FOR 1/2 IN CONDUIT O - 10 - (254) FIG 8 APPROXIMATE DIMENSIONS IN INCHES (MILLI- METERS) OF TYPICAL ELECTRIC/ELECTRONIC OPERATOR WITH 0601 LINKAGE (M644 SHOWN} TYPICAL OPERATION In a normally open valve assembly application (direct acting valve with a direct acting pneumatic actuator), an increase m branch line pressure from a sensor or con- troller moves the valve stem toward the closed position In a normally closed valve assembly (reverse acting valve with a direct acting pneumatic actuator an increase in branch line pressure moves the valve stem toward the open position O DIRECT ACTIMG REVERSE ACTING ai29-i FIG 9 TYPICAL OPERATION Honeywell In the USA Honeywell Plaza, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55408 In Canada Scarborough, Ontario Subsidiaries and Affiliates Around the World Printed in USA O Honeywell Pressure Reducing Valve and Filter Stations MODEL NUMBER PP902C&D GENERAL The PP902C and D Pressure Reducing Valve (PRV) and Filter Stations control the pressure and fil- ter the air delivered to pneumatic control systems The PP902C is used in single pressure systems, while the PP902D is used in two-pressure systems requiring two independently regulated air pressure settings FEATURES • Built-m adjustable safety relief valve • Built-in pressure gages • Pneumatically controlled, adjustable, two- pressure model available for Day/Nite or Summer/ Winter control systems • Built-m, high-capacity micron filter • The RP418/818 Electric-Pneumatic Relay and Kit 14003638-001 can be mounted directly to the switchover port of the PP902D SPECIFICATIONS Models PP902C Single-pressure PRV PP902D Two-pressure PRV Inlet Pressure 45 to 150Ib/m2(310to 1034 kPa) Outlet Pressure (Regulated) 0 to 25 lb/m2 (0 to 172 kPa) Factory set at 18 lb/ m2(124kPa) Differential Pressure (PP902D}- Adjustable 0 to 5 lb/m2 (0 to 35 kPa), factory set at 451b/m2(31kPa) Gages Inlet Oto 160psi Outlet Oto30psi or Inlet Dual scale, 0 to 160 psi and 0 to 11 kPa Outlet Dual scale, 0 to 30 psi and 0 to 2 kPa 6-82 Safety Pressure Relief Adjustable 12 to 25 lb/m2 (83 to 172 kPa), factory set at 22 to 25 lb/m2 (152 to 172 kPa) Relief Capacity 5 ft3/mm (2 4)2 /s) at 20 Ib/m2 (138 kPa) outlet Maximum Air Flow 10ft3/mm(4 7K/s)at 18 lb/m2 (124 kPa) outlet Maximum Air Consumption 0 06tt3/min(1700scm3/mm) Connections Inlet and outlet air 1/4-mch female NPT PP902D pilot 1 /8-mch female NPT Filter Bowl Material Polycarbonate with metal bowl guard Filter Rating 0 03 micron coalescing type, 99 9998 percent filter- ing efficiency FO^ NO 77-3008 Commercial Btdg Group MLFTAB II C 9 Mounting Mount with bracket furnished or directly sup- ported by plumbing system Finish Anodizfid aluminum (PRV) and paint (filter) Dimensions See Figure 1 Accessories 1 RP418 or RP818 Electric-Pneumatic Relay plus Mounting Bracket Kit 14003638-001 for direct mounting on the PP902D 2 Filter Replacement Kit 14004203-001 When Ordering Specify 1 Model Number 2 Gages (psi, or psi and kPa) 3 Accessories 77-3008 Fig 1 PP902C and D Dimensions in Inches (Millimeters) 2 17653 c TYPICAL OPERATION PP902C (see Fig 2) The PRV and filter station functions as a standard pressure reducing valve with a pressure safety relief feature The filter removes oil and particulate contaminants from the air supply TO AUTOMATIC OR MANUAL SWITCHOVER CONTROL PRV FROM COMPRESSOR IN OUT REDUCED PRESSURE FROM TO SYSTEM COMPRESSOR PP902C FILTER 17652 Fig 2 PP902C Typical Operation FILTER PP902D REDUCEDPRESSURETO SYSTEM HIGHER PRESSURE WITH RP418 COIL ENERGIZED PP902D (see Fig 3) Used in a two-pressure control system (Day/Nite or Summer/Winter), the PRV and filter station functions as a pressure reducing valve furnishing either of two adjustable pressures Switch- over from one setting to the other is provided by a two- position pilot switch (RP418 shown) actuated either electrically or pneumatically When switching from the higher to the lower of the two settings, the pressure relief feature exhausts the difference between the two pressures The filter removes oil and particulate con- taminants from the air supply TO AUTOMATIC OR MANUAL SWITCHOVER CONTROL PRV FROM COMPRESSOR #• — 1>•T IN OUT REDUCED PRESSURE ^ PP902D T0 SYSTEM FILTER HIGHER PRESSURE WITH RP418 COIL DEENERGIZED 17651 Fig. 3. PP902D Typical Operation 77-3008 Honeywell Three-Way Mixing & Diverting Valves MODEL NUMBER V5013A-E GENERAL These valves provide proportional or two-position control of hot or cold water m heating or cooling sys- tems They can be used for mixing service (V5013A, B and D) to direct flow from one of two inlets to a com- mon outlet or for diverting service (V5013C and E) to direct flow from a common inlet to one of two outlets NOTE Mixing and diverting valves cannot be inter- changed FEATURES • Direct or reverse acting • Bronze body with female, threaded end connections or cast iron body with flanged end connections • Stainless steel stem, bronze plug, and replaceable bronze seats, • Spnng loaded, self-adjusting Teflon packing • High pressure models available (V5013D and E) • Constant total flow throughout full plug travel • Linear flow characteristic for each port • Suitable for pneumatic or electric actuation (with proper linkage) • Repack kits available for field servicing R2578 SPECIFICATIONS / Models and Types See Table 1 End Connections See Table 1 Body Size See Table 1 Capacity Index See Table 1 Maximum Nominal Body Pressure and Temperature See Table 1 Dimensions See Table 2 and Figures 1 and 2 Stem Stainless Steel Stem Travel 1/2-to 3-m vaJves 3/4-m (19mm) 4-, 5-, and 6-in valves 1-1/2-m (38 mm) 8-in valves 2-m (51mm) Stem Diameter 1/2-to 1-1/4-m valves 1/4-m (6mm) 1-1/2- to 3-in valves 3/8-m (10mm) 4-to 8-m valves 1/2-m (13mm) Seat V5013A Integral Brass V5013B, C, D, and E Bronze, removable cage type Rev 5-81 arm No 77-5316 :ommercial Blcig Group MLF TAB II D 2 Disc and Plug V5013A One-piece brass construction for metal-to- metal seating with linear contour plug Plug V5013B,C,andD Bionze skirted Packing V5013A Self-adjusting, spring-loaded Teflon, 3- section V5013B Self-adjusting, spring-loaded Teflon, 4- section V5013C, D and E Self-adjusting, spring-loaded Tef- lon NOTE Teflon cone for 125 lb/m2 (860 kPa) flanged and 150 lb/m2 (1035 kPa) screwed valves, aU sizes Teflon "V" ring for 250 lb/m2 (1725 kPa) valves, 1-1/2 to 6 inch sizes Packing Limitations V5013A Hot or Chilled Water Service-150 lb/m2 (1034 kPa) maximum pressure, 40 F (4 C) minimum and 240 F (116 C) maximum temperature Alternate Hot and Cold Water Service-100 lb/m2 (689 kPa) maximum pressure, 240 F (116 C) maximum temperature V5013BandC Hot Water Service-100 lb/m2 (689 kPa) maxi- mum pressure, 240 F (116 C) maximum tem- perature Alternate Hot and Cold Water Service—150 lb/m2 (1034 kPa) maximum pressure, 40 F (4 C) minimum and 240 F (116 C) maximum tem- perature, 140 F (60 C) maximum differential temperature V5013DandE Alternate Hot and Cold Water Service—140 F (60 C) maximum differential temperature Table 1 V5013, Model Discnption and Body Specifications Model No and Type V5013A Mixing V5013B Mixing V5013C Diverting V5013D Mixing V5013E Diverting Straight Through Flow Stem Down Stem Down Stem Up Stem Down Stem Up End Connections Female threads Flanged Body Size in Inches 1/2 3/4 1 1-1/4 1-1/2 2 V5013B-E 2-1/2 3 4 5 6 8 Capacity Index (Cy) 1 5,40 63 10 16 25 40 V5013B-E 63 100 160 250 360 600 Maximum Nominal Body Pressure lb/m2 (kPa) 150(1034) 125 (862) 250(1724) Temperature Cv F(C) 366(186) 353(179) 400 (204) o 77-5316 •o 1u- oi 1-1 -fcj S en ss c VI no <U )Ximate ]kH fttx m o > CD PI M -> » O ft. ft] Q , CO •* g <u Valveand FigureReference^ o\ **• oo 2 m S oo **j- ro co ^ ^^ ^ CO -^ O\a* CN oo o cs ***• oo oo oo *f -*t QQ y— \ *— 1 OO o *-D '— ^ h*-*' co r^it^- '***' v^ 'O ^^ °0 ^" *^ 7^ "^j* ^^ ^" ^^r^^^rA, ^-, O O ^~. -ff "O (N SiS^CSiS ----^^ o S" (N i— 1 2 *rXH (N •* ^-0) »-H 1— 1 T— I Ol •< c^ V? g? ^ fe ^- ^- oo oo oo M O r*> r^ r^ <s ^o c*^- r^ r-* t^ CN O *-H mi-H i-H i— | ^D O ^O *""" CO i-H -H ^H «— r <N Ol TT Tt -^ 00 00 co c*^ r*~i t**- r^ m (S >O O (M vi O IN CO ^- 10 VO CO 0% ^ oo oo oo»-^ »— . co fo r*"* rt — ( ^H (N >o "o oo co oo c*f*^ ro "^ "^ ^f co oo oo oo oo oo tf ro ro r- r- t~- I-H O\ <O i — 1 ^"^(S r- ro oo <S oo I§S?§ I-H co ^- co ^ in \O ^O OO ^\ fT> ^ 2 S ? Si S S «^^^^^ 4-A^^r^^ ^™ N ^"^ ^^ ^* ^* ^^ rs cs ^i- ri- ^ oo CO f*% IO ^ "O "O CJJ OBE E C^l CO ^ ^ MD OO u 05ro VJ 00 > £ oo co oo oo M <N O 5s1 RJ> CD ^"H 7*4 "^ v> l^' fN OO r~- ob O T-I f-i no O% OO O i/l O i— i •— i rs <s (N ,-, co oo oo ••* oo to 10 ^^ r^* CT^ ci co »H •— 1 C-T CN~ oo ao in <S \O O (S 10 O c^co^.ovoco ^\ O% CO CO COi-H i-H CO CO CO »-H *-H »— < f^ 10 10 co oo oo cs oo co oo oo oo ^ *? *? ^ ^ *r ^ cs r- co vo to oo CN CO CO ^ »J- IO <N cs rs ^ oo oo _H -^ -H CO 14-) CO -H CS ^- VO OO IN O ^H IO OO ^H t~- (S cs -H ^t oo c~- c~- o\ O i— i ^~ «-H •— 1 •— 1 t-~ to O to OO Tl- (N O fS •* •^- 10 t— oo co c^ O O CO CO CO tO CN (N Tf 'd- •* oo i i i i i iro co >o in 10 in E £ T-H M co ^- in \o oo W «<* Q *>• [T, J 1 1 ( ^ , 77-5316 o Close-Off Ratings See Table 3 and Figures 3 and 4 Accessories Packing Conversion Kits (for converting to high pres- sure applications) 1402920-001 Rubber V-nng for 1/2- to 1-1/4-mch valves (1/4-mch diameter stem) 14002920-002 Teflon V-nng for 1-1/2- to 3-inch valves (3/8-mch diameter stem) When Ordering, Specify 1 Model number and size 2 Accessories 3 Actuator and linkage (refer to Valve Actuator Selection, Table 4) V5013 Valve Actuators The V5013 valves require either MP953 actuators, 01-15, or 01-18S pneumatic or electric/electronic controlled Modutrol motors as listed in Table 4 Refer to Figures 5 through 8 for actuator dimensions Table 3 Close-Off Pressure Ratings for V5013A-E Valves with Electric Actuators Model No V5013A V5013B&D V5013C&E Pipe Size (In) 1/2 1/2 3/4 1 1-1/4 1-1/2 2 2-1/2 3 4 5 6 8 2-1/2 3 4 5 6 8 Close-Off Ratings3 lb/in2 (kPa) When Used with Linkages Q6I8A 80 Ib Linkage 140(965) 130(895) 120(830) 70 (485) 50 (345) 35 (240) 20 (140) Not Not Q618A 1601b Linkage 150(1035) 150(1035) 150(1035) 150(1035) 146(1005) 98 (675) 67 (460) 32 (220) 22(150) 9(60) recommende for tight close -off 32 (220) 22(150) 9(60) recommende for tight close-off Q601E 9(60) d 9(60) d O aRepresents maximum pressure difference between the outlet and either of the two inlets (or between the inlet and either of two outlets) 77-5316 SPRING RANGE LB/IN2lkPA)^ 2-7 (15-50) 7 (50) BSB) 91601 10701 ii75) 12 185) 13(90) 14 195) 2 (15) 1(5) 0(0) 4-11 130-75) MITS) 12 (85 13 901 1495) 15KB 16 110) 17 115) 4 3C 320 2 13 1(S) O (0) 125) 8-12 (5585) 12 {85) 13(90) 14 95) 15105 16110) 17 115) IB125) a55 7Dd 6 KC 530 43a 3 12C Z1151 (5) V5OI3A 1/2 TO 2 INCH VALVE BODIES WITH 5 INCH DIRECT ACTING PNEUMATIC ACTUATOR fe — — S r V \ X,\\ Y^ "X \\\\ 10 ^ Xc 1 \f:\\\ \ ^1* ^ti \vj\> 20 — ^ \ SV, \ 3 •^ \ \ s,\ 0 ^t \ \S ^ \ \ 4O X ^s — ss 50 \ N Sss 60 — \ S 70 U L U L U L-LOWER SEAT U UPPER SEAT 35 (35) (105) (170) (240) (310) (3801 CLOSE OFF PRESSURE RATING PSHkPA) Zi\USE 4 II PS I (30 75 kPA) RANGE FOR DETERMINING CLOSE OFF OF VALVES WITH MP9S3A a B OPERATORS MJS SPRING RANGE LB/IN2(kPAl/r\ 2-7 (15-50 7 2 W05) 8 1 » (3) 9 0 60 10) 10 70 II751 2 S3 1330 4 95) L U 4-11 (3O-75) II ITS) 1205) 13 90) 14 (95) 154051 16 110) 17 115) ia (125 400 3 (£0) 2 (S) 1 B) 010) L U B-l£ (55-85) 12 :95) 13 BO) M S3) 15 105) 16 110) 17 115) IB 125) B155 7 150) 6 (40) 5 (36) 4rao> 3 120) 2 (151 1 5) L U L-LOWER SEAT U- UPPER SEAT V50I3 1/2 TO 1 INCH VALV& BODIES WITH 8 INCH PNEUMATIC ACTUATOR t> ^ r ==- fe ^ \\^\s\\\ --. x^ \\ \V N \ V S —--= s fe ? \* \f\ \\ , c ^ ^40f^T ^*! <V * ^V \,S X N\ s\ X \ \ 10 20 3O 40, (70) „ (1401 23 (20S1M (2761 < S IKS) (170) (240) (3 CLOSE OFF PRESSURE RATI 63 '-- •%. X \ -— _ "-• ^ S s 5O 5(345^0) (31 NG LB/I 1 — . --. X N "— -. '"•. X 6O 5 ws a90) 14=elkPA) — —- — fc^- X X 7C ,H8 C) USE 4 II 130 75 kPA) RANGE FOR DETERMINING CLOSE OFF OF VALVES WITHMP953A AND B S6J7 3B SPRING RANGE LB/IN2(kPA)A V50I3' 1/2 TO 3 INCH VALVE BODIES WITHREVERSE ACTING PNEUMATIC OPERATOR SPRING RANGE- LB/IN2 (kPA) (35) (105) (170) (240) (310) (380) (450) u'uPPER SEAT CLOSE OFF PRESSURE RATING LB/IN2(kPA) USE 8-12 LB/IN2(55 85kPA) RANGE FOR DETERMINING CLOSE-OFF OF VALVESWITH MP953 ACTUATORS 56M ' 3C 4 II30-75) nrs 1285) 13901 14 195] Bjwe 16ma 17 1151 18[125 4 (30 •320) £ 113) 115) 0(0) ) L U U L V50(3'4,5 PNEUMAT \ N \ \ s S N ^s AND 6 INCH VALVE BODIES WITH 13 INCH C ACTUATOR \ ^ N 5 *f- \ \^ \ \S ^ \ S ^s \, X \ S,V \ s^ S s \ S X ss 5 10 13 20 25 3O 35 4t (35) (70) (103) (140) 1(70) (203) (240> (2T CLOSE OFF PRESSURE RATING LB/IN2(kPA) L-LOWER SEAT U UPPER SEAT Fig 3 V5013 Close-Off Ratings vs Control Air Pressure for MP953 Operators 77-5316 SPRING RANGE - LB/IN2 (kPA) MIXING DIVERTING 3-15 (2O-I05) 15-1 (105) 16 ' (110) (120) (125) 19- {130) 2O- (140) 21- (145) 22- (150) 23- (160) 24- (175) 25- (180) 26- (185) ri (20) 2 05) (5) L U U L 4-1/2-10 (30-70) 10- (70) If - (75) 12- (85) 13- (90) 14- (95) 15- (105) 16- (110) 17- (120) 18 (125) 19- (130) 2O (140) 21- (145) • 4 (30) 3 (20) 2 (15) -1 (55) L U U L 6-16-1/2 (40-115) 17- (120) 18- (125) 19' (130) 20- (140) 21- (145) 22 (150) 23 (160) 24- (165) 25 (175) 26' (180) 27 (185) b (40) -5 (35) -4 (30) -3 (20) -2 (15) -1 (5) L U U L 8-29 (55-200) 29- (20O) 30- (205) (215) 32- (220) 33- (225) (235) (240) (250) 37- (255) 38^ (260) 39 (270) 40- (275) tt (55) 7 (50) 6 [40) 5 (35) 4 [30) (20) (15) (5) L U U L L- LOWER SEAT U-UPPER SEAT VOU13 b-IPJLt-1 VALVt bUUILb Wild DIRECT-ACTING OI-I8S PNEUMATIC ACTUATOR \ \*v \ 5 (35) | (7 CLOSE- OF \s\ ^ 15 D 005) 2 0) (14 F PRESSU 1s>\ \s 25 0 (170) 3- 0) (2C ^E RATING \\ \ \ 35 0 (240) 4 >5) (27 - LB/IN 2(k D 5) 3A) MIXING DIVERTING o 4A 5642 SPRING RANGE-LB/IN^ (kPA)O 3-9 (20-60) (60) 10' (70) 1 1 (75) (85) (90) (95) (105) (MO) (120) 18- (125) (20) (15) • 1 (5) (130) L U U L 3 1/2-9-1/2 (25-65) 10 n (70) II- (75) 12- (85) 13 (90) 14- (95) 15 (105) 16 (110) 17- (120) 18- (125) 19. (130) 1-3(20) 2 (15) 1 (5) L U U L 3-15 (20-105) IS-. (105) (110) 17 (120) 18- (125) (130) 2O (140) 21 • (145) 22- (150) (160) 24- (165) r3 (20) (15) ' 1 (5) (175) L U U L 6-30 (40-205) 30-rft (205) (215) 32 (220) 33- (225) (235) 35- (240) (250) (255) (260) (270) (40) [35) '4 (30) •3 (20) [15) 1 (5) (275) L U U L L-LOWER SEAT U-UPPER SEAT V50I3 8-INCH VALVE BODIES WITH DIRECT-ACTING 01-15 PNEUMATIC ACTUATOR ^\\IL \ \ 5 (35) 1C (7 CLOSE ( f> \0 \ \ \ \ 15 25 35 ) (105) 20 (170) 30 (240) 40 D) (140) (205) (275) 3FF PRESSURE RATING-LB/IN2(kPA) 5641 O Fig 4 V5013 Close-Off Ratings vs Control Air Pressures for Type 01 Actuators on 8-mch Valve Bodies 77-5316 Table 4 V5013 Valve Actuator Selection Basic Valve V5013A Tliree-wjy Mixing Valve with Screwed bnd Connections V5013B&D Three Way Mixing Valve Flanged Lnd Connections (D Model for High Pressure Applications) V5013C&E Three Way Diverting Valve Hanged End Connections (E Model lor High Pressure Applications) Size (Inches) 1/2 3/4 1 1 1/4 1 1/2 2 2 1/2 3 4 5 6 8 2 1/2 3 4 5 6 8 Cv 25,40 63 10 16 25 40 63 100 160 250 360 600 63 100 160 250 360 600 ^i Pneumatic Operator A1,C1 A2, A1,C1 A2, A2.C2B1, A2,C2B1, A3,C3 C2B1,D1 C2B1,D1 Dl Dl A3,C3 Industrial Type 01 15 or 01 18S A2,C2,B1,D1 A2,C2B1,D1 A3.C3 A3,C3 A3,C3 Industrial Type 01-15 or 01 18S ^2i Electnc Actuators Two -Position or Floating N on -Spring Return Eo Eo G G E E F Two- Position Sprmg Return Ho Ho 1 rl Proportional N on -Spring Return J, L J,L orT orT JorT JorT K Proportional Spring Return M,N M,N orU orU £a Electronic Actuators Proportional Non-Spring Return 0,Q 0,0 orR orR OorR OorR Proportional Spring Return PorS PorS Not recommended for tight close off Use pneumatic operator E E F JorT JorT K Not recommended for tight close off Use pneumatic operator NOTES The MP953A D are rolling type diaphragm actuators which provide proportional control of V5013 valve Al - MP953ADA A2 - MP953ADA A3 - MP953ADA Bl - MP953BRA Cl - MP953CDA C2 - MP953CDA C3 - MP953CDA Dl - MP953DRA 5 in dia with positioner 8 m dia with positioner 13 in dia with positioner 7 1/8 in dia with positioner 5 in dia without positioner 8 m dia without positioner 13 in dia without positioner 7-1/2 in dia without positioner Example Linkages Q601E1000- 160 Ib seal off force Q618A1024- 160 Ib seal-off force Q618A1032- 80 Ib seal-off force Letter Designation E F G H I J K L M N 0 P Q R S T U Use Motor Similar to M644A M644C M634B MS4SA M845E M944A M944C M934A M945A M945F M7044B M7045 M734 M744 M745 M954 M955 with Linkage 'Similar to Q6 18 A 1024 Q601E1000 Q618A1032 Q6 ISA 1032 Q6 18 A 1032 Q618A1024 Q601blOOO Q618A1032 Q618A1032 Q6 ISA 1032 Q6 ISA 1024 Q618A1032 Q6JSA1032 Q618A1024 Q618A1032 Q618A1024 Q6 ISA 1032 77-5316 MP953A POSITIONER ON MP953AONLY £ \ ^ . f i I ;»- . — =5- — _l NEAREST OBSTRUCTION o MP953A.C 7-1/8 D (181) POSITIONER ON MP953BONLY <t NEAREST OBSTRUCTION MP953B, D 4-3/8 (111) t O 8-3/4 MP953B (222) OPERATOR SIZE NOMINAL DIA 5-INCH 8-INCH 13-INCH A 5-1/8 (130) 8-1/4 (210) 13-1/2 (343) A 6-7/8 (175) 8-3/4 (222) 12-1/2 (311) A 4-5/8 (117) 6-1/2 (165) 10 (254) A 4-3/8 (111) 5-3/8 (137) 7-11/16(195) 15256 Fig 5 MP953 Approximate Dimensions in Inches (Millimeters) 77-5316 11-1/2 (292) 15234 Fig 6 Approximate Dimensions in Inches (Millimeters) of Typical Electric/Electronic Operator with 0618 Linkage (M945 Shown) MINIMUM CLEARANCE 4 (100) 15 1/16 (397) C 0 5 5/8 (143) T O KNOCKOUTS FOR 1/2 IN CONDUIT - 10 • (254) Fig 7 Approximate Dimensions in Inches (Millimeters) of Typical Electric/Electronic Operator with 0601 Linkage (M644 Shown) 5-1/2(140) MIN ALLOWANCE FOR REMOVING ACTUATOR 01-15 17-1/2(445) OI-I8S 20-1/2(520) Fig 8 Type 01-15 and 01-18S Spnng Actuator Dimen- sions in Inches (Millimeters) 77-5316 TYPICAL OPERATION o When a mixing valve is used in a heating application, Port B (lower) is connected to a hot water boiler, Port A (upper) to a boiler bypass, and Port AB (common) to a load With a direct-acting thermostat and valve actua- tor, a fall m temperature at the controller lifts the stem to open Port B and close Port A increasing the tempera- ture of the water leaving the valve When a diverting valve is used in a heating application, Port A (upper) is connected to a coil, Port B (lower) is connected to a coil bypass, and Port AB (common) is connected to the supply With a direct acting thermostat and valve actuator, a fall m temperature at the controller moves the valve stem up, opening Port A and closing to Port B, increasing the flow of hot water through the coil MIXING VALVE TO CONTROLLFR 4k I DIVERTING VALVE TO CONTROLLER O FROM HOT WATER BOIL.ER STEM UP TO INCREASE HEATING WATER TEMPERATURE 8126 SUPPLY TO HEATING COIL BYPASS STEM UP TO INCREASE AMOUNT OF HEATING WATER 8127 Fig 9 V5013A, B, and D Mixing Valve Operation Fig 10 V5013C and E Diverting Valve Operation O 77-5316 10 x HANKISON •SERIES 80 BULLETIN 8000-1E Specifications for the Series 8O Air Dryers Models 8010 to 80100 Standard features include automatic condensate dram, power-on indicator and high- temperature indicator Model 8010 MODEL NO Flow Capacity SCFM Max Working Pressure, pslg Rating (1) Air Connection - Inlet Outlet Dram Connection Horsepower Standard Voltages Available Full Load Amps Locked Rotor Amps Unit Protection (2)Fuse Size (Max ) Amps Branch CircuitFuse Size (Max ) Amps Overload Protector (inches) (millimeters) (inches) (millimeters) (Inches) (millimeters) Shipping Weight (Its) 8010 10 8015 15 8025 25 8035 35 8045 45 8055 55 8070 70 80100 100 175 psig (300 psis available) Conditions (or rating Hankison Series 8D Compressed Air Dryers are in accordance with Class H of the National Fluid Power Associations Recommended Standard NFPA/T 3272 — 1975 W Copper Tube %" Male NPT W Copper Tube W Male NPT 5t" Copper Tube 'A "Male NPT 5fe" Copper Tube ^"Copper Tube 5/16" I D Flexible Tube 1/6 1/5 1/3 1/3 115 V 60 HZ 1 PHASE, 100 V 50 HZ 1 PHASE, 240/220 V 50 HZ 1 PHASE 115V 240/22QV 33 ; 15 165 91 5 ' 2 i 15 15 115V (240/220V 46 22 245 ; 11 6 6 * 3 15 ? 15 115V ' 240/220V 74 , 35 357 ; 163 10 \ 5 15 \ 15 * 115V '240/220V 74 i 35 357 t 163 10 * 5 15 15 1Va" Copper Tube 1" Female NPT 11A"CopperTube llVCopperTube 114" Copper Tube 1" Female NPT 1Va"CopperTube ^W CopperTube 3/8" O D Tube Fitting 1/2 1/2 3/4 3/4 115 V 60 H2 1 PHASE 230/208 V 60 HZ 1 PHASE 100 V 50 HZ 1 PHASE 200 V 50 HZ 1 PHASE 115V 230/208V 98 46 47 9 24 4 12 6 i IS ' 15 115V 230/208V 98 . 48 47 9 24 4 12 > 6 15 15 115V i230/208V 185 * 94 69 I 41 8 i25 12 30 , 15 115V 230/20BV 185 94 69 41 8 25 12 30 15 Thermal & Current (Automatic Reset) 14 356 16-1/8 410 15 381 58 14 356 16-1/8 410 15 381 68 16 4064 22-1/16 5604 16 4064 96 16 4064 22-1/16 5604 16 4064 98 22-1 /4 565 32-1/4 619 19-1/2 495 187 22-1/4 565 32-1/4 819 19-1/2 495 212 22-1/4 565 32-1/4 819 19-1/2 495 220 22-1/4 565 32-1 /4 819 19-1/2 495 235 (1) NFPA Class H dryers are rated @ 33° F (o 3ff° F pressure dew point range @ 100° F & 1DO pslg eir inlet operating in 100° F Ambient Evaporator (Chiller Section) control circuit is factory set at 35° F (1 7° C ) (2) Ratings given ore lor dual element fuses hot gas by-pass valve, mechanicalEngineering and ordering information 'Hankison Series SO dryers are complete with smooth tube-m-tube heat exchanger, hermetically sealed refrigeration system, self-regulating condensate separator, 40 micron porous bronze filter and pilot operated automatic condensate dram Hankison Series 80 dryers are de- signed in accordance with Class H of NFPA standard T3 27 2—1975 (Note SCFM rating varies with operating pressure, saturated air inlet temperature and ambient temperature) * '*• t i DOWf\ISTREAIVl Specifications for the Series 80 Air Dryers Models 80170 and 80200 Standard features include utomatic condensate dram, ower-on indicator, high- emperature indicator, on/off switch, 115V control circuit, refrigerant gauge, inlet and outlet temperature and pressure gauges Model 80200 MODEL NO Flow Capacity, SCFM Max Working Pressure, psig Ratrng(') Air Connection Inlet Outlet Dram Connection Horsepower Standard Voltages Available Full Load Amps Locked Rotor Amps Unit Protection (2) Fuse Size (Max ) Amps Branch Circuit Fuse Size (Max ) Amps Overload Protector (inches)Height (millimeters) w,dth (inches ) (millimeters) (inches) (millimeters) Shipping Weight (Ibs) 80170 170 80200 200 200 psig (300 psig available) Conditions for rating Hankison Series 80 Compressed Air Dryers are in accordance with Class H of the National Fluid PowerAssociation's Recommended Standard NFPA/T 3272 — 1975 2" Male NPT 2" Male NPT 1/4 " FPT 1 230/208V 60HZ 1 Phase (50 HZ also available) ' 230/ 208V . ( . 80 [ 420 I "» ' I - 15 Thermal, Current & Pressure 36% 930 401/a 1019 36Vs 918 485 2" Male NPT 2" Male NPT 1/4 " FPT 1Vz 230/208V 60 HZ 3 Phase 460V 60 HZ 3 Phase (50 HZ also available) I230/208/3 '460/3 . I 68 ' r 41 [* 35 3 1 24 8 ^10 I" 5 •r i , . I 15 I-15--.i , j „ Thermal, Current & Pressure 36% 930 40% 1019 36 Va 918 520 (1)NFPA Class H dryers are rated @ 33° F to 39° F pressure dew point range @ 100° F & 100 psig air inlet operating In100° F Ambient Evaporator (Chiller Section) control circuit ts factory set at 35° F (I 7° C) (2) Ratings given are for dual element fuses Engineering and ordering information Hankison Series 80 dryers are complete with smooth tube-m-tube heat exchanger, hermetically sealed refrigeration system, self-regulating hot gas by-pass valve, mechanical condensate separator, and pilot oper- ated automatic condensate dram Hankison Series 80 dryers are designed in accordance with Class H of NFPA standard T3 27 2—1975 (Note SCFM rating vanes with operating pressure, saturated air inlet temperature and ambient temperature) HANKISON CORPORATION, Canonsburg, Pa 15317, Phone 412/745-1555, Telex 81-2452, Cable HANKORP PRICE AND ORDERING INFORMATION AVAILABLE FROM NAIIVNAl FLUID ?OWE* ASSOCIATION HANKISON MEASUREMENT VARIABLES, INC. 3401 KATELLA AVE {SUITE 208) LOS ALAMITQS, CA 90720 (213) 430-1029 <714> 527-0211 DOWNSTREAM