HomeMy WebLinkAbout1200 OAK AVE | 1202 OAK AVE; ; CB090721; Permit08-2572009 Job Address: Permit Type: Parcel No: Valuation: Occupancy Group: # Dwelling Units: Bedrooms: Project Title: City of Carlsbad 1635 Faraday Av Carlsbad, CA 92008 Residential Permit Permit No: CB090721 Building Inspection Request Line (760) 602-2725 1200 OAK AVCBAD RESDNTL 1561804800 $592,251.00 Sub Type: SFD2U Status: ISSUED Lot#: 2 Applied: 04/30/2009 Construction Type: VN Entered By: RMA Reference #: Plan Approved: 07/07/2009 2 Structure Type: MF2-4 Issued: 07/07/2009 6 Bathrooms: 5 Inspect Area: MC SPEC HOME-4116 SFD, 513 SF2DU Orig PC#: ATTACHED, 1117 SF GAR, 958 SF DECK, 81 SF PATIO. Plan Check* SECOND DWELLING UNIT ADDRESSED AS 1202 OAK AV Applicant: OAK AVENUE VENTURE LLC 1821 SOUTH COAST HSY OCEANSIDE CA 92054 858 759-0381 Owner: BUSBY GENE 1212 OAK AVE CARLSBAD CA 92008 Building Permit Add'l Building Permit Fee Plan Check Add'l Plan Check Fee Plan Check Discount Strong Motion Fee Park in Lieu Fee Park Fee LFM Fee Bridge Fee Other Bridge Fee BTD #2 Fee BTD #3 Fee Renewal Fee Add'l Renewal Fee Other Building Fee HMP Fee Pot. Water Con. Fee Meter Size Add'l Pot. Water Con. Fee Reel. Water Con. Fee Green Bldg Stands (SB1473) Fee $2,389.30 $0.00 $1,553.05 $0.00 $0.00 $59.23 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $20.00 Meter Size Add'l Reel. Water Con. Fee Meter Fee SDCWA Fee CFD Payoff Fee PFF (31 05540) PFF (4305540) License Tax (31 041 93) License Tax (4304 193) Traffic Impact Fee (3105541) Traffic Impact Fee (4305541) Sidewalk Fee PLUMBING TOTAL ELECTRICAL TOTAL MECHANICAL TOTAL Housing Impact Fee Housing InLieu Fee Housing Credit Fee Master Drainage Fee Sewer Fee Additional Fees BUILDING TOTAL PERMIT FEES jr\T\y $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $10,778.97 $9,949.82 $0.00 $0.00 $1,992.80 $2,247.20 $0.00 $294.00 $60.00 $160.50 $0.00 $4,515.00 $0.00 $0.00 $2,192.00 $0.00 PLANS,Ar$i6,2Tl.£ ATTACHES Total Fees: $36,211.87 Total Payments To Date:$36,211.87 Balance Due:$0.00 Inspector: FINAL A Date:Clearance: NOTICE: Please take NOTICE that approval of your project includes the "Imposition" of fees, dedications, reservations, or other exactions hereafter collectively referred to as "fees/exactions." You have 90 days from the date this permit was issued to protest imposition of these fees/exactions. If you protest them, you must follow the protest procedures set forth in Government Code Section 66020(a), and file the protest and any other required information with the City Manager for processing in accordance with Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 3.32.030. Failure to timely follow that procedure will bar any subsequent legal action to attack, review, set aside, void, or annul their imposition. You are hereby FURTHER NOTIFIED that your right to protest the specified fees/exactions DOES NOT APPLY to water and sewer connection fees and capacity changes, nor planning, zoning, grading or other similar application processing or service fees in connection with this project. NOR DOES IT APPLY to any fees/exactions of which you have previously been given a NOTICE similar to this, or as to which the statute of limitations has previously otherwise expired. City of Carlsbad 1635 Faraday Ave., Carlsbad, CA 92008 760-602-2717 / 2718 / 2719 Fax: 760-602-8558 Building Permit Application &mSHiK%£4> ^^ro^s ™A*7vz HDL; ) (1200 OAK AVENUE -W/hn fhUS ctfpROJECT* Ttgj* V 1 2 r :# |#OFUNITS I 1 » BEDROOMS 6 Q P 'fSg F W P N SUlT|ff/SPACE#/UNIT# llBATHROOMS TENANT BUSINESS 0 an Check No. \^J[ 0 (0 /«*- / rt. Value J>*92. 351 an Ck. Deposit f / 5 <^ ? • /*) ^T ate t/fo/n*? //<A-~ APN ' ' 156 - 180 - "5«C ' 48 -00 NAME CONSTRVTYPE OCC. GROUP DESCRIPTION OF WORK: Includ* Square Ftvtef Affected Anafs) BUILD A NEW SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE ON LOT 2, A TWO STORY BUILDING WITH A ROOF DECK AND A SECOND DWELLING UNIT. SF HEATED * 5214 /Ic&fflzcx - '*%&*& £>&!/f ^ ' Vlff't # /I**-, &3> ft dJ)OfaTAG4lcOttJIJ-tlCJHi *~ ?t t P/r/o EXISTING USE ' PR VACANT CONTACT NAME (HDmmirtfomApfltomt) OPOSEDUSE SFR GARAGE (SF) 1416 CHARLIE WILSON ADDRESS 1821 SOUTH COAST HWY CITY OCEANSIDE PHONE 7605806616 STATE ZIP CA 92054 FAX 7609467817 EMAIL CHARLIE500000@GMAIL.COM PROPEKTYOWNEH NAME ^ ^^g VENTUREj LLC ADDRESS 1821 SOUTH COAST HWY CITY STATE ZIP OCEANSIDE CA 92054 PHONE 8587590381 FAX 7609467817 EMAIL OAKAVENUELLC@GMAIL.COM ARCH/DESIGNER NAMES. ADDRESS STATE LIC.# P LONGTON 2909 MESA DR 0-SIDE C18797 PATIOS (SF) 'IDECKSTSF) FIR 149 I 1390 «s APPLICANT NAME EPLACE AIR CONDITIONING FIRE SPRINKLERS OAK AVENUE VENTURE, LLC ADDRESS 1821 SOUTH COAST HWY CITY OCEANSIDE PHONE 85875903a STATE ZIP CA 92054 , FAX *- 7609467817 EMAIL OAKAVENUELLC@GMAIL.COM CONTRACTOR BUS. NAME ADDRESS CITY PHONE EMAIL STATE LIC.# STATE ZIP FAX cuss crrv BUS. LIC.# (Sec. 7031.5 Business and Professions Code: Any City or County which requires a permit to construct, alter, improve, demolish or repair any structure, prior to its issuance, also requires theapplicant for such permit to file a signed statement that he is licensed pursuant to the provisions of the Contractor's License Law (Chapter 9, commending with Section 7000 of Division 3 of theBusiness and Professions Code) or that he is exempt therefrom, and the basis for the alleged exemption. Any violation of Section 7031.5 by any applicant for a permit subjects the applicant to acivil penalty of not more than five hundred dollars {$500}). WORKERS COMPENSATION Workers' Compensation Declaration: I hereby affirm under penalty of penury one of the following declarations: LJI have and will maintain a certificate of consent to selMnsura for workers' compensation as provided by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. I ' I have and wBI maintain workers' compensation, as required by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. My workers' compensation insurance carrier and policy number are: Insurance Co Policy No. Expiration Dale Thjs section need not be completed if the permit is for one hundred dollars ($100) or less. I I Certificate of Exemption: I certify thai in the performance of the work for which this permit is issued, I shall not employ any person in any manner so as to become subject to the Workers' Compensation Laws of California. WARNING: Failure to secure workers' compensation coverage Is unlawful, and shall subject an employer to criminal penalties and chril fines up to on* hundred thousand dollars (4100,000), In addition to the cost of compensation, damages at provided for In Section 3706 of the Labor code, Interest and attorney's fees. JtZ CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE DATE O W NER-BUILOER DECLARATION I hereby affirm that I am exempt from Contractor's License Law for the following reason: | | I, as owner of the property or my employees with wages as their sote compensation, will do Ite work and the structure is nrjtinteraled or ciffered for sate (Sec. 7TM4,B^^ sate. If, however, the building or improvement is sold within one year of completion, the owner-builder will have the burden of proving that he did not build or improve for the purpose of sate). l^l I, as owner of the property, am exclusively contracting with licensed contractors to construct the project (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Code: The Contractor's License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon, and contracts for such projects with conlractor(s) licensed pursuant to the Contractor's License Law). [ | I am exempt under Section Business and Professions Code for this reason: 1.1 personally plan to provide the major labor and materials for construction of the proposed property improvement I lYes I frlo 2.1 (have / have not) signed an application for a building permit for the proposed work. 3.1 have contracted with the following person (frm) to provide the proposed construction (include name address / phone / contractors' license number): 4.1 plan to provide portions of the work, but I have hired the following person to coordinate, supervise and provide the major work (include name / address / phone / contractors' license number): 5.1 win provide some of the work, but I have contracted (hired) the following persons to provide the work indicated (include name / address / phone / type of work): JEfPROPERTY OWNER SIGNATURE DATE COMPLETE THIS SECTION FOR N O N - R E S I D E N T I A L BUILDING PERMITS ONLY Is the applicant or future building occupant required to submit a business dan, acutely hazardous materials registration form or risk management and prevention program under Sections 25505,25533 or 25534 of the Presley-Tanner Hazardous Substance Account Act? FlYes D*) __ __ Is Ihe anofcanl or future buMno omjoanl required to obtain a oennil from the air pollution control district or air quality management district? |_JYes llNo IsthefadStylobeconslrucWwIthinl.OOOfeetoftheoutBrboiJndaryofaschoolsile? LJYes llNo F ANY OF THE ANSWERS ARE YES, A FINAL CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY MAY NOT BE ISSUED UNLESS THE APPLICANT HAS MET OR IS MEETING THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE OFFICE OF EMERGENCY SERVICES AND THE AM POLLUTION CONTROL DISTRICT. I hereby affirm that there is a construction lending agency for the performance of the work this permit is issued (Sec. 3097 (i) Civil Code). Lender's Name Lender's Address AGAINST ALL LIABILITIES, JUDGMENTS, COSTS AND EXPENSES WHICH MAY IN ANYWAY ACCRUE AGAIrCT SAID CITY IN CONSEOJENCE OF THE GRANTING OF THIS PERMIT. OSHA An OSHApernrrt is required fwexcavae^ EXPIATION: Every permit issued by the Buld^ Official under the provisions rf 180 days from tr* date of sucri|»mit or rftrebulldlr^^ ^APPLICANT'S SIGNATURE '^^jZ,. ^£ 6 fj^-^ DATE City of Carlsbad Final Building Inspection Dept: Building Engineering Planning CMWD St Lite Fire NOV - 3 2009 Plan Check #: Permit*: Project Name: Address: CB090721 SPEC HOME-4116 SFD, 513 SF 2DU ATTACHED, 1117 SF GAR, 958 SF DECK, 81 SF PATIO. 1200 OAK AV ^^C?t^.«\\i Lot: Date: 11/02/2009 Permit Type: RESDNTL Sub Type: SFD2U Contact Person: dVNc^-Ue- Sewer Dist: CA Inspected /\ - Bv: M SUWfty Inspected Bv: Inspected Bv: Comments: Phone: ^6>OHCoC» ^C^o Water Dist: CA , Date t/LL* ^ Inspected: / 1 /T7 / Approved: / Date Inspected: Approved: Date Inspected: Approved: >/f*v- Disapproved: Disapproved: Disapproved: City of Carlsbad Final Building Inspection Dept: Building Engineering g CMWD StLite Fire Plan Check #: Permit #: Project Name: Address: Contact Person: Sewer Dist: Inspected By: (ytiAA* Inspected By: Inspected By: CB090721 SPEC HOME-41 16 SFD, 513 SF 2DU ATTACHED, 1117 SF GAR, 958 SF DECK, 81 1200 OAK AV ^cfc^Oo^Ko C-Vxfc.t-\v«- Phone: SSP-O^VC^ CA Water Dist: CA A 1 Date I I& Aj-t-t/V^ Inspected: ' ' / ^ [ 1 Date Inspected: Date Inspected: Date: Permit Type: Sub Type: SF PATIO. Lot: 2 Approved: »/ Approved: Approved: 11/02/2009 RESDNTL SFD2U Disapproved: Disapproved: Disapproved: Comments: Inspection List Permit*: CB090721 Type: RESDNTL SFD2U Date Inspection Item 12/10/2009 89 12/10/2009 89 11/09/200989 11/06/2009 19 11/05/2009 19 11/05/200929 11/05/200939 11/05/200949 11/04/200989 11/03/200939 10/09/2009 34 10/05/2009 17 10/02/2009 17 10/01/2009 17 10/01/2009 18 10/01/2009 23 09/30/2009 17 09/28/2009 16 09/24/2009 14 09/24/2009 24 09/24/2009 27 09/24/2009 34 09/24/2009 44 09/17/2009 14 09/17/2009 17 09/17/200924 09/15/2009 13 09/14/2009 13 09/09/2009 14 09/09/2009 17 09/09/2009 34 09/08/2009 13 09/08/2009 14 09/08/2009 15 08/28/2009 14 Final Combo Final Combo Final Combo Final Structural Final Structural Final Plumbing Final Electrical Final Mechanical Final Combo Final Electrical Rough Electric Interior Lath/Drywall Interior Lath/Drywall Interior Lath/Drywall Exterior Lath/Drywall Gas/Test/Repairs Interior Lath/Drywall Insulation Frame/Steel/Bolting/Weldin Rough/Topout Shower Pan/Roman Tubs Rough Electric Rough/Ducts/Dampers Frame/Steel/Bolting/Weldin Interior Lath/Drywall Rough/Topout Shear Panels/HD's Shear Panels/HD's Frame/Steel/Bolting/Weldin Interior Lath/Drywall Rough Electric Shear Panels/HD's Frame/Steel/Bolting/Weldin Roof/Reroof Frame/Steel/Bolting/Weldin Inspector Act MC - MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC PD MC TP MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC Fl Rl PA CO PA PA PA PA CO AP AP AP AP PA AP AP PA AP AP AP AP AP AP PA we PA AP PA PA we PA PA PA AP NR SPEC HOME-4116 SFD, 513 SF 2DU ATTACHED, 1117 SF GAR, 958 SF DECK, Comments OK TO OCCUPY, NEED APPROVED REVISION TO GUARD CHANNEL AT BO#2 & #4 COMPLETE NOTICE DATED 11/5/09 NOTICE ATTACHED OK TO RELEASE GAS METER COMPLETE ALL WORK EMR ONLY, OK TO RELEASE METER FOR 1202 TSPB TUB & SHOWER LATH 3RD LAYER @ GAR GLUED APPLICATION DRYWALL ONLY BASE LAYER 1ST & 2ND D.U. @ OCCUPANCY SEPARATION WALL ONLY MINOR PICKUP PRE-LIM 2ND D.U. DROPS FOR PLUMB & MECH. CHASES AT STAIRWAY ENTRY ONLY PENDING PLAN REVISION APPROVAL PRE-LIM FOR CAR LIFT POST, 4FT WIDE SECTION ONLY PRE-LIM FOR CAR LIFT POST, 4FT WIDE SECTION ONLY AT OBSERVATION DECK STAIRWELL ONLY PRE-LIM FOR CEILING DROPS AT 2ND D.U. MAIN ROOF AT 1ST & 2ND D.U., NO DECKS NEED APPROVED REVISIONS TO PLANS Friday, December 11, 2009 Page 1 of 2 08/24/200913 Shear Panels/HD's TP PA 08/10/200911 Ftg/Foundation/Piers MC AP 07/31/200921 Underground/Under Floor MC PA 07/22/200911 Ftg/Foundation/Piers MC WC 07/22/200921 Underground/Under Floor MC AP 07/22/200998 BMP Inspection MC PA SHEAR PANEL FND. BOLTS @ 2ND UNIT GAR RAISED FLOOR AREA RECEIVED SOILS, PT & BLDG. PLACEMENT REPORTS WATER SERVICE METER UP TO SOUTH WALL, NEED PVC - COPPER TRANSITION TO BLDG. COMPLETED. WASTE ONLY ON GOING Friday, December 11, 2009 Page 2 of 2 City of Carlsbad Bldg Inspection Request For: 12/10/2009 Permit* CB090721 Title: SPEC HOME-4116SFD, 513 SF2DU Inspector Assignment: MC Description: ATTACHED, 1117 SF GAR, 958 SF DECK, 81 SF PATIO. SECOND DWELLING UNIT ADDRESSED AS 1202 OAK AV Type:RESDNTL Sub Type: SFD2U Job Address: 1200 OAK AV Suite: Lot: 2 Location: APPLICANT OAK AVENUE VENTURE LLC Owner: Remarks: Phone: Inspector: Total Time: CD Description 19 Final Structural 29 Final Plumbing 39 Final Electrical 49 Final Mechanical Requested By: CHARLIE Entered By: CHRISTINE Act Comments JEL Notice Comments/Notices/Holds SECOND DWELLING UNIT ADDRESSED AS 1202 OAK AV-WILL HAVE SEPARATE UTILITIES Associated PCRs/CVs Original PC# PCR09104 ISSUED REVISE TO DEEPENED FOOTING; ALONG ENTIRE WEST WALL PCR09110 ISSUED SPEC HOME- REVISE ALL PLANS TO; SHOW RAISED GARAGE CEILING FOR CAR LI PCR09120 ISSUED FISCHBACH RES- REVISE PAGE S2; MOVE FIREPLACE IN REC ROOM, ADD SHEAR PCR09158 ISSUED FISCHBACH RES-REVISE GUARDRAIL; Inspection History Date Description 11 /09/2009 89 Final Combo 11/06/2009 11/05/2009 11/05/2009 11/05/2009 11/05/2009 11/04/2009 11/03/2009 10/09/2009 19 Final Structural 19 Final Structural 29 Final Plumbing 39 Final Electrical 49 Final Mechanical 89 Final Combo 39 Final Electrical 34 Rough Electric Act Insp Comments PA MC OK TO OCCUPY, NEED APPROVED REVISION TO GUARD CHANNEL AT BO#2 & #4 CO MC COMPLETE NOTICE DATED 11/5/09 PA MC NOTICE ATTACHED PA MC OK TO RELEASE GAS METER PA MC PA MC CO MC COMPLETE ALL WORK AP MC EMR ONLY, OK TO RELEASE METER FOR 1202 AP PD TSPB NOTICECITY OF CARLSBAD (760) 602-2700 BUILDING DEPARTMENT 1635 FARADAY AVENUE DATE oV # TIME LOCATION PERMIT NO. A- (M, U MUM (7 "7 FOR INSPECTION CALL (760) 602-2725. RE-INSPECTION FEE DUE? YES FOR FURTHER INFORMATION, CONTACT^ &>' ^^ ' ~7 ( [ _ PHONE BUILDING INSPECTOR CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER City of Carlsbad Bldg Inspection Request For: 11/05/2009 Permit* CB090721 Title: SPEC HOME-4116 SFD, 513 SF 2DU Inspector Assignment: NIC Description: ATTACHED, 1117 SF GAR, 958 SF DECK, 81 SF PATIO. SECOND DWELLING UNIT ADDRESSED AS 1202 OAK AV Type:RESDNTL Sub Type: SFD2U Job Address: 1200 OAK AV Suite: Lot: 2 Location: APPLICANT OAK AVENUE VENTURE LLC Owner: Remarks: Phone: 7605806616 Inspector: Total Time: CD Description 19 Final Structural 29 Final Plumbing 39 Final Electrical 49 Final Mechanical Requested By: CHARLIE Entered By: CHRISTINE Act Comments Comments/Notices/Holds Notice SECOND DWELLING UNIT ADDRESSED AS 1202 OAK AV-WILL HAVE SEPARATE UTILITIES Associated PCRs/CVs Original PC# PCR09104 ISSUED REVISE TO DEEPENED FOOTING; ALONG ENTIRE WEST WALL PCR09110 ISSUED SPEC HOME- REVISE ALL PLANS TO; SHOW RAISED GARAGE CEILING FOR CAR LI PCR09120 ISSUED FISCHBACH RES- REVISE PAGE S2; MOVE FIREPLACE IN REC ROOM, ADD SHEAR Inspection History Comments EMR ONLY, OK TO RELEASE METER FOR 1202 TSPB TUB & SHOWER LATH 3RD LAYER @ GAR GLUED APPLICATION DRYWALL ONLY BASE LAYER 1ST & 2ND D.U. @ OCCUPANCY SEPARATION WALL ONLY MINOR PICKUP Date 11/03/2009 10/09/2009 10/05/2009 10/02/2009 10/01/2009 10/01/2009 10/01/2009 09/30/2009 09/28/2009 09/24/2009 Description 39 Final Electrical 34 Rough Electric 17 Interior Lath/Drywall 17 Interior Lath/Drywall 17 Interior Lath/Drywall 18 Exterior Lath/Drywall 23 Gas/Test/Repairs 17 Interior Lath/Drywall 16 Insulation 14 Frame/Steel/Bolting/Welding Act AP AP AP AP PA AP AP PA AP AP Insp MC PD MC TP MC MC MC MC MC MC COUNTY OF SAIM DIEGO DEPARTMENT OF F*I-/VNNIMC3 XXNO LAND USE BUILDING DIVISION SAN DIEGO (COUNTY) AREA CIRCUIT CARD AND LOAD SUMMARY (1999 NEC) DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND LAND USE -BUILDING DIVISION. ^__ THIS CARD MUST BE FILLED OUT AND AVAILABLBE AT THE SERVICE EQUIPMENT FOR THE ROUOfTTN^PEOijION rw" ^ Address: / ^Oe> C>tf/4 tfl/£Y(JUL £= Owner: Contractor: PANEL: /v1 /Ot GOO -, Phone: Phone: A LOCATION /s»T>o £*#<£ LTS ^^^\ / jJ^riL-fj-^^jJfi- f ff ^•p- 1~>bL./h£- IfyiA. LI? /yfewS/§ L7S 3^?=>/?'/:^: 'fe'J? /f/<3T feer* frfct- f$x?E>ftFz£ faluyt&L /^/#t*. Lt)j,A)4 LT <rsrfltf2- LT: ferirrf Lj5 fyhM'Ly & CKT 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 23 25 27 29 1 31 33 35 37 39 41 BKR SIZE Ji5* J5•go Z/9 /^ e.t ]g- !^ If l~5~ WIRE SIZE / tf t(i IO 10 •*^\*$/y /Lf/ ^-^ JLJ TYPE /urn/3 J/ A»n/^ t\)Mfl n /XJ/MiB MAIN: Gp / Z <T AMP BRK/FUSE 5 MISC 1 i LTG 3 $" Int */ 5" 3 *~ Q 2. i.e. REC /V {^> 7 4» 5" (p ZL / - /b (0 LJ (fl J^MLO BUS: ?.&(-* AMP Service entrancf A) Size: N C) Insulati Service ground/ A) Size:N C) Clamp It ElUFER U Water P D Groundn 3 or feeder conduct Z Dn: Mnn& Dond: _. - / D. & H Dcation(s): 250-5 ipe Rod 250 - 1 250-5 GFCI locations 210-8, 680 -1 H Bathroom(s) ffl |3 Garage(s) D |J3 Outdoors D AFCI Protected Circ. 210-12 E Bedroom(s) 0(c) 04 2 ors: B) Type: H D) Conduit B) Type:LF "cu DAL Size: — - 'cu DAL '0:, Kitchen Hydromassage Tub Permit Number: ^spj (p "5fe5"?Z/ / Census Tract Ntemfr&K-- -* — ~~ Area in Sq.Ft. '-///& lZO/Zt/o VOLTS / <Z> 3 WIRE REC / y Z _/ / / X Z- Vv ^ LTG Computed Branch circ A) Ligh B) Two C) Laur D) Cen E) Bath Remarks: MISC / / I | / ; •^ WIRE SIZE fo I? 1^ 11 /Z /2, iV /Z 4 ji /z /o J [f to Load TYPE Umfi> 4^A/w/5 BKR SIZE ^^ffO 1£o Zo Z& •20 *Zc> "&& zo 3o i L 3o CKT 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 -£4 — 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 LOCATION Su/3 pjf»u£ri~. /" ^"^0 42i/&/jf*~f^ rt d /3r - \A> ^bo/^ S^ ^/^ $ LAunSd/zy Ltf (^/oD/^-/ />7/X/€d S/f 7/^ ^ j?^T)/ ^i^t jiyitfitT. til-tctf(5C> Lif^T Lff?T~ LsfT L^p-~r- B L? i> 1 AMPS See Calculation Worksheet on back uits required: ting Circuits 220 - 3(b), 4(d) Small Appliance Circuits 21 0 - 1 1 (e) idry Circuit 220-16(b) tral Heating Equipment 422 - 12 room 210-52(d) / certify that all terminations have been torqued in accordance with manufacturer's instructions and that the work shown on this circuit card H resents the full extent of the work performed under this permit. Owner G Contractor 'PA&- £^£r£-7~/^/d- Signed ^2^&// /'fcz^-~ Date 3/2?/G>e? DPLU #184 (3/12/03) 5201 RUFF1N ROAD, SUITE B, SAN DIEGO, CA 92123-1860 »{858) 585-5920 • (888) 336-7553 200 EAST MAIN ST.- SIXTH FLOOR, EL CAJON, CA 92O2O-3912 » (619) 441-4O3O 338 VIA VERA CRUZ - SUITIT 11, SAN " ^COS, CA 39-262O • (TBO) 471-OT3O SINGLE FAMILY DWELLING ELECTRICAL SERVICE LOAD CALCULATION OPTIONAL METHOD NEC 220-30 As an alternative method, the STANDARD METHOD found in ARTICLE 220 of the National Electric Code, may be used Optional Subtotal (from line 5) { Remaining /POP'S VA x 40%= /5 5D& VA 7. HEATING OR AC LOAD-TABLE 220-30 Larger of the Heating or AC Load = 3/&c> VA 8. OPTIONAL LOADS TOTAL (Add totals from lines 6 and 7) = ^D6?5 VA 1. GENERAL LIGHTING LOADS Dwelling f% Y//6? sq. ft. x 3 VA = 220-3(a) JZjZW VA Small appliance loads -220-16(a) 1500 VA x ^ circuits = */S'C>O~ VA Laundry load - 220-16(b) 1500 VA x 2= circuits = 3o&n VA General Lighting Total I7&VQ VA 2. COOKING EQUIPMENT LOADS - Nameplate Value Range £> rr^> VA = "~ VA Cooktop &> tfS VA = *— VA Oven (s) &sT> VA = - VA Cooking Equipment Total VA 3. ELECTRIC DRYER 220-18 (Nameplate, 5000 VA minimum) Dryer & tf*^ VA = Dryer Total VA 4. FIXED APPLIANCE LOADS 230-30 (b) (3) Dishwasher = Pyg>o VA Disposal = ftQb VA Compactor = "~ VA Water Heater = (*tf$ VA Hydromassage Bathtub = -— VA Microwave Oven = -//DO VA Built-in Vacuum = — VA VA Fixed Appliance Total 5. OPTIONAL SUBTOTAL (Add all of the above totals) ^£#Q» VA 6. APPLYING DEMAND FACTORS - TABLE 220-30 First 10,000 VA x 100% = 10,000 VA 9. MINIMUM SERVICE SIZE = Optional Loads Total = tib* ' Ampere 240 Volt (Please put total on front of card under Computed Load) COUNTY OR SAN DIEGO DEPAFTTIVIENT Of= PLANNING! AND LAND CISI BUILDING DIVISION SAN DIEGO (COUNTY) AREA CIRCUIT CARD AND LOAD SUMMARY (1999 NEC) DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND LAND USE - BUILDING DIVISION THIS CARD MUST BE FILLED OUT AND AVAILABLBE AT THE SERVICE EQUIPMENT FOR THE ROUGH INSPECTION Address: I2&& &ftJ£- /f l/fef^tX Owner: Contractor: PANEL: Z^>/^>/ /COD g Phone: Phone: A LOCATION CKT C / V/\)iSr l*^ /ffiffl^OSflJ BtTD #^1 ^^ A& Akl^^r*1/^ ,Z>/S// UJ, /r/f ^rs. £-7?D £-P 6> /vyfts TtetA- / , 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 2J 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 41 BKR SIZE /^ tf /b MAIN: PI (SO BUS: /2*T Service entrance A) Size: N< C) Insulatic Service ground/1 A) Size: N( C) Clamp Ic DUFER D Water P D Groundra. SL?G WIRE SIZE !{/ ' f )l-j TYPE kwR V JU>yj6 AMPBRK/FUSE BL MISC LTG ^/ 2. ' Of i.e. REC /^ ^| / 3 / / S'MLO AMP ? or feeder conductors: 3. (# B\ Tvoe: S an: AJW7'' Dond: 3. ^ D) B^ >cation(s): 250-50(c) ipe 250-104 Rod 250 - 52 GFCI locations 210-8, 68 $ Bathroom(s) 03 Garage(s) @ Outdoors AFCI Protected Circ. 210 - B3. Bedroom(s) Conduit r5u DAL Size: ~~ Type: D CD DAL 0-70:. E- Kitchen Q Hydromassage Tub 12 iZo/t REC 3 V ^_ 2. 1 I Permit Number: Census Tract Number: Area in Sq. Ft. t/£> VOLTS 1 ft 3 WIRE LTG Computed Branch circ A) Ligh B) Two C) Laur D) Cen E) Bath Remarks: MISC WIRE SIZE 12. ;2 /z 17, lo )~2_ TYPE /U%3 ptofo BKR SIZE 3o •%o CKT 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 LOCATION fif4ctf&d Mi-U-tt<y& /Yli£&o fjfrjr (frj. diftii. fJ'T' /V^,(X • Load odfS" /V^bC^^C. /y" AMPS See Calculation Worksheet on back uits required: ting Circuits 220 - 3(b), 4(d) Small Appliance Circuits 21 0 - 11 (e) idry Circuit 220-16(b) tral Heating Equipment 422-12 room; 210-52(d) „ • / certify that all terminations have been torqued in accordance with manufacturer's instructions and that the work shown on this circuit card represents the full extent of the work performed under this permit. LJ Owner D Contre Signe ictor rfl/2. /5!lvSrr772-t C_ rt^-^^^//2f"^ Dateg^jykff DPLU #184 (3/12/03) 52O1 RUFFIN ROAD, SUITE B, SAN DIEGO, CA 92123-1886 •(858) 5S5-592O • (888) 336-7553 200 EAST MAIN ST.- SIXTH FLOOR, EL CAJON, CA 92O2O-381 2 • (618) 441-4O3O 338 VIA VERA CRUZ - SUITE 2O1, SAN MARCOS, CA 92O69-262O • (76O) 471-O73O SINGLE FAMILY DWELLING ELECTRICAL SERVICE LOAD CALCULATION OPTIONAL METHOD NEC 220-30 As an alternative method, the STANDARD METHOD found in ARTICLE 220 of the National Electric Code, may be used 1. GENERAL LIGHTING LOADS Dwelling _ sq. ft. x 3 VA = 220-3(a) _ VA Small appliance loads - 220-1 6(a) 1 500 VA x _ circuits = _ VA Laundry load - 220-1 6(b) 1 500 VA x _ circuits = _ VA General Lighting Total _ VA 2. COOKING EQUIPMENT LOADS - Nameplate Value Range _ VA = _ VA Cooktop _ VA = _ VA Oven (s) _ VA = _ VA Cooking Equipment Total _ VA 3. ELECTRIC DRYER 220-18 (Nameplate, 5000 VA minimum) Dryer _ VA = Dryer Total _ VA 4. FIXED APPLIANCE LOADS 230-30 (b) (3) Dishwasher = i/\^ _ VA Disposal <?O&^ _ VA Compactor = Water Heater = _ VA Hydromassage Bathtub = - _ VA Microwave Oven = _ VA Built-in Vacuum = _ VA _ = _ VA Fixed Appliance Total _ VA 5. OPTIONAL SUBTOTAL (Add all of the above totals) _ VA 6. APPLYING DEMAND FACTORS - TABLE 220-30 First 10,000 VA x 100% = 10,000 VA Optional Subtotal (from line 5) { Remaining VA x 40%= VA 7. HEATING OR AC LOAD - TABLE 220-30 Larger of the Heating or AC Load = VA 8. OPTIONAL LOADS TOTAL (Add totals from lines 6 and 7) = '_ VA 9. MINIMUM SERVICE SIZE = Optional Loads Total = Ampere 240 Volt (Please put total on front of card under Computed Load) COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO DEPARTMENT OF F>I_ANNING AND LAND USE Ol_HL_OIIMC3 DIVISION SAN DIEGO (COUNTY) AREA CIRCUIT CARD AND LOAD SUMMARY (1999 NEC) DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND LAND USE - BUILDING DIVISION THIS CARD MUST BE FILLED OUT AND AVAILABLBE AT THE SERVICE EQUIPMENT FOR THE ROUGH INSPECTION Address: / 7.O Z Owner- Contractor: Permit Number: Phone: Census Tract Number: Phone: Area in Sq. Ft. PANEL: Jl ^ 10 1 £OO A LOCATION 7^7"l/ LjS fa-tt.tfe^L'rS p£D ^/^ /OfV/S 2>S//, CKT 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 2J 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 41 BKR SIZE WIRE SIZE TYPE MISC LTG tl,v7 i.e. REC (P tj 1 1 MAIN:L~I JOC> AMPBRK/FUSE S^MLO BUS: /ZS~ AMP Service entranc A) Size: N C) Insulati Service ground/ A) Size:N C) Clamp 1 0 UFER D Water P n Groundn 3 or feeder conductors:o. y B) on: UK 13 D) bond: ~, o. & B} Dcation ipe Rod s): 250-5 250 1 250-5 GFCI locations 210-8, 680 - ', LS Bathroom(s) [2 S Garage(s) Q 03 Outdoors D AFCI Protected Circ. 210-12 $f Bedroom(s) 0(c) 04 2 Type:[£rcU DAL Conduit Size: — - Type: Q2"'CU CHAL '0:. Kitchen Hydromassage Tub /ZO/Zc/0 VOLTS #./ 0 ^ WIRE REC / \ 1 I 1 3 %,. J£- LTG Computed Lc Branch circui A) Lightin B) TwoS C) Laund D) Centra E) Bathro Remarks: MISC WIRE SIZE 11- «=r 11, TYPE ^w/3 \ V /!»)/?> BKR SIZE 2"o \ <r *2o CKT 2 4 6 8 , 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 LOCATION /^f (X. ^T^^r/^Tkififc t/(5*- ^fl*£, d{ KI-+-/cr-f- fy\(C$.& fffrfrg ad L/8f 7- AMPS See Calculation Worksheet on back ts required: g Circuits 220 - 3(b), 4(d) mall Appliance Circuits 21 0 - 1 1 (e) ry Circuit 220-16(b) I Heating Equipment 422 - 12 om 210-52(d) / certify that all terminations have been torqued in accordance with manufacturer's instructions and that the work shown on this circuit card represents the full extent of the work performed under this permit, PI Owner n Contractor T^r^ ^<,ff(2^r^i,c^ Signed"~&Z>^^//2** Date <?/Z3/fi °l DPLU #184 (3/12/03) 5201 RUFFIN ROAD, SUITE B, SAN DIEGO, CA 92123-1666 •(858) 565-592O • (888) 336-7553 200 EAST MAIN ST.- SIXTH FLOOR, EL CAJOIM, CA 92O2O-391 2 • (619) 441-4O3O 338 VIA VERA CRUZ - SUITE 2O1, SAN MARCOS, CA 92O69-262O • (76O) 4T1-O73O SINGLE FAMILY DWELLING ELECTRICAL SERVICE LOAD CALCULATION OPTIONAL METHOD NEC 220-30 As an alternative method, the STANDARD METHOD found in ARTICLE 220 of the National Electric Code, may be used 1. GENERAL LIGHTING LOADS Dwelling *-/V/k? sq. ft. x 3 VA = 220-3(a) Small appliance loads - 220-16(a) 1500 VA x Z. circuits = Laundry load - 220-16(b) 1500 VA x / circuits = VA VA VA 2. COOKING EQUIPMENT LOADS - Nameplate Value Range &**$ VA = Cooktop £-sf5 VA = Oven (s) <£-*?•-> VA = General Lighting Total _n VA _i VA •: VA 3. ELECTRIC DRYER 220-18 (Nameplate, 5000 VA minimum) Dryer <£W $ VA = 4. FIXED APPLIANCE LOADS 230-30 (b) (3) Dishwasher = Disposal = Compactor = Water Heater = Hydromassage Bathtub = Microwave Oven = Built-in Vacuum = Cooking Equipment Total Dryer Total I tOO VA _VA _VA VA — VA - //DO VA - VA - VA Fixed Appliance Total VA VA VA 5. OPTIONAL SUBTOTAL (Add all of the above totals) VA VA 6. APPLYING DEMAND FACTORS - TABLE 220-30 First 10,000 VAx 100% = Optional Subtotal (from line 5) { Remaining 10,000 VA VA x 40%= ~ VA 7. HEATING OR AC LOAD - TABLE 220-30 Larger of the Heating or AC Load = 8. OPTIONAL LOADS TOTAL (Add totals from lines 6 and 7) = .14 9. MINIMUM SERVICE SIZE = Optional Loads Total = 240 Volt 7 P -' VA VA Ampere (Please put total on front of card under Computed Load) MELCHIOR LAND SURVEYING ING. August 10, 2009 JN3174 Mutual Partners Attn: Charlie Wilson 1821 South Coast Highway Oceanside, CA 92054 Re: 1200 and 1202 Oak Avenue ~ Carlsbad, CA Dear Charlie, Melchior Land Surveying, Inc. Surveyed the Building Forms on the above referenced project on 8-4-09 and found the Building Location to be in substantial conformance with the approved plans. Please see attached plat. If you have any questions, please feel free to call. Sincerely MELCHIOR LAND SURVEYING, INC. Dale A. Davis, P.L.S. Associate Surveyor MAIN OFFICE 5731 PALMER WAY • SUITE G • CARLSBAD, CA 92O10 (7BO) 438-1726 • FAX (760) 438-3991 mlsi@pacbell.net LS. 4611 PORTER 1NSPE PH. 760 889 9762 Any where any time Around the world, Around the clock 1536 Downs St. Oceanside. Ca. 92054 CLIENT Oak Avenue LLC DATE t 8/10/2009 ARCHITECT Studio 4 Architects 2909 Mesa Drive, Oceanside, Ca. ENGINEER Swanson & Associates 17055 Via Del Campo Ste. 100, San Diego, Ca, CONTRACTOR Owner DAILY INSPECTION REPORT 1204 & 1206 Oak Avenue-Lot 2 1204 & 1206 Oak Avenue Carlsbad, Ca. 92008 Ghostrider, Inc. PROJECT ADDRESS cmr JOB* BUILDING PERMIT/DSA/OSHPD# PLAN FILE # N/A W.0.# N/A CB090721 INSPECTION P. T. Concrete MATERIAL DESCRIPTION P. T. Strands: ASTM A-416/270 K, Rebar: Gr/Type: A-615/grade-60 Approved Plans Available Rebar Clearances Approved Rebar Positions Approved Rebar Sizes Approved Rebar Laps Approved Tendons Approved REMARKS: Inspected rebar and tendons on project as shown on approved plans. Rebar and tendons were found to be of grade, size and in conformity with approved drawings for project. Tendons ends are per approved drawings. Work on project is ongoing. CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE: To the best of our knowledge, all of the reported work, unless otherwise noted, substantial specifications and applicable sections of the building corfes^Uu^^jy^^^^Mgju^^/ie work reported only and does/tot Time in:Time out: Authorization: THE DEPUTYS ignature_ with approved plans, \ineering opinion or R- L Motsinger A.W.S& I.C.C. & San Diego #72B Form: WGASA./GR.OI-ZOOS. Revision (07) 08/08 TAYLOR GROUP, INC.DAILY FIELD REPORT * PROJECT NAME: (3- O 7 . U(J ,? ' ™ PROJECT NUMBER: ? 2 ' £ &/rj\ /"C DATE: *~~1 -.^ ^ - C *\ BY: •£-> . /M /Vf< .j/O ^ *TT f •*. • 1 TRAVEL TIME: From: "](-f\ To: ^ | ^T*" From: -^Xf C~ To: ^f^(3 MILEAGE: From: To: <^ From: To: <5~" FIELD TIME: From: ~"7i<r" To: 'y^~ From: To: CONTRACTOR(S)/SUBCONTRACTORS ON SITE: /^fl /{(f ^^\p'ylAn\ -5— J^^- /fb ^v/6^5) /« i> .Q/y^f '" ~&4^*Q > CONTRACTOR EQUIPMENT IN USE: ""j^ ^ \~>£A~T 1 Ufrf JCc^CS / NOTES/DESCRIPTION OF WORK S—« •=• HF A) 7% SHEET TGI FIELD INSPECTOR (Signature): TAYLOR GROUP, INC. GEOSCIENCE & ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS June 19,2009 TGI Project No. G09.00S19 719 Pier View W*y Ocemtside California 92054 tefc 760.721.9990 fax: 760.7213991 www.visitTGI.cont Mr. Paul Longton, A.I A Studio 4 Architects 2909 Mesa Drive Oceanside, CA 92054 Subject: Foundation Plan Review Lot 2 of Busby Subdivision 1200 & 1202 Oak Avenue, Carlsbad, CA References: Structural Plans for Lot 2, Oak Avenue, Carlsbad, CA prepared by Swanson & Associates, lob No. 2009-0285, Revision 2 dated June 8,2009 Post-Tension Foundation Plans, Lot 2, Oak Avenue, Carlsbad, CA prepared by Davidson Reinforcing Company, Job No. 2578, dated June 11,2009 Design Calculations for Post Tensioned Slab on Grade, Oak Ave. Lot 2, prepared by Post-Tensioned Design Unlimited, Project No. 2578, dated June 10,2009 "Updated Geotechnical Report, Busby Subdivision - 1212 Oak Avenue, Carlsbad, California" prepared by Taylor Group, Inc, Project No. G09.00519, dated April 27, 2009 Dear Paul: Taylor Group, Inc. (TGI) has reviewed the referenced foundation plans and specifications for a proposed single family residence located at 1200 and 1202 Oak Avenue in Carlsbad, California (Lot 2 of the Busby Subdivision per Parcel Map M.S. 04-01). Our review included sheets SI, S5 and S8 of the above-referenced plans prepared by Swanson & Associates, the post-tension foundation plans (3 sheets) prepared by Davidson Reinforcing Company and related calculations prepared by Post- Tensioned Design Unlimited. TGI's review was limited to those elements of the referenced plans that relate to the geotechnical aspects of the project Based on our review, we conclude that the geotechnical-related elements of the referenced plans are in general conformance with our recommendations contained in the above-referenced Mr, Paul Longton, A.I A TGI Project No. G09.00519 June 19,2009 Page 2 geotechnical report prepared by TGI, and are consistent with the intent of TGl's geotechnical design report with the exceptions noted in the following table. Sheet No. S8 "Concrete Foundation Notes" should be revised to reference and/or be consistent with post tensioned foundation plans. We note that the western edge of the foundation as illustrated on Sheet SP.l of the plans is located near the top of a descending fill slope on the western portion of the lot The depth of the exterior beam along the west side of the foundation may need to be deepened to meet the footing setback requirements in §1805.3 of the 2007 California Building Code. This condition will be verified in the field prior to concrete placement for the slab. Please contact me if you have any questions regarding this letter. Sincerely, TAYLOR GROUP, INC. r\ Larry R. Taylor, R.C.E., G.E. Principal Engineer G.E. No. 2602 Expires 0630.2010 :ib. 25, 2C09 4: 10PM S*anson & Associate- SCANOATg - L =;o CA92137. i-.! "•;) w-jtco Charlie Wilson Mutual Partners, Inc. 1S21 S. Coast Highway Gc«uiwde, CA 92054 Aim.-. Charlie Wilson Subject: Glass Railing DetaU Pacific Street Lot 13 and 14 February 25 2009 Dear Sir, I understand you have made a change of manufacturers for your glass rsuLuig system. You w-oa.u like to use C.R. Lawrence Co. Inc. glass balustrade rail system. The system v/iH use glass panels jr. 42,1/2 x. GO" segrnents. The glass panels will be separated by a 1/2" to 3/4" gup between the partis. 1 have reviewed the testing documents from the manufacturer. The wet-aer. ;.xcnoraJe to the chtu::; ;1 tuid the 112" tempered glass can resist the code applied forces, with adequate safety levels at 42 • high guai'drail height. If you have any further questions, feel free to contact me. Respectfully subnuty^K BEST COPY 2009- 2:23FM Swanson & Associates:.•.fie. 0228 ,..?. 2',, 1 "/•;." •/': ;•••" •../;, •••••;1 > •'•'••••' ; '. •: ^-::<:yv,vT''K,:-:"'-:.'i ••''''> .'^yVf1^*'"-^'';''.'1";^''?.'-'';'':w;,;,;s;:v^^ •*,•'.r ' •Vrfif)^\''i Bit i on of Testing*' :'j;n feaife /weilable tor Soth GisssV/edgs® Dry lilsze System ar/d Wet Gtaze Sy C^m^jta information May Bs Otwnfcadeti from PDF Fi.es ateflauitne3.com ra:-{i top}- KfrS'Jrts Also Ava/lasfe wift tfowJifJcf- Engfnse-r's Ssai GME CONSULTANTS OF ILLINOIS, INC, CONSULTING e;GlNEER3 3524 Industrial Odvs.. .Onit C / 9riogaviewf lllii.o s (703) 430-1071 / Far. |708) tfcary 20, 2004 C.R. Laurence Co., In& 2(00 E. 38 ta Sliest Lcs Augeles, Ca $00555 roject No. B-262$A lal Losd tsswi^j OjCR Lauropcs 48 by 42 iixtj OUis BilL5t As >ou raijusrfcd, w« have ooiaplewd the icjtiag of tb: CB- Ijureu;e (CRIj 18 t.ci jy acb Gli;s Eilustrade a;seiubly, Bss«ii cm » design, load consisting of i cone s;u iodzpntiJ fcrge of 200 p»w){U, the joad.nss m our tesuug pragiam yf the CK1. 3 nr<; 2.5 to 4.1 tiine:S"the tiesigu The assemblies tested Included both K aid '/< inch tempead glass, n'.'imtfd Li CKL biSi sbo* prp'files. IB QMEs report 'No. D2626-A, ql~ February: S, 20C4., our testing frogrwu -wtiere subjected a c «ab«i cf CRL's gk$s talus '^4% ^ 1 y 4'.: inch ass?mj3li«, 10 » coKccutrited horiaonwl loading applied to the upp?i toiuer of .ihj jiiis. The glass mouiiing systtans to Ihe sho.Ci jdclvidcd bota wet set systv-ts MU: tSiX GloisWeds^ Systerii.i'ts'aluniintttn shcsi-wtfeniuifrted 10 the test fc.sility iluo/ uing three rcclhoiis. l^ese 1'areB' rat-uioiis ineUijed direct mounting with us. wse\l JLOLor bcits, ]/2*ioc& thick steed pJites, jrsd sidemour.tiqgto 3-'/a X 3 Vsbyi !0-;1 wsle V/e applied jr,d held a eooeeauatpd honzcntai load to tl.ife upper cot::.*:' of lac leiupete.: gliss (both '/s uijd % iocH thickness) of U.e 4$-;nch wide by 42 -Lie b lij?. CK Liu.-s.it « i'ds Assernblvw. D«pcnd.i!ia ou.Cx ajsecJjiy (kwils tbe }.ori2c-c«.l l^tds . :or 'iwp mjnpits ranged frorc 500 pounds, \vjvh three 3.-Vs ir:jll widt CIU, GiAsiWedgcs to 825 pounds with both u,t wet s«t syi".am tail four 3 -V - iacii •y.dc CPX GlaisWedges. " WUJAfcl C. IC;VASNr-, PS. THCIV1AS R VtNEMA, R£. SCOIT fi. B'SfiS/JUM. 6.1,1 . FE, ?,^ ?h.O..P.E • : ;:«v^ i r.1. 'v:': Ei^^.^J;^; iilJlfeiiiii EsGil Corporation In Partnership with government for Quitting Safety DATE: JULY 29, 2009 a^EPI ICANT JURIS,. JURISDICTION: CARLSBAD a PLAN REVIEWER a FILE PLAN CHECK NO.: 09-0721 SET: II PROJECT ADDRESS: 1200 OAK AVENUE PROJECT NAME: DUPLEX FOR OAK AVENUE VENTURE LLC The plans transmitted herewith have been corrected where necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes. The plans transmitted herewith will substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes when minor deficiencies identified below are resolved and checked by building department staff. The plans transmitted herewith have significant deficiencies identified on the enclosed check list and should be corrected and resubmitted for a complete recheck. The check list transmitted herewith is for your information. The plans are being held at Esgil Corporation until corrected plans are submitted for recheck. The applicant's copy of the check list is enclosed for the jurisdiction to forward to the applicant contact person. The applicant's copy of the check list has been sent to: CHARLIE WILSON 1821 SOUTH COAST HWY., OCEANSIDE, CA 92054 XI Esgil Corporation staff did not advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. Esgil Corporation staff did advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. Person contacted: CHARLIE Telephone*: 1-760-580-6616 Date contacted: (by: ) Fax #: 1-760-946-7817 Mail Telephone Fax In Person XI REMARKS: # 1): Concrete slabs shall have a 6-mil vapor retarder placed between the base course and the slab. Section 1910.1; #2): Note the truss details and truss calculations for this project are deferred; #3): Note evidence will be provided that the engineer-of-record (or architect) has reviewed the truss calculation package prepared by others (i.e., a "review" stamp on the truss calculations or a letter). Section A106.3.4.1. By: ALI SADRE Enclosures: EsGil Corporation D GA D MB D EJ D PC 6/23 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208 *• San Diego, California 92123 + (858)560-1468 + Fax (858) 560-1576 EsGil Corporation In (Partnership witfc government for (BuiCcfing Safety DATE: MAY 6, 2O09 O^RPUQANT JURIS. JURISDICTION: CARLSBAD a PLAN REVIEWER a FILE PLAN CHECK NO.: 09-0721 SET: I PROJECT ADDRESS: 1200 OAK AVENUE PROJECT NAME: DUPLEX FOR OAK AVENUE VENTURE LLC The plans transmitted herewith have been corrected where necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes. I I The plans transmitted herewith will substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes when minor deficiencies identified below are resolved and checked by building department staff. The plans transmitted herewith have significant deficiencies identified on the enclosed check list and should be corrected and resubmitted for a complete recheck. XI The check list transmitted herewith is for your information. The plans are being held at Esgil Corporation until corrected plans are submitted for recheck. The applicant's copy of the check list is enclosed for the jurisdiction to forward to the applicant contact person. X3 The applicant's copy of the check list has been sent to: CHARLIE WILSON 1821 SOUTH COAST HWY., OCEANSIDE, CA 92054 I I Esgil Corporation staff did not advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. IXI Esgil Corporation staff did advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. Person contacted: CHARLIE f^'H) Telephone #: 1-760-580-6616 Date contacted: 5 h («1 (by: /<x) Fax #: 1 -760-946-7817 Mail Telephone •—Fax fc-" In Person REMARKS: By: ALI SADRE Enclosures: EsGil Corporationn GA n MB n EJ n PC 5/4 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208 *• San Diego, California 92123 + (858)560-1468 + Fax (858) 560-1576 CARLSBAD 09-0721 MAY 6, 2009 PLAN REVIEW CORRECTION LIST SINGLE FAMILY DWELLINGS AND DUPLEXES PLAN CHECK NO.: 09-O721 JURISDICTION: CARLSBAD PROJECT ADDRESS: 1200 OAK AVENUE FLOOR AREA: GARAGE = 1416; LIVING AREA = 5,214, DECK = 23; ROOF DECK 1,367; PORCH = 149 STORIES: TWO REMARKS: DATE PLANS RECEIVED BY JURISDICTION: 4/30 DATE INITIAL PLAN REVIEW COMPLETED: MAY 6, 2009 HEIGHT: 23' DATE PLANS RECEIVED BY ESGIL CORPORATION: 5/4 PLAN REVIEWER: ALI SADRE FOREWORD (PLEASE READ): This plan review is limited to the technical requirements contained in the International Building Code, Uniform Plumbing Code, Uniform Mechanical Code, National Electrical Code and state laws regulating energy conservation, noise attenuation and access for the disabled. This plan review is based on regulations enforced by the Building Department. You may have other corrections based on laws and ordinance by the Planning Department, Engineering Department, Fire Department or other departments. Clearance from those departments may be required prior to the issuance of a building permit. Present California law mandates that construction comply with the 2007 edition of the California Building Code (Title 24), which adopts the following model codes: 2006 IBC, 2006 UPC, 2006 UMC and 2005 NEC. The above regulations apply, regardless of the code editions adopted by ordinance. The following items listed need clarification, modification or change. All items must be satisfied before the plans will be in conformance with the cited codes and regulations. Per Sec. 105.4 of the 2006 International Building Code, the approval of the plans does not permit the violation of any state, county or city law. To speed up the recheck process, please note on this list (or a copy) where each correction item has been addressed, i.e.. plan sheet number, specification section, etc. Be sure to enclose the marked up list when you submit the revised plans. CARLSBAD O9-O721 MAY 6, 20O9 PLANS • The following note should be given with each correction list: Please make all corrections, as requested in the correction list. Submit three new complete sets of plans for commercial/industrial projects (two sets of plans for residential projects). For expeditious processing, corrected sets can be submitted in one of two ways: 1. Deliver all corrected sets of plans and calculations/reports directly to the City of Carlsbad Building Department, 1635 Faraday Ave., Carlsbad, CA 92008, (760) 602-2700. The City will route the plans to EsGil Corporation and the Carlsbad Planning, Engineering and Fire Departments. 2. Bring one corrected set of plans and calculations/reports to EsGil Corporation, 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208, San Diego, CA 92123, (858) 560-1468. Deliver all remaining sets of plans and calculations/reports directly to the City of Carlsbad Building Department for routing to their Planning, Engineering and Fire Departments. NOTE: Plans that are submitted directly to EsGil Corporation only will not be reviewed by the City Planning, Engineering and Fire Departments until review by EsGil Corporation is complete. 1. A reminder that the plans deviating from conventional wood frame construction shall have the structural portions signed and sealed by the California state licensed engineer or architect responsible for their preparation, along with structural calculations.. (California Business and Professions Code). 2. Provide a statement on the Title Sheet of the plans, stating that this project shall comply with the 2007 California Building Code, which adopts the 2006 IBC, 2006 UMC, 2006 UPC and the 2005 NEC. 3. Any portion of the project shown on the site plan that is not included with the building permit application filed should be clearly identified as "not included." Sec. A106.1.1. I.e., site walls, fences, site lighting, gates, etc. • FIRE PROTECTION 4. Please dimension the eave projections into the set back areas on the elevation or section plans. Section 1024.3. • GENERAL RESIDENTIAL REQUIREMENTS 5. Floor assemblies separating units in a duplex shall be of one-hour fire resistive construction. Provide details of the assemblies. Section 419.3. 6. Provide a note on the plans stating: "Penetrations of fire-resistive walls, floor- ceilings and roof-ceilings shall be protected as required in IBC Section 712." CARLSBAD 09-0721 MAY 6, 2009 7. Walls assemblies separating units in a duplex shall be of one-hour fire resistive construction. Provide details of the assemblies. Section 419.2. Such wall assemblies shall extend to the underside of the roof sheathing, where applicable. Exceptions: a) A fire-resistance rating of 1/4 hour shall be permitted in buildings equipped throughout with an automatic sprinkler system installed in accordance with Section 903.3.1.1. b) In California, wall assemblies in duplexes need not extend through attic spaces when the ceiling is protected by not less than ^8 -inch Type x gypsum board and an attic draft stop constructed as specified in Section 717.3.1 is provided above and along the wall assembly separating the dwellings. The structural framing supporting the ceiling shall also be protected by not less than //'gypsum board. CBC Section 708.4, Exception 7. 8. Walls and floors separating units in a duplex shall have a sound transmission class (STC) of not less than 50. Additionally, floors must have an impact insulation class (11C) rating of not less than 50. CBC Section 1207.3. Show the location of and provide details of the listed wall and floor/ceiling assemblies, and indicate the listing agency and listing number for the tested ratings. 9. For duplexes only: The Title Sheet or Site Plan should clearly indicate if any portion of the project is in a noise critical area (CNEL contours of 60 dB) as shown on the City or County's General Plan. If no portion-of the project is within a noise critical area, provide a note on the Title Sheet stating: "This project is not within a noise critical area (CNEL contour of 60 dB) as shown on the General Plan". CBC Section 1207.11.4. 10. For duplexes only: If the project is located in noise critical areas (CNEL contours of 60 dB) as shown on the City or County's General Plan, then an acoustical analysis showing that the proposed building has been designed to limit noise in habitable rooms to CNEL of forty-five dB is required. Where windows must be closed to comply, it is necessary to provide mechanical ventilation capable of providing at least two air changes per hour. Provide design. CBC Section 1207.11.4. • EXITS, STAIRWAYS, AND RAILINGS 11. Guards (Section 1013): a) Shall have a height of 12" (may be 34" along the sides of stairs). CBC Section 1013. b) Openings between railings shall be less than 4". The triangular openings formed by the riser, tread and-bottom element of a guardrail at a stair shall be less than 6 inches. i) In California, Section 1013.3 was amended to eliminate the wording which allows the 4" sphere to be changed to a 6" sphere-fbr the upper portion of the guard. c) Shall be detailed showing adequacy of connections to resist the horizontal force prescribed in Section 1607.7. 12. Handrails (CBC Section 1009.10): a) Handrails and extensions shall be 34" to 38" above nosing of treads and be continuous. b) The handgrip portion of all handrails shall be not less than 1-1/4 inches nor more than 2 inches in cross-sectional dimension. See Section 1012.3 for alternatives. c) Handrails projecting from walls shall have at least 1-1/2" between the wall and handrail. d) Ends of handrails shall be returned or shall have rounded terminations or bends. CARLSBAD O9-0721 MAY 6, 2009 13. The walls and soffits of the enclosed usable space under interior stairs shall be protected on the enclosed side with 1/2-inch gypsum board. Section 1009.5.3. • ROOFING 14. Specify roof slope on the plans. • GARAGE 15. Garage floors shall be sloped to drain to the main vehicle entry door or an approved drainage system. Section 406.1.3. • STRUCTURAL 16. Provide a letter from the soils engineer confirming that the foundation plan, grading plan and specifications have been reviewed and that it has been determined that the recommendations in the soils report are properly incorporated into the construction documents. 17. Note on the foundation plan that "Prior to the contractor requesting a Building Department foundation inspection, the soils engineer shall advise the building official in writing that: a) The building pad was prepared in accordance with the soils report, b) The utility trenches have been properly backfilled and compacted, and c) The foundation excavations, the soils expansive characteristics and bearing capacity conform to the soils report." 18. Note on plans that surface water will drain away from building and show drainage pattern. The grade shall fall a minimum of 5% within the first 10 feet (2% for impervious surfaces). Section 1803.3. 19. Sill plate size and anchorage. [&333Eu Anchor bolts shall be provided with square washers in accordance with Section 2305.3.11. Show the 3" square x ;0i229" plate on the plans. 20. Concrete slabs shall have a 6-mil vapor retarder placed between the base course and the slab. Section 1910.1. 21. Provide truss details and truss calculations for this project. Specify on the plans the truss identification numbers. 22. Please provide evidence that the engineer-of-record (or architect) has reviewed the truss calculation package prepared by others (i.e., a "review" stamp on the truss calculations or a letter). Section A106.3.4.1. 23. The following design loads shall be clearly indicated on the construction documents. (Section 1603.1): Reference to calculations is not acceptable: • Seismic design data. The following information should be provided. (Section 1603.1.5) CARLSBAD 09-O721 MAY 6, 2009 o Spectral response coefficients SDS and SD1 o Design base shear o Seismic response coefficient(s), Cs o Response modification factor(s), R • MECHANICAL 24. Please show the location of the FAU and W/H for the 2nd unit on floor plans. What is shown on A-1.0 is not acceptable. 25. Show a permanent electrical receptacle outlet and lighting fixture controlled by a switch located at the entrance for furnaces located in an attic. CMC Section 904.11.5. 26. A two dwelling unit building requires a rated separation between units. Detail protection of all mechanical and plumbing penetrations at all rated (unit separation) walls and floor/ceiling assemblies. 27. Detail the dryer exhaust duct design from the dryer to the exterior. The maximum length is 14 feet with a maximum of two 90-degree elbows. CMC Section 504.3. • ELECTRICAL 28. If the service is over 200 amperes, submit a single line diagram, panel schedules, and provide service load calculations. 29. Show at least one wall switch-controlled lighting outlet to be installed in every habitable room; in bathrooms, hallways, stairways, attached garages, and detached garages with electric power; and at the exterior side of outdoor entrances or exits. At interior stairways show 3-way switching for lighting outlets at each floor level where there are six or more steps. CEC Article 210.70(A). 30. All bedroom branch circuits now require arc fault protection. Note clearly on the plans that "Bedroom branch circuits will be arc fault circuit protected." CEC Article 210.12(8). • PLUMBING 31. In the garage, provide an adequate barrier to protect the water heater from vehicle damage. An 18" platform for the water heater does not satisfy this requirement. CPC Section 508.14. • MISCELLANEOUS 32. Nails for shear transfer connection (using A35's, etc.) may not be driven parallel to the flanges of TJI's (i.e., along the sides), per city policy, unless specific written approval from Trus-Joist Macmillan is first obtained. Details or notes on the plans should make this clear. Nails may be driven perpendicular to TJI flanges. CARLSBAD O9-O721 MAY 6, 20O9 33. Overflow roof drains shall terminate in an area where they will be readily visible and will not cause damage to the building. If the roof drain terminates through a wall, the overflow drain shall terminate 12" minimum above the roof drain. Policy 84-35. 34. "The City of Carlsbad requires the installation of a "bypass tee and associated ball valves" be installed above grade on the main water supply line before it enters the building. Please include the location and specifications for this fitting on the plumbing plans. (The City Engineer has a detail available, Standard drawing W35)." 35. All flexible metal conduits, Type AC cables, Type MC cables, Mineral insulated metal sheathed cables, and non-metallic conduit systems shall have equipment ground conductors run with the circuit conductors. 18.12.247. 36. The UFER ground may only be a copper conductor for commercial and industrial electrodes. Rebar is allowed for residential use only up to 200 amperes. 37. The use of flexible metal conduit as a grounding means must comply with City Policy 84-36. 38. No wiring is permitted on the roof of a building and wiring on the exterior of a building requires approval by the Building Official. (City Policy). 39. All horizontal feeders in multiple-occupancy, combustible frame dwellings shall be installed underground or outside the building unless otherwise approved. (City Policy 84-37). 40. Automatic sprinklers are required for buildings having an aggregate floor area of 5,000 sq. ft. or more. City ordinance. 41. New residential units must be pre-plumbed for future solar water heating. Note "two roof jacks must be installed" where the water heater is in the one story garage and directly below the most south facing roof (City Ordinance No. 8093). 42. Note "two 3/4" copper pipes must be installed to the most convenient future solar panel location when the water heater is not in a one story garage and is not directly below the most south facing roof. (City Ordinance No. 8093). 43. All chimneys attached to any appliance or fireplace that burns solid fuel shall be equipped with an approved spark arrester. The net free area of the spark arrester shall be not less than four times the net free area of the outlet of the chimney. The spark arrester screen shall have heat and corrosion resistance equivalent to twelve gauge wire, nineteen gauge galvanized wire or twenty-four gauge stainless steel. Openings shall not permit the passage of spheres having a diameter larger than one-half inch and shall not block the passage of spheres having a diameter of less than three-eight inch. City ordinance. CARLSBAD 09-O721 MAY 6, 2OO9 44. All piping for present or future solar water heating must be insulated when in areas that are not heated or cooled by mechanical means (City Policy). 45. To speed up the review process, note on this list (or a copy) where each correction item has been addressed, i.e., plan sheet, note or detail number, calculation page, etc. 46. Please indicate here if any changes have been made to the plans that are not a result of corrections from this list. If there are other changes, please briefly describe them and where they are located in the plans. • Have changes been made to the plans not resulting from this correction list? Please indicate: Yes Q No Q 47. The jurisdiction has contracted with Esgil Corporation located at 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208, San Diego, California 92123; telephone number of 858/560-1468, to perform the plan review for your project. If you have any questions regarding these plan review items, please contact ALI SADRE at Esgil Corporation. Thank you. CARLSBAD O9-O721 MAY 6, 2OO9 [DO NOT PAY- THIS IS NOT AN INVOICE] VALUATION AND PLAN CHECK FEE JURISDICTION: CARLSBAD PREPARED BY: ALI SADRE BUILDING ADDRESS: 12OO OAK AVENUE PLAN CHECK NO.: O9-0721 DATE: MAY 6, 2O09 BUILDING OCCUPANCY: R3/U TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: VB BUILDING PORTION LIVING AREA GARAGE DECK PATIO Air Conditioning Fire Sprinklers TOTAL VALUE Jurisdiction Code AREA ( Sq. Ft.) 5214 1416 1390 149 CB RIHn Pormif Poo hw DrHinanrp ^ Valuation Multiplier By Ordinance Reg. Mod. VALUE ($) 592,251 $2,205.30] Plan Check Fee by Ordinance j' Type of Review: I I Repetitive Fee[~^~| Repeats Complete Review D Other i—I Hourly EsGil Fee D Structural Only Hr. $1,433.45 $1,234.97 Comments: Sheet 1 of 1 macvalue.doc + City of Carlsbad DATE: BUILDING PROJECT DESCRIPTION: ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUMBER: Public Works BUILDING PLANCHECK CHECKLIST PLANCHECK NO.: Engineering ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT APPROVAL The item you have submitted for review has been approved. The approval is based on plans, information and/or specifications provided in your submittal; therefore any changes to these items after this date, including field modifications, must be reviewed by this office to insure continued conformance with applicable codes. Please review carefully all comments attached, as failure to comply with instructions in this report can result in suspension of permit to build. D A Right-of-Way permit is required prior to construction of the following improvements: DENIAL Please se^The) attached report of deficiencies marked witn D/ Make necessary corrections to plans or specifications for compliance with applicable codes and standards. Submit corrected plans and/or specifications to this office for review. By:Date: FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY , ENGINEERING AUTHORIZATION TO ISSUE BUILDING PERMIT: Date: ATTACHMENTS D Dedication Application/Checklist D Encina Wastewater Screening Survey 5r Encroachment Application/Checklist u Grading Permit Application D Grading Plan Application/Checklist D Improvement Application/Checklist D Neighborhood Improvement Agreement D Right-of-Way Permit Submittal Checklist and Information Sheet LJ Storm Water Compliance.Forms, Other' ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT CONTACT PERSON Name: Linda Ontiveros City of Carlsbad Address: 1635 Faraday Avenue, Carlsbad, CA 92008 Phone: (760) 602-2773 Fax: (760) 602-1052 Email: lonti@ci.carlsbad.ca.us CFD INFORMATION Reference No(s): l Recordation: Subdivision/ Carisbad Tract: 1635 Faraday Avenue • Carlsbad, CA 92OO8-7314 • (760) 6O2-2720 • FAX (76O) 6O2-8562 BUILDING PLANCHECK CHECKLIST ,RD D SITE PLAN 1. Provide a fully dimensioned site plan drawn to scale. Show: North Arrow Existing & Proposed Structures xisting StreetJrnprvements Property Easements . ' "J. ight-of-Way Width & Adjacent Streets iveway widths- uMftr It &1&& xisting or proposed sewer lateral xisting or proposed water service Existing or proposed irrigation service 2. Show on site plan: A. Drainage Patterns 1. Building pad surface drainage must maintain a minimum slope of one percent towards an adjoining street or an approved drainage course. 2. ADD THE FOLLOWING NOTE: "Finish grade will provide a minimum positive drainage of 2% to swale 5' away from building." B. Existing & Proposed Slopes and Topography C. Size, type, location, alignment of existing or proposed sewer and water service (s) that serves the project. Each unit requires a separate service, however, second dwelling units and apartment complexes are an exception. D. Sewer and water laterals should not be located within proposed driveways, per standards. 3. Include on title sheet: s ite address 'Assessor's Parcel Number Legal Description For commercial/industrial buildings and tenant improvement projects, include: total building square footage with the square footage for each different use, existing sewer permits showing square footage of different uses (manufacturing, warehouse, office, etc.) previously approved. EXISTING PERMIT NUMBER DESCRIPTION BUILDING PLANCHECK CHECKLIST 1ST 2ND 3RD DISCRETIONARY APPROVAL COMPLIANCE CH CH d 4a. Project does not comply with the following Engineering Conditions of approval for Project No. ; CD IU CH 4b. All conditions are in compliance. Date: DEDICATION REQUIREMENTS D D 5. Dedication for all street Rights-of-Way adjacent to the building site and any storm drain or utility easements on the building site is required for all new buildings and for remodels with a value at or exceeding $ 17.000 . pursuant to Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 18.40.030. Dedication required as follows: Dedication required. Please have a registered Civil Engineer or Land Surveyor prepare the appropriate legal description together with an 8 %" x 11" plat map and submit with a title report. All easement documents must be approved and signed by owner(s) prior to issuance of Building Permit. Attached please find an application form and submittal checklist for the dedication process. Submit the completed application form with the required checklist items and fees to the Engineering Department in person. Applications will not be accept by mail or fax. Dedication completed by: Date: . IMPROVEMENT REQUIREMENTS 6a. All needed public improvements upon and adjacent to the building site must be constructed at time of building construction whenever the value of the construction exceeds $ 82,000 . pursuant to Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 18.40.040. Public improvements required as follows: Attached please find an application form and submittal checklist for the public improvement requirements. A registered Civil Engineer must prepare the appropriate improvement plans and submit them together with the requirements on the attached checklist to the Engineering Department through a separate plan check process. The completed application form and the requirements on the checklist must be submitted in person. Applications by mail or fax are not accepted. Improvement plans must be approved, appropriate securities posted and fees paid prior to issuance of building permit. Improvement Plans signed by: Date: BUILDING PLANCHECK CHECKLIST n n n n n IMPROVEMENT REQUIREMENTS continued 6b. Construction of the public improvements may be deferred pursuant to Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 18.40. Please submit a recent property title report or current grant deed on the property and processing fee of $441 so we may prepare the necessary Neighborhood Improvement Agreement. This agreement must be signed, notarized and approved by the City prior to issuance of a Building permit. Future public improvements required as follows: 6c. Enclosed please find your Neighborhood Improvement Agreement (NIA). return agreement signed and notarized to the Engineering Department. Please Completed by:Date: 6d. No Public Improvements required. SPECIAL NOTE: Damaged or defective improvements found adjacent to building site must be repaired to the satisfaction of the City Inspector prior to occupancy. GRADING PERMIT REQUIREMENTS The conditions that invoke the need for a grading permit are found in Section 15.16.010 of the Municipal Code. 7a. Inadequate information available on Site Plan to make a determination on grading requirements. Include accurate grading quantities in cubic yards (cut, fill import, D n n n n Engineer must be submitted together with the completed application form attached. NOTE: The Grading Permit must be issued and rough grading approval obtained prior to issuance of a Building Permit. Grading Inspector sign off by:Date: 7c. Graded Pad Certification required. (Note: Pad certification raay be required even if a grading permit is not required.) p^Ctrl V& b Ql>& / 7d .No Grading Permit required. 7e. If grading is not required, write "No Grading" on plot plan. BUILDING PLANCHECK CHECKLIST MISCELLANEOUS PERMITS RIGHT-OF-WAY PERMIT 8. A Right-of-Way permit is required to do work in City Right-of-Way and/or private work adjacent to the public Right-of-Way. Types of work include, but are not limited to: street improvements, tree trimming, driveway construction, tying into public storm drain, sewer and water utilities. To see requirements, visit our website: www.carlsbadca.gov/engineering jght-of-Way permit required for: INDUSTRIAL WASTE PERMIT 9. If your facility is located in the City of Carlsbad sewer service area, you need to contact the Carlsbad of Carlsbad, Development Services Division, located at 1635 Faraday Avenue, Carlsbad, CA 92008. City Staff can provide forms and assistance. You may telephone (760) 602-2750 for assistance D NPDES PERMIT 10. Complies with the City's requirements of the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit. The applicant shall provide best management practices to reduce surface pollutants to an acceptable level prior to discharge to sensitive areas. Plans for such improvements shall be approved by the City Engineer prior to issuance of grading or building permit, whichever occurs first. D STORM WATER COMPLIANCE 10a. 8 Requires Project Storm Water Permit: PSP D Tier I/Tier II (Requires SWPPP) - Please complete attached forms" 0 Exempt - Please complete attached Storm Water Exemption form D D DEVELOPMENT FEES 11. p Required fees are ^attach D More information needed D No fees required BUILDING PLANCHECK CHECKLIST -ST 3RD WATER METER REVIEW D 12a. Domestic (potable) Use Ensure that the meter proposed/by the owner/developer is not oversized. Oversized meters are inaccurate cmring low-flow conditions. If it is oversized, for the life of the meter, the City will not accurately bill the owner for the water used. U J y /-— • All single family dwelling units receive "standard" 1" service with 5/8" meter. • All residential units that need to be fire sprinkled receive a 1" meter. See Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 17.04.230 for Automatic fire extinguishing systems criteria. • If owner/developer proposes a size other than the "standard", then owner/developer must provide potable water demand calculations, which include total fixture counts and maximum water demand in gallons per minute (gpm). Once the gpm is provided, check against the "meter sizing schedule" to verify the anticipated meter size for the unit. • Maximum service and meter size is a 2" service with a 2" meter. • If a developer is proposing a meter greater than 2", suggest the installation of multiple 2" services as needed to provide the anticipated demand, (manifolds are considered on case by case basis to limit multiple trenching into the street). NOTE: Upon declaration of Drought Response Level 3 condition, no new potable water service shall be provided and no new temporary meters or permanent meters shall be provided. See Ordinance 44 for more information. D 12b. Irrigation Use (where recycled water is not available) All irrigation meters must be sized via irrigation calculations (in gpm) prior to approval. The developer must provide these calculations. Please follow these guidelines: • If the project is a newer development (newer than 1 998), check the recent improvement plans and observe if the new irrigation service is reflected on the improvement sheets. If so, at the water meter station, the demand in Irrigation services are listed with a circled "I", and circled "W". The irrigation service should look gpm may be listed there. potable water is typically a like: STA 1+00 Install 2" service and 1.5: meter (estimated 100 gpm) If the improvement plans do not list the irrigation meter and the service/meter will be installed via another instrument such as the building plans or grading plans (w/ a right of way permit of course), then the applicant must provide irrigation calculations for estimated worst-case irrigation demand (largest zone with the farthest reach). Typically, the landscape consultant has already reviewed this if landscape plans have been prepared, but the applicant must provide the calculations to you for your use. BUILDING PLANCHECK CHECKLIST WATER METER REVIEW continued 12b. Irrigation Use (continued) Once you have received a good example of irrigation calculations, keep a set for your reference. In general the calculations will include: Hydraulic grade line Elevation at point of connection (POC) Pressure at POC in pounds per square inch (PSI) Worse case zone (largest, farthest away from valve Total Sprinkler heads listed (with gpm use per head) Include a 10% residual pressure at point of connection In general, all major sloped areas of a subdivision/project are to be irrigated via separate irrigation meters (unless the project is only SFD with no HOA). As long as the project is located within the City recycled water service boundary, the City is in the process of switching these irrigation services/meters to a new recycled water line ED CH C] 12c. Irrigation Use (where recycled water is available) Recycled water meters are sized the same as the irrigation meter above. • If a project fronts a street with recycled water, then they should be connecting to this line to irrigate slopes within the development. For subdivisions, this should have been identified, and implemented on the improvement plans. Installing recycled water meters is a benefit for the applicant since they are exempt from paying the San Diego County Water Capacity fees. However, if they front a street which the recycled water is there, but is not live (sometimes they are charged with potable water until recycled water is available), then the applicant must pay the San Diego Water Capacity Charge. If within three years, the recycled water line is charged with recycled water by CMWD, then the applicant can apply for a refund to the San Diego County Water Authority (SDCWA) for a refund. However, the City of Carlsbad cannot guarantee the refund. The applicant must deal with the SDCWA for this. & n 13. Additional Comments: ££At)l d£~ Pt/W <Q-r0(/*> D^lV^W/^V^ AC ^ -/V AK _ AiAO\g ftKACflftL VD If th«r« are retaining walls °«odat»d with your project, please~k~-L. ij_ ^ — ^ *T"«» pivase"«•« with the *"'M'nn fWimimiin if^. ^»«^^^—^^^^^^^^^^^™«^M«"«—^-^^^^^^™^^™™^^^^-^^^^™^^"«™—^-^—^^^^ these walls need to be pulled by *porate RETAINS vyA|, mm ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT FEE CALCULATION WORKSHEET D Estimate based on unconfirmed information from applicant. D/^Calculation based on building plancheck plan submittal. Address: \2JfiJ \'Z</'2— vJr\^~- ^W Bldg. Permit No. Prepared by: (/) Date: f/^/U^} Checked by: •/ It/ EDU CALCULATIONS:, List types and sfloaje3§Wages for all uses Types of Use: 5>~V/ SOU Sq. ft./Units^X ^2— ITypes of Use: i Sq. Ft./Units: Types of Use: Sq. Ft./Units: Types of Use: Sq. Ft./Units: ADT CALCULATIONS* List types and sauawfootaqes for all uses. Types of Use:Q»R)/Qf)V| Sq. Ft.i(Units:J> 2— Types of Use: Sq. Ft./Units: Types of Use: Sq. Ft./Units: Types of Use: Sq. Ft./Units: FEES REQUIRED: Ob &>-7QJ\ Date: EDU's: EDU's: EDU's: EDU's: ADT's: ADT's: ADT's: ADT's: WITHIN CFD: D YES (no bridge & thoroughfare fee in District #1, reduced Traffic Impact Fee) ItHio D 1 . PARK-IN-LIEU FEE: NW QUADRANT FEE/UNIT: _ NE QUADRANT UNITS:_ SE QUADRANT SW QUADRANT r TRAFFIC IMPACT FEE ADT's/UNITS: NO. W 3. BRIDGE AND THOROUGHFARE FEE (DIST. #1 _ ADT's/UNITS: _ X FEE/ADT: DIST. #2 DIST. #3 D 4. FACILITIES MANAGEMENT FEE UNIT/SQ.FT.: DIjjxSfWER FEE EDU's: BENEFIT AREA: EDU's: ZONE:. X FEE/SQ.FT./UNIT:=$ FEE/EDU: ( ,-» 2 a 6. DRAINAGE FEES ACRES: PLDA FEE/EDU:. HIGH /LOW FEE/AC:= $ 7. POTABLE WATER FEES UNITS CODE CONNECTION FEE METER FEE SDCWA FEE IRRIGATION F \FARMER\KATHY\MASTERS\FEE CALCULATION WORKSHEET.dOC2008.doc Rev. 7/14/00 CITY OF CARLSBAD GRADING INSPECTION CHECKLIST FOR PARTIAL SITE RELEASE PROJECT INSPECTOR: PROJECT«n % e>4*~0l DATE:. PERMIT NO LOTS REQUESTED FOR RELEASE:. N/A = NOT APPLICABLE V-COMPLETE or unacceptable 3, (4- 1rt. 4JlJlJ J 1J »>Ay 2nd. 1. 2. 3. 4, 5. 6. 7. a 9. Site access to requested lots adequate and logically grouped Site erosion control measures adequate. Overall site adequate for health, safety and welfare of public. Letter from Owner/Dev. requesting partial release of specific tots, pads orbldg. 8Vi" x 11" site plan (attachment) showing requested lots submitted. Compactor been submitted t from soils engineer submitted. (If sons report has a previous partial release, a letter from soils engineer referencing the soHs report and Identifying specific lota for release shall accompany subsequent partial releases). EOW certification of work dona with finish pad elevations of specific lots to be released Letter must state lot (s) is graded to within a tenth (.1) of the approved grating plan. Geologic engineer's letter if unusual geologic or subsurface conditions exist Fully functional fir. hydrants within 500 feet of building combustibles and an aO weather roads access to site is required. Partial release of grading for the above stated lots is approved for the purpose of building permit issuance, lwuan<»ofbu»dkxjp«fmtele8t«l9ut^toallnomwlClty requirement* required pursuant to the bulking permit process. Partial release of the site is denied for the folowing reasons: Project Inspector Date Construction Manager Ji.rTLDMSTER.FCRUS.'FARTSrTE.FRM Date f EXHIBIT T Ca Citv of Carlsbad *nsTsmmia»Kitnaanm /0J2 DRAINAGE AND SEWER COVENANT FOR Raenette Abbey PARCEL 2 FOR THE BENEFIT OF PARCEL 4, ALL IN A Technician N 55*56'56"NE 17B <760) 602-2/13 FAX (760) 602-8558 1635 Faraday Avenue Carlsbad, California 92008 PARCEL 3 M.S. 04-01 N 55-58'4r E 95.34' D=90TCO'00" R=15.00' 3.00' L=23.56' -5-00' L- v • *"—- J • N 55-58*41' E 75.00* -*J[ I * * ' M KS! 5.0' DRAINAGE AND SEWER EASEMENT TO BENEFIT PARCEL 4 3.00' D=90TJO'00" R-15.00J L=23.56' PARCEL 1 M.S. 04-01 T.P.O.B. = INDICATES TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING 15.00' 15.00' N 55<58'4r E 200.36*AVENUE <kN 55'58'4T EGRAPHIC SCALE BASK nw mutmcs THE BA3S OF BEARINGS FOR THIS SURVEY IS A LINE BETWEEN CITY OF CARLSBAD FIRST ORDER CONTROL POSITIONS CLSB 121 sews f = so /EXT & CLSB122. PER ROS 17271. E N OlttftB" W 1925.22' GRID DRAINAGE AND SEWER EASEMENTEASEMENT PLAT CITY OF CARLSBAD SHEET 1 OF 1 SHEETS JCANT: : & KIM BUSBY OAK AVENUE SBAD, CA. 92008 845-2579 5731 PALMER WAY. SUITE G CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92010 {7601 438-1726 JN 2793PLT-E PR 06 - 01 AP.N. 156-180-36 DATE 03-13-2006 MS 04-01 PCD 05-0? DD D D D nn PLANNING DEPARTMENT BUILDING PLAN CHECK REVIEW CHECKLIST Plan Check No. CB09-0721 Address 1200 Oak Avenue Planner Chris Sexton Phone (760) 602- 4624 APN: 156-180-48 Type of Project & Use: sfr Net Project Density: 1.0 DU/AC Zoning: R-1 General Plan: RM Facilities Management Zone: 1 CFD (in/out) #_Date of participation: Remaining net dev acres:. (For non-residential development: Type of land used created by this permit: Incomplete - Needs your action YES D NO 13 TYPE Circle One Legend: |2£| Item Complet Environmental Review Require DATE OF COMPLETION: Compliance with conditions of approval? If not, state conditions which require action. Conditions of Approval: Discretionary Action Required: YES D NO 13 TYPE APPROVAL/RESO. NO. DATE PROJECT NO. OTHER RELATED CASES: Compliance with conditions or approval? If not, state conditions which require action. Conditions of Approval: Coastal Zone Assessment/Compliance Project site located in Coastal Zone? YES D NO S CA Coastal Commission Authority? YES Q NO d If California Coastal Commission Authority: Contact them at - 7575 Metropolitan Drive, Suite 103, San Diego, CA 92108-4402; (619) 767-2370 Determine status (Coastal Permit Required or Exempt): Habitat Management Plan Data Entry Completed? YES D NO D If property has Habitat Type identified in Table 11 of HMP, complete HMP Permit application and assess fees in Permits Plus (A/P/Ds, Activity Maintenance, enter CB#, toolbar, Screens, HMP Fees, Enter Acres of Habitat Type impacted/taken, UPDATE!) Inclusionary Housing Fee required: YES £<] NO D (Effective date of Inclusionary Housing Ordinance - May 21,1993.) Data Entry Completed? YES Kl NO Q (A/P/Ds, Activity Maintenance, enter CB#, toolbar, Screens, Housing Fees, Construct Housing Y/N, Enter Fee, UPDATE!) H:\ADMIN\Template\Building Plancheck Review Checklist.doc Rev 4/08 Site Plan: E D D Provide a fully dimensional site plan drawn to scale. Show: North arrow, property lines, easements, existing and proposed structures, streets, existing street improvements, right-of-way width, dimensional setbacks and existing topographical lines (including all side and rear yard slopes). Provide legal description of property and assessor's parcel number. D D D D DD an an Policy 44 - Neighborhood Architectural Design Guidelines 1. Applicability: YES D NO I3 2. Project complies: YES Zoning: 1 . Setbacks: Front: Interior Side: Street Side: Rear: Top of slope: 2. Accessory structure Front: Interior Side: Street Side: Rear: Structure separation Required 20' Required 7.5' Required Required 15' Required setbacks: Required Required Required Required : Required Shown 20' Shown 7.5' Shown Shown 15' Shown Shown Shown Shown Shown Shown 3. Lot Coverage:Required >40% Shown 4. Height: Required >30' Shown >30' Roof Deck Required >24' Shown >24' 5. Parking: Spaces Required 2 Shown 5 (breakdown by uses for commercial and industrial projects required) Residential Guest Spaces Required Shown Additional Comments 1) Please sign the attached Affidavit of Compliance for a Second Dwelling Unit. 2) Please show lot coverage. &HUMaah PJUUAJL w OK TO ISSUE AND ENTERED APPROVAL INTO COMPUTER H:\ADMIN\Template\Building Plancheck Review Checklist.doc Rev 4/08 CITY OF CARLSBAD - AFFIDAVIT OF COMPLIANCE FOR A SECOND DWELLING UNIT Instructions to Property Owner (Affiant): Please type or print complete and accurate answers in all blank spaces in Section I. Please read carefully, particularly Section II. Please read, sign and date Section III indicating that you understand and agree with the conditions of compliance. SECTION I - INFORMATION Property owner(s): 5. Name(s) Property Address: Street Address City State Zip Code Assessor Parcel No. Subdivision: DUSPl / or Name Lot/Block ' Parcel No. Project Number: L tJ Ol ' /^< / SECTION II - CONDITIONS Fpk COMPLIANCE PLEASE READ CAREFULLY 1. A second dwelling unit is an attached or detached dwelling unit which is located on the same lot as an existing owner-occupied single-family detached dwelling unit and is: a. Suitable for use as a complete living facility with provisions within the facility for cooking, eating, sanitation and sleeping; b. Occupied by one or more persons; and c. Subordinate to the main dwelling unit. 2. The Property Owner(s) listed above hereby certifies that he/she owns the above referenced property, as of the date of this affidavit, and to his/her belief and knowledge, there are no conditions, covenants or restrictions on the property prohibiting a second dwelling unit apartment. 3. The Property Owner(s) agrees to the following terms and conditions: FRM0006 6/03 PAGE 1 OF 2 a. The property and residence referenced above must not contain a second residential dwelling unit unless it is in compliance with the second dwelling unit provisions of the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Carlsbad. b. The Property Owner(s) shall reside in either the main dwelling unit or second dwelling unit described above, now, and for the life of this agreement, unless a lessee leases both the main dwelling unit and the second dwelling unit. c. The Second Dwelling Unit may only be rented and shall not be sold separately from the main dwelling unit, unless the lot on which such units are located is subdivided. d. The Property Owner(s) agree to rent the Second Dwelling Unit at a monthly rental rate which shall not exceed an amount equal to 30% of the gross monthly income of a low- income household, adjusted for household size, at 80% of the San Diego County median income. e. A copy of this agreement and Affidavit must be given by the Property Owner(s) to prospective purchasers of .the property prior to entering into a sales contract for said property. SECTION III - AFFIRMATION AND AGREEMENT '' \, ', • . * '""-..,". • v I HEREBY DECLARE AND AFFIRM, under penalty of perjury, that all matters and facts set forth in this agreement are true and correct to the best of my knowledge, information and belief, and that I (we) understand, accept and will abide by the regulations, requirements, and standards governing the Second Dwelling Unit. BY: BY: Property Owner Date Property Owner Date Owner's Telephone Number(s)): (/6o ) <&& &6/6 /( '60 Home Office FRM0006 6/03 PAGE 2 OF 2 Carlsbad Fire Department BLDG. DEPT COPY Plan Review Requirements Category: RESDNTL , SFD2U Date of Report: 07-06-2009 Reviewed by: Name: Address: OAK AVENUE VENTURE LLC 1821 SOUTH COAST HSY OCEANSIDE CA 92054 Permit #: CB090721 ^ ) ^O Job Name: SPEC HOME-4574 SF, 640 SF 2DU- Job Address: 1200 OAK AV CBAD MPLETE^The item you_uaye submitted for review4s4ncomplete. At tiis mhe^this office mot a review to dietermirle^Qornpliance withl the applicable codes and/or standards. PleVse review carefully all cbajments attacfoxL^lease resufctti^the necessary plans andA^speci^cations, withsjhang|es "clouded", to tnkp office for review and approval. Conditions; Cond: CON0003483 JMET] APPROVED: THIS PROJECT HAS BEEN REVIEWED AND APPROVED FOR THE PURPOSES OF ISSUANCE OF BUILDING PERMIT. THIS APPROVAL IS SUBJECT TO FIELD INSPECTION AND REQUIRED TEST, NOTATIONS HEREON, CONDITIONS IN CORRESPONDENCE AND CONFORMANCE WITH ALL APPLICABLE REGULATIONS. THIS APPROVAL SHALL NOT BE HELD TO PERMIT OR APPROVE THE VIOLATION OF ANY LAW. Entry: 07/06/2009 By: df Action: AP Carlsbad Fire Department _ BLDG. DEPT COPY Plan Review Requirements Category: RESDNTL , SFD2U Date of Report: 05-27-2009 Reviewed by: Name: OAK AVENUE VENTURE LLC Address: 1821 SOUTH COAST HSY OCEANSIDE CA 92054 Permit #: CB090721 Job Name: SPEC HOME-4574 SF, 640 SF 2DU- Job Address: 1200 OAK AV CHAD INCOMPLETE The item you have submitted for review is incomplete. At this time, this office cannot adequately conduct a review to determine compliance with the applicable codes and/or standards. Please review carefully all comments attached. Please resubmit the necessary plans and/or specifications, with changes "clouded", to this office for review and approval. Conditions: Cond: CON0003483 [NOT MET] Plans do not indicate location of nearest fire hydrant. Please identify nearest fire hydrant in the relationship to the proposed driveway apron. Sprinklers shall be required per C.M.C. 1704.230 Structure exceeds 5,000 sqaure feet. (Please note on site plan) Single or multiple-station smoke alarms shall be installed and maintained in R-3 occupancy CFC 907.2.10.2 (please note on plans) Premisise Identification: Single family dwelling 4" in height, minimum illuminated during all hours of darkness. May require an additional sign at the street when dwelling is set back from the street and visibilty is poor. (Please note on plans) Entry: 05/27/2009 By: df Action: CO P/c ?/<- STRUCTURAL CALCULATIONS or-il-i ISSUE DATE April 30 2009 Description: (2) 2-Story R3 buildings with Roof Deck Client: 1212 Oak Ave. ILC Name:OAK AVE R3 construction DESIGN CRITERIA Building Type: Bearing wall system Construction: Stud walls, sawn lumber wood timbers, plywood sheathing Codes: 2007 California Building Code 2006 IBC, ASCE 07-05, 2005 NDS Wood: Studs - Stud grade. Standard A btr. Posts - Standard 4 better Beams - DF#2 or better Joists - I-Joists SLBs - 24F-1.8E LSI - laminated strand rims and beams LVL - laminated veneer microlam beams and joists PSL - parallel strand beams Concrete: 2,500 psi at 28 days, U.N.O. Higher strength where noted Soils 4 bearing: 2000 psf Soil Bearing TGI no. G09.00519 April 27 2009 mmwmtoADs Roof Loads Roofing (tile) Sheathing Rafters or trusses Ceiling Misc. & insulation Total Roof DL Roof Live Load (less than 6:12 pitch) Roof Live Load (6:12 and 7:12 pitch) Roof Live Load (8:12 pitch or steeper) Exterior Walls Stucco or siding Studs Gypsum board Misc. & insulation Total Wall DL psf 9.5 1.4 3.2 2.2 1.7 18.0 psf 20 psf 18 psf 16 psf psf 8.0 1.1 2.2 2.7 14 0 psf Floor Loads Floor Finish (carpet) Sheathing Joists Ceiling Misc. & insulation Floor Live Load Balcony Live Load Exit Live Load Interior Walls Shear panel Studs Gypsum board Misc. & insulation Total Wall DL 1 ' "*• "* "> , psf 1.2 2.0 2.6 2.6 3.6 12.0 psf . ... 40 psf 60 psf 100 psf psf 1.1 4.4 2.5 8.0 psf Lt. wt. topping 1.2 2.0 2.6 2.6 3.6 psf 2.0 1.1 4.4 2.5 10.0 psf Swanson & Associates 17055 Via Del Campo, Suite 100, San Diego, CA 92127 (858)487-7600 Nominal Size 2x4 2x6 2x8 2x10 2x12 2x14 4x4 4x6 4x8 4x10 4x12 4x14 4x16 6x4 6x6 6x8 6x10 6x12 6x14 6x16 Section Properties & Design Loads 2oo7cBC Actual Size (b)x(d) inches 1.5 X 3.5 1.5 x 5.5 1.5x7.25 1.5 x 9.25 1.5 x 11.25 1.5 x 13.25 3.5x3.5 3.5 x 5.5 3.5x7.25 3.5x9.25 3.5 x 11.25 3.5 x 13.25 3.5 x 15.25 5.5 x 3.5 5.5 x 5.5 5.5x7.5 5.5x9.5 5.5 x 11.5 5.5 x 13.5 5.5 x 16.5 Area in2 5.25 8.25 10.88 13.88 16.88 19.88 12.25 19.25 25.38 32.38 39.38 46.38 53.38 19.25 30.25 41.25 52.25 63.25 74.25 90.75 Section Modulus (S) in3 3.06 7.56 13.14 21.39 31.64 43.89 7.15 17.65 30.66 49.91 73.83 102.41 135.66 11.23 27.73 51.56 82.73 121.23 167.06 249.56 Moment of Inertia (I) in" 5.36 20.80 47.63 98.93 177.98 290.78 12.51 48.53 111.15 230.84 415.28 678.48 1,034.42 19.65 7626 193.36 392.96 697.07 1,127.67 2,058.89 Roof Loads LDF = 1.25 Allowable Shear Moment (Ibs) (Ib-ft) 788 211 1,238 1,060 1,631 1,700 2,081 2,537 2,531 3,411 2,981 4,259 1,838 1,005 2,888 2,151 3,806 3,737 4,856 5,615 5,906 8,459 6,956 10,668 8,006 14,131 2,888 1,437 4,285 3,466 5,844 6,445 7,402 11,634 8,960 17,048 10,519 23,188 12,856 33,875 Floor Loads LDF = 1.00 Allowable Shear Moment (Ibs) (Ib-ft) 630 169 990 848 1,305 1,360 1,665 2,029 2,025 2,729 2,385 3,407 1,470 804 2,310 1,720 3,045 2,989 3,885 4,492 4,725 6,768 5,565 8,534 6,405 11,305 2,310 1,150 3,428 2,773 4,675 5,156 5,922 9,307 7,168 13,638 8,415 18,550 10,285 27,100 (w) Allowable Uniform Loads (plf) Span in feet for beam or joist sizes Normal duration. Laterally fully braced, repetitive member increase for 2x members. 3ft. 4ft. 5ft. 6ft. 7ft. 8ft. 9ft. 10ft. lift. 12ft. 13ft. 14ft. 15ft. 16ft. 17ft. 18ft. 19ft. 150 84 54 38 28 21 17 14 11 8 7 5 4 3 3 2 2 754 424 271 188 138 106 84 63 48 37 29 23 19 15 13 11 9 1,094 680 435 302 222 170 134 109 90 76 64 53 43 35 30 25 21 1,094 820 649 451 331 254 200 162 134 113 96 83 72 63 56 50 44 1,094 820 656 547 446 341 270 218 180 152 129 111 97 85 76 67 60 1,094 820 656 547 469 410 336 273 225 189 161 139 121 106 94 84 76 715 402 257 176 111 74 52 38 29 22 17 14 11 9 8 7 6 1,529 860 551 382 281 215 170 138 111 86 67 54 44 36 30 25 22 2,188 1,495 957 664 488 374 295 239 198 166 142 122 100 83 69 58 49 3,993 2,246 1,437 998 733 562 444 359 297 250 213 183 160 140 124 111 100 4,375 3,281 ; 2,166 1,504 1,105 846 668 541 447 376 320 276 241 211 187 167 150 4,375 3,281 2,625 1,897 1,393 1,067 843 683 564 474 404 348 303 267 236 211 189 4,375 3,281 2,625 2,188 1,846 1,413 1,117 904 747 628 535 461 402 353 313 279 251 1,022 575 368 255 175 117 82 60 45 35 27 22 18 15 12 10 9 2,465 1,386 887 616 453 347 274 222 175 134 106 85 69 57 47 40 34 3,438 2,578 1,650 1,146 842 645 509 413 341 286 244 210 175 144 120 101 86 6,875 4,654 2,978 2,068 1,520 1,163 919 745 615 517 441 380 331 291 244 205 175 6,875 5,156 4,125 3,031 2,227 1,705 1,347 1,091 902 758 646 557 485 426 378 337 302 6,875 5,156 4,125 3,438 2,946 2,319 1,832 1,484 1,226 1,031 878 757 660 580 513 458 411 6,875 5,156 4,125 3,438 2,946 2,578 2,292 2,063 1,792 1,506 1,283 1,106 964 847 750 669 601 IT" Timberstrand LSL rim board A IT" Timberstrand LSL UxllT LSL Iixl4 LSL !Txl6 LSL !Txl4 LSL !Txl6 LSL 1.25 x 11.88 1.25 x 14.0 1.25 x 16.0 1.75 x 11.88 1.75 x 14.0 1.75 x 16.0 14.84 17.50 20.00 20.78 24.50 28.00 29.38 4083 53.33 41.13 57.17 74.67 174.43 285.83 426.67 244.21 400.17 597.33 9,215 9,618 10,865 13,168 12,417 16,989 5,368 9,971 6,329 13,650 7,233 17,611 7,372 7,695 8,692 10,534 9,933 13,591 4,295 7,977 5,063 10,920 5,787 14,089 1,808 1,356 1,085 904 775 678 592 432 325 250 197 157 128 105 88 74 63 1,808 1,356 1,085 904 775 678 603 543 493 410 322 258 210 173 144 121 103 1,808 1,356 1,085 904 775 678 603 543 493 452 417 385 313 258 215 181 154 1,633 1,225 980 817 700 613 544 490 445 404 318 254 207 170 142 120 102 1,633 1,225 980 817 700 613 544 490 445 408 377 350 327 279 233 196 167 1,633 1,225 980 817 700 613 544 490 445 408 377 350 327 306 288 272 249 3J" Timberstrand LSL 3|x4| LSL 3ix5i LSL 3fx7« LSL 3£x8f LSL 3ixgi L5L 3£xllT LSL 3|xllf LSL .3ixl4 LSL 3^x16 LSL 3.5 x 4.38 3.5 x 5.5 3.5 x 7.25 3.5 x 8.63 3.5x9.5 3.5x11.25 3.5x11.88 3.5x14.0 3.5 x 16.0 15.31 19.25 25.38 30.19 33.25 39.38 41.56 49.00 56.00 11.17 17.65 30.66 43.39 52.65 73.83 82.26 114.33 149.33 24.42 48.53 111.15 187.14 250.07 415.28 488.41 800.33 1,194.67 5,104 2,170 6,417 3,357 8,458 5,687 10,063 7,922 8,590 13,027 10,172 17,987 10,737 19,941 12,658 27,300 14,467 35,222 4,083 1,736 5,133 2,686 6,767 4,550 8,050 6,337 6,872 10,422 8,138 14,389 8,590 15,953 10,127 21,840 11,573 28,178 1,543 868 484 280 176 118 83 60 45 35 28 22 18 15 12 10 9 2,380 1,343 859 556 350 235 165 120 90 70 55 44 36 29 24 21 18 2,380 1,785 1,428 1,011 743 538 378 275 207 159 125 100 82 67 56 47 40 2,3801,785 1,428 1,190 1~020 792 626 463 348 268 211 169 137 113 94 79 68 5,600 4,200 3,335 2,316 1,702 1,303 980 714 537 413 325 260 212 174 145 123 104 5,600 4,200 3,360 2,800 2,349 1,799 1,421 1,151 891 687 540 432 352 290 242 203 173 5,6004,2003,3602,8002,4001,9941,5761,2761,048 808 635 509 413 341 284 239 203 5,600 4,200 3,360 2,800 2,400 2,100 1,867 1,680 i 1,444 1,213 1,034 833 678 558 465 392 333 5,600 4,200 3,360 2,800 2,400 2,100 1,867 1,680 1,527 1,400 1,292 1,150 1,002 833 695 585 498 V)c*o 5' o-a H- IA C7 to 3 ODQ_to ro»— »ro O> 7* > m >T3T CO0 ro0O\O 1. At roof loading conditions where shear or bending governs, use a 1.25 LDF adjustment to the above values. 2. At roof loading conditions where deflection governs, use a 1.15 deflection adjustment factor to the above values. 3. Shading in the span / allowable uniform load table indicates that bending (F'b) governs. Shear governs to the left of the shading, and deflection governs to the right. Nominal Size i Actual Size (b)x(d) inches Area W in2 Section Properites A Design Loads 2oo7ac Section Modulus (S) in3 Moment of Inertia (I) in4 Roof Loads LDF = 1.25 Allowable Shear Moment (Ibs) (Ib-ft) Floor Loads LDF =1.00 Allowable Shear Moment (Ibs) (Ib-ft) (w) Allowable Uniform Loads Span in feet for beam or joist sizes Normal duration, Laterally fully braced, repetitive member increase for 2x members. 10ft. lift. 12ft. 13ft. 14ft. 15ft. 16ft. 17ft. 18ft. 19ft. 20ft. 21ft. 22ft. 23ft. 24ft. 25ft. 26ft H" Mierollam LVL Iix9£ LVL lixlliLVL I*xl4 LVL Hxl6 LVL l|x!8 LVL 1.75 x 9.5 1.75 x 11.88 1.75x14.0 1.75 x 16.0 1.75 x 18.0 16.63 20.78 24.50 28.00 31.50 26.32 41.13 57.17 74.67 94.50 125.03 244.21 400.17 597.33 850.50 3,948 7,359 4,936 11,155 5.819 15,161 6,650 19,446 7,481 24,221 3,159 5,887 3,948 8,924 4,655 12,129 5,320 15,557 5,985 19,377 453 340 262 206 165 134 110 92 78 66 57 49 42 37 33 29 26 714 590 496 402 322 262 216 180 152 129 110 95 83 73 64 57 50 970 802 674 574 495 429 354 295 248 211 181 156 136 119 105 93 82 1,245 1,029 864 736 635 553 486 431 371 315 270 233 203 178 156 138 123 1,531 1,148 919 766 656 574 510 459 418 383 353 328 289 253 223 197 175 2.69" (2 11/16") Parallam PSL 2.69x9* PSL 2.69xll£ PSL 2.69x14 PSL 2.69x16 PSL 2.69xl8PSL 2.69 x 9.5 2.69 x 11.88 2.69 x 14.0 2.69 x 16.0 2.69 x 18.0 3i" Parallam PSL 3I-X9J- PSL SixllJ PSL 3ixl4 PSL 3^x16 PSL 3^x18 PSL 3.5 x 9.5 3.5x11.88 3.5x14.0 3.5 x 16.0 3.5 x 18.0 25.53 31.91 37.63 43.00 48.38 33.25 41.56 49.00 56.00 63.00 40.42 63.16 87.79 114.67 145.13 52.65 82.26 114.33 149.33 189.00 192.02 375.03 614.54 917.33 1,306.13 250.07 488.41 800.33 1,194.67 1,701.00 6,170 12,532 7,713 19,103 9,093 26,070 10,392 33,550 11,691 41,911 8,035 16,321 10,044 24,878 11,842 33,952 13,533 43,693 15,225 54,581 4,936 10,026 6,170 15,282 7,274 20,856 8,313 26,840 9,353 33,528 6,428 13,057 8,035 19.902 9.473 27,162 10,827 34,955 12,180 43,665 731 550 423 333 267 217 179 149 125 107 91 79 69 60 53 47 42 1,223 1,010 827 650 521 423 349 291 245 208 179 154 134 117 103 91 81 1,669 1,379 1,159 987 851 694 572 477 401 341 293 253 220 192 169 150 133 2,147 1,775 1,491 1,271 1,096 954 839 711 599 509 437 377 328 287 253 224 199 2,682 2,217 1,863 1,587 1,369 1,192 1,048 928 828 725 622 537 467 409 360 318 283 953 716 551 434 347 282 233 194 163 139 119 103 89 78 69 61 54 1,592 1,316 1,077 847 678 551 454 379 319 271 233 201 175 153 135 119 106 2,173 1,796 1,509 1,286 1,109 903 744 621 523 445 381 329 286 251 221 195 173 2,796 2,311 1,942 1,655 1,427 1,243 1,092 926 780 664 569 491 427 374 329 291 259 3,4932,8872,4262.0671,782 1,553 1,365 1,209 1,078 945 810 700 609 533 469 415 369 5i" Parallam PSL 5£x9| PSL 5}xll| PSL 5^x14 PSL 5£xl6 PSL 5^x18 PSL 5.25 x 9.5 5.25 x 11.88 5.25 x 14.0 5.25 x 16.0 5.25 x 18.0 49.88 62.34 73.50 84.00 94.50 78.97 123.39 171.50 224.00 283.50 375.10 732.62 1,200.50 1,792.00 2,551.50 12,053 24,482 15,066 37,317 17,763 50,928 20,300 65,540 22,838 81,872 9,643 19,585 12,053 29,854 14,210 40,743 16,240 52,432 18,270 65,497 1,429 1.074 827 650 521 423 349 291 245 208 179 154 134 117 103 91 81 2,388 1,974 1,615 1,270 1,017 827 681 568 479 407 349 301 262 229 202 179 159 3,259 2,694 2,263 1,929 1,663 1,355 1,117 931 784 667 572 494 430 376 331 293 260 4,195 3,467 2,913 2,482 2,140 1,864 1,639 1,390 1,171 995 853 737 641 561 494 437 388 5,240 4,330 3,639 3,100 2,673 2,329 2,047 1,813 1,617 1,417 1,215 1,050 913 799 703 622 553 7" Parallam PSL ; 7x9£PSL 7x11* PSL 7x14 PSL 7x16 PSL 7x18 PSL 7.0 x 9.5 7.0x11.88 7.0 x 14.0 7.0 x 16.0 7.0 x 18.0 66.50 83.13 98.00 112.00 126.00 105.29 164.52 228.67 298.67 378.00 500.14 976.83 1,600.67 2,389.33 3,402.00 16,071 32,642 20,089 49,756 23,683 67,904 27,067 87,387 30/450 109,162 12,857 26,114: 16,071 39,805 18,947 54,324 21,653 69,909 24,360 87,330 1,905 1,431 1,103 867 694 565 465 388 327 278 238 206 179 157 138 122 108 3^84 2,632 2,153 1,694 1,356 1,103 909 757 638 543 465 402 349 306 269 238 212 4,346 3,592 3,018 2,572 2,217 1,807 1,489 1,241 1,046 889 762 658 573 501 441 390 347 5,593 4,622 3,884 3,309 2,853 2,486 2,185 1.853 1,561 1,327 1,138 983 855 748 658 583 518 6,986 5,774 4,852 4,134 3,564 3,105 2,729 2,417 2,156 1,889 1,620 1,399 1,217 1,065 938 829 737 6i Slu-lam Sirders 4 Beams (24F-1.8E or 24F-V4 with standard camber) 6fxl6i6LB 6*xl8 GIB 6}x21 GLB 6.75 x 16.5 6.75 x 18.0 6.75 x 21.0 111.38 121.50 141.75 306.28 364.50 496.13 2,526.82 3,280.50 5,209.31 24,595 71,821 26,831 84,732 31,303 113,565 19,676 57,456 21,465 67,786 25,043 90,852 4,597 3,799 3,192 2,720 2,345 2,043 1,796 1,590 1,419 1,263 1,083 935 814 712 627 554 493 5,423 4,482 3,766 3,209 2,767 2,410 2,118 1,876 1,674 1,502 1,356 1,214 1,056 924 814 720 640 7,268 6,007 5,047 4,301 3,708 3,230 2,839 2,515 2,243 2,013 1,817 1,648 1,502 1,374 1,262 1,143 1,016 I- Joists, Single use as headers 4 beams 11? ' TJI 210 14" TJI 210 2.06 x 11.88 2.06 x 14.0 EI=283 ER415 1,225 4,525 1,225 5,350 980 3,620 980 4,280 290 239 201 171 148 129 113 100 89 79 67 58 51 44 39 34 31 342 283 238 203 175 152 134 118 106 95 86 78 71 65 57 51 45 Section Properties & Design LoadsVO 1. At roof loading conditions where shear or bending governs, use a 1.25 LDF adjustment to the above values. 2. At roof loading conditions where deflection governs, use a 1.15 deflection adjustment factor to the above values. 3. Shading in the span / allowable uniform load table indicates that bending (F'b) governs. Shear governs to the left of the shading, and deflection governs to the right. 1212 OAK AVE April 30 2009 Typical Framing Elements Roof Framing Trusses @ 24" o/c (DL = 18 psf, LL = 20 psf) Factory Manufacturer's design by others 2x Convetional Rafters 4 Fill Framing w = (24/12) (18 psf + 20 psf) = 2x4 @ 24" o/c 2x6 @ 24" o/c 2x8 @ 24" o/c 2x10 @ 24" o/c 2x12 @ 24" o/c Floor Framing 76 psf spans to spans to spans to spans to spans to 4' -8" 9' -10" 13 '-0" 16'-4" 18'-11" I-Joist floor joists (TrusJoist by iLevel or equal) (Allowable spans per the latest span tables from iLevel, see the latest catalog AICC-ES ESR-1387 A ESR-1153) Alternates such as Boise Cascade BCI and Louisiana Pacific LPR joists are allowed per plans, see catalogs. w = (16/12) (12 + 40 psf) = 69 psf w = (19.2/12)(12 psf + 40 psf) = 83 psf Opening Headers <& Misc. Beams HI 4x4 (Max. Span =) 4x6 4x8 4x10 4x14 Roof 6' -4" 10' -0" 13' -2" 16'-3" 22 '-4" w <, 170 plf Floor 6'-0" 8'-ll" 11 '-10" 14'-6" 20' -0" H2 4x4 (Max. Span =) 4x6 4x8 4x10 w < Roof 4'-7" 6'-9" 8'-ll" 11 '-0" . 370 plf Floor 4' -2" 6'-l" 8'-0" 9'-10" H3 4x4 (Max. Span =) 4x6 4x8 4x10 4x12 Sixllf LSL Roof 3 '-9" 5 '-5" 7'-2" 8 '-10" 10' -10" 14'. 2" w < 570 plf Floor 3'-4" 4'-10" 6' -5" 7'-ll" 9 '-8" 13 '-5" H4 4x4 (Max. Span =) 4x6 4x8 4x10 4x12 3*x9i LSL 3|xll| LSL H5 4x4 (Max. Span =) 4x6 4x8 4x10 4x12 3ix9| LSL 3*xll| LSL H6 4x10 (Max. Span =) 3ix9* LSL 3|xll£ LSL W£ Roof 3 '-2" 4'-8" 6'-2" 7' -7" 9 '-4" 10' -3" 12'-10" W£ Roof 2'-10" 4'-2" 5'-6" 6 '-9" 8 '-4" 9 '-6" ll'-lO" WS Roof 6'-2" B'-ll" ll'-l" 770 plf Floor 2'-10" 4' -2" 5'-6" 6 '-9" 8'-4" 9 '-9" 12'-2" 970 plf FJoor 2 '-6" 3 '-9" 4'-ll" 6'-l" 7'-5" 9'-0" ll'-3" 1,170 plf Floor 5'-6» 8'-5" 10'-5" See uniform loads table on page 2 and 3 for additional spans or load conditions not specifically addressed here. 1212 OAK AVE April 30 2009 Stud Column Capacity 2007 CBC 3f Stud Wall Sill/Top Plate Nominal Size Max. Load 6 Ft. (1) 2x4 Standard (2) 2x4 Standard (3) 2x4 Standard (1) 2x4 Stud (2) 2x4 Stud (3) 2x4 Stud (1) 2x4DF#2 (2) 2x4 DF#2 (3) 2x4 bF#2 (1) 4x4 Standard (1) 4x4 DF#1 (1) 4x6 DF#1 (1) 4x8 DF#1 (1) 4x10 DF#1 (1) 4x12 DF#1 3,281 Ibs 6,563 Ibs 9,844 Ibs 3,281 Ibs 6,563 Ibs 9,844 Ibs 3,281 Ibs 6,563 Ibs 9,844 Ibs 7,656 Ibs 7,656 Ibs 12,031 Ibs 15,859 Ibs 20,234 Ibs 24,609 Ibs 4,136 Ibs 8,272 Ibs 12,409 Ibs 3,401 Ibs 6,801 Ibs 10,202 Ibs 4,666 Ibs 9,331 Ibs 13,997 Ibs 9,651 Ibs 11,783 Ibs 18,252 Ibs 23,676 Ibs 29,670 Ibs 36,085 Ibs 7 Ft. 3,288 Ibs 6,577 Ibs 9,865 Ibs 2,890 Ibs 5,781 Ibs 8,671 Ibs 3,721 Ibs 7,441 Ibs 11,162 Ibs 7,673 Ibs 9,353 Ibs 14,565 Ibs 19,005 Ibs 23,972 Ibs 29,155 Ibs 8 Ft. 2,413 Ibs 4,826 Ibs 7,239 Ibs 2,983 Ibs 5,965 Ibs 8,948 Ibs 6,141 Ibs 7,479 Ibs 11,681 Ibs 15,294 Ibs 19,363 Ibs 23,550 Ibs Stud Height 9 Ft. 2,010 Ibs 4,019 Ibs 6,029 Ibs 2,424 Ibs 4,847 Ibs 7,271 Ibs 4,985 Ibs 6,068 Ibs 9,494 Ibs 12,454 Ibs 15,804 Ibs 19,221 Ibs 10 Ft. 1,683 Ibs 3,367 Ibs 5,050 Ibs 1,999 Ibs 3,999 Ibs 5,998 Ibs 4,110 Ibs 5,001 Ibs 7,833 Ibs 10,288 Ibs 13,073 Ibs 15,900 Ibs 12 Ft. 1,419 Ibs 2,838 Ibs 4,257 Ibs 2,914 Ibs 3,545 Ibs 5,560 Ibs 7,312 Ibs 9,306 Ibs 11,318 Ibs 14 Ft. 1,055 Ibs 2,110 Ibs 3,165 Ibs 2,166 Ibs 2,635 Ibs 4,134 Ibs 5,441 Ibs 6,931 Ibs 8,429 Ibs 16 Ft. N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 5i" Stud Wall Sill/Top Plate Stud Height Nominal Size Max. Load 8 Ft. 9 Ft. 10 Ft. 12 Ft. 18 Ft. 20 Ft. 22 Ft. 24 Ft. (1) 2x6 DF#2 (2) 2x6 DF#2 (3) 2x6 DF#2 (1) 6x4 DF#1 (1) 6x6 DF#1 (1) 6x8 DF#1 (1) 6x10 DF#1 (1) 6x12 DF#1 5,156 Ibs 10,313 Ibs 15,469 Ibs 12,031 Ibs 18,906 Ibs 25,781 Ibs 32,656 Ibs 39,531 Ibs 8,683 Ibs 7,653 Ibs 6,669 Ibs 5,035 Ibs 2,430 Ibs 1,989 Ibs 1,655 Ibs N/A 17,367 Ibs 15,306 Ibs 13,338 Ibs 10,070 Ibs 4,860 Ibs 3,977 Ibs 3,311 Ibs N/A 26,050 Ibs 22,959 Ibs 20,007 Ibs 15,106 Ibs 7,290 Ibs 5,966 Ibs 4,966 Ibs N/A 22,097 Ibs 19,379 Ibs 16,821 Ibs 12,641 Ibs 6,074 Ibs 4,968 Ibs 4,134 Ibs N/A 24,795 Ibs 22,955 Ibs 20,918 Ibs 16,823 Ibs 8,657 Ibs 7,134 Ibs 5,966 Ibs N/A 33,812 Ibs 31,303 Ibs 28,525 Ibs 22,941 Ibs 11,804 Ibs 9,728 Ibs 8,136 Ibs N/A 40,425 Ibs 37,734 Ibs 34,689 Ibs 28,322 Ibs 14,837 Ibs 12,251 Ibs 10,259 Ibs N/A 48,936 Ibs 45,678 Ibs 41,992 Ibs 34,285 Ibs 17,960 Ibs 14,830 Ibs 12,419 Ibs N/A LSL Studs Sill/Top Plate Nominal Size Max. Load 8 Ft. (1) 3*x3| (1) 3|x4| (1) 3*x5* (1) 3|x7* (1) 3|x8| 1.3E LSL 1.3E LSL 1.3E LSL 1.3E LSL 1.3E LSL 7,656 Ibs 9,570 Ibs 12,031 Ibs 15,859 Ibs 18,867 Ibs 7,444 9,304 11,697 15,419 18,343 Ibs Ibs Ibs Ibs Ibs 9 Ft. 6,108 Ibs 7,635 Ibs 9,598 Ibs 12,652 Ibs 15,051 Ibs 10 Ft. 5,069 Ibs 6,336 Ibs 7,966 Ibs 10,500 Ibs 12,492 Ibs Stud Height 12 Ft. 3,622 Ibs 4,527 Ibs 5,691 Ibs 7,502 Ibs 8,925 Ibs 18 Ft. N/A N/A 2,609 Ibs 3,439 Ibs 4,091 Ibs 20 Ft. N/A N/A 2,122 Ibs 2,798 Ibs 3,328 Ibs 22 Ft. N/A N/A 1,759 Ibs 2,319 Ibs 2,759 Ibs 24 Ft. N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A PSL Studs Sill/Top Plate Nominal Size Max. Load 8 Ft. (1) 3*x3|1.8EPSL (1) 3*x5H.8EPSL (1) 3|x7 1.8E PSL (1) 54*5} 1.8E PSL (1) 5ix7 1.8E PSL (1) 7x7 1.8E PSL 7,656 Ibs 11,484 Ibs 15,313 Ibs 17,227 Ibs 22,969 Ibs 30,625 Ibs 10,730 Ibs 16,095 Ibs 21,460 Ibs 44,269 Ibs 59,026 Ibs 100,192 Ibs 9 Ft. 8,702 Ibs 13,052 Ibs 17,403 Ibs 38,114 Ibs 50,818 Ibs 92,677 Ibs 10 Ft. 7,169 Ibs 10,754 Ibs 14,339 Ibs 32,639 Ibs 43,519 Ibs 84,376 Ibs Stud Height 12 Ft. 5,081 Ibs 7,622 Ibs 10,162 Ibs 24,142 Ibs 32,189 Ibs 67,757 Ibs 18 Ft. N/A 3,466 Ibs 4,621 Ibs 11,432 Ibs 15,243 Ibs 34,806 Ibs 20 Ft. N/A 2,816 Ibs 3,755 Ibs 9,336 Ibs 12,448 Ibs 28,678 Ibs 22 Ft. N/A 2,333 Ibs 3,110 Ibs 7,760 Ibs 10,347 Ibs 23,982 Ibs 24 Ft. N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Lot 2 & 4 Oak Ave 4/30/2009 SEISMIC ANALYSIS Seismic Loads ss = S,= SMS " (1.00)(1.28) = SM1= (1.32)(0.48) = SDS= (2/3)(1.28) = SDi = (2/3)(0.64) = Design Loading. Allowable Base Shear Eh = (p)(£s)(W) = EV=(0.2)(SDS)(D) = 1.284 0.484 1.284 0.637 0.856 0.425 min I = min Design Category = Site Class = R = Ho = cd = 1.00 D C 6.5 2.5 4.00 2007 CBC. Alt. Basic Load Cc o mb T=Ta= 0.22s (max.) Ts= 0. TL= 8. Cs= 0. Cs< 0. 50s Os 132 Eq. 13.8-2 292 Eq. 12.8-3/4 CS> 0.038 E,. 12.8-5/6 Stress Desian o=1.0 0.132W 0.171W p=1.3 0.171W Eh/1.4 = 0.171W Ev/1.4 = o=1.0 0.094W 0.122W 0=1.3 0.122W 0.122W Used 0.159W 0.122W Component Interconnection FP = 0.133p(SDS)W = 0.114W 0.148W E/1.4= 0.081W 0.106W Distribution of Forces 1-Story Weight Roof 26.4 psf x 0.159 = 4.19 psf min. force 2-Story k = 1.00 Roof Floor Weight Height 26.4 psf 19.1 ft 23.4 psf 11.2 ft 503.66 262.08 765.74 Vbase = 49.8 psf x 0.159 = 7.90 psf % Force Force to element 66% 5.20 psf 34% 2.70 psf 7.90 psf Lot 2 A 4 Oak Ave 4/30/2009 WIND ANALYSIS, Worst Case 2007 Cc Wind Speed = Exposure = Enclosure = Wind Pressures Floor Height = Eave Height = 85 B Enclosed 11.4' 21.4' Roof Height (h) = 23.2' Width (B) = Length(L) = Roof Angle (0) = OL ~if* Note: PI has internal P2 has internal Roof Elements Left Overhang Left Sloping Flat Section Right Sloping Right Overhang Roof Totals Pla (Left to Rt) Plb (Left to Rt) P2a (Left to Rt) P2b (Left to Rt) Pla (Rt to Left) Plb (Rt to Left) P2a (Rt to Left) P2b (Rt to Left) 60.0' 60.0' 18.4° 10.23 Windwaro pressure suction Length 1.1' 11.6' 36.0' 11.6' U1 Horiz. 1.2 19.1 1.2 19.1 1.2 19.1 1.2 19.1 C, Alternate Basic Load Combinations Importance = 1.0 zg = Kd = K*t = Element Windward Walls Windward Walls (not used) Leeward Wall Roof to ridge (a) Roof to ridge (b) Roof -Leeward (not used) (not used) overhang bottoms (not used) (not used) Interior Pressure Wind Left to Right Pla(plfl Plb(plf) -14.5 -9.8 -84.7 -32.9 -317.7 -317.7 -102.3 -102.3 -0.8 -0.8 Vert. -509.7 -456.2 -231.9 -178.4 -509.7 -456.2 -231.9 -178.4 Code AAin. Horizontal Forces (10 psf) This section 260 plf 0.85 1.0 Z Ku A 1C. PI. A q» 21.4' 0.64 10.00 11.4' 0.57 9.04 23.2' 0.65 10.23 23.2' 0.65 10.23 23.2' 0.65 10.23 23.2' 0.65 10.23 21.4' 0.64 10.00 23.2' 0.65 10.23 a = 6 = £p 0.80 0.80 -0.50 -0.43 -0.04 -0.57 0.80 ±0.18 (1.3^1 (psf) 6.45 5.59 -8.05 -7.31 -2.84 -8.83 8.84 (2.39) 1,200 7.0 0.85 (1.3)p2 (psf) 11.24 10.38 -3.26 -2.52 1.95 -4.04 8.84 (-2.39) 7 Wind Rioht to Left P2a(plf) P2b(plf) -14.5 -9.8 -29.2 22.6 -145.3 -145.3 -46.8 -46.8 -0.8 -0.8 Vertical Elements Length Left Walls-Upr 5.2' Left Walls-Lwr 11.2' (not used) Rt Walls-Upr 5.2' Right Walls-Lwr 11.2' (not used) (not used) (not used) From Roof Total Horiz. Forces Pla(plf) -0.8 -102.3 -317.7 -84.7 -14.5 Plb(plf) -0.8 -102.3 -317.7 -32.9 -9.8 Left to Right PI (plf) 33.5 62.6 41.9 90.2 19.1 247 P2 (plf) 58.4 116.3 17.0 36.5 19.1 247 P2a(plf) P2bfplf) -0.8 -0.8 -46.8 -46.8 -145.3 -145.3 -29.2 22.6 -14.5 -9.8 Right to Left PI (plf) P2(p il 41.9 17.0 90.2 36.5 33.5 58.4 62.6 116.3 19.1 19.1 247 247 Summary of Results Wind Load Design Force = (1.3)W = Left to Right = 260 plf Seismic Force =E/1.4 =(60.00) (7.90)= 474 plf Right to Left =260 plf Seismic SovenIS 1212 0/\K AVE April 30 2009 Typical Shear Panel 2007 CBC 8 TYPICAL ELEMENTS OF RESISTIVE MOMENT AT SHEAR PANELS: FLUSH BEAM. OR HDR. \p WHERE OCCURS^\ V /M^^/M^/h/V A A A \' \i\f \f \1 \f\1 \/ \ \ >> \ t \i \/ \/ \' \t \1 \/ \1 \l i \i \/ \/ \' \i \I \f \/ \/ Wr Ww sCONT. PBL. TOP PL. f WHERE OCCURS 1 ^ -DROP'D BM OR HDt I / WHERE OCCURSWf \J V /I V / I " <ss \ t' \ \ \ \ \\\ t *i >f *f \ / / 1 11 1 / i f^ / ii _ / = /// / / Ws i / 'f i\/ */ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \V ^f i i i TT \ IT^ ^«^ n\_.k_LL_A_ii Jl _L_i V ^__ll? ^jiT nl III III1 1 1II1 1 11 11 1 1 -4- \\\\\I<\\\ 1 <dv /d» \ \ T T 1 r = LOAP FROM HE A PER OR 5EA M Wr = UNIFORM LOAD OF ROOF ABOVE = UNIFORM LOAP OF WALL ABOVE = UNIFORM LOAP OF FLOOR ABOVE = UNIFORM LOAP OF WALL SELF WEIGHT = UPLIFT FROM O.7E, W, E/1,4, OR wW Wf W& U WALL ,ROOF & PARTITION WIEGHTS (w) a' 9' w ROOF TRUSS SPAN 72 PLF 81 PLF 9O PLF EXTERIOR 112 PLF 126 PLF 140 PLF INTERIOR WOOP 72 PLF 81 PLF 9O PLF INTERIOR GYP. 64 PLF 72 PLF 8O PLF 1212 O/\K AVE April 30 2009 Shearwall Schedule 2007 CBC 9. SHEARWALL SCHEDULE O 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 SHEARWALL DESCRIPTION (See footnote 1) '/z" gypsum wallboard, unblockedw/ 5d cooler or wallboard a 7" o/c (See footnote 6.) 5/e" gypsum wallboard, unblocked w? 6a cooler or wallboard e 4" o/c %" stucco & 18 ga. mesh, unblocked w/ 16 ga. x %" leg staples e 6" o/c 'A" gyp- board both sides, unblockedw/ oa cooler or wallboard 6 7" o/c 3/e" ply- C-D or C-C sheathing, (1) side w/ 8da 6" o/c edge, 12" o/c field (See footnote 2) %" ply. C-D or C-C sheathing, (1) side w/ 8d 6 4" o/c edge, 12" o/c field (See footnote 2) %" ply. C-D or C-C sheathing, (1) side w/ 8d 6 3" o/c edge, 12" o/c field 3x abutting panel studs (See footnotes 2, 3, & 4) /2" rated STRUCT 1 panel, (1) side w/ 10de 3" o/c edge, 12" o/c field 3x abutting panel studs & foundation sill (See footnotes 2, 3, & 5) /t" rated STRUCT 1 panel, (1) side w/ 10dB 2" o/c edge, 12" o/c field 3x abutting panel studs & foundation sill (See footnotes 2, 3, & 5) fW53 ^ § $ i o8 s fe I I "6 AKIfHJftDnm/nvl\ BOLT SPACING %" fi 48" %" fi 48" %" 6 48" %" fl 48" 5/8" a 32" %" e 24" %" a 16" %" e 16" %" e 12" 16d (0.148") SILL NAILING 12" or(2) 8 16" 8" or(2) 8 16" 8" or (2) a 16" 8" or (2) a 16" 6" 4" 3'/2" 2" '/2" LAGa 8" o/c FLOOR FRAMING PLAN -—© •adit BttK. WAILMown WOVE k saoi OPEWK. LN. IROUM) OPDHS,SEE 0£T* 13/S5 ~© WOVE I BELOW OPENH6.EJLMttM) OFEM.^ LNE B "AM) 9U. HE BLOC5, SEE OETAt SECOND FLOOR FRAMING PUN SCALE' '/<• • 1-0' 1212 Oak Avenue 06/08/09 ROOF FRAMING, LOT 2 Typical Roof Framing: Factory Trusses @ 24" o/c Typical Conventional Framing: 2x rafters @ 24" o/c, see calcs pg. 4 TYPICAL BEAMS A HEADERS AT OPENINGS Grid line Uniform load (sloped roof) (rail) (rf deck) A (3.5X7) + (7X56) C (9X38) 1 (8X38) 2 (10X38) 4 (4X38) + (3.5X7) B-l Span = 20.0' (roof) (wall) (deck) wl = (25/2)(56) Rl = (Critical Rl / 1.00 LDF = 7,200 Ibs) R2 = (Critical R2 / 1.00 LDF = 7,200 Ibs) Moment = (Critical M / 1.00 LDF = 36,000#ft) B-2 Span = 16.0' (roof) (wall) (deck) wl s (25/2)(56) Rl = (Critical Rl / 1.00 LDF = 5,760 Ibs) R2 = (Critical R2 / 1.00 LDF = 5,760 Ibs) Moment = (Critical M / 1.00 LDF = 23,040#ft) B-3 Span = 16.5' (roof) (wall) (deck) wl (x<9) = (22/2X38) + (7/2)(56) w2 (xz9) = (4X38) + (7/2X56) PI (x=9) = (22/2x4)(38) + 50 [Girder Truss] Rl = (Critical Rl / 1.25 LDF = 3,822 Ibs) R2 = (Critical R2 / 1.25 LDF = 3,175 Ibs) Moment = (Critical M / 1.25 LDF = 16,779#f t) Deflection = (ALL = L/949) 511/1 = (misc.) + 20 + 10 = + 10 = + 10 = + 10 = (misc.) + 20 = Rl (max.) = R2 (max.) = Moment (max.) = (misc.) + 20 = Rl (max.) = R2 (max.) = Moment (max.) = 0.44" = (misc.) + 20 = + 20 = Rl (max.) = R2 (max.) = Moment (max.) = 0.43" = 10 }2007 CBC, Basic Load CombinatioTlf^^ Header (see pg. 4) 437 plf H3 352 plf H2 314 plf H2 390 plf H3 187 plf H2 Above Great Room 720 plf HIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII11!TRI TR2 7,200 Ibs 7,200 Ibs 36,000#ft 7xl6 psL Above Kitchen 720 plf Illllllllllllllllllllllli fR1 IR2 5,760 Ibs 5,760 Ibs 23,040*ft f Above Great Room 634 plf w1 tP 3ospir illimilliifiiiiiiimii 1,722 Ibs TRI TR2 J- x >nT » 5,141 Ibs 4,267 Ibs 22,588#ft 3i 16 p.. 1212 Oak Avenue 06/08/09 ROOF FRAMING, LOT 2 (Continued) B-4 wl = R2 = Moment = r°i&f \0r+ inn — Span = 16.5' (roof) (wall) (floor) (misc.) (21/2)(56) +20 = (Critical Rl / 1.00 LDF = 5,016 Ibs) Rl (max.) = (Critical R2 / 1.00 LDF = 5,016 Ibs) R2 (max.) = (Critical M / 1.00 LDF = 20,691#ft) Moment (max.) = MII -\J*,*>?\ i=;n7/T - n«s?" - 11 ^>-> Above Great Room Roof Deck 608 plf Illlllllllllllll1 5,016 Ibs 5,016 Ibs 20,691#ft j IlllllJI TR2 * 1212 Oak Avenue 06/08/09 FLOOR FRAMING, LOT 2 Typical Floor Framing: 14" I Joists at 16" / 19.2" o/c See plans A calcs pg. 4 for options 12 2007 CBC, Basic Load Combinations"** TYPICAL BEAMS & HEADERS AT OPENINGS Grid line A C 1 2 3 4 B-5 wl = Rl = R2 = Moment = Deflection = B-6 wl (x<7) = w2 (x>7) s PI (x=7) = Rl = R2 = Moment = Deflection = B-7 wl = Rl = R2 = Moment = hp/flertinn r Uniform load (roof) (wall) (floor/deck) (misc.) (0) + (10)(14) +(16)(52) +20 (10)(38) +(10) +(1X52) +20 (11)(38) +(10)(14) +(8)(52) +20 = (9X8) *(8X52) +20 (9)(8) +(15)(52) +20 = (10X14) +(12)(52) +20 = Span = 11.5' (roof) (wall) (floor) (misc.) (28/2)(52) +20 = (Critical Rl / 1.00 LDF = 4,301 Ibs) Rl (max.) = (Critical R2 / 1.00 LbF = 4,301 Ibs) R2 (max.) = (Critical M / 1.00 LbF = 12,365#ft) Moment (max.) = (ALL = L/918) 147/1= 0.20" = Span = 18.8' (roof) (wall) (floor) (misc.) (4)(38) +(10)(14) + (5/2)(52) +20 = /i^yo\/oo\ /i r\\f^ jt\ fa yo\/Ko\ • *)r\(17/2)(38) + (10)(14) + (5/2)(52) +20 = (8/2xl7/2+10)(38) [Girder Truss] = (Critical Rl / 1.00 LbF = 4,200 Ibs) Rl (max.) = (Critical R2 / 1.25 LbF = 4,380 Ibs) R2 (max.) = (Critical M / 1.25 LbF = 21,979#ft) Moment (max.) = (ALL = L/828) 857/1= 0.72" = Span = 10.0' (roof) (wall) (floor) (misc.) (17/2)(38) +(8)(9) + (22/2)(52) +20 (Critical Rl / 1.00 LDF = 4,085 Ibs) Rl (max.) = (Critical R2 / 1.00 LDF = 4,085 Ibs) R2 (max.) = (Critical M / 1.00 LDF = 10,212#ft) Moment (max.) = fAI 1 -\IKTf\\ QA/T ~ n 95" - Header (see pg. 4) 992 plf H6 592 plf H4 994 plf H6 508 plf H3 872 plf H5 784 plf H5 Rec Room Dropped Beam 748 plf w "1 11TRI 4,301 Ibs 4,301 Ibs 12,365#ft 5,xll Illlllll tR2 \ PSL Grid 1 Beam at Garage 442 plf w1 ^p 613 plf Hlllllllllimm 1,672 Ibs TRI L x 5,682 Ibs 5,987 Ibs w2 TR2 30,021*ft ^ Dropped Bm in 3 Car Garage 987 plf Illlllllllllllll TRI 4,455 Ibs 4,455 Ibs ll,138#ft gl gl Illlllll IR2 PSL•• 1212 Oak Avenue 06/08/09 FLOOR B-8 wl (Xi8) = w2 (x>8) = PI (x=8) = P2 (x=ll) = Rl = R2 = Moment = Deflection = B-9 wl = Rl = R2 = Moment = Deflection = B-10 wl = PI (x=3.2) = Rl = Moment = Deflection = B-ll wl (x<3) = w2 (xj3) = PI (x=3) = Rl = R2 = Moment = FRdMINS, LOT 2 (Continued) Span = 20.5' (roof) (wall) (floor) (8/2)(38) + (9)(8) + (20/2)(52) (17/2)(38) +(9)(8) +(20/2)(52) (44)(38) [Girder Truss] 5760 [B-2 Reaction] (Critical Rl / 1.00 LDF = 10,472 Ibs) (Critical R2 / 1.00 LDF = 11,115 Ibs) (Critical M / 1.00 LDF = 71,068#ft) (ALL = L/593) 2,465/1 = Span = 16.2' (roof) (wall) (floor) (17/2)(52) (Critical Rl / 1.00 LDF = 3,742 Ibs) (Critical R2 / 1.00 LDF = 3,742 Ibs) (Critical M / 1.00 LDF = 15,156#f t) (ALL = L/591) 358/1 = Span = 12.3' (roof) (wall) (floor) (17/2)(38) (20/2x5/2)(38) [Adjacent 4x Beam] (Critical Rl / 1.25 LDF = 2,201 Ibs) (Critical R2 / 1.25 LDF = 1,836 Ibs) (Critical M / 1.25 LDF = 6,327#ft) (ALL = L/663) 108/1 = Span = 11.0' (roof) (wall) (floor) (17/2X38) (8/2)(38) (17/2x8/2)(38) [Girder Truss] (Critical Rl / 1.25 LDF = 1,819 Ibs) (Critical R2 / 1.25 LDF = 1,051 Ibs) (Critical M / 1.25 LDF = 4,258#ft) fAi i =i i\ iam f$iVT = 13 \j^~ 3 Car Garage Girder (misc.) + 20 = + 20 = Rl (max.) = R2 (max.) = Moment (max.) = 0.72" = (misc.) + 20 = Rl (max.) = R2 (max.) = Moment (max.) = 0.45" = (misc.) + 10 = Rl (max.) = R2 (max.) = Moment (max.) = 0.43" = (misc.) + 10 = + 10 = Rl (max.) = R2 (max.) = Moment (max.) = n??" = 764 plf w1 tPl 930 PIT HllllllllllfrTTT 1,672 Ibs 1R1 5 -ff.r\ Ikr J*. ~... » 10,936 Ibs 11,742 Ibs 73,320#ft 7xl8 I *2 TR2 PSL Door Header at 3-Car Gar. Door 462 plf ^ Ulllillllllllll iiiinii TR1 TR2 3,742 Ibs 3,742 Ibs *•'*«<! 3ixl4 PSL Upper Level Grid 2 Roof support 333 plf w AP 'limu'llHHI 950 Ibs TR1 J- x » 2,751 Ibs 2,295 Ibs 7,909#ft at oi3fx9t IIIMIII ?R2 Upper Level Grid 2 Roof support 333 plf . ,ptt/1 J.1Cu:plr Hlllllllllll'nT 1,292 Ibs TR1 J- X >. w2 TR2 <r * 2,274 Ibs 1,313 Ibs 5'3f3# n f! 3ix9| PSL 1212 Oak /Ive 6/8/2009 LATERAL DISTRIBUTION-SEISMIC, LOT 2 14 Seismic Base Shear Vupper = Viewer = Vlow roof = 3,601 sf x 5.2 psf: 3,400sf x 2.7 psf: 0 sf x 4.3 psf 18,711 Ibs 9,193 Ibs 0 Ibs 27,904 Ibs DISTRIBUTION Upper Lower Load Srid Roof Floor Roof From Total Line Area Area Area Above Force (5.2 psf) (2.7 psf) (4.3 psf) (Ibs) (Ibs) UPPER LEVEL A 810 B 1,458 C 648 1 486 2 1,458 4 972 4,209 7,576 3,367 2,525 7,576 5,051 LOWER A B C 1 3 4 810 1,458 648 648 1,458 810 4,209 7,576 3,367 4,041 6,061 5,051 6,399 11,518 5,119 5,793 10,003 7,241 Resists 20% of grid 2 above Resists 80% of grid 2 above Grid Line Shear Force (Ibs) UPPER LEVEL A 4,209 B 7,576 C 3,367 1 2 4 LOWER A B C 1 3 4 2,525 7,576 5,051 6,399 11,518 5,119 5,793 10,003 7,241 Wall Lengths (feet) 17 2 14.5 11.5 12.4 " 13 *> 20.5 « 11 " 10.8 11 10.8 24 18.5 20 ^ 12 20 21.6 '•» 12.2 u 19.2' 20 13.4 16 " 24 " Net Length (feet) 9.4 26.0 15.7 11.7 32.6 24.0 25.1 32.0 11.2 13.2 33.4 18.6 SHE Wall Wall Shear Height (plf) (feet) 450 10 291 10 215 10 215 10 232 10 210 10 255 10 360 10 458 10 439 10 299 10 390 10 ARW Wall H/B Ratio 0.6 0.9 0.8 0.9 0.9 0.4 0.5 0.8 0.8 0.5 0.7 0.6 ALL Pier H/B Ratio 2.0 2.2 3.4 3.0 3.3 1.7 2.5 AN, WALL TYPE 7 6 5 5 5 5 5 7 7 7 6 7 ALYSI O.T. Moment (#-FT) 42,089 33,509 16,255 4,903 25,098 50,507 47,126 43,193 22,524 57,926 40,132 29,656 S-SEISMIC Resisting Elements (plf) End Self Wt. 140 98 140 140 112 154 154 112 154 154 98 98 Roof Walls Floor Loads Above Above Above (Ibs) 90 300 252 98 198 198 280 54 280 24 280 126 140 24 280 180 224 48 280 162 126 24 162 126 96 56 192 280 192 280 (0.9-0.1Z)x Uplift Holdown Resisting from Uplift Uplift Hardware Moment Above (plf) (Ibs) (Simpson or Eq.) 29.825 127 721 none 23,047 237 910 CS16 at 1L5 ft. Panel 20,217 (319) none 18,306 (1.218) none 9,885 391 1,409 CS16 45.112 28 225 none 63,142 (866) none 34,207 187 Sill Anchorage 26,981 (365) none 77,150 iSBIS at Garage side 27<087 218 Sill Anchorage 32,365 (169) none Footnotes: (1) Net Length reduced-Force Transfer Around Opening(s) (2) Net Length reduced-Perforated Shearwall (3) Net Length reduced-H/B between 2:1 and 3$:1 Comments: /"*SHEARWALL ANALYSIS-SEISMIC, LOT 21— * CJ1 CONVENTIONAL FOUNDATIONS 15.1 UNIFORM LOAD CAPACITY BASED ON SOIL BEARING. <\ ^^ (200 psf INCREASE FOR 24" DEEP) T / 1500 12" WIDE x UP TO 18" DEEP 1,500 plf 24" DEEP 1,700 plf 15" WIDE x UP TO 18" DEEP 1,875 plf 24" DEEP 2,125 plf CONCENTRATED LOADS TO FTGS FTGSIZE h BRG. AREA 1500 psf 12"xl2" 18 3.33 5,000 Ib. 12"xl5" 21 3.83 5,750 Ib. 12"xl8" 24 4.33 6,500 Ib. 12"x24" 30 5.33 8,000 Ib. 15"X18" 24 4.79 7,185 Ib. 15"x24" 30 6.67 10,001 Ib. 18" SQ PAD 18 2.25 3,375 Ib. 24"SQPAD 18 4.00 6,000 Ib. 30"SQPAD 18 6.25 9,375 Ib. 36"SQPAD 18 9.00 13,500 Ib. 42"SQPAD 18 12.25 18,375 Ib. FROM REPORT, SOILS BEARING : 2000 psf 2000 NX!S^ / 2,000 plf v //^\ // 2,200 plf \/' V^>x// 2,500 plf |V \XC|y 2,750 plf \\ / |vy 2000 psf 6,666 Ib. 7,666 Ib. BEARING AREA = 8,666 Ib. b(L) 2 10,666 Ib. 144 9,580 Ib. b (2h + 4) 2 13,334 Ib. 144 4,500 Ib. 8,000 Ib. 12,500 Ib. 18,000 Ib. 24,500 Ib. BEAM DESCRIPTION LOAD FTG 1 B-l Right Reaction exterior wall grid 4 7,569 Ibs cont. f tg ok 2 B-5 Left Reaction including B-l Above 12,890 Ibs 36" PAD B-8 Post in Garage 11,576 Ibs 36" PAD B-8 right Right end of B-8 at Grid B 7,880 Ibs cont. ftg ok B-9 Right end with including Stacked B-7 load 16,511 Ibs 36" PAD POST-TENSION DESIGN UN L I M I T E D DESIGN CALCULATIONS for POST TENSIONED SLAB ON GRADE OAK AVE. LOT #2 Project Number: 2578 6/10/09 o Prepared for; DAVIDSON REllMFaRClNB COMPANY, INC. Ppst-Tensloning & Reinforcing Steel Contractor POST-TENSION DESIGN U N L I M IT E D OAKAVE. LOT #2 Project #2578 Table of Contents Design Criteria & Parameters Slab Design- FNDN Program Output c1 54x49 c1 54x33 , POST-TENSION DESIGN, U N M E D 261 S. Pacific Street, Suite A Phone:760-591-3260 San Marcos, CA 92069 Fax:760-591-3239 ptdunlimited@.icnt.net Project: OAK AVE. LOT #2 Project Number: 2578 Client: Pages: 1 of By: MFS Date: 6/10/09 Design Criteria and Summary of Results Structural Design Criteria Codes: California Building Code 2007 PTI 2004 Third Edition- Standard Requirements for; -Analysis of Shallow Concrete Foundations on Expansive Soils (with addendums) -Design of Shallow Post-Tensioned Concrete Foundation on Expansive Soils as referenced in the CBC 1805.8.2 Geotechnical Parameters reference: Geotechnical Report by- Taylor Group Inc. #G09.00519 4/27/2009 Corrosion Allowable Bearing Pressure: 450 psf Soil Site Class: D Expansion Index (El): Foundation Category(s): IAT1 Subgrade Friction Coefficient u: 0.30 Soil Modulus of Elasticity Es: ksi Encapsulation: no PH: Soluble Salt Content: Chloride: Conductivity (Ohm): Sulfates: Vapor barrier/ Capillary break: 15 mil stego over 4" compacted aggregate base. Categories Expansion Index Settlement- Dynamic Static IA I II 17401 III IV Soil Design Parameters, Embedment Slab Thickness Category 1 El moisture e™ 4.5 dist. (ft) eme 2.0 diff. Vmc 0.1 *(in) Yme 0.05 Slab Design Results 2500 psi Beam Dimansions (inches) Category I Exterior Embed. 12 Total H< Exterior 20 sight Interior na Slabt 9 POST-TENSION DESIGN u N I M I D f 261 S. Pacific Street, Suite A Phone:760-591-3260 San Marcos, CA 92069 Fax:760-591-3239 ptdunlimited@.icnt.net Project: Oak Ave. Lot #4 Project Number: 2571 Geotech. Report: Taylor Group, #G09.00519, 4-27-09 CAT1 Pages: 1 of 6 By: MFS Date: 6/11/09 PTFD Version 2.1 PT SLAB DESIGN BY THE PTI METHOD (3rd EDITION) with Addendums #2 and #3 Design Values Soil Allowable Soil Bearing Edge Moisture Variation Distance Differential Soil Movement Structural qan= 450 psf em= 4.5 ft center lift 2 ft edge lift ym= 0.6 in center lift 1.2 in edge lift H= 0.75 (Slab Subgrade Coefficient) SLAB; Length (Long direction) Width (Short direction) thickness Perimeter Loading Max. Internal Loading Dead Load Live Load Avg beam spacing, Long Dir. (min. 6* for calcs) Avg beam spacing, Short Dir. (min. 6' for calcs) Interior Beam depth Perimeter Beam depth Beam width Concrete strength f c Number of slab tendons Long direction Number of slab tendons Short direction Beam tendons (per interior beam)LONG Beam tendons (per exterior beam)LONG Beam tendons (per interior beam)SHORT Beam tendons (per exterior beam)SHORT Section Properties (inches) Long Direction k= Ls= t= P= Pb= DL= LL= SL= SB= h= hp= b= fc= nL= ns= nbt= nebt= nt>t= n8bt= 54 ft 33.33 ft 5 1100 CA= in plf 360 720 Center Lift Edge Lift for stucco 5 0 40 6.67 kips psf psf ft ft in in in 6.00 12.5 12.5 12.0 2500 psi 6 9 1 1 1 1 short direction (Mat slab calcs) h= 12.5 in hp= 12.5 in b= 12.0 in conc= 145 pcf 2ApS= 0.153 in Effective Prestress fe= 174 ksi Concrete top cover= 2.25 in Beam bottom cover= 3.00 in Short Direction # of beams; A= 6 2540 l= 23,306 yt= 3.83 St= Sb*= 6,087 2,688 # of beams; A= e= -2.05 c,,= 8.67 Tendon CG (from top)= 5.88 Beta Distance (3L= 6.41 heq= 12.5 Yt=e = 4230 41,011 3.96 cb= Tendon CG= Ps= 11 St= 10,349 Sb*= 4,804 -2.25 8.5 6.21 7.38 heq=12.5 for calculations use h= 12.50 for calculations use h= 12.50 •t POST-TENSION DESIGN. U . N M I E D 261 S. Pacific Street, Suite A Phone:760-591-3260 San Marcos, CA 92069 Fax:760-591-3239 ptdunlimited@.icnt.net Project: Oak Ave. Lot #4 CAT 1 Project Number: 2571 Geotech. Report: Taylor Group, #609.00519, 4-27-09 Pages: 2 of 6 By: MFS Date: 6/11/09 PTFDV2.1 PT SLAB DESIGN continued Moments PTI section 6.8 Center Lift (PTI 4.3.2) em= 4.5 2.0 5.0 B=1 for 6m<5 or (ym-1 )/3 for em>5 C=0 for e^S or (8- (P-613)/255)(4-ym)/3 for em>5 ML=A0(Bem 1'238 + C) Ao= 0.561 B= -0.133 C= 6.902 ML= 3.39 0.561 1.0 0.0 1.32 USE ML= 4.12 k-ft/ft = 0.561 1.0 0.0 4.12 1646 k-in Short (B) Direction Ms=(58+em)/60 * ML MS=ML forLL/Ls>1.1 forLL/Ls<1.1 (forem= 4.5 ) (forem= 5.0 ) Ms= 3.53 Ms= 4.32 Ms= 4.12 Ms= 4.32 k-ft/ft= 2800 k-in Edge Lift- ^)0'66 / 7.2L Ms=h 5(1 9+em)/57.75 * ML MS=ML =° 35 °-0065P0-04 for LL/Ls> 1 .1 forLL/Ls<1.1 ML= 1.72 k-ft/ft= 687 k-in Ms= 1.51 Ms= 1.72 Ms= 1.51 k-ft/ft= 979.4 k-in Concrete Flexural Stress Checks allowables Tension- ft = 6sqrt(fc)= -300 psi Compression; fca=0.45fc= 1125 psi SG=Wslabn/2000= 64 kips Short Direction # of total tendons= 20 Long Direction # of total tendons= 12 = 534 kips Pr = Pe-SG= 469 kips calculated at beta distance; SGS= 28 Pr= 505 use; Pr = 505 k Mp,=Prep= -1137 k-in f= P,/A± Pe = f<A>s = 320 kips 3 r = Pe-SG= 256 kips SGL= 15 Pr= 305 Pr= 305 k Mpt= -624 k-in Stresses (psi) Short Direction %of capacity Long Direction %of capacity Edge Lift Center Lift Top 104 9.3% Bottom 152 13.5% Top -261 87.0% Bottom 939 83.5% Edge Litt Center Lift Top 130 11.6% Bottom 97 8.6% Top -253 84.3% Bottom 965 85.7% "P/^VOT ' 1 ''U'lVTOT/^YIVT TVOO TV"<1VT 26 IS. Pacific Street, Suite A Phone:760-591-3260 .-rVjOl-lrl/lNoIVjlN JJJDO-KJIN. San Marcos, CA 92069 Fax:760-591-3239 »TJ >a T T -M T rp p •[-)• ptdunlimited(g,icnt.net Project: Oak Ave. Lot #4 CAT 1 Pages: Project Number: 2571 By: Geotech. Report: Taylor Group, #G09.00519, 4-27-09 Date: PTFDV2.1 PT SLAB DESIGN continued Check Foundation Stiffness Ecrl > 12,OOOMLCAz (section 6.10 of PTI) Ecr= 1,500,000 psi p - Relative Stiffness Length, defined in Appendix A.1 of PTI P=(1/12)*(Ecrl/1000)A0.25= 6.41 ft long direction LL= 54 ^=38.4 7.38 ft short direction Ls= 33.33 zs= 33.3 IL= 23306 EcrlL= 3.5E+10 ls= 41011 Ecrls= 6.15E+10 Edge Lift CA= 720 d/c Long ML= 1.72 12,OOOMLLsCAz= 1.9E+10 <Ecrl ? o.54 Short Ms= 1.51 12,OOOMsLLCAz= 2.35E+10 <Ebrl ? 0.38 Center Lift CA= 360 Long ML= 4.12 12,OOOMLLsCAz= 2.28E+10 < Ecrl ? 0.65 Short Ms= 4.32 12,OOOMsLLCAz= 3.36E+10 <Ecrl ? 0.55 Shear Capacity vc=2.4*sqrt(fc)+0.2fp (PTI 6.5.4) Long Direction fp= 0.101 PL= 256 vc= 0.14 ksi Short Direction fp= 0.111 Ps= 469 vc= 0.142 ksi Center Lift Vs=(1/1350)Ls0-19S045h0-20P0-54yma04em0-97 0.99 k/ft VL=(1/1940)LL0-09S071h043P044ym0-16em093 0.68 k/ft Edge Lift \/ _\/ _i 0.07h0.4D0.03 0.16. 0.67//oQ0.015v \/ - 4 at \/ - H 77vL-vs-L(LorS) h K em ym /(Jb ) Vs- 1.83 VL- 1.77 Applied Shear stress v=VW/nhb Center Lift Edge Lift vs= 0.032 ksi 23% vs= 0.060 ksi 42% VL= 0.025 ksi 18% VL= 0.066 ksi 47% Soil Bearing Loads qan= 450 psf foundation 171,327 Total Rib Length= DL o Bearing Width = rib w + 6xt = LL 71,993 Perimeter 192,126 SUM 435,446 Soil Load = 3 of 6 MFS 6/11/09 z=min(L,6p) I 12,674 15,669 15,187 22,397 690.6 ft 3.5 ft 180 psf | POST-TENSION DESIGN, U N I M I D 261 S. Pacific Street, Suite A Phone:760-591-3260 San Marcos, CA 92069 Fax:760-591-3239 DtdunlimitedfS'.icnt.net Project: Oak Ave. Lot #4 CAT 1 Project Number: 2571 Geotech. Report: Taylor Group, #G09.00519, 4-27-09 Pages: 4 of 6 By: MFS Date: 6/11/09 PTFDV2.1 PT SLAB DESIGN continued Internal Point Load / Bearing Partitions directly on slab (PTI 6.14) Mmax=Pb(31/4 with p1=(4Ecrt3/12ks)°'25 P= 1.1 klf Pb= 5.0 kips 12.2 ft-kips/ft slab maximum tensile stress ft=P/A -CpPb/t1'25 ft= -161 psi Mmax=4.7Pbt°-75 Mmax= and Ecr= 1,500,000 psi ks=4 pci CP= 2.35 (table 6.1) t= 5.00 in allowable; -300 psi Cracked Section Analysis Center Lift ML= 4.12 k-ft/ft= 137 k-ft Ms= 4.32 k-ft/ft= 233 k-ft Cracked Section Capacity (k-ft) Mn=ApSfps(d-0.5a) with a=Apsfps/0.85bfc. <|>=1.0 and fps = minimum (fse+IOksi+fc/CSOO'pp), fe + SOksi) (AC118.7.2) Edge Lift ML= 1.72 k-ftffi = 57 k-ft Cracked Section Capacity (k-ft) Long <t>Mn= 138 1/2 ML = 69 50% Short 4>Mn= 210 1/2MS= 117 55% Ms= 1.51 k-ft/ft= 82 k-ft Long <|)Mn= 139 1/2 ML = 29 21% Short <|>Mn= 254 1/2 Ms = 41 16% , POST-TENSION DESIGN, U N I M D 261 S. Pacific Street, Suite A Phone:760-591-3260 San Marcos, CA 92069 Fax:760-591 -3239 ptdunlimited@icnt.net Project: Oak Ave. Lot #4 CAT 1 Project Number: 2571 Geotech. Report: Taylor Group. #G09.00519, 4-27-09 Pages: 5 of 6 By: MFS Date: 6/11/09 PT SLAB DESIGN continued MAT SLAB Calculations Uniform Thickness Conversion for Mat Slab (PTI 6.12) Long Short H= 8.88 H= 9.12 in in Section Properties (inches) V 4.50 W= 33.33 L= 54 P=(1/12)*(Ecrl/1000)A0.25= 7.31 Short A= 5,832 l= 39,366 S= 8,748 ZS= 33.3 SG=Ws,abM/2000= 73.4 (at midspan) SGat p distance= 32.2 H = (I/W)03333 USE 9.00 in (round to the nearest 0.25 inch) Long A= 3,600 I = 24,297 S= 5,399 P= 6.475 17.6 L= 38.85 number of tendons #T= 27 2.00 ft #T= 17 1.96 Concrete Flexural Stress Checks Short Direction f= P,/A± Edge Lift Center Lift Top 233 Bottom 9 Top -199 Bottom 441 Long Direction Edge Lift Center Lift Top 251 Bottom -3 Top -181 Bottom 429 (psi) Allowables Tension -300 Compression 1125 Cracked Section Analysis Center Lift Edge Lift Cracked Section Capacity (k-ft) Long Short ML= ML= 137 57 Ms= 233 Ms= 82 (k-ft) Mn=ApSfps(d-0.5a) with a=ApSfps/0.85bfc and fps = minimum( fse+IOksi+f^SOO'pp) , fe + 30ksi) (AC118.7.2) . <|)Mn= 156 /2 ML = 69 (max. of center & edge) <|>Mn= 248 1/2MS= 117 (<|>Mn center = <|>Mn edge) | POST-TENSION DESIGN, U N M D 261 S. Pacific Street, Suite A Phone:760-591-3260 San Marcos, CA 92069 Fax:760-591-3239 ptdunlimited(S),icnt.net Project: Oak Ave. Lot #4 CAT 1 Project Number: 2571 Geotech. Report: Taylor Group, #609.00519, 4-27-09 Pages: 6 of 6 By: MFS Date: 6/11/09 PTFDV2.1 PT SLAB DESIGN continued MAT SLAB Calculations Page 2 LL=54 ft Ls= 33.33 ft IL= 24297 in4 Ls= 39366 in4 Check Foundation Stiffness EcrlL= 3.64E+10 Ecrls= 5.9E+10 required; EcrlL= 12,OOOMLLsCAz Ecrls= 12,OOOMSLSCAZ Ecr= 1,500,000 psi Shear Capacity shear demand (page 3) Center Edge vc=2.4*sqrt(fc)+0.2fp VCL= 145 psi vcs= 144 psi VL= 0.68 k/ft Vs= 0.99 k/ft VL= 1.83 k/ft Vs= 1.83 k/ft EcrlL= 1.921E+10 Edge EcrlL= 2.302E+10 Center Ecrls= 2.350E+10 Edge Ecrls= 3.360E+10 Center (PTI 6.5.4) l= 12,807 l= 15,346 l= 15,669 l= 22,397 53% 63% 40% 57% VL= 6 psi vs= 9 psi VL= 17 psi vs= 17 psi 4.4% 6.4% 11.7% 11.8% POST-TENSION DESIGN U N M I D 261 S. Pacific Street, Suite A Phone:760-591-3260 San Marcos, CA 92069 Fax:760-591-3239 Dtdunliniitedtoiicnt.net Project: Oak Ave. Lot #4 Project Number: 2571 Geotech. Report: Taylor Group, #609.00519, 4-27-09 CAT1 Pages: 1 of 6 By: MFS Date: 6/11/09 PTFD Version 2.1 PT SLAB DESIGN BY THE PTI METHOD (3rd EDITION) with Addendums #2 and #3 Design Values Soil Allowable Soil Bearing Edge Moisture Variation Distance Differential Soil Movement Structural qan= 450 psf em= 4.5 ft center lift 2 ft edge lift ym= 0.6 in center lift 1.2 in edge lift H= 0.75 (Slab Subgrade Coefficient) SLAB; Length (Long direction) Width (Short direction) thickness Perimeter Loading Max. Internal Loading Dead Load Live Load Avg beam spacing, Long Dir. (min. 6' for calcs) Avg beam spacing, Short Dir. (min. 6' for calcs) Interior Beam depth Perimeter Beam depth Beam width Concrete strength f c Number of slab tendons Long direction Number of slab tendons Short direction Beam tendons (per interior beam)LONG Beam tendons (per exterior beam)LONG Beam tendons (per interior beam)SHORT Beam tendons (per exterior beam)SHORT Section Properties (inches) Long Direction LL= 54 ft Ls= 48.75 ft t= 5 in 1100 plf 5 kips 0 psf 40 psf 6.96 ft 6.00 ft 12.5 in 12.5 in 12.0. in 2500 psi nL= 8 ns= 9 1 1 1 CA=360 720 P= Pb= DL= LL= SL= SB= h= hp= a _ Center Lift Edge Lift for stucco short direction (Mat slab calcs) h= 12.5 in ~~ 12.5 in b= 12.0 in hp= n= conc= 145 pcf Aps= 0.153 '"* Effective Prestress fe= 174 ksi Concrete top cover= 2.25 in Beam bottom cover= 3.00 in Short Direction # of beams; A= l= Yt= 8 3645 32,038 3.73 St= 8,579 Sb*= 3,655 e= -2.14 cb= 8.77 Tendon CG (from top)- 5.88 Beta Distance PL= 6.94 he= 12.5 # of beams; A= 4230 l= 41,011 yt= 3.96 11 St- 10,349 Sb*= 4,804 e= -2.25 cb= 8.5 Tendon CG= 6.21 Ps= 7.38 hea= 12.5 for calculations use h= 12.50 for calculations use h= 12.50 POST-TENSION DESIGN U N M D | 261 S. Pacific Street, Suite A Phone:760-591-3260 San Marcos, CA 92069 Fax:760-591-3239 ptdunlimited@.icnt.net Project: Oak Ave. Lot #4 CAT 1 Project Number: 2571 Geotech. Report: Taylor Group, #609.00519, 4-27-09 Pages: 2 of 6 By: MFS Date: 6/11/09 PTFD V2.1 PT SLAB DESIGN continued Moments PTI section 6.8 Center Lift (PTI 4.3.2) em= 4.5 2.0 5.0 A _/| 0.013o 0.306h0.688D0.534 0.193y7/j7"o~VL 3B n ' Ym )ll £.1 B=1 for e.,^5 or (ym-1 )/3 for em>5 C=0 for e.^5 or (8- (P-61 3)/255)(4-ym)/3 for em>5 ML=Ao(Bem 1 238 + C) Ao= 0.569 B= -0.133 C= 6.902 ML= 3.44 0.569 1.0 0.0 1.34 0.569 1.0 0.0 4.17 USE ML= 4.17 k-ft/ft= 2440 k-in Short (B) Direction Ms=(58+eJ/60 * ML MS=ML forLL/Ls>1.1 forLL/Ls<1.1 Ms= 3.58 Ms= 4.38 Ms= 4.17 Ms= 4.38 k-ft/ft= 2838 k-in (forem= 4.5 ) (forem= 5.0 ) EdgeLift- ML=SB 0-1(heJ078(ym)°-66/7.2L00065P004 ML= 1.72 k-ft/ft = 1009 k-in Ms=h°35(19+em)/57.75*ML forLL/Ls>1.1 Ms= 1.52 MS=ML forLL/Ls<1-1 Ms= 1.72 Ms= 1.52 k-fl/ft = 983.7 k-in Concrete Flexural Stress Checks allowables Tension-ft = 6sqrt(fc)= -300 psi Compression; fca=0.45fc= 1125 psi Short Direction # of total tendons= 20 Long Direction SG=Wslabn/2000= 93 kips # of total tendons= 16 = 534 kips Pr=Pe-SG= 441 kips calculated at beta distance; SGS= 28 Pr= 506 use; Pr= 506 k Mpt=Prep= -1138 k-in f= P1/A±MU!/Stib±Pl«v/Stb = 427 kips Pr = Pe-SG = 334 kips SGL= 24 Pr= 403 Pr= 403 k Mpt= -863 k-in Stresses (psi) Short Direction %of capacity Long Direction %of capacity Edge Lift Center Lift Top 105 9.3% Bottom 152 13.5% Top -265 88.2% Bottom 947 84.2% Edge Lift Center Lift Top 128 11.3% Bottom 71 6.3% Top -274 91.5% Bottom 1014 90.2% POST-TENSION DESIGN u N I M I D 261 S. Pacific Street, Suite A Phone:760-591 -3260 San Marcos, CA 92069 Fax:760-591-3239 ptdunlimited(g).icnt.net Project: Oak Ave. Lot #4 CAT 1 Project Number: 2571 Geotech. Report: Taylor Group, #609.00519, 4-27-09 Pages: 3 of 6 By: MFS Date: 6/11/09 PTFDV2.1 PT SLAB DESIGN continued Check Foundation Stiffness Ecrl > 12,OOOMLCAz (section 6.10 of PTI) Ecr= 1,500,000 psi P - Relative Stiffness Length, defined in Appendix A.1 of PTI P=(1/12)*(Ecrl/1000)A0.25= 6.94 ft |ong direction LL= 54 ^=41.6 7.38 ft short direction LS= 48.75 25=44.3 z=min(L,6p) IL= Is Edge Lin "s= 32038 EcrlL= 4.81 E+10 41011 Ecrls= 6.15E+10 CA= 720 Long ML= 1.72 Short Ms= 1.52 Center Lift CA= 360 Long ML= 4.17 Short Ms= 4.38 12,OOOMLLsCAz= 3.02E+10 <Ecrl ? 12,OOOMsLLCAz= 3.14E+10 <Ecrl ? 12,OOOMLLsCAz= 3.66E+10 <Ecrl ? 12,OOOMsLLCAz= 4.52E+10 <Ecrl ? d/c 0.63 0.51 0.76 0.74 20,160 20,908 24,376 30,157 Shear Capacity vc=2.4*sqrt(fc)+0.2fp Long Direction fp= 0.092 Short Direction fp= 0.104 Center Lift (PTI 6.5.4) PL= 334 Ps= 441 VL=(1/1940)LL 0-09S0-71h043P0-44yrn°-16a93em 1.06 0.71 vc= 0.138 ksi vc= 0.141 ksi k/ft k/tt Edge Lift V _\/ _| 0.07u0.4D0.03_ 0.16L-Vs-L(LorS) h P em ym v=VW/nhb 0.67 Applied Shear stress Center Lift vs= 0.035 VL= 0.029 ksi ksi Soil Bearing 25% 21% Loads s= ! 83 Edge Lift vs= 0.060 VL= 0.074 ksi ksi VL= 1.82 43% 54% qaB= 450 psf foundation DL LL Perimeter 246,795 o 105,300 226,050 SUM 578,145 Total Rib Length= 968.3 ft Bearing Width = rib w + 6xt = 3.5 ft Soil Load = 171 psf T~\Tj C1 T/^TVT I/JJ/OJAJIN - 261 S- Paeific street- Suite A Phone:760-591-3260 SanManx.s.CA 92069 Fax:760-591-3239 Project: Oak Ave. Lot #4 CAT 1 Pages: 4 of 6 Project Number: 2571 By: MFS Geotech. Report: Taylor Group, #G09.00519, 4-27-09 Date: 6/11/09 PTFD V2.1 PT SLAB DESIGN continued internal Point Load / Bearing Partitions directly on slab (PTI 6.14) Mmax=Pbp1/4 with p1=(4Ecrt3/12ks)025 and Ecr= 1,500,000 psi Mmax=4.7Pbt075 P= 1.1 klf ks=4pci Cp= 2.35 (table 6.1) Pb= 5.0 kips t= 5.00 in Mmax= 12.2 ft-kips/ft slab maximum tensile stress ft=P/A -CpPb/t125 ft= -225 psi allowable; -300 psi Cracked Section Analysis Center Lift ML= 4.17 k-ft/ft= 203 k-ft Ms= 4.38 k-ft/ft= 236 k-ft Cracked Section Capacity (k-ft) Mn=ApSfps(d-0.5a) with a=Apsfps/0.85bf Ci <|>=1.0 and fps = minimum (fse+IOksi+f^SOOVp), fe + 30ksi) (AC118.7.2) Long <|>Mn= 184 1/2 ML = 102 55% Short <|>Mn= 210 1/2MS= 118 56% Edge Lift ML= 1.72 k-ft/ft= 84 k-ft Ms= 1.52 k-ft/ft= 82 k-ft Cracked Section Capacity (k-ft) Long <|>Mn= 186 1/2ML= 42 23% Short «))Mn= 254 1/2 Ms = 41 16% | POST-TENSION DESIGN, U N I D 261 S. Pacific Street, Suite A Phone:760-591-3260 San Marcos, CA 92069 Fax:760-591-3239 ptdunlimited (aiicnt.net Project: Oak Ave. Lot #4 CAT 1 Project Number: 2571 Geotech. Report: Taylor Group, #G09:00519, 4-27-09 Pages: 5 of 6 By: MFS Date: 6/11/09 PTFO V2.1 PT SLAB DESIGN continued MAT SLAB Calculations Uniform Thickness Conversion for Mat Slab (PTI 6.12) Long Short H= 8.69 H= 9.12 in in Section Properties (inches) h/2= 4.50 W= 48.75 L= 54 p=(1/12)*(Ecrl/1000)A0.25= 7.31 SG=WslabM/2000= 107.4 (atmidspan) SGat p distance= 32.2 number of tendons #T= 27 2.00 ft xO.3333 USE 9.00 in (round to the nearest 0.25 inch) Long A= 5,265 I = 35,539 S= 7,897 P= 7.121 28.3 #T= 23 L= 42.72 2.13 Concrete Flexural Stress Checks Short Direction f= P./A + Edge Lift Center Lift Top 234 Bottom 9 Top -202 Bottom 446 Long Direction Edge Lift Center Lift Top 243 Bottom -13 Top -194 Bottom 424 (psi) Allowables Tension -300 Compression 1125 Cracked Section Analysis Center Lift Edge Lift Cracked Section Capacity (k-ft) Long Short ML= 203 Ms= 236 (k-ft) ML= 84 Ms= 82 Mn=ApSfps(d-0.5a) with a=ApSfps/0.85bfc and fps = minimum( fse+10ksi+fc/(300*pp) , fe + SOksi) (AC118.7.2) <|>Mn= 213 1/2ML= 102 (max. of center* edge) *Mn= 248 1/2MS= 118 (<(»Mn center = <|>Mn edge) | POST-TENSION DESIGN, U N I M I E D 261 S. Pacific Street, Suite A Phone:760-591-3260 San Marcos, CA 92069 Fax:760-591 -3239 ptdunlimited<5),icntnet Project: Oak Ave. Lot #4 CAT 1 Project Number: 2571 Geotech. Report: Taylor Group, #609.00519, 4-27-09 Pages: 6 of 6 By: MFS Date: 6/11/09 PTFDV2.1 PT SLAB DESIGN continued MAT SLAB Calculations Page 2 k=54 ft Ls= 48.75 ft IL= 35539 in Ls= 39366 in Check Foundation Stiffness EcrlL= 5.33E+10 Ecrls= 5.9E+10 required; EcrlL= 12,OOOMLLsCAz Ecrls= 12,OOOMsLsCAz Ecr= 1,500,000 psi Shear Capacity shear demand (page 3) Center Edge vc=2.4*sqrt(fc)+0.2fp vcL= 143 psi VGS= 144 psi VL= 0.71 k/ft Vs= 1.06 k/ft VL= 1.83 k/ft Vs= 1.83 k/ft EcrlL= 3.103E+10 Edge EcrlL= 3.752E+10 Center Ecrls= 3.104E+10 Edge Ecrls= 4.477E+10 Center (PTI 6.5.4) l= 20,690 l= 25,017 l= 20,695 l= 29,850 58% 70% 53% 76% VL= 7 psi vs= 10 psi VL= 17 psi vs= 17 psi 4.6% 6.8% 11.9% 11.7% TAYLOR GROUP, INC. 719 Pier View Way GEOSCIENCE 8c ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS Oceanside California 92054 tel: 760.721.9990 April 27, 2009 /«*•• 760.721.9991 TGI Project No. G09.0051 9 Mutual Partners, Inc. 1821 South Coast Highway Oceanside, CA 92054 Attn: Dr. David Fischbach Subject: Updated Gee-technical Report Busby Subdivision -1212 Oak Avenue, Carlsbad, California References: "Geotechnical Investigation, Proposed Busby Parcel Map, 1212 Oak Avenue, Carlsbad, California" prepared by Western Soil and Foundation Engineering, Inc., Job No. 03-73, dated December 31, 2003. "Addendum Number One to our Report of Geotechnical Investigation dated December 31, 2003, Busby Parcel Map, 1212 Oak Avenue, Carlsbad, California" prepared by Western Soil and Foundation Engineering, Inc., Job No. 03-73, dated November 12,2007. Grading Plans for Busby Parcel Map, 1212 Oak Avenue, MS 04-01, PCD 05-02, Drawing No. 438- 6A. Prepared by Aquaterra Engineering Inc. dated November 2, 2007 (Approved December 20, 2007) Dear Dr. Fischbach: Taylor Group, Inc. (TGI) has prepared this letter to update the above-referenced geotechnical report for a proposed residential condominium project located at 1212 Oak Street in Carlsbad, California ("the project"). By submitting this report, TGI is assuming responsibility as the Geotechnical Engineer of Record for the project. TGI's services associated with the preparation of this Updated Geotechnical Report have included the following tasks: a) Review of the above-referenced geotechnical reports prepared by Western Soil and Foundation Engineering, Inc.; b) Review of the above-referenced grading plan; c) Performance of a visual reconnaissance of the Site and observation of initial grading operations; d) Discussions with the owner's representatives and the project architect regarding conceptual building plans for proposed single family residences on the graded lots; e) Evaluation of updated design parameters based on current code requirements and the proposed improvements, and; Updated Geotechnical Report Busby Subdivision, 1212 Oak Avenue, Carlsbad, California vTGI Project No. G09.00519 April 27,2009 Page 2 f) Preparation of this letter report. Based on our review of the referenced reports, TGI's site reconnaissance and our observation of subsurface conditions as exposed by the initial grading operations, it is our professional opinion that the site and subsurface conditions at the Site are generally consistent with those described in the referenced reports. Based on our review, observations and evaluations, it is our professional opinion that the recommendations contained in the above-referenced reports remain applicable with the modifications and revisions described in the following sections. Earthwork Recommendations The "Specifications for Construction of Controlled Fills" that were included in the original geotechnical report are hereby replaced by the earthwork and grading recommendations/specifications included as Attachment A to this letter report. Building Code All references to the Uniform Building Code (UBC) and/or California Building Code (CBC) in the earlier reports should be assumed to refer to the current 2007 CBC, which became effective as of January 1,2008. Seismic Design Parameters The 2007 California Building Code (CBC) differs from the building code that was applicable at the time of the previous reports with regard to seismic design parameters and procedures. Therefore, the seismic design parameters presented in the referenced report are updated and replaced by the parameters presented below. The proposed structure should be designed to resist earthquake loads in accordance with the minimum standards of §1613 of the 2007 CBC and ASCE 7. Seismic design parameters for the Site were evaluated using the USGS Earthquake Ground Motion Parameter Calculator (Version 5.0.9). Seismic design parameters were calculated based on the following input parameters: Site Location: Latitude = 33.1635694° Longitude = -117.3398333° Site Class: C (very dense soil/soft rock, 1,200 <v <2,500 ft/sec) Site Coefficients: Fa = 1.00 Fv= 1.316 The following table lists the relevant seismic design parameters, including the mapped and design spectral response accelerations for 0.2 second and 1 second periods. Updated Geotechnical Report Busby Subdivision, 1212 Oak Avenue, Carlsbad, California JGI Project No. G09.00519 April 27,2009 PageS Period 0.2 Second 1 .0 Second Mapped Spectral Response Acceleration Ss = 1.284g 81 = 0.484 g Max. Spectral Response Acceleration SMS = 1. 284 g SMI = 0.637 g Design Spectral Response Acceleration SDs = 0.856 g 801 = 0.424 g Foundation Design Parameters Based on the soil conditions at the Site, it is our opinion that conventional shallow foundations and slab-on-ground foundations are suitable and will probably provide the most cost-effective foundation system. We understand that you are considering alternatives to conventional shallow footings and slabs for the proposed development. Our recommendations associated with the alternatives are summarized below. Conventional Footings TGI agrees with the design recommendations for footings and slabs on grade contained in the original geotechnical report. Footing design parameters for conventional shallow footings are summarized below. Parameter Minimum width Minimum embedment Allowable bearing capacity Increase in allowable bearing capacity per 6-inch increment of increased depth Increase in allowable bearing capacity per 6-inch increment of increased width Friction coefficient Passive EFP for lateral resistance Minimum Reinforcing steel Continuous footings for 1 story 12 inches 12 inches 2,000 Ib/ft2 — ~ 0.35 350 Ib/ft3 Ignore upper 6" unless confined by slab or pavement 1 - No. 4 bar top and bottom Continuous footings for 2 story 12 inches 18 inches 2,500 Ib/ft2 500 Ib/ft2 200 Ib/ft2 0.35 350 Ib/ft3 Ignore upper 6" unless confined by slab or pavement 2 - No. 4 bars top and bottom Isolated spread footings2 24" x 24" 18 inches 2,500 Ib/ft2 600 Ib/ft2 500 Ib/ft2 0.35 375 Ib/ft3 Ignore upper 6" unless confined by slab or pavement No. 4 bars at 12" top and bottom Floor Slabs on Grade New slab-on-grade floors should be a minimum 5-inch thick concrete slab reinforced with at least No. 3 reinforcing bars 18 inches on center in both directions. The slab section and reinforcement should be verified by the project structural engineer. New slabs-on-grade should be constructed on a prepared Updated Geotechnical Report Busby Subdivision, 1212 Oak Avenue, Carlsbad, California JGI Project No. G09.00519 April 27,2009 Page 4 subgrade consisting of a minimum of 4 inches of clean concrete sand or crushed rock over certified compacted fill. Slabs should have control joints extending at least 25% of the slab thickness spaced at intervals of no more than 15 feet. Control joints should be constructed using grooving tools (in fresh concrete) or by saw cutting as soon as the concrete is hard enough that the edges abutting the cut don't chip from the saw blade (generally 6-12 hours after finishing concrete). Exterior slabs for flatwork and walkways should be at least 4 inches thick with minimum reinforcement consisting of No. 3 reinforcing bars spaced 24 inches on center in both directions. The reinforcing steel should be placed in the upper 1/3 of the slab with at least 1 inch of concrete cover. Exterior slabs may be placed directly on a properly compacted subgrade consisting of on-site soils or approved compacted fill. Mat Slabs If the proposed structures are supported by mat slabs, we recommend that the slabs should be designed as flat concrete slabs with continuous two-way reinforcement top and bottom. The minimum embedment of the slab should be 6 inches below the lowest adjacent finished grade. Allowable bearing capacity of mat foundations with an 8 inch embedment may be interpolated from the following table: Least plan dimension (feet) 10 30 50 Allowable Bearing Capacity (Ib/ft2) 450 500 575 Mat foundations designed using a discrete element method should use a soil modulus of subgrade reaction of 175 pounds/in3 (47,500 kN/m3) for certified compacted fill. Resistance to lateral loads may be calculated using a coefficient of friction of 0.35 acting on the base of the mat slab. Passive resistance on the edge of the mat slab may be combined with frictional resistance for the portion of the slab that has an embedment of more than 6 inches or where the ground surface is covered by hardscape. An equivalent fluid pressure of 350 pcf may be used for calculating passive resistance. Post-Tensioned Slabs If post-tensioned slabs on grade are utilized, we recommend that they be designed using the procedures recommended by the Post-Tensioning Institute (PTI) based on the working stress method. The following design parameters are recommended: Edge Moisture Variation Distance, em Differential Soil Movement, ym Edge Lift 2.0 feet 0.05 inch Center Lift 4.5 feet 0.10 inch Updated Geotechnical Report Busby Subdivision, 1212 Oak Avenue, Carlsbad, California JGI Project No. G09.00519 April 27,2009 PageS It is noted that the above recommendations are based on typical climatic conditions as described by the PTI recommendations and does not account for factors not related to climate. Such factors might include pre- existing vegetation, surface water drainage, irrigation of landscaping planted next to the foundation, subsurface drainage, and other factors related to homeowner maintenance. All of these factors should be considered by the designer as recommended by PTI. For "waffle" type PT slabs, edge beams should extend to at least 18 inches below the nearest adjacent grade and interior beams should extend at least 15 inches below the finished floor elevation. Resistance to lateral loads may be calculated using a coefficient of friction of 0.35 acting on the base of the mat slab. Passive resistance for PT slabs may be combined with frictional resistance for the center stiffening beams and for the portion of edge stiffening beams that have an embedment of more than 6 inches or where the ground surface is covered by hardscape. If constant section PT slabs are used, passive resistance on the edge of the slab may be combined with frictional resistance for the portion of the slab that has an embedment of more than 6 inches or where the ground surface is covered by hardscape. An equivalent fluid pressure of 350 pcf may be used for calculating passive resistance. Vapor Transmission through Slabs It is normal for the soil moisture content beneath slabs-on-ground to increase over time. Concrete slabs are permeable and moisture beneath the slab will eventually penetrate through the slab unless protective measures are taken. Capillary break layers and vapor barriers are commonly placed below slabs to limit vapor transmission through floor slabs where moisture sensitive flooring will be present. Appropriate design considerations and construction methods can reduce the amount of moisture beneath the slab. Specification of these items is not a geotechnical issue and should be addressed on the foundation plans by the structural engineer or architect. Minimum underlayment per §1910A.1 of the 2007 CBC shall consist of a 6-mil polyethylene vapor retarder with joints lapped not less than 6 inches. We recommend that where moisture sensitive flooring is planned, the structural engineer or architect should consider specifying slab underlayment that is consistent with current recommendations and guidelines published by the American Concrete Institute (ACI) and Post-Tensioning Institute (PTI). Items that should be considered include the following: • Placement of a capillary break layer consisting of compacted clean concrete sand or %" crushed rock beneath slabs. • Placement of a plastic vapor retarder below the slab. • Whether the slab will be poured directly on the vapor retarder or on a layer of sand placed above the vapor retarder1. 1 We suggest that if slabs are poured directly on the vapor retarder, the slab designer should consider using a 15-mil plastic membrane meeting all criteria of Class A per ASTM E1745. Example products meeting these requirements include Reef Industries "Griffolyn 15 Mil Green", Stego Updated Geotechnical Report Busby Subdivision, 1212 Oak Avenue, Carlsbad, California .TGI Project No. G09.00519 April 27,2009 Page6 • Use of concrete admixtures, application of a curing compound and/or temporary covering of plastic sheeting to minimize the potential for differential drying and slab curl. Concrete and Steel Corrosion Soil chemical parameters in the near-surface soils on the building pads related to steel and concrete corrosion should be evaluated following completion of the grading. Based on the site conditions, we preliminarily recommend that concrete to be used for footings, slabs, stem walls and other concrete on or below grade should have an average 28- day compressive strength of 2,500 psi. Due to the potential for varying site conditions, Type II/V alkali-resistant cement should be specified. Care should be taken to provide adequate concrete placement (using vibratory methods, where approved) and embedment of reinforcing steel to reduce the potential for corrosion. Geotechnical Observation and Testing Earthwork associated with this project should be performed under the observation of a qualified geotechnical professional from our office to assure that the recommendations presented in this report are followed. Inspection and testing of the following items are of particular importance: • Keying and benching of fill into competent native deposits; • Temporary excavations and bottom of excavations prior to subgrade preparation and fill placement; • Subgrade preparation and compaction; • Placement and compaction of engineered fill; • Placement and compaction of utility backfill; • Excavation bottoms for footings; • Subgrade preparation, base placement and compaction and placement of asphalt concrete pavement in roads. Plan Review TGI should review the project plans and specifications to evaluate conformance with the recommendations presented in this report and to assess whether additional analyses or recommendations are necessary based on the final design of the planned improvements. §§§ Industries "Stego Wrap", Raven Industries "Vapor Block 10, and W.R. Meadows Terminator". The vapor retarder should be installed in accordance with the manufacturer's specifications, including overlapping and sealing of all penetrations and seams. Updated Geotechnical Report Busby Subdivision, 1212 Oak Avenue, Carlsbad, California .TGI Project No. G09.00519 April 27,2009 Page? TGI appreciates the opportunity to be of service to you. Please contact me if you have any questions. Sincerely, TAYLOR GROUP, INC. Larry R. Taylor, R.C.E., G.E. Principal Engineer GE 2602, Expires 06.30.10 Attachments: Attachment 1 - Earthwork Guidelines and Standard Details cc: Paul Longton, Studio 4 Architects Mark Swanson ATTACHMENT 1 EARTHWORK GUIDELINES AND STANDARD DETAILS Busby Subdivision, 1212 Oak Avenue, Carlsbad, California 1.0 GENERAL These guidelines and the attached standard details provide general procedures to be utilized in conjunction with the project grading plans during earthwork construction. These guidelines are a part of TGI's geotechnical report. Where conflicts exist between these guidelines and the recommendations presented in the text of the geotechnical report, the recommendations presented in the text of the geotechnical report shall take precedence. 1.1. Evaluations performed by the consultant during the course of grading may result in new recommendations which could supersede these guidelines and/or the recommendations of the geotechnical report. If, during the grading operations, geotechnical conditions are encountered which were not anticipated or described in the geotechnical report, the geotechnical consultant shall be notified immediately and additional recommendations, if applicable, may be provided. 1.2. It is the responsibility of the contractor to read and understand these guidelines as well as the geotechnical report and project grading plans. The contractor shall perform the grading operations in accordance with these guidelines, and shall be responsible for the quality of the finished product notwithstanding the fact that grading work will be observed and tested by the geotechnical consultant. The contractor shall not vary from these guidelines without prior recommendations by the geotechnical consultant and the approval of the client or the client's authorized representative. Recommendations by the geotechnical consultant and/or client shall not be considered to preclude requirements for approval by the jurisdictional agency prior to the execution of any changes. 1.3. It is the responsibility of the grading contractor to notify the geotechnical consultant and the jurisdictional agencies, as needed, prior to the start of work at the site and at any time that grading resumes after interruption. Each step of the grading operations shall be observed and documented by the geotechnical consultant and, where necessary, reviewed by the appropriate jurisdictional agency prior to proceeding with subsequent work. 1.4. A licensed land surveyor or civil engineer shall be retained, if required, to evaluate quantities of materials excavated during grading and/or to locate the limits of excavations. 1.5. An as-graded report should be prepared by the geotechnical consultant and signed by a Registered Engineer and/or Certified Engineering Geologist. The as-graded report will document the geotechnical consultant's observations, and field and laboratory test results, and provide conclusions regarding whether or not earthwork construction was performed in general accordance with the recommendations provided by the geotechnical consultant. Recommendations for foundation design, pavement design, subgrade treatment, etc., may also be included in the as-graded report. TAYLOR GROUP, INC. Page E-l Typical Earthwork Guidelines - Rev. 01-01-2008 2.0 DEFINITIONS The following definitions of terms are utilized in the remainder of these guidelines. CIVIL ENGINEER: CLIENT: COLLUVIUM: COMPACTION: CONTRACTOR: DEBRIS: ENGINEERED FILL: ENGINEERING GEOLOGIST: EROSION: EXCAVATION: EXISTING GRADE: FILL: FINISH GRADE: GEOFABRIC: GEOTECHNICAL CONSULTANT: GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER: The Registered Civil Engineer or consulting firm responsible for preparation of the grading plans and surveying, and evaluating as-graded topographic conditions The developer or a project-responsible authorized representative. The client has the responsibility of reviewing the findings and recommendations made by the geotechnical consultant and authorizing the contractor and/or other consultants to perform work and/or provide services. Generally loose deposits, usually found on the face or near the base of slopes and brought there chiefly by gravity through downhill movement (see also Slopewash). The densification of a fill by mechanical means. A person or company under contract or otherwise retained by the client to perform demolition, grading, and other site improvements. The products of clearing, grubbing, and/or demolition, or contaminated soil material unsuitable for reuse as compacted fill, and/or any other material so designated by the geotechnical consultant. A fill which the geotechnical consultant or the consultant's representative has observed and/or tested during placement, enabling the consultant to conclude that the fill has been placed in substantial compliance with the recommendations of the geotechnical consultant and the governing agency requirements. A geologist registered by the state licensing agency who applies geologic knowledge and principles to the exploration and evaluation of naturally occurring rock and soil, as related to the design of civil works. The wearing away of the ground surface as a result of the movement of wind, water, and/or ice. The mechanical removal of earth materials. The ground surface configuration prior to grading. Also referred to as original grade. Any deposit of soil, rock, soil-rock blends, or other similar materials placed by man. The as-graded ground surface elevation that conforms to the grading plans. An engineering textile utilized in geotechnical applications such as subgrade stabilization and filtering. The geotechnical engineering and engineering geology consulting firm retained to provide technical services for the project. For the purpose of these guidelines, observations by the geotechnical consultant include observations by the geotechnical engineer, engineering geologist and other persons employed by and responsible to the geotechnical consultant. A licensed civil engineer and geotechnical engineer, registered by the state licensing agency, who applies scientific methods, engineering principles, and professional experience to the acquisition, interpretation, and use of knowledge of materials of the earth's crust to the resolution of engineering problems. Geotechnical engineering encompasses many of the engineering aspects of soil TAYLOR GROUP, INC. Typical Earthwork Guidelines - Rev. 01-01-2008 Page E-2 GRADING: LANDSLIDE DEPOSITS: OPTIMUM MOISTURE: RELATIVE COMPACTION: ROUGH GRADE: SHEAR KEY: SITE: SLOPE: SLOPE WASH: SLOUGH: SOIL: STABILIZATION FILL: SUBDRAIN: TAILINGS: TERRACE: TGI: TOPSOIL: WINDROW: mechanics, rock mechanics, geology, geophysics, hydrology, and related sciences. Any operation consisting of excavation, filling, or combinations thereof and associated operations. Material, often porous and of low density, produced from instability of natural or manmade slopes. The moisture content that is considered optimum to compaction operations as obtained by ASTM D-1557-07 or other standard test method recommended by the geotechnical engineer. The degree of compaction (expressed as a percentage) of a material as compared to the dry density obtained from ASTM D 1557-07 or other standard test method recommended by the geotechnical engineer. The ground surface configuration at which time the surface elevations approximately conform to the approved rough grading plan. Similar to a subsurface buttress; however, it is generally constructed by excavating a slot within a natural slope in order to stabilize the upper portion of the slope without encroaching into the lower portion of the slope. The particular parcel of land where grading is being performed. An inclined ground surface, the steepness of which is generally specified as a ratio of horizontal units to vertical units. Soil and/or rock material that has been transported down a slope by gravity assisted by the action of water not confined to channels (see also Colluvium). Loose, uncompacted fill material generated during grading operations. Naturally occurring and manmade deposits of sand, silt, clay, etc., or combinations thereof A fill mass, the configuration of which is typically related to slope height and is specified by the standards of practice for enhancing the stability of locally adverse conditions. A stabilization fill is normally specified by a key width and depth and by a backcut angle. A stabilization fill may or may not have a back drainage system specified. Generally a pipe-and-gravel or similar drainage system placed beneath a fill along the alignment of buried canyons or former drainage channels. Non-engineered fill which accumulates on or adjacent to equipment haul roads or disposed in an uncompacted state in connection with mining and quarry operations. A relatively level bench constructed on the face of a graded slope surface for drainage and maintenance purposes Taylor Group, Inc. The upper zone of soil or bedrock materials, which is usually dark in color, loose, and contains organic materials. A row of large rocks buried within engineered set forth by the geotechnical consultant. in accordance with guidelines TAYLOR GROUP, INC. Typical Earthwork Guidelines - Rev. 01-01-2008 Page E-3 3.0 OBLIGATIONS OF PARTIES The parties involved in the projects earthwork activities shall be responsible as outlined in the following sections. 3.1. The client is ultimately responsible for the aspects of the project. The client or the client's authorized representative has a responsibility to review the findings and recommendations of the geotechnical consultant. The client shall authorize the contractor and/or other consultants to perform work and/or provide services. During grading the client or the client's authorized representative shall remain on site or remain reasonably accessible to the concerned parties to make the decisions that may be needed to maintain the flow of the project. 3.2. The contractor is responsible for the safety of the project and satisfactory completion of grading and other associated operations, including, but not limited to, earthwork in accordance with the project plans, specifications, and jurisdictional agency requirements. During grading, the contractor or the contractor's authorized representative shall remain on site. The contractor shall further remain accessible during non- working hours times, including at night and during days off. 3.3. The geotechnical consultant shall provide observation and testing services and shall make evaluations to advise the client on geotechnical matters. The geotechnical consultant shall report findings and recommendations to the client or the client's authorized representative. 3.4. Prior to proceeding with any grading operations, the geotechnical consultant shall be notified two working days in advance to schedule the needed observation and testing services. 3.4.1. Prior to any significant expansion or reduction in the grading operation the geotechnical consultant shall be provided with two working days notice to make appropriate adjustments in scheduling of on-site personnel. 3.4.2. Between phases of grading operations, the geotechnical consultant shall be provided with two working days notice in advance of commencement of additional grading operations. 4.0 SITE PREPARATION Site preparation shall be performed in accordance with the recommendations presented in the following sections. 4.1. The client, prior to any site preparation or grading, shall arrange and attend a pre-grading meeting between the grading contractor, the design engineer, the geotechnical consultant, and representatives of appropriate governing authorities, as well as any other involved parties. The parties shall be given two working days notice. 4.2. Clearing and grubbing shall consist of the substantial removal of vegetation, brush, grass, wood, stumps, trees, tree roots greater than 1/2-inch in diameter, and other deleterious materials from the areas to be graded. Clearing and grubbing shall extend to the outside of the proposed excavation and fill areas. 4.3. Demolition in the areas to be graded shall include removal of building structures, foundations, reservoirs, utilities (including underground pipelines, septic tanks, leach fields, seepage pits, cisterns, etc.), and other manmade surface and subsurface improvements, and the backfilling of mining shafts, tunnels and surface depressions. Demolition of utilities shall include capping or rerouting of pipelines at the project perimeter, and abandonment of wells in accordance with the requirements of the governing authorities and the recommendations of the geotechnical consultant at the time of demolition. TAYLOR GROUP, INC. Page E-4 Typical Earthwork Guidelines- Rev. 01-01-2008 4.4. The debris generated during clearing, grubbing and/or demolition operations shall be removed from areas to be graded and disposed of off site at a legal dump site. Clearing, grubbing, and demolition operations shall be performed under the observation of the geotechnical consultant. 4.5 The ground surface beneath proposed fill areas shall be stripped of loose or unsuitable soil. These soils may be used as compacted fill provided they are generally free of organic or other deleterious maten'als and evaluated for use by the geotechnical consultant. The resulting surface shall be evaluated by the geotechnical consultant prior to proceeding. The cleared, natural ground surface shall be scarified to a depth of approximately 8 inches, moisture conditioned, and compacted in accordance with the guidelines presented in Section 6 of these guidelines. 4.6. Where fills are to be constructed on hillsides or slopes, topsoil, slope wash, colluvium, and other materials deemed unsuitable shall be removed. Where the exposed slope is steeper than 5 horizontal units to 1 vertical unit, or where otherwise recommended by the geotechnical consultant, the slope of the original ground on which the fill is to be placed shall be keyed and benched as shown on Typical Detail A of this document and the manufactured slope shall be constructed by the contractor in accordance with the guidelines presented in Section 8 of this document. The benches shall extend into the underlying bedrock or, where bedrock is not present, into suitable compacted fill as evaluated by the geotechnical consultant. 5.0 REMOVALS AND EXCAVATIONS Removals and excavations shall be performed as recommended in the following sections. 5.1. Removals 5.1.1. Materials which are considered unsuitable shall be excavated under the observation of the geotechnical consultant in accordance with the recommendations contained herein. Unsuitable materials include, but are not necessarily limited to: dry, loose, soft, wet, organic and compressible soils; fractured, weathered and soft bedrock; and undocumented or otherwise deleterious fill materials. 5.1.2. Materials deemed by the geotechnical consultant to be unsatisfactory due to moisture conditions shall be excavated in accordance with the recommendations of the geotechnical consultant, watered or dried as needed, and mixed to generally uniform moisture content in accordance with the guidelines presented in Section 6 of this document. 5.2. Excavations 5.2.1 Temporary excavations in firm fill or natural materials may be made with vertical side slopes not more than 5 feet high or deep unless otherwise recommended by the geotechnical engineer. To satisfy CAL OSHA requirements, any excavation deeper than 5 feet shall be shored or laid back at a 1: 1 inclination or flatter, depending on material type, if construction workers are to enter the excavation. 6.0 COMPACTED FILL Fill shall be constructed as specified below or by other methods recommended by the geotechnical consultant. Unless otherwise specified, fill soils shall be compacted to 90 percent or greater relative compaction, as evaluated in accordance with ASTM Test Method D1557-07 or other standard test method recommended by the geotechnical engineer. TAYLOR GROUP, INC. Page E-5 Typical Earthwork Guidelines - Rev. 01-01-2008 6.1. Prior to placement of compacted fill, the contractor shall request an evaluation of the exposed ground surface by the geotechnical consultant. Unless otherwise recommended, the exposed ground surface shall then be scarified to a depth of approximately 8 inches and watered or dried, as needed, to achieve generally uniform moisture conditions at or near the optimum moisture content. The scarified materials shall then be compacted to 90 percent or greater relative compaction. The evaluation of compaction by the geotechnical consultant shall not be considered to preclude any requirements for observation or approval by governing agencies. It is the contractor's responsibility to notify the geotechnical consultant and the appropriate governing agency when project areas are ready for observation, and to provide reasonable time for that review. 6.2. Excavated on-site materials which are in general compliance with the recommendations of the geotechnical consultant may be utilized as compacted fill provided they are generally free of organic or other deleterious materials and do not contain rock fragments greater than 6 inches in dimension. During grading, the contractor may encounter soil types other than those analyzed during the preliminary geotechnical study. The geotechnical consultant shall be consulted to evaluate the suitability of any such soils for use as compacted fill. 6.3. Where imported materials are to be used on site, the geotechnical consultant shall be notified three working days in advance of importation in order that it may sample and test the materials from the proposed borrow sites. No imported materials shall be delivered for use on site without prior sampling, testing, and evaluation by the geotechnical consultant. 6.4. Soils imported for on-site use shall preferably have very low to low expansion potential (based on UBC Standard 18-2 test procedures). Lots on which expansive soils may be exposed at grade shall be undercut 4 feet or more and capped with very low to low expansion potential fill. Details of the undercutting are provided in Typical Detail B of these guidelines. In the event expansive soils are present near the ground surface, special design and construction considerations shall be utilized in general accordance with the recommendations of the geotechnical consultant. 6.5 Fill materials shall be moisture conditioned to near optimum moisture content prior to placement. The optimum moisture content will vary with material type and other factors. Moisture conditioning of fill soils shall be generally uniform in the soil mass. 6.6. Prior to placement of additional compacted fill material following a delay in the grading operations, the exposed surface of previously compacted fill shall be prepared to receive fill. Preparation may include removal and/or scarification, moisture conditioning, and recompaction. 6.7. Compacted fill shall be placed in horizontal lifts of approximately 8 inches in loose thickness. Prior to compaction, each lift shall be watered or dried as needed to achieve near optimum moisture condition, mixed, and then compacted by mechanical methods, using sheepsfoot rollers, multiple-wheel pneumatic- tired rollers, or other appropriate compacting rollers, to the specified relative compaction. Successive lifts shall be treated in a like manner until the desired finished grades are achieved. 6.8. Fill shall be tested in the field by the geotechnical consultant for evaluation of general compliance with the recommended relative compaction and moisture conditions. Field density testing shall conform to current standardized test methods such as ASTM D 1556 (Sand Cone method), ASTM D 2937 (Drive-Cylinder method), and/or ASTM D 2922 and D 3017 (Nuclear Gauge method). Generally, one test shall be provided for approximately every 2 vertical feet of fill placed, or for approximately every 1000 cubic yards of fill placed. In addition, on slope faces one or more tests shall be taken for approximately every 10,000 square feet of slope face and/or approximately every 10 vertical feet of slope height. Actual test intervals may vary as field conditions dictate. Fill found to be out of conformance with the grading recommendations shall be removed, moisture conditioned, and compacted or otherwise handled to accomplish general compliance with the grading recommendations. TAYLOR GROUP, INC. Page E-6 Typical Earthwork Guidelines - Rev. 01-01-2008 6.9. The contractor shall assist the geotechnical consultant by excavating suitable test pits for removal evaluation and/or for testing of compacted fill. 6.10. At the request of the geotechnical consultant, the contractor shall "shut down" or restrict grading equipment from operating in the area being tested to provide adequate testing time and safety for the field technician. 6.11. The geotechnical consultant shall maintain a map with the approximate locations of field density tests. Unless the client provides for surveying of the test locations, the locations shown by the geotechnical consultant will be estimated. The geotechnical consultant shall not be held responsible for the accuracy of the horizontal or vertical location or elevations. 6.12 Grading operations shall be performed under the observation of the geotechnical consultant. Testing and evaluation by the geotechnical consultant does not preclude the need for approval by or other requirements of the jurisdictional agencies. 6.13. Fill materials shall not be placed, spread or compacted during unfavorable weather conditions. When work is interrupted by heavy rains, the filling operation shall not be resumed until tests indicate that moisture content and density of the fill meet the project guidelines. Re-grading of the near-surface soil may be needed to achieve the specified moisture content and density. 6.14. Upon completion of grading and termination of observation by the geotechnical consultant, no further filling or excavating, including that planned for footings, foundations, retaining walls or other features, shall be performed without the involvement of the geotechnical consultant. 6.15. Fill placed in areas not previously viewed and evaluated by the geotechnical consultant may have to be removed and recompacted at the contractor's expense. The depth and extent of removal of the unobserved and undocumented fill will be decided based upon review of the field conditions by the geotechnical consultant. 6.16. Off-site fill shall be treated in the same manner as recommended in these guidelines for on-site fills. Off-site fill subdrains temporarily terminated (up gradient) shall be surveyed for future locating and connection. 6.17. Prior to placement of a canyon fill, a subdrain shall be installed in bedrock or compacted fill along the approximate alignment of the canyon bottom as recommended by the geotechnical consultant. Details of subdrain placement and configuration have been provided in Typical Detail C of these guidelines. 6.18. Transition (cut/fill) lots shall generally be undercut 4 feet or more below finished grade to provide a generally uniform thickness of fill soil in the pad area. Where the depth of fill on a transition lot exceeds 15 feet, overexcavation may be increased as recommended by the geotechnical consultant. Details of the undercut for transition lots are provided in Typical Detail B of these guidelines. 7.0 OVERSIZED MATERIAL Oversized material shall be placed in accordance with the following recommendations. 7.1. During the course of grading operations, rocks or similar irreducible materials greater than 6 inches in dimension (oversized material) may be generated. These materials shall not be placed within the compacted fill unless placed in general accordance with the recommendations of the geotechnical consultant. 7.2. Where oversized rock (greater than 6 inches in dimension) or similar irreducible material is generated during grading, it is recommended, where practical, to waste such material off site, or on site in areas designated as "Nonstructural Rock Disposal Areas." Rock designated for disposal areas shall be placed with sufficient TAYLOR GROUP, INC. Page E-7 Typical Earthwork Guidelines- Rev. 01-01-2008 sandy soil to generally fill voids. The disposal area shall be capped with at least 8 feet of fill which is generally free of oversized material. 7.3. Rocks 6 inches in dimension and smaller may be utilized within the compacted fill, provided they are placed in such a manner that there is no nesting of rock. Fill shall be placed and compacted over and around the rock. The amount of rock greater than 3/4-inch in dimension shall generally not exceed 40 percent of the total dry weight of the fill mass, unless the fill is specially designed and constructed as a "rock fill." 7.4. Rocks or similar irreducible materials greater than 6 inches but less than 4 feet in maximum dimension generated during grading may be placed in windrows and capped with fill materials in accordance with the recommendations of the geotechnical consultant, the approval of the governing agencies, and Typical Detail D of these guidelines. Selected native or imported granular soil (Sand Equivalent of 30 or higher) shall be placed and flooded over and around the windrowed rock such that voids are filled. Windrows of oversized materials shall be staggered so that successive windrows of oversized materials are not in the same vertical plane. Rocks greater than 4 feet in dimension shall be broken down to 4 feet or smaller before placement, or they shall be disposed of off site. 8.0 SLOPES The following sections provide recommendations for cut and fill slopes. 8.1. Cut Slopes 8.1.1. Unless otherwise recommended by the geotechnical consultant and accepted by the building official, permanent cut slopes shall not be steeper than 2:1 (horizontal:vertical). The recommended height of a cut slope shall be evaluated by the geotechnical consultant. Slopes in excess of 30 feet high shall be provided with terrace drains (swales) in accordance with the recommendations presented in the Uniform Building Code, Section 3315 and the details provided in Typical Detail E of these guidelines. 8.1.2. The geotechnical consultant shall observe cut slopes during excavation. The geotechnical consultant shall be notified by the contractor prior to beginning slope excavations. 8.1.3 If excavations for cut slopes expose loose, cohesionless, significantly fractured, or otherwise unsuitable materials, overexcavation of the unsuitable material and replacement with a compacted stabilization fill shall be evaluated and may be recommended by the geotechnical consultant. Unless otherwise specified by the geotechnical consultant stabilization fill construction shall be in general accordance with the details provided on Typical Detail E of these guidelines. 8.1.4. If, during the course of grading, adverse or potentially adverse geotechnical conditions are encountered in the slopes which were not anticipated in the preliminary evaluation report, the geotechnical consultant shall evaluate the conditions and provide appropriate recommendations. Earthwork operations may be temporarily suspended during the geotechnical evaluation. 8.2. Fill Slopes 8.2.1. When placing fill on slopes steeper than 5:1 (horizontal:vertical), topsoil, slope wash colluvium, and other materials deemed unsuitable shall be removed. Near-horizontal keys and near-vertical benches shall be excavated into sound bedrock or firm fill material, in accordance with the recommendation of the geotechnical consultant. Keying and benching shall be accomplished in general accordance with the details provided on Typical Detail A of these guidelines. Compacted fill shall not be placed in an area subsequent to keying and benching until the area has been observed by the geotechnical consultant. Where the natural gradient of a slope is less than 5:1, TAYLOR GROUP, INC. Page E-8 Typical Earthwork Guidelines - Rev. 01-01-2008 benching is generally not required. However, fill shall not be placed on compressible or otherwise unsuitable materials left on the slope face. 8.2.2. Within a single fill area where grading procedures dictate two or more separate fills, temporary slopes (false slopes) may be created. When placing fill adjacent to a temporary slope, benching shall be conducted in the manner described in Section 8.2.1. A 3-foot or higher near-vertical bench shall be excavated into the documented fill prior to placement of additional fill. 8.2.3. Unless otherwise recommended by the geotechnical consultant and by the building official, permanent fill slopes shall not be steeper than 2:1 (horizontal:vertical). The height of a fill slope shall be evaluated by the geotechnical consultant. Slopes in excess of 30 feet high shall be provided with terrace drains (swales) and backdrains in accordance with the recommendations presented in the Uniform Building Code, Section 3315 and the details provided in Typical Detail E of these guidelines. 8.2.4. Unless specifically recommended otherwise, compacted fill slopes shall be overbuilt and cut back to grade, exposing firm compacted fill. The actual amount of overbuilding may vary as field conditions dictate. If the desired results are not achieved, the existing slopes shall be overexcavated and reconstructed in accordance with the recommendations of the geotechnical consultant. The degree of overbuilding may be increased until the desired compacted slope face condition is achieved. Care shall be taken by the contractor to provide mechanical compaction as close to the outer edge of the overbuilt slope surface as practical. 8.2.5. If access restrictions, property line location, or other constraints limit overbuilding and cutting back of the slope face, an alterative method for compaction of the slope face may be attempted by conventional construction procedures including backrolling at intervals of 4 feet or less in vertical slope height, or as dictated by the capability of the available equipment, whichever is less. Fill slopes shall be backrolled utilizing a conventional sheepsfoot-type roller. Care shall be taken to maintain the specified moisture conditions and/or reestablish the same, as needed, prior to backrolling. 8.2.6. The placement, moisture conditioning and compaction of fill slope materials shall be done in accordance with the recommendations presented in Section 6 of these guidelines. 8.2.7. The contractor shall be ultimately responsible for placing and compacting the soil out to the slope face to obtain a relative compaction of 90 percent or greater (as evaluated by ASTM D 1557 or other standard test method recommended by the geotechnical engineer) and at the recommended moisture content in accordance with Section 6. The geotechnical consultant shall perform field moisture and density tests at intervals of at least one test for approximately every 10,000 square feet of slope face and/or approximately every 10 feet of vertical height of slope. 8.2.8. Backdrains shall be provided in fill slopes in accordance with the details presented on Typical Detail A of these guidelines, or as recommended by the geotechnical consultant. 8.3. Top-of-Slope Drainage 8.3.1, Surface water runoff shall not be permitted to flow over the tops of slopes. For pad areas above slopes, positive drainage shall be established away from the top of slopes. This may be accomplished constructing a berm at the top of slopes and grading the pad to achieve a gradient of 2 percent or steeper away from the top of slopes. 8.3.2. Gunite-lined brow ditches shall be placed at the top of cut slopes to redirect surface runoff away from the slope face where drainage devices are not otherwise provided. TAYLOR GROUP, INC. Page E-9 Typical Earthwork Guidelines - Rev. 01-01-2008 8.4. Slope Maintenance 8.4.1. In order to enhance surficial slope stability, slope planting shall be accomplished as soon as practical following the completion of grading. Slope plants shall consist of deep rooting, variable root depth, and drought-tolerant vegetation. Native vegetation is generally desirable. Plants native to semiarid and areas may also be appropriate. Large-leafed ice plant should not be used on slopes. A landscape architect shall be consulted regarding the actual types of plants and planting configuration to be used. 8.4.2. Irrigation pipes shall be anchored to slope faces and not placed in trenches excavated into slope faces. Slope irrigation shall be maintained at a level just sufficient to support plant growth. Property owners shall be made aware that over watering of slopes is detrimental to slope stability. Slopes shall be monitored regularly and broken sprinkler heads and/or pipes shall be repaired immediately. 8.4.3. Periodic observation of landscaped slope areas shall be planned and appropriate measures taken to enhance growth of landscape plants. 8.4.4. Graded swales at the top of slopes and terrace drains shall be installed and the property owners notified that the drains shall be periodically checked so that they may be kept clear. Damage to drainage improvements shall be repaired immediately. To reduce siltation, terrace drains shall be constructed at a gradient of 3 percent or steeper, in accordance with the recommendations of the project civil engineer. 8.4.5. If slope failures occur, the geotechnical consultant shall be contacted immediately for field review of site conditions and development of recommendations for evaluation and repair. 9.0 TRENCH BACKFILL The following sections provide recommendations for backfilling of trenches. 9.1. Trench backfill shall be placed in accordance with local agency requirements and the recommendations of the geotechnical report. In general, trench backfill shall consist of granular soils (bedding) extending from the trench bottom to 1 or more feet above the pipe. On-site or imported fill which has been evaluated by the geotechnical consultant may generally be used above the granular backfill. The cover soils directly in contact with the pipe shall be classified as having a very low expansion potential, in accordance with UBC Standard 18-2, and shall contain no rocks or chunks of hard soil larger than 3/4-inch in diameter. 9.2 Trench backfill shall, unless otherwise recommended, be compacted by mechanical means to 90 percent or greater relative compaction as evaluated in accordance with ASTM D 1557 or other standard test method recommended by the geotechnical engineer. Backfill soils shall be placed in loose lifts 8-inches thick or thinner, moisture conditioned, and compacted in accordance with the recommendations of Section 6 of these guidelines. The backfill shall be tested by the geotechnical consultant at vertical intervals of approximately 2 feet of backfill placed and at spacing along the trench of approximately 100 feet in the same 9.3. Jetting or flooding is generally not recommended for densification of trench backfill and shall not be done unless approved by the geotechnical engineer. Jetting or flooding may only be allowed if trench backfill soils are sufficiently free-draining and provisions have been made for adequate dissipation of the water utilized in the jetting or flooding process. 9.4. If it is decided that jetting may be utilized, granular material with a sand equivalent greater than 30 shall be used for backfilling in the areas to be jetted. Jetting shall generally be considered for trenches 2 feet or TAYLOR GROUP, INC. Page E-10 Typical Earthwork Guidelines- Rev. 01-01-2008 narrower in width and 4 feet or shallower in depth. Following jetting operations, trench backfill shall be mechanically compacted to the specified compaction to finish grade. 9.5. Trench backfill which underlies the zone of influence of foundations shall be mechanically compacted to 90 percent or greater relative compaction, as evaluated in accordance with ASTM D 1557 or other standard test method recommended by the geotechnical engineer. The zone of influence of the foundations is generally defined as the zone defined by a 1:1 downward projection from the inner and outer edges of the foundation. 9.6. Trench backfill beneath slab areas shall be compacted by mechanical means to a relative compaction of 90 percent or greater relative compaction, as evaluated in accordance with ASTM D 1557 or other standard test method recommended by the geotechnical engineer. For minor interior trenches less than 3 feet deep, density testing may be omitted or spot testing may be performed, as deemed appropriate by the geotechnical consultant. 9.7. When compacting soil in close proximity to utilities, care shall be taken by the grading contractor so that mechanical methods used to compact the soils do not damage the utilities. If the utility contractors indicate that it is undesirable to use compaction equipment in close proximity to a buried conduit, then the grading contractor may elect to use light mechanical compaction equipment or, with the approval of the geotechnical consultant, cover the conduit with clean granular material. These granular materials shall be jetted in place to the top of the conduit in accordance with the recommendations of Section 9.4 prior to initiating mechanical compaction procedures. Other methods of utility trench compaction may also be appropriate, upon review by the geotechnical consultant and the utility contractor, at the time of construction. 9.8 Clean granular backfill and/or bedding materials are not recommended for use in trenches on slopes unless provisions are made for a drainage system to mitigate the potential for buildup of seepage forces or piping of backfill materials. 9.9. The contractor shall exercise the specified safety precautions, in accordance with OSHA Trench Safety Regulations, while conducting trenching operations. Such precautions include shoring or laying back trench excavations at 1:1 or flatter, depending on material type, for trenches in excess of 5 feet in depth. The geotechnical consultant is not responsible for the safety of trench operations or stability of the trenches. 10.0 DRAINAGE The following sections provide recommendations pertaining to site drainage. 10.1. Canyon subdrain systems recommended by the geotechnical consultant shall be installed in accordance with the Canyon Subdrain Detail, Typical Detail C, provided in these guidelines. Canyon subdrains shall be installed to conform to the approximate alignment and details shown on project plans. The actual subdrain location shall be evaluated by the geotechnical consultant in the field during grading. Materials specified in the attached Canyon Subdrain Detail shall not be changed or modified unless so recommended by the geotechnical consultant. Subdrains shall be surveyed by a licensed land surveyor/civil engineer for line and grade after installation. Sufficient time shall be allowed for the surveys prior to commencement of filling over the subdrains. 10.2. Typical backdrains for stability, side hill, and shear key fills shall be installed in accordance with the details provided on Typical Detail A and Typical Detail E of these guidelines. 10.3. Roof, pad, and slope drainage shall be directed away from slopes and structures to suitable discharge areas by non-erodible devices (e.g., gutters, downspouts, concrete swales, etc.). TAYLOR GROUP, INC. Page E-ll Typical Earthwork Guidelines- Rev. 01-01-2008 10.4, Positive drainage adjacent to structures shall be established and maintained. Positive drainage may be accomplished by providing drainage away from the foundations of the structure at a gradient of 2 percent or steeper for a distance of 5 feet or more outside the building perimeter, further maintained by a graded swale leading to an appropriate outlet, in accordance with the recommendations of the project civil engineer and/or landscape architect. 10.5, Surface drainage on the site shall be provided so that water is not permitted to pond. A gradient of 2 percent or steeper shall be maintained over the pad area and drainage patterns shall be established to remove water from the site to an appropriate outlet. 10.6, Care shall be taken by the contractor during finish grading to preserve any berms, drainage terraces, interceptor swales or other drainage devices of a permanent nature on or adjacent to the property. Drainage patterns established at the time of finish grading shall be maintained for the life of the project. Property owners shall be made very clearly aware that altering drainage patterns may be detrimental to slope stability and foundation performance. 11.0 SITE PROTECTION The site shall be protected as outlined in the following sections. 11.1. Protection of the site during the period of grading shall be the responsibility of the contractor unless other provisions are made in writing and agreed upon among the concerned parties. Completion of a portion of the project shall not be considered to preclude that portion or adjacent areas from the need for site protection, until such time as the project is finished as agreed upon by the geotechnical consultant, the client, and the regulatory agency. 11.2. The contractor is responsible for the stability of temporary excavations. Recommendations by the geotechnical consultant pertaining to temporary excavations are made in consideration of stability of the finished project and, therefore, shall not be considered to preclude the responsibilities of the contractor. Recommendations by the geotechnical consultant shall also not be considered to preclude more restrictive requirements by the applicable regulatory agencies. 11.3. Precautions shall be taken during the performance of site clearing, excavation, and grading to protect the site from flooding, ponding, or inundation by surface runoff. Temporary provisions shall be made during the rainy season so that surface runoff is away from and off the working site. Where low areas cannot be avoided, pumps shall be provided to remove water as needed during periods of rainfall. 11.4. During periods of rainfall, plastic sheeting shall be used as needed to reduce the potential for unprotected slopes to become saturated. Where needed, the contractor shall install check dams, desilting basins, riprap, sandbags or other appropriate devices or methods to reduce erosion and provide the recommended conditions during inclement weather. 11.5. During periods of rainfall, the geotechnical consultant shall be kept informed by the contractor of the nature of remedial or precautionary work being performed on site (e.g., pumping, placement of sandbags or plastic sheeting, other labor, dozing, etc.). 11.6. Following periods of rainfall, the contractor shall contact the geotechnical consultant and arrange a walk- over of the site in order to visually assess rain-related damage. The geotechnical consultant may also recommend excavation and testing in order to aid in the evaluation. At the request of the geotechnical consultant, the contractor shall make excavations in order to aid in evaluation of the extent of rain-related damage. TAYLOR GROUP, INC. Page E-12 Typical Earthwork Guidelines - Rev. 01-01-2008 11.7. Rain- or irrigation-related damage shall be considered to include, but may not be limited to, erosion, silting, saturation, swelling, structural distress, and other adverse conditions noted by the geotechnical consultant. Soil adversely affected shall be classified as "Unsuitable Material" and shall be subject to overexcavafion and replacement with compacted fill or to other remedial grading as recommended by the geotechnical consultant. 11.8. Relatively level areas where saturated soils and/or erosion gullies exist to depths greater than 1 foot shall be overexcavated to competent materials as evaluated by the geotechnical consultant. Where adverse conditions extend to less than 1 foot in depth, saturated and/or eroded materials may be processed in-place. Overexcavated or in-place processed materials shall be moisture conditioned and compacted in accordance with the recommendations provided in Section 6. If the desired results are not achieved, the affected materials shall be overexcavated, moisture conditioned, and compacted until the specifications are met. 11.9. Slope areas where saturated soil and/or erosion gullies exist to depths greater than 1 foot shall be overexcavated and replaced as compacted fill in accordance with the applicable specifications. Where adversely affected materials exist to depths of 1 foot or less below proposed finished grade, remedial grading by moisture conditioning in-place and compaction in accordance with the appropriate specifications may be attempted. If the desired results are not achieved, the affected materials shall be overexcavated, moisture conditioned, and compacted until the specifications are met. As conditions dictate, other slope repair procedures may also be recommended by the geotechnical consultant. 11.10 During construction, the contractor shall grade the site to provide positive drainage away from structures and to keep water from ponding adjacent to structures. Water shall not be allowed to damage adjacent properties. Positive drainage shall be maintained by the contractor until permanent drainage and erosion reducing devices are installed in accordance with project plans. TAYLOR GROUP, INC. Page E-13 Typical Earthwork Guidelines - Rev. 01-01-2008 A. BENCHED FILL OVER NATURAL SLOPE Fill slope per grading plan Original ground surface Unsuitable material (e.g., slopewash)Setback per ^ grading code ^ Competent groum (as determined by Geotechnical Engineer) 10' min. widtfTI Inclined 2% into slope 2' min. B. BENCHED FILL OVER EXISTING FILL SLOPE Benching shall be required when existing fill slopes are equal to or exceed 5:1 (20%) or when otherwise recommended by the Geotechnical Engineer or Geologist Fill slope per grading plan Original fill slope Unsuitable material (e.g., slopewash) Competent ground (as determined by Geotechnical Engineer) Setback per gradingcode 10'min. width 'v mln I !• J flft/ 'II « Illlll.Inclined 2% into slope TYPICAL DETAIL A BENCHING AND KEYWAY FOR FILL SLOPES TAYLOR GROUP, INC GEOSCIENCE & ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS A. MAXIMUM FILL THICKNESS BENEATH STRUCTURE LESS THAN 15 FEET UUUM UU i!.:''.'•': '.>•': > Overexcavate to provide a minimum fill cap thickness of 4 feet or 2 feet below the base of footings, whichever is greater. The lateral limits of the fill cap shall extend at least 5 feet beyond the footprint of structures. Unsuitable material -(e.g., slopewash) Competent groun (as determined by Geotechnical Engineer) B. MAXIMUM FILL THICKNESS BENEATH STRUCTUREMORE THAN 15 FEET uuuuf—I Overexcavate to provide a minimum fill cap thickness of D/3 feet, up to a maximum thickness of 10 feet. Lateral limits of fill cap to extend at least 10 feet beyond footprint of structures. Unsuitable material- (e.g., slopewash) Competent ground (as determined by Geotechnical Engineer) TYPICAL DETAIL B OVEREXCAVATION OF CUT/FILL TRANSITION BENEATH STRUCTURE TAYLOR GROUP, INC. GEOSCIENCE & ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS SUBDRAIN Final grade per grading plan impetent ground (as determined by Geotechnical Engineer Unsuitable material (e.g., slopewash) Perforated PVC pipe. Min. 1% slope See subdrain detail this sheet Subdrain Pipe Requirements Run Length <500 feet 500- 1,250 feet > 1,250 feet Minimum Pipe Diameter 4 inches 6 inches 8 inches NOTE: Downstream 25' of subdrain pipe shall be solid (non-perforated) pipe and downstream 25 feet of subdrain trench shall be backfilled with fine-grained soil to be approved by Geotechnical Engineer. SUBDRAIN TRENCH DETAILS Geotextile filter fabric as recommended by Geotechnical Engineer Crushed rock as recommended by Geotechnical Engineer Min. 4" diameter SCH 40 PVC perforated pipe. Perforations on bottom of pipe. TYPICAL DETAIL C CANYON SUBDRAIN TAYLOR GROUP, INC. GEOSCIENCE & ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS A. TYPICAL PAD SECTION SHOWING OVERSIZED ROCK ZONES Finished grade ZONE 'B' MATERIAL ZONE 'A1: COMPACTED FILL WITH ROCKS 6 INCHES OR LESS IN MAXIMUM DIMENSION OR AS DIRECTED BY THE GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER. ZONE 'B'- COMPACTED FILL WITH OVERSIZED ROCKS AND/OR CONCRETE FRAGMENTS BETWEEN 6" AND 48" IN MAXIMUM DIMENSON MAY BE PLACED IN WINDROWS AND SURROUNDED BY GRANULAR FILL WITH SAND EQUIVALENT OF 30 OR MORE DENSIFIED BY FLOODING. WINDROWS MAY BE UP TO 100 FEET IN LENGTH AND SHALL BE STAGGERED AS ILLUSTRARED. B. WINDROW Oversized rock 6" to 48" (max) Granular fill with min. Sand Equiiv. of 30 compacted by flooding Firm natural ground or compacted I TYPICAL DETAIL D OVERSIZE ROCK OR CONCRETE PLACEMENT IN FILLS TAYLOR GROUP, INC. GEOSCIENCE & ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS • Compacted Fill 30' max. Drainage terrace on slopes more than 30' high Non-perforated outlet pipe Adverse Bedding or Weak Plane ABS or PVC npn-perforated outlet pipe:. o.c. horiz. / 30' max. o.c. vert. ""••• •-,. Competent ground. (as determined by Geotechnical Engineer) See subdrain / backdrain detail this sheet Keyway Width (15' min. width) Inclined 2% into slope Depth of Keyway (51 min.) NOTES: Dimensions of all buttress or stabilization fills shall be specied by the Geotechnical Engineer. Dimensions as shown on plans may be changed by the Geotechnical Engineer based on conditions observed in the field during construction. BACKDRAIN / SUBDRAIN DETAIL 6" min. overlap ......= _ - Filter fabric 6" min. 4" min. - 4" perforated pipe (perforations facing down) 4" solid pipe NOTES: Subdrain shall be ABS, PVC or approved equivalent. Use Class 125/SDR 32.5 or Schedule 40 PVC pipe for burial depth of 40 feet or less. Use Class 200/SDR 21 or Schedule 80 PVC pipe for burial depth up to 100 feet. Subdrain pipe shall be surrounded by 3/4" crushed rock wrapped in a filter fabric envelope consisting of Mirifi 140N or approved equivalent. Filter fabric envelope may be deleted if material meeting the requirements for Caltrans Class 2 Permeable Material is used in place of 3/4" crushed rock. Volume of gravel shall be at least 4 cu. ft. per ft. TYPICAL DETAIL E BUTTRESS OR STABILIZATION FILL TAYLOR GROUP, INC. GEOSCIENCE & ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS STRUCTURAL ACOUSTICAL ANALYSIS / CCR TITLE 24 SURVEY OAK AVENUE DEVELOPMENT LOTS 2 AND 4 CARLSBAD, CA Submitted to: Paul Longton Studio 4 Architects 2909 Mesa Drive Oceanside, CA 92054 Prepared by: Investigative Science and Engineering, Inc. Scientific, Environmental, and Forensic Consultants P.O. Box 488 /1134 D Street Ramona, CA 92065 (760)787-0016 www.ise.us ISE Project #09-012 May 22, 2009 ACOUSTICS- VIBRATION-AIR & WATER QUALITY-FORENSIC ENGINEERING EXPERT WITNESS - ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENTS AND COMPLIANCE TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION AND DEFINITIONS ............................................................................................ 1 Existing Site Characterization ...................................................................................................... 1 Project Description ....................................................................................................................... 1 Acoustical Definitions ................................................................................................................... 1 GENERAL APPROACH AND METHODOLOGY ........................................................................... 1 Exterior Noise Level Determination at Building Facade .............................................................. 1 Interior Noise Level Determination within Sensitive Living Spaces ............................................. 2 APPLICABLE NOISE STANDARDS .............................................................................................. 3 PREDICTED EXTERIOR NOISE LEVELS ..................................................................................... 3 CONSTRUCTION ASSUMPTIONS ................................................................................................ 3 FINDINGS ....................................................................................................................................... 4 CERTIFICATION OF ACCURACY AND QUALIFICATIONS ......................................................... 5 APPENDICES / SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION ...................................................................... 6 CALVENO TRAFFIC NOISE ESTIMATION PROTOCOL ........................................................... 6 SANDAG TRIP PREDICTION - SCENARIO YEAR 2030 ........................................................... 9 AAM OUTPUT FILES - LOT 2 .................................................................................................. 10 AAM OUTPUT FILES -LOT 4 .................................................................................................. 19 INDEX OF IMPORTANT TERMS ................................................................................................. 29 © 2009 Investigative Science and Engineering. Inc. The leader in Scientific Consulting INTRODUCTION AND DEFINITIONS Existing Site Characterization The subject project site is situated within the coastal area of the City of Carlsbad immediately south of Carlsbad Village Drive, as shown in Figure 1 on the following page. Specifically, the site is located within the 1200 block of Oak Avenue, approximately 500- feet east of Interstate 5 (I-5), as shown in Figure 2 on Page 3 of this report. Project Description The proposed project development consists of two individually parceled lots (Lots 2 and 4), located on Oak Avenue within the City of Carlsbad, CA. Lot 2 has a subdivided size of 7,500 square-feet (sf), while Lot 4 is slightly larger at 10,535 sf. Structures located within these lots would range in size from approximately 4,642 to 5,214 square feet. The proposed site development plan can be seen in Figure 3 on Page 4 of this report. Acoustical Definitions Noise is generally defined as unwanted or annoying sound that is typically associated with human activity and which interferes with or disrupts normal activities. Although exposure to high noise levels has been demonstrated to cause hearing loss, the principal human response to environmental noise is annoyance. The response of individuals to similar noise events is diverse and influenced by the type of noise, the perceived importance of the noise and its appropriateness in the setting, the time of day and the type of activity during which the noise occurs, and the sensitivity of the individual. Airborne sound is a rapid fluctuation of air pressure above and below atmospheric pressure. Sound levels are usually measured and expressed in decibels (dB). Most of the sounds one hears in the environment do not consist of a single frequency, but rather a broad band of frequencies differing in level. The intensities of each frequency add to generate sound. The method commonly used to quantify environmental sounds consists of evaluating all of the frequencies of a sound according to a weighting system that reflects the fact that human hearing is less sensitive at low and extremely high frequencies than at the mid-range frequencies. This is called "A" weighting, and the decibel level measured is called the A-weighted sound level (dBA). In practice, the level of a noise source is conveniently measured using a sound level meter that includes a filter corresponding to the dBA curve. Although the A-weighted sound level may adequately indicate the level of environmental noise at any instant in time, community noise levels vary continuously. Most environmental noise includes a conglomeration of noise from distant sources that create a relatively stable background noise in which no particular source is identifiable. A single descriptor called the Leq (or equivalent sound level) is used. Leq is the energy- mean A-weighted sound level during a measured time interval. It is the 'equivalent' constant sound level that would have to be produced by a given source to equal the fluctuating level measured. © 2009 Investigative Science and Engineering inc The leader in Scientific Consulting Structural Acoustical Analysis / CCR Title 24 Survey Oak Avenue Development Lots 2 and 4 - Carlsbad, CA ISE Report #09-012 May 22, 2009 Page 2 1-. 2,083.3 It Data Zbom 13-0 FIGURE 1: Project Vicinity Map (ISE 5/09) & 2009 Investigative Science and Engineering, tnc The leader in Scientific Consulting. Structural Acoustical Analysis / CCR Title 24 Survey Oak Avenue Development Lots 2 and 4 - Carlsbad, CA ISE Report #09-012 May 22, 2009 PageS V = 5333H Data Zoom 15-0 FIGURE 2: Project Site Aerial Map w/ Property Boundary Extents (ISE 5/09) BEST COPY © 2009 Investigative Science and Engineering, Inc The leader in Scientific Consulting... Structural Acoustical Analysis / CCR Title 24 Survey Oak Avenue Development Lots 2 and 4 - Carlsbad, CA ISE Report #09-012 May 22, 2009 Page 4 OAK AVENUE FIGURE 3: Project Site Plan (Studio 4 Architects 4/09) © 2009 Investigative Science and Engineering, Inc The leader in Scientific Consulting... Another sound measure employed by the State of California and the City of Carlsbad is known as the Community Noise Equivalence Level (or CNEL). It is defined as the "A" weighted average sound level for a 24-hour day. The CNEL is calculated by adding a 5-decibel penalty to sound levels in the evening (7:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m.), and a 10-decibel penalty to sound levels in the night (10:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m.) to compensate for the increased sensitivity to noise during the quieter evening and nighttime hours. Finally, a sound insulation parameter known as the Sound Transmission Class (or STC) of a wall, window, or ceiling assembly is defined as the acoustic transmission of a structural assembly at a frequency of 500 Hertz, with respect to a reference transmission curve. The use of a single-number transmission rating (such as the STC) correlates in a general way with subjective impressions of sound transmission for speech, radio, television, and similar sources of noise in buildings. The "reference curve" to which the actual transmission is compared, is based upon the above noise sources. The STC rating can be used to compare the potential sound insulation of structural assemblies tested in a laboratory, or between different rooms in a building. The rating for a partition built and tested in a building may be lower than that obtained for a partition tested in a laboratory because of flanking transmission and construction errors. Typical STC ratings and their effectiveness are shown in Table 1 below. TABLE 1: Common STC Ratings and Insulation Effectiveness STC Rating Privacy Afforded 25 Normal speech understood at close distances 30 Normal speech audible, but unintelligible 35 Loud speech understood 40 Loud speech audible, but unintelligible 45 Loud speech barely audible 50 Shouting barely audible 55 Shouting not audible GENERAL APPROACH AND METHODOLOGY Exterior Noise Level Determination at Building Facade Exterior noise exposure affecting future proposed building facades within the project site were analyzed using the Caltrans CALVENO1 vehicle emissions protocol, using SANDAG future (cumulative year 2030) vehicle predictions. The traffic noise level predicted by the CALVENO protocol was then corrected for site distance separation and general topographic effects. The results indicate the predicted worst-case future building facade noise exposure level. The CALVENO protocol report is provided as an attachment to this report. ' Source: California Vehicle Noise Reference Energy Mean Emission Levels (CALVENO), California Department of Transportation, Technical Advisory Note TAN-95-03, 9/22/95. © 2008 Investigative Science and Engineering. Inc The leader in acoustics and vibration. . Structural Acoustical Analysis / CCR Title 24 Survey Oak Avenue Development Lots 2 and 4 - Carlsbad, CA ISE Report #09-012 May 22, 2009 Page 2 Interior Noise Level Determination within Sensitive Living Spaces The analysis methodology used to examine sound transmission and resultant interior noise levels is identified in the American Society of Testing and Materials (ASTM) guidelines Volume 04.06 entitled, "Thermal Insulation; Environmental Acoustics" Test Designation: E 413-87. Acoustical modeling of the project was performed in accordance with the above guidelines, and included corrections for the following parameters: o Exterior noise level adjustment in front of each building element. o Exterior noise spectrum placement in front of each building element. o Correction for building facade reflection (per ASTM E 966-84). o Incident angle source correction (per ASTM E 966-84). o Room absorption correction. o Building element correction and adjustment (per ASTM E 413-87). o Geometric (sizing) and workmanship (construction error) corrections. The exterior noise level at the proposed structures is calculated in terms of decibels A-weighted (dBA), and converted to six octave band sound pressure levels at: 125, 250, 500, 1000, 2000 and 4000 Hertz. The interior noise level is a function of the sound transmission loss qualities of the construction material, and the surface area of each element (wall, window, door, etc.). The interior noise level also depends upon the room's sound absorption characteristics (in Sabins). Mathematically, this can be expressed in the form of Equation 1 below: V =L^ -T^-WLog^-WLog^+F^-A^+Q^ (1) where, Lint is the interior A-weighted sound level at the ith octave band, Lext is the exterior A-weighted sound level at the im octave band, TLf is the sound transmission loss at the ith octave band, S is the size of the room facade in square feet, A, is the total room absorption in Sabins at the ith octave band, and, ^corr' A»IT > Gcorrare correction factors for the building facade reflection, incident angle, and construction quality. ISE assumed that the exterior noise levels were calculated for free-field conditions with no interaction between existing structures. A 3-dBA building facade reflection correction was applied to the as-built structure to simulate local reflection effects. The necessary calculations were performed using the ISE Architectural Acoustical Model (AAM) v3.0 interior noise computation program. © 2009 Investigative Science and Engineering Inc The leader in Scientific Consulting Structural Acoustical Analysis / CCR Title 24 Survey Oak Avenue Development Lots 2 and 4 - Carlsbad, CA ISE Report #09-012 May 22, 2009 Page3 APPLICABLE NOISE STANDARDS The California Code of Regulations (CCR), State Building Code, Part 2, Title 24, Appendix Chapter 35; "Noise Insulation Standards for Multifamily Housing" requires that multi-family dwellings, hotels, and motels located where the CNEL exceeds 60 dBA require an acoustical analysis showing that the proposed design will limit interior noise to less than 45 dBA CNEL. Worst-case noise levels, either existing or future, must be used. Future noise levels must be predicted at least ten years from the time of building permit application. The City of Carlsbad has adopted the CCR Title 24 regulations for all types of residential dwellings. PREDICTED EXTERIOR NOISE LEVELS The primary source of future noise at the project site would be from vehicular traffic associated with Interstate 5 (1-5). The worst-case exterior noise levels were identified using the CALVENO emissions protocol. The findings indicated that source levels from 1-5 could be as high as 85.6 dBA CNEL at 50-feet from the centerline under the year 2030 scenario with 266,000 vehicle trips (ADT), a median running speed of 55 MPH, and a vehicle mix consisting of 95-percent automobiles, 3-percent medium-sized trucks, and 2-percent heavy-duty trucks. The SAN DAG prediction map for the area in question is provided as an attachment to this report. Adjusting for the distance from the centerline of 1-5 to the centroid of the project site (approximately 730-feet) and correcting for general ground conditions, it is expected that a maximum of 17.5 dBA of attenuation from the freeway to the project site can be obtained. Thus, the anticipated traffic related noise levels at the project site could be as high as 68.1 dBA CNEL at exposed building facades, and would require specialized doors and windows to comply with CCR Title 24. CONSTRUCTION ASSUMPTIONS The following general construction assumptions were applied to each of the units to determine their sound insulation characteristics: o The roof/ceiling construction should have a minimum STC rating of 46. o All living spaces examined (i.e., living rooms and bedrooms) were assumed to have carpet and pad (i.e., Floor Multiplication Parameter or FMP = 0.8) for the purposes of STC calculation. o Bathroom, kitchen, and closet areas were not examined and thus have no construction limitations. The surface areas and materials for the proposed project were obtained from architectural drawings prepared by Studio 4 Architects dated 4/09. When the interior noise level was found to be greater than 45 dBA CNEL, the value was recalculated for a © 2009 Investigative Science and Engineering inc The ieader in Scientific Consulting Structural Acoustical Analysis / CCR Title 24 Survey Oak Avenue Development Lots 2 and 4 - Carlsbad, CA ISE Report #09-012 May 22, 2009 Page 4 closed window condition. Further recalculation was done to determine the minimum window-glazing requirement. Construction practices may degrade the calculated acoustical performance of walls and window assembles. The interior noise levels have been predicted in accordance with generally accepted acoustical methods and assume good construction techniques. FINDINGS Based upon the model results, the estimated interior noise levels would be as high as 61.5 dBA CNEL with the windows open and would require a closed window condition to comply with the CCR Title 24 requirements. Mechanical ventilation would be required (per the confines of CCR Title 24) and should meet specific City of Carlsbad building requirements. The minimum required acoustical treatments (STC ratings) for the proposed development are summarized in Table 2, below, and would be applicable for all floors within Lots 2 and 4. The complete modeled results are provided as an attachment to this report. TABLE 2: Structural Acoustical Requirements - Oak Avenue Lots 2 & 4 Room Building Element Minimum Requjed STC All Rooms/All Units Roof/ Wall Assembly All French Glass Doors All Sliding Glass Doors All Solid Core Doors All Glass Window Assemblies 46 26 27 27 30 Source: ISE Architectural Acoustical Model (AAM) v3.0 © 2009 Investigative Science and Engineering Inc The leader in Scientific Consulting.. Structural Acoustical Analysis / CCR Title 24 Survey Oak Avenue Development Lots 2 and 4 - Carlsbad, CA ISE Report #09-012 May 22, 2009 PageS -Wfo— CERTIFICATION OF ACCURACY AND QUALIFICATIONS This report was prepared by Investigative Science and Engineering, Inc. (ISE) located at 1134 D Street, Ramona, CA 92065. The members of its professional staff contributing to the report are listed below: Rick Tavares Ph.D. Civil Engineering (rtavares@ise.us) M.S. Structural Engineering M.S. Mechanical Engineering B.S. Aerospace Engineering / Engineering Mechanics Karen Tavares B.S. Electrical Engineering (ktavares@ise.us) ISE affirms to the best of its knowledge and belief that the statements and information contained herein are in all respects true and correct as of the date of this report. Should the reader have any questions regarding the findings and conclusions presented in this report, please do not hesitate to contact ISE at (760) 787-0016. Content and information contained within this report is intended only for the subject project and is protected under 17 U.S.C. §§ 101 through 810. Original reports contain non-photo blue ISE watermark at the bottom of each page. Approved as to Form and Content: Rick Tavares, Ph.D. Project Principal Investigative Science and Engineering, Inc. '-v 200.9 Investigative Science and Engineering, Inc. The leader in Scientific Consulting Structural Acoustical Analysis / CCR Title 24 Survey Oak Avenue Development Lots 2 and 4 - Carlsbad, CA ISE Report #09-012 May 22, 2009 Page 6 APPENDICES / SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION CALVENO TRAFFIC NOISE ESTIMATION PROTOCOL TAN 95-03 California Department of Transportation Environmental Program Office of Environmental Engineering Sacramento, California Us* of California Vehicle Noise Reference Energy Mean Emission Levels (Calveno REMELS) In STAMINA2.0 FHWA Highway Traffic Noise Prediction Program Technical Advisory, Note* TAN 95-03 September 22, 1995 Prepared by Rudy Hendriks NOTICE: This technical advisory is for informational purposes only. The contents of this document are not official policy, standard, specification or regulation and should not be used as such. Unless otherwise indicated, the views expressed in this advisory reflect those of the author, who is solely responsible for the accuracy of data and information presented herein. •& 2009 Investigdtive Science and Engineering. Inc The leader in Scientific Consulting Structural Acoustical Analysis / CCR Title 24 Survey Oak Avenue Development Lots 2 and 4 - Carlsbad, CA ISE Report #09-012 May 22, 2009 Page 7 Technical Advisory. Noise TAN-95-03 Use of CaMomla Vehicle Noise Reference Energy Mean Emission Levels (Calveno REMELS) In STAMINA2.0 FHWA Highway Traffic Noise Prediction Program Since 1985, with approval of FHWA, Calveno REMELS have been used in lieu of the National REMELS for all Caltrans noise studies, and those done by others in California. The speed-dependent curves of the Calveno REMELS, and their equations for the three vehicle types defined in the FHWA-RD-77-108 report, are shown on the attached page titled: "California Vehicle Noise (Calveno) Emission Levels". Page 5 of the above FHWA report (showing the National REMELS) should be substituted with the Calveno page when noise predictions based on FHWA-RD-77-108 are made in California. Several computer programs are available for highway traffic noise predictions. All are based on the above FHWA report. The programs are: • "LeqV2", for simple site geometries • "Sound32", for complex site geometries, involving many roadways, receivers, and barriers • "STAMINA2.0/OPTIMA" The first two programs allow the choice of Calveno or national REMELS. "Sound32" is the California version of the FHWA STAMINA2.0/OPTIMA programs. STAMINA2.0 uses only the National REMELS and is therefore not suitable for use in California. STAMINA2.0 does provide user defined vehicle type fields, which allow the user to type in their own REMELS (such as Calveno). However, we have discovered that that there are errors in the STAMINA2.0 code which cause the program to sometimes skip the barrier attenuation calculations for low barriers for user defined vehicle types. Many noise consultants doing work for Caltrans use STAMINA2.0. For those who use STAMINA2.0 we recommend that the vehicle types built into the program (National REMELS) be used, and the traffic volumes be adjusted to yield the same results as those produced with Calveno. The following table shows the volume "correction" factors necessary to use STAMINA2.0 in California. The actual volumes should be multiplied by these factors, then used in STAMINA2.0, to produce the same results as "Sound32" or "LeqV2" with Calveno. Traffic Volume Correction Factors (For use with National REMELS, to yield same predicted noise as with Calveno REMELS) SPEED (MPH) 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 SPEED (Km/h) 48 56 64 72 80 88 97 Multiply Actual Volume By: AUTOS (A) 1.19 1.21 1.22 1.23 1.24 1.24 1.25 MED. TRUCKS (MT) 0.92 0.81 0.73 0.66 0.60 0.56 0.52 HEAVY TRUCKS (HT) 1.08 0.71 0.66 0.62 0.58 0.55 0.53 For example: If actual traffic volumes and speeds are: A=1500 @ 60 mph; MT=125 { 55 mph; HT-250 @ 55 mph, use National REMELS with A=1875 @ 60 mph; MT=70 ( 55 mph; HT=138 @ 55 mph to get same results as actual traffic with Calveno REMELS. ; 2009 Investigative Science and Engineering Inc The leader in Scientific Consulting Structural Acoustical Analysis / CCR Title 24 Survey Oak Avenue Development Lots 2 and 4 - Carlsbad, CA ISE Report #09-012 May 22, 2009 PageS Technical Advisory, Noise MN-95-03 California Vehicle Noi*9 Jle/erence Snmyu Mean Cmieaton Level* California Vehicle Nola* (Calveno) Reference Energy Mean EmMon Level* (Rente!*), for Level Roads, Constant Speeds, at 15 m (50fl) 90 85 75 70 65 60 •„ 55- Heavy Truck* Medium Truck* 50 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 SPBXMPH REGRESSION EQUATIONS ffaavv Truck*: 25-31 mph (40-50 km/h): 51.9*19.2Log10(Speed, mph) or 47.9*19.2Log10(Sp«ed, km/h) 35-65 mph: (56-105 km/h): 50.4+19.2Log10(Speed, mph) or46.4+19.2Log10(Speed, km/h) 31-35 mph: (50-56 km/h): Straight line Medium Truck*:: 35.3+25.6Log10(Speed, mph) or 30.0+25.6Log10(Speed, km/h) 5.2*38.8Log10(Speed, mph) or -2.8+38.8Lofl10(Speed, km/h) © 2009 Investigative Science and Engineering. Inc. The leader in Scientific Consulting . Structural Acoustical Analysis / CCR Title 24 Survey Oak Avenue Development Lots 2 and 4 - Carlsbad, CA ISE Report #09-012 May 22, 2009 Page 9 SANDAG TRIP PREDICTION - SCENARIO YEAR 2030 FINDING: I-5 YEAR 2030 ADT = 266,000 © 2009 Investigative Science and Engineering, Inc. The leader in Scientific Consulting... Structural Acoustical Analysis / CCR Title 24 Survey Oak Avenue Development Lots 2 and 4 - Carlsbad, CA ISE Report #09-012 May 22, 2009 Page 10 AAM OUTPUT FILES - LOT 2 ISE ARCHITECTURAL ACOUSTICAL MODEL (AAM) v3.0 Room Designation: Floor Am (ft1): Ceiling Height (n): Room Volume in 'I: Room Absorption Ratio FMP: ToUl Room Absorption ISablnel 2nd Unit Bedim (Lot-2) 1600 0.1I2a Noise Source: Noise Sound Level et BulMIng Facade Ids* CNEL) Inc ident Angle Correction: Building Fecede Correction: Qualm/ Correction: Triftic (NBS Spectrum, 19781 Asttmbty * Construction 125 Hz 250 Hi 500 Hi 1000 Hi 2000 Hi 4000 Hz 1 Stucco Wall (NBS W-50-71 ) 27 42 44 46 49 54 2 Window - 1/4 Laminated Glass (Monsanto) 22 24 28 29 31 33 3 4 5 « 7 1g 10 11 12 1314 15w 17 18 19 20 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 000000 000000 000000 Acouetlcel Contribution AasemMyl Construction 5TC Rating % Operable Areaffl'l 1 Stucco WaU |NBSW-50-71> 46 0 673 Window -1/4 Laminated Glass (Monsanto) 30 50 360 10 11 12 13 U 15 11 17 11 19 20 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 Compliance Threshold (dBACNEL): Predicted Level (dBACNEL): Complies with Standard: ICtosedl 29.5 38.9 0.0 0.0 00 0.0 0.0 0.0 00 0.0 00 00 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 00 Closed 45.0 393 Yes lOoenl 29.5 52.4 00 0.0 00 0.0 0.0 00 00 0.0 00 00 0.0 00 00 0.0 0.0 0.0 00 0.0 Sen 52 5 BEST COPY © 2009 Investigative Science and Engineering, Inc. The leader in Scientific Consulting... Structural Acoustical Analysis / CCR Title 24 Survey Oak Avenue Development Lots 2 and 4 - Carlsbad, CA ISE Report #09-012 May 22, 2009 Page 11 ISE ARCHITECTURAL ACOUSTICAL MODEL (AAM) V3.0 Note Sound LMM Ml FieM> KMCNEL) An** Correction: AttomMyf Cornlniclloii UJHi t Stucco WMINBSW4071 1 27 2 SoM Cora Door (NBS W-90-71) 23 SUaoVHI(NBSW-90-71) 27 Window - 1M UrmnMKl OUXMonuMo) 22 5UxoWM(N8SW-907t) 27 Wndoo-lHUMnModGtaKMomanto) 22 20 0 00 0 0 0 42 44 « 49 527 29 29 » 2 42 44 49 49 5 24 28 29 31 3 42 44 49 49 5 24 21 29 31 3 0 0 0 0 C 0 00 0 0 00 0 0 0 (0 < 0 ( < ( 0 0 4 94 3 4 3 Att«n*lyf Comttuctton tTCfUttng %OparaMa 1 Stucco Wai (M8S W-50-71) 46 0 2 SoM Cor» Door (NBS W-90-71) 27 100StuCCO Wai (NBS W-50-71) 46 0 Window - 1M Laminated Ota** (Montanto) 30 50 SbCCO Wai (NBS W-50-71 } 46 0 Window - 1/4 Laminated Glas* (Monsanto) 30 50 16 17 16 19 20 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ArMflV) fCtoMdl fOoanl 219 20.9 20.9 24.0 34.4 60.9 85.7 26.8 26.6 36.0 35.1 46.7 142.0 29.0 29.0 48.0 36.3 49.9 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0-0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0 0-0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 CompHonc* ThrathoM (dBA CNCL): rndteHd UvM (0«A eXEl): © 2009 Investigative Science and Engineering, Inc. The leader in Scientific Consulting Structural Acoustical Analysis / CCR Title 24 Survey Oak Avenue Development Lots 2 and 4 - Carlsbad, CA ISE Report #09-012 May 22, 2009 Page 12 ISE ARCHITECTURAL ACOUSTICAL MODEL (AAM) v3.0 HOT AIM m*):a*** KUDU (I*KoomVokmm'): NotH Kwid Unl« MMtof nta* («A cm)iConctlM• CwncttM lassSs AlumbU « UMMCIIeil 1MHz 290 HI HOtt 10MHI 20MHI 40WHISftJCOOWM(NBSW40-71) 27 42 44 46 49 54Window- 1/4 LmlnaUd Gins (Momanto) 22 24 28 29 1011 12 13 14 15 1817 18 19 20 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 0000 0000 0000 330 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 000 000000 000000 00 0 000 000000 000000 AtMiKMyf CooMnictlon STCMjng %0p<mM> ArMHt'1 ICtoM« IOo*» 1 StuccnWU(NBSW-90-71) 48 0 85.3 29.5 299 2 Widow- 1/4 Lani!n««IGUU(Mmino} 30 SO 48.0 39.0 52.6 34 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13j4 15 16 17 18 19 20 0 0.0 00 0.0 0 0.0 00 00 0 0.0 00 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 0.0 0 00 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 00 0 0.0 0 00 0 0.0 0 00 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 PfMkMUMKcBACNEU: 48.0 39.5 © 2009 Investigative Science and engineering, Inc The /eac/e/' in Scientific Consulting.. Structural Acoustical Analysis / CCR Title 24 Survey Oak Avenue Development Lots 2 and 4 - Carlsbad, CA ISE Report #09-012 May 22, 2009 Page 13 ISE ARCHITECTURAL ACOUSTICAL MODEL (AAM) V3.0 (toon AkMfpMK IMK n»: 10 22M Mols.6oundl.vM at minima, Faca«»|d»ACMB.| MAnat. I'acMa a-""" AtMnMy* Cflraftvclton 12tMt ShJCCOWM(N8SW-50-71) 27 Window - 1/4 lamtoMod Oast (MoitMnto) 22 SUCCOWH(N8SW-SO-71) 27 SWng Glass Door - 3/16 Glass (Mcmanto) 23 0 20 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 290 Hi42 24 42 230 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 011 44 28 44 28 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1000 Hi46 29 46 29 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2000HI 49 31 49 30 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 94 33 54 31 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 AasanMyi Cenancttan STCRaUng %0p«rabls1 Stucco VIM (NBSW-SO-71) 48 0 2 Window- 1/4 laminattd Glass (Monaanto) 30 50 3 Stucco VIM INBSW-50-71) 46 0 4 SUng Glass Door -3/16 Glass (MonsanU) 27 50 5 - 0 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 <4 15 16 17 18 19 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 20 - 0 Acoustical Contribution | AraanV) 114.0 38.0 77.7 84.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ICUaadl 304 37.5 28.839.7 0.0 00 0.0 0.0 0.0 00 00 0.0 00 0.0 0.0 0.0 00 0.0 0.0 0.0 (Oo.nl 30.4 51.1 28.8 53.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 00 00 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 00 0.0 0.0 0.0 ComplUl>csTtmMM(d>ACNH.): PndlctM Lsvsl (dBA CNEL): 48.9 42.3 BEST COPY © 2009 Investigative Science and Engineering. Inc. The leader in Scientific Consulting Structural Acoustical Analysis / CCR Title 24 Survey Oak Avenue Development Lots 2 and 4 - Carlsbad, CA ISE Report #09-012 May 22, 2009 Page 14 ISE ARCHITECTURAL ACOUSTICAL MODEL (AAMI v3.0 AaaanMyf Conakvcllait SbccoWal (N8SW-SO-71) Window - 1M Latntiatod Glass (Monsanto)window - 1/4 LaminaMd Glass (Monsanto) Skicco Wai (N8S W-SO-71) WM«M - 1M LanunaM Gttsi (MontaMo) Window- 1/4 lamhatad Glact (Monsanto) 12 13 14 15 18 17 18 19 20 27 42 44 22 24 28 22 24 28 27 42 44 22 24 28 22 24 29 000 0 00 0 0 0 0 0o 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 46 29 29 46 29 2> 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 49 31 31 49 31 31 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 54 33 33 54 33 13 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 AasamMx* CooUnpeUoo nCRaUng KOpanUa 1 Stucco Wai (MBS W-SO-71) 46 0 2 Window - 1/4 Utnlnatad Glass (Monsanto) 30 30 3 Window- 1/4 laminaM Glass (Monsanto) 30 30 4 SUCCoWal<N8SW-50-71) 46 0 5 Whtdow - 1/4 Lamnatod Glass (Monsanto) 30 50 Window - 1/4 Lamtnatad Glass (Monsanto) 30 50 0 20 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Q 0 0 0 0 0 Ana ml 203.0 16.0 12.0 388.0 300 24.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 00 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 AcausllcsU ICMadl 263 33.8 33.0 268 330 29.0 0.0 00 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 00 0.0 0.0 0.0 00 0.0 0.0 0.0 .ontUHJtlon Ktosn) 26.3 41.9 41.1 28.6 46.6 42.6 00 0.0 0.0 0.0 00 0.0 00 0.0 0.0 00 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 CompHancaThnnMldldlUCNEt): Pndtetad Laval (dUCNEL): 450 39.2 S 2009 Investigative Science and Engineering Inc. The lesder in Scientific Consulting. . Structural Acoustical Analysis / CCR Title 24 Survey Oak Avenue Development Lots 2 and 4 - Carlsbad, CA ISE Report #09-012 May 22, 2009 Page 15 ISE ARCHITECTURAL ACOUSTICAL MODEL f AAMI v3.0 MI« Note* tWlM Lsval at MMhf Facada «•* CMO) hcMmAngUCemcaofi: AsssnMy*1 2 3 4 5 < 7 89to11 12 13 14 15 1617 11 19 20 CmnctMn 1«Hi Stucco VMKNBSW40.71) 27 Window -IMlaminalKl Glass (Monsanlo) 22 Stucco Wai (NBSW40-71) 27 WMow* 1/4 Lamtnatad Glass (Montanlo) 22 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2MHI 42 24 42 24 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 MOH! 44 26 44 28 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 low HI 46 29 46 29 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 lOOOtt 49 31 49 31 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 40MHI it 33 54 33 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 Assamttyl Ctnmaan STCIWItig %OparaMa 1 Stucco WSHN8SWWO-71) 46 0 2 Window - 1/4 Laminated Glass (Monsanto) 30 503 Stucco Wal(N8SW-50-71) 46 0 4 Window- 1/4 LamnaM Gust (Monsanto) 30 50 5 6 7g 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 AfMlft1) 94.0 36.0 645 180 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 00 0.0 0.0 0.0 ICtossA 315 39.3 31.0 36.3 0.0 0.0 00 00 0.0 00 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 00 0.0 00 00 1 lOowil 31.5 52.9 31.0 49.9 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 CompUaiKa Threshold MIA CNCU: PlMttttd Uvsl MMCNCL): 46.6 41.9 © 2009 Investigative Science and Engineering. Inc. The leader in Scientific Consulting Structural Acoustical Analysis / CCR Title 24 Survey Oak Avenue Development Lots 2 and 4 - Carlsbad, CA ISE Report #09-012 May 22, 2009 Page 16 ISE ARCHITECTURAL ACOUSTICAL MODEL (AAM) v J.O Au<nMy> CoMnidUn 1»Hl 1 SbccoM*l(N8SV»50-7l) 27 2 WMM.IMLKMnMdGUMIMontanU) 22Stucco WM(NBSW-50-71) 27 Wndw-1MLiniMMGU«(Monunto) 22 0 0 0 1011 12 13 14 15 16 1718 19 20 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 JWHJ WO HI MtiHI 42 4* 40 24 2» 2942 44 46 24 29 29 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 000 000000 000 000 20MHX 49 31 49 31 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 40MHI 94 33 54 33 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 AMomMy i Construction STC Rattng % OporaMs ATM m'l ICtoMd) (Opan) 1 Stucco Wtf (NBS W-50-71 ) 46 0 184.0 30.9 30.9 2 Window . 1/4 LamlnaMd GI**B (Monsanto) 30 50 36.0 35.9 49.4Stucco Wai (WS W-50-71 ) 46 0 109.0 26.9 28,8 Window - 1/4 Lamtnatod Clan (Moraanto) 30 50 18.0 35.9 49.4 19 20 0 0.0 0.0 0.00 0.0 0.0 00 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 0.0 0-0 0.00 0.0 0-0 0-0 0 0.0 0.0 00 0 0.0 0.0 0.00 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 0.0 0-0 00 0 0.0 0-0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 0.0 00 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0.00 0.0 0.0 0.0 Commune* TholhoM UBACNEL): PndteHd Uv.1 |d*A CNtU: 458 39.9 © 2009 Investigative Science and Engineering. Inc. The leader in Scientific Consulting. Structural Acoustical Analysis / CCR Title 24 Survey Oak Avenue Development Lots 2 and 4 - Carlsbad, CA ISE Report #09-012 May 22, 2009 Page 17 ISE ARCHITECTURAL ACOUSTICAL MODEL (AAM) v3.0 AlMlfl*): (lt|:lirv. t UMI It HiMUll F«c»a» «•> CHEL) tocMM Ant* Cofndton: »UIM>H Em*. Common; AMwnMy* Ceiwtroctton l«Hx MCHx SOOHi 1000 H« 20MHz 40MHt Stucco WM (N8S W-50-T1) 27 42 44 46 49 54 Stdne OHM Door - 3/16 Glen (MonMnto) 23 25 26 29 30 31 Stucco W»l<NB5W-50-ri) 27 42 44 46 49 54Window - 1M Lamftttd Gins (Montanto) 22 24 26 29 31 33 Stucco Wai (NBS W-50-71 } 27 42 44 46 49 54 Window - tM UmiruMd GUtu (Mon»*ntt) 22 24 28 29 31 33 Stucco Wai (NBS W-50-7 1 ) 27 42 44 46 49 54 20 000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 AcootUcalConlrtbuOon 1 A10IIHMH COMMCIIon 8TCRaUnf %OponMo Stucco Wai (NBS W-50-71) 46 0 SMiig fflatt Door - 3/16 Gfaat (Monsanto) 27* 50 StuccoWoHNBS W-50-71) 46 0 Window- 1/4 Um«n»dGUi»(M<xi»amo) 30 50 Stucco WM(N8SW-50-7t) 46 0 Window- 1/4 LaminatadGlaiKMonunlo) 30 50 SMKoWMINeS W-50-71) 46 0 20 0 0 0 0Q 0 0 Anam*) 102.7 64.0 857 36.0 382 16.0 85.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 00 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 00 0.0 0.0 0.0 iciooaai 293 39.0 28.5 36.6 250 36.3 28.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 00 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 KManl 29.3 52.6 28.5 50.3 25.0 49828.5 00 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0-0 0.0 0.0 CondUnnTIIIMKoMldaACNEU: 450 Pf«<IICH4l L«vrt (<•* CHEL): 42.9 wtth Standart: •© 2009 Investigative Science and Engineering Inc The leader in Scientific Consulting. Structural Acoustical Analysis / CCR Title 24 Survey Oak Avenue Development Lots 2 and 4 - Carlsbad, CA ISE Report #09-012 May 22, 2009 Page 18 ISE ARCHITECTURAL ACOUSTICAL MODEL (AAM) vj.0 Mote *caM UHH *F»««* CACHED Anflt CofracUen: JUWfflMyl Construction 1»«I 2MHI IMHI ttMlb 20MHI 4MOH> Stuc09VW<NBSW4D-71) 27 42 44 « 49 54 WIMO«l-1MLan*i>UIIGM«(MoraMO) 22 24 29 29 31 33 Stucco WM(N8SW-SO-71) 27 42 44 46 49 54 WUMwtMLoimMSMXMontinlol 22 24 21 29 31 33 Fr«ndlDoor-3/32GUn(NBSW44-71) 21 24 27 27 24 29 20 0 00 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0a a 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 AMMiMyt Conttructton tTCRMng %Op*rabta Arwffl't 1 Stucco W»l(NBSW-»-Tl) 46 0 165.0 2 Window • 1/4 Ljmtoatod Gins (MonMnto) 30 50 25.0 3 Stucco «ai(NBSW-50-71) 46 0 250.24 Window - 1/4 LMTunatod dan (MonMnto) 30 SO 30.0 5 Fr*ndi Door- 3/32 Gt»M (NBS W-94-71 ) 26 100 24.0 6 7a 9 10 11 12 1314 15 16 17 18 19 20 0,0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.00 0.0 0 0.0 (Cloud) 26.5 32.9 27.8 35.4 31.8 00 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 (Oowil 29.5 49.4 27.8 49.0 57.3 0,0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.00.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 CompUno TMnhoM (OH. CNEL):45.0 39.0 56 2 Y*« '© 2009 Investigative Science and Engineering Inc The /eader in Scientific Consulting Structural Acoustical Analysis / CCR Title 24 Survey Oak Avenue Development Lots 2 and 4 - Carlsbad, CA ISE Report #09-012 May 22, 2009 Page 19 AAM OUTPUT FILES - LOT 4 ISE ARCHITECTURAL ACOUSTICAL MODEL (AAM) v3.0 iVokmi.lll'l: 144 1C AassaiMyf 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 ConUfwtton IHHl SbcuWal(NBSW-SO-71) 27 Window - 1/4 Laminated Glass (Monsanto) 22 Stucco Wai (NBS W-50-71) 27 Window- 1/4 LamMM Gins (Monsanto) 22 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 IWHt 42 24 42 24 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9MH> 44 28 44 28 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1060 Hi 46 29 46 29 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 2006 Hi 49 31 49 31 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4000 Hi 54 33 54 33 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 AswnMyt ConMucUon STC Rating %0mra>la AnMltt'l 1 SUCCOWM(M3SW-SO-71) 46 0 846 2 WMtt»l-1ML>rnln««IGUtt(Mon><nU) 30 0 42.0 3 SUcoWM (NBS W-50-71) 46 0 790 4 Window - 1/4 LNTWUMd Glass (Monsanto) 30 0 36.05 « 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 18 17 18 19 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 00 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 00 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 20 0 0.0 ICMM) 30.9 39.9 306 39.3 00 00 0.0 0.0 00 0-0 0.0 00 0.0 00 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 (Own) 30.9 39.9 30.6 39.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 00 00 00 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 0.0 CompllanoTkrMhoMUVACNEL): 45.0 Pra«ctMLam(d*ACNCL): 43.2 ComMJM wNh Standanf: r*s © 2009 Investigative Science and Engineering Inc The leader in Scientific Consulting Structural Acoustical Analysis / CCR Title 24 Survey Oak Avenue Development Lots 2 and 4 - Carlsbad, CA ISE Report #09-012 May 22, 2009 Page 20 ISE ARCHITECTURAL ACOUSTICAL MODEL (AAM) v3.0 Ftoor Ant (ft*): m1): Room Abi oration Buttir FMP* Ml 10nil < Unl M hitting f«c«fc (dM CHEU) hcum Anglo CmcaM:BuMtaf'•««• Corncflm: AHOWHyt 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Coiirtnicuoii 125 Hz Stucco <H*t (MBS W-50-71 > 27 WnoM- 1/4 UMnMod Glass (MoniMO) 22 Fund! Door -302 GUM (NBS W-94-71 ) 21 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2MHz 42 24 24 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 <NH| 44 28 27 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 46 29 27 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 20MHz 49 31 24 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 46MHz 54 33 28 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 AinmMyt Commotion (TCRzOng %OpwaMa 1 Stucco WaKNBSW-SO-71) 49 0 2 Window- 1/4 Lammalsd GUM (Monsanto) 30 0 3 French Door -3/32 Gloss (NBS W-94-71) 26 100 4 S 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 IB 17 16 19 0 0 0 20 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 AnMflt'l 823 42.0 240 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 00 0.0 00 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Aeomacalc (CtosMI 26.5 35.6 35.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 00 00 0.0 00 00 0.0 0.0 00 0.0 0.0 0.0 oKllHiUuil K»ml 28.5 35.6 60.6 0.0 0.0 00 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 00 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 DO 0.0 0.0 00 0.0 Compunet ThrathoM (dlA CNEL): PncBcM ImM (OVA CNEL): 4J.O 38.8 © 2009 Investigative Science and Engineering Inc. The leader in Scientific Consulting Structural Acoustical Analysis / CCR Title 24 Survey Oak Avenue Development Lots 2 and 4 - Carlsbad, CA ISE Report #09-012 May 22, 2009 Page 21 ISE ARCHITECTURAL ACOUSTICAL MODEL (AAM) vJ.O noorAnulft*): CMMflMgMllt):RoomVohmXftl: j facad» |d»CN«L)IncMantAnfJa Canadian:•um»n Fatada Coroclteii: 1 2 3 4 5 8 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 10 17 18 19 20 Contnoctun 1»Hi Stucco Wai (NBSW-SO-71) 27Window - 1M Laminated Glatt (Monaanto) 22 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 290 Hi 4224 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 900 Hi 44 28 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1800 HI 48 29 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2000 HI49 31 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4000 HI 54 33 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 AuamMyt ComttueOon SICRaUng %OpanMaI SluccoWal<NBSW-50-71) « 02 Window - 1/4 Laminated data (Monsanto) 30 0 3 0 4 S t 7 B 9 10 It 12 13j4 15 10 17 t8 19 20 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 AnanVleo> 52.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ICtoMdl 29.0 40.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 00 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 (Ooanl 29.0 40.4 0.0 0-0 0.0 0.0 00 00 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 00 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 CompMmc* ThrMhoU (dBA CNCL): I <4BA CNCL): © 2009 investigative Science and Engineering !nc The leader in Scientific Consulting. . Structural Acoustical Analysis / CCR Title 24 Survey Oak Avenue Development Lots 2 and 4 - Carlsbad, CA ISE Report #09-012 May 22, 2009 Page 22 ISE ARCHITECTURAL ACOUSTICAL MODEL (AAM) vJ.O «•* AtaanMyf1 2 3 4 5 6 78 9to 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Contlnictton 12SHI StuceoWMlNBSW-50-71) 27 Vnndow- 1M Laminated Glasa (Montanlo) 22 Stucco Wai (NBSW-SO-71) 27 Window • 1/4 Laminated Glasa (Monuntot 22 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 260 HI 42 24 42 24 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 960 Hi 44 26 44 26 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1060m 46 29 46 29 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 MOO Hi 49 31 49 31 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4000 Hi54 33 54 33 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 AuxnMyf CamnaM «TCR«no %Op«nUi 1 Stucco VWIIN8SVV-50-71) 46 0 2 VMndow- W4 UmiMtaa1 Saw <Mon§*!») 30 03 Stucco Wai (N8SW-90-71I 46 0 4 Window- 1(4 L«mtuudGlata(Mon«aMo) 30 0 5 6 7 > 9 10 11 12 !3 14 15 1617 1> 19 20 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Afaatlt'l 625 525 600 45.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 00 00 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ICtaadl 30.9 41.0 29.6 40.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 00 0.0 0.0 00 0.0 0.0 00 0.0 00 0.0 0.0 0.0 (Ooanl 30.9 41.0 296 40.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 00 00 00 00 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 00 0.0 00 00 0.0 ConpllancaTMMboMldaUCNCU: 45.0 Pndktod Laval (dBACNEL): 44.1 © 2009 Investigative Science and Engineering, Inc. The leader in Scientific Consulting. Structural Acoustical Analysis / OCR Title 24 Survey Oak Avenue Development Lots 2 and 4 - Carlsbad, CA ISE Report #09-012 May 22, 2009 Page 23 BE ARCHITECTURAL ACOUSTICAL MODEL (AAM) vJ.O FacadlldlACNP.1 FacadaConMton: Aaaambfy* Coimruellon t29fte 1 SfeJ«»WM(NBSW-50-71) 27 2 SKtngGttuOov-VWGlMKMoonmo) 23 3 SluccoW»i(NeSW-50-7l) 27 4 Window • 1M Laminawd GIMS (Monsanto) 22 t 0 6 7a9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 20 0 290HI S6«Nl IMflfe42 44 46 25 2t 29 42 44 « 24 28 29 000 0 0 0 0 0 0 000000 000 000 000 000 20MHI 49 » 49 31 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4M«HI 54 31 54 33 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 AaaamUyf ConatructUii rrCRatmg %OparaMa 1 Stucco Wal(NBSW.50-ni 46 0 2 SMngGOtl Door- 3/16 GttatlMoraanlo) 27 50 3 SbccoWallNBSW-50-71) 46 0 4 Window - 1/4 Laminated Glass (Monsanto) 30 0 S - 0 67 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 16 19 20 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 652 640 907 210 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 00 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 00 ICtoaadt 29.9 416 313 37.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 00 00 0.0 0.0 0.0 00 lOoanl 29.9 954 31.3 37.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 00 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 GUM ContpHanc* TlmlHUd ((•* CNEU: PradfcM Laval (dBACNEL): i Standard: © 2009 Investigative Science and Engineering. Inc The leader in Scientific Consulting. Structural Acoustical Analysis / CCR Title 24 Survey Oak Avenue Development Lots 2 and 4 - Carlsbad, CA ISE Report #09-012 May 22, 2009 Page 24 ISE ARCHITECTURAL ACOUSTICAL MODEL (AAM) vJ.O 4t?n Facade CwncHon: AssamMy*12 34 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 SluccoWal(NBSW-50-71) 27 Window - 1/4 Lanvtatad Glass (Monsanto) 22Window -iMLamktatsd Glass (Monsanto) 22 Stucco Wai (NBSW-50-71) 27 Window -1H Laminated Glass (Monsanto) 22 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 HO Hi 42 24 24 42 24 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 MOW 44 28 28 44 28 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1008 Hi 48 29 29 48 29 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2006 HI 49 31 31 49 31 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4088 Hi 54 33 33 54 33 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 AaaamMyt Cottnictton fTCRatfng %OparaMa Stucco WH(NBSW-50-71) 48 0 Window- 1/4 Lamnated Glass (Montmto) 30 30 Window • 1/4 Laminated GUM (Moraanto) 30 0 Stucco Wai (NBSW-50-71) 40 0 Window- 1/4 ummsted San (Monunto) 30 50. 19 20 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 AnanVl 192.6 19.2 48.0 148.7 9.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 00 0.0 00 AcomBeH ICbsadl 29.2 36.0 35.2 28.1 30.9 0.0 0.0 0.0 00 00 0.0 00 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.000 0.0 0.0 ConMMWl fOMnl 29.2 44.1 35.2 28.1 44.5 0.0 00 0.0 00 00 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 00 0.0 00 0.0 0.0 00 CompllancaTnnnhaU(iMACNU.): 49.0 PlMKtadUvaKdUACNEL): «0 Compllaa wtth standard: © 2009 Investigative Science and Engineering. Inc The leader in Scientific Consulting Structural Acoustical Analysis / OCR Title 24 Survey Oak Avenue Development Lots 2 and 4 - Carlsbad, CA ISE Report #09-012 May 22, 2009 Page 25 ISE ARCHITECTURAL ACOUSTICAL MODEL (AAM) v3.0 CMMglMgMllt): ItoonlVMumlfl'l:HOOK AbMqMon Mto n»: «710nn Note* Sound Lmtf at BuMMf P*C*o»(d»ACML) -osatssssiss- AaaamMyt Construction 125 Ha 25* Hx MO Hz 10Mtte 20MIH 40HHI1 Stucco Wai (NBS W-50-71 ) 27 42 44 46 49 54 2 Window - 1M Laminated Glass (Monsanto) 22 24 28 29 31 33 34 S 67 89 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Assembly* Construction STCKaHng %OpiwaM* AnMfft*) rCto*«tt /OMn> 1 Stucco Wai (NBS W-50-71) 46 0 74.7 29.8 29.8 2 Window - 1M Laminated Oast (Momanto) M 0 42.0 39.3 39.3 3 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 tfl 20 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0,0 0.0 0.0 0,0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Commute* ThmhoM MBA CNBLI: PndfctM UvM (4BA CNEL): 49.1 tt.l © 2009 Investigative Science and Engineering Inc The leader in Scientific Consulting Structural Acoustical Analysis / CCR Title 24 Survey Oak Avenue Development Lots 2 and 4 - Carlsbad, CA ISE Report #09-012 May 22, 2009 Page 26 ISE ARCHITECTURAL ACOUSTICAL MODEL (AMI) vj.0 <U»»HHiilHlm >«;•<» (d»CHtl| IncMMit Antto Cornelian: AiunMyt ConMctMn 125 Hi 2MHI Mfttt 1 SbccoVMI(NBSW-S0.71) 27 42 « 2 Window -IMlanMUdGMMMonunu) 22 24 2> 3 SUCCOWHIN8SW-SO-71) 27 42 44 4 Window -IMUMraMd CMI (MomanU) 22 24 26 5 WMoi>-1HUMl>»dGUIt(Mont«o) 22 24 26 < 0007 6 9to 11 12 13 14 15 U17 1« 19 20 000 000 000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 1000 Hi 46 29 46 29 29 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 MMttt 49 31 49 31 31 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 40MHI 54 33 54 33 33 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 AnamMyf Commotion (reflating %OpmM> 1 Stucco Wai (N8SW-50-71) 46 0 2 Window - 1/4 Laminated Gla*l (Monaanto) 30 90 SWXOWHINBSW-50.71) 46 0 Window - 1/4 Laminated dan (Monaanto) 30 0 Window - 1M Laminatad GlaM (Moraanto) 30 30 20 0 0Q 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 Mam') 1393 12.0 1265 64.0 225 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 CompWnraTnnMhoMfdaACNCU: Predicted UvM (d*A CNEL): ICMad) 295 33.9 292 36.2 33.6 0.0 00 0.0 0.0 0.0 00 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 00 00 0.0 00 a** 49.0 41.2 lOmn) 29.5 47.5 29.2 36.2 41.7 0.0 00 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 00 0.0 0000 0.0 00 0.0 00 BBtn 4-> 0 Camplkn wn> Mandanl: 9 2009 Investigative Science and Engineering Inc. The leader in Scientific Consulting Structural Acoustical Analysis / CCR Title 24 Survey Oak Avenue Development Lots 2 and 4 - Carlsbad, CA ISE Report #09-012 May 22, 2009 Page 27 ISE ARCHITECTURAL ACOUSTICAL MODEL (AAM) v3.0 Am I*1):lttl: (If): Note Sound UnlM M-3 I1 AwMttf CtnMnxMn 1MHz 1 SUxoWM(NeSWMO-71) 27 2 WkK)o»-1ML»rin«MGUs>(Mora«1II>} 22 3 0 4 9 67 g 9 10 11 12 13 M 15 16 17 18 19 20 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ZMHI 9MHI 10MHz 42 4 24 2 0 0 ( 0 { 0 0 00 ( 0 { 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 4 40 I 29 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 000 MM Hi 49 31 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 4WOHI 54 33 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 AMMiMyf Construction STCftMtag %Op.H*Mt Ar**m'l ICtwdt (ODM) 1 Stucco Wai (NBS W-50-T1 } 46 0 65 3 32.3 32.3 2 Window - 1/4 LMirtMttd Gl*ss (Montanto) 30 90 18.0 36.7 52.3 3 4 5 679 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 0 0.0 0.0 0.00 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0.00 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0.00.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 000.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.00.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 ComplUnc. TbTMKotdtMACNIU: 480 PntftetMLml(dMCNEL): 39.6 CompIlM wHh Standard: YH © 2009 Investigative Science and Engineering. Inc. The leader in Scientific Consulting Structural Acoustical Analysis / CCR Title 24 Survey Oak Avenue Development Lots 2 and 4 - Carlsbad, CA ISE Report #09-012 May 22, 2009 Page 28 ISE ARCHITECTURAL ACOUSTICAL MODEL (AAM) vJ.O floor AIM Brt: CaHngHatjMIII):Room Vohfna (ft1): 787 Note* I«M Unlat Fata* (am» cm.) TMIfc (MM In rtrum. H7»| Annabel ConMructton 125 HI 250 Hi MO Hi ICWHi 2880HI 40aOHI SbccovwKNBSw-sa-ni zr a « « 49 M Franch Door -3/32 Glass (NBSW-94-71) 21 24 27 27 24 28 Siding Gtass Door - 1/16 Glass (Monsanto) 23 25 28 29 30 31Window - 1M UminMod Glass (Monsanto) 22 24 28 29 31 33 Stucco Wai (NBSWMO-71) 27 42 44 46 49 54 Window- 1/4 LJMnatadGUSS (MonsMO) 22 24 28 29 31 33 is 20 000000 000000 000000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0a o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 000 000 000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 000000 JUMmMyfl CoMmwttan *TCRttfn« %Op<mMa ArMtfl'l (CtoMtfl (Ooanl Stucco VVW (NBS W-50-71) 46 0 H2.3 26.4 26.4 French Door - 3/32 GlMt (NBS W-94-71) 26 100 24.0 32.3 57.8 SUing Glass Door - 3/16 GlMt (Monsanto) 27 SO 64.0 34.2 48.0 Wmtow-iy4Umin«^G..m<l.fonsanto} 30 Stucco W*I (NBS W-50-71) 46 Window • 1/4 Laminated Glass (Monsanto) 30 3 20 48.0 33.2 33.2 126.3 25.4 25.4 360 35.0 35.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0-0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ConwHaiica ThnsMM MM CNCL): Pfadctsd Laval (OBA CNfl): © 2009 Investigative Science and Engineering Inc. The leader in Scientific Consulting. Structural Acoustical Analysis / CCR Title 24 Survey Oak Avenue Development Lots 2 and 4 - Carlsbad, CA ISE Report #09-012 May 22, 2009 Page 29 INDEX OF IMPORTANT TERMS AAM, 2, 6, 8, 14, 23 ASTM £413-87,6 ASTM E 966-84, 6 CALVENO, 2, 5, 7, 10 CCR Title 24, 7, 8 CNEL, 5, 7, 8 equivalent sound level, 1 Floor Multiplication Parameter, 7 Hertz, 5, 6 ISE, 1,2,3,9 Leq, 1 Noise, 2, 1,5,6,7 octave band, 6 Sabins, 6 SANDAG, 2, 5, 7, 13 Sound Transmission Class, 5 STC, 5, 7, 8 © 2009 Investigative Science and Engineering, Inc The leader in Scientific Consulting. City of Carlsbad Building Department CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE PAYMENT OF SCHOOL FEES OR OTHER MITIGATION This form must be completed by the City, the applicant, and the appropriate school districts and returned to the City prior to issuing a building permit. The City will not issue any building permit without a completed school fee form. Project Name: Building Permit Plan Check Number: Project Address: A.P.N.: Project Applicant (Owner Name): Project Description: Building Type: Residential: SPEC HOME CB090721 1200 OAK AVE (1202 OAK AVE 2NP DWELLING UNIT) 1561804800 OAK AVENUE VENTURE, LLC NEW SFD W/ 2NU DWELLINGND 2 New Dwelling Units 4574 Square Feet of Living Area in New Dwelling Second Dwelling Unit: 640 Square Feet of Living Area in SOU Residential Additions:Net Square Feet New Area Commercial/Industrial: City Certification of Applicant Information: Square Feet Floor Area Date: 7/2/2009 SCHOOL DISTRICTS WITHIN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD Carlsbad Unified School District 6225 El Camino Real Carlsbad CA 92009 (331-5000) Vista Unified School District 1234 Arcadia Drive Vista CA 92083 (726-2170) San Marcos Unified School District 215MataWay San Marcos, CA 92069 (290-2649) Contact: Nancy Dolce (By Appt. Only) •ict 101 South Rancho Santa Fe Rd Encinitas, CA 92024 (944-4300 ext 166) San Dieguito Union High School District 710 Encinitas Blvd. Encinitas, CA 92024 (753-6491) Certification of Applicant/Owners. The person executing this declaration ("Owner") certifies under penalty of perjury that (1) the information provided above is correct and true to the best of the Owner's knowledge, and that the Owner will file an amended certification of payment and pay the additional fee if Owner requests an increase in the number of dwelling units or square footage after the building permit is issued or if the initial determination of units or square footage is found to be incorrect, and that (2) the Owner is the owner/developer of the above described project(s), or that the person executing this declaration is authorized to sign on behalf of the Owner. Signature: Revised 3/30/2006 Date: SCHOOL DISTRICT SCHOOL FEE CERTIFICATION (To be completed by the school district(s))************************************************** THIS FORM INDICATES THAT THE SCHOOL DISTRICT REQUIREMENTS FOR THE PROJECT HAVE BEEN OR WILL BE SATISFIED. SCHOOL DISTRICT: The undersigned, being duly authorized by the applicable School District, certifies that the developer, builder, or owner has satisfied the obligation for school facilities. This is to certify that the applicant listed on page 1 has paid all amounts or completed other applicable school mitigation determined by the School District. The City may issue building permits for this project. SIGNATURE OF AUTHORIZED SCHOOL DISTRICT OFFICIAL TITLE WALTER FREEMAN ASSISTANT SUPEIUNTENDENT NAME OF SCHOOL DISTRICT ^^SSIS™ "^"""K^ UU<LSBAD,Q\JG009 DATE PHONE NUMBER ~ 33 l- Revised 3/30/2006 CB090721 1200 OAKAV SPEC HOME-4116 SFD, 513 SF 2DU iOE- SET~~ ^Su6w Approved Building Planning Engineering Fire F.O.G. HazMat APCD Health Forms/Fees CFD Fire FOG HazMal/Health Health LOA PFF PE&M School Sewer Stormwater Comments Building Planning Date ~^ ~ ° Sent QCV _By_ Rec'd \ Due? Y <f£> rxT^ N N N N Date Date Date Date Engineering Fire Need? QD( .at* 09-04-2009 City of Carlsbad 1635 Faraday Av Carlsbad, CA 92008 Plan Check Revision Permit No:PCR09110 Building Inspection Request Line (760) 602-2725 Job Address: Permit Type: Parcel No: Valuation: Reference #: PC#: Project Title: Applicant: PAUL LONGTON 2909 MESA DR OCEANSIDE 92054 60 722 4904 1200 OAK AVCBAD PCR 1561804800 $0.00 CB090721 Lot #: 0 Construction Type: NEW SPEC HOME- REVISE ALL PLANS TO SHOW RAISED GARAGE CEILING FOR CAR LIFTS Status: ISSUED Applied: 08/14/2009 Entered By: LSM Plan Approved: 09/04/2009 Issued: 09/04/2009 Inspect Area: Owner: OAK AVE VENTURE L L C C/O ADELE FISCHBACH 1821 S COAST HWY OCEANSIDE CA 92054 Plan Check Revision Fee Additional Fees $120.00 $0.00 Total Fees:$120.00 Total Payments To Date:$120.00 Balance Due:$0.00 Inspector: FINAL APPROVAL Date:Clearance: NOTICE: Please take NOTICE that approval of your project includes the "Imposition" of fees, dedications, reservations, or other exactions hereafter collectively referred to as "fees/exactions." You have 90 days from the date this permit was issued to protest imposition of these fees/exactions. If you protest them, you must follow the protest procedures set forth in Government Code Section 66020(a), and file the protest and any other required information with the City Manager for processing in accordance with Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 3.32.030. Failure to timely follow that procedure will bar any subsequent legal action to attack, review, set aside, void, or annul their imposition. You are hereby FURTHER NOTIFIED that your right to protest the specified fees/exactions DOES NOT APPLY to water and sewer connection fees and capacity changes, nor planning, zoning, grading or other similar application processing or service fees in connection with this project. NOR DOES IT APPLY to any fees/exactions of which you have previously been given a NOTICE similar to this, or as to which the statute of limitations has previously otherwise expired. CITY OF CARLSBAD PLAN CHECK REVISION APPLICATION B-15 Development Services Building Department 1635 Faraday Avenue 760-602-2719 www.carlsbadca.gov Plan Check Revision No. Project Address I2op ^ igo2 'ContactJU I / O Orii Contact Address w Weft Mas* Original Plan Check No. Date Email Ci Zip . 3M*u£,4prGeneral Scope of Work Calebs. ___O ^J H O Original plans prepared by an architect or engineer, revisions must be signed & stamped by that person. p; 1——• ~t x Ateo Oovviacfti CKa-r^a. Wtter»\ (*>Elements revised: v_, \ / c_/Plans 154-Calculations Soils ther_ 2 Describe revisions in detail rL - \ >^ \ ^ C" ^* <5oUi^re ^fe coc.^2. pcovA-AaJL 3 List page(s) where each revision is shown 4 List revised sheets that replace existing sheets 5 Does this revision, in any way, alter the exterior of the project? O Does this revision add ANY new floor area(s)? d Yes 7 Does this revision affect any fire related issues? n Yes 8 Is this a complete-set? Mres D No ^"Signature— Yes No 1635 Faraday Avecrue, Carlsbad, No 08 Phone: 760-602-2717/2718/2719 www.carlsbadca.gov Fax: 760-602-8558 EsGil Corporation In Partners/lip with government for <SuiUing Safety DATE: SEPT. 2, 2009 OJfPLICANT JURISDICTION: CARLSBAD a PLAN REVIEWER a FILE PLAN CHECK NO.: 09-0721 (Rev. # 1) - PCRO9-110 _ SET: II PROJECT ADDRESS: 120O & 12O2 OAK AVENUE - LOT # 2 PROJECT NAME: DUPLEX FOR OAK AVENUE VENTURE LLC I | The plans transmitted herewith have been corrected where necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes. 1X1 The plans transmitted herewith will substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes when minor deficiencies identified below are resolved and checked1 by building department staff. The plans transmitted herewith have significant deficiencies identified on the enclosed check list and should be corrected and resubmitted for a complete recheck. The check list transmitted herewith is for your information. The plans are being held at Esgil Corporation until corrected plans are submitted for recheck. The applicant's copy of the check list is enclosed for the jurisdiction to forward to the applicant contact person. The applicant's copy of the check list has been sent to: 1X1 Esgil Corporation staff did not advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. [ | Esgil Corporation staTTdid advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. Person contacted: CHARLIE Telephoned 1-760-580-6616 Date contacted: (by: ) Fax #: 1-760-946-7817 Mail Telephone Fax In Person ijTlikQ XI REMARKS: The applicant to slip sheet Owner Set II (Revised) plans into Set I plans aitrrecity. *AII Sheets of plans have been completely revised, including floor plans, sections, elevations, floor areas, P/M/E plans, foundation, framing, details and T-24 calculations on the resubmitted plans. New sets of plans have been submitted for review. By: ALI SADRE Enclosures: EsGil Corporation D GA D MB D EJ D PC 8/31 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208 + San Diego, California 92123 * (858)560-1468 * Fax (858) 560-1576 EsGil Corporation In Partnership with government for Quitting Safety * DATE: AUG. 2O, 2OO9 QAPPLICANT JURISDICTION: CARLSBAD a PLAN REVIEWER a FILE PLAN CHECK NO.: 09-O721 (Rev. # 1) - PCR09-110 SET: I PROJECT ADDRESS: 1200 & 1202 OAK AVENUE - LOT # 2 PROJECT NAME: DUPLEX FOR OAK AVENUE VENTURE LLC | | The plans transmitted herewith have been corrected where necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes. The plans transmitted herewith will substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes when minor deficiencies identified below are resolved and checked by building department staff. The plans transmitted herewith have significant deficiencies identified on the enclosed check list and should be corrected and resubmitted for a complete recheck. The check list transmitted herewith is for your information. The plans are being held at Esgil Corporation until corrected plans are submitted for recheck. The applicant's copy of the check list is enclosed for the jurisdiction to forward to the applicant contact person. Al The applicant's copy of the check list has been sent to: CHARLIE WILSON 1821 SOUTH COAST HWY., OCEANSIDE, CA 92054 & Paul Longton 2909 Mesa Dr., Oceanside, CA 92054; Tel: (760)722-4904; Fax: (760)722-4903 Esgil Corporation staff did not advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. XI Esgil Corporation staff did advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. Person contacted- CHARLIE ^ Telephone #: 1-760-580-6616 Date contacted/^ /'(by^^l^ Fax #: 1-760-946-7817 Mail Telephopejj/ Fax */ In Person Xj REMARKS: Ptansrtave)been completely revised, floor plans, sections, elevations, floor areas, P/M/E plans, foundation, framing, details and T-24 calculations have been changed on the resubmitted plans. New sets of plans have been submitted for review. By: ALI SADRE Enclosures: EsGil Corporation D GA D MB D EJ D PC 8/18 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208 + San Diego, California 92123 * (858)560-1468 *• Fax (858) 560-1576 CARLSBAD O9-0721 (Rev. # 1) - PCR09-11O AUG. 20, 2O09 PLAN REVIEW CORRECTION LIST SINGLE FAMILY DWELLINGS AND DUPLEXES PLAN CHECK NO.: 09-O721 (Rev. # 1) - PCR09-110 JURISDICTION: CARLSBAD PROJECT ADDRESS: 1200 & 12O2 OAK AVENUE - LOT # 2 FLR. AREA: GARAGE = 1117; LIVING AREA = 4,629, ROOF DECK = 958; PORCH = 81 STORIES: TWO REMARKS: DATE PLANS RECEIVED BY JURISDICTION: 8/14 DATE INITIAL PLAN REVIEW COMPLETED: AUG. 20, 2009 HEIGHT: 23' DATE PLANS RECEIVED BY ESGIL CORPORATION: 8/18 PLAN REVIEWER: ALI SADRE FOREWORD (PLEASE READ): This plan review is limited to the technical requirements contained in the International Building Code, Uniform Plumbing Code, Uniform Mechanical Code, National Electrical Code and state laws regulating energy conservation, noise attenuation and access for the disabled. This plan review is based on regulations enforced by the Building Department. You may have other corrections based on laws and ordinance by the Planning Department, Engineering Department, Fire Department or other departments. Clearance from those departments may be required prior to the issuance of a building permit. Present California law mandates that construction comply with the 2007 edition of the California Building Code (Title 24), which adopts the following model codes: 2006 IBC, 2006 UPC, 2006 UMC and 2005 NEC. The above regulations apply, regardless of the code editions adopted by ordinance. The following items listed need clarification, modification or change. All items must be satisfied before the plans will be in conformance with the cited codes and regulations. Per Sec. 105.4 of the 2006 International Building Code, the approval of the plans does not permit the violation of any state, county or city law. To speed up the recheck process, please note on this list (or a copy) where each correction item has been addressed, i.e., plan sheet number, specification section, etc. Be sure to enclose the marked up list when you submit the revised plans. CARLSBAD O9-O721 (Rev. # 1) - PCR09-110 AUG. 2O, 2OO9 • PLANS • The following note should be given with each correction list: Please make all corrections, as requested in the correction list. Submit three new complete sets of plans for commercial/industrial projects (two sets of plans for residential projects). For expeditious processing, corrected sets can be submitted in one of two ways: 1. Deliver all corrected sets of plans and calculations/reports directly to the City of Carlsbad Building Department, 1635 Faraday Ave., Carlsbad, CA 92008, (760) 602-2700. The City will route the plans to EsGil Corporation and the Carlsbad Planning, Engineering and Fire Departments. 2. Bring one corrected set of plans and calculations/reports to EsGil Corporation, 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208, San Diego, CA 92123, (858) 560-1468. Deliver all remaining sets of plans and calculations/reports directly to the City of Carlsbad Building Department for routing to their Planning, Engineering and Fire Departments. NOTE: Plans that are submitted directly to EsGil Corporation only will .not be reviewed by the City Planning, Engineering and Fire Departments until review by EsGil Corporation is complete. 1. A reminder that the plans deviating-from conventional wood frame construction shall have the structural portions signed and sealed by the California state licensed engineer or architect responsible for their preparation, along with structural calculations. (California Business and Professions Code). 2. Please dimension the eaves on Sheet A-3.0. Section 1024.3. 3. Specify roof deck slope on Sheet A-3.0. 4. Provide an 18" raised platform for any FAU, water heater, or other device in the garage which may generate a flame or spark. CPC Section 508.14. 5. Glazing in the following locations should be of safety glazing material in accordance with Section 2406.3 (see exceptions): a) Glass railings, regardless of height, above a walking surface (including structural baluster panels and nonstructural in-fill panels). See roof decks glass railing. Provide calculations indicating that a safety factor of 4 is used for cantilevered glass railings. b) Walls enclosing stairway landings or within 5 feet of the bottom and top of stairways where the bottom edge of the glass is less than 60 inches above a walking surface. See window 2 in bedroom # 4 on Sheet A-2.0. Similarly, see window # 2, on Sheet A-3.0. 6. Show 30" minimum clear width for the water closets on floor plans. 7. Please clarify the 2'-5" wide access to the master shower on Sheet A-2.0, as opposed to 36". 8. Show fluorescent lighting switched at entry to the kitchens on electrical plans. CARLSBAD O9-O721 (Rev. # 1) - PCRO9-110 AUG. 20, 2009 9. -Please submit revised T-24 calculations to match the revised plans for the floor areas, glazing, etc. Also imprint the revised CF-1R forms on Sheet T-24A. 10. Please show the location of the W/H for the 2nd unit on floor plans. 11. Show a permanent electrical receptacle outlet and lighting fixture controlled by a switch located at the entrance for furnaces located in an attic. CMC Section 904.11.5. 12. Please show the outlets on opposite sides of the one hour rated walls between units are minimum 24" apart on Sheet E-1.0. This applies to the wall between the guest room and the 2-car garage. 13. Detail the dryer exhaust duct design from the dryer to the exterior. The maximum length is 14 feet with a maximum of two 90-degree elbows. CMC Section 504.3. This applies to that on Sheet A-2.0. 14. Please show a washer/dyer hook up for the 2nd unit on plans. 15. To speed up the review process, note on this list (or a copy) where each correction item has been addressed, i.e., plan sheet, note or detail number, calculation page, etc. 16. Please indicate here if any changes have been made to the plans that are not a result of corrections from this list. If there are other changes, please briefly describe them and where they are located in the plans. • Have changes been made to the plans not resulting from this correction list? Please indicate: Yes Q No Q 17. The jurisdiction has contracted with Esgil Corporation located at 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208, San Diego, California 92123; telephone number of 858/560-1468, to perform the plan review for your project. If you have any questions regarding these plan review items, please contact ALI SADRE at Esgil Corporation. Thank you. CARLSBAD O9-0721 (Rev. # 1) - PCR09-11O AUG. 20, 2O09 [DO NOT PAY- THIS IS NOT AN INVOICE] t VALUATION AND PLAN CHECK FEE JURISDICTION: CARLSBAD 1) - PCRO9-110 PLAN CHECK NO.: O9-0721 (Rev. # PREPARED BY: ALI SADRE DATE: AUG. 20, 2009 BUILDING ADDRESS: 1200 & 12O2 OAK AVENUE - LOT # 2 BUILDING OCCUPANCY: R3/U TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: VB BUILDING PORTION LIVING AREA GARAGE DECK PATIO Air Conditioning Fire Sprinklers TOTAL VALUE Jurisdiction Code AREA II Valuation ( Sq. Ft.) Multiplier 4629 1117 958 81 CB RIHn Pormit FPP hv OrHinanrp 1 V By Ordinance Reg. Mod. VALUE ($) Plan Check Fee by Ordinance Type of Review: Repetitive FeeRepeats D Complete Review D Other pj Hourly EsGil Fee $1,667.50 11.5 $116.00 Structural Only Hrs. $1,334.00 Based on hourly rate Comments: Sheet 1 of 1 macvalue.doc + PLANNING/ENGINEERING APPROVALS PERMIT NUMBER PCR 09-110 DATE 8/17/9 ADDRESS 1200 & 1202 Oak Street RESIDENTIAL ADDITION- MINOR (< 17,000.00) RETAINING WALL VILLAGE FAIRE POOL/SPA TENANT IMPROVEMENT COMPLETE OFFICE BUILDING OTHER Interior changes PLANNER Chris Sexton DATE 8/17/9 DATE X/UHO* H:\ADMIN\COUNm/PUNNING/ENGINEERING APPROVALS ft""1 A ?/<- flEtfo*"C ^ P/c ftOPoN>5C STRUCTURAL CALCULATIONS ISSUE DATE April 30 2009 I PROJECT Description: (2) 2-Story R3 buildings with Roof Deck Client: 1212 Oak Ave LLC Name: 1212 OAK AVE R3 construction DESIGN CRITERIA Building Type: Bearing wall system Construction: Stud walls, sawn lumber wood timbers, plywood sheathing Codes: 2007 California Bui Iding Code 2006 IBC, ASCE 07-05, 2005 NbS Wood: Studs - Stud grade. Standard & btr. Posts - Standard & better Beams - DF#2 or better Joists - I-Joists SLBS-24F-1.8E L5L - laminated strand rims and beams LVL - laminated veneer microlam beams and joists PSL - parallel strand beams Concrete: 2,500 psi at 28 days, U.N.O. Higher strength where noted Soils & bearing: 2000 psf Soil Bearing T6I no, 609.00519 April 27 2009 BUILDING LOADS Roof Loads Roofing (tile) Sheathing Rafters or trusses Ceiling Misc. A insulation Total Roof OL Roof Live Load (less than 6:12 pitch) Roof Live Load (6:12 and 7:12 pitch) Roof Live Load (8:12 pitch or steeper) Exterior Walls Stucco or siding Studs Gypsum board Misc. & insulation Total Wall DL psf 9.5 1.4 3.2 2.2 1.7 18.0 psf 20 psf 18 psf 16 psf P*f 8.0 1.1 2.2 2.7 14.0 psf . . . . • ',.,'• ' ;'.. :" ' ' Floor Loads Floor Finish (carpet) Sheathing Joists Ceiling Misc. & insulation Floor Live Load Balcony Live Load Exit Live Load Interior Walls Shear panel Studs Gypsum board Misc. & insulation Total Wall OL PSf 1.2 2.0 2.6 2.6 3.6 12.0 psf 40 psf 60 psf 100 psf psf 1.1 4.4 2.5 8.0 psf Lt. wt. topping 1.2 2.0 2.6 2.6 3.6 psf 2.0 1.1 4.4 2.5 10.0 psf Swanson & Associates 17055 Via Del Campo, Suite 100. San Diego. CA 92127 (858) 487-7600 1212 OAK AVE April 30 2009 Section Properties & Design Loads V)T3OO V)ii W) o3OL £ Q_ C O o CO i § •*i(1 —1 £ .2 "s u 8Ml m » a 9 » sCM 2 sS «i g 3 K a R.S i s g 3 . 3 O\ (OT-« a a a 0K .CM CO n^ uin in v Ov 4qSra3asjsaps™ in BD_. j>!» »i«o » >J f CM-in joo'19 :|?:i2 ^2! ,:ulinimiioijOT ra, CM • CM ; <M. • <H ^ i'".jK 'a\'',S '?} sgjpisjs •5 -8 S S l'P|N ipI "'" CM. ?;§ s [a aft s SH'.Ti! 00 ' «03 -O\-. <»x S 5" 3•0 § S"X>.«, T-f ' *H lO ' LO3 ' fM 00 CO to" tn" LO inS N*a «\ . feolft fil«2 fi* E;cM;oo:o\:NO«nfO]f>;os ;^f K (B^-l**,hSWcM ;4-i«o ifloirJ i :' i ! o o in im :in jinifs.-*5'^- OO<CM iNO'1 ^.'"l; QJ-**.: N,I«\J*-t -CM -co :; CO , ^ i U> MM CO C - •£> ^co -co o iin ; Q ioo '00100 ioo 3\ ;• sHlffll'n: in ! ID oo oo oo ; ooCM • N no ! cr^ «*) i co. ..» [H SIS a -9 i2 ' X' J^iSjafl^!^j^ 9 in 21 \o ^* S: s N in S 3 li m. ints.S M «> g fero LO 1:1 CK ?. CM, CO oo in in ; jo ^;in a-'S•o- S co Q %| o ,rvS S SI Nfl CJ\ il I* is *-• ; CM ooi^ CMjCd \oi 00 00CO CO' T CO CO in inft ft.*0 > t >o f r^ a- !»|0^2•-I ! 1^ -Wt> *O P« T^CM fWnoCfSjn i': i i s SlSiE S!«gro. i ^ i NO i O\ ' T\_*?' -i'J'5''' M-i-'L^s^« oo-jo fln1« 00 ^ CO |K>ro '2 oo • r*•0:0. -4-,0?,v-l f^ i CO ffj•-* i t-t I CM |;«^§ liiijiiiSM* I In •• "•— sa CMI" °^ipir- cPlsl§l Ra'ifclKicSjsJiSM in'm :io'in'u>in,(M ; CM [ CM ; CM i Of ] CM ; ON <«'<.f in j«J'i i _-!m IB, in iio,'10. im.cr>!lri!R!o:!dj2|a X! x!*j xt'x1 x! xin. j in; 10 n^im'K, lOIin .tft m )o)|ri iio : V . h. < f" ''. MiUSi 8 2 in2 CM S CO CO?? ? 5 S S if II 22 <n »n NO NO in inCM CM CM CM S § &• r< .*lN. 00 O> «'-° » *- |l|mam 00 O\SO ' CN| j fOcn t*y CMin -'So • 5-1? f?iS N?r .*: iS i 5 ife..!; 8!° °.iS> °. °.giS S'a;3 2jj xFw xi*!*B j S US 1 v> |1£ • 6 |jd 'aril-'-fiSHJE*w ? S g 5 S S § m >5eo £ S inco CM in o> I « feto C2 m -j3 f3 as 00 GO ~ 3- in in" R S P ro 53a s in CM2 S g 8TH (M a s CM CO S CM CO co N5 S £m a-co." S. «-lt CM M), O CM in.! _ nj <".Ei"1 8 §1in in 2 R li .; oo. III (M CM CM* CM* S 2 O O •*' •* § 8 in in CO roS'cn-H* N ) 1 co ) ifzSlB^iS j CM |oO'' O f^** : P* . -Vis fciSIi S *r4J oo !•**>' O *-J]f nfllilH1in fro - oo f S! co" f ^ i < CM ?co j in i i, >^*.i • V"! « -!li3i]§ > i ovl in ' :m.',-°-(s.'J oi co j CM' tro'; CM' s3l'; SC°3 ™ TO « S.K- > fa j s 00 ' .„ I in ! « jCO :". CM. l<0;•«• ••*>! h. a!!X *i X t Xin^lmfkj co' "jco'lco" 5) <'i{'! 5)'^ ! _J; _} f «|v *4N ' rfK •' lilulco '!wj i cn ' 2^!«i—J j —J ^:2'25,1*^.«!'«.!"> 1212 OAK AVE April 30 2009 Section Properties A Design Loads vt ao 01 S O.o a. oCx) CO wobll 4- _ JL« .=» l -3 5?mc*"• ' '~ eft Oj- S 2 a SCM CO CM Uft'CM !;o\ 8 - S ioU CM (O ooCO CMCM ro S Sto ro s Sisop I Ov 9!SCM'in sistf n^Sffl oV! oo iO'- O inW in , CM ;oo *o j co i <f' i in f-'ift 8 B IS »i * )U>;sO ; 8 j 3 its I S3 $ffijsifefiiS] CM i,^-; in ,00 , PO ,;Kr fs ,o! ^_ »-i i \o_ in ro if^TqlSHi K in K-IP 'PU515 5rS__: ,.75.59xUMnSI*!^!s •Iff x^SiS « CO 00 ^ ^t oCO CM«-4 CM S in -•S 9 *^ (> CM ^ Ov CM co in 8 iv*.COso ;o\_ Ov to2 S CO Oin soCM co t- Is"S roro in N CMCO CM«*• sO o\ in8 a •H 00>T 1*^r^ i ov w.-- .jye ®8V,:P NO < ^S'.sO cy^ K, :ooCM. in*~* ••* '5v m S1'®- O in O.S?| »-l |.CM: S! P :"*::!ro :<]Ct co'jov CM ro .O 1 CM j O\ ^sO'i isM afi m 13 j 5; J.2- 1 ~- m *• BsIco K H" 'Si -o! a.] a i-S co »M >fo:^ oin: ox isq S ' «' (r>~lco" {«![ ^1-2*69 *952.69 x 11.88":°. °.a^X -•:>< I0x'o>M> :-M>j CM' i CM* s!s**<i ^tr i ^ i ^o ~ob ^J • r^ ; .'C I v i Vass N I CM \? , X l XOv -O>i sO 'sO IB 2 CO •-«ro QOCM CO 2 S $•«• s. S *g 1~ !:S s *"N CM" •-i CM i CM ! m in. r~> KSa tn ,rt Big?f%* O '*- SOJ 00 1'OY 9!Si ! N *m-jj oo, fO\; - .-* - CO i CXJ J CO ! *H—' ox <oMj.(ln, <O 'CM Co""; in N- , O I sis 8 is •JlSfSnQfSg3ks a» * I X f x i X !. X^Ijtt, ;io,jin jjn 1 CO ' fP'^ "^ '^ , O 81 S S** 30\ •o fcOX I?OX ^j- 5' /' OvCM«>, n»H CM ;<M;' CM CM ; Ooo "._ O CM* vro 'o\7\o CM .fo" N 6 co", W *rV. in .m to\^-,[t ' ^ f Wj; in '. >O .l N 100J*-* ^CMm^mfOlig T? HilKi El ^s;5S;S xtlix i «!Si in CM(in in S Oo\ in CM O sO'T S o S ^~1, CO si <o Soo2:3 00 COin <osO 0 K -S ~- 00 co t (SB|S™[CM 1C :ip\00 :CM •=j Nj K CO" VOOV. CO.in^ OA •AJ O {(M.)*i 00 JPO.! :K'J r* IK'-! cS o Sc\Ti so £00";•• ~ - . . ,-1 O KCOi* 1 CM 'CM' I< JCMoo j'fi N I O* O\^J CM ' f** ? Is* 1 Q~ in i^31 so !.O S CO OO CO^CM Ov |ffl <>> «• OTfll ro ii mJ& - S:;fc S 3. *-t CM S" Sb'-S 00 ^Si mrl CO <M CM OCO «M"m S;S CM Vts» g N ;CO IS ! 1- [ID >o £•] S is -J.j Tf_ I'-CJ «ICM MCM CO t>MJ~ ^y* is ts XT I NO jT,^CM- CM IM 11 ^1 \^l i M> I OVm i co f ^~ g;g icj] q io sO*J 00 1*^•a! a IS ,,,N- j^.so,, o LA s «l•Vim _EI=41x11x 14.08, .s e -§ 1212 OAK AVE April 30 2009 Typical Framing Elements Roof Framing Trusses @ 24" o/c (DL = 18 psf, LL = 20 psf) Factory Manufacturer's design by others 2x Convetional Rafters & Fill Framing w = (24/12) (18 psf Floor Framing + 20 psf) = 2x4 @ 24" o/c 2x6 @ 24" o/c 2x8 @ 24" o/c 2x10 @ 24" o/c 2x12 @ 24" o/c 76 psf spans to 4' -8" spans to 9'-10" spans to 13 '-0" spans to 16'-4" spans to 18'-U" I-Joist floor joists (TrusJoist by iLevel or equal) (Allowable spans per the latest span tables from iLevel, see the latest catalog AICC-ES ESR-1387 A ESR-1153) Alternates such as Boise Cascade BCI and Louisiana Pacific LPR joists are allowed per plans, see catalogs. w = (16/12) (12+ 40 psf )= 69 psf w = (19.2/12)(12psf + 40psf)= 83 psf Opening Headers A Misc. Beams HI 4x4 (Max. Span =) 4x6 4x8 4x10 4x14 Roof 6'-4" 10' -0" 13 '-2" 16'-3" 22 '-4" w * 170 plf Floor 6'-0" B'-ll" ll'-lO" 14'-6" 20'-0" H2 4x4 (Max. Span =) 4x6 4x8 4x10 Roof 4' -7" 6'-9" 8'-ll" ll'-O" w s 370 plf Floor 4'-2" 6'-l" 8'-0B 9'-10" H3 4x4 (Max. Span =) 4x6 4x8 4x10 4x12 3|xll| LSL Roof 3'-9" 5'-5" 7'-2" 8'-10" lO'-lO" 14'-2" w s 570 plf Floor 3'-4" 4'-10" 6'-5" 7'-ll" 9'-8" 13'-5" H4 4x4 (Max. Span =) 4x6 4x8 4x10 4x12 3£x9KSL 3*xllJ LSL H5 4x4 (Max. Span =) 4x6 4x8 4x10 4x12 3*x9£ LSL 3*xll| LSL H6 4x10 (Max. Span =) 3|x9| LSL 3ixll| LSL ws Roof 3'-2" 4'-8" 6'-2" 7' -7" 9'-4" 10' -3" 12'-10" ws Roof 2'-10" 4'-2" 5'-6" 6'-9" 8'-4" 9'-6" ll'-lO" WS Roof 6'-2" B'-ll" ll'-l" 770 plf Floor 2'-10" 4'-2" 5'-6" 6'-9" 8'-4" 9'-9" 12'-2" 970 plf Floor 2'-6" 3'-9" 4'-ll" 6'-l" 7' -5" 9'-0" ll'-3" 1,170 plf Floor 5'-6" 8'-5" 10'-5" See uniform loads table on page 2 and 3 for additional spans or load conditions not specifically addressed here. 1212 OAK AVE April 30 2009 Stud Column Capacity 2007 CBC 3i" Stud Wall Sill/Top Plate Nominal Size Max. Load 6 Ft. (1) 2x4 Standard (2) 2x4 Standard (3) 2x4 Standard (1) 2x4 Stud (2) 2x4 Stud (3) 2x4 Stud (1) 2x4bF#2 (2) 2x4 bF#2 (3) 2x4 bF#2 (1) 4x4 Standard (1) 4x4 bF#l (1) 4x6 DF#1 (1) 4x8 bF#l (1) 4x10 bF#l (1) 4x12 DF#1 3,281 Ibs 6,563 Ibs 9,844 Ibs 3,281 Ibs 6,563 Ibs 9,844 Ibs 3,281 Ibs 6,563 Ibs 9,844 Ibs 7,656 Ibs 7,656 Ibs 12,031 Ibs 15,859 Ibs 20.234 Ibs 24,609 Ibs 4,136 Ibs 8,272 Ibs 12,409 Ibs 3,401 Ibs 6,801 Ibs 10,202 Ibs 4,666 Ibs 9,331 Ibs 13,997 Ibs 9,651 Ibs 11,783 Ibs 18,252 Ibs 23,676 Ibs 29,670 Ibs 36,085 Ibs 7 Ft. 3,288 Ibs 6,577 Ibs 9.865 Ibs 2,890 Ibs 5.781 Ibs 8,671 Ibs 3,721 Ibs 7,441 Ibs 11,162 Ibs 7,673 Ibs 9,353 Ibs 14,565 Ibs 19,005 Ibs 23,972 Ibs 29,155 Ibs 8 Ft. 2,413 Ibs 4,826 Ibs 7,239 Ibs 2,983 Ibs 5,965 Ibs 8,948 Ibs 6,141 Ibs 7,479 Ibs 11.681 Ibs 15,294 tes 19,363 Ibs 23,550 Ibs Stud Height 9 Ft. 2,010 Ibs 4,019 Ibs 6,029 Ibs 2,424 Ibs 4,847 Ibs 7,271 Ibs 4,985 Ibs 6,068 Ibs 9,494 Ibs 12,454 Ibs 15,804 Ibs 19,221 Ibs 10 Ft. 1,683 Ibs 3,367 Ibs 5,050 Ibs 1,999 Ibs 3,999 Ibs 5.998 Ibs 4,110 Ibs 5,001 Ibs 7,833 Ibs 10,288 Ibs 13,073 Ibs 15,900 Ibs 12 Ft. 1,419 Ibs 2,838 Ibs 4,257 Ibs 2,914 Ibs 3,545 Ibs 5,560 Ibs 7,312 Ibs 9,306 Ibs 11,318 Ibs 14 Ft. 1,055 Ibs 2,110 Ibs 3,165 Ibs 2,166 Ibs 2,635 Ibs 4,134 Ibs 5,441 Ibs 6,931 Ibs 8,429 Ibs 16 Ft. N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 5f ' Stud Wall Sill/Top Plate Nominal Size Max. Load 8 Ft. (1) 2x6 bF#2 (2) 2x6 bF#2 (3) 2x6 DF#2 (1) 6x4 DF#1 (1) 6x6 DF#1 (1) 6x8 DF#1 (1) 6x10 bF#l (1) 6x12 bF#l 5,156 Ibs 10,313 Ibs 15,469 Ibs 12,031 Ibs 18,906 Ibs 25,781 Ibs 32,656 Ibs 39,531 Ibs 8,683 Ibs 17,367 Ibs 26,050 Ibs 22,097 Ibs 24,795 Ibs 33.812 Ibs 40,425 Ibs 48,936 Ibs 9 Ft. 7,653 Ibs 15,306 Ibs 22,959 Ibs 19,379 Ibs 22,955 Ibs 31,303 Ibs 37,734 Ibs 45,678 Ibs 10 Ft. 6,669 Ibs 13,338 Ibs 20,007 Ibs 16,821 Ibs 20,918 Ibs 28,525 Ibs 34,689 Ibs 41,992 Ibs Stud Heioht 12 Ft. 5,035 Ibs 10,070 Ibs 15,106 Ibs 12,641 Ibs 16,823 Ibs 22,941 Ibs 28.322 Ibs 34,285 Ibs 18 Ft. 2,430 Ibs 4,860 Ibs 7,290 Ibs 6,074 Ibs 8,657 Ibs 11,804 Ibs 14,837 Ibs 17,960 Ibs 20 Ft. 1,989 Ibs 3,977 Ibs 5.966 Ibs 4,968 Ibs 7.134 Ibs 9,728 Ibs 12,251 Ibs 14,830 Ibs 22 Ft. 1,655 Ibs 3,311 Ibs 4,966 Ibs 4.134 Ibs 5,966 Ibs 8,136 Ibs 10,259 Ibs 12,419 Ibs 24 Ft. N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A LSL Studs Sill/Top Plate Nominal Size Max. Load 8 Ft. (1) 3|x3i 1.3E LSL (1) 3|x4J 1.3E LSL (1) 3|x5i 1.3E LSL (1) 3|x7j 1.3E LSL (1) 3|x8f 1.3E LSL 7,656 Ibs 9.570 Ibs 12,031 Ibs 15,859 Ibs 18,867 Ibs 7,444 Ibs 9,304 Ibs 11,697 Ibs 15,419 Ibs 18,343 Ibs 9 Ft. 6,108 Ibs 7,635 Ibs 9,598 Ibs 12,652 Ibs 15.051 Ibs 10 Ft. 5.069 Ibs 6.336 Ibs 7,966 Ibs 10,500 Ibs 12,492 Ibs Stud Height 12 Ft. 3,622 Ibs 4,527 Ibs 5,691 Ibs 7,502 Ibs 8,925 Ibs 18 Ft. N/A N/A 2,609 Ibs 3,439 Ibs 4,091 Ibs 20 Ft. N/A N/A 2,122 Ibs 2,798 Ibs 3,328 Ibs 22 Ft. N/A N/A 1,759 Ibs 2,319 Ibs 2,759 Ibs 24 Ft. N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A PSL Studs Sill/Top Plate Nominal Size Max. Load 8 Ft. (1) 3|x3il.8EPSL (1) 3{x5j 1.8E PSL (1) 3^x7 1.8E PSL (1) 5*x5* 1.8E PSL (1) 5*x7 1.8E PSL (1) 7x7 1.8E PSL 7,656 Ibs 11,484 Ibs 15,313 Ibs 17,227 Ibs 22.969 Ibs 30,625 Ibs 10,730 Ibs 16,095 Ibs 21,460 Ibs 44,269 Ibs 59,026 Ibs 100,192 Ibs 9 Ft. 8,702 Ibs 13,052 Ibs 17,403 Ibs 38,114 Ibs 50,818 Ibs 92,677 Ibs 10 Ft. 7,169 Ibs 10,754 Ibs 14,339 Ibs 32,639 Ibs 43,519 Ibs 84,376 Ibs Stud Height 12 Ft. 5,081 Ibs 7,622 Ibs 10,162 Ibs 24.142 Ibs 32,189 Ibs 67,757 Ibs 18 Ft. N/A 3,466 Ibs 4,621 Ibs 11.432 Ibs 15,243 Ibs 34,806 Ibs 20 Ft. N/A 2,816 Ibs 3,755 Ibs 9,336 Ibs 12,448 Ibs 28,678 Ibs 22 Ft. N/A 2,333 Ibs 3,110 Ibs 7,760 Ibs 10,347 Ibs 23,982 Ibs 24 Ft. N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Lot 2 A 4 Oak Ave 4/30/2009 SEISMIC ANALYSIS Seismic Loads Ss = S,= Sws = (1.00)(1.28) = SM1= (1.32)(0.48) = SDS = (2/3)(1.28) = SD,= (2/3)(0.64) = Design Loading. Allowable Base Shear Eh=(p)(Cs)(W) = ^=(0.2X5^) = 1.284 min I = 0.484 min Design Category = 1.284 Site Class = 0.637 R = o.856 n0 = 0.425 Cd = Stress Design o=1.0 o=1.3 0.132W 0.171W Eh/1.4 = 0.171W 0.171W Ev/1.4 = 1.00 D C 6.5 2.5 4.00 0=1.0 0.094W 0.122W 2007 CBC. Alt. Basic Load Coirk 6 T=T0= 0.22s (max.) Ts = 0.50 s TL= 8.0 s Cs = 0.132 Eq. 12.8-2 Cs< 0.292 E..W.8-3/4 CS> 0.038 E,. 12.6-5/6 0=1.3 0.122W 0.122W Used 0.159W 0.122W Component Interconnection FP=0.133p(SDS)W =0.114W 0.148W E/1.4 =0.081W 0.106W Distribution of Forces 1-Storv Weight Roof 26.4 psf x 0.159 = 4.19 psf min. force Weight Height (WkVHxh Roof 26.4 psf 19.1ft 503.66 Floor 23.4 psf 11.2ft 262.08 765.74 Vbase= 49.8 psf x 0.159 = 7.90 psf % Force Force to element 66% 5.20 psf 34% 2.70 psf 7.90 psf Lot 2 A 4 Oak Ave 4/30/2009 Wind Speed = Exposure = Enclosure = Wind Pressures Floor Height = Eave Height = Roof Height (h) = Width (B) = Length(L) = Roof Angle (0) = <?h = 85 B Enclosed 11.4' 21.4' 23.2' 60.0' 60.0' 18.4° 10.23 Importance = 1.0 zg = Kd = KIt = Element Windward Walls Windward Walls (not used) Leeward Wall Roof to ridge (a) Roof to ridge (b) Roof -Leeward (not used) (not used) Windward overhang bottoms Note: PI has internal pressure P2 has internal suction Roof Elements Left Overhang Left Sloping Flat Section Right Sloping Right Overhang Roof Totals Pla (Left to Rt) Plb (Left to Rt) P2a (Left to Rt) P2b (Left to Rt) Pla (Rt to Left) Plb (Rt to Left) P2a (Rt to Left) P2b (Rt to Left) Length 1.1' 11.6' 36.0' 11.6' 1.1' Horiz. 1.2 19.1 1.2 19.1 1.2 19.1 1.2 19.1 (not used) (not used) Interior Pressure Wind Left to Right Plafpltt Plbfpin -14.5 -9.8 -84.7 -32.9 -317.7 -317.7 -102.3 -102.3 -0.8 -0.8 Vert, -509.7 -456.2 -231.9 -178.4 -509.7 -456.2 -231.9 -178.4 Code Min. Horizontal Forces (10 psf) This section 260 plf 0.85 1.0 2 Kh A 1C, qi. Aq» 21.4' 0.64 10.00 11.4' 0.57 9.04 23.2' 0.65 10.23 23.2' 0.65 10.23 23.2' 0.65 10.23 23.2' 0.65 10.23 21.4' 0.64 10.00 23.2' 0.65 10.23 a = G = Cf 0.80 0.80 -0.50 -0.43 -0.04 -0.57 0.80 ±0.18 g.3)pl (psf) 6.45 5.59 -8.05 -7,31 -2.84 -8.83 8.84 (2.39) 1,200 7.0 0.85 fl.3)p2 (psf) 11.24 10.38 -3.26 -2.52 1.95 -4.04 8.84 (-2.39) Wind Right to Left P2o/plf) P2b(plfi -14.5 -9.8 -29.2 22.6 -145.3 -145.3 -46.8 -46.8 -0.8 -0.8 Vertical Elements Length Left Walls-Upr 5.2' Left Walls-Lwr 11.2' (not used) Rt Walls-Upr 5.2' Right Walls-Lwr 11.2' (not used) (not used) (not used) From Roof Total Horfar. Forces Plafplf) -0.8 -102.3 -317.7 -84.7 -14.5 Plbfplf) -0.8 -102.3 -317.7 -32.9 -9.8 Left to Right PI fplf ) 33.5 62.6 41.9 90.2 19.1 247 P2 fplf ) 58.4 116.3 17.0 36.5 19.1 247 P2a(pin -0.8 -46.8 -145.3 -29.2 -14.5 Right to PI Mf} 41.9 90.2 33.5 62.6 19.1 247 P2bfplf) -0.8 -46.8 -145.3 22.6 -9.8 Left P2 (t>\f\ 17.0 36.5 58.4 116.3 19.1 247 Summary of Results Wind Load Design Force = (1.3)W = Left to Right = 260 plf Seismic Force = E/1.4 =(60.00) (7.90)= 474 plf Right to Left =260 plf Seismic Governs 1212 0*K AVE April 30 2009 Typical Shear Panel 2007 C&C 8 TYPICAL ELEMENTS OF RESISTIVE MOMENT AT SHEAR PANELS: £±U \f_\f_\f_\f \f\'_\(\f Wr FLUSH BEAM. OR HPR. U WHERE OCCURS^\ J^ 1 > > \ yV y \ ( \ f \ k t N i \ f \ { \ \\ f \ t 1 A f \ f \ \ f \ t 1 f h f \ f > \ f > //r f ' / < f f \ f\ 1 1 >F \\ * f \ f \ t 1 Wf. 1 \ \ f \ t > / / f \ \\ f \ / \ f / . t \ f f 1 1'J \ Ww sCONT. DBL. TOP PL. / WHERE OCCURS | x1 ^DROP'D BM OR HDR. I / WHERE OCCURS V J 1I - - ^1 ^4— , ^*rLi i in ii i i -LI_\.LL li^J^ 1 i4 ~T II II DV- \\ JL XL. \ P = LOAP FROM HE A PER OR BE A M Wr = UNIFORM LOAP OF ROOF A0OVE Ww = UNIFORM LOAP OF WALL ABOVE Wf = UNIFORM LOAP OF FLOOR APOVE Ws = UNIFORM LOAP OF WALL SELF WEIGHT U = UPLIFT FROM O.7E, W, E/1.4, OR ivW WALL ,ROOF & PARTITION WIEGHTS (w) &' 9' W' ROOF TRUSS SPAN 72 PLF 81 PLF 9O PLF EXTERIOR 112PLF 126 PLF 14O PLF INTERIOR WOOP 72 PLF »1 PLF 9O PLF INTERIOR GYP. 64 PLF 72 PLF &O PLF 1212 OAK AVE April 30 2009 5 hear wall Schedule 2007 CBC 9. SHEARWALL SCHEDULE 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 SHEARWALL DESCRPTON(See footnote 1) /z" gypsum waNboard, unblocked«/ 53 cooler or wotlboord 8 7" o/c(See footnote 6.) %" gypsum waHboard, unblocked w/ oa cooler or wdboord 8 4" o/c %" stucco fc 18 go. mesh, unblockedw/ 16 ga. x %" leg staples ft 6" o/c J/z" gyp. board both skies, unblockedw/ od cooler or waHboard a 7" o/c %" ply. C-D or C-C sheathing, (1) side w/ 8d 8 6" o/c edge, 12" o/c field (See footnote 2) %" p|y. C-D or C-C sheathing, (1) sidew/£dC 4" o/c edge, 12" o/c field (See footnote 2) %" ply. C-D or C-C sheathing, (D sidew/ 8d e 3" o/c edge, 12" o/c field3x abutting panel studs (See footnotes 2, 3, fc 4) </2H rated STRUCT 1 panel. (1) side w/ lOd 6 3" o/c edge,12r> o/c field 3x abutting panel studs 8c foundation sil(See footnotes 2, 3, it 5) '/z" rated STRUCT 1 panel, (D sidew? TOd c 2" o/c edge,12fl o/c field 3x abutting panel studs Si foundation sill(See footnote 2, 3, & 5) MJ ANCHOR 13 BOLT^ SPACWG § ^ § i * fc < i * %" « 48" %" 0 48" %" 0 48" %" « 48" %" e 32" %" 8 24" %" 8 «« %" 8 16" %" 8 12" Kd (0.148") SKI NAILING 12" or(2) 8 16" 8" or (2) 8 16" 8" or (2) 8 16" 8" or(2) e 16" 6" 4" 3'/2" 2" Yz" LAS 8 8" o/c FLOOR FRAMING PUN SECOND FLOOR FRAMING PLAN S01£i SS-- 1212 Oak Avenue 07/30/09 ROOF FRAMING, LOT 2 Typical Roof Framing: Factory Trusses @ 24" o/c Typical Conventional Framing: 2x rafters @ 10 2007 CBC, Basic Load Combinchiofl^- 24" o/c, see calcs pg. 4 TYPICAL BEAMS A HEADERS AT OPENINGS Grid line A C 1 2 4 B-l wl = Uniform load (sloped roof) (rail) (3.5X7) (9X38) (8X38) (10X38) (4X38) +(3.5X7) (roof) (wall) (rfdeck) + (7X56) Span = 22.0' (deck) (33/2X56) (misc.) + 20 = + 10 = + 10 = + 10 + 10 = Header (see 437 plf H3 352 plf H2 314 plf H2 390 plf H3 187 plf H2 pg.4) Above Great Room (misc.) + 20 =944 plf ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^m Illllllllllllllllllllll ^H Rl = R2 = Moment = Deflection = B-2 wl (xi3) = w2(x*3) = PI (x=3) = Rl = R2 = Moment = Deflection = B-3 wl = (Critical Rl / 1.00 LDF = (Critical R2 / 1.00 LDF = (Critical M / 1.00 LDF = (ALL = 17516) (roof) (wall) (4)(38) . (21/2)(38) (21/2x9/2X38) (Critical Rl / 1.25 LDF = (Critical R2 / 1.25 LDF = (Critical M / 1.25 LDF = / Al 1 — 1 /O OQ"7\(AU~ s L/2,c97) (roof) (wall) (22/2)(38) t 10,384 Ibs) 10,384 Ibs) 57,112#ft) 2,488/1 = Span = 6.0' (deck) 1,255 Ibs) 1,552 Ibs) 3,182#ft) 1A/T -14/1 = Span = 6.0' (deck) + (15/2)(56) Rl (max.) = R2 (max.) = Moment (max.) = 0.73" = IRI 10,384 Ibs 10,384 Ibs 57,112#ft _ JQ TR2 pelwl* Office/Guest Room Window Header (misc.) + 10 = + 10 = Z Rl (max.) = R2 (max.) = Moment (max.) = n c\f 1 1 —U.Uo = 162 plf 409 plf 1,796 Ibs 1,569 Ibs 1,940 Ibs 3,978*ft Header grid B (misc.) + 20 =858 plf wj jp iiiiiiinmL~_w2 TR1 TR2 Rl = R2 = Moment = r\*Tid/*+i/Mn — (Critical Rl/ 1.00 LDF = (Critical R2 / 1.00 LDF = (Critical M / 1.00 LDF = /Al 1 =1 /I 19^ 1,914 Ibs) 1,914 Ibs) 2,871#ft) 13/T- Rl (max.) = R2 (max.) = Moment (max.) = ni?" - L x , 2,336 IbS 2,336 Ibs ' .. - 4*8 1212 Oak Avenue 07/30/09 ROOF FRAMING, LOT 2 (Continued) B-4 Span =10.3' (roof) (wall) (floor) wl = (2)(14) +(9X52) (misc.) + 15 11 v_Jk> Window Header Grid A Upper 511 plf Illllllllllllllllllllll IR1 IR2 Rl = R2 = Moment = Deflection = (Critical Rl / 1.00 LDF = 2.632 Ibs) Rl (max.) = 2,632 Ibs (Critical R2 / 1.00 LDF = 2,632 Ibs) R2 (max.) = 2,632 Ibs (Critical M / 1.00 LDF = 6,776#ft) Moment (max.) = 6,776#ft (ALL = 17993) 86/1= 0.18"= L/700 3jxll| LSL 1212 Oak Avenue 07/30/09 FLOOR B-8 wl = Pl(x=2.2) = Rl = R2 = AAoment = rW lor+inn = FRAMING, LOT 2 (Continued) Span = 9.0' (roof) (wall) (floor) (10)(14) + (7/2+l)(52) 10384 (Critical Rl / 1.00 LDF = 9.641 Ibs) (Critical R2 / 1.00 LDF = 4.334 Ibs) (Critical M / 1.00 LDF = 20,245#ft) fAI\ - 1 /RPA1 1A3/T- 13 Vj- Window Header 6rid 3 (misc.) + 25 = Rl (max.) = R2 (max.) = Moment (max.) = nyn" - 399 plf 10,384 Ibs 9,641 Ibs 4.334 Ibs 20.245#ft HxM LSI 1212 Oak Avenue 07/30/09 FLOOR FRAMING, LOT 2 Typical Floor Framing: 14"IJoistsat 16V 19.2" o/c 12 2007 CBC, Basic Load CombinatiorlB^ See plans & calcs pg. 4 for options TYPICAL BEAMS A HEADERS AT OPENINGS Grid line A C I 2 3 4 B-5 wl = Uniform load (roof) (wall) (0) +(10X14) (10)(38) +(10) (11X38) + (10)(14) (9X8) (9)(8) (10X14) (roof) (wall) (floor/deck) + (16)(52) + dX52) + (8)(52) + (8X52) + (15X52) + (12)(52) Span = 16.7' (floor) (24/2X52) (misc.) + 20 = + 20 = + 20 = + 20 = + 20 = + 20 = Header (see 992 plf H6 592 plf H4 994 plf H6 508 plf H3 872 plf H5 784 plf H5 pg.4) Rec Room Flush Beam (misc.) s 624 plf Rl = R2 = Moment = Deflection = B-6 wl (xs7) = w2 (xi7) = PI (x=7) = Rl = R2 = Moment = Def lection = B-7 wl (Xi4) = w2 (xi4) = PI (x=4) = Rl = R2 = Moment = (Critical Rl / 1.00 LDF = (Critical R2 / 1.00 LDF = (Critical M / 1.00 LDF = (ALL = L/764) (roof) (wall) (4)(38) +(15) (17/2X38) + (10)(14) 5,210 Ibs) 5,210 Ibs) 21,753#ft) 546/1 = Span = 17.0' (floor) + dX52) + (5/2Y52) Rl (max.) = R2 (max.) = Moment (max.) = 0.34" = IR1 5,210 Ibs 5,210 Ibs IR2 21.753#ft ? M p^ Grid 1 Beam at Garage (misc.) + 20 = + 20 = (8/2xl7/2+10)(38) [Girder Truss] = (Critical Rl/ 1.25 LDF = (Critical R2 / 1.25 LDF = (Critical M / 1.25 LDF = (ALL = L/1,202) (roof) (wall) (8)(8) (5/2x4X52) [Stair Rim] (Critical Rl/ 1.00 LDF = (Critical R2 / 1.00 LDF = (Critical M / 1.00 LDF = CAM r I /I 43*n 3,763 Ibs) 4,025 Ibs) 18,558#ft) 583/1 = Span = 10.0' (floor) (21/2)(52) + (18/2)(52) 3,117 Ibs) 2,979 Ibs) 8,040#ft) OA/T = Rl (max.) = R2 (max.) = Moment (max.) = 0.49" = 434 plf .p 613 plf JHIIIIIIllltrm 1,672 Ibs IR1 J- x t 5,187 Ibs 5,511 Ibs 25,436#ft 5ix14 w2 PSL Dropped Bm Garage (misc.) + 20 = + 20 = Rl (max.) = R2 (max.) = Moment (max.) = m?" = 566 plf w 552 plf Illllllllllllllll 520 Ibs IR1 3,117 Ibs 2,979 Ibs8fz; nx,4 mmi TR2 LSL 1212 Oak /We 6/8/2009 LATERAL Seismic Base Shear Vupper = Viewer = Vlow roof = DISTRIBUTION Upper Grid Roof Line Area (5.2 psf ) UPPER LEVEL A 810 B 1,458 C 648 1 486 2 1,458 4 972 DISTRIBUTION-SEISMIC, LOT 2 14 v>- 3,601 sf x 5.2 psf = 18,711 Ibs 3,400 sf x 2.7 psf = 9,193 Ibs Osf x 4.3 psf = Olbs 27,904 Ibs Lower Load Floor Roof From Total Area Area Above Force (2.7 psf) (4.3 psf) (Ibs) (Ibs) 4,209 7,576 3,367 2,525 7,576 5,051 LOWER A B C 1 3 4 810 4,209 6,399 1,458 7,576 11,518 648 3,367 5,119 648 4,041 5,793 Resists 20% of grid 2 above 1,458 6,061 10,003 Resists 80% of grid 2 above 810 5,051 7,241 1212 Oak Ave 7/30/2009 SHEARWALL ANALYSIS-SEISMIC, LOT 2 Holdown !Hardware(Simpson or Eq.)Si Si 111 a 1 5-SEISMICResisting Elements (plf) .5 -=> 0 ResistingMoment11 II II Jl U II \ II < K^ 1 « X « ii |I Ii *!! iIf ill I8 52,698 (461) none16,095 341 1.364 CS16 S> 12 ft Panel20,217 (319) none8SS CM CM* <O^ CO «•* Q ««. o' o' o' 222 O O t-sssa 3 3 ™"a UPPER LEVELA 4.209B 7,576C 3.36737445 (1/XM) none9,885 1,752 CS16 € 10.8 ft Ponel26,900 163 989 CS16S §33 III *. 0\ Os 10 0 0 0 222 n CM CM 2^ \ s» s "*s CM K <r" « M CO 36,398 174 806 STHM * 13.9 ft Panel48,497 32 Sill Anchorage39 CM 00 II CM « -i 0" as N CO 11 3as s" o"S 26,981 (365) none77450 19818 «t 6ongt side27/J87 4.247 HTT5 at 16 ft. PawlCM CM8S iq^8v CM CM (OCM ^ CO 3^ a m tM0 0' «"f 22£ g m CMCM Ch CM CM f,ssa M* CO* 2 _ EV S« t JH"!. U >H CM 23,500 195 Sill AnchorageCM in in CM d 3 5 CMa 3 3a 1 •0 15 0-Ji •**CO1 CM C =0 I5 I M 1 | CONVENTIONAL FOUNDATIONS UNIFORM LOAD CAPACITY BASED ON SOIL BEARING (200 psf INCREASE FOR 24" DEEP) 12" WIDE x UP TO 18" DEEP 24" DEEP 15" WIDE x UP TO 18" DEEP 24" DEEP 1500 1,500 plf 1,700 plf 1,875 plf 2,125 plf 2000 2,000 plf 2,200 plf 2,500 plf 2,750 plf CONCENTRATED LOADS TO FTGS FTG SIZE 12"xl2" 12"xl5" 12"xl8" 12"x24" 15"X18" 15"x24" h 18 21 24 30 24 30 BRG. AREA 3.33 3.83 4.33 5.33 4.79 6.67 1500 psf 5,000 Ib. 5,750 Ib. 6,500 Ib. 8,000 Ib. 7,185 Ib. 10,001 Ib. 2000 psf 6,666 Ib. 7,666 Ib. 8,666 Ib. 10,666 Ib. 9,580 Ib. 13,334 Ib. 18" SQ PAD 24"SQ PAD 30"SQ PAD 36"SQ PAD 42" SQ PAD FROM REPORT, 18 2.25 18 4.00 18 6.25 18 9.00 18 12.25 SOILS BEARING = 3,375 Ib. 6,000 Ib. 9,375 Ib. 13,500 Ib. 18,375 Ib. 2000 psf | 4,500 Ib. 8,000 Ib. 12,500 Ib. 18,000 Ib. 24,500 Ib. BEAM DESCRIPTION 1 B-l 2B-5 B-8 B-8 right B-9 Right Reaction exterior wall grid 4 Left Reaction including B-l Above Post in Garage Right end of B-8 at Grid B Right end with including Stacked B-7 load BEARING AREA = 144 ' b(2h + 4) 144 ft2 LOAD FTG 7,569 Ibs cont. ftg ok 12,890 Ibs 36" PAD 11,576 Ibs 36" PAD 7,880 Ibs cont. ftg ok 16,511 Ibs 36" PAD HANSON TRUSS INC OAK AVENUE LLC LOT-2 CARLSBAD, CA 92008 09-02-09 O WET STAMPED SUBMITTAL SET WWW.HANSONTRUSS.CaM . .v.-:.:-1,,^...r.»»>™tw»«««««I« BRACING WOOD TRUSSES: COMMENTARY AND RECOMMENDATIONS © TRUSS PLATE INSTITUTE, INC., 1976 INTRODUCTION In recognition of the inherent safety of a properly braced roof system, the apparent lack of knowledge of how, when, and whereto install adequate bracing, and in the interest of public safety, the Truss Plate Institute, Inc., in consultation with its Component Manufacturers Council membership, has undertaken the preparation of these recommendations. Substantial concentrated study and deliberative review by theTPI Technical Advisory Committee (comprising a membership ofthe chief structural engineers of member plate manufacturingcompanies, representatives of the academic community, and independent consulting engineers) have devoted to this effort.Consultation with the TPI Component Manufacturers Council hasresulted in bringing practical field handling and erection problems into a sharper focus. Inclusion of the tentative recommendations for on-site handling and erection procedures is one direct result ofthe conultations. It is planned to study further and enlarge uponthese tentative recommendations. While the recommendations for bracing contained herein are technically sound, it is not intended that they be considered the only method for bracing a roof system. Neither should theserecommendations be interpreted as superior to or a standard thatwould necessarily be preferred in lieu of an architect's or engineer'sdesign for bracing for a particular roof system. These recommendations for bracing wood trusses originate from the collective experience of leading technical personnel in the wood truss industry, but must, due to the nature of responsibilitiesinvolved, be presented only as a guide for the use of a qualified building designer, builder, or erection contractor. Thus, the Truss Plate Institute expressly disclaims any responsibility for damagesarising from the use application, or reliance on therecommendations and information contained herein by buildingdesigner or by erection contractors. However carefully wood trusses are designed and fabricated, all this is at stake in the final erection and bracing of a roof or floorsystem. It is at this critical stage of construction that many of the really significant design assumptions are either fulfilled or ignored. If ignored, the consequences may result in a collapse of the structure, which at best is a substantial loss of time and materials,and which at worst could result in a loss of life. The Truss Plate Institute "Design Specifications for Light MetalPlate Connected Wood Trusses" are recommended for the design of individual wood trusses as structural components only. Lateral bracing, as may be required by design to reduce buckling length of individual truss members, is a part of the woodtruss design and is the only bracing that will be specified on thetruss design drawings. Lateral bracing is to be supplied in the sizespecified and installed at the location specified on the truss design drawings by the builder or erection contractor. The building designer or inspector must ascertain that the specified lateral bracing is properly installed and that this bracing is sufficientlyanchored or restrained by diagonal bracing to prevent its movement. Special design requirements, such as wind bracing, portal bracing, seismic bracing, diaphragms, shear walls, or other loadtransfer elements and their connections to the wood trusses mustbe considered separately by the building designer. He shalldetermine size, location, and method of connecting for diagonalbracing as needed to resist these forces. Diagonal or cross bracingis recommended in the plane formed by the top chords, in the plane formed by the bottom chords and perpendicular to the truss web members, as needed for the overall stability of the entire structure. Truss bracing and connection details should be shownon the building designer's framing plan as part of the designdrawings. Bracing materials are not usually furnished as part of thewood truss package, and should be provided by the builder orerection contractor. The builder or erection contractor is responsible for proper woodtruss handling and for proper temporary bracing. He must assure that the wood trusses are not structurally damaged during erection and that they are maintained in alignment before, during, and afterinstallation. Temporary or erection bracing may follow, but notnecessarily be limited to, the building designer's framing plan. It is recommended that erection bracing be applied as each truss is placed in position. The design of wood trusses in accordance with TPI design criteria assumes: 1. Truss members are initially straight, uniform in cross section, and uniform in design properties. 2. Trusses are plane structural components, installed vertically, braced to prevent lateral movement, and parallel to each other at the design spacing. 3. Truss members are pinned at joints for determination of axial forces only. 4. There is continuity of chord members at joints for determination of moment stresses. 5. Compression members are laterally restrained at specific locations or intervals. 6. Superimposed dead or live loads act vertically, wind loads are applied normal to the plane of the top chord, and concentrated loads are applied at a point. 7. In addition to the lateral bracing specified by the truss designer, the building designer will specify sufficient bracing at right angles to the plane of the truss to hold every truss member in the position assumed for it in design. 8. The building designer (not the truss designer) will specify sufficient bracing and connections to withstand lateral loading of the entire structure. The theory of bracing is to apply sufficient support at right angles to the plane of the truss to hold every truss member in the position assumed for it in design. This theory must be applied at three stages. STAGE ONE: During Building Design and Truss Design individual truss members are checked for buckling, and lateral bracing is specified as required for each truss member. The building designer must specify how this lateral bracing is to be anchored or restrained to prevent lateral movement should all truss members, so braced,tend to buckle together as shown in Figure 1 (b). This may be accomplished by: 1. Anchorage to solid end walls (Figure 1 (c)). 2. Diagonal bracing in the plane of web members (Figure 1 (d)). 3. Other means as determined by the building designer. - Sheathing Figure t(d) Figure 1(a) Figure 1(b) Continuous lateral bracing as required (part of truss design) Figure 1 (b) and 1 (c) Sheathing Compression webs: before and after buckling. Continuous lateral bracing1 maintains spacing, but permits lateral buckling of all web members at the same time Bearing for trusses It is recommended that diagonal bracing (minimum 2-inchthick nominal lumber) be installed at approximately a 45 degreeangle to the lateral brace. Diagonal bracing should be attached to the opposite side of the same member required lateral bracing. This bracing may be continuous or intermittent at the buildingdesigner's option; however, it is recommended that intermittent spacing not exceed 20 feet, or twice the horizontal run of the diagonal bracing. 4 l- "i ^ 1 \. designer) into solid end wall • restrains lateral bracing, thereby preventing > Continuous lateral bracing. 4 Compression web Ceiling Figure 1(c) /f \ X .* Compression web-sloping ,-V*""^ or vertical y Continuous lateral bracing. _4 — • — Diagonal brace nailed to opposite side of web prevents lateral movement and should be repeated at approximately X CeWnfl Figure 1 (d) STAGE TWO: During Truss Erection the builder or erection contractormust take adequate precautions to assure that the wood trusses arenot structurally damaged. Proper rigging, including the use ofspreader bars and multiple pick-up points, where required, is necessary to prevent damage during handling; tentativerecommendations are presented in the Appendix hereto. It is most important to brace the first truss at the end of the building securely. All other trusses are tied to the first truss, thus the NOTE: Locate ground braces for first truss directly in line wrth all rows of top chord continuous lateral bracing(either temporary or permanent) Figure 2(a) First truss to be well braced before erection of additionalunits Bearing for trusses End diagonals to ground stakes Figure 2(b) bracing system depends to a great extent on how well the first truss is braced. One satisfactory method is for the first truss top chord to be braced to a stake driven into the ground and securely anchored. The ground brace itself should be supported as shown in Figure 2 or it is apt to buckle. Additional ground braces, in the opposite direction, inside the building are also recommended. 6 The ground braces should be located directly in line with allrows of top chord continuous lateral bracing. Otherwise, the top chord of the first truss can bend sideways and allow the trusses to shift. This shift, however slight, puts a tremendous strain on allconnections of the bracing system, i.e., the weight of the trusseswould then be added to any wind force or construction load suchas bundles of plywood or roof shingles tending to tip the trussesover. All nailing of bracing should be done so that if the trusses should tend to buckle or tip, the nails will be loaded laterally, not inwithdrawal. It is not recommended to nail scabs to the end of the building tobrace the first truss. These scabs can break off or pull out, thusallowing a total collapse. As trusses are set in place, the builder or erection contractormust apply sufficient temporary bracing to hold the trusses plumb, in alignment and in a safe condition until the permanent bracing, decking and/or sheathing can be installed. Temporary bracingshould be not less than 2x4 dimension lumber and should be aslong as practical for handling. The use of short spacer pieces of lumber between adjacent trusses is not recommended, unlessused temporarily in preparation for immediate installation of longercontinuous bracing (8-feet minimum length). Temporary bracinglumber should be nailed with two double headed 16d nails at everyintersection with the braced member. Pre-assembly of groups of trusses, on the ground, into structurally braced units which are then lifted into place asassemblies is an acceptable alternate to the one-at-a-time method. Exact spacing between trusses should be maintained as bracing is installed to avoid the hazardous practice of removingbracing to adjust spacing as sheathing is applied. This act of"adjusting spacing* can cause trusses to topple if a key connectionis removed at the wrong time. Truss bracing must be applied to three planes of reference inthe roof system to insure stability: t. Top chord (sheathing) plane,2. web member plane or vertical plane perpendicular to trusses, and 3. bottom chord (ceiling) plane. 1. lop Chord Plane. Most important to the builder or erection contractor is bracing in the plane of the top chord. Truss top chords are susceptible to lateral buckling before they are braced or sheathed. It is Recommended that continuous lateral bracing be installed within 6inches of the ridge line or center line and at approximately 8 feet to 10 feet intervals between the ridge line of sloped trusses or center line offlat trusses and the eaves. For double member trusses this spacingbetween laterals may be increased to 12 feet to 14 feet. Diagonals,located between the lateral bracing and set at approximately 45 degree angles, form the triangles required for stability in the plane of the top chord. NOTE: Long spans or heavy loads may require closer spacing between lateral bracing and closer intervals between -diagonals. Figure 3(a) illustrates temporary bracing in the plane of the topchord for gable trusses If possible, the continuous lateral bracing for the top chord should beplaced on the underside of the top chord so that it will not have to beremoved as the plywood decking is applied. The trusses are then held securely even during the decking process. It is equally important for the builder or erection contractor to installbracing in the plane of the top chord for flat roof or floor trusses. The useof a similar bracing pattern is recommended for all flat trusses. Particular attention is directed to bracing at the end of flat trusses as shown inFigure 3(b). 2. Web Member Plane. It is also necessary ID install temporary bracing in the plane of the web members. This bracing is usually , For single member truss (1 'h inch thickness) For double member truss (3 inch thickness) ^.-Located within 6 inches of ridge line Repeated diagonals at approximately20 feet intervals Bracing \NOTE:Long span trusses may require closer spacing. Figure 3(a) ,'"Lap lateral bracingat least two trusses. , Typical nailing Lap lateral bracing overat feast two trusses. Repeat diagonals at approximately20 feet intervals. Figure 3(b) installed at the same locations specified on the architectural planfor permanent bracing, and may become part of the permanentbracing. It is recommended that diagonal bracing be added at eachweb member requiring continuous lateral bracing. If none isspecified, it is recommended that it be placed at no greater than 16feet intervals along the truss length for roof trusses and 8 feetintervals for floor trusses. It is not generally necessary for diagonal bracing to run continuously for the full length of the building but it is recommended that the spacing between sets of diagonal bracing not exceed 20 feet, or twice the horizontal run of the diagonal bracing. Rows of 2x6 strong-backs may also be used to brace floortrusses where diagonal bracing is impractical. Figure 4(a) illustrates diagonal bracing in the plane of the web members;Figure 4(b) illustrates the lateral movement that may occur if lateralbracing is used without diagonal bracing. 3. Bottom Chord Plane. In order to hold proper spacing onthe bottom chord, temporary bracing is recommended in the planeof the bottom chord. Continuous lateral bracing at no greater than 8feet to 10 feet on centers along the truss length is recommendedfull length of the building, nailed to the top of the bottom chord.Diagonal bracing 9 6 s; +4'-1" — -».PI I IiV) t 5! i -, 2'-3 1/2" 1 TYPICAL ' S 00 h—in e X 10 1 (/ / / / BRG FOR G.T. B/O (NO STUB)— vN1 CONVENTIONAL FRM'G. BY OTHERS FLUSH BEAM BY OTHERS ~~^ - B ^ I P | > S^XrK; ^^n y> \ D m x^ o\ I o \^ • S— -s ^ / ^ in ' *-/ -$ J / (x»\1z A3nz XX , 8'-0" SB I *\ 12'-0" SB X \ SEE HIGH ROC \v FRAMING / ^ 4s\ ^ t \\ t (AZ) TAI f i"^ \r- — ? T __ _. \-+4'-r x PL x 31'-1 1/2" OR BU / /^ 3/0- / \r N +4'-r \ \/\ PI :/\ z< — ^ms 9- u * ^ * \ / • V g H 8'-0" SB r- ^Q.Q isgoo >1 I 1 t , 20' -lO4 SPAN ^,5 1/8" STUB O LEDGER 1 ^ 31/2" STUB f N \ L N i ^|ui^i P •12' JACK'S \ \ ' TYP. JA/A°r r\^L ^ ^ ET~2x LEDGER L E E S | N \ s AIIGN W 2800 f DR<\ ^^-IIUS^^ V ^IIUS2li •"" / f,M \ ^- . _y /i/ /3 / S// i/ i / i/ ^ 1 IN OAHS- '*/ B: / \ /AYfa\ •/(BIS)> — x * (B2) J^ 31 1/2" OVERSPACE (SEE DET 'A1) ^ ^C s ^ (")* ^ -^-A ! «» ^ yf , /f\~vJ* \\ ^ ^ BU /~\ •*• ^^\ -— N v\2 — s ^T^\ /I LJrt-1 1- ~l— J \ , 10 ^yBU x — x "V *"* \ w JACI S Vi \ GOV-J \ A DR BM B/0-i i '-10 1/2" O COVER L I. "I. f 1 i 20'-6 \_ „ V (, 'BC'S a - \V, _S \-12' OAHS 1/2" f 53' -9" P| . . _l men 0I 00 1 X ^ ^-+-12' OAMS /• . oc 0 O e N S T § ° SB o \ ^ J_12' ^ OAI4CvjAno I X vs u 1z t"-i tuj s:i ° —1 0 03 K ?x s in f. .^T Or- 1 ° v N "] » s : 0 .'I <n <o *" 1 V V V , ,N x FRONT SEP 0 2 200 NOTE: 4:12 ROOF PITCH. TYP..U.N.O. 18" OVERHANG, TYP..U.N.O. SIMPSON OR EQUAL HANGERS TO BE PROVIDED B/O, ALL BEAMS TO BE B/O. SEE STRUCTURAL PLANS FOR RIDGE AND SHEAR BLOCKING. DENOTES INT. BEARING WALL B/O. FAU IS IN THE ATTIC. 15'~3 1/2 HIGH ROOF LOT: REVIEWED FOR COMPLIANCE WITH STRUCTURAL DESIGNBEQUIREMENTS. MARK1 CM m oo HAN ON v< * l" -v \ ', DEVELOPER:DAK AVENUE SFR PROJECT NAME:LOT - 2 LOCATION:1 2DD & 1 2D2 DAK AVENUE CARLSBAD, CA 92DDB TRACT No: REVIEWED FOR COMPLIANCE WITH STRUCTURAL DESIGNREQUIREMENTS. MARK 3l 395O YORBA STREET CHINO, CA 9 1 71 O 9O9/ 591-9256 FAX: 9O9/62S-7352 Q4DB1 CALLE TESDRO, SUITE A CAMARILLQ, CA 93D! 2 BD5/3BS-2O55 FAX: BO5/3BB-1 91 3 Q3D52O RANCHO CALIFORNIA ROAD SUITE 1 O7-75, TEMECULA, CA 92591 951/24O-76B6 FAX: 951/24O-7B37 Q447S SKYWAY DRIVE QLIVEHURST, CA 959O1 53O/74O-775O FAX: 53O/74O-V754 REACH US DN THE WEB AT WWW.HANSONTRUSS.CDM DATE: JUNE 1 B, 2DD9 JOB No: ES D9 - DVB REVISIONS: L»A\ 1 C. 35-IO-CR LiMAMN L3 t-ta R&VP^RNENPt..A^^ t( Y U£ TRUSS ENGINEERING DESIGNED PER THE ZOO1? CALIFORNIA BUILDING CODE PLATES: TP-5OQ - I.C.C ESR REPORT #2765 L. A. CITY RESEARCH REPORT #23996 MT-2D - I.C.C ESR REPORT #1 9BB L. A CITY RESEARCH REPORT # 2537O MINIMUM PLATE DESIGN VALUES HAVE BEEN USED IN THE DESIGN OF THE TRUSSES DATE:SEP 0 2-2009. SAI WAN Li P.E THE ATTACHED SHOP DRAWINGS, CALCULATIONS AND LAYOUT PLANS ARE DESIGNED FDR THIS SPECIFIC PROJECT AND ARE VALID ONLY IF BOUND, AND THE COVER SHEET BEARS THE ORIGINAL SIGNATURE OF SAI WAN Ll P.E ANY LOOSE SHEETS THAT ARE PART OF THIS SUBMITTAL MUST ALSO BEAR HIS ORIGINAL SIGNATURE ANSON TRUSS, INC. GENERAL NOTES 1. No splices except as noted on truss drawings. 2. Panel point locations shall be equal divisions unless noted or dimensioned otherwise. 3. Gusset plates shall be installed on each side of all joints and shall not be installed where Knots or wane are greater than 10% of plate area. 4. Gusset plates shall be centered on joints unless noted or dimensioned otherwise. 5. Truss designs shall comply with ANSI/T.P.I - 1-2002 unless noted otherwise. 6. All gusset plates are 20 gauge and stamped TP. Unless noted otherwise. 7. All hangers specified are Simpson strong-tie or equal and are provided by others unless noted otherwise. 8. All trusses are spaced at 24" on center unless dimensioned otherwise. 9. Moisture content in the lumber used may exceed 19% at the time of fabrication. A 20% reduction in plate values has been used. 10. The Hanson Truss, Inc., engineering program is in compliance with section 2303.4 of the 2007 C.B.C. All heel joint connections are designed using an analysis considering the vector sum of concentric and eccentric loads. I I. All nails specified are to be box nails or better. ________ B.C. Bottom Chord BIO By Others BKG Backing BLK. Blocking BM. Beam BRG. Bearing CBO Conventional framing by others DEL. Double member DR. BM. Drop Beam FILL Vertical @ 16" o.c FL. BM. Flush Beam GET Gable end truss GIR Girder truss GOV. Gable over IIGR Hanger(s) INV. GOV. Inverted gable over JKS Jacks IVIBKG Mono Backing WjGET Mono gable end truss WIGOV. Mono gable over O.A.H.S. Overall heel stand OC On Center PLF Pound per linear foot Ply One truss of a multiple-truss assembly Rbdy Repetitive bending factor » S.B Setback Sc. Scissor (sloped or vaulted) ScBKG Scissor Backing SoGET Scissor gable end truss SOF. Soffit (Non-structural) SPL. Splice STB. Stub T.C. Top chord. U.M.O. Unless noted otherwise w/ With w/o With out BASE DESIGN VALUES FOR VISUALLY GRADED LUMBER SPECIES & COMMERCIAL GRADES DOUGLAS HI Select Struct. No I & Seller Nol Ho2 Stud Conslruclion Standard AnMOTES/October200 SIZE CLASSIFICATION X25.4 for mm { LARCH 2" to 4" thick 2" and wider 2" to 4" thicker r bending FI, 1.500 1200 1,000 900 700 1,000 575 Tension Parallel To grain F< 1000 800 675 575 450 650 375 Shear Parallel lo grain Fv 180 180 180 180 180 180 180 Compression Peipenclicular to grain Fc ± 625 625 625 625 625 625 625 Compression Parallel lo grain Fc 1,700 1550 1500 1350 850 1650 1400 Modulus of Elasticity E 1,900,000iaaoo,ooo 1,700,000 1,600,000 1,400,000 1,500,000 1,400,000 GRADING RULES AGENCY WCLIB VVWrA Multiple Load Cases: Rets, Forces & Csi's are worst case Code: CBC07 Rbdg:N 1-Ply TC 5-6 N02 DFL 2x4: P=5018C 0.330 Mm=2008 Mp=1257 0.526= 0.856 BC 8-7 l&B DFL 2x4: P=4966T 0.631 Mm=1289 Mp=434 0.187= 0.818 WB 9-3 STDB DFL 2x4: P=556T 0.226 MOD 34 l&B DFL 2x4: P=4726C 0.362 Mm= 1744 Mp=1605 0.442= 0.803 TC AXIAL: 1-2 -5262, 2-3 -5018, 34 4726, 4-5 4726, 5-6 -5018 6-7 -5262 BC AXIAL: 1-9 4966, 9-85146, 8-74966 WB AXIAL: 2-9-220, 9-3556, 94-523, 4-8-523, 8-5556 8-6 -220 3-5 l&B DFL 2x4 BASE LOADS: 1.25: 20 14 10 5 PSF Wind: Exp B, Spd 85 LCI: 1.25: 40 28 25: 3-5 174,3 566,5 566 LC2: 250 MOVING LOAD ON BC LC3: 1.6: 0*19 17: 3-5 49,3 160,5 160,1-7 S-39 wind *lx Bracing **2x4 Bracing By Others 3 4 RCTS: 1 7 MXVRT: 1879 1879 @ALTBU 3'4 1/4" 12 Jt: X,Y 1: 1.5,0 7: -1.5,0 3/8"=1' 5X12 3X6 [6X16G] 3X6 (panel pts equal division uno) 21'-3 1/2" OAK AVENUE - LOT 2 - LOT A - OCEANSIDE\WORKING\A1 Defl @ 4: TL= .75in L/336 LL= .31in L/813 Camber 7/16in Laterally brace B/C with gypsum shtg. or cont. lateral support not to exceed 10' oc UNOGRAD SPEC SIZE TC: N02 DFL 2X4 BC: WEB: l&B DFL 2X4 .STDB DFL 2X4 SPCG: PLF OC TCLL: 40 TCDL: 28 BCLL: BCDL: 25 PLF xl.05 DURLDGFCTR: 1.25 3.5"MinBrgWdlhUNO Plates: TP500 20guno Centered on joint UNO Hanson Truss, Inc. and signing engineer acceptno responsibility for the accuracy, structural ad- equacy or any other fea-ture of this design unlessspecifically fabricated by Hanson Truss, Inc. HANSON TRUSS, INC. DATE: 8/11/09 LE DRWG #s Al Lot 2 Multiple Load Cases: Rets, Forces & Csi's are worst case Code: CBC07 Rbdg:N 1-Ply TC 4-5 N02 DFL 2x4: P=1300C 0.023 Mm=2867 Mp=2920 0.487= 0.510 BC 6-5 l&B DFL 2x4: P=1233T 0.122 Mm=5831 Mp=3566 0.661= 0.783 WB 2-6 STDB DFL 2x4: P=614C 0.350 TC AXIAL: 1-2-1973, 2-3-1389, 3-4-1389, 4-5-1973 BC AXIAL: 1-6 1827, 6-5 1827 WB AXIAL: 2-6 -614, 6-3 565, 6-4 -614 BASE LOADS: 1.25: 20 14 10 5 PSF Wind: Exp B, Spd 85 LCI: 1.25:402810: LC2: 1.25:0282010: LC3: 250 MOtTNG LOAD ON BC LC4: 1.6:0197: 1-5 S-39 wind *lx Bracing **2x4 Bracing By Others RCTS:5 MXVRT: 835 835 MXUPL: -126 -126 10'-7 3/4" 3'-10 1/2" 3X4 12 12 Jt: X,Y 1: 1,0.3 5: -1,0.3 3/8"=!' 3X8 3X8 (panel pts equal division uno) 21'-3 1/2" OAK AVENUE - LOT 2 - LOT 4 - OCEANSIDE\WORKING\A2 Defl @ 6: TL= .24in L/999 LL= .lin L/999 Laterally brace B/C with gypsum shtg. or cont. lateral support not to exceed 10' oc UNOGRAD SPEC SIZE TC: N02 DFL 2X4 BC:l&B DFL 2X4 WEB-STDB DFL 2X4 SPCG:24 oc TCLL: 40 TCDL: 28 BCLL: (20) BCDL: 10 PLF Xl.05 DURLDGFCTR: 1.25 3.5" Min Brg Wdth UNO Plates: TP500 20guno Centered on joint UNO Hanson Truss, Inc. and signing engineer accept no responsibility for the accuracy, structural ad-equacy or any other fea-ture of this design unlessspecifically fabricated by Hanson Truss, Inc. HANSON TRUSS, INC. DATE: 8/11/09 LE DRWG #s A2 Lot 2 Multiple Load Cases: Rets, Forces & Csi's are worst case Code: CBC07 Rbdg:N 2-Ply TC 3-4 N02 DFL 2x4: P=2616C 0.077 Mm=1728 Mp=1737 0.364= 0.442 BC 10-8 l&B DFL 2x4: P=2839T 0.361 Mm=1479 Mp=1560 0.226= 0.587 WB 114 STDB DFL 2x4: P=418T 0.170 MOD 1-2 SS DFL 2x6: P=257C 0.000 Mm= 15460 Mp=17096 0.927= 0.928 TC AXIAL: 1-2-257, 2-3-2923, 34-2616, 4-5-2474, 5-6-2474 6-7 -2615, 7-8 -2923, 8-9 -257 BC AXIAL: 2-112839, 11-102668, 10-82839 WB AXIAL: 3-11-553, 114418, 11-5-228, 5-10-228, 10-6418 10-7-554 1-3 SS DFL 2x6 4-6 l&B DFL 2x4 7-9 SS DFL 2x6 lO'-O" (ft ALT BU BASE LOADS: 1.25: 20 14 10 5 PSF Wind: Exp B, Spd 85 LCI: 1.25: 40 38 10: 4 566,5-10007 136,5 + 10007 136,6 566 LC2: 1.25:805620: LC3: 1.25: a 38 20 10: 4 566,5-10007 136,5 + 10007 136,6 566 LC4: 250 MOVING LOAD ON BC LC5: 1.6: 0 25 7: 2-8 21,4 160,5-10007 37,5 + 10007 37,6 160,1-9 S-39 wind 5 *lx Bracing **2x4 Bracing By Others RCTS: 1 MXVRT: 1622 1622 ©Carrier 2-Ply:NailTCw/16d@9inoc NailBCw/16d@12inoc 3'41/4" 12 Jt: X,Y 11: -139.9,2 3/8"=!' OAK AVENUE - LOT 2 - LOT 4 - OCEANSIDE\WORKING\A3 Defl @ 5: TL= .74in L/341 LL= .33in L/764 Camber 3/8in Laterally brace B/C with gypsum shtg. or cont. lateral support not to exceed 10' oc UNOGRAD SPEC SIZE TC: N02 DFL 2X4 BC:l&B DFL 2X4 WEB-STDB DFL 2X4 SPCG: PLF oc 2-PLY TCLL: 40 TCDL: 38 BCLL: (20) BCDL: 10 PLF Xl.05 DURLDGFCTR: 1.25 3.5"MinBrgWdthUNO Plates: TP500 20guno Centered on joint UNO Hanson Truss, Inc. and signing engineer accept no responsibility for the accuracy, structural ad- equacy or any other fea-ture of this design unlessspecifically fabricated by Hanson Truss, Inc. HANSON TRUSS, INC. DATE: 8/20/09 LE DRWG #s A3 Lot 2 Multiple Load Cases: Rets, Forces & Csi's are worst case Code:CBC07Rbdg:N 1-Ply TC 1-2 l&B DFL 2x4: P=1527C 0.017 Mm=3694 Mp=6147 0.892= 0.909 BC 8-7 N02 DFL 2x4: P=OC 0.000 Mm=5303 Mp=2984 0.802= 0.802 WB 1-7 STDB DFL 2x4: P=1393T 0.566 MOD 34 N02 DFL 2x4: P=653C 0.011 Mm=2966 Mp=0 0.622= 0.633 TC AXIAL: 1-2-1527, 2-3-701, 34-653 BC AXIAL: 8-70, 7-61387, 6-50 WB AXIAL: 8-1-802, 1-71393, 7-2235, 2-6-896, 6-3133 64 717, 54 -816 BASE LOADS: 1.25: 20 14 10 5 PSF Wind: Exp B, Spd 85 LCI: 1.25:402810: LC2: 1.25:0282010: LC3: 250 MOYIN6 LOAD ON BC LC4: 1.6:0197: 1-4S-39 wind *lx Bracing **2x4 Bracing By Others 34 N02 DFL 2x4 RCTS: 8 5 MXVRT: 835 835 MXUPL: -126 -126 6'-3 1/4" 3X4 3/8"=1' ZX4 (panel pts equal division uno) 21'-3 1/2" OAK AVENUE - LOT 2 - LOT 4 - OCEANSIDE\WORKING\AA1 Defl @ 2: TL= .12in L/999 LL= .05in L/999 Laterally brace B/C with gypsum shtg. or com. lateral support not to exceed 10' oc UNOGRAD SPEC SIZE TC: l&B DFL 2X4 BC: N02 DFL 2X4 WEB-STDB DFL 2X4 SPCG: 24 OC TCLL: 40 TCDL: 28 BCLL: (20) BCDL: 10 PUF Xl.05 DURLDGFCTR: 1.25 3.5"MinBrgWdthUNO Plates: TP500 20guno Centered on joint UNO Hanson Truss, Inc. and signing engineer accept no responsibility for the accuracy, structural ad- equacy or any other fea-ture of this design unlessspecifically fabricated by Hanson Truss, Inc. HANSON TRUSS, INC. DATE: 8/20/09 LE DRWG #s AA1 Lot 2 Multiple Load Cases: Rets, Forces & Csi's are worst case Code: CBC07 Rbdg:N 2-Ply TC 34 l&B DHL 2x4: P=2172C 0.212 Mm=2135 Mp=2027 0.521= 0.733 BC 1-9 N01DFL 2x10: P=3052T 0.237 Mm= 15753 Mp=17880 0.608= 0.845 WB 3-7 STDB DFL 2x4: P=2677C 0.797 TC AXIAL: 1-2-3358, 2-34731, 34-2172, 4-5-2152 BC AXIAL: 1-93052, 9-83052, 8-74487, 7-60 WB AXIAL: 9-2-842, 2-81563, 8-31551, 3-7-2677, 741139 7-52506, 6-5-2255 BASE LOADS: 1.25: 20 14 10 5 PSF Wind: Exp B, Spd 85 LCI: 1.25: 40 28 10: 8-6 409,8 2227 LC2: 1.6: 0 25 9: 8-6 185,8 980,1-5 +-86H.7 -+1800H LC3: 1.25: 0 28 20 it): 8-6 226,8 2227 LC4: 250 MOVING LOAD ON BC LC5: 1.6: 0 19 7: 8-6 137,8 725,1-5 S-39 wind *lx Bracing **2x4 Bracing By Others 3 2 7-5 N02 DFL 2x4 15'-9 3/4" RCTS: 1 MXVRT: 3822 5266 MXHOR: -6 0 7+1800H 7-1800H 2-Ply: Nail TC w/16d @ 9in oc Nail BC w/16d @ 6in oc NOTE: TRUSS I TRANSFEldimLBS MAX LATERAL FORCE '-3 1/4" 6X6 Jt:X,Y 1: 4.2,5.4 3/8"=r (panel pts equal division uno) 21'-3 1/2" OAK AVENUE - LOT 2 - LOT 4 - OCEANSIDE\WORKING\AA2 Defl @ 8: TL= .38in L/663 LL= .15in L/999 Laterally brace B/C with gypsum shtg. or cont. lateral support not to exceed 10' oc UNOGRAD SPEC SIZE TC. l&B DFL 2X4 BC:N01 DFL 2X10 WEB. STDB DFL 2X4 SPCG: PLF oc 2-PLY TCLL: 40 TCDL: 28 BCLL: (20) BCDL: 10 PLF xl.05 DURLDGFCTR: 1.25 3.5"MinBrgWdthUNO Plates: TP500 20guno Centered on joint UNO Hanson Truss, Inc. and signing engineer accept no responsibility for the accuracy, structural ad- equacy or any other fea- ture of this design unlessspecifically fabricatedby Hanson Truss, Inc. HANSON TRUSS, INC. DATE: 8/20/09 LE DRWG #s AA2 Lot 2 - Multiple Load Cases: Rets, Forces & Csi's are worst case Code: CBC07 Rbdg:N 1-Ply TC 34 N02 DFL 2x4: P=3597C 0.270 Mm= 1407 Mp= 1587 0.429= 0.699 BC 9-8 l&B DFL 2x4: P=1744T 0.173 Mm=5693 Mp=3486 0.645= 0.818 WB 6-8 STDB DFL 2x4: P=3565C 0.689 TC AXIAL: 1-2 42, 2-3 -3825, 34 -3597, 4-5 -3597, 5-6 -3825 6-742 BC AXIAL: 11-103163, 10-93886, 9-83163 WB AXIAL: 11-1-110, 11-2-3565, 2-10501, 10-3299, 104412 4-9412, 9-5299, 9-6501, 6-8-3565, 8-7-110 BASE LOADS: 1.25: 20 14 10 5 PSF Wind: Exp B, Spd 85 LCI: 1.25: 40 28 25: 3-5 174,3 566,5 566 LC2: 250 MOVING LOAD ON BC LC3: 1.6: 0 19 17-^49,3 160,5 160,1-7 S-62 wind *lx Bracing **2x4 Bracing By Others RCTS: 11 8 MXVRT: 1834 1834 MXUPL: -15 -15 8'-0" 3'4 5/16" 12 12 (panel pts equal division uno) 20'-10"3/8"=r OAK AVENUE - LOT 2 - LOT 4 - OCEANSIDE\WORKING\B1 Defl @ 4: TL= .33in L/747 LL= .14in L/999 Laterally brace B/C with gypsum shtg. or cont. lateral support not to exceed 10' oc UNOGRAD SPEC SIZE TC: N02 DFL 2X4 BC: l&B DFL 2X4 WEB: STDB DFL 2X4 SPCG: PLF OC TCLL: 40 TCDL: 28 BCLL: BCDL: 25 PLF Xl.05 DURLDGFCTR: 1.25 3.5"MinBrgWdthUNO Plates: TP500 20guno Centered on joint UNO Hanson Truss, Inc. andsigning engineer acceptno responsibility for theaccuracy, structural ad-equacy or any other fea-ture of this design unlessspecifically fabricated by Hanson Truss. Inc. HANSON TRUSS, INC. DATE: 8/11/09 LE DRWG #s Bl Lot 2 Multiple Load Cases: Rets, Forces & Csi's are worst case Code: CBC07 Rbdg:N 1-Ply TC 2-3 N02 DFL 2x4: P= 1290C 0.022 Mm= 1056 Mp=979 0.219= 0.241 BC 9-8 N02 DFL 2x4: P=814T 0.112 Mm=4852 Mp=2789 0.733= 0.846 WB 6-8 STDB DFL 2x4: P=1436C 0.521 TC AXIAL: 1-240, 2-3-1290, 3-4-1180, 4-5-1214, 5-6-1328 6-745 BC AXIAL: 11-101149, 10-91310, 9-81274 WB AXIAL: 11-1-85, 11-2-1335, 2-10154, 10-3218, 10-4-203 4-9-170, 9-5229, 9-687, 6-8-1436, 8-7-100 BASE LOADS: 1.25: 20 14 10 5 PSF Wind: Exp B, Spd 85 LCI: 1.25:402810: LC2: 1.25:0282010: LC3: 250 MOVING W)At) ON BC LC4: 1.6:0197: 1-7 S-39 wind *lx Bracing **2x4 Bracing By Others 4 5 RCTS: 11 8 MXVRT: 794 794 MXUPL: -124 -124 lO'-O 12 3/8"=!' 24 BM (panel pts equal division uno) 20'-10" OAK AVENUE - LOT 2 - LOT 4 - OCEANSIDE\WORKING\B1S Defl @ 4: TL= .llinL/999 LL= .05inL/999 Laterally brace B/C with gypsum shtg. or cont. lateral support not to exceed 10' oc UNOGRAD SPEC SIZE TC: N02 DFL 2X4 BC: N02 DFL 2X4 WEB: STDB DFL 2X4 SPCG: 24 OC TOLL: 40 TCDL: 28 BCLL: (20) BCDL: 10 PLF xl.05 DURLDGFCTR: 1.25 3.5"MinBrgWdthUNO Plates: TP500 20guno Centered on joint UNO Hanson Truss, Inc. andsigning engineer acceptno responsibility for the accuracy, structural ad- equacy or any other fea- ture of this design unless specifically fabricated by Hanson Truss, Inc. HANSON TRUSS, INC. DATE: 8/11/09 LE DRWG #s BIS Lot 2 Multiple Load Cases: Rets, Forces & Csi's are worst case Code:CBC07Rbdg:N 1-Ply TC 4-5 l&B DFL 2x4: P=1413C 0.075 Mm=3759 Mp=3841 0.715= 0.790 BC 7-6 N02 DFL 2x4: P=OC 0.000 Mm=4856 Mp=2779 0.734= 0.734 WB 7-5 STDB DFL 2x4: P=1285T 0.522 MOD 1-2 N02 DFL 2x4: P=1361C 0.074 Mm=3347 Mp=3363 0.838= 0.912 TC AXIAL: 1-2-1361, 2-3-1361, 3-4-1414, 4-5-1413 BC AXIAL: 9-80, 8-7958, 7-60 WB AXIAL: 9-1 -768, 1-8 1243, 8-2 -476, 8-3 480, 3-7 550 7-4 -508, 7-5 1285, 6-5 -766 BASE LOADS: 1.25: 20 14 10 5 PSF Wind: Exp B, Spd 85 LCI: 1.25:4028 10: LC2: 1.25:0282010: LC3: 250 MOVING LOAD-ON BC LC4: 1.6:0197: 1-5 S-39 wind *lx Bracing **2x4 Bracing By Others 1-3 N02 DFL 2x4 RCTS: 9 6 MXVRT: 798 798 MXUPL: -120 -120 10 '- 3/8"=r 2X3 LU324BM (panel pts equal division uno) 20- OAK AVENUE - LOT 2 - LOT 4 - OCEANSIDE\WORKING\B2 Defl @ 4: TL= .12in L/999 LL= .05in L/999 Laterally brace B/C with gypsum shtg. or cont. lateral support not to exceed 10' oc UNOGRAD SPEC SIZE TC: l&B DFL 2X4 N02 DFL 2X4BC: WEB: STDB DFL 2X4 SPCG: 24 OC TCLL: 40 TCDL: 28 BCLL: (20) BCDL: 10 PLF xl.05 DURLDGFCTR: 1.25 3.5"MinBrgWdthUNO Plates: TP500 20guno Centered on joint UNO Hanson Truss, Inc. and signing engineer accept no responsibility for the accuracy, structural ad- equacy or any other fea- ture of this design unless specifically fabricated by Hanson Truss, Inc. HANSON TRUSS, INC. DATE: 8/11/09 LE DRWG #s B2 Lot 2 Multiple Load Cases: Rets, Forces & Csi's are worst case Code: CBC07 Rbdg:Y 1-Ply TC 6-7 N02 DFL 2x4: P=252C 0.000 Mm=6284 Mp=6570 0.863= 0.864 BC 14-13 N02 DFL 2x4: P=1436C 0.087 Mm=4316 Mp=5059 0.887= 0.974 WB 8-11STDB DFL 2x4: P=1572C 0.573 TC AXIAL: 1-2 250, 2-3 -1446, 3-4 -1328, 4-5 434, 5-6 431 6-7-1323, 7-8-1451, 8-9271 BC AXIAL: 14-132685, 13-122098, 12-111476, 4-10-1262 10-6 -1262 WB AXIAL: 14-1-87, 14-2-1594, 2-13757, 13-3309, 10-5278 12-7332, 12-8704, 8-11-1679, 11-9-95 BASE LOADS: 1.25: 20 14 10 5 PSF Wind: Exp B, Spd 85 LCI: 1.25: 40 28 10: 13-12 FAS100 LC2: UNBALANCED LIVE LOADS. LC3: 1.6: 0 25 9: 13-12 EAS&.1-9 +-139H.14 -+2800H LC4: 1.25: 0 28 20 10: 13-12 FAS100 LC5: 250 MOVING LOAD ON BC LC6: 1.6: 0 19 7: 13-12 FAS67.1-9 S-39 wind *lx Bracing **2x4 Bracing By Others 13-12 N02 DFL 2x4SC RCTS: 14 MXVRT: 874 MXHOR: -9 MXUPL: -73 11 872 0 14+2800H -74 14 -2800H i "IO-5 NOTE: TRUSS TO TRANSFER 2800 LBS MAX LATERAL FORCE 7'-3 1/4 2X3 4X6 LUS16BM 3/8"=!' 4X6 STACK 2x6 @ FAU (panel pts equal division uno) 4X6 2o'- 10 OAK AVENUE - LOT 2 - LOT 4 - OCEANSIDE\WORKING\B3 Defl @ 12: TL= .26in L/933 LL= . 14in L/999 Laterally brace B/C with gypsum shtg. or cont. lateral support not to exceed 10' oc UNOGRAD SPEC SIZE TC: N02 DFL 2X4 BC: N02 DFL 2X4 WEB: STDB DFL 2X4 SPCG: 24 OC TCLL: 40 TCDL: 28 BCLL: (20) BCDL: 10 PLF Xl.05 DURLDGFCTR: 1.25 3.5"MinBrgWdthUNO Plates: TP500 20guno Centered on joint UNO Hanson Truss, Inc. and signing engineer acceptno responsibility for the accuracy, structural ad- equacy or any other fea-ture of this design unlessspecifically fabricatedby Hanson Truss, Inc. HANSON TRUSS, INC. DATE: 8/11/09 LE DRWG #s B3 Lot 2 Multiple Load Cases: Rets, Forces & Csi's are worst case Code: CBC07 Rbdg:N 1-Ply TC 7-8 N02 DFL 2x4: P=1429C 0.026 Mm=2598 Mp=2391 0.539= 0.565 BC 12-11 N02DFL2x4: P=1008T 0.139 Mm=5367Mp=1916 0.811 = 0.951 WB 8-11 STDB DFL 2x4: P=1744C 0.635 TC AXIAL: 1-2 51, 2-3 -1591, 34 -1465, 4-5 -446, 5-6 441 6-7-1456, 7-8-1600, 8-957 BC AXIAL: 14-131393, 13-121454, 12-111533, 4-10-1381 10-6 -1381 WB AXIAL: 14-1-94, 14-2-1636, 2-13258, 13-3304, 10-5282 12-7340, 12-8-159, 8-11-1744, 11-9-107 13-12 N02 DFL 2x4SC BASE LOADS: 1.25: 20 14 10 5 PSF Wind: Exp B, Spd 85 LCI: 1.25: 45 32 11: 13-12 FAS100 LC2: UNBALANCED LIVE LOADS. LC3: 1.25: 0 32 22 11: 13-12 FAS100 LC4: 250 MOVING LOAD ON BC LC5: 1.6: 0 21 7: 13-12 FAS67.1-9 S-44 wind *lx Bracing **2x4 Bracing By Others RCTS: 14 11 MXVRT: 974 971 MXUPL: -101 -103 12 3X4 STACK 2x6 @ FAU 2X3 3/8"=!' OAK AVENUE - LOT 2 - LOT A - OCEANSIDE\WORKING\B3S Defl @ 12: TL= .3in L/803 LL= .16in L/999 Laterally brace B/C with gypsum shtg. or cont. lateral support not to exceed 10' oc UNOGRAD SPEC SIZE TC: N02 DFL 2X4 BC: N02 DFL 2X4 WEB: STDB DFL 2X4 SPCG: 27 OC TCLL: 45 TCDL: 32 BCLL: (22) BCDL: 11 PLF xl.05 DURLDGFCTR: 1.25 3.5"MinBrgWdthUNO Plates: TP500 20guno Centered on joint UNO Hanson Truss, Inc. and signing engineer accept no responsibility for the accuracy, structural ad- equacy or any other fea- ture of this design unless specifically fabricated by Hanson Truss, Inc. HANSON TRUSS, INC. DATE: 8/11/09 LE DRWG #s BBS Lot 2 Multiple Load Cases: Rets, Forces & Csi's are worst case Code:CBC07Rbdg:N 1-Ply TC 4-5 N02 DFL 2x4: P=3757C 0.195 Mm=1162 Mp=665 0.288= 0.484 BC 8-7 !&BDFL2x4: P=1707T0.169Mm=5661 Mp=3548 0.642= 0.811 WB 10-2 STDB DFL 2x4: P=3162C 0.947 MOD 3-4 l&B DFL 2x4: P=3540C 0.203 Mm=3460 Mp=3656 0.738= 0.941 TC AXIAL: 1-20, 2-3-3218, 3-4-3540, 4-5-3757, 5-641 BC AXIAL: 10-92589, 9-83729, 8-73106 WB AXIAL: 10-1-343, 10-2-3162, 2-91109, 9-3-901, 3-8-231 84 235, 8-5 492, 5-7 -3501, 7-6 -108 BASE LOADS: 1.25: 20 14 10 5 PSF Wind: Exp B, Spd 85 LCI: 1.25: 110 81 25: 4-6 68,4 566 LC2: 250 MOVING LOAD ON BC LC3: 1.6: 0 54 17: 4-6 19,4 l$0,!8-6 S-39 wind *lx Bracing **2x4 Bracing By Others RCTS: 10 7 MXVRT: 2227 1801 14 l&B DFL 2x4 3/8"=r HUS262Pl HUS262H HUS262Ply2X6BC l2X yZM 6X8 8BC OBC (panel pts equal division uno) 20'-10" OAK AVENUE - LOT 2 - LOT 4 - OCEANSIDE\WORKING\B4 Defl @ 3: TL= .28in L/868 LL= .llin L/999 Laterally brace B/C with gypsum shtg. or cont. lateral support not to exceed 10' oc UNOGRAD SPEC SIZE TC: N02 DFL 2X4 l&B DFL 2X4BC: WEB: STDB DFL 2X4 SPCG: PLF OC TCLL: HO TCDL: 81 BCLL: BCDL: 25 PLF xl.05 DURLDGFCTR: 1.25 3.5"MinBrgWdthUNO Plates: TP500 20guno Centered on joint UNO Hanson Truss, Inc. and signing engineer accept no responsibility for the accuracy, structural ad- equacy or any other fea- ture of this design unless specifically fabricated by Hanson Truss, Inc. HANSON TRUSS, INC. DATE: 8/11/09 LE DRWG #s B4 Lot 2 Multiple Load Cases: Rets, Forces & Csi's are worst case Code: CBC07 Rbdg:N 1-Ply TC 4-5 N02 DFL 2x4: P=3757C 0.195 Mm=1162 Mp=665 0.288= 0.484 BC 8-7 l&B DFL 2x4: P=1707T 0.169 Mm=5661 Mp=3548 0.642= 0.811 WB 10-2 STDB DFL 2x4: P=3162C 0.947 MOD 34 l&B DFL 2x4: P=3540C 0.203 Mm=3460 Mp=3656 0.738= 0.941 TC AXIAL: 1-20, 2-3-3218, 34-3540, 4-5-3757, 5-641 BC AXIAL: 10-9 2589, 9-8 3729, 8-7 3106 WB AXIAL: IO-I-343, 10-2-3162, 2-91109, 9-3-901, 3-8-231 84235, 8-5492, 5-7-3501, 7-6-108 BASE LOADS: 1.25: 20 14 10 5 PSF Wind: Exp B, Spd 85 LCI: 1.25: 110 81 25: 4-6 68,4 566 LC2: 250 MOVING LOAD ON BC LC3: 1.6: 0 54 17: 4-6 19,4 160,l-66S-39 wind *lx Bracing **2x4 Bracing By Others RCTS: MXVRT: 14 l&B DFL 2x4 3/8"=1' 5X12 (panel pts equal division uno) 20'-10" OAK AVENUE - LOT 2 - LOT 4 - OCEANSIDE\WORKING\B5 Defl @ 3: TL= .28inL/868 LL= .llin L/999 Laterally brace B/C with gypsum shtg. or cont. lateral support not to exceed 10' oc UNOGRAD SPEC SIZE TC: N02 DFL 2X4 BC:l&B DFL 2X4 WEB: STDB DFL 2X4 SPCG: PLF OC TCLL: ]10 TCDL: gl BCLL: BCDL: 25 PLF Xl.05 DURLDGFCTR: 1.25 3.5"MinBrgWdthUNO Plates: TP500 20guno Centered on joint UNO Hanson Truss, Inc. and signing engineer accept no responsibility for the accuracy, structural ad- equacy or any other fea-ture of this design unlessspecifically fabricatedby Hanson Truss, Inc. HANSON TRUSS, INC. DATE: 8/20/09 LE DRWG #s B5 Lot 2 Multiple Load Cases: Rets, Forces & Csi's are worst case Code: CBC07 Rbdg:N 1-Ply TC 1-2 N02 DFL 2x4: P=904C 0.010 Mm= 1051 Mp=252 0.212= 0.223 BC 4-3 N02 DFL 2x4: P=610T 0.084 Mm=2185 Mp=714 0.330= 0.415 WB 4-2 STDB DFL 2x4: P=36T 0.015 TC AXIAL: 1-2-904, 2-3-904 BC AXIAL: 1-4819, 4-3819 WB AXIAL: 4-2255 BASE LOADS: 1.25: 20 14 10 5 PSF Wind: Exp B, Spd 85 LCI: 1.25:40285:2296 LC2: 250 MOVING LOAD ON BC LC3: 1.6: 0 19 10: 2 84,1-3 S-39 .wirfd *lx Bracing **2x4 Bracing By Others 4'-0" 12 RCTS: 1 3 MXVRT: 435 435 12 l'-7 15/16" 3X4 3X5 3X5 Jt: X,Y 1: 1,0.3 3: -1,0.3 r=r OAK AVENUE - LOT 2 - LOT 4 - OCEANSIDE\WORKING\C1 Defl @ 4: TL= .05in L/999 LL= .02in L/999 Laterally brace B/C with gypsum shtg. or cont. lateral support not to exceed 10' oc UNOGRAD SPEC SIZE TC: N02 DFL 2X4 BC: N02 DFL 2X4 WEB: STDB PPL 2X4 SPCG: PLF OC TCLL: 40 TCDL: 28 BCLL: BCDL: 5 PLF xl.05 DURLDGFCTR: 1.25 3.5"MinBrgWdthUNO Plates: TP500 20guno Centered on joint UNO Hanson Truss, Inc. andsigning engineer acceptno responsibility for the accuracy, structural ad-equacy or any other fea-ture of this design unless specifically fabricated by Hanson Truss, Inc. HANSON TRUSS, INC. DATE: 8/11/09 LE DRWG #s Cl Lot 2 Qz LiJ. •2 •2. Oo LU oI o:oLL. — to 1§gi LU O-1 <*§o mo CD Ct Oin u.to u.o a:LJ O LJa UJ TRUSS CLIP OR (1)16d A TRUSS BOTTOM CHORD NON-BEARING PARTITION PERPENDICULAR TO TRUSS 2X BLKG. AT 2'-0' O.C. Z> TYPICAL \TRUSS BOTTOM CHORD ^\^\ Z3 •~^s4s^ NON-BEARING PARTITION PARALLEL TO TRUSS (3>NAIL TRUSS f TRUSSES SPACED AS REQUIRED TO BLOCK— iA 16d TYP — — ^_^' *s/ ' s /" V y (T)NAIL SPACER ^^ BLOCK TO TRUSS-, \ \ k 3ACK NAIL AFTER ~ SET NEXT TRUSS & TOE-NAIL TO ^y y L n1~\ ^ r^ ff \ 1 ALL TRUSSES ARE ERECTED PLATE TRUSS AT EXTERIOR WALL TRUSS BOTTOM CHORD \ TRUSS CLIP OR (1)16d -IX PLATE -2X PLATE SECTION A-A (1) 16d NAILS- 2X BLK (TYP.) -2X BLK - AHACH W/(2)16d NAILS AT EACH END SECTION B-B CHAMFERED OR SQUARE BLOCK PER ARCH. PLANS EXTERIOR WALL SECTION C-C tnV) a: in X-BRACING EVERY THIRD BAY AT 10'-0" O.C. FOR FLAT TRUSSES W/SPANS GREATER THAN 2Q'-Q" tn D rf L. ™°« ^ CL O VLd £Do >020< < UJ § = £— £; (A £3 ^fi- llz is Oz ^o 3CD O Z o<a:m 2-8d NAILS 74 Ibs. EACH 1X4 BRACING- TRUSS PER ENGINEERING- COMPRESSION WEB BRACE *OT& COMPRESSION WEBS MAY OCCUR AT ANY ANGLE, THEREFORE THE 45 DIAGONAL IS NAILED TO THE WEB ON THE SAME PLANE THAT THE WEB OCCURS. PLEASE SEE FIGURE 1(d) IN THE COMMENTARY AND RECOMMENDATIONS FOR BRACING WOOD TRUSSES fff T.P.I Inc. FOUND IN THE INSIDE FRONT COVER OF OUR SHOP DRAWINGS. -2-16d X X X -2-16d COMPRESSION WEB /-**/ BR JERAL BRACING X X -2X4 -2-16d END OF COMPRESSION BRACING DETAIL 2X4 SCAB 16d's @ 12" O.C. 2X4 SCAI TRUSS WEB 16d ©12" O.C. SECTION A-A TEE" BRACING C w si§°• u£i:<< ic Q. O V O OJ 03 11°< < UJ a LU Q CD 111 cnenLUDCo_ ^O O A in XL LJ X CD Q C£ <I oz: CJ<a:CD 1 1/2" NOTCH BY OTHERS AS SPECIFIEDI^ON PLANS 2x4 ADD ON BY OTHERS IF NOTCHES DO NOT FALL ON STUDS 3x4 •2x3 TYPICAL (OPT. TOE NAIL W/(3)16d) TYPICAL GABLE END TRUSS ; 1 1/2" NOTCH BY OTHERS1 AS SPECIFIEDI.ON PLANS SEE SPECIFIC TRUSS DRAWINGS FOR WOOD AND PLATE SPECIFICATIONS- IF STUD HEIGHT EXCEEDS 5'-9" BRACE PER SECTION 'A-A'- IF WEB LENGTH EXCEEDS 7'-6 BRACE AT MID PANEL W/8'-0" LONG MEMBER TO WEBS BEYOND 2x4 ADD ON B/0. IF NOTCHES DO NOT FALL ON STUDS 2x3 TYPICAL (OPT. TOE NAIL W/(3)16d) TYPICAL FILL TRUSS 2x4 BRACE AT 48" O.C. -^ RIDGE BLOCKS-, /\ CROSS BRACE AT RIDGE \ (FOR TRUSS STACKING OR 16'-0" O.C. MAX. ONLY. SEE STRUCTURAL DETAILS SECTION A-A FOR WALL BlwaNG-) GABLE STUD •2x4 BRACE AT 48" O.C. 2x4 CONT. (2)16d A) CONNECTION DETAIL 2x4 SOLID BLOCK (3)16d TRUSS 2x4 BRACE W/(4)16d'S TO TRUSS (3)16d -TRUSS B) CONNECTION DETAIL aJ5 Q- O >UJ CU >-tj Z C«L -I_J U.- Id QQ o TRUSS PER ENGINEERING7 TRUSS PER ENGINEERING •2x4 LADDER BLOCKING AT 24"' O.C. BY CONTRACTOR. ATTACH W/2-16d END NAILS. TYP. MAX. 6'-0' TOP & BOTTOM CHORDS 30' OPENING - 2X4 HEAD-OUT O T&B .2X4 RAFTER OR CJ. -(2) 16d's @ EA. END, TYP. DETAIL 30X30 ATTIC ACCESS 2LJ £La hOn < 0 S!°<n",.," tr u. o Oo:!fZ LU «I 3 CL O >bJ GU>o z c.< < UJ i<< -i (OO)ImCMI oI(/)2 (5)8d's STAGGERED @ 1 1/2" O.C. (EACH SIDE; 190 (5)8d's STAGGERED ® 1 1/2" O.C. (EACH SIDE) PLYWOOD GUSSET (EACH SIDE) MOMENT CAPACITY OF NAILS: 78#/NAIL 5-NAILS M = 3.5 x 5 x 78 x 2 = 2730"| NOTE: NAILS DOMINATE OVER .PLYWOOD VALUES e = (5.5 - 1 - 1) = 3.5 6'2' 12 188 1 , 32 SPAN = 8VT " 11'3 331 t 32 PLF t 64 t 6 6' 4' t 32 PLF t64 PLFtg4 6' 6' t 32 PLF t 64 PLF t156 M = 190 L = 2730 L = 14.4 +1 T/2" BRG = 16 O O_ ^ i—(/) Sj OKZ 0. O > y 20< < LJ j Q; < %i°s a §ij z H UJo uio 0.en ooo -I CL OL O)I l^s CM I a.in0 Q_ I\n GABLE OVERSTACK VALLEY FILL TO 36'-0" 2x4 VALLEY RAFTERS W/(3) 16d NAILS - TOE NAIL TO RIDGE (TYP) 2x6 #3 DFL RIDGE SUPPORTED AS SHOWN NOTE! FOR SHORTER VALLEY 5. ESTIMATE LONGER MEMBERS AND RESPECTIVE DETAILS. 2x4 POST TO PURLIN UNDER RAFTER AT 8'-0" 2x4 POST TO BEARING, GABLE END OR GIRDER (TYP) 2x4 SCAB ON IF RAFTER BEARS ON TOP CHORD AND IS 2'-0" OR GREATER FROM THE PANEL POINT NOTCH POST FOR PURLIN (TYP) 2X FULL BEARING WIDTH NAILER W/(2)16d NAILS PER TRUSS BELOW NOTES: 1. ROOF LIVE LOAD + DEAD LOAD = 34 PSF. 2. VALLEY RAFTERS TO BE MIN. 2x4 NO2 GRADE DOUG-FIR. CLEAR SPANS NOT TO EXCEED 7'-0" FOR 34 PSF LOADING. 3. ALL NAILING PER C.B.C. 2007 EXCEPT AS NOTED. „ 4. PROVIDE SOLID BLOCKING BETWEEN TRUSSES TO SUPPORT RIDGE 5. ALL POST & PURLIN MATERIALS TO BE PROVIDED BY OTHERS. HIP COMMON SOFFIT RETURN IF GREATER THAN 2'-0 2X SLEEPERS HIP OVERSTACK a £ a a <r o a z a: u. o •i/io tr z Is! oissRa u O enenI CM I CM a:Ob_ O oitf> QU 0 ID IL I- LOOSE JACK RAFTER 2x4 BLOCK FIRST COMMON TRUSS HIP TRUSS 2x4 RAFTER- SECTION B 2x4 RAFTER SEE SECTION 'A 2X4 CONT. LATERAL BRACING BY OTHERS AT 24" ON CENTER (2)16d NAILS TYPICAL DBL HIP TRUSS JACK RAFTER TO TRUSS TOP CHORD SECTION-"C" LINE OF PLATED 2X4's O ALTERNATE STACKED HIP RAFTER. BLK W/(4)16d TO TRUSS (ALTERNATE BAYS) (2)16d END NAILSCONTINUOUS HIP BEAM W/TAIL RIPPED TO 2x4 LL. PLUS O.L < 36 PSF : USE #2 DFL 2x6 FOR SET BACK OF 7'-2" OR LESS USE #1 DFL 2x6 FOR SET BACK OF 7'-3" TO 7'-5 USE #2 DFL 2x8 FOR SET BACK OF 7'-6" TO 8'-0 DOUBLE TRUSS AT 1ST HIP ONLY WHEN REQUIRED. REFER TO ENGINEERING SET BACK VARIES TO 8-0 (WITH 2x4 TOP CHORD) BOTTOM CHORD ONLY WHEN REQUIREDFIRST COMMON TRUSS 2X BLK. B/0 UNDER HI RAFTER W/(4)16d TO T.C. (BLK NOT REQUIRED O STACKED 2X4's) HIP RARER— 1ST HIP TRUSS 2X BLKG. B/0 (ALT. BAYS) \ LOOSE JACK RAFTER JACKS W/B.C. PLAN VIEW SECTION 'A' u tin*s <(/> ,. t/1 ?; o: 5 IT a z is UJ Q ct:o o FIRE SPRINKLER NOTES: - IF PIPE ATTACHMENT OCCURS 8" OR LESS FROMA JOINT, NO SCAB-ON IS REQUIRED. - IF PIPE ATTACHMENT OCCURS GREATER THAN 8 FROM A JOINT, PROVIDE 2X4 SCAB-ON TO ONE SIDE W/16d NAILS @ 12 O.C. FIRE SPRINKLER CONTRACTOR 'TO DESIGN ATTACHMENT CONNECTION TO TRUSS. DESIGN SHALL BE APPROVEDBY HANSON TRUSS, INC. PRIOR TOINSTALLATION.2X4 SCAB-ON BY OTHERS W/16" @ 12" O.C. GREATER THAN , 8 TYPICAL TOP CHORD SCAB-ON DETAIL FOR 250 Ib. SPRINKLER PULL LOAD TYPICAL BOTTOM CHORD GREATER THAN 2X4 SCAB-ON BY OTHERS- W/16d @ 12 O.C. MATERIAL AND HARDWARE BY OTHERS DETAILS SHOWN ARE CONCEPTUAL. AND DO MOT NECCSSAMLT 8ERECT ACTUAL CONOTIOML. CONSULT OWMMCS BT OESCN ENQNCER FOR ACTUAL CONOmON.ATTACHMENT. SBE * QUANTITY ARC ReCOHMCNOED CUOOJNCS. flCFOI TO OESBN ORAMNGS FOR ACTUAL CONOTOIS. APPUCAft£ USE IE ATTACHMENT. -A34 CLIP (ALTERNATE 2X4 ® B.C. W/2-16d V\ln E : NDS) M ^~" F ••• ., ' A '-iu- IU END Of * r q c. ? ^ V V NAIL Urc AOt Crt. \ "LU" TYPE HANGER. \ \• v SPACING DETERMINED — 7nur cppiMi/'i co rnwTRArTn ^. V t • (MAX 15'-0" O.C. W/2" DIA. PIPE) PLAN f / ^s Ts 'IK \ X R Al T * E SF TACI- ( 1 SPRINKLER & T B/0. 2X4 © T.C. WHERE OCCURS (SIMILAR ATTACHMENT AS BOTTOM CHORD) 2X4 FLAT B/0. ® 8'-0" O.C. @ 2" DIA. PIPE W/2-16d EA. END TO B.C. ALTERNATE SUPPORT -2X4 @ B.C. W/2-16d TOE NAIL OR A34 OR "LU" TYPE HANGER SECTION o a: z2 LU <X X. ^y 0 g"! 1 = 2 S u-^ < Lti Q or U or D_ Ld ^U. JP TO 6'-6" T.C.. CONNECT T.C. TO LEDGER W/(3)16d NAILS. CONNECT LEDGER TO STUDS W/(3)16d NAILS AT EACH STUD. FROM 6'-7" T.C. TO 8'-0" T.C., CONNECT T.C. W/(1)A34. CONNECT LEDGER TO STUDS W/(1)A34 AT EACH STUD. :ONNECT T.C. TO LEDGER W/(2)16d NAILS. CONNECT LEDGER TO WALL W/(2)l6d NAILS AT EACH STUD. V PRESSURE BLOCK B.C. OR USE U24 HANGER 8'-0* MAXIMUM SPAN SEE TRUSS LAYOUT FOR HANGER SIZE SEE TRUSS CONFIGURATION JACK TRUSS SUPPORT DETAIL fAGAINST HIGH WALL)MONO TRUSS SUPPORT DETAIL (AGAINST HIGH WALL) _j li, Lk. 1_) tt oo:zZ£< Q, O >-_ uj CD Q ozo 3^5• Saa ?>s*|2 a ss^ O OL Q. 3V) dC HiyS ^ o FOR SCISSOR & CONVENTIONAL HIP SYSTEMS NOTE! HIPS TO SIT ON LEDGER 2X LEDGER BY OTHERS SEE CHART FOR SIZE MAXIMUM SET BACK r-r 8'-8" 10'-0" LEDGER SIZE 2x4 2x6 2x8 NAILS © 4-16d 6-16d 8-16d NAILS © 2-16d 3-16d 4-16d MAXIMUM SET BACK r-r 8'-8" 10'-0° LEDGER 51ZE 2x6 2x6 2x8 NAILS © 6-16d 8-16d 11-16d NAILS ® 3-16d 4-16d 6-1 6d LIVE LOAD + DEAD LOAD = 32 PSF LIVE LOAD + DEAD LOAD = 41 PSF a is! <0> z *< Oui z IonId Y X JT: X , Y 1: 1 , .3 TYPICAL HEEL CONDITION D=1.5" OFF SET CONDITIONS o LJ_l CL Q CDLJI— O LJ 2LJ O O ct:LJ U_ LJo: w II . L_ (/)r" >jc Q. O >-LJ CDO >o z o< < LJ ^Saa ij-g a CENTERLINE ON JOINT CENTERLINE ON JOINT TYPICAL CENTERLINE ON JOINT OFF SET CONDITIONS LJ *2 Id O LJ a. Multiple Load Cases: Rets, Forces & Csi's are worst case Code: PSA Rbdg:Y- 2-Ply TC 4-5 N02 DFL 2x4: IP=4415CII0368llMm=1024l[Mip=69!lf0^89l = BC 6-5 N02 DFL 2x8:1P=4072TI 104341 Mm=7759 Mp=2518 104501 = TC AXIAL: BC AXIAL WB AXIAL 1-2 -3721, 2-3 -3049, 3-4 -3057, 4-5 -4415 1-8 3412, 8-7 3412, 7-6 4072, 6-5 4072 8-2 541, 2-7 -769, 7-3 2136, 7-4 -1397, 6-4 900 —FORCE IN COMPRESSION -TOP CHORD AXIAL STRESS INDEX —MID PANEL MOMENT —PANEL POINT MOMENT h TOP CHORD BENDING STRESS INDEX1 COMBINED STRESS INDEX —BOT. CHORD BENDING STRESS INDEX —BOT. CHORD AXIAL STRESS INDEX —FORCE IN TENSION LOAD CASE 1 DURATION LOADING FACTOR4 LOADS IN PLF UNIFORM LOADS FROM JOINTS 8 TO 5-CONCENTRATED LOADS AT JOINT 8 [LCI: 1.25: 32 32 10:118-5 356] B 780]*1x Bracino, By Others ILC2: 1.33: Q 32 10:1 [1^3 120H.3-5 120H.1I8-5 178.8 3901 LOAD CASE 2 (LATERAL CALCSl DURATION LOADING FACTOR —& LOADS IN PLF HORIZONTAL LOADS APPLIED TO TOP CHORDS-1 UNIFORM & CONCENTRATED LOADS (WITHOUT LIVE LOADS)J 2-Plv: Nail TC w/16d S 12in oc Nail BC w/16d @ Bin oc NOTE: TRUSS TO TRANSFER 120 PLF LATERAL FORCE fcCTS: 1 5 MX VRT: 3164 4610 'MX HOR: -2724 0 ) 5X5 5'-l 9/16° 12 12 3/8""=!' PANEL POINT LOCATIONS SHALL BE EQUAL DIVISIONS UNLESS NOTED OR DIMENSIONED OTHERWISE TL Defl 0 7= .3in UNO GRAD SPEC SIZE TC: N02 DFL 2X4 BC: N02 DFL 2X8 WEB: STDBDFL 2X4 SPCG: PLF 2-PLY TCLL: 32 TCDL: 32 BCLL: BCDL: 10 ess DUR LOG FCTR: 1.25 3.5" MinBrg Wdth UNO Plates: TP-500 IC80:5039 LA:23996 Centered on joint UNO Hanson Truss, Inc. and signing Engineer accept no responsibility (or the accuracy, structural adequacy or any other feature of this design unless specifically fabricated by Hanson Truss, Inc. HANSON TRUSS, INC. DATE: 8/23/00 PO DRWG #s SAMPLE CALC »SUMMARY-OF I.C.C. EVALUATION REPORT ESR-2765 REJSSUED ON NOVEMBER 1, 2OO8 TP-5QO TRUSS PLATES LATERAL RESISTANCE VALUES DIRECTION OF GRAIN A LOAD WITH RESPECT TO LENGTH GAGE SPECIES AA EA AE EE 20 20 20 20 18 18 18 DFL HF SPF LVL DFL HF SPF 153 112 120 118 114 108 128 151 117 113 96 126 103 119 91 87 88 112 85 71 85 108 87 98 134 102 68 70 -Values are pounds per square inch of plate contact area -Plates are installed in pairs on opposite faces of truss member -Values are based on gross area method TENSION VALUES DIRECTION OF.LOAD WITH RESPECT TO LENGTH GAGE . 0* 90* 20 18 1246 1367 880 1086 -Values are pounds per inch per pair of plates SHEAR VALUES DIRECTION OF LOAD WITH RESPECT TO LENGTH GAGE 0* 30* 60° 90« 120>_150V 20 18 545 654 650 676 1064 1228 626 649 357 438 401 497 -Values are pounds per inch per pair of plates »NOTE= FULL COPY AVAILABLE UPON REQUEST TIMES? PRODUCTS INSPECTION, INC. dba GENERAL TESTING AND INSPECTION AGENCY Timber Products Inspector) (TP) anfl General Tesiino ana inspection (fcnj a™ code recognized by the tntematfcnal Conference of Buiktog Qfiraah (ICBO E.S.) when as af jamar? 1, 2003 twcams ihe Ifttemaronat Aceredteraon Service. Ine (1AS1 with ihe new assign«-dnumber O1AA-3S4 HANSON TRUSS, INC CHINO.CA Is curranty an active msrnbw in good standing m tno TP Third Party Truss Auditing Program and has been since BRIAN MENSLEY TRUSS MANAGER- WESTERN DIVISION TIMBER PRODUCTS INSPECTION L.A.CITY R.R. #23996 i.C.C. ESR-2765 l-111 !SSzKu-O CJZO< «. u a !§? c 0 h £E 0 Q_lij DC 0m 0 'Diagonal bracing-repeat at approximately 20 feet intervals in length of uilding. Added diagonal bracing in the plane of the web members, prevents lateral Space: 12 feet to 16 feet on center across building for roofs. SStd Space: 8 feet on centerCVSL>- across buildingfor floors Figure 4(a) B as Vconti,inuous lateral bracing maintains *"" spacing, but permits trusses to move laterally. Figure 4(b) between laterals placed at approximately 45 degrees is recommended for stability of the bottom chord. Diagonal bracing in the plane of the bottom chord is generally not required throughout the length of the building, but it is recommended that it be located at least at each end of the building. In most cases, temporary bracing in the plane of the bottom chord is installed at the locations specified on the architectural plan for permanent bracing, and is, therefore, left in place as permanent bracing. Figure 5 illustrates bracing in the plane of the bottom chord. Full bundles of plywood should not be placed on trusses. This construction load should be limited to 8 sheets of plywood on any pair of trusses and should be located adjacent to the supports. Noexcess concentration of any construction materials (such as gravel or shingles) 10 . Diagonals form braced bay at approximately 20 feet intervals, repeat at both ends. <r < < Continuous lateral bracing spaced 8 feet to 10 feet! located at or near a panel ' point. Bottom chord of (typical) Figure 5 should be placed on the trusses in any one area; they should bespread out evenly over a large area so as to avoid overloading any one truss. All mechanical equipment should be located only on the trusses specifically designed to support it. It should not be dropped or even set temporarily any other area unless the trusses are adequately shored. All floor trusses should be adequately shored if pallets of masonry materials are to be stored temporarily until the next higher walls are finished. STAGE THREE: Permanent Bracing is designed and specified by the architect or engineer for the structural safety of the building. It is the responsibility of the building designer to indicate size, location, and attachments for all permanent bracing as required by design analysis. In general, it is desirable to design and locate all bracing so that it may work together with other structural parts of the building (such as shear walls, portal frames, bearing walls, columns, beams, etc.) to achieve total integrity. 11 \ I f /Iillh^ *» ii/ ,1i 1 ssss^ I1 1 / / ! ^a !E^ 11 11 /' — -f 1 1 1 mi v^ 1 1 1- 1 1 1 f//A l^hu. 1l^_ 1 . , — , . &4 All top chore can buckle together rf th bracing Ridge line (typical) -Top chords can buckle despite frequent purlins Figure 6(a) Permanent bracing must provide sufficient support at right angles to the plane of the truss to hold every truss member in the position assumed for it in design. In addition, permanent bracing must be designed to resist lateral forces imposed on the completed building by wind or seismic forces. Permanent bracing may be subdivided into three logical components: 1. Top Chord Plane. This bracing is designed to resist lateral movement of the top chord. If plywood floor or roof sheathing is properly applied with staggered joints and adequate nailing, a continuous diaphragm action is developed and additional bracing in the plane is generally not required. Some metal roofing materials may be depended upon to act as a diaphragm when properly lapped and nailed. Selection and use of these materials is at the discretion of the building designer. 12 —Diagonals form braced bay. Repeat at both " **l N* / \ fffifft N / *fch_ j ^!f^W 1 ( jrrnr I1 »-: ^ \ Diagonals bracing nailed to under prevents lateral movement of top Ridpe line — Top chord (typical) _^- Purlins continuous Figure 6(b) If purlins are used, spaced not exceed the buckling length of the top chord, and adequately attached to the top chord, it is recommended that diagonal bracing be applied to the underside of the top chord to prevent lateral shifting of the purlins. Figures 6(a) illustrates the necessity for applying diagonal bracing in the plane of the top chord despite the use of closely spaced purlins. It is recommended that this diagonal bracing, as shown in Figure 6(b), be installed on both sides of the ridge line in all end bays. If the building exceeds 60 feet in length, this bracing should be repeated at intervals no greater that 20 feet. 2. Web Master Plane. The purpose bracing is to hold the trusses in a vertical position and to maintain the design spacing. In addition, this lateral bracing may be required to shorten the buckling 13 length of a web member. As described earlier in the discussion of building design and truss design (STAGE ONE), diagonal bracing or end anchorage is essential to stabilize the lateral bracing. Diagonal bracing in the plane of the web members is also used to distribute unequal loading to adjacent trusses and to spread lateral forces to diaphragms or shear walls. Spacing of rows of diagonal bracing in the plane of the webs is a matter of judgment to be made by the building designer, and will depend upon the truss span, truss configurations, type of building, and the loading. Generally, for roof trusses, the spacing ranges from 12 feet to 16 feet depending upon how it relates to the bracing in the plane of the top chord. For floor trusses the cross bracing should be approximately 8 feet on centers. Lateral 2x6 strong-backs may also be used for some floor systems. Figure 1 and Figure 4 illustrate bracing in the plane of the webs. 3. Bottom Chord Plane. This bracing is required to maintain the truss design spacing and to provide lateral support to the bottom chord to resist buckling forces in the event of reversal of stress due to wind uplift or unequal roof or floor loadings. For multiple bearing trusses or cantilever conditions, portions of the bottom chord become compression members and should be braced laterally to resist buckling in the same manner as the top chord of simple span trusses. Bracing in the plane of the bottom chord is also designed to transfer lateral forces due to wind or seismic loads into side walls, hear walls or other resisting structural elements. Diagonals between continuous lateral bracing serve to stabilize the bottom chord. It is recommended that one complete bay of diagonal bracing be installed at each end of any building, and additional such bays be located at specified intervals no to exceed 20 feet. Figure 5 illustrates the use of bracing in the plane of the bottom chord. These recommendations for bracing wood trusses have been derived from the collective experience of leading technical personnel in the wood truss industry but must, due to the nature of responsibilities involved, be presented only as a gu/defor the use of a qualified building designer, builder, or erection contractor. 14 APPENDIX It is intended that this appendix contain only tentative recommendations that may be used as a guide for on-site handling and erection until a more complete statement can be prepared. There may be some instances in which additional precautions will be necessary. UNLOADING. If possible, trusses shall be unloaded on relatively smooth ground. They shall not be unloaded on rough terrain that would cause undue lateral strain that might result in distortion of truss joints. Dumping of trusses is an acceptable practice provided that the trusses are not damaged or excessively stressed in the act of dumping. The builder shall provide protection from damage that may be caused by on-site construction activity. STORAGE. Care shall be taken so as not to allow excessive bending of trusses or to allow tipping or toppling while the trusses are banded or when the banding is removed. If trusses fabricated with fire retardant treated wood must be stored prior to erection, they should be stored in a vertical position to prevent water containing chemicals leached from the wood from standing on the plates. A further precaution may be taken by providing a cover for the trusses that will prevent moisture from coming in direct contact with the trusses and which can be ventilated to prevent condensation. ERECTING TRUSSES. The truss erector or builder shall take the necessary precautions to insure that handling and erection procedures do not reduce the load-carrying capacity of the truss. Trusses shall be installed plumb, at specified spacing and in- plane (i.e..trusses will be properly aligned). Figure A(1) Tagline A suggested procedure for lifting trusses is illustrated in Figure A(1) if the truss span does not exceed 30 feet. Taglini Figure A(2) For truss spans between 30 feet and 60 feet a suggested lifting procedure is shown in Figure A(2). It should be noted that the lines from the ends of the spreader bar "toe-in." If these lines should "toe- out," they will tend to cause buckling of the truss. 17 For lifting trusses with spans in excess of 60 feet, it is recommended that a strong-back be used as illustrated in Figure A(3). The strong-back should be attached to the top chord and web members at intervals of approximately 10 feet. Further, the strong- backs should be at or above the mid-height of the truss so as to prevent overturning. The strong-back can be of any material with sufficient rigidity to adequately resist bending of the truss. 18 PAUL LONGTON, ARCHITECT AIA 2909 Mesa Drive Oceanside, California 92054 TRANSMITTAL COVER SHEET DATE: TO: FROM: RE: 8/24/2009 AliSadre Esgil Corporation PaulLongton TIME: PHONE: FAX: PHONE: FAX: 10:56 AM (858)560-1468 (760)722-4904 (760) 722-4903 Duplex for Oak Ave Venture LLC, Plan Check # 09-0721 - PCR09-1 1 0 Set Message This transmittal includes: • 1- stamped and signed complete architectural and structural engineering set (the other set was brought to the City of Carlsbad). Note that there were no changes to the structural sheets, but included so as to have complete sets. • Revised T-24 - 2-copies • Copy of letters from the glass guardrail manufacturer, CR Lawrence and a letter from the structural engineer regarding the guardrail The following are responses (by the number) from the Aug 20, 2009 plan check (Set I) 1200 - 1202 Oak Avenue: 1 . Both Architectural and Structural are stamped and signed 2. The eave is dimensioned on 2/A-3.0 3. Deck called out on deck, 1/A-3.0 as well as Roof Deck Note #2 4. NoteatWH1/A-1.0 5. a) Included is a letter from CR Lawrence, the glass guardrail manufacturer and a letter from the structural engineer, Mark Swanson and b) "Safety added to the windows in question, Sheet A-2.0 and A-3.0 6. Note at toilets A-1 .0 plus Note B4 (same sheet) 7. 1 /A-2.0 8. E1andE2 V 9. Revised T-24 calculations included i 1 0.1 /A-1 .0 1 1 . 1/E-1 .0 and note in Bdrm #2 E2.0 12. 1/E-1 .0 and note in 2-car garage 13.1/A-1.0andnoteB7 14.1/A-1.0 15. Indicated on this transmittal 16. No other revisions, other corrections from this plan check have been made to the plans. Sincerely, Paul Longton ;5. 2009- 2:23FM Season & Associates:.:. : •I! \ 1 ^ (• *• A ; vR- ^'j-V-..:1;. -;' «% =-.iV.if. ation of Testing "•-5sl Swab? Available fcr Sot.*-/ GiesslVedgs© Dry Glaze System arrd Vi/gt filaze %'Sten> Cc--'n->.5J3 ir-fortriaticn Ifev B?- OcvjiiSsadec from PDF Pies si:dlaarercs-corn iiai'C top}- iifrsurts Also /-.i/2;ia.o;c: vvitli Candulf/uc Engi^ssr's Ss-^S a/id Sign«U;fy Jo< :< r.')^-j«:.;" fee /^ BME CONSULTANTS OF ILLINOIS, INC', CONSULTING eh;6INE£fi3 (70ai 430-1071 / Fas (703J •an .X- Laurense Co., Ins 2JOOJE. 38 ta Surest PJJ: Gl/(S Project No. B-2626A HorizoLtal U>ad testing OlCRLauritca 48 by 42 ifxb Gl«s B4u'.nc« Ass jabl/- As you raiju.ssfed. ws have compitstsd ts '.c jtiag 9f the C-B. Laurebat (CRI j IS u,C3 ay < iriifc Glus Baiiiscrade assembly. Based on A dasignlcac consisting of a cor;C':!ia Maaontal fiacce »f200p»Mi^,thelowl:ii5s'uioui testiug -program -it tli«CTiL wi ars 2.5 to 4.1 tirnesrtiie -design criteria. Tift assemblies tested ticludcd both Vi aid V< inch.it:u;;ered gtos, nutated Li mi-Itpie Cii bas-j stoi profiles. !B QlVlEs ifijjor.-Ko. B2 W6-A, of Februar)-. S, i004., \< -* d*:tjb.t o\u- lesting prcgraw wbci-e subjemwJ a n wnbe: of CRL's glass bilui-ji'-d?, 4 j by 41: kui asj.eoibli.tfs, to » cpttccutiied horiaontt! loading applied to the uppe: toioer ot ihj jiajs. The glass msunting syittaM to the dio.C; idclvded both wd set sjstcu wjd c^iil Glas-sWe-dsjc Systert. its' iumiman sheas- y/cre nountfrd to tlis tssi fisiliEy jluor LSLQS; tkeo methods. These twee methods inclivitd diracc xtoucting wto i* «ssed Jtctor belts, mwnfaig or, 1/2-inca thick steel p!azc-s, jcd side w&urili qg to 3-/i X 3 Vi by --1 in ;i wi^ic w.cn V/e applied irxl held a coocatwted horuc-ntal load to U:.t upper cot::*r of tar !iu.i:er e.: gliss (bo.th '/: and 3/« iocH thickness) of tU 43-«.ch wide by 42-ineb iu^h Gi Lji-eai. t Glass Baiiusttud* Assembliss. Oajimdia^ on.U^ asscciiy details the J-iiriiocu-l l-j^-di fofjyw miiptcs riD^^l froa 5.00 j^uads. vvivh three 3rXs ir:;li wjjie Ci^ s to 823 pounds with both C* wet set syi'.aiQ aad four 3 K iaeii ••v.di; Cli Is . ENCiNtiilV */ / \A1lilWvl C. ICAASN'Y. re. TriOI<V5 3 Yrl^.'Ai, HS. BEST COP^f -V.. 25. 2009 4:10PM S»ar.son & Associates Nc. 0230 SCANOATEiNia-us ' •i5-3j-e7.7s.c- Charlie Wilson Mutual Partners, Inc. 1821 S. Coast Highway Occam-ide, CA 92054 Aim.: Charlie Wilson Subject; Glass Railing Detail Pacitc Street Lot 13 and 14 Febraxy25 2001- Dear Sir, 1 understand you have made a change of manufacturers for your glass raiiiug sjsteia. You wu like to use C.R. Lawrence Co. Inc. glass balustrade rail system. The system v/iLl use glass panels ;r, 42.1/2 x 60" seghients. The glass panels will be separated by a 1/2" to 3/4" gup between the par.eis. I have reviewed the testing documents from the manufacturer. The wet-se: ancaora^e '.o the chajind tuid the 1/2" tempered glass c-an resist the code applied forces, with adequate safer/ levels at 42" lugt guardriiil height. If you have any further questions, feel free 10 contact me. Respectfully $ BEST PCR09110 1200 OAKAV SFtC HOME- REVISE ALL PLANS TO CUOVA/ DAiccn r^ADAnp rpu iwn POP r AD i ICTQ .fty/fl*? iiri- Forms/Fees CFD Fire FOG HazMat/APCD Health PFF PE&M School Sewer Stormwater Comments QCV Sent Rec'd Due? N Building Planning Engineering Fire „ Date Date Date Date Need? Done Done Q Done Q Done -(—f /.A / 08-07-2009 City of Carlsbad 1635 Faraday Av Carlsbad, CA 92008 Plan Check Revision Permit No:PCR09104 Building Inspection Request Line (760) 602-2725 Job Address: Permit Type: Parcel No: Valuation: Reference #: PC#: Project Title: Applicant: DAVID FISHBACK 760580-1986 1200 OAK AVCBAD PCR 1561804800 $0.00 Lot #: 0 Construction Type: NEW CB090721 REVISE TO DEEPENED FOOTING ALONG ENTIRE WEST WALL Status: ISSUED Applied: 08/06/2009 Entered By: RMA Plan Approved: 08/07/2009 Issued: 08/07/2009 Inspect Area: Owner: OAK AVE V1NTURE L L C C/0 ADELE f itGHBACH 1821S COAST HWY OCEANSIDE CA 92054 Plan Check Revision Fee Additional Fees $65.00 $0.00 Total Fees:$65.00 Total Payments To Date:$0.00 Balance Due:$65.00 Inspector: FINAL APPROVAL Date:Clearance: NOTICE: Please take NOTICE that approval of your project includes the "Imposition" of fees, dedications, reservations, or other exactions hereafter collectively referred to as "fees/exactions." You have 90 days from the date this permit was issued to protest imposition of these fees/exactions. If you protest them, you must follow the protest procedures set forth in Government Code Section 66020(a), and file the protest and any other required information with the City Manager for processing in accordance with Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 3.32.030. Failure to timely follow that procedure will bar any subsequent legal action to attack, review, set aside, void, or annul their imposition. You are hereby FURTHER NOTIFIED that your right to protest the specified fees/exactions DOES NOT APPLY to water and sewer connection fees and capacity changes, nor planning, zoning, grading or other similar application processing or service fees in connection with this project. NOR DOES IT APPLY to any fees/exactions of which you have previously been given a NOTICE similar to this, or as to which the statute of limitations has previously otherwise expired. CITY OF CARLSBAD PLAN CHECK REVISION APPLICATION B-15 Development Services Building Department 1635 Faraday Avenue 760-602-2719 www.carlsbadca.gov Plan Check Revision No. Project Address Contact P.an Check Date Email /,?/ Contact Address.tocr \AJflfcg. zip General Scope of Work ^~B . , ,.. ^ Original plans prepared by an architect or engineer, revisions must be signed & stamped by that person. 1 Elements revised: Plans Calculations Soils Energy Other, Describe revisions in detail List page(s) where each revision is shown List revised sheets that replace existing sheets Yes5 Does this revision, in any way, alter the exterior of the project? O Does this revision add ANY new floor area(s)? n Yes 7 Does this revision affect any fire related issues? Q Yes f 8 Is this a complete set? D Yes m No ^Signatu 1635 Faraday Avenue, Carlsbad, CA 92008 Phone: 760-602-2717/2718/2719 www.carlsbadca.gov No Fax: 760-602-8558 To: City of Carlsbad BUILDING DEPARTMENT 1635 Faraday Avenue, Carlsbad, CA 92008 Phone: 760402-7541 / Fax: 7604024558 Plan Chech Comments / 2OO7 Codes : Steve Borossay Phone:Date: CONTACT HOURS FOR STEVE HOROSSAY: TUESDAY THROUGH FRIDAY 1PM 5PM *> Please make corrections referred to below and run TWO new prints. If red marks are on plans as a part of this Plan Check response please return red marked set with the new prints. * Thl« to • BUILDING REVIEW ONLY. Comments or approval do not apply to any other Cltv department review. For information on the status of approval from other departments please contact staff Q760-602-2717 / 2718 / 2719. i§ PCR09104 1200 OAKAV REVISE TO DEEPENED FOOTING ALONG ENTIRE WEST WALL 11-30-2009 City of Carlsbad 1635 Faraday Av Carlsbad, CA 92008 Plan Check Revision Permit No:PCR09158 Building Inspection Request Line (760) 602-2725 Job Address: Permit Type: Parcel No: Valuation: Reference #: PC#: Project Title: 1200 OAK AVCBAD PCR 1561804800 $0.00 CB090721 Lot #: 0 Construction Type: NEW FISCHBACH RES-REVISE GUARDRAIL Status: ISSUED Applied: 11/19/2009 Entered By: LSM Plan Approved: 11/30/2009 Issued: 11/30/2009 Inspect Area: Applicant: PAUL LONGTON 2909 MESA DR OCEANSIDE CA 92054 760 722 4904 Owner: OAKAVE VENTURE LLC C/0 ADELE RSCHBACH 1821 S COAST HWY OCEANSIDE CA 92054 Plan Check Revision Fee Additional Fees $145.00 $0,00 Total Fees:$145.00 Total Payments To Date:$145.00 Balance Due:$0.00 Inspector: FINAL APPROVAL Date:Clearance: NOTICE: Please take NOTICE that approval of your project includes the "Imposition" of fees, dedications, reservations, or other exactions hereafter collectively referred to as "fees/exactions." You have 90 days from the date this permit was issued to protest imposition of these fees/exactions. If you protest them, you must follow the protest procedures set forth in Government Code Section 66020(a), and file the protest and any other required information with the City Manager for processing in accordance with Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 3.32.030. Failure to timely follow that procedure will bar any subsequent legal action to attack, review, set aside, void, or annul their imposition. You are hereby FURTHER NOTIFIED that your right to protest the specified fees/exactions DOES NOT APPLY to water and sewer connection fees and capacity changes, nor planning, zoning, grading or other similar application processing or service fees in connection with this project. NOR DOES IT APPLY to any fees/exactions of which vou have previously been given a NOTICE similar to this, or as to which the statute of limitations has previously otherwise expired. CITY OF CARLSBAD PLAN CHECK REVISION APPLICATION B-15 Development Services Building Department 1635 Faraday Avenue 760-602-2719 www.carlsbadca.gov Plan Check Revision No. Project Address Contacted I Original Plan Check No. Date Ph"lka.121.4.<fo4. Contact General Scope of Work AM . City Zip Original plans prepared by an architect or engineer, revisions must be signed & stamped by that person. 1 Elements revised: ^PJ Plans Calculations Soils Energy n Other 2 Describe revisions in detail AAA (\\f A.ri^(~oijt\ cteTrtfuV Q./A-^.-to <*^di. Vc£.»-f i J)14* *h> t>eJlsoo<H\<, 4fr *• T 4- 3 List page(s) where each revision is shown A-*.t> 4 List revised sheets that replace existing sheets A --2.0 5 s_/Does this revision, in any way, alter the exterior of the project? LJ Yes 2k No 6 r—i \iXDoes this revision add ANY new floor area(s)? [J Yes 0v No 7 Does this revision affect any fire related issues? Q Yes J*Q No 8 Is this a completeLset? H Yes ^f No ^Signature 1635 Faraday A'.venue, Cansfcad,-o\92008 Phone: 760-602-2717/2718/2719 www.carlsbadca.gov Fax: 760-602-8558 EsGil Corporation In Partnership with government for Quitting Safety DATE: NOV. 30, 2O09 JURISDICTION: CARLSBAD a PLAN REVIEWER a FILE PLAN CHECK NO.: O9-0721 (Rev. # 3) - PCR09-158 _ SET: I PROJECT ADDRESS: 1200 & 1202 OAK AVENUE - LOT # 2 PROJECT NAME: DUPLEX FOR OAK AVENUE VENTURE LLC XI The plans transmitted herewith have been corrected where necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes. ~\ The plans transmitted herewith will substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes . when minor deficiencies identified below are resolved and checked by building department staff. The plans transmitted herewith have significant deficiencies identified on the enclosed check list and should be corrected and resubmitted for a complete recheck. ; The check list transmitted herewith is for your information. The plans are being held at Esgil Corporation until corrected plans are submitted for recheck. : [~~| The applicant's copy of the check list is enclosed for the jurisdiction to forward to the applicant contact person. .. ' The applicant's copy of the check list has been sent to: Esgil Corporation staff did not advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed: Esgil Corporation staff did advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. Person contacted: Telephone #: Date contacted: (by: ) Fax #: . Mail Telephone Fax In Person [X] REMARKS: Revisions to approved plans to add guardrail and reference to floor plans. By: ALI SADRE Enclosures: EsGil Corporation D GA D MB D EJ D PC 11/23 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208 4 San Diego, California 92123 * (858)560-1468 * Fax (858) 560-1576 CARLSBAD O9-O721 (Rev. # 3) - PCR09-158 NOV. 3O, 2OO9 [DO NOT PAY- THIS IS NOT AN INVOICE] VALUATION AND PLAN CHECK FEE JURISDICTION: CARLSBAD PLAN CHECK NO.: 09-0721 (Rev. # 3) - PCR09-158 PREPARED BY: ALI SADRE DATE: NOV. 30, 20O9 BUILDING ADDRESS: 1200 & 1202 OAK AVENUE - LOT #2 : BUILDING OCCUPANCY: R3/U TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: VB BUILDING PORTION REVISIONS Air Conditioning Fire Sprinklers TOTAL VALUE Jurisdiction Code AREA ( Sq. Ft.) CB Valuation Multiplier .- - - ..- , By Ordinance Reg. .Mod. • '•" ' • ' • (" • '". - t ,'. ' -. '' VALUE ($)• (•...; ; '•-,,_;, .•••'. t•..',. . • . . '; '- f /• » . •. \ • - I-'"* • . • . . . Permit Fee by'Ordinance Plan C'heck Fee by Ordinance Type of Review: C I Repetitive FeeRepeats Complete Review D Other m Hourly EsGil Fee Based on hourly rate Comments: $145.00 $116.00 Structural Only Hr. @ $116.00 Sheet 1 of 1 PCR09158 1200 OAKAV FISCHBACH RES-REVISE GUARDRAIL * 5