HomeMy WebLinkAbout1206 PHOEBE PL; ; CB162639; PermitCity of carlsbad 1635 faraday Av Carlsba~ CA 92008 Plumbing/MechanicaiJEiectrical (PME) Penn it 12-29-2016 Pemit No: CB 162639 BlildillJ Inspection ReqtESt Line (760) 602-2725 Job Address: Permit Type: Parcel No: Reerence#:. PC#: Project Tille: Applicant 1206 PHOEBE PL CBAD PME 2146311800 KIM: INSTAL 2 MINI SPLIT S'rST GABRIEL CMIN HEATING & AIR CONDmONING POBOX710235 SAN DIEGO CA 92171 619 843-0987 Plumbing Fees Electrical Fees Mechanical Fees otnerPME Fees TOTAL PERMIT FEES Slatus: Lot#: 0 Applied: Entered By. Plan Approved: Owner: KIM ALEXANDER J 1206 PHOEBE PL CARLSBAD CA 92011 Issued: Inspect Area: ISSUED 0710812016 JMA 07.0812016 07.0812016 $0.00 $0.00 $163.00 $0.00 $163.00 Tdal Fees: $163.00 Tdal Payments To Date: $163.00 Balance Due: ANAL APPROVAL oa:e: 1\)\'f\ll.P Clear3lee: $0.00 N011CE: Pli!l&elllreNDTICE ht 111J11U11111 d JOII1Imjld ildllles llli! 'llnplllltillt'd lees, cB11:1tin, II!SINitDI&, crall!raalicls ._...cxlldilely l'llalaiiD• 1ES.Ia :t."''!i..• Ycu'-9lld¥r... h!cWI!Ihis.-.il-issll!dtopdl5tiillpl&ltilndlmer-'l!l tans. IJIIIIIpdl!sltla!, )'IIIIIIU&t .......... palll!ll.s-flldlin Go.'IIII.CCodl! Sa:ticnllilriJtllllld MeDii! pdalt 1111 ~all!r ....... ilfalnilianlllill III!Cily llanlgrfcl' ~ inWiidnlellllhCalsllldiMiaipal Cadi! Saianl.3Z.Im FIIUeiDIIinayfdbllllt..-... .. llr119 sd&elplltllgdatcniD.._, .-.,sa--. vail, cr..UII!irinpa&iicn. You-lllldJ R.RT1t:R NDTIFED Hilt JC11rlliglt ID pdl!slllli! 5p!ll:ilal fel!!iiUdal& DIES NOT AFPLY ID ....._IIII_.CCIIIII:tian iEs mll:qllllilr dages, nrpllnilv,Zirig,glll6gorct.!iiill ............ ~crS!MaafelsinCIIIII!dlllllllhOispqat NCR DIES IT M'ft.Y IDIIIJ d . . . aNDTICE ~ • • cr•ID ._._..._ llniUft Ia . ~ . . I Mf~GAP~$1!fiGli.IWil)PS®RTOPE!WffiSOOAt<iE: Ot>~ oa~~ OOOIU)IHO O: 0H£At.Ttl 0HMMATIAPCO ca~of Building Permit Application Plan Check No. CBlft? .. U;3~ 1635 Faraday Ave., Carlsbad, CA 92008 Est. Value Carlsbad Ptt 700-602·2719 Fax: 76o-602.a556 PlanCk. Deposit emaD: bulldirg@cElflsbadca.gov www.caMbadca.gov Date '7/ ~/ 1 ~ ISWPPP JOSKIORESS 1206 Phoebe Place IUIIU/SPACH,IUIIIT* llrN --- I trti'I'IOJI\cr• IWT* .._ ... ltCF!Nlll,ltllli~li ,·-·-·-IIIIIIII!Wl ,~TR.~ I I....., .... ,...,.....IOI' WQRil: II!CliiiJIII[I.-,_ Requesting mechanical permit to install (2) mini split sytems lWSnNGUSE I PROPOSED USE IGARAG£ !Sf} PATI0$($1') I 0£0($ (Sf) f1R£Pt.ACE I AIR OOfGTIONNG 'ARE SPRINKIDI$ Y£SD. t«CJ Y£S0N00 Y£S0ND0 APPUCMT NIIMI Carini Heating& Air Conditioning I'ROFUUY OWNER NliiMII Alex Kim ADDRESS ADDRESS 3388 Channel Way 1206 Phoebe Place aTY STAT£ ZIP aTY STAlE ZIP SanDie;o CA 92101 Carlsbad CA 92011 ~ I"Alt PHONE I"M 619-84341997 61 9-758-9217 700..845-2541 EW.II. EW.Il. info«karinlair.com OUIGN PROFUSION~ ~8U$.NAMI! Carini Heatina & Air Condition ina ADDRESS ADORE$$ 3388 Channel Wtt~ aTY STAT£ ZIP CJTY STAlE ZIP San Dieao CA 92101 PHONE PHONE I"AX 61 9-843419997 I fAX 619-758-9217 EW.II. EW.Il. lnfo@carinlalr.com StAl'tUC.ll STA'Ji U::.. JCU&!l tllYM. ~ 887621 C.20 1235658 • to f011he WORKERS' C:OMPIJ\ISATJON ~ t 0 Wodln'~•Oida,..CIII:thfollb)'.tl/nttlltdltfplllllltfdplfiltYe~~~tolllll~dllchr«lcw: 0 I hM II!Ctlllii!Mintl., • Clltlllclh ofcont~ltiD •• . .,.,,.~rwnl6' COfCIIlf'I!NifOI• ~ed by San 37CJ:I ofh UbarCode, b' h ~~~~ ollha wo1t b' IIHdltda P81111 a~ 0thM whril !Minllln wodltlll' -.aa111111on. aarahd 1rt Sa:folll'7al ofh lAber lhia. tittle pelbnra d h wcri b wh~ ltii pari ia 114ua;f. My~ CCJqJIFIIoilll.a'l il&IIIIICB cais IRI pdi::y nudler•~~Cn _____ !SI!~IWIOIW..~----Pdt:yNa. ____ ~1~----E.qitllbDalt __ ___:,wm!!_ __ U.,•dbnneldaolbl CD .. d Ifill pnil fdr CIIIIUUitlddcln 4f1 (XI)« IU&. 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OIITRIC'f. PERMIT INSPECTION HISTORY REPORT (CB162639) BLDG-Residential 07/08/2016Application Date:Permit Type:Owner:ALEXANDER KIM Subdivision:P/M/E 07/08/2016Work Class:Issue Date: 1206 Phoebe Pl Carlsbad, CA Address:Issued - Active 01/04/2017Expiration Date:Status: IVR Number: 715679 Scheduled Date Inspection Type Inspection No.Inspection Status Primary Inspector Reinspection CompleteActual Start Date 11/14/2016 11/14/2016 BLDG-43 Air Cond./Furnace Set 000936-2016 Passed Jonathan West Complete COMMENTS PassedChecklist Item BLDG-Building Deficiency Yes BLDG-Final Inspection 000935-2016 Passed Jonathan West Complete COMMENTS PassedChecklist Item BLDG-Mechanical Final Yes December 16, 2016 Page 1 of 1 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE CF1R-ALT-02-E Alterations to Space Conditioning Systems (formerly CF-1R-ALT-HVAC) (Page 1 of 3) Project Name: Alex Kim I Date Prepared: 2016-07-08 A. General Information CFlR-ALT-02 is applicable to multiple space conditioning systems contained within a single dwelling unit. When multiple dwelling units must be documented, use one CFlR-ALT-02 document for each dwelling unit. 01 Project Name Alex Kim 02 Date Prepared 2016-07-08 03 Project Location 1206 Phoebe Place 04 Building Type Single family OS CACity Carlsbad 06 Dwelling Unit Name Alex Kim 07 Zip Code 92011 08 Dwelling Unit Conditioned 4203 Floor Area {ft2) Number of space conditioning 09 Climate Zone 7 10 (SC) systems in this dwelling 2 unit. B. Space Conditioning (SC) System Information 01 02 03 09 "' ~·, SCSystem SCSystem CFAserved ~~~stem a!··· refrigera~t t, -~ ~, .. Jnstalliqg neW::sc / t ' ..... ;'" iiJstalliri'g "~_.WJ}' '""-< tr15ta m jlg: '-. "'"'' 'P,c I {:{Installing Identification or Location or Area bythisSC ducted containing system more than 40 entirely new entirely new Name Served System (ft2) system? component? components? feet of ducts? duct system? SC system? System 1 Location 1 2101 No Yes Yes No No No - System 2 I Location 2 I 2101 I Yes I Yes I Yes I Yes I No I No C. Extension of Existing Duct System, Greater Than 40 Feet (Section150.2(b)1Diib) This section does not apply to this project. Registration Number: 216-A0253479A-OOOOOOOOO-OOOO Registration Date/Time: 2016-07-08 08:32:33 10 Alteration Type Altered space conditioning system Altered space conditioning system HERS Provider: CaiCERTS CA Building Energy Efficiency Standards-2013 Residential Compliance Report Version: 2013 Rev 1.007 Schema Version: O.SSSSDD Report Generated: 2016-07-08 08:32:S2 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE Alterations to Space Conditioning Systems (formerly CF-1R-ALT-HVAC) D. Altered Space Conditioning System (Sections 150.2(b)1E and F) 01 I 02 I 03 I 04 System I Heating Altered Heating Identification System Heating Efficiency or Name Type Components Type I Ductless split All new System 1 heating HSPF HP components I Central split I All new System 2 heating HSPF HP components Regujred Documentation· CF2R-MCH-01-E-Space Conditioning Systems Ducts and Fans -Duct insulation requirement for new plenums: RG. I OS Heating Minimum Efficiency Value 8.2 9.8 06 Cooling System Type Ductless split AC Central split AC CF1R-ALT-o2-E (Page 2 of3) 07 08 09 I 10 I 11 I 12 Cooling Altered Cooling Minimum Required New or Cooling Efficiency Efficiency Thermostat Replaced New Duct Components Type Value Type Duct Length R-Value All new This field or This field or cooling SEER 20 Setback section is not section is not components applicable applicable All new Greater than 1 cooling SEER 16 Setback R-6 40 feet components CF2R-MCH-20-H & CF3R-MCH-20-H-Duct leakage testing required when heating or cooling components are installed in ducted systems, or when more than 40ft of duct length is replaced. -Leakage rate compliance: s 15%, or s 10% leakage to outside, or seal all accessible. . -~· ."" . ~ . CF2R-MCH-25-H & CF3R-MCH-25-H Refrigerant Charge Verification required wh e ;llerant cont*inJ,~d'mpbne!tffr'e iflrat'teu ~'f~a .(<foolfl::able in CF2RC~3R-MCH-23 & CF3R-MCH-23 Air Flow<?: 300 CFM/ton requir~, when M -25 is reaur-I fi1 ~~~~~~;s~::ms registered with HERS provider as previously seaf~i!!:.~~kempt fr~G~ · (?,u!t, L~~kad\~~pg ris~~Hlts. ~-11* 1 1 -H~ating-only systems and Air Hand~er/Furnace changes ~o not r'~\~~erification ,of ~ir Flo~(! MCH-?~, or Refrig~rant Cll.~rge ~~!=H-2~ .... -Ex1stmg duct systems constructed, msulated or sealed w1th asbestos -exempt fr9mMCHj20 Duct !4akage Testing re~1remfl~: ;: E. Entirely New or Complete Replacement Duct System, with or without Equipment Changeout (Sections 150.2(b)1Diia and 150.2(b)1E, F) This section does not apply to this project. F. Entirely New or Complete Replacement Space Conditioning System (Section 150.2(b)1C) Registration Number: 216-A0253479A-OOOOOOOOO-OOOO CA Building Energy Efficiency Standards-2013 Residential Compliance This section does not apply to this project. Registration Date/Time: 2016-07-08 08:32:33 Report Version: 2013 Rev 1.007 Schema Version: O.SSSSDD HERS Provider: CaiCERTS Report Generated: 2016-07-08 08:32:52 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE CFlR-ALT-02-E Alterations to Space Conditioning Systems (formerly CF-lR-ALT-HVAC) (Page 3 of3) Documentation Author's Declaration Statement 1. I certify that this Certificate of Compliance documentation is accurate and complete. Documentation Author Name: Carini, Gabriel Company: GABRIEL CARINI HEATING & AIR CONDITIONING INC Address: P 0 BOX 710235 City/State/Zip: SAN DIEGO CA 92171 Responsible Person's Declaration statement 4. 5. Responsible Designer Name: Carini, Gabriel Company: GABRIEL CARINI HEATING & AIR CONDITIONING INC Address: P 0 BOX 710235 City/State/Zip: SAN DIEGO CA 92171 Documentation Author Signature: !}afnefCarini Signature Date: 2016-07-08 08:32:33 CEA/ HERS Certification Identification (if applicable}: Phone: 619-843-0997 Responsible DeJigner Signature: Date Signed: 2016-07-08 08:32:33 License: 887621 Phone: 619-843-0997 Digitally signed by CaiCERTS. This digital signature is provided in order to secure the content of this registered document and in no way implies Registration Provider responsibility for the accuracy of the information. Registration Number: 216-A0253479A-OOOOOOOOO-OOOO CA Building Energy Efficiency Standards-2013 Residential Compliance Registration Date/Time: 2016-07-08 08:32:33 Report Version: 2013 Rev 1.007 Schema Version: 0.555SDD HERS Provider: CaiCERTS Report Generated: 2016-07-08 08:32:52